Math. Z. (2007) 257:81–106 DOI 10.1007/s00209-007-0116-5
Mathematische Zeitschrift
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category Manfred Stelzer
Received: 12 February 2006 / Accepted: 29 November 2006 / Published online: 8 March 2007 © Springer-Verlag 2007
Abstract Relations between category and strong category are studied. The notion of a homotopy coalgebra of order r over the Ganea comonad is introduced. It is shown that cat(X) =Cat(X) holds if a finite 1-connected complex X carries such a structure with r sufficiently large. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) Primary 55M30; Secondary 55P48 · 55P45
1 Introduction and statement of results The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category cat(X) of a topological space X is defined to be the least number n such that there are n + 1 open subsets which cover X and which are contractible in X. A classical theorem of Lusternik and Schnirelmann states that cat(M) + 1 is a lower bound for the number of critical points of a smooth function f on the smooth manifold M [34]. Due to this result, the invariant cat plays an important role in geometry and analysis [19], [31]. The strong category Cat(X) was introduced by Fox [21] as an approximation to cat(X). It is the smallest number n such that there is a space of the homotopy type of X which can be covered by n + 1 open contractible subsets. There are variants of these notions which give the same values on pointed path connected CW-complexes [2], [57]. For cat, a first one, given by Whitehead, defines cat(X) ≤ n if the diagonal n+1 : X −→ X n+1 factors up to homotopy through the fat wedge X n+1 . A second one, due to Ganea, puts cat(X) ≤ n if the homotopy fibration X ∗n+1 → Bn X → B∞ X X M. Stelzer (B) Institut für Mathematik, Universität Osnabrück, Albrechtstr. 28a, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany e-mail:
[email protected]
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admits a homotopy section. Here X ∗n+1 is the (n + 1)-fold join of the Moore loop space X and Bn X stands for the nth stage of the classifying space of the monoid X. The strong category can be described as cone-length. That is, Cat(X) ≤ n if and only if there are cofibration sequences Li → Xi → Xi+1 ,
with X0 ∗ and Xn X [24]. Later it was proved by Cornea [11], [12], that one can find always such an n-cone presentation in which Li i Zi . In this paper, we will study relations between cat(X) and Cat(X) of a topological space X. In general there is an inequality [24]: cat(X) ≤ Cat(X) ≤ cat(X) + 1. Until recently there were no spaces X known with 2 ≤ cat(X) = Cat(X). This has now changed. The first example, found by Dupont [18], is a rational space with cat(X) = 3 and Cat(X) = 4. There can be no rational example of lower category [20]. A little later Stanley constructed, for each n, spaces Xn with cat(Xn ) = n and Cat(Xn ) = n + 1 [49]. Stanley’s work was inspired by the ideas used by Iwase in the construction of his counterexample to the Ganea conjecture [28]. In a certain range both invariants agree. For example, Clapp and Puppe, improving on an earlier result of Ganea [24], showed [9] that, if X is a finite (l−1)-connected (2 ≤ l) CW-complex with (X) ≤ (2cat(X)+1)l−3, the equality cat(X) =Cat(X) holds. The case of category one was studied by Ganea in [22]. The condition cat(X) = 1 is equivalent to X being a co-H space and Cat(X) = 1 translates into X being of the homotopy type of a suspension. For a co-H space X which admits the structure of a coalgebra up to homotopy over the cotriple defined by the functor a theorem in [22] tells us that already the inequality dim(X) ≤ 4l − 5 implies that Cat(X) = 1. Later Saito showed that this bound can be further improved for co-A4 spaces [42]. These results were generalized independently by Arkowitz and Golasinski [1] on the one hand and by Klein, Schwänzl and Vogt on the other [32]. Both groups apply a version of A∞ theory for co-H spaces. In contrast to [32] where the comultiplication is the main object of study, Arkowitz and Golasinki choose to work with a section for the first Ganea fibration instead. Following a suggestion of Ganea in [22] the notion of a homotopy coalgebra of order r over is introduced which plays the part of an Ar space structure. The main theorem in [1] is then that a finite 2-connected co-H space whose co-H structure satisfies all higher coherencies can be desuspended. In [32] the same result is achieved. Apart from the connectivity hypothesis, this establishes a perfect Eckmann-Hilton dual result to Stasheff’s classical delooping theorem for A∞ spaces. It is the aim of this article to generalize some of these results for cat(X) ≥ 2. In doing so we will follow the route laid out by Arkowitz and Golasinski insofar as we study sections of the nth Ganea fibration instead of compressions of the diagonal into the fat wedge. The functor is generalized by the nth Ganea space functor Gn (−) defined by Ganea’s fibre-cofibre construction [24] (or, equivalently up to homotopy, Bn ). This functor defines a cotriple as was shown by Deligiannis [13]. The key notion will be that of a (weak) homotopy coalgebra of order r for this cotriple. Homotopy coalgebras of order 1 over the Ganea cotriple were studied by Deligiannis in his thesis [14]. These make up the second layer of structure. On the other hand, we follow the authors of [32] in that we use higher doses of An theory in a form which was pioneered by Boardman and Vogt [6].
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
The following theorem is an exact generalization of Ganea’s theorem quoted above. Theorem 1.1 Let X be of the homotopy type of an (l − 1)-connected (l ≥ 2)CW-complex with cat(X) = n and dim(X) ≤ 2(n + 1)l − 5. Then Cat(X) = n if and only if X is a homotopy coalgebra of order 1 over Bn . The next theorem generalizes the main results in [1] and [9] from n = 1 to all n and from r = 1 to all r respectively . Theorem 1.2 Let X be of the homotopy type of a CW-complex. Suppose that cat (X) = n and that X admits a weak homotopy coalgebra structure over Bn of order r. Furthermore, suppose that X is (l − 1)-connected (l ≥ 2) and dim(X) ≤ (2n + 1)l + (r − 1)(n(l − 1) − 1) − 3. Then cat(X) = Cat(X) . As was shown by Cornea in [11], there exists for every space X with cat(X) = n a space Z such that Cat(X ∨ n Z) ≤ n. So in a sense we are looking for conditions which make it possible to cancel n Z. The guiding idea of this paper and for the proof of these theorems may be summarized as follows. Let Y be a space with cat(Y) ≤ n. The first place to start looking for an n-cone approximation is a section σ : Y → Bn Y. Under certain conditions on the connectivity and dimension of Y this approximation can be used to construct an n-cone decomposition for Y. Now, by a mild variation of an argument of Clapp and Puppe which appears in Sect. 4. as Lemma 4.3, the space Y can be replaced by any An space D. So in case the connectivity of σ is not high enough new candidates of An spaces must be found. These searched for spaces show up as classifying spaces Bn Di (X) of An spaces Di (X) if σ can be lifted to a homotopy coalgebra structure of order i. It will be shown that the connectivity of the structure maps γi : X → Bn Di (X) grow with i. Since the spaces Bn Di (X) are all n-cones, a homotopy coalgebra of order i gives rise to n-cone approximations of X which improve with i. To make this work, we have first of all to construct the An structure on Di (X), which is defined as a homotopy pullback along An maps. Moreover, we must investigate the homotopy type of the spaces Bn Di (X). A complication arises from the fact that a certain natural map η which figures in the definition of a homotopy coalgebra is only an An map, not an An homomorphism. This means that η does not commute with the An actions on the nose but only up to coherent homotopy. To settle this, the approach of Boardman and Vogt to An theory is best suited for the following reason. In A∞ theory one studies monoids up to homotopy equivalence. The correlation between the homotopy multiplicative and a related strict multiplicative structure is the key to the problem just mentioned in the An case. Here the strict structure is that of a partial monoid. Now Boardman and Vogt join two homotopy operations through deformation to a strict operation. This is expressed through their cubical subdivision of the associhedra and that structure makes the comparison between homotopy and strict structure more easy. Connections between cat and A∞ theory already played a role in Iwase’s work on Ganea’s conjecture [28], [29]. This article is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we define homotopy coalgebras over the Ganea comonad and look at examples of spaces with and without such a structure. In Sect. 3 we study how the construction Bn behaves with respect to homotopy pullbacks. Given the work in the appendix, the results are more or less straightforward
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generalizations of lemmas due to Ganea in the case n = 1. The connectivity estimates for the maps γi are deduced in this section. With the help of Lemma 4.3 these are used to prove our main results Theorems 1.1. and 1.2. in Sect. 4. Finally, we quote some open problems. In order to make the paper more readable, we have packaged the needed results on An theory in a long appendix which contains three sections. In Sect. A.1 we recall some basics on An theory in the way of Boardman and Vogt. The main result of Sect. A.2 is Theorem 2.1 which says that the homotopy pullback of an An map along a monoid map carries an induced An structure. This theorem is used in the construction of the spaces Bn Di (X). The proof uses the notion of an An rectification Mn of an An space X. The space Mn is a partial monoid homotopy equivalent to X. Section A.3 is devoted to classifying spaces of partial monoids. In case the partial monoid is the rectification Mn of an An space, we determine the homotopy type of the nth stage of the classifying space. The arguments and results here are all adaptations of Stasheff’s classical work in [50]. These adaptions are needed since for the proof of Theorem 2.1 we found it necessary to work with partial monoids and to use the tree approach of Boardman and Vogt to An theory. The multiplication on a partial monoid is strictly associative but not everywhere defined and hence is not an An -form. Of course, both structures are closely related as is shown in Sect. A.2. 2 Homotopy coalgebras over Bn We will work in the ground category Top of compactly generated spaces in the sense of [56]. Let Top∗ denote the category of based compactly generated spaces and maps. The categories Top and Top∗ are closed monoidal, complete and cocomplete. For the used notions and results on An theory the appendix can be consulted. The following theorem is essential for the definition of a homotopy coalgebra over Bn to make sense. For n ≤ 3 it appears in [59, Sect. 2.5.3.], and a more general theorem is stated without proof in [30], but we could not find a proof for the general case in the literature. The proof is given in the Appendix. Theorem 2.1 Let (X, F) be a well pointed An space and g : X → N an An map to a monoid N. Moreover, let f : K → N be a map of monoids. Then in the homotopy pullback square g˜ - K P f˜
f ? ? g - N. X there exists an induced An structure on the space P such that the maps f˜ and g˜ induce maps of partial monoids between the rectifictions. Consequently, there are also induced maps on classifying spaces. Let D be an An space. The map ηD given by the composition D → D → Bn D is an An map [51, Sect. 11.10]. It plays a prominet role in the following definition, which is central for this paper.
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
Definition 2.2 A weak homotopy coalgebra struture over Bn of order r ≤ ∞ on X is given by the following data: (a) (b)
A sequence of An spaces D0 (X), . . . , Dr (X) where D0 (X) = ∗. Maps γi : X → Bn Di (X) i ≤ r.
Such that: i)
The space Di (X) is given inductively as the following homotopy pullback: η˜ Di−1 (X) Di (X) - X γ i−1
γi−1 ? ? ηDi−1 (X) - Bn Di−1 (X). Di−1 (X)
Here the An struture on Di (X) is the one corresponding to the induced An rectification as explained in the Appendix. The maps γi , for i ≥ 1, are to be homotopy sections of the following composition: Bn Di (X)
Bn η˜ Di−1 (X)
Bn (X) −→ X.
Here EX is the composition of Bn X → B∞ X with some fixed homotopy equivalence B∞ X X. If in addition the following diagram commutes up to homotopy for i ≤ r we will call such a structure a genuine homotopy coalgebra over Bn of order r: γi - Bn Di (X) X γ1
? Bn X
Bn γi
Bn ηDi (X) ? Bn Bn Di (X).
We quote some results from the literature. The first two which follow are special cases of theorems proved in [1, Sects.1.5.,1.6.]. Proposition 2.3 A weak homotopy coalgebra of order r is a genuine homotopy coalgebra of order r − 1. Proposition 2.4 Suppose X is of the homotopy type of a space of the form Bn A with An space A. Then X carries a genuine homotopy coalgebra structure of infinite order. Recall that the Ganea space Gn (X) of X is defined as follows. First put G0 (X) = ∗. If pn−1 : Gn−1 (X) → X is defined one puts Gn (X) = Gn−1 (X) ∪ C(Fn−1 ) and extends to C(Fn−1 ) by pn (b, w, t) = w(0). Here Fn−1 is the homotopy fibre of pn−1 . Note that in contrast to Ganea we do not turn pn into a fibration. We remind the reader that Gn (X) and Bn X are homotopy equivalent in a natural way under mild assumptions on X. The next theorem is due to Deligiannis and appears in his thesis [14, Sect. 5.2.2]. Deligiannis shows in [13] that the functor Gn defines a comonad. Hence it makes sense to talk about coalgebras over this comonad. Theorem 2.5 Let X be a path connected CW-complex with Cat(X) = n. Then X is of the homotopy type of a strict coalgebra over the comonad Gn .
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Corollary 2.6 Let X be as above. Then X carries a genuine homotopy coalgebra structure of order 1 over Bn . Not every space of category n carries the structure of a weak coalgebra of order > 1. Example 1 In [18] a 3-connected rational space X of dimension 29 is constructed by Dupont with cat(X) = 3 and Cat(X) = 4. It follows from Theorem 1.2 that there is no weak homotopy coalgebra structure over B3 of order 2 on X. Example 2 In this example we work with p-local spaces where p is an odd prime. Let ωn ∈ π2np−3 (S2n−1 ) be the first nontrivial element in the kernel of the double suspension n > 1. Consider Qn = (S2 )
∪ e2np−2 where (S2 ) is the nth fat wedge of S2 and the (2np − 2)-cell is attached by the composition of the universal Whitehead product of order n wn and ωn . For dimensional reasons the pth James-Hopf invariant Hp of ωn vanishes. It follows from [25, Theorem 1] that ωn is a co-H map. So the the main result of [49] applies and gives us cat(Qn × S2 ) =cat(Qn ) = n and Cat(Q × S2 ) = n + 1. Note that Q × S2 is a 1-connected space of dimension 4np−4. Apply Theorem 1.2 to see that Qn ×S2 admits no weak homotopy coalgebra structure over Bn of order r if r(n − 1) ≥ 4np − 3n − 4.
3 Bn and homotopy pullbacks For n = 1, the results of this section appear in Ganea’s classical paper [22]. The connectivity of a map f : X → Y between connected spaces will be written Con(f ), it is defined as the largest integer n such that f∗ : πi (X) → πi (Y) is an isomorphism for i < n and an epimorphism for i = n [58]. For a space X, one puts Con(X) = Con(X → ∗). Lemma 3.1 Let f : X → Y be a map with Con(f ) = m, Con(X) ≥ l − 1 ≥ 1 and m ≥ l − 1. Furthermore, let σ be a homotopy section of pn : Gn (Y) → Y. Consider P ρ
θ Gn (X)
pn X
Gn (f )
? ? σ G (Y) Y n where P is the homotopy pullback along σ . Under these assumptions, we have:
pn Y
Con(pn θ ) ≥ m + n(l − 1). Proof Let i : FGn f → Ff denote the map induced on the homotopy fibres. Since σ is a homotopy section of pn , it follows from the five lemma that Con(pn θ ) =Con(i).
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
Recall that a Neisendorfer diagram [38] is a three by three diagram like the one below in which the rows and columns are fibration sequences, and the the maps between fibers are induced by the maps in the bottom right square. Consideration of the following Neisendorfer diagram based on the right lower square FFn (f )
- FGn (f )
? Fn (X)
? - Gn (X)
Fn (f )
- Ff
? - X
Gn (f )
? - Gn (Y)
Fn (Y)
? - Y
shows that Con(i) =Con(Fn (f )). Since the homotopy equivalence Fn (X) n ((X)∧n+1 ) [23] is natural up to homotopy we find Con(Fn (f )) = Con( n ((f )∧n+1 )) = m + n(l − 1). In preparation for the proof of the next result, recall [10] that a map of n-cone decompositions (or level-preserving map) f : X → X , is defined by maps and commuting diagrams 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 Zi gi ? Zi
- Xi f ?i - Xi
- Xi+1 f ?i+1 -X , i+1
where the rows are cofibration sequences, fi+1 is an induced map on cofibres, X0 = X0 = ∗, Xn X, Xn X , and fn and f are homotopy equivalent in the sense that there is a commutative square joining them by homotopy equivalences. The spaces Xi , Zi and the maps fi , gi are called the components of X and f respectively. In the proposition below all spaces are assumed to be of the homotopy type of a CW-complex. Proposition 3.2 Let α : A → C be an An map and β : B → C a monoid map, and consider the homotopy pullback square D
? A
- B β
? - C
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Suppose that (a) (b)
Min(Con(A), Con(B)) := l − 1 ≥ 1 Min(Con(α) = p, Con(β) = q) ≥ l − 1
Then the map φn into the homotopy pullback V which is induced by Bn α˜ and Bn β˜ φn B nα - V - Bn B Bn D B nβ
? Bn A
Bn β
? - Bn C
Bn α
has Con(φn ) ≥ p + q + 1. Proof Consider the commutative diagram: Bn D
Bn α˜
? Bn B
? - Bn B/V
? B nα V n β B
? Bn A
- Bn B/Bn D
Bn B
Bn β
Bn α
? Bn C
? - Bn C/Bn A.
We will use a special case of Serre’s relative theorem [9, A.1] which states that if Con(α) = p and Con(β) = q then Con(θ ) ≥ p + q + 1 for the map θ : B/D → C/A ˜ This gives us: induced by β, β. Con(ψn ) ≥ Con(Bn α) + Con(Bn β) + 1 ≥ p + q + 3. Since Bn α˜ and Bn β are maps of n-cones, Lemma 3.1 in [10] tells us that the cofibres Bn B/Bn D and Bn C/Bn A are also n-cones such that the collapsing map is level ˜ From this and preserving. The map γn := ψn ϕn is induced by the maps Bn β and Bn β. Proposition A.3.4, it follows that γn is a map of n-cones with components γi : Bi B/Bi D → Bi C/Bi A γ¯i : B∗i+1 /D∗i+1 → C∗i+1 /A∗i+1 , i ≤ n − 1. We claim that Con(γn ) ≥ p + q + 2. If the claim is true we are done, since then Con(ϕn ) ≥ p + q + 2 holds by the estimate for Con(ψn ) above and Con(φn ) ≥ p + q + 1 follows with the Five lemma. The start
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
n = 1 is in [22, Proof of Lemma 3.1]. An application of the Five lemma shows that it suffices to demonstrate that Con(γ¯m−1 ) ≥ p + q + 1 for m ≤ n. The inequality Con(θ ) ≥ p+q+1 implies Con(θ ∗m ) ≥ p+q+1+(m−1)(l−1) by the Künneth formula and the homotopy equivalence X ∗i+1 i X ∧i+1 . Consider B∗i+1 /D∗i+1
j (B/D)∗i+1
? C∗i+1 /A∗i+1
i Cj γˆi
θ ∗i+1 ¯j
? (C/A)∗i+1
¯i - C ¯j
where the lines are cofibration sequences, j, ¯j are the natural maps, and γˆi is the map induced on homotopy cofibres. From this diagram and the Five lemma it follows that it suffices to show that Con(γˆi ) ≥ p + q + 2 and we prove this by induction. Let us now identify the homotopy type of Cj . The map j is up to homotopy the inclusion of i (B∧i+1 ∪ C(D∧i+1 )) into i (B∧i+1 ∪ C(D ∧ B ∧ · · · ∧ B ∪ · · · ∪ B ∧ · · · ∧ B ∧ D)). Hence, there is a homotopy equivalence Cj i+1 ((D ∧ B ∧ · · · ∧ B) ∪ · · · ∪ (B ∧ · · · ∧ B ∧ D)/(D∧i+1 )). We do an induction on i. In case i = 1 we obtain from the formula above that Cj 2 ((D ∧ (B/D) ∨ (B/D) ∧ D)). Here we have used (X ∧Y)/(A∧Y) (X/A)∧Y. Hence, by naturality and symmetry, it suffices to show that Con( 2 (β˜ ∧ θ )) ≥ p + q + 2. This can be seen as follows. Since β˜ ∧ θ = (1A ∧ θ )(β˜ ∧ 1B/D ), and because the operation of smash product with a fixed space preserves cofibre sequences, we find that Con(β˜ ∧ θ ) equals Min(Con(β˜ ∧ 1B/D ), Con(1A ∧ θ )) = Min(Con(Cβ˜ ∧ 1B/D ), Con(1A ∧ Cθ )). ˜ + 1 = p + q + 1. On the other But Con(Cβ˜ ∧ 1B/D ) =Con(Cβ ∧ 1B/D ) = q+Con(α) ˜ hand Con(1A ∧ Cθ ) ≥ l + p + q + 1. Hence, Con(β ∧ θ ) = p + q + 1 which is more than we need. For the inductive step, consider any i > 1. As above, there is a homotopy equivalence (D ∧ B ∧ · · · ∧ B ∪ · · · ∪ B ∧ · · · ∧ B ∧ D)/(D∧i+1 ) D ∧ (B∧i /D∧i ) ··· D∧2 ∧(B∧i−1 /D∧i−1 )
(B∧i /D∧i ) ∧ D.
(B∧i−1 /D∧i−1 )∧D∧2
The assertion follows by the inductive hypothesis and an application of the MayerVietoris sequence.
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4 Proof of the main theorems We will need some more connectivity estimates. The following lemma is well known but we could not find a reference. Lemma 4.1 Let D be a (l − 2)-connected (with l ≥ 2) An space of the homotopy type of a CW-complex. Then the estimate Con(ηD ) ≥ (n + 1)l − 3 holds true. Proof Recall from Proposition A.3.2 that there is a homotopy fibration p
D → En−1 D → Bn−1 D with En−1 D D∗n and Bn D Bn−1 D/En−1 D. Then ηD is up to homotopy the map induced on the homotopy fibres of the vertical maps in the following homotopy pushout diagram: En−1 D
? Bn−1 D
? - Bn D.
Because Con(D∗n ) = nl − 2 the assertion follows from the Blakers-Massey theorem in the form presented in [8, Sect. 9.7]. For a weak coalgebra X of order r let φr Bn Dr+1 X
n ηDr X B
- Vr
n γr B
? B η n Dr X Bn Dr X
Bn X Bn γr
? Bn Bn Dr X
be the diagram of 3.2. Note that Dr+1 exists as the appropriate homotopy pullback which is an An space by Theorem 2.1. Proposition 4.2 Let X be a weak coalgebra of degree r. Suppose Con(X) = l − 1 and l ≥ 2. Then the following holds for s ≤ r: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Con(γs ) ≥ (n + 1)l + (s − 1)(n(l − 1) − 1) − 2 Con(Ds X) = l − 2 n ηDs X ) =Con(γs ) + n(l − 1) Con(εX ◦ B Con(φs ) ≥ 2(n + 1)l + (s − 1)(n(l − 1) − 1) − 5.
Proof We do an induction on r. Let r = 1: 1) 2)
The assertion follows from εX γ1 id since the homotopy fibre of εX is (X)∗n+1 . This is clear because D1 X = X.
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
3) 4)
This point is a consequence of Lemma 3.1. applied to σ = Bn ηX and f = γ1 . The assertion follows from Lemma 4.1 (1) and Proposition 3.2 applied to α = ηX and β = γ1 .
Suppose the assertion is true for r ≤ q: 1) Using [1, 1.6], we have n ηDq X ◦ φq ◦ γq+1 γq B and hence n ηDq X ◦ φq ◦ γq+1 id. εX ◦ B This gives us n ηDq X ◦ φq ) − 1 = Min(Con(εX ◦ B n ηDq X , Con(φq )) − 1. Con(γq+1 ) = Con(εX ◦ B n ηDq X and note that the connecNow use the induction hypothesis on φq and εX ◦ B tivity of the former is greater or equal to that of the later since l ≥ 2. The assertion follows by simple arithmetic. 2) It follows from (1) that Con(Bn Dq+1 ) ≥ l − 1. Since γq+1 is a homotopy section of a map to X we find Con(Bn Dq+1 ) = l − 1 and hence that Con(Dq+1 ) = l − 2. 3) This is again Lemma 3.1. applied to σ = Bn ηDr X and f = γr . 4) The assertion follows from Lemma 4.1 (1) and Proposition 3.2 applied to α = ηDq X and β = γq . For the following lemma all spaces are assumed to be of the homotopy type of a CW-complex. The proof is the same as that of Lemma 5.7 in Clapp and Puppe’s paper n B there by B D, and hence is omitted. [9] if one replaces the spaces JX n Lemma 4.3 Let Y be a space. If there is a map g : Y → Bn D where D is an (l − 2)-connected An space (with l ≥ 2 ) such that Con(g) = l and dim(Y) ≤ k := Con(g) − 1 + nl. Then we have Cat(Y) ≤ n. Proof of Theorem 1.1 In the case where Cat(X) = n is assumed then X carries a genuine Bn coalgebra structure of order 1 by Corollary 2.6. Conversely, if γ1 defines a genuine homotopy coalgebra of order 1 on X there is, by the universal property of the homotopy pullback V1 , a lift up to homotopy γ¯1 to V1 in the following diagram.
Bn D2 (X) φ1 ? * V1
γ¯1 γ1
Bn X
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By Proposition 4.2(4) Con(φ1 ) ≥ 2(n + 1)l − 5 ≥ dim(X), so there is a lift γ2 of γ¯1 to Bn D2 (X). Hence X admits a weak homotopy coalgebra structure of order 2. By Proposition 4.2(1) we have Con(γ2 ) ≥ (2n + 1)l − (n + 3). Now compute Con(γ2 ) − 1 + nl ≥ 2(n + 1)l − 5 ≥ dim(X) so that Cat(X) = n by Lemma 4.3.
Proof of Theorem 1.2 By Proposition 4.2 Con(γr ) = (n + 1)l + (r − 1)(n(l − 1) − 1) − 2. Now apply 4.3.
We close with some open problems. Problem 1 In contrast to the case n = 1, we do not know if any space X with Cat(X) = n admits a homotopy coalgebra structure of infinite order over Bn . The problem is due to the fact that spaces of the form Bn Z, Z an An space, are special in the class of all spaces with Cat(X) = n, except if n = 1. Also, we do not know how to utilize Theorem 2.5 in order to lift a structure map from Vr to Bn Dr+1 . Problem 2 The conditions that show up in the definition of a coalgebra of order r can be seen as higher order forms of homotopy associativity. Notions of homotopy commutativity are incorporated in the treatment of [1] by use of the cotriple n n . This is also possible in our case. For Cat one demands that the attached spaces in a cone decomposition are suspensions of higher degree than given by Cornea’s theorem. For cat one imposes coherence conditions on the homotopies which contract the subsets of a covering. So one can ask the following question. Is there an En version of the results in this paper? We hope to come back to this point in a later paper. Problem 3 How does the notion of a (weak) coalgebra translate into a condition on the structure map into the fat wedge? Problem 4 How is a coalgebra structure expressed in terms of models in the rational category? Can one explain the result of Felix and Thomas that cat(X) =Cat(X), for X rational, 1-connected, and of finite type with cat(X) = 2, in these terms? Problem 5 Are the estimates in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 best possible? Problem 6 Are there results similar to the ones in this paper for cocat?
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
Appendix The main goal of this appendix is to prove Theorems 2.1 and A.3.4. A.1 Review on An theory in the language of trees This section is expository. We review basic definitions about An theory. It will be assumed that the reader has some familiarity with the language of categorical and homotopical algebra (see [7] or [35] for the former and [41] or [26] for the latter). Moreover, for basic facts on topological operads and theories, [6], [36] can be consulted. A non operad in topological spaces is a collection Pk≥0 of spaces which come with maps γ : Pk × Pj1 × · · · × Pjk → Pj1 +···+jk satisfying certain associativity and unity relations. An An space is a space X together with an action of a non operad which is contractible up to level n. From now on we skip the prefix non since symmetric operads will not emerge. Our operads P will be reduced, i.e. we assume that P0 = ∗. We wish to be more specific about the choice of operad. The bar construction, invented by Boardman and Vogt, of an operad (or theory) produces a cofibrant model W of in suitable model/cofibration categories of topological operads [5], [44], [55]. The based version which we will actually use is written W in [6]. Applied to the operad of associative monoids A which is the one point space at all levels it produces an operad which has as underlying spaces cubical subdivided associahedra. First, following Lawvevre, let us give: Definition A. 1.1 A monoid structure on a space X is given by a family of maps λi : X i → X
i = 0, 1, 2 · · ·
such that i) ii)
λ1 = 1X λn ◦ (λr1 × . . . × λrn ) = λm , with m = r1 + · · · + r − n.
In case (X, e) ∈ Top∗ we assume that λ0 = e → X. For example, if X is a topological monoid, define λi (x1 , . . . , xi ) = x1 · · · xi which is well defined because of the associativity. Thus a topological monoid is an algebra over the operad A. A multiplication on an H-space X, X 2 → X, (x, y) → xy is represented by a box with two inputs x, y and one output xy: x
@ @s (xy).
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By wiring boxes together composites are obtained: y x (1)
@ @s Hs
@ s @
For a monoid X these two operations agree with λ3 which we represent by the tree: x (3)
y @ @s
λ3 (x, y, z). If X is a homotopy associative H-space the operations 1 and 2 are only homotopic and this is accounted for by assigning a length between 0 and 1 to the internal edge between the two boxes. The two composite operations are represented by the planar trees (1), (2) with length t = 1. Letting t approach zero joins (1) to (2) through (3). This picture generalizes to an arbitrary number of inputs as follows. Let T be a tree embedded in the plane which we orient down by gravity. The inputs (which are ordered since T is planar) have no beginning vertex and are called the twigs. All internal edges have lengths assigned to them. The output, called the root, has no end vertex with it. If we vary the length of all internal edges between zero and one, this set makes up a cube C(T). The tree corresponding to λ0 has no input and one output; it is called a stump. The trivial tree represents the identity operation. λ0
Definition A. 1.2 Let Cj denote the disjoint union of all C(T) where T has j ≥ 1 twigs and suppose (X, e) ∈ Top∗ . A W A(n) -structure on X, 1 ≤ n ≤ ∞, is defined to be a map F:
Cj × X j → X
satifying the following relations. Let us represent an element from Cj × X j by a tree with input x1 · · · xj to which F assignes a value of the output. 1) 2)
Any edge of length 0 may be removed, amalgamating the boxes at the ends to a single box. Any box with only one input may be removed (unless it constitutes the whole tree). If the resulting edge is internal and input and output of the box are connections of length s and t, respectively, the edge after removal obtains length
An theory, L.S. category, and strong category
s ∗ t = s + t − st. Here we assume that the root and the twigs have the fictive length 1.
s F
If T is a tree with a connection k of length 1 we may substitute the subtree D having k as output by the value of the output of D. y x
@ @s Hs 1
x =
z J s
with w = F 4)
Let T be a tree different from the tree with input e and no internal edge. Then all parts of T with inputs e may be deleted i.e. e F
x @ @s
x = F
@ @s
5) x F
Note that the basepoint e serves as a strict unit. This is to say, X is an algebra for the operad W A(n) , defined as follows.
Definition A. 1.3 Let W Aj be the quotient of Cj by the relations 1, 2 in A.1.2 and the relation which prunes away all stumps by shrinking their outgoing edges. The composition
W Aj × W Ar1 × · · · × W Arj → W Ar1 +···+rj
is defined by grafting the tree from W Ari into the ith input of the element from W Aj and giving the new internal edges length one. The operad generated by W Aj for j ≤ n will be denoted W A(n) . A space X with an algebra structure over W A(n) is called an An space.
As is well known [6], the space W Aj is a cubical subdivision of the associahedron Kj and and the notion of An space just given coincides with that of Stasheff (see also [36]).
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There is a map of operads
W A(∞) → A
obtained by shrinking all edges. For a topological monoid X, the induced W A(n) structure will be called the trivial W A(n) -structure. A.2 An maps and partial monoids The category which has An spaces as objects and An homomorphisms which are maps commuting with the action on the nose as morphisms forms a closed model category [45], [40]. Weak equivalences and fibrations are weak equivalences and Serre fibrations in Top∗ . The class of cofibrations is made out of retracts of relative free extensions (see [45]). But for our needs it is too much to ask for commutativity on the nose. The description of the space of maps respecting two An structures up to homotopy and all coherencies needs the theory of bicoloured theories or operads [6]. The proper way to make this description may be in terms of a kind of model theory for n-categories. But the theory of n-categories, let alone the homotopy theory, is still in its infancy; see [33] for the state of the art. Fortunately, it is enough for our purposes to look at maps from an An space X to a monoid N with the trivial An structure. Reducing attention to this situation has some tradition [50], [51], [54]. Definition A. 2.1 Let g : X → M be a map from the An space (X, F) to the monoid M. An An structure on g is a map: G:
Cj × X j → M
which satisfies (A.2.1.1): (A.1.2.1) with F replaced by G. (A.2.1.2): (A.1.2.2) with F replaced by G, and only applied when the output is not the root. (A.2.1.3): (A.1.2.3) with F replaced by G except that the label w is still defined in terms of F. (A.2.1.4): (A.1.2.4) with F replaced by G. (A.2.1.5): B1 G
B2 S Ss
G(B1 ) G(B2 )
(A.2.1.6): x G holds.
= g(x)
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We set M Aj to be the quotient of Cj modulo the relations A.2.1.1, A.2.1.2 and the relation which shrinks all stumps. Then an An structure on g induces (and is the same thing ) as an action map G: M Aj × X j → M 0≤j≤n
which satisfies the relatons given above.
Remark Note that, because A.2.1.2 is not applied if the output is the root, dim(MAj ) =
dim(W Aj ) + 1. The space M Aj can be viewed as the union of all cubes C(T), where T is a tree without stumps with j inputs such that the box at the root has exactly one and the other boxes exactly two inputs. These cubes C(T) are glued along their lower edges, i.e., where the parameter corresponding to an edge is zero. Splitting off the parameter of the incoming edge of the root we find that M Aj W Aj × I where I is the unit interval. The picture below shows M A3 .
HH HH u=0 v=0 HH HH s=0=t H AA @ @ r r @ A t H H s Hr @ r t=1 s=1 A v u r r A A A v=1 u=1 A map admits an An structure if and only if it admits one with Stasheff’s definition of an An map given in [36]. This fact appears already in [6] and we will use it without comment. Next, we recall the construction of functorial cofibrant models in the model category of An spaces and An homomorphisms. An An space (X, F) is a retract of a filtered monoid M. This construction goes back to Adams (unpublished, but see [51]); it appears in [6] and [54]. One sets M=
Cj × X j / ∼
with the relations A.2.1 except the last one and A.2.1.3 is only applied to trees with at most n twigs. The filtration Mj is defined by the number of inputs and multiplication by amalgamating the trees at the root. We note that the unit is represented by the tree with one box and input e. Consider the map j : X → M defined by x j(x) =
It is an An map with structure given by the quotient map n j=1
Cj × X j → M.
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There is a strong deformation retraction p : Mn → X defined by p(B) = F(B) for a representing tree B. The deformation is given by B ht (B) =
s st.
Replacing X by Mn has the advantage that there is a partially defined monoid multiplication on the latter. To be more precise let us give the Definition A. 2.2 A partial monoid M is a space with a subspace M2 ⊂ M × M and a map M2 → M, written (m, m ) → m · m , such that: i) ii)
There is an element e ∈ M such that m · e and e · m are defined for all m in M, and e · m = m · e = m. m · (m · m ) = (m · m ) · m in the sense that if one side is defined then the other is too, and they are equal.
The notion of a partial monoid in relation to An theory was already studied by Husseini [27], and Segal applied it to the A1 case of a pointed space [46]. We put a partial monoid structure on the space Mn considered above by setting Mi × Mj . M2 = i+j≤n
The multiplication is given by restriction of the monoid structure of M. There is an induced An space structure on Mn defined by sending (τ , m1 , . . . , mj ) to [τ , F(m1 ), . . . , F(mj )] for τ ∈ Cj and j ≤ n. With respect to this structure the map p : Mn → X is an An homomorphism. Similarly, there is a monoid structure and an A∞ structure on M. Note that, due to relation A.1.2.3, the inclusion of Mn into M is an An homomorphism. In case X is a well pointed CW-complex, Mn is a cofibrant An algebra. A proof of this fact can be found in [44]. An An map g into a monoid N factorizes as g = g˜ ◦ j in a unique way with a partial monoid map g˜ : Mn → N. Hence, for X a CW-complex, g factorizes over the cofibrant model Mn . We need some more preparations. Definition A. 2.3 A filtration of a pointed space (M, e) with e = M0 ⊂ M1 ⊂ M2 ⊂ . . . ⊂ M n = M with a partial monoid structure such that M2 = Mi × Mj i+j≤n
is called an An rectification of M1 if there is a strong deformation retraction p : Mn → M1 with homotopy ht which restricts to a strong deformation retraction on Mi for i < n.
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The name (and the definition) is justified by the next proposition which is a variation of Boardman’s proof of homotopy invariance in [5, Sects. 8.1,8.2,6.2]. The difference to Boardman’s theorem lies in the fact that two different structures are compared. Since the multiplication on a partial monoid is in general only defined on a subset of the cartesian product a partial monoid is not a priori an An space. A similiar result appears in Husseini’s paper [27, 4.5] in the context of his reduced product constructions with relations. For the proof the cubical subdivision of the associahedra Ki will be of much use. Theorem A. 2.4 A well pointed space X admits an An structure if and only if there is an An rectification with X = M1 . Proof The construction of Mn above gives the rectification from an An structure. So suppose X has an An rectification Mn with j, p and h as above. Note that although Mn is not an An space because the multiplication on Mn is not everywhere defined we can multiply n image elements of X inside Mn . So the notion of an An structure G below makes sense. We prove the existence of an An structure F on X such that j carries an An map structure G by a double induction on the index (k, i) in (W Ai )k , where T ∈ (W Ai )k , for a representing tree T, if the number of internal edges is ≤ k and i is the number of twigs. By abuse of notation, we write C(T) for the image of the cube C(T) under the identification map to (W Ai )k . Moreover, for G and a representing tree T in M Ai with k + 1 internal edges we split off the parameter of the incoming edge to the root and write G(T, t) for G(T ) (see the remark after A.2.1.). Note that, due to relation A.1.2, we have W Ai = (W Ai )i−2 for i > 1. For T with k = 0 and all i ≤ n we define F(T, x1 , . . . , xi ) = p(x1 · · · xi ) and G(T, t, x1 , . . . , xi ) = ht (T, x1 , . . . , xi ). Here we identify each x with its image under j : X → Mn . Suppose that F(T, −) and G(T, t, −) are found for all T with index (k , i) with k < k and all i ≤ n such that the conditions listed in A.1.2 and A.2.1. hold and G(T, 1, −) = jF(T, −). Let T be a tree with k internal edges. Define Q(T) to be the subset of C(T) given by the trees for which A.1.2.1, A.1.2.2 or A.1.2.3 holds. Then Q(T) ⊂ C(T) is a closed cofibration. Because X is well pointed, the inclusion of the fat wedge X into X i is a closed cofibration. Finally, by the product theorem in [52], the inclusion of the pair C(T) × X ∪ Q(T) × X i ⊂ C(T) × X i is a closed cofibration also. Now F and G are already found on C(T) × X ∪ Q(T) × X i and G(T, 0, −) is also known. By the homotopy extension lifting property of homotopy equivalences (HELP for short see [6, Appendix Theorem 3.5]), applied to j : X Mi and to the map from C(T) × X i to Mi which sends (T, x1 , . . . , xi ) to x1 · · · xi , F and G can be extended to C(T)×X i and to C(T)×I ×X i respectively. These extensions patch together and define extensions to (W Ai )k × X i and (W Ai )k × I × X i respectively. Thus, the inductive assumption is true for (k, i) and this holds for all i ≤ n.
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Proof of Theorem 2.1 We show that there is an An rectification for P. This suffices by A.2.4. Consider the factorization of g into g˜
X → Mn → N with a map of partial monoids g˜ where Mn is the rectification of X constructed above. Consider the homotopy pullback:
Mn (P)
? Mn
f ? - N.
Define a filtration on the space Mn (P) by pulling back along the restriction of g˜ to Mi for i ≤ n. The ith filtration may be given explicitly as: Mi (P) = {mi , w, k|mi ∈ Mi , w : I → N, w(0) = g˜ (mi ), w(1) = f (k), k ∈ K}. Pointwise multiplication of paths and the multiplications on Mn and N give us a partial monoid structure on this space. This structure satisfies M(P)2 = Mi (P) × Mj (P) i+j≤n
because the corresponding equality holds for Mn . A strong deformation retraction p¯ : Mn (P) → P is defined as follows. First note that, for every element m from Mn , the length s(m) of the ingoing edge to the root assignes a number between zero and one to m. Moreover, the homotopy ht which starts at the identity and ends at the retraction p deforms this length from s(m) to 1. Define ¯ ˜ m , k) p(m, w, k) = (p(m), w with
wm (t) =
t (m)) 1−s(m) ) t−(1−s(m) w( s(m) ) for
for t ≤ 1 − s(m) t ≥ 1 − s(m)
if 0 < s(m) < 1, and ˜ m (t) = g˜ (h(1−t) (m)), w
˜ m (t) = w(t) w
if s(m) = 0, s(m) = 1, respectively. The homotopy h¯ t is given as ˜ h(1−t) (m) , k). h¯ t (m, w, k) = (ht (m), w Because ht (Mi ) ⊂ Mi the homotopy h¯ t (−) leaves Mi (P) invariant. The induced maps from Mn (P) to Mn and K are both maps of partial monoids. So they induce maps on classifying spaces.
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A.3 Adapting the standard theory of classifying spaces to partial monoids The construction of classiying spaces for partial monoids which we describe generalizes Milgram’s construction for monoids [37], see also [53]. Let M be a partial monoid and let Mn ⊂ Mn be the subset of all elements (m0 , . . . , mn−1 ) such that the product m0 · · · mn−1 and all products which can be obtained by leaving out some of the mi are defined. Define a simplicial space E(∗) by E(n) = Mn+1 . The face and degeneracy operators on E(n) are given by the multiplication and insertion of the unit respectively as ∂i (m0 , . . . , mn ) = (m0 , . . . , mi mi+1 , . . . , mn ) i < n ∂n (m0 , . . . , mn ) = (m0 , . . . , mn−1 ) si (m0 , . . . , mn ) = (m0 , . . . , mi , e, mi+1 , . . . , mn ). This is a modification of the nerve construction [47] which is necessary because one cannot view M with its multiplication as a category in the usual way since the multiplication of two elements in M is not always defined.Let B(n) be the simplicial space with B(n) = Mn . The simplicial operators on B(∗) are given as ∂0 (m1 , . . . , mn ) = (m2 , . . . , mn ) ∂i (m1 , . . . , mn ) = (m1 , . . . , mi mi+1 , . . . , mn )
∂n (m1 , . . . , mn ) = (m1 , . . . , mn−1 ) si (m1 , . . . , mn ) = (m1 , . . . , mi , e, mi+1 , . . . , mn ). The projection onto the last n factors Mn+1 → Mn defines a map of simplicial spaces p : E(∗) → B(∗) . The spaces E and B are now defined as |E(∗) |,|B(∗) |, the geometric realizations [47] of E(∗) and B(∗) . We write |p| : E → B for the map induced by p. Let Ek , Bk denote the filtrations of E, B given by the skeleta. A contraction of Ek in Ek+1 is defined by (see [6, pp.175–177]) Ht (m0 , . . . , mk , t1 , . . . , tk ) = (e, m0 , . . . , mk , t, t ∗ t1 , . . . , t ∗ · · · ∗ tk ). Here the model of the n-simplex used is n = {(t1 , . . . , tn ) ∈ Rn |0 ≤ t1 ≤ · · · ≤ tn ≤ 1}. Let Dk denote the realization of the subspace of E≤k which has as k-simplices all (e, m1 , . . . , mk ). The space Dk ⊂ Ek is the image of the homotopy H and is clearly contractible. Remark Alternatively, as in in [37] and [53], one could define the space B as the orbit space of a partial M action as follows. The simplicial space E(∗) carries a partially defined M action Mn+2 → Mn+1 = En ((m0 , m1 . . . , mn+1 )) → (m0 m1 , . . . , mn+1 ). Because (m0 , . . . , mn ) = m0 (e, . . . , mn ), each point lies in exactly one maximal partial orbit of the form M(e, . . . , mn ). Define a simplicial space B(∗) as the quotient of E(∗)
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under the equivalence relation corresponding to this partition. Note that the quotient map p defines a map |p| : E → B. It follows from the fact that geometric realization commutes with products that there is an induced partial action of M on E and we still have E/M = B. It can be shown that the two constructions are homeomorphic in the case that M is the partial monoid corresponding to an An space. In general the topology may be different since the maximal orbits need not be closed. In order to avoid these matters we took, in line with [50] and [6, pp. 175–177], the route above. For an action of a group G all orbits are a copy of G. If we weaken the assumptions on M the orbit structure becomes more complicated. In case M is a monoid at least the maximal orbits of E are homeomorphic to M [53, p. 354]. This does not hold for a partial monoid in general, but there is still a homotopy equivalence in many cases of interest. In order to produce the right homotopy type we have to impose cofibration conditions on the simplicial spaces. Recall that a pair (X, A) of Hausdorff spaces is called a NDR pair if the inclusion of A in X is a closed cofibration. A simplicial space X(∗) is called proper if all degeneracies are closed cofibrations. We call a filtration of a space X proper if the pairs (Xi+1 , Xi ) are NDR pairs. Lemma A. 3.1 Let (X, ∗) be a well pointed An space with X Hausdorf and Mn the rectification defined above in A.2. Then e ⊂ M1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Mn is a proper filtration. Proof According to [54, p. 324], the space Mi is obtained from Mi−1 by attaching Qi × X i along a space R = DQi × X i ∪ Qi × X where I × Qi ∼ = Qi , Qi is homeomorphic to Stasheff’s Ki ∼ = I i−2 and DQi ⊂ Qi is a closed cofibration. Because X is assumed well pointed, it follows from Steenrod’s results in [52, Sects. 6.3, 8.5] that first X ⊂ X i and then Mn−1 ⊂ Mn is a closed cofibration. Since (X, ∗) is identified with (M1 , e) the assertion follows. Lemma A. 3.2 For (X, ∗) and Mn as in Lemma 4.1 the simplicial spaces E(∗) , B(∗) are proper. Proof We show that Ms × 0 ∪ Ms−1 × I ⊂ Ms × I admits a retraction. Here Ms−1 maps to Ms via si . It is well known that this is equivalent to si being a closed cofibration. Let us look at the products whose union makes up Ms−1 and Ms . It is Mj1 × · · · × Mji × · · · × Mjs = Ms where the union is over all indices with jt ≤ n. It follows from Lemma A.3.1 that t
all the inclusion maps Mj1 × · · · × M0 × · · · × Mjs → Mj1 × · · · × Mji × · · · × Mjs , with M0 = e, are closed cofibratoins. The corresponding retraction is given by the retraction for Mji × 0 ∪ e × I ⊂ Mji × I times the identity on the other factors. These retractions patch together to define a retraction on Ms × I. This proves the lemma.
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Proposition A. 3.3 Let (X, ∗) and Mn be as above. Then for m < n the map |p| : Em → Bm has homotopy fibre homotopy equivalent to X. In case m ≥ n, Em is contractible. Proof First note that for each simplicial level m < n the map pm has homotopy fibre Fm X. This is so because pm for m < n corresponds under the homotopy equivalence X m Mm to the projection. If we replace |p| by the fat realization [48, Appendix] ||p|| the assertion follows from in [39, Lemmas 2, 3.] as in the proof of the main theorem in l.c. But due to Lemma A.3.2. both realizations are homotopy equivalent (see [48] or [15]). Suppose now that m ≥ n. By definition of Mn , if (m0 , . . . , mm ) are composable elements in Mnm+1 then for at least one i it is mi = e. Let i0 be the smallest such index. If i0 > 0 then by the identifications which define Em each element represented by (m0 , . . . , mm , t1 , . . . , tm ) is in Em−1 . In case i0 = 0 we have ts −ts−1 with the (m0 = e, . . . , mm , t1 , . . . , tm ) = Ht1 (m1 , . . . , mj , u2 , . . . , uj ) with us = 1−t convention that now proved.
0 0
= 1. Hence Em = Dm . Since Dm is contractible the proposition is
Remark Note that Puppe’s results give us a homotopy equivalence, not only a weak equivalence, in Proposition 4.3, and that we did not make the assumption that X is a CW-complex. The results on quasi-fibrations in [17] can be used, as is traditionally done, to produce a weak homotopy equivalence from X to the homotopy fibre of |p|. Recall that a covering {Vj |j ∈ J} of a space X is called numerable if there is a partition of unity {uj |j ∈ J} such that u−1 j (0, 1] ⊂ Vj holds. The covering is called contractible if the inclusion of Vj into X is homotopic to zero. A space X is called numerable contractible if X admits a numerable contractible covering. Paracompact Hausdorff spaces are characterized by the fact that every open covering is numerable. Since CW-complexes are paracompact they are numerable and in fact numerable contractible. It is well known since Puppe’s proof of James theorem (see [16]) that many results about CW-complexes can be generalized for numerable contractible spaces. Proposition A. 3.4 Let (X, ∗) be a well pointed, path connected, Hausdorf, and numerable contractible An space and Mn the rectification as above. Then there are homotopy equivalences (of pairs) which are natural with respect to maps which induce maps of partial monoids between the rectifictions: a.) b.) c.)
(Di , Ei−1 ) (C(Ei−1 ), Ei−1 ) Bi Bi−1 ∪pi−1 C(Ei−1 ) i ≤ n (Ei , Ei−1 ) (X ∗i+1 , X ∗i ) i < n.
Proof (a) If we replace | | by || || in the definition of Di then there is a homeomorphism of the two pairs. This follows by inspection of the identifications in the definition of || ||. Because all degeneracies are closed cofibrations the fat realization functor and the realization functor are homotopy equivalent [47]. (b) First, note that the projection |p| restricts to a relative homeomorphism from (Di , Ei−1 ) to (Bi , Bi−1 ). Hence, we have Bi ∼ = Bi−1 ∪|pi−1 | Di where |pi−1 | is the restriction of |p| to Ei−1 . The assertion follows now from (a). (c) We do an induction on i. For i = 0 the assertion holds because E0 = Mn X. Since i + 1 ≤ n the homotopy equivalences X Mj induce a natural homotopy equivalence X i+1 Mi+1 . From this and because we may ignore the identifications related
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to the degeneracies, by the same argument as above, we have homotopy equivalences induced by the inclusion (Ei , Ei−1 ) (X i+1 × i ∪∂ Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) and (Di , Ei−1 ) (C(Ei−1 ), Ei−1 ) (e × X i × i ∪∂ Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) where ∂ denotes the restriction of the boundary operators. Since X is path connected so is Mi for all i. Consequently, left multiplication by m ∈ Mi , lm : Mj → Mi+j is a homotopy equivalence. By [6, Appendix 4.12] Mi is numerable contractible because X is. An application of Theorem 9.3 in [16] shows that the map Mi × Mj → Mi × Mi+j which sends m, m to m, mm is a homotopy equivalence over Mi . Hence we do not change the homotopy type if we change the identification related to ∂0 (mo , m1 , . . . , mi , 0, . . . , ti ) = (mo m1 , . . . , mi , t2 , . . . , ti ) in (X i+1 × i ∪∂ Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) to
∂0 (mo , m1 , . . . , mi , 0, . . . , ti ) = (m1 , . . . , mi , t2 , . . . , ti ). But X ∗ Y has the homotopy type of X × C(Y) ∪q2 Y where q2 is the projection onto the second factor of X × Y. Let us write ∂ for the boundary operators with ∂0 modified. Then there are homotopy equivalences (X i+1 × i ∪∂ Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) (X × C(Ei−1 ) ∪q2 Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) (X ∗ Ei−1 , Ei−1 ) (X ∗i+1 , X ∗i ).
By inspection, the homotopy equivalences above are natural with respect to maps between An spaces which induce maps of partial monoids between the rectifications. In particular, An maps from an An space to a monoid have this property. Remark The proposition above shows that the homotopy type of the classifying space of the partial monoid Mn are the same as the ones of Stasheff’s construction in [50] applied directly to X. Our proof follows closely Stasheff’s arguments and we do not claim any originality. It may be possible to reach the conclusions of Lemma A.3.4 by a direct comparison with Stasheff’s construction. It follows directly from the definitions that a map of partial monoids induces a map between classifying spaces. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Rainer Vogt for various letters and discussions on An and A∞ theory, and Paolo Salvatore for sending me a copy of his thesis and e-mail correspondence on questions related to the subject of this article. Also, I thank the referee for a very thorough report that resulted in a significant improvement.
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