National Democratic Institute
An English-Arabic
Translator’s Guide to Election Terminology Prepared by May Ahmar
»æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG
ºLΟG π«dO á«HÉîàf’G äÉë∏£°üª∏d »HôY-…õ«∏μfEG ôªMC’G »e OG~YEG
National Democratic Institute
An English-Arabic
Translator’s Guide to Election Terminology Prepared by May Ahmar
»æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG
ºLΟG π«dO á«HÉîàf’G äÉë∏£°üª∏d »HôY-…õ«∏μfEG ôªMC’G »e OG~YEG
The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit organization working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide. Calling on a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides practical assistance to civic and political leaders advancing democratic values, practices and institutions. NDI works with democrats in every region of the world to build political and civic organizations, safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
For more information, please contact:
»æWƒdG »WGô≤Á~dG ~¡©ŸG á«dh~dG ¿hDƒ°û∏d
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs 2030 M Street, 5th Floor, NW Washington, DC 20036-3306 tel: +1 (202) 728-5500 fax: +1 (202) 728-5520
¢ùeÉÿG ≥HÉ£dG ,ÜôZ ∫ɪ°T ,Ω ´QÉ°T 2030 3306-20036 ,᪰UÉ©dG ø£æ°TGh á«cÒeC’G I~ëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG +1 (202) 728 5500 :∞JÉg +1 (202) 728 5520 :¢ùcÉa
P.O.Box: 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel: +961 1 805 632 fax: +961 1 805 633
13-5320 Ü .¢U 1102-2030 ¿GQƒ°T
¿ÉæÑd ,ähÒH +961 1 805 632 :∞JÉg +961 1 805 633 :¢ùcÉa
Please send your feedback or comments to:
[email protected]
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Beirut-Lebanon. Copyright © National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) 2005. 06/05. All rights reserved. Portions of this work may be reproduced and/or translated for noncommercial purposes provided NDI is acknowledged as the source of the material and is sent copies of any translation.
Compiling the English based jargon of election work and translating it into a language as intricate and uncompromising as Arabic is a daunting mission. NDI's Arabic Publication Center in Beirut is not the first to try, but with 630 entries, NDI's Translator's English-Arabic Guide to Election Terminology may have left only few stones unturned. Even the most obscure expressions have been discussed and definitions have been attempted. It would be an understatement to say that Arabic speakers are passionate about Arabic and quick to debate usage, nuance and meaning. Yet another component of the debate is the issue of regional differences. In Lebanon, for example, "mabsut" means happy. In Iraq "mabsut" means well beaten. As with most communication, context is everything. As NDI expands democracy and governance programs throughout the Arabic speaking world, Arabic speakers on the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) team will inevitably be at the forefront of creating new and precise idiom to convey the concepts and ideas central to NDI's work. The team at the Arabic Publication Center, who developed this Guide, humbly offers this first effort with the hope that it will not only prove useful to NDI programs but that it will spark the regional discussion necessary to refine and improve its content. The Guide is meant to be used as a reference document for NDI staff and contract interpreters. It is not meant to be the final, authoritative resource. User feedback is essential - comments and thoughts on terms, definition, usage, and regional application are desired and actively solicited. To make this process as simple as possible, each copy of the Guide contains self-addressed, tear-off, mail-in sheets for comments. All that is required is a stamp. Comments and suggestions can also be emailed to the NDI translation team at:
[email protected].
Ms. May Ahmar, Arabic Publication Center Coordinator in Lebanon, developed the project and served as the primary and final editor. She was assisted by Ms. Hiba Charara with research and by Lebanon staff member, Ms. Nour Al Assad with translation. The glossary included in "The Political Campaign Planning Manual" by J.Brian O'Day for NDI, was added verbatim to the Guide. Other primary sources and websites are gratefully acknowledged below: The UNTERM: It is a Multilingual Database including terminology related to the United Nations’ work in elections, governance and other programs. The UNDP Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (POGAR). ACE PROJECT Glossary: (Produced by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)) Other secondary sources included: The Boulder Community Network (BCN): it provides non-profit organizations with information about community issues. Elections Canada is an independent body established by parliament. This website is part of an effort to provide accessible information about the federal electoral system. Access Clark County is the official website for the Clark County in Nevada. It provides information about local government, legislation, and public services for local constituents. Please accept our thanks in advance for your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you. Joseph Hall, Senior Advisor Middle East and North Africa Beirut, Lebanon
[email protected]
Absentee Ballot
/ÚÑFɨdG ´GÎbG äÉbÉ£H á«HÉ«¨dG ´GÎb’G äÉbÉ£H
Absentee Ballot - Administration Clerk
A ballot used by voters who are unable to go to the polls to vote, either because they are disabled or will be away from the district on election day. Often it is mailed to the voters and they must send it back to the board of elections before Election Day. See Ballot.
’ ø˘jò˘dG ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG ɢ¡˘e~˘î˘ à˘ °ùj ´GÎbG äɢ˘bɢ˘£˘ H »˘˘gh áªLÉf ÜÉÑ°SC’ ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG ¿ƒ©«£à°ùj O~q ÙG Ωƒ«dG ‘ IôFG~dG øY º¡HÉ«¨d hCG ,áj~°ùL ábÉYEG øY πÑb á«HÉîàf’G áÄ«¡dG ¤EG ~jÈdÉH kÉÑdÉZ π°SôJh .´GÎbÓd ábÉ£H/á«HÉîàf’G ábÉ£ÑdG ô¶fG .´GÎbÓd O~ÙG Ωƒ«dG
.´GÎb’G Absentee Voting / Ballot
Absolute Majority
á≤∏£e á«Ñ∏ZCG Accessibility
∫ƒ°UƒdG á«fÉμeEG
Ad Hoc Electoral Districts
áàqbƒD e /á°UÉN q áq«HÉîàfG ôFGhO
A voting method by which people can cast their ballots without going to the polling place on election day. According to various state laws or constitutions, voters have a time frame by which they can obtain a ballot before the election, mark it, and then usually mail it, sealed, to the appropriate election official.
ábQh ÖNÉædG π°Sôj .~jÈdG ≥jôW øY ≥Ñ°ùŸG âjƒ°üàdG ¿hO øe ,¬H πé°ùe ƒg …òdG ÒZ ¿Éμe øe âjƒ°üàdG ÒJÉ°SO hCG ÚfGƒ≤d Ék≤ahh .´GÎb’G ¿Éμe ¤EG ÜÉgòdG ¬æª°V ¿ƒ∏°üëj »æeR QÉWEÉH ¿ƒÑNÉædG ~q«≤àj ,IOq~©àe ɢ¡˘fƒ˘∏˘°Sô˘jh º˘¡˘«˘ë˘°Tô˘ q e ¿hQɢà˘î˘jh ´GÎb’G á˘bɢ£˘H ≈˘˘∏˘ Y .ÚÑ°SÉæŸG äÉHÉîàf’G ‹hDƒ°ùe ¤EG áeƒàfl ~jÈdÉH
In most countries, an absolute majority is more than 50 per cent, but in some, to qualify for an absolute and not just simple majority, it is 70%.
øe %50 øe ÌcCG »g á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏Z’G ,¿G~∏ÑdG º¶©e ‘ ,á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZCÓd πgq ÉC àdG ,iôNG ¿G~∏H ‘ øμd ;äGƒ°UC’G .%70 ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G »æ©j ,Ö°ùëa á«Ñ∏ZCÓd ÉaÓN
The electorate, and its representatives, have full access to the process during all its stages — campaigning, registration, voting and counting — and have the ability to reach all the voters by having sufficient means (funding) and access.
á«q HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ¤EG Gƒ∏°üj ¿CG º¡«∏ã‡h ÚÑNÉæ∏d øμÁ âjƒ°üàdGh π«é°ùàdG ¤EG á∏ª◊G øe -É¡∏MGôe πq c ‘ øe ÚÑNÉædG πq c ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG á«q fÉμeEG ºg~æYh -RôØdGh .(πjƒªàdG É¡«a ÉÃ) á«aÉc πFÉ°Sh ≈∏Y º¡dƒ°üM ∫ÓN
Electoral districts that are periodically redrawn.
.kÉjq QhO Ég~j~– OÉ©jo á«q HÉîàfG ôFGhO »g
Another term for a Mixed Member Proportional System.
»q Ñ°ùæq dG ájƒ° ©dG Ωɶf ¤EG IQÉ°TEÓd ôNBG í∏£°üe ƒg .§∏àıG
The hearing and deciding of a legal case in a court of law.
.áªμÙG ‘ á«fƒfÉb á«° b ‘ QGô≤dGh ´Éªà°S’G
Administration Clerk
responsible for organizing materials for Polling Day and assisting with post Polling day statutory requirements, in addition to performing general administration and clerical functions.
Additional Member System
á«aÉ°VE’G ájƒ° ©dG Ωɶf /äÉYRÉæŸG ‘ π°üØdG QGôb /(áªμfi) ºμM á©LGôŸG á«dBG …QGOEG ÖJÉc
‘ I~YÉ°ùŸGh »HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«∏d OGƒŸG º«¶æJ øY ∫hDƒ°ùe ΩÉ«≤dG ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ,»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ~©H á«fƒfÉb äÉÑ∏£àe .áqeÉY ájQGOEG ΩÉ¡Ã
2 Administrative Exclusion
Administrative Exclusion- Amendment of Electoral Law Administrative exclusion occurs when people who are ostensibly eligible to vote are not entitled to vote because they have been left off the voters list. They may be excluded, for example, simply by their own choice or personal habits, or due to limitations of the system of voter registration, such as a poorly publicized deadline for completing the registration process.
Ú∏qgƒD ŸG ¢UÉî°TC’G ™æªoj ÚM q…QGOE’G AÉ°übE’G ç~ëj áLQ~e ÒZ ºgAɪ°SCG q¿’C ,º¡q≤M á°SQɇ øe ÜÉîàfÓd AÉ°übEÓd Gƒ°Vqô©J º¡qfGC πªàÙG øªa .ÚÑNÉqædG áëF’ ‘ kGô¶f hCG ,kÓãe á«°üî°ûdG q º¡JGOÉY ÖÑ°ùH hCG ,º¡JOGQEG Aπà ¬«a Éà ,ø∏©j ’ …òdG ÚÑNÉqædG π«é°ùJ Ωɶf Oh~◊ .π«é°ùqàdG ÜÉH ∫ÉØbE’ áq«FÉ¡qædG á∏¡ŸG øY ,ájÉØμdG
Advance Voting
Voting taking place in the days in the lead up to polling day by voters who will not be able to vote on election day. Also known as early voting, or advance polling.
»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ‘ âjƒ°üàdG πÑb ºàj …òdG ´GÎb’G Ωƒ˘˘j âjƒ˘˘°üà˘˘dG º˘˘¡˘ «˘ ∏˘ Y Qò˘˘©˘ à˘ j ø˘˘jò˘˘dG ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG ÈY .Ω~u ≤àŸG âjƒ°üàdÉH ∂dòc ±ô©jo h ,äÉHÉîàf’G
A form of voter contact in which the campaign pays to have the mass media deliver the message. See Message, Mass Media and Paid Media.
ô˘LCG ™˘a~˘H á˘∏˘ª◊G Ωƒ˘≤˘J ,ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dɢ˘H ∫ɢ˘°üJÓ˘˘d ᢢ≤˘ jô˘˘W ádÉ°SôdG ô¶fG .á«eÓY’G §FÉ°SƒdG ÈY ¬∏≤æd ¿ÓYE’G .ôLC’G ´ƒa~ŸG ΩÓYE’G ∂dòch ΩÓYE’Gh
Associated with, or a member of, a political party or political organization.
᪶æe hCG »°SÉ«°S ÜõM ‘ ƒ° Y hCG ,ÜõM ¤EG m ºàæe .á«°SÉ«°S
Alien/Non-C Citizen
Individuals living in a country who are not legal citizens of the nation or of the state in which they reside.
Gƒfƒμj ¿CG ÒZ øe ø«q ©e ~∏H ‘ ¿ƒ°û«©j øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G .É¡«a ¿ƒª«≤j »àdG áj’ƒdG hCG ádh~∏d Ú«Yô°T ÚæWGƒe
Distribution of seats to political parties or candidates according to votes received.
kÉ≤ah Úë°TôŸGhCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G ≈∏Y ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ .É¡«∏Y Gƒ∏°üM »àdG äGƒ°UCÓd
In some elections the voters are required to make a set number of choices. Many voters will make most of these choices alphabetically as the candidates are listed on the ballot, without any evaluation as to the candidates’ qualifications.
O~q fi O~©H ΩÉ«≤dÉH ¿ƒÑNÉæq dG Ωõ∏jo ,äÉHÉîàf’G ¢ ©H ‘ º˘¶˘©˘e ÚÑ˘Nɢæq ˘dG ø˘e ~˘j~˘©˘dG ò˘î˘àq ˘jh .äGQɢ«˘à˘N’G ø˘e êGQOEG á≤jôW ≥ah ,…q ~éHC’G Ö«Jôàq dG Ö°ùM º¡JGQÉ«N º˘«˘«˘ ≤˘ J …q CG ɉhO ,´GÎb’G ᢢbQh ≈˘˘∏˘ Y Ú뢢°TôŸG q Aɢ˘ª˘ °SCG .Úë°TôŸG q äÓgq ƒD Ÿ
Under the Alternative Vote system you vote by showing your preferences. This means putting each candidate in order from the candidate who you most want to win as your 1st choice, to the candidate who you least want to win as your last choice.
»æ©j ∂dP .á«∏° aC’G QÉ¡XEG ≈∏Y ~ªà©ŸG ´GÎb’Gƒg ¿CG √~jôJ …òdG í°TôŸÉH q kAG~àHG π°ù∏°ùàdÉH Úë°TôŸG ™°Vh ¬∏° ØJ q …òdG í°TôŸÉH kAÉ¡àfEGh ,∫hCq ’G ∑QÉ«àNÉc ,íHôj .íHôj ¿CG qπbC’G
A revision or change made in the electoral law and regulations by formal procedure.
á˘ª˘¶˘fC’Gh »˘˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ¿ƒ˘˘fɢ˘≤˘ dG ‘ Ò«˘˘¨˘ J hCG ô˘˘¶˘ f IOɢ˘YEG .»ª°SQ AGôLEG ∫ÓN øe á«HÉîàf’G
/Ω~q ≤àe âjƒ°üJ ≥Ñ°ùe /Ω~q ≤àe ´GÎbG »FÉY~dG ¿ÓYE’G
ºq ° æe /Ö°ùp àn æeo
/øWGƒe ÒZ/»ÑæLCG ÖjôZ Allocation of Seats
~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ/¢ü«°üîJ Alphabetical Voting
kÉ≤ah âjƒ°üqàdG …q ~éHC’G Ö«Jôàq ∏d
Alternative Vote
πj~ÑdG âjƒ°üàdG
Amendment of Electoral Law
»HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG πj~©J
3 Apathy, Voters
I’ÉÑe’ Apparentement
/»HÉîàfG ∞dÉ– äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ »q Hõ◊G OÉëqJ’G Appropriation
/(∫GƒeC’G) ¢ü«°üîJ äGOɪàY’G ~°UQ Approval Voting
/O~q ©àe âjƒ°üJ /∫ƒÑ≤dG âjƒ°üJ /¿É°ùëà°S’G á≤aGƒŸG At-LLarge
/¥É£ædG ™°SGh Qƒ¶fi ÒZ
At-LLarge District
¥É£ædG á©°SGh IôFGO
Apathy, Voters - Audit (Electoral) A trend among some voters to lack of interest in voting, politics, candidates, and other public issues.
Ú뢰TôŸGh ,ᢰSɢ«˘°ùdɢ˘H Oô˘˘Ø˘ dG Ωɢ˘ª˘ à˘ gG Ω~˘˘Y , ᢢWɢ˘°ùÑ˘˘H .áeÉ©dG πFÉ°ùŸGh
A device used in some list proportional representation systems which enables separate parties to declare themselves linked for the purpose of seat allocation.
π˘«˘ã˘ª˘qà˘dG í˘FGƒ˘d Ωɢ¶˘f ¢ ©˘H ‘ Ω~˘˘î˘ à˘ °ù˘˘oJ ᢢ∏˘ «˘ °Sh »˘˘g øY ¿ÓYE’G øe áØ∏àıG ÜGõMC’G øqμ“ »c »Ñ°ùqædG .~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ ±~¡H É¡ØdÉ–
Money used to pay for governmentapproved expenditures.
É¡«∏Y â≤aGh »àdG ∞jQÉ°üŸG ™a~d áe~îà°ùŸG ∫GƒeC’G .áeƒμ◊G
A single seat election method, which uses a majority of lower choices. It is a voting procedure in which voters can vote for, or approve of, as many candidates as they wish. Each candidate approved of receives one vote, and the candidate with the most votes wins.
Üɢ°ùà˘MG ÈY ɢª˘qfEG ,~˘MGh m~˘©˘≤˘e Üɢî˘à˘f’ á˘≤˘ jô˘˘W »˘˘g ɢ¡˘dÓ˘N ø˘e ø˘μÁ ᢫˘∏˘ª˘Yƒ˘g :á˘qjƒ˘fɢqã˘dG äGQɢ«ÿG ᢢqjÌcCG ø˘˘e ¬˘˘fh~˘˘jô˘˘j …ò˘˘ dG O~˘˘ ©˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d Gƒ˘˘ Jƒ˘q ˘ °üj ¿CG ÚYÎ≤˘˘ ª˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d .íHôj äGƒ°UC’G øe O~Y ÈcCG ÖMÉ°Uh .Úë°TôŸG q
Candidates for certain types of offices may be elected to represent certain geographic areas within the jurisdiction, such as a district or ward. Only the residents of the district may vote for the office. But if a candidate is elected at-large, he represents the entire jurisdiction, and all voters may vote for the office.
á≤£æe Gƒ∏㪫d Ö°UÉæŸG ¢ ©Ñd Úë°TôŸG ÜÉîàfG øμªoj hCG Iô˘FGO π˘ã˘e ᢫˘ª˘°Sô˘dG á˘£˘∏˘°ùdG ¥É˘£˘f ø˘ª˘°V ᢫˘aGô˘¨˘ L ≥˘˘Wɢ˘æŸG √ò˘˘g ‘ §˘˘≤˘ a Úª˘˘«˘ ≤˘ ª˘ ∏˘ d ø˘˘μ˘ ª˘ oj .ᢢ«˘ Mɢ˘ °V ‘ í°Tôª∏d q âjƒ°üàdG q” GPEG øμdh .Ö°üæª∏d âjƒ°üàdG πc 䃰üjh q ,É¡∏c ¬à≤£æe πuãªoj Ég~æY ,m™°SGh m¥É£f .Ö°üæª∏d ÚYpônà≤ŸG
A district often with sub districts in it or where more than one candidate shares the same district. A mayor may run “atlarge” while the city council members run in districts. See Multi Mandate.
hCG á«Yôa ôFGhO I~Y øª° àJ IÒÑc IôFGO kÉÑdÉZ »æ©Jh ~b .É¡°ùØf IôFG~dG ‘ í°Tôe øe ÌcCG ∑ΰûj å«M IôFGO ≈∏Y äÉHÉîàf’G ßaÉÙG Ö°üæŸ í°TôŸG q ¢Vƒîj áæj~ŸG ¢ù∏› ájƒ° ©d ¿ƒë°TôŸG ɪæ«H ¥É£ædG á©°SGh ô¶fG .IO~ÙG ºgôFGhO ‘ äÉHÉîàf’G ¿ƒ°Vƒîj (áj~∏ÑdG)
.áj’ƒdG O~©J /~YÉ≤ŸG O~q ©J /~YÉ≤ŸG O~©àe At-llarge Plurality
see Block Voting.
âjƒ°üJ/™°SGh O~q ©J á∏eÉ°T á«Ñ∏ZCG/á∏àμdG Attitudes
∞bGƒe Audit (Electoral)
/á«fƒfÉ≤dG á©LGôŸG /»HÉîàf’G QÉ°ùª∏d á«HÉîàf’G áÑ°SÉÙG
.…ƒ∏àc ´GÎbG ô¶fG
This describes how the voters feel going into the election - either satisfied or angry, feeling better off or worse off, etc…
-´GÎbÓd ¿ƒ¡éàj ÚM ÚÑNÉædG ôYÉ°ûe ∞°Uh »æ©j Gòg º˘¡˘ «˘ ∏˘ Y ≈˘˘¨˘ £˘ j π˘˘gh §˘˘î˘ °ùdG ΩCG ɢ˘°Vô˘˘dɢ˘H ¿hô˘˘©˘ °ûj π˘˘g ...ïdEG ,CGƒ°SCG ΩCG π° aCG ¿ƒμ«°S º¡dÉM q¿ÉC H ¢SÉ°ùM’G
The independent examination of records and activities to ensure compliance with established controls, policy, and operational procedures, and to recommend any indicated changes in controls, policy, or procedures.
¿É˘ª˘° d äɢWɢ°ûæ˘dGh äÓ˘˘é˘ °ù∏˘˘d π˘˘≤˘ à˘ °ùŸG ¢üë˘˘Ø˘ à˘ dG ,ájò«Ø˘æ˘à˘dG äGAGô˘L’E Gh ,ᢰSɢ«˘°ùdGh ,á˘£˘∏˘°ù∏˘d ∫ɢã˘à˘e’G .É¡«a áë°VGh äGÒ«¨J …CG ∫ƒM äÉ«°UƒJ Ë~≤àdh
Balanced Budget
áfRGƒàe áfRGƒe Ballot /Ballot Paper
ábQh /ÜÉîàfG ábQh ´GÎbG ábÉ£H/´GÎbG Ballot Box
´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U Ballot Initiative
Balanced Budget - Baseline Poll
A financial condition whereby any level of government spends as much money as it takes in, mainly from taxes and other revenue sources.
áeƒμ◊G øe iƒà°ùe …CG ¥ÉØfEG É¡«a ¿ƒμj ,á«dÉe ádÉM QOɢ˘°üe h ÖFGô˘˘° dG π˘˘«˘ NG~˘˘ e ø˘˘ e ¬˘˘ JGOGô˘˘ jE’ kɢ ˘jhɢ˘ °ùe .iôNCG äG~FÉY
The official document voters will use to cast their vote, thus making their choices known.
A’OEÓd ÖNÉædG É¡e~îà°ùj »àdG ᫪°SôdG á≤«KƒdG »gh ∫Ó˘N ø˘e »˘Hɢî˘à˘ f’G ¬˘˘Jƒ˘˘°U π˘˘≤˘ fh ,´GÎb’Gh ¬˘˘Jƒ˘˘°üH .¬JGQÉ«N øjh~J
Container into which the voters place their ballot papers.
.´GÎb’G ¥GQhCG ¿ƒÑNÉædG á«a ™° j ¥h~æ°U
Also called a ballot measure, referendum or proposition. A ballot initiative is a proposed piece of legislation (a law) that people can vote on.
»Ñ©°ûdG q AÉàØà°S’G hCG ,âjƒ°üàq dG AGôLEÉH kÉ° jCG ±ô©Jh ìGÎbG øY IQÉÑY ƒgh .âjƒ°üàdG ìGÎbG hCG âjƒ°üà∏d .¬fCÉ°ûH Ö©°ûdG q ´Î≤j ¿CG øμÁ (¿ƒfÉb ´hô°ûe hCG) ™jô°ûJ
This is the place where the candidate’s name appears on the ballot. If there are a lot of candidates on the ballot or it is otherwise long, voters will often not read all the way down the list, thus giving candidates with a higher placement a better chance.
ô¡¶j å«M Úë°TôŸG áëF’ ≈∏Y Ú©ŸG ¿ÉμŸG »æ©Jh øe ÒãμdG ∑Éæg ¿Éc ¿EGh .»HÉîàf’G √õeQ hCG í°TôŸG º°SG ∫ƒ˘W IOɢjR »˘æ˘ ©˘ j ɇ ɢ˘¡˘ °ùØ˘˘f á˘˘ë˘ FÓ˘˘dG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y Ú뢢°TôŸG IAGôb Ω~Y ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG Oƒ≤«°S ∂dòa ,áëFÓdG-ábÉ£ÑdG ≈¶ë«°S …òdG í°TôŸG ¿EÉa ∂dòdh .ÉgÉfOCG ≈àM áëFÓdG .π° aCG ¢Uôa ≈∏Y π°üë«°S áëFÓdG ≈∏YCG ™bƒÃ
/âjƒ°üàq dG áëF’ á«æH ´GÎb’G ábQh
The kinds of choices voters can make on a ballot. The range of choices includes: marking a single choice for party or candidate, indicating a set of preferences, or weighting choices by ranking candidates.
≈∏Y É¡H Ωƒ≤j ¿CG ÖNÉæ∏d øμÁ »àdG äGQÉ«àN’G ´GƒfCG áeÓY ™°Vh :äGQÉ«àN’G ∫É› øªq ° àjh .´GÎb’G ábQh ,äGQÉ«àN’G øe O~Y ™°Vh hCG ,ÜõM hCG í°TôŸ I~MGh .á∏° ØŸG äGQÉ«àNÓd GQÉ¡XEG Úë°TôŸG Ö«JôJ hCG
Ballot Tampering/ Vote Tampering
Deliberately spoiling the paper ballots of the voters one seeks to Disenfranchise.
OGô˘jo ø˘jò˘dG ÚÑ˘Nɢæq ˘dG âjƒ˘°üJ ¥GQhCG Oɢ˘°ùaEG ~˘˘ªq ˘ ©˘ J ƒ˘˘g .âjƒ°üàq dG ≥q M øe ºg~jôŒ
âjƒ°üàq dG IQOÉÑe/ìGÎbG Ballot Placement
áëFÓdG ≈∏Y ™°VƒŸG á«HÉîàf’G
Ballot Structure
äGƒ°UC’ÉH ÖYÓJ Balloting
See Voting.
´GÎb’G /âjƒ°üàdG Baseline Poll
/…~YÉ≤dG §ÿG ´Ó£à°SG /»°SÉ°SCG ´Ó£à°SEG ‹hq oCG ´Ó£à°SEG
A political poll taken to determine as much information about the voters as possible, usually done early in the campaign before there is much political activity. See Political Poll and Tracking Poll.
.âjƒ°üJ /´GÎbG /ÜÉîàfG ô¶fG øμ‡ Q~b ÈcG ~j~ëàd √DhGôLEG ºàj »°SÉ«°S ´Ó£à°SG ƒgh ‘ -IOÉY -√DhGôLEG ºàjh .ÚÑNÉædG øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe É¡WÉ°ûf º° N ‘ ¢VƒÿG πÑb á∏ªë∏d IôμÑŸG πMGôŸG ´Ó£à°SGh »°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’G ô¶fCG .»°SÉ«°ùdG
.»Ñ≤©J ´Ó£à°SG/≥M’ ´Ó£à°SEG /á©HÉàŸG
Bias - Block Vote/ Bloc Vote A leaning in favor of or against something or someone; partiality or prejudice.
IÉHÉfi ,√~q °V RÉ«ëf’GhCG ,¢üî°T hCG A»°T π«° ØJ hCG π«r e .πeÉ– hCG
In government, bicameralism is the practice of having two legislative or parliamentary chambers. Thus, a bicameral parliament or bicameral legislature is a parliament or legislature which consists of two Chambers or Houses.
¿ÉŸôH hCG Ú«©jô°ûJ Ú°ù∏Û á°SQɪŸG ƒg ,áeƒμ◊G ‘ ¢ù∏ÛG hCG »˘Fɢæ˘ã˘dG ¿ÉŸÈdG π˘ª˘à˘ °ûjh ,π˘˘«˘ ã˘ ª˘ à˘ dG »˘˘Fɢ˘æ˘ K .Ú°ù∏› ≈∏Y »FÉæãdG »©jô°ûàdG
Proposed act not yet passed by Parliament.
.~©H ¿ÉŸÈdG √qô≤oj ⁄ ¿ƒfÉb ìGÎbEG
Consisting of, or supported by, members of two parties, especially two major political parties.
É°Uƒ°üNh ,ɪ¡æe ΩƒY~e hCG ,ÚHõM AÉ° YCG øe ∞qdƒD e .OÓÑdG ‘ Úq«°SÉ«°S ÚHõM qºgCG
Official records or certificates of people's births, or where these records are kept. In some countries it is necessary to produce an official copy of one's birth certificate to prove citizenship or voting eligibility.
πé°ùJ »àdG ᫪°SôdG IO’ƒdG äGOÉ¡°T hCG äÓé°ùdG .äÓé°ùdG √òg ßØ– å«M ¿ÉμŸG hCG ,¢UÉî°TC’G IO’h øe ᫪°SQ áî°ùf ≈∏Y ,¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H ‘ ,∫ƒ°ü◊G Öéj .´GÎb’G ≥M hCG á«°ùæ÷G äÉÑKE’ OÓ«ŸG IOÉ¡°T
Blank Ballot
A blank ballot is simply that no mark is made on the ballot, meaning that the voter did not vote for any of the candidates on the ballot, nor did they vote for or against a proposition on the ballot.
ájCG ´Î≤ŸG É¡«∏Y ™° j ⁄ »àdG ´GÎb’G ábQh »g ,áWÉ°ùÑH …C’ 䃰üj q ⁄h í°Tôe …C’ ¬Jƒ°üH p ∫~oj ⁄h ,áeÓY .ábQƒdG ≈∏Y ìGÎbG …CG ~°V hCG ìGÎbG
Blanket Primary
A primary election in which the names of all the candidates for all the parties are on one ballot.
‘ Úë°TôŸG q πq c Aɪ°SCG É¡«a Oô°ùoJ á«q dhCG ä l ÉHÉîàfG »g .I~MGh ´GÎbG ábQh ≈∏Y káaÉc ÜGõMC’G
In areas where there is considerable support for the candidate - say six out of ten voters support the candidate - it may benefit the campaign if as many voters as possible go to the polls, regardless of whether or not the supporters have been identified. If everyone in an area is encouraged to vote, then this is considered a “blind pull” to the polls. See GOTV and Pull.
øj~jDƒŸG øe ¬H ¿É¡à°ùj ’ O~Y É¡«a ôaƒàj »àdG ≥WÉæŸG ‘ ¿h~jDƒj ÚÑNÉf Iô°ûY πc øe áà°S π≤ædh -í°Tôª∏d øμ‡ O~Y ÈcCÉH ™a~dG á∏ªë∏d kÉj~› ¿ƒμj ~b -í°TôŸG ~j~– øY ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H q ,´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG øe á≤£æŸG ‘ ¢üî°T πc ™«é°ûJ ” ƒ∏a .í°Tôª∏d øj~jDƒŸG õcGôŸ ''≈˘ª˘Y’G Ö뢢°ùdG'' »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ ˘j ∂dò˘˘ a ,´GÎbÓ˘˘ d âjƒ°üàdG ™«é°ûJ/''∂Jƒ°U íæeEG'' ô¶fG .´GÎb’G
õ«q – Bicameral Parliament
/π«ãªàdG »FÉæK ¿ÉŸôH Ú°ù∏éà ¿ÉŸôH Bill
¿ƒfÉb ´hô°ûe Bipartisan
/ÚHõM øe ~js ƒD e ÚHõëH ≥q∏©àe Birth Registry
á«°üî°ûdG ∫GƒMC’G πq é°S /äGO’ƒdG πé°S
/¢VÉ«H ≈∏Y ábÉ£H AÉ° «H ábQh á∏eÉ°T áq«dhCG äÉHÉîàfG Blind Pull
≈ªYC’G Öë°ùdG
.Öë°ùdGh Block Vote/ Bloc Vote
/…ƒ∏àoc ´GÎbG á∏àc âjƒ°üJ
A multi-seat election method. A system of voting in multi-member districts. Each elector is given as many votes as there are seats (e.g., in a legislative
≈∏Y ÖNÉf πc π°üëj .IO~q ©àe ~YÉ≤Ÿ ´GÎbG á≤jôW ‘) Iô˘Zɢ°ûdG ~˘˘Yɢ˘≤ŸG O~˘˘©˘ d hɢ˘°ùe äGƒ˘˘°UC’G ø˘˘e O~˘˘Y ÚÑNÉæ∏d ≥ëj ä’É◊G ÌcCG ‘h ,(»©jô°ûàdG º°ù÷G
Board of Elections
äÉHÉîàf’G áÄ«g Borda Count
GOQƒH ~q Y Booth Capturing
äGÒéM ≈∏Y Iô£«°ùdG q ´GÎb’G Booth Management
´GÎb’G äGÒéM IQGOEG Bottleneck
á∏bôY Bottoms Up
Boundary (Electoral)
á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG Oh~M Boundary Delimitation
π°UÉØdG ~j~–
Block Vote/ Bloc Vote - Boundary Delimitation body) to be filled, and in most cases the electors are free to vote for individual candidates regardless of party affiliation. In most bloc vote systems the electors may use as many or as few of their votes as they wish. In First Past the Post bloc voting systems, the candidates with the most votes win--an absolute majority is not required. Also known as AtLarge Plurality
º˘¡˘JGAɢª˘à˘fG ø˘Y ô˘˘¶˘ æ˘ dG ¢ ¨˘˘H Ú뢢°Tô˘˘ª˘ ∏˘ d âjƒ˘˘°üà˘˘dG ¿CG ÚÑNÉæ∏d øμÁ ,ÜÉîàf’G ᪶fCG º¶©e ‘ .á«Hõ◊G áMÉàŸG äGƒ°UC’G øe ¬fh~jôj …òdG O~©dG Gƒe~îà°ùj RƒØdG ≈∏Y ~ªà©ŸG …ƒ∏àμdG âjƒ°üàdG ᪶fCG ‘ .º¡d O~Y ÈcCG ≈∏Y ¿ƒ∏°UÉ◊G ¿ƒë°TôŸG RƒØj ,ÉJGƒ°UCG ÌcCÓd É° jC k G ±ô©j .á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZCÓd IQhô°V ’h ,äGƒ°UC’G øe .™°SGƒdG O~q ©àdÉH
Usually a non-partisan board or multipartisan board set up to oversee the election and make sure that it is conducted fairly. See Election Commission.
øe πμ°ûJ hCG Ú«HõM ÒZ AÉ° YCG øe ÖdɨdG ‘ ¿ƒμàJh q ¿É˘ª˘°Vh äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ≈˘∏˘Y ±Gô˘°TEÓ˘d IOq~˘ ©˘ à˘ e ÜGõ˘˘MCG .äÉHÉîàf’G áæ÷ ô¶fG .áfÉeCGh ágGõæH ÉgÒ°S
A voting system for single or multiple seat elections using rank preference ballots.
IOq~©àŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG hCG ~MGƒdG ~©≤ŸG äÉHÉîàf’ »HÉîàfG Ωɶf Ö«˘˘JÎdɢ˘H äGQɢ˘«˘ à˘ N’G ™˘˘° J ´GÎbG ᢢbQh ΩG~˘˘î˘ à˘ ˘°Sɢ˘ H .π° ØŸG
The act of seizing and controlling a polling station so that many fraudulent votes may be cast there (this term is used in India).
»c ,¬«a ºqμëqàdGh ´GÎbG õcôe ≈∏Y AÓ«à°S’G áq«∏ªY »g Gòg Ω~îà°ùj) IÒãc áq«dÉ«àMG mäGƒ°UCÉH ¬«a A’OE’G ºàj .(~æ¡dG ‘ í∏£°üŸG
Managing the booths in the polling station.
.á«HÉîàf’G õcGôŸG ‘ á«YGÎb’G äGÒé◊G IQGOEG á«∏ªY
The term used to describe the individual, place or position that causes the flow of information or other activities to slow down or halt.
hCG ¿Éμe hCG Ée ¢üî°T ∞°Uƒd í∏£°üŸG ∂dP Ω~îà°ùj ᢢ£˘ °ûfC’G hCG äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG ≥˘˘a~˘˘J ᢢ∏˘ bô˘˘Y ÖÑ˘˘°ùj Ö°üæ˘˘ e .É¡©æe hCG iôNC’G
A multi-seat election method. The same as Instant Runoff Voting except runoff cycles stop when number of remaining candidates is equal to the number of seats to be filled.
≈∏Y âjƒ°üàdG πãe ƒgh .IO~q ©àŸG ~YÉ≤∏d »HÉîàfG Ωɶf I~j~÷G äGQh~dG q¿GC AÉæãà°SÉH Úë°TôŸG q Ö«JôJ ¢SÉ°SCG ÚbÉÑdG Úë°TôŸG O~Y íÑ°üj Ée~æY ∞qbƒàJ äÉHÉîàfÓd .IôZÉ°ûdG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~©d ÉjhÉ°ùe
Something that marks an electoral limit or border.
.á«HÉîàf’G Oh~◊G Úq©j A»°T
The process of drawing boundaries of constituencies for allocation of seats. Also known as Districting.
.~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒ˘J ±~˘¡˘H ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘FGh~˘dG Ú«˘©˘J ᢫˘∏˘ª˘Y .á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º«°ù≤àH kÉ° jCG ±ô©oJ
7 Budget
Butterfly Ballot
á°TGôa πμ°ûH ´GÎbG ábQh
By-E Election
/á«Yôa äÉHÉîàfG á«q ∏«ªμJ By-LLaw
»∏NGO Ωɶf
Budget - By-LLaw The budget usually refers to the amount of money you expect to spend on various aspects of the campaign. You should also figure out how many people are needed to accomplish each task and how long each task will take. In this way you will also be budgeting your time and people resources as well.
≈˘∏˘Y ɢ¡˘bÉ˘Ø˘fGE ™˘bƒ˘à˘J »˘à˘dG ∫Gƒ˘e’C G QG~˘≤˘ e ¤EG kɢ Ñ˘ dɢ˘Z Ò°ûJ O~Y Qq~≤J ¿CG »¨Ñæj ∂dòc .á∏ª◊G ‘ áØ∏àfl ÖfGƒL ±ƒ°S …òdG øeõdGh ,᪡e πc RÉ‚E’ ÚHƒ∏£ŸG ¢UÉî°TC’G ¿ƒμà°S ƒëædG ∂dP ≈∏Yh .ΩÉ¡ŸG øe ᪡e qπc ¬bô¨à°ùJ .ô°ûÑdGh øeõdG r…nOpQƒnr Ÿ áfRGƒŸG OG~YEG â∏ªμà°SG ~b kÉ° jCG
A type of paper ballot in which the actual voting is done by the central fold of a two-page, pamphlet-like ballot (the two open pages are like a butterfly’s wings; the voting is done where the butterfly’s body would be).
∫ÓN øe âjƒ°üqàdG qºàj å«M ,´GÎb’G äÉbÉ£H øe ´ƒf ÚàëØ°üdG q ¬Ñ°ûàa) Öq«àc QGôZ ≈∏Y ,ábQƒdG »àëØ°U q»W ~˘æ˘Y âjƒ˘°ü˘qà˘dG qº˘à˘j ɢª˘«˘a ;ᢰTGô˘a »˘Mɢæ˘L Úà˘Mƒ˘à˘ØŸG .(á°TGôØdG Ö∏b ‘ ,§°SƒdG
An election not held at the usually scheduled time, often to fill a vacancy in the office. There is often much lower voter turnout in a special or by-election. See Special Election.
iôéj øμdh ,O~ÙG √~Yƒe ‘ IOÉY iôéj ’ ÜÉîàfG …CG O~˘˘Y -º˘˘Y’G ≈˘˘∏˘ Y -¢ Ø˘˘î˘ æ˘ jh .~˘˘©˘ ˘≤ŸG ÆGô˘˘ a ô˘˘ ¨˘ ˘°ûd ô˘¶˘fG .ᢰUÉÿG hCG ᢫˘∏˘«˘ª˘μ˘ à˘ dG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ‘ ÚYÎ≤ŸG .á°UÉÿG äÉHÉîàf’G
A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization; or a secondary law.
~b hCG ;áæq«©e áª¶æŸ á«∏NG~dG ¿hDƒ°ûdG ‘ ºμë∏d ¿ƒfÉb .…ƒfÉK ¿ƒfÉb É° jC k G ¿ƒμj
Calendar Of Events (Administrative)
Calendar Of Events (Administrative) - Campaign Manager
Structured sequence of tasks leading to the announcement of the successful party or candidates. It provides the key milestone and tasks that must be completed to ensure that the election takes place in an organized manner.
øY ¿ÓYE’G ¤EG ájq ODƒŸG ΩÉ¡ŸG øe ᪠q¶æe á∏°ù∏°S »g ô˘é◊G π˘qã“ É˘ª˘c .ø˘jõ˘Fɢ˘Ø˘ dG Ú뢢°TôŸG q hCG õ˘˘Fɢ˘Ø˘ dG Üõ◊G É¡eÉ“EG »¨Ñæj »àdG ΩÉ¡ŸG ká°ùcÉY ,äÉHÉîàfÓd ¢SÉ°SC’G .ÉgÒ°S ø°ùM ¿Éª° d
Political activity, including meetings, rallies, speeches, demonstrations, parades, other events, and the use of the media, intended to inform the electorate of the platform of a particular candidate or political party and to gather support.
π˘˘ã˘ e »˘˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °S •É˘˘°ûf ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ ˘f’G ᢢ ∏˘ ˘ª◊G ø˘˘ ª˘ ˘° à˘˘ J ¢Vhô˘Y ,äGô˘gɢ¶˘J ,äɢHɢ£˘ N ,äɢ˘bɢ˘Ñ˘ °S ,äɢ˘Yɢ˘ª˘ à˘ LG á«Yƒ˘à˘d ΩÓ˘YE’G π˘Fɢ°Sh ∫ɢª˘©˘à˘°SGh ,çG~˘MCG ,᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°S »°SÉ«°S ÜõM hCG í°TôŸ q ø«q ©e èeÉfôH øY áÑNÉædG áÄ«¡dG .ºY~dG ÜÉ°ùàc’h
The calendar used to schedule events and voter contact in the campaign. This should be a master calendar with the final say of what goes on in the campaign (“if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening”). Often there is a large, public version (and therefore less complete) hanging on the wall.
»˘æ˘eõ˘dG ∫h~÷G ~˘j~˘ë˘à˘d Ω~˘˘î˘ à˘ °ùŸG π˘˘é˘ °ùdG »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ Jh ¿CG Öéjh .á∏ª◊G ‘ ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’Gh çG~MCÓd π°UÉØdG ∫ƒ≤dG øª° àj ,¢ù«FQh ΩÉY πé°ùdG ∂dP ¿ƒμj ,πé°ùdG ‘ ôeCG ~°Uôj ⁄ ¿EÉa) ,á∏ª◊G ‘ Qh~j Ée πμd áî°ùf kÉÑdÉZ ∑Éæg ¿ƒμjh .(ç~ëj ød ¬fCG ∂dP ≈橪a .(á∏eÉc ¿ƒμJ ’ ∂dòdh) QG~÷G ≈∏Y á≤∏©e áeq ÉYh IÒÑc
Often this is the decision making group in the campaign made up of the key advisors to the candidate; this committee could also provide financial assistance to candidates, in addition to its strategic support. See Campaign Team.
øe ¿ƒμàJh á∏ª◊G ‘ QGô≤dG ™æ°U áYƒª› IOÉY ¿ƒμJh É° jC k G áæé∏dG √ò¡d øμÁh .í°Tôª∏d Ú°ù«FôdG øjQÉ°ûàŸG ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ‹ÉŸG ∫ÉÛG ‘ í°Tôª∏d q I~YÉ°ùe Ω~q ≤J ¿CG .á∏ª◊G ≥jôa ô¶fG .»é«JGΰS’G É¡ªYO
Donations to political campaigns from the candidates' supporters.
á∏ªë∏d í°TôŸG hô°UÉæe É¡H ´qÈàj »àdG ∫GƒeC’G »gh .á«°SÉ«°ùdG
Campaign Finance Reform
A movement to restrict the amount of money that individuals and interest groups can contribute to political campaigns.
OGô˘˘ aCÓ˘ ˘d ø˘˘ μÁ …ò˘˘ dG ‹ÉŸG ≠˘˘ ∏˘ ˘ÑŸG ~˘˘ j~˘˘ ë˘ ˘à˘ ˘d ᢢ ˘cô˘˘ ˘M .á«HÉîàf’G äÓªë∏d ¬H GƒYÈàj ¿CG ídÉ°üŸG äÉYƒª›h
Campaign Literature
Printed campaign material used to inform potential voters about the candidate and persuade them to vote for the candidate.
ÚÑNÉædG ΩÓYE’ Ω~îà°ùJ »àdGh á∏ªë∏d áYƒÑ£ŸG OGƒŸG .¬d âjƒ°üàdÉH º¡YÉæbEGh ,í°TôŸG øY º¡ZÓHEGh Ú∏ªnàÙG
The person responsible for overseeing the strategic development and the dayto-day running of the campaign. The candidate cannot be the campaign manager.
ô˘˘ ˘jƒ˘˘ ˘ £˘ ˘ ˘J ≈˘˘ ˘ ∏˘ ˘ ˘Y ±Gô˘˘ ˘ °TE’G ø˘˘ ˘ Y ∫hDƒ˘ ˘ ˘°ùŸG ¢ü ˘ °ûdG ’h .á˘∏˘ª◊G AGô˘LE’ ᢫˘eƒ˘«˘dG ¿hDƒ˘°ûdGh äɢ«˘é˘«˘ JGΰS’G .á∏ª◊G IQGOEG ‹ƒJ í°Tôª∏d øμÁ
/(ájq QGOEG) çG~MC’G ˃≤J çG~MC’G áeÉfRhQ Campaign
á«HÉîàfG á∏ªM
Campaign Calendar
/á∏ªë∏d »æeR πé°S / á«fƒfÉ≤dG IÎØdG á∏ª◊G áeÉfRhQ
Campaign Committee
á∏ª◊G áæ÷
Campaign Contributions
/á∏ª◊G ‘ äɪgÉ°ùe á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈJ πjƒ“ •hô°T ìÓ°UEG äÓª◊G á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG Campaign Manager
á∏ª◊G ôj~e
9 Campaign Period
á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G I~e Campaign Plan
á∏ª◊G á£N
Campaign Professionals
á∏ª◊G ƒaÎfi
Campaign Resources
á∏ª◊G OQGƒe Campaign Team
á∏ª◊G ≥jôa
Candidate Research
í°TôŸG åëH
Campaign Period - Candidate Research Period of time, defined by law, within which candidates may conduct campaign activities and election propaganda.
ɢ¡˘dÓ˘N ™˘«˘£˘à˘°ùj »˘à˘dGh ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘dG ɢgO~q ˘ë˘ j »˘˘à˘ dG IÎØ˘˘dG á˘jɢY~˘dɢHh á˘∏˘ª˘ë˘∏˘d äɢWɢ°ûæ˘H Gƒ˘eƒ˘˘≤˘ j ¿CG Ú뢢°Tô˘ q ˘ª˘ ∏˘ d .äÉHÉîàfÓd
The written document bringing together the important research, the targeting, the message and the strategy of the campaign. This should be drafted at the beginning of the campaign and provide a step-by-step outline of how the campaign will get to Election Day.
ᢢeɢ˘¡˘ dG çƒ˘˘ë˘ Ñ˘ dG ™˘˘ªŒ »˘˘à˘ dG ᢢHƒ˘˘à˘ μŸG ᢢ≤˘ «˘ ˘Kƒ˘˘ dG »˘˘ g »˘¨˘Ñ˘æ˘jh .á˘∏˘ª◊G ᢫˘é˘«˘JGΰSGh á˘dɢ°Sô˘dGh ±G~˘¡˘à˘°S’Gh Ég~jhõJh á∏ª◊G π¡à°ùe ‘ IOƒ°ùe ‘ ∂dP πc OG~YEG Ωƒ«dG ¤EG k’ƒ˘°Uh Iƒ˘£˘N ~˘©˘H Iƒ˘£˘N ò˘«˘Ø˘ æ˘ à˘ dG π˘˘Ñ˘ °ùHo .´GÎbÓd O~ÙG
People who have experience working in many past campaigns and are often paid to work on campaigns. These people understand the fundamentals of campaign development, such as raising money, formulating a campaign message, working with the media and targeting and persuading voters.
ò«ØæJ ‘ äGÈN º¡d ôaƒàJ øjòdG ¢UÉî°T’G πª°ûJh πª©∏d kGQƒLCG º¡d ™a~jh ,á≤HÉ°ùdG äÓª◊G øe ~j~©dG á£N ™°Vh ¢ù°SCG ¿ƒcQ~j ¢UÉî°T’G A’Dƒgh .á∏ª◊G ‘ á˘Zɢ«˘°Uh ,∫Gƒ˘eC’G ™˘ª˘L ∂dP ‘ Éà ,ɢgô˘˘jƒ˘˘£˘ Jh ᢢ∏˘ ª˘ M ±G~¡à°SGh ,ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ™e πª©dGh ,á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SQ .º¡YÉæbEGh ÚÑNÉædG
The money, time, information and volunteer help a campaign has access to.
âbƒdGh ∫GƒeC’G øe ¬«∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G á∏ªM ™«£à°ùJ Ée πc .¿ƒYƒ£àŸG q É¡e~q ≤j »àdG I~YÉ°ùŸGh äÉeƒ∏©ŸGh
Often this is the decision making group in the campaign made up of the key advisors to the candidate. In some cases the campaign team maybe the Campaign Committee plus the campaign staff. See Campaign Committee.
øe ¿ƒμàjh ,á∏ª◊G ‘ QGô≤dG ™æ°U áYƒª› kÉÑdÉZ º° jh ~b ä’É◊G ¢ ©H ‘h .í°Tôª∏d Ú°ù«FôdG øjQÉ°ûà°ùŸG .É¡«a Ú∏eÉ©dG qπch á∏ª◊G áæ÷ á∏ª◊G ≥jôa º° j .á∏ª◊G áæ÷ ô¶fG
This is the person running for a particular elected position. The role of the candidate is to meet voters and potential donors to the campaign and persuade them to support the candidate. The candidate cannot be the campaign manager, responsible for the strategic development and day to day running of the campaign.
.»HÉîàfG ~©≤à RƒØ∏d äÉHÉîàf’G ¢Vƒîj …òdG ¢üî°ûdG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG á˘∏˘Hɢ≤˘e ≈˘˘∏˘ Y π˘˘ª˘ ©˘ dG í˘˘°TôŸG QhO ø˘˘ª˘ ° à˘˘jh º¡YÉæbEGh á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈàdG Ë~≤àd Ú∏ªàÙG ÚªgÉ°ùŸGh ¤ƒàj ¿CG í°Tôª∏d øμÁ ’h .í°TôŸG ídÉ°üd ´GÎb’ÉH äÉ«é«JGΰS’G ôjƒ£J øY ∫hDƒ°ùŸG á∏ª◊G ôj~e Ö°üæe .á∏ª◊G Ò°ùd á«eƒ«dG ¿hDƒ°ûdGh
Candidate research is all the information, both good and bad, that your campaign can put together on your candidate. This is part of the overall research that should be done at the beginning of the campaign. See Research.
»˘à˘dG ,I~˘«˘L ΩCG âfɢc á˘Ä˘«˘°S ,äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG ᢢaɢ˘c ø˘˘ª˘ ° à˘˘jh çÉëHC’G øe kGAõL ∂dP πãÁh .É¡ë°Tôe øY á∏ª◊G É¡©ªŒ .åëÑdG ô¶fG .á∏ª◊G π¡à°ùe ‘ ÉgDhGôLEG »¨Ñæj »àdG
10 Candidate’s Agent
Candidate’s Agent - Certifying Election Results A representative of a candidate who may be present during the voting and during the count.
Rôah ´GÎb’G âbh ô° ëj ¿CG øμÁ …òdG í°TôŸG πq㇠.äGƒ°UC’G
A person designated by a candidate to be responsible for the financial management of his campaign, the application of relevant financial rules and the completion of the statutory reports.
¬à∏ªM IQGOEG øY k’hDƒ°ùe ¿ƒμ«d í°TôŸG ƒg q ¬æ«q ©j ¢üî°T l ô˘jQɢ≤˘àq ˘dG ΩÉ“EGh ,á˘Ñ˘°SɢæŸG ᢫q ˘dÉŸG ÚfGƒ˘≤˘dG ≥˘«˘Ñ˘£˘Jh ,kɢ«q ˘dɢe .á«q fƒfÉ≤dG
This is a type of voter contact in which the candidate or volunteers go from one house or apartment to another, talking directly to voters. When done by the candidate, this is one of the most persuasive methods of winning votes, though it is time and labor intensive. aka Door-toDoor.
hCG í°TôŸG Ωƒ≤j å«M ,ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á≤jôW »gh ç~ëàdGh ,øμ°ùe ¤EG øμ°ùe øe π≤æàdÉH ¿ƒYƒ£àŸG á©æ≤ŸG Ö«dÉ°SC’G π° aCG øe q~©oJh .ÚÑNÉædG ¤EG Iô°TÉÑe ɢ¡˘fCG º˘Zô˘H ,í˘˘°TôŸG ɢ˘¡˘ H Ωƒ˘˘≤˘ j ÚM ,äGƒ˘˘°UC’ɢ˘H Rƒ˘˘Ø˘ ∏˘ d .ÚØãμe G~¡Lh Éàbh ∂∏¡à°ùJ
Casting a Vote
The act of putting a ballot in a ballot box, or the act of recording a preference for a certain motion or candidate.
π©a hCG ,´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ‘ ´GÎb’G ábQh ™°Vh á«∏ªY .ìGÎbG hCG í°Tôe q π«° ØJ π«é°ùJ
Categorical Ballot
Form of ballot in which only a single choice for a candidate or party can be made.
’EG QÉ«àNÉH íª°ùj ’ âjƒ°üàq dG ∫Éμ°TCG øe πl μ°T ƒg .~MGh ÜõM hCG í°Tôe q
A meeting of party leaders and/or supporters, the purpose of which may be to show unity for a particular issue (usually held privately) or to select a candidate for office. A group within a legislative or decisionmaking body seeking to represent a specific interest or influence a particular area of policy. Chiefly British, a committee within a political party charged with determining policy.
º¡ªYO QÉ¡XE’ ¬jô°UÉæe hCG/h ø«q ©e ÜõM IOÉ≤d ´ÉªàLG hCG (á°UÉN á°ù∏L øª°V kÉÑdÉZ) IO~q fi á«q ° ≤d ~MƒŸGq hCG »©jô°ûJ º°ùL øª°V áYƒª› .Ö°üæŸ í°Tôe q AÉ≤àf’ ‘ ÒKCÉàdG hCG ø«q ©e ΩɪàgG π«ãªàd ≈©°ùj QGôb ™fÉ°U áæ÷ »g ,É«fÉ£jôH ‘ ¢üNC q ’G ≈∏Y.áæ«q ©e á°SÉ«°ùd ∫É› .á°SÉ«°ùdG ~j~ëàH áØq∏μe »°SÉ«°S ÜõM øª°V
Caucus-S Style Election
Process whereby small groups select representatives who, in turn, choose people to serve in a given Government.
,É¡æY Ú∏q㇠ɡÑLƒÃ IÒ¨°üdG q ¥ôØdG QÉàîJ áq«∏ªY »g m .áæq«©e áeƒμM ‘ áe~î∏d kÉ°UÉî°TCG ºgQh~H ¿hQÉàîj
Central Election Commission
Highest body of electoral administration.
áë°Uh ábO øe ~cCÉàdG á«∏ªY.ájQGOEG á«HÉîàfEG áÄ«g ≈∏YCG .äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf
Once the actual election is over there are still a few things that need to occur to finalize it. The election is not completed until after it is certified and elected candidates qualify and take office. Though protections are in place to guarantee a
»àdG QƒeC’G ¢ ©H ∑Éæg π¶j äÉHÉîàf’G »¡àæJ â«M ≥j~°üàdG ~©H q’EG äÉHÉîàf’G πªàμJ Óa .É¡eÉ“EG Öéj QƒeCG ~LƒJ ¬qfCG ™eh .ºg~YÉ≤e ÚÑnîàæŸG òNCGh É¡«∏Y
/í°TôŸG q π«ch /í°TôŸG q Üh~æe í°TôŸG πã‡
Candidate’s Offical Agent
»ª°SôdG í°TôŸG q π«ch Canvass
/䃰üH A’OEG ´GÎbG/âjƒ°üJ ™WÉb âjƒ°üJ /á«HÉîàfG á«©ªL /á«q ª«¶æJ á«HõM áæ÷ »HõM »HÉîàfG ´ÉªàLG
ÒZ äÉHÉîàf’G è¡f Iô°TÉÑŸG
ásjõcôŸG áæé∏dG/¢ù∏ÛG äÉHÉîàfÓd Certifying Election Results èFÉàf ≈∏Y ≥j~°üàdG ´GÎb’G
ábQh Ö≤K á°UÉ°üb ´GÎb’G Challenge/ Claims (Electoral)
ø©W/¢VGÎYG Characteristics of Message
ádÉ°SôdG äɪ°S Chief Electoral Officer
RÉ¡÷G »Ø qXƒe ¢ù«FQ »HÉîàf’G Choice Elimination
äGQÉ«àN’G ±òM Choice Runoff
Certifying Election Results - Choice Transfer voter’s privacy, the various administrative steps in the election process are public. This means anyone interested in being present for the preliminary count or certification of the count can be, and the public must be provided notice of when these actions will occur so that anyone interested may attend.
øμÁ ¬qfGC q…GC .áqeÉY »g á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ‘ áØ∏àıG Öéjh É¡«∏Y ≥j~°üàdGh RôØdG á«∏ªY ¤EG ~jôj øe Qƒ° M √ò˘˘g ∫ƒ˘˘ °üM âbh ∫ƒ˘˘ M äɢ˘ eƒ˘˘ ∏˘ ˘©Ã ¢Sɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG Ohõ˘s ˘ j ¿CG .¿ƒªà¡ŸG ô° ëj ≈àM É¡fÉμeh äÉWÉ°ûædG
A tiny bit of paper that is punched from a ballot using a punch-type mechanical voting machine.
,áq«HÉîàf’G ábÉ£ÑdG øe Ö≤ãoJ IÒ¨°U áq«bQh á°UÉ°üb »g .áÑbÉK ádBG ᣰSGƒH
A calling into question, especially a questioning of validity or legality of the election results.
. É¡à«Yô°Th äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf áë°U ádAÉ°ùe
A campaign message must be short, truthful and credible, persuasive and important to voters, show contrast with the opposition, speak to the heart, be targeted and repeated again and again.
äGPh ᢢ bOɢ˘ °Uh ,IÒ°üb ᢢ dɢ˘ °Sô˘˘ dG ¿ƒ˘˘ μ˘ ˘J ¿CG »˘˘ ¨˘ ˘Ñ˘ ˘æ˘ ˘j ™e øjÉÑàdG í°VƒJh ,ÚÑNÉæ∏d áeÉgh á©æ≤eh ,á«bG~°üe á˘a~˘¡˘ à˘ °ùeh ,(¿G~˘˘Lƒ˘˘dG) Ö∏˘˘≤˘ dG ÖWɢ˘î˘ Jh ,Ú°ùaɢ˘æŸG .kɪFGO QôμJh
An individual who introduces and reviews the management structure that reflects the particular needs of the country in delivering effective electoral administration. Also see Electoral Management Body.
¢ùμ©j Éà ,¬©LGôjh IQGOE’G á«æH ´hô°ûe Ωq~≤j ¢üî°T ƒg l ᢢq«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G IQGOE’G ÚeCɢ J ‘ ᢢ°UÉÿG q ~˘˘∏˘ Ñ˘ dG äɢ˘ Lɢ˘ M .äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEG RÉ¡L ¤EG kÉ° jCG IOƒ©dG .ádÉq©ØdG
The elimination of a Low Series of candidates before the transfer of surplus votes in a Full Choice election.
π˘jƒ– π˘Ñ˘b ,Ú뢰TôŸG q ø˘e á˘Ø˘«˘©˘°V á˘∏˘°ù∏˘˘°S ±ò˘˘M ƒ˘˘g .kÓeÉc kGQÉ«àNG í«àJ mäÉHÉîàfG ¤EG á° FÉØdG äGƒ°UC’G
See Single Transferable Vote.
᪰SÉ◊G IQh~q dG äGQÉ«àNÓd Choice Selection
äGQÉ«àN’G ~j~–
Choice Transfer
.Ò«éà∏d πHÉb …Oôa 䃰U/´GÎbG ô¶fG
The ranked choices made by each elector. The voter would only have a single vote, but the voter would be allowed to rank a list of choices of his preferred candidates. This list would be attached to his single vote. The vote belongs to the first candidate on this list.
πq c √O~q ëj Ée ≥ah ,∞«æ°üàq dG ≈∏Y áªFÉ≤dG äGQÉ«ÿG »g Iôq e ’EG ´GÎb’G ÖNÉæq ∏d ≥q ëj ’ ,¥É«°ùdG Gòg ‘ .´Î≤e πª°ûJ äGQÉ«ÿG øe áëF’ ∞«æ°üJ ¬fÉμeEÉH øμd ,I~MGh ,~«MƒdG ¬Jƒ°üH áëFÓdG √òg ≥aÎa .Ú∏° ØŸG q ¬«ë°Tôe q ∂∏˘J ≈˘∏˘Y Qƒ˘còŸG ∫hCq ’G í˘°Tô˘ ª ˘ ∏ ˘ d ¬˘ ˘ J ƒ˘ ˘ ° U Oƒ˘ ˘ © ˘ j å«˘ ˘M q .áëFÓdG
The transfer of surplus votes from leading candidates. The single vote that the voter cast is transferable at times, in part or whole, to another candidate under certain conditions. After all Surplus Votes have been transferred the Choice Run-Off part of Choice Voting would be put into operation.
»Øa .Ú°ù«Fôq dG Úë°TôŸG q øe á° FÉØdG äGƒ°UC’G Ò«Œ ƒg ¬«≤∏j …òdG …q OôØdG 䃰üdG q Ò«Œ øμÁ ,¿É«MC’G ¢ ©H ¤EG ,πeÉμdÉH Éeq GE h kÉ«q FõL Éeq GE ,´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ‘ ´Î≤ŸG πq ˘ c Ò«Œ ~˘˘©˘ Hh .á˘˘æ˘ «q ˘ ©˘ e m±hô˘˘ X πq ˘ ˘X ‘ ô˘˘ NBG í˘˘ °Tô˘ q ˘e øe ᪰SÉ◊G IQh~q dG á∏Môe GC ~ÑJ ,á° FÉØdG äGƒ°UC’G .äGQÉ«ÿG ≈∏Y âjƒ°üàq dG
12 Choice Voting
äGQÉ«ÿG ≈∏Y âjƒ°üàq dG
Choice Voting - Claims See Single Transferable Vote.
.Ò«éà∏d πHÉb …Oôa 䃰U/´GÎbG ô¶fG
An individual who is a naturalized or native-born Resident of a state, displays allegiance to that state’s political and legal authority, and who is therefore entitled to the rights and protections of its laws.
ô¡¶j , áj’h ‘ OƒdƒŸG º«≤ŸG hCG ¢ùqæÛG ¢üî°ûdG ƒg ƒgh , á«Yô°ûdG á£∏°ùdG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG áj’ƒdG ∂∏àd kA’h .É¡«a á«fƒfÉ≤dG ájɪ◊Gh É¡bƒ≤ëH ∫ƒfl q ∂dòH
Citizen Initiative
A mechanism which enables voters to place legislative issues on the ballot or in front of their legislature.
≈∏Y á«q ©jô°ûàq dG ÉjÉ° ≤dG ™°Vh øe ÚYÎ≤ŸG øqμ“ á«q dBG »g .á«q ©jô°ûàq dG º¡JÉÄ«g ΩÉeCG hCG ,´GÎb’G ábQh
Citizen-B Based Coverage
Reporters interview citizens to attempt to measure their thoughts on political issues during a campaign. Reporters should also try to cover the important issues (as determined by speaking to citizens and conducting focus groups) repetitiously, to insure that readers and viewers have a good chance of coming across the coverage.
ÚæWGƒŸG äÉeɪàgG ≈∏Y õcôJ á«eÓYEG á«£¨àH ΩÉ«≤dG ÉjÉ° ≤dG ‘ º¡FGQBG kÉ«∏©a ¢ùμ©Jh ™ªàÛG ‘ ºgQhOh Ú∏°SGôŸG ≈∏Y .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ∫ÓN á«°SÉ«°ùdG ø˘e) á˘ª˘¡ŸG ɢjɢ° ≤˘˘dG ᢢ«˘ £˘ ¨˘ J ᢢdhÉfi Ú«˘˘Ø˘ ë˘ °üdG ø˘e) á˘ª˘¡ŸG ɢjɢ° ≤˘dG ᢫˘£˘¨˘J á˘dhÉfi Ú«˘˘Ø˘ ë˘ °üdG∫ÓN (õ«côJ äÉYƒª› IQGOEGh ÚæWGƒŸG ¤EG ç~ëàdG ∫ÓN AGôq ˘ ≤˘ ∏˘ d ᢢ«˘ £˘ ¨˘ à˘ ∏˘ d I~˘˘«˘ L ᢢ°Uô˘˘ a ¿É˘˘ ª˘ ˘° d ,QGô˘˘ μ˘ ˘à˘ ˘H .øj~gÉ°ûŸGh
Civic Education
Educational program aiming to promote political awareness understanding and knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of the citizens.
»°SÉ«°ùdG Ωƒ¡Øª∏d »YƒdG õjõ©J ¤EG ±~¡j …ƒHôJ èeÉfôH .ÚæWGƒŸG äÉ«dhDƒ°ùeh ¥ƒ≤M ≈∏Y ´Ó qW’Gh
Civic Journalism
Civic journalism is an effort to reach out to the public more aggressively in the reporting process, to listen to how citizens frame their problems and what citizens see as solutions to those problems. This information is then used to enrich news stories. Civic journalism is practiced by newspapers and radio and television stations in many parts around the world.
‘ Ö©°ûdG ™e ™°ShCG π°UGƒJ ≈∏Y ¢SÉ°SC’ÉH õcôJ áaÉë°U É¡∏M áq«Ø«ch º¡∏cÉ°ûe ¤EG ´Éªà°S’Gh ,ôjô≤àdG á«∏ªY á«æZ áZÉ«°üd äÉeƒ∏©ŸG √òg πª©à°ùJ ‹ÉàdÉHh .º¡jCGôH √ògh .¿ƒjõØ∏àdGh ,ƒjOGôdGh ,∞ë°üdG ∫ÓN øe QÉÑNÓd .OÓÑdG øe Òãc ‘ ádhG~àe áaÉë°üdG
It consists of a range of associations and membership organizations that bring citizens together to act in a political and policy realms.
äɢª˘ q¶˘æ˘eh äɢ«q ˘©˘ª÷G ø˘e á˘Yƒ˘q æ˘à˘e má˘∏˘°ù∏˘°S ø˘e ∞˘qdÉC ˘à˘ j ¿G~˘˘«ŸG ‘ ∑ô˘˘ë˘ àq ˘ ∏˘ d Úæ˘˘WGƒŸG ™˘˘ ªŒ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG ᢢ jq ƒ˘˘ ° ©˘˘ dG .äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG ™°Vh ¿G~«eh »q °SÉ«°ùdG
Complaints regarding decisions or lack of action presented by different electoral actors. See also Challenge, Dispute.
…ò˘dG ±ôq ˘°üà˘dG Ω~˘˘Y hCG äGQGô˘˘≤˘ dG ¢Uƒ˘˘°üH iƒ˘˘μ˘ °T ¤EG ô˘˘ ¶˘ ˘fG .Ú«˘˘ Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G Ú∏˘˘ qã˘ ˘ªŸG ∞˘˘ ∏˘ ˘àfl ¬˘˘ e~q ˘ ˘ ≤˘ ˘ j
á«æÑe á«eÓYEG á«£¨J øWGƒŸG ≈∏Y
á«f~ŸG á«HÎdG
/áæWGƒŸG áaÉë°üdG á«q f~ŸG/á«q ∏gC’G
Civil Society
Ê~ŸG ™ªàÛG Claims
AÉYOq GE ,áÑdÉ£e ,iƒYO
.IQhÉfi/´Gõfh ø©W/¢VGÎYG
13 Closed List
Closed List - Code of Conduct A form of List PR in which electors are restricted to voting only for a party or political grouping, and cannot express a preference for any candidate within a party list.
áª˘Fɢ≤˘dG ™˘e »˘Ñ˘°ùæ˘dG π˘«˘ã˘ª˘à˘dG Ωɢ¶˘f ø˘˘ ˘e ´ƒ˘˘ ˘f §≤a âjƒ°üàdÉH ÚYÎ≤ŸG âjƒ°üJ ¬«a ô°üëj á«Hõ◊G
Closed Primary
Primary election in which only a political party’s members may vote on its nominees.
»°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G AÉ° YCG áYÉ£à°SÉH å«M á«dhCq G äÉHÉîàfG .¬«ë°TôŸ n GƒJƒ°üj ¿CG Ö°ùëa
The alliance of the forces of two or more groups or political parties to form the government.
hCG Úq«°SÉ«°S ÚHõM hCG ÚàYƒª› iƒb ÚH ∞dÉ– ƒg .áeƒμë∏d kÓ«μ°ûJ ,ÌcCG
Coalition Government is a Government created from more than one political party. It is sometimes (but not always) created when no single party has gained an overall majority in a GeneralElection. Two or more parties may then agree to govern together.
.»°SÉ«°S ÜõM øe ÌcCG øe ±ÓàF’G áeƒμM πsμ°ûoJ ÜõM …CG RƒØj ’ Ée~æY (ɪFGO ¢ù«dh) kÉfÉ«MCG πsμ°ûoJ ≥˘Ø˘à˘j ɢg~˘æ˘Y .á˘eɢ©˘dG äɢHÉ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ‘ ᢢjÌcC’ɢ˘H ~˘˘MGh .É©e OÓÑdG ºμM ≈∏Y ÌcCG hCG ¿ÉHõM
Coalition of Results
The transmission of results from a particular polling site to the next level to be collated with other results to give the outcome for a wider area to establish the overall national results.
,‹Éàq dG iƒà°ùŸG ¤EG ø«q ©em ´GÎbG õcôe øe èFÉàæq dG π≤f ƒg èFÉàf ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d ,iôNC’G èFÉàæq dÉH É¡©ªL ºq àj »c .áeq É©dG á«q æWƒdG èFÉàæq dG AÉ°SQE’ ∂dPh ,™°ShC’G á≤£æŸG
Coalition/ Alliance of Parties
Association of two or more political parties constituting a joint force for the purpose of contesting an election or forming a government.
ø©£∏d I~ëàe Iƒb π«μ°ûàd ÌcCG hCG ø«q °SÉ«°S ÚHõM ™ªq Œ .áeƒμM π«μ°ûàd hCG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘
An allusion to the rear panels (“tails”) of a gentleman’s frock coat. In American politics, it refers to the ability of a popular officeholder or candidate for office, on the strength of his or her own popularity, to increase the chances for victory of other candidates of the same political party. This candidate is said to carry others to victory “on his coattails.
ádòÑdG πjP ‘ ±É£ÿÉH Ú¡«Ñ°ûdG Ú≤°ûdG ¤EG IQÉ°TEG ᢰSɢ«˘°ùdG ‘ í˘∏˘ £˘ °üŸG Gò˘˘g Ò°ûj .ᢢ∏˘ jƒ˘˘£˘ dG ᢢ«˘ ª˘ °Sô˘˘dG hCG Ú©e »°SÉ«°S Ö°üæe ÖMÉ°U IQ~b ¤EG á«cÒeC’G ,á«Ñ©°T øe ¬H ™àªàj ÉŸ Gô¶f ,܃Ñfi »°SÉ«°S í°Tôe ‘ ¬JGP Üõ◊G øe øjôNBG Úë°Tôe Rƒa ¢Uôa IOÉjR ≈∏Y Gƒ≤∏©J'' ø‡ øjôNBG ôéj í°TôŸG ¿EG ∫É≤j .äÉHÉîàf’G .RƒØdG ¤EG ''¬dÉjPCÉH
Code of Conduct
A set of general rules of behaviour for political parties and their supporters relating to their participation in an election process, to which parties ideally will voluntarily agree and which may, subsequent to that agreement be incorporated in law. Proclaims guidelines of behaviour and standards that are difficult to embody in a statute.
᢫˘∏˘ª˘Y ∫Ó˘N äɢWɢ°ûæ˘dG ¢ ©˘Ñ˘d π˘ª˘©˘dG ~˘YGƒ˘b ø˘«q ˘©˘ j ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG ÜGõ˘MC’G ≈˘∏˘Y ¬˘≤˘«˘Ñ˘£˘J ø˘μÁ .äɢHɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G äɢjɢY~˘dGh äGô˘gɢ¶ŸGh ,äɢYɢ˘ª˘ à˘ L’G IQGOEG º˘˘«˘ ¶˘ æ˘ à˘ d í˘Fɢ°üf Aɢ£˘YE’ Ú«˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG ÚÑ˘bGôŸG ≈˘∏˘Yh ,᢫˘°Sɢ«˘ °ùdG I~Y øª°V øe á«°SÉ«°ùdG áÑbGôŸG ∑ƒ∏°S Oh~Mh •hô°ûd á°VhôØe hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G ÚH É¡«∏Y ≥Øàe ≥«KGƒe .á«HÉîàf’G äÉ£∏°ùdG øe ÉgÒZ hCG á«HÉîàf’G áæé∏dG øe
á≤∏¨e áªFÉb/áëF’
á≤∏¨e á«dhCG äÉHÉîàfEG ±ÓàFG
Coalition Government
±ÓàFG áeƒμM
/èFÉàæq dG èeO èFÉàædG ±ÓàFG
ÜGõMC’G ∞dÉ–/±ÓàFEG í°Tôe ∫ÉjPCG
/πª©dG ¥Éã«e /πª©dG ¿ƒfÉb πª©dG ~YGƒb
π«° ØJ øY ÒÑ©àdG º¡æμÁ ’h ,áq«°SÉ«°S áYƒªÛ hCG Üõ◊ .á«HõM áëF’ øª°V øq«©e í°Tôe q …C’
Code os Ethics - Communal Roll
.πª©dG ¥Éã«e ¤EG IOƒ©dG
Code of Ethics
See Code of Conduct.
Coefficient/ Electoral Quotient
Calculated for each district by dividing the number of valid votes cast by the number of seats allocated to the district.
O~˘Y º˘«˘°ù≤˘à˘H Iô˘FGO π˘˘μ˘ d ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùæ˘˘dG Ö°ù– .IôFGO πμd á°ü°üıG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y ≈∏Y äGƒ°UC’G
These are events in the home of a volunteer or supporter where their friends are able to meet the candidate. These have the advantage of face-to-face contact with the candidate, the most persuasive form of voter contact. Coffees can also be used for small donor fundraising.
øe ¢üî°T hCG ´ƒ£àe ∫õæe ‘ äÉ°ù∏÷G ∂∏J ~≤©Jh á∏HÉ≤e øe ∞«° ŸG ∂dP ÜÉë°UCG øqμªàj ≈àM øj~jDƒŸG ™e ∫É°üJ’G í«àJ É¡fCG á«HÉéjE’G É¡ÑfGƒL øeh .í°TôŸG s ™˘ª÷ ɢ¡˘eG~˘î˘à˘°SG ø˘˘μÁ ∂dò˘˘c .¬˘˘Lƒ˘˘d ɢ˘¡˘ Lh í˘˘°TôŸG .ÚªgÉ°ùŸG Qɨ°U øe äÉYÈàdG
Collateral Group
A demographic group similar to or having similar interests to another demographic group. For example, teachers may share an interest in improving education with mothers. Teachers and mothers would be collateral groups.
™e á∏Kɪàe ídÉ°üe É¡d hCG á¡HÉ°ûàe á«aGô¨ÁO áYƒª› »gh ¿ƒμj ~b ,∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏©a .iôNCG á«aGô¨ÁO áYƒª› Ú°ùë˘˘à˘ d äɢ˘¡˘ eC’G ™˘˘e ᢢcΰûe í˘˘dɢ˘°üe Ú°SQ~˘˘ ª˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d äÉYƒªÛG øe äÉ¡eC’Gh ¿ƒ°SQ~ŸG q~©oj ,∂dòd .º«∏©àdG .áæeÉ° àŸG
A formal group of experts brought together on a regular or ad hoc basis to debate matters within that sphere of expertise, and with regulatory or quasijudicial powers such as the ability to license activity in the sphere of activity or to subpoena witnesses. Commissions usually also have advisory powers to government. The organizational form of a commission is often resorted to by governments to exhaustively investigate a matter of national concern, and is often known as a “commission of inquiry.” This legal structure can be contrasted with a council, the latter not enjoying quasi-judicial or regulatory powers.
ΩɶàfÉH ¿ƒ©ªàéj øjòdG Ú«ª°SôdG AGÈÿG øe áYƒª› »∏j~©J PƒØf øª°Vh º¡JÈN QÉWEG øª°V ÉjÉ° ≤dG á°ûbÉæŸ QÉWEG ‘ á°üNQ AÉ£YEG ≈∏Y IQ~≤dG πãe »FÉ° b ¬Ñ°T hCG ¿CG ɪc .áªμÙG ΩÉeCG ∫ƒãª∏d ~gÉ°T AÉY~à°SG hCG Ée •É°ûf áÄ«¡∏d áeƒμ◊G ÉC é∏J .áeƒμ◊G ≈∏Y kÉjQÉ°ûà°SG kGPƒØf áæé∏d ±ô©oj ,á«æWh ádCÉ°ùe øe πeÉ°ûdG ≥o≤ëà∏d áæé∏d ᪠u¶æŸG Ö«cÎdG Gòg á∏HÉ≤e øμªŸG øe .''≥«≤ëàdG áæé∏H'' Gòg ¬Ñ°ûdG PƒØædÉH ™àªàJ ’ »àdG ¢ù∏› áª∏c ™e ʃfÉ≤dG .»∏j~©àdG hCG »FÉ° ≤dG
Communal Representation
seats are not only divided on a communal basis, but the entire system of parliamentary representation is similarly based on communal considerations. This usually means that each defined community has its own electoral roll, and elects only members of its “own group” to Parliament.
Ωɶf πH ,Ö°ùMh »YɪL ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y ~YÉ≤ŸG º°ù≤J q ’ äGQÉ˘Ñ˘à˘YG ≈˘∏˘Y ɢ° jC k G ~˘ª˘à˘©˘j √ô˘°SCɢH ÊÉŸÈdG π˘«˘ã˘ª˘ à˘ dG IOq~fi á˘Yɢª˘L qπ˘μ˘d q¿CG IOɢ˘Y Gò˘˘g »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ jh .ᢢ«˘ Yɢ˘ª˘ L ø˘e Aɢ° YCG §˘≤˘a Öî˘à˘æ˘Jh »˘Yɢª÷G ɢ¡˘dh~˘L/ɢ¡˘ ∏˘ é˘ °S .»HÉ«ædG ¢ù∏éª∏d ''É¡àYƒª›''
Communal Roll
A register of voters in which ascriptive criteria such as race or ethnicity determine which electors can enroll to vote, and which candidates can be elected, within the wider electoral contest.
áHƒ°ùæŸG oÒjÉ©ŸG Oq~– å«M ,ÚYÎ≤ŸG øe qπé°S ƒg ø˘μÁ ø˘jò˘dG ÚÑ˘î˘à˘æŸG ,á˘q«˘æ˘KE’G hCG ¥ô˘©˘dɢc ,Oô˘˘a qπ˘ μ˘ d øμªŸG Úë°TôŸG q øY kÓ° a ,´GÎbÓd º¡Fɪ°SCG êGQOEG .™°ShC’G áq«HÉîàf’G á°ùaÉæŸG øª°V º¡HÉîàfG
áæ¡ŸG ÜGOBG ~YGƒb /á«HÉîàf’G áÑ°ùædG/πeÉ©e »HÉîàf’G π°UÉ◊G …É°ûdG/Iƒ¡≤dG äÉ°ù∏L
áæeÉ° àŸG äÉYɪ÷G
»Yɪ÷G π«ãªàdG
»YɪL πé°S/∫h~L
15 Compensatory Seats
áq«° jƒ©qàdG ~YÉ≤ŸG
Competitive Election
»°ùaÉæJ ÜÉîàfG
Compensatory Seats - Consolidation of Democracy The List Proportional Representation seats in a mixed member proportional system which are awarded to parties on the basis of their proportion of the national vote and designed to correct any disproportionality in the results of the elections held in plurality-majority district seats.
ájq ƒ° ©dG Ωɶf ‘ ,»Ñ°ùqædG π«ãªqàdG áëF’ ~YÉ≤e »g áÑ°ùf ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y ÜGõMC’G ¤EG íæªoJ ,§∏àıG »Ñ°ùqædG q…GC ìÓ°UEG ¤EG ±~¡Jh ,¬àdÉf …òdG »æWƒdG âjƒ°üqàdG ~YÉ≤e ~j~ëàd iôéoJ »àdG äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf ‘ ähÉØJ .ájOq~©qàdG áqjÌcC’G Ωɶf ôFGhO
Meaning that at least two parties present alternative sets of candidates.
á∏j~H áYƒª› ¿É°Vô©j ,πbC’G ≈∏Y ,ÚHõM q¿GC »æ©j Éq‡ .Úë°TôŸG q øe .áq«∏«ªμqàdG/áq«YôØdG äÉHÉîàf’G ô¶fG
Complementary Election
See By-Election.
Compulsory Voting
Voting is compulsory, in some countries, which means that if you do not vote and do not have a valid and sufficient reason for failing to vote, you may be fined.
,iôNCG mIQÉÑ©H .kÉq«eGõdEG âjƒ°üqàdG Èà©j ,¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H ‘ øY â©æàeG ɪqfGE ,kÉq«fƒfÉb âjƒ°üqàdG q≥M ∂∏“ âæc GPEG .áq«dÉe máeGô¨H ÖbÉ©oJ ~≤a ,m±Éc mÖÑ°S ¿h~H âjƒ°üqàdG
Confirmation Date
In respect of an election in an electoral district, the date for the commencement of the preparation of the preliminary lists of electors for that election.
ïjQÉJ ƒ¡a ,á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG ‘ äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ≥∏©àj Ée ‘ .äÉHÉîàf’G √ò¡d á«dhCq ’G ÚÑîàæŸG íFGƒd Ò° ëàH A~ÑdG
Congressional Districts (CD)
These are political divisions within a state, the boundaries of which are drawnup by the state legislature. One member of the national House of Representatives is elected per district.
áÄ«¡dG º°SônJ å«M ,áj’ƒdG øª°V á«°SÉ«°S äɪ«°ù≤J ¢ù∏› øe ~MGh ƒ° Y ÜÉîàfG ºàj .ÉgOh~M á«©jô°ûàdG .IôFGO πμd »æWƒdG ÜGƒædG
An individual with a political philosophy supporting conserving heritage, traditional values or an established social order. He does not reject change but insists that further change be organic rather than revolutionary. See Liberal.
hCG ,çGÎdG ≈∏Y á¶aÉÙG ºY~J á«q °SÉ«°S áØ°ù∏a hP Oôa ¢ aô˘j ’ .ɢSGQ ɢ«˘Yɢª˘à˘LG ɢeɢ¶˘f hCG á˘j~˘«˘∏˘≤˘à˘dG º˘«˘≤˘dG ¿ƒμj ¿CG Öéj Ò«¨àdG q¿GC qô°üj øμdh Ò«¨àdG ßaÉÙG .‹GÈ«d ô¶fG .ÉjQƒK ¿ƒμj ¿CG ¢VƒY Éjk ƒ° Y
The consolidation of democracy is the process by which democracy becomes so broadly and profoundly legitimatised among its citizens that it is very unlikely to break down. When democracy is consolidated, it has been accepted by most citizens as the only game in town. The consolidation of democracy involves behavioral and institutional changes that normalize democratic politics and narrow its uncertainty. This normalization requires the expansion of citizen access, development of democratic citizenship and culture, broadening of leadership recruitment of a mature civil society and more importantly, political institutionalization.
≥ª©H á«WGô≤Á~dG ™jô°ûàd á«∏ªY ƒg á«WGô≤Á~dG ï«°SôJ Ée~æY .∂qμØà∏d á∏HÉb ÒZ íÑ°üàa ÚæWGƒŸG ÚH áHÓ°Uh ÚæWGƒŸG º¶©e É¡«∏Y ≥aGƒj ,IRõq ©e á«q WGô≤Á~dG ¿ƒμJ ᢫˘WGô˘≤Á~˘dG õ˘jõ˘©˘J π˘ª˘°ûj .I~˘«˘Mƒ˘dG á˘Ñ˘©˘∏˘dG ɢ¡˘qfCG ≈˘∏˘Y á«°SÉ«°ùdG π©L πLCG øe á«q JÉ°ù°SDƒeh á«cƒ∏°S äGÒ¨J π©L Ö∏£àj .∂°ûdG ≥««° Jh ÉjOÉY ÉÄ«°T á«WGô≤Á~dG ƒ‰h ,ÚæWGƒŸG ¤EG É¡dƒ°Uh ´É°ùJG ÉjOÉY GôeCG á«WGô≤Á~dG äGOÉ«b ∞«XƒJ ™«°SƒJh ,Úà«WGô≤Á~dG áaÉ≤ãdGh á«q æWGƒŸG .á«°SÉ«°ùdG á«JÉ°ù°SDƒŸG ,∂dP øe ºgC’Gh ,´Gh Ê~e ™ªà› ~YGƒ≤dG ≈∏Y Oƒ©àdG q ôjƒ£J á«WGô≤Á~dG õjõ©J Öq∏£àj
᪪q àe äÉHÉîàfG
»eGõdE’G âjƒ°üJ
…~«cCÉJ ïjQÉJ
/¢Sô¨fƒμdG ôFGhO É«∏©dG ôFGh~dG ßaÉfi
Consolidation of Democracy
/ï«°SôJ/õjõ©J á«WGô≤Á~dG êÉeOG
Constant Campaign
/áªFGO /Iôªà°ùŸG á∏ªM á∏°UGƒàe Constituency (1)
ÚÑNÉædG Qƒ¡ªL Constituency (2)
á«HÉîàfG IôFGO Constituent
ÖNÉf Constitution
Qƒà°SO Contestation
ø©W Contiguous Districts
IQhÉéàŸG ôFGh~q dG Contrast
äɪgÉ°ùŸG Convention
]äÉë«°TÎdG ¿ÓYEG[ ô“Dƒe
Consolidation of Democracy - Convention Consolidation requires that habituation to the norms and procedures of democratic conflict regulation be developed. A high degree of institutional routinization is key to such process.
.»˘WGô˘≤Á~˘dG ´Gõ˘æ˘dG º˘«˘¶˘ æ˘ J ¤EG á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùæ˘˘dɢ˘H äGAGô˘˘LE’Gh √òg π©LG øe á«dÉY áLQO ƒg á«∏ªY Gòμ¡d ìÉàØŸG .Éæ«JhQ á«JÉ°ù°SDƒŸG
The concept that the candidate and the party are always working for the next election and do not wait for election time to start delivering a message.
¿Óª©j Üõ◊Gh í°TôŸG ¿CÉH »° ≤j …òdG Ωƒ¡ØŸG »æ©Jh ≈àM ¿ƒãjÎj ’h .á∏Ñ≤ŸG äÉHÉîàfÓd QGôªà°SÉHh ɪFGO .ádÉ°SôdG ∫É°üjEG ‘ ´hô°û∏d ÜÉîàfÓd O~ÙG ~YƒŸG
A portion of the population represented by a particular elected leader or organization.
.áæ«©e ᪶æe hCG Ú©e ¢üî°T º¡∏ãÁ ¿Éμ°ùdG øe AõL ºgh
The electoral division or area, or the people in it, which a member of Parliament represents.
.Öî˘à˘æ˘e º˘¡˘∏˘ãÁ ÚÑ˘Nɢf á˘Yƒ˘ª› hCG ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘fG á˘≤˘ £˘ æ˘ e .¿ÉŸÈdG øe ƒ° Y É¡∏ãÁ »àdG á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG
A citizen who lives in a legislator’s area of representation.
‘ ƒ° ©dG øe á∏㪟G á≤£æŸG øª°V ¢û«©j …òdG øWGƒŸG .á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG
Set of basic rules by which the government of a State is organized regulating the relationships between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.
á˘eƒ˘μ˘M º˘¶˘æ˘J »˘à˘dG ᢫˘°Sɢ°SC’G ~˘YGƒ˘≤˘ dG ø˘˘e ᢢYƒ˘˘ª› ájò«ØæàdGh á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG ÚH äÉbÓ©dG §Ñ° Jh ádh~dG .á«FÉ° ≤dGh
An administrative or any other objection to activities and decisions of an electoral nature or to the electoral processes and results.
≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y ,√ÒZhCG …q QGOE’G ~˘˘ «˘ ˘©˘ ˘ °üdG ≈˘˘ ˘∏˘ ˘ Y ,¢VGÎYG ƒ˘˘ ˘g hCG ,á«q HÉîàfG á©«˘Ñ˘£˘H ™˘àq ˘ª˘à˘J »˘à˘dG äGQGô˘≤˘dGh äɢWɢ°ûæ˘dG .á«q HÉîàf’G èFÉàæq dGh äÉ«q ∏ª©dG ≈∏Y
Districts comprised of areas which are geographically adjoined or touching.
á˘jPɢë˘à˘e hCG á˘≤˘°UÓ˘˘à˘ e ≥˘˘Wɢ˘æ˘ e ø˘˘e ᢢfƒ˘q ˘μ˘ e ô˘˘FGhO »˘˘g .kÉ«q aGô¨L
Using the campaign message to demonstrate the difference between candidates when they are compared with each other. It is important to give the voters a clear choice. See Credibility and Message.
øjÉÑàdGh ¥ôØdG ¢VGô©à°S’ á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SQ ΩG~îà°SG ƒgh ¿CG º¡ŸG øeh .¢ ©ÑH º¡° ©H áfQÉ≤e ~æY Úë°TôŸG ÚH á«bG~°üŸG ô˘˘¶˘ fG .ɢ˘ë˘ °VGh GQɢ˘«˘ N ÖNɢ˘ æ˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d Ω~˘˘ ≤˘ ˘J .ádÉ°SôdGh
See Campaign Contributions. A meeting of party delegates and leaders at any of the three levels of government (federal, state, local) in order to formulate party strategy and tactics while also nominating candidates for political office. In addition, the party platform is written and approved, detailing where the party “stands” on the important issues of the upcoming campaign.
.á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈJ/á∏ª◊G ‘ äɪgÉ°ùe ô¶fG áeƒμ◊G äÉjƒà°ùe ≈∏Y É¡JOÉbh ÜGõMC’G »∏㇠´ÉªàLG áZÉ«°U πLCG øe ,(»∏ÙGh ,»ª«∏bE’G ,‹GQ~ØdG) áKÓãdG Ö°üæª∏d Úë°TôŸG Ú«©J ™e ¬μ«àμJh Üõ◊G á«é«JGΰSG èeÉfôH Újh~J ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH Gòg .¬°ùØf âbƒdG ‘ »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G ''∞bƒe'' π°üØ u jo èeÉfôH ƒgh ,¬«∏Y á≤naGƒŸGh Üõ◊G .á«JB’G á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ‘ ᪡ŸG ÉjÉ° ≤dG øe
17 Convention Bounce
Convention Bounce - Credibility An increase in a presidential candidate’s popularity, as indicated by public-opinion polls, in the days immediately following his or her nomination for office at the national convention.
≈∏Y AÉæH ,Ú©e ÜõM øe á°SÉFôdG í°Tôe á«Ñ©°T ´ÉØJQG Iô°TÉÑe Ö≤©J »àdG ΩÉjC’G ‘ ,ΩÉ©dG …CGôdG äÉYÓ£à°SG ¿ÓYE’ »eƒ≤dG ô“DƒŸG AÉæKCG É«ª°SQ É¡ë«°TôJ hCG ¬ë«°TôJ .äÉë«°TÎdG
After a copy of the preliminary register of voters is publicly displayed at the actual registration centre for claims and objections, corrections are made and the final voter register for each state and each local government area and ward should be displayed for public scrutiny. The final corrected voter list should be produced and made public at a relatively early date, usually specified, before the elections.
‘ …~«¡ªàdG ÚÑNÉædG πq é°S øY áeÉY áî°ùf ô°ûf ~©H äÉë«ë°üàdG …ôŒ ,äÉ°VQÉ©ŸGh ihÉY~dG π«é°ùJ õcôe π˘μ˘d Ωɢ©˘dG ≥˘«˘b~˘à˘∏˘d »˘Fɢ¡˘æ˘dG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG π˘é˘°S ô˘°ûæ˘jo h ÚÑNɢæ˘dG á˘ë˘F’ RÈ˘oJ .Iô˘FGOh ,᢫˘eƒ˘μ˘M á˘≤˘£˘æ˘eh ,á˘j’h πÑb ,O~q fi kÉÑdÉZ ,kÉ«Ñ°ùf ôμÑe ïjQÉJ ‘ ºªq ©oJh áëës °üŸG .äÉHÉîàf’G
The local body that operates from the town hall to raise local taxes and administer local services. A formal group of experts brought together on a regular basis to debate matters within that sphere of expertise, and with advisory powers to government. It can be contrasted with a commission which, although also a body of experts, is typically given regulatory powers in addition to a role as advisor to the government.
™˘˘ª÷ ᢢj~˘˘∏˘ Ñ˘ dG QGO ‘ π˘˘nμ˘ °û˘˘oJ »˘˘à˘ dG ᢢjõ˘˘côŸG ᢢĢ «˘ ¡˘ dG áYƒª› ∑Éæg .á«∏ÙG äÉe~ÿG IQGOE’h á«∏ÙG ÖFGô° dG á°ûbÉæŸ ΩɶàfÉH ¿ƒ©ªàéj øjòdG Ú«ª°SôdG AGÈÿG øe …Qɢ˘°ûà˘˘°S’G Pƒ˘˘Ø˘ æ˘ dGh º˘˘¡˘ JÈN Qɢ˘WEG ø˘˘ª˘ °V ɢ˘ jɢ˘ ° ≤˘˘ dG ,»˘à˘dG á˘æ÷ á˘ª˘∏˘c ™˘e ɢ¡˘à˘∏˘Hɢ≤˘e ø˘μ˘ªŸG ø˘e .á˘eƒ˘μ˘ë˘∏˘d ,áq«∏j~©J á£∏°S É¡d ,Ú«°UÉ°üàNG áYƒª› É¡qfGC øe ºZôdÉH .áeƒμ◊G ‘ ÉjQÉ°ûà°SG GQhO ∂∏“ É¡qfGC ÒZ
The process of sorting, tallying, recording and tabulating of votes cast in an election.
¤~oŸG äGƒ°UC’G ádh~Lh ,π«é°ùJh ,øjh~Jh ,Rôa á«∏ªY .äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ É¡H
A centralized premise in which votes from several polling stations are aggregated and counted.
∞˘∏˘àfl ø˘e ɢg~q ˘Yh äGƒ˘°UC’G ™˘«˘ª˘é˘à˘d …õ˘cô˘e ≈˘æ˘Ñ˘e .âjƒ°üàdG õcGôe
Any attempt by the campaign to bring together a large group of people. Generally people brought together by the campaign will already be supporters, but the event may receive press coverage and thereby influence other voters. Created events can also be used to raise funds and energize supporters. See Preset Events.
≈∏Yh .¢SÉædG øe ~°ûM ™ª÷ á∏ª◊G É¡H Ωƒ≤J ádhÉfi …CG ÖdÉZ ‘ ºg á∏ª◊G º¡©ªŒ øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G ,Ωƒª©dG Üò˘é˘ j ~˘˘b ¬˘˘°ùØ˘˘f ç~◊G ø˘˘μ˘ dh .ø˘˘j~˘˘jDƒŸG ø˘˘e ô˘˘eC’G ÚÑNɢæ˘dG ‘ ∂dò˘H ô˘KDƒ˘«˘a ,᢫˘eÓ˘YE’G ᢫˘£˘¨˘à˘dG Ωɢª˘à˘gG ™ªL ‘ ç~◊G ™æ°U ΩG~îà°SG ∂dòc øμÁh .øjôNB’G ô˘˘¶˘ fG .º˘˘¡˘ à˘ ˘bɢ˘ Wh ø˘˘ j~˘˘ jDƒŸG •É˘˘ °ûf ~˘˘ j~Œh äɢ˘ YÈà˘˘ dG .G≤Ñ°ùe ᪶æe áqeÉY äÉÑ°SÉæe
The positive or negative view voters have of a candidate or party. By creating contrast, campaigns can use their message to raise their candidate’s credibility, lower their opponents’ credibility or both. See Contrast and Message.
øY ,á«Ñ∏°S hCG á«HÉéjEG âfÉc ¿EG ,ÚÑNÉædG Iô¶f »æ©Jh ø˘jÉ˘Ñ˘à˘dG í˘°Vƒ˘˘J ¿CG ᢢ∏˘ ª˘ ë˘ ∏˘ d ø˘˘μÁh .Üõ◊G hCG í˘˘°TôŸG ¢ ØNh ,É¡˘ë˘°Tô˘e ᢫˘bG~˘°üe ™˘aô˘d ɢ¡˘à˘dɢ°SQ ΩG~˘î˘à˘°SɢH øjÉ˘Ñ˘à˘dG ô¶˘˘fG .ø˘˘jô˘˘ eC’G Ó˘˘ c hCG ¢ùaɢ˘ æŸG ᢢ «˘ ˘bG~˘˘ °üe .ádÉ°SôdGh
¿ÓYEG[ ô“Dƒe IõØb ]äÉë«°TÎdG Corrected Voter’s List
/áëëq °üŸG ÚÑNÉædG áëF’ / íqë°üŸG ÚÑNÉædG πé°S áëëq °üŸG Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd
AÉ°üMEG /~q Y/Rôa Counting Centre
/~q Y/Rôa õcôe äGƒ°UC’G AÉ°üMEG Created Events
/äÉÑ°SÉæŸG ≥∏N áeq É©dG çG~MC’G
18 Cross Cutting Cleavages
á∏NG~àŸG äÉbÉ≤°ûf’G Cross Tabs
á©WÉ≤àe äɶMÓe
Cross-S Sets
á©WÉ≤àe íFGô°T Cumulative Voting
/»ªcGôJ âjƒ°üJ »©ªL/¢S~q μàe
Cross Cutting Cleavages - Cumulative Voting Political allegiances of voters which cut across societal cleavages of ethnicity, religion, or class.
äÉbÉ≤°ûf’Gh πNG~àJ »àdG áq«°SÉ«°ùdG ÚÑNÉqædG äGA’h »g .á≤Ñ q£dG hCG ,øjq~dG hCG ,áq«æKE’G ~«©°U ≈∏Y áq«©ªàÛG
[Comparing or referencing various responses to questions on a political poll with responses to other questions or demographic information. The real information in a political poll comes from the cross tabs. See Political Poll.
‘ á˘æ˘q«˘©˘e á˘∏˘Ä˘°SC’ á˘Ø˘∏˘àıG äɢHɢL’E G á˘∏˘Hɢ˘≤˘ e hCG ᢢfQɢ˘≤˘ e iôNC’G á∏Ä°SC’G øY äÉHÉLE’G ™e »°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’G ´Ó£à°SÓd á«≤«≤◊G äÉeƒ∏©ŸÉa .á«aGô¨Á~dG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG hCG ô˘¶˘fG .ᢢ©˘ Wɢ˘≤˘ àŸG äɢ˘¶˘ MÓŸG ø˘˘e Iɢ˘≤˘ à˘ °ùe »˘˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG .»°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’G
Small groupings within the demographic breakdown that are members of at least two other demographic sets.
á«aGô¨Á~dG äɪ«°ù≤àdG πNGO IÒ¨°U äÉYƒª› »gh Újô˘NCG Úà˘«˘aGô˘¨ÁO Úà˘ë˘jô˘°T ™˘˘e ɢ˘gDhɢ˘° YCG ∑ΰûjh .πq bC’G ≈∏Y
A system of voting in which each voter is given as many votes as there are positions to be filled and allowed to cast those votes for one candidate or distribute them in any way among the candidates. It is a system of Proportional Representation in which minorities can ensure their approximate proportional representation by concentrating their votes on a subset of candidates commensurate with their size in the electorate.
~YÉ≤ŸG O~©H ÉJGƒ°UCG ÖNÉf πq c ¬«a ≈£©j âjƒ°üJ Ωɶf äGƒ°UC’G √ò¡H A’OE’ÉH ¬d íª°ùjh ,ÉgDƒ∏e Öéj »àdG .Ég~jôj á≤jôW ájCÉH Úë°TôŸG q ÚH É¡©jRƒJ hCG ~MGh í°TôŸ q äÉ«q ∏bC’G øª° J ¿CG øμÁ å«M ,»Ñ°ùf π«ã“ Ωɶf ƒg ≈∏Y É¡JGƒ°UCG õ«côJ ∫ÓN øe ,»Ñjô≤àq dG »Ñ°ùæq dG É¡∏«ã“ ÚH º¡ªéM ™e Ö°SÉæàq dÉH Úë°TôŸG q øe á«q Yôa áYƒª› .ÚÑNÉæq dG áYɪL
Dark Horse
Dark Horse - Declined Ballot
A usually little-known candidate who unexpectedly wins a party’s nomination.
≈∏Y ¬d Üõ◊G í«°TÎH RƒØj ¬qæμd ,kIOÉY Qƒª¨e í°Tôe q ƒg .™qbƒàe ÒZ mƒëf
Data Bank
A tape or disc on which the names of electors may be stored for later use.
ß˘Ø˘ë˘∏˘d ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG Aɢª˘°SCG ¬˘«˘∏˘Y ™˘°Vƒ˘J ¢Uô˘b hCG §˘˘jô˘˘°T .≥M’ âbh ‘ ∫ɪ©à°S’Gh
Face-to-face discussion between or among candidates on the issues, their qualifications, leadership abilities, and voting records. Debates can occur at all three levels of government, but the most publicized on the national level are debates involving the presidential nominees. These debates are televised, can involve questions from journalists and average citizens, and will reach millions of voters at one time. A presidential candidate who performs poorly on these national telecasts can lose voter support.
,ÉjÉ° ≤dG ¢ ©H ∫ƒM Úë°TôŸG ÚH ¬Lƒd kÉ¡Lh IôXÉæe øμÁ .»YGÎb’G º¡∏é°Sh ,ájOÉ«≤dG º¡JGQ~bh ,º¡JAÉØch ,á˘KÓ˘ã˘dG á˘eƒ˘μ◊G äɢjƒ˘à˘°ùe ≈˘˘∏˘ Y äɢ˘°ûbɢ˘æŸG …ôŒ ¿CG ≈∏Y ™°ShCG á«eÓYEG á«£¨àH ≈¶– »àdG äGôXÉæŸG øμdh Úë°TôŸG ÚH …ôŒ »àdG ∂∏J »¡a »æWƒdG iƒà°ùŸG ø˘e ᢢ∏˘ Ģ °SCG π˘˘ª˘ °ûJh ,ᢢ«˘ fƒ˘˘jõ˘˘Ø˘ ∏˘ J ¿ƒ˘˘μ˘ Jh .Ú«˘˘°Sɢ˘Fô˘˘dG øe ÚjÓŸG ¤EG π°üJh ,ÚjOÉ©dG ÚæWGƒŸGh Ú«aÉë°üdG …òdG í°Tôª∏d øμªŸG øeh .¬JGP âbƒdG ‘ ÚÑNÉædG .ÚÑNÉædG ºYO ô°ùîj ¿CG äGôXÉæŸG √òg ‘ IAGOôH …ODƒj
Declaration of Poll
An announcement of the result of an election by a district Returning Officer declaring the successful candidate as the elected member.
Öàμe ¢ù«FQ πÑb øe äÉHÉîàf’G áé«àf øY íjô°üàdG ƒg íHGôdG í°TôŸG øY ø∏©oj ¬«ah ÜÉîàf’G QƒeCÉe/´GÎb’G .ÖîàæŸG ƒ° ©dÉc
Declaration Votes
Votes that are sealed in an envelope signed by the voter. These votes are cast when: the voter casts an absent or postal vote; the voter’s name cannot be found on the electoral roll; the voter’s name is marked off the electoral roll as already having voted.
.Ωƒàfl m±ôX πNGO ÖNÉqædG É¡©° j »àdG äGƒ°UC’G »g ÖNɢqæ˘dG ‹~˘˘j ɢ˘e~˘˘æ˘ Y äGƒ˘˘°UC’G √ò˘˘¡˘ H A’OE’G ø˘˘μÁh ≈∏Y Qƒã©dG ádÉëà°SG ~æY hCG ;q…~jôH hCG q»HÉ«Z ´GÎbÉH hCG ;Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd/´GÎb’G ∫hG~L ‘ ÖNÉqædG º°SG ∫hG~˘˘ L ø˘˘ ˘e kɢ ˘ Hƒ˘˘ ˘£˘ ˘ °ûe ÖNɢ˘ ˘qæ˘ ˘ dG º˘˘ ˘°SG ¿ƒ˘˘ ˘μ˘ ˘ j ÚM .䃰Uh q ≥Ñ°S ~b ¬qfGC ≈∏Y Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd/´GÎb’G
An elector who has received a ballot and returns it to the deputy returning officer declining to vote, forfeits the right to vote and the deputy returning officer shall immediately write the word “declined” upon the back of the ballot and preserve it to be returned to the returning officer and shall cause an entry to be made in the poll record that the elector declined to vote.
¤EG Ég~«©jh ´GÎbEG ábÉ£H ≈∏Y ÖNÉædG π°üëj Ée~æY Ég~æY ¬Jƒ°üH A’OE’G kÉ° aGQ ´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ÖFÉf ´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ÖFÉf ≈∏Yh âjƒ°üàdG ≥M ô°ùîj ábQƒd á«Ø∏ÿG á¡÷G ≈∏Y ''á°Vƒaôe'' áª∏c Öàμj ¿CG ,´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ¤EG É¡©Lôo«d É¡¶Øëjh ´GÎb’G .âjƒ°üàdG ¢ aQ ´p Î≤ŸG q¿GC ÚÑNÉædG πé°S ‘ ¿hq~j
Oƒ°SCG ¿É°üM /äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ∂æH äÉfÉ«H ¿õfl äÉ°ûbÉæe/äGôXÉæe
ÜÉîàf’G áé«àf ¿ÓYEG
áMôq °üŸG äGƒ°UC’G
Declined Ballot
/á°Vƒaôe ábÉ£H á∏ª©à°ùe ÒZ
Delegate - Deputy Returning Officer
A representative, usually chosen either in state caucuses or presidential primaries, who will be responsible for choosing presidential and vice presidential nominees at the national party conventions every four years. Most delegates are pledged to support a specific candidate. A majority of the delegates’ votes at the convention is needed for a presidential candidate to receive the party’s nomination.
See Districting.
/~aƒdG ƒ° Y Üh~æe
Oh~◊G º°SQ Democracy
Democratic Consolidation
/èeO/~«MƒJ/∂°SÉ“ »WGô≤ÁO ~«WƒJ Demographic Targeting
‘Gô¨Á~dG ±G~¡à°S’G
Deputy Returning Officer
/ÜÉîàf’G QƒeCÉe ÖFÉf ´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ÖFÉf
hCG ᢫˘æ˘Wƒ˘dG ᢫˘ª˘ «˘ ¶˘ æ˘ à˘ dG ¿É˘˘é˘ ∏˘ dG ‘ kIOɢ˘Y Qɢ˘àfl ,π˘˘ã‡ í°TôŸG QÉ«àNG øY ∫hDƒ°ùe ,á«dhC’G á«°SÉFôdG äÉHÉîàf’G ™˘HQCG π˘c ᢫˘æ˘Wƒ˘˘dG Üõ◊G äGô“Dƒ˘ e ‘ ¬˘˘Ñ˘ Fɢ˘fh »˘˘°Sɢ˘Fô˘˘dG Ú©˘e í˘°Tô˘e º˘Y~˘H ¿ƒ˘Hh~˘æŸG º˘¶˘©˘e ~˘¡˘ ©˘ à˘ j .äGƒ˘˘æ˘ °S ∫ƒ°üë∏d ô“DƒŸG ‘ ÚHh~æŸG äGƒ°UCG ájÌcCG ¤EG êÉàëojh .Üõ◊G í«°TôJ ≈∏Y
.á«q HÉîàf’G ôFGh~q dG º«°ù≤J ô¶fG
Political system where the people share in directing the activities of the state, as distinct from governments controlled by a single class, select group, or autocrat. The definition of democracy has been expanded to describe a philosophy that insists on the right and the capacity of a people, acting either directly or through representatives, to control their institutions for their own purposes.
,ádh~dG äÉWÉ°ûf Ò«°ùàH Ö©°ûdG ¬«a º¡°ùj »°SÉ«°S Ωɶf hCG ,I~MGh á≤ÑW É¡«∏Y ô£«°ùJ »àdG äÉeƒμ◊G ±ÓîH á«q WGô≤Á~dG ~j~– q¿GE .á«WGôbƒJhCG ádhO hCG ,áæ«q ©e áYƒª› ,¬JQ~bh Ö©°ûdG ≥M ≈∏Y ôq °üJ áØ°ù∏a ∞°ü«d ™°SƒJ q ~b ≈∏Y Iô£«°ù∏d Ú∏㇠∫ÓN øe hCG Iô°TÉÑe πYÉa Ö©°T .á°UÉÿG ¬aG~gC’ ¬JÉ°ù°SDƒe
The process by which the political institutions and the democratic endeavours acquire legitimacy and are accepted on the political scene and by the population in general.
»˘Yɢ°ùŸGh á˘q«˘ °Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG äɢ˘°ù˘˘°SDq ƒŸG ≈˘˘©˘ °ùJ ᢢq«˘ ∏˘ ª˘ Y »˘˘g ≈≤∏àa ,áq«Yô°ûdG q ÜÉ°ùàcG ¤EG É¡dÓN øe áq«WGô≤Áq~dG m .áqeÉY áØ°üH Ö©°ûdG q øeh ,q»°SÉ«°ùdG ¿G~«ŸG ‘ k’ƒÑb
Grouping of the voting population based on age, gender, income, education level, occupation, ethnic background, religion, or any other smaller, identifiable grouping of the whole voter population. It is assumed that voters who identify with a particular demographic group will vote in a similar way.
ô˘ª˘©˘dGh ¢ùæ˘˘é˘ ∏˘ d ɢ˘≤˘ ah ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG äɢ˘Yƒ˘˘ª› º˘˘«˘ °ù≤˘˘J ᢫˘Ø˘∏ÿGh á˘dÓ˘°ùdGh á˘æ˘¡ŸGh º˘«˘∏˘©˘à˘dG iƒ˘à˘°ùeh π˘N~˘˘dGh º«°ù≤àd IOq~fih IÒ¨°U ᪰S áqjGC hCG ,øj~dGh á«æKE’G ø˘jò˘dG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ¿CG ¢VÎØ˘jh .á˘aɢc ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG Qƒ˘˘¡˘ ª˘ L ¿ƒ˘YÎ≤˘j ±ƒ˘°S á˘æ˘«˘©˘e ᢫˘aGô˘¨ÁO á˘Yƒ˘ª› ¤EG ¿ƒ˘ª˘à˘æ˘ j .ɪ¡æ«Y ܃∏°SC’Gh ≈ëæŸÉH
The Deputy Returning Officer has a very important job at the poll: to ensure that voters are able to arrive at their assigned poll, mark their ballots and depart with ease. His duties are: to manage the poll; administer required oaths; hand out ballots; deposit marked ballots in ballot box if voter requests; supervise the process; close the poll; do the count; fill out the records of the poll; and, on election night, return the ballot box and supplies to the returning office.
õcôe ‘ kGq~L áqª¡e káØ«Xh ÜÉîàf’G ôj~e ÖFÉf ∂∏Á õ˘˘cGô˘˘ e ¤EG ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ qæ˘ ˘dG ∫ƒ˘˘ °Uh ¿É˘˘ ª˘ ˘°V :»˘˘ gh ,´GÎb’G ,áq«HÉîàf’G º¡JÉbÉ£H/º¡bGQhCG º°Sƒa ,º¡d áæq«©ŸG ´GÎb’G :øe ¬eÉ¡e ∞qdÉC àJh .ádƒ¡°ùH º¡LGQOCG IOƒ©dG qºK øeh ;܃˘˘∏˘ £ŸG º˘˘°ù˘n ˘n≤˘ dG IQGOEGh ;´GÎb’G õ˘˘cô˘˘e ¿hDƒ˘ ˘°T ÒH~˘˘ J äÉbÉ£˘Ñ˘dG ¢SOh q ;á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G äɢbɢ£˘Ñ˘dG/¥GQhC’G ™˘jRƒ˘Jh ;´Î≤ŸG Ö∏W ~æY k’hõf ´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ‘ áeƒ°SƒŸG äÓé°S áÄÑ©Jh ;RôØdG AGôLEGh ;´GÎb’G õcôe ∫ÉØbEGh ¢ù«˘˘ FQ ¤EG äGq~˘ ˘©ŸGh ´GÎb’G ¥h~˘˘ æ˘ ˘°U IOɢ˘ YGE h ;õ˘˘ côŸG .q»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG áq«°ûY ,ÜÉîàf’G QƒeCÉe/´GÎb’G Öàμe
21 Direct Mail Fundraising
Direct Mail Fundraising - Distribution of Preferences Sending voters something in the mail asking them to contribute to an organization, a political party or a candidate.
´Èq à˘dG º˘¡˘æ˘e Ö∏˘£˘j ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘∏˘d …~˘˘jô˘˘H Üɢ˘£˘ N ∫ɢ˘°SQEG .í°TôŸ hCG »°SÉ«°S Üõ◊ hCG Ée ᪶æŸ
Also known as Electronic or TouchScreen Machines, this type of voting equipment projects the ballot on a computer screen in front of the voter. The voter touches the screen to make selections and cast the ballot.
¢ùŸ ä’BG hCG ᢢ«˘ fhÎμ˘˘dE’G ä’B’ɢ˘ H ∂dòc ±ô˘©˘oj ábQh »YGÎb’G RÉ¡÷G øe ´ƒædG Gòg RÈoj ,á°TÉ°ûdG
An electronic voting system in which votes are tallied directly to computer memory. The voting machines typically take the form of an automatic teller machine or a laptop computer.
äGƒ°UC’G π«é°ùJ ¬«a qºàj ,qÊhÎμdG âjƒ°üJ Ωɶf ƒg âjƒ°üqàdG ä’BG òîqàJh .kIô°TÉÑe ôJƒ«ÑeƒμdG IôcGP ≈∏Y RÉ¡L hCG ,äGƒ°UC’G »°ü– áq«μ«JÉeƒJhCG mádBG πμ°T kIOÉY .∫Éq≤f ôJƒ«Ñeƒc
Elections that are directly made by voters.
.Iô°TÉÑe ÖNÉædG ÈY ºàj …òdG âjƒ°üàdG
Direct Voter Contact
Any method by which the candidate or the campaign communicates the message to potential voters in person, rather than using some form of media.
∫É°üjE’ ¬YÉÑJEG á∏ªë∏d hCG í°Tôª∏d øμÁ ܃∏°SCG …CG øY É°VƒY á«°üî°T áØ°üH Ú∏ªàÙG ÚÑNÉædG ¤EG ádÉ°SôdG .á«eÓYE’G §FÉ°SƒdG ΩG~îà°SG
Discarded Ballot
Ballot paper issued to a voter who did not place in a ballot box.
¥h~˘˘æ˘ °U ‘ ɢ˘¡˘ ©˘ ° j ⁄ ÖNɢ˘æ˘ d IQ~˘˘°üe ´GÎbG ᢢ bQh .´GÎbG
Means the release, transfer, provision of access to, or divulging in any other manner of information outside the entity holding the information.
É¡FÉ°ûaEG hCG ,É¡H ~jhõàdGhCG É¡∏≤fhCG ,äÉeƒ∏©ŸÉH A’OE’G »æ©j √ò¡H ßØà– »àdG áYƒªÛG ¥É£f êQÉN âfÉc á≤jôW áqjCÉH .äÉeƒ∏©ŸG
To cause a person to lose the right to vote.
.âjƒ°üqàdG ‘ ¬q≤M á°SQɇ øe ¢üî°T ¿ÉeôëH ÖqÑ°ùàdG
Suspension or removal of the right to vote.
.âjƒ°üàdG ≥M ´õf hCG ≥«∏©J
The candidate with the least number of first preference votes (total of Above the Line and Below the Line) is the candidate who is to be excluded. These votes are transferred to the other candidates still in the count.
äGƒ˘˘°UCG ø˘˘e O~˘˘ Y π˘˘ bGC ≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y π˘˘ °ü뢢 j …ò˘˘ dG í˘˘ °TôŸG äGƒ°UC’G √òg .~©Ñjo …òdG í°TôŸG ƒg ¤hC’G á«∏° aC’G .RôØdG ‘ GƒdGR Ée øjòdG øjôNB’G Úë°TôŸG ¤EG π≤æoJ
ÈY ô°TÉÑŸG ∫GƒeC’G ™ªL ~jÈdG Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Equipment
‹B’G π«é°ùàdG RÉ¡L ô°TÉÑŸG Direct Recording Electronic Voting System
ÊhÎμd’G âjƒ°üàdG Ωɶf /π«é°ùàdG ô°TÉÑŸG Ωɶæd ô°TÉÑŸG π«é°ùàq dG ÊhÎμd’G âjƒ°üàq dG Direct Suffrage
ô°TÉÑe ÜÉîàfG ÚÑNÉædÉH ô°TÉÑe ∫É°üJG
/ìhô£e 䃰U I~©Ñà°ùe ábQh
..øY ìÉ°üaEG
/âjƒ°üqàdG q≥M øe ~jôŒ ¿ÉeôM Disenfranchisement /~«ªŒ/≥«∏©J ´GÎb’G ≥M ´õf Distribution of Preferences
äÉ«∏° aC’G ´Rt ƒJ
¢ùª∏j .´Î≤ŸG ΩÉeCG ôJƒ«ÑªμdG á°TÉ°T ≈∏Y âjƒ°üàdG .¬Jƒ°üH ‹~jh í°TôŸG QÉàî«d á°TÉ°ûdG ÖNÉædG
Distribution Requirements - Door-tto-D Door The requirement that to win election a candidate must not merely win a specified proportion of the vote nationally but also a specified degree of support from different regions.
Rƒ˘Ø˘ dG ™˘˘«˘ £˘ à˘ °ùj í˘˘°TôŸG q q¿GC äɢ˘eõ˘˘∏˘ à˘ °ùŸG √ò˘˘g ¢VÎØ˘˘J m ø˘˘e á˘˘æ˘ q«˘ ©˘ e á˘ Ñ˘ °ùf ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ¢ù«˘˘d ,Rɢ˘M GPEG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’ɢ˘H áLQO ≈∏Y πH ,Ö°ùMh »æWƒdG ~«©°üdG q ≈∏Y âjƒ°üqàdG .kÉ° jCG áØ∏àıG ≥WÉæŸG øe IOq~fim ºYO
The defined geographic area in which the election will be held and following the election, the winner will represent.
ɢ˘¡˘ «˘ a …ô˘˘é˘ à˘ °S »˘˘à˘ dG IOq~ÙG ᢢ«˘ aGô˘˘¨÷G ᢢ≤˘ £˘ æŸG »˘˘gh .õFÉØdG í°TôŸG É¡∏㪫°Sh äÉHÉîàf’G
District Electoral Officer/ Returning officer
The electoral official responsible for organizing the election in a constituency.
.á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG ‘ äÉHÉîàf’G º«¶æJ øY ∫hDƒ°ùŸG ƒg
The number of members to be elected in each district.
‘ º¡HÉîàfG qºà«°S øjòdG AÉ° YC’G O~Y øY IQÉÑY ƒg .IôFGO qπc
District Research
District research is all the information that your campaign can put together about the district. This is part of the overall research that should be done at the beginning of the campaign. See Research.
ø˘Y ɢ¡˘©˘ª˘L á˘∏˘ª˘ë˘∏˘d ø˘μÁ »˘à˘dG äɢeƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG π˘˘c »˘˘gh »˘¨˘Ñ˘æ˘j »˘à˘dG á˘∏˘eɢ°ûdG çƒ˘ë˘Ñ˘dG ø˘e Aõ˘L »˘gh .Iô˘FG~˘dG .åëÑdG ô¶fG .á∏ª◊G π¡à°ùe ‘ ÉgDhGôLEG
Generally, the process of marking off or dividing into districts — for example, into electoral districts for the purposes of electing representatives to a legislature. And it may be a legislature itself that does the districting.
,kÓ˘ã˘e ,≥˘WɢæŸG º˘«˘°ù≤˘J hCG ~˘j~– ᢫˘∏˘ª˘Y »˘g ,Ωƒ˘˘ª˘ ©˘ dɢ˘H .á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡∏d Ú∏㇠ÜÉîàfG ±~¡d á«HÉîàfG ≥WÉæe Ωƒ≤J É¡JGP ~ëH á«©jô°ûJ áÄ«g ¿ƒμJ ¿CG øμªŸG øeh .ôFGh~dG º«°ù≤àH
A term that generally refers to a situation where the president is a member of one political party and at least one chamber of Congress (either the Senate or the House of Representatives) is controlled by the opposite party. This situation can also exist at the state level, with one party controlling the governorship, and another controlling the state legislature. Divided government frequently occurs in the U.S. political system.
ájQƒ¡ª÷G ¢ù«FQ ¬«a ¿ƒμj ™°Vh ¤EG ÉeƒªY Ò°ûj ÒÑ©J »°ù∏› ~MCG ≈∏Y ôNB’G Üõ◊G ô£«°ùj ɪæ«H ÜõM øe ≈∏Y É° jCG ádÉ◊G √òg …ô°ùJh .É©e Ú°ù∏ÛG hCG ¢Sô¨fƒμdG øe áj’ƒdG ºcÉM ¿ƒμj ¿CG ≈æ©Ã ,äÉj’ƒdG iƒà°ùe »©jô°ûàdG ¢ù∏ÛG ≈∏Y ôNB’G Üõ◊G ô£«°ùj ɪæ«H ÜõM ä’ÉM »cÒeC’G »°SÉ«°ùdG ΩɶædG ~¡°ûj .áj’ƒdG ‘ .᪰ù≤ŸG äÉeƒμ◊G øe IÒãc
The term used to describe a ballot paper marked with preferences for candidates without consideration of their policies or abilities. A classic donkey vote is one which records preferences straight down the ballot paper in the same order as the names printed.
¤EG π«“ áq«HÉîàfG mábÉ£H ∞°Uƒd í∏£°üŸG ∂dP Ω~îà°ùj qπ©d .º¡JGQ~b hCG º¡JÉ°SÉ«°ùd QÉÑàYG ɉhO Úæq«©e Úë°Tôe q πqé°ùj …òdG ∑GP ƒg ≈ªYC’G âjƒ°üàdG øY m êPƒ‰ RôHCG áëF’ ≈∏Y äOQh ɪc áq«HÉîàf’G ábÉ£ÑdG ≈∏Y ¬JÓ«° ØJ .kÉeÉ“ áYƒÑ£ŸG Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCG
Distribution Requirements
´Rq ƒJ äÉeõ∏à°ùe äGƒ°UC’G District
/á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG ∫hDƒ°ùe äÉHÉîàfÓd »ª«∏bEG ôj~e District Magnitude
IôFG~q dG ºéM IôFG~dG åëH
/á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG ~j~– º«°ù≤J Divided Government
᪰ù≤ŸG q áeƒμ◊G
Donkey Vote
»Ñ¨dG âjƒ°üàdG /≈ªYCG âjƒ°üJ
Door-tto-D Door
See Canvass.
.±GƒW ô¶fG
Double Ballot System - Droop Quota
.ÚJQhO ≈∏Y …q ÌcC’G ΩɶædG ô¶fG
Double Ballot System
See Two Round System.
Double-M Marked
A ballot that is overvoted with exactly two marks.
,q~◊G ø˘e ÌcCG äGƒ˘°UCɢH á˘eƒ˘°Sƒ˘e á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘ fG ᢢbɢ˘£˘ H »˘˘g .ÉeÉ“ ÚJQÉ°TEÉH
Down Ballot
Often less important offices are placed lower on the ballot. Often down ballot offices receive less votes due to voter drop off or voter fatigue. See Low Profile Race, Voter Drop Off and Voter Fatigue.
πØ°SCG ‘ ᫪gCG äÉHÉîàf’G Ö°UÉæe πbCG ¿ƒμJ Ée ÉÑdÉZ ‘ »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸG ∂∏J π°ü– Ée ÉÑdÉZh .´GÎb’G áëF’ ÚÑNÉædG ±Gô°üf’ ,qπbCG äGƒ°UCG ≈∏Y áëFÓdG ≈fOCG ¢ùaÉæàdG ô˘¶˘fG .Ö©˘à˘dGh ∑ɢ¡˘fEÓ˘d º˘¡˘°Vô˘©˘ à˘ d hCG ɢ˘¡˘ æ˘ Y ¢VÉØîfG/∫DhÉ° J hCG ¢ Ø˘˘ î˘ ˘æŸG »˘˘ Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G .ÚÑNÉædG AÉ«YEG ∂dòch ÚÑNÉædG
Droop Quota (rarely used)
The Droop Quota is the formula that is used to calculate the minimum number, or quota, of votes required to capture a seat in a multi-member constituency using Proportional Representation through the Single Transferable Vote (PR.STV). The quota is ascertained by the following formula: total vote divided by the number of seats plus one, then one is added to the product: [total valid poll/(seats+1)]+1
ø˘˘e ,ɢ˘Jƒ˘˘μ˘ dG hCG ,≈˘˘ fOC’G q~◊G Üɢ˘ °ùà˘˘ M’ Ω~˘˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘°ù˘˘ oJ ~YÉ≤ŸG IOq~©àe IôFGO ‘ ~©≤à RƒØ∏d áHƒ∏£ŸG äGƒ°UC’G q…OôØdG ´GÎb’G ∫ÓN øe »Ñ°ùqædG π«ãªqàdG ΩG~îà°SÉH ∫Ó˘N ø˘e ɢJƒ˘μ˘dG ø˘e ≥˘q≤˘ë˘qà˘dG qº˘à˘jh .Ò«˘é˘qà˘∏˘d π˘Hɢ≤˘ dG O~˘Y ≈˘∏˘Y äGƒ˘°UC’G ´ƒ˘ª› º˘°ù≤˘oj :᢫˘dɢqà˘ dG ᢢ¨˘ «˘ °üdG q O~Y) :œÉqædG ¤EG ~MGh ±É° j qºK ,~MGh ~FGR ,~YÉ≤ŸG .1+((1+~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y)/äGƒ°UC’G
êhOõŸG ´GÎb’G Ωɶf
º°SƒdG áLhOõe ábÉ£H m¿~àe ´GÎbG
á«q Ñ°ùf á°üM/ÉJƒc q (ádhG~àe ÒZ)''ÜhQO''
Early Voting
ôμÑe âjƒ°üJ Earned Media
Early Voting - Election Manager
See Advance Voting.
.≥Ñs °ùe /Ω~q ≤àe ´GÎbG /Ω~q ≤àe âjƒ°üJ ô¶fG
Any coverage of the campaign in the press. It is called “earned media,” as opposed to Paid Media, because the campaign will often have to expand a considerable amount of time and energy to receive good coverage.
≈˘ª˘°ùJh .ΩÓ˘YE’Gh á˘aɢ뢰üdG ‘ ᢢ∏˘ ª˘ ë˘ ∏˘ d ᢢ«˘ £˘ ¨˘ J ᢢjCG É¡æ«H ábôØà∏d ''ΩÓYE’G Ö°ùc/Ö°ùàμŸG ΩÓYE’G'' ¿CG »æ©j ∂dPh .ôLCÉH ΩÓYE’G hCG ´ƒa~ŸG ΩÓYE’G ÚHh ¿É¡à°ùj ’ kGQ~bh É¡àbh øe kGô£°T ∫òÑà°S Ée kÉÑdÉZ á∏ª◊G .I~«L á«eÓYEG á«£¨J ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d Ég~¡L øe ¬H
Expressed opinions by individuals, newspaper and radio editors, and TV journalists, among others, which are intended to persuade viewers and listeners by taking one side of a particular issue.
~FGô÷G …Qôqfi hCG ,OGôaC’G πÑb øe É¡æY ôqÑ©ŸG AGQB’G ±~¡Jh -ºgÒZ øª°V -¿ƒjõ«Ø∏àdG »«aÉë°Uh ƒjOGôdGh ∞bƒe ~«jCÉJ ∫ÓN øe Ú©ªà°ùŸGh øj~gÉ°ûŸG ´ÉæbEG ¤EG .áæq«©e á«° ≤d ~MGh
Election Advertising
Advertising used during a campaign period to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a candidate or a registered political party. It could take various forms such as: flyers, newspapers, magazines, billboards, letters, radio, television, hats, signs and internet.
á°VQÉ©e hCG I~fÉ°ùŸ á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G IÎa ∫ÓN ájÉY~dG ∞∏àfl É¡«a πª©à°ùJh .»°SÉ«°S ÜõM hCG í°Tôe ÜÉîàfG ,πFÉ°SQh ,äÓ›h ,~FGôLh ,á«FÉYO Ò°TÉæe :∫Éμ°TC’G .âfÎf’Gh ,äGQÉ°Th ,äÉ©Ñbh ,IõØ∏àdGh ,áYGPE’Gh
Usually a non-partisan board set up to oversee the election and make sure that it is conducted fairly. See Board of Elections.
≈∏Y ±Gô°TEÓd É¡∏«μ°ûJ ºàj á«HõM ÒZ áÄ«g kIOÉY »gh .ágGõæH ÉgÒ°S ¿Éª°Vh äÉHÉîàf’G .äÉHÉîàf’G áÄ«g ô¶fG
The day on which the voters come to the polls and cast their votes to elect their leaders.
´GÎb’G õ˘cGô˘e ¤EG ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG ¬˘«˘a ¬˘˘Lƒ˘˘à˘ j …ò˘˘dG Ωƒ˘˘«˘ dG .º¡JOÉb ÜÉîàfGh º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OEÓd
This usually refers to the number of votes needed to win an election. It is assumed that the overall goal of the election campaign is to win a particular office. This is not always the case. Some candidates run for office to promote a particular idea or expose an opponent's record on a particular issue.
Rƒ˘˘ Ø˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d ᢢ ˘Hƒ˘˘ ˘∏˘ ˘ £ŸG äGƒ˘˘ ˘°UC’G O~˘˘ ˘Y ¤EG ɢ˘ ˘Ñ˘ ˘ dɢ˘ ˘Z Ò°ûjh á∏ª◊G øe ‹ÉªLE’G ±~¡dG ¿CG ΩƒYõŸG øe .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ¿CG å«M ±~¡dG kɪFGO ¢ù«d Gòg .øq«©e Ö°üæà RƒØdG ƒg hCG á«FÉæãà°SEG Iôμa õjõ©J ¿ƒμj ~b Úë°TôŸG q ¢ ©H ±~g .áæq«©e á«° b ∫ƒM º°üN πé°S ¢VôY
A person appointed by the Electoral Commissioner to conduct an election for an electoral district or province.
,äɢHɢî˘à˘fÓ˘d ᢫q ˘æ˘Wƒ˘dG á˘æ˘é˘∏˘dG ƒ˘° Y ¬˘æ˘«q ˘©˘j ¢üî˘ l °T ƒ˘g .á«q HÉîàfG á©WÉ≤e hCG IôFGO øª°V á«q HÉîàfG á«q ∏ªY IQGOE’
/ájôjô– ádÉ≤e á«MÉààaEG
á«HÉîàf’G ájÉY~dG
Election Commission
äÉHÉîàf’G áæ÷ Election Day/ Polling Day
/»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj Election Goal
»HÉîàf’G ±~¡dG
Election Manager
äÉHÉîàf’G ôj~e
25 Election Monitoring/ Observation
äÉHÉîàf’G áÑbGôe
Election Observer/Election Monitor
ÖbGôe/»HÉîàfG ÖbGôe äÉHÉîàf’G Election Office
»HÉîàfG Öàμe Election Opinion Survey
»HÉîàf’G …CGôdG ´Ó£à°SG
Election Petition
á«HÉîàfG á° jôY
Election Rights
á«HÉîàfG ¥ƒ≤M Election Rules
á«HÉîàfG ~YGƒb/ÚfGƒb Election Supervision
á«∏ª©dG ≈∏Y ±Gô°TE’G á«HÉîàf’G
Election Monitoring/ Observation - Election Supervision Gathering of information regarding an electoral process, by an organization who is not inherently authorized to intervene in the process. Unbiased accredited persons, domestic or international, participate to detect any fraud or cheating in the electoral process.
᪠q¶æe πÑb øe ,á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ∫ƒM äÉeƒ∏©e ™ªL .á˘q«˘∏˘ª˘©˘dG ‘ π˘qN~˘à˘dɢH π˘°UCq É˘à˘ e π˘˘μ˘ °ûH ɢ˘¡˘ d ìqô˘ °üe ÒZ øjõq«ëàe ÒZh ¿ƒbƒKƒe ÖfÉLCGh ¿ƒq«∏fi ¢UÉî°TCG ∑QÉ°ûjh .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ‘ ÖYÓJ hCG ôjhõJ q…GC øY ∞°ûμ∏d
Accredited person participating in election observation. Can be domestic or international.
¿CG øμÁ .á«HÉîàf’G áÑbGôŸÉH ácQÉ°ûª∏d ¢VƒØe q ¢üî°T .É«ÑæLCG/É«dhO hCG É«∏fi ¿ƒμj
An office from which an election is conducted. A single office may conduct elections for up to two districts and a province.
mÖàμŸ øμÁh .áq«HÉîàf’G áq«∏ª©dG ¬æe QG~J Öàμe ƒg á©Wɢ≤˘eh ÚJô˘FG~˘d á˘Ñ˘°ù˘qæ˘dɢH äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ô˘j~˘j ¿CG ~˘MGh .≈°übCG q~ëc áq«HÉîàfG
An election opinion survey means an opinion survey respecting an election or a matter of public discussion in relation to the election, including an opinion survey respecting an issue discussed publicly in the election. Methods to obtain such public opinions range from telephone surveys, mailed questionnaires, and specific questions on an election ballot to comments obtained in public meetings.
§°Sh ¢TÉ≤æ∏d áMhô£e á«° ≤H ≥∏©àj …CGô∏d ´Ó£à°SG ΩɪàgG äGP á«° b hCG äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ábÓY É¡dh Qƒ¡ª÷G ∫ƒ°üë∏d ádhG~àŸG ¥ô£dG øe .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH •ÉÑJQÉH ΩÉY ÈY AÉàØà°S’Gh ,∞JÉ¡dG ÈY ôjQÉ≤àdG ΩÉ©dG …CGôdG ≈∏Y áqeÉ©dG äÉYɪàL’G ‘ áMhô£ŸG áæq«©ŸG á∏Ä°SC’Gh ,~jÈdG .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ≥∏©àJ »àdGh
A qualified person who desires to become a candidate for an official office may become a candidate by petition signed by a specified number of qualified voters of the district from which the candidate seeks election.
q»ª°SQ Ö°üæŸ í°TÎj q ¿CÉH ÖZôj πqgƒD e ¢üî°ûd øμÁ øq«©e O~Y É¡©qbƒj á° jôY ∫ÓN øe Éë°Tôe q íÑ°üj ¿CG …ƒæj »àdG á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG ‘ Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG øe .É¡æY í°TÎdG q
The right to vote, to stand as a candidate for election, to form a political party and belong to it, to campaign and to be elected.
,¬«dEG Aɪàf’Gh ÜõM π«μ°ûJh ,í°TÎdGh q ,âjƒ°üàdG ≥M .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH RƒØdGh á«HÉîàfG äÓªM áeÉbEGh
Any laws or rules of the election commission that will affect the election in any way.
.¿Éc ƒëf …CG ≈∏Y äÉHÉîàf’G áæ÷ É¡©Ñàq J ÚfGƒb hCG ~YGƒb ájCG
Activity of overseeing some or all the steps of the electoral process by an independent third party which could be intergovernmental or non-governmental.
á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG äGƒ£N ¢ ©H ≈∏Y ±Gô°TE’G •É°ûf hCG ‹hO »eƒμM π≤à°ùe ådÉK ≥jôa ∫ÓN øe É¡q∏c hCG .»eƒμM ÒZ
Election Writ - Electoral College
Election Writ
Written statement issued by the relevant authority directing the holding of an election on a specified date.
¬«LƒàH á∏°U É¡d »àdG á£∏°ùdG øY QOÉ°U ܃àμe ¿É«H .O~fi ïjQÉàH äÉHÉîàf’G AGôLEGh
Election/ Elections
Exercise through which the voters express their choice between competing political parties or candidates; mechanism for choosing representatives and governments.
øe ºgQÉ«àNEG øYÒÑ©àdÉH ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¬dÓN øe Ωƒ≤j øjô“ Ú∏˘ã˘ªŸG Qɢ«˘à˘NG ᢫˘dBG ,Ú뢰TôŸGh ᢫˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG ÜGõ˘˘MC’G .äÉeƒμ◊Gh
Electioneering is prohibited within 100 feet of the polling site entrance. Electioneering includes: distributing, wearing, or carrying political literature, posters, banners, or buttons, and soliciting votes.
πN~e øe Ω~b 100 ∫É› ‘ »HÉîàf’G πª©dG ìÉÑoj ’ ,á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G QÉWEG ‘ ,øª° àj ƒgh ´GÎb’G ¿Éμe äÉ≤°ü∏e hCG ,á«°SÉ«°S ÜGOBG …CG πªM hCG AG~JQG hCG ™jRƒJ .äGƒ°UC’G ¢SɪàdGh ,äGAGƒd hCG ,á«fÓYEG
Person who is eligible and registered to vote. See also Registration of Voters.
π«é°ùJ ô˘¶˘fG .âjƒ˘°üà˘∏˘ d π˘˘qé˘ °ùeh π˘˘gDƒ˘ e ¢ü°T .ÚÑNÉædG
Electoral Administration
Body dealing with the electoral process. See Electoral Management Body.
IQGOEG RÉ¡L ô¶fG .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG ™e πeÉ©àJ áÄ«g .äÉHÉîàf’G
Electoral Age
See Voting Age Population.
»HÉîàfG Ωƒ°Sôe äÉHÉîàfG Electioneering
/»HÉîàf’G πª©dG èjhÎdG Elector/ Voter
´GÎb’G ø°S Electoral Authority
See Electoral Commission.
á«HÉîàfG á£∏°S Electoral Code
á«HÉîàfG áfh~e s Electoral College
á«HÉîàfG áÄ«g
.´GÎb’G ø°S øª°V ¿Éμ°ùdG ô¶fG .á«HÉîàfG áæ÷ ô¶fG
The rules governing the elections in a specific country, in order to establish fair, open and democratic procedures and rules.
,á˘æ˘q«˘©˘e má˘dhO ‘ äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G º˘˘μ– »˘˘à˘ dG ÚfGƒ˘˘≤˘ dG »˘˘g á˘aÉ˘Ø˘°ûdGh q á˘¡˘jõ˘qæ˘dG ~˘YGƒ˘≤˘dGh äGAGô˘LE’G Aɢ˘°SQEG ±~˘˘¡˘ H .áq«WGô≤Áq~dGh
When Americans vote for a President and Vice President, they actually vote for presidential electors, known collectively as the electoral college. It is these electors, chosen by the people, who elect the chief executive. In December, after the presidential election, these representatives gather in their states’ capitals and vote for the president and vice president. 270 votes are needed for a president to be elected.
´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U ¤EG ¿ƒ«cÒeC’G ¿ƒÑNÉædG Ögòj ÚM ¿ƒcQÉ°ûj º¡fCG ¿hÒãc ~≤à©j ,~j~÷G ¢ù«Fô∏d âjƒ°üà∏d ᢫˘Mɢæ˘dG ø˘e ,ô˘eC’G ø˘μ˘d .¢ù«˘Fô˘∏˘d ô˘°TÉ˘Ñ˘e Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ‘ á˘Ä˘«˘¡˘dɢH ±ô˘©˘j ɢe Oƒ˘Lh ÖÑ˘°ùH ∂dò˘˘c ¢ù«˘˘d ,ᢢ«˘ æ˘ Ø˘ dG øe á˘Yƒ˘ª› º˘°SG »˘g ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘Ä˘«˘¡˘dGh .᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G äÉj’ƒdG ‘ Üõ◊G AÉ° YCG º¡ë°Tôj øjòdG ''ÚHh~æŸG'' A’Dƒg ÜÉîàfG ºàj ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj ‘ .OÉ–’G ‘ áØ∏àıG ôNB’ hCG í°TôŸ º¡F’ƒH GƒdOCG ~b ¿ƒfƒμj øjòdG ,ÚHh~æŸG ‘h .á«Ñ©°T ÜÉîàfG á«∏ªY ÈY ,Ú«°SÉFôdG Úë°TôŸG øe ™ªàéj ,»°SÉFôdG ÜÉîàf’G ~©H ,Ȫ°ùjO/∫hC’G ¿ƒfÉc º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒd~jh º¡JÉj’h º°UGƒY ‘ ¿ƒHh~æŸG A’Dƒg ,¢ù«FQ …CG ÜÉîàfG ºàj »μdh .¢ù«FôdG ÖFÉfh ¢ù«Fô∏d .A’Dƒg øe 270 äGƒ°UCG ¤EG áLÉëH ¬fEÉa
27 Electoral Commission
á«HÉîàfG áæ÷ Electoral Commissioner
á«æWƒdG áæé∏dG ƒ° Y äÉHÉîàfÓd
Electoral Court/ Electoral Tribunal
á«HÉîàfG áªμfi Electoral Dispute
»HÉîàfG ´Gõf
Electoral Commission - Electoral List/ Electoral Roll Independent authority responsible for the conduct or supervision of the electoral process.
hCG á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG Ò°S øY ádhDƒ°ùe á∏≤à°ùe á£∏°S .É¡àÑbGôe
Is responsible for ensuring the fair and impartial conduct of elections described under the Electoral Law, managing the operations of the Commission to achieve objectives and meet all legislative and reporting responsibilities; maintaining accurate electoral rolls; promoting public awareness of electoral practices through education and information programs; conducting research on electoral matters; and providing advice on electoral matters to members of the Legislative Assembly, political parties and others.
á˘¡˘jõ˘f má˘≤˘jô˘£˘H äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G Ò°S ÚeCɢJ ø˘Y ∫hDƒ˘ °ùŸG ƒ˘˘g øYh ;»HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ‘ Oq~fi ƒg ɪc ,áqjOÉ«Mh kAÉØ˘jEGh Iƒ˘q LôŸG ±G~˘gCÓ˘d kɢ≤˘«˘≤– á˘æ˘é˘∏˘dG äɢq«˘∏˘ª˘Y IQGOEG á¶aÉÙG øYh ;áqjôjô˘≤˘qà˘dGh á˘q«˘©˘jô˘°û˘qà˘dG äɢq«˘dhDƒ˘°ùŸG qπ˘μ˘H √ÉŒ ΩÉ©dG »YƒdG õjõ©Jh ;á≤«bO áq«HÉîàfG ∫hG~L ≈∏Y ᢢ«˘ Hô˘˘qà˘ dG è˘˘eGô˘˘H ∫Ó˘˘ N ø˘˘ e ᢢ q«˘ ˘Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G äɢ˘ °SQɢ˘ ªŸG ;áq«HÉîàf’G πFÉ°ùŸG ∫ƒM çÉëHC’G AGôLEGh ;äÉeƒ∏©ŸGh Aɢ° YCG ¤EG á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G π˘Fɢ°ùŸG ¿Cɢ°ûH í˘Fɢ°ü˘qæ˘ dG Ë~˘˘≤˘ Jh .ÉgÒZh áq«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’Gh ,áq«©jô°ûqàdG áq«©ª÷G
Court of justice existing in some countries with the exclusive purpose of handling electoral disputes.
ƒgh …ô°üM ±~g πLCG øe ∫h~dG ¢ ©H ‘ IOƒLƒe .á«HÉîàf’G äÉYGõædGh äÉaÓÿG á÷É©e
Any dispute related to the electoral process.
.á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dÉH ≥∏©àe ±ÓN …CG
Geographic area delimited for electoral purpose. Also -Constituency.
IôFGO ∂dòc ,»HÉîàfG ±~¡d áæ«q ©e á«aGô¨L á≤£æe .á«HÉîàfG
Payments made by political campaigns for goods or services intended to influence the outcome of an election.
á«HÉîàf’G äÓª◊G É¡H Ωƒ≤J »àdG äÉYƒa~ŸG øª° àJ áé«àf ‘ ÒKCÉàdG πLCG øe IOGôŸG ¢VGôZC’G hCG äÉe~î∏d .äÉHÉîàf’G
Electoral Law
The law or body of law and regulations governing the electoral process.
Oƒ°ùj …òdG äɪ«¶æàdGh ÚfGƒ≤dG áÄ«g hCG ¿ƒfÉ≤dG ƒgh .äÉHÉîàf’G á«∏ªY ≈∏Y
Electoral List/ Electoral Roll/ Voter’s List
A list of names and other relevant details of persons who meet the eligibility requirements to vote. This list is used as a control document during the voting process.
Ú∏gDƒŸG ¢UÉî°TCÓd áÑ°SÉæŸG π«°UÉØàdGh Aɪ°SC’G áëF’ ∫ÓN §Ñ°V á≤«Kƒc áëFÓdG √òg πª©à°ùJ .âjƒ°üà∏d .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dG
Electoral District
/á«HÉîàfG IôFGO/á≤£æe á«HÉîàf’G á©WÉ≤e Electoral Expenditures
á«HÉîàfG äÉ≤Øf
»HÉîàfG/ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉb
áëF’/á«HÉîàfG áëF’ /Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd/ÚÑNÉædG ∫h~L/á«HÉîàfG áªFÉb ÚÑNÉædG
28 Electoral Management Body
Electoral Manager
»HÉîàfG ôj~e
Electoral Official / Polling Official
/äÉHÉîàfÓd …QGOEG º¶æe »HÉîàfG ∫hDƒ°ùe Electoral Participation
á«HÉîàfG ácQÉ°ûe Electoral Process
á«HÉîàfG á«∏ªY
Electoral Regulations
á«q HÉîàfG ÚfGƒb
Electoral Roll
Electoral Management Body - Electoral Roll The electoral management body is part of the Government, either in the Ministry of Interior or in the local government structure. Essentially, it is the administrative infrastructure required to support the democratic process of elections and selecting the right system for the particular circumstances.The electoral management body oversees administrative arrangements and is assisted by a team of officers and employees responsible for many aspects of electoral process. Election managers are civil servants.
RÉ¡L ‘ hCG á«∏NG~dG IQGRh ‘ ÉeEG ,áeƒμ◊G øe AõL ƒg á˘jQGOE’G ᢫˘à˘ë˘à˘dG ᢫˘æ˘Ñ˘dG ƒ˘g ¢Sɢ°SC’ɢH .»˘∏ÙG á˘eƒ˘˘μ◊G QÉ«àNGh äÉHÉîàfÓd á«q WGô≤Á~dG á«∏ª©dG õjõ©àd áHƒ∏£ŸG ≈∏Y RÉ¡÷G ±ô°ûj .á°UÉÿG q ±hô¶∏d í«ë°üdG ΩɶædG ÚØXƒŸG øe ≥jôa ∂dP ‘ √~YÉ°ùjh ájq QGOE’G ÒHG~àdG AGQ~eh .á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©∏d IO~q ©àe √ƒLh øY ÚdhDƒ°ùŸG .¿ƒ«f~e ¿ƒ«eƒμM ¿ƒØXƒe ºg äÉHÉîàf’G
At the direction of the Returning Officer, the electoral manager is responsible for managing and supervising the staff throughout the electorate, in addition to preparing training materials.
,ÜÉîàf’G QƒeCÉe/´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ±Gô°TEG â– π˘˘ª˘ ©˘ dG ≥˘˘ jô˘˘ a IQGOEG ø˘˘ Y ∫hDƒ˘ ˘°ùe »˘˘ Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G ô˘˘ j~ŸG .ÖjQ~àdG OGƒe Ò° – ¤EG áaÉ°VEG ,¬«∏Y ±Gô°TE’Gh
Electoral Officials or Polling Officials play a crucial role in an election. The Polling Official must not disclose any election or voting information and must, at all times, be a responsible representative of the Electoral Commission.
Ω~Y ¬«∏Y ÖLƒàjh ,äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ kɪ°SÉM kGQhO Ö©∏j hCG äɢHɢî˘à˘f’ɢH á˘≤˘∏˘©˘ à˘ e äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©˘ e ᢢjCG ø˘˘Y ∞˘˘°ûμ˘˘dG .á«HÉîàf’G áæé∏dG øY k’hDƒ°ùe kÉHh~æe Èà©jh ,âjƒ°üàdÉH
The ratio or percentage of voters casting their votes in a specific election.
‘ º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒd~j øjòdG ÚYÎ≤ŸG áÑ°ùf hCG ∫q~©e »g .áæq«©e mäÉHÉîàfG
Steps involved in the preparation and carrying out of an election. It usually starts with the announcement of the election and includes the enactment of the electoral law, the registration of voters and candidates, the campaign, the voting, and the tabulation of votes until the announcement of results.
ɢgò˘«˘Ø˘à˘fh äɢHɢî˘à˘fÓ˘d Ò° ë˘à˘d ᢩ˘Ñ˘àŸG äGƒ˘£ÿG »˘gh ,Üɢî˘à˘f’G ¿ƒ˘fɢb ø˘˘°S ∂dP π˘˘ª˘ °ûjh ɢ˘¡˘ æ˘ Y ¿Ó˘˘YE’ɢ˘H ,᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘∏˘ª◊Gh ,Ú뢰TôŸGh ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG π˘˘«˘ é˘ °ùJh .èFÉàædG ¿ÓYEG ÚM ¤EG ,äGƒ°UC’G ádh~Lh
Can be seen as translating the principles of voting operations into standards that must be consistently achieved through methods and detailed procedures, and may differ throughout the area in which elections for a representative body are held.
Òjɢ©˘e ¤EG âjƒ˘°ü˘qà˘dG äGAGô˘˘LEG AiOɢ˘Ñ˘ e ∫ƒ–q ¢ùμ˘˘©˘ J mäGAGô˘LEGh m¥ô˘W ÈY ,á˘μ˘°Sɢª˘à˘e má˘≤˘jô˘£˘H ɢ¡˘Zƒ˘∏˘H Ö颢j …ôŒ å«M á≤£æŸG »MGƒf ±ÓàNÉH ∞∏àîJh ,á∏°üØe q m .áq«∏«ã“ áÄ«g äÉHÉîàfG
See Voters List.
.Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd/ÚÑNÉædG ∫h~L ô¶fG
29 Electoral Sub-D District
/Iôq¨°üe á«HÉîàfG IôFGO »HÉîàfG ´É£b/á«q Yôa Electoral System
/»HÉîàfG Ωɶf ´GÎbG á≤jôW Electoral Tribunal
á«HÉîàfG áªμfi
/¿ƒÑNÉf/áÑNÉf áÄ«g ¿ƒYÎ≤e Electronic Media
Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)
á«q fhÎμd’G âjƒ°üàq dG ádBG
Eligible Voter
πgs ƒD e ÖNÉf Emergency Voting
/ÇQGƒ£dG âjƒ°üJ AiQÉ q£dG âjƒ°üàq dG
Electoral Sub-D District - Emergency Voting Every part of the Constituency for which one or more Ballot Centers has been designated.
É¡∏LCG øe øq«©j »àdG áq«HÉîàf’G IôFGq~dG øe AõL qπc »g .ÌcCG hCG ´GÎbG õcôe
Combination of formulas and mechanisms which provides for the electorate to cast the votes and to translate these votes into seats in the parliament or the legislature.
π≤fh âjƒ°üàdG áÑNÉædG áÄ«¡dG øqμ“ äÉ«dBGh ≠«°U èeO .á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG hCG ¿ÉŸÈdG ‘ ~YÉ≤e ¤EG äGƒ°UC’G
Court, tribunal or other authority in which a candidate or an elector may dispute the validity of an election, or challenge the conduct of candidates or political parties. In Latin America, for example, this name is often given to the electoral commissions or equivalent authority.
É¡«dEG ÉC é∏j iôNGoC á£∏°S …CG hCG AÉ° ≤dG Èæe hCG áªμfi hCG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G á˘˘ë˘ °üH ø˘˘ ©˘ ˘£˘ ˘«˘ ˘d í˘˘ °TôŸG hCG ÖNɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG .á«Hõ◊G ÜGõMC’G hCG Úë°TôŸG ±ô°üJ ≈∏Y ¢VGÎYÓd ¿Éé∏d ,á«æ«JÓdG ÉcÒeCG ‘ ,IQÉÑ©dG √òg πª©à°ùoJ ,kÓãe .äÉ£∏°S øe É¡jRGƒj Ée hCG á«HÉîàf’G
This is the portion of the population able to vote in this election. See Voters.
√ò˘˘g ‘ ´GÎb’G ≈˘˘∏˘ Y IQOɢ˘≤˘ dG ᢢ«˘ fɢ˘ μ˘ ˘°ùdG ᢢ ë˘ ˘jô˘˘ °ûdG .¿ƒÑNÉædG ô¶fG .äÉHÉîàf’G
Electronic media is television and radio organizations that use spoken words and/or video, as opposed to the print media that uses the written word and/or pictures. See Print Media and Mass Media.
»àdG ᢫˘eÓ˘YE’G äɢĢ«˘¡˘dGh ´É˘jòŸGh ¿ƒ˘jõ˘Ø˘∏˘à˘dG π˘ª˘°ûjh ΩÓYE’G πHÉ≤e ,ƒj~«ØdG hCG/h ábƒ£æŸG áª∏μdG Ω~îà°ùJ IQƒ°üdG hCG/h áYƒÑ£ŸG áª∏μdG Ω~îà°ùj …òdG ´ƒÑ£ŸG .Ahô≤ŸG ΩÓYE’Gh ´ƒÑ£ŸG ΩÓYE’G ô¶fG .á«aGôZƒJƒØdG
EVM is a piece of equipment for use in electing a candidate from among many candidates. The voter is not given a ballot paper when he first enters the polling center, he simply presses a button, or a screen, that register his/her candidate of choice.
≈£©j ’ .Iq~Y ÚH øe í°Tôe q ÜÉîàf’ Ω~îà°ùJ ádBG »g πH ,´GÎb’G õcôe ¬dƒNO ~æY ´GÎb’G ábQh ÖNÉædG ᢫˘fhÎμ˘dG ᢰTɢ°T ≈˘˘∏˘ Y hCG ᢢdB’G ≈˘˘∏˘ Y QR ≈˘˘∏˘ Y §˘˘¨˘ ° j .√~jôj …òdG í°Tôª∏d √QÉ«N πqé°ùJ
Individual who satisfies the legal requirements to participate in the election. Those requirements are usually related to nationality, age, soundness of mind and absence of criminal record. An emergency voting occurs when a voter cannot go to the polling station on Election Day (or vote in the early voting) for specific reasons that meet the requirements of the country or district regulations concerning this kind of voting. Some countries allow emergency voting if the person is suddenly hospitalized, or becomes seriously ill, or is suddenly called away from home. If this person meets all the requirements, and he cannot be present at the polling station to express his choice through voting, an emergency ballot is issued to the authorized representative of the voter.
á˘cQɢ°ûª˘∏˘d ᢫˘Yô˘°ûdG ᢫˘°Sɢ°SC’G •hô˘°ûdɢH π˘gDƒŸG Oô˘Ø˘ dG ᫢∏˘gC’Gh ,ô˘ª˘©˘dGh ,᢫˘°ùæ÷G ɢ¡˘æ˘ª˘°V ø˘e ;äɢHɢî˘à˘f’ɢH .»FÉæ÷G πé°ùdG ÜÉ«Zh á«∏≤©dG ¿CG ÖNÉædG ™«£à°ùj ’ Ée~æY π°üëj :ÇQÉ£dG âjƒ°üàdG ‹~j hCG) »HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ‘ ´GÎb’G õcôe ¤EG Ögòj ™e ≥aGƒàJ áæq«©e ÜÉÑ°SC’ (ôμÑŸG âjƒ°üàdG ‘ ¬Jƒ°üH øe ´ƒædG Gòg ∫ƒÑ≤d á¶aÉÙG hCG AÉ° ≤dG hCG ~∏ÑdG äÉÑq∏£àe GPEG âjƒ°üàdG Gò¡H ¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H íª°ùJ .âjƒ°üàdG ,…~L ¢Vôà ֫°UCG hCG ,ICÉéa ≈Ø°ûà°ùŸG ÖNÉædG πNO πªμà°SG GPEG .√qô≤e øY G~«©H ICÉéa √DhÉY~à°SG q” GPEG hCG ¬˘à˘Yɢ£˘à˘°SɢH ø˘μ˘j ⁄h ,ɢ¡˘q∏˘c äÉ˘Ñ˘q∏˘£˘ àŸG ¢ü°ûdG Gò˘˘g πq㇠~jhõJ Ég~æY øμÁ ,»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ‘ âjƒ°üàdG .ÇQÉW âjƒ°üJ ábQƒH ∫ƒıG q ÖNÉædG
Endorsements - Executive Office
Endorsements are announced or written support for the candidate from opinion leaders or organizations that will influence members of their organizations or other voters to vote for the candidate. See Opinion Leaders.
Grant voting rights.
´GÎb’G ≥M ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G
hCG …CGô˘˘dG IOɢ˘b ¬˘˘Ñ˘ à˘ μ˘ j hCG ¬˘˘H ìô˘˘°üj ¿Ó˘˘YEG äɢ˘bOɢ˘°üŸG ºY~d øjôNB’G ÚÑNÉædG hCG É¡YÉÑJCG ‘ IôKDƒŸG äɪ¶æŸG .…CGôdG IOÉb ô¶fG .¬d ´GÎb’Gh í°TôŸG .´GÎb’G ¥ƒ≤M íæe
Enrollment / Voter Registration
Inclusion of eligible voters on the voters list.
≈˘∏˘Y äɢHɢî˘à˘fÓ˘d Ú∏˘gDƒŸG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG π˘«˘é˘ °ùJh π˘˘ª˘ °T .á«HÉîàf’G íFGƒ∏dG
A door-to-door canvass of all residences in an electoral district for the purpose of identifying and registering all eligible voters.
á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘fG mIô˘FGO ‘ ø˘˘cɢ˘°ùŸG qπ˘ c ÜGƒ˘˘HGC ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ±Gƒ˘˘ q£˘˘dG .º¡∏«é°ùJh Ú∏qgƒD ŸG ÚÑNÉædG ≈∏Y ±qô©à∏d kÉ°SɪàdG
Equal Suffrage
Principle according to which every person is entitled to one vote (one person, one vote).
.~MGh 䃰üH Oôa πq μd ≥ëj å«M IGhÉ°ùŸG GC ~Ñe
Demands that voting operations offer equal opportunities for participation to all eligible voters and political participants. Encompasses aspects of Accessibility and Transparency.
ájhÉ°ùàe kÉ°Uôa âjƒ°üàq dG äÉ«q ∏ªY ôqaƒJ ¿CÉH áÑdÉ£ŸG »g ÚcQɢ˘°ûŸGh Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ fÓ˘˘ d Ú∏˘˘ gq DƒŸG ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG ᢢ cQɢ˘ °ûŸ á«aÉØ°ûdG q ôgɶe πª°ûJ »gh .º¡©«ªL Ú«q °SÉ«°ùdG .¥ƒ≤◊G ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG á«q fÉμeEGh
The label given to powerful, elite individuals or groups who can make important social, political, and economic policy decisions for the society.
òîàJ »àdG äÉYƒªÛG hCG ¢UÉî°TC’G øe áÑîæd ≈£©jo Ö≤d .™ªàÛG ‘ á°SÉ«°ùdG äGQGôbh ájOÉ°üàbGh ,á«YɪàLG äGQGôb
An ethnic voter is one who identifies with a particular national, religious or language grouping. These are generally groupings within the demographic breakdown of the population.
hCG á«æjO hCG á«eƒb áYƒª› ¤EG »ªàæj …òdG ÖNÉædG ƒgh â– êQ~˘æ˘J ɢe kÉ˘Ñ˘dɢZ äɢYƒ˘ª› »˘gh .á˘˘æ˘ «˘ ©˘ e ᢢjƒ˘˘¨˘ d .¿Éμ°ù∏d á«aGô¨Á~dG äɪ«°ù≤àdG
E-voting is an election system that allows a voter to record his or her secure and secret ballot electronically. Electronic votes are stored digitally in a storage medium such as a tape cartridge, diskette, or smart card before being sent to a centralized location where tabulation programs compile and tabulate results.
,kÉq«fhÎμdG ¬Jƒ°U πqé°ùj ¿CG ÖNÉqæ∏d í«àj q»HÉîàfG lΩɶf ƒg kÉq«ªbQ áq«fhÎμd’G äGƒ°UC’G ¿qõîoàa .øeBGh q…ô°S m πμ°ûH hCG ,¿ôe ¢Uôb hCG ,π«é°ùJ §jô°ûc ,øjõîJ á∏«°Sh ᣰSGƒH å«˘M q…õ˘cô˘em ™˘bƒ˘˘e ¤EG π˘˘°Sô˘˘oJ ¿CG π˘˘Ñ˘ b ,ᢢq«˘ cP ᢢbɢ˘£˘ H .∫h~L ‘ É¡ÑqJôJh nèFÉàqædG ádh~÷G oèeGôH ¢Sq~μJ
An elected position that oversees the running of the government, such as a mayor, governor or president. See Legislative Office.
‘ Qƒ˘eC’G äɢjô› ≈˘∏˘Y ±ô˘°ûJ á˘Ñ˘î˘à˘æ˘ e á˘˘Ø˘ «˘ Xh »˘˘gh ô˘¶˘fG .¢ù«˘Fô˘dGh á˘j’ƒ˘dG º˘cɢMh ߢaÉÙG :π˘ã˘ e ᢢeƒ˘˘μ◊G
π«é°ùàdG /π«é°ùJ á«HÉîàf’G íFGƒ∏dG ≈∏Y OG~©J
/´GÎb’G ‘ …hÉ°ùàŸG ≥◊G /âjƒ°üàdG ‘ IGhÉ°ùe âjƒ°üàdG Equity
ICÉ°ûæe Ethnic Voter
»æKEG ÖNÉf E-V Voting
ÊhÎμdG âjƒ°üJ
Executive Office
…ò«ØæJ Ö°üæe
.»©jô°ûJ Ö°üæe
Exhausted Votes - External Voting A vote becomes exhausted when it needs more choices than it has on its list. This is caused by the voter not making enough choices. It is a vote which has reached the stage where no further preferences can be distributed when distributing preferences.
ø˘˘e ~˘˘jõŸG ¤EG êɢ˘à˘ ë˘ j ÚM kɢ anõ˘ æ˘ à˘ ˘°ùe äƒ˘˘ °üdG q »˘˘ °ùÁ ∂dP qOôeh .Úë°TôŸG q áëF’ ≈∏Y IOƒLƒŸG äGQÉ«àN’G 䃰U ƒg .äGQÉ«ÿG øe »Øμj Ée ÖNÉqædG PÉîqJG Ω~Y ~æY ´sRƒJ ¿CG iôNCG äGQÉ«ÿ øμÁ ’ å«M á∏Môe ≠∏H .äGQÉ«ÿG ™jRƒJ
Assessment of the election results obtained by canvassing voters as they leave the polling stations.
´GÎb’G õcGôe ‘ ±Gƒ£dG ÈY äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàæd º««≤J .º¡JGQÉ«àNG øY º¡dGDƒ°Sh ÚÑNÉædG IQOɨe ~æY
Expected Turnout
The number of voters you believe will go to the polls and vote in this particular election and this particular race.
õ˘cGô˘e ¤EG Ögò˘«˘°S ¬˘˘fCG ~˘˘≤˘ à˘ ©˘ j …ò˘˘dG ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG O~˘˘Y √ò˘˘ g IOq~ÙG äɢ˘ Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G ‘ ¬˘˘ Jƒ˘˘ °üH ‹~˘˘ ˘jh ´GÎb’G .»HÉîàf’G ¢ùaÉæàdGh
External Voting/ Overseas Vote/ Absentee Voting
See Absentee Voting.
Exhausted Votes
áaõn æà°ùe äGƒ°UCG
Exit Poll
êhôÿG i~d AÉ°ü≤à°SG /´GÎb’G ÖJÉμe øe ‹hCG AÉ°üMEG ¿ƒ©qbƒàe ¿ƒYÎ≤e
/êQÉÿG ‘ âjƒ°üàdG ÚÑFɨdG ´GÎbEG
.»HÉ«Z ´GÎbG ô¶fG
/‹GQ~a …OÉëqJEG
Federal Election Commission
á«q dGQ~ØdG äÉHÉîàf’G áæ÷
Field Director
ÊG~«e ôj~e Filing Deadline
á«FÉ¡ædG ~«YGƒŸG π«é°ùà∏d
Federal - Focus Group
Of or describing a constitutionallydelineated union of states having a central government. In the American system, a federal union is ultimately based upon national supremacy but is also a political arrangement that reserves powers to the states.
‘ .á˘jõ˘cô˘e á˘eƒ˘μ˘M ɢ˘¡˘ d ᢢjQƒ˘˘à˘ °SO äɢ˘j’h OÉ–G ∞˘˘°Uƒ˘˘d …OôØdG OÉ–’G ¢SÉ°SCG ‘ á«æWƒdG IOÉ«°ùdG ,»cÒeC’G ΩɶædG .áj’ƒ∏d äÉ£∏°S ßØ◊ kÉ«°SÉ«°S kɪ¶æe √Qh~H ¿ƒμj …òdG
The Federal Election Commission, an independent regulatory agency, was created by the US Congress in 1975. The duties of the FEC are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce provisions of the law on the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee public funding of presidential elections.
ᢢ æ÷ »˘˘ cÒeC’G ¢Sô˘˘ ¨˘ ˘fƒ˘˘ μ˘ ˘dG Cɢ ˘ °ûfCG ,1975 Ωɢ˘ ˘©˘ ˘ dG ‘ ¢üæJ q .á∏≤à°ùe á«q ª«¶æJ ádÉch »gh ,á«q dGQ~ØdG äÉHÉîàf’G πjƒ“ QOÉ°üe ¢Uƒ°üîH mäÉeƒ∏©e ∞°ûc ≈∏Y É¡eÉ¡e äɪgÉ°ùŸG Oh~M ≈∏Y ¿ƒfÉ≤dG •hô°T ¢Vôah ,äÓª◊G äɢHɢî˘à˘fÓ˘d Ωɢ©˘dG π˘jƒ˘ª˘àq ˘dG ≈˘∏˘Y ±Gô˘°TE’Gh ,ɢgOƒ˘«˘bh .á«q °SÉFôq dG
A person on the campaign staff responsible for organizing the direct contact with the voters by the candidate and the volunteers.
º«¶æJ øY ∫hDƒ°ùŸGh á∏ª◊G ‘ Ú∏eÉ©dG áÄ«g ‘ ƒgh .´ƒ£àŸG hCG í°TôŸG ÈY ÚÑNÉædG ™e ô°TÉÑŸG ∫É°üJ’G
The last day and time in which the candidate can file for a particular office.
¬Ø∏à Ω~≤àdG í°Tôª∏d øμÁ Ωƒj ôNB’ O~ÙG øeõdG »gh .øq«©e ~©≤Ÿ í°Tôªc π«é°ùà∏d
Final Result
Outcome. It states who is the winner in the elections.
First Past the Post
A voting system under which the winning candidate is the one who wins the most votes — an absolute majority is not required, nor are several candidates chosen. The system is in use at all levels of politics, typically for single-member districts.
á«FÉ¡f áé«àf
First Preference
∫hCq G QÉ«àNG Focus Group
õ«cÎdG áYƒª›
Preference is an order-ranking, not a number. A method of sociological research in which a small group of people are brought together and asked a series of questions. The point is to receive qualitative information about public attitudes and test reactions to various messages and information. See Political Polling.
.õFÉØdG í°TôŸG ƒg øe ø∏©J .äÉHÉîàf’G á∏«°üM ÌcCG Ö°ùc ~b íHGôdG í°TôŸG ¬«a ¿ƒμj »HÉîàfG Ωɶf ¿GôeCG Úë°Tôe I~Y QÉ«àNGh á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZC’G-äGƒ°UC’G äÉjƒà°ùŸG πc ≈∏Y ΩɶædG Gòg πª©à°ùoj .ÚnHƒ∏£e ÒZ .~MGƒdG ƒ° ©dG äGP ôFGh~dG ‘ kÉ«LPƒ‰ ,á«°SÉ«°ùdG .»ªbQ ¢ù«dh »∏°ù∏°ùJ Ö«JôJ ƒg QÉ«àN’G øe áYƒª› ™ªL ºàj å«M »YɪàL’G åëÑ∏d è¡æe ¢Vô¨H ,º¡«∏Y á∏Ä°SC’G øe á∏°ù∏°S ìôWh ¢UÉî°TC’G á˘eq ɢ©˘ dG ∞˘˘bGƒŸG ø˘˘Y ᢢ«˘ ª˘ c äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©˘ e ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ∫ƒ˘˘°ü◊G ä’É°SQh äÉeƒ∏©e √ÉŒ π©ØdG OhOQ QÉÑàNGh Ògɪé∏d .»°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’G ô¶fG .áYƒæàe
33 Formal Vote
Formal Vote - Full list
/∫ƒ°UC’G Ö°ùM ´GÎbG »ª°SQ ´GÎbG
A vote cast in an election or a referendum that has been marked according to the rules for that election. A vote not marked correctly is an Informal Vote.
The constitutional right to vote.
/âjƒ°üàdG RÉ«àeG âjƒ°üàdG ≥M/ÖNÉf áØ°U Free and Fair Elections
á¡jõfh Iôq M äÉHÉîàfG
Free List
Iôq M áëF’
Friends of Friends Program
AÉb~°UC’G ÜÉë°UCG èeÉfôH Front-LLoading
ôμÑe 𫪖
Front-R Runner
Ω~≤àe í°Tôe
Full List
á∏ªàμe/á∏eÉc áëF’
…òdG ΩÉ©dG AÉàØà°S’G hCG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ âjƒ°üàdG ƒg á≤jô£H º°Sƒj ⁄ …òdG ´GÎb’G .äÉHÉîàf’G ~YGƒb ™ÑqJG .»ª°SQ ÒZ ÉYGÎbG Èà©oj áë«ë°U q .âjƒ°üàdÉH ≥◊G ÖNÉædG íæÁ …òdG …Qƒà°S~dG ≥◊G
The definition of a free and fair election is about more than just a smooth technical process, but also includes the respect for basic civil and political rights such as freedom of expression, of movement, of association and assembly; as well as the absence of barriers to the full participation of all citizens, without any form of discrimination; the absence of any form of intimidation; and the compliance overall with the rule of law.
ÒÑ©àdG ájôëc á«f~ŸG äÉjô◊G ΩGÎMÉH õ«ªàJ äÉHÉîàfG ,äɢ«˘©˘ª÷G ¢ù«˘°SCɢJh ´É˘ª˘à˘L’Gh ™˘qª˘ é˘ à˘ dGh π˘˘q≤˘ æ˘ à˘ dGh ,á¡L …CG øe πqN~J ¿h~H ÚÑNÉædG qπc ácQÉ°ûÃ íª°ùJh õcôJh πjƒ¡àdG øe ƒ∏îJh ,õ««ªàdG øe ´ƒf …CG ¿h~Hh .¿ƒfÉ≤dG ~YGƒb ¤EG áHÉéà°S’G≈∏Y
A form of List Proportional Representation in which voters may vote for a party or grouping and in addition for one or more candidates, whether or not those candidates are nominated by that party or grouping.
áªFɢ≤˘dG ™˘e »Ñ°ùædG π«ã˘ª˘à˘dG Ωɢ¶˘f ø˘˘ e ´l ƒ˘˘ f »˘˘ g hCG Üõ◊ Gƒ˘˘Jƒ˘˘°üj ¿CG ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ ˘∏˘ ˘d ø˘˘ μÁ å«˘˘ M ᢢ «˘ ˘Hõ◊G hCG Üõ◊G ¿Éc ¿EG ,ÌcCG hCG í°Tôe ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,áYƒª› .’ hCG Úë°TôŸG A’Dƒg Gƒë°TQ ~b ,áYƒªÛG
A method of voter contact where volunteers agree to contact their friends either through the mail or on the phone and encourage them to vote for the candidate.
≈∏Y ¿ƒYƒ£àŸG ≥aGƒj å«M ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á≤jôW ∞˘Jɢ¡˘dG hCG ~˘jÈdG ÈY º˘¡˘FÓ˘eRh º˘¡˘Fɢb~˘˘°UCɢ H ∫ɢ˘°üJ’G .í°TôŸG ídÉ°üd ´GÎb’G ≈∏Y º¡qãMh
The practice of scheduling state party caucuses and state primary elections earlier and earlier in advance of the general election. By moving their primaries to early dates, states hope to lend decisive momentum to one or two presidential candidates and thus have disproportionate influence on each party's nomination.
É¡JGô“Dƒe ~≤©H äÉj’ƒdG ¢ ©H ΩÉ«b ≈∏Y ≥∏£J ᫪°ùJ ~«YGƒe ‘ ᫢dhC’G ᢫˘Hõ◊G ɢ¡˘JɢHɢî˘à˘fGh á˘jOɢ«˘≤˘dG ᢫˘Hõ◊G ∂∏J Ë~≤àHh .∫ƒWCÉa ∫ƒWCG I~à áeÉ©dG äÉHÉîàf’G ≥Ñ°ùJ ÚæKG hCG ~MGh AÉ£YEG ‘ á«æ©ŸG äÉj’ƒdG πeCÉJ ,~«YGƒŸG ™˘˘aO Iƒ˘˘b ᢢ°Sɢ˘Fô˘˘ dG Ö°üæŸ í˘˘ «˘ ˘°TÎdG ¤EG ÚYɢ˘ °ùdG ø˘˘ e á«∏ªY ≈∏Y ÅaÉμàe ÒZ PƒØf á°SQɇ ‹ÉàdÉHh ᪰SÉM .ÚHõ◊G øe qπc ‘ í«°TÎdG
In a primary or general campaign, the label given to that candidate who, according to polls and/or political pundits, is in the lead over other opponents and/or is the favorite to be elected.
ƒg áqeÉ©dG á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G hCG á«dhC’G äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ hCG/h ¬eƒ°üÿ áÑ°ùædÉH Ωq~≤àŸG í°Tôª∏d ≈£©ŸG Ö≤∏dG äɢYÓ˘£˘à˘°S’G Ö°ùë˘H ∂dPh ,Öî˘à˘æ˘oj »˘˘μ˘ d π˘˘° ØŸG .Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG Úªq∏©ŸG AGQBG hCG/h
List that includes all the candidates.
.Úë°TôŸG qπc Aɪ°SCÉH á∏eÉc áëF’
34 Full Representation (Proportional Representation)
π«ãªàq dG) πeÉc π«ã“ (»Ñ°ùqædG Full Voters List
á∏eÉ°ûdG ÚÑNÉædG áëF’ Full-F Face Ballot
á∏eÉc á«q HÉîàfG ábQh Full-F Face Ballot Electronic Voting Machines
á«q fhÎμd’G âjƒ°üàq dG ä’BG ¥GQhC’G ≈∏Y I~ªà©ŸG á∏eÉμdG á«q HÉîàf’G
äÉYÈàdG/∫GƒeC’G ™eÉL Fundraising
äÉYÈq àdG/∫GƒeC’G ™ªL
Full Representation - Fundraising Any system which consciously attempts to reduce the disparity between a party’s share of the national vote and its share of the parliamentary seats. For example, if a party wins 40 per cent of the votes, it should win approximately 40 per cent of the seats.
‘ mÜõM á°üM q ÚH ähÉØqàdG ¢ü«∏≤J ~qª©àj m Ωɶf q…GC ~˘Yɢ≤ŸG ‘ ¬˘à˘°üMh q ,»˘æ˘Wƒ˘dG ~˘«˘©˘°üdG q ≈˘∏˘Y âjƒ˘°ü˘˘qà˘ dG ,äGƒ°UC’G øe áFÉŸÉH Ú©HQCÉH lÜõM RÉa ¿EG ,kÓãe .áq«fÉŸÈdG .kÉ° jCG ~YÉ≤ŸG øe áFÉŸÉH Ú©HQCÉH RƒØj ¿CG ¢VÎØ«a
Names that are on the register of electors. The full version lists everyone who is entitled to vote.
á∏eÉμdG áî°ùædG .ÚÑNÉædG πq é°S ≈∏Y áfh~ŸG Aɪ°SC’G .ÜÉîàf’G ™«£à°ùj øe πq c Aɪ°SCÉH íFGƒ∏d
In which all information on the ballot— e.g. all the offices and candidates to be voted on -are presented on a single sheet of paper or a single screen.
mábQh ≈∏Y áeRÓdG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG πq c êQ~J á«q HÉîàfG ábÉ£H »g ô˘Fɢ°ùH á˘≤˘q∏˘©˘àŸG äɢeƒ˘∏˘ ©ŸÉ˘˘c -I~˘˘MGh ᢢ°Tɢ˘°T hCG I~˘˘MGh .kÓãe º¡d âjƒ°üàq dG øμÁ øjòdG Úë°TôŸGh q Ö°UÉæŸG
Some election day polling places use fullface ballot, direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines. These voting machines electronically record your choices when you press a button that indicates that you are casting a vote. Election officials print and display the results from each machine after the election day polls close.
äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G Ωƒ˘˘j ᢢ«q ˘ YGÎb’G õ˘˘cGôŸG ¢ ©˘˘H Ω~˘˘î˘ ˘à˘ ˘°ùJ âjƒ˘˘ °ü˘˘ àq ˘ ˘dG ä’BGh ,ᢢ ∏˘ ˘eɢ˘ μ˘ ˘dG ᢢ «q ˘ ˘ Hɢ˘ ˘î˘ ˘ à˘ ˘ f’G ¥GQhC’G øªa .kIô°TÉÑe ÖNÉæq dG ´GÎbG πéq °ùJ »àdG á«q fhÎμd’G ¿EG Ée ,kÉ«q fhÎμdG ∂JGQÉ«àNG πéq °ùJ ¿CG ä’B’G √òg ¿CÉ°T øY ¿ƒdhDƒ°ùŸG åÑ∏j Éeh .䃰üdÉH A’OEÓd Qq R ≈∏Y §¨° J ~©H Éghô°ûæjh ,ádBG πq c øe èFÉàæq dG Gƒ©Ñ£j ¿CG äÉHÉîàf’G .É¡HGƒHCG á«q HÉîàf’G õcGôŸG ≥∏¨J ¿CG
An event planned with the goal of raising money for the campaign. Fundraiser may also refer to the person who raises the funds for the campaign by any method.
¢üî°ûdG kÉ° jCG ¬H ≈æ©ojh .äÉYÈàdG ™ª÷ ¬d §£îoj ç~M .á∏«°Sh ájCG ÈY á∏ªë∏d äÉYÈàdG ™ªéj hCG åëj …òdG
Any method used to raise money for the campaign.
.á«HÉîàf’G äÓªë∏d ∫GƒeC’G ™ª÷ á∏ª©à°ùe á≤jôW …CG
General Election
General Election - Governance
Election for national bodies. It is an election in which all members of a given political body are up for election. The term is generally used to refer to elections held for a nation’s primary legislative body, as distinguished from by-elections and local elections.
hCG qπc ‘ …ôŒ äÉHÉîàfG »gh .áqeÉ©dG äÉÄ«¡∏d ÜÉîàfG .Úë°Tôe QÉ«àN’ ádhO hCG áj’ƒd á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG º¶©e …ôŒ »àdG á«æWƒdG äÉHÉîàf’G ¤EG IQÉÑ©dG √òg ™LôoJ øY Égõ««“ Öéjh ,á«°ù«FôdG á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG ~«©°U ≈∏Y .á«∏ÙG äÉHÉîàf’Gh á«YôØdG äÉHÉîàf’G :ÚJQÉÑY
Grouping the voting population based on where they live and determining patterns within the voting population based on geography. It is assumed that voters who live in a particular area and voted one way in the past will probably vote the same way in the future, baring any extreme change in their situation.
~j~–h ,á«æμ°ùdG º¡©bGƒŸ kÉ≤ah ÚÑNÉædG Qƒ¡ªL º«°ù≤J ¥É£˘æ˘∏˘d kɢ≤˘ah ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG Qƒ˘¡˘ª˘L ø˘ª˘°V I~˘Fɢ°ùdG •É‰C’G ‘ ¿ƒæμ°ùj øjòdG ÚÑNÉædG ¿EG ∫ƒ≤dG ¢VÎØjh .‘Gô¨÷G ¿ƒJƒ°ü«°S ,Ú©e §ªæH ≥HÉ°ùdG ‘ GƒJƒ°Uh áæ«©e á≤£æe ájCG çh~M Ω~Y ∫ÉM ‘ πÑ≤à°ùŸG ‘ ¬JGP §ªædG ≈∏Y .ádÉ◊G √òg ‘ IÒÑc äGÒ«¨J
Geopolitical Units
Constituencies normally linked to proportional elections in multi-nominal constituencies.
äɢHɢî˘à˘f’ɢH kIOɢ˘Y ᢢ£˘ Ñ˘ JôŸG ᢢq«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ô˘˘FGhq~˘ dG π˘˘qã“ Úë°Tôe q ᫪°ùàH íª°ùJ »àdG ôFGhq~dG øª°V ,áq«Ñ°ùædG .øjOq~©àe
Illegitimate boundary delimitation which gives one political party an unfair advantage.
᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG ÜGõ˘MC’G ~˘MCG »˘£˘ ©˘ j »˘˘Yô˘˘°T ÒZ º˘˘«˘ °ù≤˘˘J .ádOÉY ÒZ á«∏° aCG
“Get Out The Vote” or GOTV is the term used to remind voters to go to the polls and vote for your candidate. Often a campaign will expend a considerable amount of effort just before Election Day to make sure that your supporters turn out and vote. See Pull and Blind Pull.
ÜÉgòdÉH ÚÑNÉædG Òcòàd Ω~îà°ùoj …òdG í∏£°üŸG ƒgh Ée kÉÑdÉZh .í°TôŸG ídÉ°üd âjƒ°üà∏d ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG É¡j~jDƒe ¿CG øe ~cCÉà∏d ´GÎb’G Ωƒj πÑb kG~¡L á∏ª◊G ∫òÑJ .≈ªYC’G Öë°ùdGh Öë°ùdG ô¶fG .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒd~o«°S
The act of affecting government and monitoring (through policy) the longterm strategy and direction of an organization. In general, governance comprises the traditions, institutions and processes that determine how power is exercised, how citizens are given a voice, and how decisions are made on issues of public concern.
á∏jƒ£dG á«é«JGΰS’G áÑbGôeh áeƒμ◊G ≈∏Y ÒKCÉàdG ƒg ,kÉeƒªY .áæ«©e á°SÉ«°S ∫ÓN øe º«¶æàdG √ÉŒGh ~eC’G »àdG äÉ«∏ª©dGh ,äÉ°ù°SDƒŸGh ,~«dÉ≤àdG ᫪cÉ◊G πª°ûJ ,ÚæWGƒª∏d 䃰üdG AÉ£YEG á«Ø«ch ,Iƒ≤dG á°SQɇ Oq~– . ΩÉ©dG ¿CÉ°ûdG ÉjÉ° b ‘ äGQGô≤dG òNCG á«Ø«ch
áeq ÉY äÉHÉîàfG
Geographic Targeting
‘Gô¨L ±G~¡à°SG
áq«°SÉ«°S-ƒ«÷G äG~MƒdG
/ôFGh~∏d »Ø«c º«°ù≤J /…RÉ«ëfG º«°ù≤J ôFGh~dG ôjhõJ GOTV= Get Out The Vote
/∂Jƒ°U íæeG âjƒ°üàdG ™«é°ûJ
áeƒμM/ºμM /᫪cÉM
36 Government
Government of National Unity
á«æWh I~Mh áeƒμM Grassroots
h~jDƒe /á«q Ñ©°T ~YGƒb á«°SÉ«°S ácôM hCG ÜõM Gubernatorial Election
á«q ªcÉM äÉHÉîàfG
Government - Gubernatorial Election System of social control under which the right to make laws, and the right to enforce them, is vested in a particular group in society. There are many classifications of government. According to the classical formula, governments are distinguished by whether power is held by one person, a few, or a majority.
øq ˘ °S ≥˘˘M ¢Vƒ˘q ˘Ø˘ j å«˘˘M ±Gô˘˘°TEÓ˘ d »˘˘Yɢ˘ª˘ à˘ LG Ωɢ˘¶˘ ˘f áeƒμë∏dh .™ª˘àÛG ‘ ø˘q«˘©˘e ≥˘jô˘Ø˘d ɢgò˘«˘Ø˘æ˘Jh ÚfGƒ˘≤˘dG õq«ªàJ ,áq«μ«°SÓμdG ᨫ°üdG Ö°ùëHh .IOq~©àe äÉØ«æ°üJ ,~MGh ¢üî°T ƒgCG :á£∏°ùdG ΩÉeõH ∂°ùÁ øà äÉeƒμ◊G .áqjÌcCG hCG ,Iq~Y ¢UÉî°TCG hCG
The prime objective of the government of national unity is to make sure the nation will rally behind the elected president.
»˘g á˘q«˘ æ˘ Wƒ˘˘dG I~˘˘Mƒ˘˘dG ᢢeƒ˘˘μ◊ »˘˘°Sɢ˘°SC’G ±~˘˘¡˘ dG q¿GE .ÖnîàæŸG ¢ù«FqôdG ∞∏N áqe’C G OÉ°ûàMG ≈∏Y ¢Uô◊G
It is the involvement of common citizens and interest groups in political life, typically at the local level. Grassroots’ activities may include mail, telephone, and media advertising campaigns.
‘ Ωɪàg’G äGP äÉYƒªÛGh ÚjOÉ©dG ÚæWGƒŸG πª°T ø˘ªq ˘° à˘j ~˘bh .»˘∏ÙG iƒ˘à˘°ùŸG ø˘ª˘°V ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘ °ùdG Iɢ˘«◊G .á«FÉY~dG äÓª◊G πFÉ°Shh ¿ƒØ∏àdGh ~jÈdG º¡WÉ°ûf
The selection of a governor by a state’s voters.
.º¡ªcÉ◊ Ée máj’h »ÑNÉf QÉ«àNG á«q ∏ªY »g
Hagenbach-B Bischoff Formula (Rarely Used) -
Hagenbach-B Bischoff Formula - High Profile Race
Another term for the Droop Quota.
.''ÜhQO'' ÉJƒc øY ÒÑ©qà∏d ôNBG í∏£°üe
±ƒ°û«H ñÉÑæZÉg ᨫ°U (ádhG~àe ÒZ) Hanging Chad
áHƒ≤ãŸG ´GÎb’G ábQh á«q d~àŸG
Hard Money/Soft Money
/áÑ∏°üdG ∫GƒeC’G áæ«q ∏dG ∫GƒeC’G
Hare Quota (Rarely Used)
(ádhG~àe ÒZ) ''Òg'' ÉJƒc
High Profile Race
~j~°T ¢ùaÉæJ
A hanging chad is a chad that did not completely detach from the ballot. When there is a hanging chad, that vote may not be counted correctly.
Ö≤ãoJ IÒ¨°U áq«bQh á°UÉ°üb »g áHƒ≤ãŸG ´GÎb’G ábQh á˘bQƒ˘dG ɢqeGC .á˘Ñ˘bɢK á˘dGB á˘£˘°SGƒ˘H ,á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘bɢ£˘ Ñ˘ dG ø˘˘e ábÉ£ÑdG øY kÉeÉ“ π°üØæJ ⁄ »àdG ∂∏J »¡a ,áq«d~àŸG 䃰üdG q ∂dP Ö°ùàëj ’ ~b ,ádÉ◊G ∂∏J ‘ .áq«HÉîàf’G .áë«ë°U má≤jô£H
Terms used to differentiate between campaign funding that is and is not regulated by federal campaign finance law. “Hard money” is a term used to describe donations by individuals and groups made directly to political candidates running for federal office that are regulated by law. “Soft money” describes donations not regulated by law that can be spent only on civic activities such as voter registration drives, partybuilding activities, administrative costs, and in support of state and local candidates. Soft money contributions may not, by law, be used to directly support a candidate for federal office.
∫GƒeC’G /(Ú©e í°TôŸ IO~ÙGh ᪶æŸG) áÑ∏°üdG ∫GƒeC’G á«MÉæd áfhôe ÌcC’Gh Üõ◊G ¤EG áe~≤ŸG ∫GƒeC’G) áæ«∏dG ¿Ée~îà°ùJ ¿É૪°ùJ - (Úë°TôŸG πÑb øe É¡eG~îà°SG ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘d ɢ©˘Ñ˘J ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G äÓ˘ª◊G π˘˘jƒ“ ÚH õ˘˘«˘ «˘ ª˘ à˘ ∏˘ d äÓ˘˘ª◊G π˘˘jƒ“h ᢢ «˘ ˘dGQ~˘˘ Ø˘ ˘dG ᢢ «˘ ˘Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G äÓ˘˘ ª◊G π˘˘ jƒ˘˘ ª˘ ˘à˘ ˘dG .¿ƒ˘˘ fɢ˘ ≤˘ ˘dG ∂dP ø˘˘ Y ∫õ˘˘ ©Ã ᢢ «˘ ˘Hɢ˘ ˘î˘ ˘ à˘ ˘ f’G øμÁh Qƒ˘còŸG ¿ƒ˘fɢ≤˘∏˘d ɢ«˘FGô˘LEG ™˘° î˘j Ö∏˘°üdG/º˘¶˘æŸG …CG - áeÉ©dG äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf ≈∏Y ÒKCÉà∏d ¬eG~îà°SG ÒZ ∫Gƒ˘e’C G ɢeGC .Úæ˘«˘©˘e Ú뢢°Tô˘˘e Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’ Iƒ˘˘Y~˘˘dG É¡bÉØfEG øμÁ ’h ¿ƒfÉ≤∏d É«FGôLEG ™° îJ Óa áæ«∏dG/᪶æŸG Ö°UÉæŸ Úë°Tôe ÜÉîàfG ≈∏Y ôKDƒJ ’ äÉWÉ°ûf ≈∏Y ’EG ÚÑNÉædG π«é°ùJ äÓªM πãe äÉWÉ°ûf …CG - á«eƒb I~˘˘Yɢ˘°ùŸh ,ᢢjQGOEG ∞˘˘ jQɢ˘ °üeh Üõ◊G ~˘˘ YGƒ˘˘ b ᢢ jƒ˘˘ ≤˘ ˘Jh .»∏ÙG iƒà°ùŸGh áj’ƒdG iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y Ö°UÉæŸ Úë°TôŸG
used in largest remainder PR electoral systems to determine how seats are awarded. The quota is ascertained by the following formula: total vote divided by the number of seats.
»˘à˘dG á˘q«˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G »˘Ñ˘°ù˘qæ˘dG π˘«˘ã˘ª˘qà˘dG á˘ª˘¶˘fGC ‘ Ω~˘˘î˘ à˘ °S ~j~ëàd ,áq«≤ÑàŸG äGƒ°UC’G øe mO~Y ÈcCG RÉM øe ™∏£à°ùJ ᨫ°üdG q ÈY ÉJƒμdG øe ≥≤ëqàdG øμÁh .~YÉ≤ŸG íæe áq«Ø«c .~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y ≈∏Y äGƒ°UC’G ´ƒª› º«°ù≤J :á«dÉqàdG
An election campaign for a particular office that voters are interested in and want to hear about. High profile races often receive the most votes. See Low Profile Race.
¿ƒÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ¬˘H º˘à˘¡˘j Ú©˘e ~˘©˘≤Ÿ ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘fG á˘∏˘ª˘M »˘æ˘©˘Jh π˘°ü– .¬˘æ˘ Y »˘˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ç~◊G ᢢ©˘ Hɢ˘à˘ e ‘ ¿ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ Zô˘˘jh øe ÒÑc O~Y ≈∏Y ~j~°ûdG ¢ùaÉæàdG äGP äÉHÉîàf’G .¢ Øîæe ¢ùaÉæJ ô¶fG .ÚYÎ≤ŸG
38 Highest Average Method (Rarely Used)
≈∏YC’G ä’~q ©ŸG á≤jôW (ádhG~àe ÒZ)
Horse Race
áÑ∏◊G/π«ÿG ¥ÉÑ°S Horserace Question
¥ÉÑ°S hCG áÑ∏◊G ∫GDƒ°S π«ÿG
Horse-R Race Tracking
π«ÿG ¥ÉÑ°S á©HÉàe
How-tto-V Vote Cards
´GÎb’G á«q Ø«c äÉbÉ£H Human Rights
¿É°ùfE’G ¥ƒ≤M
/áªîq ° e ájÉYO á«FÉYO áéq °V
Highest Average Method - Hype A formula used with list PR systems to translate votes into seats. Party vote totals are divided by a series of devisors, under d'Hondt (by 1,2,3, etc.) or SainteLagu (by 1,3,5, etc.) formula. After each stage the party with the highest average wins the seat. The count continues with party vote totals being divided by sequential numbers until all seats are filled.
»Ñ°ùqædG π˘«˘ã˘ª˘qà˘dG á˘ª˘¶˘fCG í˘FGƒ˘d ɢ¡˘e~˘î˘à˘°ùJ ᢨ˘«˘°U »˘g äGƒ°UC’G ´ƒª› º°ù≤o«a .~YÉ≤e ¤EG äGƒ°UC’G πjƒëàd ÖLƒÃ ,º°SGƒ≤dG øe má∏°ù∏°S ≈∏Y øq«©e lÜõM É¡dÉf »àdG âfÉ°S'' hCG (ïdEG ,3h2h1 ≈∏Y ᪰ùb) ''âfƒgO'' ᨫ°U RƒØj ,á∏Môe qπc ~©H .(ïdEG ,5h 3h1 ≈∏Y ᪰ùb) ''ƒZ’ ,RôØdG qôªà°ùjh .~©≤ŸÉH ≈∏YC’G ∫q~©ŸG ∫Éf …òdG Üõ◊G ≈∏Y Üõ◊G É¡dÉf »àdG äGƒ°UC’G ´ƒª› º«°ù≤J ™e .É¡q∏c ~YÉ≤ŸG πn¨°ûoJ ≈qàM ,áÑbÉ©àŸG ΩÉbQC’G
Polling questions or analysis focused on which candidates are ahead and which behind.
q…CG ≈˘∏˘Y õ˘qcô˘j …ò˘dG π˘«˘∏˘ë˘à˘dG hCG äGAɢà˘Ø˘à˘°S’G á˘∏˘Ä˘°SCG .ôqNÉC àe º¡qjGC h á©«∏£dG ‘ í°Tôe q
A question on a political poll that asks, “if the election were held today, would you vote for candidate X or candidate Y.” This type of information is often of little use to the campaign because it does not provide a reason for the decision. The only horserace question that counts is at the polls on Election Day. See Political Polling.
ä~≤Y GPEG :∫ƒ≤dÉH ¬Lƒàj »°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°SÓd ∫GDƒ°S hCG ''¿'' í°TôŸG ídÉ°üd ´Î≤à°S π¡a ,Ωƒ«dG äÉHÉîàf’G ¿C’ á∏ªë∏d ᫪gCG πbCG ∫GDƒ°ùdG Gògh ?''`g'' í°TôŸG ∫GDƒ˘°Sh .ÜÉ˘Ñ˘°SC’Gh ™˘aGh~˘dG ø˘ª˘° à˘J ø˘d ¬˘æ˘ Y ᢢHɢ˘L’G ‘ ´GÎb’G õcGôe ~æY ƒg ᫪gCG ¬d …òdG ~«MƒdG áÑ∏◊G .»°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’G ô¶fG .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG
Tracking polls may be taken every day by a candidate, especially during the latter stages of a campaign, so that he or she can see if progress is being made toward victory. Tracking polls can reveal the true nature of the political “horserace,” i.e., who is in the lead and who is trailing.
,í˘°TôŸG π˘Ñ˘pb ø˘e kɢ«˘eƒ˘j âjƒ˘°üà˘dG ᢩ˘Hɢà˘e ø˘˘μ˘ ªŸG ø˘˘e øe á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G øe IÒNC’G IÎØdG ∫ÓN á°UÉN á≤«≤M øq«Ñj Gòg .RƒØdG √ÉŒÉH Ω~≤J …CG á¶MÓe πLCG .ájÉ¡ædG ‘ øeh á©«∏£dG ‘ øe …CG , ''∫ƒ«ÿG ¥ÉÑ°S''
Cards handed out to voters by party supporters at voting centres showing how a party or candidate would like voters to fill in their ballot papers.
‘ ÚÑNÉæq dG ¤EG ø«q ©e mÜõM hô°UÉæe É¡ªq∏°ùj äÉbÉ£H »g í°TôŸG q hCG Üõ◊G ~jôj ∞«c ô¡¶Jh ,á«q YGÎb’G õcGôŸG .á«q HÉîàf’G º¡bGQhCG ¿ƒÑNÉæq dG ÓC Á ¿CG »q æ©ŸG
The rights people are entitled to simply because they are human beings, irrespective of their citizenship, nationality, race, ethnicity, language, sex, sexuality, or abilities. Human rights become enforceable when they are codified as conventions, covenants, or treaties, or as they become recognized as customary international law.
¿É°ùfEG áWÉ°ùH πμH ¬fƒμd ¢üî°û∏d IÉ£©ŸG ¥ƒ≤◊G »g ,¬bôY hCG ,¬à«°ùæL hCG ,¬àq«æWGƒe øY ô¶ædG ±ô°üH ∂dPh .¬JGQ~b hCG ,¬àq«fÉ°ùæL hCG ,¬°ùæL hCG ,¬à¨d hCG ,¬à«æKEG hCG ,Oƒ≤Yh ,äÉ«bÉØJEG ‘ º¶æoJ Ée~æY ¿É°ùfE’G ¥ƒ≤M ¢VôØoJ .±ƒdCÉe ‹hO ¿ƒfÉ≤c É¡H ±nΩoj Ée~æY hCG ,äG~gÉ©e hCG
Slang for political ads, e.g., slick, short TV commercials. The term may also refer to exaggerated promises or statements made by a candidate (or his supporters) on the campaign trail.
¿Ó˘YGE ∂dò˘H ≈˘æ˘©˘oj ,᢫˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG äɢ˘jɢ˘Y~˘˘∏˘ d ᢢ«˘ eɢ˘Y ᢢª˘ ∏˘ c OƒYh ¤EG É° jC k G IQÉÑ©dG √òg Oƒ©J ~bh .´QÉHh ô°üàfl ʃjõØ∏J .á∏ª◊G ‘ (¬jô°UÉæe hCG) í°TôŸG πÑpb øe äÉfÉ«Hh áªqî° e
Image Maker
Image Maker - Indirect Vote
There are a lot of people who are working on the image of the candidate so that he/she become more convincing, in a way or another, for the voters. They often talk about psychoanalyzing the voters or the way a candidate dresses or his public image and the way he/she appears in the media. See Campaign Professionals.
IQƒ°U ≈∏Y ¿ƒ∏ª©j øjòdG ¢UÉî°T’G øe ~j~©dG ∑Éæg hCG á≤jô£H ,ÚÑNÉæ∏d ÉYÉæbEG ÌcCG ¿ƒμj ≈àM í°TôŸG q ø˘Y ¢Uɢ˘î˘ °T’G ∂Ģ˘dhCG ç~˘˘ë˘ à˘ jɢ˘e kɢ Ñ˘ dɢ˘Z .iô˘˘NCɢ H ‘ í°TôŸG á≤jôW øY hCG ÚÑNÉæ∏d ÊÉ°ùØædG π«∏ëàdG .ΩÓYE’G ∫ÓN øe É¡«a ô¡¶j »àdG ¬JQƒ°U hCG ¢ùÑ∏ŸG .á∏ª◊G ƒaÎfi ô¶fG
Impartiality / Nonpartisanship
Dealing with matters in a fair unbiased manner. It is the operational expression of neutrality.
»g √òg .õ«q – ¿hOh ádOÉY á≤jô£H QƒeC’G ™e »WÉ©àdG .OÉ«pM áª∏μd á«fÓª©dG IQÉÑ©dG
Imperiali Quota
Sometimes used in largest remainder PR electoral systems to determine how seats are awarded. The quota is ascertained by the following formula: total vote divided by the number of seats plus two.
á«q HÉîàf’G »Ñ°ùæq dG π«ãªàq dG ᪶fCG ‘ kÉfÉ«MCG Ω~îà°ùoJ ,á«q ≤ÑàŸG äGƒ°UC’G øe mO~Y ÈcCG RÉM øe ™∏£à°ùJ »àdG ÉJƒμdG øe ≥≤ëàq dG øμÁh .~YÉ≤ŸG íæe á«q Ø«c ~j~ëàd O~Y ≈∏Y äGƒ°UC’G ´ƒª› º«°ù≤J:á«dÉàq dG ᨫ°üdG q ÈY .2 ~FGR ,~YÉ≤ŸG
An illegal practice which consists of assuming to be someone else with a view to voting in his/her place.
¢üî°T ¬qfGC ÖNÉæq dG É¡«a »Y~q j ,á«q fƒfÉb ÒZ á°SQɇ »g l .¬fÉμe ´Î≤j »c ôNBG
In the context of elections, refers to a voter registration process that includes all groups and categories of citizens.
øe ÚÑNÉædG π«é°ùJ á«∏ªY »æ©j ,äÉHÉîàf’G QÉ°ùe ‘ .Ö©°ûdG äÉÄah äÉYƒª› πc
A candidate running again for an elected position that they already hold.
.kÉ«dÉM √ô¨°ûj ~©≤Ÿ äÉHÉîàf’G ¢Vƒîj í°TôŸG ¿CG »æ©Jh
Candidates for, or members of the legislature, who do not belong to a political party.
’ ø˘jò˘dG ᢫˘©˘jô˘°ûà˘dG á˘Ä˘ «˘ ¡˘ dG Aɢ˘° YCG hCG ¿ƒ˘˘ë˘ °TôŸG º˘˘g .»°SÉ«°S ÜõM ¤EG ¿ƒªàæj
A figure which illustrates the collective disparity between the votes cast for parties in an election and the seats in parliament they win.
»˘à˘dG äGƒ˘°UC’G ÚH ™˘ªq ˘é˘àŸG ähÉ˘Ø˘ àq ˘ dG Qƒ˘q ˘°üj ºl ˘ °SQ ƒ˘˘g »àdG ~YÉ≤ŸGh ,á¡L øe äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ ÜGõMC’G É¡dÉæJ .iôNCG á¡L øe ¿ÉŸÈdG ‘ ÉgRƒ–
This vote cannot be used directly, but can be assigned to a registered not-for-profit organisation, including potentially a political party, that uses the voting power as decided by the governance of the
øμÁ øμdh Iô°TÉÑe ÜÉîàf’G Gòg ∫ɪ©à°SG øμÁ ’ Gòμgh ,»°SÉ«°S Üõ◊ hCG íHôdG ≈NƒàJ ’ áª¶æŸ ¬æ««©J øY èàæj .ádƒ¡› 䃰üdG Gòg ≈∏Y π°UÉ◊G ájƒg ¿ƒμJ
IQƒ°üdG ™fÉ°U
OÉ«M /õq«ëàdG Ω~Y (Rarely Used)
''‹ÉjÈeEG'' ÉJƒc
(ádhG~àe ÒZ)
áq«°üî°ûdG q ∫ÉëàfG Inclusive Registration
πeÉ°T π«é°ùJ Incumbent
/áØ«XƒdG πZÉ°T ÜÉîàf’G IOÉYEG Independents
¿ƒ∏≤à°ùe Index of Disproportionality
/äÉJhÉØà∏d »°SÉ«b º°SQ äÉJhÉØàq dG ¢Sô¡a Indirect Vote
ô°TÉÑe ÒZ ÜÉîàfG
Indirect Vote - Internet Campaigning organisation, thus rendering the identity of the vote holder anonymous. The right to assign such votes creates what is called a proxy market, as many organisations can compete to be trusted with it.
™a~j …òdG áHÉ«ædÉH âjƒ°üàdÉH ≈ª°ùj Ée ÜÉîàf’G Gòg .É¡H ¥ƒKƒ∏d ¢ùaÉæàdG ¤EG äɪ¶æŸG øe ~j~©dG
Informal Vote
A ballot paper which is either left blank or is incorrectly marked. These ballot papers are excluded from the count and therefore do not contribute to the election of a candidate.
√òg ≈¨∏oJ .CÉ£N á≤jô£H áeƒ°Sƒe hCG ¢VÉ«H ≈∏Y ´GÎbG ábÉ£H .í°Tôe ÜÉîàfG á«∏ªY ‘ º¡°ùJ ’h q~©dG øe äÉbÉ£ÑdG
Instant Runoff Voting
Instant runoff voting (IRV) is a voting reform that asks the voter to rank the candidates in order of preference.
π«° Øàq dG Ö°ùM Úë°TôŸG q Ö«JÎH ÚÑNÉæq ∏d íª°ùj Ωɶf ...m¿ÉK hCG ∫hCq G QÉ«àNÉc
Institutional polls will be set up in health care facilities (including hospitals and personal care homes) to collect ballots from qualified voters. Institutional polls are held on election day. Institutional Polls are also held in correctional facilities.
á«ë°üdG q ájÉYôdG äBÉ°ûæe ‘ äÉ°ù°SDq ƒŸG ‘ ´GÎb’G ºq àj ™˘ª÷ (ᢰUÉÿG q á˘jɢYôq ˘dG …hBɢeh äɢ˘«˘ Ø˘ °ûà˘˘°ùŸG ɢ˘¡˘ «˘ a ÉÃ) Ωƒ«dG ‘ ºq àJ »gh .´GÎbÓd Ú∏gq ƒD ŸG ÚÑNÉæq dG äGƒ°UCG .kÉ° jCG äÉ«q MÓ°UE’G ‘ ΩÉ≤Jh .»q HÉîàf’G
Groups characterized by the will to influence political decision-making, in order to successfully implement certain political goals or values. They tend to be integrated into the political process, although groups may at times employ destructive methods in order to accomplish their goals.
á«° b I~fÉ°ùŸ ídÉ°üŸG º°SÉH πª©J OGôaC’G øe äÉYɪL hCG á«°SÉ«°S ájÉZ ≥«≤– ±~¡H áæ«©e ídÉ°üe hCG á«°SÉ«°S Ω~îà°ùJ øμdh á«°SÉ«°ùdG á«∏ª©dG ‘ ¿ƒ›~æe ºg .º«pb .É¡aG~gCG ≥«≤ëàd Iôe~e kÉbôW äÉYɪ÷G ¢ ©H
International Election Observers
Observers who come from outside the country where election is being held.
iô˘é˘oJ å«˘M OÓ˘Ñ˘dG êQɢN ø˘e ¿h~˘Ø˘ j ¿ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ bGô˘˘e º˘˘g .äÉHÉîàf’G
International Polling Station Officer
An international polling station officer supports and assist the presiding officer who is in charge of each station.
.¬fhÉ©jh mõcôe qπc øY ∫hDƒ°ùŸG ¢ù«FqôdG ∞ qXƒŸG Gòg ºY~j
Internet Campaigning
Any method of voter contact using computers and communications network. Typically this involves de-veloping campaign pages on the World Wide Web. While this can be an inexpensive way to convey a lot of information to those interested in the candidate and the campaign, it is not an effective voter contact method because it does not go to the voters. Instead voters have to go to it.
܃°SÉ◊G Iõ¡LCG Ω~îà°ùJ ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sh …CG á˘∏˘«˘°Sƒ˘dG ∂∏˘J ø˘ª˘° à˘Jh ,á˘μ˘Ñ˘°ûdG ÈY ∫ɢ˘°üJ’G ¥ô˘˘Wh ¿CG ºZQh .á«dh~dG ∫É°üJ’G áμÑ°T ‘ á∏ªë∏d ™bƒe ôjƒ£J ádÉ©a â°ù«d É¡fCG ÒZ áØ∏μe ~©oJ ’ ∂∏J ∫É°üJ’G á∏«°Sh ∫ƒ°Uƒ∏d kG~¡L ∫òÑJ ’ É¡fC’ ÖNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sƒc .É¡«dG A»ÛG ÖNÉædG øe Ö∏£J ɉEGh ÖNÉædG ¤EG
/∫ƒ°UC’G Ö°ùM ¢ù«d »ª°SQ ÒZ ´GÎbG ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y âjƒ°üàdG Úë°TôŸG Ö«JôJ Institutional Polls
äÉ°ù°SDq ƒŸG ‘ ´GÎb’G
Interest Groups
ídÉ°üŸG äÉYɪL
äÉHÉîàf’G ƒÑbGôe ¿ƒq«dh~q dG
õcôe ‘ ‹hO ∞Xƒe âjƒ°üàdG
' âfÎfE’G'' ÈY á∏ªM
Internet Voting - Kitchen Cabinet
Internet Voting
See Remote Internet Voting.
.´GÎb’G õcôe øY kG~«©H âfÎfE’G ÈY âjƒ°üàq dG ô¶fG
Invalid Votes
Wrongly marked ballot paper which will not be counted.
.Ég~q Y ≈¨∏oŸGh ÉC £ÿG ≥jôW øY áªq∏©ŸG äÉHÉîàf’G äÉbÉ£H
It is the annulment of Elections, it may result where: votes of winner inaccurate & may affect result, winner illegally obstructs other candidate from campaigning, winner illegally prevents voters from casting votes freely, and winner uses fraud or other illegal means to affect result.
øjõFÉØdG äGƒ°UCG ¿ƒμJ Ée~æY π°üëj ,äÉHÉîàfÓd ∫É£HEG ábÉYEÉH õFÉØdG Ωƒ≤j .áé«àædG ≈∏Y ôKDƒJ ‹ÉàdÉHh á≤«bO ÒZ ø˘e ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ™˘æÁh Ú뢰TôŸG ~˘MC’ ᢫˘HÉ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G hCG ,á∏«M ¤EG ÉC é∏j PEG ,á«fƒfÉb ÒZ á≤jô£H ô◊G âjƒ°üàdG .áé«àædG ≈∏Y ÒKCÉà∏d ,´~ÿG øe ÉgÒZ
A person who does not reside in any district, but whose name has been placed on the register of electors.
‘ lêQ~e ¬ª°SG qøμd ,IôFGO áqjGC ‘ º«≤j ’ ¢üî°T ƒg l .ÚÑNÉqædG πé°S
The geographical area over which a court or government body has the power and right to exercise authority.
áÄ«g hCG áªμfi ¬«∏Y §°ùÑJ …òdG ‘Gô¨÷G ¥É£qædG ƒg .É¡à£∏°S á°SQɇ ‘ É¡q≤Mh ÉgPƒØf áq«eƒμM
A term used to describe the key advisors to a candidate informally organized so as not to attract attention.
,í°Tôª∏d Ú°ù«FôdG øjQÉ°ûà°ùŸG ∞°Uƒd Ω~îà°ùj í∏£°üe Ωɢª˘à˘gG Gƒ˘Hò˘é˘j ’ ≈˘à˘M ᢫˘ª˘°SQ ÒZ IQƒ˘°üH ¿ƒ˘˘ª˘ ° æ˘˘jh .øjôNB’G
âfÎfE’G ÈY âjƒ°üàq dG
/Æ’ /πWÉH ´GÎbG Iɨ∏e ábQh Invalidation of Elections
äÉHÉîàf’G ∫É£HEG
Itinerant Elector
πq≤æàe/∫ƒéàe q ÖNÉf
á«q MÓ°U
Kitchen Cabinet
/¿ƒHôq ≤e ¿hQÉ°ûà°ùe ïÑ£ŸG ¢ù∏›
Landslide - Legal Framework
An election in which one candidate defeats the other by a very large margin.
¬ª°üN ≈∏Y RÉa ~b Úë°TôŸG ~MCG É¡«a ¿ƒμj äÉHÉîàfG .ÒÑc ¥QÉØH
The Hare, Droop and Imperiali calculation methods which translate votes into seats within list PR systems. There are two stages to the count. First, parties are awarded seats in proportion to the number of quotas they fulfill (quotas vary depending on which of the three systems are used). Second, remaining seats are awarded to parties on the basis of the left over votes they possess after the ‘quota’ stage of the count. Largest remainder seats are allocated in order of vote size.
,''ÜhQO''h ,''Òg'' ÉJƒc ᪶fCG ÜÉ°ùàMG ¥ôW πª°ûJ øª°V ~YÉ≤e ¤EG äGƒ°UC’G ºLÎJ »àdG ,''‹ÉjÈeEG''h .Úà∏Môe RôØdG øªq ° àj .»Ñ°ùæq dG π«ãªàq dG íFGƒd ᪶fCG ¢ü°ü◊G O~Y ¤EG áÑ°ùæq dÉH ~YÉ≤e ÜGõMC’G ≈q≤∏àJ ,k’hCq G ᢫q ˘Ñ˘°ù˘æq ˘dG ¢ü°ü◊G ∞˘∏˘ à˘ î˘ J) ɢ˘¡˘ ≤˘ q≤– »˘˘à˘ dG ᢢ«q ˘ Ñ˘ °ù˘˘æq ˘ dG ,kÉ«fÉK .(áKÓãdG ᪶fC’G √òg ÚH ~ªn à©ŸG Ωɶæq dG ±ÓàNÉH ¢Sɢ˘°SCG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ,ÜGõ˘˘MC’G ¤EG ᢢ«q ˘ ≤˘ Ñ˘ ˘àŸG ~˘˘ Yɢ˘ ≤ŸG í˘˘ æ˘ ˘ª˘ ˘oJ ΩɶæH'' áahô©ŸG RôØdG á∏Môe ~©H ,º¡d á«q ≤ÑàŸG äGƒ°UC’G kÉ≤ah á«q ≤ÑàŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG øe ÈcC’G O~©dG í檫o a .''ÉJƒμdG .äGƒ°UC’G O~©d
Large signs with the candidate’s name on them and the office they are seeking which can be put in on lawns and other areas near roads. Lawn signs are good for increasing name recognition of the candidate and reminding people to vote. See Visibility.
»HÉîàf’G ~©≤ŸGh í°TôŸG º°SG É¡«∏Y IÒÑc äÉàa’ »gh áHô≤e ≈∏Y iôNCG ≥WÉæeh øcÉ°ùŸG πNG~e ~æY ™°VƒJh ɢ¡˘fC’ I~˘«˘L ∫RɢæŸG ΩɢeCG äÉ˘à˘ aÓ˘˘dG ~˘˘©˘ Jh .¥ô˘˘£˘ dG ø˘˘e ÚÑNÉædG ÒcòJh í°TôŸG ≈∏Y ±ô©àdG ¢Uôa ∞YÉ° J .äÉ«FôŸG ô¶fG .´GÎb’ÉH
The particular traits people are looking for in those that represent them.
.º¡«∏㇠‘ ÉgôaƒJ ¢SÉædG πeCÉj »àdG IO~ÙG äɪ°ùdG »gh
Legal Division
May be responsible for drafting new election laws and procedures and interpreting the law for the national body to determine its position on legal challenges and complaints.
ÚfGƒ˘˘ ≤˘ ˘dɢ˘ H äGqOƒ˘˘ °ùe ™˘˘ °Vh ø˘˘ Y k’hDƒ˘ ˘ °ùe ¿ƒ˘˘ ˘μ˘ ˘ j ~˘˘ ˘b ~j~ëàd ¿ƒfÉ≤dG Ò°ùØJh ,I~j~÷G áq«HÉîàf’G äGAGôLE’Gh .áq«fƒfÉ≤dG ihÉμ°ûdGh q äÉqj~ëqàdG øe áq«æWƒdG áÄ«¡dG ∞bƒe
Legal Exclusion
Voters legally excluded from registering and voting on grounds including such conditions as property ownership, wealth, literacy, race, gender and mental fitness.
»˘à˘«q ˘∏˘ª˘Y ø˘Y ,kɢ«q ˘ fƒ˘˘fɢ˘b ,ø˘˘j~˘˘©˘ Ñ˘ à˘ °ùŸG ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æq ˘ dG π˘˘ª˘ °ûj áaô©eh ,IhôqãdGh ,á«q μ∏ŸÉc ¢ù°SCG ≈∏Y âjƒ°üàq dGh π«é°ùàq dG .á«q ∏≤©dG ádÉ◊Gh ,»°ùæ÷G ´ƒæq dGh ,¥ô©dGh ,áHÉàμdGh IAGô≤dG
Structure of electoral processes consisting of the constitutional rules, electoral laws, complementary regulations and explicit or implicit codes of conduct.
~˘YGƒ˘≤˘dG ø˘e á˘fƒ˘q μŸG ᢫q ˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G äɢ«q ˘ ∏˘ ª˘ ©˘ dG ᢢ«˘ æ˘ H »˘˘g ,á˘ª˘ªq ˘àŸG Ωɢμ˘MC’Gh ,᢫q ˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G ÚfGƒ˘≤˘dGh ,á˘jq Qƒ˘à˘°S~q ˘ dG .Iôª° ŸGh IôgÉ q¶dG πª©dG ≥«KGƒeh
äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ ≥MÉ°S Rƒa Largest Remainder Method (Rarely Used)
äGƒ°UC’G ≈∏YCG á≤jôW (ádhG~àe ÒZ) á«q ≤ÑàŸG
Lawn Signs
∫RÉæŸG ΩÉeCG äÉàa’
Leadership Qualities
ájOÉ«b äÉØ°U Êq ƒfÉb º°ùb
ʃfÉb OÉ©Ñà°SG Legal Framework
/á«q fƒfÉb á«q ∏μ«g ʃfÉb QÉWEG
43 Legislative Amendment
»q ©jô°ûJ πj~©J
Legislative Amendment - Limited Vote A revision or change brought to the electoral law of a country or to relevant regulations, in accordance with a formal procedure.
‘ ¬H á≤q∏©àŸG ΩÉμMC’G hCG »HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG á©LGôe ƒg .q»ª°SQ AGôLE’ kÉ≤ah ,√Ò«¨J hCG ,Ée ádhO
See Lower House.
.É«f~dG á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG/Ωƒª©dG ¢ù∏› ô¶fG
Legislative Council
See Upper House.
.äGOQƒ∏dG ¢ù∏› /É«∏©dG á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dGô¶fG
Legislative Office
A legislative office is a position on an elected council, congress or other body dealing with legislation. See Executive Office.
áĢ«˘g hCG ¢Sô˘¨˘fƒ˘μ˘∏˘d hCG ¢ù∏˘é˘ª˘∏˘d á˘Ñ˘î˘à˘æ˘e á˘Ø˘«˘Xh »˘gh .…ò«ØæàdG Ö°üæŸG ô¶fG .äÉ©jô°ûàdG ™e πeÉ©àJ
Legislative Recall
A revision or change brought to the electoral law of a country or to relevant regulations, in accordance with a formal procedure.
‘ ¬H á≤q∏©àŸG ΩÉμMC’G hCG »HÉîàf’G ¿ƒfÉ≤dG á©LGôe ƒg .q»ª°SQ AGôLE’ kÉ≤ah ,√Ò«¨J hCG ,Ée ádhO
An officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation.
≈∏Y ™jô°ûàdG á£∏°Sh á«dhDƒ°ùe É¡d ~¡©J áÑîàæe áÄ«g .ádh~dG iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y hCG áj’h iƒà°ùe
All free and legitimate government is based on governing the interactions between sovereign individuals through mutually accepted contracts.
º˘μ˘oM ≈˘∏˘Y õ˘μ˘Jô˘J »˘à˘dG »˘g ᢫˘Yô˘˘°ûdG Iô◊G ᢢeƒ˘˘μ◊G Oƒ˘≤˘Y ∫Ó˘N ø˘e Ú˘q∏˘ ≤˘ à˘ °ùŸG OGô˘˘aC’G ÚH äÓ˘˘Yɢ˘Ø˘ à˘ dG .∫OÉÑàdÉH ádƒÑ≤e
The act of giving equal opportunities to different participants or players.
ÚcQÉ°ûŸG ∞∏àfl ¤EG ájhÉ°ùàŸG ¢UôØdG íæe á«q ∏ªY »g .AÉbôØdG hCG
Today, an individual who generally believes in the power of an activist government to resolve society’s many domestic problems, protect the interests of the poor, and improve the lives of individual citizens through specific governmental programs.
QÉμaCG ≈∏Y íàØàe ,ìÓ°UE’G ≈∏Y ™é°ûj ¿CG ¬fCÉ°T øe Ée AGQB’G Oh~˘˘M ø˘˘ª˘ °V Qƒ˘˘°üfi ÒZ .ᢢe~˘˘≤˘ à˘ eh I~˘˘ j~˘˘ L ᫪°SôdG hCG áaƒdCÉŸG hCG áj~«∏≤àdG
Conducted in multi-member districts and winning candidates are those who poll most votes. Voters have fewer votes than seats to be filled, but more than one vote.
.Aɢ˘° YC’G IOq~˘ ˘©˘ ˘àŸG ᢢ q«˘ ˘Hɢ˘ î˘ ˘à˘ ˘f’G ô˘˘ FGhq~˘ ˘dG ‘ iô˘˘ é˘ ˘oj øe mO~Y ÈcCG ¿h~°üëj øe ºg ¿hõFÉØdG ¿ƒë°TôŸGh q øe πbCG kGO~Y GƒÑîàæj ¿CG ÚYÎ≤ª∏d q≥ëjh .äGƒ°UC’G .~MGh m䃰U øe ÌcCÉH A’OE’G ɪqfGE ,IôZÉ°ûdG q ~YÉ≤ŸG
Legislative Assembly
á«q ©jô°ûàdG á«q ©ª÷G »q ©jô°ûqàdG ¢ù∏ÛG »©jô°ûJ Ö°üæe
»q ©jô°ûJ ï°ùa/AɨdEG Legislature
/á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG »©jô°ûàdG ¢ù∏ÛG Legitimate Government
á«Yô°T áeƒμM Level Playing Field
¢UôØdG ƒD aÉμJ Liberal
Limited Vote
Oh~ÙG 䃰üdG
44 List of Electors
List of Electors - Lower House It is the preliminary list of electors, supplementary list of electors or the official list of electors, as the context requires.
‘ ~ªà©oJ Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG πc øjhÉæYh Aɪ°SCÉH áëF’ .´GÎb’G Ωƒj âjƒ°üàdG õcGôe
In its most simple form List PR involves each party presenting a list of candidates to the electorate, voters vote for a party, and parties receive seats in proportion to their overall share of the national vote. Winning candidates are taken from the lists. Lists can be open, closed, or free.
¿CG ,§°ùHC’G É¡∏μ°ûH ,»Ñ°ùqædG π«ãªqàdG áëF’ ¢VÎØJ .ÚÑNÉqædG Qƒ¡ªL ¤EG Úë°TôŸÉH q áëF’ ÜõM qπc Ωq~≤j ~YÉ≤ŸG ÜGõMC’G ≈q≤∏àJ ɪ«a ,Üõë∏d ¿ƒÑNÉqædG 䃰ü«a q .»æWƒdG ~«©°üdG q ≈∏Y âjƒ°üqà∏d áq«dɪLE’G á°üë∏d q káÑ°ùf ~b »àdG íFGƒ∏dG øe ºgDhÉ≤àfG qºà«a ,¿hõFÉØdG ¿ƒë°TôŸG q ÉqeGC .IqôM hCG ,á≤∏¨e hCG ,áMƒàØe ¿ƒμJ
A voter contact method in which volunteers go door to door to leave campaign literature at each house or apartment of voters in the district. Because they do not knock on the doors and talk to voters, this is a less persuasive method of voter contact than door to door, but can be accomplished a lot quicker. See Campaign Literature and Door-to-Door.
øe ¿ƒYƒ£àŸG Ögòj å«M ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sh πc ‘ ÜÉÑdG πØ°SCG øe äÉ«HOC’G AÉ≤dE’ ÜÉH ¤G ÜÉH ¿ƒK~ëàj ’h ÜÉÑdG ¿ƒbô£j ’ º¡fC’h .IôFG~dG ‘ øμ°ùe ∫ɢ°üJÓ˘˘d ᢢ«˘ dɢ˘©˘ a π˘˘bCG ᢢ∏˘ «˘ °Sƒ˘˘dG √ò˘˘¡˘ a ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG ¤EG ɢgRÉ‚EG ø˘μÁ ø˘μ˘dh ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘∏˘d kɢYɢæ˘bEG π˘bCGh ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dɢ˘H .ÜÉH ¤EG ÜÉH øeh á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG ô¶fG .ÈcCG áYô°ùH
Literature Handout
A voter contact method in which volunteers hand campaign literature to potential voters gathered in any large groups, such as workers leaving a factory, commuters waiting for a train or shoppers at a market. See Campaign Literature.
™jRƒàH ¿ƒYƒ£àŸG Ωƒ≤j å«M ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sh äÉ©ªŒ ‘ øj~°ûàÙG Ú∏ªàÙG ÚÑNÉæ∏d á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG á˘jɢ¡˘f ‘ ™˘æ˘°üŸG ¿hQOɢ¨˘j ø˘˘jò˘˘dG ∫ɢ˘ª˘ ©˘ dG π˘˘ã˘ e IÒÑ˘˘c ‘ º¡ØbƒJ ~æY äÓ°UGƒŸG πFÉ°Sh ‘ Ú∏≤æàŸG hCG ,ΩGh~dG .á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG ô¶fG .Úbƒ°ùàŸG hCG ,Qɶàf’G äÉ£fi
Local Election
á«∏fi äÉHÉîàfG
An election held in a particular locality to choose between candidates or to vote on ballot measures.
hCG Úë°TôŸG q ÚH QÉ«àN’G πLCG øe É«∏fi ΩÉ≤oJ äÉHÉîàfG .ÜÉîàf’G äGAGôLG ≈∏Y âjƒ°üà∏d
Logistic Division
See Operations Division.
Low Profile Race
An election campaign for a particular office that voters are not that interested in and they are likely to ignore. See High Profile Race and Down Ballot.
¬˘H º˘à˘¡˘j ’ Ú©˘e »˘Hɢî˘à˘fG ~˘©˘≤Ÿ ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ᢢ∏˘ ª˘ M …CG ~j~°T ¢ùaÉæJ ô¶fG .áàÑdG ¬H ¿ƒKÎμj ’ ÉÃQh ¿ƒÑNÉædG
in a bicameral legislature, the branch which generally has a larger membership and is thereby more representative; also called lower chamber. Example: The House of Representatives is the “lower house” in the US federal government.
áeÉY ¬j~d …òdG ´ôØdG ƒg ,»FÉæK »©jô°ûJ ¢ù∏› ‘ .Ó«ã“ ÌcCG ƒg ‹ÉàdÉHh ,™°ShCG ájƒ° Y
ÚÑNÉædG áëF’ List Proportional Representation (List PR)
/»Ñ°ùæq dG π«ãªàq dG áëF’ »Ñ°ùædG π«ãªàdG Ωɶf á«Hõ◊G áªFÉ≤dG ™e
Literature Drop
/äÉ«HO’G ™jRƒJ äÉ«HOC’G Iô°ûf
»à°ùLƒd º°ùb
¢ Øîæe ¢ùaÉæJ Lower House
É«f~dG á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG
.äÉ«q ∏ª©dG º°ùb ô¶fG
.¿~àe ´GÎbGh
Mail - Margin of Error
A voter contact method in which campaign literature is sent through the post to voters. Depending on the type of voter file or mailing list you have, this literature can be targeted to voters based on geography or demographics. See Campaign Literature and Voter File.
á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG π°SôJ å«M ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sh äɢ˘ «˘ ˘HOC’G ∂∏˘˘ à˘ ˘d ø˘˘ μÁh .~˘˘ ˘jÈdG ÈY ÚÑ˘˘ ˘Nɢ˘ ˘æ˘ ˘ dG ¤EG ∞∏ŸG ´ƒæd kÉ≤ah kÉ«aGô¨ÁO hCG kÉ«aGô¨L ÚÑNÉædG ±G~¡à°SG á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG ô¶fG .º¡j~d IôaƒàŸG ÚÑNÉædG áªFÉb hCG .ÖNÉædG ∞∏eh
Mail Registration
Registration through the postal system. An alternative to enumeration or registration centres, or as a supplement.
øY πj~Ñc ~ªà©jh ,q…~jÈdG ΩɶqædG ÈY π«é°ùqàdG ƒg .ɪ¡«dEG áaÉ°VEÉc hCG ,π«é°ùqàdG õcGôe hCG ,OG~©qàdG á∏«°Sh
Fifty percent of the votes cast plus one vote. This as opposed to a simple plurality of the vote or the most votes cast. See Plurality.
¤EG á˘aɢ°VE’ɢ˘H äGƒ˘˘°UC’G ø˘˘e ᢢFÉŸG ‘ Ú°ùª˘˘N »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ Jh hCG äGƒ°UCÓd ᣫ°ùH ájO~©J πHÉ≤j Gògh ,~MGh 䃰U .á«Ñ∏ZCG/ájO~©J ô¶fG .É¡H ¤~ŸG äGƒ°UC’G ÌcCG
An electoral formula in which the winning candidate must receive more than half (50% + 1) of the votes cast.
õ˘FÉ˘Ø˘dG í˘°TôŸG ≈˘∏˘Y ÖLƒ˘à˘j ¬˘fGC å«˘M ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘fG ᢨ˘«˘ °U ɢ˘¡˘ H ¤~ŸG äGƒ˘˘ °UC’G ∞˘˘ °üf ø˘˘ e ÌcCG ≈˘˘ ∏˘ ˘Y ∫ƒ˘˘ °ü◊G .(1+%50)
The most common method for the second round of voting in a Two-Round System is a straight “run-off” contest between the two highest vote-winners from the first round - this we term a majority-runoff system.
âjƒ˘°ü˘àq ˘dG IQh~˘d á˘Ñ˘°ù˘æq ˘dɢH kɢYƒ˘˘«˘ °T ÌcC’G ᢢ∏˘ «˘ °Sƒ˘˘dG q¿GE ᪰SÉM IQhO AGôLEG »g ,ÚJQhO ≈∏Ym Ωɶf πq X ‘ ,á«fÉqãdG GRÉM ¿Gò∏dG ¤hC’G IQh~q dG GõFÉa É¡«a ¢ùaÉæàj ,Iô°TÉÑe IQh~q dG AGôLE’G Gòg ≈ªq °ùjo h .âjƒ°üàq dG øe áÑ°ùf ≈∏YCG .…q ÌcC’G Ωɶæq ∏d ᪰SÉ◊G
The uneven distribution of voters between electoral districts.
.á«q HÉîàf’G ôFGh~q dG ≈∏Y ÚÑNÉæq ∏d A≈aÉμàŸG ÒZ ™jRƒàq dG ƒg
A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative. The period of time that this representative stays in office is also called mandate.
‘ »°SÉ«°ùdG º¡∏㪟 ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¬«£©j …òdG ¢ jƒØàdG É° jCG ºμ◊G ‘ AÉ≤ÑdG IÎa ≈ª°ùJh .IO~q fi IÎØd ,ºμ◊G .áj’h hCG ~¡Y
A public declaration of intentions (as issued by a political party or government).
hCG »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G øe Q~°üeo ) ±G~gC’G øY ΩÉY ¿É«H .(áeƒμ◊G
Manufactured Majority
Where a single party wins less than 50 per cent of the valid votes, but an absolute majority of the parliamentary seats.
äGƒ°UC’G øe áFÉŸÉH Ú°ùªN øe πbCÉH ~MGh Ü l õM RƒØj ÚM .á«q fÉŸÈdG ~YÉ≤ŸG øe á≤MÉ°ùdG q ájq ÌcC’ÉH ɪqfGE ,á◊É°üdG
In a public opinion poll, the plus or minus range within which the final percentages may fall due to sampling error—what the true results would be if everyone in the population were actually interviewed (a sample is only a very small portion of the entire population).
áÑ°ùæ∏d ¿É°ü≤ædG hCG IOÉjõdG ¥É£f ƒg , ΩÉ©dG …CGôdG ‘ ƒd áë«ë°U èFÉàædG ¿ƒμJ ~b h .áæ«Y ÉC £N ÖÑ°ùH á«FÉ¡ædG »g áæ«q ©dG) á«HÉîàf’G QƒeC’G ‘ Ö©°ûdG πc á∏HÉ≤e ” ¬fCG õcôe ¿Éc GPEG ,kÓãe .(Ö©°ûdG πc øe Ò¨°üdG Aõ÷G ídÉ°üd ¿ƒμà°S äGƒ°UC’G øe %60 ¿CÉH ÉC ÑæJ ~b âjƒ°üàdG
~jÈdÉH π«é°ùàq dG á«Ñ∏ZCG
Majority System
…ÌcCG/á«Ñ∏ZC’G Ωɶf Majority-R Runoff (Two-R Round System) (Rarely Used)
ΩÉ q¶æ∏d ᪰SÉ◊G IQh~q dG ≈∏Y …q ÌcCG Ωɶf) …q ÌcC’G (ádhG~àe ÒZ) (ÚJQhO Malapportionment
¢ü«°üëqàdG Aƒ°S /ºμ◊G I~e/~¡Y ¢ jƒØJ /áj’h »HÉîàfG ¿É«H (Rarely Used)
á©æq °üŸG ájq ÌcC’G (ádhG~àe ÒZ) Margin of Error (sampling error)
§∏¨dG hCG ÉC £ÿG ¢ûeÉg
Margin of Error - Media Access For example, if a poll predicts that 60 percent of the vote will be awarded to Candidate Jones with a + or - figure of 3, then the voting percentage Jones may actually receive on election day could be anywhere from 57% to 63%.
áÑ°ùf ¿ƒμJ ¿CG πªàëoj Ég~æY ,3 - hCG + ''õfƒL'' í°TôŸG .%63 ¤EG %57 øe äÉHÉîàf’G Ωƒj ¬d âjƒ°üàdG
The number of votes needed to assure that the candidate wins the election. See Targeting.
‘ Rƒ˘˘ Ø˘ ˘dG ≥˘˘ «˘ ˘≤– ¿É˘˘ ª˘ ˘° d ᢢ Hƒ˘˘ ∏˘ ˘£ŸG äGƒ˘˘ ˘°UC’G O~˘˘ ˘Y .±G~¡à°S’G ô¶fG .í°Tôª∏d äÉHÉîàf’G
Marks, mostly made with a pen or pencil, that a scanner would detect. They may be deliberate marks for a listed candidate; they may denote the presence of a possibly valid write-in vote; or they may be erasures and stray marks that have been erroneously identified by the machine as “votes.”
øμªoj å«ëH √ÒZ hCG È◊G hCG ¢UÉ°UôdG º∏≤H áeÓY ™°Vh äÉeÓY ≈∏Y ∫~J ¿CG øμªŸG øe .¬fÉ«Ñà°SG á°TÉ°û∏d ábQh ≈∏Y ±É° oe º°SEG ≈∏YhCG ;πqé°ùe í°TôŸ I~sª©àe ádB’G É¡à∏Ñb áë°VGh ÒZ hCG IÉë‡ áeÓY hCG ;âjƒ°üàdG .CÉ£ÿG ≥jôW øY ''䃰üc n '' áë°SÉŸG
Where alternate candidate/ parties appear on the same ballot and the voter places only a single mark to mark his or her preference.
ábQh/ábÉ£H ≈∏Y ¿ƒÑbÉ©àe ÜGõMCG/¿ƒë°Tôe q ô¡¶j ÚM ¤EG Ò°û«d I~MGh áeÓY ÖNÉæq dG ™° «a ,É¡°ùØf ´GÎb’G .¬∏«° ØJ
Mark-S Sense Voting
Mark-Sense voting systems, often called Optical Scanners, have preprinted ballots consisting of the candidates’ names or the ballot issues with an empty box, circle, rectangle, or arrow next to them. The voter must fill in the circle or box with a black marker and feed the ballot through a computerized vote-tabulating machine. The computer recognizes the darkest mark on the ballot as the correct vote and records it.
øª° àJ »gh ,ájô°üÑdG áë°SÉŸG á°TÉ°ûdÉH ≈ª°ùJ Ée kÉÑdÉZ hCG äÉ©Hôà hCG Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCÉH áYƒÑ£e ´GÎbG ¥GQhCG áæcGO AGOƒ°S áeÓ©H É¡àÄÑ©J ÖNÉædG ≈∏Yh áZQÉa ôFGhO .äGƒ°UC’G ÜÉ°ùàM’ á›ÈŸG ádB’ÉH ábÉ£ÑdG ∫ÉNOEGh É¡fCG ≈∏Y ábQƒdG ≈∏Y áæcGO áeÓY ÌcCG ܃°SÉ◊G òNCÉj .É¡∏é°ùjo h í«ë°üdG âjƒ°üàdG
Mass Media
Any independent press that has a large audience.
Matching Funds
Public money that is given to presidential candidates in an amount equal to the amount that they have raised privately.
Margin of Victory
RƒØdG ¢ûeÉg Mark
áeÓY /º°Sr hn
Mark-C Choice Ballot
áeƒ°Sƒe ´GÎbG ábQh
º°SƒdG í°ùe ÈY âjƒ°üàdG
áÄaÉμàe ≠dÉÑe Mayor
Chief elected official of a city.
ájq ~∏ÑdG ¢ù«FQ
.™°SGh Qƒ¡ªéH ≈¶ëj …òdG π≤à°ùŸG ΩÓYE’G …CG ájhÉ°ùe m᪫≤H ¿ƒq«°SÉFqôdG ¿ƒë°TôŸG q √Éq≤∏àj ΩÉY ∫Ée ƒg .»°üî°T hCG ¢UÉNm πμ°ûH Égƒ©ªL »àdG ∂∏àd .áæj~e ≈∏Y á¶aÉëª∏d kÉq«ª°SQ Öîàæoj ¢ù«FQ
A question or proposal submitted in an election to obtain an expression of the voters’ will on the matter.
≈∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d äÉHÉîàf’G AÉæKCG ìô£oj ìGÎbG hCG ádCÉ°ùe .ádCÉ°ùŸG √òg ‘ ÖNÉædG áÑZQ øY ÒÑ©J
Media Access
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that privacy, security and legal issues concerning the Internet and other forms of electronic communication, including e-mail, voice-mail, electronic fax, bulletin boards, television access channels,
,áq«°Uƒ°üÿG ¿CG øe ~cCÉàdG á°SÉ«°ùdG √òg øe ±~¡dG øe √ÒZh âfÎfE’ÉH á≤∏©àŸG á«fƒfÉ≤dG ÉjÉ° ≤dGh øeC’Gh ~˘˘jÈdG π˘˘ª˘ °ûJ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG ᢢ «˘ ˘fhÎμ˘˘ dE’G ∫ɢ˘ °üJ’G π˘˘ Fɢ˘ °Sh ,ÊhÎμdE’G ¢ùcÉØdGh ,á«Jƒ°üdG ádÉ°SôdGh ,ÊhÎμdE’G
ΩÓYE’G πFÉ°Sh ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG
Media Access - Mixed Electoral System electronic subscription services, and any other electronic communication forums are addressed, and that a policy is formally established to define appropriate use of these tools.
äɢ˘e~˘˘Nh ,¿ƒ˘˘jõ˘˘Ø˘ ∏˘ à˘ dG äGƒ˘˘æ˘ bh ,äɢ˘fɢ˘«˘ Ñ˘ dG äɢ˘Mƒ˘˘dh á«fhÎμdEG ∫É°üJG á∏«°Sh …CGh ,á«fhÎμdE’G äÉcGΰT’G √òg ≈∏Y Öéj ɪc ,QÉÑàY’G Ú©H òNDƒJ áMÉ°ùdG ‘ .áªFÓe á≤jô£H πFÉ°SƒdG √òg ∫ɪ©à°SG ~j~– á°SÉ«°ùdG
Media Market
The geographic area reached by the mass media in a particular region. Often a newspaper will have a circulation within a city and its metropolitan area and a television station can only reach a certain area.
‘ ΩÓYE’G É¡«dG π°üj »àdG á«aGô¨÷G á≤£æŸG »æ©Jh ¥É˘£˘f π˘NGO á˘dhG~˘à˘e á˘Ø˘«˘ë˘°U ¿ƒ˘μ˘J ~˘b .Ú©˘˘e ¥É˘˘£˘ f πNGO É¡ãH ~àÁ ájRÉØ∏J á£fi hCG ,IQhÉÛG IQƒª©ŸGh áæj~e .Ú©e ¥É£f
Any person elected to parliament.
A limited body of truthful information that is consistently conveyed by the candidate and the campaign to provide persuasive reasons for voters to vote for the candidate.
í˘°TôŸG Ωƒ˘˘≤˘ j ᢢbOɢ˘°üdG äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG ø˘˘e IO~fi ᢢ¨˘ «˘ °U á©æ≤ŸG ÜÉÑ°SC’G áMÉJE’ ΩGh~dG ≈∏Y É¡dÉ°üjEÉH á∏ª◊Gh .í°Tôª∏d âjƒ°üà∏d ÚÑNÉæ∏d
Message Box
The exercise in which the campaign views what will be said in the election by us about us, by us about them, by them about them and by them about us. This should be a fairly complete picture of everything that will be said during the campaign and should provide the campaign with a clear contrast with their opponents.
‘ ∫ɢ˘ ≤˘ ˘j ¿CG ø˘˘ μÁ ÉŸ ᢢ jDhô˘˘ dG ᢢ ∏˘ ˘ª◊G í˘˘ æÁ ø˘˘ jô“ ƒ˘˘ ˘gh øY ¬dƒ≤f Éeh ,Éæ°ùØfCG øY øëf ¬dƒ≤f Ée :äÉHÉîàf’G .ÉæY ¿ƒdƒ≤j Éeh º¡°ùØfCG øY ºg ¬fƒdƒ≤j Éeh ,Ú°ùaÉæŸG A»˘°T π˘c ø˘Y kɢ«˘Ñ˘°ùf á˘∏˘ª˘à˘μ˘ e IQƒ˘˘°U ∂d í˘˘«˘ à˘ j Gò˘˘gh á∏ªë∏d í«àj ¿CG »¨Ñæjh ,á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ∫ÓN ∫É≤«°S .Ú°ùaÉæŸG ÚHh ∂æ«H øjÉÑàdGh áë°VGƒdG ¢ FÉ≤ædG
Midterm Election
(in USA), An election for seats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives that occurs during a presidential term of office — that is, two years into the fouryear presidential term. The results are sometimes interpreted as a popular referendum on that president’s performance for the first two years of his term. Midterm elections determine some members of the U.S. Senate and all members of the House of Representatives, as well as many state and local officials.
…CG ,¢ù«FôdG áj’h §°Sh iôŒ »àdG ¢Sô¨fƒμdG äÉHÉîàfG Öîàæj »àdGh ,á£∏°ùdG ‘ á©HQC’G ¬eGƒYCG øe ÚeÉY ~©H ¢ù∏› AÉ° YCG å∏Kh ÜGƒædG ¢ù∏› AÉ° YCG πc É¡«a iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ÚdhDƒ°ùŸG øe Òãc ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,ñƒ«°ûdG äÉHÉîàf’G ∂∏J èFÉàf ô°ùØJh .á«∏ÙG ¢ùdÉÛGh äÉj’ƒdG ÚeÉ©dG ‘ ¢ù«FôdG AGOCG ≈∏Y ΩÉY AÉàØà°SG É¡fCÉH ÉfÉ«MCG ∞˘°üà˘æ˘ e äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ¿Eɢ a ∂dò˘˘ch .¬˘˘à˘ j’h ø˘˘e ÚdhC’G AÉ° YCG πch ñƒ«°ûdG ¢ù∏› AÉ° YCG øe GO~Y Qô≤J áj’ƒdG .Ú«F’ƒdGh Ú«∏ÙG ÚdhDƒ°ùŸG øe ~j~©dGh ÜGƒædG ¢ù∏›
A combination of the relative advantages of the large proportional systems and of the majority systems.
᪶fCG É¡H ™qàªàJ »àdG á«q Ñ°ùqædG äÉq«∏° aC’G øe èjõe »g .áqjÌcC’G ᪶fCGh á©°SGƒdG áq«Ñ°ùqædG
A system in which the choices expressed by voters are used to elect representatives through two different systems: Proportional Representation system and Plurality Majority system. The main aim of a mixed system is to address the distortions caused by the First Past the Post system.
¿ƒÑNÉædG É¡æY ôqÑ©j »àdG äGQÉ«àN’G ¬«a òNDƒJ Ωɶf ÚæKG Úeɶf ÈY Ú∏㇠ÜÉîàfG πLCG øe πª©à°ùoàd …ÌcCG Ωɢ˘¶˘ fh »Ñ°ùædG π«ã˘ª˘à˘dG Ωɢ˘¶˘ f :ÚØ˘˘∏˘ àfl á÷É©e ƒg §∏àıG ΩɶædG øe ¢SÉ°SC’G ±~¡dG .…O~q ©J .ÉJGƒ°UCG ÌcCÓd RƒØdG Ωɶf É¡ÑÑ°ùj »àdG äÉgƒ°ûàdG
ƒ° Y
ádÉ°SôdG ¥h~æ°U
áj’ƒdG ∞°üàæe äÉHÉîàfG
Mixed Constituencies
á£∏àfl á«q HÉîàfG ôFGhO Mixed Electoral System
§∏àfl »q HÉîàfG Ωɶf
.¿ÉŸÈdG ‘ kGƒ° Y íÑ°UCGh ÖîoàfG ~b ¢üî°T …CG
48 Mixed Member Proportional System (MMPS)
Mixed Member Proportional System - Multi-S Seat Election
§∏àfl »Ñ°ùf ájƒ° Y Ωɶf
A Mixed Electoral System in which all the voters use the plurality/majority system to elect some of the representatives to an electoral body. The remaining seats are then allocated to parties using proportional representation so as to compensate for disproportionality in their representation.
Mobile Polling Station
See Mobile Voting Centre.
ádGƒL ÜÉîàfG á£fi Mobile Voting Centre
∫GƒL ÜÉîàfG õcôe
/á«°SÉ«°S äɪé¡J A…òH ì~b Multi Mandate
O~q ©J /~YÉ≤ŸG O~©àe áj’ƒdG O~©J /~YÉ≤ŸG Multi-M Member District
~YÉ≤ŸG IO~q ©àe IôFGO
Multi-P Party System
áq«Hõ◊G ájO~q ©àdG Ωɶf Multiple-M Marked
º°SƒdG IO~q ©àe ´GÎbG ábQh Multi-S Seat Election
IO~q ©àŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG äÉHÉîàfG
§∏àfl »HÉîàfG Ωɶf ƒg :§∏àfl »Ñ°ùf ájƒ° Y Ωɶf ájO~©àdG /ájÌcC’G Ωɶf ÚÑNÉædG πc Ω~îà°ùj å«M ~YÉ≤ŸG á«≤H ÉeCG .»HÉîàfG º°ù÷ Ú∏㪟G ¢ ©H ÜÉîàf’ π«ãªàdG ΩG~î°SG ∫ÓN øe ÜGõMCÓd É≤M’ ¢ü°üîàa .º¡∏«ã“ ‘ ¿RGƒàdG Ω~Yh π∏ÿG øY ¢ jƒ©à∏d »Ñ°ùædG .∫GƒL q ÜÉîàfG õcôe ô¶fG
Mobile voting facilities are provided to assist electors in such places as hospitals and nursing homes to cast a vote. The voting is mobile because election officials move around the premises, taking portable ballot boxes and voting compartments directly to patients.
øcÉeC’G ¢ ©H ‘ ÚYÎ≤ŸG I~YÉ°ùŸ Iôaƒàe äÓ«¡°ùJ õcôe ƒgh .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OÓd Iõé©dG QhOh äÉ«Ø°ûà°ùŸÉc ≥WÉæŸG ∫ƒM ¿ƒ∏q≤æàj äÉHÉîàf’G ‹hDƒ°ùe ¿C’ ∫ƒéàe .π≤æ∏d á∏HÉb ÜÉîàfG äGÒéMh ´GÎbG ≥jOÉæ°U º¡JRƒëHh
One of the three resources in every political campaign, the others being time and people. It is important to determine how much money each activity in the campaign will cost and plan for it. See Campaign Resources and Budget.
¿GOQƒŸGh ,᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘fG á˘∏˘ ª˘ M π˘˘μ˘ d ,ᢢKÓ˘˘ã˘ dG OQGƒŸG ~˘˘MCG ≠∏ÑŸG ~j~– ᫪gC’G øeh .ô°ûÑdGh øeõdG ɪg ¿GôNB’G ô¶fG .¬d §«£îàdGh á∏ªë∏d •É°ûf πc ¬Øq∏μ«°S …òdG .á«fGõ«ŸG/áfRGƒŸGh á∏ª◊G OQGƒe
Negative, often personal, frequently inaccurate or exaggerated attacks directed at the political opposition by both candidates and political parties.
,á≤«bO ÒZh ,᪠q¶©eh á«°üî°T kÉÑdÉZh á«Ñ∏°S äɪé¡J Ú뢰TôŸG π˘Ñ˘pb ø˘e ᢢ«˘ °Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG ᢢ°VQɢ˘©ŸG ¤EG ᢢ¡˘ Lƒ˘˘eh .kÉ©e á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’Gh
An election district in which more than one candidate will win the positions sought in this campaign.
~YÉ≤ŸG Ö°UÉæà í°Tôe øe ÌcCG ¬H RƒØj IôFGO ‘ ÜÉîàfG .IO~©àŸG
An electoral district in which electors elect more than one representative in the legislative assembly. Electors of such an electoral district generally have as many votes as there are seats in the electoral district.
‘ á«©jô°ûàdG á«©ª÷G ‘ π㇠øe ÌcCG ¿ƒYÎ≤ŸG Öîàæj äGƒ°UCG I~Y ÚÑNÉæ∏d ¿CG ɪc .á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG √òg .IôaƒàŸG ~YÉ≤ŸG O~Y ≈∏Y
System in which more than two parties compete for control of government. Most of the world’s democracies are multi-party systems.
A ballot that is overvoted with three or more marks. Is the election of two or more seats of the same type - like the election of lawmakers.
¿EG .ΩɶædG Gòg ‘ áeƒμ◊G º«¶æJ ≈∏Y ¿ÉHõM ¢ùaÉæàj ájO~q ©àdG Ωɶf ≈∏Y õμJôJ ⁄É©dG ‘ äÉ«WGô≤Á~dG ájÌcCG .á«Hõ◊G .ÌcCG hCG äÉeÓY çÓãH ⪰Sho ~b ´GÎbG ábQh »gh ,¬°ùØf ´ƒæq dG øe ÌcCG hCG øj~©≤e ∫ƒM äÉHÉîàfG »g .ÚYôq °ûŸG äÉHÉîàfÉc
Name Recognition
Name Recognition - Non-B Blank Vote/Ballot
Identification of the candidate’s name by the voters. Often voters will know little about the candidates and therefore vote for the name that they recognize. It is important for candidates to have the voters associate their name with their message because only the name will appear on the ballot.
±ô©j Ée kÉÑdÉZh .Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCG ≈∏Y ÚÑNÉædG ±tô©J í°Tôª∏d ¿ƒYÎ≤j ∂dòdh Úë°TôŸG øY π«∏≤dG ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¿CG Úë°TôŸG ≈∏Y º¡ŸG øeh .¬ª°SG ≈∏Y ¿ƒaô©àj …òdG Úë°TôŸG Aɪ°SCG ÚH §HôdG ≈∏Y øjQOÉb ÚÑNÉædG Gƒ∏©éj .´GÎb’G áëF’ ≈∏Y ô¡¶«°S √~Mh º°S’G ¿C’ ,ádÉ°SôdGh
Negative Ads
Political advertisements that attack a candidate’s opponent, often trying to destroy the opponent’s character.
m í˘°Tô˘ q e º˘°üN º˘Lɢ¡˘J »˘à˘dG á˘q«˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG äɢ˘fÓ˘˘YE’G »˘˘g .¬ØbGƒÃ ±ÉØîà°S’Gh ¬àq«°üî°T ¬jƒ°ûJ kádhÉfi ,øq«©e
Neutral Political Environment
A political environment aiming at having and supporting free, fair, and credible elections.
.á¡jõfh ádOÉYh IôM äÉHÉîàfG ºYO ¤EG ±~¡j »°SÉ«°S §«fi
A voting system is neutral if the system does not favor any alternative. Although it may seem obvious that voting systems should be neutral, some are designed specifically not to be neutral in order to promote government stability or ensure that a decision is made. In fact, many systems that have tie-breaking rules that do not employ a random choice violate neutrality. For example, parliamentary voting systems in which ``yea'' and ``nay'' votes are taken generally favor the nay side in the event of a tie. Thus they are biased towards the nay alternative and are not neutral.
Gõ«q ëàe ΩɶædG øμj ⁄ GPEG ÉjOÉ«M »HÉîàf’G ΩɶædG ¿ƒμj í°VGƒdG øe ¿ƒμj ~b ¬qfGC ™e .πj~H …C’ π«° ØJ √~æYh ¢ ©H q¿GC ÒZ ,ájOÉ«M ¿ƒμJ ¿CG á«HÉîàf’G º¶ædG ≈∏Y ¿CG øe …OÉ«M ÒZ ¿ƒμ«d É°ü«°üN ºªq °üe ᪶fC’G √òg .ø«q ©e QGôb òNCG ¿Éª°V hCG áeƒμ◊G äÉÑãd èjhÎdG πLCG ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y πª©J »àdG ᪶fC’G øe Òãc ,™bGƒdG ‘ ,É«WÉÑàYG GQÉ«N Ω~îà°ùJ ’h ''∫OÉ©àdG ô°ùc'' ~YGƒb ÜÉîàf’G ᪶fCG ‘ ,∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏Y .ájOÉ«◊G ∂¡àæJ ò˘˘NÉC ˘ J ''’''h ''º˘˘©˘ f'' `dG Ω~˘˘î˘ à˘ ˘°ùJ å«˘˘ M ᢢ «˘ ˘fÉŸÈdG »g Gòd .∫OÉ©àdG ∫ÉM ‘ ''’''`dG ÖfÉL áeÉY äGƒ°UC’G .ájq OÉ«M â°ù«d »g ‹ÉàdÉHh ''’''`dG ÖfÉL ¤EG õ«q ëàJ
The process by which candidates indicate their intention to compete in an election within specified time. Often subject to submission of a required number of signatures and/or to the payment of a deposit.
äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ ¢ùaÉæàdÉH Úë°TôŸG á«q f ~j~– á«∏ªY »g ܃∏£e O~©d ´ƒ° î∏d á°VôY kɪFGO .Ú©e âbh ∫ÓN .´G~jEG hCG ≠∏Ñe ™aO ¤EG hCG/h äGAÉ° e’G øe
The person that a political party chooses to represent it in a general election. This is called Nomination.
‘ ¬∏㪫d »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G √QÉàîj …òdG ¢üî°ûdG ƒg .''᫪°ùJ/Ú«©J'' kÉ° jCG ≈ª°ùjo .áeÉ©dG äÉHÉîàf’G
Non-B Blank Vote/Ballot
A non-blank vote ballot is simply thata mark is made on the ballot-the voter voted for any of the candidates on the ballot. See Blank Vote.
´Î≤ŸG ɢ¡˘«˘∏˘Y ™˘°Vh »˘à˘dG ´GÎb’G á˘bɢ£˘H »˘g ,ᢢWɢ˘°ùÑ˘˘H ábQh ô¶fG .ábÉ£ÑdG ≈∏Y í°Tôe …C’ ¬Jƒ°üH ¤OCGh ,áeÓY .¢VÉ«H ≈∏Y ábÉ£H/AÉ° «H
º°S’G ≈∏Y ±ô©àdG
]á«°SÉ«°S[ äÉfÓYEG á«q Ñ∏°S …OÉ«M »°SÉ«°S §«fi Neutrality
/áeƒ°Sƒe ´GÎbG ábQh ¢VÉ«H ≈∏Y â°ù«d
50 Non-G Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
á«eƒμM ÒZ äɪ¶æe
Non-P Partisan
/É«HõM õ«ëàe ÒZ »HõM ÒZ
Non-G Governmental Organizations (NGOs) - Non-P Partisan The term refers to international organizations that are not associated with any government. Examples include many religions that cross borders, international humanitarian aid organizations such as the International Red Cross, sporting organizations such as the International Olympic Committee, organizations that works to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide such as NDI for International Affairs, and many scientific, business, educational, and other professional organizations.
.áeƒμ◊Gh ÜGõMC’Gh äÉ£∏°ùdG øY á∏≤à°ùe äÉ«©ªL ᢫˘fɢ°ùfE’G I~˘Yɢ°ùŸÉ˘H á˘jÉ˘æ˘©˘∏˘d ô˘ª˘ M’C G Ö«˘˘∏˘ °üdG :kÓ˘ ã˘ e ~¡©ŸG ,á°VÉjô∏d á«dh~dG á«ÑŸhC’G ÜÉ©dC’G áæ÷ ,á«dh~dG õ˘jõ˘©˘J ¬˘a~˘˘gh ᢢ«˘ dh~˘˘dG ¿hDƒ˘ °û∏˘˘d »˘˘æ˘ Wƒ˘˘dG »˘˘WGô˘˘≤Á~˘˘dG äɢ˘ª˘ ¶˘ æŸG ø˘˘e ɢ˘gÒZh ,kɢ ˘«ŸÉ˘˘ Y ɢ˘ gô˘˘ °ûfh ᢢ «˘ ˘WGô˘˘ ≤Á~˘˘ dG .á«æ¡ŸGh á«aÉ≤ãdGh ájOÉ°üàb’G
When something relates to all political parties or no particular political parties. A non-partisan election is one where candidates are not affiliated with particular parties and their party is not listed on the ballot. A non-partisan organization is one that associates with either no political parties or many different political parties, avoiding the association with one particular party.
hCG ,ÜGõMC’G πμH Ée ôeCG hCG Ée ¢üî°T §ÑJôj Ée~æY ∂dPh ¿CG »æ©j »Hõ◊G ÒZ ÜÉîàf’G ÉeCG .Ú©e ÜõëH §ÑJôj ’ º¡HGõMCG ¿CG hCG áæ«©e ÜGõMCG ¤EG ¿ƒªàæj ’ Úë°TôŸG πc »¡a á«Hõ◊G ÒZ ᪶æŸG ÉeCG .´GÎb’G áëF’ ‘ áfh~e q ÒZ ÜGõMCG I~Y º° Jh ÜGõMC’ÉH á£ÑJôŸG ÒZ ᪶æŸG ∂∏J .Ú©e ÜõM ¤EG Aɪàf’G …OÉØàd ∂dPh ,áØ∏àfl
Observation-((Watch) - Opinion Leaders
The process that sees that the election is being carried out in accordance with the law and whether candidates, parties and votes are able to participate on an equal basis. Short-term observation encompasses voting day and the count. Long term observation encompasses monitoring and assessing holistically the entire election process. A guarantee of the honesty of the electoral process.
,äÉHÉîàf’G Ò°S ø°ùM ≈∏Y ±ô°ûJ »àdG á«q ∏ª©dG »g ácQÉ°ûe á«q fÉμeEG øe ≥q≤ëàJ ɪc ,¿ƒfÉ≤dG ΩÉμMC’ kÉ≤ah .IGhɢ˘°ùŸG Ω~˘˘b ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æq ˘ dGh ÜGõ˘˘ MC’Gh Ú뢢 °TôŸG q ´GÎb’G Ωƒ˘j á˘∏˘«˘W Ò°ü≤˘dG i~ŸG ≈˘∏˘Y á˘Ñ˘ bGôŸG ~q ˘ à˘ ª˘ à˘ a πª°ûàa ,πjƒ q£dG i~ŸG ≈∏Y áÑbGôŸG Éeq GC .»q HÉîàf’G RôØdGh øª° J »gh .É¡ª««≤Jh πq μc á«q HÉîàf’G á«q ∏ª©dG áÑbGôe .á«q HÉîàf’G á«q ∏ª©dG ágGõf
(of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power.
…CG ,Ée Ö°üæe π¨°ûj ,»eƒμM ∞Xƒe hCG áeƒμ◊ .PƒØf ¬j~d
Ommitted Voter
The name of a qualified voter that has been omitted from the voters list by the enumerators .
áëF’ øe âaòMo »àdG Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG Aɪ°SCG »g .~©dÉH Ú∏qcƒŸG ¢UÉî°TC’G πÑpb øe ÚYÎ≤ŸG
An election that takes place entirely in a single area not divided into districts.
ÒZ øe ,I~MGh á≤£æe ‘ ,É¡∏ªcCÉH ,…ôŒ äÉHÉîàfG »g .ôFGhO ¤EG É¡ª«°ù≤J
In the context of elections, the variant of party-list proportional representation in which voters have at least some influence on which specific candidates may be chosen, as opposed to the closed-list system whereby voters can effectively only vote for political parties as a whole and thus have no influence on the order in which party candidates are elected (that order being supplied by the party itself).
áMƒàØŸG ÒZ áëFÓdG ¢ «≤f ≈∏Yh ,äÉHÉîàf’G ¥É«°S ‘ ÜGõ˘˘MC’G Qɢ˘ «˘ ˘à˘ ˘N’ Pƒ˘˘ Ø˘ ˘f …CG ÚYÎ≤ŸG í˘˘ æ“ ’ »˘˘ à˘ ˘dG π°ù∏°ùàdG ¿CG å«M) º¡∏°ù∏°ùJ ≈∏Y ÒKCÉàdG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG I~ªÛG ÒZ/áMƒàØŸG áëFÓdG ,(Üõ◊G πÑpb øe ´ƒ°Vƒe ¿CG å«M ,Üõ◊G áëF’ π«ãªàd »Ñ°ùædG ±ÓàN’G »g .Úæ«q ©e Úë°Tôe QÉ«àNG ≈∏Y ÒKCÉàdG ¢ ©H ÚYÎ≤ª∏d
Open Primary
A primary election that differs from a closed primary in that all voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote for a party’s nominee.
I~ªÛG /á≤∏¨ŸG/á∏Ø≤ŸG á«dhC’G äÉHÉîàf’G ±ÓàNG ≈∏Y øY ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H ,ÚYÎ≤ŸG πc äÉHÉîàf’G √òg íæ“, .»HõM í°TôŸ âjƒ°üàdG ,á«Hõ◊G º¡JÉHÉ°ùàfG
Operations Division
Responsible for the procurement and distribution of election materials, identification of voting sites and the creation of timetables for the different functions at election time.
,É¡©jRƒJh á«q HÉîàf’G OGƒŸG ÒH~J øY ∫hDƒ°ùe ºl °ùb ƒg ∞FÉXƒdÉH ~«YGƒe ∫hG~L ™°Vhh ,´GÎb’G õcGôe ~j~–h .ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj áØ∏àıG
Opinion Leaders
Opinion leaders are people in the community who can influence others. These people can be leaders of civic organizations, other political leaders, members of the media, or well-known and respected individuals. It is often important to win the endorsement of these individuals early in the campaign. See Endorsements.
‹É˘gC’G ‘ ÒKCɢà˘dG ¿ƒ˘©˘«˘£˘à˘°ùj ø˘jò˘dG ¢Uɢ˘î˘ °TC’G º˘˘gh øeh ,á«f~ŸG äɪ¶æŸG IOÉb øe ¿ƒfƒμj ~bh .º¡H Ú£«ÙG .™ªàÛG ¿É«YCGh á«eÓYE’G äÉÄ«¡dG AÉ° YCGh …CGôdG IOÉb á∏Môe ‘ ¢UÉî°TC’G ∂ÄdhCG ~«jCÉàH RƒØdG G~L º¡ŸG øeh .ábOÉ°üŸG ô¶fG .á∏ªë∏d IôμÑe
Ö°üæe /Öàμe …QGOEG OÉ©Ñà°SG
One-A Area Election
I~MGƒdG á≤£æŸG äÉHÉîàfG Open List
/áMƒàØe áëF’ I~ª› ÒZ
/áMƒàØe á«dhCG äÉHÉîàfG I~ª› ÒZ äÉ«q ∏ª©dG º°ùb
52 Opinion poll/s
Opinion Poll/s - Ordinary Vote A survey conducted between and before elections to get a projection on the outcome of the elections.
øe áæ«Y hCG ,Qƒ¡ª÷G AGQBG ´Ó£à°SG ≈∏Y õμJôe ôjô≤J ƒg Aɢæ˘KCG äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G á˘é˘«˘à˘f ø˘Y Qƒ˘q °üJ ø˘jƒ˘μ˘à˘d ,Qƒ˘¡˘ ª÷G .Ég~©Hh äÉHÉîàf’G á«∏ªY
These are other candidates running for the same office and on the same ballot as your candidate.
Rƒ˘Ø˘∏˘d ∂fƒ˘°ùaɢæ˘j ø˘jò˘dG Ú뢢°TôŸG π˘˘c ∂dP π˘˘ª˘ °ûjh .É¡°ùØf ´GÎb’G áëF’ ‘ ∂ë°Tôe ¿ƒcQÉ°ûjh ,~©≤ŸÉH
A political party or an organized group opposed to the group, party, or government in power.
hCG ,áYƒªéª∏d á°VQÉ©e ᪠q¶æe áYƒª› hCG »°SÉ«°S ÜõM .á£∏°ùdG ‘ áeƒμ◊G hCG Üõ◊G
Opposition research is all the information, both good and bad, that your campaign can put together on all of the viable opponents. This is part of the overall research that should be done at the beginning of the campaign. See Research.
Ú°ùaÉæŸG ~j~ëàd á∏ª◊G É¡©ªŒ »àdG ,äÉeƒ∏©ŸG »gh øe kGAõL ~©J »gh .I~«L hCG áÄ«°S âfÉc AGƒ°S AÉjƒbC’G ô¶fG .á∏ª◊G π¡à°ùe ‘ ÉgDhGôLEG »¨Ñæj »àdG çƒëÑdG .çƒëÑdG
Optical Scan Voting Machines
Optical scan paper ballots are used for mail ballot voting, emergency voting and challenge voting. You should follow the written voting instructions that accompany these ballots.
´GÎb’G ¥GQhC’ …ô°üÑdG í°ùŸG ÜÉîàfG ¥GQhCG πª©à°ùoJ .»˘˘ ˘ °VGÎY’G ´GÎb’Gh AiQɢ˘ ˘ ˘£˘ ˘ ˘ dG ´GÎb’Gh ,…~˘˘ ˘ ˘jÈdG .¥GQhC’G √òg ≥aGôJ »àdG äɪ«∏©àdG á©HÉàe ∂«∏Y ÖLƒàj
Optional Choices
Means that the voter is not required to rank all the candidates.
.º¡©«ªL Úë°TôŸG q ∞«æ°üàd mô q£° e ÒZ ÖNÉqædG q¿GC …CG
A ballot where the voter is required to indicate preferences amongst the various candidates or parties by numbering their respective names, in declining order.
ÚH ¬JÓ«° ØJ ~j~ëàH ÖNÉqædG Ωõ∏oJ ´GÎbG ábQh »g º°SG OG~©J ∫ÓN øe ,ÜGõMC’G hCG Úë°TôŸG q ∞∏àfl .kÓ«° ØJ πbC’G ¤EG ÌcC’G øe ,º¡æe qπc
A vote cast, at a voting centre, in the elector’s home district, on election day.
Ωƒ˘˘j ,´Î≤ŸG Iô˘˘FGO ø˘˘ª˘ °V ,´GÎb’G õ˘˘ cô˘˘ e ‘ âjƒ˘˘ °üJ .ÜÉîàf’G
…CGô∏d ´Ó£à°SG/AÉàØà°SG
º°üN/¢ùaÉæe á°VQÉ©e
Opposition Research
á°VQÉ©ŸG çƒëH
…ô°üÑdG í°ùŸG ä’BG á«HÉîàf’G
á«eGõdEG ÒZ äGQÉ«N Ordinal Ballot
»q Ñ«JôJ ´GÎbG Ordinary Vote
Paid Media
Paid Media - Party Representation
Any advertisements the campaign pays to have placed in the mass media, such as television, radio or newspapers.
¬qãH πLCG øe ¬d ÓHÉ≤e á∏ª◊G ™a~J »FÉYO ¿ÓYEG …CG ƒjOGôdGh ¿ƒjõØ∏àdG πãe á«eÓYE’G §FÉ°SƒdG ‘ ¬°VôYh .áaÉë°üdGh
A standard piece of campaign literature used to describe the candidate and provide a reason to vote for him. This should provide a clear summary of the campaign message. See Campaign Literature and Message.
∞°Uƒd Ω~îà°ùJ á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG øe ájQÉ«©e á©£b »g øª° àJ ¿CG Öéjh ,¬d âjƒ°üà∏d ÜÉÑ°SC’G Ë~≤Jh í°TôŸG á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG ô¶fG .á∏ª◊G ádÉ°Sôd áë°VGh á°UÓN .ádÉ°SôdGh
“Parallel system” is where the ward and proportional representation voting systems run completely separately and there is no attempt to integrate the two sets of votes.
π«ãªàdGh IôFG~dG Éeɶf ¿ƒμj Ée~æY mRGƒàe ΩɶædG ¿ƒμj ɪ¡›~d ádhÉfi ájCG ~Lƒj ’h kÉ«∏c Ú∏°üØæe »Ñ°ùædG .¢ ©ÑH
The political assembly in which elected representatives debate and vote upon proposed laws. The word ‘parliament’ comes from 15th century English, and from a French word meaning ‘talking place’.
¿ƒ∏㪟G ¢ûbÉæàj É¡dÓN øe »àdG á«°SÉ«°ùdG á«©ª÷G ƒgh ᢢª˘ ∏˘ c Oƒ˘˘©˘ J .ᢢMÎ≤˘˘e ÚfGƒ˘˘≤˘ d ¿ƒ˘˘Jƒ˘˘°üjh ¿ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ î˘ àn ˘ æŸG »˘˘gh ,…õ˘˘«˘ ∏˘ μ˘ fE’G ô˘˘°ûY ¢ùeÉÿG ¿ô˘˘ ≤˘ ˘dG ¤EG ''¿ÉŸôH'' .''ΩÓμdG ¿Éμe'' á«°ùfôØdG áª∏μdG øe áq≤à°ûe
Anything relating to the political party. When an election is partisan, it means that party affiliation matters and may be listed on the ballot. See Non-Partisan.
ÚMh .»°SÉ«°S ÜõM ¤EG »ªàæj ôeCG …CG hCG ¢üî°T …CG ¬d »Hõ◊G Aɪàf’G ¿CG »æ©j ∂dòa kÉ«HõM ÜÉîàf’G ¿ƒμj .´GÎb’G áëF’ ≈∏Y ´ƒ°Vƒe ÉÃQh ,ÒÑc ¿CÉ°T .»HõM ÒZ ô¶fG
Party Observer
See Party Agent.
A group of people who join together because they share many ideas about what the government should do.
hCG ôμa ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y á«°SÉ«°S áÄ«¡d ¿ƒªàæj OGôaCG áYƒª› .~Mƒe èeÉfôH
Party Agent/ Proxy
A political party agent is appointed by its party and accredited by the NEC for electoral observation. Agents of political parties also include signatories of a party assigned to carry out specific affairs of the party. Also known as Proxy.
πÑb øe ¬H ±Î©jh ,¬HõM πÑb øe »Hõ◊G π«cƒdG ø«s ©j øªq ° àj .á«HÉîàf’G áÑbGôª∏d äÉHÉîàfÓd á«æWƒdG áæé∏dG ¢ ©H AGOCÉH Ú°VƒØŸG ÜõM ‘ Ú©bƒŸG É° jC k G AÓcƒdG .Üõë∏d IO~q ÙG ¿hDƒ°ûdG
This is a method of voting where the voters vote for a party and the party selects the candidates based on the percentage of the vote it receives.
äƒ˘˘°üj ɢ˘e~˘˘æ˘ Y ∂dPh ,´GÎb’Gh âjƒ˘˘°üà˘˘∏˘ d §‰ »˘˘gh É≤ah Úë°TôŸG QÉ«àNÉH Üõ◊G Ωƒ≤j ºK Üõ◊ ¿ƒÑNÉædG .É¡«∏Y π°üM »àdG âjƒ°üàdG áÑ°ùæd
A representative of a party who may be present during the vote and the counting of the votes. This term may also apply to a national or regional officer of a party.
á«q ∏ªY ∫ÓN ~LGƒàj ¿CG øμÁ ,mÜõM øY kÓq㇠øªq ° àj ∫hDƒ°ùe ≈∏Y ∂dP ≥Ñ£æj ~bh .äGƒ°UC’G Rôah âjƒ°üàq dG .»ª«∏bEG hCG »æWh »q HõM
ΩÓYE’G hCG ´ƒa~ŸG ΩÓYE’G ôLCÉH Palm Card
∞μdG ábÉ£H
Parallel System
Rm Gƒàe Ωɶf Parliament
ÜGƒædG ¢ù∏›
Üõ◊G ÖbGôe
/Üh~æe/»HõM π«ch »HõM ~ªà©e Party List
/á«HõM áªFÉb á«HõM áëF’ Party Representation
»q HõM π«ã“
.»HõM π«ch ô¶fG
54 Party-LList Proportional Representation System
Party List Proportional Representation System - Phone Bank See List Proportional Representation.
.»Ñ°ùædG π«ãªàdG áëF’ ô¶fG
This is the information for past elections on how many votes or what percentage of votes candidates from a particular party or similar ideology received. If there are similar candidates or multiple elections, the various percentages can be averaged together to find an overall performance.
O~˘Yh ,á˘≤˘Hɢ°ùdG äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ø˘˘Y äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG π˘˘c »˘˘gh ÜõM »ë°TôŸ áMƒæªŸG äGƒ°UC’G áÑ°ùf hCG äGƒ°UC’G ∑Éæg ¿Éc GPEG .á¡HÉ°ûe á«Lƒdƒj~jEG ¬d ôNBG Üõ◊ hCG Ú©e ™˘°Vh ø˘μÁ IO~˘©˘à˘e äɢHɢî˘à˘fG hCG ¿ƒ˘¡˘Hɢ°ûà˘e ¿ƒ˘ë˘°Tô˘e áaô©Ÿ ¢ ©H ™e É¡° ©H ,É¡©«ªL ,áYƒæàŸG Ö°ùpædG §°Sƒàe .»∏μdG AGOC’G
Periodic Register
The result of election administration authorities developing a new list of eligible voters prior to each election.
Qƒ£J q »àdG äÉHÉîàf’G IQGOEG äÉ£∏°S πªY áé«àf »g πÑb ,ÜÉîàfÓd Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG øe øe I~j~L áëF’ .á«q HÉîàfG á«q ∏ªY πq c
Periodic Voters List
See Periodic Register.
Periodical List
It is one in which the election administration authorities devise a new voters list for each new electoral event, without intending to maintain or update this list for the future. Periodic lists often are used for only one electoral event, and are normally, although not necessarily, created just prior to the election. Also known as periodic register.
ç~M πμd ÚÑNÉædG íFGƒd á«HÉîàf’G äÉ£∏°ùdG º«q ≤J πª©à°ùoJh .πÑ≤à°ùª∏d É¡H ®ÉØàM’G ¿hO ~j~L »HÉîàfG ,IOÉY πμ°ûoJh ~MGh »HÉîàfG ç~◊ ájQh~dG áëFÓdG ∂dòc .äÉHÉîàf’G ~Yƒe π«Ñb ,IQhô° dÉH ¢ù«d øμdh .…q Qh~dG πé°ùdÉH ±ô©oJ
The extent to which a particular group of voters do not vote in a consistent way.
≈∏Y ÚÑNÉædG øe áYƒª› âjƒ°üJ Ω~Y i~e »æ©Jh .ºFGO ~MGh §‰
Voters who do not vote in a consistent way, voting for one candidate and not voting for a candidate with a similar ideology or from the same party in either the same election or in two consecutive elections. It is believed that these voters do not identify with a particular party or ideology and can be persuaded by a clear message.
,ôªà°ùeh Ú©e §‰ ≈∏Y ¿ƒJƒ°üj ’ øjòdG ¿ƒÑNÉædG ºgh ¬˘˘ d π˘˘ Kɇ ô˘˘ NB’ ¿ƒ˘˘ Jƒ˘˘ °üj ’h ɢ˘ e í˘˘ °TôŸ ¿ƒ˘˘ ˘Jƒ˘˘ ˘°üj …CG hCG ¬°ùØf ÜÉîàf’G ‘ ,¬°ùØf Üõ◊G øe hCG á«Lƒdƒj~jE’ÉH A’Dƒ˘g ¿CG ~˘≤˘à˘©˘jh .Úà˘Ñ˘ bɢ˘©˘ à˘ e Úà˘˘«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG ÚJQhO ‘ hCG Ú©˘˘e Üõ˘˘ ë˘ ˘H •É˘˘ Ñ˘ ˘JQ’ɢ˘ H ¿ƒ˘˘ Ø˘ ˘æ˘ ˘°üj ’ ÚÑ˘˘ Nɢ˘ æ˘ ˘dG .áë°VGh ádÉ°SôH º¡YÉæbEG øμÁ øμdh ,áæ«©e á«Lƒdƒj~jEÉH
»Ñ°ùædG π«ãªàdG Ωɶf /á«Hõ◊G áªFÉ≤dG ™e »Ñ°ùædG π«ãªàdG áëF’ Past Performance
…q QhO πé°S
ájq Qh~q dG ÚYÎ≤ŸG áëF’ /ájQhO áëF’ …QhO πé°S
´ÉæbE’G á«fÉμeEG Persuadable Voters
º¡YÉæbEG øμªŸG ¿ƒÑNÉædG
Petition Group
Their major role is to appeal decisions.
Phone Bank
A place where there is a number of phones and volunteers able to come together as a group to phone voters.
äÉ°Sɪàd’G áYƒª› ∞JÉ¡dG ∂æH
.…QhO q πé°S ô¶fG
.äGQGô≤dG ±ÉæÄà°SG »°SÉ°SC’G ÉgQhO øe O~Y ¬«a …òdG ¿ÉμŸG ƒgh ,á«ØJÉ¡dG ä’É°üJ’G õcôe á˘Yƒ˘ª› ¿ƒ˘∏˘μ˘°ûj ø˘jò˘dG ÚYƒ˘£˘àŸGh ∞˘Jɢ¡˘dG •ƒ˘˘£˘ N .ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd
Phoning - Political Efficacy
A method of voter contact in which volunteers call voters on the phone. This method can be used to persuade voters, identify supporters and turn out the vote near Election Day.
¿ƒ˘Yƒ˘£˘àŸG Ωƒ˘≤˘j å«˘M ,ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dɢ˘H ∫ɢ˘°üJÓ˘˘d ᢢ∏˘ «˘ °Sh √ò˘g Ω~˘î˘à˘°ùJ ~˘bh .∞˘Jɢ¡˘dG ÈY ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dɢH ∫ɢ˘°üJ’ɢ˘H åMh ø˘˘j~˘˘jDƒŸG ~˘˘j~–h ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ ˘dG ´É˘˘ æ˘ ˘bE’ ᢢ ∏˘ ˘«˘ ˘°Sƒ˘˘ dG .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG ‘ ´GÎb’G õcGôe ¤EG ¬Lƒà∏d ÚYÎ≤ŸG
The program, often written, that the political party or candidate will address if and when they are elected. This is not a campaign message. See Program.
hCG »˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG Üõ◊G ¬˘«˘a ÚÑ˘j ,kɢHƒ˘à˘μ˘e ¿ƒ˘μ˘j ɢ˘e ɢ˘Ñ˘ dɢ˘Z ¢ù«d èeÉfÈdGh .¿ƒÑîàæoj ÚM √RÉ‚EÉH ¿h~p©j Ée í°TôŸG .èeÉfÈdG ô¶fG .á«HÉîàfG ádÉ°SQ
Is a direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may be the adoption of a new constitution, a constitutional amendment, a law, a recall of an elected official or simply a specific government policy. The referendum or plebiscite is a form of direct democracy.
ÒÑ©à∏d ÚÑNÉædG πc É¡d ≈Y~à°ùj ô°TÉÑe âjƒ°üJ á«∏ªY Qƒà°SO »æq ÑJ øμÁ .O~fi ìGÎb’ º¡° aQ hCG º¡dƒÑb øY ∞˘Xƒ˘e Üɢî˘à˘fG IOɢYEG hCG ,¿ƒ˘fɢb hCG ,¬˘˘∏˘ j~˘˘©˘ J hCG ~˘˘j~˘˘L ᢢeƒ˘˘μ˘ M ᢢ°Sɢ˘«˘ °S »˘˘æ˘ Ñ˘ J ,ᢢWɢ˘°ùH π˘˘μ˘ H ,hCG ,Öî˘˘à˘ ˘æ˘ ˘e ≠˘«˘°Up ø˘e ᢨ˘«˘°U »˘Ñ˘©˘°ûdG Aɢà˘Ø˘ à˘ °S’G π˘˘qμ˘ °ûj.á˘˘æ˘ «q ˘ ©˘ e .á«WGô≤Á~dG
The most votes cast in a given election. This differs from a majority of the votes cast or 50% plus one vote. See Majority.
‘ º˘¡˘JGƒ˘°UCɢH ¿ƒ˘d~˘j ø˘jò˘˘dG ÚYÎ≤ŸG ᢢ«˘ Ñ˘ ∏˘ ZCG »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ Jh »àdG ÚÑNÉædG á«Ñ∏ZCG øY ∞∏àîj ƒgh ,Ú©e ÜÉîàfG ájÌcCG ô˘¶˘ fG .~˘˘MGh ÖNɢ˘f ¤EG ᢢaɢ˘°VE’ɢ˘H %50 »˘˘æ˘ ©˘ J .ÚÑNÉædG
Plurality Majority Systems
They are the winner-take-all systems we most often use to elect officials to our local, state, and federal legislatures. These systems all require the winning candidate to garner either a plurality or a majority of the votes.
ÜÉîàf’ É¡∏ª©à°ùf »àdG äÉHÉîàf’G ìÉ°ùàcG ᪶fCG »g ,᢫˘eƒ˘μ◊Gh ,᢫˘∏ÙG ᢫˘©˘jô˘°ûà˘dG äɢ˘Ä˘ «˘ ¡˘ dG ‘ ÚdhDƒ˘ °ùe ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G õFÉØdG í°TôŸG øe Ö∏£àJ »gh .á«dGQ~ØdGh .äGƒ°UC’G á«Ñ∏ZCG hCG ájÌcCG
Plurality of Votes
Each voter votes for one candidate, and the candidate with the plurality (most votes) wins, regardless of whether that candidate gets a majority or not.
≈∏Y π°üëj …òdG í°TôŸGh ,í°TôŸ ´Î≤e πc 䃰üj q π°üM ~b ¿Éc GPEG ô¶ædG ¢ ¨H ,RƒØj äGƒ°UC’G ájÌcCG .É¡«∏Y π°üëj ⁄ hCG äGƒ°UC’G á«Ñ∏ZCG ≈∏Y
An organization of 50 or more people that is created to raise money for favored political candidates and is registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). A PAC may be formed by any group, including businesses, labor unions, and special interest bodies.
¤EG ±~¡J É°üî°T 50 øe ÌcCG øe áØdDƒe ᪶æe »g ¿ƒμJh Ú∏° ØŸG q Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG Úë°Tôª∏d ∫GƒeC’G ™ªL É¡∏«μ°ûJ øμªoj .á«dGQ~ØdG äÉHÉîàf’G áæ÷ ™e á∏qé°ùe äGOÉ–’Gh ,∫ɪYC’G ∫ÉLQ É¡«a Éà áYɪL …CG πÑpb øe .á°UÉÿG ídÉ°üŸGh äÉeɪàg’G äGP äÉÄ«¡dGh ,á«dɪ©dG
The belief on the part of the individual citizen that he or she can “make a difference” by influencing the political system through such activities as voting, protesting, giving campaign contributions, working on a campaign, or even running for political office.
''¥ôa çG~MEG'' OôØdG øWGƒŸG ¿ÉμeEÉH ¬fCG OÉ≤àY’G »g
»ØJÉ¡dG ∫É°üJ’G
/»HÉîàf’G èeÉfÈdG »°SÉ«°ùdG èeÉfÈdG ΩÉY/»Ñ©°T AÉàØà°SG
/ÚYÎ≤ŸG á«Ñ∏ZCG ájO~©J
/ájO~q ©J ájÌcCG ᪶fCG á«Ñ∏ZCG äGƒ°UC’G ájÌcCG/ájO~©J Political Action Committee (PAC)
á«°SÉ«°ùdG πª©dG áæ÷
Political Efficacy
/á«°SÉ«°S á«∏YÉa »°SÉ«°S ÒKCÉJ
hCG ,âjƒ°üàdG ∫ÓN øe »°SÉ«°ùdG ΩɶædG ≈∏Y ÒKCÉà∏d hCG ,á«HÉîàf’G äÓªë∏d äÉYÈàdG AÉ£YEG hCG ,¢VGÎY’G Ö°üæŸ ¬˘°ùØ˘f í˘«˘°Tô˘J ≈˘à˘M hCG äÓ˘ª◊G ≈˘∏˘ Y π˘˘ª˘ ©˘ dG .»°SÉ«°S
56 Political Funding
Political Funding - Politician Distribution and spending of amount of money that political parties can spend on running their election campaigns.
á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G ≈∏Y ¬bÉØfEGh ∫ÉŸG øe ≠∏Ñe ™jRƒJ .á«HÉîàf’G É¡JÓªM IQGOEG ≈∏Y ¬bÉØfEG øμªŸG ~◊G øª°V »°SÉ«°S πjƒ“
The environment in which the campaign will be waged, particularly in reference to the various people involved in politics in the area.
´GƒfCɢH ≥˘∏˘©˘à˘j ɢe ᢰUɢî˘Hh ,á˘∏˘ª◊ɢH á˘£˘«ÙG á˘Ä˘«˘Ñ˘dG »˘gh .á≤£æŸG ‘ »°SÉ«°ùdG πª©dÉH ڪ࡟G ô°ûÑdG øe áØ∏àfl »°SÉ«°S ô¶æe/á«°SÉ«°S á«°VQCG
Right of all adults of either gender to vote; the right to form or participate in activites of political parties; and the right to free, fair, and regular elections for legislative bodies.
,Ú°ùæ÷G ø˘˘ e ,ø˘˘ j~˘˘ °TGô˘˘ ˘dG ≥˘˘ ˘M ‘ ¢ü ˘∏˘ ˘ à˘ ˘ J »˘˘ ˘gh ∑GΰT’G hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G AÉ°ûfEG ≥Mh ;âjƒ°üàdÉH á«©jô°ûàdG äÉÄ«¡∏d ádOÉYh á¡jõf äÉHÉîàfÉH ≥◊Gh ;É¡«a ᪶àæe äÉHÉîàfG ≥jôW øY
A group of people with similar ideas or aims, some of whose members nominate as candidates at elections in the hope that they will be elected to parliament.
±G~gC’Gh QÉμaC’G ‘ ¿ƒ©ªàéj ¢UÉî°TC’G øe áYƒª› ‘ RƒØdÉH kÓeCG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ í°TÎj º¡° ©H ,á∏KɪŸG .¿ÉŸÈdG
Political activity, including meetings, rallies, speeches, demonstrations, parades, other events, and the use of the media, intended to inform the electorate of the platform of a particular political party and to gather support.
,äɢfɢLô˘˘¡˘ eh ,äɢ˘Yɢ˘ª˘ à˘ LG ø˘˘ª˘ ° à˘˘j »˘˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °S •É˘˘°ûf ,iôNCG çG~MCGh ,äÉ°VGô©à°SGh ,äGôgɶeh ,äÉHÉ£Nh èeÉfÈH ÚÑNÉædG ΩÓYEG ¤EG ±~¡J ,ΩÓYE’G ∫ɪ©à°SGh .¬d º¡ªYO ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊Gh øq«©e »°SÉ«°S ÜõM
Political Platform
a document stating the aims and principles of a political party.
.¬FOÉÑeh »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G ±G~gCG RÈJ á≤«Kh
Political Players
Those people involved in politics in the area and who may influence the campaign one way or another.
ôKDƒj ~bh ,á≤£æŸG ‘ á°SÉ«°ùdÉH ºà¡j ¢üî°T πc »æ©j .á∏ª◊G ‘ iôNCÉH hCG á≤jô£H
Political Polling
Scientific, quantitative sociological research based on randomly selected voters used by the campaign to determine the opinions of the voters and used to provide strategic planning information.
ɢ≤˘ah √DhGô˘LEG º˘à˘j »˘ª˘ ch »˘˘Yƒ˘˘°Vƒ˘˘e »˘˘Yɢ˘ª˘ à˘ LG å뢢H á˘∏˘ª◊G ¬˘e~˘î˘à˘°ùJh ,ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘∏˘d á˘∏˘ã‡ ᢫˘FGƒ˘°ûY äÉ˘æ˘«˘ ©˘ d äÉeƒ∏©ŸG Òaƒàd Ω~îà°ùj ɪc ,ÚÑNÉædG AGQBG ~j~ëàd .»é«JGΰS’G §«£îà∏d
Political Rallies
Any kind of public activities or demonstration organized by a political party to support its program or its candidates.
øe ᪠n¶æŸG äGôgɶŸG hCG áeÉ©dG äÉWÉ°ûædG øe ´ƒf …CG .¬«ë°Tôe hCG ¬›ÉfôH ºY~d »°SÉ«°S ÜõM πÑpb
Political Rights
The right of people to participate in the political life of their communities and society such as by voting for their government.
ø˘ª˘°V ᢫˘ °Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG Iɢ˘«◊G ‘ ᢢcQɢ˘°ûŸG ‘ Ö©˘˘°ûdG ≥˘˘M .¬àeƒμ◊ âjƒ°üàdG πãe ,™ªàÛGh º¡JÉYɪL
A person who is running for office or has won an election and is already in office.
ƒg äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ RÉa ¿CG ≥Ñ°S hCG ,Ö°üæŸ í°Tôe q ¢üî°T l .kÉÑ°üæe RÉMh
»°SÉ«°S πjƒ“ Political Landscape
/á«°SÉ«°S á«°VQCG »°SÉ«°S ô¶æe Political Participation
á«°SÉ«°S ácQÉ°ûe
Political Party
»°SÉ«°S ÜõM Political Party Campaign
»°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G á∏ªM
»°SÉ«°S èeÉfôH
¿ƒ«°SÉ«°S ¿ƒÑY’
»°SÉ«°S ´Ó£à°SG
/á«°SÉ«°S äÉfÉLô¡e á«°SÉ«°S äÉ©ªŒ á«°SÉ«°S ¥ƒ≤M Politician
»q °SÉ«°S
Poll - Polling Station Officer
A place where votes are cast; also refers to a survey to assess public opinion or to forecast an election.
Poll Workers
The people dealing directly with the voters.
See Voting.
âjƒ°üJ õcôe/´GÎbG º∏b ´Ó£à°SG hCG ≥jOÉæ°U ~æY ¿ƒ∏eÉY ´GÎb’G ÜÉîàfG/´GÎbG/âjƒ°üJ Polling Center
´GÎb’G õcôe
Building with 2 or more Polling Stations. See Poll.
Polling Day
See Election Day.
´GÎb’G Ωƒj
º««≤àd ôjô≤àdG ¬H ~°ü≤oj ∂dòc ,äGƒ°UC’ÉH A’OEÓd õcôe .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ƒD ÑæàdG hCG ΩÉ©dG …CGôdG .kIô°TÉÑe ÚÑNÉqædG ™e ¿ƒ∏eÉ©àj øjòdG ¢UÉî°TC’G ºg
.ÜÉîàfG ô¶fG .´GÎb’G º∏b ô¶fG .ÌcCG hCG øjõcôà ≈æÑe .»HÉîàf’G Ωƒ«dG/ÜÉîàf’G Ωƒj ô¶fG
A small geographic unit within a constituency, for which a specific number of electors and for which a list of electors is established for one or more polling sites for the purpose of voting on polling day.
~°Uôjo ,á«q HÉîàfG IôFGO øª°V iô¨°U á«q aGô¨L I~Mh »g ÚÑNÉæq dG øe áëF’h ,ÚÑNÉæq dG øe O~q fi O~Y É¡∏LCG øe Ωƒj ‘ âjƒ°üàq dG ±~¡H ,ÌcCG hCG m ´GÎbG õcôà ڣÑJôŸG .ÜÉîàf’G
Polling Official/ Electoral Affairs Officer
Person who works at a polling station on election day. Also known as poll clerk.
äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G Ωƒ˘j ´GÎb’G õ˘cô˘e ‘ π˘ª˘©˘ j …ò˘˘dG Oô˘˘Ø˘ dG .´GÎb’G º∏b ÖJÉμH kÉ° jCG ±hô©ŸG
Polling Place
The particular location where voters go to cast their ballots.
.º¡JGƒ°UCÉH A’OEÓd ¿ƒYÎ≤ŸG ¬éàj å«M ø«q ©ŸG ô≤ŸG
Polling Site
A physical installation where the electors of a polling division can cast their vote. See Polling Division.
Gƒd~«d ,ø«q ©e ´GÎbG º°ùb ƒÑNÉf É¡«dEG ¬Lq ƒàj ICÉ°ûæe »g .´GÎb’G º°ùb ô¶fG .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH
Polling Station
A place where voters go to cast their votes from a particular electoral district.
´GÎbG ‘ º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒÑNÉædG ¬«a ‹~j …òdG ¿ÉμŸG .Ée IôFGO ‘ Ú©e
The polling station assistant signs for the numbered ballot box at their station and the ballot papers on which votes are to be recorded. He conducts polling such as: ballot papers are only issued to persons with a valid matriculation card; prior to issue each ballot paper is stamped with the official stamp; and the matriculation card of each voter is appropriately marked so as to clearly indicate that a vote has been recorded in the election for which a ballot paper has been issued.
¥GQhCG ≈∏Yh ºqbôŸG ´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ≈∏Y AÉ° eE’ÉH Ωƒ≤j ≈∏Y πª©j .äGƒ°UC’G É¡«∏Y πéq °ùà°S »àdG ´GÎb’G äɢ˘jƒ˘˘g Ú∏˘˘eÉ◊G ¢Uɢ˘î˘ °TCÓ˘ d Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ ˘fG ¥GQhCG QG~˘˘ °UEG ábQh ™e É¡àfQÉ≤Ÿ äÉjƒ¡dG √òg ¿h~J q ¿CG ≈∏Y É¡H ±Î©e ¥GQhC’G √òg QG~°UEG πÑb .~©H ɪ«a IQ~°üŸG ÜÉîàf’G .kÉ«ª°SQ É¡ªàîH Ωƒ≤j
Polling Division
âjƒ°üàdG/´GÎb’G º°ùb
»YGÎbG õcôe ‘ ∫hDƒ°ùe »HÉîàfG ¿Éμe ´GÎb’G õcôe ™bƒe âjƒ°üàdG á£fi Polling Station Assistant
/´GÎb’G Öàμe QƒeCÉe ~YÉ°ùe
Polling Station Officer
´GÎb’G Öàμe ∫hDƒ°ùe
Where a voter is blind or affected by other disability that voter may vote accompanied by another registered voter of her/his choice, or that voter may be assisted by a polling station officer.
,äÉgÉY GP hCG (≈ªYCG) ô°üÑdG ~bÉa ÖpîàæŸG ¿ƒμj Ée~æY √~˘Yɢ°ùj hCG √Qɢ«˘à˘NG ø˘e π˘é˘°ùe ÖNɢ˘f ¬˘˘à˘ ≤˘ aGôÃ Ωƒ˘˘≤˘ j .´GÎb’G Öàμe ∫hDƒ°ùe
58 Poll-S Site Internet Voting
´GÎbÓd âfÎfE’G ™bƒe
Poll-S Site Internet Voting - Precinct Captain An election in which Internet voting stations are made available at conventional poll-sites where access and security are controlled as they are today. These could also include schools and libraries where Internet access is already available.
´GÎbG õcGôe ‘ âfÎf’G ÈY ´GÎb’G ™bGƒe πμ°ûoJ πμ°ûH ¿Gôaƒàe øeC’Gh É¡«dEG ∫ƒN~dG ¿CG å«M áaƒdCÉe ¢SQG~ŸG ‘ ɢ˘gÒaƒ˘˘J kɢ ° jCG ø˘˘μÁ .Ωƒ˘˘«˘ dG ɢ˘ª˘ c •ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ ˘° e .Ó°UCG ôaƒàe âfÎf’G ∫ɪ©à°SG å«M äÉÑàμŸGh
™∏£à°ùe/mâØàn °ùe
A person or company that researches public opinion.
.áeÉY á«° b ‘ Qƒ¡ª÷G …CGQ ™∏£à°ùj ácô°T hCG ¢üî°T
Popular Vote
The vote that is actually cast by each individual citizen in an election.
IÎa ∫Ó˘˘ N Oô˘˘ a ø˘˘ WGƒ˘˘ e π˘˘ c ø˘˘ ˘e ¬˘˘ ˘H ¤~oŸG äƒ˘˘ ˘°üdG .äÉHÉîàf’G
Postal Vote/ Voting By Mail
Postal voting is another way of casting a vote during an election and is available to registered electors on request, in some countries; some other countries have special requirements to allow postal voting, like handicap or other specified reasons. Instead of going to a polling station the ballot paper is sent direct to the address of the voter's choice. The voter marks his choice an send the ballot to a specified Election Office.
ÚÑNÉæ∏d Iôaƒàe »gh ∂Jƒ°üH A’OEÓd iôNCG á≤jôW »g ¿G~∏H ‘ ÉeCG ;¿G~∏ÑdG ¢ ©H ‘ ,Ö∏£dG ~æY Ú∏éq °ùŸG âjƒ˘°üà˘dɢH ìɢª˘°ù∏˘d ᢰUɢN äÉ˘Ñ˘∏˘£˘à˘e ɢ¡˘j~˘∏˘ a ,iô˘˘NCG ¢VƒY .áæ«q ©e iôNCG ÜÉÑ°SCG hCG ábÉYE’G É¡æe ,…~jÈdG Iô°TÉÑe ´GÎb’G ábQh π°SôJ ,´GÎbG õcôe ¤EG ÜÉgòdG IQÉ°TEG ÖNÉædG ™° j .ÖNÉædG ¬æ«q ©j …òdG ¿Gƒæ©dG ¤EG .¢UÉN ´GÎbG Öàμe ¤EG ábQƒdG π°Sôjh √QÉ«àNG ≈∏Y
Large signs with the candidate’s name on them and the office they are seeking which can be put in windows and on poles. Posters are good for increasing name recognition of the candidate and reminding people to vote. See Visibility.
,»HÉîàf’G ~©≤ŸGh í°TôŸG º°SG øª° àJ IÒÑc äÉeÓY .Qƒ˘æ˘dG I~˘ª˘YCG hCG ò˘˘aGƒ˘˘æ˘ dG êɢ˘LR ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ɢ˘¡˘ ©˘ °Vh ø˘˘μÁh í°TôŸG º°SG ≈∏Y ±ô©àdG ¢Uôa áØYÉ° Ÿ I~«L äÉ≤°ü∏ŸG .äÉ«FôŸG ô¶fG .´GÎb’G Ωƒ«H ÚÑNÉædG ÒcòJh
A possible person who backs a politician or a political party etc.
kɢHõ˘M hCG kɢq«˘°Sɢ«˘ °S kɢ ë˘ °Tô˘ q ˘e º˘˘Y~˘˘j ¿CG π˘˘ª˘ à˘ ë˘ j ¢üî˘ l ˘°T ...ïdEG ,kÉq«°SÉ«°S
Power sharing arrangements are a potential means of solving selfdetermination disputes. They aim to promote practices and institutions, which, in one way or another, aim to satisfy all major ethnic groups in society. In this way such arrangements attempt to reconcile the potentially divisive principles of self-determination and democracy in ethnically divided states.
±~¡dG .»JGòdG ~j~ëàdG äÉYGõf π◊ áæμ‡ á≤jôW »g äÉYƒªÛG äÉeɪàgÉH »ØJ »àdG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG õjõ©J É¡æe ᪰ù≤ŸG q AiOÉÑŸG ÚH ìÓ°U’G É¡fCÉ°T øe kÉ° jCGh .á«bô©dG .kÉ«bôY ᪰ù≤ŸG q äÉj’ƒdG ‘ á«WGô≤Á~dGh IOGQE’G ájôM ‘
The smallest district in relation to elections. Cities and counties are divided into precinct polling districts.
IôFG~∏d ¿ƒμj ÉÑdÉZh .äÉHÉîàf’ÉH ≥∏©àJ IôFGO ô¨°UCG »gh ᪰ù≤e q äÉ©WÉ≤ŸGh º°UGƒ©dG ¿ƒμJh .~MGh ´GÎbG õcôe .á«HÉîàfG ôFGhO ¤EG
Precinct Captain
An individual responsible for organizing the party activity, voter contact program and Election Day operation in a particular precinct. Sometimes these people are volunteers and sometimes they are elected. See Precinct.
èeÉfôHh ,Üõ◊G •É°ûf º«¶æJ øY ∫hDƒ°ùŸG ¢üî°ûdG ƒgh .áæ«q ©e IôFGO ‘ á«HÉîàf’G á«∏ª©dGh ,ÖNÉædÉH ∫É°üJ’G øμÁh ,kÉYƒ£àe ¿ƒμj ¿CG ¢üî°ûdG Gò¡d øμÁ ÉfÉ«MCG .á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG ô¶fG .∂dòd ¬HÉîàfG
»Ñ©°T âjƒ°üJ
~jÈdÉH/…~jôH ´GÎbG
Potential Supporter
πªàfi ~qjƒD e Power Sharing
á£∏°ùdG º°SÉ≤J
á«HÉîàfG IôFGO
á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG ÏHÉc
59 Precinct Information
IôFGO øY äÉeƒ∏©e á«HÉîàfG Preference Count
»∏«° ØJ Rôa
Preferential Distribution
»∏«° ØJ ™jRƒJ Preferential Voting
»∏«° ØJ ´GÎbG Preliminary Election
ájq ~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG Preliminary List of Electors
ÚYÎ≤ŸG áëF’ ájq ~«¡ªàq dG
Preliminary Result
áj~«¡“ áé«àf Pre-sselection
≥Ñ°ùe QÉ«àNG
Preset Events
᪶æe áeq ÉY äÉÑ°SÉæe /äÉYɪàLG/É≤Ñ°ùe á≤Ñ°ùe áeÉY äÉYɪàLG
Precinct Information - Preset Events Whatever information can be gathered about a particular precinct, such as voter list, turnout from the last election, and returns from the last election.
:πãe ,áæ«©e á«HÉîàfG IôFGO øY É¡©ªL ºàj äÉeƒ∏©e …CG á≤HÉ°ùdG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ ÚYÎ≤ŸG ‹ÉªLEGh ÚÑNÉædG áªFÉb .≥HÉ°ùdG ÜÉîàf’G øe äGƒ°UC’G á∏«°üMh
An indicative sort and count of votes following the primary vote count. The primary vote count and national distribution of preferences are both conducted at the polling booth once polling has closed.
qºàJh .∫hCq ’G ÉgRôa ƒ∏àj äGƒ°UCÓd Rôah ‹’O ∞«æ°üJ ‘ ,äÉq«∏° aCÓd ™jRƒqàdGh ,q‹hC’G äGƒ°UC’G Rôa Éàq«∏ªY .âjƒ°üqàdG ÜÉH ¥ÓZEG ~©H ´GÎb’G IÒéM
A system in which votes counted are used to redistribute the preferences of the electors to establish a winner (in alternative vote and single non transferable vote systems).
™jRƒJ IOÉYE’ ÉgRôa q” »àdG äGƒ°UC’G ≈∏Y ~ªà©j Ωɶf ƒg »eɶf ‘) õFÉa øY ¿ÓYE’G ±~¡H ,ÚÑNÉqædG äÓ«° ØJ .(Ò«éqà∏d πHÉ≤dG ÒZ q…OôØdG ´GÎb’Gh ,πj~ÑdG ´GÎb’G
See Alternative Vote.
.πj~H âjƒ°üJ ô¶fGoC
Election prior to general election in which no party affiliation is used, and conducted to reduce the number of candidates.
πéq °ùoj ’ ,áqeÉ©dG äÉHÉîàf’G πÑb …ôŒ äÉHÉîàfG »g .Úë°TôŸG q O~Y ¢ü«∏≤J É¡a~gh ,ÜõM q…’C ÜÉ°ùàfG É¡«a
Lists of electors for which the data is gathered by enumerators or at registration centres, normally done on the basis of a small geographic unit during or immediately preceding the election period. Provides a list of electors that ensures that voters are able to confirm that they are duly registered to vote in the next or pending electoral event.
≈∏Y ¿ƒªFÉ≤dG º¡pJÉfÉ«H ™ªéj øjòdG ÚYÎ≤ŸG áëF’ »g á«q aGô¨L mI~Mh ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y ,π«é°ùàq dG õcGôe hCG OG~©àq dG .kIô°TÉÑe É¡∏Ñb hCG äÉHÉîàf’G IÎa ∫ÓN ,kIOÉY IÒ¨°U q¿CG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æq ˘ dG ~˘˘«˘ cCɢ J ÚYÎ≤ŸG á˘˘ë˘ ˘F’ ø˘˘ ª˘ ˘° Jh Gƒæqμªàj »c ,Öéj ɪc äÓé°ùdG q ‘ áLQ~e ºgAɪ°SCG .á«q dÉ◊G hCG á∏Ñ≤ŸG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ âjƒ°üàq dG øe
Result that precedes or is introductory or preparatory. Coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else.
IOÉY »JCÉJ ,ájÒ° ëàdG hCG ,áj~«¡ªàdG hCG ,á≤Ñ°ùŸG áé«àædG .á≤M’ èFÉàæd áe~≤ªc
The preselection process encompasses the setting up of a pre-selection panel, the assessment of candidates, interviews with candidates and the setting up of a so-called “briefing” report by the preselection panel.
»ë°Tôe áYƒª› π«μ°ûJ ¬«ë°TôŸ Üõ◊G QÉ«àNG πª°ûj πª©dGh ,º¡à∏HÉ≤eh Úë°TôŸG º««≤Jh ,QÉ«àN’G πÑb Ée .áYƒªÛG √òg πÑpb øe ''õLƒe'' ôjô≤J ≈∏Y
Any event or large grouping of voters organized outside the campaign, where the campaign can go and meet voters. These can be parades, conventions, or debates. These are often outside the control of the campaign. See Created Events.
¬ª«¶æJ ºàj ÚÑNÉæ∏d ÒÑc ~°ûM hCG ç~M …CG »æ©Jh á˘∏˘Hɢ≤˘eh Qƒ˘° ◊G á˘∏˘ª˘ë˘ ∏˘ d ø˘˘μÁ å«˘˘M .ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G êQɢ˘N áeÉ©dG äGô“DƒŸGh áeÉ©dG äÉ©ªéàdG qº° J »gh .ÚÑNÉædG Iô£«°S êQÉN ÖdɨdG ‘ É¡©«ªL »gh IôXÉæŸG äÉÑ∏Mh .äÉÑ°SÉæŸG ≥∏N ô¶fG .á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G
60 Press
ΩÓYEGh áaÉë°U Press Conference
‘Éë°U ô“Dƒe Press Packet
á«eÓYEG á¶aÉM
Press Q&A
áHƒLCGh á∏Ä°SCG :áaÉë°üdG Press Release
/»Øë°U ÆÓH ¿É«H Press Secretary
áaÉë°üdG ÒJôμ°S Primary
á«dhCG äÉHÉîàfG
Primary Elections
/á«dhCG äÉHÉîàfG áj~«¡“ äÉHÉîàfG
Press - Primary Elections Anyone working for a mass media organization and who is writing or otherwise commenting on the election campaign.
ΩÓYE’Gh áaÉë°üdG ƒY~Jh á∏ª◊G ¬d §£îJ ç~M …CG á«° b øY hCG á∏ªM øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ≈∏Y ´ÓW’G áMÉJE’ .áæ«©e
An event planned by the campaign to which the press is invited with the purpose to providing information about the campaign or on a particular issue.
¬˘«˘dEG ≈˘Y~˘oj ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘∏˘ª◊G π˘Ñ˘pb ø˘e §˘£fl ç~˘˘M ∫ƒM hCG á∏ª◊G ∫ƒM äÉeƒ∏©Ã ºg~jhõàd ¿ƒq«aÉë°üdG .áæ«©e á«° b
A pack of information developed by the campaign and giving to the press to provide them with more information about the candidate and the campaign. A press packet often includes a candidate biography, a photo of the candidate, a copy of the press release announcing their candidacy or the speech, press releases outlining various position papers, copies of good press the campaign has received, and copies of campaign literature.
ɢ¡˘e~˘≤˘Jh á˘∏˘ª◊G ɢgQƒ˘£˘J ,äɢeƒ˘∏˘©ŸG ø˘˘e ᢢ¶˘ aɢ˘M »˘˘gh øª° àJh .í°TôŸG øY ÌcCG äÉeƒ∏©e áMÉJE’ áaÉë°ü∏d ¬˘˘JQƒ˘˘°Uh í˘˘°TôŸG IÒ°S Ödɢ˘¨˘ dG ‘ ᢢ«˘ eÓ˘˘YE’G ᢢ¶˘ aÉ◊G hCG Ö£ÿG hCG ¬ë«°TôJ øY ø∏©J »Øë°üdG ¿É«Ñ∏d áî°ùfh ∞bGƒŸG ∫ƒM åëÑdG ¥GQhCG áë°Vƒe u á«aÉë°üdG äÉfÉ«ÑdG á∏ª◊G É¡J~YCG »àdG I~«÷G á«eÓY’G á«£¨à∏d ï°ùf ™e .á∏ª◊G äÉ«HOCG øe ï°ùfh
An opportunity for the press to ask the candidate questions and receive answers.
äÉHÉLE’G »≤∏Jh á∏Ä°SC’G ¬«Lƒàd áaÉë°ü∏d á°Uôa »gh .í°TôŸG øe
Information provided by the campaign to reporters and others in the mass media presenting the candidates position on a particular issue or event. Press releases are often written in the form of a news story.
hCG Ú∏˘°SGô˘ª˘∏˘d á˘∏˘ª◊G ɢ¡˘ ë˘ «˘ à˘ J »˘˘à˘ dG äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©ŸG »˘˘gh Ée á«° b øY í°TôŸG ∞bƒe í°VƒJ ,ΩÓYE’G ‘ Ú∏eÉ©dG ᨫ°U ‘ ÉÑdÉZ á«Øë°üdG äÉZÓÑdG ÖàμJh ,ç~M hCG .ájÈN á°üb
This is the individual in the campaign organization responsible for dealing with the mass media. See Mass Media and Press.
.ΩÓYE’G ™e πeÉ©àdG øY ∫hDƒ°ùe á∏ª◊G øe ¢üî°T ƒgh .áaÉë°üdGh ΩÓYE’G ô¶fG
Essentially, a “nominating election.” In a presidential primary, the voters express a choice among competing presidential contenders. In the general election, the final choice of office-holder is determined. Party affiliations are used.
äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ ˘fG ‘ .''á«ë«°TÎdG äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G'' ƒ˘˘ g ɢ˘ °Sɢ˘ °SCG p Ú°ùaÉæàŸG ÚH ºgQÉ«N øY ¿ƒYp Î≤ŸG ôqÑ©j á«dhCq ’G á°SÉFôdG πμ°ûH QÉ«àN’G Qnô≤oj ,áeÉ©dG äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ .Ú«°SÉFôdG .Éæg á∏ª©à°ùe ÜGõMC’G ¤EG äÉHÉ°ùàf’G .»FÉ¡f
Primary election is the term used in many countries for the elections which will select the two parties presidential nomination. When the primary elections start in a specific month of election year then it is called the “primary season”. See Primary.
ɢ¡˘dÓ˘N ø˘e ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG Ú©˘j ᢫˘∏˘ NGO ᢢ«˘ dhCG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG GC ~ÑJ Ée~æY .äÉHÉîàf’G QɪZ ¢Vƒÿ Üõ◊G »ë°Tôe Üɢî˘à˘f’G ΩɢY ø˘e Ú©˘e ô˘¡˘°T ‘ ᢫˘dhC’G äɢHɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G .''‹hCq G π°üa'' ≈ª°ùoj É¡æ«M
Print Media - Provisional Vote
Print Media
Print media are independent newspapers and magazines or any other part of the mass media using the written word and/or still pictures, as opposed to the electronic media that use the spoken word and/or video. See Electronic Media and Mass Media.
øe πμ°T …CG hCG ,á∏≤à°ùŸG äÓÛGh ∞ë°üdG »æ©jh IQƒ˘°üdG hCG á˘ª˘∏˘μ˘dG Ω~˘˘î˘ à˘ °ùj …ò˘˘dG ,ΩÓ˘˘YE’G ∫ɢ˘μ˘ °TCG …òdG ,ÊhÎμd’G ΩÓYE’G ÚHh ¬æ«H ≥jôØà∏d ,I~eÉ÷G ΩÓYE’G ô¶fG .ƒj~˘«˘Ø˘dG hCG á˘Yƒ˘ª˘°ùŸG á˘ª˘∏˘μ˘dG Ω~˘î˘à˘°ùj .ΩÓYE’G hCG ÊhÎμdE’G
Is the ability of a person to control the availability of information about and exposure of him- or herself.
¬H á≤∏©àŸG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ≈∏Y Iô£«°ùdG ‘ ¢üî°ûdG IQ~b .É¡æY ∞°ûμdG hCG ¬dhÉæàe ‘ »àdGh
Private Sector
Refers to any non-governmental activity or sphere of control.
.ádh~dG ¥É£f êQÉN hCG »eƒμM ÒZ •É°ûf …CG ¬H ~°ü≤oj
Proactive Campaign
A campaign that has a strategy and a written plan to carry that strategy out. This campaign sets the agenda in the election and knows what to expect from their opponents. See Reactive Campaign.
∂∏J ≥«≤ëàd á£Nh á«é«JGΰSG É¡d »àdG á∏ª◊G »gh ɢ˘¡˘ dɢ˘ª˘ YCG ∫h~˘˘L ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G √ò˘˘ g ™˘˘ ° J ,ᢢ «˘ ˘é˘ ˘«˘ ˘JGΰS’G .Ú°ùaÉæŸG øe É¡¡LGƒ«°S Ée ÉeÉ“ ∑Q~Jh äÉHÉîàfÓd .á∏©ØæŸG á∏ª◊G ô¶fG
See Adjudication.
/äÉYRÉæŸG ‘ π°üØdG QGôb /(áªμfi) ºμM ô¶fG á©LGôŸG á«dBG
/´ƒÑ£e ΩÓYEG Ahô≤e
á«°Uƒ°üN ¢UÉN ´É£b
á«bÉÑà°SGh á∏YÉa á∏ªM
/™FÉbh /äGAGôLEG/iƒYO /ä’hG~e/(´ÉªàLG) ô° fi iƒY~dG Ò°S Program
èeÉfôH Proportional
Proportional Representation
»Ñ°ùf Ωɶf/»Ñ°ùf π«ã“ Protest Vote
/¢VQÉ©e âjƒ°üJ »LÉéàMG âjƒ°üJ Protocol
∫ƒcƒJhôH Provisional Vote
/»àbh /âbDƒe 䃰U âsbƒD e ´GÎbG /»WÉ«àMG
The candidate or party’s program is what they say they will do concerning various issues important to the voters. A program is not a message. See Message and Platform.
I~Y √ÉŒ ¬∏ª©«°S Ée ÚÑj ,í°TôŸG hCG Üõ◊G èeÉfôH ƒgh ô˘¶˘fG .á˘dɢ°SQ ¢ù«˘˘d è˘˘eɢ˘fÈdGh .ÖNɢ˘æ˘ ∏˘ d ᢢª˘ ¡˘ e ɢ˘jɢ˘° b .»HÉîàf’G èeÉfÈdGh ádÉ°SôdG
Properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics.
hCG ,ºé◊G ™e áÑ°SÉæàe ábÓY ¬d ,áª∏μ∏d ≥«° dG ≈æ©ŸÉH .¢SÉ«≤∏d á∏HÉb äÉØ°U …CG hCG ,áLQ~dG
Parties having representation in a legislature in proportion to the number of their voters in the election.
ÜGõMC’G πμd π«ãªàdG ¿Éª°V ¤EG ±~¡j »HÉîàfG Ωɶf »àdG äGƒ°UC’G áÑ°ùf ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG πNGO .ÜõM πc É¡«∏Y π°üM
A vote for a third party candidate (who is not likely to win) that is meant to show displeasure with the mainstream candidates or parties.
ød ¬qfGC h~Ñj) ådÉK mÜõM øe í°Tôe q áë∏°üŸ âjƒ°üJ ƒg Ú뢢°TôŸG q ø˘˘e kAɢ˘«˘ à˘ °SG ¢ùμ˘˘©˘ jh ,(ìɢ˘é˘ ˘qæ˘ ˘dɢ˘ H π˘˘ s∏˘ ˘μ˘ ˘oj .I~FÉ°ùdG q ÜGõMC’G hCG øjô£«°ùŸG
A code of correct conduct related to the procedures of an Election.
See Tendered Ballot.
.äÉHÉîàf’ÉH á°UÉÿG q äGAGôL’ÉH §ÑJôe πªY ¥Éã«e .É¡àë°üd áÑ°ùædÉH ¢SQ~dG ~«b âjƒ°üJ ábQh ô¶fG
Proxy - Punch-C Card Voting
.»HõM ~ªà©e/»HõM π«ch ô¶fG
See Party Agent.
Of or having to do with the people as a whole.
Public Funding/ Public Financing
Funds provided by the government to reimburse expenses incurred by candidates and political parties to seek election.
,ÜGõMC’Gh á°SÉFôdG »ë°Tôe ∫hÉæàe ‘ ΩÉ©dG πjƒªàdG ¿ƒμj .ÜÉîàf’G äÉ≤Øf ¢ jƒ©àd ∂dPh ,áeƒμ◊G πÑpb øe
Session at which citizens present their views on a specific matter to a government body.
á˘Ä˘ «˘ ¡˘ dG ¤EG º˘˘gAGQBG ¿ƒ˘˘æ˘ WGƒŸG ɢ˘¡˘ «˘ a Ω~q ˘ ≤˘ j ᢢ°ù∏˘˘L »˘˘g .áæ«q ©e á«q ° b ∫ƒM á«q eƒμ◊G
Making sure that voters who support the candidate go to the polls and vote for the candidate on Election Day. The campaign should do everything short of “pulling” the voters to the polls. Generally only supporters who have been identified previously are encouraged to vote, except in areas of extreme support. See GOTV and Blind Pull.
¤EG í°Tôª∏d øj~jDƒŸG ÚÑNÉædG ÜÉgP øe ~qcÉC àdG »æ©Jh º˘˘ ¡˘ ˘JGƒ˘˘ °UCɢ ˘H A’OEÓ˘ ˘d O~ÙG Ωƒ˘˘ «˘ ˘dG ‘ ´GÎb’G õ˘˘ ˘cGô˘˘ ˘e ''Öë°ùd'' A»°T πc πª©J ¿CG á∏ªë∏d »¨Ñæjh .í°Tôª∏d »˘¨˘Ñ˘æ˘j ,Ωƒ˘ª˘©˘dG ≈˘∏˘ Yh .´GÎb’G õ˘˘cGô˘˘e ¤EG ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG ÜÉgòdÉH kÉ≤HÉ°S ºg~j~– ” øjòdG øj~jDƒŸG §≤a ™«é°ûJ .≥∏£ŸG ~«jCÉàdG É¡«a ôaƒàj »àdG ≥WÉæŸG G~Y âjƒ°üàdG ¤EG Öë°ùdGh âjƒ°üàdG ™«é°ûJ /∂Jƒ°U íæeG ô¶fG .≈ªYC’G
Punch-C Card Voting
With punch card ballots, voters create holes in prepared ballot cards to indicate their choices.
.√QÉ«àNG ~j~ëàd ÖNÉædG É¡Ñ≤ãj ábQƒdG √òg ∫ɪ©à°SG ~æY
Üõ◊G πã‡/¢VƒØe q Ωq ÉY
»eƒμM/qΩÉY πjƒ“ Public Hearing
áqeÉY ´Éªà°SG á°ù∏L Öë°S
´GÎb’G ábQh Ö≤ãH ´GÎbG
.πq μc Ö©°ûdÉH ábÓY ¬d Ée
áHƒLCGh á∏Ä°SCG Qualification
Quick Count Results
™jô°ùdG q RôØdG èFÉàf Quota
/á≤Ñ°ùŸG ¢ü°ü◊G Ωɶf ÉJƒc/á«Ñ°ùf ¢ü°üM
Q&A - Quota
Questions and Answers. See Press Q&A.
.áHƒLCGh á∏Ä°SCG :áaÉë°üdG ô¶fG .ÜGƒ÷Gh ∫GDƒ°ùdG »gh
The qualities that are in a person and that might qualify him/her in the process of demonstrating whether he /she is capable of fulfilling specified requirements to run for elections, or to register to vote in an election...
Ö°üæŸ í«°TÎdG Ë~≤àd ¢üî°ûdG πgDƒJ »àdG äÉØ°üdG í˘FGƒ˘∏˘dG ‘ π˘«˘é˘°ùà˘˘∏˘ d ᢢjQhô˘˘° dG •hô˘˘°ûdG -»˘˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ fG .âjƒ°üàdG ≥M ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d á«HÉîàf’G
Results obtained through a quick count process used where the collation of the overall results can take a lengthy period.
Ée~æY Ω~îà°ùJh ,™jô°S Rôa áq«∏ªY øY á«qJÉC àŸG èFÉàqædG »g .kÓjƒW kÉàbh ¥ô¨à°ùJ áq«dɪLE’G èFÉàqædG ¿ƒμJ
A number or percentage, especially of a certain gender or ethnic group or minority or unprivileged people, constituting a required or targeted minimum so that the targeted groups fill the assigned number of seats.
äɢYƒ˘ªÛG hCG »˘°ùæ÷G ´ƒ˘˘æ˘ dG ø˘˘e Ó˘˘ã˘ e ,á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùf hCG O~˘˘Y π˘˘bC’G ~◊G π˘˘μ˘ °ûj ,ÚehôÙG hCG äɢ˘«˘ ∏˘ bC’G hCG ᢢ«˘ æ˘ ˘K’G ~YÉ≤ŸG áa~¡à°ùŸG áYƒªÛG ÓC ªàd ±~¡à°ùŸGh ܃∏£ŸG .O~©dG IO~ÙG á«HÉîàf’G
Race - Referendum
An election campaign is often compared to a running race in which candidates “run for office.” See Running for Office.
≥HÉ°ùàj å«M ,¥ÉÑ°ùdÉH ÉÑdÉZ á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ¿QÉ≤J .äÉHÉîàf’G ¢VƒN Ö≤Y »HÉîàfG ~©≤à RƒØ∏d ¿ƒë°TôŸG .í°TÎdG/~©≤ª∏d »°ùaÉæàdG ¥ÉÑ°ùdG ô¶fG q
Formal approval by voters or other persons of proposed policies, laws, or decisions.
ᢰSɢ«˘°ùd º˘gÒZ hCG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG π˘Ñ˘pb ø˘e ᢫˘ ª˘ °SQ ᢢ≤˘ aGƒ˘˘e .äGQGôb hCG ,ÚfGƒb hCG ,áMÎ≤e
Reactive Campaign
A campaign that spends its resources responding to the political landscape and what happens during the campaign. This is a campaign that lacks a plan, is always behind and cannot set the agenda. See Proactive Campaign.
á«°VQC’G ‘ OhOô∏d ÉgOQGƒe ~Øæà°ùJ »àdG á∏ª◊G »g √òg .á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ∫ÓN ç~ëj Ée hCG ,á«°SÉ«°ùdG IôqNÉC àe kɪFGO ¿ƒμJh ,§«£îàdG ¤EG ô≤àØJ »àdG á∏ª◊G .∫ɪYCG ∫h~L ™°Vh É¡©°SƒH ¢ù«dh .á«bÉÑà°SGh á∏YÉa á∏ªM ô¶fG
A recheck is a normal procedure undertaken by an election manager before a preference count is conducted. All ballot papers are re-examined and counted again. Scrutineers are entitled to be present and should be aware of any corrected figures before a preference count is commenced. (This term should not be confused with the term “Recount”).
ôj~e πÑpb øe …OÉY ôeCG á©LGôŸG IOÉYEG á«∏ªY ¿ƒμJ πc ¢üë˘Ø˘oJ .»˘∏˘«˘° Ø˘à˘dG ~˘©˘dG AGô˘LEG π˘Ñ˘b äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G kɪ∏Y ¿hòNCÉjh ¿ƒ≤qb~ŸG ô° ëj .Égq~Y OÉ©ojh ká«fÉK ¥GQhC’G ~˘©˘ dɢ˘H A~˘˘Ñ˘ dG π˘˘Ñ˘ b Dhô˘˘£˘ J (ᢢ«˘ ª˘ bQ) äɢ˘ë˘ «˘ ë˘ °üJ …Cɢ H Rôa IOÉYEG IQÉÑ©H IQÉÑ©dG √òg §∏N Rƒéj ’ .»∏«° ØàdG .äGƒ°UC’G
A second or further count of votes in an election.
RôØdG èFÉàf âfÉc GPEG á°UÉN ,á«aÉ°VEG äGƒ°UCG Rôa á«∏ªY .áHQÉ≤àe ∫hC’G
A new arrangement of the electoral divisions in a state or territory with the result that the boundaries of some existing divisions are changed.
~©H á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG Oh~M í«ë°üJ hCG ~j~– IOÉYEG äGÒ«¨àdG ôFGh~dG ¢ùμ©J »μd ¿Éμ°ù∏d AÉ°üMEÉH ΩÉ«≤dG ¿É÷ ¤EG ᢢ«˘ ∏˘ ª˘ ©˘ dG √ò˘˘g ~˘˘¡˘ ©˘ J .ᢢ∏˘ ˘°UÉ◊G ᢢ «˘ ˘fɢ˘ μ˘ ˘°ùdG ¤EG ´Éªà°SÓd äÉ°ù∏L ≈∏Y ô¡°ùJ á∏≤à°ùe á°ü°üîàe .á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG §FGôN áZÉ«°U ~«©Jh Ú°üàıG
The process by which individual states redraw district boundaries to adjust for changes in the population.
Oh~M πj~©J IOÉYEG á«∏ª©H IOôØæŸG äÉj’ƒdG ¢ ©H Ωƒ≤J äGÒ«˘¨˘ à˘ dG ™˘˘e ∞˘˘«˘ μ˘ à˘ à˘ d ∂dPh ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ô˘˘FGh~˘˘dG .¿Éμ°ù∏d »ª°SôdG AÉ°üM’G Ö°ùM á«fÉμ°ùdG
The redrawing of electoral boundaries to ensure that there are, as near as possible, equal numbers of voters in each electorate.
ÚÑ˘Nɢf O~˘Y ¿É˘ª˘ ° d ᢢ«˘ Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G Oh~◊G ~˘˘j~– IOɢ˘YEG .IôFGO πc ‘ ,¿Éμe’G Q~b ≈∏Y ,mhÉ°ùàe
The legal process of submitting to the voters for their approval or rejection of proposed state of local laws or constitutional amendments.
ìGÎbG ∫ƒÑ≤H âjƒ°üàdG ≥jôW øY ÚæWGƒŸG IQÉ°ûà°SG IQÉ°ûà°S’ AÉàØà°S’G ¤EG áeƒμ◊G ÉC é∏J .¬° aQ hCG O~fi ìGÎbG ¢ aQ hCG ,ìGÎbG hCG ,áæ«©e á«° b ∫ƒM ÚæWGƒŸG .…Qƒà°SO πj~©J hCG »∏fi ¿ƒfÉb
ΩÈe/¬«∏Y ¥~q °üe á∏©Øæe á∏ªM
ôFGh~dG ™«£≤J IOÉYEG ™jRƒJ IOÉYEG /á«HÉîàf’G
/á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG πj~©J á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG º°SQ IOÉYEG Redivision
º«°ù≤J IOÉYEG Referendum
Register of Electors - Representative Democracy
Register of Electors
It is a database of citizens who are qualified to vote. It contains basic information about each person - name, address, sex and date of birth.
…ƒàëj .âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒŸG ÚæWGƒŸG äÉfÉ«H I~YÉb ƒg ,¿Gƒæ©dGh ,º°S’Éc ,Oôa πc øY á«°SÉ°SCG äÉeƒ∏©e ≈∏Y .IO’ƒdG ïjQÉJh ,¢ùæ÷Gh
Registered Political Party
In order for a political party to become registered it should submit its legal papers to the government. Once the information on the application is verified and accepted, the party becomes eligible to be registered.
ÖLƒàj ,π«é°ùàdG øe »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G øμªàj »μd √òg øe ~cCÉàdG ~©H .áeƒμë∏d ᫪°SôdG ¬bGQhCG Ë~≤J ¬«∏Y .Üõ◊G π«é°ùJ ºàj ,É¡dƒÑbh ¥GQhC’G
Registering the names of eligible electors and relevant information on a list of electors.
‘ º¡æY äÉeƒ∏©ŸGh ÚÑNÉædG π«é°ùJ hCG ~««≤J á«∏ªY .âjƒ°üà∏d Ú∏gDƒe GƒëÑ°ü«d á«HÉîàf’G íFGƒ∏dG
Registration Center
A setting where registration takes place in a face-to-face setting.
.¬Lƒd kÉ¡Lh π«é°ùqàdG ¬«a …ôéj ¿Éμe ƒg
Registration of Parties and Candidates
The act of enrolling political parties and candidates to participate in the elections, on the basis of eligibility criteria and submitted signatures and deposits.
ácQÉ°ûª∏d Úë°TôŸGh á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMC’G π«é°ùJ øμªoj º¡JGAÉ° eEG º«∏°ùJh º¡JÓgDƒe ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y äÉHÉîàf’ÉH .º¡JÉYG~jEGh
Registration of Voters
The act of entering voters in the voters lists. Also known as Enrolment.
/ÚÑNÉædG qπé°S Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd
πqé°ùe »°SÉ«°S ÜõM Registration
‘ π«é°ùàdG/~««≤àdG á«HÉîàf’G íFGƒ∏dG ~«≤dG/π«é°ùqàdG õcôe ÜGõMC’G π«é°ùJ Úë°TôŸGh
ÚÑNÉædG π«é°ùJ Rejected Ballot
.íFGƒ∏dG ‘ ÚÑNÉædG Aɪ°SCG êGQOEG ≈∏Y πª©dG ƒg
A rejected ballot is one that has made its way into the ballot box but has been rejected because it was improperly marked, or was not marked at all when a mark was required. The most common criteria to reject a ballot are: ballot with no mark; ballot with mark for more than one candidate/political party/option when only one was supposed to be chosen; ballot marked with a type of pen or pencil other than the one provided at the polling station; unofficial mark according to the law; unusual marks; ballot marked so the voter could be identified; or ballot marked in a location prohibited by legislation (outside the circle, etc...).
´GÎb’G ¥h~æ°U ‘ â©°Vho ~b ¿ƒμJ »àdG ábQƒdG »g ≈∏Y º°SƒJ n ⁄ hCG ÉC £N á≤jô£H ⪰Sho É¡fC’ â° aQo øμdh ÒZ ábQh :»g ábQh ¢ aôd á©FÉ°ûdG ÜÉÑ°SC’G .¥ÓW’G ɪæ«H ÜõM hCG í°Tôe øe ÌcC’ áeƒ°Sƒe ábQh ;áeƒ°Sƒe ;ÖLGƒ˘˘dG ƒ˘˘g ~˘˘ MGh Üõ˘˘ M hCG ~˘˘ MGh í˘˘ °Tô˘˘ e Qɢ˘ «˘ ˘à˘ ˘NG ;ábQƒdG º°Sƒd ≈£©oŸG »°SÉ°SC’G º∏≤dG ÒZ º∏b ∫ɪ©à°SG ÒZ áeÓY ;´GÎb’G õcôŸ áÑ°ùædÉH ᫪°SQ ÒZ áeÓY áaô©e øμªjo πμ°ûH áeÓY É¡«∏Y â©°Vho ábQh ;ájOÉY É¡H ±Î©ŸG IôFG~dG êQÉN áeƒ°Sƒe ábQh hCG ;É¡æe ÖNÉædG .äÉHÉîàfÓd
Remote Internet Voting
The ability to vote from anywhere an internet connection is available, such as home or office.
hCG â«ÑdÉc Iôaƒàe âfÎfEG áμÑ°T …CG øe âjƒ°üàdG IQ~b .ÖàμŸG
Representative Democracy
A government in which the adult citizens of the country vote to elect the country’s leaders. These elected leaders make the governmental decisions.
Gƒ¨∏H øjòdG ádhq~dG ƒæWGƒe É¡«∏Y ´Î≤j áeƒμëH πqãªàJ A’Dƒg òîàq jh .OÓÑdG IOÉb ÜÉîàfG πLCG øe ~°TqôdG qø°S .áq«eƒμ◊G äGQGô≤dG ¿ƒÑnîàæŸG IOÉ≤dG
I~©Ñà°ùe ábÉ£H
ÈY »FÉædG âjƒ°üàdG âfÎf’G
á«q ∏«ã“ á«q WGô≤ÁO
66 Research
Research - Running for Office All the information that will influence this election that your campaign can find. This may include information about the election rules, the district, the voters, past elections, this election, your candidate and any viable opponents. Research is the first step in putting together a campaign strategy and plan.
»àdGh ,ÜÉîàf’G Gòg ‘ ôKDƒà°S »àdG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG πc »g ~YGƒb äɢeƒ˘∏˘©ŸG ø˘ª˘° à˘J ~˘bh .ɢ¡˘©˘ª˘L á˘∏˘ª˘ë˘∏˘d ø˘μÁ á˘≤˘Hɢ°ùdG äɢHɢî˘à˘f’Gh ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dGh ô˘FGh~˘dGh äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G Ú°ùaÉæŸGh ∂ë°Tôe øY äÉeƒ∏©eh ,πÑ≤ŸG ÜÉîàf’Gh ™˘˘°Vƒ˘˘d ¤hC’G Iƒ˘˘£ÿG »˘˘g çƒ˘˘ë˘ Ñ˘ dG AGô˘˘LEGh .Aɢ˘jƒ˘˘ bC’G .á£ÿGh á∏ª◊G á«é«JGΰSG
Someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there .
øe á∏jƒW I~Ÿ øq«©e ¿Éμe ‘ ¢û«©j …òdG ¢üî°ûdG .¿ÉμŸG Gòg ‘ ~dho …òdG OôØdG hCG ,øeõdG
Information as to the successful candidate or candidates or party or parties.
hCG Ú뢰TôŸG q ø˘e kGRƒ˘a Rô˘MCG ønà ≥˘q∏˘©˘ à˘ J äɢ˘eƒ˘˘∏˘ ©˘ e »˘˘g .ÜGõMC’G
Returning Officer
A returning officer is responsible for the preparation and conduct of an election in a specific electoral district.
äɢHɢî˘à˘ f’G Ò° – ø˘˘Y ∫hDƒ˘ °ùe ƒ˘˘g Üɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G Qƒ˘˘eCɢ e .áæq«©e áq«HÉîàfG IôFGO ‘ É¡FGôLEGh
The ability to use language effectively. The undue use of exaggeration or display. The art of influencing others through the use of words. The use of rhetoric is common among politicians.
á¨dÉÑŸG ∫ɪ©à°SG ,á«dÉ©ØH á¨∏dG ∫ɪ©à°SG ≈∏Y IQ~≤dG ∫ɢª˘©˘à˘°SG ∫Ó˘N ø˘e Ò¨˘dG ≈˘∏˘Y ÒKɢà˘dG ø˘˘a .¢Vô˘˘n©˘ dGh .Ú«°SÉ«°ùdG ÚH ™FÉ°T øØdG Gòg .äɪ∏μdG
See Electoral List.
º«≤e èFÉàf
/´GÎb’G Öàμe ¢ù«FQ ÜÉîàf’G QƒeCÉe áZÓH
áªFÉb Rule of Finite Resources
Ruling Party
ºcÉM ÜõM
.á«HÉîàfG áëF’ ô¶fG
Every decision to do something is a decision not to do something else. Every campaign has a limited number of each of the resources, time, money and people, and must make decisions about how to use those resources. It is therefore important to have a written campaign plan which lays out the strategy.
Ω~©H QGôb ¬°ùØf âbƒdG ‘ ƒg Ée πª©d QGôb …CG ¿CG »æ©Jh ,OQGƒŸG øe Oh~fi O~Y á∏ªM πμ∏a .ôNBG A»°T πªY QGô˘≤˘dG ò˘î˘à˘ J ¿CG »˘˘¨˘ Ñ˘ æ˘ jh .ô˘˘°ûÑ˘˘dGh ∫ÉŸGh ø˘˘eõ˘˘dG »˘˘gh ¿ƒμj ¿CG º¡ŸG øe ~©j ∂dòc ,OQGƒŸG ∂∏J ∫Ó¨à°S’ .á«é«JGΰS’G í°VƒJ áHƒàμe á∏ªM á£N ∂d
The party that becomes the administrative and policymaking center of the government.
.á«Ñ∏ZC’G ∂∏àÁ hCG á£∏°ùdG ‘ »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõ◊G
.»eƒμM Ö°üæe πLCG øe á«HÉîàfG á∏ªëH ΩÉ«≤dG
The act of campaigning for elective office.
Run Off
In certain systems, an election held to determine a winner with a majority of the votes when none of the candidates received a majority in the first round. The top two candidates who received the most votes in the first round will run in the run-off election.
øe ~j~ëàd ÜÉîàfG AGôLEG ºàj Ée~æY ,᪶fC’G ¢ ©H ‘ ø˘e …CG π˘°üë˘j ’ ɢª˘æ˘«˘Mh ,ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG ᢫˘Ñ˘∏˘ ZCɢ H õ˘˘Fɢ˘Ø˘ dG ¿EÉa ,¤hC’G IQh~dG ‘ ÚÑNÉædG á«Ñ∏ZCG ≈∏Y Úë°TôŸG äGƒ°UC’G á«Ñ∏ZCÉH áªFÉ≤dG ≈∏YCG ÓàMG øjò∏dG Úë°TôŸG .~j~L ¥ÉÑ°S ‘ ¿É≤∏£æ«°S ¤hC’G IQh~dG ‘
An election campaign is often compared to a running race in which candidates “run for office.” See Race.
å«˘M ,¥É˘Ñ˘°ùdG á˘Ñ˘∏˘ë˘H É˘Ñ˘dɢZ ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘∏˘ª◊G ¿Qɢ˘≤˘ J .¥ÉÑ°ùdG ô¶fG .~©≤ŸÉH RƒØ∏d ¿ƒë°TôŸG ≥HÉ°ùàj
í°TÎdG/äÉHÉîàf’G ¢VƒN q
¥ÉÑ°ù∏d ~j~L ¥Ó£fG
Running for Office
/~©≤ª∏d »°ùaÉæJ ¥ÉÑ°S í°TÎdG q
Salvaged Votes
IOq ΰùe äGƒ°UCG
Salvaged Votes - Semi-P Proportional System
The votes of a dropped candidate. These votes are not dropped, they are salvaged and transferred to the next choice on each ballot.
√òg q¿GC ÒZ .á°ùaÉæŸG IôFGO øe êôN m í°Tôe q äGƒ°UCG »g ‹Éàq dG QÉ«ÿG ¤EG ∫ƒëo q Jh Oq ΰùJ πH ,≈¨∏oJ ’ äGƒ°UC’G .´GÎb’G ábQh ≈∏Y
Sampling of Results
A small part of the results intended as representative of the whole.
The person in the campaign responsible for keeping the campaign calendar, the candidate’s calendar and responding to invitations.
á∏ªë∏d ΩÉ©dG πé°ùdG øY ∫hDƒ°ùe á∏ª◊G øe ¢üî°T ƒg ≈˘˘∏˘ Y Oô˘˘dGh í˘˘°Tô˘˘ª˘ ∏˘ d »˘˘æ˘ eõ˘˘dG π˘˘é˘ °ùdGh ᢢ eɢ˘ fRhô˘˘ dGh .äGƒY~dG
A person appointed by a candidate to observe voting and the scrutiny and count of ballot papers to satisfy their candidate that the poll was conducted strictly in accordance with the law.
¥GQhCG ~q ˘Yh ≥˘«˘b~˘à˘dh äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G á˘Ñ˘bGôŸ í˘°TôŸG ¬˘æ˘«˘©˘jo Ö°ùM Ò°ùJ äÉHÉîàf’G ¿CÉH ´ÉæàbÓd ∂dPh ´GÎb’G .¿ƒfÉ≤dG
The checking and counting of ballot papers to ascertain the result of an election.
è˘Fɢ˘à˘ f ø˘˘e ≥˘˘q≤˘ ë˘ à˘ ∏˘ d ´GÎb’G äɢ˘bɢ˘£˘ H q~˘ Yh ᢢ©˘ LGô˘˘e .äÉHÉîàf’G
Another term for division; used because the candidate elected then has a seat in parliament.
ÖîàæŸG í°Tôª∏d ¿C’ πª©à°ùoJ ;º«°ù≤J áª∏μd ôNBG ÒÑ©J .¿ÉŸÈdG ‘ ~©≤e
Seat Allocation
In the context of elections, the process of distributing the seats in a legislative assembly to political parties or candidates on the basis of the number of votes they have obtained.
᢫˘©˘ª÷G ‘ ~˘Yɢ≤ŸG ™˘˘jRƒ˘˘J ƒ˘˘g ,äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G ¥É˘˘«˘ °S ‘ ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y Úë°TôŸG hCG á«°SÉ«°ùdG ÜGõMCÓd á«©jô°ûàdG .É¡«∏Y Gƒ∏°üM »àdG äGƒ°UC’G O~Y
èFÉàædG øe äÉæ«q Y QÉ«àNG ∫ph~néoe
≥qb~e Scrutiny
≥«b~J ~©≤e ~YÉ≤ŸG ™jRƒJ
.πμdG π«ã“ ¤EG ±~¡j èFÉàædG øe Ò¨°U AõL
Second Ballot Electoral System
See Two-Round System.
Secret Ballot
Principle of voting that ensures that no one will know which political party or candidate the voter has chosen.
√Qɢ«˘à˘NG á˘jô˘°S ´Î≤˘ª˘∏˘d ø˘ª˘° j …ò˘dG Üɢî˘à˘f’G CG~˘Ñ˘ e .í°Tôª∏d hCG »°SÉ«°ùdG Üõë∏d
Semi-P Proportional System
Semi-PR systems are those which inherently translate votes cast into seats won in a way that falls somewhere between the proportionality of Proportional Representation (PR) systems and the majoritarianism of plurality-majority systems.
~YÉ≤ŸG O~©H äGƒ°UC’G kÉ°SÉ°SCG ºLÎj …òdG ΩɶædG ƒg ÚH ™≤J á«Ñjô≤J á≤jôW ¤EG ÉC é∏jh ¿ƒë°TôŸG É¡H RÉa »àdG .…O~©àdG …ÌcC’G ΩɶædG ájÌcCGh »Ñ°ùædG ΩɶædG á«Ñ°ùf
.ÚJQhO ≈∏Y …ÌcCG Ωɶf ô¶fG
´GÎbÓd »HÉîàfG Ωɶf ÊÉãdG
/âjƒ°üàdG ájô°S …ô°ùdG ´GÎb’G »Ñ°ùf ∞°üf Ωɶf
68 Silent Elector
âeÉ°U ´Î≤e Single Mandate
/~MGh ~¡Y/I~MGh áj’h OôØe ~©≤e Single Member District
/~MGh ƒ° Y äGP IôFGO ájOôa IôFGO
Single Member Majority System
~MGh ~©≤à …ÌcCG Ωɶf
Single Member Plurality (SMP)
~MGh ~©≤à »Ñ∏ZCG Ωɶf
Silent Elector - Single Member Plurality (SMP) An elector who believes that having their name on the roll will place their personal safety or that of members of their family at risk can apply to have their address not shown on the roll.
πμ°û«°S áëFÓdG ≈∏Y ¬ª°SG OƒLh ¿CG ´Î≤ŸG Gòg ~≤à©j πé°ùj ¿CG øμÁh ¬Jô°SCG OGôaCG ≈∏Yh ¬«∏Y kÉ«°üî°T kGô£N .qπé°ùdG ≈∏Y ¬fGƒæY RGôHEG ¿hO ¬ª°SG
An election district in which one candidate will win the position sought in this campaign.
’EG RƒØj ’ å«M ,~MGh ~©≤e äGP á«HÉîàfG IôFGO »gh .á∏ª◊G ¬∏LCG øe ≈©°ùJ …òdG ~©≤ŸÉH í°Tôe
An electoral district which sends a single person to represent it in a governmental assembly. The point is made that this system may not lead to as broad representation of minority interests as systems by which districts select several people to represent them.
.á«eƒμ◊G á«©ª÷G ‘ m~MGhm ¢üî°ûH πãªoJ á«HÉîàfG IôFGO π«ã“ ¤EG …ODƒj ’ ΩɶædG Gòg ¿CG ¤EG Éæg IQÉ°TE’G Q~éj I~©H πsãªjo …òdG ôFGh~dG Ωɶf ¢ùμ©H äÉ«∏bC’G ΩɪàgG .¢UÉî°TCG
As in the Single Member Plurality (SMP) or the first Past the Post (FPTP) system, the country, in the Single Member Majority System (SMM), is also divided into constituencies and each constituency returns only one member to the National Assembly. However, the winner must obtain an absolute majority of votes in the constituency in the (SMM). In other words, he/she must obtain more votes than the combined votes of all the other candidates. If no candidate is able to secure an absolute majority of votes, then either a re-run is provided for in which the permitted number of candidates from the earlier poll are allowed to contest or some other arrangement is put in place to ensure that the winner in the end does command an absolute majority.
ÌcCÓd RƒØdG Ωɶf hCG ~MGh ~©≤à »Ñ∏ZC’G ΩɶædG ‘ ɪc ~©≤à …ÌcC’G ΩɶædG ™Ñàj …òdG ~∏ÑdG º°ù≤ n oj ,kÉJGƒ°UCG kGƒ° Y ÖîàæJ ÉgQh~H »àdG á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG¤EG ~MGh ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G Éæg õFÉØdG ≈∏Yh .á«æWƒdG á«©ªé∏d kG~MGh ¬«∏Y ÖLƒàj ,ôNBG k≈æ©Ã .äGƒ°UC’G øe á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZC’G .ÚbÉÑdG Úë°TôŸÉH káfQÉ≤e äGƒ°UC’G ÌcCG ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G AGô˘LEG Oɢ©˘ oj ɢ˘g~˘˘æ˘ Y ,∂dP ø˘˘e í˘˘°TôŸG n ø˘˘μ˘ ª˘ à˘ j ⁄ GPEG äÉHÉîàf’G øe ¿ƒë°TôŸG É¡«a iQÉÑàjh ká«fÉK äÉHÉîàf’G í˘˘°TôŸG ¿É˘˘ª˘ ° d iô˘˘NCG äGAGô˘˘ LGE ò˘˘ NDƒ˘ ˘J hCG ᢢ ≤˘ ˘Hɢ˘ °ùdG .á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZC’G ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G
Single Member Plurality works with single-member districts, meaning geographically-defined districts that send one representative to a legislature. Voters in a given district cast one vote for their favorite candidate, and the candidate receiving the most votes is elected. This system commonly works in a series of two elections, in which primaries are held to determine a nominee from each major party, followed by a general election that pits the primary winners against one another.
»æ©jh ,~MGh ~©≤à IôFG~dG Ωɶf ™e ΩɶædG Gòg πª©j ¤EG kG~MGh kÓ㇠π°SôJ kÉ«aGô¨L IO~ÙG IôFG~dG ¿CG ∂dP á˘æ˘«˘©˘e Iô˘FGO ‘ ¿ƒ˘YÎ≤ŸG Öî˘à˘æ˘j .᢫˘©˘jô˘°ûà˘dG á˘Ä˘ «˘ ¡˘ dG ÌcCG ≈∏Y π°üëj …òdG ƒg õFÉØdGh ,π° ØŸG º¡ë°Tôe øe Úà∏°ù∏°S ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y ΩɶædG Gòg πª©jh .äGƒ°UC’G πμd í°TôŸG O~– »àdG á«dhC’G »g ¤hC’G ,äÉHÉîàf’G ø˘jõ˘FÉ˘Ø˘dG ¢Vô– »˘à˘dG ᢫˘eƒ˘ª˘©˘ dG »˘˘g ᢢ«˘ fɢ˘ã˘ dGh ,Üõ˘˘M .¢ ©ÑdG º¡° ©H ~°V ÚdhC’G
Single Non-TTransferable Vote - Sound Trucks
Single Non-TTransferable Vote
A voting system under which each elector has one vote even though there are multiple seats to be filled. Those candidates with the highest vote totals fill these positions.
OƒLh øe ºZôdÉH kG~MGh kÉJƒ°U ÖNÉædG íæÁ âjƒ°üJ Ωɶf ≈∏YCG ≈∏Y ¿ƒ∏°UÉ◊G ¿ƒë°TôŸG .IôZÉ°T IO~©àe ~YÉ≤e .õcGôŸG √òg ¿ƒ∏¨°ûj øjòdG ºg äGƒ°UCG áÑ°ùf
Single Party System
Only one political party is legally allowed to hold effective power. Although minor parties may sometimes be allowed, they are legally required to accept the leadership of the dominant party. This party may not always be, however, identical to the government, although sometimes positions within the party may in fact be more important than positions within the government.
.ºμ◊G ≈∏Y ô£«°ùj ¿CG ~MGh »°SÉ«°S Üõ◊ ≥ëj ,kÉ«fƒfÉb ¿CG É¡«∏©a ,OƒLƒdÉH ájƒfÉK ÜGõMC’ ìɪ°ùdG øe ºZôdÉHh ¬˘˘Hɢ˘°ûà˘˘ j ’ Üõ◊G Gò˘˘ g .º˘˘ cÉ◊G Üõ◊G IOɢ˘ «˘ ˘b π˘˘ Ñ˘ ˘≤˘ ˘J ∂∏J øe ºgCG ~YÉ≤e ≈∏Y ¬FGƒàMG øe ºZôdÉH áeƒμ◊ÉH .áeƒμ◊G ‘ »àdG
Uses multi-member districts, with voters ranking candidates in order of preference on the ballot paper in the same manner as the Alternative Vote. Preference marking is optional and voters are not required to rank-order all candidates. If they wish they can mark only one. After the total number of first preferential votes are counted the count begins by establishing the quota.
ÚYÎ≤ŸGh ~YÉ≤ŸG IO~©àŸG ôFGh~dG ´GÎb’G Gòg πª©à°ùj ᢫˘∏˘° aC’G π˘°ù∏˘°ùJ Ö°ùM Ú뢰TôŸG ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘î˘à˘æ˘ j ø˘˘jò˘˘dG ø˘μ˘ ªŸG ø˘˘e .πj~ÑdG âjƒ˘°üà˘dG ‘ ɢª˘c …Qɢ«˘ à˘ N’G äGƒ°UC’G OG~©J ~©H .~MGh í°TôŸ q âjƒ°üJ áeÓY AÉ£YEG .ÉJƒμdG ™°VƒH q~©dG GC ~Ñj ,∫hCq ’G q»∏«° ØqàdG ´GÎb’G ‘
The election of one person from a field of candidates.
.Úë°TôŸG q ±ƒØ°U ÚH øe ~MGhm ¢üî°T ÜÉîàfG πª°ûJ
This is a short phrase that voters may remember to identify the candidate or campaign. A slogan is not a message.
hCG í°TôŸG ~j~ëàH ÚÑNÉædG ôcòJ ~b áÑ° à≤e IQÉÑY ƒgh .ádÉ°SôdG ƒg ¢ù«d QÉ©°ûdGh .á∏ª◊G
ÒZ …Oôa 䃰U/´GÎbG Ò«éà∏d πHÉb ~MGƒdG Üõ◊G Ωɶf
Single Transferable Vote
πHÉb …Oôa 䃰U/´GÎbG âjƒ°üàdG/Ò«éà∏d IQh~dG /äGQÉ«ÿG ≈∏Y äGQÉ«àNEÓd ᪰SÉ◊G
Single-S Seat Election
~MGƒdG ~©≤ŸG äÉHÉîàfG Slogan
QÉ©°T Soft Money
See Hard Money/Soft Money.
/áæ«∏dG ∫GƒeC’G ô°ù«àŸG q ∫ÉŸG
.áæ«∏dG ∫GƒeC’G/áÑ∏°üdG ∫GƒeC’G ô¶fG
Sound Bite
In the reporting of TV news, a very short statement, lasting no more than a few seconds, that tries to convey a specific idea, image, or perception that will attract the viewing audience’s attention.
Iôμa hCG kGõLƒe kÉfÉ«H ¬«a Ω~≤oj ájQÉÑNEG Iô°ûf ‘ ™£≤e hCG IQÉÑY .§≤a m¿Gƒãd Ωh~jh ,Qƒ¡ª÷G ΩɪàgG Üò÷ áæq«©e äɢμ˘Ñ˘°T √Qqô˘μ˘Jh ɢe í˘˘°Tô˘ q ˘e ¬˘˘≤˘ ∏˘ £˘ j ô˘˘KDƒ˘ e ™˘˘bh hP ∫ƒ˘˘b .áYGPE’Gh ¿ƒjõØ∏àdG
Sound Trucks
Automobiles with loud speakers attached to them that go through areas of the district broadcasting a message. These are considered part of the visibility method of voter contact.
䃰üdG äGÈμe πª– »àdG äÉHô©dGh äGQÉ«°ùdG »gh øe kGAõL ~©Jh .ádÉ°SôdG øY áæ∏©e IôFG~dG ‘ ∫ƒéàJh .ÖNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd äÉ«FôŸG è¡æe
/≠«∏H õLƒe ôjô≤J á«Jƒ°üdG áª≤∏dG
70 Special Ballot
/á°UÉN ábQh-ábÉ£H ¢UÉN âjƒ°üJ Special Election
]»FõL[ ¢UÉN ÜÉîàfG
Special Voting
¢UÉN q âjƒ°üJ/´GÎbG Speech
áÑ£N/ÜÉ£N Spin Doctor/Spin
/á«eÓYE’G á≤dò◊G á≤dò◊G PÉà°SCG
Spoilt Ballot
áØdÉJ ábÉ£H Sponsor
»YGôdG /m ´GQ
Special Ballot - Sponsor A ballot paper for electors unable to attend a polling station. See also Postal vote, Advance Voting and Absentee Voting.
õcGôe ¤EG Qƒ° ◊G øY øjõLÉ©dG ÚÑîàæª∏d ´GÎbG ábÉ£H Ω~q ≤àe ´GÎbGh ~jÈdG ÈY ´GÎbG ¤EG ô¶fG .´GÎb’G . »HÉ«Z ´GÎbGh
An election not held at the usually scheduled time, often to fill a vacancy in the office. There is often a much lower voter turnout in a special or by-election. See By-Election.
¿ƒμjh »æeõdG ∫h~÷G êQÉN IOÉY ~≤©j ÜÉîàfG ƒgh ‘ ÚYÎ≤ŸG O~˘Y ¢ Ø˘î˘æ˘jh .~˘˘©˘ ≤ŸG ô˘˘¨˘ °ûd ɢ˘«˘ ∏˘ «˘ ª˘ μ˘ J ÜÉîàf’G ô˘¶˘fG .ᢰUÉÿG q hCG ᢫˘ ∏˘ «˘ ª˘ μ˘ à˘ dG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G .»YôØdG hCG »∏«ªμàdG
Facilities for electors who on voting day are unable to access a normal voting station in the electoral district in which they are registered to vote.
øY øjõLÉ©dG ÚÑNÉqædG πLCG øe ICÉ°ûæe äÓ«¡°ùJ »g áq«HÉîàf’G IôFGq~dG øª°V ,q…OÉYm ´GÎbG õcôe ¤EG ∫ƒ°UƒdG .äÉHÉîàf’G Ωƒj ´GÎbÓd É¡«a ºgAɪ°SCG Gƒ∏qé°S »àdG
Usually prepared remarks given orally to a group of people or a large audience.
hCG ,¢SÉædG øe áYƒªÛ É«¡Ø°T Ω~≤J äɶMÓà IOÉY ~©J .Ú©ªà°ùŸG øe ~°û◊
A media adviser or political consultant employed by a campaign to ensure that the candidate receives the best possible publicity in any given situation. For example, after a debate between the presidential candidates, each candidate’s “spin doctors” will seek out journalists so they can point out their candidate’s strengths in the debate and try to convince the press, and by extension the public, that their candidate “won” the debate. When these media advisers practice their craft, they are said to be “spinning” or putting “spin” on a situation or event.
~cCÉà∏d Ée á«HÉîàfG á∏ªM ¬ØXƒJ »°SÉ«°S hCG »eÓYEG QÉ°ûà°ùe ᢢ«˘ £˘ ¨˘ à˘ dG ø˘˘e ø˘˘μ‡ Q~˘˘b π˘˘° aCG ɢ˘¡˘ ë˘ °Tô˘˘ e ∫ɢ˘ æ˘ ˘j ¿CG ø˘˘ e ¿CG ∂dP ≈∏Y ∫Éãe .±hô¶dG øe ±ôX …CG ‘ á«eÓYE’G ÚHõ◊G »ë°Tôe ÚH IôXÉæe ~≤©H >á≤dò◊G IòJÉ°SCG' Ωƒ≤j ‘ Iƒ≤dG øWGƒe QÉ¡X’ áaÉë°üdG ∫ÉLôH ∫É°üJ’ÉH á°SÉFô∏d - ΩÓY’G πFÉ°Sh ´ÉæbEG ádhÉfih IôXÉæŸG AÉæKCG º¡ë°Tôe .IôXÉæŸG >Ö°ùc' …òdG ƒg º¡ë°Tôe ¿CÉH - Qƒ¡ª÷G ‹ÉàdÉHh ''¿ƒ¨Ñ°üj'' Ú«˘˘eÓ˘˘ Y’G ø˘˘ jQɢ˘ °ûà˘˘ °ùŸG ¿EG ∫ɢ˘ ≤˘ ˘j Gò˘˘ μ˘ ˘gh .á°UÉÿG ''º¡à¨Ñ°üH'' ¬fƒ¨Ñ°üj hCG ç~◊G hCG ™°VƒdG
Ballot paper wrongly marked or damaged which may be replaced by a pooling official.
øμªŸG øeh ,áØ∏àe hCG ÉC £N á≤jô£H áeƒ°Sƒe ´GÎbG ábQh .É¡dG~Ñà°SG ™ª÷G øY ∫hDƒ°ùª∏d
An external funding source that enters into an agreement with a person or an organization to support research, instruction, public service, or other sponsored electoral activities. Sponsors include private businesses, corporations, foundations and other not-for-profit organizations, universities, and all levels governments.
hCG Üõ◊G hCG í°TôŸG ÒZ ,᪶æe hCG ¢üî°ûH ôeC’G ≥∏©àj ´Ó˘£˘à˘°SG hCG ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G á˘jɢY~˘dG ∫ƒ“ …ò˘˘dG ,ᢢ«˘ ©˘ ª÷G ~bh .Üõ◊G hCG í°TôŸG I~FÉØd äÉHÉîàf’G ∫ÓN …CGô∏d hCG á«eƒμM ÒZ ᪶æe hCG á°UÉN á°ù°SDƒe »YGôdG ¿ƒμj .äÉeƒμ◊G hG á©eÉL
Stay on Message - Suffrage
Stay on Message
When a candidate or campaign continues to deliver the same message or theme at every opportunity. Often the opponent will try to pull the campaign off their message but it is critical not to let this happen.
hCG ádÉ°SôdG ∫É°üjEG ‘ á∏ª◊G hCG í°TôŸG ôªà°ùj Ée~æY ¿CG ∫hÉëj Ée ÉÑdÉZ ¢ùaÉæŸG .áëfÉ°S á°Uôa …CG ‘ ¿ƒª° ŸG …OÉØJ º¡ŸG øeh .É¡àdÉ°SQ QGôμJ øY G~«©H á∏ª◊G qôéj .∂dP ´ƒbh
Strategic Planning Session
A meeting, or short series of meetings, of the candidate and any key advisors that will gather the necessary information and determine the overall strategy of the campaign. This strategy must be written down in the form of a campaign plan. See Campaign Plan.
í˘°Tô˘ª˘∏˘d äGAɢ≤˘∏˘ dG ø˘˘e ᢢ∏˘ °ù∏˘˘°S hCG äɢ˘Yɢ˘ª˘ à˘ LG »˘˘gh ~j~–h áeRÓdG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ™ª÷ Ú°ù«FôdG øjQÉ°ûà°ùŸGh √ò˘˘g ¿ƒ˘˘μ˘ J ¿CG »˘˘¨˘ ˘Ñ˘ ˘æ˘ ˘jh .ᢢ ∏˘ ˘eɢ˘ μ˘ ˘dG ᢢ «˘ ˘é˘ ˘«˘ ˘JGΰS’G .á∏ªë∏d á£N ᨫ°U ‘ áHƒàμe á«é«JGΰS’G .á∏ª◊G á£N ô¶fG
The method, written into the Campaign Plan, of what the campaign will do from this point to election day to elect the candidate to the chosen office.
¬H Ωƒ≤à°S Ée hCG ,á∏ª◊G á£N ‘ ܃àμŸG è¡æŸG »gh .~©≤ŸÉH RƒØdGh í°TôŸG ÜÉîàf’ ´GÎb’G Ωƒj ≈àM á∏ª◊G .á∏ª◊G ±~g ≥«≤– ¤EG …ODƒj ∫É©ØdG ∫Ó¨à°S’G Gògh
This is a nonscientific poll, taken in such a haphazard fashion that any results are not based upon the sample being truly representative of the population. An example would be TV broadcasters asking members of the viewing audience to call in with a “yes” or “no” vote regarding a particular issue or question. The callers are unlikely to represent all of the important segments/ characteristics of the population as a whole.
,á«FGƒ°ûY á≤jô£H ™bGƒdG ‘ PƒNCÉe ,»ª∏pY ÒZ AÉàØà°SG π«ãªàd áæq«Y ¬fCG ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y »æÑe ÒZ èFÉàædG øe …CGh ¢ ©H øe ¿ƒjõØ∏àdG ƒ©jòe Ö∏£j Ée~æY ,kÓãe .Ö©°ûdG ,áæ«©e áJCÉ°ùŸ âjƒ°üàdG ‘ ''’'' hCG ''º©f'' ∫ƒ≤H Qƒ° ◊G .πμc Ö©°ûdG øe kIõ«e /kGAõL âjƒ°üJ’ Gòg πuãÁ
A standard speech delivered by a candidate on many occasions. This speech should contain the campaign message as its core and be repeated at every opportunity.
.äÉÑ°SÉæe I~Y ‘ í°TôŸG É¡dƒ≤j ájQÉ«©e áÑ£N »gh ¿CG ≈∏Y É¡ª«ª°U ‘ á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SQ ≈∏Y …ƒà– ¿CG »¨Ñæjh .áëfÉ°S á°Uôa πc ‘ OOôJ
When a voter goes to cast a vote instead of another voter. It will be uncovered and proven by the revision of ballots and the comparison between the signatures and thumbmarks appearing in the Book of Voters and those appearing in the List of Voters with Voting Records used on election day.
,¬Jƒ°üH A’OEÓd ¬°ùØf ÖNÉæq dG ∫~H ¢üî°T ¬Lq ƒàj Ée~æY l Aɢ˘° eE’G ᢢfQɢ˘≤˘ eh ᢢ©˘ ˘LGôŸG ∫Ó˘˘ N ø˘˘ e ¬˘˘ Ø˘ ˘°ûc ø˘˘ μÁ »àdG ∂∏J ™e ÚÑNÉæq dG πq é°S ‘ ô¡¶J »àdG äɪ°üÑdGh äÉHÉîàf’G ô° fi ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,á«q HÉîàf’G áëFÓdG ≈∏Y .É¡æ«M πª©à°ùj …òdG
/ádÉ°SôdG ≈∏Y AÉ≤ÑdG /ádÉ°SôdÉH ΩGõàd’G ádÉ°SôdG QGôμJ
§«£îàdG á°ù∏L »é«JGΰS’G
á«é«JGΰSG Straw Poll
/»ª°SQ ÒZ »ÑjôŒ âjƒ°üJ ΩÉ©dG …CGô∏d ´Ó£à°SG
Stump Speech
áj~YÉb áÑ£N Substitution of Voter
/âjƒ°üàdÉH …hÉ°ùàŸG ≥◊G ÜÉîàf’G ≥M
The right to vote or the Franchise.
.ÖNÉf áØ°U hCG ´GÎb’G ≥M
Supporters - Swing Voter
Voters and others who have been identified by the campaign as people who will vote for the candidate or party in this election.
¢UÉî°TCÉc á∏ª◊G øe ºg~j~– ” øjòdG ¿ƒÑNÉædG ºg .ÜÉîàf’G Gòg ‘ Üõë∏d hCG í°Tôª∏d ¿ƒYÎ≤«°S
Surplus Votes
Are votes that a candidate may have in excess of the quota of votes in a Single Transferable Vote Election.
m πμ°ûH ,øq«©e í°Tôe q É¡«∏Y π°üëj »àdG äGƒ°UC’G »g m ~ªà©J äÉHÉîàfG ‘ áq«Ñ°ùqædG äGƒ°UC’G ¢ü°üM øY ~jõj .Ò«éqà∏d πHÉ≤dG …q OôØdG 䃰üdG-´GÎb’G
Anyone speaking on behalf of the candidate or otherwise officially representing the candidate.
.É«ª°SQ ¬∏ãÁ hCG í°TôŸG øY áHÉfE’ÉH ¢üî°T …CG
The difference between the performance of a candidate or party at one election in comparison to a previous election.
äÉHÉîàf’G i~MEG ‘ ÜõM hCG í°Tôe q AGOCG ÚH ¥ôØdG .á≤HÉ°S mäÉHÉîàfG ™e káfQÉ≤e
An election district has a history of voting for different parties or different types of candidates in the same or consecutive elections. Because the district can “swing” back and forth between different parties or candidates, it is often important to spend campaign resources to persuade voters in these districts to ensure that the campaign wins them. See Persuadability.
ÜGõMC’ ´GÎb’G øe ïjQÉJ É¡d á«HÉîàfG IôFGO »g h ÜÉî˘à˘f’G ‘ Ú뢰Tô˘ª˘∏˘d ähÉ˘Ø˘à˘e ƒ˘ë˘f ≈˘∏˘Yh á˘Ø˘∏˘àfl Úª«dG ÚH íLQCÉàJ É¡fC’ ,ÚàÑbÉ©àe ÚJQhO ‘ hCG ¬°ùØf .ÚØ˘∏˘àıG Ú뢰TôŸGh á˘Ø˘ ∏˘ àıG ÜGõ˘˘MC’G ÚHh ,Qɢ˘°ù«˘˘dGh ‘ ÚÑNÉædG ´ÉæbE’ ÉgOQGƒe á∏ª◊G ≥ØæJ ¿CG kɪ¡e ~q ©jh .º¡JGƒ°UCÉH RƒØdG ¿Éª° d IôFG~dG √òg .´ÉæbE’G á«fÉμeEG ô¶fG
Precincts within a particular election district that have a history of voting for different parties or different ideologies in different elections. The campaign may want to put extra resources into these districts to ensure that the candidate wins them. See Precincts.
øe ïjQÉJ É¡dh á«HÉîàf’G IôFG~dG øª°V IÒ¨°U IôFGO »gh ‘ áJhÉØàe äÉ«Lƒdƒj~jEG hCG áØ∏àfl ÜGõMC’ ´GÎb’G A’Dƒg ~©jh .áØ∏àfl äÉHÉîàfG ‘ hCG ¬°ùØf ÜÉîàf’G º¡«dEG π°UƒàdG ” GPEG º¡YÉæbEG øμªŸG øª°V ¿ƒÑNÉædG .iôNCG äÉeƒ∏©Ã hCG I~«L á∏ªM ádÉ°SôH .á«HÉîàfG IôFGO ô¶fG
Voters who are not tied to a particular political party or ideology, but have a history of voting for different parties or different ideologies in the same or different elections. These voters are considered persuadable and likely to be reached by a good campaign message or other information. See Persuadable Voter.
hCG õ˘«‡ »˘°Sɢ«˘°S Üõ˘ë˘H º˘¡˘d á˘∏˘°U ’ ø˘jò˘˘dG ¿ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ Nɢ˘æ˘ dG hCG ÜGõ˘˘MC’ ´GÎbG ï˘˘jQɢ˘J º˘˘ ¡˘ ˘d ø˘˘ μ˘ ˘dh ᢢ «˘ ˘Lƒ˘˘ dh~˘˘ jCɢ ˘H .ɢgÒZ hCG ɢ¡˘°ùØ˘f äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ‘ á˘Ø˘∏˘àfl äɢ«˘Lƒ˘dh~˘jCG GPEG á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SôH º¡YÉæbEG øμªjo ¬fCG º¡Jõ«e .¬YÉæbEG øμªŸG ÖNÉædG ô¶fG .I~«L âfÉc
¿h~jq ƒD e
á° FÉa äGƒ°UCG Surrogate
πj~H/¢VƒØe/π«ch Swing
íLQCÉJ Swing District
Swing Precincts
áëLQCÉàe á«HÉîàfG IôFGO
Swing Voter
Tabulation of Votes
Tabulation of Votes - Tendered Ballot
The process of compiling the result of a count at the election.
.äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ ~©dG èFÉàæd ™ª÷G á«∏ªY
A procedure or set of maneuvers engaged in to achieve an end, an aim, or a goal.
á∏ª◊G OQGƒe ∫Ó¨à°SG ºàj É¡dÓN øe »àdG á∏«°SƒdG »g .á∏ª◊G ±~g ≥«≤– ‘ »é«JGΰSG ƒëf ≈∏Y
Tally Room
Location where election results are displayed on election night.
/äGƒ°UC’G ádh~L äGƒ°U’G ÜÉ°ùàMG
∂«àμàdG ~q ©dG áaôZ
.äÉHÉîàf’G áq«°ûY äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf QG~°UEG õcôe ƒg .´GÎb’G äÉbÉ£H ~©d I~ªà©ŸG IQɪà°S’G
Tally Sheet/ Reconciliation Sheet
The form used for counting of ballots.
Target Voters
Voters whom the campaign believes are most likely to be persuaded by the campaign’s message and thus provide the margin of victory. See Message and Margin of Victory.
´ÉæbEÓd Ú∏HÉb á∏ª◊G ºgGôJ øjòdG ÚÑNÉædG øe ƒgh ¢ûeÉgh ádÉ°SôdG ô¶fG.RƒØ∏d É°ûeÉg ¿ƒØ«° jh ádÉ°SôdÉH .RƒØdG
The process of dividing the voting population into smaller groups and determining which of the votes you want to concentrate your message on to provide the margin of victory. See Demographic Targeting and Geographic Targeting.
äɢYƒ˘ª› ¤EG ÚÑ˘Nɢæ˘dG Qƒ˘¡˘ª˘L º˘«˘°ù≤˘J ᢫˘∏˘ª˘ Y »˘˘gh ∂àdÉ°SQ É¡«∏Y õcôJ ¿CG »¨Ñæj É¡æe …CG ~j~–h .ô¨°UCG ‘Gô¨Á~˘dG ±G~˘¡˘à˘°S’G ô˘˘¶˘ fG .Rƒ˘˘Ø˘ dG ¢ûeɢ˘ g ô˘˘ aƒ˘˘ à˘ ˘d .‘Gô¨÷G ±G~¡à°S’Gh
Telephone voting allows people to call different telephone numbers to indicate preference for different options, or a voter might call one number and indicate a preference by pressing buttons in a menu system. Its main drawback is the difficulty in verifying the identity of the voter and in permitting only one vote per person. Its chief advantage is the ease in getting people to participate.
∞˘JGƒ˘g ΩɢbQCɢH ∫ɢ˘°ü˘˘qJ’G Ö©˘˘°û∏˘ q ˘d ´GÎb’G Gò˘˘g í˘˘æ˘ °ùj øμÁ hCG áØ∏àıG äGQÉ«àNÓd º¡à«q ∏° aCG QÉ¡XE’ ,IO~q ©àe ≈∏Y §¨° dG q Ég~©Hh ,ø«q ©e ~MGhm ºbôH ∫É°üqJ’G ´Î≤ª∏d Gòg ‘ ~«MƒdG ≥FÉ©dG .IO~q fi áªFÉb ∫ÓN øe ΩÉbQC’G ~MGh 䃰U AÉ£YEGh ÖNÉæq dG ájq ƒg áaô©e Ω~Y ƒg Ωɶæq dG ᢫q ˘∏˘ª˘Y ‘ á˘cQɢ°ûŸG π˘«˘¡˘°ùJ »˘¡˘a ¬˘æ˘e I~˘˘Fɢ˘Ø˘ dG ɢ˘eq CG .¬˘˘d .âjƒ°üàq dG
/äGƒ°UC’G ¿É«H äGƒ°UC’G ô° fi
¿ƒa~¡à°ùe ¿ƒÑNÉf Targeting
Telephone voting
/∞JÉ¡dG ÈY âjƒ°üàdG ´GÎb’G
Person appointed to help count votes.
»°üÙG Tendered Ballot
¢SQ~dG ~«b âjƒ°üJ ábQh ¥GQhCG /É¡àë°üd áÑ°ùædÉH QɶàfÉH á≤∏©ŸG ´GÎb’G É¡ÑMÉ°U á«∏gCG øe ~cCÉàdG
Ballot, where the right of the voter is disputed or in doubt. Tendered votes are placed in envelopes, provisionally accepted, and subject to verification before being accepted for the count.
.äGƒ°UC’G Rôa ‘ I~YÉ°ùª∏d øq«©ŸG ¢üî°ûdG q ƒg …ôéj .∂°T hCG ∫G~L ‘ ´Î≤ŸG ≥M ™° J »àdG ábQƒdG É¡æμdh ,kÉàbDƒe ádƒÑ≤e »g h ,±ôX ‘ ábQƒdG √òg ™°Vh .~©∏d É¡dƒÑb πÑb É¡æe ~cCÉà∏d ká°VôY
Term Limits - Touch-S Screen Electronic Voting Machines
Term Limits
Are restrictions on the number of terms a board member or elected official may serve in the same post.
Ö°üæ˘e ‘ Ö˘nî˘à˘æ˘ª˘ ∏˘ d Rƒ˘˘é˘ j ’ …ò˘˘dG äɢ˘j’ƒ˘˘dG O~˘˘Y .√G~©àj ¿CG »eƒªY
Third Party
Any political party that is not one of the two parties that dominates politics and that receives a base of support and plays a role in influencing the outcome of an election.
ø˘˘jò˘˘∏˘ dG Ú«˘˘°ù«˘˘ Fô˘˘ dG ÚHõ◊G ÒZ »˘˘ °Sɢ˘ «˘ ˘°S Üõ˘˘ M …CG É«˘Ñ˘©˘°T ɢª˘YO ≈˘≤˘∏˘jh ,»˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG ≈˘∏˘Y ¿É˘æ˘ª˘«˘¡˘j .äÉHÉîàf’G áé«àf ≈∏Y ÒKCÉàdG ‘ GQhO Ö©∏jh
/äÉj’ƒdG O~Y ~j~– Oƒ¡©dG ådÉK ÜõM Threshold
The starting point for a new state or experience.
/ÜõM »ë°Tôà q áëF’ ábÉ£H
A list of candidates for election nominated by a political party or group; a slate and/or the declared principles or policies of a political party or group.
Ticket Splitting
See Vote Splitting.
º°ù≤e âjƒ°üJ
.I~j~L áHôŒ hCG áj’ƒd ¥Ó£f’G ájG~H ÜõM º¡«qª°ùj øjòdG äÉHÉîàf’G »ë°Tôà q áªFÉb »g áªFÉ≤dG √òg øqª° àJ ~bh ;áq«°SÉ«°S áYɪL hCG q»°SÉ«°S É¡©Ñqàj »àdG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG hCG AiOÉÑŸG hCG/h Úë°TôŸG q Aɪ°SCG .áq«°SÉ«°S áYɪL hCG q»°SÉ«°S ÜõM .´GÎbE’G ΩÉ°ùàbG ô¶fG
One of the three resources every political campaign has, the other two being people and money. It is important to determine how much time each campaign activity will take and plan for it. Unlike the other two resources, time is the same for each of the campaigns involved in an election, but not all campaigns use their time as effectively. See Campaign Resources.
OQƒe πªμjh ,á«°SÉ«°ùdG á∏ªë∏d áKÓãdG OQGƒŸG øe ƒgh ø˘˘eõ˘˘ dG ø˘˘ e º˘˘ c O~– ¿CG º˘˘ ¡ŸGh .…ô˘˘ °ûÑ˘˘ dG OQƒŸGh ∫ÉŸG πμd §«£îàdG »¨Ñæj ,Gòdh .Ée •É°ûf ≥«≤– ¥ô¨à°ù«°S ¬°ùØf âbƒdG ¿C’ ,øjôNB’G øjOQƒŸG øY ∞∏àîjh .•É°ûf øμdh ,äÉHÉîàf’G ¢VƒîJ »àdG äÓª◊G ∞∏àı ìƒæ‡ .É¡°ùØf áeÉàdG á«dÉ©ØdÉH äÓª◊G ∂∏J ¬∏¨à°ùJ ’ .á∏ª◊G OQGƒe ô¶fG
Top Up
᫨H ÜÉîàf’G IOÉYEG ¿RGƒàq dG
It is when the second votes of a Mixed Member Proportional election are used to balance up the proportionality of the district elected members to the popular proportionality.
ÊÉqãdG ´GÎb’G ΩG~îà°SG ºq àj Ée~æY IOÉYE’G √òg ç~– ÚH áfRGƒª∏d ,§∏àıG »q Ñ°ùæq dG ájq ƒ° ©dG Ωɶf øe .áeÉ©dG á«q Ñ°ùæq dGh ,ôFGh~q dG ‘ ÚÑîn àæŸG AÉ° YC’G á«q Ñ°ùf
Touch-S Screen Electronic Voting Machines
You register your choices electronically by touching a screen and record them when you touch Cast Vote.
É¡∏éq °ùJh á°TÉ°ûdG q ¢ùŸ ~æY kÉ«q fhÎμdG ∂JGQÉ«àNG ¿h~J q .''䃰üdÉH A’OE ’ G '' Q R ¢ùª∏J Ée~æY q q
¢ùª∏dG äÉ°TÉ°T á«q HÉîàf’G á«q fhÎμd’G
75 Town Meeting
/I~∏ÑdG ´ÉªàLG á«∏gCG Ih~f Tracking Poll / Survey
/≥M’ ´Ó£à°SG /»Ñq≤©J ´Ó£à°SG ...í°ùe/á©HÉàe ´Ó£à°SG
á«aÉØ°T Trapdoor
á«q ØN á∏«M/»q ØN ÜÉH Turnout/ Voter Turnout
/ÚÑNÉædG ácQÉ°ûe áÑ°ùf ácQÉ°ûŸG áÑ°ùf Two-R Round System/ Run-O Off Election
/ÚJQhO ≈∏Y …ÌcCG Ωɶf ÚJQhO ≈∏Y ´GÎbG
Town Meeting - Two-R Round System An informal gathering of an officeholder or candidate for office with a group of people, often local, in which the audience raises questions directly to the officeholder or candidate.
Ö°üæŸ í°Tôe hCG Öîàæe ∫hDƒ°ùe ÚH »ª°SQ ÒZ ΩÉY AÉ≤d ,IOÉY Ú«∏ÙG ÚæWGƒŸG øe ,¢SÉædG øe O~Yh »HÉîàfG .í°TôŸG hCG ∫hDƒ°ùŸG ¤G Iô°TÉÑe á∏Ä°SCG ¿hô°VÉ◊G É¡«a ¬Lƒj
A political poll taken later in the campaign to determine how the campaign’s message and the various methods of voter contact is affecting undecided and persuadable voters. See Baseline Poll and Political Poll.
≥˘M’ âbh ‘ ¬˘FGô˘LEɢH Ωƒ˘≤˘J »˘°Sɢ˘«˘ °S ´Ó˘˘£˘ à˘ °SG ƒ˘˘gh á˘Ø˘∏˘àıG π˘Ñ˘°ùdGh á˘∏˘ª◊G á˘dɢ°SQ âfɢ˘c ∞˘˘«˘ c ~˘˘j~˘˘ë˘ à˘ d ,º¡YÉæbEG øμªŸG ÚÑNÉædG ‘ ÉgÒKCÉJh ÖNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd ô¶fG .º¡JGQÉ«ÿ GQGôb Ghòîàj ⁄ øjòdG ÚÑNÉædG ∂dòch .»°SÉ«°ùdG ´Ó£à°S’Gh …~YÉ≤dG §ÿG ´Ó£à°SG
In Politics, transparency is the opposite of privacy; an activity is transparent if all information about it is freely available.
øY ∫É≤«a ;ájq ô°ùdG ¢ùμY »g á«aÉØ°ûdG q ,á°SÉ«°ùdG ‘ .ájq ôëH äÉeƒ∏©ŸG πq c OQGƒàJ Ée~æY ±ÉqØ°T ¬qfGE •É°ûf
An opening in a computer code through which a program can be altered. In the case of Direct recording electronic voting system, such an alteration could falsify the results of an election.
πj~ÑJ É¡dÓN øe ºq àj ,ôJƒ«ÑeƒμdG õeQ ‘ áëàa »gh πj~Ñàd øμÁ ,ô°TÉÑŸG ‹B’G π«é°ùàq dG Ωɶf ‘ .èeÉfÈdG .äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàf ∞«jõJ Gò¡c
This is the portion of the electorate that actually goes to the polls and votes. This can be referred to as a percentage or as a real number.
õ˘cGô˘e ¤EG π˘©˘ Ø˘ dɢ˘H ¿ƒ˘˘Ñ˘ gò˘˘j ÚÑ˘˘Nɢ˘æ˘ dG ø˘˘e Aõ˘˘L º˘˘gh áÑ°ùæc º¡«dEG IQÉ°TE’G øμÁh º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒd~jh ´GÎb’G .í«ë°U O~Y hCG ájƒÄe
An election system under which elections may be run in two stages. In electoral districts where no candidate wins an absolute majority of the votes on the first ballot (or first round of voting), a second election is held, with the contest restricted, say, to the two candidates who won the most votes on the first ballot, or only to those candidates who won more than a specified share of the vote. After the second ballot, the candidate with the most votes wins.
≈∏Y äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G AGô˘LEG »˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG Gò˘g π˘©˘é˘j í°Tôe …CG RƒØj ’ »àdG á«HÉîàf’G ôFGh~dG ‘ .ÚJQhO ∫hCG) ∫hC’G ´GÎb’G ‘ äGƒ°UC’G øe á≤∏£ŸG á«Ñ∏ZC’ÉH ÚH á°ùaÉæŸG ô°üM ™e ,á«fÉK äÉHÉîàfG π°ü– ,(IQhO ‘ äGƒ˘˘°UC’G ᢢjÌcCG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y Ó˘˘°üM ø˘˘jò˘˘dG ø˘˘«r ˘ ˘ën ˘ ˘°TôŸG ÈcCG áÑ°ùæH GhRÉa øjòdG Úë°TôŸG ÚH hCG ∫hC’G ´GÎb’G ´GÎb’G ~©H .äGƒ°UC’G øe º¡à°ü◊ q IO~ÙG áÑ°ùædG øe .äGƒ°UC’G ÌcCÉH RÉa …òdG í°TôŸG ƒg õFÉØdG í°TôŸG ÊÉãdG
õq«ëàe ÒZ Underdog
Unbiased - Upper House
Without favor or blame, objective.
.…OÉ«M ,»©°Vƒe ,Ωƒd hCG ~«jCÉJ ¿hO
In politics, the candidate who is viewed as trailing his or her opponent and/or is not favored to win the election. However, underdogs have been known to overcome the odds, especially in state and local races.
’ hCG/h ¬˘ª˘ °üN ™˘˘Ñ˘ à˘ j …ò˘˘dG í˘˘°TôŸG ƒ˘˘g ,ᢢ°Sɢ˘«˘ °ùdG ‘ ¬˘fCG ±hô˘©ŸG ø˘e ø˘μ˘dh .äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ‘ ~˘«˘jCɢà˘H ≈˘¶˘ë˘ j äɢbhô˘Ø˘dG ≈˘∏˘Y Ö∏˘¨˘à˘dG ∞˘©˘° à˘°ùŸG í˘°Tô˘ª˘∏˘d ø˘μ˘ ª˘ jo .»∏ÙG ¥ÉÑ°ùdG hCG áj’ƒdG ¥ÉÑ°S ‘ kÉ°Uƒ°üN
Registered voter not affiliated with any major political party; informally known as “independent”.
¿CG ÒZ øe ,πqé°S ‘ ¬ª°SG êQ~j …òdG ÖNÉqædG ƒg ÒZm πμ°ûH ±ô©«a ;qº¡e q»°SÉ«°S mÜõM q…GC ¤EG Ö°ùàæj .''πq≤à°ùŸÉH'' q»ª°SQ
Unicameral Parliament
Having a single legislative chamber.
/∞©° à°ùe í°Tôe ∞«©°V Unenrolled
/π«ãªàdG …q OÉMCG ¿ÉŸôH ~MGh ¢ù∏éà ¿ÉŸôH Universal Suffrage
πeÉ°T/ΩÉY ´GÎbG Unmarked Ballot
áeƒ°Sƒe ÒZ ábÉ£H/ábQh Unofficial Results
áq«ª°SQ ÒZ èFÉàf Unused Ballot
ábQh/á∏ª©à°ùe ÒZ ábÉ£H Upper House
É«∏©dG á«©jô°ûàdG áÄ«¡dG
The right of all the eligible voters to participate in the electoral process without discrimination based on gender, property rights, ethnicity, residence, race, etc... See Rejected Ballot.
Results published by the media.
.~MGh ¢ù∏› ¿ÉŸÈ∏d ¿ƒμj Ée~æY
õ««“ ¿hO øj~°TGôdG ÚæWGƒŸG πc I~FÉØd âjƒ°üàdG ≥M ...ïdEG á«æK’G hCG ¥ô©dG hCG ,á«μ∏ŸG hCG ,¢ùæ÷G ¢SÉ°SCG ≈∏Y
.I~©Ñà°ùŸG ábÉ£ÑdG/ábQƒdG ô¶fG .ΩÓYE’G Égô°ûæj »àdG èFÉàqædG »g
Any ballot in excess of the number required which has not been used during the election.
Ó˘a ,܃˘˘∏˘ £ŸG O~˘˘©˘ dG ø˘˘Y ~˘˘jõ˘˘J »˘˘à˘ dG äɢ˘bɢ˘£˘ Ñ˘ dG »˘˘g .äÉHÉîàf’G ∫ÓN Ω~îà°ùoJ
It is the Legislative Council, one of the two houses of State Parliament. Usually referred to as the Senate. This house is generally less powerful than the lower house. It is often called the ‘house of review’ as this is one of its major functions.
¬«dEG QÉ°ûoj .¿ÉŸÈdG »°ù∏› ~MCG ,q»©jô°ûqàdG ¢ù∏ÛG ‘ PƒØf øe πbCG ¢ù∏ÛG Gòg PƒØf .ñƒ«°ûdG q ¢ù∏éà kÉ° jCG ᫪°ùJ ¬˘«˘dEG Ö°ùæ˘oj ɢe kÉ˘Ñ˘dɢZ .ɢ«˘fq~˘dG á˘q«˘©˘jô˘°û˘qà˘dG á˘Ä˘«˘¡˘dG .¬eÉ¡e RôHCG øe √òg ¿ƒc ,''á©LGôŸG ¢ù∏›''
Valid Vote
Valid Vote - Vote Counting Officer
A vote cast in an election, marked according to the rules. Also known as Formal Vote.
É° jC k G ±hô©e .~YGƒ≤∏d Ék≤ÑW ÜÉîàfG ‘ âjƒ°üàdG ájOCÉJ .»q ª°SôdG âjƒ°üàdG/䃰üdÉH
The principles considered desirable by the voters.
.ÚÑNÉædG i~d áHƒZôe ~©J »àdG ÇOÉÑŸG »gh
From the Latin term veto means “I forbid”. The vested power or constitutional right of one branch or department of government to refuse approval of measures proposed by another department, especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature and thus prevent or delay its enactment into law.
øe ~MGƒH áWƒæŸG á£∏°ùdG »g .''™æeCG ÉfCG'' á«æ«JÓdG øe √ò¡d …Qƒà°S~dG ≥◊G »g hCG ,É¡eÉ°ùbCG hCG áeƒμ◊G ´hôa ɢ¡˘à˘MÎbG äGAGô˘LEG ≈˘∏˘Y á˘≤˘ aGƒŸG ¢ aô˘˘J ¿Cɢ H ,Ωɢ˘°ùbC’G …ò«ØæàdG ¢ù«FôdG á£∏°S á°UÉN »g ;ôNBG º°ùb hCG IôFGO hCG ™æÁ ∂dòHh á«©jô°ûàdG á£∏°ùdG ¬Jôq bCG ÉfƒfÉb ¢ aôj ¿CÉH .¿ƒfÉ≤c ¬æq °S ôNu ƒD j
The voter contact method in which the candidate’s name is advertised on signs, t-shirts, cups and just about anything else. If seen enough this can often raise the candidates name recognition but it does little to persuade voters with a campaign message.
πã“h ,í°TôŸG º°SG É¡«a ô¡¶j ÚÑNÉædÉH ∫É°üJÓd á∏«°Sh …CG hCG äÉàaÓdG ≈∏Y Öàμj Éeh áHƒàμŸGh áeƒ°SôŸG äGQÉ©°ûdG ≈∏Y ±ô©àdG øμÁ m±Éc âbƒd É¡àjDhQ OôéªÑa .ôNBG A»°T .á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SôH ÚÑNÉædG GÒãc ™æ≤J ’ É¡æμdh ,í°TôŸG º°SG
A supporter of the candidate who generally spends some of their time helping the campaign without being paid a salary.
,Ωƒ˘ª˘©˘dG ‘ ,âbƒ˘dG ¢ ©˘H »˘° ≤˘jh í˘°Tô˘ª˘∏˘d ~˘˘jDƒ˘ e ƒ˘˘g .ôLCG hCG πHÉ≤e ¿hO á∏ª◊G I~YÉ°ùŸ
Volunteer Coordinator
A person on the campaign staff responsible for recruiting and scheduling volunteers.
ø˘˘Y ∫hDƒ˘ °ùe ᢢ∏˘ ª◊G ‘ Ú∏˘˘eɢ˘©˘ dG ᢢĢ ˘«˘ ˘g ø˘˘ e ¢ü °T .º¡JÉbhCG ádh~Lh ÚYƒ£àŸG ÜÉ£≤à°SG
Choice by an elector about party, candidate or issue, expressed through a ballot at an election or a referendum.
∫ÓN øe á«° b hCG ,í°Tôe hCG ,Üõ◊ ´Î≤ŸG QÉ«àNG .ΩÉ©dG AÉàØà°S’G hCG ´GÎb’G
/ídÉ°U-í«ë°U ´GÎbG 䃰U Values
º«b Veto
/(ƒà«a) ¢VGÎY’G ≥M ¢ ≤ædG hCG ¢ aôdG ≥M
´ƒ£àe q ÚYƒ£àŸG u ≥°ùæe u
䃰U Vote Counting Assistant
RôØdG QƒeCÉe/~YÉ°ùe Vote Counting Officer
äGƒ°UC’G Rôa øY ∫hDƒ°ùe
Vote Counting Assistant is the person who assist in counting votes . Vote Counting Officer can visit premises and conduct the count for, or assist, the Returning Officer, either manually on paper, or with computers.
.äGƒ°UC’G Rôa ‘ ~YÉ°ùj øe ƒg QƒeCÉe øY kÉ°VƒY RôØdG ôj~jh ,´GÎb’G õcôe Qhõj ¿CG ¬æμÁ ÈY ÉeEGh ,¥QƒdG ≈∏Y kÉ«q HÉàc Éeq GE ,√~YÉ°ùj hCG ,ÜÉîàf’G .ôJƒ«ÑeƒμdG Iõ¡LCG
78 Vote Counting/ Verification
Vote Counting/ Verification - Voter Fatigue The Vote Counting topic area deals with the actual counting of votes, which requires accuracy, speed and security.
äGƒ°UC’G O~Y ¿CG øe ~cCÉàdGh äGƒ°UC’G Rôah ~Y á«∏ªY Gògh ,á∏°üÙG äGƒ°UC’G O~Y Ó©a …hÉ°ùj É¡H ìô°üŸG .øeC’Gh áYô°ùdGh áqb~dG Öq∏£àj
When voters vote for one candidate in one election and vote for a candidate from a different party or with a different ideology in the next election. Voters who shift their votes are considered to be persuadable with a campaign message. See Persuadability.
ºK äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ í°TôŸ ¿ƒYÎ≤ŸG 䃰üj q Ée~æY π°üëj o ‘ iô˘˘NBG ᢢ«˘ Lƒ˘˘dh~˘˘jCG hCG ô˘˘NBG Üõ˘˘M í˘˘ °TôŸ ¿ƒ˘˘ Jƒ˘˘ °üj ´É˘æ˘bEG ø˘e Aõ˘L äGƒ˘°UC’G Ò«˘¨˘J .᢫˘ dɢ˘à˘ dG äɢ˘Hɢ˘î˘ à˘ f’G .á«HÉîàf’G á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SôH ÚÑîàæŸG .´Éæb’G á«fÉμeEG ô¶fG
When voters vote for one candidate and vote for a candidate from a different party or with a different ideology on the same ballot in the same election. Voters who split their votes are considered to be persuadable with a campaign message. See Persuadability.
¿ƒd~j ºK í°TôŸ º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ¿ƒÑNÉædG ‹~j Ée~æY ∂dPh AɪàfG ¬d hCG ∞∏àfl ÜõM øe ôNBG í°TôŸ º¡JGƒ°UCÉH ‘h É¡°ùØf ´GÎb’G ábÉ£H/ábQh ≈∏Y ∞∏àfl »Lƒdƒj~jEG º¡JÉYGÎbG ‘ ¿ƒª°ù≤æj øjòdG ¿ƒÑNÉædÉa .¬°ùØf ´GÎb’G .á∏ª◊G ádÉ°SôH ´ÉæàbEÓd Ú∏HÉb ¿h~©j .´ÉæbE’G á«fÉμeEG ô¶fG
Vote buying is a widespread phenomenon. It is usually viewed as a purely economic exchange in which the voter sells his or her vote to the highest bidder.
ÚÑNÉæ∏d ÉjG~¡dG hCG ∫ÉŸG Ë~≤J .kG~L ádhG~àe IôgÉX √òg Iô˘gɢ¶˘dG √ò˘g Èà˘©˘Jh .º˘¡˘JGƒ˘°UCG ≈˘∏˘ Y ∫ƒ˘˘°ü◊G ±~˘˘¡˘ H .ÉàëH ÉjOÉ°üàbG ’OÉÑJ
This is any person who is able to vote in the election for a particular office. See Electorate.
äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ âjƒ°üàdG ≈∏Y QOÉb ¢üî°T …CG ƒgh .¿ƒYÎ≤e/áÑNÉf áÄ«g ô¶fG .øq«©e ~©≤Ÿ
Less important or lower profile races often receive less votes than higher profile races because often voters do not know about the race, do not know the candidates and do not feel comfortable voting for candidates they do not know.
᫪gC’G á° ØîæŸG hCG ᪡ŸG ÒZ á«HÉîàf’G äÉbÉÑ°ùdG ‘ ‘ äGƒ°UC’G øY π≤Jh á«f~àe ÚYÎ≤ŸG äGƒ°UCG ¿ƒμJ ’ ÚÑNɢæ˘dG º˘¶˘©˘e ¿C’ ,᢫˘dɢ©˘dG ᢫˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G äɢbÉ˘Ñ˘°ùdG ’h í°TôŸG øY hCG »°ùaÉæàdG ¥ÉÑ°ùdG øY kÉÄ«°T ¿ƒª∏©j .º¡fƒaô©j ’ Úë°TôŸ âjƒ°üàdÉH ìÉ«JQ’ÉH ¿hô©°ûj
Voter Education
Program to instruct the population about the electoral process. See Civic Education, Voter Information.
ô˘¶˘fG .Üɢî˘à˘f’G ᢫˘∏˘ª˘Y Ωɢ¶˘f Ö©˘°ûdG º˘«˘∏˘©˘à˘ d è˘˘eɢ˘fô˘˘H .ÖNÉædG äÉeƒ∏©eh á«f~ŸG á«HÎdG
Voter Fatigue
The tendency of voters not to vote for candidates they do not know or in races they do not care about. Voter fatigue is greatest in low profile or down ballot races. See Voter Drop Off, Low Profile and Down Ballot.
’ øjòdG Úë°Tôª∏d âjƒ°üàdG Ω~Y ¤EG ÚÑNÉædG ¬qLƒJ ƒgh ÖNÉædG AÉ«YEG ™ØJôj É¡H ¿ƒªà¡j ’ »àdG äÉbÉÑ°ùdG ‘ hCG ,º¡fƒaô©j ô¶fG .Ê~àŸG ´GÎb’G ‘ hCG ¢ ØîæŸG »°ùaÉæàdG ¥ÉÑ°ùdG ‘
äGƒ°UC’G ≥«b~J /Rôa Vote Shifting
/䃰üdG Ò«¨J 䃰üdG π≤f
Vote Splitting
/´GÎb’G ΩÉ°ù≤fG º°ù≤e q âjƒ°üJ
Vote-B Buying
äGƒ°UC’G AGô°T Voter
ÖNÉf Voter Drop Off
.¿~àe ´GÎbG hCG ¢ Øîæe ¥ÉÑ°S hCG ÚÑNÉædG ¢VÉØîfG
Voter File - Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
Voter File
A database that contains at least the name and address of all the voters in a district. An enhanced voter file may have other information about the voters such as their phone numbers, their ages, and whether or not they have a history of voting in the past. Political parties and candidates may further enhance the voter file by finding out who supports the candidate or what issues are important to voters. The only way to do this is to ask voters directly.
Aɪ°SCG ≈∏Y …ƒà– »àdG äÉeƒ∏©ª∏d äÉfÉ«ÑdG I~YÉb »gh ~b Qƒ£àŸG ÖNÉædG ∞∏eh .IôFG~dG ‘ º¡æjhÉæYh ÚÑNÉædG ΩÉbQCG πãe ÚÑNÉædG øY iôNCG äÉeƒ∏©e ≈∏Y …ƒàëj øμÁh .´GÎb’G ‘ ≥HÉ°ùdG º¡îjQÉJh ºgQɪYCGh º¡ØJGƒg ÖNɢæ˘dG ∞˘∏˘e ô˘jƒ˘£˘J Ú뢰TôŸGh ᢫˘°Sɢ«˘°ùdG ÜGõ˘˘MCÓ˘ d »àdG ÉjÉ° ≤dG hCG í°Tôª∏d øj~jDƒŸG ~j~ëàH π° aCG IQƒ°üH ¬LƒàdÉH »g ∂dP πª©d I~«MƒdG á≤jô£dGh ,ÚÑNÉædG º¡J .Iô°TÉÑe ÚÑNÉædG ∫GDƒ°ùH
Voter Fraud
This includes: Voter Registration Fraud, Absentee Ballot Fraud, Ilegally or Improperly “Assisting” Others To Vote Their Absentee Ballot, and VoteBuying.
§¨° dG ‘ πãªàJ ¿ƒfÉ≤∏d á«aÉæe ∫ɪYCÉH ôeC’G ≥∏©àj ô˘jhõ˘Jh âjƒ˘°üà˘dG äɢbɢ£˘Ñ˘H ÖYÓ˘à˘dGh ÚÑ˘NÉ˘æ˘ dG ≈˘˘∏˘ Y .ÚÑNÉædG ≈∏Y ÒKCÉàdG ±~¡H ≥FÉKƒdG ∞∏àfl
Short term program focusing on specific election information. See Civic Education, Voter Education.
äÉeƒ∏©e ≈∏Y õcôjo h Ò°ü≤dG i~ŸG ≈∏Y ~©jo èeÉfôH ∞«≤ãJh á«f~ŸG á«HÎdG ô¶fG .äÉHÉîàf’G ‘ áæ«q ©e
Voters often care about things that affect them directly, such as their job or the education of their children. They often care less about policy issues that they have little control over. Candidates need to speak to the voters about things they care about.
π˘ã˘e º˘¡˘«˘æ˘©˘J »˘à˘dG Aɢ«˘°TC’ɢH ¿ƒ˘Ñ˘Nɢæ˘dG º˘à˘¡˘j ɢe kÉ˘Ñ˘ dɢ˘Z º¡eɪàgG ™LGÎj Ée ÉÑdÉZh .º¡dÉØWCG º«∏©J hCG º¡ØFÉXh .É¡«∏Y Iô£«°ùdG ¿ƒμ∏Á ’ »àdG áeÉ©dG äÉ°SÉ«°ùdG ÉjÉ° ≤H øY ÚÑNÉædG ¤EG ç~ëàdG Úë°TôŸG øe ôeC’G »° à≤jh .º¡ª¡J »àdG AÉ«°TC’G
The act or process of registering a citizen to vote.
.´Î≤«d øWGƒŸG π«é°ùJ á«∏ªY
Voter Turnout
The percentage or number of people who voted. The percentage can be based on voter registration or on voting age population.
√ò˘g õ˘μ˘Jô˘˘J .Gƒ˘˘YÎbG ø˘˘jò˘˘dG ¢Uɢ˘î˘ °TC’G O~˘˘YhCG á˘˘Ñ˘ °ùf ¿É˘μ˘°ùdGh π˘eɢ°ûdG »˘Hɢî˘à˘f’G π˘«˘é˘°ùà˘dG ≈˘∏˘Y á˘Ñ˘°ùæ˘˘dG .´GÎb’G ø°S øª°V
Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
VVPAT stands for “Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail”. It is a kind of “vote receipt” printed by an electronic voting machine showing the elector his/her vote as it is being acquired by the electoral system. The VVPAT is retained by election official as the record of votes cast for purposes of an audit and any recount. VVPATs are to be considered the official records of the vote in case of recounts. A huge request of voting machines providing VVPATs is coming
âjƒ°üJ ádBG ¬©Ñ£J ,''âjƒ°üàq dG ∫É°üjEG'' øe ´l ƒf ¬qfGE Ö°ùàMG ~b »q HÉîàf’G Ωɶæq dG q¿GC ÖNÉæq ∏d ø«q ÑJ á«q fhÎμdG ɢª˘c ,¬˘æ˘Y k’hDƒ˘°ùe äɢHɢî˘à˘f’G ∞˘ qXƒ˘e ¿ƒ˘μ˘jh .¬˘˘Jƒ˘˘°U ±~¡H É¡H ‹OGoC »àdG äGƒ°UC’G πé°S øY k’hDƒ°ùe ¿ƒμj Öéj ,RôØdG IOÉYEG ∫ÉM ‘h .ÉgRôa IOÉYEG hCG É¡«a ≥«b~àq dG äGƒ˘˘°UC’G äÓ˘˘é˘ °S ɢ˘¡˘ qfCG ≈˘˘∏˘ ˘Y ¥GQhC’G √ò˘˘ g Qɢ˘ Ñ˘ ˘à˘ ˘YG ä’BG ÒaƒJ IQhô°V ≈∏Y ΩÉ©dG …CGôq dG íq dCG ~bh .á«q ª°Sôq dG íæ“ É¡qfGC ¤EG kGô¶f ,¥GQhC’G √òg ™Ñ£J »àdG âjƒ°üàq dG
ÖNÉædG ∞∏e
»HÉîàfG ôjhõJ Voter Information
/ÖNÉædG äÉeƒ∏©e ÚÑNÉædG ΩÓYEG Voter Priorities
ÚÑNÉædG äÉjƒdhCG
Voter Registration
ÚÑNÉædG π«é°ùJ /ÚÑNÉædG áÑ°ùf ÚYÎ≤ŸG O~Y
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Voter’s Guide
ÖNÉædG π«dO
Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail - Voting from the public opinion. The main point is that VVPATs give the voter more confidence about the electronic vote, and permit to recount votes in case of doubts.
IOÉYEG í«àJh ,ÊhÎμd’G âjƒ°üqàdÉH ÈcCG ká≤K ÖNÉqædG .äÉHÉîàf’G èFÉàæH ∂«μ°ûqàdG ∫ÉM ‘ äGƒ°UC’G Rôa
Provides voters with summary information on the voting ways used in their local polling places with pointers about the voting technology and how to vote successfully. May also cover how to investigate and get help when something goes wrong with the voting process.
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Voters List
See Electoral List.
Votes Cast
The number of votes contained in the ballot boxes.
áëF’/ÚÑNÉædG ∫h~L /ÚÑNÉædG πé°S/ÚÑNÉædG Ö£°ûdG íFGƒd áYÎ≤ŸG äGƒ°UC’G O~Y
.á«q HÉîàf’G áëFÓdG ¤EG IOƒ©dG
.´GÎb’G ≥jOÉæ°U ‘ É¡H ¤~ŸG äGƒ°UC’G O~Y
Total number of citizens above the official voting age.
.´GÎbÓd »ª°SôdG ø°ùdG ¥ƒa ¿Éμ°ùdG O~Y ´ƒª›
Record list available in electoral districts containing information about all voters and their signatures. A voting book for general voting must be based on the list of voters for the voting area for which it is to be used, showing the name, residential address and voter number of each voter and providing a space opposite this information for the voter’s signature.
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A booth in which a person can cast a private vote.
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Voting for a Mix of Candidates
Voting for more than one candidate that voters believe in.
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Voting Machine
A mechanical device used for voting. There are many different types of voting machines, like Full-Face Ballot Electronic Voting Machines, Touch-Screen Electronic Voting Machines, Optical scan Voting Machines.
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This is what the public does to choose the politician they want to run their area or country. Also known as polling or balloting.
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Voting Age Population
ø°S øª°V ¿Éμ°ùdG ´GÎb’G Voting Book
/âjƒ°üàdG ÜÉàc /âjƒ°üàdG πé°S ÚÑNÉædG πé°S
Voting Booth
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Ward Representation
Ward Representation - Write-iin Ballot
Representation by an area of a city that is devided into precincts.
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It is a vote that does not end up on a winning candidate. Some of these will be the exhausted votes but most are caused by poor election methods and/or poor design features of the entire election system being used.
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In the simplest kind of election, the candidate who receives the most votes wins, or “takes all.” Most elections, whether of government officials or in the private sector, are decided on a winner-take-all basis. The winner is the person who receives a plurality of at least one vote.
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Writ of Election
Writ is a document commanding an electoral officer to hold an election and contains dates for the close of rolls, the close of nominations, the polling day and the return of the writ.
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Write-iin ballot
See Absentee Voting.
≥WÉæŸG π«ã“ Wasted Votes
IO~s Ñe äGƒ°UCG
Winner-TTake-A All
ÜÉîàf’G ìÉ°ùàcG
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ábQh ≈∏Y º°SG áaÉ°VEG ´GÎb’G
.»HÉ«Z ´GÎbG ô¶fG
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
Éæg ≥°üdG terms
Éæg ≥°üdG
sender’s address
National Democratic Institute P.O.Box 13-5320 Chouran 1102-2030 Beirut, Lebanon tel 961 1 805 632 fax 961 1 805 633 website email
[email protected]
2030 M Street, 5th Floor, NW Washington, DC 20036-3306 tel: (202) 728-5500 fax: (202) 728-5520