Камчатский государственный технический университет Кафедра иностранных языков
Т.И. Иваненко
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Сборник текстов и упражнений
Рекомендовано Дальневосточным региональным учебно-методическим центром (ДВ РУМЦ) в качестве учебного пособия для студентов специальностей 220201 «Управление и автоматика в технических системах», 080801 «Прикладная информатика (в экономике)» и 230105 «Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники и автоматизированных систем» вузов региона
Петропавловск-Камчатский 2007 1
УДК 4И(Англ.)(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ. И18
Рецензенты: В.В. Федоров, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка КамГУ им. Витуса Беринга Л.В. Тимофеева, главный системный администратор ООО «Издат-Бланк»
Иваненко Т.И. И18
Английский язык. Сборник текстов и упражнений: Учебное пособие. – Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамчатГТУ, 2007. – 77 с. ISBN 978–5–328–00138–0 Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями к обязательному минимуму содержания дисциплины «Английский язык» входящей в основную образовательную программу подготовки специалистов по специальностям 220201 «Управление и автоматика в технических системах», 080801 «Прикладная информатика в экономике» и 230105 «Программное обеспечение вычислительной техники и автоматизированных систем» государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования.
УДК 4И(Англ.)(075.8) ББК 81.2Англ.
ISBN 978–5–328–00138–0
© КамчатГТУ, 2007 © Иваненко Т.И., 2007
Содержание Введение ................................................................................................................................... Part I .......................................................................................................................................... Lesson 1 Introduction to New Era of Internet .......................................................................................... Lesson 2 What is the Internet ................................................................................................................... Lesson 3 Internet in Russia ....................................................................................................................... Lesson 4 The Network .............................................................................................................................. Lesson 5 Client/Server Systems ............................................................................................................... Lesson 6 Four Important Services Provided by the Internet .................................................................... Lesson 7 The Finger Service [Fingering the World] ................................................................................ Lesson 8 Usenet ........................................................................................................................................ Lesson 9 Anonymous FTP ....................................................................................................................... Lesson 10 Internet Connections ................................................................................................................. Lesson 11 Telephone Connections ............................................................................................................. Lesson 12 Standard Internet Addresses ...................................................................................................... Lesson 13 Usenet Acronyms and Slang ..................................................................................................... Lesson 14 Smileys ...................................................................................................................................... Lesson 15 Newsreaders, Discussion Groups, Teleconferences and Groups of News ................................ Lesson 16 Electronic Commerce ................................................................................................................ Lesson 17 Internet Relay Chat .................................................................................................................... Lesson 18 The World Wide Web (WWW) ................................................................................................ Lesson 19 Why Would You Use the Web? ................................................................................................ Lesson 20 Mailing Lists and Mail Headers ................................................................................................ Part II. Texts for Reading .......................................................................................................... Краткий англо-русский словарь терминов и сокращений по компьютерной технике ............................................................................. Литература ...............................................................................................................................
4 5 5 7 10 12 14 17 19 22 24 26 29 31 36 38 42 44 47 50 52 54 58 70 77
ВВЕДЕНИЕ В настоящее время Internet объединяет многие глобальные сети и насчитывает миллионы серверов, разбросанных по всему миру. Глобальная паутина, или World Wide Web (WWW), позволяет обращаться к огромному объему информации по самым различным темам. Новая технология – Internet готова заменить методы совместного использования сетей в различных организациях и компаниях. Мощное программное обеспечение, легкость совместного использования информации, упрощение коммуникаций, возможность гибко решать глобальные проблемы, проводить конференции, заниматься электронной коммерцией, минуя значительно число посредников (совершать куплю, продажу, доставку товаров через электронные магазины – Internet Shops) – все это дает Internet. Основная цель настоящего пособия – помочь студентам овладеть умением общаться в профессиональной сфере, бегло читать страницы Internet и с их помощью глубже знакомиться с миром изучаемого языка через обычаи и традиции англоговорящих жителей планеты, а также научиться активному владению языковым материалом, чтению и переводу со словарем литературы средней и повышенной сложности по специальности. Упражнения направлены на формирование словарного запаса, преодоление трудностей перевода и приобретение разговорных навыков. При изложении материала соблюдена следующая логическая последовательность: текстовый материал с вокабуляром, прямой и обратный перевод в системе упражнений, устный пересказ. Сборник состоит из двух частей. Тексты объединены общей тематикой и расположены в логической последовательности. Данное учебное пособие снабжено текстами для дополнительного чтения. При чтении текстов рекомендуется пользоваться тематическим словарем, включенным в пособие. Словарь содержит слова и словосочетания по тематике уроков.
PART I LESSON 1 INTRODUCTION TO NEW ERA OF INTERNET The Internet is just a computer network. It connects millions of computers and millions of people. Within a few short years, the Internet has changed our civilizations permanently and has introduced us to two completely unexpected ideas: first, tens of thousands of people have been laboring to build the Internet; the second idea is that we invariably create something that is much more than the sum of its parts. So, the Internet is the name for worldwide information resources. These resources are so vast as to be well beyond the comprehension of a single human being. Using the Internet means sitting at your computer screen and accessing information. You might be at work, at school, or at home, using virtually any type of a computer. For working with Internet, you need to know Unix. Unix is a family of operating systems (master control programs) that are used to control computers. Virtually all types of computers can run Unix. The term network refers to two or more computers connected together. There are a number of reasons to connect computers into network but the two most important are: – To allow human beings to communicate; – To share resources. The Internet is easy to use, but is difficult to learn. It is not obligatory to be a computer expert: it is for those people who are willing to think and to learn. But by your very nature, you cannot only learn, you are compelled to learn, if you are to remain happy and fulfilled. As the saying goes, there is no royal road to knowledge. For the first time in history, unlimited numbers of people are able to communicate with ease, and we are finding it is in our nature to be communicative, helpful, curious, and considerate. NOTES 1. Are so vast as to be well beyond the comprehension of a single human being – настолько обширны, что находятся далеко за пределами понимания одного человека 2. To share resources – cсовместно использовать ресурсы 3. By your very nature – по той же самой вашей природе 4. You are compelled to learn – вы вынуждены учиться 5. To remain happy and fulfilled – чтобы оставаться счастливым и удовлетворенным 6. As the saying goes – как говорят 7. “There is no royal road to knowledge” – « Нет легкого пути к знаниям» VOCABULARY To change the civilization – изменять цивилизацию Permanently – навсегда, надолго Unexpected – неожиданный, непредвиденный To labor – кропотливо разрабатывать, прилагать усилия Invariably – неизменно, постоянно Worldwide information resources – всемирные информационные ресурсы To sit at the computer screen – сидеть за экраном компьютера To access information – получать доступ к информации 5
Virtually – фактически, в сущности Obligatory – обязательно To will to think – желать, хотеть думать Unlimited – неограниченный To communicate with ease – общаться непринужденно, с легкостью Helpful – полезный Curious – любознательный, любопытный Considerate – внимательный к другим ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate the following English words and phrases into Russian. To connect millions of people, within a few short years, to introduce smb. to two ideas, tens of thousands of people, to labor to build the Internet, invariably, that is much more than, so vast, a single human being, to access information, a family of operating systems, to refer to, to connect computers into network, to allow human beings to communicate, to be easy to use, to be compelled to learn, as the saying goes, unlimited numbers of people, to find in nature, helpful and considerate. II. Translate into English. Изменять цивилизацию навсегда, совершенно неожиданный, постоянно создавать что-либо, название группы всемирно-информационных ресурсов, находиться далеко за пределами понимания, сидеть за экраном компьютера, управлять компьютерами, фактически, термин «сеть», соединенные друг с другом, совместно использовать ресурсы, быть сложным в изучении, компьютерный знаток, желать учиться, по той же самой вашей природе, оставаться счастливым и удовлетворенным, «нет легкого пути к знаниям», в первый раз, общаться непринужденно, любознательный. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Match the words to the definitions below. computer screen UNIX to access information worldwide to communicate network Internet computer expert considerate computer
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M.
A system that allows computer users around the world to send messages and information to each other To find information using a computer A flat surface upon which the image appears on a computer Two or more computers connected together An automatic electronic machine that can store, retrieve, and process data One who has acquired special skill of computer technology A family of operating systems (master control programs) that Are used to control computers To exchange of information Thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others Extended throughout the world 6
IV. Translate the sentences into English. 1. Интернет – это всемирная электронная сеть, соединяющая через миллионы компьютеров множество людей по всему миру. 2. Появление Интернета явилось одним из наиболее значимых достижений науки и техники. 3. Получать доступ к информации, сидя за экраном компьютера, значит пользоваться всемирной электронной сетью. 4. С использованием Интернета у людей появилась возможность совместно использовать ресурсы и общаться друг с другом. 5. Пользование Интернетом может осуществлять любой человек, при этом необязательно быть знатоком компьютера. 6. Не существует легкого пути к знаниям. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Using the dictionary give the derivatives to the words and translate them. completely unexpected resource accessing reason system operating communicate information change
VI. Answer the questions about the text. 1. The Internet is just a computer network, isn’t it? 2. How has the Internet changed our civilization? 3. What does the using the Internet mean? 4. Is the Internet easy or difficult to use? 5. Is it obligatory to be a computer expert to use the Internet? 6. What traits are we finding in our nature? VII. Think and say: A) Point out the difference between “Internet” and “Network”? B) Discuss the two ideas, which have completely changed our civilization. C) Explain the notion “Worldwide information resources”.
LESSON 2 WHAT IS THE INTERNET? What is more impressive than the pyramids, more beautiful than Michelangelo’s David and more important to mankind than the wondrous inventions of the Industrial Revolution? There can be only one answer: the Internet. The roots of the Internet lie in a collection of computer networks that were developed in the 1970s. They started with a network called the Arpanet that was sponsored by the United States Department of Defense. The original Arpanet has long since been expanded and replaced, and today its descendants form the global backbone of what we call the Internet. 7
The first experimental network using Internet – like technology was built in 1969. This was 56 years after the invention of the zipper, 37 years after the Introduction of the first parking meter, and 13 years prior to the development of the first IBM personal computer. It would be a mistake, though, to think of the Internet as a computer network, or even a group of computer networks connected to one another: the computer networks are simply the medium that carries the information. The beauty and utility of the Internet lie in the information itself. So, think of the Internet not as a computer network, but as a huge source of practical and enjoyable information. The Internet resources will become as important to you as your telephone and your post office. But, overall, what is the most important for the people is that the Internet is the first global forum and the first global library. Anyone can participate at any time: the Internet never closes. Moreover, no matter who are you, you are always welcome. You will never be excluded for wearing the wrong clothes, having the wrong colored skin, being the wrong religion, or not having enough money. The Internet has no laws, no police, and no army. There are no real ways to hurt another person, but there are many ways to be kind. NOTES 1. The original ARPAnet has long since been expanded and replaced – изначально Арпанет давно расширилась и была заменена 2. Its descendants from the global backbone – ее потомки образуют глобальную основу 3. The first IBM personal computer – 1 персональный компьютер фирмы IBM 4. Moreover, no matter who you are, you are always welcome – более того, неважно, кто вы, вы всегда желанны VOCABULARY Impressive – впечатляющий Mankind – человечество Wondrous inventions – чудесные изобретения Routes – корни, источники. To be sponsored by the United States Department of Defense – субсидироваться Министерством Обороны США The invention of the zipper – изобретение застежки-молнии The introduction of the first parking meter – введение первого счетчика оплачиваемого времени стоянки автомобиля 13 years prior – 13 годами раньше Development – развитие, разработка (International Business Machines) Medium- среда The beauty and utility – красота и польза A huge source of practical and enjoyable information – огромный источник полезной и приятной информации Overall – повсюду, полностью To participate at any time – участвовать в любое время To be excluded – быть исключенным To hurt another person – причинять боль другому человеку ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English the following words and phrases from the text. Впечатляющий, человечество, чудесные изобретения, субсидировать, расширяться и заменяться, потомки, глобальная основа, экспериментальная сеть, изобретение застежки8
молнии, разработка первого персонального компьютера IBM, ошибка, среда, красота и польза, огромный источник, ресурсы Интернета, телефон и почта, первый глобальный форум, более того, неважно, кто вы, вы всегда желанны, в любое время, исключать, причинять боль другому человеку. II. Translate into Russian. Collection of computer networks, the United States Department of Defense, its descendants, to form global backbone, Internet – like technology, the invention of the zipper, 13 years prior, the beauty and utility of the Internet, practical and enjoyable information, Internet resources, overall, the first global library, anyone can participate at any time, moreover, no matter who you are, to be excluded, to have the wrong colored skin, enough money, law, to hurt another person. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Answer the following questions. Where do the roots of the Internet lie? Was the first experimental network using Internet – like technology built in 1970 or in 1969? What is the computer network? The Internet is the first global forum and the first global library, isn’t? Has the Internet any laws?
IV. Decide whether the following statements are true or false, referring to the information in the text (T/F). 1. The Internet resources are not so important to you as your telephone and your post office. _________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Internet is the first global forum. _______________________________________ 3. The first experimental network involved five computers. _______________________ 4. The Internet has laws and policy. __________________________________________ 5. The Internet has no army. ________________________________________________ 6. The beauty and utility of the Internet do not lie in the information itself. ___________ V. Translate the text into English using the words given below. Около 30 лет назад Министерство обороны США создало сеть. Она называлась Arpanet. Сеть создавалась для поддержки (1) научных исследований в военнопромышленной сфере, в частности (2) для исследования методов построения сетей, устойчивых к частичным повреждениям, получаемым (3), например, при бомбардировке авиацией (4) и способных в таких условиях продолжать нормальное функционирование. Это требование (5) дает ключ к пониманию принципов построения (6) Internet. В модели Arpanet всегда была связь (7) между компьютером-источником (8) и компьютером-приемником (станцией назначения) (9). Сеть a priori предполагалась ненадежной (10), любая часть могла исчезнуть (11) в любой момент. Основной принцип состоял в том, что любой компьютер мог связаться, как равный (12) с равным, с любым другим компьютером. 1. To develop for supporting 2. In particular 3. Resulting from 4. Aviation bombarding 5. To give a key 6. Construction principles 7. Connection 8. Source – computer 9. Destination point 10. Unreliable 11. To disappear 12. Equal 9
VI. Put the questions to the following sentences. 1. Today its descendants form the global backbone of what we call the Internet. (Who…?) 2. The beauty and utility of the Internet lie in the information itself. (Where…?) 3. The Internet resources will become as important to you as your telephone and your post office. (Will…?) 4. Anyone can participate at any time: the Internet never closes. (When…?) 5. There are no real ways to hurt another person, but there are many ways to be kind. (Are there…?) VII. Think and say: A) Discuss where the roots of the Internet lie and why? B) Speak about the Internet resources.
LESSON 3 INTERNET IN RUSSIA Internet has recently appeared in Russia. The overwhelming majority of users could only send and receive electronic messages (letters) but could not be connected to Internet and use all its possibilities. The rapid growth of Internet users in Russia began in 1996. Nowadays Internet is transformed from a fantasy into an everyday instrument in our country. If several years ago nearly the whole information in a network was in English and was intended, basically, for foreigners, today information suppliers are oriented towards native users, and you can find various information in Russia. Recently active works are in on transferring new kinds of information via Internet. Today it is quite possible to listen to Radio through Internet, and soon the time will come for Television – Internet. The global network allows to put into practice selector counsels and videoconferences. By means of Internet many employees will be able to work at home, exchanging documents with their colleagues who are a thousand kilometers away from them. Soon Internet will become the basic means of linking, the main way of getting and transferring information. Not only computers, but telephones, as well as television sets, video cameras and other devices will directly be connected to Internet. Though, at present, fantastic as it may appear, it, i.e. Internet, becomes the reality. So, the ability to use Internet as well as the ability to work on a computer is, for today, an obligatory condition for achieving success practically in any fields of activity. NOTES 1. To be intended for foreigners – предназначаться для иностранцев 2. To put into practice – ввести в обращение 3. Fantastic as it may appear – как ни фантастично это может показаться 4. As well as the ability to work –так же как и умение работать 5. For today, an obligatory condition for achieving success practically in any fields of activity – на сегодняшний день обязательным условием для достижения успеха в любой области деятельности VOCABULARY Recently – недавно Overwhelming majority – подавляющее большинство 10
To receive electronic messages – получать электронные сообщения All possibilities – все возможности Rapid growth of Internet – быстрое развитие Интернета Nowadays – в наши дни Basically – в основном, по существу To be oriented – ориентироваться Counsel – обсуждение, совет By means of – посредством Employee – служащий, работающий по найму To exchange documents – обмениваться документами The basic means of linking – основное средство связи Getting and transferring information – получение и передача информации Device – устройство, механизм ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Появляться, подавляющее большинство, возможности, в наше время, иностранец, в основном, ориентироваться, слушать радио, посредством Интернета, вскоре, глобальная сеть, осуществлять, служащий, коллега, основной способ связи, передачи информации, телевизор, устройство, обязательное условие, область деятельности. II. Translate into Russian. Recently, to send and receive electronic messages, rapid growth, to be transformed, the whole information, basically, information suppliers, to be oriented towards native users, to listen to Radio, global network, to put into practice, to exchange documents, to be a thousand kilometers away, video camera, other devices, directly, fantastic it may appear, as well as the ability to work, for achieving success, in any fields of activity. III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Match the words to the definitions below. majority various foreigner colleague global employee towards success
A. gaining of wealth, favour or prestige B. an associate in a profession or office C. marked by variation in appearance or propeties D. the greater part E. one that works usually for wages or salary F. person from a foreign country G. relating to the whole of something H. in the direction of, in relation to IV. 1. 2. 3.
Answer the questions after the text. When has Internet appeared in Russia? Whom was nearly the whole information in a network intended for several years ago? Is it possible to listen to Radio through Internet today? 11
4. Does Internet become reality or fantasy at present? 5. The ability to use Internet as well as the ability to work on a computer is, for today, an obligatory condition for achieving success practically in any fields of activity, is not it? V. tioned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Read the text and find the information where the following items were menthe overwhelming majority rapid growth information suppliers Television - Internet getting and transferring information the ability to work on computer
VI. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong; I think… I don’t think… to my mind; As far as I know). 1. The overwhelming majority of users could not send and receive electronic messages but could use all its possibilities. 2. If several years ago nearly the whole information was in Russian and was intended for native users, today information suppliers are oriented toward s foreigners and it is in English. 3. The global network allows putting into practice selector counsels and videoconferences. 4. By means of Internet many employees will not be able to work at home, exchanging documents with their colleagues who are a thousand kilometers away from them. 5. Though, at present, fantastic as it may appear, it, i.e. Internet, becomes the reality. VII. Think and say: A) Speak about appearance Internet in Russia. B) Comment on the possibility of listening Radio through Internet and having Television – Internet. C) Ponder over the ability as an obligatory condition to use Internet for today
LESSON 4 THE NETWORK The network is a two or more computers connected together. This is done for two reasons: – To allow human beings to communicate; – To share resources. A local Area Network (LAN) is a network in which the computers are connected directly. Usually by some type of cable. When LANs are connected together it is called then a Wide Area Network (WAN). Most WANs are connected via telephone lines, although the bottleneck in establishing Internet service within developing countries is usually due to the lack of a reliable telephone system. Examples of LANs and WANs are the following. Imagine yourself sitting in a room full of computers in the Computing Center of your University. Your computer is connected in a LAN to all other computers in the room and to the computers within private offices throughout the building. Or, for instance, each department of your University has its own network of computers, as does the other department (the Sociology/Psychology department, the Foreign Languages department, The Math department, The Computer Science department, The Philosophy department, etc.) Each of these LANs is connected to a high-speed link, called a backbone, to form a campus-wide WAN. 12
Special-purpose computers called routers connect the LANs. The job of a router is to provide a link from one network to another. Routers are used to connect LANs to form WANs and to connect WANs to form even larger WANs. In other words, we can consider the computers within the Internet to be connected into LANs and WANs by a large number of routers. NOTES 1. A Local Area Network (LAN) – локальная вычислительная сеть 2. A Wide Area Network (WAN) – обширная вычислительная сеть 3. Bottleneck – препятствие 4. Due to the lack of a reliable telephone system – из-за отсутствия надежной телефонной системы 5. To form a campus-wide WAN – для формирования обширной вычислительной сети кампуса (территории университета, колледжа и т. д.) 6. Routers – маршрутизаторы VOCABULARY To be connected – соединяться Cable – кабель Via telephone lines – через телефонные линии To establish Internet service – создавать Интернет-обслуживание Developing countries - развивающиеся страны Within private offices – внутри частных офисов Throughout the building – по всему зданию For instance – например Psychology department – факультет психологии High-speed link – высокоскоростная связь A backbone – основа Special-purpose computers – специализированные компьютеры In other words – другими словами To consider – рассматривать, полагать ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English the following words and phrases from the text. Сеть, позволять людям общаться, совместно использовать ресурсы, локальная вычислительная сеть, при помощи кабеля, обширная вычислительная сеть, через, телефонная линия, хотя, препятствие, из-за отсутствия надежной телефонной системы, подсоединяться, внутри частных офисов, по всему зданию, факультет иностранных языков, высокоскоростная связь, называемая основой, формировать обширную вычислительную сеть кампуса, специализированные компьютеры, обеспечивать соединение, большое количество маршрутизаторов. II. Translate into Russian. Local Area Network, to allow human beings to communicate, to share resources, to be connected directly, by some type of cable, via telephone lines, although, within developing countries, due to, lack of a reliable telephone system, to sit in a room full of computers, within private offices, throughout the building, Computer Science Department, high-speed link, to form a campus-wide WAN, special-purpose computers, router, to provide a link, to consider. 13
III. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong; I think; I don’t think; to my mind; As far as I know). 1. Your computer is connected in a LAN to all other computers in the room. 2. Each department of your University has its own network of computers. 3. Special-purpose computers do not connect the LAN. 4. The job of a router is to provide link from one network to another. 5. Routers are not used to connect LANs to form WANs. IV. Fill in the blanks. 1. The ____ is a two or more computers _______together. 2. Although ________ in establishing Internet service within developing countries _______a reliable telephone system. 3. Your computer ________in a LAN to all other computers. 4. Or, for instance, each department of your University has its own network of computers, as does the other ________ 5. Special – purpose computers called ________connect the LANs. V. Give 3 forms of the following verbs. To be, to connect, to do, to allow, to communicate, to share, to call, to develop, to establish, to imagine, to sit, to have, to form, to provide, to use, to consider. VI. Find synonyms among the words. To permit, through, backbone, although, impediment, department, connection, to allow, bottleneck, though, to consider, faculty, reliable, sure, to think, via, link, basis. VII. Think and say: A) Discuss two reasons for using the Network; B) Compare LAN and WAN; C) Say what routers are.
LESSON 5 CLIENT/SERVER SYSTEMS One of the principal uses of a network is to allow, as said above, the sharing of resources. Much of time, the sharing is implemented by two separate programs, each running on different computers. One program, called the server, provides a particular resource. The other program, called the client, makes use of that resource. For instance, say, you are working with a word processing program that is running on your own personal computer (PC). You tell the program that you want to edit a particular file that is stored on another computer on your network. Your program will pass a message to that computer asking to send the file. In this case, your word processing program is the client while the program that accepts the request and sends the file is the server. On the Internet, the hardware is normally not visible, and so the terms “client” and “server” usually refer to the programs that ask for and provide services. Here is an important example. Many Internet sites provide a service called a “Gopher”. Briefly, a Gopher allows you to select items from menus. Each time you select an item, the Gopher performs the required task. For instance, if the item describes a particular piece of information, the Gopher will retrieve this information and display it for you. 14
When you use a Gopher, two different programs are involved. First, there is the program that provides your interface. This is the program that interprets your keystrokes, displays the menus, and generally makes sure your requests are carried out. This program is called the Gopher client. The other program is the one that supplies the Gopher client and is called the Gopher server. The Gopher client is a program running on your PC, while the Gopher server is a program running on a supercomputer on the other side of the country. All of the Internet services make use of the client /server relationship. Learning how to use the Internet actually means learning how to use each of the client programs. Thus, in order to use an Internet service, you must understand: – How to start the client program for that service; – How to tell the client program which server to use; – Which commands you must use with that type of client. Your job is to start the client and tell it what to do. The client’s job is to connect to the appropriate server and to make sure that your commands are carried out correctly. NOTES 1. A word processing program – программа текстового процессора 2. A Gopher – одна из групп новостей в Usenet, разработанная в Университете штата Миннесота (букв. «суслик» – шутливое прозвище жителей этого штата). Интерактивная оболочка для поиска, присоединения и использования ресурсов Интернета VOCABULARY To implement sharing – осуществлять совместное использование ресурсов To run a program - запускать программу To provide – обеспечить A particular resource – определенный ресурс To make use of – использовать To edit a file – редактировать файл To store on computer – хранить на компьютере To accept the request – принимать запрос Hardware – программное обеспечение Normally – обычно Visible - видимый To select items from menus – выбирать пункты из меню To perform a required task – выполнять требуемую задачу A particular piece of information – определенный отрезок информации To retrieve and display the information – восстанавливать и выводить на экран информацию To interpret – обьяснять, толковать Keystrokes – удары по клавишам To make sure – убедиться, обеспечить To carry out request – выполнять запрос Actually – фактически In order to – для того, чтобы Appropriate server – подходящий сервер ASSIGNMENTS I. Read, translate into Russian and try to remember the following Internet phrases. Sharing is implemented, by two separate programs, to provide a particular resource, called the client, a word processing program, to edit a particular file, to store on another computer on your 15
network, to accept a request, hardware is normally not visible, the item describes, a particular piece of information, the Gopher retrieves this information and displays it, two different programs are involved, to provide interface, to display the menu, your requests are carried out, to supply the Gopher client, in order to use an Internet service, to connect the appropriate server, correctly. II. Translate into English. Совместно использовать ресурсы, осуществлять, например, запускать на персональном компьютере, редактировать файл, хранить на компьютере, программа текстового процессора, аппаратное обеспечение, выбрать пункт из меню, выполнять требуемую задачу, определенный отрезок информации, использовать содружество системы клиент/сервер, обеспечивать интерфейс, убедиться, фактически, таким образом, для того чтобы, подходящий сервер, команды выполняются правильно. III. Complete and translate. V + -tion, -ion, -ance, -ence - al, - ment, –, = N Ex. To corporate (v) + -ion ⇒ corporation (n) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
to implement to edit to accept to refer to select to perform to require, to describe to retrieve to involve to interpret to supply
IV. Decide whether the following statements are true or false, referring to the information in the text (T/F): 1. One program, called the server, does not make use of that particular resource. ________ 2. The program, called the client, provides a particular resource. _____________________ 3. The Gopher does not allow you to select items from menus. ______________________ 4. A Gopher client is a program running on your PC. ______________________________ 5. The Gopher server is not a program running on a supercomputer on the other side of the country. ______________________________________________________________________ V. Supply the prepositions where necessary. 1. All of the Internet services make use ... the client /server relationship. 2. If the item describes a particular piece of information, the Gopher will retrieve this information and display it …. you. 3. Much of time, this sharing is implemented … two separate programs, each running on different computers. 4.The terms “client” and “ server” usually refer … the programs that ask … and provide services. 5. You tell the program that you want to edit a particular file that is stored … another computer on your network. 16
VI. Find antonyms among the words. To ask, personal, visible, to start, to forbid, common, different, to answer, request, to allow, not visible, to misunderstand, command, correctly, to send, wrong, to finish, same, to receive, to understand. VII. Think and say: A) Speak in a few words about “the client” and “the server”, beginning with: “As far as I know “the client” is … but from the other point of view, “ the server” is…. “B) Discuss what you must understand to use an Internet service.
LESSON 6 FOUR IMPORTANT SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE INTERNET The software that supports the Internet provides a large number of technical services upon which everything is built. Most of these services operate behind the scenes, and you do not need to understand them. Nevertheless, there are four important Internet services we do need to talk about. First, the mail service reliably transmits and receives a message. Each message is sent from one computer to another on its way to a final destination. Behind the scenes, the mail service ensures that the message arrives intact at the correct address. The next service, called Telnet, allows you to establish a terminal session with a remote computer. For example, you can use Telnet to connect to a host on the other side of the world. Once the connection is made, you can log in to that computer in the regular manner. Telnet also allows two programs to work cooperatively by exchanging data over the Internet. The third service is called FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP allows you to transfer files from one computer to another. Most of the time, you will use FTP to copy a file from a remote host to your computer. This process is called downloading. However, you can also transfer files from your computer to a remote host. This is called uploading. To remember the difference between “uploading” and “downloading”, think of the remote host as floating above you in the sky. You send files up, and you ask for files to be sent down. The last Internet service is the general client/server facility we discussed earlier. A client program can connect to another computer and for the help of a server program. For example, the Gopher system we mentioned earlier works in just this way. Your Gopher client displays a menu for you. When you make a selection from the menu, the client connects to the appropriate server – no matter where it is on the Internet – and procures the service you requested. Downloading refers to copying files from the remote host to your computer. Uploading refers to copying files from your computer to the remote host. NOTES 1. Once the connection is made – как только соединение установлено 2. To log in – входить в систему, начинать сеанс 3. You send files up, and you ask for files to be sent down – вы посылаете файлы «вверх», т. е. к удаленному компьютеру, и просите, чтобы файлы отправили «вниз», т. е. к вашему компьютеру 4. In just this way – именно таким способом 5. No matter where it is on the Internet – неважно, где именно он находится в Интернете 6. And procures the service you requested – и обеспечивает услугу (функцию), которую вы запросили 17
VOCABULARY A large number of technical services – большое количество технических служб To operate – действовать, работать Behind the scenes – за кулисами Nevertheless – несмотря на, тем не менее Mail service – почтовая служба Reliably – надежно To transmit and receive a message – передавать и получать сообщение On its way to a final destination – на своем пути к конечному месту назначения To ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать Intact message – нетронутое сообщение In the regular manner – регулярно To work cooperatively – работать совместно To exchange data – обмениваться данными To transfer files – передавать файлы Downloading – загрузка «вниз», копирование в компьютер пользователя (обычно через модем или сеть) файла из другого компьютера, оперативной службы или электронного бюллетеня Uploading – загрузка «вверх», передача файлов из персонального компьютера пользователя в другой компьютер, например хост-компьютер, электронный бюллетень или систему с разделением времени However – тем не менее, однако To mention – упоминать ASSIGNMENTS I. Read, translate into English and try to remember the following Internet phrases. Большое количество технических служб, несмотря на, надежно, передавать сообщение, конечный пункт назначения, за кулисами, почтовая служба, нетронутое сообщение, как только соединение установлено, начать сеанс, работать совместно, обмениваться данными, протокол передачи данных, передача файлов из персонального компьютера пользователя в другой компьютер, однако, отдаленный хост, упоминать ранее, выбирать из меню, подходящий сервер, обеспечивать функцию, которую вы запросили. II. Translate into Russian. The Internet provides, the services operate behind the scenes, each message is sent, on its way to a final destination, the mail service ensures, to connect to a host, on the other side of the world, once the connection is made, in the regular manner, to work cooperatively, to exchange data, over the Internet, downloading, uploading, as floating above you in the sky, in just this way, to display a menu, to make a selection, no matter where it is on the Internet, to procure the service, to copy a file from a remote host to your computer. III. Decide whether the following statements are true or false, referring to the information in the text (T/F): A) The Gopher system we mentioned earlier does not work in this way. _______________ B) Your Gopher client displays a menu for you. __________________________________ C) Most of the time, you will not use FTP to copy a file from a remote host to your computer. ________________________________________________________________________ D) The software supporting the Internet provides a large number of technical services. _____________________________________________________________________________ E) The service called Telnet allows you to establish a terminal session with a remote computer. ________________________________________________________________________ 18
IV. Answer the following questions. 1. How many technical services does the Internet provide? 2. Does the mail service ensure that the message arrives intact at the correct address? 3. How does Telnet allow you to establish a terminal session with a remote computer? 4. What do you use to copy a file from a remote host to your computer? 5. Is there any difference between uploading and downloading? Point it out. 6. What is the last Internet service? V. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice. 1) The Internet provides a large number of technical services. 2) However, you can also transfer files from your computer to a remote host. 3) Your Gopher client displays a menu for you. 4) When you make a selection from the menu, the client connects to the appropriate server – no matter where it is on the Internet – and procures the service you requested. 5) The mail service reliably transmits and receives a message. VI. Read, translate and entitle the text. The abbreviation MUD means Multiple User Dimension. It is a computer program that provides a virtual reality. To participate in a MUD, you telnet to a MUD server, take on a role, and explore. If you do this, you interact with other users who are playing their own roles. In other words, a MUD allows you to exercise your fantasies and pretend, just like visiting a singles bar. VII. Think and say: A) Describe four important services in the Internet. Begin with: “As far as I know, four important services in the Internet are…» B) Explain what the terms “downloading” and “uploading” refer to.
LESSON 7 THE FINGER SERVICE [FINGERING THE WORLD] An explained above a client/ server system consists of two programs: a client that requests a particular resource and a server that provides that resource. In many cases the client and the server programs run on different computers allowing you to access a remote host. The Finger Service is a client / server system that provides three main types of information. (1) You can display certain public information about any user on an Internet host. What you see will vary from host to host. Some hosts, indeed, will not display any information about their users. All you need to know is which host a person uses, and either their userid, first name or last name. With this information you can use the Finger Service to display some of the following: the person’s userid, the person’s full name, if the userid is currently logged in, the last time someone logged in using that userid, whether or not mail has been read, a phone number, an office location, information that the person has specifically prepared for the general public. (2) The Finger Service is used to check to see who is currently using an Internet host. You can display a summery that shows some or all of the following information for each userid that is logged in: userid, full name, when the userid logged in, how long it’s been since there was activity on that terminal, phone number and office information, name of computer or terminal server from which the person logged in. (3) This use of the Finger is to communicate with certain Internet hosts that have been set up to offer other, more esoteric types of information. One host, for example, will return current information about storm activity. 19
The basic reason to use Finger is to display public information about a particular person. To use this service, you run the finger program. To display information about a person, you need to know the address of his or her computer. You also need either a userid, i.e. a first name. Enter the finger command using the following format: finger name@address. When you finger a remote host, remember to put the @ character before the address. If you leave out this character, Finger will think that you are referring to a user on your own computer. Some systems are set up so that you cannot modify your own Finger information. If this is the case on your computer, you will have to ask your system manager to make changes. NOTES 1. Fingering the World – Фингер-служба (служба получения информации о пользователях удаленного компьютера) 2. And their userid –и идентификацию их пользователей 3. Is currently logged in – в настоящее время вводится в систему 4. Whether or not mail has been read – прочитана почта или нет 5. More esoteric types of information – более скрытые (эзотерические) типы информации 6. If this is the case – Если это так… VOCABULARY A client/ server system – система клиент/сервер A particular resource – определенный ресурс To run on different computers – запускать на разных компьютерах To allow you to access a remote host – позволять вам получить доступ к главному ЭВМ To vary – меняться Indeed – в самом деле, действительно All you need – все, что вам нужно First name – имя Last name – фамилия Office location – местонахождение офиса Specifically – определенно, конкретно To prepare for the general public – приготовить для широкой общественности To set up – настраивать, устанавливать To make changes – вносить изменения ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into Russian. As explained above a client/server system, to request a particular resource, to allow you to access a remote host, to provide three main types of information, userid, first name, to be logged in, office location, specifically, to display a summery, activity, to return current information about storm activity, basic reason, about a particular person, to finger a remote host, to leave out the character, to refer to a user, some systems are set up so, your own Finger information, system manager. II. Translate into English. Определенный ресурс, во многих случаях, получить доступ к, меняться, фамилия, показывать информацию о пользователе, вводить в систему, в настоящее время, для широкой общественности, на терминале, предлагать более скрытые типы информации, основная причина, текущая информация, запускать программу Фингер-службы, вводить ко20
манду, отдаленный хост (главный компьютер), пропускать, ссылаться на, видоизменять свою собственную информацию, вносить изменения. III. Match the words to the definitions below. Find synonyms among: 1) Nouns 2) Verbs 3) Adjectives 4) Adverbs and arrange them into rows. Principal, to change, data, esoteric, summary, distant, basic, character, concealed, to display, location, particular, currently, to vary, digest, symbol, to leave out, faraway, special, information, to modify, sign, secret, site, main, at present, to omit, remote, outline, definite, situation, to exclude, to show, today, to demonstrate, knowledge. IV. Construct sentences using fragments from A and B. A. 1) The Finger service is used… 2) You can display a summery that … 3) The basic reason to use Finger is… 4) Some systems are set up so… 5) You can display certain public information about… B. 1) …that you cannot modify your own Finger information. 2) …any user on an Internet host. 3) … to display public information about a particular person. 4)…shows some information for each userid. 5)…to check to see who is currently using an Internet host. V. Answer the following questions. 1. How many types of information does the Finger service provide? 2. What need you know to use the Finger service? 3. What does the Finger Service display when you know host a person uses and his first or last name? 4. What can a summary show? 5. Does the finger offer more esoteric types of information? 6. What format do you use entering the Finger command? 7. Do you put the @ character before the address when you finger a remote host? VI. Open the brackets and translate into Russian. HOSTS AND TERMINALS The word host (главная ЭВМ) (to have) two meanings that you should know about: within the Internet each separate computer (to be called) a host: besides it may be your own computer, your host, even though you may not share resources with the rest of the Internet. When you have your own computer, you (to interact) by using the keyboard, screen, and a mouse. These devices (to be) parts of the computer. With a multiuser computer (многопользовательский компьютер), each person (to have) his own terminal to use. A terminal has a keyboard, screen, perhaps a mouse, and not much more. All the terminals (to be connected) to the host, which (to provide) the computing power (вычислительная мощность) for everybody. This arrangement is called a time-sharing system (система разделения времени). So, within the Internet each computer is called a host. Within a time – sharing system, the main computer that (to support) each user on a separate terminal is also called a host. VII. Think and say: A) Define three main types if information the Finger service provides. b) Define a userid. 21
LESSON 8 USENET This is the name of a contraction of “User’s Network” and it is one of the main reasons people use the Internet. Usenet itself is not an actual network. It is a system of discussion groups in which individual articles are distributed throughout the world. Usenet has literally thousands of discussion groups, so there is definitely something for everyone. At each Internet site the system administrator decides whether or not to carry the Usenet discussion groups. Thus, Usenet is not available everywhere. Moreover, even sites that do provide this resource will not carry every conceivable discussion group. You will probably soon find Usenet is your favorite part of the Internet. You will be able to take part in discussions with people from all over the world on virtually every conceivable topic. The Usenet is a large collection of discussion groups involving millions of people. Each discussion group is centred on a particular topic. Jokes, recipes, mathematics, philosophy, computers, biology, and science fiction – just about any subject you can think of has its own group. Usenet itself is often referred to as the news, or netnews, even though there is little real news in the sense of a newspaper. Similarly, the Usenet discussion groups are usually referred to as newsgroups or groups. Within each newsgroup, the individual contributions are called articles or postings. WHAT USENET IS NOT 1. Usenet is not an organization. No person or group has authority over Usenet as a whole. No one controls who gets news feed, which articles are propagated where, who can post articles, or anything else. 2. Usenet is not the Internet. The Internet is a wide-ranging network, parts of which are subsidized by various governments. It carries many kinds of traffic, of which Usenet is only one. And the Internet is only one of the various networks carrying Usenet traffic. NOTES 1. Discussion groups – группы, ведущие дискуссии 2. System administrator decides whether or not to carry the Usenet discussion groups – системный администратор решает, проводить ли дискуссионные группы в Юзнет 3.That do provide this resource – которые все же предоставляют эту услугу VOCABULARLY Contraction – сокращение Individual articles – отдельные статьи Throughout the world – по всему миру Literally – буквально Definitely – определенно, точно To be available – быть доступным Moreover – более того To take part in discussions – участвовать в дискуссиях On virtually on every conceivable topic – буквально по каждой возможной теме To involve millions of people – вовлекать миллионы людей Recipe – рецепт 22
Jus about any subject you can think of has its own group – почти по любой теме, которую вы можете придумать , имеется группа Netnews – сетевые новости Individual contributions – отдельные статьи Authority – власть, полномочия To get news feed – производить подачу новостей To propagate and post articles – распространять и отправлять по почте новости Wide – ranging network – сеть обширной области распространения To subsidize – субсидировать To carry usenet traffic – проводить трафик Юзнета ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Сокращение, отдельная статья, распространяться, буквально, системный администратор, доступный, проводить дискуссионную группу, вероятно, люди со всего мира, вовлекать, рецепт, сетевая новость, подобным образом, полномочие, подача новостей, отправлять по почте новости, сеть обширной области распространения. II. Translate into Russian. Usenet itself, discussion group, throughout the world, to decide whether or not to carry the Usenet discussion group, moreover, that do provide this resource, to take part in discussions, on every conceivable topic, to be centered on, joke, science fiction, just about any subject you can think of has its own group, though, within each newsgroup, individual contributions, to post articles, to be subsidized by governments, to carry traffic. III. Complete the following sentences. 1. Usenet is the name of a … (abbreviation, term, contraction) and it is one of the main reasons people use the Internet. 2. It is a system of discussion groups in which individual articles are distributed. … (throughout the world, everywhere, nowhere). 3. At each Internet site the system … (programmer, administrator, expert) decides whether or not to carry the Usenet discussion groups. 4. The Usenet is a large collection of discussion …. (topics, themes, groups) involving millions of people. 5. The …. (Internet, Usenet, Netscape) discussion groups are usually referred to as newsgroups. IV. Translate into English. Доступ к USENET NEWS возможен различными способами. Наиболее удобный и правильный способ – применение специальных программ для Чтения, например nn или tin. Современные программы, такие как Netscape Navigator или им подобные, позволяют тоже читать USENET NEWS, но обладают только простейшими возможностями. Эти программы имеют достаточно большую историю, обладают развитыми возможностями, им отдают предпочтение опытные пользователи. Статьи, таким образом, путешествуют между серверами по всей сети, и статья, опубликованная на одном сервере, очень быстро становится доступной миллионам абонентов. Кроме всего прочего, могут возникать проблемы с кодировкой текстов на русском языке, потому что далеко не все новомодные программы поддерживают работу в кодировке KOI8-R . V. Answer the questions. 1. What is one of the main reasons people use the Internet? 2. Usenet is not available everywhere, is it? 23
3. How are the Individual articles distributed in a system of discussion groups? 4. Is the Usenet a large collection of discussion groups involving millions of people? 5. How are the individual contributions called within each news groups? 6. Who controls news feed in the Usenet? VI. Translate the following adverbs and form the adjectives. literally definitely probably virtually similarly usually typically universally VII. Think and say: A) Define Usenet. B) Speak about numerous discussion groups Usenet has. C) Ponder over the idea of Usenet’s two “not” aspects.
LESSON 9 ANONYMOUS FTP The FTP (File transfer Protocol) service allows you to copy files from one computer to another. Anonymous FTP is a system in which an organization makes certain files available to the general public. You can access such a computer by using a userid of anonymous. No special password is required. It is one of the most important Internet services. Virtually every possible type of data is stored somewhere, on some computer, and it is all available to you for free. You can find electronic magazines, archives of Usenet discussion groups, technical documentation, and much more via Anonymous FTP. So, you depend heavily on this anonymous protocol. ARCHIE SERVERS Thousands of Anonymous FTP servers around the world offer a vast number of files. The role of the Archie servers is to make the whole system manageable by helping you to find what you need. The name Archie was coined from the idea of an “archive/server”. Suppose you want a particular file, for instance, a program you have heard about. You can use an Archie server to tell you what Anonymous FTP sites store that file. If you know the names of the sites, it is a simple matter to use FTP and download the file. WAIS SERVERS The name “Wais” stands for “Wide Area Information Service” and is pronounced “Wayz”. It is another method of finding information spreading around the Internet. Wais is able to access any of a large number of databases. Then, you specify a list of one or more keywords to search for. Wais will search every word in every article in all the databases that you specify. As a result of a Wais search there appears a list of the articles, which are culled from the various databases that are likely to be of interest to you. Then, Wais presents them as menu. From this list you can ask Wais to display whichever articles take your fancy. As a Gopher, a Wais nowadays is obsolete. 24
NOTES 1. By using a userid of anonymous – с помощью идентификатора пользователя анонимно 2. No special password is required – никакого специального пароля не требуется 3. It is all available to you for free – все это для вас бесплатно 4. A program you have heard about – программа, о которой вы слышали 5. To download a file – загрузить файл, «скачивать» файл из удаленного компьютера в ваш компьютер 6. There appears a list – появляется список 7. That are likely to be of interest to you – которые могут оказаться интересными для вас VOCABULARY To make certain files available – делать определенные файлы доступными To access a computer – иметь доступ к компьютеру To depend heavily on – сильно зависеть от To offer a vast number of files – предлагать многочисленное количество файлов Manageable – поддающийся управлению To coin – создавать To suppose – предполагать To stand for – означать To pronounce – произносить Information spreading around the Internet – информация, разбросанная по Интернету To access database – иметь доступ к базе данных To specify а list of keywords – указывать перечень ключевых слов To cull – отбирать Take your fancy – нравятся вам Nowadays – в наши дни Obsolete – устарелый, вышедший из употребления ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Копировать файлы с одного компьютера на другой, доступный, не требуется пароль, фактически, бесплатно, электронные журналы, зависеть сильно от, по всему миру, создавать, определенный файл, скачивать файл, означать, база данных, указывать, ключевое слово, в результате, появляться, быть интересным для вас, в наши дни, вышедший из употребления. II. Translate into Russian. File Transfer Protocol, to allow to copy files, general public, to access a computer, to use a userid of anonymous, data is stored, archives of Usenet discussion groups, via anonymous FTP, a vast number of files, to make a system manageable, for instance, a program you have heard about, to pronounce “Wais”, database you want to search, there appears a list, to cull articles, that are likely to be of interest to you, to present as a menu, take your fancy, nowadays is obsolete. III. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong; I think…; I don’t think…; to my mind …; As far as I know) 1. The FTP service does not allow you to copy files from one computer to another. 2. It is one of the most important Internet services. 3. Thousands of Anonymous FTP services around the world offer a vast number of files. 25
4. The name Archie was not coined from the idea of an “archive/ server”. 5. Wais is able to access any of a large number of databases. 6. You specify a list of one or more keywords to search for. 7. Wais presents articles as a menu. IV. Ask as many questions as you can to every sentence. 1. People who interact in an Internet environment know how addresses are formed, how to use e – mail, ftp, Usenet News, Telnet, and other software tools. 2. The Internet is being expanded and improved so that every home, every school, every institution can be linked to share data, information, music, video and other resources. 3. For individuals, e-mail has emerged as the most important new form of personal communication since the invention of the telephone. 4. When you start to learn how to use your system, you may find that you have a choice of newsreader programs. 5. The roots of the Internet lie in a collection of computer networks that were developed in the 1970s V. Make up your own sentences with the following words. 1. The FTP, available, general public, to access, userid of anonymous, Archie, to be coined, wais, to search, database, Gopher, obsolete. VI. Test your comprehension answering the following questions. 1. What is the FTP service? 2. What operations can we perform via Anonymous FTP? 3. What is the role of the Archie Servers? 4. What can you do if you know the name of the sites? 5. What does the name Wais stand for? 6. What appears as a result of a Wais search? 7. Is nowadays a Wais obsolete as a Gopher? VII. Think and say. Sum up what the text says about: A) Anonymous FTP; B) Archie Servers; C) Wais Servers.
LESSON 10 INTERNET CONNECTIONS What does it mean to have access to the Internet? This means you are using a computer that is a part of a network connected to the Internet. In practical terms, this means you can use the Internet resources. When you are using a computer, we say that you are on the Internet. In common usage, the Internet is often referred to as the Net. It is important to realize that a great many people who do not have full Internet access are able to communicate with Internet users. For example, many people use type of non – Internet mail service that can exchange messages with the Internet. Mail and Usenet are important, but they are not everything. You may have access to all the Internet sources, including Telnet and FTP if you use a computer that has a full TCP/IP connection with the Internet. 26
TCP/IP As you know , the Internet is built on a collection of networks that cover the world. These networks contain many different types of computers, and all of them must work together. To ensure that different types of computers can work together, programmers write programs using standard protocols. A protocol is a set of rules that describes, in technical terms, how something should be done. TCP/IP is the common name for collection of over 100 protocols that are to connect computers and networks. The actual name “TCP/IP comes from the two important protocols: TCP) Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol). So, the Internet depends on thousands of networks and millions of computers and TCP/IP is the glue that holds it all together. NOTES 1. How something should be done – как что-то должно быть сделано 2. The glue that holds it all together – то, что связывает их воедино VOCABULARY Part of a network – часть сети In practical terms – фактически, практически To use the Internet resources – использовать Интернет ресурсы To be on the Internet – быть в Интернете The Net = Internet To realize – представлять себе, понимать A great many of people – громадное количество людей Full Internet access – полный доступ к сети Internet Internet users – пользователи Internet To exchange messages – обмениваться сообщениями TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol) / (Internet Protocol) – под TCP/IP обычно понимается все множество протоколов, поддерживаемых в Интернете Collection – собрание To contain – содержать в себе Standard protocols – стандартные протоколы A set of rules – набор правил In technical terms – в технических терминах Actual – текущий, подлинный TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – Протокол управления передачей IP (Internet Protocol) – Интернет-протокол ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Иметь доступ к, значить, часть сети, фактически, громадное количество, общаться с пользователями Internet, обмениваться сообщениями, собрание сетей, содержать в себе, гарантировать, различные виды компьютеров, программист, стандартные протоколы, набор правил, термин, соединять компьютеры и сети, подлинный, Протокол управления передачей, Интернет-протокол, связывать воедино. II. Translate into Russian. To use a computer, a part of a network, in practical terms, the Internet resources, to be on the Internet, in common usage, to refer to, to have full Internet access, non- Internet mail service, 27
while mail and Usenet are important, including Telnet and FTP, in other words, networks that cover the world, in technical terms, how something should be done, common name, over 100 protocols, connect computers and networks, the glue that holds it all together. III. Complete the following sentences. 1. In common usage, the Internet is often referred to as the … (the UNIX, the Net, the Arpanet). 2. Many people use some type of non – Internet mail service that can exchange … (messages, smileys, letters) with the Internet. 3. A collection of networks contains many different … (protocols, members, types) of computers. 4. A protocol is a set of … (points, rules, regulations) that describes how something should be done. 5. The actual name “TCP/ IP “ comes from two important protocols: … (TCP and MUD, IP and ASC, TCP and IP). 6. TCP/IP is the … (rubber, glue, coal) that holds it all together. IV. Answer the following questions. 1. What does it mean to have access to the Internet? 2. Is it important to realize that a great many people who do not have full Internet access are able to communicate with Internet users? 3. How is the Internet built? 4. Who writes programs using standard protocols to ensure that different types of computers can work together? 5. TCP/IP is the common name for collection of over 100 protocols that are to connect computers and networks, isn’t it? 6. Does the actual name “TCP/IP” come from the two or three important protocols? V. Translate into English. TCP/IP – это семейство связанных протоколов, использующихся для связи между сетями. TCP/IP – это два протокола: Internet Protocol (IP) и Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Стандарты TCP/IP опубликованы в серии документов, названных Request for Comment (RFC). Документы RFC описывают внутреннюю работу сети Internet. Некоторые RFC описывают сетевые сервисы или протоколы и их реализацию, в то время как другие обобщают условия применения. Каждая машина, использующая TCP/IP, должна иметь уникальный TCP/IP адрес, представляющий собой 32-битное число. TCP/IP первоначально использовался в ARPANET, сети военного назначения, потом получил распространение в университетах. В настоящее время используется практически в каждой компьютерной системе. Установка TCP/IP 1. Запустите апплет Network Control Panel (Start к Settings к Control Panel к Network). 2. Нажмите по закладке Protocols, затем Add. 3. Выберите TCP/IP Protocol и нажмите OK. 4. Последует вопрос: есть ли в сети DHCP сервер? Ответ – NO. 5. Нажмите на вкладке IP Address и введите адрес IP и маску подсети. 6. Нажав по закладке DNS, вы также сможете сконфигурировать DNS сервер, введя имя домена (например winfaqname.com) и хоста. 7. По окончании нажмите OK и перегрузите машину. VI. Give opposites to the following words. Many, everything, to build, different, to work, together, to connect, important. 28
VII. Think and say: A) Speak about access to the Internet; B) What a protocol is; C) Define TCP/IP.
LESSON 11 TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS A more flexible system is one in which the computer or terminal uses a dial – up connection over a telephone line. In such cases, you can work anywhere you want as long as you have access to a phone line. To use a dial – up connection, you need a hardware device to convert computer signals to telephone signals and back again. In technical terms, the computer signal is “digital” and the telephone signal is “analog». A device that converts from digital to analog is called a modulator. A device that converts from analog to digital is called a demodulator. When we connect computers over a phone line, we must be able to send data in both directions. For this, we use a modem, a “modulator – demodulator”. When you buy a modem for your own computer, take into consideration the following things: – The speed of a modem is measured in bits/seconds or bps. An acceptable speed of a modem is 14, 400 bps. This speed is used only with the services of the Internet, i.e. text information, such as e – Mail, teleconferences. For looking through Web sites abundant graphics and multimedia additions you must buy a modem with the speed over 38, 400 bps. Or 57, 600 bps (that is four times the nominal speed); – It is necessary to take into consideration the choice between an internal and external modem. The internal modem represents an ordinary extension board inserted into a computer housing. A modem can be a separate box that attaches to your computer (usually via a “ serial” cable). The external modem has its own housing and is connected to a computer via a port joint. Notice that a dial – up connection requires a modem at each end of the telephone line. NOTES 1. As long as you have access to a phone line – при условии, что вы имеете доступ к телефонной линии 2. In bits/ second or bps – в бит/с ( скорость передачи в секунду) 3. Four times the nominal speed – в четыре раза быстрее номинальной скорости 4. Via a port joint – через разъем порта VOCABULARY A more flexible system – более гибкая система Terminal – терминал; элемент централизованной вычислительной системы , обеспечивающий интерфейс с пользователем и доступ к ресурсам хост-компьютера. Имеет экран, клавиатуру и, возможно, мышь, похож на персональный компьютер. Dial – up connection over a telephone line – соединение с помощью набора номера на диске через телефонную линию To convert computer signals to telephone signals – превращать компьютерные сигналы в телефонные сигналы Modulator – модулятор Over – через, по 29
To send data in both directions – отсылать данные в обоих направлениях Modem (MOdulator – DEModulator) – модем; устройство, позволяющее компьютеру осуществлять передачу и прием данных по телефонной линии To require – требовать To take into consideration – принимать во внимание The speed is measured – скорость измеряется Acceptable – приемлемый i. e. (лат. id est) – то есть To look through – просматривать что-либо Web-site – страница Всемирной паутины Abundant graphics and multimedia additions – изобилующая графика и мультимедийные приложения Internal and external modem – внутренний и внешний модем An ordinary extension board – обычная плата расширения To insert into – вставлять во что-либо Computer housing – корпус компьютера To attach – присоединяться, прикреплять Notice – обратите внимание ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Гибкая система, соединение с помощью набора номера, при условии, устройство аппаратного обеспечения, компьютерный сигнал, соединять компьютеры через телефонную линию, посылать данные в оба направления, принимать во внимание, скорость модема, измеряться, приемлемый, телеконференция, просматривать страницу Всемирной паутины, мультимедийное приложение, внутренний и внешний модем, плата расширения, прикреплять, через серийный кабель, разъем порта, требовать, на каждом конце телефонной линии. II. Translate into Russian. To use a dial – up connection over a telephone line, to have access, hardware device, to convert computer signals to telephone signals, in technical terms, to connect computers over a phone line, a separate box, to attach to computer, to be installed, to take into consideration, speed is measured, in bits/seconds, to look through Web sites, abundant graphics, multimedia additions, to represent an ordinary extension board, to insert into a computer housing, via a port joint, to require a modem. III. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Construct sentences using fragments from A and B. The computer or terminal uses a dial – up connection … To use dial – up connection, you need… A device that converts from digital to… A device that converts from analogue to… The speed of a modem is … It is necessary to take into consideration the choice between… The modem has its own… … over a telephone line. …analog is called a modulator. …hardware device to convert computer and telephone signals. …digital is called demodulator. 30
5. 6. 7.
…housing and is connected to a computer via a port joint. …measured in bits/seconds or bps. …an internal and external modem.
IV. Translate the sentences into English using the words in brackets. 1. В действительности (in fact) Internet не просто сеть – она есть структура, объединяющая обычные сети. 2. Пользователи Internet высказывают свои жалобы (to express their complaints) и предложения на встречах IETF (оперативного инженерного отряда Internet) (Internal Engineering Task Force). 3. Сейчас Internet состоит не более чем из (not more than) 12 тысяч объединенных между собой сетей. 4. За Internet никто не платит; нет такой организации как Internet Inc., которая собирает плату (to gather payment) со всех сетей Internet или пользователей. 5. ISOC – общество с добровольным членством (voluntary membership), его цель – способствовать глобальному обмену информацией (to contribute the global exchange of information) через Internet. 6. Большинство колледжей на Западе уже подсоединено к Internet, предпринимаются попытки подключить к этому процессу средние и начальные школы (secondary and elementary schools) V. Write out the definitions of the following terms: 1. Modulator _____________________ 2. Demodulator ___________________ 3. Internal modem _________________ 4. External modem ________________ VI. Answer the following questions. 1. Where can you work if you have access to a phone line? 2. What do you need to convert computer signals to telephone? 3. What device is called a modulator? 4. Must we be able send data in both directions when we connect computers over a phone line? 5. Is an acceptable speed of a modem 14400 or 15600 bhp? 6. The internal modem does not represent an ordinary extension board inserted into a computer housing, does it? VII.Think and say. Sum up what the text says about: А) The difference between “digital” and “analog” signals; B) A modulator and a demodulator; C) The types and speed of modems.
LESSON 12 STANDARD INTERNET ADDRESSES The word address here always refers to an electronic address, not a postal address. If a computer person asks for your “address”, he or she wants your Internet address. Internet addresses all follow the same form: the person’s userid (pronounced «юзер – ай – ди» – “user identification”), followed by an @ character (the “at” sign), followed by the name of 31
a computer. (Every computer on the Internet has a unique name.) Here is typical example: alice@ fact.ucsb.edu In this case, the userid is alice, and the name of the computer is fact.ucsb.edu. The part of the address after the @ character is called the domain. In this case, the domain is fact.ucsb.edu. The way to understand an address is to read it from right to left. So, the general form of all Internet addresses is: userid@domain TOP-LEVEL DOMAINS The top level domain of an address mentioned above is edu. It tells us that the computer is an educational institution. And here is another example:
[email protected]. In which a toplevel domain of com indicates a commercial organization. Now there are two types of top-level domains: the old-style organizational domains (as these two examples) and newer geographical domains: ru; uk; us. A. Organizational Top-Level Domains Domain ac co com edu gov int mil net net ojs org
Meaning Academic (UK or uk for e-Mail) Company or commercial organization UK, NZ) Company or commercial organization Educational institution Government body International organization Military site Internet gate way or administrative host Networking organization Open joint stock company Non-profit organization
B. Geographical Top-Level Domains Domain 1 aq ar at au be bg br ca ch cl cn cr cs de dk ec ee
Meaning 2 Antarctica Argentina Austria Australia Belgium Bulgaria Brazil Canada Switzerland Chile China Costa Rica Czechia and Slovakia Germany (“Deutschland”) Denmark Ecuador Estonia
Domain 3 fr gb gr hk hu ie il in is it jp kr kw li lt lu lv 32
Meaning 4 France Great Britain Greece Hong Kong Hungary Ireland Israel India Iceland Italy Japan Korea (South) Kuwait Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia
Окончание табл. 1 eg es fi no nz pl pr pt re ru se sg si su
2 Egypt Spain (“Espana”) Finland Norway New Zealand Poland Puerto Rico Portugal Reunion (Fr) Russia Sweden Singapore Slovenia Soviet Union
3 mx my nl th tn tw ua
4 Mexico Malaysia Netherlands Thailand Tunisia Taiwan Ukraine
United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland)
us ve yu za
United States Venezuela Yugoslavia South Africa
SUB-DOMAINS We used the Internet address
[email protected] where alice was the userid and fact.ucsb.edu was the domain. Each part of a domain is usually called a sub-domain. As you can see, sub-domains are separated by periods. These sub-domains are read, as said above, from right to left. Let us take another example:
[email protected]. So, sub-domains here are: srstu, novoch and ru. The rightmost sub-domain, called the top-level domain, is the most general. It is ru that means Russia. Then, the next left sub-domain is novoch, the name of a town in the South of Russia – Novocherkassk; and the last left sub-domain srstu means the South Russia State Technical University, which is the place of a computer. And of course, alice is the userid. NOTES 1. Let us take another example – давайте возьмем другой пример 2. Top – level domain-домен верхнего уровня VOCABULARY Postal address – почтовый адрес To follow – придерживаться The same form – одна и та же форма To follow by an @ character – идти за знаком «at» («собака») Unique – уникальный, единственный в своем роде Domain – домен; Domain name – имя домена (часть адреса) In this case – в этом случае Top-level – верхний уровень Mentioned above – упомянутый выше Educational institution – образовательное учреждение To indicates a commercial organization – означать, указывать на коммерческую организацию Governmental body – правительственная организация Gateway – шлюз (аппаратно-программный комплекс для соединения разнотипных сетей, работающих с различными протоколами связи) Joint Stock Company – акционерное общество 33
Profit – доход, выгода To be separated by periods – отделяться точками The rightmost sub-domain – самый правый поддомен ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English: Электронный адрес, придерживаться одной и той же формы, идентификация пользователя, знак «at», следовать за, уникальное имя, домен, упоминать, читать справа налево, образовательное учреждение, означать, коммерческая организация, международный, сетевая организация, акционерное общество, называться, поддомен, отделяться точками, самый правый, домен верхнего уровня. II. Translate into Russian: To refer to, postal address, to follow the same form, the person’s userid, to pronounce, unique name, typical example, part of the address, in this case, @ character, domain, to mention above, top – level domain, to indicate a commercial organization, old-style organizational domain, newer geographical domain, governmental body, military site, networking organization, non-profit organization, to separate by periods, the most general, the place of the computer. III. A. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Construct sentences using fragments from A and B. The word address here refers to an electronic address, not… Every computer on the Internet has … The way to understand an address is … A top-level domain of COM … Each part of a domain … The next left sub-domain is …
B. 1) … indicates a commercial organization. 2) …novoch, the name of a town (Novocherkassk) in the South of Russia. 3) …a unique name. 4) …to read it from right to left. 5) …a postal address. 6) …is usually called a sub-domain. IV. Answer the following questions. 1) What address does a computer person asks for? 2) Do Internet addresses all follow the same or different form? 3) The part of the address after the @ character is called the domain, isn’t it? 4) How have we read an address? 5) Are sub-domains separated by periods? 6) Is the rightmost sub-domain called the top-level domain? V. Matсh the countries with their capitals. Transcribe them and translate into Russian. France 1 Argentina Great Britain Austria
Delhi 2 Riga Pretoria Luxemburg 34
Окончание табл. 1 Greece Australia Belgium Hungary Bulgaria Ireland Brazil Israel Canada India Switzerland Iceland Chile Italy China Japan Costa Rica Korea (South) Germany (“Deutschland”) Liechtenstein Denmark Lithuania Ecuador Luxemburg Estonia Latvia Egypt Mexico Spain Finland Netherlands Norway Thailand New Zealand Tunisia Poland Ukraine Portugal Russia Sweden United States Singapore Venezuela Yugoslavia South Africa
2 Belgrade Vienna Caracas Washington Athens Canberra Tunis Warsaw Kiev Buenos Aires Ottawa Paris Bangkok Moscow Lisbon Kyoto Mexico (city) Vilnius Amsterdam Rome Santiago Reykjavik Seoul Peking Sofia Singapore Oslo Budapest Stockholm Wellington Copenhagen Tallinn Cairo Madrid Helsinki London Vaduz Tokyo Tel Aviv Dublin Brussels San Jose Berlin Brazilia Bern
VI. Form degrees of comparison. Old, general, new, typical, unique. VII. Think and say. Sum up what the text says about: A) The form of Internet addresses; B) Domains: organizational top-level domains, geographical top-level domains; C) Sub-domains and manner of reading them.
LESSON 13 USENET ACRONYMS AND SLANG A computer system is workless without acronyms. Those marvelous little abbreviations that make you feel so important when you know what they mean. The table below contains all of the common Usenet acronyms. These acronyms are used in all manner of Internet discourse not only within Usenet articles, but in mail messages too. Common Communication Acronyms BRB BTW CU FAQ FAQL FOAF
be right back by the way see you ( good- bye) frequently asked question frequently asked question list friend of a friend
for your information
in my humble opinion in my opinion member of the appropriate sex
member of the same sex multiple user dimension (as a prefix ) obligatory obligatory joke operations system public domain significant other (spouse, boy / girlfriend…) rolling on the floor laughing with respect to member of the opposite sex
Besides the acronyms and abbreviations, you will also meet a great number of slang terms and expressions. Usenet is a vast system of discussion groups. A computer that acts as the Usenet repository for an organization is called a news server. The person who manages the news server is the news administrator. Each news server gets its information from another news server on a regular basis. This arrangement is called news feed. The items that you read in a Usenet discussion group are called articles or postings. A Usenet article is divided into three parts: the header, the body, and an optional signature. When you send an article to Usenet, you say that you post it. The series of articles is called a thread. When you read such articles, we say that you are following the thread. To read Usenet articles you use a program called a newsreader. A term you will encounter frequently is flame. This refers to a personal mail message in which someone says something critical about someone else. The word “flame” is also used as a verb, as in “Scot posted an article without a joke to rec.humor, and he was flamed from all over the world.” There are much more slangs used in Internet and Usenet.
NOTES 1. Marvelous little abbreviations – изумительные маленькие сокращения 2. Flame – насмешка или обидное сообщение, «наезд» 3. “Scot posted an article without a joke to rec. humor, and he was flamed from all over the world” – « Шотландец отправил сообщение без пометки «шутка» (rec. humor) и весь мир (по Интернету) зло его обругал» VOCABULARY Computer system is workless – компьютерная система не работает Discourse – беседа Mail message – почтовое сообщение By the way – кстати, между прочим Frequently – часто Appropriate sex – соответствующий пол Opposite sex – противоположный пол Obligatory – обязательный Significant – значительный, важный Spouse – супруг, супруга To roll on the floor laughing – кататься по полу от смеха Besides – кроме того Terms and expressions – термины и обороты Repository – хранилище On a regular basis – на регулярной основе Arrangement – устройство, приспособление News feed – загрузка новостей Items – отдельные пункты Optional signature – необязательная подпись To encounter – наталкиваться, неожиданно встречать ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English Изумительное сокращение, значить, внизу, беседа, почтовое сообщение, между прочим, часто задаваемый вопрос, по-моему, противоположный пол, обязательный, супруг, с уважением к, кроме того, сленговый термин и оборот, репозиторий, заведовать сервером новостей, устройство, загрузка новостей, отдельный пункт, основная часть, насмешливое сообщение. II. Translate into Russian. Computer system is workless, acronym, within Usenet, to be right back, frequently asked question list, in my humble opinion, member of the same sex, multiple user dimension, prefix, public domain, significant, spouse, a great number, vast system, news administrator, on a regular basis, to be called postings, header, series of articles, to follow thread, newsreader. III. Complete the following sentences. 1. A computer system in the Internet is workless without … (acronyms, smileys, slangs). 2. Those marvelous little … (cancellations, reductions, abbreviations) that make you … (concern, feel, discuss) so important when you know what they mean. 3. FAQL means frequently asked … (item, request, question) list. 4. “Rolling on the floor laughing” is the acronym … (MOTAS, ROTFL, MOTSS). 37
5. Besides the acronyms and abbreviations you will also meet a great number of slang terms and … (sentences, expressions, modifications). 6. The person who manages the news server is the news … (administrator, editor, user). 7. The series of articles is called a … (thread, string, spin). IV. Complete the synonymic rows with the words from the text. 1. Amazing, wonderful, … 2. Broad, widespread, … 3. Many a time, often, … 4. Contrary, different, … 5. Important, serious, … 6. Husband, wife, … 7. Appliance, instrument, … 8. Facultative, not obligatory, … 9. To be separated, to be parted, … 10.To come across, to meet of a sudden, … V. Answer the following questions. 1. What makes you feel so important when you know their meaning? 2. Where are the acronyms used? 3. Will you also meet a great number of slang terms and expressions besides the acronyms and abbreviations? 4. Is a computer that acts as the Usenet repository for an organization called a news server or news client? 5. A Usenet article is divided into three parts: the header, the body, and an optional signature, isn’t it? 6. What do we call a thread? 7. How else is the word “flame “ used? VI. Match the verbs with the appropriate suffixes to form the nouns. Translate them into Russian. To express > -er To arrange > -ion To discuss > -ice To divide > -ure To sign > -ion
To head > -ion To repose > – To respect > -ment To administrate > -ry To serve > -sion
VII. Think and say: A) Tell when Usenet acronyms are used; B) Define the news server and news administrator; C) Divide a Usenet article into some parts and speak about a thread as the series of articles.
LESSON 14 SMILEYS Back in the old days, it was common in Usenet to temper a potentially continuous remark with < grins> tacked on the end in much the same way that a dog wags its tail to show it’s harmless. But that wasn’t enough for the Californian E – generation, whose trademark smiley icon became the 1980’s peace sign. From the same honed minds came the ASCII smiley. 38
This time, instead of turning it upside – down, you had to look at it sideways to see a smiling face. An expression that words, supposedly, fail to convey. Well, at least in such limited space. Inevitably this grew into a whole family of emoticons (emotional icons) . The odd smiley may have its place in diffusing barbs, but whether you employ any of the other emoticons in use is up to your perception of the line between cute and dorky. All the same, don’t lose sight of the fact that they‘re only meant to be fun:-) A smiley is both cute and useful. It is used to indicate irony. It works as follows. When you talk with someone in person, you use your body language and voice inflections to project all kinds of non- verbal messages. For example, you can jokingly insult someone and get away with it (at least sometimes) as long as you get across the idea that you just kidding. A smiley is a small drawing, using an only regular character that looks like a face. The basic smiley is :-) To see the bright, smiling face, all you need to do is turn your head to the left. Smileys are used to make sure that someone does not accidentally misinterpret a potentially ambiguous remark. Putting a smiley at the end of a sentence is sort of like saying, “just kidding”. Smileys are used all over the place, not only within Usenet articles. You can use them in private mail messages and in conversations with the other Internet users, sort of like an Internet conference call. Selection of Smileys Smiley as typed :-) : -D ;-) :-( :-I : -{) {;-) ;-X =:-) =:-(
Meaning smiling улыбающаяся laughing смеющаяся winking подмигивающая frowning хмурая indifferent безразличная Smiley with a mustache с усами Smiley with a toupee с париком My lips are sealed мои губы плотно сжаты Punk rocker рокер «панк» Real punk rockers don’t smile настоящие рокеры «панки» не улыбаются
NOTES 1. In much the same way that a dog wags its tail to show it’s harmless – точно таким же способом, как собака виляет хвостом, чтобы показать свое дружелюбие 2. ASCII smiley (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – американский стандартный код для обмена информацией (произносится как «askee») 3. An expression that words, supposedly, fail to convey – выражение, которое словами предположительно не передать 4. The odd smiley may have its place in diffusing barbs – странный «смайлик» может показаться во всклоченных бородах 5. Between cute and dorky – между забавным и глуповатым 6. As long as you get across the idea – при условии, что вы четко даете понять 7. You can jokingly insult someone – вы можете в шутку обидеть кого-либо VOCABULARY In the old days – в старину, в прежние времена To temper a remark – отпускать замечание 39
Grin – оскал, усмешка Upside – down перевернутый вверх дном Sideways – в сторону, боком Inevitably – неизбежно To lose sight of the fact – забыть, упустить из виду факт A smiley is both cute and useful – смайлик («смешинка», «гримаска», «эмограмма») и остроумен, и полезен. Body language – язык жестов Voice in flections – голосовые модуляции Non – verbal messages – невербальные сообщения To kid – шутить To get away with it – выйти «сухим из воды» A potentially ambiguous remark – потенциально двусмысленное замечание ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English В прежние времена, оскал зубов, таким же способом, показывать дружелюбие, вместо, предположительно, словами не передать, по крайней мере, неизбежно, странный «смайлик», понимание, забавный и глуповатый, упускать из виду, остроумный и полезный, голосовые модуляции, обидеть кого-либо в шутку, выйти сухим из воды, при условии, давать понять, шутить, двусмысленное замечание. II. Translate into Russian. To temper a remark, to tack on the end, the dogs wags its tail, E-generation, peace sign, to turn upside-down, expression, at least, in diffusing barbs, whether you employ emoticons in use, they are meant to be fun, body language, to indicate irony, to project non-verbal messages, to use only regular character, basic smiley, bright smiling face, to turn head to the left, to make sure, to misinterpret accidentally, all over the place III. Complete the following sentences. 1. Back in the old days, it was common in Usenet to temper a potentially continuous remark with < grins > tacked on the end in much the same way that a … (dog, donkey, bear) wags its tail to show it’s … (animosity, harmless, indifference) 2. Inevitably this grew into a whole … (community, partnership, family) of emoticons. 3. The … (odd, extraordinary, common) smiley may have its place in diffusing barbs. 4. A smiley is a small … (picture, figure, drawing), using only regular characters that look like a … (cheek, face, nose). 5. To see the bright, smiling face, all you need to do is turn your head to the … (right, left, window) 6. Smileys are used all over the place, not only within Usenet … (letters, notes, articles). IV. Pay your attention to international words such as: Potential, perception, fact, irony, person, project, verbal, idea, regular, character, remark, sort, private, conference, indifferent, punk – rocker. V. Translate into English: СЛОВАРЬ ЮНОГО ИНТЕРНЕТЧИКА. ТОЧКА, ТОЧКА, ЗАПЯТАЯ – ВОТ И РОЖИЦА КРИВАЯ История появления в Интернете забавных рожиц, составленных из точечек, скобочек и запятых, вполне объяснима. Всем хороши электронные письма – и составлять их легко, 40
и доходят до адресата они быстро, вот только хранят они лишь сухие компьютерные буквы. Даже почерк, по которому можно было бы судить об эмоциях пишущего человека, исчезает. А жаль. Вот и придумали хитроумные компьютерные фанаты целый язык, использующий человеческую мимику. Рожицы, или, как их еще называют, смайлики (от английского «улыбающийся»), конструируют из знаков препинания. Только разглядывать их надо под углом 90 градусов. Итак: :-[ – вампир :-E – вампир с торчащим зубом :-7 – отвратительное/искаженное утверждение :-* – съел что-то кислое :-@ – вопит :-# – в наручниках :-& – завязанный язык :-Q – курит :-? – курит трубку :-P – уколоть язык :-S – несогласованное утверждение :-D – громко смеяться :-X – запечатанные губы :-C – совсем плохой... :-/ – скептически :-o – ах-ох! :-9 – облизываться :-0 – hе кричите! (молчание в часы сна) также «оратор» :-1 – нормально :-$ – рот закрыт на замок :-% – банкир :-q – пытаться дотронуться до носа языком :-a – то же с другой стороны :-е – разочарован :-t – отсечен :-i – полуулыбка :-] – болван :-[ – неулыбающийся болван VI. Answer the questions. 1) What was common in Usenet back in the old days? 2) Where had you to look to see a smiling face, instead of turning it upside-down this time? 3) May the odd smiley have its place in diffusing barbs or moustache? 4) A smiley is both cute and useful, isn’t it? 5) Do you need to turn your head to the left to see the bright, smiling face? 6) What do you mean when you put a smiley at the end of a sentence? 7) Do you use smileys in private mail messages? VII. Think and say: A) Speak about the origin of smiley; B) Explain what smiley is; C) Speak about use of a smiley.
LESSON 15 NEWSREADERS, DISCUSSION GROUPS, TELECONFERENCES AND GROUPS OF NEWS To read Usenet articles, you use a program called a newsreader. The newsreader acts as your interface: you tell it which newsgroups you want to read, and it presents the articles for you, one at a time. (Remember, although we call them newsgroups, they are really discussion groups.) You can read any newsgroup that you want, as long as it is carried by your local site. Most sites do not offer all newsgroups, as it would take up too much disk space. When you start to learn how to use your system, you may find that you have a choice of newsreader programs. Newsreaders are usually complex programs with many commands, so it is a good idea to settle on one that you like and take some time to learn it well. One of the functions of a newsreader is to keep track of which newsgroups you want to read. At any time you can add or delete newsgroups from your list. When you add a group to your personal list, we say that you subscribe to that group. Similarly, if you indicate that you do not want to read a newsgroup any longer, we say that you unsubscribe. As you read an article, the newsreader allows you to perform many different actions. For example, you can move from one article to another, save an article to a file, mail a reply to a person who posted an article, compose an article of your own, and so on. If you were to watch someone reading the news, you would see him/her reading text on the screen and, from time to time, typing a command. Teleconferences, or newsgroups, are discussion groups users of which tell each other about their knowledge, impressions, problems. Users help each other, put questions, reply to these questions, and even exchange graphical and other files. There are more than 20000 every possible groups of news in the Internet, participants of which discuss politics, current events, softwares, “converse with” of autos, domestic animals, tattoos, motion pictures, supermodels, and love. As was said above, for taking part in a teleconference it is necessary to have special programs called Newsreaders. With the help of a newsreader you can establish communication with a news server, subscribe to your favorite newsgroups and look through information sent by other participants. Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator are packages having in their structure programs for reading groups of news, and it is these programs (newsreaders), which we speak about. NOTES 1. As long as it is carried by your local site – при условии, что ваша местная сеть предоставляет эту услугу 2. As it would take up too much disk space – поскольку для этого обычно требуется слишком много места на диске 3. To keep track – быть в курсе 4. It is these programs (newsreaders), which we speak about – именно об этих программах мы говорим. VOCABULARY To read Usenet articles – читать статьи Юзнета Newsreader – программа чтения новостей в Интернете Newsgroup – группа новостей в Интернете – интерактивная «доска объявлений» To present the article – преподносить, представлять статью One at a time – по одному Discussion group – дискуссионная группа To settle on one(program) – приступать к одной (программе) 42
To add or delete newsgroups – добавлять или вычеркивать группу новостей в Интернете To subscribe to – подписаться Similarly – так же, подобным образом Not to want to read a newsgroup any longer – не хотеть больше читать группу новостей To perform many different actions – выполнять много разных действий From time to time – время от времени To put questions – задавать вопросы Current events – текущие события Software – программное обеспечение To converse with of autos – разговаривать об автомобилях Domestic animals – домашние животные Internet Explorer – набор программ, включающий Web-браузер, NetMeeting – программу для интерактивной голосовой связи и обмена данными через Интернет, программу FrontPage (для создания и опубликования собственной Web-страницы), программу Outlook Express (для работы с e-Mail и телеконференциями). Netscape Communicator – пакет, имеющий в своем составе программы для чтения групп новостей. ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Программа чтения новостей в Интернете, представлять статью, по одному, местная сеть, предлагать, много места на диске, сложные программы, быть в курсе, в любой момент, добавлять группу в личный список, подписаться на группу, подобным образом, указывать, выполнять различные действия, сохранить статью в файл, сочинить, своя собственная статья, на экране, время от времени, впечатления, задавать вопросы, участники обсуждают политику, разговаривать об автомобилях, устанавливать связь, участник. II. Translate into Russian. Newsgroup, to act as interface, although, as long as, it would take up much disk space, to have a choice, newsreader, complex programs, to settle on one, to keep track, at any time, to delete newsgroups from a list, to add a group, similarly, to unsubscribe, to allow to perform different actions, to move from one article to another, to save an article to a file, to post and compose, to read a text on the screen, to tell each other, to reply the questions, current events, to take part in a teleconference, to look through information, Netscape Communicator. III. Give synonyms to the following words. To act, although, to offer, complex, to remember, some, idea, to indicate, choice, local, to look through, to reply, domestic animal. IV. – – – – – – – – – – – –
Construct your own sentences using Internet phrases given below: you use a program called a newsreader; the newsreader acts as your interface; which newsgroup you want to read; they are really discussion groups; most sites do not offer all newsgroups; at any time; add a group to your personal list; from time to time typing a command; Newsreaders are usually complex programs with many commands; you subscribe to that group; as was said about; for taking part in a teleconference. 43
V. Translate into English. 1. Эта программа занимает слишком много места на диске. Не сохраняй ее. 2. В любой момент ты можешь подписаться на свою любимую группу новостей в Интернете. 3. Давай обсудим текущие политические события на телеконференции. 4. Пользователи Интернета могут найти более чем 15000 всевозможных групп, где разговаривают о домашних животных и автомобилях. 5. Приступай к новой группе новостей, после этого удали ее из своего списка. 6. Установи программу чтения новостей в Интернете, и ты примешь участие в телеконференции. 7. Здесь можно рассказать о своих впечатлениях, а затем отправить их своим друзьям. VI. Ask all possible questions to the following sentences. 1. To read Usenet articles, you use a program called a newsreader. 2. When you start to learn how to use your system, you may find that you have a choice of newsreader programs. 3. At any time you can add or delete newsgroups from your list. 4. The newsreader allows you to perform many different actions. 5. There are more than 20,000 every possible groups of news in the Internet. 6. Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator are packages having in their structure programs for reading groups of news. VII.Think and answer. 1. What are the meanings of the terms “newsreaders”,” newsgroups”, “discussion groups’? 2. What do the terms “ subscribe “ and “unsubscribe” mean? 3. What actions does the newsreader allow to perform? 4. What is necessary for taking part in a teleconference? 5. What are Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator?
LESSON 16 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE E-Commerce has no official parents, because this business appeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and advertisements in the Internet. Applications of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) used in 70s may be considered as the first experience of an electronic business before appearance of Personal Computers in their current form. There are a lot of various kinds of e-Commerce: selling products and goods on fixed prices, auctions, remote storage of files and virtual casinos, medical and virtual banks services and many, many others. E-Commerce gives advantages not only for a salesman, but for a consumer too. The table below shows advantages of both sides. Advantages for a salesman Global sales markets Very high competitiveness Personal work chance Reduction or elimination of delivery line Reduction of expenses New business opportunities
Advantages for a consumer Enormous choice Service quality Articles and services individually selected Quick response Drop in prices. New products and services 44
All the Web-resources can be divided into two principally different groups: the first one is corporative sites, the second one is mass media sites. The corporative sites belong to firms (companies) and private persons. These are the same sites with telephones and addresses, sites of technical supports, sites of sport teams, and their fans, etc. Shortly speaking, they are those sites the owners of which are interested in propagation of some “own” information. The mass media sites belong to the second group and also propagate information. But their owners’ purpose is not their own information, but the fact of receiving a visitor into the site. It should be noticed that the mass media site is not the same as the traditional means of mass media. This can be a site-portal, a site-encyclopedia, and even a safe-stop. This main thing is that people should go there. NOTE 1. In their current form – в их современном виде VOCABULARY Electronic Commerce – электронная коммерция To appear – появляться As a result – в результате Companies’ catalogues – каталоги компаний Advertisment – реклама Applications of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) – применение прикладных программ электронного обмена данными и электронных платежей To be considered – рассматриваться, считаться Experience – опыт Appearance of Personal Computers – появление персональных компьютеров Selling goods – продажа товаров On fixed prices – по твердым ценам Auction – аукцион Remote storage – удаленное хранение Virtual casino – виртульное казино Medical services – медицинские услуги To give advantages – давать преимущества Consumer – потребитель Global sales markets – глобальные рынки сбыта Enormous choice – огромный выбор Very high competitiveness – высокая конкурентоспособность Personal work chance – возможность индивидуальной работы Articles and services individually selected – индивидуально подобранные товары и услуги Reduction or elimination of delivery line – сокращение или ликвидация цепи поставок Quick response – быстрый отклик Expenses – расходы Drop in prices – снижение цен Opportunities – возможности Corporative sites and mass media sites – корпоративные сайты и сайты средств массовой информации To receive a visitor – принимать посетителя Traditional means – традиционные способы Site-portal – сайт-портал 45
ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Электронная коммерция, в результате, реклама, электронные платежи, первый опыт, в современном виде, по твердым ценам, аукцион, виртуальное казино, давать преимущества, потребитель, глобальный рынок сбыта, конкурентоспособность, сокращение и ликвидация, веб-ресурсы, сайты средств массовой информации, принадлежать, интересоваться, принимать посетителя, традиционное средство. II. Translate into Russian. To arrange companies’ catalogues, Application of Electronic Data Interchange, appearance of Personal Computers, remote storage of files, medical and virtual banks services, salesman, enormous choice, articles and services individually selected, quick response, drop in prices, business opportunities, to be divided into, corporative sites, private persons, sites of technical supports, shortly speaking, propagation, the fact of receiving a visitor, site-portal, safe-stop. III. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong; I think…; I don’t think…; to my mind …; As far as I know). 1. E-Commerce as business disappeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and advertisements in the Internet. 2. Selling products and goods on fixed prices, auctions, remote storage of files and virtual casinos – all these are various kinds of e-Commerce. 3. E-Commerce gives the following advantages for a salesman: quick responses, very high competitiveness, drop in prices and new business opportunities. 4. The corporative sites belong to companies and private persons. 5. The purpose of the mass media’s owners is not the fact of receiving a visitor into the site, but their own information. IV. – – – – – – – – –
Find the definitions to the following words and phrases in the text. published or broadcast information; shortening, contraction; privilege, benefit; systematic arrangement of data in rows or columns; firm, partnership; spreading, multiplication; being in essence but not in fact; public sale of property; option, selection.
V. Ask the questions using words in brackets. 1. This business appeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and advertisements in the Internet. (Did…? What…?) 2. EDI and EFT used in 70s may be considered as the first experience of an electronic business before appearance of Personal Computers in their current form. (When…? What…?) 3. E-Commerce gives advantages not only for a salesman, but for a consumer too. (Whom…? Does…?) 4. All the Web-resources can be divided into two principally different groups. (Can…? How many different groups…?) 5. It should be noticed that the mass media site is not the same as the traditional means of mass media. (Should…? What…?)
VI. Open the brackets and put necessary words. 1. The name by which an (отчет) is known as called ( идентификация пользователя). 2. On the Internet, the (аппаратное обеспечение) is normally not visible, and so the terms (“клиент”) and (“ сервер”) usually refer to the programs that ask for and provide services. 3. The original Arpanet has long since been expanded and replaced, and today its (потомки) form the (глобальная основа). 4. When (локальные вычислительные сети) are connected together, it is called then a (Обширная вычислительная сеть). 5. You will be able (принимать участие в дискуссиях) with people from all over the world (по каждой возможной теме). 6. Usenet has (буквально) thousands of (группы, ведущие дискуссию), so there is definitely something for everyone. VII. Think and say: A) Enumerate some kinds of e-Commerce starting with “There are…”; B) Ponder over the advantages that are given to a salesman and a consumer from E-Commerce; C) Define two groups of the Web-resources.
LESSON 17 INTERNET RELAY CHAT There are two ways for you to talk directly with other Internet users. You can use the talk program and talk to one person at a time, or you can use ytalk and talk to one or more people at the same time. These two programs have in common the fact that your conversations are private, like a telephone call. This is the Internet Relay Chat ( IRC). IRC has become one of the most popular Internet resources and is frequented by people in many different countries. Thus, all the IRC servers are connected with one another. To bring order to what otherwise would be conversational chaos; IRC maintains a number of different channels. When you first connect to IRC you choose which channel to join. Of course, if you like, you can even join more than one channel at the same time. Most of the conversations will be in English. If you would like to mail a message to the President, asking him to join you on IRC, his address is
[email protected]. Most channel names begin with a # character, for example, #hottub There are public channels, private channels, and secret “invisible” channels. The other thing is that every IRC participant must have a nickname, consisting up to nine characters, which you can also change at any time. So, we are using the nickname Willi and have joined the # hottub channel, Once you are connected to IRC, there are a great many commands that you can use. All IRC commands start with a / (slash) character. The / must be the first character on the line. As you type a command it will appear on the bottom line of your screen. When you press RETURN, the command will be sent to IRC. The first command you should learn is one to quit. It is: /quit To display a list of all IRC commands, enter: /help To display help information about a specific command, use: /help command followed by that command 47
For example: /help join or /help newuser if you are a beginner. To stop a conversation you can enter the command: /flush BASIC IRC COMMANDS These commands are enough to get you started. Command /flush /help /help command /help intro /help newuser /join channel /leave channel /list /list channel /list – min n /list – max n /me action /mode * +pi /msg nickname text /msg, text /msg.text /nick /nick nickname /query nickname /query /quit /set novice off /who channel /who nickname /who * /whois nickname /whois *
Description throw away remaining output for current command display a list of all IRC commands display help regarding specified command display an introduction to IRC display information for new users join the specified channel leave the specified channel display information about all channels display information about specified channels display channels that have at least n people display channels that have no more than n people display specified action make current channel completely private send private message to specified people send message to last person who sent you a message send message to last person who sent a message to display your current nickname change your nickname to specified name send all your messages to specified people stop sending private messages quit IRC allow certain actions (like joining multiple channels) show who is joined to specified channel show information about the specified person show who is joined to the current channel show all information about the specified person show all information about everybody
NOTES 1. To bring order to what otherwise would be conventional chaos – чтобы привести в порядок то, что иначе было бы разговорным хаосом 2. Once you are connected to IRC – как только вы подсоединяетесь к IRC VOCABULARY Ytalk – ytalk назван по имени создателя программы Britt Yenne, т. е. “Yennetalk” To frequent – часто посещать Thus – таким образом IRC (The Internet Relay Chat) – передаваемый по Интернету разговор To maintain – обслуживать, поддерживать 48
A number of channels – много каналов To join – присоединяться At the same time – в то же самое время Secret “invisible” channels – секретные «невидимые» каналы Nickname – прозвище, уменьшительное имя To appear – появляться On the bottom line – на последней строке A list of IRC commands – список команд IRC Beginner – новичок, начинающий To get started – начинать Description – описание To throw away – отбрасывать Specified – указанный, установленный At least –по крайней мере Completely – совершенно, полностью To quit – покидать, оставлять Multiple – многочисленный * (asterisk character) – знак «звездочка», ставится в конце слова, олицетворяет любое количество дополнительных знаков ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Частная беседа, передаваемый по Интернету разговор, часто посещать, обслуживать много разных каналов, присоединиться, на английском, невидимый, участник IRC, в любое время, прозвище, громадное количество, появляться, на последней строке, нажимать, команда «ВОЗВРАТ», следовать за, текущий, список всех команд IRC, относительно, по крайней мере, полностью, посылать частные сообщения, многочисленные каналы. II. Translate into Russian. Internet Relay Chat, to talk directly, a telephone call, one of the most Internet resources, to bring order, conversational chaos, to join a channel, to mail a message, public and private, secret and invisible, IRC participant, to consist up to nine characters, at any time, a great many commands, to start with a / (slash) character, on the line, to enter the command, description, regarding specified command, at least, completely private, current nickname, certain actions, multiple channels, asterisk character. III. Answer the following questions about the text. 1) What is the term ytalk? 2) What is a nickname? 3) What do commands “help newuser” and “query nickname” mean? 4) What must be the first character on the line of IRC? 5) How could you mail a message to the President of the USA? IV. In the text find the antonyms to the following words and phrases. Use them in the sentences of your own. – common; – client; – visible; – to finish; – on the first line; – to forbid certain actions. 49
V. Find the places in the text where the following points are discussed. a) the talk program; b) a number of different channels; c) a nickname; d) all IRC commands. VI. Look through the text and find all the phrases with the word “time”. Translate them into Russian. VII. Think and say: A) Speak on one of the most popular Internet recourses. B) Define the characters the most channel names and IRC commands begin with. C) What command you use to stop a conversation?
LESSON 18 THE WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) The WWW or Web is a project whose goal is to offer a simple, consistent interface to the vast resources of the Internet. When you use the Web, you follow your nose: i.e., you start anywhere you want, and you jump from one place to another pursuing whatever strikes your fancy. With only a few simple commands, you can jump way around the Internet like a hyperactive flea at a dog convention. To understand the Web we need to start with the idea of hypertext. Hypertext is data that contain links to other data. A simple example of hypertext is an encyclopedia, the entry on “Trees”. At the end of the article you see a reference saying, “For related information see Plants” article. The Web is based on hypertext that is a lot more complex. There may be links anywhere within a document, not just at the end. A hypertext document, in the language of the Web, is something that contains data and links to other documents. The program that you use to read a hypertext document is called a browser. As you follow one link to another, it means that you are navigating the Web. The word hypermedia is referring to documents that contain a variety of data types and not just plain text. So, the Web does contain some hypermedia, but most of what you see will be plain vanilla hypertext: textual material that you can display on your screen. The job of your browser is to act as a window into the Internet by following links you desire, and by accessing each document using an appropriate method. So, the Web does allow you to access all kinds of Internet resources, just by using a browser to “read” the appropriate document. The Web also uses a client/server system. NOTES 1. Like a hyperactive flea at a dog convention – подобно гиперактивной блохе в собачьей стае 2. It means that you are navigating the Web – это означает, что вы перемещаетесь во Всемирной паутине 3. So, the Web does contain some hypermedia – таким образом, Всемирная паутина все же содержит некую гиперсреду 4. Will be plain vanilla hypertext – будет явно бессмысленным гипертекстом 5. As a window into the Internet by following links you desire – в качестве окна в Интернет, в котором вы будете двигаться, следуя связям, которые вам нужны 50
VOCABULARY WWW (World Wide Web) – Всемирная паутина; Всемирная компьютерная сеть Goal – цель Consistent interface – последовательный интерфейс To follow one’s nose – руководствоваться чутьем, нюхом Anywhere – где угодно, везде To pursue – следовать, преследовать A few – несколько To contain links – содержать ссылки (гипертекстовые) Entry – вступление, начало Reference – ссылка, сноска Related – родственный, связанный Browser – браузер, обозреватель (например, Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer) A variety of data types – разнообразие видов данных Textual material – текстовой материал To access document – иметь доступ к документу Appropriate method – подходящий метод ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Предлагать простой интерфейс, последовательный, обширные ресурсы, руководствоваться чутьем, перепрыгивать с одного места на другое, несколько простых команд, гиперактивная блоха, гипертекст, энциклопедия, ссылка, последняя строка, перемещаться во Всемирной паутине, простой текст, содержать гиперсреду, текстовый материал, на экране, окно в Интернет, иметь доступ к каждому документу, подходящий метод, обозреватель, система клиент/сервер. II. Translate into Russian. Consistent interface, to start anywhere you want, whatever strikes your fancy, a few simple commands, hyperactive flea at a dog convention, to contain links to other data, related information, to be based on hypertext, within a document, browser, to follow one link to another, to navigate the Web, a variety of data types, to contain some hypermedia, most of what you see, plain vanilla hypertext, to display on screen, to allow you to access, all kinds of Internet recourses, appropriate document. III. – – – – –
Give the definitions for the words from the text. Hypertext; Hypertext document; Browser; To navigate the Web; Hypermedia.
IV. Find the places in the text where the following points are discussed: a) the idea of hypertext; b) a hypertext document; c) some hypermedia; d) to access all kinds of Internet resources.
V. Construct sentences using fragments from A and B. A. 1. When you use the Web, you start… 2. A simple example of hypertext is… 3. The word hypermedia is referring to documents that… 4. The job of your browser is to act as… 5. The Web also uses… B. 1. … a client/server system. 2. … an encyclopedia, the entry on “Trees”. 3. … anywhere you want 4. … contain a variety of data types and not just plain text. 5. … window into the Internet by following links you desire VI. Answer the following questions about the text. 1. The WWW is a project whose goal is to offer a simple, consistent interface, isn’t it? 2. What do we need to start with to understand the Web? 3. Is hypertext data or knowledge that contains links to other data? 4. Is the word hypermedia referring to documents that contain a variety of data types and not just plain text? 5. What does the Web contain? VII. Think and say: A) Define hypertext document in the language of the Internet. B) Speak on the program that we call “browser”
LESSON 19 WHY WOULD YOU USE THE WEB? The web was originally developed in Switzerland, at the CERN research center. The main idea was to create a way for the CERN physicists to share their work and to use community information. Before long, this idea of the Web expanded and was embraces within the Internet as a general mechanism for accessing information and services. In practice, you will find that the Web’s usefulness is generally limited to two main functions: reading hypertexts articles and accessing Internet resources. Hypertext is more valuable than regular text. The problem is that putting links into hypertext is a time – consuming process. It takes so much effort, that there is still not all that much hypertext available. The second problem is that the value added to regular text by hypertext links depends on how useful the links really are. Each link is supposed to represent a mental leap that a person would want to make as he (she) reads the text. What you personally get out of a hypertext document very much depends on how close your thinking is to that of the person who puts the links in the document. The next important use for the Web is accessing Internet resources. The best way for you to see how convenient this can be is to try it for yourself. Indeed, in many cases, the Web will offer you resources that you would never even know existed. So, the Web is an attempt to organize all the information on the Internet as a set of hypertext documents. 52
Examples of the WWW in the Internet: http://www.citmgu.ru http://www.washingtonpost.com http://www.cis.ohio.state.edu http://www.cnn.com http://www.translation.ca URL:http://www.srstu.edu.ru* *URL – Uniform Resource Locator http – Hypertext Transport Protocol www – World Wide Web srstu – South –Russia State University edu – educational institution ru – Russsia NOTE 1. That you would never even know existed – … о существовании которых вы никогда не предполагали VOCABULARY Originally – первоначально CERN research centre – Европейский центр ядерных исследований ( г. Женева) Physicist – физик Before long – вскоре после этого To expand – расширяться, распространяться To embrace – включать, охватывать General mechanism – общий механизм Usefulness – полезность, пригодность To be limited – ограничиваться To access – иметь доступ Internet resources – Интернет ресурсы Valuable – ценный, полезный Time – consuming process – процесс, требующий больших временных затрат Value – ценность, значение Mental leap – «озарение» (букв. «мыслительный скачок») To get out – доставать, вынимать Thinking – мышление To put links – помещать ссылки (гипертекстовые) Convenient – удобный, подходящий A set of hypertext documents – набор гипертекстовых документов ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into Russian. To develop in Switzerland, the CERN research centre, to create a way, physicist, to share work, to use community information, to be embraced within Internet, general mechanism, accessing services, usefulness is limited, hypertext, time-consuming process, to take much effort, available, to be supposed to, mental leap, to get out of a hypertext document, close thinking, to put the links, to access Internet resources, the best way, Indeed. To organize all the information.
II. Translate into English. Первоначально, Швейцария, физик, вскоре после этого, основная идея, распространяться, получать доступ к информации, на практике, полезность, обычно, ограничиваться, чтение гипертекстовых статей, ценный, обычный текст, помещать ссылки (гипертекстовые), процесс, требующий больших временных затрат, занимать много усилий, озарение, лично, действительно, попытка , набор гипертекстовых документов. III. Complete the sentences. 1) The Web was originally developed in … (Brazil, Luxembourg, Switzerland), at the CERN research centre. 2) In practice, you will find that the Web’s usefulness is generally limited to two main functions: reading hypertext … (articles, postings, contributions) and accessing Internet resources. 3) What you personally get … (off, out, up) of a hypertext document very much depends on how close your thinking is to that of the person who puts the links in the document. 4) … (the best, the worst, the least) way for you to see how convenient this can be is to try it for yourself. 5) So, the Web is an attempt to organize all the information on the Internet as a … (file, collection, set) of hypertext documents. IV. Explain the acronyms: “CERN”, “URL”, “http”, “www”, edu. V. Answer the following questions. 1) Where was the Web developed? 2) Will you find that the Web’s usefulness is generally limited to two main functions in practice? 3) Is hypertext or regular text more valuable? 4) Each link is supposed to represent a mental leap that a person would want to make as he reads the text, isn’t it? 5) What will the Web offer you in many cases? VI. Find the synonyms among the following words: Convenient, contribution, to create, as a rule, important, to expand, comfortable, idea, considerable, useful, general, thought, following, extend, valuable, next, to offer, to suggest, article, to contrive. VII. Think and say: A) Speak about the development of the Web B) Enumerate two main functions of the Web C) Compare regular text and hypertext. What is more valuable?
LESSON 20 MAILING LISTS AND MAIL HEADERS To access a huge network of discussion group is possible entirely by mail. To participate in these discussions, you do not need to use Usenet or any other Internet services. All you need to know is how to send and read mail, i.e. an electronic mail address. If you want to mail a message to more than one person, you can set up a special name called an alias, that represents a group of people who sometimes are called executives, in other words, a discussion group. People can talk, argue, help one another, discuss problems, share information, and so on. Everything that anyone says goes to all people in the group. This is a mailing list. As an Internet user, you have access to several thousand such lists, each of which is devoted to a specific topic. 54
A. Important ListServ Commands Mailing Lists Command help info? info topic list global review list set list ask Set list noack Set list mail Set list no mail Set list repro Set list norepro Subscribe list your name Signup list your name Unsubscribe list Signoff list
Function Send summary of basic command Send list of information topics Send information about specified topic Send summary of all BITNET mailing lists Send information about specified mailing list Send confirmation messages for specified list Do not send confirmation messages for specified list Start sending mail from specified list Stop start sending mail from specified list Send copies of your own messages Do not send copies of your own messages Subscribe to specified mailing list Same as subscribe Unsubscribe to specified mailing list Same as unsubscribe
B. Important Mail Commands Abbreviation ? ! . . RETURN number d dp e h l m n p pre q r R s sh to u w x z z-
Full name – – – – – delete – edit headers list mail next print preserve quit reply Reply save shell top undelete write exit – –
Description Display command summary Execute a single shell command Display the next message Display the previous message Display the next message Display message =//= number Delete message Delete current msg, display next message The text editor on message Display header summaries List names of all available commands Send new message to specified userid Display the nex message Display ( print) messages Keep messages in system mailbox Quit mail Reply to sender & all other recipients Reply to sender only Save messages to specified file Pause mail, start a new shell Display top few lines of message Undelete previously – deleted messages Same as s, only do not save header Quit mail, neglect any changes Show next set of header summaries Show previous set of header summaries
Every message has a standard format consisting of two parts: the header and the body. The header consists of a number of lines of information at the beginning of the message. The body is the actual text of the message. 55
Below a sample is given. The format of the header may vary on your system, but the general idea will be the same. A sample Mail Message From:
[email protected] To:
[email protected] Subject: the 6-th annual conference Date: 31 Mat 2002 12:35 Colleagues, The 6-th Annual Conference “ELT: KEYS TO SUCCESS” will be held on May 16–17, 2002, in Tomsk. Titles and short abstracts should be submitted no later than April 15, 2002. Signature. NOTE 1. Several thousand lists – несколько тысяч списков VOCABULARY A huge network – огромная сеть Entirely – всецело, полностью To participate – участвовать Mail address – почтовый адрес To set up – набирать, учреждать Alias – вымышленное имя, прозвище, кличка To represent – представлять To argue – спорить, обсуждать To share information – делиться информацией To devote – посвящать Specific topic – конкретная тема BITNET – сеть BITNET, академическая компьютерная сеть, базирующаяся на мейнфреймах IBM. Название происходит от “Because It’s Time NETWORK” Confirmation – подтверждение To delete message – уничтожить сообщение Header – заголовок Text editor – текстовый редактор Mailbox – почтовый ящик Recipient – получающий, получатель Shell – оболочка To neglect – не обращать внимания, упускать At the beginning – в начале Title – заглавие, название Abstract – конспект, извлечение To submit – представлять на рассмотрение Signature – подпись ASSIGNMENTS I. Translate into English. Иметь доступ, дискуссионная группа, участвовать в обсуждениях, электронный почтовый адрес, вымышленное имя, другими словами, помогать друг другу, делиться инфор56
мацией, пользователь Интернета, конкретная тема, посылать сообщение-подтверждение, подписываться на, удалить предыдущее сообщение, текстовый редактор, идентификатор пользователя, системный почтовый ящик, получатель, заранее удаленное сообщение, заголовок, состоять из двух частей, представлять на рассмотрение. II. Translate into Russian. To access a huge network, entirely, to participate in discussion, to mail a message, electronic mail address, to set up an alias, in other words, to discuss problems, mailing list, to be devoted to a specific topic, to send summery, confirmation messages, to send copies, to unsubscribe to specified mailing list, single shell command, to delete current message, specified userid, to reply to sender, to display top few lines of message, to save header, actual text of the message, title and short abstract, signature. III. Construct sentences using fragments from A and B. A. 1) If you want to mail a message to more than one person, … 2) All you need to know to access a discussion group is … 3) People can talk, argue, help one another, discuss … 4) Everything that anyone says goes to … 5) A group of people, who sometimes are called executives, … 6) Every mail message has standard format … 7) The header consists of a … B. 1) … problems, share information, and so on. 2) … number of lines of information at the beginning of the message. 3) … to know how to send and read mail. 4) … are in other words, a discussion group. 5) … consisting of two parts: the header and the body. IV. Decide whether the following statements are true or false by referring to the information in both texts. Introduce the necessary changes so that the false statements become true (T/F): a) To access a huge network of discussion groups is possible entirely by mail. __________ b) To participate in these discussions, you need to use Usenet. ______________________ c) Everything that anyone says does not go to all the people in the group. ______________ d) As an Internet user, you have access to several thousand such lists. _________________ e) The body is the actual text of the message. ____________________________________ f) The format of the header may vary on your system. _____________________________ V. Explain the meanings of the terms alias, executives, and mailing lists. VI. Answer the following questions. 1) What is a discussion group? 2) What can people do if they are in a discussion group? 3) Can we call people in a discussion group executives? 4) Can you have access to several thousand mailing lists as an Internet user? 5) What does a standard format for every mail message consists of? VII. Think and say: A) Speak about discussion group starting with: “I should say that …”. B) Ponder over the contents of a mailing list. 57
PART II TEXTS FOR READING INTERVIEW Q: Adam, what is the most popular means of communication in the United States? Right now in the United States everybody talks on e-mail, everybody writes e-mails to each other. Even, I know, there's… It's not called “ICQ” in America, We call it “Instant Messaging”, it's basically the same thing, where you have a list of friends, and you can just click on a name and have a dialogue with them over the computer. And even this happens regularly nowadays with young kids at work; all day long they sit at their desks, and they talk with their friends over the Instant Messaging about everything. You can send smiley faces. Even this quick one-toone communication over the computer, over the Internet at work is really how a lot kids talk. In communicating like with my parents, or my mom, or my brothers and sisters, I always use email. I rarely call them on the phone. Using e-mail is very quick. I know that now mobile phones have…you don't even have to dial a number, you can just push a button on your phone, and you talk to them, like it's a walkie-talkie. Everyone is buying mobile phones nowadays. But basically I would say that for the most part e-mail is the way to go. But my father, he does not know how to use a computer at all, so, I still have to call him on the phone and talk to him that way. I rarely write letters. With my grandparents - I write letters, they write me letters, cards, but most of all e-mail. Very much so. Q: Do you get paper mail? Well, this is interesting because now, the majority of mail in the United States, we call 'junk mail', because it's all advertisements, and so, everybody pretty much just throws paper mail away. Occasionally there is something good, but for the most part it's either bills or advertisements, or other such junk that people don't want to keep. So, we just pretty much throw it away, which is really bad, because, you know, people are making all this…wasting all this paper on mail, that people throw away. Even the companies, that are sending the junk mail, of course, they receive junk mail when they get home. And I'm sure they probably do the same thing so, I’m not sure, why people send outs much paper mail. I think in companies, of course, with legal documents or with other official letters, they have to send these out in the mail, so, right now, basically, a lot of the paper mail is official documents, that have to be signed, but even now with the creation of certain software, people email documents to each other to have them signed, like say, between companies; and I know, that now over the internet there's going to be an electronic signature, where you'll be able to just put your signature on a piece a paper on your computer and then send it over the internet, so, I would think that paper-mail pretty soon is gonna be almost non-existent. I know that some companies in California believe that they have gone to what's called “a paperless workforce”, which means that everything is done over the e-mail and on Internet, and nothing is printed out, and everything is saved on to computers. Q: How often do you get junk mail on Internet? In Russia we call it “Spam”. It’s also emails that we receive, that we don't want. Sometimes it's called “bulk mail”, but it's also junk mail. But also on your computer you can select certain things that you don't receive junk mail, junk e-mails anymore. But I think it's happening more and more often, that you receive junk emails as well. Cause there's certain devices on computers, where people can receive your email, and then they put you on to a specific list serve, and then they send you junky mails. This is all very… I don't like it. If I want to buy something myself, I will go to the store and buy it. So to receive all this junk mail, like not only in the paper mail, but in the e-mail and…I hear now that even some people are gonna start receiving phone calls from solicitors, and that's just gonna be more of a mess. I don't particularly like junk mail. 58
Q: Does anybody of your friends use regular mail? I think my girlfriend. She likes to send presents through regular mail to her mom and to a sister, and they, of course, also send mail back to her. They send little presents to each other and little cards. Really, now I guess, paper mail has become some…it's become more like a treat, for most people it's become like a treat, when you receive something really nice and special from your family and friends through the paper mail, because, you know, you receive so much… there's just so much junk out there that it, you know, becomes like a treat, when you receive something special from somebody. Q: Are there any laws that prohibit people from sending junk mail? I don't know of any laws specifically, that don't allow people to send you junk mail, especially through the paper mail. I think, you can send anybody anything that you want, and of course, within reason, I think there's certain rules of propriety, that don't allow people to send you…I don't know... things that are either abusive or you know, may be pornographic, but I know that they are starting to think about rules for e-mail and sending junky mail, because it has become the more prevailing form of talking with people and communicating with people. So, I believe they are beginning to try to make laws that prohibit people from gathering information over the internet, like people's e-mails, to make a law that prohibits somebody from sending you something. The people, who can do this, are already working on new ways to do it, and so, I'm not sure that one law or a law that they will create will be sufficient enough to actually stop people from sending junk mails. I’m just not sure that's gonna be possible. NOTES 1. Instant Messaging –мгновенная почта 2. Quick one-to-one communication – быстрый способ общения один на один 3. A walkie-talkie – переносная рация 4. Paper mail – бумажная корреспонденция 5. Junk mail – спам 6. A paperless workforce – безбумажное делопроизводство 7. Solicitors – агенты по распространению заказов 8. Bulk mail – массовая рассылка LET THEM DO E-MAIL. What about the belief that the Internet will reduce inequality? According to a study carried out by America’s Department of Commerce, households with annual incomes above $ 75, 000 are more than 20 times as likely to have Internet access as the poorest households. But, as the cost of using the Internet continues to fail (services offering free access are becoming the norm, and a basic PC can now be had for little more than a video recorder or a large television), the true reason for the digital divide between rich and poor will become apparent. The poor are not shunning the Internet because they cannot afford it: the problem is that they lack the skills to exploit it effectively. So it is difficult to see how connecting the poor to the Internet will improve their finances. It would make more sense to aim for universal literacy than universal Internet access. Yet, even in the more ludicrous claims for the Internet, there may be germs of truth. This open network, so hard for governments to control, may indeed help to give more power to individual citizens and encourage democracies. As democratic governments rarely fight each other, that might promote peace. As for the environment, the Internet will allow many pieces of machinery to be monitored and tuned more precisely from afar. That will promote energy efficiency. Taxing or merely measuring pollution will be less expensive and so easier for governments to undertake. 59
Even inequality may, in some cases, be reduced thanks to the Internet. A computer programmer in Bangalore or Siberia can use the Internet to work for a software company in Seattle without leaving home, and can expect to be paid a wage that is closer to that of his virtual colleagues at the other end of the cable. The effect is to reduce income inequality between information workers in poor countries and their poorest compatriots. The Internet changes many things. It has had a dramatic impact on the world of business. Firms can now link their systems directly to those of their suppliers and partners, who can do business online around the clock, and can learn more than ever about their customers. Economies may be more productive as a result. For individuals, e-mail has emerged as the most important new form of personal communication since the invention of the telephone. The extent to which the Internet will transform other fields of human endeavor, however, is less certain. Even when everyone on the planet has been connected to the Internet, there will still be wars, and pollution, and inequality. As the gizmos come and go, human nature seems to remain stubbornly unchanged; despite the claims of the techno-prophets, humanity cannot simply invent away its failings. The Internet is not the first technology to have been hailed as a panacea and it will certainly not be the last. NOTES 1. Inequality – неравенство, различие 2. Household – семья 3. The poor are nor shunning the Internet – бедные не избегают Интернета 4. Universal literacy – всеобщая грамотность 5. Apparent – видимый, очевидный WHAT THE INTERNET CANNOT DO? It is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should longer exist, while such an instrument has been created for the exchange of thought between all the nations of the earth. Thus Victorian enthusiasts acclaimed the arrival in 1858 of the first transatlantic telegraph cable. People say that sort of thing about new technologies, even today. Biotechnology is said to be the cure for world hunger. The sequencing of the human genome will supposedly eradicate cancer and other diseases. The wildest optimism, though, has greeted the Internet. A whole industry of cyber gurus has enthralled audiences (and made a fine living) with exuberant claims that the Internet will prevent wars, reduce pollution, and combat various forms of inequality. However, although the Internet is still young enough to inspire idealism, it has also been around long enough to test whether the prophets can be right. Grandest of all the claims are those made by some of the savants at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about the Internet’s potential as a force for peace. One guru, Nicholas Negroponte, has declared that, thanks to the Internet, the children of the future “ are not going to know what nationalism is”. His colleague, Michael Dertouzos, has written that digital communications will bring “ computer-aided peaces” which “ may help stave off future flare-ups of ethic hatred and national break – ups”. The idea is that improved communications will reduce misunderstanding and avert conflict. This is not new, alas, any more than were the claims for the peace-making possibilities of the other new technologies. In the early years of the 20th century, airplanes were expected to end wars, by promoting international communication and (less credibly) by making armies obsolete, since they would be vulnerable to attack from the air. After the First World War had dispelled such notions, it was the turn of radio. “Nation shall speak peace unto nations” ran the fine motto of Britain’s BBC World Service. Sadly, Rwanda’s Radio Mille Collins disproved the idea that radio was an intrinsically pacific force once and for all. 60
The mistake people make is to assume that wars are caused simply by the failure of different peoples to understand each other adequately. Indeed, even if that were true, the Internet can also be used to advocate conflict. Hate speech and intolerance flourish in its murkier comers where governments find it hard to intervene. Although the Internet undeniably fosters communication, it will not put an end to war. But might it reduce energy consumption and pollution? The Center for Energy and Climate Solutions (CECS), a Washington thinktank, has advanced just such a case, based largely on energy consumption figures for 1997 and 1998. While the American economy grew by 9 % over those two years, energy demand was almost unchanged because, the CECS ventures, the Internet “can turn paper and CDs into electrons, and replace trucks with fibre-optic cable”. No wonder one enthusiastic newspaper headline begged, “Shop online – save the earth”. Sadly, earth – saving is harder than that. Certainly, shopping on-line from home is far less polluting than driving to a shopping mail. Ordering groceries online, and having them delivered, means that, if the logistics are handled efficiently, one truck journey can replace dozens of families’ separate car trips. Reading newspapers, magazines and other documents online is more efficient than printing and transporting them physically. Yet doing things online is more energyefficient only if it genuinely displaces real – world activities. If people shop online as well as visiting the bricks-and-mortar store, the result is an overall increase in energy consumption. Thanks to the Internet, it is now easy for Europeans to order books and have them extravagantly air-freighted from America before they are available in Europe. And it is more efficient to read documents online if doing so replaces, rather than adds to, the amount of printed bumf. Furthermore, as more and more offices and homes connect to the Internet, millions of PCs, printers, servers and other devices gobble significant quantities of energy. Home computers are becoming part of the fabric of everyday life, and are increasingly left switched on all the time. One controversial assessment concluded that fully 8% of electricity consumption in America is due to Internet-connected computers. The construction of vast “server farms” warehouses full of computers and their attendant cooling systems has contributed to the overloading of the electrical power network that has caused brown-outs in Silicon Valley. NOTES 1. A whole industry of cyber gurus has enthralled audiences (and made a fine living) with exuberant claims – Целая промышленность кибергуру (кибернетических учителей) очаровала публику (…) полными воодушевления заявлениями… 2. Stave off future flare-ups of ethic hatred and national break-ups – предотвратить будущие обострения конфликтов этнической направленности и распад государств 3. Alas – увы 4. In its murkier comers – в своих более мрачных пришельцах 5. Thinktank –мыслительный центр 6. And replace trucks with fibre-optic cable – и заменить грузовые перевозки передачей по кабелю из оптического волокна 7.The bricks-and-mortar store – склад кирпича и строительного раствора 8. Bumf – бумажки 9. Brown-outs in Silicon Valley – понижение напряжения в сети в Силиконовой Долине ELECTRONIC MAGAZINES [E-MAGAZINES] The Internet is the host to a variety of magazines that are published electronically. That is, the articles are stored as text files that are accessible to one and all. Some e-Magazines are scholarly journals of interest mainly to specialists. Other magazines are of general interest. Two ways in which e-Magazines are distributed are available. Some maintain a mailing list. When a new issue comes out, it is sent to you as a mail message. Other magazines are stored 61
in well-known Anonymous FTP sites. You can download copies, including back issues, whenever you want. Aside from the ease of distribution, e-Magazines have two important advantages over their conventional paper and ink counterparts: e-Magazines do not contain advertisements showing people who are richer and better looking than you, having more fun than you will ever have; and e-Magazines do not contain irritating subscription cards that fall out when you turn the pages. NOTES 1. Scholarly journals – научные журналы 2. Mailing list – список рассылки 3. A new issue comes out – выходит новое издание 4. Сonventional paper and ink counterparts – обычные печатные журналы 5. Irritating subscription cards – раздражающие подписные карточки 6. That fall out – которые выпадают ELECTRONIC MONEY [E-MONEY] The term “e-Money” means different payment mechanisms for current clearing agreements in an electronic form among producers, sellers, and consumers of goods and services. E-Money can be available in two forms depending on information carriers. It can be plastic magnetic and microprocessing cards or systems on a client PC which allow to accomplish payments in on-line mode. If under “e-Money” we imply the accounts using magnetic credit and debit cards, then it becomes money by transfer or cashless one. And on the contrary, if under “ e-Money” we imply the accounts using smart cards or network money, then it is cash money in the electronic form. NOTES 1. Clearing agreements – текущие соглашения о расчетах 2. Carriers – носители информации 3. Plastic magnetic and microprocessing cards – пластиковые магнитные и микропроцессорные карты 4. In on-line mode – в режиме « он-лайн» (в онлайновом режиме) 5. Cashless – безналичные 6. Smart cards – смарт-карты, карточки со встроенной микросхемой 7. Network money – сетевые деньги Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] OKAY, WHAT’S THIS INTERNET GOOD FOR? The Internet, or the Net, as it’s more often called, is a real bag of tricks. Some say it’s like having 150 million consultants on tap– practically free of charge. You can seek, and usually find, answers to every question you’ve ever had, send messages or documents across the world in a flash, shop in another continent, sample new music, dabble in the stock market, visit art galleries, read books, play games, chat, make new friends with similar interests, grab free software, manage your bank account or just fritter hours away surfing across waves of visual bubble-gum. That’s not to say the Internet is merely something to play on when you get home from work. Far from it. The Net is also a serious business communications tool for everyday corres62
pondence, marketing products, financial transactions, customer support, publishing, and much more. In fact, it’s become as indispensable as the fax and telephone. NOTES 1. A real bag of tricks - настоящий мешок трюков 2. On tap -готовый к использованию 3. Free of charge - бесплатно 4. In a flash - в одно мгновение CAN I MAKE MONEY OUT OF THE INTERNET? Yes, no, maybe – perhaps it's better to ask, "Can I continue to make money without the Internet?" The last few years have seen a gold rush in the computer hardware, software, training, and publishing industries. Some, who got in early, made a killing getting business on the Webthe Net's "commercial zone". Today, it's settled down somewhat". Web page designers are commonplace, and can no longer charge extortionate rates unless they're tied in with a major agency. However, those with serious technical and programming skills are always in big demand. If you're wondering whether to throw a Web site into your existing marketing mix to help boost sales, the answer's probably "yes". But rather than use it to try to attract customers, it's better to think of the Net as a place to post in-depth product literature, provide customer support, and canvass feedback. Not too many companies are making big money from direct sales - though that's improving, particularly for hard-to-get products, or deep-catalog items such as CDs, books, and computer parts. NOTES 1. A gold rush – золотая лихорадка 2. Made a killing getting business on the Web – сорвали большой куш, заполучив бизнес в Паутине 3. It's settled down somewhat – эта «зона» стабилизировалась до некоторой степени 4. Canvass feedback – поддерживать обратную связь 5. For hard-to-get products – для труднодоступных товаров WILL I MAKE FRIENDS ON THE INTERNET? It's easy to meet people with common interests by joining in Usenet (newsgroups) or mailing list discussions. And being able to discuss sensitive issues with strangers while retaining a comfortable degree of anonymity often makes for intimate communication. Translating email pen pals into the real world of human contact, or even romance, is another thing. You won't be able to tell your new e-Pal Alex 's age, sex, appearance, or motives at first glance. And there's nothing stopping anyone from assuming the name of their pet, town, fantasy, or idol as an email user name or IRC nickname. Or from re-inviting themselves. So if you find yourself in private counsel with "Prince", don't swoon too soon. After all, on the Internet no one can tell if you're a dog. NOTES 1. Email pen pals – друзья по электронной переписке 2. You won't be able to tell your new e-Pal Alex 's age – Вы не сможете определить возраст вашего нового друга Апекса (или Алекса) 63
WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE INTERNET, THE WEB, AOL, COMPUSERVE, AND THE MICROSOFT NETWORK ? The World Wide Web (or Web) is a user-friendly point-and-click way of navigating data stored on the Internet. It's a bit like flicking through a huge magazine by clicking on links with your mouse. CompuServe, AOL, and the Microsoft Network are called Online Services. They plug in to the Internet, and thus form part of the Internet, but each also has exclusive services and content available only to their members and not to the general Internet public. WHAT'S AN INTRANET? The mechanism that passes information between computers on the Internet can be used in exactly the same way over a local network such as in an office. When this is not publicly accessible, it's called an Intranet. Many companies use Intranets to distribute internal documents - in effect publishing Web pages for their own private use. WHICH IS BETTER: THE NET OR AN ENCYCLOPEDIA? They don't really compare. You can look something up in an encyclopedia and get a concise answer instantly. Encyclopedias are generally well researched and reliable, and the answer is probably correct. They're also expensive, bulky, date quickly, parochial, conservative, and might not provide enough, or any, information. The Net, on the other hand, isn't edited by a single publisher, so you can find a diverse range of opinions on even the most obscure subjects. That means you're more, likely to get a rounded view, but the process might take longer. Of course, the Net has the best of both worlds as most of the major encyclopedias have their very latest editions online. NOTE Parochial – ограниченный HOW CAN I BET MY OWN WEB PAGE? Putting a page on the Web is a two-step process. First, you have to prepare it in HTML, the Web's mark-up language. Even a word processor, such as Word 97 (or later) can do a basic job by saving a document as HTML - the same goes for 98 on Mac and soon to be 2000 (2001, 2002 etc.) on the PC. To prepare something more elaborate, you need to use a dedicated HTML editing tool, or learn HTML code - which isn't too hard for a computer language. Once you have an HTML document ready to go, you need to transfer it to your own special reserved Web space. NOTE Macintosh – прозвище компьютеров Macintosh фирмы Apple WHAT ARE NEWSGROUPS, MAILING LISTS AND CHAT? Usenet – the Net's prime discussion area – comprises over 60000 newsgroups, each dedicated to a specific topic. So if you have a question, this is the place to raise it. Usenet messages are stored on the Internet for a matter of days or weeks, a bit like an online notice board. 64
Mailing lists perform a similar function, though the messages aren't kept on the Internet. The discussions are carried out by email. Each list has a central email address. Everything sent to that address goes to everyone on the list. Chat, on the other hand, is instant, like a conversation. It's typically more of a social medium than an information tool. NOTE Social medium – социальная среда WHAT ARE HOSTS, SERVERS AND CLIENTS? In Net-speak, any computer that's open to external online access is known as a server or host. The software you use to perform online operations such as transfer files, read mail, surf the Web, or post articles to Usenet, is called a client. A Web client is more commonly called a Web browser – a field dominated by Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. A Web server is a machine where Web pages are stored and made available for outside access. NOTE To dominate – властвовать, господствовать WHAT'S A DOMAIN NAME? A domain name identifies and locates a host computer or service on the Internet. It often relates to the name of a business, organization, or service and must be registered in much the same way as a company name. It breaks down further into the sub domain, domain type, and country code. Look at:
[email protected]. The sub domain is the hub (an Internet Service Provider), its domain type com suggests it's a company or commercial site, and the country code аu indicates it's in Australia. Every country has its own distinct code, even if it's not always used. These include: аu ch fr Jp
Australia Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetia) France Japan
nl no uk tw
Netherlands Norway United Kingdom Taiwan
If an address doesn't specify a country code, it's more than likely, but not necessarily, in the USA. At present, domain types are usually one of the following: ac edu gov net org
Academic (UK) Educational institution Government body Internet gateway or administrative host Non-profit organization NOTE To specify – определять, устанавливать 65
WHAT DO I NEED TO GET STARTED? You can get to the Net aboard an increasing number of devices from mobile phones to televisions, but the most popular and flexible route is via a home PC, hooked to an Internet Service Provider through a modem. So if you have a PC, a modem, and a telephone line, all you need next is an account with an ISP, and possibly some extra software to get rolling. WHAT IS THE WEB BROWSER? A Web browser is the most important piece of Internet software you'll ever install. It will serve as the window through which you look at the Net and act as a springboard to almost everything you do online. A couple of years back, the browser was basically a tool for viewing sites on the WWW but today's generation of programs – essentially a choice between Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape – come integrated with a whole assortment of Internet accessories that handle such tasks as email, news, Internet telephony, chat, home page editing, and multimedia playing. That makes your choice of browser pretty crucial. NOTES 1. Essentially – по существу 2. Crucial – решающий, критический WHAT IS JAVA? When Java – Sun Microsystems' vision of a platform-independent programming language arrived, it was instantly pounced upon by the Web community. What once was a static environment quickly sprang to life with all sorts of "animated" applications thanks to its simple HTML adjunct, JavaScript. The main difference between Java and JavaScript is that Java involves downloading and running a small program (called an applet) whereas JavaScript is interpreted by your browser. Among the most over-hyped things to hit the Web in the past few years is Java. It's not a mark-up code like HTML, but a hard-core programming language designed to be interpreted by any computer. That makes it perfect forth web as you can place an applet (Java program) on your site and activate it from your Web page. Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer have inbuilt Java interpreters, so visitors don't need any extra software to view it. As for writing applets yourself: if you think C++ is a laugh, it's probably right up your alley. JavaScript, a Netscape innovation, extends the Java concept to HTML. Because it sits entirely within the other pages, just like regular HTML. But if you want to, say, create personalized messages for each visitor to your site, display a clock, or spawn twenty pop-up windows, look at JavaScript's com (http://javascripts.com) and Web-Coder (http://www.com). NOTES 1. To pounce upon – набрасываться, атаковать 2. Adjunct – приложение, дополнение 3. To spawn – размножить
WHAT ARE YAHOO AND WEBMAIL? http://yahoo.com The closer the net is to a central directory, the bigger and easier it is to navigate by subject and to load the specialist stuff such as national and metropolitan directories, weather reports, kids' guides, seniors guides, yellow pages, sport scores, plus outstanding news and financial services. And don't overlook the local area Yahoos, which often include a few sites not in the main directory. There is also regional content such as TV listings. With Webmail accounts such as Hotmail and YahooMail, you can send and collect email on any machine with access to the Web. If you don't have an account, stop by their sites and you'll be granted one free, right away. What makes Webmail so different is no matter what computer you're on, you weren't needed to change any settings; you just log into your account using a Web browser. Plus, you can scan through your headers first and retrieve only what interests you. The problem with Webmail is that you need Web access, which can make things slow or impossible over low bankwidth connections. It also has zero prestige - if that's an issue - so try not to use a Webmail address as permanent business address. NOTE To retrieve only what interests you – найти то, что интересует тебя WHAT ARE DIRECTORIES? If you'd like to browse range of sites within a topic, or by other common criteria, it's usually more helpful to refer to a directory. For the purpose of this exercise we'll define a directory as any search aid that's compiled by a human being rather than a program. It's a loose unfashionable description but best fits their purpose. Examples: Yahoo, About.com. LookSmart and Tucows. Most directories seem to offer something unique. Indeed, they're so diverse that lumping them together is somewhat ambitious. What they do all have in common is that humans, rather than automatons, collate them, often add a command, and catalog them in some kind of logical fashion. Sites are sorted by subject, date, platform, or even their level of "coolness". Good all-purpose directories include: Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com) LookSmart (http://www. lookSmart. com) Magellan (http://www. mckinley. com) Lycos (http://www.lycos.com) Exite (http://www.Exite.com) InfoSeek (http://www. infoSeek. com) Britannica (http://www.Britannica.com) All these directories are useful for finding specialist sites, which in turn can point you to the obscure cauldrons of your obsessions. NOTES 1. Ambitious – претенциозный 2. To collate – сравнивать, сопоставлять
WHAT ARE ADVERTISING AND E-MAIL? Another way to profit is to charge others to advertise on your Web page. You'll either need to run a very popular site or attract a certain type of customer, and you are usually paid according to the number of times visitors pursue links from your site to your sponsor's. Alternatively, if your site generates heavy traffic and looks promising, someone may want to buy you outright. Advertising on the World Wide Web is perfectly acceptable but e-mailing protocols are more delicate. Never, ever, ever, send bulk e-mail other than to people you know or who've requested information. And never post an advertisement in Usenet or to a mailing list. Junk e-mail is called "spam", and those who send it (spammers) are universally detested. Try it and you'll be flooded with hate mail, and potentially kicked offline. On the other hand, e-mail is by far the most efficient direct response device you'll find. For instance, you could set up an auto responder to send out product details upon receipt of a bank message. No dictating over the phone, no data entry from a coupon, it's instant and informal. Plus, you'll have their e-mail address on record to follow up later. Next time you put your telephone number on an advertisement, put on your email address, too, and compare response rates. What is electronic mail? Electronic mail, or e-mail as it’s normally shortened to, is just a message that is composed, sent and read electronically (hence the name). With regular mail you write out your message (letter, postcard, whatever) and drop it off at the post office. The postal service then delivers the message and the recipient reads it. E-mail operates basically the same – way except that everything happens electronically. You compose your message using e-mail software, send it over the lines that connect the Internet’s networks and the recipient uses an email program to read the message. How does e-mail know how to get where it’s going? Everybody who’s connected to the Internet is assigned a unique e-mail address. In a way, this address is a lot like the address of your house or apartment because it tells everyone else your exact location on the Net. So anyone who wants to send you an e-mail message just tells the e-mail program the appropriate address and runs the Send command. The Internet takes over from there and makes sure the missive arrives safely. What‘s this netiquette stuff I keep hearing about? The Net is a huge, unwieldy mass with no “powers –that-be” that can dictate content or standards. This is, for the most part, a good thing because it means there’s no censorship and no one can wield authority arbitrarily. To prevent this organized chaos from descending into mere anarchy, however, a set of guidelines has been put together over the years. These guidelines are known collectively as netiquette (network etiquette) and they offer suggestions on the correct way to interact with the Internet’s denizens. To give you a taste of netiquette, here are some highlights to consider: 1. Keep you message brief and to the point and make sure you clear up any spelling slips or grammatical gaffes before shipping it out. 2. Make sure the Subject lines of your message are detailed enough so they explain what your message is all about. 3. Don’t SHOUT by writing your missives entirely in uppercase letters. 4. Don’t bother other people by sending them test messages. If you must test a program, send a message to yourself. What’s the flame? The vast majority of e-mail correspondence is civil and courteous, but with millions of participants all over the world, it’s inevitable that some folks will rub each other the wrong way. When this happens, the combatants may exchange emotionally charged, caustic, often obscene messages called flames. When enough of these messages exchange hands, an outand-out flame war develops. These usually burn themselves out after a while, and then the participants can get back to more interesting things. Is e-mail secure? In a word, no. The Net’s open architecture allows programmers to write interesting and useful new Internet services, but it also allows unscrupulous snoops to lurk where they don’t belong. In particular, the e-mail system has two problems: it’s not that hard for some68
one else to read your e-mail, and it’s fairly easy to forge an e-mail address. If security is a must for you, then you’ll want to create an industrial strength password for your home directory, use encryption for your most sensitive messages, and use an anonymous remailer when you want to send something incognito. NOTES 1. Recipient – получатель 2. Appropriate address – соответствующий адрес 3. Denizens – обитатели
А access to specific services – доступ к особым службам Интернета ActiveX – технология, позволяющая программным компонентам, написанным на различных языках, совместно работать в сетевой среде ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) - асимметричная цифровая абонентская линия antivirus resources – узел «Антивирусные ресурсы» с новостями о полезной информации и программном обеспечении anti-virus software – антивирусное программное обеспечение AOL (America Online) – одна из самых крупных современных информационных интерактивных служб Интернета applet – апплет; мини-приложение, мини-программа Archie – Арчи, система для определения местонахождения файлов в публичных архивах Интернета ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) – протокол определения адреса, преобразует адрес компьютера в Интернете в его физический адрес ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) – экспериментальная сеть, работавшая в 1970-е годы, на которой проверены теоретическая база и программное обеспечение, лежащие в основе Интернета (в настоящее время не существует) ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – Американский стандартный код для обмена информацией attachment – вложение (в электронной почте) authentication – аутентификация, подтверждение подлинности; подтверждение права на доступ В backbone – магистраль (сети) bandwidth – пропускная способность (количество данных, которое можно передать по данному каналу за единицу времени) baud rate – скорость в бодах BBS (Bulletin Board System) – электронная доска объявлений (сервер, используемый для обмена информацией, чтения, пересылки файлов) BITNET – сеть BITNET (академическая компьютерная сеть, базирующаяся на мэйнфрэймах IBM); название происходит от "Because It's Time NETwork" bookmark – «закладка»; в обозревателе Netscape – это специально помеченная страница, которая может понадобиться пользователю впредь bps (bits per second) – бит в секунду (единица измерения пропускной способности линии связи, которая определяется количеством информации, передаваемой по линии за единицу времени) browser ['brauza, 'brouzs] – браузер, обозреватель (например, Netscape Communicator, Internet Explorer)
С CERN (Centre of European Nuclear Research) – Европейский центр ядерных исследований (г. Женева) Cisco – маршрутизатор, разработанный фирмой Cisco-Systems client – индивидуальный компьютер пользователя, подключенный к серверу. так же называют программу, обращающуюся к серверу (например, для получения от него данных) connect – «установить связь» crack – взламывать, пробивать (защиту программного продукта) cracker – взломщик (компьютерных систем) Cyber Patrol – программа, лимитирующая время для детей, в течение которого они могут находиться в Интернете D default gateway – шлюз по умолчанию default server – сервер по умолчанию delete selection – «удалить выбранное» dialer – номеронабиратель, программа установления связи disconnect – отключать, прерывать связь discussion group – дискуссионная группа DNS (Domain Name System) – доменная система имен download – загрузить DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) – цифровая абонентская линия Е e-commerce – электронная торговля; вид коммерческой деятельности, при которой торговые сделки и расчеты по ним производятся через Интернет e-mail – электронная почта; система, позволяющая передавать сообщения через глобальные и локальные сети компьютеров, в частности через Интернет e-money – пластиковые магнитные и микропроцессорные деньги emoticons – эмоциональные изображения (от "emotion icons") в посланиях электронной почты Ethernet – тип локальной сети, которая хороша разнообразием типов проводящих соединений, обеспечивающих пропускную способность от 2 до 10 миллионов бит/с (2–10 Мбит/с). Зачастую компьютеры, использующие протоколы TCP/IP, подсоединяются к Интернету через Ethernet. F FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) – часто задаваемые вопросы; раздел публичных архивов Интернета, хранит информацию для «начинающих» пользователей сетевой инфраструктуры finger – указатель (на пользователя в системе) flame – брань, очень оскорбительное и воинственное письмо {сленг) forum – телеконференция FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – протокол передачи файлов; определяет правила пересылки файлов из одного компьютера в другой; также прикладная программа, обеспечивающая пересылку файлов согласно протоколу 71
G gateway – шлюз, устройство, позволяющее связываться между собой компьютерам или сетям с различными протоколами GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) – формат обмена графическими данными go offline – «перейти в автономный режим» Gopher ['gouf э] – гофер, интерактивная система поиска в Интернете, Интерфейсе осуществлен пользователем через систему меню. groups server – сервер новостей GUI (Graphical User Interface) – графический интерфейс пользователя H home page – «домашняя страница» host – хост, основная (главная) ЭВМ или ПК HTML, html (Hypertext Markup Language) – язык разметки гипертекстовых документов hypertext link – гиперссылка I I Chat (Interactive Chat) – интерактивный разговор (беседа) IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) – протокол доступа к Интернетсообщениям; протокол IMAP inline file – встроенный файл inline images – встроенные изображения interface – интерфейс (совокупность средств и правил, обеспечивающих логическое или физическое взаимодействие программ) Internet (INTERconnected NET-work) – Интернет, глобальная компьютерная сеть. Internet Explorer – набор программ, включающий Web-браузер, NetMeeting – программу для интерактивной голосовой связи и обмена данными через Интернет, программу FrontPage (для создания и опубликования собственной Web-страницы), программу Outlook Express (для работы с e-Mail и телеконференциями) Internet Newsgroups – группы обмена новостями в сети Интернета IP (Internet Protocol) – протокол межсетевого взаимодействия; один из самых важных протоколов Интернета, обеспечивающий маршрутизацию пакетов в сети IP address – адрес Интернет-протокола, уникальный 32-битовый адрес каждого компьютера в Интернете IRC (Internet Relay Chat) – передаваемый по Интернету разговор ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) – цифровая сеть общего назначения ISP (Internet Service Provider) – поставщик услуг Интернета J Java – язык программирования для расширения возможностей Web-страниц JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) – объединенная экспертная группа по фотографии; название формата уплотнения графики цветных и черно-белых изображений
L LAN (Local Area Network) – ЛВС, локальная вычислительная сеть link – связь; ссылка {гипертекстовая) log in – вход в систему (в сеть); начало сеанса login name – имя пользователя М MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) – городская вычислительная сеть Message Centre – программа «Центр сообщения» для работы с группами новостей MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) – цифровой интерфейс музыкальных инструментов MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) – многоцелевое расширение почты Интернета, с помощью которого возможна передача файлов разных типов modem (MOdulator-DEModula-tor) – модем; устройство, позволяющее компьютеру осуществлять передачу и прием данных по телефонной линии MPEG/MPG – название группы алгоритмов уплотнения видео- и звуковых сигналов, разработанных экспертной группой по видеоизображениям (Motion Pictures Experts Group) N name server – сервер имен Net = Internet netiquette (от "network etiquette") – сетевой этикет, набор писаных и неписаных правил, которых нужно придерживаться при общении NetMeeting – программа для интерактивной голосовой связи и обмена данными в Интернете Netscape Navigator (Netscape Communicator) – Web-браузер, содержащий специальный модуль для отправки и получения e-mail, а также просмотра телеконференций Netscape Collabra – сервер для доступных новостей, компонент пакета Netscape Communicator Netscape Communicator – пакет, имеющий в своем составе программы для чтения групп новостей Netscape Discussion – окно со списком статей группы NetWare – сетевая операционная система фирмы Novell; позволяет строить ЛВС, основанную на принципе взаимодействия клиент-сервер (это взаимодействие производится на основе собственных протоколов (IPX); поддерживаются и протоколы TCP/IP New Folder – команда «создать папку» New Guide Sites – путеводитель по новым узлам Internet Newsgroup – группа новостей в Интернете; интерактивная «доска объявлений» Newsreader program – программа чтения новостей (в Интернете) Next – команда «Далее» NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) – протокол передачи сетевых новостей; обеспечивает получение сетевых новостей и электронных досок объявлений сети, а также возможность помещать информацию на доски объявлений
О on-line – интерактивный, онлайновый outbox – исходящие Outlook Express – программа и система чтения e-mail и групп новостей в телеконференциях Р packet – пакет; блок данных patch – «патч», «заплатка» для программы, исправление ошибок или дополнение программ Интернета новыми функциями path – путь доступа; маршрут phone number – номер телефона phreaker – взломщик телефонных сетей ping (Packet INternet Groper) – программа проверки связи с удаленной ЭВМ PIRCH (Personal Internet Relay Chat) – персональный разговор по Интернету placeholders – метка-заполнитель, символ-заполнитель POP (Post Office Protocol) – протокол «почтовый офис» для обмена почтой между хостом и абонентами (его особенность – обмен почтовыми сообщениями по запросу от абонента) РРР (point to point protocol) – протокол «точка-точка» канального уровня, позволяющий использовать обычные модемные линии для выхода в Интернет; аналог SLIP press to set hours of operation – нажмите кнопку для выделения часов доступа к Интернету protocol – протокол proxy server – прокси-сервер, уполномоченный сервер Q quit – выход; выходить из системы R RAM (Random Access Memory) – оперативная память RAS (Remote Access Service) – служба удаленного доступа remove noise effect – удалить шум reply message – ответное сообщение reply to author – «ответить автору» reply to sender – «ответить отправителю» RFC (Request For Comments) – запрос комментариев; раздел публичных архивов Интернета, в котором хранится информация обо всех стандартных протоколах Интернета RGB (Red-Green-Blue) – красный-зеленый-синий (о системе цветопередачи) router – маршрутизатор; устройство, соединяющее локальную сеть (сети) с сетью Интернет.
S search – поиск; искать, перебирать search for a group – команда «поиск новостей» (+ ключевое слово, входящее в название группы новостей, например: dog, auto или politics) search engine – поисковый механизм; программа, позволяющая искать информацию в Web по ключевым словам, темам и т. д. search now – команда «начать поиск» select items for download – выбранные пункты (меню) для загрузки sender – отправитель serial ports – последовательные порты server – сервер; в компьютерной сети – компьютер, предоставляющий те или иные ресурсы другим компьютерам сети Service Packs – служебные доработки некоторых компаний-изготовителей по программному обеспечению site – сайт (мн. сайты); местоположение SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) – протокол канального уровня, позволяющий использовать для выхода в Интернет обычные модемные линии smiley (мн. smileys) – «смайлик», «улыбка», «гримаска», «смешинка»; служит для выражения эмоций в посланиях электронной почты SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – упрощенный протокол передачи почтового сообщения; основная особенность SMTP: обмен почтовыми сообщениями идет не по запросу одного из хостов, а через определенное время (каждые 20–30 минут); почта между хостами в Интернете передается на основе SMTP spam – мусор (информационный) surf – бродить (по Интернету) Т Talk – одна из прикладных программ Интернета; дает возможность открытия «разговора» с пользователем удаленной ЭВМ, при этом на экране одновременно печатается вводимый текст и ответ удаленного пользователя TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) – протокол контроля передачи информации в сети; TCP – протокол транспортного уровня, один из основных протоколов Интернета, отвечает за установление и поддержание виртуального канала (т. е. логического соединения), а также за безошибочную передачу по каналу TCP/IP – под TCP/IP обычно понимается все множество протоколов, поддерживаемых в Интернете Telnet (TELetype NETwork) – протокол Telnet; программа Telnet; удаленный вход в систему temporary Internet files – временные Интернет-файлы thread – поток, нить, обсуждение; оригинальное сообщение и ответы на него, собранные вместе trash – «мусор» (ненужная информация, ненужные данные) U UDP (User Datagram Protocol) – протокол пользовательских дейтаграмм Unix – многозадачная операционная система, основная операционная среда в Интернете; имеет различные реализации: Unix-BSD, Unix-Ware, Unix-Interactive, Linux и т. д. 75
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) – унифицированный указатель ресурсов Usenet (USEr's NETwork) – пользовательская сеть (распространения новостей) UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy) – протокол копирования информации с одного Unix-хоста на другой; UUCP не входит в состав протоколов TCP/ IP, но тем не менее широко используется в Интернете V vaporware – сл. несуществующий программный продукт (объявленный, но не созданный) VERONICA (Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computer Archives) – система поиска информации в публичных архивах Интернета по ключевым словам VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) – язык моделирования виртуальной реальности W WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) – мощная система поиска информации в банках данных Интернета по ключевым словам WCC (Web Client Chat) – самый популярный разговор, ведущийся в окне браузера The Web (World Wide Web) – Всемирная паутина; Всемирная компьютерная сеть WebCrawler – поисковая система Web-node – web-узел, web-нод Web-site – страница Всемирной паутины What's New – «Что нового», традиционные страницы для Интернета (при написании новых страниц, служб и рекламирования собственных материалов) Whois – адресная книга Интернета WinSock (Windows Sockets) – название сетевого программного обеспечения, позволяющего создавать приложения к Windows, обеспечивающие socket-каналы для работы с сетями TCP/IP WordPerfect – пакет, выполняющий простейшие действия по методу «укажи и щелкни» .wrl – сокращение от слова world .wrl/gz – от слов world и geometrically zipped (геометрически упакованный файл) WWW (World Wide Web) – Всемирная паутина, система распределенных баз данных, обладающих гипертекстовыми связями между документами WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) – режим полного соответствия; что видишь на экране, то и получишь при печати Y Yahoo! – поисковая система Yahooligans – узлы со множеством ссылок на интересные страницы сети (в основном это узлы для детей); слово образовалось в результате слияния слов "Yahoo" (названия известной поисковой системы) и "hooligans" (хулиганы)
Литература 1. Баричев С. Шагни в Internet самостоятельно. – М.: Приор, 1998. 2. Глушаков СВ., Ломотько Д.В., Мельников В.В. Работа в сети Internet: Учеб. курс. – Харьков: Фолио; М.: АСТ, 2001. 3. Browne S. The Internet via Mosaic and World-Wide Web. – Emeryville, California: Ziff-Davis Press, 1996. 4. Computer & Internet Dictionary. – Moscow: International Publishers, 2000. 5. Hahn H., Stout R. The Internet Complete Reference. – New York: McGrow-Hill, 1994. 6. Kennedy A.J. The Internet. The Rough Guide. – London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2000. 7. Kraynak J., Habraken J. Internet Encyclopedia. – Indianapolis: MacMillan, 1999. 8. Кутькова А.С. , Ковалева Т.А., Москалец Л.Е. Интернет в жизни планеты. – М.: Высш. шк., 2004. 9. Современный англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике / Сост. С.Б. Орлов. – М.: Высш. шк., 1998. 10. Челноков К.Н., Амелин Д.О., Моррелл Дж. Новый англо-русский русскоанглийский словарь по компьютерной технике. – Минск: Вышэйш. шк., 2000. 11. Пройдаков Э.М., Теплицкий Л.А. Англо-русский словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернет и программированию. – М.: Приор, 1998.
Учебное пособие
Иваненко Татьяна Ивановна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Сборник текстов и упражнений В авторской редакции Технический редактор Е.Е. Бабух Набор текста Т.И. Иваненко Верстка, оригинал-макет Е.Е. Бабух Подписано в печать 06.04.2007 г. Формат 61*86/8. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура Times New Roman Авт. л. 8,99. Уч.-изд. л. 9,45. Усл. печ. л. 11,15 Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № 796 Издательство Камчатского государственного технического университета Отпечатано полиграфическим участком издательства КамчатГТУ 683003, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский, ул. Ключевская, 35