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The latest and most complete edition of the Agrapha is that of ARESCH TU V 4 1889 (Re), who counts 74 Logia and 103 Apocrypha. JHRoPES TU XIX 2 1890 (Ro) gave a sound criticism on this book, and he himself investigated 154 Agrapha. Following his example I have compiled: I) 44 real Agrapha, 2) 44 sentences of great importance, which by mistake were thought to be Logia 1; cr. ROPES for the further analysis. I only refer to the texts given in Apocrypha I and 11. Notes are added in some places, \vhere I do not share ROPES' opinion. The new Oxyrhynchus logia are not yet reconstructed beyond doubt. cf. The Oxyrbynchus papyri ed. BPGRENFELL and ASHuNT IV 1904 (G-H), and HBSWETE in The Expository Times XV 11 (Sw) and ADEISSMANN in the supplement to the »AI1gemein~ Zeitungc of the 18th of July 1904 (De). AHILGENFELD'S reconstruction ZwTh 1904 is based on a false estimate of the length of the single lines: rrgm. I 1. 4, frgm. 5 1. 5, frgrn. 5 1. 3-5 (frgm. 2 1. 3-4 too) render with certainty ca. 30 characters as one length of a line. 1 Too late I see that no. 55 has been put by mistake in Agrapha 11 instead of I
65 c9-Cj?O
··.;........ .. ·: .... .
a) Justin. Dial. 47: dto xai d ~fl£ e'htev· lv or~ av uJ.la~ KaTab) Clem. Alex. quis diues 6 S 40: £cp' oi~ Tap av EUPW .ul~, CP'YJ0lv, Ent TOUT01~ KQ\ KplVW. c) Vita S. Antonii IS: scientes quod aequus ille retributor, in quo quemque inuenerit, in eo sit iudicaturus, quod jJrojJhetica uoce per Ezechlelem testatur. 2 (Re A 7; Ra 147). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews 10 frgm. 22 Apocrypha 11 p. 7. 3 (Re A 8; Ro 148). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgnl. 23 Apocrypha 11 p. 7. 4 (Re 1.6 4 1; Ro 143). a) Clem. Alex. Strom. I 24 158: 1
(Re L 39; Ro 14 2 ).
TEeO~ "VetO' 'Ifjoov, XetOTO, Aa~w, ~v TOUTOl~ Kal KplVW.
alTEia9E rae cprJ0l, Ta J.lETaAa Kat Ta J.11Kpa uJ.1iv 1TpoaTE8~O'ETal. b) Orig. de orat. 14 1 (cf. 2 I): H,aTavO'ljoropB" TO alTEiTE Ta J,lETaAa Kat Ta. J,llKpa uJ,liv 1TpoO'Te9tiaETal, Kal Q1TEiTE Ta ~1tOUpaVla Kat Ta tniTEla uJ.liv 1tpoaTE9.,O'ETQ1.
(Re A 10; Ro 149). 11 Clem. 5 1-4: Ure" rae 0 "vloeo{}£ ro~ aeVta b peocp AVH,rov (Mt. IO, z6 Le. zO,3).
an:oxetlJet' de 0 III:c(}o~ amqj Aere/,· Ad" 00" &aona~aE(J)at" 01 lv"ol, Ta d(}vla j JnB'JI 0 '[1]oov, 'CQJ IIl:req>· ~i) cpoPEia9wO'av Ta apvia TOU~ AUKOU~ IJETa TO aTto9aveiv aUTa· xal VJU~ Jt~ qJopeiolJ£ 'Coil, Mo"'Cb,,ovra, lJp,6., "ai PfJ~ev vpi" ~v"apfvov, notii", alld qJopeiolJ£ 1'0" pecd TO lmo{Ja"eiv vpa, lzovr:a lEovala" 1pvx,ii' "ai OWp,aTO', ~oV pa'lei" el~ rUvva" nveo,. (Mt. IO, 28 Le. I2, -If.)
\ )
9 passage is ascrz1Jed to a prophet also IJ)' Jonannes Climacus, Elias Cretensis and others. IS r. EuseIJ. Caes. in Ps. 16, 2 gives this as a Log-ion (d aroUjf) 1~I&x.allw As"roJ')• ... ~ \.. ..
4 -
6 (Re A 17; Ro ISO). ef. Gosp. ace. to the Hebrews frgm. I I Apocrypha 11 p. 5. 7 (Re A 2 I b ; Ro 151). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgm.24 Apocrypha 11 p, 7. 5 8 (Ro 154). I Thess. 4, 15-17: TOVTO rue V/li" lEyoJlE" £V loycp "velov, OTt Ij/lti~ Ot 'oine, Ot 7lEetlemo/-levot ei~ 1:1]v nueovo[ay Tot; "velov ov ,.t~ (rlJa.owfU" TOV~ "Otp,'YJ{}EVTa~· OTt aUTO~ 6 KUplOe; tv KE.~EU<1lJaTl, EV q>WVTJ aPXQlle~OU Kat EV O"aAnlTIl 9EOU, KaTapftO"ETQl aTt' oupavou, Kal 01 vEKpOl 10 EV XP10"T4J avaO'T~O"oVTal TTpWTOV, ETtEITa ~J.lEi~ 01 Z:WVTE~ 01 1TEP1A€I1TOfJEVOl allQ O"uv aUToi~ apTtQTTlO"oIJE9a EV vE
12 f, dD~S
man)' oth~r 7IJit,,~ss~s.
this lJelong to tJu t}llotation!
14ff. oLo
5 -
Joh. tom. 19 2: . • • T:1J(]OvvrW'V T:~V Evrol~v :lIfJoOV leyovoav· TivE0'ge bOK1JlOl Tpa1TEl:iTal, "at T:~" IIavlov ~t~a'l}lv q;ao(I Thess.5, 21 follows). (Re L 12; Ro 141). Act.
20, S5: pVfJpoveVElV T8 TOO..,
16ywv TOV "v(]lov 1fJoov, 01:E alxro, e'lnev· f.lQKaplQV EO'T\V J..ulXXov blb6vQl Tt XaJlpaVElv.
14 (Ro 152). Talmud, fAboda Zara f. I6b 17a : the rabbis handed down to us the following dialogue: ..... Elt"eser answered: ..... once I went along the upper street of Sepphoris. There I met one of the followers of 10 Jesus of Nazareth, whose name was :lames of Kephar SekhanJ·a; he spoke to me: In your law it is wn·tten (Deut. 22, 18): thou sholt not bring the hire of a whore into the house of the Lord thy God; may one use such money to make a privy for the highpriest? J did 1tot 15 know, what to answer him. Then he spoke to me: th'is Jesus of Nazareth taught me: she gathered it of the hire an harlot and they shall return to the hire of harlot (Micah I, 7); it is taken fronl dirt and back shall it go to the place of uncleanness. iO-.... 15 (Re A 2; Ro I 33). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgm. 3 Apocrypha 11 p. 3 and foIl. 16 (Re L' 8; Ro 129). Clem. Alex. Exc. ex Theod. S2 : of ~' OValeVllvov q;aot .... ~tC} TOVTO liyet 0 OWT~(]· O"4Jl:ou 0'\1 Kat Tt \jJUX~ O'ou. 17 (Re L 26; Ro 131). a) Tertull. de bapt. 20: uigilate et orate, inquit, ne z"nct"datis t"n tentationem (Mc. I4, 38 jJar.). et ideo credo tentati sunt, quoniam obdormlerttnt, ut adprekensum dominum destituert"nt, et qut" cum eo perstiterit et gladio st"t usus, ter etiam negauerit (Mc~ I4, 47-50. 68-72 par.). na1n et praecesserat dictum: neminem intentatum regna coelestia consecuturum. b) Didasc.. 2 8: lEyEt yae ~ 'Y(]aq;~· dVTtP ab6Kl~oc; d1TEipaaTo~. 18 (~e L 5; Ro 128). a) Orig. in Jer. horn. late 3 s: legt" alicubz· tjllaSt· saluatore dicente (et tjuaero, siue quis
personam figurauit saluatorts, siue in me1norial1t adduX'it~ an uerum sit hoc quod dtctum est),. ait autem ibi satuator: qui iuxta me est, iuxta igneln est; qui longe est a me, lODge est a regno. b) Didym. in Ps. 88, 8: dtO 5 cp'Yj0"v 0 oc.o1:~~· 0 EYYUC; JlOU EYYUC; TOU 1TUPOC; • 6 b~ fJaKpaV an' llJoO J.1QKpaV a1To Tflc; ~Qal~eiae;. 19 (Re LIS; Ro 130). Apostolic Church Order 26: n~oilere "de ~p1v, 07:8 ltll~ao'X£11 OTt TO a0"9EVEe; bUl TOU iaxupoO O'W9f)O'ETQl. 10 20 (Re L 27; Ro 132). Cod. Cantabr. (D) ad Lc. 6, ,: Tfj aVTfj fJftieq, {}eaoap,E'l'o~ T"va £eraC6p.evov -rep oafJfJ&:r:qJ Elney ain:cpe av9pw1TE, el fJEV oibac; Ti 1TOIEIC;, fJaKapIO~ eYEl be JlTt olbae;, EnlKaTapaToe; Kal 1Tapa~aTlle; et TOU VOfJOU21 (Re All; Ro 134). cf. Gosp. ace. to the Hebre\vs 16 frgm. 25 Apocrypha 11 p. 8 a. beneath. 22 (Re L 30 A 16; Ro 135). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Egyptians frgm. 1-3 Apocrypha 11 p. 12f. 23 (Re L 17; Ro 87). Clem. Alex. Strom. V 10 63: lirEt rde. & n(}ocp~Tfj~· naeafJo).,~v 'Xvelov Tl~ VO~OE" El ft1-J oocpo~ 'Xat lntOT~ft(J)V 'Xat aranwv TOV XVetOV av-rov,. EnEt oUrcov £OTt Tav-ra lcoeijoat. ov rae cp{}oviiJv, qJfjo{, nae~r /,Etlev & XvetO~ lv Tty" evarrelkp' fJUaT~pIOV EJ,lOV EJlOl Kat TOIC; uioic; TOU OlKOU fJOU. 15 24 (Re L 5I; Ro 91). ]ustin. A pol. I 16: OV reie TOV~ ~txalov~ ov~A TOV' oWqJeOya, El, f"E'lavotav lx&lEoev Q XetOTO" dlid TOV~ aoepei, xat dxolaOTov~ xat d()lxov,". eUrE tlA OVTW'· oV'X ~1{}()'JJ xalioat ~t~alov~ dll' dftaeTW).,ov, ek ftETo.votav (Mc. 2, 17 par.). elAEl yap 6 nQTflP so 6 oupciVIOt; TTtV flETavolav TOU aJ,lapTwAou f1 TTtV KoAaO'lv aUTou. 10
2 ibi mss. ipsi edd. 19ff. if. Hom. Clem. 19 20 etc. l1tEl SyllJttrg l1Tl L 23 Ta f..lUO'TTJpla or it, as most authors quote TO f..lUO'Tf)P10V 25 fr. lin~ 29jf. does not give a reason for 1. 28f. but for 1.25-27. therifore read 1.26ff. ddlHov,. (BUrB di oV'rQ)'· ~v" 1,.raV04Qv.) {Jllt4"~ H'rA..
7 -
25 (Re A 95; Ro
110). a) Iren. V 33 sf.: quemad. 11lodum presbyteri meminerunt qui loannem disctpulum domini uiderunt, audisse se ab eo, quemadmodum de temporibus illis docebat d0111inus et dicebat: uenient dies in quibus uineae nascentur singulae decem millia pal.. 5 mitum habentes, et in uno palmite dena millia brachiorum, et in uno brachio dena millia flagellorum, et in unoquoque flagello dena millia botruunl, et in unoquoque botro dena millia acinorum, et unumquodque acinum expressum dabit uigintiquinque metretas uini. 10 et cum eorum apprehenderit aliquis sanctorum botrunl, alius clamabit: botrus ego nlelior sum, me sume, per me dominum benedic. similiter et granum tritici decem millia spicarum generaturum, et unanlquemque spicaln habituranl decem millia granorum, et unumquodque granum 15 quinque bilibres sinlilae clarae mundae: et reliqua autem poma et semina et herbanl secundum congruentiam iis consequentem: et omnia animalia iis cibis utentia, quae a terra accipiuntur, pacifica et consentanea inuicem fieri, subiecta hominibus CUDl omni subiectione. Haec aute1n 10 et j:Jap-ias, loannis auditor, Polycarpi autem contubernalis, ue/us homo, per scrtpturam testimoniu1n perhibet in quarto librorum suorum: sunt enim illi quinque libri conscrtpti. et adiecit dicens: haec autem credibilia sunt credentibus. et luda, inquit, prodt·tore· n011 credente et interrogante: !5 quomodo ergo tales geniturae a domino perficientttr r dixisse dominum: uidebunt qui uenient in illa. b) Hippo!. in Dan. comm. 4 60: TOV 01)V "velov ~tfJyovfti'Vov Toi~
pal}fJTai~ neei Tij~ fte;";"ovafJ~ TWV lv~o~o~
ay{a)'V f1aa";"Ela~ ro~ et'YJ 0 "lov~a~ ent Toi~ so
5 dena al. 7 uno brachio (palnlitis?): uno uero palmite edd. 20 fr. LJ. the Greek text in Euseh. k. e. 3 39: TaOTa Kat a1t{ac; (\ 'Iwavvou f.,lEv dKOUOTf)c; TTOXUKap1tOU ~Ta1poc; YEYOVU,C;, dpXaioc; dvtJp, ~yypacpwc; ~1tlf..lap1'UpEl ~v T'IJ TETapT~ TWV ~aUTOO Pl~Aiwv·
fOTIY yap aUT4J ntvTE
24 'ltJords of Papias!
AErop,i'VOt~ lcpfJ' llpfj'
"at Tt, liea o1jJerat TavTa,; 0 dA "VetO~ TQUTQ OqJOVTQl 01 aElol TEVOJlEV01.
26 (Re A 14; Ro 93). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgm. 5 Apocrypha 11 p. 4. 27 (Re A 6; Ro 92). cf. Gosp. of the Ebionites frgm. 5 Apocrypha 11 p. 10. 28 (Re L 3; Ro 85). Epiph. Haer. 805: lJ.Eto, rae 0 le'YaTfj~ TOU !Uo{}ov amov (Mt. IO, 10) "al' apKETOV Tti' ~PYQZ:OJ.lEVlfJ
29 (Re A 15; Ro 94). cf. Gosp. ace. to Thomas frgm. Apocrypha 11 p. 1330 (Re A 30; Ro 98a). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgm. 10 Apocrypha 11 p. 5. 31 (Re A 53; Ro 107)· Clem. Alex. Strom. III IS 97:~ naIt" <> "veuS, fPfjOt'V' 0 "'f.la~ f.ll) ~Kpa~~ETW Kat 0 fln laJl~(JQC; J.ltl lQf.l€iTW· b KaTa Trp69EO'lV €UVOUXla~ 6f.l0~o ",aa~ f.ln T'itJlal ayaJ.lo~ blaJ,l€VETw.
32 (Re L 21; Ro 88). a) ]ustin. Dial. 35: elne rue' nollol elEVOOVTat ent TtP ov0ftaTl p,ov, lEw{}ev b~e~vpivot 10 deefUlTa neO{JaTWV, low{}ev de elot 1-6"ot lienare~ (Mt. 7, IS)· "al· laoVTal <1xl<1J..laTa Kat aipE<1E1C;. b) Didasc. 6 5: ch, "at 0 OWt:~e ~p,GJv ltpfJ OTt lO'OVTal a\pE<1E1C; Kat O"xl<1f.laTa. 33 (Re A 18; Ro 95). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews frgm. 14 Apocrypha 11 p.6. 15 34 (Re A 33; Ro 99). cf. Gosp. of the Ebionits frgm. 6 Apocrypha 11 p. 10. 35 (Re A 2 le; Ro 96). cf. Kerygma Petri frgm. 3 Apocrypha I s. 15. 36 (Re A 50; Ro 105). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Hebrews so frgm. 19 Apocrypha 11 p. 6. 37 (Re L 36b ; Ro 90). Pseudocypr. de duobus montibus 13: ipso nos instruente et monente (se. domino) in epistula lohannis disct"jJUli sui ad populum: ita me in 2 dE10\] 4TI01
cod. A
does not se~m to belong to ad paulum al., om. al.
cDd. B
23 this fragmmt 33 ad populum]
uobis uidete, quomodo quis uestrum se uidet in aquam aut in speculum. 38 (Re A 44; Ro 100). a) Acta Philippi 34: thE')' rue POt 0 "VetO~· lav J.lfl 1TOt~G'lTE UJ.lWV Ta KaTW El~ Ta QVW Kat Ta aplGTEpa Ei~ Ta beEui, Jln el<1EA9'l rE ei~ TflV 5 i3a<1tAeiav JlOU. b) Pseudolinus Martyr. Petri s. 17 (ed. Lipsius-Bonnet): dominus £n tnysterto dtxerat: si non feceritis dexteram sicut sinistram et sinistram sicut de xteram et quae sursum sunt sicut deorsum et quae ante sicut quae retro, non cognoscetis regnum dei. 10 39 (Re A 5I; Ro 106). cf. Kerygma Petri frgm. 3 Apocrypha I p. 15 . . 40 (Re A 56; Ro 108). cf. Gosp. acc. to Philip frgm. Apocrypha 11 p. I 5. 41 (Re A 99;' Ro I I I). Philippi Descr. terrae sanctae 15 s. 37 ed. Neumann: Est ett"am £bi alius locus, qui
dtcitur medium mund£, uh£ dolninus posu£t digitu1n suum dicens: hic est medium mundi. 42 (Ro 1 17). Talmud, Shabbath 116 ab: . . . . . llze philosopher said: s£nce the day you were dr£ven 20 frol1t YOltr country, the law of Moses has been suspended alzd the gospel £s g£ven, in which it is written: son and daughter shall inhetit together. On the next day . . . . . the philosopher told them; 1 looked at th~ end of the gospel; there it says: I, the gospel, have not i5 come to destroy anything of Moses' law, but I have come to add to the law of Moses. It is written in the la\v of Moses: where there is a son" the daughter shall not inherit. 43 (Ro I 19). _C10pO~ KavovlKo~ TWV aTiwv aTtoO"ToAwv 3 so
3 if. if. Gosp. ace. to the Heor. frgm. 25 .Apoc"'ypka IJ p. 8 if. Apollonius ape Eus. k. e. 5 18 14: En dE W' EX naeadooEro, oro-rijed flJ1jO"" 3lflOG'CEf:axeVal, 'Coi, alrrov WroOf:01o'', ~i)
t1tl bwbExa
t'IEpouaaAf)u. J 5 fr. a tale 'It'Iu'ck appears f",~,uentl)' »f,.om the last guarter Df the 13th C~l'It.c
p. 36 (ed. Lagarde ReIl. jure eccl.): Et Tl<; J.lETaAa~lJ TO TOO KUplOU Ka\ AOUaETat, l1T1KaTapaTO~ laTW~ xa{)w~ elnev 0 "ve"o~. 44 (Re 12 5). Augustin. c. adverso legis et proph. 11 4 14: sed apostolis, inquit, d01ninus noster inlerrogalltz"bus de ludaeorum prophetis quid sentz"ri d.eberet, qui de adttentu eius att·quid cecinisse in praete,itum putaba11Iu" C011Z11Z0tus lalia eos etiam nunc senti,,,, respondit: dimisistis uiuum qui ante uos est et de mortuis fabulamini. qut·d 1nirum (quandoquidem hoc testim011ium de scripluris nescio quibus apocryphis protulit), si de propltett"s dei talia confi1zxerunt haereticz~ qui easdem litteras non accipiunt r aw~a
45 (Re
L 25; Ro 76). Hieron. Comm. in Ez. 16, 52: tale quid et illud euangelii sonat: est confusio quae ducit ad mortem, et est confusio quae ducit ad uitam. 46 (Re L 42; Ro 80). Horn. Clem. 3 65: roi~ ~A olopt'VOt~ O'lt 0 {)eo~ neteaCet, ro~ ai reaq;at lirovol'V, lq;'YJ· 0 10 1TovTlP6~ taTty b nElpaz:wv. 47 (Re L 19; Ro 75). Theod. Balsamon, Epist. de Rasaph. (Migne gr. 138, 1373): 1:0 E1Jarye).,t,,0'V eii/-lD. 'lO liro,,' naparEt Tap TO aXllJ.la TOO K60'~ou TOUTOU. 4 8 (Re L 33; Ro 77). a) Dial. de recta fide 1 13: 15 MEr.•.••. 0 ~A "V(}tO~ dra{)o~ wv liyft· 6 fl~10~ J.l~ E1TlbUETW In\ T4J 1tapOPT10'~tV uJ.lwv. Ali....... ro~;' nigy'YJ'VE Tolvvv xai b JlOp,lp "at lv evayre1ltp etvat 'lO b fl).lO<; I..lfl ~nlbuETW In\ T4J napOPTtO'J.l4J u~wv. b) Vita S. SyncIeticae S63: ov rue tjnaxovovot TOV ao)'riieo~ llroVTO~, ~~. so vnare nl/w1:oJl, ~tallayrrl11, -rep a.~El(P0 oov "at OVTro~ neoo15
16 et in euangelio al., et illud VzCtO".':tlJ
~3, 1
C"- e.
TO dweov
(Mt. 5, 24).
bUETW qJ1]oiv 6 ~~lO<; ETrt lqJ'I}
"at allaxov
49 (Re L 34; Ro 78 ). eOTtV
TtapOpllo.,..uiJ ulJwv. Horn. Clem. 19 I: "at lJ.J)..o{}"
(se. 0 dt~aa"aAo~)' 0 ~A TO xa"ov OnE(}p,a o:nel(]a, 0 ~tapoAo; (Mt. I .." ..19) "at naAtv' bOTE npoq>aalV 5
50 (Re L 36a ; Ro 79). Pseudocyprian de aleator. 3: 1nonet domintts et dicit: nolite contristare spiritum sanctum qui in uobis est, et nolite exstinguere lumen quod in uobis effulsit. 51 (Re L 49; Ro 8 I). Didasc. 2 s: ort leyEt. "Ve"D;·
ciYcX1TT) Ka~UTTTel TTAf)eo~ alJapTU1JV.
52 (Re L 9; Ro 74)· Const. Ap. 4 s: l:nei "at 0 "Ve"D' paXaelOV e'lnev elvat TOV ~t~OVTa linee TOV lap,fJavona (Acts 20, ..15). "at rue efe1JTUt nul"v vn' aUTov· ouat Toi<;
lXoualV Kat EV unoKpiaEl Aall~avoualV fl buVall€V01~ ~O'l eeiv €auToi<; Kat AalJpaVEIV nap' ETEPWV pouAolJ€vou;· €KaTepo~ yap a1tObWael Aoyov KupiqJ TtV eeq, EV ~flEP~ Kpiaew<;.
(Re L 28 58; Ro 14 33). a) Const. Ap. 2 60: 7UiJ, ~A OVXt "at V V')1 leei TCp TOtOVTCP 0 "VetO;· EblKQlW911 Ta lev'l UTtEp UIlCi<;; b} Orig. in ]er. horn. 8 7: eblKQ1W9rl,
qJ1JOt, I:obOlJa EK <10U.
54 (Ro 72).
Epiph. Haer. 495S: naoat
at {}eiat
13 if. teaching of the 12 apostles I 5: fJaKdplOC; 6 blbouC; KaTa Ti)V d9q,oc; yap ~(JT1V. oOal,.'V Aaf..LpaVovTl· El J.lEv yap XPE(av Ixwv AafJPaVEI T1C;, d9'lJoc; lO'Tal' 6 bE fJlJ xpe{av lxwv bwO'el biKflV, \va Tt lAape Kal eic; Tt. Herm. Mand. 2 6 f.: ol ouv AaJ.lpaVOvTec; dtro· bmO'ouO'lv A6yov Ttll getll, blC~ Tt l~apov Ka1 elc; Tt ot f..LEv yap AafJpaVOYTEC; 9At~6fJEVOl oiJ btKQa9liO'oVTQ1, ol bE tv 61l'OKp{aEI AQf..L~d VOVTEc; T{aoualv b{K'1v. 6 o~v blbouc; d9q,oc; ~aT1V. 15 fT• if. Did. 4 3 but here the sentenee in the middle is missing~' alld Clem. Alex. frgm. ex cat. Nic. in Mt. 5, 42 15 oual] bE Cle,,,. 17 f• ~KaTEpoc; Kp{aewc;] 6 yap lxwv Kat bl' 61tOKP10'IV ft dpy{av Aaf..L~dvwv KQTQKP19~(JETal Clem. 22t that Or'igen quotes from Ezejiel is proved by a parallel overloolled by Resch and Ropes.. Orig. in Mt. comm. (tatJ 76: dicit Ezechiel ad Jerusalem: iustificata est magis Sodoma ex te ~vToAliv·
, <' > '
, ,
reaq;at 1:1j)' amov lleO~ TOV XUTEea i'''fJOtOT1jTa 01JltUl'POt'OtV. €T€vVll<1ac; fJE, qJ'I)O(, 1taTEp, "al· ti'W TOV 'JtaTf!O~ l~ij;"{}ov xal Ijx(.O (:John 8, ';2).
55 (Re A 24; Ro 97). Ephraem Syr. Ev. conc. exp. (ed. Mosinger) quod autem turbatus est (:John consonat CU11l eo quod dixit: qUfll1tdiu uobiscum ero 61 uobtscum loquar (Mc. 9, I9 par.), et alio loco: taedet me de generatione ista. probauerunt me (ail) decies, hi autem uicies et decies decies.
5 S. 203
II, ..1.3),
56 (Re L 35; Ro 18). teach. of the HUt
12 ape I 6: (illa el'grrrat· ibpw
eie; TaC; XEipac;
57 (Re L 61; Ro 36). a) Clem. Alex. Strom. IV 26 171: 16
lap:'pa:rw yde oov Ta [era (ilft. 5, I6) "al thou av9pw1toc;, Kat Ta lPTa aUTOU 1tpO npo
58 to
(Re L I; Ro I). teach. of the 12 ape I 2: naVTa be cl
59 (Re A 25; Ro 55).
Ireo. I
20 2
Epiph. Haer.
34 19: ilid "al l" Tep elefJxevat TTo~).aKtc; €1te9uJ,lTJ
~ta TOV
£.,,0, -r0J!
60 (Re L 13; Ro 7). Horn. Clem.
12 29:
['Va {}eov,
"al 0
Tij~ dlrJ'{}£la, xeoq;~'l'I)' lqJ'Yj • Ta aTa8a bei, J.l~KaplOC; b~ (cprjol) bl' ou lpXETal· o}lol(JJ~ "al·
MexQl"aTO, OTt
Ta KaKQ dVQYK'l eA8Eiv, oiJa\ bE bl' ou lpXETal'. 7 (,J.lt.Uv dv~EoJ.lal is Jure quot~d i"accurate'7, or ~'as bJ1iv bla1.iEOJlCll r'~aJ? .off. if. Ilermas ,nand. 2 4 13 ff. CtHlst. Ap. 214 u. (l. 22 read lTtEau~Ul0av (H7estcott) althaugh the latl" n,xt has dixerit .24 cpaOlv, Elval tucordi"K to the Itlt. dicuut esse; cpaG. ~y ,,"s.
61 (Re L 64; Ro 39). Ephraem Syr. Ev. cone. expo s. 165 (ed. Mosinger): ..... Chl'£stus .•... consolatt/s ~st dicens: ubi unus est, ibi et ego sum ne qU£sqUQl1t ~x solitariis contristaretur, qu£a tpse est gaudium nostrum . et ipse nobi'scum est. et ubi duo sunt, ibi et ego ero - quia misericordia et gratia eius nobis obumbrat. et quando /res sumus, quasi in ecclesiam coimus. 62 (Re L 59; Ro 34). Barn. 6 IS: Myft dE XVetO~· tbou Ta l<1XaTa w~ Ta 1Tpw-ra.
(Re L 47; Ro 25). yovv qJ1'jOlV· bla
Orig. in Matth. tom. 13
TOU~ a0"9€VOUVTa~ ~0"9EVOUV Kat
64 (Re A 41; Ra 60). cf. Gosp. ace. to the Hebre\vs Apocrypha 11 p. 7. 65 (Re L 14; Ro 8). Const. A p~ 5 7: lafJoVTe~ lvr:011rv na(}' alrr:ov H.fJev~at TO evayyEltov el~ 8lov TOV H.OOp,OV xat frgm.
fla9'lT€U<1al 1TaVTQ Ta lev'l Kat ~a1TTi<1al ei~ TOV aUTOU eavaTOV hd av{}enlq, TOU -Deoi) TWV OA-lOV (o~ lO'J:t'V aVTOV naT~Q) ~a;' p,a(!Tv(!lq, n'VEvp,aTO~ (o~ emt naeaxl1]To~).
66 (Re L 44; Ro
Horn. Clem.
2 17: OV'J:lO~ ~~, W~
o alfJ{)f}~ ~ piv :n.eOqJ~TfJ~ fi(!fJH.ev,
1TpWTOV qleubE~ bEt tAgetv EuaTTEAIOV urro 1TAavou TIV6~, Kat eT9' OUTWC; JlETa Ka9aipealV TOO ayiou Tonou EuaYYEAloV aA119e.c; Kpuq>a bla1Tellq>eilval ei~ Errav6p9wO"lV TWV eO"OJlEVWV a\peO'EWV· Kat 1.1ETa IS TaOTa 1TPOC; TqJ TE~El 1TaAtV npWTOV aVT1XPIO'TOV eAgeiv bEt, Kai TOTE TOV OVTWC; XpUJTOV n1.1WV 'Il1O"ouv avaq>avi;val, Kat 1.1ETa TOUTO aiwviou CPWTOC; avaTei~aVToc; navTtt Ta TOU (JK6TOU~ aq>avil TEVE<1eal. 67 (ReA 21 a ; Ro 52). cf. Ebionites frgm. 2 Apocrypha 11 so
P·9· f, read perhaps ,. Kal 'l'1aoOC; yoOv cp'l(nv lna TOUC; da9Ez5, 36), Kal bui TOUC; 1rE1VWvTac;· »l1tE{VWVt: (AIt. 25, 35), Kal ~ui TOUC; bUllwVTac;' »{b{\IIwvc (Mt. 25, 35). 22 6 om. aI, 22 ff. if. Barn. 15 5 etc. 28 TOOTOV al. J0
voOvTa~· »f)a9ivouv« (Mt.
68 (Re L 53; Ro 29). a) teach. of the 12 ape I b: navr;, rep alT:ovvfl oe ~l~ov "al J-l~ analrEt· n
12 fr. read perhaps: Ta bt T~Kva Tfie; (Jo
·K~l1PovolJiav IJETa~l1V bibwlJl uJ.llV ~v OUK eXEl
74 (Re L
Ro 6). Barn. 7 11: OUTW (fIJ'YjOtv) 0\ 8elhv aa8a i flou Tile; paal~Eiac; o
AOVT€~ flE lbE1V Kat
9AlpeVTEe; Kat 1Ta86vTEe; ~apElv flE.
75 (Re L 16; Ro 9). Clem. Alex. Protr.
10 94: 8DE'V ~ nEntOTEv"OOtV· 01 <5A a:YlOt xV(llov "A'YJ(}OVOP,~oOVOt T~V ~oEa'V TOV Deov "at T~V <5vvap,tv ain:ov. nolav, (iJ p,a"uete, <5oEa",. eine /-lOt· flv oq>ea~J.loc;
ei,,6Tw, wayyEltCccat
OUK EibEV oube oue; tlKOUaEV oub€ E.1Tt Kapbiav av8pW1TOU av€Pl1· Kat xap~aoVTal E.1Tt TlJ pa<11~Eiq. TOU Kupiou aUTWV fle; TOUC; alwvac;. aJ.ltlv.
76 (Re L 32; Ro 17). Clem. Alex. Eel. proph. 20: aye, oll" ei, Elev{}eelav T~V TOV naTeO~ ovy"l1J(}ovop,OV~ "at flJllov~. a~eA.flJol p,ov (yue flJ1JOtV 0 "VetO') "atl6 ov y"l1J(}OVOp,Ot ol nOtOvvrE~ TO {}eA.'YJp,a TOV naTeO' p,ov (e/. Me. 3, 35 par.). p,~ "aA.io'YjTe ollv lavTo'i~ naTeea EJlt T'ij~ ~eonOTat yue Ent Tij~ '}'n~, EV ~A oveavoi~ {) 1taT~e (if. Mt. 23, 9), E.t OU 1T
6 fr. ef. Const. Ap. 7 32; Ascens. Isaz"ae ed. Dz"llmalln p. 8~ c. 11. 34 7 ff. perhaps read thus: ol bE: liY10l KUp{OU KAl1POVOfJnaOUOl
TY)V boEQV TOO geoO Kal Tliv buva~lV aUTOO (1To{av, W fJaKapl€, boEav; ehte }!Ol. flv ocp9ah1JOc; OUK elb€v oobe oue; flKouoev oobe t1tl Kapb{av dv8pWTrOU dve~ll I Cor. 2, 9) Kal Xapr,oovTal lTrl T~ paOlhe{q TOO KUp{OU aOTWV ele; TOUC; a lwvac;. d~tiv. (cf. Dan. 7, 18. 2S Mt. 6, 13) 19 f. of course this is an addition by Clement
79 (Re A 46; Ro 63). Horn. Clem. 13 14: Kal lap el' 1TaVTa Ka~a. blaTtpatalTO TI~, JlUJ.. T~ 1TPO~ TO J,10lXnaaa9al . a~apTl~ Ko~a<19flval bElv 0 neOf/J~Tf}~ If/J'YJ. 80
(Re L 18; Ro 10).
6 Ko~Aaa9E
d#qJov d{}q)o~ [011, "at per' l"le"TOV lxlexTog lo'Yj, "at oTeeplov t5taOTeEtpet~ (Ps. I7,26f.). 81 Re L 23; Ro 12). Macar. Aegypt. horn. 37 init.: p~ d"ovrov TOV lvt50v etltooop,ivov lJfI'E(J)~ ovp,fJovle6ovr:o~ , , ..,?' - _<1._.' t!, '] , \ Ta neo~ ,/uO"'fJ"', ut 17~ yewaTUt
E:J'n~E~Eia9€ TrlO"Tewc; Kat e.~Trihoc;, q>1~Qgeoc; Kat q>1~clV9pw1toC; 10
r8re a :nTat
I Clem. 4 6 2 f.:
TOlc; ar10lCi;, OT). 0\ KO~~WJlEVOl aUToic; allaa9i)"at naltv b BTiecp Toncp liret· p,ad d"t5eo,"
hi' wv TEvvaTal alWVlOV Z:wn v
n. nlV
82 (Re L 37; Ro 19)· Eph, 5 14: t5tO liret· lT€lpe b Kageubwv, Kat QVaO"Ta E.K TWV veKpwv, Kat £1tlq>auO'et 0'01 XP10'TOc;.
(Re L 38; Ro 20). Clem. Alex. Strom. I 8 41: 0\ Ta KQTapTIQ KaTQaTrWVTec; Kat JlTJgev u<palvovTec;, qJfJOI,V ~ reaqJ~, p,aTatonovlav AC1Jl(J)"oTe~, 1}v "vfJelav o.v{}ewnwv 0 o.n6oTolo~ l,,&leoEv "at navoverlav n(}o~ T~V pe{}ot5elav Tij~ 1ClavfJ~ (Eph. 4, 14) EntT~dEto",. 84 (Re L 65; Ro 40). a) Clem. Alex. Strom. I 19 94: eTh€c;, rae qJf}Ot, TOV ahe~q>Qv aou, eThec; TOV geQv O"OU. b) T ertull. de orat. 26: uidisti, inquit, fratrem, uidisti dominum tuum. 85 (Re A 9; Ro 49). Athenag. Leg. 32: naA.tv ~p,iv leyoV1o~ TOV loyov· e.c1V TIC; bla TOUTO EK beUTEpou KaTaq>1~tlat;1, OTt TlpeO"ev aUTtV· "at, !,ntf/Jieovro, · OUTWc; OUV aKpl~waa(J9al TO q>l~l1J..la (p,allov dA TO :TCeOO"VYYjpa) bEl,
3 bel or bt) others 16 fr. if. Epip},. BtUr. 42 p. 473. 22 dv· 9pw1twv Sylhurg dv9pw1t{VllV Dindorf ao-n;v L 30 Sf/,.,/Jart• .inks there was a gap after ~ll'lCPEPOVTO~
ch~ Er nov fUXflOV ~tavo{q. :naea {}olOO{}El'Yj , l~ro ~pii~ 'lij~ ai(f))1lov Tt{}ivr.O~ Crofjq. 86 (Re A .19; Ro 51). cf. Gosp. acc. to the Egyptians test. I Apocrypha 11 p. 12. 87 (Re A 23; Ro 54). cf. Gosp. of Eve frgm. Apo.. 6 crypha I1 p. 15. 88 (Re A 55; Ro 66). Orig. in Job. tom. 20 12: El' Tep de fPllo", j(,aea~l~ao(Jat TO EV Tai~ IIavlov Ilea~E(Jtv d",arereappJ:vov w~ V7l0 'lOV OWT'ijeO~ Eie'YJPEVOV· a~waev fJEAAw aTQupoOa9al, o{rroq • • • • :naea~iXE'lat ~'l'l. 10
OUTOl 0\ AOTOl 01 [* *** ** * * * =11 ouc; eAa-] ATlO"EV 'Ilf~ 6 ZWV K[* ** ** *** * * * * * * *] Kat 8WJ.l4 Kat eiTrEV [* *** *• ** * oaTl~] av TWV AOTWV ,OUT[WV QKOUO"1JJ 9avaTOtJ] OU YEUO'l1TQ1. [I\ElEl 'hi~· ] J.lTt TrauaQa9w 6 Zl1[TWV * * * * * ***, lwC; av] EUPtJ, Ka\ {STav EUPIJ IaaJl~'l9tiO"ETal, Kat 9all-]
13 f. . u tJ prologue to tn, following Jog-ia but compare W,1tzmowit. Gott. Gel• .Ans. 1904 p. 663 16 f. cf. /0". 8,51f. 19 fT. cl. Mc. 10, 24; Gospel tuc. ttJ the HllJrevJl /rgm. ~5 .A.pocr)'pka II p. 8. Acts tJf T"omas ed. Bonnet p. :J43 #.
13 oUTol 01 Sw al. tf. u. 24, 44 etc. ot ~OtOl 01 pap. ollJ 9aUJlQalOl G-H 4All9lvol Sw if. .A/DC. 19, 9 etc. TEAE • 1'aiol Wilomolllita 14 K[UPtOC;? G-H x(al dTCo9avwv G-8? A~1.l1 if. .Apoc. 1, 18 fu,ther on [
t).{TC1I'4'J or [Ma:r9{q] G-H [Tot~ "i' ~aerrrQic;] Bartkt if. Joh 20, 26 ['oubq 1'q,] Lake if. /0". 14, 2Z syr CU IS [0(,1'o1C; 'ltd~) G·D a6TqJ 6 KuptOC; Sw 19 Z11[TWV
TTtv twiJv etc.] G-H Z11[TWV TOV 'ltQTEpa etc.] Sw ~E{a9w
ele.] Sw
P119E\C; pa<11~EU<1El Ka[\ ~a<11~eU<1ac; avaTta-] t1O"ETal. 3 a) according to Grenfell-Hunt and S\vete: AElet )I[ll-~ * * * * * * * Tivec;] 0\ E~KOVTEC; nl-U1e; [eie; TT)V paO'l~Eiav, el] paO'l~eia EV oupa[vq, fO'T1V; * * * * * * * * *] .Ta TrETE1Va TOU Oup[avou Ka\ TWV 911piwv 0-] Tt UTrO TT)V lilv €<1T[IV 11 eTtt Tile; Tile; Kat] . 0\ IX9ueC; Tile; 9a~a[ <10'l')e;, OUTOl 0\ E~KOV-] Tee; Uflele;, Kat n paO'[ l~Eia TWV oupavwv] EVTOe; UflWV [E.]O'Tl [Kat OO'Tle; av ~aUTOv] lVq" TaUT11V EUpn[<1E\ * * * * * * * * * * *] ~aUTOU~ yvw<1E0'ge [Kat Elbf}<1ETE OTt U\Ot]
EO'TE. TOU naTpoe; TOU l' [* * * * * * * * ** * * * *] Tvwa(Ea)9E ~aUTOUe; €V [* * * * * * * * * * * * *:f] Kat ufJEle; €<1TE 111tTO [* ** *] b) according to Deissmann: ~Elel )I~' 1tWe; ~elOU<11V 1 0\ €~KOVTEe; nfJele; [ele; Ta KplTl1Pla, OT1] n pa<11~Eia EV oupa[V41 E<1T1V; fJl1T1 bUVQTQ1] Ta TteTelVa TOU Oup[avou £TtlllVW<1KE1V,] Tl UTtO TT)V lilv €<1T[lV; Kat Tl €V T41 oupav41] 0\ lx9uee; Tile; 9a~a[ <1<111~; OUTWe; 0\ E~KOV-] TEe; ufJae;. Kat ft pa<1[l~eia OflWe; fJ€VT01] €VTOe; UJ.lWV [€]<1Tl[V. Kat 8~ €aV Ta €VTO~ UflWV] TV4J, TaUtllV eupn[<1E1 * * * * ** * ** * *] tauTOlU; TVWO'E0'9E [€VUJTT10V TOU 9EOO, Kat u\oi] £<1TE ufJE1C; TOU naTpoc; TOO T[EAElOU lv oupav4J.]
Le. 17, 31
cf. Mt. 5, 48,·
Le. 20, 36?
I paatAEua'l pap. 4 ·'['1aoO~ 'rlvE<; elalv] Sw 5 6fJciC; Sw [wpbC; Tilv PQOtAE{av;] Sw 6 oiJpa[vtP' ot bE twl yfje; Km] Sw 7 o'6p[avoO Kal wav kT{a~a $'-] Sw 8 ~aT[ tV Kat {v 11lJ dbTJ Kal]
12 e6pt't[aEt. laY Tap dA'1ew~] Sw 13 TVwaea9cll pap. eUTaT~pEC;] Sw 14 1r[avTOKpaTOpoc; Kat] Sw ~v[TbC; Tf\~ 1tOAEWC; 6vTac;'] Sw 16 tst 'lM'o[AtC;] Sw
(utol Kat
YVWO'(EO')eE EaUTOUC; ~V[ UnTIOV TWV av9pWTTWV,] Kat ufJeic; £O'TE, fj TTTO[E10'9E]. a) according to Grenfell-Hunt and Swete: [l\EYEl )In~·] OUK aTTOKVtlO'EI QVe[pWTTOC; * * ** * * * * *] pWV E.TTEpWTflO'al 1Ta[* ** * * * * * * * * * *] pWV TTEpt TOU Tonou Ti1[C; * * * * * * * * * * * *]
O'ET€ TTO~~Ot lO'OVTal TT[pWTOl lO'XaTOI Kat] 0\ lO'XaT01 TTpWTOl Kat [* * * * * * * * * * * *] O'IV. b) according to Deissmann:
[~ElEl )ITlC;·] OUK a1ToKvf)O'E1 civ9[pwnoc; K~119E\<; O'wcp-] pwv E1TEpwTllO'al 1Ta[VTWC; lva TWV K~'1T6-] pWV TrEp\ TOO T6nou Til[C; boxilc; TTOU avaK~len-] O'ETal. lSTl TToA~Ot lO'OVTat n[pWTOl lO'XaTOl Kat] 0\ lO'XaTOl TTpWTOl Kat [boEav EUPtlO'OU-] O'IV. AElEl '1'1 C;' [TTQV TO fl~ lflTTpoa-] gev Tile; l)\IIEWC; <1ou Kat [TO KEKPUflflEVOV] ana <100 aTrOKa~ucp(9)i)<1ET[ai <101. 00 yap ~a-] T1V KpU1TTOV 8 ou cpavE[pov TEvf)<1ETa1] Kat TE9aIJfJEVOV 8 o[UK ETEpef)O'ETQ1]. rE£]ETaZOU<11V aUTOV 0[\ 'fla9'1Ta\ QUTOO Kat] [~E]TOU<11V· TTWC; VTJ<1TEU[O'0IJEV Kat 1TWC; * * *]
8 f.
21, 12
if. Mc.
if. Mt.
13 ff. cf. Mt. 6, 1-18
26 Le. 8, 17
5 aV8[pw1toC; WEpl TlUV Kat-] Sw 6 E1tEpwTtlaE pap. 1ra[p7 Ti\[ ~ ~a(JlAELa~ Elbfl-] G-H Ti\[ ~ b6E'l~. 9 [ZwiJv alwvlov ~ou-] G-H [bALlot Eop#taou-] Sw 23 9E9aIJIJEVOV pap. 25 to p. 20, 9 v~aTEu[awIJEv leal 1rW~ 1rpoa][EuEw]IJE9a Kt!l 1rtiJ~ [nE'lIJOaUV'lv 1rOt#taWfJEV; K]al P'lalaZ6IJEvO~, A'l-] Sw OJlEi~ b~ alW1t#t-] Sw
fl 1t'UpOT'lp'l[aWfJE9a TtiJv T01][OUTW]V; AEyEl ~1'laoO~' [PAElI'ETE fJiJ 16v Jua][9Ov dll'oA]E1TE. lI'O\EtT[E fJ'lb~v El fJftUTa Tli\c; dA'l9ELac;' a" [yap TrOlflTE TaOTO, yvw][aEa9E J,luaTftplo]V d1rOKEKp[UfJIJEVOV. AE][YW '6J.liv· J.la]lCdpt[6~ {aTlv] 8~ liv ••• Sw