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И Н О СТ РА Н Н Ы Й Я ЗЫ К контрольны е работы по английскомуязы ку длястудентов 1-2 курса заоч ного отделенияисторич ескогоф акультета по специальности 020700
В О РО Н Е Ж 2004
У тв ерж дено науч но-методич еским сов етом историч еского ф акультета № 8 от 28.05.2004г.
Состав ители: М артемьянов а Н .В , Ш ирш иков а Е .А .
К онтрольны е работы подготов лены на каф едре странов едения и иностранны х язы ков историч еского ф акультета В оронеж скогогосударств енного унив ерситета. Рекомендую тсядлястудентов 1-2 курса заоч ногоотделения.
П реж де в сего необходимо науч иться прав ильно произносить и ч итать слов а и предлож ения. Д ля этого необходимо усв оить прав ила произнош ения отдельны х букв и букв осоч етаний, а такж е прав ила ударенияв слов е и в целом предлож ении; при этом особое в нимание следует обратить на произнош ение тех зв уков , которы е не имею т аналогов в русском язы ке; в о-в торы х, регулярно в ы полнять задания, направ ленны е на корректиров ку произнош ения и зауч ив ание прав ил ч тения, рекомендов анны е программой уч ебников и уч ебны х пособий. П ри ч тении необходимо науч иться делить предлож енияна смы слов ы е отрезки – синтагмы , ч то обеспеч ит прав ильную технику ч тения, необходимую для прав ильного понимания текста. Запомните прав ила ч тения и произнош ения гласны х. ЗА П А С С Л О ВИ ВЫ Р А Ж Е Н И Й Ч тобы понимать ч итаемую литературу, необходимо ов ладеть определенны м слов арны м запасом. Д ля этого рекомендуется регулярно ч итать на английском язы ке уч ебны е тексты , газеты и оригинальную литературупоспециальности. Д ля того, ч тобы ув елич ить и закрепить слов арны й запас, рекомендуется следую щ ее: а) при работе со слов арем обратите в нимание на его организацию , систему услов ны х сокращ ений; б) незнакомы е слов а с перев одом в ы писы в айте в тетрадь в исходной ф орме с соотв етств ую щ ей грамматич еской характеристикой, т.е. сущ еств ительны е – в ед.ч исле; глаголы – в неопределенной ф орме, указы в ая для неправ ильны х глаголов основ ны е ф ормы . П ри перев оде с английского язы ка на русский необходимо помнить, ч то могут в озникнутьследую щ ие трудности: 1. М ногознач ность слов . П одобрать нуж ное знач ение мож но только из контекста. Н апример: Am I right (прав ) in thinking we’ve met before? What gives you the right (прав о) to do that? When will you see our flat(квартира)? The flat (плоская) surface of the unit was painted red. 2. И нтернационализмы . Н еобходимо помнить, ч то многие из них ч асто назы в аю тся “лож ны ми друзьями” перев одч ика из-за расхож дения знач ений в русском и английском язы ках. Н апример : accurate - т очны й , а не а к к у ра т ны й ; resin – см ола , а не резина ; control – не только к онт ролирова т ь , нои у п ра влят ь и т.д. 3. Слов ообразов ание. Знание способов слов ообразов ания помогает расш ирить слов арны й запас. Знач ение неизв естного слов а легч е определить, если прав ильно определитьего корень, суф ф икс и преф икс. II.
О снов ны е суф ф иксы сущ еств ительны х Суф ф икс
П р им ер ы
П ерев од
-ance -ence -sion -dom -ion(-tion,-ation)
importance silence revision freedom revolution formation equipment softness friendship voltage teacher difficulty
знач ение молч ание пересмотр св обода рев олю ция ф ормиров ание оборудов ание мягкость друж ба напряж ение преподав атель трудность
-ment -ness -ship -age -er -ty
О сновные суф ф иксы пр илагательных и нар ечий Суф ф икс -able -ible -ant, -ent -ful -less -ous -y -ly
П римеры remarkable extensible resistant different successful homeless famous sunny happily
П ерев од в ы даю щ ийся растяж имы й сопротив ляю щ ийся различ ны й успеш ны й бездомны й изв естны й солнеч ны й сч астлив о
4. К онв ерсия. О бразов ание нов ы х слов из сущ еств ую щ их без изменения написанияслов назы в аетсяконв ерсией. Н апример: water вода to water п олива т ь control к онт роль to control к онт ролирова т ь cause п ричина to cause п ричинят ь ,являт ь ся п ричиной Н еобходимо помнить, ч то одинаков ы е по ф орме слов а могут относиться к различ ны м ч астям теч и и, в ы полняя различ ны е синтаксич еские ф ункции, иметь различ ны й смы сл. П оэтому смы слов ое знач ение знаменательного слов а зав иситотего места в предлож ении и отстроев ы х слов , уточ няю щ их грамматич ескую категорию этого слов а.
С уществительное вф ункции подлежащего This light is too poor to read by. Э тотсв етслиш ком слаб, ч тобы ч итать. Г лагол- сказуем ое Every evening they light candles.
К аж ды й в еч ер они заж игаю тсв еч и.
5. В английском язы ке оч ень ч асто сущ еств ительное употребляется в ф ункции определения без изменения св оей ф ормы . Структура « сущ еств ительное + сущ еств ительное + сущ еств ительное» (и т.д.) в ы зы в ает трудности при перев оде, таккаксущ еств ительны е стоят подряд. Глав ны м слов ом в такой группе яв ляетсяпоследнее, а в се предш еств ую щ ие сущ еств ительны е яв ляю тсяопределениями кнему. Н екоторы е сущ еств ительны е– определения могут перев одиться прилагательны ми, например: field п оле key к люч
field mouse п олева ям ы ш ь key hole за м очна яск ва ж ина
О днако подобны й способ перев ода не в сегда в озмож ен; ч асто такие определения приходится перев одить сущ еств ительны ми в косв енны х падеж ах или предлож ны ми оборотами. П орядокперев ода обуслов лив ается смы слов ы ми св язями меж ду определениями и определяемы м слов ом. П ерев од следуетнач инатьсправ а налев о с последнего сущ еств ительного, а сущ еств ительны е, стоящ ие перед ним в роли определения, нуж но перев одить на русский язы к сущ еств ительны ми в косв енны х падеж ах (ч ащ е родительны м) или предлож ны м оборотом, например: export grain зерно на эк сп орт grain export эк сп орт зерна 6. В английском язы ке есть ряд глаголов , которы е употребляю тся с послелогами и образую т нов ы е понятия. Благодаря послелогам срав нительно немногоч исленная группа слов отлич ается больш ой многознач ностью . К этой группе относятся глаголы to get, to be, to make, to go, to put и ряд других. В слов аре глаголы с послелогом пиш утся после основ ного знач ения в порядке алф ав ита послелогов . Ч асто перед послелогом пиш ется только нач альнаябукв а основ ного глагола, например: to go идт и
to go on п родолж а т ь .
7. Х арактерной особенностью язы ка науч но-технич еской литературы яв ля-
ется налич ие больш ого колич еств а терминов . Т ермин – это слов о или устойч ив ое слов осоч етание, которое имеет одно строго определенное знач ение дляопределенной области науки и техники. О днако имею тсяслуч аи, когда термин имеетнесколько знач ений. Т рудность перев ода заклю ч ается в в ы боре прав ильного знач ения многознач ного иностранного термина. Ч тобы избеж ать ош ибок, нуж но знатьобщ ее содерж ание отры в ка или абзаца.
В силу особенностей историч еского разв ития английского язы ка в его грамматич еской системе сохранилосьминимальное ч ислооконч аний. Грамматич еские оконч анияв английском язы ке О конч ание
-est -ed
Слов ообразов ание имени сущ еств ительного 1) в о мн.ч исле ед.ч исла 2) ‘s в притяж ательном падеж е
глагола в 3-м лице
в утв ердит.ф орме наст.в р.(Present Indefinite Tense) имени прилагательногов срав нительной степени
имени прилагательногов прев осходной степени глагола: 1)в лич ной ф орме простого прош едш его в ремени (Past Indefinite Tense) 2) в нелич ной ф орме глагола в нелич ны х ф ормах: Participle I – прич астие настоящ его в ремени Gerund – герундий Verbal Noun – отглагольное сущ еств ительное
И мя сущ еств ит., обознач аю щ ее действ ую щ ее лицо, аппарат ________
П римеры ктаблице 1. These girls are very beautiful. Эт и деву ш к и очень п ривлек а т ель ны е
2. The girl’s dog is very kind. Соба к а девочк и очень добра я. lighter легче a gardener са довник the lightest са м ы й легк ий a lighter за ж ига лк а -ed He lighted the lamp . Онза ж егла м п у .
lighted за ж ж енны й
-ing lighting - освещ а ющ ий (Participle I) lighting – освещ ение(имиеетсяв в идупроцесс) (Gerund) the lighting - освещ ение (Verbal Noun) П оскольку колич еств о суф ф иксов английского язы ка, по которы м мож но установ ить, ккакой ч асти реч и относится данное слов о, срав нительно нев елико, для уточ нения грамматич еских ф ункций слов а, в зятого отдельно или в предлож ении, использую тся: 1) строев ы е слов а; 2) тв ерды й порядокслов . Строев ы е слов а – признаки имени сущ еств ительного глагола Арт ик ль Прединфинит ивна я ча ст ица a name - имя to name - назы в ать an aim - цель to aim - нацелив аться the machine - маш ина to machine - обрабаты в атьмеханич ески Предлог М ода ль ны й или всп ом ога т ель ны й in turn - п о оч ереди гла гол without result - без результата You must turn to the left. В ам на до пов ернутьналев о. Their efforts will result in success.И х усилияп риведу т куспеху. They should watch the TV programme.И м следу ет п осм от рет ь эту телепередач у. М ест оим ение(п рит яж а т ель ное, воп росит ель ное, неоп ределенное, от рица т ель ное,от носит ель ное) my work -м оя работа his studies - его занятия Whose plans are better? - Ч ь и планы луч ш е? No vacant seats are left.(Ник а к их) св ободны х местне осталось.
М ест оим ение(личное, воп росит ель ное, от носит ель ное) I work. Я работаю . He studies. Онзанимается Who plans the research? - К т о планируетэто науч ное исследов ание? The car which seats 5 persons. М аш ина,к от ора я в мещ ает(рассч итана)на 5 ч елов ек.
IV. Р А БО Т А Н А Д Т Е К С Т О М П оскольку основ ной целев ой установ кой обуч ения яв ляется получ ение инф ормации изиноязы ч ного источ ника, особое в нимание следуетуделятьч тению текстов . П онимание иностранного текста достигается при осущ еств лении дв ух в идов ч тения: 1) просмотров ого ч тения 2) изуч аю щ его ч тения. П онимание в сех деталей текста не яв ляетсяобязательны м. Ч итая текст, предназнач енны й для понимания общ его содерж ания, необходимо, не обращ аяськслов арю , понятьоснов ной смы сл проч итанного. Ч тение с охв атом общ его содерж ания склады в ается изследую щ их умений: а) догады в аться о знач ении незнакомы х слов на основ е слов ообразов ательны х признаков и контекста; б) в идетьинтернациональны е слов а и устанав лив атьих знач ение; в ) находить знакомы е грамматич еские ф ормы и конструкции и устанав лив ать их эквив аленты в русском язы ке; г) использов ать имею щ ийся в тексте иллю стратив ны й материал, схемы и т.д.; д) применять знания по специальны м предметам в кач еств е основ ы смы слов ой и язы ков ой догадки. Т оч ное и полное понимание текста осущ еств ляется путем изуч аю щ его ч тения. И зуч аю щ ее ч тение предполагает умение самостоятельно пров одить лексико-грамматич еский анализ, используязнанияспециальны х предметов . И тогом изуч аю щ его ч тенияяв ляетсяточ ны й перев од текста на родной язы к. П ри работе над текстом используйте указания, данны е в разделах I, II, III.
1. 2.
V.ВЫ П О Л Н Е Н И Е К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н Ы Х ЗА Д А Н И Й И О Ф О Р М Л Е Н И Е К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н Ы Х Р А БО Т К олич еств о контрольны х заданий, в ы полняемы х в ами на каж дом курсе, устанав лив аетсяуч ебны м планом. В ы полнять письменны е контрольны е работы следует в отдельной тетради. Н а облож ке тетради напиш ите св ою ф амилию , номер контрольной работы и назв ание уч ебника, по которомув ы занимаетесь. К онтрольны е работы долж ны в ы полняться аккуратно, ч етким поч ерком. П ри в ы полнении контрольной работы остав ляйте в тетради ш ирокие поля длязамеч аний, объяснений и методич еских указаний преподав ателя. В каж дом контрольном задании в ы деляю тся один или дв а абзаца для пров ерки умения ч итать без слов аря, понимать основ ную мы сль, излож енную в абзаце. П осле текста даетсяконтрольны й в опрос, с помощ ью которого пров еряется, насколько прав ильно и точ но в ы поняли мы сль, излож енную в абзаце(или в абзацах). Н иж е предлагается несколько в ариантов отв етов . Среди этих в ариантов необходимо найти тот, которы й наиболее прав ильнои ч етко отв еч аетна постав ленны й в опрос. В ы полненны е контрольны е работы направ ляйте для пров ерки и рецензиров анияв установ ленны е сроки.
VI. П О Д Г О Т О ВК А К ЗА Ч Е Т А М И Э К ЗА М Е Н А М В процессе подготов ки кзач етам и экзаменам рекомендуется: а) пов торно проч итать и перев ести наиболее трудны е тексты из уч ебника; б) просмотреть материал отрецензиров анны х контрольны х работ; в ) проделать в ы бороч но отдельны е упраж нения из уч ебника для самопров ерки; г) пов торить материал дляупраж нений. К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н А Я Р А БО Т А № 1 (1 сем естр ) I. Т ем а: “ Voronezh State University” II. Г р ам м атический м атер иал. 1. И мясущ еств ительное. М нож еств енное ч исло. 2. Ч ислительны е. 3. Present Indefinite Tense. 4. Past Indefinite Tense. 5. Future Indefinite Tense. 6. П орядокслов в простом предлож ении. 7. О боротthere is/ there are. I.1. П р очитайте и пер еведите текст. VORONEZH STATE UNIVERSITY
Voronezh University is a state educational establishment of higher professional training (higher educational institution).It is under the authority of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The complete name of the University is Voronezh State University; the names “Voronezh University” as well as “VSU”. The Government of the Russian Federation established Voronezh University in 1918, and now it is one of the biggest Universities in Russia. Its first Rector was Vassily Eduardovitch Regel, an outstanding historian. On November, 12, 1918 the first lectures started at four faculties of the newly born Voronezh State University: the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Law. The creation of new Faculties, Departments, research divisions, introduction of new methods and forms of training in the University began in 1960s – 1970s.The research plans of the scientists of the University were incorporated into all-Union, republican and academic programs. Now the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation carries the powers of the founder. The contract defines the regulations between the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the University. Today 21000 students and post-graduates study at 18 Faculties and 118 Departments. There is also a pre-University training which includes the preparatory division, preparatory courses, school classes with profound study of some subjects, school scientific societies, competitions and others. Post-graduate opportunities include postdoctoral research, post-graduate course, scientific thesis preparation, internship.(1425)
I.2. С оставьте пр едложения (письм енно). 1. established, The Government, in 1918, of the Russian Federation, Voronezh University 2. the Ministry of Education, carries, of the Russian Federation, of the founder, the powers 3. 21000 students, today, at 18 Faculties, study I.3. П оставьте вопр осы к выделенным словам (письм енно). 1. Voronezh University is a state educational establishment of higher professional training. 2. On November, 12, 1918 the first lectures started at four faculties of the newly born Voronezh State University. 3. Post-graduate opportunities include post-doctoral research, post-graduate course, scientific thesis preparation, internship. I.4. П одготовьте пер есказ текста“ Voronezh State University”. II.1. П оставьте существительные, данные в скобках, во м ножественное число (письм енно). 1. They need two more (chair) to sit on. 2. All of the (bus) left at the same time. 3. The mayors of all neighbouring (city) are coming to greet guests. 4. (Library) are always open on (Tuesday). II.2. Выбер ите нужную ф ор м у глагола to be и пер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык(письм енно). 1. He (is, was) at the lecture yesterday. 2. The test (are, was) difficult. 3. They (are, were) first-year students now. 4. Russian History (is, will be) very interesting. 5. We (are, will be) second-year students next year. II.3. Н апиш ите пр едложения в вопр осительной, а затем в отр ицательной ф ор м е и пер еведите их на р усский я зык. 1. They have five lessons every day. 2. We had four exams last term. 3. He had a difficult test yesterday. 4. This university has a distance education department. 5. Students will have a lecture on Ancient History tomorrow. II.4. П оставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Indefinite Tense (письм енно). Distance education over the world (have) a history of more than 100 years. But it gained popularity only after 1970s. Many countries like China, England, Japan, Russia, Spain and the USA (use) this method, especially in higher education. For example, the
Open University in England (have) more than 80,000 students who take about 140 courses per year. This university (have) 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centres. It (be) a system of education for different people at any age. This education (allow) each student to have an individual scheme of study. II.5. Выбер ите все числительные из упр ажнения пр описью .
II.4. и напиш ите их
II.6. П оставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense (письм енно). 1. They (to study) many subjects last year. 2. He (to enter) the university in 1998. 3. I (to go) to the university by bus. 4. The course of study (to last) five years. 5. He (to graduate) from the university last year. II.7. С оставьте тр и пр едложения , используя слова, данные в колонках, и пер еведите их на р усский я зык(письм енно). many students There is a large library at the university There are language laboratories К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н А Я Р А БО Т А № 2 (2сем естр ) I. Т ем а: “ Russia”. II. Г р ам м атический м атер иал. 1. М одальны е глаголы и их экв ив аленты : can, could, to be able to, may, to be allowed, must, to have to, should. 2. П росты е нелич ны е ф ормы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle), Participle II (Past Participle) в ф ункциях определенияи обстоятельств а. 3. П ритяж ательны е местоимения. 4. Н еопределённы е местоимения(some, any, no). 5. О тносительны е местоимения. 6. О пределительны е и дополнительны е придаточ ны е предлож ения. 7. О снов ны е случ аи слов ообразов ания. I.1. П р очитайте и пер еведите текст. RUSSIA
Russia is a large country which occupies a vast territory both in Europe and in Asia. It was the main part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which split into a number of independent states. Russia is rich in mineral resources: iron, coal, oil, natural gas, gold, silver and others. There are many powerful rivers, mountains and fields in the country. There are also big forests including a very large taiga area in Siberia. The climate is mainly continental with cold winters and fairly warm summers. On the map of this country we can find a lot of big industrial cities such as St.Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Novosibirsk but the largest of them is Moscow. Moscow is the capital of the country, its political, industrial, commercial and cultural centre. There are many places of interest in Moscow: the Red Square with its famous St.Basil’s Cathedral, the Tretyakov gallery, the Art Museum named after Pushkin, the Bolshoi Theatre, beautiful parks and gardens. You can find here many places connected with the life and creative activity of many great Russian writers, painters and compose3rs. A lot of foreign tourists come to admire the Moscow Kremlin which is the heart of the city. Moscow is old and new at the same time with skyscrapers and modern living areas. Russia has a long and tragic history. Many wars, revolts and revolutions took place in Russia. Now our country is on the way of radical democratic changes. The highest organ of legislative power in Russia is the Federal Assembly which consists of two chambers: the Federative council and the State Duma. The highest organ of executive power is the Council of Ministers. The head of the state is the President. I.2. С оставьте пр едложения (письм енно). 1. The climate, with cold winters, is mainly, of Russia, and fairly warm summers, continental 2. the Moscow Kremlin, A lot of, come to admire, which is the heart, foreign tourists, of the city 3. of legislative power, is, of two chambers, the highest organ, in Russia, the Federal Assembly I.3. С оставьте вопр осы к выделенным словам (письм енно). 1. Russia was the main part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 2. You can find here many places connected with the life and creative activity of many Russian writers, painters and composers. 3. Russia has a long and tragic history. I.4. П одготовьте пер есказ текста“ Russia”. II.1. П оставьте глагол-сказуем ое пр едложения в Past Indefinite Tense, употр ебля я м одальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (письм енно). 1. He must work hard to finish his experiment. 2. I can devote myself to scientific work. 3. You may repeat your experiment.
II.2. У потр ебите глагол-сказуем ое в будущем эквиваленты м одальных глаголов(письм енно). 1. They must solve a number of scientific problems. 2. She can do this work in time. 3. You may use this method in your research.
вр ем ени,
II.3. Выпиш ите из текста “ Russia” пр едложения , в котор ых Participle I и Participle II я вля ю тся опр еделения м и, и пер еведите их на р усский я зык. II.4. О пр еделите в каких ф ункция х употр еблены Participle I, Participle II в пр иведённых ниже пр едложения х. П ер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. The Kremlin standing on the bank of the Moscow River is the oldest part of Moscow. 2. Being a large cultural centre Moscow attracts a lot of tourists. 3. You must learn all the rules given in the coursebook. 4. Travelling about Siberia, he saw a lot of newly-built towns. 5. The question discussed at the meeting was very important. 6. When asked about it, he didn’t say a word. II.5. Вставьте соответствую щие пр итя жательные м естоим ения (письм енно). 1. Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. _____ total area is over 17 million square kilometers. 2. Moscow is the capital of _____ country. 3. College students often continue _____ study at universities. 4. You must work hard to pass _____ exams. II.6. Н айдите в тексте “ Russia” пр едложения с относительным м естоим ением which и пер еведите их на р усский я зык (письм енно). II.7. Заполните пр едложения неопр еделённым и м естоим ения м и some, any, no (письм енно). 1. We don’t have _____ information on this problem. 2. The book contains _____ interesting facts. 3. There were _____ other higher schools at that time in Russia. II.8. О бр азуйте пр илагательные от следую щих существительных (письм енно): power, continent, industry, commerce, culture, profession, republic, democracy, legislature
К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н А Я Р А БО Т А № 3 (3 сем естр ) I. Т ем а: “ Great Britain”. II. Г р ам м атический м атер иал. 1. Степени срав ненияимён прилагательны х. 2. Present Perfect Tense. 3. Past Perfect Tense. 4. Passive Voice (Present, Past, Future Indefinite). 5. Infinitive (инф инитив ). 6. Gerund (герундий). I.1. П р очитайте и пер еведите текст. Great Britain Great Britain is an island lying off the north-western coastline of Europe. The English Channel separates it from the mainland in the south. The Strait of Dover, 18 miles wide, divides it from France. Great Britain is separated from Belgium and Holland by the North Sea, and from Ireland by the Irish Sea. The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the name of the major island of the United including England, Scotland and Wales; the United Kingdom, or the UK comprises Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The UK is often referred to as Great Britain or the British Isles. It is an island state consisting of more than 5000 large and small islands, the most important being the Isle of Man and the isle of Wight. England is a part of the island of Great Britain; the Cheviot Hills and the river Tweed divide it from Scotland. No part of Great Britain lies more than one hundred miles from the coast. The coastline is broken and has a few bays and excellent natural harbours. Internationally famous ports include London, Bristol, Southampton, Portsmouth, Dover and others. Geographically the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions: Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. The highest mountain Ben Nevis (1343) is in Scotland; the highest peak in Wales is Snowdon (1085). The greater part of the land is flat. There are plenty of short rivers in Great Britain; the Severn is the longest one, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one. Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current washing Britain’s western shores, the UK enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers than other countries at the same latitude. There is much rain and fog in England. October is usually the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one. All over the world Britain is notorious for its fogs. For many centuries, during the cold time of the year the English people have been using coal in their fireplaces in private houses, though smoke from factories contributed a great deal to the trouble too. That kind of fog and smoke English people used to call smog.
The flora of the British Isles is varied and the fauna is similar to that of the northwest of Europe. The country is not very rich in mineral resources. Over three-quarters of Britain’s land is used for farming; farms produce nearly half of the food that Britain needs. The UK is a highly developed industrial country too, known as a producer and exporter of machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment. The capital of the UK is London, in England. The capital of Wales is Cardiff, and he Scottish capital is at Edinburgh; the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. Britain has been many centuries in the making. The Romans conquered most part of Britain, but were to subdue the independent tribes in the West and in the North. Further waves of invaders followed: Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings and Normans. All these contributed to the mixture we call the English. For many centuries this country was known simply as England. It had a strong army and Navy. It waged numerous colonial wars. England, once “the workshop of the world”, was the first to become a highly developed industrial country. I.2. Задайте письм енно 10 вопр осовк тексту(письм енно). I.3. П одготовьте пер есказ текста“ Great Britain”. II.1. Выпиш ите из текста все пр едложения , содер жащие пр илагательные в ср авнительной и пр евосходной степени, и пер еведите их на р усский я зык. II.2. Выбер ите пр авильную ф ор м упр илагательного (письм енно). 1. Oxford Street is a (popular, more popular, the most popular) shopping centre in London. 2. The City is (old, older, the oldest) part of London. 3. London is (large, larger, the largest) than Liverpool. 4. The Kremlin is a (great, greater, the greatest) monument of Russian culture and art. 5. Red Square is (beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful) place in Moscow. II.3. П оставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect Tense (письм енно). 1. They (never be) to Moscow before. 2. The settlers (leave) the bay forever. 3. He (not answer) my letter yet. 4. They (travel) all over the world. II.4. Выбер ите пр едложение, эквивалентное данном у р усском у пр едложению (письм енно). Онт оль к о чт о п риеха л из Л ондона . 1. He arrived from London a few minutes ago. 2. He had arrived from London by 6 o’clock.
3. He has just arrived from London. II.5. П оставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Perfect Tense и пер еведите их на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. When Anthony got to school, he found that he (leave) his books at home. 2. The bus (leave) when we got to the bus stop, so we had to walk. 3. When Susan arrived in London she soon remembered her English she (learn) at school. II.6. Р аскр ойте скобки, употр ебля я глагол в соответствую щем вр ем ени в стр адательном залоге (письм енно). 1. The lecturer ____ (listen) to with great interest. (Past) 2. His new play ____ much ____ (talk) about. (Present) 3. This picture ____ seldom ____ (look) at. (Present) 4. You ____ (wait) for in the hall. (Future) 5. This text book ____ (ask) for every day. II.7. Р аскр ойте скобки, употр ебля я глаголы в соответствую щем вр ем ени и залоге (письм енно). The Stone Age (to be) a period of history which (to begin) in approximately 2 million B.C. and (to last) until 3000 B.C. Its name (to derive) from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientists (to find). This period (to divide) into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic Ages. During the first period the first hatchet and use of fire for heating and cooking (to develop). As a result or the Ice Age, which (to evolve) about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people (to force) to seek shelter in caves, wear clothing, and develop new tools. II.8. П ер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык, обр ащая вним ание на инф инитивные обор оты (письм енно). 1. He is believed to be a very talented person. 2. To read English books is useful. 3. Manchester is known to be the centre of cotton industry. II.9. О пр еделите ф ункции инф инитива и пер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. I want to visit England one day. 2. Here is the book to be read as soon as possible. 3. He had to study a lot of documents to write this book. II.10. О пр еделите ф ункции гер ундия и пер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. I am proud of being a citizen of Russia. 2. Fishing is an important industry in Great Britain. 3. We didn’t know of their going to Ireland.
К О Н Т Р О Л Ь Н А Я Р А БО Т А № 4 (4 сем естр ) I. Т ем а: “ The USA”. II. Г р ам м атический м атер иал. 1. Д ейств ительны й залог (Active Voice) – ф ормы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future); ф ормы Perfect (Present, Past) (пов торение). 2. Present Continuous Tense. 3. Past Continuous Tense. 4. Future Continuous Tense. 5. Страдательны й залог (Passive Voice) – ф ормы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future) (пов торение); ф ормы Continuous (Present, Past); ф ормы Perfect (Present, Past). 6. Conditional Sentences (У слов ны е предлож ения). 7. Слож ноподч иненны е предлож ения, придаточ ны е обстоятельств енны е предлож енияв ремени, услов ияи прич ины . I.1. П р очитайте и пер еведите текст. The USA. 1. The United States of America lies in the central part of the North American Continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific Ocean to the West, Canada to the North and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico to the South. 2. The USA covers the area of 3,000,000 square miles. The population of the country is 250 million people. 3. The climate of the country is varied. One can find high mountains and prairies, tropical heat and arctic cold, valleys and deserts because the country occupies nearly half of the continent. 4. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. The main branches of industry are electronic, electrical, metallurgical, textile, chemical and many others. The largest cities of the USA are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and others. 5. The USA is a federation of 50 states which was established by the Constitution in 1787. 6. The Government in the USA is divided into three separate branches. This division if power is based on the belief that if any one part of government has all, or even most of the power, it will be a threat to the freedom of individual citizens. 7. The legislative branch of the government is called Congress. The second executive branch has the responsibility to carry out the law, it is headed by the President. 8. The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the third or judicial branch. 9. If any one of the three branches starts to abuse its power, the other two will join together against it to stop it. 10. The President and the Congress have almost complete political independence from each other because they are both chosen in separate elections. For example, the
election of Congress does not determine who will be elected President, and the Presidential election does not determine who will be elected to Congress. 11. People from other countries are often confused by the American system but the Americans are proud of it. 12. Like other countries the United States changes quickly. Values and people are changing and many people are afraid of these changes. 13. The 1950s was the last decade of calm for this country. Since that tine there have been many changes in the country. The American population is changing. There are now more Asian Americans and Hispanicos than ever before. Americans are getting older and the number of senior citizens increases. 14. America is a wealthy country, but wealth is not evenly distributed. There are homeless people, hungry children, and crime in the country. Some foreigners have the idea that “the streets are paved with gold”. Hard work brings great results but unemployment is a problem in many parts of the country. For some Americans, the United States is not a land of opportunities. 15. American women work more now, but still do not have the same opportunities for equal salaries and career as men. They often find that they have two jobs now: taking care of the house and the children and working at the office. 16. Racial discrimination is illegal, but prejudice and fear of other groups still exist. Religion is a private issue. 17. Americans worry about the same things as other people around the world, about their children, and how their lives will be. They worry about nuclear war, international terrorism. I.2. Задайте 10 вопр осовк тексту. I.3. П одготовьте пер есказ текста“ The USA”. II.1. П ер еведите в письм енной ф ор м е абзацы 12 – 13 текста “ The USA” и опр еделите видо-вр ем енные ф ор м ы глаголов. II.2. П оставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous Active (письм енно). Many changes (to take) place in “food styles” in the United States. Americans’ attitude to food (to change). Health food (to become0 more popular. The traditional big breakfast and dinner at 6 p. m. (to lose) popularity. People understand the social importance of food. Dinner with family or friends (to become) a very special way of enjoying and sharing. II.3. Выбер ите пр едложение, глагол-сказуем ое котор ого стоит в Past Continuous Tense, и пер еведите это пр едложение на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. The children are playing in Central Park. 2. The children were playing in Central Park when we met them. 3. Many children play in Central Park.
II.4. Выбер ите пр едложение, глагол-сказуем ое котор ого стоит в Future Continuous Tense, и пер еведите это пр едложение на р усский я зык (письм енно). 1. They were visiting the Tretyakov Gallery when we met them. 2. They are visiting the Tretyakov Gallery now. 3. They will be visiting the Tretyakov Gallery between two and four o’clock. II.5. П ер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык и опр еделите видо-вр ем енную ф ор м усказуем ого (письм енно). 1. Another building of our University is still being built. 2. Don’t come into the room, it is being cleaned. 3. The report has just been finished. 4. Many people have been invited to take part in the performance. 5. Two English novels have been translated into Russian by his friend. 6. They were building a house near the river. 7. When I came, they had already arrived at a decision. II.6. Заполните пр опуски соответствую щей ф ор м ой глагола (Active or Passive) (письм енно). 1. This typewriter __________ (to use) only a few times. (Past Indefinite) 2. They __________ (to give) us an answer tomorrow. (Future Indefinite) 3. The secretary always __________ (to bring) Mr. Palmer a cup of coffee. (Present Indefinite) 4. A telegram __________ (to send) to you. (Present Perfect) 5. The students __________ (to rehearse) a new play now. (Present Continuous) 6. The museum __________ (not to open) by August. (Past Perfect) II.7. Р аскр ойте скобки, употр ебля я соответствую щую видо-вр ем енную ф ор м у глагола вдействительном или стр адательном залоге (письм енно). The first President, George Washington, (to inaugurate) in 1789. He (to serve) two terms that (to end) in 1797. When he (to die) he (to mourn) in the United States and abroad as one of the great men of the time. He (to bury) at his home at Mount Vernon, Virginia. II.8. Выбер ите тр ебуем ую по см ыслу ф ор м у глагола и пер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык(письм енно). 1. If you (go, will go) to America, you will see a lot of monuments and museums. 2. If I were you, I (would go, would have gone) to Washington by plane. 3. If he had stayed in New York a little longer, (would have visited, would visit) many interesting places. II.9. П ер еведите сложноподчинённые пр едложения нар усский я зык. 1. Abraham Lincoln was shot while he was attending the theatre in Washington. 2. Theodore Roosevelt was a Colonel in the Army before he was elected to serve as Vice-President. 3. When President McKinley was killed, Theodore Roosevelt became President. 4. A legislative bill passed by Congress dies if the President Vetoes it. 5. As my lessons begin at eight o’clock, I have to get up at six in the morning. 6. I couldn’t go to the University yesterday because I was ill. 7. I work hard at my English, as I want to speak the language well.
П РИ Л ОЖ Е Н И Е 1 С истем аанглийских вр ем ен
Indefinite Present Past Future
I do I did I shall/will do
I am doing I was doing I shall/will be doing
I have done I had done I shall/will have done
О бъя сните употр ебление вр ем енных ф ор м глаголов в следую щих пр едложения х: A. 1) I like chocolate. 2) My father drives to his office every day. 3) I know the answer. 4) She left home at 6 o’clock. 5) My friend will come here tomorrow. 6) I will help you. 7) I washed my face and neck. 8) They are always careful. 9) The sun rises in the East. It happened a very long time ago. B. 1) They say they are going to London tomorrow. 2) He was driving to his office when he saw Jane. 3) We will be waiting for you tomorrow at 5 o’clock in the evening. 4) The students are reading texts now. 5) Listen! They are speaking Greek. 6) We will be playing tennis at 3 o’clock. 7) Tomorrow I’m going to the library. 8) Mother is making toasts in the kitchen now. She always makes toasts for breakfast. 9) John is doing his homework now. 10) While I was watching TV, my sister was cooking. C. 1) My friend has moved to London. 2) Bill has just come back. 3) This year students of our group have read and discussed several books by English writers. 4) When I came, Jack had already gone away. 5) They have been to different countries. 6) When I have finished my homework I will go to the cinema. 7) My friend has passed his examinations successfully. 8) He will have finished his report by Monday. 9) When I came to the car park I realized that I had left my key at home. 10) By the time they came we had already discussed this question. II. П оставьте следую щие пр едложения вотр ицательную ф ор м у: 1. I write a letter. 2. Richard walks to school. 3. We lived in that house. 4. My father is working in the garden. 5. Yesterday at 5 o’clock they were watching TV. 6. Last month we travelled to London. 7. I have read this book. 8. We are at home on Sundays. 9. The book lies on the table. 10) They took part in the competition last week. I.
П оставьте следую щие пр едложения обр азцу:
They study English. – Do they study English?
She studies German. – Does she study German?
в вопр осительную
ф ор м у по
1. She helps me. 2. We listen to the music. 3. You make a lot of mistakes. 4. The farmer works in the field. 5. A friend plays the piano. 6. That man lives next door to us. 7. Careless students never do their work well. 8. It usually rains in autumn. 9. I go to school on my bicycle. 10. We always spend holiday in Scotland. IV. О тветьте на вопр осы: О браз е ц: Do you study English? – Yes, I do./ No, I do not.(don’t) Does your sister study English? – Yes, she does./No, she does not(doesn’t) 1. Does Mr. Brown go to his office every day? 2. Do you believe me? 3. Does she write to her brother every day? 4. Do they wear uniform? 5. Do you like sweets? 6. Does your father own a shop? 7. Do they grow fruit in the garden? 8. Does his mother work as a teacher? 9. Do you take your little brother to school? 10. Does this baker sell good cakes? V. П оставьте вопр осы к подлежащем у: Mr. Green drives the car. – Who drives the car? 1.The boy tries to understand the lesson. 2. The teacher comes to school early. 3. The birds sing sweetly. 4. They learn English at school. 5. We buy fruit from Greece. 6. They know Henry. 7. You come to school every day. 8. This book costs 2 pounds. 9. Mary lives in Salonika. 10. I speak clearly. VI.
С пециальные вопр осы к втор остепенным членам пр едложения :
0 What What books How many books Where What When
1 do do do does does does
2 you you you your brother he the class
П оставьте вопр осы к подчер кнутым словам . 1. Egypt grows a lot of cotton. 2. He takes English lessons every day. 3. They all go to the football matches. 4. Mary sews all doll’s dresses. 5. There are five windows in this room. 6. In autumn the leaves fall from the trees. 7. Mary has a birthday in October.
read? read? read every month? study? do begin?
8. Henry lives in London. 9. The Sudan lies to the south of Egypt. 10. That bicycle costs 100 pounds. С Т Р А Д А Т Е Л Ь Н Ы Й ЗА Л О Г to be + Participle II
Indefinite forms
The book
Perfect Forms
The book
Continuous Forms
The book
is was will be has been had been will have been is being was being
I. П ер еведите на р усский я зык. A) 1. You’re wanted on the phone. 2. When was this house built? 3. He was shown the way to the Ministry. 4. Who was the book written by? 5. A new library will soon be built here. 6. Our students are given a lot of homework every day. 7. What kind of books are discussed in the class? 8. How many houses are built in our town every year? 9. The delegation was met at the station. 10. The theatre wasn’t built last year. B) 1. Nobody likes to be sent for at night. 2 This must be done at once. 3. He can’t be given a holiday now. 4. We have a lot of work to do. 5. He will have to be asked about it tomorrow. 6.I don’t like to be talked about. 7. The road is being built now. 8. The question has been discussed already. 9. The field was being ploughed by the farmer. 10. All this week our house is being painted. II. Н апиш ите пр едложения встр адательном залоге: 1.The girl rings the bell. 2. Everybody forgets that. 3. Does the wind blow the clouds away. 4. Mary is cooking the dinner. 5. They are examining the new student now. 6. Somebody has broken the window. 7. The cat has caught a mouse. 8. Most people have heard this story. 9. Have the pupils finished the exercises? 10. The wind was blowing the clouds away. 11. The shot had frightened the birds. 12. Lightning had struck the house. 13. The postman will deliver the letters. 14. People will forget it after a few weeks. 15. Will they show the film? 16. Someone printed this book in London. III. Н апиш ите пр едложения вдействительном залоге: 1. The letters are delivered by the postman. 2. That is forgotten by everybody. 3. The clouds are blown away by the wind. 4. That was forgotten by everybody. 5. The city is being defended bravely by the soldiers. 6. Mr. Brown is being sent abroad on business. 7. A battleship is being sent to the war area. 8. Is the new student being examined now? 9. This chair has been broken by someone.
10. Everything that was needed has been done by George. IV. П оставьте пр едложения ввопр осительную и отр ицательную ф ор м ы, делая необходим ые по см ыслудополнения . 1. Houses are built very quickly now. 2. This work will be finished tomorrow. 3. The delegation was met at the station. 4. The article has been translated into Russian. 5. The work can be done tomorrow morning. 6. The doctor has been sent for. 7. The question has been discussed. 8. You are wanted on the phone. 9. The rules will be revised at the next lesson. 10. The book was written in 1999. V. П оставьте глаголы вскобках внужной ф ор м е. One evening a young man at Oxford who (to know) to be something of a poet (to read) one of his poems to a small group of friends in his room. The poem (to admire) greatly, but as they (to come) away one of the friends, Charles, (to say) ,”I (to interest) very much in Alfred’s poem – but it (to steal) from a book..” This remark (to repeat) to Alfred, who (to annoy) and (to demand) an apology. “Well”, (to say) Charles, “I (not take) back what I (to say), but on this occasion I (to admit) I (to be mistaken). When I (to get) to my room I (to look) in the book from which I (to think) the poem (to steal) – and I (to find) it (to be) still there. П ер еведите пр едложения на английский я зык. 1. Э ти в опросы обы ч нообсуж даю тсяпосле работы . 2. М ногодомов строитсяв в аш ем городе? 3. Знаете ли в ы , ч то эта книга бы ла перев едена на английский язы ктолькодв а года назад? 4. М еняпопросили помоч ьемузаконч итьработу. 5. Е мумогутдатьэти ж урналы в понедельникутром. 6. В ам показали в се, ч тов ы хотели посмотреть? 7. Е гонадо сейч ас ж е найти. 8. О б этом ф ильме много гов орят. 9. К ем бы ла написана эта статья? 10. В перв ы й разменяпов ели в театр, когда мне бы лопятьлет. С О Г Л А С О ВА Н И Е ВР Е М Е Н
He says (that) He has said (that)
he is doing it now he does it every day he did it some days ago he has just done it he will do it in June he will be doing it at 5 o’clock
he will have done it by 5 o’clock
He said (that)
he was doing it he did it every evening he had done it some days before he had just done it he would do it in June he would be doing it at 5 o’clock he would have done it by 5 o’clock
I. П ер еведите на р усский я зык. 1. I thought you spoke Russian. 2. He said he was very busy and couldn’t stay for the lecture. 3. I was sure that you knew everything. 4. She thought we were waiting for her. 5. We wrote to our partners that we liked their new ideas. 6. I wasn’t sure that he knew my address. 7. We didn’t know that they were still having talks. 8. We didn’t know that you had already discussed the problem. 9. We agreed that the goods would be packed in wooden boxes. 10. I wasn’t sure that the book was worth reading. 11. I knew he was a historical person. 12. I thought the seafront was a long way from the hotel. 13. Did you say it was a historical novel? 14. He said he would visit us as soon as he got to London. 15. The director hoped the film would be a success. II. Выбер ите нужное слово из данных вскобках и пер еведите пр едложения на р усский я зык. 1.When Jack came home, his sister told him that Peter had rung him up half an hour (ago, before).2. “Did you work or were you still going to school two years (ago, before)?”the teacher asked one of the students. 3. Last week I asked my friend to translate this article, but he said he couldn’t do it (now, then) and said he would do it (in two days, two days later). 4. My friend spent his last week-end in the country. He says the weather was fine (today, that day). 5. I gave my friend a book last week and he said he would return it (tomorrow, next day), but he hasn’t done so yet. 6. “Are you going to give a talk (tomorrow, next day)?”my friend asked me. 7. He wanted to know when we were going (here, there)again. III. П оставьте глаголы вскобках внужной ф ор м е. 1.The author of the article wrote that until the 1990s the Americans (to supply) themselves with energy from their own sources. 2. Magellan finally proved conclusively that the Earth (to be) not flat. 3. The guide informed us that there (to be) no permanent residents on the island until 20th century. 4. Leonardo da Vinci discovered that Moon (to shine) by reflected sunshine. 5. Already in the 50s there was some evidence that new discoveries in this field (to be made) . 6. The scientists insisted that sleep (to be) just a waste of time. 7. He discovered his abilities as a hypnotist when he (to be) a schoolboy. 8. Socrates said that nothing (can) harm a good man. 9. The man explained that he (not to speak) English.
IV. П ер еведите наанглийский я зык. 1. Я думаю , это хорош ая идея. 2. Я подумал, ч то это хорош ая идея. 3. О ни написали, ч то поселились на берегу моря. 4. М ы знали, ч то этот ф орт в се ещ е сущ еств ует. 5. О н сказал, ч то строительств о потребует много денег? 6. О н гов орит, ч то это только предв арительное реш ение. 7. О н сказал, ч то у них уж е бы ло предв арительное обсуж дение. 8. О н надеялся, ч то установ итнов ы й миров ой рекорд. 9. О н бы л ув ерен, ч то они купятнов ую модель, если цена не будеточ ень в ы сокой. 10. О н сказал, ч то мы погов орим об этом, когда он в ернетсяизотпуска. П РИ Л ОЖ Е Н И Е 2 Words and phrases for an essay. 1 Words and phrases to organize points chronologically: First(ly)/ first of all; secondly; third(ly); lastly/ last/ last of all/ finally First and foremost In the first/ second place; to start/ begin with For another thing 2 Words and phrases to indicate the addition of a new point or introduce a related topic: In addition What is more/ more than that/ furthermore/ moreover Another thing is that Above all/ on top of that As well as Alongside Besides/ apart from Similarly/ equally A word must be said about It is important to note that 3 Words and phrases that indicate a concession, a contrast or contradiction of a point previously stated: While despite the fact that Whereas in spite of smth In contrast/ by contrast/ on the contrary notwithstanding However/ nonetheless/ nevertheless all the same Yet/ still instead (of this) Although unlike smb or smth On the other hand rather than Contrary to popular belief to oppose (an idea ) The most common argument against this is that… To put forward/ present arguments against… A weak/ strong fundamental argument against…
This argument is not hold water. 4 Words and phrases for an essay: That is to say/ in other words Indeed Strictly speaking The main point here is that Therefore/ consequently Hence It appears that Undoubtedly 5 Words and phrases to generalize: on the whole/ in general/ overall broadly speaking in any case in a word in sum/ in the final analysis/ in conclusion to draw a conclusion
that is specifically/ in particular to put it simple for example/ for instance thus/ so as a result evidently beyond any doubt
by and large to some extent by all accounts in this respect
6 Words and phrases to make references: as far as … is concerned according to in one’s point of view/ opinion in one’s eyes П РИ Л ОЖ Е Н И Е 3 Т ексты для р еф ер ир ования . 1. Russia vows to battle the pirates Chaos and lawlessness characterize Russia’s approach to intellectual property and Russia’s future economic growth depends on improving copyright enforcement. Abuse of intellectual property is rampant in Russia: 80% of videos and 85% of music on the Russian market are pirated. Sales of pirated products in Russia are worth some $1bn a year. But government efforts have had little impact on the industry, which is one of the main sources of income for organized crime. Russian piracy is highly efficient: top-quality copies of the latest Hollywood films are available on the streets of Moscow for a couple of dollars, often long before their release in the US.(587) 2. US cigarettes “ higher cancer risk” Cigarettes made by the US company Marlboro contain a significantly higher level of a cancer causing chemical than most other foreign brands US scientists say.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta compared the level of the carcinogen nitrosamine in Marlboro cigarettes with local brands in 13 other countries, including Japan and Germany. It found that in 11 of the countries, the local brands had much lower levels of the chemical than Marlboro cigarettes, in some cases less than half the amount. CDC officials said that the higher levels were the result of the way tobacco in US cigarettes is cured and blended.(559) 3. Foreigners perish in Moscow blaze On November 24, 2003 a night-time fire engulfed a Moscow hostel, killing 36 students and injuring at least 170 – most of them from developing world. The fire broke out at about 2 a.m. in two rooms on the first floor and spread rapidly to the rest of the building. Many were hurt when they jumped from the windows of the five-storey hostel as flames rose from the first floor. One witness said that there were no security arrangements and no fire extinguishers in the building. The building lacked an alarm system and an evacuation plan. The casualties include students from across the globe, from Ethiopia to Ecuador. Moscow’s mayor said the fire seemed to have been sparked by a short circuit.(600)
4. The sick beaches of Asia South East Asia’s beaches are one of its biggest tourist draws, offering visitors the chance to experience a tropical paradise. But some of the region’s beaches are so contaminated by bacteria from sewage that they are a serious health risk. Any area where cities or towns pump waste into the sea posed potential problems. The diseases which can result from exposure to sewage are at best unpleasant and at worst, in some rare cases, fatal. Beach pollution is usually a result of poor infrastructure – either sewage pipes do not run far enough out to sea, or the waste is not properly treated. But the costly overhaul of sewage systems is not the only way of preventing contamination. Statistics show that beach pollution is much higher after heavy rainfall, because rivers and sewage tanks overflow. Health campaigners therefore advise people not to swim in the sea after periods of rainfall.(764). 5. Russia jumps on Chinese poachers Chinese frog poachers are giving the border guards in Russia’s Far East a headache. As many as 15 poachers have been caught red-handed by Russian border guards in the past week alone. Frog meat is highly prized in China as a delicacy, and frog fat is used in traditional Chinese medicine. The poachers can sell a sackful of the Russian frogs for hundreds of dollars per kilo. The methods used to catch the animals range from the ingenious to the outright destructive. The poachers pour strong herbicides into whole stretchers of river and simply harvest the dead frogs afterwards. But the poison also kills fish and other water creatures, as well as contaminating drinking water supplies. (601)
6. Britain attacks soaring mobile phone theft Britain launches a crackdown on mobile phone crime with the creation of a special police unit, amid concern that organized crime gangs are exporting stolen phones. Half of all street crime in Britain now involves the theft of a mobile phone, according to crime statistics. Nearly 200 are stolen in England and Wales every day, mostly in London, and many are exported to Africa, Asia and continental Europe. Mobile phone networks have made advances in anti-crime measures, with all stolen phones now capable of being blocked for use in Britain, and though penalties have been introduced for trying to reprogram phones. But exporting stolen handsets has become a lucrative trade for criminals because they do not need to be reprogrammed for use abroad. (665)
7. The vicious circle of AIDS and poverty Tens of thousands of people have died in the last two years as drought has hit southern Africa. These people were victims of food shortages. They were also victims of HIV and AIDS. The drought killed so many people, particularly in Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, because the cruel nature of HIV disease means that the most productive people die or are weakened just when society needs them most. In the worst-affected regions of rural southern Africa, a third of pregnant women are HIV positive. A total of 42 million people around the world are living with HIV. More than twothirds of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where in the hardest hit countries one in three adults have the virus. With 14,000 people infected every day worldwide, there are fears that HIV will sweep through Asia too. HIV is spreading fastest in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. The number of people affected, however, is small compared to that in Africa. (814). П РИ Л ОЖ Е Н И Е 4 Т ексты для чтения и пер евода TEXT1 1. No Indians of the fifteenth century had ever seen a white man until Columbus and his companions came. White men had really visited America nearly five hundred years before Columbus arrived. 2. About the year 1000 a strange ship came to the eastern coast of North America. She was very long and had many oars, as well as a square sail. A fierce -– looking dragon decorated the prow. The men in the ship had long golden hair, blue eyes, and fair skins. They were Norsemen. 3.The Norsemen, or “Vikings”, as they were called in their own country, had always been daring sailors. Their searoving had led them to the discovery of Iceland, and some Norsemen had gone to live there. 4. Leif was one of the Vikings. It was Leif who sailed south of Greenland, to the eastern coast of North America. He noticed first a land covered with stones. He called
this country Helluland, “the land of flat stones”. Going farther south along the coast, Leif saw a land of forests and named it Markland, “the forest land”.At a place still further south some of his men went ashore. They returned with bunches of grapes. Leif called the grape country Vineland. Helluland was probably Labrador; Markland, Nova scotia; and Vineland may have been Massachusettes. 5. A few years later some Norsemen liked Vineland so well that they built a small village there. They traded with aboriginal Americans used to come to their village. One day a bull belonging to the white men broke loose and frightened the Indians away. A great number of them returned in a few weeks. They waved their cubs angrily at the Norsemen and began to throw stones. Two Norsemen were killed by the Indians. Fearing more trouble from the Indians, the Norsemen left Vineland. They came to America no more. 6. The story of these voyages was told and retold by the Vikings in Iceland. These explorers did not know that they had found a new continent. Nothing ever came of their discovery. Columbus owed nothing to it. It is doubtful whether he ever heard of these early voyages. At any rate, they did not help him in his plans. 7. Columbus is rightly called the discover of America. After he pointed the way, thousands of people followed his lead and came to the New World to explore and settle it. TEXT 2 1. At first, the passengers enjoyed good weather at sea. But soon, strong winds and fierce storms developed. Our ship, the Mayflower began to shake and leak. Finally, one of the main beams broke. Some of the passengers and sailors were afraid that the ship could not cross the ocean. They wanted to return to England, but others felt confident. 2. In some of these storms, the winds were so violent and the waves were so high that all the sails were lowered. So for several days, the ship drifted across the ocean. But finally, after a long struggle with the sea, the Mayflower came to that land called Cape Cod. What joy the pilgrims had when they realized where they were. 3. They had a meeting with the ship’s commander, and decided to sail southward along the coast. Their plan was to settle somewhere near the Hudson River. But after about half a day, they realized that this was impossible. They could not sail over the dangerous sandbars and roaring waves around the Cape. So the sailors turned the Mayflower around, and returned to the safety Cape Cod Harbor. 4. As soon as they reached the harbor, the Pilgrims thanked God for bringing them across such a huge furious ocean. But their situation was still hopeless. There were no towns nor even any houses where they could find help. The only people waiting for them were the natives with their arrows. The season was winter in this strange land was severe and violent. 5. In these difficult early days, some members of the group began to criticize and complain. But these problems were soon solved by their governor, John carver. He always carried out his duties with wisdom. Patience, and firmness. 6. The most tragic fact, however, was that in two or three months, half of the group died. They were all starving, freezing, and terribly ill. Sometimes, as many as two or three died in one day. By the end of February, only fifty Pilgrims were still alive. And
of these, there were only six or seven with enough strength to take care of the rest. These generous people were very brave and helpful. 7 One could say the same things about those who died helping the others. It is clear that they have found their reward now with God in Heaven. TEXT 3 1. Freedom to learn, to think, to speak, and to publish are among the basic elements of a democratic way of life. In the seventeenth century, these freedoms were restricted throughout most of Europe. Many of the colonial leaders brought negative thoughts about these freedoms along with them to the New World. From the earliest days , they had misgivings about the growing spirit of independence among the settlers. 2. These leaders believed that it was dangerous to educate men and women or even to allow them to read freely. In fact such leader, William Berkel governor of Virginia, went so far as to boast that while he was governor of Virginia there were neither free schools, nor printing presses in his colony. On the other hand, many colonists held an opposing view. 3. They believed that people should be free to learn, to think and to express their opinions. They also believed that printers should be free to print and distribute their own thoughts and the thoughts of others. 4.One of these colonists was John Peter Zenger. Zenger’s New York Weekly Journal, begun in 1733, spoke out in opposition to the King’s government. Then in the autumn of 1734, Zenger was arrested for printing criticism of the governor . Under the British Law, this made him guilty of criminal libel, even if the criticism was true. 5. Zenger’s arrest excited intense interest throughout the colonies. Fortunately, Andrew Hamilton, one of the ablest lawyers in America, agreed to defend him. Hamilton argued with force and passion. He argued that the charges printed by Zenger were true; therefore, they were not libelous. He asserted that Zenger had been fighting for the right to speak and wire the truth. In short, he had been fighting for liberty itself. 6. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty and John Peter Zenger, editor and publisher walked out of the courtroom a free man. This landmark decision helped establish in America the principle of freedom of the press.
TEXT 4 The first real civilization was brought to Britain by the Iberians in the third millenium BC. The Iberians were skilled in the use of copper and gold; they made copper daggers and axes, traded in gold and copper ornaments. In the second millenium they started using bronze. The Iberians were farmers who bred cattle and probably tamed horses. Towards the Christian era, there was an Iron Age Celtic culture throughout the British Isles. The Celts had been arriving from Europe from the eighth century BC onwards. The Celts began to control all the lowland areas of Britain and, with new waves of settlers coming one after another, gradually spread all over Britain and the other islands.
It seems that the Celts mixed with the Iberian people who were already there. It is also possible that they drove many of the older inhabitants westwards into Wales, Ireland and Scotland where they were eventually assimilated. The Celtic tribes continued the same kind of agriculture as the Bronze Age people before them. But the use of iron technology and more advanced ploughing methods made them highly successful farmers, the Celts used ox-drawn wheeled ploughs and this meant that richer, heavier land could be farmed. Under the Celts Britain became an important food producer. It now exported corn and animals, as well as hunting dogs and slaves, to the European mainland. The two main trade outlets eastwards to Europe were the settlements along the Thames river in the south and on the Firth of Forth in the north. It is no accident the present-day capitals of England and Scotland stand on or near these two ancient trade centres. For money the Celts used iron bars, until they began to copy the Roman coins they saw used in Gaul(France). According to the Romans, the Celts men wore shirts and breeches (short trousers) and striped or checked cloaks fastened by a pin. It is possible that the Scottish dress and tartan developed from this cloak. TEXT 5 NORMAN RULE Unlike the Germanic invasions, the Norman invasion was small-scale. There was no such things as a Norman area of settlement. Instead, the Norman Nobles were given the ownership of land – and of the people living on it. William saw England as an extension of his French domains. He had all land divided into manors. Most manors contained a village. Great nobles, or barons, were given several manors in return for a promise to serve him in war. They also had to give him part of the produce of the land. The barons gave some of their manors t knights (lesser nobles), who paid them for the land in the same way. That was the strict feudal system imposed by William: barons were directly responsible to the king, knights were responsible to a baron. Under the barons and knights were the peasantry, who were often little better than slaves. Over three quarters of the country people were serfs who were not free to leave their lord’s service or his land without permission. William kept the Anglo-Saxon system of sheriffs, and used these as a balance to local nobles. He kept a fifth of the farmland to himself. As a result, England unlike France, had only one powerful family. Most of the Norman nobles had land on both sides of the English Channel, in England and in Normandy. A very small number of Saxon lords kept their lands. All the others lost everything. Many of them fled to lowland Scotland. After each English rebellion there was more land to give away. Over 4,000 English landlords were replaced by 200 Norman ones. By 1086, only two of the greater landlords and only two bishops were English. In 1086, William’s officials surveyed much of England to record the ownership, size and value of each manor
TEXT 6 THE REASON FOR THE HUDRED YEAR WAR Flanders had grown to be the industrial center of northern Europe and had become extremely wealthy through its cloth manufacture. It could not produce enough wool to satisfy its market and imported fine fleece from England. England depended upon this trade for its foreign exchange. During the 1200’s, the upper class English had adopted Norman fashions and switched from beer to wine, (note that beer and wine were very important elements in the medieval diet). Both contain vitamin and yeast complexes that the medieval diet, especially during the winter, did not provide. Besides, the preservation of food was a difficult matter in that era, and the alcohol in beer and wine represented a large number of calories stored in an inexpensive and effective fashion. People did get drunk during the Middle Ages, but most could not afford to do so. Beer and wine were valued as food and were priced accordingly. The problem was that England could not grow grapes to produce the wine that many of the English now favored and had to import it. A triangular trade arose in which English fleece was exchanged for Flemish cloth, which was then taken to southern France and exchanged for wine, which was then shipped into England and Ireland, primarily through the ports of Dublin, Bristol, and London. But the counts of Flanders had been vassals of the king of France, and the French tried to regain control its wealth. The English could not permit this, since it would mean that the French monarch would control their main of foreign exchange. A civil war soon broke out in Flanders, with the English supporting the manufacturing middle class and the French supporting the land-owning nobility. The Struggle for Control France The English king controlled much of France, particularly in the fertile South. These lands had come under control of the English when Eleanor of Aquitaine, heiress to the region, had married Henry II of England in the mid-12 th century. There was constant bickering along the French-English frontier, and the French kings always had to fear an English invasion from the South. Between Flanders in the North and the English in the South, they were caught in a “nutcracker”. The “ Auld Alliance” The French responded by creating their own “nutcracker». They allied with the Scots in an arrangement that persisted well into the 18th century. Thus the English faced the French from the south and the Scots from the north. The Battle for the channel and North Sea, the French nutcracker would only work in the French could invade England across the English Channel.(The French call it ‘La Manche’, ‘The Sleeve’.) Besides, England could support their Flemish allies only if they could send aid across the North Sea, and, moreover, English trade was dependent upon the free flow of naval traffic through the Channel. Consequently, the French continually tried to gain the upper hand at sea, and the English constantly resisted them. Both sides commissioned what would have been pirates if they had not been operating with royal permission to prey upon each other’s shipping, and there were frequent naval clashes in those constricted waters.
The Dynastic Conflict The last son of King Philip IV(The Fair) died in 1328, and the direct male line of the Capetians finally ended after almost 350 years. Philip had had a daughter, however. This daughter, Isabelle, had married King Edward II of England, and King Edward III was their son. He was therefore Philip’s grandson and successor in a direct line through Philip’s daughter. The French could not tolerate the idea that Edward might become King of France, and French lawyers brought up some old Frankish laws, the so-called Salic Law, which stated that property (including the throne) could not descend through a female. The French then gave the crown to Philip of Valois, a nephew of Philip IV. Nevertheless, Edward III had a valid claim to the throne of France if he wished to pursue it.
TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION PLANNING ONE’S DAILY ROUND Have you ever thought that twenty-four hours isn’t enough to do all you have to do? All of us have so many duties and obligations! In addition to the daily routine at offices, schools, hospitals, etc., we have always got some housework to do and shopping, we have to cook the meals, keep the house clean and (last but not least) see to the children. It’s really surprising how much work some people manage to do, and quickly at that! But it often happens that we don’t have enough time to do everything, and put it off till “some other time”. What do you think is the reason? Why do some people manage and not others? A lot depends on how you plan your daily round. If you plan your day carefully, you’ll be able to do more, and it’ll take you less time. If you ask someone to see you at a definite hour, for instance, the other person will also plan his time accordingly. If you know how long you can keep your visitor, you will try not to waste his time and have everything ready for the talk when he comes. Your visitor, in his turn, will not keep you longer than necessary and will leave as soon as you’ve discussed your problem. It doesn’t mean that you will interrupt the talk before you finish the discussion. No, you’ll go on discussing the matter until you settle every point. But the time limit you set yourself will help you not to waste time and to speak to the point. Planning the day is especially necessary for people who want to make time for important things. Many outstanding people say that a daily timetable has helped them greatly to achieve what they have. There are some people, however, who will say that a daily timetable makes life dull and uninteresting. What do you think? Answer the questions: 1) Is it true that everybody has a lot of duties and obligations? 2) What does it depend on? 3) How much time do you spend on the daily shopping? 4) How long does it take you to clean the flat and make the meals? 5) Can you say that you manage it all quickly? 6) Are you good at planning your daily round or do you find it difficult?
TRAVELLING BY AIR The rules for passengers who are going abroad are similar in most countries, but sometimes there might be a slight difference in formalities. If, for instance, you are supposed to begin with going through the customs, you’d better fill in the customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. An experienced customs officer usually “smells” a smuggler, but he may ask any passenger routine questions, for instance, “have you got anything to declare?” or “Any spirits, tobacco, present?” The usual answers would be, “Yes, I’ve got some valuables, but I’ve put them down in the declaration”, or “I’ve got two blocks of cigarettes for my own use” or something of that kind. Then you go to the check-in counter where your ticket is looked at, your things are weighed and labeled, a claim-check for each piece of luggage is inserted in the ticket and you are given a boarding pass, which has a seat number on it. Of course, if your luggage weighs more than 20kgs, you have to pay extra. The next formality is filling in the immigration form and going through passport control. The form has to be filled in block letters. You write your name, nationality, permanent address and the purpose of your trip. In most countries there is also a security check when your carry-on luggage is inspected. This is an anti-hijacking measure, and anything that might be dangerous or disturbing to other passengers must be handed to one of the crew and only returned to the owner after the plane has reached its destination. After fulfilling all these formalities you go to the departure lounge where you can have a snack, read a paper, buy something in the duty-free shop and wait for the announcement to board the plane. Some of these formalities are repeated when you arrive at your destination. The customs declaration and the immigration form are often filled in on board the plane. At the airport you may be met by a specially trained dog who will make sure that you are not carrying drugs, and the immigration officer might want to know whose invitation you are coming and whether you have a return ticket. There is another inconvenience you have to be prepared for when travelling long distances by plane. It’s the jet-lag, a difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won’t be feeling very well because of it, but don’t worry – it won’t take you long to get used to it. Answer the questions: 1) Have you ever travelled long distances? 2) Have you ever had to go through the customs? 3) What are you supposed to write in the immigration form? 4) What can passengers do in the departure lounge? 5) Which do you prefer – to travel by air or by land?
Состав ители: Н аталияВ ладимиров на М артемьянов а Е катерина А лександров на Ш ирш иков а
Бунина Т .Д .