< ,. < 00 "
1CD I (I+'I:)-CD I (I) I' tit
1/(1 +'1:+ ly) - /(1+ ly) 1+ 4 (k+ 1)8M••
We thus have proved that with an arbitrary E > 0 is associated a number is an Sp-translation of the function wl(t). Consequently w1(t) is an (S•• E)-almost-periodic function with a module belonging to the module of f(t). It remains to remark that
> 0 such that any 1/-transiation of f(t) 1
8)(1)= 2K [CD.(I)+'a(I)-'_H(t)+cl.
The theorem has thus been proved. The conversion of the formula to one for n(t) yields the theorem. THEOREM 2. Let {ai:}~CD be the sequence of all the zeros ofthefunctionf(z) of the class [d), enumerated in the order of increasing real parts. Then
where q(x) is a Bohr almost-periodic function such that its smallest numerical module, containing all the products formed by multiplying d/.". with every Fourier exponent of q(x), is contained in the module off(z). PROOF. The function u = n(t) is piecewise constant, nondecreasing, continuous from the right and takes only integral values. Its inverse n_1(u) can be determined, and this inverse is continuous from the right. nondecreasing, and constant between successive integral values of its argument (Figure 12).
t Fig. 12
Sec. )1
We form the function v'T)
n (I
+ 't) -
-;t 'to
Solving this relation for t, we obtain the inverse function
V<~)1 (u) =
n_ 1 (u
+ ! 't) -'to
We choose or so that it is an e-translation of the SI-almost-continuous function = tl.or/7T is an integer. 3 Then V(T)(t) - n(t} is an integer. On the other hand, Theorem I yields w(t) and such that q a1+1
(t+-'}--(I) (t) 1 dl
< s.
This integral is equal to the sum of the areas of certain ,ectangles (see Figure 12) the heights of which are integers, and so the bases of these rectangles are not greater than E. We consider t as a function of u, obtaining
I'TJ(~)l(U}'- n_ l (u) 1< s Introducing the function qJl(U) !(jll(U+
= n_l(u} -
< u < (.JO).
(7T/tl.}U, we have
~ 't)-(jldU =In-l (u+ ~
,) -
't-n_d u )\ <e.
We now consider the expression for Re ak • From the definition of n(t) we have n(Re ak) = k, or for the inverse function Reak
n_ 1 (k)
-i k+(jll (k)
In view of (5), to every positive integers v = tl.or/7T such that
I(jll (k + v) -
CPl (k)
(-+- k =
0, I, 2, ... ).
there corresponds a relatively dense set of
I< e
(-+- k = 0, I, 2, ... ).
Interpolating with a linear function qJl(k) between successive integral points, we obtain a continuous, almost-periodic function !p{x), and Rea1c= ~ ki-(jl(k}. We further note that for any E > 0 we can find a 15 > 0 such that if or is a b-translation of w(t}, then tl.or/7T is an e-translation of !p{x). Hence the numerical module ofthe function !p{x) multiplied by tl./7T belongs to the numerical module of w(t}. The theorem has thus been proved. • I t is not difficult to show that there is a relatively dense set of such e-translations, and that this set determines the module of the function up to terms that are multiples of ~ (see B. M. Levitan [1D. .
Since all the zeros of a function of the class H, it follows from the representation (4) that
strip Iyl
ale =
lie in some
k+ .~(k),
where ?P(k) is a bounded function. It is interesting to note that there are functions of the class 1m ?P(k) is not an almost-periodic function. The function
for which
g(z) = sin z sin A(z-l)
with), irrational is an example. In fact, the function 'PI(k) = 1m Ok in this case takes only the two values and 1. For e < 1, every e-translation of lfl(k) must be simply a period of this function. Let the integer T be the period of 'PI(k). Then all the zeros Ok with subscripts k = nT + r (±n = 0, 1,2, ... ) are zeros of only on(" of the functions sin z or sin ).(z - i). Thus the set of points Ok can be divided up into T classes (r = 0, I, . : . , T - I), each of which consists of t.le points of the form m'TT or of points of the form m'TTI). + i (±m = 0, 1,2, ... ). Let Pl be the number of classes of the first type and Pi the number of the second type (PI + P2 = T). Let T" be a number such that nT = neT,,). Then it is obvious that
a 1 (T,,)
np9 ~
a2 (Tn),
where 0 OS;;; el(T..) < 7f, 0 ~ E2(T..) < 'TTl).. Dividing this equality by nand taking the limit for n -+ 00, we obtain _Pt PI-T'
i.e., ). is rational and the assumption is contradicted. Thus 'Pl(k) can not be almost-periodic. The following theorem is of interest in connection with this example.
If the sequence of zeros of an almost-periodic function of the satisfies the condition
(±k=O, I, 2, ... ),
= (AI'TT)k + ?P(k), where ?p(x) is almost-periodic. PROOF. We denote the rectangle x = ±tJI2, Y =
then ak
±(H + tJ) by I, and
consider the integral
1 f,,(z+ik+'(k») zdz, ,(z+ X-k +.' (k)
'PI (k) = 2n1 •
Sec. 2]
in which 'P(k) is the almost-periodic function equal to Re arc - (."./I1)k. It is evident that the rectangle (/) contains one simple zero of the function f(z + (."./I1)k + rp(k», and so 'Pl(k) = i 1m arc. From Lemma I we havel!(z + (."./I1)k + rp(k»1 m > 0 on the contour of integration (/). Moreover, since the numerical module of rp(k) multiplied by 11/.". belongs to the numerical module of f(z), to every number a > 0 we can 0 such that every 'I-translation of f(z) multiplied by associate a number 'I 11/.". will be a a-translation of rp(k). Let E O. We choose a > 0 and 'I > 0 so small that for any 'I-translation 'T = (."./I1)q (q an integer) of the functionf(z) the inequality
I' (z + "+ -i k+ , (k + q») I' (z + i k+ , (k») • < 2(H+2o)1 ) ) Iz+ik+'~ ( ( Iz+"+:k+'~+~ holds. From the integral representation of 'Pl(k) we obtain
1< '"
ICPt (k+q)-CPl (k) Thus 'Pl(k) is an Jlmost-periodic function, and so tp(k) = rp(k) + 'Pl(k) is also almost-periodic. The theorem has been proved. We note that here also we can find an 'I> 0 for any E > 0 such that an arbitrary 'I-translation of f(z) multiplied by 11/.". is an E-translation of 'Pl(k). Hence the module oftp(k) multiplied by 11/.". is contained in the module off(z). 1. A CbaraeterizadoD of the Set of Zeros of FUDCtiOD of the Ous [11]
DEFINITION 1. A number 'T is called an E-translation of the POUrt set {a} if there is a one-to-one correspondence between the points of the set {a + T} and the points of {a} such that the distance between corresponding points is less than E. DEFINITION
to every
2. A set {a} of points is called an almost-periodic point set if
> 0 there corresponds a relatively dense set of its e-translations.
LEMMA 1. The set of zeros of an almost-periodic function of the closs [11] is an almost-periodic point set. PROOF. Let the number E (0 < E < I) be given. We choose 6 > 0 small enough so that 2k6 < E, where k is not smaller than the number of zeros in the rectangle t x t + 1, Iyl H. Then the diameter of every region covered by the exceptional circles of radius 6 with centers at the zeros arc of /(z) does not exceed e. From Lemma 1, Chapter VI, there is a number m" > 0 such that
< <
I/(z) I outside such regions.
> Ina> 0
Let T be an (m~/2)-translation of f(z) in the strip Iyl H + (). Then from (8) the function f(z - T) has no zeros outside the exceptional regions. Thus from Rouche's theorem the functions f(z) and f(z - T) have the same number of zeros inside each of these regions. Having established a one-to-one correspondence between the set {Ok} of zeros of f(z) and the set {Ok + T} of zeros of f(z - T) inside every such region, we find that T is an e-translation of the set of zeros of f(z). Therefore each (m~/2)-translation of f(z) in the strip Iyl H + () is an e-displacement of the set {Ok}. We note that if OJ; can be expressed in the form
where c is a constant and tp(x) is almost-periodic, then the set {Ok} is an almostperiodic point set. The example in § I shows that such a representation does not exist for every almost-periodic point set. LEMMA
Let tp(k) be a bounded function, let the points ak
form an almost-periodic point set,4 and let
ft(l- :J.
f(z)= P.V.
x, (x) = is an almost-periodic function of x for PROOF.
I(x + Iy)
Iyl ;> H
= sup (1m tp(k».
It follows from the representation (9) off(z) that co
x, (x) =
v. ~ z~ak
If O"k denotes the zero corresponding to then
after an E-translation
so that
Ialii +'t- ak I < a, (10) 00
< Mi•• ~ I z...!ckra. -00
• We may assume, with no loss of generality, that the set
does not contain o.
Sec. 2] Here
is a constant such that, for
Iz-a" I< z - ck
Iyl :> H + 6 (6
> 0),
z - ck z-aflt -",
The sum on the right in (10) is periodic and therefore bounded. The lemma has been proved. LEMMA
If ("-+-k=O. 1.2•... ).
a/c=ck+Hk) where tp(k) is a bounded function and
f(z)= P. V
II (1- :J,
then in order that the function
be bounded for all sufficiently large, fixed values of a. it is nec(!ssary and sufficient that there exist a constant M such that for any h :> 0 and arbitrary integral T CX)
1~[<jI(k+'t)-<jI(k») k~~h31<M.
where M is independent of T. PROOF.
From (9) we obtain
f(;t~~t) tift
6 (x+c't+la)-6 (x+la)=ln N
lim {In
IT Ck+~(k~-c"'-x-Ia +/'It't} ck+ljI(k)-x-ia -N
II ck+ -x-Ia ck+o/(k)-x-Ia N-~
· In I 1m
+ N!'If co {I n IIC(-N-q)+~(-N-q+'c)-X-Ia+I1f't} c (N-"'+q)+IlJ(N-"'+q)-x-la • f- 1
Since every factor in the product in the second term tends to e-i ", the logarithm in this term tends to -i1TT and so the whole term tends to zero. Hence, fJ (x+c..+la)-6(x+la) CX)
~ [ = P. V. """" In 1
I} (k + "') - ~ (k) ] + ck+':' (k)-x-III •
The boundedness of 9(x + ia) in - C() < x < C() is obviously equivalent to the uniform boundedness of 6(x + CT + ia) - 6(x + ia) for 0 < x < c and for all
integral values of T. We will show that the uniform bounded ness of the righthand side of (12) is equivalent to the condition (11). We first estimate the size of o/(k+")-~(k) 1 1 ck+ Hk)-x-ta •
== SUPt ltp(k)1 and
We write M
'0=-co sup It-Ial < ,< col t-tal-M = for a
> M.
We then have
0/ (k + ,,) - 0/ (k) 1 ~
I ck
+ 'Hk) -
x - ta
2M/II ...... I ck - x -ta I '
and for sufficiently large a this expression can be made less than t. Using the inequality \In (1 - a) - a I < Ia 12 , which is valid for 1«1 < t, we find that the uniform boundedness of 9(x + CT + ia) - 9(x + ia) for 0 <: x <: C and for all integral T is equivalent to the boundedness of 00
~ 0/(k+")-4(k) ~ ck+'\I(k)-x-ta
for all integral
I ~ 00
Actually this equivalence can be obtained directly by noting that
+,,) - I} (k) 12 < (2MI ck + IjI (k) - x -ta ~ (k
\9 aJ
~ I ck -
x -ta 18
< ka
where klJ is a constant. From a comparison of the expression (13) with 00
~ IjI (k
+ ")-4 (k) ck-ta
we obtain
where K' and K" are constants. Finally, a comparison of (14) with the left side of (11), and the use of the notation h == a/c, yields
~ojI(k+")-4(k)_ ~~(k+'t)-cjl(k)kl<2M~ k ~ k-~ ~ ~+~ ~~+~ -00
Therefore the bounded ness of 9(x + ;a) for all sufficiently large, fixed values of a > 0 is equivalent to condition (11). The lemma is proved.
Sec. 2] (a
It is useful to note further that if 8(x + ia) is bounded for any value of a > sup" 1p(k», then it is bounded for all larger values of a. 4a
We can now give the following complete characterization of the set of zeros of an almost-periodic function belonging to the class [~]. THEOREM 4. For fez) to be an almost-periodic function of the class necessary and sufficient that the follOWing conditions hold: (a) fez) can be expressed in the form
it is
II (1 -~) a"
I(z) = c Um
(c a constant);
N-+oo -N
(b) the zeros at off(z)form an almost-periodic point set and can be given by the formula 'It
ak =~k+Y(k).
where 1p(k) is a complex-valued, bounded function; (c)lor any integral T we have the inequality le.. [o/]I
e. [0/] =
~ [o/(k
< M, where k
T) -
and M is independent oj T. PROOF. NECESSITY. If fez) belongs to the class [~], then from Lemma 1 the set {ak} of its zeros is an almost-periodic point set. Moreover, from the corollary to Theorem 2 we have ak = k+Hk). (6) where 1p(k) is a bounded function. Thus condition (b) is satisfied. It follows from (7) that the product
11(1 -~) N-+oo -N a"
!p(z)= 11m
converges and that q:{z) is of completely regular growth, while the indicator diagram of q:{z) is the segment [-i~, i~]. The quotient J(z): 'P (z) ... By a slight modification of the argument used to prove Lemma 3, one can prove that if ak .. ck + tKk), where 1{I(k) is bounded, then the condition If"IRe 1/t(k)1I c; L < co is necessary and sufficient for an entire functionj{z) of the form (9) to satisfy 0< ma .. If(x
+ ia)1
Ma < co,
where m" and Ma are constants and lal > sup 1m tKk). Heific [1) has remarked that the (. > 0) is necessary and sufficient for the condition If"IRe 1/t(k)]1 C; cr 1n(1 + I'l'l) + 0(1) inequalities ma(1 + Ixl)-· c; If(x + ia)1 C; Ma(1 + Ixl)'. Finally, Heific has shown that the condition 00
exp{ ~f"IRe1/t)} < co
is necessary and sufficient for j{x) to belong to L'( - co, co) (p
> 0).
is an entire function of exponential type with no zeros, and its indicator diagram consists of a single point, the origin. Thus the quotient.f(z): H (15 > 0) the function In /.f(x + ;a)1 is bounded. Moreover, argf(x + ;a) = + x(x) where X(x) is almost-periodic (Chapter VI). Thus for lal > H the function
+ ta) =
In I(x
+ ta) ei4:i:
is bounded, and so from Lemma 3 it follows that condition (c) holds. SUmCIENCY. Let .f(z) be expressed as in (15) with at == ('IT/a)k + 1p{k). Thenf(z) is an entire function of exponential type a. It also follows from Lemma 2 that
I' (x + iy) I{x
+ iy)
is an almost-periodic function of x for Iyl > sUP_co
+ ia) ei4
is almost-periodic for all sufficiently large
+ ia).
lal. The same result holds for
From the Phragmen-Lindelof theorem for a strip, fez) is bounded in any strip parallel to the real axis, and since it is almost-periodic on any straight line, it is almost-periodic in the whole plane. Its whole spectrum is in the segment [-ia, ;a]. Since all its zeros are in a strip, from Corollary 2, Theorem 2, § 2, Chapter VI, it follows thatf(z) belongs to the class [fl.]. The theorem has thus been proved. REMARK.
If the zeros at can be given by the formula
a,,= ~k+~(k), where 1p{k) is almost-periodic, then for any e > 0 there is a 15 > 0 such that every I5-translation of 1p{k) becomes, after multiplication by 'IT/a, an e-translation of .f(z). Hence the module of fez) belongs to the module obtained when the smallest module 9Jl('P, 'IT) containing the number 'IT and the module of tp{k) is multiplied bya/'IT. I
See B. M. Levitan (IJ.
Sec. 2]
When this result is compared with Theorem 2, we find that when the conditions of this theorem are fulfilled the module of f(z) is the same as the module IDl(tp, 1T) multiplied by tl/1T. We now prove that condition (c) is independent of the remaining conditions of Theorem 4. In addition to this, we prove that there is an almost-periodic function tp(k) for which the set of functionals L~[tp] (±'T = 0, 1,2, ... ) is not bounded. The set of aU almost-periodic functions forms a complete, normed space with norm lI'fll sup II\I(k) I·
< Ii < 00
The functionals L~[tpJ are linear in this space. By a well-known theorem, a set of linear functionals, bounded for every element of the space in which they are defined, is bounded in norm, i.e., if for all almost-periodic functions we have (± 't = 0, 1, 2••...).
then there is a number M such that
IL, ['fJl < MII~II The functional
(±'t=O, 1, 2, ... ).
can be written in the form 00
['f! =
~ ~(k) [(k~~~ hI
kll~ha ].
The kernel (k - 'T)/[(k - 'T). + h 2J - k/(kl + hi) changes sign at two points kl and k., where k. - 'T and kl - 0 for 'T - 00. For fixed 'T, we set tp(k) = -1 (k1 < k < kJ. We also choose the number T > 0 so that k. - kl + T will be an integer and so that - T+k
( ~ +T+t, ~)I (k!~~hll -- t3~ha I< I, -00
and define tp(k) = 1 on the partial interval kl < k <; T tp(k) to the whole axis by periodicity, using the period We then have
+ k.. (JJ
We then continue = k. - kl + T.
ka~hlll·-1 =2In't+O(I).
. . 00
which contradicts (16). Thus the set of linear functionals L~[tp] is not bounded, and so there is an almost-periodic function ~k) for which the family of functionals is unbounded.' Condition (c) is difficult to verify, god so it is useful to have the foUowing sufficient condition that it be satisfied. • Sucb a fuoc:tion can in
fad be c:onstructed.
THEOREM 5. If Ihe Fourier series of an olmos I-periodic function tp(k) is absolulely convergenl, Ihen I L~ ('~II M, i.e., condition (c) holds.
We write co
t')(~) = 4[ eiAx ] = 2i (e ib -
~ !:as~ ~~
or, otherwise,
fl (A) =
ItShh(K-A.)(en~_I) sh wh
_ uh ~(::A.) (eib_l)
(-1t ~ A < 0).
Thus ,?(A + 211') = ,?(A).6a Since '1' ..(/) tends uniformly to tp(/). then for fixed ~
Hence if
we have
(1\1,,1-+ L (1\11· t
1\1 (k) = ~ cJ'ili" -CII
then co
Lc (~l or
= -co ~ ci) ()'J) co
IL (\jill ~ 2 I
~ I cJ I
It sh hit sh h •
The theorem has thus been proved. Condition (c) can be transformed into another form. To perform this transformation, we prove an interpolation theorem that is interesting in itself. THEOREM 6. In order that there exist an entire function of exponential type not exceeding 11', bounded on Ihe real axis, and laking Ihe values (-I)ktp(k) for all inlegral values k of the argument where tp(k) is a bounded function, il is necessary and sufficient Ihat for all integral t'alues of T we have
ILcII\lII<M. where M is a conslant not depending on PROOF.
We form the interpolation series co
&(z) = SI°ltftZ
{~' Hk)[z
11+ !J+ 4!O)}.
This series converges uniformly in every finite region to an entire function of exponential type not greater than 11'. We have the relation (J(k) = (-l)"tp(k). 611 Note that in this derivation we do Dot assume that .,. is an in.....
Sec. 2]
We will prove that when condition (II) holds the value of I,,<x) I (- 00 is bounded. Let z = x ± ih, Ixl I and let T be an integer. Then
{) ( -+-lh+ ) _ fl ( -+-lh) x_ or X._
= sin
< x < 00)
(x ± II&) ~ +
If condition (II) is satisfied, the absolute value of the sum on the right is bounded for all T, arid so (Ixl~ I).
where Ml is a constant. Thus ,,<x ± ;h) is bounded for - 00 < x < 00, and from the Phragmen-Lindelof theorem ,,<x) is bounded on the real axis. Conversely, let it be given that there exists an entire function 1?(z) of exponential type not greater than 77, bounded on the axis, and such that 1?(k) = (-lYlP
where M is independent of T. We consider the function co
l(Z) = SI:1I:Z
{~~) + ~' ~(k) [z
+ !]}.
This is an entire function of exponential type, with an indicator diagram in the segment [-;77, ;77]. The function 'Y..
( z)
&(Z)-T(Z) sin KZ
is entire and of exponential type, and its indicator diagram consists of the origin only. We will obtain information on the size of this function on the imaginary axis. From the definition of y(z), we have 00
I1 (ly) I ~ ~ I sh r.yl {m+ 2 ~ k I~~I'YI} 1
~~ Ishr.yl {I~I + ~ Iyl (~kt~yIIY} 1
< ~ Ish 'lty I {_I + 1I:YKTYi} Iyl va· 11:
Moreover, the bounded ness of t?(z) on the real axis yields
I fl (z) 1< Ne" 1.1. ~t follows from the last two inequalities that x(6') = O(ViYf), and since x(z) of type zero, we have x(z) = const. We thus have
~(z) =
slnK 1I:z {c+
9~O) + ~' ~(k)[z -ex>
1 k_
even, we thus have CD
o(lh+'i:)-n(lh) = S~"d ~1\'(k)['h_~+":_1I11
=shtth ~ Hk+..:)-Hk) Itt ~ Ih-It ' -00
and from the boundednes5 of O(ih
+ x) we obtain
I~ [I\'
+ or) -
~ (k») kl ~ h'
Sh"" h I f} (lh+or)-& (ih) I
+ 2M ~ -00
where C is a constant. When
k +h
< CM,
is odd, we have
L" ['tl
= ~[Hk+'t-
1)-9(k») kll!h a
+ ~~ (k+'i:-l)[(k~~~hll- kI~hi]. -CD
and 50
(M1 a constant ). The theorem has been proved. When we compare this theorem with Lemma 3, we obtain the foUowing theorem.
= + 9(k)
THEOREM 7. Let a" ck is bounded. For the function
(-+- k
= O.
I. 2 •... ). where tp(k)
I(z)= P. V.
IT (1 - a:) -co
to satisfy the inequality
Iln[j(x + ia)enrx/c] I <; Ma 6b on every straight line y = a(lal > SUPk ",(k», where Ma is a constant, it is necessary and sufficient that there exist an en/ire junction of exponential type not exceeding 'IT, bounded on the real axis, that takes the values (-lfflk) for integral k. Theorem 7 can be used as follows in the reformulation of Theorem 4.
6b It can be shown that this condition is equivalent to having the entire functionj{z) be of sine type; that is,
0< mIl
'" Ij{x
iY)le-wl)'1 '" M"
< 00;
;> II.
Sec. 3]
THEOREM 8. For f(z) to be a function of the class [11], it is necessary and sufficient that the foliowing conditions be satisfied: (a) f(z) can be expressed in the form
/ (z) == lim c
II (I - : );
(b) the zeros akform an almost-periodic point set; (c) the zeros at can be given by the formula
a" = V'(z)e-iwz
where real axis.
is an entire function of exponential.type H <;
bounded on the
3. The RelatioD Between the Fourier Series ortp(x) aDd fix) THEOREM 9. Let tp(x) be any almost-periodic function with absolutely convergent Fourier series, and let
a" =
T k
+ '1
(::±: k
0, I. 2, ... ; 11
> 0).
Then f(z), defined by (IS), is a function of the class [11] with an absolutely convergent Fourier series. PROOF. We start from the relation (12). Setting x = 0 and replacing by x/c in this relation, we obtain
I(x+la)ei~a: I(la)
P. V. ~ In 1+ ck+cjI(k)-la
lc- -IXI
for x
= cn (± n = 0, In
1, 2, ... ). For sufficiently large
l(x+la)eiAa: _ ~ 'l-(k+: )-4'(k) I (/a) - P. V. ~ ck+~(k)-Ia lc .. -IXI
~(_1)"-1 ~
+ ,,-I ~
~ lc_-IXI
(,(k+:)-Hk»)" ck+Hk)-la '
for all real values of x. The hypothesis of the theorem yields IXI
~(x)= ~ CtrUfD
If we use
for the norm in the ring (W) of functions of the
form (19), then for any fixed k we have (20)
In addition to this, for n
:> 2; we have
~ (Ck+'JI(~)-la)n
J ).
Thus for 101 > 2 IIY'II the second series in (18) converges in norm, and so it converges to an almost-periodic function with an absolutely convergent Fourier series. The first sum in (18) can be expressed in the form co
P. v. ~
P. v. ~[Y(k + :)-y(k)]
X cllk 3 +all
<}(k+ :)-
+ ta ~
- ~[y(k+ :)-'Hk)] (Ck+Hk):!~~)(Ck-la)
The convergence in norm of the second and third ~eries follows from (20). From (17) we infer that the first series is also convergent in norm. Therefore the function 00
O(x) = P. v. ~ In 1 + -00
1/1( k + ~ ) - 1/1 ( k) k (k) _ . e + 1/1 za
is almost periodic with an absolutely convergent Fourier series, and all the frequencies in this series belong to the numerical module e - 101t1jl or (~/ 'fT)0lt1jl. The same statement applies to the function 00
= e'(x) =
~ ekei""x; -00
that is, ~~oolekl < 00 and I-'k E (~/'fT)0ltIjl' If we consider the function X(x) only at points of the form x = en (± n = 0, 1,2, ... ), the frequencies I-'k can be replaced by numbers that are congruent to I-'k modulo 2'fT / e = 2~ and lie in the interval [0, 2~]. We obtain an expansion 00
~ dkeiY,X,
where ~~ooldkl < 00 and 0 <;; 'Yk <;; 2~. In addition, X\(x) coincides with X(x) at the points cn, and (because of (18» with the function f-l(ia)j(x
ia)e ifu .
The difference f(x + ia) - f(ia)XI(x)e- ifu is clearly an entire function of exponential type <;; ~, bounded on the real axis, and vanishing at the points cn. Hence f(x + ia) =f(ia)x\(x)e- ifu + c sin ~x,
where c is a constant. Consequently f(x) is represented by the absolutely convergent Fourier series 00
f(x) = ~ Ckel>."", -00
where the exponents ~ belong to the smallest numerical module that contains (~/ '1T)~ and the number ~. The example given at the end of § 1 shows that the converse of this theorem does not hold. In view of this fact, the following theorem is of interest. THEOREM 10. If the Fourier series of afunctionf(z) of the class [a] converges absolutely, and if the sequence {ak}~CIO of its zeros satisfies the condition
, Re ak - !2.. k . :1
I< ..:...4:1'
where s is any real number, then ak = (1T/a)k + tp(k), where tp(k) is an almostperiodic function with absolutely convergent Fourier series. PROOF. We prove this theorem by using the general theory of rings, as described by I. M. Gel/fand in [1]. We consider the ring of almost-periodic functions tp(k) defined on the set of integers ±k = 0, 1,2, ... with absolutely convergent Fourier series, and take for the norm the sum of the absolute values of the Fourier-series coefficients.' The set of values of the functions 0). For z E I we have If(z + ('1T/a)k + s)1 ;> m > 0 for all integral k, and so f(z + (1T/a)k + s) is not in any maximal ideal of the ring. Hence, for z E I, the function
f'(z+i k+S) f(Z+~ k+S) , belongs to the ring and is continuous in norm. Since the operations of summation and taking a limit do not lead out of the ring, the function
~(k)= 2!'
I( f'(Z+~k+S) : ) f (z+jfk+s
belongs to the ring. In other words tp(k) can be expanded in an absolutely convergent Fourier series. The following theorem follows easily from the last two theorems. , To avoid ambiguity in the expansion of such a function in a Fourier series, we may USUme that its spectrum is in the half interval (-11',11'].
For the sequence {at}~"" of zeros of a functionf(z) of the class [~] to be expressible in the form Ok = k+~(k), with 1p{k) almost-periodic and expressible as an absolutely convergent Fourier series, it is necessary and sufficient that, for any positive integer p exceeding some Po, all divisors off(z) of the form THEOREM
,1',l..z)= •
p.v.n(I-~) -co 1'k+r
(r=O. l. 2•...• p-I)
can be expanded in absolutely convergent Fourier series. PROOF. If 1p{k) can be expanded in an absolutely convergent Fourier series, then so can 1p{pk + r), and from Theorem 9 so canfp.,(z). Conversely, let all the functions jp/z) be expansible in absolutely convergent Fourier series for all p greater than some Po. If P is chosen so that the inequality l1p{k)1 < 1fP/4~ is satisfied, then
O1'k+r -
?k -
I< ;~ .
From Theorem 10, taken together with this equality and the absolute convergence of the Fourier series of fl1.'(Z), it follows that apt+, can be expressed in the form o1'k+r .... k+~1'.,(k) (r=O. 1.2•...• p-I), where tpp.,(k) is an almost-periodic function, expansible in an absolutely convergent Fourier series. Setting
QJ (z) =
(n n
sin ;
I _ _ __ _f"...!.:I.1. f":li
stn..!:..(j-r) p
and defining 1p{k) by the absolutely convergent series 1'-1
~(k) = ~ QJ(k)[~p.J( k P j)- ~ ], 1-0
we obtain the representation Ok = : k +~(k). The theorem has thus been proved. We have shown that if the zeros of a function of class [~] can be expressed in the form (6) and jf 1p{k) can be expanded in an absolutely convergent series, then the corresponding function f{z) can be expended in an absolutely convergent series and j(z) has an infinite set of divisors of the same type.s
• v. P. Potapov in [I], using results obtained by M. G. Krein and the author in [I]. showed that every almost-periodic polynomial is infinitely divisible in the ring of entire. almostperiodic functions of the class [~] with absolutely convergent Fourier se~. and a complete classification of all such divisors. We mention that. as was shown m Append~ ~, almost-periodic polynomials are not necessarily divisible in the ring of almost-penodlC polynomials.
Sec. 3]
In Appendix V we considered a special factorization of an almost-periodic function/(x) with a bounded spectrum. We showed that, if/(z) can be expanded in an absolutely convergent Fourier series and f(x) ;> 0 (-ex> < x < ex», then I(x)
= Icp (x) Ill.
where cp(z) is almost-periodic, has a spectrum half the length of that of lex), and has an absolutely convergent Fourier series, and the zeros of cp(z) are in one half-plane. We can immediately show that the requirement in this theorem that the Fourier series of f(x) be absolutely convergent is essential. In fact, we can construct an example of an almost-periodic function of class [d), expressible in the form
p.V·II (1- ,,:)(1 -·iJ 0)
I(z) =
(1m air
> 0)
and having as a divisor the function GIl
cp(z)= P. V.
II (1 -
which is not almost-periodic. To obtain this function we set arc = k+ lljl(k),
where tp(k) is a positive, aJmost-periodic function not satisfying condition (c) of Theorem 4. From this theorem, it follows that cp(z) is not almost-periodic. We number all the zeros of/(z) so that the zeros a" have even numbers and the ti" odd numbers and form the sum 0)
L~[;)= ~[IjI(P+"t)-;(P)1 pI~hl. -0)
For even p, the quantity fj1{p tp(p + 1) and so
+ 'T) -
fj1{p) differs in sign from fj1{p
+ 1 + T) -
~ [;) = ~ [;(2k +'t)-H2k») [(2k~+ h' -0)
(2k!klt~ hI
ILr [IJI) I < cit sup IIJI (k) I.
rc -here Cia is a constant independent of T and tp. Thus f(z) is an almost-periodic function of the class [d), is positive on the real axis, and can be written as/(z) = cp(z)cji(z) with cp(z) not almost-periodic.
MISCELLANEOUS THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS 1. Let fez) be a holomorphic function of proximate order p(r) inside the angle larg zl __ ex (0 < ex __ 7T/2p) and let h,(±ex) = h,(O) cos pex. Then h,(~)
for all values of () satisfying ( - ex
h,(O) cos pO
< () ~ ex).
PROOF. Writing qJ(z) = f(zI/P), we obtain a function of order unity, holomorphic in the right half-plane, such that the relation
h,(-+- ( 1) = h, (0) cos a 1 (41 = pal is satisned. We find that the indicator diagram of qJ(z) lies inside the angle formed by the rays arg [z - h,(O)] = (7T/2 + exI), and the point h,(O) belongs to the indicator diagram. The above assertion follows directly from this. 2. Let fez) be an entire function of order p(r) (p < I), let all the zeros off(z) he on the negatil'e real axis, and let 'nf(r)~ _11:_ rP (r). sin 11:p Then n(r)~rp(r) (I'itchmarsh). PROOF.
It follows from the equality co
II n f(z)/ =
(I +7) dn(t)/
=/n(t)ln(' and the inequality nCr)
+f) oI+ ft~~t!)dfl
< crP(r) that
tp (t/-l
dt ,
and that for larg zl __
7T -
> 0) we have
clr PI ,.,
o 464
< carP
where C6 is a constant. Let !p{z) be an entire function with zeros on the negative axis such that n..(r) ~ rPirI. Then (Chapter I, Theorem 25) In cp (z) ~ J (1t - 6) rP (r)
(z =
Te CS).
The function , (z) ~
= In/(z) In, (z)
< ." -
is holomorphic and bounded in the angle larg zl 6, and it tends to unity on the negative real axis. It thus follows that tp(reiO) - I on any ray in this angle. Thusf(z) has completely regular growth and so nCr) ~ r"Crl.
3. If f(z) is holomorphic and of order p inside and on the boundary of the angle 101 .;;; Cl, 0 = arg z, .,,/2p < Cl < .,,1p, and if ht<±Cl) ht
function of order one inside the angle larg zl .;; Cll (Cll = Pcl, .,,/2 < Cll < .,,) and h,.(±Cll) h.,(O) cos Cll' On the other hand, the fundamental relation for the indicator (Chapter I, § 16) yields h,.(Cll) + h,.( - c lI) :> 2h..(0) cos Cll' and so h..(±Cll) = h.,(O) cos cll • The three supporting lines x = h,,(O), x cos Cll + , y sin Cll - h..(cll ) = 0, and x cos Cll - Y sin Cll - h( - at,) = 0 intersect at z h..(O), and thus the whole indicator diagram of 9'
perhaps a set of zero density), and Ii II (r) r ..moo r,lr)
sin 1I:p h (0)
= -,,-' . PROOF. For cl = ." we have .,,/2p < cl < ""!;. and so f(z) is of completely regular growth for 101 < ." and ht
trp ",(0).
5. If p < t, h,{-rr) < h,(O) cos '"p, and the function fez) is of completely regular growth along any ray arg z = 60 ~ '", thenf(z) is of completely regular growth in the whole plane, ~,(¥') has only one discontinuity at '", and the density of the zeros is (*)
Conversely, if the density of the set of zeros exists and ~(¥') has only one discontinuity at '", then the density can be obtained from (*) and h,('") = h,(O) cos '"p. The second assertion follows from Theorem 25, Chapter I, the first from Theorem 6, Chapter III. 6. If an entire functionf(z) is of completely regular growth and of integral proximate order per), then 2.
! f h (6) e ed6. ip
0, =
For the proof we use the formula I)
f 'Psinp'Pd.:1(cp+6)+8,cosp6 -2ft
(Chapter II, § I) and the identity o
4f• dA. ('P)
= O.
7. Every trigonometrically convex function h(6) with exponent p can be expressed in the form t
h(6) = h (60) cosp (8 -60>
+ h' p(80) sin p (6 - 00)+ 2'1t ,f sinp ('P- O)ds ('P),(*)
s ('P) == ~
[It' ('P) +
h (,) dCP]
(A. Pfluger ).
In fact if s(1P) is a differentiable function, then h(fJ) is a solution of the equation
h" + p'lh = 2'1tps'. Writing the solution of this equation in terms of a Cauchy function (in § 16, Chapter I, Green's functions with periodic boundary conditions were used) we obtain (*). The general result can be obtained by approximating s(1P) by differentiable functions.
If we now differentiate (*) with respect to 6 and write Q(6) (i/p)h'(6), we also obtain
Q (6) e-ipe = Q (6 0) e-ip&" -
== h(6) -
e-ip'f ds (cp).
8. Let f(z) and tp{z) be entire functions of exponential type T, and T", where h,( -1T/2) == h,(1T/2), h,,( -1T/2 + at) == h,,(1T/2 + at), and the integrals co
In ''(x) I d 1
+ Xli
, (xe'·) I d SIn I1+x
exist. Then the exponential type of the function f(z) tp{z) is 1
= ('t~+ 't! + 2\ cos IX I'tr,r?:
(S. N. BernStein).
In this case the indicator diagrams of f(z) and tp(z) are segments. Both functions are of completely regular growth. When they are multiplied, their :, indicator diagrams are added. Thus the indicator diagram of the function 'I
= e-fa/(z)
is an entire function of exponential type, bounded on the real axis. Its indicator diagram is a segment of the imaginary axis or the point O. The first of these alternatives is impossible, since when functions are multiplied their indicator diagrams are added, and the indicator diagram of f(z) is a vertical segment passing through the point a. Thus the exponential type of f{z) would have to be greater than a. Therefore tp(z) is of exponential type zero, and since it is bounded on the real axis, we have tp(z) == const. 10. Let F(z) be an entire function of exponential type and let IF(x)I~M
< x < 00).
Let Q(z) be an entire function of exponential type, let all the zeros of Q(z) be ~ of F(z), let ho(O)
Den the function
== ho("')' and let lim IQ «(v) I e- fll " Iym > O. lI-+±co
., (z) = ., II polynomial
F(z) (z)
of degree not greater than m (N. I. Ahiezer).
PROOF. The function
k, (6) = h,(6) - kg (6). We have h., (0)
+ h, (1t) = h,(O)+ h,(1t) -
(h g (0)
The indicator diagram of F(z) is a segment of the imaginary axis, i.e., we have h~O) + h~1T) = 0, ho(O) + h n(1T) ;> 0 because of the properties of indicators (Chapter I, § 16); consequently
h., (0)+ h, (1t)
or h, (0) == h, (1t) = O.
On the other hand it follows from (**) that
Hence the indicator diagram of (Iy) I
IF (z) 1< Meo I" I,
< ely I'"
(c constant ).
The entire function of exponential type zero til-I
~ (z) == [ q> (z) - ~"
z1c] z--
is bounded on the imaginary axis, and so is a constant. Hence (Ie)
q> (z) ==
" k/O) zle.
11. LeI d, be lhe length of the shortest interval containing all the points for which the function of a real variable fix) differs from zero. Then iffix) and
J j(x-t)q>(t)dt, -co
it follows that tJ. = d,
+ d" (Titchmarsh).
PROOF. It, follows from the Paley-Wiener theorem that the indicator diagram for the entire function CD
f ,Ooz/(x)dx
x,(A) =
is a segment of the imaginary axis of length d" and that the indicator diagram of CD
J'~(x)dx -CD
is a segment of the imaginary axis of length fl.. The functions X,(A) and x.(A) are of completely regular growth. Therefore the indicator diagram of X. (A) = x,(A)X,(A) is the sum of those for X,(l) and X,,(l), and it is thus a segment of the imaginary axis of length d, + d". It follows from the representation CD
X4' (A)'=
and the Paley-Wiener theorem that the shortest interval outside of which ,ex) - 0 coincides with the conjugate diagram of X,,(A). Thus d" - d, + fl.. 12. Let f(x) and I}'(x) belong to the class L(O, ,,) and let 111
in (0, ,,). Thenf(x) - 0 almost everywhere in (0, at),l}'(x) - 0 almost everywhere in (0, fJ), and at + (J - " (Titchmarsh). PROOF. The Laplace transforms T
F(z) =
f I(/),-'·dl,
~(z)= f,(/)e-'.dl
o 0 of the functions (assumed to be zero outside the range of integration) are entire functions of exponential type, bounded on the imaginary axis. They are of completely regular growth, and their indicators in the right half-plane are h,.(8) = -/I cosO, ",(6)= -~cos8. The indicator of the entire function of exponential type 2y
F (z) ~ (z) =
thus has the form
f ,-In {f 1(/), (x T
I) d/} dx
h,. (8)= -(/I +~)cos8 <-Tcos8.
Hence at + (J ;>". It also follows from the "delay theorem" that f(x) almost everywhere in (0, at) and I}'(x) = 0 almost everywhere in (0, fJ).
FURTHER DEVEWPMENT OF THE THEORY OF FUNCfIONS OF COMPLETELY REGULAR GROwru We present a brief survey of results from the further development of the theory of functions of completely regular growth. Some other results have been given in footnotes added to the relevant parts of the book; we do not repeat these here.
1.SubbanmKRdcfuncdoDS The theory of functions of completely regular growth was generalized by Azarin [4-7] to subharmonic functions on the n-dimensional space Rn. The order and type of sub harmonic functions are defined in the natural way: p
= lim In u(x) Ixl--+co
= lim
Inlxl '
where x denotes an n-vector (XI' ... , xn ) and Ixl = (xf + ... + X;)1/2. The indicator h(e) of a subharmonic function (where e is a unit vector), relative to a proximate order p(r), is defined by the equation
u(re) p(r). r A CO-set is defined in the n-dimensional case in a way similar to that used in the plane case, as a set of hyperspheres such that h(-) e =
lim - - ~ r.n R-+co R n - I J
= o.
The function u( re) is said to be of completely regular growth if the limit · u(re) I1m - = h(-) e
exists uniformly in e under the hypothesis that the end of the vector re lies outside a CO-set. The role of the zeros is played by the masses p.(E) that appear in the Riesz representation of u(re) in an arbitrary region. Angular density is defined as a function of domains U on the unit sphere by the equation 470
= lim
/l( U)
where KR = {re: e E U, 0 <; r <; R}. When p is nonintegral the masses are said to be regularly distributed if the liInit exists for all domains U for which /l(aU) = 0. 1 For integral p we require additional hypotheses siInilar to condition (B') of Chapter II. Azarin showed that a subharmonic function is of completely regular growth if and only if the corresponding masses are regularly distributed. Moreover, using the notion of the regularized indicator
= lim
h(e) ,
h(el ),
6-+0 le.-e')<6
he obtained the representation h(e) =
~(e, f)
+ Y(e),
where Y(e) is a spherical function (which is absent for nonintegral p), I mf(u) = ~ /l( U), (n - 2)(p + n - 2)mes{I~1 = I} and ~(e,
f) is a fundamental solution of e~
n -
= 0,
on the unit sphere, where e is the spherical part of the Laplacian. Azarin also showed that the "regularized" indicator h(e) of an arbitrary subharmonic function of proximate order p(r) can be represented in the form (1), where mf{u) is a mass distribution on the unit sphere. Consequently the representation (1) is a generalization of the representations (1.80) and (1.82) of the indicator of an entire function. For regularly distributed masses this formula yields a generalization of (2.04) and (2.08). A very useful tool for investigating the possible behavior of entire functions • the following theorem of Azarin [1] on the asymptotic approximation of a aiven subharmonic function of finite order by the logarithm of the modulus of an entire function. To every function u(z) that is subharmonic in the plane Izl < 00 and oj proximate order p(r), there corresponds an entire Junction J(z) such that lu(z) - InIJ(z)1I = o(l"'(r»
, : IThis condition is to be understood in the sense that zero is the lower bound of the measures of
6e measurable subsets of the unit sphere that contain
outside some CO-set. In particular, as Azarin showed, it is easy to construct a function u(z) that is subharmonic in the plane and for which the set of rays of completely regular growth is an arbitrary closed set. The approximation theorem implies the existence of a corresponding entire function. This is a converse of the corollary at the end of Chapter III, § 1.
1. FunctioDs of completely regular growth in an angle Govorov [1; 1] investigated completely regular growth for functions holomorphic in an angle. We may suppose without loss of generality that the angle is the half plane II = (0 " arg z " '1T), since the general case is reducible to this special case. It is necessary to define the order of a function that is holomorphic in II. Titchmarsh defined the order of a function f(z) that is holomorphic in II to be the greatest lower bound of numbers ., for which iI
lim lnlJ(re )1 = 0
uniformly in fJ, 0 < fJ < '1T. Govorov introduced a definition of order that is more convenient for applications. Suppose that we have the asymptotic inequality sup lJ(reil)1 < exp r" 0<.< ...
for some JL > 0; he then defines the order of f(z) to be the greatest lower bound of numbers ., for which (2) is satisfied for 0 < fJ < '1T. Here uniformity in fJ is not required. Govorov established the nontrivial fact that these definitions are equivalent. We note that the order introduced in this way describes not only the growth of f(z) in the half plane II, but also the rapidity of its decrease. For entire functions this order coincides with the order defined in terms of MJ..r). Just as for entire functions, the indicator is defined by
h(fJ) = lim r-+QO
One can also define the indicator with respect to a proximate order. The whole investigation depends on the following representation of holomorphic functions of finite order p ;;> 0 in the half plane 1m z > 0:
J(z) = exp[i(llo + a1z + ... +a"z")] X
1 exp -; '"
tz + 1 t +1
I - z/z
IZkl>1 I - Z/Zk
),,+1 da(t)
--- X
t- z
exp 2i z 1m -
z - Zk IZkl <: 1 z - zk
Z" I ), + -z2 1m - I + ... +-Imq zl 2 z:
Sec. 2]
where q = [p), ak are real constants, Zk are the zeros of f(z) in II, and a(t)., lim
(t lnlJ(x
+ ~)I dx,
which is clearly of locally bounded variation. This representation plays the same role in the theory of functions of finite order in a half plane as Hadamard's theorem in the theory of entire functions. Govorov obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for a function f(z) of finite order and normal type in a half plane to be a function of completely regular growth. The theorems involve both the distribution of the zeros of the function and its behavior on the boundary. More precisely, they involve both the masses in the half plane 1m z > 0 that are involved in the representation of the subharmonic function lnl.f(z)1 as a potential, and also masses on the •. boundary. In place of the function n(r, f, 9), Govorov introduces the function ~
c(r, f, 9) =
sin 9k ,
<"k<" .<8k <8 I
where rk e i8 are the zeros of .f(z). To take account of the boundary behavior he considers the function ( ) = (t da(x)
'1' t
1 + Ixl·
.PinaUy, he introduces the function
a(r 9) = { c(r, 0, 9) - '1'(r), , c(r, 0, 'IT) - '1'(r) + '1'(-r),
0 <: 9 < 'IT, 9 = 'IT.
say that the set of zeros of a function .f(z) of order p has an argumentboundary density if the limit
lim a(r, 9) "-+00
'eXists for aU 9, 0 <: 9 <: 'IT, except for an at most countable set that does not DOntain 0 or 'IT • . Govorov showed that, for nonintegral p, completely regular growth in the ~ half plane is equivalent to the existence of an argument-boundary density. '" necessary and sufficient condition for .f(z) to be of completely regular growth '" the closed half plane is that the argument-boundary density exists, is ..,inuous at 0 and 'IT, and satisfies the following condition: . The limit
r-+:!: 00
r" dIp( x ) Jo 1 + Ixl
exists, where cp(x) is the singular part oj a(x); that is, cp(x)
lim T(r) '-+00
=.!. P
lim T(-r) '-+00
= a(x) -
=.!. P
fox InIJ(t)1 dt;
lim InIJ(r)l. '-+00
lim lnl J(-r) 1 r-+oo
Here the indicator function is given by the formula hI,'}) =
("g(I/I, ,'})cl A(I/I),
sm 'lTP Jo
where A(I/I) is the argument-boundary density and
Si~ 1/1 [cos p(l,'} g(I/I,,'}) = {
1/11 - x) - cos p(,'}
2p sm p(,'} - 'IT), -2p sin p,'}, 1/1
+ 1/1 -
0<1/1 < 'IT,
1/1 = 0,
Govorov also obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the functionJ(z) to be of completely regular growth when the order is an integer. For the open half plane 0 < fJ < 'IT the condition is that the argument-boundary density exists and that the limit
- r
sin pOn
PI .. ,.<,--;:--2'IT
InIJ(x)1 dx xp+ 1 -2'IT
dcp(x) ]
1 .. lxl .. ,xP+1
(7) exists and is finite. The latter condition is similar to condition (B) in Chapter II, § 1. In this case the indicator is given by the formula hlfJ) = (2a - ap)sin pO
+ 2 r(J .1/1 or, sin p( fJ Jo sm 'Y + 2 r'IT 1/1, J(J
sin 1o 1/1-.dA(I/I) sm 1/1
+ 2 cos pO
- 1/1) dA( 1/1)
'IT sin p( fJ - 1/1) dA( 1/1), sm 1/1
where A(I/I) is the argument-boundary density and a p is the constant that appears in the representation of J(z). Govorov also found a necessary and sufficient condition for completely regular growth in the closed half plane for functions of integral order, and gave a representation for the indicator.
Sec. 3]
3. Regularity of the mass distribudon and excepdonal sets In Chapter II we considered entire functions with a regular set of zeros; that is, a regularly distributed set satisfying a supplementary condition of "thinness", namely Condition (C) or (C') of Chapter II, § 1. For this case we defined exceptional sets. For example, under Condition (C) the asymptotic equations (2.03) or (2.05) are satisfied outside the disks Iz - ani <; dlan ll -P(!a,,!)/2. In order to define an exceptional set in the general case of functions of completely regular growth, Kolomiiceva [1] sharpened Lemma 7 of Chapter II in the following way: Let {an} be an infinite set with a limit point at infinity, and let
F6(Z) = II(1 -
z/an ),
where the product extends over the factors in which Ian - zl <; 8r; here Izl and 0 < 8 < Then for z =1= an
\lln IF6 (z)llIn addition, let an e > 0 there exist 8
fo 6T(n (t)/t) dtl < In(l + 1/8)n (8r). z
=r (10)
be a set of points z in the plane such that for every 0 and r.,6 > 0 such that
nz(t) P( ) --dt<er r t
< 8 and Izl > r.,6' Then a necessary and sufficient condition for the asymptotic equality Inlf(z)1 R:: H(fJ)rP(r) on an infinite set is that the set is an
for h
Returning to the "thinness" conditions (C) and (C'), we may remark that the exceptional set can be more restricted than in Theorem 5 of Chapter II. Suppose, for example, that (C) holds. Then the asymptotic equation (2.05') is satisfied on the boundary of each CR-disk Iz - ani = dlanll -P(!a,,!)/2, and Inlf(z)1 = Inl
/~~II I+ lnlz -
Applying the maximum and minimum principles to the first term on the right-hand side of this equation, and using (2.05'), we find that the asymptotic equation lnlf( re i8 )1
H( fJ)rP
+ lnlz
- ani
holds throughout the CR-disk. If we delete the disks Iz - ani <; CP(lanl), where -In Ip(r) = o(rP(r», the asymptotic equation (2.05) is valid in the rest of the plane. Consequently ··uniformity" of the distribution of the zeros (or of masses in the case of
subharmonic functions) leads to narrowing the exceptional set outside which the asymptotic equations (2.03) and (2.05) hold. We also note the following result of Azarin [11): Let denote a set of disks Iz - z.1 < r. satisfying the condition
lim R-+«J
R-"{ Iz.1~ r;"} = 0
and let C~ denote a set that can be covered by sets C: for all p. > o. Then if the asymptotic formula (2.03) or (2.05) holds outside a cf set, it also holds outside a C~ set. Grisin [2-4) studied the following general problem: let u(z) be subharmonic in the whole complex plane (or in II+ = {z: 1m z > O}), and have formal order p(r); that is, for some constant M
sup u(z) <; M,.t'<'). Izl<'
Corresponding to this u(z) we construct the function
+ hz) + u(z)J. (12) A set C is called "exceptional" if u,,(z) :::t 0 outside this set as h --+ O. This u,,(z) = r--P(') [ u(z
means that to every £ > 0 there corresponds a 6(£) such that lu,,(z)1 < £ for Ihl < 6(£), z E C and z + zh E C. In this case if the masses p.(E) in the Riesz representation of the subharmonic function u(z) are regularly distributed, the asymptotic formulas (2.03) and (2.05), which hold outside some CO set, are easily seen to hold outside an exceptional set C. The regularity of growth of the subharmonic function is evidently greater, the narrower the excluded set is. Grisin distinguishes classes a), b), c) and d) of subharmonic functions with the formal proximate order p(r), according as the exceptional set C can be covered by a collection C of disks respectively satisfying the conditions: 2 a) C has arbitrarily small upper linear density, p.( C) < £. b) C has linear density zero. c) C subtends a finite angle at the origin; that is, «J
< 00,
where 1j is the radius of the excluded disk of indexj, and Zj is the distance of its center from the origin.
ZWe atate Griiin'a results for func:tioDa that are aubharmoDic: in the whole pJane.
Sec. 3]
d) Chas a finite sum of radii, ~flj < 00. Evidently each class is contained in its predecessor. If the set of zeros of an entire function f(z) is an R-set for the proximate order p(r), then, as we have just seen, the subharmonic function u(z) = Inlf(z)1 belongs to class d). In Hayman's theorem3 (as sharpened by Azarin) the subharmonic function in the half plane 1m z > 0 evidently belongs to class c). The following functions are used to describe the regularity of a mass distribution: 1. The density function C)(a) is defined by
= lim sup p.( C(z: ar» , r-+ «J
,.,.< )
z = re il ,
0 <: a <: I,
where C(z, ar) = {f: If - zl < ar}. If C)(a) tends slowly to zero as a -+ 0, there is a sequence of points z" -+ 00 in whose neighborhoods most of the mass is concentrated; that is, in this case the mass distribution is not regular. 2. In the following approximation the regularity of the mass distribution is described by the function eB(r, a) =
p.( c~:)ar» - B( a),
where B(a) is an arbitrary nondecreasing function which is continuous on the right and satisfies the condition ~(a + 0) < B(a - 0). The function e;(r, a), as it turns out, tends to zero as r -+ 00, uniformly with respect to a (0 < a < I). Hence the function e(r) = sup
e;(t, a)
t>r 0<11<1
is monotonic and tends to zero as r -+ 00 (we omit the subscript B to simplify the typography). We can now state the fundamental theorem: THEOREM.
Let u(z) be subharmonic in the whole plane and of normal order
p(r). Then: 1. u(z) belongs to class a). 2. If the densily junction of the Riesz mosses satisfies
foln(l/a)d~(a) <
then u(z) belongs to class (b). If (16) is satisfied and in addition the integral
'see footDotc II in Chapter V, f3.
= 0,
00 e-e/e(r/2)
d,,[ qo, r)] < 00 rP(r)
converges Jor every e > 0, then u(z) belongs to class c). 4. IJ (16) is satisfied and
d,,[ qo, r)] rp(r)
then u(z) belongs to class d).
In particular, (17) is satisfied if e(r) = o(1lln In r), and condition (18) is satisfied if e(r) = 0(1 lin r). Statement 1 is a generalization to subharmonic functions of Theorem 6 of Chapter II, and also contains the corresponding result of Krasickov [1; 3] for entire functions. Grisin extended these results to subharmonic functions in the half plane 1m z > 0, with the stated formal order. He also investigated subharmonic functions of order zero in the half plane 1m z > 0. This case is essentially different from the case p > 0. 4. The second term of an asymptotic formula
Let the zeros of the canonical product J(z) be positive, let n(t) be the counting function of the zeros, and let net) = !ltP + !l)tP1 + fP(t), (19) where p > p) > [p], !l > 0, and fP(/) = O(/PI) as 1 -+ + 00. Then it is easy to see that for arbitrary 8 > we have the asymptotic equation w!lrP -p(fJ ) w!l)rP1 e'PI - (fJ - f r) + 0(rP1 ), lnJ(re ill ) = -.--e' - f r +. (20) sm wp sm wp)
as r -+ 00, uniformly for (J E [8, 2w - 8]. It is natural to ask whether (20) holds uniformly in the plane except on a "small" set. Logvinenko [2] gave a positive answer to this question. Moreover, if we assume even somewhat less about fP( I), namely that
)T IfP(tW dt = O(TPlq+),
for some q
> 1, we have the asymptotic equation InJ(reill) =
sm wp
+ ~!l)rPl
sm wp)
+ t/I(reifJ),
where t/I(re ill ) = O(rPl) as r -+ 00, uniformly for (J E [0, 2'IT], provided that z = re ifJ is outside an exceptional set E = Ej" This exceptional set is the union of a countable collection of rectangles x~ < Re z < x;:, 11m zl '" y" (n = 1, 2, ... ) that satisfy
Sec. 4]
a) x~ > 0, n = 1, 2, ... , b) Ix,;
1, we have the following asymptotic estimate
Finally, there is a converse theorem. If an entire function f(z) satisfies the asymptotic equation (22) in the complex plane except on the small set E" and the zeros of this function lie on the positive real axis, then the counting function n(t) has the form (19) with qJ(t) = 0(tP1). In the theorem of Valiron and Titchmarsh (see Appendix Vll, assertion 2) if all the zeros of an entire function of order P lie on the positive real axis and
'lTtl. sm 'lTP
= - . - rP
+ o(rP ),
then n(t) = tl.t P + o(t P). However, a two-term asymptotic formula 'lTtl. InJ(-r) = -.-rP sm 'lTP
+ -.--rPI + O(rPl) sm 'lTPI
for J(z) with only positive zeros does not imply the two-term formula (19). A number of papers have been devoted to the behavior of n(t) when (25) or similar formulas are assumed. Tjan [1] and Anderson [1] showed that n(t) satisfies the sharp asymptotic formula net)
= tl.t P + o(tP/ln t),
Logvinenko [3] showed that even under the more restrictive condition that (20) is satisfied uniformly in the angle < 8 <; (J <; 2'IT - 8, the asymptotic equation (19) may fail.4 The situation is different if we require that (22) is satisfied on both rays (J - 0, 'IT. Logvinenko [3] proved the following theorem: Let J(z) be an entire junction oj nonintegral order with only positive zeros, let (22) hold Jor (J = 0, 'IT, where P > PI > [pI, and let Y,I(X) satisfy
1y,(x)j9 dx = o(TPlq+I),
on the real axis.
4For this circle of ideas. see also Subbankulov and Tolbaev [1], Tolbaev [1; 1]. Jurov [1], and Qapter VII of the book [1] by Subbankulov.
Then n(/) has Ihe form (19), and Ihe remainder lerm cp(/) - 0(1"·) as 1-+ 00 excepl on a sel of reialive measure zero. If also q > 1, lhen CP(/) salisfies (21). Logvinenko also proved theorems for two-term asymptotic formulas that are similar to the theorems of Chapter II of this book. One of these is as follows. THEOREM.
junclion n(/,
Lei f(z) be an enlire junclion of order P and lei lhe dislribution (JJ of lhe zeros of f(z) salisfy
n( I,
+ d l ( (JJ' (J2)/"· + cp( I, (JI' (J2)'
(JJ = d( (JI' (J2)/"
where 1 > P > PI > 2p/3 and cp(t, (JJ' (JJ = o(tJ,,·-lp), 1-+ 00, uniformly in and (J2' 0 < (JI < (J2 < 2. Then lhefollowing asymplOlic equation holds: InlJ(reill)1 = H«(J)r"
+ "'(reill).
Here H«(J) =
H I( (J) =
. '11' sm '1I'PI
sm '1I'P
r(J }(J-2fr
cos p«(J - '" - '11') dd(",),
r(J }(J-2fr
cos PI( (J - '" - '11') dd J(",),
d l (",) = dJ(O, "') for '" E [0; 2'11'J and d l (", + 2'11') = We have I"'(reiII)1 = o(r"·) if r does not belong to a cerlain exceplional set E = E, of relative measure zero.'
where d(",)
d l (",)
= d(O, "');
+ d l (2'11').
5. Derivadves and primidves of entire functions of completely regular growth
Gol'dberg and Ostrovskii [lJ investigated the derivatives and primitives of entire functions of completely regular growth. They proved that the primilive of an entire junction of complelely regular growth is again an enlire junclion of completely regular growlh,6 and described the set of values cp for which the ray arg z = cp is not a ray of completely regular growth for the derivative. Azarin [8J showed that this description is exhaustive. In order to present it, we introduce some notation.
SEntire functions whose zeros are on a single ray have been investigated by many authors. For a summary and references see Boas [4]. We note the following result of Ostrowkii [4]: Let j(z) be Oft e1lliTe jrmction who&e zeros are Oft the ray arg z - a. If lim ,.., In Mfi,) - ao, ,~oo
lim ,..,-1/2 In Mfi,) - 0, ,~oo
where P is Oft ;1IIege" then j(z) CtIIUIOI be bouNJed Oft thlll ray. Condition (.) is satisfied, in particular, for p < p
+ 1/2.
When p - 0 this implies
'This result was obtained independently by Gruman [1), but part of his proof is incoacIUIive.
Let h(rp) be the indicator of a function J(z) that is of completely regular growth with respect to a proximate order p(r). Let S be the interior of the set of values rp for which h(rp) = 0 (when p <: j this set is empty). We remove from S those of its component intervals (a, fJ) for which at least one of the conditions l)fJ - a >'IT/p,
2) h~(a) = 0,
3) h~( fJ) .. 0,
is satisfied, and let S 1 be the set of remaining intervals. Let l(f') be the set of values rp for which arg z = rp is not a ray of completely regular growth for 1'(z); we recall that this set is open, by Theorem I of Chapter III, § 1. This open set can be described as follows. We have l(f') C SI' and if l(f') intersects a component interval (a, fJ) of SI for which fJ - a = 'IT/p then (a, fJ) C l(f'). In particular, it follows that the derivative of an entire function of order p <: j and of completely regular growth is also an entire function of completely regular growth. When p > j it can fail to be of completely regular growth only on the rays for which h(rp) = O. Gol'dberg and Korenkov [1; 2] investigated the asymptotic behavior of the logarithmic derivative of an entire function of completely regular growth. Their sharp asymptotic formula for the logarithmic derivative holds outside a collection of disks C(1j, Zj) of p.-density zero with I < I' < 2; that is, a set of disks such that
They established the following results. 1. Let J(z) be an entire function oj nonintegral order oj cOl'lJlletely regular growth with respect to a proximate order p(r) __ p, let a(1/I) be the angular density function oj its zeros, and let F(z) = J'(z)/j(z). Then Jor every 1', 1 < p. < 2, there is a collection K oj disks, oj p.-density zero, such that, when E C\ K,
F(re.) = -'lTp/sin 'lTP ,-"<,)-1 X
fo 2"exp {-i1/l + i(p + 0(,-"<,)-1)
forO <: rp
< 2'IT.
1)(1 rp -
1/11 -
'IT )sgn( rp
1/1)} da( 1/1)
2. If the order p = [p] then F(re itf ) = prP(T)-lexp(i(p - 1)'1') X {
102" [ 'I' -
l/I - w sgn( 'I'
l/I) ]exp( -ipl/l) d~1/I} + O(rMT)-I)
outside the exceptional set. For example, for the Weierstrass r-function this yields
r{ 2ij1e itf
2iw 7\s~:,'Pa. } + o(r)
outside a set of disks of ,,-density zero. Here a. is the angle in the period parallelogram, and "11 = nt)· We note that a set of ,,-density zero can be rather large. For example, the domain bounded by the parabola x > 0, Iyl < x, has ,,-density zero for every " > I. Hence it is important to have examples that show that when" = 1 the asymptotic formula does not necessarily hold. Such an example is, as is easily seen, the functionf(z) = cosYz . For integral order the existence of an angular density is not a sufficient condition for completely regular growth. However, even in this case there are asymptotic formulas, but for orders different from those for which the angular density exists. For this kind of order see 16. 6. Some complements to the theory of entire functions of integral order
If all the zeros of an entire function of nonintegral order p are on the
positive real axis and
n(r) = Arp(T),
then, by Theorem 25 of Chapter I, when p is nonintegral we have the asymptotic equation
~eip('-")rP(T) sm wp
< IJ < 2w);
that is, the functions n(r) and In Mt
a) ~ a;;" =
fJ) ~ a;;" < I
'See GoI'dberg and Ostrovskii' (1). Chapter II.
Sec. 6]
In case a) we have lnj(rei/J) = InJ,(rei/J) ,
r Pe ip8
+ -P
and by Lemma 9 of Chapter I lnj(rei/J)
_!!.[! - i(fJ -
'IT)]e ip8 . rP(')
+ rPe ip8 P
r' dn(/) .
The last term, which we denote by g(r, fJ), can be transformed by integration by parts, and we obtain e ip8 g(r, fJ) ~ n(r)P
+ e ip8rP
f' I
II' +
dl I
(). P t
It is easily verified (by L'Hospital's rule) that
L(r) =
~' IP+~~P(')
is a function of slow growth and therefore rP
~'IP(I)-P-I dl =
r P,('),
where PI(r) is a new proximate order. It is easily seen that Consequently g(r, fJ) ~ lle ip8r P,(') and in addition lnj(rei/J) ~ lle ip8rP ,(').
-+ 00.
In case /3) it is convenient to write the canonical product in the form 00
j(z) = e-SZP
G(z/ an; p),
where S = p-I~~a,7. This can also be written in the form
j(z) = J,.(z)exp [-!.!:...
G(z/an; pl·
P a.>,
J,.(z) =
II all<;;r
G(z/an; P - 1)
By Lemma 9 of Chapter I we have (28)
The logarithm of the second factor,
g (r fJ) = _e ip8 r" .1'
foo dn(t)
can be transformed as in the previous case, and we obtain
9 (r, 9) = 1
_ei,,8 n(r) _ rpfoo dt . P r tP+I-p(I)
It is easily verified that in this case 91(r, 9) ~ _lle i,,8rP 1(r) and rP1(r)-p(r) ~ Thus we have the following proposition: If f(z) is a canonical product with integral exponent of convergence, zeros are positive, and if it satisfies (27), then lnf(re il ) ~ ±lle i ,,8rP 1(r),
if its (29)
L (r) = rP1(r)-p =
dt t P+I-p(I)
f.oo dt = tP+1-p(I) f.oo dt < when
dt tP+I-p(I)
(30) 00.
In (29) the sign is + if the integral JOOt-p-1 +P(I) dt diverges and - if it converges. As in Chapter II we can deduce from (29) that when p is integral and an angular density 1l(9) exists, the canonical product satisfies the asymptotic equation lnf(re il )
eip(fI-rl-) dll(I/I)
or lnf(re il ) ~ Ct.ei,,8rP1(r),
where Ct. = ± J~"'e-i"'" dll(I/I). Of course, this formula is of interest only when C11 is different from zero. As was shown in Chapter II, the condition CIl = 0 is necessary for an entire function of integral order with angular density 1l(I/I) to be of completely regular growth for the proximate order p(r). Lunc [1] has shown that if the angular density /l(I/I) exists and CIl = 0, one can augment the given set {ak} of zeros by a set {bk } of density zero in such a way that the new canonical product satisfies condition (B') of Chapter II, § I; that is, it is of completely regular growth with respect to the proximate order p(r).·
7. Upper and lower iodkators and their appIicatioD to the distnbution of the zeros with respect to their .......nts In order to study the connection between the growth of an entire function in various directions and the distribution of its zeros with respect to their 'The cue of func:ticms of zero order is exc:eptioDaL Griiin [ot) has investiptecl the theory of functions of order zero that are of completely regular powth in an aqIe.
Sec. 7]
arguments as well as their moduli, it is of course not essential to assume the existence of an angular density for the set of zeros. We can, for example, describe the distribution of the zeros in terms of the upper and lower angular densities (32)
One can describe the growth of an entire function by means of the lower indicator as well as by the indicator. This notion was introduced in a special case by Leont'ev [9] and in the general case by Gol'dberg [4]. The lower indicator b,,(9) is defined as follows: remove an arbitrary CO-set from the plane, form
CO) =
,,-e CO '-+00
and then take the supremum over all CO-sets, i.e.
= sup
It is easily seen that if J(z) has no zeros inside an angle a < 9 < p, then for these values of 9 the lower indicator b,,(9) is simply equal to the corresponding lower limit (without preliminary exclusion of a CO-set). The ordinary indicator is sometimes called the upper indicator. Clearly the equation b,,(9) = h~9) means that f(z) is of completely regular growth. A number of papers have investigated the problem of estimating the upper and lower indicators of an entire function of finite order in terms of the upper and lower angular densities of its zeros. If p(r) denotes the proximate order in terms of which we have defined the upper and lower densities of the set of zeros, it is natural, in the light of the theorems of §6 of this appendix, to define the indicators in terms of the same proximate order p(r) when the order is nonintegral, but in terms of the proximate order pJ(r) defined by (30) when the order is an integer. To begin with, we can investigate entire functions whose zeros are aU positive, and estimate the upper and lower indicators in this case in terms of the upper and lower densities &and 4 of the set of zeros on the positive real axis. Theorem 12 of Chapter V can be considered as a result of this kind. We have only to replace z2 by z in the representation of the entire function to obtain an entire function F(z) of order P = ~ with positive zeros, and the set of zeros has &= I and 4 = o. Theorem 12 of Chapter V provides a sharp estimate for the indicator of such a function. In fact, an extremal function is constructed for which the
estimated value is obtained for each fJ E [0, 2'11'). Andrasko [I) obtained a similar result for entire functions with positive zeros and arbitrary order p, 0< p < l. Then Gol'dberg [I) obtained a similar result for functions of arbitrary positive order. Govorov (3) found, for < p < I, sharp estimates for the upper and lower indicators of an entire function with zeros on the positive real axis and given upper and lower densities X and ~. Finally Gol'dberg (4) obtained such estimates for arbitrary order.9 In the general case the estimates are rather complicated. The simplest are for integral p:
X +11
-rcos pfJ - ---y=lcos pfJl ..;;; ~(fJ) ..;;; h(fJ)
X +11
..;;; ---y=cos pfJ
+ ---y=lcos pfJl,
where equality can occur at any of the ..;;; signs. Naturally in attempting to obtain similar results in the general case, one does not require that the zeros of the entire function are all on one ray. The results have been worked out by Gol'dberg in a series of papers [2-5]. Let the set X C [0, 2'11') and let n(r, x) be the number of zeros of J(z) in the set {Izl = r; arg z E X}. Put
By analogy with the results of Chapter II we might suppose that we could make the transition from the case where the zeros are on a single ray to the general case by using an interpolation process on the upper and lower densities of the set of zeros. However, as is easily seen, the functions X(X) and ~(X) are, in general, not additive. We may, for example, take a set of zeros such that X(X) == I and ~(X) = for all intervals X C [0, 2'11'). Thus the problem of estimating indicators of entire functions leads to an integral of a new kind, corresponding to two nonadditive measures. Such an integral was introduced and investigated in detail by Gol'dberg [2, 4). Let A be a collection of Borel sets on the half-open interval [0, 2'11'), and let JA..(a) and p?'(a) be two nonnegative functions (measures) defined for all subsets a of A, with p?'(a) ;> JA..(a). We may suppose without loss of generality that JA..(X) and p?'(X) are defined for all subsets X of [0,2'11') by
j = 1,2,
fora EA.
'Other contributions to the same circle of ideas have been made by Leont'ev [9], KrasiCkov [2], Ostrovskii [41. Kondrayuk [II. [2). Baillette [1). Kondrayuk and Fridman [1. 2], and Azarin ['I.
Sec. 7]
Let N denote the class of finitely additive measures p(X) that satisfy I'I(X) '" p(X) '" IL2(X) for all subsets X of [0, 2'17). It is easily seen that this class is not empty, provided that I'I(a) and lL2(a) satisfy the subadditivity conditions
+ I'I(a2)'
I'I(a l U a2) ;) I'I(a l )
I'ia l U a2) = 1'2(a l )
+ lL2(a 2);
the lower and upper densities of the set of zeros certainly satisfy these conditions. We define the integral of f(t) with respect to the measures I'I(X) and IL2(X) by
r2"f(t)d[ I'I(t); lL2(t)] = max [ r 2"f(t)dP(t)],
where the integral on the right is taken in the Radon sense, and the existence of the maximum can be established. We also define the "lower integral"JO
r2"f(t)d[ I'I(t); lL2(t)] = min [ r2wf(t)dp(t)
[2" [-f( t)] d[ I'I( t); 1L2( \ t) J.
Gol'dberg's estimates were established by the use of this integral. We quote some of them. Let I'I(X) and IL2(X) be measures on [0, 2'17). Let F( 1'1' 1L2, p(r» be the class of entire functions of order p(r) when p is nonintegral, and of order PI(r) when P is an integer, for which (36)
If P is an integer, we have
- fo2w [ -cos p( 0 - 1/;)] d[ 1'1 (1/;); 1'2(1/;) ] <;
h(O) <; fo2wcos p(O - I/;)d[ 1'1(1/;); 1L2(I/;)]
for all f E F( 1'1,1'2' p(r».
lOWe note that the measure th(t) for which the maximum of the Radon integral on the right of (35) is attained depends on the integrand f(t). In his papers, Gol'dberg gave a more general definition of the integral with respect to a nonadditive measure. He also gave a different but constructive definition, rather complicated to state but adequate for his investigation. The equivalence of the two definitions was proved by Levin, Macaev and Ostrovskll when I'I(X) - O. This proof is reproduced by Gol'dberg ([1), Theorem 2.10). He also lot) proved the equivalence for I'I(X) "'" O.
These inequalities are sharp in the sense that the class F( 1'1' 1'2, p(r» contains functions for which equality holds either on the left or on the right. Moreover, there is anf E F( 1'1' 1'2, p(r» such that the right-hand inequality is satisfied simultaneously for all arguments. If P is noninlegral, we have Ihe inequality
h(lJ) ;> -'II
cos p(I~ SlO
"'I -
'II) ]d[ I' ("'); 1'2("')]
< 2'11).
When I'I(X) == 0 the indicator of every function in the class F(O, 1'2, p(r» satisfies the inequality (2"
h(lJ) 111;)0 Ip-p-Idl)o K(/, IJ - ",)d{O; 1'2("')} where K(/, IJ) (0
00; 0 III; IJ
= [p]),
< 2'11) is the kernel equal to
K(/, IJ) = cos pO - I cos(p + 1)1J l-/coslJ+/2 at the points (I, IJ) at which both inequalities
IG(e il fl,p)1 > 1
! IG(e fl,p)1 < ° il
are satisfied, and equal to zero at the remaining points. On the other hand, one can construct an entire functionf(z) E F(O, 1'2, p(r» such that (2"
hfO) ;»0 d{O, 1'2("')})0 tp-P-IK(t,O - "') tit
for all o. The integrals on the right-hand sides of (38) and (39) differ only in the order of integration, but they are not necessarily equal, and hence (38) is not always sharp, as can be shown by examples. However, if I'2(X) is an additive interval function, we can replace d{O, 1'2("')} in both integrals by dl'2("') and take the corresponding integrals as Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrals. The repeated integrals are then equal, and (38) becomes sharp. In particular, this will be true if I'2(X) is taken to be the "maximum density" of the set of zeros. Let us consider this case in more detail. P6lya [1] introduced the concept of maximum density for sets on the positive real axis: ~ = lim lim k.j.1 , ..... aJ
n(kr) - n(r) . (kr)p(kr) - ,,<,)
This concept can be generalized as follows to sets more generally distributed in the complex plane. We define the maximum angular density of a plane set to be X(",) =
lim maxl'h+I-oI-A.....o
{ ~I lim lim n(kr, th, th+l~ - n(r, th, th+l) }, j-O k.j.1 ' ..... 00
(kr)p( )- ~,)
where 0 = 1/10 < 1/11 < ... < 1/1" ... 1/1. Evidently ;1(1/1) ;> ~I/I) and ;1(1/1) is an additive interval function. II We mention two other cases in which sharp upper estimates can be obtained for the indicator: I) I'I(X) = 0 and I'2(X) = ll. = const; that is, for the class F( 1'1' 1'2, p(r» given a global (not angular) density for the set of zeros; 2) I'I(X) and I'2(X) are additive interval functions and satisfy some additional conditions. In the special case I'I(X) = I'2(X) we obtain (2.04) of Chapter II. We also note that inequalities of the same kind as Gol'dberg's for entire functions were obtained by Fainberg [1,2] for functions holomorphic in a half-plane; instead of ordinary angular density he used the argumentboundary density (see 12 of this appendix).
8. MisceUaneous results from the theory of functions of completely regular growth Azarin [10] established a connection between regularity of the growth of an entire function and regularity of growth of its coefficients: Ck(r) =
lnl J(rei1/l)l e -i1a/- dI{I,
k = 0, ± I, ±2, ... , by expanding Inlf(re~)1 in a Fourier series. His result is as follows: A necessary and sufficient conditionJor J(z) to be of completely regular growth with respect to the proximate order p(r) is that the limits
~) = r-,r
Ck ;
k = 0, ± I, ±2, ... ,
exist. In this case the indicator of f(z) is represented by the series
It is important that the conditions (40) are independent. Kondraljuk [3] extended this result to the more general orders introduced and investigated by Rubel and Taylor [1]. Let ~(r)too and let ~(2r) < M~(r) for all r> O. An entire function f(z) is said to be of completely regular growth with respect to ~(r) if IIWe have the following fact. Among aJ'-Xt8 containing the gWen xt and haoinB IlIf(pI/tu deluitia, there is a set '!JR. SllCil that ~(+) == 6<+). Sharp estimates for the indicators of entire functions with given maximum and minimum densities were obtained by Kondratjuk [I].
,li~ ~(lr) {~1l1nlj(re~)1 em } exists for all intervals l2 0 <; a < fJ <; 277. As indicated in the footnote to Theorem 2 in Chapter III, 12, for ~(r) = rl'<.') this definition is equivalent to the one given in the text. In this more general case the theorem can be stated just like Azarin's theorem. The theory of functions of completely regular growth can be generalized by considering the growth of the function on 10garithInic spirals instead of on rays. Correspondingly, the angular density of the set of zeros can be replaced by the density of the set of zeros between two spirals. Balasov [1, 2] considered more general curves
v.,(a, b)
{t; t
= Itlei[Y(III)+'P), a <; It I <;
< 'P < oo}
for which the liInit
xy'(x) = c
exists. He calls these curves of regular rotation. When y(x) = c In x they are logarithmic spirals. Introduce the notation
D,Y(a, fJ) = {z; z E
x), a <;" <; fJ,lzl <; r},
= DY(a, fJ),
and the function
MY(r, a, fJ) = max {j(rei(Y(,)+.»}. a<{}<11
The order and type are defined in the natural way, and the indicator is now l3
h/(") = lim {r-P(')lnlj(z)l}. zEEl
The angular density of the set of zeros of an entire function is defined by
AY( a, pQ) = 1·1m nY(r;I'<.a,) fJ) , '-+00 r' where n Y(r; a, fJ) is the number of zeros of j(z) in D,Y(a, fJ) and Loa
~Y = f
lim rP·P(')eiPY(')[c '-+00
+.!. ~
P 1,,*1 <,
12We also note the papers of Cemoljas [1, 1), who considers orders more general than proximate orders. He assumes that Iim,._oo p(r) - p < 00, Iim,_oa p(r) - >. > 0 and rp'(r)1n r_ O. He carries over the theory of functions of completely regular growth to such "oscillatory" orders, which are somewhat more general than Boutroux orders. 13-Jbis indicator was studied by Macintyre [1) in the case when
is a logarithmic spiral.
The set of zeros is called y-regularly distributed for a nonintegral p if the angular density IlY exists for all a and p except perhaps for a countable set; and for integral p, if the limit 8/ exists. A function f(z) is said to be of y-completely regular growth if, after exclusion of a CO-set, the limit hl(~) =
zefi.zE CO
exists. With these definitions, we have the theorem: For an entire junction with proximate order p(r) --+ p to be of y-completely regular growth, it is necessary and sufficient that the set of its zeros is y-regular/y distributed. There are also asymptotic formulas of the same kind as (2.03), (2.04) and (2.06).
LIST OF IMPORTANT IDEAS AND THEOREMS Proximate order. A function p(r) (r (I) lim r -+ co p(r)
> 0) is called a proximate order if
= p exists,
(2) lim r-+ co rp'(r) In r = O.
If -
rP r)
+0, co
for an entire functionf(z), then p(r) is called the proximate order off(z). Every entire function of finite order has a proximate order. A slowly increasing fllllCtion L(r) is a positive function for which lim L (kr) = 1 L (r)
uniformly on any segment 0 < a <; k <; b < co. If p(r) satisfies conditions (1) and (2), then r P (r)
= rP L (r)
(p. 32).
A function designated by L *(r) is one that can be expressed in the form In L· (r) = 32 (In r) - 31 (In r),
where the {}i(r) are concave functions satisfying the conditions lim 3, (x) = co, ~-++oo
3, (x)
= 0,
· 11m aI-++ 00
3"i (x)
-,-_=.0 &i (x)
Every function L *(r) is slowly increasing. A function p*(r), defined by the relation rpe(r) =rPL·(r),
is called a strong proximate order (p. 41). Every entire function of finite order l.'5 a strong proximate order (pp. 35-41). Deality. Let 91 be any point set in the plane, let n(r) be the number of points of 91 in the circle Izl < rand n(r, {}, 6) be the number of points of 91 in tht sector Izl < r, {} < arg z <: 6, and let p(r) be a proximate order. 492
The density and the upper density (a similar definition yields the lower density) of the set 91 relative to the exponent p(r) are defined to be fl = fl =
11m n (r)
11m n (r)
(upper density).
r~oo rP (I')
r~oo rP (I')
The set 91 has an angular density, if fl (&. 6) =
11m n (r. &. 0)
exists for all {} and () with the possible exception of an enumerable set. In this case the relation fl (0) - fl (&) = fl (&. 0) defines a nondecreasing function ~«() with an arbitrary additive constant (pp. 89-90). The linear density p*(C) of a set C of circles C; in the complex plane is defined to be p* (C) = 11m -1 ~r rio r~oo
where r l is the radius of C; and :E denotes the sum over all the circles with centers in the circle Izl < r. If p*( C) does not exist, we introduce the upper linear density r
= ro+co 11m -1 ,
of the set and the lower linear density p*(C). A set of circles with zerp linear density is called a CO-set (p. 90). The relative measure of a set E of positive numbers is the limit m* (E)
11m mes (E') , ,
where Er is the intersection of E with the interval (0, r). The upper and lower relative measures are defined similarly:
m* (E) =
11m mes (E") • r~oo'
m* (E) =- lim mes (E") • -
The symbol EO is used for a set of zero relative measure (p. 96). Sets of points 91. regularly distributed for the exponent p(r). I. p not an integer. A set 91 is said to be regularly distributed for the exponent p(r) if it has an angular density for this exponent (p. 90). II. p an integer.
A set 91 is said to be regularly distributed for the exponent p(r) if it has an angular density for the exponent p(r), and if the limit
11m - 1. { c L (r)
+ -P1
(a" E 91)
la,,1 <:r "
exists (is finite) for any value of the constant c (p. 92). The zeros of an entire function are regularly distributed if the set of all these zeros is regularly distributed for the exponent p(r), where p(r) is the proximate order of this function. R-sets. A regularly distributed set {a .. } is called an R-set if (C) there is a number d > 0 such that the circles of radius
l-.!.pUa I) 2 "
with centers at a.. are non intersecting, or if (C) all the points a .. lie in a finite number of nonoverlapping sectors q>; < arg z < q>j (j = 1,2, ... , m), and la"+Ljl-lan,jl>dlan, jl
for any d > 0, where all the points a..1 in each of the sectors are numbered in order of increasing absolute value. The indicator of an entire function. The indicator of an entire function fez) of exponential type is h (6) ,. hf (0)
11m In II (re") 1
The indicator of an entire function f(z) offinite order p and of normal type is h(O)=h (0)= 11m f
The generalized indicator of an entire function f(z) of proximate order p(r) is In II (re"') I h (0) = ,~..(b) = 11m ".1') •
1'-+ co
The indicators of functions that are holomorphic in some angle at <; arg z P are defined similarly. The characteristic property of an indicator (and of a generalized indicator) is its trigonometric convexity. A trigonometricaUy COIlTex function is a function satisfying the inequality h
(Ot> sin p (~ -
+ k (OV sin p (Os -
at> + h (Os) sin p (°1 - OV < 0
< ..!:. "I < lit < 6. p We will use the notation s(8) = h'(8) + pi r h(q» for
0. -
(p. 5~~. dq>, $(8, IJ)
= s(8) -
For a function h(9) to be trigonometrically convex in some interval, it is necessary and sufficient that s(9) be nondecreasing in this interval. When p is not an integer we have I
1& (8) =
2p sIn 1I:p
cos P (8 -
~ ~ 11:) ds (4)·,
when p is an integer
(0-+) slnp (8-t)ds('l-)+Acosp8+Aslnp8 (P·60)·
An indicator of the form a cos p8
is caned sinusoidal.
+b sIn p8
THEOREM. For any strong proximate order p*(r) and any trigonometrically convex, periodic function h(9) with period 2"" there is an entire function with proximate order p*(r) and indicator h(9) (p. 94).
When p is not an integer, a similar assertion is valid for any arbitrary proximate order p(r). A strong proximate order can also be replaced by a proximate order for integral p if h(9) ;> 0 (0 <;; 9 < 2",). Supporting funetiODS. The supporting function of a convex region G is the function k (8) == sup (x cos 8 sIn 0), _Eli while the straight line I. with the equation
x cos 8 + , sIn 8 - k (8)
is called the supporting line. The relations k (OJ sin (~ - fie) 01
k (8 211:) =k (fI), k (II,) sin (fI, - flJ k (fla) sin (81 - "') <: 0, 0.-0,.<11:, 02-01<11: (p.76)
are characteristic of a supporting function. Let the region G contain the origin, and let s be the arc length of the boundary of G measured counterclockwise from some fixed point to the supporting point. Then 0 is a nondecreasing function of s. At angular points of the boundary O(s) is discontinuous, while for straightline segments of the boundary O(s) is constant. The arc length along the boundary between the points of the support lines I... and I, is
8(~ +0) - 8 ( ... -0) -k~ (~) -k~ (11)+
f •
It (II) dI.
The radius of curvature ds
R= d8
exists for all values of 8 with the possible exception of a set of zero measure, and R
We also have
= It' (8) + " (8).
while, when the origin is displaced to any arbitrary point, k (8)
= A cos (6 -
There is also another representation: "(6)
= B cos (6 -
0/) ds (+).
+ f Sin (6 -
(8 -;) sin (6 - ;) ds ('H (p. 81).
The iadicator diagram. The indicator for any entire function of exponential type is the supporting function of a bounded, convex region I which is called the indicator diagram of the function. The eonj.....te diagram of an entire function of exponential type co
=~ ~ an z'I III o
is the smallest region containing all the singularities of co
= ~"::l. o
The function (}'(z) is called the Borel transform of/(z). THEOREM. The conjugate diagram of an entire function of exponential type is the mirror reflection of its indicator diagram in the real axis.
F.aioas of coaapletely regular powtIa. A function F(z), holomorphic in the sector ex < arg z < fl, is said to be of completely regular growth on some set of rays Ra (!JI a set of values of 8) if a set 4 of zero relative measure exists such that for r E 4 and r _ 00 the function (6)
h " r
= In I F(re·')1
tends uniformly to h,.(8) for 8 E!JI. If a function F(z), holomorphic and of proximate order p(r) inside the angle (ex, {J), is of completely regular growth on some set of rays Ra in the angle
defined by (ex < 81 <; 8 <; 6. < (J), then it is of completely regular growth on the set of rays Rjjj. An entire function f(z) of proximate order p(r) is called an entire function of completely regular growth if there is a set EO of zero relative measure such that, when r - 00 with r E EO, the function h
P. r
= In I/(re")l rP(r)
tends uniformly to h,(6). The expression lim~_cof(r) will denote the limit of 00 without taking the values in some V-set (P.139). Let
fir), if it exists, when r -
f r
.!p. (0) _
In f F;te4') I dt
(p. 143).
° If F(z) is holomorphic and of proximate order p(r) in the interior of some angle (ex, (J), and if it is of completely regular growth on some ray arg z = 8 in this angle, then 11m r- P(r).!p(O) = p- 1h p (0). r ... oo
Conversely, if this equality holds on all the rays in some angle, then F(z) is of completely regular growth in this angle. THEOREM 1. Let p(r) be a proximate order of growth and let p = liMr_co p(r) be nonintegral. Let the set {arc} have the angular density d(8) for the exponent p(r). Then if we consider only values of z = reitJ which do not lie in a certain set C of circles of zero density (a CO-set), the entire function
with P(Z)=CO+C1Z+ ••. +cpZ~
= [~J).
lGIisJies, uniformly in 8, the relation m In I/(rel') .... (r) I
r ... oo
, where tt H,(6)=_l s n ttp
-= H,(0).
cosp(6-I!,,-tt)dA(t) .
If P is an integer, the conclusion of Theorem 2 remains true with I
H,(6) =
f (.~ -6) I-Is
Sin p <~-6)dA <+) +~ cos p (6 -Ito)
if we also lJ
impose condition II in the definition of regularly distributed sets with c p (p. 91). Iff(z) has regularly distributed zeros, then
= Tei"O and with c =
It, (II) =- H, (II). For p = I, the angular density of the zeros of fez) in the angle (D,O) is (211')-1 times the arc length of the indicator diagram between the supporting points for the supporting lines I. and I", these lines being perpendicular to the rays corresponding to the two angles (p. 93). The converse theorems are also true. We have the following COROLLARY. For an entire function f(z) of proximate order per) to be of completely regular growth, it is necessary and sufficient that the zeros of this function be regularly distributed for the exponent per) (p. 158). CoROLLARY. An entire function of exponential growth can be expressed in the form
fez) =z,neGHb 11m B-+""I at
(1-~) B
and completely regular
Entire functions of completely regular growth are those entire functions, with a given proximate order and a given indicator, which have the greatest possible lower density of zeros Ito
11m nl Vi) =..L hI (0) dO. 21t 0
- - rP r
For all other entire functions, the left hand side is smaller than the right hand side (p. 173). In §§ 2 and 3, Chapter IV, there are corresponding uniqueness theorems for functions holomorphic in some angle. 'I1Ie iadlcator o(tIle product o(two (1IDdioDI. Iff(z) and 9'(z) are holomorphic and have the same proximate order in the angle (11, (J) and if one of them is of completely regular growth, then the indicator of the product of these functions is equal to the sum of indicators of the separate functions (p. 159). CoROLLARY 1. If F(z) is holomorphic and of proximate order p(r) in the angle (11, fJ), and if the entire function cp(z) ;s such that
In M, (r) ,.,
= 0,
then the indicator of the product of these functioIU in the angle (Il, (J) is the same the indicator of F(z) (p. 160).
The caDOmeal fUIICtion of a regularly distributed set. Let 9( denote the set
{at}, regularly distributed for the proximate order p(r). For nonintegral values of p we write 00
fez, 91) =
II a(.!...; p) k~1
= [p),
and for integral p
fez, ~) =/A'~
II a(.!...; p). k=1
Here c.,4 is the constant in the expression for 6. If this constant is nonnegative, we write c.,4 == O. The function Hl-fJ) (see the discussion of functions of completely regular growth) for the set 9( is called the indicator of 9(, and is denoted by H.(9) (p.92). The Lagrange interpolation formula. Let the interpolation points 9( = {a.} be regularly distributed for the proximate order p(r), letj(z, 9l) be the.canonical function, and let H.(9) be the indicator. For brevity, we setj(z) == j(z, 90. The series co
fez) bra
is called the Lagrange interpolation series. If 9( is an R-set, and if for any e > 0, N In I b,.1
(z - a,.) f' (a,.)
> 0, and n > N we have
< [H. (tjI,.) -1]1 a,.IP(J CI,.!)
(tjI" =- arg a,.).
then the Lagrange series (*) converges uniformly in any bounded region to an entire function with indicator smaller than H.(9) (p. 195). The function F(z) defined by the series (*) is not the only function satisfying the conditions of the interpolation problem and the inequality hP(9) H.(9). The general solution is
~ (z)
= F (z) +
(z) f (z).
where c.u(z) is an entire function of minimal type for the proximate order p(r). With the additional condition 11m
, . (z) I
I_I ~oo If(z) I
outside the exceptional circles, we have c.u(z) == 0 and CIl(z) is uniquely defined (p.198). If the points a. form an R-set 9( with exponent p(r), then any entire function F(z) satisfying
h, (8)
< H. (8)
can be expressed in the form co
F( ) _~, z - ~
F (a,,) I(z)
I' (a,,) (z -
a,.) ,
the series converging in any bounded region. If the requirement that {a,,} be an R-set is discarded, and it is only assumed that ~ is a regularly distributed set, then F(z)
11m ~ /(4,.)1(6) B~co ~ I (a,,)(z-a,,) B EE"ICI.I
If ~ is an R-set with exponent p(r), then an entire function solving the interpolation problem btl == F(a..} and satisfying the condition hF(8)~H. (8)
will exist if and only if 11m
In I btl I
,,~CO H. (1jI,,) I a" t( I II" I,
~ 1.
1be spectra of entire functiollS that can be approximated by exponential polynomials. For any bound.ed, convex region I, the expression II FIII
sup r>O. 0<8<2..
I F (reiD) I e-lIa(O,r
can be used as a norm for entire functions, where h(O) is the supporting function of the region I, symmetric relative to the real axis. The complete space E[ of entire functions is defined correspondingly (p. 288). If an entire function F(z) can be approximated in the norm of B[ by exponential polynomials
with exponents from the boundary of /, then the spectrum of the entire function F(z) in B[ is the name given to the set of points A on the boundary of I for which the quantity II (l) == 11m a" (A) ft~CO
is not zero. For other equivalent definitions of the spectrum, see Chapter VI, pp. 290 and 291. THEOREM.
If the
smallest convex region containing the whole spectrum of
E{z) coincides with its conjugate diagram, then E{z) is of completely regular
In particular, if the numbers A" are on the boundary of a convex, bounded region, then the entire function 1.
f(z)r= ~ line".
"=1 of exponential type is of completely regular growth. FunctioDS of the class [~]. A function of this class is almost-periodic with its whole spectrum in an interval of length 1~, the ends of the interval belonging to the spectrum. Such a function is an entire function of exponential type, the conjugate diagram of which coincides with the smallest interval containing its whole spectrum. For an almost-periodic, entire function of exponential type to be in the class [~J, it is necessary and sufficient that all its zeros be in a strip Iyl <; H parallel to the real axis (p. 270). The formula n (t)
= -11:A t +
holds for the zeros of a function of the class [~1, where n(I' is the number of zeros of the function in the rectangle 0 < x <; I, Iyl <; H, a'ld c.o(l) is bounded (p.271). FunctiODS of the class A. A function of this class satisfies the condition
~llm ~J 0 (or 1m z < 0) are defined similarly (p.223). An entire function of exponential type belongs to the class A if the integral B
f o
In I F(x) F(-x) 1 l
d .C
is bounded for all R > 0 (pp. 225 and 228). (a) For an entire function f(z) of expollential type to be of completely regular growth and to belong to the class ..4, :t is necessary and sufficient that (I) the integral
In If(x)f(- x) , d 1 Xl x
exists and (2) h,(O) + h,(1r) = O. (b) The conditions (I) and (2) are sufficient to ensure that a function F(z). bolomorphic and of exponential type in the half-plane 1m z 0 (1m z <; 0), belong to the class A and be of completely regular growth.
(c) Another sufficient condition for an entire function (or a function holomorphic in a half-plane) to belong to the class A and to be of completely regular growth is the existence of either of the integrals
In IF(x)1 d x 1 +x3
F(x)1 f In+11 +x3
If an entire function f(z) belongs to the class A, and if
where R(z) is a polynomial and co
~ 1a
11 Il IJl + ", (a,l)
then (1) f(z) is of exponential type, co
In+ I/{x) 1 xli
It follows from (I) and (2) thatf(z) is of completely regular growth and that its indicator diagram is a segment of the imaginary axis. 11ae class HB. An entire function w(z) belongs to the class HB (HB) if (I) it has no zeros in the closed (open) lower half-plane, (2) for 1m z < 0 it satisfies the inequality 1111 (z) I :> I fI) (z)
For an entire function cu(z) to be in the class HB, it is necessary and sufficient that it be in the class A and be expressible in the form
II (I - ...!..) e BP,,(2...) 4". Go
.. (z) _ z-e" (.)+1 ('HI)
where" ;;. 0, u(z) is a real entire function, and
R ~ (II" + 16&:) z" .. ~ IIlZ". TIIBoREK. Let • (z)
== P (z) + IQ (z),
are real entire functions. For w(z) to belong to the class HB, it is necessary and sufficient that the following conditions be satisfied: (I) the zeros of p(z) and Q(z) are all real, simple and interlacing; (2) the entire functions u(z) and v(z) and the Weierstrass exponents Pn(zlaJ and Pn(zlb,,) satisfy the relation <XI
~ [p,,(:'J-Pn(~)]=O;
(3) the constants A and B have the same sign.
When the first two conditions are satisfied, the last condition is equivalent to the inequality Q' (x) p(x) - Q (x) P' (x) >0
A real pair of entire functions is the name given to two real, entire functions p(z) and Q(z) if they have no common zeros and if any linear combination ",P(z) + pQ(z) with real", and p has no complex zeros. If p(z) and Q{z) are permitted to have common zeros, then they are called a generalized real pair. THEOREM. For an entire function w(z) = p(z) + iQ{z) to belong to the class HB (HB), it is necessary and sufficient that p(z) and Q(z) be a real pair (a generalized real pair) and that Q'(x.,)p(xo) - P'(x.,)Q(xo) > 0 for some real point xo.
1be class P. An entire function w(z) of exponential type is said to be a function of the class P if (I) it has no zeros in the open lower half-plane, (2)
h. . (;)-
The quantity d., = h.,( -Tr/2) - h.,(Tr/2) is called the defect of a function of the class P (p. 320). _ The class P consists of entire functions of exponential type of the class HB(p.320).
THEOREM. For an entire function of exponentilll type CJ)
10 belong
= P(z) + lQ (z)
to the class P, it is neceuary and sufficient that (I) the zeros of p(z) and Q(z) be real and interlacing, (2) the indicator diagrams of p(z) and Q(z) coincide, and (3) Q' (x) p (x) - Q (x) P' (x) 0 (pp. 321-322).
The class p.. This is the class of all entire functions in H B expressible in the form III
" (z) = e- Y
1111 (zj,
where the genus of w 1(z) is not larger than one and" ;> O. THEOREM. For an entire function (O(z) to be of the class p., it is necessary and sufficient that it be the uniform limit of a sequence of polynomials, where these polynomials have no zeros in the lower half-plane (p. 334).
An N-polynomial is a polynomial having no zeros in the lower half-plane (p.331). Majorants. A function w(z) of HB is said to be a majorant of j(z) if
1111 (z) I ~ If (z) I,
for 1m z < O. Majorants of the class P or p. are called P-majorants or P*-majorants, respectively. The above definition of a P-majorant is equivalent to the following: A function w(z) of the class P is a P-majorant for the entire function fez) of exponential type if (I) the elCponential type of w(z) is not lower than that off(z), (2) /f(x)/ .;; /w(x)/ (- 00 < x < 00) (p. 362). Admissible classes. A subclass T of the class H B is called an admissible class if, when w(z) E T and fez) is subordinate to w(z), it follows that w(z) + fez) E T. The classes HB, P and p* are admissible classes (pp. 350 and 355). A ~rOperator is a homogeneous, additive operator, defined on the linear span of some T-c1ass of functions and mapping this class into itself. A ~ p-operator is denoted simply by ~, while a ~ p.-operator is denoted by ~*. A ~T-operator is said to be continuous if it maps every sequence of functions of a class T, uniformly convergent in every finite region, into a sequence of functions from T convergent in the same sense. THEOREM. If T is an admissible class, then a (}3T-operator preseTt'es subordination. More precisely: If w(z) E T andf(z) is subordinate to (majorized by) w(z), then ~T[f(Z)] is an entire function subordinate to the function ~[w(z)] (p.356). THEOREM.
The operation of differentiation is a ~- and a ~·-operator
(p.356). THEOREM.
Let a subclass Q of the class HB satisfy the conditions
(I) from w(z) E Q itfollows that eT~w(z) E Qfor any real T,
(2) from w(z) E Q it follows that w'(z) E Q (i.e., differentiation is a operator).
Then Q E P*. In other words, p* is the largest subclass of HB satisfying the conditions (I) and (2) (p. 353). THEOREM. If w(z) is a P*-majorant of the function f(z), then w(t)(z) is a P*-majorant of I't)(z) (k = 1,2, ...), and if w(z) is not a polynomial and IW(k)(ZO) I = l/,k)(zO>I for some point Zo (1m Zo <: 0); then f(z) = clw(z) + caw(z) (lei I + Ic.1 = 1) (p. 356). THEOREM. If w(z) E P, if the exponential type of w(z) is not lower than that of f(z), and if If(x) I <: Iw(x)1 (- co < x < co), then I/,t)(x)I <: IW(k)(x)1 (- co < x < co). If w(x) is not a polynomial, then if If't)(xO>I = IW(k)(xO>I for some point Xo of the real axis, it follows that f(x) = Clw(X) + caW(x) (lcil + Ical = 1). For w(x) = Meia~, we obtain a theorem due to S. N. Bern~teIn: If f(x) is an entire function of exponential type not exceeding a and If(x) I <: M (- co < x < co), then 1f'(x)1 <: Ma, with equality only for f(x) = cleia~ + cae-ia~.
The class P is the largest class of majorants in the following sense. If w(z) E P and w(z) E P, then there is an entire function fez), of the same proximate order and the same type as w(z), satisfying the inequality If(x) I <: I(.(l(x) I (- co < x < co), and 1f'(xo)1 ;> Iw'(xo)1 for some real point Xo (p. 366). A sequence of multipliers of the first kind is a sequence of numbers "0' "1' "2' ... , such that, if all the zeros of the polynomial
"ft, ...
p (z) = ~ afcZ" lc=O
are real, then so are all the zeros of the polynomial 71
~ YfcafcZ" (p. 341). lc=O
The numbers "" (k = 0,1,2, ... ) either all have the same sign or have alternating signs (p. 342).
"ft' ...
THEOREM. For the sequence of numbers "0' "1' ••• , to be a sequence of multipliers of the first kind, it is necessary and sufficient that the series IX>
~ ~i z"
(O! = 1)
converge to an entire function cp(z), expressible in the form IX>
, (~) = e'I-
II (I +7ofcZ), It-I co
where a::>O and ..." >0 (k= 1,2, 3, ... )and~ ...
r-operaton. These are operators that transform any entire function co
(z) = ~ a.,z1
into an entire f.unction 00
r [fez)] = _-0 ~ T""AZ
where )'.. (k = 0, 1,2, ...) is a sequence of multipliers of the first kind all with the same sign (pp. 340-344). THEOREM. r-operators give the general form of permutable with the operator z(d/dz). A JeaseD opentor transforms any entire function
~ iIZ~.
into the polynomial
" 1 " (z) = IIZo + ~
(1 - !) (1- !) ... (1 - k n 1)
ilZtzlt •.
Obviously J..(z) ~ /(z) for n - 00. A Jenstn operator is a r-operator (p.343). TIle dus HBI (H&J consists of the entire functions w(z, u) satisfying the conditions: (I) w(z, u) is not zero for 1m z <; 0 and 1m u <; 0 (1m z < 0, 1m u < 0); (2) for 1m z < 0, 1m u < 0 we have
UI (z, II) I :> 'UI
(z. u) I, , UI (z, u) I :> ,. (z, u) I, lUI (z, u),:> lUI (i, U) I.
ne class P z consists of the entire functions of exponential type belonging to the class HBz (p. 366). TIle class P: consists of the functions of Hils of the form ID
(z, u) == .-T"'- Ttl"
(z, u),
where Wl(Z, II) is of genus one for each of the variables when the other is fixed in the lower half-plane and )'1 ;> 0, )'1 ;> o. All H'-polyaomiaI is a polynomial of two variables P(z, u) which is not zero for 1m z < 0, 1m u < o. Such polynomials belong to Hils. THEOREM. For an entire function w(z, u) to be in the c/rus PI, it is neceuary and sufficient that it be the uniform limit of a sequence of Hi-po/ynomillll.
Me"""" ror
r.ctioal or IlIOn . . . . _ ......ltIe.l A function w(z, u) of the class Hils is said to be a majorant of the entire functionf(z, u) if, for 1m z < 0 andlmu < 0, I_ (z, u) I:> \!(i, II) I, I_ (z, u) I:> If(z, II) I, I-(z, II) I:> If(z, ii)(. ,_(z, 1I)I:>lf(z, u) I, • For simplicity we limit our diIcusIioa to fimctions of two variables.
Admissible classes. A subclass Tz of HB. is called an admissible class if, when ro(z, u) E T. andf(z, u) is subordinate to w(z, u), it follows that w(z, u) + f(z, u) E T•. The classes HB., p., and PI are admissible classes. mT.-operaton are defined in the same way as for functions of one variable. If T. is an admissible class, then a mT.-operator preserves subordination. THEOREM. Every continuous m*-operator for functiOns of the single variable z is also a m*-operator for functions of the two variables z and u.
De general form of the operaton m ..... m*. An operator K[f] applicable to entire functions is called regular if it satisfies the condition xr/,,] - K[j] for n - 00 uniformly in every finite region, where/,,(z) is the function obtained by applying the Jensen operator to f(z) (p. 373). Upper c:ontinllOll:' operaton. An operator K[f] applicable to entire functions of exponential type is called upper continuous if for every A > 0 there is a number B > 0 such that, if then
K[ fo (z)] 1,-B 1-'_0 (p.376). THEoREM. A regular m*-operator can be expressed in the form sup I K [I" (z)) -
ti* [f(z)]
= f(- Du) [, (z, u»1
here f(- Du )[, (u)]
(-1)'-4",(11) (u)
for fez) = ~anzra,
and qi{z, u) is of the class PI and of genus one in u for 1m z
< 0 (p.373).
THEOREM. An upper continuous m-operator can be written in the form ti [fez)] =/(-DII) [, (z. a)] 1"=0.
where qi{z. u) belongs to PI and is of exponential type in z for 1m u < 0 (p. 377). THEOREM. A regular m*-operator permutable with the operation ofdifferenti. atlon can be expressed in the form ti (f(z)]
= F(D) [/(z)] •
re F(z) is a function of the class p* and of genus one (p. 379).
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