Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editor: M. Thoma
Amit Patra and Ganti Prasada Rao
General Hybr...
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Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editor: M. Thoma
Amit Patra and Ganti Prasada Rao
General Hybrid Orthogonal Functions and their Applications in Systems and Control
~ Springer
Series Advisory Board A. B e n s o u s s a n • M.J. G r i m b l e • P. K o k o t o v i c • H. K w a k e r n a a k J.L. M a s s e y • Y.Z. T s y p k i n
Authors Ganti Prasada Rao, Professor, Dr Amit Patra, Dr Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology K h a r a g p u r 721302, I n d i a
ISBN :3-540-76039-3 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Patra, Amit General hybrid orthogonal functions and their applications in systems and control. - (Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; 213) 1.Functions, Orthogonal 2.Ortbogonal polynomials 3.Mathematical analysis l.Title IL Rao, Ganti Prasada 515.5'5 ISBN 3540760393 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms oflicences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 1996 Printed in Great Britain The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. Typesetting: Camera ready by author Printed and bound at the Athenaeum Press Lid, Gateshead 69/3830-543210 Printed on acid-tree paper
To our families,
with love and affection
B iodata
A m i t P a t r a was b o r n in K h ~ r a g p u r , I n d i a on O c t o b e r 1, 1962 and received the B.Tech., M.Tech. a n d Ph.D. degrees in Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g from I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology, K h a r a g p u r , in 1984, 1985 a n d 1990 respectively.
In 1987 he j o i n e d the D e p a r t m e n t of Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g , I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology, K h a r a g p u r as a Lecturer a n d b e c a m e an A s s i s t a n t Professor in 1990. From October, 1992 to December, 1993, he visited the L e h r s t u h l ffir Elektrische S t e u e r u n g u n d Regelung, R u h r Universit/£t Bochum, G e r m a n y , as a Research Fellow of the A l e x a n d e r yon H u m b o l d t F o u n d a t i o n . He has published more t h a n 40 research papers in various I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l s a n d N a t i o n a l and I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conferences. His fields of interest are system identification, i n d u s t r i a l a u t o m a t i o n a n d c o n t r o l a n d discrete-event systems. He received t h e I.I.T. K h a r a g p u r Silver Medal and I.I.T. K h a r a g p u r Technology A l u m n i Association Gold Medal for academic excellence in his underg r a d u a t e a n d p o s t - g r a d u a t e s t u d i e s respectively. He has received the Young Teachers' Career Award from the All I n d i a C o u n c i l of Technical E d u c a t i o n . Dr. P a t r a is a m e m b e r of I E E E ( U S A ) , I E ( I n d i a ) a n d a life-member of Systems Society of India. He has also been selected as an Associate of the I n d i a n A c a d e m y of Sciences for the period 1992-1997.
G a n t i P r a s a d a R a o was b o r n itl S e e t h a n a g a r a m , A n d h r a Pradesh, India, on A u g u s t 25, 1942. He s t u d i e d at the College of Engineering, K a k i n a d a , a n d received the B.E. degree in Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g from A n d h r a University Waltair, India, in 1963, with first class a n d high honours. He received the M.Tech. ( C o n t r o l S y s t e m s E n g i n e e r i n g ) a n d Ph.D. degrees in Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g in 1965 a n d 1969 respectively, b o t h from the I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology, K h a r a g p u r , India.
From J u l y 1969 to O c t o b e r 1971 he was with the D e p a r t m e n t of Electrical Engineering, P S G College of Technology, C o i m b a t o r e , India, as an Assistant Professor. In O c t o b e r 1971 he j o i n e d the D e p a r t m e n t of Electrical Engineering, I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology (IIT) K h a r a g p u r , as an A s s i s t a n t Professor and became a Professor in May 1978. From May 1978 to A u g u s t 1980, he
was the C h a i r m a n of the C u r r i c u l u m D e v e l o p m e n t Cell (Electrical Engineering) established by the G o v e r n m e n t of I n d i a at I I T K h a r a g p u r . From O c t o b e r 1975 to July 1976, he was with the C o n t r o l Systems Centre, University of Manchester I n s t i t u t e of Science a n d Technology ( U M I S T ) , Manchester, England, as a C o m m o n w e a l t h P o s t d o c t o r a l Research Fellow. From O c t o b e r 1982 to November 1983, a n d again d u r i n g M a y - J u n e 1985, a n d M a y - J u l y 1991, he was with the Lehrstuhl fiir Elektrische S t e u e r u n g u n d Regelung, R u h r - U n i v e r s i t £ t Bochum, G e r m a n y , as a Research Fellow of the A l e x a n d e r von H u m b o l d t Foundation. Since J u n e 1992 he is with the E n g i n e e r i n g Systems Division, Power a n d Desalination P l a n t s , W a t e r a n d Electricity D e p a r t m e n t , G o v e r n m e n t of A b u Dhabi, United A r a b E m i r a t e s as a Scientific Advisor. He has research interests and p u b l i c a t i o n s in the areas of m a t h e m a t i c a l i n s t r u m e n t s , time varying systems, p a r a m e t r i c p h e n o m e n a , s y s t e m identification, fuzzy logic control, piecewise c o n s t a n t a n d generalised hybrid o r t h o g o n a l functions, large scale systems, c o n t i n u o u s time approaches to system identification a n d a d a p t i v e control. He has a u t h o r e d three books: Pieeewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Applications to S y s t e m s and Control, Identification o f Continuous Dynamical S y s t e m s - The Poisson M o m e n t Functional Approach (with D.C.Saha) both published by Springer Verlag in 1983, and Identification of Continuous S y s t e m s (with H . U n b e h a u e n ) , p u b l i s h e d by North Holland, in 1987. He is co-editor (with N. K. Sinha) of Identification o f C o n t i n u o u s - T i m e S y s t e m s Methodology and C o m p u t e r I m p l e m e n t a t i o n , Kluwer, 1991. He received several academic awards including the I I T K h a r a g p u r Silver Jubilee Research Award of 1985. Professor Rao is a Member, Editorial Board, I A S T E D I n t e r n a t i o n a l Journal of Modelling and Simulation, S y s t e m s Science, J o u r n a l of the Polish A c a d e m y of Sciences and I E T E ( I n d i a ) S t u d e n t s ' Journal. He is also Member, H o n o r a r y E d u c a t i o n and Research Advisory Boards, A m e r i c a n Biographical I n s t i t u t e (ABI). He was C h a i r m a n , Technical C o m m i t t e e , 13th N a t i o n a l Systems Conference, 13-15 December, 1989 held at I.I.T. K h a r a g p u r . He is associated with several N a t i o n a l a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conferences as a m e m b e r of their Steering a n d P r o g r a m C o m m i t t e e s . He was guest editor (with H. U n b e h a u e n ) of the special issue on Identification and Adaptive Control - C o n t i n u o u s - t i m e Approaches of Control T h e o r y and A d v a n c e d Technology, March 1993. At several IFAC Symposia he organized (with Prof. H. U n b e h a u e n ) m a n y invited sessions on c o n t i n u o u s - t i m e approaches to system identification. He was also guest-editor, Special issues of I E T E (India) S t u d e n t s ' J o u r n a l , P a r t I, O c t o b e r 1992 and Part II, J a n u a r y - M a r c h 1993. Professor Rao is a Life Fellow of IE (India), a Fellow of the I E T E (India), Senior M e m b e r of the I E E E (USA) a n d a Fellow of the I n d i a n N a t i o n a l A c a d e m y of Engineering.
List of Symbols
List of Abbreviations
Introduct ion
State of t h e art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Definition o f t h e s y s t e m o f general h y b r i d orthogonal functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P r o p e r t i e s of G H O F
Orthogonality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Function exp~msion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spectral Analysis of Dynamical
Survey o f l i t e r a t u r e in the field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G H O F o p e r a t i o n a l m a t r i x for integration
Solution of state e q u a t i o n
Extension o f solution b e y o n d t h e initial interval . . . . . .
16 18
Multiple Segment Multiple T e r m ( M S M T ) l~brmula 18
Single Segment Multiple T e r m (SSMT) Formula
Multiple Segment Single T e r m (MSST) Formula
2.4.4 2.5
S i m u l a t i o n o f S C R - c o n t r o l l e d D C drives
P r e d i c t i o n o f limit cycle o f v a n d e r P o l ' s oscillator
Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Identification of Continuous-time Systems
S u r v e y o f l i t e r a t u r e in t h e field
F o r m u l a t i o n o f t h e p r o b l e m in t e r m s o f G H O F s p e c t r a . .
Recursive c o m p u t a t i o n o f m u l t i p l e integrals o f a signal . .
R e c u r s i v e least s q u a r e s (LS) p a r a m e t e r e s t i m a t i o n algorithm employing GHOF ...................
P a r a m e t e r e s t i m a t i o n in a c o n v e r t e r d r i v e n D C m o t o r system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
P a r a m e t e r e s t i m a t i o n u s i n g g e n e r a l i z e d least s q u a r e s ( G L S ) scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S i m u l t a n e o u s s t a t e a n d p a r a m e t e r e s t i m a t i o n o f S I S O systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
G e n e r a l f r a m e w o r k o f n u m e r i c a l analysis o f d y n a m i c a l systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Single S e g m e n t Single T e r m ( S S S T ) F o r m u l a
Continuous-time Model-based Self-tuning Control
S u r v e y o f l i t e r a t u r e in t h e field
T h e S T C p r o b l e m in a C T s e t t i n g
Implementation of CT model-based STC ..........
Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Possible Applications
Bibliography Index
............... .............
85 88 117
P reface
The use of complete systems of orthogonal functions as bases of expansion for square integrable real-valued functions is a standard method in mathematical analysis and computational techniques. Several sets of orthogonal basis functions are available in mathematics and their applications are too numerous to be cited here. The existing sets of orthogonal functions can be broadly divided into two classes. One includes the classical sets of continuous functions and the other consists of piecewise constant systems having inherent discontinuities. Sets of orthogonal polynomials (e.g., Legendre, Laguerre, Chebyshev, Jacobi, Hermite etc.) along with the well-known set of sine-cosine functions extensively used in the classical literature, are continuous over their intervals of definition and consequently are well-suited to approximate continuous functions. Piecewise constant systems of Walsh, block pulse and Haar functions are relatively more recent. They give rise invariably to staircase approximations of functions, introducing discontinuities according to the nature of the chosen basis. The techniques of reducing the calculus of continuous dynamical systems to an attractive algebra, approximate in the sense of least squares and convenient for analysis and computation, have emerged in the early seventies, first mainly with reference to piecewise constant basis functions (PCBF), yielding solutions to several problems of systems and control. The developments were comprehensively covered in a book by G. P. Rao in 1983 [216]. In the subsequent years the use of continuous basis functions (CBF) in similar problems and situations has been amply demonstrated in several publications. In the meantime, investigations into the effectiveness of basis functions in expanding certain functions of the real world, such as those arising in the treatment of power electronic circuits and systems, revealed the inadequacy of the P C B F and CBF each taken alone in meet-
ing the needs of reality, i.e., to match the mixed features of continuity and j u m p s simultaneously. As a result of these investigations, the general hybrid orthogonal functions ( G H O F ) have been recently proposed by the authors. T h e y form a very general and flexible framework of orthogonal functions capable of modeling the mixed features of continuity and j u m p s in functions encountered in certain important practical situations. All the well-known sets of orthogonal functions in C B F and P C B F can be derived as special cases or as linear transformations of GHOF. This monograph introduces the G H O F and illustrates their use as a flexible framework of computational tools in a variety of relevant problems in systems and control and is thus expected to be a naturally desirable supplement to the book on P C B F [216]. An important feature of the book is its coverage of recursive algorithms and a completely continuoustime based self-tuning control scheme using block pulse functions which are seen to belong to the G H O F family. The authors axe grateful to many of their colleagues at home and abroad for their significant contributions which were instrumental in shaping the ideas presented in this work. In particular, they would like to express their gratitude to Professor H. Unbehauen, Lehrstuhl ffir Elektrische Steuerung und Regelung, Ruhr University, Bochum, for providing the facilities required at the final stage in the preparation of the monograph. T h e y thank the authorities of the Indian Institute of Technology-, Kharagpur for the facilities and the right atmosphere provided for research. The authors are indebted to their families for their patience, understanding and encouragement. January, 1995 Kharagpur
A. P a t r a G.P. Rao
('~ ")
of Symbols
A(k×t) A,5
Inner product of two functions / an interval Set consisting o f . . Matrix or vector comprising ai, Vi Kronecker product of two matrices For all j Union over all j Transpose of a m a t r i x A or vector a Matrix A of dimension k x l E s t i m a t e of A or a
Coefficient of di.y
A, A(s) Am, Am(s) A
System denominator polynomial in s Model denominator polynomial in s System m a t r i x in state space realizations Approximation of Z
Coefficient of d/u
System n u m e r a t o r polynomial in s I n p u t m a t r i x in state space realizations B o u n d a r y condition
{...) [a,] ®
vj Ui A T, aT
B B ci
c, C d~ D, D(s) D
Coefficient of # in C(s) Noise polynomial in s O u t p u t matrix in state space realizations Coefficient of s i in D(s) Disturbance polynomial in s Differential equation
List of Symbols
e(t), e(k) e
Ej Eb
Eg E~ E~ f, f(t) f
fj F, F(s) g, g(t) gi,j
g g~
a, a(~) g
h, h(t) ht,j,k h H, g ( s ) Hz,j i(t) I
Z z.
Equation error Error vector Operational matrix for integration for Legendre Poty Operational matrix for integration for C B F Operational matrix for integration for B P F Operational matrix for integration for G H O F Integral of squared error corresponding to f(t) Normalized integral of squared error corresponding to y(t) Function of t G H O F spectral coefficients of f ( t ) Vector comprising fi,j, V i, j Vector comprising fi,j, V i and a given j Feedback polynomial Fkmction of t, (sometimes) integral of f(t) G H O F spectral coefficients of g(t) Vector comprising gi,j, V i, j Vector comprising gi,j, V i and a given j Controller polynomial The set comprising Oi,j, Vi, j The set comprising Oi,j, Vi and a given j Integral of g(t) Elements of HI,j G H O F spectral vector corresponding to h(t) Controller (detuning) polynomial Elemental blocks of E a DC m o t o r armature current Identity matrix of appropriate size Integral equation The set {1,2, . . . ,n} where n is an integer The set {k, k + 1, . . . , n} where k and n are integers
Moment of inertia of a DC motor system Functional to be minimized
kn Ka, KT
The ratio of back e.m.f, to line voltage in a DC motor A r m a t u r e and torque constants of a DC motor
L i s t of Symbols
L L2p
A r m a t u r e inductance of a DC motor Space of p-weighted square integrable functions
N u m b e r of segments in G H O F Covariance matrix resetting interval Model transfer functions Measurement matrix
M, M(s) M n 7Zb
nd ni no
N(.) (t) P~ p, p(t), p(k) P, P(k) q qi,j q
Q, Q(s) r, r(t) b r R R
R1 8ijk 8ij
S, s(8) S S
Order of a system Order of the numerator of a transfer function Order of the polynomial D(s) N u m b e r of inputs of a system N u m b e r of o u t p u t s of a system Nonlinear operator Elements of C B F Vector of Pi,j, V i and a given j P a r a m e t e r vector Covariance matrix Forward shift operator Inner product of Oi,j with itself Kalman gain vector Polynomial in 8 Integral of i f ( t ) N u m b e r of C B F components over the j - t h segment G H O F spectral vector corresponding to r(t) Armature resistance of a DC motor Matrix element of Eg One-dimensional real Euclidean space G H O F spectral coefficients of B u ( t ) Vector comprising sqk , V k Feedforward polynomial Matrix comprising si,j, V i, j Matrix defined in (2.20) Vector constructed with the column of
List of Symbols
xvi t T
Real variable (normally corresponds to time) Interval of definition of GHOF Widths of GHOF segments Load torque
u, u(t) ~i(t) u(i)(t)
Input of a SISO system The i-th element of u(t)
Tile i-th integral of u(t) G H O F spectral vector for u(t) Input vector of a MIMO system Laplace transform of u(t)
u, v(~) v, v(t) vij k vij
VL(t) vt(t)
~4 v(~) V w, w(t)
S h o r t h a n d for d/u
dt i
Disturbance signal / Equation error in GLS scheme G H O F spectral coefficients of ~(t) Vector comprising viii, V k Line voltage applied to a DC motor Terminal voltage across a DC motor Laplace trmlsform of v(t) Matrix comprising the G H O F spectra of ~(t) Vector constructed with the columns of V
w, w(~)
Set-point signal Laplace transform of w(t)
The i-th element of x(t)
x (J) i (t)
T h e j - t h derivative of xi(t) G H O F spectral coefficients of x(t) Vector comprising Xijk, V k State vector G H O F spectra of x(0) Matrix comprising xi0 V i, j
Xijk Xij
x, x(t) Xo
y, y(t)
yi(t) ¢i)(t) Y(i) (t)
O u t p u t of a SISO system The i-th element of y ( t ) Shorthand for a~y
dt i
The i-th integral of y(t)
List of Symbols Y y(t)
Y, Y(s) Y z, z(t)
z, z(~)
Oi,j ~, 4t) ~(i)(t)
G H O F spectral vector for y(t) Vector of o u t p u t s in a M I M O system Laplace transform of y(t) Matrix comprising the G H O F spectra of y ( t ) Noise signal Laplace transform of z(t) Firing angle of a converter Extinction angle of a converter Initial condition terms in p a r a m e t e r estimation Coefficient in van der Pol's equation Term defined in (3.16) Approximation error term Vector of r/i, V i Phase angle of an R-L circuit Element of the set G Unit step function The i-th integral of t(t) G H O F spectral vector for t(t) Vector defined in (2.27)
Small constant Vector defined in (2.25) Vector defined in (2.26) Vector of unknowns W e i g h t i n g / F o r g e t t i n g factor Weighting function Total number of elements in G Large positive constant Measurement vectors D C motor speed
v Vk
p, p(k)
p(t) P ~r
el,j, ¢ ( t ) , ¢
~, ~(t) r, rj A O ~j f~
Boundaries of domains f~, f~j Matrix defined in (2.11) Vector comprising Oi,j , V i , j Measurement matrix Domain of definition of G H O F The j - t h segment (element) of f~ Vectors of weighting functions
A bbreviations
Alternating Current Block Pulse Functions Continuous Basis Functions Chebyshev Polynomials Continuous-time Direct Current Discrete-time Electromotive Force Finite Element Free Wheeling Diode Generalized Block Pulse Functions General Hybrid Orthogonal Functions Generalized Least Squares Generalized Orthogonal Polynomials Hermite Polynomials Hmur Functions Jacobi Polynomials Laguerre Polynomials Legendre Polynomials Left Hand Side (of an equation) Linear Quadratic Gaussian Least Squares Linear Time-invuriant Modulating Functions Multiple Input Multiple Output Model Reference Adaptive Control
List of Abbreviations
Multiple Segment Multiple Term Multiple Segment Single Term Multivaxiable (System) Numerical Integration Nonlinear (System) Orthogonal Functions Orthogonal Polynomials Piecewise Constant Basis Functions Proportional-IntegraL Derivative Poisson Moment Functionals Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Right Hand Side (of an equation) Root Mean Square Scaled (System) Sine Cosine Functions Silicon Controlled Rectifier Singular (System) Single Input Single Output Signal to Noise Ratio Stiff (System) Single Segment Multiple Term Single Segment Single Term Time Delay Taylor Series Time-Varying (System) Walsh Functions
of the
In the field of dynamic systems and control, orthogonal functions (OF)based techniques of analysis, identification and control have received considerable attention in the recent years. This is evident from the vast amount of literature published over the last two decades. The use of sine and cosine functions (SCF) in Fourier (harmonic) analysis of applied mathematics is well-known for a long time but their application to typical problems of systems and control followed only after the success of various other systems of orthogonal functions in solving such problems. The various systems of orthogonal functions may be classified into two categories. The first is the so-called piecewise constant basis functions (PCBF) to which the orthogonal systems of Walsh functions (WF), block pulse functions (BPF) and Haar functions (HF) belong. These functions are constant over different segments within their intervals of definition and the functions and solutions represented using this class as basis are always staircase-approximated. Despite this, these were extensively applied to many areas of systems and control [216,233] in the last decade and seem to have inspired the use of various systems of orthogonal polynomials in the recent past [197]. Orthogonal polynomials and the sine-cosine functions may be combined into a broader class, viz., that of continuous basis functions (CBF). The various systems of orthogonal polynomials such as Legendre, Laguerre, Chebyshev (of kind I and II), Jacobi, Hermite etc. along with sine-cosine functions belong to this class. These functions also have been applied with consid-
Chapter 1
erable success in the present decade. The problems considered so far for OF-based solutions include response analysis, optima] control, parameter estimation, model reduction, controller design, state estimation etc. They have been applied to linear time-invariant and time-varying systems, nonlinear and distributed parameter systems which include scaled systems, stiff systems, delay systems, singular systems and multivariable systems. Because of the inherent discontinuous property of the systems of PCBF, they are efficient in representing discontinuous functions [177]. On the other hand, when the signals to be represented are actually continuous in nature, this basis will always give a stair-case fit, and to retMn sufi~cient accuracy, a large number of terms will have to be retained in their expansions. In such situations, obviously the CBF will be a better basis. Therefore, in a given situation, one has to choose a set of basis functions depending on their suitability. However, there are situations when none of these bases taken alone is adequate for efficient approximation of signals. For example, the types of signals encountered in the field of power electronics have mixed features of continuity and jumps. These signals (such as outputs of fully controlled bridge converters) axe continuous over certain segments of time, with jumps occurring at the transitions of the segments. To meet these situations, one needs a suitable hybrid system of basiS functions inherently possessing the required features of continuity mixed with jumps. The aim of this chapter is to present such a basis which is general enough to encompass both the classes of orthogonal functions and is hybrid in the sense that both the continuity and discontinuity properties can be modelled simultaneously. One more limitation of most of the existing orthogonal-functionsbased techniques is that the computational schemes for analysis, parameter estimation etc. are not suitable for real-time implementations. The spectra of the signals have to be computed corresponding to the entire interval of definition of the basis functions. These are therefore available only after this interval elapses, which is often a very large period of time. For real-time applications it is necessary to derive a recursive relation involving the spectra corresponding to successive segments of time within the overall interval. Among the existing classes of orthogonal functions, only block pulse functions possess this feature and have therefore been applied to some real-time problems. The basis proposed here also lends itself to such time-recursive formulations.
In the next section, a system of general hybrid orthogonal functions (GHOF) is defined. The subsequent sections present various properties of G H O F such as completeness, orthogonality and the formal m e t h o d for function expansion. An illustrative example is given to compare the relative merits of P C B F , CBF and the proposed system of GHOF.
Definition orthogonal
of the system functions
of general
Consider the domain f~ = (0, T) C R i on which a set of general hybrid orthogonal functions ( G H O F ) is defined as I J E I m , i E 1-~;},Vt E f~ C R1
pi,j((t -ts_l)/Tj.), t O,
t e a s = (tj_x,ts) otherwise
i I , (1"1)
• m with t s = Y~.~=ITt , such that Tj = t s - t s _ i , ( j s = l ~ ' t s = fl, I n = { 1 , 2 , . . . ,n} and the set a s = {Oi,s(t) I i E 2~r~} -- {pij((t - t j _ l ) / T j ) I i E 2-r~}, V j E 2"m is one of complete and orthogonal CBF defined over the segment f~S" There is complete flexibility in the choice of C B F in different segments F/j ofl2. T h a t is, for a given j , Gj could be the system of Legendre polynomials, while for another j , one might choose the set of sine-cosine functions, if so desired. T h e total n u m b e r of elements in the above set of G H O F is,
0 =
From the above general definition, special cases m a y be seen to give the existing classes of CBF and P C B F as follows: a) Special case 1 If m = 1, G = G1 - {Pi.i ( t / T ) [ i E Z~ 1 },
which corresponds to a set of CBF defined over (0, T). Orthogonal polynomials such as Legendre, Chebyshev and Jacobi, which axe defined over
Chapter 1
0 t
Figure 1.1: A set of G H O F comprising Legendre polynomials a finite time-interval can be easily time-shifted and scaled to correspond to this normalized interval [87]. Sine-cosine functions, which are normally defined over the interval (0, 2~r) can also be appropriately scaled and used here. However, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials are defined over an infinite time-interval, and therefore they m a y be used only in a single segment framework. b) S p e c i a l case 2 Ifri = ],Vj EZm,
g = {81,j (t) I J E 27m}. This is a set of generalized block pulse functions ( G B P F ) which belongs to the class of P C B F . ~ t h e r , if
T~. = T i m , V j E 27,~,
then G reduces to the well-known standard set of block pulse functions (BPF). It m a y be noted that the W F and H F [216] ~do not directly come under the G H O F framework. However, they are related to B P F by linear (orthogonal) transformations. Fig. 1.1 shows, for instance, a set of G H O F with m = 4, T = 1, rj = 4, Tj = 0.25, k/j E 2"4, in which Gj, k/j is the set of Legendre polynomials of order upto 3.
Introduction 1.3
In this section certain essential properties of the system of G H O F , namely orthogonality and completeness and some aspects of function expansion are discussed. 1.3.1
Let f and g be two functions belonging to the L2p space defined over the domain ~. T h e n the inner product between f and g is given by,
(f'g) = In p(t) f(t) g(t) dt ,
where p(t) is the weighting function. For f(t) and g(t) to be mutually orthogonal, their inner product (f, g) must be 0. To prove the orthogonality of the elements of g we must show t h a t
(Oi,j(t),Ok,~(t))=O, Vi,j,k, t s u c h t h a t i ~ k o r j ~ = l .
The elements of Gj are orthogonal in pairs since the systems of CBF are orthogonM. T h a t is,
(Oi,j(t), Okd(t)) = O, V i , j , k such that i # k.
Again the sets gj and gl axe disjoint in time, for j # 1. Therefore,
(Oi,j(t),Ok,L(t)) = 0, V i , j , k , l such that j # 1.
Equations (1.5) and (1.6) together imply (1.4). However, in general, the system is not orthonormal, and
(Oi,j (t), Oi,i (t))
= qi,j.
The value of the constant depends on the chosen systems of CBF over each segment ftj. Each Gj is normalized (dividing Oi,j by qi,j, Vi, j) for convenience in the following.
Chapter 1
A function f(t), belonging to the space L2p defined over ~, can be formally expanded as T/Z
f(t) = ~ j=l
fij Oij(t).
If G is orthonormal, the spectral coefficients fij (which m a y also be viewed as the generalized Fourier coefficients), are given by,
f , j = ( f ( t ) , O i j ( t ) ) , V j E Zm,Vi E Z~j .
In practice, the infinite series in (1.8) is truncated, giving us a least squares estimate ](t) of the function f ( t ) , i.e., rn
f(t) ~. ](t) = ~ ~ , f,.j Oi,j(t),
j----1 i = l
which can be compactly written as
](t) = f T O
fr = [f1,1... fr.,llf~,~", fr.olfl,m ''" fr.~,.,]
and ®T = [0~,~( t ) . . . 0r.,~ (t)t01,, ( t ) . . . 0r,,~ (t)10~,m ( t ) . . . 0 . . . . (t)1(1.13) 1.3.3
While orthogonality of the set G leads to m a n y simplifications in the various computational schemes derived using this basis, in order to ensure convergence of ] ( t ) to f(t), in the m e a n with weighting function p(t), the completeness of G must be proved. It is well known that a necessary and sufficient condition for an orthonormal system to be complete is t h a t Parseval's condition holds. T h a t is, in this case, we have to show that,
p(t) f2(t) dt =
~ j=l
By definition, the set Gj in Ftj is complete. Therefore,
] p(t) f2(t) ~J
= ~ fi~j.
/o p(t)f'(t)dt: ~. /~. p(t)f'(t)dt: ~ ~ fi~, j=l
in view of (1.15). This proves the completeness of G. The above results can be summarized in the following statement.
The set G forms a complete orthogonal set of basis functions in the L2p space.
1.1. A p p r o x i m a t i o n
of a discontinuous
tion The saw-tooth waveform shown in Fig. 1.2 has to be represented in terms of P C B F , CBF and the proposed system of G H O F using only 8 terms over the interval ft = (0, 1). The three cases considered use the (a) BPF, (b) Legendre Polynomials and (c) G H O F (characterized by rn = 4, rj = 2, Tj = 0.25, Gj consisting of Legendre polynomials of order 0 and 1, Vj E 274). The vectors of respective spectral coefficients are evaluated using (1.9) (without assuming orthonormality of the basis functions) as
(a) f f = [ 0 . 2 5
0.75 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.75 0.0 0 . 0 ]
(b) fT = [ 0 . 2 5 - - 0 . 1 2 5 - - 0 . 0 7 8 - - 0 . 1 6 4 - - 0 . 3 4 6
0.612 0.266--0.397 l
(c) f f = [ 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0 . 0 ] The integral of squared error in the approximation is defined to be
Chapter 1
f(t)l'OJ 03
Figure 1.2: The discontinuous function in Example 1.1
gf = / ( f ( t )
-- f(t)) 2 dt.
The values of g/ corresponding to the three cases are found to be (a) 0.01, (b) 0.03 and (c) 0.00. Obviously, the G H O F fit (case (c)) is the most natural approximation for the saw-tooth function given here, because of its piecewise continuity mixed with jumps. This basis is chosen with the the segment boundaries coinciding with the points of discontinuities in the function, making it a perfect fit. Figure 1.3 shows the approximated function f(t) corresponding to the three cases (a)-(c), respectively. It is apparent t h a t P C B F or CBF alone will not be suitable for approximation of discontinuous functions of the type given here, which are quite common in electronic circuits. The new set of G H O F presented in this chapter is seen to be more suitable for approximating functions which are piecewise continuous in nature. This was d e m o n s t r a t e d by taking a fixed number (eight) of components in each system of basis functions. In a practical situation, the number of terms in each set may be determined by limiting the error C/ to a specific value. In the subsequent chapters G H O F will be applied to some problems of systems and control.
! 0.0 I
1.0~0.0 I
1.0 t ~
~t) 0.0
1.0 t"
Figure 1.3: Approximations of the discontinuous function in Example 1.1 - using (a) BPF; (b) Legendre polynomials and (c) GHOF
Chapter 2 G H O F Spectral of Dynamical
of literature
Analysis Systems
in the field
In 1973 Corrington applied Walsh functions for the solution of differential and integral equations [64] initiating the activity in the field of orthogonal-functions-based analysis of dynamical systems. This was followed by the work of Chen and Hsiao [32] who used a state space model for analysis. Walsh functions were subsequently applied to the analysis of time-varying systems [43], time-delay systems [45,217], nonlinear systems [164,165,12] etc. Block pulse functions were applied to similar problems at a r o u n d the same time [248,230,229,231,250,251,257,258]. Application of orthogonal polynomials was initiated in systems and control in the early eighties [112,142] followed by other works [143,194,291]. In the later years there has been an enormous amount of activity in the application of b o t h piecewise constant and continuous basis functions. To concisely present an overview of the activity in this field, a classifted list of literature is given in Table 2.1. Only the system analysis problem is considered here. The types of systems are categorized and abbreviated as defined in "List of Abbreviations" at the beginning of the book. Similarly, the types of basis functions are also denoted by suitable abbreviations. Literature related to distributed p a r a m e t e r systems is not included in this table, since this book deals only with lumped systems. This chapter is addressed to the problem of analysis of linear and
Chapter 2
Table 2.1: Literature m a p for O F - b a s e d analysis OF used BPF
Types of systems TV NL SS
40,109, 117,126, 128,130, 131,167, 191,248, 250,251, 259,274, 290,277] [32,41,64, 66,177, 189,221, 258,268,
144, 188, 229]
98, 257]
144, 166, 230, 250, 257, 281]
114, 231, 218]
[35, 45, 217, 220]
[12, 13, 140, 164, 165, 190] [116]
2841 GBPF
[i4, 169, 198]
[197,271, 272,273] [142,256,
[97, 96]
[96] [135, 153]
[172] [143]
294] LEP
106, 252,
146, 255] [137,
22, 103,
2761 [156, 149]
2551 [149, 254]
88, 173]
[159] [198] [27,30]
[197,2601 [204,155]
151, 278, 292]
[29, 279]
[118] [119]
[101, 112] [22, 107, 253]
[95, 168]
[17, 99, 297]
232] OP
DT [47, 46,
[151, 279]
GHOF Spectral Analysis
nonlinear dynamical systems via the system of GHOF. The operational matrix for integration is first derived and used to obtain the solution of a lumped linear system modelled in state space. This is followed by the presentation of a unified framework of numerical analysis where the proposed m e t h o d is conceptually and numerically compared with the finite element and other orthogonal-functions-based methods. Next, two examples of SCR-controlled DC motor drive systems are analyzed to demonstrate the suitability of G H O F in handling such problems. Finally, the amplitude and time-period of a highly nonlinear van der Pol's oscillator are predicted by a m e t h o d based on G H O F spectral expansion.
m a t r i x for i n t e g r a t i o n
It is by now well-known [216] t h a t when the signals are represented in their spectral form, the related operators in continuous-time (CT) domain are reduced to algebraic forms which are approximate in the sense of least squares. For example, the integrator - an operator of extensive use in dynamical systems analysis, can be approximated by the so-called operational matrix for integration. Similarly, other timedomain operations such as differentiation, time-delay, time-scaling etc. can have their corresponding operational matrices. The use of such matrices facilitates systematic development of theory so t h a t techniques based on various systems of orthogonal functions can be brought under a common methodology. This has been separately done in the cases of P C B F [216] and orthogonal polynomials(in the form of generalized orthogonal polynomials, G O P ) [25]. However, no a t t e m p t has so far been m a d e to unify the somewhat diverse approaches of P C B F and CBF. An a t t e m p t , believed to be for the first time, is m a d e here in this direction. Let Ej be the operational matrix for integration with respect to Gj. T h e n by definition,
f0~ pj(~) dr ~ Ej pj(3),
where, pT((~) = [ pl,i((~/Tj)...pr~,j(6/Tj)1,
6 E (0, Tj).
Chapter 2
The approximation in (2.1) is in the sense of least squares. Ej is a constant, square and invertible matrix which depends on the actual choice of Gj. We define the operational matrix Eg for G such that, fo t O ( 7 ) dr ~ Eg O ( t ) .
I oi,~(r)
dr =
pi,~((r - t~_l)/Tj) dr, t > tj ~
Oi,j (v) d T =
t <: tj_~.
From (2.4), for t E ~'~j, with ~ = t - t j - 1
t • aj
and ~ = 7 - t j - 1 ,
Pi,j (c2/Tj) de2.
Comparing (2.5) with (2.1) and (2.2), and noting that pj is the jth subvector in e corresponding to the segment f~j, we find that for t E f~j, the 1.h.s. of (2.5) m a y be evaluated using E j . Therefore, Eg will be a matrix with diagonal blocks equal to E j , Vj E Zm. The subdiagonal blocks comprise of 0 matrices and the superdiagonal blocks are non-zero and depend on how the first integral in the r.h.s, of (2.4) is expressed in terms of the systems of C B F defined in the succeeding segments f ~ j + l , . . , gtm. Therefore, Eg is a (p x p) matrix of the following structure.
E1 0
HI,~ E~
. . . Hl,m -- • H2,m : : -..
Ej is defined by (2.1) and is of order (rj x rj). matrix of the form
Ht,j is a (rl x rj)
hi,j, 1 hi,j,2
nl,j = hl,j,rl
,Vl E Z m _ I , V j E Z_{ +1 ' m
G H O F SpectrM Analysis where, hl,j,i = fh~zl_ Oi,t(t) dt, V i • Z~,.
It may be noted from (2.8) that hl,j,i is, in fact, independent of j. This fact will be utilized in the next chapter where recursive formulae for calculation of integrals of signals represented using the GHOF basis will be derived. Among all the systems of orthogonal polynomials, Legendre polynomials have been very widely used in the literature. This system has the weighting function p(t) equal to unity making the computation of the spectra quite simple. For this reason, in this book, all numerical examples are worked out with Legendre polynomials. Some results corresponding to this special case are therefore considered now. The elements of the matrix Hz,j in this case are given by,
h t,Li =
{~, O,
i=1 i • ~.
When, in addition, the segments Ftj are of equal width, i.e., Tj = T / r n , rj = r, Ej = E, Vj • Zm,Ht,j = H , V / • Z , ~ _ I , V j •
,~ ,
then, (2.10) i=2
A mx,o) = I 0
H(,×,) =
Chapter 2
and the Kronecker product ® between two matrices A and B is defined as A®B=
[aij B ] .
of state
Let us consider a linear time-invariant system described by :~(t) = A x ( t ) -4- B u ( t ) , y ( t ) = C x ( t ) ,
where x(t), u(t) and y ( t ) are n-vector of state, nl-vector of inputs and no-vector of o u t p u t s respectively. A, B and C are matrices of appropriate dimensions. Expanding x(t), x(t) and B u ( t ) in terms of a system of G H O F we obtain, ~,(t) x(t)
~ ~
vo(t) xo(t)
[ V l l V21 . . .
Vrl 1 ] '''
I Vlrn V2m .,.
• (2.15)
v T
[ X l l X21 . . .
[ Sll S~l . . . s~l~ I "'" I s l m
[ Sijl Si~
Vrm m ]
viii] Xrl 1 [ ''"
... ...
X2m . . . Xrrnm ]
x~i. ] s~ .....
~i~. ]
In the above, vljk, Xijk and Nijk are the ( i , j ) - t h coefficients of the k-th elements of the vectors x(t), x(t) and B u ( t ) respectively• Inserting the above expansion in the state equation (2.14), VO(t) = AXO(t) + SO(t).
j~ t
x(t) =
we can write
x ( r ) d r + x(0),
GHOF Spectral AnMysis xe(t)
17 dr + x 0 ® ( t ) ~ V E ~ ® ( t ) + x 0 e ( t ) ,
where x0 is the G H O F spectrum of the constant x(0) and is of the form x0 = [ x ( 0 )
o ... o I x(0) o ... o l . . . Y
Ix(0) o...
since the first term in all the systems of C B F is unity• Substituting (2.18) in vo(t)
= A [ V E t O ( t ) + x0O(t)] + S O ( t ) ,
V = AVE# + S,
where, = s + Ax0.
The effect of the second t e r m in (2.20) is that of a step function. It may be noted that (2.19) is an approximate algebraic relation corresponding to (2.14) which is obtained by making use of the operational matrix for integration Eg. The explicit solution of (2.19) is given by, A(,~ ×~)] -1 ,9(~,,×1),
where, Vli ^
V r 11
^ Srl 1
. . . .
, and S =
Vlm V2m
Chapter 2
The state vector is obtained as
x(t) ~ X O ( t ) = V E g O ( t ) + XoO(t).
The o u t p u t y ( t ) can now be easily computed.
Extension interval
of solution
Equations (2.21) - (2.23) together constitute the solution of the state equation for the time interval (0, T). However, often it is necessary to obtain the solution beyond this finite interval. It is of course always possible to define the whole domain of interest to be (0, T), but this may require a very large value of ~ to a t t a i n the desired level of accuracy. In such a case, one has to invert a very large matrix in (2.21) with consequent computational complexity and possible numerical difficulties. It is much more advantageous if the value of Q can be kept small and the solutions in two successive intervals of time can be linked with appropriate definition of G H O F systems in each interval. This was possible in the case of block pulse functions [221] which led to simple recursive formulations. A similar technique is applied here to recursify the G H O F solution presented above. The state x(t) is assumed to be continuous at the b o u n d a r y of two intervals. The state at the end of the interval (0, T) is given by m
x ( T ) = x(0)
+ ~ ~-" /'i 1 vii Oi,j(t) dt. j=
Term (MSMT)
To obtain the solution in the adjacent interval (T, 2T) we choose another system of G H O F appropriate to this interval, changing the origin to t = T. The state equation carl now be solved starting with x ( T ) and the new G H O F spectra of the input signal. This procedure can be continued as long as desired. In general, for the k-th interval ((k - 1)T, kT) we have the following relationship for continuation:
GHOF Spectral Analysis g(k)
s(~) + ~T ® [h~((k - 1)T)]
];(k) = [ I - E (k)r®A]-lS (k, x(kT)
x((k-1)T)+~-~ j=l
~,T =
" Oi'J(t) dt
and the superscript (k) indicates that the quantities belong to the k-th interval. The solution over each interval of time is an approximation in terms of a set G (k) on multiple segments and over each segment O(k) ..j , G3!k) contains multiple terms. Thus we may refer to (2.25) as multiple segment multiple t e r m ( M S M T ) formula. This is the most general t y p e of approximation under the G H O F framework. Several special cases will now be presented mentioning the advantages and limitations of each type.
Single Segment
As already mentioned, the solution via (2.21) involves the inversion of a matrix of size (on × gn). Therefore, sometimes it may become impracticable to use this formula, especially when m, and consequently Q, is large. In order to avoid this difficulty, the solution m a y first be obtained for m = 1 with a proper choice of 7"1. Thereafter the solution may be extended to any length of time by using the technique of extension given above. There need not b e any restriction on either the widths of the segments Tk, the type of C B F chosen in each segment or the number of orthogonal components rk. In this way, it is possible to retain the full generality of the definition of G H O F while obtaining a simplified computational scheme. Equation (2.25) in such situations reduces to:
s ? ) + ~,~ ® [A~(t~_~)]
-- [ I x(tk)
® A]
-- x(tk_~)+...~jo
s?) v.
o~,~ (t) dt
i=1 k
tk =
~Tt,"k~--LlO 1=1
.. rk
Chapter 2
The s u b s c r i p t , in the above indicates that the quantities correspond to the situation when rn = 1. Equation (2.26) can be viewed as a recursive continuation formula for C B F solutions and will be referred to as the single segment multiple term (SSMT) formula.
Single Term
If we retain only the first term in Gj,Vj EZm, i.e., rj -7--- 1 , V j EZm and further set Tj = T/rn, Vj EZm, we obtain the well known P C B F (the B P F expansion in particular) formula [216].
S~k.) =
S(.k.)+a T ® [ A x ( ( k - 1 ) T ) ]
[ I - E T ® A ] - I S ! , k)
L1 1 ... l j
1)T) + T / m ]~vlJx-" (k) j=l
In the above, the subscript ** signifies the special case of P C B F ( B P F ) formula en bloc (i.e., with multiple segments) and Eb is the operational matrix for integration via B P F . The well established P C B F formula is thus seen to be the special case of multiple segment single term (MSST) formula of the G H O F scheme.
Single Segment
Single Term
Finally, the simplest case of rn = 1 and rl = 1 is considered. This leads to the well-known recursive formula via B P F [221]. V(.k.).
= T/2 V(.k.)
[I - A T / 2 ] -1 L [~(k) .... + Ax((kx ( ( k - - 1 ) T ) + TV~k.).
1)T)] ] (2.28)
Here v (k) ~¢(k) and .~(k) are n-vectors. The recursive B P F formula, also termed as single segment single term (SSST) formula, is obtained over successive time segments in successive intervals. If this approximation is allowed, the solution becomes computationally most efficient.
GHOF Spectral Analysis
Ideally, in terms of accuracy, the M S M T and SSMT approximations are equivalent. Likewise, the MSST and SSST approximations are equivalent. However, from points of view of computational efficiency and susceptibility to numerical errors, the recursive formulae employing single segment expansions are more efficient than those having multiple segments. In summary, it should be remembered that the accuracy increases with the number of terms in the respective segments, while recursification simplifies computation.
General framework of numerical of dynamical systems
At this stage it would be interesting to a t t e m p t to form a general framework of numerical analysis unifying these orthogonal functions (OF)based techniqlms with several other techniqlms which have already been unified under the name of finite element (FE) methods [312]. The F E methods have been widely used, particularly in the context of distributed parameter systems, i.e., in the solution of partial differential equations. However, as far as the authors are aware, the F E and O F techniques have not been visualized so far as being cases of a common methodology. The purpose of this section is to bring out this underlying unity. The general procedure for obtaining approximate solutions of differential equations encompassing the two classes of methods is first outlined and the particular conditions which lead to a specific technique are pointed out. T h e n a simple example of a lumped linear system excited by a discontinuous forcing function is illustrated. Let us consider a system described by the general differential equation :D (y(t), u(t), t) = 0,
where, u(t) and y ( t ) are the input and o u t p u t signals of the system. The problem is to determine y ( t ) , V t E g~ C R1, given the values of u ( t ) , V t E f~, subject to a set of b o u n d a r y (or initial) conditions /~ (y(t), u(t), t) = 0 on b o u n d a r y F.
To solve this problem we often replace (2.29) with a suitable integral equation (as in the case of O F methods),
Chapter 2
Z = j . . . f :D(y(t),u(t),t) dt' = 0 ,
Further, to make the problem numerically tractable, the continuoustime functions are assumed in the form y z ~ = Y 0
u ~ ft = U O,
where O is a vector of basis functions defined over Ft. This may consist of orthogonal or non-orthogonal polynomials, sine-cosine functions, trains of impulses etc. W i t h approximations (2.32) and (2.33), the 1.h.s. of (2.31) m a y be replaced by the approximate integral form
A =/'"/:D(~(t),fi(t),t)
dt ~.
Again, the domain fl is often divided into elements F~j such t h a t g~ = (Jj f~j with corresponding boundaries Fj. Over every element Y~j, we may obtain the solution by one of the following two approaches:
A. Weighted residual method We set
~I/T~ df~ +
ffl J
~I/'TB dF = 0,
where ~IJ and ~Is' are suitable weighting functions which may be polynomials, impulse trains etc.
B. Minimization of a functional We define a functional f
s : ] /(A) f~j
GHOF Spectral AnMysis where f ( . ) and f ' ( . ) are suitably chosen error functions. minimize ,7 with respect to the unknowns in (2.32).
23 We then
Within the above framework, some of the commonly used schemes along with the proposed G H O F technique are categorized in Table 2.2. The F E methods do not involve any initial integration of the differential equation 7) (characterized by l -- 0) while, in all the OF-based schemes, 7) is integrated n-times where n is the order of 7). This is done to facilitate the use of the operational matrix for integration. The vector O is termed as the shape function in F E literature and may consist of either orthogonal or non-orthogonal functions. On the other hand, in the OF-based methods, O always consists of orthogonal basis functions and the methods derive their names from the specific functions used. While b o t h the approaches A and B are fairly common in the F E literature, O F methods so fax have used only approach A. Depending on the choice of the weighting functions ffJ and ~I,~, in approach A, several variants of the F E m e t h o d s are available, such as the Galerkin m e t h o d (l(a)), finite difference m e t h o d s (forward, central or backward difference, 1 (b)), s u b d o m a l n collocation m e t h o d (l(c)) etc. The Galerkin m e t h o d is characterized by • ---- O and this often leads to a formulation equivalent to the variational m e t h o d (l(d), approach B) where :7 is defined to be the variational functional of the differential equation under consideration [312]. The least squares m e t h o d (l(e)) is another variant of the F E m e t h o d in which the integral of squared error in the approximation (2.32) is minimized. In all the O F schemes the weighting function • is chosen to be the same as the basis function O, implying that the methods are of the Galerkin type. In the B P F (2(a)) and the G H O F (2(b)) methods, the domain gt is divided into smaller elements gtj, as in the F E schemes. Further, these two m e t h o d s use orthogonal functions which are defined separately over each of these elements in a disjointed manner leading to considerable simplifications in the resulting formulations. While the B P F m e t h o d always approximates the signals in a piecewise constant form, the G H O F allow higher order continuous approximation over each element. In this sense the G H O F m e t h o d is as general as the F E methods.
Example 2.1. Analysis of a lumped linear s y s t e m with a discontinuous input signal Let us consider a first order differential equation
Chapter 2
~I~ble 2.2: O F a n d o t h e r a p p r o a c h e s in a c o m m o n f r a m e w o r k o f n u m e r ical analysis Scheme
l(a) l(b)
l(d) l(e)
Name of the method
GMerkin Method Finite difference methods S u b d o m a : aO collocation method V a r i a t i o n 10 method Least 0 squares method
@, ~I"
f(.), f'(.)
Finite element methods A P o l y or O SCF A P o l y or Impulses SCF
Uj ~2j Uj r~j
Uj 'aj
P o l y or SCF
P o l y or SCF
P o l y or SCF
U: r~j
Orthogonal functions methods A BPF O
U i r~.j U., ,aj
GHOF Spectral Analysis ~] + a y -- a u = O,
25 (2.37)
where u ( t ) driving the system is a saw-tooth signal like the one used in Example 1.1 (Fig. 1.2). The input signal is approximated with l0 W element linear shape functions of the type shown in Fig. 2.1. The approximated signal is shown in Fig. 2.2(a). Fig. 2.2(b) shows the corresponding approximations using the B P F method, G H O F m e t h o d (with 2 segments and 5 Legendre polynomial terms over each segment) and a 10-term polynomial approximation using Legendre polynomials. These three schemes are referred to as OF schemes 1, 2 and 3 respectively. It may be observed t h a t the G H O F approximation of the input signal is the most accurate since the discontinuity in the input signal at t = 0.5 is naturally modelled by this basis. The slight mismatch between the actual and the approximated signals in this case is due to numerical errors in the c o m p u t a t i o n of the higher order spectral components. These three OF schemes and five F E schemes are taken up for a comparative study. The first four F E schemes are based on approach A and the weighting functions used are shown in Fig. 2.1. These schemes are commonly known as the central difference method, backward difference m e t h o d and Galerkin m e t h o d (Galerkin - 1 & 2 respectively). The fii~h F E scheme is the least squares scheme [312]. These schemes are labelled as F E schemes 1 to 5. The forward difference scheme is seen to be unstable in the present case and is therefore not considered. The subdomain collocation m e t h o d a n d the variational m e t h o d coincide with F E schemes 1 and 3 respectively. Further details regarding these schemes are available in [312]. Solutions are obtained for various values of the parameter a, and the results are sunmlarized in Table 2.3. The normalized integral of squared error in the o u t p u t is defined to be gy = f 2 " ° ( y ( t ) - ~l(t)) ~ dt f 2.o y2 dt
and is evaluated numerically. It m a y be observed from Table 2.3 t h a t while all m e t h o d s perform well when the system b a n d w i d t h is small, the G H O F m e t h o d (OF scheme 2) retains its efficiency for all values of a. This is again due to the the capability of the G H O F basis to represent b o t h the continuity and discontinuity in the signals. The o u t p u t waveforms obtained using the various methods are shown in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4. and these graphs clearly bring out the superiority of the G H O F m e t h o d over the other schemes considered here.
Chapter 2
i-th element
Shape Functions ,I
Central Difference
Backward Difference
Galerkin- 1
Galerkin - 2
Weigh.ring unctions
Figure 2.1: Shape and weighting functions for finite element (FE) approximation
GHOF Spectral Analysis
Actual input ................ Approx. input
(a) u(t)
,,--.-.._ 0.0
(b) u(t)
Actual input Approx. OF-1 Approx. OF-2 Approx. OF-3
\ \ 0.0
Figure 2.2: Approximation of input signal in Example 2.1 by (a) FE schemes and (b) OF schemes
Chapter 2
Exact solution
1.0 1¢/'~:~ ~" ~,\
_ -- . Approx. FE-I - - - - . Approx. FE-2 - Approx. FE-3 --' Approx.FE-4
(b) ~ y(t)~
j j
x~,, ~'~,.,~
oo+ 0.1 (c) y(t) ) 0.01
Figure 2.3: Solutions of Example 2.1 using FE schemes for (a) a = 100, (b) a = 1 0 a n d ( c ) a = l
GHOf" Spectral Analysis
Exact solution - - - Approx. OF-1 ..... Approx. OF-2 . . . . . . . Approx. OF-3
(a) y(t)
A 0.5
(b) y(t) )
(c) y(t)
J 0.0
Figure 2.4: Solutions of Example 2.1 using O F schemes for (a) a = 100, (b) a = 1 0 a n d ( c ) a = 1
Chapter 2
Table 2.3: Normalized integral of squared errors gy in Example 2.1 FEmethods FE-3
0.0145 0.0115
0.0022 0.0017
0.0068 0.0038
o.OOll 0.0057 o.oooo
0.0019 0.0011
2.000 il.000 0.500
OF methods FE-5
of SCR-controlled
A common feature of all the SCR-controlled drive systems is the occurrence of j u m p s in the input signals as well as in the system parameters. The former takes place due to the switching of the SCRs according to a predefined firing strategy, while the latter occurs if the current flowing through t h e circuit falls to zero within one cycle of input voltage. This leads to changes in the circuit configurations and gives rise to the so-called discontinuous mode of operation. C o m p u t e r and microprocessor-based SCR-controlled drives are extensively used to control D C motors and presently there is a trend to extend the same to the control of AC motors [152]. The most commonly used power modulating circuits are converters, choppers, inverters and cycloconverters of various types. Nowadays, they incorporate advanced control strategies to achieve high performance [152,186]. Digital simulation techniques have been reported widely in the literature for the analysis of such systems [185,304,65]. Simulation algorithms employing numerical integration (such as Runge K u t t a methods) and system discretization techniques are quite common. The samples of input signals are used for the purpose of calculation of o u t p u t responses such as speed and current. Normally a large number of samples is required to approximate the irregular t y p e of waveforms and the choice of the integration step length is also very critical. Application of orthogonal functions is not very common since the conventional Fourier and polynomial spectra are unwieldy to handle in view of the large number of terms required. However, recently a m e t h o d using Walsh functions
GHOF Spectral Analysis
has been applied to the analysis of a chopper system [66]. The framework of G H O F is appropriate in these situations. T h e piecewise continuous nature of the input voltages and the resulting current and speed waveforms of the motor can be efficiently approximated using this basis. T h e j u m p s in the system parameters can be handled in a straightforward way by choosing different segments for each situation and employing the single segment multiple term (SSMT) formula which can be recursively continued as long as desired. The width of each segment and the number of terms in each segment can be chosen such that the computational effort is minimized without sacrificing accuracy. Two examples are considered here to demonstrate the efficiency of G H O F as a new tool for the above problems. Both the examples deal with open-loop a r m a t u r e speed control of a DC motor with a separately excited constant field. The power modulation circuit in one case is a 3-phase converter and in the other, a DC chopper. The D C m o t o r is modelled by standard state space equations ignoring mechanical friction. In this model, the various entities are as follows: XT
~_ yT :_ [ motor current
A =
[line voltage
[--R/L KT/J
motor speed w(t)]
load torque
--K~/L ] 0 , (2.39)
0 C
[ ]1 0 01
where R and L are the resistance and inductance of the motor armature. Ka a n d / i T are the a r m a t u r e voltage and torque constants and J is the m o m e n t of inertia. The model (2.39) is valid when the SCR-s are on, i.e., current is flowing into (or from) the DC motor. During the off period, the equation relating the electrical quantities is no longer relevant such the the system model changes to
Chapter 2
32 uT
[0, l o a d t o r q u e TL}
[oo] 0 0
o__ C
o l
[,o] 0 1
For simplicity, p a r a m e t e r s such as v o l t a g e d r o p across S C R s , comm u t a t i o n intervals, s o u r c e i m p e d a n c e etc. are n e g l e c t e d here.
2.2. C o n v e r t e r
driven DC motor
C o n s i d e r t h e 3 - p h a s e fully c o n t r o l l e d b r i d g e c o n v e r t e r s y s t e m s h o w n in Fig. 2.5. B y firing t h e S C R s in a s u i t a b l e sequence, a rectified v o l t a g e is available at t h e m o t o r t e r m i n a l s . O n c e a n S C R is fired it will r e m a i n in t h e on s t a t e until it is f o r c e d t o t h e off-state b y line c o m m u t a t i o n (switching of t h e n e x t S C R in s e q u e n c e ) or b y r e d u c t i o n o f m o t o r c u r r e n t to zero, w h i c h e v e r is earlier. T h e s e c o n d s i t u a t i o n gives rise t o t h e discontinuous mode o f o p e r a t i o n w h i c h o c c u r s if t h e e x t i n c t i o n angle /~ ( c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o t h e t i m e i n s t a n t w h e n t h e c u r r e n t falls t o zero) satisfies t h e i n e q u a l i t y /~ < a + 7r/3,
w h e r e a is t h e firing a n g l e ( w i t h a a n d / ~ m e a s u r e d f r o m a reference p o i n t , w h i c h is 60 ° a h e a d o f t h e n a t u r a l c o m m u t a t i o n p o i n t ) . F o r a given a , t h e value o f 13 c a n b e c a l c u l a t e d b y solving t h e following t r a n s c e n d e n t a l e q u a t i o n [185]
cos ¢ sin(~ - ¢) - k= + e - ( z - ~ ) / t a n ¢ [kn -- cos ¢ s i n ( a -- ¢)] = 0,(2.42) w h e r e ¢ = tan-1 (w8L/R), w8 = s u p p l y f r e q u e n c y , a n d k~ = KaW/VL, VL = being t h e p e a k line voltage.
G H O F Spectral Analysis
Figure 2.5: The Converter-driven DC motor system of Example 2.2 In the genera] case of discontinuous mode, the input signal per cycle can be approximated by a G H O F of rn = 2. The time intervals T1 and T2 correspond to the on and off periods respectively. T is equal to one cycle, which is ~th of the time period of the AC supply voltage. In the continuous mode of operation, m = 1 and the second interval disappears. The SSMT formula given by (2.26) is used to simulate a system with the following motor parameters [185]: I~t~d = 400V, / r a t e d :
137.5A, w~at~d = 157.1rad/s
R = 0.097164f~, L = 0.0055675H, J = 1.7522Kg-m ~ Ida = 2.4611V-s/rad, I(T : 2.5470N-m/A. The simulation uses Legendre polynomials over b o t h tile segments. The first three terms of Legendre set are found to describe efficiently the chopped waveform of vL(t). During the off-period all system variables remain nearly constant. Therefore, it is sufficient to model these variables by the first Legendre term alone. Since the order of the system is 2, for efficient representation of integrated signals, we add this to the number of terms giving rl = 3 + 2 = 5, r2 = 1 + 2 = 3. The n u m b e r of
Chapter 2
samples used for calculation of the G H O F spectra of the input voltage is 200. The supply voltage VL is taken to be equal to 380 V(r.m.s.) and the supply frequency is 60 Hz. TL is equal to 27.7 N-m. Thus the setting is exactly identical to t h a t in [185] and the results obtained are also quite similar. Further details of the simulation program can be found in [205]. The results of t h e simulation are shown in Figures 2.6 and 2.7. Fig. 2.6 shows the s t e a d y state response over three cycles of input waveform for c~ = 120 ° and for c~ ---- 110 °. In these figures, the "Line Voltage" vL(t ) is the actual input voltage that is fed to the motor. It coincides with the terminal voltage vt(t) during the on-period. During the offperiod, however, the terminal voltage is equal to the back e.m.f, of the motor, while VL(t ) remains zero. The m o d e of conduction is discontinuous in b o t h the cases and the extinction angles are approximately equal to 170 ° and 167 ° respectively. The steady state speeds at these two operating points are found out to be 120.7 r a d / s and 137.9 r a d / s while the theoretically predicted values (based on approximate analytical methods) axe 120.74 r a d / s and 138.6 r a d / s respectively. T h e results agree quite well with the simulations done in [185,65]. Fig. 2.7 shows the transient response of the system when the firing angle is suddenly changed from 120 ° to 110 °. These results axe also similar to [185,65] which had been obtained using elaborate digital simulation techniques.
2.3. Chopper
driven DC motor
Consider the system shown in Fig. 2.8. A chopper drives a DC motor which has a free-wheeling diode ( F W D ) connected across it. For simplicity, the c o m m u t a t i o n circuit is not shown in detail. The discontinuous mode of operation sets in if the m o t o r current falls to zero before the off-interval of the chopper is over, as shown in Fig. 2.9. In the continuous m o d e of operation, every cycle of input voltage is characterized by rn ----2 with the two time intervals T1 and T2 corresponding to TON and TOEF respectively. In the discontinuous mode, TOFF is further divided into two subintervals T2 and T3 which denote the free-wheeling interval and the zero-current interval respectively. As in Example 2.2, the s y s t e m is represented b y equation (2.39) when the current is not zero and b y (2.40) when it is zero. The currents at the instants t --- T1 a n d t = T1 + T2 axe related by
i(T1 + T2) = - ( h ~ w / R ) ( 1
e -T2R/L) Jr i(rl)e -T2R/L
GHOF Spectral Analysis
600 -
v l(V) 0.0 122
~.o" t(ms)
co(r/s) 0.0
140 ~
~r/s) J ~ 8.0 t(ms)
136 0.0 30~-
I • 8.0 t(ms)
i(A) 0.~
8.0 t(ms)
Figure 2.6: S t e a d y s t a t e waveforms in E x a m p l e 2.2 for (a) a = 120 ° a n d (b) a = 110 °
Chapter 2
160 )t(ms)
a (r/s) 120 0.0
160 t(ms)
Figure 2.7: Transient response in E x a m p l e 2.2 for a s u d d e n change in & from 120 ° to 110 °
GHOF Spectral AnMysis
d V
Figure 2.8: The chopper-driven DC motor system of Example 2.3
Vt "~"
T ON -
"~,7~ '"
> ,~
~ T2 t,~--T3---~
Figure 2.9: Voltage and current waveforms in the discontinuous mode for the system of Example 2.3
Chapter 2
Given i(T1) and assuming w to be constant over the interval T2, equation (2.43) m a y be used to test for the mode of conduction. In the discontinuous m o d e of operation the same can be solved for T2, and Ta can be obtained therefrom. The results of simulation are shown in Figs. 2.10 and 2.11. T h e values of r l , r2 and r3 are chosen to be 3, 3 and 2 respectively for reasons similar to those given in the previous example. The supply voltage is taken to be 400 V and the frequency is 200 Hz. All the other input variables have the same values as in Example 2.2. Fig. 2.10 shows the steady state responses for 50% and 75% d u t y cycles (the ratio TONTon ) respectively. +To~-r The steady state speeds at the two operating points are found to be 129.98 rad/s and 146.0 rad/s respectively. The corresponding theoretically predicted values are 13004 rad/s and 146.3 rad/s. Fig. 2.11 shows the transient response when the duty cycle is suddenly changed from 50% to 75%. In this situation the energy input to the m o t o r is very low because the current is mostly discontinuous and it takes an appreciably large amount, of time for t h e m o t o r to reach the new steady state operating point. For this reason only the average values of voltage, speed and current over every cycle are shown in Fig. 2.11. The C B F chosen in this example also are the Legendre polynomials. Examples 2.2 and 2.3 d e m o n s t r a t e the relevance of the G H O F in the analysis of power electronic systems. W i t h a very small number of terms ( a b o u t 8) in each case, the waveforms in the converter and chopper circuits are efficiently approximated in each cycle. T h e accuracy of the solutions is comparable to those obtained using numerical techniques with a very large n u m b e r of samples.
GHOF Spectral AnMysis
VL(V) 0.0 132j
t(ms) 148j
o3(r/s) ,~
128 0.0 50/~'i
i(A) /
t(ms) 50j L
i(n) ~ms)
Figure 2.10: Steady state waveforms in Example 2.3 for duty cycle of (a) 50% and (b) 75%
Chapter 2
2.5 t(s~)
15o' I
2.5 t(s) f
2.5 t(s)
Figure 2.11: Transient response in Example 2.3 for a sudden change in duty cycle from 50% to 75%
GHOF Spectral Analysis 2.7
of limit
of van
oscillator Let us consider the van der Pol's equation
f(t) -- e(1
f2(t))j:(t) + f(t) = O.
This equation has been extensively studied in the literature on nonlinear systems for its oscillatory behaviour. The s t a n d a r d technique of signal balance or "harmonic balance" has been applied with sinusoidal basis functions for small e, because the limit cycle under this condition is only slightly different from a pure sinusoid. The conventional Fourier series m e t h o d s of signal balance have therefore been applied with the first sinusoidal term with considerable success [7]. On the other hand, when ~ is large, the waveform of oscillations tends to assume a trapezoidal form and techniques based on sinusoidal signal balance become enormously complex and expensive since the waveform requires several spectral components for its proper representation. However, the G H O F s p e c t r u m of the waveform of oscillations of van der Pol's equation with large E would have an impressively small size. This leads us to believe that a signal balance technique employing G H O F may be more relevant in such situations. Investigations on the use of Chebyshev polynomials [285] and tYalsh functions [12,13,140] in similar nonlinear problems have been reported. In this section we use G H O F as the basis for predicting the amplitude and time-period of oscillations of f(t). Before we proceed further to formally expand the signals into a series of G H O F we notice that equation (2.44), under the conditions of relaxed oscillations, has j;(t) and j;(t) in the form of sharp and narrow periodic pulses which cannot be economically expanded in terms of any of the systems of orthogonal functions (not even G H O F ) . In view of this, we integrate (2.44) twice with respect to time for the present s t u d y without loss of generality. We then obtain
dt + e / 3 f f3(t)dt + I f f(t)dt2= O.
We now expand the expected solution over its half-period T, which itself is an unknown in this case, i.e.,
Chapter 2
f(t) .~ f T o ( t ) , V t E (O,T).
The terms f f(t) dt, f f f(t) dt 2 and f f 3 ( t ) dt are obtained by the application of operational matrices as follows: Let
g(t) = / f(t)dt = f T E g O + g 0 0 = gT O,
go being the G H O F s p e c t r u m of the initial condition g(0). Similarly,
h(t) = f / f(t)dt 2 ----/ g(t) dt = g T E g O + b o o = hTO.
In order to evaluate the integral
r(t) = / f3(t) dt = r T O ( t ) ,
one has to first find an approximate representation of f3(t) in terms of the spectral coefficient vector f of f(t) and then apply the operational matrix for integration. Let us define the nonlinear operator N(.) such that
f3(t) ~ N ( f ) . O(t).
Then, rTO(t) = N(f)EgO(t) + r00(t).
Here the t e r m N ( f ) is a vector of dimension equal to that of f. We may now insert these expansions into equation (2.45): f T o ( t ) -- C g T O ( t ) + e/3 r T O ( t ) + h T O ( t ) = • .
Notice that a vector of errors u is allowed on the r.h.s, of (2.52) to account for errors in the approximation. In addition to (2:52) three more conditions imposing periodicity of g(t), h(t) and r(t) are required. Since T is the half-period of oscillations, keeping in view the s y m m e t r y of the solution, we have,
GHOF Spectral Analysis g(T) + g(O) = Ue+~ ~! h(T) + h(O) = U~+2 i" r(T) + r(0) = J
~Sarther, continuity conditions can be imposed at each of the m - 1 segment boundaries. We therefore have, a set of nonlinear equations in Q + m + 3 unknowns. The vector of unknowns is given by ~T = [ fT I T1 T2 " " Tm [ g(0) h(0) r ( 0 ) ] ,
has to be obtained by solving equations (2.52) and (2.53). Several techniques may be a d o p t e d for this purpose. We choose the approach B of section 2.5 and use the least squares m e t h o d by defining j(¢)
(2.55) i
,:7 can now be minimized with respect to the unknowns 5 using any of the standard techniques such as the steepest descent.
2.4. S o l u t i o n o f v a n d e r P o l ' s e q u a t i o n
Using the above formulation, approximate solution of (2.45) is now att e m p t e d for various values of e. Three cases are considered, all using Legendre polynomials as the continuous basis functions: (a) m : l , r l
(b) m = l , r l
( c ) m = 2 , r i = r2 = 2.
:7 is minimized by the m e t h o d of steepest descent. Even though the number of unknowns in the vector f in the cases (a), (b) and (c) above axe 2, 3 and 4 respectively, to accommodate higher order terms generated due to integration, the dimension of f is taken to b e 4, 5 and 8 respectively, with the higher order terms set equal to zero. This ensures that no further loss of accuracy takes place due to the use of the operational matrix for integration in place of actual integration.
Chapter 2
The c o m p u t e d results are shown in Tables 2.4- 2.6. Fig. 2.12 shows the limit cycles over the half-period T of oscillations for e = 10, 20, 40 and 100 respectively along with u more accurate result using B P F . In this a large n u m b e r of terms is used (about 2000) a n d the segment widths are chosen to be inversely proportional to the derivative of f(t). These plots indicate t h a t as the value of e increases, the waveform of oscillations tends to assume a trapezoidal shape and very" little improvement is achieved by considering additional terms in the G H O F approximation.
Table 2.4: Solution of Example 2.4 : Case(a)
20.00 40.00
1.675 1.676
-0.373 -0.372
16.004 31.986
-13.300 -26.745
-7.999 -31.999
-39.509 -78.976
Table 2.5: Solution of Example 2.4 : Case(b) i0.00
g(0) -6.799
h(0) -2.990
r(0) -20.109
40,00 100.0
1.681 1.693
-0,385 -0.364
-0.016 -0.023
32.538 80.269
Table 2.6: Solution of Example 2.4 : Case(c)
I2,2 g(0)
T1 h(0)
T2 ~(0)
-1.513 -6.726 -1.789
8.121 -3.461 16.957
0.303 -19.955 0.174
-1.971 -27.260
33.772 -55.925
0.429 -79.657
-1.525 -69.608
80.263 -349.99
1.232 -200.04
GHOF Spectral Analysis
+ - ----2.0
~ 2
Accurate 2-term t-term
- -
Accurate 2-term ~-term +2 term
t(s) 0.0
Accurate 2-term 3-term 2+2 term
..... - - ~ -
Accurate 2-term 3-term 2 term
Solution e=100
of Example
2.4 for (a) • =
10, ( b ) • =
20, ( c )
Chapter 2
46 2.8
In this chapter the proposed system of G H O F has been successfully applied to the analysis of linear and nonlinear dynamical systems. The size of the related spectral vectors in all the examples turned out to be impressively small. It is important to note that, to extract m a x i m u m benefit out of the framework of G H O F , proper choice of m, rj, Tj etc. is essential. They must be chosen with the specific t y p e of application in mind. For example, when the time required for computation is of no significance, such as in off-line applications, the system of G H O F may be chosen with large values of rj to improve accuracy, with m and the segment widths Tj chosen on the basis of discontinuities, if any, in the signal. On the other hand, in real-time applications, quick response is essential, and it may be necessary to compromise accuracy and use smaller values of rj. This kind of trade-off has to be m a d e in problems of parameter estimation and adaptive control as will be seen in the next two chapters.
Identification Continuous-time
of literature
of Systems
in the field
One of the important advantages of characterization of signals in a system by orthogonai functions is that the continuous-time (CT) model can be directly handled. W h e n one is interested in finding out only the response of the system, it m a y not seem very advantageous. But, when we are concerned with the identification of such systems, this has important consequences. In fact, identification of C T model parameters itself is important for several reasons. Some of these have been pointed out by Edmunds [69] and U n b e h a u e n and Rao [282] in the context of parameter estimation and by G a w t h r o p [78,77] in the context of self-tuning control. We briefly discuss t h e m here. i) Our understanding of systems and control has been largely through the C T models. The properties of naturally continuous systems are easier to interpret through C T models than their discrete-time (DT) counterparts. ii) Sometimes indirect approaches to C T model identification are used in which a suitable D T model is first identified, and the C T model is obtained through an appropriate transformation. These approaches suffer from many difficulties because the coefficients of the D T transfer function become numerically ill-conditioned [69] and many of the D T to C T transformations are also associated with similar problems [249]. These effects are more prominent when the sampling rate is high.
Chapter 3
iii) The relative order information (number of poles - number of zeros) is lost in sampling. The additional zeros which arise out of discretization lie outside the unit circle for relative orders greater t h a n two [5]. Furthermore, when the original C T system has a time-delay, the resulting DT approximation may t u r n out to be non-minimum phase, if the time-delay is not an integral multiple of the sampling period [77], even if the original C T model is m i n i m u m phase. iv) A frequent further use of an identified model is in self-tuning control. The properties of a D T control depend on how accurately the model parameters are represented. For example, F ~ m u n d s has shown [69] t h a t an error of 1 part in 107 in the coefficient of z 3 in the z-transfer function (for a 6-th order C T system sampled at 0.1s) could make a 50% change in the steady state gain of the model. The situation worsens with increasing sampling rates. Since none of the existing parameter estimation schemes is likely to estimate parameters with such a high precision, when the estimated model is used in the c o m p u t a t i o n of controller parameters, the solution m a y lead to completely erroneous results and to numerical ill-conditioning [61,62]. These problems can be avoided if the continuous-time model is directly identified. Young surveyed the various approaches to parameter estimation of continuous-time models in 1981 [308]. Subsequently some books have appeared on this topic [216,247,282]. Orthogonal functions were introduced to the problem of parameter estimation of linear time-invariant continuous time models in 1975 [224] with Walsh functions as basis. Use of other basis functions followed in subsequent years [267,145,188,18,194,198]. Some alternative approaches to such direct estimation were proposed at the same time. Saha and P~o [241] used the so-called Poisson moment flmctionals. Recently techniques based on numerical integration and digital filtering have been reported [236,237,238,303]. The activity in the field during the period following Young's survey has been summa~'ized in Table 3.1. The details of the abbreviations are given in "List of Abbreviations". For completeness, indirect approaches and those based on Poisson m o m e n t functionals, numerical integration and Taylor series are also included in this table. In this chapter we first solve the parameter estimation problem in linear CT models using the GHOF. This formulation is then recursified to suit real-time applications. For this purpose, a recursive formula for computing multiple integrals of a signal characterized by G H O F spectra
Mentification of C T Systems
Table 3.1: L i t e r a t u r e m a p for identification of continuous-time s y s t e m s Techaique BPF
LT [50,129, 145,267, 300,202, 2ol] [9,8,10j~7, 68,188,192, 219,224, 227,235, 28o,286] [287,298]
TD [127, 260]
[tl, 75, 188, 225] [295]
[16,63,108, 113,142] [18,23,J'74, 196]
[16, 143] [23, 104, 146, 255]
[159] [198] [299] [59,175] [236,238, 237,239, 303] [213,214, 264,283, 262,139, 269,69] [74,223, 241,243, 245,240] [179]
TV [108, 125, 300]
Types of systems NL MV [42,49, [127, 124, 15, 301] 182] [44, 132, 228]
[293] [96]
[54, 110]
[56, 55, 178, 261]
[193, 226]
Others [133, 266,
222, 183] [94, 134]
[97, 96]
[215, 309] [54,93, 105, 106, 252, 255] [56,58, 157, 254]
[102] [199] [ 1 1 1 ] [122]
[57, 3Ol] [115, 256] [91, 19, 302]
[89, 121, 160]
[51] [210] [26]
[265, 263]
[161, 214, 3111
[209, 207, 208] [12o]
[74, 24o]
[212, 211] [1]
[18o, 270]
Chapter 3
is derived. Utilizing this, a recursive least squares p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm based on G H O F is proposed and applied to the problem of parameter estimation in a converter driven DC motor system. T h e n a generalized least squares p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm employing block pulse functions is presented and its performance is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, an algorithm for simultaneous estimation of parameters and state of a continuous-time system is proposed and numerical results showing its performance are presented.
Formulation of the GHOF spectra
in terms
Consider a single-input single-output (SISO) C T linear time-invariant system modelled by the differential equation nb
d~Y = Y~ b~ dtu a~ - ~ ~dtt ,
where u(t) and y(t) are the input and o u t p u t signals of the system respectively. Integrating (3.1) n-times with respect to t, nb
at y(n_o(t) = ~ bt u(n_o(t) + ~ , ~/l t(0(t) /=0
where, y(~)(t), u(t)(t) and t(t)(t ) are the l-th integrals of y(t), u(t) and the unit step function t(t) between the limits (0, t) respectively. {'Yt} is the set of initial condition terms arising out of integration of (3.1). Expanding u(t), y(t) and t(t) in terms of their G H O F spectra,
u(t) = 4t)
u O(t) I
and substituting in (3.2), nb
a~ y T E ; - t O(t) = ~ 1=0
b, uTE~ -t O(t) + Y~ 7t t T E,l O(t). (3.4) 1=0
Identitication of CT Systems
Setting am -- 1 without loss of generality, (3.4) can be written as n--1
Y=- Z a, ETtyg + ~ - ' ~ b / E T I u + 1----0
"T,EgT l ~,
or, y -- M p,
where, M
T n
Yl - E 9
Yl "'" I - - E T y l E T " u l E T ~ - l u l g Tn-I
and p ~ = [ ~o ~
.-. ~-,
I bo b~ . . . b ~ 1% 7~ . . . 7 ~ - 1 ].
The problem is to estimate the parameter vector p based on the knowledge of y and M in which the signals axe characterized by G H O F and operated u p o n by Eg. T h e estimation can now be done by m a n y of the existing methods. To illustrate the one based on the least squares (LS) approach, we consider the error vector e = y-
and define the cost functional ,:7 = eTe = ( y -- M p ) T (y - M p ) .
Minimizing :7 with respect to the unknown parameter vector p, we obtain the LS estimate ~ of p as: f~ -- ( M T M ) - ' M T y .
Several modifications of the LS scheme are possible. These include the introduction of a weighting matrix in the definition of :7, the use of the generalized least squares (GLS) and instrumental variable methods etc. T h e latter approaches are used when the input-output d a t a axe heavily corrupted by noise and the simple LS scheme yields biased parameter estimates.
Chapter 3
52 3.3
of multiple
of a signal The computation of ~ using (3.9) involves a computational complexity of the order of n~ + (t~ + 1)n~ + Qnp multiplications where np = 2n +nb + 1 is the number of parameters to be estimated. In real-time applications, where the d a t a available has to be processed before the next set of measurements arrives, it is more appropriate to c o m p u t e the estimates using a recursive relation which u p d a t e s them over successive intervals of time. Such recursive algorithms have been extensively used in the discrete-time context [162]. Here we are interested in deriving such a recursive algorithm for the G H O F scheme. We notice t h a t in order to derive the recursive algorithm it is necessary to obtain the various rows of the matrix M recursively. This involves recursive c o m p u t a t i o n of the multiple integrals of the signals y(t), u(t) and t(t) respectively. Such a scheme is presented here. One way of recursifying the above c o m p u t a t i o n is to describe the multiple integrator in state space in a suitable canonical form in which the state variables represent the integrals of various orders. T h e n the SSMT solution of section 2.4 may be employed to c o m p u t e these integrals recursively. However, this m e t h o d is computationally expensive since it is necessary to perform a matrix inversion (if either the time segments Tj o1" the number of C B F components rj are unequal) and a matrix vector multiplication at each recursive step. A simpler approach is to recm'sify the c o m p u t a t i o n of integrals making use of the special structure of Eg in which the elements hi,j, i in ttt,j are, in fact, independent of j (section 2.2). Let us consider
g(t) =
j~0t f ( t )
which implies that
g = Eg f,
where f and g are the G H O F spectral vectors of f ( t ) and g(t) respectively. If the j - t h subvector of f corresponding to the segment Fly is defined as
Identification o f C T S y s t e m s fT = [ fl,j f~,j "'" f.j,j ]
and similarly, gy = [ g~,j g.,~
~.~,j 1,
then, in view of the structure of Eg in (2.6), .7-1
gj = ET fj + E HTj f,.
From (2.7) rl
H ~ f~ = ~ h~,j,i A,~ ,-'j.
where, uj is defined by (2.26). Therefore, j--1 rl
gj = ET fj + E
E h,,j,i fi,, ~'j.
l=l i=l
Similarly, J
gj+l :
ET+I f j + l -t- E E h l , j + l , i /=1 i = l
fi,tV j + I "
Denoting, j-- 1 r l
~ = E E h,,j,~fi,,,
/=1 i=1 rj
¢~÷1 = Cj + ~ i=1
h~,j,, f,,..
Chapter 3 since, hl,j+l,i = hl,j,i. Therefore, the recursive relation for computation of integrals is given
by gj+l = E~+lfj+l + ¢#+1 "i+i
where Cj+l can be calculated recursively from (3.17). Multiple integrals can thus be computed by applying (3.18) repeatedly. This recursification is in terms of a block of size r j, the dimension of the G H O F spectral vector over the segment ~2j. W i t h these elements, each spectral component in the vector may be separated out to form an rj-set of independent linear equations which m a y then be processed successively through a recursive p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm. Using the above formulation, equation (3.6) m a y be modified as Y3 = O J P ,
where, y T = [ Yl,j Y2,j "'" Y~j,j 1, and
[-Y,,,jl -Y,,-~,jl'"lY~,jlu,,,jlu~-~,jl'"lu~-,~,jt
*~,¢1':,iI"" I*,,-~,i] in which Yt,j, th,j and *t,j are defined to be the G H O F spectra of y(o(t), u(0(t ) and t(0(t ) respectively over the segment Ftj.
parameter GHOF
We now employ the recursive least squares parameter estimation algorithm within the G H O F framework. This is a modified version of the discrete-time algorithm given in [162], given by the following set of equations:
Identification of CT Systems k Forj Fori k e(k+l) q(k+l) ~)(k) P(k+l)
= 0 = = = = = : =
1,2,...,redo 1 , 2 , . . . , r j do k+l
Y',i--¢T f~(k) P ( k ) ¢ ~ , j [P(k+I)+4~T P(k)¢i,i]
, (3.20)
15(k)+q(k+l)~(k+l) [ P ( k ) - q ( k + l ) ¢ T . P ( k1.1J) ] / p ( k + l )
15 P cT q p
= --= = =
E q u a t i o n error E s t i m a t e of t h e p a r a m e t e r vector Covariance m a t r i x i - t h row of (I)j K a l m a n gain vector F o r g e t t i n g factor, n o r m a l l y chosen between (0.95, 1.0).
To s t a r t t h e a l g o r i t h m , 15 has to be initialized w i t h suitable e s t i m a t e s of the p a r a m e t e r s a n d P ( 1 ) = a I where cr is a large positive value. For stability of t h e a l g o r i t h m P ( k ) should be positive definite for all k a n d several schemes to ensure this are e m p l o y e d in practice [163,86].
in a converter
Let us a g a i n consider t h e s y s t e m of E x a m p l e 2.2. T h e various DC m o t o r p a r a m e t e r s such as R, L, Ita, KT etc. along w i t h the load t o r q u e TL are a s s u m e d to be u n k n o w n . These are to be e s t i m a t e d based on t h e m e a s u r e m e n t s of t h e t e r m i n a l voltage ul (t), m o t o r current Xl (t) a n d t h e speed x2 (t). F r o m (2.39),
/¢1 = - ~ x ~
KT = --fxl
- -~--x2 + ~ u l
1 -- j u 2 .
Chapter 3
56 Integrating with respect to time,
xl ---- ---~
x2(t) dt~-
ul(t) dt+x~(O).(3.23)
We expand xl, x2, ul and u2 in terms of their G H O F spectra, xl(t) ~ X l O ( t ) ,
x2(t) ~ x2O(t), ul(t) ~ u l O ( t ) , u2(t) ~ U2O(t),
and define
Xl (0) : XT 1,0 O ( t ) , where xl,0 = xl (0) u with u defined by (2.25). Then, xl-----
E Txl-
a x2÷
E Tul÷xl,0,
x~ = [ - E [ x ~ l -
E [ x 2 1 E [ u l l ~ ] [ RL~°LZx~I (0) IT.
Similarly, from (3.22),
x2 --- [ E T x ~ I - ETu2I~ ][ h:r_x j y x2(0) ]T.
Equations (3.25) and (3.26) are derived from (2.39) which is valid during the on-period of the converter. From (2.40), which is valid during the off-period, we obtain,
x2 = [E~x~ ~ ][ 71 ~2(0) ]T.
Note that since xl (t) = 0 in this case, only the equation relating the speed and the load torque is relevant. Making use of the recursive relation (3.18), (3.25) becomes
Xl,j : [ --~bl,j I --~b2,j I ~b3,jl uj ][Pl ])2 p3 t/)4 ]T,
Identification o f C T S y s t e m s where ¢ l , j , ¢ 2 d
and #'3,j are the G H O F spectra of the integrals of R the signals x l ( t ) , x 2 ( t ) and u l ( t ) over Ftj respectively, and Pl = T,P2 = h'. 1 L ' P3 : ~ and P4 = xl (0). Similarly, (3.26) yields,
X2,j : [ 't~l,j [ --'¢4,j
I /'~j ][ 1795 P6 P7 ]T,
where ¢~,j is the G H O F spectral vector of the integral of u2(t) over f~i a n d p ~ = g_:r_ j , p ,6 = y 1 and P7 = x~ (0). If the load torque is also t r e a t e d as an unknown [123], (3.29) may be modified to
X2,j = [ ~bl, j [ --~b4, j I v j 1[ P5 P6 P7 ]T,
where ¢ 4,j is the G H O F spectral vector of a unit ramp function over f~j andpG = Tr jSimilarly, (3.27) leads to
x ,j = [
I vj 1[ p6 p71
Equations (3.28)-(3.31) are now ready for recursive c o m p u t a t i o n via (3.20). Noting the similarity in the p a r a m e t e r vectors in (3.30) and (3.31), we can combine t h e m by padding (3.31) with a zero term. In fact, (3.28) can also be combined with (3.30) and (3.31) using suitable padding, b u t at the cost of considerable increase in computational complexity due to the loss of natural decentralized nature of the estimation equations. Therefore the forms of the ¢i,j vectors corresponding to the three equations (3.28), (3.30) and (3.31) are given by
¢i,T = i - t h r o w o f [ - ¢ l , j
cT =i-throwof[¢l,j ¢i,T = i - t h r o w o f [ 0
I - ¢ :,j 1 ¢ 3,j I v j 1,
I -¢4,j [ uj ] and I -¢4,j
I r,y ].
Chapter 3
3.1. Parameter
in a DC motor
tem The system of Example 2.2 is now considered for parameter estimation. The input-output d a t a is generated by the same simulation scheme and the G H O F spectra of these signals are directly obtained. W h e n normal operating records are used, these have to be calculated using the inner product formula (1.9). Transient d a t a as shown in Fig. 2.7 has been used upto 100 cycles (the defmition of the term cycle also remains the same as before). For the purpose of parameter estimation, the voltage and current waveforms are approximated by two Legendre terms in each cycle while the speed waveform is represented by a single Legendre component. The higher order terms are ignored and the equations arising out of t h e m are not processed by the parameter estimation algorithm. Similarly, the off-periods in each cycle are seen to contribute very little in view of their small duration. Therefore, the d a t a obtained during this period may also be ignored. However, the c o m p u t e d integral terms must take into account the values of the signals during this period. For example, the back e.m.f, which comes across the m o t o r terminals during this period, must be used in the calculation of the integral of the input terminal voltage vt(t) = ul (t). Figure 3.1 shows the p a t t e r n of p a r a m e t e r convergence for 100 cycles of i n p u t - o u t p u t data. Initially the parameters are assumed to be zero and a is chosen to be 104. The parameters have converged well and the estimated values of the motor parameters are _~ = 0.097gt, L = 0.0055H, / ~ = 2.48V-s/rad; J = 1.775Kg-m 2, /~'T = 2.58N-m/A when TL is assumed known. The above values are very close to the true values given in Example 2.2.
Parameter estimation using generalized least squares (GLS) scheme
It is well-known in the context of discrete-time p a r a m e t e r estimation that the ordinary least squares scheme gives biased p a r a m e t e r estimates
Identification of C T Systems
500 (a) pltop
500 (b) P5to P
P6~O X2
100 cycles
Figure 3.1: Pattern of parameter convergence in Example 3.1
Chapter 3
when the i n p u t - o u t p u t d a t a is corrupted by noise. The orthogonalfunctions-based schemes are immune to additive high-frequency zeromean white noise to some extent, since the process of finding the spectra of signals is a kind of low-pass filtering. B u t since the minimization of an equation error (which does not become white even when the additive noise term is so), is involved, biased parameters are likely to be obtained in noisy situations. It is therefore necessary to use algorithms with better noise rejection property. Here we consider the generalized least squares (GLS) p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm and employ it for CTmodel parameter estimation via G H O F . The general recursive p a r a m e t e r estimation scheme using C T models using the GLS scheme is shown in Fig. 3.2. The "signal processing or characterization" block corresponds to the c o m p u t a t i o n of the spectra of the signals and their integrals in this case. U and ¥ are the spectral representations of the signals u(t) and y(t) and their integrals. The polynomials A(s) and B(s) correspond to the denominator and the numerator polynomials respectively in a transfer function representation of the system given by (3.1). The coefficients of these polynomials are the unknown parameters which will be estimated. In the GLS scheme, the equation error e(t) is given by,
ci ~
d% ~=o dtl
z=o where,
. (3.32)
aly(n_o(t ) -
nb n--1 ] ~z=0 btu(~-t)(t) -- ~t=o 7it(t) (t)
The transfer function D(s)/C(s) in the above may be viewed as a pre-whitening filter. Assuming an, cn and dn to be unity without loss of generality (since the unknown error terms e(t) and v(t) will be appropriately scaled), and integrating (3.22) n-times with respect to t, n--1
e(t) + ~ nb
-~ 1=0
cle(~_t)(t ) = y(t)
~-1 ~t=°azY(n-t)(t) ! (3.33)
btu(n-o(t) -- ~ l=0
~ , d~v(n_~)(t) ] l=0
where e(o(t ) denotes t h e / - t h integral of e(t) within the limits (0, t). Equation (3.33) can be compactly written as
Identification of C T Systems
Figure 3.2: GLS scheme for parameter estimation of CT systems
Chapter 3
e(t) = y(t) -- c T (t) p
[ --Y(~)(t)l
"'" [ -- Y(1)(t)lu(n)(t)l
"'" l u(~-~b)(t)l
e(t) l~(1)(t)l --.[t(n_~)(t)te(.)(t)t-..le(~)(t)] --v(~)(t)l ... ) -- v(l>(t) ] and
_= [aoal ...a~_l lbobl ...bnb lVo~/1...'y~-l l co cl...c~-1 I do d l . . . d ~ _ l ].
It m a y be noted t h a t the terms e(o(t ) and v(o(t ) in ¢ ( t ) will not be measurable or available at the time instant t. Therefore, only the estimated values ~(t) and ~(t) and their integrals can be inserted in their place. From (3.34), following the recursification procedure outlined in section 3.3, a recursive algorithm of the same form as (3.20) can be obtained. The only difference is t h a t the vector ¢i,j will now contain additional terms corresponding to ~(t) and ~(t). An example is considered here to demonstrate t h e efficiency of the GLS algorithm as compared to the ordinary LS algorithm in noisy situations.
of noise
of LS and GLS
Let us consider a second order linear time-invariant system modelled by
d2 y dt 2 + 2dd-~t + y(t) = u(t) with u(t) as a PRBS signal of period 127 and amplitude :kl. The system is simulated using B P F with a time-width of 0.1s and different levels of zero-mean Gaussian noise are added to the B P F coefficients of y(t). The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is defined by
Identification o f C T S y s t e m s SNR =
S t a n d a r d deviation of signal S t a n d a r d deviation of noise "
1000 points of d a t a spanning a length of 100s are considered. The input signal, the noise-free o u t p u t signal and the o u t p u t signal mixed with noise (SNR=3.3) are shown in Fig. 3.3(a)-(c). The other conditions are as follows: i) B P F are used for signal characterization. Further, the B P F coefficients of outputs, mixed with noise, are directly processed by the parameter estimation algorithms. The inherent filtering property of G H O F therefore does not come into picture in this example. From points of view of susceptibility to noise, this situation therefore corresponds to the worst case. ii) The GLS algorithm is used with D ( s ) = s ~. The corresponding e(t) terms in the measurement vector at the (j + 1)-th time interval are substituted by their values at the j - t h instant. Table 3.2 shows the estimates of the parameters for different SNR along with the s t a n d a r d deviation of the parameters from the average value for 20 Monte Carlo simulation runs in each case. The p a t t e r n of parameter convergence for the noise-free case and at an SNR of 3.3 is shown for the LS and the GLS schemes in Figures 3.4(a)-(d). It is clear from these plots and Table 3.2 t h a t the GLS scheme is considerably superior to the ordinary LS scheme in presence of noise. In fact, the LS algorithm cannot be used at all in presence of noise, as indicated by the very large s t a n d a r d deviations caused by the lack of parameter convergence.
Simultaneous state and parameter tion of SISO systems
In section 3.3 we have recursively estimated the parameters of a continuoustime system along with some initial condition terms {Vz}, which seems to be, on the surface, an additional burden on the algorithm. However, this unavoidable burden can be viewed as a bonus in the event of simultaneous parameter and state estimation. The estimated system parameters are in the first and second subvectors of 1~. The third subvector in 15 may be related to the initial system state in a canonical form. The subvectors of f~ along with the i n p u t - o u t p u t signals can thus be used to directly estimate the system state.
Chapter 3
101 t(s) -1.0 0.5~-
(b) l 0.0
0.5 t-(c) - O.
Figure 3.3: Input-output data for parameter estimation in Exaznple 3.2. (a) Input signal; (b) Noise-free output signal and (c) Output signal for SNR=3.3
Identification o f C T Systems
> 100 t(s)
1 100 t(s)
J 3 alX0.1
10! t(s)
Figure 3.4: Pattern of parameter convergence in Example 3.2. (a) LS, no noise; (b) GLS, no noise; (c) LS, SNR=3.3 and (d) GLS, SNR=3.3
Chapter 3
Table 3.2: P a r a m e t e r estimates in LS and GLS schemes in E x a m ~le 3.2 SNR
True values
ao = 1.0
bo = 1.0
0.99584-0.0142 0.00814-0.0,206
LS esti+std,
GLS est.4-std,
bl = 0.0
ao = 1.0
a 1 = 2.0
b o = 1.0
bl = 0.0
a0 -- 1.0
a l = 2.0
b o = 1.0
bl -----0.0
The initial condition terms 7~ in (3.2) are given by n--1
7t----Y(0(0)+ ~ ai y(i-n+O(O) - ~_, bi u(~-n+t)(O), i=n--I i=n--I
where, bl = 0 , V i E 7- ~~--1~ + 1 , y(0(0) and u(0(0) are the l-th derivatives of y(t) and u(t) respectively, evaluated at t = 0. We now consider a state space realization of the system (3.1) in the observable canonical form, i.e., with 0 r --an- 1 _an_ 2 A =
0 C T
b n -- n b
--a t
bo It m a y be easily verified t h a t in this canonical form, the initial values of the state and the unknowns 7i axe related by x i ( 0 ) = 71-1, V i E Zn.
Identification of CT Systems
Further, n--i
x}"-'+l)(t) = - ~_, at y(')(t) + ~ , bt u(')(t),Vi e :r, 1----0
where x}i)(t) is the j - t h derivative of the i-th element of x(t). Integrating (3.37) ( n - i + 1)-times, n--i
--Y~ at y(n+l-i-t)(t) + Y~ bt u(n+l_i_t)(t) /----0 rt--I
"~i t(i-z+l)(t)
Equation (3.38) with the estimated parameters and the initial state can be used for state estimation. It may, however, so happen that the monotonically increasing terms t(o(t ) blow up to large values for large t. This can be avoided by periodically resetting the integrals and correspondingly shifting the time origin. Based on this, the following recur° sive least squares algorithm for simultaneous estimation of parameters and state is derived. In order to obtain complete recursification in time, the B P F characterization is employed. For k -- 1 , 2 , . . . , m do ~(k + 1)
q(k + 1)
~(k) P ( k + 1)
= =
y(k + 1)
l~(k) P ( k ) ¢1,~+1
[ P ( k + l ) + ¢ Tl , k + l P ( k ) ¢~,k+~ ] 15(k) + q(k + 1) ~(k + 1) [P(k) - q(k + 1) ¢~k+, P ( k ) ] / p ( k + 1) n--i
- - c T ~,k+l
- ~ a~y(.+l_~_t)(k) + Y:~ btu(.+~_~_z)(k) 1----0 n--1
+ Y:~ "~ ~(~_t+l)(k),vi ~ :z-,~ l=i-- i
f ~ = [ a0 31 ... a._1 l b0 bl ... b.~ t +0 ~1 ..- +.-1 ]
Chapter 3
and &i(k) is the estimate of the k-th B P F coefficient of xi(t) and y(o(k),u(o(k) and t(O(k) are the k-th B P F coefficients of the signals Y(0 (t), u(0 (t) and t(0 (t) respectively. They are reset periodically to zero with a resetting interval mr, along with the following: P ( k ) -- a I, a being a large positive constant, and ~/~-1 = &i(k),Vi E In.
Example mation
3.3. S i m u l t a n e o u s
state and parameter
Let us consider the second order system of Example 3.2. The inputo u t p u t d a t a shown in Fig. 3.3(a) ~ (c) is now used for simultaneous state and p a r a m e t e r estimation. Figures 3.5(a)-(d) show the p a t t e r n of p a r a m e t e r convergence for four values of SNR. The resetting interval rn~ is chosen to b e 100 and a = 104. The convergence of the two state estimates xl (t) and ~2(t) to the true states is shown in Fig. 3.6(a) and (b) respectively for SNR=3.3. The GLS m e t h o d is employed (with D ( s ) = s n) since the LS m e t h o d would give biased parameter estimates in presence of noise. Reasonably good convergence of parameters and state is obtained despite the high level of noise.
The framework of G H O F has been applied to the p a r a m e t e r estimation and combined p a r a m e t e r and state estimation problems of continuoustime systems. Keeping in view the need of real-time applications, the algorithms have been made recursive. In this context it was found that complete time-recursive forms can be obtained only in the special case of block pulse functions, while in the general case, btock-recursive formulations were derived. In practical situations, where the execution time of the algorithms becomes critical, one m a y retain as many terms as possible in the G H O F framework. This therefore gives an additional degree of flexibility to the designer of an on-line algorithm in the choice of the number of terms suiting the problem at hand. Keeping this in view, we have used the single t e r m approximation in the problem of simultaneous state and parameter estimation.
Identification of C T Systems
A (a)
f f
A (b) f
0 )
(c) r
2 (d) f
Figure 3.5: Parameter convergence in Example 3.3. (a) no noise; (b) SNR=10.0; (c) SNR=5.0 and (d) SNR=3.3
Chapter 3
A 0.6
. . . . . . .
Estimated True
Estimated . . . . . . .
F i g u r e 3.6: C o n v e r g e n c e o f s t a t e in E x a m p l e 3.3 for S N R = 3 . 3 . (a) xl (t) a n d (b) x2(t)
Continuous-time M odel-based
of literature
in the field
Self-tuning control (STC) has been an area of intense research activity during the past two decades. In 1965 Young reported on a completely continuous-time m e t h o d of self-tuning control which involved implementation via analog hardware [306,307]. The first self-tuning control scheme based on a discrete-time (DT) model was proposed by AstrSm and W i t t e n m a r k in 1973 [6]. This led to an enormous amount of activity in the field based mostly on D T models [4]. In the subsequent period of time, which is known for great advances of digital c o m p u t e r technology, Young's C T - t r e a t m e n t went virtually unnoticed. Although the model reference adaptive control ( M R A C ) schemes were often formulated using C T models, these were rather simple in nature because of the need for realization via analog components. S T C and M R A C were considered to have separate identities until Egardt brought out the underlying equivalence between t h e m in 1979 [70,71]. Egardt also formulated the self-tuning control problem in a C T framework keeping in view the vast developments in the D T approaches. This led to a revival of interest and activity in C T approaches. G a w t h r o p [77] suggested hybrid self-tuning control which considered continuoustime models for design and discrete-time techniques for implementation,
Chapter 4
and showed that it is superior to the completely digital scheme. He also unified a number of algorithms involving model reference, pole placement and predictive control [78]. Pointingout the problems associated with DT techniques mentioned in section 3.1, he advocated the use of CT design for STC. Some of the problems related to DT approaches have been recently solved by using the so-called delta-operator in the implementation of STC schemes [83]. Recently more complex self-tuning control schemes have been formulated. A number of schemes employing pole-zero placement have been proposed. The concept of an emulator is introduced by Gawthrop [79,81] and used to unify" a n u m b e r of existing algorithIns and generate some new ones. Goodwin and Mayne [84] showed how the CT MRAC can be decomposed into separate stages concerned with p a r a m e t e r estimation and control giving rise to the explicit or indirect schemes in contrast to the implicit or direct schemes in vogue earlier. In the implicit schemes the second stage is avoided by a suitable reparametrization of the estimator so that the controller parameters are directly estimated. The explicit methods are more general since any p a r a m e t e r estimation scheme (e.g., Least Squares, M a x i m u m Likelihood, gradient etc.) can be coupled with any controller design scheme (e.g., pole placement, optimal, LQG etc.) in the choicest combination. The stability properties of the implicit CT STC schemes were studied by Egardt [70,72], Gawthrop [77,82], Elliott [73]. Explicit schemes have been considered more recently by Kreisselmeier [141], Goodwin and Middleton [85] and Middleton [170]. Similar studies in the MRAC context were reported by Narendra et al. [184] and Morse [176]. The robustness of C T schemes to unmodelled plant dynamics was questioned by Rohrs et al. [234] and some attempts t o solve this problem are reported [81,82,171,3]. Table 4.1 summarizes the various C T approaches to STC indicating the salient features of the respective techniques. In this chapter we consider an explicit self-tuning scheme with poleplacement design which uses characterization via orthogonal functions to retain the CT model parameters. To obtain a fully time-recursive formulation with m i n i m u m computational delay, the B P F characterization is used. Since it is also possible to implement controller action based on BPF, in real-time, a totally C T model-based STC scheme is presented. Section 4.2 describes the STC problem with a general objective of
C T Model-based Self-ttming, Control
Table 4.1: S u m m a r y of continuous-time approaches to self-tuning control Ref.
Impl. 1
Dist. 2
[306, 307]
T h e f i r s t C T a p p r o a c h in self-tuning; Implementation via analog hardware
[70, 71, 72]
Unification of MRAC and STC; Formulation of S T C in C T ; A n a l y s i s o f stability
T h e hybrid a p p r o a c h
Stability analysis of CT MRAC
Hybrid M RAC
1761 {731
Unification of m a n y a d a p t i v e c o n trol schemes; Justificat i o n for d e s i g n u s i n g C T
[141] [2341
A n a l y s i s of s t a b i l i t y
of C T M R A C s c h e m e s to unmodelled dynamics
Practical PID a m p l e in C T
Unification of various designs using the concept o f emulator
U s e o f delta o p e r a t o r to remove some difficulties of D T a l g o r i t h m s
[170] [85]
Global convergence with least squares parameter estimation E x t e n s i o n of [141]
Unified CT/DT gence analysis
[81] [821 [1711
D e s i g n of C T S T C
R o b u s t n e s s of C T S T C
Design guidelines for STC Completely CT modelbased implementation
Chapter 4
set-point tracking and disturbance rejection ( b o t h measurable and unmeasurable type) in the presence of parameter uncertainty. The implementation aspects of the S T C scheme using the B P F approach are described in section 4.3. Simulation experiments have been undertaken to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with that of a D T scheme given in [62] and the results are summarized in Example 4.1. Finally discussions on the results are made in section 4.4.
a CT
A continuous-time plant, with disturbances, can in general be modelled
by A(s)Y(s) = B(s)U(s) + C(s)Z(s) + D(s)V(s),
where u(t) and y(t) are the input and o u t p u t of the plant and z(t) and v(t) are the unknown (unmeasurable) and known (measurable) disturbances respectively. For simplicity, the plant has been assumed to be delay-free. A, B, C and D are polynomials of the form:
A(s) B(s) C(s) D(s)
= -= = =
sn +a,~_ls'~-l + . . . + a l s + a o bnbs '~b "~-bnb-13nb-1 + " " + b l s +bo s~ +c,~_lsn-l + . . . + c l s + C o dnds nd + d ~ - l s n~-I + " " + d i s +do
The control objective is to make the system o u t p u t y(t) follow a specified trajectory w(t), while at the s a m e time rejecting the effects due to z(t) and v(t), in the presence of uncertainty in the coefficients of A, B, C and D. It m a y be possible to attribute z(t) to noise and v(t) to load disturbances in the plant. The controller action is given by
F ( s ) Y ( s ) + G(s)U(s) + S ( s ) V ( s ) = H ( s ) W ( s ) ,
corresponding to the closed loop system shown in Fig. 4.1. The closed loop equations are
Y(s) -
BH W(s) + CG D G - B S V s (4.4) AG + BF A G + B F Z(s) + A G + B F ( )
CT Model-based Self-tuning Control
v(t) i
Figure 4.1: The structure of the continuous-time self-tuning controller and
AH U ( s ) - AG + B F W ( S )
AS + DF AG + BFV(S). (4.5)
The description of the controller given here follows closely the scheme of [62] for a corresponding discrete-time controller. To obtain a desired closed loop transfer function according to a reference model
Y(s) = M(s) W(s),
the design problem is to choose appropriate polynomials F, G, H and S satisfying (4.6). It may be noted here t h a t this control scheme does not try to m a t c h the o u t p u t y(t) to the high frequency components of w(t). This leads to b e t t e r robustness properties of the scheme [81]. In the presence of z(t) and v(t), it m a y not be possible to achieve exact model following, but the design must be such t h a t these disturbances have a minimal effect on the system output y(t). In a self-tuning framework, where the system polynomials are not exactly known or are time-varying in nature, it is necessary to estimate either {A, B, C, D} (explicit approach) or {F, G, H, S} (implicit approach) by measuring and processing {u(t), y(t), v(t)} and estimating z(t). We take up the explicit approach in which it is assumed t h a t
Chapter 4
the estimates of {A, B, C, D} are available as the o u t p u t of a suitable p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm and t h e y are used in the computation of {F, G, H, S} using pole placement. In the following, estimates are denoted by a ^ above the symbol of the related variable. If we choose the model transfer flmction M(s) in the form
M(s) = AB(s)/Am(s),
by retaining the system n u m e r a t o r polynomial B(s) in the closed loop, with a factor 3, ensuring unity closed loop steady state gain, we obtain the following Diophantine equation solvable for F and G [61]:
fiG + B F = A ~ d
and H = AC,
where A = Am (0)/B(0). The feedforward polynomial S is given by DG-/3S
= #Q,
where # is arbitrarily small and Q is a polynomial in s such t h a t Q(0) = 0 to ensure zero steady-state effect of the load disturbance v(t) on the output. T h e value of # m a y be chosen to be zero, but this m a y give rise to excessively high control action. Equation (4.8) can be solved either by matrix inversion [62] or Euclid's algorithm [81] also applicable to discrete-time cases. The latter is a recursive algorithm very suitable for real-time applications. Based on the above formulation, an algorithm with the following steps m a y be implemented: Step 1: Initialize {A, B, C, D} based on a priori knowledge; Step 2: Calculate {F, G, H, S} from equations (4.8-4.10); Step 3: Calculate control signal u(t) from equation (4.3) using a suitable numerical technique;
CT Model-based Self-tuning Control
Step 4: Measure y(t) and v(t); ^
Step 5: Update the parameter estimates {A, B, C, D} using a suitable parameter estimation algorithm; Step 6: Go to Step 2.
Steps 1, 2 and 4 of the algorithm presented in section 4.2 are common for both CT and DT techniques. It is in steps 3 and 5 that the two approaches differ. While in the conventional DT schemes step 3 would be performed by computing the values of u(t) at different sampling instants corresponding to a suitable discretization of (4.5), in the CT scheme proposed here, (4.5) is characterized by orthogonal functions and the spectra of u(t) are calculated based on those of w(t), 2(t) and v(t). Since an adaptive controller has to operate in real-time, it is necessary to perform this computation in a time-recursive manner. Even though this is theoretically possible in the GHOF framework, due to restrictions on the time required for computation and collection of information to evaluate the spectra, the use of block pulse functions (BPF) for this purpose is preferred. Therefore, the SSST formula presented in section 2.4 is used to simulate the transfer functions in (4.5). To reduce the computational burden further, it may be simplified to
U(s) = ~ A W(s) - S - Z ( s ) Am Am
AS + DFv(s)" A~C
Step 5 of the algorithm involves parameter estimation of a CT model which should also be performed recursively in time. This is achieved by employing the methodology presented in section 3.6. The GLS estimation algorithm is used because of the presence of the disturbance term z(t). The recursive relation from which parameter estimation is to be performed is now of the form
z(t) = y(t) -- c T ( t ) p
Chapter 4
78 and
pT = [ ao ... an-1 I bo "" bnb I Co "'" ca-1 I do . " dad 1. In the above formLflation the initial conditions are ignored with the assumption t h a t the self-tuner starts when the plant is s t a r t e d with zero initial conditions. The spectral approximations of the signals a n d their integrals in (4.12) which are o b t a i n e d for successive time intervals are processed by the parameter estimation algorithm (3.20). To improve the robustness of the scheme several modifications have been suggested in the literature such as covariance resetting, projection of estimated parameters into a convex plane, coding the p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm with squareroot or UD factorization techniques, injection of p e r t u r b a t i o n signals for sufficient excitation of the plant etc. [61,86,171,305]. Other practical restrictions such as a c t u a t o r s a t u r a t i o n can also be taken into account in the simulation as will be seen in the following example.
of the
tro lle r Let us consider a system represented by (s ~ + 2s + 1)Y(s) = U(s) + (0.1 + 0.1s + s2)Z(s) + 0.2Y(s). It is to follow a unit amplitude square wave set-point signal of period 40s. The reference model is chosen as (1 + 0.958 + 0.44s~)Y(s) = W(s), corresponding to a system with a b a n d w i d t h of 1.5 r a d / s and a damping factor of 0.707. A load disturbance v(t) in the form of a square wave of amplitude 0.5 and period 20s is assumed. The noise z(t) is generated as a zero-mean Gaussian sequence. To start with, the parameters are assumed to be only approximately known. We take d0 = 0.5, gl = 1.0, /~0 = 0.5, ~0 = 0.05, ~1 = 0.05 and d0 = 0.1. The covariance m a t r i x is initialized with a = 104 .
C T Model-based Serf-tuning Control
The value of # is taken to be zero. The Diophantine equation (4.8) is solved directly by matrix inversion. To assess the performance of the proposed scheme, a standard D T algorithm [62] with the same controller structure is also implemented side by side. In this, the system is discretized by means of Tustin transformation to give rise to the following discrete equation: 1.80952q -1 0.00227(1 ( 0 . 9 1 1 7 9 - 1.81361q -1 0.000453(1 (1 -
+0.81859q-2)Y(q) + 2q -1 + q-~)U(q) + 0.90272q-2)Z(q) -t- 2q -1 -~ q-2)V(q)
= + +
where, q-1 is the backward shift operator. Both the algorithms are s u b j e c t e d to the following three conditions: case (i) z(t) = 0 and persistent excitation is maintained in the form of a P R B S signal of amplitude 4-0.05 units and period 127 riding over the control signal u(t); case (ii) z(t) = O, but the P R B S perturbation signal is removed, and case (iii) Non-zero z(t), with p e r t u r b a t i o n signal added as in case (i). This situation corresponds to an S N R (as defined in Example 3.2) of approximately 11.0. Y~arthermore, the control signal is clipped at 4-5 units to prevent it from being u n b o u n d e d (in case the self-tuner fails) or to take into account actuator saturation. Before making the self-ttmer on-line, the parameter estimation is allowed to proceed for 10s and during that period the controller parameters are kept at their nominal values c o m p u t e d at the beginning using the initial parameter estimates. In practical cases a much more sophisticated software structure is required which supervises the operation of the self-tuning controller [305]. Figures 4.2-4.5 show the results obtained using the D T and C T schemes. B o t h approaches work well in case (i). But it is observed t h a t in cases (ii) and (iii) the D T scheme fails. In b o t h cases the reason is the lack of p a r a m e t e r convergence. In case (ii), insufficient excitation causes oscillations in the control signal and even after this oscillating excitation finally leads to p a r a m e t e r convergence, the system has not been able to return to the desired operating point during the period of observation. Such a phenomenon was reported by Anderson [2]. But the C T scheme works quite well. In case (iii), the D T identification algorithm gives
Chapter 4
1 ! ..........
al 1
40 t(s)
-2 t~
40 t(s) (c)
C -1
al 40 t(s)
40 t(s) (f)
(e) .
az ,........
a0 [
40 t(s) Figure 4.2: E s t i m a t e s o f a - p a r a m e t e r s in E x a m p l e 4.1 : (a) case (i) D T , (b) case (i) - C T , (c) case (ii) - D T , (d) case (ii) - C T , (e) case (iii) - D T a n d (f) case (iii) - C T
biased p a r a m e t e r e s t i m a t e s d u e to noise a n d leads to clipping of t h e control signal at - 5 units. However, t h e p r o p o s e d a l g o r i t h m works quite well in this case as well. It has b e e n observed t h a t t h e coefficients of C do n o t necessarily converge to t h e i r t r u e values. T h i s is also t h e case in t h e D T c o n t e x t [62]. This does not, however, affect t h e control p e r f o r m a n c e since C(s) gets cancelled f r o m t h e closed loop t r a n s f e r function.
T h e process of d i s c r e t i z a t i o n of t h e originally C T p l a n t o f t e n increases t h e n u m b e r of u n k n o w n p a r a m e t e r s , as seen in E x a m p l e 4.1. Therefore,
CT Model-based Serf-tuning Control
.02 bo
bo 40 t(s)
do f
40 t(s) (d)
.0~ .01
bl -
40 t(S)
.01 0 -0.01
(e) .02
40 t(s)
6) /
ib2 t~
, ~ot'~s,
o I1'1¢
bo do F
40 t(s)
F i g u r e 4.3: E s t i m a t e s of b - p a r a m e t e r s in E x a m p l e 4.1 : (a) case (i) ...... D T , (b) case (i) - C T , (c) case (ii) - D T , (d) case (ii) - C T , (e) case (iii) - D T a n d (f) case (iii) - C T
Chapter 4
(a) 10 '~
10 - ' ~
0.0 -1.0 1 0t
(b) _l ~s)
W -
0.0 -1.0 2.5j _~' -_ --^ 0.0 -2.5
1 0,'~_-
~ WI (e)
O. -1.0~
0.0 t(s) .1.0 40
w ~_ (d)
4O F
W -
1 . 0 ~ y -1.0 ~
W~ . ~
F i g u r e 4.4: O u t p u t s i g n a l y(t) a n d s e t - p o i n t w(t) in E x a m p l e 4.1 : ( a ) c a s e (i) - D T , ( b ) c a s e (i) - C T , (c) c a s e (ii) - D T , (d) c a s e (ii) - C T , (e) c a s e (iii) - D T a n d (f) c a s e (iii) - C T
CT Model-based Self-tuning Control
2.5 0.0 -2.5
V ~
2.5 0.0 -2.5
U ,,
2 O.
2.5 " 0.0 -2.5
V 1/-
2.5 0.0 -2.5
(e) 2.5
4O _ I,r"
0.0 -25
U ' V .....I../ ' ' ~
40 - - - ! t~s)
F i g u r e 4.5: C o n t r o l s i g n a l u(t) m a d d i s t u r b a n c e w(t) in E x a m p l e 4.1 : (a) c a s e (i) - D T , ( b ) c a s e (i) - C T , (c) c a s e (ii) - D T , ( d ) c a s e (ii) C T , (e) c a s e (iii) - D T a n d ( f ) c a s e (iii) - C T
Chapter 4
the parameter estimation algorithm needs inputs with a larger number of frequency components t h a n is required by the C T scheme. In presence of noise, the C T p a r a m e t e r estimation algorithm, which inherently uses integration of i n p u t - o u t p u t data, is seen to have superior performance. The choice of sampling interval is also not a trivial problem. Discretization, which transforms the semi-infinite left-ha~ of the s-pla~e into a finite unit disc in the z-plane, often leads to clustering of poles and zeros, especially at higher sampling rates. Although, in theory, the transformation is fully justified for convenience of implementation in a computer, in reality, however, numerical problems m a y come up. At least, these effects are averted if the original C T system parameters are retained in the formulation and computation. Because of the above reasons C T model-based schemes may now be viewed as viable alternatives to the existing completely D T STC schemes.
A p p lic at io ns
The framework of G H O F proposed here encompasses all the known systems of orthogonal functions, rendering the resulting basis quite general, flexible and thereby suitable to approximate a wide class of square integrable functions in a variety of situations in the actual practice. The set of G H O F is shown to be superior to the existing ones in approximating discontinuous signals and in the analysis of dynamical systems subjected to such inputs. The selected applications of the proposed set of G H O F illustrated here are prompted by the special nature of certain problems encountered frequently in practice. In these cases it is shown how the definition of the set of G H O F can be tailored according to the needs of the problem under consideration. The effectiveness of the set of G H O F as an appropriate basis in the analysis and identification of power electronic circuits and systems and in the s t u d y of highly nonlinear Van der Pol oscillators along with its reducibility to any of the existing systems of orthogonal functions amply d e m o n s t r a t e d in Chapters 2 and 3 clearly suggests that the proposed system has potential for further applications. The case of continuous-time model based self-tuning control is handled with particular reference to block-pulse functions only with a view to show the possibility for real-time implementation at the same time maintaining the relationship with the G H O F . In contrast with the coverage of applications with those in the book by Rao [216], this book does not include the following:
Chapter 5
86 (a) Analysis of time-delay systems (b) Solution of functional differential equations
(c) Optimal control of l u m p e d linear systems with and without delay terms (d) Distributed p a r a m e t e r systems. Having set out in detail with the derivation of the basic operational matrix for integration via G H O F and its use in the solution of state equation, some marginal amount of exercise on part of the reader will pave way towards the solution of the above problems as outlined below: (i) Analysis of time-delay systems: The essential requirement in this case is the formal derivation of the operational matrix for delay via G H O F . This can be accomplished in a straight forward manner by considering a delayed function and expanding it in terms of G H O F in a procedure well illustrated in [216]. This matrix along with the one already derived for integration converts the given state equation containing delay terms into an algebraic form which can be solved for the G H O F spectrum of the state or o u t p u t as required. (ii) Solution of functional differential equation with terms having stretched argument: An operational matrix for stretch via G H O F can be derived as shown in [216]. This matrix and the one for integration become the means by which the system equation is converted into algebraic form for solution. (iii) Optimal Control: The solution of optimal control problems is obtained through tile solution of the related state and costate equations. Depending on the nature of the system, use of the operational matrices for integration and delay provides solution to a wide class of problems. T h a t is, the tools developed in this book together with those proposed in (i) above are sufficient to give solutions to problems of optimal control for systems with or without delays. (iv) Distributed p a r a m e t e r systems: As has been illustrated in [216], to handle partial differential equations, operational matrices for integration with respect to the various independent variables of space and time can be derived by first defining G H O F in more than one dimension. This exercise too is straightforward.
Other Possible Applications
The resultant operational matrices would reduce the partial calculus of distributed parameter systems to an Mgebra. The solutions of partial differential equations can be obtained in terms of the multidimensional G H O F spectra. Several other issues related to sensitivity, suboptimal control, interpretation of system properties such as stability, controllability, observability etc. can also be handled on the basis of the G H O F spectral description of systems. The central idea behind all these and any other problems not mentioned here, is the use of appropriate basis and the related operational matrices. This makes it clear as to where else the G H O F framework can be extended for useful application either for numerical c o m p u t a t i o n or simulation in the study of systems and control. However, the authors would like to caution the reader against overenthusiastic and indiscriminate use of the G H O F framework in its general setting unless the situation calls for their imminent application. T h a t is, the functions encountered or expected in the study should posses combined features of continuity and j u m p s or discontinuities for a full scale effort in the use of G H O F in their general setting. The definition itself of the G H O F should be tailored to m a t c h the needs of the problem. One suggestion is to incorporate a general package of G H O F with the facility to define based on options chosen to suit the problem at hand. T h a t is, for instance, if one wishes to choose any of the existing conventional sets of orthogonal functions over finite interval, a single segment version should be chosen. A case worthy of further investigation is t h a t of m i n i m u m time control in which piecewise constant control inputs feature in the solution. The case of sliding mode control is another. Thus, this book together with the one by Rao [216] should provide the basis for effectively solving a wide class of problems in Systems and Control in terms of orthogonal functions.
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Index actuator saturation 81 approximation of a discontinuous function 7 block pulse functions (BPF) 1, 44, 76, 97 chopper driven d.c. motor 34 duty cycle 38-40 free-wheeling interval 37 steady-state waveforms 39 transient response 40 completeness 6 continuous basis functions (CBF) ] continuous-time system identification 47 controllability 89 converter-driven d.c. motor 32, 5O parameter estimation 58, 68 steady-state waveforms 35 transient response 36 digital filtering 48 discrete-time (DT) 52 distributed parameter systems 88 emulator 74 extension of solution of state equation 18 finite element (FE) methods 21 Fourier series 1
fully controlled bridge converter 2 function expansion 6 functional differential equation 97, 98 Galerkin method 23 general hybrid orthogonal functions (GHOF) 3, 48 definition 3 multidimensional 89 properties 5 generalized Fourier coefficients 6 generalized least squarea 51, 58, 60, 62, 63 generalized orthogonal polynomials (GOP) 12 GHOF spectral analysis of dynamical systems 11-19 GHOF spectrum 13 Haar functions (HF) 1 harmonic balance 41 identification of CT systems 4771 initial interval 18 inner product 5 Kronecker product 16 least squares 14 Legendre polynomials 4, 7, 33, 38, 43
118 limit cycle 41, 44 line voltage 31 load disturbance 80 lumped linear system 13 minimum-time control 89 Monte-Carlo simulation 50 MRAC 73 MSMT formula 18 MSST formula 18 numerical analysis of dynamical systems 21 numerical integration 48 observability 89 OF-based solutions 2 operational matrices 13, 88 optimal control 88 orthogonal functions (OF) 1, 48, 89 orthogonal polynomials 1 orthogonality 5 parameter convergence 81, 82 parameter estimation 55 converter driven d.c. motor 55 Parseval's condition 6 partial calculus 89 piecewise constant basis functions (PCBF) 1 Poisson moment functionals 48 power electronics 2 predictive control 74 recursive computation of multiple integrals 52 least squares (LS) 54 relative order 48 Runge-Kutta methods 30
sampling 47, 48 saw-tooth waveform 7 SCR controlled d.c. drive 13 self-tuning control (STC) 47, 73 CT algorithm 76-80 CT approaches 73-86 DT algorithm 81-86 hybrid 73 implementation 79 implicit/explicit/direct/indirect schemes 74-75 simulation of SCR controlled drives 30-40 sliding mode control 89 solution of state equation 16 square root algorithm 80 SSMT formula 19 SSST formula 20 stability 89 suboptimal control 89 Taylor series 48 time-delay 48, 88, 88 Tustin transformation 81 UD factorization 80 Van der Pol's oscillator 41, 87 half-period 44 solution 43-45 variational method 23, 24 Walsh functions (WF) 1, 30 weighting function 5, 22
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Edited by M. Thoma 1 9 9 2 - 1 9 9 6 Published Titles:
Vol. 167: Rao, Ming Integrated System for Intelligent Control 133 pp. 1992 [3-540-54913-7] Vol. 168: Dorato, Peter; Fortuna, Luigi;
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