Creating Web Pages FOR
by Bud E. Smith and Arthur Bebak
Creating Web Pages FOR
by Bud E. Smith and Arthur Bebak
Creating Web Pages For Dummies®, 8th Edition Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way,, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE PUBLISHER AND THE AUTHOR MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY MAY BE CREATED OR EXTENDED BY SALES OR PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS. THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR EVERY SITUATION. THIS WORK IS SOLD WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PUBLISHER IS NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. IF PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED, THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL PERSON SHOULD BE SOUGHT. NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR THE AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ARISING HEREFROM. THE FACT THAT AN ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE IS REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK AS A CITATION AND/OR A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF FURTHER INFORMATION DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE AUTHOR OR THE PUBLISHER ENDORSES THE INFORMATION THE ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE MAY PROVIDE OR RECOMMENDATIONS IT MAY MAKE. FURTHER, READERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT INTERNET WEBSITES LISTED IN THIS WORK MAY HAVE CHANGED OR DISAPPEARED BETWEEN WHEN THIS WORK WAS WRITTEN AND WHEN IT IS READ. For general information on our other products and services, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 800-762-2974, outside the U.S. at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002. For technical support, please visit Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Library of Congress Control Number: 2006932686 ISBN-13: 978-0-470-08030-6 ISBN-10: 0-470-08030-2 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8O/QV/RQ/QW/IN
About the Authors Bud Smith is a computer book author with more than 12 years of publishing experience. Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition, is one of over a dozen books Bud has written; his Wiley Publishing, Inc. titles include Internet Marketing For Dummies and Web Usability For Dummies. In addition to writing books, Bud has been a computer magazine editor and product marketing manager. Bud got his start with computers in 1983, when he left a promising career as a welder for a stint as a data-entry clerk. Bud then moved to the Silicon Valley to join a startup company, followed by work for Intel, IBM, Apple, and AOL. His work and interests led him to acquire a degree in Information Systems Management from the University of San Francisco. Arthur Bebak received a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois, which he attended on a fencing scholarship. He has designed mainframes, managed large engineering projects, and studied business administration. Arthur is founder of Netsurfer Communications, Inc., a highly successful electronic publishing company, and is an accomplished author. At Netsurfer, Arthur oversees a large staff of people who create Web sites for numerous clients. They also write, edit, and publish several Web-based e-zines.
Authors’ Acknowledgments The authors thank Steve Hayes, acquisitions editor, and the staff that helped produce this book: project editor Linda Morris, technical editor Mark Justice Hinton, as well as the many other people responsible for page layout, proofreading, indexing, and graphic art. The Web was built more for love than for money, and that tradition was continued by the many people who generously gave their time and support for this book. We especially thank the providers of Web tools who have supplied the world with an ever-growing range of tools and the Web authors who agreed to let us use their sites for the figures in this book.
Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
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Contents at a Glance Introduction .................................................................1 Part I: Create a Web Page Today ...................................7 Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics....................................................................................9 Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities.................................................................31 Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator.........................................49 Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and ......................................................59
Part II: Making a Specialized Page ..............................71 Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr .................................................................73 Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs ....................................................................87 Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay ...........................................................103
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder...................119 Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML .................................................................................121 Chapter 9: Choosing Your Tools ...................................................................................149 Chapter 10: Creating Your Home Page.........................................................................163 Chapter 11: Filling in Your Home Page ........................................................................181 Chapter 12: Creating Graphics Right (and Left) .........................................................199
Part IV: Polishing (and Publishing) Your Site ............227 Chapter 13: Adding Links to Your Web Page...............................................................229 Chapter 14: Designing a Good-Looking Page ..............................................................245 Chapter 15: Creating a Full Web Site ............................................................................261 Chapter 16: Publishing Your Web Pages......................................................................281
Part V: Getting Interactive ........................................297 Chapter 17: Adding Animation and Multimedia .........................................................299 Chapter 18: Adding More Interactivity ........................................................................313
Part VI: The Part of Tens ...........................................323 Chapter 19: Ten Web Publishing DOs ..........................................................................325 Chapter 20: Ten Web Publishing DON’Ts ....................................................................331
Part VII: Appendixes .................................................337 Appendix A: Web Words Worth Knowing ....................................................................339 Appendix B: A Quick Guide to HTML Tags..................................................................349
Index .......................................................................371
Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................1 About This Book...............................................................................................1 Foolish Assumptions .......................................................................................2 Conventions Used in This Book .....................................................................3 Part-y Time: How This Book Is Organized ....................................................4 Part I: Create a Web Page Today...........................................................4 Part II: Making a Specialized Page ........................................................4 Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder .............................................4 Part IV: Polishing (and Publishing) Your Site .....................................5 Part V: Getting Interactive.....................................................................5 Part VI: The Part of Tens .......................................................................5 Part VII: Appendixes...............................................................................5 Icons Used in This Book..................................................................................5
Part I: Create a Web Page Today ....................................7 Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Web Basics 101 .................................................................................................9 Understanding how the Web works ...................................................10 Getting up URL-y...................................................................................11 The “For Dummies” Way to Web Publishing...............................................12 Making simple things simple ..............................................................14 Making difficult things possible..........................................................15 Types of Web Sites .........................................................................................15 Personal sites........................................................................................16 Picture sites...........................................................................................18 Topical sites ..........................................................................................19 Business sites .......................................................................................20 Entertainment sites ..............................................................................22 Thinking Your Web Page Through ...............................................................23 Ask “Why am I doing this?” .................................................................23 Don’t spend too much time on design...............................................24 Put the good stuff first .........................................................................26 Think twice about download times....................................................27 Know your audience ............................................................................27 Use “text bites” .....................................................................................28 Look at sites you like ...........................................................................28 Plan for ongoing improvements .........................................................29 Decide how you define success..........................................................29
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Starting with a GeoCities Web Page .............................................................32 Checking out Yahoo! GeoCities...........................................................33 Following the city ordinances.............................................................34 Planning Before You Begin ............................................................................36 Getting Registered..........................................................................................37 Begin Building Your Web Site .......................................................................40 We’re Off to See the Wizard ..........................................................................43 The Steps to Success .....................................................................................45
Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator . . . . . . . . .49 Getting to Know the Creative Capabilities of Google Page Creator.........50 Registering for a Google Account ................................................................50 Creating a Google Page..................................................................................54
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Choosing the Best Internet Service Provider .............................................60 Getting Your Web Page Up with AOL or CompuServe...............................63 Looking into What AOL Offers......................................................................63 Planning Before You Start .............................................................................64 Getting a Start with 1-2-3 Publish .................................................................65 Publishing Your First Home Page.................................................................66
Part II: Making a Specialized Page...............................71 Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 What’s Great About Flickr .............................................................................74 Flickr forward........................................................................................75 Flickr flaws ............................................................................................77 Uploading a Photo to Flickr ..........................................................................78 Modifying Photos on Flickr ...........................................................................82 Taking Flickr Farther......................................................................................85
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Discovering the Wonderful World of Blogs.................................................88 Finding blogs to read ...........................................................................89 Finding software for blogging .............................................................90 Using Google’s Setting up your blog.............................................................................91 Adding content to your blog...............................................................97
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 Reviewing the eBay-sics ..............................................................................104 Posting Your First Item ................................................................................106 Choose what to sell............................................................................106
Table of Contents Register as a seller with eBay ...........................................................108 Post the item .......................................................................................112 Selling Your First Item..................................................................................117
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder ...................119 Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 Get Ready: A Refreshingly Brief Description of HTML ............................122 Viewing HTML documents ................................................................125 Creating HTML documents ...............................................................126 Previewing HTML documents...........................................................128 Get Set: HTML Horse Sense ........................................................................129 Basic HTML rules ...............................................................................129 Ten key HTML tags plus one .............................................................130 Go: Creating a Web Page with HTML .........................................................133 Creating a blank file for your HTML.................................................134 Head users your way to win..............................................................135 Getting a heading and some body....................................................137 Adding a little list ...............................................................................138 Looking back (and forward) in anchor............................................141 Browsing your own weblet................................................................146 Looking to the next HTML steps ......................................................148
Chapter 9: Choosing Your Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 Choosing Between WYSIWYG and Plain Text...........................................150 Pluses and minuses of text editors ..................................................150 Pluses and minuses of SeaMonkey Composer................................151 Working with Composer..............................................................................154 Running with the SeaMonkeys..........................................................155 Getting SeaMonkey Composer..........................................................156 Using SeaMonkey Composer.............................................................159 Using a Text Editor.......................................................................................161
Chapter 10: Creating Your Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 What to Put in a Home Page .......................................................................163 Me and my interests...........................................................................164 Me and my family ...............................................................................165 Me and my work .................................................................................167 Starting Your Page........................................................................................169 Creating your initial page, using HTML ...........................................169 Creating your initial page, using a Web editor................................173 I Never META Tag I Didn’t Like ...................................................................177 Adding META tags with HTML ..........................................................178 Adding META tags with Composer...................................................179
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition Chapter 11: Filling in Your Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 Writing for the Web ......................................................................................181 Web realities........................................................................................181 Web style .............................................................................................183 Have fun...............................................................................................184 Formatting Web Text....................................................................................185 Using HTML Lists .........................................................................................188 Entering Text in HTML.................................................................................191 Entering and formatting text.............................................................192 Making a list ........................................................................................193 Looking at the Web page ...................................................................194 Entering Text in SeaMonkey Composer ....................................................195 Entering and formatting text.............................................................195 Making a list ........................................................................................197 Looking at the HTML ...................................................................................198
Chapter 12: Creating Graphics Right (and Left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Using Graphics in Your Web Site................................................................200 Using GIF and JPEG graphics formats..............................................200 Using Web-safe colors........................................................................204 Obtaining and creating graphics ......................................................205 Dealing with Graphics .................................................................................207 Speeding up slow pages ....................................................................207 Avoiding three big mistakes..............................................................209 Using Graphics in HTML .............................................................................210 Use the
tag for inline graphics..............................................212 Add an A for anchor to create a graphical link...............................213 Experimenting with Advanced GIFfery......................................................215 Transparent GIFs ................................................................................216 Animated GIFs.....................................................................................217 Clickable image maps ........................................................................217 Adjusting Graphic Size ................................................................................218 Flowing Text around Graphics ...................................................................220 Putting a Border around a Graphic............................................................221 Placing a Graphic in SeaMonkey Composer .............................................222 Placing a Graphic in HTML .........................................................................224
Part IV: Polishing (and Publishing) Your Site.............227 Chapter 13: Adding Links to Your Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Linking Basics ...............................................................................................230 How links work ...................................................................................230 Links and URLs ...................................................................................231 Avoiding mistakes ..............................................................................236 Linking to a Web Page..................................................................................237 Adding Web page links in HTML.......................................................237 Adding Web page links in Composer ...............................................238
Table of Contents Creating a Mailto Link..................................................................................240 Creating a mailto link in HTML .........................................................242 Creating a mailto link in Composer..................................................242
Chapter 14: Designing a Good-Looking Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245 Three Key Principles of Design ..................................................................246 Achieving simplicity...........................................................................246 Producing predictability....................................................................248 Creating consistency..........................................................................250 Avoiding Common Design Mistakes...........................................................250 Slow-loading pages.............................................................................251 Ugly color combinations ...................................................................251 Small text (and large text, too) .........................................................252 Breaking the Rules Safely ............................................................................253 Using Tables and Frames ............................................................................255 Creating simple tables .......................................................................255 Using tables for layout purposes .....................................................257 Friends don’t let friends do frames..................................................258
Chapter 15: Creating a Full Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261 Creating Your Web Pages ............................................................................261 Getting your pages right....................................................................262 Planning versus pushing ahead........................................................263 Planning your Web site ......................................................................265 Creating the content ..........................................................................267 Publishing your Web site...................................................................268 Stumbling blocks on the Web ...........................................................269 Creating Navigation .....................................................................................271 Arranging your pages.........................................................................271 Getting the addresses right...............................................................272 Creating a navigation bar ..................................................................274 Getting the Word Out...................................................................................275 Publicize your site..............................................................................275 Count your blessings — and your users .........................................278 Keep people coming to your site .....................................................278
Chapter 16: Publishing Your Web Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281 Getting Web Server Space ...........................................................................282 Web hosting service features............................................................283 Options for Web server space ..........................................................285 Hiring help...........................................................................................288 Transferring Your Files ................................................................................290 Arranging your files before transfer.................................................290 Transferring your files with FTP.......................................................291 Using an online service file transfer ................................................293 Putting Your Site to Work ............................................................................294 Testing your site .................................................................................294 Getting feedback on your site...........................................................295
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition
Part V: Getting Interactive .........................................297 Chapter 17: Adding Animation and Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299 Understanding Multimedia Pitfalls ............................................................299 Animating Your GIFs ....................................................................................301 Finding animated GIFs .......................................................................303 Adding animated GIFs to your Web page ........................................304 Creating an animated GIF ..................................................................305 The M-(for Multimedia) Files ......................................................................307 Adding a QuickTime Video File ..................................................................309 Adding an MP3 Audio File ...........................................................................311
Chapter 18: Adding More Interactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313 Interactivity Made Easy...............................................................................314 Using site counters.............................................................................315 Adding guestbooks.............................................................................317 Incorporating forms and CGIs ..........................................................317 Programming Your Pages ............................................................................319 JavaScript ............................................................................................320 Database interactivity........................................................................320 Going beyond HTML ....................................................................................320 Style sheets — Cascading onto the Web .........................................320 HTML gets Dynamic ...........................................................................321 XML x-es out HTML ............................................................................321 The Web enters the twenty-first century ........................................321
Part VI: The Part of Tens ............................................323 Chapter 19: Ten Web Publishing DOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 DO Think About Your Target Audience .....................................................325 DO Use Good Sites as Models.....................................................................326 DO Think Before You Create .......................................................................326 DO Get Permissions for Content ................................................................327 DO Use Links to Outside Sites ....................................................................327 DO Use Graphics and Multimedia ..............................................................328 DO Test Your Pages......................................................................................328 DO Publicize Your Site.................................................................................328 DO Ask for Feedback ...................................................................................329 DO Update Your Site ....................................................................................329
Table of Contents Chapter 20: Ten Web Publishing DON’Ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331 DON’T Limit Your Audience........................................................................331 DON’T Break Netiquette Rules ...................................................................332 DON’T “Borrow” Content without Asking .................................................332 DON’T Abuse Graphics and Multimedia ...................................................333 DON’T Forget ALT Text and Text Versions of Menus...............................333 DON’T Forget the Basics .............................................................................334 DON’T Start by Setting Up Your Own Web Server ...................................334 DON’T Make Your Site Hard to Navigate ...................................................335 DON’T Forget the “World” in World Wide Web.........................................335 DON’T Be Afraid to Find Out More ............................................................335
Part VII: Appendixes..................................................337 Appendix A: Web Words Worth Knowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .339 Appendix B: A Quick Guide to HTML Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349 Versions of HTML .........................................................................................350 How to Use This Appendix..........................................................................351 Reading the Tables.......................................................................................351 Widely Supported Tags ...............................................................................352 Other Widely Used Tags ..............................................................................356 Less Frequently Used Tags .........................................................................361
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition
t may be hard to remember, or it may seem like only yesterday, but some years ago, the personal computer was introduced. The rise and rise and rise of the personal computer — with maybe an occasional stumble but never a real fall — seemed certain to be the most important social and technological event at the end of the twentieth century. From the “two Steves” — Wozniak and Jobs — and their Apple II, to Bill Gates’s Windows 95, nothing, it seemed could ever be bigger, or more life-changing and important, than PCs. But, people do talk. In fact, talking is one of the main things that people are all about, and in the beginning, the personal computer didn’t let you interact with others. However, first with modems, and then with networks, and finally through their combination and culmination in the Internet, personal computers became the tools that opened up a new medium of communication. The most visible and exciting part of the Internet is the World Wide Web. Now communication, not computation, is the story. Computers are still important, but mostly as the means to an end; the end result is to enable people to interact. If the most exciting channel of communication is the Web, the means of communication is the Web page. Ordinary people demonstrate amazing energy and imagination in creating and publishing diverse Web home pages. And although ordinary people have a desire to create Web pages, businesses have a need to set up shop on the Web. So the rush to the Web continues, often with the same people expressing themselves personally on one Web page and commercially on another. So you want to be there, too. “But,” you ask, “isn’t it difficult, expensive, and complicated?” Not any more. As the Web has grown, easy ways to get on the Web have appeared. And we discuss the best of them in the pages of this book.
About This Book It’s about 380 pages. Seriously, what do you find here? Easy ways to get published on the Web for any kind of Internet user we could think of. Ways to make your first Web page
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition rich with carefully arranged text, graphics, and multimedia, plus the information you need to go beyond your first Web page and create a multipage personal or business Web site. And free online tools, which we describe in the book, to help you go as far as you want to go in creating a Web site.
Foolish Assumptions Lots of good information is in this book, but almost no one is going to read every word of it — except our long-suffering editor. That’s because we cover Web page topics from beginning through intermediate levels, including how to publish a Web page via Web-based services and AOL, how to use several different tools, and some Windows-specific and Mac-specific stuff. No one needs to know all of that! But anyone who wants to get a Web page up on the Web does need to know some of it. But what do you need? We assume, for purposes of this book, that you have probably used the Web before and that you want to create a Web page. We further assume that you are not yet a Web author, or that you’re fairly new to the process. To use the information in this book, you need access to a personal computer running Windows or Mac OS, and you need access to the Web — either through an online service or an Internet service provider (ISP). You should be running a Web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, or a browser provided by an online service. If you have a UNIX system and an Internet connection, much of this book works for you, but you don’t have access to the online service or Web page creation tools that we describe, except those available directly on the Web. You should already have spent some time surfing the Web, or be willing to do so as you gather information and examples for your Web page. In other words, if you’re wired, or willing to get wired, you’re in. With that, the door to this book is open to you, whether you want to create your first Web page or add new features to one you already have. The figures in this book show up-to-date Windows screen shots for a consistent appearance. We wrote the instructions and steps in this book to work equally well for Windows and the Macintosh.
Conventions Used in This Book When our publisher first told us that this book was going to have conventions, we got out our silly hats and our Democratic and Republican paraphernalia, but apparently she just meant that we had to be consistent. The conventions in this book are standard ways of communicating specific types of information, such as instructions and steps. (One example of a convention is the use of italics for newly introduced words — as with the word “conventions” in the first sentence of this paragraph.) Here are the conventions for this book: Things that you, the reader, are asked to type are shown in bold. New terms are printed in italics. Information used in specific ways is formatted in a specific typeface. In this book, one of the most common kinds of information displayed this way is HTML tags; that is, formatting information used to create Web pages (see Appendix B for a more complete definition). An example of a tag is <TITLE>. We also use a special typeface for URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), which are the addresses used to specify the location of Web pages. For example, the URL for the For Dummies Web site is The Web is fast-paced and evolving. By the time you read this book, some of the URLs listed in it may have changed. Representative browser versions appear among the figures. Menu selections look like this: File➪Save. This particular example means that you choose the File menu and then choose the Save option. Related, brief pieces of information are displayed in bulleted lists, such as the bulleted list that you’re reading right now. Numbered lists are used for instructions that you must follow in a particular sequence. This book has many sequential steps that tell you just how to perform the different tasks that, when taken together, can make you a successful Web author. To make the steps brief and easy to follow, we use a specific way of telling you what to do. Here’s an example of a set of steps: 1. Start your Web browser. 2. Go to the Web site Note: This site is not real, just an example. 3. Click the link that matches the type of computer you have: PC, Macintosh, or UNIX.
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition
Part-y Time: How This Book Is Organized We wrote this book to a carefully plotted, precise, unvarying plan, with the predictable and predicted result: the book you’re holding in your hands now. Wait a second. Isn’t it true that the Web is changing every day, that Web sites appear and disappear like so many jacks-in-the-box — or whack-a-moles, if that’s a more familiar example to you — and that Web companies can pop into and out of existence in a few weeks? So, what was that about a plan? Well, okay, we did change things a little along the way. Maybe a lot. But we did have a plan behind the book, even if it was finalized in a conference call at 5:00 this morning. The following sections explain the parts that make up the book.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today You probably want to dive right into becoming a Web publisher. So we start the book with some ideas about what to do in your Web site, and then give specific instructions on how to get your first, simple Web page up. You can start with Yahoo! Geocities, a free service accessible to everyone, the new Google Page Creator service, or built-in AOL features.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page Free Web tools have evolved and a new generation of special-purpose tools has appeared. You can use the popular Flickr site to put up photos. Or start your own Web log — a page you can add to a little bit at a time — on Or go nuts and start selling your stuff through a product page on eBay. (And yes, if you want you can do all three.) It’s all easy to do.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder Free services are great, but soon you’ll want to use some “real” tools for managing and editing your Web pages. You’ll also want to make your page richer with formatted text. You may even want to add META tags to allow someone using a search engine to easily find your pages. The you’ll definitely want to add graphics. We tell you how to do all that and more in this part.
Part IV: Polishing (and Publishing) Your Site Soon, a page is not enough — you want more. You start tying pages together with links. Then, you want to make the pages look good, and fine-tune them on your machine before publishing to the Web. We take you through all the steps to success.
Part V: Getting Interactive Most Web pages just sit there. But the fun ones interact with the user. We show you how to add animation, multimedia, and more interactivity to your Web page. Have fun!
Part VI: The Part of Tens A Top Ten list is a great way to make complex information fun and easy to remember. Our Top Ten lists show you key DOs and DON’Ts of Web publishing.
Part VII: Appendixes Appendixes in books are usually like appendixes in people: funny little things that get taken out of the patient in a hurry if they act up. But for this book, we pack in great information that can really help you. In Appendix A, a glossary defines Web publishing terms that may be confusing to you. In Appendix B, you get a comprehensive – yet brief – guide to HTML tags, the most basic tools that developers use to create today’s Web sites.
Icons Used in This Book Marks information that you need to keep in mind as you work.
Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 8th Edition Points to things you may want to know but don’t necessarily need to know. You can skip these and read the text, skip the text and read these, or go ahead and read both.
Flags specific information that may not fit in a step or description but that helps you create better Web pages.
Points out anything that may cause a problem.
Part I
Create a Web Page Today
In this part . . .
ump right in with simple Web page publishing. Use Web-based services or your ISP to get a page online today. Your reward: Telling your friends and colleagues your Web address tomorrow!
Chapter 1
Web Publishing Basics In This Chapter Getting started with Web publishing Putting together a Web page the easy way — and the easier way Examining types of Web sites Reviewing Web page guidelines
he Web is an incredibly easy way to get your message — any message — out to anyone in the world who’s interested in it. By putting up a Web page, you can stay in touch with friends and family, entertain people, help yourself get a job, or help yourself do your job. You can start a business, grow a business, or just have fun expressing yourself. Nearly a million people have purchased this book since its first edition more than ten years ago, and our readers have used every technique we describe in this book, and more, to get their first Web pages up and running. By reading this book, you’re starting on a path that many, many people before you have followed to Web page success.
Web Basics 101 You may have begun using the Internet and Web without really getting a chance to learn how they work. Knowing how they work can help you become a better Web publisher. Here’s a brief, to-the-point description. For more information, you can search the Web; the World Wide Web consortium site at is a good place to start.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Understanding how the Web works The Web, formally called the World Wide Web, is a collection of a bunch of text and graphics files (plus some other stuff) that make up Web pages. Web pages are combined into linked sets of pages called Web sites. People often use the term interchangeably, but technically, a Web page is a single page; a Web site is one or more Web pages linked together. The base of the Web is the Internet. The Web depends on the Internet to connect its many files together and to allow people to get to the Web. E-mail is a separate function that also depends on the Internet. And FTP (file transfer protocol) is another Internet service, used to move files from one computer to another. The Web is defined by two specifications: HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The underlying idea behind the Web is hypertext — text that can contain links to other pieces of text stored anywhere on the Internet. The Web got its name from the way all the links connect the pieces of text together like a huge spider’s web. You look at Web pages by using a program called a Web browser. A Web browser uses HTTP to request a Web page from a Web server. The Web page, in turn, uses HTTP to request any other files, such as graphics images or ads, that are part of the Web page. After you request a Web page, your Web browser pulls the files that make up the Web page from one or more Web servers and assembles those files into one page on your machine.
Getting webbed This book talks a lot about the Web, but doesn’t discuss how to get on the Web as a user. Even if you’re on the Web already, perhaps through a connection at work, you may also want to get on the Web from home. How do you do that? The most popular online service is still America Online (AOL). AOL has robust Web publishing features, coverage around most of the world, good spam blocking, kid-safe controls, and many other good features. You can use AOL’s Web publishing features (see Chapter 4) whether you’re an AOL user or not.
MSN (Internet access from Microsoft) is also popular, and there are a host of other providers who can give you a good deal — in many cases, cheaper than AOL. What most of these other providers lack is the ability to get online from nearly anywhere in the world by using a dialup number and the wide range of services AOL offers. It’s quite likely that your Internet Service Provider, whether it’s a big name like AOL and MSN or a little guy, offers you space for your Web site — and perhaps helpful support services as well. Check your ISP’s offerings as you decide how to get your first pages up on the Web.
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics The most popular Web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, which you can use separately or as a built-in part of America Online software; Firefox, the successor to the once-popular Netscape Navigator; Opera, a standardscompliant Web browser from a small company; and Safari, a browser for Macintosh computers. After a Web browser requests a Web page using HTTP, HTML steps in. Each Web page includes a text file written in a format called HTML (for HyperText Markup Language) and usually one or more graphics files. HTML defines a Web page’s appearance and functionality. Actually, HTML doesn’t precisely specify the Web page’s appearance: Different Web browsers display various HTML commands differently. Also, users can specify how they want things to look. So what one user sees when she looks at a Web page may be different from what another user sees. (Chapter 8 goes into detail about HTML.) Getting a Web page up on the Internet is surprisingly easy. In fact, if you’re in a hurry, you may want to go straight to Chapter 2 (for GeoCities, a Web-based service), Chapter 3 (for Google Page Creator), or Chapter 4 (for the fine page creation service on AOL and Follow the instructions there to get your first Web page up in a few hours.
Getting up URL-y The Internet is the giant computer network that connects other computer networks around the world. At its base, the Internet is just a giant mechanism for moving files from one computer to another. It finds files by using a kind of address called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator — which sounds like something the Army invented to track down clothes!). The acronym URL is usually pronounced “you are ell,” although some pronounce it “earl.” Most people today use the term “Web address” or “Internet address” instead of “URL,” but as a Web publisher you should know both terms. The address that you type to get to a Web page is a URL. For example, www. is the URL for Arthur’s Netsurfer Communications Web site. A URL consists of three parts (see Figure 1-1): Protocol: The name of the communications language that the URL uses: HTTP (used on the Web), HTTPS (for secure Web pages), FTP, and so on. Domain name: The name of the server the file is on. Pathname: The location of the desired file on the server.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 1-1: URLy to Web, URLy to rise.
Protocol http://
Domain name
Pathname folder/filename.ext
The “For Dummies” Way to Web Publishing Reading this book is going to make you a Web publisher — because anyone who puts up even a single, simple home page is a publisher on the World Wide Web. Congratulations in advance! Putting up a Web page involves a few steps that are the same no matter which tools or techniques you use. The steps may have different names, or be intermingled with each other, but they’re still basically the same. Here they are: 1. Create the HTML text file that’s the basis for your Web page (see Chapter 10). 2. Create or obtain the graphic images you’ll use to spice up the appearance of your page (see Chapter 12). 3. Create a link to the graphics in your HTML text file so they appear where you want them to (covered in Chapter 13). 4. Preview your Web page on your own machine (see Chapter 10). 5. Find Web server space (see Chapter 16). 6. Transfer the HTML text file and the graphics files to the Web server (also in Chapter 16). 7. Check that your new Web page works correctly now that it’s online (again, see Chapter 16). If you use an easy-to-use tool such as GeoCities (see Chapter 2), the above steps are combined and most of the details are handled for you. However, it’s good to know what’s happening “behind the scenes,” to help avoid problems or to help you tackle a more complicated site later.
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics
Web terms to know We want to clear up how we define and use some Web terms: Web page: A text document that is published on a Web server, has HTML tags in it, almost always includes hypertext links, and usually includes graphics. When you click the Back button in your Web browser, you move to the previous Web page that you visited. Web site: A collection of Web pages that share a common theme and purpose and that users generally access through the site’s home page.
Home page: The Web page that people generally access first within a Web site. You let people know the URL (address) of your home page and try to get other Web page creators to provide links to it. HTML tags: Brief formatting or linking commands placed within brackets in the text of an HTML file. For instance, the
tag tells the Web browser to display text after the command in bold type; the tag turns the bold off. See Chapter 8 for more on HTML.
These steps are usually simple if you’re creating a basic Web page. However, they do get more complicated sometimes, especially if you’re trying to create a multipage Web site. This book tells you several different, easy ways to create a Web page, and gets you started on expanding your Web page into a multipage Web site. When you create a Web page that has complex formatting, or that mixes text and graphics, you’ll want to test it in the most popular Web browsers. See Chapter 16 for the Web addresses from which you can download Microsoft Internet Explorer, the America Online client, the Firefox browser, the Opera browser, the Safari browser, or other tools. For an example of a good-looking Web page, check out the For Dummies Web page, shown in Figure 1-2. It has an attractive layout, interesting information, and links to a great deal more information on the For Dummies site and other sites. The For Dummies Web site is very well done, but you, too, can achieve similar results with a reasonable amount of planning and hard work. In this book, we concentrate on helping you create a simple, individual Web page and combining several Web pages into a closely linked group of pages called a Web site.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 1-2: The For Dummies home page shows Web publishing skill.
Note: The For Dummies home page is shown in Microsoft Internet Explorer, the most popular Web browser. For consistency, we use Internet Explorer for most of the Web page images in this book.
Making simple things simple If all you want to do is create a simple “I exist” Web page, either for yourself or for your business, you don’t have to go through the rigmarole of figuring out HTML or learning a tool, finding server space, and so on. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 show you several ways to get your first Web page up quickly and easily, using existing templates or simple HTML. Chapter 2 is for those who want to use GeoCities, a Web-based service; Chapter 3 is for those who want to try Google Page Creator, an emerging tool from the leaders in Web search, Google. Chapter 4 covers the popular Web page creation tools found in the AOL online service and at To see how easy publishing on the Web is, just turn to Chapter 2, 3, or 4 and get started. You’ll be a Web publisher with just a couple of hours of effort.
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics
Seeing HTML When Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML at CERN (the European particle physics research facility) in the late 1980’s, he probably never imagined that so many people would be interested in seeing it. Today, most browsers include a command that enables you to see the actual HTML source that makes the page look and work the way it does. For example, in Internet Explorer, choose View➪ Source to view the underlying HTML file. You
see all the HTML tags that make the Web page look and act the way it does. After you open the HTML file, you can edit the text and the HTML tags, save the file, and then open the file again in your browser to see how it looks with the HTML changes. Don’t publish someone else’s page, of course — but other than that, experimenting in this way is a good way to learn.
Making difficult things possible The free services we describe in this book differ in how far they allow you to go without outgrowing what you can get for free. If your site gets too large or gets too much traffic, or if you want to use your site for business, at some point these services ask you to start paying for the site. The rest of Part I describes what you need to know to get an initial, simple Web page up on the Web. Part II describes specialized sites — Flickr for photos (Chapter 5), Blogger for a Web log (also known as a blog — Chapter 6), or eBay to sell a product (Chapter 7). Parts III and IV tell you how to improve your Web page, by placing graphics, adding links, and making your layout look attractive. Part V tells you how to add animation and interactivity, plus expand your Web page into a Web site.
Types of Web Sites The Web offers examples of nearly every communications strategy known to humanity, successful or not. But not every example of a Web page that you find online applies to your situation. For one thing, the resources of different Web publishers vary tremendously, from an individual putting up family photos to a large corporation creating an online commerce site. For another, several different types of Web sites exist, and not every lesson learned in creating one type of Web site applies to the others.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today The major types of Web pages are personal, picture, topical, commercial, and entertainment sites. Increasingly, you can combine different kinds of sites in mashups — sites that combine different kinds of technologies. (The Web itself already does that, but a mashup takes combining technologies to the next level.) In the next sections, we describe some of the specific considerations that apply to each type of Web page and not to the others. Decide in advance what type of Web page you want to create, and look for other pages like it online.
Personal sites Personal Web sites can have many goals. Often, your goal is simply to share something about yourself with coworkers, friends, family, and others. Personal Web pages are a great way for people to find out about others with similar interests and for people in one culture to find out about other cultures. You can also use a personal Web site to share family photos and events — kind of like a holiday letter that’s always up to date. Figure 1-3 shows part of the personal site of Jeff Lowe, who’s piloting a remote-controlled blimp in the pictures. You can find the site at
Figure 1-3: Jeff Lowe pilots the blimp (and posts his résumé too).
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics Creating a personal Web site is a great deal of fun and great practice for other work. But personal Web sites are often left unchanged after the initial thrill of creating and publishing them fades. Be different — keep your Web site updated! As personal Web sites evolve, their creators tend to add more information about a single key interest, in which case the pages may become topical Web sites (described later). In other cases, the Web site creator adds more information about professional goals and accomplishments, in which case the Web page becomes more like a business Web site. Following a few simple rules helps make your personal Web site more fun and less work: What’s on first? No, no. What’s on second . . . The upper part of your Web page — the part that appears first when you bring the page up onscreen — needs to make the main point of the site clear. If the main point is “you,” the first thing people see should be your name, your photo, and links to some of the things about “you” that are in your site. If the point of your site is a topical interest, business interest, or professional self-promotion, the first area of the home page should make that clear, too. Keep it simple. Start with modest goals and get something up on the Web; then create a “To Do” list of ways in which to extend your site. Consider spinning off commercial and topical pages that reflect your desires and interests — each page with its own Web address — rather than creating a sprawling personal Web site.
Are personal Web sites still relevant? Most of the activity you hear about on the Web these days relates to large, commercial sites, political sites, and so on. Personal Web sites have gotten somewhat lost in the shuffle as better-funded sites belonging to companies and organizations get all the attention. Never fear; personal Web sites are still fun and easy to create. And did we mention that they’re fun? Part of what’s driving the continuing interest in personal Web pages is that more and more
people all over the world have access to the Web. (The Web recently passed 1 billion users, an important milestone.) The chances are better than ever that a high percentage of your friends, family, and colleagues can visit and appreciate your site. So don’t be put off by the tremendous growth of business and large organizational sites on the Web. The personal and fun side is growing, too; it’s just getting less media attention than the commercial side.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today Provide lots of links. One of the best ways to share your interests is to share information about Web sites that you like, as well as books and other resources. You can put this list on your one and only Web page or make it a separate page that’s part of a personal Web site. If you develop a thorough, carefully updated list of links for a specific interest area, you create a very valuable resource for others. Consider your privacy. A Web page is just like a billboard — except that 100 million or more people can see it, not just a few thousand. Don’t put anything up on your Web page that you wouldn’t want on a billboard. And think twice before putting up information about your kids and other family members: You may well be willing to compromise your own privacy, but you shouldn’t make that decision for other people.
Picture sites Lots of people just want to share pictures online; it’s a lot easier to share pictures on the Web than to mail them around, or wait until you get together with people. You can use any of the Web page creation tools described in this book to create a photos-mostly Web site, although Flickr (see Chapter 5) is suited to this purpose alone. Sharing pictures is often a great joy, but also often quite boring for other people. Here are some tips to help keep your site interesting: Get organized. Think about how photos are going to be organized. Basically, your site should be like a magic photo album — with new content at the front, and as many older photos as you want at the back. So use the home page to highlight the new stuff, and keep the older stuff moving back into archived folders. Be a photo editor. “Less is more,” up to a point, even on sites designed to show the grandkids’ latest photos off to proud grandparents. Usually, one or two photos of a given spot or event, whether it’s a birthday party, a visit to an historic site, or something similar, are enough to give a flavor of it. Watch the megabytes. Use a photo editing program to save your files as JPEG images with the appropriate degree of compression (see Chapter 12 for details). Even though many Web users today have broadband access, you don’t want to freeze out the people who don’t. Protect your identity. Make sure not to provide identifying information such as anyone’s full name, address, or phone number. This helps prevent identity theft.
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics
Getting personal with blogs A Web log, or blog for short, is a sort of online diary that usually includes links to Web sites that the user has recently found interesting — thus the term Web log. Blogging, or maintaining a Web log, is a whole new form of Web publishing. You can create a Web page or Web site that’s nothing but a blog, or combine blog content with traditional content. Some blogs are extremely personal — sometimes uncomfortably so. Web logs are also used in big Web sites, such as major newspaper sites. In other words, Web
logs cross the boundaries between personal, topical, and business categories — and some of them are pretty entertaining as well! We have the somewhat old-fashioned view that you probably would benefit from knowing about Web page creation in general, not just blogging, so we defer a detailed discussion of it to Chapter 6. But if your whole reason for wanting to create Web pages is to create a blog to call your very own, please skip ahead and read Chapter 6 now, and then come back here when you want to find more about Web pages in general.
Topical sites That’s “topical,” not “tropical.” (See the Kaua’i Exotix home page later in this chapter for an example of the latter.) A topical home page is a resource on a specific topic. A topic can be an interest or volunteer group to which the author belongs, in which case the page may grow over time into something much like a business Web site. (Creating a Web site for a group is a tremendous contribution that you can make, but it can be a lot of work; watch what you may be getting yourself into!) Or your topical Web page can be about any interest, cause, concern, obsession, or flight of fancy that you have. In this sense, the Web is like an out-of-control vanity press, allowing anyone to go on and on about anything — sometimes offering something of great value, oftentimes not. Making a second career out of maintaining and extending a topical Web site is easy, but the pay is usually nil. Here are some things to consider when you create a topical Web site: What’s on first? As with a personal Web page, the title of a topical Web page and the first screen that users see need to make unmistakably clear the topic that the page covers. And, to the extent possible, they must describe what resources the Web site offers about the topic. Keep focused. A topical Web site loses some of its value if it goes beyond a single topic. How many of the people who share your love for Thai cooking also share your abiding interest in rotifers? (Microscopic creatures which are too small to use in most recipes, Thai or not.) If you
Part I: Create a Web Page Today have two different interests that you want to share on the Web, consider creating separate Web sites. Create a succession plan. If your Web site grows beyond your capacity to maintain and extend it properly, find someone to help out or to take it over. The first person you should ask about taking over is anyone who’s complaining that you’re not extending the site fast enough! Decide what role you can handle and then ask for help in doing the rest.
Business sites Business Web sites, also known as commercial sites, constitute the 50,000pound gorilla of the Web, with a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money devoted to them. Business Web sites cover a wide range of styles because their goals and the expertise and resources behind them vary so much. This book provides enough information for you to create a competent “Web presence” site with several pages of contact and company information. But even these kinds of sites vary quite a bit, and you need to be sure that your company’s page is well implemented. Figure 1-4 shows the Netsurfer home page created by Arthur Bebak, one of the authors. (So now you can call him “Author” Bebak!) Go surf around the Netsurfer site to see what a site designed and implemented by one of us looks like: The first question to ask about a business Web site is “Who can access it?” Some sites are intended for the World Wide Web and everyone on it; others are on the World Wide Web but are password-protected or otherwise restricted in access; still others are on private networks and inaccessible to outsiders. These inaccessible networks are described as being “behind the firewall.” Any Web page that isn’t accessible to everyone is considered to be on an intranet, if access is limited to one company, or an extranet, if access is limited to a group of companies that are business partners. Despite the wide variety of business Web sites, following just a few rules can help you create a page that meets your goals: What’s on first? A business Web page should make the name and purpose(s) of your business immediately clear. Also, the site should provide easy-to-find information on how to contact your business and what products and services the business offers. Get the right look. Telling someone you don’t like their Web site is like telling them you don’t like their haircut — they’re likely to take it personally. But an ugly Web site, like an ugly haircut, can make a permanently
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics
Figure 1-4: The Netsurfer Communications motto: More signal, less noise.
bad impression. Make sure that the look of your Web site is up to the professional standards set by other aspects of your business. Get permission. Unless you own the business, you should ask for permission before putting a company page on the open Web. You also need to make absolutely sure you have the permissions you need for any images or documents that you use before you publish your Web page. Inside or outside the firewall? Deciding who gets access is tricky. For example, a small amount of otherwise confidential information can make a site more valuable, but the presence of confidential information also prevents you from opening up the entire site to the broader public. Implementing access controls can also be difficult. Investigate how to password-protect a site, or ask a network administrator at your company whether you can physically control access. For instance, you may be able to selectively allow access based on what network the user connects from. Find experts. Businesses similar to yours — or even colleagues, if you’re in a large company — likely have Web sites that have a purpose similar to yours. Look to similar sites for guidance and inspiration.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today Monitor usage. Investing time, energy, and money in a business Web site requires a trade-off among the Web site and other things that those resources could go to. One of the crucial questions you may need to answer in order to justify Web site maintenance or expansion is how much use the site gets. Investigate ways to measure the use of your site. A good way to start is a basic hit counter, such as the free one you can find at the following URL: Seek out additional resources. This book focuses on hands-on creation of single Web pages and simple Web sites. For a larger business site, you need access to additional information to help you with the planning, hosting, and maintenance of the site. Consider purchasing HTML 4 For Dummies, 5th Edition, by Ed Tittel and Mary Burmeister, for more information on the HTML specification, and Internet Marketing For Dummies, by Frank Catalano and Bud Smith (both books from Wiley), for more information on planning and creating a business Web site with a marketing bent. Having a Web site that’s too obviously “handmade,” rather than professionally created, can be embarrassing for a business. However, many sites are going “back to the future” with a simple, clean look that’s light on graphics. So how do you decide whether to make your look fancy or simple? The best way to get a quick reality check is to look at some competitors’ Web sites and make sure that your initial site looks roughly as good as theirs. And remember that oftentimes the most embarrassing thing is having no site at all.
Entertainment sites Entertainment is one of the top few reasons why people use the Web, and the number of entertainment sites continues to grow. Humorous pages and shared games on online services are now a major presence on the Web. The high expectations that people have of entertainment sites can make these sites some of the most demanding to create. Here are a few suggestions for creating entertainment sites: Don’t start here. Don’t try to figure out Web publishing by creating an entertainment site. It’s a very demanding task. Try another type first and edge your way into entertainment. Keep it fresh. How funny is a joke the second time you hear it? You have to either frequently update the content on your entertainment site, or allow participants to provide new content through their interaction with one another — neither option is easy. Push the technology. Interactivity is also key to entertainment, which means going beyond HTML and static graphics. You probably need to
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics
Is your page cybersmut? For most Web page publishers, the best policy with respect to putting anything potentially offensive in your Web pages is to keep your site clean. The use of gratuitous sex and violence in your Web pages will simply put off many people and put you and your Web site in a bad light. But what if the sex or violence is not gratuitous and is actually central to your point? Then send the authors your URL so that we can see it for ourselves. No, seriously: Be sure to make the first page a home page that warns readers that
they may find your content offensive. That lets them gracefully opt out before they view whatever you show. Even that enlightened approach may not be enough, however. Some Web server owners will drop your page if it violates their rules, and several countries have laws that specify what can and can’t be on a Web page. Be sure to find out about the rules and laws that apply to you before you put anything questionable on your Web page.
figure out and use at least one advanced Web technology, such as Flash, to make a fresh and interesting entertainment Web site. Let the technology push you. The technology can give you ideas that are in themselves pretty funny. Try using Java to create a Three Stoogestype animated routine, or use ActiveX to create a virtual reality environment that includes fun-house mirrors. (We describe both Java and ActiveX in Chapter 18.)
Thinking Your Web Page Through A Web page or Web site is basically a publication, though an interactive one. Thinking about a few simple principles now, before you start, can help make your Web page much more interesting and useful to the people who see it. You can also revisit this section after you put up your initial Web home page; use these guidelines to revise your page and make it even more interesting and useful!
Ask “Why am I doing this?” Ask yourself, as you’re starting, “Why am I doing this?” (As you do more and more work on your page, your answer to this question may come to have
Part I: Create a Web Page Today some degree of profanity in it!) That is, why are you creating the page, and not having someone else create it for you? The answer helps you determine some important things about the page. The following list details the most common reasons for people to get involved in creating a Web page: For work: More and more people are being asked to create Web pages and Web sites as part of their jobs; for example, they use the Web to communicate with people inside or outside their companies. But unless you plan to be a full-time Webmaster, you need to balance the time you spend developing your pages with the time you spend on the other demands of your job. Be modest in your initial goals, and keep track of each step in creating and modifying your Web pages so that you — or the person who takes over for you — can refer to the records later. For fun: Fun sites are a good thing, and they are a lot of what makes the Web worthwhile. But if you create your site for fun, you may find time to work on it only after you spend time on other things, such as work, school, or time with friends and family. So don’t be too ambitious in your initial plans, or you may take quite a while to finish and publish your page. As a career move: So you want to be a full-time, or nearly full-time, Webmaster; or you want, in some other way, to make the Internet or Web part of your career? In this kind of situation, you can afford to plan an ambitious Web site that uses advanced tools, tracks usage, and otherwise gets closer to the cutting edge of the Web. To gain experience, create your initial Web page by using the accessible and broad-based tools and approaches we describe in this book. Then take your page closer to the cutting edge by using the more advanced techniques described and taught elsewhere, such as JavaScript programming as described in JavaScript For Dummies, 3rd Edition, by Emily A. Vander Veer (Wiley). Who knows? As famous baseball manager Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” You may not have a specific reason for publishing on the Web, but that shouldn’t stop you. You may figure out a good reason after you have a little Web experience under your belt. Start simple, so you can score an early success in getting a basic Web page up, and then go from there.
Don’t spend too much time on design Designing a Web page is unlike designing any other kind of publication because you don’t have as much control over the precise appearance of a Web page as you do with other types of publications. Different modem and network connection speeds, browsers, screen sizes, and font and other settings
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics within a browser vary so much that users can have very different experiences with your Web page. With the latest versions of HTML, controlling more aspects of your Web page’s appearance is possible. Advanced sites, such as, use many different aspects of HTML, as well as programming languages such as JavaScript, to create dense, rich layouts more like a magazine than a typical Web page. However, some aspects of the newest versions of HTML are not yet standard across different Web browsers. In this book, we stick with HTML 4.0, which works the same way for nearly all Web users. Keep your design simple and don’t spend too much time on it initially. A simpler design is more likely to work for everyone — and be easier to create and update, as well. Then improve the design as you find out more about Web publishing and more about how people use your page.
Big issues for big sites This book focuses on the needs of people who create a single Web page or a small Web site, and who do so on their own. Larger sites, or sites that need to be put up quickly or changed rapidly, need to have additional people working on them. If you want to create a larger site down the road, start thinking now about what resources may be available to put into it. How many people in your company or other organization work on advertising, public relations, and marketing? How many people question whether those jobs are real work? (Just kidding — the lead author, who’s a marketer, wrote that!) You may reasonably expect your company to re-target some fraction of its advertising, marketing, and PR resources to support a presence on the Web. And what about sales? As Webbased business transactions take off, some portion of a company’s sales effort becomes Web-based, necessitating a suitable up-front commitment to bring returns down the road. Or your company may already suffer from Web burnout. Classic symptoms of Web burnout
include massive early investment to create a beautiful site, months of failure to update or maintain the site, followed by finger-pointing about who wasted all that money. Usually the problem is that no one set goals for the site, so no one managed the site’s design and construction with those specific goals in mind. Companies often designate too few financial and human resources for maintenance and improvement of the site. If this scenario has happened in your company, you know the problems that result, so be sure to establish clear goals for your own Web efforts. The most important element in adopting any new technology for business is a successful pilot project. As someone creating a smallish Web site, you’re developing important skills and knowledge about the all-important convergence of your business’s needs with the Web’s opportunities. Set specific goals, strive to meet them, and record both your problems and your successes. By doing so, you position yourself to justify further investment of resources as the Web grows in importance for your company.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Put the good stuff first Imagine the Web as a giant magazine rack and the person surfing the Web as someone scanning the front covers of all those magazines. People who see your Web page decide whether to stay at your site — or go elsewhere — based largely on what they see when your page first comes up. If your purpose is to provide information or links, put that information first or, at most, one click away. For example, to create a site that provides information about a company, make getting contact information — your company name, address, phone number, and fax number — very easy. To create a personal site that is attractive to potential employers, make clear what employment field you’re in right at the top of your Web page and make your résumé easy to access. If your purpose is to draw people into your site to entertain them, educate them, or expose them to messages from advertisers — or to do all of these things at once — then the first part of the page should make a strong impression and invite the user to go further into your site. Figure 1-5 shows the Kaua’i Exotix Web page, certainly one that catches your attention, located at the following URL:
Figure 1-5: Buds for your buds.
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics But, like the Kaua’i Exotix Web page, your home page also should help people who seek a quick “hit” of information; they’re more likely to come back later if you don’t waste their time during their first quick visit.
Think twice about download times Putting lots of graphics in your pages is time-intensive for you because creating or finding good graphics and placing them appropriately in your Web page can take a great deal of time and effort. Graphics are also time-intensive for those who surf your site because they can take a long time to download. So plan to use spot graphics (small images that download quickly) at first. Think twice before creating large clickable image maps or attractive opening graphics like those you find on the sites of large companies, such as General Motors or Apple. If you do use an opening graphic, keep the file size under 20K or so. (See Chapter 14 for details.) You may find a good deal of coverage in the computer press, and even in mainstream newspapers and newsmagazines, about ongoing efforts to make faster access available to ordinary users. But for all the talk about cable modems, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), and other advanced techniques, nearly half of home users in the United States are still on 56 Kbps or slower modems — more in most other countries. (Business users are typically on faster connections.) So ignore the hype — the speed at which the average person accesses the Web is still moving upward gradually, not leaping ahead. For now, be conservative in how much data you put in each page, and test the download times of your pages over a modem-based connection before you publish them.
Know your audience According to Web researchers, Web users overwhelmingly speak English as either a first or second language. Consequently, the great majority of Web content, Web creation tools, and Web browsers use the English language. More than ten years after the birth of the Web — which happened in Switzerland — North America is still the “center of gravity” for Web access. This situation will gradually change as other countries catch up to Web penetration in the United States. Why are people online? Surveys indicate that the top reasons people use the Web are for information-gathering, entertainment, education, work, “timewasting,” and shopping. Which of these purposes do you intend for your site to serve? How do you appeal to people who are online? How do you help
Part I: Create a Web Page Today them find you? The answers to these questions can help you enhance the appeal and usefulness of your site. Finally, what kind of browsers are your users running? Surveys indicate that over 90 percent of Web users run Microsoft Internet Explorer; most of the rest use Firefox, which is based on Netscape Navigator. Both of these browsers, and most others that make up the remaining user base, support graphics and tables, and nearly all users run their browsers with graphics turned on (which doesn’t mean that they appreciate waiting for complex images to load — unless those images are pretty cool!). For more details about who’s online, what they do there, and what it means to you if you’re creating a business Web site, see Internet Marketing For Dummies, by Frank Catalano and Bud Smith (Wiley).
Use “text bites” As we mention earlier in this chapter, when preparing a Web site, less is more. Saying something with less text makes users more likely to read and remember it. A text bite is like a sound bite — it’s a short, clearly written piece of text that makes a single point. Although you can overuse text bites, they’re very important in Web page design. Text bites help you convey as much information as possible in the limited amount of time users spend looking at each Web page. And they help you balance the basic elements of Web page design: text, links, and graphics. If you want to put long documents on the Web, consider rewriting them as a series of text bites. If rewriting them is too much work to be practical, at least create short, punchy text for navigation and for introductory paragraphs to the long documents. Within a long document, add headers to break up the flow of text and provide pointers on your Web site to key areas within the document. Without such guidance, users may well give up in frustration without reaching the information they’re looking for.
Look at sites you like Look at sites you like and at sites whose purposes are similar to your own. What’s good about them? What’s not? Imitate successful elements — without copying, which would be a violation of ethics as well as copyright laws — and avoid unsuccessful ones. As the development of your site progresses, keep
Chapter 1: Web Publishing Basics checking it against the sites you previously identified and widen your search to get additional ideas — on what not to do as well as on what to do. Few original ideas exist on the Web, and your initial site is likely to contain one or two new ideas at best. The rest of your site may echo things readers have already seen, and you’re better off if your site brings to mind other good sites, rather than bad ones. (But be careful. If you start yelling “Bad site! Bad site!” at your computer screen and swatting it with a rolled-up newspaper, you may not be allowed to have a working Internet connection much longer.)
Plan for ongoing improvements As you plan and implement your initial Web page, you will, no doubt, find yourself creating a “To Do” list of things that you can’t fit into the original site but want to add later, when time allows. (Creating this list for later use is great protection against trying to create a supersite right off the bat, getting stuck in the creation process, and never getting to a point where you can actually publish your first Web page.) This list is the start of a plan for ongoing improvements. Some things that you put in a Web site need to be kept current. For example, if your business Web page shows your company’s quarterly results, be ready to update it quickly when the next quarter’s results come out. If it lists company officers, update it as soon as a change takes place. (Unless you’re one of the people changed — then it’s your successor’s problem!) Web site information that is obviously out of date is one of the best ways to leave a bad impression of you or your organization/company and to steer visitors away from your Web site. Not only do you want to update the Web site, you want to avoid using “Under Construction” signs and otherwise apologizing for things that aren’t there yet. Everything on the Web is under construction, which is half the fun of using the Web and creating pages for it in the first place. You get only one chance to make a first impression, and an “Under Construction” sign doesn’t count in your favor.
Decide how you define success Before you design and create your Web page, define what you believe can make it a success. For an initial effort, simply putting up something on the Web that clearly conveys basic information is probably enough. For follow-up
Part I: Create a Web Page Today work, get more specific. Are you trying to reach a certain number of people or type of people? Will measuring page views — the number of times that people look at one page from your site — be enough, or do you need some other measure of response, such as having site visitors send e-mail or call an 800 number? Do you want to create a cutting-edge site in terms of bell-andwhistle features like fancy graphics and animation — and if so, are you willing to invest the time and money to make this site happen? Talk to people who do advertising and marketing in the real world, as well as to people who work on the Web, and get a sense of what goals they set and how they measure success in meeting their goals.
Chapter 2
Going Worldwide with GeoCities In This Chapter Using GeoCities for a personal Web page Planning before you start Getting registered Putting the wizard to work Taking the steps to success
etting your first page up on the Web seems like a tall order. So you may not believe just how easy it is to get started. With the free GeoCities Web-based publishing services we describe in this chapter, you can have your first Web page up within a couple of hours — at no cost. (No cost to you, that is — your users have to suffer through advertising that the site host puts on each page.) You don’t have to figure out everything about HTML, you don’t have to deal with typical publishing complexities, and did we mention that you don’t have to pay anything? If you’re a Google fan, you may want to try Google Page Creator (Chapter 3), a new and promising service. And if you’re a member of America Online (AOL), or like to use the Web site, you can use free AOL Web publishing tools to get a Web page up quickly and easily, as we describe in Chapter 4. If not, though, you have an alternative that’s as good as anything out there: Yahoo!’s GeoCities site. GeoCities is the most popular site for free personal Web page publishing and has offered this service for many years. Since its inception, GeoCities has hosted the creation of well over 5,000,000 — yes, that’s 5 million — personal Web page sites, with thousands of new sites added each day. With Yahoo! having acquired GeoCities, it has the resources to keep on growing for quite a while to come. (Other services featured in earlier editions of this book have since disappeared, a testament to the rapid rate of change on the Web.)
Part I: Create a Web Page Today Follow the instructions in this chapter to become a Web page publisher on GeoCities. You can be a Web publisher in less time than most people take to start thinking about how to get their first home page published on the Web.
Starting with a GeoCities Web Page Putting up a personal Web page accomplishes a lot of things. For one, it’s fun. Millions of people have gotten a real kick out of sharing information about themselves and their interests by putting up a Web page. Many personal Web pages that initially start out quite simple evolve into large and popular Web sites focused on topics of every imaginable sort. As the number of Web users continues to increase, more and more of your colleagues, family, and friends can see your Web page, as can (of course) millions and millions of complete strangers. Creating a personal Web page is also very valuable in helping you find out how to publish on the Web. Until you publish something on the Web, you may find the notion that you can actually do it hard to believe. After you put up your first Web page, you may find the notion that anything can stop you from doing it again hard to believe! The initial success of getting up your personal Web page will spill over into all your future Web efforts. Now, you may feel that you should start out with a business Web site, a home page for a nonprofit organization, or something similarly serious. But the business or serious approach has a couple of problems: The “barriers to entry” — if we may use a marketing term — for a site that represents an organization are much higher because you’re taking on a more complex task, and many people need to be involved. For a more serious site, the quality of your work has much more impact because you’re representing a larger cause than just your personal interests. So your fear of failure is greater. And you’re undertaking this important task with little experience, which can make getting anything worthwhile done hard. Finally, Web space for business sites usually costs money. So you have a buying decision to make before you can even get started — yet another barrier. So get on the Web first with a simple, personal Web page. Discover something new, have some fun, and prepare now for more ambitious endeavors later. And GeoCities is just the place to do it.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities
Checking out Yahoo! GeoCities To see what other people have done with their personal Web sites, visit GeoCities right now at Figure 2-1 shows the initial home page for GeoCities. Yahoo!, after buying GeoCities, put its name on the pages too. Don’t be alarmed if you see something slightly different for the home page; GeoCities, like any popular Web site, often updates its home page. Even if the GeoCities home page has changed, the instructions in this chapter are likely still valid.
Figure 2-1: GeoCities is the home of more than many millions of personal Web pages. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
GeoCities initially organized the Web pages that users created into neighborhoods, with each neighborhood hosting home pages from people with a specific set of shared interests. However, Yahoo! has stopped supporting the neighborhoods idea; only people who created Web pages on GeoCities in the 1990s can still use them. As a new GeoCities user, you get a Web address based on your Yahoo! user ID; if you don’t already have one, you’re issued one when you first sign up for GeoCities.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Web tools versus Web services A Web publishing tool, such as SeaMonkey Composer, is a program that helps you prepare content for the Web. A Web publishing service is a support function that handles part of the process of Web publishing for you, such as hosting your Web page(s) on a server. The Web
publishing services we describe in this chapter, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 also include online tools for preparing your Web page(s), but the free Web page hosting service they provide is most notable, so we refer to them as services rather than tools.
Your Web page’s Web address is in the following form: youruserid. This address is simpler than the Web addresses that GeoCities used to give people, which included the name of the neighborhood the user chose as well as a specific site number. If you look at existing GeoCities Web pages, many of them still have neighborhood addresses. When you first visit GeoCities, use the Search function on the GeoCities home page to find GeoCities Web pages on topics of interest to you. Look for topics related to your work, your favorite bands, computer games, celebrities — just about anything. Look at some pages that are still initial efforts, and then see what others have done with their Web pages to spruce up the place after they first arrived! Tear out the Cheat Sheet at the front of this book and tape it to the wall! Although you don’t need to know HTML to use the services we describe in this chapter, knowing a little bit of HTML can help you make your initial page look better. See the Cheat Sheet for a list of tags that can spruce up your initial Web page.
Following the city ordinances You can use the GeoCities easy-to-use editing tool to create a simple home page quickly and easily. You can then use HTML, FTP (see Chapter 16), and other tools to create and transfer more sophisticated pages to build almost any kind of Web site you want, up to 15MB in size. But you have to keep in mind the restrictions listed in Yahoo!’s Terms of Service: Not for your business: You can’t use this free Web page service for a business home page, although you can mention your business on your free personal home page. (Some people use their free personal Web
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities pages to “mention” their businesses an awful lot.) That means you can’t sell products or services, advertise, conduct raffles, or display advertising or sponsorship banners. You can, however, use Yahoo!-supported partnership programs that allow you to get paid for books, music, and other goods sold on your site. For details on what you can’t do, check the Terms of Service at If you do want a business Web site, try Yahoo!’s premium Web site programs. You can access them from the GeoCities home page at No monkey business: Yahoo! imposes restrictions on what you can publish; obscenity, harmful or abusive content, libel, and invasion of privacy are prohibited, among other things. Check the Terms of Service at the previous URL for details. No more than 15MB space: All your Web files together must occupy no more than 15MB of disk space; that’s about 15,000 pages of text, or about 100 large, quarter-screen graphics. This restriction is not a problem for single Web pages because only one Web page is almost certainly well below the limit. If you expand your Web page into a multipage site and the limit becomes a problem for you, you can get more disk space and other goodies from Yahoo!’s premium Web site programs, which are mentioned on the GeoCities home page.
GeoCities or online service? If you are a user of an online service such as America Online, you have the option of creating a free personal Web page on GeoCities, on your online service, or on both. We recommend that online service users put their first Web page on their online service. Why? The first and foremost reason is support. Online services are great sources of help for all kinds of online concerns, not least of which is getting your first Web page up and running. You can easily get a lot of help from your fellow members and from the support personnel of your online service. Second is familiarity. You’re already familiar with your online service. You’re more able to take advantage of its free services than the
services in any other kind of setup, even one as friendly and open as GeoCities. Third is community. Online services try to foster a sense of community, as does Yahoo! with GeoCities. If you’re a person who values this feeling, you probably have already developed it within your online service; you may as well take advantage of the community that you’re already paying for! So if you’re an AOL user, consider going to Chapter 4 and following the instructions for creating and hosting a free Web page. If not, you don’t need to join an online service just to get free Web hosting service; GeoCities is fast, easy, and fun
Part I: Create a Web Page Today No more than 3GB per month data transfer: The amount of information uploaded to your site and downloaded by users must not exceed 3GB in a month, or GeoCities suspends service for a period of time. This maximum bandwidth is a lot for the average Web page — but if you post, say, a 10MB movie file, having it downloaded 300 times puts you over the limit. No guarantees: Yahoo! doesn’t guarantee that it will continue to provide free Web page service in the future. (The company has to include this disclaimer to protect itself from unanticipated events, but all indications are that it does indeed plan to continue this free service for quite a while.) If Yahoo! does stop offering GeoCities, or even if you just find another hosting site you like better, you can always set up shop elsewhere. For now, the point is to take advantage of a valuable opportunity.
Planning Before You Begin Putting up your home page on GeoCities takes only an hour or so — not bad for getting a free Web page set up, hosted, and published! Even so, doing a few things before you begin makes the process easier, more pleasant, and more productive: Visit GeoCities Web pages. GeoCities does a good job of helping you get your initial Web page up, but don’t you want to see what others have done before you get started? Use the Search function and the categories of Web sites to find Web pages related to your interests. Find out more about GeoCities in general by clicking and navigating around GeoCities-related Web pages in the Yahoo! Web site. You can discover a lot about GeoCities by clicking around and reading press releases, the Terms of Service, and so on. One thing you may not discover is how Yahoo! can afford to give away free Web space through GeoCities. The answer is that free Web pages are a powerful way for sites such as Yahoo! to attract and retain users for its other services. Also, Yahoo! places advertising on Web pages built in GeoCities; Yahoo! makes a few pennies every time someone (including you) looks at your Web pages. Look for the URLs of your favorite Web sites. Many GeoCities templates let you list links to several of your favorite Web sites — but to link to them, you need the URLs. Recall some of your favorite sites — they may be listed in your Web bookmarks — and copy down the site names and URLs for use in creating your Web page. (Doing this research in advance is much easier than doing it while you’re creating your Web page.) Look for the URLs of Web sites of friends and family members. The Personal Page template that we use in the example later in this chapter gives you space to list the descriptions and URLs for one to four Web sites of friends and family members. Get the URLs before you start.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities Plan your initial Web page. In a word processing program or on paper, rough out the text and Web links for your initial Web page. This way, you’re ready to go when it comes time to actually get your page up. Scan a picture. Get a picture or other image onto your hard disk, in GIF or JPEG format, so you can easily upload it as part of your Web page. The picture can be of you, or be related to the topic you’re interested in. You can get a film photo scanned into a digital file, take a picture with a digital camera, or even capture a digital image with a mobile phone. Kinko’s and other copy shops have computers and software you can rent for scanning purposes if you don’t have everything you need at home. Chapter 12 tells you a great deal about Web graphics.
Getting Registered The steps you need to follow to sign up for a GeoCities Web page may change after we complete this book. If so, go to and look up the update page for this book to get the latest instructions. The first step in setting up your GeoCities Web page is to apply for a Yahoo! user ID number. This user ID enables you to use a variety of services on Yahoo! and, if you’re not careful, to receive e-mail solicitations you don’t really want. If you don’t already have a Yahoo! user ID, follow these steps to set up your Yahoo! user ID and start using GeoCities: 1. Open your Web browser. The GeoCities Web site works with any browser. 2. Go to The screen shown earlier in Figure 2-1, or something very much like it, appears. 3. If you are currently signed in as a member of Yahoo!, your username appears on the Web page you see. Skip the rest of the steps in this section. If you’re a Yahoo! member, sign in, as described in the next paragraph, and then skip the rest of the steps in this section. Click the link, sign in to Geocities, and then enter your Yahoo! ID and Password in the Sign In section. Click the Sign In button. If you are not yet a member of Yahoo!, click the Sign In button in the middle of the browser window. When the Sign in to Yahoo! screen appears, click the Sign Up link. If you click the Sign Up link, the Yahoo! Registration screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 2-2: Get your Yahoo! ID so that you can use GeoCities. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
4. Enter your desired Yahoo! ID and password. Retype your password. Any Yahoo! ID you find desirable, like most first name and last name combinations (such as “budsmith” for one of the authors), or your favorite sports team (“sfgiants,” for instance), is likely to be unavailable — one of Yahoo!’s existing tens of millions of users probably already has it. To save yourself a bunch of retries, pick a username that makes sense, but is likely to be unique, such as your first and last name followed by the name of your state or hometown (“budsmithsf,” for instance). Then click the Check Availability of This ID button to confirm that your chosen name is available. Make it something you’re proud of — your home page’s URL will be in the form, followed by your Yahoo! ID. For your password, use six or more characters. 5. Clear the check box if you don’t wish to have a Yahoo! Mail account. Then enter information in case you forget your password. Use the pull-down menu to select a question that Yahoo! prompts you with if you forget your password. Enter your answer, your birthday (with a four-digit year, such as 1978), and your current (non-Yahoo!) e-mail address. Use an e-mail address that you’ll have immediate access to, so you can complete the process of activating your account. (And enter
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities your real birthday — as my mother said, “Always tell the truth, so you don’t have to try to remember what you told people.”) “He tried, but he couldn’t do it” — despite our best efforts, we were unable to get GeoCities to accept a Yahoo! e-mail address as the contact e-mail address for a GeoCities Web page. You have to use a different e-mail account, not a account. You can use an existing personal or work e-mail address or a friend’s e-mail address. Or you can get a new, free e-mail account at (the most popular source for free e-mail), or any of several other sites on the Web. 6. If you want to, indicate your industry and work details. The pull-down menus give you the opportunity to describe your job. This will help Yahoo! customize news and information for you on the Yahoo! site. The information also helps Yahoo! and its partners target e-mail they send you (if you don’t uncheck the check box), ads they put on Web pages that you view, and otherwise personalize their marketing efforts to you. 7. Verify your registration by entering the code (shown as a graphic). Look carefully — it’s not always clear what the code is. This code-checking system helps prevent automated sign-ups used by spammers, who like to get lots of random e-mail addresses to send junk e-mail from (thus fooling spam detection programs). So this is one security precaution that really is for your own good. The bad news is, if you don’t check your marketing preferences carefully, Yahoo! itself will send you a bunch of e-mail — probably unwanted. Choose your language-country combination, such as English - United States. Enter your ZIP code or postal code, your gender, your occupation, and the industry you work in. Clearing the Send Me Special Offers check box tells Yahoo! that you really don’t want a bunch of advertising stuff sent to your e-mail account. Be sure to clear the check box unless you want to receive advertising e-mail from Yahoo! and its partners. Many Web sites have agreed to present boxes such as this one with the option unchecked, so only people who make the effort to click the check box get signed up, but Yahoo! makes you do the unchecking yourself. See the sidebar, “Yahoo! for privacy?” for more. 8. If you want to read the Terms of Service or the Yahoo! Privacy Policy, right-click the appropriate link to open them in a separate window. Otherwise, or after you finish, click the I Agree button. If you click this link with a regular mouse click, the GeoCities’ Terms of Service replaces your current browser window contents. If you click the Back button in the browser window to return to the signup screen, everything you entered so far is gone! If you make this mistake — which is all too easy to do — repeat Steps 4 through 8.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today After you click the Submit This Form button, you are sent an e-mail message with steps to follow to access your account. Follow the instructions in the e-mail message, and sign in to Yahoo!. Then go to the next section to see how to begin working on your site. 9. A confirmation page, Review My Account Information, appears. If it appears, click the link Edit Your Marketing Preferences. If you don’t, you’ll be automatically subscribed to over a dozen categories of “special offers.” Yahoo! has become very pushy about this, automatically subscribing many users to over a dozen categories for special offers and marketing communications. You have to take this extra step to unsubscribe. This is user-unfriendly and seems to violate the spirit of data-protection laws that require users to explicitly agree to such sign-ups. 10. The Account Information page appears with the Marketing Preferences tab selected. Click any categories you don’t want to be in to clear them, or simply click the link Clear All at the bottom of the list. Then make any other changes you’d like to your preferences. Click on the Subscriptions and Alert tabs to set up additional features. Then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes. Yahoo! has many services; take the time to check them out. For instance, Yahoo! alerts let you know when a word or name you’re interested in appears in the news. 11. The changes are saved. Click Back to return to the page where you can continue with creating your GeoCities Web page. You can reach the GeoCities Web site by typing the URL www.geocities. com into your browser’s address window. The address is automatically remapped to Web sites often give simpler Web addresses to the public, but remap them to other internal Web addresses for their own convenience. You can continue to use the address as a starting point for your own ease of use.
Begin Building Your Web Site After you register or sign in, you may need to return to the GeoCities Web site. Follow these instructions to get started: 1. Return to the Web page, The Yahoo! GeoCities Web page appears, as shown earlier in Figure 2-1.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities
Yahoo! for privacy? Yahoo! follows certain policies relating to your privacy. Some of the highlights:
gathers from the choices you make in using Yahoo!, to customize your Web-surfing experience to your interests and to send you customized e-mail.
No opt-in guarantee: Some Web sites now promise not to put you on e-mail lists unless you opt in — take some affirmative action, such as checking a check box, to put yourself in spam’s way. As of this writing, Yahoo! doesn’t do this. So accidentally putting yourself on an e-mail list that then is used to send you advertising when signing up for a Yahoo! service is easy.
Sharing with partners: Yahoo! doesn’t actually transfer data about you to partners without your permission. However, partners’ agreements with Yahoo! may include access to you through Yahoo!, which may be a distinction without much of a difference.
TRUSTe-certified: Yahoo! is TRUSTe-certified. This certification means that Yahoo! has submitted a privacy statement to TRUSTe, an industry privacy organization. TRUSTe is not a strong organization at this point, but at least Yahoo!, through TRUSTe, has committed itself to putting its policy statement in writing and letting you see it.
Changing your information: To change your account information, log into Yahoo! with your user ID and password, and then go to eval_profile. There, you can change your account preferences to stop receiving e-mail offers or update your personal information and preferences.
Use of information: Yahoo! uses the information you give it, and the information it
2. In the GeoCities Free area of the page, click the Sign Up Now link. The Free Web Site option gives you a free home page with the URL, where yourname is your Yahoo! User ID. You may want to use one of the paid options later, but you probably want to begin with a free Web site to use for practice in any case. After you click the Sign Up link, the GeoCities FREE page appears. 3. Choose a topic for your Web page. Carefully choose a topic for your Web page. Yahoo! displays advertising relating to this topic on your Web page, so choose carefully. (The right kind of advertising can actually “ad” value to your page — pun fully intended.) 4. Click one or more check boxes to describe how you found out about GeoCities Free.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today None of the options includes a book such as this one — the “News article or program” choice is probably closest. 5. Verify your registration by entering the code shown in graphical form. Carefully choose a topic for your Web page. Yahoo! displays advertising relating to this topic on your Web page, so choose carefully. (The right kind of advertising can actually “ad” value to your page — pun fully intended.) 6. Click the Continue button. A Welcome to Yahoo! GeoCities Web page appears, as shown in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3: When you see this Web page, you’re in. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
7. Write down your Yahoo! ID and password and your new home page’s Web address. 8. Click the Build Your Web Site Now! link. The GeoCities control panel appears. This is where you always start from and come back to when modifying your page. Follow the steps in the next section to begin building your Web page.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities
We’re Off to See the Wizard GeoCities has developed Yahoo! PageWizards for creating an initial Web page quickly and easily. Wizards are an easy way to get your Web page off the ground. You’ll see that there are other tools available, but PageWizards is the best way to get started with creating a true Web page. Try it first — then use the other tools to extend your site. Unlike many other Web page tools, you cannot enter HTML tags in the text within Yahoo! PageWizards. However, you can edit your Web page later and add HTML tags, as we describe in Part III. Use the Yahoo! PageWizards to quickly create your initial Web page: 1. From the GeoCities control panel, click the Create & Update tab. The Create & Update page appears. 2. Click Yahoo! PageWizards. The Yahoo! PageWizards page, part of which is shown in Figure 2-4, appears. Getting the right wizard can save you a lot of time, so looking at as much information as possible before choosing is worth your time. For the purposes of this chapter, we describe how to use the Personal Page Wizard; if you want to try a different wizard, roughly the same steps apply, but you need to work around the differences. The choices, at this writing, include • Quick Start: A group of page templates with roughly the same information about you but each with a distinctive look. • Popular Themes: The following three categories are some of the favorites that appear here: • Baby Announcement: Great if you just had a little one; not much use otherwise. If you do this, make sure to include a picture! See Chapter 12 for details. • Birthday Invitation or Party Invitation: This is fun to do, but online invitation services such as eVite ( also help you put up an event Web page, plus help you handle the inevitable e-mail messaging back and forth. Either this wizard or the eVite-type approach is a good option.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today • Personal Page: This wizard is the best choice for most people who want to quickly create their own page. You have four choices of color — and yes, you can replace the little stick figure with a picture.
Figure 2-4: We’re off to see the (Page) Wizards. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
3. Scroll down and click the Personal Page link. The Yahoo! Personal Page description appears in the GeoCities Control Panel. 4. Click the Launch Yahoo! PageWizard link. The Build Your Personal Page screen, shown in Figure 2-5, appears in a new window. It shows the six areas that you are customizing: Your name and e-mail address, your image (or you can keep the stick figure!), a brief personal description with your hobbies and interests, a description of friends and family, a list of favorite links (up to four), and a list of friends and family links. 5. Click the Begin button. A screen that allows you to choose a look for your page appears: green, blue, yellow, or pink.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities
Figure 2-5: Six items, six minutes, one home page. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
6. Choose a color and then click Next. Now you’re ready to actually create your page. The next section tells you how.
The Steps to Success After you launch Yahoo! PageWizard, as described in the previous section, you’re just a few quick-and-easy steps away from having your own Web page. 1. Enter your name and (optionally) the e-mail address you want to have appear on your Web page, and then click Next. If you don’t want to publish your work e-mail address, or heavily used personal e-mail address, on the Web — where it may be copied into spammers’ lists — consider creating a Yahoo! e-mail account just for the purpose of publication. Go to to sign up; if you do create a new address, remember to check it. Or, just don’t enter an e-mail address at all; you don’t have to.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today At any point in the wizard process, you can preview your page as you build it. Just click the Preview button where it’s available. You can close the preview when you finish with it; just don’t close the underlying Personal Page Wizard browser window! After you click Next, the Pick Your Picture Web page appears. 2. Choose a picture — a picture you upload, the default stick figure image, or no picture. Then click Next. If you want to upload a picture, GeoCities allows you to pick any image from your hard disk in any of the following Windows formats: .jpg (JPEG), .gif (GIF), .tif (TIFF), .bmp (Windows Bitmap), or .png (Portable Network Graphics). See Chapter 12 for more on these formats and on obtaining images. (After you upload one or more pictures, you can use them by choosing them from the Pick from your account dropdown menu.) If you’re on a slow Internet connection, uploading the image may take a couple of minutes. A very large image, or a medium-sized .bmp file, may even take an hour! Don’t publish an image you don’t have rights to on your Web page. No sense in inviting a call from someone’s lawyer. After you click the Next button, the Describe Yourself Web page appears. 3. Enter a description to appear in the About Me section and a list of your hobbies to appear in the Hobbies and Interests section and then click Next. In the description of yourself, leave out hobbies and interests; they’re in the next section. You may want to include where you were born and live, what kind of work you do, and similar information. Don’t give too much information, though; a scam artist can get credit in your name with just a few pieces of data such as your full name, address, and mother’s maiden name. In the Hobbies and Interests text box, keep it brief, for now, but make it interesting; your hobbies and interests may be as individual to you as your fingerprint. After you click Next, the Enter Your Favorite Links Web page appears. 4. Enter a description and the URL for up to four of your favorite Web links and then click Next. Enter several favorite links. And don’t worry about the small number of links; you can change the links later, or add more links by using other tools.
Chapter 2: Going Worldwide with GeoCities After you click Next, the Describe Your Friends and Family Web page appears. 5. Type a description of your friends and family and then click Next. Say something about your family — the one you came from, as well as your spouse and kids, if you have such. Emphasize anyone who has a personal Web page that you can link to — or anyone who will be especially thrilled to see their name on the Web, such as kids. Again, be careful about giving too much detail, such as a full name, that scam artists can use. After you click Next, the Enter Your Friends and Family Links Web page appears. 6. Type in links to friends and family members’ Web pages. Then click Next. You can link to family members’ Web pages. If you don’t know of any, just leave all the entries blank. (But try Googling your friends’ names first; you may be surprised how many are on the Web!) After you click Next, the Name Your Page Web page appears. 7. Enter a page name for your personal page. Then click Next. The name you enter becomes part of your Web page’s Web address. For instance, if you use the default name, “personalpageblue,” the Web page’s complete address is personalpageblue.html. We suggest you rename it something shorter, such as “mybluepage.” Whatever you do, keep spaces and other characters out of the name, or Yahoo! will reject it. If you want to make this your site’s home page, name it index.html. (Not a bad idea; if you do this, the URL someone needs to type to reach your page is simpler: You can always move the page around within your site later if needed. After you click Next, the Congratulations! page appears. 8. Click the link to view your new Web page. Your new Web page appears in a window, as shown in Figure 2-6. The ads that appear as part of your Web page are large and, even more annoyingly, irrelevant; most people won’t have written a book, for instance, or have something for sale on To get rid of the ads, consider upgrading to one of the paid packages offered by Yahoo!.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 2-6: Houston, we have a Web page. Reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. © 2000 by Yahoo! Inc. YAHOO! And the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
9. Write down or save your Web address, return to the wizard and click Done. You probably want to improve your Web page quite a bit from here (don’t forget to check your spelling and your links!), but you’re off to a great start. Send your new Web address to your friends, and take a well-deserved break!
Chapter 3
On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator In This Chapter Getting to know Google Page Creator Registering for Google Page Creator Taking the steps to a successful Google Page
oogle has long seemed like the wildest and craziest multibillion-dollar business going. Google was started by two Stanford graduate students, growing to hundreds of employees and millions of users before anyone even thought of how it might make money. Yet, Google is wildly successful. At the moment, Google dominates the Web, commanding roughly half of all search traffic — and billions of dollars in profits from advertising. As part of their “ready, fire, aim” approach, Google launches new Web services frequently, usually with a “beta” tag on the service’s Web pages. Beta is a computer software term that means “not quite ready for wide release” — it’s sort of like a rough draft of a product. Yet the Google mob does release its betas widely, allowing millions of users to try, and test, a service before it’s completed. Google News, which uses software to make up a newspaper-like front page, was in beta for many months before Google removed the “beta” tag. Google Mail, which has millions of users, is still in beta at this writing — over a year after it was first released. (To use Google Page Creator, you must sign up for a Google Mail account — betas squared!) The fact that Google Page Creator was in beta as this book went to print shouldn’t scare you. Google will almost certainly continue the service, and is
Part I: Create a Web Page Today unlikely to simply drop the many users who depend on the service. But, alas, there are no guarantees. If you think that the fact that Google Page Creator is still in beta is bad news, the good news is that it’s a slick, easy to use service. And, it has much room for growth and improvement, given Google’s world-class capabilities in search, online commerce, blogging (Google owns Blogger — see Chapter 6), and other Web services. Google Page Creator may be out of beta by the time you read this. The service will probably still work the same way, however, just with more capabilities.
Getting to Know the Creative Capabilities of Google Page Creator Google Page Creator has capabilities that seem pretty amazing: You edit your Web page, live, within a Web page! New Web technologies such as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), along with JavaScript, allow Web pages to take on more and more of the aspects of a “real” computer program. Google Page Creator includes 100MB of free storage, automatically saving as you work, and the use of HTML tags to directly modify the look of your page. (The overall layout of the page won’t be changed, just the details of how the content looks.) Google Page Creator does have its downside, however. You can’t move the site to its own URL, nor include a blog, a message board, or even any kind of form. The biggest bogeyman of all is advertising. The beta version of Google Page Creator does not, at this point, insert ads into your page. But given that advertising is Google’s business, and one they’re very good at, you have to wonder whether — or perhaps just when — your page will suddenly have ads added to it. If you still think Google Page Creator is for you, you must first register with Google, if you don’t already have a Google account.
Registering for a Google Account To get a Google account, follow the steps below. (It’s interesting to be discussing a Google account here, which is a pretty new idea — Google is beginning to look a bit more like an old-fashioned online service such as AOL, described in Chapter 4.)
Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator 1. Open your Web browser. Google works with any browser and can be used from a mobile phone or other noncomputer device. However, you’ll need to use a PC to create a Web page. 2. Go to The screen shown in Figure 3-1 appears, with some differences: • In most countries, you’ll automatically be redirected to a national version of the Google home page, such as • If you’re already registered as a Google user, your username and additional options appear in the top, right-aligned line. • There may be a promotion for a Google service, such as the Google toolbar, on the page. (The Google toolbar is great; it offers quick access to Google search and to features such as pop-up blocking. Try it!) • The Google logo is often changed to reflect national or international holidays or events.
Figure 3-1: The Google home page is getting busier.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today 3. If you are currently signed in as a Google account holder, your username appears on the Google home. Skip the rest of the steps in this section. Otherwise, click the Sign in link. When you click the Sign in link, the Google Accounts page appears; see Figure 3-2. 4. If you have a Google account, sign in and skip the rest of the steps in this section. Otherwise, click the link Create an account now. The Create an Account page appears.
Figure 3-2: Your e-mail address will be part of your Web URL.
5. Enter a current e-mail account. As mentioned above, a Google mail address is a good thing to have anyway, especially for this purpose. Because your e-mail address is your account name, having a specific account for this purpose is a good idea. Google mail accounts can be set to automatically forward e-mail, so you can set up automatic forwarding of your e-mail to another e-mail account, and then not have to visit the account if you don’t use it for much else.
Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator During the test period, you can only log into Google Page Creator by using a Google Mail account. If you don’t already have a Google Mail account, go to and create one. 6. Choose a password, and then reenter it. Enter a password for your Google account. The Password Strength meter automatically assesses your password to make sure it fits the rules. You can click the link Password Strength to see an instant assessment of your chosen password. 7. Click the check box Remember Me on This Computer to automatically log in to your account when you visit Google. You are given this option again in the future when you sign in, so you don’t need to click the check box unless you’re sure you want this enabled. 8. Clear the check box Enable Personalized Search if you don’t wish to have your search results customized as a result of previous searches. Personalized Search seems like a good thing, but there are a few reasons you may wish to avoid it: • Enabling Personalized Search means Google is gathering data on your searches, which you may not want. • Enabling Personalized Search means that you’ll get different results than other people do; if you’re a writer or researcher, for instance, you may want uncustomized search results. Of course, if you do enable personalized search, you can also get uncustomized results at any time by logging out of your Google account. 9. Choose your country from the pull-down list. 10. Type the verification characters. As with many other sign-ups, Google requests that you type in the characters in the verification graphic. 11. Type in the word shown onscreen. Type the word shown onscreen. This step ensures that a real person is filling out the registration. If you are visually disabled and using a screen reader, click the image of a person in a wheelchair. The characters are read aloud for you to type in. 12. Review the terms of service; click the Printable Version link to see an easy-to-read, easy-to-print version. For details, click the Terms of Service link or the Privacy Policy link. 13. Reply to the verification e-mail.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Private Google on duty Google’s privacy policy is detailed — there are separate details provided for most of its separate services — and easy to understand. Here are some highlights:
A different kind of service: If Google is served with a request for personal information as part of a legal process, they may comply with it.
Combining information: Google combines information from your registrations for services, cookies, and your visit to Google Web sites.
See yourself: Google commits to efforts to make your personal information available to you, and to allow you to correct or delete it.
Third parties at arm’s length: Only aggregated, non-personal information is provided to third parties.
Yes to opt-in: In its detailed privacy policy, Google commits to requiring your opt-in consent for the sharing of any sensitive personal information; that means you have to explicitly click on a check box before your information is shared.
A verification e-mail is sent to the e-mail account you entered as part of this process. Retrieve the e-mail message and use the link to verify your account — either by clicking on the link, if your e-mail program supports that, or by cutting and pasting the link into the address area of your Web browser. After you reply to the e-mail, you’ve finished creating your account.
Creating a Google Page After you’re registered, it’s time to start creating your page. Google Page Creator gives you a lot of options; the steps below take you through some of the most important ones: 1. Go to the Google Page creator page at If you are not already signed in, the sign-in area appears in the upper right corner of the page. 2. If you are not already signed in, enter your password and click the Sign In button. The Google Page Creator sign-in page appears. 3. Review the page, including the Terms and Conditions at the bottom, and then click the check box at the bottom to agree to them.
Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator
Figure 3-3: Let there be — a blank page.
The Edit Page screen for Google Page Creator appears; an example, after the layout has been changed, is shown in Figure 3-3. 4. Try different layouts by clicking the Change Layout link. Although the Change Look button seems to come before it, it’s actually better to choose the layout first. The layout underlies everything else, so choosing it early makes it less likely that you’ll need to make big changes later. 5. Click on the layout you want. At this writing, there are only four layouts, as shown in Figure 3-4. The classic layout for a Web page is the second one, with a title across the top, a navigation area on the left, and a main content area. When you select a layout, you are returned to the main Google Page Creator page, now sporting your new layout. 6. Try different looks by clicking the Change Look link. Before you start entering content, take a stab at changing the look of the page. When you click the Change Look link, a collection of looks appears — more than 40 at this writing. But the “looks” are a bit generic — they don’t necessarily reflect the details of your selected layout.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 3-4: Carefully select the layout you want.
7. Try different looks by clicking Preview under each look. Preview brings up a new window with a sample page, using the previewed look. Choose the look carefully; although you can change it later, the look affects all the other choices you make as you design the page. If you change it later, you may find yourself wanting to change everything else on the page as well. 8. Select the look you want. Choose Select; you’ll return to the main Google Page Creator page, with your page shown in the new look. 9. Edit the page title. The initial page title is your e-mail address plus the words Home Page. You’ll look like a real amateur if you leave it unchanged, so click on the title and change it. 10. Highlight the new page title. Try as many formatting options as possible — bold, italic, header sizes, and more.
Chapter 3: On the Cutting Edge with Google Page Creator Use every formatting option you can on the title to get a feel for them: • Bold (the b button), italic (i). • Font (F) and size (tT). • Left, center, and right alignment. • Header sizes versus normal text (A in different sizes and formats). 11. Enter new content. Enter your chosen content. Possible topics include • Information about your friends and family • A description of your work • Favorite places on the Web, with links Use the formatting options to arrange your content. Be sure to provide plenty of headers to break up long blocks of text; Web visitors tend to scan, rather than read, and headers help make that easy. 12. Publish your page. Click the Publish button. Your page appears at the URL e-mail name. Click the View It on the Web link to see it. An example is shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5: You’re a real Google publisher.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Chapter 4
Web Publishing with AOL and In This Chapter Finding the best ISP Getting your page up with AOL or CompuServe Starting out with 1-2-3 Publish Publishing your first home page
lthough the easy-to-use, open, ungovernable World Wide Web may seem as though it is going to wipe out traditional, closed, monitored online services such as America Online (AOL), circumstances are not really working out that way. The online services are adapting quickly. They have become gateways to the Web, and in some cases offer easy-to-use Web publishing services that include hosting your Web page for free. If you already use AOL, it’s probably the best place for you to start experimenting with Web publishing. You already know the interface, you can quickly find online forums and discussion boards for Web publishing, and you can take advantage of the easy-to-use Web publishing features that AOL has scrambled to provide. CompuServe, owned by AOL, has similar Web publishing features. If you aren’t an America Online user, the quickest and cheapest way to get your first page up on the Web is to use GeoCities, the Web-based service we describe in Chapter 2. Or Google Page Creator, the alternative Web-based service described in Chapter 3. But if you are an AOL user, you may well be better off using your online service for Web publishing. America Online has strong features for intermediate Web publishing, including support for both Windows and Macintosh, several megabytes of free server space, and (at the time of this writing) no restrictions on using free Web pages for business.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today You can also use the Web publishing services described here within, AOL’s online page. Just visit So you don’t have to be an AOL or CompuServe user to access AOL’s Web publishing tools.
Choosing the Best Internet Service Provider You certainly have freedom of choice when choosing the best way to get online. You used to have to choose between an online service such as AOL or CompuServe, which offered limited Internet access, or an Internet service provider, which had little online community or other online service features. Now you can get a range of online service-type and ISP-type features from a range of providers, all referred to as ISPs. And your choice truly is free, at least for a while — most ISPs offer free sign up and a free trial period. You can try two or three different services before making a long-term choice. Just remember to resign from any service that you stop using, or the $20 or so a month charge to your credit card may go on forever! You also have the option of using a traditional Internet service provider (ISP), such as Earthlink. Earthlink has more and more built-in content and services, like America Online or CompuServe, but is really focused on open Internet and Web content and tools. Other ISPs vary in the amount of built-in content and services they offer. With any ISP, you can use GeoCities (described in Chapter 2), Google Page Creator (see Chapter 3), or another free Web page publishing service to create your first Web page. With AOL, you also get the option of using built-in Web publishing services. America Online is the biggest and best traditional online service. Because it’s far bigger than any other online service — more than 15 million users, although this number is dropping as newer, faster services get more users — it has more people to chat with online, more areas with existing content, and more people to support you. Figure 4-1 shows the clean and attractive interface of America Online. However, more and more people use a local or national (not global) broadband provider, which is usually several dollars a month cheaper than AOL. Although such services lack AOL’s depth, features, and customer service, such users are simply going to the Web for information.
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and
Figure 4-1: America Online is easy for everyone to use.
The Web site of America Online is among the most popular sites on the World Wide Web. You can even use the AOL site to check your AOL e-mail, using a Web browser. Broadband access is, of course, increasingly popular. If you plan to host multimedia content such as music or movies on your Web site, broadband access is simply a necessity; even if you don’t plan to do this, you probably want broadband access for faster Web surfing. Broadband also enables you to quickly download programs that you can use in creating content for your Web site. AOL also has an advantage in supporting dialup access worldwide; if you travel a lot, you may still find it convenient to have dialup access when you’re staying somewhere that lacks broadband wireless connections. As the number of such places decreases, dialup access becomes less and less needed. Some areas may not have any broadband access; some may have access via fast DSL phone lines; others may have access via cable TV, or both. Check the AOL Web site ( to see if you can get AOL broadband access from them at your home or office. Also check with your local cable and satellite TV companies to see what they offer.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today Some services offer language-specific support. If you want to work in a language other than English, ask others who speak your language and who live in the same city or region about available services. Online services are a good place to start your initial Web publishing efforts: low prices, good tools, lots of support — kind of like running downhill with a tailwind. America Online offers the following: No extra charge for Web page authoring: America Online offers free support for Web page authoring; you pay only the normal access charges for creating and viewing your page and other Web pages. Easy Web page authoring tools: AOL has a very easy-to-use tool called 1-2-3 Publish, and a more capable tool called Easy Designer, both integrated into the service. America Online also offers step-by-step instructions for using HTML and free add-ins to your Web pages and allows you to use your free server space to put up business Web pages. Free Web server space: One of the biggest problems in creating an initial Web page is getting space on a Web server. America Online offers free Web server space for personal and business home pages. No file transfer hassle: Getting your files onto a Web server is often a pain; AOL’s easy-to-use Web page authoring tools can make getting your information online easy. Upgrading to HTML tools: AOL enables you to use separate HTML tools to create your own custom Web page and then to transfer your files to their server for free hosting. CompuServe gives you free access to AOL’s 1-2-3 Publish Web publishing tool offered by AOL. CompuServe offers free templates and the ability to upload your own HTML files and graphics to a free, 20MB space. You can also add counters and other cool features and you can use your Web page for your business. (No business transaction capability is supported, though, and you aren’t allowed to add your own.) If you are a CompuServe user and want to use Easy Designer and other AOL Web publishing tools, you can do the same as anyone else with Web access: Visit the AOL Web site at and you can get right in.
What’s a Mac user to do? The answer is .Mac (pronounced “dot Mac”), Apple’s Web publishing service. You must get
your own online access first — AOL is one online service with strong Mac support.
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and
Getting Your Web Page Up with AOL or CompuServe America Online, during its fast-growing years, acquired its biggest rival, CompuServe. (This was a couple of years before it acquired something even larger — the media company Time Warner.) The 1-2-3 Publish tool, which we describe in this chapter, works in both AOL and CompuServe. If you’re not an America Online or a CompuServe user, GeoCities (described in Chapter 2) is an excellent choice. Anyone with Web access can use GeoCities. But if you’re an America Online or CompuServe user, you have a choice between America Online’s built-in services — available in CompuServe as well — and GeoCities. We suggest that you start with AOL’s tools if you have that choice. Why? The answer isn’t really that AOL’s tools are better; they’re roughly equivalent to the GeoCities tools. The difference is community. Many AOL users spend more time in AOL’s online forums than on the open Web. And in those forums you can quickly get answers to your questions about using AOL’s tools to get your initial Web page up, and then improve it from there. The same goes for CompuServe. If you’re already an America Online user and are still on an early version of the service, do upgrade to the latest version before proceeding. All it costs you is a little time, and you get access to all the Web publishing capabilities we describe in this chapter. Use this chapter to get started with the America Online tools and create your first Web page. Then use the more advanced information later in this book and the online forums in America Online to push your page to the next level.
Looking into What AOL Offers America Online has several parts to its Web publishing service: 1-2-3 Publish: 1-2-3 Publish lets you use a template to quickly create your first Web page. It removes most of the initial barriers of getting a Web page up quickly and easily. However, it doesn’t let you create your own custom Web page design or work in HTML. 1-2-3 Publish is also available on CompuServe. Easy Designer: Easy Designer is the next step up from 1-2-3 Publish. It lets you drag and drop text and images and use HTML to extend the
Part I: Create a Web Page Today capabilities of your page. (Easy Designer replaces the Personal Publisher and Personal Publisher 3 services from previous versions of the AOL software.) File Manager: For a really big site, AOL allows you to manage files directly. That way you can use straight HTML, or any Web page design tool, to create your pages. We recommend that you use 1-2-3 Publish to get that all-important first Web page up, and then continue editing your Web page with Easy Designer. The next section tells you how to create your first Web page with 1-2-3 Publish; it should take 30 minutes or less. You can follow the instructions for 1-2-3 Publish in CompuServe as well. If you already know something about Web page creation and want to go straight to a more challenging environment, try Easy Designer first. (At this writing, you don’t have access to Easy Designer from CompuServe.) As mentioned previously, you can visit Hometown on the Web to get access to all of the AOL publishing tools at
Planning Before You Start Putting up your first home page, using AOL’s 1-2-3 Publish tool, takes only a few minutes because you skip so many hassles that normally come with Web publishing. But, as with the GeoCities process we discuss in Chapter 2, you can help yourself by doing a few things in preparation: Visit AOL Hometown Web pages. To see other users’ Hometown Web pages, enter Hometown as a keyword at the top of the page and click Go. You see the AOL Hometown main page, which allows you to search for Web pages by keyword, or to visit Web pages in various communities. Look for the URLs of your favorite Web sites. Many AOL Hometown templates let you list links to several of your favorite Web sites — but to link to them, you need the URLs. Surf around the Web and find the URLs of several sites that reflect your interests, or of sites of friends or family members. (The more obscure your favorites are, the better!) Plan your page. Use a word processing program or a few pieces of notebook paper to plan your initial Web page. (Use the paper for drawing only — neither origami nor paper airplanes translate well to the Web.) Rough out what text you want to put in and what URLs to include. Then you can be ready to focus on the mechanics of getting the Web page right.
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and Scan a picture. Many personal Web pages look much better with a picture — of you, or of something relating to the topic you’re interested in. Scan a picture of yourself and use an image editing program such as Photoshop to save it in a Web-ready format such as GIF or JPEG. (For more on graphics for the Web, see Chapter 12.) If you lack appropriate software, go to a copy shop, such as Kinko’s, that rents scanners and time on personal computers with appropriate software. You can also ask your photo developer to put your pictures on disk; most photo developers do this. For users’ convenience, try to reduce the file size of the picture to 30K or less before adding it to your Web page. (A 30K image takes about 10 seconds to download when a user is viewing your page with a 56K modem.) See Chapter 12 for more.
Getting a Start with 1-2-3 Publish Beginning Web publishers can choose 1-2-3 Publish, the very easy-to-use tool that helps you put a Web page up fast, or Easy Designer, a more flexible tool that helps you do more with your Web page. Easy Designer can work with Web pages that you create initially in 1-2-3 Publish. You can get to 1-2-3 Publish in CompuServe by typing ourworld in the Web address bar at the top of the CompuServe application window and then pressing Return. Then click the 1-2-3 Publish link in the upper-right corner. (The text link says 3 Steps to Happiness.) You can skip to step 5 in the following steps. 1-2-3 Publish offers the best of both worlds: an easy-to-use tool that isn’t limiting because you can later use Easy Designer or add-ons that AOL makes available to improve your initial page. Follow these steps to create your first Web page with 1-2-3 Publish: 1. Start America Online. The Welcome screen appears. 2. Go to Hometown. Enter Hometown in the keyword area at the top of the screen and click Go. 3. From the Hometown screen in AOL, click the Make Your Own Web Page link in the upper-right corner (under the header, Easy as 1-2-3) The 1-2-3 Publish starting screen appears, as shown in Figure 4-2.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today
Figure 4-2: 1-2-3 Publish gives you scores of choices.
4. Scroll down and examine all the different templates to see what options are available. You can use one of the top-level templates or one of the more specific templates farther down for your first Web page. However, for the purposes of these steps, we avoid the other templates and use the All About Me template. 5. Under Personal Pages, click the All About Me link. A page with a series of steps appears, as shown in Figure 4-3. The next section describes how to follow these steps.
Publishing Your First Home Page Use the template called My First Home Page Template to create your first home page. (If you use a different template, the steps are basically the same, but you have to adjust to fit different details as you go along.) After you reach the screen for your first home page, as described in the previous section, follow these steps:
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and
Figure 4-3: You’re just a few steps away from your Web page.
1. Set up the overall look of the page. The first step is to select the background color for your page; choose a color from among the options shown. A white background gives you the most flexibility in choosing other graphics, adding pictures, and so on. 2. Choose an image for the top of your page. The choices are Welcome, All About Me in yellow, Welcome to My Page, All About Me with hearts, All About Me in beige and blue, or no image. 3. Add a title and a picture to your page. Enter a title that describes your page. Include a keyword that people can search with — if your page includes information about your interest in horses, put “horses” in the title. Or put your name in the title to allow your friends to search for your site easily. You can also upload a picture for your site. Click the Browse button to search your hard drive for a picture. To find more about Web graphics, see Chapter 12. 4. Choose a divider style.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today Choose one of the six divider styles. This is an important choice because the divider between sections has a surprisingly strong effect on the overall look of your Web page. Each of the six divider styles matches one of the six choices of image at the top of the page (see Step 2), in order — the first divider style matches the first image, and so on. The final choice, no divider, goes with anything — but doesn’t help break up your page. 5. Enter one to three sections of text. Here’s the beef of your page. Enter a title and text for up to three sections describing you, your interests, hobbies, and so on. Enter a title and basic facts about you, your interests, your hobbies, your friends, or more specific topics such as your work history. Take some time with this step; this information is really where your Web page stands or falls in terms of being interesting to other people. Unlike in other entry-level Web publishing services, HTML tags do not work within 1-2-3 Publish. You can’t use HTML tags to format your Web page. 6. Add links to your page. Enter the title of the links section, and then the name and URL of three links that you want to put in your Web page. Your favorite links are like your gift to the Web community, giving people who share your interests quick access to the most valuable resources you’ve found. Enter Web pages that you like and use a lot and that other people may not already be familiar with. Also, choose links that relate to the text you entered. (You can add to this list later, using other tools.) 7. Click the Preview My Page button. Your Web page appears! It has a special box at the top that allows you to go back and change the page (by clicking Modify) or save it to the Web (by clicking Save). Figure 4-4 shows the very simple Web page one of the authors created as an example. 8. Continue to modify and preview your page until it’s ready, and then choose Save. Your Web page now is published on the Web! You see a Your Page Is Ready page, as shown in Figure 4-5, and the Web address of your new page. Write it down or save it in a safe place, and tell your friends! You can also make other changes, such as moving your Web page to a different area within AOL’s home page categories. Click around on the Your Page Is Ready page and investigate the different options.
Chapter 4: Web Publishing with AOL and
Figure 4-4: Bud’s sample 1-2-3 Publish Web page.
Figure 4-5: AOL gives you your URL and offers ways to change your page.
Part I: Create a Web Page Today To be able to see your Web page quickly, click the link for your home page to make it appear in a Web browser window. Then click the Favorites icon at the top of the AOL screen. Choose Add Top Window to Favorite Places, and you can always return to your Web page again from within AOL. After you take your page as far as you can with 1-2-3 Publish — which may take a while because the tool is pretty capable — you can move up to Easy Designer. Easy Designer allows you much more flexibility in the content and layout of your Web page, with drag-and-drop editing and placement of text and graphics. Just use the steps at the beginning of this chapter to choose a tool, but choose Easy Designer instead of 1-2-3 Publish. You can choose the Web page you developed with 1-2-3 Publish as your starting point for work in Easy Designer. After you edit a page in Easy Designer, you can no longer edit it further in 1-23 Publish. So be sure you take your Web page as far as you want to in 1-2-3 Publish before editing it with Easy Designer.
Part II
Making a Specialized Page
In this part . . .
se single-purpose tools to help your page flicker to life — or to sell your stuff, and then tell everyone about it on a blog. Move your entire existence to the Web!
Chapter 5
Making a Photo Page with Flickr In This Chapter Great things about Flickr Flaws in Flickr Uploading a photo Modifying photos Flickr futures
hoto sharing is one of the greatest uses of the Web. Flickr is the most popular photo-sharing Web site around, largely because it’s so easy to use. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” the old saying goes, and the right picture can convey information or evoke feelings in a way that may take many thousands of words to accomplish. But photos have a mixed track record on the Web. Scanning in a printed photo was a hassle. But an even bigger problem was that photos tended to be big (many megabytes in size), and therefore slow to upload to a site and slow to download when someone wanted to see a Web page with a photo. (See Chapter 12 for more.) But now most of those problems are getting solved by the steady march of technology. More and more people have mobile phones that take pictures and digital cameras. These pictures don’t need to be scanned in — and they’re automatically compressed, using the JPEG standard, to about 100KB or so. A 100KB photo is just a tenth of a megabyte in size, and is therefore much quicker to upload and download. The other technological advance is the increasing number of people who have broadband Web access. Broadband is a catchall name for all sorts of faster access, usually at least 1 megabyte per second. At this speed, you can get ten typical JPEG photos uploaded to your Web site — or downloaded to your screen — in a second. Suddenly, adding a reasonable number of photos to your site doesn’t slow it to a crawl.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page The problems of getting photos onto your site and of viewing photos on the Web are steadily getting easier, but easier doesn’t mean truly easy. To get to easy, someone has to come along and wrap the technology in a shell that just about anyone can handle — even For Dummies authors like ourselves. This happened with the Model T Ford for cars, the Brownie camera for film photography, and the Apple Macintosh for personal computers. Now, Flickr has done it for online photos.
What’s Great About Flickr Flickr is great because it’s all about photos — and about making photos easy to use online. The home page of Flickr is shown in Figure 5-1. The constant surge of camera phones and digital cameras has created a problem — many photos don’t get printed anymore. That’s right: The photo gets taken, maybe shown to a couple of people onscreen, maybe e-mailed to a friend or two, and then forgotten in a folder somewhere.
Figure 5-1: Flick your photos onto Flickr.
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr Even the few photos that do get printed have all the limitations of any physical object: They cost money to create, can only be in one place at a time, and have to be stored somewhere or thrown away. All of those limitations can add up to a burden on your wallet and on the environment. Enter Flickr, which bills itself as “the best way to store, search, sort and share your photos.” (Try saying that three times fast; you’ll end up saying “searching, shorting, and sharing.”)
Flickr forward As a visitor to Flickr, you can have an awful lot of fun. You can search through photos in a bunch of different ways, from the sensible to the quirky. But you get the most out of Flickr by using it to store and show off your own photos. When you try this, you find out the really great things Flickr lets you do: Storing your photos: You can create a free account that holds hundreds of photos. With a free account, you can upload 20MB of photos a month, or about 100 reasonably sized JPEG images. The number of photos is also limited — to 200. Or upgrade to a Pro account and store thousands. You can simply store all your photos online, at least up to a point. Or you can just store the interesting ones and keep the rest on your PC — or take the opportunity to send them to the great bit box in the sky. Sharing your photos: People can visit Flickr and see your photos — under your control! You can keep private photos confined to a small group of viewers, whereas others can be seen by anyone who visits Flickr. Sorting your photos: As your “photobase” grows, you can sort and organize your photos in many ways, making them more interesting and convenient to access for your own use and for others. Searching through photos: Labeling and organizing your photos well makes it very easy for you to find just the ones you want — and for others to find the photos you want to share with them as well. All these uses for Flickr are covered in this chapter. We show you how to get the most out of Flickr and your photos. In addition to doing these basic things, you can also get involved with the Flickr user community. There are special things you can do with photos on Flickr that you can’t do other places. You can
Part II: Making a Specialized Page Add notes to a photo: For instance, you can name everyone in that picture from the office party. Add tags to a photo: Make it easy for people to find your picture among others like it. For instance, by adding the tag “Golden Gate bridge” to your photo, you can make it easy for people to find your photo among all those of the famous San Francisco landmark. Put a photo in a pool: Pools of photos are photos linked in some way; if you see an open pool that’s relevant, you can dive right in and add your photo to it! Engage in discussions about photos: You can share comments about photos on a message board — even highlight an area on a photo and mark it up with a message. (Yes, you’ll see lots of immature “kiss me, you fool”-type messages if you look around.) Publish photos to a blog or your Web site: You can put pictures hosted on Flickr in your blog or other Web site. You can even see recent Flickr uploads on your mobile phone. We don’t describe these additional features of Flickr in much detail here — after you dive in to Flickr, you can easily (perhaps too easily) spend all your time there. We don’t want to be seen encouraging you to do too much, or your boss, spouse, kids, and so on, might blame us when you disappear into Flickr for days on end. Despite all Flickr does for you, you may want to master one capability for processing images before you upload them: making smaller versions of your photos. Many digital camera images are very large, say 1024 x 768, and with millions of colors, resulting in a multi-megabyte image. This is way more than you need for most purposes (except ordering prints), and means you’ll use up your 20 MB monthly allotment very quickly. (Mobile phone camera images tend to be much smaller.) Flickr resizes photos during uploading, but you may want to control the process by doing it yourself. So to spare yourself trouble, find an image manipulation program that you can use to make images smaller. One very good, very cheap program is PC Paintbrush. You can download a free trial version from sites such as CNET’s (, and then pay a relatively small fee — usually less than $100 — if you like it and want to keep using it. Or, look to see if an image manipulation program was provided with your digital camera.
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr
Flickr flaws Not everything is perfect in Flickr land. Here are a few flies in Flickr’s ointment that you should be aware of going in: Too adult? For some potential users, Flickr may have too many grownup images. Despite strict rules forbidding “frontal nudity, genitalia, and intimate moments” in Flickr photos, it’s not hard to find nudity and seminudity on the site. If you post family photos on Flickr for your children to view, they may keep looking on the site and find some things you’d rather they not see. Flickr’s terms of service limit users to those 13 or older, but there’s no way for anyone to enforce it — probably, few users know it. So it’s up to you to decide who you want to encourage to use Flickr. Too easy? Flickr makes it very easy to upload huge numbers of not-veryinteresting photos. (Is every picture you take with your mobile phone worth sharing with the world?) You have to exercise considerable restraint to make sure all your photos are worth the server space devoted to storing them. Too open? Flickr has excellent privacy protections, but it’s still easier to do the lazy thing and make all your photos public — or for passwords to be shared more widely than you planned. Someone putting Tom Cruise’s head on your body might be funny — but there are enough weirdos out there that you may want to think twice before letting photos of, say, your kids be too widely viewed. Too flexible? Professional photographers are always careful to get a signed model release from everyone depicted in a photograph they want to sell or otherwise use. You don’t necessarily need to be that careful — but the jury’s still out on exactly what the limits are. Be careful, especially about using photos without rights in any way that may help you make money (for instance, on a business’s Web site). Too good? Flickr is so good that it’s now been acquired by Yahoo! In the months ahead, you’ll need a Yahoo! ID to open a new account, just as with GeoCities (see Chapter 2). The changes that Yahoo! makes may end up improving it — or not, depending on your point of view. Think over these concerns before you commit a bunch of time and energy to Flickr. You may prefer to put your photos online some other way. Or, use Flickr to host your photos, but put the best of them on your own site for viewing. No matter what, you have many more options with Flickr than without.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page If you share a computer with others, you may not have as much privacy as you think. The History function of your browser can make it easy for others to see Web pages you’ve visited, and photos get cached in ways that a lot of bright 10-year-olds can figure out. So be very careful if you think you can use “private” areas on Flickr to upload and view some photos, and then let others use your computer and only see the public areas. They may see more than you intend for them to.
Uploading a Photo to Flickr Here’s a quick guide to getting a photo onto Flickr. It’s amazing how confidence-building it can be just to do something simple once. 1. Get a JPEG photo onto your system. Get a JPEG photo onto your computer system. The easiest way is to upload or e-mail a photo to yourself from your mobile phone. Or, copy pictures from a digital camera. Find a photo on your hard disk. (Choose Start➪Search➪For files or folders, and then choose Pictures, Music, or Video.) Or copy a photo from the Web — use a search engine to find images that are free for use. 2. Open your Web browser. As is the case with more and more Web sites, Flickr can be used with any kind of PC or even a mobile phone. But for getting started, it’s best to have a PC with fast Web access to use and upload photos to Flickr. 3. Go to A screen like the one shown earlier in Figure 5-1 appears, although the screen may change to reflect new quotes, different sponsorships, or increased influence from Yahoo!, Flickr’s new owner. 4. Sign in. If you’re already a Yahoo! or Flickr member, click the Sign In link on the home page and use your ID to sign in. If not, click Sign up! and create an ID. (See Chapter 2 for details on how to get a Yahoo! ID; otherwise, we’ll avoid detailing the process here because it’s likely to change as Yahoo! integrates Flickr more.) After you’re signed in, an opening screen like the one in Figure 5-2 appears. Resist the temptation to explore — it’s time to get something done.
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr
Figure 5-2: Flickr invites you to upload a photo — or look around.
5. Click the link Upload your first photo. The Upload Photos page appears. 6. Click the Browse button. The Choose File dialog box appears over the Upload Photos page, as shown in Figure 5-3. Note that you can easily specify up to six photos at a time. 7. Use the Choose File dialog box to locate an image — or several images. Find an image on your PC to upload to Flickr. Repeat to upload multiple images. You can avoid the step of copying files to your PC if you can attach your mobile phone or camera to your computer. Just use the Choose File dialog box to find the mobile phone or camera as an attached device, and then copy the files directly from there.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 5-3: It’s easy to upload a few photos at a time from your hard disk.
Make sure not to upload an image if you think anyone in the picture may not want their face plastered on the Web. 8. Add one or more tags to describe the image(s). Add descriptive words, called tags, to describe your pictures. Using tags in a way that makes sense to you, and that fits the way others use tags on Flickr, is a bit of an art — for now, just pick a descriptive word or two. You can always edit tags later. 9. Choose privacy settings. There are five possible privacy settings in Flickr: • Public: Everyone can see your photos. Click the Public radio button to choose this setting. • Private: Visible to you only. To get this setting, click the Private radio button, and then leave unchecked the Visible to Friends and the Visible to Family check boxes. • Private: Visible to Friends. Click the Private radio button, and then check the Visible to Friends check box. Clear the Visible to Family check box. • Private: Visible to Family. Click the Private radio button, and then check the Visible to Family check box. Clear the Visible to Friends check box.
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr • Private: Visible to Friends and Family. Click the Private radio button, and then check the Visible to Friends check box and the Visible to Family check box. You specify friends and family by adding them to lists. (Yes, you can add one person to both lists to give them an “all access” pass.) When the person signs in, they get the access you’ve specified. The Private setting visible to you only — which you achieve by choosing the Private radio button and clearing both the Visible to Friends and Visible to Family check boxes — is a bit hidden, but very useful. You can use this setting to store all your photos on Flickr, and then only “publish” selected photos to others by changing their privacy settings. 10. Upload your photos. Click the Upload button; your photos are uploaded, and Flickr creates various preview and thumbnail versions for use in various places. The Describe Your Photos screen appears. 11. Add titles, descriptions, and tags to your photos. Now’s the time! It’s easy to skip this step, but if you don’t do this now, you may never get around to it — and you may have difficulty finding some of your precious photos again. A typical result is shown in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4: Now it’s time to title, describe, and tag your photos.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page 12. Save your photos. Finally, you’re on Flickr! Figure 5-5 shows the first set of photos one of the authors (Bud Smith) uploaded. Note that the middle picture is sideways — we fix that in the next section.
Figure 5-5: Three’s a lucky number.
Modifying Photos on Flickr One of the great things about Flickr is that the people who created it have thought through the whole process. They don’t make you fix a photo before you upload it, or figure out every detail of a description the first time — you can change most things after you upload a picture. Here’s a quick checklist of things you can easily change after you upload a picture — avoiding, for now, some of the more advanced sharing features of Flickr:
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr Add note: You can annotate a picture with a note in a specific location. Order prints: You can buy copies of your photos — this works better on photos with relatively high-resolution (1024 x 768 or larger), thousands or millions of colors, and taken with a steady hand (not blurry). Rotate: My favorite! I like to take pictures at different angles, and Rotate saves me time because I don’t have to fix the rotation until after I upload them. Change privacy settings: It’s easy to change who can see a picture. Change the title, description, and tags: Easy to do, and redo, and redo — but hard to get around to if you’ve uploaded a bunch of pictures without giving them meaningful titles, descriptions, or tags. Flag as “may offend”: We’re sure that our wonderful readers would never upload a racy image — but in case you do, here’s your chance to keep it from vulnerable eyes. Just flag the photo as “may offend” and you keep it from being found on a normal search. Follow the instructions below to make the preceding changes, or even more, in a photo: 1. Click on a photo you’ve uploaded to Flickr. Find any photo you’ve uploaded and click on it. You are taken to an editing screen for the photo. 2. Click on the button you want to apply to the photo. You can apply all sorts of changes or actions to the photo (see the preceding list). For example, f you click the Rotate button, a small window appears to preview the rotate operation. 3. Finish the action you’ve chosen. Depending on what you’ve chosen to do — add a note, order prints, and so on — you’ll be prompted to take one or more steps to finish the action. Figure 5-6 shows how the screen looks after choosing Rotate for a specific picture, and then Turn Left; the preview window shows the rotated photo. 4. Click OK to complete the action. The screen reappears with the update you’ve chosen.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 5-6: You can make your photos better and more interesting.
5. Add comments. Comments make photos more interesting — and you can use basic HTML to format them, as shown in Figure 5-7. See the Cheat Sheet at the front of this book for some basic commands, or go to Chapter 8 for more information. A list of tags is shown here: b. Traditional formatting is
to start bold text and to end bold. i. Traditional formatting is
to start italicized text and to end italic. blockquote. Marking out text with
before and
after keeps its original formatting and line breaks. a => href, target. You can use traditional HTML formatting,
. Give a link from the picture to a Web address.
Chapter 5: Making a Photo Page with Flickr
Figure 5-7: Comments make pictures richer.
Taking Flickr Farther You can do much more with Flickr. Getting experience with uploading, modifying, commenting on, and tagging photos prepares you to do much more. You can organize your photos using Organizr, Flickr’s photo file management system. You can change access permission, dates, and tags. You can create sets and modify your Photostream, the log of recently updated photos. As you do more with photos, even your view of Flickr’s home page changes to reflect your work. And, Flickr can, all by itself, become a major preoccupation. For example, you can find popular tags on Flickr and set yourself the task of creating and adding new photos that extend your favorite tag sets. You can also use Flickr to host photos that you then publish onto your own Web site or blog, as described in previous chapters — so Flickr can be a resource for all your Web publishing. Enjoy!
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Chapter 6
Becoming a Wizard with Blogs In This Chapter Visiting the wonderful world of blogs Creating a Blogger site Adding content to your Blogger site
blog — the name is short for Web log — is a wonderful thing; an online journal of a person’s thoughts, experiences, and interests. Kept up-todate, a blog can help visitors move with the writer through space — well, Web space, anyway — and time. In a sense, any site can be used as a blog. Just create a new page on your site and write your thoughts for the day. Include links to any site that you visited and want to share with others. Be sure to link to any blog that you find interesting. Then, a day or two later, add another chunk of text — put the new content on top, pushing your previous work down the page a bit. In your new content, refer to your earlier posting wherever necessary — and, of course, refer to other Web sites and blogs you visit. Over time, your burgeoning blog may develop into an appealing take on your life and interests — or preoccupations — or even obsessions. You may find that your blog expands so that you need to split it up among multiple pages and change your links to fit. Your blog may even get linked to by other bloggers (people who keep blogs) and begin to develop a following of its own.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Discovering the Wonderful World of Blogs Blogging is not just another tool for generating Web content. Even though it’s relatively new, blogging has developed such a following that many people spend hours a day perusing others’ blogs and commenting on them as they add to their own. There’s even a special word for all this: the blogosphere, the world of blogs and commentary about blogs and blogging. Many blogs are focused on the Web itself or on technical matters relating to computers — different types of computers, different operating systems, and so on. But many of the most interesting are deeply personal. One blog that’s a mix of the two is from the famous, or infamous, Dave Winer, a talented creator and marketer of software who also happens to be a top-notch complainer. You can find his blog at, which is also a great site for blogging information and tools. Blogs have even had a big influence on politics. Remember Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont who was the leading Democratic presidential candidate in late 2003 and early 2004? His blog was one of the leading tools of his campaign. Through it, people felt they came to know him quickly and well — and wanted to join him in changing the world of politics. Both Dave Winer and Howard Dean are known for being, well, intense characters — and other people who are into blogging can be very intense about it as well. They tend to talk a lot about blogging and about related topics such as content syndication, collaboration, and online communities. You’ll run into this if you search around the Web for blogs and conversations about them (mostly found in other blogs, of course.) One site that is, essentially, a big blog — but doesn’t shout too much about it — is our very own Netsurfer site (, created by one of the authors (Arthur Bebak). Netsurfer shows that people were using blogging on the Web before the term, or any special software, was invented. Netsurfer hosts a series of online magazines, or e-zines, each of which includes a brief description of interesting news and a link to a site for more information. It’s updated constantly — and the results are sent to users via e-mail. Figure 6-1 shows a typical page from the Netsurfer site.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs
Figure 6-1: Netsurfer was blogging from the beginning.
Finding blogs to read To find some blogs yourself, you can simply do a Web search using blogs as the search word. You’re likely to run into a lot of stories about blogs and some technically oriented blogs before you find personal or otherwise interesting blogs. For instance, in a recent search about blogging, we quickly found a story on a sex-related blog that got a U.S. Senate aide in trouble, a Bill Gates speech about blogging, and some blogging software — but none of the quirky, interesting, if sometimes self-obsessed content that has made blogging a phenomenon. Here are some list sites that give you a quick peek at what other bloggers are doing: A blog listing with the top British blogs, as contributors see them — it even includes invitations to in-person get-togethers. If you don’t like the sound of “blog,” you really may not like the name of this site. But it’s a very useful directory of hot blog topics. Some blogs aren’t updated much; this list shows only recently updated blogs.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Finding software for blogging Later in this chapter we show you how to use Blogger, owned by Google. Blogger is one of the easiest and best blogging tools out there — but it’s far from being the only tool in town to suit your blogging fancy. Be warned, we can’t promise that you will ever want to stop blogging once you start. Blogging can be an art form, so if you want to know more about blogs and get your own blog started, here are several top blogging resources you should check out: Home for the TypePad Web logging service. Movable Type is quite technical and quite powerful. Easy, easy, easy is Diaryland’s claim to fame. AOL’s Web logging service — free to all, even non-AOL members. LiveJournal and its users emphasize the community aspect of blogs.
Committing to a blog A blog takes more commitment than a Web site. The reason is simple: The diary, or “log,” aspect of a blog can be time-consuming. An ordinary Web site can still be interesting and useful if it’s not updated for awhile. A blog, by contrast, is valuable precisely because it contains the latest information on a given topic — whether the topic is software, politics, or the daily musings of a bored teenager. You’ll see, as you search through various blogs, that many are started, gain an interesting slant or approach, start to gain regular visitors and fans — and are then abandoned. It’s very frustrating to start reading an interesting blog only to see postings slow down and then stop completely. Bloggers burn out — and blog readers
also burn out, from keeping up with so many blogs at once. Because bloggers feel compelled to keep up with other blogs as part of making their own blog worthwhile, bloggers can truly find themselves burning the candle at both ends. Another thing you may notice is a lot of personal information in blogs. Many bloggers willingly sacrifice some degree of privacy to participate in the blogosphere — but you may want to think twice before following their lead. So if you’re not sure a blog is what you want to do, consider creating a regular Web site first. You can then put the skills you gain creating your initial Web site to good use in creating the world’s greatest blog — when you’re ready to put in the time to maintain it.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs
Using Google’s, also known simply as Blogger, is the leading blogging site, with the most users and the widest name recognition. The site was acquired by Google in 2003 when Google bought Pyra Labs, the creators of Blogger. At the time it was acquired, Pyra Labs had just six employees — but more than a million registered users for its blogging-oriented Web sites. Now another leading blogging site, Live Journal, claims over 10 million registered users! The great thing about Google acquiring Blogger is that it gives ordinary folks — that’s you and me — some reassurance that the site will be around for the long term. Many Web sites have come and gone, and Blogger wasn’t immune to those pressures. Google is a highly profitable Web business, so the chances are increased that Blogger will go on and on. As GeoCities does with free Web sites (see Chapter 2), Blogger makes you pay for your free blog by having advertising hosted on your page. It’s a relatively small price to pay for a very good service. However, you may want to consider a paid service, such as WordPress (, if you want an ad-free site. All blogs that you set up through the setup process described here are hosted on and have a similar URL. If you want to have your site hosted elsewhere, use the advanced blog setup at adv-create-blog.g. You will need details such as the FTP server to use for transferring content to your blog; get help from the site host if you need it.
Setting up your blog Since its acquisition by the megalith Google, Blogger has obtained the resources to make blogging easier and faster without quickly pushing its users into paying for services. At this writing, Blogger has just updated its interface to make creating an initial blog even easier — a perfect fit with the purpose of this book. Follow these steps to get started: 1. Go to The Blogger site appears, as shown in Figure 6-2. If you look around the Blogger Web site, you see links to BlogThis, a way to quickly comment on any Web page within your blog. 2. Click the orange arrow to Create Your Blog now. The Create an Account page appears, as shown in Figure 6-3. Read carefully; just about everything you enter is very important to your blogging happiness.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 6-2: Blogger welcomes you.
Figure 6-3: Getting started with a Blogger account is easy.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs 3. Choose a user name. Your proposed user name is your sign-on name for Blogger; only you will see it. Because Blogger is so popular, it’s quite likely that most of the convenient or funny user names that you may think of, such as “budsmith” or “blogguy” are already taken. Choose something you’ll find easy to remember, but be ready to enter a second choice if your first choice is already taken. 4. Enter your password, and then retype your password. Unlike your user name, you can enter any password you like — it doesn’t matter if someone else has the same one. Just make sure your password is both easy for you to remember and hard for someone else to guess. It may seem like your password is pretty unimportant because your blog is going to be immediately posted on the Web anyway. This is true, but that’s not the point. The point is that if someone guesses your user name and password, he can post on your blog, and people will think the postings are from you — which could get pretty embarrassing! 5. Enter your display name. You may be tempted to enter your full name here, but with the increasing power of the Internet, it’s quite likely that someone who has your full name can find your address, phone number, e-mail address, and so on. Consider using a display name that doesn’t give away your complete real name. Be careful with putting personal information on the Web; identity theft is becoming a larger and larger problem, and you don’t want to make it easy for the fraudsters by giving them a good start on a detailed profile of you. Think a bit about your display name; if your blog might cover personal or serious topics, for instance, don’t choose a really silly one. (A posting from “wild&crazyguy” about your upcoming hospitalization, for instance, may be a bit disconcerting to your blog visitors.) You may also want your display name to relate in some way to your blog title and blog address; see Steps 9 and 10 for details. 6. Enter your e-mail address. Blogger — and Google, the site’s owner — promise not to share your e-mail address with third parties without your permission. That’s good, but remember that the marketing folks at Blogger and Google may find an awful lot of reasons to e-mail you themselves! 7. Click the Terms of Service link. Before you click to put a check mark (indicating that you agree with Blogger’s terms), click the Terms of Service link to make sure that you actually do agree.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page The Terms of Service appear in a new window, so don’t worry about losing the data you’ve already entered. You should always inspect the terms of service for a Web site if you’re going to enter personal information on it, such as your e-mail address. This is especially true with a blogging site because, by nature, blogs require you to put so much data into the service, some of which may be personal. (Some blogs are embarrassingly personal!) Blogger’s owner, Google, as a public company, may be more trustworthy than most — but you should still see what you’re getting into. Courts take Terms of Service seriously — after you agree to them, you’re bound by them, whether you’ve read them or not. Some unscrupulous companies have gotten away with some pretty shady scams this way — and even big, respectable companies have used them to protect themselves from angry users. So give the Terms of Service the once-over. 8. Click the check box to accept the Terms of Service, and then click the Continue arrow. If you see a new screen called 2: Name Your Blog (see Figure 6-4), go to the next step. If you see the same screen as before, with an error message, do the following: The error message is most likely to be a caution sign and a warning: “Sorry, this username is not available.” If so, enter a new user name and reenter your password in both blank areas below it. Then click the Continue arrow. After your user name is accepted, the Name Your Blog screen appears. 9. In the Name Your Blog screen, enter the title for your blog. You can give your blog any title you want, but give your decision some thought. Ideally, the title should be rare or even unique; should sum up what’s different and special about your blog; and should relate to the blog address you’ll give it in the next step, which also needs to be unique. For instance, if you’re creating a blog in support of a book about creating Web pages, you might call it Creating Web Pages Web Log.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs
Figure 6-4: Name your blog.
10. Enter the blog address, the first part of the URL for your blog. Then enter the word you see onscreen in the Word Verification section. Enter the first part of the blog address for your blog. This portion of the address is used by Blogger to form the first part of your URL for your blog. For instance, if you enter caveboy4 in the blog address spot, your URL is As with your user name, your Blog address must be unique — if someone else has it already, you won’t get it. Believe us — most of the good addresses are taken! So think carefully about a display name (see Step 5), blog title, and blog address that work together and are unique enough to pass muster. After you enter your blog address, you must also enter the word you see displayed. This is done to verify that you’re a human (who can make out the letters displayed) and not a script automatically creating a Web site (which can’t “read” such graphical lettering).
Part II: Making a Specialized Page Google can help you find interesting blogs on — or other interesting content on other interesting sites. If you search for caveboy, for instance, you’re likely to find most of the blogs on that have “caveboy” in their content somewhere. (We say “most of” because Google doesn’t index sites instantly, so you may not be able to find something that’s moved recently or that has otherwise escaped Google’s attentions.) 11. Click the Continue arrow. If you see a new screen called 3: Choose a Template (see Figure 6-5), go to the next step. If you see the same screen as before, with an error message, do the following: The error message is most likely to be a caution sign and a warning: “Sorry, this blog address is not available.” If so, enter a new blog address. Then click the Continue arrow. When your blog address is accepted, you see the Choose a Template screen.
Figure 6-5: Showcase your blog in a template.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs 12. Choose a template. You’ll see a dozen or so templates to choose from — different looks for your blog. Choose one that fits the way you want your site to appear. Click the image of any of the templates to see a larger preview appear in a pop-up window. It may be tempting to rush this part of the process — especially because Blogger allows you to change your template (by editing the page’s HTML) or substitute a different template later, without losing any of your content. Before you click Continue in the next step, be sure to check all your choices; your blog is created instantly, you won’t have a chance to review your choices first. 13. When you’ve made your choice of template, think about whether you’re happy with all the choices you’ve made so far. If you’re happy, and ready to create your blog, click Continue. Your blog is created! 14. Click the Start Posting button to open your blog so you can start adding content to it. When your blog appears, save the URL in your Favorites list. In Internet Explorer, click Ctrl+D to add the current page to your Favorites.
Adding content to your blog Adding content to your blog is easy — but doing it just the way you want it can be hard. Not all the options you’re used to having for text formatting in, say, a word processor, are available with the Blogger software. You have to experiment to find out what you can and can’t do. From this point, your choices as to what to do, and what order to do it in, are nearly infinite. You may want to create posts right away; on the other hand, you may want to understand everything about your blog page before creating any content, let alone telling anyone how to find it. To accommodate all the different approaches you can take, the following sections give highlights of each page you use to edit your blog. Read each section briefly — and then roll up your sleeves and go experiment. That’s what Blogger is there for!
Part II: Making a Specialized Page Posting and formatting The Posting page (see Figure 6-6) is where you create the posts that appear on your site. You can always edit, delete, or rearrange posts later, but it all starts here. If you leave and reenter Blogger, you may find yourself at the Dashboard. To reach the Posting page from the Dashboard, simply click the link to your page; then click the Create link. The Posting page allows you to enter plain text and format it using several options. You can use the easy, word processor–like buttons as shown in the figure, or use HTML directly.
Figure 6-6: Post to your host.
To use HTML directly, simply click the Edit HTML tab. Your content — and the formatting you’ve applied to it — is displayed in HTML format, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs
Figure 6-7: You can dig right into the HTML.
Here are a few simple options for using HTML in your text: Bold: Makes the text you select bold, as you would guess. You’ll see the HTML tags and surround the text, indicating that the bold is beginning () and ending ). Don’t overuse bold text because it looks like you’re shouting. Italics: Also obvious — makes text italic. The HTML tags and surround the text to indicate the beginning and end of italicization. Don’t overuse italic text because it makes the text harder to read onscreen. (Printed italic text is much easier to read than onscreen italic text.) Link: Here’s where you link text to a Web address — a big part of the original purpose of blogging. To use this, highlight the text that you want to have linked, and then click the Globe-and-Chain icon. You’ll have the opportunity to link the text. To delete the link, delete the linked text. Make the linked text short, but at the same time ensure that the user will be able to tell what they’ll get when they click the link. It’s extremely annoying to see a link called My Favorite Dummies Book, for instance, and click it only to find that the link is to the overall Dummies site, not a description of the specific book. You also have the option of spell-checking your content — a capability added since Google purchased Blogger, and for which those of us with bad spelling can be grateful.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page Using other Blogger options In addition to posting — which, we hope, you’ll spend the majority of your time doing — Blogger offers many other options. Highlights include View Blog: This option simply pops up a new window with your blog in it. Don’t simply use this option to view your site after you make changes — you may also want to use this option to see what’s currently on your site as you’re writing new posts. Settings: Settings allows you to change options in separate pages devoted to Basic, Publishing, Formatting, Comments, Archiving, Site Feed, E-mail, and Members options. (The E-mail option lets you post to your blog from an e-mail account.) Carefully check out and test these options; they support powerful capabilities such as posting to your blog by e-mail. Template: Here’s where you can see the HTML code for your template — and change it any way you’d like, for better or worse. It requires real HTML skill to navigate through and change the code so that it looks exactly as you want it to. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for help if you know a skilled person. You can also choose a different preexisting template here, for which you won’t need any special skill. Dashboard: This is the screen you see when you sign in to Blogger in the future. It’s your starting point for managing your site. See Figure 6-8 for an example of what the Dashboard looked like for a given user — OK, one of the authors — on a given day. Post photos: Blogger is not as photo-oriented as Flickr (see Chapter 5), but it’s pretty good with photos. Click the photo button at any point to add a photo to your blog. Post from your mobile: In the United States, you can post text or photos to your blog from your mobile phone. Just send a message to [email protected] from your phone. Blogger creates a blog entry with the text or photo you sent and send a code to your phone. Sign in to and enter the code to work on your new blog.
Chapter 6: Becoming a Wizard with Blogs
Figure 6-8: Use your blogging dashboard to get started.
You can do a great deal with your site — allow other people to add comments to it or not, change the look and function of it, and much more. Have fun with it — and keep posting to it every day or two.(You can even post photos to your blog from Flickr; see Chapter 5.) For much more information on how to get the most out of Blogger, go to Blogger Help at or join the Blogger Help Group at There are many options for including blogging capability in a full Web site, but one of the easiest is just to use Blogger for blogging, and then copy and paste the “best of your blog” onto your full Web site — on GeoCities (Chapter 2), Google Page Creator (Chapter 3), or anywhere else. When you have your blog up and running, let people know! Let them add comments if you like. That way, your humble little blog can begin to be the center of a new online community — yours!
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Chapter 7
Building a Product Page with eBay In This Chapter Getting to know eBay basics Selling fees Posting your first item Registering as a seller Experiencing sales success
Bay is a fantastic success. One of the best-known and most valuable companies on the Web, it has grown, over the years, from strength to strength. The number of buyers, sellers, and countries with eBay sites has grown sharply. eBay has even acquired “brick and mortar” businesses like auction houses. Yet many people resist eBay’s lure. eBay users tend to fall into two categories: a core of heavy eBay users and a penumbra of occasional users. Yet many millions never have used eBay — and perhaps never will. eBay is looking hard for ways to expand its influence even further. But as a place to start a career in Web publishing, eBay is wonderful. Creating a simple site to sell an item is very simple, and the joyful experience of actually making money online encourages you to do much more on eBay — or to do anything else you want to do on the Web. In this chapter, we provide the briefest possible introduction to eBay, with the emphasis on the part that relates to the theme of this book, creating the product page, and to an easy, successful first selling experience. You can do much more on eBay than we present here, but our goal is to give you that initial thrill of success as quickly and easily as possible.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
The eBay publishing industry You could easily create an entire library with books about eBay. Here are some stars from Wiley Publishing, publishers of the For Dummies series:
you how to get items to sell and provide excellent customer service — and how to keep track of all the money that comes rolling in!
eBay For Dummies, 4th Edition: eBay For Dummies is the big dog in the eBay book kennel. A consistent bestseller, the author, Marsha Collier, has appeared on TV, radio, and in print, extolling the benefits of eBay and telling people how to get the most out of it.
Developing eBay Business Tools For Dummies: John Kaufeld and Tim Harvey provide you with ready to use tools that drop right onto your eBay selling page. They also show you how to create your own tools, if you’re ready to learn a bit of programming.
Starting an eBay Business For Dummies, 2nd Edition: Also by Marsha Collier, this book takes you further into how to not just buy, but sell successfully on eBay. It tells
Check for more — including four more eBay books from Marsha Collier!
Reviewing the eBay-sics Get it? “eBasics”? Well, never mind . . . The home page of eBay can be found at It’s shown in Figure 7-1, just to get you oriented if you haven’t visited recently. Before you follow the instructions below and sell an item, here are five key things you should know about eBay: Reputation is key: When selling on eBay, you quickly get a reputation for your fair and effective treatment (or unfair and ineffective mistreatment) of buyers and their problems or complaints. Your customers have the opportunity to leave public feedback about how well (or how badly) you treated them. Although you have an opportunity to leave feedback on the buyers as well to tell your side of the story, overcoming a low feedback rating from multiple users is nearly impossible, so make every effort to treat people well. Accuracy is important: You don’t need to do much to get started on eBay, but on the limited effort you do make, get everything right. Spellcheck your text and have a friend read it for correctness and completeness. (You may know that the golf clubs you’re selling are left-handed, but buyers won’t know unless you tell them.)
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay Ship happens: Whatever you sell has to be shipped. Consider limiting the area you sell in to those areas where shipping isn’t too high a share of the cost of the item itself. Follow-through is critical: Your job isn’t done when you sell and ship; you have to follow through. Make sure the item arrives in good shape and that the seller is happy with the product, the price they paid, and how you’ve treated them. Then ask them to post favorable feedback on the transaction. If not, offer a refund — and follow through on that too. Fraud is an issue: Many fraudulent transactions have occurred on eBay: Some people steal buyers’ identities and others pass off counterfeit goods or don’t provide services they’ve sold. Keep your offering simple and credible. Consider not starting with any item whose authenticity could be disputed, such as an autographed football. Overall, the lesson for selling on eBay can be summarized in two common catchphrases: “take your time” and “KISS — Keep It Simple, Stupid.” Not that you’re stupid — but you can’t afford for your buyers to think you are. The worst thing that can happen to you on eBay isn’t that you fail to sell your item or fail to get a good price — it’s that you get bad feedback and a bad seller rating in your first item. So manage your reputation for success and, over time, the money will take care of itself.
Figure 7-1: Go home to eBay.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
eBay selling fees eBay makes money by charging fees on your sales. At this writing, fees are Insertion fee: You’re charged to list an item. The charges range from 20 cents to $1.20 for prices up to $50, and up to $4.80 for items priced at $500 and beyond. Final value fee: You pay eBay 5.25% on the first $25 you make. If you make up to $1,000, you pay 3% on the amount above $25. You pay 1.5% on anything you make over $1,000.
For a $9.99 item, your insertion fee is 35 cents, and your final value fee is 53 cents — your total fees paid to eBay are a bit under a dollar. For a $19.99 item, your insertion fee is 60 cents, and your final value fee is $1.06, just under two dollars. That’s under 10% total in each case. For more expensive items, the percentage of your sale going to fees drops rapidly. Check eBay for the latest fees and more details.
Eventually, you may want to stop keeping it simple. That will be a good time to look into Developing eBay Business Tools For Dummies (Wiley, 2005). Authors John Kaufeld and Tim Harvey provide you with ready-to-use tools that drop right onto your eBay selling page to do things such as adding a form to your auction or allowing the user to quickly e-mail information about your auction to a friend. They also show you how to create your own tools, if you’re ready to learn a bit of programming.
Posting Your First Item Posting your first item for sale on eBay is fun, but can also be nerve-wracking. Follow the steps below to keep it simple — and successful.
Choose what to sell We’ve tried to convince you that it’s not important to make a lot of money on your first eBay sale — but it’s best not to lose money either. So the best thing to sell is something you already have and wouldn’t mind getting rid of. You also want something that’s easy to ship and relatively low-priced. So some items that fit your needs may include Books: Most of us have a few books we wouldn’t mind getting rid of — if only to make room to buy more! It’s good to sell a few books that share a theme or genre, such as books about programming, college textbooks, science fiction novels, and so on. So look through your bookshelves for a few books you can get rid of.
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay Don’t charge much extra for a signed book; you can’t prove the signature is real, so treat the signature as a fun extra, not the ticket to a milliondollar sale. CDs, DVDs, and so on: Just like books, you probably have a few cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, and videotapes you can cheerfully live without. List a whole bunch of things — and don’t worry, you won’t be the first seller trying to move a complete collection of ABBA albums! Clothes: You probably have a few clothes you don’t like as much as you used to, but some teenager somewhere can probably have fun with some of them. Used kids’ and maternity clothes almost certainly have some life left in them, so consider getting rid of extra items of clothing or shoes. (But make sure you represent the item’s condition fairly and accurately: No sense having a disappointed first customer.) Jewelry: Not the fancy stuff — expensive jewelry can be difficult and risky to ship and risks buyer suspicion (as to whether it’s genuine) and disappointment (if it’s not exactly what the buyer — or the recipient of the jewelry as a gift — imagined). But inexpensive jewelry can be fun to sell and fun to buy — and, as with books, selling it off may just make room for more. Books, our first suggestion here, are hugely popular on eBay. Figure 7-2 shows the Books categories page just to give you an initial idea of how popular the Books area is — and remember, most of the categories shown have many subcategories as well!
Figure 7-2: Books are big on eBay.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page As you choose an item, or a few items, to sell, consider what selling price you’ll accept, and whether you’re ready to ship the item. (After you complete a sale, you’ll want to move fast.) Think low on the selling price — initial success, and initial customer happiness, opens the door for you to do more later if you want, and gives you the starting point to make much more money.
Register as a seller with eBay Here’s a quick trip through registration as a seller. This includes registering as an eBay user, if you haven’t already. Follow these steps: 1. Go to the eBay home page and click on the Sell tab. The eBay selling page appears. 2. Click the Sell Your Item button. The Sign In page for selling your item appears, as shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3: eBay wants to make selling easy.
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay 3. If you aren’t already registered, click on the Register button. The page Register: Enter Information appears, as shown in Figure 7-4. Fill in the form with relevant information. Be careful to be accurate — real money should be changing hands soon! You must check all the boxes to continue, including the one allowing eBay to contact you. It’s unusual for this check box to be required, considering strict data privacy laws in Europe and elsewhere, but this is one case where it is. eBay has a User Agreement and Privacy Policy that you see only if you click on the Here link near the bottom of a long form. It’s worth doing so — if you proceed to sell or buy on eBay, the terms could be important to you. And if you’re under 18, don’t sign up — it’s against eBay’s rules and could lead to real problems for you later. 4. After you’ve filled in the form completely, click Continue. If you’ve left anything out, the form page reappears, and you’ll be prompted to make corrections. When you’re done, click Continue again.
Figure 7-4: Give eBay your info to register.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page 5. eBay puts up a page telling you to check your e-mail. Go to your e-mail program, find the e-mail from eBay, and click on the link provided. If the link doesn’t work, copy and paste the Web address provided into a Web browser window. You’ll see a page confirming your membership and prompting you to create a seller’s account, as shown in Figure 7-5. 6. Click the Create Seller’s Account button. The Create Seller’s Account credit card page appears. 7. Enter your credit card or debit card information and press Enter. Enter your credit card or debit card information (don’t put spaces in the card number) and click Continue. At this writing, eBay does not take American Express. After you press Continue, the Create Seller’s Account bank account page appears. Consider using a credit card rather than a debit card for your seller’s account and for eBay purchases. Credit card companies give you the ability to challenge disputed charges in a way that a debit card may not You really don’t want to risk your eBay seller rating or buyer rating in a dispute, but it’s good to know you have the option if you really need it.
Figure 7-5: eBay wants you to sell as well as buy.
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay 8. Enter your bank account information and click Continue. eBay requires your bank account information as one way to debit your seller’s fees directly from your account. Enter your bank account information (don’t put spaces in the card number) and click Continue. After you click Continue, the Create Seller’s Account pay selling fees page appears. If you made any errors on your credit card information page, you’ll be alerted to them now. You’ll have to repeat Steps 8 and 9. 9. Select how to pay your selling fees and click Continue to complete the seller’s registration process. After you click Continue, the Sell Your Item: Choose a Selling Format page appears, as shown in Figure 7-6. The steps so far only qualify you to sell at auction — which is the most interesting and fun way to sell on eBay. You must successfully sell several items at auction, achieving a high feedback score, before you qualify to sell at a fixed price.
Figure 7-6: Congratulati ons! You’re an eBay seller.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Post the item Now we’re going to race through posting your item for sale, so you can more quickly get the buzz of a successful sale. Follow these steps: 1. Click the Sell tab on any eBay page. The Sell page, shown in Figure 7-7, appears. 2. Click the Start Selling with the New Version of the Sell Your Item Form link. If the only choice is the Sell Your Item button, click that instead. The Sell form appears, as shown in Figure 7-8. 3. Enter the category of the item you’re selling in the What Are You Selling? field. Enter the category of the books you’re selling; for instance, I have a few Simon Schama British history books I’d like to move, so I entered History Books.
Figure 7-7: Sell, sell, sell.
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay
Figure 7-8: Show good form in your selling efforts.
4. A list of categories appears on the Sell: Select a Category page. Click between Search for Categories, and then Browse for Categories, to make the best choice(s). Select one or two categories for your listing. (A second category costs a bit extra.) Choose your category carefully — eBay tries hard to make sure items are placed in the right category, and if a buyer thinks you’ve miscategorized an item, it could lead them to give you a poor seller’s rating. After you choose a category, the Sell: Create Your Listing page appears. 5. Use the Sell: Create Your Listing page (an example is shown in Figure 7-9) to create the complete listing for your item. (The details of the page change depending on the category you’ve chosen.) Take full advantage of the Help area on the right side of the page and the pop-up help that appears when you click a question mark. When you see the pop-up help, you’re even given the option of customizing the form.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 7-9: Create your eBay listing.
An important text-only category is the Title. You only have 55 characters here, so choose your words carefully. I entered “Simon Schama History of Britain complete 3-volume set,” which used 53 of the 55 characters. I included “complete” so the buyer knows they aren’t getting three volumes out of a larger set — the set only has three volumes. 6. Click the Add Pictures button to upload a picture. The dialog box shown in Figure 7-10 appears. Click the Browse button to find the picture(s) you want; use the Enhanced tab to modify a picture. Click the Upload Pictures button to continue. eBay may install software to make uploading pictures easier. You have advanced options and even the ability to point to a picture on Flickr (see Chapter 5), or another site, instead of uploading. For now, to keep things cheap and easy, get a single picture of the item(s) uploaded to eBay. A picture is, indeed, worth a thousand words. Use a small, crisp picture to ensure that potential buyers can quickly get a good look at your item(s).
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay
Figure 7-10: Upload a picture of your item(s).
7. In the Description area, enter a description of the item. Enter a detailed description of the items, using HTML to highlight key points and create bulleted lists — a key feature for someone scanning hundreds of listings looking to buy a birthday gift! An example, showing HTML codes, is shown in Figure 7-11. Click Save Draft to save your Description in progress. Use the Cheat Sheet at the beginning of this book to find some useful HTML tags to enter. If you click the Preview button, the whole page is previewed — and you have to reselect the category (or categories) to get back to the Create Your Listing page. 8. Choose a Visitor Counter style, enter a starting price, choose a payment method — PayPal is easiest — and specify a length of time to run the auction, plus postage costs and methods within your country. Finish the listing by filling in the remaining fields. To keep things simple — and increase your chance of making your buyer happy — only accept PayPal for payments, and only mail to destinations in your own country.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 7-11: You can do an HTML of a good job on the Description.
If you don’t choose a Visitor Counter style, you won’t have a counter — and it’s an awfully nice thing to have. 9. Click the Save and Continue button. Your page is saved, and the Sell page for promoting your listing appears. Click the Edit Listing button at the top of the page to go back to your listing, update it, and preview it. Make sure it’s accurate, spell-checked, and so on. Carefully review all the options. As eBay explains on this page, you can increase your odds of selling by enhancing the listing. 10. When you’re sure you’re ready, click List Item for Sale button at the bottom of the page. A Congratulations page appears. 11. Click the View Your Listing to see the listing. An example is shown in Figure 7-12.
Chapter 7: Building a Product Page with eBay
Figure 7-12: To list — perchance to dream!
Selling Your First Item Now it’s time to track your first sale. Visit eBay repeatedly during the selling period. Click on My eBay, and then on the Selling link. You’ll see a summary screen like Figure 7-13. Watch bids come in. If your item sells, do the following: E-mail the buyer with congratulations and next steps. Quickly pack the item and ship it. Remember to insure the shipment. Check in with the buyer daily about progress of the shipment. Ask the buyer if they’re happy with the item. If not, ask the buyer if they want a refund, and provide it quickly. If the buyer is happy, give the buyer a good Buyer Rating on eBay. Ask that they give you a good Seller Rating as well.
Part II: Making a Specialized Page
Figure 7-13: Manage your auction with eBay.
Even if your initial sales effort is unsuccessful, or not very profitable, you’re off to a good start. Having completed your first effort, you’re now ready to put as much or as little further effort as you’d like. You can, of course, do much, much more with eBay. Use the books mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, and the vast amount of eBay information online, to build up your business. Use a non-eBay Web page, as described throughout this book, and services like Flickr (see Chapter 5) to support your efforts by linking to these outside resources from your eBay description. Enjoy watching the money roll in!
Part III
Making Web Pages Work Harder
In this part . . .
t’s time to META-tate on META tags and other tricks to help Web search engines find your hand-crafted Web pages. Then organize your text and add graphics to make your pages interesting and worthwhile.
Chapter 8
Introduction to HTML In This Chapter Making it all work Understanding HTML Examining key HTML tags Creating a blank page with HTML Browsing your own little Web
nowing the basics of HTML — HyperText Markup Language, in case you didn’t know that — is a good thing. HTML is the code that connects the text content of your Web page with the graphics, links, and appearance users see in a Web browser. If you know the basics of HTML, you’ll understand why Web pages look and work the way they do, and you’ll understand how you can create and improve your own Web page. In earlier chapters, we’ve shown you how to do all sorts of cool things on the Web without learning HTML. But if you know a bit of HTML, you can usually dress up even a ready-made Web page on GeoCities (Chapter 2) or a blog on Blogger (Chapter 6). And as you become more familiar with HTML, your powers increase. But trying to figure out a lot of HTML right away is a bad thing. Spending hours and hours going over all the details of HTML is likely to slow your quest to become a Web publisher. And becoming a Web publisher quickly can, again, be a good thing. So don’t let a bad thing get in the way of good things; use this chapter to find out just enough about HTML to help you create some basic pages and get them on the Web.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder
Why bother with HTML basics? Most Web authoring tools try to hide HTML from the user; you can use one of these tools to create a Web page without knowing a thing about HTML. But here are several reasons to figure out the basics of HTML: Because everyone else is: Bad reason. Next! To understand how the Web works: This understanding is pretty valuable if you’re a heavy Web user (or a light one), especially if you plan to publish on the Web. Some of the Web’s limitations, such as “what you see is not (exactly) what you get,” are hard to understand if you don’t know something about HTML. To use free Web tools: Many free Web tools enable you to enter HTML tags directly to
jazz up your text. Knowing a few tags can go a long way. To work directly in HTML: Many Web pros tire of managing HTML tags by hand and start using a tool that hides the tags. Others swear by HTML. Everyone swears at HTML, at least some of the time. But the only way to have a choice is to know some HTML. To do better work using a tool: When you’re using a tool that hides the gory details of HTML from you, knowing enough HTML to understand what’s going on “behind the scenes” is an advantage. In fact, tools that hide the HTML almost all have a mode that lets you see and work in HTML when you choose to, for just that reason.
Get Ready: A Refreshingly Brief Description of HTML HTML is a specific way of adding descriptive tags to regular text so that all the formatting, linking, and navigational information you need in a Web page is in text form, contained in the same file with the regular text that appears on the Web page. HTML is designed to be something that humans can read and that machines can process, a kind of common ground for human-tomachine communication. Suppose you want to add bold to a word in your text, such as: You can use HTML to specify that a word is bold. To add bold formatting to a sentence using HTML, just take the regular sentence and add a couple of tags to specify where the bold starts and stops. Here’s the previous line in HTML: You can use HTML to specify that a word is
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML When you display the sentence with the HTML tags in a Web browser, the browser displays all the words, but not the tags — the information between angle brackets. The Web browser uses the tags to do extra things to the text, such as add formatting to it. In this case, the formatting is simple: Start using bold text immediately after the word “is,” and stop using bold text immediately after the word “bold.” Because HTML tags exist alongside the text that users see on your Web page, a document with HTML tags in it is called HTML-tagged text. A file with HTMLtagged text in it is called an HTML file — but it’s really just a specific kind of text file. An HTML file usually has the extension .htm or .html at the end of the filename. If you look at HTML-tagged text in a text editing program, you see the angle brackets and HTML commands; if you look at it in a Web browser, you see a Web page with formatting, links, and so on. A document with no formatting — such as italic and other formatting added by a word processor — is called a plain text document. HTML-tagged text documents are considered plain text documents because they’re made up only of text characters, even though some of the characters carry formatting information. Word processing documents that aren’t plain text documents have additional formatting codes embedded in them to tell machines how to display and print the text. You can add HTML tags to regular text to create your own Web documents in any text editor or word processing program. (However, in a word processing program, you must explicitly save the Web document as a text file.) Or you can use a Web editing tool that hides the gory details of HTML tags. This chapter gives you enough background to know what you’re seeing when you look at text that includes HTML tags, and to make a few changes in HTML-tagged text if you need to. We don’t burden you with hundreds of pages of HTML tags, tips, and tricks. You can find some of the more technical details and background in the sidebar called “The helter-skelter growth of HTML.” (Try it; you’ll like it.) And there’s a full HTML appendix at the back of the book (Appendix B). After you publish a few Web pages, you can take the time to find out more about HTML. At that point, you may want to buy yourself that 400-page HTML book. If you like to know everything that’s going on before you roll up your sleeves and plunge into things, you may want to start by looking at HTML For Dummies, 4th Edition, a comprehensive guide to HTML by Ed Tittel and others (Wiley).
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder
Examining the HTML script Take a closer look at the term for which HTML is an acronym, HyperText Markup Language. You may already know that hypertext is text that has links in it. A link is just a connection to another file. So far so good. But what’s a markup language? (It’s not that confusing language that car dealers speak when they decide how high to jack up the price!) A markup language is simply a way to put information about a document — for example, information about hypertext links and formatting — in the document itself. Markup languages often use tags — labels placed within text that give display instructions. So HyperText Markup Language — HTML — is a specific way of using tags to convey information about a document.
and tags are formatting tags that describe how a browser displays text. Another kind of tag in HTML is the linking tag. Linking tags specify outside information brought into a document. Here’s some complicatedlooking HTML text that shows examples of formatting and linking tags:
Most tags in HTML come in pairs: One starts a change and the other ends it. In the following sample sentence, the first tag,
, means start displaying text in a bold typeface; the second tag, , means stop using bold.
To learn about Pokemon, the “pocket monsters” that were so popular with kids some years ago, go to the official Web site for Pokemon.
Here’s how the sentence looks when “marked up” with HTML tags: That’s a
good idea. Here’s how the sentence looks when displayed on-screen: That’s a good idea. The browser reads the original, text-only sena
good tence — That’s idea. — and says to itself, “I display That’s a, turn bold on, display good, turn bold off, and display idea.” The person who created the original sentence puts in the HTML tags, the browser interprets them, and the user only sees the effect — in this case, the word good displayed in boldface type.
To learn about
Pokemon, the “pocket monsters” that were so popular with kids, go to the official Web site for
Pokemon. The text appears on-screen as follows:
and formatting tags specify that the first occurrence of the word Pokemon is displayed in italics. The
and linking tags specify that second occurrence of the word Pokemon is displayed as an anchor — that is, the starting point of a link. On most browsers, as here, anchors are underlined. So what does the extra text — href=”http://www.pokemon. com” — inside the
tag mean? href is short for Hypertext REFerence. If you click the anchor, your browser looks for the URL that serves as the hypertext reference, which in this case is the Pokemon Web page address that appears after the equal sign.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML
Viewing HTML documents You can see HTML anytime you use the Web. Just pull up a Web page in your browser and choose View➪Source for Internet Explorer, or a similar command for other browsers. A new window opens, the contents of which are the HTML source code that underlies the Web page. Figure 8-1 shows the home page of the For Dummies site and its HTML source code as an example. Having the ability to instantly view a document’s HTML code naturally leads to the temptation to “borrow” attractive documents from the Web, save them to your disk as HTML files, and then use them as templates for your own work — kind of a magpie approach to Web page building. Borrowing someone else’s material is okay for basic HTML formatting, but for more sophisticated formats that are distinctive and embody a great deal of work, get permission before you use them — or don’t use them. Simply contact the Webmaster at the site you admire, describe how you want to use the format, and request permission. You may be surprised how many people say yes — without even exacting a promise from you that you hand over your firstborn.
Figure 8-1: The For Dummies site is made of HTMLtagged text and graphics.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder
The helter-skelter growth of HTML HTML is a markup language that follows rules set out in a more complex specification — SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). HTML has evolved to Version 4, and most, Web browsers and Web authoring tools support all the features of HTML 4. However, some of the new features in HTML 4 are supported differently in different browsers, and a
few users still are running browsers that only support earlier versions of HTML. For the widest possible audience, stick with older tags, such as those in the HTML 3.2 specification or earlier. Nearly all the capabilities we describe in this book are from the most widely supported, early versions of HTML; we point out the few times we use more advanced features.
Creating HTML documents You can create HTML documents in a word processing program, in a text editor, or by using an HTML tool. Each method has its advantages: Word processing program: Most new versions of popular word processing packages include “save as HTML” capability. You can open and edit a document in the word processing program and then save it as HTML-tagged text that makes up a Web page. However, the conversion process between the many features that a word processor supports and the smaller range of features supported by HTML is less than perfect. Ironically, you can only use your familiar word processing program to edit HTML documents effectively if you understand what formatting HTML directly supports, which you find out about in this chapter. Text editor: A text editor is a program that edits regular text, such as the dull, boring, plain text that many people send e-mail messages in — no fonts, no bold or italic text, and no styles. Windows Notepad is a good example. (You can find Notepad in the Windows Start menu, Programs folder, Accessories subfolder.) You can use a text editor to create a file with HTML tags in it. When you save a file from a text editor, it saves as plain text, with no added, hidden codes for formatting. (But save it with the extension .htm to distinguish it as an HTML file.) Although most text editors lack the advanced features found in word processing programs, many HTML experts swear by them. (You can
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML also create a file in a word processing program and then save it as a text file to achieve the same effect, but you have to remember not to save it as a word processing file.) HTML tool: An HTML tool hides some of the details of HTML from you. However, you have to go through a learning curve for any HTML tool, and few tools completely hide HTML. So the basics we present in this chapter help, even if you plan to use a tool. By knowing the basics, you can make better use of the tool and have some alternatives if the tool doesn’t do everything you need it to. (And what tool does?) After you create an HTML file, save it with the .htm extension. The extension enables the Web browser to recognize the file and interpret it correctly. If you use the .html extension instead, not all systems can recognize it as an HTML file. Use lowercase for your filenames. Unix-based systems — that is, the majority of the world’s Web servers — are very picky about upper- versus lowercase. So if you use ALL CAPS, or mIxEd CaSe, your file will work fine on your Windows system, which ignores capitalization differences, and then stop being accessible, except with exactly the right capitalization, when you move it to a Unix-based one. This means that links that don’t use exactly the right capitalization suddenly “break” as well, smashing your Web site into a pile of unconnected Web pages. Every computer allows different kinds of filenames. But for your Web pages to work on the widest possible range of systems, keep your Web filenames simple, and within the 8 x 3 filename limits of DOS. (One example of an 8-x-3 filename is filename.ext; up to 8 characters before the period, up to 3 characters after.) HTML files end in the characters .htm Also, leave spaces and special characters such as colons or apostrophes out of the name. This way, your filenames are valid regardless of the type of computer that ends up being the Web server for your pages. One of the most frustrating problems that beginning HTML authors run into is the fact that word processing programs now try to function as HTML editors and make working directly with HTML tags hard. These programs want to hide the tags from you and “let” you work in a formatted document where you don’t see the tags directly, which is easier at first but gives you less control. If you work in Microsoft Word or WordPad (which comes with Microsoft Windows) and save the file in text format each time, you can have direct access to the HTML tags. You must be persistent, though; Word or WordPad asks you repeatedly if you want to save the file as a formatted document. Just say no!
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder
Previewing HTML documents However you create your HTML file, you need to check frequently to see what it’s going to look like on the Web. Some HTML tools offer special preview modes, but you can get the best idea of how your HTML file will look on the Web by using your Web browser. While working in your text editor or word processing program or while using an HTML tool, simply save your file to disk. (Remember to save the file using the .htm extension.) Then open your Web browser. In Internet Explorer, choose File➪Open, click the Browse button to find the file, and then open it. In other browsers, use a similar sequence of commands. The file appears in your browser just as it does when the file is posted on the Internet. If you’re connected to the Internet, you can even click links in your document to see the appropriate graphic or Web page. However, what you see may not be what other people see when they open the file; other people may use different browsers, and they may specify different fonts for displaying Web pages. And accessing a file from your hard disk is much faster than accessing the same file from the Internet. But at least you get an idea of how the page looks. If you can run your editing tool and your browser at the same time, all the better. (In Windows, use the Alt+Tab key combination to shift quickly between applications. On the Mac, use the Dock, the application list across the bottom of the screen.) You can change the document in your editing tool, save the file, and then use the Refresh command or similar command in your browser to see the changes. (Kind of like those bumper stickers you may have seen on the freeway that say “Keep Honking, I’m Reloading.”) This way, you never need to be surprised by what you see after something you created is published on the Web. If you’re tricky — and have a big-enough screen, or two monitors — you can size and arrange the windows on your screen so that you can see both the HTML file you’re editing and the browser window that displays the resulting Web page at the same time! But don’t stop there. See what your document looks like on different browsers before you publish on the Web. You can get copies of the top browsers from the Web sites of the main browser companies, as described in Chapter 5, and preview your document in them as well. For Safari, the main browser on the Mac, you’ll need access to a Macintosh. Apple stores generally have many Macs on Internet connections, so you can get a Mac-based view of any page that you’ve published to the Web.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML
Get Set: HTML Horse Sense People used to refer to common sense as “horse sense.” Most things about HTML fall under the realm of horse sense. After you see HTML tags a few times, most of the rules “feel right,” and you have little trouble remembering or using them most of the time. You will occasionally make mistakes, though; don’t be surprised to see that most of a document’s text is in italics because you forgot to add a tag to end italics. (Having these last several words in italics is the authors’ idea of a joke.)
Basic HTML rules Here are a few basic HTML rules and some “gotchas” to watch out for: Most HTML tags work in pairs. (Does that make these dynamic duos “tag teams”?) For example, if you want some text to appear in bold, you have to put at the front of the text that you want to have appear in bold, and you have to put at the end of the text. (The slash, /, indicates that a tag is being turned off.) If you forget the at the end, you can easily end up with a document that looks fine at the start but then switches to bold somewhere in the middle — and continues in bold all the way through to the end. So remember to use paired tags and to check your document for unpaired tags before you publish it. If you still end up seeing italics or bold all over your document, you know what to look for. HTML tags are written in lowercase. Convention used to say you should put HTML tags in ALL CAPS so that they would stand out from the text they’re embedded in. However, newer standards specify lowercase for HTML tags. HTML ignores paragraph symbols and tabs in your text. One of the most confusing things about HTML is that it ignores the paragraph markers created in your text when you press the Enter key, as well as tab characters. When displaying HTML, the browser automatically breaks lines to fit the current window size. And the browser makes a paragraph break only when it sees the paragraph tag, , or some other tag that implies the start of a new line (such as a top-level heading tag,
). HTML needs you to put paragraph tags (
) between paragraphs. No matter how many times you hit Return while typing your text, you don’t prevent the text from showing up as a big blob on your Web page unless you put paragraph tags (
) between paragraphs.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder HTML ignores multiple paragraph tags (
). In trying to format your text — to get a bit of extra space before a header, or even up two columns of text — it’s natural to want to put in multiple paragraph tags to create some extra white space. No go — most browsers treat multiple paragraph tags (
) as a single tag! This makes it much harder to control spacing on your page. Basic HTML looks different on different types of browsers. Basic HTML doesn’t give you much control over the appearance of your document. (Newer versions of HTML allow more control but aren’t supported by older versions of popular browsers, so we suggest that you avoid the new stuff.) Different browsers handle the same tags differently. For example, a top-level heading (specified by the
tags) may look larger in one browser than in another browser. Some tags don’t work on some browsers. Some browsers (such as Netscape Navigator) support tags that other browsers can’t handle. We recommend that you stick with basic tags to avoid the chance of giving users nasty surprises when they view your documents. We use only those tags in this book. Users configure their browsers differently. As if the differences among different browser versions weren’t enough, users can configure their browsers differently. Users who have bigger monitor screens tend to look at documents in a bigger window. But because these users sit farther back from their big screens — remember your mother telling you always to sit at least six feet from the TV? — they may also use larger font sizes to display text. Some users set their browsers to display all graphics as the page transmits; a few turn off graphics. All these idiosyncrasies can make your document look different to different users. Figure 8-2 shows the Web page for the For Dummies site, displayed with different option settings. As you can see, the figure doesn’t look like the normal Dummies page.
Ten key HTML tags plus one The Cheat Sheet at the beginning of this book shows an example of an HTML document, which is just regular text plus tags — those funny things with the angle brackets around them. If you haven’t already, tear out the Cheat Sheet so you can look at the sample HTML document while you read this section. Table 8-1 summarizes the tags we use in this chapter.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML
Figure 8-2: The Dummies home page with different font settings.
Table 8-1
Key Tags to Use
Tag Location
Put these tags around the and tags at the start of the document.
Put these tags around a short title that describes the document, which appears at the top of the browser window. (For more information about the , , , and tags, see the section “Head users your way to win” in this chapter.)
After you add the and tags to end the title and header area, you surround everything below them in the document with the and tags. (continued)
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder Table 8-1 (continued) Tags
Tag Location
, ,
, . . .
Put the initial heading at the top of your document between the and
tags. Then use higher-numbered tags for progressively lower heading levels. You can go down six levels (,
), which is a lot — this whole book uses only three heading levels. If a book that weighs in at 350-plus pages needs only three levels, you have to create a pretty detailed Web page before you need five or six.
Surround text you want to display in bold with these tags.
Surround text you want to display in italic with these tags.
You don’t need to place the paragraph-break tag at the end of headings and in some other places, such as within a list, but you do need the tag everywhere else. Besides the anchor tags (),
may be the easiest common tag to misuse. The end paragraph tag,
, is basically optional for beginners.
The horizontal rule tag displays a horizontal line that is good for separating sections of documents.
The anchor tags define hypertext links and contain hypertext references, somewhat complicated information about where the link goes to. Link text — the text that gets underlined to indicate a hypertext link — goes between the tags. When the user clicks the underlined link text on a Web page, the display changes to show the Web page indicated by the hypertext reference.
My kid’s site.
and tag pair defines an anchor. href indicates a hypertext reference — in this case, a pointer to a Web site’s URL. The link text is My kid’s site; the user sees this text, underlined, as part of the Web page. See the section on anchors near the end of this chapter for details on these and other kinds of hypertext links.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML
Tag Location
The img tag brings in any image that’s in a format that the browser understands, either GIF or JPEG, and displays it as part of the Web page. The src part of the tag tells the browser where to find the file. In this example, the filename is budpic.gif and is in the same directory or folder as the HTML file that the
tag is in. (You can tell it’s in the same directory because the filename doesn’t have any pathname information in front of it, such as /images/budpic.gif.)
For an example that uses these tags, see the Cheat Sheet. For a list of HTML tags, see Appendix B.
Go: Creating a Web Page with HTML Yes, you are just about ready to create a Web page with HTML. However, the whole secret of using HTML is knowing what tags to use and when. So now that you know what a tag is, what more do you need to know? Well, tags are divided into three kinds: Tags that contain meta-information about your document: Metainformation, such as the title in the header section of your document, doesn’t affect what shows up within the body of the Web page; instead, this information is used by various Web tools, such as Google and other search engines, that look at the title to see what your document is about. (And we never “meta” Web tool we didn’t like!) Tags that mark the role of your text: These tags (
, for example) describe the role of your text — and also cause it to be formatted in specific ways that may differ from browser to browser. Tags that format characters in your text: These tags (
, and
, , for example) do nothing but modify the way your text looks when the browser displays it. Linking tags: These tags connect the user to different kinds of information and even to other documents. The section “Looking back (and forward) in anchor,” earlier in this chapter, explains linking tags in detail.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder After you create and save an HTML file with text and these different kinds of tags, pat yourself on the back. You’ve just created a complete HTML document, and you’re well on the way to being a tagger yourself! (Not the kind of tagger that puts graffiti on buildings, but the kind who expresses himself or herself electronically on the Web.)
Creating a blank file for your HTML HTML files include only plain text — no hidden formatting codes from your word processing program. And the name of the document always ends with .htm. So start by creating a text-only file to hold your Web page’s text and HTML tags. To create a blank plain-text document that you can insert HTML code into, follow these steps: 1. Start your text editor or word processing program. Either Notepad for Windows, or TextEdit for Mac, is a good place to start. 2. Open a new document. Some programs automatically open a new document when you start them. In that case, you can skip this step. 3. Start the process of saving your document so that you can name it. If you use a word processing program, use the Save As or similar command and choose Text as the type of file. Don’t choose the Text with Line Breaks option; line breaks make the document harder to edit. The good ol’ Text option does the job. 4. Name the document. Put .htm at the end of the name. 5. Save the document. In most programs, you click a Save button or press Enter. The steps enable you to create a blank HTML document — which isn’t very interesting if you put it on the Web! So now you want to start filling in your document by adding heading information. Recent versions of Microsoft Word and other word processing programs may try to “help” you in a way that interferes with what you’re trying to accomplish. For instance, when you tell Word to save your file as a text file, it automatically changes the suffix to .txt. Change it back to .htm, and then save the file normally.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML
Head users your way to win First, some bad news: You start your HTML documents with some tags that don’t really do much for the appearance of your Web page. In fact, the tags add a few more things to worry about. And you thought that you could finally start getting some real work done! Now, the good news: These tags make the Web a better place. They contain introductory meta-information — descriptive information about your document that doesn’t affect how the user sees your document. But although the user doesn’t see these tags directly, the tags support search tools and other tools that make finding a Web page — hopefully, finding your Web page — so quick and easy that users can get to it straight away. (Of course, looking at a lot of other things in between can be half the fun of using the Web.) , : These tags surround everything in your document and identify the document as being in HTML. As the Web supports more and more different types of files, these tags become increasingly important. , : These tags go around the title of your document and any other information that doesn’t appear within the Web page itself. For now, that just means the title.
, : These tags go around the title of your document. The title is a short phrase that describes your document and doesn’t appear within the body of your Web page. It does appear, however, within the strip at the top of the document window when your Web page is viewed. , : These tags go around everything in your document that isn’t part of the head. The tag goes just after the tag, which goes just after the tag. Note that the head is completely disconnected from the body! If you use a tool that creates a Web page for you, such as the free services described in Chapters 2, 3 and 4, or SeaMonkey Composer, described in Chapter 9, you don’t need to put these introductory tags in because the tool does it for you. However, you may need to add the
and tags, and put the title of your Web page in between them yourself. Look at this well-mannered, albeit nearly empty, HTML document to see what the top of a Web page looks like:
A Brief Introduction to Electric Guitars Some introductory information about electric guitars.
Part III: Making Web Pages Work Harder Popular Web tools use these tags to help people find your Web page. The Advanced Search option of the AltaVista Web-searching service enables users to search specifically by words in the title; just enter the phrase title: followed by the text you want to search for in the title. To access the AltaVista search engine, go to Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator use the title of your document — the phrase between the
and tags — as the document description in their Favorites or Bookmarks menu. The title also appears in the title bar of the browser window when the page displays. To give yourself a head start each time you want to begin a new HTML document, create a text-only document in your word processing program or text editor with the head, title, and body tags already in place. When you’re ready to begin a new HTML document, start by making a copy of this document. Follow these steps to create a text-only document that contains the introductory tags: 1. Open a new document. 2. Save your document as a text-only document with the name you want, ending with .htm. See “Creating a blank file for your HTML” earlier in this chapter for details of how to do this. 3. On the first line of the document, enter the tag. 4. On the second line of the document, enter the tag. 5. On the third line of the document, enter the
and tags. Don’t enclose anything within the
and tags for now. After you copy this text-only document to create a specific Web page, you can enter the material that you want to use as the “title.” When you are deciding what to include between these tags, remember that many Web tools use the information between these tags when searching for documents. 6. On the fourth line of the document, enter the tag. 7. On the fifth line of the document, enter the tag. 8. Leave the sixth line of the document blank. The main content of the document goes here. 9. On the seventh line of the document, enter the tag.
Chapter 8: Introduction to HTML 10. On the eighth line of the document, enter the tag. Whatever else you do in your document,