И ЭФФЕКТИВНЫЕ СПОСОБЫ ЗАПОМИНАНИЯ АН ГП И Й С КИ Х СЛОВ * Доступность языкового материала Толкование простыми словамии |...
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И ЭФФЕКТИВНЫЕ СПОСОБЫ ЗАПОМИНАНИЯ АН ГП И Й С КИ Х СЛОВ * Доступность языкового материала Толкование простыми словамии | и в а ™ 1'1 синонимами
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У прощение ^ запоминания СЛОЖНЫХ
ББК Ш 12= Ч32.1*9я72-3 Л13
Л 13
Л авреню к М. В. П росты е и эфф ективны е способы запоминания анг лийских слов.— Донецк: О О О «А гентство М ультипресс»: 2006,— 288 с. [БВЫ 966-519-041-5 К нига представляет наиболее употребительную лексику английского язы ка, необходимую для общ ения в официальной сфере и в быту. Все предложенные английские слова снабжены русскими эквивалентами, что позволяет читателю сфокусировать вним а ние на объяснении с элементами толкования на английском язы ке, развить память и облегчить воспроизведение конкрет ного слова. Для ш ирокого круга читателей, заинтересованных в расш и рении словарного запаса.
Книга подає найбільш уживану лексику англійської мови, необхідну для спілкування в офіційній сфері та в побуті. Усі запропоновані англійські слова мають російські еквіва ленти, що дозволяє читачеві сфокусувати увагу на поясненні з елементами тлумачення англійською мовою, розвинути паміять і полегшити відтвореня конкретного слова. Для широкого кола читачів, зацікавлених у розширенні слов никового запасу.
ББК Ш 12= Ч32.1*9я72-3
ISBN 966-519-041-5
© ООО «Агентство Мультипресс», 2005
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ П редлагаемая вниманию читателей кни га построена и форме англо-русско-английского толкового словаря. Основная ее з а д а ч а — представить наиболее употреби тельную лексику английского язы ка, необходимую для элементарного общения с окружаю щ ими в официальной обстановке и в быту, для поним ания простых текстов мри чтении, прослушивании радио- и телепередач. В кн и гу не вош ли стилистически просторечные, ж аргонные )1 узкоспециальные слова. При отборе слов помимо частотности и актуальности ныражаемого словом понятия учиты валась ш ирота се мантических связей слова (способность слова вступать м сочетание с другими словами, возможность образова ния от данного слова других слов). Книга содержит примерно 2000 слов, отвечающих вы ш еизложенным требованиям. Рассчитана на читателей, имеющих базовый (ш кольный) уровень знаний английс кого язы ка. Предназначена для индивидуальных само стоятельных занятий в удобное для читателя время. Запоминание английских слов связано с умением ис пользовать новую информацию в контексте с уж е имею щ имися знаниям и, обрабатывать ее до уровня доступ ности и легкого*усвоения. По словам известного психолога профессора К арла ( 'иш ора, «средниц человек использует не более 10% мрожденных возможностей своей пам яти, а остальные 00 % растрачивает впустую, поскольку наруш ает есте<тменные законы запоминания». Что ж е это за естественные законы? Их всего три. На них опирается любая так назы ваем ая «мнемотехника»
Предисловие |
(mnemonic — помогающий запоминанию). Это — впе чатление, повторение и ассоциация. Первое условие запоминания — получить полноцен ное, яркое и устойчивое впечатление о том, что хочется удержать в памяти. А для этого надо сосредоточиться. Развивайте свое умение концентрироваться на той рабо те, которой вы заняты в данный момент. Существует большое количество методик развития внимательности и сосредоточенности человеческого моз га (например, Гарри Алдер. Техника развития интеллек та.— СПб.: Питер, 2001; Майкл Микалко. Тренинг ин теллекта.— СПб.: Питер, 2001 и др.). Но хотелось бы обратить ваше внимание на «Упрощенную методику со хранения здоровья пальцевыми упражнениями» Цуцуми Йосиро (Москва: Анфас, 1991). В последнее время явление «выживание людей пре клонного возраста из ума» стало принимать социальный характер. Теперь не только среди пожилых людей, но даже среди молодых служащих встречаются такие, кто хотя еще не «выжил из ума», но страдает подобными симптомами. Эта проблема, по-видимому, присуща все му нашему сложному человеческому обществу, и нельзя утверждать, что эти люди виноваты в происходящем с ними исключительно сами. Под «выживанием из ума» подразумевается ослабле ние мозговой деятельности, а именно: внимательности, сосредоточенности, памяти. Вызывает эти симптомы в основном нарушение мозгового кровообращения. В мозге человека лобные доли связаны с умением пра вильно разбираться в делах будущего времени, затылоч ные доли — прошлого времени, а височные — настоя щего. Нарушение кровообращения в висках, например, влечет за собой ослабление способности правильно раз-
I Предисловие •
пирпться в текущих делах. Здоровые люди, когда у них ЦПII нляются неприятные ощущения в височной облас ти , часто начинают непроизвольно раскачивать головой, что улучшает кровообращение. Если человек по какойиибо причине этого не делает (или просто не догадыва ется это делать), то у него ослабляется рассудительность. Для бизнесменов, живущих настоящим временем, нарушение рассудительности, внимательности, прони цательности и памяти может стоить состояния. Методи ки сохранения здоровья пальцевыми упражнениями на правлена на улучшение памяти, сосредоточенности и ми имания. Достигается это за счет движений пальцами и раздражения активных точек на руках, связанных с мозгом. Упражнение 1. Для улучшения памяти (рис.1). С усилием прижи мают друг к другу кончики большого и указательного пальцев, выгибая при этом последнюю фалангу указа тельного пальца в наружную сторону. Это же движение делают также для большого и среднего, большого и бе-
Рис. 1. Для улучшения памяти
• Предисловие |
зымянного пальцев, большого пальца и мизинца (каж дой рукой 20 раз). Затем кончиком большого пальца по очереди сильно надавливают на основания остальных пальцев этой же руки (для каждой руки 20 раз). Упражнение 2. Д л я повышения внимательности (рис.2). Кончики распрямленных и собранных пальцев правой руки при ставляют к основанию мизинца левой руки, которая при этом должна быть несильно сжата в кулак. Затем, на оборот, сжимают в кулак пальцы правой руки и пристав ляют к основанию мизинца правой руки кончики рас прямленных среднего и безымянного пальцев левой ру ки. Повторяют эти движения попеременно и как можно быстрее (по 10 раз для каждой руки). Не забывайте де лать выдох через рот при каждой смене рук.
Рис. 2. Д ля повышения внимательности
Упражнение 3. Д л я снят ия усталости. Сидя в удоб ной позе расслабиться.
| Предисловие
Глубокий вдох через нос, выдох через рот. Большим ни т.цем находят активную точку в середине ладони (риг. 3) и нажимают на нее 15-20 раз, соблюдая дыха ние, Меняют руки.
Рис. 3. Д ля снятия усталости
Упражнение 4. Д л я концентрации внимания^ рис. 4). <Собирают пальцы в кулак и, делая выдох, сжимают ку пи к с усилием.
Рис. 4. Д ля концентрации внимания
П редисловие
Второе условие запоминания — повторение. При за поминании английских слов нужно учитывать особен ности собственного сознания и осмысленно повторять новые слова, увязывая их с уже имеющейся в мозгу ин формацией. Чисто механическая зубрежка бесполезна, потому что тот, кто твердит материал до тех пор, пока не вызубрит, тратит вдвое больше времени и сил, чем нужно, для достижения того же результата при повто рении с разумными перерывами. Эта особенность голов ного мозга обусловлена двумя факторами: во-первых, в перерывах между повторением подсоз нание продолжает закреплять ассоциации; во-вторых, мозг, решая задачу с перерывами, не пе ренапрягается от постоянной нагрузки. Сэр Ричард Бартон, переводчик «Тысячи и одной но ч и », в совершенстве владел двадцатью семью языками, но, по его словам, никогда не занимался языком более 15 минут кряду, «поскольку потом мозг утрачивает све жесть». Третье условие запоминания — умение осмыслить и создать четкую ассоциацию новому слову. Секрет хоро шей памяти заключается в формировании разнообраз ных и многочисленных ассоциаций с тем словом, кото рое надо запомнить. И тот, кто лучш е осмысляет свои впечатления и устанавливает связи, обладает лучшей памятью. Как же упростить запоминание английских слов? Психологи советуют: 1. Включите чувства, т. е. все то, с помощью чего вы получаете информацию об окружающем вас мире: гла за, уши, нос, руки, сердце, эмоции. 2. Отбирайте новые слова по принципу: нужно/не нужно;
важно/не важно; интересно/нет; пригодится/пригодится ли? 8. Отобрав слова, закодируйте их на длительное за поминание, а использовать можно: словесное кодирование (конкретное, абстрактное, абсурдное); образное/зрительное кодирование (ассоциация с рисунком, пейзажем, картиной); двигательное кодирование. 4. Д ля лучшего запоминания записывайте новые сло на н индивидуальном стиле (образная запись), с восста навливающими подсказками. 5. Связывайте воссозданные вами образы в единый рассказ (сказку, бы ль из вашей жизни, невероятные приключения типа «Если бы я...», фантастический мно госерийный фильм о вас как о супергерое, увлекатель ный роман с продолжением и пр.). 6. Располагайте нужные вам слова в воображаемых ( хорошо знакомых вам) местах с целью совершения мыс ленной «прогулки» и освежения информации с помощью пти х мест. 7. «Нанизывайте» образы для запоминания на «стер жень» вашей жизни: ваше хобби, идеи-фикс, знакомое I- детства стихотворение типа «Наша Таня громко пла чет...», считалки, как вы в детстве играли в жмурки... От советов психологов можно перейти к конкретной работе с книгой. Просмотрите ее. Слова собраны в алфами гном порядке по темам. Каждое слово переведено на русский язык, а затем дан ряд синонимов, среди кото рых хоть одно слово будет вам знакомо. Вот от этого уже можно будет оттолкнуться, чтобы начать строить ассоци-
ативный ряд к этому слову. Некоторые слова разделены вертикальными линиями — это разделение слов на пре фиксы, корни, суффиксы. Вот еще один путь увеличения вашего словарного запаса. Некоторые слова проиллюст рировал художник. Постарайтесь мысленно заглянуть за рамки рисунка, включите свое воображение... Этим вы поможете своему подсознанию «увекове чить» новое слово. После всех слов с синонимами пред лагаем просмотреть список слов-интернационализмов, слов-омофонов (одинаковых по звучанию слов) в конце книги. Они чем-то похожи на русские слова, только пи шутся по-английски. Прочитайте их вслух, уловите схо жесть в звучании, переведите. Отложите книгу до сле дующего дня. После перерыва снова просмотрите список, и вы убедитесь, что ваша память работает! Похвалите себя. Просмотрите слова с синонимами и убедитесь, что вы что-то запомнили. Это ваша заслуга и победа над са мим собой. Так держать! Во время усиленной мысленной деятельности над подобным материалом очень часто устают глаза. Для восстановления зрения прежде всего необходи мо дать глазам отдохнуть. Для этого полезно приложить к ним холодное полотенце. Усталость глаз вызывается утомлением окологлазных мышц. Восточная медицина считает, что около глаз схо дятся управляющие деятельностью внутренних органов меридианы с активными точками, поэтому скопление ус талости в глазах не может не сказаться на общем состоя нии организма. Воспользуйтесь предложенными ниже упражнениями для снятия усталости глаз. Упражнение 1 (рис. 5). Непринужденно закрывают глаза, снимают напряже ние с плеч и в удобном положении отдыхают в течение
| Предисловие
I минуты. При этом слегка нажимают на внутренние у солки глаз подушечками большого и указательного им м.цев руки (6 раз). Упражнение 2 (рис. 6). 11а указанные точки слегка нажимают подушечками указательного и среднего пальцев, двигая ими по кругу II мин).
Рис. 5. Слегка нажимают на внут........ ие уголки глаз подушечками Пши.шого и указательного пальц«ч| руки
Рис. 6. Точки воздействия около глаз
Упражнение 3 (рис. 7). Вытягивают правую руку вперед на уровень глаз, ста мит большой палец вертикально и пристально смотрят ни него в течение 10 секунд. Затем, оставляя большой Мплец в том же положении, постепенно отводят правую руку вправо. Важно при этом, не поворачивая голову, следить за кончиком большого пальца до тех пор, пока пн не исчезнет из виду. После этого возвращают взгляд ■ исходное положение и делают то же самое левой ру ке Iй . Упражнение повторяют по 2 раза для каждой руки.
П редисловие
Рис. 7. Отводят руку в сторону, следя глазами за кончиком большого пальца
Потом его выполняют, отводя руки вверх и вниз. А в конце делают как правой, так и левой рукой круговые движения. По окончании упражнения прищуривают, а затем быстро открывают глаза. Упражнение 4 (рис. 8).
Массируют руку начиная с кончика мизинца и закан чивая локтем.
Рис. 8. Массируют руку, начиная с указанной точки
(Упражнение 5 (рис. 9). ('кладывают руки так, чтобы соприкасались поду шечками большие пальцы и мизинцы (остальные паль цы должны быть согнуты), слегка прижимают руки друг н другу и тем самым выгибают мизинцы (30 раз).
Рис. 9. Слегка прижимают руки одну к другой, выгибая мизинцы
Ваш навык общения на английском языке должен перийти в умение, которое останется с вами навсегда, ко торое за плечами не носить, а в голове держать. Ежедневно просматривайте любой английский текст ( течение 1 0 -1 5 минут. Это так называемый прием lihint reading (чтение про себя с целью получения ин формации).
Вы можете просматривать один и тот же текст в тече ние нескольких дней до тех пор, пока у вас не появится »мелание адаптировать его и попытаться без словаря со рти нить более легкий вариант, который вы и расскаже те однажды спокойно и правильно.
П редисловие
Самоусовершенствуйтесь в запоминании английских слов. Помните, что английский освоит тот, кто ежедневно работает над ним без выходных и праздничных дней!
bald [bo:ld] — лысый — wll.liout hair or fur bare [be^] — без покрытин, голый — uncovered; linked; empty; without de fin itio n beard ['biati] — борода — lit* hair that grows on the wer part o f men’s faces to blush [ЫлЭД — крас-
i. — to become red from и/жиге, shame, modesty; feel shame In boast [banist] — хвас-
i. — many words about urself with proper pride bonny ['boni] — краси-
It, миловидный — heallooking; fresh and attetlve V
brow [brau] — бровь — eyebrow, the forehead; the rounded top of a hill charm [tja:m] — шарм, очарование, чары — a soft ly or gently pleasing quali ty; an incarnation; a protec tion against danger or evil cheek [tji:k] — щека —
the soft fleshy part o f the face between the eye and the mouth chin [tjin ] — подборо док — the part o f the face below the lower lip curl [кэч1] — закручи вать, крутить — to form in to curls, to move in spirals; curly — кудрявый devote [diW ut] — посвя щать — to dedicate, to give
wholly; to make a gift for a particular use; to be bound by strong affection dignity ['digniti] — досто инство, звание — worth, excellence; nobility o f man ner or bearing ear [i^ ] — yx o — the organ of hearing in men and animals
['elbani] — ло коть — the joint connecting the forearm and upper arm; the point formed at this j oint when the arm is bent elbow
embarrass [im'baera-s] — смущ ать, стеснять — to cause to feel awkward, shy or ashamed; to make things difficult and complicated; to involve in debt eye [ai] — глаз — an organ of sight; the power of seeing; a thing like an eye face [feis] — лицо — the
fron t part o f the head; a grimace, a mask feature ['fi:tjV] — черта — the distinctive part or characteristic of a thing; a part of the face
finger — палец — a terminal digit of the hand; something shaped like or as thin as a finger; the part of a glove into which a finger is inserted footprint, footstep [ futprint], [ futstep] — след, отпе чаток ноги — a mark made by the foot forehead ['forid] — лоб —
the upper part o f the face above the eyebrows where the hair begins to grow generosity [d3^n^'rositi]
— щедрость, великодушие — giving freely, not stingy, the quality of being nobleminded, plentiful
ц1нпсе [gla:ns] — взгляШуть — to look briefly; to to gleam
gloom [§lu:m] — унымрак — melancholy; |iiw mood; semidarkness, shadow hair [he^] — волосы — ■ivoring of the human head (И miimal body; a threadlike Kfowth on plants liand [haend] — рука (кисть) — the part of the
human body from the wrist |u the fingertips; skill, abi lit y to do something handsome ['heensarn] — ■рясивый — (of men) good will »king; (of women) beauti-
17 f ul in a way which commands admiration; (of animals) well shaped and good to look at; impressive, pleasing; gra cious head [hed] — голова — the top part of the human body or foremost part of an animal body; the leading person in an institution; the brain as man’ s thought centre; the most effective part of a tool hide (hid, hidden) [haid], [hid], ['hidh] — прятать, скрывать — to put or keep something out of sight; to block the view o f something humour ['hjuim^] — юмор, настроение — some thing which arouses laugh ter, amusement; the ability for reacting and expressing understanding; a mood, fra me o f mind idle [aidl] — ленивый; бездельник — not working; unwilling to work, lazy
H air
innocence ['ina'sns] — не винность, простота — free from sin, guilt; a kind-hear-
18 ted person, sim ply-m inded person irritatio n [^ ri'te ijn ] — раздражение — being im p atiently angry, annoy; ma k in g sore or uncom fortable je alo u s ['c^ela^s] — ревнивый, п о д озр и тель ный — a state o f fea r, sus picion or envy caused by a real or im agined th reat or challange to one’s instincts keen [ki:n] — острый, резкий, проницательны й — sharp, cu ttin g; acute, intensive, enthusiastic lazy ['leizi] — ленивы й — no wish to work, lack o f desire to do som ething le g [leg] — нога — one o f the parts o f the body sup
p ortin g a human or animal body and used in w alking, running, jum ping lip [lip] — губа — one o f the tw o parts o f a mouth; the edge o f a ca vity, open ing; to lick one’ s lips — to show great anticipation look [luk] — смотреть; в ы глядеть — make an e f fo r t to see; to pay attention; to d irect the eyes in a par ticu lar direction and m ani fest surprise, wonder merit [ merit] — досто инство — the qu ality; the goodness or badness o f some th in g; spiritual credit mettle [ metl] — темпе рамент, характер — spirit, courage or fortitu d e mild [ maild] — мягкий, неж ны й — g e n tle , m ode rate, not severe or extrem e; not h avin g a strong taste Modest [ imdist] — скром ный — reasonable, aware o f one’ s lim itations; avoiding pretension or display mouth [mau0] — рот — a cavity in the head containing
Min li'cth, the tongue, palate §|til bounded by the lips n w k [nek] — шея — that jint I which joins the head to ш body; the narrowest part f d l l object
nim b le
[ nimbi] — ш уст рый lig h t and quick in §^nl Ion; alert; gu ick-w itted [nsruz] — h o c — the t ' l i i l prominence above the nil III o f man; a sense o f IH'II; a forw ard or projectионе
K p iir t
l»lait [plaet] — коса — a tltfth o f hair, straw , rib|li riinsisting o f three inf lined strands
19 pleasant [ pleznt] — при ятный — good-humoured, pleasing, agreeable pretty { priti] — хоро шенький — pleasing to see or hear; excellent, fine, good razor [ reiz^] — бритва — an insrum ent fo r shav in g hair fro m the skin ready [ redi] — готовый — in a state f i t fo r quick im m ediate action ; quick and easy reckless [ reklis] — безрас судный, опрометчивый — w ild ly careless; in d ifferen t to danger rectitude [ rektitju:d] — честность, прямота — mo ral in te g rity , uprightness, honesty redden [ redn] — крас неть — to become red, flu shed; to make red reliable [ri lai^bl] — на дежный — able to be relied on, to place one’ s com plete confidence in and make no altern ative provision
resemblance [n zemblans]
— сходство — sim ilarity; the state, fact or quality of resembling, likeness resp on sibility [ris^onsa^
biliti] — ответственность — the state or quality o f being responsible, answerable for something reverence [ revarans] —
почтение, благоговение, реверанс — the condition or state o f being revered; a bow or curtsy ruthless [ ru:01is] — без жалостный — pitiless, mer ciless sad [s£ed] — печальный — depressed in spirits; show ing sorrow; unhappy
sa ga city [sa^ "gaesiti] — смекалка — the quality of being keen, qu ickw itted; native intelligence, shrewd ness sa rd o n ic [sa: donik] —
сардонический, язвитель ный — expressing b itte r ness or ironic mockery un der laughter
saucy [ sdisi] — дерзкий, нахальный — smart, gaily stylish; impudent se lf — само, - себя self-centred [ selfsenta-dj — эгоистичный — seeing oneself as the centre o f a situation -conceit [ selfks4i si:t] — самомнение — the quality o f having too hign opinion o f oneself -conscious [ self konJVs] — застенчивый — shy; em barrassed at the thought one is m aking a poor im pression -contained [ selfkan teind]
— замкнутый — complete in its e lf; not o ffe r in g or dependent on contact with others -control [ selfkari traiil] —
самообладание — the abil ity to prevent oneself from expressing strong emotion or acting impulsively -defence [ selfdi fens] — самооборона — defending
Иім>'м life, property or reЬН Ion
love [ self Lw] — себя■PV — love o f oneself; (inг concern for one’ s own II luting і ollant [ selfri lai34it] — Iм и ||ы й в с е б е — conpiit in one’ s own abili, hit ving power o f judgeit
i i'Npect [ selfns pekt] — iTito с о б с т в е н н о г о д о с
nm — the proper esii In which one holds ій
willed [ selfwild] — с в о д н ы й — determined to I I w іme’ s own wishes only MtuiHible [ sensibl] — pa11 і.ій — showing good ; being practical, rea1(1« V»! [Sew] — б р и т ь с я —
itve hair with a razor; I down close to the skin n razor; to cut o ff in thin ; to cut very closely I |ai] — з а с т е н ч и в ы й frightened, timid, і tig a lack o f courage
ні I у
21 sincere [sm sia*] — искре ний — honest, true; without falseness slim [slim] — изящный — slender [ slenda^] — thin, small in size, amount, ex tent or degree; attractive and graceful sly [slai] — хитрый, л у кавый — able to trick or deceive; showing or charac terized by cleverness, craft iness, shrewdness sm art [smart] — 1) изящ ный, элегантный — clever or intelligent, bright; sty lish, fashionable; 2) испы тывать жгучую боль — to fe e l sharp s tin gin g pain; hurt or distress sm ile [small] — улыбка, улыбаться — an expression of the face formed by the lips to show happiness, amu sement; sympathy, etc. stubborn [ sUbari] — уп рямый — hard to overcome or deal with; not givin g in to argument or reason ta ll [toil] — высокий — more than average height;
toe [ten] — палец ноги — any of the fiv e end parts of the foot; the part of sto eking, shoe, etc. that covers the toes tongue [U q] — язык —
a movable organ attached to the floor of the mouth, used fo r tasting, swallowing, speaking; a spoken lang uage, dialect tooth (teeth) [tu:0], [ti:0]
— зуб, зубы — one of the hard bone like processes set in the jaws not short or low; unusually large in amount or degree thick [0ik] — толстый — not thin; very noticeable, heavy; mentally dull, stupid thin [0in] — тонкий — not thick; not plump or fat, lean; easily seen through; not dense tidy [taidi] — опрятный;
убирать — clean and neat, well-organized; quite large; considerable timid [ timid] — робкий — shy, showing lack of cou rage, self-confidence
unkind [лп kaind] — злой, недобрый — cruel; angry, not kind virtue [ va^tju:] — добро
1 «ть
moral excellence, any good quality trait of character; the WtH' or strength to proi I' effects
im Iiiuhs;
voice [vois] — голос — j§ Bound uttered from the liwi 11 mouth in speaking Mlnging; expression, rep enting wink [wiqk] — моргать, i ить, подмигивать — to
23 close one eye and then at once open it; a signal; to blink, to hint wrinkle [ riqkl] — мор щина, морщиниться — a fold in a flexible surface; a fold in the skin as a mark of age; to produce wrinkles wrist [rist] — запястье — the joint between the hand and the arm
aw ake |Vweik] — б у дить; to stop sleeping; to wake up; to realize; to make somebody understand boy [boi] — мальчик —
a male child; a son o f any age bride [braid] — невеста — a woman on her wedding day; a newly married wo man bridegroom ['braidgrum] — жених — a man on his wedding day brother ['ЬгАбэ*] — брат — a son in his relationship to another child of the same parents child, children [tfaild], ['tjildr^n] — ребенок, дети;
a boy or a girl at any age bet ween infancy and teenage close [kla-us] — близкий — near; intim ate; nearly alike; compactly, tightly concord [ka-n'ksid] — со гласие — a state of agree ment or harmony; a treaty or agreement couple ['клр1] — пара — a pair; partners in a dance; an engaged or married pair cousin [клгп] — кузина,
кузен — any distant rela tive cradle ['kreidl] — колы бель — a small bed for a baby; a place where some thing begins
darling ['da:liq] — дороtt, милый — a beloved гипп; loved dearly; lov•laughter ['doita^] — дочь и I’emale human being in InMon to her parents
iloll [dol] — кукла — a , a miniature human firo; a pretty empty-heaI woman oinbrace [im'breis] — об мить, -ся — to put one’ s
iiih lovin gly around; to lidpt gladly; to clasp or Id in the arms; to take in Mi understanding
forever [f^'reva^] — на всегда — without a break, eternally, up to the end of days
I’umily ['fiaemili] — семья
friend ['frend] — друг — someone who freely sup ports and helps out o f good will, a person who gives f i nancial help over a period of years
• group consisting o f paits and their children; a up of people closely relal>y blood lather [Тлбэ^] — отец —
male parent; an origina; the oldest member of an titution or community fellow ['fela-u] — при-
ль, парень — a friend, companion, associate; a Nil o f whom one speaks
generation [^en^'reijVn] — поколение — the whole body of persons thought of as bein g born about the same time; a period o f time roughly corresponding to the age of parents when their children are born
Fam ily
give [giv] — давать — to
put into someone’ s hands; to offe r as a present; to o f fer as sponsor; to produce, to show, to supply have [hasv] — иметь —
have got; to hold in the hand; to be in a specified personal relationship to; to contain; to accept; to take; to recei ve; to understand suddenly; to be under an obligation or n ecessity as regard s; to know; to trick, cheat help [help] — помощь, помогать — to be useful and effective to somebody; to make easier; to prevent; to serve food at a meal; to join and contribute to the performance or finishing of a task
heritage ['heritid3 ] — на
следство, наследие — what has been or can be inherited after a parent’ s death honest ['onist] — чест ный — sincere, truthful; obtained by fa ir means husband ['hAzb^nd] —
муж — the male partner in a marriage ill-bred ['il'bred] — пло хо воспитанный — a lack o f good manners, rude or showing rudeness infant ['infant] — дет ский — childish, without comprehension and thought;
here [hia^j — здесь — in this place, at this or at that moment in tim e, action, thought; which is present heredity [hi'rediti] — на
следственность — the trans mission o f qualities from parent to offspring (a son or a daughter)
H thinking about future ivi'iits; unable to conclude Inseparable [in'sep^rafbl] неразлучный, неотде лимый — can’ t be divided, ||h< whole thing; no parts or [jlh’ces; people devoted in ft Irtidship Just [d3 Asl] — справедли вый; только что — obeying Lflirrently accepted ethical n w e ; legally valid; deser v ' d , merited; accurate; ve(®y recently; exactly, directГ, ii short time ago kin [k in ] — род, родРтненники — fa m ily, redives, clan kind [kaind] — добрый, ш имательный; сорт, по-
рода — helpful, sympathe tic, frien dly; gentle, plea sant; a group or division of persons or things kiss [ki:s] — целовать, поцелуй — to press or touch with the lips as an expres sion of passion, affection or respect like [laik] — нравиться; похожий; союз «к а к » — resembling each other, identical, equal, faithful to the original; the same; to find pleasing, attractive; to be fond of; to choose in a spirit o f self-congratulation little ['litl] — м ален ь кий, незначительный — small in size; young; short, brief; trivial; operating on a small scale maid [meid], maiden [ meidn] — девица (н еза мужняя) — a girl, unmar ried, virgin ; a female do mestic servant m aintain [men tein] —
K in
поддерживать — to declare to be true, valid; to defend
Fam ily
mother [ тлдэ1] — мать — a fem ale parent; some thing regarded as a source; a woman in a position of authority name [neim] — имя; на зываться — a word by which a person or thing is known
M arriage
the truth, validity; to pro vide for the needs of; to sup port m arriag e [ mæridg] —
брак, свадьба — the institutoin under which a man and a woman become legally united; the wedding cere mony
n a tive [ neitiv] — род ной, близкий — one o f the original inhabitants o f the country; a person born in a given place, country nephew [ nevju], [ nefju:] — a son o f a person’s bro ther or sister niece [ni:s] — племянни ца — a daughter o f a per son’ s brother or sister
marry [ maeri] — женить ся — to join two people in marriage; to join closely or match; to enter into mar riage minor [main^] — мень-
ший, младший — less in importance, size; not hav ing reached the fu ll legal age
M inor
nourish [ плп]-] — пи
и т , , лелеять — to supply with food; to keep alive in lint mind; to remember in thoughts obedient [гг biidj^nt], I
Or children old |>uld] — старый — not new, advanced in years;
experienced; former orphan [ oifa-n] — сиро
ти — a child whose parents ire dead parents [ pearants] — po-
тели — someones who ive birth to offspring
29 teem; sympathetic concern; attention regret [ri gret] — сожале ние, раскаяние — the emo tion arising from a wish that some matter or situation could be different from what it is; an expression o f this emotion relation [ri leijn] — род
ственные отношения — a relative by birth or m arri age, relationship by blood or marriage, the way in which one thing is associ ated with another remorse [ri mo:s] — у г рызения совести — the emo tion associated with painful recollection o f something one would prefer not to have done or said because it hurts others
patience [ peiJVns] — рпение — the capacity to lit up with troubles, pain, fficu lties without compnt or ill temper; the abity to wait or preserve wiout losing heart or becomg bored
reproach [ri pranitj] — укор, упрек — reproof, re buke; to tell someone that he has acted wrongly when nobody has expected him to do so
regard [n ga:d] — уважение — consideration; es
several [ sevra4] — не сколько — more than two
Fam ily
but not many; a small num ber o f persons and things sister [ sista^] — сестра —
a daughter in her relation ship to another child of the same parents sour [ saua^] — кислый
— having an acid taste as lemon; unpleasant; irrita t ed, bad-tempered testament [ testament] —
завещание — a w ill, the last will trust [trASt] — доверять
— to rely upon, to believe; to fe el sure o f; to expect with confidence twin [twin] — близнец,
двойник — one of two child ren born at the same birth
uncle [ Aqkl] — дядя — the brother of a person’ s fa ther or mother; the husband o f a person’ s aunt unlike [ лп laik] — непо
хож ий, не такой — d i f ferent from; not typical of; not the same or equal unmarried [ лп maerid] — неженатый; незамужняя — not married widow [ wida-u] — вдова — a woman who has not married again a fter her husband’ s death; to make into a widow — овдоветь w id o w e r [ widoua1] — вдовец — a man who has not married again after his w ife ’ s death w ife [w aif] — жена — the female partner in a mar riage
[ wuman] — women [ wi:min] — женщи на — an adult female hu man being; female sex woman
accident ['aeksid^nt] — учай, случайность, нестный случай; — catasphes: railroad accidents, r crash; — chance: W e wt by accident acid ['assid] — кислый — jiving a sour, sharp taste Ike a lemon; having the
haracteristics of acid, ex: acid remark, an acid face a/like [V laik ] — noxoий, подобный; такой же;
the same manner; simi; like each other ambulance ['asmbjula'ns] скорая помощь; сравни: ambulatory, амбулаторe лечение as/sur/ance [a'-'juaraiis]
страхование, заверше
ние — quarantee of truth; certainly; surely; promise, convincing reason to rely on to as/sure (V jW ] — за верять, гарантировать — to make certain; to tell as a certain fact; to insure; to make safe to attend |>'tend] — по сещать, заниматься — to be present at...; to go re g u la rly to...; to v is it and treat (as nurse, doctor); to
Health Service W H _______________
accompany; to pay atten tion to... back [baek] — спина; тыльная сторона — the hinder part o f the body; the less im p ortan t side; op posite the front; the distant part; a defensive position bad (worse, the worst)
[b£Cd, W04S, W34St] — плохой — defective, not good, mis fortune bandage [ЪагпсМз] — по
вязка, бинт, бандаж bind [baind] — свя зы вать — to tie up, to bandage, to fasten together, to connect to bite [bait] — кусать — to cut with teeth; to da mage; to have a tendency to make attacks in this way bleed [bli:d] — кровото чить — to lose, to draw blood; to extort money blind [blaind] — слепой — without sight; without seeing objects or facts blood [bUd] — кровь — a fluid circulating throug'hout the body
bone [Ьэтдп] — кость — one of the hard parts of the skeleton breath [bre0] — ды ха ние, дуновение; respira tion; a slight movement of air; a slight pause, a m o ment; to draw in air and send it out from the lungs; to blow gently to breathe [bri:5] — ды
шать — to take into the lungs; to make naturally evident; to live; to recover bruise [bru:z] — синяк, кровоподтек — a surface injury to the body caused by a fall or blow can [kaen] — 1) мочь — модальный глагол — to be able to do smth; 2) жестя ная банка — a tinplated
Health Service
letitainer in which food prorttmU are preserved cancer ['kæns^] — рак —
* northern group of stars in Hip нку; a sort of crab; illИрин, disease complain [kaWplein] —
Жаловаться — to express dlwHatisfaction, to express |ntin or distress complicate ['komplikeit] p усложнять, запутывать; lit make difficult or confu|9(I ; to make complex; diffi> IL to understand i
conclusion [ka-n'klu^n],
— заключе нии; the end or last part; a ■Httlement or arrangement n i' t in agreement; a reasoned judgement; the summary or flylJiNhot of an argument J k ,v n 'k lu :3 3 4 i]
[ confidence ['konfida-ns] p доверие, конфиденцивмыюсть; a state of trust; Mllftnce, a feeling of hope; H fe c r e t conscience [’konJVns] — Щтииние — knowledge of нни'н own acts as right or
pHing М()(н гме и эффективные ... англ. слов
33 cough [kofj — кашель, кашлять — a sudden forced expulsion o f air from the lungs, the noise made by this air crazy ['kreizi] — сумас
шедший — foolish; un sound; full of defects; very enthusiastic, in love with c ry [krai] — плакать; кричать — to call out, to shout; to weep, to utter an animal’ s call cure ['kju^] — лечить —
a course o f treatm ent; to restore to health; to treat danger
опасность — an act leading
H ealth Service
to harm, loss o f life etc. Stop in danger! dead [ded] — мертвый — having no life ; not alive; having no fe elin g , m ove ment or activity; not in play or in operation deaf [def] — глухой —
without sense o f hearing; unwilling to listen; unwil ling to understand death [de0] — смерть — the end o f life; the state of being dead; an end, destruc tion, dying definite ['definit] — опре деленный, точный — clear; limiting; exact, certain depend [di'pend] — зави
сеть — to rely for support; to rely trustfully; to count; to be contingent disappear
['disa^'pi^] — исчезать — to be lost, to vanish, not to be visible disease [d i'zi:z] — б о
лезнь — an unhealthy con dition; an illness; being sick; a particular malady
dissolve [di'zolv] — pa створять, расторгать; to put an end to; to disperse; to pass into solution; to fade gradually distinct [dis'tiqkt] — от четливы й — clear, d e fi nite; separate, individual; marked distress [dis'tres] — rope,
бедствие — considerable mental or physial discom fort or pain; financial hard ship; a being in great d iffi culty or danger disturb [dis'ta^b] — бес
покоить, нарушать — to worry, to move out of place; to bother; to upset the peace of dizzy ['dizi] — головокру жительный — mentally confused; sick, a little bit out of mind doubt [daut] — сомнение — hesitation; a feelin g of uncertainty; being unsure drop [drop] — капля — a very small amount of liquid in a round or pear-shaped form clinging or falling to a surface
Health Service
drug [с1глд] — лекарст во; наркотик — a substance timid as medicine; a chemi■til substance used to alter I ho state o f the body or the iti Iiid; a narcotic substance dumb [dAm] — немой — unable to speak, mute; without the use of words, «mindless; unwilling to ipeak emergency [i'm^:d 3 ^nsi]
-* крайность, критичес кое положение — a dange rous situation which arises ■nddenly and calls for promt nction; an immediate need endure [in'dju^] — тер петь — to suffer patiently; to tolerate; to bear, stand; о remain set in purpose; to old out under suffering enough [ iW f ] — достаочный — as much as is reded; sufficiently, quite much as is needed; fairly, lerably; as mush as one nil put up with or manage; о more en/trust [in'trASt] — вве
рить, поручать — to give
35 fo r safekeeping; to g ive a task or duty evidence ['evrdaris] — оче
видность, доказательство, свидетель — inform ation given by a witness; anything that provides information on which a conclusion or proof may be based exhaust [ig'zoist] — исто щать, исчерпать — to use up completely, come to the end; to empty; to destroy; to discuss completely expect [iks'pekt] — ждать, надеяться — to hope for, to think likely; to require some one to do something expire [iks'paia^] — вы
дыхать — to breathe out; to come to an end external [eks'ta^n^l] — наружный, внешний — on the outside o f the body; what lies outside the mind fa il [fe il] — не доста
вать, не хватать — to omit or forget to do something required; to become exhaus ted, to give out; to crash
H ealth Service
financially; to be unsucces sful; to abandon suddenly fault [fo:lt] — вина — a mistake, a failure feel [fi:l], felt [fe lt] —
чувствовать — to become aware through the senses; to experience; to sense fever ['fliva1] — лихорад
ка — human body tempe rature above the normal; a disease causing such high temperature; a high state of excitement, agitation fold [fanild] —- склады вать, сгибать — to cause one part o f something to lie on another; to reduce into a small space; to clasp the hands together in a relaxed way
headache ['hedeik] — ro ловная боль — a usually persistent pain in the head; a boring/vexing problem health [tielS] — здоро вье — the state o f fitness of the body or of the mind hear [hiar] — сльїшать — to be aware of somebody’ s words or sounds; to attend, v is it; to receive inform a tion or news; to be informed heart [ha:t] — сердце — the organ; the central part of something the most im portant part; man’ s em o tion, the deepest feelings; a state o f mind or feelings hurt [h^:t] — повредить, причинить боль — to do
hard [ha:d] — суровый, твердый; тяжелый — d if ficult to cut, crack or crash; not easy to do; oppressive; unkind; energetic and per sistent; unfavourable hardy ['ha:di] — отваж
ный — strong, brave,corageous
robust; H ear
Health Service
hn nil, to cause b od ily or timutal pain to somebody; to damage »1 [il] — больной — not well, sick; in bad health, in poor health illness ['ilnis] — болезнь ► a particular disease, the •lute o f being ill, in poor llpnlth immediate [I'miidja't] —
»»посредственный, пря— without an interval; ct; the closest
37 dirty, conducting to disease; not healthy, very bad insecure [^nsi'kjua-] — не надежный, небезопасный — not safe, safeless; without proper care; careless insensibility [in, sensa'biliti] — равнодушие, чер ствость — indifference; not feeling; unconsciousness insomnia [in'somni^] —
бессонница — one is un able/can’ t fall asleep; a per sistent inability to sleep
inanimate [in'aenimit] —
душевленный; скучный having no organic life, ow ing no sign of having f<>; boring infirm [in' fa^m] — слай, немощный — physi-
lly weak; m orally weak; poor health, sick, not well inject [in'd3 ekt] — впрыснать, вводить — to force fluid into a body; to introe a new quality into a n or thing insanitary [in'saemtOTi] —
мтисанитарный — ve ry
instant ['instant] — не
медленный; мгновенный — urgent, im m ediate; in soluble form; done at once, at a short period o f time insurance [m'Jua'rans] — страхование — the practice by which an individual se cures financial compensa tion fo r a loss or damage; the protection interrogate [in'ter^geit]
— спрашивать, допраши вать — to ask, to investi gate, to inquire; to make an
38 interrogation, question
Health Service
jaw [d3 D:] — челюсть — a part of the mouth; the parts of a tool; a place of danger jot [dgot] — малое коли чество, йота — a very small amount; a quick w ritten note; a brief note or memo randum kill [kil] — убивать — to destroy life; to stop dead in life ; to be shocked; do not exist knee [ni:] — колено — the area surrounding the knee jo in t in a man; some th in g re sem b lin g a b en t knee left [left] — левый — on the side of the body where the heart is situated life [laif] — жизнь — the period of time from birth to the present; a specified period or aspect of one’s existence; a fresh sta rt or opportunity liver ['liva*] — печень — a large vascular organ that
plays an im portant role in digestion, creates particle:, of blood, etc. lose [lu:z] — терять — to become unable to find ; to get rid of; to fail to win; to decrease in; to su ffer loss, to be defeated lung [1лд] — легкое one of the pair of spongy sacklike organs that oxyge nate the blood moan [т э ч т ] — стон a low, long sound express ing pain or grief; complain, distress, dissatisfaction necessary [ nesa'sam], [ nc sisari] — необходимый — th at m ust be, essential; unavoidable, in the nature of things necessity [na^ sesiti], [ni sesiti] — необходимость — som ething th at is in need; the quality of being nece ssary nerve [n^:v] — нерв — any of the cordlike fibers of neural tissue th at connects the nervous system with other organs of the body
Health Service n o t h i n g [ ПЛ0ІГ)] — н и ч -
fe not anything at all; for Hi і mason; no less than; not In ішу way; total insignifif -ІЦІСЄ
[п л т ] — онеме — lacking the ability |ft feel any em otion (as a fPHiilt of shock, fatigue) num b
лы й
[ плгі] — нюхать, (опить нос, прижаться — |о make pushing movements W ith the nose against; to ri’HS the nose against somen u z z le
h ln g o b l i g a t o r y [ з Ь І ід з Ч з г і] —
янательный, обязываю|ий — which must be done; •111 ired by authority; being (I obligation o rd in a ry
[ o :d n r i ] ,
[ o :d i-
MI — обычный, заурядй — usual; not exceptio1, normal, trivial o v e rlo o k luk] — не метить, просмотреть — full to see, do not notice, decide not to punish
pain [pern] — боль — an upleasant feeling or sense; d ig ressin g emotion
p a s s i v e [ paesiv] — пас сивный — acted upon by someone or something else; inert; offering no resistance; lacking in itiative p i l l [pd] — пилюля, таб летка — a small ball or pellet of m edicine usually coated w ith su g ar; som e thing unpleasant that must be taken p r e v e n t [pri vent] — пред отвращать — to come be fore; to cause not to do or not to happen; not to be made or done p ro lo n g
[ргэчйэд], [pra^bq]
— продлить — to make lon ger, to extend; to draw out [ kworaritkn] — карантин — a period of isolation q u a ra n tin e
[ kwinzi] — анги на — a very sore throat; an abscess of th e areas s u r rounding the tonsils q u in sy
r a s h [raej-] — стр ем и тельный — made or done hurriedly, hastily without considering the possible risk
40 reason f ri:zn] — причи на, основание — the ab ility to think logically, to under stand; sound th in king recover [ri клуэ^] — 1) вернуть себе — to get back; to possess again 2) выздоро веть — to return to normal health a fte r illness; to be on the mend relapse [n lasps] — повто рение, рецидив — a rep eti tion o f some illness, crim e or heresy; com ing back to som ething rely [ri lai] — доверять — to depend absolutely; to believe com pletely; to place one’ s complete confidence in restful [ restful] — успо коительн ы й — h avin g s calm ing e ffe c t; enabling a person to rest his body or mind restless [ restlis] — бес покой н ы й , н еугом он н ы й — in continual m otion, con s ta n tly c h a n g in g ; a g it a ted ly m oving about rid [rid] — избавлять — to fr e e o f s o m eth in g u n
H ealth Service
welcom e; to get rid o f = in ge t free from = to do away w ith rinse [rins] — полоска ние — to wash w ell in clear water; a solution for the hair, throat sacrifice [ saskra'fais] — ж ертвоп ринош ение — th a n k sgivin g fo r the saki> o f another person saint [sein t] — святой — a soul gone to heaven sake [seik] — ради — fo r the b en efit o f; fo r the pur pose o f sane [sein] — здравомы с л я щ и й , н о р м а льн ы й — norm al, safe and sound; sensible save [seiv] — спасать; экономить — to keep alive, free, safe or in good condi tion; to economize, to reser ve fo r fu tu re use sca re [skea-J — и с п уг, пугать — to become afraid; to arouse fea r in somebody; a widespread alarm, panic
Health Service
несиге [si Щиа-] — безспокойный — m pletely safe; sure, cer; fix e d firm ly
И исны й,
H elf-sa crifice [s e lf ssekri-
сам опож ертвоваие — action in ten ded to nefit o th ers or done to lie’ s own disadvantage i sj —
sense [sens] — чувство - any o f the b o d ily f a c i lities (hearing, sight, smell, „.“ Hte or touch) by which an rganism becomes aware o f ts surroundings shiver [ fiva] — 1) дрожь, тр епет — to tr e m b le ; to Hliake w ith cold or fear; 2) разбить вдребезги — to break in to fragm en ts or M ina.ll pieces shoulder [ jyulda*] — п ле чо — the jo in t connecting ‘ ‘ie arm w ith the upper part id the body; the p art o f a lothing coverin g the shoulle r sick [sik] — больной — III, unhealthy; s u ffe rin g from some disease, having Imd h ealth ; sh ow in g sick ness
sigh [sai] — вздох — a long, deep breathing sound
sight [salt] — зрение, взгляд; вид — the pow er o f seein g; v isio n ; som ethin g seen, view ; personal ju d ge ment, regard skin [skin] — кожа — the outer coverin g o f a human or animal body
sleep [sli:p] — спать — a natural condition o f rest usually at n igh t slight [slait] — слабый, хрупкий, легкий — small in quantity, degree or strength; slen d er o r th in ; o f sm all importance sneeze [sni:z] — чихать — to d rive or force one’ s
H ealth Service
breath out through the nose and mouth in a sudden, violent way
pain, sorrow or distress; to undergo loss or damage
snore [sna:] — храпеть
латать — to propose; to offer for consideration or action; to express indirectly, to hint
— to make harsh or noisy sounds in sleep through the mouth and nose soap [saup] — мыло — a
substance used for washing and cleaning sore [so:] — болезнен ный — painful or sensitive to the touch; feeling physi cal pain; annoying; any source o f pain spare [spea^] — 1) обере гать — to show mercy to; to leave unhurt; to save from pain or trouble; 2) свобод ный — extra, free, held in reserve stolid [ stolid] — тупой; вялый, флегматичный — impassive; not easily moved; showing no emotion stomach [ sUmak] — же лудок — a digestive cavity; abdomen; belly suffer [ sAfer] — страдать
— to have or be subject to
suggest [s a fe s t] — пред
survive [sa1 vaiv] — вы жить, пережить — to out live; to live longer than; to continue to live or remain active tear [tea^] (tore, torn) [to:], [torn] — рвать; цара пать — to pull apart into pieces; to wound by tearing; to divide into pieces; слеза — a drop o f salty fluid that flows from the eye thrill [9ril] — нервная дрожь, трепет — an excit ing feeling or sensation; to tremble, quiver touch [ Utf] — касаться, дотрагиваться — to bring a hand on or against; to come into contact with; to con cern; to partake; to be in con tact tremble [ trembl] — дро жать — to shake as with
Health Service
some purpose; not qu a li fied; in poor condition, un healthy unhealthy [лп helGi] — нездоровый — sick; ill; not in good health; harmful to a person’ s morals unsafe [ лп seif] — нена
дежный — not safe ' unsanitary [ лп sasnitOTi] — негигиеничный — not clean or sanitary Hold; to be filled with fear,
liurvousness trouble [ ЪлЫ] — непри
ятность, беда, беспокойптво — d iffic u lty , danger or distress; something that Causes a problem; extra work o r e ffo rt undergo [,And^ дэч1] —
двергаться — to pass irough; to endure; to expeience uneasy [л п i:zi] — неудобый, встревоженный —
rried, anxious; restless; wkward, embarrassed unfit [ лп fit] — непод ходящий — not suited to
urgency [ 3^:d3^nsi] —
крайняя необходимость — must be done immediately; c o m p ellin g, p ressin g; insistent, earnest vein [vein] — вена — one o f the vessels that carry blood in the body vision [vi 3 n] — зрение; видение — the act or power o f seeing; the ability to plan ahead; fo r s ig h t; m ental image weak [wi:k] — слабый — h a vin g lit t le physical strength; lacking force; low in intensity; lacking logical force
H ealth Service
to weep [wi:p] — плакать — to shed tears; to cry; to b rin g to a specified condi tion by w eeping
wound [wu:nd] — ранить, рана — an in ju r y as the result o f violence; an injury to the feelin gs
w obble [ wobl] — 1) ш а таться; 2) дрож ать, к о л е баться; 3) шаткий — to m ove unsteadily from side to side; to shake; to be un steady on its or one’ s legs; to trem ble
X -rays [ eks reiz] — рент геновские лучи — a method o f determining crystal struc ture; an electrom agnetic ra diation; a photograph made by exposure to X-rays
w orry [ wah] — беспоко иться — to trouble; to feel a n x io u s , tr o u b le d ; to be excited
to breathe in deeply, lettin g the mouth open wide because o f sleepiness, weariness or boredom
yaw n [join] — зевать —
Ac/count/ant/ [гг'каип-
l.tflt] — бухгалтер — a person •»killed in keeping accounts;
■ Someone w ho exam ines or Inspects the accounts o f a poinpany bak er ['beik^] — пекарь
busy ['b iz i] — заняты й — engaged in work, having much to do; fu ll o f a c tiv ity calculate ['kaelkjuleit] — считать, вы считы вать — to make a calculation; to w ork out m athem atical processes to fig u r e out in one’ s head
blacksmith ['blaeksmiG] —
c a rp e n te r ['kaipint^] —
|сузнец — a man who works Ith iron and fir e
п лотн и к — a workm an in wood, a person who makes the wooden fram es o f a house, ship, etc
body-gu ard ['bodiga:d] — ЦЧ'лохранитель — a man or roup o f men gu ardin g the |nfety o f another business ['biznis] — дєло, Йннятие — o n e ’ s re g u la r em ploym ent, profession , occupation; personal a ffa ir
coc [kuk] — повар — a person who can make break fast, dinner and supper fo r other people collaborate [k ^'laeb areit]
— сотрудничать — to work
together; another
to assist one
colleague ['koli:g] — к ол лега — a fellow worker; a partner communicative [ka-'mju:nik^tiv] — общительный, разговорчивый — informa tive, w illin g to talk in fo r m atively concern
иметь отношение, касать ся — to be interested in; to take part in; to have as a subject; to involve construct [ka^n'strAkt] — строить, создавать — to put togeher, to build; to arrange mentally, to combine
from the ground; to make oneself fam iliar with » subject; to find out by research dismiss [dis'mis] — от пускать, увольнять — to send aw ay, to discharge from employment, office; to refuse to listen to; tell to go doctor ['docta] — врач a person who can treat people and help them driver [ 'draiva] — води
тель, инженер — a man who can drive a car and use it as transport
deal [di:l] — иметь дело — to distribute; to engage in buying and sellin g; to have business relations desire [di'zaia^] — желание — strong wish, request; to want something very much dig [dig] — копать — to break up or turn soil with a spade; to excavate; to remove
| Profession н а г а [> :n ] — зарабатыIJii с ь — to get a payment for ||Nirk or services; to deserve |iy merit; to bring in some tliO ( >me from investment e m b r o id e r [im'broid^] — нмшивать, приукрашать в * to ornament with needle w o r k ; to add to a story de mit I Is that are interesting or I f и tiny but not true
[im'pbi] — нани мать, использовать — to nun, to make use of; to i squire the work of; to keep liusy; to pay a person for e m p lo y
Ity o rk e n g i n e e r [ e i ^ i ' n i a 1] —
инженер, механик — an ■ jlx p e rt in the design and ■ construction of engines; an ■|xp ert in organization of ■ p lvil works; a person qualiI flrd in any branch of ■engineering e n t e r p r is e ['enta'praiz] — К предприятие — a venture K n llin g fo r determination, ■ e n e r g y and in itia tive; the ■flliaracter needed fo r such a ■ venture; a commercial or
47 industrial undertaking, sub division experience [iks'piaTiaTis]
— опыт, испытание — the knowledge or feeling obtain ed through direct impres sions; the skill gained by practice or life factory ['fieektan] — фаб рика — a building where goods are manufactured farm [fa:m] — ферма, хо зяйство — an area o f land used for cultivation or animal breeding under individual or collective management fly [flai] — лететь — to m ove th rough the a ir by means of wings, jets, propel lers; to travel by air; to float or wave in the air; to run away; to tran sp ort in an aircraf flyer fflais] — летчик
fgrocer ['granisa^] — тор говец бакалейными това рами — a seller o f common household goods (tea, coffe, canned food, soap, matches, etc.)
48 guard [ga:d] — стража, охрана — watch, control; a keeping watch against surp rise attack or th e ft guide [gaid] — гид, про во д н и к — a p ers o n w ho shows the w ay; a book o f in form ation ; an adviser inexperienced [^iniks piaria^nst] — н еоп ы т н ы й — w ithout practice, lacking som e s k ills ; unable to do w ithout practical work inferior [in'fiana^] — под чиненный — o f low er rank or status; o f poor quality. interpret [in'ta^prit] — переводить — to translate, to explain the meaning; to express one’ s conception; to act as a lin gu istic in te r preter interpreter [in'ta^prit^] — переводчик — a person who knows a fo r e ig n language and can translate jester ['d 3 esta\| — ш ут, ш утник — a p rofession al joke-maker; an object which gives both lau gh ter and contempt
Profession }
job [d3ob] — работ;і. служ ба — a specific piece o f work done fo r pay; an occu pation as a source of liv in g ; a d iff ic u lt task; n public o ffic e turned to p riva te advantage judge [d3Ad3] — судить; судья — to apply the law to a qu estion to a r riv e to an opinion; a c iv il law office: o f the highest rank; any person appointed to settle 11 dispute or a com petition lead [li:d] — вести, руко водить — to show the way; to force to go; to direct, supervise; to conduct; to be m oving at the head; to hold firs t place; to make the first play main [mein] — главный — the most important, chief, principal major [ meids^] — боль ш ий; старш ий — grea ter in im p o rta n c e , s ize than som ething else make [meik] — делать — to b rin g into being; to p er form an action; to arrange;
| Profession
to establish; to add up to; to turn out to be; to earn money; to produce; m ake up — макияж — cosmetics; Hie art o f applying cosme tics; the w ay in which the parts o f som ething are put together manage [ maemdj] — у п равлять — to have control over; to be able to cope w ith the s itu a tio n ; to m anipu late; to handle m anager [ тагп^зэ] — управляю щ ий — a leader in a company merchant [ ma'rtja-nt] — купец — a person who directs a large-scale trade e s p e c ia lly w ith a fo r e ig n country; a reta iler nurse [na^s] — медсест ра, няня — a woman trained to care fo r the sick or the infirm under the direction o f n doctor; a woman employed to look a fter young children overwork [ a^uva w^:k] — п ереутом ляться — to e x haust with too much work; to work too hard, excessively
ow ner [ ггипгг] — с о б ственник — a possessor pilot [pailat] — 1) пилот, летч и к ; 2) лоцм ан, р у л е вой; 3 ) проводник plumber [ р1лтз^] — во д оп роводчи к, п а я ль щ и к — a skilled worker who fits, repairs and maintains pipes, bathroom fixtu res, cisterns pretender [pri tenda^] — претендент, притворщ ик — someone who pretends, states falsely quick [kwik] — быстрый -ly — бы стро [ k w ikli] — fa s t-m o v in g ; ra p id ; h u r ried; liv e ly , im pulsively
50 quiet [ kwaia't] — сп о койный, тихий — peace ful, undisturbed; noiseless quit [kwit] — оставлять, бросать работу — to get rid of; to leave; to free ranger [ reind3 ^] — кон ный полицейский — an officer who patrols a public forest or park recipient [ri Sipi34lt] — получатель — someone who receives rem ove [ri mu:v] — 1) удалять; 2) переезжать — to move from a place; to change one’ s place of resi dence; to dismiss from office or to transfer to another post; to transfer from one dwelling to another remuneration [r^mjuin^ reijn] — вознаграждение — the money or gift received by a person; compensation fo r expenditure o f tim e, trouble or money resign [n zain] — уходить в отставку — to be retired; to leave an occupation by
one’ s own volition; to stop activity resignation [,rezig neijVn] — отставка — a formal let ter, notice; the act of resign ing; retirement retire [ri tai&] — уда ляться, отходить назад — to give up active participa tion in a business; to draw back; to seek privacy; resign ing revenue [ revinju:] — до ход — the annual or perio dic incom e, return from investments, property, etc. reward [ri wD:d] — воз награждение — something given or promised in recog nition of service ride [raid] — езда, ехать верхом — to sit in a car, train and be carried along; to sit on and be carried along by a horse or other animal — while controlling its movements safeguard [ seifga:d] — ох рана — protection; defence sailor [ seil^] — моряк — a man professionally
51 who takes part in smuggl ing soldier [ S3uld3^] — сол дат — a person who serves in an army; a brave, skilled or experienced warrior spy [spai] — шпион — a person who watches others secretly or gathers secret information about others
trained in the operating of a ship or member of a ship’ s crew below the rank of officer salary [ saelari] — жало ванье, зарплата — a fixed regular payment made to nonmanual workers scientist [ saia-ntist] — ученый — a specialist in science t scribe [skraib] — писец, переписчик — a person skilled in handwriting; a professional copyist or clerk sm uggler [ smAgla'] — контрабандист — a person
teacher [ 'ti:tja] — учи тель — a person who gives knowledge to peoples/stu dents * tenant [ tenant] — арен датор — a person who pays rent to occupy or use the property of another; an occu pant or inhabitant thief [0i:f] — thieves [Oirvz] — вор, воры — a person who steals, especially secretly and without using force typist [ taipist] — ма шинистка, наборщик — a person who types unemployed [ л ш т ploid] — безработный — jobless, out of work
unskilled [ лп skild] — необученный, неквалифи цированный — lacking training, experience, prac tice wage [\ve1 d3 ] — зарпла та — money received by nonprofessional workers in the form of a weekly pay ment of an agreed sum waiter [ weit^] — офици
ант — a man employed to serve food or drink; one who waits on tables in a restau rant work [wa:k] — работа — physical or mental activity undertaken to achieve a purpose w r a n g le r [ rasqgla^] —
спорщик — a person who argues, quarrels noisily
apartament [Vpa.'tma-nt]; set o f rooms on one floor; separate residence; a flat
bench [bent]-] — скамей ка — a long wooden or stone seat fo r two or more people
attic ['aetik] — чердак — room under the ro o f of a ouse
bucket ['bAkit] — ведро — a container fo r holding water, milk; a pail
barn [ba:n] — сарай — a arm building fo r keeping y, farm instruments, ain or for housing animals
build [bild] — строить — to construct, to make some thing
basket ['ba:skit] — Кор ина
cage [keid3 ] — клетка — an airy container fo r keep ing birds
bath [ba:0] — ванна, куние — a container with ater to clean oneself or ash; the process of cleang the body in a bath bed [bed] — кровать — a ece of furniture for sleepng in or resting on below [bi'lsru] — под, ниже, вниз — under, in a wer place; lower than
call [ko:l] — звать, зво нить — to say loudly in order to get attention; to speak to by telephone; to bring under discussion; to give a personal name to shout or exclaim; to pay a visit carpet ['ka:pit] — ковер —
a heavy fabric made o f wool, silk, nylon used as a cover ing for floors cat [kaet] — кошка — a
domestic animal ceiling ['snliq] — пото лок — the upper inner sur face o f a room; an upper li mit of capacity or ability chair [tjea-j — стул — a seat with four legs and a backrest for one person; the
position o f a professor in u university (кафедра) chimney ['tfimni] — тру ба — an enclosed vertical channel fo r carrying away the smoke from a fire clock [kbk] — часы — a mechanism fo r measuring and indicating time; a time clock convenience [kan'viinjaris | — удобство, выгода — ad vantage; any useful appli ance; something com fort able cosy ['kanizi] — уютный — nicely relaxing, comfort able; (about people) easy to get on with creak [kri:k] — скрип, скрипеть — a harsh sound made by a loose floorboard or layers o f dry leather rub bing together curtain t'ka^tn] — зана веска, штора — a hanging cloth used in a theatre stage or decorate windows cushion ['kuJVn] — ди ванная подушка — a small
Щ House
55 dorm itory ['do:mitri] —
общежитие — a hostel; a sleeping place; a communal sleeping room with a num ber o f beds downstairs ['daun'ste^z] — вниз по лестнице — to a lower floor, to the groundfloor
pillow, a cloth case stuffed with feather, foam, rubber p ic.; for sitting on or lean in g against disguise [dis'gaiz] — мас
кировать, скрывать — to change the normal appearnnee; to hide, to conceal i
disorder [dis'o:d^], [di'zo:Idtt] — бесп орядок, рас стройство; a state o f confu|Kion, untidiness; lawlessIness; violation o f public
dust [dASt] — пы ль — minute particles o f mineral or plant material, lying on the ground or on the sur faces of things, or flyin g in the atmosphere d w ell [d w e l] — ж ить, обитать — to live, to inha bit; to occupy en tran ce ['entrains] —
вход — a door; the act of coming or going in; the act o f starting, being admitted; a fee paid fo r the right to be admitted
exit ['eksit] — выход — a way out; a stage direction for an actor to go o ff
domestic fda^'mestik] — домашний — belonging to the home or house; relating to fam ily affairs; tame, not Wild; not foreign
ex terio r [eks'tiari^] — внешний — outer, visible from the outside; a backgroup or scene film ed out doors
56 fence [fens] — забор, из городь — a railing of wood, wire to mark a boundary bet ween a street and a private territory or neighbours fla t [flaet] — квартира; плоский — an apartment; a set of rooms on one floor; broad, smooth plain, un broken by depressions or projections floor [fb :] — пол, этаж — the lower horizontal sur face of a room on which one stands; a structure dividing a building horizontally into storeys
H ou se
corative; accessories and equipment garbage ['ga:bid3 ] — му cop, отбросы — rubbish, kitchen waste; inacurate or unsuitable data in compute r garden ['ga:dn] — сад — a piece of ground where f lo wers, fru it and vegetable arcgrown, usually near a house ; a region o f great beauty gate [geit] — ворота — a wooden or metal barrier which can be opened and shut, entrance
from [from], [frara] — из, от, с — indicating outward movement or distance in re lation to a point in space or time
h a ll [ho:l] — зал — a large room used fo r meet ings or social occasions; a connecting passage or corri dor between rooms; a place where people meet for social or recreative purposes
fron t [frAnt] — фасад, передняя сторона — the most forward part of a thing; the most advanced position; the scene o f a p articu lar activity; a face of a building
hang [hæq] — висеть, вешать — to be suspended; to await a decision; to fall in folds or in an elegant loose fit; to suffer death by being suspended by the neck
fu rn itu re ['fa^nrtj^] — мебель — movable articles put in a room to make it de
home [Ьзчип] — дом — the private livin g place o f a family; the place, city where
inn [in] — гостиница,
постоялый двор — a small hotel, a tavern, a dwelling for a night inside [in'said] — внутри — in or into inner part of something; at or toward the inner side of interior [in'tia-ri^] — внутренний, интерьер — re la tin g or placed at the inner part o f something; do mestic affairs of the country one was born; the place where something originat
ed, developed house [haus] — дом, зда ние — a building fo r a perноп or fam ily to live in; the
in te rn a l [in'ta^n^l] —
внутренний — interior, in side; inside the body in volving the mind, soul, con science
key [ki:] — ключ, клави ша — an instrum ent fo r lock in g and u n lock in g a lock; a slotted instrument fo r opening cans, bottles; something which affords or prohibits entrance
indoors ['indo:z] — внут ри дома, в помещении — into a building
kitchen ['kitjin] — кухня — the part o f a house where food is prepared
inhabit [in'haebit] — насе лять — to live in, to dwell, to stay for long time
live [liv ] — жить, оби тать — to have life; to main tain life; to flourish, remain
audience in a theatre; a resi dence, dwelling indoor ['indo:] — комнат ный, внутри помещения
— inside a house or a build-
in people’ s memory; to con duct or pass one’ s life in a certain manner; to realize one’ s potential; to reside, to dwell, to pass, to spend lobby flob i] — п р и хо жая, кулуары, вестибюль — a corridor, an entrance hall, vestibule, waiting room; the part o f a legis lative building to which the public has access to meet with legislators lock [tak] — локон, за мок — a fastening device on doors for security; a curl of hair as it naturally grows on the head lodger [lbd33t] — жилец, квартирант — someone who occupies a rented room in another person’ s house log [log] — бревно — a long and heavy piece o f the trunk or a branch of a tree; a shorter segment used for fuel m ansion [ maenjVn] — большой особняк — a very large, imposing house mirror [ mira] — зерка ло, отражать — a polished
H ou se
surface which reflects light; to make a true portrait or representation mop [тэр ] — швабра — an implement for washing or polishing floors near [ш ?] — около — not far, at a short distance neat [ni:t] — чистый, on рятный — clean and tidy; well made, well propor tioned neighbour [ neib^] — со сед — a person living next door or relatively close to another; to be situated near to, adjoin orchard [ oitja^l] — сад — a garden, a stretch of land with cultivated fruit trees pail [peil] — ведро — an open container with arched handle at the top used for carrying liquids pet [pet] — любимец, ба ловень — som eone who treated as a favourite; a tame animal kept as a companion or for fun and affectionate ly cared for
H ouse
rake [reik] — грабли — an agricultural instrument for collecting, gathering, cleaning smoothing, etc r o o f [ru:f] — кры ш а, кров — the structure that covers the top o f a building; a home or house affording shelter and hospitality P a il
pillow [ ріізчі] — подуш ка — a cushion stuffed with feathers, foam rubber or other soft material; a rest and support for the neck and head plinth [plin0] — плинтус — the base o f a wall which projects just above ground level
room [rum] — комната — a sf>ace within a building enclosed by its walls, ceil ing and floor rubbish [ глЫ|] — хлам — waste material, refuse; garbage; nonsense rug [глд] — 1) ковер.— a mat o f thick wool used to cover a floor; 2) плед — a thick blanket used as a bed covering or for wrapping
puppy [ рлрі] — щенок — a young dog rail [reil] — перила, пе рекладина, рельс — a ho rizontal bar of wood or metal; railroad (а м ер .) — желез ная дорога — the organiza tion concerned with runn ing a regional system of rail roads; railway (б р и т .)
H ou se
around the knees when tra velling
and protects from weather, danger, attack; refuge
rural [ maral] — сельс кий, деревенский — re lating to or characteristic of a village
shutter [ jAta^] — ставень — a movable panel or screen for a door or window; a de vice that opens and closes the lens opening of a camera
seesaw [ si:so:] — детские качели — a plank balanced in the centre; a back-andforth or up-and-down move ment; to rise and fall alter nately sheet [fi:t] — простыня, лист бумаги, полоса — а large piece of cotton used as a bed covering; a single piece o f paper; any broad thin stripe of something shelter [ Jelta^] — убежи ще — something that covers
sill [sil] — подоконник — the part across the bot tom of a window or a door; a horizontal beam that for ms the foundation o f a stru cture slam [slaem] — хлопать дверью — to shut a door with a loud noise; to strike or move noisily stair [stea^] — ступенька — a flight o f steps for pass ing from one level or floor to another storey [ stori] — этаж, ярус — one o f the horizon tal divisions o f a building; a set o f rooms on the same floor or level swab [swob] — швабра — a mob used on ships to clean decks and other surfaces
sweep [swi:p] (swept) [swept] 1) мести; уничто-
again; to become imaginati vely aware o f something wall [wo:l] — стена — a vertical structure built to enclose, support, divide, protect; a barrier
жать — to clear or clean with a broom, brush, etc.; to move or pass along with a swift movement towel [ tausrl ] — полотен це — a piece o f absorbent material used for wiping or drying upstairs [ лр stea^z] — вверх по лестнице — to ward the top o f a staircase; to an upper floor; the upper floor wake (woke, woken) [weik], [wanik], [wa'uken] — просыпаться, пробуждать ся — to become conscious after sleep; to pay attention
wash [woj] — мыть (ся), стирать — to cleanse with soap and water; to make something clean with soap and water; to remove dirt from clothes watch [wot]"] — 1) часы — a small clock worn on the wrist or carried in a pocket; 2) следить, смотреть, под стерегать, сторожить — to observe; to be a spectator at; to look after; to take a professional privatfij inte rest in something
62 window [ winda^u] — ок но — an opening in the wall o f a room permiting light to enter, usually fitte d with glass in a frame o f wood or metal wipe [waip] — вытирать — to rub with a cloth; to clean by rubbing; to remove m oisture, dust from sur face
H ou se
yard [ja:d] — двор — ;i small open space completely or partly enclosed and adjoining to a building
bacon ['beik^n] — бекон — pork (p ig ’ s meat) from a pig’ s back and sides, cured dry or in pickle and smoked bake [beik] — печь — to cook food in dry heat (an oven, cooker); to bake bread bar [ba:] — 1) полоска,
кусок — a long piece of wood, metal used as a sup port; 2) буфет, бар — a coun ter over which drink and food is served
b a rley, barm , sugar and water beetroot ['bi:tru:t] — крас
ная свекла — the red/crim son root of the beet plant used as a vegetable berry ['beri] — ягода j — any small, juicy fru t with seeds; сравните: stawberry, gooseberry, raspberry, craneberry
bean [bi:n] — бобы — the seeds of climbing plants (го
рох, фасоль, соя); сравни те: coffee beans
beef [bi:f] — говядина — the meat o f a cow, bull or ox beer [bia^] — пиво — an
alcoholik drink, made from
besides [bi'saidz] — кро-
ме — also, in addition to, moreover biscuit ['biskit] — печенье — cracker, cookie
to boil [boil] — кипеть — to bubble at a high tempe rature; to be cooked in boil in g w ater; to heat to the boiling point bottle ['botl] — бутьілка
— a narrow — necked vessel; without a handle for contain ing liquid bread [bred] — хлеб breakfast ['brekfa^st] — завтрак — the firs t meal of the day broth [bro0] — бульон,
жидкий суп — a thin soup made from meat stock or chicken bun [Ьлп] — булочка — a small soft, slightly swee tened roll with raisins butter ['bAtar] — масло — milk fat, the fatty substance of cream
cabbage ['kaebidj] — ка пуста — a plant eaten as a vegetable
cafe ['kaefei], ['kaefi] кафе — a cheap restaurant; a place providing light meals or snack and some alcohol cake [keik] — торт, пи
рожное — a baked mixture o f flour, eggs, fats, sugar and other sweet or fru ity ingredients carrot ['каегэЧ] — мор ковь — a vegetab le with yellowish red root cheese [tji:z] — сыр — a solid food made from pres sed curds o f milk cherry ['tjen] — вишня —
the red fruit of the cherry-tree chew [tjju:] — жевать — to reduce food; to pulp in the mouth; сравн. chewing gum
chicken ['tjikari] — цып
dairy [ ’deari] — м олоч
ленок — the kid o f the hen, a domestic bird
н ы й — the part o f a farm given over to milk, cream, butter, cheese; a shop where milk, butter, cheese are sold
chip [tfip] — кусочек — a small fragm ent broken or Icut from wood, china, glass, f stone cook [kuk] — стряпать, парить еду — to prepare food by the action o f heat; to do the work o f a cook; to invent crumb [кглт] — крошка — a small fragment of bread; a small amount cup [клр] — чашка — a small bowl-shaped vessel with a handle for drinking tea, coffee etc.
delicious [di'lija’s] — вос хитительны й — g iv in g pleasure; delightful; supurb, perfect dine [dain] — to have dinner ['dina1] — обедать — the main meal o f the day taken at midday or in the evening disgust [dis'gAst] — от вращение, негодование — abhorrence; strong aversion dish [dij*] — блюдо, к у шанье, тарелка — a shallow vessel fo r serving or hold ing food at meals; the food served in a dish
dough [da4i] — тесто — a mass o f slightly moisten ed flour sometimes with yeast or fat added fo r mak ing bread, pies, rolls, buns, etc drink [driqk] — пить — to swallow a liquid (tea, wa ter); to absorb (plants)
3П росты е и эффективные ... англ. слов
66 der; the ground meal o f rye. barley or other cereals fruit [fruit] — фрукты, плоды — the enlarged 01 developed reproductive bod у of a plant (fruit-trees); the result of effort fry [frai] — жарить — to cook in hot fat or oil in a pa n Dish
duck [Л\к] — утка — any of the smallest webfooted swimming birds o f farm eat (ate, eaten) [i:t], [set], [*i:tn] — есть, кушать — to take as food; to have a meal; to consume; to begin to use something up egg [eg] — яйцо — the egg of the domestic hen used as food fish [fij] — рыба — a class o f backboned aquatic animals; to drink like a fish = to drink much alcohol usually; to feel like a fish out of water = uncom for table, ill at ease flour [flausr] — мука, по рошок — any fine soft pow
glass [gla:s] — стекло, стакан; очки — a drinking vessel made o f glass, its contents; an optical device goose [gu:s] — гусь, про стак — a home bird between a duck and swan in size; ;i silly person grape [greip] — вино град — a green or purple
hunger [Ълддэ^] — голод — a desire for food; a strong wish fo r som eth in g; a condition of physial weak-. ness ice [ais] water
лед — frozen
jug [d3 Ag] — кувшин — a vessel for holding and pouring liquids
►berry growing in bunches, can be eaten fresh, dried, in Juices, wines
juice [d3 u:s] — сок — the fluid extracted from fruit and vegetables
ham [haem] — окорок, Ветчина — a whole back part of a pig salted or smokedried, eaten roasted, boiled or fried
keg [keg] — бочонок — a small cask or barrel for holding liquid
hen [hen] — курица — a female bird of the domestic chicken
kettle ['ketl] — чайник — a large metal cQoking
herring ['herirj] — сельдь I— an eatable fish found in the colder areas of the North Atlantic, caught by traw lers and marketed fresh, salted or smoked honey [Ълш] — мед; ми лый, милая — a sweet fluid made by bees, nectar; dar ling, a beloved person 3*
K ettle
vessel fo r boiling water; teakettle knife [naif] — нож — a hand culinary tool or weapon used for cutting, consists of a blade fixed to a handle lean [li:n] — тощий —
thin, having little fat; empty, without result liquor ['lika*] — напиток, отвар — drink; any liquid or juice; the water in which something has been cooked; a solution of a specified drug in water
a lo a f — буханка — a portion o f bread baked in a separate, shaped piece
drawn from a cow, a she — goat, etc. for use as human food
meal [mi:l] — еда — food eaten alone or in company to satisfy hunger; the time of taking food
napkin [ naspkin] — сал фетка — a cloth used at meals for wiping the fingers and lips
meat [mi:t] — мясо — the
noodle [ nu:dl] — лапша — something like macaroni — a strip of pasta, served in qu an tity w ith meat or in soup
flesh o f animals used fo r food melon [ melaTi] — дыня — the edible fru it of either the muskmelon or the water melon milk [milk] — молоко — a white or yellowish liquid
nut [nAt] — орех — a dry one-celled fru it consisting o f a fleshy kernel enclosed in a hard shell
nutrient [ njuitria-ut] — Питательный — nourishing; • Hubstance serving as food nutrition [nju trij>n] —
иитание — the process of feeding onion [ лгуэтп] — лук —
vegetable orange [ Drind3 ] — апель
син — the reddish-yellow (flobose fru it cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates pan [paen] — сковорода
a metal container used in cooking and baking pancake [ pasnkeik] —
блин — a thin flat cake made of batter cooked in a pan
69 pare [pea'J — срезать, чистить — to cut o ff the outer surface or skin; to reduce the bulk o f some thing by rem oving th ick nesses or portions pastry [ peistri] — пече нье — cookies, biscu its; baked goods pie [pai] — пирог — a
dish o f m eat, fr u it , jam baked with a pastry crust radish [ raedij] — редис
ка — an annual plant, a vegetable raisin [ reizn] — изюм — various kinds of grape dried in the sun or artificially raspberry [ raizbaT]] —
малина — a fru it bush with small berries raw [го:] — сырой — un cooked; unprocessed; un refined; unfinished; unex perienced, untrained recipe [ resipi] — сред
ство, рецепт — a list o f in gredients; a course of action recommended fo r produc ing some result
70 roast [ranist] — жарить, печь — to cook on a fire or in an oven; to feel extreme ly hot salt [soi 11] — соль — a white crystaline compound NaCl sandwich [ saendwitj] — бутерброд — two slices of buttered bread put face to gether with meat, fish, sa lad, vegetables between them sausage [ sosidg] — колбаса — finely minced meat salted and spiced is forced into a thin-walled tube which is herm etically closed by tying its ends sip [sip] — глоток — drink little by little; to drink a very small amount of tea/ coffee at one time sm ell [smel] — запах; пахнуть — to recognize something by means of the nose; to have or give o ff an odour snack [snaek] — легкая закуска — a light meal eaten between regular meals
soup [su:p] — суп — ;i liquid food made by cooking meat and vegetables in water sour [ saua^] — кисльїіі — having an acid taste as lemon; unpleasant; irritat ed, bad-tempered spice [spais] — специя, пряность — any o f various plants used to season food, such as pepper and clove; something that adds zest or interest spoon [spu:n] — ложка — a domestic device consis ting o f a shallow, oval or round bowl at the end o f a handle used for eating liqu id or semiliquid food starvation [sta: veij'n] — голодовка — hunger; the act o f absence of food for a long period of time; famine steak [steik] — кусок — any slice o f meat or fish cut for cooking stew [ stju:] — тушеное мясо; париться — to cook food slowly by simmering; to be angry or worried
| Food sugar [ Juga^] — сахар — Hticrose, white crystallized form obtained by process ing the juice from sugar cane or sugar beet supper [ SAp^] — ужин — the last meal o f the day eaten in the evening sweet [swi:t] — сладкий — having pleasant taste like that of sugar or honey; a dessert, a cake or candy tangerine [,taend3 ^ ri:n] — мандарин — a sweet, juicy, reddish-orange citrus fruit having a skin that is easily peeled taste [teist] — вкус — the sense by which the flavour of something is distinguish ed; tasty [ teisti] — вкусный — pleasing to the taste, fla vourful, savoury
71 turkey [ta^ki] — индюк, индюш ка — a d om estic ated long- necked bird vegetable [ vedgita'bl] —
овощ — the part of a plant used as food, eaten cooked or raw (roots, leaves, flowers, stems, seeds, etc.) wine [wain] — вино — a drink made of the ferment ed juice of grapes; the dark, reddish — purple colour of red yeast [Ji:st] — дрожжи —
a substance found on the sur face of fermenting sugary liquid; used in bread making yolk |j34ik] — желток — the yellow central part of the egg o f a bird
thirsty [ 0a^:sti] — испы тывающий жажду — feel ing the need to drink some thing; lacking water; hav ing a strong desire tray [trei] — поднос — a flat vessel with a slightly raised rim used for carrying or displayng things
V egeta b le
ability — |Vbiliti] — спо собность, обилие способно стей; His ability to read and write English is good; skills, cleverness, talent able ['eibl] —способный, умелый; to be able to do = can absence ['asbsaiis] — от сутствие; a being away; a failure to be present; lack of something absent ['aebsaTit] — отсут ствующий, to be absent= not to be present
вать; he accents the new words adult ['aedAlt] — взрос лый; a person after 18 years old is an adult person advance [34l'va:ns] — про двигаться вперед; to prog ress; to go forward; to move forward; to happen sooner than planned or expected to aerate [Wreit], ['eiareit] — 1) проветривать; 2) га зировать; to fill with air
accent [ ‘aeksarit] — уда рение, произнесенное с ак центом; he reads with good accent
to afford |Vfo:d] — быть в состоянии позволить се бе, употребляется с глаго лом «сап»; to be in position to do something; to be able to buy smth; to give, to provide
to accent [aek sent] — де лать ударение, подчерки
aim [eim] — цель, наме рение; прицел; a purpose;
Intention; ambition; goal; main idea; core
change or development; to happen; to suit, to fit
allow [V lau ] — разре шить; to permit; to let
begin [bi'gin] — начи нать — to start
aloud |>'laud] — громко; іn a normal speaking voice, No as to be heard
blue-print ['blu:print] — калька — a copy o f an original
always ['o:lw3^z], ['o:lwiz], |'o:lweiz] — всегда; at all times; on all occasions; in any case; without exception
b ra in [brein] — м озг; рассудок — the part of cen tra l nervous system ; the intellect
answer ['ainsa^] — ответ; a reply (in speech, writing, action); a solution to do Homething
certain [Witn] — опреде ленный; верный -^ s u re, reliable; non-identified per son (некто); not very much
applicant ['aeplik^nt] — заявитель — someone mak ing an application (to the competition, University)
certificate [sa^'tifikit], [s34 tifikit] — сертификат, справка, удостоверение; a w ritten statement; status or qualification o f a person
attempt |>'tempt] — по пытка — to try to do some thing; to make a trial of; to try to achieve average ['зєузтісіз] — средний — a common or usual standard; ordinary; middle; in between become [Ьі'клт] — стать, становиться — to come to be; to be in the process of
chalk [t$o:k] — мел — a soft whitish variaty of lime stone composed o f calcium carbonate chapter [ ’tjaepta^] — гла ва — a division o f a book; a phase o f existance circle ['sa^kl] — круг — geometric figu re; to move around or around in; a ring
clever ['kleva1] — умный — quick to learn and under stand; sk illfu l, good at a job; artful comprehend [^kompn'hend]
— понимать, постигать — to understand; to grasp the meaning or significance; to include compulsory [кэтп'рлЬэт-!]
— обязательный — must be done conversation [konv^'seijn]
— разговор — informal and frie n d ly talk; discussion; friendly dialogue curiosity ['kjuari'asiti],
[,kj оэ^п 'ositi ] — лю бопы т ство — eagerness to know; strangeness, in q u is itiv e ness
to dare [dea'J — otb;i житься, посметь — to have enough courage, strength; to challenge somebody to do something as a test о I courage dean [di:n] — декан the head of a department or a faculty; the senior member
to decide [di'said] — pe шить — to determ ine; to choose; to bring to a decisi on; to settle a question degree [d i'gri:] — сте пень; градус — a step in a process, a measure o f inten sity; social rank; a title a f ter University; unit o f tem perature desk [desk] — парта, письменный стол — a piece of furniture fo r reading and writing; a w riting table diary [daiari] — дневник — a daily written account o f events; a calendar with a space fo r each day dictio n ary ['d ik j> n ri], ['dikjVnari] — словарь — a book containing the words of a language in alphabeti-
| Education
75 ted to do; payment due to the government for import, export each [i:tf] — каждый — every one o f two or more; fo r or to everyone easy ['i:zi] — легкий —
obtained without d iffic u l ty; not d ifficu lt; free from hardship, anxiety or worry; gentle and comfortable cal order; a list of code words used in a program; a work of inform ative character arranged alphabetically disobey ['dis^'bei] — не повиноваться, не слушать ся; to refuse to do as it has been said; do not follow orders; to be disobidient
to draw[dro:] — рисовать, чертить — to make a picture or a plan with a pencil; to formulate one’s thought; to try to get information out of somebody duty ['dju:ti] — долг, обя занность; дежурство — obligation of behaviour or conduct in relation to others; the work someone is expec
edit ['edit] — издавать —
to prepare for publication; to publish; to alter the book as to make it more suitable fo r publication educate [ ’edjuikeit] — да
вать образование, воспи тывать — to instruct, to train fo r a particular end effort fefa^t] — усилие, напряжение — spending the body or mental energy to achieve a desired end enter [ ’enta1 -] — входить
— to come in/into; to pene trate into; to begin; to join some organ iza tion ; to be added to a list; to start upon, begin to take part in
envelope ['envilaup] —
конверт — a paper cover to hold a letter essay [ ' e s e i ] — очерк, небольшое литературное произведение — quite short writing dealing with a parti cular subject; an outline, a short literary report evaluate [I'vaeljueit] — оценивать — to name, deter mine the value of; to express the value num erically; to estimate every ['evri] — каждый
— each and all exact [ig'zaekt] — точ ный, аккуратный — comp letely correct; neither more or less; accurate exam ple [ig'za:m pl] —
пример — something which illustrates, helps to make a meaning clearer; a speci men or instance; a mode of behaviour to imitate excel [I'ksel] — превос ходить — to be outstand ingly skilled or gifted; to be superior in quality, degree,
performance; to do outstand ingly well exclude [iks'kluid] — ис ключать — to leave out, to prevent or forbid the entry of; to make impossible explain [iksplein] — объ яснять — to make clear, to give a detailed exposition; complete show that no prob lem or d ifficu lty exists; to give an explanation fate [feit] — судьба, рок
— chance, destiny, fortune fear [fia\| — страх — the instinctive emotion in front of danger, pain, evil; tobeaf raid of smth., to get frighte ned file [fail] — файл, папка,
дело — a device o f various kinds for keeping papers; a set o f papers so kept fine [fain] — штраф — a sum o f money paid as a penalty fo r an offen se; a kind of punisnment fool [fu:l], foolish ['fu-.lij] — дурак, дурацкий — some one lacking common sense or judgement; stupid
forget [f^'get] — забы ть — stop thinking about;
fail to keep in the memory future [fju:tjV| — будуee — in time to come; pres ets, the com ing events,
rspective gain [gein] — получать, рабатывать, достигать — to get; to earn; to obtain; 1 0 achieve; to im prove, to ndvance; to have some profits get [get] — получать — to acquire, to receive; to
i>arn, to buy, to be able to have g ig g le [ ’gigl] — х и х и кать — to laugh foolishly or
nervously; half- suppressed laughter
good [gud] — хороший, добрый — m orally excel lent; kind, agreeable; wellbehaved; pleasant, reliable; beneficial graduate ['grædjueit] — выпускаться из высшего учебного заведения — to com plete a set course o f study and receive a diploma group [gru:p] — группа — a number o f people or things gathered closely together and considered as a whole; a set o f elements growth [grou0] — рост — the process o f grow ing or developing, increasing in size gym nasium [dgim^eizjэтп] — гимнастический зал
glad [glasd] — радост ный, довольный — happy «bout some specific event; pleased glossary ['gbsari] — слонарь, глоссарий — a list of
d ifficu lt words with expla nations, usually at the end of a text
78 — a room or building for physical exercise; a type of secondary school in Europe handwriting ['hasndraitiq] — почерк — writing done by a hand; the style of writing of a particular person headway ['hedwei] — ус пех, продвижение — pro gress, success ignorance ['ignarans] — невежество — a lack of education, the state of not knowing impatient [im'peijVnt] — нетерпеливый — restless, showing a lack o f patience, unwilling to put up with im p olite [impa^'lait] — невежливый — showing bad manners, ill-bred inability [^n^biliti] — неспособность, невозмож ность — being impossible, unable to do something; the state or quality of being unable inattentive [in^'tentiv] — невнимательный — without paying attention; careless
Education inborn ['in'boin] — врож денный, природный natural, inherent; born with such qualities incorrect [^nk^'rekt] неверный, ошибочный wrong, not true; error, mis take; not conforming to ac cepted standards inexact f ^nig'zaskt] — не точный — not accurate, not correct, wrong introduce [mtr^'djuis] — представлять, вводить — to make formally known; to bring into use or practice; to add as a feature; to bring into conversation; to begin; to discover junior ['d3 u:nj^] — млад ший, юниорский — young er; lower in status; less advanced; later in date k in d erg a rten ['kinda1ga:tn] — детский сад — a class or school in which young children (4 -6 years old) are encouraged to develop skills and behaviour by games, exercises, etc
I Education know [rmi] — знать — to iipprehend w ith the conicious mind; to be aware of; to be able to imagine; to have Committed to memory; to realize
know ledge ['nolid 3 ] — ииание, наука — the state of knowing, understand ing; cognition learn [1зчп] — учиться, узнавать — to acquire know ledge or skills by study, in struction, practice, expe rience; to come to know or be aware of lesson ['lesn] — урок — one unit in a series of Hessions o f instruction; Homething to be learned; material taught to a pupil by a teacher during a given period of time
ing housing a collection of books; a number o f books on related topics issued by a publisher listen ['lisn] — слушать, прислушиваться — to use one’ s ears in order to hear; to pay attention to speech, music; to be influenced by
letter ['leta\| — буква; письмо — one o f the print ed symbols of an alphabet; a written, printed or typed personal communication; a document, statement
luck [1лк] — удача, судь ба — good fortune; success due to chance; the tendency of a person to be fortunate or unfortunate
library ['laibrari] — биб лиотека — a room or build-
mascot [ massksrt] — та лисман — an object, animal
80 or person whose presence is supposed to bring good luck mean [mi:n] — 1) значить — to denote, to have a special degree or im portance; to intend 2) подлый — smallminded, unkind, stingy; 3) средний — midway bet ween two extremes in num ber, value, degree; middle, average m editate [ mediteit] — размыш лять, медитиро вать — to think over; to reflect deeply; to spend in the spiritual exercise; to contemplate memory [ meman] — па мять — a person’s capacity to remember; a mental image or im pression o f a past event
misfortune [mis fo:tji 1 1 J несчастье — mischamtjj bad luck misprint [ mis print | опечатка — a mistake l| printing mistake [mis teik] ошибка — error; misuiкl<■ij standing, misprint m oderate [ modern | умеренный, сдержанны! — between extremes; iiol very great or good; limi 1« <1J average monitor [ monit^] — п иj роста группы, монитор 4 a pupil appointed to assm| in keeping discipline; : diagnostic program used l|
mind [ maind] — 1) ум, память — the in te lle ct, opinion, desire, memory; 2) возражать — to object to, 3) to pay attention to; to worry about; to be atten tive, conscious mischance [mis tja:ns] — неудача — misfortune, bad luck
M on itor
ppond to questions about Computer program
obedient; to act in confor mity with
[na^ reit], [паг reit] повествовать, рассказы ть — to tell or write a try; to give an account of tints; to act as a story-teller
to object [a-b dgekt] — возражать — to be opposed; to express opposition
[nr.d] — нуждаться l,o be in want, required; to under a specified necesty or obligation need
omission [341 mija-n], m ij>n] — пропуск — error, mistake, failure to do something because of forget fulness
nod [nod] — кивать голоitt — to bow the head forurd quickly in greeting, reement or command
oral [ oir^l] — устный — spoken, using speech more than w riting; relating to the mouth; spoken through the mouth
[nzrat] — заметка — written record made | assist the memory; a fie f informal written comnnication
page [peid3 ] — страница — one side of a piece of paper or leaf o f a book; a single sheet of data; a fixed block o f instructions
[ na-utis] — заме ть — to become aware of; » write a notice of; to be 11entive, to pay attention
paper [ peipa1] — бумага — a substance consisting of interlaced fibers of cellu lose obtained from wood and used in writing, print ing, drawing, etc.
b rie f
n otice
n ov ise [ novis] — новипк — a beginner; a person i»wly converted to some ligion
to obey [a4>ei], [>u bei] — коииноваться — to be
pat [past] — похлопы вать — a gentle stroke or blow made with something flat often as a sign of affection or sympathy
patter [ pæta^J — скоро говорка — the quick talk or chatter of a comedian; mechanically repeated words without considering the meaning pattern [ pætaTi] — обра зец — a number of repeated elements; a model from which a copy can be made; a sample; an imitation precise [pri sais] — точ ный, пунктуальный — exact; accurate in every detail; very attentive to detail preface [ prefis], [ prefabs] — предисловие, вступле ние — a written introducti on to a book; the opening remarks pride [praid] — гордость — proper self-respect; ex cessive self - esteem; a source of great satisfaction prim ary [ praimari] — начальный — first in order of development; first in a succession; basic, funda mental primer [ praim^] — бук варь — a simple book for
Prim er
children learning to read; an elementary textbook proceed [pr^ si:d] — про должать; происходить — to move forward, to go further; to begin action or take legal measures question [ kwestJVn] = query [ kwiari] — вопрос — a word, phrase or sentence asking about a particular fact; a problem for testing knowledge questionary [ kwestjararri ] — анкета, вопросник — a set of questions for answer ing by many people indepen dently usually to provide statistical information
quotation [kw34i teijan] цитата, цитирование — assage or phrase quoted; a eference to a passage in a anuscript quote [kwzrut] — цитиро вать, ссылаться — to repeat in writing or speech some body’ s words; to refer to rate [reit] — ставка, нор ма; класс — to determine the relative rank or class read [ri:d] — читать — to understand the meaning of words by looking at them and assimilating them mentally recall [ri ko:l] — отзы вать; вспоминать — to order
to return; to revive in me mory, to remember, to recol lect recite [ri sait] — читать наизусть — to repeat aloud something memorized; to enumerate recollection [^eka^ lekjn] — воспоминание — the act o f remembering; the power of a person’ s memory; a spi ritual gathering of oneself together «
rectangle [ rek^asqgl] — четырехугольник — a geo metrical plane quadrangle with four right angles register [ redjista1] — журнал, счетчик — an o ffi cial or formal list; a book in which a record is kept; regis tration relevan t [ reliv34it] — уместный, относящийся к делу — closely related to a matter under consideration; connected with the matter
remember [ri memba^] — помнить, вспоминать — to bring back to mind by an effort o f will; to have come
into one’ s memory again by chance
or consideration; expression o f sympathy, concern
remind [ri maind] — на поминать — to cause to remember
respond [ris pond] — от вечать, реагировать — to reply, to answer, to make n response; to show an effeel due to a force, influence or stimulus
repeat [ri pi:t] — повто рять — to say again, to do or make something once more; to say from memory, to recite; to undergo again; to occur again replace [ri pleis] — заме нять; Ставить обратно на место — to put back some thing in its original place; to take the place of some body; to fill the place of someone with another
riddle — загадка —
reply [ri plai] — ответ, отвечать — answer; to say or write something in return resolve [n zolv] — ре шать, решение — to find a solution to a question or problem; to decide, to deter mine; to agree to expression of opinion by formal resolu tion respect [ris pekt] — ува жение — the special esteem
R espon d
iomething that prevails ge nerally or occurs normally. satisfactory [fastis ftektari] Ии- удовлетворительный — udequate, giving satisfaction say [sei] — говорить, сказать — to express an idea orally or in written form; to utter; to make a statement
schedule [ Jedjuil], [ skeI dju:l] — перечень, расписание — a written or printed I list; a timed programme of procedure; a timetable
school [sku:l] — школа; обучать — a community of those who teach and who are taught; the period or session during which classes occur; formal education science fsara-ns] — наука — knowledge got by careful observation, a branch o f study concerned with facts, methods, principles scribble [ skribl] — 1) ка ракули, мазня 2) писать второпях — to write hastily and carelessly or in a hurried badly constructed style
85 self-su fficien t [ selfsa^fiJaTit] — самонадеянный — accepting no outside help senior [si:njV| — стар ший — indicating the older o f two; of higher rank, longer service; relating to a student in the graduating class of a school sentence [ sent34is] — предложение — a word or group of words which states, asks, commands or exclaims something serious [ siana-s] — серь езный — o f great im por tance; firm ly devoted; alarming, critical shame [jeim] — стыд — a painful emotion aroused by the recognition that one has failed to act or think in accordance with the standards share [Jea-] — делить; доля — the part that is given or belongs to one individual; to divide into portions shrug Цглд] — п ож и мать плечами — to lift the
shoulders as a g estu re ex p re ssin g d o u b t, lack of in te re s t, ignorance of th e answ er to a question sign atu re [ signitJV] — подпись — a m ark re p re senting the name of a person sim ple [ simpl] — про стой — easily done, used or un d ersto o d ; w ith n o th in g mixed or added since [sins] — с тех пор... — fro m th e n till now; a t some tim e between then and now; during the time follow ing solvable ['solvabl] — раз реш имый, -able to be decid ed, settled, determ ind solve [solv] — реш ать — to fin d th e solu tio n to; to provide an answ er for speak [spi:k] — говорить — to deliver a speech; to u tte r , to ex p ress an idea, fact or feeling spell [spel] — назы вать по буквам — to w rite or name the le tto rs of a word in th e ir c o rre c t o rd e r; to
signify, mean; to form a word by le tters square [skwea1] — квад ратны й, прямоугольный; площ адь — a plane fiqurc h aving fo u r sides of equal length and four rig h t angles; an open space in a city or tow n bounded by streets stare [stea1] — присталь но смотреть — to look in tently w ith widely open eyes; to gape; to gaze story [ stori] — расска .1 — a n arrativ e of events th a t have happened or aro supposed to have happened (often u n tru e) strict [strikt] — строгий, точн ы й — d em a n d in g to
llow rules or regulations n exact m anner; exact, omplete, absolute
ledge to; to give lessons or in s tru c tio n in so m eth in g ; to help to learn
stupid [ stju:pid] — глуый — silly, slow -w itted; dull, boring; characterized у lack of intelligence
tell [tel] — рассказывать — to give a detailed account of; let know; to give in fo r m ation
su b ject [ sAbd3 ikt] — Ьодчиненный, подданный fU- un d er the control or Influence of; dependent
tense [tens] — 1) время — a form of a verb th a t shows th e tim e of its action; 2) натян у ты й — show ing em otional or m ental strain ; characterized by suspense
superior [sju: р!ЭТ1Э^] — высший — higher or greater than the norm al or average in degree or quality; ex ceptional supplem ent [ S A p lim ^ n t] — п р и л о ж ен и е —■- so m e th in g added to im prove or complete a docum ent, book, thesis, etc sure [ Jua1] — уверенный — firm ly believing in some th in g ; h a v in g no d o u b t; confident; c e rta in , in e v it able; w orthy of tr u s t task [ta:sk] — задание — a piece of w ork to be done; some job or d u ty teach [ti:tj] (ta u g h t) [to:t] — обучать — to give know
term [1э™] — срок, се местр — a lim ited period of tim e or tim e d u rin g which som ething lasts; a division of a school year think [Girjk] — думать — to use th e m ind; to have in th e m in d as an o p in io n , belief, a ttitu d e ; to reflect; to rem e m b er; to fo rm an image or idea in th e mind title [ taitl] — заглавие, титул, звание — th e name by which a p a rtic u la r th in g is known; a word or group of w o rd s a tta c h e d to th e nam e of a fam ily as an expression of respect
to emphasize; to draw а И т ог lines under understand [,And^ staend |
— понимать — to grasp tinmeaning of; to be in agree ment with; to conclude unfortunate [лп fD:tJnii|
— несчастный, неудачный — unlucky; unsuitable; bad luck Think
translate [træns leit] — переводить — to express in another language; to e x plain by using other words, terms or signs tutor [ tjiKta1] — опекун, наставник; репетитор — a teacher who gives private instructions to a student; a college officia l who super vises, advises u n d ergra duate students uncertain [лп S3^tn] — не уверенный — doubtful; variable; not clearly defined, vague underline [^nda^ lain] —
подчеркивать — to stress,
upbring [ лрЬпд], -in^ [ Apbriqiq] — воспитание care and training got during childhood and youth vocabulary [v& kasbjulari | — словарь, словарный за пас — a hand-written list o f words, arranged alpha betically; the stock o f words used in a particular work, branch o f a subject volume [ voljum] — 1) том — a stock of printed sheets, forming a book or some parts of a book; 2) объем — an amount, quantity week [wi:k] — неделя — a period o f seven days; the working days or hours o f a seven — day period
whisper [ wisp^] — meйот — a low soft utterance to be heard only by the person addressed; secretly mentioned inform ation; a rumour wisdom [ wizd^m] — муд рость — a store of know ledge; intelligence; know ledge converted into teaching
wise [waiz] — мудрый, рассудительный — possess ing great knowledge and in telligence; very clever, fully aware of wit [wit] — 1) ум; 2) ост роумие; 3) остряк — the ability to make the associa tion o f unrelated ideas in unexpected, clever way; a person with this ability word [wa^d] — слово — a combination o f sounds having meaning and used as basic unit o f language and human communication
W r it e
write [rait] — писать — to form letters or symbols with a pen, pencil brush on paper w ron g [woq] — непра вильны й — not correct, accurate; not in accordance with moral standards; mis taken zoology (z&u э1эч1з 1] —
the branch o f biology concerned with animal life and all its manifestations
acorn ['еікз:п] — желудь; the nut or seed of the oaktree alone O'loun] — один, одинокий; only; exclusive ly; not taking into account; to ignore; not touch; to leave unaccompanied along (V b i)] — вдоль, no; from one end to the other end of; onward; forward animal ['аештэЧ] — жи вотное — any o f various organisms (livin g beings) which d iffer from plants. Home/domestic animals. Wild animals
awkward ['oikw^d] — не ловкий, неуклюжий; no! quite right; difficult to dea I with; unhealthful; incon venient; unhelpful badger [ baed3 ^] — бар сук — an animal with thick body, short legs; bristly hair (is used in shaving brushes and artists’ brushes); a badger is brown or grey with white patches as facial markings
to annoy [Vnoi] — раз дражать, досаждать; to trouble; to irritate; to vex autumn ['эЛэта] — осень; a season between summer and winter
B ad ger
Natural phenomena
bark [ba:k] — 1) кора — the cover of a tree; 2) лаять К - to make the sharp ex plosive noise characteristic of dogsbarley ['ba:h] — яч мень — a cereal grass; its grain is used for animal feed, і [ breakfast foods, making beer bat [bast] — 1) летучая I мышь — a flyin g mouse; 2 ) бита — a special club instrument used for hitting ; a ball in baseball, cricket bay [bei] — бухта, залив і — a wide inlet of the sea beach [bi:tj] — пляж, взморье — the shore of the I sea washed by the water and I covered by sand, single or larger rocks
beak [bi:k] — клюв — a I hooked nose of a bird ,
a bear [bea^] — медведь — an animal; ill — mannered person beast [bi:st] — зверь — any four — legged wild ani mal; a person with brutal ways a bee [bi:] — пчела — an insect producing honey and wax beetle ['bi:tl] — жук — an insect which can fly birch [ba^tj] — береза —a forest tree with light smooth bark; wood of this tree bird [ba^d] — птица black [blaek] — черный — without light; the oppo site of white
blast [bla:st] — порыв ветра — a strong gust of wind; a draft of air
N a tura l phenomena
bloom [blu:m] — цвете ние, пушок — the state of blossom, flow ering a flower blossom ['blosarn] — цве
тение, цветок — a flower of a fru itp ro d u cin g tree or bush; the mass o f bloom on a fru it tree blow [btau], blew [blu:], blown [bloun] — дуть, бить — to direct air from one side to another; a sudden stroke with a hand or an instrument; a sudden shock bottom ['botarn] — дно — the lowest, last part of some thing branch [braintj-] — ветка; a stem growing out from the
trunk o f a tree; a subuni I, subdivision bright [brait] — яркий reflecting or g ivin g out light; brilliant, cheerful; hopeful, promissing success clever bubble [ЪлЫ ] — пузы рек — a small volume o f ai r or gas surrounded by <1 liquid, an elastic membrane bull [bul] — бык — male
o f large strong animals; very strong-looking o r massive bush [buj] — куст — a
plant between grass and я tree; a shrub butterfly ['bAtoflai] — 6a
бочка; стиль «баттерфляй» — an insect with coloured wings camel ['кэеггЫ] — верб люд — an animal camomile ['кагтзчпаїї],
['kaemoumail] — ромашка a plant
to catch [kastf] — ловить, поймать — to make b rief contact with; to be in time
N a tu ra l phenomena
climate ['klaimit] — кли мат — the sum of the prevail ing weather conditions at some place; a region with certain weather conditions; a trend of opinions and at titudes in society
for; to surprise or detect; to attract attention chilly ['tjili] — прохлад но — unpleasanty cool/cold; unfriendly claw [kb:] — коготь — the sharp, hooked nail o f an animal’s foot clay [klei] — глина — a firm earthy substance com posed of aluminium silicate; it is plastic when wet but loses its plasticity when heated to high temperature clear [klia-j— ясный, бе зоблачный — transparent, unclouded; untroubled; easy to understand; fre e from defects; free from d iffic u l ty or danger
cloud [klaud] — облако, туча — any suspension of particles in the air or any gas coal [kanil] — уголь — mineral resource cold [кз-uld] — холодный — low temperature; absence o f heat; a disease with a running nose and sore throat; no attention copper ['кэрэ\) — медь — a metallic element, a very good conductor of electricity and heat corn [ko:n] —
(а м ер .) кукуруза — grain
in general, small hard seeds of cereals crack [kraek] — треск; хруст — a sudden sharp sound; to break info a safe; to break abruptly; to break open (a nut); to fail, give way
N a tu ra l phenomena
crawl [кгэ:1] — ползти —
to move forward on hands and knees; to make one’ s way slowly creep [kri:p] — ползти — to move along with the body close to the ground; to crawl on all fours before learning to walk; to go slowly; to grow along the ground or up walls crop [кгэр] — урожай — harvest; a group o f things coming together; the style of wearing hair so short cut cruel ['kruia^l] — жесто
кий — showing pleasure at the suffering o f others; causing suffering; liking to inflict pain and suffering damp ['dsemp] — сырой,
влажный — moisture in the air; wet, not dry dawn [do:n] — рассвет, заря — the first light of day, daybreak; the first sign of something day [dei] — день — the
time during which the sun is above the horizon; a day as a point of time; ...as mark ing some events; a period of time
deep [di:p] — глубокий — extending far down below the surface; beyond the normal area; hard to make out; well hidden, concealed deer [dia^] — олень, лань — the males of most species have branched horns shed each year dense [dens] — густой, плотный — thick; massed closely together; pressed depth [dep0] — глубина — deepness; the represen tation o f deepness in per spective; the most intense point; the quality o f being profound
N a tura l phenomena
desolate ['des^lit] — зарошенный, безлюдный — onely, forlorn, neglected, uninhabited
down — вниз: downhill ['daun'hil] — под гору, пока тый — sloping down, mov ing down a slope
dew [dju:] — роса — small drops o f moisture condens ed from the atmosphere form in g on cool surfaces during the night
downpour ['daunpo:] — ливень — a heavy shower o f rain
dim [dim] — тусклы й,
смутный — not b righ t or clear, indistinct, not clearly visible; faint dirty ['da^ti] — грязный — not clean, unclean; indecent; dishonourable; resentful dove [dAv] — голубь — a pigeon, the symbol of peace; one who advocates a peace ful solution
dragon ['draegari] — дра-
кон-а mythical animal with huge body, enormous claws and sharp teeth; a very angry person drizzle ['drizl] — моро сить, мелкий дождь — to fall in very small drops, to rain slightly, a slight fine rain dry [drai] — сухой — needed rain; not wet; thirsty; without liquid
eagle ['i:gl] — орел — a large strong bird. In mytho logy the eagle represents might and courage earth |>:0] — земля — the planet on which we live; land and sea as opposed to the sky
D ove
east [i:st] — восток — one of the four cardinal points
N a tu ra l phenomena
interval between sunset and bedtime; an entertainmen! or occupation taking plan in the evening evergreen ['ev34jri:n] вечнозелены й — alway: green, bearing green leaves throughout the year
o f the com pass; the direction o f the rising sun elep h a n t ['elifa^nt] — слон — the largest livin g land animal (weight = 5-6 tons), its nose is a trunk em erald ['е т э ч ^ Ы ] — изумруд — a bright green precious stone; the green beryl; of or like an emerald eternal [ii'ta^n^l] — веч ный — everlasting, never ending; without beginning or end in time; constantly repeated; limitless, endless evening ['i:vniq] — вечер — the later part o f the day as darkness approaches; the
extend [iks'tend] — вытя гиваться, простираться — to lengthen in space or time; to make wider, greater; to stretch; to hold out; to spread out with a regular distance fade [feid] — вянуть, блекнуть — to lose fresh ness, to lose colour feather ['feôa-J — перо — one o f the epidermal out growths that cover the body o f a bird fertile ['fa^tail] — плодо родный — highly produc tiv e , creative, capable of developing or reproducing field [fi:ld] — поле — an area o f land devoted to pasture or the cultivation of crops; the area on which something is drawn, painted ;
N a tura l phenomena
rt particular sphere o f inte rest, study, knowledge or thought fire [fai^] — огонь — a chemical change accompa nied by the emission of heat ' and light; a flame; a gas or [ electric heater fo r a room; passion
flam e [fleim] — пламя, яркий свет, пыл — a body of
glowing, burning gas; the state of burning with a blaze; intense feeling, passion; a strong reddish orange colour flood [fL\d] — наводне[ ниє — a large quantity of water covering what is usu ally dry land, as the result [ of a river or sea’ s flow ing over its usual lim its, the breaking o f a dam, etc.; the state of a river that is very full of water
flower ['flaua^] — цветок [ — a flo w e rin g plant; the plant’s blossom only, blooming fog [fog] — туман — mist; water vapour condensed on fine suspended particles, 4 Простые и эффективные ... англ. словя
form ing a dense (thick) cloud at or above the earth’ s surface forest [’forist] — лес — a large area o f land covered with trees and bushes grow ing thickly, the trees on such land fox [foks] — лиса — a wild animal which lives in the forest; a cunning animal freeze [fri:z] — морозить, замораживать — to turn into ice, to be cold enough to turn water into ice; to die by frost; to preserve by re fri geration; to immobilize by governmental authority fresh [frej] — свежий — just made; not salted or
N a tu ra l phenomena
green [gri:n] — зеленый — the colour o f vegetation in spring and summer grow [дгэи] — расти to develop as a livin g plan I , to be cultivated; to increasi in any way >
harvest ['ha:vist] — yp<>
preserved in any way; refre shing; new, d iffe re n t; healthy-looking; opening up a new field o f experience frost [frost] — мороз —
temperature below freezing point; to cover with ice crystals; to coat with frost ing fur [fir:] — мех, шерсть — a covering of certain animals (fox , rabbit, squirrel); the soft fine thick hair that covers many animals
grain [grein] — зерно, крупинка — the seed of a cereal grass; a hard particle; a very small amount grass [gra:s] — трава — the low green herbage o f pastures and lawns
жай, жатва — the gatherinr. in of ripe crops; the time о I year when crops are gathera I in; the result o f action or behaviour hay [hei] — сено — cut and dried grass; to make hay o f somebody = to crack, crash heat [hi:t] — жара, 3 H 0 i i — high tem perature; the condition of being hot; hot weather; intensity of emo tional feeling; intensity of action; competition heaven ['hevn] — небо,
небеса — the upper regions o f the sky; perfect happi ness; the upper air; the abode of God herb [ЬзчЬ] — трава, pa стение — a plant; grass for
| N atural
m edical purposes or fo r flavouring food hill [hil] — холм — an elevation o f the earth’ s mirface that has a rounded *лр and is not as high as a mountain; a small quantity of material form ed into Huch a shape
99 ing a sensation equivalent to heat; follow ing or press ing slowly; close to the solution; freshly arrived hunt [hAnt] — охотить ся, охота — to pursue (a person, an animal) with the intention o f capturing or killing
horrible ['hora^bl], ['horibl]
inexhaustible [^m g'zois-
— ужасный — extrem ely unpleasant or unpleasing; terrible, awful
ta'bl] — неистощимый, не исчерпаемый -impossible to use up, finish, end; everlasting
horse [ho:s] — лошадь, - онь — a large domestic animal hot [hot] — горячий — at a high temperature; produc
infrequent [in'frnkwatit] — редкий, нерегулярный — happening seldom, rarely, not often inordinate [i'no:dinit] —
чрезмерный, беспорядоч ный — not rightly directed; without reasonable bounds or limits insect ['insekt] — насеко мое — a mosquito, a bee, a butterfly, a gadfly, a lady bird, etc insular ['insjuta] — ост ровной — form in g an is land; separated, lonely; narrow-minded
N a tu ra l phenomena
climates, sometimes it loseii its tail lone [loun] — одиноки iI
необитаем ы й — single, alone, isolated, being out of company
leaf [li:f] — лист — a thin expanded outgrowh of a plant; a single sheet of paper; metal rolled into a thin sheet; leaves o f tea, tobacco lie [la i], lay [le i], lain [lein] — лежать — to have the body more or less horizontal upon a surface; to be situated in a specified place; to be placed; to be spread out to the view light [lait] — свет; л е г кий — illumination, bright ness, daylight; not heavy, of little weight; quick-moving, nimble; easy to bear (food, alcohol); funny lizard ['lizsrd] — ящери
ца — a reptile found in warm
lush [1лЛ — сочный (о растениях) — growing thickly and richly; charac terized by luxuriant vege tation marble [ ma:bl] — мрамор — calcium carbonate which has been crystallized from limestone under heat and pressure, form in g a hard rock; a piece of sculpture made of this material
| N a tura l
marine [ma1ri:n] — морс кой — relating to or pro
duced by the sea; relating to navigation mature [тгг tjua-] — зре лый, спелый — having
reached a state of full natu ral development; ripe; deve lopment is completed, maxi mum development melt [melt] — таять — to
morning [ mo:niq] — утро — the early part o f the day; dawn, the first early part mountain [ mauntin] —
гора — a high land mass; a great quantity mouse [maus] — мышь — any of a large number of rodents resembling rats, but * smaller
mud, muddy [n u d ], [ im di]
mint [mint] — мята — an aromatic plant cultivated for use as flavouring
— грязь, грязный — a sticky mixture o f water and earth or dust; making a mess; to act in a confused, disorga nized way; a state of mental confusion
become soft, dissolve
mist, misty [mist], [ misti] — туман, туманный — fog, foggy monkey [ mAijki] — обезь яна — any of the primates except man; a playful child monster [ monst3\] —чудовище, монстр — a deformed animal or plant; a person who is horrifyingly cruel, brutal moon [mu:n] — луна — the only natural sattelite of the earth; to behave in a dreamy abstracted manner
naval [ neiva^l] — морс кой — characteristic o f a navy, marine nest [nest] — гнездо — the structure built by a bird for holding its eggs during incubation; a cozy place of retreat, a protective packing night [nait] — ночь — the time during which the sun is below the horizon; darkness; a night or even ing as a point o f time
N a tu ra l phenomena
ный — d ifficu lt to see. d iffic u lt to understand through lack o f inform n tion; not attracting atten tion; not known to people uI large oil [oil] — нефть, расти
тельное масло — insoluble in water, petroleum; vegc table oil N est
overcast [ ouva^kaist] north [пэ:0] — север —
one o f the fo u r cardinal points o f the compass northern [ пэ:5эт1] — се
верный — situated, facing or moving towards the north oak [эшк] — дуб — a
great strong tree, its wood is used in shipbuilding and furniture oat [anit] — овес, oatmeal [ outmi:l] — a genus of wild and cultivated grasses, is used as food for humans and animals obscure [з^Ь skjua1] —
мрачный, тусклый, неиз вестный, невразумитель
покры ты й облакам и cloudy, covered with clouds overcloud [,оиуу klaud |
— застилать облаками; ом рачать — to cover over witli clouds or shadow; to worry owl [aul] — сова — a bird flies noiselessly at night pale [peil] — бледный — no intensity of colour or illumination; of whitish colour palm [pa:m] — ладонь;
пальма — the inner part of the hand; the correspond ing part o f a glove; a tree without branches but with a crown o f large leaves
N a tura l phenomena
103 purify [ pjuarifai] — очи щать — by rem oving im purities p u rifica tio n ^pjuarifikeijVn] — очищение — to make pure by rem oving impurities purity [ pjuanti], [ pjoanti] — чистота — the state or quality of being pure
parrot [ pasr^t] — попу гай — any o f great number of tropical birds with hooked bill and brilliant plumage, can im itate human speech and other sounds
pig [pig] — свинья — a young hog, piggish [ pigij] — свинский — a greedy, d irty or selfish person; selfishly greedy
purple [ рэ-ф1] — багря ны й, пурпурны й — a com posite deep colour o f red and blue puzzle [ pAzl] — загадка — a question which sets a problem to be worked out quack [kwaek] — к р я кать — to say like a duck; the call of a duck
quag [kwaeg] — трясина; quagm ire [ kwaegmai^] — болото — shaky, muddy ground; swamp
pip [pip] — зернышко,
quake [kweik] — дро
звездочка на погонах — the seed of an apple, orange, grape,etc
жать, трястись — to shake violently; сравните — earth quake — землетрясение
plain [plein] — равни
queer [kwia1] — стран ный — strange, peculiar;
на — a large open country
N a tu ra l phenomena
ray [rei] — луч — a I of light; any of several li radiating from a centre reed [ri:d] — тростни tall-growing errect gra found in water or swam
rick [rik] — стог, ck да — an outdoor stack straw or hay eccentric, odd; extraordinary
rabbit [ raebit] — кролик — a domestic animal with very long ears and a short round tail rabid [ rabid] — ярост
ный, бешеный — violent, unreasoning; listenin g to nobody rain [rein] — дождь; — falling drops o f water from a cloud range [reind3] — предел, размах, ряд; линия, цепь — a row, file or rank o f things; a chain of mountains ra ve [reiv] — бредить; бушевать — to express feel ings wildly, critically
ripe [raip] — зрелы спелый — ready to be ea' or harvested; ready to be p into action; ready to open
river [ riva1] — a strew of fresh water flow ing in a sea or lake roar [гэ:] — раскат; p
— the loud deep soun characteristic o f a lion or bull; to em it a loud, deep confused, rumbling noise rough [rAf] — грубый unrefined; requiring streng rather than intelligence; u polished sand [sasnd] — песок -*■ small grains of quartz met on the seashore sap [saep] — сок — tlir* solution o f raw materinlii
| Natural
иnd organic product in a plmit, sappy [ saepi] — соч ный (о растительности) — full of sap; fresh, vivid savior [ seivja^] — спаси тель — someone who saves и person or thing from distraction or injury scent [sent] — запах — imiell, usually pleasing; iidour scrabble [ skraebl] — 1) царапать — to make Meratching movements with the fingers, hands, feet; 2) писать неразборчиво — to have a bad handwriting; '{) карабкаться — to climb up w ith hasty stru gglin g movements scrub [skrAb] — 1) кус тарник; 2) м алорослое животное, ничтожество; Л) скрести щ еткой, чи с тить — 1) thick under growth and stunted trees g ro w in g to g e th e r; 2) an uudersized in s ig n ific a n t Iicrson or animal; 3) to clean by rubbing w ith a brush, ;oap and water
sea [si:] — море — the continuous body of salt water covering most of the earth’s surface, sm aller than an ocean, sometimes partly or wholly enclosed by land seal [si:l] — 1) пломба,
печать — anything which serves to keep something secured or closed; 2) тю лень — any of several fisheating sea animals seed [si:d] — зерно, семя — a spore or dry seedlike fru it; the fertilized ovule of plant and its covering severe [si via^] — стро гий, суровый — very strict or stern; serious, dangerous; causing great discom fort, sharp or violent; d ifficu lt
106 shadow [ Jasd^u] — тень — a relatively dark area produced when rays of light are blocked by a person or • thing shark Ца:к] — акула — any of numerous large salt water fish usually with grey rough skin, a deeply forked tail, a large mouth armed with several rows o f sharp teeth
sheep [Ji:p] — овца — any of various cud-chewing animals related to the goat, many o f which are raised for fleece, meat, milk and skin; a timid, meek, easily led animal shine [Jain], shone Цэчт]
— сиять, светить — to give out or send out light or brightness; to be bright or gleam with reflected light; to be outstanding shower Цаигг] — ливень; душ — a brief fall o f rain, hail or sleet; a hath in which water is sprayed on a person from an overhead nozzle
N a tu ra l phenom ena
silence [ sailans] — тиши на — the absence of sound, complete quiet; stillness silent [ saila-nt] — тихий, безмолвный — completely quiet, still; not speaking or making a sound
sky [skai] — небо — the upper atmosphere over the earth sleet [sli:t] — снег с дож дем — frozen or partially frozen rain snap [snasp] — цапнуть, укусить — to try to bite or seize by closing the jaws suddenly; to move or act quickly
snow [snani] — снег — soft, white crystals or flakes of ice formed by the freez ing o f water vapour in the air soil [soil] — почва — the part o f the earth’ s surface in which plants grow source {so:s] — источ ник, ключ — a spring, lake, etc. where a river or stream begins; a place from which
N a tura l phenomena
something comes; a person that gives information south [sau0] — юг — one of the four main points of
the compass and is located directly opposite north space [speis] — простра нство, место — the distance or area between or within points or objects; any blank or empty place; the region beyond the earth’ s atmos phere spider [ spaid^] — паук
— any of a group o f small animals without backbones, having a body divided into two parts and four pairs of
107 legs. They are able to spin silken threads for making cocoons and webs spring [sprig] — 1) весна — the season o f the year between winter and summer; 2 ) вскакивать — to jump up quickly; to arise suddenly sting [stiq] — жало, жа лить — to prick painfully with a sharp, usually pointed organ or object; a sharp organ with which an insect or animal in flicts a sting stock [stok] — 1) биржа, запас; 2) род, порода; 3 ) ствол — 1) the total amount o f goods; the total number o f shares th at a com pany can issue; 2) a fa m ily or other related group o f plants or animals; 3) the trunk of a tree stone [stanin] — камень
— a hard, naturally formed mass o f m ineral m atter, rock; a small fragm ent o f this straw [stro:] — солома — the stems o f several cereals
108 after cutting and drying, it is used in cattlefarming stream [stri:m] — тече ние, ручей — a small river, running water; any conti nuous, uninterrupted move ment stub [sUb] — пень; коре шок чека — a short piece that remains a fte r some thing has been removed, cut o ff (a cigar stub, the stub of a p en cil); the rem ain in g portion of a check, bill, ticket, etc summer [ sAma\| — лето
— the season o f the year between spring and autumn sun [sAn] — the central
star o f the solar system sunrise [ SAnraiz] — вос ход — the risin g o f the sun above the horizon
sunset [ SAnset] — закат — the descent o f the sun below the horizon tail [teil] — хвост — a
fle x ib le part an anim al’ s body beyond the main part o f the body; anything resembling a tail in shape
N a tura l phenomena
tempest [ tempist] — буря — a violent windstorm, accompanied by rain, snow, hail or thunder terrible [ tera'bl] — ужас ный — ve ry bad, unplea sant; dreadful, awful; caus ing great distress or pain thaw [0э:] — оттепель, таять — to go from a frozen state to a liquid; become free of frost or ice; melt; a period o f warm weather, to melt ice and snow thorn [0э:п] — шип, ко лю чка — a short, sharppointed growth on a branch or stem, as o f a rose
N a tu ra l phenomena
thunder [ Элпёэ^] — гром — a rumbling or explosive sound made when a lightn ing d isch arge heats and expands the air in its way tide [taid] — прилив-от-
лив; поток, течение — the regular rise and fall of the oceans caused by the gravi tational pull of the moon and the sun; a general trend or tendency top [top] — верх, макуш ка — the highest peak of
something trace [treis] — след — something left behind show ing the presence o f some person, place, thing; a very small amount valley [ vaeli] — долина — a region of low land bet ween hills, mountains; river basin
109 vast [va:st] — обширньїй — very great in extent, size or amount vine [vain] — 1) виног
радная лоза — grapevine where grape grow; 2) ползучее растение — a plant with a long slender stem that grows along the ground or a tree warm [wo:m] — тепльїй
— having the same tempera ture as the human body; serving to keep the body at this temperature; very cordial, emotionally excited w ater [ wota^] — вода; поливать — the transpa rent, colourless liquid which falls from the sky; to pour liquid on the plants
vanish [ vaenij-] — исче зать — to disappear; to cease to exist
w ave [w e iv ] — волна, взмах — a forward-moving swell on the surface of water; a gesture of the hand or arm in a sweeping movement
vapour [ veipa^] — nap,
weather [ we5^] — пого
туман — visible particles of matter in the air (mist, smoke)
да — the atmosphere conditions; to resist the bad effects of weather
Natural phenomena
wild [waild] — дикий uncontrolled by man; grow in g w ith ou t man’ s inter vention; uncivilized willow [ wila4i] — ива a tree g ro w in g m ainly in north tem perate regions near surface of lakes, ponds
W ave
west [west] — запад — one o f the four cardinal points o f the compass wet [wet] — мокрый — not dry; covered with water; characterised by much rain wheat [wi:t] — пшеница — any o f various grassed cultivated widely in tempe rate regions, an annual cereal grass; the grain yielded from these plants and proceeded into flour
wind [wind] — ветер — a large body of air in its rapid natural motion; air set locally in motion winter [ winta'] — зима — one of the four seasons of a year wolf [ wulf] — волк — a doglike wild animal lives in the forest
white [wait] — белый — blond, the colour o f snow, silver whiten [ waitn] — отбе ливать — to make white, to become white
W o lf
| Natural
wood [wud] — лес, дере во (материал) — a collection of growing trees; the hard fibrous substance compris ing the largest part o f the stems and branches o f trees worm [w 3^:m] червяк, червь; ползать — an earth
111 worm; any o f various creep ing animals with soft segmented bodies yield [ ji:ld] — сбор пло дов, урожай — to bring in as profit, income; to have as a product or result; to be fru itfu l, profitable
Ad/join О 'сізот] — при мыкать, присоединять — to be im m ediately next to another; to lie next to Ad/just |Vd3 Ast] — при
спосабливать, прилаж и вать; to set right; to regulate for proper use; to harmonize; to adapt oneself Ad/mix [asd'miks] — при мешивать; to add by mixture an g le ['asrjgl] — у го л ; точка зрения — corner; point of view apprehend ['aepri'hend] — познавать, постигать; to become aware of something; to learn/to know/to come to know; to understand attach iVtaetf] — при
креплять — to connect one
thing to another; to fasten; to tie; to bind by love or esteem awl [э:1] — шило — a short pointed tool used for making holes axe [asks] — топор — a tool consistihg of a wooden
| Technics
113 to prevent the motion o f a body break (b ro k e, brok en )
[breik] — разбить; бить — to cause to fall into pieces; to interrupt the continuity o f something; to destroy; to1 bring to an end; to disobey; to discover the secret (code); to happen suddenly; to come to an end
handle and steel cutting head barrel [ЪжЫ] — бочка — cylindrical container made of wood, metal, etc because [bi'koz] — пото
му что — fo r the reason that binary ['bainari] — двой ной, сдвоенный — consist ing of two boost [bu:st] — ускорять,
продвигать — to increase the power, value; to lift up; to push from below; to help, to assist brake [breik] — тормоз,
тормозить — to slow down
Brush [Ьгл]-] — щетка — an implement made of wire, hair, nylon set in wood, plastic, etc.; used for groom ing the hair; painting; sweep ing floors bump [Ь лтр ] — 1) стол
кновение; ш иш ка, о п у холь; 2) толкать, подтал кивать — to give a lift/ to heep a start bus [bAs] — автобус — a large public passenger vehicle; serving fixed routes cancel ['kasnsa^l] — уби рать, удалять — to delete, to cross out, to remove capacity [k ^ 'p s s iti] — способность; емкость; вме стимость; mental ability;
com bine [кэчп'Ьат] — комбинировать, состав лять — to form a single unit; to join with other people in order to achieve a joint purpose
the ability to contain or accomodate car [ka:] — автомобиль
— an automobile, a wheeled vehicle cog [кзд] — зубец, вис туп — a protection or tooth on the rim o f a wheel or between the links of a chain, transmits motion and power coincide ^kanin'said] —
совпадать — to occupy the same place; to occur at the same time; to be equal, the same column [Тоїзіп] — колон на — a decorative element in a building; a jou rn a lis t’ s regular articles in a news paper; a group o f ships or cars
compartment [karn'paitm34it] — отделение, купе — one part o f a space which has been divided; a separate part o f business which must be discussed condense [k^n'dens] — конденсировать; сгущать (ся) — to make more compact; to express in fewer words; to concentrate; to become more dense or compact conform [k W fo im ] —
приводить в соответствие — to do as others do; to adapt; to comply
conglom erate [ka^n'glo-
mareit], [кэп glomareit] — скапливаться — to gather into a compact mass; to form a compact mass; to accumu late; to corporate
115 crook [kruk] — крюк, изгиб — a hook cut [kAt] — резать — to separate into pieces or slices; to make smaller or shorter; to reduce
connect [ksr'nekt] — свя зывать — to join, to link, to chain; to tie, to bind
decimal ['desim^l] — де сятичный — relating to 10; of a number scale based on 10
consist [kan'sist] — со
delete [di'li:t] — уничто
стоять — to be composed; to be made up
жить; вычеркнуть, стереть — to cross out, to erase, to destroy
constitute ['kostitju:t] — включать — to have certain qualities; to be an element of; to give legal form to; to set up; to establish contain [kan'tein] — содер жать в себе — to enclose; to have capacity for; to include; to comprise; to hold cord [ko:d] — веревка, струна — a rope o f small diameter or a thick string correlate ['korileit] — на ходиться в соответствии — to bring into mutual rela tion; to connect systemati cally; to have a mutual rela tion
derivation [deri'veijn] —
источник, происхождение — an origin, source; a basic statement; the formation of a word, the act o f tracing develop [di'vel^p] — раз вивать — to elaborate on; to cause; to grow or expand; to realize; to come into being; to have a new factor or situa tion device [di'vais] — средст во, приспособление — some thing designed or adapted fo r a special purpose; a scheme, trick, motto dial ['daia^l] — набирать номер; циферблат — the
116 numbered disk o f an auto matic telephone instrument; to rotate the disk about the centre o f the circle digit ['did 3 it] — палец; цифра, однозначное число — a finger or a toe; any of the numbers from 0 to 9 discharge [dis'tja:d3 ] — разгрузить, освободить — to release, to unload a ship or cargo; to free oneself from an obligation or debt discompose ['diskam'pa^uz], ^diskaWpouz] — нарушать порядок, смущать, трево жить — to disturb the com posure disconnect ['disk^'nekt] — разъединять, разобщать — to be no longer connect ed; to be separated; to be disjointed disjoin [d is jo in ] — разъ единять — to disconnect, to separate; to untie, to un fasten dot [dot] — точка — a
point in printing or writing; a small spot or point usually round
double ['dAbl] — двой
ной; удваивать — having two parts, form ing a pair; fo r two people; twice over; a game between two pairs to drag [dræg] — тащить, тянуть — to pull along with an e ffo rt; to pass slowly; to go too slowly edge [ed3 ] — край; лез вие — the extreme horizon tal lim it; the line formed by the meeting of two surfaces; either of the two sharp sides o f the blade efficient [I 'fijV n t ] — эф фективный, продуктив ный — competent, working properly emit [i'mit] — испускать, излучать — to give out, to give o ff; to put in circula tion
engine ['end 3 in] — мо тор; машина, двигатель — a device used to transform one form o f energy to ano ther; a machine, a locomo tive equipment [j'kwipm^nt] — оборудование — what is
117 balance, position; to slope downwards; to fail to keep pace with schedule
needed to carry out some work; a person’ s knowledge, training, skill, experience; the act or process of equipp ing error ['era] — ошибка — mistake; the difference bet ween the correct result and the computed one; a misplay evaporate [i'væpareit] — испаряться, выпаривать — to disappear without traces; to escape because of high temperature (about liquids) explosion [iks'pla4i3n] — взрыв — a violent expansion, a sudden release o f energy from a very rapid chemical or nuclear reaction; an out burst of violent emotion or energy fall [foil], fell [fel], fallen ['foil^n] — падать — to lose
fasten ['fa:sn] — привя зывать, закреплять — to make secure; to tie, fix firm ly; to get firm hold; to fix one’s attention faulty [fo:lti] — ошибоч
ный, неисправный — defec tive, imperfect; an error flash [flaej] — вспыхнуть, сверкнуть — to give out a momentary, intensely bright light; to emit light sudden ly; to move quickly float [flanit] — плавать на поверхности — to be held by water, air; a body which displaces its own weight of a fluid and therefore be comes weightless = to rest on or near the surface of a fluid flow [Яэпд] — течь — to move with a continuous change in shape; to move like a stream; to run or spread freely; to run smoothly and effortlessly
118 flu x [flAks] — течение,
поток — the act of flowing; the condition of continuously changing; the rate of trans fer of energy or matter across a given surface area fuel ['fju^l] — топливо,
горючее — a material used as a source of heat or energy; anything that makes strong feelings or passions fuse [fju:z] — сплавлять, сваривать — to join by melt ing together; to become join ed by being melted together fusion ['fjugan] — сплав,
слияние, объединение — melting together into a fused mass; the change o f sub
stance from solid to liquid condition; a coalition hammer ['Ьэетэ\| — мо лоток; вбивать, заколачи вать — a tool consisting of a short heavy head made of steel and a handle handle ['hasndl] — ручка, рукоятка — the part o f a tool, weapon, etc.; some thing that can be used as a pretext harm [ha:m] — вред, ущерб
— moral wrong; injury, hurt heavy ['hevi] — тяжелый — o f considerable weight; opressive; joyless; uninte resting; d ifficu lt to accom plish; tiresome hole [ha4il] — дыра, от верстие — a small space or cavity; an empty space in the earth made by an animal; a small dark dirty place hook [huk] — крючок — a piece o f metal curved or bent sharply and able to support a thing, used for suspending things hoop [hu:p] — обруч, скреплять обручем — a
| Technics
strip o f metal; a child’ s toy; a circle o f metal im m erse [I'ma-is] — по гружать — to absorb one self in one thing; to put in below the surface level of a liquid or gas
include [in klu:d] — вклю чать, содержать в себе — to contain as part of a whole; to enclose; to contain, to have indicate ['indikeit] — по
казывать, означать — to show, to point out; to direct attention to; to state in brief indissoluble [^ndi'soljubl] — неразрывный, нераст воримый — lasting, inde structible; not possible to break up; strong ineffective [jm'fektiv] — безрезультатный — not producing the desired result; useless; in vain; wasteful inhuman [in'hjuim^n] —
негуманный, бесчеловеч ный — showing lack o f hu man warmth, machinelike; not belonging to the human race
install [in'stoil] — уста навливать, устраивать — to set in a position for use; to settle, establish in some place; to arrange a party to a person’ s honour interlock [inta^'lok] —
сцеплять, блокировать — to block; locking parts are held rig id ly together; the parts o f the system cannot move independently of each other invent [in'vent] — изобре тать, выдумывать — to ori ginate, to devise; to think up; to create, to make some thing new investigate [in'vestigeit]
— исследовать, расследо вать — to seek information
120 about, to trace out; to in quire, to ask questions for knowing all the details iron ['аізчі] — ж елезо; утюг — metallic element; a hard, strong man (with qua lities o f iron); a devise used fo r smoothening o f clothes irradiation [i,redi'eijn] — облучение, блеск, сияние — the emission o f radiation as heat, light; the increase in brightness ja c k [ёзагк] — рычаг, домкрат — a device for rais ing an automobile by a lever system or by a hydraulic system jem m y ['d3em i] — от мычка — a device fo r open ing a door or a safe without a key jet [d3et] — струя, бить струей — a stream of vapour, gas or liquid coming from a narrow hole; the narrow pipe which controls such a stream join [d3 Din] — присоеди нять — to bring together to make a single unit; to fasten;
to tie; to become a member of; to enter into the company joint [d3Dint] — место со единения — the place o f joining; any place of enter tainm ent fo r a low class; owned, made or done in common with one or more persons, groups, govern ments junction ['d3Ankjn] — со единение, узел — the place where two or more things join; join ig or being joined keep [ki:p] — держать, сохранять — to continue to have in one’ s hands, under one’s control; to own, to manage; to carry in stock for sale; to maintain; to regulate keyboard ['ki:bo:d] — кла виатура — the keys o f a
piano, organ, typ ew riter, computer knock [nok] — стучать
ся, бить — to make a sudden impact on something; to cause to come together; to beat slightly leak [li:k] — течь, пропус
кать воду — to pass through a small hole in a container; to become known to people (about secret inform ation) length ['leq0] — длина,
долгота — liner extent in space from end to end; extent in time from beginning to end; in detail, taking much time; the quantity of a vowel level ['levl] — уровень — a horizontal line, plane or surface; a horizontal condi tion; a position in a scale of importance; a relative posi tion in respect to some norm link [liqk] — звено; со
единять — a ring of a chain; a joining part; portion of a program me or equipment that d irects in fo rm a tio n from one part to another
K e y b o a rd
liquid ['likwid] — жид
кий, жидкость — being a flu id substance assumes a shape imposed by its contai ner; transparent, clear load [l^ud] — груз, на грузка — something which is supported by or carried in som ething; an amount o f work expected to be done lorry ['Ion] — грузовик — a truck m an u al [ mænju^l] — ручной — operated by the hands; a book containing in formation set out briefly mine [main] — 1) мой — belonging to me; 2) шахта — an excavation in the earth
shioned; not current, defec tive in regard to present situation overrun [^uva^ глп] — через край — to go beyond, to extend pause [po:z] — пауза —
___________M in e___________
from which minerals are ex tracted; 3) мина — a weapon to destroy the enemy nail [neil] — гвоздь; но готь — a thin metal spike driven into an objekt to fix or to join som ething; the ends of the fingers and toes o f men n u clear [ nju:kli^] — ядерный — relating to ato mic energy; pertaining to a nucleus occur кэч] — случать ся — to happen, to be at a point in tim e or during a period o f time; to be found within a region out-of-date [ auta-v deit]
— устарелый — old-fa
a short period of time when sound, motion or a c tivity stops before starting again p illa r [ pil^] — столб, колонна — a vertical struc ture o f m etal used to su pport a superstructure; a supporter pipe [paip] — труба, труб
ка — a long hollow cylinder used chiefly to convey fluids, gas, etc.; a musical wind in strument; a device for smok ing tobacco, opium plane [plein] — самолет
— an aircraft; a level of de velopment, thought, value plank [plaeqk] — доска — a long board; a main idea, principle in an argument plant [plaint] — сажать; завод — 1) to put the roots o f a plant in the ground and
make it grow; 2) the assem blage o f b u ild in gs, tools used to manufacture some kind of goods or power
ing; the force actin g per unit area; interference with someone’ s freedom in mak ing a decision
plough [ plau] — плуг — an agricultural instrument drawn by a tractor, horses, etc.; пахать — to turn over, break up with a plough/to plow
queer [kwia'] — стран ный — strange, peculiar; eccentric, odd; unusual, ex traordinary
p lu g [р1лд] — пробка, втулка, штепсель — a piece of wood used to fill a gap or hole; any electrical connec tion precept [ pri:s2rpt] — пра вило, наставления, указа ния — an in stru ctio n ; a rule o f action or conduct; a technical instruction pressure [ prejV] — дав
ление — the action of press-
radial [ reidja^l] — луче вой — h a vin g ra d ia tin g lines; moving along a radius radiance [ reidj^ns] — излучение, сияние — the state or q u a lity o f being radiant, em itting energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, shining bright raise [reiz] — поднимать,
возвышать — to come to a vertical or standing positi on; to give rise to; to bring up (childrén); to increase rasp [ra:sp] — терка, на
пильник; тереть, пилить — a kitchen instrument for grating vegetables; an in strument fo r cleaning me tal surface receiver [ri si:v^] — по
лучатель; приемник, те-
124 лефонная трубка — some thing that receives; the earpiece of a telephone; a TV or radio set reduce [n dju:s] — сокра щать — to make smaller or less in size, weight; to change to a different form; to bring to a certain state rejoin [n d33in] — снова присоединяться — to join again remit [ri mit] — умень шать — to become less in force, intensity; to return, to send back; to send money by mail research [ri sa^tj] — ис
следование, поиски — a systematic search for facts; scien tific investigation ; inquiry revet [n vet] — облицовы
вать, облицовка — to face with supporting material; a retaining wall or other sup port for an embankment to ring [rig] — звенеть — to give a sound of a bell; to telephone; a sound resembl ing a bell
rock [гэк] — 1) скала — one or more minerals form ing the earth’ s crust; 2) ка чаться — to cause to move to and fro, to shake, vibrate, sway violently round [raund] — к р уг лы й — having a circular shape; plump; expressed in tens, hundreds, etc rub [глЬ] — тереть — to move something using pre ssure over a surface; to be subjected to friction rust [rAst] — ржавчина — corrosion ; a hydrated oxide o f iron; the reddishbrown colour o f this sub stance rusty [ rASti] — ржавый — covered with rust; outof-date, behind the times sample [ saempl] — обра зец — an individual portion by which the quality o f a substance is to be judged saw [so:] — пила — a steel cutting tool with a toothed edge scatter [ skast^] — раз брасывать, рассеивать —
to separate w idely in d if ferent directions; to cause to break up and go in d iffe rent direction or be widely separated or distributed scissors [ siza^z] — нож ницы — a cutting tool con sisting o f two sharpedged blades and two handles through which fin ger and thumb are passed scoop [sku:p] — ковш, совок; черпать — any im plement fo r holding or re moving liquids scrape [skreip] — 1) чис
тка, скобление — to make clean by rubbing w ith an abrasive; 2) затруднение, беда — an unpleasant situa tion, d ifficu lty, problem sediment [ sediment] —
осадок, гущ а — a dense
125 m atter which sinks to the bottom o f an undisturbed liqu id w ith which it was previously mixed serve [sa^v] — служить — to satisfy the needs or requirements o f a person or organization; to supply with something; to bring food to the table set [set] — ставить, класть, размещать — to cause to occupy a certain position; to put; to bring into contact; to arrange shake Lfeik], shook [Juk], shaken [Jeikn] — трясти, встряхивать — to cause to vibrate, to move rapidly up and down or from side to side o f the normal position shape [Jeip] — очерта
ние, форма — form, embo diment; the way in which an object is seen or felt; the outward appearance o f a person’ s body shut [|At] — закрывать, захлопывать — to block an entrance; to bring together the parts; to stop the opera tion o f a shop, etc.
126 side [said] — сторона — any of the surfaces or lines that bound an object or figure simultaneous teinja's] — одновременный — existing, happening or done at the same time smoke, smoky [sma'uk], [ srrmiki] — курить, дымить; дымный — to produce gas by burning wood, coal, ciga rette solid [ solid] — твердый — h a vin g hardness; not loose, compact, firm ; struc turally sound, reliable; una nimous soluble [ soljubl], solvent [ solvent] — having the power to dissolve spade [speid] — лопата — a tool used fo r digging; a long — handled tool with a broad, flat blade stainless [ steinlis] — не ржавеющий, безупречный — spotless, having no stains steady [ stedi] — устойчи вый, постоянный — regular or uniform , not shaking; reliable; not easy upset, calm
Technics Ц;-1
steam [sti:m] — nap — water in the form of a gas; power, energy generated by steam substance [ sAbst^ns] —
вещество, материя — matt er, material; body sway [swei] — 1) качать ся — to move or swing from side to side; 2) управлять — to direct or control in a certain way
sw in g [s w ig ], (sw u n g) [swAq] — качаться, к оле баться — to move or lift in a curved, sweeping motion; to turn switch [switj] — выклю чатель — a device fo r open ing or closing an electric current tab [taeb] — петелька, ушко — a small flap, strip or other attachment to open, fasten or handle something Eg: Pull the tab on the soda can to open it tap [taep] — 1) легк ий стук — to strike lightly several times; 2) кран; проб
I Technics ка — a device used to turn on or o ff a flow o f liquid tape [teip] — тесьма, лен та — any long, narrow strip of metal, plastic, paper or other material . thing [Gig] — вещь, пред мет — an inanimate object; any act; fact, idea, statement tip [tip] — кончик, нако
нечник — the extreme end o f anything; чаевые — a g ift of money in return for some service tire [ tai^] — шина; обод — a rubber band filled with air around the rim of a wheel tool [tu:l] — рабочий ин струмент — any of various
127 devices held in the hand and used in doing work; any thing necessary to professi on or trade transfer [traens fa*:] — пе ренос, передача, перевод ная картинка — to remove from one person, place to another, to convey a draw ing or picture from one sur face to another treadle [ tredl] — педаль
— a lever or pedal worked by the foot to provide motion for operating a machine truck [tiwk] — 1) менять — to change, to exchange; 2) грузовик — a motor vehicle for carrying heavy loads; 3) овощи (а м ер .) — vege tables raised for sale it the market turn [term] — поворачи вать, вертеть — to move around; to rotate; to change direction twinkle [ twiqkl] — мер
T ir e
цать — to shine with; to give flashes o f lig h t; to move lightly and quickly
Technics |
unbind [ лп baind] — от вязывать — to loose; to set free undo [ лп du:] — 1) раз вязывать, расстегивать — to unfasten, untie; to open; 2 ) расторгать — to destroy; to cause the ruin or down fall of uneven [ лп i:v34i] — не ровный, нечетный — not straight; not smooth or flat; not o f the same kind; not well-matched or balanced; one-sided unit [ junit] — единица — a standard o f measure ment; unity [ juiniti] — един ство, согласие — the arran gement of the parts in a work o f art or literature to produce a single design or effect; being in harmony or agreement vent [vent] — выход, от верстие — a hole or small opening fo r the escape or passage o f a gas, liquid, etc verge [ va^dg] — край, граница — a border; the im aginary line at which a
V essel
new condition starts
vessel [ vesl] — судно; сосуд — a ship or la rge boat; a hollow container for liquids well [wel] — 1) колодец — a deep cylindrical hole dug into the earth to reach a supply o f water, 2) источ ник — a spring o f water; some source, 3) хлы нуть, наполнить — to rise up and pour out, 4) хорошо — in a manner that g ive s satis faction; thoroughly, fully, quite wheel [wi:l] — колесо — a circ u la r d evice able to rotate; a circular motion; something resembling this device in shape, movement
I Technics whip [wip] — хлыст, кнут; пороть — to strike with a lash, rod; making whips to strike stigingly w h irl [wa^l] — враще
ние, кружение — spinging around; turning around very quickly; to revolve rapidly widen [ waidn] — расши рять — to make or become wide or wider
W h irl
insect; a division o f an army
to wind [waind] — 1) тру бить — the act o f blowing a horn; 2) виться, извивать ся; 3) крутиться — to make a complete turn, to sping around
wire [ waia\) — проволо ка, провод — metal drawn out into thread-like form of uniform diameter; the tele graphic system
wing [wig] — крыло; фланг — one o f the struc tures of an airplane which supports the machine in the air; the wings of a bird, bat,
w rea th e [ri:d] — к л у биться, обвиваться — to encircle; to form flow ers, leaves into a wreath; to move in coils
5 Простые и эффективные ... англ. слов
to abolish — [VbDliJ] — отменять, упразднять, уни чтожать; to do away with... completely; to put an end to... (laws, customs, taxes, privileges) abolition [aeb^'liJVn] —
отмена, упразднение; the movement against slavery/ smoking, drinking, drugs accept [aek'sept] — при нимать, допускать;to take sometning offered; to admit the correctness of sometn ing; to give an affirm ative answer to sometning; to receive smth access ['aeksa^] — доступ, проход, приступ; way o f approach — access from two roads; right to approach — access to the Prime Minis
ter; right to consult — access to the files; a sudden emotio nal outburst — an access of fury, tears ac/complish iV kom plif]
— выполнять, заканчи вать; to come to an end well; to bring to a successtul conclusion; to fu lfil; to finish ac/know/ledge [агк'пэЫз]
— признавать, подтверж дать; to recognize as a fact; to admit the truth o f some thing; to recognize in a legal form; to notice and ensure admit [a^l'mit] — допус кать, позволять; to allow to enter; to recognize as true; to acknowledge; to have room for
131 affair [V fe^ ] — дело; concern; business; case; Eg: a man o f affairs; affairs of state; a love a ffair against [Vgenst] — про
тив — opposite to...; — cont rary to...; — in contrast to...; — into contact with...; — about...; — in exchange for...; — in opposite direction to...; — next to... agree [a^'gri:] — соглаша
ться, соответствовать; to balance; to be in harmony; to be suitable; to correspond in number; to check alarm [Vla:m] — тревога; пугать, волновать; a signal of danger; inspiration with fear; alarmist — паникер; alarm-clock — будильник
to alter ['o:lta\| — изме нять, переделывать; to make different; to change; to become different; to remake to a/mass [Vmaes] — со бирать, копить; to accumu late; to gather together; to preserve for the future anew |Vnju:] — заново, сызнова; again; in a new form or way
anniversary ^aeniWisari]
— годовщина — the parti cular day on which the yearly return of the date of an event is celebrated (Eg: wedding anniversary) annual ['aenju^l] — ежего дный; once a year;measured by the year anthem ['эепбэтп] — гимн;
a piece o f choral music; a song of praise or joy (national anthem) to appeal [Vpi:l] — апел лировать, призывать, взы вать; to call upon an autho rity; to address oneself to a higher authority; to turn for an opinion or judgement; to make an earnest request; to ask for voluntary contribu tions; to be pleading to appear [Vpia1] — по я вляться проявляться; to come in sight; to be in sight; to be on the scene; to arrive in public; to perform in public; to be published; to look wha"t a person or thing is; to be evident or probable to ap/point O'point] — назначать; to select for an
132 office or position; to set a date, time, place; to choose approach (V p ro u tf] — подход — the act o f coming close or closer; the act o f going near or nearer; the way one approaches; a method of beginning
Politics I
to avoid [Vvoid] — избе гать; to keep out of the way; to refrain from ; to in va li date
approval О'ргшуэЧ] —
avouch |Vvautf] — р у чаться, утверждать; срав ните: ваучер; to state as a positive fact; to guarantee; to rely on
одобрение — a favourable opinion or judgement; o f f i cial sanction or recognition
badge ['baed3 ] — значок — a distinctive sign o f an office
article t'a:tikl] — часть, статья — a particular piece o f w riting in a larger work (book, newspaper, periodi cal); a particular thing o f a distinct class (jackets and other articles of clothing); a statement, a regulation (an article o f Constitution); the words «а », «а п », «th e » in grammar associate iV sa n ijie it] —
присоединиться; ассоции роваться — to connect; to take part/to participate; to join as companion; to mani fest publicly one’s solidarity; a corporate act o f (protest, solidarity)
ban [baen] — запрет, за прещать — not to allow to do something banner [Ъаепз^] — знамя
— a flag o f a country or political organization battle ['baetl] — сраже ние, битва, баталия; a fight between armies; a combat between two individuals
to bear [bea"] — носить, выступать — to carry; to be marked with; to be known by; to tolerate; to produce bearer ['Ьеэтз^] — носи тель — somebody who carries; holder
| Politics to beg [beg] — просить; извиняться; to ask for money, clothing, food for a livin g; to express demand by making noises; to ask for being excused behind [bi'haind] — за,
позади, после — in back of something; in support of somebody; running later than; progressing more slowly between [bi'twi:n] — меж ду — within two limits, to and from; common to; among blam e [bleim] — обви
нять — to hold responsible; to lay the fault for border ['boida1] — грани ца — an outer side; a frontier; a boundary between two countries brevity [' breviti] — крат кость — shortness; сравни те: B revity is the house of wisdom (Edward Lear) — краткость — сестра талан та bribe [braib] — взятка — a secret g ift (usually of
money) offered to a person
133 brief [bri:f] — краткий — lasting a short time; instruc tion for an operation; to summarize; to inform bring [brig] — приносить;
to carry; to lead; to cause to come; to institute; to prefer; to win over to a new point of view; to produce; to restore broad [braid] — широкий — fu ll and clear, general, not detailed; not narrow; of great width; easily under standable brutal ['bru:tl] — грубый, жестокий — plain and direct with no regard fo r feeling; cruel campaign [kaem'pein] — кампания — any organised attempt or attack to win public support century ['sentjuri] — сто
летие — a period o f a hund red years challenge ['tj'aelmdg] — вызов — a calling in question; somethhing that tests a person’ s qualities; an initiative to play a game
Politics ^Л
chamber ['tjeimba1] — па
claim [kleim] — требо
лата; камера — a legislative or judicial body; a large room or hall used fo r meetings; a compartment or cavity
вать — to demand as a right; to call out; to need; to want to be done
cheer [ф у ] — одобрять,
радоваться — to shout for joy; to applaud by shouts; to fill with gladness, hope and comfort choice [tjois] — выбор —
the act of choosing or select ing to choose (chose, chosen) [tju:z], [tJVuz], [tJVuzn] — выбирать — to select bet ween alternatives; to make a choice; to select from a number of things circumstance ['sa^ka-ms-
tons] — обстоятельство, слу чай; an essential fa ct or detail; the particular ele ment d irectly a ffe c tin g a matter; chance; case; fate civil ['sivil] — граждан ский, цивильный; relating to a community or citizens; conforming to normal stan dards o f politeness; legally determined
collapse [k^'laeps] — раз рушение, упадок — falling down; a breaking to pieces; a failure o f plans; a mental or physical breakdown commit [kar'init] — совер шать to be guilty of; to put in its last place; to bind, to pledge; to compromise common ['кэтэи] — об щий — belonging or relat ing to more than one, to the public; ordinary, usual; second-rate complete [ka^m'pli:t] — полный, всеобъемлющий — with nothing missing or lacking; absolute, entire; to complete — завершить — to finish, to make up a desired amount conceal [k^n'siil] — скры
вать, утаивать — to keep secret; to hide; to cover concept ['konsa'pt] — по нятие, общее представле
I Politics ние — a thought or opinion,
general idea condition [ka4i'dij>n],
[kan'dijn] — условие — mode or state o f existance; state o f health; circumstances; social rank co n firm [k34i'f^:m ] —
подтверждать — to make stronger or more persistent; to establish the truth; to ratify; to make definite conquest ['koqkwest] —
завоевание — som ething won or acquired by physical or moral victory; the act of conquering a country or people contemporary [k^n'temрэтэп] — современный — belonging to the time; modern
continue [k34i'tinu:] — продолжаться, длиться — to go on with; to prolong; to take up again; to remain in a given place or condition contradiction [kontra^-
'dikjn] — противоречие; оп ровержение — opposition,
135 a contradicting statement; on the contrary contribute [ka-n'tribjuit] — способствовать, вносить вклад — to g ive together with others; for a common purpose; to supply; to give a share; to help to b rin g something about council ['kaunsl], ['kauns^l]
— совет, организация — a consultative or advisory as sembly; a body elected or appointed to advise or legis late fo r a term; an assembly o f authorities course [ko:s] — курс — a
line of conduct; any of the successive parts of a meal; ordinary sequence; moving from one point to another; a direction of travel creditable ['kreditabl] — похвальный* делающий честь — quite good, more than satisfactory crown [kraun] — корона — a royal headdress of precious metal or jewels; an emblem; the monarch him-
136 self; a reward; the top of the head crush [кгл]-] — давить, подавлять — to damage or spoil by pressure; to reduce to a powder or to small pieces under pressure; to become crumpled daily ['deili] — ежеднев ный — every day dash [dsej] — бросать;
разбивать; тире — to smash, to shatter; to go in a great hurry; a rush sudden move ment; a punctuation mark (-) datum ['deitara] — data (pi) [ deita^] — данные — a known fact; a starting point from which an essay is made
to deceive [di'si:v] — об манывать — not to tell the truth; to mislead; to break faith with smth.; to make someone believe what is false decision [di'si3 n] — реше
ние — resolution, a result o f making up one’ s mind; a summary of facts
Politics ДР
to d eclare [di'kleæ ] — объявлять, провозглашать — to make known publicly; to announce; to a ffirm or protest strongly deed [di:d] — действие, дело — an act, something done; actual performance; a w ritten or printed agree ment, contract defence [di'fens] — защи та — preparation to meet attack; the act o f resisting attack deliver [di'livjr] — достав лять, вручать — to trans port som ething to an ad dress; to fulfil a promise; to pronounce a speech; to speak out denominate [di'nomineit] — определять, называть; — to give a name; to state; to define deny [di'nai] — отрицать — to refuse, to say no, to declare to be untrue derivation [deri'veijn] — источник, происхождение — an origin, source; a basic
statement; the formation of a word, the act of tracing
voting, to decide on a course o f action
disfavour ['drs'feiva1] — немилость — the state of being out of favour; dislike, disapproval
elevate ['eliveit] — под нимать, возвышать — to raise to a higher level; to raise in rank or dignity; to raise in price, importance; to raise to a higher moral or intellectual level
dissolution [ ldis3Jlu:J‘3,n], [dis^'luijn] — растворение, роспуск — breaking up some thing; the ending o f work; passing away, disappearan ce; the liquidation of a busi ness divide [di'vaid] — делить — to separate; to share; to deal out; to put into separate groups division [di'vi35rn] — деле ние, разделение — a distri bution, a sharing; a section Of a larger group; lack of harmony, disagreement; a special purpose formation elaborate [i'iæbareit] — разрабатывать в деталях — to work out in detail; to make or develop with care; to go into details about a matter elect [i'lekt] — выбирать,
избирать — to choose by
embassy ['embsrsi] — по сольство — an official mis sion or delegation, which represents one country in another at the highest diplo matic level; residence of the head of such mission enemy ['enimi] — враг — a hostile nation; a person who brings another ill w ill and actively works or fights agaisnt him; someone who opposes or works against enforce [in'fois] — при нуждать — to press to do som ething; to im pose by force; to give strength to; to make smb. do something by force enjoin [m'd30in] — при казывать — to impose as a rule, order or duty; to
command, to order; to forbid or restrain enlarge [in'la:d3 ] — рас
ширяться, увеличиваться — to make bigger; to expand; to become bigger; to speak or write more fu lly about en/sure [in'jW ] — стра ховать — гарантировать — to make certain of gett ing or achieving en/title [in'taitl] — озаг лавливать, давать право — to g ive a title to; to g ive someone a right envious ['envies] — зави стливый — feeling, show ing or promted by envy equal ['i:kwa4] — рав
ный, равноправный — the same in number , degree or oth er standard; w ith no advantage on either side; without domination; equiva lent event [ 1'vent] — событие, случай, происшествие — an occurrence notable as being an exception to routine; a separate item in a program
Politics I
ex/change [iks'tjeind3 ] —
обмен, размен — the g iv ing or receiving of one thing in return for something else; a thing given in return for something else; the price of one country’ s money in the currency o f another excuse [iks'kjuiz] — изви нять — to forgive, overlook; to release someone from an obligation, undertaking or duty; to free from blame fa ith [fe i0] — вера — trust, confidence; complete acceptance o f a truth which cannot be demonstrated or proved favour ['feiva1] — благо склонность, покровитель ство — an act of kindness; the condition o f being ap proved or liked; support, help
figh t [fait] — бой, драка — a battle, a physical s tru g g le fo r v ic to r y ; an e ffo r t to overcom e some thing folk [fa-uk] — народ — a
great mass of common people
I Politics that make up a nation; people as belonging to a class follow ['fola4i] — следо вать — to go or come after; to succeed in order of time; to result from; to act in ac cordance with; to pay atten tion to; to take an interest in and make a study o f force [fo :s] — сила —
physical strength; mental or moral strength; the power and might forecast ['fD:ka:st] — про гноз, предсказание — some thing predicted; to predict on the basis o f scientific observation foresee [fo:'si:], [f^'si] — предвидеть — to have a vision of; to take measures in advance; to forecast found, foundation ['faund],
[faun'deijam] — основать, основание — to originate, to establish, to begin the building of, to base free [fri:] — свободный
— not reserved or occupied; spontaneous, voluntary;
139 open to all without restric tions, not limited, not cap tive, at liberty fu lfil [ful'fil] — осущ е ствлять, исполнять — to carry out; to complete, to accomplish; to prove true; to realize glory f'gbri] — слава —
praise, fame, adoration; particular distinction govern/ment ['gAvnment] — правительство — a rul ing authoritative control; a dominant authority; a group o f people/ministers guilty ['gilti] — винова
тый, виновный — having commited an offense, show ing guilt headline ['hedlain] — за головок — the name, the title hesitate ['heziteit] — ко лебаться, стесняться — to pause before acting; to be indecisive; to pause repeat edly when speaking hold [hanild] — держать, задерживать — to have in
P o litic s J ^
one’ s hands; to keep in the ground place, in a certain position or condition; to keep control; to detain; to contain
independence [ (indi'pendaris] — независимость — an autonomy; without control or domination by another power; freedom
honour ['эпэ'] — честь — conventional respect fo r a person o f high rank; special ceremony to express public respect; a w om an’ s good reputation
indiffrence [m'difa-rans] — безразличие, равноду шие — lack o f interest or feeling; unimportance; show of no response, neutral
impose [im'paniz] — вы нуждать — to force others to receive oneself as guest, companion; to use superior strength or authority incline [in'klain] — скло нять, наклонять — to bend, to bow; to change the posi tion from vertical or hori zontal incompetence [in'kompit34is] — некомпетентность — not knowing the fact; be ing unaware o f something; a lack o f information indefinite [m'definit] — неопределенный, неогра ниченный — not lim ited, not clearly stated
indirect [^ndi'rekt] — не прямой, побочный — not following the shortest way; round about; not going straight to the point; oblique inequality [^nii'kwoliti] — неравенство — lack of equality, regularity, un evenness; a variation from the norm influence ['influaiis] — влияние, воздействие — a person’ s indirect power over men, events, things; ingratitude [in'graetitju:d] — неблагодарность — lack o f ability to thank; lack of gratitude; ill-bred injustice [in'd3 AStlS] — несправедливость — unfair
I Politics ness, violation o f juistice; a wrong law insist [in'sist] — настаи вать, утверждать — to repeat a request; to demand; to prove to do something; to point out
unable to endure, stand; un willing to put up with some thing intrude [in'truid] — втор гаться, навязываться — to enter, break in; to force in an unwelcome way; to attack
insult ['insAlt] — оскорб
invade [in'veid] — втор
ление — a remark or act showing contempt, rude ness, very impolite; vulgar, unpleasant
гаться — to enter a country by armed force; to intrude upon; to make an invasion
ние, цель — aim, purpose, ambition, will, desire, wish, the main idea; problem
ir re g u la r [i'regjula-] — неправильный, ненормаль ный — not regular, not fo l lowing a pattern or sequence; asymmetrical; abnormal
intermediate [inta'Vmiidja^t] — промежуточный — between two things, events, extremes; average, in the middle of; neither good nor bad
issue ['isju:], ['ijju:] — из дание, выход, выпуск — a publishing or givin g out; an outcome, result; a question under dispute or discussi on; a matter o f concern
interrupt [int^'rApt] —
item ['aita^m] — пункт, параграф, статья — a piece o f news; a single article, unit, feature in a list, account, collection
intent [in'tent] — намере
прерывать, препятство вать — to stop abruptly but briefly, to make a break in something; to interfere in ноте action; intolerant [in'tolaraTit] —
нетерпимый — unfriendly, hostile towards somebody;
judicial [djui'diJVl] — су дебный, законный — of the administration of justice or o f acts or persons associated
142 with it; use o f the power and process of critical judgement kidnap ['kinaep] — похи щать, насильно увозить — to take away and hold a person by force; to racket king [kirj] — король — a male monarch, the chief person; a magnate let [let] — позволять;
Politics I
real or im agined scale o f measurement (moral or social values or ranking); small in number or amount magazine [,таедэ^ zi:n] —
журнал — a periodical publication o f writings by d iffe re n t authors, often illustrated and with adver tisements
пускать — to permit; to put at the temporary disposal in return fo r rent; to become violent in action or speech; to set free or allow to leave
matter [ meeta-J — дело; вещество — a circumstance, issue; a trouble, difficulty; a substance which any physi cal thing is composed of
liberate ['libareit] — ос
meaning [ mi:niq] — зна
вобождать — to change the status of ownership; to set free, to release
чение — that which is in tended; conveying emotion expressive
liberty ['lib^ti] — свобо да — the condition of being free to choose, the right to do as one pleases; unemploy ed, not busy
member [ memb^] — член — a person who belongs to a group or organization; a part of the body
loan [1этдп] — заем — the
lent money on condition that it is returned with or with out interest; a lending, permission to use low [ 1эч1] — низкий — at
or near the bottom of some
mention [ menjn] — упо минать — to refer to some thing; to cite the name o f a person; to speak; to speak about .* mess [mes] — беспоря док, неприятность — a state of disorder; an unpleasant,
I Politics troubling situation or con dition might [mait] — могуще
ство — power, strength; one’ s utmost force military [ militari] — во енный — involving the arm ed forces or warfare miserable [ гшгэтэ'Ы] —
жалкий — extremely un happy, poor or worthless misery [ mrza^ri] — нище та — extreme unhappiness or suffering; wretchedness
due to poverty misunderstand [ miSAnd.Tstsend] — неправильно по
нять — to interpret incor rectly, w rongly; not to get proper sym pathy or appre ciation
misuse [ mis ju:s] — зло
modify [ modifai] — из
м енять — to change; to make less extreme moot [mu:t] — спорный — open to argument, un certain; no longer a matter of practical importance navy [ neivi] — военно-
морской флот — a state’ s ships o f war, the organiza tio n and m anpow er o f a state’ s force for war at sea neglect [ni glekt] — заб росить, запустить — to fail to perform ; to fa il to care for; to fail to attend to, dis regard negotiate [ni дэ-ufieit], [nig^ujjeit], [ni дз-usieit] — вес ти переговоры — to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, confer; to do business
употребление — incorrect use; to treat wrongly or badly
next [nekst] — следую щий — nearest in space; ranking second; closest to
mock [rmk] — издевать ся — to ridicule; to imitate
nobility [пэч1 biliti] — знать, знатные люди — a noble class; the quality or state o f being magnanimo us, generous
in order to ridicule; to dis appoint; to express disap pointment
now [паи] — сейчас — at the present tim e; without delay; immediately null [пл1] — недействи тельный — having no force in law; relating to zero object [ obd3ikt], [ obd3^kt]
— предмет, объект — a body or thing; an aim or purpose; a person or thing exciting attention or emotion objection [jrbd 3 ekj>n] —
возражение — an act o f objecting, a feeling of oppo sition; resistance obsess [э-b ses], [ob ses] — преследовать — to occupy or engage the mind o f some one to an inordinate degree; to follow step by step obstacle fabstakl] — пре пятствие — an obstuction, prevention, difficulty, prob lem obvious [ obvia's], [ Dbvja's]
— очевидный, ясный — self-evident, not requiring proof or demonstration; easi ly seen; attracting immedi ate attention
omit [ЭЧ1 mit], [э-"mit] — пропускать — to fa il to do something, to neglect; not to pay attention at onlook er [ эп,1икз*] —
случайный свидетель — a passive spectator, witness o pin ion |> pinja'n] —
мнение — a point o f view; a mental estimate; a belief or conviction; a formal ex pression o f thought opposite [ opa'Zit], [opa’Sit] — противополож ны й — contradictory, contrary; con trast; utterly different oppression [> prejVn], [o preJbTl] — притеснение, угнетение — a set of circum stances causing to feel men tally or spiritually burdened or physically suffering outbreak [ autbreik] — взрыв, вспышка — a sud den violent bursting out; an insurrection o u tbu rst [ autba^st] — взрыв, поток — a violent emotional fit; an eruption outlook [ autluk] — миро воззрение — a prospect or
view ; a way o f looking at things overdo [^u v^ du:] — зай ти слиш ком далеко — to exaggerate, carry too far; to make too great a display overhear [^ u v ^ hia\J — подслушать — to hear a conversation accidentally participant [pa: tisipant] — участник — someone who takes part or has a share in some activity partake [pa: teik] — при
нимать участие — to take or receive a share in predominate [pri domineit]
— господствовать, преобла дать — to lead in quality or status; to be most frequent prevail [pri veil], [ргэ^ veil]
— преобладать, успешно бороться — to be victorio us; to be the chief characte ristic, predominate; to be widespread or current prison [ prisn] — тюрьма — a building used to hold offenders or suspects await ing trial, or enemy captives
145 proclaim [ p m kleim] — провозглаш ать — to an nounce publicly or o ffic ia l ly; to declare officially prohibit [рггг hibit], [prani-
hibit] — запрещать — to prevent or make impossib le; to forbid with authority puppet [ рлрй] — мари онетка — a small model of a human being or an animal with mobile limbs control led by strings or wires
purpose [ pa-ipa's] — на мерение, цель — a desire to obtain result which is kept in mind in perform ing an action pursue [pe sju:] — пре следовать — to follo w in order to capture or over take; to engage in; to go on talking about push [риП — толчок, pushing [ pujiq] — предпри
имчивый — stim ulating; aggressively self-assertive quandary [ kwonda-Ti] —
затруднение — a dilemma, a state of uncertainty
quash [kwoj-] — аннули
recent [ ri:snt] — недав
ровать — to annul; to put down
ний — not long before the present
queen [kwi:n] — короле
reconciliation [^eka^nsili-
ва — the w ife of a king; a female monarch
eijn] — примерение — reach ing a compromise, agree ment about differences
quell [kwel] — подавлять,
сокрушать — to'crush, to suppress; to overcome rage [reidg] — гнев — uncontrolled anger; intense emotion, passion rank [гагдк] — ряд, ше
ренга — line or row of per sons or things; social posi tion ransom [ ransom] — вы куп — money paid or de manded for the release of a person held captive; a relea se by payment of this money rebu ff [ribAfj — давать
отпор — to reject; to give proper answer; to act quick ly and reasonably recede [ri: si:d] — отсту
пать, удаляться — to be come more distant; to slope backwards, to draw back
redress [ri dres] — возме щение; восстановливать; заглаживать обиду — to put right; to readjust refer [ri f^:] — ссылаться
— to turn for information; to direct to a source of informa tion refuge [ refju:d3] — убе жище — shelter or protec tion from danger, distress or d iffic u lty , a person or place offerin g protection refigee [,refju: d3i] — бе женец — a person who flees, escapes or must hide refuse [ri Quiz] — отка зать — to decline to accept; to be unable to do some thing; to make a refusal; to reject reign [rein] — господ
ствовать — to hold royal
o ffic e ; to be monarch; to prevail, to be predominant
physical force; to protect from change
reject [ri d3ekt] — отказы вать — to refuse to accept; to be unacceptable, to dec line; rejection [ri dgekjn] — отказ, отклонение — a re jectin g or being rejected; something rejected
restrain [ris trein] — сдер живать, удерживать — to prevent from doing some thing; to set limits to; to re press emotions
reluctance [ri Ukt^ns] — нежелание — an emotional or mental opposition to a course o f action renew [ri nju:] — возоб
новлять — to make new again or as if new; to begin again after an interval of time; to revive; to make valid for a further period repeal [ri pi:l] — отмена — delete, crossing out; re moving from; abolition; delay, neutralization represent [,repri zent] —
представлять — to point out, to act on behalf of; to be the delegate of; to be a symbol for, to correspond to resist [ri zist] — сопро
тивляться — to oppose a
restriction [ris trikjn] — ограничение — keeping within certain limits; avoi dance o f exaggeration, shocking effects in any form o f expression
resume [ri zju:m] — во зобновлять — to take back or again; to begin again; to go back to using; to sum up retain [ri tern] — удержи вать, сохранять — to keep in one’ s memory, in one’ s control; to keep securely in place retreat [ri tri:t] — отсту пать, уходить,ретировать ся — to avoid dangers and d iffic u ltie s o f life tem po rarily; to withdraw for peace, safety; to hide fo r a while
revenge [ri vend3 ] — месть, мстить — to avenge,
148 vindict; a desire to in flict injury in return for an injury suffered rig h t [rait] — правый, исправлять — true, logical ly sound; correct; suitable; to set in a proper position; to put back to balance; to return to a correct position rig id [ ridgid] — суро вый, жесткий — in fle x i ble; strongly resisting de formation; s tiffly set
self-criticism [ self kritisizm] — самокритика — the ability to notice weak points in one’ s own behaviour, speech, life. sequence [ siikwaris] — последовательность,согла сование — a succession of things which are connected in some way s e r f [s ^ :f] — раб — a feudal labourer bound to his owner or landlord
royal [ гэЫ ] — королев ский — relating or belong ing to the fam ily o f a king or queen; v e ry im posing, splendid, majestic
serfdom [ sa^fd^m] — рабство — the state or con dition o f being a serf; the practice or in stitu tion o f having the land with serfs
satisfy [ saetisfai] — удов летв ор я ть — to p ro vid e what is required, needed; to cause to be happy or free from some desire
settle [ setl] — решать; приводить в порядок — to determine or decide; come to agreement about; to put into order
search [sa-itf] — поиски — an investigation in order to find something, gain in formation
shatter [ Jaeta-] — расша тывать (нервы), разбивать; расстраивать — to break into pieces; to destroy com pletely or damage greatly
seldom [ seldom] — ред ко — not often, rarely; some times
shoot [$u:t], shot [Jot] — стрелять — to wound or kill
a person or animal with a bullet, arrow, etc.; to pass rapidly down, through or over; to photograph or make a film
slap [slaep] — ш лепок, пощечина — a sharp, quick blow with the open hand; an insult, a piece of sharp criti cism
shortage [ Jo:tid3 ] — не хватка — lack, too small an amount or supply
slave [sleiv] — раб — a person who is a property of another person; a person who is under the control of some influence; a serf
sh u ffle [ Ja A ] 1) шар кать, волочить ноги — the fe et along the ground or floor; 2) тасовать карты, подтасовывать факты, хит рить — to mix playing cards so as to rearrange them; to drag to mix facts so as to rearrange them significance [sig nifikans] — значение, смысл — the state or quality having special value or importance; meaning sin [sin] — грех — the w illfu l breaking o f God’ s law; any offense situation [,sitju eijn] — ситуация; м естополож е ние — a condition or state of affairs; a location slander [ slasnd^] — кле вета — any false and insulting statement
slogan [ sloug^i] — л о зунг — a phrase, statement or motto used by a particu lar group; a phrase used in advertizing smash [smasj"] — уничто жить, разбить — to destroy, to crush; to break into pieces; a complete defeat or disaster smuggle [ sm\gl] — за ниматься контрабандой — to bring, take or transport secretly goods on which the required duties have not been paid society [sa^ sai^ti] — об щество — all people; human beings as a group; a com munity; companionship, company solicitation [sa^ ,1isi teijn] — ходатайство — the prac-
tice or an act of begging for, appealing fo r some help or assistance
to; to come against with force; to hit, to make an attack on
solution [s3^ lu:Jn] — ре шение; раствор — method of answering to a problem; mixture of two or more sub stances
substitute [ SAbstitjuit] — заменять, замещять — to take the place o f another; to put in the place of another; instead of
speech [spi:tj] — речь — the ability to express an idea, thought, fe elin g by the use o f spoken words; the act o f speaking; a way in which someone speaks
support [ssr po:t] — под держивать — to hold up; to provide for; to uphold, -er [sa^ poit^] — сторонник — a person who supports, aids or approves
spoil [spoil] — портить — to ruin, damage or harm something
spread [spred] — распрос транять — to unfold, stretch out; to cover with a thin layer o f something; to dis trib u te; to extend over a period o f time state [steit] — состоя
ние, положение — the con dition o f a person or thing; государство — a body of people living together under one government strike [straik] — ударять, поражать — to give a blow
suppose [s? рэтдг] — пред
полагать, полагать — to believe to be true; to expect; to imagine to be possible supposition [ pSAp2r Z l j n ]
— предположение — a s sumption, plan, project; the act o f supposing
suppress [sa^ pres] — по давлять — to crush, to put down by force; to restrain; to prevent or forbid the telling suprem e [sju: pri:m] —
верховный, высший — greatest in rank, authority
or power; ultim ate; final,
last suspect [sa-s pekt] — по дозревать — to have doubts about; to consider possible, true, likely; to think someone guilty with little or no proof suspicion [s^s pijn] —
подозрение — a feeling or impression; a slight trace or suggestion target [ ta:git] — цель, мишень — an object that is aimed at in shooting prac tice or competition; any thing that is the object of any attack ta x [tseks] — н алог — money that must be paid by people for the support of the government threat [Bret] — угроза — an expression o f the inten
tion to in flict punishment, harm or pain; a person or th ing th at is a source o f misfortune, danger or harm today [t^ dei] — сегодня — the present day, nowa days, currently
151 troop [tru:p] — войска,
толпа — a group of persons; members of the armed forces as a group true [tru:] — верный, пра вильный — correct; real; genuine; loyal; rightful ultimate [ Altimit] — пос ледний — final, coming to an end; greatest possible undersign [ Anda^ sain] — u n derw rite [ Anderait] —
подписаться — to put one’ s signature under the docu ment; to agree to do some thing; to ensure unequal [ лп iikwa^l] — неравный — not the same; unfair; not fit or qualified; uneven. unfair [ лп fea] — неспра ведливый — not just; not following accepted rules or standards ungrounded [ лп graundid] — необоснованный — with out basis in fact or reality; not educated; unify [ ju:nifai] — объе динять, унифицировать —
152 -------------------- =зр----------------
to unite; to combine or make into a whole union [ junja^n] — союз,
объединение — an associa tion; the act o f uniting unite [ju: nait] — объеди нять — to bring or put toge ther; to join together unjust [ лп d3 ASt] — не
справедливый — unfair; not moral, not just unveil [лп v e il] — от
крыть тайну, снимать заве су — to remove a covering from; to remove a veil upper [ лрэ'] — верхний
— higher vain [vein] — пустой — empty; not successful or e f fective vanguard [ vasnga:d] — авангард — the part o f an army that moves ahead of the main force; the leading position venture [ ventjVJ — рис
кованное предприятие — an affair that demands some risk or danger; a guess with out real calculation
________________ Politics victim [ viktim] — жертва — a person who is injured, killed or ruined; who is cheated or tricked victory [ viktari] — побе да — the defeat of an op ponent or enemy violation ^vaia1 leijn] —
нарушение; насилие — tre a tin g d isresp ectfu lly ; disturbing, interrupting vote [v34it] — голосовать; вотум — to decide, accept or establish by a vote; to elect w a r [w o:] — война — armed conflict between nations, a state o f hostility without arms or weapons warn [wo:n] — предосте регать, предупреждать — to draw the attention of somebody to the probable result of an act; to inform beforehand weapon [ wepn], [ wepan] — оружие — any instru ment used for figh ting; any means o f attack or defense w ill [wil] — воля, жела ние — moral strength or
energy; determination; the facility of determining one’s actions; wish, desire
to take away, to remove; to take back, to retract; to leave, to retire
witness [ witnis] — свиде
wrangle [ raeqgl] — спо рить — to argue; to quarrel noisily; to speak loudly or shout while proving some body
тель — a person who has observed a certain event; something taken as evidence withdraw [wi5 dra:] (with drew, withdrawn) [wi5 dru:], [wi6 drain] — отзывать, от водить назад, удаляться —
yesterday [ jesta-dei], [ jest^di] — вчера — the day which proceded today
aboard [>'bo:d] — на бор ту, на корабле; my friend was aboard the last ship go ing to Amsterdam abrupt {VbrApt] — кру той, обрывистый; резкий, отрывистый; sudden, un expected, rougn [rAf], disc onnected again [Vgen], [Vgein] — снова, опять; once more; the same quantity in additi-. on; one more time
ago [Vgani] — тому назад Всегда следует за сло вом, которое определяет: long ago; a year ago air [еэ^] — воздух;
air+Ballon — аэростат; air+base — авиабаза; a ir+ b rid g e — воздуш ный мост;
air+field/drom — аэро дром; air +man — летчик; air+plane — самолет; air+pocket — воздушная яма — A condition in the atmosphere, usually a partial vacuum, which makes an airplane in flight drop sud denly. air+hole — воздушная яма;
air+raid — воздушный налет; air+ship — дирижабль; Air+space — воздушное пространство; A ir + s t r ip — взлетнопосадочная полоса already [oil'redi] — уже; сравните: all+ready; by this time; before a particular moment ancient ['einjVnt] — древ
ний; antique; old — fashion ed; very old; belonging to times long past arrive [Vraiv] — прибы вать — to come to a place; to end a journey; to appeare; to come on the scene
to ascend |Vsend] — вос ходить, подниматься — to go up; to come up; to rise from a lower degree or level; to climb [^s'tonij] — удивлять — to shock; to astonish w ith amazement or wonder astonish
atten tio n [V te n jn ] — внимание — mental concen tration; notice something;
service by a waiter, a shopassistant; the need to listen to; act o f politeness a/way [Vw ei] — далеко — far, at a distance; in a d iffe re n t direction; at an end; continuously b a rb a ria n
— варвар — u n civ ilize d person; uncultured person before [bi'fo:] — перед, до, прежде чем — in front of, ahead of; earlier than; sooner in time than bell [bel] — колокол, ко локольчик — an empty cup shaped instrum ent which makes a ringing sound
belong [bi'bq] — принад
лежать, относиться — to have a rightful place; to be a member of; to be classified with bridge [brid3 ] — мост — a structure carrying a road over a river, railroad bus [b\s] — автобус — a
large public passenger vehicle; serving fixed routes
C astle
camp [kaemp] — лагерь
— a place where people live in tents, barracks or huts; a holiday resting centre for children capital ['kaepitl] — столи ца — main city; chief city; big letters in the ABC
castle [ ka:sl] — замок, дворец — a palace, a fortress check [tjek] — контроль,
проверка; багажная кви танция — to arrest; to con trol; to restrain the prog ress of motion; to vertify the correctness church [tjVitj-] — цер
ковь — a particular place of Christians; a building fo r
Christian worship; baptized Christian men and women circus ['sa^ka^s] — цирк — the entertainment made up of acts including perform ing animals, horseback riders, acrobats, clowns; the arena with seats around it in which the show is performed; the persons and animals making up the show clim b [klaim ] — взби раться, карабкаться вверх — to go up; to rise to a higher point; to rise in social rank or reputation coast [kanist] — побере жье, морской берег — the
seashore, the land border ing the sea come [к л т ] — п ри хо дить — to appear; to arrive; to happen; to occur; to occur to the mind; to be born; to
result; to pretend to be corner ['кэ:пэ\] — угол —
the point or place of meet ing; the angle formed by the m eeting o f two streets; a distant place; a secret place country ['клпіхі] — стра на; деревня — a political
state; a region or district w ith reference to geogra phical or esthetic features; regions o f woods and fields as opposed to towns crowd [kraud] — толпа — a large number o f people collected together; a clique, sect current ['клгэчи] — по ток, текущий — a mass of water m oving in a certain direction; the stream; of the present time; in general use custom ['kAstarn] — обы чай, привычка — a habit; a generally accepted practice; convention; something made usually delay [di'lei] — отсрочка, задержка — an unexpected lapse of time; failure to make something; postponing
to depart [di‘pa:t] — ухо дить, уезжать — to go away, to set o ff, to leave, to set out
C ircus
d ifferen t ['difa-rant], ['difr^nt] — разный, различ ный — not the same, un usual, out o f the ordinary
dike [daik] — дамба, пло тина — a raised bank con structed to prevent flood ing, high water; protection from something disappoint Ldisa-'point], ['dis^'point] — расстраи вать, разочаровывать — to break a promise; to fail to come up to the expectation; to frustrate disaster [di'zaista^] — бед ствие — an event causing great loss and suffering to people; a great or sudden misfortune, a fiasco district ['distrikt] — рай
он — a p olitical or geog-
raphical division of a city, state; a region downstream ['daun'stri:m| — вниз по течению — in the direction o f the flow of a river or stream, nearer to the mouth o f the river downtown ['daun'taun] — деловая часть города — in the business area of a city; the main business area of the city drive ( drove, d riven )
[draiv], [draniv], [drivn] — ехать на автомобиле, уп равлять — to control the course; to convey in a vehicle; to hit or push in some direction; to activate; to cause to work hard embank [im'baeqk] — ог
раждать дамбами — to en close or protect with a rais ed bank o f earth, stone embankment [lm'basqkmarit] — насыпь, дамба, плотина — a raised bank of earth,stone e/norm/ous [I'noim^s] — D isaster
огромный — v e ry great, huge, gigantic
foreign ['form] — иност
ранный — com ing fro m some country outside; not of one’s own country or race; introduced from outside
escape [is'keip] — убе жать — to get free; to disap pear; to run away; to find release from worries, troub les; to avoid, to keep safe from excursion [iks'ka^Jn] —
экскурсия — a short pleasure trip; a pleasant hiking trip; to walk about; to go sight seeing; a tour exploration [,ekspb: reijn] — исследование, покоре ние — a trip or voyage through an unknown or little known region in order to add to man’ s knowledge; a searching, an investigation far [fa:] — далеко — at a considerable distance; very distant, remote
form [fo:m ] — форма, бланк; класс — shape, out ward appearance; a variety, manifestation, example; a document with blank spaces for information to be w rit ten in; a class in a school
go [gam] — идти, ехать — to be in motion, to move with a special purpose, aim; to leave, to disappear, to escape happen [Ъагрэт1] — слу чаться, происходить — to take place; to occur spon tan eou sly; to chance; to find or meet by chance h arb ou r ['haiba^] — га вань; убежище — a bay or inlet o f quiet water protec ted from stormy waves by man-made or natural walls; a place o f refuge; shelter
high [hai] — высокий, возвышенный — great in degree; at a large distance
above; occupying an impor tant position; noble; at the zenith, top hike [haik] — прогулка пешком — to walk a long way for pleasure in the open country huge [hju:d3 ] — огром ный, громадный — extreme ly large, enormous, super, extra indistinct [jindis'tirjkt] — неотчетливы й, смутный — d ifficu lt to see or hear; not clear; vague, slight; confused initial [I'nija^l] — старто вый, первоначальный — at the very beginning; show ing the firs t letter or syll able; the fir s t le tte r o f a personal name
H u ge
o f its size or nature; very small is la n d [ ’aila^nd] — isle ['ail] — остров — a piece of land, sm aller than a con tinent, surrounded by water; an isolated land, person
inquire [in'kwaia'-] — осве
ivory ['aivari] — слоновая кость — the hard creamywhite dentine of an elephant; the colour o f ivory; things made of ivory
домляться, наводитьсправ ки — to obtain information by asking; to ask questions; to investigate
jin gle ['d3iqgl] — звонок, звяканье — a pleasing sound o f bells in continuous but unrhythmical combination
invisible [in'viza-bl] — не
journey [^зэчш] — поез
видимый — concealed, hid den, can’ t be seen because
дка, путешествие — a trip, a travel, a voyage; a move
ment over considerable distance from one place to another kerb [кэчЬ] — край тро туара, обочина — border of a street pavement knight [nait] — рыцарь — a man given the rank of knighthood by the British monarch in recognition of merit; a man o f noble birth; a m ilitary attendant on a lord or his lady leave [li:v] — уезжать, уходить — to go away, to depart; to stop staying in some place
lu ggage ['U gid 3 ] — ба гаж — suitcases, bags and trunks fu ll o f a traveler’ s belongings mail [m eil] — почта — the public organization of the collection and delivery
of correspondence and other postal m atter; the letters and parcels sent by this organization many [тагпі] — много —
consisting of a large but in
6 Простые и эффективные ... англ. слов
defin ite number o f people or things map [тагр] — карта — a representation in scale, usually on a fla t surface, of part o f the whole of the e a rth ’ s surface, showing physical, political or other features never [ neva-J — никогда — not at any time, not on any occasion observe [a^b za^v] — на блюдать, соблюдать — to look at with attention; to watch; to come to know by seeing; to note attentively
162 once [WAns] — однажды, иногда — on one occasion only, a single time; form er ly; at some time outline [ autlain] — очер тание — lines bounding the outer limits of a figure; a scetch; a rough draft of a plan, scheme of work
path [pa:0] — тропинка — a narrow way or trail; any way or space by which people may pass; line of progress place [pleis] — место —
a particular part o f space or area on a surface; the position o f a figure, etc
overcrowd [^uva- kraud]
prehistoric [ pri:hi 'storik]
— переполнять — more people or things than it is desirable or permitted
— доисторический — related to the period before recor ded history, existin g dur ing this period
oversea [ aniva1si:] — за морский — pertaining to countries or people or things beyond the sea pace [peis] — шаг, по
ходка — rate o f travelling; manner of walking or runn ing; a step made in walking pack [рагк] — упаковы вать — to put in a container; to put things together for a trip; to assemble, crowd together; to wrap up passenger [ passmc^a-] —
пассажир — a person who travels in a vehicle but is not a driver nor one o f the crew
quadrangle [kwo draeqgl], [kwa^ draeqgl] — четырех угольник — a plane figure with four sides — a square or rectangle quite [kw ait] — вполне — completely, very much; rath er...; a con siderable number ramble [ гагтЫ] — про гулк а, бродить — a long unplanned walk fo r enjoy ment
rather [ га:б&] — скорее; довольно-таки — more exact ly; in some measure; most certainly
reach [ri:tj] — 1) дости
гать — to arrive at, to get in touch with; 2) простирать ся — to extend, to expand remain [ri mein] — оста ваться — to stay in the нате place; to continue in a certain state; to be left reminiscence [,remi nisns]
- воспоминание — perso nal memories of past events; Homething which is remem bered; recalling memories of past related events remote [ri manit] — отда
ленный — at a great distan ce in space or time, not close ly related; out-of-the-way rescue [ reskju:] — спа
сать, избавлять — to deliver from danger, violence; to release by force; to save resort [ri zo:t] — курорт
- a place fo r rest to which people go usually or fre q uently rest [rest] — отдыхать — to be motionless; to leave
activity, to recover energy; t<» give a period o f rest
return [ri term] — возвра щаться, возвращение — to go or come back; to occur again; to play back road [ranid] — дорога,
путь — a strip o f cleared land fo r the passage from place to place; the way to get somewhere sail [seil] — парус — a piece of canvas or other cloth to catch or reflect the wind and drive a ship along seaport [ si:po:t] — морс кой порт — a town on a sea coast having a harbour, docks and used by seagoing ships
seek (sought) [si:k]-[so:t] — искать, разыскивать — to try to find, to try to obtain, to ask for, to look for send [send] — посылать
— to cause somebody to go to a specified place; to send a letter to somebody; to transmit a message ship [fip] — корабль — any large seagoing vessel; a sailing vessel having three or more masts shore [Jo:] — побережье,
берег — the land form ing the edge o f an ocean or sea sign [sain] — символ,
знак — a lettered board;
symbol; a motion, gesture, idea; a warning; a trace slot [slot] — паз, щель,
прорезь — a narrow straight opening in a mail box; in any automatic device stamp [stemp] — топать
ногами — to strike the feet forcefully down upon the ground; почтовая марка — an officia l mark fo r letters station [steijn] — место, станция — a place where someone or something stands; a building where a body o f people work toge ther; a place along a route where trains or buses stop stay [stei] — оставаться, останавливаться — to live in a place fo r a short period o f tim e; to remain in one place; to stop fo r a while steep [sti:p] — 1) крутой; невероятный — having a very sharp face or slope; 2) погружать, погружаться — to involve deeply or absorb; to soak in liquid strange [streind3 ] — не знаком ы й, странный —
|_ Travelling
remarkable or odd, unfami liar, -er [streindgaf] — незна комец — a person with whom one is not fam iliar; a foreig ner, outsider, newcomer stretch [stretj] — вытя гиваться, простираться — to extend from one place to nnother; to spread out to full length or width; to widen, lengthen or pull out Of shape by force subway [ SAbwei] — тун
нель — an underground passage or tunnel fo r pedes trians surface [saifis] — поверх
ность — the upper or outer part o f a thing; outer appea rance
survey [ s^vei] — обзор -
a detailed study or exaiii i nation; a general view; a
review ticket [ tikit] — билет — n card or a piece of paper that shows the person who holds it has the r ig h t to receive certain services or privileges
Su bw ay
tower [taua\| — башня — a tall but narrow structure rising above a church, castle or other building town [taun] — город — any densely populated place; a group of houses and private buildings, larger than a village but smaller than a city traffic [ traefik] — улич ное движение, транспорт — the passage of people and means of transportation to and fro; an exchange of goods fo r profit train [trein] — поезд — a connected line o f railroad cars
unless On les] — если не — if not; except on the condition that up [лр] — вверх — in, on, to a higher place valid [ vælid] — действи тельный — based on facts and evidence, true; e ffe c tive, correct, confirm
T ow n
travel [ traevl] — путеше
ствовать — to make a jour ney; to make a tour of; to go from one place to another trip [trip] — экскурсия, путешествие — a light quick step; the act o f traveling or going from one place to ano ther
valise [va^ li:z] — чемо дан — a suitcase; a small piece o f luggage van — фургон, вагон — a large covered truck used fo r transporting view [vju:] — 1) вид — the act o f looking or seeing; sight; 2) кругозор — a range of vision; 3) взгляд, мнение — a particular way of think ing about something; a tti tude, opinion
— подземный; метро — hidden below the surface of the earth; secret
village [ vilid3 ] — дерев ня — countryside; a group of houses smaller than a town
unexpected [ Aniks pektid]
walk [wo:k] — ходить
— неожиданный — happen ing without warning; unforseen
пешком, прогуливаться — to move on feet; to travel on foot; to pass through, over;
underground [^nda- graund]
to accompany on fo o t; to measure a distance by walkIng
waste [weist] — беспо лезно тратить, расточать; отходы — to expend goods, materials without propor tionate result; needless and excessive consumption; gar bage, rubbish, ashes, etc way [wei] — путь, доро ги — the course taken in
gettin g from one place to к»other; the distance; direc tion of movement; the ability to do something
welcom e [ welkAm] —
добро пожаловать, привет ствовать — to greet some body with signs of pleasure; to be glad about; to receive gladly w o rld [wa^ld] — мир, свет; мировой — the planet; the universe; human society; a recognized part or period o f human society zoo [zu:] — зоопарк — a place where alive animals are kept in captivity for the public to see
admire [aed'mai^] — вос хищаться — to express one’ s good feelings; to look at somebody with pleasure or respect adore |Vd3:] — обожать, поклоняться; to love; to like very much; to worship
to affect [a^'fekt] — 1) воздействовать; 2 )трогать, поражать; 1) to make an impression on somebody; to have an effect on something; 2) to attack; to cause a par ticular condition in... to a/muse [Vmjuiz] — за бавлять, развлекать; amu sement — entertainment, pleasant spending o f free time appearance [Vpi3T34is] — внешность, появление;
the act o f apprearing; look ing, dressing to ap plau d |>p'b:d] — хлопать, аплодировать; to show approval by clapping; to demonstrate approval by clapping a/shame/d (Vjeim d] — пристыженный — feeling shame; dishonour, disgust
to assent [V sent] — согла ситься, уступить — to say «yes»; to accept something; to agree on/upon something attitude ['aetitju:d] — отно
шение — a mental position au d ien ce ['oidja^ns] —
слуш атели сравните; ау диенция; a group of people assembled to listen to or watch something; those who
A rt
read a publication or listen to a broadcast (rad io); an official or formal interview aw ard |Vwo:d] — при суждать, награждать; to give as a prize; to present; to choose the best; to evaluate the best; to admit; to value; to recognize aware [VwEa'] — осведом ленный; informed; having learnt; conscious [ ’konja^s] — осознающий background ['baskgraund] — фон, задний план — the part of the picture against which the principal figures иге shown; a person’ s past history; any accompanying noise beauty ['bju:ti] — красо
та — physical loveliness; a particularly good example of a thing or specimen beau tiful ['bjuita'ful] — красивый — having beauty, physically lovely; morally or intellectually pleasant
to believe [bi'hv] — ве рить — to accept as true; to
B eau ty
hold as one’ s opinion; to be sure o f beloved [bi'Lvvd] — воз лю бленн ы й, в озлю блен ная — much loved; some one who is dearly loved bore [bo:] — скучный — an u n in terestin g person, anything dull chain [tjein] — цепь, це почка — a series of rings or links o f metal; an ornamen tal set used as a necklace choir ['kwai^] — xop — a
group of singing people; to sing in chorus; a choral society
A rt
clap [klaep] — хлопать — the sound o f hands struck together; loud noise
stance contained; the volume o f a solid; the substance, matter o f a book
compose [кэтп'рэчдг] — составлять, компоновать; to create in music or litera ture; to arrange in good order; to bring under control
cover ['L\v3\| — покры вать — to hide; to keep un der aim; to stand immedia tely behind another man; to spread over; to protect financially; to have as one’s territory
considerable [kam'sid^гэ'Ы] — значительный — quite large in amount, extent or degree; important contents ['kontents] — со держание (pi) — that which is contained; a summary of subject treated in a book; the amount o f a certain sub
create [kri'eit], [kri:eit] — создавать, творить — to bring info being; to make by applying the imagination in some artistic technique; to produce;to incarnate cue [kju:] — намек — a hint; an agreed signal c u ltiv a te ['kAltiveit] — обрабатывать, в озд елы вать — to prepare land for crops; to improve, to refine; to cause to develop dance [dains], [daens] — танцевать — set movements to music, either alone or with a partner or partners; a party or social gathering declaim [di'kleim] — дек ламировать — to speak with too much emphasis; to recite
Ш Art
depict [di'pikt] — изобра ж ать — to rep resen t by drawing or painting; to des cribe verbally d escribe [dis'kraib] — описывать — to draw, to trace; to qualify; to move in the outline of; to give a portrait design [di'zain] — дизайн,
художественное оформле ние — a decorative pattern; the combination of parts in a whole; a purpose, intention
dishonesty [dis'onisti] — обман — fraud, lie, false;a dishonest act, not honest; insincere
deliberate [di'libarcit] — обсуждать, обдумывать — to think out a matter with proper care; to make or do intentionally
disillusion [,disi'lu:3 n], [ ldisi'lu:33'n] — разочарова ние — free from illusions, realistic, true; without dreams
delight [di'lait] — boci торг, восхищение — great pleasure, admiration, exal tation, adoration
dislike [dis'laik] — не
приязнь, не нравиться — antipathy, to feel an anti pathy for; an aversion
delusion [di'lu^n] — заб
dispirit [di'spmt] — удру
луж дение, иллю зи я — a false idea, thought; a wrong opinion
чать, приводить в уныние — to dishearten, to make gloomy; to be in a low mood
publicly manner
encrust [in'krAst] — по крывать коркой, инкрус тировать — to cover with a coating; to inlay jewels into; covered with something engrave [in'greiv] — гра вировать — to decorate; to cut a design or lettering on something by hand with a sharp tool; to fix deeply in the mind, memory D epict
display [dis'plei] — выс тавлять, обнаруживать — to exhibit; to show; to dis close donation [dani'neijaii] — дар, пожертвование — a gift; a sum of money to an institution or society dull [cL\l] — скучный — stupid, slow in understading; uninteresting; not bright or vivid, not clear empty ['empti] — пустой — unoccupied; vacant; without nothing in it; with out foundation; silly, not serious
en/rich [in'ritj] — обога щать, пополнять — to make richer in money or goods; to improve the quality of; to add a precious ornament to; to make a valuable addition to a collection especial [is'pejVl] — осо бенный — particular, out standing, exceptional, extra essential [I'senJVl] — су щественный, неотъемле мый — necessary, of great importance; basic, funda mental, containing all that is best or most important in a thing estimate ['estimit] — оцен ка, смета — a judgement of size, number, value; a state-
I Art
ment of the cost or change which would be involved in и given piece of work, or a lender to carry it out for a certain sum o f money everlasting [eva^'laistiq] — вечный — constantly repeated, lasting for ever; Meemingly without end exceed [ik'siid] — превы шать — to be greater, to go beyond a proper limit excitement [ik'saitm^nt] — возбуждение, волнение —emotional tension, unba lance; stimulation; impa tience excla im [iks'kleim ] — иосклицать — to cry out in emotion or excitement; to utter under the stress of Hudden thought or emotion exhibit [îg'zibit] — экспо нировать, выставлять на показ — to show, display to Ilie public; to present, demonstrate fairy [’feari] — сказоч ный; фея — a small super natural being capable of in-
terventing in human affairs, usually in order to help false [fols] — ложный, ошибочный — untrue, lo gically w rong; incorrect, mistaken; not natural fame [feim] — слава, из вестность, репутация — the state o f being widely known and esteemed; repu tation famous ['feima's] — изве стный, знаменитый — wellknown, widely known, cele brated fancy ['faensi] — вообра жение, фантазия — great
174 wish, dream; imagination; wish to have something, eager to have
to knock against another; to hurt emotionally or financi ally; a popular success
fond [fond] — увлечен ный — loving, affectionate, fo o lis h ly ten d er; ta k in g pleasure in; having the habit of
hope [Im ip] — надежда, надеяться — a confident expectation; wishful trust; waiting for something
foreground ['fo:graund] —
передний план — the part of a scene nearest the viewer; the most noticeable position gap [gaep] — брешь, про бел — an opening or breach in a wall, fence; a break in continuity, a pause; a wide difference in views great [greit] — великий — large in size, big; large in number or extent; a high degree; specially important, powerful; favourite, noble; excellent hint [hint] — намек, на мекать — a slight sugges tion; an oblique piece o f ad vice; an indirect thought, mention hit [hit] — ударять, удар;
успех — to make contact with; to strike with a blow;
image ['imidj] — образ — a mental picture or concept; a painted or drawn symbol; a person or thing resembl ing another person or thing, a likeness impossible [im'posa'bl] — невозможный — hard to tolerate, unacceptable, not possible incomplete [^nkaWplirt]
— неполный, незавершен ный — not fin ish ed , not done; not full; unfinished inscription [in'skripJVn]
— надпись — an informal dedication; words devoted to somebody; private notes inspiration [mspi'reijn] — вдохновение — the creative impulse o f an artist; desire or wish to do something; a supernatural ability of a person
A rt
intend [in'tend] — наменаться — to have in mind, think, to make up one’ s nd; to plan; to have a desmtion fo r something interconnection [inta^k^-
kjn] — взаимосвязь — nnection of two or more hings in te rre la tio n ['inta^ri-ijn]— взаимоотношение, оотношение — having a close, connection, related to each other; mutual relationnhip love [Iav] — любовь, ЛЮить — a powerful emotion,
~ep affection; a great likg, fondness luxury ['UkjVri] — рое
шь, излишество — ex-
pensive food, clothes, com forts; something enjoyable, relatively costly m agnificent [mæg nifisnt] — великолепный — splen did, beautiful, admirable, wonderful m ajestic [ma^ d3estik] —
величественный — royal, splendid, magnificent mark [ma:k] — знак, мет ка — a spot, stain, scratch; something that indicates the presence o f something else; an impession or influe nce; a cross or other symbol used as a signature by a person m arvel [ marvel] — чудо, диво — something that causes astonishment or admiration; something wonderful m ere [ mia1] — явный,
простой — pure, unmixed; average, simple
miracle [ mira-kl] — чудо — a supernatural event; an extremery remarkable achie vement or event; an unex pected piece of luck
а п щ
worthy o f note; a prominent person; a member of an as sembly, largely aristocratic in composition nude [nju:d] — нагой — naked; w ithout clothing, undraped obsession [э -Ъ sejVn], [ o b seJVn] — мания — the state of being completely involv ed, obsessed, occupied with some idea
N aked
movies [ mu:viz] — кино — entertainment and a branch o f industry naked [ neikid] — обна женный — without clothes; uncovered; without decora tion; without supplemen tary material noble [ пзчдЫ] — знат ный — illustrious by rank or birth; of high character, lo fty ideals; im pressive, splendid, grand in appea rance notable [ nanita'bl] — вы дающийся — outstanding,
obstinate [ Dbstinit] — уп рямый — stubborn, refus ing to concede to reasonable arguments op p ortu n ity t^pa^ tju:niti], [,opa^ tjunti] — возмож ность — possibility, chance; a set o f circumstances; good fortune outstanding [ aut stændiq] — выдающийся — promi nent, great, remarkable; not yet settled or complete paint [peint] — рисовать красками — to create a pic ture; to make a vivid des cription; to apply cosmetics to; to practice the art of creating pictures
177 part [pa:t] — часть — that which is less than all; one of Heveral equal amounts, num bers, quantities
image on a surface; a perfect likeness; a mental image, idea; a situation as a com bination of circumstances
particular [p^ tikjula ] — особенный — unusual, spe cial; relating to one thing singled out among many
please [pli:z], pleasure [ р1езэ\| — удовольствие — a general feeling of satis faction, enjoyment
passion [ paeJVn] — страсть, увлечение — violent emotion; a great liking or enthusiasm; an outburst of feelings
plot [plot] — сюж ет — the plan o f events in a novel
piano [ pjasnau] — пиани но — a musical instrument before which the player sits playing on a horizontal key board picture [ piktJV] — кар тина — a representation or
probability [ргэЬз^ biliti] — вероятность — som e thing regarded as probable, based on the experience that of two or more possible effects one tends to predo minate p rod ig y [ prodidgi] — чудо — a person with extra ordinary talents; an amaz ing person or child rapt [raspt] — восхищен ный — carried away in ima gination from reality rare [геэ\| — редкий — seldom, inf requently found; unusually good, appealing; delicious
rattle [ raetl] — грохо тать; трещать — to produce
Art Щ
a rapid line o f short, sharp sounds raucous [ roika-s] — хрип лый, грубый, рокочущий — rough- sounding, gra t ing, hoarse
— восхи щать — to admire, to cause rapture; to cause exaggera ted admiration ravish [
reflection [ri flekjn] — отражение — showing as an image; being in accor dance w ith ; re fle c tin g or being reflected; an opinion a rrived at a fte r conside ration rehearse [n ha^s] — репе
тировать — to practice a play before perform ing it for an audience; to enume rate the list; to try to act before performing reproduce [,ri:p r^ dju:s]
— воспроизводить — to repeat exactly or very close ly; to re-create mentally; to make a copy by mechanical means revival [ri vaiva^l] — воз рождение — the reappea
rance of a past mode; a res taging o f a play ridicule [ ridikju:!] — вы
смеивать — to laugh at somebody; to mock with; to sneer, scoff row [гэга] — 1) ряд — an orderly line o f persons or things; 2) грести — to propel, to participate in a race by using oars screen [skri:n] — экран, ширма, завеса — anything givin g protection from ob servation; a white surface on which films, movies are projected; a shelter or conceal
A rt
script [skript] — сцена рий — the printed or w rit ten text of a play, broadcast seat [si:t] — место, стул — anything on which one may sit or sits; a centre of some activity seduce [si dju:s] — соблаз нять, обольщать — to lead aside or away; to persuade a person to act contrary to the principles he normally follows seem [si:m] — казаться — to give the impression of being som ething; to have the appearance o f b ein g true, existing self-portrait [ self poitrit] — автопортрет — the port rait of a painter made by himself
ness; a slight variation, degree; a place partly shel tered from the fu ll light or heat of the sun shape [jeip] — очерта
ние, форма — form, em bodiment; the way in which an object is seen or felt; the outward appearance of a person’ s body sharp [ja:p] — отточен ный; резкий ; я зв и т е л ь ный; четкий — well adapt ed to cut or pierce; harsh, b itin g or severe; clear or distinct; rapid, brisk, ener getic silly [ sili] — глупый — stupid, lacking common sense; absurd, ridiculous
sin g [s ig ], sang [saeq], sung [sAq] — петь — to perform a song; to produce sensual [ sensju^l], [ sensounds; to recite in — чувственный musical — a singing voice having great liking for bodi ly pleasure, pertaining to
the satisfaction o f bodily desires shade [feid] — тень, от тенок — comparative dark
singular [ siqgjul^] — ис
ключительный, своеобраз ный — unusual or remark able; extraordinary; strange or peculiar
A rtM
song [sag] — песня — a musical composition for one or more voices; a poem that can be set to music; the act or art o f singing; the call of a bird sound [saund] — звук — vibrations that are carried through the air to produce sensation in the ear; some thing that is heard spark [spade] — искра — a
small, hot, glowing particle thrown o f f from fire ; any flash of light; a small amount, trace specify [ spesifai] — точ но определять,обозначать — to describe in detail; to mention in a definite way; to set down as a specifica tion spectator [spek teita^] — зритель — a person who watches but does not take part; an observer, member o f an audience stage [steid3] — сцена — a raised platform in a theatre or hall on which a p erfor mance takes place.
star [sta:] — звезда — any h eavy body th at ap pears as a bright point of light in the night sky; a person who is outstanding in some field string [striq] — веревка, струна — a rope; a thin strand of wire or nylon used to produce tones in certain musical instruments stun [sUn] — ош елом л я т ь — to shock as by a blow; to overwhelm stunning [ sUniq] — изу м ительный — extrem ely attractive or good-looking
tale [teil] — сказка, рас сказ — a story or account of uvents; narrative; false hood talk [to:k] — разговаринать — to express ideas or
Information; to spread rumours, to gossip temptation [temp teijn]
— искушение, соблазн — Homething sinful, illega l, foolish, provocative treasure [ "tre3 a^] — со
V a lu e
showing the latest style; fashionable
кровище — a store o f valu ables; accumulated riches treat [tri:t] — 1) развлече ние — to provide entertain ment, pleasure; 2) угощение — to give food, drink; 3) ле чение — to g iv e m edical attention to unforgettable [ Anfjr getobl ]
— незабываемый — me morable; not to be forgotten unknown [ лп ПЭЧ1П] — неизвестный— - unfam ili ar, not identified, not disco vered up-to-date [ Apta1deit] —
современный — modern,
value [ vaelju:] — ценность; стоимость — monetary worth; considered worth, usefulness, importance; merit valu able [ vaeljua'hl] — ценный — worth much money; of great use, worth or importance visual [ vi^ua^l] — зри тельный, наглядный — used in sight; relating to; resulting from; visible, can be seen vivid [ vivid] — яркий, живой — clear and distinct; sharp; producing clear or
lifelike images in the mind; active, lively xylophone [ zaila'fanm] —
ксилофон — an instrument
Art В consisting o f horizontal wooden bars arranged in graded length and tuned in a chromatic scale
advertise f'aedvaiaiz] — рекламировать; to make known; to draw attention to; to proclaim publicly; to nnnounce advertisement |>dW:tis-
inarit] — реклама; public notice or announcement o f fering goods or services for sale; the act of announcing — (by radio, newspapers, TV, handbills) to advise |>d'vaiz] — со ветовать; to recommend a course o f action; to g iv e ndvice to sombody; to teach how to plan one’ s work; to consult advice [a^d'vais] — in for mation sent by an agent; consultation of a specialist;
a stated opinion which helps to determine correct action or conduct bargain ['ba:gin] — сдел
ка, торг — an agreement on turns of give and take; some thing offered cheaply or advantageously to borrow ['Ьогзчі] — за нимать, брать взаймы — to take; some ting on the under standing that it w ill be re turned later; to take and use c a rd b o a rd ['ka:dbo:d],
['kaidb^d] — картон — s tiff paper used for shoe boxes case [keis] — случай ;
ящик, коробка, кейс — а state of affairs; a box; an incident
Shopping I close [kl34iz] — закры вать — to end, to finish; to shut; to come to an end coin [koin] — монета — a piece o f metal money
chance [tja:ns] — шанс, случай — an occurance/ case that can’ t be accounted fo r ; fa te o f a person; an o p p o rtu n ity to do som e thing change ['tjeind3] — изме н я ть; м енять — the e x change o f one thing for another; fresh outlook; a balance o f money; coins of small denomination cheap [tji:p] — дешевый — inexpensive; easily ob tained; poor in quality clip [klip] — скрепка, за жим, скоба — a thing for fastening papers togeter; a bobby pin
colour ['кл1э\| — цвет — a pigment; the complexion o f the face; the racial com plexion o f people; a ribbon used as a symbol o f a party, sports team; tone o f con versation or behaviour; the general effect of colour in a painting c on sum e [ka4i'sju:m], [k34i'su:m] — потреблять — to eat, to drink up; to waste or absorb time, money
| Shopping cost [kost] — стоимость,
цена — the price paid or to paid for something; money to be paid; an item in the outlay o f time, labour, trouble, etc.
count [kaunt] — считать
— to add up; to repeat; to include; to name numbers in order custom er ['kAst34na\| —
покупатель — someone who buys regulary from a parti cular shop dam age ['daemid3] — убыток, ущерб; поврежде ние — harm; injury; a money compensation for harm
debt [det] — долг — some th in g (m on ey ) owned to another; the state of owning demand [di'ma:nd] — тре
бование — an urgent claim, an economic need or call; the thing requested disadvantage [^isa-d'vain-
tid3 ] — невыгода, ущерб — an unfavourable circum stance, drawback, loss, han dicap
185 disagree [disa-'gri:], ['disa'1gri:] — не соглашаться, ссо риться — to d iffe r in opi nion; to quarrel; to be harm ful or unsuitable d isc o u n t ['diskaunt] —
скидка, учет векселей — a reduction in price; a sum deducted from an account if it is paid immediately or in advance dispose [dis'p34iz] — рас полагать, склонять — to place in position, to incline, to arrange; to determine the outcome; to deal as one wishes with d is trib u te ['distribju:t],
[dis'tnbju:t] — распределять, раздавать — to spread, to put in d ifferen t places; to occur geographically eager [4:дэ\| — стремя щийся, нетерпеливый — having a strong desire; to wish very much; keen enum erate [I'njuimareit] — перечислять — to name one by one; to count exaggerate [ i g 'z a e c ^ r e i t ]
— преувеличивать — to go
186 beyond the truth in describ ing or representing; to make larger than normal; to lay increased emphasis upon expend [iks'pend] — тра тить — to spend, to use up; to pay out expense fiks'pens] — рас ходы — cost in term s of money; money paid out in running a business or house hold fair [fea'] — 1) ярмарка
— a traditional market held on a specific date; 2) кра сивый — light coloured, beau tifu l; 3) справедли вый — ju st; according to the rules fare [fe^] — стоимость проезда — the cost of a journey (by bus, train, airp lane, ship) fit [fit] — подходящий,
годный — good enough; proper, right; in good physical condition, healthy habit ['haebit] — привыч ка — a tendency to repeat an act again and again; automatism
Shopping |
half [ha:fj — половина — one of the two equal parts into which som ething is divided; one of two equal periods in a game divided by a break hurry ['h\ri] — торопить, торопиться — the need to act quickly, without delay; waste no time; to do some thing for a short period of time income ['ткэтп] — до ход, заработок — wages, salary; dividents from in vestments increase [in'kriiz] — рас ти, возрастать, увеличи ваться — to become greater in size, degree, number; to grow inexpensive [^niks'pensiv] — дешевый, недорогой — cheap, not expensive, not dear; of small price innum erable [I'njuima1-
гэ-Ы] — неисчислимый, бес численный — very many, too many to be counted; un countable m arket [ ma:kit] — ры
нок — a place where many
sellers display and sell their goods; a region for success ful trading measure [ шезз1] — мера, измерение — determinati on; bringing into comparission; a unit of length, volume; amount, extent or degree; a criterion ; an appropriate amount or portion m ill [mil] — мельница — a building containing m achinery which grinds grain into flour; a machine that grinds grain; a small hand-operated machine for grinding co ffee, pepper, beans money [ тлш] — деньги — anything that serves as a medium of exchange for goods and services much [m\tj] — много (к неисчисляемым суще ствительным) — great in quantity, extent or degree number [ плтЬгг] — чис ло, цифра — a symbol used to express how many; a figure used to denote one thing
obtain [эЬ tein] — полу
чать, добывать — to get, receive, have; to become the possessor o f, secure for oneself or another occasion |> kei3^n] — случай, обстоятельство — a set of circumstances; some case, occurance, event odour [ Vuda1] — запах,
аромат — smell, the charac teristic smell of sometihng open [ з-ирэп] — откры вать, открытый — not shut, not closed, free, unoccupied; frank, concealing nothing option [ opJVn] — выбор, оптимальный — a choos ing; freedom of choice; most favourable, the best
188 outlay [ autlei] — издер жки — expenditure, an in stance of this pledge [ pled3 ] — залог, задаток — som ething o f value left as security for a loan or as a quarantee; a solemn promise prefer [pri предпо читать — to like better; to choose rather; to give priority to price [prais] — цена — market value; that which is given or demanded in return for a thing, service offered for sale or barter profit [ profit] — выгода — benefit, advantage; f i nancial gain purchase [ pa4tj>s], [ po-itjis] — покупка, поку пать — to get something by paying money; to buy put [put] — класть — to cause to be in a specified place, condition, situation quality [ kwoliti] — каче ство — degree of excellence; characteristic; social status
quantity [ kwontiti] — ко личество — the number of; an amount; the property of things that can be measured queue [kju:] — очередь — a line o f people awaiting their turn rap [гагр] — 1) легкий удар, стук; — a sharp quick blow 2) безделица; мелкая монета — nonsense, half penny; только в выраже нии: not to care a rap (not to give a rap) — ни гроша receipt [ri si:t] — распис ка в получении — the act o f g ettin g som eth in g; a formal written acknowled gement o f receiving smth; request [ri kwest] — просьба — an attempt to get something that one wants by making this known in speech or writing rich [ritj] — богатый — possessing great wealth; having many natural resour ces rob [rob] — грабить — to take property illegally; to
I Shopping take money with threat of force sack [saek] — мешок — a large receptacle; a bag sale [seil] — продажа — a selling or being sold; a public selling by auction; a selling of out-of-date stock at reduced prices sell (sold) [sel], [sanild] — продавать — to find a buyer; to give goods, property or rights to another person in exchange for money shop [Jap] — магазин, мастерская — a small store where things are sold; a place where a particular type of work is done; a place where things are made or repaired
189 sponge [spAnd3 ] — губка — a synthetic material used in cleaning for its ability to absorb fluids and yield them again on pressure spray [sprei] — брызги, водяная пыль, пульвериза тор — water in the form of fine particles or droplets; the device holding this liquid steal [sti:l], (stole, stolen) [stoul], [ stoula^n] — воро вать, красть — to take from another secretly without permission; to move or pass secretly, slowly or without being seen
shortage [ Jb:tid3 ] — не хватка — lack, too small an amount or supply
store [sto:] — запас, склад — a place in which a variety of goods is kept for sale; a quantity o f something put away or held in reserve for future use
size [saiz] — размер, ве личина — bign ess, true account
supply [s^ plai] — снаб жение — stock; the amount needed for use; store
spend [spend] — тратить, расходовать; проводить время — to pay out money; to pass time in a specified manner or place
tag [taeg] — ярлычок, уш ко; штамп — a piece of paper, plastic or other material with some information to indentify or label the thing
take [teik] — брать, взять — to grasp, to get hold; to capture; to occupy; to conduct, to lead
trade [treid] — торговля; ремесло — the business o f buying and selling; ex change of goods; a profession
thread [0red] — нитка, нанизывать — a very thin cord o f cotton, wool or silk used in sewing; to pass or proceed in a tw is tin g or winding manner
twice [twais] — дважды — two times; on two occasions
toy [tDi] — игрушка — an object fo r a child to play w ith ; som ething o f little value or importance
use |Ju:s] — польза — the act of using; a need or occa sion; [ju:z] — использовать — to take often; to supply; to employ fo r a particular purpose
unnecessary [лп nesisari]
— ненужный, лишний — not needed, needless
useful [ ju:sful] — полез ный, пригодный — serv ing a good use or purpose; helpful variety [va^ raia'-ti] — раз нообразие — change or d if ference; a collection of d if feren t things; a d ifferen t part or form of something various [ vea-ria's] — раз личный — d ifferen t from one another, o f d iffe re n t kinds; several, many
T h rea d
wallet [ Wo:lit] — бумаж ник, кожаная сумка — a
Hmall fla t pocketcase fo r carrying papers, paper money, etc want [wont] — хотеть, ж елать — need o f some thing; the state or fact of having too little o f some thing desirable or needed ware [wea^] — изделия, товары — m anufactured goods for sale; merchandis ed things wealth [wel0] — богат ство, изобилие — anything which can be exchanged for money; world possessions; the products o f the econo mic a ctivity of a nation weigh [wei] — взвеши вать, весить — to d e te r mine the w eight o f some thing, to estimate weight; to consider the importance weight [wert] — вес, ги ря — the force acting on a
body in a gravitational field; a mass; an amount of matter; importance; a known mass of metal used for comparing other weights whisk [wisk] — 1) пома хивание; 2) веничек, ме телка — quick, light move ment; to move quickly; an instrum ent fo r sweeping small particles
belt ['belt] — пояс, ре мень; конвейер — a strip of leather to support trousers; a region characterized by certain climatic conditions; belts fo r fix a tio n : Fasten the belts! blaser ['bleiza*] — спор тивная куртка — a windbreaker
— a knitted jacket with buttons clean [kli:n] — чистый — not dirty; fresh; tidy; free from ceremonial elements cloak [кізчік] — плащ, накидка — a broad sleeve less outer cloth sometimes
boots [bu:ts] — ботинки, сапоги — footwear made of leather, rubber or canvas button [ЪлШ] — пугови ца — a small disk or knob sewn on material cap [kaep] — кепка, фу ражка — a kind of light hat; a headdress of special form and colour cardigan ['ka:dig^n] — кардиган, вязаная кофта
B laser
worn instead o f a coat; по кров — som ething which hides clothing ['klanidnj] — одежда — something to put on, to wear; clothes in general coat [kaut] — пальто — a person’ s jacket; an over coat; any outer covering cotton ['kotn] — хлопок — the soft, white, wool-like fiber enclosing the seeds of the cotton plant; a textile of this fiber; made o f cotton dark [dark] — темный, мрачный — not light; dis p iritin g , gloom y; m yste rious, secretive dream [dri:m] — мечта, сон — an idea or im age present in the sleeping mind; something greatly desired; an extravagant fancy dress [dres] — платье, одежда — decoration, style, fashion, clothes; a woman’ s frock or gown fashion ['faejn] — мода, стиль, фасон — way, man
7 Простые и эффективные ... англ. слов
ner; style of clothes worn at a particular period of time; a prevailing mode in speech, social behaviour female ['filmed] — жен щина, женский — a female person (g irl, woman), ani mal or plant glove [gU v] — перчатка — a covering for the hand heel [hi:l] — пятка, каб л у к — the rounded back part o f the human foot; the back part of a boot or shoe; the part o f a sock or stock ing which covers the heel height [hait] — высота, рост — the distance from the base or foot to the top; distance above the earth
inconsiderable ^mka-n'si-
dara-bl] — незначительный, неважный — triv ia l, not important, very small; un worthy indefectible [ lindi'fekt3vbl]
— без дефектов — without faults or defects; unfailing; good inexpressive [^niks'pre-
siv] — невыразительный — without emotion, boring; mashed, not distinct; un able to show, demonstrate leather ['1еб^] — кожа
— the skin o f an animal, cleaned and made soft; some thing made of this material (shoes, bags, gloves, coats, etc.) loop [lu:p] — петля — a
closed figure with a curved outline loose [lu:s] — свободный,
characteristic o f men, man ly; a male person, animal or plant m anner [ masna^] — об
раз, манера — the way of doin g som eth in g; social behaviour with respect to standards; correct social behaviour mantle [ mæntl] — ман
тия, покров — a loose outer sleeveless cloak or coat
широкий — hang freely ; not fittin g tightly; not fas tened or firm ly fixed; care less, vague; not exact; lack ing moral control
ний — situated in the middle; average
male [meil] — masculine [ ma:skjulin] — мужской —
middle [ midi] — сере дина, средний — central;
medial [ miidja'l] — сред
intermediate, m edium or
pure [pjua^] — чистый —
a v e ra g e in size, q u a lity , Htatus
free from the presence o f any other substance; free from admixture; a priori
[ motli] — раз ноцветный, пестрый — bright, varied in character, type; mixture o f colours motley
rag [raeg] — тряпка, лох
мотья — a torn or worn piece o f cloth, article of clothing
— small in width; thorough, very precise; m arked by little activity
ribbon [ пЬзчі] — лента — a narrow strip o f silk, satin, velvet used for tying the hair or fo r decoration
needle [ni:dl] — игла — a
rin g — кольцо, ринг,
Hlender pointed piece of steel with an eye fo r carrying the thread, used in sewing
арена — a circular band of precious metal worn on a finger as a symbol; boxing ring; arena
narrow [ паггзчл] — узкий
new [nju:] — новый — made, discovered, known, heard or seen fo r the first l ime; recently made, pro duced or arrived
robe [гзчіЬ] — женское платье, мантия, роба — а
odd [ad] — странный,
необычный — unusual, exI raordinary, not fittin g in to the accepted p attern ; occasional, out-of-the-way pair [реэ1] — пара — a * «et o f tw o th in gs o f the
Hinne kind; a tning consist ing o f two complementary I»nrts; two persons associa ted together
R obe
long loose outer dress worn as a symbol o f profession or position shabby [ jaebi] — поно шенный, оборванный — looking badly worn; wear ing badly worn clothes; poor in quality; mean, unfair, dishonourable, shameful shirt [JV:t] — мужская сорочка — a male clothing for the upper part of the body with a collar, sleeves and buttons down the front shoe Цш] — туфля — a
foot covering o f leather or other material giving pro tection to the instep
waist or hips and hanging down to varying lengths sleeve [sli:v] — рукав — the part of a clothing that covers all or part o f the arm slippers [ slipa^z] — ком
натные тапочки — light low shoes worn chiefly in doors small [smail] — малень кий — not large or great in size, number; not im por tant, trivial; soft, weak, low sock [sok] — носок — a short stocking covering a person’s foot above the ankle soft [soft] — мягкий —
not hard; easily shaped;
short [$b:t] — короткий
— having little length, not long; not tall; not long in time; using few words; brief or abrupt shorten [ jb:tn] — укора чивать — to take short or shorter; to reduce; to decre ase skirt [ska^it] — юбка — a part of a woman’s or girl’s clothing fastened around the
S lippers
I Clothing
smooth or fine to touch; not rough spot [spot] — пятно — a 11lark , stain or blot produced by dirt; a small part or mark
differing from surrounding urea in colour or material stain [stein] — 1) пятно — a spot or mark o f dis coloration; 2 ) пачкать — to colour or treat with a pig ment or any coloured solu tion; to bring dishonour upon suit [sju:t] — 1) костюм — a jacket with a matching pair of trousers; 2) подхо
дить, соответствовать — to I»lease, to satisfy, to be agreenble, convenient; 3) проше ние, иск — the act, process or proceeding in a court tro u se rs [ trauz^z] —
брюки — a clothing for the lower part of the body um brella [лш brela1] —
ііонтик — a device used to give protection from rain or ніш unbutton [ лп bAtn] — расстегивать — to open by unfastening the buttons
uncover [лп Lvva^] — рас крывать, обнажать — to disclose; to lay bare or make known; to remove the cover or covering from undress [ лп dres] — раз
девать (ся) — to remove the clothes or covering from, to take the clothes o ff veil [veil] — вуаль, по крывало — a piece of lace, silk or net worn by women to cover their face; anything that covers, conceals, hides w aist [weist] — талия — the narrow part of the
wide [waid] — широкий — not narrow, o f relatively large extent from side to side; great in extent; fully open,loose width [wid6] — ширина,
широта — measurement, distance or extent from side to side
human body between ribs and hips; the part o f the dress that covers the waist wardrobe [ wo:dra4ib] — платяной шкаф, гардероб — a tall piece o f furniture to keep clothes in; person’s clothes; a room where cos tumes are kept wear [wea1] (wore [wo:], worn [wo:n]) — носить, из нашивать — to have clothes on the body; to arrange smth. in a specified way; to bring to a specified state by use; damage due to use
wool [wul] — шерсть — the fibrous crisped growth on the skin o f certain ani mals; used fo r knitting or weaving a soft warm fabric w rap [raep] — 1) шаль, плед — a rug, shawl or ex tra clothing used to cover oneself, somebody; 2) заку тывать, заворачивать — to cover or enclose; to conceal; to fold as a covering wreath [ri:0 ] — венок, гирлянда; кольцо (дыма) — a circular band of flowers, leaves used to decorate a door, window, etc.
arrow ['аегзи] — стрела — the weapon shot from a bow; a directing sign b a ll [Ьэ:1] — мяч — a spherical object of any size used in different games (foot ball, volleyball, basketball) balloon [b^'luin] — воз
душный шар bandy [ba^ndi] — 1) обме
ниваться (словом, уда ром) — to exchange; 2) кри вой (о ногах) — crooked, not straight; 3) клюшка — hockey stick, club bold [bauld] — смелый, отчетливый — brave; con fidently original; impudent, shameless; printing o f bold face type bullet ['bulit] — пуля —
a small round piece of lead fired from a rifle or pistol chess [tjes] — шахматы — an ancient game of skill fo r two players played on chessboard coach [кэтДИ — экипаж; вагон — a large four-wheeled carriage; a bus for long — distance journeys; a rail road car for passengers; тре-
нер — a p riva te tu tor; а trainer in athletics
straight, straight-forward, candid; immediate; not turn ed aside; not inverted
crew [kru:] — экипаж — a ship’ s company with the officers; a body of men work ing together at a task; a row ing team
disable [dis'eibl], [diz'eibl] — делать неспособным — not able to do, to incapa citate physically or mentally
dart [da:t] — дротик; жало — a sharply — pointed light arrow; a sudden swift movement; to aim quickly and suddenly
distract [dis'traekt] — от влекать, приводить в заме шательство — to confuse; to divert the attention of; to drive nearly mad
decline [di'klain] — скло няться, подходить к концу — to refuse, to fall o ff, to slope downwards; to begin to go down
d rill [dril] — трениров ка, обучение; дрель — a series of exercises in physi cal training, in the use of weapons or equipment; a
decrease [di:'kri:s], ['di:kri:s] — уменьшать, убывать; to make less, smaller; to diminish
d e fe a t [d i'fiit] — р аз гром, поражение — frastration, prevention from success; to be overcome in war, sport or argument defend [di'fend] — защи щать — to p ro tect from danger, to ju stify direct [di'rekt], [dai'rekt] —
Sports _________________
mental exercise regu larly repeated; a tool for making holes in wood, etc
em ulate ['emjuleit] — со ревноваться — to try to do as well as; to have a compe tition envy ['envi] — зависть — a fe e lin g o f antagonism towards someone because of some good which he is enjoy ing but which one does not have oneself; an innocent desire to share another's good; something which arouses this desire excercise ['eks^saiz] — упражнение — the use or practice o f power, right; training to develop skill, mental abilities; a task for students to g iv e practice and test knowledge; a train ing operation
foot [fut] — ступня ноги — the lowest part of a leg
game [geim] — игра — a contest played fo r sport or pleasure; a scheme, a plan of action; a competition; some amusement or fun
goal [дзчд1] — цель; гол — an aim or objective; the act of sending a ball to score gold [дэтаШ] — золото — a yellow metallic element; the colour o f gold; the prize good w ill ['gu d'w il] — доброжелательность, доб рая воля — friendliness gun [длп] — ружье, пи столет — any weapon (a revolver, a rifle ); a toy im i tation o f such weapon guy [дат] — парень — a man, a fellow ; a person of funny appearance
hop [hop] — прыгать, прыжок — to make a little jump; to move foreward in a series of little fumps; to
jump into; to change the subject of a conversation; a short trip hour [аиэ\| — час, 60 ми нут — a fix e d period o f time, 60 minutes; a special moment or short time hurry ['Ьлп] — торопить, торопиться — the need to act quickly, without delay; waste no time; to do some thing for a short period of time indeed [in'diid] — в са мом деле, действительно — in fact; certainly; really; true in flex io n [in'flekjn] — сгибание, м одуляц ия — turning or bending; a change in tone or pitch of voice instead [in'sted] — вза
мен, вместо — for a change; in place of; rather than jab [d3 aeb] — толкать — to push; to penetrate sud denly with a pointed object; to poke sharply; to give a short straight blow
jog [d3 Dg] — толчок; мед ленная ходьба — to give a
slight push; to cause to move or become active; to move along at a regular pace with out hurrying jum p [d3Amp] — прыгать — to rise momentarily into the air with the help of legs; to make a sudden involun tary movement; to shift from one topic to another; to make rise quickly k ick [kik] — ударять но гой, лягать — to hit with the fo o t volu n tary or in v o lu n ta ry ; to s trik e out with the foot; to protest or complain kneel [ni:l] — стоять на коленях — to rest or fall on one or both knees leap [li:p] —
прыжок, скачок — a sudden move ment from one place to another by the muscular e ffo rt of the legs or feet; to jump slightly line [lain] — линия, нить
— a mark showing the lim its; the boundary or lim it of an area; an outline, contour; a row of written,
Ж Sports
printed or typed words; a number o f th in g s which come one after another in time in a regular manner or series . loud [laud] — громкий, шумный — noisy, produc ing a powerful stimulus on the ear; unrefined man [maen] — мужчина
— an adult human male; a husband; a male employee manhood [ masnhud] —
мужество — the state or period o f b eing an adult male; men collectively; man ly qualities o f courage and fortitude
M atch
mankind [mæn kaind] — человечество — the human race in general mat [mæt] — 1) матовый — without shine or luster; 2 ) циновка, рогожа — a floor covering; a thick floor coverin g used in gymnas tics match [ mætj] — пара; матч — one o f two persons or things exactly alike; a person or thing harmoniz ing well with another; a competition
M anhood
mate [meit] — товарищ; супруг — a companion, a fellow worker; a partner in marriage; ai? assistant
S p o r fs J I
motion [ rrmijn] — жест, движение — the act or process; a formal proposal; a movement
outside [ aut said] — на ружный, внешний — ex terior, outer parts; external appearance
move [mu:v] — двигать ся — to change the position; to in flu en ce; to be made active; to make progress; to take action
overbalance [^uva^ bas i c s ] — терять равновесие
movement [ murvmarit] —
движение — the act or process o f moving; an im pulse; a change or trend in the price of some commodity or stock net [net] — сеть — an
open-meshed fabric of cord, hair, nylon used for catch ing fish, birds, insects or animals noise, noisy [noiz], [ noizi]
— шум, ш умный — any sound which causes discom fo r t to the hearer; a loud outcry, shouting, vib ra ti on, etc outdoor [ autdo:] — вне дома, на открытом возду хе — done or used outside the house; characteristic of the open air
— to lose one’ s balance past [pa:st] — прошлый
— just ended; relating to an earlier time; former pity [ piti] — сожаление — a feeling of sympathy; a cause o f sorrow or regret play [plei] — играть — to
take part in games; to make music; to perform the music; to give a performance playground [ pleigraund] — площадка для игр — a piece of ground set apart for children to play on; a favou rite district for recreation previous [ priivja^s], [ privies] — предыдущий — done earlier, before the right time quarrel [ kwor^l] — ссо ра — an a n gry d ispu te; disagreement; altercation
quits [kwits] — to be quits быть в расчете, раскви таться — equal; to stop activity without victory or defeat
rapid [ raspid] — быст рый, скорый — characte rized by speed; fast, quick real [ гЫ ] — реальный,
действительный — existi ng in fact; natural; obvious reel [ri:l] — вертеться — to whirl around; качаться
— to be shaken physically
rink [rigk] — каток — an area of natural or artificial ice used for ice-skating
rival [ raiva^l] — сопер ник — a person in competi tion with others; a competi tive, an enemy rod [rod] — прут, удочка
— a thin slender bar (pole) in wood, metal, glass run [глп] — бежать — to move rapidly over the ground; to escape; to compete in a race; to go regularly between two places
or mentally by the shock of
astonishment, g rief, etc relax [n laeks] — расслаб
ru se [ru:z] — уловк а,
хитрость — cunning; guile; trick, trial
ляться, отдыхать — to make less strict; to lower nervous tension; to become less tense or strict, less restrained repel [n pel] — отталки вать — to d riv e back; to repress, to discourage; to cause not to penetrate rile [rail] — раздражать, сердить — to annoy, to arouse anger or resentfulness in; to irritate
R iv a l
rush [гл|] — мчаться, нестись стремительно — to move with speed and violence; to appear swiftly; to act quickly, reckless score [sko:] — 1) метка;
2) счет — a line or mark cut in the surface of something; the marking o f a point in a game or competition; a num ber symbolizing the degree of success scream [skri:m] — кри чать — to cry loudly because o f fear, pain or shock seize [si:z] — хватать, захватывать — to take sud denly and hold firm ly ; to take by force; to take sud den mental possession self-possession [ selfpa^-
zejam] — самообладание — presence of mind, the ability to control oneself [Jaut] — крик, кричать — a loud wordless cry to attract attention or to express some strong emotion; to yell shout
silver [ silva^] — серебро — a shiny white metalic
element that is soft and easily shaped and is the best conductor o f heat and elec tricity skate [skeit] — конек, ка таться на коньках — an ice skate, a roller skate; to move or glide along on skates ski [ski:] — лыжа, катать
ся на лыжах — one of a pair o f long, narrow, wooden, metal or plastic strips curv ing upward at the front and designed to be fastened to a boot for gliding over snow skill [skil] — мастерство — the power or ability to do
something resulting from practice, training skip [skip] — прыгать — to move along with short, quick hops first on one foot then on the other; to jump the rope sleigh [slei] — sledge |sled3] — санки, кататься на санках — a vehicle on runners used to carry people or load over snow and ice slide [slaid] — скользить
— to move or pass smoothly along a su rfa ce; to pass quietly or gradually slip [slip] — 1) посколь знуться — to slid e sud denly and accidentally; to move or slide out o f control; 2 ) ошибка — to make an accidental mistake - a slip of the tongue slow [s la n i] — м едлен ный — acting, m oving or happening with low /little speed, not fast or quick snapshot [ snaspja-t] — моментальный снимок — to take a photograph for a very short period of time
snare [sne^] — ловушка, западня — a trap for catch ing small animals; anything that tricks or entraps soccer [ soka1] — football — футбол — a game in which two teams of eleven players each attempt to move a round ball in to a goal by kicking or striking it with any part of the body except hands soon [su:n] — вскоре, ско
ро — in the nearest future; before long; shortly; without delay sorry [ son] — огорчен ный, сожалеющий — feel ing pity, sympathy, regret speed [spi:d] — скорость
— quickness or rapidity of motion; rate of motion; the sensitivity o f a photograhic paper to light spontaneous [spon teinja^s] — самопроизвольный, спон танный — arising from a natural impulse or desire; not planned or forced step [step] — шагнуть, делать шаг у - the move-
208 ment of raising the foot and p u ttin g it down in a new position (w alk in g, clim b ing, dancing) stick [stik] — палочка — a long thin piece o f wood; anything resembling a stick stout [staut] — тучный; сильный, крепкий — hav ing a thick, balky figu re; brave, physically strong; solid in structure straigh t [streit] — пря мой — not wavy, moving in the same direction without a curve or bend; not crook ed; truthful, frank
strength [streqG] — сила,] прочность — power, force, energy; the power to resist] attack, force; the degree of concentration success [s^k ses] — уда* ча — good luck; favourable result or ending; the gain ing o f wealth, position or fame sweat [swet] — пот, ис парина — a clear salty fluid given o ff through the роген o f the skin sw ift [swift] — скорый, быстрый — m oving with great speed; happening quickly or without delay swim [swim] — плавать, плыть — to move along in the w ater by m ovin g the parts of the body; to float on water; team [ti:m] — команда — any group working toge ther throw [Gram] (threw [0ru:], thrown [бгзчт] — бросать — to send up into the air with the hand or hands; to
1i nuse to fall to the ground; 111 put hurriedly or careless-
lv; to direct or project unlucky [лп Uki] — негчастливый — not having H' K )d luck; unfortunate; bad luck upset [лр set] — опрокидывать, наруш ать; paci "I раивать — to turn over, Iо knock over; to throw into ilisorder; to make anxious or uneasy whole [h34jl] — весь, цеnы й — entire, undivided; not lacking any part, with no part excepted willowy — тонкий и гиб1сий — slender and grace ful; abounding in willows; thin, slim, tender w in (w on, w on ) [w in ], |wAn] — побеждать — to come fir s t in the compe-
W in
tition; to achieve a victory; to succeed; to gain reward wrestle [resl] — бороть ся, борьба — to stru ggle with an opponent trying to throw or trip him yacht [jot ] — яхта — a light, fast — sailing vessel used fo r racing, pleasure cruises
b irth d a y ['ba^Gdei] — день рождения — the day o f one’ s birth card [ka:d] — карточка,
карта — a piece o f paper suitable for writing or print ing; a playing card celebrate t'sela^breit] — праздновать, отмечать — to perform a ceremony pub licly; to honour some event; to praise and sing glories chatter ['tj£et3\j — бо л
тать чепуху, болтовня — a ligh t talk; to speak much and fast often foolishly congratulate [kari'grastjuleit] — поздравлять — to express pleasure in the success or happiness of...
dedicate ['dedikeit] — по свящ ать — to d evo te to some purpose; to inscribe some book, etc.; in honour o f somebody enjoy [in'd30i] — п о лу чать удовольствие, наслаж даться — to take pleasure or deligh t in; to have the use, benefit or advantage; to get satisfaction and plea sure e n te rta in [ent^'tein] — развлекать, увеселять — to give interest and pleasure to; to receive as a visitor or guest; to show hospitality; to have in one's mind; to give thought or considera tion to smb
eve [i:v] — канун — the day before some named day;
the brief period before some momentous or culminating event fill [fil] — наполнять, заполнять — to make fulj; to occupy the whole space of; to become full; to complete film ['film ] — ф ильм; пленка, оболочка — a movie with an accompanying sound track; a thin layer; a growth on the eye find [faind] — находить — to discover what was lost; to open by experim ent or study; to discover by chance fun, funny [fan], ['fani] — шутка, забава, забавный — pleasure and amusement; playfulness; a joke gather ['дэебэ1] — соби рать, собираться — to collect; to come together; to accumulate, to generate; to pick up gay [gei] — веселый, бес путный — merry, cheerful, lighthearted, joyful
gift [gift] — подарок; дар, талант — a thing given; a natural talent; a present
greet [gri:t] — привет ствовать — to say hello; to salute; to address with cour teous words or gestures on meeting guess [ges] — угадывать
— to say an opinion about something without full knowledge or detailed reasoning; to suppose happy ['haepi] — счастли вый — expressing jo y or pleasure; lucky, fortunate holiday ['hol^di], ['holidi], ['holidei] — праздник, ка никулы — a day on which one does not go to work, school; some past еуё^в, famous person’ s birthday holy ['h^uli] — святой — o f God, his works, dwelling place, attributes; a life of spiritual purity invite [in'vait] — пригла шать — to ask for; to request, to ask hospitably to come and participate involve [in'volv] — вовле
кать; включать в себя — to include, concern; to comprise; to consist of; to engage >
joke [с1зэч1к] — шутка — an action, saying, event which causes amusement or laughter; a person who is laughed at because he is rediculous jo lly ['d3oli] — веселый, оживленный — full of good humour and fun; sligh tly drunk; good-humoured joy [d3 or] — радость — happiness, great deligh t; the outward expression of emotions kite [kait] — коршун; бу мажный змей — a bird o f a fa m ily o f small hawks; a lig h t wooden fram ew ork covered with paper and flown on the wind at the end o f long string m agic [ masd3 ik] — ма ги я; волш ебны й — any mysterious power or pheno menon; the art or practice o f producing illusions meet [mi:t] — встречать — to come face to face; to be present at the arrival; to make the acquaintance of; to face up to; to come into
H olidays
the com pany o f; to come into contact with miss [mis] — 1) девушка — unmarried woman or girl; 2 ) промахнуться, опоздать — to fa il to reach, meet, make contact; to escape, to avoid month [т л п б ] — месяц — a period o f four weeks nice [nais] — хороший, красивый — pleasant, kind, attractive, delightful, fine; delicate, sensitive orthodox [ 3:034loks] — православный — holding the official, accepted or standard opinions, not heretical or independent
parcel [ pais^l] — посыл ка — one or more things secured by a string or wrapp ing to make a single object for handling and transport pick [pik] — собирать —
to gather; to choose or select carefully; to distinguish from others quibble [ kwibl] — игра слов, уклон от прямого от
H olidays
пета — a game of pompous words raising purely formal difficulties quip [kwip] — колкость, ;шиграмма — a sarcastic remark, an epigram quiz [kwiz] — шутка, на смешка — a joke; gen tly mocking; eccentric or odd note receive [ri si:v] — полу
чать, принимать — to take into one’ s hands or mind; to accept something; to get; to admit; to welcome
splash [splæj] — всплеск,
брызги — to throw a liquid about; to mark or decorate by splashing; to fall or move with a splash or splashes splendid [ splendid] — ве ликолепный, роскошный — b rillian t, m agnificent, im pressive, gloriou s, e x cellent thank [0æijk] — благода рить — to express g r a ti tude or appreciation
salutation [,saelju: teijn] — приветствие — the act of givin g greeting, saluting
time [taim] — время; раз — an indefinite extent dur ing which events, actions happen, exist or continue; a definite part or portion of time
solemn [ solarn] — тор
trick [trik] — фокус, об
жественный — having much d ign ity or m ajesty; accompanied form a lity or ceremony, serious and earnest
ман, у ло в к а — cheat; a p a rticu la r s k ill o f doing something easily and success fully
soul [sjnil] — душа — the emotional part o f humans, seat of deep feeling; the non physical part of humans that controls their thoughts, feel ings, actions
u ngratefu l [лп greitjul] — неблагодарный — not thankful fo r the received kindness and help; unplea sant unhappy [лп hæpi] — не счастный, неудачный — )
unlucky, unfortunate; with out joy or happiness wait [weit] — ждать — to expect; to remain in a place to meet somebody; to await fo r somebody whistle [ wisl] — свис теть, свист — to make a shrill, piping sound by fo r cin g the breath th rough pressed lips; a device used as a signal
H olidays
wish [w ij] — желание,
желать — a feeling o f un fu lfilled satisfaction; a desire, a request worship [ wa^fip] — по клоняться, обожать — to id olize, to adore; honour paid to God
year [ja-:], [jia^] — год — the period o f timetaken by the earth to complete one orbit around the sun
СЛОВАРЬ ОМОФОНОВ И ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛИЗМ ОВ A abbreviate [>"bri:vieit] ab/norm/al [>b no:m], |>b na:ma"l] ab/original [ 1æbaJrid3 a,n/1] absolute ['æbs3^lu:t] ab/sorb [a^b'saib] abstract ['æbstrækt] absurd, -ity |>bW:d],
[a^b sæditi] academy |Vkædami] accelerate [æk'selOTeit] accessories [æk'sesariz] accord [Vka:d] ac/credit [Vkredit] accumulate [aJkju:mju/leit] accurate ['ækjurit] acoustic [Vku:stik] acrobat ['ækra-bæt] act [ækt] actor ['ækta1] adaptation [^dæp'teijn] address [Vdres] adequate ['ædikwit] administration [a^ministreija'n]
admiral ['ædmara-l]
adventure [>d'ventja] advocate ['aedva^keit] aerodrome ['eara'dramm] aerodynamics ['earamdai'naemiks] aeroplane [leara,plein] agency ['eid33"nsi] agent ['eid33nt] agglomerate [a^'glomareit] aggregate ['aegrigit] agitation [,aed3 i'teijn] aggression [a^'greja^n] agony ['aega-ni] agricultural [^gn'kAltfar^l] agrarian [V g rE arian ] alcohol ['aslka'hol] allegory ['aeligari] alley ['aeli] almanac [’oilma-naek] alternative [a:l'ta‘:na'tiv] ambition [aem'biJVn] a/moral [as'mara^l] amorphous [a-'moifa-s] analogy [a"'naela"d3 i] analyse ['aena^laiz] anecdote ['aenikda-ut] angel ['eind33"P
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
annotate ['aenaniteit] anonymous [Упэш тэ^] antenna [sn'tena^] apparatus [ lasp3Jreit3,s] appetite ['aepitait] apricot ['eiprikot] arena [Угі:пз^] argument ['aiqjumarit] aristocracy [aeris'tokr^si] arithmetic [УпбтзЧік] archaic [a:'kenk] architect ['aikita'kt] army ['a:mi] art [a:t] artist ['a:tist] aspect ['aespa^kt] asphalt [ ‘aesfaelt] — глагол; [aes'felt] — существ, assembly (Vsembli] assistant [Vsistaiit] astronaut ['aestranoit] astronomy [WtronaTni] atheism, -ist ['eiOnzarm], ['eiBnst] atmosphere ['aetma^sfijr] atom ['aeta'm] antique [asn'tirk] attribute ['astribju:t] auction [ ‘oikj^n] author ['о:0гг] autobiography [^itanibai'ografi] autograph ['o:t^gra:f], ['oita'graefj
automatic [^it^'mætik] automobile ['эЛаию-ЬЫ] avenue ['ævinju:] aviation [1eivi'eiJ'n] В bacillus [ba^’sila^s] bacteriology [bæk ^an'otod^] bacterium [bask'tiariarn] balance ['bælaris] balcony ['bælkatu] balk [Ьэ:к] — балка, бревно ballad ['bæla-d] ballet ['bælei], ['bæli] ballast t'bæla^t] ballot ['bæl^t] — б ю лле тень, баллотироваться banal [b^'nail] banana [b^'nain^] bandit ['bændit] bank [bæqk], banker f'bæqka^] banquet ['bæqkwit] bar [ba:] barge ['ba:d3 ] barometer [b^'romit^] baron ['bærari] barrack ['bæra'k] barricade [^æri'keid] barrier ['bæria^] barter [ ‘baitsr] base [beis]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
basic ['beisik] basketball [ ‘ba:skitbo:l] bastion ['bæstism] battalion [b^'tælja-n] battery ['bætan] beat [bi:t] — бить, колотить benzine ['benzi:n] Bible ['baibl] billiard ['bilja^d] billion ['bilja-n] biography [bai'agro-fi], [bi'ogra^fi] biology [bai'ola^i] biplane ['baiplein] blindage [ blaindid3 ] block [bbk] blockade [bb'keid] blond (e) [bbnd] bolt [banilt] — болт, засов bomb [bom] booklet ['buklit] boom [bu:m] — гул, шум, бум boss [bos] boulevard ['bu:lva:d] boxing ['boksiq] boycott ['boika^t] breeches [britjiz] — бриджи breeze [bri:z] — бриз brigade [bri'geid] brilliant ['bnlja’nt] Broadway ['bro:dwei] broker ['branika*] — оцен щик
bronze [bronz] budget ['bAd3 it] businessman ['biznismaen] C
cabin ['kasbin] cabinet [ ’kaebinit], ['kaebnit] calendar ['kaelinda-], [ kaetand^] calorie ['kaelari] camera ['kaema-r^] capitulate [kar'pitjuleit] captain ['kaeptin] carp [ka:p] catalogue ['kaeta^bg] categorical [^aeti'gorik^l] centre ['senta\| ceremonial ^seri'maunja1!] ceremony ['serim^m] champion ['tjasmpja-n] character ['kaera"kta\|, • fkaerikta^] chemical ['kemika^l] cheque [tj"ek] chief [tj:if] chlorine ['kb:ri:n] chocolate [ ’tjoka-lit] chorus ['koira's] Christian ['kristjsrn] cigar [si'ga:] cigarette [^iga^'ret] cinema f'simma"] 4 citadel ['sita-dl]
Cjioeapb 0M0(p0H06 u UHmepH.au,uoHCuiu3Moe
civilization [^ivilai'zeijn] classic ['klæsik] clerk [kla:k] C lien t ['klaiant] clim ate ['klaimit] club [klAb] cocktail ['kokteil] cocoon [ka^'kuin] co e ffic ien t [^kaWfijarit] c o ffee ['kafi] collect [ka^'lekt] colony ['kalam] colossal [ka^'lasl] com bination ^kambi'neijn] com edy ['kamidi] command [kzr'maind] com m entary [ kama-nta-fi] commune [ka^mjuin] companion [ka'fn'pænja'n] compensate f'kampariseit] coAiplex f'kampleks] com plim ent ['kamplimant] composite ['kampa-zit] compress [karn'pres] compromise ['komprarnaiz] com puter [kaWpjuita"] comrade ['komrid], ['kAmrid] concentrate ['kansentreit] c on fed era tion [ka^feda^reijn], [ka^feda^'reijVn] confiscate [ ’kanfiskeit] con flict [ ’konflikt] congress ['kaqgra-s]
conspirator [ka-n1s p ir a l] constitution ^kansti'tjuija-n], [,kansti'tju:Jn] consultation [kansa’fteijan] contact [,k3"n'tækt] context ['kantekst] continent ['kantinant] contract f'kantrækt] contrast ['kontræst], ['kontraist] control [kan'traml] convoy ['kanvai] cooperate [kani'apa-reit], cooperation [ka^apa^reiJVn] copeck ['kaoipek] coordinate [kam'a:dineit] coquette [kWket], [ko'ket], [ka^'ket] coral ['kara^l] copy ['kapi] corporation [1ko:pa"'reij'avn] correspon d [jkaris'pond], l^kara-s'pand] corridor ['kanda:], ['karida^] corruption [ka^'rApjan] cosmetic [kaz'metik] costume ['kastjuim], [kas'tjurm] cottage ['katid3] cream [kri:m] credit [’kredit] cretin ['kretin], ['kri:tin] critic ['kritik] crocodile ['kraka-dail] crossing ['krasiq], ['kraisiq]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
crystal ['kristl] cube [kju:b] culinary ['клИпэл] cultural ['kAl^ara-l] cutlet ['kAtlit] cycle t'saikl] — ц икл cyclone ['saikla-un] cynic ['simk] D dandy ['dasndi] debate [di'beit] debauch [di'boitj] debit ['debit] decade ['dekeid], [di'keid], d^'keid] d ecad en t [di'keida^nt], [ deka-da-nt] decim etre ['desi mi:t^] declamation ^dekl^'meijan] declaration ^dekl^'reijVn] decoration ^dek^'reija-n] decree [di'kri:] defau lt [di'fo:lt], [di'fblt] defect [di'fekt] d efic it ['defisit], [ ’diifisit] deform ation [ ldi:fo:'meiJ‘avn] degradation ^degr^'deijVn] delicate ['delikit] d em a go gic [^em a^gogik],
|,demygDd3ik] demarcation ^dkmai'keiJVn] demarche ['deima:J]
dem obilization [ ldi:lm3,ubilai'zeija-n] dem ocratic ^dem^'kraetik], [^emau'kreetik] democracy [di'mokra^si] demon [ di:m;rn] dem onstrate ['dema-nstreit] d e m o ra liza tio n [di,mor3"lai'zeija-n], [d^morlai'zeijVn] dentist ['dentist] departm ent [di'paitma-nt] deportation [ ldi:po:'teiJ'3vn] deposit [di'pozit] depression [di'prejVn] deputy ['depjuti] despot ['despot], ['despot] dessert [di'za^it] detail ['dnteil], [di'teil] detective [di'tektiv] determ inate [di'tominit] detonate ['detouneit], ['dutauneit], ['diita^neit] devaluation [di:vaelju'ei(Vn] d evil ['devl] diagnosis ^daia^gWusis] diagonal [dai'sega^nl] diagram ['daia^gram] dialect ['daia'-la'kt] dialogue [ ’daia-log] diam eter [dai'aemita1] diamond ['daia^ma-nd] dictation [dik'teija] dictator [dik'teita^]
C jioeapb OMOCponoe u uH m epH a u,u oH cuiu 3M oe
diction ['dik jV n]
d o ctrin e ['doktrin]
diet ['daia-t]
d o lla r ['dola1]
d iffe re n tia te [ ldifaJrenJieit],
do m in a n t ['dominant] d o s e [d o u s ]
[^ fa -'re n jjeit] d iffu s io n [d i'fju g a n ]
dozen ['dAzn]
d ip lo m a [dip'tau m ^]
d ra in a g e ['dremid 3]
d ip lo m a t ['diplamaet]
d ra m a ['draima*]
d ip lo m a tic [,dipla"'mætik],
d u et [dju:'et] d u p lic a te ['dju:plikeit]
Ldipbu'm ætik] directive [di'rektiv], [dai'rektiv]
d u t y -fr e e ['dju:ti'fri:]
d ire c to r [di'rekta^]
d y n a m ic [dai'naemik],
d isciplin e ['disiplin] d isc o m fo rt [dis'kAm f^t]
[di'naemik] d y n a sty [ dma-sti]
d isc red it ['dis'kredit] d iscu ssion [dis'kAja-n]
d isin fe c t [^isin'fekt]
eccentric [ik'sentrik]
d isk [disk]
echelon ['e jV b n ]
d islocation [ ldisl3"'keij’n], [ ldislou'keiJa'«]
echo ['ekam] econom ic [ li:kaJn3mik],
d is o r g a n iz e [dis'oiga-naiz], [di'zo:g^naiz], ['dis'oiga-naiz]
[,eka" nomik] ecstasy ['eksta-si]
d iso rien ta te [dis'oirienteit]
e ffe c t [I'fekt]
disp ersio n [d i s 'p a ^ n ]
egoism ['e g ^ u iz^ m ], egoist
disproportion [^ispr^'poijari] disqu alification [dis(kwolifi'keifam], [ ldiskwohfi'keij-3vn]
['egannst] elastic [I'laestik], [i'la:stik] electorate [I'lektarit]
d isse rta tio n ^disa-i'teija-n]
electric [I'lektrik]
d issid en t t'disidsrnt]
electrod e [I'lektraud]
d iv a n
electron [I'lektron]
[di'væ n],
[ daivæn] d iv id e n d ['d ividen d] d o c k [d o k ] d o ctor ['doktsr ]
e le g y ['elid 3i] elem en t ['elima'nt] e m a n c ip a te [I'maensipeit], [e'maensipeit],
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
■•mancipation [i,maensi'pei|vn], [e^aen si'p eijan] em b argo [em 'ba:gaii], |iin'ba:g3"u] em blem ['em blarn] embryon ['embriDn], ['embrian]
e q u iv a le n t
[i'k w ivl^n t] era ['із т а ] e r a d ia tio n
[i^reidi'eijari] e r o tic [l'rotik]
em otion [I'm^uJVn]
e ru d itio n ^eru'dijVn], ^erju'dijVn]
(‘tnperor ['empara"]
esca la tor ['eska^leitsr]
em p ire ['empaia-]
escort ['esko:t]
em u lsion [I'mAlJVn]
es tra d e [es'traid]
e m ig ra n t ['em igrant]
e n e rg y ['ena-dji], e n e rg e tic
|cn^'dsetik], [lena'Vd3etik] enthusiasm [in'Ojuiziaezatn], |cn'0ju:ziaez3"m], [en'0u:zjae-
/.rm] ephem eral [r'fem ar^l],
|c'fcmOT3"l], [e'fiimaT^l] epic ['epik] ep idem ic [ tepi'demik] ep ig ra m ['ep igram ] epigraph ['epigraif], ['epigraef]
eth ics ['e0iks] eth n o g ra p h y [e0'nogr^fi] e th n o lo g y [е0'по1зчізі] e tiq u e tte [,eti'ket], ['etiket] e ty m o lo g y [ ^ ti'm o la ^ i] eva cu a tion [^vaekju'eijVn] e v o lu t io n [^ iv ^ 'l u i j V n ] ,
^evWluija-n], ^ev^ljuijVn] e x a m , - in a tio n [ig'zaem ], [ig ^ m i'n e ij’o-n] ex em p la r [ig'zem plo1] e x o tic [eg'zotik], [ek'sotik],
ep ilo g u e ['epilog]
[ig zotik]
episode ['episa'ud]
e x p a n s io n [eks'pasnjVn]
ep ith et ['epi03"t], ['epiGit]
epoch ['i:pok]
e x p e d itio n [ ^kspi'dija’-n]
epopee ['epampi]
e x p e rim e n t [iks'perim ent],
epos ['epos] e q u a to r [i'kweitO "], equ a11 »rial [^ kw ^'toiri^l] e q u l i b r is t [ i'k w ilib r is t ], |,i:kwi'librist]
[eks'perimo-nt] e x p e r t ['ekspa^t] ex p lo ita tio n ^ekspbi'teija-n] e x p o rt [eks'po:t]
гла гол;
e x p o r t — су щ . ['ekspo:t]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
exposition [^ekspo'ziJVn], [,ekspa"U zij>n]
express [iks'pres] expropriate [eks'prauprieit] exterritorial [ 'eks,teri 'to:ri^l] extra ['ekstrsr] extradition [^kstra^'dij^n] extraordinary [iks'tradnri], [eks'tradinari], [eks'traidanari] extravagant [iks'trævigsm't], [eks'træv^ga'nt] extreme [iks'triim], [eks'tri:m] exu ltation ^egzAl'teiJVn], [^ks^l teijVn] F
fabricate ['fæbrikeit] fact [fækt] factor ['faekto] facultative ['fæk^ltativ] fak ir ['faikia-], [fa^'ki^] fam iliarity [f^mili'æriti] fanatic [f^'nætik] fan tastic [fæn'tæstik] fan tasy ['fænta^si] fascism ['fæjizam], ['fæjizm] fatal ['feitl] fauna ['fo:n3\) federal ['fedaral] feminine ['feminin] ferment ['fument] festival ['festival], ['festival]
fetish ['fi:tij], [ fetij] — фе тиш, кумир fiasco [fi æskaai] figurative ['figjura'tiv], ['figaraliv] figure ['figa1] filial ffilj^l], ['filial] filter ['filtar-J filtrate ['filtreit], ['filtrit] final ['fainl] fin an cial [fai'nænjVl], [fi'nænj>l] finish ['finij] firm [’fæm] fixation [fik'seijVn] flag [flæg] flagm an ['flægmæn] flannel ['flænl] flirt [fla^t] flora ['floiraj focus ['faukas] folklore ['faukb:] form ai ['formel] form ation [foi'meijVn] form ula ['ftimjuta] form ulate ['foimjuleit] fort [fo:t] fortune ['foitjsm] forum ['foiram] fountain ['fauntin] foyer ['fbiei], [fwaje] fraction [lfrækjavn] — доля, дробь, частица
Cjioeapb 0 M 0 (p 0 H 0 e u u H m e p H a it ,u o H a jiu 3 M o e
fresco ['freskati] fr ig id ity [fri'd3iditi] fun ction ['fAgkjari] fund [fAnd] fundam ental [^And^'mcntl] G g alla n t ['gaela-nt] g a lle ry ['gaslari] gallop ['gaela'p] galoch [g^bj] g alvan ic [gasl'vaenik] gangster ['gaeqsta1], ['gaeijksta1] g a ra g e ['gasra:3], ['gaerid3], | 'gaera:d3] gas [gaes] g azette (ofpuu,.), [ga-'zet] gelatin e [d33 "la" ti:n] genealogy J^ iim 'asla^i] general [^enara-l] generator [^ e n a re ita ] genetics [d3e'netiks], [d33 "'netiks] genius [ld3i:njacs] gentlem an ['d3entlmen] geographer [dsi'agra-fa-] gestu re ['d3estja"] geyser ['gaiza1] gia n t [^aia-nt] g ig a n tic [d3ai'gasntik] g ir a ffe [d3i'ra:f|, [d3i'raef] globe [gtaub]
glycerin e ^glisa-'riin], ['glisarin], ['glisariin] gnom e [na-um] g o lf [golf] gon g [gag] gradation [gra^'deijn] gram m ar ['græma\] gram ophone ['graema'famn] g ran ite fgrænit] gran u la r ['grænjula"] grap h ic ['græfik] grap h ite ['græfait],f'greifait] g ra v ita tio n ^graevi'teijVn] g rill [gril] grim ace [gri'meis] g ro g [grog] grotesque [gra-u'tesk] g u a ran ty ['gæra-nti] g u ita r [gi'ta:] gym nastic [d3im'næstik] H
h allu cin atio n [ha^luisi'neijan ], [ha^ljuisi'neijn] harem ['hearem], [ha-'riim], [ heararo] harpoon [ha:'pu:n] H-bomb ['eitjbom] hectare ['hekta:], ['hektea”], [hek'ta:], ['hekta:r] h egem ony [hi^gemaTii], ['hed3ima"m], ['hegimani]
Cjioeapb oMotponoe u uHmepHau,uoHajiu3Moe
helicopter ['helikopte] heraldic [he'raeldik], [hi'raeldik], [he'raeldik] herbarium [ha-i'beana-m] hero [lnaram], ['hja^ra-u] heroic [hiWuik], [hetauik], [he'rauik] heroism ['hereuiza-m] hierarchy ['haiaraiki] h ieroglyp h ['h a iereglifj, ['haia-ra-ughf) hippodrome ['hipa-dramm] historic [his'torik] history ['histari] hobby ['hobi] hockey ['hoki] hooligan ['huiligen] horizontal [^on'zontl] hospital ['hospitl] hotel [hW tel], [he'tel] human ['hju:men] humanitarian [hju^maemlt£3'TI3vn] humorist ['hjuimerist] hydrant ['haidrent] hydroplane ['haidra-uplein], ['haidra-plein] hydrostation ['haidreusteijVn] hygiene ['haid3 i:n] hyperbole [hai'pa^ba-b] hypnosis [hipWusis]
hypothesis [hai'poBisis], [hai'poGa-sis] hysterical [his'terika-l] I icon ['aikan], [ aiken] idea [ai'die] identification [ai,dentifi'keijVn] ideological [ laidi3'lbd3ik3tl], [^die'bdgikel] ideology [ laidi'ola^l3 i], [ lidi,ola^d3i] idiom ['idia-m], ['idja-m] idiot [’idia-t], ['idja-t] idol ['aidl] idyll [ ’idil], ['aidil] ignore [ig'no:],[ig'n3e] illegal [i'li:ga-l], [Vlngel] illogical [I'bd^ika'-ll, [Vbd3ikel] illumination [i^jumi'neijan], [^luimmeifan] illusion fi'lu:33Ti], [I'lju^en] illustrate ['ila^streit] imagination [ilmaed3 i'nerj'a^n] im itate ['imiteit] immigrant ['migrant] immobile [i Wubail], [1Wubi:l] immunity [i'mju:mti] impeachment [im'pi:tjma-nt] imperial [im'pianel], [im'piriel]
I Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов im perialism [im 'piari^li/зчп], [im'pjeirielizem] im plant [im'plaint]; im p o rt — с у щ . ['im po:t], глаг. [im'po:t] im portant [im'poitent] im pressive [im'presiv] im provise [‘impra-vaiz], ['impruvaiz] impulse ['impAls] im pulsive [im'pAlsiv] in a d e q u a te [in'aedikw it], ['in'aedikwit] in a u g u ra tio n [^noigju'reijVn], [^noigja-'reijan] incarnation [^nkai'neijati], [^gkai'neijen] incident ['insidant] in crim in ate [in'krimineit], [iq'krimineit] incubator ['inkjubeite], ['igkjubeite] incrustation [lmkrAs'teij’a n], [^gkrAs'teiJari] index ['indeks] indicator ['indikeite], [^ndi'keite] in d iv id u a l [ lindilvicljuavl], [jindi'vidjw^l] industrial [in'dAstriel] in d u stry ['inda'stri] inert [I ne:t] infan tile ['infjmtail]
8 Простые и эффективные ... англ. слов
infection [in'fekjen] in filtra te ['infiltreit] — фильтровать inform ation [^nf^'meijyri] in g re d ie n t [in 'griid jen t], [ig'griidient] inhalation [^nhe'leiJVn] initiate [i'nijieit], [I'nijjeit] injection [in'dgekjVn] innovation [^nW veijV n] in q u isitio n [^nkw i'zijaii], [^gkwi'zija^n] insinuation [in ^mju'eijan] inspector fin'spckta1] in s t a b ilit y [^ n ste 'b iliti], ['inste'bihti] instinct ['instigkt] institu te ['institjuit] instruction [in'strAkJan] in stru cto r [in'stTAkt^] in stru m en t ['instrument], ['instrument] in tegrate ['intigreit] intellect ['intilekt] intelligence [in'telidgens] intensive [in'tensiv] interaction [^nter'ækjen] interchange [^nte'tjeindg] intercom m unication [lintekelmju:ni'keiJ‘en] interest ['intrist], ['intrest], ['interact] in tern atio n al [^nee'næJVnel], [.m te 'n æ J W l]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
interpretation [inlt3'îpnlteijan] interval [W a 'w l] intervention [^nt^'verijVn], [lint3J venj3in] interview ['inta^vju:] intim ate ['intimit] intonation [^ntam'neija-n], ^inta-'neijan] intoxicate [in'toksikeit] intrigue [in'trirg] introvert ['mtrauva-it], ['intra-va-it] intuition [lintju'ij-3"n] invalid ['inva'liid], ['invalid] inversion [in'v3v:j'3'n] invest [in'vest] ironic [ai'romk] irony ['aiaram] irration al [I'raeja-na^l] irrigatio n [jin'geijan] isolation [ais3"'leij'atn], Laisaai'leijVn] J
jackal ['d3æko:l] jacket ['d3aekit] jag u ar ['dgaegju^], ['d3ægja:J, ['d3ægw^] jam [d3æm] jazz fd3æz] jeep [d3i:p] je lly ['d3eli]
je rsy ['d3&:z\] jewellery [^ma-ln], [Мзиэ4п], ['d3u:ln}, ['d3uilri] jockey ['d3oki] journal ['d3aral] journalism [^зэчпеЬгэта] jubilee ['d3u:bili:] jungle ['d3Angl] ju risd ic tio n [^ua-Tis'dikJVn], [^oaTis'dikJari] jurisprudence ['dsuanspru:da^ns] ju rist ['d3 U3Tist], ['d30OTist] ju ry ['d3 U3 Ti], ['d3oan] jute [’d3u:t] justice ['d3AStis] juvenile ['d3u:vinail] — под росток, юношеский К
keeper t'kiipa^] kerosene ['kera-siin] ketchup ['ketjVp] khaki ['ka:ki], ['ka:ki:] kilogram (me) [‘kila-græm], [‘kila-ugræm] kilometre ['kila^miita-], ['kilam^irta^], [ki'lomit»] kilowatt [lalawot], ['kilouwot] kinem atics ^kaim'maetiks], [,knli'mætiks] kinetic [kai'netik], [ki'netik] kurd [ksr:d]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
L laboratory fla^'bora^ta^ri] labyrinth ['læbarinG], ['læbirinB] lackey ['læki] laconic [ly'konik] lactation [læk'teijyn] lady ['leidi] lancet ['la:nsit] laureate ['b:rat], ['briyt] leader ['li:da-] league [li:g] lecture ['lektjy] legal ['liigsrl] legend ['led33-nd] leggings ['legiqz] legion ['li:d32rn] lemon ['lemyn] lens [lenz] lethal ['li:0yl] lexicon ['leksikyn] liberal ['libyra-l] licence ['laissons] lieutenant [leftenant], [Ic'tenynt] lift [lift] lily flili] lim it ['limit] linguist ['liqgwist] linguistics [liq'gwistiks] lion ['laiyn] liquidation [^ikwi'deijyn] literary ['lityryri]
literatu re [ lityrytjy], ['litantjy] litre [’liitar-] livery ['livyri] — ливрея local ['lyukyl] location [bou'keijyn] locomotive ^buky'm yutiv] logic ['bd3ik] logical ['bd3ikyl] lord [b:d] lottery ['btari] loyal ['b iyl] lumbago [Um'beigyu] luminous ['luiminys], ['lju:minys] lunatic ['lu:nytik], ['lu:ntik] — сумасшедший lynch [lintj] lyric ['link] M
macaroni ^mæky ryum] machine [m y Ji:n] m achinist [my Ji:nist] magnate [ mægneit] magnet [ mægnit] m ajority [m^ d3oriti], [m y d3Dryti]
management [ mænid3mynt] manager [ mænid3y] manifest [ mænifyst] manipulate [mynipjuleit]
228________ Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов | m anual — м а н у а л ьн ы й [ masnjujrl], [ maenjwaHty,
[ maenjul] manufactory ^masnju faektan] manufacture LmasnjufaektjV] manuscript [ masnjuskript] marauder [marada'j margarine ['іпакіззтіт], ^maigariin] marmalade [ maima-teid],
m elo d y [ mela^h] m em orandu m [,т е т э ^ ra n d o m ], [,memu rasndam] m em o ria l
[mi m oiri^l],
[m e т э :п э 4 ], [т э - moiria'l] m en ta l [ mend] m ercy [ ma^si] m erid ia n [m eridian ], [m i ridjaii] m eta l, m eta lic [ m etl],
m aster [ ma:sta\|
[mi taelik], [т з 1taslik] m e ta llu rg y [m etaela^ i], [mi tada^i] metaphor [ met^fjr] meteor [ miitja^] m eteorite [ miitjarait] meteorology п1эч1з1],
m a teria l [ma^ ЦапаЧ]
^miitia^ ro la ^ i]
m aterialistic [ma^tiana^ listik]
meter, metre [ mi:ta] method [ тебач!] m ethodical [mi 0 adika4 ], [ma^ Godika^l] metric [ metrik] metropolitan ^metnr politan]
[ maimleid] m arshal [m a :jV l] m ask [ma:sk] mass [maes] m assage [ maesa:3] m assive [ massiv]
m athem atics [,тае0і msetiks] m a ttress [ maetris] — м ат рац, тю ф як m au soleu m ^maisa^ lia m ], [,mD:s^ ІііЗ'т] m axim u m [ masksima^m]
m echan ic [mikaenik]
m icrob e [ maikra4ib]
m edal [ m edl]
m icrop h on e [ maikra'fsrun]
m ed ical [ m edik^l]
m icroscop e [ maikra'ska'up]
m ed icin e [ medsin],
m ien [mi:n] — вы раж ен ие
[ medisin] megaphone [ mega'faun] melancholy [ теІачікзЧі], [ mela-ijka'h]
л и ц а , м ина m ig ra te [mai greit] m ile [m ail] m ilita r is t [ militarist]
I Cjioeapb oMo<poHQ6 u uHmepHau,uoHcuiu3Moe
m illennium [mi lema-m], [milenjam] milliard [ milja:d], [ milia:d] milligramme [ miligræm] millimeter [ mill mi:ta"] million [ milja-n] millionaire [jmiljar near] mimic [ mimik] mineral [ mina-ra^l] miniature [ minja'tJV],
[ mmia'tja'-], [ minitja-] minimal [ minimi], m ini mum [ minimum] minister [ rnmista1] m inistry [ ministn] minus [ maints] minute [ minit] mirage [ mirag], [mi rag] mission [ mijan] mister, mr [ mista^] mix, mixer, mixture [miks], [ miksa\|, [ mikstja"] mobile [moa-ubail], [rrmibi:l], [ ma-ubil] mobilization Lma'ubilai zeijVn], ^ma'ublai "zeijVn] model [ modi] modern [ mada-n] modification ^modifi keija^n] modulate [ madjuleit] molecule [ malikju:l], [ m^ulikjuil] moment [ ma-umarit] monarch [ mana'k]
m onastery [ mana'Stari] m onetary [ mAnitari] monologue [ monolog] m onopolist [m3" napa-bst], [ma1naplist] monotonous [ma" notants],
[ma1notais] monument [ manjuma'nt], [manj aroin t] moral [ mara^l] m orgue [ma:g] m orphology [ma: fa la ^ i] mosquito [ m « ki.'t^u], [mas kiita^u] m otel [mau tel] m otive [ ma^utiv]
N narcotic [na: katik] nation [ neijn] nation/alism [ næjna-hza'm] natural/ist [ nætjra^list] nature [ neitfa-] navigate [ nævigeit], navigator [,nævi geita^] navigation [,nævi geija-n] negative [ negativ] negro [ niigram] nervous [ na^va^s] network [ netwa^k] neutral [ njuitra'l] nocturne [,nak ta^in] i
230________ Словарь
омофонов и интернационализмов
nomenclature [пач1 menklatfar], [nanjinenkleitja^] nomination ^nomi neijVn] non-stop [ nonstop] nonsense [ nonsans] norm, normal [nom], [ normal] nostalgia [nos task^ra*], [nos tældjja^] notary [ nanitari] novel, novelist [ nova^l], [ novelist], [ novlist] nuance [nju a:ns], [nju o:ns] numeration [, njumareijVn] numerator [ njuimareita1] nymph [nimf] О
oasis [ou eisis] obligation [,abli geija^n] observatory [a-b W :valri], [ab "zawa'-tan] obstruction [a^b strAkjan] — препятствие, обструкция [o'b "ztrAkjVn] occupation [,okju peijan] occupy [okjupai] ocean [ auj>n] ocular [ akjula] — глазной, optic [ optik] office [ ofis] officer [ ofisa\|, [ ofsa] official [a^fija-l], [o fijal]
olive [ oliv] opal [ Vupa^l] opera [ opara°] operation ^opa^ reijVn], operate [ apareit] operative [ opa-rativ] operetta [,opa" reta1] opponent [a^ pamnant] opportunist [ opa'tjumist], [,opa" tjuinist] opposition [,apa" zijVn], [,opau zija'n] optimism [ aptimiza-m], optim ist [ optimist] oracle [ ara'kl], [ orikl] orator [ arata], [ arita^] orbit [ o:bit] orchestra [ oikistra^], [ oika^tra^] organ [ o:gan] organic [o: gaenik] organism [ oiga-nizam], [ oigmza'tn] o rg an izatio n ^oiga^nai zeiJa-n], [,o:gnai zeijan], [,o:gm zeija^n] o rien tatio n ^airien teijan] original [a- ridjanl], [a nd3nl], [a" ridga-na^l]
ornam ent [ ainarnant] o rth o g rap h y [a:0agrafi] oval [ aw a-l] ozone [ aoizaun], [a^u zamn]
| Cjioeapb 0M 0(p 0H0e u uHmepHau,uoHanu3MQ6
P pacifist [pa- sifist] packet [ paekit] pact [paekt] palace [ paelis], [ pastas] pampas [ paempa's] pamphlet [ paemflit] panel [ paenl] panic [ p^nik] panorama [ pxn& raima^] panther [ paenBa'] pantomime [ paenta-maim] parabola [pa^raeba’-la-] parachute [ pasra-Juit] parade [pa^ reid] paradox [ paera'daks] paraffin [ paera^fiin] paragraph [ paera'graif] parallel [ paera-tal] paralyse [ paeralaiz] parapet [ paera'pit] paraphrase [ paera'freiz] parasitic ^paera- sitik] parasol [(paera" sal] park [pa:k] parliament [ pailimant], [ pa:lamant] parody [ paera'di] parole [pa1rami] parquet [ pa:kei], [ pa:ki], [ pa:kit] partisan [,pa:ti zaen] partner [ pa:tna"]
party ['pa:ti] pass [pa:s] passport [ pa:spo:t] paste [peist] pastor [ pa:sta] patent [ peita'nt] patient [ peijant] patriarch [ peitria:k] patriot [ peitna-t], [ paetria-t] patrol [pastrami] patron [ peitran], patronage [ p£etra-nid3], [ pEetmid3] pavilion [pa-Vilja-n], [pa1vilian] pedagogical [ lpedagod3ika-l], [^eda^ gavud3ika"l] pedagogue [ pedagog] pedal [ pedl] pedant [ pedant] penalty [ penlti] pension [ penja-n] perfume [ p3":fju:m] period [ pianatl], [ pja^iria-d] periphery [pa- rifari] perpendicular [p&vpvn dikjula*], [,pa":pn dikjuta] personnel [,pa":s3" nel], [,pa-:s nel] perspective [pa^ spektiv], [pa^: spektiv] pessimistic [ jpesi mistik] petition [pitija-n], [pa-tijan]
232________ Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов | petrol [ petrel], [ petrol] phantasy [ fsentaesi] phantom [faentain] pharm acy [ fa:ma"Si] phenomenon [fi nominal] philanthropy [fi lasnBra'pi] philologist [fi bla'dgist] philology [fi lola^d3i] philosopher, -y [fi bsa-fa’-], [fi bsa-fi] phlegm atic [fleg mastik] phone [foun] phonetic [fa-u netik], [fa^ netik] photograph [ fzrutogra:f],
- er [f^togra-fa^] phrase [freiz] phraseology [,freizi ola^d3i] physics [ fiziks] physiognom y [,fizi anarni] physiology [,fizi a la ^ i], - ist [lfizralavd3ist] pianist [ pjasnist], [pia-nist], [piaenist] picket [ pikit] picnic [ piknik] pilgrim [ pilgrim] pilot [ pailart] pistol [ pistl] placard [ plaskaid] plan [plaen] plantation [plaen teija^n], [plain teijam]
plaster [ plaista^] plastic [ plaestik] platform [ plaetfoim] planet [ plasnit] plenary [ рНіпаті] — весь, целый, пленарный plus [pLvs] pneumatic [nju mastik] pneumonia [nju ma^unja^], [nju тачіша^] poem [ рачшп], [ рачіачп] poet [ pa-out], [ раиаЧ] polar [ рачіЬ] polemic [pa lemik] police [pa^ li:s] policy [ palisi], [ pabsi] politic [ palitik], [ раїзЧік] political [pa1litika^l], [рачі litika^l], [pu litika^l] politics [ palitiks] polytechnic [pa-li teknik] pomp [pomp] pontoon [pan tu:n] pony [рачіпі] popular [ papjub] popularize [ papjubraiz] port [pa:t] portion [ pa:jVn] portrait [ paitrit] pose [рачіг], position [pa^zija^n], [puzijari] positive [ paza4iv], [pazitiv] post [p341St]
|Cjioeapb QM Q(poH oe u u H m ep H a u ,u oH a jiu 3 M oe postman [ pa-ustmaen] poster [ pa-usta-] potency [ pa-uta-nsi] potential [pa- tenja-1], [pa-u tenja-1], [pu tenja-l] potentiality [pa^en^i aeliti], [pa-u,tenjraeliti] practical [ praektika-l] practice [ praektis] preamble [pri: aembl], [pri aembl] prefix [ pri:fiks] prelude [ prelju :d] premier [ premia-], [ premja-] premium [ pri:mja-m], [ pri:mia-m] preparatory [pri paera-ta-ri], [pra- paera-ta-ri] prerogative [pri raga-tiv], [pra-raga-tiv] present [pri zent] presentation [,prezen teija-n], [,preza-n teija-n]
preservative [pri za-:va-tiv] president [ prezida-nt] press [pres] prestige [pres ti:3 ] presumption [pn zAmpJa-n], [pra- ZAmpja-n] preventive [pn ventiv], [pra- ventiv] price-list [ prais list] prim itive [ primitiv]
prince [prins] princess [prin ses] principle [ prinsipl] print, printer [print], [ printa-] priority [prai ariti] private [ praivit] privilege [ pnvilid3 ] prize [praiz] probation [pra-beijan], [pra-ubeija-n], [pru beija-n] problem [ prabla-m], [ prablim] procedure [pra- si:d33-], [prou si:d3 a-], [pru si:d33-] process [ pra- uses] proclamation [ prakla- meija'n] product [ prada-kt], [ pradvkt] profession, — al [pra- feja-n], [pru feja-n], [pra- feja-nl] professor [pra- fesa-], [pm fesa-] profile [ pra-ufi:l], [ pra-ufail] prognosis [prag na-usis] program (me) [ pra-ugraem] progress, -ive [pra- gres], [prou gres]; [pra- gresiv] project [ prad33-kt], [ prad3 ikt] prologue [ pra-ulag] prolongation ^pra-ulai] geiJa-n], [,pralai] geija-n] propaganda, -ist [,prapa-gaenda-], [,prapa- gaendist] i
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов |
propeller [pra^u pela1], [pra^pela\] prophilactic [,prafi laektik] proportion [pra-paiJaTi], [pru po:Ja-n] prosaic [pra-u zenk], [pra1 zenk] prose [prouz] prospect [praVpekt], [pros pekt] p ro test [ pra-utest] protocol [ pra-uta-kal] protuberant [pra- tju:barant] provider [pra- vaida-] province [ pravins] provision [pra^ vi33"n], [pru v ^ n ] provocation [jjrova-'keiJaii], [,provani keijan] pseudonym [ sjuidaium], [ suida^mm] psychiatrist [sai kaia-trist], [sa" kaia'trist] psychologist, -gy
[sai k a la^ ist], [sai kaladgi] public, -ation [ pAblik], [,pAbli keiJVn] pull-over [ pul,auva-] pulsation [pAl seijan] pulse tpAls] pulverizer [ pAlvaraiza^] punctual [ pAqktjua^l], [ pAqktjwa-1]
pyjam as [pa^ d3a:maiz], [pi d3a:mavz] pyram id [ IjpirOm Id]
Q qualification ^kwalifi keifari] q u a rte r [ kwa:ta] q u artz [kwaits] quota [ kwanita] R
race [reis], racial [Veija-l] racket [ raekit] racketeer [,ræki W ] — вы могатель radar [ reida^], [ reida:] rad iatio n [,reidi eija^n], radiate [ reidieit], [ reidjeit] radio [ reidiaoi], [ reidjani] radio-location [ reidianla'-ukeijan] radical [ rædika1!] raid [reid] rajah [ га^зэ^] rally [ ræli] ranch [ra:ntj], [ræntf] ratification [ ,rætifi keijan] rating [ reitiq] ration [ ræjVn] rational [ ræja^nl] rationalization ^raefna'-laizeijan]
I Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов ________ 235 rea ction [ri агк$зчі] r e a c tiv e [ri asktiv] re a lis tic [ria^ listik], [,ri:^ listik] r e a lity [ri aeliti] re a liz a tio n [ (п^1аі zeija n ], [^ia^li zeija^n] reclam a tion [,гек1^ m eijVn] recom m end [,rek^ mend] recom m en dation ^rekarnen deijVn], [.гектзті deijVn] recon stru ct [ riikans trAkt], [ rikons trAkt] recon sru ction [ riik^ns trAkj> n ] record (г л а г о л ) — [ri ko:d], [r^ ko:d] rec re a tio n [,rekri eijVn] re c ru it [ri kru:t], [t& kru:t] re c to r [ rekt3\| re fe r e e [,гейг ri:] r e fle c t iv e [ri flektiv] r e fo r m [ri fo:m], -a tion
[^efa-meija^n] r e fr a in [ri frein], [ra1 frein] r e frig e ra to r [ri frid33vreita'], [гз^й^зз* reita*] r e g e n t [ ri:d3 ^nt] re g im e [rei з і: т ], [re з і : т ] re g io n [ ri:d334i] r e g is tra tio n [,red3 is treijVn] reg res s [n gres] re g u la r [ regjula"]
regulation [,regju leijaii] rehabilitation [ riia^bili teiM reincarnation — перевоп лощение [ rinnka: neij>n], [,п:1пка: neijVn] relaxation [,ri:laek seijVn] release — отпускать, ос вобождать, выпускать [ri li:z], [гз^ h:z] relic [ relik] religion [rilid33n], [r2rlid3?n] remake [ ri: meik] remark [ri ma:k] renegade [ renigeid] rent [rent] reorganize [ ri: "o:g34iaiz] reparation [.repa1reijVn] repatriation [ ri:paetri eija^n] repellent — отталкиваю щий [гэ^ pelaTit], [ri pela-nt] repetition [,repi tijan] report [ri po:t] repressive [ri presiv], [r& presiv], -ion [ri prejVn], [ra prejVn] reproduction LriipradAkJaTi], [,ri:pru dAkJa^n] reptile [ reptail] republic [ri pAblik] reputation [,repju teijVn] requisition [,rekwi zijan] reservation [,Л г^ veijVn], [ trez&: veijVn]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов |
reserve [ri 'zsr :v], [t& za-ïv] reservoir [ reza'vwa:], [ reza'vwa:] re sid e n t [ re zid a n t], -al [,rezi denja^l] reso lu tion [ trez& liuja-n], [,rezl uijan] resonant [ rezna'nt] resource [n so:s], [ras sois], [ri za:s] respectable [ris pekta'bl], [raspektabl] respirator [ respireita1],
[ respareita'] restaurant [ restaraig],
rice [rais] risk [risk] robot [raubot], [ robot], [ гоЬаЧ] rocket [ rakit] role [гачії] roller — ролик [ гачіїа^] roman [ гачітачі], -tic [гэчпэепПк], [гачі maentik] rose [raniz]; rosary [ ra-uzan] rosy frauzi] rotation [rani teijan] route [ru:t] — маршрут ruby [ ru:bi] ruin [ ruin]
[ restarant], [ resteront] restoration ^resta- reijan], presto: reijVn] result [ri ZAlt] retrospective [,retr3"U spektiv], ^riitrati spektiv] review [n Vju:], [ra^vju:]
revision [n v ^ n ] , [ra^ vi an] revolution
[,reva- lu:jVn],
-ary ^reva- lu:Jnari], [,revu lu:Ja-nOTi] revolver [ri : vo:lva\| revue [ri vju:], [ra^ vju:] rhapsody [ ræpsa'di] rhom bus [ ramba^s] rhyme [raim] rhythm [ rutom], [ riGam]; rhythmic [ nômik], [ riGmik]
sabotage [ saeba^ta^] saddle — седло [ saedl] safe [seif] saga [ saiga1] salad [ sffila^d] saloon [sa^ lu:n], [si u:n] salute [sa^ lu:t], [si u:t], [sa^ljuit] sanatorium [^зепа- to:riam] sanction [ saeqkjan] sandal [ saendl] sanitary [ s^nitari] sapphire [ saefaia1] sarcasm [ saikaszarn] sarcastic [sa: kaestik]
I Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
sardine [sa: dim] sateen [sae ti:n] satire [ saetaia] satirical [sa^ ’tinka-l] sauce [sa:s] — coyc scalp [skaelp] scalpel [ skaelp^l] scan [skaen] — вниматель но рассматривать, изучать scandal [ skasndl] scenario [si na:rmi] scene [si:n] — сцена sceptic [ skeptik] scheme [skiim] scholastic [k^ laestik], [skolaestik]
schooner [ skuina1] scrupulosity [,skru:pju lositi] — щепетильность sculptor [ sL\.lpta\] sculpture [ skAlptJV] sherry [ Jen] shift [Jift] shilling [Jiliq] shock ЦЪк] show [jVu] signal [ signal], [ signl] silk, silky [silk], [ silki] single [ siqgl] siphon [ saifa^n] skeleton [skelitn] sketch [sketj^ — набросок, эскиз
slang [slæq] smack [smæk] smoker [ smanika^]; nonsmoker [ non smaoik^] sniper [ snaipa\| snob [snob] social [ sanija^l] soda [ samda1] sofa [ savufav] solar [ soula^ solidarity [,soli dæriti] solo [ S34ll34l] soprano [sa^ pra:nsru] sort [sa:t] souvenir [ suivant] sovereign [ sovrin] spasm [ spæzarn] special [ speja^l] specific [spi sifik] spectacle [ spekta-kl], [ spektikl] spectral [ spektra^l] — про зрачный spectrum [ spektrarn] speculation ^spekju leijVn] sphere [sfia^], spherical [ sferika^] spirit [ spirit] sponsor [ spansa^] spore [spa:], [spoa^] sport [spo:t] sportsman [ spaitÿna^n] sprint [sprint], sprinter [ sprinta^]
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
stabilization ^steibilai zeiJ>n] stability [sto biliti] stadium [ steidjara] stagnation [stseg neijan] — застой standard [ staenda'd] standardize [ staenda^daiz] start [sta:t] statist [ steitist], -ics [stjr- tistiks] statue [ staetju:] status [ steitsrs] statute [ stastju:t] stenography [sta1 nogr^fi), -er [ste nografa] stimulate [ stimjuleit], -tion [,stimju leijari] stipend [ "staipa-nd] stool [stu:l] stop [stop] storm [sto:m] strategy [ straetid3i] stratosphere [ straetaaisfia-*] stress [stres] structure [ stiwktjV], -al
[ strAktjar^l] student [ stju:dant] studio [ stjuidia-u] style [stall] stylistic [stai listik] submarine [ sAbmarim],
[ SAbmriin],
subordination [sar-,br*:di nei JVn] subsidize [ sAbsi daiz] subsidy [ sAbsidi] su ffix [ SAfiks] sultan [ sAltsra] sum, summary [sAmari] summit [ SAmit] super [ sju:pa\| superman [ sjuipa'maen], [ suipamasn] supervisor [ sju:p3"vaiz3"], [ suipa'vaiza-] surrogate [ SAragit], [ SArugit], [sAra-geit] symbol [ simb^l] sym m etry [ simitri], -rical [si metrik^l] sym pathy [ simpa^i] symphony [ simfaTii] symptom [ simptsrm],
[ simptim] syndicate [ sindikeit] synonym [ sina-mm] syntax [ sintseks] syntactic [sin taektik] syrup [ sira-p] system [ sistim], [sista-rn] T
tablet [ taeblit] tabular ["taebjula"]
I Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
tact [taekt] tactics [ taektiks] tandem [ taenda-m], [ taendem] tank [taegk] tanker [ taegk3\| ta riff [ tserif] tattoo [ta'-'tu:], [tae tu:] taxi [ taeksi] technical [ tekmka^l] technique [tek ni:k] teenager [ ti:n,eid33"], teens [ti:nz] telegram [ teligraem] telegraph [ teligra:f] telephone [ telifsrun] telescope [ tehskaup] television [ teli,vi33"n] temperament [ tempararoant] temperature [ tempritfa], [ tempra'tja*], [ temparitja"] tendency [ tendonsi] tender [ tenda"] tennis [ tenis] tenor [ tena^] terminal [ ta-iminl] terminology [ lter:minol3'd3i] terrace [ tera-s] territorial [,teri to:ria^l] territory [ tentari] terror [ tera] test [test] text [tekst] textile [ tekstail]
theatre [ 01зЧэ^] theme [ 0i:m] theorem [Огатачп], [Biarim] theoretical [0ia^ retika4] theory [ 0iari] thermal [ 0ачтгг1] thermometer [ОачттйЭ'-], ['©mamita1] thermos [ Oa^mos] thesis [ 0i:sis], [ 0esis] tiger [ taiga\| tip top — первоклассный ['tip b p ], [ tiptop] toast — 1) гренок; 2) тост [ t^ust] tobacco [ta^ bækau] to ilet [ toilit] tolerant [ tolerant] tom ato [ta^ ma:tau] tome [toum]
ton [Un], tonnage [ Unid3] tone — гармонировать; тон — [taun] tonsillitis [(tansi laitis] topic [ tnpik] topography [ta^ pografi] tornado [ta:neidou] torpedo [to: piidaoi] total [ toutl] tour [toa-j, [toa], [to:] toxic [ taksik] track [træk] tract [trækt] — 1) полоска земли, воды; 2) брошюра >
Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов
tractor [ trækta*] tradition [tra^difan] tragedy [ træd3 idi] trajectory [træd3 iktOTi] tramway [ træmwei] trance [trains] — экстаз tranquil [ træijkwil] — спо койный, мирный transcontinental [ trænz,konti nentl] transcription [træns kripJVn], [trains kripjVn] transform [træns foim], [trainsfoim] transit ["transit], [ trainsit], [ trainzit], [ trænzit] transmission [tranz mijaii], [trains miJam] — передача transplant [træns plaint], [trains plaint] transport [ transport], [ trainspoit] transportation [,transportaJ>n], ^trainspo: teiJVn] tribune [ trib)ju:n] tribunal [trai bjuinl], [tri bjuinl] triumph [ traiaraf] tr iv ia l — н езн ачи тель ный, заурядный [ trivial], [ tri vjsrl] trolleybus [ trolibAs]
trophy [ troufi] tropic [ tropik] tsar [tsai], [zai] tube [tjuib] tulip [ tjuilip] tune [tjuin] tunic [ tjuinik] tu n n el [ tAnl]
turbine [ ta^ibin], [ ta^ibain] turbulent [ ta^ibjul^nt] twist [twist] type [taip], typical [tipika^l] typhus [ taifa's] tyrant [ taiars'nt], tyranny [tiraiu] U u lt im a t u m [ ,Alti m eit^m ] u lt r a - v i o le t [ Altra^ vaia'ht] u n if o r m [ juinifoim ] u n iq u e [ jui niik], [ju niik] u n is o n [ ju in izn ], [ juinisn] u n iv e r s a l [ juini V3"isa"l] u n iv e r s it y [ juini V3"ISltl] u n lim it e d [An lim itid] u n n a t u r a l [An naetjral] u n p o p u la r [ An popjula1] u n p ro d u c tiv e [ Anpra" dvktiv] u n r e a l [ An ri3"l] u rb a n [V ib ^ n ] u t i li t a r i a n [ juitili tea-ri^n] u t ilis e [ juitilaiz]
I Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов ________ 241 У
vacancy [ veik^nsi] vaccinate [ vaeksineit], -tion [,va2ksi neijVn] vacuum [ vaekjuarn], [Vaekjum] valency [ veil^nsi] valet [ vaelit], [ vaeli], [ vaelei] — слуга vam pire [ vaempaia\) varian t [ Veanaiit] variation [,уєзт eijVn] vase [va:z] vegetarian [,ved3i tea-ria-n] venereal [уГпізпуі], [va^ marn^l], [vi: maria^l] ventilate [ ventileit], -tion [,venti leijan] verdict [ va^dikt] version [ V2r:fa4i] vertical [ va^tik^l] veteran [ veteran] veterinary [ vetarinari],
[ vetnri] veto [ vi:tou] vibration [vai breijVn] vice [ vais] — вицеvirtual [ va-rtjua-l], [va^wa4], [ va^tjw^l] — фактический visa [ vi:za] — виза
viscose [ viskanis] visit [ vizit] vitamine [ vitamin], [ vaitarnin] volcanic [vai kaenik] v o lt [voult] volleyb all [ valiba:l] vocal [ vanik^l] volu n tary [ valaTitaTi] vouch [vautj] — ручаться vulcanize [ VAlkariaiz] vu lga r [ VAlga-], -ity [vaI
W waggon [ waega-n] waltz [wo:ls], [wols], [wo:lts], [waits] watt [wot] web [web] — сеть, паутина western [ westari] wrestling [ reslirj] X, Y, Z zephyr [ zefo] zero [ ZI3T341] zipper [ zip&] zone [zaun]
Приводится список существительных (они выделены жирным шрифтом), которые при помощи различных приставок и окончаний образуют другие части речи: при лагательные, глаголы и наречия.
ability, disability, inability acceptance
accident accuracy, inaccuracy accusation, the accused, accuser achievement, achiever act, action, inac tion, interaction, reaction, trans action activity, inactivity addition admiration, admirer
able, unable, disabled acceptable, unacceptable, accepted accidental accurate, inaccurate accusing
enable, disable accept
active, inac activate tive, interac tive, proactive additional add admirable admire
ably acceptably, unacceptably accidentally accurately, inaccurately accusingly
additionally admirably
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
advantage, dis advantage advertisement, advertiser, advertising advice, adviser
agreement, disagreement aim amazement anger announcement, announcer appearance, disappearance, reappearance applicant, application appreciation approval, disapproval approximation argument
advantageo usly
advantageous, disadvantaged advertise advisable, inadvisable, advisory agreeable aimless amazed, amazing angry unannounced announced
applicable, applied appreciable, appreciative approving, disapproving approximate arguable, ar gumentative
agree, disagree aim amaze to be angry announce
agreeably aimlessly amazingly angrily
appear, disappear, reappear apply appreciate
appreciati vely approvingly
approve, disapprove approximate approxima tely argue arguably arrange rearrange
arrangement art, artist, artistry
W ord building I Продолжение Nouns
attack, counter attack, attacker attention attraction, attractiveness authority, authorization availability avoidance awareness base, the basics, basis bearer beat, beating beautician, beauty beginner, beginning
ashamed, unashamed, shameful, shameless attached, unattached, detachable, detached
shamefully, shamelessly
attach, detach
attack, coun ter-attack attentive, inattentive attractive, unattractive authoritarian, authoritative unauthorized available, unavailable avoidable, unavoidable aware baseless, basic bearable, unbearable unbeatable beautiful begin
attentively attract
unawares basically
bear unbeaten beautify
beat beautifully
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
behaviour / US behavior, misbehaviour / US misbehavior belief, disbelief block, blockage blood, bleeding the boil, boiler bore, boredom break, outbreak, breakage breath, breather, breathing brother, brother hood build, builder, building burn, burner burial calculation, calculator calm, calmness capability care, carer
behavioural / behave, US behavioral misbehave
believable, unbelievable blocked, unblocked bloodless, bloody boiling bored, boring unbreakable, broken, unbroken breathless
believe disbelieve block unblock bleed
boil bore break
brotherly build, rebuild burning, burnt burn bury buried incalculable, calculate calculated calculating calm calm capable, incapable careful, care care less, caring, uncaring
. calmly capably carefully, carelessly
W ord building I Продолжение Nouns
celebrated, celebratory
centre / US center, central, cen centralization, tralized decentralization
centre, cen tralize/US center, de centralize
celebration, celebrity
certainty, uncertainty challenge, challenger change
character, characteristic characterization chemical, che mist, chemistry circle, semicircle, circulation cleaner, clean ing, cleanliness clarity, clearan ce, clearing close, closure closeness collection, collector colour/ US color, colouring / US coloring
certain, uncertain challenging
certainly, uncertainly challenge
changeable, change interchange able, unchan ged, changing characteristic, characterize characteris uncharacte tically ristic chemical chemically circular
circle, circulate clean
clean, unclean clear, unclear clear
clean, cleanly clear, clearly
closed, clos ing, close collected, collective coloured / US colored discoloured /
colour/ US color
colourfully /US color fully
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
combination comfort, discomfort commitment communication, communicator comparison
competition, competitor completion, incompleteness complication computer, computing, computerization concentration, concern conclusion
US discolored, colourful /US colorful, colourless / US colorless combined comfortable, uncomfortable, comforting noncommittal, committed communica tive, uncom municative comparable, incomparable, comparative competitive, uncompetitive complete, incomplete complicated, uncomplicated
combine comfort
commit communicate
compara tively
competiti vely completely, incompletely
complete complicate computerize
concerned, concentrate, concentrated, concern unconcerned concluding, conclusively conclude conclusive, inconclusive
W ord building I Продолжение Nouns
condition, precon conditional, dition, conditioner, unconditional conditioning confidence confident, confidential confirmation confirmed, unconfirmed confusion confused, confusing connection connected, disconnected, unconnected subconscious, conscious unconscious, subconscious, consciousness, unconscious unconsciousness consequence consequent, inconsequen tial consideration considerable considerate, inconsiderate, considered continent continental, interconti nental continuation, continual, continuity continued, continuous contribution, contributory contributor
conditionally unconditio nally confidently, confidentially
confirm confuse
connect, disconnect Consciously, nconsciously
consider, reconsider
considerably, considerately
continue, discontinue
continually, continuously
I W ord building
249 Продолжение
controlling, uncontrollable convenient, inconvenient convinced, convincing unconvincing cook, cooker, cooked, cookery, cooking uncooked cool, coolness cool correction, correct, correctness incorrect, corrective countable, count, recount uncountable, countless undercover, cover, coverage, cover, covering uncovered creation, creativity, creative, creator uncreative crime, criminal, criminal, incriminating criminologist critic, criticism critical, uncritical crowd, crowded, overcrowding overcrowded cruel cruelty cry, outcry crying culture, cultural, subculture cultured
control, controller convenience, inconvenience conviction
control inconve nience convince
uncontroll ably conveniently convincingly
cook cool correct
coolly correctly, incorrectly
count, recount uncover discover
create, creatively recreate incriminate criminally criticize
crowd cruelly cry culturally *
W ord building I Продолжение Nouns
cured, incurable customary
cut, cutting
cut, undercut
damage, damages
endangered, dangerous
dare, daring
dark, darkness
dark, darkened, darkening
dated, outdated
date, predate
day, midday
dead, death
dead, deadly, deathly
custom, customer,
cure customarily
deal, dealer, dealings deceit, deceiver, deception
daily deaden
deadly, deathly
deal deceitful, deceptive
decision, indecision
decided, undecided, decisive, indecisive
decidedly, decisively, indecisively
decoration, decorator
deep, depth
deep, deepening
defeat, defea tism, defeatist
undefeated, defeatist
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
defence / US de fense, defendant, defender
defenceless / defend U S defense less, indefen sible, defensive
definite, indefinite
definitely, indefinitely
demand, demands
demanding, undemanding
democracy, democrat demonstration, demonstrator denial, dependant, dependence, independence, dependency description
democratic, undemocratic
desire, desirable
undesirable desired, undesired
destroyer, destruction determination, determiner
indestructible, destroy destructive
determine determined, predetermined, indeterminate
developer, development, redevelopment
developed, undeveloped, developing
democrati cally
demonstrable, demonstrate demonstrably demonstrative undeniable, dependable, dependent, independent
deny depend
undeniably, dependably, indepen dently
describable, describe indescribable, nondescript, descriptive
develop, redevelop
W ord building I Продолжение
Nouns difference, indifference, differentiation directness, direction, direc tions, director
different, indifferent
differ, differently differentiate
direct, indirect
direct, redirect
disagreement disappointment
disagreeable disagree disappointed, disappoint disappointing
disaster disciplinarian, discipline
disastrous disciplinary, discipline disciplined, undisciplined
discoverer, discovery distance disturbance
divide, division, subdivision divorce, divorcee do, doing
doubt, doubter
dream, dreamer
directly, indirectly disagreeably disappoint ingly disastrously
discover distant disturbed, undisturbed, disturbing divided, undi vided, divisi ble, divisive divorced done, over done, undone
distance disturb
distantly disturbingly
divide, subdivide divorce do,outdo, overdo,redo, undo doubt undoubtedly, doubtfully
undoubted, doubtful, . doubtless dream, dream dream less, dreamy
I W ord building
Nouns dress, dresser, dressing drink, drinker, drinking, drunk, drunkenness drive, driver, driving due, dues earner, earnings earth ease, unease, easiness east, easterner economics, economist, economy education
effect, effectiveness, ineffectiveness effort election, re-elec tion, elector, electorate electrician, electricity
dressed, undressed, dressy drunk, drunken
dress, redress, undress drink
earn earthy, earth unearth ly, unearthly easy, uneasy ease
electric, electrical
due, duly, unduly
due, undue
east, easterly, eastern economic, eco nomical, un economical) educated, uneducated, educational effective, in effective, ineffectual effortless unelected, electoral
easily, uneasily, easy east, eastward(s) economically
effect, effectively ineffectively effortlessly elect, re-elect
W ord building I Продолжение Nouns
electronics embarrassment emotion emphasis employee, employer, employment, unemployed encouragement, discouragement end, ending energy enjoyment enormity entrance, entrant, entry entertainer, entertainment enthusiasm, enthusiast environment, environmentalist equality, inequality escape, escapism
electronic embarrassed, embarrass embarrassing emotional, emotive emphatic emphasize unemploy employ ment
electronically embarrass ingly emotionally
encouraged, encouraging, discouraging unending, endless energetic enjoyable enormous
encourage, discourage
encourag ingly
energize enjoy
energetically enjoyably enormously
enter entertaining
enthusiastic, enthuse unenthusiastic environmen tal qual, unequeal escaped, inescapable
equalize escape
entertain ingly enthusiastic ally, unenthu siastically environment ally equally, unequally inescapably
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
essence, essentials estimate, estimation
event, non-event
eventful, uneventful, eventual
exam, examinati on, cross exami nation, examiner excellence excellent excitement excitable, ex cited, exciting, unexciting excuse excusable, inexcusable existence non-existent, existing, pre-existing expectant, expectancy, expectation unexpected expenditure, ex expensive, pense, expenses inexpensive experience, experienced, inexperience inexperienced experimental experiment expert, expertise explosion, explosive
expert, inexpert exploding, explosive
essentially estimate, overestimate, underestimate eventfully, eventually examine, cross-examine excel excite
excellently excitedly, excitingly
exist, coexist
expectantly, unexpectedly expensively, inexpensively
expend experience experiment
experiment ally expertly
explosively T
W o rd building I
Продолжение Nouns
explaining, explanation
unexplained, explanatory, explicable, inexplicable exploratory
exploration, explorer expression extreme, extre mism, extremist, extremity fact fail, failure fairness faith, faithfulness familiarity, family fame fashion fat fastener fault fear
expressive extreme, extremist factual unfailing fair, unfair faithful, unfaithful familiar, unfamiliar famed, famo us, infamous fashionable, unfashionable fat, fattening, fatty
explore express
expressively extremely
factually unfailingly fairly, unfairly faithfully familiarly famously, infamously fashionably, unfashionably
fasten, unfasten faultless, faulty fault fearful, fear fear less, fearsome unfeeling feel
feel, feeling, feelings fiction, nonfiction fictional fill, refill, filling filling
fill, refill
faultlessly fearfully, fearlessly
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
final, semifinal, finalist finish
A djectives
finished, unfinished firmness, infirmity firm, infirm fish, fishing fishy fit, fittings fitted, fitting fix, fixation, fixed, transfi xed, unfixed fixture flat flat flower flowered / flowery, flowering fold, folder folded, folding following follower, following force forceful, forcible forest, deforesta forested tion, forestry forgetfulness forgetful, unforgettable forgiving, forgiveness unforgiving form, formation, reformed transformation, re former, transformer formality formal, informal fortune fortunate, unfortunatel
9 Простые и эффективные ... англ. слов
fish fit fix flatten flower
firmly fishily fittingly
flat, flatly
fold, unfold follow force
forcefully, forcibly
forgive form, reform, transform formalize
formally, informally fortunately, yunfcMunate
W ord buildine Д Продолжение Nouns
freebie, freedom freeze, freezer, freezing frequency, infrequency freshness, refreshments friend, friendliness fright
fruit, fruition fund, refund, funding furnishings, furniture garden, gardener, gardening generalization generosity gentleness gladness glass, glasses good, goodies, goodness, goods government, governor gratitude, ingratitude
free freezing, frozen frequent, infrequent fresh, refreshing friendly, unfriendly frightened, frightening frightful fruitful, fruit less, fruity funded furnished, unfurnished
free freeze
frequently, infrequently freshly, refreshingly
freshen, refresh befriend frighten
righteningly, frightfully fruitfully, fruitlessly
fund, refund furnish garden
general generous gentle glad glassy good
gladden glass
governmental, govern governing grateful, ungrateful
generally generously gently glad
J | W ord building
259 Продолжение
greatness green, greenery, greens ground, under ground, ground ing, grounds grower, growth, undergrowth guilt, guiltiness habit hair, hairiness hand, handful handle, handler, handling hanger happiness, unhappiness hardship harm
head, heading health hearing heat, heater, heating
great green
groundless, underground
growing, grown, overgrown guilty habitual hairless, hairy underhand, handy handle
grow, outgrow
hang, overhang
happy, unhappy hard unharmed, harmful, harmless overhead, heady healthy, unhealthy unheard, unheard of heated, unheated
guiltily habitually hand
harden harm
happily, unhappily hard, hardly harmlessly
head,behead overhead healthily, unhealthily hear, overhear heat, overheat j
W ord building I
Продолжение Nouns
height, heights help, helper, help fulness, helping highness historian, history
hold, holder, holding home honesty, dishonesty hope, hopefulness, hopelessness human, huma nism, humanity, inhumanity hunger hurry hurt ice, icicle, icing identification, identity
heartened, heartening, heartless, hearty heightened helpful, unhelpful, helpless high historic, prehistoric, historical
heartily, heartlessly
heighten help
helpfully, helplessly high, highly historically
hold homeless, homely honest, dishonest hopeful, hopeless human, inhu man, superhu man, humane hungry hurried, unhurried unhurt, hurtful icy identifiable, unidentified
home honestly, dishonestly hopefully, hopelessly humanly, humanely
hungrily hurriedly
ice identify
I W ord building
261 Продолжение
importance impression
improvement increase incredibility, incredulity independence, independent industrialist, industrialization, industry infection, disinfectant inflation
informant, information, informer injury innocence
imaginable, unimaginable, imaginary, imaginative important, unimportant impression able, impres sive improved increased incredible credible, incredulous independent
unimaginably imaginatively
importantly impress
improve increase
industrial, industrialized industrious, infectious infect disinfect inflatable, inflate, inflated, deflate inflationary informative, inform, uninformative, misinform informed, uninformed injured, injure uninjured innocent
increasingly incredibly incredulously indepen dently industrially, industriously infectiously
W ord building I
Продолжение Nouns
insistence instance, instant instruction, instructor intelligence
intent, intention
interruption interview, interviewee introduction invention, inventiveness, inventor invitation, invite involvement item joke, joker journal, journal ism, journalist
insist insistent instant, instantaneous instructive instruct
insistently instantly, in stantaneously instructively
intelligent, unintelligent, intelligible, unintelligible intended, unintended, intentional, unintentional interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting uninterrupted interviewed
intentionally, unintention ally
interrupt interview
introductory inventive
introduce invent, reinvent
uninvited, inviting involved, uninvolved itemized joke journalistic
involve itemize jokingly
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
judge, ju d g e ment juice, juices keenness keep, keeper, keeping kill, overkill, killer killing kindness, unkindness knowledge
enlargement laugh,laughter law, lawyer, outlaw laziness lead, leader, leadership learner, learning legality, illegal ity, legalization length liar, lie life light, lighter, lighting, lightness
juicy keen kept
kill kind, unkind knowing, knowledge able, known, unknown large laughable lawful, unlawful lazy lead, leading learned, unlearned legal, illegal lengthening, lengthy lying lifeless, life like, lifelong light
enlarge laugh outlaw to be lazy lead
kindly, unkindly knowingly, knowledge ably, unknow ingly largely laughably lawfully, unlawfully lazily
learn legalize lengthen
legally, illegally lengthily
lie lifelessly light, lighten lightly
W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
dislike, liking likelihood limit, limitation, limitations literature, literacy liveliness, living loser, loss local, location, relocation love, lover
low luck machine, machi nery, mechanic, mechanics, mechanism magic, magician make, remake, maker, making man, manhood, mankind management, manager
likeable likely, unlikely limited, unlimited literary, lite rate, illiterate live, lively, living lost local
like, dislike likely limit
live, outlive, live relive lose dislocate, locally relocate lovingly lovable, unlo love vable, love less, lovely, loving lower low low, lower, lowly lucky, unlucky luckily, unluckily mechanically mechanical, mechanized
magic, magical unmade make, remake manly, man man ned, unmanned manageable, manage unmanageab le, managerial
I W ord building
Продолжение Nouns
mark, marker, markings market, marketing marriage match material, mate rialism, materia list, materials
marked, unmarked marketable
married, unmarried matching, unmatched material, immaterial, materialistic
marry, remarry match
П ри лож ен и е
leaf [li:f] — leaves [li:vz] лист bath [ba:0] — baths [ba:dz] life [laif] — lives [laivz] жизнь ванна loaf [buf] — loaves [lauvz] calf [ka:f] — calves [ka:vz] буханка хлеба теленок louse [laus] — lice [lais] child [tjaild] — children вошь ['tjildran] дитя man [maen] — men [men] corps [ko:] — corps [ko:z] мужчина, человек корпус mouse [maus] — mice [mais] deer [dia] — deer [dio] олень мышь elf [elf] — elves [' elves] эльф mouth [mau0] — mouths foot [fut] — feet [fi:t] нога; [mau6z] рот фут oath [эи0] — oaths [au5z] goose [gu:s] — geese [gi:s] клятва гусь ox [oks] — oxen [' okson] вол, half [ha:f] — halves [ha:vz] бык половина path [pa:0] — paths [pa:6z] тропа house [haus] — houses ['hauziz] дом scarf [ska:f] — scarves [ska:vz] шарф knife [naif] — knives [naivz] нож sheaf [fi:f] — sheaves [[i:vz] сноп lath [la:0] — laths [la:9z] sheath [[i:0] — sheaths [fi:6z] дранка футляр * Образование м нож ест венно sheep [Ji:p] — sheep [Ji:p] го числа (формы мн. числа приве овца дены после тире).
shelf [[elf] — shelves [felvz] полка staff [sta:f] — staves [steivz] посох, жезл swine [swain] — swine [swam] свинья thief [0i:f] — thieves [0i:vz] вор tooth [tu:0] — teeth [ti:0] зуб wharf [wo:f] — wharves / wharfs [wo:vz];[wo:fs] причал wife [waif] — wives [waivz] жена wolf [wulf] — wolves [wulvz] волк woman ['wumon] — women ['wimin] женщина wreath [ri:0] — wreaths [ri:6z] венок youth [ju:0] — youths [ju:6z] юноша II. ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫ Е И Н АРЕЧИ Я*
far [fa:]; farther/further ffa:6o] / ['£э:бэ]; farthest/ furthest [fa:63st],[fa:dost] да лекий и далеко; farther и further упот ребляю т ся, ес л и речь идет о ра сст оя н и и ; упот ребляет ся т олько
в зн а ч ен и и «д о п о л н и
т ельны й» , напр. I would like to make one further point. good [gud]; better ["beta]; best [best] хороший ill [il]; worse [wa:s]; worst [wo:st] дурной; больной и плохо little [litl] ; less [les]; the least [li:st] мало (уп от р еб ля ет ся с неисчисляем ы м и с у щ ест в и т ел ь н ы м и )
many ['meni]; p i more [mo:]; the most [moust] много much [mAtJ]; sgmore [mo:]; most [m oust] много small [srm:l]; smaller [' smo:lo] smallest [ srm:list] маленький (упот ребляет ся с исчисляе м ыми сущ ест ви т ельны м и)
bad [bsed]; worse [wa:s]; worst [wo:st] плохой old [ould]; elder ['elds]; the eldest ['eldist] старший
top [top]; su p erl the top most ['topmoust] верхний upper Глрэ] ; superl the up permost ["Apomoust] верхний utter [ato]; superl the utter * Образование сравнительной most [Atomoust] крайний и превосходной степеней (формы well [wel]; better [beto]; the этих степеней приведены в данном порядке после двоеточия). best [best] xopoi^o
П рилож ение I
Ш. ГЛАГОЛЫ : Infinitive Неопреде ленная фор ма глагола
1 abide
[э baid]
The Past Participle II Simple Tense Простое Причастие прошедшее прошедшего время времени
abode/ abided
abode/ abided
Participle I
Причастие настоящего времени
5 пребывать; оставаться неизменным
[э baidiij]
[a'baid id ]
[a'bout]/ [э baidid]
[э baid]
[э baut]
[a b o u t]
(ж и т ь)
[э raiz]
[э rouz]
[э rizn]
[э rizig]
[a 'w e ik ]
[э w au k]
[э waukan]
[э w eik ig]
be [bi:]
was [w o z ] were [w a :] bore [b o :]
been [bi:n]
возникать; поэт, восста вать будить; просыпаться быть
bear [Ьеэ]
[ bi:irj]
borne [bo:n] bearing и born [bsarir)]
носить; родить
[bo:n ]
П рим ечание, born употребляется в словосочетании be born «родиться» (was born «родился», were born «родились» и т. д.) и самостоятельно в значении «рожден(ный), родившийся», если с этим причастием не связывается сочетание by + существи тельное или местоимение: born 1957 «рожден(ный), родивший ся в 1957 г.» (но: borne by her «рожденный ею»).
beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t]
бить становиться, делаться
| П рилож ение
269 Продолж ение
begird (with)
зреть ( видеть )
beseeching упрашивать
5 случаться
порождать начинать опоясы
besmirch besmirched besmirch
сгибаться терять близких
осаждать пачкать, порочить
besmirch ing
[bi'smartjnj] bestride
bestridden bestriding
(oneself) [bi'taik]
садиться или сидеть верхом; стоять,расста вив ноги приниматься; отправляться
П рилож ение Д
Продолж ение
1 bid
bade; bid
bidden; bid bidding
[bid]; [bid] [beid]; [bid] [bidn]; [bid] ['bidiq]
5 предлагать (це ну на аукцио не)
[baind] bite [bait]
[baund] bit [bit]
bitten ]
bled [bled]
bled [bled]
[bli:d] blow
[ba:st] buy [bai]
[bo: st]
can [kasn]
связывать кусать
could [kud] ( полная форма)
[ksd] (реду цирован ная форма)
дуть; цвести ломать выращивать приносить строить жечь; гореть разражаться, взрывать(ся) покупать выражает физическую способность
Прилож ение
Продолж ение
cast [ka:st] cast fka:st] cast [ka:st]
4 casting
5 кидать; лить
(м ет алл)
cleave I
clove / cleft
cloven / cleft
[kbuv]/ [kleft]
[kbuv]/ [kleft]
выбирать рассекать(ся)
['kli: viq]
оставаться верным (с)цепляться; льнуть
уст. книжн.
одевать приходить
[клт] cost [kost]
cleave II
[kAm] [keim] cost [kost] cost [kost]
['kostir)] creep
crew [kru:]; crowing crowed ['krauiq]
cut [kAt]
cut [kAt]
cut [kAt]
ползти петь (о петухе)
[krsud] cutting
Приложение I Продолжение 1
dared dared daring сметь; бросать ['dearirj] вызов [dead] [dead] (pr. 3. sg. dcires u dare; e<mpocum. u on ipuu,am <popjи ы dare I?, dare he?, dare n ot u m. d.) иметь дело, deal [d i:l] dealt [delt] dealt [delt] dealing [ 'di:lirj] обходиться dare [dea]
ит.п digging [digirj] doing ['du:iq] drawing [dro:iq] dreaming [dnmir)]
dig [dig]
dug [d A g ]
dug [d A g ]
do [du:]
did [did]
done [dAn]
drink [drir)k] drive [draiv] dwell [dwel]
drew [dru:] dreamt [dremt] dreamed [dri:md] drank [drasqk] drove [drauv] dwelt [dwelt]
drawn [dro:n] dreamt [dri:mt] dreamed [dri:md] drunk
eat [i:t]
ate [et]
fall [fo:l]
fell [fel]
eaten [i:tn] eating ['Ktir)] fallen falling ffo:lan] ['fD llirj] feeding fed [fed]
[d ro :]
dream [dri:m]
feed [fi:d] fed [fed]
driven [' dnvan] dwelt [dwelt]
driving ['draiviq] dwelling ['dwelirj]
копать делать (рг. 3. sg. does) тащить, тя нуть; рисовать грезить
пить гнать;ехать обитать; задержива ться (на чем-л.) есть падать кормить
r firdnj]
felt [felt]
felt [felt]
feeling [Tulir,]
I Приложение
Продолж ение
fight [fait] find [faind] flee [fli:]
fought [fo:t] found [faund] fled [fled]
fought [fort] found [faund] fled [fled]
4 fighting ['faitig] finding ['faindig] fleeing ['fling]
fling [fill)] flung [fUq] flung [Алд] flinging [' flirjir)] flying flew [flu:] flown fly [flai] [flaun] ['flaiirj] (p r. 3. sg. flies [-z]) forbearing forborne forbear forbore [fo:'bo:n] [fai'beanr)] [fa:'ba:] [fa:'bea] forbidding forbad(e) forbidden forbid [fa'bidn] [fa'bidiq] [fa'beid] [fa bid] forgotten forgetting forgot forget [fo:'gotn] [fa:'gatir)] [fa:'gat] [fo:'got] forgiven forgive forgive forgave [fa:'givir)] [fa:'geiv] [fafgivn] [fa:'giv] forsaking forsook forsaken forsake [fa'seiknj] [fa seikn] [fa'seik] [fa suk] frozen freezing freeze froze [fri:ziq] [frauzen] [frauz] [fri:z] get [get]
got [got]
got [gat] (gotten
getting ['getirj]
5 сражаться находить бежать (прочь),
избегать бросать летать
воздержи ваться запрещать забывать прощать покидать замерзать, заморажи вать получать, достигать
gild [gild] gilded/gilt gilded /gilt gilding [gildid]/ [gildid]/ r ^ ld iq ] [gilt]
П рилож ение Д Продолж ение
gird [ga:d] girded/girt girded/girt girding [ga:did]/ [ga:did]/ fgardiri] [ga:t] [ga:t] give [giv] gave given giving [geiv] [givn] Tgiviq] go [gau] went [went] gone [gon] going Tgauir)] grind ground ground grinding [graind] [graund] [graund] ['graindnj] grow grew grown growing [grau] [greun] ['grauii]] [gni:] hang hanged hanged hanging
5 поэт, опоясы
вать давать идти,уходить молоть; точить расти висеть; вешать
[haeqd] had [haed]
( казнить )
[harj] have [hffiv] had [haed]
(p r . 3. Sg. has) hear
hearing ['hisrir)]
[his] heave
[hi:vd] hide [haid] hid [hid]
hit [hit]
hit [hit]
hit [hit]
hitting [hitiq]
ударять; попадать
hold [hsuld]
held [held]
held [held]
holding fhauldiq]
hurt [ha:t] hurt [ha:t]
hurt [ha:t]
hurting ['ha:tii)]
причинять вред,боль
П рилож ение
Продолж ение
1 inter weave
interwoven inter [ inta'wouv] [ inta wauvn] weaving
[.inta'wi:v] keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept]
5 соткать
[ inta wi:viq] keeping
['ki:pir)] kneel [ni:l] knelt [nelt] knelt [nelt] kneeling
lade [leid] laded
[leidn] laid [leid]
knit [nit]
[leidid] lay [lei]
laid [leid]
становиться на колени, стоять на ко ленях вязать знать грузить класть
fleiiq] lead [li:d]
led [led]
led [led]
[li:diq] lean [li:n]
leap [li:p]
опираться, прислоняться
[lent] / [li:nd] leapt /
leant / leaned
leant / leaned
[lent] / [li:nd] leapt / leaped
[lept] / [li:pd]
[lept] / [li:pd]
learnt/ learned
learnt/ learned
[b:nt]/ [b:nd]
[b:nt]/ [b:nd]
['b:niq] >
учить ( чт о-л .)
П рилож ение Д Продолж ение
lent [lent]
lend [lend] lent [lent]
5 оставлять одалживать
['lendiq] let [let]
let [let]
let [let]
fletirj] lie [lai]
lay [lei]
lain [lein]
['laiirj] light [lait] lit [lit]
lit [lit]
['laitirj] lose [lu:z]
lost [lost]
lost [lost]
['lu:ziq] make
may [mei]
[mait] mean
met [met]
met [met]
делать выражает воз можность, вероятность значить; подразуме вать встречать
[mi:tig] внушать опасения
mishearing ослышаться
класть не на место misleading вводить в за [mis'li:dir)] блуждение
I П рилож ение
П родолж ение 1
[mis" pel]
5 misspelling писать с орфо [mis'peliij] графически м и о шибками mistaking неправильно [mis'teikir)] понимать косить (т раву mowing [mauii]] и т. п.) иметь надоб needing ность [ 'ni:diq] 4
П ри м еча н и е. М о ж е т употребляться как обычный непереход ный глагол или как вспомогательный глагол. Если need упот ребляется как непереходный глагол, то после he/she/it он полу чает окончание -s; вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола, do, а перед следующим глаголом ставится to, напр.: If he needs to go, I’ll just have to let him. You don’t need to go. I didn’t need to see him at all. Didn’t you need to tell him something? Е сл и need употребляется как вспомогательный глагол, то после he/she/ it он не имеет окончания -s; вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются без do, и отсут ст вует to перед следующим глаголом, напр.: She needn’t go if she doesn’t want to. Need we tell her everything? Эт а структура со вспомогательным глаго лом возможна только в вопросительных и отрицательных пред ложениях в Present Simple Tense.
ought [o:t] partook partake
[pa:'teik] pay [реї]
[pa:'tuk] paid [peid]
paid [peid]
должен (бы) принимать участие платить
i'penr)] put [put]
put [put]
put [put]
класть, ставить
['putirj] Т
П рилож ение Д
Продолж ение
1 2 read [ri:d] read [red]
3 read [red]
4 reading
5 читать
[ri:diq] rebuild
[,ri:'bild] так же, кой
[,ri:'bilt] [,ri:'bilt] как build [bild] «строить»
ге- изменяются
и другие глаголы с прист ав
так же, как соот вет ст вую щ ие глаголы
без приставки, напр.',
rend [rend] rent [rent] rid [rid]
rebuilding перестраи-
rid [rid]
rewrite. rent [rent] rid [rid]
уст., поэт.
раздирать избавлять
[ ndir)] ride [raid] rode [raud] ridden ring [rig]
rang [rasq]
ехать( верхом
и т. п.)
rung [rAg]
fngirj] rise [raiz]
rose [rauz]
risen [rizn]
[' raizirj] rive [raiv]
run [глп]
[raivd]/ [rivsd]
[raivn]/ [rivan] run [rAn]
[' raiviq]
ran [raen]
fr A n ir )]
saw [so:]
sawed [so:d]
say [sei] said [sed] (p r . 3. sg. says [sez]) see [si:]
saw [so:]
sawn/[so:n] sawing sawed/ [so: ig]
[so:d] said [sed]
seen [si:n]
saying [seiiq]
говорить, сказать
seeing Tsirirj]
| Прилож ение
Продолж ение
[si:k] sell [sel]
[' si:kiq]
[send] set [set]
[sent] set [set]
[sent] set [set]
5 искать
4 seeking
устанавли вать и т. п. шить
Tsetir)] sew [sau]
sewn/ sewed
[saun/ saud] shake
№ikir)] shaving
shaved/ shaven
трясти брить(ся)
[feivd]/ [feivan] shear
shed [fed] shed [Jed]
sheared/ shorn
[fi3d]/[fo:n] sheding shed [fed] ['Jediq] shining
№ 'm o ]
shoe [fu:]
shod [fad]
shod [fod]
shot [fDt]
shot [fat]
№ = ir)] [ Ju:tiq]
lfu:t] show [fau]
['Jsuiq] >
стричь, срезать проливать; сбрасывать светить(ся), сиять обувать; подковывать стрелять; давать побеги показывать
Приложение I
Продолж ение 1
с о к р а щ а ть
LM k]
ffn tjk n j]
(с я ); отступать
shrove/ shrived
shriven/ shrived
уст. и сп ов е
shut [j*At]
shut (J*At]
shut U*At]
[J ra ivig ]
sh uttin g
за к р ы в а ть
fjA tiq ]
sing [siq]
sang [saeq]
sung [sAq]
п еть
sink [siqk] sank [saeqk] sunk [sArjk] sinking
T sigkig]
sit [sit]
sat [sast]
sat [saet]
sittin g
си д еть
[ sitiq]
slay [slei]
slew [slu:]
slain [slein] slaying
уб и в а ть
sleep [sli:p slept [slept] slept [slept] sleeping
сп ать
['s li:p iq ]
slid [slid]
slid [slid]
ск ользи ть
sling [sliq] slung [sIaq] slung [sU q ] slinging
ш в ы р ять;
['sliq iq ]
под веш ивать
ид ти
[sU qk]
[sU qk]
к р а д уч и сь
slit [slit]
slit [slit]
slit [slit]
slittin g
р азр езать
['slitiq ]
sm elt
sm elling
[sm el]
['sm eliq]
н ю х а ть
sm itten
sm iting
у д а р я ть
['sm aitiq]
Щ Приложение
281 Продолж ение
sow [ssuj
сея т ь
[' spendirj]
spill [spil]
sp ilt/
sp ilt/
р азли вать(ся),
fsp ilir)]
рассы п ать(ся)
говор и ть
со ста в ля ть (сл о в о ) из
fsp elir)]
бук в
тр ати ть
spin [spin] spun [spAn] spun [spAn] spinning
spit [spit]
spat [spaet]
spat [spjet]
к р у т и т ь (с я );
п р ясть
sp ittin g
п лев а т ь
split [split] split [split]
split [split]
splittin g
расщ еплять
(с я ) пор ти ть
р асп ростра
н я ть ся
Приложение Д
Продолж ение
вскакивать; возникать и т. п.
[' stikiq]
stank/ stunk
стоять красть, воровать колоть, вты кать, приклеи ваться) и т. п. жалить вонять
[staerjk]/ [stArjk]
strewn/ strewed
strewing ['stru:ig]
разбрасывать; устилать
[stru:n]/ [stru:d]
[' straidig]
[sw o:]
['sw eaiq]
шагать боль ш и м и шагами, перешагивать ударять(ся) натягивать; нанизывать стараться; бороться клясться
Продолж ение
[S W AI]]
[s w A q ]
take [teik] took [tuk]
teach ]
tear [tea]
tore [to:]
torn [tom]
мести; мчаться вздуваться плавать качать(ся), размахивать брать учить рвать
['teorirj] tell [tel]
told [tould] told [tould]
['telirj] think
рассказывать, сказать думать процветать бросать
unbending разгиба
[An bend]
[An bent]
[An bent]
[An bendiq]
П р и м еч а н и е. Так же, как
bend «сги б а т ъ (с я ) »
совать, толкать ступать
ться) и другие гл а го
лы с приставкой и п - изменяются, как соответствующие гл а голы без приставки.
Приложение I
Продолж ение
under stand
under stood
under stood
[Anda -
4 under standing
5 понимать
undertake undertook undertaken under [Ands'teik] [Anda'tuk] [Anda'teikn] taking
предпри нимать
[Ap' set]
wear [wea] wore [wa:]
worn [wa:n] wearing
просыпаться; будить носить(ся) (об
одежде и т. п.)
wept [wept] wept [wept] weeping
win [win]
опрокиды ваться), расстраивать
won [WAn]
won [wAn]
[winig] wind
withdraw withdrew [wid'dro:]
withdrawn with [wid'dratn] drawing
[wid'hauld] [wid'held]
выигрывать, добиваться крутить(ся), обвивать(ся) брать назад; удаляться
with holding
не давать, удерживать
withstand withstood
[wid'stand] [wid'stud]
[wi6' staendiq]
I Приложение
285 Окончание
1 \угіпд [гід]
ш г и і ^ [ГЛІ]] \ у ги п £ [гл д ]
4 w ringing [ГІГ)ІГ)]
«тіїе [гаИ] wrote [гзіії] \vritten [піп]
«ггШпд [гаШд]
5 скручивать, жать писать
А л д е р Гарри.
Техника развития интеллекта. СПб: П и
тер, 2001. B r a n s f o r d J . D . Human cognition: Learning, under standing and remembering.— Belmont, California, 1979. C la rk H . H . a n d Clark E .V .
Psychology and language.—
N .Y ., 1977. Д ж о у н з Д а н и э л ь . Словарь английского произноше ния.— М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1964. H i g b e e K . L . Your memory: How it works and how to improve it .— Englewood C liffs, N .J., 1977. К а р н е г и Д е й л . Как завоевать друзей и оказывать вли яние на людей: — Екатеринбург: Л И Т У Р , 2001. Lu ria A .R .
The mind of a mnemonist.— Basic Books, N. Y.,
Микалко Майкл.
Тренинг интеллекта.— СПб: Питер,
New W ebster’ s Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language.— U.S.A. Lexicon Publications, Inc., Danbury, 1963. The psychology of human memory.— Academic Press, N .Y ., 1981. W in g f ie ld A . a n d B y r n e s D .L .
Упрощенная методика сохранения здоровья пальцевыми упраж нениями.— М.: Анфас, 1991. Ц у ц у м и Йосиро.
Предисловие................................................................... 3 Appearance — Внеш ность............................................ 15 Family — Семья.............................................................24 Health Service — Здравоохранение ............................ 31 Profession — Профессия.............................................. 45 House — Дом ................................................................ 53 Food — Е д а .................................................................... 63 Education — Образование............................................72 Natural phenomena — Природные явления ...............90 Technics — Техника................................................... 112 Politics — П о ли ти к а..................................................130 Travelling — Путешествия........................................ 154 A rt — Искусство ........................................................ 168 Shopping — Покупки ................ ................................ 183 Clothing — О деж да.................................................... 192 Sports — Спорт............................................................199 Holidays — Праздники.............................................. 210 Словарь омофонов и интернационализмов ............. 215 Словообразование....................................................... 242 П р и л о ж е н и е . Список важнейших слов, изменяющихся не по общим правилам .................... 266 Литература..................................................................286
Популярне видання
Редактор А. Калініна Коректор Н. Воробйова
Видання російською мовою
Підписано до друку 30.09.05. Формат 8 4 х 1 0 8 '/ з 2. Папір газетний. Друк, офсетний. Гарнітура «Newton». Обл.-вид. арк. 10,24. Умов. друк. арк. 15,12. Дод. наклад 5000 прим. Зам. № 6-257. TOB «Агентство Мультипресс» 83015, Україна, м. Донецьк, пр. Б. Хмельницького, 102 Віддруковано з готових діапозитивів у ВАТ «Харківська книжкова фабрика “Глобус”» 61012, м. Харків, вул. Енгельса, 11