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WADsWC)R I ll P"Il osC)l)lI Il I文
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〓卩0Φ Φ
一 一 一 一一 一 一~一 一 一 _ 一
HUSSERL Victor Velarde-pˇ Ιayol ti!liⅤ
crsity of Sou1h「 k)rida
Tho】 ηson⒈ Carrmg、
Λus1raha・ Canada・ Dcnlnark・ Japan・
亻 cxico・ Ncw Zcaland・ PhⅡ ippincs
Pucrto Rico・ s"lgaporc・ spain・ Lh1itcd Kingdom・ tJlli1cd Statcs
「os〃 stz″
Cbaptcr1∶ PhⅡ osophical DcvcIopmcnt l Ycars ofFo∏ nation
2Pcriod of Logicism 3 Mailration of Phcnomcnology
4 6 6
ingcn 32Thc Ycars at thc Univcrsitv of Frciburg 4 Thc Last Pcriod ofHusscrrs Phn。 s。 phy 5 Thc Idca of Phcnomcnol。 gy
3 1 Thc Ycars atthc Univcrsity of Go“
Chaptcr2∶ Intcntional AnaIysis
Thomson Lcarning is a tradcmark uscd hcrcin undcr liccnsc
l In仕 oduction
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part ofthis work covcrcd by thc copyright
2 PhⅡ osophy of Arithl△ c(ic 3 Cr"iquc of Psychologism and Purc Logic
Vadswonh,a division of mloms。 n Lcarning
hcrcOn may bc rcproduccd or used in any fo1η
l or by any llcans— —etaphic,
clcctronic,or mcchanical,including photocopying,rcc° 诏 ing,taping,、 Vcb vith0ut thc dis⒍ ibution,or infonη ation storagc and rctricval systcms-ˉ 、 、 vrittcn pcrmission ofthc pubhshcr Printcd in the Vnitcd statcs of Atη crica
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Phonc{ l-800-730ˇ 2214
31 Antipsychologism
32 Thc Idca ofa Purc Logic
20 22 23 28
4Analysis ofIntcntionali″
41 PhcnomcnoIogy of Mcaning 42 Analysis of Intcntional Acts
43 Phcnomcnahsn、 oblctˉ t
and RcpIcⅡ ntatlonalism
44Thc Notion of
T△Ith and
Catcgorial Inttlition
34 39
For morc infomation,contact Chapter3∶ Thc Phcnomcnological lvIcthod 1 Radicality of Phcnomcno1ogy∶
lO Davis D"vc
Frc。 doItl of PrCsuppositions
2 Eidctic Rcduction 21 Two Kinds of Intuitions 22 Thc Mcthod of Eidc‘ c Rcducu。 n
43 43 45
、 Vadswodh/Thomson
VsA www wadswolth com IsBN:0ˉ s34ˉ 57610ˉ 9
3 Phcnomcnological Rcducion
3 1 Thc Mcthod of Phcnomcno10gical Rcduction 32 Nairal and PhenoⅡ £nological A廿 imdC 33 Phenomenological RcdlIcu。 lls
34 Thc Pr血 ciplc ofA1I Principlcs
55 58
35 Evidencc and Illulition Endtlotes
Chaptor4∶ Transccndental Phcnomeno】 ogy
l TransCcndcntal Rcduction 2 Thc EssCntial Componcnts of Mental Acts∶
Nocsis and NoeIlla dlc strtlcurc Nocsls and NocI【
3 Inlmanencc and Transccndencc in
ConstitlItlon of dlc ObJctˉ
甾 臼
4 Thc Notion of Phcnomcnological t
Logic 52 PluC L。 gic and Fonllal ontology 6 Tllcoγ of Ego∶ Egology
61 Thc Purc Ego 62 Tllc Ego as a lvIonad
7s° lⅡ s。 m
and IntcrsllbJcctIvi″
71 Tlle Idca ofPhcnomcnologioal Idca⒒
74IntcⅡ ublcxˉ
k芯 铱 。 b。
d访 dcd tnto folll chauσ
72 The Problem of So1ipsism 73 Thc Expcriencc of othcr Egos
臼 鸽 ㈨ ⒛ ” ” η ⒎ 乃
5 Fonllal and Transoendcntal Logic 51 Purc L° gic as Phcnomcnological
” ⒏
75 Univcrsc of lvIonads Ⅴ/odd 8Thc Li佗 ˉ
1M苟 or
Writings ol Husserl
2 sclcction ofWorks on Husscrrs Phn°
s⒒ CΠ 咐忑an cxpo⒍
PhⅡ osophical
s phcnomcnology、 his phenomenological-tra岷 endcntaI idealism,thc notion of thc const"ution° f the intentional obJcct,thc cgol ogy,his investIgations on intersubJecj访 ty,and flnally, one of the Husserl’
most interesting ideas in Hussed’
s plul° sophy, nalnely, the life-、
The logicaI exposition of Hussed’ s phcnomenology is by staning 、 vith the phenomeno1ogical method, but I prcfeⅡ ed to follow the his-
PhⅡ osophical Development
to"cal order and how Hussed aHved to a clear idca of the method The second chapter is based mostly in‘ 口g`cσ I/P71【 ,s`igσ ″r,`” , and it assumes that the reader kno、 vs thc phcnomcnological mcthod,
vhich 、
Husserl is using But it is ollly ycars latcr,whcn Hussed decides1o cIa。 匆 and devel° p thc method hc uscd pe~aζ vely in eaIlIer wolks
Ⅱ。Years of FormatioⅡ Edmund Hussed was bom in ProssnItz(M° ra访 al on Apnl 8, I859 (At tllat time, Prossnit belongcd to the Austro-Hungatian EmpIre,todγ l忑 paⅡ ofthe Czech Republlc) Hussed was f峦 sed in 1th indiO℃ ren。 e for its re1igion a Jewish fanlily, although、 ˇ
During the
Ⅱrst years ofsChooI,Husscd did n° t stand out as a good student, as a vorst matter of fact, the prinoipal conlmented that Husscd was the 、
student ofthe scbooI
∶ ≡ 宫 ≡
Husscd we"to thc University of LcIp犭 g (CIemany)for b△ o vears(187⒍ 1878)to study mathematlos, phy“ Cs, astronomy and 赶 饣 hat time, Husserl met “ ltrodu∝ oγ coulscs of pluIosophy Thomas Mas征 yk _-a disciple of the phlosopher Frallz Brentan¨ who was to be prcsident of Czechoslovakia Masaγ k oonvmced Hussed to study phⅡ osophy Thus,Hussed studied Descancs,Brltish Empiricism,LeibllIz,and Berkeley
Du"ng the next three rars(1878ˉ 1881),HllssC⒒ oonJntled hIs th the prcstigious mathematical studies at the Univcrsity of Berlin硒 礻 matllematl⒍ ans Kronecˉ ker(n Tlleoγ
of Numbers,and W⒍ Cl
AnalysIs) During tllls time,Hussed bccallle intere“ ed in works such 5)eC~c,A Baln’ sn'∠ ,`,‘ as Hobbes’ 丿 ,spinoza’ s Emicα,and B昀Hussed movcd to the In 1881 some 、Vorks of sohopenhauer `c,od Univcrsity of Vlema,where he obtalned his do“ orate in mathematics △ vlth his dissc“ ation on the theorv of vao献 ions During his mⅡ ita〃 se“ e(1883ˉ 1884),Hussed rcad Hegd’ sP/leJ,仞 o′o8冫 ρ 丿F氵 厶
and some works of'廴 ostotle and H spenccr ’
宕 觜
`助 虿erIn抵 毖
deschptive and phenomeno1ogicaI psychology duing 1884-1885, and continucd under the mcnto竹 ng of Bre“ ano Brentano’ s lec"res o众
1886 From Bre血 ano’ sleα ures Hussed re时 lzed that philosopoy vas the basls of the rest of 、 vas a so1ence, and a⒒ gorous sc1ence that 、 untⅡ
1he sciences
During ths timc, under the guidance of Brentano,
PhⅡ °sophioa1Development
Pllilosophical Dcx/clopmellI
HusserI becalne invo1vcd in the study of Humc’ s phⅡ osophy and E Mach’ s ana1ysls of sensations
Inninly to phI1osophy of mathem・ atics
HLlssc了 l leamed nom Brcntal,o the In fact,
potcntiaI of a f△ ll ana1ysis ofthe intentionaⅡ ty of mcntal aots
thc disooveγ of phcnomeno1ogy years l缸 cr staIted as a sophIstication of Bremano’ s analysis of intentionality th戒 is found in Brental,o’ s
Iecures of 1884-5, and pubhshed under the tidc of DescFJP″
The re1ationship behveen Hussed and Brentano was more than academc, thσ e was a sincer° friendslup and admirable discipleprofessclr relatlonshp Years Iater,when Brcntano exi1ed himsclf to
FIorence Oaˇ ),Hussed xnslted him, and~Husserl recalIed-lle couId not he1p but show gratitude and veneration for this genia1 and
emine"ph11osopher ai,d master who was BreIltano 'u the saInc time
Hussed felt 1ike a shy
beginner in fiont of Brentano
、 vho stiⅡ
eXerciscd a veγ strong influencc over Husserl Ncvc咸 heIess, at tllat vhat phⅡ osophy time, both phi1osophers had diferent °pi血 ons on 、 shou1d be regarding impo⒒ antissues Ⅴ几Ⅱe Brentan。 becarlle a strong
oaⅡ ed
Brcman⒍ s Reism),Husscd was developlng
his phenomeno1ogy xvith a strong touoh ofideahsm
百孺 矿‰ 滞 谍 箔 :湍 矿 黹 %挠 脂 拧 描 苠 嚣 罗 Probab1y, Brentano’ s strong empi"cism cou1d not ind a common
ground with Husscd’ so竹 e“ ation toward idcalism,ab锬 Iact cntitics, univcrsals, and ideal beings ’
One has to take into consideraJon that
s£ rst attaoks were agalnst Gcrman Idealism, and l缸 er Breman° radicalized these attaoks in what is callcd“ Rcism,” the BIelatan°
doctine tliat there are oliy tlllngs and nothing more than t"ngs(no unlX,ersals,no abstract entities,eto)
2.Period of Logic、
habilitatlon), which Hussed defended beforc thc aoadellllc thbunal composed of thc professors C ⒏umpf【 onc of the maln discⅡ lcs of Brentanol,G Cailtor lonC oftllc m° st ilnpo“ allt mathcm时 Iclans of tlle oentuγ ), and Knoblauo廴 who examincd Hu“ ed in phⅡ osophy,
Husscrl presented his thcsis on
Thus, Husserl oomp1ctcd the iifst step in
beconung a university professor tPrrl,c‘ 托 zenJ〉
The first years of Husscrrs aoademio aG1ivity
岩 岛 端
澎 甯 绍 猡 後
s mastcr Brentano In this Work, Hussed otudied the foundalions
Hussed’ s method was
llumbers and operations w"h numbers
borrowed flom a variatlon of Breiltano’ s teohllque∶ the metaplts sloal mnaIysis of△vholes and pa竹 s,and deso五 ptive psycho1ogy Hussed t^ed
lo answerthe question ofhow a numberis given to us、 Vhen thcre is no ρresentation or intu"ion of a number Alth° ugh Husscd、 vas familiar with Frege’ s cr"iGism of John stuad MⅡ rs psyohologism, and 】 ne"ioned Frege ve卩 / oIten, Fregc fe1t that Husserl’ s analysis in /D,,,e″ c was innuenced by pwohologism,that is to '″ say,Husserl seemed to deove mathematlcal laxvs佥 。m psyGho1ogical `%j/osc,P,l∝
laws Even though P/J氵 Fosq勿矽
o//亻 r`f/。,,e/lc was a highly scholarˇ wofk on the foundations of mathematics v犭 th very interesting insights alned {orths fleld,it was not yet a phenomenologlcal work,but it co血 many topics that Hussed would use later Hussed’ s £rst phenomenoIoglcal work was zjog△ c,o/
,cs/JggrlOP,s,WllIch he bcgan to witc in 1890,and wlllch was pub"shed du^ng the voars 1900-1901 in two volumes The first `″ ˇolume-J‘ Prolegomena to Pure Logic’ L-was pubⅡ shed when Husser1 was哎 Ⅱl a PPJ,o/洫c″ ` Here,Hussed tumed to deals△ a strong1ogicism and This voIumc Mth the pure 日gainst any kind of psycboIogism gic, and is a sharp critioism agahst scep饣 iGism and relatiivasm Years ‘ ‘ lftter,in 1906,Husserl Motein his dian∶ I havc bccn through cnough torJne“ s岔 om Iaok ofda⒒ ty and9om doubtthat wavers back and fo付 h l°
占i∶ 鬈
1∶ 鼠
Hussed obtalned an acadcIluc posltion at the UnhersI】 y of Hal1e,
Conoept of Number’
ll,rc1aoty and ce仗 ainty、 vas an itmpo竹 ant element in the development 〈 phenomenology, and it acconlpamed Husser1 thr° ughout his Ⅱfe 1he flr“ manifestation of the need for ce付 茹n″ Was the critioism of
where he remalned for about bu“ een years(188⒎ 1901) Before it is the prooedure in α mall a、 varding an academic pos⒒ ion, universities to oonflnn the dootorate w“ h a thesis (thesis of
mathemajcs and physlcs
The£ rst impo“ a【 lt result of
、 vcre dedioated
ρsyChologism,whi。 h wasafom ofre1ati、 吐sm The po“ Jve result of Hussed’ s criticism agaInst reIativism and psychologlsm was the idea of a pure Iogic
The second vo1ume is divided into six investigations, in whch ho1e of mcaning, universals, the theoγ °f、 ˇ nnd pa“ s, the idea of a pure gramma】 , the ana1ysis of thc intcntional mcts,and,fInally, a theoγ of categooes I1ussed studics thc theoγ
In 1901, Hllssed was named extraordhaγ profcssor of thc
nIversity of G0⒒ ingen, ending his peood at the Un扦 ersity of Halle 而 th three lmponant ptIu忆 atlon⒌ ‘》 C叩 扬 `//Ic C@刀 ', /9`b义 I功 ,犭 彳刀//,,,,e″ c,and‘ 口pco`J,Ⅱ 叼“JgrI″ o,,9,the'q'PvrI/〃 la⒒ er opetled 1丿
`’ 1he hoizon for a new缸 ure for phlosophy— phenomenology
PhⅡ osophical
3.⒈江aturatioⅡ of PheⅡ omenoIogy
3f砀 e/'泔
料 '器糕
λ 弼瑟 玉廾
曰rr/,纟 rJ,r`'rs姒 o/Ct,rrjP,ge,a
"四 ■ ,’
■口彐 卜←■冖 D〓 乙‘ ~τ
° 0卜 <●
群鞭 丨羁鞲莹 〖 i1嘁遘 姓 找葵 i!lt∶ |蚤 i、
J2「/9ey。 夕rs夕 rr/,e仂 ”
er【 i″
Ph⒒ osophical Devel°
PhⅡ osophica1Deve1opmcnt
phenomcnology,especi斑 1y in FranGe,Czechoslovakia,England, Japan, |
and the Utllted statcs Hussen wr。 tc some papers for the japanese peoodica1 pub1ication K曰 氵 zo This event exp1・dins the interest in phcnomeno1ogy in Japan to this day PhⅡ os° phically, Hussed becamc interested in the monadology d四 doped by one of ll】 s dlsclples(D Mal,nkel,wh曲 becallIe tlle
metaphysiCal olleiltation of phenomenology, but fiom the point of This marks sharply HusserI’ s of phenomenologicaI ideaⅡ sm attempt to go beyond a phenomenological method to a phⅡ osophical
vic、 v
pllenomendogy,a phenomcndogy v。 tll
m⒍ apll,虬 时
content In
I曲 r/t,,Jo,Pj犭 C涉 /0/氵 o7‘ ,Hussed malmains that it is ftlt"e to 'srand C切 pursue a method、 ˇ lthout a goal Eveγ mcthod needs a dcbtin狱 ion to which the method is dir∞ ted so,tho original p1an of phenomenology as a pure mcthod Was abandoned at ths “age of Hllssed’ s phⅡ osophical development Phenomenology became a method△ △Ith its o、Vn
囗 口‘ Ⅱ △ r,型
℃ rnV1
一 _一 一_ 一 一 一~一 一 一 一 一 一 一
In his ncw plan for phenomen° logy, Husscrl distingaished between(O a tran⑽ endcntal phenomenolo罗 , and (i◇ a ulliversa1 phIlo⑽ p"cal phenomcno1o留 or住 r⒍ phlosophy Θ Trans∞ ndental phenomen° 1ogy has the goal to invcstigate the most basio conccpts of
sclence and spontaneous knowledge, and lil) thC ulltVersal phⅡ osophioal
phenomenology, or srst phⅡ osophy, deals with thc
tradlion时 stlbJects ofphilosophv
Husscd thed to wite down a11thesc ideas in a grcaI sy“ ematic 、 v。 rk, something in the line of thc sz/,,J夕 C0f the mcdieval timcs, an exllatlstl∞ eXp∞ ttIOn of phenomcllology,⒒ s mcthod and subJccts,bllt vork of such a mag血 tude kept Husserl 佥om thc dimcu丨 tics of a 、
complcting it Instead,Hussed had to bc co“
e"wih less ambi1ious
pllllosophy slIch灬 助 e刀 r,J,,PJa@`‘ ⒉ ‘ε `c,F ”″ t,, /r″ c(k,`lsc/‘ ,jJsf,t’ “ 〈192B,and Fo/J,,cI/n,,Jr,rlfjscPJ,dt’ ″勿 ′ ∶ 〕 gi‘ hich is oΠ e ofthe mⅡ estones of phenomenology, and, (I929),、 ˇ `‘ aocording1o many sohoIars, is consldered the most rcpresent扯 iVe and k oFIIussed and phcnomenoIogy Veγ probably, Hussed llflishc(l 、 ˇρΓ /tf`‘ opc the mo“ sub戚 amial ″,,r``cr/`【 F/'α,】sc″ consldoⅡ d'`冫 丿 `t/e″ s`c9a 、 vrit1en by hi‘ n, although he said expⅡ cit1y tbat C口 v° rk 、 works,btll sjll mastcrpieCes茳
fe ProbabIy,he re允 Ⅱcdto the 丿 1'cc/r/cl``r,J氵 、Wasthc main work of his Ⅱ ith, namely, a clear exposltion of achievements the lattcr book dealt、 ˇ the phcnomcnological method and “s phi1osophioal problems In d ‘ is a complement of Fr,r/m口 some way, Cbr勿 szo`,Arc・ 汕
k)gical positivism
`口 ``o″ rJ。 J,sccJjt/C″ /tI/‘ ° 卩 c,especialˇ on tllC subJe⒍ of】 lltcⅡ ubJecuxl” as ˇhich the a possiblc sta“ ing point to escape from the sohpsism into 、
phenomen° logioaI ideals sccmed to sⅡ p If the oonscious ego is a monad, a cIose un"y'勿 z^t,氵 莎″ , thc danger° ff刂 hng into soⅡ psism 8 r~ˉ
Philosophical Developmeilt
fotlnd h99,cC″ P/’
Jz/e,a彻 ′
∮s or EfIror,e。 ,Is涉 cJ℃ Ⅱ σ″
'fJae rJcmsc纟 纠
that tl△ ggσ 浏
s w泳 lvcre mc neg洫
circumstanccs that surclunded Geman plulosophy,
and Wcstem
mb找黔 龆唧吧铲 熙:F镏 呷、四d∞ 汛 廿 摞、 浆 ;拧 j:贺 ⒉首 氵 虏‰rC褙 :魂Ⅱ 觜器甥繁 里 as an interesting and daong 喁叩嘿漶f描
I∶ :星
呓 ⒊ }楹 恕。
∴ :盅紫牒 恶 猊揣∵ 羽 凇l滞 崭刂 凫T盎n罗 篇 s:、
his listeners had to ovcrCome it, and to givc positivc solutions
but hc collld not flnish it
ˇ Thc resuⅡ 、
甯1摞l℃1茫 湍‰器罕钅弭`:r
b嚣 p硭
:裱 ∴ 】 瑟 甜胃tr⒊ 找 袋s抚 忍℃ s谩
摇 DJ℃ 品 莒 ‘ 槎哏 砦‰r。尹 ∶∶ l潆哏‰ 跣泔甯n护:黯 t,i;r抵 er dedlcated to wnte and make tlle !night have lea would be bc⒒ Ⅱ Ⅵ 呷韫梦 器塄埒 羁,甓 嗖:man G。venlmcllt Onder山 cN泣 。 晷蛰 丫 盘 扌 岔 泓 犭 ∶J:1i【 \h于 茹 呈 、 Ι :暇 圪 |l撬搬 挎 allle seoously iIl,and dicd on Api127,1938, :巍 紧 in Fr乩 l苕 ;ar‰ 紫甄扌锶 ∶ ⒊ lIi;嗯 鞯胝卩 ltuss茁 甓 蕊豁 【 礻 丨 絷 骢 黥辖 〖嬲糯 黜 F梦 讠
fhcu⒒ y of plulosophy of tlle UnIvelsIty :|}∶
li|}lj丨 }|∶
:蓿hc∶ :∶
:。 I∶
ean、 vhi1e,Heidegger、
●ω●●彐‘●¨ 氵
留留1ed and H。 d鸲 墅蚺 隘辎“ 叩P导炫 出挠奋垒
i扌 l1:奋 d苫 :1v七 vas nained r∞ tor of the
l甘 :忐
卩 ':s彐
;k° {扌
in Lovaina(Belg】 um),undcrthe dlie“ lon ofP H L van Breda, who saved Husserl’ s manusc⒒ pts flom destnIction duing Wodd Waˉ {o。 ated
5.The Idea of Phenomenology
∷ 奸 碟沦 萎 弛 捭擀薮 ∷ 燃 ’ 、 磊宇 眈l甜ηp指谱 揽锱】嬲 ∫ 勰鞘 辅扌 社Ι 絮 恿 嬖 f絮:1、 i芷 :扌
l|1舅 lⅠl∶
i∶ ;∶
R)undation for a ladlcal and universal kjlOwledge in confrontation w;th 1h。
growing soepticism that manifested soientifIc positivisnn and its
Philosophical Devclopment t tlnc苜
:a1‰ e汛 :揽:耦罨
空髁 器1:找 1舁
foⅡ o、ving、 vay∶
堀 槲 帚 lIl∶
:茁:丨 ;苷
∶ ∶ 甘∶ ∶ j∶
i:iIt∶ s:%usnC珥
sT嬲 ∶ 妆甜:p气 盏 ∶ ω 灬 t坩 i胛 摁 ‘ 叶 糯 ::l兹 +F彗 油 ∶;扌 t:器`糨 11挠 :臌 t:l遄 忄 |
:丨 :i∶
:l讠 1I苄
Intentional Analysis
Philosophioal Developmcnt phⅡ osophioal
psv曲 doglsm C%jJr,soPh,or'″ r/9,,,e万 c),logic斑 郇⒆ ntid忑 m lzogJ四 ′ frz昭 s/zgc″ o,,s),tra灬 ∞ndental
szoJj△ 勿劢彻″o,as, 阝,C口 ideallsm◇ %汔 ‘ '勿 of Ⅱ fc-world(CrJsJsl
Ctc),and inal1y,a phcnomenolo罗
Intent0nal Analy⒍ s 函ⅤDN0r认
l Cf Boer,Th de,乃
%oIJgh‘ Tlle
or Jfj/&〃 `‘
:抚 l严 %”
仂 澎
r.c″ 。″滋
″ 讶p哥
;∶ 1i丨 {{∶
冫 :丨
Dc,J/r zr,,tF ze3e,a.s,l鳄
1⒎ JJ,,,,e磁
吼 耀。 嘿靴铠:辔骟 扌 铖 、 :;;彗 :I;∶ ;∶ ;。
吧莒 谢 兮 甘 :咩 铌
;甘 ;^;首
m⒄ ⒎ ,
囗 :‘
助 丶
L— F:“
。 初 丨∶ ,“ ,:。 。 △ 勿 r乃 啷 挠 ⒊卩 ∶ ∶ 絮 愚 茁 ζⅪ 梦 ∶∶ 。J/″d夕 ″o,,for CI灬 s`c口 沼/,饣 s彳 P/,c″ 仞″P,J@Fr,gJc口 助 〃‘ `RcoJJs,,,, `r・ 1987,pp7-76 Ne、 v York,RouJedge&Kegan Paul, {∶
In1cnti0nal Knalysis
In1entional Analysis
phcnomenologists, who 、 vere in。 Ⅱ ned to scc thc work immature or unImpo竹 a“ This reputation of Husscd’ sP/,j/osoP/,,or'″ r9,J,J召 ″c lastcd until rece汛
Nevenhe1ess, a bcttcr study of tlus work
reveals that the accusation ofpsychoIogism is inac,ourate,and that it is
a valuablc scholady work of enduing impo^ancc
The faot tllat
Hussed later distanced himself fi om some theses ofthis work,does not mean that Hussed ac。 eptcd Fregc’ s citiCism, as some scholars be⒒ eved Husscd’ s modifioation° fsome eadier thcses had nothing to Frege’ so丬 ecicll,s btltˇ 叨 hkdyˇ Jtll tlle ncw olientatl【 ,n olˉ s phlosophy toward a phenomenology //JJJJc″ c悠 both an Husscd’ s oblect~ein h^P/,氵 /oso/,/j’ “
do△ IIll Husserl’
'” con。 epts of anaˇ “ s°f the basiG concepts assumed in arithmeuo((he pturality,ullI″
and number)and a lo萤 cal analysls of thc symbobC
mcthods u⒃ din a"thmetlc Clle svmboho represciltatlon of numbers) The ideas used by Hussed in tllls invcstigation came mainly
早 l斟 :l:楸 嚣 盥£ 乳。 蛩抟廴 摞婆 叩暴 七lv′ 照摇 首
er“ ras⒌
speci丘 calIy,a
deter而 lll鸭 Because a^tllllletic is pimao1y a calculation,
(l)Tlle daifltˉ atlon of aIly colatˉ ept心
psychologica1 origin
calcu1ation with cardlnal numbers,Husserl is oon翮
with 1he psychologica1 origins of the opcration of caIcu1ating cardlna1
(纷 The lo萤 。 °r诌 h° fa“ tlullet记
is resto⒍ ed to thc symbollc・
representation of numbcrs Following Bre"ano,Hussed distinguishes bcbvccn t、 vo kinds of represent献 ions, intuitive reprcscntation in whioh
the obled represellted is itself ghen,and symbolic represelltatlon in
tlle o切 e∝
(for exarllplc,a numbcO恣 represented omy by a
Hcre 、 vc do not have an intuition of thc numbcr
Nev,eⅡ heless,symbolic
representalions prcsuppose in some way an
intuitive rcpresentation Now, not aⅡ
a“ thmetic calculation deals、 vith
intuitive fepresentation, for our intuitivc grasp has imponant psychologica1 Ⅱnitations to a re1atively smaⅡ gr° up of numbers (maybC the irst natural numbers)in c° mpahson to the uIllimkcd scies of numbers so, Husserl thinks, most arithmetica1 calcuIations are
made Mth symboⅡ c rcpresent扯 ions (3)Nllmbcr conceptb oot the number⒒ se⒆ have their oi臼 n in c:浅
论 ζ 菅 絷T莴 涨锩⒊,呷 :盯 卩Ⅰ 刂 嬲 ight,but veγ
Ir∴I话 Ii扎
vas to ofFer a thcoγ of the probab1y、 ˇhat Husserl did 、 origin ofthe cOP,ceP`of numbcr using thc disjncton be加veen intu"ive and symboⅡ c representations He did not ofer a theoγ ofthc origin of
the numbers themse1vcs but a theoγ of thc origin of thc ooncept of
so, his procedurc is not a psychologization of numbers
ou嘛 山
s引 s狎
psyChdo砂 sm∞ m,Ill‘
甲垠铙a&%i强 罟 17
I1茄 :。
° 群 泔喘
Intentional Analysis Intentiona1 Allalysis
a cxpression meatung a change of gcnus, or what Ry1e wou1d say sm consIsts of ake” oategoical mi“ ) ThC mctabasIs of psyohoIo酊 trallsforming all ldeal law CogiΘ lllto a reallaw fa phyζ c扌 or psychIccal
丨黥p挠 丨 f淝 ∶
絮Ⅴ:I】 ∶ 钿茁 茹 t0蚤嚣 厣萤 扌 罗 瑕苎 簪
l昱 ;l蛩
£嘿1苷 絷嬲r∵ 褓 :’
pWch° lo画 sm′ ul,able to grOLlnd tlle abso1tlte I,cces“ ty of log忆 al
Psychological la、 vs are vag△ Ie genera11zations of expenen。e;thcy are assenions conoenung approxImate regtlIaities in the coe疝 stenoe or succcsslon of matters of faCt This vagueness is shared by aⅡ la、 ˇs of nature Psycbological la、 vs, as eveγ natural Ia、 v, This is due to the can never attain more than a`rc功 口犭栳 validity mcrcly pr° bable vahdity
ilattlre ofthc o切 eα
ofan缸 llrd soence A natLlr破 socnce h咱 stigatcs
causal connections of matter of fact, and these connections rcst upon
inducjvc general弦 ations of empiriGal data
This impⅡ es that
psychoIogical la、 vs do not have absoIute vahdity under all oircumstances,or bctter. psyoho1ogy is unable to excIude thc possible
s demand absolutc On the GOtltraΓ y,logica11a、 ˇ ˇords, logical la、 vs aIe circumstances, in other 、 independent of aⅡ matte⒈ o:fact ciroumstanccs FOr eXample, the falsis。
ation ofits laws
va⒒ dity
鞲 (勿 1a、
under a⒒
Log忆 al
;镑 F讠 s alα ℃ 潸
芏 索土 s are not the c⒛ sc of me血 al thlnklng Lo臼 cal vs
vs do not regu1ate the psycho1ogical prooess of thinking as thc la、
of natllre rcgdate natural phcnomena (or more speciflcally, as tlle psychological Ia△ .vs rcglllate psychologIcal processes) Logi。 al 1aws
reglllate our thinking
but they do not cause our thinklng
psy。 hological
laws do The1aws of1ogic are abso1ute in chara∝ er;thatis to say, thcy aIe vaⅡ d at all times, for e¢ eγ person、 vho understands them, and under
alI cIrcumstanGes Tllls absolllte山 aractcr of lo鲈 c is be。 allse loglc does not refer to mattcrs of fact and does not comc fiom Inducttve
挑 鞲l稷f链:撒谨 溆威铺揆噙。 aⅡ
h乩 f涂
law s。 f
姒 崧
Hussed mak∞ imerestlng Gompan∞ ns b⒍ wecn loglc and a
oalculator or computer Ccrtdlnll/tllele盯 e some common clements bct、 vccn the psyGhologicaI pe石 omanoc of the tlunklng process and the
翻 :怒轰 I∶皂 血丨 ii奋 号 丨 i|fr善舌 :G〖【
y店 :堪
g1:η 瑟 甜 。 拄
Intentional Analysis
Intentional Allalysis
with免 ctual matters so,formal loglc is a scien。 e that is ncither based on nor refcrs to 勤otua1 matters Fr° m hcrc, thc reaIm of logic is considcrcd to have nothing to do uith expcocnoc Or the constitution of the world BOth expeoencc and thc actuaI const△ ution ofthe world are
ms It^bclI〈 `ed among most of tllc lo莎 oans rlna,be qth formaI that Ioglc, wlllch is ocGllpIed△ △ l/een o句 sald to bc nccessasr The neces“ bet△ ects,⒗ γ of
factlI扭 re扭
Qulne ls an睬 cepjoIll rcIaJons
Iogic means that the dcnial of any IogicaI clalm consjtutes a scIf contradiction On the con(raγ ,the relations of I】 latter of免 ct are sald to be oontingent,and thc dc齑 al of a faotual claim is not inconccivable
Consequentˇ , Iogical tRlths are di臼 ∝ellt flom hctual trtlths in that logical tnJths are neoessaγ and the勤 ctua1tmths arc contingent
HuFne, for instance,Who was a radiGal skeptic,did not cxtcnd his
soepticism to logic He assumed,like Hussed1ater,the tnlths of logic to be necessaγ ,quIte dis“ nct犴 onn the tmths of fact This behef that the realm of lo茁 c is radiGallv distinct flom matters of fact is a1ong-“anding idea that Husscd defends against
psychologism Hllssed anlved to the oonclusion that if1ogic is reaⅡ y a plre 佥om or based on sGtenoe, then logica1 tRlths shou1d not be derived facts and expeoencc,as psycho1ogism。 °ntends Psychologism fails to distinguish beh△ een the act of judgement and the content° fjudgemeilt The act ofⅡ dgeme“ is real whⅡ c tlle content ofthejudgemcnt is ideal The psycho1ogical a⒍ ofjudgement is undcr psyCho1ogicaI 1aws, but not the content of the judgcmcnt, 、 vhioh is not a real pan of consciousness The ideal-logical content of a
judgcmcm is underthe logical Iaws
辄 募删
For exampIe, psychologists intcrpret the abso1ute validity of the princip1e of contradiGtion as the factual impossibⅡ ity of thinking a s do not have to do contradiα ion Husserl points out that logioa1 1a、 ˇ
with fadua1or realimpossibⅡ ity but with ideaI impossib"ity
dflrmed or rele∝edin a1ogicaljudgemellt is not the real psyohdogical act ofjudgemeilt btlt thc Ideal4oglcal GOilteilt of”
dgcmCnt HLlssed
provcsths poim v访 th the follo、 访ng a=斟ment∶ The negation of a la、 ˇ of l° Jc。 indeed able to be perfomα ed,altl,ough suCll a nqgajon would be absurd, but thc ncgation of a psyohoIogicaI 1a、 v cannot be pe而 med For cxample,the principle of oontradiotion estabⅡ shes tllat
‘ ‘ itis
impossibIe that A is non-A in thc sallle sense/’ but aIlyone can ‘
perform the negation of this principle and say that‘
is non-A,” akhough it is a contradiction
it is possible that A
On the contraγ
轷 I^;:皆 甓 缶 铣群蒜 :Tlh珲 碧 fone ofthem is a contradi⒍ I甘
Iaws,although a r匀
ion,btlt wc aIc
eGti° n。
:F号 :l∶:卩
, a
嘿枷 |粕 雨
Ⅰ铲 幽∞ Ⅲs^a
f黜 骒 糕葚狲
扌 锚 Ψrld蒯 瑁 摺%辖 吼扌 21
In1entional Amalysis Intcntional Ana1ysis consequence ofits radical distinction fr° m psyGhoIogica1 1a、 vs and any other natural la、ˇ
In ths sense,Husscd Calls the realm of logical1aws
idea⒈ or idcal being-inˉ itse1ξ
whi° h is not to be ooiflsed with any
The notion ofideaⅡ ty is a realm、 vhich is required dlreientiate what be1ongs to lo莎 c and what belongs to natural law
fonn of Platonism t。
These dirercn。es expressed under the tem“ idea"ty” are the following∶
Natural LaW
Pure LOEic A Dioo
Emoirical or a oosteio⒒
川oso1ute vaⅡ dity
Hypothetlcal vahdity
ρhenomenologioal psyohology 亻,/`/Jt,″ o砌 勿
(validitV under oonditions)
。P9氵 ,9g
MateoaI oond“ ions
FormaI oond"ion of 1edge kno、ˇ
onGe Husserl deⅡ ned thc oharactehstics of pure 1ogic vcrsus psychoIogioal laws,"is imponant to note that the reJectIOn of lo匣
:&钴瑟 v昱 l⒒ s1is:器 l:晏 虍 R£ ∶ 扛nl混yw£ ⒊ phenomenologioal psyoho1ogy is not :n。
wⅡ I see in the rest oftlus Ghapte△
genejc psychology,a psychojogy involved in the study of thc natuial Iaws of thinking, but a descriptive psych° logy, which simply and purely dcsoribes what happens in the realm of our consciousness in 、 V%at HusserI has in mind here orderto extlact what is essential in it is not just a desoⅡ
pt~e psycholog immersed in the panlculaIlty of
our mind,blIt an eJdc/,c嵌瓣 、 u`,,e、 V幽 r,/r,g whlch sttldleR the cssential∞
)characteristlcs of wh献 is the act and oollteilt of
oonscIOusness 、Vc will see more abr,lIt pure Iogic in Chapter4, seotion 5 in the
contcxt ofthe transcendental phenomenology
4.AnaIysis of InteⅡ tioⅡ aⅡ 印 o″ s oonsists of six Ⅰog`c口 ` f,,l,cs/Jgtf″ The first deals with expresslon and meanIng; the
The second pad of investig时 ions
second is a study of meaningf△ II species as univcrsaj oblects;the tlurd ith the theoγ of whole and pans, a de,氵 inlycstigation deals、 ˇ
and parts(ac。 dems aIid of Brentano’ s metapllysics of Wllo讷 substanccs),the f° unh invcs】 igation is dcdicated to the notion of ptre grammar, a branch of pure logio that studies the laws of permissiblc oombina】 ons of meanings: thc £ith investigation is an exllaustive claiIication of Brentano’ s idea of intenjonality; and fjnally, the sixth
investigation is, in some way, the continuation of thc 6rst and flIth investigations and ouln△ natcs XMth a theoγ of catcgooes and a theoγ
≡Ⅲ h洲
Intentional AnaIysis
Intentional Ana1ysis H—
ˉ屮 —— ¨
is a horsc’
’ In both cxprossi° ns, “ h° fsc’ has the samc meaiung but
dIIFerent refcrcnceto an o妫 ect In the flr“ exprcssion,“ horse” refcrs to BuoefaIus,in thc scc。 nd cXpressi° ns,t。 a、 vorking animal In reaⅡ ty,
— i跚 屮 — 屮 Ⅶ 均 — w川 — i叨 ˉˉ —ˉ — i— — 屮 〓 — — —ˉ — — — ˉ —i 栅 忪 黼 憔 跚 Ⅷ 旆 唧 Ⅲ 叽 — Ⅲ Ⅷ ∷ 〓 唧 ∫ m咄 — m蛳 湓 跚 —≡ ∷ ˉ —— 汕 肛 η 「 ˉ —⒈川ν — ˉ 丨 — ˉi 讣Ⅲ ≡ — 吲」彐彐扌剖邓⒒到叫 础Ⅲ —ˉ — ˉ
ν "Hˉ
this happens with aⅡ universal names The tcm“ one’ ’ al、 vays has the same meaning,blIt the re佗 rence oblcctive`dlrerent cx/eγ Ⅰme we usc tlus tem to reR丫 t° this° bJect or any other obJed in c° unting Expres⒍ ons(wotten° r spoken)have t、 v° vcγ difFerent pa⒒ s that form a son of unity∶ a physical pad made° f sounds or traoes on a paper,and an ideaI pa讨 ,WhiCh is the meaning The physical pad° f an
on has all the marⅡ tc。 吱忆s of a phy⒍ cal real"y (tlucc dimen⒍ ons,temporal什 y,ctc) on tlle contraγ ,the lded pan~the
nvise、Ve should admit that thefc are dimercnt numbers3 Ntth meaIlings //ac z,Ieo,9`J,g rs`″
/rt tr`
摭 `s∶獬 n: 淡 筝 刂 唇 S簏 争 ri强 1鲴 咒黟 e纟廴 仇ζ 茁 蹋i找o摆 盅虫 糍黼苕$嚅 i瑁 靴F要 捷勰 T料 罨 l嘿 )荔 扌 罗 歹尸 氵 l喇 男 秽圹芳 艹 忠;t挠 首 椤 ‰摺唠讠 'e″
"nds the same situation△
mealung— — °f an expression docs not share any of these GharactcistiGs of a physical thing at aⅡ Mcanings are not tidimcnsi° nal and thcy aIe not tcmpolal Thc meal△ ng of thc tcm “horse” pcrsists 、 ˇhen thc ph冷 al pait(tllC impressed lettcls)of“ horsd dIsappears,even if tllcre lt・
are no horses any more
Expressions arc physical things animated by
non physioal tlungs Che mCaning) Nevedhclcss,the physlcal pad of an exprcssi° n does not collthbute at aⅡ t° thc meaillng of thc
:坌 fr苜 $lh畀 T摁 :sc毖 掖 physical pan °f an expression can disappear comp1ete1y2〗 Thc phy⒍ cal pa丘 of ai,exprc$lon^llst mcrc stlppo吐 for tlle meaning,△ can ceasc to be the suppo“ of the mcanhg and becomc a simpIe pll,/⒍ c创 o妫 ed,and as a∞ Ⅱequcncc"ceases to bc an expres“ 【 ln Ⅱ cajl be substituted by any physica1 °bJect as supp° 竹 of a meaillng 涩拶
(WC Can dec记 c th缸 the mca而
tlle tcrm 鸭 “ esror) In° thcr wolds,the ph莎 lcal pati of an expressIOn is horse is cxpressed b,・
oompletely indiJerent to whatit means This d° es not mcan that now
HusserI does not rec° giuze the unity of an exprcssion∶
thetwo pans of
an expre蚰 on _plll/si。 aI and idcal-ˉ h汹 e a padicular unⅡ y, thc
and tlle ph△ ・ ζcd
pan of an cxprcs⒍
on are ptlt toI:9ξ )tllcr Clley
are unlted° r缸 scd)by means° f our consclousness This ulllty is Vcn paiiicllIar beCause both pans are not only c° mp1eteIy difFercnt, but also
they are mutually indcpcnde血 ; nWc竹 helcss they are ablc to fDm a u齑 ty by means ofsome coⅡ sciousness
泔:骢 ‰ 岩;罗屮豁漯T斜 扌1;尸
n找 :∶
琵 脎n毖
Why does Hllssed think thal thc meaning is idcal? Here are some reasons∶
(1)We。 an meaning
lclter钒 e tllc samo expres⒍ r,n to cxpress tllc samc But in reahty thefe is not thc same exprcssion VVhⅡ e v,ve
oan repeat the same physical pa仗 ern of an expression, propedy
e喁 袢 噙得 ξ f蹴猡 咭 £ 谖 贳 苦 ⒊ Γ ∶挠t ;p滥 乾 not equal to the number 3 said by you, thcy are exac1Iy idonticaI, i扌
飚摁苜贫。1捻猡md ‖ t晨 :呈
m 俪“ 四 C me洫 吧 σ由 `耐
ˉ i—
Intentional Ana1ysis 、 Ve can summaoze this ana1ysis in the foll°
wing way∶
Intcntional Analysis menta1 act, so, thc univcrsaI of a concrt・ te and individuaI lncaning~confennng actis the universaI mcaning-contcσ ing act and not
1"“ vefsal
tive PoIe
Iho meaning (")Hussed thougllt th蔽 bccause identicaI meaning is htought to °ur consciousness by ce^峦 n mcntal acts or mcaiungˉ c。 nre
、 Vottcn or spoken sIgns(physi。 破part of
of Expressiozl
°thers, he dre、 v the oonclusion that they
nng acts, and not by
worethe individuals ofthe mcaning
But、 ve could say1he same thing
ill rclation to other mental acts and tbcir co玎 esponding intcntiona1 ("刂 。 cts F。 r cxamp1c,b1ue is the intelatlonal oblect of oc“ a】 na【 ts of
tlle exprcsζ on)
I比 lcCptlon
and no otllcr⒐
‖|∶ ;丨 :;∶ uu仙
tllcrcforc,tllc intentlonal obleα bllle is the
∞ lceptl∞
h吧 m缸
Hussed dr° pped this mislcading idea in the se。
ond edition of
adows ofthc ldca rcm蔚 ns `c,Jas(1911),bllt `〃 r。 Γ example, in the second editi° nsome蚰 f 1911 Hussed says that thc ° w`t・ rr///ryt,s`巾
抵£ 恝 器i£T∶h:t嘏 J蚤虽芹 犁母 垮e舄 圪盟4拄 g嚅;1茹 y嚣 罕 甘 ζ 褓 卩 蒿:黯 求搜帑诧Ι 留 其r1%絮1盟孑 η £ 捏 叩嚣 皆 黹 ‰可 phical analyses of Husser1’ phenomenology is thc re1ation be~`cen meaning and universal Both :⒊ wh°
C philos°
;e留 f1岛 褙
For examp1e, the universal
槐 “
:以 黯 in拥 潆 is a spccics It is ideal hke
meaning bc∞ use the univcrsal h° fse docs not exist, 、 vhat eXists is this ||i
alld tllat horse We perc⒍ ve lndl访 dud horses not tlle llorse◇ he
universal horse)
The universal horse has many individuals lthe
e对 ellsion of tlle uil】 vcrsa1horqe,that have real cxl“ ence Now,tllc probIem c° mcs、 vhen Husscd asks for the individuals of the meaiung 、 Ve kno、 ˇthat thc mcalung is givcn in the mcanulg-oon匚 onoIlg act 【 ,r
号i%箔 社 。馏
混 ℃
oblect of the mca而 ng钅 ollfei"ng act Husscrl cstab1ishes that tlle individua1s ofthe meanii呜 、 ˇⅡI have t。 be the meaning-co踉 nnng aots, a§
thc indivkduals°f the'‰ univcrsa1horse arc thc individual horses This as tlle mealting of an expresslon has the
means that a proposition lLl“ indi访 dual
ads° f
Ⅱ dgcmcilt as"s indl访 duals
meanlng and universa1s are direrent categoocs
In other woIds,
universals bclong to
‰ 悬 h祭 缶 咒 糯 蔼 :璀 扭 甜 霆 t∮斟 搀楮
tlle foⅡ
owing points C)The un~ersal ofindI访 dual me“ al ac“
Is tlle
kIcntity of mcaning is the ideIltity。 f the species(the species is
‖∶ ‖怒h∫ 1毖 i滗a:l叟 三薤虽:P:nd捌
tllat eillbm∞ s山 e
Univcrsals arc anothcr kind of species, ideal in oharacter The Ⅱviduals of universals arc thc tcmporal individua1s, but the universaI "κ such
is atempora1in a similar manncr as mcanings
拾摞ξ 辩摁
Universals alc
l滞 挠 漯胥 肝雀嚣糕拶′ 嘿
klca goes against the empiricism ofLockc 衤 衤 衤
After these anaIyscs of cxprcssions and universals,
dcvclops a mereology,that is to say,a foΓ ma1ontojogy, 、 vhich studics
|hc亿 rmalJo茁 cal
c° ndlΙ o灬
under wllIch a matcoal ontology(das⒍ cd
m"dogy,tllc妯 cncc of rcd bong9^pos“ ue
Ths亿 rmd
"l1ology is impo^ant to undcrstand some teminology of the ving analysis of饣 he acts of consciousncss,including the meailIn~g~
l● llo、
con「eiring acts In the third inve玫
始ation° f乃 r,gJc″ ”al cs`rA,c``r,/r,,Hussed staits
o om Brcntano’ s lde灬 ofwhole and pa⒒ ,obJec“ that arc dcpcndcnt and d刂 Ccts tllat are Illdcpcndcnt For examplc,tlle phys忆 al pa“ of an "xpresslon is an independeltt obJect,tl,crc is notltlng in the nattlre of {ho physical voicc that impⅡ es a meaning But as wc W‖ l scc latcr, din。 re“ pa⒒ s ofa mental ad can bc dependent o匀 eds,that is to say, thoy neccssitate cach other 丿
刀 夕 /1,・
tu/刀 d
f/zr¢ ″ 'Jr,〃
Probably, thc most interesting analy“ s of Husscd’ s ‘r,pctI` is the analysis of intcntionaⅡ ty, 、 vhich is main1y a sn° tion of intcntionaⅡ ty, btlt 、 vith
``"c,,`Jgo``o邪 dcˇ clopmcnt in dcpth of Brentallo’
In1cntional AnaIysis
Intentional A且 a1ysis
impo"ant inlluen。 e from the theoγ of oblccts of川 exlus Melnong, who was another disoiple of Brelltano at the same】 me as Hussed Hussed begins、 vith a dehmitati° n° fthc nojon of consci。 usness to intcntional experienoes or,in Hussed’
The stading point,
s parlanoe,【 /c/s
e△ zldent
lhc cssential propeny ofintcntiona⒒ ty, by which an intentional act has o历 ect In】 llis sense,onc can say tha“ hc o妫 cct of an "n llltenJon时 !“
mtlond act is an htcnJon时 °bJect,tlaat^to say,tlla1thcrc is an
phcnomenology,is that"is a兔 ct° f inncr perception1hat mental acts have thc essentiaI chara【
tcostic of intentionahty
It is not possibIe to
think w“ h° ut tllInklng° f somcthing(an° bleα 》it is not posslb1e to see1|、 ||
,and№ on The山 ar洫 crl碰 忆
`itllout seoi1,:;somCtlllng ra cdo◇
of these melltal acts(thInklng,seeing,etc)of refeσ ing to somcthing “ ’ clsc is caⅡ ed intcntionahty’ Husscrl, in this stage distinguishcs bcⅡvocllthe o叻 eα th献 is intcntionally targeted Che r° al obJed)and the
°切ect preciscly as it is in1ended(thC inte"ional oblect) In reality,
an intcntion that in
l 吼滥 瑙潲’ ∶ 卩【 ∶ 罚孺扌 is not what :∶
onal o句 e⒍ (notice that hcrc‘
"ton“ “ 丌 nmollly
ctˉ t’
idenu丘 ed w⒒ o匀h tllhg),“ 曲 B is callcd“ objcct,” WhiCh is `ntcnJonal "a紧 ntlt小 ″o thngs presellt in inlnlanent expc"cnc⒍ the obJcct,whcll ere a】
soould not bc immancndy expcricn。 cd and (hen Πext to " the i"clltlonal,immanent expehence itse1f1he inte血 IOnal ad] rathCr, 1”
l{y one thing is present, thc intcntional, immanent expe"enGe, of “
叫冖凵叫彐 L丬叫日彐彐冖凵引亠
‘ 苫sn璧 ∶ i括 甯 哏 投 甯 甓 ill"η anent eXpeHcncc ofthis aot,and separatedly, an extemal expe“ ence 。r"s。 bJcct If we take into conbtderation that we are1alklng abotlt hIen“ on创 o妫 ects◇ llC htcnjon of an llltcnuond act),thCn h tlle vlliCh、 ve immanently expeoenGe the intentiona1aut l|∶
l垆 ,£ 褓 邕 搪 嫘
om the point of vic、 v of our stlbJcctlxi,(which is thc poiilt of view of phen° men° logy),、唧 o妒 d/s fr,,初 /c″ ″o,j刃 @DJcc冫 As、 ve menJ° ncd above,the method Husserl uses is in the1inc of Brentano’ s dcscoptive psychology, vvhich consists of a description of the actiˇ 1ty of c。 ns。 i° usness in its essential or cldctic stmcture And Ⅱke Brentano, Husserl seeks for a phcnomenologicaI scicnce of Consciousness、 vithout prcsupposⅡ ions but without stiⅡ questioning
phcnomenoIogy rcsto。 ts
dis"ng,tlolles ads【 ,fltldgement,ac“ of mcnloγ ,and so。 n,inasmuGh Illcrc arc dlfFercnt inten刂 onal obJec佟 Ca lor。 poζ tlon,a memoγ ,ctc〉
the reaⅡ
sm of extramental oblects
In oIder to accomplish this,
cvident data In thc parlance of data are° Illy adcquate data,seI:givcn
itseIf only t。
z° 〃 c'`/Pll,cs/Jgnf`@P,9,evidc碰
The rca1m °f adequate data is the immancnt content of
oonsciousness given in phenomen。 logical rcⅡ ccti° n The extcmal worId is not a seIIgiven datum, °nly the immanent oontent of consoiousness in whose stream、 ˇc livc is the closest datum 、 ve have Hussed agrees wi1h Brentan° that wc arc absolutely ce“ aln abotlt hav,ng a thought oΓ a visua1 expeience,but 、 ˇc do n° t have abso】 u‘ e ccnaInh aboLlt a phy⒍ cal event(maybC。 ur seⅡ “ decc~c us,or our sei,s郇 are not灬 aCclI「 atc小 We灬 汕 me)
The colltcnt of consciousncss is doubIe ll)thc actual l,c`/rl irmmanent contcnt of conso° usness,with the counterpole〈 ii)thC actual ‘ ’of consciousncss l,r口 O and ideal oblects These are。 allcd‘ moments’
stcmlllology An impona“
c犴 om Brentano,but sim"ar to Kant, Hl】 sscr1considers that actuaⅡ y immanent contcnts of
in HusserI’
a‰ 2卩 只
this distinGtion is only provisional beoausc,什
Vith a determinately charactcozcd intention, "C1、
direI en。
GOnsciousness do not need to bc OnIy intentional acts, they can be nonintcntional such as inInanent data of scnsation Husscd distingΙ ishcs scveral kinds of intentional acts according to theIr etdeio“ mcttlre lor esscnud stmα urel Tlle eldetlt・ “nlctul e of an intentional act dcoves fiom the phcnomenologicaI dcscopti° n° f these acts In the desciption of an intentional act we can see thatit has
"nc eXpcHcncc by△ wc expcoel,ce ks intelltlonal oblect We do not need tWo expcienccs,
onc forthe act and another允 r thc intenJonal obJcct The dlfFerent kJnds of intentional acts wⅡ I correspond to the ‘ Ⅱ忄orc“ kinds of lllte"ional oble∝ s or inteiltions Thus,Hu“ crl
One of】 he main theses °f Brentano’ s pllIlosophy is that any Inontal act oither is a prcscntation or is based on a presentation For cxamplc,
the co1or rcd is a phenomenon of a pfesentation, but thc
’ ‘ l"opo⒍ uon‘ this table is red’ is apprehended by a judgemeilt that is IiIst based on thc presentation of red Husserl paniaⅡ y a。 cepts this o讯 ant Brcntanian thesis Fof HusserI, ,/Je c・ /n/nc″ 冖“ Jc r,r C/Jl′ rl/氵 s¢ t,J,ar,ao″
"nρ ?sF’ ′ 冫 /rJzg cI/jo乃
/t,tr/`z,,/c,,J/zr,,jt,/口 C/s'`g口
c扩 亻 F‰ 搬t。Ⅰ 喈 嚣爸。 暇段品P。 f槛 t谔浞讠 I爷 掠黯 ∷ ‖ Ⅱ 廴 ‰T樾 c埔 嚅嘛 猡葚黑岁 ‖ ∶ 、 茫强 糨 :胛 :\1喉、 i揪 紫罟 黯 脾奋 s‰ aI帮 ∶ ∴ ∶ ∶ 揞 咒产 罗ip畏 皮 1嘿 俺 ∶
i茹 ,∶
∶ 佬 几 ;蛩 呈 霆 哩£ 侬怒{s噬 %毛 ⒒ J衤 泔 犄梵 苫 沃 e、
‖ 骨 :潦捻 。 甓 ∶ fl:晏 ;氵 l;{七
Ⅰ f糯 智:::窝 %窨 七 :∶
‖ °匀榴 犭婆社滏 黥 摊 茸 槲鞲辙 麟槲 蠛 虽 Intentional Analysis
an lIltelltlonal obJe∝ ,or both make tllat sometlllng p1ays tlle rolc of an c℃
on the tablc)and tlle。 blocts0fthe padial ads that arc palt of thc total
act(thC prcsentajons of pencd,table,and thc rcIations beⅡ
ˇ ccn
one ofthc mobt imprcssive achicvcments of thc phenomenoIogy
° 拶 ;紧 渫楹J嘿 点F綮 甓℃ 苄 昭黯宫 号 ::亻 描考 menological method of l∶
Husscd uses thc phen°
oblec“ 勹ing a∝ va⒒ atlon∶
one oan Va叩 丘om an expeoencc of jud鲈 ng to mother
J恕 辟 ll罚 贳 ;嬲 ↓氵甓枞 器景 翦 默嘏黯 淠 keeping thc same typc of expoocncc (reprcscnting, jud莎 ng, etc) ty of acC’ the vaiation of cxperienocs as Hussed calls ’ 帑 镏 吲扌 {n‰ f‰ f哏 f‰ 拧 γ鞯嗯 丨 嘟 描: h虚 fa霄 ‖ 璧 拊 橇滥 I%描 F%唧龋翁叩η 骢胃安 ⒍ 帮%品 ;紧 搭 丨::撬 露襻碎 fi擀 茁 r言
‘ ‘
冖叫凵叫 L日 目彐彐彐彐 叫 凵彐 一
磷:甚搛枷抒 褂龈镳I糕 璀 艉嚣璁 妻 钏席硼 赛 路 抻弑臧、 蹒耀茧 ;F甯 1拧 e⒊ ⒒nF:吊 骢 fI嘿甯‰躲思垸:l£ e嬲 梦
蝌撒霹嫩料 黼髀⒌ intcntional ad of a narnc means or intcnds the o妫 ed in one ray of
|}∶ }i{|∶
:ic∶ :丨
lnatter in、
排 |
漯 笞
;眼 1呈 苜 1忿
羁 胛
:F{准 挠 恝
嚅 恝 帛黑 漶
恕荐 窨
referto a trcc、 a table or any otller detcr汛 nate obFct,whlle tlle qual"y of act makes the intcnti。 nal act rcfcr t° these intcntionaI obJects in the
m° de菇
vhich thc members of the pr° positional intention are simply t饣
川 嬲 I揣 :嘿 品胝F漶蕊 t、品
喁 :锆 岛
呷 p挠 漩 汛 ” 。f 挠 占 坌滥 1,弘 :fm洫 t∶ 躲 mattcr and qua⒒ ty ofact Thus,、 ve oan summarize ths analysis in thc
follo、 ving
foΠ nuIa∶
Thc intentional csscnoe of an act has at1east two real momcnts,
:: F孓 湍:s‰监胛愚 凇 ♀ 鲫 碍↓ 骆菇嘿扩 l甘 :∶ :甜 :∷ on)and Ci)the mattcr,by which thc intelltional att has the intcn∮ onal rc抬 ren∞ to a ddcΓ min扯 e lntcnjon衬 o切 ect Thc matter° f an actis rcsponsiblc for the prescntationaI dharader Vhoevcr is 佗n1i⒒ ar wth Brentano w"I remembcr that the °f an act 、 att of presentatlon W灬 tlle base of the rest of memal acts“ omething
ˉ 冖 口 口 ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ — ● ■ ■ ■ 冖 ..~~~~~ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 口 -丿 Ⅱ
Intcntional AnaIysis
亻 ∷ |
preseiltajon,a hdgcmcnt) The act° f joy col° rs thc。 blccti钾 ljlg
II1:me,there is no distinction bctx,vccn the impression of bluc and the
cxpc⒒ cnce,btlt tlle aCt
c("。 r bluc, bct、 vcen
σjoy小 mch docs nt,t po“ r殍 all htellJolld s血 eMonHly`boⅡ owcd№ m an oblect杠
° n by Itself Ⅱ
Aily founded quahty of act prcsupposcs a simple quaⅡ
ty of act,
whi。 h is aIways an o句 ectif” ng aα This objccti心
an aGt 、 v"h a dctc1minatc stnlCilre in its matter, single^ngname1y, act,in atums,is
mcmbercd matter° ra mu1ti nlcmbcrcd matter r the a∝ 。 fjoy l1,cl e founded on an obJeα ifving aα with a sin砂 ⒐mCmbcrcd matter,vve
∫ |
ln1entio11aI Analysis
would have thcjoy ofan。 blcct prcsented in a single ray(thcjoy of a
bhe s0,for examu吐
f tlle act of joy wcre fotlIlded oll m oblecti勹 ing act with a multiˉ membered m献 ter,wc would havc thejoy of a complex and a吨 iCulatcd obJc∝ prese血 ed in a judgemcnt ra synthctic act)or categoncal a∝ (the joy that the music is being pcd∝mcd,for cKamplel In summaγ , quahty and matter are mu(uaⅡ y rcquisite moments of the intentional act
Thc quality determines only whcther what has
△ 凵 凵彐 丬
l箩 丨:;ii堤 :苕 1∶∶ 苗 击 毖 i品 毖 眢 ’ pref∝ s1o use the tc△ n“ mattcr,ins1cad° f“ 。 °nteilt’ here Tl1e rcason is simply claity of tenninology Thc exprcssion “ ⒊骢
i∶ :丨:;∶ i∶
c° ntent
of an
intentional acr’ can refer to t、 vo difFerent things∶
叫 叫 △ 叫η凵
the intentional contellt(the intenJonal oblcct of an aα )。 r the material Gontcnt,what “ Husserl prefers to call mattcr,” 、 vhich is a stnJcturaI momellt of any intenti° na】 act
In this stage of Husscd’ s pben° meno1ogy, there is an unqucstioncd phenomenoIogical Γ cahsm, 、 vhich is suitabIe for the phenomenological method as a phenomenologicaI psychology 夕 /cr BrentanO
In tbis scnse,
、 ve haˇ e the follo、 ving ch盯 actcostiCs in thc
ana1ysis° f an intenti。 nal act Intentional a。 ts are reaI, the quahty and
mattcr are real pa竹 s, but thc contcnt as intentional
content or
intemional obleGtis not a real pan of the expeJence Bccausc of this, Husserl p“ 斑爸n⒚ dt° use thc tcm“ mattcr’ in“ ead。 f tlle c° 汕 Jsed tem “ Contcnt”
纟″o/9。 ¢″〃/rs″ , //l/c,/P//r,″ 〃/ 火g`r召 sc″ /夕 ″o″ 曰′ oJ,r
O/,/〃 c/
Husscr1r旬 ects three d灬 ζcal vlcws in the tlle° 叩 of knowledgσ phenomenalism, the disjntˉ tion beb・ ,een real oblect and intentional o匀 ect,and fepre⒃ ntatlonallsm
(1)Phenomenahsm,as thc dotˉ trine maintalned by Hume,do邙 bJe⒍ F。 r
not disJnguish between the mentaI act and thc intcntional°
the idea of bluc and thc color blue The most IiIndamcntal aXiom of Husscd’ s phenomcnology is thc intentional char“ 其er of oonsciousness This mcans that thcrc is a distinction
bc1wccn mend猢
一 a real pad of consciousness-and thc oblcct,
whi。 h
is not a real pad of consciousness,evcn if1he o句 ed is red W"le tlle弼 t of∞ nsoousnc“ is时 ways re创 ,仙 eo旬 cct。 ft"s act can hc Ica1 or unreal For examplc, thc table in fr° nt of mc is an i"cn‘ ond oblcct of an aCt° f∞ nsci° 灬 nⅡ s Tllc table o not a Psych0l0gical pan of oonsciousncss, it is al、 vays transccndcnt to it ven if thc tablc turned out t° be an hallucinati。 n(s。 ,it did not exist), Ih。 intenjon丬 oblekt of my atˉ t ofcoⅡ o° usl,ess is sull transcendellt to 1∶
thc act of c° ns° i。 usness,that is to say, "is n°
t a real pa⒒ of it
It is
nsciousness has to be b1ue becausc thc
"bsurd thatoblcct thc act of c° i"tentiond is blue,orthat the aα of consci。 usness is丘 ve inches k)ng because the inten刂 onal obJcGt is ave incbes long In summaγ Ihc intclltional obJect is nothing in thc act° fo。 nsciousncss," is transoendent tO cOnsCIOusncss
(2)Hussed exphcidy s1ates that“ the intcntional o"ect。
Ⅰ∶ 劣 胛 £瓮 黥 躞 orthe cx"amcntal o句 ed w。
I粽 H爹 P£ s抚
:::。 J〖 uld not bc thc oblect。 f any act° f conscio“ sness if this oblcct wcrc not the intentional 。 bJcct HusserI “m§ dcrs ths“ 缸cment ptlreˇ and⒍ mpˇ aIad/iC时 Aily o匀 cα llas ‘ o be ala intei,"。 n丬 oblcd to be ala obl∝ t for my consoousne“ t"刂 ect
sl1营 1廴
(3)RCpresentatlon时 ism悠 tlle doctol,e tllat m茄 nt茄 ns that thc o吻 e∝ is rcprcsciltCd h0onsootlslless
Ⅱ mCans of alt im鸭 e Tllc
huage in c° nsciousncss 、 Vou1d be responsib|c br the intentional dh cction t。 ward an o妫 ect Husscrlr旬 e∝ s this doα rinc as absurd o) Λ nages require physioal 创Jppo⒒ How is it possible to havc a " i〗 imagc of somcthing that is n° ρhysiCal
t physicaI such as a universal, a
ltlmber,an abstract,etc (O All ima~ges are imagCs bCcause tll叩
suppose thc intentionahty of consciousncss There is nothing in ρhysiCal things that makcs them imagcs of anything, there is n°
in1emal charaGter of physical thngs 1hat makcs thcm be images of 尸
:氨ity i黯 J1f絮 鸭 :罕 黯 λ s摺 早景甘。 m。 f:nF conf△ lsc an image 、 vith a Ⅱkcncss something oan bc a hkcness of 腮
s("nething elsc,but this is difFerent from bcing an image A piciIrc, lor cxample,is only an image for a speotator,for an observer so, aIl iInagc docs not give any intcntiona⒒ ty, but any imagc rcquires and nccessitates that intcntionaⅡ ty is estab"shcd bcfore hand
In1entional Analysis
In1eIltionaI KllaIysis
亻 亻 7力 e Ⅳ orjo″ t,F了冫″/力 9/J'C》 /召 gc,'`四 'JJa矿
Thcre are two notions we havc to deal with in tlljs section
∷ ≡ — — ι "
卩 ""—
冖叫凵凵爿 L丬
凵 J凵
丬丬 H¨ H△
拄 Ⅲ鲆 、 毖 捃 ℃ 背描 ∷ 描嗫 皙扫 黼骥瑙猕漤撰 槲 槲瀹埔 槲 i鞲嚣 I瘛攒l唧撼搀 瓣 蹶丨
FⅣ ty抒
i∶ :廿 f⒊
拶啦 槐 谳羰擀斜麒肚砩艏蒡 34
IntcntionaI Analysis c/dtegohal act is nt。 lthcr a scnsc obje∝
nor a physioal。 nc,ju趾 as thc
catcgooal actis ncithcr a sense act nor a physical aot
s the
Husscd oaⅡ
。劭∝ t ofakˉ ategoo时 act ltte扯 o刂 cct,whch is a Ⅱgllerl,rder° blect vhiGh somc prcˉ givcn stufl Categoial acts a∞ synthetic ac飞 s in 、 acquires a logicaI 允 m Ihis logico-formational acti钫 ty is neither an absoIute spontancOus activty ofthinking nor a compIetely indcpcndcnt onc Any Catogorial act presupposcs ncccssarily thc prc-given stufF that
has to be structured in a logical form
薪嬲撼芤拶捌I 淋稚斑l社舳炳 ″
`lt,Fl s,z昭
This pre-given stu岔 is
i摞 : 塬嚣:挠 孔 泔 毖里ΛJ"漯 uP∶ 甘 ;诵 涩 W1搭 宓茗 l吲
at aI1
pooH judgemcnts arcbased on sense expehencc ’ as Wcll For cxamplc, thc asse“ ion“ red is df“ rent than yc⒒ o、v’ is a priori, but it prcsupposes the pre-given sense stufF of rcd and ye"o、
The Ghafactcisuc。 f an llItlliti0n o to be able to present tlle obJe∝ dircctly Cn pCrs。 n、 tbe obJed is immediately givcn Thc intcntional oblect of al,illtukion can be bolh a∞ nsc oblcct(this c° I° r red)or a
丬 揩 f⒏ e揣 檐 黯禚 骤 1fh∶ 早 ,叮 ’ ’ Thc mcaning is a dovc is now sitting on my window siⅡ
黯:f蕊 滥
l:∶ {驴
p「 opo⒍
jon,all lde创
o句 ed
slIch as a numbcl
In the above
propos1ion, dove and window are real obJccts, but the whole
n钳 〗卩 爿深 :P浪 ’ 谎箔叩 锱 甜护δ邕黥 亵 骢芘掠 :钍
pcrccptltDns〈 cxtemal perceptlons),inttlitions of Gatcgorid objc∝
categoria1intuitions or intd1ectual intuitions
s are
The nove⒒ y of HusserI
js to dcscribc thc factthat、 vc have inteⅡ ectual intuitions, intuitions of catcgooes as、ve have intuitions of sense oblccts Tlle inte趾 lonaI oblect of acts of catcgoialintu"ion are“ 卿
It secms to bc clcar that HusseΓ l cxtrapolates the sel「 given model of a scnse oblctt to a categorial o劲 ed (Perhaps Hussed is not compIctcly fiee ofan intu⒒ ionism naively ooented toward thc pr° cess of seeing, at ft rz/fJ]lc,♂ ˇ Jgrr`rr,`7s) HoW is a scltˉ givcncss of a lcast in his 几 。 1扌 catego"al o匀 eα posslb1e? Kant adm"tcd onIy thc sclIJveness of
sense expeience and r旬 cctCd str° ngly any intellectual intuition Husscrl,on thc oontra叩 ,admits sense and inte⒒ ectual intuitions But how the Iatter is possib1e, is bctter ans、 Vcrcd latcr in rJt,。 ∶ the illtuitional giveness of categorial objccts is a rcsuk of tlle do∝ rine of cidctic vaiation 、 vc、vⅡ l sCC in the next Ghapter It is very important not to oonceive of the oategorial illtultion as thc JJiJ″ 氵 rl'Ⅰ gI″ rlr`″ s, s・
愆to sax,aⅡ 访⒗ged
驷 搌嚣
`″ htultloll of o妫 eCts regardess of expel△ encc
:踹 iF谶
∶ 鞴 魄萎 Ι 36
:寻 t1扌 l是 ;I扌 There are inflnite emp1y
is much、 vidcr that ofthe calc8oiaIintu⒒ ion
In1cntional Analysis
Intcntional Analysis e访 dcnce
is a subJedhe charattei“ ic of expeoence, btlt a speci丘 c
expcocncc of an obJe∝
~e血 uation
of asrccmCnt EVidence悠
@N′ 乃VD′石
consoousness of aIl o叻 cct~e agecment BccalI⒃ all catego"al a∝ s presllppo⒃ pr← glvcn⒃ nsc stu或 se灬 e intllⅡ lons wm bc the ultlmate foundatlon of tRltll(tl△ rough tlle cat鸭 o。 时Intu⒒ ion, To appreciatc thc difFcrcnces bet、 ˇeen the CIassical theoγ of tn】 th and evidence and the Hussedian approach,1et us G° nsider s° me points °fc° mpanson Aquinas,for example, deflnes tmth as the@夕 h召 彳zI@″ rl ,J,″ rFcc扌 ″ s″ zf,`Che adeqllacv of tlle htel忆 t alld thc tllln⒆ If・ e t・
take Aquinas’ s de6nition of truth as the dasslcal one,wc wi11notice
I Cf Edmund HussCfl,F’
9,`/r,soPJa′ c cfP厂
§ 1%This
is taken Iom Hus⒆
d,Ⅰ o卩 c〃
and not“ obJcct” to defne tlle tnlth For him,a thing ls an
冖 ㈠ 丬 ㈡㈠
Cnj~in tlle world,alld an obJect is an cxtemal re佗 ren∞ ofthe thing to the thinkcr IftRlth has to be de丑 ned with the notion of oblcct Illstcad °f tlllng, then, Aquinas thinks, a" our statements would be tme (2)Htlssed descibes tmth as oyllthcical aglcemeilt betWeen twcl intentional。 bJccts
(3)FOr Aquin小 ,cvidencc does not lla田 degrees (4)For HlIssed c钫 dcnce has dqgrees illatolllng tlle degrees of ilIillmcIlt
With the phenomenologicaI anaIysis oftnlth,Hussed acllleves his goal in‘ ogJc河 F,Jˇes△Jgo`JOJjs of deve1opIng the ooπ clation betw∞ n the subJccti访 ty of knowing and the obled~"y of thc intcntionaI
contellt of knowlcdgc Hc accomplished this,丘
rst,Ⅱ attackIng tlle
psychologist version oflogic, seco众 d, by dcIining the domain of pllre
logic, third, by descobing the phenomenon of mcaning, founh, by ana1yzing the Brentanian notion of intentionaⅡ ty, and flnaⅡ y, by dcschbing the notion° f categorial intuition, tnlth and cx,ldcnce In all these sublccts,HusserI establIshed the rad忆 al separatlon beMeen thc intemlonal oblect and thc llltcnuonal act,bel,oeen tlle oble∝ l,,e co"ent of knowledge and the mental proccss, or in a nutshell, an anaIysis of the t、 vo polcs of consci° usness In all these analyscs, HusscrI uscd the phenomen° logicaI mcthod as a desc"ptive psychology Itis only later, that Hussod wiⅡ “udy dirg丬 ly the method hc uscd in ‘ogIctI` JP,oes¢ j叩 ″ ’ Is l’
α 虍,in Ffi|ssc'″ ‘ =”
cssentiaI diflerences behvcen this ph"osophcr and Husserl (l)Tllere is n° sinde texi in AqLlInas in wlllch trtlth is desned灬 tl,e adcquacy of the intellect alld tlle oDycc/ Aqulnas uses the tenn “ tlling”
r,I昭 s`氵 驷 ″l,J’
s,vol I,
The Phcnomcnological Method
nal AnaIysis
31 Brentano distinguishes at 1east three c1asses of menta1 acts
The Phenomenological
Method 1.RadkaIi卸 of Phenomenology: Freedom of
鞯 黜 勰 钭t濡 e枨 眈
、 嬲 戚
矢 筢 揣硭犹掘杨即镙弪 揽务
:1?p拣 。 笠 撂 叩揣抵古 〗 辚翳笠 蚀 l;1s:Ⅰ ;
Thc1ast point de恁 )()″ es some conlment
Positivc sciences, suGh
鞘蹒齐 蓊谇 擀 捕:龊 f丛
prcsuppositi。 n
This is the matn
鞲 粥瑙瑛葚槲弼 掠提脸敷
砦 ;}婆;蒜 严押哳秽 1纽 罗 石漓吼腽i紫 ∷ 糯 s菸
`~//Jz,,l ‘oJ,,c//,″ 苫
置 虎 ,裂 唧l荃撼 岔 胛 渖拶罴点 W、 鞲 i醛 榔 狲 鞲 镪嚣
The Phcno〖 menological、 1ethod
辎鬣 髑 i蹴痴 删 社蹴 芷 1hc meiltal actin refc而 ng to the intentional o匀 ed PhCnoment△ logy is oc0卩 汩 /r/″ ) 、vC lllen a study or re¤ cC【 on on this鸵 Rlcttlrc氵炉 co卩 ′ vv lll嚣 ¨
氓 :嚣 黯 捎 ksup汹 t。 Ⅱ ,p№ n° mendo删 aIlal灬 does not depend on1anguagc,nor thc cxistence of the、 vorld, n° r eVcn 1llc exi“ encC ofllllman belilgs Ma,be四 e邴 hng is a fdIOn,btlt四 cll in tlus Case,phenomen° logicaI analysIs is stⅡ l tRlc The only thing absoIutely tnle is what appears as a datum, something givcn to my aybc things arc not as thcy appeaf,but thc appearance consoiousncss 、Ι
糌 i箔 %扌 泔 搌
脂 甯
1拉 拧‰
器 滢 留 絷
山 er嘁
刁 H1艹
:r号 [叩 ::∶ ∶;曲
丬 1爿
冖」 η — 彐
器 槲糊 跚‰|
Ji思黯 甜::e。 龈骢 愆 TT⒉ 藩%;|i∶ 护忑 s絷 η pI∶
∶ 泔积£ 抚俨挽%f气 混默思
s帮 dc∶
1∶ lI%i
嬲 斟羰黼 £ 慧 鄹濑搬
intcn刂 ondˇ to an。
句ect,tllC叱 o`presellt in the intcllti。 nd Ⅱt FOr exanlpIc, 、 vhen I think of a horse,the tcnlllnus horse is the intentiona1 {||
盟】 1f::{社 ∶丨 :扩 刂 h毖 丹 y打 :钅;∶
:昊 ;⒈
∶ 氵 e甓 %1h揽
a叼 d碰
on d lluIllm
⒊褓 :嬲:%焱 裂 。 卩 强 黹1思 莒 驴rT咒 鬼 menology only acCepts as tnle i垠
J詈 ::∶
ˇ ¢ hat is
嘛 挥 茹 鞑 忄 弑 拊 橇 售 糨覆 槲 搬 母 1he classical one
2.Eidetic ReducJon 2`rI,o Kr,J赤
c,FJ,J/zJⅠ /`oPz,s
As we saw before, frccdom of prcsupposltion imphcs the
瑟 暇砰h:铝
砦焦t:骢胛a喀献 羿楹揣湿
in which authority, tradition and positive soienoc are placcd into
braokets Thc reaI fieedom of presuppositi° ns is a、 vay of1ibcration of
糍 驷 擀押 谳 毖拶诨 讠 鞲 学 ∶甘 播 踯 i葚
F§ i噬f碍 ll∶{lⅠ i茗 :忄 panly tnle, bccause that this is the onIy modc oF giveness to 43
Thc Phenomenological Method
Thc Phenomenological Method consoiousness is something that has to be investigatcd
and positivism holds that the ody thing immediate1y given to consciousness is sense eXpcricncc Husserl contends tlus c1aim The onIy vahd bcginning,:ee of presupposition⒐ ,is to sta^佥 om thc pure datum given t° cons。 iousness, and it is a fact perceivcd in
intemaI expeoen。 e that thc On】 y expeoence of、 vhat is immediate1y givcn is not only empirica1 cxpcrience but also inteⅡ ectua1 cxpcocnoc (see categorialintuition in Chapter2, section54) Expc"encc is the sourCe of eVeγ tllIng contingcnt,suble∝ to change in timc, but it is evidcnt to us that we know thiilgs that arc not subJe⒍ to coiltingency, thcy are necessary For examplc, thc scicntifc faot that“ green pIants
is su切 e⒍ t° 。 °llIingency;it dopends on the coⅡ t"ujon of our Wodd,and “t stIblect to reftlt扯 ion by an peiform photosynthesis’
恝骢簿 勰 诤袋罗苄嘿衤 虫 找拣谳T⒒找。 s比
the e妊 sting worId, and there is n° thing in thc rcal woΓ Id that oou1d possibIy r曲 Jte it This shovl/s that、 vc have two kinds of kno、 vJedge
The first is the cmpirical experience, the second an intcllectuaI vledgc co仃 espond two hnds of expenenCc To these two kinds ofkn° 、 cvidence, elnpirioal and intellcctua1
灿 impo⒒ ant step is that the inteⅡ ectual knovv1edge accompanies ail ouf empiHcal kno、 vledge, in °ther words, thc oontingenoy and hatis given in empirical cxpeience is mled by what individuaⅡ ty of、 ˇ ‘ ‘ it belongs to thc scnsc of any△ hing is given in intcⅡ ectual cxpericn。 e∶ 刂ll∶ 苄l∶ :fⅠ ;留 :ii拧 ‰ 甜 点 器 ⒊ 罐 咒 e品 拥 宀 绊 君 黑 蓐 黠 the charaoier° f necess"y ovcr against the contingency of the ptre
empirical datum
M召 r/Pod‘ ,F」
cRcr/J/cr`r,刀 `r/c,″
For cxample, this individual tree 1hat I am
pcrCciving at this m° ment is contingcllt
It could not be, or it oouId But tbe essence of tree, its cJJr,s, is
change if it is n° t ohanging al、
vays thc samc
The essence of tree has always and necessaoly the
samc pr° pe“ ies even if therc arc no trccs anymore, whethcr I am
dreaming, or whether I am having some hallucination
Essences or
eidos arc likc numbcrs and mathematical equations,thcy have ne∞
and absoIute vaⅡ dity
’ ‘ ‘ is prccisc丨 y the 、 Vhat HusserI caⅡ s thc eidetio reduction’ reduction of any empirical datum to its eidos, to its essenoe, to its necessaγ ideal GOnditions Thc cidetic reduo⒒ on is the imuition or insight ofthe eidos of cvcnthing with evidence 、 Vhcn wc pcrcetve an° bJe⒍ we arc ha访 ng simu1taneou“ y tvNo intuitions, ail empirical one by、 vhich an individual is given 。rigina"y, alld an eidetic one by whlch an eidos or essence(a ulllVcrsal obJe⒍
accordIng to thc tertnino1ogy of Iogrc口
) is given
Thc Phcnomcnological、 Ιethod
The PhenomcnologicaI Method equal}{vaI⒊ :估 1廿
【 彗:1:黜 扌 扌 、 f:l::娈
l凭 praci。 al
-following 1he same ldca hm Brentano in his Dcsc厂
℃ ;;tr:卩 器 巛 罩il;)r滞 篱弑茹 油畏%扌 锣 缸 dua1o切 cct,eliminat1ng what is purely l【
alI the c1cmeilts of the indi“
individual of the o初 e∝ ,and retaining wha1is invariablc,essenjal to
川 |||
|" l⒈ ""—
η "〓 "ˉ
{训 — i — 〓 "Ⅲ 川∷ ¨叩△ — — ¨ — — ˉ ¨ ""—
— ˉ ——
ˇ hich ar“ ves to the eidos of inspircd by thc procedure of geomctγ , 、
mg拶 爹° 傀髁p缸 :、 备龋牧T狂 c。 洫⒍m。
inteⅡ cctua1intuition of the eidos, thc next stcp is thc fon】 tI1ation of the a pnoo Ia、 vs that arc based on tlus eidos Let us see tllls aspeot of the eldet1c reduα 1on
3.Phenomenological Reduction
雀 鞲 瑟 耳 襟 苗辄 谳 蓝 圩撼 Ⅲ 嫌 骡 vhich they actuaI exi针 encc of the observed or imagined instances in 、 intuit an esscnoe or eidos
In this sense, Husser1thinks that we haˇ r:λ s1γ
m甜 I忿ξ r梦器聪 f寄
召形勋r/Jo〃 o/P乃 c,lr,〃 C″ o/oAy氵 四 ′Re丿 彷 rjo″
犭 ℃ 滞 早 dllel t昀 exlbt h r臂 宥拣:龀 窝潴 |}I描 。 T℃ 刀螫 罐∶ pi;;":;淋 e辘 ;f苷
f谡琨 1晶
h:、 Fff扩 λ 糯lw恩摞 叨 喋y咄 £ l脞:窝 喘 濯找 帮噙揣器:柙 潆扌 黯 喙F‰ J护W贽 甘甘 争器丫 碧苫 £ e|l∶
that袈 1:措
:fh∶ ;胃
f氵 {l冕
黯梅F默 热数嵌耀搀巢戟Ⅳ社 Assume tllat we found an oblect,ζ milar to what we cal1△ rcc,’ ^l;∶
ll苫 a漯 :盅
唧hr巍 茫::盅:IJ俨 张L:紫:rJ黯 1i男 留
essence or eldos that Is dIferent佥
om the othcr made of oalbon,which
The Phenomcnological卜 亻ethod
鞲母 襁 礴 龇 撇 搀t臌
1mmediatc aIld讷
`dent accessto the data of consclousness The phenomcndogical 够vC助 is ju“ a braoketing or a
disconncCJon,the abstcntion ofjudging of the existencc This does not mean that a phcnomenologist doubts the existcnGe of faGts, but purely and simply that %ctual exi敏 ence is put out of action as a
pllenomcnolo旮 Cal PJ,rv/Jt,plaGe into brackcts tlle ex泗 enual ra∝ s and
o,`,What is gixen for conscIOusness Thc phenomenolo茁 cal redu∝ ion is just the reduα ion of eveγ thing to its lcaves onIy tllc P/aO7,r,,,,e″
phcnomenon,which is thc appearancc,and all appearancc is somethll,g that is for consciousness For cxampIe, the trec that I am percciˇ ing n° 、 ˇis reduced to a mere phenomen° n允 r my oonsciousncss, and to Vhat wⅢ remaIn aclueve this,I palemhcsize the e疝 stencc oftllis tree 、 is onIy the appcaran。 eto me, an appearance that is not onIy a sensc appearancc but inteⅡ eotual one as、 vell to me is oaⅡ ed phcnomenon
my attenJon(睬
crGlses tllc renectl。
ll,to thC“
nl洫 c
Pg-叨 -
This rcduction to、Vhat appears
Husscrl CIaims that with the phenomcnologicaI reduction onc docs not lo⒃ any of tlle propeltles of the n洳 "e of thc oblectfe,and Tlle exotenjal tree bas the⒃ me propc⒒ Ies(⒏een,taⅡ ,vcgetat、 e Ⅱ
so on)as the tree aflor thc phenomenological reduotion
(lOO aculal
dollars have the samc number as lOO fotitious doⅡ ars) But there is aR 、 ˇhat I see, percove, and understand as impottant diθ trenoe∶
踹嬲 只∮
孺 :投 f鞯 吒
箝 茫铍
phenomcnon is absolutely cvident for me rcgard1ess of whetber the ° ”ect exlsts of not Nobody can question senousˇ what I am scclng or understanding as an immcdiatc d时 um for my consGiousness
J2^助 r〃r'`夕 ″
″o⒈og`ct///〃 ″″Jc
'`/,e″ natural蔽 titudd’ the spontaneous attiuadc of human Hussed calls“ cncc The ercct。fthc c`∞ 功 is to put this naIura1attitude out of action, to excIude tl△ s natural a仇 itude【iom co负 sCiousness, to put into brackets Aftcr the the ex1stcntIal thes1s of the natulal at“ tude phenomenolo鲈 cal qxv切 ,tlle natural Wodd of tlle n汛 uraI attitudc becomcs a pure datum for consGiousness,a phenomenon consoiousness,、 vhich is oriented to thc world and alT,rms its exi“
phenomeno1o茁 cal attitud扩 Hussc" Calls “
a⒒ itudc)the
reneα ~e atJtude,which has as its obJe⒍
thc oonsoious
讪c of the g阝 hJ As ⒒ xvas phenomenologlcal attitudc is the resu⒒ estab1ished bebre,thc phen° menoIogica1method is a renection。 n thc ′ o cogJJtr`″ /9, Thc¢ FvG切 exero⒃ s tl,is re仑 ec刂 on in “mohIre c胆 cr’×’ vorld become purely c,甲彻泗 、 vhich all existing thngs of the 、
Iife, the wavs in which tlungs arc given to oonsciousness
something merely thought by our。 onsciousness In naturd at“ tude I do not make tlle sll叻 ect° fi“ erest tllat/ct,J9
:s‘ l甚于 FⅠ 丨 谳 品。fF卩 描 :1I再 :嚣 If礻 槲 ofect critlcism on oneⅡ 贱 onc is just accepting what is 莎ven in nattlral attiilde fegardless of∞ 记ence It is just acceptcd by natula1
nation Husserl bcheves th・ at the thinker、 vho remains in natura1 attitudc
麟瓢冁麟 槲獭瓣嘈 盯C the0ause ofthe uncitical do叩 atism aDd nalvety,then a mcthod to remove thⅡ e∞ mlIutments seems to be neccssa” Tllc印 ∝恸 beoomes tlte pro∞ dllre to eliminate these commitments prcsL pposed in
cthod The Phenomcnologic/dl、 Ι
The Phenomenological Method nailral attit1Ide
Thus, instcad of rcmaining in tllls attitude, Husserl
∶ 嗔燕 号 苷 付 】 扌 1谗 刂 t拶各 ⒎ζ 豆 汪 ∶扌 |〖 t器
晡嫩 襻懈 诵槲 撬 “
preJudice to、 vard thc real’
Nevenhcless,Husserl did not mention
thesc similaritics
e″ oJ,9e刀 @}ogjc口 /Rer/,J“
The phenomendoJcal attitude implies sevcral phenomenol。
、 ˇodd
勰 虔 拉 讠 漯
ˉ— — — ¨≡
ˉ — —Ⅲ 硼 门 则 —
t擀擞 l狒卩 辅喑 l瑟掣 汛 舞 撬羰 牦 J谗 t彘J撼蠲 鞲 麟营 唧带蓝 净
F拂 黜 扌 亻 麒 节 羊 百 垦
黠 毖器摁t慑 器⒔s絮 :盅 叩
由 瑞 :矿 T∶ c垛 mcnon
to the merc“ realll of consc1ousncss nor bccome a mere phen°
The purc ego escapes the standard reduotIOn and rema1ns a res】 、 Ve、vill talk more about this in the nexi chapter
—μ ¨ ¨‰ 叶 — — ¨ — ¨ ¨ ˉ
:ξ lI∶
扌∮ J:% ?芝
ˉ —
The Phen。 mcnoIogical Method
The Phen° menoIogical Method
The only propos“ ions ofIo莎 。to which phenomenology can count axi° ms皿 cll as the hw of∞ ntradctltln and⒒
品 $胆 宇
ln summaγ ,what
is thc cfFcct ofthe qρ @c乃 J?ThC
sphcrc of what
is transcendental What is the scope of the transccndental fleld? Purc expeHences,that is to say, pure consciousness、 v⒒ h "s pure co盯 elates 、 v%at remalns is thc α?冖 沏衍 and the cogJ/o, and讷 ith this, the¢ 8@ the stnIottlre zs,c,C<〕 girrJ Cog`/tf/,JrP,
J亻 助 召
〃 J/,/cs /C9o/W〃 ″ ′
`'J/lc忉 Empiooism and positivism take as thcir basic principIe the hat is give⒋ the rctllm to things in themselves As wc adllel ence toˇ ˇ
V, Hussed a。 cepts this prinoiple but not xvqthout
impo⒒ ant
i 肌 ˉ ≡ 〓— ¨ — — {Ⅷ 照愉 邶 濒赋谢蜘Ⅷ咄 川 丬 — η 〓 ˉˉ ˉ {
modiflcations about both、 vhat is given and what is the meaning of a
retum to things in1hemselves Hussed does not acccpt empi⒒ oism but accepts thc ponGiple of the given This principle is not only thc Origin 。f any scienGe or Vith rcspcct of this thcOry,but no conceiVab1e thcoγ can make us eⅡ 、
prinoiple Husscrl fonnuIates the principlc of all p"noipIes in tlle “ foⅡ o、ˇ ing way∶ eves ohginaq intuitivc presentation is a legitimizing soulCc of knowledge,” and more expⅡ ciJy,“ wervihing oo茁 nally(s° to speak,in its pcrsonal aCtllalit”
{丨 |∶ |∶
i胃 翟 积 辩 钍
:}=ˇ |∶
;s邕 蓍
oatred t。 us in illtuiJon is t°
诫tl△ o
fg1:s belllg,bllt抓
Thc principlc of all princip1os is thc absolute evidence of what is
givcn in intu"ion
Intuition is n° t only empirical intuition
(empiri。 ism and posi刂
also inteⅡ cctual inttlltion of essences
lntuition is Ike seeing the oblcct in person There is a scelng of cmplI忆 do匀 ects In perso△ and tl,ere`时 so a seo鸭 of odetlc “ ve sIlW before seeing stnJoklres,essenccs of things in person, as 、 ⒃lltlng娴 ,ls thc 脎 铣 瓴 :瑶 谳 器 :f探 :嬲 :墒 摁
The problem hcre comes,as Hussef1points out,when we judgc
thcsc daims岔 om the poillt of vicw of emplrioism An emo“
acocpts the principle of intuition, but intu“ ion restictcd to cmpirical
¨ˉ ∷ˉ
tllat exu摁 l‰
%J砼 脎强 岛 努W苷 FtⅠ 怼翌 摁:
Now,can a phcnomenoIogist cxclude absolute1y aⅡ
logic? N。
t at
expenence,for the cmpirioi欲 considers dogmaticaⅡ y th缸 essences aIe pure fctions But1llIs is not、 Vhat appcarsin the deschption of、 vhat is Jven t° mc in intu"ion It is evident that thcre are oblects glven in ˇhcthcr these pcrson by means °f sense expeicnce ——regardless of 、 oble∝ s
exlst or not Wc have here the phenomenon of something
given dircctly or in person N° 、 v, it is evidcnt, too, that there aIc 。丬e。 ts given in person,directly,by mcans ofintelleotuaI expcocnCc— — the essenGes oftlljngs
I do n。 t have expeoence that thcsc cssCnCes aIt
濯褶眨;罩 扩 号 〗。 ∶ 既鸨 ;:饣 珉 t扌
u器 1J笠 l盅 刂 f:黥 。 刂 ;瑟 留 ‰ 揽悬 孺呷 呈扌 CF耩 黜⒒ 卩 膦谢拾`tiⅠ 擗 枷F碡钅
鼽 骅雠鞲镳擗鞅
Thc empiicist misses
the impo竹
consoousncss,wllercwe Canjtlsuf夕
bet、 veen
it is so,’
a st钲 Cment
Ⅱ rcplvIllg“ I
scc th缸
that is to say, I see intu△ ivcly that something is direcuy
J∞ n&忒
of veγ dia℃ rcnt expcienccs
prcselI扌 i::lIe herc (、
螨掷 辙馘‰滋羰1狒报 (al‘ V,9Se//z`″ 氵 J`o/7,by whcll a sensuc,tls。
〖 ed,sw。 r&叮 f眦 斡 e an obl岫 wltll mⅡ 山 h岬 ,r Me CalI△ ed out processes of discrimination and conCeptual
glvell in
器 晋 刂:∶ I甘s扌 -氵 紧 ‰ 拂
俨 哏
l;Ⅰ I° le:ξ
:u媲 f1v挠
印vc助 ,by whlch a"ollr knowledge恣 rcdu∞ d to a phcnomenon for our oonsCiousness Here,n° theoγ oan makc us eσ be∞ use we aB
嚣冉 莨 Ⅳ暇Ⅲ峁茫夥1燕辅辅 搬拗抒W搬憔 粹扭 呦骚 璐芥蕊 鞲 J韫 蟛 j槲鲫 芯 荻
⒊社 扌 窝
:黥 J罢志 ⒊ T萼
乩 :四
№ m斟 hng山 扯 姆
spot bu1the appcaranceto mc,the phenomenon
In this sense, wh缸
given in intuition is the prinoiple of all pon。 iples
35Evzdc,″ c召
o9,〃 J/|rJr″ z0刀
As it is casv to Concludc犴 om our aforcnlentioned analyses, tllerc is a olose conneC“ on beh,veen the character of萤 ven,intu“ ion and e¢
o modes of e saW in the preccdjng seotion, thcre are t、 ˇ idcnce As、 ˇ
苷孓 :;i∶
:∶ Ⅰ饽 F暂髯£焉 :1社 崔 营社莒 1茫 0e∶ ∶:∶ lil;∶ 磔
The Phen° mcn° I。 gica1Mcthod
Thc PhcnOIη enoIogicaI Me(hOd
absoIutcly indubitablc positing Anything physical 、 vhich is givcn in
T::瞅 嘿 芘I驴 毛 J° 甘 ;嘿 FTcT褓 ⒐窘 潲 ‰萎喋
Inodes of clarity° f cvidcncc
而 血耶乳磁怒‰∶ ∶紫婆 i探TV劣 丨 af∶ 虚 蓐 I秣 ll窝
‖ :;;丿
彗 讦1:l躲兜 Ⅰ J扌l;l谳 饣瑟黜 n:贽晷 摁 c∶ :谩
Ctc) ThCrc are degrees oF claoty and a process of cla【
∶ 扌 品:::谳渫
△ication from
】 蚤 Ⅰ s t常 、 b至 揣 ∶ 去 糊Ho、 v is嘎this mode of being given, a modc of being apprehended 1∶
∷ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 咄 — 岍— ~ˉ ∷ Hˉ 〓 — 〓 ˉ ˉ— ˉ 讪蜉帅釉珊圳∷ ˉ — — ˉ ∵ ˉ
器 h、 恝 狲 搜早:袋 咿 瑟 指 暝 1揲 絮 黥 阝 cveq expcHenccthat faⅡ s undcr the scopc of our cf〕 gl`r, is given 、 vith ∶辟
居 搀
external pcrccption is inadequate cvldcnce, so wc have °nly asse竹 onC cVIdenGe
oontraΙ γ,
△ jLg引
群 碳嘁螨谖:椴 Ⅳ 鞲嗲 襁链 弊嘈
Ε 囗
scnsc as an ooginally pr∞ enting consoiousncss of any kind wllats° evcΓ 刀 o//,'〃 ″ J,,Jr//c勿 刃 ″〃 ″ rJJg m9J/cc r,FC/Fm″ oPzrI/αs擞 oJJs” H⒃ '″ s⊥ c∶
只 :s果 诺 忍 签 扌l甜 景 辟吊 害 r气 茹 苕筑氍 苕茶嚣H芽 \l: /xt△ ,by which ally oble∝ ls glxcn in somc cldos,in some uillversd
:谳 %a滥
∶ ∶ f扌 螫
iJ甘 :∶
:n掠 ;1F;I犁 1¥ 品 。 秽翼叫
external perception is just a case ofthe p°
¨ ˉ
s⒍ blc natural Wodds that can cxempⅡ 灯 that eIdos There oan be many p° ssIblc variati° ns tllat aie Cascs of the samc eid° s But,tlle eidos,the essencc of the obJect,is
带 黹 鄂絷 I鞲瑙犏祓嘏茗 糌馑 i茨
Transcendcntal Phenomeno1ogy
The Phen° menoIogioaI Method apprehcnded)oftlle wodd∞
丿 z1`/D内 0ΓEs l Edmund Husser1,J'e口
Transcendenta1 s Pe'/rrr,z″ 苫 rt,口
`″ lqu° ted as rJcr.s Book `vz,9e″ 闪,“ aild钒 ed by F Kerstc几 Dordrccht,Kluwcr AcadcIluc Ptlb⒒ sllcrs, tI,〃 rr,口
o/ogJc口 /f’/,jros。 JF,/’ ’ ,First
TranscendentaI Reduction
〓〓 〓 〓
龠昏碣 ‖
吝 骢l篙λ l惭廴
〓〓〓 """凵
— — ¨ "m≡
〓 〓 〓 m〓 "〓
TransGendcntal Phen。 mcnology
JJ/c/Jr,Jz″ r,yo″ rl C,/,3PtJ“ sr/lc rt,l/Jtc″ oJJ r,r//J'`,tl/IrrtI/vr,r″
d攵 ,/Jtc/,s△
wC tan bmulate thc ``召 `¢ gcncra1idea °f `° phenomenologicaI ,eduction 、 vhich eillbraces thc t、 vo aforemcntioned tasks in the follo、 ving fOrmuIa∶ c/j°
冖 仰
⒌仞 印 c`乃
Phcnomen° Iogical Reducj° n=DF BrackeJng cxistence and incIudc both the transcendency of
a unity be1、 veen both phenomenologicaI
ugh thcre is
is a unity of meaning狎 △ already kncw that the eidetic
1m"y was a ullIty of mea血 ng as was explained in `o‘ ″crJ` ″氵 ″ s/妇 口 of mCaning Htl~sseH d⒈ s1ingulshes tluee `rr,/,S) Ill tllis uIll″ oomponent⒌ tlle meailing,(ii)whatis endowcd witll mcaning,and
cndoWs the meaillng(tlle meanIn陟 。 onfeσ lllg act) lhrllaI is endowed with meaning is sensuous matcial data,which
thc、 vorld and our cgo Alth°
con⒍ dered
0Ⅱ )thC。 pcr献 ion tb缸
thdt of kceping in suspcnsc any transccndent validity of our kno、 vledgc¨ claims,、 ˇ hioh
Transccndcntal Phcn。 mcnol。 gy
l】 tlsserI cal1s“ /z,/cⅡ (a Greek term meaillng“ matte卩 ) The° peratltln 1hat endows the mcaning Husscrl no、 v caHs“ noc⒍ s,” 、 vhiCh Con£ ers tlle ’ ’
mca血 ng to thc nlFt,, and thc meai△ ng is called“ noem弘
reductions, transcendcntal reduction introduces an imponant attitudc
us to What is traIlsocndcnt to consciousncss
Flom a phcnomenol° J∞ l point of vIew,thc z阝 碱
Oiiy thc noema and the
—¨〓 沛ⅢⅢ 〓 μ h卜 "叩 m—
∷ 叩讪〓— — ∷Ⅲ ∷
on tllC nattlrd world maintains all 1hc essentiaI clcmcnts °f the 、 vorld, that is to say, by brackc“ ng the existcncc nothing nc、 v is produced in thc worId The 【 臼 嗫 钭 空 I唧 :嗫 :祷 哏 :Tf‰ 罗l嘿 蹴 :r∶ 踹 嬲 眢 phenomenon br my c° nsciousncss there is no diⅡ eren。 e in prope⒒ ies, any pfopeny wc dcscribe in the phcnomen° n can bc found in thc rcal
0)In thC natura1attitude, the app1e tree is something exIs【 ng, a transccndcnt thing, and thc psycho1ogica{ state of p1easure is also
tree On the contmIγ ,thc transcendental rcduction of thc sc1f yields a
the percover aild the perc⒍
new atutude,
phenomenologica1 attitude bccausc the phcnomcnologist inhibits his
— 叫≡州叽 — ˉ卩 〓
generalintcrcst in mundanc things Thc rcaecti。 intenti。 nal obJc∝ s btlt in thc Ⅱfc ofthc eg°
n is not intcrcsted in
Thc rcsu△ ofthis phcnomen。 I° gical attitude is a rcaecti。 n on the cxpeience lto召 t/t’ )lla whlch thc phen° mendoglst dlstngLllshes thc
intclltlonal o旬
//rl/tfJ9,)and tllc cgo,and tl,us wc haVe again the
ect lcr,k’
ˉ "〓 帅沛≡ — ¨
m蔚 n axle of phenomenolog and obJcct of the phcnomeno1o砂 rerlecuon∶ cg°
c‘ ,gf/o
In othcr words, the expc⒒ cnce
lc。 p勿 )malllfe“ s"sef as havlng a twcl dlKc⒒ on polar"y
(what is thought as th。 ugllt,thc intcn"onal obJcct)and tllC Cgo of tlle cr,gJ/r, Thls unitx of tllc“ ru∝tlre e驷
c口 8,rJ/rrP,j ofthe cr,gz仍
叩 功′ ′ ′ ,9,implics 召
that there is n°
intcn"onal° bled lc。 召 7/tI/fr/,,)
cl船 f吲 叩 1“ 。 甜f∫ 豁J:J1碧 滞蹒 orlentcd to、 vard the cgo
祸搬 n满扌
2.The EssentiaI CoInponents of I汀 entaI
Hu渐 d4Suppose tllat晒 ee
、 Ve have two situations
something actual belonging t° reaI people In this attitude、 ve flnd real reIations among thc obJects of thc W。 rld,and other relatIOns between
,do妫 ec‘ of the wodd If wc alc
undergoing a halluoination, then the apple ‘ ree does not exist The rclations b弥 vcen obJects and pcrsons do not exist eithe‘ oliy the Person wh° per∞ k“ and undc呜 oesthc h痂 luon献 lon cXists CO IllthC ρhenomenological attitude the、 vho1e transcendellt、 vodd is pIaoed into braoket⒊ we exero~qe tlle qˇ 石勿苕 in relatlon to the a∝ ual belng of thc
The exlsting relations bebˇ een obJects and percover is
bracketcd as wcll Thc Oliy thing th缸 is leIt ovcr is thc cxpcncncc lcog/o),whi。 h has an inte"lon to the coⅡ espondlng intentlonal obleCt Clle c‘ 9£ r`/‘ l/z/J,z)and
tlle ego (Remember that all illtelltlond expeiellce
implies the intcntional o丬 cct) The intcntlonal obJcct of applc ucc maiiltains a1I the charaoterlstics1hat the actuaI appIe trce has Thc lllte“ IOnal
obJect oftlle csscncc of thc applc trce Cllot thc adual applc
tree,is the noema
The n° ema is given by the oon∞ ious aCt,
cxpe⒒ ence or noesis ofthe app1e tree
The noesis reduces the sense data to the unity of mcaning Thc scnsc d缸 unl is callcd by Husscd ‘ 功,/e,” which is1he CoIor oF the appIe tree,tadiIe sensations° f thc app⒗ trec,曲 ape,e化 Tlle noe⒍ s曾 ⒑s tlle meaIllng lnoema|IO tlle /|9/e,it Iedu∞ s
Processes: NoesIs and Noema
梦 1玑 黯 罟 圪蕊 red Ⅱ
fegatd wⅡ h pIeastlre a b1ossoming apple tΓ
the pllIrdlit,・
of阢 nse matcial◇ b氵 Ot°
In this example,the elements noe⒍
tlic uill” of tllC
s and匆 /t,arc″,,P,aoPzO,l/
PhenomenoIogy “udies a mcntal proocss or cXpeoence as such,
ingredients ofthe expeoence Ho、 veve△ the noemais n° t an immanen1
that is to say, eidctically, h1 "s esscncc, 、 vhich is thc resu1t of the
ingrcdicnt ofthc cxpcocncc but thc intentional coⅡ elatc In this sense, the noema1s transcendent to the experlence, but It 1s not transccndc碰
eidetic rcducjon
The components of a mental prooess cidcticaⅡ
Transccndcntal Phonomenology
Transcendcn】 al Phenomcnology
as thc natural W0dd is transoendcnt
踯 拣艹tJ皆 t误 找
Thc noema
Jl廿::∶ Ii;∶
】 s
we can say-
%羿甘F挠 lPie∷ ∶ :扌
Hu“ er1’ s examplc,is not an intcgral
ζ 浮。 ∶∴
inteiltional obJc∝
he nocζ s is the mo“
l暹 impo⒒ am
ˉ — ˉ— — ˉ — 汕 ㈣∷ ¨
∷ ¨ˉ 屮〓 ∵ w 川 峭∵ 〓〓 ≡ 伟叫鄯〓
亻 揖 釜 事卩 %:丨
a渫 iJema 扌
f∶ l[守
Husserl ana丨 yzes thc n。 ema and found at least thfee divisions
Ⅵ "Ⅲ
瑙⒈ 挥 嚣
孓 ∶
n抖 ¨ 罗 虎 嬲 渊 m抵 硭 狎潸 品找 ‰ 叩 禚 i:l∴
i滞 1挠 r∶
i丨 :∶ :e∶
l嚣 :sn∶ i:I:rIll∶ e喙 “
intcrConnection or link in the noesis, and vioe versa
A parallclism
bctvsecn noes1s and noema Is 1ndced thecase, but It 1s suCh that one
铘勰 槲 嬲 溢 显 喋茫弦 黯勰 `括 “es, tllat is, thc pure X in 沩¢ (1)'`zrrP s″ 乃 λ揣揽吲 u⒒ eF噬 卩 e∴ :d蜜 嵬 Ι 辟 訾 甓者:黜 滥扌 There are three lnomcIlts or ρ
srz o/er,/`″
| |
J刂 J玉
{】 1e甘
hrmer But thcrc are moreimpo“ ant diaorcnces
u罐 i谶 撰 勰苷 挠 辖犊鞠擀骥 cOntent, that is to say, its sense, and is re1ated through it to its
耋 滞揖i渑 蒂蠛 蹦鲫 ξ
dd on
within it that mirror thc activitis of the nocsls This paralcllism elation beheen bebveen n° cma and noesis is because thσ e is an coσ
;;阝 :∶
ema is al、 vays prescnt, and the ego
〓≡ ≡
〓Ⅲ州∵ 川〓—
期 Ⅷ 记 〓 "i艹
摁V簇揣$摁 氵 ∷ 硼羰 芯 涨摁
°ut an eidetic analysis ofthc nocsis,
'e the oharactcr1stlc0f inten
F 叩锣 lW老 勰 罢
d扌 寺飚 挣鞲 嗨 篓 〖 1丨〖 盯罹股∮ 1毳 :搀 馋 〖 ∶ 嬲 $者 m:l锯 :f裱 :y&iw骷 hc岣 蚶 he° ‰描‰留黠篓丬i喇 ‰:a根 ‰豁s灬 ∞ d喟 e咄 器 段i::T1he‰ J漯 ∶ 提 辔δ滞抖标 h瀹 i珥 r扌 椿福t羿嚣 1c描 珥 ∫ t;t云 :;;谎 ii∴ ;|∶
noema,how conscious acts c0nstitu1
that h团
阮m糕 ⒊ 找搬 ‖ Ⅰ Ⅰ 』 甘 pledl〈
) Acc° rding to⒈
T楹 褴黜 tF蚺 芯 嘁 犀革剿
It beComcs separated as ccntral nocmatiC momcnt∶
the obJect [ ], thC identiGal, thc detelIllInablc subJect of its
Tbis implics three areas of ph∶ l:罚 CI丨
erablc predicatcs "⒒
picks otlt,(Ⅱ )In Fregc the re佗 rcncc is a real cnu″ in thc w° the contrapˇ ,(“ i)Husserl’ s notion of sense is not linguistic in o腑
and it p№
has to be understood 犴onn the po1nt of
扌 乱躲:::1g播
;:矿 ;晏
ˇ 1eW of the
grasung汛 狳F熙俪∞ vorId seGond,
noema, in 、 vhich is braoketing thc existence of the
both noe⒋ s aild nocma belong(Cldetlcallx)to each。 tllcr,tllat is to say, to underqtand the noema imp⒒ es to understand thc noesis, that is to say, in thc anaIysis of the noema the phenomcnologist has to inGlude 0'氵 1he study of the noesis as a rcsu⒒ of thc principIe of the 口 P厂 氵 correlation bcbveen noesis and noema This nJles out the Ⅱnguis“ c interprctution ofthc nocma as sensc
3.Immanence and Transcendence in the structure Noesis and Noema UntⅡ
now we were consIdehng tIlc n° tion of noema as
—— — — — — — — — — — — ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ Ⅱ 臼 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 冖 冖 冖 冖 冖 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 口 臼 -ˉ ˉ
Transccndcn1al PhcnomenoIogy
Transcendental Phenomcnology
given in somc way and、 vhatis not given in any way ve have that thc thing "sclf is thc absolutc transCendeilt so, 、
t is only given padiaIly (in the terminoIogy of is lnadcquatcly given to `【 consciousness), wh"C (he ρ abt and fiIture, whioh do not ap哪 immedIately,are lllst relatl△ /e transcendellts On thc contra叩 ,tlie bccausc thc obJctˉ
,g`c'` r/,vPs`i黟 ″ o`zs, the o匀 ect
noesis is the absoIutc immanent because it is given pe付 “d∞ ,or lll thc tennhology of IogJo口
eCtly、ˇith° ut Cct is
`rJ,vc,s/Jgrf/J@Jzs,the adequately ghcn to consciousncss (Ill general,here I wⅢ o劭use the cOIelaJon tran“ cndence and immanenoe according to the third lcvel) 、 Ve oan summa⒒ ze thesc idcasin thc fOⅡ o、 ving tab】 e∶
Noema (:0甘加/jJJ,j or intenjonal
≡ 〓 ∷ — 〓
NoesIs ep″
o匀 ect)
`o,or intcnjonal act with⒒ s ingredient
Thing in itself ∷ ∥ 亻 咩 Ⅲ
【 mmancnt
Tran阢 endencc
— 〓 〓 叫 — — 〓≡ {—
4.The NotioⅡ of PheⅡ omemological Constitution of the objec(
"〓 {ˉ
Ⅲ — —
Wc know tll铋 phenomenology stt】 dl郇 tllc immanenoy Cluld levcl cons。 。 usness,"s mbJecu∞ spllere,whicll cmbraccs the co罗 /r,CllC noe“ s,expe竹 en。 e or meiltal act),the cog沏
noema,intentional obJect,etc),and the cgo The e岱
`Ir,Pj Clleε 石c乃 of the印
is to neutrahzc the naturaltcndency to go beyond the expchcncc itsclf In this way,I dircct my attention to the expco° ncc I hax・ e of the things
and tlle world,in a nutshel1,to my subJeCjvity Phenomenology do” not dca1with reaⅡty but the expeience of rcahty v that aftcr the phen° menol° gioal reduction, thc `Ve aIso kno、 thc same charaGteristics as the rcaltlung; nothing phenomenon contains ls misζ ng btlt the existence(e妊
stencc is not a phenomenolo昏
datum accolding to Hu$crO Now,If all ch盯 64
∷ ˉ
a∝ eristIcs of tlle real
Transoendental Phenomeno1ogy
T「 anscenden1aI
and possib1e expeoenccs ofthe o匀 ed in qucsuon As、 ve w"l sce later,the living oonsciousncss is thc cgo w⒒ h th¢ t°
tahty of habits ofthcsc sohemes
orgalllze °ur cXpeⅡ ences
Schcmcs manifest a habituahty tcb
ˇ vhich 、 e and constitllte the schcmc in 、
expehence any obJect The world as thc coilterpoIe of our suble∝ ivitx1s constitllted iIt Ve can say with Hussed that to havc a synopJc vie、 ˇ our subJediv“ y 、 ofthe totaⅡ ty ofmy life is like having a synopti。 x△ ew ofthc tota"tˇ ofthe w【 ,rld,and vic° versa
5.Formal and TranscendeⅡ taI Logk ~,f PJ//c几 ogrc。
口s曰 P/,c刀 oJ,9召 ″r,/r9g`‘ rJ`凡 ot`c
Hussed main饣 ains that becausc most of the logicians have not studicd the connection bchiveen l° gic and thc v・/orld, bet、 vecn logic and
atus of punty(indepelldcnce flom expcIicnce, Even morc,mobt oftlle lo昏 clans wereinvolved in乏 loJc tllat imphoItly prc铷 pposed a wodd(n the 兔shio众 of≈ tl,e expeilence,loJC did hot acllIcvc"s欲
pos"ix/istio sCiencc) This logic and all posiivistic scicnces are,froⅡ 、 the point of访 ew of phenomcnology,Constitutcd by the su匀 ect,but tlljs consutllj° n ls not rcCo⒏ ized by thc stIble∝
as doing so αhey盯 0
Ilving in thc nattlral attnudel If we Want to galn purity lll lo鲈 c,lve vor1d, and alI must analyze1he 1cvcl of logic that prcsupposes the 、 ,th tlle wodd),⒃ tllat vve poζ ivojc soenCCs(whiCh are∞ llcemcd△ △ vo“△ can go beyond them to recoVcra genuine pure logic in which thc、
is no longer presupposcd
This must bc achicved by mcans of the
phcnomeno1ogica1mcthod Husscrl is saying that tradⅡ iona1 1ogic has n° t aclueved the Ⅱpr° 访dC that ho⑩ r蒯 e 拄 罗 社F∫ 甘1糕 摁 鬼 i捻摭 ;估 f:r缸 :∶ 苷 Hussed attempts to make exphcit that thc world is imphcit in tlle togy of mcaning of traditiona1 1ogic That is to say, in tlle tcmin°
phenomenology, HlIsser1 attcmpts to uncoVer thc presuppositions implic"in tradltional lo萤 c Hussed accOInplishes tllls task in Fr,,,,,口 ` o【 Ic,、 v“ re hc studles the hstoocal d四 elopment stotle was the flrst `丨 oflogic Itis here wllere Hussed discovers that A“ phⅡ osopher、 vho undcrstood1ogic in its puoty
d,jJ r,JfJsCe″ 汤 Ja勿
Anstoue estabhshed logic as the scienoe of the assc“ ive prcdioatlv・
ejudgement(whatis cal1ed tcGhniGaⅡ y
0 Husser1
notes tllat Alistotlc used letters to stand for the c【 ,rⅡ of"dgementg ・ jng an Chs′ Cspeclally【 lear Ill his theoγ of svlloglsm), slIggⅡ
T「 ansccndentaI
2 HusserI dcvc1ops this intention for the puoty and ncutrahty ofIogic〗 灯 ist° te⒒ an idea of puity and neu(raⅡ ty in l。 gic ac。 ording to thc
s cXpenence Jll“ iflcaJon of a n。 ti° n in a phcnomenoIogioal
contcxt is achJ四 ed by isolating and renecting on tlle cr,p/r,(and as a
consequence,reaec"ng on the stnJcturc c驷 cogf/t,coR/勿 /tr’’ ’ )tllat
gives isc to the notion in qucstion cgo c〕挣 /r,
The descHption ofthc stmα ure ‘ gz勿砌r,,, in which the no刂 on is 丘amed, yields deep1y r’
哩刂 社 1黯。
s絷忿 裱i褓
i ˉ — ∵ ˉ ˉ 卅 ¨ — ¨—
扌 器f照
"%屮 i—
ˉ }— ¨ ˉ 卅μ 叽ˉ — ¨ —ˉ恤川Ⅲ≡ˉ ¨吡 —¨ ˉ—
::b∶ 1蛋 :Ⅰ d::J捃 :f各 the recrcating of the °nginaγ expchcncc To reCreate thc Originaq cxpeience is n° t a mcrc repetition of the cxpcicnce, but having thc ooginarx cxperiencein a nc、 v form∶ one is n° 、 v conscious that one is ju“ i灯 ing This is a1s° called,by Husscd,dah丑 caj° n flom the mo“ original sources∶ a tu∏ vng back to the intentionality that was】 t’
b虫 clanJ∞
he° rigin
° r∞ put曲 c cc,nceu baGk hto thc llx/Ing lntclltlc,n茳
of αpcoence,a pro∞ durc tllat Htlssed con“ ders
‰Ⅷ 佩 Ⅲ 砧妯
indispcnsable to a。 hieving the justifloation of a pure logic
On thc 00IltrarV,an obJec伍 X/e form时 logc bascs"s Ju虹 i丘 GaIi° n on static
邓 咒::贳 黥LH糨I遐 c挫欤 皆冻抚七 黼 ⒊ (As a mattcr of勤 ∝,Hu$cd tllcd to justi灯 mathemaucal concepts in s
the PJ,Jhq臼 pⅡ rlF彳 ”//9P/Je`/c。 in a wav tllat rcsembl邮 what he w郇 doing in 卢oJP,,rl` Cr,d r/oPl9cc,,,r/C″ /rl` ‘〕 心 c, akhough in a veγ
imperfed way,and it waslnterpreted as pwcholoJsm by Ffege,as we ~qaW In the Chaptcr2,sccion幼 Htlssed in“ sted访 gorouslv tllat tlle mcthod ofjustl勹 hg b斟 c创 nr,tloⅡ
by眇 ing
does not mcan thatit entaⅡ s psyohologism
i ∷ ¨ Ⅱη ˉ
52r,勿 re
makcs an muminating compa⒒ son vvlth mathematiGs
Husscd Purc
mathematts is the soelloe ofthe rdaJoⅡ
bcuv・ ccn any obJect wllat"er llelatlon ofWhole to pan,relatlon of equallty,prope竹 y,uitIty,ctc) In
this sensc,pure mathcmaticsis sccn by Hussed as brmaI on】 ology The oble∝ s tllat formal olatoIogy consIdc「 s aFc catqgoial oblccts
(sCC Chaptcr2,sccjon44),and categooal°
bJects are con斑 itutcd in
judgements C荻 egood o妫 ccts
can bc Organized lll regIOns,wht・ ll give ise to diIFelent regional formal° ntolo蛮 es In otllcr Words,wc havc hcrc an口 氵 o'′ forma1 ontology that estabⅡ shes all possible
y$羝× 涩W品 T熙 翱%镙 涩 牦甜弘哏 昆 驷驷谓 `厂
oblects as phen° mena br constˉ IOuslless arc c。 nstitutcd,tllat is to say,tllcy arc c。 ullter巾 oles。 f° ur阢 bJed~e⒒ 佗 As we saw,everv
back to the slI匀
r。g`c rJ″ 〃 Fr9聊 召
to a Ge汶 aln kind are c。 unteⅡ poles of expcricnces of a cc“ aln kind as M缸 cll尉 o匀 cc“ arc grasped by a type of cxpcrIentˉ ⒐
The phen° menologicaI l。 gic grounds logica1 notions in a∝ s
【 f we see formal logic flom thc p。 int of vicw of"s mo“ vating
c mode of experienoe,where the phenomen° n is con“ itutcd From hcrc,we have that。 bJe∝ s be1° nglng
oblectlx/e formalI。 glc and a phenomenological logic(or transcendeiltal stIble∝ i咱
obJcct or phcnomcnon has its speci丑
No、 v, wc havc a c1ear idea what is thc diFFercnce bebveen an
idca_coming to know the obled~then打 mallogic must c。 nslst not ollly of a form河 theoγ ofJudgemcnt,but"mustindude dso a brmal theory of tllc o刂 e∝ ,wllIch Hussed GaⅡ s“ Ftlmal° ntol° gy”
According to the phen° menologica1 reduction, thc grounds for any noton rllerctllc noJons ofthe sciencc oflo妒 cl mu斑 be loodtcd in onc’
TranscendentaI Phenomen°
maIhemau。 al。 bJects a「 e grasped by anothcr γpc of Cxpcocnc⒐ and so ’ on HtlsseH c创 ls“ a region of b⒍ nζ tllese° 妫ec岱 that arc⒏ aspCd bV a kind of cxpcricnce
Thcrc is a scicnce that studies the esselttiaI
characteri“ ics of a region° fbeIng Thc justi⒒ cation of tllls science is brougk about by what Hussed calls ⅡregionaI ontoI。 gy” For
cxamplc,a rcglonal oilto1o罗 deterilllnes What is the oblect that a soel,ce studles,llow ths° bl∝ vCn in the expeience,wht・ ll expcicIaccs oftllc o匀 cct onc can or cannot have In otller words,tlle alm° f a regionH° ntoIogy is to manifcst thc cssence of tllc oblcds giv° n tO ce"atn eXpeoenoes This essence,obviously, wⅡ 1 mark thc Iimits and possibilitics of thc scicncc regulated under a regionaI ontology In orderto malufe针 Ille邙 sence of an obJect,we盹 w that Hu$cd exerc】 sesthc e】 dc"c reduct1on This reduct1on must man1fest that the
'O,Pr@/t,黑 of Hussed’ s ana1ysis of one ofthe most intercsting achievemellts formal onto1ogy The n。 tion° f brmal onto1ogy is not only connected XX△ th pure I° gio but also with the intuition of cssences and thc idca of constltution Here,I、 vⅡ I givc a verv generalidca that can suggest the scope ofHusscd’ s inte血 ions
substitution ofany sciencc A rcgional ontologyjust wants to indicate thc nccessary requirements,/9JP‘ 9/,,`r’r丿 cessα¤ ‘ rl’ z◇ ″ ″r9rs oF thc `lt’ sciencc that%"s undc「 a ccnain regiona1ont。 logy
pure lo臼 c is"s extension t°
obled has a cenain esselltial stm⒍ ure,withotlt which thc oblcd w【 ,tlld not bc f/ltJ`oblcct Noticc that the re昏 onal° ntolo旮 es are not a
6.Theory of Ego: Egology
TranscendentaI PhenomenoI° gy
This does n° t happen onth the eg° s gaze accompanying any
mental act
⒍ /,cP〃 e`£ £ 99 `「 Hussed’ s doctHne
Because the pure ego is not an oble⒍ or phenOI△ enon,HlIsscd calls"tlle iσ educlble″ s氵 r/IJIr,J of tlle g刀 o切 It is always prcsent in
of the pure ego is of high conlplexity and
ichness °f phenomen° Iogical dcschpti° n and accuracy 、 访th a veγ precisc tcchniCal languagc that is nccessa叩
The dimcu"ics in
keep to avoid G° n【 tlsion
a fIrst reading arc evident,
s° metimcs
unaVoidabIe Husscd dis⒒ nglllshcs two s° “s of cgos or subJccts of expenencc,
—ˉ Ⅲ—卅 叫眦 "〓Hη
the psychologica1 ego and thc pure ego Thc psychoIogicaI ego is a reahty of the worId, and the purc cgo is a result of transccndcnta1 redudion,the″ sJdjffr,,aiIer exero蕊 ng曲 e¢P购功 【 ,n tlle sphere of
loonsc1ousness This distInctIOn has the conscquence of st「 morc the separation bet、 the puΓ e
veen phenomenology, which is 。onccrncd with
H° wcvc∴ 1his separa∮ on is not absolutc in both direc1ions,凡 r psycho1ogy depends on phcnomeno1ogy
mⅢ {ˉ
Ⅷ 眍{ — ˉ 硎≡≡酬泖Ⅲ
cgo,and psychology
“ 甯
s忠 e吉 弦:答 罂 猛邋
I】 老 甜 r岁 苕 甓 驴 notller an li,tcIltlond a⒍ nor an o切 ed bllt订 r四 e创 s⒒ self Ⅱ an鸭 ⒍
pole that accompa,ucs alI my presentati° ns, and penctrates them with “s gaze with° ut alteong the situation T、 ˇ o points dcsepˇ e some olaiflcation∶
d山 {—
— i”畔腓— ∷洲 — — ˉ
(Dz” e`″ ″ cgr’ Js″ 例 cP,o勿 cc冫 ,and as a conscquenCe is not propeⅡ y a phen。 menon 、 Vhen I excrcisc a phenomcnological renccti。 n 。n thc main sntlchlre of my c° nsciousncss “ eg@ cr,p/r, cog//c/IIJ,,,” the eg° which is the obJcct of my attention恣 not ideIltical to the ego thatis executing thc phen° mcnological re£ ection The ego escapes a complcte thematization, it d° es not allow itse1f to become a oompletc obleα It hIdcs in the back° f cvcγ reneGtl。 n as the a“ ollIte
subJccjve polc The ego is not sticJy a phcnomen。 n but it is thc a
— iˉ
¨ ∵ —ⅢⅢ "1—
pooi condlion for any pllen° meI,on,ally obleCt (2)ThC Cxpressjon“ withotlt alteing thc sltuation’ ’means that the expcncn。 e or intcnti° nal act mai血 ains thc intenti° n to its coσ espondl鸭 。bJeCt wllI1c the ego a∝ ompailIes1he expcoen。 e One has to 。ontrast this 、 v"h thc prob1em °f sc11ˉ obsep`ation p。 sed by Brentan° In the scl孓 obse~ation of my mental act of anger, for cxample, the act °f anger fadcs in favo「 of the ne、 v aot of seI【
岁 锣 银盅胛
t措 〖 ξ 糕
蓍 ‰鞯叼‰荃 r弼 柙茬 :∶
alrcady another cxpeoenoe diIFcrcnt iom thc OriginaI expeicnce 7θ
ml mental acjˇ 圩,cvCn du"ng tlle per。 I manoe oftlle叨 vc恸 In this s sense,the pure ego is a transcendeiltal(in tlle scnsc that Kant caⅡ ns⒍ “ ⒒ ηransccndcllt扌 ” mpall论 s dI otIr∞ oLls ac⒒ e⒐ tlle plre )that ac∞ cgo is a transcendentaI ego
The ego is gr灬 ped in reⅡ ection(or im° r pcrccptionl as thc identity ofthc reaccting and thc「
cncctcd∶ in inner per。 eption I realize
“’ Γ who exeroses the rcnccti。 n Ncvcdhc1css,in。 °Iltrast w"h Kant,this identity of the ego vllat is rerlected on is thc same as thc th献 △
夕 of tllis identity Tbis idea ofthe temporahty ofthc purc cgo is thc starting point 岔om、 vluch Husscrl mal,ltalns that the cgo oonstitutes Ⅱself Hussed maliltaIn that the pure ego is the un“ y ofinlmanent time Ⅵ爪th which it constitutes isdf F/le`″ rt,c驷 沁 //Jt,庀 勿″/氵 夕 r,r″″″ ″ 饣″ We∞ n sγ that `r,P,,纟 {hC Cgo cC竹 alnly occu咚 ,dlthough⒒ does not o∞ ur hke a physIcal or is not merely logica1beoause of the`eP,,porrI″
:a掣 槲 秽淋镒 满 押准 扌
槲 梦 秽】 、 【 诨
i;带 Tl∶llJ:扌 :∶ the ego^not tllc Idcm"y ofan° bJect Ⅱke a tree under dlrelem sIdes laims Thc purc ego docs not appear at aⅡ as a phenomenoll Husscr1 。 tllal tlle pllre ego o absolute se1illood
1hc pLlrc cgol is glven,lathe` in absoIute selrllood and in its unadumbratable uluty and it is to be grasped adcquateIy in reacction upon itse1fas a f丿 nctional center in aIl
eimal dom茄 △
" r:〖 甘萤⒊宪 气:\p念 %;甘 T巽 珞 ∫菅;l品 梦蚤187hdden血 AIterthe q%o切 ,tlte pure ego is noⅡ real,but it is still a Ⅱving rE,/eh,治 〉subleciviy Thls mcans that Ⅱhas what Hussed calls ‘ ‘ habitualitics” HabituaⅡ ties are not the real dispositions that psyCholo斟 sts attibute to the real ego Habituahjes are habits or Ⅱmanners of behaˇ 1ng ofthc purc cgo To put it in a m° re techlIcal 、 vay,habkuaⅡ ties ofthe pure ego盯 e a neCessa,ly stnlctllre of immanent
jme by which 四cγ
menlal operatIOn (oplilion, prese血
judgemcllt,aiFccuon,etc),is in such a way tllat ts liltentlonal oblcct
can be recogluzed in △s penllaneno° Thc qucstlon here is not the recogniti° n。 f a noematic idcntity, to recognIze the same intenjonal
Transcenden1al Phcnolncnology
Transcendental Phcn。 menoIogy
oblc∝ , btlt the reoognition of myself as rcmalning in thc same htcnjon时 prr,c郇 s Ill othcr wor“ ,“ is tlle durab忆 m泠 df Che鸭 ol that I rediscover and reoognize Thcse habituaⅡ tics arc the permanencc
:驷 呷 f ∶ 早 甘 :F黠 思 :1沽 l柴 ‰找揽V混 占 岔om the me(bclng)to the minc (havlng) HtIssCd iF;l:∶
desc⒒ bcs the habitua⒒ tics as emerging丘 om thc sel:oon哽 itution °f the original tirnc
犭2r/,c/农 。crs〃 Mr,″ 〃〃 The1dea° fcgo as a monad is taken fr。 m Le1bn1z’ s1dca of monad 叫 η △ 〓〓 ~”
〓 测
as a dynamic ccntcr ofintegration Husserl acceptsthis Leibnizian idca ion of monad Husscrrs n。 】 into thc Center °f phcnomcn° logy cxprcsses a oomplctc intcgration of cvcry intentional prcscnoe into its gI/tr``o″ t,9 WhiCh sense,and cvery sense into the intentional acts,the c〔 〕 intcnd or give thc scnsc, and, 伍nally, cveγ intentional ac1, eveγ v Thus, Husscd cxpresses ho、 cr〕gj/tJ``r, is intcgatcd into the cgo ‘
eveW1hing as a phenomenon is the life oftbc cgo
To be‘
thc lifc of
Ⅲ ″
Ⅱ o,l~es pllenomenon is Fr,厂 力 氵 rl, and thr° ugh cvcγ cl,gf/rl″ o, I "Vc in the sense or in eveγ cr,gJ勿 ′
thc鲳 矿
means tllat ex cγ
丨 — — — ¨ "—丨 —ˉ〓 叫 —
meaning that the cogitatio gives, and in thc prcsence of cvcγ ’ “ phcnomenon givcn to me The for-me’ of any phcnomen° n is unfoIded fIOm thc ego In this picture,thc habituaⅡ ties ofthe
Ⅰ ifa
of the ego arc at stake
Thc hab⒒ s ofthe cgo plays a mcdia⒒ ng role betwccn thc wodd(aitCr
thc reducion)and my"x/lng cgo The hab"ualitics joins the wodd to
‘ 1he 氵 my ego in an orga血 c manncr From hcrc, Hussed claims that concretion of tlle cgo” (what can be callcd tlle oomplctc cgo`“ s wholc
)is mc,as an idelltical poIc,pIus my habi1uaI"ies,pIus my world "坨is no、 v It
obvious that this notion of monad marks the absolutc
reIevmoe ofinterio“ ty over exteiority(HusserI sldes with Augu“
inteooism),and"malks,1oo,the prioritv of the transccndcntal over thc tran∞ endem(HussCd⒍ des wⅡ h Kant’ s订 ansCendellta〔 phⅡ osophy)
7.soIips沁 m and Intersubject~i钾 7` 7协 c'dc口 c,FP勿 ¢″o,,z召 ″o/r9g冶 〃 `/r/c,rI//sJ,l
Let us look at the idea ofthc ego as the idcntioal poIe In the Cαr惚 sjtI,`VC忆 ″/cl`fr,JJs σ 。u⒒ h Medlajolll Hus⒃ d takes on tllc ta酞 of reduoing aⅡ prcGcding intelltional analysis up into thc ego,that is to say,to insc“ the acts ofthc cgo back into thc cgo Husser1notices that
the ego is n。 t an obJcct, it is not a “
g〔〕rs sr,,,Ie//J″ "d phenomenon, ¢氵 but ag phenomenon is alWγ s something for me,whi1e汤
Fo,Jr昭 /r The ego does not appearto mc as a phenomenon appear⒐ thc ego is、 vhat it is for itseIf From hcrc,Hussed makcs an imponant o∠
TransoendcntaI Phen° men。 l° gy
Transccndental PhcnomenoIogy |
σ 阢 bJect咖 龇 社 恝u:J:扌卩 1R∶ 甘 I;瀹 γ 牒扌 posltion open to intcrsuble∝
i访 ″
as a resuIt of what Husser1calls
Let us see the mealung ofphenomcn° Iogical ideaⅡ sm for Husser1 AccOrding1° ur phⅡ osopher, the phen° mcnological idcaⅡ sm is not a
° 挠抚桡料邑 IFh艺澍 嚣 l箔 号 l嗖 器 滞早 P% 罗t茫器n蕊 厶 ∷:钅 ∫ £ 另r脱 扦::采i铱嬲盯暑 F崴 恝 抉 :岁 恕器忐泥 窝堍茹 引 紧=黥 t1沼 摁紫 :f姹 揽 d涩 熙。 凇 1℃∶ ∫ l潲 孔 ∶ ℃ i拶 、 s,k:品髁骂η 〕 ∵:楹 n蕊 al噙 叩 紧氵 ll:i£ ∶ 黯骢 琵 rlk瀹 踉 拧: 器 :黯 e菇 l滞 埭 流F。 。 :氍 犭 :n罗 ζ ur谳 棣 l: 僻 1i勰 \秽 留廴:t:f熙 ∶ 诂 、廿 尾 s占 eF1七 骢 i贽 t湍 噙 s泔 早 ;f萎 1窝 ;,l捃 af腊 e:J品 ° 曷 芗 :强 强l宀 石总 混点 i摁 ↓ ::瑟 暇摁噤 wh缸 髁 :瑟 呢湖 ∮ ll;l;l℃ 尸 °氵 ;i%:∶ 晷 :1I e黜 黠劈 &e;笔 v嚣 %i::∶ 丨 ;i甜 1盅f芮 e罚罗 T猛 e忠 骢 窑 ∶ 擢揣 J窘 拶咒 T絮 i思 留揽糕:砻 崆品 挠 捃喘甓 。 谝 menological缸 甘 子 ;珉 &苗 t∶
:I;l昼 i、
Iξ i顶
sthC∶ }∶
t∶ )尾 :丨
1艹 ;:Ct佬
:∶l;莒 :【
etaphysical thesis,it is the phen。
Z2助 召
乃勿泖 c,/助
`阳 So⒒ psism onIy me |
cgo exists ;I】
no exiernal、 vorId and there are n° other egos,thcrc is onIy the ego in ⒒tude In general,s° Ⅱpsism is° ne ofthe possible efFe。 ts, if not a sidc-efFcct,of any idcaⅡ sm Phcnomcnology, as far as it is a| foi11∶ ofideaⅡ sm,is stlbleCt to soⅡ p“ its pure s°
`jp‘ is a tcm deivcd犴 om the Latin so切 s JpΨ ,meaning
soⅡ psism is a phⅡ
os° phica1 tenη 1hat mcans that oluy the In phen° menology, this idea dcHves分 om the isolation of
F挠献犴 蛩:j、 躲丨 扰氵 絷早 唧瀹 谎 窨琵 甜乇
immanence of consci。 usness,which impⅡ es a r旬 cction° f aⅡ that is transccndcnt to consciousness 户 dl pl△ Iosophies inspired in thc ∷ Canesian c° 卩/o hax e tlle problcm° f buⅡ dlng a bodge(aIl imposslble
The phcnomcnological soⅡ psism is a rcsuIt 。f thc phenomen° Iogica1reduction∶ evelvthing I can experience,eveγ 1hing I oan understand as tnle has to be an intentionaI conteIlt of my conscious Ⅱfe EvcDthing I can know has to bc somt,tlllng for mc la pllcnt,menon loΓ
mΘ It sCems th欲 cve叫 h吧
is ju斑
a pllrc alld
、 simple intentional pole of my Gonsciousness The natural vorld is reducedto a phenomenon Things exlsting in the、 vorId are丑 "eredaIc of thcir c妊 stcncc Otmcr cg。 s, as far as thcy arc things in thc wodd, aIso rcduccdto phcnomcna for mc It secms that thc phenomcn° logist hves only 、 vith his ego, a hfe of sohtude 、 ˇ ithout other egos, a
phenomcnological solipsism
Ncvcdhclcss,Husscd r向 Ctts tllls访 cw
because t`pos“ ble to just勹 d∞ Ciptiveˇ
a pheIl° menolog
other,and,thus,to afnm a ulllVerse of egos This o tllc sublect of intcrsubJcctlvity
⒎J「/Jc尼 Ⅱ 冖c″ ccc,/or勿 cr
`臼 】 here is another mode of GOnsciousness that is as For Husser1
bidgeo hm tlle“ aning poi“ °fc° nscIOusness tt,the eXiernal world Thc rcsuk oftl,ts is1hc isolation and solitudc oFthcˇ eγ cgo ThCrcjs
va⒒ d
asthc Onc he has bcen using so f盯 In addition to thc priooty of thc principlc of aⅡ prinoiplcs _intuition 。f what is immcdiatcly given-there is another principle】 hat is, in some、 vay, de“ ved hm tlle fomer empathy凹 汕 h‘nO or expet△ enGe of tlle otller H邮 sed be⒒ cvcs that therc is no`〃 danger of falling into soⅡ psism bccausc thc 夕″c'og〕 (thC OthCr ego)pre⑽ nts"sclfto me through the h访 ng body The c//e'¢ 胆 is presellted1o mc as another subJccJ访 ty and not as a
mcrc phcnomcnon,a mcrc intentional poIc of my consciousncss
p嚣 。 n砰 器 I;∶ ∶严 甓 蹋 :伊 趁 Ⅱ J∴l;;°摁 拧 哳 :y贺 拄 impossibⅡ ity of rcducing thc rr//〃 r c夕 to a merc phcnomcnon oΓ intentional poIe is because Hussed is using a double reduotion
cmp耐 ll,two demcllts〈 O tllC田 rl/Ⅱ t of consciousne“ and C◆ “ s co“ e" The acl of empathy is an aGt dlstinglll曲 es h tlle expelIcncc⒍
be1onging to the conscious life as any other mental a。 t,but the content → hc tIf/c厂 Cg冖 is not prescntcd as a mcrc phcnomcnon for mc 、 Vhat is prescntcd in thc act of empathy is anothcr consCiousness, or be1ter,another conscious ego Now, as、 ve sa、 v before,the ego is not
TranscendentaI Phcn° menoI° gy
Transcendcntal Phenomcool° gy
∥ 〓川 汁 胛≡ 畔w叫△ 汕 仙 拟
Φ)From her⒐ Husse,ld茹 ms
岚∷ 由 甘 揽;栋
/Pz/L″ ‘z/J/c・ c/”
。 旮 】
° °莎
黼茹 鞲螺鞲辙:鞫
lls° 0us 叼 ° kˉ
sphσ e undc凹 es the姒 渐 cn洳 。 旒
"! |
tll扯 h tlle expei】 cncc of the tlther
thσo。n砂 naγ sphσ spheree诵 witll Illlnc minc 9ody therc少 fn。 yCHaPping of the other 1∶ J注 :号 :赀 n in this 。verIapping bccause bccauseo】of ‘ L^ J'冖 ^ si° llle d丹 rs?t。 nqγ mes of botll colls0ous o品
J mF"芘
Transccndcntal Phcn° menoI° gy
Tfansccndental Phcn° mcnology
appcars,the reference1o thc αΙ Ie/Pgr,is present
山c。 夥
阝 p劈 ∶ ∶ 丨 丫 i羝 惑乩找 l揣 箔铞卩 }∶
瘛 ∶
}|∶ |丨
:l甯 甜 ::
茹谳辙濂鹦 拈⒈ 谣 劣觜
:∶ l{l丨
:l;::七 g;嗡
猡F锐 Ⅰ 〗 ∶ 拐 t找 髁 踹 C褴 摺肾挠1器 脱:皙:瞿黯裂 l;∶
7Jr//z/i,召 沁C‘,/Ⅱ 勋〃 〃d,
|∷ l|
摞哪楹吒 找矽 ‰ Ψ拈 ∷%忿 ,n&r摭‰甜喇
other monads,they arc incommunicabIc and is° Iatcd m° nads
器Ⅱ 繇i℃ 拶
8.The Li妃 ~Wodd
On thc
:J找 扌 雀滥孺:P∶ 黥携首 ::揣 猡
兴 硼 茹 骸、 扌 弯 扌J;;托 燕 扒
刂 Ⅲ洲
|I↓tl扌 :唁 f{含 FI苫 f wodd lLc3'″ 9l,P〃 ) This is the° nly supposItlon that Was not taken
thematicaⅡ y into。 °nsidcrati° n
Thc¢ 卩v彷 redu∞ d
tlle natur时
w° dd t° tllc w° dd
as a
璐撺遘 谳 斌§ 擀獬 蓼繁〖 撼
丿" |
‖ {
78 "
暇辘崽紧t甜1uI笋 镪h桎 七糌捃卩 79
e mc
Transccndenta1Phcn。 mcnoI° gy
TransccndcntaI Phcnomcnology
| |Ⅱ
‖ ‖ |
| 听 0丿 "i∫
〓屮 〓〓 "l!料 u讪
∵ d` "・
∫— ""ˉ
门∷ 吐— "1≡ i—
— — — "∫
— — 〓 ¨
VDNr997乙 s
— ——— —
Edmund Husscd,
¨ ˉ — — ¨ —
The cveγ day praxis deIermines the
肠 c ‘冫 s l,F 刀″
/。//’ /,t,,lr,J9ac,9o/r,x,l,trandate0by `ˇ
丨 i℃ ~worId, and b。 th arc the
80 8I
crz,z so〃 ″cc、
'印 D犭 1i:。
扌 Evanston, = trallslatcd by D
Transcendenta1Phen° meno{ogy
yΞ 拗诳 握扌 嗓 丫 逻 麟胛羼茹 籁 苜 underthe dircction of Professor H L Van Brcda somc ofthe maJ° r writings° f Husserl published in EngIish
Ιr,FJttz/r/″ “乍〃′ rr,7js,trans by J N Findlay, Lond°
Kegan Paul, 1970
,,ofr,g, trans by WP Alston and G
Nakll衬 kan,Tlle Hague,N刂 holF1964 Cor勿 srrz″ l0rc,r/J/rr//r,/,s,trans by D Calms,The Ha驷 c,N刂 h。 ⒒ 1973 rJt,琊 F,c,,/tI````J,g`o口 /’ ,J° rJ,c″ d日 黟 夕″〃 /r,口 Pk″ oi/rt,Pr,/ogr∞ ′
{∶ h∵ J〓
J,nI/r,s。/’ /Jl,trans
by F Kersten,The Haguc,N刂 ho王 1982(FlⅡ t
fyt,m Pt,//t//″
只y cI,,r//r,〃 P/,e`Jr9P,9e″ o`ouc口J 、 viCs and A sGhu~ver, The Hague,
r’ l`'eF,/,e,jr,r,,@`o`°
丨犭。;r∶ 〖∶::茁d;甘 。:甘;c° 枨 刀V PJ,c″ r,,,e″ oJog r,r/J,馆 ″,oJ7切 ¢ C″ ‘c,r,9Is,Ic找
tians bv J s
Church"1, Bl° °mingon, Indiana Univerζ ty Prcss, 1964
嚣 ⒊ f百 吕蒜 ∵ ℃ %筲 旯 摺鼾锶笛锥堵琵吖 :£
助 j夕 7/Jc@〃
(Cd), 1959,
The Hagllc,
N刂 h° 或
洳 ″勿′∫r,gzc,订 ans by D Cairns, The Hagtle,
′ ‘卟 α耐
c,,t/eJj/oJ P/l氵
`roPeof,&沱 trans by D Caσ ,Evanston,No“ hwc“ em Univcrsity Press、
z△ Pc'`eJ,cc rr,lt//zrrrgP/,J召 、″
trans by J s Chur。 Kegan Paul, I973
h⒒ l
/,jPC,s`巾 口/zr,J,si/j口
and K
CC,,P口 /r,gr,/I@pc,
Allaeriks, London, ROuJedge &
2.seIection of Works oⅡ IIusserP§ Bachdaid,s,'s/″ o,or正 乃r,sc'`‘ Fσ谳
砑〃 Γrα玲 cc″ r/t’ ″/。
o妒 c,
trans by L E Embree,Evanston,NonhWebtcm Univers⒒ y`ⅠPrcss, 1968
BcⅡ , David,J/I`“ e'厶 L° ndon,RouJedge,
※ 谶 ㈤
,嬲 嘿 褶嗯 “氙 七 鸨锰
点饣 r诗 Jζ 秽 ;贸
w″ 乃 ″Ⅱ sc,P/cI,Pr/” 冫戏
The Ha驷 龟
Psl c/’ JcIrP∴
m窝 ζi⒎ ;;∶∶;(9寻 ζ72呷 T"o, Johana Maia, £口gc 氵 ″ 助 c 〃″sˇ PFr″ z 锪 轺
{l;谤 :∶
俨髁 象 J9诜 qucsnc
拶 宀 糊 荡 塄龉 楣 箱
弧 丨 鹅:踯:,邯铷⒈ :==,.∶∶ 1了 r :。
N° nhwc呲 cm univcrs△ y
唧 羧拧γ 膨 呷 盹 镞 瘛
Nodhwes】 cm Ulllversity Press,1974 Sp忆 gelberg,Heibe“ ,饧 eP/je″ rlJ,,t・,Po幻曰 C河 n仂 ,t,PJt,JJr彳 〃 /r,″ ‘ 刀/ 乃j/,c,r/j/c/`t9J1vds,I aIld Ⅱ,Tlle Hague,N刂 ho残 1%o `、
(b″ /Pr/,