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fTlOK. DHpite aU their effans. I'l l never !JIve up .moI . or hIs l'Iasl'l users pul lt) -slps.- T"ls ..1.-0 "elps prevents
lil>e.· and I always do my best to answer them. I'm not pnv to teU you that you Sha.Jld take a flight S<>rneWtlen! with ........:j In ya<.- shoe. but m tell you If I do It. Another thll11il to �bcI' with polls that everythl"fl .. rel"Uve. You could be sm.aI
lhaot y.:... think Is mediocre aoo oomeano!' else mlllht pull the same bOd
thlnkl.. this Is the hl� lhe-y'Ve eYe<' been. Treat pot In lin edlb«! faoa Item: If ;tlool<. maldy Dr tampered with. throw II away. I know It i'lurts, but comlde.- It II 1......,lna e�. 1,,1= set tetten from hundreds o f people who want to chall"""ll'" me to a "smoke-afr' Dr pu t me dawn .,.. ever. Some foot. f..... like anyUnna beaiuse I'm "too oplfllanated" or ....t that' ..y ar cia Is ",,;nv to affed: the mao1JUMIII letlaU:mtian Pf'ognom. To them I say. "W.oi<e up!n-...y do .- tJflderstand what It i5 to be a UnnilboS cOO'lOOtueur. A C(W\ ...... he
pot. Flve)'fSii1'S IIfIO when I started my tenu.... .. t HIGH l1ME5. I witS merely
1011"""'"\1 my soul. I e
_ •••••••UeTl•• est. "Ive It up, Bel.. a pcK conn<>1uar" no
of d...... conuol
5hOuld always be maintained. I""
penonally been 1Ime$ �r� It dldnl ..,.,ke oense 9'""tl.. stoned aU 1;I.)y. I w.... emollooaUy � up I n a _� sqI¥1Ile Issu e tlwot
needed my full aUt'fltiOn. TIll!; Is life. Thet"e will alwa)" be ups and
downs, and � ther� millht eYef1 be .. time whef"to )/QU decide pot
Isn'I r\srht for)/QU. Lft·s � you don't gO lor 5C)I"T>eth1 r>g harder that will ktu you-but "liI.. ln. th/ot', Uf�. Some pcoopI.e m..1Ie wrong chc>keo. lor the ....rong rea..,...". ..nd In the end pay th e ultimate price.
My love for pot Is secondary t o my I� lor mv f.. mlty. love fo r Llv·
1"11 end love of freedom. II pot ever ",,,S ,,",,, i n conflict with a n y of Uta- thl ",," Ih... I, then It·� time to .. ,ev .. ltmte why I'm .....,.,... 1"9 in the tlr.;t
Mter ..U that. I vuess I ohould t.eU you, I do kr..- whIlt I'm talk!.. ..bout when It C<>rn
That's good ..dYke for ..ny stoner, but the whole point of th.s InlTO Is
to wam you: tllke my advice. but do so with eKlreme "",ullan. beocause
rm Just a burnout uylng to � a few buctts for a joint of some
otlc:ky vreen. n... Pot. SUlr doesrH ¥"'t .. nk.. paycheck like> roc:k ster.;.
but I !!'!"l to sr"t'1Oi<e ,..,..,.... of the kindest bu
thankful. (Now If I could only afford ....... P"P'I'B).
I have> muo;;h In cornrnon with the yaunger stonen of todiJy, beI"!II 2]
myself, We are of a new �l1on: but -=:III' In bcc:omh'lI" dlsposeble !!
\.hat ..,,,Uy your ..nswer? Thb h
why""" have panic,
stress ..nd basic bull·
stH•• We need to le"m 10 v .. l .. e """'I we have>. 1 think ..Iter SI",*I'I!I pot for ....... time, I t "",ke-t one see the absurdity
that fto;lt$by
In our dally
routl...... Thet"e /Ofe fTU'Ony different'""",,'" fell' 1100 if yau can conquer them, then you can conquer the worl
t.e identity U"'t One thl"!ll'-w. 's lhIIt the Pot. Suo. � .. oepa,. ...
m m"",Uesu Itself when conjuredby the spirit of marlJ""""', 110....,.".,... I .. Inevitably respon,db!." for hl5fmv JlCt\onI. (thus this bookl. Duality is my
dml1 t""t. butlU not bOld ..l....� ""vlng ,..,..,.... �ny, ..avenary, I ..
.,..,.",.ell, wt"IO the lur:k Is this pnck""Pol St...n WeU. Its ""')/be.::one dOlI' we,t be able lO f>\lure OUI eNer .. few drinks t who I r....Uy ..m. But for now, rm ,he 8"1' who wrOle pufb ,....
So. 'f you Mk
j....t me, and and a few
thc _ you II.....bout to ....d. .. Roll .. I"ule and enjoyl
Chris Euda� Fr. Worrh, TX
Mo._ TO. _•• POT ST........ M• • "7
*.. '
=-n:, G-P'=-.. . . .. E .....
'WHA.T ....E . HELL IS IT,
I ..ow .... . . .
P.'I's.... La•• _• • -
Its .. l
medicinal herb created by the very '"me ..!em"",.s that "U o f nature k m� o f . Marlj..... ".. Is .. pi.,". orill'""!!Y IIrown outdoors ""lOrally. but now, \"""k5 to our lovernment. most 01 the cultivator< ha'", been forced IIldo<>n to h ide l""lr unaulhot"lzed Illici. planl.S under ..rtillcta( a.fTMHP'heMc concllUO"", Sorpr;slngly, Indoor 1iI.owI"1 wound up revolutionizIng marijuana. cultlvaUon by elev,u;nll and Intensifying the brHdlna process. ov.,.. time lea d;"S to higher levels of THe: and the fine-tuning of countlen varieties 'Of' pol 'rowe.... to enjoy 1... many yea.... to come. This move Indoors not only prote<::te
youoeila Pot Star-in-T",lnlnll, beea""", knowledllf" is power. As you will lain "" Insldel"'s view ..' the marijuana ",dture. Il Is very Important to unde.-.tand the m"ny differences In the ,no� and prlc.... 0' m ariJu.mll . Mimy flrn-tl..,.,. buye'rs often flnd lh"""'IoPl"fl Set.tlna ripped otf or taken "dvan ta ge 01 by dealers or warmabe deale.... The way not to ,"'t ""rewed on " deal (s to know what each Irade of weed � for. Since there re",lIy 15 no offici,,1 gradlna system. rtl j"'"'t e"p1aln h ow I poeroon..lly determine t h e qUIIll· ty "nd price o f rnllrlJUlln... My IIrst rule Is to dis..-eogard whatever na,n", .. dellter mlsnt to .. bIIa of weed. That l�, u nleu he IIrew It himself or h."5 purchllSina dtn!Ctly rrom lh'" wowe r. Even so, the nil,"",", don't really mlltter. Don't 9"'t your<elf "II CBu gh l up In t.he stlty n.. me gllme_ Even Northern reM! on . you too
Light.> or Skunk 111 can M crappy weed If the ,rower' d.dn t know wh!Ol l'Ie waS doing In � growing, halV....tlng; "nd curinV of tho... buds. Some peOple call top-Of. the Une weed "chronic," ",'eenbud" or -Indo." The� are 1I11 IIefl!e the QU/l111y of �he bud. I let th.,. bud speak for ... ar.,. too ....ny . different �a.1...tles of pot to mention. but I can Ther give you a peek Into the market to _ you how the stuff Is pas....-d ,.round and how It Is g:rilde<:l ;"10 � dl ft.....ent ca�. Top·ol·the· 11..... bud Is us.....Uy Ill"OWn Indoon; elt/">er o<"¥"nlcally or hydrQpO
..... _ ....... _. ...... s.... L••• _. .
Br .. " ilnd you� de..I.....,. prOjected p,..,tlt �.. tl0· which t� usually 1()m1; I f
he buys qua"UW
lind sells "",aU (such as
If >"'"' must talk IK>out pol in II public ptace. 'mel you. own lInQO. SO
ot/'oe<'$ dIan'l ondef'I,UIond wh.!It you are talking "bout """,etty. Ws funny, I wU J.... t lhlnklog of
some of lhe thin� lye used boofore like. ' need iOn elbow "nd twO zippers.· WhiCh tri.nstiltes to. -I r......ct II pound "rod two "!S.- Or to Comment on the quality of the Ian blIU:h bouVht.
thoo.JBht those ens must
h .. ve sal QUt toO long before they were pur· . �.- Which basically �""'. the shit's too dIy. 'fou ell" u,;e wt".t......, nyone IIntO >"'"' Itnd )OJ!" frlen
...., ... Is 801... on. To :tit � ,,0<:1 t"lk 1I.."Ja "jive" WOUld rn..k,e idlou 01
� IIU. >0 let's"...,...., on lO the 5Ubjt!Ct of Ilodjf11l, " roptJUlble
n-. you could have .. constant
cOIMoeclion with
minimal harassment.
DO,,"t .....,.,. Spellk badly 01 herb dealers to other 5t<>nen, even If
their prIc.... are high. �y put their IIS...s on the I!� to m"l<.. what
ends up being -.-y lIUle ,..,.,....,v Belling our .o....y .. � none
yc;,ur de�lef, but don't be afnold to shop �r"",n d and let him know how
his shit compa...... Obvlou5ly. yo<.o mu!it H.... t develOp a rel"tionshlp
WIth your de ..l.... tH:!IOf'e you we> openly diHmi! hIs m....-chandl.... HI!'
. lun deoclde that you are ungrau,f ul of his ........lces and
t.o your endl",,.,. can,. ",Id beeps . I know for a f�Cl there Is
nothIng that � dea ler enJ� more than '''Iklng ab.out buds. Get Into a
dlscusolon with him on whet's we>lng around. buds that you'''e CQ
1tCrD55 lind SO 00. FOI"" bonus pOIntS. II you've gOt IIny kind bud th a t h e
hasn't U!en, get him Stoned. Afte,' all, these guys ar", our volunt....r IIr......""
.. our men In th.. str.... t who our p''''k ,ang..,.5; the-se a r
c .... ..tantly �rchlng for Q.....lIty buds
The d ....ler Is your frl..nd. but
glten til
comfortable pre.�tln9 of ......., o
You m;lI"t be ..,klnll how one Corntl'S lO me<et new de"len. espe
cially thosct of you whose baBs are "Imost dried u p l Well. It's s.mple networldn,_ If you're ,,' a I>"rty or a club and ,..,." eon,.,·s pUlling,
poIltel.y uk If you can snt!"ak " hit or two. If they "ccept you Into
their drcl'" don't be .. hOi, Ius' ".I<e a few pUliS and pa... It On
awhlte, you'U �clop Irkondshlps within th.. m;!Orllu�n.. communIty. which Inevluobly wit( le....:l you to o.omeone who ""s " little pOt for ",,\e. 0.....,.,.. tl....,.. you w ..nt to try lO work your way up to a who
has qu..lIty Pf'OduCl for .. decent Pf"ice ..t all times.
• Z· e............ . Dealers usuall.,. ..,11 baws 01 "",rijUlIllB by the 1/8'01 "4 01 ' 112'0>:., 0""""'0., 1 /...·lb., 1/2·lb. . and pound. � .. ..r ... 28 V"� In .•
. •
lin ounce, four ounces In II I 1.·lb. lind II> ounc.... In II pounO. If you i l t .. bu.,. poot on the street, whIch I only�""l durIng. t he most desperof limes . you mlllht Iinel nickel bailS or d,me bags. A nickel bag. I� S5
worth of poo t stuffed Into II little ballale the sl�e of a pe,;tllll" stllmp. ba.k:all.,. II joInt wort.h of bud. The dime b"a I. S10 ..nd I, twice the
.11e of ttle nickel bll!l. yletdin!( tWO decent·s.zed JOInts.
Then! IIr.... number of ....II
the street. first 4nd foremost, thIS Is the most like ly Of al l way:;. to
!let yourself busted.
sometimes downrillht qucstIO""bl... ThIrd, most of the st.....t d..III....' lire hustlers or druv. addicts UYlna to mak e mon� for their hllbits. which leads to .lp·oHs and questionable buds thaI m"y hll v.,. bOIe-n
tllmpered wlt.h. It .sn·t common. but
rYe he",d storl.... of pot
dIpped IntO fOrm"ldehyde 0.- spr...,.ed with WD·...O to give Its USen " more PCP·l1ke hflJl'. II you do decide 10 buy on the street. when)lOU get home with your bud. la.,. them QUt on a maga:ltine and Inspect them und.... a lillht . If the.,. ha_ a ch..mkal �melt. greasy feel to the buds. or 11 th.,. bud> lire brown "nd unusuIII·looklng, I SUlliIe!
the tou..t. These ..r.. slam. t.h..t your buds h.lY.. been tampered with
or ..dulte ....tOld In � lashlon. OO'<..nt pot. 0'Ye<"I schwag. should be
w.n..wl",( 8".en and hiove .. trood smelt to it. Don't fool ..round with
d weed. Uk.,. I ....Id. it bn't common. but Il will luck you up ..dulte ....t.. and gIve vou " high .,.ou prob..bly we,en't looking for or e"peetlng. You c"n bypaS$ thllt whol� nigfltmar� by " ndlng 'fOU�I' " rep· utable """Ier who vou Can trun. If you know that YO
martJullna connol� "nd knows his pot Ilk.. t"'" back of his hand. It glv� you a sen.... of security be-ca ....... you know that he CI de"ling with people of the ""m.. mlnd...,t. The la�t {h'na vou "Want on your mind
"rter buying 01 ball and getting •.,.IIUY stoned oil it I. whether or not that w"s m"rlJuana you JUSt sma"OId 01" some chOlmkal additive. ,_ .. hlilh of! .. joint of oft.... ""'"rd of novice smok....,. who aot .,"tr....l.,. kind bud say that they thousht It "'''5 laced with .omet.hln!( when
wh<'l really happe"ed � that u.ey just lIot their � ....orth of bud
and el(periencOld a supenor h;lIh. Over time you1l came to unde'stllnd
ttwot dm.....,..,t strains of pot will !Ii".. you different h1llhs. Some will be
psychedelic, laugh.,. and catorful, ..ncI others will feel d..billtatil>!ll and
almost n,,'collc. After you
what to expect, the hillh
Isn't "$ sc"'Y or unexpected OIS It might � to a novice smoker. �e ft... two basIc families
of marlJuan.., Cannabfs
Indlco "nd
ns , tl>e.,. bls SilO..... . Just'" U>..... "r.,. dllf.,rent In IIrowth paU.... ....
How,.o _... Po,. S,.... L... .... ,,150
• � d,fferent hjgh� and taste§. A pure Indica pacl<5 a heavy.
�eepy hiS", that «>me con�der more of a "body'" type of high. Most
fndfCQS h"ve an "end, .kunky 0<1<><" "n d deep haSI\·lIke, earthy navor that P'lc:ks" lunl,,,,,pi'ondhlll C0U81\ If nv...-toke<J. ,...... found that If
you smoke a lot of one .tr"ln 01 Indlco you'l[ quickly develop a .01C'r· ane .. 10 lt-or JlI'>t get used [0 the -body'" high the fndlcdS "r .. known lOt'. Pur..
which are very rare these daY". lOre known for their
psychedelic. tr1ppy. upUlling hfgh thllt ..eems [0 center fue{f right
behind your "'Ye-..-oft.,.., con�ld.,ed a -heady"" type 01 hlah. If I could Ifve up "II � st,aln. 0'- po. In the wO<"ld C')(C"p' on... It would to.. " pure Haz... which I. made up of three OriQlnal Silt/YO s[ralns from the "70s_ Sot/YO," MV" .. wider v"ncHy of tIlUC'5. [1"1". 10 from mu....y u> 'rulty with a sweet aroma. MO!it J
trno. Uckles the lynalX"'" In your br..;n. Wh ll.. Inri/cos prc;>duce a relax Ing high, :sot/YOS will II..... you .. good uplifting buzz that Isn'tloo debllit..tlng to lI..t 51ulr done. Unfonunately. ther.. ",C' not tOO ..... ny purC' strains ..round IIny-
more. Nowad..ys. breeding IS wldesPf".... d ..nd the Origin,,! uraln$ are crlther under lock and k"'Y by the _ ban.... o r hav.. been crossed
W1th _r strains to combine the be_'ns of both Ind/ca an d SOl/yo.
However. we benefit from breedlnlil by Mvlnll a more pot..nt product ""th gr....t l1a....,..- .. nd "rom". " n d an C'a.y-to-grow. r"n-flow..rl"1l. h....vy-yleldtna plant.
___ Po_ ....__ .... ___
• S
H__ '1'_._. "0'1' .'1'.. ...._ ""_ .
• 7"
Poeopl.. smok.. pot fo.- a fWmbe<" of ,eawns. It Is usll!'d lO I ncre.....
one·s spldtual "'''pefl....'c... 101 medicinal use to help va'''''''' f...-ms o f
suff...-t.... and nausea, to lnelt.. c r ....t;vlly In,u, to 'ela" the mind. body soul 0.-, lor ..."....." to just pl..ln lIet baked. ny . v..rlous fonn. of smolo;;n ll Throughout tl�, has trlotd m. weed or ha ..hlsh. Lonll. thin kif Plpe$ the cultul"lll .....Inst..y
th'ouahout Morocco. "" lIhanl hookah bubbl..n do th.. trtek for the
Afllhotnls. Ra, In Ja...atea p'..I...- the Chalice and c""",·,,"aped spUff.. for ma"lmum bllu. In Africa. N
f..r and wide lor
the ultimate �Inll devte.. for my precious and ....cred herb. The
main criteria of any smoklnll
clotney af\d 110$ du,ability. Ttl.. �vkes I h"v.,. te'Stil!'d ,..nile 'rom sim·
such ..s a rotll"i/ pape.-. whkh i s v� ...nslble, to, com·
pUcat.a devices lik., v ..por"'ers.
THE JOINT My ' · "'oIOI'1t.. method of lIettinll $toned, _peoclalLy when there are n:d .. three or more smaleers ..round. A joint makes for a good rne.. .... doH! 01 your pot. In other words, one
friends ll00d anet bake
joint 5hould lIet you and a few
wher....s pipes ancr bongs h 10 be relilled
..nd relll with every hU, and It you have a metal pipe th.. bowL veu
""trl!ff>ely hoi, However, I am a bill fan of nand·blown Pyre" pipe$
and bOnp. Don't get me wrOl'l9, I f someone pack!; a bOwl of the kind bud, 111 smoke It In an aluminum can If th"I·5 how they $0 cnoose to
$make their precious ofterlnp witn me. t You should know tnat srnok·
It'll out
of IOn aluminum can is not 1100<1 for you. health. Heatlnll up
alumInum creates fUn""" that c...n UlU.... Alzhelmef's disease.) n...e .- are same trlcks to make a joint mor .. eftldenl. MOst of the THe and other
P5)1Choooctiv., COJT>p<>Unds burn up In�m 5fT>Oke
lind i"1 � In the roach. There lOre 10 few things you c:an do to eUm·
0' � 5 �ue..m smoke,
Lets just Start ...t the beIllnnlrlll.
Buy you�lf some hlgh·quallty rollinll
pa�, Sure, It's going 10
C05l you fllten e ccmu a pact.. more than th...... cheap·ass OrUfll papen
you"ve been uslnll. but your lungs will appreciate it. I pr..f...- to use E2 W1cJer extra·lIghts Itwlt come in a gold wrappe•. The EZ Wlders In the silver wrllppef' are preuy good ,,� well, Some people Like Bambu,
__ like hemp papen, and others like to use unillued papel"$.
Experiment with diHerent PlOpe" to find your I...vo.-.te,
I use the EZ W.�� becau.... I like to ,oil big, fat Jolnu. Find your· self 10 good roiling surface-a bnond new Issue of HIGH TIMES "Iw..ys docs the job.
�ak up your weed
reatty good. Be �,e to remove ...11
,t .."" and ........,. no matt.... how small
tt...y are. 0..... of the tricks to
,,<>·stream probtem is to f..,;hion .. tn.e. tip from a· booIc. bu$iness c"rd . or WI'I",ever IS """HaOle. 0'1 te"rinfl: off a II,.· inch strip ..nd rotlh'!J It up slmU". to " da",elte fIl...r-..xcept thll'
these tips won't filter out ..ny t ..r or resins. Of cau...... Tl'!oP tlp'S sol..
purpose Is to aid tt... Joinn ClIrbu....1on ktion. �plna you to aet big.
B"" h,u ....hlle Just only t .. �ing small "sips." OVer-tokh'a ....ill ClOuse thr
.. To stop. It's best to Sllal'ltly Joint to run or 'canoe" lbum u....lyl. we. lhe fan-Ourning
ing on
the Joint.
010 · th.. <'ow.Out"i"" side up whH .. .
Soon the canoe shoul" burn ev<:nly. Olherwlse, you
cOUld be fad... " potential n!1'oll if the runner is f'lt..L Anyw..y. now you should hD"" your pot broken up on the mall. 'fOUl' ralUng paper, ..nd your tip. Fold your paPf'l' in h..11 with the g,..... on the '09-lnstde faclna you. Holding .he p..per in one hand,
your other hand (<, ....enly . dl�triOute your ....� ,hr01.lllhOUl your
paP'"<", le",..jng " "·Inch of SpIOce for your IU ...r tip on the riah. side 01 tt... paper. I preler to have .. slight cone shape to my Jolnu . ..nd this ;. done simply by
mon. w
your tn'e. tip In the M81'1t side and ma�e sure that thoe pot I< e....t... y
dlStr,buted before you nan rolUn;. II It·s not you'l( ha"" .. p<etI;"an, Joint with a bIll hump In the mlddt...
.. counting on .. smooth·tOklnl. ev<"f\·burnl"!l. Alt of your fliends ar
nice. tlaht JOin. ..nd ..U t"" prll!$.ure ;s on you. ,,,.. roIl..r. Roliina I s
the mos. cruct,,1 step In this process. Stan by pI"clng the Join. In
both hand. with yo.J r thumbs on the Iront of \.he pIOper lind yoor fin·
gers cupped around the bac�. Gently wor� the front Of tt... pap"" down with your thumbs. Start wltn the "aht·hand thUmo and p,nch the p;,per behind u... I1It...- tip. Sl.-ly roll the rest of It... front of the paper down wilh both thumbs until the pIOpe, barely cCW
1<1.-, .tartlnR on the n!Jht side where the paper .. pinched behind
the tip. proc
....r .., �iog 1m. l>'lpeo- up "nd down with your thumbs. Keeping the paP'"<" nke "nd light, roll It up until Jun .he tllue flap 5tlc�s out. Lightly Uc� the paP'"<" onee and twin the top flap ov.... tllhtly.
the rollIN! sid.. of the joint lInd follow witn your lefl·hand forefinger. You should haw. In your hand .. nlcel.y rolled joint. Don't twl.. up th" ends-If you rolled tilhtty enouah. you should be able to Just
�k the weed in the end of the joint with " PE'n ltd so th�t your pot won't spill out. If you dldn't roll the jotnt lIaht erlOUllh. you lIre faClntl .. potential f1am;ng me•...,r;te_ This occurs when the "cherry� Ithe red. burnin; chun� at tr... tip) Is knOC1I1NI lOO5e from the Joint by
M._ ... ___ P......__ .... . _. .
• ..
ekCeulYe t.ppl", when &$1\1"8 the doob. When the jOint ve1t.... down to roach·stu> " � tl.... to do .not.he< �r" tr'ICk of the tnode called the 60rIs tw1st. Thoe t w i n Is done Dy very' lIenUy pulll.... the tip of the fUl.... to _0' It St!eM out of the paper. Don't pUll the tip .U the w.y oot of tl>e1" Just pull It OUt SO the end 5hows. Then twist the filter 50 tmot the cherry won't Korch thoe ll\..... tlp.nd you c..n smoke 10()!1; of tho pot that you rolled, .s w"tl •• the tan .1'Id res'", '" the roach th.t ",_Uy f\iort)Or 20� of your T He. ..IOInt etiquette ",ari05 from place to pllOCe but baslc.lly __ ..,; lottows, Alw.ys pan the joint to the lell In .. ctocl<wl5e CIrcle, If .. .- penon ._ uP In tho clrcl.. tl>
The pipe Is P">b;obty ....... of the most pOpUl.r .nd slmpt.. methods of ...ttl,. stoned. Many none,s cllrry ..n><Mld simple pipes "",de from ....1I .. M.-' plumbl.. connectors with wooden bellds or pt"StiC cytln·
.- • pi.,. -.:'...... to "-P ...... for decoration. � pipes ....Uy ... UMt Mh from suckln, ,nlO your "-'th. PIpes can be c.rveoo from _, bone, IVOry or day. Pipes c.n be cr..lted from pllIStlc. c.....mIC. Ilan, Pyr.." (he•• ....III.n. . 91..n). st..lnl"",s 51_1 01· mlnum. ....1 ... ..1 pip"" c ..n get e"tremely hOI. and .. lumlnum plpel hlIorml\l1 to s.moI<e out 01. MOot coonoisseur"$ pre'co' 10 ...,., Pyn!" pipes <Wet meUlI pipes, This IS because the hils a,... smooth....,. they're easl· .... to clean ."<1 Pyre" p.pes cIon't need screens to blocl< out the .m. sy l<> sucl< lhe ash IntO your With small«. pocket'Slzed pipes It 's .... throat. This c.n t.. a"...;ded by 1..l
musicia"" would consi>mtly Slno\(e kif while .stlll playf"ll their hand .... um'""'ts. One- rtUln held the r-=spOt1.lb1lity of I«oeplng the kif ma(l., h,. pipe filled and burning. Ths i guy shOWed the camere. why he w..� the chosc>n k�pi
bu,a'.... the chambcorr. Some have mUltiple chambers coup'� with hoses. The more � an<:l ch..mbers you have. the l'T'IO<"e 01 a chane,., of an air leak or won<> yet a bo"1l-w",ter leak_ Only buy bonlls that ha�e a c .. rb 0.- don't have a fl"� bowl. a WIU>out c..rb to brinll throullh atr, you'll "'Iwa� hav,., a n",l,., hit In the chamber. Bongs "eoed to be r",hnively durable. ,.,IOSY to cI,.,an. and should have .. bill tube to ,nsur,., a bIll hit. BonIiS un be m",de 01 pl",s' tic. c_..mle. IIlan or Pyn.x. GI",ss a,,,1 Py,,.,,, bonliS Off.... the cI,.,anest hits. wtth ce-ramic corninll In .. ct..- �d. p'anic tends to make
I"'" hit a little harsh. As for du",bllity. Pyre", � are toullh.... th..n III.. s. D' c.""". Pyre", bonliS can be custom·blown to your spc!'Clfi cations of siZe. colQl" and style. Gla..blowers 'Or., lIeneraUy local� in the l'Iorthwest. thoullh t heir he"d pJec..... seem to be showing up everywh.... e. BonIiS �m to be more popular "'00II the West C.,...t. and In lhoe Southwest . This is not to .."y that th....e aren't others U.!nll bonIlS-5Ome are Just more lanatleal about th.,m th.. n othe-rs. BanI!" IIre..t lor conservlnll you, w�. They dO '!!
...... ...... ..... S... . L... ... • 2 •
bof>8s �hilOl you to be c:..refut 01: they .:;an I)uo;t of thermal :;hoc:k
If you drq> SO
lce dowrI the tube intO the room·temper..tu ..... bong
Willei'". Some peopte do th� i to .:;00\ the banll WOller, which in turn cools off your hit.
Pyre" I>ontr.I
.. re resistant to thel'"maL
Hook.."" are thoe earUest form of ""ater Pipe and are �tm used in
Afllha"'nan, P"klstan, Ellypt an
bulb.shaped bubble that IlIte'" lind cools Lhe smoke from the hUlle
bowl. The sm<>l<en sip on l.h.e thin h� which conf'M!"<;t to the pipe.
HooItaM can have ..ny .,umber of h<>SC-s. but usually have t""o. The I\oI)kah 1$ deslll"ed to sit on a table or In tn.. midd le of a room. while the smokers leisurely (nunse around It. smoltlng constantty from thoe A larn<>
betwe-en your tWO thumb� and light·hand lorennller. Have someone
elx lIKht the chlUum until you ll"'t the hana of It. ?oJt your mouth In the small openinll iIOnd inhale. You should set II h�e hit. The other
method Is to hold the chlllu... upnllht with the bowl up I " betw�n
)'OUr two mldOle "Sht·hand lonsers while cupplnK your I.,ft hand with
the ba ... of your hand sealed ofl. Make a smali openlnll between YOtir 10 bill hit. Chillum etiqueue aces as folio"",. If II clot h IS be1na used to cool the smoIte and se ..1 off your hands on the chm....... it 15 to be c;hanaed
nllht-h..nd forefonll"'r and thumb. You ..nould set
before pau1ns on to the next pel"5Ol"l. Chl\lums can·t be lipped on so
. smoi<en of U"le SOl..... chlilum as they II"'rms won·t be $p�ad bet"'....n
"re with pipes, borIgs, joints, etc. Ulht your frle"ers bowl If they can"t flIU." out how to get lt SOI"ll themseh'...... THE CHALICE RasUfarlans a". notorlous for this devic., that Is basically " combl·
""tlon of " bool "nd chillum. Cl"Hllic� "ne ...."de witt, booe, wood, none. ram's horn, day. or 1I1as5 Jars, and hav., ,, tube thllt delivers I a d� relativ.. of the booll hom Hy. but h.... hUlLe hits. The ch.. lice s certain f....tures of a pipe, stKh as poenabU(ty and size. Chalice etiquette Is well deflr>e
r Ice Is I , red up by the person wt.o p ep"red and paCited the bowl and 15 passed to the penon on the lelt. -lie"'''!! the cnalice" doesn't I'''e )'OtJ a rlyht to lip on the �rnoI
Traditionally. Ra$uos don'. pau a,ound thel. cone spilUs because they don't want other SJTM)k.,..,.· ..,(lva on th.,lr Joint. Out of courteo
for othel'S. don't put your mouth on the tube. ....pee . l..lly whe" smok·
Inll oomeone else's olfe.lnliS In (hell. cn..ltee. This IS e;..ity llvol
cuppi ng one hand around the bottom of the tUbe. ....aklnl a small
apenlng betw_n your thu....b and forefinger. Take a coupl e of gOO<1
draw:< from the Chaltee befo.... p., ..lng It. VAPORIZERS
vaporizers are suppc>5oO!'d to "apor1ze the psychoactl"e co....pound�
In your pot. while leavlnll the vegetatl"e cruel like chlorophyll Intact. This cutS down on the tars lind resins that combustion of the vegeta' tl_ matte. e..uses. 11"5 said IMt ttlese ta r5 and reslm are canc_ou� ,
.. nev.... !)een a docu,nented ea.... of lu"ll cancer cau""" but the.e t " $OIely from marijuana 5rnokl ng .
lnp to ",",ste,darn I had the opportuni ty to ten out a quaUty OUte,", Strains In ElIgle 8111"5 vaporlzer. , was then convinced 'hat t� mllchlnes we'e for re..t. The high W3S definite On a recenl
lew nlllh
lind profound. ' could ImmedIately tett that the buzz
was " tittle d'f·
ferent. It almost I1ke " combination of a hash cake "nd " couple
of conventional cornbunlon booS hln. The taste ""as a\on.oo;t none>
....w ..... _. .. .......s...... L ...... " =- 31 twtd .. bllitlitef chamber In the sl'oape 01 .. bubble N.el�r on", 01 t� "'aporizen;" 1I0t me stoned. I vl�u"lly ,.,."" very IItlt", vapor and ther", weren·, arlY euphOrIC feellnlits riSht ..Iter the toke, or eyen 30 m\n"Jle� .lter the toke. The only thlnll thM this "",d.ln., did 10. me was turn the bo'st bod In my bIoli to toaU. YOu mlllhi ..� well ""me Ihl� machine the Bum-a·tron fOf" the feeUnlit you lite' after you Juu spent $90.00 IU"!d It turns your kln
YOU DECIOE So now you "" lIot 10 do ""me r�..rch
fOf" your..eU
to find whM
........ .. foo-)'Qu In your PlIrllcul.., S;lullllon. Some 01 uS can sit a'ou"d
tranceI«Ih all day. whll", others only haYe! time tor .. plpelul here and n......,. Afte. you fill"'''' out how you want 10 smoke your pot. aU yOO haye to do Is bo.J:!il out §Ome QUlIlily buds and lIel 10 puffln·j
M. . .. . . . . ................. ... • :a s
RULE # I : , C:;,E'r _USTED
H..._ ...... _. . ......... 5..... Looo: ___ • ::a 7
T"�r�'s f�w thlnQ$ worse th"n Iileltinll bu"".,d for p.,;sion or marlJu"""" In m.,..t states thl� entaU� a trip to jan " nd ttw.n On to court, where you'n ha"e to pa... those outr"lIeous Ilne$ lor lust hotdlnll " joint or two. In m... c..� . It w..s " sturfed deep loto m... pOeket, which neve, would·...., been found If the cops dldn t ....n:;h me IIlq..U.... Yes . I t �ucks. but the cops don't mi nd bre..klnll laws either. Then the worst p..rt Is when you'''e lIot to call " frl...,d O. I"mll... member to come let your .. n out 01 jalt-nnd trust me. thls '� the most hum,U..tlnll c..U you'll h.....e to It's best to "'''old the bust at all Costs. I-\ere are a lew lips th..t rna... help. C",ny .U little weed on you as possible. especlall... when d....vlnil in .. car. 00 your best not to IilWe the police .. reason to pull you over In U1II! H�t ptace-obey tr../flc Laws .. nd hllve current ,,,,I,strntlan. ., edl and your IIc.,..,..,. In..,..:.Ion. In...ranee c..rd eif ....,.d
II YOU .i"t pulleCl over by the police ..nCl you ha..... pot on you, try
your �I not to be ""rvous. The officer will probably Qille you some
wh... he pulled you Ove,' (It's usu"lly .......thlnli bogus. such as. r In front of you." or "You � were foUowlnll too close to the c.. looked tired"). Then he'll for your licen.." reiJIstnoti<>n "nd Insur ..nee and ttO back to his car to check lor any warrants and ...our aHe-st sh<>et (If an...). Then he'll come bad< up to your window. ..nd ..s he
.. liCense back he'll ask, "Slr/Ma·am. you don', mind hancb your drl....s If I SINIrch your car for IIUnS or drUliS do your Do nol con,..,nl to sebrcli. �peclaU... II you ha...e pot or paraph_IIa in the vehicle. He wouldn', to ""arch If he had the rlaht to 1i0 ..head and do I t an...w ..y. If you !I I ..... up your rllih.. ..nd let hIm scan:h. he could find ..nd bust!fO
done nothlnll wrOnll. They mlllht try to detain YOU rlllht there untit ., poIke dOlI comes, Just t(> ,..,e how ncl"V<>u> you get. Usually thO! d<>ll ""....... arrives. but if It�, ..."'ire screwed. Sometim.... they millht try to ao .. '
lleo, doing lo.n·t 10<'. ill 1�lIst, shouldn·t bel me'lla!. thllt it I.. YClU" God· gl",en right to poU.e$.$ and $� h....b. This wilL ketp k.,.,p tn.. ne.....-e ., on puffin ' . e",efYOl"C'. ,u>t be CII"" down in a tight sltUlltlon. SQ k....p luI
ttlere's II whole >qulld of armed men who wllnt to CllQi!! U5 IIl1e
... Don't I..t It be you . "nl....15.
If fO<" some r.,awn you ll"'t "rrested by the potlc... do not talk to
th� ..nd don't admit IInythlng. In IIlIe tilt! Old "",ylng. "Deny e",ery' thing untn proven guilty." Anything that you s"y will be used "glll",,( you. Don't clllim ownership of druS" If they 115k you
If you are gOing
to J..'I. lilt! '"5t...- yCIU !let in th"'t CeU t_ better all youll be.
Some people hll",e smoked w"""; ..U II....... lind ha",,, been buned, while oth.,,.. \t<'t
popped ..11 the tirTW!".
If you obey the
Laws whll� you .. .e in possession of ma"" u"na you are leu likely to
get in trClUble. One hLSt thing to r"rTW!"mber Is to k....p .. ..II your w� and paraphernal1a out 01 pL"Jn "'lew. II the cops can _ It. tl>at 1I1",es
• nt or permission. them the right to SO!arch you without " w"n •
C..A.....ER FOUR
""AN'" TO GAO"" YOUA 0""N7 Ge....l_gS . ..._r..-ed
_ •
How '1'0 _• • "0'1' .'1'•• Lt._ .... •
WHY GROW YOUR OWN? Indoor cannabis cultivat-. ta..... a lot. of lIme and commttment for suoxeB 1«Im oce<:I to harvest. The key to h� ."'denlntl Is to r�� ale Nlture wlU>ln the I�t contlnoes of a dosel or s.rnall irowmom. light, l_alUre. /'Ium'd.ty. nu(neon, pH I,...e .. ls., C02 ond �io .re all v.,.-y .mpor t ..nt I..ct� u>al wlll affect now your ptIJnts will matu'e, Othfl:r than genetics. the.e Is no one single floctOf' .hM Is more ImpOrUont U>an lhe oU",,",-U"IO)I most all W«"k totl"the. to P«XIuce . na ....Ill g.ow In _Ithy, rutty budded annabls ptanl$. In ....ture. ....rlJUll " � of different envi.onmenl$, ternpN""lur<es and "Itil�. hMO'S, a culUvato.- can ha_" la'den full of nounS'nng pUionU ve'ar· .........t bol only if they're lIven op.......1 ....v;ron
manl ...."" .. you'U ne<ed the right equipment and IrnfIorUIntty h....qouallty oceds.
�N.aBIS GEN£TICS HowadflVS there lOt.. many, m"ny JeeCI stratrw to choo5e 'rom. In., Is doe 10 lhe.> Increased Inl",""",1 "nd knowled9:'" .""t 9:r_� now hflve concerning c"nn..bls """"tta, The... wer.. prOl:Nobly only 20 10 JO ooillnal �tr:lllns which wen!' crossed lind hybridIzed to cre>"", the "1U1..,laction of str..lns w.. have today. Each strain Is u"lque In -'most every aspect Imalln..ble. ll>ey dlll....",t tan�, odon lltld .rowtna charact...nstlcs and, ....".t Importantty, h"$ dlfrerenl hl-ths. A cannabis pt..nt'll potency, sl:r.e. viaor ..nd rO!'SI51..nce to mold, mit... and ....Iy .. bop. "mong; olhc!-r deficlll!"nC"'" and pests. ..II
due 10 Its Inhetil.led """",tics. "The-re ..... lhr� species of manj...."'" ..
and catlOilbis rud(1rQ/fs.
CannabIs saO,.., pl..nts are let\erlllly UlIL_laht to 1 6 feel-w'lh
long Inl.... � "nd m.."y Ihln, loose buds wltl'l thin blade-Ii....
stlmul..tlng. ..nd sometimes \"WlS. n,." h'ah Is cerebral. ....nlaU)' .. psyche
I ty. c:..r.\IIb6s IndfGO plants ....... short lWO 1.0 'lYe" feet UlU and :Iq...IiIt � form � Mcd ....M 1st...... with thick buds .......d 0-.. 1 wfth ohort
WW .. AT ____ v
..... _ . .................. US •••• S,,_UL_ IIC ..__
CH •• S EUDAL.", .........T ...T. __• _v V._C. _____
� :a · c....�"..
intCf'f>Odcs "nd wctobc:d leaves. The hi!lh b not as psyehedeI.ic M the sQ{/ ...... but paclc5 more of " �. IndiGCI IS .....ny stony weed and can be very .......,..poo.o.<er\ng The smoke b thick and skunk'll, acrid and hMh-U�. IOOlcas ..nd Indica hybri
Indoor closet cultiVlllors usually beflln their llrowrooms with 5ee(j. from " known orlilin. 'n.cxperienced lI'owen should IIlwllYs I.... b.eedlnll up to the reput"ble _ banks. You might ;!15k "how d()eS one nnd hlgh-qu..Uty seedsr' �5 dIfficult to come by. bout they ;!Ire lTl"nda'O<')' for growing .. n"ble
crop 01 kHler lI<een bu(h. Clo....t cultlvlltorS usually procure cilnn.bls �s from seed blInlu which loaoted a, v..'-/ou. pI.c.... .
COf">tru<:tlon of th.. IIrowroom will v..ry d..p.mdlng on your IIv;ng sltuatlo.n. Homeowners may h.we proper-Slzo.d cla....tS. b..sement .. bo>dr-oom whkh Can t>.. usr.d U) � their �P""" or " Sp"r Apartment dw..llers h..".. the option of waUlnij of! a COfT>C!'< 01 the room, or ..n a r.... und..rne-ath .. 51......, loft, or "tll/zlnll .. clos..t. . s of Whatev.., your Situation, you'll probably need some 2" " "'-5. sn...t plywood and general hOUSf' tools. The growroorn must be compl.,tely closed off. allowing "bsolutety no lilith' In and no light out. TOe only e"ceptlon Is fOO" the blow.... f"n; you must cut .. fl"e·inch hote In one of the waUs or plywood shf!oo!t:s to accommodat.. the "'·Inch "ent duct th..t·s connectNl to the blow..r fan, Vent thiS outsld.. If P<JS,lble; If not, "ent It as fa, ..way from t"" nywh....e peoj>Ie are likely to smetl It, lI'Ow are" ..s pOSsible. and not ..
Paint u.., willis lind cettlng 01 your IIrowrcom nat white. This Inc:rM5eS your tight output substllntilllly. Don't try mfMSinll around
with My\IIr. I rs e_pensl"", lind lieu dirty "'"$Hy, whICh CUI..'I bllck on IU reflecti"'" prope"i""', Cover the floor with whit.. ph,stlc to prntf!'Ct
the 11001" from w ..teo- spills. The wh ite pillstic will "Iso help to ...fleet 'tant up uncier the pll,nl..'l' '..aves. Selll off "U c.acks In the room with
thick duct tllpe to prevent lilli'll 'elll
PURCHASING AND INSTALLING EQUIPMENT anc: .. you've obtllined your .......cIs, you wilt ne
small space, whUe not overhe"tlnll your 5J)Ke, The 'limp will cost
you " couple hundred bucks, so you'll probably 1'111_ to cut back on
your YnOklnll for II couple 01 we-el<s, For v..ntUIIUon. you'll .,.,.,..., II dIeIIp , smllil oqulrrel'OIl1e �ly'e '""
nd II ,·ellular ooc;llt"UnS
fan. To gaUlle the, you Clln purchas.. ill chellp thermome· ter lit your loelll
h..rdwa.e store. Now you h.."e .. simple onvironment
to !VOW yoursell ..orne high·quallty IIIInJa.
C....llttng the optimum environmental conditions lor cannabIs
Incloors Is do,..,. with some bllslc equIpment. MOre sophtsttcllted
pum�, mediums, nUlrienu. ..nd C02 IIQw meters optlon .. l. All this equipment Un be purch"sed lhroush II "orticullure store. If you lucky. you I> One In your .. r'e" where you c..n drop by ..nd dIKU$S th", eqUIpment with the salesperson. These stores !len.,.,.· ally ,m..1\ proprietorships, and the staff I. usu..lly very kno-l·
edaabie ..bout hortkultu....! equipment. Never discuss�
..... l
pot. TM IqlUmate stores wtll kick you out. and the otl>eo- ones m"y
tum you tn after you purchase the equipment anct get started, so d",,'t fool around.
t'm 5ure the 'ea5Of1 that you chose to ltave a closet'�'zed 5ystem
h to remain low·proflle and to ;'05$ure a hiah·qu.. Uty. PO;5Of1·IInd-pes. tickle-free person..' C..n.....bls cultivators ar.,. most ""1",,,,"bI.. .... purch..slng th eir horticultural equipment. For .,."lIm· when they II
pi'", how cIoes It look II " Rlista Wltl> hug., nauy dr....d. and b,,"rd
comes nroHlnll up to th.. counter wllh rI"e l000w HPS l"rnps. ctOf>lna solution ..nd 10 50-pound bags of soll7 It mav raise .. few
eyebrOw�. Jun remember. don't Jeop"rdlze vour s..rden ..nd. mof'e
ImportenUy. your freedom-rem..ln low-profII... ....pech'lly w .....n pur· channg equipment.
s _ · e........... .. The ottw.� option 15 to mail·order the equlpmet'lt from II repuuobl..
horticultural store Don't purch...... the equipment u51ng your na.rne; .
find a friend who'll rec..I..... the equipment 101" you II �slbl... Don't
Use ere
P!lP""'" traH to your g"'wrt)O
You will need a tl\er"fTl(>rTleter with a high a.nd low readIng to measure th.. room's t..mpcr.o.tur.., as wen a . a hygr<)rT>£>t.... to monlto<
.. a pH tester and " your growroom's humidity levels. You'1l also ....d
total dls�"""'; �1d5 (TOSt mete' to .e51 nUlJ"�l levels. T...... Items can be picked up at your local hardwa.e stor'e or nu�ry.
Fans witt be needed to Incre;ue airflow a.ouM the plant.<. and to dispel hot lind humid !l1� that congreg!ltC$ ...,.!lr the <:.elllng. Squirrel. cage blOwt"rs are best for n"rTIOVlnlii the hot ".r that the 1I1lhu WIll liie....ate. .. Regular tabletop osc-Ulllting fans should be pl"",ed ..t plant
le...el and sUliiltlly Ulted up to circulate the 'reslt. coot air lhal Is near the floor ..nd push the hot "tr toward the ceiling where It will be dis·
pelted by the blower fan. The blower fan should be pluliiBe
duced by Green"tr Producu "nd 5'Nltches the blow... f..n on when the
lmer.s used, It .. ·set tempe....ur ... If a t hellt Mses to the Opl1mUm pr will l.IIk.. ... f_ days 01 monltonnll to flilure out how often you hlOve to run the blawer fa.n to ere...te your optimum tempe<·ature. The Clghtlnll requlremenu will vary dependlnll on the size of the
grQWTOOm. Mo5t growrQC>rns h.."e two .UOS"'" of develop.ment' veg..ta. ltve (lor tlte moltw.r planlS) ar'lll lIowerina clor the buds). Tt>e veseu.·
It_ ch"mb
spectrum that the "aUde all........ HI>S lamps tlmul...ttl the faU ""rvest
SlJn, which I� perfect for flowering cannabh. The flOwering chamber should be around 6' K 6', If you have the space. A Ul(lOw HI>S will adoe·
q....tely . Cover t"ls ......,10. If you I--.k your lamp to a four·foot
mOVC!1'". which only costs around !>1()(), It will IIreatly Increase the amount of hsht the planu wilt r<>cel"... Also, .n a good Idea to vent the air Irom tlte vege-uoll"e room ,nto the flowerlnll ehambef". C02 wlll be deployed In the vegeunlve cham·
ber ..nd the C02·rich ..I� wlll be rele..""'
At your local iarden."II store you can buy soil and conta.nen to grow
your planu In. The blag.... your contal........ the better . Just make ,...e ..- u...
..__ ..._ _• • _.... s...._ Lo..... . 3: 1!5
like -.rm castings iIIOCI Dill 'Ibu will also want to mil< tn ..,.,.,.. � lite and ",",,",k;uhte to aenole your $011 to pceveot too much rnoInure.
wt\lch can sufllXAlte your 1>I""t roou. Ve5. lhcre are more <;<Jf1'Iple>< $Oil mtxes you could ..-. but you'll have plenty of time to e>tp(!rionent l,ater. to purd,ose 0 c""'ap fluorescent shopUght and . You mllh' also ....ant __ Styrofoam CUPS to ston your seeds tn. The fluorescent is less nts th"n lhe h1Ih-l>O""e...... h"lIdes, Afte.- INe lO 10 .. t I\or$I1 on boby p
dayt; C>I growth they c"n be moved to the larwer containers unde r the n thr.... feet from the I):aby "'allele. Ai first. keep t"" h"lIde Bl le..
tflmspUo"u ..., you don't -bum- thern. You'll wlInt to keep the lI,hU on 2" hours a day until they lIet to be three or lour weet<s old. While lhls �tern Isn't -$CleorlllhcaUy perf""'t,-
alw"ys h",ye
II� to update your eqUipment and add on at a later dBle. CiEf'tMI",...nNG SEEDS Ciefminaltna your cannabis >C'eds Is relallvely simpLe USIng easy-to·
hOusehoLd I(em$. ...11 you
� Is
.... ... dinner plates and � t
paper towels. Ptace a wet towel on one of the dinner plates ",nd
� your seeds On
tap of the tawe1. coyerlng them with the second
ptate. Ket\'p the tOWel mobr. and an.". a few d"ys lhe >C'eds will
beVln "'hatchln,. - While tf'lb b eolng on. prepare your phlntln, medi um for the- new upuaru. Pl..nt the gennlnatecl seeds wllh the !"OOt tip cX-nward abo<.ll I I.-Inch Into your medium. OETER,MINING TliE Sf){ OF YOUR PLANTS
Ml>1� or femal�? �n
mtne t"" sex of your pianu befar� pladng u...m In your flowerlnl clulmbe.-. Thl5 i$ done to k.eoep "ny slr"y pollen Iram the male p{ants . )'Our plants' �Insemlila I··with .way from your fem"te plan... ;n....rlng out seeds�1 stalin. At lIr$t, male and fem"le ftow�rs appellr similar. but within a
week or tWO they will 51..n showl"g their sex. Males will shaw little pallet! bait.. hanBlng from the nodes tthe paints an the stem at which loo>a.Ye5 are aU",checl) . ..nd femal." will shaw twO dellcate V-sh"ped
..t�ndin!l. upwards at the noc;ies. Get rid of lhe males ..nd the hairs �
male host plants.
One- """thod of se..lng Is to cut your lights back to 12 hour� on
and t 2 hours off. This wlll llawer your seedll"ll$. but wlll ..dd w....k.s on to your scheeI ul ... This can be bypassed by <:Ionlng for sex. Clon;nS for seI< ;5 the beSt. m<>U efficient method 'or determining the ...... of
your c .. nnabls pI"nts.
, .. · C............ . CLONING Clonlnli 15 an Important t.ochnlquoe lhIIl you will u.e to duplk:
.oollnll hormOne hllndy to dip th.. stem Into as $oOOn as you make the cut. This helps k.,..,p IIlr bubbles out of the Slem and allo_ tne nutn ents to flow thrOUlJhout th.." ptant. LJquid rOOUnll hOf"rn<)I"\£'s are lien· erally better than the po'N�ed on.... for this "."y reason. When that'S ready, take a cuttlns with your raz.or two to three Inches from the top of the ptant . Cut aWlly the bottom-most ,..., of le'we.; from the sIem of the cutting 11"0 quickly d......k It I nto th .. root· I ng hOrmon... Then IiI"'"Uy ph,c.. the n...., I" a small. pr....oaked rock_ woo!. cube. The clones should tIIk.. root In a r_ d"ys If they kept ., er..ture of 75-80 desrees. pOsl In .. hur'''o ",""I'onment ..t " t...p un
This is what you've been _itin!! for budsl Aflef" ",�".,tatlng your ptanlS under 2'" hours of tlj:hl for two weeks. It'S lIme to switch O"ef" to the flowenn!! Cycle_ This me..ns you � to tum back your "l1ht cycle to 1 2 hours of lillht and 1 2 hours of cO",plete darkness. An HPS li!!ht Is the preferr� choIcE, of IIrowe", for flowennll doe Lo Its wide Ifllh! spectrum.
• • 3 "7 Mow 11'0 ••• P01' 5..... L••• _ c ...."ge you� fertll'ze� to a -btoom" 0.- flowering fo�muta and use dlre<:ted on the bottle. Most varieties wilt flowe.- in 55·75 days, but..orne- can flO as long a� 125 days. Keep a clos.c eye on your ptanu during this suo!!e. 6e sure that your lampo "rt"'·t burning the til>" of your plants and check tl>e le..ves fo.- mites. Once the Ullilm". (hairs) start to tum from white to brown, purpl.., red0, orange, It', lime to cut tile (ertnt"'....- ..nd just feed str..ight water. When 1 /2·)/4 of IJli time. . the �tlllmas have turned ector, It 's h......e-st H..rve-sting pot Is a tedious bUt rcwar(llnll taSk. It ...,.(>tns tun at flnt. but ..fter you get your first thumb bUne. frO
aled ba8$ um·...
or In a Tl.Jpperw"re contalne� "nd stow them away In
the vewctable tnly In your relrillerator, Ch"",k routlncty to fTlake sure
that no moinur.. ha� eoUe<:ted with the bods. n,ls wilt l....d to mold , Chec;k often-and itO ahead and pinch a bill bud while you're at it. Aftpl' aU, you d""e....... It!
NO1M' TO .,._KE
<J 0- (C/
r ...._ ... _. ..
Very few
....... . . ...... L.... .".. - _ . smokers i" Ame nc .. have ever smoked first
quality hashish. It is t.ruiV a prized possess;on "monll cannabis con· noI$se
InsUlnl Pot St.... If you've "rtyt>o
tno;Ire work thaI' neces$l!lry. Then there's s.creenlnll. which Is done by simply n.Jbblng your buds OYer .. fine sere-.m al'd Krapl"!! up tne U1· (home$ ttiny pOtte" at....>
ft�t thlnll ttl/II needs to be done In the walet' extraction method
Is to place your lear trlmmtnss or bud in the (ree1er until U's good
S coid as and coI.
I"" ""tC!taUve JTl1ltter USing .. SP'IlIhelll nralner and tel the bucket sit '..... around S-,O hours. Stowiy �r out th.. ...."te. . until you get llboul a coupl.e Inches of wlIl....- lelt (be c ..reful thM you don't pour ...., any of your trlchomes!). The Irlc:ho....... sink 111<0 ,.,.nd while dU.I. plllnt rnlOller and other debris Iloau; on lOP of tile w-lIler. Filter tt,e 11151 bit of Watet' through II colte-e tllt..r "nd pre. the resIn together. f'Oow. some people wilt Just smoke It os's. but It won... best to put II In the oven at 125 degrfl5 lor a tew hou�. NOt only does tile water .... �u .. •• but the he"l ..Iso decarboKyl"tes. whld> hetpo; boon the THe. Once the hash comes out. pre!.s It, '-"'Ok" It . Store It or .h"Ttl' It. It'J .U up to you. One thins's for sur.., you'll learn to chet'lsh It SMOKING HASHI5H .... k off .. There-'; a little trick to hllsh. You can't just br
bill chunk and VO ..I iI, All you'li gel 's " burnt·up coal. Put " small
sh on Ihe ..nd chunk ot h ..
a paper clip "n<:! CMch I t on fire. It ....tu
IlIke .. """and to flame up. Aft....- .. :oe<:ond or two of n"mlnll. blow It out "nd Instanlly bre.... It up by spr....d;nll It out between YOUr Itwmb and for..rlnget'. If you break It alt up quickly II should fluff up
Into a little pile or dllrk crystals. 5tlck this In your pipe and set ..
,ClOd puff. Be c..ret....l or over_puftlng_flrsl_r..te hllsh smoke will
getllnll ..shes In your mouth or wOBe-burnlnll your tCM11IU
..n d \l.lves you .. moment to vet some fresh ..Ir In between tokes. Haoh .. than pot. so ....member. . tAke small sips. Is " t.,ick_ o.rnok
I SU1IB"'Sl that you Bel a long-stemmed pipe wllh a small bowl to
use- In your hASh pipe. The lon.,...- stem cools the hit whUe the small·
er bowl k"",ps the hash from burning tOO too•. A lot of "",,sh smak..., prefer to smoke their has" OUt 01 POe pipe and their pot out of
another. This Is do..... because hMh can I....v., .. stinky rf5id..... on a PIpe (It".. like super """Inl).
However. the<"., ;ore peopl.. wt>o like to !imOlo.e their ""5h on top
" bowl of kind bud_ Some II.... to br... " . It up and put II In a joint with
some bud. You can even loffiOke It using
Othln g but an old Concert pIn
(110 took on your olde<" brother's leath"r j�ketl. Shck a pl...,e of hash
on the- pin and IIl1hl It. Blow the name out ..nd cover with a small
cle... drinkinll lllass. Once the III;U5 fills up with smoke. tilt th.. Bi..Ms
.. best methOd of smoktng Slightly an.d suck OUt the smok... Tttl� isn't t h
ha..... but It worked i n the '80s an d 111. do f1� In the new millennium. Another way to smoke htuh Is the legend"rv -hot kn.....-... method,
This IS don.. by heaUng a butter knlle tip until red hot, then pushing It down on top of .. ball of hash and huffing the slOe-uream smoke. I personally want to '"-'8g61 that you don't u..., this method. a� It Can De dan�rous and It wastes rnon� hash th"n I like 10 ......,. burn away. Don't be
Idlot-_ all "no... how stupid thlnp Can happen when
you are doing stupid shit. The last thing you _ant is to burn your hands on a knife or
elt your lip" toget"", while tryi"'ll to lI"'t a puff.
WHArs THE OIFFEfl.ENCE BETWEEN HASH AND pon Its true. hash Is made Irom pot. but the hlllh I� �IIBhtty dlff" ...nt.
The c"nnabls high Is a mi>< of p"ychoact",,,, compounds thaot Can vary �r",atty in different strains. In the proc61 01 makinll hashish you h..
collected u,.., cannabis resin which contains high amounts 01 THe lind very lillIe of ttl03Ctlve compounds. H"sh tends to produce " heavy. c"lmin!!. bu:tt. ..,I\,hough some
ha�h can De Quite psychedelic, ;t often (ak..s a f_ !load hits to klc It I.., I love s",eklng hash. but I would never lIi.,.e up smoklnll bud
over hash. I alwayS think of hash as ""'ing a IIre"t buzz for " cold.
snowy wInter dny, ..nd " nice JOInt of "Ind bud perfect during the
.... _• • Po.. s.... ...... _• • _ :s
hot wmmer. 1m not sure I f that expla\n� the 00= ea"h lIive:;; you, but It regis'...... for me HMh Is much rT1O<"e ex�sive th"n pot (BOlng; for S20 25 per g;ram) and like i said before, llood hash Is exuemely rare. In the end It's aU the s<>me, ..noth
I'm w1ShlnB I had some hash rillht nOW',
Before I get �Idetracked d"ydre..mlnll about hash, I foriliot to leU
you about anoth.... way to get high with hash: e"t ill AU you h!lve to remem�r Is that THe Is olt'!>Oluble, Which me..ns to ..ctlvate the THe In your body it needs to be brol<.en down into oUs.
Be careful-hash;sh urokes !I long tIm., to come on ..nd when It does It hils you like a freight, MO<.t connOls....n .. prefer to smoke theIr n:.SIl ..nd � theIr le"f v immin!!s lor cooking: .ince h"sh is 50 hard to corne by, TM<'e wIlt always be those psychonauts who want to ..... how high pot can get you, Tn.lst me, R'U $urpf' lse you, I remember sitling on a
bene" in ... ....d..m outside In the snow for wh..t seemed like houn alte'f' eallnll lwO piece:;; of naSh-cake, I was "omplelely ImmobilIzed, DoJt 1001<1"11 ""10k on n , I stili can'l belle"e how stoned 1 was,
..._ .... _. .. ....... S..... L... .... · 4-5
C>U �K.NG ........ cnNN_...S: AEC...ES FOA THE HEAD
r .....w .... .. . P•• S"•• L ••• _• • _ 7
AIIh, the joys of ""tlnll m...tJullna. It may taste like �h l t. but Il ",u. you HIGH!! Actually, pol rood� don't ....St'" SQ bad If you use the . canoablS butler recipe InUe3d 0' JUSt throwins II buOCh 0' Seed'S. lot_ anc:e on the oubject of pol 1oOcb. fl.,.t and foremost, don"t al"" pot brnwnle<> to �le who are _ware they are _ling pot! Thl� Is not cool and 15,,'( ever funny. Doo� ..t too much at first. Give the pot time to wor-x. It Un take up to tWO hours before the effects corne 0<'1. but iI 1100<1 bt"OYmle hlBh c .. " ''''. fOlK 10 sl,. hoiJB. Eating pol foods ..\.., rai ses your tolerance If consumed on .. 'i!IIulllr basis. Other lhan th.n. h.lVe III good tune and sh",,", some hys· �l. manlac ..l. stoned laughter WIth your fMends. You'U be in t"'.."" CANNABIS BUTTER ......Mlnll aonflabls bUlter Is sImple ..nd very erreetlve. AU you n....d lIa tWO·,IIUon pot. a pound of butter and 2·'" ounces of snake. You Qn use b<Jd II you cnoose lO. Just ma�e sure It's ground up goo
40 ' e........ .
M.Hhod Prehe'H oven to ]50 dellrees F. Grease a 9·lnch :.qu....e bakln, plln. Meh bun..r, cannabis buner (0<" shake) and 1 cup of chocolate chips In lar,e �uc..pan <)Yeo- low heat: ,emove from heat. Slir In ,emalnln, l"1lredlenU In order listed. mh<1ng well. Spread bauer In prepared pan. 8ake for 2S to ]0 mlnut .... ..... until beginning to sUllhUy pull away from sides of pan. Cool In pan On wire Cut InlO 2·lnch :.quares. NO-8AKED DOU8l.E CHOCOLATE CHEESECAKE
You ....Ill . need: 1 packllge (8 oz., cr....m chee-se . sohened 1 / 4 cuP cannabis butler 1 /2 cup '""I'"
2 / ] cup liquid Chocolate syrup 1 1 ] cup sour cr....m 1 /4 teaspoon .....nill.. e"tnlct lor Chocolate na".,...ed liqueur,
1 cup frozen dairY whip Itha�1 1 prepared 9·lnch cl>oc:otale-flavored pl"':'U5! _thod
Place the first three Items rn a bowl. �Ing a" electr1c hlIod·ml"..... _at the cream chec!sc!. Rt1CC! and SUS..r until SfT>OIllh and lIuffy. Add the . aunond e"tr..ct and chocotate-ft.wored syrup: beat until SOU,. cr....m. · .........., frozen dairy whip Into 1"'- ch0co well· ml_. Fotd by hand the u . Spoon Into the chocot"te·flaV<>n!'d pie C'l4t ..nd "'"""tl> " late mixl...... the top w1th a spatula. Ch.ll untIL finn. Keep refrig....ated. .
HOTE: Serve w1U1 sprinkled cocoa. shaved chOCol..te or toaSled almonds 0"..... dollops of addillonal whipped cream.
SUGAR COOKIES You wHl """":"' 4
cUPS slfled aU·purpose flour
1 t.."spoon baking powder
1 / 2 tea.peon l)aklng sod" 1 / 2 teaspoon "It
ith 1 / 2 cup bult...... softened 1 1 2 cup cannabis buU",' w
1 1 1 2 cups SURar
, �.
1 / 2 cup dairy u>ur Cream 1 1 / 2 teas.poon "a"llIa
H .. .... .. . ...... .... _ _ ..... M • . 4. .... �,
Slit flour with bllklnl powder. b"klng SO
In a �r"t .. horse bowl. beat t"'" Ihe<'" 01' sh.. ke. bulter. sua",r.
m. c...�..
anilia and t!1I11 until fluffy. Slowly IIdd flour mh
until well combined. FOrTT1 d�h Into a larle ball. Wrap and refriller.
ate ��at hours. or o...emlllht. Olv [de doullh Inlo " paru. Refrillenou. until ready to 1'01.1 out. _anwt1lle. preheat o...en to ]75 dft!ll'eei F.
lltthUy lif e ..,..,. cookie �_ts. On well·floured surface. roll dOUlLh . one part at II time. 1 1 " Irn;h thick. U,..,. II cutler to Cut
out cookl.....
l ine...... "'p"'rt on prepared cookie sh....ts. 8",ke 10-' 1 minutes. Coot.
/IIaltes about 6 dozen cook""-.
F'or more recipe,. plc� up Aunt ".,.,ry J",ne'� O....lnll with Pot.
H_ . ..._ . _ . P9'" .w__ Lo.___ • � •
•-_7...:::1 ="FUC••NG ....G...::: ••I_ AcI_.c_ .._r ..... C_.....I...." -.... A LI "-.._1_••,, 59__'"
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pretty quickly. I"'e been in sjt....t� . whct"e I've had to lay Clown and Ju>t "oot O<.It after eatlns one tOO .mmy pot brownie!;. It's a funny t....,.t· ing beln!! >0 "'gh you wiSh you "QUid C<;>IT>e down II ltule bit lind wtlen you ck), you re"lIze I>Ow nke It WIIS ,,"..Ing sue" a fantastic buu. W"at Roes up muU come down. That·s tl\oe rut.. 01 the land and It applies to stoners as well. Over time you Il>arn to keep .. 1....1... h....d ",,"eo lIelll"ll ba�. It you pr... ""perteoCtnll wh,n you think is abnor mal paranOia, then try smoking leu pot-or quit smoklnR a'tcaether for a while if you have to_ Sometimes you just n-o a reaHty break. Alw,,'P rememtM;t tmot you are smol
M..... .... _. ... ...... a___ L••• _• • 1& 5
"._ • • • • . �........ Lt_. _. · . 7 � are some 5ubjecu that I juU touched on to fllve you the lInow(edlle you neo:lr, I'", trying to think of .. II the QUes+ ttons you could a� me that I haven't alr ..ady 10"5_"" thus I..r In the _. So. tM.r.. ..r.. ,..,.,.,.. thlnas you would've a......., me " you hadn't l.....,x to... Wh&t about m_c:al marljuana and f<e'd....1 and stat. laws' I"foe alwaY" .....Id. "I'm not " doc;tor and I'm not a lawv-. just a stonet'." n..t also mlllht answer your quenlon on why I ha�'t ...Id anythlnll abotIl the '"wo;. Every state hlu different laws and everybOdy br.,al<S different lawo;. As a wood M., 01 t...... mb, you ��Id know the law before you break the t.w. � ar., IhirlfP that you can InVflllpte further on your own. /VIo(IUwer cllcne juU lor wood me.�ure' If you a111. do the lime. don't do the crime. How do you roll " blunt? Just like " .-...1., JOInt only use the tobacCO Jeillf wrap from a cill'"r. How do you make ha$-h oll? n-e are ___enol waY" to make ha)h 011 and moU 01 th...., are hl&t"Y flammable and d..�erous. This Is the .eason wtly I don't exptaln how to dO It. AI"ln. tllb IS the type of thlnl that you ""n '""estlll"te Indtvldually. Anywilly. that 011 shIt Is " mess just smoke hillsl1. _ do you br� you. own varletl..s of pot? lIreedl� Is a hlahly technIcal lind a
Whaot's the be-st way to trill"el with pOt? I don't SUlIgest you do it If you .re ne"'� illbout It. bout I JUSt put o .. ..t .....rch If thee metal detector the bud somewhere wt>ere 1....1' w toeS off (wch.s II boot ..:x:k. uode..... ... . or deep In • poo<:kett. Abo. I don't suillest th"t you t..."el lICross Int.,.,lHlonal bor�n with w� • •s you "re �e likely to flet se,,',he
Where ","n I eet PQt paraphernillll.7 Thef'e .re plenty of h<>..d5hop$ .cross th<> U.S. that c..rry p(pe5. walet'P(� and .11 lhe omo+
HOw can I � a Judlre at tt.. Cannabl5 Cup .n Amst.rd.lOml Go to HIGH or "20W0C5.IOorn and VOU'U fInd "It the Info you need. .. 000 muchP How much pot I That all dependS on ltoe l""'I...ld",,\. Some people can 5mok.,. non-stop, otllOrs can"l "a""'le a �Inille toke . Just treat madj"ana With cespect "nd Itll make smoklnll a more r.,.wacdlnll e.peri....ce.
My pot ,.,.,...•.,. ilke ammonia. WhyP Prot>abty bec:aus..- It Is on the � Of molOlOlI. If It hasn-t molded. � It In .to.,. mtcfowa..... for a fe- short btasts to dry "hoe bud out.
Don . PTlOke molded weed.
What .� toempl Hemp Is ttoe sister plant to manjuam. a"'" b IIcown for .ndustnal pufpCbe5. such as for fuel . fIber and lood. Hemp h abo IUqal to IIcOW In ttoe U.5 whk;h doesn't make any �n$C COr"lSldeMnv: hemp doesn't lIet you eyeo remotely high If smoked. . •
N._ _ _. . ...... S..... L..... ... •
I'Ve had the unique appor1.unlty to t�.vel the Slobe In the nev....-· ending q....t ... for k;U�r Duds, For a bot>us, , thought that you'd enjoy fE'adtn1l my pi"",e On judglnjl I� Cannabis Cup, ....hleh . .... a� Pf',"",iousty published in HIGH TIMES, The 10UowInS story w,1t Slve you • belte� Idea of how I determ ine 'he quality of buds lind judS" rnllny 5lrllln� In •
short perlod of tIme.
PERFECT 10: JUDGING THE CANNABIS CUP ·�I�r", try a hll of Ihe Bubbleberry," �eone �ald ,,� they P,,.,,ed • burty 10000InS Joint In my dlrectk>n. I took In a 1...- deep pufh and fiO"lt the �lclne curlnil, O<" ..t e.slns the pain 01 the cramped _511.0 fllSht. "Her... thl� Is t h .. I'll IJ!i )( H.."...• �ald another voice �ul"" a �moIderlnll jo.nt whlctl struSSled to �tay lit. I �Isnlted the .. )oint lind stared out the window Of tile t>
'�rvauons bOoked at the Barbl=r> Thill'. which Is considered a lu"" ry hotel by Dutch standardS. , checked I.... without any problems other ght of me being booked 'nto .. no-.rnoklnll room. lhan the sllllht ov""",' -r", sorry, sir. but this Is the only room avalillble tod..y.· ,..Id the hotel receptioni st. -Well. I don·t smoke dBarettes, Thls·11 hllve to do," I said, Little .... of the next _k, I had plan� did they know th..t durlns the eoo..r r on performing perhlll» the world·s IIreatest perpet....1 pot-smoklnll blnle ..nd nothing coo..rld stop me. With sleep In mlr>
"'" acr
door crack. lind opened tile wlncIOw for 1100 ,""",tied with a
>Orne lre<:h air. I WI"P'!'d lhrOU!ih tl">e TV channcis
Uonet RItchie marathon on Euro MTV. Just as I _as comfortably nestle-
··Hey. It'S Zena. Bloom.e "nd Rob ,,�e with ..... In the lobby,- said Zenll the HIGH TIMES Princess, �efe�rI"lI (0 my CII"""bls coOoru. Ste"e Bloom. HT� musk: editor. ""d Rob Dno.well, Hrs production dkeclor. "Whllt lobbyr I IIs.I<ed, nlll I"IIIZed from the- Hllzoo,. ""Shut up. We're comi,,' UP.- she- Insisted. BcofOf"e I could .."en lIet hlllf_dres�. they _e kno<:klng on my door. I let them In. The flr'St thinS Bloom ....Y>- to me Is. "The ...hol.,. hllU reel<s. W.. could smell It In tl"le C!'levlltOl"".Oh .....11. so mueh for dlsc.... t1on. They couldn"t che<:k Into lhel� hot.., rooms fo� II"Other I..w hours, SO I let th...... h""ll In my room. Aller all. my room has trlldlt.onally been the Initial blasting PIId for most of the sLaff. So th iS lime we realty .5mOked out the place w;th t)U1. much concer" of ",me holel m"n"lIer-type comlna down on us. Anyway, I would JUst ""plain. ""Yes. I und"r'St"nd, but • work fO<" HIGH TIMES lind I"m here on bus;nC!'...,- Sounded solid C!'n-ough to me, II didn't ,"k., lonll before I d"a.--;l out th.. room lind resumed my rest. I....., I....'ned from previous CupS thll t burn-out I� 1......IUOble. so 1 made a" "flort to pacC!' myself. yellr !.he ellnnabis Cup IIdopts a theme. lind durinll 1997's 10th "nnua!. Ste"e �Iavr. tl\e Cannabis HIIIl of Fame and Introc!UCed Ik>I> Martey as ItS 111"$' lnduel..... So the Cup seemed to 5Wlly towllrd. a Rastafarian U-.e..... witt> an lnevJtable Rainbow nllir. There ......... rumors ctrcullltlnil thllt RIta Marley he.-sell was plannl nll to ","IlC!' an appell,;:e on I><:>hlll' of the MIIrley fami ly 'SOf1"Iellme durinll the Cup_ The C!'"ctte-ment cresc....· doe-pelltlon. Lat..� that e"ening. I took a wIIlk dow" the Leidsestrllllt '" search of .Oft.... food. ThC!'r., arC!' rnllny fine and aff....dable . r�Ulurants In thoe "r..... but I Opted few " c:ouple of sliCes, ....Y $lyle. Unfewtunately. I must"ve lIone at the wrong lime. beellUse • ended up with two crusry. plllstk-lIke, d ..y-old Lesson lellrnC!'d; don't try lind rush the .. mC!'. It'S USUAlly DutCh, especlllily when It comes to lood. 6C!'U....e ","orth your 11m.. to wllit It ouL I holed up at II rock bar known as ThC!' ea"", My head pounded to the beat 01 -I-\Ighway to Hell." I asked the bBr1..,.,-,.der If I could Itllht .. spUff. knQwinll up. He hlld no probt..", wIth 1\, $0 I III uP " ....n$ler full welt !.hat It would put me back ,nto my �tupor. I '
H_w •• -.._ P.,. Sy._ Lt•• _. · _ ., "HeoIIO," I �ed It .royooe woos r""n.,. t h. , ... ,. "Good ....,.nl . ... Mr. Eudaley, It k 7 AM.-· said . soh, 1IOOlhing volc". I envtsl<>ned ""'" to be " Dutch �s wilh �_t, punky black hAir. ItUft.... into h.... uniform. I hu... u� t� phone. It w.... Just too damn e.rl.,. to let my Ima\illnatl<>n set t..... beSt of�. , h.d to foc"" on the day "head. I knew thAt I wouldn't haye much Ume to eal durtn-g lIlC: ",""y, 50 I Iwl'ded -., to the rc-stn...."nl 10 ca'lt! In on m.,. comQllmenUlry bleakfa�t. • didn't ""peel much. J""t some bread and 'h--.e. I walked riFol Into a lull .,..."akfan buffet WIth a be.....tlful of bream, ,...,., jell� and c1">e<ese. a� we(1 OS ens and _leu,.'l plroeapple .rid orange juke and a whole set_lion of frulu and hult Sotlam. I gue$'5 1\ wasn't � da.,. thAt • •t<>ne'll character _h a$ m)'5ol'lf f f.,. mUe lOlnt. Good trolnv. , dkln·t 9"'t �ltrolled th......., this st... UD<1ed, t>ecauw> .. the numbeo- of eye!l '.hllt followed me. I would"ve I1eCI a full·bore 'r ....k<>ut Act....lly, ' dldn·' really mind the blond KLM stewardess ewel" at the cornet' I"Dle sta.rlnv. at me. I winked at her ......1" Sl\(WOHnl l...." sal"d 'nto my mouth. "V ItAmin C, you know what I'm ,...ylnlr I asKed .....r. She smile:d was off to the Pa" Party Hou...., _ "'.. � to r� fot work. This woo. the day of the photo shoot ..nd .he enten... of the st...lns. The cofr� and seed b.nks would be cCln'tl.... thr� one by one SO we could reatster. VIdeO .nd photo.,.apt, the ent........ This .ll !W)UnCk IIl<e fun. but .her the crew hlU UP • f_ jolnu, It qulcl
u-oughty. Now, I ....·t ... �Uv 110 around call1na rnvoeU .. "celebrity.- I thlnl< t;tf a celebrlty ..s beina
10 do and ttl" let ,n the way. We fln"'he
• C...P.... .
!n'o<� us that we were IIOlnll to h .."'e to stand on st"II" to recei"", the seed =mpany wmples. This w,,� norrQr lor me. Not that im shy 0. "nyth1nll. but lik.e ! s"ld. I'm not a lIa..n)l char..cter. The dinner VOt kkked off with s.c:..rboroullh n"lr. The entertain· menl w..� prO""ded b)l the R"inbow Gypsies. headed up by F""tuzzl and Ji",,,. The food wa, IIr..."t. It'. been ...r... for u� �l"ff slav..., to !lefo,n waltlnfil for: tile di5lribulion of the o-eed company str"h.... My name was caUed lind I joined the other celebrity JOOIl<':$: HIGH TIMES staUe.... Steve Bloom. Chris Slmunek.. Rob 8r"swell and Liz Lapof; Rock... T of the' Cup 8and; Cup and btuesmlth Robin "The Hammer" LudwIII: R,..t� holy man RaS MeneUk; ""d true celebrities: Jerry Gard,,·s ex ..nd """,. time Merry Pranl<st...r Mountain Girl "nd (""",Inll the best lor lastl. tt.... Quet'ln of RaSla'"rl. RiliO ........ley. who had yet to arrive. We were LIned up iOn(! lit up on the naae. I had made the mistake of eating a couple 01 1\3SI. cakes and my less were tW1Hlnjl Uke rubbef. My he..d felt "''''Y heavy and It took everythlnQ I had to remllin upna/lt. We ....sembled a petie., lineup. Everyone shifted fcom .,de �o skle ..nd tned to lO()l( serious. we lOOked Uke one of those uews whee... It dldn't reaLLy maner who you pIcked out of tile IIroup. we weee aLL probably Quilty of something or another. Nevertheleu, we had com., aLL the way ac(on the world fo,· One (ea..oo only: to Judge the Cannabis Cup, and that·s what we were 1101"11 1.0 do. Anne then �filan announclnll the elllht seed coml>"nles entered In the competition one by one. Ao. elt(;h wa$ called, they came by and passed out theIr ....mpl..s. Soon... went to areat lenaths to dbptay weir buds In clQar-style boxes or picnic basket.s. and others slmpty sta'
.... .. _. ....... ....._ L .. . .. M. ·
-. _
round the Slobe to Ktwdul� . Stoners Of ..I I persuasions flock from .. pay homawe to trnrlr sa<:r.-d pot. It Is lheIr duty to �.".,h and vote for the bont herb. h"-.hlsh "nd coff�. ...,u. r " Ie- d"ys. the jucl!l.,.. are as� to turn th"'lr ballots In. Then. the vot.,.. are tabulated lind the Cup< dbtnbut.-d to the wlrmen; at the Awards Ceremony. I tlr"bbed my s"mptes from li'>e C.�n HOUse, which we.... secured In.'' nice tote·baR with the Green HOO$e' lOlJo emblazoned 01' U1e sides. and took " cab to the Pax. Sure enough. II line of eallt'. judves wr� "round the building. Reillstr.tion wasn't "",hnen onto tile' buses "nd >enl them off to check out the cof feHhops while the Expo eot !l0ln1il. This year. tile' Hemp Expo was dIrected by HIGH TIMES marketln" manager Liz u.pof. She did " sre..t job ...-pn,zlng lh.. 40 companies that sotd products r..nglITII from the latelil In h....,p lao.hlon� to the bf:st In IIlassbiOWfl paraphernalia to the hl"hest·tech cultivation aCCft· 1oOr1.... With thr.,.. flOOB of products. the Hemp El
c"nnllbl�, Anyway, It .... II� . " nice d"y OUUlde "nd I needed 501TM! fresh IIlr. Tht. time of year. Amste""am . le....,r.lly cold and wet, but thiS year the w"'''ther was decenlly fair with rare moment:> of ..un �hlne. When the sun does peet< th"""lIh the clouds, It-'; common to ....t and r"'Jolclng In the ray!>. And see Irown adults danc1ns in the ov ... the Dutch are .... f..- a ooclety as our dance they .hould . bo::OI u (oundl nll fathers had per"",,,,, envisioned for us, I lrabbolod a bite to eat lind went b..C;k "'I Ihe p.,,, to c;onllnue the m..d....-s. I found Rob nO""lIlnll out "t the bar with fiT cu\tl",atlon e,,:11· tor Chris Simunek and the super'stoney master of I>e,bal cuisine, Chef Ra, They w.,.,... ..l.....dy In the midst of 501TM! he,,"Y Judlllnil. so lit RIO. urlllnil. I I>Ulled up ;II stool and tolled up the Green House'S White Rhino, "Yes. brlnll on the Rhlnol" 00 ....lIed . In typical Ra fashion. I lQOk my time rolllnil the hert:l as we dIKO$� the Slraln$ Inat we'd tested sq far. Then I Ilt Ih'" Joint ..nd paned It o n 10 Simunek. The Rhino was "'e'Y potent. After .. fe..... tok.... . I found myself com"
pletely Mooed. but It didn't h"...., the tane l ,<:I ., to De looking for. R.. ..nd Chris sptlt ",nd Rob and I took the bu. over to the MelkW'ell for the Opoenlng CeremonIes. The Melkw� I s " nightclub 1000led rllht off the �ldseplel" lInd. fortunately to<" ITM!. "",a. my hotel. I stopped by my room to pICk up more ....mple. 1« some Ii..e.nlght judllnl. 1 grabbed the small picnic ... full of bud. from Salarm",h.. Seeds ..nd basket with four lila" ja,
he3ded over to 100 Mclkw"'ll.
..l� with a �l· I I�at:ely resumed the .Iudglns porocoess down
. const....t . and 10I'III IMU"II, t� "Wt>ltc" vanel""'. The high ........ I watched 1rom too c,'owd a5 R3S Mcn.... ,k ted a t
Inll out IIroovy vibes. Tlle beat� el....led .. my burL until I could s_", lh..t I was float inl ..bO"'" my body I>ooked only by my umb,lIc,,1 c«d. -rh15 mU'Ot be Ny"blnllnl,- I ..,Id to my_If ... I headed tow"rcb tM boor. Thb time I Opted fo r " COOI'CoI" ....,.... the Hclncken, I HSUred I'd . � lolnl to be a lonl n'liht ano5pltable. A SI>eLf lutl 01 �nn..bls CUp$ proudly w ..tches ....,.... the weed counter In the ",",ck cor".,•. Their ITM!nu 15 chock futl of wonderful h.,.,.b, but I purch ased " couple of 1I' 01 .
th.. Nep"l Temple Sail hashISh.
f No• • • _• • �.'I' ..... ...... _. .
.. OW
I didn't Ret " eM...:... to smoI<e _...., of !.he DuelS Irom Sa!lllrlrnJtha yet. $0 I decidecI «> walt u> test lhe
...."..,', too 'mpo'...._ wllh. the Y\Jmboil ar>d S�h>l K. 00<>', VCI ....,. aut ' Nod a 101 of ....eeo to smoke "nd ..., tlrTw to """ne The "In ....mple from Safl"rmalhll was my penon,,' fa..... from their coUectlon, the Mansrot'a" IOOlc•. Allain. tnls weed cur...:! _II and � I..-_t. "The MIlonaotta" paclu " punch and tlckl.... your taste .. � smooth and dldn'. buds with II sllan! fru,ty fl•....,.... The smoke w _"",. Its all tncn!!d,i>le weed
bum my {tltoat. I sttLL didn't tI/Ove slnet jUdglnl reQul'�"U. I w..s merely 100111"11 fpr wlM'd th"t I ...... . nted to come to time ..fte, tIme. I had yet to ndouts . but I knew t""t 11 would be dIfficult cons'd fInd ..ny lnJe st.. enna the I...... Of "'gh-quallty buds rei been 1I1�. I I'lli,d to "Iso keep ..n! In mind UU!Il I woos "",tina f..... the Dest seed company. .. 00 th..l me I Nod to consider the quality of .n the repo-,...,.t .. ..II"'e ltr"lns .,.,... ..bbed the ON<' WImp!" .....t...-eeI each comp.!lny. With thl� In minop-hoOpplns _Ith Rob
....... . The Int..nor was ..I"bo _ " n.t w....t . to the ....w Or....... , notel-y d«orllled with colorful tiles .. nd mIrrors. We sat lit a t..b1.. with hu"", colored glas� marbles that W'l>f'"e lit up from underne;!!th. W., ordered drmk, ..nd rolled up . JoInt of tn.,- Swln bvcI. which w.� very be..utlful .. nd full of c;'Y't..'s. fl.ut I w...n I ImprC!"5sed wit" either In t..u.. ..... pot..ncy. After smoI
SfoneCl. s...-.. "'"""'-'Ilh. this one did U..... trld<. Tl>e _OQO hIKJ .. 5IllIhl fruily tIOOot.. �ked " flOOd none. The � �.. �tI. but dense. Next we hellded "".... to s..,-,sh coH....-shop. Ther.. ....... &mOkeCI lho! '-"'Cone! ..nlry from KC B...,ns, tho! NL Spec,,,. . Thl• .....,. WM "n QUtdoor s ,he only OUID<x>r SI.....ln ,"",U!red Into the SO!"eCIte. thiS SIr;!!ln wlIsn-1 ..s harSh liS som.. of the IndU5trl...strength u�·weed ."., It w.., I..ttlnll lale. so _ went out to eat ..nd walked 0"'''' to the Melle...... to Q<>t In on tho! .......,Inll·$ .............. Tonlllht wa" the Bob
Marley InductIon Into the Cannabis Hall of F"me and It was confl.-.ned that ftlta Motrley ne.-, hotd flown In ell.l� In t.... dAy to r�res"n1 the family.
Tht! Meikwetl WIn pack...o with 800d leellnvs as retlilae musk: blasted from the .talle courte,,;y of the Cannabl$ Cup Band. I took lime OUl from ...11ou. JOOlllnll to let I� "nd have a llood ,•....,. une in the evenlnliS. I WOUld aenen,lIy .., back and smoke SOme of tr'le u,,,lns that I r'lad preV>OUSly JudQeCI to that I h"d IIlven e"ch uraln an accurate teHin!!. Tonight. I was ...,oklng my...l, to .. state of bliss. which I planned to peak OUt rlllht when Aiuo took the stall"'. And t"ke the stage .he did. 'she c"me out and did a memO· rable verSion of "0...... Draw- In " w"y that only a Marley could per· form. I found my..,.lf .wept up by my emotions and I could s....e"r " tear c....... to my ey" when I thought about e","ctiy where I was and whItt WItS going on In front of n..... Uke I $ald. I wlIS bUssed "nd I lelt the Me{kweji teellns hillher than I"d _r been before. At about midnight. Rob and I headed over to the Oampkrinll's Smokersball at the Odeon with Zena "nd Beth. HT Sidekick. The club
wa. one of those n'Ullllevel superm"rket·nyle club!. wilh dlfferenl scenes depending on whal room you ....ere In. The PIIrty WItS boomlnl "00 other tha.. a .",all :>.klr",lsh lO the right of me, It went without a hitch. This was 8eth·s lI"'t ve"r al the Cup. so I In,tlated her by drag· glng her over to the ",:20 AM fenlvitles '" the quentin Hotel. We ....e .d it with jU$' enough time lO t"Wlst a bomber and pose lor the lell"'nda,y "':20 photo In front of the Clod<, I made It baCk to my hotel r laht belor'" ....nn..,. "nd o.-dered " turkey ....ndwlch from room service be'ore tak'nll " three-hour n"p. I WOke up to the bu=tna of "'y phone. It·. a .....",Ird feeling ""'aklnl UP nlll St<>oed from the nillht before. This Is " sian thilt burn·out is a�ClUnd thE' c;:or...,...- I took some ochlnacea "nd vit"",lns to w,,�d off any t,>Otenll,,1 slc�s (hat could nnke when I 1""'51 ""PC><;te(l it. I wa� Kheduled fo.- 1,""'
th"t the mo�e .."pe..-Ien<;ed Cuppers .....n ' ta'ned. I had to be car..ful whilt I said around these shariu;, beea...... I WIt• ....klnll .,.on v"'ry little 51_p and masSive amoun15 of THe nmnlnll throullh my I>octy. I took time out to sample " few of the St.nolns .,..,tered by the Sensl !ioeed bank, starting with the ....pte .. Leal IndIc... Thl<. bud Iwwt .. w:ry ....ique tas t .... Uke .. maple s}'nIP-and It had .. nice hillh. but no .",$1 flre>.ooks, I moved on to the Jack FI"sh, Sensi"s new hybrid of J"ck H",rer and Skunk. This WIt. " good sm� "'at provided .. ciear ..nd precise none "Iter only " f..w tokes. The ta�t" was fruity with "n e"rthy flavor'. Ne"t I Wfl'nt thr"'-'lIh the B,S Sud, th'" No.-lhern Lillhts and the Silver Peioor l. "Il of which ....ere consistently pot"nt-but they dldnt ,,,al ly st..nd out above each other, One th"t did ....". . theor l...t ...."'. .. E' tane with pl.e. the Nl.Jit5 " 1"I....e. This one I loved. It h"d " We"l H" th" power of the NL#5 drlvi"l it horne. I enjoyed S
I had • ),00 PM "ppolntment to hflolle flo council wllh the other the MetkW99 I woos looIclng; lorw",d to hear lo'>g wnoot the othet" Juctves had come up with ane council was very Int..nse. with crvery Judge pOUring thel. I!O!IO.U. and JOOls Into tile whote procen. Rocker T Il� the tampl.,.. enle<'ed from �own F..nla'Oeeds. whkh Is HOlnegrown F..nt.."es· Ioft'd compan)'. , had not tampted them yet. so , ..sked Rocket" to twin tt.em up and pau them lIround_ !-Ie flnt .otted the Super Cryst.l .. ....It .. n__"", coaled 'n ar>d passed i t m)' Y4)'. ThiS was clefl· nltet)', without . doubt, the mO$t powerful w� I'd yet come II(:n>5S. The sneer force left me �t..nned lifter Onl)' II few hits. Wo passed It to the other Joclees. lind ti'>e')'
cet.brity Juctg<ef, .",.,., at
'Stoned ....Inl" e"cI.lmed Robin loudwili• •nd h e was dght
•11.... smokln" ,.., much, d.)' and nlllhl. you kind Of I ....el . out. but
Ihll hit you Ilk.. .. two-D)'-fOU' 10 Ihe bllck Of th .. h4e.d Th.,n Rock..r T twisted up the Homeg;rown Heze and a,"In. It I n n.), direction. This was .. SPiCY IItlle number thll' tllsted sweet ..nd musk)'. nOt h..rsh. It WllS Ihe ,ru.. stllndout In "')' opinion. This ""liS " bud with c1.n. , p..ssed It ..round and "....ryon..·s tute buds we... left Ilnllllnll with pi ........'... I thoueht that I cOUldn't De mOr.. stoned .. fIe. the Super Crystel, but o.oon ",y 1'11,,1'1 was soarlnll cerebrllll), Into the n.,therworld .., II fantastic I(ght show danced on m)' SVn"pses. We .. II glg.led like Ilttl.,. �Id., end we decld.,d th., w., should take thiS comp,,")' undet" heavy conSIderatlon_ Woe dlK.. .. .. d thoe p!Hsible pn,bl...,s 01 "OU"II for ill new compan)' ....h .:: as Iio....rown ... Fantas.eed�. SInce we <;"n'\ 11"- out the seeds ourset"es. It Is dIfficult to ....limillle how .ellable " new company's seeds a.�. AU w" could do ts hope that the buds ent....ed wer., repre· ,...,tati� of the Iln ..t product of thoel• ....eds. So. In In)' Opinion. thoe
De-!.t I)Uds ent.,....:! �Id e..rn the Cup. ,ns InvOIve-d ..nd ,! the othef's ..bout _ dlscU»ed ..U the str.. the str.. lns I'd ),et 10 :l>Ompte from I"ar..dl.... seed company But by this point the cout>cH """Ied out to a smlltt party and w.. went CIownst..l", 10 Join thoe ..... .. ..·erOw\na crc-d. I was Infol'tfled th..t the c." .,br1ty judges' votes were to be deify· ened tomorrow at �:20 PM. I had to ..,1 In)' hoead n,...tstu. so I tra� Rc>t> ..nd we _nl out 10 eat and further discussed who we Intended 00 Wltlnll for. I hed .. rough Idea. but I w.. s t..�en b), surprbe with the __rown Fenlneeds strains. W� dectded to find e bar where we could do furthoer t....tlng. .. me up with I du1i ..round In In)' laundry bat "AI of sampl.... ..nd c
the Hc>rneerown HIlZ,"" ""..In. I 10IIflI thiS bod and I would be wltt'ng to trllde In all of my weed for an ounce of thts stufl . ..s , ....1)' had " "",,,II SlImp!., to t....t. , fln"lI)' louOd • JOint that I "ctuatl)' W,,"ted to
s �Innlns to tool< lIke I had a ele.., Iintsh ao-n to the roach .. nd It w.. wInner. I dldn't w..nt to make .. hasty-Or ha:.;y-d...:lslon JUSt based on ..ln, so awhile we ,oiled lhe other str .. ln, lhe Super this one str C'Y-'tal, We didn't � thl� one to the '<>
third worth one POInt. The company with the h'ghest Kore would receive the Cup and the second highest would be the runner_up lind SO an. This S"v(> U5 the winner on an average scale. The-re we<e ",..ny heated banI..... between the j....,.ges. We all deckl· ..ted by ed we would write c10wn our votes and turn them In to be t aboi Peter Gorman I wrote on a yellow nou"pad, -sensl Seed bank Jrd ptace, Gr� House. 2nd and own Filnt..5eeds 1st place.We ",II tu,ned !r'l OUr votes "nd they were tabut"ted, We were rds went down JUSt as I had Informed of our decision lind the ..w.. voted. We lUI headed downst/.ln to watch the Aw..rds Ceremony "he..dy In pr08ress. I felt like .. hUlle burden had been lifted off my o;houl
_• • .,."
a.......... _. " .. .
n.e lnevllabl� meltdown came rllht on c...e aner much c"'elul plan nlnt:. "The ('nal ev....,I"I ca.... 10 .. dose and th.. crowd filtered out of lhe �kweg. They seecoOCid 10 be as �Itited as I. I� I was In no oh.ape to care. I latcheCI on 10 a friend and celebrated lot>" Into U>e �14h1 with the help 01 " hanClI...l o( 'shrooms IOn<' a lew COCa·CalIOS to keep m.. coh..renl. "The Cup U. the ""rty 01 Inc y.".r IOf me. It Is the culmination 01 a hell 01 a 101 of work• ...-.d t�e'� a hell 01 a 101 or tOOd Umes 101,. thrOUlh lhe- proc_ of It alt. The coff� 300 s.eed compantfl are to be commended for- the-Ir OtJut3ndlni sel.,..,Uons 01 Ino:redl�e bu
nexl yearl
H.. .... _. .. ...... ....... L.... .....
. ....... ...EN CH
NO" YOU'.E • ..0... S..... LIKE IWIE���
· "7 3
M._ .... __ .. P... ....... ...... _• • "JIf _ 'k>, now yootve IlOt the knowledae Of a Pot. SUlr (God help !oft atu!,. IA1:S re....... what you_ learned. You lea rnod how to de!.f!f"m,,,. mar_ IJUllnll s worth. !low to score weed. the Hner poin!..!. of ....dlnl pot Inc! how to keep you�( out 01 trouble. Of" It lea�l lvold trouble as mud"l lIs possIble. 'Ibu L_rr>ed abOut IILL the smo.
__ of _ stoner e,jQ<>oette Ihllt .oes ,,10f"I, with each of them. You WII.ned """'" to roIL II I..,spectllbl.. Joint (mandatory for any w"nnab@ PDt Starl. how to .row )lOU' ...., ... ho<:-rb. mllke )lOUr own hllm and how to cook u p sam.., Cllnnllb;s trellts. I IIISO vaWl you .. few polnt....s on wt,.ll to do if you gel too 5tOned or need lo care 'or Ioarneone else who lot themselve5 " Ulile OVer bilked. I don'l think I've ml5sed ..nythln., lind If 1 dId I probably eotplalned why on Cha pte. j've ......" added II glouary of stoner lenmo JUst ..... you Clln communlcll te with Olher stone<1l like a � PDt Stllr. Hopelutly, tnCKt 01 IIll. Io'ou'''e learned to have II new respeCt fOf" . end .. ....w undet"5uondh" of the nr.....e cui· tuoe of true Sloners.
'k> I'1Ow that you re .. nned With ell I<,"
Don t be "hllid to we..r . pot·le,,1 h.t or T·.hlrt. Re-m'"es..r>tloa our culture. the Stone-thood. w.: have to stick toaeU>er ..nd help eacn Otho<:-r out » much 11$ we Clln. If that's • friendly word or II JOint shared by 51'."11"'5. then you are doing mar" for yourself and your comrnunlfy lh. n you rnillht 'ellllze. Pol I. lh.. 1001 101" universal Ix"otherhood; don', .e. !.he I..� SlOp you f'D
But a I"ot Star can't aflotd to bot:! mol..... when It Comes to marlJ.....
m•. Always keep your eyes atoll for potential b ust .. . rlp-off� or trouble-
. Try lind ma;n...;n . a <;ltI'ar t>ead and pOsltl _ ..ttlt"""'. Don't let mal<....s. pot turn 'IOU Into a bitt..... cynic. rve been ttoe<"e bef...-e and It let,. uilly. Use the ....orld·,. absurdity as ill <;.e..('..... tool to create your own
little ai»urd world. A I"ot Star ohould always think of hl....f ... a. the star of his own mo...itl'. Pk:ture you�f a$ the prod-uc:..... dIrector. wr i t.... and ..tllr of
your life. Don't wet c:a�ht up In someone else's movie. Fotlow your own dr",am and goals. Create your O"Wn reality. After all, you're a Pol Star nowl
And now that U>e preaehl"ll ha$ corne to an end. by tt>e pow.... ".".t� in me by tt>e Stonerhood of planet Earth. I d1'!<:lare you all Jr. . Pol Stan. Go and I""" fr..... II..... lonK and j>f"05per. YOU ...., come a Ion.
way. babyl _ thtot the bo<>h I.. .....,r . . ..nyorn: want to ..moke a Joint?!?
"__ .._ ••• POT .T.. ..... _ . . .. ..
_A_...UA_A GLOSS "..". NO" 10 TA.LK .....E TALK
HOWTO ••• POTST•• "••••• • 7 _ NOw 11>111 you know whAl " Pot Stllr �s to know, It's u..... you leam W �pe.ak lil<e II true Pot SllIr. I've IIssembled .. list of noner tenns lind definitions. Jo.nt to live you an Idea I'>Ow this whole thlnl works. I..t me I'v" you lin ..,,,ampl..,. "So I wa5 speakln!! to my I>I.Jddy u,., ou...., day llbout S(:onnll a phat 5&Ck of Aflhllnl Hydro nUIP. He ....Iol the bellnS Came from Amsterdam ..nd the to(> colas ,eo!!< lie Skunk Weed. AnywIlV. I'm plannlns on hooklna up with an 0....... of that 51>lt." Translated. this IIUY is ...ylns. " So I w..s spellklnll to my delll.... lhoi! other dlly about buyl"il 50fTle hyd'nponlcaIlY-arown A'ilhant flowers. He sa'd tn.. Sf"e flowers smell acrid. Anyway. I'm ptannlns on buyinll an ounce of th..t marlJu..n ..."
So tn..,e you have it-ml" ..nd m"teh as you pI..,a,..,. Any tnJe ston. er will kn()w wh"t you 11'" IIIlklns about. It·s funny how quickly new terms and words pOp up wit" II IIroup of pt!Ople who routinely 114'1 stoned tOilethe,. Anyw..y, tnes.. ..,.. Jw.t some 01 It>e t..rm� I"al I Could think of orr tn.. to(> of my "ead. Go nutsl Indlc" strain originating from AIIII>lInlstan Afll""nl Bilked " re..Uy St� Ba" . bong waler B .. .. ns " seeds _
Blunt · mllrlJullna wrllpped In tobacco 1.. 1If
BomlM!-r - (at Joint Dos"" - talklnll with burnlna joint 80nll wM..... pi".,.
" tn.. part ot a pipe W h..... t..... we
s "n Me while dollnll out the W
Cashed bowl - spent pIpe load Cherry u.... red, burninll chunk of he,b In the _/Jolnt Chronic · hlp'l'IQp lenn for hlgh·quallty herb _
Clink - hIIsh (trom the sound II makes wheo h..rd
Connoisseur - m"n)""na aficionado Cottonmouth dry taste In the! mouth afte� pull"'1 Dank - adje-ct!..,.., describing hlllh·q.....llty bud _
....... . _....... I .
Dlm� �B - S10 baB of we
Doob - Joint Dry - out ot pot
E..ecutIY� prlveleee - uoklns a hit OUt of turn �au_ It'� your � ...:20 t ime to Bet storled _
Flushlna the tou...t .,.."ptytflB the bowl 01 Frted - Yery stoned G.nja - Jamaican term tCK he-rb _
atnt"' bud/
Green bud - fr ....h kind bud
"'anoh - hurts the thr�t [0 5mo1<e "'arshlna my mellow - kllll nv my buzz
Hashish, Hash preued ,..." IJua"IO re$l� ...emp - poC.'s non'jMYChoacUY", sl'
Lit stoned MartJuana - POt _
M�II_n - completely 1�lnB your shll, �Ilh ..... by �alnB 0<' 1,.,aklnB Moochlna ' II.,Ulna h itlh wllh .. little ""'Ip Irom yt>\J' trlend� ,'IICk.,1 b"a - S5 ball of pot Nuall" . medlum_sb:ed buds
o.-lI"nlc . llrawn without pesticides or chemlc..l t.,nlll:ter5 O'zer - ounCe Ph..t . cool, h..ppenl n ', good !;CQI'e Poklnll smot - smoklntl pot Pot . m..rlj....n..
Puff · smoke weed Q-botrt . 1 1 ... pound 01 weed R.,...,1u; - s.nell.;; of weed
ll z - short ror "regular," old buds R.... Roach - the butt of the Joint R-..:h c_ch place to stano r_ches SaCk - ball of weed
SofiYa . la�e pl..nt with 'lender ,.,ayes and psychedelic buds Sc:hwiIOlI - poor_quality weed SeCKe ubt..ln pot Shake · powder and llny Iralments ot weed Shltw-.l - shltty � •
Sinsemilla · seedleu herb
H_. .. .. . .. .y .... ..... .... . _ . Skunk ...._ . stinky Afghan. bods. Smackl.,. )'Our Mad aell'lng stoned •
Sna.-fl .. the Bart · acddentally �ttfng t>orlK ""ater In your rTl(>Uth Splitt . Jamaican t....m for oY...-s.zed Joint St•..,., . thE- place whe'" yOU k� your bud� St...., . . � who Pi'rta� of rn"rlju'ttla CStoned . high THe l etnl hydn:>c .. ...,. b ." .not . the psychr:>actlve Ingredient in �rlJ""'" Toke to puff on a }oint, pipe, b<>n9, .. tc. Torch · light.... •
Uny pOll..., glands on,; ..nd bUlb Trlchome$ .. - 5tetn$ T....p V.... '. . . spacing out ttke .. vesetabl" +
....eed . - marlj.....""
last lew bits of ..,.,,,k .. left In .. stash