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@l | =snql !(Jrt)n rog (/)o e1rr,n fldrurs IIBr4s a^\ 'tp ! = trtp puz, (C)rZ > ! ll ' a l a l d r u o cs 1 'f1leurg '((S'l'O) E 3oord eqt 'xg Eur,l,o11oJsluatutuoc eq1 '3c) snonulluoc .,(14ea,n-oflluanbasuoc 'snql pue reaurl aallrsod e sl (rr)" o l€uorlcunJ, IBruJou 'o3uaH 'g ,(q peceldar y qll/K pll€^ Q sur€ruar I luotuelels o^oqe erll leql paonpap flrsee s1 ll 'lceduoc-o sl g sV y, X, (t[tn) t J '(t)rtp<|'e)'r >
'g j X lcudruoc roJ tsql s.trolloJ t1 i9 3o slasqns lcedruoc uo ruroJrun oq lsnu acuaEraluoc eql ' u r a J o a q ls . 1 u r q { g ' < 0 ' ( x ) ' o > u o l l c u n J snonurluoJ eqt ol osr/r\lurod s o s € o r _ J u ls u o l l c u n J s n o n u r l u o r J o { . 0 ' ( ! x ) ' o > ) l a u e q l . u a q J 'x 1\x lrql pue *n u! lau ouolouoru ? sl {!r} teqt mou esoddng 'O
< Q)rtp
'+n x u l roJ acurs'0 < (tlc o O ruql 0 < '0 'a,r1l1sodsr .ool .srql < rl uorg s/{olloJ lI 0 0 l€ql otunsse ,(eu arrr toJ :;W r (rt)p o Q sorlclurr ,W ? Q lBrll ir\or{s ol poau ol[ 7' eJnseau e ^ l l r s o d € r o J s l g l o p o l s e J r J J n s { 1 , r e a 1 cl 1 l s n o n u J l u o c , { 1 1 e e m - o sl (d)p qc€e ltql ,{,grrarr ol peeu eA\ '3ootd cql alalduoc oJ
'= (s)^p= J (s)np = J (t)rtp(s)apcq'(x)r+'ot =l! 'acuoq19 uo E uoll3unJalqurnseeru pepunoqi(ue rog uollcv ue Jo r,untlccdg uoserrryoqa 'Z'e
3 . T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p e I I I F a c t o r s
Let {k,: i e I) be a bounded approximate identitv for lr(G) -i . e . ,{ k 1 } i s a n e t s u c h t h a t il.
s y p l l k i l l< @
tim llt,-/- /ll = o
for all f in Lr(G). Then
rim ll0o c(k,)- Oll= o i
for all Q in M*. (Hint: as sup ll
l l o o ( r , , ) - o
also .11(G)is commutative.) If (ki)i€r is a bounded approximate identity for Illc), E cr(k,)r i x o-weakly for each x in 11L
We shall use the symbol t to denote the set t =^{l e zrlc;: i nas c o m p a c t s u p p o r t ) . I t i s h o p e d t h a t t h e n o t a t i o n c w i l l s u g g e s tt h e phrase "compactly supported Fourier ^tra.nsform"to the reader' Since (f * d^ = i ;, ^it-is clear that a is an ideal in Zr(G)' It is well-known that C tras a rich supply of f unctions. We gather together some results (which may be found in [Rud], for instance) which we shall need. (Parts (a), (b) and (c) of the f ollowing p r o p o s i t i o n a r e , r e s p e c t i v e l y ,T h e o r e m s 2 ' 6 . 2 ,2 . 6 . 8a n d 2 . 6 . 6i n [ R u d ] . ) Proposition 324. (a) (b) (c)
If K g U C t,^with K compact and U open, there exists f in C suchthatlK(/0, there exists k in C such t h a tl l k l l , . l + e a n dk = l o n K 'ti'i';"tt(C),
ina e > Q, there existsk in t sttchthat llt n in Lr(c). i.l[], . e;'iri partictilar,t is norm-dense
(3.2.s) Let A = {k e b: llkll, . 21. (a) If k,,k, e A, say that kl I k2 if i<, = t on the support9f [.r, bi this order relation; i.e.,il SnoJ'tfiat A is directed'upwa'rds k,k, e 4,, there exists k, e A such that ki _1 k, fot i = 1,2. (ftint: apply Prop. 3.2.4(b) wit\ e = I ^and K any compact set containingthe supportsof both kt and kr.) (b) Show that A is a bounded apiroxima"seidentity for tr(C). (Hint: since llt ll . Z for all k in A, it is enoughto prove that
'l IETIJAdS{ p0l€rcossB 3r{l eurJap
. { 0 = & ) l + 0 = x ( / ) D : J) L\ =
i (r)Dds :yrgt x} = (gd)n ,(q ,,ecedsqns Jo lasqns posolc € sl g JI
= x(,iF :(9)J
) l\ = 1r)Dds ]aI,W 9 X JI
.{0 =
&)l c 0 = u),r :1 t Ll =T(0 = aF :@)rz r /) = n ds f q n g o r u n r l o e d su o s o ^ J v o r l l o u l J o q
'n uo 'z'z'€ uolrlulJeq I Jo uollcs u€ 3q D l3.I '[oo1] go 3'19 n = !r se/r\ se parro:d sr (e) uorlc3s ur ruoroor{l € sl (q) lorroqe 1@)t 'I ) 'i ! uary Io pootltoqqSou D uo sallstuo^ I tutlt Llrns st (C)rZ t ! lt puo (D)rl'ut papt pasop o s! I It G) -(Z)"1 = Z puo (C)rl ut papt uo s! {Z lo pootpoqq8nu D Lto saqsyorr I i(g)J ) I\ = @)ot uary'1 ut tas pasolz o s! g lt @) 9'7:g uollpodorf, '([oof] '3c) tlnsar Eutltrollog aq1 fq JoJ palesuaduroc uauo sr srsaqluz(sIErlcads Jo >Ic€l oql 'acllcerd 'slseqluf uI s lerlcods e^rq slos uolalEurs leql sel€ls r,uoroeql 'Z rol€lrqruu€ rlll^\ utrreqn€I rouell[ pel€rqolac eql @)rl ur Ieepl pesolc ,{luo aql sl (^?)131 slseqtu,(s lerlceds e^€q ol pr€s sr J ur 'srsaq1u,{s ? los posolcy I e r l c o d s J o r u o l q o r d p s l l € c - o sa q l o l p o l s l s r sr uoueruouaqd srrll 'lcrJts oq 'rarr.emoq'uec uorsnlcur srql '(-S)f 'S s7 er5qm E u l u l e l u o c J s1 leqt pue leepr pesolc lsellerus aql sl '(j))r? j 'uorl€nlrs = l€rll reels sI ll s uar{,r Ienp aql uI
ft r" 'oT"u,': .(ii(1rra1c) :?l; / l, ^;TlXlto;fl-"1"il -(z)r= !r ecurs..,@)r
(L)I (9),7 ur s1s{xa (e) areql s^\ogs idq'g rcr$ l€rll L dcns / V'Z't / ''(rh7 ur I€epl pasot3B sr (a)t reqt puB (a)1 = Q)t leql ree15-sr 11 JI '({O)= 'f1os:aauo3 @)l :@)fl ) {} = @D l:l'J Jo ? lasq-ns,{ue rog ul les pasolc e '{s ut / acurg 'tc)rl i s tes eql sellrepun posol3 ol (rh7
.J s,(en1e sl TS les a{l '(g)r7 u1 t f,ue roJ snonulluoc sl ./ II€ roJ d = &)/ :J r f} - Ts: rol€lrqruu€ eql eulJep € ro; 'asrcard ad oa ('fEoldctol leura{-llnq polleJ-os €opl slql 'lJ€J uI) '€sre^ ecr^ puB J Jo slesqns Jo sleapl pesolc ruor3 ssed ol ,(e.n IBrnlBu e sl areqJ
('ruro3suerl rerrnoC aill Jo ,(1rrr1lcofuroql osn ol poau [ n o , { ' s l q l - r o 3l 1 l 0 Z t t q f q c n s V u l l l l u r o J ! = / * Z l u q t q c n s 0Z slsrxo ereql luql alou ') ) :s../ les asuop € roJ V ul / J I J o v trt
0 = ll/ - /'211tu'y
uollJv uB Jo unrlccd5 uosarrry oq1 'Z't
3 . T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p e I I I F a c t o r s
l-cmma 32-t.
Let x e M and let E be a closed set in l.
x e M(q,E) <+ (,f)x = 0 whenever f e Ll(G) ts ,suclt that I vanishes on a neighborhood of E (i.e., E c ht {f)-, where lnt denotes interior); consequently M(qE) is a o-weakly closed subspace of M', (b) spcr(x)=0(9x=0; ( c ) s p ; ( x ) = { 0 ) ( + c r f x ) = x f o r a l l t i n G ( i . e . , x e M s T , a n dx * 0 . (3)
Proof. Let I* = {f e !-'(C): cr(flx = 0). Clearly 1* is a closed ideal in tt(c) -- recal-i that .r,l(C) intrerits commutativity ?rom G. Further, by definition, spo(x) = {. ( a ) T h e i m p l i c a t i o n s ( ) ) a n d ( € ) a r e e a s y c o n s e q u e n c e so f ( b ) a n d (a) of Prop. 3.2.6applied to the closed ideal f* and the closed set t, r e s p e c t i v e l y . T h e s e c o n d a s s e r t i o nf o l l o w s f r o m t h e f i r s t i n v i e w o f the o-weak continuity of the cr(/)'s. (b) If spo(x) = o,-then by (a) (applied to E = 0), we find that c(rx = 0 f o r a l l / i n L ' ( G ) , a n d s o , b y E x . ( 3 . 2 , 3 )( a ) , x = 0 ; i t i s c l e a r , using Prop, 3.2.4, that spo(0) = 6. (c) If If (= sn..(x)) = (0), it follows from Wiener's Tauberian theorem that 1* = 1({0})= ({ , L'(G): /(0) = 0}. Let A be the bounded a p p r o x i m a t e i t i - e n t i t y f o r ^ l r ( C ) c o n s t r u c t e da s i n E x . 3 . 2 . 5 . I t i s c l e a r that the set Ao= {k € A: k(0) = l} is co-final in A -- in fact, k'k, e A, kr 1 k2 and k, e Ao imply k, e Ao. Thus Ao is also a bounded a p p r o x i m a t e i d e n t i t y f o r Z ' ( G ) a n d s o , b y E x . ( 3 . 2 . 3 )( d ) , x = o-w€Bk - lim cx(k)x. k€Ao If, now,rf e Lr1G1,note that ft -i
-. .
) IQ)
- x,Q> dt == 0.
Since / is arbitrary, conclude -- since the dual of ZI(G) is I-(G) -that= 0 almost everywhere (with respect to Haar measure). Since the f unction I - is continuous, c o n c l u d e t h a t < < r . ( x )- x , 0 > = 0 f o r e v e r y / . S i n c e 0 i s a r b i t r a r y , conclude that x e"Mq. Also, by (b), x I 0. Conversely, if crr(x) = x for all t, it follows that . l e(f)x (= ) f(t)ar(x)dt) = /(0)x
for any f in LL(G). So, if x * O, Ix= 1((0)) and so spcx(x)= 1((0))I =
t0). n
The following proposition lists some f urther elementary f acts concerning the notions introduced in Definition 3.2.7; we use the
'A[ ur. x Al. ,(yrea13 7 5 (^x)DOs IIB roJ p ds 5 (r)pcls ecurs 1o ds r t AL >1c1diE I (^x)Dcts '(q) 8'Z'€ Brurua'1 ,(q 'uaqt '(l'n)lU s ^x * 0 ',{1esrarluo3 'L JI Jo tl pooqroqq8tou ,(raro roJ {0) * U%DU esodclns r ds / L os l0 * &)3 stlr{1( 0 = (3)n snqJ 'g = x(3)n os puE '(A'o)w I x(3)n arueq^\ '71j 661")pds leqt selldur (p) uud 'm u\ x fuu ro3 'uaql 'A 3 3 lds puu I = (1.)Btcrll q c n s J u r 3 4 c 1 d ' L J o A p o o q r o q q S r a ua u o s i o ; t O ) = C 4 ! o D t / J i ( e ) .(x(/)D)Dds / l. acueq ig * (L)3 olq,r\'0 = (x(/)n)(3)n leql os O = { * 3 leqt apntcuoJ 'dor4 ,{q) slsrxe '0 = {3 pue i = G)B leql qrns ;r ut 3 ((e) V'Z't rpueq reqro e"qr ug '(x(/)n)Dds q (x)Dds os 16 oraql't tds / L JI = x(3)n(/)n = (x)(3 * t)p = (x)(I * 3)o = (r(/)nXt)p e g = x(3)n (p) '@'o)ltt a (r)to (e) €rurue'I ruorJ s^\olloJ r x leql @'byit S'Z'g e ',{lluanbasuoJ 'Q = g = (f,)/ ter{l os '(L)[,-= lI G)rI e "1r)rn(/)n (1,)t/ oste :(t - s)! = (s)r./ eioq,v' 'x(V)" = rcqr bio51 1c) r ds / L*rlt roJul '0 * (1.)/ acurs '0 = @rc lBql ernsue mou (/)n go .,{.1rnur1uoc 'S u l {eea-o aqt priu g uo uolldunssu oql 4 tte rog g = d(/)n '-((f)rds 8'nn) leql (B) g'Z'€ eruue.I uorJ s/AolloJ lI Jo pooqroqqEgau uodo uB uo ser{slue^ / pun | = (LY leql qcns (C)rZ ut ./ >tctcl
'_[{o"or[A^1 It 3r
si^1eo o, -[t,o"o, 'pasolc sr p ds aculs pue 'd loE e,tr 11ero3 (f)Dds f n ds l€rll s^\olloJ t\'.AI u\ f 11erog O = tU)n serldurr O = (/)p ,(1rea13(q)
' (L-){ = (L) {
Pu€ *x(IF = *(x(/)n)
suorlenbe polJlre^ ,(lrsee or{l ruory s^\olloJ sltIl (E) 'Joord 'g = x(rl)n uary'(x)nds {o poor1toqtlStauo uo,(1ptc1yuapt saqsluv^ tl puo (g)n t TI {I 'L {o,t pootltoqqSrauttaaa rcl {O\"* Qf4n <+ D ds , f :/ lds u 1r)Dos 3 (r(/)D)Dds
(;) (e) (p)
:D ut t ilo to! (az)w = (r'nfufiin (c) :-[{r)" o sB i^ ] =o o ,
(q) uaqt'hl {o lasqns1o7o1t1>1oau-o [uo s! I {I i(r)Dos-=1*x)Pds (r) '1{o '(tO)
lasqns pasop D aq Z puo'1,r7t x'(9){I
t t ta7 6'f€
\ l)r-{ = I $s :1 uollcunJ aql Jo lroddns aql roJ / lds uollttou uorlJv uE Jo unrlcadg uosc,rry aq1 'Z't
3 . T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p c I I I F a c t o r s
So, Z fi sp cx I 0, for every open neighborhood V of 7; since sp cr is closed, conclude that 7 € sp cr. = ? i vanishes on a neighborhood of (f) lf f e LL(G), tlrrn /i spcr(x) and so, by Lemma 3.2.8 (a), o(/)o(tr)x = 0. Since / was a r b i t r a r y , c o n c l u d e f r o m E x . ( 3 . 2 . 3 )( a ) t h a t c r ( p ) x= 0 . E We conclude this section with an analogue of the statement that
spt(/ * s) g sprEp-t
Proposition 32f0. Let E, and E, be closedsubsetsof T and let E = Er,T, If xre M(a"E1) iori = l-,2,andx= xrxz,thenx e M(c"E). Proof. Casc(i). spo(x,)is compact,for i = 1,2. In view of Lemma 3.2.8 (a), we need to show that cr(flx = 0 wheneverf e Lr(G) is such that j vanishesin a neighborhoodof E. Also, in the case under discussion,we may assumeE, and E, are compact (by replacing fi by spo(x')); then E = Et + E, is also compact. !-et V be a neighborhoodof 0 in f such that f vanisheson E +^V + V. Appeal to Prop. 3.2.4 {a), and pick fi in C such^that /, is identicallyequal to one on a neighborhood of E, and spt /i c E, + V, f or i = 1,2. (Locally compactHausdorff spacesare regular!) Notice that, by Prop. 3.2.9(f), "(/i)xi = xr, i = 1,2. So, for any Q in M*,=
dt dt Ldt2 I | ! t Ult r
= JfJftrlfrts, - s)/r(s,+ s, - s) . <(crrr(xr)Xcxr ds dsrds, r+"r(* )),Q, where we have used (i) Fubini's theoremand the o-weakcontinuity of a(g) which ensuresthat c(g) may be "taken inside" a o-weakly defined integral, in the secondequality, and (ii) Fubini's theorem and the substitutionss = l, Jl = I + tt, s2 - t2 tr, in the third equality. Hence
=JJ t{r'sr)h(s'sr)ds,ds, where &(s'sr) = <(cx.r(x1))(orr+rr(xz)),0t and
k(s'sr)= J /tr)/rtr, - s)fz!z+ s, - s)ds.
t.r:' !1 ' l3u > ll':"ll 3 )l z/r( zl l f:xl l l t:l>l g l ftx;1 ueql [(*: '"' 'It)] = [(ul l€ql qons les lururouorllro us sl {"1 '"''I:} JI '(O re g
) > . ; o{ 1 r n u r l u o c , ( q € r t r> I > I r o J , > l l ' : r l l l p q l q 3 n s - :I' " ' ' Il :( x ) 0 1 '(A)ru'i x 0 < r pu€,l ul {cld lsrrg:lurg) IIB roJ ( ..,- .. I=!l
-zlr\ , - l r l l ' : *{ lJl " > l(x)01 leql qcns 0 < ) lu€lsuoc u pu€ ,l ul {"1 "" "l} tos I€rurouoquo u8 slsrxo ejsql lerll ^\oqs
'snonurluoc ,{1Euor1s sJ rlclr{/AIuuollounJ reourl e aq O - (A)f :0 la"I (tt.Z.g) srsIJJexl '@'o)n zxrx t o p n louoc'((q)l'€'0 l € r l l 'xg 'JJ) oplculoc sar8olodol 'slas papunoq lean pue {Ba^\-o eql uo 'ocurs lposolc {11eaa-o sl '(e) B'Z'€ €rurue'1 ^q 'gclq ^ (Z}o)W '(p) 'ctor4 o1 sEuolaq 1 z x 1 ! A p ; 1 I x 1 ! 1 1 ns;l c n p o r d a q l J o q c e a - 6'Z'€ pue (I) ase3 [g ',(1>1eo,n oouoq pue '[1Euor1s zxrx * 1zx1!A;n;1rr1lp; 'slas papunoq uo snonurluoc [ISuorls fllurof sl uoll€clldlllnru eJurs
rrt ' - ' re!(ll"(r:)"ll ';1Ix1!1p1;1ons Gx zx1!31n pue Ix * I"(!F pue g t I;;!a;; leql -eloN 'f18uor1s '((rrtz'E) "ll7ll 'c t t3't{ ql qrns (r t l s { : l t 1 p u e l t ! 1 ' y ;s l o u l r a t a s 'xg rgc)'oprcuroo sernsolJ{€e,lr\pue tuorls oql '(fi)f Jo slasqnsxeluoJ roJ leql anrl sr tl pue 'xeluo3 sl les slql '{Z r rll 4ll 'J ) 4 lt({o} acuaq pue) {ee^\-o aql'6l"sElolaq d leql les oql Jo ernsolc(>1ea,v' (p) (€'Z'€) 'xX pue (q) (S'Z'€) 'xA uorJ si(oltoJ 1r.'147 ur.( f ue rog 'frerlrqr? ax'Ix (1g)ese3 '(r) asec goordaql sapnlJuocslql '{rerlrqre s€,r ocurs 0 '0 = <0'xU)p> leql;o'Arou 'sernsuoruoroegl s.lurqnC Jo uolleJrldde '0 = (zs'.)ry'os pu€ = raqloue la1 tttu"nbosuoJ 0 .{'"'zI.t!).{ -) 'A + zg + Ig u1 paugeruoJsr qJIq^\ u'-'a1rds + A + g I + A + t/ to, eplsul polroddnss\ (2"'z! pue r./ Jo uollnlo^uocorll {11er1uesse sr qcrq,n) (""'z!.t./) rgq^ 'A + A + ? uo s a q s l u B ^ $ ' $ {
:(r-s)S = (s)r3 puE lrnpord esr,nlurod selouep l o p o q l e r a q / $ ' ( - " - ' N I ' r { ) * / lcnporcl uollnlo^uoJ aql sl (us'.)Z leql alou 'Gs pexrJ s Joc
uollcv ue Jo unrlJaclg uoselry aq;
3. The ConnesClassificationof Typc III Factors
Note that ll"i,ll = 0 fo.r all..j t Q(x)= Q. Show (by considering - r m a x , l l x ( , lwl o r k s . ) K-lx) that K i e (well-dbfin6d) There existsa boundedlinear functional 0 on Xf, where
fr=fte...olf n copiee
such that
,[,i, "r,]=o{") (c)
for all x in t(lf). There exist vectors rl1, ..., 4r, in lf such that
<xl,,n,>; 0(x)= j.t, =1
in particular, 0 is weakly continuous. (Hint: look at (b) and appcal to Riesz.) A convex subset of I(lf) is weakly closed iff it is strongly closed. (Hint: the (locally convex version of the) Hahn-Banach theorem says that a closed convex set in a locally convex topological vector space can be separated from any point n outside it by a continuouslinear functional.)
3-3. Thc Conncs Spcctrum of an Action I f a i s a n a c t i o n o f C o n M , w e s h a l l , a s i n D e f i n i t i o n 2 . 5 . 1 3( w h c r e o n l y t h e c a s e G = l R w a s c o n s i d e r e d ) ,d e n o t e b y M o t h e f i x e d p o i n t algebra: Mq = {x e M: er(x) = x Yt e Gl. Clearly^_Ma is a von Neumann subalgebra of 1L For a projection e in W, eMe may be viewed as a von Neumann algebra M" of operators on ran e. Since e € Mq, it follows that a induces an action creof G on M" such that ai@xe) = e(crt(x))e. (The invariance crr(e)= e is needed to ensure that t h i s d e f i n i t i o n i s u n a r n b i g u o u s ,a n d t h a t a e i s a n a c t i o n . V e r i f y this!) Proposition 3.3.1. Let q be an actiott of G ott M; let e, e,ez e P(l'tq) and let E ll be closed. (a)
M.(a",E) = M(q,E) i M.i
er l er+ sp c(tl c sp o"2;
(c) (d)
) a(q(tt)x)b; i f u e M ( G ) , x e M a n d a , b e I + { d , t h e nc x ( p X a x b = if x e l+[ and iI a and b are invertible operators itt l+:[q, then spo(axb) = spa(.r).
(a) If x e M", note that cre(flx = c(f)x for all I i\ Lr(G)
'n uo g to p ttottco tto tol
.€-€-€ uollFodord
ur eJe r{Jrq^\ suorlceford oJoz-uou ,(1uo raprsuo, o, ,rrrg;nffl Ie'luec ' ( n ) 1 E u r u r 3 e pu l l € r { l s l u o r l r e s s eE u r , n o l l o ge q l J o l u o l u o o a q l . J J o l e s q n s p e s o l c e s , { e m 1 es l ( p ) . 1l u q l u o l t l u l J a p e q l u o r J r e e l c s l l I ! '(Gn)a ) a * 0:"n dslu = (D)J :snql paurJop sl '(lr)l ,{q palouop !o 3o urnrlceds sauuoJ oql 'n uo g Jo uorlce u€ sr lc JI .2.€.€ uoIfIuIJa( E
3 (r-q(qxo)r-u;pds = 1x;pcrs e o u r s' s / I \ o l l o Ju o r s n l c u r o s r a ^ o r e q l l(r)Dcts =
-({O} + (x)Pcts+ t0}) j -((q)"cls + (x)Dds + (u)Dos)j (gxa)Dds leql (c)8'Z'€ €ruua'I pu€ OI'Z'€ 'dor4 ruorg apnlcuo3 .(p)
'((p)(e'e'o)'xs 'Jc)
,{8o1odo1{Belr\-o eql ul snonurluoc flaleredas sr uoglecrldlllnru aJurs '= o> = Q)ap
=',n ul0 ^u€ JoC (c)
.2"o. ds , n ds = l(t oa _l..c)""
(( e) .;c)
_[(" rd r'" ^ ;-]
^i.] r. = _[tr)"0,
=, "o o , _ [t" l '" "0 r ' "T*]
'.{1a1erperuw,r^",,;:o)'f ;i;:r11";:,{'1J%. '1x;"Pds=
ecueq pu€ ( ^ . 1 Itp a(x)' n aQ)l '| = tp(axa)' p(t)I "ll) L
uoJlJV uB Jo runrlceds sauuoJ oqJ. .€.€
The ConncsClassification of Type III Factors
r(cr) = fl {sp ce: 0 * e e P(z(Mq))); in particular, if Mo is a factor, then t(a) = sp d. Proof.
We shall show that if 0 * e e
P(M'\, then there exists a
non-zero d in PQ@[c\) such that Sp cre= rp o{ ln fact, define d = Y(ueu*: u e U(l/qD. On the one hand, d e Mq since it is the supremum of a family of projections in ifd; on the other hand, it is (bv clear that udu* = d for all u in Lt(L{c1 and so d e (W)' Scholium 0.4.8); thus e e P(Z(MG\). I n o r d e r t o p r o v e S p q e = s p q { i t s u f f i c e s ( b y P r o p . 3 . 2 . 9( e ) a n d Prop. 3.3.1 (a)) to show that, for any closed set E in t, M(o,E) n ItI, t {0} if and only if l+{(o"E)n M; * (0). Since i{" { M; (as e < f, the " o n l y i f " p a r t i s c l e a r ; c o n v e r s e l y s u p p o s e0 I x e M ( a , E ) t 1 M u ; s i n c e x = VxV, therc cxist u,v e U(Mo) such that Qteu*)x(vev*)* 0; then y = eLfxve 10, and it is clear that / e M"; and since e, u, v € Mq, it f o l l o w s f r o m P r o p . 3 . 2 . 1 0a n d L e m m a 3 . 2 . 8 t h a t s p c r ( y )C s p o ( x ) C E , O whence M(",8) n Me t (0), as desired. We shall head towards the main result of this section via a s e q u e n c eo f l e m m a s . Irmma 3.3.4. Let {Vr: j e^A) be an open cover of t and let x e I[. If x 10, there exists f in C such that spt / c V, /or sonte i in h and d(f)x t 0. Proof. Let Io be the set of linear combinations of elements of ll(C) whose Fourier transforms are supported inside compact subsetsof members of the cover {2,}. It is clear that /n is an ideal in Zl(G); hence,the closure r of Ii in tl(G) is a closed-idcalin LrG). If 7 e ( a ) , c h o o s e/ i n f, pick j e A such that / e Vri t!,en, using Prop. 3.2.4 = I and ^spt / g Z,; thus, for each 7 in r, there C such that f(i 0. On the other hand, it is a fgct exists an f in I such that l(7\{ (cf. [Loo], Section 37) that if I is a closed id^ealin LL(G) and lf I I LL(G), then there exists a 7 in t such that i0) = 0 for all f in I. Conclusion: 1o is dense in Zl(G). .. This conclusion, together with Ex. (3.2.3) (a) and the fact that l l . ' ( g ; ; ; < l l g l l , f o r a l l g i n r t ( G ) , c o m p l e t e st h e p r o o f o f t h e l e m m a . E Lcmma 3.3.5. Il e, and ez are non-zero projections in lrt[q,wltich are equivalentrelative to I{ (as in Def. l.l.l), then r1
putt 6r (x)tn = lIIa 6r r)tl,
tvqt Llans(1'1'g uatoaql 'lc) (l)ztrt = g uo ttortcu up sts:rr.aitatg uatla @ L to lootd n hl lo 'W Lto g .d o asoddttg 9-g-€ suur-I lo sttotlcv ato g puD b atal1x ;
= (r)?dpue(',r;tnrn = "rr,1,r#;rt":'r;\f Xll;tj'J""J,rlt9t3' dBlu snonurluoc .{l8uorls € sl aJor{lJI (s1oqu{s ul .g : n) luelulrnba r a l n o o r e h l u o g J o d p u e p s u o r l c e l e q l , { r s l 1 e q se , i , - - [ f = g a s e c otll ol se^los.rnopal3rrlsar e^\ eJoq^\ -- (q) Z't'g uotlrurJoq ul sv
" 7' n v U \ n ) z * o 'ocueqpue ' A j -(n + 'il3
-((x)Dds- (d)Dds+ (x)Dos;= - ({)Dds + 11x;Ib;Dos)j (z)Dcrs -111r;ztn;Dos lErll
pue 'zt^ ) zI zz! = z $qr rzelc sr l! 'l 1Ie rog (r)tn z1 = 1")to ,ruij 'o
I *(x)alP tllx'1rrn= z
'r/ leql rlcns g ur.zt Jo acualsrxe aql oJnsue t / , c ' I = d i ( 1 r 1 e n b ec q l p u e r ; g o u o r l l u l J a p e q l -tt^ , (np)n ut u(luaruele orez-uou B slsrxe aJoql'(ra)r)1 r l, puu,( 3o pooqroqqErau € s r l ? a J u r s : t a > r I l e q l a l o u ' r a ( x ) r n z 1 = 1 r a x z 1 1 r n= ( r ) r n s e 'os1e l ( o 7 g ) 4 t r ! r e e l c s l lI '(D t t:(*x)tn dll=tI I0leql t"-l 'dor4 r(q) 3 ,lL i ({)oos - (x)pcts le ql os ((p) O'Z'e lds J (x)pds le ql = nzq aruls 'taxN! = x ((r) I'€'€ 'dbra fq) teqr atou puB 'r?.,{{.zl 'O puv 1nz/161n - rc la.I * @zl)(8)p pue /14j .s lds - 3 1ds leqr qcns '0 'zi Ia V a € esooqJ ol V't't etuue'I asn 1 nz1 ec"urg *nn puu ? 'slsaqlod,(q ,{g : n*n leql qcns ,{ ur n frloruosl leltrud u sl eroql "
'rxaN - tA n*qtqcnsr p (t) roaocuadouE osoorrc \t;"j41t:'(,
qcns ,{lo,rglcadsar(: ut) 0 pu€ l. 3o spooqroqqElau dq til pue n t:-I
*'tw u (A"b)I^t 'E
uollcv uE Jo rrrulceds seuuoJ aql
3 . T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p e I I I F a c t o r s
7r@oe2)=Br(x)6e* for all t in G and x in M. Proof. If {ar}: (crt}: {Bt},simply define
',[;;:;;;]l l;;;:,, ;1.;l''l
and verify that'l does the job.
Thcorcm 3-3-7. Let q be an actiort of G on M. (a) (b) (c)
I(cx)+spct=spog I(cr) is a closed subgroup of t; If B is another action of G on M, wlticlt is outer equivalent to q, then T(a) = r(B).
Proof. (a) If 0 I e e P(Mo), then e is an identity for M" and hence spo"(e) = {0} (cf. Lemma 3.2.8 (c)), so that 0 e spo"(e) G sp cru; so 0 e I(o) and consequently f(cx) + sp d I sp ct Suppose, conversely, that 7L e f(cr) and 7, € sp oq we need to verify that M(q"lO I {0} for 'yr1. Pick neighborhoods Z, of any ndighborhood Z-of (7, + 7, such c v. Since 7, e sp oc there exists a non-zero element tnat ffi x , i n A 1 a , V , 7 . P u t e = V l r p c x . ( x f ) :t e G | a n d n o t i c e ( a s i n t h e p r o o f o f L e - - a i . l . S ) t t r a t 0 * e e - P i U a y S i n c e / , e t ( c x ) ,t h e r e e x i s t s a non-zero element x, in M(a,Vr) n Mo It follows from the definition of e and the fact tliat 0 * xr= ex1, that there exists t in G such that er(xr)x, * 0; set x = ar(xr)x1and notice that x e M(q"V) (as spa(x) c (spo(crr(xr))+ spo(xr))- = (spo(xr; + spo(xr))-
C(V,+ V)- tn. ( b ) F i x a n o n - z e r o e i n P ( M ' \ a n d c o n c l u d e f r o m ( a ) t h a t t ( c r e )+ sp cre= sp de. Since clearly r(cr) ! f("") ! sp cr",infer that r(ct) + f(cr) c sp cxe;allow e to vary and conclude that r(cx)+ I(cx) c f(
'E'tS s^\oqs oIII edft Jo srol3€J Jo ocualsrxocql p a l r q rqxo eq u l 'I 'III adfl 1 1 r ms c d f , 1e s o q l I I B J o s r o t J B J g o s a l c l r u t x S > \ > 0 roJ J o a r c \ 1 1 1 e d , { 1J o s r o l J B J l c r l l ( q ) 0 ' g ' g r ( r 1 1 1 o r o 3r u o r J s ^ r o l l o J l I
' ( - ' o )= 0t): JI'Iut (r)
l((t'o) ut \ roJ) {z r u :,1} = (tDs JI '\III : ( r ) = O t ) _ rp u e I I I a d f l g o s t 7 g J I ' 0 I I I odfl 3o aq ol prus sr 111rolceJ V
(r) (O)
.0I.€.€ uolllulJcq
'{t) = (ro)1 = .3c) pue prt = hr os :n O At)t ((c) g'Z.e eurula-r ul r pu€ U, ul , 11f ro3 x = (x)lo ueqt 'N uo er€rl sug e-sr r JI (q) 'seuocrlc^c ar{l 3r€ (1ry clnorE crqdroruosr erll Jo ',(lluanbasuoc pue) 6 3o sdnorEqns posolc 'Joord IcrlrJl-uou fluo aql lerll loeJ aql Jo eJuenbesuoce sr srql (e) '(t) = (rV): uatp'a7rutlnuas sr trI It Q) l ( 1 ' g )t t t \ a u o s t o ! ( Z
'(-'0) = Qtr)-l (t) r u:,1) = @)S (r) l{l) = Qtt): (O)
:s1as3utuo71o! aLfilo auo [1uo ptto auo sr Q;g)1 (e) '6.9'9 [ru11oro3 eurJap '4
'7,9uo lqErom su3 f ue s1 Q aroqrrr '(ao)l = U,tt)l D etqe?le uu€unaN uo,r frerlrqJe ue roJ 'g'g'g'uo1t1u13cq
'N uo JEInpou,, eql $ pue Q slqEre^\ suJ qll^\ palBrcossB,rs./AolJ er€ do pue do oraq^\'(6o)1= (Oo)r tcqt (c) f'g'S pue I'l't sueroeql r u o r J s i r , r o 1 1 ot r3' e r q o 8 1 e u u e u n e l q u o l i ( r e . r l r q r B u B s r l t l J I ' t L =
.(d)J = (n)1 ecuoq
', 'zzt@r^) (B'c'n) i(,r. = ""e6I 1 $
puB 'g 'rr"@r (r, ^) = (o'c'n) '-a@IL :suels,{sleclrutufp spueqroqlo aql uO IBrnl€uor€ oreql l€r{l rBalcsl ll Jo sruslgdrouosr = (,, (,, " " a @ I ,()J . ' a 6 I L)s l s q l s p n l J u o c' S ' E ' €
uorlov ue Jo unrlcrds souuoJer{I '€'E
3 . T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p e I I I F a c t o r s
that the condition l(lut = ( I ), while s e m i f i n i t e n e s s ,i s b y n o m e a n s s u f f i c i e n t .
3.4- Altcrnativc
necessary f or
of r(liI)
As the title of this section announces, we shall derive some equivalent dcscriptions of r(fut), which will be useful when it comes to explicit computation. Lcnna
3.4.1. Let q be an aclion of G on a lactor lt[ of type llI.
r(cr)=n{spB'oi8}. j Proof. If cr 3 B, then r(cr) = r(B) g sp B and so r(cr) c n(sp 8: cx B). The reverse inclusion will be proved once we show t-hat for each j non-zero e in P (Mc\, there is an action B such that ct B and sp a" =sPB. So, suppose 0 I e e P(Mq); since M is of type III, any two non-zero projections in M are equivalent, and in particular, there exists an isometry u in M such that u*u = | and uu* = e. Since e e = t and ctr(u)crr(u)*= e for each t in G; L[d, it follows that crr(u)*cx1(a) = u * d r ( u ) defines a strongly continuous unitary v t so the equation path in M. Notice that for any s,t in C, u* a"(u)) = u* e o.r*"(tt)= Vr+, vrcrr(ur)= u*crt(u)crt( (since u*e = u*): hence, by Ex. (3.1.3) (b), the equation Br(x) = vrcrr(x)rf defines an action B of G on M, which is outer equivalent to Observe now that B.(x) = u*a,(ux u*)u; the operator u may be regarded as a unitary bperator fiom lf to ran e, which sets up an isomorphism between the dynamical system (lr[,G,B) and (M",G,cr")-is a von Neumann nlgebra explicitly, if z(x) = uxu*, then n M'M. isomorphism such that
rsplsuoJlsnu auo '( 1I'Z'E) 'x:I ur s€ uorlBlou orll r{ll/'r;snonurluoJ ,(1>luarrr-o s1 Oh uo leuortounJr€aull snonurluoc*{1Euorls-oltue lcql '(lt.Z'g) .xg u1 pedolclep auo er{l ol JelrrursluorunEreuu Eursn'moqs lsnu euo :slrBlapoql ul IIIJ ol pall^ul sr rapearaq1) 'pasolcf14eam-osl ll JI ,(1uopue pasolc*f1Euo-r1s-o sl las xe^uoc B leql IJEJ e sl lI .G.V'Z 'dor4 'gc)JrsnonuJluocluos Je^\ol f14eam-osr 'lzurrou Euraq 'Q ocurs pus sles p0punoq uo snonulluoc,(1Euor1s ,{ttulol sr uo1lec11dr11nu 'xaluoc € sr ccurs pasolJ*,(1Euor1s-o sl X las aql 'las pepunoq-r.uJou
'll"ll> > ll(z)0a;; {ll(r)0r,11 ll'll '0N t z\ = y les eql l8ql esrlou : r = t p ( t ) ! f t n q t p u e 0 1 I W , q t ( i ( l r l e r a u a EJ o s s o l o u q l 1 , n ) c r u n s s e'e1rurgu1 si 0 JI
'0ux,4v= 0u'Qv"r0,v = Ou1r)jo OJUIS
'Ou"(r{v){= tp tr!)$o(t)l =Qu$(h'o) = (x(!)ro)Qu t = 0N
'uoql acurs) I E t ^ r J l s r u o r l r o s s €l s J r J o q l ' o l l u l J
allq,\{ 'Utl s l O e s B Ju I
'(x10u1,0-y14 =gg)ro)Qa pueOry t rU)Qo= /6Ory ) x :uoruessy ',{14eaalpo}orclrolur Euraq lerEalul eql
tp ?F(t)I
t''o'1= tgoly
IBI{I pue '0g uo rolurado papunoq peulJep . , { 1 1 n . ; S u r u e aeu s l . ( r ? v ) / ( g t e p a u r g c p l o u s r / q S n o q t ) l e r l l s i ' r o l l o J 'elqrlra^ur sr 9y octrs llp,,_t(l)"/ ll | = (r)/ l(q (-'0) uo peurJep uollounJ snonurluoc pepunoq aqt s1'/ u"qi '(U/)rz r ./ Jt 'Joord (fu ,ttt^ g to drrotS pnp aLfi Sutttvuapl a r o a t u . ' € ' V L t o l l r . a sl o p u a a t i l t D s o ' o s l o ' . Q g t o t o t a d o r u 1 o { p o - l p s art|tsod ?qt Io untlcads aqt 'astnoz lo 'sa\ouap 0y ds pqw,$ atla) '(-'0) u 9y ds = ,o ds uatp'141 tto tt13pu suJ , sl O /7 'r't€ uuue-I eql uI dn ue4e1 s1
'ErurualEur,rro1lo3 cls Eururuexa Jo dals lxau lernleu grll
'Z' n't pue I't'€ s€ruruo'I J p u e I ' I ' g r u a r o o r l J g o a c u a n b e s u o JB s r u o l l r o s s p e q l ' I I I e d , { l g 9 s r 7 . 9 'n uo e}eJl s suJ sr r JI {I} = ,o ds lsrlt lJeJ snor^qo eql puB (q) JI 'allulJlrues sr 'Joord 6'9'9 f:e11oroJ ruorJ s^\olloJ uo1lr5ssuaql /.t/ JI
'{1t1tro 1t18pusuJ r, :ro ds} v = (n)l 0 (n)l p suolldycseq o^rl€urollv 't'E
3. The Connes Classification of Type III Factors
[ =
,r=t* nlo
fr,, with lfr, = lf for
n > 0, and
xtn= 1l
(the conjugate Hilbert space) for n < 0.) Thus K is a o-weakly closed convex set which contains of(x) for all l; since f ) 0 and ) lQ)at = l, conclude that
v=!I@o!{;oatex: observe that for arbitrary z in
= iQ*y)
= I le)."*o!G),o>dt = I /tr).4'6no(x),nok)>dt = .i1a-4f)nq(x), n6k)>, the validity of the assertion. thus establishing Hence,iffeLr(R), oQ(n =o I
oO(flx = o
vx in
= o vx in No <+l1a-4|ln6(x)
<+i1a-l)= o €* / vanisheson (so a;rrn mp (9 f vanisheson (sp AOn lRl), following from the equation JOAQJ6= n:rt. Set the last equivalen^ce I = {f e Ir(lR): av(f) = 0} and E = SP AO n,Rl; thb,above statement t r a n s l a t e si n t o / = I ( E ) , a n d h e n c e , s p o e ' = P = I ( E ) - = E , a s d e s i r e d .
3-45. If M is a factor, then r(ln, = RI. n (n(tp aE: Q a fns weight on luI)).
Proof. This is an immediate consequenceof Lemmas 3.4.3 and 3.44. F o l l o w i n g C o n n e s ,l e t u s i n t r o d u c e t h e n o t a t i o n S(M) = n{sp A0 Q a fns weight on lul). Then S(I4) is clearly an isomorphism-invariant;further, if DI is a factor, it follows, from Theorems 3.3.7 and 3.4.5, that S(14 is a
) a I 0 /I
'+'"nlQ- "o ttl'eN)
'yr1 lo1co{ o uo ltl?tau suJ o aq Q ta1
2-g-g uogrl$dor4
'7,1uo lq8ra/rr suJ paxrJ suo fue Jo srural ur sl ll leql (g't'€ rueroorlJ ,(q ualrE leql rano) a3uluc^pe orll seq lsql Utt)l lo uogldlrcsep reqloue rllli( uollcas slql epnlcuoc IIEqs a/,1 1 - ' 6 1r o ^ ( Z r u : , , \ ) n ( 0 ) ' ( I ' 0 ) s l O t l ) ^ Ss e E u r p r o c c u tIII ro (t > r > 0) \ttI '01f1 ad,(1lo rl lt, rolceJ e 'g'v'€, uorllsodo:d g'p'E lueroor4J Jo ecuanbasuoc B sE ,leql osle aclloN pue
,{lrrrssacau sr 0v uor{r,rojfinlo rlttt}iT';'rt"#
::';:ii'::X1: ore ,9v puu 9y eculg llnsar e^oqe aql 'luslcnrnbai(1r-rellun-lluB 'alrurJlruas q n'g'l'E rueJoeqldq'ecuaq n pue':auur sl 60 iholJoql'spto,nJeqlo.ulU ul I pue g41Qyur r IIB JoJ lErll qrns (hl)vUur.{'n} dnort frelrun raleuered-auo |nx'n = H|_axH!'Ja snonulluoc ,{ltuorts E lsrxe lsntu araql 'suolllpuoc esaql flesgcord rapun leql sel?ls-- serqe8leuuerunoNuol suorle^rJep tururacuoc Jo sIJBJeruosuo sarlar ;oord asoq,n-- ([leS] 'gc) re>1eg ol onp llnsor V uJ ut r IIe roJ @)Qu = 11t.-e(14)Qu"r,a tuql qonsg;1u^oJoleradopapunoq A ^ " * r L P X S o l : U ' o S ' ( L ' 0 ) u r r a l u o sr o 3 ( r _ r ' r )5 9 y d s l c q l a p n l o u o r 'v frYvvf = Yv aJuls v9 ds / 0 teql qcnsy'{ uo Q lqEramsuJ B slsrxe araql l€ql sl (lll) uortdunsst oql '(l{)S ;o uoltyul3ap,{g :(l) e (lg) 'IIO:(III)€(II) rfi1 ry '{t} f,v = = (ru)S cls os pue ueqt 5 'W uo ac€rl suJ € sl 1' gr 'i(1es:e,ruo3'(n)S > I l€rtl g't.€ r,ueroaql ruorJ s^\olloJ ll '(t'€'€ 'qI 'Jc) (/t/)l r I ecurg :(rr) 6 (r) .Joord 'U/'t)s
/ o '{r) = Un)s (l)
ia1luttnaas s1y,t1 (l)
D tto suo!1!puo? Euruol1ot
Jualottnba '9.V.€, uolllsodor4
'elluJJlulas sl JrtluoqiY\,(losrcard acuereJJlp ou sr aJer{l leql sr uolllsodord Eur,nollog or{l Jo lueluoc aql '0 reqrunu aql l(q lsour l€ raJJIp snql uec (f,V)Spue (79)1 stos aq1 'rolcuJ B sl ttl Jl
u (tt)s = Uu)J
:scruoceqg't'€ r,ueroeql '0{)S Jo sural uI 'n uo 0 t q 8 l a , v ' s u 3 , ( u e r o J C Z V ) ^ S .rual q u n u e r r l l l s o d { u e { q u o l l e c r l d r t l n r u ropun luerJelur lJel sl 9v ds leql r.Icns (-'Ol Jo losqns pasolc
(.rt)r ;o suoJldJrcsaq e^lleurotlv
rt2 (a)
T h e C o n n e sC l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f T y p e I I I F a c t o r s
Q" is a f ns weight on M"i
= Ri n dtp Lq":6 * e e P(z@qD: in particutar,if MQ is
a factor,thenr(nfi = nl n sPAO Proof. (a) 11 is clear that 0" is a faithful and normal weight on M.. Since e e Mv, it follows from Theorem 2.5.14r that eD6e c Dpi so
D6"2 eD6e. of a monotonenet {x;} the existence The semifiniteness of 0 ensures in D6 such that xi .t' I (cf. Ex. (2.4.8));then {ex,e) is a monotone net i n D i " w h i c h c o n v e r g e sw e a k l y t o e , t h e i d e n t i t y o f M " i c o n s e q u e n t l y 0 -. i s s e m i f i n i t e . ( b ) I n v i e y o f P . r o p .3 . 3 . 3 a n d L e m m a 3 . 4 . 4 , i t w o u l d s u f f i c e t o show that 1o$" = o9" for non-zeroe in P(Z(MAD. Since tO" g tO, it is trivial to^verify that 0e satisfiesthe KMS condition with respect n t o t h e f l o w ( o P ) " ,a n d t h e c d n c l u s i o n f o l l o w s . Corollary
3-4-E. If M is a factor, then S(tt4) = n{sp aO": 0 * e e
for any fns weight 0 on M,with 0eas in Proposition 3.4.7. Proof. Case (i): M is of type III. In this case, 0 € S(M), by Prop. 3.4.6. lf 0 t e e p(z(aQ)), since M is of type III, there exists an isometry u in l+[ such that u*u = | and uu+ - e: the map x - ttxtr+ is a von Neumann algebra isomorphism of M onto M"and hence M" is also a factor of type III; s o , b y P r o p . 3 . 4 . 6a n d P r o p . 3 . 4 . 7( a ) , 0 e s p 4 6 " . Case (ii): M is semifinite. In this cage, 0 | S(luI),by Prop. 3.4.6. We must exhibit a non-zero e i n ? ( Z ( M \ ) s u c h t h a t 0 I s p A O " ,o t , e q u i v a l e n t l y , s u c h t h a t A g " i s bounded. Let r be a fns trace ot M. So, by Theorem 2.6.3, there exists an invertible positive self-adjoint operator H n M such that 0 = r(H.).Pick e > 0 such that e = l6,yr1(H) 10. We know -- by for x in M and I in ft thus x Theqrem 3.1.10 -- ttrut of{r) = 11it*11-it', e uQ if and only if x^ iommutes with lB(H) for all Borel sets E; in -'e particular, e e P(Z(Mv)). It follows from ee ( l/e ( e that
! e Me,+) er(y) < 0(y) < e-rr(y); SO'
('g'p'g [ru11oroJ pu€ (q) f'f'g 'dor4 3o s3oord aql al€llrul :tulH)
'tQfud ) a * o'"Oyorp = Ov)s (q) a,
:(Qw)d ) a* 0 :0v ds)uulUl= Czvl: (e) 'hl totceJ fue rog lBlll /t\oqs
'perrsap s€ t > r-r t il#ott l€rll os
'zll(r)"ou;1r-r = (x*x)Qz-, (*rxP =
= all(*')"0u;;
"9 "0 = zl1*;o u:frv"oril tt:fivll* N u N' x zl1co'o ' 3 C u e qp u B
'(r*xlPr-r (x*r)lr_ r
(*r(x)lr-r ) (*xx)g +"n
(n)l p suolldlrcsoqo^ll€urallv 'r't
T h e c r o s s e d - p r o d u c tc o n s t r u c t i o n w a s f i r s t e m p l o y e d b y M u r r a y a n d von Neumann to exhibit examples of factors of types I, II and III. The set-up is as follows: one starts with a dynamical system (M,G,q.) -- with G not neceSsarily abelian -- and constructs an associated von Neumgpn algebra M (usually denoted by M oo G) on a larger Hilbert space Xf. Section 4.1 discussesthis construction when G is a countable discrete group, and develops some of the features of the crol;sed p r o d u c t ; f o r i n s t a n c e , a n e c e s s a r ya n d s u f f i c i e n t c o n d i t i o n f o r M t o be a factor, is given in terms of the action a. In Section 4.2, we assume that M is sgmifinite and use a fns trace on M to construct a fns weight 0 on M, whose associated modular operator is explicitly conlputed; this description is used to compute the invariant .S(14),when M is a factor. S e c t i o n 4 . 3 i s d e v o t e d t o t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f e x a m p l e so f f a c t o r s o f , II* III\ (0 < \ < l)' Practically all these a l l t h e t y p e s : I , , , I * I I t^crossed-p?oduct of L-(X,T,p1 by an ergodic examplej arise"as the g r o u p o f a u t o m o r p h i s m s ;t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f f a c t o r s o f t y p e I I I l ' \ e ic groups of automorphisms [ 0 , 1 1 ,r e q u i r e s t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f e r g o"dr a tio sets" in the sense of o f a m e a s u r e s p a c e , w i t h s p e c i fi e d Krieger. S e c t i o n 4 . 4 t a k e s u p t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e c r o s s e d - p r o d u c t ,w h e 3 G i s a g e n e r a l ( n o t n e c e s s a r i l yd i s c r e t e ) l o c a l l y c o m p a c t g r o u p . f f A = M @qG, with G locally compact and abelian, an action d of I on lf is conitructed. The main reSult of this section is Takesaki's duality theorem which states that M @d t is naturally isomorphic to l4 @ r(t2(G)). This is a genuine dualiiy theorem if it is the case that M = It is shown that such is the case for a fairly large M @ f&zGD. ( t h e so-called properly inf inite) von Neumann algebras, class of which includes all infinite factors. Section 4.5 applies the results of Seption4.4 to the casewhen M is a factor of type III, G = lR and cr = o9, where 0 is a fns weight on ly'.
('(e) asn 's1ql ro3 lecuo8reluocEuorlsazr,ord o l ' ( q ) , ( q ' s a c r 3 3 nrsl t l l 4 l l ' l l t l l ) x e u r > l l u n s ; e r l r e d ( o r r u r 3 ) ,(ue;;ccurs:lulH) '*f1Euoi1$'-o Bu'iEranuoc tqSrr aqt uo s3rrasoql ' (t'tt) {(rt,s)xct" = 1l.s;z '9 ) t's uaql'tX = pue (r{h ) A Z Z,{,X JI (c) 19 r 1's4 *(s'l)I = (/'s)*{ uSql .(Ah , { JI (q) i I ur rurou ur EurEraauoc tqEJraq1uo"i;arreseq1
Dit = '(r)l(r's)t (rXlx) 'o ut s ,o, urui
" r I pue(a)r r I .lI (e) (r'r'l) sasrJraxl
,l ur U'l IIB roJ <1e;t{'11;1I> = < & ' : ( / ' s ) { > E u r f g s l l e s r o l eredo papunoq anbrun oqt s1 (l,s)1 u o { 'g ur. puE s qcee JoJ J'areq,n -- g ,(q pexepur suunloJ pu€ s1r\or t r{ll,!r -- (((l's)E)) xrrlBu enbrun e ,{q poluese:der sr (A)f ul { ^uV t { r o J s r s € q l e - t u r o u o r l u ou e s r { 9 r y . s : 1 , ! l } . r e y n f r l r e d u l ! 9 u r I puu g.trr ! 11ero3 rl o--l -- (r)l {qaroq,n tcl)-i-o $ = u uorlcrrJlluepr 'l'"9 = .g tfl (i')f,,,1 errrm IBrnlBu B sr arer4l , pue $ ur I 11uqde,n rot '- > d?ru € sl ,t Jo luauota uV ., IIB a l l ( r ) t l l 3l e y l - q o n s i l ; ' b ; l -> roJ rf = rg'5re[lh 'r$cere = arunss€ller{s eA{ rrt put (A)f nier$ I '[?tj ul uolltluosarder .ru1-nEar (-tqElr ..ctser)-lJel eql ,rou.O 9 Jo''dsar) r\ / / pue (t"g = (s)tl [.q peulgap) (g)rt to1 srseq luturouoquo ,D I B c r u o u B co q l o l o u a p ( g t 1 : , 1 ) Jo luouelo {1r1uepr eql elouap r tel IIBqs d^ '7,'(, uollcas Jo pue oql le sv .1,t1etqeEp uu€unoN uol e uo g dnoJE (uerlaqe {lrressoceu lou) aleJcsrp olq€lunoJ E Jo uorlc? ue sr rc l€ql arunsse II€rIs e^\ .uorlJes slql lnoqEno:q1 SlJnpord-ptssorJ cltrtsrq'I't'
roJ"uu' rr' toJtt-a= roo 1 ,{ssyres ,{rrfiT lJ'l?.13fr.'r:',"""
Jo {'g} dnorE raleuerud-euo e fq 1g erqaEle uu?uneN uo^ alrurJlruas € Jo lcnpord-pessorc eql s€ alqrssardxa ,[lanbrun i(1yu11uossa,, sI adf rolceJ ? eql uI ,,Je!loq alq€uos€ar,, t l8ql llnsar III Jo 'padoq sl sgcJg^{.uerrrEa:e sluaun8re 3 qll,r\ rep€eJ orll e^Bal 11raa, ll cllslrneq euos 'peelsul isgoord ,reJ r(raa sulBluoJ uollJes sIqI
s l c n p o r d - p e s s oor lce r c s r q ' I . y
4. Crossed-Products
I 16 Definition 4.1.2. With the above notation, define
irt= tx e r(i): I(s,/) e M andl(s,t) = 1-r(i(st-1,e)) for all ,,, ,n G). of M with G (by cr)and also The set ff is called the crossed-product by M @oG. O denotedsometimes Note that if 7 e ft and s,t,u e G, then i(su,tu) = cr,r_Ji(s,t)). It is easy to see that f4 !s weakly closed (in [(il);; it is not mugh harder io verify that M is a self-adjoint subalgebra of f(Xf) contlriningl, and consequently A von Neumannalgebraof operators on ii. (For instance,if 7,,! e M and V = 77, it follows from Ex' (4.1.1)(c) and the fact that M is weakly closed, that V(s,t) e M: further, z(s,t) = I i(s,u)I(u,t) = Ii(s,u)crr-r(I(ul-1,e)) = = E r(s,v/)cr,-17(v,e)
= cr-.,(Z(sl-r,e)).) t '
Define n: M - ir Uy tne prescription (n(x))(s,r) = 6rrcrr-1(x). (When there is more than one action floating around, we shall sometimes *-algebra write n- for z.) It is rJpadily verified that tr is a normal isoggorpiism of M into M. Hence n(I4) is a von IJeumann subalgebra = of M: in fact it is precisely the set of those 7 in M for which i(s,r) 0whens#t. N e g t , d e f i g e \ : G ' f ( l f ) b y l e t t i n g ( \ ( u ) ) ( s , l ) = 6 r , u , ,o r e q u i v a l e n t l y , (r(,rixr) = \1u'rt1. It is clegr that \ is a unitary iepresentation of G in'f; i" the identifigation k = tt 6 !2(G), r(u) = I @ ru' It is easilv verified that I(G) g M arLd that (4.1.1)
I(ri)n(x)\(u)* = n(cr.,(x))
for all u in G and x in M. It follows from the above discussion that (n(M) u XG))' c M; the f o l l o w i n g e x e r c i s e so u t l i n e a p r o o f o f t h e r e v e r s e i n c l u s i o n .
'H > tl'((rl)r-'1o)l = (rlXl{n) uollenba 3ql leql parJrra^ flrsee sI lI
'Qr\tt'(ur9o'9no) = (tt'tDr-(>t'o u)
lcql slee^eruollelnduoc fsee ue '.(zrtrr!'(c rl)r4or tt) = ( tt,8rl)(r t!) 4,r fq uanrEsr uo11ecr1d1t1nru-dnorE aroq,n 'y x .F/sl 1asturi(lrepun osoq^r9 dnorE oql sI 'X o@H {q olouop l1eqs o/h I{cIq/$ 'lcnpoJd lcoJrpruraseql l€ql l1ecar 'usrqdrououroq e sr G/)lnV - ) : rc pup sdnorEelercsrpalq€lunoJ ere X pue H JI (q) '@)*ll erqeEle uu8unsN uo,r dnorE oql lsnf sl "(gx = n ese)srql ur .snqa .n\ qllan palJrlueprsraE(n)1 = (t\E ,(Cf,r Vl1,ttpelJlluaprfJlurnluu ,pue II sr fi uar{I ', II€ JoJ,,p! ='o 1a1'dnorEeloJcslpalq€lunocfue rog ? = .fr snql l(A)f = n pue leuorsueurp-auooq fi lo-I (€) .y.1.9sa1
cl" .1r;111n;x;u s1oy,1 {lrualerrnba ro) sluuoEuJo H:'.tllri,XrT",*?:l'j:rt:: :H
qclf,y. n q X asogl Jo les eql sl 0// JI '[1l1cJ1clxa aroru i,,((9)1 n Q;q)u)-=,2Vr€lncllr8ct ur i(q) ur sf pelerctrolurturoq uns oql '(n)1(((r'n)gfo)u"i'
ler{l ^\orls 'n ) X Jl (c) 'srunselrurJ Jo lou eql Jo l1tu11*tuorls-6 oq1se palordralurEuraqlqErr oql uo serJeseql (r[c,"3 = r l€Hl ,no{S
'nt r-rsJI n = ,_ls J[
'0 '(l's)I
I = (r'sx(n){) I J
fq (t)r ) (n)X eulJap 'D ) n pue (nh r { JI (q) ('pelou uaaq ,ipuCile seq slql ') = n ueq1\) ',;igtr x auros rog (n)1(r)u = { JI [1uo pue g1 leuoturp qln,oql uo palroddns sI I l"ql A\oqs 'n * vls ra^aueq^\6 = (t's){ JI .g ul n auos rog 'leuoEelp qfr? aql uo palroddns st I l?ql 6,es,.7t9, I lo.I (e)
(e'r'r) sssrcJcxfl slcnpord-passorc el0rcsro'I't
4. Crossed-Products
I e f(m def ines a unitary representation/< - u, of K in l21H;;if r, denotesthe left-regular representationof 1{, it is easy to check that for k in K and h in H. It follows that there aulr(lr)af = r" (cr1(/r)) eiists an action d. of K on W(H) such that d1(x) = u*xuf f or all x in W(m and k in K. 'The W(m od K acts on the Hilbert spacetf = lz(K: crossed-product !2(m) which can be natural$ identified with n21Flx K) = t2161. Under this identification, ( z6( l"(ft o))I)(h,k) = E(crk-1(&6r)/,,k) and
= i6, *-orrr'; (r(ko);x&,k) for ho e H, ko e K and i in l2(c). lf ri denote! the (clearly unitary) operatoron !2(G) defined by
(rixa,t) = f(
= iq:o'n,4 ()r/ra( rH(ft0))w*ixlr,t) and
(h,k)= l(cr,-r(/r),tortl; 1wr1&o)w*i) ko-
in view of equation (*), this says that wz6(\H(fts))w* = rc(lto,€x) and w\(ko)w* = \o(er, ks); thus w(W(H) @a K)w* = W(H oo K).
Remark 4.1.5. Although the construction of the crossed-product seems to depend upon the Hilbert space lf on which M acts, it is a f act -- which we shall prove in Section 4.4, when dealing wi{r that the isomorphism class of M continuous crossed-products depends only on the isomorphism class of the dynamical system (M,G,a,);explicitly, if (Mr,G,a), i = 1,2, are dynamical systems and if fl; M,' M, is a von Neumann algebra isomorphismsuch that tr o or,t = d2,r o z for all /, then
ft tluo puo Il aart st D uottlo aLlJ 6'1'g [ru11oro3 'a^oqc (e) ur se 'aorJ sr ln ursrqdrourolnu E aql 'r I I roJ JJ aarJ oq ol plBs sr ,,ryuo I Jo )c uollJB uv (q) '0 = r salldrur n u\ K Il€ roJ x({)g = {x 'g'I't uoIfIuIJeC JI aarJ aq ol ples sl .ZVJo g tusrqdrouotneuV (e) [
'oleldruoJs1 '(sr_n= I Eulltnd uo) .yoordaql pue
I ul ,A
't)X = ((t 'r-nn){)t-"o (+
g ul sA (r 'sr-n)x = ((r 'r-,?s)I)r-"o<+ g ul sA (r 'sr-n)E= (/,'s)I <+ 's)(1(tz)1) = (r 's)((n)19)q9 9 ut sA (r {(n)1 = (r)1x ueql 'D ) n n'I (q) 's/r\olloJuolilOssseql pu€ 'g ul ,A 9 ul tA
(e 'l)1(d)I-rn= /q) 'DX e = (r'r)((f)ug) e X(Ou = (t)uX (>'r(XQ()u) uaql
'n ) t le'I (€) 'Joord
'g u! n't yo toS ((r'l)g)"n = ({ywn)X <+ ,(g)f r I ( t ' t ) y ( t ) f - n= , { ( r ' 1 ) I ( * r ( n f u ,
igult pupnultllotol
'n t 'l'I't x 147
(q) (e)
'JolcEJB s\ n IBIII ernsuaqJlg/r.(n'?'n) uralsfs luclueudp eql uo suolllpuoc ao uo$sncslpB ol lxeu urnl eA,\ el^ ssauallulJlrues aql osn 0 D ('(p) Q'7d'xg Jo 'ssaualrurgruras 'n roJ :fulH) uo suJ B sl tqEle,n 0 l€ql ^\oqs t-ry ut I ro3 ((r'r)f)9 = (XDtuJep'n uo 1qE1am suf fue sl O JI (q) '$t1lu e4e?IuqnsuuuruneNuo^ oql oluo 'InJqlleJ B sl g teql e^ord (e) W Jo uoq)aford euo-ruroulcurrou '((r'r)g)z = XZ 8q (4)u - W :Z elurJae (S't't) srslrJexg 'g'oo'I,tt
= gtort^
s l c n p o r d - p 0 s s o JeJl a J c s r c l ' l ' ,
4. Crossed-Products
f,tnn4!W)=IJZ(M)). Proof. Supposethe action cr is free. Then, it follows from Lemma 4.1.7(a) that 7 e MnnJM)' )f(/,e) =0 for t * e )7 = fl(i(e,e))e n(A. Since zo is l-1, tle assumptionI e nJIr|.' forces i(e,e) to belong to z(M), and so, M n not(M)t c not(z(lut); the other inclusion is obvious. If conversely,there exists , * e such that cr, is not free, then (by definition) there exists a M such that x/ =