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/) for all ueX, )m = Suppose that D - is a hypercube, (p is D-periodic (assumes equal values on the opposite faces of D) and set a = A + S7(p. Then we readily get |,|A|), |I>|/(z 0 ), R 3 periodic with respect to Z 3 , i.e., such that for each x £ R 3 and each k 6 Z 3 we have tp(x + k) = R is a lower semicontinuous, continuously differentiable, convex functional, A G L( V, H) and R is a proper, lower semicontinuous convex functional. Moreover, V, H are real Hilbert spaces and K is a closed convex subset of V. )]cte = 0 VyeD(fi)}, V, 0) < JT00^, Q( ))\ o C Vf{(Q) satisfying the previous lemma with c = c(m, q, Q). Proof. For e e (0,1) and ( m 2 (|M| 2 Hi + \\w\ll) - m 3 ( | | m | | t 2 | M | H l 4- \\q\\L,\\w\\Hi), where 7712 and m3 are positive constants. For a fixed e > 0 (e G (0,1)) the functional Je — Lc is strictly convex. Thus (£>£, w£), which solves (5.4.1), exists and is unique. The minimization problem (5.4.1) may be written in the following way V{ ■ / [ma(x)ipa(x) + q(x)w]dx , weakly in /^(fi), since according to our assumptions the integrand rha (x, - ) x <pa(x) + q (x, -) w(x) is ey-periodic. It is thus sufficient to study the T-convergence of the se quence {J€}e>o- Now the proofs falls naturally into two parts. I. For any w e H2(fl) we have to demonstrate the existence of a sequence {<jf, wc}c>0 C 0 C H1^)2 x H1^) (5.4.25) is satisfied. Moreover we have * €G* £tf'(Y) ,( ti;e''(a:) = ti;(z) + E 2 £ v & W - ) , Jh{w) = [wh(K(w{x)))dx e^O J n = sup{ [M : K{w{x))dx - fwh{M{x))dx\M e L 2 (fi, EJ)} . ^T,{ (^K{X)MK jr^^(i)M(i) n ),7(v,«0); (V,«0 € # 0 W x ^ ( f i ) , A, : Z / o W - L2(fi, E 2 ), A2 : ^ ( f i ) 2 x tf'(ft) - L2(Cl)2 , (5.5.1) S(fl)=L 2 (fi,E5)xL 2 (n) 2 . Proceeding similarly to Section 2.10 we obtain A\M = -div M , Q, inn,(V), / o n -div Q , in Q , (w) , where (M, Q) € S(fi). Moreover, simple calculation yields A m ( I M | 2 , + |M| 2 w l - ||9l| i 2 |MI H l - l | m | | t a | | V | | L j ) ,
7*) = int{-±-jf(x, ) form f(u - w) ben L^z-vV) L2(tP-ifi^) 0 , and ip = I/J'0', cf. (9.2.4) and (9.3.46). The stored energy function of the virgin material: W( 7 ,p,d) : = (Aa0x"Ja0lXll + 2Ea>*la0PXll + Gaps»Pa0PXli + HaPdQd0)/2 , 2 = v, v' 0) = <°>),e(V<°>), f(^°\w^)}dx (0), if(0)) G V^/fi) exists and is unique. ,w) = G\{r, ) +*{ ,w) - f(w), )da{w,ij>)}dx , (10.3.3) n and / is given by (10.1.9a). We observe that the functional $ - / , being continuous in the strong topology of L2(il)2 is a perturbation functional. Consequently we have to solve the problem of the T-convergence of the sequence of functionals {Jc{r, Q. Thus in the present case this convergence will concern only the integral over fi£. We set j(e,P,k) o is T-convergent in the strong topology of L2(fi)2 to ' [jo[e(r),p( o C Ke such that ip£ —> ip in £—»0 £ K eAC 0 V (0\wW) , ,A3T/>,A4K),A5(w,v)) = {e(r),p( € H\(tf), w G Hl(Sl) \ '0 ifdiviV = 0, -divM + Q = 0 in fi div(Q + T) + p = 0 in SI, = < divL + T = 0 in W , Ln < 0 on FE; (10.4.7) +oo otherwise. lim supJ?(r*,^,^ ,w<; Pi) . o C Hl(Q.)2 x Hl(Q,e)2 x Hl(Q) is a sequence strongly convergent to (v,0,w) in L2(Q)2 x L2(Q)2 x L2{Q). Then we have a = lim f etc. oxa Since if - j is EV-periodic therefore s u p | | U ( - ) ||„ - l / 2 0 strongly convergent in W1-1^). Then we have lim fip(x)ma0
-r( J\ dx if V € LD{Q) , w e W^(Q) ; +00 ) G BD(Q) x BVffl o be a sequence of the elements of S€ converging to M. By virtue of Lemma 14.1.4 we then have M{x) G CK for a.e. i 6 f l . Therefore ip(x) = (Mn(x)) ■ n(x) G (Chn(x)) • n(x) for every x in Tu moreover {{Mcn) ■ n) ] r i -+ {{Mn) ■ n)kj )= ) + //*/?M(u,iu, ¥>)&(«, u,V>)]>/S# • The symmetry conditions a0Xli
and ||/|| = IWI •
□ Three important inequalities Theorem 1.1.13. (PoincarS's inequality). Let ft be a bounded open set and 1 < p < oo. There exists a constant K = K(p, ft) such that
for every v e W™'p(ft). Particularly, for m = 1 one has H i * < KIIVulU, ,
for every v 6 If n = 1, ft = (0,1) and u € 7/^(0,1), then
IMIw < -IMU> G where v = —• ax Remark 1.1.14. Note that the constant 1/n is the best possible and it is attained whenever v(x) = sin7nr. Theorem 1.1.15. (Poincard-Wirtinger inequality). Let ft be a connected domain of class C1 and let 1 < p < oo. There exists a constant K > 0 such that
(u) = ^-Judx, n
(1.1.49) D
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Let us pass now to Korn's inequality. Let $7 be a domain in R3. Define 11= {v e H\Q)3\v = a + b x x ,x € fi} ,
where a,b e R3. The set K is afinite-dimensional(six-dimensional), closed linear subspace of Hl(fl)3 = [H^Q)}3. Let V be a closed subspace of Hl(fy3 such that H^(Q)3 C V C tf^fi)3. Let Kv = TZnV and let Qv be the orthogonal complement of Tlv in V, i.e., V = Hv © Qy. The inequality 3
r e^vfoivjdx
> K\\v\\iM
is called Korn's inequality. Here K > 0 is a constant independent of w G Qv and e,(*)-(,)=(g +g)/2.
The inequality 3
J2 / hj(v)eij(v)
+ twjdx > ^,||w||J in
forany Hl(Q)3 ,
defines the coerciveness of strains. Let us provide an example of Q v Let 90 = ToUTi with meas T0 > 0. Then Tly = {0} and V = Qv = {ve // 1 (n) 3 |v = 0 o n r 0 } .
Theorem 1.1.16. Let Q C R3 be a domain with a Lipschitz boundary. Then both the coerciveness of strains and Korn's inequality hold. □ Remark 1.1.17. For more details on Lebesgue spaces the reader is referred to any standard textbook on functional analysis like Alexiewicz (1969), Edwards (1965) or Yosida (1978) as well as to more specialized books (Adams, 1975; Kufner et al., 1977). Sobolev spaces are investigated in Adams (1975), Brezis (1983), Kufner et al. (1977), cf. also Dautray and Lions (1990), Lions and Magenes (1968), Ciarlet and Rabier (Appendix, 1980). Theorem 1.1.5 is a slight modification of Dacorogna's Theorem 1.5 (1989, Chap. 2), who also provided a detailed proof, cf. also Appendix to the paper by Duvaut (1979) in the case of periodic L2-functions. The properties of the space Hj^ are studied by Lions and Magenes (1968). The regularity of the boundary, including weaker assumptions and singular cases is studied by Adams (1975), cf. also NeCas (1976), Nazarov and Plamenevskii (1991) and Movchan and Movchan (1995). Definition 1.1.10 of the Hausdorff measure follows Giusti
Mathematical preliminaries
(1984), cf. also Part II of the book by Morel and Solomini (1995). Riesz' Representation Theorem 1.1.12 is proved in standard textbooks on functional analysis, already mentioned. For more details on Poincare' and Poincar6-Wirtinger inequalities the reader is referred to Brezis (1983) and Morrey (1966). Korn's inequality was proved by Duvaut and Lions (1976) and NeCas and HlavaCek (1981). 1.2.
Elements of convex analysis and duality, minimization theorems, multivalued mappings
The present section is intended as a brief introduction to convex analysis and select ed modern variational methods, including the theory of duality. For details the reader is referred to Castaing and Valadier (1977), Ekeland and Temam (1976), Hiriart-Urruty and Lemarechal (1996), Ioffe and Tihomirov (1979), Moreau (1974), Rockafellar (1970), Rockafellar and Wets (1998), cf. also Panagiotopoulos (1993), Smith (1985), Struwe (1990). Topological vector space and locally convex spaces are expounded in Yosida (1978, Chap. I), cf. also RoubiCek (1997). We recall that Banach spaces fall within this class of spaces. 1.2.1.
Convex sets and functions
Let V be a real topological vector space and / : V —» R = [-oo, +oo]. Particularly, V may be a finite-dimensional space. In this specific case the strong and weak topologies coincide. The effective domain of / is dam f = {v £ V\f{v) < oo} .
The epigraph of / is epif={(v,r)e
The set [wi.wj] = {v € V\v = Xvx + (1 - X)v2, A e [0,1]} , is said to be the interval joining the points vi and v2. A subset C of the space V is said to be convex if it contains the interval joining any two of its points. The empty set is assumed to be convex by definition. Let C C V. The intersection of all convex sets which contain C is a convex subset of the space V. This set is called the convex hull of the set C, and it is denoted by coC. The intersection of all closed convex sets which contain C is a closed convex set of V, which is called the convex closure of C and denoted by WC. Proposition 1.2.1. The closure of the convex hull of a set C coincides with its convex closure, coC = coC. □
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
If {vi,..., vk} is a finite set of points of V, then every point v € V which can be represented in the form *: V = ^A,V{ ,
where Xt > 0, i = l,...,k,
£^Aj = 1, is called a convex combination of the points
Proposition 1.2.2. (Caratheodory's theorem). Let C c R n . Then every point of the set coC is a convex combination of no more than n + 1 distinct points of the set C. □ A result from the theory ofHilbert spaces Let V be a Hilbert space with the scalar product (•, •), for instance the space L2(J7) or 2 L (Q)n. For an arbitrary set C C V we denote C 1 = {v|u±v V u e C } , where ul.v means that (it, v) = 0. It is known that C1 is a closed subspace of V. To derive the homogenized complementary potential we shall frequently exploit the fol lowing result. Proposition 1.2.3. Let Vi, V2 C V be closed subspaces of the Hilbert space V, then (V 1 -rV 2 ) 1 = ViJ-nv2J-. Proof. Since Va C V, + V2{a = 1,2) therefore (Vi + V2)1 C V£. Hence we conclude that
(v, + v 2 ) x c v,x n yf . To obtain the inverse inclusion we take u e V^ n V2X. Then u e ^ ( Q = 1,2), which means that uLVa. Hence u±.Vi + V2 and consequently Vi1 n V^ C (Vi + V2) 1 . □ We recall that Vi © V2 denotes the orthogonal sum of subspaces Vi, V2. The function / i s convex if for every u,v € V, A e [0,1], f[Xu+{\-X)v\ < A/(u)+(lX)f(v) (with the convention (+oo)-i-(-oo) = +00). Convex functions assuming value (-00) are very special. Let / : C —» R, C C V. With / we can associate the function / defined by 7(V) = \{{V) *VtCr> Jv ' [ +00 if v g C .
We observe that the function / is defined on the whole space V. This function is convex if and only if the set C is convex and the function / is convex on C. The convexity of / on C means that for each u, v € C the following inequality is satisfied: /[Au + ( l - A ) « ] < A / ( u ) + ( l - A ) / ( t ; )
Mathematical preliminaries Let C be a subset of V. The indicator function Ic is denned by: i i \ Ic{v)
J° \+oo
if veC, if v*C.
(12 5)
The set C is convex if and only if the function Ic is convex. In this way the study of convex sets can be reduced to the investigation of convex functions. The inequality which follows is often used in proving homogenization theorems, see Dal Maso(1993). Theorem 1.2.4. (Jensen's inequality). Let ft c R" be a bounded open set, u e L}(Q) and / : R —► R be convex, then
mh[x)dx) - w\Jf{u{x))d-
' 'ii
Pedregal (1997) provides a general approach to Jensen's inequality in terms of paramet rized measures, see also Sec. 21.6. The next proposition will prove to be useful in the study of minimum compliance prob lems. Proposition 1.2^5. If {/i}*ez is a family of convex functions defined on a vector space V with values in R, then the function / = sup ft iei
is also convex.
Let V be a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space, for instance a Banach space or a finite-dimensional space. By V we denote the space of continuous linear functionals on V. This space is called the topological dual of V. The value of v* G V* on v G V will be denoted by v'(v) or {v", v). The triple (V, V, (•, •)) is an example of the so-called dual pair. Thus for each v € V, v ^ 0, there exists v' £ V such that (v",v) ^ 0 and for each v" e l ^ , « ' / 0, there exists v e V such that (v', v) ^ 0. By o(V, V) we denote the weak topology on V generated by the duality between V and V. For instance, if V = L^fi), then V = L«(fi) where 1/p + l/q = 1. Then the dual of Ll(il) is L°°(n) and vice versa. In contrast, the normed dual of L°°(fi) is larger than L\n), cf. Rockafellar (1976), Yosida (1978). Lower semicontinuity A function / : V —> R is lower semicontinuous on V (l.s.c.) if WveV
f{v) < lim mff(v) .
For instance, the indicator function Ic of a set C C V is l.s.c. if and only if C is closed.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
A convex l.s.c. function is said to be proper if it is not the constant +00 and if it does not assume the value —00. The set of all such functions defined on V is denoted by r 0 (V). Continuity of convex functions The following theorem is very useful in proving homogenization theorems. Theorem 1.2.6. Every l.s.c. convex function defined on a Banach space is continuous in interior points of its effective domain. □ In fact, this theorem holds in barrel spaces. Polar functions Let V be a topological vector space and / : V —» R. The function /* : V" -+ R denned by f(v')=sup{(v',v)-f{v)\veV} is called the conjugate, or polar, or dual function of / . The function /** : V —* R defined by f"(v)
- f"{v')\v'
is called the biconjugate or bipolar of / . The function C / : V -» R defined by Cf = sup{g < f\g convex} is called the (lower) convex envelope of / . Theorem 1.2.7. Let / : V -* R U {+00}, then (i) /* is convex and lower semicontinuous. (ii) If / is convex and lower semicontinuous, then /* ^ +00. (iii) In general
and if / is convex and lower semicontinuous, then
r = cf = f. In particular if / takes only finite values then /** = Cf. (iv) In general
r•=r• (v) / < g implies /* > g'.
Mathematical preliminaries
18 Example 1.2.8. The function
IZ(v')=sup{{v',v)\veC} is known as the support function of C. In the case of three-dimensional associated plasticity where V = V* = E^ and E^ stands for the space of symmetric 3 x 3 matrices, the support function has clear physical meaning: it is the density of plastic dissipation provided that C stands for the elasticity convex, see Sees. 13 and 14. Infimal-convolution Let V be a vector space, / i and f2 two functions from V to R. The infimal-convolution (or inf-convolution) is the function denoted by f\Of2, from V to R, defined by (/id/aXi;) = inf{/,(v - u)+f2(u)\u
e V} .
Hence we conclude that (/iD/ 2 )(v) = ( / 2 0 / i ) ( « ) = i n f ^ i / i H / a M i / i , v2 €V,Vl+v2
= v}.
Examples 1.2.9. 1°. Let Ca C V, a = 1,2. By Ica we denote their indicator functions. We calculate: (IClOIC2)(v)
= i n f { / C l M + ICi(v2)\vi +v2 = v} _ J 0 if there exist va e Ca, a = 1,2 such that V\ + v2 = v , \ +oo otherwise.
Consequently we obtain Ic^ki
= Ac+Cj) •
2°. Let v e V and , . ( 0 if u = ti, {v}{ i ^-i-oo otherwise. We find (/ { „}0/)(u) = inf{/ {w} (v,) + f(u -
f(u - v) .
3°. Let C C V and / : V -> R. One has (/<:□/)(«) = i n f ^ i ; , ) + / ( „ - u,)l«i e K} = inf{/(« - «,)|«i e C} . For instance, if V is a normed space and f(v) = \\v\\, then (/ C a||.||)(t;) = i n f { | | w - U l | | : t ; 1 e C } .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Proposition 1.2.10. Let V be a vector space and / i , f2 : V —» R convex functions. Then / i d / 2 is also a convex function. D Theorem 1.2.11. Let V be a Hausdorff locally convex space and /i and f2 two functions on V. Then ( / i a / 2 ) * = / 1 , t / 2 *,
(with the convention that (-oo)+(+oo) = - c o ) . Remark that / „ takes the value (-oo) if and only if fa is the constant (+oo). □ We shall say that the inf-convolution fiOf2 is exact at v, if (f\Of2)(v) G R implies that there exist v\ and v2 such that Vi + v2 = v and f\(vi) + f2(v2) = (f\^f2)(v). Theorem 1.2.12. Let V be a Hausdorff locally convex space and fx, f2 G r0(V). Suppose there exists v^ G V such that /* and f2 are finite at VQ, and that /* is continuous at VQ. Then f\ of2 is exact and l.s.c. □ Theorem 1.2.13. Let fi, f2 € r 0 ( V ) . Suppose there exists vo 6 V such that /i and f2 are finite at vQ, and one of them (say / i ) is continuous at v0. Then one has (/i + /2)* = / , * n / 2 , and the inf-convolution /i*0/ 2 is exact.
(1.2.10) D
Subdifferentiation Let V be a topological vector space, / : V —* R, and v0 e V such that /(t; 0 ) € R. Then v' G V* is said to be a subgradient of / at v0 if for every v G V, / ( v ) - /(vo) > (u*, u — v). The set of all subgradients of / at VQ is called the subdifferential and denoted by df(vo). We observe that if / : V —» (-oo, +00] is not the constant +00, one can define a subgradient v* at v0 by the formula Vi>,
/(v) >/("o) + ( " * . " - v o ) •
Then /(u 0 ) = +00 => 3/(u 0 ) = 0. Proposition 1.2.14. Let V be a Hausdorff locally convex space, / : V —► R, v0 G V such that f(v0) G R and t;* G V*. Then the following properties are equivalent: (i) v' G df(v0), (.ii)r(v') + f(v0) = (v',v0), mf'(v') + f{vQ)<(v',v0). Consequently df(v0) is closed and convex. □ Theorem 1.2.15. Let V be a Hausdorff locally convex space, /1 and / 2 two convex l.s.c. proper functions, and vt G V such that /] and / 2 are finite at i»i and /1 is continuous at v\.
Mathematical preliminaries
Then for every v e V, d{fi + h)(v)=dMv)
+ df2(v) .
(1.2.11) □
We recall that for } \ , f2 being only proper convex functions we have d(h + f2)(v) D dMv) + df2(v2). Obviously at least for convex functions subdifferentiability is a generalization of differ entiability. To this end we recall the definition of the Gateaux derivative. Let / : V -> R. The limit A-0+
if it exists, is called the derivative of / in the direction v and is denoted by f'(u; v). If there exists u' € V* such that VveV,
f'{u;v) = (u*,v),
then / is said to be Gdteaux differentiable at u and u* is called the Gdteaux derivative of / at u. Then we write u* = f'(u) or u' = Gf{u). In contrast to the subdifferential, which may consist of more than one elements, the Gateaux derivative is unique. Deeper interrelationship is provided by the following proposition. Proposition 1.2.16. Let / : V —> R be a convex function. If / is Gateaux differentiable at u e V, then it is subdifferentiable at u and df(u) = {f'{u)}. Inversely, if at u G V the function / is continuous, finite and possesses a unique subgradient, then / is Gateaux D differentiable at u and df(u) = {/'(")}• The subdifferential as a multivalued mapping. Let now V = R n and let / : R n —> R be a convex function. Proposition 1.2.14 states that df(x) is a closed and convex set, thus df : x —> df(x) is a multifunction. Proposition 1.2.17. The subdifferential mapping is monotone in the sense that, for all Xi and x2 in R n {x\-x\,x2-x{)
x'a€ df(xa) , a = 1,2 .
□ n
In (1.2.12), (x*,x) stands for the scalar product in R . In fact, we have more than monotonicity. Proposition 1.2.18. The subdifferential mapping is maximal monotone in the sense that (x*-T7,x-£) > 0
V77 6 d / ( £ ) ,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Particularly, if / is differentiable, then TJ = — . Remark 1.2.19. Propositions 1.2.17 and 1.2.18 can be extended to proper, lower semicontinuous functions defined on Hilbert spaces, cf. BrSzis (1973, Chap. II). 1.2.2.
Minimization theorems
Let (V, r) be a topological space and let / : V —> R be a function. Definition 1.2.20. We say that / is r-coercive if for every t 6 R there exists a r-compact (and r-closed) subset Ct of V such that {veV\f{v)
The next two propositions are due to Buttazzo (1989). Proposition 1.2.21. Assume that (i) / is r-lower semicontinuous, (ii) / is r-coercive. Then / admits a minimum point on V.
The last proposition is very general: the space V may be nonreflexive and the functional / nonconvex. We also observe that / may be a sum of two functional: / = / i + hSpecifically, f2 may be the indicator function of a set C C V. Then the minimization problem reads: find inf{/,(«) + Ic(v)\ veV}
= int{Mv)\v
€ C} .
In dual Banach spaces, in particular in reflexive spaces, the coerciveness with respect to the weak-* topology is phrased in the following proposition. Proposition 1.2.22. Let V = W be the dual of a Banach space W, and let r be its weak-* topology. Then a function / : V —» R is r-coercive if and only if lim f(v) = +oo. MI-~
Corollary 1.2.23. The condition (1.2.15) is equivalent to the following: there exists a function $ : R —» R such that lim $(s) = +oo
f(v) > $(||i>||).
We observe that the last two propositions apply to the following dual pairs: (L 1 (0), L°°(Q,), (•r)z,'(n)xi,°°(n)) {L°°(i}),Ll(Q,), (•,-)z,°°(n)xL'(ft))' (M 1 (fi),Co(n), (-.^M'tnjxCofn))' w n e r e M'(fi) stands for the space of bounded measures on Q, see Sec. 13.1.
Mathematical preliminaries
The proposition which follows is due to Cea (1971) and is, in fact, a corollary from Propositions 1.2.21 and 1.2.22. Proposition 1.2.24. Let V be a reflexive Banach space and / : V - » R a weakly lower semicontinuous functional. If C C V is a bounded and weakly closed set then there exists at least one minimizer of / in the set C. D The following proposition, due to Ekeland (1974, 1979, 1990), is useful in proving the existence of minimizing sequences, cf. also Ekeland and Temam (1976 Chap. I), Benaouda and Telega (1997). Proposition 1.2.25. Let (V, d) be a complete metric space, and / : V —» R U {+00} a lower semicontinuous function, ^ 00, bounded from below. Let 77 > 0 be given, and a point ueV such that /(u) < i n f / + »j. Then there exists some point v e V such that f(v)
+ T,,
(1.2.16) .
(1.2.17) (1.2.18)
□ Stronger version is formulated in the following form. Proposition 1.2.26. Let (V, d) be a complete metric space, and / : V —> R U {+00} a l.s.c. function, ^ +00, bounded from below. For any 77 > 0, there is some point v 6 V with f(v)<mif VuieV,
+ V,
(1.2.20) D
This relies on the fact that there always exists a point u with f(u) < inf / + 77. The inequality (1.2.19) then proceeds from (1.2.16) whilst (1.2.20) from (1.2.18). The following theorem is also due to Ekeland (1974,1979). Theorem 1.2.27. Let / be a Gateaux differentiable function on a Banach space V, bounded from below and satisfying the following condition: (A) whenever f'{un) —» 0 in V and {/(un)} is bounded, then either f'(un) = 0 for some n or the sequence {un} has a cluster point in V. Then the function / attains its minimum: 3 u e V : / ( u ) = inf{/(u)|ue V}
and f'{u) = 0 .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
We recall that in the last theorem / ' stands for the Gateaux derivative of / . For a large class of linear problems the following existence and uniqueness theorem is most appropriate, see Ciarlet (1988), Yosida (1978). Theorem 1.2.28 (Lax-Milgram lemma). Let V be a Banach space with norm || • ||, let L : V —> R be a continuous linear form and l e t a : V x V — » R b e a symmetric and continuous bilinear form that is V-elliptic (coercive) in the sense that there exists a constant K > 0 such that a(v,v) > K\\v\\2
for all
Then the problem: find
u £V such that a(u, v) = L(v) for all
v e V ,
has one and only one solution, which is also the unique solution of the equivalent mini mization problem: find
u e V such that J(u) = m({J{v)\v 6 V} ,
where J(v) =-a{v,v)
- L(v) .
A large class of unilateral contact problems without friction can be formulated in the form of the following variational inequality, cf. Telega (1987, 1988) ueC:
for all
where a(u, v) is a bilinear form on a Hilbert space V, more precisely, a : V x V —> R is continuous and linear in each of the variables u, v. The proof the theorem which follows is given in Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980). Theorem 1.2.29. Let a(u, v) be a coercive bilinear form on V, C C V closed and convex and f £ V. Then there exists a unique solutions to the problem (1.2.21). In addition, the mapping / —> u is Lipschitz, that is, if Ui,u2 are solutions to the problem (1.2.21) corresponding to / i , f2 e V, then ||«i-U2||v<(l/ff)||/i-/2||v..
□ We observe that the last theorem reduces to the Lax-Milgram lemma provided that C = V. The mapping / —> u is linear if C is a subspace of V. If the bilinear form a(u, v) is
Mathematical preliminaries
symmetric, i.e. a(u,v) = a(v,u) for all u, v £ V, then the problem (1.2.21) is equivalent to the convex minimization problem \a{u,u) where f(v) =
- f(u) = inf{^o(t;,i;) - f(v)\v g C} ,
Brezzi 's theorem Let now V and S be real Hilbert spaces, and let a(-, •) and b(-, •) be continuous bilinear forms on S x S and S x V respectively. The search of the saddle point on V x S of the functional C(V,T)
= ^a{T,T) + b(r,v) - (f,v) - (g,r) ,
is equivalent to the following problem, see Brezzi (1974) Find (u, a) e V x S
such that
a(a, T) + b(r, u) = {g, r) 6(CT, V)
= {/, v)
for all
r € 5 ,
for all
Here / and g are given functions in V* and 5* respectively. Let So = {T G S| 6(T, V) = 0 for all v 6 V}. One version of Brezzi's theorem was formulated by Arnold and Falk (1987). Theorem 1.230. Suppose there is a constant 7 > 0 such that O(T,T)>7||T|||
for all
and lnf
Then for all (f,g) Moreover,
€ V
P 11 11 11 11
^ 7 •
x S', there is a unique solution (u,a)
\\u\\v + \W\\s
£ V x S of (1.2.24).
+ \\g\\s.),
where K depends only on 7 and bounds for the bilinear forms a(-, •) and />(•, •).
Carathiodory function and the last general existence theorem Let f2 C R n be an open set and let / : Q x R m x ¥\N -► R U {+00}. Then / is said to be a Carathiodory function if (i) f(x, ■, •) is continuous for almost every i £ ( l , (ii) / ( • , u, £) is measurable in x for every (u, £) G R m x R N .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Theorem 1.231. Let Q be a bounded open set of R n with Lipschitz boundary. Let / : 0, x R m x R n m —► R U {+00} be a Carathiodory function satisfying the coercivity condition
+ p\i\",
for almost every x G fi, for every (u,£) £ R m x R n m and for some a e L1^), and p > 1. Assume that f(x, u, •) is convex. Let J(u)=
0 >0
f(x,u(x),S7u(x))dx. n
Assume that there exists u £ tto + W/01,p(fl)m such that J(u) < +00, then inf{J(«)| u e «o +
attains its minimum.
The proof of the last theorem can be found in Dacorogna (1989). For mixed boundary conditions where tto is prescribed on To C dU with meas To > 0 the minimization problem means evaluating inf{J(u)\u e Wl-"{Q.)m ,u = uQ
T0} .
Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.2.31 the minimization problem (1.2.26) is solvable provided that u 0 £ W 1_ 5-P(r 0 ). 1.2.3. Normal integrands, integral functionals and Rockafellar's theorem Let us first recall the notion of a Borel subset in R". Borel subsets are sets obtained from open and closed sets by performing the operation of talcing countable unions, countable intersections, completion and any countable combination of these operations. A function / with values in R is called the Borel function if / _ 1 (F) is a Borel subset for any closed set F. For instance, continuous functions are Borel. In the calculus of variations of great importance are normal integrands. Definition 1.232. Let B be a Borel subset in R m . A function / : Q. x B -> R is said to be a normal integrand if (i) for almost every 1 e fi C R " the function f(x, •) is lower semicontinuous on B, (ii) there is a Borel function / : Q. x B —» R such that f(x, •) = f(x, •) for almost every x eil. It is convenient to call / a proper integrand if f(x, •) is proper for every x e Q, i.e., if f(x, £) > —00 for all £ and f(x, £) ^ +00. Furthermore, / is said to be a convex integrand if f(x, £) is convex in £ for each x £ fi, i.e., if epi f(x, ■) is convex-valued. We observe that any Carathe\)dory function is a normal integrand. For more details the reader is referred to Ekeland and Temam (1976, Chap. VIII). An alternative definition
Mathematical preliminaries
can be found in Rockafellar (1976, p. 173), see also Ioffe and Tihomirov (1979). The definition given by Rockafellar involves the measurabihty of the epigraph multifunction epi / : fi — R m + 1 defined by epi f(x, ■) = {(£, a) € J T x R | / ( x , {) < a} . Measurable multifunctions will be introduced in Section 1.2.6. Let p be a non-negative, a-finite measure on (O, A) where (O, A, p) is a measure space. For instance, we may have p. = dx; if O stands for the boundary of a Lipschitz domain S l c R " then p denotes a surface measure, cf. Sec. 1.1.2. For any normal integrand / on fi x R m and any measurable function u : fi —► R m , we have f(x, u(x)) measurable in x, and therefore the integral Jf(u)=
ff(x,u{x))dx n
has a well-defined value in R under the following convention: if neither the positive nor the negative part of the function x —> / ( x , u ( x ) ) is summable, we set J(u) = +co. In particular, then, J/{u) < +oo => f(x,u(x))
< +oo
Jj is called the integral functional associated with the integrand / . In practice, we are concerned with the restriction of Jj to a linear space X of measurable functions u : fi —» R m . Obviously, Jj is a convex functional on X, if / is a normal convex integrand. Among the linear spaces X of interest, besides the space of all measurable functions, are the various Lebesgue spaces, the space of constant functions, and in the case of topological or differentiable structure on f2, spaces of continuous or differentiable functions. According to Rockafellar (1976), in their role in the theory of integral functionals these spaces fall into two different categories, distinguished by the presence or absence of a certain property of decomposability. We shall say that X, a linear space of measurable functions u : O —► R m , is decom posable if O can be expressed as the union of a sequence of measurable subsets Ok(k = 1,2,....), such that for every O* and bounded measurable function Ui : O* —* R m , and every v.2 € X, the (measurable) function f Ui (x) u(x) = { { u 2 (x)
x € Ofc ,
x e 0/Ofc ,
belongs to X. Since p is a-finite, the sets O* can always be chosen with p(Ok) finite. The space of all measurable functions, the Lebesgue spaces and Orlicz spaces, are all decomposable. However, the space of constant functions and spaces of continuous or dif ferentiable functions furnish examples of nondecomposability.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
The importance of the concept of decomposability results from the following celebrated theorem due to Rockafellar (1976). Theorem 1.233. Let / be a normal integrand on O x R m , and let X be a linear space of measurable functions u : O —» R m . For the relation ™jxjf(x, u(x)Mdx) = y"[uinfm/(x, u)}fi(dx) o o
to hold, it is sufficient that X be decomposable and that the first infimum not be +oo. (These conditions are superfluous in the case where X is the space of all measurable func tions.) □ We observe that a similar theorem can be formulated for a maximization problem, since sup / / = - inf / ( — / ) • In such form Rockafellar's theorem will be used in the case where X is a Lebesgue space. An extension of this theorem to convex functionals defined on a space of measures will be given in Section 13.2. Calculation of conjugate functionals Let n be a bounded open set in R n , and / a non-negative normal integrand on Q x R m . We define a non-negative functional by J(u) = I f(x,u(x))dx ,
where u e LP(fi) m , 1 < p < oo. Proposition 1.2.34. Let J be a functional (1.2.30) defined on L"(fi) m , 1 < p < oo, and let UQ e L°°(Q)m be an element such that J(tto) < oo. Then for all it* G L»(fi) m we have J'(u')=
ff"(x,um{x))dx. ft
(1.2.30) □
We recall that - + - = 1, and if p = 1 then q — oo and vice versa. For the proof of p q the last proposition the reader is referred to the book by Ekeland and Temam (1976, Chap. IX). 1.2.4.
Quasiconvexity and A-quasiconvexity
In optimal design problem the stored energy function may be nonconvex, cf. Chap. VI. Then the notion of quasiconvexity introduced by Morrey in 1952 proves very useful, cf. Morrey (1966). Here we follow Dacorogna (1982, 1989), cf. also Murat (1987).
Mathematical preliminaries
Definition 1.235. A Borel measurable and locally integrable function / : R nm — ► R - is said to be quasiconvex if
Jf(A + VV{x))dx > \D\f(A),
for every bounded domain D c R n , for every A G R nm and for every
+ Vip)dx = A +
Wu* ®ndx
Here n = (r^) stands for the outward unit normal to D and / ip ® ndx = 0 . D
In the case of convex functions the inequality (1.2.31) is nothing but Jensen's inequality, seeTh. 1.2.4. We observe that the quasiconvexity condition (1.2.31) uses an infinite number of test functions
for every (z, u, A) G n x R m x R nm , where a is increasing with respect to |u| and \A\ and locally integrable in x. Then the function / is said to be quasiconvex if ff(x0,Uo,A
+ V
for every cube D c ft, for every (x0, «o, A) G f2 x R m x R"m and for every (p G Wo'°°(D)m. The importance of the notion of quasiconvexity for the calculus of variations can be summarized in the form of the following result due to Morrey (1966), cf. also Dacorogna (1982,1989).
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Theorem 1.2.36. Let / : R n m —» R be continuous. A necessary and sufficient condition for / to be lower semicontinuous with respect to weak-* convergence in W 1,00 (fl) m , i.e., lim inf ff(Vuk(x))dx
> /f{Vu{x))dx
D k
whenever u —>■ u weak-* in W
(fi) , is that / is quasiconvex.
SverSk (1992) formulated a necessary and sufficient condition for quasiconvexity. Let us consider practically important case where A e E 3 is the space of 3 x 3 matrices. By Z we denote the set of integers. Propositions 1.2.37. A continuous function / : E 3 —> R is quasiconvex if and only if /
f(A + VV(x))dx>f(A),
for each A € E 3 and each smooth function
v." ->• u in L°°(n) m weak-* , m " du" {au"), = J2 ^"iJkQT f u n d e d i n L2W / ( « " ) -^ / in L°°{n)
(i = 1, •••,«) ,
where a ^ 6 R are constants. Our aim now is to find for which / we have / > / ( « ) provided that the hypothesis (H) holds. We observe that weak-* convergence in L°° can be replaced by weak convergence in W{j) < oo). However, in that case, in order to ensure that f(u) is a distribution one has to impose a growth condition at infinity on / (e.g. |/(TJ)| < a + P\r)\p with 0 > 0) while in L°° the only requirement will be that / is continuous. Definition 1.2.38. A function / : R m —► R is said to be 4-quasiconvex if
ff(b + £(x))dx > Jf(b)dx = \D\f(b) , D
for every b e R m , for every hypercube D c R " and for every £ € L(D) where L(D) = {$€ L°°{D)m\ U{x))dx
= 0 and £ e Ker a} ,
Mathematical preliminaries
(by £ € Ker a we mean that y ^ a y t ^ " =0).
Remark 1.239. In the Russian edition of the book by Dacorogna (1982) the set L(D) is replaced by Li(D) = {£ e L(D)| £ is £>-periodic} . By D-periodicity of a function £ is meant here the periodicity of £ in R" with the period D. Theorem 1.2.40. (Necessary condition). Suppose that lim inf I'f[u"(x))dx > f f(u{x))dx , holds (i.e., / > f{u)) for every sequence A-quasiconvex.
{U"}^ 6 N
satisfying hypothesis (Tt). Then / is □
Theorem 1.2.41. (Sufficiency condition). Suppose that {u"}„erg,u satisfy hypothesis (Tt)and v? -ueKera.
If / is A-quasiconvex, then (1.2.38) holds for every bounded open set Cl c Rn. □ Remark 1.2.42. (i) A Borel measurable and locally integrable function / : R nm —» R is said to be quasiaffine if / and —/ are quasiconvex. (ii) Examples of quasiconvex functions, which are not convex, are provided by Dacorogna (1989), Gibianskii and Cherkaev (1984) and Lurie and Cherkaev (1997). These authors also give examples of quasiaffine functions. (iii) By Qf is denoted the quasiconvex envelope of /: Qf = sup{ < f\g quasiconvex}. We have Cf
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
To expound the Rockafellar theory of duality we follow Bkeland and Temam (1976), see also Laurent (1972). The primal problem means evaluating (P)
where V and V" constitute a pair of dual linear topological spaces with canonical bilinear form (•, •) : V x V — R. Let X and X* be another pair of dual Hausdorff linear topological vector spaces with the canonical bilinear form (•, -)x'%xWe introduce a function $ : V x X - t R such that *(u,0) = J ( u ) .
Consider the perturbed minimization problem (P p )
We observe that for p = 0 the problem P0 coincides with P. The dual problem means evaluating (/»)
suP{-$'(0,P')\P' e
Proposition 1.2.43. (i) - o o < sup P' < inf P < +oo. (ii) If the problem P is nontrivial, then supP* < i n f P < + o o . (iii) If the problem P* is nontrivial, then - o o < s u p P * < inf P . (iv) If the problems P and P* are nontrivial, then - o o < sup P' < inf P < +oo .
Recalling that sup{-$*(0,p*)|p* € X'} = - inf{*'(0,p*)|p" € X'} , we can formulate the dual problem P" of P': (P**)
inf{4>**(w,0)|we V} .
Here $** denotes the polar function of $* or the so-called r-regularization of $, i.e., $** e T(V x X). By r ( V x X) we denote the space of all convex lower semicontinuous functions
Mathematical preliminaries
defined on V x X. We recall that T0{V x X) is the subset of proper functions belonging
tor(v xx). Since we always have $*** = $*, therefore the dual problem P'" of P" coincides with P'. The problem P" coincides with P($"(u, 0) = $(u, 0) V u e V) provided that $** = $, i.e., if
Until the end of this section we assume that (1.2.41) is satisfied. For p e X w e define the marginal Junction by h{p) = inf Pp = inf{$(ti,p)|u e V} .
Lemma 1.2.44. Under the assumption (1.2.41) the function h : X —> Ft is convex.
We observe that in general h # r0{X) though $ e T0(V x X). Lemma 1.2.45.
(i) (ii)
h V ) = **(o,P').
supP* =sup{-/i*(p*)|p* G X*} =
Hence we conclude that the inequality sup P' < inf P is equivalent to /i**(0) < /i(0). Definition 1.2.46. (i) The problem P is called normal if /i isfiniteand lower semicontinuous at zero. (ii) The problem P is said to be stable if /i(0) isfiniteand h is subdifferentiable at zero. Proposition 1.2.47. Under the assumption (1.2.41) the following conditions are equivalent: (i) P and P' are normal and possess solutions. (ii) P and P" are stable. (iii) P is stable and has a solution. D The following result provides a stability criterion. Proposition 1.2.48. Let $ be a convex function, inf P < oo and assume that there exists uo 6 V such that p— ► $(uo,p) isfiniteand continuous at O g X Then the problem P is stable.
(1.2.43) D
Extremality relations Proposition 1.2.49. If P and P* possess solutions and if -oo < infP = supP* < oo,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
then all solutions u of P and all solutions p* of P* are interrelated by the extremality relation: $(u,0)+*(0,p*) = 0 ,
which is equivalent to
Inversely, if u £ V and p* G X* satisfy (1.2.45) then u is a solution to P and p* is a solution to P and (1.2.44) is fulfilled. □ Practically important specific case Let A : V —> X be a continuous linear operator, i.e., A £ L(V, X) and let A* be the conjugate of A, A* £ L(X', V) defined by, cf. Yosida (1978, Chap. VII) (Aw, x')XxX.
= (v, A'x*)VxV.
for all v £ D(A) and all x" G D(A'). similarly D(A') is the domain of A*. Let the functional J be given by
Here D(A) denotes the domain of the operator A;
J(u) = G{Au) + F{u).
The perturbed functional (u, p) may be assumed in the form *(u,p) = G(Au + p) + P ( u ) .
It can easily be shown that the dual problem P* means evaluating sup{-G*(p*) - P*(-A*p*)|p* e X'} .
We observe that: (i) if F and G are. convex then $ is also convex; (ii) if F € r 0 (V) and G G r0(A") then $ £ r 0 (V x X). The condition (1.2.43) can be written as follows: there exists an element «o G V s u c n m a t F(u0) < +oo , G(Au 0 ) < +oo and G is continuous at A«o •
9 s n
The extremality condition (1.2.45) yields F(u) + F'(-A'p')
= ("A* P',u)v.xV
G(Au) + G'(p') = (p*, Au)x.xX
, .
(1.2.52) (1.2.53)
These relations are obviously equivalent to -A"p* £dF{u), p* G dG{Au) .
(1.2.54) (1.2.55)
Remark 1.2.50. Ekeland and Temam (1976) assume the perturbed functional in the form $(u,p) = G ( A u - p ) + F ( u ) .
Mathematical preliminaries
1.2.6. Set-valued maps As we already know, the subdifferential is a multivalued (set-valued) mapping. In plas ticity, with a point x of a body is associated a so-called elasticity convex, being a closed and convex set of plastically admissible stresses (or moments in the case of plastic plates). Therefore in the present section we shall present basic notions related to set-valued map pings, cf. Rockaffellar (1976), Aubin and Cellina (1984), Aubin and Frankowska (1990). Let X and Z be two sets. A set-valued map F from X to Z is a map that associates with any x € X a subset F(x) of Z. The subsets F(x) are the images or the values of F. Here we content ourselves with the case where X = Q C R" and (fi, A) is a measurable space. Also, the values F(x) are in thefinite-dimensionalspace R m , which usually will be identified with the space of symmetric n x n matrices. We set dom F={xe gphF =
n\F(x) ^ 0} , {{x,z)\zeF(x)}.
We shall denote by F~l : R m —> Q the multifunction given by F-1{z) =
A multifunction F : Q —> R m is said to be a multivalued mapping with closed-values if F(x) is a closed subset of R m for every x e 0.. Such a multifunction is said to be measurable, relative to the cr-field A, if for each closed set C C R m the set F~X(C) is measurable, i.e., belongs to A. Here
F-'(C)= u F-1{z) = {xen\F(x)nC^
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
(i) for any neighborhoodN(f(x u )) of f(x0), there exists a neighborhood A/"(xo) of XQ such that /(Af(x„)) C AA(/(i 0 )); (ii) for any sequence of elements {X P } P € N converging to x0, the sequence f(xp) converges to f(x0). These two properties can be adapted to the case of set valued-maps from f2 to R m : they become: (a) for any neighborhood Af(F(x0)) of F(x0), there exists a neighborhood M{x0) of x0 such that F(Af(z 0 )) C Af{F(x<>)); (b) for any sequence of elements {i?}^ converging to xQ and for any 20 6 F(x0), there exists a sequence of elements zp £ F(xp) that converges to z0. In the case of multivalued mappings, these two properties are no longer equivalent. We call upper semicontinuous maps those that satisfy property (a), lower semicontinuous maps are those that satisfy property (b). Obviously, continuous multivalued mappings are the ones that satisfy both properties (a) and (b). The most famous continuous selection theorem is due to Michael, cf. Aubin and Cellina (1984). Theorem 1.2.53. Let F from Q into the closed convex subsets of R m be lower semicon tinuous. Then there exists / : fi —» R m , a continuous selection from F. D 1.3.
Variational convergence of sequences of operators and functionals
This section is intended as a brief introduction to the mathematical theory of homoge nization. More precisely, we shall introduce the notion of G- and //-convergence of se quences of operators as well as the notion of T-convergence of sequences of functionals. With a sequence of functionals one can associate the sequence of conjugate functionals, which in our case will represent the functionals involved in the complementary energy prin ciple. Thus naturally arises the problem of interrelationship between the T-convergence of the primal sequence of functionals and the T-convergence of the sequence of conjugate functionals. The dual homogenization will play an important role throughout the whole book. To derive effective models in the subsequent chapters of the book we shall often use the powerful method of two-scale asymptotic expansions. This method can be justified rigorously by using the method of two scale convergence. The books by Sanchez-Hubert and Sanchez-Palencia (1992, 1993) may serve as a good introduction to homogenization (and asymptotic methods), cf. also Persson et al. (1993). As an application of the T-convergence theory we shall find the T-limit of a sequence of nonconvex functionals, yet convex with respect to the highest order derivatives. This case of nonuniform homogenization includes geometrically nonlinear elastic plates with a periodically nonuniform microstructure as well as geometrically linear and non-linear elastic shells. To perform the homogenization of elastic-plastic plates we shall also need the notion of convergence in Kuratowski's sense of sequence of sets.
Mathematical preliminaries
1.3.1. G-convergence The notion of G-convergence was introduced by Spagnolo (1968), cf. also Attouch (1984), Dal Maso (1993) and Appendix A by Allaire to the book by Hornung (1997). The Gconvergence is a notion of convergence associated with sequences of symmetric, secondorder operators. The G means Green because this type of convergence corresponds to the convergence of inverse operators and thus to the convergence of the associated Green functions. For the sake of simplicity, the notion of G-convergence is introduced in the case of the following equation:
d i v ^ w w i. n u£ = 0 on
Here fi c R n is a bounded open set and e > 0 a "small" parameter intended to tend to zero. More precisely, e belongs to the set £ = {e = l/m\m G N\{0}}. By £', £"..., we denote infinite subsequences of £. The matrices Az belong to the following set o f n x n symmetric matrices: M.(a, 0,0) = {A(x) e Z,°°(fi, E?) : a|£| 2 < A(x)t ■ £ < /3|£|2 for any £ e R n and a.e. x in Q}. At this moment, we impose no periodicity assumption. Definition 1.3.1. The sequence of matrices Ac(x) is said to G-converge to a limit AQ(X), as e tends to 0, if, for anyright-handside / e L2(fi) in (1.3.1), the sequence of solutions ue converges weakly in HQ (Q.) to a limit u° which is the unique solution of the homogenized equation associated with AQ : - div (AoVvP) = f o n
in fi , *o
uu = 0 on ail. The set Ms(a,(3,Q) is compact with respect to the T-convergence, as stated in the next theorem. Theorem 1.3.2. (i) If a sequence Ae G-converges its G-limit is unique. (ii) For any sequence Ac in M,(a, 0, Q,), there exists a subsequence e' and a homogenized limit A0, belonging to M„(a, 0, SI) such that A£/ G-converges to A0. (iii) The G-limit of a sequence Ac is independent of the term / and the boundary condition on dfl. □ Similar properties will also hold for the /^-convergence. The properties of //-limit will also be satisfied by the G-limit.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Remark 1.3.3. For a general study of G-convergence the reader is referred to the books by Attouch (1984) and Dal Maso (1993). These authors define G-convergence in terms of inverse operators. D 1.3.2.
//-convergence and the energy method
The //-convergence method was introduced by Murat (1977/78) and Tartar (1977). The abridged English version of these fundamental contributions has recently been published by Murat and Tartar (1997). We observe that" //" stems from "homogenization". The Hconvergence is a generalization of the G-convergence to the case of nonsymmetric prob lems. Thus, symmetric problems, which are of main interest for us, are also covered by this theory. As previously fi is an open set of R n . By u CC Si we denote a bounded open set of Si such that u7 C Si. By a, 0, a', 0' we denote strictly positive real numbers such that 0 < a < 0 < +00, 0 < a' < 0' < +oo. We set
a|£| 2 < (A(x)t,t)
for any { £ F
< /3|£|2
and a.e. x in Si} ,
where E n is the space of n x n matrices. Definition of the H-convergence Definition 1.3.4. A sequence Ae, e G £, of elements of M{a, 0, Si) //-converges to an element AQ A0 of M{a,'0', M{a,' 0', ffl){Ae H~l{u) the solution uc of
—>• A0) if and only if, for any w CC Si and any / in
—div (A £ Vu £ ) = /
u , (1.3.4)
u< e // 0 V), is such that if —>■ u°
weakly in
->• A0Vu
HQ(UI) ,
weakly in
(1.3.5) ,
for e £ £, where u° is the solution of -div ( A ) V O = /
This definition can be extended to higher order elliptic equations. Let us consider the fourth-order plate equation1 (Si C R 2 ) :
= g in A,
w e tf0 (fi) , 1
Small Greek indices (except for e) run over the set {1,2}. If repeated at different levels, they imply summation.
Mathematical preliminaries
38 Q2
where w aa = -^—5—. Here De enjoys the usual symmetry property: D?0x,i = D*"*0 = axaoxp Z)fQAM and satisfies the following condition KM2
< Dfx»(x)pa0PXli
< Ki\p\2 ,
for any p € E 2 and a.e. x in Q. ; here \p\2 = Y_, PapPap and g € H~2(£l). In this case a,P=l
//-convergence means that for any w CC SI and g in H~2(u), the solution of (Df^(x)w^),a0 w e //02(w),
= g in u>,
is such that we —^ u;0 weakly in HQ(UI) , D£V2w;£ ^ D 0 V 2 w° weakly in
L 2 (w,E 2 )
as e —♦ 0, where w° solves the homogenized plate problem: (Dfx"(x)u,°^),a0 w° G H2{u) .
= g in ui ,
We observe that in the general case, the homogenized coefficients A$, DQ depend on the macroscopic variable x € ft.
(1.3.11) M
may still
Example 13.5. Suppose that in (1.3.7), only D\lu, D2222, D\122 = Dfu and D] 212 = £>i22i _ £>2ii2 __ £>2i2i ^ different from zero (orthotropic plate). We further assume that Df0X,i € L°°(a, b) are functions of the variable Xi only. By w° we denote the solution to
(D?X)^ = 9
«>0 e H2(Q),
where (D1111)-1
_ , (2,1111)-! ,
£,1122(£,1U1)-1 _ .
£,2222 _ ( D 1 1 2 2 ) 2 ( L ) 1 1 1 1 ) - 1 _ , £,2222 _ £>£1212 _ , £,1221
weak-* in L°°(a, b) as e —> 0. We have, see Bonnetier and Vogelius (1987).
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Proposition 1.3.6. Let D"^ and DQ * denote orthotropic tensors such that (1.3.8) and (1.3.13) hold. If xtf and w° £ H$(Sl) denote the solutions to (1.3.7) and (1.3.12), respec tively, then w£ ->• w°
weakly in
H%(Q) .
Proof. It is sufficient to prove that w£ —^ w for sonic subsequence of the original se quence. By using (1.3.8) we conclude that
IKIk(fi) < K\\g\\LHa) ,
\\M<#\\LHa) < K\\g\\mn)
provided that g 6 L 2 (fi). Here M£Q/J = DfP^Kx^vf) stand for the components of the moment tensor and naj3(we) = —w'- Consequently we may extract a subsequence e' such that wc —*• w .,,. Mfa0 -± Ma0
in . in
Hg(D.) and , ,2 _ L (fi).
d2Ma0 Moreover we have M Q " ag = ——-— = g. We shall now verify that oxaax0 Ma0 = Dfx"KXfi(w)
from which it follows that w = w° (the unique solution to (1.3.12)). (i) Let a = 1,0 = 2. The definition of M\? and the fact that D ^ is independent of x2 yields M^ = d2(2Dl?12di(-w£'))
Recalling that the imbedding H$(£l) —> tf'(fi) is compact, from (1.3.14)i we infer that drf'^diw
L2{i1) .
Combining it with (1.3.13)4 we obtain D^'dnif
->• Dl2l2d,w
and consequently d2{2D1c2Ud1(-w£'))--d2(2D10212di{-w))
Passing to the limit in (1.3.16) we get M 1 2 = 2D^K12(W)
as desired.
//"'(ft) .
Mathematical preliminaries
(ii) The cases a = 0 = 1 and a = f3 = 2 are more involved. The local property of the //-limit implies that it suffices to prove (1.3.15) for any rectangle R = (ai, 6i) x (a2,62) contained inft,see below. Since dnM}} = g - dapMf = g- 2dnMl? - d^Mf , it follows that 11
9iM£V = fgdx - 2d2M]? - ^ I' Mfdx + fc£'(x2) in R . ai
(1.3. 19)
The first three terms on the right-hand side of (1.3.19) are bounded in the space L'daub^-H-^M))Next, integration of (1.3.19) with respect to X\ gives MtV, and since these are bounded in L2(R), it follows that kf '(x2) are bounded in H-2{a2M)- The relation (1.3.19) thus implies that d\M]} are bounded in L2((ai,&i); H~2(a2,b2)). We conclude that M\} are bounded in the space S(R) = {Me L2(R)\ 3,M e ^ ( K M ; / / - 2 ^ , ^ ) ) } ,
equipped with the natural norm. By using Theorem (5.1) in Lions (1969) we conclude that S(R) is compactly imbedded in L2((ai,6i); H~2(a2,62))- Consequently we have M]>^MU
in L2[{aub,)-H-2{a2M)\-
Further we have (D^)-lMfx
= K „ ( « 0 + a22[0£1P(^11)-1(-^")] ,
and M22 = DlJ22{D\},nYlMl}
+ d22[(D2222 - {Dl™)2{D\},u)-'){-w*"]\
. (1.3.23)
We recall that £>2212 = 0. By virtue of (1.3.13) and (1.3.21) we get (D*,1,11)-^1,! -
and D^iD^Y'Ml), 2
inL^KM;//- ^^)).
- Dll22(DlulylMu
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Due to (1.3.13) and (1.3.14) we get Dl},22{D\},n)-lw'" 22
22 2
- D0122{D0lu)-lw u
, 2222
- {D\} ) {D]}, )-'\w
->■ [D
in L2{R). A combination of (1.3.22) - (1.3.25) now leads to ( ^ 1 1 1 ) - ' M 1 1 = dn(-w)
+ d22[D»22(D^)-\-w)}
and M22 = D^iD^y'M11
+ ^[{Df22
- {Dll22)2(Dl0lu)-l){-w))
. (1.3.27)
Multiplying (1.3.26) by D\ln we obtain the expression for Mu. Next, substituting (1.3.26) into (1.3.27) we obtain M22. Recalling that DQ * are independent of x2, we get the desired constitutive relation for M 1 1 and M22. D Properties of the H-convergence and H-limit Similarly to the G-convergence, //-convergence means, in essence, the convergence of the inverse operators [—div (A £ grad ) ] " \ which are bounded linear operators from H~x{i1) to Z/o(fi), when both spaces H~l(Q) and Hl(Q) are equipped with their weak topologies. The underlying topology satisfies the property of uniqueness of the H-limit and the //-limit is local as the following proposition shows. Proposition 1.3.7. (i) A sequence Ac , e G £, of elements of M(a, 0, fi) has at most one //-limit. (ii) Let Ae and Bc , e 6 £, be two sequences in M{a, (3, Q.) that satisfy At —»• A0 ,
Be —>• B 0 i
and are such that Ae = Bc on an open set w C fi. Then A0 = Bo on w.
Lemma 1.3.8 (compensated compactness). Let Q be an open subset of R " and q€, vc, e e £, such that
l(f -> q° weakly in L 2 (Q) n , [ divq e -+ divq0 strongly in //~'(fi) ,
weakly in
H\Q) .
Then ( g £ , W ) -^{q°,Vv°)
D'(fi) ,
Mathematical preliminaries
i.e., for any tp G Co°(fi) we have /\q c ,Wv c )ipdx ->
Here (•, •) stands for the scalar product in R".
We observe that the product (g*, Vwc) is that of two weakly and not strongly convergent sequences. This phenomenon is known as compensated compactness. Applying the last lemma we formulate the next one. Lemma 13.9. Let fl be an open subset of R n . Let Ac belong to M(a, (3,0.) for e € £. Assume that, for e &£,
' ue e H\Q) , u'-^u° weakly in H\n) , ' qc = AcVuc ->• q° weakly in L 2 (fi) n , - d i v ( A £ V w £ ) - » divg 0 strongly in // _ 1 (fi) , 'vc eHl(Q), E v ^v° weakly in H\n) , ' tf = ATcVve ->■ 77° weakly in L 2 (fi) n , -div ( A ^ V u £ ) - + -div77° strongly in // _ 1 (fi) . Then {q0,Vv°)
= (Vu°,Ti0)
Here A f stands for the transpose of the matrix At. Obviously, for symmetric matrices ATE = Ac. The following two theorems are of primal importance. Theorem 13.10. Assume that Ac, e G £, belong to M(a,{3,SI) AQ e M{a',0',Sl). Assume that
and //-converges to
'ueeHl(Sl), < -div(A£Vu£) = /£
weakly in H\Sl) ,
fc -> f°
strongly in
for e S £. Then A£Vue
->■ A0Vu°
weakly in
(A £ Vu £ ,Vu £ ) ^ ( A 0 V u ° , V u ° )
L2(Sl)n ,
As previously, (•, •) denotes the scalar product in R n .
D'(ft) . □
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Remark 1.3.11. (i) Actually, it can be shown that the energy (A c Vu e , Vu £ ) converges weakly in L/oc(f2). (ii) The boundary conditions have no influence on the //-limit. Theorem 1.3.12. Let Ac, e € £, belong to M{a, (3, fi). There exists a subset £' of £ and a matrix AQ e Mia,
—, fi) such that Ac //-converges to AQ for e € £'. a a This theorem shows the sequential compactness of M(a, 0, Q) for the topology induced by the //-convergence. Remark 1.3.13. By introducing the so-called corrector matrix it is possible to approximate Vu e in the strong topology of a suitable space, cf. Murat (1977/78), Tartar (1977), Murat and Tartar (1997). Remark 1.3.14. The energy method is a constructive proof for the compactness theorem of //-convergence, cf. Murat and Tartar (1997), Allaire (1997). This method, attributed to Tartar, has nothing to do with any kind of energy. It is sometimes more appropriately called the oscillating testfunction method, but it is most commonly referred to as the energy method. Denseness of periodic composites Dal Maso and Kohn (1991) provided a general characterization of //-limits and their approximation by periodic composites. At the moment of writing the book this important result has not yet been published. Therefore, we reproduce here the seminar given by Kohn during the 1st Workshop on Composite Media and Homogenization Theory in 1991, cf. also Francfort and Milton (1987). These results are limited to the scalar case. However, they can immediately be extended to the vector case (linear elasticity). The results which will now be presented are important, for instance, in optimal design problems. Consider a mixture of two isotropic materials with conductivities at and a 2 , respectively. The volume fractions are 9 and 1—0. We set Ac(x) = alXc(x) + a2{\ -
a.e. x e il ,
where Xe{x) stands for the characteristic function of the first phase. Here fi C R" is a fixed domain. Let us introduce now the family of divergence operators L£u = div(AcVu),
and consider all possible //-limits Ao(x) AJ^Ao(x). Two fundamental problems arise naturally:
Mathematical preliminaries
(1) characterize all possible //-limits {-Ao(x)} = £ (the notation Ah is preserved for periodic or non-uniformly periodic homogenization). (2) Characterize all possible limits {Ao{x)} = CVl provided that vol {x € Q.\Ae(x) = ai}
The answer to the first problem reads £ = {A(x)\A(x) e G a.e. x e Q,} , where G is a closed set of tensors. In fact, G is a closure of effective moduli of periodic composites, called G-closure of ai and a2. The answer to the second problem is £„, = {A(x)\A{x) e G9(X) a.e. xeQ.} , where G$ is a closed set of tensors and 0 < 9(x) < 1,
= v\. Ge is called the n Ge-closure of a.\ and a.2. More precisely, Ge = the closure of effective moduli of periodic composites with the volume fraction 9. The last function is obviously the weak-* limit of the sequence of the characteristic functions {\c }ooLet us pass to the proof of the above assertions. First, however, we recall a result from real variables analysis, cf. Dal Maso (1993). Lemma 1.3.15. Consider a set 5 C Ll(f{n, F m ) such that it is: (a) translation invariant or
/ e S =>/(• +a) e S
(b) closed under strong L convergence on compact sets, (c) S is decomposable, i.e. for any Borel set B, and / i , / 2 € 5 the function H
also belongs to S. Then S={/|/(i)€5a.e.} for some closed subset S C R m and 5 = { constant elements of S}.
Let us return to the first problem. Now we have S = H- closure of {Ae{x)I} .
The local character of //-convergence implies that we may assume that AE(x) is defined on R n . The set 5, given by (1.3.31), is translation invariant, closed for the strong L1 convergence on compact sets and decomposable since //-convergence is local. To prove
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
periodicity we take A0 e G. By the previous step there exist Ae(x)I —>■ A0. Consider now Ae restricted to the unit cube Y and then extended by periodicity. Let usfindthe effective conductivity of periodic composites with this fine scale structure: {AA,«
= iaiifMvKt
+ W , £ + V
where Y = (0, l) n , £ e R n and H^r(Y) = {»€ //'(V))|v is y-periodic} . We claim that Ae — ► A0 as e —> 0. Indeed, (Ae£,£) is determined by solving cell problems: div[Ac{y)(£ + V<^E)] = 0 ,
Then ipc tends to a solution associated to A0, say <po, as £ —> 0. Moreover, we have lim (Ac£, $) = lim [energy of cell problem for ACI] = energy of cell problem associated to {(//-limit of ACI) = A 0 } . To justify the answer to the second problem we take S = closure of {Ae(x)I, Xc(x)} , in the topology of (//-convergence) xa(L°°(tt), L^fi)). This set is translation invariant, closed for the strong topology and decomposable. Now we have S = {(Ao, 6) = closure of associated set for periodic composites} , and Gg = slice of S at given $ . 1.3.3. Two-scale convergence Two-scale convergence was introduced by Nguesteng (1989) and developed by Allaire (1992). In the present section we shall expound the essential points of this method. To start with we observe that the two-scale convergence method is confined to periodic homogenization problems. The method of two-scale asymptotic expansions will often be used in our book. This is a formal method which enables us to find the homogenized problem. Let £ denote the size of periodic heterogeneities, £ is a small parameter which tends to zero in the asymptotic process. Assume that the sequence of solutions of the considered partial differential equation with microperiodically oscillating coefficients is denoted by uc . The two-scale asymptotic expansion is an ansatz of the form: u*(x) = «<0) (x, - ) + £«(1) (x, - ) + £2u(2) ( i , - ) + ...
Mathematical preliminaries
x where each function u'*'(x, y)(y = —) in this series depends on two variables: the macro scopic (or slow) variable x and the microscopic (or fast) variable y e Y. Here Y is a so-called basic cell. Substituting (1.3.32) into the equation satisfied by ue and identifying powers of e leads to a chain of equations for each term u ( , ) ( i , y). Next, averaging with respect to y yields the homogenized equation for u' 0 '. From the mathematical point of view, the method of two-scale asymptotic expansions is only formal since, a priori, there is no reason for the ansatz (1.3.32) to hold true. Hence the need for a second step, a rigor ous justification of the homogenized problem. The two-scale convergence combines these two steps into a single one. One may say that the two-scale convergence is a rigorous justification of the first term of the ansatz (1.3.32) for any bounded sequence ue. Let us pass to the definition. To this end we introduce the space C™r(Y) of infinitely differentiable function in R n which are periodic of period Y. By D ( n ; C^.(Y)), we de note the space of infinitely differentiable functions with compact supports in £1 and with values in the space C™T(Y). Definition 1.3.16. A sequence of functions uc in L2(Q) is said to two-scale converge to a limit u ( 0 ) (i,y) belonging to L 2 (fi x Y) if, for any function tp(x, y) in D(fi; C£r(Y)), it satisfies: u£(x)ip (x,-)
(1.3.33) D
The compactness theorem which follows, justifies this notion of two-scale convergence. Theorem 13.17. From each bounded sequence uc in L 2 (fi), one can extract a subsequence, and there exists a limit u'°'(x, y) € L2(f2 x Y) such that this subsequence two-scale con verges to u' 0 '. D The next two propositions provide more information on the two-scale limit. Proposition 1.3.18. Let uc be a sequence of functions in L 2 (fi) which two-scale converges to a limit u' 0 ' e L 2 (fi x Y). (i) Then, uc converges weakly in L?(Q) to u(x) = (u ( 0 ) (x,y)>,
where (•) means averaging over Y and limoll«£Hl*(n) > ll«(0)llL2(nxy) > IMIi»(n) •
(ii) Assume, further, that u' 0 ' (x, y) is smooth and that l™0ll«*lly(iD = ll« (0, lli» (n xy)-
Function spaces, convex analysis, variations! convergence
Then | | u £ ( x ) - u ( 0 ) (x,-)
||| 2 ( n ) - ^ 0
(1.3.37) D
Until now only bounded sequences in L 2 (fi) have been considered. The second proposition examines the case of a bounded sequence in H'(fi). Proposition 13.19. Let ue be a bounded sequence in / / ' (fl). Then, up to a subsequence, uc two-scale converges to a limit u € Hl(£l), and Vu £ two-scale converges to V x u(x) + Vyu{1){x, y), where the function u (1) (x, y) belongs to L2(ft, H^r(Y)/F{). □ As an exercise, the reader is advised to study the two-scale convergence of a bounded sequence in H2(n). 1.3.4.
This type of convergence pertains to sequences of functionals. For instance, such sequences are generated by the variational principle of the total potential energy of solids or structures like plates or shells. A detailed presentation of the theory of T-convergence is provided by Attouch (1984) and Dal Maso (1993). Attouch (1984) prefers to use the notion of epi-convergence, which in fact is a special case of T-convergence. In our specific case these notions coincide. Definition 1.3.20. Let (X, r) be a metrisable topological space and {G £ } £> o a sequence of functionals from X into R - the extended reals. (a) The r(r)-limit inferior, denoted also by Gj, is the functional on X defined by GAu) = T(r) - lim inf Gc{u) = min lim inf G £ (u £ ) . (b) The r(r)-limit superior, denoted also by Gs, is the functional on X defined by Gs(u) = T(T) - lim supGc(u)
= min lim supG€(ue)
(c) The sequence {G£}£>o is said to be r(r)-convergent if Gt = Ga ; we then write G = r(r)-limGE. £—0
Theorem 1.3.21. Let (X, T) be a topological space with a countable base for r. Then there exists a subsequence {G£'}£<>o such that the limits G, and Gs exist and Gi(u) = Ga(u), for every u 6 X. rj Properties. Let G£ : (X,T) —► R be a sequence of r(r)-convergent functionals and let G = T(T) lim Gc. Then the following properties hold: £—»0
Mathematical preliminaries
(i) The functional Gt and Ga are r-lower semicontinuous (r-l.s.c). (ii) If the functional G £ are convex, then Gs = T(T) - lim supG £ is also a convex func£—0
tional. Hence the limit G = T(T) — lim Gt is a r-closed (T-1.S.C.) convex functional. £-•0
(iii) If $ : X —> R is a r-continuous functional, called a perturbation functional, then T(T)
- lim (G£ + $ ) = T ( T ) - lim G£ + $ = G + $ .
(iv) V {u€ -^ u\ , G(u) < lim inf GAuE) , u € X ; £—»0
G(u) = r ( r ) - lim Gc{u)<* < V u € X 3 a t - ^ u , such that G(u) > lim sup G £ (u £ ) £—0
Further characterization is given by the convergence of minima. Theorem 1.3.22. Let G = T ( T ) - lim Gc, and suppose that there exists a T-relatively compact subset X0 C X such that inf G £ = inf G£ (Ve > 0). Then inf G = lim (inf G £ ). XQ
Moreover, if {u£}£>o is such that Gc{uc) — inf Gc —> 0, then every r-cluster point of the sequence {ue : e —► 0} minimizes G on X. Remark 13.23. From a practical point of view the following sufficient condition of exis tence of compact set X0 is very useful. If (X, \\ ■ ||) is a Banach space with T-relatively compact balls, then a sufficient condition of existence of the compact set X0 is that the sequence {G £ } £> o satisfies the condition of equi-coercivity lim supG £ (u £ ) < +00 =$■ lim sup||u £ || < +00 .
□ The study of two-dimensional plate models obtained from three-dimensional ones will involve loading functionals dependent on a small parameter e. Hence the need for pertur bation functionals which depend on e. Let X be a general topological space. Definition 1.3.24. ^Ve say that a sequence {$£}£>o is continuously convergent in X to a function $ : X —> R if for every u € X and for every neighborhood V of $(u) in R there exist £0 and W € Af(u) such that $ £ (v) € V for every e < e0 and for every v G U. □ We recall that N(u) stands for the set of all open neighborhoods of u in X. Remark 13.25. It is clear that continuous convergence is stronger than pointwise conver gence. Moreover, continuous convergence is stronger than T-convergence. Proposition 13.26. Suppose that {$ £ } £> o is continuously convergent to a functional <J>, and that <E>£ and $ are everywhere finite on X. Then T(r) - lim inf(G£ + $ £ ) = T(T) - lim inf G £ + $ , £-•0
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
T(r) - lim sup(G £ + $c) = T(T) - lim supG, + $ . e->0
In particular, if {G £ } £> o V—converges to G in X, then {G€+®E}€>o T-converges inX.
toG+$ □
The following nonstandard diagonalization lemma is due to Attouch (1984). Lemma 13.27. Let {a^plm = 1,2,...; p = 1,2,...} be a doubly indexed family in R. Then, there exists a mapping m —► p{m), increasing to +oo, such that lim supOm,p(m) < lim sup (lim s u p a m p ) . m—*oo
r-convergence of sequence of nonconvex functionals convex in highest-order derivatives: non-uniform homogenization
The classes of homogenized models of geometrically nonlinear elastic plates as well as geometrically linear and nonlinear elastic shells, studied in the present book, can properly be modelled by T-limits of sequences of functionals of the following type (or possibly a straightforward extension), see Bielski and Telega (1999) f[x,-,u(x),e{u(x));w(x),Vw(x)y2w(x)]dx.
n Here Q is a bounded and open set of R 2 , u G W1'"^)2,
w e W2'i(Q), p, q > 2 and
—-^ + —-^ ] /2. Obviously we can consider a domain Q C R 3 . Having in axp axaJ mind the aforementioned application to plates and shells, the present section is confined to two-dimensional domains. The paper by Bielski and Telega (1999) has been inspired by Braides' paper (1983), who found the r(L p (n))-limit of the following sequence of functionals: Gl(w)= ffl(x,-,w(x),Vw(x))dx,
n where Q C R n . Let us specify the assumptions on the integrand / appearing in (1.3.39). They are given by: {Ai) f = f(x,y,u,e;w,rj,p) : R 2 x R 2 x R 2 x E 2 x R x R 2 x E 2 -» [0,oo] , which is measurable and V-periodic in y, continuous in x, u, w and rj, and convex in e and P(A2) There exist y-periodic function a G L,' oc (R 2 ), increasing function g : R + —> R + which is continuous at 0 and such that g(0) = 0, and function b : R 2 —► R, continuous and non-negative, for which the following inequalities are satisfied: \f(x, y,u, e; w, T], p) - f{x', y, v!, e; w', rj', p)\ < g(\x - x'\ + \v! - u | +\w' -w\ + \t)' - r]\)(a(y) + f(x, y, u, e; w, r,, p)) ,
Mathematical preliminaries 0< f(x,y,u,e;w,ri,p) < b(x)[a(y) + \u\" + \e\" + \w\" + \f]\" + \p\")} , 2
for all x, x' G fi, y G Y, u, u', TJ, TJ' G R , and e, p G E . Here E stands for the space of symmetric 2 x 2 matrices. Obviously, the norms in (1.3.41) and (1.3.42) are Euclidean norms. Let us set T = s — (Z/(n) 2 x Wli9($l)). We are now in a position to formulate the homogenization theorem. Theorem 1.3.28. Under the assumptions (Ai) and (A2) the r(r)-limit of the sequence of functional {Ge}c>0 defined by (1.3.39) has the following form: r(r)-limG c {u,w) = f/h[x,u(x),e(u(x));w{x),
Vio(i),V2w(x)}dx , (1.3.43)
where u G W"'p(fi)2, w G W2-"{n) and h{x, £, e; ip, V, P) =
{]yf / /[x>2/' £>c + ^{"(v))'* ^ V, P + V^(?/)]dj/ Y
\v € W£(Y)2
, i; G W%(Y)} ,
for all tp G R , £, TJ G R 2 and e,p€ E 2 . Here W^P(y)2 = {v
W l p (y) 2 | v is ^-periodic} , dv W£?(^) = {v G W 2 '«(y) 2 | » and are Y-periodic} , dya
, „ . .
dvg\ ,„
,„0 .
Proof. Detailed proof has been given in Bielski and Telega (1999). Let us sketch the main points. (i) First we consider the simpler case where f(x,y,u,
e(u);w,Vw,V 2 w) = tp(y,e(u), V2w) .
Following Braides (1983) and exploiting (Ai) and (A2) we then prove that r ( r ) - l i m Lp (-,e{u),V2w(x)\ n
dx = hph(e{u{x)),V2w(x))dx n
G W%(Y)}.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
(ii) Take now the following integrand f(x, y, u, e(u); w, Vw, V 2 w) = ip(x, y, e(«), V 2 w) . Following Braides (1983) once again we prove that there exists a function iph(x, e(u), V 2 w) such that r ( r ) - l i m hp{x, -,e{u),V2w)dx
, v G W%(Y)} .
(iii) In the final step we prove (1.3.43), by using the integral representation of T-limits of sequences of integral functional due to Buttazzo and Dal Maso (1980). □ Remark 1.3.29. Let us fix x G fi, ip G R, and £, rj G F 2 . For each c, rj G E 2 we have = inf{T^T //)>(*,£.e + ev{v);), r>, p + V2yw)dy
\ve\V^p(Y)2 Indeed, since 0 G Wo,p(Y)2
and 0 G W02'"(y) therefore we can write
fh(x, £, e; ip, T), p) = —
/ / fc (x, £, c + 0; xp, rj, p + 0)dy Y
+ e » ; < M , P + V 2 H*/|« e W^(Y)2,
> M{±-Jfh[x,Z,e
v G W^V)} .
On the other hand, Jensen's inequality yields fh(x, £, e; V,»?, p) = A [ i , t | ^ | y (e + e»(»))d»; V,»?, j p j / ( P + v J w ) d » l K
Y € + eV v
< i p i / / * ( * . Z> Y
for each v G W01,P(V)2, v €
( y> i M , P + V vv)dy
Mathematical preliminaries
1.3.6. T-convergence and duality With a sequence of functionals one can associate the sequence of conjugate or dual functionals. Suppose that the original sequence is T-convergent. In the present section we are going to study the interrelationship between the T-convergence of the primal sequence of functionals and the sequence of dual functionals. Here we follow the approach developed by Aze (1984), cf. also Az6 (1986) and Jikov et al. (1994). Let V and X be two separable Banach spaces and let V and X* be their topological duals. In general, these spaces are not necessarily reflexive. In practice, however, V is often a reflexive space whilst X is a space of perturbation parameters, cf. Sec. 1.2.5. Consider a sequence of functionals {G£}£>o from r0(V x X). This sequence is said to satisfy the assumption (A) if: (A) There exists r > 40 such that for each sequence {p£}£>o of elements from Br = {p 6 X'■HPII < r } . th ere exists a bounded sequence {f£}£>o such that lim supG£(t>*,p£) < e
+ 0O.
Werecallthatee£: = { - | n e N\{0}}. n Similarly, the sequence {G£}£>o satisfies the assumption (A*) if: (A*) There exists r* > 0 such that for each sequence {v€}c>0 C Br- = {v 6 V : \\v\\ < r*}, there exists a bounded sequence {p*}£>0 such that lim supG*(t;£,p*) < +oo. £
The assumption (A) is a universal qualification hypothesis whilst (A*) will be shown to play the role of a uniform coercivity hypothesis for the primal problems. Let usfirstprove two auxiliary lemmas. Lemma 1.3.30. Let {G £ } £>0 be a sequence of functionals from r0{V x X) satisfying (A). For A > 0 we set: GeA(v',P) = Gc(v',p) + ^\\v*\\2.
Let {"^1/jtHeN be a sequence of positive numbers bounded from above. Then, for any subsequence {n*} | lim sup (G1/nk,Al/k)'(v1/k,p'1/k) \ k [and {Vi/k} bounded
< +oo 1 >=> {p\/k} bounded. I
Proof. Let r > 0 be a constant appearing in (A) and let pi/jt 6 Br be such that r \ \p\,k 11 - 1 < (pj/fc. Pi/k)x-xx- Consider a sequence {pi/„} of elements from Br such that pi/ nt = pi/k. According to (A) to this sequence corresponds a sequence {v\,} bounded by a positive constant c such that: lim supGi/„(vJ /n ,pi /n ) < +oo .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence By using the definition of (Gi/nx\)* we get: (Gi/nk,xk)'(vi/k,p'l/k)
A + ^plK/nJ|2 >
+ Gi/nk(v'/nk,pi/nk)
+ {p'i/k>Pi/n,.)x'xX > - c l k / i H + r l l p J ^ H - 1 . The desired result follows by taking the limit superior with respect to k.
Corollary 1.3.31. If (A*) is satisfied, then we have lim supGWnk(v'k,pi//t) * ' " l'k ' and {pi/k} bounded
< +00 I k => {v*/k} bounded. J
Lemma 1.3.32. Let C be a convex set in V x X*. Then: go(Vy)xo(X\X)
Here (s - V) denotes the strong topology of the space V whilst the bar stands for the closure of C in the indicated topologies. Proof. The topology (s -V)x (w* - X*) is compatible with the duality a(V x X', V x X). The same pertains to the topology a(V, V) x a(X',X) and (1.3.51) follows. D Hence we conclude that for these two topologies the lower semicontinuous regularizations coincide. Let us pass to a result concerning the effect of duality on the T (strong x weak)convergence. Theorem 1.3.33. Let {Gc}£>0 be a sequence of functionals belonging to r 0 (V" x X) and satisfying (A). Then we have I > ; * x s) - lim inf Gc >G=>T(sx
to*) - lim sup (7; < G' .
Proof. We can assume that G > —00. Otherwise the result is evident. We begin by showing the following lemma. Lemma 1.3.34. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.3.33 and G > -00 one has: For each B C X relatively strongly compact there exists K > 0 such that: W*eV\
+ l).
Proof. Suppose that the conclusion were false. Then there exists B cY, compact and such that VA: e N ,
3v'1/k e V ,
3p1/k e B ,
3nk ehi
Gi/„tK/t,p,/t)<-A(ll«r/*H + l)One may assume that the sequence {nk} is increasing.
relatively strongly
such that
Mathematical preliminaries
Case 1: {v\,k} is bounded. Since V is separable and B is relatively compact, therefore there exist subsequences still denoted by { n | , J , {pi/t} such that v1/k ->• v
p1/k -» p ,
as /t —> oo. Consequently we conclude that \immiGi/nk(v*/k,pi/k)
= -oo ,
and hence G(v',p) = —oo, which contradicts the assumption on G. Case 2: the sequence {v{,k} is unbounded. One may then assume, up to the extraction of a subsequence, that lim |\v\ /k \\ = +oo. Consider a sequence p"i/n A p, such that p\/n < r. According to the assumption (A), there exists a bounded sequence {v*,n} such that lim sup Gi/„(vJ/ n ,p"i/ n ) < +oo. We set v
= v\/nk
Pl/fc = Pl/nk ■
Since the Banach space V is separable, therefore the bounded sequence {v',k} c V admits a subsequence (still denoted by v\,k) convergent to a certain v' S V* in the topology
a(V,V). We define Ci/k = hikV*\/k + U - ti/kWi/k.
^//t = *i/*Pi/t + (1 - ti/k)pi/k
where *i/* =
I V - vvk\
Forfcsufficiently large, £wk is well-defined and lim twt = 0. Moreover we have fc-»+oo
ll^/fc-^T/fcll = ' I A I K A - S i / * 11 = "Tr '
and thus £*A "^ ^*
^V* —* P
^ —* + ° ° •
We also find Gl/nkiCl/k'Vl/k)
< tl/kG1/rlk(v'l/k,Pl/k)
+ (1 - i l A ^ l / n J ^ l A ' P l / * )
„ -v^(IK/tll + i) i i W i i and consequently lim inf Gi/n/t(£i/fc,77iA) = - o o ,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
and G(v*,p) = - o o , which is impossible.
We now turn to the proof of Theorem 1.3.33. Since the space X is separable, therefore there exists a sequence {pk}k>l dense in it. By Xk we denote the subspace generated by {Pi. • • • ,Pk) and B denotes the unit ball in X. We set Bk = kB D Xk = {p € Xk : \\p\\ < k}. Bk is a strongly compact subset of X. For k > 1 and A > 0 we set: Ge,k,x(v\p) = G€(v',p) + IBk(p) + ±\\v'\\2 , GkAv\p)
= G(v',p) +
where Isk stands for the indicator function of BkIt will now be shown that VA:>1, VAX), V(v,p*)e Vx X* lim supG\lnXX{v,p') < GlA(v,p').
Obviously, this is equivalent to: limjnf [jnf^(G1/n(v',p)
+ ^\\v'\\2 - (v',v)v.xV
> inf [G(iAp) + ^ | M | 2 - ( ^ , t ; } - ( p * , p > ] .
On account of Lemma 1.3.34 there exists K > 0 such that W e T ,
Vp € Bk , Vn 6 M , G1/B.A(«*,p) > ^ I M | 2 - K(\\v'\\ + 1) . (1.3.56)
Consider now an extracted sequence {n;} for which the limit inferior is just a limit. The infimum in (vj,;, pi/;) on the left-hand side of (1.3.54) is then attained. Using now the sequence {5wn} appearing in the assumption (A) and associated with the sequence pj/ n = 0 and taking into account the estimate (1.3.55) we conclude that {vyt} is bounded. We can extract subsequences, still denoted by {vJ/(} and {pi/;}, such that v{/t ^ v* € V
pi/; A p € Bk
as I — ► +oo .
Recalling the definition of T(w* x s) - lim inf Gc and the semicontinuity of the norm one gets Inn inf [Gllnt{v\lhpul)
+ ^ | | ^ | | 2 ] > G(v',p) + ±\\v'\\2 ,
Mathematical preliminaries
which establishes (1.3.54)and consequently (1.3.53). Thus we conclude that for each k > 1 and for any A > 0 we have lim supG! /BiM («,p') < Glx(v,p')
< G'(v,p') .
Applying now diagonalization Lemma 1.3.27 we conclude that there exist X(n) — ► 0+, k(n) —> +oo such that lim supGI /Bit(B)iA(n) (t;,p') < G'(v,p') .
We may write Gi/n,k,\ = ^l/n.x + ^k with ^jt(v*,p) = /sfc(p). Hence, cf. Sec. 1.2 G 1 / n , M = (G; /n , A n*-)-*, where D denotes the inf-convolution. Let us show that G
l/n,t,A -
l/n,A U V /fc
which represents the semicontinuous regularization. Indeed, G\,nkA = (Gi/ nA + ^t)* cannot assume the value —oo since in that case we would have GI/„,A + ** = +00. After (A) there exists {vi/n} such that lim supGi/„(i>J,n,0) < +00. Consequently, for n
n sufficiently large we have (Gi/n,A + **)(vj/n,0) < +00 and thus G ^ A + *jt is not identically equal to +00. We deduce that °l/i.,k,A -
By Lemma 1.3.32 the last regularization can be taken in the sense of (s — V) x a(X*, X). Let us continue the proof of Theorem 1.3.33. We have: lim supG'l/nMn)Mn)(v,p')
< G'(v,p*) .
We may assume that G'(v,p') < +00 ; otherwise the result is evident. For each n € M we introduce the following set: U ; = {q* e X' : \(q'-p',Pi)x-xx
< - , 1 < i < n} . (1.3.59) n We recall that {Pt}i
(GI/n.A(n)a**(«))(«l/».9l/») < SUP {Gl/„,*(n),A(„)(^P*) + K ~]
■ (13.60)
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Simple calculation yields *;(Wip.) *v '
(^(p-,^) ^+00
" « = 0. otherwise.
Using the definition of inf-convolution we deduce the existence of rj[,n € X' such that G
Vn,A(n)(Ul/n- tf/J + *(»0<*(9l/» ~ tf/„. **(„)) < ^ P {!/„.*(„),*(„,(«,?•) + i , " ^ } •
Since {ui/ n } is bounded, therefore, by Lemma 1.3.30 the sequence {r}'/n} Let us calculate G\ ,n A. We have G V „,A = G 1 / n +
7x{v",p) = -\\v'\\2
^so bounded.
Hence GI/».A = ( G ^ W
= G;/TID7A,
since G; / n A > - 0 0 (G 1/niA ^ +00). By Lemma 1.3.32 the semicontinuous regularization may be taken in the sense of (s V) x (w* - X'). Thus there exists (wi/n,p'l/n) eV x X* such that
( G Vn [:l 7A(n))( U; l/n.PVn) <
t/n,A(„)( U l/«> tf/„) + ~ .
where W*n := {p' € X- : |
< i
1 < z < n} .
We note that GJ/„,A(n)(wl/n>P*/ n ) < (Gt /n l=l7l(„))(wi/n,Pv„) < GI /niA(n) (iti /n ,»7j /n ) + Hence, using Lemma 1.3.30 we deduce that {p\/n} is bounded, since the sequence {u>i/n} is bounded. Noting that
if P* = 0,
[ +co
7A(V,P ) = < 2A"
and exploiting the definition of the inf-convolution we obtain Vi/n e V such that Gl/„(l>l/„,Pl /n ) + ^ W ^ ) " ^ " ~
W /n
' " 2 - ^/".MnJ^l/n.^'/n) + ~ •
Mathematical preliminaries
From (1.3.56) - (1.3.59) we get G
+ 2\(n)^Vl/n
< sup{G'l/nMn)Mn)(v,p*)
+ k d
- 'Jl/n. Xk(n))
^ ^'/n
+ ^ , -1-} + \ .
Taking the limit superior in n, by (1.3.57) we conclude that lim supG* /n (v 1/n ,p* /n ) n
< lim sup [sup {G'1/nMn)Mn)(v,p') fl
+ I , - 1 } + I ] < C(i;,p*) . il
It thus remains to show that v\/n -^ v and p\, —*• p" as n — ► oo. We observe that due to the assumption (A) there exist bounded sequences {v{/n}, {pi/„} such that lim supGi/n(iJJ/n,pi/„) < +oo . n
Hence we deduce that there exists K' > 0 such that: W 6 V, Vp* € X; Vn e N, G; /r >,p*) > -K'(\\v\\ + HP'II + 1).
Substituting (1.3.67) into (1.3.64) and noting that the sequence {p*/n} is bounded, we conclude that there exist positive constants K" and K'" such that:
- j n i h / » n + 1 ) + 2 ^ j i K » - ™i/nii2 ^ *'" • Since A(n) —* 0 and {wi/n} is bounded, therefore {^i/n} is bounded and Hvi/n-Wi/,,112 —> 2 0 as n — ► oo. Hence | |wi/„ — v| | < - and consequently v\/n —»v strongly in V as n —» oo. From (1.3.64) we get 11111 d n—»oo (*/n - Vl/n, ' ^fcjn)) ^' = ° •
We set D=
Obviously, D is dense in X. Let p € D, then beginning from a certain k(n) we have p € Xk{n). Let us introduce r'l/n € X^n) such that \\q'1/n - ij*/n - r j / n | | < d(gj /n - 7j*/n, ^(„) + ^ - W e h a v e <9l/n ~ V*/n,P)x-xX
= ( ? V „ - »?!*/« -
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Hence I"? faI/„-»?r/n.P> = 0 . n—*+oo
Moreover, from the definition of U* one has lim (q'1/n-p',p)=0.
From (1.3.67) and (1.3.68) we conclude that i™W/„-?',p) =0, for each p e D. Indeed, p j / n e W^ and thus for each p e D w e have ' " " ( P V' n - ^ / n' ' P ) = 0 -
Consequently we get Vp€£>,
lim ( p l / n - p * , p ) = 0 . n—»oo
Since {p[. } is bounded and D is dense, therefore p\,n —* p* weak-* as n —> c© and the theorem is proved. □ As a corollary we formulate the following result. Theorem 1.3.35. Let V and X be two separable Banach spaces. Let {G£}£>0, G be functional belonging to r 0 (V* x X), satisfying assumption (A) and G = r(wm x s ) - l i m G £ .
Then G* = r ( s x w , ) - l i m G ! Proof. We conclude from Theorem 1.3.33 that r ( s x u / ) - l i m supG£* < G * . £-•0
The inequality G* < r ( s x w * ) - l i m infG! —
results immediately from (1.3.69) and the definition of the conjugate (dual) functional.
We now pass to the central result of this section. This result concerns the T-convergence of sequence of marginal functional and of their conjugate functionals.
Mathematical preliminaries
Let G£ : V x X — ► Ft U {+00} be a sequence of functional from r 0 ( V x X),e G S. The marginal functional is given by, cf. the formula (1.2.42) h€(p) = inf
This functional is convex, not necessarily lower semicontinuous, cf. Sec. 1.2. The dual problem will involve the functional/i*(p*) = G*(0,p*). We observe that the T-convergence of G£ to G in a topology (T,
Then (i) h = T(s) - lim hc, C-.0
(ii) h' =
(iii) G(-,0) = r K ) - l i m G £ ( - , 0 ) , (iv) if v"c is a minimizer of Pc up to &c and if p* is a minimizer of P£* up to Sc with e —> 0, then the sequences {v*} and {p*} are bounded and if v' and p* are limits of subsequences, one has: (a) the minimum of P is attained at D*, (b) the minimum of P' is attained at p*, (c) inf P = - inf P\ (d) inf P£ -> P and inf P£* -»inf P* as e —» 0. D Let us clarify the formulation of the primal and dual problems involved in the last theo rem. We have: (P£) inf{G £ (t;,0)| V eV}, (P£-) inf{G£*(0,p')|p' € X'} = inf{h'c(p')\ p' G X'} = -sup{-G £ '(0,p')|p'GX*}. We recall that the spaces V and X are not necessarily reflexive. Proof of Theorem 13.36. Step 1. Let p£ —> p strongly as E —> 0. We want to show that lim inf h£(pc) > h{p) .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
To this end we take a sequence of real numbers {Mi/k} such that Mx/k j . lim inf hc(pE). There exists a subsequence {e*} and v\,k e V* such that Gek{v\/k,Pek)
< Ml/k .
On account of Corollary 1.3.31 and the assumption (A') the sequence {v[,k} is bounded in V. Since the space V is separable therefore there exists a subsequence, still denoted by v\,k, which converges to an element v' £ V" in the topology a(V', V). Thus we have lim inf he(pc) = lim inf M\/k > lim inf Gek(v\/k,pCk)
> G(v',p)
> h(p) .
Here we have used (1.3.70). Step 2. Let us show that there exists p £ —> p as £ —► 0 such that hc(pc) < h(p). We may assume that h(p) < +oo. Let {M\/k} be a sequence of real numbers such that M\/k [ h(p). There exists v',k G V" such that G{v\,k,p) < M\/k. According to (1.3.70), there exist: Pe,\/k -* P in the strong topology of X as £ —> 0 , and ^',1/jt "^ v\/k
m me
a(V\ V)
e —► 0 ,
such that lim supG £ (v; i / J t ,p £ ,i / k ) < G(v'1/k,p) . Hence lim sup (lim sup/i £ (p £ ,i/ t )) < /i(p) • t
By diagonalization, there exists k(n) —» oo such that (e = 1/n) lim
Pe,l/*(n) -^ P .
SUp /l£(pe,l/fc(„)) < /l(p) £
as n —» oo. Thus (i) is proved. Step 3. The assumption (A) yields: for each sequence {p £ } £gi - withp £ € BT lim sup/i £ (p £ ) < +oo . £
We now apply Theorem 1.3.35 with V = V" = {0} and G£(j;*,p) = he(p), the lower semicontinuous regularization of ht. Since h = T(s)— lim/i £ , therefore we also have £—>0
h = r ( s ) - lim he. It is obvious that hc e r 0 ( X ) and he = /i*. Thus h' = T(w')~ and (ii) is shown.
Mathematical preliminaries
Step 4. We observe that (iii) results directly from (i) and (ii) combined with Theorem 1.3.35. Indeed, from Theorem 1.3.35 we deduce that G" = F(s x w') — limG*. Thus if we v
set kE(v) = inf {G*(u,p*)|p* e X'}, by using (i) and (ii) we have k = r ( s ) - lim k£ v
k' = T(w*)- lim Jfc* . v
Here k't{v') = Gc{v',0) and k'(v') = G{v',0). Step 5. inf P = — inf P' results from the fact that h is lower semicontinuous as the strong T-limit of a sequence of functional. To terminate, it suffices to show that the sequence 5e is bounded, because the desired convergence results are then a consequence of variational properties of T-convergence. We observe that: (A*) implies lim sup (inf P*) < +oo, (A) implies lim sup (inf Pc) < +oo. £
The duality theory yields, cf. Sec. 1.2 infP£* > -infP r *. Hence, for e sufficiently small we obtain -co < inf P£ < +oo ,
—oo < inf P* < +oo .
Let {v'c} and {p*} be, up to <5£, minimizing sequences for the problems Pc and P*, respec tively. We have Ge («;, 0) < inf P€ + 6C ,
G'e (0, v'e) < inf P*c + St .
Hence we deduce, by using Lemma 1.3.30 and Corollary 1.3.31, that {v*} and {p*} are bounded. This completes the proof. D Remark 1.3.37. In applications the assumption (A) can easily be verified. The same, however, cannot be said about (A*). We are going to indicate a situation where (A) and (A') hold. Theorem 1.338. Under the following assumptions:
G = r(u>* x s) - lim Gc,
(A), V t i ' e V , Gc(v',0)>m(\\v'\\),
(1.3.73) (1.3.74)
where m is a coercive, convex and even function, the conclusions of Theorem 1.3.36 are verified. □
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
We shall need the following result. Lemma 1339. Under the assumption (A) one has: lim sup ( sup ft£(p)) < +00 . '
Proof. Suppose the assertion of the lemma is false. Then there would exist rik and pi/* € Br such thatfti/nk(pi//fc)> k. Thus we would have lim sup/ii/„t(pi/^) = +00, which on i/t
account of (A) is excluded.
The last lemma and (1.3.73) imply that beginning from a certain e the function ft£ is finite and continuous at 0, cf. Sec. 1.2. Consequently we haveft**> —00 and thus: G*(0,-) =
Proof of Theorem 13.38. It is sufficient to show that (A*) is verified. For v € V we set ke(v) =
We have k;(v') =
Suppose that kc G r 0 (V), hence we would have kc(v) < m*(||u||). Since m is coercive, therefore there exist M € R and r* such that for each v £ V with ||u|| < r* one has ke{v) < M. If {vr}e>oisasequencewith||vf|| < r*, there exists {p*}t>0 such that lim supG"(v£,p*) < +00. According to Lemma 1.3.30, the sequence {p*}£>o is bounded and (A*) is then obviously satisfied. Thus it suffices to show that k€ e r 0 (V). We note that k€ ^ +00 becausefc*does not assume the value —00 and k€ > —00 because A;* is not identically equal to +00, at least for e sufficiently small, due to (A). It remains to show that kc is lower semicontinuous. This will be shown if one proves that for each r > 0 the functional /£(p') = inf{G*Kp*)||H|
TJ>(f,P )=/*(») = I + Q 0
llvll > r ,
otherw ' ise .
Obviously, i> is convex and lower semicontinuous in the topology (s - V) x (w* - X'). Thus, by Lemma 1.3.32 it is lower semicontinuous in the topology a(V, V) x a(X', X).
Mathematical preliminaries
Moreover, ip is continuous at (0, p*) in (s - V) x (w* - X'), which is an admissible topology for the duality a{V x X', V x X). According to (1.3.72) there exist elements of the form (0, p*) which belong to dom G*. Then we get:
*;(v;P) =
and Ze(p*) = inf{*e(u,p*)|t>e V}. Hence
rt(p) = *;(o,p) = (G £ D^)(O I P ) We observe that ^{v'p)
otl otherwise .
Hence ll{p) =
It is evident that I* ^ +oo and l"e > -oo, otherwise we would have I" = +oo and lc = +oo, which is not the case. According to Lemma 1.3.39, the functional /* is finite in a neighborhood of 0. Being lower semicontinuous on a Banach space this functional is continuous at 0. The proof is complete. □ 1.3.7. Convergence of sets in Kuratowski's sense Let {Ce}e>o be a sequence of subsets of a topological space V. Definition 13.40. The K- lower limit of the sequence {C£}£>o, denoted by K - lim inf Cc, £-•0
is the set of all points v e V with the following property: for every l i 6 A/"(v) there exists eo > 0 such that U D C£ / 0 for every e < e0- The K-upper limit, denoted by K lim supC£, is the set of all points v e V with the following property: for every U e Af(v), £—0
for every e0 > 0, £o € S, there exists £ < £o such that U PI C£ ^ 0. If there exists a set C C V such that C = K - lim infC£ = K- lim supG£ then we write C = K lim C£, and we say that the sequence {C£}£>0 converges to C in the sense of Kuratowski, or £—»0
K-converges to C (in V). □ The X-lower limit is sometimes denoted by Lim inf, and similarly for /(-upper limit, cf. Aubin and Frankowska (1990). Then C = Lim Ce. £—0
The above definition implies that K— lim infC£ C K— lim supC£ ,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
hence {C£ } £>0 K-converges to C if and only if K- lim supC£ CCC K- lim inf C€ . £^0
Example 1.3.41. If C is a subset of V and C€ = C for every e e £, then {C£}£>0 Kconverges to C, the closure of C in V. □ The A'-convergence of a sequence of sets is equivalent to the T-convergence of the cor responding indicator functions. Indeed, we have the following result. Proposition 13.42. Let {C£}£>o be a sequence of subsets of V and let C = K- lim inf Ce ,
C" = K- lim supC £ .
Then Ic = T—lim sup/c, £ -o
Ic" = T-lim inf lr . £^o
In particular {Cc}c>o A"-converges to C in V if and only if {ICe} T-converges to Ic in V. □ The following statement reveals the connection between T-convergence of functions and ^-convergence of their epigraphs. Due to this connection, the T-convergence is sometimes called epi-convergence, cf. Attouch (1984). Theorem 1.3.43. Let {G€}e>o be a sequence of functions from V int R, and let Gi = T— lim inf Gt,
G, = V— lim sup Gc .
Then epi G, = K— lim sup epi Gc ,
epi Gs = K- lim inf epi G£,
where the A"-limits are taken in the product topology V x R. In particular, {Ge} Tconverges to G in V if and only if {epi G £ } £>0 /("-converges to epi G in V x R. D Remark 13.44. The notion of /("-convergence has been introduced after Dal Maso (1993, Chap. 4), cf. also Attouch (1984) and Aubin and Frankowska (1990). Remark 1.3.45. In Section 13.2 we shall provide an example of /("-convergence applicable to two-phase plastic composites. 1.4. Two approximation results Most of the homogenization results presented in this book will be justified by using Tconvergence. In turn, in the prevailing number of cases the density of continuous affine functions in the space Hl(Q) will be exploited. Also, for most problems involving second-
Mathematical preliminaries
order derivatives, we shall use the fact that C 1 -functions with piecewise constant second gradient are dense in i/ 2 (fl). In the last case fi is a two-dimensional bounded domain. Definition 1.4.1. (a) Let fi C R n (n < 3) be a bounded domain. A function u : fi —> R is affine if it is a restriction to fi of an affine function on R n . (b) A function u : ?l —► R is called piecewise affine if it is continuous and there exists a partition of fi on a set with zero measure and a finite number of open sets on which u is affine. □ Thefirstapproximation result is formulated in the following form. Proposition 1.4.2. Let Q, be a bounded domain in R n (n < 3) with a Lipschitz boundary andu £ Hl{£l). There exists a sequence {um}m£N of piecewise affine functions on Q such that um —» u in Hl(Q)
when m — ► oo .
Proof. It is sufficient to prove the assertion for a function u e C°°(fl), continuous on Cl. Details are given in the book by Ekeland and Temam (1976, Chap. X). □ Having in mind application to plate problems, we have formulated this nice approxima tion results for n < 3 only. It can be formulated for any finite n and spaces W lp (fi). The second result, this time concerning approximation of functions from the space W2,P(Q) (1 < p < oo, fl C R 2 ) by means of C'-functions with piecewise constant second gradient, seems not to be so well known. Here we shall give a detailed proof due to Descloux, cf. also Birman and Solomyak (1967), Neuman and Schmidt (1983), Orlov (1978), Powell and Sabin (1977) and Sablonniere (1989). Let fi C R 2 be a quadrangle represented in Fig. 1.4.1.
♦ *2
Here P2, P4, Pe and Ps are mid-points of the corresponding sides of Q.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Proposition 1.4.3. For each fk e R, 1 < k < 8, there exists one and only one function / such that feC1
/,„, e V2,
1< i < 4,
/(fit) = } k ,
where P2 denotes the set of polynomials of order not exceeding 2.
Prior to providing the proof, an auxiliary result will be given. By using rotation and homothety one can refer the results which follow to Fig. 1.4.2.
Fig. 1.4.2. Lemma 1.4.4. Let / e C^ft) be such that /|„ t e V2 for 1 < k < 4. Then there exist constants a, 0,7,5, u>, a, b, c such that f(xi, x2) f(x1,x2) f(xi,x2) f{xx,x2)
= = = =
ax\ 7X, 7xf aij
+ wxiz 2 +W21I2 + wx\X2 + ux\X2
+ &%\ + a x i + bx2+c + /SX2 + axi + bx2 + c + 5x1 + axi +bx2 + c + 8x\ + axi + bx2 + c
on fti, on fi2, on n 3 , on n 4 .
Proof. We set o = 5,/(0,0),
where 9j = d/dx\, &2 = d/x2. Let g{xux2)
= f(xux2)
- axi
Mathematical preliminaries
68 Hence 9\ak e V2 ,
dl9K (0,0) = d2ghk ( 0 , 0 ) = gK (0,0) = 0
for 1 < k < 4. Consequently there exist coefficients p*, <& and rk such that 5ln k (xi,x 2 ) = Pkxl + qkXiX2 + rkxl ,
1 < A; < 4 .
The continuity of g along the axes xi and x2 yields the following relations Pi = p 4 := a,
n = r2 : +/?,
p 2 = Pz := 7 ,
r 3 = r 4 := <5 .
Next, from the continuity of the normal derivative of g along the same axes one gets 9i =92 = 9 3 = 94 : = w .
On account of (1.4.3) - (1.4.6) we conclude the proof.
The following lemma can easily be verified. Lemma 1.4.5. Let / be defined by (1.4.1). Then / e Cl(£l).
Proof of Proposition 1.43 (for Fig. 1.4.2). Let X = {/GC1(fi)|/KeP2,
Lemmas 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 show that X is a vector space of dimension 8. The conditions (a), (b) and (c) of Proposition 1.4.3 are equivalent to
f(Vk) = fk,
On account of a classical theorem of linear algebra it suffices to establish the following relation / a ,
= 0,
l < f c < 8 = > / = 0.
Let / € X be such that f(Vk) = 0,1 < k < 8. Hence one immediately concludes that / vanishes on dQ, and that d\f(Vk) = difCPk) = 0 for k = 1,3,5,7. Thus we have /(l,0) = Q + O + C = 0 / ( 0 , l ) = /3 + b + c = 0 9 , / ( 1 , 0 ) = 2Q + O = 0
fl!,/(l,0)=w + 6= 0 a1/(0,l)=w + a = 0 52/(0,1) = 2/3 + 6 = 0 d2f(-l,0) = -w + b = 0
Qi ,
on fii, on f2i , on fii , on fii , on fii , on Q2 .
(1.4.8) (1.4.9) (1.4.10) (1.4.11) (1.4.12) (1.4.13) (1.4.14)
Equations (1.4.11) and (1.4.14) yield b = w = 0, Eqs. (1.4.12), (1.4.10), (1.4.8) and (1.4.13) imply that a = 0, a = 0, c = 0 and 0 = 0 respectively. We have thus established that a = 0 = u> = a = b = c = O; moreover (1.4.1) readily gives 7 = S = 0. The proof is complete. □
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Later on we shall need certain results on quadratic one-dimensional splines. Let TV be a positive integer, h = —, xx = ih, 0 < i < N and Sfc = { / e C 1 [ 0 , l ] | / | ,
We employ here the conventional notation and " h" used in this section has obviously noth ing in common with homogenized quantities. One immediately verifies the following re sult. Lemma 1.4.6. Let j3, a0, Q i , . . . , aN G R be given numbers. Then there exists one and only one element s G S\ such that s(x{) = a, 0 < i < N and s'(0) = p. □ We introduce the next definition. Definition 1.4.7. Let / G Cl[0,1]. An element s e Sh such that s(x<) = f{xi), and s'(0) = /'(0) is called the interpolant of / with respect to ShLemma 1.4.8. Let / G C 2 [0,1] and, for fixed i, p G P 2 be such that f{xt)
/ ( x ! + i ) = p(x i + i). Let c > Obe such that \f"(x)-p"(x)\
\f'(x) - p'(x)\
V x G [Xi, xt+1] , Vi6[i„i,+1|.
Proof. We set r(x) = f(x) - p(x). By applying Rolle's theorem we conclude that there exists £ G ( i „ xi+i) such that r'(£) = 0. We have r'(i) =
Hence, by using (1.4.16) we conclude the assertion (a). Next we write X
iv)dv ■ Hence (b) readily follows. Let us consider the function ip : R —» R defined by 0
if x < -h and x > 2h , x+h if -h<x<0, h _2_ x(x-h)if0<x
Mathematical preliminaries
Properties off
^, M J + m , 6 V2,
= v(ft) = l ,
ifare [-/i,0]u[/i,2/i], f"(x) = \ \ -^ifie[0,h],
where Z stands for the set of integers. Performing simple calculation, from (1.4.18) and (1.4.19) one concludes Lemma 1.4.9. Let / e C1 [0,1] be such that /(0) = /'(0) = 0 and, for 0 < x < 1, let s be the function given by s(x) = /(<%(x) + (f(h) - f(0)Mx -h) + (f(2h) - f(h) + /(O)V(x - 2/i) + ... + [f(Nh) - f((N - l)h) + f((N - 2)h) + ... + (-l)Nf(0)Mx - Nh). (1.4.20) Then (a)
s is the interpolant of / with respect to 5/,;
s"(x) = -j^f(h),
(1.4.21) m_1
2 s"(x) = -r-2{J{x2m) + /(x 2m _ 1 ) - 4 ^ [ / ( x 2 i + 1 ) - / ( i a ) ] } , n (=o for x and m such that /i < X2m_i < x < X2m < 1 ; s"(x) = - { - 3 / ( x 2 m + 1 ) + /(x 2m ) + 4 ^ [ / ( x 2 ( + 1 ) - /(ia)]}.
for x and m such that 2/i < x 2m < x < x 2m+ i < 1.
Later on in this section we shall need the following result. Proposition 1.4.10. Let / e C4[0,1] and denote by sh the interpolant with respect to 5/,. Then there exists a constant c, independent of / and h such that
H/ - Sh ||+/in/' - S'h\\ + h*\\f» - 4\\ < ch3(\\r\\ + nrii), where, for g 6 C°[0,1], we introduce the notation: \\g\\ = sup |(x)|. 0<x
Proof. We note that if p is a polynomial of the second order on [0,1], then the interpolant of / + p is given by s/, + p. Thus, without loss of generality we may assume that /(0) =/'(0) = 0 .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
On account of Lemma 1.4.8, it is sufficient to establish existence of a constant c\, indepen dent of / and h, such that ||/"-S^||
Due to (1.4.24), the proof is reduced to evaluation of the expressions (1.4.21) - (1.4.23). In the sequel of this proof, we denote by r a generic function which may depend on x and h and such that there exists a constant c2> independent of x, h and / , such that K*,/i)|< C 2 (||/"'|| + | | / , v | | ) . Case 1. For 0 < x < h, by (1.4.21), (1.4.24) and Taylor's formula one gets
S ;(l) =
' ^(? / " ( 0 ) + / l 3 r ) = / " ( 0 ) + /lr
This implies existence of C\ such that m^c | / " ( x ) - ^ ( x ) | < C ] / i | | / ' " | | .
To treat the remaining two cases related to (1.4.22) and (1.4.23), from the trapezoid rule with correction one deduces, cf. Davis and Rabinowitz (1967, p. 53), Davis and Rabinowitz (1975) 2h{f{a) +f{a + 2/i) + f(a + 4/i) + ... + f{a + 2mh)} a+2mh
h[f(a) + f{a + 2mh)}+
f f{x)dx + j [f'(a + 2mh) - f{a)] a
+h3r ,
+ 2mh
By applying successively the last formula with a = 0 and a = h/2, one gets h
2 / i £ [ / ( r a + 1 ) - /(* 2 ,)] = h[f(h) ~ /(0)] - \{f'(h)
- /'(0)] -
J f(x)dx+j{f'(x2m+1)-f'(x2m)}
+ h4r. (1.4.28)
Taking into account (1.4.24), we have h
h[fW - /(0)] - j[f'(h)
- /'(0)] -
Jf{x)dx b
= y / " ( 0 ) - j/"(0)
- jf'{0)
+ h*r = h*r .
Mathematical preliminaries
Case 2. For X2m-i < x < x2m, on account of (1.4.22), (1.4.28) with m being replaced by m — 1, (1.4.29) and setting 6 = X2m-i we obtain 4(x) = J;{/(6 + A) + /(6) - £[/i(/(6) - /(b - /i)) 6
+ Jf(x)dx + j(f'(b) - f'(b - h))}} + hr , b-h b
sl(x) = ~{f(b +
h)-f(b)+2f(b-h)-ljf(x)dx b-h
+ hr,
sl(x) = l{hf'{b) + jf"(b) + 2[/(6) - hf(b) + ^f"(b)} - -h[hf(b) - y/'(6) + jf"(b)} - ~f"(b)
+ h*r}
4{x) = f"(x) + h?r , a;2m_1 < x < x2m .
We recall that r is a generic function introduced earlier. Case 3. For x2m < x < x 2m +i. on account of (1.4.23), (1.4.28) and (1.4.29), putting b = x2m we get 4(x) = ^ { - 3 / ( 6 + h) + /(b) + |[/i(/(6 + h) - f(b)) b+h
+ Jf(x)dx+j(f'(b+h)
- f'(b))]} + hr ,
4(x) = ?-2{~f(b + h)-f(b) b+h
+ ljf(x)dx+™[f'(b
+ h)-f'(b)]}
+ hr,
sl{x) =
- y / " W + 2/(6) + hf'(b) + jf"(b) + ~f"(b)} 4(x) = ~f"(b)
+ hr ,
+ hr,
4{x) = f"(x) + hr , x2m < x < x2m+1 .
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
From (1.4.26), (1.4.30) and (1.4.31) we eventually obtain (1.4.25) and thus the proof is complete. □ Now we are in a position to pass to two-dimensional approximations. Let D = {(x 1 ,i 2 )|0 < x\,x2 < 1}. By TV we denote a positive integer and set h = 1/N. Next, we assume the following notations: Teh - the set of quadrangles [ih, (i + l)h] x \jh, (j + l)/i], 0 < i, j < N - 1, ■ Tth - the set of triangles obtained by division of the quadrangles according to Fig. 1.4.3. N(; - the set of the vertices and mid-points of the sides of the quadrangles of T^,
Uh =
Fig. 1.4.3. Let f £ Cl (D). We are going to construct an approximation u of / . To this end we set: Shj - shj{x\) - the interpolant of f{-,jh) with respect to Sh in the sense of Definition 1.4.7,1 <j
For 0 < i, j < N - 1, let Cl} = [ih, (i + l)/i] x [jh, (j + l)h\ and let uxj : Ctj -> Ft satisfy the relations:
Mathematical preliminaries u
€ Vi;
A; = 1,2,3,4;
utj € C 1 (Cy) (fi* is defined in Fig. 1.4.4),
Uij(ih,jh) = shj(ih) uii((i+l)h,jh)
, uy(i + -/i, j/i) = s^((i + -)/i) ,
Ui3(ih, (j + -)h) = Svi{{j + -)h) , uy((i + l)/i, (j + i)/i) = Stn+1 ((jf + i)fc) , Uij(ih, (j +
uy((i + l)/i, (j + l)/i) = s A j + i((i + l)/i). Due to Proposition 1.4.3, there exists one and only one function satisfying (1.4.33). %*1
04)* —
—F* ■
" 4
n{ y* J
1 0
i i 1
i i
1 —
i 1
0 4 ) * ('+1>A
Fig. 1.4.4. We define u : D —> R by setting (1.4.34)
\ctj =uij 0
= shi{xi) ,
0 < i! < 1 ,
and u(ih, x2) = svi(x2) ,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
Hence one concludes that u is continuous in D. It remains to prove the continuity of the first derivatives d\u and d2u of u. To this end, let us consider Fig. 1.4.5 and verify the continuity of d2u along the interval AC. *2
A jh-
(j-l)n ■
('- \)h
Fig. 1.4.5. By virtue of (1.4.35), one has d2ui-^j-l{A)=d2Ui-lj{A) &iUi-i,j-i{B)=d2Uijj-i(B) d2utJ_1{C)=d2utj{C)
, = d 2 Ui-i,j(5) = d2u,}{B) , .
Along BC the derivatives c^Uij-i and c^Uij are the polynomials of the first order in the variable xi. Hence, taking into account (1.4.36) we conclude that c^u is continuous along AC. □ The last lemma shows that the following definition is meaningful. Definition 1.4.12. The function u given by (1.4.34) is the interpolant of / with respect to Lemma 1.4.13. Referring to Fig. 1.4.4, let Vtj = {v£ C\Cxl)\vK
€ V2 , 1 < A; < 4} ,
0 < i,j < N - 1 .
Then there exists a constant c, independent of i,j,k and v, such that for v € Vtj one has IMIuo + frlMly.1 + fc2|MI«j.2 < cmax\v(Pk)\
Mathematical preliminaries
where IMIij,o=
IM|t,;,i = max(max|9 1 v(i)|,max|a 2 v(x)|) , ||u||jj, 2 = max(sup \duv{x)\, sup \d12v(x)\, sup \d22v(x)\) . xecxj ieC(, zee*, Proof. It follows easily by using Proposition 1.4.3 and standard approach consisting in the passage to the reference element defined in Fig. 1.4.2. D We are now in a position to prove the following proposition. Proposition 1.4.14. Let / e C4(D) and denote by uh the interpolant of / with respect to Uh. (Def. 1.4.12). Then there exists a constant c, independent of h but dependent on / , such that 11/ - u h ||o + h\\f - uh\U + h2\\f - uh\\3 < ch3, where IMIo = max \v(x)\ ,
[|v||i = max(max
Proof. In the sequel c will denote a generic constant, independent ofa,P,h, depend on / . We shall only establish the relation
but which may
For 0 < i, j < N - 1, the reader is referred to Fig. 1.4.4. Let Uy denote the restriction of u\ to Cij. By virtue of construction of u^ and due to Proposition 1.4.10, one has maxg \f(Pk) -
< ch3 .
It is not difficult to establish (for instance, by using Taylor's expression) the existence of a second-order polynomial g such that 11/ - fflluo + h\\f - g\\i,jA + h2\\f -
< ch3.
Here we have used notations of Lemma 1.4.13; g depends on i, j , ft but not on c. We have 11/ - Uftlly.1 < 11/ - g\\ij,i + I K - 9\\ij.i ■
We observe that u i ; - g 6 V^, where V^ is defined in Lemma 1.4.13. Due to this lemma one has I K - flllu.i ^ I max \uij(pk) ~ 9(Pk)\ < I max \uxj{Pk) - f(Pk)\ + \ max \f(Pk) - g(Pk)\ < ch2 ,
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
where (1.4.38) and (1.4.39) have been taken into account. From (1.4.39) - (1.4.41) we deduce that ll/-«fc||tj,i < c / l 2 . where c is independent of i, j . In this way we have obtained (1.4.37), which completes the proof. D Remark 1.4.15. The proof of Proposition 1.4.14 exploits the classical argument of "the inverse hypothesis" in the theory of finite elements, established by Lemma 1.4.13. We observe that in Proposition 1.4.14 it could not be difficult to provide explicit dependence of c on / . We pass to proving the second density result. Let ficR2bea bounded domain with Lipschitzian boundary, 1 < p < oo .
Without loss of generality, we may assume that fic {(xi,x2)\Q<xux2 < 1} .
Proposition 1.4.16. Let Q satisfy (1.4.42) and (1.4.43) and let / g W 2 p (fi). Then there exists uh e Uh such that lim||/-Uh||vv2.P(fi) = 0 .
Proof. Due to Calder6n's extension theorem (see Stein, 1970, Chap. VI), it suffices to consider the case where fi = (0,1) x (0,1). We note that Uh C W 2 ' p (fi). From the density ofC°°(f2) in W2'P(Q.) we deduce that one may assume that/ e C°°(Cl). Proposition 1.4.14 then implies the existence of u^. 6 Uh such that \im\\f -uh\\wi.ooin)
For an / g W2'P(Q) there exists a sequence {/n}neN C C°°(fi) such that ||/-/nl|w*.p(n) - » 0
In turn, for each n there exists unh € Uh such that 11/ — Un,/illw2oo(n) —* 0 when
n —» oo .
Applying the diagonalization method we infer the existence of a mapping h —> n(h) with lim nlh) = +oo such that denoting Uh = un(h),h,
Mathematical preliminaries
we obtain 11/ - «fc||w».i>(n) < 11/ - /n(h) I |w».i>(n) + ||/n(h) ~ «/i||w».P(n) < 11/ - fn{h)\\w2-P(tl)
+ C||/„(fc) - Uh||w2.°o(n) ,
where c > 0 depends on fi only. The assertion is proved.
Remark 1.4.17. Sablonniere (1989) considered similar problem of approximation by using general triangular mesh. 7.5. An augmented Lagrangian method for problems with unilateral constraints Augmented Lagrangian methods combine ordinary Lagrangian techniques and penalty methods without suffering from the disadvantages of these methods: slow convergence for the former and possible ill-conditioning as rj —► oo for the latter. More precisely, aug mented Lagrangian methods converge without requiring that the penalty parameter rj tends to infinity. Augmented Lagrangian methods have many applications in the analysis of optimization problems with constraints, cf. Glowinski and Le Tallec (1989), Ito and Kunish (1990,1996) Telega and Galka (1998,1999). Ito and Kunish (1990) proposed the augmented Lagrangian algorithm to solve the mini mization problem (P) below. In Sections 8-11 we shall see that local problems for plates and laminates weakened by periodically distributed fissures are always of such a type pro vided that friction is neglected. In the present section we shall present the main results obtained by Ito and Kunish (1990). To this end, we first introduce the following spaces and mappings: V is a Hilbert space, V\ is a reflexive Banach space, continuously injected into V, H is a Hilbert lattice with inner product (•,•), a ( , •) : V x V —> R is a bilinear, symmetric, continuous and V-elliptic form with a(u,u) > Co| |u||y for some constant Co > 0, / : V —► R is a continuous linear functional, g : V\ —> H is a convex, continuous and Gateaux differentiable mapping. We recall (Yosida, 1978) that H is a Hilbert lattice if it is a Hilbert space and a partially ordered set (with order denoted by <) such that every nonempty finite subset of H has a greatest lower and a least upper bound (denoted by sup), and such that (i) u < v implies u + w < v + w for all u , v, w 6 H, (ii) u < 0 implies QU for all u € H, a G R + , (iii) |u| < |v| implies | |u|| w < ||v|| H f o r a l l u . v e //.where |u| = s u p ( u , - u ) and||-|| w denotes the norm in H. In practice, < stands for the pointwise almost everywhere ordering. We identify H with its dual and assume that A e H, A > 0, implies (A,u) > 0 for all u>0.
Function spaces, convex analysis, variauonal convergence
The problem under investigation means evaluating (P)
u 6 Vi} .
We need the following assumption: (A) there exists (u, A)| G Vi x H such that u is a solution to (P), A > 0 and (a)
a(u,v) - l{v) + (X,g'(u)v) = 0 for all v G Vi.
Here g' denotes the Gateaux derivative of g. In view of the ellipticity of the bilinear form a(-, •) the solution u of (P) is necessarily unique. The element A is referred to as a Lagrange multiplier for (P). Now we are in a position to define a family of augmented Lagrangian problems associ ated with (P): (P)„,A
min L„{u, A) ,
where Lv(u, A) = ia(«,ti) - l(u) + l ( | | s u p ( 0 , A + V9(u))\\2H ~ \WO and A G //, 7) > 0, r? G R + . We note that L^u, A) can be written in an alternative way. Let g : V1 x H x R + - . H be defined by g(u,X,ri) = sup (g(u), — J . It can easily be shown that L,(u,A) = \a{u,u) - l(u) + (X,g(u,X,r,)) + |||p(u, A,77)||2„ .
We now pass to presentation and examination of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm to solve (P). It consists of a sequence of unconstrained optimization problems (P)v„,\n whose solutions (provided that they exist) converge to the solution of (P). The Algorithm (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Choose Ai G //, A! > 0, and 7? > 0. Put n = 1. Solve (P)„,A„ for ti,. Put An+i = An + T)g(un, K, V) = sup(0, An + T)g(un)). Put n = n + 1 and return to (3).
A stopping criterion must be added to the algorithm for actual computations.
Mathematical preliminaries
Prior to studying the convergence of this algorithm we require two technical lemmas. Lemma 1.5.1. Let A £ H, A > 0, 77 > 0, 77 € R + and assume that u —> Lv(u, A) is radially unbounded, i.e. Lv(u, A) —> oo as ||u|| v —» oo. Then there exists a unique solution uv of {P)n,\ which satisfies a(uv,v) - l{v) + (sup(0,A
+ TW(U,))10,(U»
= 0,
for all v £ V]. Lemma 1.5.2. Let A 6 H, 77 > 0,77 € R + . Then the function u->||sup(0,A + 77(U))||2H from Vi to R is convex. Proof of Lemma 1.5.2. The convexity of g implies 7]g(fj,u + (1 - fi)v) < ra(ti) + (1 - n)vg{y) for every u, v £ Vi and (i £ (0,1). Using properties of the Hilbert lattice structure of H (Yosida, 1978) we obtain A + ngfjiu + (1 - fi)v) < n{\ + rig{u)) + (1 - /J)(A +
and sup(0, A + 7?ff(/iu + (1 - n)v)) < sup(0, n(\ + r]g{u))) + sup(0, (1 - M)(A + 773(7;))) = sup(0, A + T)g(u)) + (l-(j.)sup(0, A + 773(1))). Hence we deduce that ||sup(0,A + 77(/iu+(l-/i)7)))||„
Proof of Lemma 1.5.1. Inviewoftheellipticityofa(-,),themappingu —> -a(u,u)-l(u) from Vi to R is strictly convex. Since also u —> (I/277)11 sup(0, A + r)9(u))\\2H is convex, it follows that u —* Lv{u, A) is strictly convex. Moreover, u -* sup(0, A + rjg(u)) is continuous (Baiocchi and Capelo, 1984, Th. 19.8) and thus u —* Ln(u, A) is continuous
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
as well. By assumption this mapping is also radially unbounded. Since Vi is reflexive, the existence of a unique solution uv of (P)Vt\ follows. Thus characterization (1.5.2) can be proved by differentiation of Lv(u, A) with respect to u. Theorem 1.5.3. Let hypothesis (A) be satisfied and assume that u —> Lv(u, A) is radially unbounded from V\ to R for every A > 0. Then coll" - "nil2, + ±\\K+i
- A||2„ < i | | A n - A|£
for all n G N. Proof. Let J : V\ —> R be given by J(u) = -a(u,u)
and set 6(u, A) = sup(0, A + r]g(u)) for A £ H and u e V. We note that 6(un, An) = A n+ i. With (A) we find J(u„) - J(u) = -a{un,un)
- l{un) - -a{u,u) + l(u)
= -a(un,un)
- a(un,u) + -TCL(U, U) 4- a(u, un — u) + l(u - un)
= ^a{un-u,un-u)
+ {X,g'(v.){u-un))
By using (1.5.2) we obtain J(u) - J{un)=-a(v.,u)
= -a(u -un,u-
- -a(un,un)
+ l(un)
un) - {6(un, Xn),g'(un)(u
- un)} .
Adding these two expressions we get 0 = a(u - un,u - u) + (X,g'{u){u - u)) - (9(un,\n),g'(un){u
- un)> .
Next we define G : Vi x H -> R G(u, A) = 1 [ | | sup(0, V g(u) + X)\\l - \\X\\l] , for 7] > 0. It is easily seen that G(u, A) < 0
for all
A e H , X>0.
In fact, by (A) and since H is a Hilbert lattice we conclude that sup(0,A + w(u)) < A,
Mathematical preliminaries
and ||sup(0,A +
Hence (1.5.4) follows. Moreover, for every v G Vi we find C u (u, X)v = (sup(0, ij0(u) + A), g'(u)v) . By Lemma 1.5.2 the mapping u —* G(u, A) is convex, consequently we obtain the follow ing subdifferential inequality G(u, An) > G(un, An) + (8(un, Xn), g'(un)(u - un)> .
Next we find G(un,Xn) + {e{un,Xn),g'(un)(u-un)) + (K,g(un,K,r)))
= ^\\g{un,Xn,7])\\l
+ (0(un,Xn),g'{un){u-un))
= -||(u„, A„,T?)||^
+ (K ~ A,g(un, Xn,rj)) + {Xg{un, Xn,rj)} + (0(un, Xn),g'(un)(u - u„)) = 2^\\V9(un,
+ An - A||2 - — ||An - A||2 +
+ (Xn+1,g'(un)(u - un)) = ±\\9(un,Xn)
- X\\l - ^ | | A n - A||2„
+ (^, 9{un, Xn, 77)) + a{u - Un, u - un) + (X,g'(u)(u-un))
where for the last equality we used (1.5.3). From (1.5.4) - (1.5.6) combined with the equality (X,g(u)) = 0 we obtain -^l|A„+i-A||2„-^||An-A||2„+a(u-U,w-u) +(A,s(u n , An,r,) + g'(u)(u - un) - g(u)) < 0 .
The convexity of g implies g'{u)(u - u„) + g{un, Xn, r?) - g(u) > g'{u){u - u„) + g{un) - g(u) > 0 . (1.5.8) Combining (1.5.7) and (1.5.8) and using the fact that A > 0 we obtain ^ P n + 1 - A||2„ - ^ | | A n - A||2 + a(u This is the desired estimate in view of the ellipticity of a(-, •).
-un,u-un)<0. □
Remark 13.4. The assumptions on the radial unboundedness of u — ► Lv(u, A) and on the reflexivity of V\ are only required in the proof of Lemma 1.5.1 and can be replaced by the
Function spaces, convex analysis, variational convergence
assumption of existence of a solution of (P)n,x- If V\ = V, then the radial unboundedness of u —> L^u, A) is implied by the V-ellipticity of a(-, •). □ The first-order necessary optimality condition associated with (P)v,x„ of the algorithm has the following form: a(un, v) - l(v) + (sup(0, An + T]g(un)), g'{un)v) = 0 for all v € Vi. By definition of A n+ i this condition is equivalent to a{un,v)-l(v)
+ (\n+ug'(un)v)=0
v e Vi .
Corollary 13.5. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.5.3, the sequence {An}nem is bound ed in H and un —» u in V with °° 1 c o ^ l l u - un\\l < - | | A , - A||2„ . n=l
If, moreover, g'{un)v —» g'(u)v in / / , for every v € Vj, then every cluster point A of {An} satisfies (A)(b) with A replaced by A and A > 0. Proof. Estimate (1.5.10) follows directly from Theorem 1.5.3. The second assertion is a consequence of (1.5.9). Finally, by step (4) of the algorithm (A, v) > 0 for each v > 0 and hence A > 0. D The correspondence between (P) and (P)„\ is formulated as Corollary 1.5.6. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.5.3, u is the unique solution of the constrained problem (P) if and only if u is the solution of the unconstrained problem
(pkxProof. The result follows immediately from Theorem 1.5.3 with Ai = A.
Variable stepsize analysis In the augmented Lagrangian algorithm with variable stepsize, step (4) is replaced by (4')
put A n +i — An + ar]g{un, Xn, TJ) ,
a e (0,1] .
For numerical calculations it may be essential to take a < 1 to obtain good performance of the algorithm. Theorem 1.5.7. Assume that (A) is satisfied and that un —> Lv(u, A) is radially unbounded from Vi to R for every A > 0. Then we have coll" - un\\2v + V-(l - oOHSK,X n ,vW H + 2 ^ H A " + i - A||* -2^l|An-A||2«'
Mathematical preliminaries
for all n G N, and 00
cb$3llfi - u^v + ^
- «)Mff<"». ^ H - l ^ w l l A l ~ X|l« •
Proof. The proof is left to the reader as an exercise, cf. also Ito and Kunisch (1990).
Remark 1.5.8. The same authors (Ito and Kunisch, 1996) developed the augmented Lagrangian algorithm for a more general class of convex optimization problems: find min{/(u) +
Introduction The subject of this chapter is a statical analysis of a linearly elastic plate of properties periodic in two orthogonal longitudinal directions. Such a plate can be constructed by repeating the basic periodicity cell Z along the directions of the sides of the reference rect angle Z = (0,/*) x (0,/!), see Fig. 2.0. Due to highly oscillating elastic properties, the solution of the elasticity problem is also oscillating. The aim of the analysis is to extract from this solution those parts which describe the overall plate response. It is the two-scale expansion method which makes it possible to extract the terms representing the overall plate behavior. This method has already been successfully applied to the overall analysis of periodic three-dimensional composites. Here this method should be appropriately mod ified to take into account that the transverse dimension of the plate is much smaller than its in-plane dimensions. This has two consequences: distribution of displacements is al most linear across the thickness and the in-plane stresses assume much greater values than other stress components. The latter property means that the plane-stress state prevails. It turns out that both these features can be disclosed by the two-scale expansion method if an appropriate scaling of the loading is adopted.
Fig. 2.0.
Let the plate thickness be scaled by the small parameter e and the dimensions l\,h- by the small parameter e. A perfect effective plate model is constructed byfixingthe ratio e/e
Elastic plates
and passing to zero with e, cf. Caillerie (1982). This is equivalent to a simultaneous passage to the zero limit with e and e, which can be performed formally by the asymptotic expansion method (Sections 2.2, 2.3) or rigorously by the T-convergence technique (Section 2.10.4). Both approaches lead to the Caillerie-Kohn-Vogelius plate model of periodic plates made from cells Z of arbitrary shape. Just this effective plate model will further be treated as a reference model and all other averaging methods will be better or worse approximations of this model, depending on the shape of the basic cell Z. This model is, however, difficult to apply since it involves three-dimensional local problems. Difficulties that arise at any attempts to solve these local problems analytically justify further steps towards rational simplifications. The first simplified model refers to the case of the basic cell Z being a thin plate. This model can be derived from by two methods. The first one was originated in 1976 by Duvaut and Metellus who homogenized the thin plate equations of Kirchhoff, without making any reference to the three-dimensional plate pattern. The second modelling consists in impos ing Kirchhoff s constraints on the solutions of the Caillerie-Kohn-Vogelius local problems. This purely two-dimensional homogenization leads to relatively simple formulae for effec tive stiffnesses. In the case of plates with straight ribs these formulae can be put in one compact and algebraic formula, called the formula of Francfort and Murat, cf. Sec. 3.8.1. It will turn out clear in Chapter VI that this algebraic formula plays a crucial role in prov ing the extremal properties of ribbed plates. This shows that the homogenization results do not only provide us with rational averaging formulae for plates of repeated lay-up, but they yield complete characterizations of the sets of effective stiffness tensors of all plates constructed by mixing given constituents in fixed proportions. This creates a link between homogenization and optimization, a link that makes the homogenization results of major significance. The second simplified model of periodic plates refers to the case of the basic cell Z being a slender column, see Sections 2.9 and 2.10.3. This model was proposed by Caillerie (1984) for the case of constant thickness and by Kohn and Vogelius (1984) for the case of periodically varying thickness. Thus the analytical formulae for effective stiffnesses concern the periodic plates com posed of very thin or very slender cells. It turns out that these former formulae (of Duvaut and Metellus) can be improved by admitting the transverse shear deformation within pe riodicity cells. This can be performed by two different methods leading to the same final results. In the first method one imposes Hencky-Reissner constraints on the solutions to the three-dimensional basic cell problems of Caillerie-Kohn-Vogelius, see Section 2.7. The second method takes the Hencky-Reissner two-dimensional setting as a point of departure. The homogenization is based on a special scaling, called refined, which preserves relations between all length scales involved. There are at least two such length scales. The first is the length of the basic cell. The second is the quantity ( D / i / ) 1 / 2 , where D and H represent the bending and shearing stiffnesses, respectively; see Sections 5.3 - 5.5. If a thin plate is periodic with respect to a curvilinear parametrization, then homogeniza tion is nonuniform and leads to an effective model with slowly varying effective stiffnesses.
This topic is discussed within the Kirchhoff framework in Section 3.10. The homogenization analysis of periodic plates undergoing moderately large deflections is performed in Section 4.2 under the von K&imin assumptions and generalized in Section 5.7 to the case of transverse shear deformable plates. The influence of openings on the bifurcation analysis of thin plates is discussed in Section 4.3. The Kirchhoff and Hencky-Reissner modelling cannot be applied to sandwich plates with stiff faces. The bending stiffness of the faces is taken into account in the model of Hoff. The formulae for effective stiffnesses of such sandwich plates of repeated lay-up (usually the core has a periodic structure) are derived in Section 6. In the present chapter the following conventions are adopted. The small Latin indices, like: i, j , k, I, m, n, s... run over 1, 2, 3; the small Greek indices, like a, 0, A, n,... (expect for e) assume the values 1, 2. The summation convention applies to the indices at different levels, e.g. 2
A°% = 5 > < % , M»ajk = £ M % f c . 0=i
In the expressions like Aal3hP or M'jajh the summation does not hold. The three Cartesian orthogonal systems will be used: (XJ), (z*), (&). The partial deriva tives are denoted shortly as follows
&- =
a^- ( ) "-
We also introduce the following notation: x = (xux2), x = (xi,x2,x3)
z = (zuz2), ,
2/= (2/1,2/2) ,
z = (zuz2,z3),
y = (1/1,1/2,1/3) •
The symmetrized gradients are denoted as follows Cy(w) = j j K j + fj,i) ,
4-(«) = 2 ^ -
e y («) = ey-(w) , r
4-( ) = 2 ^
+ v
where v = («i, v2, v3); vt depend on either x or z or y. Let v = (f 1, v2) and w be functions of x, z or y. We set ea/3{v) = ^(va,P + Vp,a) i eZ
a0(v) = 2
+ V
a/?(«) = 9 ^ 1 / 5 + VP\c) i
Kap{w) = -W
= ~W\a0 ■
Elastic plates
The quantity e will be a small parameter scaling the plate thickness and should not be mistaken for the operators (0.3), (0.4). The rescaled plane and spatial periodicity cells are denoted by Y and y and are paramet rized by (ya) and (yi) respectively. The averages of a function / denned on these cells are denoted by
(/> = Y\jf{v)dy•
^fy= W\If{y)dy'
(0 5)
where \Y\ =areaY, \y\ =\o\y.
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
The aim of this section is to put forward a derivation of these effective models of peri odic plates which start from the three-dimensional setting. We consider two methods of modelling: (a) the process of reduction of the transverse dimension is indissolubly bond ed with the process of smearing-out the stiffnesses; (b) both processes being subsequently performed. A central role is played by model (Pn) with three-dimensional local problems. This model is derived by two different methods: by asymptotic expansions and then indepen dently derived and justified by T-convergence with all dimensions of the basic cell tending to zero. Other models discussed are approximations to model (Pn) and concern plates composed of very slender or very thin periodicity cells. These approximate models are not derived here by an asymptotic expansion method; the method of T-convergence is here self-explanatory. All convention given in the Introduction to the Chapter apply here. 2.1.
Equilibrium problem of a periodic plate
We consider a three-dimensional elastic body occupying the closure of a domain B lying between two surfaces of Z-periodic shape; Z = (0, Zf) x (0, Zf) : B = {x | x = (x, x3) ,
i = (xa) 6 ^ ,
xj(x) < i 3 < xj(x)} .
Here ft is a plane, open reference domain parametrized by Cartesian coordinates (xQ)(a = 1,2); x3-axis is directed normal to this plane and the (ij) system forms a left-handed Cartesian system with orthonormal basis (ei,e2,e 3 ). The functions x* are assumed to be Z-periodic, i.e. xf(x\ +mll, Xi + nl\) = x3t(xi,X2) ,
m,n 6 N .
They determine the upper (+) and lower (—) faces of B : r ± = {x | x G Q,
x3 = xf(x)} .
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Let r = dQ, be the boundary of fi. The cylindrical surface T = {x | x 6 T,
xj(x) < x 3 < xj(x)}
is referred to as a lateral surface of B. If the in-plane dimensions of Q are much greater than max |xj" — x j |, then such a body could be called a plate with varying thickness. The plate is composed of cells Z Z = {x\x
e Z,
X3 (x) < x 3 < xj(x)} ,
except for a boundary layer around T. The elastic moduli C^ of the plate material are assumed to be Z-periodic functions in x, hence index Z at the core letter C . Within the framework of linear elasticity the stresses <7t; and strains ty, both referred to the Cartesian system (XJ), are interrelated by Hooke's law
a« = Cxt\x)ekl .
The strain-displacement relations are given by eij{w) = w(ij)
where w = (wi). The plate is subject to surface loads rf(x) on the r ± faces, i.e., o1J(x,x$)nf{x)
= r'±(x) ;
here n * = (nf) are versors normal to T±. The body forces b' = 6'(x) are Z-periodic in x. Along T the plate is clamped. Thus the space of kinematically admissible displacement fields is given by V0(B) = {ve
I v = 0 on r 0 } .
The equilibrium problem reads: findw 6 V0(B) such that a'je,j{v)dx= (Pz)
ri+{x)v,(x,x^)dT+ (2.1.5)
- frl{x)vt(x,xJ)dT_
+ Ib {x)vi(x)dx
V v G V0{B)
Here axi depend upon to according to (2.1.1) and (2.1.2). We assume that the matrix Cz = (C% ) is positive definite: 3m > 0 such that V 7 G E3,
> m£(7„)2
Elastic plates
90 for almost every x € B. Moreover, the following symmetry conditions hold gijki
= cm
( 2.i.7)
The area elements dT± are given by dT± = (Gf (x))1/2dx ,
dx = dxxdx2
with G|(x) = l + (x3±1)2 + (x3±2)2;
here (•),<* = d/dxa. 2.2. Family of problems (Pe) Problem (Pz) involves three quantities: h = max | x j - X3 |, l\ and Zf which are small in comparison with the global dimensions of B. The presence of small quantities makes the problem intractable by usual analytical and discretized methods. Thus it is reasonable to take advantage of these parameters being small and use an asymptotic method. In the asymptotic method to be used we consider a family of problems (Pc) such that for a certain e = £0, {Pe0) = {Pz)- A common feature of all problems (P€) is that the periodically cells for (P€) remain homothetic to the original cell Z. Thus we substitute xf(x)
— x f (x) = £C± ( ^ ) , Xf{x) = EoC* ( U
lza ~» ela , l*a = e0la ; Z^eY
, Z = e0Y .
Here ~» means replacement and Y = (0,1]) x (0, l2). The functions c* are Y-periodic. Let y = {y I y = (y.1/3), y = (2/1,2/2) e Y , c~{y)
Thus replacements (2.2.1) mean Z — Zc = ey ,
y represents a rescaled cell of periodicity, cf. Fig. 2.2.1. Scaling (2.2.1) replaces domain B with domain Bc. To compensate for diminishing of the transverse dimensions of Bc when e —> 0 one must scale the loading r°±(x) - r£°(x) = e2p%(x) , r?a(x) = r£(x) , r 3 (x) - r f (x) = £3<7±(x) , 4<"3(x) = r 3 (x) , Q
2 3
6°(x) -~ e6 ( - ) , 6 (x)-* e 6 ( - ) ,
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Fig. 2.2.1. Rescaled cell of periodicity where p j , q± are e-independent functions defined on fi; ba(-,y3), b3(-, 2/3) are K-periodic. The unknown displacement field is denoted by w£ — {w\) and the strains ef^ = e^{wc) and stresses a'J depend on e. The boundary conditions (2.1.3) assume the form o?(x, x f ( x ) ) n f (x) = e2pa±(x) ,
a?(x, x f ( x ) ) n f (x) = e3q±(x) , (2.2.4)
where ne± represents the unit vector outward normal to Fc± at (x, x ^ ) . Assume that func-
"fM-(M!))">(D' (2.2.5)
**&) = [*<£, *c% ±1],
df To make the scaling complete one should assume the following constitutive relation a?(x)=Ci>"(^)4(*):
Cf'(*) = C ^ < ( - , ^ ) ;
— J are K-periodic and C,ikl ( _ iJ/3j are defined for j/3 € (c~(y),c+(y)). Hence (fi^iy) are defined for y € y.
Elastic plates
The variational equilibrium equation (2.1.5) yields: fai'eijWdx
= f[e2j^vQ(x,ec+)
+ e3q+v3(x,ec+)]dT%
r« +
+ / [e2ptva(x,ec')
+ f[eba ( * ) va{x) + e2b3 ( * ) v3(x)]dx
for all v vanishing on T £ . The problem of finding wc, e£, ac satisfying (2.2.8) and (2.2.6) will be called (Pe). The asymptotic method applied in the sequel requires reformulation of problem (P £ ) so that the local variable y € y would play the role of an independent variable. To this end we shall extrapolate the fields involved in [Pt) to the product domain Q. x y 3 {x, y), as follows. It is assumed that stresses and displacements can be expressed in terms of new functions ^(x,x3)
= a? (x; -,—) £
= wti[x;
-,— j ,
-,— J ,
such that o? \x; ;— ,J
u>i(x; -, — ,J ,
are V-periodic functions. Let us rewrite (2.2.9) as follows f[x, X3) = f(xuX2,
t/l, 2/2, 2/3)L=x„/£, y3=i 3 /e
for / = a'J, u\, v\. Derivatives of / are denoted by ^=f,a dxa
l f = / V dyi
Hence ^T
= [f,a+-£f\X=*le-
Using (2.2.10)-(2.2.12) one can express the integrand on the l.h.s. of (2.2.8) as follows 1
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Thus one can write Eq. (2.2.8) in the form c + (f)
I I lar (x' 7) ^a (x' 7) + \*< (*• 7) ** (x' 7)]d:rd (?)
Hc-(f) = £2/
[ P ? ( I ) « „ (x, ~£ , c + ) G | Q
+ }£(*)«„ (x, p C " )
G£ Q ]
n +e3J
[q+(x)v3 (x, -e,c+) G$ (?-) + q~(x)v3 (x, ^ c " ) G! (*-)] dx
'/ / V (") «■ (*■ ?) + £t* (?) * (*• 7 ) ] « ( ? )
(i2 13
- »
Now we set j / = - , 2/3 = — or y = — and treat y as an independent variable. Integrating s e e both sides over Y one arrives at Ae(wc,i>) = F€{v)
where Ac{wc,i>) = eho I -< a?(w€)vt,a
*«(») = e2f[ho n
-< bQ(y)va(x,y)
+ pa_(x)(va(x,y,c-)(G-(y))1')}dx
+ ^{wc)vA]
>- dx ,
+pa+(x){va(x,y,c+)(G+(y))h e3J[h0^b3(y)v3(x,y)y
+ n
+ q4x){v3(x,y,c )(G+(y))^)
+ q-(x){v3(x,y,c-)(G-(y))h\dx
The notations (•} and -< • >- have been adopted in the Introduction. The quantity ho = \y\/\Y\
represents the average thickness of the rescaled cell y. The stress-displacement relations take the form *?'(*, y, 2/3) = >"&, !&)&(*. y, wO
Elastic plates
where 2
«*J = K,0 + ™0,c, +£ ~«\0 + ™0\c) '" "'
^,3 = ™3,a + ~(™a|3 + ™3| J >
«33 = "*3|3
and w £ H(Q x y), where
H(n xy) = {v = (v,(x,y)) | v{x,-) e w(y)M-,y) € tf0W}, W(y) = {v € [i/'O 7 )] 3 !^ assumes equal values on the opposite lateral faces of y) and// 0 1 (fi) 3 = [i/ 0 1 (^)] 3 Now we are ready to formulate the boundary value problem on the product domain ilxy. It will be called (7*): find we e H(
Asymptotic analysis. Effective moduli and local problems
The solution wc of problem (T*) is sought in the form wc = u ( 0 ) (z) + eu (1 >(z; y) +
where ti (0) G H^(Q.f and iM € H(Q. x y), p = 1,2,.... Consequently, the stresses assume the form of a similar expansion a? = alj + eo? + e2o? + ... ,
where a J = rf{x, y), and ^ = C ^
o« = CPuu%l)
+ C^U<°>,
Substituting (2.3.2) into (2.2.14) and equating the terms of the same order with respect to e results in the reformulation of problem (Vc) to the following sequence of problems: Find u<°> € H£(n)3 and «<*> € H{U x y) such that
< al03viU >■ dx = 0 ,
-< < X a + °ii>i\j ydx
= 0,
ho I -< a?vita n
+ a'2jviU >- dx = F2(v) ,
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
^o J -< <7J°Vi,a + o3vAj ydx = F3{v) , n
I -< a™vi>a + (rlj+lv,i, ydx = 0, n for each v e H(Q x y), where F2(v) = J\pa+(x)(va(x,y,c+)(G+(y))^ n + j£.(x){va{x,y,c-)(G-(y))l)]dx
(2.3.9) + ho J ■< ba{y)vQ(x,y) y dx , n
F3(v) = n
+ ho j ^ b3(y)v3(x,y) > dx . (2.3.10) n The sequence of problems given by (2.3.4) - (2.3.8) can be subsequently solved, thus enabling a construction of the solution (2.3.1) and (2.3.2) of problem (V*). To make this chapter self-contained, it is indispensable to follow at least first steps of the solution process. Step 1. Substitute the representation (2.3.3)] into (2.3.4) and take i>i =
■< [ C ^ u g + C^ujj^Wiu >-= 0 .
Hence u' ' can be expressed as «l1, = 9 i M ( s ) » i 0 i + « t W .
where 0 ^ e W{y) satisfies (for (j/3) = {kl)) {Vy)
| ay(eikl),w)
= - < Cijklwt]j y
Vw e W(y)
and the bilinear form ay(-, •) is defined by ay(u,v) =-< C^'d/K^i, y,
u,ve W{y) .
According to standard theorems problem (Vy) is uniquely solvable provided that, cf. Sec. 1.2.2 -< 0<*O y= 0 .
Elastic plates
Note that the function ©<3« =
_ 0k) t (e M) 'k )=- { h6y-y^k)'
where 2/3 = 2 / 3 - ^ 2 / 3 ^ ,
C*jkhG(ff + C'j30 = 0 ,
along with (2.3.15). Thus 0 (3/3) solves problem (V],). Substituting (2.3.16) into (2.3.12) one obtains ull) = e^(y)u^0
u^ = e3a0)(y)u(^
- y3w,a + uAx) ,
+ u3(x) , (2.3.19)
where w(x) = u3 (i). Step 2. Substitute relation (2.3.19) into (2.3.3)i taking into account (2.3.18). One finds
a'j = AT^Z , Amm
a(jM =
Now let us substitute (2.3.20) into (2.3.5) with va = wa(x), v3 = 0 and wa S Hi (Q). Then /
V w £ Hi (Q) 2 ,
-< of > w0iC,dx = 0
where -< af >-= AfXfiu^ x
Af "=^Af
(2.3.24) 0)
We shall prove that solution to the equation (2.3.22) is trivial: u^ = 0, o^" = 0 and hence a% = 0 . To this end we have to concentrate on properties of the tensor Ay. Let us take (kl) = (a/3) and w = ©(A(i> in (2.3.13). One easily finds an identity ay(&{a0), e (J *»)+ -< C ^ e ' * " ' >-= 0 .
Combining this identity with (2.3.24) and (2.3.21) one obtains Af* =-< V^a^a^ which, by (2.1.7), implies the following symmetries
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates Moreover, one can prove that (Ay estimate Af^ia^x^
) is positive definite. By (2.3.26) and (2.1.6) one can
> c]T -< a^0)a\^] y 7 ^ 7 ^ = c ^ x 7^7,., y> 0
with % = o^7ofl •
On the other hand, the equality in (2.3.28) can only be attained if 7^ = 0. Then (7^) = 0. Taking into account that (0™u) = 0, one finds (7AM) = 7A,, = 0. Hence Ay is positive definite, which implies that ix° = 0 is the only solution to problem (2.3.22). Consequently, Eqs. (2.3.19) reduce to u[l) = -V3W.O + ua(x) ,
u{3l) = 1x3(1) .
Step 3. Let us substitute (2.3.30) into (2.3.3)2 for p = 1. One obtains a? = C>uu$ + C**uk,a - h ^ w ^ .
By inserting diis formula into Eq. (2.3.5), taking into account that 0% = 0 and choosing Vi = ip(x)wi(y),
Vwe W(y).
By linearity of the problem (2.3.32) its solution can be represented in the form u(2) =
e«»(y)u w - S^(y)w,a0 + n(x) ,
where rj = (rjQ) is at this moment undetermined while 0 (j/3) are solutions to problem (Py) subject to condition (2.3.15) and the fields S{a0) 6 W(y) satisfy (V2y) I ay&a0\w)
= -^y3Ci>Q0wx{j^
They are also normalized as follows -< S ( Q / 3 ) y= 0 .
Due to the last condition the local fields S(Q^> are uniquely determined as solution to (Py). The proof is similar to the proof of well posedness of the problem (Vy). Substituting relation (2.3.16) into (2.3.33) one finds U(a] = Q{20\y)u^,p
- Si"0)(y)w^0 0)
- y3U3,a
+ T]a(x) ,
uf = e ^ f o K , - ^ (y)wn0 + r,3(x) .
Elastic plates
Substitution of (2.3.33) into (2.3.31) results in o? = AT0(y)up,a
- I?r0(y)w,aP
where A 0 is defined by (2.3.21) and Egae = cOHgWJ) ^ eWJ) = S M )
+ h6£50)
( 2 3 38)
Note that thefieldv3 contributes to u3 but does not affect a?. Step 4. One can easily prove that X o\> V= 0 .
Let us substitute w{ — Simy3 into (2.3.13). Hence .< A?3" y= 0 .
The same substitution into (2.3.34) results in -<E?3a0y=O.
Hence, by (2.3.37), one obtains (2.3.39). Further, the following notation will be used Ma0 = h0^afy,
Ma0 = h0< y3af
Q° = h0 -< of >- .
Step 5. According to (2.3.1) and (2.3.19) we have wa = e{ua{x) - y3wi
w3 = w(x) + eu3(x) + 0(e2) .
The choice of test functions Vi involved in (2.3.6) - (2.3.7) should be compatible with representations (2.3.42). Thus we assume va = e[wa(x) - y3v>a] ,
v3 = v(x) .
First, let us substitute (2.3.43) into (2.3.6), assuming that wa S Taking into account (2.3.39) one finds jMa0wa,0dx
= fpa{x)wa{x)dx
(2.3.43) HQ(Q)
+ Qav
and v €
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
where the loadings are given by pa(x) =ho^ a
b°(y) y +{(G^)pa+(x) +
+ <(C-)*)p°(x),
m (x) = <(c - -< 2/3 >)(G+)i)p +(x)
+ ((c"- -< y3 y)(G^)p _(x)-
-< y3b (y) y .
Now let us set va = 0 and v3 — v{x) in (2.3.7). One obtains lQav,adx = jq{x)v(x)dx , n n
q(x) = ((G + )i) 9 + (i) + ((G_)i)
where If v £
then, on combining formulae (2.3.45) and (2.3.47), one finds JMal3Ka0(v)dx
= f{qv - mav,a)dx ,
where /cQa(i>) = — v Q£ = —-5—5—. Let us define the effective moduli by OXpOXa
=-< £^ A * V , x
F / A " =-< y3AfA" x
Df »=^y3Ef »y
>- ,
The stress and couple stress averages involved in Eqs (2.3.44) and (2.3.49) are interrelated with e(u),n(w) by
A*°* = /^F-f A * e A » + hoDf^K^iw)
where Ay is defined by (2.3.24). Equations (2.3.51) follow from (2.3.37) and (2.3.41). The variational equations (2.3.44) and (2.3.49) along with constitutive relationships (2.3.51) form thefirsthomogenized problem (Ph.
Find(u,u>) e (tfoHfi))2 x H$(Q) = V#(fi) such that Eqs. (2.3.44), (2.3.49), (2.3.51) hold for each (w, v) e V#(fi) .
Step 6. We shall prove that problem {Phom) is well posed. Notefirstthat tensors (2.3.50) can be written as follows
Efx" =-< C^'a'f ' e ^ ' y ,
Ffx» =< &"<£?>a™ y , (2 3 52)
Elastic plates
where a§0) and e^f have been defined by Eqs. (2.3.21)2 and (2.3.38)2. The identities (2.3.52) can be proved similarly as the identity (2.3.26) proved previously. Thus the sym metry properties (2.1.7) readily imply Efx" Note, that
= F^0
Dfx" = D$T0 .
Efx" £ E$T0 , Ffx" £ FX,M0 ,
in general. The elastic potential of the homogenized plate is expressed by Wy(e, K) = {Afx»ea0eXli
+ Efx»KXliea0
D°0X"Ka0^)/2, (2.3.54)
KaP = na0(w) .
+ ff^K^t^
where eQ/j = ea0(u) ,
By virtue of representations (2.3.26), (2.3.52) one can rearrange the potential Wy to the form Wy(e, *) = \* Cvk'%%t y , (2.3.56) where 7y = <#"> (y)eXfl + e ^ (y)KXli.
Due to (2.1.6) the potential Wy is non-negative. We shall prove more, that Wy = 0 implies e = 0 and K = 0. Let Wy = 0. Then by (2.1.6) % = 0. In particular %0 = 0. Hence (%0) = 0. Due to V-periodicity of © (,j) and S ( ' J ', we have (7a/?) = «a/3 + hK-c.13 = 0 .
Hence ta0 = 0 and na0 = 0. Thus there exists a positive constant c such that
Wy(e, K) > c J2((^0)2 + ta/3)2) •
Therefore, the problem (Phom) is uniquely solvable. Thus the solution (we,
XL* = £0Ua , M *
(-O.0 = Cc,0(un) ,
Wh = W ,
ina0 = £OCa0 ,
«S/3 =
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates Nf <
= (EO)2Ma0 ,
Ftfx» = ho(eo)2F§0^
= (EO)3Ma0 , 2
" = Mo< * ,
£-f*" = h«{ev) Ef » , ,
Dg* = V £ o ) 3 l C
Q = (£o)3q = (Gl)rl + (Gl)rl + e0h0 x 6 3 X , pa = (e0)2pa = (Gl)rl + (Gl)rl + e0h^ ■< ba y , ma =
+ E0{(c+- X j/3 ^)GIK - £o -< hba >- ■ The last three formulae express the equivalent loadings applied to the original, Z-periodic plate. Its effective membrane (An), reciprocal (En,Fn) and bending {Dn) stiffnesses are given by (2.3.62). The membrane forces Nh and moments M/, are interrelated with membrane strains eag{uh) and changes of curvature K,Qp(w>') by N? = Aa^ex,{uh) Mf
+ Etfx»KX,{wh) ,
= F?fx»ex,(uh) + D^K„(wh)
The effective problem for the original Z- periodic plate problem {Pz) reads Find (uh,wh) e H^{Q)2 x tf02(fi) = V£(fi) such that J\Nf(u\wh)ea0{w)
{pawa + qw- maw
V (w, w) € V£(ft)
where relations N^(uh, wh), M£0(uh, wh) are expressed by Eqs. (2.3.64). The displace ment fields uh, wh represent averaged in-plane displacement and transverse deflection of the original plate. Remark 23.1. Note that by Eqs. (2.3.2), a'0j = 0, (2.3.37) and (2.3.57) one can rewrite a? = eiA^e^iu)
+ Ey^K^w)]
+ 0(e2) ,
$ = e% + 0(e2)
Thus by Eqs. (2.3.24), (2.3.50), (2.3.51) one finds Ao ■< c^4j >-= e2Wa0ta() + Ma!)Ka0\ + 0(e3) .
Such equivalence between average of the internal work of stresses and internal work of av eraged stress - and couple stress resultants means that Hill's consistency criterion, written in the three-dimensional case as -<
Elastic plates
2.4. Case of transverse symmetry Assume now in addition that the geometry and elastic properties of the plate are sym metric with respect to the plane x3 = 0, i.e. C%kl(x,x3) = C%kl(x, -x3) and x3(x) = —x3 (x). Moreover the planes x3 = const are assumed to be planes of material symmetry, i.e. C**T = Cf«
( 2 A 1 )
The above assumptions can conveniently be put in the form
C O « ( ^ ) = c « « ( p - :_*1\
c+{y) = -c-(y) = c(y), G+(»)=G_(y)=G(y),
0 )
yeY y3=y3.
Under the assumptions (2.4.2) thefieldsBo and E3 are even functions of y3, while the fields B3a0) and HiQ/3) are odd in y3. Hence fields AJSa0 are even in y3 and E2ia0 are odd in y3, see (2.3.21), (2.3.38). Consequently Ev = 0 ,
Fv = 0
or constitutive relations (2.3.51) decouple and problem {Phom) (Section 2.3) is decomposed into two problems: (i) the in-plane problem:findu e (HQ(CI))2 such that (■f/iom)
Ao f A°0X,1ea0(u)e^(w)dx = fpawadx V w € (/#(ft)) 3 , n n where p a = (G*)(p° + p°) + /i„ -< ba y ;
(2.4.4) (2.4.5)
(ii) the bending problem: find w G #£ (ft) such that Ao JDfx,1Ka0{w)K^{v)dx
= f(qv - rhQv7Q)dx V « £ i/02(ft) ,
n where q=(Gi)(q++q.) + h,^^y, ma = (cG^){p% -pa_) . The underlying constitutive relationships have the form
Ma0 = M S ^ e ^ t * ) .
Ma0 =
Similarly, Eqs. (2.3.64) concerning the original plate decouple and problem {Pn) sim plifies to membrane and bending problems.
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates 2.5.
Centrosymmetry of the periodicity cell
Apart from assumptions (2.4.2) assume in addition that the planes xa =const are planes of material symmetry. Consequently the plate material is orthotropic with respect to the system {xi). Let us shift the local coordinate system (j/i) to the centre of the cell, Fig. 2.5.1. Moreover, we assume that planes ya = 0 are planes of symmetry of the y cell, i.e. C" u (yi,ifi,,ifa) = Ci^(±yuiy2,±y3) GiyuVi)
, =
Fig. 2.5.1. A centrosymmetric cell of periodicity Thus the cell y is composed of eight identical segments made of the orthotropic material. Such symmetry, called centrosymmetry, results in the following simplification of the final expansion of the solution (2.3.1) and (2.3.2) of the problem (P £ ) u% = e(uQ - y3w,a) + £ 2 [ e i V ) e v ( u ) + H ^ W " ) ] + 0(s3) , u3 = w + e'lei^e^u)
+ E^K^V)
Here ua, w, r]3 are functions of x, while 6J
+ %] + 0(e3)
', E\Xl1' depend on ( — j . The displacement
field (ua,w) are solutions to {P^m) and ( P ^ ) , Sec. 2.4, while 773 solves a subsequent effective problem. The result (2.5.2) differs from results found in Section 2.3 in that now we have (2.5.3) Va = 0 , V3 = 0 . The stresses are given by the formula a « = e[Ayo0ea0(u)
+ E^a0Ka0(w)}
+ 0(e2)
which does not differ from that valid in the general case, see (2.3.65).
Elastic plates
2.6. On computing effective stiffnesses The computational problem of finding the effective stiffnesses consists in solving the local problems (Py) (Eq. (2.3.13)) and (f£) (Eq. (2.3.34)). The unknown functions G{a0) and S ( Q "' can be approximated by the Galerkin method. Let {4>a)a=i be a basis in N-dimensional subspace Wu(y) of W(y). Assume addition ally that -< 4>a y= 0 to get rid of constants up to which solutions of problems (Py) are determined. We represent approximate solutions as
eia0) = e[a0)a<pa(y),
4 Q " = ^0)aUv),
+ Q«a0) = 0
and take trial functions as w = 4>b(y)- One finds K^e(^)a
+ Phi{a0) = 0 ,
where K% =< C^'cPa^j
y ,
Let us represent solutions to the algebraic equations (2.6.2) in the form e[a0)a = -k%P«a0) ,
E[a8)a = -kfxQl{a0)
where k = K~ . Substituting (2.6.4) into (2.3.24) and (2.3.50) one readily finds: ^ySaff
Q-,6a0 .
_pHyt) foob p>(a0)
= < y3C^Sal3 y -Ql^kgP^
F** = -< fcC** >-
Dyia0 = -< (y3)2&5ae y -Q^kgQl^
We see that Galerkin's method does not violate symmetry properties (2.3.27) and (2.3.53). The main difficulty in implementing the above algorithm lies in forming the basis (<j>a). First, 4>a should assume the same values at opposite lateral boundaries of y. This property can be realized by identifying appropriate degrees of freedom, if one uses thefiniteelement method. We can, however, encounter difficulties in satisfying the condition -< 4>a y= 0 it is easy to satisfy if one uses the Fourier trigonometric representations and nontrivial to fulfil if one uses thefiniteelement method. The non-homogeneities of local problems (Py) can be shifted to the displacement bound ary conditions if both local problems are combined into the following form: Find Ua (PZ
such that 0)
= rmn{ay(v£0\v{?0))
ay(u^\u^ ) (
v - ky3)"- (yae0
+ y0ea) e W(y)};
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
here a,a,/3 = 1,2. The rescaled effective stiffnesses are given by Afx* = ay(uW\u™) , <
Ff» = ay(u^\u[^) , Dfx» = ay^A™)
" = ay(u[ \«^>),
(2 6 7)
' '
Note that nonhomogeneity in (Py) follows from imposing displacements along lateral edges of y. In this way we enforce stretching, in-plane shearing, bending as well as torsion ofy. This algorithm can be computerized with ease in the case where y is centrosymmetric (Sec. 2.5), since symmetry conditions stabilize one quarter of y subjected to boundary displacements. 2.7.
Case of moderately thick periodicity cells
The modelling presented in Section 2.3 applies to thin plates of arbitrary periodicity cells Z. The assumption of thinness has the form: £n = maxlij" — xjl/diam (fi)
ca9 = C33a0/C3333
and the planes y3 = const are planes of material symmetry, i.e. (2.4.1) holds. The solutions to problems (Py) can be decomposed as follows 0(a»
QW + &a0]
g"^ = s + = ( a / J )
with e (tW?) = (0,0, - J c°0dy3) , The local fields 0 ( a / 5 ) and 3 find 9 (Py)
3 ( Q / ? ) = (0,0, - J y3c^dy3)
are solutions to the following modified local problems: ^ € W(y) such that
a(eia0),v)+ -
Find S e W(y) such that (Pi)
(2 7 5)
' '
Elastic plates
Here The decomposition (2.7.2) follows from the following identities Ca0vvi}j = Ca^6v^s + c^C 3 3 '^,,,,
The problems (Py) can be interpreted as plate-type problems if y has the shape of a plate. Thus the Hencky theory of plates can be applied. According to this theory we represent the solutions of (Py) as follows
e(-*>(y) = 7**>(v) +
feZw»)(y) i
5 ^ ( V ) = ^ ( » ) + 2/3*1*%) , Similar constraints are imposed on the trial fields
^ ( V ) = X^(») •
v\(y) = ux{y) + y3
r ( v ) = *"(»),
v3(y) = v{y).
The unknown functions: Zx \ X t>, O{ , Qx , y^, ux,
-33 ,o337a~(V) , /"r3333'r(A/i) °2(A,«) — ^ "7|i + ° "3|3
n "7 U\\ U-'.IO)
are negligible. Eliminating the underlined quantities one can approximate the in-plane stress-typefieldsas follows: =a/3 /~
-a/3 na0kl~:(>>v) ^ A a ^ — f V ) ( 1 1 i n 2(AM) — ° ~/fc|f ~ ° "7|« • ^ • ' • » U
<(v> : = c^ejjf 0 * «&$ - <^0^c3333, aa0
~ fja0-,6~(^)
_ - j»0-A^3333
which introduces simplifications to the problems (Py) and to the formulae for effective stiffnesses. The kinematical assumptions (2.7.8) as well as stress assumptions (2.7.11), (2.7.12) make it possible to reduce the transverse dimension of y. Prior to formulating these re duced problems let us define the stiffnesses: c + (»)
/^a0Xn^ fiaPXp^ £)a0Xn\T _ c+(»)
Hx» = k J CX3^(y)dy3 , C-(V)
1 1/3
Jfc = 1 ;
dy3 (2.7.13)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
and the bilinear forms: 6(u,v) = (Ax^suMsvMll) , dH(u,v) = (D^u^v^} g2(u, v) = (Ha0ulav}g)
eH(u,v) = {E^u^v^) ,
= (H u0vla) ,
g3{u, v) = (Ha0uav0)
where u, v e H^,T{Y) , u,v£ H^Y) and k is a transverse shear correction factor. We recall that angular brackets (•) mean here the averaging over Y. Let us define the rescaled membrane stress resultants N
iU = AX^T^0) + E**Z!$ + Ax»"0 ,
2&0) = ^ W # ! | f + EX^SS>{°0) + Ex^0 ,
Ha0) = E**Tffi
+ DX^SZ§0)
2(a0) = EX^6U(°0) + Dx^s^0) and transverse shear forces:
+ Ex^0 , + Dx^0 ,
Substituting (2.7.8) - (2.7.11) into (2.7.4) and (2.7.5) we reduce the transverse dimension and formulate the following two-dimensional problems find X<*« e HHvjY)
= H^{Y)2
x H^Yf
x H^Y)
(/?) such that (NX0)ux\, + < ^ , V A | M + < 3 W f | A + ^ = ° v(tt,v>,«))€ffHjr).
(2 7,8)
Here X M ) = ( r ( « « ] Z(a/3)i £(<*)) j
^ M ) = (yM^Wl^W)) _
( 2 ? 1Q)
The local problems (P£) are well posed. One can prove that fields T(a0), Ul°0), X
The homogenized problem assumes the form (Phom), Section 2.3, with effective stiffnesses given above. The density of the elastic energy of the effective plate is given by Wh(e,n) = (Afx»ea0e^
+ EZ0X»KXliea0 + Pf3^Ka0eXll
+ Dah0X,iKa0K^)l2 . (2.7.21)
Elastic plates
To prove the symmetry conditions required jia0\n
jja&Xii _ p\fu*0
Kf "
f\a/3X^i _
0a x
» = K " ,
,— _
K =
one should form appropriate identities following from the variational equation of (.PjJ) and combining them with (2.7.20). Finally one arrives at
Afx" = (A^^-bil**®,!*™) - [eH{Zix"\T(a0)) + e„(T(A">, Z(a0))] - dH{Z{a0\ Z(A">) - g3{Z(Xfi), Z{a0)) pw
= {pa0x^
+ eH(&aP),Z^)}
- dH(&°0\ &W) -
EXtux0 = {Ea0X») - b(T(a0),UM) a
+ e w (Z( «,Lr
- [ ^ ( T ^ , *<*">) (a0
)] - dH{Z \^x^)
+ g2(x{a0\x^), Dfx» = (&**) - b(UM,U{a0))
- [e„(LT(V), *<<>«)
+ eH{*™, U(aP))} - da(*M,*™)
+ S 2 (x M ) ,X ( A " ) ).
Due to symmetry of the bilinear forms b(-, •), g2{-, ■), g3(-, •)> dn(-, •), and e«(-, •), the stiffnesses (2.7.20) satisfy symmetry conditions (2.7.22). Note moreover, that the effective elastic potential WA can be rearranged to the following form Wn = H Ca0X»%0%» y+A^
Ca303%3%3 y)/2 ,
where iap = a}$(y)exll + e%(v)KXll,
2 7 a 3 = aXfi(y)e^ + e*{y)KXll,
with <% = W)
+ T ( 3g + foZgg, ,
<& = &*
aV = Z™ + X™ ,
= *™ + Xla" •
The tensors Ca0X>1 and Ca303 are positive definite. Hence Wn is non-negative. Assume that Wn = 0. Hence 7a0 = 0 and %3 = 0 for all y G y and consequently (7a/3) = 0, (7 Q3 ) = 0. Due to periodicity of X'f0'1 one concludes that eQ/3 + y3Kap = 0 for
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
almost every y3 g (c~(y), c+{y)). This implies that ea0 = 0, ttap = 0. Thus WA defines a positive definite quadratic form of (e, K). The effective stiffnesses of the original plate of Section 2.1 are given by
AfA" = e0AfA"
The homogenized constitutive relations assume the form ttaffX/i
_ paP^n
h A*
rjQ/SAfi^/i A*.
where e^ = eQ€Xli, K$M = KA^Let us examine consequences of transverse symmetry. Then E defined by (2.7.13) van ishes. Problems (Py) decouple into membrane and bending-type problems: find T(a0) g H^r(Y)2 such that
(Pkv) b(T^a0\u) + {A^u^})
Vu g / / ^ ( V ) 2
Find (*(Q/3), x(a/3)) 6 ^ r ( y ) 2 x H^r(Y) such that (j§y)
d H (* ( < *\ y>) +5i(¥>,X(Q/5)) + 93(* W,, ,vO + (0 7fo V 7 |^> = 0 , 92(x(Q/3),™) + ffi(*M,,H = 0 ,
andZ^>=O,CTw=O,JrP,=0. The non-zero effective stiffnesses are: ^O(3AM _ /^a/3Aji\ _ ^/ y(a/3) J.(A/J) \
f)f * = (£)«/>*«) - d/,(* (A *\ $ (a/3) ) - p 3 (* ( V ) , * (a/3) ) + .920 .(a/3)
The homogenized constitutive relations are decoupled: ■a/3 _
AaffX/i h C AM
NT = A
= za,a/3Au
h AM
2.8. Case of thin periodicity cells. Derivation by imposing Kirchhoff's constraints If periodicity cells are thin plates themselves one can neglect their transverse shear defor ,a(<»0) mations. Thus the transverse shear deformations associated with displacementfields© (a/?) and S in problems (Py) and (Py) respectively can be neglected, i.e. U
■eg? = o,
~(a0) ~(a/3) _ „ —A|3 "•" ^3|A ~ u '
Elastic plates
The same assumption concerns the trial fields: ^ | 3 + v3\\ = 0. The above requirements are fulfilled if displacement assumptions (2.7.8) are modified by setting
A«P) = - -X,("» "A - ^|A '
Consequently the displacement assumptions (2.7.8) are reduced to the form of Kirchhoff. As in Section 2.7 we assume that planes y3 = const are planes of material symmetry, i.e. (2.4.1) holds. Let us introduce the strain measures 1, e
a/?(«) = ^Va\0
+ V
0\^ '
= -«w
Next we define new bilinear forms eK(w,v)
= (E°^(y)KvXli(wya0(v))
= (D^iy^wKpiv))
and introduce the function spaces HK.pcriY) = H^iY)2
x H^(Y),
= {v € H^(Y)
The space H^r(Y) has been defined in Section 1.3 and H^Y) The local problems (Py) are rearranged to the form: find Xf> (P°K,Y
| (t,) = 0} .
= W™(Y), cf. (1.3.46).
e HK,per{Y) such that
("%0)W + <
V (U,W) £ HK^Y)
=° ,
where X{2a0) = (U(a0)
^ h
and quantities N^a/}), M^a0) are changed accordingly. Let us write problems (P£ y ) more explicitly: find ( T ( a « , X< a «) G HKMY) b(TW\u)
such that + (Aa^(y)e^(u))
+ iK(XW,u)
(P K,V)
+ dK{X«*>,w)
+ {Ea/3X»(y)KvXtl(w)) = 0 V (n,to) Z HKj*r(Y)
Find (U(a0\X{a0))
b(U(al3\u) eK(w,UiaP))
6 HKiPer(Y)
+ eK{X^\u) + dK(X{a0\
such that
+ (E^iyy^u))
= 0,
w) + ( D ^ ^ ( y ) / c ^ H > = 0 V (u,w) £ HKiPer(Y)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Problems {Pfcy) alt uniquely solvable. The formulae (2.7.20) for effective stiffnesses assume the form (the subscript h is now replaced by h) : ^aPXn
__ i^X/ia0
_|_ ^A(i7ij>(a^) _
_ lgXpc.0
Dfx» = (DW
_ gXn-yt J-aP1\ _
- Dx>'",ix\°s)) ■
+ E^'Offi
Taking u = T^\ w = X in (PlKY) and u = UM, w = x(A,j) in {Ply) one obtains identities which combined with (2.8.6) lead to new formulae for effective stiffnesses ^a/3A^ _
M Q J J V \ _ ^lrp(a0)
rp(X^.)\ _ U
(Jfta/J) ^ < y ( V h
+ e , f ( ^ l , T M ) | - <**(*«*>, *<**>) , ^ w
= ( £a^)
_ 5(T(«flf #<*">) _ [g* (*w», t>(Art)
_ b(rf \T ) - [eK(X^,U
+eK(X \T^)}
- dK(x ,X )
Dfx» = (&**) - b(U(a0),UM)
(2 8 7)
, [eK(X^,tj{a0))
+eK(x{a0\U(a0)))-dK(x^),X(X"))By virtue of symmetry properties of bilinear formsfe(-,■), dx (•, ■) it is readily seen that the effective stiffnesses (2.8.7) satisfy symmetry conditions (2.7.22). The effective potential (2.7.24) (set h instead of ft) can be written in the form Wh =< Ca8X^a0^
>■ /2 ,
and 7a/J are given by (2.7.25)i with a
a0 ~
{c,d0) + 1{a]0) ~ y*A\a0
a0 ~ ^ ( a ^ )
+ U(a\0)
2/3X|Q(3 •
As previously the effective elastic potential is strictly convex. The effective constitutive relations assume the form (2.7.29), where the subscript h should be replaced by h. The effective stiffnesses of the original plate are Ah = e 0 A ,
Fh = [e0)2Fh,
Eh = {e0)2Eh,
Dh = {e0)3Dh.
Elastic plates
Let us consider consequences of transverse symmetry. Problem (P^ Y) turns out to be the same as {Psy) of Section 2.7. Problem (Pf- Y) reduces to: find x(Q/S) G H^.(Y) ia0)
(PL Ksyi
such that
+ (D
The homogenized constitutive relations have the form (2.7.33) with h replaced by h; Ah = Ah and Dh is given by Dfx» or
= e30 [(D^»)
- 4 ( X ( Q « , X™)}
= e30 dK(XW> - p<«», XM
- P(A"') ,
(2.8.12a) (2.8.12b)
where p(a0)
Hence p
w u
are polynomials of second order in t/i, y2- In other words Df*
= {D^[6°5%
+ «*,(x<«*>)]## + < , ( x ( V ) ) ] > ,
where D = {eo)3D represents the bending stiffness tensor of the original plate. 2.9.
Case of transversely slender periodic ity cells of constant thickness
We consider a plate of constant thickness with Z-periodic variation of elastic moduli. We assume in this section that the plate thickness |x;|" - £31 is much greater than in-plane dimensions Z*. The periodicity cell Z is said to be transversely slender. Planes x 3 = constant are not necessarily planes of material symmetry. Although this case is comprised by the asymptotic method of Sections 2.2, 2.3 it seems reasonable to derive approximate formulae for effective stiffnesses in order to avoid difficulties associated with solving the three-dimensional local problems (Py) of Section 2.3. The results of this section will be justified in Section 2.10.3 by the T-convergence method. Step 1. To find effective stiffnesses we first introduce a small parameter e by considering a sequence of plate problems with eV-periodic elastic moduli. Transverse geometry is kept e-independent. Thus we apply the scaling, cf. (2.2.1) - (2.2.3), x
= x3 ~* x3 <
<> 1% = £ok ,
Z = e0Y;
(2.9.1) {
b*-^ b .
The elastic moduli are eY- periodic in x C f (s,is) -
( p x3) ,
and C ijW (-, x 3 ) are Y- periodic.
= C*H ( | , z 3 )
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
The first step of the algorithm is to perform homogenization of the material based on the scaling (2.9.1), (2.9.2). In the next step we reduce the third dimension either by the asymp totic method of Friedrichs-Dressler-Goldenveizer or by imposing stress-displacement con straints of Kirchhoff type. Let us pay attention to the first step. We shall outline briefly the process of smearing out elastic properties in i i , 12 directions. The variational equilibrium equation has the form / <Ti>eij(v)dx = / [p> Q (x, x%) + q+v3(x, x$)}dx n
B a
+ f\p _va{x,x3)
+ fb{ Q
+ q-V3{x,x3))dx
V» £ V0{B)
where a?' = C « H ( p i 3 ) e « ( t i ; e ) .
To find effective behavior of the plate considered we apply the method of two-scale expansions: w*
+ £iu(1)(a;,X3,?/) + £2ww(x,x3,y)
v = v^0){x,x3)
+ ev{1\x,x3,y)
+ e2v{2){x,x3,y)
+ ... , +
where y = x/e and «;'*'(x,x 3 , •),«'*'(a;, £3,-) are V-periodic functions for fc > 1. Expan sions of deformations read: ea(}(w*) = eQ/3(u,<°>) + w{"0) + 0(e) , e33{w<) = e33(wM) + 0{E),
2ea3(w<) = 2ea3(wM) + w^a .
Let us substitute v = v '(x) into Eq. (2.9.3) and pass to zero with e. One obtains Jofa(vM)dx
= J\p°+v^(x,
x+) + PZv^(x,
+ q+v3{x,x^)
+ q-v3{x,x3)]dx+
/ (b'jv^dx
(2.9.7) ijkl
0% = C ekl(wM) Note that o?et](v)
+ CT^w^
+C^tug .
„(0h , „a/3 (1) , „ ? 3 „ 0 ) = a 0 %(«<°>) + a S ^ + ofv™ + 0(e) .
(2.9.8) (2.9.9)
Hence < ^ e t » > = ofaivW)
+ (ofv™
+ ofv™)
+ 0(e)
Elastic plates
114 Passing to zero with e in (2.9.3) and taking into account (2.9.6) one finds J(e?v§ + °?vU)dx = 0
forany«(1>(x,-)G^(^)3. By taking vw = <j>(x) ■ v(y), <j> e U(B) one can localize Eq. (2.9.11): (°?v% + ^ l )
V v e HlAYf
Hence we may write v>? = e[kl)ekl(wM) ,
w «"
= #Wekl(wW) ,
where functions 9^ ', #(*'' are solutions to the following local problem find (Q(kt) ,tf<w>)e H^iYf
such that
<[C " "eW + c*»«a [f + c * > a W ) = o,
for any v € H^iY)3
The solution of the above problem is determined up to an additive constant. Substituting representations (2.9.13) into (2.9.8) one finds:
cy M = c3kl + c t j V e ^ + c"^3t?[f.
with Hence ffjf= CyHcH(ti;«0') ,
C«*' = ( C f V
The vanational equilibrium equation (2.9.6) along with the constitutive relation (2.9.17) constitute the homogenized three-dimensional elasticity problem. Note that if x3 =const are planes of material symmetry (cf. conditions (2.4.1)) then problem (PY ) decouples into: - the in-plane problem: find 0 ( *'' e H^Y)2 such that
(pY) {[ca^e^
+ c^k'}val0) = o,
- and the transverse shear problem find dm e H^iY) (PY)
((Ca3X»ti\kl) + Coau)vm)
= 0,
such that V v3 e H^Y)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Consequently e^Q3) = 0, ^a0) = 0, i?(33) = 0. Hence Ca0j6
C a/333 =
£,a303 __ gc.303 , (ja3X3fl(03)
£3333 _ r-3333 , £-33.^(33)
Q ^
and o? , af depend upon © ', while a? depends on tfC33'. Equations (2.9.6) and (2.9.17) constitute a 3D problem (f? D ). Step 2. Having found the problem (P2D) one can now impose the condition of the thick ness being small as compared with diam fi. This process of reduction of the transverse dimension can be performed in two ways: a) by imposing Kirchhoff constraints, b) by asymptotic analysis. Both approaches lead to the same plate equations with effective constitutive relations of the form (2.7.29) and with effective stiffnesses given by x
x3 = x3- -{x^ +x3
L(* 3 ) J
1. since the conditions c* = const imply -< y3 >-= -(c+ + c ). The tensor Cu refers to the plane-stress state and is constructed as follows. Let us write the homogenized constitutive relations in the form a/3 'I) ~
IQ/?A/X ,
= c:f ) w
*h -w,, =O «(,
m3 ^M ^ , , -+r ^C i ,h 7*3,
where 7^3 = 2£^3, 733 = £33. Let us require that at = 0, which makes it possible to eliminate 7*3 : (2.9.23) 7*3 = - c t C f ^ V . with
C'„ = (C^' 3 )
c" = [C, Thus where
a0 _ s^aflXn
(~ia0i3~t) *~<j3\fi
In the case of planes x3 = const being planes of material symmetry, the formula for C^ reduces to ^a0\n
- - 1 ,
ra/333/ / ^i3333\-l/-.33A^ c
- ^c\ D
which coincides with formula (2.7.6). Note that in this case tensor C^ depends only on e<«>. A rigorous justification of formulae (2.9.21) will be given in Section 2.10.3.
116 2.10.
Elastic plates
and justification
of three models of thin,
inhomogeneous and anisotropic plates with constant thickness The method of assessing effective stiffnesses presented in Sections 2.2, 2.3 as well as the formulation of the effective problem concern a general shape of periodicity cell Z. Thus these formulae can be viewed as reference formulae. Further models were concerned with specific shapes of Z. Results of Sections 2.7, 2.8 are applicable to flat cells, while results of Section 2.9 refer to cells Z that are transversely slender. The aim of this section is to explain the meaning of the effective models of Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.8 and 2.9 approximate the overall properties of periodic plates. It turns out that these models describe a limit behavior at dimensions of Z tending to zero. To show it two small parameters e and e will be introduced, the latter controls the transverse dimensions of Z. In the present section the plate thickness will be assumed as constant: x3 and x3 are fixed constants. The plane x3 = 0 determines the middle plane of the plate; x3 = -x3. We scale the thickness X3 = —x3 = —ec ,
and consider the plate with periodicity cells 4 = ^ x
(-ec,ec) ,
Y = (0,h) x (0,l 2 ) ■
The present section is arranged as follows. In Section 2.10.2 we prove that the effective model of Section 2.8 can be obtained by passing to zero: first e —► 0 and next e —» 0. In Section 2.10.3 we show that model of Section 2.9 follows also from passing to zero: first s —* 0 and next e —» 0. A simultaneous passage to zero: (e, e) —> (0,0) is considered in Section 2.10.4, which results in formulae of Section 2.3. The convergence proofs given here justify the asymptotic expansion methods used in Sections 2.1 - 2.9. 2.10.1. Basic relations We shall assume that the plate thickness is constant but do not assume any material sym metry; in particular (2.4.1) is not imposed here. The domain of the plate in its undeformed configuration is denoted by Be = fi x ( - e c , ec). Plate faces are T± = Q x {±ec} and the lateral boundary is: T ' = T x (—ec, ec), T = dSl. The elastic moduli are here scaled as follows, Cf\x) =i c « « ( ^ , ^ ) , (2.10.1) where C"jA:'( • , x 3 /e) are V-periodic; e > 0 scales the dimensions of the periodicity rectangle eY . To work with an e-independent domain of the plate we introduce new variables za = xQ , z3 = x3/e , (2.10.2) hence 23 G (—c, c) . Now we set Cf\z)
= C ^ ( ^ , z3) ,
C£W(z) = \ciH{z)
(2.10.3) (2.10.4)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
As usual, we make the following assumptions, cf. (2.1.7) &*"&)
= C'ikl(y)
= Cw%)
for a.e. y € y = Y x (—c, c); C,jkl 6 L°°(^) ;
there exists a constant m > 0 such that 3
Ve 6 E3S
>m £
ei]it] ,
for a.e. y ey . The plate is subject to body forces 6 = (&') and tractions (p°/e,q + ) = g + , (p"/e, q~) = g~ on T^_ and Te_, respectively. The plate is assumed to be clamped on T e . Let 6(x) = b(xa, x3/e) belong to L2(Be)3 = \L2(Be)]3 while g+ = (g'+) and g~ = (g!_) are elements ofL 2 (Q) 3 . The space of kinematically admissible displacement fields is defined by V0(Be) = {v G H\Bef l
If v e H (Be)
| v = OonTe} .
then the strain tensor is given by
For fixed e > 0 and e > 0 the functional of the total potential energy assumes the form Ja(v)
= \ JcZk%(v)exu(v)dx
- Jb%dx
- J ~pa±vadT - Jq^dT
where fpa±vadT
= jp%vadT + LtvadT
and similarly for the integral of q± . The minimum principle of the total potential energy means evaluating Jec{v) = inf{ j„(t>) | * € V0(Be)} .
On account of (2.10.5) - (2.10.7), v exists and is unique. From now on until the end of this section we shall work with the domain B = Q. x (—c, c). To achieve this we proceed in the following fashion. Let v G Vo(Be), then the function v defined by va(zi) = -va(z0,ez3)
v3(zi) = v3(za,ez3)
Elastic plates
belongs to V0{B) = {v€H1{B)3\v
= OonT},
T = rx(-c,c).
Moreover we have eza0(v) = -exal3(v) ,
e*a3(v) = e*a3(v) ,
e$j(») = ee^v)
«•>-(£♦£)"• By taking into account (2.10.1)- (2.10.4), (2.10.11) and (2.10.13) in (2.10.9) we obtain the rescaled functional of the total potential energy J«(v) := Jes(eva,v3) = \ JciJkl(Q'e'(v))ti(Q'e'(v))kldz
- Le(v) ,
where v 6 V0(B) while Q e : E3S -» E3, is defined by (Qee)a0 = ea0 , (Qec)Q3 = \eai , (Qee)33 = ^ 3 3 •
The rescaled loading functional has the following form Le{v) = fe{ebava + b3v3)dz + I'(p%va + q+v3)dT + I'{pa_va + q~v3)dr . (2.10.16) B r+ r. We observe that the rescaled stress tensor
+ ^Ci^ef,
where je(z,Qee) = j(^,z3,Qee)
= Jc"' w (^ ) 2 3 )(Q e e) 0 (Q e e) w .
Prior to passing to zero with the "small" parameters e and e we shall formulate a lemma playing a crucial role in our subsequent developments. Lemma 2.10.1. Let v" 6 V0(B) be a sequence weakly convergent to ve € V0(B) in Hl(B)3 as e —> 0. Suppose that there exists a constant K > 0, independent of e, such that Jj [j, z3 , Qeez(v"]\ dz
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Thene^(v £ ) = 0 and *£ = « « ( * * ) - * s | J ,
v£3 = wl(za),
where uca G H*(Q) and wc3 e H$(Q). Proof. From (2.10.7), (2.10.18) and (2.10.19) we obtain m ||
II Cee2(«K) ||2
= || (<,(«")) "2
+ ji II «.(«")) ||22(B), +1 || *(««) ||22(B) Hence
^'^(^lU ^^i. '■""
ie l l <&(«") i u , < * i ,
where /G does not depend on e. Consequently we have dvc g£=0,
< 3 (t> £ ) = 0 .
Now we readily obtain (2.10.20) by applying Theorem 1.4-1 and Theorem 3.3-1 due to Ciarlet (1990), cf. also Destuynder (1986a). a Suppose that va solves the following minimization problem (Pec)
= al{Jet(v)\veV0{B)}.
In other words we may write Jet(v")
< JU(V)
VW G V0(B) .
For v = 0 we have l
i e
< |L e (««)| < K2 (|| « « || i2(B)3 + || « « || t 2 ( r + ) 3 + || t , " | | l 2 ( r ) 3 ) .
Thus m 2
||» < tf2 (|| « - || l2(B)3 + || r - || i 2 ( r + ) 3 + || v' "^(B.E?)
Elastic plates
where K2 > 0 depends onfi,b and g± but not on e. As in the previous case, for 0 < e < 1 we write
1 II «■(«") H2L2(,E3, < & (ll « " IL,(B)3 + II « " I U + „ + II « " || l2(r _ )3 ) 6 << K / 2 "II v „ , ,
Korn's inequalityfinallyyields
^II^II^^^II^IUw . M
Thus the sequence v is bounded and there exists a subsequence, still denoted by ue£, weakly convergent to v€ in Hl{B)3 and thus strongly convergent in L2(B)3 . The boundedness of the sequence v1* implies now the existence of a positive constant K appearing in (2.10.19). Lemma 2.10.1 introduces Kirchhoff's rescaled displacement fields. It is thus natural to introduce the following subspaces of the space H1 (B)3: VK(B) = = {v <= H'iBflvc
= ua- z3~—, v3 = w,ua(E H\Sl), w £ H2(Q)} (2.10.24)
and V°(B) = {ve VK(B) I ua e H'0(Q),w € i/o2(")} •
2.10.2. Justification of the effective plate model of Sec. 2.8 by passing to zero: e— ► 0 and then e —» 0 The aim of this section is to put forward a rigorous justification of the homogenized plate model derived in Section 2.8.1 by imposing displacement constraints (2.8.1). Having this in mind we pass now to the study of T-convergence of the sequence of functionals {JM}e>o,£>o defined by (2.10.14). We shall first pass to zero with the thickness parameter (e — ► 0) and next with the parameter e characterizing the periodic structure of the plate. The result of this passage to the limit is formulated in the following form. Theorem 2.10.2. For anyfixede > 0 the sequence of functionals { Jec}e>o is T-convergent in the strong topology of the space L2(B)3 (weak topology of Hl {B)3) to the functional
Uv) = [ \^^^^dz
~ L^ if » e V"W
(2 1Q26)
^ +oo otherwise, where Cfx"{z)
= Ca0X"(—,z3)
Ca0Xli = Co0x,i - C^dijC'3^
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates £(*>) = [plvadT + jq±v3dY
M + P - K + («?+ +q~)w-
(Pa+ -
= J[{p% + V°-)ua + (q+ + q~)w + <™-^(pa+ ~ P°-)W ,
and c = (dij) is the inverse of the invertible (3 x 3)-matrix (Ci3j3), v = (ua — z3-—,w), uae H^(Q),w€ Hi{Q.). Proof. We divide it into several steps. (i) The sequence of functionals {Le}e>o is continuously convergent. In fact, for any se quence {ve}e>o C L2(B)3 strongly convergent to v 6 L2(B)3 we have \Le(ve) - L(v)\ -> 0 as e —> 0. By applying Proposition 1.3.26, we conclude that it suffices to study the T-limit of the sequence J^ defined by ■/«(«) = Jje(z,e>ee*(v))dz
v g V°{B) .
Since the space (Hl(B)3, L2) has a countable base, therefore the r-limit of the sequence of functionals {Ja}t>a exists, cf. Th. 1.3.21. We claim that it is given by the functional ■£(«) = \ jCf^{z)el0(v)e\li{v)dz
v € VK(B) .
(ii) It will now be shown that for any v e Hl (B)3\Vj<{B) we have fc(v) = +oo.
In fact, for any such v , at least one of the strain measures e^v) does not vanish. We may assume that e|3(v) jt 0 ; the two remaining cases can be treated similarly. There exists a sequence {«e}e>o C Hl(B)3 such that ve —> vir\L2(B)3 and\imfee(ve) e—»0
fe{v). On account of (2.10.7), || ez{ve) \\ . < const. Consequently, e|3(we) ->■ v 2 33( ) weakly in L (B) when e —» 0 and, by the lower-semicontinuity of the norm
> lim II QV(w e ) ||2
where m is a constant appearing in (2.10.7).
> lim ^ || ez{ve) f
= +oo ,
Elastic plates
122 1
(iii) Let c := C
. It means that (2.10.32) (2.10.33)
Now we are in a position to prove that for any u £ VK(B) we have (2.10.34) B
dw dw Let v = (ua - z3^-,w) 6 VK{B) and take a sequence ve = (ua - z3^-, w + e3£). aza aza where £ € H1(B). If v € V$(B), then £ is a function from the space V$(B). It is evident that ve —* v in L2(B)3 when e —» 0. Moreover OZ\
Q e e 2 (v e ) = .
e2K dz2
e2^ dz2
The definition of the T-limit yields J>) <
= lim
/[(GV(««)) y o y -
= lim
- k
< lim
+ 2e2^-a°3
U]k^ak'}dz w
ajV -
+ e ^ - a 3 3 - i c ^ ^ ^ l d * = lim
sup a
/7 2 e |f<7<' + 023
= (
if a a = 0,
B +00
where C^JAM is the inverse of the matrix CfA/1, see step (v) below.
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
(iv) We shall prove the inverse inequality to that specified by (2.10.34). For any {ve}e>0 H\Bf we have Jl{v<) =
/"[(GV(«e))ya« -
sup aa'i33=0 =0
/[(CTe'(t» e ))ya« -
/V'4K) - ^
(7 =0 e
Suppose that {v }e>o C H (B)3 is such that u e —► v in L2(B)3 strongly when e —> 0 and lim Jl(ve) = •/,?(«). Then, by using (2.10.36) we infer that e—*0
(v) It remains to prove that the matrix C £ , given by (2.10.27), is the inverse of (c^/3A/J), where (c^ w ) = ( C £ ) _ 1 . Firstly, however, let us justify (2.10.27). For stresses and strains interrelated by the constitutive relationship:
and knowing that a* = 0 we get ff«* = Cfx»t^
with C t defined by (2.10.27). The derivation of this formula is similar to the derivation of formula (2.9.26) and hence is omitted here. We observe that (2.10.7) implies that both (Ca0XtL) and (Ci3>3) are invertible matrices. To prove that (Ca/JAM) is the inverse of (C^A,,), we calculate:
= C " * C ^ - C°0i%(C»klCktX»
~ 2 C ^ % 3 A „ - C>333C33A^)
where we have used (2.10.33) and the relations c = (C*3*3)"1, 5 3 = 0. Similarly we find
which concludes the proof.
Elastic plates
The properties of the matrix (C yW ) imply that there exists a positive constant M such that for a.e. y 6 y we have 3
«%£« < W ^ eye« ,
for each t 6 E', Both sides of the last inequality represent (strictly) convex functions. Hence the following coercivity condition readily follows, cf. Th. 1.2.7(v) (F3)2
cyufoJTOT* >jji£ for each T € Ej and a.e. y € y. Thus the matrix
is also coercive:
(TQ")2 ,
cWvJTT*" > — ^
for each (Ta0) G E£ and a.e. y € 3>. Similarly we obtain ci]kl{y)TiiTkl < - T
Hence i
(T°0)2 .
CapMT*!* < - Y
The last relation readily yields i
Ca^(yK0eXli >mJ2 («<*)2 .
for each (eQ^) G E2. and a.e. y € y. It is worth noting that m is the constant appearing in (2.10.7). Problem (Pe) and its dual Having determined the T-limit of Jc (e > 0) we find it useful to study its mechanical properties. Towards this end we formulate the following minimization problem. Problem (Pe) {e > 0 and fixed) Find Jc(v<) = mi{fe (v) - L(v) | v e V£{B)} .
The property (2.10.44) and the continuity of the functional L ensure that the minimizer ve = (uca - z3dwc/dza, wc) exists, where uca 6 H^(Q) and wc € H$(Sl). Then we have
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
/ V ) = I JCfx»(z){e*al}(u*) + zzKUwS)WexMe) Z
J £ V ) = Jw€[za,z3,ez{u£),K*{wc)\dz
where ue = {uca), ^0(w) = -cPw/dzadzp. Moreover
Nf = Af ^ ( u ' ) + Ef^^xif)
(2.10.47) (2.10.48)
= E^
Xfx"(z) = Xat3X»{zle),
X e {A, E, F, D},
with {z\,z2)=
Note that A, E, D have already appeared, see (2.7.13); moreover eA„(«E) = e^(u £ ) ,
«v(w e ) = K^(W £ ) .
The potential VV£ has the form W,(za,e>K)=1-(Afx^a0eXll
+ 2Ef^ea0KXlI + Dfx>'Ka0K^); e,K 6 E* .(2.10.50)
Properties of the matrices A, E, F, D -T
(i) E = F , where "T" stands for the transpose of a matrix. (ii) Their components belong to L°°(fi). (iii) Xa0X" = X"aA" = Xx^, X e {A, E, F, D). (iv) Aal3X»eaf}eXli + Ea0X»{ta0PXli + evpQ/3) 2 2 + Da0X,ipappXll
> -m
provided that c = 1; e, p € E^ and m is the constant.
(€a^£a/J + PctfAtf) ,
Elastic plates
Proof. Thefirstthree properties are evident. To prove the last one, we calculate c
/ C
/ (€<*0 +
»{eap + z3pa/3)(cAM + zzpxn)dzz > m ^ 2
= 2mc ^
2 2 («^) 2 + jTO:3 Yl
For c = 1 one obtains (iv).
It is instructive now to derive the dual problem (Pc)' or the maximum principle of the total complementary energy. Firstly, however, we shall formulate the dual problem (P«)* of (Pet)- To apply Rockafellar's theory of duality presented in Section 1.2.5, we set Av = Qee'{v) , v e V0(B) . Forp* €L2(B,E3S) we find {Av,p')L,xL,
J(Q°e*(v))iiP*dz B
= f\p'a0ezQ0(v)
+ -P'a3e*a3(v) +
Kv'^e'Mdz e
= j (ffpf^wd* = -J (crp*)".jiHdz B
+ J(CPp'FnjVidT
We denote: () ; ; = d( )/dzy The last relation yields ( -div C o * A*p* = { ,„e , ^ \(Q p*)n
in B , onr±.
We assume the following notation: Q~e = (Qe)~ ; hence Q _ e Q e = J, where I is the identity matrix. Let us set j«(*.«) = 3e(z, Oee) = j ( ^ , z 3 ) Q e € ) ,
For c* £ E3 we calculate &(*,£*) = SUP{6* : € - jer(*,«) I « € E*}
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates = sup{e* : (Q-eQee)-je{z,Q'e)
| € e E3}
= s u p { ( ( Q - ) V ) : Q e e -jc(z,Qee)
| e e E3}
= sup{(Q-V) : £ - ; , ( * , £ ) | e e E ? } = Jt(z, Q" V ) = ^(Q-'e'Y'iCT'e'f because ( Q _ e ) T = Q" e and
One can easily verify that
( Q " V ) a 3 = ee'a3 ,
( Q - V ) < * = e«# ,
(CTV)33 = e V 3 3 .
Now we must find the conjugate functional of (—Le). By taking into account (2.10.53), one obtains (-Le)*(<7) = s u p { ( - A V , v) + Le(v) | v 6 V0(B)} = sup{{ div Q V , « ) -
+ Le{v) \ v G V 0 (B)}
r± e
= sup{ f{(Q (T) .}va
+ {Q'trf'.jVs
+ e2bava + eb3v3}dz
- j[{&
= <
+ (Qe
+ fvJdT
1 aa0a + ~
I v € V0(B)}
(2.10.57) (2.10.58) (2.10.59)
because n = (0,0, ±1) on T±. Multiplying Eq. (2.10.58) by e > 0 and next adding to Eq. (2.10.58) we get 3
+ -u -a* ;33 + ;a T
e2b* = 0
in B
Let us set Se = {
- ISC(
(2.10.61) (2.10.62)
Now we are in a position to formulate the dual problem (Pee)* of (P M ) and exhibit their interrelationship.
Elastic plates
Problem (P«)* Find M O
= sup{c7K(<7) I a- e L 2 (B, E*)}.
Corollary 2.10.3. The solution er" of the dual problem (PM)* exists and is unique. More over, we have inf(/>„)• = min(PM)* = sup(PM)* = max(PM)* . (2.10.63) Proof. The properties of the complementary energy j* and the regularity of (&') and (P±> 9*) imply the existence and uniqueness of tra. The duality relation (2.10.63) results then from Proposition 1.2.49. D We proceed to the derivation of the dual problem (P£)*. Now the operator A involved in the theory of duality (Sec. 1.2.5) has the form A(u,w) = {Aiu, A2iu) = (e{u),n(w)) ,
where u € Wd(fi), w e HQ(Q). Proceeding similarly to the derivation of (2.10.53) one obtains A* = (AJ, AJ), where
Here N,M
AJJV = -divW in ft ,
AjM = —div divM in ft .
6 L (ft, Ej). Next one finds
VV*(zQ,e*,p*) = sup{e*:€-l-p*:p-VV E (z a ,€,p)|e,peE 2 } *a0f*^ *Xn i, O^E O-E — -lnc fe*a0 £ - 2 v a Q0A„ e + zea0\ve
«a0 «A/j ,. JE «a0-»A/t + a P a0\»P
.a/3 «AM\ P )
i>(za) =
r x
~ f Ajia(3
and Be{za) =
Further, we have: (-LY(-A'(N,M))=snP{{-MN,u)H-Hn)xHiim + (-KM,w)H_2mxHim 0
+ L{u,w) | (u,w) e H^Q)2 x
(diWV + p + + p _ = 0 inD'(ft), if < [divdivM + cdiv(p+ - p _ ) + (+ + q~) = 0inD'(ft),
+00, otherwise.
Him (2.10.70) (2.10.71)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
H e r e p ± = (pj). We set e [ L 2 ( n , E s ) ] 2 |div/V e L2(n)2 ,divdivM € L 2 (Q), and Eqs (2.10.70), (2.10.71) are satisfied}.
5 = {(N,M)
We formulate the dual problem. Problem (Pe)' Find s u p { - fw?[za,
N(z), M(z)]dz
- IS(N, M)\N,Me
L2(Q, E<)} .
By applying the results presented in Section 1.2.5 we conclude that solution (Nc, Me) G 5 of (P*) exists and is unique. Further, the minimizers (uc,wc) € HQ(Q)2 X HQ(Q) and (NC,MC) are interrelated by the extremality condition, which now takes the form of Eqs. (2.10.47), (2.10.48). The second extremality condition means that in this case Ne satisfies Eq. (2.10.70) while Mc satisfies Eq. (2.10.71). Remark 2.10.4. For (a£) the weak form of Eqs. (2.10.57) - (2.10.59) is given by
B „22 e
+ fplvadr
+ e jq^vzdT
Caillerie (1984) has shown that by a proper choice of test functions in the last equation, after the passage to zero with e, the equilibrium equations assume the following form: diviV£ + p + + p_ = 0
in n ,
divM£ - Qc + c(p+ - p _ ) = 0 d i v Q £ + (++
Note that Eqs. (2.10.70), (2.10.71) are formally equivalent to Eqs. (2.10.74). Let us set
N^ = jaaJdz3-
a, 0 = 1,2, (2.10.75)
= jzzo°Jdz3
Q% = -e Ja Jdz3
Elastic plates
where (o£) is the solution of (Pes)'- Caillerie (1984) proves that for subsequences of N&, Ma and Q^, still denoted by the same subscripts, one has weakly in L2(Q) ,
NSf -* Nf
weakly in L2{0) ,
M<£ ->■ Mf
weak-* in H~ ((l),
when e —> 0. A similar convergence takes place when e and e tend to zero. Then the limits in (2.10.76) do not depend on e. □ Now we are in a position to formulate the dual T-convergence theorem. Theorem 2.10.5. For afixede > 0 the sequence of functionals: 0„(
T-converges in the weak topology of L2(B, E^), when e — ► 0, to the functional ge(N,M)
= -Jwc[za,N(z),M(z)}dz n
- IS(N,M),
where 5 is defined by (2.10.72). Moreover, for convergent subsequences we have: (i) a% ->• a?
weakly in L2{B) ,
N«0 _, fiat) =
weakly in L 2 (fi),
ffffdzi —C C
Zf -1- M f = [z3
weakly in L2(Q) ,
when e — ► 0, where of = 0 for i = 1,2,3. (ii) inf P« —> inf P£ ,
sup P^ -* sup P£*,
when e —» 0 . Proof. The proof is based on Theorem 1.3.36. It is sufficient to show that for afixede > 0 the sequence of functionals: 4 2) («-P) = Jjt[z,Cr(e>{v)
+p)]dz , v e Hl(B)3 , p 6 L2(B, E]),
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
is T-convergent in the topology (s - L2(B)3) x (s - L2{B, E33)) to J?Hv,p) = \fc?»»(z)le>a/,(v)+pafi)
[ e y » ) +p^}dz , v € VK{B) ,
where p^ = 0. Details are left to the reader, cf. also Sec. 5.5.
Homogenization: e —> 0 The elastic moduli specified by (2.10.49) are ey-periodic. In order to derive an effective plate model one has to perform homogenization; according to our procedure a r-limit has to be found when e —» 0. The loading functional L, given by (2.10.28), still plays the role of a perturbation functional. Effective elastic potential and its properties Let us denote by VVA the elastic potential describing the effective plate behavior. By applying the general homogenization theorem, namely Theorem 1.3.28 one has Wh(e,p) = i n f { ( W ( y a , e » + £,«»(«) + p)} | (v,v) e HKiPer(Y)} , (2.10.80) where e,p € E 2 ; eva0{v), nya0(v) are defined by
()| a = d/dya, and HKxPeT(Y) is defined in Section 2.8; moreover W(y„,e,p) = \Aa^(ya)ea0eXll
+ Ea^{ya)ca0P^
Properties ofWh
(0 2
[(ea0)2 + (pa0)2} ,
VVh(e,p) < (W(yQ,e,p)> < M, ^
for each e, p G E 2 and c = 1. Here Mi is a positive constant. To prove this property it suffices to take v = 0 and v = 0 in (2.10.80). (H) VV„(e, p) > - £ , £
[(eQ/3)2 + (pa„)2] ,
for each e, p e E 2 and c = 1. In fact, by taking into account (2.10.51) one obtains Wh(e, p) = {W(jfa, e»(t>) + £,«»(«) + />)) > y <( |e"(v) + c|2 + !«»(*) + Pi2)) > ^ | ( k l 2 + IPI2) ,
forc= 1 ,
Elastic plates
because 2
By (t), v) we have denoted a minimizer of the functional appearing on the r.h.s. of (2.10.80). Let us discuss now the problem of existence of (v, v). To this end we write Wh{e, p) = inf{J Y (v, v) + £{v, v) + mi\
(v, v) e
where Jy(«,u) = (W(» a , £»(«),«»(«))),
l(v,v) = \{2A°^e%{v)eXll a
+E ^el0(v)Px,
+F ^ p ^ v )
mi = \{Aa^ea0eXli
+ £*»*%,*$»
+ Ea^ea0pXll
"<»eA M + 2 D ^ P a ^ v A » > ,
+ Fa^pa0eXll
+ Da/3^pa0pXli)
The functional Jy is strictly convex and coercive on the space Hfc:Per(Y). In fact by using (2.10.82) we easily obtain JY(v,v)
> K(\\
v \\2HHY)2
+ || v \\2HHY))
€ HK^Y)
Here K is a positive constant. In the space H1 (Y) 2 , the set of rigid body motion is given by H={v\ va{yu y2) = aa3y0 + KQ] , (2.10.83) where (aa0) is a skew-symmetric matrix and (K a ) e R 2 . To satisfy the periodicity require ment, aap (a,0 = 1,2) should vanish. Thus in the space / / ^ . ( Y ) 2 , rigid body motions reduce to the set of constant vectors, i.e. to R 2 . It implies that in H^Y)2 the kernel of the operator ev is equal to the null vector. Similarly, in H^iY)2 the kernel of the operator K? reduces to zero. It is evident that the functional £ is continuous on the space Hl(Y)2 x H2(Y), and thus alsoon^K- lP er(V). Summarizing, we conclude that the following minimization problem: Jy{v,v)
= inf{J Y {v, v) + £(v, v) + m1\ [v,v) 6 HK
is uniquely solvable. We observe that for the minimization problem: find
+ e(v,v) + ml I (v,v) e H^Y)2
a minimizer exists and is determined up to a constant vector (K, K) € R 2 x R.
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Effective constitutive relationships Due to linearity of the problem under investigation one can write v = T^a0)ea0 + U{a0)Pa0 , + xia0)Pa0,
v = X^ea0 where T{a0\ U^aB) € H^T(Y)2 relationships are given by
while X^a0\
(a0) x
£ H^.(Y).
The effective constitutive
M? where Pf*
= E^0
= 5T^ = F f ^ dp,'a/3
PV ,
Af> = 1dcy6de P^, 0
= / f
#M h bf*
_ dp £ ^{de_ p, y
= -£™±-.
( (2.10.90)
The formulae above are fully equivalent to the formula (2.8.6) found previously. The sym metry properties (2.7.22) can easily be deduced from relations (2.10.89) and (2.10.90). The K-periodic functions T{a0\ U{a0\ Xia0), \(a0) are solutions to local problems (P% Y) °f Section 2.8. Those local problems are here derived as necessary conditions for the minimization problem involved on the r.h.s. of (2.10.80). As we know, this minimiza tion problem is a convex optimization problem. Thus local problems {Pf
= J}{v) = fw n
[—, e(u),K(u/)] dx ,
where u € Hl{9.)2 and w 6 H2(Q) is T-convergent in the strong topology of L2{Q)2 x Hl{£l) to the limit functional Jl(u,w)=
jWh[e(u),K{w)]dx. n
Elastic plates
Here VVh is given by (2.10.80) and v = (ua For any fixed e > 0 the problem
(P £ )
= inf{J f '(u,w) - L(u,w)
| {u,w) G H^(Cl)2 x Hg(Sl)}
and the homogenized problem (P„)
= inf{ j£{u,w) - L(u,w)
| (u,w) G //^(fi) 2 x
are uniquely solvable. Moreover, we have (uc,wc) ->■ (u,ii;) weakly in if 1 (ft)2 x H2(Q) inf P e -»inf Ph .
Proof. T-convergence is left to the reader as an exercise. In fact, it can be performed along the same lines as for the scalar case or three-dimensional elasticity, cf. also Sec. 2.10.4 where a more complicated case will be studied. The existence and uniqueness of {u,w) is ensured by the properties of the effective potential VVh . Problem (P £ ) has already been discussed, cf. (2.10.45). Finally, (2.10.93) results immediately by an application of Theorem 1.3.22. Dual effective potential The effective complementary energy VVj| can be found as Fenchels's conjugate of VV/,: VV^(e*, p*) = sup{e' : e + p" : p - Wh(e, p) | e, p G E 2 } , where e*, p* G E 2 . By using (2.10.80) we find W'h(e',p') -W{ya,e*(v)
= sup{(e' : («*(») + e) + p' : (is»(«) + p) + €,«»(«) + p)) | e , p € E 2 , {v,v) € HKtVer(Y)}
, (2.10.94)
because (e* : ey{v)) = 0 and (p* : »»(«)> = 0 , where v G H^Y)2,
v G H^r(Y)
We set H(K) = [ev(/f^(y)2) x K'iH^iY))) K ( p „ f t ) = \Y\(W(yQ,pup2))
® (E2 x E 2 ) ,
, Pa e
Then we can write, cf. Sec. 1.2.1, W;(e',p')
= | F r 1 ( K + / H m ) * ( 6 * , p - ) = \Y\-l(K'UI
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
where e*, p* are identified with elements of L2(Y, E£); moreover K-(n,m) = |y|<W-(j, 0 ,n,m)) ,
5 ^ ( 7 ) = [H(y)] x (2.10.68), (2.10.69), VV*(yQ,n,m) = -[n,m]B- 1 (7/ Q )[n,m] 7 ' . The symbol □ represents here the inf-convolution. Let us find the orthogonal complement of [H(Y)]-1 in the sense of L2: S^OO = \H(Y))± = \ey(H^{y?) while Is
x ""(^(Y)))1
n (E 2 x E 2 )^
is the indicator function of the set Sper(Y).
We calculate (E 2 x E 2 )^ = {(n, m) e L2(Y, Etf \ (n(y) : e> + {m(y) : p) = 0 , Ve, p e E 2 } = {(n,m) 6 L2(Y, Etf \ {n(y)} = 0 , (m(t/)) = 0} , (2.10.96)
[e"(//,Un2) x " ^ ( W = {(n,m) € L2(Y, Es2)2 \(n(y) : e » + m(y) : «»(»)) = 0 , V(t;, t>) 6 ^ r ( Y ) 2 x H^(Y)} . (2.10.97) Performing integration by parts in the following variational equations: Jn(y) : ey(v)dy = 0 ,
V» 6 H^Y)2
: K«(v)dy = 0 ,
V« e / ^ ( V ) ,
and taking into account (2.10.96) wefinallyobtain S^iY)
= {(n, m) e L2(y, E*)2 | (n(y)) = 0, <m(y)) = 0 , div„n = 0 , divydiv„m = 0 in Y ; m,, assume equal values and nfi and q opposite values on the opposite sides of Y] , (2.10.98)
where nn = ( n Q " ^ ) , mM = mQ/VaM0 , W drrvr (2.10.99) a0 dy0 ds Here r = (r a ) is the tangent unit vector and s denotes an abscissa on dY measured pos itively in the direction of T. We observe that notation such as (2.10.99) is typical for the
Elastic plates
mechanical setting. In general, mM and q are to be understood in the sense traces, cf. Temam (1985). According to the definition of inf-convolution, from (2.10.95) one obtains WU*',P') = |p|inf{K*(n 1 ,m 1 ) + /^ t r ( y ) (n 2 ,m 2 ) | £ ' = ^ + 1 1 2 , p* = mi + m 2 , (Tia.TrO e S^Y)} = inf{ jpjK'(e* " n 2,P* - ma) | (n 2 ,m 2 ) e
= m({(W*(ya,n(y) + e*,m(y) + p*)> | (n,m) G S^Y)}
, (2.10.100)
because the set Sper(Y) of admissible generalized local stresses (n, m) is a linear space. Having derived the complementary effective potential VVJ , given by (2.10.100) one can formulate the dual homogenization theorem. Theorem 2.10.7. The sequence of functionals {££}E>o, given by (2.10.78) is T-convergent in the weak topology of L2(Q, E 2 ) x L2(fi, E 2 ) to the functional gk(N,M) = - fwh[N(xa),M{xa)}dx-Is(N,M)
n If (JVe, M £ ) is a solution of the problem (P*) and (Ph*)
gh(Nh, Mh) = sup{gh(N, M) I (N, M) G L 2 (n, E 2 ) 2 } ,
then {Ne, Mc) ->• (Nh, Mh) weakly in L2(fi, E^)2 , sup (Pc') - sup (Ph*) , when £ —► 0.
Proof. The proof follows by applying Theorem 1.3.36 and Theorem 2.10.6, cf. also Sec. 5.5. a 2.10.3. Justification of the effective plate model of Section 2.9 by passing to zero: E - > 0 and next e —> 0 For any fixed e > 0 the r-convergence when e —» 0 for a thin body Be with eV-periodic microstructure is a particular case of the homogenization of the equations of the threedimensional elasticity. It is thus sufficient tofindthe homogenized potential when e —» 0. Homogenized elastic potential For our particular case of a two-dimensional homogenization, this potential, denoted now by j 0 , is given by j0(ito,e) = i n f { ^ | c ^ Q , 2 / 3 ) ( e ? > ) Y
+e*i)(e«(«) + ««)<*!/ I v G H^Yf)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
where e e E*, and H^r{Y)3=
{« 6 tf^y)3 |u, is ^-periodic , i= 1,2,3; (v) = 0} .
Now we have
It is evident that a minimizer v e H^.r{Y)3 of the minimization problem on the r.h.s. of (2.10.102) exists and is unique, cf. Sec. 2.10.2. Moreover, we may write v = 0 w >e, ; ,
0 t o ) e H^Y)3.
The homogenized constitutive equation has the form (2.9.18), which will be written as <% = | r
= C j f W , ,
where C ^ , already defined in Section 2.9, can be put in the form q ^ t e ) = {Ctjkt(ya,lfe)[e&(e<"»>)
+ S?%] [ e ^ e ' " ' ) 4- 6[5?}) ,
which can further be simplified since e^ 3 (0 ( m n ) ) = 0 . We note that 6^ m n ) are defined as in Section 2.9 and 9^ m n ) = ^mn\ see Sec. 2.9, problem (ff'>). The following properties of jo may easily be verified: (i) there exist positive constants m' < M' such that for a.e. z3 G ( - 1 , 1 ) m'\e\2<j0(z3,e)<M'\e\2, for each e € E3S (c = 1). (ii) h — h — h Now we are in a position to formulate the T-convergence theorem. Theorem 2.10.8. For an e > 0 and fixed, the sequence of functionals {•/«},.,„ is Tconvergent in the weak topology of H1(B)3 (strong of L2(B)3) to the functional ■/«'(«) = jJ0(z3,&e*(v))dz
v e H\B)3
The minimization problem Jle(ve) - Le(ve) = i n f { J » - Le(v) | v G V0(B)} ,
is uniquely solvable and /
-> ve
weakly in
when e -> 0 , where (Pa) is defined by (2.10.22).
inf(Pe£) -> inf(P e ), D
Elastic plates
Plate model: e tends to zero Now the situation is similar to that for the functional J^ when e —> 0 . The only difference is in the elastic moduli; in the present case they are specified by (2.10.105). Thus we can formulate the limit theorem. Theorem 2.10.9. The sequence of functionals {J\ — Le}e>0 is T-convergent in the strong topology of L2(B)3 to the functional J
hl") = \ J C^(z3)(ezQ0(v)el(v))dz
- L(v) ,
v e V&(B)
where C^ is given by (2.9.27).
Corollary 2.10.10. The constant two-dimensional elastic moduli are calculated by the formula (2.9.22), with i j = - c , x3 = c, x 3 = z3, x3 = z3. Remark 2.10.11. Dual formulations are left to the reader as an exercise. 2.10.4. Justification of the effective plate model of Section 2.3 by passing to zero: e - > 0 and e —♦ 0 simultaneously Now we have to deal with two small parameters which tend to zero simultaneously. The study of T-convergence of the sequence of functionals {JM}e>o, £>o is different from the previous two cases. In fact, our proof essentially exploits some tools elaborated in homogenization of microperiodic bodies. Prior to passing to the study of T-convergence we shall describe the macroscopic or effective (homogenized) elastic potential of the plate and derive its dual or the complementary energy density. We shallfrequentlyrefer to formulae of Sections 2.2 and 2.3. Here, however, the plate of constant thickness is considered, cf. Introduction to Sec. 2.10. Effective potential Due to the assumption of the thickness being constant, the space W(y) is defined by, see Sec. 2.2 W(y) = {ve \Hl(y)}31 v(-,vs) is y-periodic for2/3 e {-c,c)} ,
where y = Y x (-c,c). Let us define also the space
w(y) = {ve w{y) \ -< v y= 0},
where averaging over y is denoted by -< • >-, see Sec. 2.2. The effective elastic potential has now the following form jn(e, p) = inf{^ ■< C«"(i/)[c» (t>) + ey + &(*][<%,&) + eu +y3pki] y\ve w(y)}, (2.10.109)
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
where ho = vol ^/area Y = 2c; c, p e E , ; ei3 = 0, pa = 0; ej^v) = (vi\j + v^i)/2 and ( h = d( )/dyl. The properties of the elasticity tensor C immediately imply that the minimization prob lem on the r.h.s. of (2.10.109) is uniquely solvable in the space W(y) and up to a constant vector in the space W(y). Let us denote by v € W (y) the minimizes Properties of J-H For each e, p e E^ with e^ = 0, pt3 = 0 we have l-jnfap)
< y ^ ^ " ( y X ^ + l f c f t j K e H + WsPu) ^ < M(|e| 2 + |p| 2 ),
where M is the constant appearing in (2.10.39). 2. j „ ( e , p ) > ^
^ | e » ( f ,) +
e + y3p[2
> ^(|£|2
for c =
i ,
£ -< e^v) >= 0. D
The minimizer v depends linearly on e and p. Therefore we may write:
* = e(a0)(y)ea0 + s M) (y)pa/3 ■
Taking into account (2.10.112) in (2.10.109) we derive the effective constitutive relation ships tfa0
pn_t Oea0
p2L^ Opa0
that assume the form (2.3.51) with e\M(v) replaced with e ^ and H^W) replaced with p>M. The effective stiffnesses involved in (2.3.51) satisfy the expected symmetry conditions (Sec. 2.3). It is worth noting that property (2.10.111) of j n is equivalent to the positive definiteness of the matrix AH En (2.10.114) B« = cf. (2.3.62). The minimization problem on the r.h.s. of (2.10.109) is a convex optimization problem. The necessary condition for a minimum leads naturally to two local problems (Py) (see Sec. 2.3) for the determination of the functions e ( Q / 3 ) and 3{a0) ; here one should replace y3 with y3 in (Py), since -< y3 >-= 0. Dual effective potential To derive the dual elastic potential j ^ , which represents the density of the complemen tary energy of the plate, we shall apply the theory of duality outlined in Section 1.2.5.
Elastic plates
By definition of the conjugate function one has Jw(c*» P') = sup{e* : e + p' : p - jn(e, p) | e, pGE 2 } =
{e* : e + p* : p -
inf ~
fj(y, e»(v) + e + y3p)dy} • (2.10.115)
For fixed e, p G E, with e^ = 0, p i 3 = 0 we first consider the following minimization problem: (P (tiP) )
e*(v) + e + y3p)dy \ v G WQ>)} .
Let Av = e*{v), A •. H\yf one finds
- V(y) = L2{y, E3S). For any p* G V*(}>) = L2(}>, Es3)
(Aw,P">^();,Ej)x^(y,E5) = / P *
= - / (div„p*) • vdy + / p ' ^ u ^ d S = (A*p*, v)(//i(j,)3].xWi(>,)3 ay Hence
in?, on ay.
Further we set J(*,P){y, A) = j(y, A + e + y3p) , G (£ ,,)(P)
= Jj(e,P)(y,p(y))dy,
A G E* ,
L2(V, EJ)
By using Proposition 1.2.34, one has G(£,p)(p*) = / j ( V p ) ( y . p * ( y ) ) ^ . y
Here, for A* G Eg, we calculate J(Vp)(y- A') = sup{A' : A - jM(y, A) I A G E*} = sup{A* : A - j(y, A') | A' 6 E^} ,
where A' = A + e + y3p. Hence one readily obtains JU,p)(y, A*) = \c3ki{y)^A* where c = C~l.
- A* : (e + y3p) ,
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
If F = 0 then F*(-A*p*) = sup{ (-A*p*,u> - 0 | v e
where S°(y)
(^ +oo
W(y)} '
= {P* ^ Z , 2 ^ , Eg) j div y p* = 0 in y, p V takes opposite values on the opposite faces of dY x (-c,c) , p V ^ O o n Y x {±c}}.
Taking into account (2.10.118) - (2.10.120) one can formulate the dual problem of (P(Ci p)):
sup{- y j-M(y,p-(y))dy
\ p' e S°(y)} .
Our assumptions imply inf(P( € ,,)) = sup(P (€ ,,))*
= -M{J
\ p* e S°(y)} .
Thus from (2.10.115) and (2.10.122) one obtains Jn(e',P')
{€* : e + p* : p
x j'{y,p'(y))
- p* : (e + y 3 p) ^ }
+(p* - /i 0 x y 3 p*(y) ^ ) : P + ho ■< j'{y,p'{y))
= inf{ho x f(y,p'(y))
>■ I P* e ^ ( y ) } ,
where S'OO = (P* e S°(y)
I /JO ^ p*(y) y= e' , ho < y3p' y= p'} .
An equivalent form of (2.10.123) is given by Me',p')
= inf{/i0 -< j ' ( » , j U * + « • ( ! / ) ) >- |q* € 5 ( ^ ) } ,
where SQ>) = {?" e L2(y, E*) | div y q' = 0 in Y , X q' >-= 0 , fto X y3q' >-= p ' , q V takes opposite values on the opposite faces of dY x {~c,c) , q V = 0 o n r x {±c}} .
Elastic plates
We recall that e"3 = 0. To corroborate (2.10.125) and (2.10.126) we note that ho -< p' >-= e' <=> -< (p* - — c*) >-= 0 . Then, for q'{y) = p'(y) - — e* one has -< q' >-= 0. Now the proof is straightforward no and is left to the reader. □ Below, in the proof of a T-convergence theorem an important role will be played by the following lemma. Lemma 2.10.12. Assume that T € S(y) and let {vc}e>0 c Hl(B)3 be such that {CFez(vc)}<.>0 is bounded in L2(B, E3,) and v£ converges strongly to v 6 H\B)3. Then one has lim / i p i z a ) ^ (—,z 3 ) (Q£e*(«£))ydz = f^p' : Kz(w)dz , (2.10.127) B n where rp € D(fi), v = (u 0 - z3dw/dza, w) and p* e Ej appears in (2.10.126). Proof. Let us set
R* = JtKz.m^zJiCfe'Whdz
, 7? = (|,* 3 ) •
Integration by parts yields fie = - AV'CfTe) V'ufdz+ [ ^TjnjvldY s r±ur0
Since ^ = 0 on T and 7jjJ'rij = 0 on T ± , therefore the last integral vanishes. We know that divyT = 0 in y. After a rescaling y —» ( —, z3 J we obtain ( e 7^ ; Q + r 3 ; 3 ) ( ^ , 2 3 ) = 0
d d d d because -— = e-— and 7— = 7—. For e > 0 the last relation is equivalent to dya dza dy3 dz3 TZ + \l?3 = Q in
On the other hand we have
( O T J l =T$+
Thus (Q£T^
= o,
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
and consequendy c
Re = - I'/'^(Qer<)ywf
ci -c
= -jiP;aj(T?% + -T^vl)dz . We observe that c
\RA = ||^(Q£T£)X(V£)||L>(B) =
n < Kx ,
< K\\Te\\L,\\
where K\ is a positive constant independent of e. Finally we obtain c
lim/k = - lim ji>,a \Tfv%dz n
- lim (i>.a
= -ji>,aJ(T0a(y,,y3)) n -c
(up - z3~^j
dz = j ^ K ^ d z n
because ^ ; 3 = 0, -< T ^ = 0, h0 -< y3T >-= p*, and c
r-convergence of the sequence { JM}e>o, £>o As we know from the proof of Theorem 2.10.2 the sequence of loading functionals {i e }e>o >s continuously convergent. The main result of T-convergence when e —► 0 and e —> 0 simultaneously is formulated in the form of the following theorem. Theorem 2.10.13. The sequence of functional {J^}e>o, £>o defined by (2.10.29) is Tconvergent in the strong topology of L2(B)3 (weak topology of Hl(B)3) to the limit functional J^ given by Jit(ua,v>) = Jjn(ez(u),Kz(w))dz n where uQ <= Hl{9),
w e
Proof. We divide it into two major parts.
Elastic plates
I. We shall prove that for any v = (va, v3) e VK(B), va = ua — z3w;a, v3 = w, there exists a sequence {vE}£:>o C Hl(B)3 strongly convergent to v in L 2 (B) 3 and such that Jit{u,w) > lim supJ^(vc) ,
where J]c = J^e=e- Tacitly we assume that ve stands for wM where e = e. Step 1. We take v = (va, v3) in the form 2
Va = ^Va0Z0 8=1 V3
+ Zi{Pa0Z0 + aa)\ + Ca ,
y3 = Z3 ,
= 7) ^2 {-Paf}ZaZfi) - ^2aaza 2 „
a,0=l 3
where e, p € E with ea = 0, pa = 0 and aQ, ca, a € R. Obviously, v belongs to VK{B). Let v be a function at which the functional appearing on the r.h.s. of (2.10.109) achieves a minimum value. For v specified by (2.10.131) we set t£ = va + eva ( ^ , z3) , The sequence < vt ( - , z3 j > ve ->v
ve3 = v3 + e2v3 ( ^ , z3) •
is bounded for a.e. z3 6 (-c, c). Hence we conclude that in L 2 (B) 3 when e -+ 0.
Next we calculate (€>eez(vc))a0 = ea0 + z3pa0 + ezae{v) (— , z3J , (Q£ez{vc))a3 = eza3{v) ( ^ ,z 3 ) ,
Taking into account (2.10.133) we obtain
B c
= / < / ±C*« ( ^ , * ) [«$(«) ( f , z3) + et] + 23py] f!
x [4,(«) ( j ,2 3 ) + €« + z3pw] <*z3}
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
We recall that ti3 = 0, p& = 0 and 23 = 1/3. The integrand in (2.10.134) is an ey-periodic function and therefore tends weakly in Ll(B) to j«(e, p) when e —► 0, cf. Th. 1.1.5. Consequently we write Km-4(*>£) = I Jn{e,P)dz = J jH[eza0{u),Kz{w))dz n n
where, on account of (2.10.131), ua = ^taffZa+CcW
= v3,Kza0(w) = - - — - — = pa0.
Step 2. Let {HK}K€>C be a finite partition of the domain Q formed by polygonal sets. We set QSK = {z G fi I dis* (z, a n K ) > 5} , 8>0. We take a function u = (va, v3) 6 [C(B) 2 x C l (fi)] n V K ( B ) , given by Ua(z) = X ] t £ « e ^ 0=1 2
3(Pa0Z0 + fla )] + C a > z3 = (*a, 3l) € fi X ( - C , c), 2
w3(zi,22) = ] T -^{-p%)zaz0
- Y^a*z* + °-K .
(2.10.135) where eK, pK G E* with eg = 0 and p% = 0; a £ , c£, a* G R, tf G /C. We observe that u3 G C'(fi) and -— G C(Cl). Further, we assume that the function oza 2
UQ(ZI, Z2) = y ^ e ^ z ^ + c£, (z a ) G ft/c, being piecewise affine is continuous. Hence we p=\
conclude that va G C(Q) and for a fixed z 3 G (—c, c) it is also piecewise affine. The partition just introduced enables us to exploit the local character of the functionals Jle. Let ipsK G D(fiff) be such that 0 < i>sK < 1 and ^ ( z a ) = 1 for (zQ) G ttsK. With every family of functions vK G W(3 ; ) we associate the following sequences
t£*(*) = t;3(zQ) + £ £<(z / 3 )t,f (^,z 3 ) KeK £,<
It is evident that for e -» 0 one has t> -» v strongly in L 2 (B) 3 . Let us take t G (0,1). It is not difficult to show that t&e>(v<*
( | , z 3 ) ) = ttfK(za)\e*{vK)
( | , z 3 ) + e « + z 3 p*]
+ t ( l - < ( z a ) ) ( e * + z 3 p«) + (1 - t ) ^ ( < ( , ( * > £ ( f
Elastic plates
and(zQ,z3) € ilK x (~c,c). For instance, let us find t{Qce(ve,5))a3. We calculate t(Qe(v
) - t-- ^ — + —
Ht(**+«f+«*g-**--f+,*£*,'^r) = tv: = tyfc [ea3(vK) (*f , 23) + 4 , + *3P*3] + *(1 - !&)(«& + *3P&) " ^ ~ ^ Y ^ ^ t " ^ " ^ 3 ' (lT ' 2 3 ) '
^2Q' Z^
e n
because e£3 = 0, p£, = 0 and &ipK/dz3 = 0. By using (2.10.7), the convexity of the function jc(z, •) and noting that tify + t(l — V'fc) + (1 - t) = 1, one gets c
S!K - c c
/ A'(- • z3- *<&(*.) («(«*) ( - , *) +eK + z3pK)
+ t(l - <(^))(6^ + *3p") + (1 - t ) y ^ (V4.(^) ( 7 .*))]«**
^ £ / 1 / 4 7 •23'e(v'f) (7 '20 + ^ + ^ ^ 3 } ^ c
+ £ > KeK
/ ( l - < ) d z / I eK + z3pK \2dz3
i dz ,
/s e,c
nK -c
because j > 0. Now let e tend to zero. By using Step 1, we arrive at lim sup J]c{tva) < T{ho
\ilK\ -< j[V, eV(vK) + eK + y3pK\ y
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
- tfK)dzJ | eK + z3pK \2dz3} ,
+ m(l - t)J(l
where \ilK\ = the Lebesgue measure of Qj<. Next, let t —> 1 and <5 —» 0, then lim sup lim s u P 4 ( t « d ) < Y >
|^ K | -< j l y . e " ^ ) + eK + y3pK] >} .
By applying Lemma 1.3.27, one can construct a mappings — ► (i(e),<5(e)) with (i(e), 5(e)) (1,0) such that setting vc = t(e)ve'S^\ we conclude that v£ — ► v strongly in L2{B)3 , and lim sup J]c{vc) < T {Ao |fi*| -< j[y, e»(t>*) + € « + ^ p * ] y} . By taking the infimum on the r.h.s. of the last inequality for vK running over W(y) one obtains J%{u,w) < lim s u p 4 ( « £ ) < jn[ez{u),Kz{w)]dz
Tl^lJnie^pX) = Jli(u,w),
n where (2.10.135) has been taken into account and Jtf stands for the T-limit superior. The properties of the effective elastic potential imply that the functional J^ is convex and finite on //'(O) 2 x H2(Q), thus it is also continuous on this space. By applying density Propositions 1.4.2,1.4.16, we conclude the proof of (2.10.130). II. The second part consists in proving that for any sequence {vc}£>o C H1(B)3 converg ing to v e VK{B) strongly in L2{B)3, the following inequality is satisfied: J^{u,w) < lim inf Jls,{vc) ,
where, as in the previous case, va = ua — z3-—, v3 = w,ua G //'(fi) and w G H2(Sl). As we know from Section 2.10.2, if v e Hl(B)3\VK{B),
lim inf J},(v ) = +oc , £—0
and inequality (2.10.137) is trivially satisfied. By using duality arguments we claim that lirnjnf Jxe£{ve) > Jn{u,w) = I' jn(ez{u),Kz{w))dz = sup{ f[N : e*{u) n n +M : K » - j'H(N(za),M(za))]dz \N, M € L2(Sl, Es2)} .
Elastic plates
Step 3. First we take N(za) = XK(za)NK
NK € Ej ,
where VK,7
x_ / 1
if (*») e n „ ,
Now {H/f }K€)C is afinitefamily of open disjoint sets such that fi = (Jfi^. K
Let T K G 50 1 ), if € /C. By applying Lemma 2.10.12 and recalling that; > 0 we write c
lim inf J cc(v ) > Um inf £
/ < ( * » ) { f\j ( f ,*3,Q<e> £ ))
- 7# ( ^ , 2 3 ) : ( Q £ 4 ( V £ ) y d * 3 + M : « » } d * c
= limjnf £ / < {M : K » + /[? ( ^ , 23, Q«e*(t;')) eK * riK - TKc : Qce*{ve)} dz3} dz ,
whereTK£(z)=T/f(^,23). We set jTKe
( ^ ,z 3 ,e) = j ( ^ ,23,Q<e) - TKe:
Fenchel's conjugate of jT j'TKe
Q£e .
(—, z3, • J is calculated as follows:
, 23, e*) = sup{e* :c + T « t : Q£e - J ( j , z3, QFe)\ee
= sup{(Q-£e* + TKc) : Q£e - J ( y , *3,Q£e) | e e E*} = sup{(CTV + TKt)
: e' - j ( ^ , z3, e') | c' e E*}
= j * ( ^ ,z 3 ,Q-v + r,fe) , where e* e E 3 .
By applying Fenchel's inequality to j T l ( e I —, z3,-j at the point
[&e*(v (z)), —NK], where N% = 0, we get 2c UKt ( ^ ,z3,Qfe*(vn)
■■ &ez(v')-j;K€
3 , ^ K )
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Taking into account (2.10.139) - (2.10.141) in (2.10.138) one obtains limjnf Jl{vE)
> lim inf ^
{ fipKM
: K*{W)
KefC c
It is evident that c
-c c
= J^KJ^N^<0(U n
- z3Vw)dz
= jtsKNfe%0(u)dz nn
The sequence of eV-periodic functions j ' l
L {B)
is bounded in
and weakly convergent to <J*\y«,V3^NK
+ TKiy)\)
as e -> 0 .
We recall that z3 = y3, 2c = ho and N$ = 0. From (2.10.142) - (2.10.144) we obtain limjnf . / > ' ) > £ i f 4 l ^ % ( u ) + Keic -hejridz
nK -< 3*[v, YCNK
+ T
> •
Passing to the supremum on the r.h.s. of the last inequality when TK runs over S(y), where p* = M, we arrive at lim inf J £ > E ) > J2
because s u p ( - / ) = - inf/. Recalling that N is a step function, we obtain limjnf J > £ ) > / X > k ( * a ) [ J V ( * / j ) : e*(u(z,)) +M(2Q)«z(w(2fl))]d2-
fj2i>KMJn(N(z0),M(20))dz. /C€/C
Elastic plates
The inequality 0 < TJV'jc < 1 implies Keic
0 < Y.^z^H(N{z0),M{z0))<JH{N{za),M{za))
because fa > 0. Thus we get
lim inf Jl(vF) > f^sK(za)[N(z0) n *eK +A*(Z/9) : /c2(w(z7))]d2 - Jj'n{N{za), n When 6 -» 0, ^
: e*(u(z,)) M(za))dz .
VJl tends to 1 for a.e. (z a ) e ft and (2.10.146) yields
limjnf 4 ( « £ ) > J[N{*a) ■■ ez(u(z0)) +M(* a ) : K*(Z0) - Jn(N(za), M{za))\dz . Step 4. For each N e L 2 (fi, E 2 ) there exists a sequence of step functions {NA}A€N L 2 (fi,E 2 ) such that iVx -> W
L2(f2, E 2 ) as A —> oo .
strongly in
Each function iV^ can be represented in the form
where l, ) = [ l . ^(^)loi \0, YSA
(*»)») € SIK(A) , otherwise otherwis .
6A = 1/A, diam QK(A) < £4 and fl = (J fix(>i). By using the previous step one has K{A)
limjnf J E > £ ) > / [ A U z J : e*(ufo,)) + A*0O : «*(*,) - j ^ J V ^ . M ^ J d z . n Passing to the limit on the r.h.s. of the last inequality we eventually obtain limjnf 4 ( v £ ) > j[N{za) n which concludes the proof.
: e*(u(z0)) + M(za) : K'(Z„) - fH{N{za),M{za)))dz
, D
Three-dimensional analysis and effective models of composite plates
Remark 2.10.14. In the second part of the above proof M(za) can be approximated sim ilarly as N(za), since M also belongs to L2(f2, E,). The proof is not influenced by such an approximation. Remark 2.10.15. The reader will now be able to perform dual homogenization and formu late a counterpart of Theorem 2.10.5. □ Remark 2.10.16. The scaling (2.2.3)2 concerning the body forces adopted in Section 2.2 has balanced the fact that the volume tends faster to zero than the area. Consequently the body forces entered into the homogenized problem, see (2.3.44) - (2.3.46). In this section we have proceeded differently and have not treated body forces in such a special way. Thus, by necessity, they do not enter the functional L given by (2.10.28) and do not affect the homogenized solutions. The scaling (2.10.1) was proposed by Caillerie (1984). We observe that one can either scale the elastic moduli or the loading. Remark 2.10.17. The method of determination of the effective stiffnesses of plates pre sented in Sections 2.3 and 2.10.4 refers also to the case of hollow plates, widely used in the building industry as ceiling plates. In the special case of hollows going in one direction the local problems (2.3.13) and (2.3.34) are posed on a plane domain, which simplifies the numerical algorithm, see Fig. 2.10.1. If the openings have slender cross-sections and are located transversely symmetric with respect to the middle plane one can apply the simpli fied formulae of Section 3.7. In the case of transverse asymmetry one should use more complicated formulae derived in Lewinski (1995).
□ □m
Fig. 2.10.1. A plate hollowed in one direction
2.11. Effective stiffnesses of longitudinally homogeneous plates Consider a plate of constant thickness whose elastic moduli CJ'*' vary only in transverse direction. Thus c" and c + are constant and Cijki = C^'(y3)
ho = C+ - C ,
c°0 = c^{y3) , 1 _ (y3) = -(c + C+) .
The planes y3 =const are assumed to be planes of material symmetry, i.e. (2.4.1) holds. Under these conditions the decompositions (2.7.2) take place with 9 ( a W = 0,
~Xial3(y3) = 0.
Elastic plates
152 Thus by (2.7.7) we find ^3|3 l(«9) Q(«9)
^ _
—3|3 - (( Qc / 3 )
Q(or/J) M ) =_ o A
= H(Q/3) = 0
Substitution of (2.11.3) into (2.3.21) and (2.3.38) gives
c~ c+
(2 !
' * - 4)
c~ c+
Of = ±J(y3)C°^(y3)dy3, c~
where y3 = y3 — -(c~ + c + ). These formulae coincide with the conventional formulae for the stiffnesses of transversely nonhomogeneous plates. Note that the tensor C defined by (2.7.3), representing the reduced moduli of the plane stress state, appears here without extra stress-type assumptions. Remark 2.11.1 In the case of laminated plates in which all laminae satisfy the conditions mentioned above the expressions (2.11.4) assume algebraic forms coinciding with those reported in classical books on laminated plates.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Kirchhoff type description
Consider once again the plate problem of Section 2.1 with two additional simplifications: the body forces will be omitted and planes x3 = const will be assumed as planes of material symmetry, i.e. relations (2.4.1) hold here. In the approach presented here, the asymptotic analysis is preceded by the Kirchhoff construction of a two-dimensional plate model. This modelling is based on: i) kinematic assumptions: wa{x, x3) = ua(x) - x3w Q , z 3 = x3 w3(x,x3) = w{x); *3 = \J[{xtf - (x3)2]dx/J(xt - x3)dx, z z accordingly to the definition of y3, see Eq. (2.3.17). ii) Stress assumptions: stress-strain relations have the form °a0 = Cf A %,, where
^ = ev(u);
Cf* = C?* - c^Cf00, cx/ = Cf^/Cf33.
(3.1.1) (3.1.2)
(3.1.4) (3.1.5)
The formula given by Eqs. (3.1.4), (3.1.5) determines so-called reduced moduli of the generalized plane-stress state. They follow from elimination of e33 by assumption: a33 = 0. As usual, the elasticity tensor Cz is assumed to be positive definite. Kinematic assumptions (3.1.1) are simultaneously imposed on trial kinematic fields v = i),Eq. (2.1.5). Thus ff«ey(i>) = aa0ea0{v) = aa0[ea0(v) + x3na0(v)},
where va = va(x) - x 3 v Q) v3 = v. Consequently, Eq. (2.1.5) assumes the form f[Na0eQ0{v) + Ma0Ka0{v))dx = J\pazva - m>, Q + 2v]<*x , Q n
where the loadings are p?(x) = (G$(x)M(x) m?(x) = (C+(x))*(x+(x) -
+ (Gz(x))lr°_(x), + (G-z(x))Hx3(x) - x°3)r°_(x), (3.1.8) +
Elastic plates
The membrane forces and moments Na0 =
«JW x3oa0dx3
' " /
are interrelated with deformations by
M*0 =
+ Df^KXlt(w)
where Afx»{x) Ef^ix) Xll
Df (x)
1 *3
- /1 M ) >)2.
and F Q | 3 A ' ' = E"13^ = EXfWl13.
The equilibrium problem of a plate clamped along its edge F = dQ reads:
find (u,w) e v#(n) = [^oH")]2 x ^o(n) (PW)
such that Eqs. (3.1.7) and (3.1.10) are satisfied forall(w,v)e V#(fi).
One can show that the problem (P (/f) ) is uniquely solvable provided that p | , mg, gf are el ements of the space L2 (fi). The outline of the proof reads as follows. The positive definiteness condition (2.1.6) implies positivity of the energy density No0ea0(u) + Ma0Ka0(w). Consequently the form 2W(ea0,
= Afx»ea0eXll
+ Efx^Xliea0 + Ffx»eXllKa0 + DfX»KalSKXli
is non-negative: W > 0. Since the problem isfinite-dimensionalone can find cQ > 0 such that 2W(e, K) > ci ]T(e a / 3 ) 2 + c2 £(*o/j) 2 a,0
If we assume that all quantities are dimensionless then we can put a = c2. By applying the Korn inequalities we note that the bilinear form of the left-hand side of (3.1.7) is V£-elliptic. Since this form as well as the linear form on theright-handside of (3.1.7) are continuous, we invoke the Lax-Milgram lemma to conclude that the problem (pM) i s uniquely solvable.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Let us pass now to the local formulation of the problem ( P ( K ) ) . We shall draw all local consequences of the variational equilibrium equation (3.1.7). First, note that Na0ea0(v) = Na0vafi by symmetry of N and hence Na0ea0(v)
= (Na0va),0
- NQ0,0va
Moreover Ma0Ka0{v)
= -(Ma0v,a)i0
- Ma0,a0 v + ( M ° % «) i 0
and consequently f\Na0ea0{v) n
= - j[Na0va
+ Ma0
+ j{Nal3n0va
- Matsn0v,a
+ Mafnav)ds
The right-hand side of (3.1.7) can be put in the form
/ [ P X + {Q + <Mdx n
- [™yavds.
Here n = (na) represents a unit vector outward normal to T = dfi. The clamping condition implies v = 0 and v Q = 0 on T, and the contour integrals in (3.1.16) — (3.1.17) vanish. Then, equating these formulae and using the classical lemma of variational calculus leads to the local equilibrium equations in fi: -Nf
= p° ,
= q + m°Q .
Thus the local (or strong) formulation of the equilibrium problem of a clamped plate amounts to finding the fields w, v, ea0(v), Ka0{v), Na0, Ma0 satisfying - boundary conditions on T: v = 0,
v = 0,
— =0onr, an
- equilibrium equation (3.1.18) in fi, - constitutive relations (3.1.10). Remark 3.1.1. The Kirchhoff theory of plates admits other types of boundary conditions on T. To disclose them let us substitute the expressions dv v,a = ^-na on
dv + — ra , as
va = vnna + vTra ,
vn = vana ,
vT = vara ,
Elastic plates
into (3.1.16) and introduce the notation Nn = Naf)nan0
Mn = Ma0nan0 ,
NT = Na0nar0 , MT = MaPnaT0 ,
Q = M«%nQ + *£ . Here T represents a unit vector tangent to T; d/dr = d/ds. Q is called the effective Kjrchhoff force. Thus we find f[Na0ea0(v) nn
+ Ma0KQ0{v)}dx = - f[Nfva n
+ Ma0,a0v}dx
+ I (Nnvn + NTvr + Mn (- — j + Qv\ ds + LR, r
where LR = -J~{MTv)ds r
Assume that V has m corner points Ok at s = sk, k = 1,..., m, where n and r jump. Then m
LR = ~Y}MT{sk
- 0)v(sk - 0) - MT(sk^ + 0)v(sk^ + 0)]
with so = sm. Assuming that v is continuous at sk we represent LR in the form m
LR = Y^Rkv(sk) ,
Rk = MT(sk + 0) - MT(a* - 0)
or Rk = [MT](sk). The theory of thin plates admits 24 = 16 types of boundary conditions, since one can assign the values of Nn or vn, NT or vT, Mn or (-dv/dn), Q or v. The most important boundary conditions are (i) free edge; Nn, Nr, Mn, Q are given, (ii) simply supported sliding edge; Nn, NT, Mn, v are given, (iii) immovable supported edge; vn,vT, Mn, v are given, (iv) clamped edge; vn, vT — dv/dn, v are given.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
At free corner points Ok, R-k = 0. If v(sk) = 0, then Rk are concentrated reactions and are a priori unknown. Assume that the plate is rectangular with corners at points Oi(0,0), 02(0., 0), 03(a, b), 04(0, b). If the field M12(x) is continuous in fi, then Rt = 2{-l)i-M12(Oi).
3.2. Asymptotic homogenization. In-plane scaling approach If dimensions of Z = (0, if) x (0, i|) are much smaller than diam(fl) the (P (/f) ) problem becomes intractable even by numerical methods. Thus it is thought helpful to use the twoscale asymptotic method in order to separate the local analysis within the periodicity cells from the global analysis of the plate behavior. The asymptotic analysis used in this section will be called in-plane scaling approach, since, in contrast to the scaling used in Section 2.2, the scaling concerns only the in-plane dimensions /* of the cell of periodicity. Instead of considering problem (P (/f) ) we shall deal with a family of problems (Pj ') indexed by e > 0. This family is constructed by replacing Z ~» eY,
lza ~» ela,
/* = e0la ,
*3(T)^XMI)=T3±(?)=£°C±(!)' (3.2.1a)
Gg(x)~ G± g ) = Gf ( ^ ) , Gf'(x,x 3 ) - &>« (*,x 3 ) = Ct
( f *,z 3 ) .
Consequently we replace Kx[x)
- K Q
= Kz ( ^ )
paz{x) ~» pa (x, | ) , Qz(x) ^* q (x,-j
; K =
m?(x) ~» rha (x, | ) , ,
where p°(x,y) = (G+{y))lr°(x) + (G_(t/))ir°(x), m°(x,y) = (G+(y))*(x+(y) -i§)r?(x) + (G_ ())* (x~ (7/) - i§)r«(i),
9(1,») = (G + (y))iri(i) + (G_(j/)) V (x). Thus moduli Ka/3X», K = A,E,D,are interrelated with moduli Ka0Xti (cf. (2.7.13)) by A(y)=E0A(y),
E(y) = (e0)2E(y) ,
J>(v) = (^o)3D(y) ■
Elastic plates
The scaling (3.2.1a) will be named in-plane, since the transverse plate dimension remains intact under this scaling. The e-dependent counterpart of problem (P'K^) reads: find (u£,wc) e V$(Q) such that
j[Nf{ue,wc)ea0{v) + M^(ue,we)Ka0{v)]dx = n = \pa [x, - ) va - rha (x, - ) riQ + q (x, - J v]dx V
where Nf{u',w*)
= Aa^ ( ? ) e A > e ) + Ea^ ( ? ) KXli(uf) ,
A f f V , uf) = E^x" ( ? ) eXll(u*) + Da^ ( ? ) K^V?) .
We see that now ( P ^ ) = (P(*>). We assume that p°, mQ, q e L2(fi x y). Let us proceed now to construct asymptotic process of solving the (P£(/f)) problem. We use a two-scale asymptotic expansion method. The solution ue, wc is represented in the form wc = w<®(x) + e2w& ( x , ? ) + £3W(3) ( x> £ )
The trialfieldsare expanded similarly
v^ = v^(x)+ev^(x^)+e^)(x,
?) + . . . , (3.2.5)
v = w«°'(i) + eV 2 ) (x, ? ) + eV3> ( ^ ? ) + . . . . It is assumed that (u<°\ w<°>) e V%, (v(0), v<°>) e V£,
uL'H^O.^Hx,-) 6
«;(2»(x,-),«(2)(^-) G HUX).
The spaces //£, r (y) have been defined in Sections 1.3 and 2.8. Thefirst-orderterms of the deformation measures assume the form ea0(vc) = £/> + 0(e) , 2
Kapivf) = K°a0 + 0 ( £ ) ,
e°a0 = eQ/3(u<°>) + e ^(u<"),
K°, = Kap(v^) + K%(w^) ,
where the strain measures evap, Kvaf3 are defined in Section 2.8. Thefirst-orderterms of the stress and stress couple resultants read
Nf = Nf + 0{e),
Mf = Mf + 0(e)
Thin plates in bending and stretching
where NS" Nf = = A*» Aa0X" g(-)) el e°„ + + E°^ Ea^ (Q Mf
= E°^
e°„ + Da0x» ( - ) K ^ .
Further analysis is based on the averaging result (1.1.1) for Y-periodic functions. Let us substitute (3.2.8) and va = % , v = i/ 0) into Eq. (3.2.2) and pass to zero with e using (1.1.1). One finds = [(pOyW - mav^ + qv^)dx
f[Nfea0(v<-V) + MfKa0{v^)\dx
V («eV 0 >) e v$(tl), where
N? = (Nf), a
< = «>);
p (x) = (p (x, I/)) , m (x) = {rha(x, y)) , q(x) = (q(x, y)) , and (•) means averaging over Y. The loadings pa,ma, q coincide with effective loadings (2.3.63) introduced in Section 2.3. Now let us substitute Eqs. (3.2.4) and the whole expansions given by Eqs. (3.2.5) (first two terms are sufficient) into Eq. (3.2.2), pass with e to 0 and combine equation thus obtained with Eq. (3.2.11). Then one arrives at / W e y ^ " ) + MfKlB(vW))dx = 0 .
Let us aassume s s u m e t' v£] = £a{x)va(y), u(2) = r}(x)v(y), £Q, V € D(Q) and (v, v) e HK,per{Y) where 2 2 U H (Y) . (3.2.14) KtPer(Y) } = -;,per\' — [HUY)} ["per\' l\ x ~ H "per Due to £Q, 7j being arbitrary functions of D(fi) onefindsthe equation (KPeva0(v) + MS0^))
V(«, v) e HKiPer{Y) ,
for the determination of unknown functions (u(1)(x, •), w(2)(x, •)) € ///clPer(^)Since this problem is linear one can represent its solution as follows ttd) = T^\y)el
+ U^(V)KI
w™ = X^y)^
+ X^Hvhl
We recall that ^
= eAM(«(0)),
= KA/>(0)).
New functions in y 6 Y involved in Eqs. (3.2.16) are defined as follows.
Elastic plates
Let us introduce the bilinear forms
foru,v e [H^Y)} ,
b(u,v) =
eK(w,v) =
dK(w,v) =
v,we H^.(Y). Note that eK(w, v) = (eQ)2eK(w, v) ,
b(u, v) = e0b(u, v) ,
dK(w,v) = (e0)3dK(w,v) ,
cf. (2.7.14), (2.8.2). The newfieldsinvolved in Eqs. (3.2.16) are solutions to the following problems: find (T 0 ^, XQ"> e HKtPer(Y) such that b(Ta0\u)
+ {Aa^{VyXll{u))
= 0,
eK(w,TW>) + dK(Xe#>,w) + (Ea^(y)K%(w)) = 0 V (u,w) £ HKiPer(Y) ■ find (Uia0\X{a0)) b{U^\
e HK:Per{Y) such that
u) + eK(XW\u)
+ {^^(yy^u))
eK(v>,Ul°V) + dK(XW\w)
= 0,
+ ^ ( ^ ( w ) ) = 0, V
Compare problems (P£,y) w ' ^ (Pfcy) of Section 2.8. On taking into account relations (3.2.18b) one concludes that functions T (a " } , x (a/J) coincide with those defined by (PK,Y)\ moreover ^ x
e a/3 — >->~rt )u. +
*&.n \ 1 "•Q^^A/i
_ WX,1fh -4- PX,1Kh a0 ~ "a/3 e Af» ^ ra0K\n <
„0 K
PZ = e%(UM),
P& = £$ + W])
here 5(aSf = A5a50 + «*£<$)• Thus ihe quantities (3.2.9) can be interrelated with defor mations (3.2.17) as follows N^ = Afx^l
+ E^^Kl,
MS0 = F^0X"el + Dfx"Kl,
Thin plates in bending and stretching
where Afx"
= Aa™S%
paPXfi _
ira0-t6 c V
+ Eaf*sW%
E^0X" = A"I*SR% + Ea^sP^
i r)a/3-y<5u/A»»
r^apXfi _ pa0-,S
pA(i , Qa0iS
, pX/i
According to the definition (3.2.12) the constitutive relations of the effective plate assume the form r«A
+ D:pffx^ K
where the effective stiffnesses are given by -taPX/i
paffXfi _
= (ES
Let us substitute (3.2.1a) into (3.2.24) and take into account (3.2.20). Then comparing (3.2.26) with (2.8.10), (2.8.6) we conclude that stiffnesses given by (3.2.26) coincide with stiffnesses determined by (2.8.10). Consequently the stiffnesses (3.2.26) possess the re quired symmetry and the matrix A" =
AhEh Fh Dh
is positive definite, cf. Sec. 2.8. The homogenized problem: find (t*<°>, w(0>) € V$(fi) such that Eq. (3.2.11) (Fh)
holds for each (u (0) , T/°>) 6 V%(ft), the effective constitutive relations being given by (3.2.25),
is well posed. The homogenized potential is given by Wh = (K0eha0
+ M?K%,)/2
or W„ = ((K0){e%)
+ (Mf)(K°a0))/2 h
Obviously, W/, is a strictly convex function of e and K . By making use of all identities produced by substituting u = r ( A f , ) or U{Xfl) and w = X (a/5) or x{a0) into Eqs. (3.2.19), (3.2.20) one can rearrange formula (3.2.28) to the form: a/3 r° Wh = « " C + AC^>/2
Equivalence of expressions (3.2.28) and (3.2.29) confirms that the homogenization process satisfies the consistency criterion (2.3.67) of Hill.
Elastic plates
Remark 3.2.1. By exploiting the properties of the elasticity tensor C it can be shown that the matrix My) E{y)
Mv) = F(V) D(y) is also positive definite. Problem (P£ ) is equivalent to the following minimization problem: find Jv(u',vf)
= in[{J£(v,v)\(v,v)
6 VJ?(0)} ,
Mv>v) = 2a'(v'v;
v v
' "> ~
Cc v v
and a'(v,v; v,v) = J[(Af^e„(v) + (Ef^ex^v)
+ Dfx»KXll(v))Ka0(v)}dx
Cc(v, v) = / |pP (x, - j va - rha (x, - J v Q + q (x, - j v}dx . n We recall that A?"A"(x) = Aa0X,i (x, - V etc. It is not difficult to prove the following convergence result. Theorem 3.2.2. The sequence of functionals {JE}e>o is T-convergent in the weak topology of H^Cl)2 x ff2(fi) to, cf. (3.2.11) and (3.2.27) Jh(v, v) = / Wh(e(v), n(v))dx - Ch(v, v andCh{v,v) denotes the loading functional appearing on the r.h.s. of (3.2.11). Moreover, at least for a subsequence still denoted by {ue, WC}C>Q we have (uc,wc) -* ( u ^ . t u ^ ) weakly in H^(Q)2 x H$(Q), where Jh(vF>,wl0))=M{Mv,v)\(v,v)
6 V°(Q)} .
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Consider the transverse symmetry case. Then X1-"® = 0, U(a0) = 0. Problems (P£ y ) assume the form find T(a0) 6 H^.(Y)2 such that
(Pk KS,Y)
V u 6 //^(K)2
find x(a0) G W^r(^) such that
dK(x(a/3),v) + (DapxnyWx,(v)) = o
v ve/^(r)
The homogenized stiffnesses are given by
DfA" = ( D ^ + D a ^/c^(x (AM) )>,
££*** = 0.
The alternative formulae will be given in the sequel. Let us consider the strong form of the local problems (P£s y ). By standard arguments of the variational calculus one arrives at: A. The strong formulation of ( 4 s y ) : find Tia0) € Cl(Y) such that T{a0) assume equal values on the opposite sides of Y and functions H&) = ^ W (2/)e^(T' Q «) + Aa0X»(y)
satisfy: (i) differential equations
*&)!„ = °
where ()|M = 5/5yM, (ii) boundary conditions: N
assume equal values on the opposite sides of Y; /x and r are unit vectors normal and tangent to dY. (iii) Continuity conditions along line 7 of discontinuity of stiffnesses Aa0X,i(y):
assume equal values on both sides of 7; here the vectors v and T are outward normal and tangent to 7 and are common to both sides of 7. B. The strong formulation of (PKS.Y)- find x(a0) e ^{Y) such that (0 X
d\{a0) assume equal values and —^ OfJ.
opposite values on the opposite sides of Y.
Elastic plates
(ii) The functions
+ Da0X»(y),
< % = D**(y)K«s(XW)
satisfy: - differential equation <%|A M = 0
in Y ;
- boundary conditions: M$°® = M^0)fj,\fip assume equal values on the opposite sides of Y ; Q(a0) = < % I* ^ + |l( M (t%MA^)
(3.2.37) (3.2.38)
assume opposite values on the opposite sides of Y; - equilibrium of point reactions at the corners Ot of Y: * £ ( - I ) ' J » C ) ( Q O = °;
this condition is identically satisfied. - continuity conditions along line 7 of discontinuity of stiffnesses Da/3x>'(y): ^ and g
3.3. Refined scaling approach Within the framework of the in-plane scaling based approach of Section 3.2 thickness of the plate is viewed as e-independent. Thus this analysis runs counter to the asymptotic analysis of Section 2.2, based upon the scaling (2.2.1) according to which the transverse dimension of the periodicity cell goes to zero simultaneously with in-plane dimensions. The aim of this section is to show that the latter scaling applied to Kirchhoff plate equations leads to the homogenization formulae found by the in-plane scaling. Scaling (2.2.1) will be from now onward called refined scaling, since it preserves three-dimensional shape of the Z cell, see Fig. 1.1. Similarly to Section 2.2 let us assume the refined scaling defined by Eqs. (2.2.1) and (2.2.2). Consequently we replace (3.3.1) Efx»(x)
~» e2Ea0^ ( - ) ,
— e2Da^
(-) ,
and the arrows become equalities for e = e0. Hence A = A/e0, E = E/(e 0 ) 2 , D = D/(s0)3.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
To compensate for the loss of stiffnesses for e —» 0 we scale the loadings q (x, *) - £ s+1 q (x, ^ ) ,
F ( i , ^ £ < p « (x, 5) ,
m a (x, -\ ~» e s+1 m Q (x, - ) , 5 is an integer, s > 2 3(f) Problem P
= /"[e* PQ (x, ^ ) «0 - £ s+1 m Q (x, ^ ) w,a +
V(w,t;)eVj?(n), where Nf{u£,w*)
= e i Q ^ ( - ) eAM(w£) + e 2 £ Q ^ ( - )
= £ 2 £ < ^ ( - ) ex^u^+e3^^
, (3.3.4)
« AM (W £ ).
By virtue of relations (3.3.1) - (3.3.4) solutions to problems (P^K)) of Section 3.3 and (A ) above are interrelated by uX = I —
Moreover, the following homogeneity relation for the plate potential VV£ holds: ,2s-l
We(w,w) = ( - ) * W£
u, I — |
Just this homogeneity relation shows that both in-plane and refined scaling approaches are equivalent in the considered case of Kirchhoff plate modelling. It will turn out that, if applied to different plate modelling, both scalings yield different results. Owing to the linearity of the model, the parameter s > 2 was indetermined. This param eter assumes the fixed value s = 3 if the asymptotic analysis is applied to the geometrically nonlinear von Karman equations of thin plates; this will be discussed in Section 4.
Elastic plates
3.4. Variational formulae for effective stiffnesses We say that strain measures eag and Kag are kinematically admissible and write c e K e (n),
K 6 KK(tl),
if they satisfy the compatibility equations. Thus Ke(Si) = {e = {e3a) € L2(ft, E 2 )| fs^e0adx n
V a € D(ft, E 2 ), div a = 0} ,
€ L2(ft, E 2 )| JM^nBadx n V M e D ( f i , E * ) , div div Af = 0} ,
£ « ( « ) = {K = M
=0 ,
fl being arbitrary, even multiconnected. Kinematically admissible strains €#» are associated with a displacement field u = (ua) such that eBa = -(ua,/3 + Ufl,a). Similarly kinematically admissible strains nag are associ ated with a scalarfieldw such that Kag = —wiag. Having in mind application to the determination of the homogenized potential we intro duce two spaces: K%T(Y) = {ey e L2(Y, E2)|e« € K.e{Y) and e" is associated with a y-periodic displacement field}, KJTW = {«" e L2{Y, E])\K? e Xis(y) and K" is associated with a V-periodic displacement field}. The local potential is given by W(e»,K>>) = ^ A ^ ( y ) ^ ^ + J ^ f o ) ^ +£<" 3 A '%KX/ 3 + D^iyW^J
and the homogenized potential (3.3.27) has the form W„(e*, Kh) = \[Afx^a0el
+K0XtL4Ap + Df*"«0}
Thus we have W„(e\/c A ) = min{(W(€»,«»)>!€» € K^(Y), K" e /CJT(y) and <e") = e \ («») = Kh} .
Thin plates in bending and stretching
To prove (3.4.3) let us note that the formula (3.2.29) can be rearranged as follows Wh = (W(e°, K 0 ) ) ,
where e°, K° are given by (3.2.7), or e° = £h + ey{uw)
K° = Kh + K?{wm) ,
with(u (1) ,u/ 2 >) € HKtPer(Y). By definition of {u^\w(2) (3.4.4) can be represented by
),cf. Eq. (3.2.15), the expression
Wh = m i n ^ e " + e»(v) , « " + K»(V)))\(V,V)
€ HKjxr(Y)}
Let us define a set A = {(e,K)e
L2 (Y, E 2 ) 2 | e = e»(u), K = «»(«;) , ua = ihQ0y0 + aea0y0 + va ,
f = ^ < j v V + «W/° + " ,
(v,v) & HKyPer(Y)}
where a, ba £ F and eap stand for the components of Ricci's pseudotensor. Note that (c, n) £ A means that e = e" + ey(v) ,
K = K" + K » ,
where (v, v) £ /// C p e r (K). Thus potential Wh given by (3.4.6) can be put in the form Wh = min{(W(€,»s)>|(e,*s) € A} ,
and since (c) = (e w («)) = eh, (K) = (« w (w)) = nh we arrive at the representation (3.4.3). In the case of transverse symmetry the formula (3.4.3) splits into - formula for £>>,: 4t,Df**l
= m i n { ( ^ D ^ ^ ) | K» £ K%(Y),
<«») = «"} ,
- formula for Ah: ^ K ^ l
= m i n ^ ^ y l ^ ^ ) | e* £ ^ ( V ) , <€»> = € h } .
Remark 3.4.1. If fi is a connected domain and sa0, Ma0 involved in definitions of £ e ( f i ) , AC/c(fi) are twice differentiable, then div s = 0,
div div M = 0 ,
Elastic plates
provided that s, M are represented as follows Sn=«22(
S22 = KU{lfi)
M =e22(
= euM,
S12 = -K12{
= -daO) .
(3 4 13>
' '
In such a case the sets of kinematically admissible strain measures can be defined as follows /C'c(n) = {ee L2{Q., E 2 )| J[ellK72{
/CK(fi) = {« 6 L 2 (n, E 2 )| [[nueniip) + n22eu{
Here the primes indicate that additional regularity assumptions are imposed. 3.5. Correctors In Theorem 3.2.2 the convergence of (uc, w€) to (u(0',ti;(0)) is only a weak one. Conse quently the first gradient of u€a and second gradients of we are, in general, poorly approxi mated. To achieve strong convergence we make the following assumptions: u{°] e // 3 (fi), T{0i)
e w '°°{Y),
w'°> e // 4 (fi), Ujfh) e vyi,oo(y) s
(3.5.1) (3.5.2) (3.5.3)
^(a/3) g jy2,oo(y)
Let us introduce the functions v* = u£ - u<°> - eu^ , (1)
/ ^ ' - / I - E V *
where u , u/ ' are given by (3.2.16). The functions eu and e w are called correc tors. As we shall see, the functions u (0) + ew(1) and u>(0) + £2u;(2) provide much better approximations of it' and vf respectively than u' 0 ', u/°> alone. Below we tacitly assume that loading functions are square integrable. Theorem 3.5.1. Under the assumptions (3.5.1) - (3.5.3) we have vc—»0
strongly in Hl{Q)2,
strongly in # 2 (ft),
when e - » 0 . Proof. From (3.2.16), (3.5.1)! and (3.5.2) we conclude that v% -> 0 strongly in L2{0) as e —» 0 ; similarly z? —> 0 in Hl{Q). It is thus sufficient to show that a t (v £ ,z £ ; vc,ze)
Thin plates in bending and stretching
converges to zero as e —► 0. We calculate, cf. Remark 3.2.1 ac{v£,z^; vc,zc) = a (u - «<°) - eu^\w - wM - eV 2 >; u£ - «<°1 - eu<-l\ w£ - w<°) -
where A£=a£(u^+eu^,w^
+ e2w^; u<°> W \ w < ° > + eV 2 >) .
We recall that the loading functional Cc is defined in Remark 3.2.1. Let us assume for the moment that limAe = £ h (u ( 0 ) ,iu ( 0 ) ),
where £h() has been defined in Remark 3.2.1. Then, by virtue of (3.5.5), we obtain \\ma£(v£,z£;v£,z£)
= 0<
and the theorem follows because l i m £ £ ( u W ) = £fc(u(0),w(0>) . £-•0
In this way it remains to prove (3.5.7). To this end we calculate eQ/3(u<°> + euW) = ea0(uW) + eea0(u^) Ka0(wW + e2wW) = Ka0(wM) + e2Ka0(^2))
+ eva0(u^(y)) ,y = x/e + <M2)(V))
We recall that both tt(1) and w(2) are functions of x and x/e. Hence A£ = / { [ / ^ ( e v ( u « » ) + « * > < » ) + e ^ u ' 1 ' ) ^ ) ) +
+ eea0(u^)
+ e2^(w™)
+ ^( W ( 2 »)(^))](e^(«'(0)\
+ D*"(/c v ( W (°')+£ 2 % ( W ( 2 ») + + S2Ka0(wM) +
= A\+eJ{[Af^{ex,{u^)
+ e%{u(!))(£))
,V = x/e.
Elastic plates
+ E^^wM)
+ <> (2) )(f ))]ea„(u
+ Ef^(Ka0(w^)
+ ^( W ( 2 ')(^))e v (u' 1 »)}dx
+ e2J[Af^ex,{u^)ea0{u^) + Ef(ex,(uM) + 2Df(KXli(wM)
+ Ef^KXli(w^)(ea0(u^)
+ e^u'1')^))
+ e3j[Ef^KXli(w^)ea0(u^) + e4 JDf^Ka0{w^)KXll(w^)dx
+ ,
where A\ = j[Af^{exM°]) n
+ ^> (1 >)(^))(e a ,(u<°>) + ^ ( u " ) ) ! ^ ) )
+ Ef(KX»(wW)
+ ^(^ 2 ))(^))(e Q / 3(« ( 0 ) ) + 0 ( 1 ) ) ( f ) )
+ Ef^(ex,(u^)
+ e%(uW)^))(Ka0(WM)
+ Df*»(Ka0(wW)
+ ^(«,< 2 »)(^))(/c A ,( W (°») + «j!>< a >)(±))]dx .
The integrands associated with s, e2, e 3 and e4 are functions bounded in L1^). remains to find the limit of A ' when e —> 0. Equation (3.2.16) yields
Thus it
<0(™{2)) = Kya0(X^)eXll(uW)
+ 0(2>)(^))
+ ^0(xMWMO))
In accordance with (3.5.2) and (3.5.3) we infer that eva0(um) € L2{Q) and Kya0(wm) e L2(fl). Also, we observe that Ka0{wW) = X(A">KQ/3(eA>(0))) +
Hence, on account of (3.5.1) and (3.5.3) we deduce that na0(w^) £ L2(Q). Similarly, (3.5.1) and (3.5.3) yield eQ/3(«(1») e L2(fi). Consequently, by using (3.2.9) - (3.2.13) and Theorem 1.1.5 we find limAf = J±J[A°^(y)(ea0(uW)
+ e > " ) ) ) ( e ¥ ( « 0 ) ) + e A >< 1 )))
Thin plates in bending and stretching
+ Da^(y)(Ka0(w^)
= J\K0eag(u^)
+ /&(u; ( 2 ) ))(KA,ry o ) ) + < > ( 2 ) ) ) ] < i y d z
+ M°VQ„(«/2>))ds
+ MfKa0{w^)\dx
= Ch(ul°\wM)
Thus the theorem has been proved.
Remark 3.5.2. In the last theorem the strong convergence takes place in H1 (Q) 2 x H2(11). Since w(0) 6 HQ(CI) and w(0> G H$(il), a natural question arises: how to construct correc tors leading to strong convergence in 77Q(Q) 2 X HQ(Q.)1 To this effect we introduce cut-off functions mc satisfying the following properties (i) (ii)
m,eD(ll), mc(x) = 0 if
d(x, T) = (distance from x to Oil) <e ,
(iii) mc(x) = 1 if c((:r, T) > 2e , (iv) e | Q '|D Q m £ (x)| < ca , VQ, where ca depends on a but is independent of e . Here D1 = V = gradient, D2 = V 2 (|Q| = 2), etc. Such functions me exist, provided F is smooth enough. In our case it would be sufficient to take m £ e C 2 ^ ) and to take the a's with |Q| = 1 and \a\ = 2. Obviously the above conditions still have to be satisfied. The correctors are now defined by «<" = emcu^
w?> = e2mew{2) •
We are in a position to formulate the second result on correctors. Theorem 3.5.3. Under the assumption (3.5.1) - (3.5.3), if u i " and wf] are defined by (3.5.10), then vc = uc - u ( 0 ) - ui1] — 0 e
z* = w - w
- wi
in Hi (Q)2 in H${ty
strongly, strongly.
Proof. The proof runs precisely along the lines of Theorem 3.5.1.
Elastic plates
3.6. Variational formulae for effective compliances. Dual effective potential We say that local membrane forces n a/J are statically admissible, and write n € 5f er (F) if they satisfy: ST(Y)
= {ne L\Y, E$)| < n Q " e * » > = 0 V
Here /i represents a unit vector outward normal to dY. Let r represent a unit vector tangent to dY. Let us define m,, = ma0nafi0
9 = namae}0 + -^— ,
m , = ma/Vc.7/j
for m = (TnQ") e L2(F, EJ); s parametrizes d r and <9/<9s = d/dr. Statically admissible local moments are such that m e S?T(Y), where S r ( ^ = {m € L2(F, E5)| ( m ^ f o , ) ) = 0 V
eA„(«£) = a w Q Wf» + e w (^) Mf , (3.6.2) «A M (^ £ )
= ex^0 ( | ) A/^ + d
( | ) Jtff .
Consequently the dual potential assumes the form W(N,M)
= \[aa0Xll(y)Nal3N^
+ eal3xMMa0Nx»
+ da^(y)M^Ma0}
Its effective counterpart is given by
W'h(Nh,Mh) = lia^NfN^
+ CxX'W0 + dU.MJ?Mf).
The following variational formula Wh(Nh,Mh)
= inf{(W*(n + Nh,m + Mh))\n e S^Y) m € SF(Y), (n) = 0, (m) = 0} h
, (3.6.5) h
determines the effectiveflexibilitiesa \ e , f , d . The tensors e and f e Q/3An = f\iw,0- Formula (3.6.5) can be expressed as follows Wh{Nh,Mh)
= inf{(W(n,m))|n 6 ST(Y), m € S?T(Y), (n) = Nh, (m) = Mh} .
are linked by:
Thin plates in bending and stretching
The formula (3.6.5) is a particular case of the analogous formula for the effective dual po tential for thin periodic shells. The formula for shells will be rigorously derived in Section 17.2 by using the duality theory. Therefore a less complicated derivation of Eq. (3.6.5) is omitted here. In the case of transverse symmetry the formula (3.6.6) splits into - formula for dh A C < 3 A / X " = i n f ^ m ^ c W ^ m ^ ) | m e ST(Y),
<m) = Mh}
(n) = Nh} .
- formula for ah Nf*UX* 3.7.
= ^ { ( t i ^ A ^ X " ) |n € S n n
Transversely symmetric plates periodic in one direction
Assume that the moduli A"0^, D00^ are /i-periodic functions in z/i and independent of y2. The aim of this section is to derive the formulae for D^x>i. The formulae for A^3^ will be given without derivation. Our task is to solve {P^S,Y) m ' ^ s f r o n g formulation, cf. Sec. 3.2. The functions M^ J g) (a« are ^-independent, hence Eq. (3.2.37) reduces to -£nll(2/i)
= 0.
Conditions (3.2.28) imply
(0) =
tPXlaff) d(y\
and (3.2.35) give dy(Q«
dy\ By (3.7.1)-(3.7.3) we get K
«, 2 (x
) (aW
) = ^{x )
where (3.7.5) o
Note that Eq. (3.7.4) is sufficient to evaluate the effective stiffnesses. The complete char-
Elastic plates
acterization of x'Q"' is not necessary. By applying the formula (3.2.32)2 one finds D
/D \ ~\Dnn/ /DU22\
1222 _
= {Dnn}
_ /Dll*D2™\
(Dun)2\ _ ^^_j_j
^ /^1122\ / ^ ! ! \
/D12u\2 J D„„ .
The remaining stiffnesses can be found using symmetries (2.7.23). Assume now that the plate material is orthotropic with orthotropy axes coinciding with ylt y2. Then Dnu = D2221 = 0 and formulae (3.7.6) reduce to pim
((£>ii")-i)-i ,
D222i =
0 (
n22 )ii 2 2 \
/D \ \\ riim D2222 //'
?2 22 2 = ( D 2 2 2 2 ) _ / ( ^ \ + £,1212
/g^\ 2 D nn
Tofindsimilar formulae for effective compliances let us introduce functions: f(x) = (x- 1 )- 1 , j(x) = (x),
Note that Dlin=f(D»»), D™2=j(D™2), D1hl22 = g{Dnn,Dn22), D2222 = h{Dnn,Dn22,D2222) In the orthotropic case the inverted constitutive relations have the form «n = duuM11 + dunM22 , «22 = d22\\Mn + d2222M22 , K12 = 2di2l2M12 .
The effective compliances for the bending problem are given by ^1111 = ^(^ 2 2 22 ,dll 22 ,rfllll) , C
^n 2 2 = ^(^2222, ^1122) ,
/ f a ) . d1212 = /(dl 2 l 2 ) •
Thin plates in bending and stretching
These formulae follow from (3.7.9) by a direct algebraic computation. Let us report now the counterparts of formulae (3.7.6) for effective in-plane stiffnesses; the derivation will be omitted to save space, cf. Section 5.6.1 where a short outline of a similar derivation is reported. Define
■ A1212 - (A 1112 ) 2 , d22 = (
1 1
du =
d2 I '
A = dnd22 - (di2)2 ;
(^1212^1122 _ ^1112^1222\ \
di = (
/ (^1111^1222 _ ^1112^1122']
d2 = '
) ,
/ '
The effective stiffnesses read ,.1111 _ ^22
,1122 _ Ah
.1112 _
— d\2d2)
2212 _
. 1 2 1 2 _ ^11
> '
h Ah
~A ' (^11^2 -
[4111W 41222-12 , 41212/41122x2 / x2222 _ K 1 \ A ) + "■ (A I
^2222 _ ^h
o n4 I I I 2 L
A1122 42212] J\ J\ ]
For the case of orthotropy the effective membrane stiffnesses A^x,i are given by A\nl
= f{Ann)
A1212 = f(A1212)
A2222 = h(Auu,An22,
A2222) ,
A"12 = Aj?22 = 0 .
(3 7 14)
' '
Let &a0\)i be compliances for the membrane problem. The effective compliances in the orthotropic case are given by a
M a 2 2 2 2 , ^1122, O l l l l ) ,
1112 = °2122 = ° >
1122 = #( a 2222, O1122) ,
°2222 = / ( a 2 2 2 2 ) ,
af 2 1 2 = j ( a i 2 1 2 ) •
Let us emphasize an analogy between formulae in the orthotropic case for: (a) effective bending stiffnesses and effective compliances due to stretching, (b) effective bending compliances and effective stretching stiffnesses. The mutual formulae can be found by replacing indices: (1,2) —► (2,1). 3.8.
Ribbed plates. Bending problem
Let us consider a transversely symmetric plate made from strips of constant alternate prop erties. Our aim is to find effective bending stiffnesses D J J * \ This problem has already
Elastic plates
been solved and its solution is given by (3.7.6). These formulae, however, do not take into account that D"0^ are piece-wise constant. Moreover these formulae are not explicitly dependent on the direction of stiffeners. The objective of this section is to derive the for mulae for effective stiffnesses DffXl1 as explicit functions of direction of stiffeners and area fractions 6a of both constituents. 3.8.1.
Formula of Francfort and Murat for stiffnesses
Consider a transversely symmetric plate made from strips of stiffnesses Di and Di with area fractions Q\ and 02 respectively; #i + 02 = 1. Assume here that the quadratic form / ( « ) = Ka0(D?x»
- D?»)KXll
is positive definite, which will be briefly written: D? > D\ and called the "ordered case". The directions of ribs n = (na) is not correlated with anisotropy directions of Da, see Fig. 3.8.1.
interface 7
Fig. 3.8.1. Ribbed plate of first rank The effective tensor Dh is determined by the following implicit formula of Francfort and Murat 9,(D 2 - A , ) " 1 = (D2 - D,)-1
- 02rD ,
where T D = (naUffD^^nxn,,) and operation ( ) Let
'rn ,
(r„) 0/9A/1 =
is understood as follows. M«() =
= dXlia0MQ0
Then we write d = D_1
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Formula (3.8.2) is compatible with (3.2.32)2 and with variational formula (3.4.4). Because of algebraic nature of formula (3.8.2), its direct (algebraic) derivation is easier than a rig orous derivation based on variational fonnula (3.4.4). Thus we have found it appropriate to report below this easiest method of derivation. We shall use only some selected facts resulting from the very definition of Dh given in the previous sections. Proof of (3.8.2). We refer to Section 3.7 and omit indices (a/3) assigned to x(Q/3'- Accord ing to (3.7.4) Kyn(x) is a piece-wise constant function. Consequently the strain tensor ny 1
within Y is a constant tensor K in phase 1 and a constant tensor K within phase 2; we omit index y. Upon averaging we find (3.8.6)
a0 - 01 Ka0 + # 2 KQ/3 ,
where Ka0 are referred to the ea ® e# basis. Similarly fO.0
= 0i Ma0 + 92Mro/3
Ma0 = Dfx"
(do not sum over a !).
The continuity conditions (3.2.41), (3.2.42) on both sides of 7 (see Fig. 3.8.1) imply
Ixh = 0,
d\ drdn
= 0,
-" IT
d2x dr2
We observe that here I7 does not denote partial differentiation with respect to y~,. Hence 1 ^nr
2 NaT 1
where Knr — K.<xt)n T
«TT =
Let us represent both these tensors K in the basis generated by (n, r ) k=Knn n ® n+ nnr (n®r
+ T ® n)+ KTT r
Hence 1
r, i1
« n n )n ® n ,
or 1
The constant k will be specified in the sequel.
Elastic plates
Let us define the homogenized stiffnesses by postulating a linear relation between M/, and Kh: Mf = Dfx»KhXll .
By (3.8.6) and (3.8.13) we have Dfx^l
= OtD?* kx, +e2D?x» h, ■
Let us substitute
into (3.8.14). Hence (Dfx" - Df
")«^ = 6,(Dfx» - 0?*) KX» ■
On the other hand (3.8.6) and (3.8.12b) imply «£/? = ft Kap +02[nap -k nan0\ , or K
a& =lic,0 -k62nan0
The continuity condition Maenan0
along with (3.8.6)2 and (3.8.12b) implies (Df* - Dfx") k^ nQn0 = {D^n^n^k
which determines A; involved in (3.8.12b). Let us define paP =
(DfX» _ D«P^ ^
( 3g 2 Q )
Upon substituting k given by (3.8.19) into (3.8.17) one finds
Combining (3.8.16) with (3.8.20) one obtains (Dfx"-Df^)Kl
= 9lP^.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Let us invert (3.8.20) and (3.8.22) K A „= (D2 - A f e p ^
< = *i(Ai - Dh)-X^p°e
and insert these expressions into (3.8.21). One arrives at the formula e,(D2 - D^1
a 0
= (D2 - D,)-x'
- § ^
equivalent to (3.8.2) - (3.8.3). This completes the proof.
Note that relations (3.8.22) are invertible, since condition (3.8.1) implies that the quadrat ic form /i(«) = KaniD?* -
is positive definite; it means that the strongest phase is stronger than the homogenized phase. This intuitive property can be deduced from (3.4.4). Note that K^D^iy)^
< K%Df^
Hence if #i ^ 0 we can estimate < mm{(Kya0Dfx"Kl)
= K a0Df »Kl
|K» e KK(Y) , («»> = «"}
which completes the proof. Remark 3.8.1. The ordering assumption D2-Dx > 0 implies that the matrix D2 - Dx is invertible and the formula (3.8.24) makes sense. The same formula still holds if we assume only that the matrix D2 — D^ is invertible. 3.8.2. Ribbed plates of higher rank with the stronger phase taken as an envelope Assume that both stiffness tensors D„ are isotropic. Thus they possess the following rep resentations Dfx» = 2kaI?0Xfi + 2^1 fx»
, a € {1,2} ,
where ja0X„ = l5aP5X„ _
ga^ffX _ J^jV)
Thus we have £im=D2222
= A.ff + Mffi
= k a
- ^ ,
D™ = »a.
Elastic plates
The condition D2 > D\ means that k2 > ki ,
n2 > Hi ■
Due to the isotropy of D2 one notes that the quantity n^nsD^^ricnp
= k2 + /i 2
is independent of n and the formula of Francfort and Murat (3.8.2) reduces to e1(D2-Dhy1
9,(D 2 - Dhyl
k2 + fi2 r„
= (D2 - D O " 1 - 0 2 r D ,
rD = k
1 + fi2 rn,
and ^ "
2/i2 \ n a npuxrin
M2. -rtan^nxn^ . ^2 + H2
The formula (3.8.33) holds irrespective of the isotropy of D\. That is why this formula turns out to be very helpful in evaluating effective stiffnesses of so-called ribbed plates of higher rank. To be more specific, let us consider a ribbed plate of 2nd rank made by stacking together material 2 with the homogenized material of stiffness D^ determined by (3.8.33). The area fractions of materials "2" and " h" are a2 and a\ respectively. Let m be the direction of stiffeners, see Fig. 3.8.2.
Fig. 3.8.2. Ribbed plate of second rank
Thin plates in bending and stretching
On using formula (3.8.33) one finds the effective tensor Dhh of the new composite plate: - Dhh)~l = (D2 - D O ' 1 - - ^ — r m . (3.8.34) k2 + ^2 Let us multiply both sides of (3.8.34) by #i and combine this identity with (3.8.33). One finds the formula for effective stiffnesses of a ribbed plate of second rank: Ql (£> 2
a,0,(D 2 - Dhh)~l = (D2 - DO" 1 - r ^ — r n , m , k2 + fi2
rn,m = o2Tn + Q\a2 r m . Note that ai#i means the resulting area fraction of material "1". This process of mixing material "2" with ribbed plates of subsequent ranks can be easily continued. We shall prove in Chapter VI that three subsequent laminations (or introducing ribs) done in an appropriate way lead to an isotropic effective plate of maximal stiffness. The idea of subsequent laminations is crucial in understanding the extremal properties of optimal plate designs. 3.8.3. Formula of Lurie-Cherkaev-Fedorov for stiffnesses Let us consider once again the problem of Section 3.8.1 but without assumption (3.8.1). We shall derive the following formula for Dh. nKnu[DKWi"'}enpnl, where >• = «i/i + #2/2 ,
[/]« = 0i/ 2 + fc/i •
First, let us solve (3.8.6), (3.8.12b) with respect to k: 1
a0= KQ/3 + 92knan0 ,
na0= K^0 - 9iknan0 .
Upon substituting (3.8.38) into (3.8.6) one finds Mf = 0 , D f *"(*$, + 02fcn,nM) + 62Df A "(^ M - 0,fcn,nM) , or Mf
= {Da^)6KhXli + 9,92k(DfXti - D?X)1)nxn» .
Let us multiply (3.8.38)i by £>f v and (3.8.38)2 by D f v . Upon subtracting these identi ties we find MXti - M2A" = - {Dp00 - £>AMa/3)<3 + k{DXlusl3]gnan0 .
Elastic plates
Let us multiply both sides of (3.8.40) by n^n^ and take into account (3.8.18). Hence 0 k = nxnJE^T "v '
~ !DP00'-^ )**, . r
Now it is sufficient to substitute A; given by (3.8.41) into (3.8.39) and we arrive at (3.8.36). The denominator of (3.8.41) is always positive definite, irrespective of materials being ordered or not. 3.8.4. Formula of Francfort-Murat-type for compliances Let us consider the same problem as in Section 3.8.1. Our aim is tofinda counterpart of formula (3.8.2) for the compliance tensors: d", dh. The following set of equations is at our disposal, cf. Sec. 3.8.1 Mf
= 0XM? + 62Mf ,
^ A X " = * K°0 +*2 Lp , Ka(3= dl0XliM^ (do not sum over a) , (Mf - Mf)nan0
(3.8.43) (3.8.44)
< 3 A / X " - iZexpMp = k nan0 .
The derivation runs as follows. Let us define Ncff = M°0
_ Ma0
f 1
P*0 = ( C v ~ ZfiiJM?
Equation (3.8.42) can be rearranged to the form Mf
= Mf + 6iNa0 .
Functions (3.8.42) -(3.8.44) imply dha0xM" = dlt^M*
- 62M?) + 62dl0XllM^ ,
hence «3AM - dl^M^
= 92 ■ pa0 .
Thus we can express M^\M 2 A "intermsofp Mj?=92[{d1-d!>)-1]**patl, a0
Our task now is to express N
M^ = [(d1-d2)-1}"MpPa0-
in terms of p. We use (3.8.46) and (3.8.49) to get
< . * . ( * * " + M 2") - d^xM*
k n n
Thin plates in bending and stretching
or Poff + < / J V ^ A " = k nQn0
and NX»
Equation (3.8.45) implies nxN^n^
(3 g 5 3 )
— 0, hence d.
We go back to (3.8.53) and find Nx» = I^Pafi
* -
" D>
(3 8 56)
Now we insert (3.8.55), (3.8.52) into (3.8.49) to obtain e2[{d1 - d " ) - 1 ] ^ " = [(d1 - d 2 ) " 1 ] ^ + 0lTfafi ,
or e2(dl - d " ) - 1 = (d 1 - d 2 ) - 1 + ^ r
The ordering assumption (3.8.1) decides that inversion operations in (3.8.57) make sense. In the case of material " 1 " being isotropic one can compute operations in (3.8.56) to find - i - r * " 0 " = n V n V - hs^S1* 2/i-i
+ 5a"S0X)
- ^ Z J f l ( < 5 ^ _ A " ) ( f - nan0) . M +Mi 3.9.
Ribbed plates. Plane elasticity problem
We consider the same composite plate as in Section 3.8. Our aim is to find closed formulae for effective in-plane stiffnesses A^fXli and compliances a j j ^ . 3.9.1. Formula of Francfort and Murat for stiffnesses Our considerations will be confined to the ordered case: the matrix A2 — A\ is assumed to be positive definite; A„ represent the in-plane stiffness tensors of strips; the area fractions are denoted by 9a; the lamination direction is determined by a versor n , see Fig. 3.8.1 which remains valid here. On analyzing problem (PKS,Y)< see Sec. 3.2.A, we conclude that e ^ ( T ) (indices (a/3) 1
are suppressed here) are piece-wise constants; they will be denoted by ea0, eQ/3; the indices
Elastic plates
1 and 2 refer to materials "1" and "2". Let us refer these strains to the (n, r ) basis; n, T being normal and tangent to the discontinuity line 7, see Fig. 3.8.1. ^a0
la ,
<, _ dTn
U ,
^ f„r-
\a +
\„ ■
Note that Tnll = Tnh and TT|l = TT,a, hence - ^ | , = - ^ | 2 and - ^ | , = - ^ | 2 . Conse quently 1 2 1 ., . dTn dTT , i= ia$ - ta0= « nanp + -l{naT0 + npTa), k = - dn dn and we can write 1 2 «o/3 -
a / ? = Pa^/3 + P/j7l Q ,
1 pa = - ( K T l a + / r a J
The quantities p\, pi will be found in the sequel. Moreover, the following relationships, that can be inferred from (i) - (iii) of part A of Section 3.2, are at our disposal: (3.9.4)
Za0 ~ ^1 eaP + ^ 2 ea0 i
N? =
(3.9.5) (3.9.6)
Proceeding similarly to Section 3.8 onefinds,see Eqs. (3.8.16), (3.8.17) (Afx" - A**)!^
= 9,Ma0 ,
where Na0
( A a/3A„
_ ^ 0 ^
( J g
and e
a0 = <3 - *a(nQP0 + n0Pa).
(3.9.10) 2
Tofindpa we use (3.9.7), substitute there (3.9.6) and eliminate e by (3.9.3) to obtain Ma0na=G0ap<,, G* = 2Afx%na.
(3.9.11) (3.9.12)
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Let g be the matrix inverse to G ; then Pa = ga^a0na
gx0G0a = 5J .
Now let us substitute (3.9.13)! into (3.9.10) to obtain <£/s =€a/3 -h{nag^nc
+ n0gaynt,)Af"'1.
On inverting (3.9.8) and (3.9.9) and substituting into (3.9.14) one finds <M(A2 - Ah)~%^
= \{A2 - A,)-%0Xtl
- 02(rA)a/3A„ ,
(rA W v = - (nag/}xn^ + npgaxn^ + nag0linx + n0gailnx) .
(3.9.15) (3.9.16)
In the case of A2 being isotropic, Eq. (3.9.11) can be explicitly inverted. Assume that A?*
= 2k2lfXl1 + 2n2lfXt' ,
where l„ are given by (3.8.29). Then tensor T\ assumes the form
- Tianpuxn^] -
-nanpnxn^ \ . ^2 + M2
3.9.2. Formula of Francfort and Murat-type for compliances Let us consider the same ribbed plate as in the previous section. We shall prove that the effective compliance tensor ah is determined by 0 2 ( Ol - a")" 1 = (a 1 - a 2 )" 1 + fcr. ,
where pa/3A/i _ _
+ - Aa0ap
+ ra^/i^ + ngr^h^ + nan^hSp) , (3.9.20)
where hxpH13" = 5"x ,
H0» = 2 Aa0X,inanx
or h = H\ Indeed, the following relations are at our disposal: Nf = 6, Na0 + 92 Nc0 , 4 = «X^'
l^'oce^N* a0
{N -N )na
= O,
(do not sum over a) 2
ea0- ta0=naP0
+ n0Pa.
Elastic plates
Let us define pa& = (Aapxv - Ac**) NX» ,
Na0 =Na0- Na0 ■
Hence =Na0 + 9iNa0 ,
= 62[(al - a " ) - 1 ] ^ " ^ ,
Na0= [(a1 - a2)->\a0X» pXli .
The main problem is to express N in terms of p. Tofindthis relation wefirstwrite aapw {NXll+ Nx")~ la0x„NXti = nap0 + n0pa , which gives aQ/3A„ N^ + pa0 = nap0 + n0pa , and N<#
=A^^(nAp M + n^Px -
Since NaXna = 0 wefindthe set of equations Hp"plt = ^
H<* = 2 Aa0X,inQnx
q0 =Aa0X»pXlina .
Let /i = if" 1 or hxpH^ = <5£. Thus PA = **> A Q / 3 w p w n a .
Now we return to (3.9.26) to find Na0 = T00^ - pXfi,
with T given by (3.9.20). Upon substituting (3.9.25), (3.9.29) into (3.9.24) one obtains (3.9.19). D In the case when a 1 is isotropic, i.e.,
= i J l + 2^ 1 2 '
(3 9 30)
Thin plates in bending and stretching
and A= 2fci/i + 2/xi/ 2 ,
one can express the tensor T a as follows 1 pa^
L60»nxna - ^'~
+ J/J^^ M l
+ Sa,nxn0
( ^ - nanp){6^
- nxn") - l{5aX60» + < W A ) .
Remark 3.9.1 Let us recall all the Francfort-Murat formulae derived in Sections 3.8 and 3.9:
0,(x2 - x,)- 1 = (x2 - x,)- 1 - 02rx, e2(x1-x")-1 = (x 1 -x 2 )- 1 + e1rx,
for X G {A, D}, x e {a, d}, x = X - 1 . Despite the disclosed analogies between formulae for Ah, dh, ah and D^ (see Sec. 3.7) we see no similarity between the tensors T^ and T^ and between Ta and T ^ . This lack of visible similarity can be justified as follows. The analogy between formulae: Ah(A) and dh(d) has involved changing indices 1 <-+ 2. Such a change becomes unclear if the axes ya are deviated from directions of orthotropy, which is the case here. One can, however, disclose analogies between formulae for Xh and Xh in the case of isotropic constituents. To this end let us recall the projection tensors of Hill for plane elasticity: £ap\» - 2^0^nxTla
+ ^ " ^ a + <WnAn0 + SaxtinUp) - nanpnxn^
and for plate theory: £
= n n n
a 0 >
£D = Tn.
Let us introduce the tensors (n„)Q<3A^ = {Sa0 - nan0)(6x,i
- n A n^) ,
Iapx^ = -(<5aA<W + <W<5/3A)
and the ratios °« =
Then one can express the tensors T x and T x as follows
rx = ^-(sx-a2rn),
r x = 2/i 1 (5 x -j-a,n n ).
These formulae (for X = A) have been discovered by Norris.
Elastic plates
3.10. Plates periodic with respect to a curvilinear parametrization. Non-uniform homogenization Assume that domain fl is parametrized by a curvilinear coordinate system (£ a ). Thus f2 can be viewed as an image of a certain domain Qo: Q = $(^0).
t2 / /
,P» '> Fig. 3.10.1. Periodicity with respect to a curvilinear parametrization The mapping $ is determined by relations: xa = xa(£l, £2). The metric tensor is defined by 9a0 = ra ■ r0, ra = dr/df?, r = [^(f), x2(£)], £ = (£°). The Christoffel symbols are denoted by Va0 and the covariant derivative assumes the form /a||/? = fo.,0
O0J-I >
where () i/3 = d( )/d£0 ; in this section comma means differentiation with respect to £0. Similarly to Section 3.8 we focus attention on the bending (anti-plane) problem of a transversely symmetric plate. The only unknown is a scalar function w representing de flection of the plate. Since scalars are invariants, the same quantity represents deflection of the plate with the middle plane parametrized by (f a ). Consider the bending stiffness tensor of the form
D€ =
with D^^it;, •) being y0-periodic functions, Y0 = (0, h) x (0, / 2 ). The domain Q is formed by curvilinear rectangles Y = $(Y0). On the other hand the functions Da0Xti(-,^/e) deter mine slow variations of stiffnesses. Assume that the plate is subject to transverse loading q = q(£), the quantity being eindependent. Moreover, assume for simplicity that the plate is clamped along T ~ dil.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
Thus w€ = 0 and -^- = 0 on T . (3.10.3) an Here ws represents the unknown deflection; e indicates that this deflection depends on the size of periodicity cells. The moments M°" are interrelated with changes of curvature «a/3(w£) = -VJC\\al}
by the constitutive relationship Ma0 =
p*^ L i \
(3 1Q 5 )
Let us define the bilinear form deK(w, v) = jDa0X" no
U, ^\ ^(w)Kal3(v)^g
g = det(gQ/3) , (3.10.6)
for w, v e // 2 (fio) and the linear form !K{V)= jqv^dE,.
no The equilibrium problem reads: KS) (He
find we e Hi (ft0) such that
dFK(wc,v) = fK(vc)
v^e// 0 2 (fi)
To find the effective characteristics of the plate considered we discuss the behavior of w€, M"0, Kap{wc) as e —» 0. To this end we represent wc and ve by the two-scale asymptotic form z*(t) = z<°>(£) + e V 2 ' ( ^ , y ) + £ 3 « (3) K,y) + • • • l„=f
with z = w or v and assume that z<°» e H20(Q0) ,
= w,v.
Hence we have **/>{*) = Ka0(z[o)) + Kyal){z(2)) + 0 ( e i = t / e With KyaJz)
Elastic plates
We shall use the following averaging lemma:. Let F(£, •) be V^-periodic. Then, cf. the relation (1.1.1)
By using the same homogenization technique as in Section 3.2 one finds: (a) the local problem: findx^K,-) (PKS,YO)
€ / £ , ( % ) such that
+ SiSlWapiv)) =0
(3.10.12) H^(Y0)
(b) the homogenized stiffnesses (3.10.13) (c) the homogenized problem findty'0' e / f ^ n o ) such that (3.10.14)
(PH) flo
where Mf
Justification of (a) - (c) will be given in Chapter V in a broader context of periodic shells. A new approach to non-periodic homogenization is offered by the method of 6 — 2 conver gence developed by Alexandre (1997). 3.11.
Effective bending stiffnesses of plates with quadratic inclusions
The subject of this section is a transversely symmetric plate stiffened (or weakened) by quadratic inclusions of doubly periodic layout, see Fig. 3.11.1. The cell Y consists of the inclusion Vi = (-r/2,r/2) x (-r/2,r/2) and the matrix y2 = Y\Yu Y = (s/2,s/2) x (s/2,s/2). The distribution of bending stiffnesses is assumed as follows Da/3x»{y) = and DQ
Dfx" XDtf*
foryGF 2 , fory€Ylt
are constants; A is a positive parameter. For A = 1 the plate is homogeneous.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
*> ICN
[??• lv:--:~T: !":•.•.■.:•>:•:
r_ r 2 2
Fig. 3.11.1. A plate with quadratic inclusions. Geometry of the basic cell Solutions to the local problems (P^S,Y) °^ ^ ec - ^-^ c a n ^ f ° u n d by ^ with trigonometric basis functions. We represent the (a/3) solution
Galerkin method
with the help of ^ - p e r i o d i c functions 4>a taken from the set {Cm,n{yi,y2),
where Cm,n(2/) = Cm(y 1 ) c „ ( y 2 ) ,
= sm(2/1 )s„(2/2),
and Cn(t) = cos(27rnt) ,
sn(t) = sin(27rnt) .
We have put s = 1 for simplicity. On substituting (3.11.2) into (3.2.31) and choosing v = (pi, one finds * W Q / 3 ) o + D(ba0) = 0 ,
where a, 6 6 { 1 , . . . , 7 V } and A * = dK(<pa,4>b) ,
Z ^ " ' = (D*>*(y)«*,(&)) .
Elastic plates
192 The homogenized stiffnesses are given by (3.2.32)2, which results in
(3.11.6) The main problem is to solve (3.11.4). Assume that D0 is isotropic or a0Xii
= D v8a08Xht +
-{6aX60» + Sa"S0X)
and that D and v are constants. The only parameter that makes difference between the matrix and inclusion properties is A. To be specific let us assume N = 12. We choose the basis functions as follows 01 = C\fi ,
02 = Co,l ,
03 = C\tl ,
0 4 = C2,2 ,
05 — C2,l ,
06 = Cl,2 ,
07 = C*2,o ,
08 = Co,2 ,
09 = Si,i ,
010 = Sl,2 ,
011 = ^2,1 ,
012 = 52,2 •
v = 0.3 /t-0.0001 N=S4 0.6
Fig. 3.11.2. Effective bending stiffnesses of plate of Fig. 3.11.1 versus the ratio r/s. The squares " □ " represent results of Grigoliuk and Filshtinskii (1970). A = 0.0001 for a) - c), A = 10.0 for d) - f).
3 00
3 &
Thin plates in bending and stretching
r " > Z
Note that the function
Table 3.11.1
p p p p
1.000 1.357 1.755 1.969 2.354 |
1.000 1.322 1.559 1.847 2.121 |
1.000 1.298 1.547 1.684 1.801 |
1.000 1.297 1.489 1.605 1.767 |
1.000 1.285 1.464 1.585 1.650
ON LA ■ LA 0 0 i O LA
t > © 00 \0 i © p © - J LA \ 0 -O < i ~ - 00 K U>
N) S ■
2 bo bo
^- A > J OOi
p p p p
— 00 LA UJ i | 0 0 00 00 OO tO *>. LA tO i
N r* r- r- r- P P P P u)\p^l>jQbobobobo
> bo bo bo bo
0.800 0.801 0.805 0.839
p o p ©
0.803 0.804 0.808 0.841
r/s = 1 / 3
0.090 0.090 0.093 0.110 0.167 0.142 0.099 0.074 0.070
p p p p p p p p p
oo oo
Ov — *
0.089 0.089 0.092 0.111 0.167 0.141 0.094 0.077 0.047 | o o o o o o o o o
0 0 OO O^ >-* ^
o o o o o o o o o
p p p p p p p p p
0.089 0.089 0.092 0.112 0.167 0.142 0.083 0.061 0.061 |
O091 0.091 0.094 0.112 0.167 0.140 0.089 0.048 0.006 |
OO * .
0.127 0.101 0.127 0.101 0.127 0.103 0.133 0.117 0.157 0.167 0.142 0.146 0.132 0.054 0.194 0.044 [ 0.306 I 0.053 |
r/s = 1/3 0.362 0.362 0.362 0.369 0.417 0.653 1.131 1.667 2.147 |
0.361 0.361 0.362 0.368 0.417 0.649 1.052 1.366 1.849 |
0.361 0.361 0.362 0.368 0.417 0.645 1.005 1.294 1.512 |
0.366 0.363 0.363 0.369 0.417 0.669 1.223 2.144 6.603 |
0.361 0.361 0.362 0.368 0.417 0.642 0.981 1.194 1.392
- .- P P o p p p p
2 4 4 0 6 0 8 4
0.366 0.366 0.366 0.371 0.417 0.674 1.821 12.070 | 114.338 |
lCF 10- 2 lO" 1 10° 101 102 103 104 105
0.807 0.804 0.812 0.844
0.821 O H ! 0.822 0.811 0.824 0.814 0.850 0.846
W - - p p p p p O ^-<7s^-0\"**-U)L0UiL0 -4 -O — W - J O lO N W
v = 1/6
c) D\2n/D
RF3 10- 2 10" * 10° 101 102 10 3 104 105
p p p p p p p p p
1.000 1.374 1.947 5.261 I 37.473 I
O s W ^ p p p p p p
b) Dl™/D
-OLA^-^- — © O O © • ^ S) vO U i » 00 00 00 00 •vj o s - ^ - J < - J LA LA LA
101 102 103 104 10 5
0.853 0.854 0.856 0.873
HF 10~2 10"1 10°
p p p p p p p p p
r/s = 1 / 3
v = 1/6
JS* fO H - p O O © O
Elastic plates
The algorithm works fairly well for very small A, which means that results of Dffx,i tend uniformly to the case of quadratic openings - see Fig. 3.11.2, where the results of Filshtinskii and Grigoliuk are additionally depicted. The latter results were found for circular holes and here they are put by recalculating the r/s ratio from the condition of the square and circular areas being equal. Let us look lastly at global behavior of a clamped square plate with 25 inclusions, as in Fig. 3.11.3; s = a/5. Poisson's ratio v is constant and equals 1/6. The stiffness D in the matrix and inclusions equal D and XD respectively.
q □□□□ ri n □ □ □ □ □ □ □□ □ □ nun" □ E
r = s/l
s = a/5
IDDDDD '>///////////////////////////////////////// Fig. 3.11.3. Plate with quadratic inclusions The plate is subject to a constant uniformly distributed transverse loading q. The nondimensional deflection is defined by w = Dw/qa4. In case of A -C 1 the plate deflection grows rapidly within the inclusions, see Fig. 3.11.4a (A = 10~4). In the matrix region ti)(0' approximates w from the upper side fairly well. In case of A > 1 function w^ is a lower estimate of tv, see Fig. 3.11.4b.
Thin plates in bending and stretching
1.0 10"
+8.0 10"4
Fig. 3.11.4. The homogenized defections t/)'0' versus thefiniteelement approximation w. A = 10"4 and 10.0 for a) and b) respectively 3.12.
Perforated plates
In the present section we shall study homogenization problem for periodically perforat ed plates. The proof of homogenization Theorem 3.12.1 is based on penalization, which consists in replacing the voids with a soft material. Comments on the derivation of the effective dynamic plate model from the three-dimen sional dynamic equations of a thin perforated solid are given in Section 7. Let us consider a periodically perforated plate, clamped along T = dQ. Now the basic cell Y contains a finite number of holes. The voids are cylindrical and traverse all the
Elastic plates
thickness of the plate. The vertical axes of the voids are perpendicular to the mid-plane of the plate. The sum of holes in Y is denoted by Y° whilst the complementary part by Yc. Thus we have Y = Yc U y° . By Pit i = 1,... ,I(e) we denote the set of eY-cells which intersect Q. We observe that 1(e) is proportional to e~2, i.e., 1(e) = 0(e~2). The intersection of voids with 0. is denoted by 7/ and nc = n\ui*.
We make the following assumptions'. (Ai) Cle is connected. (A2) The holes 77 have regular boundaries and are locally located on one side of their boundary. (A3) Each of 77 does not intersect T. The bending stiffness moduli Da0x,i(y) are defined on Yc and are assumed to be Yperiodic. Particularly, homogeneous plates are not precluded, then the moduli D a " A/i are constants. The coefficients Da0X^(y) possess usual symmetry property and we assume that Da0X" e L°°(YC),
and that there exists a constant C > 0 such that VpeE*
> C\p\2
We recall that \p\2 = ^ PapPapa,0=l
Let b 6 L2(Q) and If = b\w = XJA where ( ) =
*< *
i6ff, i3A2A)
Obviously, the function Xe is eV-periodic. We set Vt = {v 6 H2(Q.c)\v = 0,
^ = 0 on r } . (3.12.5) on For anyfixede > 0 the functional of the total potential energy of the plate is given by Jt(w) = -ac(w,w) - / tfwdx = -ac(w,w) - /Xc(x)b(x)w(x)dx
Thin plates in bending and stretching
where ac(u,v) = IDfx»{x)Kali(u)KXli{v)te
The minimum principle of the total potential energy means evaluating (P£)
J e K ) = mi{J€(w)\w G Vc} .
The assumptions (Ai) - (A2) and (3.12.3) imply the existence and uniqueness of we, cf. Sec. 1.2.2. Homogenization To obtain the effective plate model we let e tend to zero. Let r stand for the strong topology of H\Q). Theorem 3.12.1. The sequence of functional {Jc}c>o, defined by (3.12.6), is T(T)convergent to Jh{w)= fwh(n(w))dxn where w G
fobwdx, n
Wh(P) = inf { ^ | JD°0X»(y)(Kip(Z) + M K M ( 0 + Px»)dy\Z G H^Y')}
(3.12.10) HerepG E* and 9 = \YC\/\Y\. Proof. Since {xe}oo is a sequence of ey-periodic functions and \€ G L2(fl£), therefore we have, cf. Sec. 1.1.1 1 f
Xe -"■ Ty-J xYc{y)dy = -^ = e, Y
where xYc stands for the characteristic function of the set Yc. A solution £ of the minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (3.12.10) exists and is unique up to arigidmotion or a polynomial of thefirstorder. Suppose now that the holes are replaced by soft inclusions with the elastic moduli £ T ? D " / V ( I ) (77 > 0). The loading is still applied to fi only. The functional of the total potential energy now takes the form J?(«) = Je(vc) + TJ j
Elastic plates
where v = (vc, v°) e H$(Q,), vc ~ v^, v° = «|n\n< • For afixed77 > 0 the homogenization (e — ► 0) yields the limit functional J*(v) = fwJl(K(v))dx - febvdx , n n
where v £ H$(Cl) and W^(p) = i n f { — JDf^(y)(Kl0(a
+ pa0)K,(O
+ px,)dy\t e H^Y)}
(3.12.13) Here ^(y)
y € rc,
2/ G Y°.
To complete the proof it is thus sufficient to show that for anyfixedp G E2. one has W1(p)^Wk{p)
as r ? ^ 0 .
To corroborate (3.12.15), let us denote by f a solution to the minimization problem on the r.h.s. of (3.12.13). Then
Wj(p) = 2j7f JDfx"(y)K^)
+ P*0)(KU?) + P»)dy
= 2j^i JDa0X,i{y)K0{Q) + Pa0)(KWc) + px,)dy Yc
< 2j^[ Jna0X>(y)P»0P*dy+^-jDfx>>(y)pa0pXlldy ^Cdpf + T/lpn^lpl2,
since 0 < 77 < 1. The positive constant d is independent of 77 and we have set f (G. S ) € H^(Y), Q =tfYC,$ = ^ o . From (3.12.16) we conclude that
ll"^)+PllWj)<3|p|2, where C3 > 0 is independent of 77. Consequently, the sequence Q is bounded in H^r(Y) and there exists a subsequence, still denoted by £?. s u c h m a t Q^lc
in # 2 (y c )
weakly as 77 -> 0 .
Thin plates in bending and stretching
\\^y(Co) +
+ P^M^+Px^dy^O
a s ^ O ,
w » - 2j7[ f
"(yWSc) + pcMM) + px,)dy
= Wh(p) as r / ^ 0 ,
since the functionals involved in (3.12.17) are convex, finite, lower semicontinuous and equi-coercive with respect to r\. Being convex andfinitethey are continuous. This com pletes the proof. □ Corollary 3.12.2. The effective (homogenized) moduli are now given by
D^" = | i | JDa0X"(y)(Kva0(^) + M / W ) ( K W " ° ) + *Mdy
• (3-12.18)
Indeed, D~lSv<' =
— and due to linearity of the problem we may set £ = — papip^a^.
The K-periodic functions ip^s) € H^r(Y) are solutions to Wh{r6) = i n f { ^ jD°^{y)(K%{0
+ / $ ( K J k ( 0 + l£)dy\£ € H^(Ye)}
where / ^ | are the components of the identity tensor, i.e., Ia0 = 6*6$ =tf0A<W'because the coordinate system is Cartesian. More precisely, one should consider the identity tensor with the components given by
-(5 Q A<W
+ <W<W- However, due to the symmetry of the
tensor D, it suffices to deal with Pj0. Remark 3.12.2. To derive the dual principle P* one can exploit the theory of duality outlined in Section 1.2.5. Similarly, to perform dual homogenization one can use Az6's theory presented in Section 1.3.6.
Elastic plates
3.13. Plates stiffened with rigid inclusions Assume now mat voids are filled with rigid inclusions. We retain the notations of the previous section. The essential difference is that now instead of voids we deal with rigid inclusions. The assumptions (A\) - (A 3 ), (3.12.2) and (3.12.3) are assumed to be satisfied. Obviously, dT? are boundaries of rigid inclusions. As before, the loading b is of class L 2 (fi). For any fixed e > 0 the space of kinematically admissible transverse displacements is given by I ? = {w G ff£(n)|«|n\n. £ ^ }
where 11 stands for the set of rigid displacements. Since K(W) = 0 if and only if w(x) = aiXi + a2x2 + b, where ai, a2, b £ R, therefore the set V, coincides with the space of first order polynomials in xx and x 2 . The functional of the total potential energy is given by G e M = ^ IDfx,1{x)K,av(vj)KXli{w)dx n«
- fbwdx. n
The minimum principle of the total potential energy means evaluating (Q e )
Gc{wc) = inf{G e (u;)|ti; e VT€) .
For any e > 0, a solution wc exists and is unique. Indeed, for w € Vre we write jDfx»(x)Ka0{w)^{w)dx
> C\\K(w)\\2LHile) > CiHiull^n,,
since 2
f Ka0(w)Ka0(w)dx
is a norm on Hi (fi) equivalent to the natural norm of this space. Moreover, the linear form L(v) = fbwdx n
is continuous on VJf. Here C and Cx are positive constants independent of e. Let us pass now to homogenization. Theorem 3.13.1. The sequence of functional {Gc}c>0 is F(w — H2(fl)) convergent to Gn(w) = fwttK{w))dx
- L(w) ,
Thin plates in bending and stretching
where >Vh(p) = i n f { ^ JDae^(y)(Kva0(v)+pa0)(K%(v)+pXli)dy\v
6 7/rjwP(p)} , (3.13.8)
where p e E , and Hr.perip) = {« € ^ ( J O K * - p)|yXK, € ft} . 1
Here p = - ^ PcffVaVpProof. The notation (v - p)|yNyc £ 72. means that on the part Y\YC occupied by the rigid inclusion (or inclusions) a function (v — p) coincides with a rigid displacement. Let us replace therigidinclusions with deformable ones for which the elastic moduli are given by \D$0x,i{y) with A being a positive number intended to tend to infinity. Then the functional of the total potential energy takes the following form G*M = Gt{w) + A I Dfex"(x)K.ap{w)KXll(w)dx .
For anyfixedA > OtheT(s- //'(n))-limitof {G*}£>0 isgivenby Gx{w) = [wZ\n{w))dx n
- L{w) ,
w e//02(fi) ,
WrAp) = i n f { ^ JDa^(y)(Kl0(v) + **)(«$>) + pXli)dy Yc
D 0X {y){
? *
" < * ) « » + P*)dv\°
"leriY)} ■ (3-13.12)
It thus remains to show that for anyfixedp 6 E, we have WIX(P) -> Wttp)
In fact, let vx be a minimizer of the minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (3.13.12). Take v € H^.(Y) such that KV(V) + p = Ky(v - p) = 0, where p is the same as in (3.13.9). Such a function v can always be chosen provided that the inclusion is contained in Y, i.e. does not intersect dY. Then
ColMt;A) + Pll V . E j , + CiA||* V ) + /»H2»(ny.iEj) <
C3\\K*{V) +
p||^ ( y « i E j ) = C3 .
Elastic plates
The positive constants Co,..., C3 do not depend on A. Hence
CiMv*) + p||2L2(y,E;) < Cb||«V) + pllWc,Ej) +C 1 A||KV(^)+p|| 2 L 2 { n K c E ; )
ll«» + PllW l E 2,
^ Mjnjnf ll"v(wA) +Plli»(y\y.Ej) ^ °
and thus «»(?; - p) = 0 on Y\YC. It means that v € / ^ ^ ( V ) . Eventually we find Urn W^(p)
= ~
+ Pa0)(K%(v) + pXtl)dy = Wh(p)
and the proof is complete.
Remark 3.13.2. Derivation of the dual problem Q'c as well as dual homogenization are left to the reader. Rigid inclusions make the problem interesting in itself.
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Nonlinear behavior of plates
In this section we shall deal with two homogenization problems for von Karmaii plates. In Sec. 4.2, by exploiting the results of Sec. 1.3.5, we shall perform (two-dimensional) homogenization of such plates exhibiting a periodic structure. Next, in Sec. 4.3, perforated von Karman plates will be investigated. Thus the homogenization results of Sec. 3.12 will be extended to this nonlinear plate model. Also, we shall discuss the problem of convergence of the spectrum and of the bifurcating branches of the perforated von K£rmSn plate to the corresponding elements of the homogenized plate. Primarily, however, in Sec. 4.1 basic equations of von Karmin plate model will be introduced in a standard manner, cf. also Sec. 5.7. 4.1.
Von Kdrmdn equations
Let us consider a transversely symmetric thin plate of elastic moduli C*J'*' satisfying con ditions (2.4.2)i|2- Assume first that variability of C in x e fi is arbitrary and the plate is of constant thickness. We introduce the following notation: B = Q x {——, - ) , T = <9fi,
r = Four,, r 0 nr, = 0, T = rx (~, £), T = T 0 UT,, T0nT, = 0, T0 = r0 x {—, - ) , T ) = r i x ( - - , - ) , r ± = S l x { ± - } . The plate is subjected to transverse loading q(x) on T + , in-plane and transversely symmetric loading: t = {ta,0), ta(x,z) = ta(x, — z), 2 = i 3 , o n T i , Displacements w(x, z) vanish on To- The nonlinear strain tensor 7 i ; (w) is given by 1ij(w) = ey(u>) + -6klwkiiwij
where e^(it;) = W(ij)- Its variation Sfij is denoted by \j{w, Atj(w,
v) = eij{v) + -6ki{wijvkti
+ wkiivi:j)
where v vanishes on T 0 . In the traditional notation we write ha = ^{Swij + 8wjti) + -5u{wijSwkii
+ wkj6wij).
Denoting by Stj the components of the second (symmetric) Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, the constitutive relationship is taken in the linear from: 5,;=^%,.
The functional of the total potential energy is now given by J{w) = i fcijk'lij{w)lkl{w)dx B
where x = {xa, x3) = (xa, z).
fq{x)w3{x, n
h/2)dx -
f ta(x)wa(x)dS T,
Elastic plates
The equilibrium problem means evaluating J(w) = inf{J(w)\w e Wl-\Bf
w = 0 on T 0 } .
The reader is advised to formulate an existence theorem, assuming that the loading func tional is continuous, cf. Sec. 1.2.2. We observe that the nonlinearity of the strain measure ~f{w) implies that the functional (4.1.5) is nonconvex. The condition of vanishing of thefirstvariation of J yields = Jq{x)v3(x, h/2)dx + JtavadS
(w)Akl(w,v)dx fi
for each v vanishing on T 0 . To solve Eq. (4.1.7) one can use the Faedo-Galerkin method. All minimizers solving (4.1.6) satisfy Eq. (4.1.7), but not necessarily vice versa. Let us pass to a concise presentation of the von Karman plate model. This modelling is based on: (i) kinematic assumptions wa{x, x3) = ua{x) - zw a ,
w3(x, z) = w{x) .
(ii) Stress assumptions which replace (4.1.4) with S"* = C ^ - y ^
Sa3 = 2Ca3A37A3,
S 33 = 0,
where C is defined similarly to Cz, cf. Sec. 3.1. (iii) Strain assumption: nonlinear terms with respect to ua are neglected in the definition of the strain measure 7, hence it is assumed that ja0{wa, w) = ea0(u) + -w,awt0 + ZKa0(w) , 7a3(w/3, w) = 0 , where Ka0(w) = -wyOL0. Consequently
733(^0, w)=0,
Aa0(w^,w;Uy, v) = ea0{vj + ~{w%0viC, + wi0vi0) + zna0{v) , 1
A M = 0, and h/2
f f SijAij{wQ,w-va,v)dxdz= n -h/2
f[Na0ea0(v^) n
+ Na0wt0v,a + Ma0Kal}{v)\dx ,
where h/2
h/2 a0
N°~ ■* = j S dz, -h/2
= j zSa0dz. -h/2
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Similarly, by using (4.1.8) the virtual work of the loading functional L reduces to jqvdx+ JNavadr n r,
where h/2 a
N = I tadz.
According to (4.1.9) and (4.1.13) the constitutive relationships assume the following form Nafl = Aa0x»EXp{u,w) , AT" = D a/5A "K V M , (4.1.16) where Ea0(u, w) = ea0(u) + -wiQwi0 .
Under the hypotheses (i) - (iii) the variational Eq. (4.1.7) takes the form r
{Na0ea0{v) + Na0wi0va
+ M^KapWdx = L{v,v) , (4.1.18) n valid for v = (va) , v , dv/dn vanishing on r 0 . Here n = (na) denotes the unit outward normal vector to T. The equilibrium problem: find {u,w) satisfying (4.1.18), with Na0 and Ma0 given by (4.1.16), is solvable in the space //'(fi) 2 x H2(£l). Obviously (u, w) is to be such that«, w and dw/dn vanish on r 0 . /
Remark 4.1. Duvaut and Lions (1974) used the Faedo-Galerkin method to show the exis tence of solutions to a large class of boundary value problems, including unilateral bound ary conditions. Minimization methods were used by Ciarlet and Rabier (1980), cf. also Ciarlet (1997). 4.2. Homogenization Consider now a von Karmdn plate with an eY-periodic structure, cf. Sees. 2 and 3. It means that the elastic moduli Af^(x) are eY-periodic. We assume that Aa0Xfl ci > Co > 0 such that
= Aa0X» ( - ) ,
Df A"(x) = Da0x» Q
€ L°°{Y) and Da0^
V e € E2. V p 6 E2
€ ^{Y)
and that there exist constants
co|e|2 < A^(y)ea0eX)i
< C l |e| 2 ,
colpl2 < Da^(y)pa0p^
< c, |p| 2 .
Elastic plates
The functional of the total potential is now given by Je(u,w) =
a + Dfx"{x)Ka0{w)Kx^w)}dx
- L(u, w) ,
where (u, w) £ Hl(Q)2 x H2(Q). We recall that in the two-dimensional case H2(Q) c W1,4(fi). The loading functional L is not necessarily of the form (4.1.14). It suffices to assume its continuity in the weak topology of //'(ft) 2 x H2(Q). Then this functional is a perturbation functional. We observe that the virtual work of boundary bending moments can readily be included into the functional L. We set V(ft) = {(«, w) 6 //'(ft) 2 x H2{n)\u = 0 , w = ^
on T0} .
For a fixed e > 0 the minimization problem: (Pt)
Jc(u',w<) = inf{J e (u,«;)|(u ) «;) e V(il)}
is solvable. Let us pass to finding the limit functional Jh = Gh — L. To this end we set G e («,w) = ±f[A?»(z)Ea/i(u,w)EXlt{u,w)
+ Df^(x)na0(w)^(w)]dx
. (4.2.5)
Now we are in a position to formulate the homogenization theorem. Theorem 4.2.1. Under the assumption (4.2.2) the sequence of functionals {G€}e>0 is T(r)convergent (T = s - (L2(ft)2 x Hl(Q))) to GH(U, w) = y[A?*Eat,(u, n
w)EXll(u, w) + Dfx>iKa0(w)KXll(w)}dx , (4.2.6)
where (u,w) G //'(ft) 2 x /72(ft). The homogenized elastic potential is given by Wh(Eh,Kh) = i n f { ^ 7 j y " A ^ " ( y ) ( £ ^
+ ev/3(v))(£^ + e^(v))dy|v e
+ ™l{^\jD°^{y){Kha0 + 0 ) ) «
+ ^(v))dy\v € H^Y)}
Nonlinear behavior of plates where Eh,nh
€ E.]. The homogenized moduli are calculated from
^ " d^k,=w\JAO*r{y){6'xSr,t+e-(*(AM)))dy • (4-2-8) D
^ = -£^F
W\J Da0°T^6°^
respectively. The functions x ^ and 6 ( Q "' are solutions to the following local problems. Problem P^. Find X(OT) 6 H^r{Y)2 such that + e\Xii){X(°T)))ele[v)dy
JA^iyW^ v
= 0 , V v 6 H^Y)2
. (4.2.10)
Problem / £ . . Find e(ffT» 6 ^ r ( V ) 2 such that
y"z^^(j/)(^v + «{^)(e(aT)))C(«)di/ = o, v«€fl^(y). (4-2.ii) y
Moreover inf{A(«,w)| (u,w) € V(ft)} = lim(inf{J£(u,u,)| ( 6 V(fi)}) , (4.2.12) and there exists a subsequence e' such that {uc\we') ->• (u, w)
weakly in
x H2(Cl) as e' -> 0 .
The element (u, w) £ V(fi) is a minimizer of the homogenized plate problem (Ph)
Jh(u,w) = inf{J h (u,«;)|(u ) «;) £ V(fi)} .
Proof. Applying Theorem 1.3.28 we conclude that T(r) - limG£ = Gh and the ho£-•0
mogenized potential is given by (4.2.7), where E^0 = ea0 + -wtC,w^, e e E2,. In the local minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (4.2.7) the macroscopic gradient Vw(x) = (w0(x)) plays the role of a vector parameter. Therefore it is reasonable to treat - (Vw) ® Vw as a part of Eh. Let us denote by (v,v) 6 {{^.(Y)2 x H^r(Y) a solution to the local minimization problem. We obviously have ^ = E^0)(y), and the formulae (4.2.9), (4.2.10) follow.
v = Kha0Q(a0),
Elastic plates
The local problems (4.2.10), (4.2.11) are equivalent to the two minimization problems involved in (4.2.7). The remaining part of the proof is based on Theorem 1.3.22 and Remark 1.3.23. First, we have tofinda T-relatively compact subset X0 C V(fi) such that M{Je{u,w)\(u,w)
e X0} = Je(uc,wc) ,
cf. also the problem Pc. We may write Je{ue,wc)
< Jc{u,w)
V(«,iw) G V(fi) .
Hence, for u — 0 and w = 0we get J£(u£,w£)<0,
and consequently ||u'lkn+IM|a,n
where c > 0 is a constant, independent of e. Indeed, the following result has been proved by Bielski and Telega (1996). Lemma 4.2.2. Let r] > 0 and K > 0 be given constants. There exists a constant ct = C\ (rj, K) such that 2
/ \ea0(u) + -w,ow,0\2dx > cSu\\ln
+ \\w\\ln] ,
aJ3=l Q
for each couple (tt,w) e V(Q) satisfying weTM,
IH| 2 , n + | H I ^ > 7 7 2 ,
where TM = {we //? 0 (fi)| | H | 2 f l < Mp(w)} .
Here H$0 = {w € H2(n) | w = ^
on r 0 } ,
M > 0 is a given constant and p(w) = { I (w,aw,a)2dx}1/4 n is a seminorm on W1,4(fi). The set T}^ is a weakly closed one.
(4.2.21) □
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Let us continue the proof of Theorem 4.2.1. To prove (4.2.16) we use (4.2.2), (4.2.15), (4.2.17) and the continuity of the loading functional. On account of (4.2.16) we conclude that there exists a T-relatively compact set X0 C V(Q) such that (4.2.14) is satisfied. Thus, by Theorem 1.3.22, (4.2.12) follows. We can extract a subsequence {uc', we'}£>>0 such that {uc>,wc')-> {u,w)
weakly in Hl(£l)2 x H2(Q)
as e'— 0,
where (u,w) 6 V(il). Moreover we have lim Jc,(u£',w£') = \im{mi{Jc.(u,w)\{u,w) c'—»0
€ V{B)\) = lim JMuc',we') . E'->0
Consequently (tt, w) is a minimizer of J^ on V(B). This completes the proof.
Remark 4.23. Ciarlet and Rabier (1980) defined the set TM as a subset of //^(fi). The formula (4.2.19) extends their definition provided that T0 constitutes only a part of T and measr0 > 0. Also, the characterization of TM due to Ciarlet and Rabier (1980, p. 69) remains valid in our more general case since the imbedding H2(Q) c W1'*^) is compact. D
4.3. Bifurcation and homogenization of perforated von Kdrmdn plates The main aim of the present section is to combine homogenization and bifurcation of a periodically perforated von Karman plate subjected to in-plane boundary loading. For such plate it is natural to study the relationships between the critical values of the homogenized plate and those characterizing the perforated one. The same pertains to the bifurcating branches. 4.3.1. Homogenization of perforated von Karman plates Consider now a von Kirman plate perforated similarly to the linear Kirchhoff plate, cf. Section 3.12. We assume that the perforated von Karman plate is made of a homogeneous material. The consideration which follow can readily be extended to periodic and even nonuniformly periodic elastic moduli. Obviously, the inequalities (4.2.2) hold now in the part Yc of the basic cell. The boundary T of fi is assumed to consist of four parts: Too, r 0 , I\ — _ — — dw and T2 and r = Too U r 0 U 1^ U T2. On Too the plate is clamped: w = -^— = 0 and the on in-plane displacement vanish: u = 0. On r 0 the plate is clamped: w = —— = 0 whilst on T] it is simply supported: w = 0. On T0 U 1^ the plate is subjected to a boundary loading described by the loading functional L\ («, w), which in the homogenization procedure plays the role of a perturbation functional. No boundary conditions are imposed on IY The functional of the total potential energy is given by Jl{u,w) = G€(u,w) - /Xc(x)q(x)w(x)dx - Ly(u,w). (4.3.1)
Elastic plates
Here Xt is defined by (3.12.4) and Gc is given by (4.2.5) with Q. being replaced by Cf. The minimum principle of the total potential energy means evaluating Jl(ue,vf)
= inf{Jre1(tt,«;)|(u,ii;) G V^Sf)} ,
where Vl(nc) = Uu,w)eH1{nc)2x
H2(Q£)\u = 0,
w = ~=0 on on r , } .
on Too;
dw _ w = - s - = 0 on r 0 , w = 0 (4.3.2) on Korn's type inequalities are preserved for the domain CF, cf. Oleinik et al. (1992), Duvaut (1977b) and Sees. 8.3 and 9.3. Consequently a solution (uc,w£) e Vi(fi£) exists since minimization methods still apply. Prior to performing homogenization we shall introduce two extension operators for func tions defined on Cle. Lemma 43.1. There exists an extension operator:
such that 3C>0, Ve>0, VveHl(nc)2, HPfrlkn < C||«||o,n. , l|e(P^)|| 0 ,n < C\\e(v)\\0,n< . The constant C does not depend on e.
The proof of the above lemma is left to the reader. We note, however, that similar problem is dealt with below and in Sec. 9.3. Let us introduce the functional space V, which in the present section will play an impor tant role V = V(Cl) = {we H2(Cl)\ w=0 ^ = 0
on TooL/ToUT!,
on rooUTo}.
The space V€ = V(fl ) is defined similarly. Lemma 43.2. There exists an extension operator: P £ : Ve->V such that BK >0, VoO.Vioer, ||PcHlo,n < fflMkn. , IIP'Hkn < A l M k n . , l|V 2 (P^)||o,n < K\\V2w\\0,v ■
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Before proceeding to the proof of the last lemma we comment on the homogenization Theorem 3.12.1. In this case V = H%{Q) and Vc is defined by (3.12.5). Let w € H${Q.) solve the following homogenized problem: Jh(w) = inf{Jh{w)\ w G Hfttt)} ,
with Jh given by (3.12.9). Then Pewc converges to w in H$(il) weakly. The proof of Lemma 4.3.2 exploits the following result, cf. Duvaut (1977b). Lemma 4.3.3. There exists an extension operator: P : H2{YC) -> H2(Y) such that 3/Ci>o,
where p € V and wi±V in L2(YC). Then we have 3 / C > 0 , ||w 1 || 2 ,^
We recall that d^ = V2, \a\ = 2. Now we choose an extension of w to Y which leaves p invariant. To this end w\ is extended to Y by continuous lifting of the traces of w\ and — - on Y°, where /x is the inward unit normal vector to 0Y°. If this extension is denoted on by u>i, one has ^HdJ^lkyS^IKIkyc.
We set Pw = wi + p . Now the inequalities (4.3.5) readily follow.
(4.3.8) □
Elastic plates
Proof of Lemma 43.2. It suffices to show that: (i) if w G V€, one can find an extension we V of w such that there exists a constant K3 > 0 independent of e such that ||V 2 w||o, n <^ 3 ||V 2 «;||o, n . .
(ii) If w € Vc, there exists a constant K4 > 0 independent of e and w such that HH|o,n<
To prove the last two inequalities we observe that since fi£ is connected and the distribution of holes is periodic we may write ft=((j77)U^,
where A\ contains no hole. By using the homothetic transformation: y = x/e each domain T,c is mapped into the same domain Y° C R 2 . Here, for the sake of simplicity, we assume that Y° contains only one hole. We set v(y) = w(ey),
and apply Lemma 4.3.3. Hence we deduce the existence of extension w{x) to eY given by w{x)=v(x/e).
Here we tacitly assume that eY has been suitably shifted in the plane R 2 , cf. Sec. 9.3. Moreover we have
5 2 / (™.°B)2dx = 75 5Z / (^W)2
= i{
a,0 yc
(w.°e?dx ■
'E/ a,0
d2v We recall that v\ag = -—-—. Summing over all cells eY covering Cl and noting that the dyady0 function w remains unchanged in a neighborhood of V we arrive at (4.3.9). To prove (4.3.10) we denote by w the extension of w € Vc given by the previous step. Since w e V therefore there exists a constant K5 independent of e and v and such that INIo.n<^EHat"«'llo.n.
provided that meas(roo U T0) > 0. From (4.3.9) and (4.3.15) we immediately get (4.3.10), D because IMkn* - ll^llo.nNow we are in a position to formulate the homogenization theorem.
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Theorem 4.3.4. The sequence of functionals { J\ }£>o is T-convergent in the weak topology o f / / 1 ^ ) 2 * #2(fi)to Jl{u,w)
= Gl,(u,w) -
feq(x)w(x)dx o.
- Li{u,w),
(u,w) G Vi(ft) ,
where 9 = \YC\/\Y\ and G\ has the form (4.2.6). The homogenized moduli Dfx», AfXfl are given by (4.2.9), (4.2.10), whilst the local problems have the form (4.2.10), (4.2.11) with Y being replaced by Yc. Let Jlh(u,w)
= inf{J,i(u,ii/)| (u,w) G V,(n)} . £
There is a subsequence {Pfii ', P*™*'}^^ weakly convergent in H (Q, ) x H2(Q) to {u,w) € Vi(fi), being the solution of (4.3.17). D 4.3.2.
Bifurcation of von Kirmdn plates: basic results
Prior to the discussion of bifurcation problems of perforated von Karman plates we intro duce the relevant operators and results on bifurcation of von Kirmdn plates without holes. For the sake of simplicity we assume that on To U Ti the plate is subjected to one-parameter in-plane loading, i.e., Na0na
= XNa on r 0 U r \ .
Let Vroo = { « e / / W | u = 0
Since diviV = 0
therefore the following variational equation is readily obtained INaPea0{v)dx
= A / NavadV ,
V v e Vroo .
r 0 ur,
Taking into account the constitutive equation (4.1.16)i we conclude that the solution N = (Na0) of (4.3.21) can be written in the following form Na0 = XNf
+ Sa0(w) ,
where Na0
and u° G Vroo i s a solution to /Aa^eXli(u°)ea0(v)dx n
= j r 0 un
N°vadT ,
Elastic plates
S — S(w) is given by Sa0(w) = Aa0X»[eXli{u{w)) + \w,xwtll} ,
and u(w) € VrM solves the following problem J Ao0X»eXll(u(w))eQ0(v)dx
= - J Aa0X" fXli(w)ea0(v)dx
V v € VVao . (4.3.26)
Here /a/3(io) = -wAW£. We observe that because wi0, € L"(fi) for eachfinitep, therefore The reader is advised tofindthe strong form of the variational equations (4.3.24), (4.3.26). Taking into account (4.3.22) in (4.1.18) we arrive at j D*0X»KX,{w)Ka0{v)dx + xJNf^-^-dx + jsa0(w)^-^dx n n n w € V , v&V .
= 0, (4.3.27)
We recall that the space V is now defined by (4.3.3). Equation (4.3.27) involves three operators. The first operator A: V -» V ,
j Da0X,1KXfl(w)Ka0{v)dx . n
is defined by (Aw,v)=
Since D = (Da0X,i) is positive definite, therefore A is an isomorphism of V on V*. The second operator B : V -* V , is defined by {Bw, v) = - j N£0w,0v:O,dx ,
Lemma 4.3.5. The operator B is linear, self-adjoint and compact from V into V". Proof. Indeed, w e V and thus w>a € L^ft) for anyfinitep. On the other hand, N£0 € L2(fi). Hence we conclude that N^w,0 € L 2 _ ' , (n), 77 > 0. Consequently B is compact. The remaining properties of B are evident. Remark 43.6. Let us recall the definition of completely continuous and compact operators, cf. Yosida(1978).
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Definition 4.3.7. Let X be a reflexive Banach space and let Xi be a Banach space. A mapping T : X - Xl , is called completely continuous if for each sequence {vn}n6N C X weakly convergent to v G X, the sequence {T(vn)}nen converges in the norm to T(v) in the space X\. □ It is evident that each completely continuous operator is continuous. To define a compact operator we require: (i) the continuity in the sense of norms, (ii) that the image of each set bounded in X be relatively compact in X\. We observe that due to the reflexivity of the space X, a completely continuous operator from X to Xi is compact. The converse statement is not true in general, the exception being the linear operators. □ The third operator C : V -» V* , is defined by (C{w), v) = - fsa0(w)wil3vtadx . (4.3.31) n Lemma 4.3.8. The operator C : V —> V" is completely continuous. It is homogeneous of degree 3 and is derivable from a positive potential Q : C(w) = ±{w) ,
where Q{w) = [sal3{w)wt0Wiadx .
/ o E,) C 1 by The functional Q defined on Lr 22(fi,
Q(f) = 2Jsa0(f)fa0dx ,
n a0
is convex and positive. Here S (w) = Sa0(f{w)), }ap{w) = -w:awtp. Proof. For tp, £ e V, by (T(ip, 0,u{f, 0 ) w e denote the solution in L2(Q, Es2) x Vpoo o f the following problem divT = 0 in ft , TQ% = 0 n u =0
on r\roo , „„ r on Too,
(4.3.35) v
Elastic plates
It is evident that Ta0{ip, f) is bilinear in ip and £; moreover Sa*3(w)=Tal3(w,w).
We set Q(
Ov,Aadx .
We have \Q(
where K is a positive constant. Moreover, the mapping (
By using (4.3.37) and (4.3.38) we conclude that Q(w) = Q{w, w, w, w) is Frechet contin uously differentiable on V and {Ql(w),9)=4Q{w,w,w,e)
= 4(C{w),9) .
It is not difficult to show that Q(w) and C(w) are completely continuous. To show that the functional (4.3.34) is positive we write /a/3 = -ea0(u(f))
+ aa0XllS^(f)
where a = A'1. Hence Jsa0(f)fa0dx n
= Jaa/l*Sal'(f)S*(f)dx n
- Jea0(u(f))Sa0(f)dx n
On account of (4.3.35)i, (4.3.36) and recalling the definition of S(f) we conclude that the last term vanishes. Since the matrix a is positive definite, the functional Q is positive. The convexity follows from the fact that it is quadratic. □ Remark 43.9. It is worth noting that the solutions of Q(w) = 0 are solutions to the Monge Ampere equation, cf. Mignot et al. (1981)
&w d2w f a2w y dx% dx\
\dxadx0) D
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Having introduced the operators A, B and C we may write the von Kantian equations in the form (PA)
XBw + C(w) = 0 .
An equivalent form is given by w - XBiw + Ci{w) = 0 ,
where Bi = A~lB and d = A~XC. If V is equipped with the scalar product (
Indeed, the properties of the operators A, B and C imply that the following general theorem applies, cf. Krasnosel'skii (1964). Theorem 4.3.10. Let H be a Hilbert space and N : H —> H a nonlinear completely continuous operator with N(0) = 0. It is assumed that N is the gradient of a weakly continuous functional F , F(0) = 0, and F is uniformly differentiable in a neighborhood of 0. Let N be Freshet differentiable at 0 and set N'(0) = D. Let D be a completely continuous self-adjoint operator. Then every characteristic number of the linear operator D is a bifurcation point of the nonlinear operator N. □ Remark 43.11. Consider the following nonlinear equation
where N(0) = 0. A number fi0 is said to be a bifurcation point if for any r],S > 0 there exists a characteristic number fi of the operator N such that \fi — /io| < 77 and to this characteristic number corresponds at least one eigenfunction
It is evident that the linearized problem (4.3.44) admits a countable family of eigenvalues Xj, j e (n,TO),n < 0, m > 0, and at least one of the integers is infinite: • •• < A-2 < A-i < 0 < Xi < X2 < . . . . The spectrum admits a positive part provided that there exists w such that (Bw, w) > 0. Then 1 (Bw.w) ,A „ ,,^ - r = max)--^-f , (4.3.46) Ai wev (Aw,w) and £(Aj) = {w € V\ Aw - X^Bw = 0} = [w e V\ (Aw,w) - A,(Bw,w) = 0} . (4.3.47)
Elastic plates
The eigenspace corresponding to thefirstpositive (or negative) eigenvalue is not necessarily of dimension 1, since the problem is of fourth order. Let us pass to the study of bifurcation points corresponding to the eigenvalues A-1 and Ai. We assume that Ai exists (Ai < +oo). If the negative part of the spectrum is empty, we set A-j = —oo. Theorem 43.12. (i) If A 6 (A-1, Ai) then the problem (Px) admits only the trivial solution w = 0. (ii) For A = Ai the set of solutions to (Px) consists of the cone of eigenvectors correspond ing to Ai, which verify Q(w) = 0. Proof. (i) Let A e (A-1, Ai) and let w be a solution to (Px). Then we have {Aw, w) - X(Bw, w) + (C(w), w) = 0.
By using (4.3.46) we get (Aw,w) - X(Bw,w) > I 1 - — 1 (Aw,w) > 0 , for A e [0, A^.and {Aw, w) - X(Bw, w) > f 1 - -— J (Aw, w) > 0 , for A 6 (A-!,0]. Since (C(w),w) =
therefore w = 0. (ii) If w is a solution to (4.3.44) for A = Ai then w satisfies {Aw, w) - Xi (Bw, w) = 0 ,
Q(w) = 0 .
Hence, by (4.3.46), we conclude that w e E(X\). Moreover, we know that Q(w) = 0 is equivalent to Sa0(w) = 0, which implies C(w) = 0. The solutions of (4.3.49) are thus also solutions to (Px). It remains to observe that if ty solves (4.3.49), then r)w ,77 g R, is also a solution. D Remark 43.13. (a) For A = A-1 and A-1finitethe part (ii) of the last theorem is formulated similarly. (b) If the equation of Monge Ampere with the boundary conditions: dw w = -r— = 0 on Too U T0 , w=0 on Tj , on admits only the solution w = 0, then for A = Xi the problem (PA) also admits only the solution w = 0.
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Theorem 4.3.14. Let A! be finite. Then the point (Ai,ti; = 0) is a bifurcation point for the von Karman plate considered. More precisely, there exists a bifurcating branch (Ai (R), wi (/?)) defined for every R > 0 such that AWl{R) - Xl{R)Bwl{R)+C(wl(R)) \wi(R)\\ = y/2R(l + O(R)) ,
limA,(fl) = A1
where ||wi(i?)||2 = (Awi,wi). Proof. Let us introduce the manifold ER in V: T,R = {w€V\-(Aw,w)
+ -(C(w),w) = R},
By using the Lagrange multiplier method to solve the maximization problem: Find (PR)
max{J(w)\ w G ER}
and denoting the relevant multiplier by n we have A = l//j. Here J(w) = -(Bw, w). We observe that the set EH is bounded and star-shaped with respect to the origin. Indeed, for each w £V, there exists unique t such that tw € ER. It can be shown that problem (PR) possesses a maximizer w € ER. TO this end one can use the direct method of the calculus of variations. Consequently, for each R > 0 there exists (Ai (R), w\ (R)) being a solution to (4.3.50)i. To prove (4.3.50)2 we observe that for each w e E j j one has 2R- Uc{w),w) = {Aw,w) = | H I 2 < 2R. On the other hand 0 < (C(w),w)< K\|w\\*<4KR\
Thus, for each i » e E R w e obtain 2R - 2KR2 < | \w\ | 2 < 2R ,
and (4.3.50)2 follows. Let us pass to proving (4.3.50)3. Theorem 4.3.12 implies that \\(R) > X\. Let tR be such that tRwi G ER, ||WI|| = 1, Aw\ - X\Bw\ = 0. From the relation (4.3.52) we conclude that tR is of the order of 2R or t2R ~ 2R. Hence 1 > 1 X, - X,(R)
(Bwi(fl),u>i(fl)) + {CfaiR^MR))
+ 0{R)) 2R + AKR* -2R + 4KW-Tl{l ' which establishes the formula. Here we have exploited (4.3.50)i and (4.3.46).
Elastic plates
Remark 43.15. To prove the last theorem we made no assumption on the solutions of the Monge Ampere equation. In fact a vertical bifurcating branch is not precluded, i.e., Xi(R) = Ai in the case where (4.3.41) admits non-trivial solutions. Remark 4.3.16. Consider now the case of von Karman plate subjected additionally to transverse loading q. Written in the weak form the equilibrium equations consists of (4.3.21) and, cf. (4.1.18) f{Na0w,0v,a + Ma0Ka0(v))dx = jq{x)v(x)dx , V v 6 V . (4.3.53) n n We recall that now V is defined by (4.3.3). In this case Eq. (4.3.42) is to be replaced by (Px)
we V,
Aw- XBw + C(w) = q .
We have the following result, provided that previous assumptions are satisfied. Theorem 43.17. If Eq. (4.3.41) admits only null solution, then for each A the problem (Px) possesses at least one solution w. Proof. The solutions of (PA) are obviously the critical points of the functional J(v) = \{Av,v) - -(Bv,v)+Q(v)
- jqvdx . n This functional is lower semicontinuous. Thus it suffices to show that
lim J(v) —> +00 as ||i>|| —» oo . To obtain a contradiction, suppose that there exist K and a sequence {vn}nen, \\vn\\ —> +oo such that J{vn) < K. Taking V"
one easily shows that
1 2
W ' ^\\V- ^ ' O ^
2 X _ > '" '
Hence ^ - ^ , 0 < 0 ,
where £ is a weak limit of {£"}. Then Q(£) = 0, and since the equation of the Monge Ampere admits only null solution we conclude that f = 0 which contradicts (4.3.56). □
Nonlinear behavior of plates
4.3.3. Bifurcation points of the homogenized plate and the linearized problem In this section it is shown that the bifurcation points of the homogenized plate are the limits of the bifurcation points of the perforated plate when e — ► 0. For the perforated plates characterized by a small parameter e > 0 the relevant operators are denoted by Ac, Be,Cc. The space Vc = V(Q.C) is defined by (4.3.3) with SI being replaced by fi£. Consider the linearized problem for the perforated plate wc € VE ,
Aew£ - \cBewe = 0 , (Bcwc,wc) = ± 1 .
We observe that the operators A£ are uniformly coercive. Consequently the space V£ can be endowed with the norm \\v\\2 = {Acv,v).
Similarly to the previous section the problem (4.3.57) admits a countable family of eigen values {\Cj} , j € (n£, m£), where at least one of the two integers rf, mc is infinite, with ... < Aij. < Ai J+1 < ... < Ai, < 0 < A^ < A' < ... < A£ < ... . It is convenient to repeat the eigenvalues AE with their multiplicities. With each \\ is associated an eigenvector w\ normalized by {B€w\, w£) = sign A£. In this way the system {w\} constitutes a complete orthogonal system for the space Ve equipped with the norm \\v\\2 = (Acv,v). By E£(\) we denote the subspace of eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalue A. Similarly, the homogenized von Karmdn plate with smeared out holes is described by the operators Ah, Bh, Ch. These operators involve the homogenized moduli A^fXti, D^0Xl' given by Theorem 4.3.4. With the linearized eigenvalue problem is associated the system {(A*,«£)}, ie(no,mo),
Akw? = \!>Bkw? , (Bhw!*,w?) = sign A,''.
(4 3 59)
Here the space V is defined by (4.3.3). The following theorem specifies the spectral properties of the sequence {Ac — XBe}c>0 when e tends to zero. Theorem 4.3.18. Let {A| 0 } 6>0 (resp. {Ai^}£>0) remain bounded independently of e. Then there exists a subsequence e' of e such that V i e (0,fco](resp. V j g [-j0,0))
Af - A?
and P £ w\ -± w^ weakly in V as e' - » 0 .
Elastic plates
Proof. The extension operator P* and its properties are specified by Lemma 4.3.2. The proof of the last theorem is a consequence of the compactness of Bh and of the lemma, which follows, cf. Sec. 1.3.2. □ Lemma 43.19, Let {gc}e>o be a sequence in V strongly converging to gh. Consider the sequence C,e of the solutions in Ve of A'C = gc ■ Then P £ C e -'-C e
V weakly,
where £ is the solution of the homogenized problem h
A V = eg
Here 6 = \Y \/\Y\, cf. Sec. 3.12.
We also have the following result. Theorem 4.3.20. Let Xh be an eigenvalue of multiplicity p of the problem w£V, Ahw = XhBhw , Then, for every 77 > 0 there exist e0 > 0 such that for e < e0 , Af,..., Af+p_a lie in the interval (Ah -77, Xk + r)). Proof. For e sufficiently small there exists an eigenvalue \c in (Xh — 77, Xh + 77). To corroborate this statement suppose that it were not true. Then we could find a subse quence e' tending to zero such that (Ac> — A h B e ') -1 : VJ —> VC' has a norm bounded by AT/T?, K >Q. Moreover, for g € L2{Q) the solution £e' of
A* - X^'C' = g^, , verifies
llCllvi, < ^IMI0,fi« < *> • Hence P'V^C
in V weakly.
By using Lemma 4.3.19 we conclude that AhQ - XhBhC, = 9g . This contradicts the Fredholm alternative, since (Ah - Ahfl*)(V) n L2(fi) ={ge L2(fi)| fgtpdx = 0 , V
Nonlinear behavior of plates
4.3.4. Bifurcating branches of perforated and homogenized plates The results of Sec. 4.3.2 can be applied to the perforated von K£rm£n plate. Thus for each e > 0 the point (A,,0) is a bifurcation point: there exists a bifurcating branch (\\{R), Wi(R)) defined for R > 0, such that Acw\{R) - \\{R)Bcw\(R)
+ Cc{w\(R)) = 0 ,
(Acw\(R), wl(R)) = 2R{1 + 0{R)),
lim \\(R) = X\ .
The parameter X[(R) is the Lagrange multiplier associated with the maximization problem max.{{Bcv,v)\veT,%}
where ££R = {v e Ve\X-{A'v,v) + \(C*v,v) = R} . The passage with £ to zero yields the following result. Theorem 4.3.21. Let the homogenized problem Ahw - \Bhw admit a positive eigenvalue. Then the bifurcating branch (A* {R), w\(R)) converges in Fix V weakly to (Aj(fi), tuf (R)), being the non-trivial solution of Ahv$(R) - Af(rt)BX(rt) + C*(w? (/?)) = 0 . Moreover, (Bhv${R),v${R))
= max{(Bhv,v}\
Tk = {veV\±(A\v)
+ \(Chv,v) = R}.
Proof. Let us fix R and set w\(R) = w\. A priori estimates Since w\ G E^ and (Cew\, w\) > 0, we conclude that IKIk<2fl.
Tofindan estimate of Af (R) we write u
Since {Aew\,w\) < 2R and (Ce(w\),v}\} < 4R, to estimate X\(R) from above it suffices to minorize {B£w[, w{).
Elastic plates
According to the assumption of the theorem, the problem (Ah — XBh) admits a positive eigenvalue Aj : {Ahrt,d)=0.
A $ - AfB\tf = 0 ,
Let tc be such that t ^ <= T,ER. We set $? =
K2 < (AV^- ¥>f> < *3 ,
where K\ is independent of e. It can easily be shown that Ki
K2 + K
= Kl/K2
and lim(BV^> = ^ , we deduce that OD
/V2 + K4/?
Thus we eventually obtain 0 < \\{R) < KG .
Passage to the limit (i) On account of (4.3.62) and (4.3.64) one can extract a subsequence, still denote by e, such that \im \\(R) = n ,
l i m P £ ^ = wf
in V weakly .
(ii) Let R£ be the restriction operator from V to V£, FFv = v^. The dual operator, some times called the adjoint operator, R* : V* —» V has the following properties: 1. If / e W^V), R*(/) = /where -
2. R:(/,Q) = g-. a2/ 3
for xeW ,
for ien\ff.
Nonlinear behavior of plates 4. There exists a constant K > 0 such that |F^|U(Ve-,V) < K : for each £ > 0. When e tends to zero, we have lim r\l(Bew\) = Bhw? ,
in V strongly.
Indeed, for v € V we write
Since Q
and dip
(P£w,) -» - ^
in Lp(fi) strongly (for each p < oo)
therefore ^— (P*™f) -^ KW- p^ dx0 dx0
^ Consequently,
j L
•" "(ty weakly, q < 2 .
converges to BhWi in W
(£l) weakly and hence
in V strongly. (iii) Similarly, it can be shown that t?.C£(wc) -► C'(wf)
in V strongly as e -* 0
We recall that
«c-M), w >-/^ W )g^
/^ u,ex:
-—dx , oxa
where S?0(wl) is the solution of the following problem: S £ € L2(0*, E°2) : jSf{w\)ea0{v)dx
= 0 , V v € Vr roo '
= ^ M „ ' ) + ig^I.
Elastic plates
The space V^M is defined by (4.3.19) with fi being replaced by Qe. We already knew that F^wi tends to w^ weakly in V, cf. step (i). Hence w
~ wi,<>wiJ3 ~* °
in i2 fi£
e -» ° •
Homogenization yields Sf(w\)
-± Sa0{w^
in L2(Q, E°2) weakly as e - 0 ,
where S(wi) is the solution of the homogenized problem: Sh{w1) € L2(fi, EJ) : Jsf(w^)ea0(v)dx
= 0,
V « e V^ (4.3.67)
Here u'10 is the solution of = J JVQt;Qdr , r0uri
JAf^ex^u^e^^dx n
V v e V^ -
and Eq. (4.3.23) is to be replaced by Na0 = Af^exii{u^
(iv) The previous steps imply that K[-K(R)Bcwt
+ Cc{w\)\ -> -uBhw^ + Ch{wt)
in V" strongly as e —» 0. Hence we conclude that Ahwt - vBhw* + C*(w?) = 0 • It thus remains to show that w\ ^ 0, w^ G £/j» and that (Bhw%, O
= max{(Bhw, w)\w € T.kR} .
(4.3.70) 1
This will imply that v = Aj (R) is the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to w }. Since R';4 £ K;I converges to AhWi in V strongly, we have l i m ( ^ X - ^ i ) = Iim(RM e i«f.PX) = {Ahw^,w^ . Passing to the limit in \(Acwl,w*) + \{Ccwlw\)
i (i4 V . «£> + \ (Chwl w?) = R.
we get
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Hence tyf 6 E^, and particularly wj" ^ 0. It remains to prove (4.3.70). Let (A, w) be the solution of Ahw° - XhBhw° + Ch(w°) = 0 , {B w°,w°) = sup{(Bhw,w)\w e £%}
We define Th e V by (Th, v) = A" /'Nfwapviadx n c is Similarly, T e V£* defined by
- fsa0{w°)w°0v_odx , n
- fsa0(wo)wo0v,adx
V t, G V£ .
Here JV0Q" = 4£" v e;^(u 0 ), and u° is the solution of (4.3.24) with A being replaced by Aft. It is clear that R*T£ tends to Th in V* strongly when e -> 0. Let £c be the solution of A'C = T . It is obvious that Pc£e tends to £°, where £° is the solution of Ah(,° = Th . Hence £° = w°. There exists tc > 0 such that tc£c € T,CR:
|<^f,f > + fai?),?) = R ■
We observe that \hn(Ace,C> = ( ^ V . t u 0 ) ,
l i m < C m O = (C>°),ii, 0 ) .
It is not difficult to show that the positive solution of (4.3.74) tends to the positive solution of
%(AW,nP) + £{Ck(vP),vP)=R. We conclude that to = 1 and w° = wf. This completes the proof.
Remark 4.3.22. (i) The spectrum of (Ah — XBh) always has a positive or negative eigenvalue and the bifur cating branch at this point depends on e in the manner described by the last theorem. The geometry of the plate and the anisotropic properties of the homogenized moduli strongly influence this spectrum.
Elastic plates
(ii) The method based on maximization of the functional -{B,w,w}
over E# (or
- (Bh, w, w) over E^) is due to Berger (1967).
Kikuchi's method Berger's method just presented permits one to obtain only the bifurcation branch cor responding to the first positive or negative eigenvalue. We observe that the solution thus obtained realizes the minimum of the energy and is stable in the sense of Lyapunov. Our aim now is to show that the bifurcating branch in a neighborhood of a simple eigen value of the homogenized problem is the limit of the bifurcating branch (at the correspond ing simple eigenvalue) of the perforated plate. The approach used exploits an idea due to Kikuchi (1976), cf. also Kesavan (1974). It is based on a parametrization of the bifurcating branch. Let A/, be a simple eigenvalue of the problem (A h — \Bh) and wh an associated eigen vector:
( B V . fh) = sign A„ .
AV - AhBV = 0 ,
We introduce the following spaces Uh = {v 6 V\ (Bhv,
(4.3.76) (4.3.77)
By Fredholm's alternative the operator (Ah - XhBh) realizes an isomorphism between Uh and U'h. On account of Theorem 4.3.20 there exist 77 > 0 and e0 > 0 such that for each e, 0 < e < £0, the problem (Ae — XBe) admits only one simple eigenvalue A£, A£ € (Ah — V> ^h + v) associated with an eigenvector tpc such that Aeipc - A £ BV = 0 ,
( B V , iff) = sign Xc = sign Xh ,
and lim A£ = Xh ,
lim P V =
We also introduce the following spaces
uc = {v G v^ffv,
u; = {/
v;\(f, /> = 0}.
Thus we have the orthogonal decomposition of Vc for the scalar product generated by (A'Z,
Nonlinear behavior of plates
For S > 0 we set A/i(«) = {(A,ai)eRx Vc\w = t
When £ tends to zero, for each t in (-<5,6), (\[{t), P'vc(t)) tends to (A(t), v(t)) i n R x V weakly. The function t —► (A(i),ty'1 + v(0 = ii/(t))isthe continuous parametrization of the bifurcating branch of the problem (p,) at (A&, 0) in the neighborhood A//,(<5) of this point:
/lV(() - X^i^B^it)
+ Ch{wh{t)) = 0 .
Moreover, the above representations give all non-zero solutions of (P£) (resp. (P/,)) in K(8) (resp. A/"„(c5)). □ Prior to passing to the proof we formulate four lemmas. We assume the following no tation: an assertion valid for e e [0,£o] will mean that it is true for the problems (P t ), e € (0, £0] as well as for the homogenized problem (Ph). To simplify our subsequent considerations we assume that Xh > 0, and consequently {Bc
IMIw»-«(n«) < #«IIHI«»(n«) • Proof. By using the properties of the extension operator P* we get, see Lemma 4.3.2 IMk>..(n«) < \\Pcw\\w.Hnn < K'q(n)\\Pew\\Hm) c
< Kq\\w\\HHnt) .
The nonlinear behavior of C is made precise by the next lemma.
Elastic plates
Lemma 4J.25. There exist a constant K > 0 independent of e e [0, e0] such that | | C » - C(v)\\v.
< K{\\w\\Ve + \\v\\Vc)2\\w - v\\Vt ,
V ^ £ K .
Proof. It suffices to consider the case e > 0. Recalling that, cf. (4.3.31) (Cc(w), 0 = I"Sf{w)w,0v,adx
, V w, v 6 Vc
we get
< sup
where q is fixed, q e (1,2), q' =
-. q- 1 The continuous embedding H2(QC) C Wl'q'(tf) and Lemma 4.3.24 yield \\C{w)-C(v)\\v. < K1\\(S?(i»)v>j,-S?{v)vJl)\\L>iav ■
Next we have
< \\{(SfM -Sf (v))w,0]\\w + \\l(Sf(v)(w,d-v,0)}\\w)>-
By the previous lemma we get \\(Sf(v)(Wj3
- vfi))\\w
< K2\\[Sf(v)}\\L^n.,Ei)\\w
- v\\Vt .
Moreover l|Se(t;)|U»(n.1Ej) < K3\\v\We , \\Sc(w)-Se(v)\\Liin.,£i} < A'4||(w, 0 «', / 9-u a t;^)|| L , (n . iE j )
since Vw ® Vw — Vv ® Vv = (Vw + Vv) ® (Vu; — Vv). This completes the proof. D To exhibit the nontrivial solutions of (P£) in the neighborhood of (A£, 0) we may set e w
= t
ve G Uc ■
We are going to show that these solutions are parametrized by t. Recalling that Ac
+ vc).
The Fredholm alternative implies that this problem admits a solution if and only if (\< - \€)(B*(t
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Hence A,
{&(*? + *),)
since {Beipc,
A = A £ + - ( C ( ^ + 0,¥> >Suppose that t is fixed. Below it is shown that Eq. (4.3.81)i admits a unique solution ve in a neighborhood of 0. To this end afixedpoint method is used. Then Eq. (4.3.81)2 yields A£ as a function of t. We set Htit(v) = ~CCW
+ v) + \(Cc{tye + v),
Since {AE — XcBe) is an isomorphism between Ue and U*, Eq. (4.3.81 )i can be written as follows v = (A€ - \cB<)-xHc%t(v) = Tt,t{v).
Thefirstestimate of if is given by the following lemma. Lemma 4.3.26. Let fc > 1. There exists r(fc) > 0, independent of e G [0,e0]. such that each solution of (Pc) : (Xe, wc), vf = t
<M ,
im|L(v, ^ < M ,
||C (w )|| H . < M\\w'\\\ ■
By Lemma 4.3.25 and Eqs. (4.3.82), (4.3.83) we write IKHv. < M(W
+ ve\\2Vt + \\< - K\)(\t\ + \WW.),
or \\v<\\Ve-M(\\t
Elastic plates
Hence, for |*| < r, ||v£||Ve < Jfcv, |A£ - A£| < r one has M[(l + fc)V +
It is thus sufficient to take for r(k) the positive root of 2M(l+k)2T2 + 2Mr -1 = 0 , and the lemma follows.
Remark 4.3.27. Analysis similar to that in the last proof shows that lim 1 1 ^ = 0 , t—o
the limit being uniform in e: the bifurcating branches are uniformly tangent to tpc at t = CD
For the remaining part of the present section we take * = sup ||P £ || L ( v , e V 0 .
£6|0,£ 0 ]
This choice will be justified by the study of the homogenized bifurcating branch. We now turn to giving the contraction property of the operator T€}t defined by (4.3.83). Lemma 4.3.28. There exists a constant K > 0, independent of e (e < eo), such that for each t and for each v, v e Uc, \\v\\ve < t, \\v\\yc
Proof. By (4.3.82) we have Htit(v) - Hc_t(v) = -C(t
+ v) + Ce{t
+ v)\\v. < K^Wv-vWv.
where A'I > 0 is independent of e. Moreover Xc = {Cc{tpc + v), vf)Bc{tyc + v)- {Cc(t
Nonlinear behavior of plates
Hence 11-K.llv? < K2t3\\v - v\\Vt + K3t3\\v - v\\Vl .
We conclude from (4.3.88) and (4.3.89) that l l # e » " He,t(v)\\v; < K*t2\\v - v\\v. . c
Since the operators (A — \eB )~ (4.3.87) results from (4.3.90).
are uniformly bounded in L(U",UC), the inequality □
Proof of Theorem 4.3.23. By Lemmas 4.3.26 and 4.3.28, one can choose r independent of e such that if (X€,wc = ttpe+v£) belongs to Afe(r) and is the solution to (Pc) then \\v£\\vt < t. Taking T 2 < 1/2M, vc belongs to the contraction domain of T£|(. Consequently Equation (4.3.81)i admits a unique solution vc(t), \\vc(t)\\vc < r, for each t € (—T, +T). Moreover, the contraction T £( being uniform with respect to t, the function vc(t) is continuous. Equa tion (4.3.81)2 gives Xc(t). This proves thefirstpart of the theorem provided that 6 < r. It remains to investigate the behavior of the bifurcating branch when e tends to zero. Let us fix t 6 ( - T , +r). By Lemma 4.3.26 we have
llt/Mlk < 1*1 , l|PV(0llv < k\t\ ,
\\P w*(t)\\v < 2k\t\ .
Since Pewe{t) = fPV £ + Pev€(t) ,
for a subsequence, still denoted by e, one has P V -^ / , in V weakly as e —> 0. Let us show that
P€vc(t) ->■ vh{t) ,
Rc.B€w£ -> Bhwh £
P£w£(t) ->• t
in V strongly , h
R;(C (u/ )) -► C {w )
in V strongly
ase —»0.
Indeed, since Pcw£ tends weakly to wh in V, it is not difficult to show that (4.3.93) really holds true. Consequently, application of Lemma 4.3.19, now slightly modified, to A'vf(t) = \e{t)Bcwe(t) - CE{we{t)) = T£, with R c T f strongly converging to \hBhwh(t)
- Ch(wh(t)), yields
Ahwh{t) - \h{t)Bhwh{t) + Ch{wh{t)) = 0 . The last relation is valid for t € (—T, +T).
Elastic plates
Let us show that wh(t) ^ 0 (the limit solution is not the branch wh(t) = 0). To this end it suffices to obtain (Bh
because then wh(t) = t
= lim(F £ .BV. P V ) = lim
It remains to show that the branch obtained is really the bifurcating branch of the homog enized problem at (Ah,0). First, Ah(0) = \h and wh{0) = 0. By Lemma 4.3.26, the choice of k given by (4.3.86) and estimate (4.3.91)2, now implying that ||v' l (i)||v < ifc|f | we conclude that ||f' l (t)||v < |<|- Consequently vh(t) belongs to the contraction domain of T0,( : it is thus the unique solution of the problem (4.3.81)i satisfying ||t;',(t)||v < \t\ and coinciding with the bifurcating branch. This proves the second part of the theorem. D
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
5. Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates A plate is called thin if a characteristic lengthwave of a deformation pattern is much longer than the plate thickness. On the other hand, a plate is viewed as thick if this lengthwave is comparable with the plate thickness. Plates of intermediate thickness to deforma tion lengthwave ratios are called moderately thick. In the case of in-plane periodic plates the deformation lengthwaves are comparable with in-plane dimensions of the basic (the smallest) periodicity cell. Consequently it is the shape of Z (or y) that decides which plate model should be applied: the model of thin (Kirchhoff) plates or one of those plate models in which transverse shear (or possibly also-normal) deformations are taken into account. The global plate dimensions are irrelevant here. In the present section we focus attention on transversely symmetric plates subject to transverse loading. Transverse symmetry conditions are given by (2.4.2). Not all available models of plates with transverse shear and normal deformation can be applied to transverse ly non-homogeneous plates. For instance, the most important theory of Reissner developed in the years 1944-1950 applies only to transversely homogeneous plates of constant thick ness. This is the simplest theory in which a33 effect is taken into account. Thus we have to give up considering a33 effect if we prefer to use a theory the degree of complexity of which is comparable to that of Reissner's theory. In this section the thin plate model will be improved by considering transverse shear deformations in the simplest possible way, as proposed by Hencky in 1947. 5.7.
Reissner-Hencky model
Consider the transversely symmetric Z-periodic plate described in Section 2.4. The two-dimensional modelling of Hencky is based upon: (i) kinematic assumptions wa{x,x3)
= ua(x) + x3<pa{x) ,
= w(x) ;
here x3 = 0 due to transverse symmetry condition, cf. Eqs. (3.1.1), (3.1.2). (ii) Stress assumptions ^
cf. (3.1.3)-(3.1.5). Note that the assumption: ipa = -dw/dxa or eA3(«>) = 0 reduces hypotheses of Hencky to those of Kirchhoff, see Sec. 3.1. Further steps of constructing the plate theory are similar to those described in Section 3.1. The variational equilibrium equation of the clamped plate assumes the form f[Na0ea0(v)
+ Ma0eaP(i>)
+ Qa{i>a + v,a)]dx
n = M p > a + m°rl>a + Qzv)dx
V va,ipav 6 H^tt)
Elastic plates
where va = va(x) + x3rpa(x), v3 = v(x) and ^ are trial displacements of problem (Pz) and pf, m°, qz are given by (3.1.8) with <7| = G^, x° = 0, x j = — z j . Stress resultants N°P and M°" are defined by (3.1.9) while the transverse shear force is given by r+(i) Q
Q =
Due to transverse symmetry we have S " ^ = f °/?^ = o. The constitutive relations assume the form: N°0 =
MQ" = Dfx»e^((p)
, (51 5)
Q* = Hy>(
where Az, Dz die denned by (3.1.11) and the transverse shear stiffnesses are calculated from Hf(x)
Here k represents a shear - correction factor; assumptions (5.1.1) imply k — 1. One notes that the problem offindingu, tp, w that satisfy (5.1.3), with (5.1.5), for all v, ip, v vanishing on dfi decouples into: a) the in-plane problem with ua as unknowns, b) the anti-plane problem involving (ip, w). Problem (a) does not differ from that of the Kirchhoff theory and that is why will not be discussed here. The anti-plane or bending/transverse shearing problem reads: find (tp,w) e Vg(fi) = H^Q)2 x H^Q.) such that (P<">) = f(qzv + m^a)dx n
V (V»,w) G Vg(O) .
Problem (P(W)) is elliptic and uniquely solvable. To save space this standard proof is omitted. 5.2. The in-plane scaling-based asymptotic homogenization The method of the in-plane scaling has been discussed in Sec. 3.2 in the context of Kirchhoff's plate theory. This method can equally well be applied to solving problem (P ( / / ) ). The range of applicability of results obtained in this way will be discussed in the sequel.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Proceeding similarly as in Sec. 3.2 we replace problem (P ( / / ') with a family of prob lems: find (v?£, w£) e V#(fi) such that (H)\
(x, ^ ) i>l + q ( i , | )
V (t/>E, if) e Vg(«)
^ a0
ev( ^) (
^v Q
<£ = jr* Q
{(fip + M y }
(5 2 2)
and H (x/eo) = Hf(x); H (-) are y-periodic. Thus (P£ ) = (P< ). Note more over, that the transverse dimensions of the plate remain constant as e tends to zero. On account of differences in dimensions of bending (Dal3Xtl) and transverse shearing (Ha0) stiffnesses problem (Pj ') involves length scales characterizing the transverse dimensions of the plate and just with these length scales the vanishing (with e —* 0) in-plane di mensions of cells eY can be compared. Consequently, the homogenized stiffnesses that follow from asymptotic analysis of (P£( ') concern plates composed of transversely slen der periodicity cells ey. One can say that the asymptotic homogenization will result in a "transversely fibrous" microstructure. The asymptotic process itself is similar to that known from plane elasticity homogeniza tion. Thus an outline of the technique seems to be sufficient. The solution (wc,
It is assumed that T?<°> e H^(Q) and ^k\x, ■) e H^,r(Y), the space H^T(Y) being defined in Sec. 2.7. Local problems are derived in the standard manner. They read as follows: (i) bending local problem find T (7,5) 6 / / ^ - ( V ) 2 such that (Pay)
d ff (T<*\v) + (D°^(y)el0(v))
V ve
where = {Da0x"uMllva{ls)
(ii) transverse shear local problem: find n e H^.{Y) (PH,Y)
such that
g2(YlM,v) + {H (y)vla)
V v €
where 92(11, v) =
Elastic plates
Solutions to problems {PffY) a r e determined up to additive constants. Note that <Mu,«) = (e0)3dH{u,v),
g2(u,v) = e0g2{u,v),
where dH{-, •) and g2(-, •) were defined by (2.7.14). The effective stiffnesses are determined by Da™
= (Da™{y) + Da^{y)el„(TW)))
Hft = (Hai(y) + H<*(y)H$),
or Hff = (ir*[6° + Ilfc)][6i+ !$]).
Assume that p'-"^ (y) and pt<7' (j/) are polynomials in yt, y2 that satisfy ^(P^HW), Then
£>*>** = d^pt"') + T''7"' , p ^ ' + T(*7)) ,
# # = ff2(P(") + n(ff>, pW + n w ) .
(5.2.1D (5.2.12)
Having found the formulae (5.2.12) one can easily prove that the quadratic form
is positive definite and the tensors DH, H H possess desired symmetry properties of (2.1.7) - type for D„ and Hf = HHa. The tensor DH can also be defined by the formula (3.4.5), where A should be replaced with D. A similar formula for HH can be written as follows. We say that /3 = (/Ji,/^), where f3a e L2(Y, R), is associated with a scalar field n defined on Y if 0a = dU/dya. Then (f\20i - viiA> = o
V e D ( y ) .
Let us introduce the space K^(Y)
= {(3€ L2(Y, Ft2) |/3 is associated with a 7-periodicfield}.
One can prove that tensor HH is determined by ftHH"0Z = min{(/?A/^(2,)/?„> |/3 6 K^ r (y) , 3> = /3h} .
The properties of DH and HH mentioned above suffice to prove the homogenized prob lem:
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
find (/',ii;l 0 ') € V8(Q) such that (P,("h
(5.2.14) {mai)a + qv)dx
V (V>, v) € V^(fi) ;
- / mQ(x) = (mQ(x,2/)),g(a;) = (g(x,y))
is uniquely solvable. Note that after homogenization the plate remains a plate of HenckyReissner type. Solutions to problems (Pg Y) determinefieldsu>(1) and ipj' such that if = w Q
+ ^ 0 ) ( i ) ) + ew{x) + 0(e 2
(5.2.15) Q
The underlined terms are called correctors. They have the following interesting property; assume that w™, <^>0) G //02(fi), n(Q> € W^°°(Y), T llS ) 6 W 1 ' 0 0 ^) 2 . Then E W
- w(°)(x) - £n + ^i 0) ) - o, (5.2.16)
strongly in //g (ft) when £ tends to zero. Remark 5.2.1. Problem (Pj ') is obviously equivalent to a convex minimization prob lem. It is not difficult tofindthe homogenized (effective) potential, which yields the local problems (P§ y) ( Q = 1> 2)- Next, one can justify the homogenization results (except cor rectors) obtained in the present section by using the method of T-convergence. The proof is quite similar to the one of linear elasticity. 5.3. The refined scaling analysis Problem (P (H) ) of Sec. 5.1 involves natural length scales defined by (Dfx»/HZp)l/2 for HI" ^ 0 and the length scales /* (dimension of Z) induced by the periodicity of variation of the moduli (Tj and the transverse dimension 2x£ representing the varying thickness. Recall that our attention is confined to transversely symmetric plates, i.e.: £3 = - z j , Gz = G~z, Cz(x,x3) = Cz{x, -x3), x° = 0. The e-indexed family of (P^f) problems will be formed so that (P^Xf) = (P (w) ), (pM) given in Sec. 5.1 and for each e the ratios of all length scales will be the same. This
Elastic plates
can be achieved by assuming the following scaling Z^eY,
CfWaW^g^) = Cf< (^,^) fc(x) ~» £3 (x, ? ) ;
G + ( X ) - G ( ? ) = G + ( ^ )
g(x, ») = (g+ + q-)(x, y)[G(y)}^2 ,
mj(x) - e3mQ (x, | ) ; ma(x, y) = (GMJ^cfoMC*) - p~(x)] , where g*, p j have been introduced in Sec. 2.2. Functions: G(-), c(-), Ciikl{-, X3/E), q(x, •), mQ(x, •) are V-periodic. Scaling (5.3.1) implies the following scaling of stiffnesses Df x»(x) ~» e3Dal3^ ( - )
where £), / J have been defined by (2.7.13). The scaling introduced above can be understood in two manners. On the one hand, scaling (5.3.1) is such that the three-dimensional periodicity cell Z = Z x ( - x% ,x%) of the original plate is for each e homothetic to the three-dimensional cells ey = eY x (—ec, ec) of the problem with the small parameter e, cf. asymptotic analysis of Sec. 2.2. On the other hand, scaling (5.2.3) implies that the length scales: l£a0Xlu,p = (e3Da0X'i/eH
J[D<*» ( ? ) e^m^M = J[ma (x, ~)fa
+ ^H* © (ft + *Ta)(^ + v,0)}dx
+ q (x, | ) v)dx
V (V, v) £ Vg(fi) .
To find effective properties of the plate considered we represent the solution as well as trial fields in the form (5.2.3). Upon substituting these representations into (5.3.3) and demanding that the left-hand side does not tend to infinity when e —> 0 one concludes that, cf. Sec. 5.4 for a rigorous justification
*>(?> = - < >
€ ) = -< ) -
ww = ww(x) ,
«(1) = v(l)(x) .
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Thus the solution of the problem P£ r e , is represented in the form
K = -«, +■ e^ (x, *-) + £ Vi 2) (*. f ) + • • • . wc = tu(°)(i) + ^ ' ' ( i ) + e2w& ( i , - ) + ... . Let us define yja = <^> - to£ , tf« = Vi1' - v . The main terms of Eq. (5.3.3) assume the following form
j[V** ( | ) [ ^ + ^ K ^ ( 0 ) ) + ^ 1 n 0 3
+// * ( | ) ( ^ + w™)(i>0 + v\l])}dx = J(qoV> - rhav^)dx + 0(e) , (5.3.6) where Khaj3 = -u/°},. Let us put V> = 0 in (5.3.6) and let e —» 0. Making use of the averaging formula (1.1.1) gives = [(qv® - rhavW)dx , n
JMfKa^)dx n
where M f = <#**"(»)(«*, + ^, M )),
?(x) = (x,y)>,
mQ(x) = (m«(i,»)) . (5.3.8)
Let us pass to zero with e in Eq. (5.3.6) and combine theresultingequation with (5.3.7). One arrives at
J (D°i"*(y)[Kkll(z) + PA|M(a:,y)]iM*.y) n +WQ"(y)[^Q(a;,y) + w^(x,y)}[i>0(x,y) +vfp{x,y)))dx = 0 .
Let us put ipa = ip{x)ipa(y), v(2) = v{x)v(y), where Va, u € H^r(Y); ij>, v 6 D(fi). Hence one obtains the local equations <^
" « +^
+ # " ( £ « + v$)1>e) = 0
V i/> e H^(Y)2
V» e H^Y) .
(5.3.10) (5.3.11)
Solutionstoequations given above can be represented as follows vP^ = xm{yK(x),
Elastic plates
Let us denote
K<#) =
*M + ^
<#<«» = #*"(xl? + ^ ' ) •
The functions x<7*\ |J>(7'5) satisfy the following variational equation
K V * I « + QW«|A + ^)) = °
V (^, w) 6 //^(V) 2 x //^r(y) . (5.3.14)
Let us compare Eqs. (5.3.13) - (5.3.14) with (2.7.16) - (2.7.19) in the case of transverse symmetry (E = 0). We conclude that these equations coincide. Problem of finding ($(7"5), X(7,s)) € H^iY)2 x H^.(Y) satisfying (5.3.14), (5.3.13) assumes the form of ( P | y ) , cf. Eqs. (2.7.31). Upon substituting (5.3.12)2 into (5.3.8)i and multiplying both sides by (eo)3 one finds Mf
= Df^nl, x
Mf = (e0?M? 3
Df » = (e0) (D ^ +
a s
D ^ ^f)
orby(3.2.1d)3 Dfs"
= (Da0X" + D^Q^f)
In this way we have arrived at the homogenized constitutive relations of the original plate, cf. Eq. (2.7.33)2. The homogenized problem reads: findw(0) Gi/02(fi) such that
= f(qv - mav,a)dx
Vw 6 //02(ft) ;
(53 16)
where q={e0)3q,
ma = {e0)3ma.
Due to analogy between the present analysis and that of Sec. 2.7 there is no need to prove independently that the local problems forfindingx(7l5) and $ (7,s) and homogenized problem for u/ 0 ' are well-posed. It is, however, necessary to prove the correctness of the asymp totic derivation starting from {P^lj)- Such proof of convergence justifying the present asymptotic derivation is put forward in the next section. 5.4. Justification of the refined scaling approach The homogenized plate model derived in Sec. 5.2 can be justified rigorously by the Tconvergence method. The justification procedure of the in-plane scaling is, however, much simpler than that of the refined scaling. Therefore in this and in the next section we shall focus on the homogenized plate model developed in Sec. 5.3. The presence of the singular term, associated with e~2, makes the justification procedure worth of being studied in more detail.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
5.4.1. Basic relations and auxiliary results Problem {P^ref) ' s equivalent to the following convex minimization problem Jc(?,w<) - Lc(P,w<)=mi{Je(
- Ls(
where Je(
+ q(x!^jw^dx.
(? e ' p ) = \ {3a0hi (?) e ° ^ + h"a0(?)pap0)'
e G E p6
(5.4.4) 7c(¥'1w) = (/>a+ w,0 . We recall that V$(Tl) = #d( 0 ) 2
#d( fi )- There e x i s t constants m, > m0 > 0 such that
VceE2 molcl^^^Cy^ev^m^el2, Va € F 2 mo|a|2 < Ha0(y)pap0 < m,|a| 2 ,
for a.e. y S Y. Straightforward calculation yields the dual potential: fc* (-,e*,p*) = sup{c* : e + a*
a- k (-,e,p\
\e £ E 2 , p e R 2 }
= \ [da0x, ( j ) 6*°V** 4- e2ha0 ( ? ) P* V ' ] ; 6* G EJ, p* G R 2 ,
where d = D , h = H . Formally, the last complementary potential can be obtained from the potential
(?' c *' p ') = 2 PQ/3V (?) £ *° v v + l a 0 (?) p * op i •
Indeed, it is sufficient to make the following replacement in (5.4.8) p* ~» ep* .
Elastic plates
Macroscopic potential and its dual The macroscopic stored energy or elastic potential is here denoted by W/,. It is given by W„(K")
= inf { ^ ( D - ^ d , ) ^ + < , ( ¥ > ) ) « + e U * ) )
where n e E and 7j(y>, w) = <pa + W|Q. Properties o/W/, W„(Kh) < A_jb^(y)Kha0^dy <^|«Y . v To obtain (5.4.11) we take in (5.4.10) ip = 0 and w = 0. (1)
W*(Kh)>^/|e^) +KY^>^l«Y,
because 2
/ <J«£*(V(V))<*V = o.
Here (v>, w) solves the minimization problem appearing in (5.4.10). Obviously, (ip,w) coincides with {
■ ""eE2
where, cf. (5.3.15a)2 Da0X^ = (Dat3kli + Da<3Xt'&§>')) .
The last relation can be obtained by differentiating Wh twice and taking into account (5.3.12). Comparing (5.3.15a)2 with (5.4.14) we have n ct0A/i U
_ 3 na/3Afi — e0Uh
The dual or complementary potential W£ can be derived similarly to Sec. 2.10 by ap plying Rockafellar's theory of duality outlined in Sec. 1.2.5. Finally we arrive at W'h(eh) = in{{(j'(y,e'+p'(y),q'(y)))\(p',q')
e S^} ,
where Srer = {(P',q') G L2(Y, Es2) x L\Yf\ - div„p* + q' = 0 , div y9 ' = 0 , in Y ; p'fj, and q'n take opposite values on the opposite sides of Y ;
Jp'(y)dy = o}-
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Remark 5.4.1. We also have (q'} = 0. Indeed, for (p*, q*) E Sp,.r we write
(q*) = (divyp*) = —Jp'ftds
Remark 5.4.2. Fields (p*, q') e Sper are local or microscopic moments and shear forces. Therefore we shall prefer the notation (m, t) instead of (p*, q'). Suppose that (m, t) £ <Sper and div v div y m G L 2 (V) and div^t 6 £ 2 (V). Then one has div v div y m = div v t = 0 in
and 0 = / wdiVydiv^mdy = / w(di\ym)
■ nds
Hence we conclude that (div^m) • \t takes opposite values on the opposite sides of Y. We know that for (m, t) € SpeT the following local equilibrium equation is satisfied -div y m + t = 0
After rescaling y ~» z / e we get -ediv 7Ti (
because d/dya = ed/dxa. We now pass to the formulation of a counterpart of Lemma 2.10.12. Lemma 5.4.3. Let (m, t) € 5 ^ , V e D(ft) and let {y>£, we}c>0 C Z / 1 ^ ) 2 a sequence strongly convergent in L2(Q)2 x L2($2). Then lirn J^{x)[ma0
g ) ea/)(^) + V ( | )
7 o
# ' ( f t ) be
W )]dz = 0 .
n Proof. Assume that
strongly in L 2 (fl) 2 ,
iu£ —► w
strongly in L 2 (fi),
and denote by R^ the integral over f2 in (5.4.18). Using integration by parts we obtain l i m f t = YimJ{1>{x)[-m*
+ Jt" © ] * £ ( * ) - m0" g ) iM*)V<(x)
£ ' \(f) £ / ^(*) - £J*° \£ - -/.c (*) <M*H(x)}
because, cf. (5.4.17) and Remark 5.4.1 1
-divm(-) + - t ( - ) =0, \El
Elastic plates
lim jma0 n
( J ) $j,{x)ip%{x)dx = {mal3(y))J^0(x)9a(x)dx n
lim f-£ta n
= 0,
( - ) ipawc(x)dx = lim fma00 ( - ) ^(x)w £ (z)dx n = (m°S(2/)> / i/>Q(i)i«(a;)cix = 0 . n
This establishes the formula (5.4.18). £
a 2
Lemma 5.4.4. Let {v? ,ty }£>o C //'(fi) x H ^) be weakly convergent to (tp, w) in Hl{0.)2 x Hl{£l). Assume that there exists a constant c > 0 independent of e and such that M
Hence ||v?£ + V W £ | | L J - » 0
On the other hand
in L2(fi)2
weakly .
Thus \\ip + Vw||Lj = 0 and (p(x) = -Vu>(x) for a.e. a; 6 fi. Consequently, w € # 2 (Q) because
- II91UIHU > mo(\\
-llmlUlMi^-nsii^iHU. Applying the elementary inequality:
ll/i +/ 2 ||J 2 > i ^ l l / i l l ^ -P\\M\% ,
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
combined with the Korn and Poincar6 inequalities we readily obtain Jt(V,w) - Lt(
< Je(
For ((fi, w) = (0,0) we have ™«(\\e(vc)\\l, + ^2\\? + V ^ J < ||m|| ia ||^|| tJ + \\q\\L,\mL7 .
Applying (5.4.18) to (5.4.21) for p = e2 we obtain ||V^|| 2 i 2 < m 4 (l + e 2 ) ( | | m | | t 2 | | ^ | | i 2 + \\q\\L7\\W\\L,) . Thus the sequence {tpc, w£}£>o is bounded in V^(Q) and there exists a subsequence, say {(fic, w' }£'>o converging weakly. Moreover, (5.4.20) yields
This completes the proof.
5.4.2. T-convergence of the sequence {Jc - Le}c>0 The main result of Sec. 5.4 is formulated as the following theorem. Theorem 5.4.6. The sequence of functionals {Jc — ££}£>o. defined by (5.4.1) and (5.4.2), is T-convergent in the strong topology of L2(fi)2 x H1 (fl) to the functional J/, - L/, specified by
( 4 - Lh){w) = {
. otherwise,
w G // 2 (ft)
where Jh(w) = fwh(K{w(x)))dx n
Lh(w) = f{q{x)w{x) - ma{x)w
Elastic plates
Proof. First, we note that Le(
H1^)2 x Hl{n),
as e - t O ,
such that Jh{w) > lim sup Jc(tpe, w<) ,
whcTeT = s~[L2(Q)2xHl(Q)}. Step 1. We take
w(x)= J2 2^a0XaX0
+ aaX0 +b
^ '
e e E
a € l R 2
6 G R
and set wc(x) = w(x) + e2w ( - j ,
where w and
■'.(*'."') - \J {5""" (f) [-<„ + «„■») (f)] [-<», + ««.(« (j)] Employing Theorem 1.1.5 we readily obtain lim Je{
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
More precisely, the integrand in (5.4.28) is an eY-periodic function and tends weakly in L 1 (Q)as£-»0to |7f/j'[w. ~ c + e"(v(w)). £(») + Vyw(y)]d2/ = W h (-e) .
Step 2. Let {QK}KeK be afinitepartition of the domain fi formed by polygonal sets. We take a function u» G C1 (fi) given by 2
f(z) = Yl (e%0x°xP + a « */j) + ^ .
^ e fiK ,
where e* G E 2 , aK G R2 and bK e R, A" G /C. Such a partition enables one to exploit the local character of the functionals Je. We set £l6K = {xenK\dist(x,d£lK)>6} s
Let ^ G D(QK) be such that 0 < tp K < 1 and ip K{x) = 1 for i G n^. With every family K 2 of functions wK G //"* (Y) and and ¥
<^(x) = -Viu(z) + E ^ ^ W ^ (f)
For e —> 0 we obviously have u/'* — w , strongly in //'(ft) ,
Let us take 0 < ( < 1. By convexity of the function j(x/e,-, •) and noting thattipsK + t(l ipsK) + (1 - t) = 1 we obtain JW,*^)
= Y,
/ f c { " , ^ ( i ) [-«* + e( V *) ( ^ ) l + t ( l - ^ ( x ) ) ( - e * )
+ ((1 - t)^-/^)^
g ) ) , t^(x) [EV* (f)
+ £(V™«) g ) ] + i(l - ^(x))0 + (1 - 0 j ^ ™ * (f) V<(x)}dx
^E{/iE.-^+-(^)(7).^)(f) + ^)(f)]-* +
K 2
\ J(l
- iPsK)dx + m,(l - t ) y
| j ^ V l ( „ ( z ) ¥ $ (*)|
Elastic plates
since j > 0. Here mi is the constant appearing in (5.4.6) and
Let now e tend to zero in the last inequality. By using the previous step we obtain lim sup Je(t
+ VywK(y)}dy + m,\eK\2 j(\
- i>sK)dx} ,
where \QK| = the Lebesgue measure of D.K. Next, let t —»1 and 5 —» 0. Then one has lim sup lim sup Je(t
Y,\Qx\-^\J^ - e * + e"(^(j,)),^(V) + Vvu>*(y)]*/.
Applying Lemma 1.3.27 one can construct a mapping e —> (t(e),5(£)) with (t(e), 5(e)) —> (1,0) such that setting vc = «(e)u;£',S(£) ,
0 1 = t(£)^ e,f(£) ,
we deduce that lim sup Jt((f>e,vc) c—0
< H I^Afl i^y/^'b. - ^ + e v ( ^ ( y ) ) , ^ ( y ) + Vv«;^(y)]dy .
It is obvious that if e — ► 0 then / - » w , strongly in //'(ft) ,
<jf -* -Viu , strongly in L 2 (ft) 2 .
Taking now the infimum on the right-hand side of (5.4.32) when ((pK,wK) run over H^Y)2 x H^Y) one obtains J'(-Vw,w)
< lim sup Je{4>e,vc) < V | f i x | W h ( - e * ) = jwh{K{w))dx
= Jh(w) .
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Step 3. The property (ii) of the T-limit (epi-limit) implies that the convexity of JE is pre served by the epi-limit superior Js. By virtue of (5.4.8) we have J'{-Vw,w)
< ^
w € H2{Q) .
n Being convex and finite, the functional J" is continuous on the space H2(Q). Exploiting the properties of the homogenized potential W/, we readily conclude that the functional Jf, is also convex and continuous on this space. Due to the density of functions of class C ] (fl) with piecewise constant second order derivatives in i/ 2 (fi), cf. Sec. 1.4, the inequality J'(—Vw, w) < Jh{w) can be extended to this space. II. We have to show that for every sequence {
If <j> ^ —Vu> then obviously lim ini J€(ipE,we) = +oo , and the desired inequality follows. Therefore, for the sequel of the proof we assume that Lemma 5.4.4 is satisfied, see also Lemma 5.4.5. To prove (5.4.34) some duality arguments are exploited in an essential manner. In fact, it has to be shown that lim inf J £ (
Step 4. First we take M{x) = ^ x K ( x ) A / / c ,
where K
J l, if x e fi;<-,
Here {Qx }tfejc is a finite family of open disjoint sets such that fi = \J fixKeK
Elastic plates
Let {TTIK, tK) € S^r, K € K.. By using Lemma 5.4.3 and recalling that k > 0 we write lim inf
Jc(ipe,wc) > lim inf J2 I'<(*){*
- m * ( | ) : e{
g ) • 7 ( ^ , W£)] }dx
/ ^ W W . y [7,e(v£),7(v£-™£)] <& ,
= lim inf ^ K&CA
where *W,t K ) ( - , c, o j =fc( - , 6 , a j - m * : € - -tK ■ a . Applying Fenchel's inequality to the function k(mKitK)(x/e,-,-) we{x))}; (MK, 0)] one obtains:
at [{e(
: e(^(x))]
-*<»*.»„> ( ? M * ' ° ) > d l According to our assumptions we have e((pc) ->• K(W),
weakly in L2(n, E 2 ) .
Thus lim lil)6K{x)MK : e(tpe{x))dx = jtl)SK{x)MK : K,(w(x))dx . n n Let us find the explicit form of ktmK t dx/e, •, 0). For T € E£ standard calculation yields *(»KltK) (f. r , 0) = sup {T : € - * ( m K i t x , g , €, a j |(e, a) € E 2 x R 2 }
= ^ ( ^ + < ) ( ^ + "#) + ~ A ^ ^ 4 . where? = (&)-*, h* = (H*)"1.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
The sequence of periodic functions k*mK,tK)(7£> MK, 0) is bounded in L^ft) and con verges weakly to Tyi
J'[y, MK +
To corroborate this statement it is sufficient to take into account (5.4.17) and Remark 5.4.2. Hence limjnf J£{
-{Ji>6K{x)dx)~Jj'[y, nK
: K,(w{x))dx
MK + mK{y), tK{y)]dy} .
Taking now the supremum on the right-hand side of (5.4.37) when ( m ^ , ^ ) runs over Sper one obtains
limjnf J€(
■ n{w(x))dx - ( f ^K(x)dx)W(MK)}
because s u p ( - / ) = - i n f J and W^ is given by (5.4.15). Recalling that ipsK > 0 and M(x) has the form (5.4.36) we obtain lim inf J £ (vJ £ ,w £ ) > j ^ i p ^ M : K{w{x))dx - j ^il>sK{x)dxWh{M
{x))dx .
The inequality 0 < ^ V K - < 1 implies KeK.
0 < ^ ^ ( x ) W ( M ( a : ) ) < W(M{x)) KeK
because WJJ > 0. Consequently lim inf Jc{
: K,(w{x))dx - fwk{M(x))dx
We now pass to the limit when 5 —► 0; Y^4>K(X) tends to 1 a.e. and thus we have Keic lim inf J€{
: n(w(x))dx
- fwh{M(x))dx
Step 5. For each M £ L?(Q, Ej) there exists a sequence { M n } n e u C L 2 (fl, E£) of simple functions such that Mn —» M strongly in L?(Q, E£) as n —> oo .
Elastic plates
Here AM*) = £ x £ < n ) ( * ) M K M , KM
/ W / J = [ l - ifieftjCln), Xs » ( ' \ 0 , otherwise, and <5n = 1/n, diam Q^(„) < <5n and Q = U fi/e(n). K(_n)
The previous step yields lirn inf Jc{
: n(w(x))dx - fw'h(M(x))dx
and the proof is complete.
Remark 5.4.7. The proof remains valid for w e H%(tt) because then the approximating sequences are in HQ(Q.)2 X HQ(£1).
5.5. Dual homogenization In this section we shall perform dual homogenization, which means T-convergence of the sequence of the complementary energy functionals, being dual to Je — L£, cf. (5.4.1), (5.4.2). For afixede > 0 the primal problem means evaluating (Pc)
inf{J,(V>iu) - Lc{
w € tf<J(tt)} .
We now pass to the formulation of the dual problem (P£*). To this end, the theory of duality presented in Section 1.2.5 applied. We set A(
^ = 1
(-L,n-A-(M,Q)] = { ^ ^ L
™ = ° ' d i v Q + ' = °'in n'
(5.5.2) (5 53
- >
(5 5 4
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
We recall that the equilibrium equations are to be understood in the sense of distributions. Next, we set Gc(Pi,p2)=
/*[-,Pi(z),p 2 (a;)Jdx,
where pl € L2(Q, E 2 ), p2 6 L2(fi)2. According to Proposition 1.2.34 we have G'C(M, Q) = Jk' g , M(x), Q{xj\ dx , n
(M, Q) € S(Q) .
Taking into account (5.5.4) and (5.5.6) we can formulate the dual problem (P/), which means evaluating (P/)
sup | - Jk' n
[^, M(x), Q(x)] dx\ (M, Q) e St(tl) J ,
where 5 £ = { ( M , Q ) € 5 ( f i ) | d i v M - Q + m = 0, divQ + g = 0, in ft} .
Using Proposition 1.2.50 we obtain inf Pc = sup P; .
Appliction of Theorem 1.3.36 to dual homogenization We shall now deal with the T-limit of the sequence of functionals GC(M,Q) = -Jk' n
[pM(x),Q(x)] dx - / & ( n ) ( M , Q ) ,
where Ise(n) is the indicator function of <S£(ft). We set Gl(
where if G Hl(n)\ w € Hl(il). (p,q) € [L2(ft,E2) x L2(ft)2]. We observe that the functional Lc, given by (5.4.3), is not influenced by perturbations P. 9 Let {q1} c L2(ft)2 be a bounded sequence. Under the assumptions of Lemma 5.4.4 we havel/e||g £ || t , < mandg = limg* = Oa.e. in ft. Here mis a constant independent of e.
Elastic plates
256 Further, we put G[(w,p) = Jwh[K(w(x))+p(x)]dx n
where w e H2{Q) andp e L2(Q, E2S). To exploit Theorem 1.3.36 we shallfirstprove that G£ = r ( T X s 5 ( n ) ) - l i i n G j ,
where ss(n) denotes the strong topology of S(Q). The topology r has been defined in the previous section. We assume that Theorem 5.4.6 holds true. Step 1. Let {fijigi be a finite partition of fi into open disjoint sets. We take p(x) = y^Xn((:r)p'. p* € E*. Since fl is a bounded domain, hence p € L2(Sl, E*). ie/
The T-limit exhibits the local character, cf. Sec. 1.3.4. This property will be used in our subsequent considerations. Let {
t; £ = W£ - fr ,
U>£ =
Hence vc —» v = w — 0* strongly in Hl(Qi), and « £ — ► — Vw + V6' strongly in L2(Q2) £ £ e c when e —> 0. Moreover, 7(u; ,i> ) =
< limjnf fk [-,e(w £ ),7(w,£ £ )l dx
= Miami Jk [j-e(v £ ) + P * - 7 ( v W ) ] <** .
a Hence G\{w,p)
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Hence |Ge(v,™,Pi,qi) ~ Gl(^w'P2'l2)\
< ml (2|e(y>)| + |p, | + |p2l)|Pi - P2I<& m \j(2|7(v.«')l n
+ Iflil + taDlfli - 2l
Consequently, there exists a positive constant m.R such that if
^€//'(n), (ptt,«.)e5(n),
Il9 a ||w<efl
(a = 1,2),
then {Glif^w^^q^)
- G\{f,w,p2,q2)\
< mfl(|| Pl -p 2 |U* + - | l « i - q 2 lkO • (5.5.14)
Let us now take {
lim inf Gl(
Obviously, ¥5 = -Vio and qc -► 0 in L2(fi)2. Further, let {p*, qs}s>o C S(fi) be a sequence of simple functions such that p6 —> p strongly in L2(Q, E2) when <5 — ► 0, TIIQ'IIZ.* < const. < +oo .
o We assume that 5 < e. Let R and mfl be positive constants such that, cf. (5.5.13) \\e(^)\\L2
| | 7 ( v W ) | | L 2 < £ , Ilp£||t2?, 1 IIP*llL»
implies, cf. (5.5.14) \Gl{
+ hqc\\L> + -A\qS\\L>)£
By virtue of the previous step we have G V . « A P W ) > G£V,™£,PV)
+ l\\q>\\L, + h\qs\\La), £
Elastic plates
and consequently lira inf
> Jwh{K{w)+^)dx n
- mR(\\p -ps\\L,
+ -5\\qs\\L>) .
Since {p5, q6) -> (p, 0) strongly in L2(Q., E2.) x L 2 (fi) 2 as 6 -» 0, we conclude that limjnf G ^ W . p W )
> / W k (/c(iu) + p)dx . n
Step 3. For given w G H2(Q), p G L2(fl, E 2 ) and q = 0 we need to find {ipe, wc}s>0 Hl{Q.)2x H\Sl) such that
( < ^ W ) ^ ( v ? - Vw, to) , and lim s u p G ^ w ' . p W ) < Glh(w,p),
provided that p is a simple function, cf. the first step. For the sake of simplicity we take / = {1,2} and set E = d(n1UQ2),
Hs = {xeQ,
Theorem 5.4.6 implies the existence of {(?*■*, w £,i } C Hl(Qi)2
strongly in H1^)2
x Hl(Qi) such that
x Hl(£li) and
lim sup Ik [ j , e ( / ' ' ) + p,-f(
+ p]dx . (5.5.18)
Let V* 6 D(fi) be such that 0 < V* < 1, ip5 = 1 on T,s and tf = 0 on fi\EM. To combine the functions (pc'' and iu£'*(i = 1,2) we set
+ i)itp . > on Ui. w£'s = (1 - tl>s)wc ■' + ipsw J Hence we conclude that (v c , i , wc'{) G Hl (ft) 2 x H ^ f i ) , because cpc-6 = (p and tu£'s = onEj.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Taking t e (0,1) and performing simple calculations one gets e ( V ^ ) + p = ttf[e(
[-,e(vj) +p,o] dx
Y, J (! - ^k [? e ^ £ '') + p- ^ £ , ' > w £ , t ) ] d i t=1
+(i - o E /*(f»2cTT)[{VrpS) ®{tp~ ^'i] + +p,
~ ^ ® v^]
w£,i v
) V'' 5 }^ < mi f\e(
+2(1 - < ) m i £ /
( r ^ 7 ) a ( | V 0 * | 2 | V ~ 'T + |P|2) dx ,6l2\
1 - 1
w — w£,lc,il2 \ )dx .
Because w '' —> w strongly in L2(Qi), therefore the last term is bounded from above by
g/Wf dx.
Taking into account (5.5.18) and (5.5.19) one has lim s u p G ^ t ^ . t i w ^ . p . O ) < m , [ \e(tp) + p\2dx +2(1 - t)mi j\p\2dx +
+p}dx + ^~
Elastic plates
260 Noting that [\Vips\2dx = I'\VTp6\2dx -► 0 ,
when 6-* 0 ,
we obtain lim sup[lim sup(lim supG*(V ; '' 5 ,tii/'' s ,p,0))] < Gj,(w,p) . t—1-
By using Lemma 1.3.27 we conclude that there exists (t(S(e)), S(e)) —» (1~, 0) such that lim supGl[t{5(e))
< G\(w,p) .
Setting v?£ = t{6(e))
strongly in L 2 (ft) 2 ,
wc —> w strongly in i/'(fi) ,
ase —»0. Step 4. Let (p, 0) 6 <S(fi), otherwise arbitrary. There exists a sequence of simple functions {p*}*eN such that pk —» p strongly in L2(fi, E 2 ) when k —> oo. Further, for each A; e N there exists a sequence {*•*,ur*'*}e>o C H 1 ^ ) 2 x //^(fi) such that y>£'* —> tp = -Vu> strongly in L2(Q)2 as £ —» 0 , K;1'* — ► u; strongly in H1 (Q) as e —> 0 , lim supGi((p£'*,we'*,p*,0) < G],(tu,p*) . £-■0
Hence lim sup lim supGl((pt-k,wc-k,pk,0) fc-.0
< G\(w,p) .
Applying Lemma 1.3.27 once again we deduce existence of k(e) —> oo such that £—*0
lim supG e{
\w^ \p ^,0)
< Gi(w,p),
and ^ . * W _> ^ = _Vu; strongly in L2(fi)2 as e -» 0 , ^.Mt) _> w strongly in Hl(ft) as e —> 0 . Thus the r-convergence (5.5.12) is proved. The assumption (A) of Theorem 1.3.36 is satisfied for arbitrary 0 < r < +oo. If Br = {(p,q) € L 2 (fi,E 2 ) x L2(Q)2 |(||p|| t , + 11,11^)1 < r} and {p£,
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Let us now verify (1.3.75). For each (ip, w) G HQ(Q)2 of Lemma 5.2
X HQ(£1) one has, cf. the proof
- Lc{
where m is a positive constant. Having satisfied the assumptions of Theorem 1.3.36 we conclude that Gh = r ( i o S ( n ) ) - l i m ( / e , where
Gh(M) = -Jwh(M{x))dx - Ism(M) , n and Sh(Q) = {M £ L 2 (ft, Es2)\ div d i v M + q - maa = 0, in Q} . Further, let (£?£, we) be a minimizer of the problem (Pe) and {tpc', w£'}c>o a convergent subsequence: (
Jh(w) - L{w) = inf{Jh(w) inf Pc. -»inf Ph
- L(w)\w g tf2(Q)} ,
when e' -» 0 .
Moreover, if (iW , Q ) is a solution to the problem (P') and {A/ £ , Qe } £ / > 0 a conver gent subsequence: {Mc\ Qe') " ^ (M, 0)
as e' -» 0 ,
then (Ph')
&(Af) = sup{-jW'(M(x))dx\M
supP/, -*supP A * 5.6.
n ase'-»0,
e S h (n)} ,
inf PA* = sup PA*.
Orthotropic plates periodic in one direction
Assume that both elastic moduli and external surfaces defining faces of the plate vary peri odically in one direction, say xi. Thus stiffnesses D and H are U = a — periodic functions in 2/i; Da^(y) = Da0x»(yi) , Ha0(y) = H^(yi). (5.6.1)
Elastic plates
Averaging over Y assumes a simplified form: a
(f) = \Jftui)dui, (5.6.2) o but notation (•) will still be used here. The aim of the present section is to find effective stiffnesses according to procedures of Sees. 5.2 and 5.3 subsequently. 5.6.1. Effective stiffnesses according to the in-plane scaling approach Tofindclosed formulae for D„8X" and Hfl3 (see Eqs. (5.2.9)) one should solve the local problems (P#y) of Sec. 5.2. Let us start with solving problem (P//,y). The strong solution of (P^y) is sought in the space: C2[0, o]ni/^ er (0, o). We conjecture that n(A) do not depend on y2. The local equation for n(A) reads d_ dy\
*»ta) fl,w dy\
and by integrating one finds * U < » > + - ^ . H"{yx) #„(„,)
^ dux
Periodicity of n (A) implies (dTI(A'/dyi) = 0, hence (A)
and the quantities dU^/dyi one arrives at
_ (//"///")
are now determined. Substituting them into formula (5.2.9)2
H]} = ((H")-1)-1 ,
H$ = H% = &H#
^=(^-4?) + (^)^ 12^2 \
Note thatfindingII was unnecessary. In the orthotropic case when ya axes coincide with orthotropy axes (H12 = 0) formulae (5.6.6) reduce to H}} = ((ff 11 )" 1 )- 1 ,
H22 = (H22), ff» = 0.
Let us pass tofindingstiffnesses D'$ . The strong solution of (P« y ) is sought in the space [C2[0, o] n H^Y)}2. We conjecture that solutions T(A,i) are y2-independent. Upon integrating, the local equations of (P# y ) assume the form J-W-(AJI)
0»»(yi)^T— + 2/1
(yi)^r- d2/l + o"^(yi) = c { ^ ,
rfT "' (yi)^- + O
2 1 1 2
^r«A"» ^ ) ^ - + S 2 i v (j/i) = Cf"> ,
a 6M
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
where Q , M' are unknown constants. On solving these equations with respect to d T ^ ' / d j / i and dT^ /dy\ and applying periodicity conditions: a
a = 1,2
one finds Ca , a — 1,2. Consequently one finds closed formulae for dTa'/dyi substitute them into (5.2.9)i. We have
jT(Ac) WT (V) = {D22^ + D22n^— + D22l2^~) dyi dyi
(5.6.10) .
After performing algebraic manipulations one finds formulae of the same form as those for plane elasticity case: (3.7.12) - (3.7.13); one should replace there A with D and sub script "h" with "H". In the orthotropic case when ya are orthotropy axes the formulae for DflJA/4 reduce to formulae (3.7.14) with A replaced by D and the subscript "h" with "H". Consequently, the formulae (3.7.15) can be used to find effective compliances d"0Xll; dH = (DH)-K Let us compare formulae for D£ " and Djf AM for the orthotropic case (cf. (3.7.7) and (3.7.14)). The non-zero stiffnesses are
£>»«» = <£>1212) ,
h ~ " ' D%12 = (D}fn) = ((D 1 2 1 2 )- 1 )- 1 ,
hence Z?^212 > D™2 and equality holds only if the plate is homogeneous. This discrepancy will be discussed in Sec. 5.6.2 in more detail. 5.6.2.
Effective stiffnesses according to the refined scaling approach
According to the in-plane scaling approach the homogenized Reissner-Hencky plate remains a Reissner-Hencky plate but with new stiffnesses. Quite differently the refined scaling approach works. Upon performing homogenization one obtains a Kirchhoff (thin) plate characterized by one stiffness tensor Dh. The aim of this section is to find its com ponents for the plate of stiffnesses (5.6.1) with orthotropy axes coinciding with j/i, 2/2- The orthotropy assumption is not indispensable. The strong solution to problem (5.3.14) (cf. P | y , Sec. 2.7): (* ( Q / 3 ) (2A), X ( Q / 3 ) (?/I)) is sought in the space [C2[Q, a] f~l H^,r(0,a)]3. The variational equation (5.3.14) implies the following local differential equations dM}Ls
, QM
' ~dyV~ °' ~~dyT
W- °'
(5 6 12)
Elastic plates
,d$: (a/J)
KP) =
w^+»r ~" \ ~dy~r ~ * r 1
Q2{a0)= 22$ 0/3)
^ 2
The periodicity conditions implied by (5.3.14) have the form (a0)
*£»» (0) = $« (a) , M
W) (°) =
& ) (a> >
(0) = X(a0) (a) ,
Q\aff) (°) = < ? U («) •
By integrating the first two of equations (5.6.12) and using periodicity conditions (5.6.14)3 4 one finds (a/3)
((D 1 1 1 1 )-')
On substituting this result into (5.3.15a) and taking into account (3.2. ld) 4 one concludes that -,QQ/3/3 __ nr^aapp aa/3/3 __ nnaa/3/3 p,aapp a (5.6.16) U U U — h
— H
cf. (5.6.1 l)i . Moreover p,aaaP
for 0 = 3 - a. Much more effort is required to find a closed formula for D]^12. This stiffness is given by (12) d$: (5.6.18) DJ"2 = D» ia fo) 1 + dj/i
where $ 2 '
' s a solution to the differential equation (5.6.12)3 or _d_ A/i
d*< 12)
Z?1212(s/>) dyi
y22/„, \/fXm
= -
dD 1 dt/i
with boundary conditions $212>(0) = * 2 1 2 >(a),
d$l 12) d
The variational formulation of this one-dimensional problem reads find $ 2 12) € H^.{Q, a) such that (5.6.21) dj/i
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
The problem (5.6.19 - 5.6.20) or (5.6.21) is in general too complex to be explicitly solved and to find D}?12 one can resort to solving problem (5.6.21) numerically. An explicit formula for .D^212 can be found if D1212 and H22 are piece-wise constant functions:
i>™JT2'»€h , 212 1 Z^ . w e / , '
*»=(^'»6/\ \ Hf , Vl 6 h
where/! = (0,bi), h = (6i,o), 62 = a- &i. In the same way the unknown function is represented •? =i * , y i 6 ! ' •
Let us denote / H22 \ 1 / 2
V £>*
A= —,
Xa '
dj_ <J = d2
Xa = — ,
a u = -
m 61
Quantities d„ are of length dimension; other coefficients are non-dimensional. The govern ing equation (5.6.19) assumes the form of two equations ^-A20
1 =
^ - A V & = 0,
for intervals I\ and I2 respectively. Their solutions have the form 0, = Cie-*« + ^ c - ^ 1 - * ' ,
£ € (0,1)
02 = Cac-**"- ) + B 2 e - ^ - « ) ,
The switching conditions tfi(l)=&(l),
M ( 12 2) (l-0) = M ( 12 2) (l+0)
M(122)(0) = M(\22)(w)
and periodicity conditions 0i(0) = &(w) ,
make it possible to find the constants Ca, Ba; it turns out that Ca = —Ba. Omitting a lengthy derivation one eventually finds D™ = 7 iP, + I2P2 where
~ZP2? ,
pa = (£o)3i»i212 = D™, 1
Z = 2 X l P l C O t h I 2 7 l X l J + 2* 2f>2Coth ( 2 72X2 and coth(x) := cosh(a;)/ sinh(i).
Elastic plates
5.6.3. Effective torsional stiffness of plates of step-wise varying thickness Consider a plate made of an isotropic elastic material, the thickness of which varies pe riodically in i i direction and alternately assumes the values 2hi and 2/i2, see Fig. 5.6.1.
iL N%
Fig. 5.6.1. Original and rescaled cells of periodicity The dimensions of the rescaled cell y are given in Fig. 5.6.1 b. The rescaled torsional and transverse shearing stiffnesses are, cf. (5.6.22)
i>i 2 1 2 (»0 = ^ s ( C ( r ) 3
H? = 2fcc CT G 9 ,
where 2GS = E/(l + v)\ k is a shear correction factor; E represents Young's modulus, v is Poisson's ratio. Thus da = (l/3/c)1^2c<7 and a — c\/c2. The following formulae determine the effective torsional stiffness of the plate of Fig. 5.6.1 according to: - thin plate-based homogenization: Dnu
a3 + w - 1
- in-plane scaling homogenization of Reissner-Hencky equations (5.6.33)
o3{u - 1) + 1 '
- refined scaling homogenization of Reissner-Hencky equations CT3+W-1
g(a,u;,\) = 2
a coth | - j + coth (
D2 =
Consider a family of plates of constant cQ and u. Then A ~ a. Note that D\2U and D]f12 do not depend on A. One can prove that £,1212 =
D 1212 ( A =
< £,1212^
£,1212 .
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
If ca and LO are fixed then the mean thickness is fixed. Hence all plates have the same volume, see Fig. 5.6.2.
JT-TLTLnj-l Tj-i_n-n_ru
yi ZJ
| 1
L. r
A =9.487
A = 1.58
4 ,,2 «k
; s 0.1. 0.2222
1 1.
Fig. 5.6.2. The effective torsional stiffness versus A. Comparison of three approaches for the data: fc = 5/6, a = 0.5, w = 2 The speed of convergence of L>^212(A) to DX2U if A —► oo depends on a = Ci/c 2 . For IT > 1 or IT < 1 this convergence is very slow. Consider now another family of constant volume plates for which a, LO and the mean thickness c = -yiCi +
are kept fixed. This family is indexed by a = c\lci- Let us introduce the non-dimensional stiffnesses: {Dh, Dh, DH) =
which are functions of a. Assume the data: v = 0.25, UJ = 2, a/c = 2, c\ + c2 = a. Functions Dh(a), Dh{a), DH{a) for a G [0,1] are given in Fig. 5.6.3. In the same figure two results due to Caillerie-Kohn-Vogelius approach of Section 2.3 (formulae (2.3.62)) are presented; these results are taken from Kohn and Vogelius (1984). It is obvious that D^ overestimates the effective torsional stiffness. Let us consider now the effective torsional stiffness of a gridwork. To this end let us fix a, b} and c2. Then D2 and ui are fixed. Let cj —> 0 (a —> 0), hence A —► oo, but \a is fixed. We find the limits:
D™/D; 2 £1212 /D
— LO UJ-\
, 1
■ LO
tanh (| \
- 1 LO
Elastic plates
DA(0) = 0.133 0.0333 0.03.
Fig. 5.63. The effective torsional stiffness versus a. Comparison for the data: v = 0.25, w = 2, a/c = 2, c\ + c2 = a. The circles "o" represent the results found by the method of Section 2.3 1 / ^\ ^2
where 3 = - ( -) ■ — for /t = - . These formulae describe the torsional stiffnesses of 2 \2/ c2 6 a gridwork of Fig. 5.6.4a. Note that D^12/D2 does not depend on the ratio (a - fci)/c2. Let us keep the parameters a and c2 fixed and let b —> 0 (o> —» oo). Then D™/D2^l and D™/D2 - 1 - ^ . (5.6.39) The above results refer to the case of a plate cut transversely with period a, see Fig. 5.6.4b. The formula for D},212 disregards this cutting. The discussion presented above shows that the refined scaling approach is superior to the former two-dimensional methods of assessing the effective stiffnesses of plates. By virtue
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
of the refined scaling the formulae for D]^12 in the one-dimensional case, and all D^11 in general, become sensitive to the transverse shape of the periodicity cell. a)
c, = 0
^ b)
Fig. 5.6.4. A limiting case: gridwork. In case (b) the distance between the beams is zero 5.6.4.
Formula of Tartar-Francfort-Murat type for effective stiffnesses of ribbed plates. In-plane scaling approach Consider a transversely symmetric plate made from ribs of stiffnesses Dlt Hi and D2, H2 with area fractions 6X and 62 respectively; 9] + 92 = 1, see Fig. 3.8.1 which remains relevant here now, however, the plate undergoes transverse shear deformations. Assume that condition (3.8.1) holds as well as the quadratic form qa{H20 - H*0)qp is positive definite. The direction of stiffening n = (na) is not correlated with anisotropy directions of Da and Ha. The effective tensors DH and i f # are determined by the following formulae of Francfort and Murat 0,(£>a - DH)-1 = (£>2 - D O " 1 - 02TA , (5.6.40) where TA is given by (3.9.16) with (g^) defined by a matrix inverse to ,Q/3A^
and of Tartar: <
)\{H2 — HH)
= (H2 — Hi
Formula (5.6.40) has the same form as formula (3.9.15) derived in Sec. 3.9, because of analogy between the local problems {PHY) of Sec. 5.2 and {P^sy) of Sec. 3.2. Hence its derivation is unnecessary. Formula (5.6.42) can be justified as follows. By (5.6.4) the quantities
0* = dU/&ya ,
Elastic plates 1
are piece-wise constant; they are equal to 0 and 0 in phases 1 and 2 respectively. Along the 7 interface thefieldn is continuous, hence kr=h, k=k ra, where r = (r ) is defined as in Sec. 3.8. Thus
0= pTr+ pnn,
0T =PT=k
k =0n - k •
and hence 0-0=kn, The following equations are at our disposal:
QH = 0,Q +62 Q ,
Qana =Qana .
We proceed as in Sec. 3.8 and find subsequently 0hx =0X -p02nx ,
(Hf - HaHx)(3hx = 9X (H? - H°x) 0X , A47n17 _ ,„„„ „ „ ^ \ P= rJ . M* = {H?-H?)0x . traP nati2 np {H?-HaHx)l3hx=0,Ma,
(5.6.49) (5.6.50) (5.6.51)
and 9,(ff2 - HH)-a\Ma = {H2 - H^'lM"
^ g2 — n , n A A f , nQH20n0
which ends the derivation. If if 2 is isotropic: H20 = H26a0, we find naHfn0 = H2 and Eq. (5.6.42) assumes the form suitable for subsequent layering process, as described in Sec. 3.8. 5.7. Other linear and nonlinear models ofplates with moderate thickness. Homogenization study In the case of transversely nonhomogeneous plates both the Kirchhoff and Reissner-Hencky displacement assumptions can lead to unacceptable inaccuracies, see Christensen (1979). In this section a possible improvement of these displacement assumptions is analyzed and the homogenized formulae for this refined plate model are derived. A justification of the displacement-based hypothesis (5.7.23) needs introduction of the Reissner averaged gener alized displacements. They are derived in Sec. 5.7.1 that precedes the section in which the refined, geometrically nonlinear plate model is put forward. Homogenization is dealt with in Sec. 5.7.3.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
5.7.1. Reissner's model There are two reasons why the Reissner-Hencky modelling (Sec. 5.1) is unsatisfactory. First, it introduces the assumption of the in-plane stress state in an arbitrary manner, thus introducing the contradiction between the kinematic assumptions and the constitutive rela tions. Moreover, it leads to overestimation of the transverse shear stiffnesses. The original model of Reissner (1945) is free of these drawbacks. This model is recalled here to clear up the choice of the generalized displacements of a refined plate theory considered in Sec. 5.7.2. Assume that a plate occupies a domain B = Q x (-c,c), where 2c represents the plate thickness and the mid-plane il is parametrized by Cartesian coordinates (i Q ); x = (xa, x3) £ B. The 13 axis is perpendicular to fi. Thus the plate is of constant thickness. Let us assume that the plate material is transversely homogeneous with moduli C*7'*'^) and flexibilities c,jkl(x); c = C " 1 . The planes x3 = constant are planes of material sym metry, hence (2.4.1) holds. On a part T 0 = T0 x (-c,c), T0 C <9H, of the lateral surface the displacements are prescribed Wi{s,x3) = w°{s,x3),
s € T0,
The other part T[ = Ti x ( - c , c) is subject to the tractions T(s, z 3 ); F] U T 0 = V = <9Q. The faces x3 = ± c are subject to the distributed transverse loading of intensity
Thus the stress type boundary conditions are given by CTO3(X,±C)=0, a'^s^^n^s)
a33{x,±c) i
=T (s,x3),
= ±lq(x), 2 seTi,
xeQ (5.7.2) x3e[-c,c].
Let us confine our consideration to the case of the tractions being of the following form: T°(s,x3)
= j-cN°(s)
(5.7.3) a
^(-.X3) = ^ ( l - ( ? ) ) Q ( . where Na{s), Ma(s), Q(s) are given functions of s 6 IV The body forces are omitted. A trial stress field (T'J) is said to be statically admissible if its components r y ' = r J '' satisfy the equilibrium equations rf
+ rf
T£ + rf = 0 ,
within B and the boundary conditions (5.7.2). According to the Castigliano theorem the unknown stress field minimizes the functional: J(r) = \J{ra<3ca^T^
+ T^C^T33
+ ATa3ca3X3rX3)dx
f T»VJ w, dsdx3 . To
Elastic plates
Thus J(
£(r, A, V) = J(T) + J[Xa(x)(rf B
+ J[Va(s, x 3 )(r Q % - T°) + % (a, x 3 )(r Q 3 ^ - T3)]
assumes a stationary value at the solution (
->-5 ('-(?)><"• (x) = ~x q(x). Ac -St?)'
Note that the boundary conditions (5.7.2)i are identically satisfied. ThefieldsNa0, Ma0, Qa are unknownfieldsdefined on Q. The stressfields(5.7.7) satisfy the equilibrium equations (5.7.4) in B if thefieldsN, M, Q and q are linked by Na0fia = - 0w, ,
M^ + QT=0,
Qaa + q = 0
in fl .
The trial stressfieldsare assumed in a form similar to (5.7.7): 2c
2. cr
^ - f c O - ( ? ) ' ) G*(X)' 1 (?)]*)■
r33(x) = ^ x
The idea of Reissner's (1945) modelling consists in requiring that £ assumes a stationary value for the trial stress fields of the form (5.7.9). Thus the set of all statically admissible stressfieldsis confined to the set of the stressfieldswhich are statically admissible within B but outside a boundary layer along T. In fact, the boundary conditions (5.7.2)2 will not be satisfied identically. Substituting (5.7.9) into (5.7.6) yields CX(M,M,Q
; v,rP,v;z,
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
+ J[va{Mal) + MM°$ +0°) + w(Q°0 + q)]dx + j[za{Na(3n0
- Na) + 4>a(Ma00 - Ma) + z(Q?na - Q)}ds ,
where n + ba0Ma0q + Aq2)dx - f{ua Ma0n0+ ya Ma0n0+ w Q"na)ds ,
1a/3A/j — X-Co/SA/i i
, 1 2
daffXn ~ 7T3Cal3\fi
ha0 — — Ca303 ,
Oa0 = — Ca033 ,
and the constant A does not play any role below. The Lagrangian multipliers involved in (5.7.10) and (5.7.11) are weighted averages of the multipliers of the original threedimensional problem: c
va(x) = — K{x,x3)dx3 , -C
il>a(x) = ^
x3Xa{x,x3)dx3 ,
£/[-(?)' \(x,x )dx
Thefields(za,4>a,z) and (u°,i^°,ui°) depend on {r]a,r}3) and {w^,w3) in a similar manner. At the stationary point we have: j^faH
(5.7.14) The stationary conditions of C\ with respect to va, ipa and v give (5.7.8). These equations are equilibrium equations of the plate model derived. The stationary conditions with respect to za, (pa and z yield the boundary conditions on T\: Na0n0 = 7^,
Ma"n/3 = M Q , a0
The stationary conditions with respect to N ,M in the inverted form:
= aa0x»NXtl,
Qana = Q.
and Q yield the constitutive relations
¥>(Qi/3) = da0^M^ + ba0q ,
7Q = ha0Q0 , (5.7.16)
Elastic plates
where ya = w,a + <pa. Moreover, the displacement boundary conditions on r 0 are satisfied: "Q = « Q ,
fa =fa.
w =w
on r 0 .
The last conditions provide a physical interpretation of the Lagrangian multipliers u,
w. Along T0 they are weighted averages of given displacements wa, w3. The weighted functions of X3 that occur in (5.7.13) follow from the structure of the equilibrium equations (5.7.4). The variational equilibrium equation encompasses Eqs. (5.7.8) and (5.7.15). It is given by f[Na0ea0(v n
- u) + Ma0ea0{iP -
= fq(v - w)dx + / [ F V a - "a) + Ma(fa - <pa) + Q(v - w)]ds ,
for every (v, ip, v) satisfying: va =ua ,
ipa =<Pa ,
on Ti .
By inverting (5.7.16) wefindthe primal form of the constitutive relations: Na0 = Aot>^e^u)
M°0 =
Qa = HaXlx{
where y\{ip, w) = wx\ + tpx and Qx^tp) = eXli{tp). Moreover ~
2 ~ 3
where C = [ca/3AM]-1 , c = [ca3p3]-K Formally, there are two differences in comparison with the Reissner-Hencky model of Sec. 5.1. Now the expression for M contains a free term depending on q and the stiffnesses 5 Ha0 correspond to the case of k = - ^ 1, see Eqs. (5.1.5), (5.1.6) in the case of orthotropy. 6 Remark 5.7.1. The Reissner (1945) model derived here cannot be easily generalized to the case of a plate being transversely nonhomogeneous. Then the distribution of stresses should be carefully predicted taking into account the material distribution across the thickness. For the three-layer plates loaded in plane such a modelling is discussed in Sec. 11. Remark 5.7.2. From the three-dimensional elasticity theory it is known that the Lagrangian multipliers AQ, A3 involved in (5.7.6) can be identified with the displacements wa, w3 of the
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
body. Thus the formulae (5.7.13) define the two-dimensional generalized displacements in terms of the displacements within the plate body B. Let us check the result of substitution of the Hencky assumptions (5.1.1) into (5.7.13) for AQ = wa, A = w3. We find the following identities: Va = Uc ,
V = W
which confirm that Hencky's and Reissner's generalized displacements have a similar mean ing. 5.7.2.
A refined theory of moderately thick plates undergoing moderately large deflections
In the present section the von Karman theory of thin plates undergoing moderately large deflections (Sec. 4.1) is refined to take into account the effect of transverse shear deforma tion. Having at our disposal the kinematic modelling, such as that of Sec. 5, or stress-based approach, such as that of Sec. 5.7.1, we shall use the former. Such a choice is motivated by difficulties arising in constructing the statically admissible stress fields in the case of transversely nonhomogeneous plates. Let us consider the plate problem of Sec. 5.7.1. The model construction will be based on the kinematic assumptions of the form: U>a(x,X3)
= Ua(x)
- X3W,a{x)
+ f{x3)[fa{x)
w3{x, x3) = w(x), where
and 2c = const represents the plate thickness, see Sec. 5.7.1. Note that c
c 2
f(x3) dx3
= fx3f(x3)dx3
= ^ .
Thus substitution of (5.7.23) into (5.7.13), with AQ = wa, A = w3, again gives the identities (5.7.22). This justifies using the same notation: u o t <pa and w< as ' n Sees. 5.1 and 5.7.1, and clears up physical meaning of these unknowns. The infinitesimal transverse shear deformations associated with (5.7.23) are given by 5
t ^ e a 3 (w) = o
{ifia + wia) .
Hence the boundary conditions (5.7.2)! concerning the stresses aa3 are identically satisfied, which links the present approach with that of Reissner (1945). Here, however, the bound ary condition concerning CT33(I, ±C) is violated. Thus we expect that the plate theory based
Elastic plates
on (5.7.23) should be more accurate than Kirchhoff's and Reissner-Hencky's theories, but whether it is better than the Reissner (1945) theory is an open problem. This model will, however, be used mostly in the analysis of transversely nonhomogeneous plates, like lami nated plates, for which the Reissner approach cannot be applied. Let us proceed now to deriving a nonlinear plate model based on the assumptions (5.7.23) and on the stress assumption of the generalized plane stress, cf. (5.1.2). Within the nonlinear elasticity theory the components of the deformation tensor are given by Eij{w) = eij(w) + -SklwiikWj,i
We shall adopt here the von Kdrmdn approximation according to which only the nonlinear terms depending on the deflection w are retained. Hence we assume, cf. (5.7.23) Ea0(w) = ea0(w) + -w ,aw %0 ,
Ei3{w) = ei3(w) .
The components of the linear strain measures have the form: ea0{w) = ea0(u)+x3na0(w)
e^to) = 0 ,
and ea3(w) is given by (5.7.26). Here P*0(
na0{w) = -wja0 .
The energy density aijEtj reduces to ai}Exj = aQ0Ea0 + 2aa3Ea3. Hence aijEij = aa0{ea0(u) + -w,awi0] + x3oa0 Ka0(w)
+ /(x 3 )o*W V ) - Ka0(w)} + Mi - (^) oa3ya{
£(u, ip,w) = -
/ a'3Ei:idx3dx , n -c
assumes the form £(u,
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
where the stress resultants are: N°0 a0
M Ma0
/(* 3 )
(5.7.34) oa3dx-\
In the case of transverse homogeneity, the substitution of the constitutive relation: aas =
<xa3 = 2Ca3X3EX3(w)
into (5.7.34) yields: Na0 = Aa0X^eXii{u) M«0
M «rf
, (5.7.36)
±D^[85p^(V) - «*»]
where the tensors A, D and / / are given by (5.7.19). In the general case the relations (5.7.36) should be appropriately modified. The expression (5.7.33) will be simplified by introducing So,0 = Ma0
_ ^
(5?3 g )
in the transversely homogeneous case. Since {MaB - M°0)KO0
+ Ma0pa0
= Sa0(na0
- pa0) + Ma0pa0
therefore S assumes the form 1 /" £{u, ip,w) = - {Aa0X"{e^{u)
1 + -w,xw^}[ea0(u)
1 + -w
n Da0^pa0(
+ D
»[Ka0{w) - pa0{v)]Mw)
+ H ya((p, w)y0(
- p v (y>)] (5.7.39)
Elastic plates
Remark 5.7.3. If the stresses aa0 are linear across the thickness, then Ma0 = M a " and SaP = 0, cf. Eq. (5.7.37). Thus the term underlined in (5.7.39) represents the difference between the total bending energy and the energy due to linear distribution of the stresses <ja0.
Remark 5.7.4. If the displacements satisfy the Kirchhoff constraints (3.1.1) then (pa = —w>a, hence 7c(V> W) = 0 ,
= K-apiw) ■
The expression (5.7.39) reduces to the von Karman form: 1 /" 1 £i(u,w) = - / {j4Q/JA"[eAM(u) + -wAwJ[ea0{u) n + Da0X"Ka0{w)>iXli{w)}dx .
1 + ~w}C,wi0} (5.7.41)
□ Assume that the tractions T* on Ti are distributed according to (5.7.3). Then jTwidS
= f(NauQ + W>pa + Qw)ds .
Thus the functional of the total potential energy of the plate has the following form: J(u, ip, w) = £i(u, (fi,w)-
/ qwdx - / (7VauQ + W<pa + Qw)ds . (5.7.43)
5.7.3. Homogenization study The aim of this section is to perform homogenization of the nonlinear plate model with the constitutive equations given by (5.7.36)i, (5.7.36)3,4 and (5.7.38). The loading functional L(u, ip, w) is assumed to play the role of a perturbation functional in the homogenization procedure. For instance, it may be given by the two integrals appearing on the r.h.s. of (5.7.43). As previously, let Y be a two-dimensional basic cell. Below, we shall be concerned with the non-uniform homogenization. Therefore we assume that the elastic moduli are now given by: Afx^{x) = Aa^{x, - ) , D?0X"(x) = Dfx"(x, - ) . Hf{x) = Haf3{x, - ) , x eQ, and the functions Aal3Xtl(x, y), Da/3Xli(x, y), Ha0(x, y) are V-periodic in the second variable. It is reasonable to assume that Aa0Xu, Da0X,x, Ha0 are functions belonging to L°°(Q x Y). These moduli satisfy the usual symmetry and ellipticity conditions: (a)
^A/ja/3 _ j^ffaXti
£)a/3A/j _ JJX/M0
_ jr)0a\)i
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
(b) There exist constants c\ > co > 0 such that VeeE2 VeeE2 VrjeR2
for each x e H, y £ Y. The functional J€{u,
= ££(u,ip,w)
- L{u, ip,w),
where ££{u,
/ W[x, p £ ( u , w), p ( v ) , K(W), 7 ( 9 . w)]dx ,
n W [x,y,E(u,w),p{,tp),K{w),f{ip,w)\
+ -D aflA ' i (i,y)[p Q/ 3(v5)p v ( ¥ >) + —(iCrfM - P ^ ( ( ^ ) ) ( K A M ( W ) - P A M M ) ]
+ ^Ha0{x,y)la(ip,w)'yp((p,w)
For each fixed e > 0 the minimization problem: (P e )
= in{{Uu,
€ V(fi)}
possesses a solution. Here
v(fi) = {(«,¥»,w) e //'(ft) 2 x //'(fi) 2 x //02(fi)|u = 0, v? = 0, on r 0 } ,
and r 0 is the part of the boundary T, meas r 0 > 0, T = r 0 U IY Different boundary conditions are also possible. Detailed study of the existence of solution for this type of nonlinear plates was performed by Bielski and Telega (1996). Under the assumption of "small loading", a uniqueness theorem was established. To pass with e to zero we shall use the T-convergence method. We note that the method of two-scale asymptotic expansions requires more regular elastic moduli; then Aa0x^ and Ha0 are to be elements of W1'00^ x Y) while Z?a/JX" e VV2-°°(Q x Y). According to Theorem 1.3.28 one can significantly weaken the assumptions specified by the condition (b). r'-convergence of a class offunctionals Prior to finding the T-limit of the sequence { Jc } c > 0 specified by (5.7.44) we shall extend Theorem 1.3.28. As we shall see, this extension implies much weaker assumptions on the stored energy function >V than those sufficient for the existence of solutions. Consider the following integrand / = /(x,2/,u,w,f,p,q,r,s) ,
Elastic plates
where /(•, •, •,-,•,•,•,•,•) : fi x Y x R 2 x R x R 2 x E 2 x E 2 x E 2 x R 2 ■-» R + . We make the following assumptions: (i) / is a measurable function, ^-periodic in y, continuous in (u, vv, f) and convex with respect to (p, q,r, s), (ii) 0 < / ( x 1 y , u , w , f , p , q , r , s )
• +|s|2] ,
(iii) |/(ar,j/,u,w,f,p > q,r,s) -f(x',y,u',W,i',P, q,r,s)| < g(\a? -x\ + |u' - u| +\w' -w\ + \f -f\)(A(y) + f(x,y,u,w,f,V,q,r,s)), for every x,x',y e R 2 , and every u', u e R 2 , w , w ' € R, and r, s,p, q e E 2 . Here A 6 L/^R 2 ) is a y-periodic function while g : R + —» R + is an increasing function continuous at 0, and such that (0) = 0; a : R2 —» R + is a non-negative continuous function. For afixede > 0, we set Ge(u,
f[x, -,u(x),ip(x),w(x),E{u(x),w(x)) n p((p(x)),K(w(x)),t(
, (5.7.48)
where u, tp € Hl{Q)2 and w e H^(Q). We set W ^ y ) = H^Yf W^iX)
x H^Yf
x H^(Y)
= {(u,
= [tf^(y)] 2 ,
= 0, /v>(2/)dy = 0, Jw(y)dy = 0} .
Let r denote the strong topology of L2(f2)2 x L2(fi)2 x ^/'(n). Under the assumptions (i), (ii) and (iii) the T-limit of the sequence of functionals (5.7.48) is given by the formula G(u, (fi, w) = T(T) — lim GAu,
= l fh[x,u,
where fh(x, u,
+e»(u), Kh + K,«(w),ph + ev(
Moreover, Eh, p*, nh 6 E 2 and 7 h e R 2 are macroscopic strain measures. The introduced natural strong topology r implies that the strain measure 7 plays the role of a parameter in the determination of //,.
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
In the case of the sequence of functionals {Je}c>o, the loading functional L has been assumed to play the role of the perturbation functional. Therefore it suffices to find the r(T)-limit of {££}£>o. Obviously, this limit is a special case of (5.7.49). Homogenized elastic potential Let us proceed to the derivation of formulae for the effective moduli. Now the integrand / appearing in (5.7.48) is just the elastic potential W. For the plate model considered, we have f(x,y,u,tp,w,E,p,K,-f) = W(x,y,E,p,K,y) .
Then the formula (5.7.50) yields two independent convex minimization problems Wh
= ^{~JlAa^(x,y)(E^
+ eyt,))(£^ + e\{v))dy\v e
+ mt{-±rJ\Da^(x,y)l(pha0 + e^(r,))(p^ + e ^ ) ) Y
+ ^rJ^ixM^dy.
The existence of minimizer for functionals of the type occurring on the r.h.s. of (5.7.52) follows from the properties of the elastic moduli A, D, and H, and the fact that ev(v) is a linear strain measure. Let (v, TJ, U>) 6 Wper{Y) be a minimizer of the minimized functional in (5.7.52). Obviously it is determined uniquely. The minimization problem (5.7.52) can also be solved in a larger space Wper(Y). Then us is unique up to a constant while v and 77 are unique up to constant vectors. It is worth noting that for prescribed Eh, p h , nh, and fh, the local minimization problems on the r.h.s. of (5.7.52) are similar to the case of linear plates. The nonlinearity of the strain measure has been included in Eh. We can write W,, ( x , E \ / A « \ 7 h ) = M{±-J\A<*»{x,y){Ek + e%{v)){El + e»»)A/|t, 6 Y
+ ^n^lJ\D^(x,y)[(phal3 Y
+ eya0(v))(Pl + elli(r,))
Elastic plates
282 x (Px, - < + e^t?) - K%[o>))]dy\(w, r,) 6 H^(Y)
^-J\Hali{xMlh0dy Y
= w\I{^AaP^Xty){Eha0+e^(5)){£^+e^(5)) y
+ \D°^(X, h
+ l4(p
y)[(pha0 + ei,(fi))(pl + e^ifj))
~ <0 +
~ <, + eWv) - *%&))]
+ ^(x.y^ldy.
We pass to a brief discussion of the properties of the effective elastic stored energy function Wh. The homogenized coefficients A?, Df^, E^0X", F^0X" and //***", appearing in the expression for Wh are derived below. Properties of the elastic potential W^ (1)
+ \K^<,<
+ Ff^nl
+ \H?TM ,
where Ah, Dh, Eh, Fh and Hh are given by (5.7.67) - (5.7.71) below; moreover
"W = S W ' E°**M -
F°**(x\ -
^» = Ha0(x) -
+ hph-Kh\2
(3) h 2 Wh(x, Eh, p\ nh,7") >Mf (\E \ i f +i |p"|2 + l|p" - « f + | 7 Y) , i 2
for x € ft. To prove these properties we use (5.7.53) and (b). We observe that f tr [EKeV{v{y))}dy = 0, / tr ^^"(77(7/))]^ = 0 and /" tr [KhK»(w(y))]dy = 0, by v v y periodicity ofu, rj, and w. We recall that \ph - Kh\2 < 2{\ph\2 + \nh\2).
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates Local problems The minimization problem on the r.h.s. of (5.7.52) is equivalent to: y){Eha0 +
+ J Da0X»(x,y)(p*0 +
+ J'^D°^(x,y)(pha0
- Kha0 + el0(fj) -
- ^(r))dy
Consequently one has JAa^(x,y)(Eha0
+ el0{v))e%(u)dy = 0 V v 6 H^Yf ,
j ' D°^(x,y)(pha0
+ el0{rj))e%{
a0 -
- <, + e%(v)
UY) .
+ e a0(fj) - < /3 (i)]K^(r)dj / = 0, Vr G H^Y).
Due to the linearity of the local problem (5.7.55), the solution v has the following form va(y) = E^Tx^(y),
where y (oT) are Y- periodic functions. Substituting (5.7.58) into (5.7.55) we obtain JA**(X,
y)(El + EMaT))yag(v)dy
= 0 , V v € H^r(Y)2 .
After simple calculations the last relation transforms to EharJAa^{x,
y)(&xJ,r + e^ix^M^dy
= 0,
V v € H^(Y)2.
Now we can formulate the local problems. Problem P^. Find *
y ) ( ^ V + el(x^T)))el0(u)dy
= 0 , W e H^(Y)2.
Elastic plates
On account of the linearity of the local problems (5.7.56), (5.7.57) we can express rj and u in the following form Va = pl*£T) + K^SJT' , w = p5Ttf(<7T> 4- K^.e^T) ,
(5.7.61) (5.7.62)
where * ( " T) , 3(CTT), e
+ eX„(*<">)
^ < ( e M ) ] e * > « d » = 0,
Jiy*>»{x,y)[6oX6Tll + e^(*(->) - ^(*M)]^(T)dy y Y
+ KlJD"^[-5aX5Ttl + e l ^ ) Y
- ^U^aT))Wa0{r)dy h
= 0, V r e ^ ( r ) .
Since the matrices p and K are arbitrary, we have to solve the following independent local problems resulting from (5.7.63) and (5.7.64), respectively. Problem f*.. Find * (ffT) e H^r(Y)2 andtf
+ e^(*<">)) - ^<,(¥<">)]<,(0)d» = 0 Vtf> € ^ . . ( Y ) 2 ,
JD<#*»(x,y)[6aJTr + e^(#(CTT)) - «^(*M)]«^(r)di, = 0 Vr G tf^Y) . y
Problem /*,.. Find 2 (<7T) € H^ r (y) 2 and 9 ^ ' £ tfjLr(^) such that 85
Da0X"(x,)[^(3("A)) - - o u ^ + wewWrtWdv
= o v <>/ e /^ r (Y) 2 ,
y)[-SaX8^ - ^ ( 9 ( - ) ) + e^(H(-))]^(r)dy = 0 VT G
Observe that the local problems Pf^ (i = 1,2,3) are equivalent to the convex minimization problem appearing in (5.7.53).
Moderately thick transversely symmetric plates
Effective moduli The density of the stored energy function of the effective plate can be expressed in an alternative form. By virtue of (5.7.53) we have Wh (x,Eh,ph,Kh,yh)
= ^ y { ^ ^ ( T , 2 / ) ( E ^ + e ^ ( 5 ) ) ( ^ + e^(5)) Y
+ \D°^(x,y)[{p
+ el0(fj)MM + el®))
+ ~(Phap ~
~ < . + eUv) ~ ^ ( 3 ) ) ]
+ \Ha0(x,y)^}dy.
Taking into account (5.7.55) - (5.7.57) and setting v = v, u = w and
= ^j{\Aa^{x,y){Eha0
+ eha0{v))El
+ \D°^{x,y)[{p -
+ el0(?i))pl + l ( p £ ,
>& + e%(?}) - K10(Z))(PI
- < ) ] + \Ha0(x,y)^}dy
Using local problems (PLJ, (PLj' ^ d (piic) w e o b t ai n m e following formulae for the homogenized coefficients A 0X,1{x)
d Wh
n»*fT\ _ h
= dEjjk
(5 7 67)
- _L I'Da0aT(x v)\ — (5 i(5 + e v (*(ffT)))
~ dP aBdp Xu " \y\J
^y)l84(<wr„ + e v i *
K {x)=
aSt= ^■aff^^Xii
+K^(* ( B T ) )]d».
( 5 - 7 - 70 )
Elastic plates
Hence the homogenized potential can be written in the form Wh (x, E\p\K\
V) = \A?X"(x)Eho0El + \Df*(x)p*0pl
+ \E?*(x)K^Kl + F**(x)&Kl
+ \H?(x)T>rt.
Note that the homogenized coefficients Hff(x) are calculated as the mean value of Ha0(x, y) with respect to the microscopic variable y. Homogenized constitutive equations In view of (5.7.72), the effective (homogenized) constitutive relationships are given by
Nf = Afx»(x)El , Sf
= Df*»(x)pl + F^(X)KI a
M f = E h^(x)Kl
FZ »(x)pl,
Q°h = H?(x)-$ . On account of the presence of elastic moduli F£0X,i, Eqs. (5.7.73)2 and (5.7.73)3 are cou pled, in contrast to the primal Eqs. (5.7.38) and (5.7.36)3. Remark 5.7.5. Deleting the nonlinear term in the strain measure E(u, w) we recover the linear homogenized model derived in Sec. 5.2. As we already know from Remark 5.7.4, for
Sandwich plates with soft core
6. 6.1.
Sandwich plates with soft core Hoff's theory
The subject of consideration is an elastic sandwich plate of constant thickness 2/i, com posed of a core layer of thickness 2c and two external layers (face-plates) of thickness d, see Fig. 6.1.1.
Fig. 6.1.1. Sandwich plate The plate is symmetric with respect to its middle plane n(x 3 = z = 0). The face-plates are assumed to be made of the same linearly elastic material of moduli Cj?fc' satisfying (2.4.1). The core is assumed to be made of a soft material with moduli:
Cf^ = 0, Cf33 = 0 , Cf33 = Cf^ = 0 , Cf33 = Mc<5a" ,
1* - » \
^ "l
W{(X.Z) = !/,(*) +J[Z) (p,W -g(z) H>,,(x)
dll dll c
V ^
Cf33 = Ec.
f., f-
Fig. 6.1.2. Kinematic assumption
dll dll
Elastic plates
Simplifications (6.1.1) can be justified if the only role of the core is to keep a constant distance between the face-plates. Typical cores are made from aluminium honeycombs manufactured by sticking thin aluminium sheets and then stretched. Such a honeycomb has negligible in-plane stiffnesses: it can be easily squeezed in hands. However, its transverse shearing and normal stiffnesses cannot be neglected. The hexagonal geometry justifies the equalities: Cj 3 1 3 = Cf2\ Cc1323 = 0. Assume that the upper and lower faces z = ±/i are subjected to transverse loadings p*. We shall confine our considerations to the case when the plate is clamped on the lateral surface T u = Tu x (—h, h), where T u is a part of T = dfi; T \ r u = Fa. The lateral surface Y„ = Ta x (—h, h) is subject to tractions T \ They are assumed in the form 'PZ(s) + {z + b)r-(s) a
T (s,z)
= <0
p+(s)+(2-6)r+(s) ,
zeh uh ,
t3{s) ,
1*(a,z) =
z€ 12
where d
b = c+-
h = c+ d ,
h = [-c - d, -c] ,
I2 = [-c, c] ,
I3 = [c, c + d]
Let us define the following stress resultants on Ta
ffa = d(pi+p-),
Q = 2(dt3 + ct3),
Ma = ^(r+ + r~) ,
M° = dbfa - p~) , (6.1.4)
g =g+ Nn = Nana
Mr = M ra
NT = Nara ,
Mn = M na
M „ = M na ,
MT = M r0 ,
where n , T are versors normal and tangent to T respectively, see Fig. 6.1.1. The theory of Hoff is based on the following displacement assumptions, see Fig. 6.1.2 wa(x, z) = ua{x) + f(z)tpa(x)
- g{z)wia(x)
w3(x, z) = w(x) ,
f(z) =
ze h
Sandwich plates with soft core
z + b, d = ' - —z, Ic ■z-b,
z6 h zeh
The functions ua describe in-plane displacements of the middle plane,
{0 °a\x,z)
ze h ;
=I ' °\ " [2ncea3{w)
' zel.
+ Cf33e33(w) ,
f Cf^e^w)
(6.1.6) z 6 /, U I3
\ Ec e^iw),
with Cf defined according to the rule (2.7.6). The strains associated with (6.1.5) are eal3(w) = ea0 + f{z)pa0 + g{z)ka0 , (0, eo3(«0 = { b -7Q, y c
z e /, U 73 ze
e33(w) = 0 , where iap = ea0{u),
-ya{f,w) = wta + <pa ,
ka0 = Ka0(w) .
Note that: (i) displacements wa given by (6.1.5) are continuous along the thickness, in particular - at points z = ±c, (ii) the faces do not undergo transverse shearing, cf. (6.1.7). The same kinematic assumptions are imposed on the trial displacement field v = v = (ii) involved in the variational equation of equilibrium (2.1.5). By using assumptions (6.1.5), (6.1.7) and integrating over z one finds the variational equilibrium equation for
Elastic plates
the theory of Hoff f[Na0eaP{v)
+ Ma0KaP(v)
+ M Q "e Q < 3 (V) + QQla{rl>,v)}dx
pvdx + / {Nnvn + NTvT + Qv- Mn~
4- Mnt/>„ + M T ^ T )ds ,
that holds for all (v, v, xp) kinematically admissible; vn = vana, vT = vaTa, ipn = i p a n a , ifrr = ipc,Ta. The stress and couple resultants are defined as follows c+d Na0
c+d a0
[ a dz,
(6.1.10) c
f g(z)aa0dz,
Qa =
Substitution of (6.1.6) into (6.1.10) yields Ncp =
Ma0 = D a 0 x » p ^ , (6.1.11)
2dC^ A " , D°^A" = 2db2Cfx" , w3 9 (6.1.12) D ? * = 2•%-C?* , HaX = -b2fic5aX . ' 12 J c Thus the constitutive relations (6.1.11) are decoupled. D represents the resulting bending stiffness tensor of the whole plate, while Df stands for the bending stiffness tensor of the face-plates. Note that D«0^/Da0X» = 1 (A (6 ! 13) A<*0\» =
and for sandwich plates of thin face-plates Df*
« D*0*.
Substitution of relations (6.1.11) into (6.1.9) leads to the variational form of the equilib rium problem for the plate problem studied. It involves a symmetric and coercive bilinear form. By using the Lax-Milgram theorem one can easily prove that the boundary value problem obtained in this way is well-posed. Note that this problem splits up into the mem brane problem for u and bending problem for ((p, w). In the sequel only this latter problem will be discussed.
Sandwich plates with soft core
6.2. Effective stiffnesses in the periodic case Stiffnesses A, Df, D, and H of Hoff's sandwich plates depend on: the thicknesses of face-plates d, the thickness of the core 2c, the elastic moduli of faces for the plane-stress case {Ca0x>1) and transverse shear modulus of the core (ic. These quantities, in particular some of them, can vary periodically in xQ directions. For instance, this is the case if the core is made of aluminium honeycombs, as commonly used in airspace technology. Tofindeffective stiffnesses of Hoff's plate with periodic characteristics one can apply: (i) the in-plane scaling homogenization, (ii) the refined scaling method. Let us focus our attention on the method (i). We proceed as in Sec. 5.2 and consider only the bending problem. After introducing the parameter £ as in Sec. 5.2 one considers the ey-periodic problem for a clamped plate find {>p€,we) e V°{Q) = Hl(Q)2 x #02(fi) such that J[Ma0Ka0(v*) (P^o•!!>
+ Mfea0W)
+ Q?(v% + rlffldx (6.2.1)
n = / pvedx n
V(f,v )6W
Here we assume that p is independent of e; moreover,
Mf = DfA" (^) KXM) (6.2.2)
The functions Df(-), D(-) and H(-) are V-periodic; Y = (0, h) x (0, l2). The deflection function xif is represented in the form (3.2.4)2 and the function
< = ^(« (0) ) ,
Pi = e^(v(0)1
^ =^
0 )
The local strains e\ (•), «"„(•) have been defined in Sec. 2.8. The effective stress and couple resultants are defined by Mh = (Mo),
Mh = ( M 0 ) ,
Qh = (Q0)
Elastic plates
Similarly to Sees. 3 and 5 one proves that wW{x)
= X(A„)
g ) ^(s) ^
v (l, ( l ) = T ( M
(^ ^(I)
(6 . 2 . 6)
up to additive functions in x. The functions X(AM) are solutions to the local problem (P£ s Y) °f Sec- 3.2 in which stiffnesses D " ^ should be replaced with D°0X". The functions T(A/J' are solutions to local problems (PlHy) of Sec. 5.2 with stiffnesses DQ/,A" given by (6.1.5)2. Thus the formulae (6.2.3) can be written in the form
Mf = [0f* Q + Z)f* (^) ^(x(^)lv=x/£]«l Mf
= [ D
^ (£)
+ D«W
QS = H<* g ) 7$ After averaging and using (6.2.5) one finds = vfx"Kl,
M f = DfA"p^,
where = (DftX%),
X% = 6ft + qs(xl*));
f " = (Df^Z*f),
Z* = 6$6$ + e^(T< '>); a0
fif = (H ). Note that the main terms determining the strain measures K and p are
(6.2.10) (6.2.11)
The effective elastic potential W*/ = ^ f
< J + M f / ^ , + Qfr*)
can be written in the form WHf = l-£a0 Dfx» °KX, + Pa* Da^
PX,) + l^iH^H
Usual symmetry conditions of tensors (6.2.9) - (6.2.11) and positive definiteness of poten tial WH/ can be proved in a standard way, similarly to Sec. 2.8. The homogenized plate is still a Hoff's plate, the homogenized problem being formulated as follows find {(p(°\wW) e V£(n) such that "A
J[MfKa0(v) + Mfea0W) + Q°hla(v,i>))dX n
= Jpvdx
n where Mh, M h , Qh are given by (6.2.8), (6.2.4).
Sandwich plates with soft core
If one applies the method (ii) with scaling all dimensions of the periodicity cell: h, / 2 , c, d one imposes in this way Kirchhoff's constraints: tp = - Vw on the homogenized solution. The homogenized plate becomes a thin plate with effective stiffnesses determined by a solution to a local problem. This local problem has the mathematical form of the Hoff's problem. Thus the refined scaling method transmits mathematical structure of the original problem to the local level and simplifies the homogenized problem to Kirchhoff's form thus suppressing transverse deformations at the macroscale. 6.3.
Reissner's approximation and relevant homogenization formulae
If thicknesses of the face-plates are much smaller than the whole plate thickness, then stiffnesses jyf^ can be neglected in comparison with D00^, cf. (6.1.14). Consequently the external moments Ma cannot be applied. Such model of sandwich plates has been proposed by E. Reissner. Then the variational equilibrium equation (6.1.9) is reduced to the form J[N^ea0{v) n = jpvdx n
+ Ma0ea0(iP)
+ Q"7o(V»,w)]dx
+ I (Nnvn + NTvT + Qv+ M n ^ n + M.Ti>T)ds ,
the constitutive relations (6.1.11) being unchanged. Thus the Reissner model for sandwich plates coincides with the Reissner-Hencky model of transversely homogeneous plates. On ly the stiffnesses involved there have different meaning. Due to this analogy we do not have to derive the formulae for homogenized stiffnesses, they look the same as those that follow from the in-plane scaling (Sec. 5.2) or a refined scaling (Sec. 5.4).
Elastic plates
7. Comments and bibliographical notes One can indicate two methods of formulation of the two-dimensional equations of homo geneous plates of constant thickness: a) the unknown displacement, strain or stress fields are expanded into series (in particular, into power series) with respect to the £3 variable. In the most popular approaches the linear expansions of displacement fields are assumed; b) the ratio of the plate thickness to the in-plane dimensions of the plate is considered as a small parameter e. The plate domain is then transformed to a domain of dimensions in dependent of e and all the variables involved are scaled appropriately. By an asymptotic procedure one finds limits of the e-dependent displacements and stressfieldsas e tends to zero. Let us repeat after the review paper by Jemielita (1991) that the origin of the method (a) can be found in the papers by Cauchy (1828) and Poisson (1829). To arrive at the twodimensional plate equations one should use appropriate variational techniques, cf. Reissner (1985). The method (b) was proposed by Friedrichs and Dressier (1961) and by Goldenveizer (1962) and Goldenveizer and Kolos (1965). This method assumed its rigorous formulation in the paper by Ciarlet and Destuynder (1979) and was further developed in the books by Ciarlet (1997) and Destuynder (1986). In the first order approximation the method (b) provides a justification of the thin plate equations, along with its boundary conditions. These boundary conditions were first de rived by Kirchhoff (1850). The methods of (a) type lead usually to the thin plate equations, if one neglects the transverse shear and transverse normal deformations. This might not necessary be the rule. Let us recall that Vekua (1982) found a formula for the bending stiff ness of thin isotropic plates which differs from that commonly accepted! Thus one should be careful, since not all thin plate models derived by the method (a) must comply with the model of Kirchhoff. This is the merit of the method (b) which proves that the Kirchhoff model must inevitably emerge. Moreover, Miara (1994) proved that only one scaling exists (up to a multiplicative power of e) which leads to a thin plate model. Other scalings result in a rigid plate or lead to a plate of vanishing stiffnesses, see Ciarlet (1997, Sec. 1.10). The other disadvantages of the method (a) is disregarding of the boundary layer phenom ena. Just in the boundary layers the errors of the thin plate models go to extremes. Recently Dauge and Gruais (1996, 1998a, 1998b) found the estimates of the error of the asymptotic method with taking into account the terms describing the boundary layer deformations, cf. Ciarlet (1997, Sec. 1.12). The asymptotic method can be applied to the nonlinearly elastic plate models. Appro priate plate models are derived in Chapter 4 of the book by Ciarlet (1997). The von Karman plate model requires caution. The von Karman equations can be derived by imposing appropriate constraints on displacements, cf. Fung (1965) and Landau and Lifschitz (1967), but some simplifications are difficult to justify. Let us recall that in the original paper of von Karman these equations were not derived, but postulated, see Ciarlet
Comments and bibliographical notes
(1997). One of the advantages of the asymptotic method is that the von Karman equations can be rigorously derived, as shown in the last chapter of the book of Ciarlet (1997); cf. also Blanchard and Xiang (1992), Ciarlet and Rabier (1980), and Slawianowska and Telega (1999). The problem of rigorous derivation of two-dimensional models of plates with strong inhomogeneities, in particular, of periodically varying elastic characteristics, is not so well analyzed as for homogeneous plates. In this problem two simultaneous modelling proce dures must be applied. The reduction of the transverse dimension must be indissolubly bonded with smearing out the nonhomogeneities in the longitudinal directions. The method of averaging stiffnesses of periodic plates described in Sees. 2.2, 2.3 and 2.10.4 was proposed by Caillerie (1982,1984,1987) - there it is called the e « e model and by Kohn and Vogelius (1984,1985,1986a) - model a = 1. The paper of Caillerie was concerned with plates of constant thickness. The papers of Kohn and Vogelius dealt with the case of plates of varying thickness. From this point of view the papers of Caillerie and Kohn and Vogelius are complementary. However, the methods used in these papers differ considerably. The common feature of models e «s e and a = 1 is that the local problems are posed on a three-dimensional cell of periodicity. Solutions to these local problems determine the effective stiffnesses of the effective plate which is viewed as thin. Thus the homogenized equilibrium problem assumes the form known from the Kirchhoff theory of anisotropic thin plates. It turns out that the effective stiffnesses determined in this manner are just proper effec tive stiffnesses. They cannot be corrected. Other formulae, whether derived in this book or reported in other papers, can only be better or worse approximations of them, see Lewinski (1986a, 1991a - 1991 d). The justifications given in Sec. 2.10 seem to be original and di fferent from those available in the literature. Also, we considered dual problems. They are confined to plates of constant thickness. It may be conjectured that r-convergence theorems formulated and proved in Sec. 2.10 can be extended to plates with variable thickness. A possibility which comes to mind is similar to the one used in the proof of Theorem 3.12.1. In this case it would mean that a plate of constant thickness is constructed by appending to the original plate a soft material. An alternative justification of the asymptotic analysis of thin isotropic, homogeneous plates with constant thickness was devised by Bourguin et al. (1992). By analogy with the asymptotic analysis Anzellotti et al. (1994) developed the T-convergence method for functionals with varying domains. The general approach was then applied to the justification of well known rod and plate models made of an isotropic linear elastic and homogeneous material. Bouchitte et al. (1997b) proposed a general and rather abstract approach to modelling structures, which consists in describing the initial, say 3D structure by means of a measure. The low dimensional elastic model is obtained by a suitable relaxation of the original functional. The examples given are confined to linear isotropic strings and membranes. A numerical algorithm of solving the three-dimensional local problems of Sec. 2.3 has recently been reported in Lefik (1995), Urbariski (1998) and Bourgeois et al. (1997). More-
Elastic plates
over, in this last paper a careful discussion of the accuracy of the homogenization methods discussed in Sees. 2, 3 and 5 has led the authors to the conclusion that for a wide class of sandwich periodic plates the two-dimensional formulae of Sees. 2.7, 2.9, 5.2 and 5.3 yield reasonable results and hence the complicated method of Sec. 2.3 can be omitted. The authors confirm the observation of Lewiriski (1992) that the formula for Dj^12 of Duvaut and Metellus can drastically overestimate the correct value of this stiffness, see Table 3, case 6 of the quoted paper. In the derivation of Sec. 2.2 the initial plate problem is reformulated to a form in which the unknown displacement fields are functions of two independent variables: x e fi and y G y. Such a formulation simplifies the averaging process, see Lewiriski (1991a). This approach has much in common with the concept of Nguetseng (1989), developed by Allaire (1992), of the two-scale convergence. In the case of some specific shapes of the basic periodicity cell the formulae of Sec. 2.3 can be approximated by analytical methods. If the cell has the shape of a thin plate, then the Kirchhoff-type modelling can be applied, where some results of the paper by Lewiriski (1991c, Sec. 2) are reported, see Sec. 2.8. A weaker assumption of the cell being moderately thick justifies the Hencky-type modelling, cf. Sec. 2.7 and Lewiriski (1991c, Sec. 5). In the case of cells composed of thin-walled plates and slabs Kalamkarov (1992) derived closed analytical formulae, convenient for further analysis and optimization, cf. Kolpakov (1997). Effective stiffnesses of reinforced plates are the subject of the paper by Destuynder and Theodory (1986). In this paper the homogenization process precedes the reduction of the transverse dimension. The first results on homogenization of reinforced plates are due to Artola and Duvaut (1977, 1978), cf. also Loboda (1981). The modelling of Sec. 2.10.2 has been originally proposed by Caillerie (1984). It leads to the homogenization results of Duvaut and Metellus (1976) and Duvaut (1976). They are rederived in Sec. 3.2 by the direct homogenization of the Kirchhoff plate equations. The formulae of Duvaut apply to the case when the basic cell has a shape of a thin plate, cf. also Lewiriski (1986a). The opposite case of the cells being transversely slender is considered in Sees. 2.9 and 2.10.3, the latter derivation being similar to that of Caillerie (1984). In all cases the reference plane of the plate is assumed to lie within the plate body. If the plate is wrinkled such that the middle surface is a wavy surface of reference, then different homogenization technique should be applied, see Aganovid et al. (1996), Aganovid et al. (1998). This problem is not considered in the book. A generalization of the analysis of Kohn and Vogelius (1984, 1985, 1986a) to the case of thin plates undergoing moderately large deflections can be found in Quintela-Estevez (1989) and Alvarez-Vazquez and Quintela-Estevez (1992), cf. also Pruchnicki (1998). Direct homogenization of transversely symmetric periodic plates in bending or stretching was first performed by Duvaut and Metellus (1976) and Duvaut (1976). In the case of plates with circular openings or inclusions these results lead to the formulae for effective stiffnesses derived by Grigoliuk and Filshtinskii (1970) by means of the complex potentials method. Since the date of publishing the papers of Caillerie (1982, 1984, 1987) and Kohn
Comments and bibliographical notes
and Vogelius (1984, 1985, 1986a) the homogenized model of Duvaut and Metellus has become a part of a more general asymptotic modelling, see Sees. 2.8 and 2.10.2, cf. also Panasenko and Reztsov (1987) and Reztsov (1990). In Sec. 3.4 the variational form of the equations defining effective stiffnesses is de rived. The compatibility equations that enter these formulae concern arbitrary domains, even multiconnected. The compatibility equations of such form are due to Moreau (1976). The results on correctors, reported in Theorems 3.5.1 and 3.5.3 are original. In the case of one-dimensional periodicity the homogenization formulae of Duvaut and Metellus assume closed forms, see Duvaut (1976), where the isotropic case was considered, and Lewiriski and Telega (1988a, Sec. 5) for the general case. In 1986 Francfort and Murat proved that these formulae can be put in a specific invariant form (Sec. 3.8.1). The derivation of Francfort and Murat (1986) concerned the elasticity problem. The counterpart of this fonnula for thin plates in bending was derived by Lipton (1994a). Another invariant formula for one-dimensional periodicity case was found by Lurie, Cherkaev and Fedorov (1984), see also Lurie and Cherkaev (1986). This formula has been derived in Sec. 3.8.3. The formulae (3.9.38) have been discovered by Norris (1989) for X = A. The concept of non-uniform homogenization recalled in Sec. 3.10 (concerning plates periodic with respect to a curvilinear parametrization) has been introduced in Bensoussan et al. (1978), cf. also Braides (1983). The analysis of Sec. 3.11 concerning plates with quadratic inclusions is due to Olszewski (1990). This analysis is similar to that of Bourgat (1978) and Bourgat and Dervieux (1978) concerning the heat conduction problem. The T-convergence approach, presented in Sec. 3.12, to the study of periodically per forated Kirchhoff plates is new. Duvaut (1997b) solved the same problem by using the energy method (//-convergence). To use the last method it is necessary to formulate ap propriate extension theorems for functions defined on H£ to functions defined on il, cf. also Sees. 8-10, 11.5 and 11.7. The proof of Theorem 3.12.1 also furnishes the homogeniza tion formula for a Kirchhoff plate with soft inclusions. The problem of homogenization of three-dimensional elastic solids weakened with periodically distributed voids was exam ined by Lene (1978, 1984) and Oleinik et al. (1992). Homogenization problems in the case of perforated domains were studied by many authors, cf. Acerbi et al. (1992), Allaire and Murat (1993), Attouch (1984), Cioranescu and Saint Jean Paulin (1979), Jikovet al. (1994), Oleinik et al. (1992) and the references cited therein. The first two papers just mentioned, though dealing only with second order problems, are of special interest from the point of view of regularity of perforated domains. Particularly, Allaire and Murat (1993) studied the n-dimensional problem and assumed that the holes may meet the boundary, contrary to the paper by Cioranescu and Saint Jean Paulin (1979). Acerbi et al. (1992) considered also the n-dimensional problem and assumed that i¥ = fi fl Ec, where Ee = eE and E is an arbitrary periodic open subset of R" with Lipschitz boundary. The extension result was proved under the only assumption that E is connected. It would be interesting to extend
Elastic plates
these weaker assumptions concerning the holes in the n-dimensional bodies to perforated plates. El Otmani et al. (1995) derived the effective plate model assuming as a starting point the dynamic equations of a thin perforated linear elastic body characterized by three small parameters: the thickness e, the period dimension e and the thickness of the material eS (in the plane of the plate). The body has the form of a thin perforated parallelepiped with a lattice structure, cf. Figs. 1 and 2 in the paper by El Otmani et al. (1995). The inertial d2ua& . forces were assumed in the form eT „ 1. , where u stands for the displacement vector at of the thin body. For r > 2, the time derivatives vanish in the limit when e tends to zero. Therefore special attention was devoted to the critical case r = 2, which preserves time derivatives. The asymptotic analysis was performed first when e —» 0, next when e —> 0 (homogenization) and finally when 5 -+ 0. The first passage to the limit yields dynamic equations of an anisotropic plate (the initial lattice structure was assumed to be made of an anisotropic material). To pass with 5 to zero the methods used primarily by Cioranescu and Saint Jean Paulin (1986, 1988) to the study of reinforced and honeycomb structures were exploited, cf. also Bakhvalov and Panasenko (1984, Chap. 8). Assuming that the material is isotropic it was shown that in the limit when 5 —> 0 the Poisson coefficient is negative. The same problem was also examined in the theses by Sac-Epee (1994) and El Otmani (1994). Sac-Ep6e (1994) investigated also the case r > 0 (the main results were summarized in the paper by El Otmani et al. (1995)). By using similar methods one can derive effective models for different initial geometry of thin lattice structures. The following problems seem to be left open: (i) derivation of the effective model which takes into account the rotational inertia term, i.e., a term proportional to Ati), where w stands for the transverse deflection of the plate and w = —-r-. According to Raoult (1985) such a at1 model can be derived by taking into account thefirstcorrector, (ii) The asymptotic analysis similar to the one carried out in Sec. 2. Specifically of interest would be the model obtained by simultaneous passage to zero with these three parameters. The results of Sec. 3.13 on homogenization of plates with rigid inclusions seem to be new. It is not difficult to perform homogenization of other models of plates with voids or rigid inclusions. The first paper on the homogenized properties of von Karman plates (or plates under going moderately large deflections) was written by Duvaut (1977a) by using the energy method (//-convergence). To apply this method it is necessary to assume, that the loading is "small" thus ensuring, for each E > 0, the existence of a unique solution. Our approach to homogenization of von Kdrmdn plates, presented in Sec. 4.2, exploits Theorem 1.3.28. Then it suffices to assume, that the loading functional is a continuous perturbation func tional. Dual approach to homogenization of von Karman plates remains an open problem. Since the primal problem is a nonconvex one, the dual formulation is nontrivial even in the standard case, cf. Telega (1989), Bielski and Telega (1996). Section 4.3 is based on the paper by Mignot et al. (1981), cf. also Mignot and Puel (1978), Mignot et al. (1980), Suquet (1981). The relevant results on bifurcation points for potential operators can be found
Comments and bibliographical notes
in the book by Krasnosel'skii (1964, Chap. VI). Various eigenvalue problems in elastici ty were discussed by Bends0e (1995), Oleinik (1987) and Oleinik et al. (1992), cf. also Santosa and Vogelius (1993). The plate model used in Sec. 5.1 is due to Hencky (1947). A direct homogenization of the Hencky plate has been first performed in Bourgeat and Tapiero (1983, 1985), cf. Tadlaoui and Tapi6ro (1988). In Sec. 5.2 this approach is called the in-plane scaling based homogenization. The refined scaling approach (Sec. 5.3) has been proposed by Lewiriski (1992) and justified by Telega (1992), cf. also Lewiriski (1997). In the case of ribbed plates (unidirectional periodicity) the three homogenization meth ods: of Bourgeat and Tapiero (1983), Duvaut and Metellus (1976) and Lewiriski (1992) give the same formulae for the stiffnesses of indices: 1111, 2222, 1122, see Eq. (5.6.16). The drastic difference between the predictions of the torsional stiffness D1212 by the methods of Duvaut and Metellus and Bourgeat and Tapidro was first noted in Lewiriski and Telega (1988a) and then discussed in Lewiriski (1991c, 1992). The refined formula (5.6.29) for the effective torsional stiffness was derived in Lewiriski (1992). The method of Sec. 5.3 is equivalent to the method of Sec. 2.7. This method can be used to find closed formulae for the effective stiffnesses of transversely asymmetric plates periodic in one direction, especially to plates with asymmetric ribs, see Lewiriski (1995). The Francfort and Murat (1986) formula for the layered media applies directly to as sessing the effective bending stiffnesses of moderately thick plates, see Eq. (5.6.40). The formula (5.6.42) for the effective transverse shear stiffness tensor of ribbed plates is similar to the formula of Tartar (1985) for the effective conductivity moduli of the layered media. Just this paper of Tartar had been an inspiration for Francfort and Murat for finding their formula for effective moduli of a layered elastic media. Section 5.7 concerns the problem of improving the Reissner-Hencky plate theory by imposing more accurate displacement assumptions. Sec. 5.7.1 is of preliminary character and recalls the stress-based modelling of Reissner (1944, 1945, 1950). The proof of the dual formulation or Castigliano's theorem reported in Sec. 5.7.1 can be found in Duvaut and Lions (1972) and Necas and Hlavacek (1981), cf. also Ekeland and Temam (1976). The definitions (5.7.13) of generalized displacements are due to Reissner (1945). The history of the displacement assumption (5.7.23) is described in the review paper of Jemielita (1991). Usually this assumption has been proposed in a form similar, but not identical to (5.7.23). According to Jemielita (1991) the assumption similar to (5.7.23) was first proposed by Vlasov (1957). It was then rediscovered by Kaczkowski (1968), Levinson (1980) and others. The choice of unknowns is crucial here. According to the Reissner (1945) definitions the fields (u, cp, w) are correct generalized displacements. Instead of this choice some authors use 8 instead of if, where 0 = aVio + hp, a, b being differently chosen. In 1987 Hutchinson showed that only the choice a = 0 and 6 = 1 leads to a correct approximation of the boundary conditions, which gave one more argument for the Reissner definitions (5.7.13) and the choice (u,
Elastic plates
5.7.2 after the papers of Lewinski (1986b, 1991c), see also Lewinski (1987). The problem of existence of solutions for the model presented in Sec. 5.7.2 was solved by Bielski and Telega (1996), cf. also Bielski and Telega (1998). Other, energy inconsis tent plate theories based on the Vlasov assumption are due to Vlasov (1957), Kaczkowski (1968) and Levinson (1980). They introduce improvements in comparison to the Hencky (1947) plate theory, see Rychter's (1987) proof based on the hypercircle method of Synge and Prager, cf. Synge (1957). The results of Sec. 5.7.3 concerning homogenization of nonlinear moderately thick plates are reported after Bielski and Telega (1997). The sandwich plates are the subject of the monographs of Plantema (1966) and Stamm and Witte (1974). A variational derivation of the Hoff theory can be found in Lewinski (1991e). Its simplified version is given in Sec. 6.1. The approximation considered in Sec. 6.3 follows the paper of Reissner (1947). Many problems are not comprised in Chapter II. In particular, we have not considered the aperiodic homogenization. Some qualitative results for plates are due to Damlamian and Vogelius (1985). Two-dimensional non-uniform homogenization for a large class of nonlinear problems was presented in Sec. 1.3.5. Moreover, the boundary layer phenomena lie outside the scope of the book. In the case of homogeneous plates they were the subject of the thesis by Pecastaings (1985), and the papers by Gregory and Wan (1984), Coutris and Monavon (1986), Li et al. (1997), Schwab and Wright (1995). In the last two papers hierarchic plate models were examined. The development of the h - p version of the finite element method allows one to generate a natural hierarchy of plate models based on polynomial approximations through the thickness, cf. Babuska and Li (1992), Schwab (1996). Let us also mention recent results related to error estimation and boundary layers in thin plates. Destuynder and Gruais (1995) considered the asymptotic expansion of the solu tion to variational problems in linear elasticity posed over a three-dimensional plate whose thickness e tends to zero. It was established that the unknown displacementfieldconverges with an estimated error of e 1/2 for the plane component and e 3/2 for the vertical compo nent. Dauge and Gruais (1996,1998b) developed higher order asymptotics and studied the boundary layer for an anisotropic and inhomogeneous plate made of a monoclinic mate rial and clamped along its lateral face, cf. also Dauge and Gruais (1998a), Dauge et al. (1998). Dauge et al. (1997a, 1997b) investigated the limit behavior and the boundary layers of three-dimensional displacements in isotropic and homogeneous plates as the thick ness tends to zero, in each of the eight main types of boundary conditions on their edges. Pruchnicki (1998) combined the formal asymptotic procedure with homogenization and the analysis of the boundary layer. This author considered geometrically nonlinear elastic isotropic composite plates with a periodic structure. Both constituents of the plate: steel and elastomer were assumed to obey a hyperelastic constitutive equation. Boundary layers in an elastic stratified material with a periodic structure were considered by Dumontet (1985a, 1985b, 1986) and Sanchez-Palencia (1987) and extended to piezo electric composites by Gambin and Galka (1995). Moreover, boundary layers in laminated
Comments and bibliographical notes
plates were investigated by Davet and Destuynder (1985, 1986) and Davet et al. (1985). The mixed periodic boundary conditions were considered by Constanda (1995). The effective stiffnesses of laminated plates composed of laminae having planes of ma terial symmetry parallel to one plane are given by Eqs. (2.11.4). These formulae can be derived directly by imposing Kirchhoff 's constraints on the distribution of displacements across the laminate thickness, cf. Christensen (1979). If some laminae are stiff and some are soft the thin plate model should not be used, since the transverse shear deformations cannot be neglected. More complicated laminate models, capable of including these effects are discussed in Noor and Burton (1989) and Matysiak and Nag6rko (1989), cf. also Kubik (1993). The perforated plates (see Sec. 3.12) become gridworks if the walls between open ings are thin. The equilibrium problem of such structures can be easily analyzed within the framework of skeletal structures, which makes the problem algebraic. If such struc tures are regular (or periodic) the algebraic equations of equilibrium assume the form of recurrent equations of constant coefficients, which enables one to find their explicit analyt ical solutions, see Bleich and Melan (1927) and Gutkowski (1973), and develop discrete analogues of the differential geometry methods, see Frackiewicz (1970). In the theory of skeletal structures the joints displace and rotate. Consequently, the continuum descriptions of dense regular gridworks involve rotations as independent variables, see Wozniak (1970) and the review paper by Noor (1988). Passing to zero with a characteristic distance between joints makes it possible to elim inate the rotational degrees of freedom and form an effective plate model, see (Lewinski, 1984b, Sec. 8). For a given structure this model is uniquely determined and the formu lae for effective moduli are similar to those found by Cioranescu and Saint Jean Paulin (1986) and Bakhvalov and Panasenko (1984), see also Shi and Tong (1995). On the oth er hand, the micropolar effective moduli of dense periodic gridworks cannot be uniquely determined, cf. Lewinski (1984a, 1984b), which restricts applications of this approach to some qualitative analyses. The asymptotic analysis of thermoelastic and piezoelastic plates and shells is also not covered by the book, cf. Blanchard and Francfort (1987), Rogacheva (1994), Taghite and Lanchon-Ducauquis (1993), Taghite et al. (1997) and the references cited therein. Kolpakov (1992) performed formal asymptotic homogenization of stationary equations of thermo-elasticity in a thin domain exhibiting a periodic structure.
Chapter HI
Introduction There are two ways of finding the elastic effective characteristics of cracked solids. The first concept is to assume periodic distribution of cracks and find the "exact" effective char acteristics. They are usually implicit or given by complicated formulae. To find approxi mate closed formulae one should apply special estimation techniques, like the translation method (Chap. VI). The first attempt to homogenize a cracked solid is due to SanchezPalencia (1980). In this approach the cracks are treated as unilateral cracks that open or close. Their unilateral behavior is modelled by the internal Signorini conditions on the crack faces. Sanchez-Palencia proved that the effective solid has non-linear hyperelastic properties. Then this work of Sanchez-Palencia has been justified by Attouch and Murat (1985). The homogenization approach decomposes the initial problem into the nonlinear problem for the solid with smeared-out cracks and the nonlinear problem posed on the pe riodicity cell. If the non-overlapping condition is neglected, both problems become linear and independent. The second approach in the theory of cracked solids has been initiated by Budiansky and O'Connell (1976) and then developed by Laws and Brockenbrough (1987). It refers to the self-consistent method of Hill (1963), cf. also Nemat-Nasser and Hori (1993). The result ing effective solid is a priori treated as isotropic. Its two effective constants are expressed by closed formulae, depending on the crack geometry. These formulae could probably be derived from the homogenization ones, but this passage is until now unknown. To assess the effective properties of cracked plates we apply the first method to various plate models. In Sec. 8 we consider all cracking modes admissible within the most popular model of Kirchhoff and perform the asymptotic homogenization. The effective plate turns out to be hyperelastic. More accurate analysis can be performed by using the Hencky plate theory. In Sec. 9 we consider three types of cracks due to bending, tension and shearing. In all cases the homogenization method leads to specific hyperelastic plate models with smeared-out cracks. Using Kirchhoff and Hencky models to assess deformation of plates with cracks can be critized, since the kinematic assumptions on which these models are based cease to apply in the vicinity of cracks. In Sec. 10 we construct a special twolayer plate model. Its kinematic assumption is suitable for describing the flexural cracks. The cracks introduce the membrane-bending coupling, because the presence of the crack introduces transverse asymmetry. Within this model the homogenization is performed and the effective hyperelastic potential is found.
Elastic plates with cracks
Different problems are treated in Sec. 11 devoted to assessing stiffness loss in the [0^/90°]s laminates, cracked in the 90° - layer. To treat this problem in a possibly accurate manner we start with forming a new laminate model capable of describing the transverse cracks in the internal layer. Then we assume that the cracks form a periodic layout and next perform homogenization. This method was used to assess the loss of the Young moduli, Poisson ratios and the Kirchhoff modulus of laminates with aligned cracks in the 90° layer. The final results turn out to be similar to the theoretical predictions of Hashin (1985) and McCartney (1992) and describe fairly well the experimental results available in the literature.
8. Unilateral cracks in thin plates Two dimesional plate models admit cracking modes corresponding to the kinematic as sumptions on which a given plate theory is based. We are interesting in cracking modes intrinsic to a given plate theory. If one concludes that admissible cracking modes are too simple to describe the phenomena observed it is suggested rather to change the plate model and consider a larger class of cracking modes, but still inherent in a given plate model. In this section we consider cracking modes admissible within Kirchhoff's plate modelling. Although the admissible cracking modes can be viewed as too simple to describe compli cated through - the thickness material phenomena of cracked plates, it seems reasonable to analyse all modelling possibilities of the simplest and most popular plate model. 8.1. Cracking modes Consider a thin transversely symmetric elastic plate weakened by a crack whose projec tion on the middle plane fi forms an arc F. The crack is understood here as a certain discontinuity line, which will be explained later. Kirchhoff's theory admits the following sets of kinematically admissible deflection for the case of a clamped plate with a unilateral crack Kl = {ve i/,2(n\F) [v] < 0 o n F } , K2 = {v e Hf{n\F) [v] < 0 , 3
K = {ve H*{n\F) [v]=Q, K* = {ve 5
K = {ve
[dv/dn] = 0 on F} , [dv/dn] < 0 on F} ,
Hf(n\F) [dv/dn] < 0 on F} , ff?(fi\F) M < 0 ,
[dv/dn] < 0 on F} ,
where H?(n\F) = {»€ H2(Q\F) I v = 0 and dv/dn = 0 on T = dQ. in the sense of traces} ,
and n represents a vector normal to F and T. It is assumed that F is closed as a set, F = F, and of class C 1 .
Unilateral cracks in thin plates
Because of a linear distribution of stresses <jais across the plate thickness a cracking due to bending precedes a transverse shearing cracking that can result in a discontinuity of deflection. From this point of view the cracking mode (3) (set K3) is a primal one. Assume that the plate is subject to transverse loading q. Then the virtual work of the external loading is represented by the linear continuous form
f{v) = I qvdx = [qvdx , n\F
v £ tf,2(fi\F) .
We assume that q e L (fi). Let us define the bilinear form f Da0x»Ka0(w)KXll(v)dx
where D = (Da0X,i) represents the bending stiffness tensor which may depend on x e fi\F and satisfies the usual conditions; Ka0{v) = -i>,Q/3. The variational formulation of the equilibrium problem of a fissured (cracked) plate reads:
find w e K° such that ap(w, v — w) > f(v — w)
V v G K3' .
The bilinear form a/.(-,•) is coercive on Hf(Q\F) and K1 is convex and closed in this space, hence each of problems {Pj){j = 1,2,... ,5) is uniquely solvable. In fact the coerciveness can readily be proved by dividing Q into two subdomains, say £~2L and Q2, along F. Denote by T. the line separating those subdomains. On E \ F both v and dv/dn are continuous. We may write aF{v,v)
f fiiufiiLKEU')
> co(IMI?p (ni) + I M I H W = C o l M l k w f ) • where co is a positive constant and v is an arbitrary function from 8.2.
(8- 1 - 6 )
Periodic layout of cracks. Homogenization
Suppose that the plate is weakened by microcracks forming an eV-periodic layout; Y = (0, /i) x (0, £2)- Here e > 0 is a small parameter. All cracks are of the same unilateral mode. Every small rectangle eY, homothetic to the so-called basic cell Y, is damaged by a microcrack eF. Thus Y is weakened by F, cf. Fig. 8.2.1. Note that F may be a sum of disjoint cracks yet F is a closed set and F C Y. Moreover YF = Y\F is assumed to be connected. The local fields defined on Y F belong to the space:
= {ve
dv H\YF) v and -— are V-periodic} dya
Elastic plates with cracks
Microdeflections defined on YF will belong to the sets K]YF, being counterparts of the sets K> with the space Hf(fi.\F) replaced by HleT{YF) and normal n - with normal N, see Fig. 8.2.1. For instance we have K3YF = {« e H^(YF)
|M = 0,
< 0 on F }
The remaining sets KyF are defined similarly. Let Fc denote the sum of all microcracks eF and fiE = Q\Fe. Depending on the type of the cracking mode the deflection wc will be sought in the sets K{\ these sets are formed similarly as the sets K*, (8.1.1), by replacing F with Fc. In the same manner the bilinear form a€ is defined - on putting F £ instead of F in (8.1.4).
Fig. 8.2.1. Plate with cracks of periodic layout. Geometry of the rescaled cell of periodicity The problem for we reads:
find wc € K\ such that ae(w€, v-wc)>
f(v -wc)
V v G K{ .
Due to coerciveness of the bilinear form o c the function wc is unique. The coerciveness is proved in the next subsection. Homogenization means a passage to zero with the parameter e. Similar to Sec. 3 we postulate the formal two-scale expansion w€{x) = w{0)(x) + e2x(x, y) + e3wi3){x, y) + ...,
y = x/e ,
Unilateral cracks in thin plates
where functions x, u> are defined on fi x YF. We assume that x(z, ) £ KYF and w(0) € Hl(Q). A trialfieldv is assumed in a similar form v{x) = v{0){x) + e2v{2)(x,y) + e3vw{x,y) + ..., y = x/e,
where v<°> £ W02(fi),i;W(i,.) e ^ F . Substituting (8.2.3), (8.2.4) into (8.2.2) and next passing to zero with e we obtain a(w<°\ „<°> -
+ [Da0x»Ka0(wM)(K^(vV>
+ JDa^(Kl0(X))YF^(v{O)
- ui0))dx
+ JD°^{Kl0(xWXli(vW n
- X))y,dx > Jq(v™ - w^)dx , n
where (•),,,. = {Uk)'1 / (-)dy; moreover
a(v,w) = n
Taking in (8.2.5) v(2) = x and knowing that ±(v(0) - w(0)) 6 H$(S1) we arrive at the variational equation
+ «^(X))V,«AM(" ( 0 ) - f(0))
(8.2, 6)
where KJ^ = K,a/3(u;(0)). This equation implies KfaP + q = 0,
M^ = ( K V
K* = ^ A K(X) + <] •
Combining (8.2.5) with (8.2.6) we get
y V ^ O '
' - X))YFdx + JD°^(K10(XK,(V{2)
- x))YFdx > 0
V v(2) £ ffj,F .
Let u £ KYF and u(2) = x +
Elastic plates with cracks
variational inequality (8.2.9) becomes f ip{Mf K%{U - x))YFdx > 0 Vu€KYF /•
Thus we arrive at the local problem posed on the basic cell: find x(x, •) G K3YF such that (**Y)
provided that u><0' is given. Here
d{u,v) = U{v) =
{D^^{u)K%{v))YF, -{ir^K^iv))^,
foru,t; e H2(YF);j indicates that K ^ depends on w(0) relevant to the j-th cracking mode. The bilinear form d is obviously coercive on the space H2{Y F)\V\y where V\ is the space of polynomials of the first order. Hence we conclude that the homogenized constitutive equation Mf
= < / ? Q ^ « + *1(X)))YF ,
is well defined. In this manner we eventually arrive at the nonlinear bending problem of the homoge nized plate:
find w'0' € HQ(Q) such that equilibrium equation (8.2.7) is satisfied and macroscopic moments M% are determined by (8.2.13) provided that x is a solution of the local problem {PY) .
It can easily be shown that problem (PY) is equivalent to a convex minimization problem over KYF while the homogenized (effective) elastic potential is given by, cf. also Sees 9-11
w(Kh) = I<£<"*"[«*, + Kya0(x))K + <M)YF
We recall that x depends on K \ The elastic potential W has the following properties: (i) W is of class C1, positive and strictly convex (ii) dW M fO0 H = QJT ■ (8.2.15) (iii) W[nh) is positively homogeneous of order 2 W(A«h) = \2W(Kh) ,
A e R+ .
Now this dependence is in general nonlinear, because KYF ^
Unilateral cracks in thin plates
(iv) W and its gradients M/, satisfy
(v) There exist positive constants cQ such that Cl|/cY < W(KH) < C2\Kh\2 . (vi) There exists a positive constant c such that [M^Ki)
- M h (/e 2 )| < C|K, - « 2 | ,
(vii) The operator Mh = M h (»« h ) is strictly monotone (AfjfK]) - M ft (K 2 )) : (/Ci - K 2 ) > 0 for K] 7^ K2 . Moreover one can easily prove Theorem 8.2.1. Let q e H -2(Q) and let us define an operator A : #02(fi) -* H~2(Q) as follows
«W) = *dx"dxg? » a
Then a weak or vanational solution of the equilibrium problem A{wm)
for the homogenized plate exists and is unique. ^2
Fig. 8.2.2. Plate with aligned cracks
Elastic plates with cracks
To illustrate the method let us consider a simple case of aligned cracks of the third type (j = 3). Geometry of the basic cell is shown in Fig. 8.2.2. Assume that the plate is isotropic of constant thickness h, hence Daaaa = D=
Eh3 „ , 12(l-i/ 2 N)
D1122 = vD ,
= —-D . 2
The local problem (PY) can be analytically solved. The elastic potential of the homoge nized plate then has the following form
'z?[(41)2 + 2 i /4 1 /4 + (4 2 ) 2 W(nh) = | +(1 - I/)((K?2)2 + (4) 2 )]/2 2
if 4 , + !/< < 0 , 2
D[(l - ^)(«?i) + (1 - ")((«?2) + («2i)2)]/2
The elastic potential W is convex, non-negative and of class C , but not strictly convex, cf. Fig. 8.2.3. Consequently, W is not strictly monotone. These violations are "admissible" since crack F intersects dY and consequently the very assumption of connectedness of YF is not satisfied here. The constitutive relation (8.2.15) assumes now the form
M22 =
f £>(*u + " 4 . ) y D{\ — I/ 2 )KI!
'f KM + " K ? I < 0 , otherwise;
D(42 + !/4)
if «& + «//(& < 0 ,
Mf = M
= D{\ - !/)«», .
Note that Mfi2 < 0 if K22 + VK>\\ - 0 and then the homogenized plate behaves similarly to the original isotropic plate without cracks. If K22 + "«n > 0 then M22 = 0 and the plate cannot bear such moments; a corresponding crack opens. Then the stiffness £> m l diminishes to D1^ = (1 - u2)Dnu < Dnn. The quantity D1^ is equal to the bending stiffness of the beam of the unit width. The cracked plate behaves like a gridwork composed of independent beams of the same thickness h. 8.3. Justification: T-convergence The variational problem (Pf) is equivalent to the minimum principle of the total potential energy: J£(wc) - f(we) = M{J£(w) - f(w)\w 6 Kl) ,
where J£(w) = ^(w,w).
Unilateral cracks in thin plates
I D ( K , 2 ! + 2 v c K n + e2)
| ( K 2 2 2 + 2 v < : i K 2 2 + <:12)
4-vCl.f(.-vV) KU = C , < 0 , K 1 2 = 0
Fig. 8.2.3. Representation of the potential W(K.) for three specific sections: «22 = 0, «22 = C, K]l = C\\ C > 0, Cl < 0
Elastic plates with cracks
The functional / plays the role of a perturbation functional. The study of r-convergence of the sequence {Jc}c>o ' s similar to the corresponding and more complicated considerations carried out in Sees. 9 - 1 1 . Therefore we shall focus only on those points which are connected with extensions operators from H2(YF) to H2(Y) and from H 2 (ft £ ) to H 2 (fi). To construct an extension operator, say Q, from H2(YF) into H2(Y) we set Q := P o R where Ft is the restriction operator defined by R : H\YF)
// 2 (Y\F„)
Here Fq is a sufficiently smooth hole such that Fv c Y and F c F , . The parameter n > 0 is kept fixed, 77 = TJQ. According to Sec. 4.3.1, there exists a continuous linear extension operator IP : H2(Y\FV) -> H2(Y). Properties of the extension operator Q (i) Qv = v in Fn, (U)\\QV\\LHY)
(iii)||V Qu|U J ( y )
< C\\V2V\\LHYF)
where c > 0 (with possibly a subscript) denotes a generic constant. Proof. The first property follows immediately from the definition of Q. (") IIQf ||L»(y) = l|P(fto)IU*(Y) < c||R-u||^ ( y XFr)) = c||ul|^(v\F,) < C|M|L*(Y\F,). (iii) Applying the results of Sec. 4.3.1 we write l|V a Gw||t.(y) = l|V 2 (P(FtO)||y ( y) < C||V 2 (R V )|| i- 2 (V\F,) = c\[V2v\\LHY\F,)
< c\\V2v\\L2{YF]
(iv) Let us decompose the basic cell V as follows, cf. Fig. 8.3.1.
Fig. 8.3.1.
Unilateral cracks in thin plates
Y = Vi U Y2 U E
with Y1nY2 =
Next we set
F, = F , ' u ^ u ( E n F , ) ,
f^ = F,ny a ,
We observe that Qu - v = 0 and V(Qv - v) = 0 on Y\FV. Consequently, Qv - v = 0 and ^T7(Su - ») = 0 on a part of the boundary of F,1 (resp. F2) with strictly positive measure, where TV is the outer unit vector normal to 9F,,. Thus we have < c,||V 2 (Sv - v)\\LHFa} ,
\\Qv - v\\mf»)
a = 1, 2 .
Hence 2
||Qv - w||/,2{yir) < c,53||V 2 (Qu -
< C ^ d l V ^ C u J U y j K , ) + ||V 2 t;|| t 2 ( V a ) )
After rescaling y ~» x/e, we have
dx Q '
a2 dxadx0 '
Hence the property (iv) yields LHc(YF))
< £2C\\K(V)\\L,MYF))
The global extension operator Q : H2(ilc) -» H2{Q) is constructed similarly to the corresponding operator in Sec. 9.3. We assume that near the boundary dQ there are no cracks (one can always choose a suitable subsequence of the sequence {e —• 0}). Anyway we have v e H2(QC) ,
v = 0 and
^- = 0 on dQ. => on Summing over all cells e(YF) contained in il we finally get H C f - v\\L7ia) + E\W
Q'v £ // 2 (Q) .
- v)\\mci.) + e'WVWv 2 < e c\\K(v)\\LHQt)
v)\\LHnt) .
Elastic plates with cracks
The last inequality implies \\Q*V - v\\L2(n)
W^iQTv - v)\\i>m
< £2c\\K(v)\\L2{n)
< ecllK^H^n.) ,
We recall that ||V2v||L2(n<) = \\n(v)\\Li{n<)- For Q?v G Hl{Q) we have \\Q?v\\HHn) < c\\K(&v)\\L7{ai < ci||K(i/)||L»(n.> ,
because the property (iii) yields 11^(0"v)\\L2(il)
< c\\K(v)\\L,{n<) .
Proof. The triangle inequality furnishes IM|tf»(ti') < \\v - Q£^||//2(nc) + ||Q^||/P(n) • Taking into account (8.3.6) and (8.3.7) we write IMI//2(n<) < (e2ci +eci +c2)||/«(t;)||LJ(n.) . For 0 < e < £o with e0 heldfixedwe obtain the required inequality.
Remark 8.3.2. In Sec. 13.1 it will be shown that a function v G HB(Y) is continuous. Also, there exists a continuous embedding from H1(YF) into BV(Y). On the other hand a function v G H2(YF) is in general discontinuous and consequently such function cannot belong to the space HB(Y). However, under the assumption that [v] = 0 on F there exists a continuous embedding of H2(YF) into HB{Y). □ The formal homogenization procedure performed in Sec. 8.2 is justified by the following result. Theorem 83.3. The sequence of functionals {Je}oo given by (8.3.2) is T-convergent in the strong topology of Hl(£l) to Jh(w) = fw[K{w{x))}dx,
w e H2(n).
Proof. It is similar to that of Theorem 10.3.1, which describes physically more elaborate model. Now, however, the inequality (8.3.8) has to be used and the density of C 1 functions with piecewise constant second gradient in H2(Cl) plays an essential role, cf. Prop. 1.4.16. D
Remark 83.4. Equivalently, one can work directly with the variational inequality (8.2.2), similarly to Sec. 9.3. Dual homogenization is left to the reader as an exercise.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
The theory of bending of thin plates (or Kirchhoff's theory) applies to the transversely symmetric plates. Only under this assumption the bending effects are not associated with membrane deformations. Therefore the analysis of cracked plates put forward in Sec. 8 concerns the case of cracks that weaken the plate material over and below the middle plane in the same way. A generalization of this approach to the case of other cracking modes is not possible within the framework of the bending theory - one should augment the model with membrane stress resultants and associated with them in-plane displacement fields. Another shortcoming of the Kirchhoff theory is the underlying assumption of constraint angles of rotations of the plate cross-sections; the deformation state within the plate is fully determined by the deformation of the plate middle plane. In the case when the cracks are present this assumption has a limited applicability, since densely distributed cracks weak en the transverse shear plate stiffness and hence make the rotations of the cross-sections independent of the middle plane deflection. The aim of the present section is to put forward an analysis of reduction of stiffnesses of cracked plates by taking into account: the transverse shear deformation and transverse asymmetry of the cracking modes. This is feasible if we base the analysis on the ReissnerHencky plate model. 9.1.
Admissible cracking modes
Consider a clamped homogeneous plate of constant thickness h subject to resulting surface transverse loading q, see Sec. 5.1. Through-the-thickness distribution of displacements is taken of the form Wc,{x,x3) = ua(x) + x3ipa{x),
= w(x),
cf. (5.1.1). The variational equilibrium equation within the theory of Hencky's plates reads f\Na0ea0{v)
+ M^e^)
+ Q Q (^ Q + v,a)]dx = I"qvdx ,
for each (v,v,rp) vanishing on T = 9fi. The constitutive relations have the decoupled form (5.1.5); index " Z" should be neglected. To take into account bending cracking modes with arbitrary penetration zones we shift the reference domain from x3 = 0 to x3 = —e. Instead of (9.1.1) we assume wa{x,x3)
= va{x)+x3tpa(x), x3 = x3 + e ,
w3{x,x3) va =ua-
e<pa .
The variational equilibrium equation (9.1.2) preserves its form, but the constitutive rela tions now become coupled
Elastic plates with cracks
(9.1.4) and £<*/W/i _
e ^a/3A/x
g 2^a0Xii
Assume that the plate is weakened by a crack the projection of which on fi forms an arc F ; F is closed as a set, F = F, of class C 1 and strictly contained in fi. Let us define Hi(H\F) = {v|v € L 2 (fi\F) , u a € L2(Q\F) , v = 0 on T} .
Kinematically admissible in-plane displacements and bending slopes will be elements of appropriate closed and convex sets. Those sets are defined as follows C* = {v = (va) 6 Hl(tl\F)2
| K ] > 0, [vT] = 0 on F} ,
Ced = {V € # (fi\F) I K ] = 0 , [vT] > 0 on F}
Cw = {v € tf, (fi\F) 2 I K ] > 0 , [vT] > 0 on F} Cdi
={v£H (n\F) 2 I [VfJ > 0 on F} ,
Cid = { » £ / / ; (n\F) 2 | [vT] > 0 on F } , C d = {v G tf (ft\F) 2 | [vn] = 0 on F} , C
(c - continuous, d - discontinuous, i - indeterminate though not necessarily continuous). Here vn = v ■ n, vT = v ■ T, where n, r , are versors normal and tangent to F, respectively. Kinematically admissible deflections will be elements of one of the following closed and convex sets Cd = {v G Hl{Q\F) | [v] > 0 on F} ,
Cc = H*{Q) ,
Q = ///(fixF) .
By ^ a b c d h = c a b * °c
b> c > d - h
K c- *}
we denote the set of kinematically admissible fields (z, u, ip). Of particular interest is the bending cracking mode for which, see Fig. 9.1.1 (*,«,V) 6 K"™ = ACcccfc =
If the plate undergoes a transverse cracking, then {z,v,iP) € AT s W = C c c x C d x C c c , see Fig. 9.1.2.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
Penetration zone M„ = 0
M„<0 Fig. 9.1.1. The bending cracking mode; a) the crack is open: Mn = Ma®nanp = 0, \yn\ > 0; b) the crack is closed, Mn < 0, \fn\ = 0.
Q<.0 l>v]l = 0 Fig. 9.1.2. The transverse shearing cracking mode; a) the crack is open: Q = Qana = 0, \w\ > 0; b) the crack is closed, Q < 0, [w] = 0.
Elastic plates with cracks
For the tension cracking mode — ^dc
^ C "
cf. Fig. 9.1.3.
N„ = 0
. /**"
1 ^SO
Fig. 9.1.3. The tension cracking mode; a) the crack is open: Nn = Na0nanp = 0, [vn] > 0; b) the crack is closed, 7Vn < 0, [vn] — 0. We proceed now with the formulation of equilibrium problems for the plates with uni lateral cracks. First, let us define the bilinear form aF(v,w,
J [(>P^eA» +
n\F +(Ea^eXli(v)
+ Ga/?A*eA„(v))eQ0(V) + Ha0{w,a + Va){ufi
for all (v,w,
€ VF = H^(n\F)2
x H^{fl\F)
+ ^>p)]dx ,
x H^(Q\F)2,
and the linear (9.1.12)
n\F 2
where q e L (fi). More complicated loading functionals can be considered similarly. Equilibrium of the plate with a crack is governed by the problem find(v,w,(p) (PF)
G K such that
aF(v, w, (p; z - v, u - w, ip -
V (z, u, tp) 6 K,
where K represents K , K ,K or any other possible set of type £ Q b c d l v ' l c a n easily be shown that the bilinear form aF is coercive provided that e < h. Each of the sets of type ^ a b c d h is convex and closed. Consequently, the variational inequality (9.1.13) is uniquely solvable.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
9.2. Periodic layout of cracks. Homogenization Consider a plate with cracks eF that form an eY-periodic layout, as in Fig. 8.2.1. Similarly to Sec. 8.2 one can define the convex sets KyF, Kyp that correspond to the sets Cc, Ca^. Moreover, we define the convex sets Kz by replacing F with Fc representing the family of cracks. Thus we can formulate problem (Pc) forfinding(v£,wc, ipc) € Ke such that (P.)
f(u-wc) V-ZA)
In the next section we shall derive the Poincar6 and Kom inequalities applicable to the highly irregular domain fi£, cf. (9.3.21) and (9.3.39). By using them, the reader can easily prove that (vc, we, (pc) € Kc solving (Pc) exists and is unique. To find the effective behavior of the plate when e ^ O w e apply the asymptotic homogenization method. The unknowns as well as trialfieldsare expanded in the form: r1*(x)=r1W(x)+ei1W(x,y) for7? e {va,w,tpa,za,u,ipa} w^(x,-),u^(x,-)
+ E2T1i2)(x,y) + ...,
y = x/e
with?/0' 6 H^{Q) and € K$F ,
e K$? ,
where a, b, c, d, h € {d, c, i}. Now we substitute (9.2.2) into the variational inequality (9.2.1). Performing the pas sage to the limit (e —» 0) in the standard manner, see Sec. 8.2, we obtain the variational formulation of the equilibrium problem of the homogenized Reissner-like plate: find (v®\wm,
e V = H^tt)2 x H^(Q) x H^(U)2 such that
(ft) a h ( t ; « W > ; z « » y » , ^ 0 > ) = jqu^dx
V {z® ,vP\M>™) € V , <9-2-4>
where ah(v<0\wV\
= J{(K\Fe*e(z{0)) (9-2.5) n + (M0a\FeQ/3(i/,<°>) + (QZUiu1® + 1>™)}dx ,
and Mf
= E°^[ex»(vM)
+ el^)}
+ (?*»[e*{
(Q 2 6 )
Elastic plates with cracks
The averaging operation (-)YF is defined as in the previous section; for the definition of ej^(-) see Sec. 2.8. The local fields v' 1 ', w^\ ip'1' are solutions to the local problems posed on the basic cell Y, where the independent variable x is treated as a parameter. These problems assume the form: find v(1» G K$} and c^1' e K$p such that (PlF)
b{vV\z-vW) + e{
Vz e K$$,
VVetf#> (9.2.8)
and (PIF)
find w(1) 6 K$F such that h(u; (1) ,u-™ (1) ) > L3{u-wM)
where the bilinear forms &(•,•)> e(-, •),(•, •), lx(-,) are defined by
b(v, z) = (At^vW^z)),,
g{tp,1,) = ( £ ? ^ e y ^ ( ^ ,
e(«, V) = (E^e^vy^rl,)^ h(«,«) = ( "
, (9.2.10)
* | ^ ) - •
The linear forms Lj (i = 1,2,3) are defined as follows L,(z) = -{(J^*%,( V <°>) + ^ ^ e v ( V ( ° ) ) ) e ^ ( z ) ) ^ , L2(z) = - ( ( S ^ e ^ r y 0 ' ) + ff^e^^D^^L ,
The macroscopic quantities K ^ = ea/3(v?(0)), e ^ = eQ/}(v(0)), 7^ = ip^ + w$ are assumed as given when the local problems are considered. Note that the vanational inequalities (9.2.7), (9.2.8) are coupled unless e = 0. Some specific cases will be studied later on. One can easily prove that the fields i/ 1 ',
Qt = (QZ)yF-
By localizing the vanational equality (9.2.4) one finds the equilibrium equations of the homogenized plate M#-
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
The elastic potential is inferred from the local problems {PyF) (a = 1,2) and is given by,cf. also Sees. 2.10, 11.4-11.7, W ( e \ K \ / 3 " ) = \{Aa^{^
+ e * > " > ) ) • (eha0 +
( ,
This potential is of class C 1 , positive and strictly convex. The homogenized constitutive relations are: N<*-™!-
" -&*,•
(92 15)
-*<,' ""a 7 r
(9 2 15)
Thus the homogenized plate is hyperelastic. Moreover, we conclude that (i) W is positively homogeneous of order 2 W ( A e \ XK\ Xfh) = A 2 W(e h , K \ 7 " ) ,
A > 0.
(ii) There exist positive constants C\, c-i such that d f l e f + | K " | 2 + |7 h | 2 ) < W{eh,K\fh)
< c2{\eh\2 + | « h | 2 + | 7 " | 2 ) ,
for each eh, nh, ^h e E 2 and 7 h € R 2 . Due to the above properties of W, the problem (P h ) is uniquely solvable. In the next section we shall prove that vi -> v{a] , w* -> w (0) , ^ JV^ -^ JVf3, Mf
-^ Mf,
— <^,0)
strongly in L 2 (H) ,
Qf -> Q%
weakly inL 2 (fi) .
Let us consider now particular modes of cracking. Bending cracking mode The condition (z, u, i/>) e K**™ means that u' 1 ', z e / / ^ r ( K ) 2 ; w (1) , w G tfjLrQO and i^(1), i/> £ /Cy^. Analysis of (PYF) yields w (1) = K / ' ' ( I ) and consequently Qah = / / ° S A •
Next, an analysis of (PYF) yields v(1> = v (1) (x) and the local problem reduces to (P^n)
find ¥>(1) e K^p such that g{
(9.2.20) V V e tffc .
Elastic plates with cracks
The homogenized constitutive relations then assume the form
Let us check whether these constitutive equations are really coupled. To this end let us return to the mid-plane displacement ti (0) = t>(0) + etp^°\ The bending moments Mjf referred to the mid-plane are
M* = M?-eNf. Since A^eL
+ Ea0x»KhXlA =
we can rearrange the constitutive relations (9.2.21) to the form (9.2.22)
Thus coupling is absent only if e = 0. If e ^ 0 the curvature tensor influences the mem brane forces and vice versa, the moment tensor is influenced by the in-plane strain tensor eh. Moreover, note that the quantity {e*M(y^))yir *s completely determined by the jumps [tpP] along F:
= "2j7f jiyPW* + Vpf\Nc)ds ,
where JV = (Na) is a versor normal to F. Transverse shear cracking mode The condition (z, u, ip) G K'hear means that z, vw, ■«/>, y?(1> 6 H^.(Y)2; K$F. Thus t>(1) = vW(x),
The homogenized constitutive equations assume the form Nf
= Aa0x"exMO))
K0 = Do0^Kh^ ,
« - < - ( * ^ ) > ~ Hence the stretching and bending effects are uncoupled and the homogenized properties do not depend upon e. The shear force Q% depends on the distribution of [u/ 1 '] along F.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
Tension cracking mode In this case (z,u,ip) e Kten. Consequently, w(1) = w{l)(x) and tp(1) = ip{1){x). The problem is unaffected by e. Putting e = 0 we identify it' 1 ' = t/ 1 ' that solves the problem
find u (1) 6 KpF such that
L,(z) = -(Aa^elei0(z))YF
The homogenized constitutive relations
are decoupled. Thus the homogenized bending / transverse shearing problem is conven tional, that is linear within the framework of moderately thick plates. On the other hand, the homogenized membrane problem is nonlinear. 9.3. Justification: variational inequality (9.2.1) and the energy method In the previous section we have performed homogenization of elastic Reissner-like plates weakened by periodically distributed fissures. The method of two-scale asymptotic ex pansions has been used. Our aim now is to justify those results by passingrigorouslyto the limit (e —» 0) in the variational inequality (9.2.1). To this end Murat-Tartar's energy method will be applied. We are going to study the case where tf£=QxC|xQ,,
and C* = {« € Hl(W)2\ [vn] > 0 on F £ } ,
Q = {v e H{{ST)\ [v] > 0 on F*} . (9.3.2)
The remaining cases can be justified similarly. Convex and closed sets of kinematically admissible localfieldsare now defined by:
K$F = {v e H^(YF)>\ M >0 on F} , K^F = {veH^(YF)\[v]>0onF}, wherev^ = vaNa. Prior to the study of convergence, we have to construct extension operators, cf. Sec. 8.3. Extension operator Qf : Hl(Q.c) -> H^Q.) This is a model case and we are going to study it carefully. A closed set Fv c Y with smooth boundary has the same meaning as in Sec. 8.3. There exists an extension operator Pi : Hl(Y\Fn) -» H\Y) satisfying the properties
Elastic plates with cracks
where c > 0 (with possibly a subscript) is a generic constant. We observe that c depends on 77 and tends to +00 when 77 —> 0; however, we argue with 77 = 770 held fixed. Next we define P , : Hl(Y\F„) - H\Y)
t; ~ P,{v) = P,(« - «
J +«
„ ,
Lemma 93.1. For each v 6 #'(V^F,,) the following inequalities hold l | P i « I U , < c\\v\\LHYXFv) , \MPIV)\\LHY)
< cHVt,!!^,,,, •
Proof. To prove the first inequality we calculate, cf. (9.3.6)
l|Pl«IUy) < l|Pl(" - « , „ ) ! W, + ll«*,l W, < C\\V - ( « W J I ^ „ , + \Y\ | « „ | < c\\v\\L^Fv) + (c\Y\Fv\ + | K | ) | « „ | / (ciyy.i + iypv, We pass now to proving the second inequality. We have
l|V(P^)||l2(n=||VP,(t;-<<;>nFJUy) < c{\\v - < « W , I U , + l|V(t, -
By applying Poincare-Wirtinger's inequality to the function v — (v\,XF we infer that there exists a constant Ci > 0 such that
From the last two inequalities we finally obtain
We are now in a position to construct the extension operator Qi : H1 (Y\F) —* Hl (Y). Definition 9.3.2. The extension operator Qi : Hl(Y\F) p ! oR,, where P., : H^YXF) -* i / ' ( n ^ ) , is the restriction operator.
-» Hl(Y) is equal to Qi = v~
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation Properties of Qi For each v G H1(YF)
the following properties are satisfied Qlv = v
IIV^C^II^^cllV^II^^,. lICi" - »l W , < c l l V ^ H ^ , , , < c\\Vyv\\L2(Yxn .
(9.3.11) (9.3.12)
Proof. By using (9.3.7) we have (a) \\Qxv\\L2ly) = ||P.(R,i;)|| t a ( V ) < c l l R ^ I I ^ ^ , = (b) In order to prove (9.3.11) we take into account (9.3.8):
= \MPdRiv))\\L,lY) C
= H ^II^W< H^IUW(c) By dividing the basic cell Y in the same manner as in Sec. 8.3 (Fig. 8.3.1) we have WQiV - v\\L*{Fc,) < ci||V s (Qiu - « ) | U ^ » ) ,
a = 1,2 .
Hence HGiv - v\\L2m
C l
£ WVyiQ.v - v)\\L2iFV
< c , £ (||V,(Q lW )|| La(y(>)
because Q-^v — v = 0 on a part of the boundary of F* (resp. F%) of strictly positive measure. Obviously c with possibly a subscript denotes a positive constant. Taking into account (9.3.11) we finally obtain l | C i « - w | | l J m < C i ( l + c)||VBt;||t,(yw.
We pass now to constructing the extension operator Q\: Hl(Tl£) —► //''(ft). To this end, by F£=
U ^.i, «ei(e)
we denote the union of all the microcracks which are periodically distributed and of size e with FCii C y£], for every i € 1(e) ; moreover
n,i = e y + £ .
r e eR 2 .
The operator Q,^ is obtained from Qi by changing scale, the global operator Q^ being obtained by stitching all the Q\t operators. More precisely, the operator Q, is equal to the
Elastic plates with cracks
following chain of mappings:
u e H\nc) i restriction u, 6 H^YMJ = Hl(e(Y\F)+C) i translation + change of scale u2eH1(Y\F),u2(y)^u1(Ey + C) I restriction + smooth extension u3 = Qxu2 € H\Y) i translation + change of scale u, € H\eY + £), u4(x) = u3
( ° ^ )
I stitching with respect to i € 1(e) u5 = Q[u.
We observe that by these operations u is not affected on |J (YCii\F^'), where Ffj'* is tei( £ )
the e-homothetic of the neighborhood Fn of F which is included in YCti. Thus u remains unchanged near the boundary of the periodicity cell Yci. Consequently, Q\u belongs to i/'(fi). As in Sec. 8.3 we assume that near the boundary of fl there are no cracks. Thus Q\ may be assumed to be equal to the identity near dtl so that u e H1^)
, u = 0 on dn => Q[u G Hk(n) ■
Being a composition of linear continuous operators Of acts as a continuous linear operator from# 1 (n c )tor7 1 ( n )Properties of Qf For every v e H1^) the following properties hold: Q$v = v in
l|Qi"IU>(n) < c||w|U»(n>) , \WQZv)\\»(n) < c\\Vv\\»m , WQ'iV - v\\L2{n) < cellVulli^n.)
(9.3.17) (9.3.18) (9.3.19) (9.3.20)
Here F^ = (J F*'1 and c > 0 is independent of e. i€T(e)
Proof. The first relation follows directly from the construction of Qf. The second and the third properties are obvious since the change of scale affects similarly both the left and the right members of (9.3.10) and (9.3.11).
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
It remains to prove the last property. To this end we argue on a cell, say eY. After the change of scale y = x/e we have - v(x)\2dx = j\QMey))
~ v{ey)\2e2dy .
The inequality (9.3.12) yields j\^v{x)
- v(x)\2dx
< c J |V,(t»(ei/))|Vdy = c j Y\F
Changing scale again, x = ey, we write j\Q[v{x)-v{x)\2dx
f \Vx(v(x))\2dx
The last inequality is valid on each cell YCii. Adding all these inequalities we obtain f\Q\v-v\2dx
< ce2 f\Vv{x)\2dx
and (9.3.20) follows.
Now we are in a position to formulate the Poincare' inequality for the highly irregular domain fi£. Proposition 933. There exists c > 0, independent of e, such that for any v € //'(fi £ ), which satisfies v = 0 on dfl, for any e > 0 the following inequality holds IM|y(n)
Proof. Applying Poincard's inequality to Q\v on Q we have ||Q>||L>(n)
The triangle inequality yields IMU«(n) < WQHv - «|U»(n) + ||Q?w|U>(n) • From (9.3.20) and (9.3.22) we obtain IMIi>(n) < c 2 ( e + ci)||Vu|U S( n«) . Taking now 0 < e < £o with e0 fixed we conclude the proof.
Elastic plates with cracks
Extension operator Q | : H1^)2 -> H^Sl)2 In order to formulate Korn's inequality for the same domain ft£ we shall proceed as — previously by constructing an extension operator Q | : H1^)2 * H1^)2. Lemma 9.3.4. There exists an extension operator P 2 : Hl{Y\Fri)2
-> Hl(Y)2
such that
< c J2 ||c^(w)||o.y\F, < c||c(w)|| 0l yF ,
where 11 • [ |0,y , etc. denotes L2-norm. Proof. Such an operator can be constructed in the following way. Let 7c denote the space of rigid displacements. Then each v e i / 1 ( y \ F , ) 2 can be decomposed according to v =
+ r ,
where r € 7c and Vi-Uc in L2(Y\FV)2. To extend v to Y we extend vi continuously, which can be done since the boundary dFv is assumed to be sufficiently smooth. This linear and continuous operator is denoted by P 2 . Thus P2v
= P 2 t>! + r .
Now let us prove (9.3.23). We have | | P 2 f ||o,y = IIP2U1 + r|| 0 l y = ||P 2 (t>, + r)|| 0 ,y < c||«i + r\\0xY\Fv = c|M| 0 ,y\F, • Applying Korn's inequality to vi we have
ll«i||2,y\F,, < c ^ H c r f ^ O H ^ ,
where || • ||i,y\F, denotes here Hl(Y\Fv)2-norm.
J2\\e°e(P2VKy = EHe^(p^)llo,y = El|ea/3(P2«i)ll^ a,0
P t
+$3ll "»( » 'i)llo.y\F, ^ ilMlW, + Ull^faOHW, • a,0
Combining the last inequality with (9.3.27) one readily obtains (9.3.24).
The extension operator Q 2 is defined in much the same way as the operator Qi. Definition 9.3.5. The extension operator Q2 : H\YF)2
is equal to 0.2 = P 2 ° R 2 , l
where R 2 : H {YF)
-> //'(YYF,,) is the restriction operator.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
Properties of the operator Q2 Q2v=v on Y\F„, HC2«||o.y < c\\v\\ox^ < c\\v\\0iYP = c||w||0,y , ||e(Q2«)||o,y < c||e(t7)||0ly\p, < c||e(v)||0,yF , HQ2v - v\U,YF < c||e(«)||0,yF .
(9.3.29) (9.3.30) (9.3.31) (9.3.32)
Proof. It is similar to the earlier given proof for the operator Qi. Now, however, Korn's inequality should be used instead of the Poincare inequality. □ To construct the global operator Q*, we proceed analogously to the case of Q^, cf. the scheme (9.3.15). As previously, the operator Qf, m a v be s e t equal to the identity near the boundary 9f2, see the property (9.3.33) below. Then u G H\{W)2 => Q*2u G H^ty2 . Properties of Q| Q|u = u
on Q\F* ,
(9.3.33) (9.3.34) (9.3.35) (9.3.36) (9.3.37)
Those properties can be proved by applying arguments similar to the proof of the properties (9.3.17)-(9.3.20) of the operator Q\. By noting that (9.3.36) and (9.3.37) yield ||Qa« - "Hi*" < ( c i £ + c)||c(«)|| 0l n. ,
we can formulate a Kom-type inequality. Proposition 9.3.6 (Korn's inequality for fic). For each u G // 1 I (n £ ) 2 the following in equality is satisfied: ||«||i.n.<(oe + c 1 )||c(u)||o, n ..
Here 0 < e < £0 and £0 ' s heldfixed.The positive constants c and C\ are independent of e. Proof. It is similar to the proof of Proposition 9.3.3 and details are left to the reader. □ Corollary 93.7. (i) For any sequence {w£}E_o satisfying sup||w £ || < 00 the sequence {Qfw£}E_o is bounded in H1(Q) and
||Qfu; £ -w £ ||o,n->0 as e -* 0 .
Elastic plates with cracks
(ii) For any sequence {uE}c_,0 satisfying sup ||uE||i ne w < oo the sequence {Q%ve}c-.o is £>0
bounded in in H Hll(Q.) (Q.)22 and and bounded
HQ|w e -« r ||o,n-»0 as <•-» e - 00.. Proof. It follows immediately from (9.3.20) for (i), and from (9.3.36) for (ii). (ii).
After these lengthy, though indispensable preparations we pass to the justification of the effective model derived formally in Sec. 9.2. The justification procedure is divided into three major steps. Step 1: boundedness The variational problem (Pc) is equivalent to The variational problem (Pc) is equivalent to minl-ac(v,w,ip-,v,w,
Hence Hence - a £ ( u £ , we,
+ \e{ip<)\2 + | V W £ +
= Cl|K||0,n .
Hence, by taking into account (9.3.21) and (9.3.39) we we readily obtain sup(||e(t; £ )|| 2 | f i e + \\e(cp')\\2fll £>0
+ | | V « / | | 2 n « ) < const < oo ,
and sup(||v£||i,n< + \\
Let us denote by Ne, Me and Q£ the generalized stresses which are given by (9.1.4) with v, w, (p being replaced by ve, wc, tpe respectively. The estimate (9.3.42) implies that the sequences {Arf"}E_0. {■^?/3}c-*o and {Qf } £ _ 0 are bounded in L2-norm. Next, by using (9.3.42) and (9.3.43) and the properties of the extension operators Q\, Qf> combined with Korn's inequality applied to the domain Q we deduce that the sequences {Q> £ } £ _o,
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
are bounded in the norm 11 ■ 11i,n. Consequently, there exist subsequences, still indexed with e, such that Q\wc -> w , Q|v £ — v ,
L2(fi) ,
strongly in
Q|¥>£ — tp strongly in L 2 (0) 2 .
Hence, by using anew the properties of the extension operators Q^ and Q5 we have we -> w , va - • va ,
(9.3.46) (9.3.47)
since, for instance ||Q5» £ - f£||o,n = \\<%vF - v - {v< - »)|| 0 ,n > |||Q|« £ - «||o,n - \\vc - «||o.n| • Step 2: localization We shall now derive the local relations resulting from the variational inequality (9.2.1), which may also be written as follows - t>£) + Mfea0{
> f{w - w£)
Let us take va = vea ± 6a,
y V ^ A - Mf^a - Qf^ + Q?V*)dx +f{{Nf\n06a
+ \Mf\nMa + [Qf K^)ds = fq^dx ,
for each £, 0Q, n a G D(fi). Hence Mf^j, - £a = 0 JVf% = 0 ,
Q° Q + 9 = 0
W, in fi£
and [Mf]n0
= O,
[Q?]nQ = 0 on F £ .
The equilibrium equations (9.3.50) are to be understood in the sense of distributions. In (9.3.51) we recognize the action and reaction principle for the generalized stresses.
Elastic plates with cracks
Performing now integration by parts in (9.3.48) and taking into account (9.3.50), (9.3.51) we get - t£J - Mfn0[<pa -
J{-Nfn0[va F'
for every («, w,
=N fn0
=N fn0
, etc.
We recall that (N°^n0) and (N"13^) denote stress vectors at the same point of Fe calcu lated from both sides of the surface (line). The localization of the last inequality is carried out in the following way. First, we observe that it can be written in the equivalent form of three inequalities -JNfn0[va
- v'a]ds = -j(N
- /V[™ - wc\ds > 0
V ip € C\ ,
where the subscripts n and r denote the normal and tangential components of a considered 1
quantity respectively; Q* = Qf nQ = Qfna = Q°na. In the case considered no constraints are imposed on vT and
~ ven]ds > 0
V v 6 Cedi ,
respectively. It is thus sufficient to show how to localize one of the inequalities (9.3.54) - (9.3.56). For instance, let us investigate the second one. To this end we take vn = (1 - 6)vcn + Qi\, where 6 € D(fi), 0 < B < 1 while [rj] > 0 on F £ . Noting that the aforementioned inequalities are positively homogeneous we obtain / «0K[v - vcn]ds < 0 F'
V 9 e D + (fi),
V 7?, [v]Fe > 0 ,
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
where D+(fi) = {9 e D(fl) | 9{x) > 0 , i £ t l } . Now we take rj = 0 and next rj = 2i£, then we get K\<\
on Fc .
By taking 7? = v n + ( with [C]F« = 1, from (9.3.57) we obtain K < 0,
sincere D + (H). All in all, the unilateral conditions satisfied on Fc are of the Signorini - type and are given by R]>0, N£<0, N'T=0, N M = 0, |/»]>0, M^<0, M<=0, M«|^]=0, [wc]>0, Q^O, Qe[ru£] = 0.
We now pass to the investigation of the local variational inequalities. First, consider the variational inequality (9.2.7) which can be written as follows J[Aa^(el
+ el^))
+ E°0*(KI
+ ^ ( ^ ( 1 ) ) ) ] e ^ ( V - v™)dy > 0 , (9.3.61)
and is valid for each v € KyF. Let us take v = v{1) +6,0e J[Aa0X^l
+ e^iV 1 ')) + Ea^(Kl
KY'F. Then
+ K\^))]el0{d)dy
Let us now take 9a G D(YF), that is 9a vanishes in a neighborhood of d(YF) = dY U F. Then we readily get -Xi°-=0 in D'(yF), (9.3.63) dy0 where Eq. (9.2.6)] has been taken into account. Similarly, from (9.2.8) and (9.2.6)2 we obtain
Finally, the variational inequality (9.2.9) combined with (9.2.6)3 give —5^=0 oya
Elastic plates with cracks
Let usreturnto (9.3.62) and take 0 € Kyp vanishing in a neighborhood of F. Integrating by parts we conclude that Ng0(i/}
where (9.3.63) has been taken into account while /x stands for the outward unit normal vector to dY. In a quite similar manner we get MQ0^
i.e. they assume opposite values on the opposite sides of Y. Let us examine the variational inequality (9.3.61). Taking v such that v = « (1) in a neighborhood of dY and performing the integration by parts we obtain JlK0(va
- v^)]N0ds
for any v with [v\] > 0 on F, since (9.3.63) is satisfied. Now we have the following decomposition: NQ$N0 = N%Na + N^V, where K0N0va
= N°vN + N°vr .
Hence J{[K(VN
- v$)\ + [N°(vT - vP)]}ds > 0 ,
for any v with [v^] > 0 on F. We recall that vN = vaNa. By a reasoning similar to that which resulted in (9.3.57) we arrive at flKivN
- vW)]ds > 0 ,
for any v with [v^] > 0 on F. Next, the variational inequality (9.2.8) gives J\ti°N{
for any ip such that \
for any w with \w\ > 0 on F, where Q° = QoNa.
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
Let us set
" a
(9.3.73) a
By using the localization technique similar to that which resulted in (9.3.57) and replacing v in (9.370) by v - eKy we arrive at the following inequality + Ea^^(ip))(va - va)]N0ds > 0 ,
for any v with [vN] > 0 on F and 0 G D + (Y). In an analogous manner we derive Je[{Ea^e%{v) + Cr^^m^a
- $a)\N0ds > 0 ,
and [9[Hap~{w-w)]Nads>Q, J <%
for each (p, w with [
+ «£Hz/e),
fc{x) = e<pa(x/e) = J^ Ka0x0 + Va'd/e) • /J
We recall that f
6 F and e , n G E . It is evident that on Fc we have [we] > 0,
R ) > 0 and [ft] > 0. After the rescaling, the local equilibrium equations (9.3.63) - (9.3.65) can be written in the following form -[A^e^v') + Ea^ex^c)\0 =0 in D'(^) , Q Q -[£ ^eAM(y) + G ^ e v ( ^ ) ] , ^ = 0 inD'(fi £ ), -{Hal3w^)iQ = 0 in D'(fi£)We recall that the rescaling y = x/e means that d/dy = ed/dx.
Elastic plates with cracks
Then the inequalities (9.3.74) - (9.3.76) transform into + Ea^eXll(?))(va
- vca)\n0ds > 0 ,
JeiiE^^e^iv') + C ^ e ^ ) ) ^ - ^a)]n0ds > 0 ,
fe[Hal3w^{w - w€)]nads > 0 , F'
respectively, for each v,
is obviously convex and differentiable, where 7, p £ E and d € R . Consequently, it is subdifferentiable and its subdifferential is a maximal monotone operator. The last property gives J\ := je{x){A«^eXti{v')
+ E°^ev(^)
- [Aa0X»e^(v<) + Ea0X»eXll(F)}}ea0(v< - ic)dx > 0 , a
3\ := y"e(x){E ^e v ( V ) + G ^e AM ( l p ) SI'
- \Ea^eXlM(vc) J'3 := je(x)[H^(w^
+ Ga^ex^)}}ea0(^ + tf) - / /
- lp')dx > 0 ,
H l [ « + ¥£) - *%]<** > 0 ,
(9.3.82) (9.3.83)
where 6 € D + (fi). Let us now pass to the limit in (9.3.81). Integration by parts combined with (9.1.4)! written forft£,(9.3.50)2, (9.3.78)i and (9.3.79)! yield -j{Nf
- [A^e^V)
+ E°^»eXli(?)]}e,0(vca
- Va)dx > 0 .
Passing now with e to zero we obtain
"/ (*** ~ w~) ( *°" Y£oxde*dx * ° >
(93 84)
Unilateral cracks in plates with transverse shear deformation
where (9.3.47)2 has been taken into account and the fact that vea - 7% -> va - Y^eUx0
strongly in L2{Q)2 as e -» 0 ,
= —-£-
weakly in L2(£l2) ase—► 0 .
Integrating by parts in (9.3.84) and recalling that eh e E 2 we get -Je(Naf},0(va
- £ > ^ ) ) < 2 x + JO (Na0
- ~ ]
{ea0(v) - ehaS)dx > 0 . (9.3.85)
From (9.3.47)2 and (9.3.50)2 we conclude that Na0,0 = O in
Substitution of (9.3.86) into (9.3.85) yields
j4Na0-~\{eaB{v)-eha0)dx>$. for each S £ D + (fi). Hence NalS{x) - ~
) (ea0(v(x))
- eha0) > 0 ,
for every eh € E 2 and a.e. i 6 f i . The functionals Jf and Jf, defined by (9.3.82) and (9.3.83) respectively, can be examined in a similar manner. Then we conclude that M Q % - Qa = 0
in D'(Q) ,
Qaa + q = 0
in D'(fl) ,
and Ma0(x)-^-\(ea(j(
Q a ( x ) - ^ J ( ^ Q ( x ) + tD,Q(x)-7^)>0
Elastic plates with cracks
Besides the properties (9.2.16) and (9.2.17) of W its subdifferential dW enjoys the property of maximal monotonicity. The last property follows immediately from the convexity and finiteness of W, cf. Sec. 1.2.1. In our case dW is a maximal monotone mapping from E 2 x E 2 x R 2 to E ; x E ; x R 2 . Consequently, (9.3.87), (9.3.90) and (9.3.91) imply Na0(x) = dW/dea0(v{x)), Ma0(x) = dW/deQ0{
- /(«/<»).
Part-through the thickness cracks
10. Part-through the thickness cracks 10.1.
Two-layer description
This section is aimed at formulating the boundary value problem of an elastic plate trans versely cut with a crack of constant depth smaller than the whole plate thickness h. The crack divides the plate into two layers of constant thicknesses a and b. The upper face x3 - 0 will be viewed as a reference plane and will be denoted by SI. This domain is parametrized by Cartesian coordinates xa, a = 1, 2. Thus the plate occupies a domain B = Q. x (0,/i), h = a + b; x G B and x = (x,x3), x = {xux2) G fi, x3 G [0,/i]. The elastic moduli Ct]'kl G L°°(B) can vary in longitudinal and transverse directions; the planes x3 =const are planes of material symmetry, cf. (2.4.1). The elastic moduli satisfy the usual symmetry conditions, while the matrix C is positive definite. The plate is subject to transverse loading of intensity p = p(x), applied to the upper face x3 = 0. The two-layer two-dimensional model of the plate is based upon two assumptions: (i) the in-plane displacements wa are assumed to be piece-wise linear through the thickness, while transverse displacements w3 are assumed to be constant across the thickness: j ra{x) + (z 3 - a)tpa(x)
wa{x,x3) w3{x,x3)
0 < i3 < a ,
\ ra{x) + {x3 - a)xpa{x) if w(x) , if 0 < x3 < h .
a < x3 < h ,
The fields ra represent the in-plane displacements of the interface plane; the fields <pa, ipa represent the angles of rotation of the transverse sections of both layers, cf. Fig. 10.1.1.
ra V" "X\°
. )
I Jt3
Fig. 10.1.1. Kinematic assumption (ii) The generalized plane stress state holds within the plate, hence the constitutive relations have the form aa0
ea3 = 2Ca3X3ex{w),
where C is defined according to the rule (3.1.4).
a33 = 0 ,
Elastic plates with cracks
The deformations associated with kinematic assumptions (10.1.1) are given by ««/?(»") + (x3 - a)paP((p) for 0 < x3 < a , eQ/j(r) + {x3 - a)ka0(rp) for a < x3
„ , v / 9a(w,if>) for 0 < x 3 < a , 2ea3(w) = < . . . I da(w,ip) for a < rr3 < ft , e33(u>) = 0
0 < x3 < h ,
where «a/j(r) = ea0{r) , M V O = ea0W
pQ/3(y>) = ett/3(¥>) ,
eQ/3(/) = i ( / Q j J + f0>a) ,
3o(w, (fi) = w,a + <pa ,
da(w,ip) = w,a + tpa .
Thus the transverse shear deformations are piece-wise constant across the thickness. Con sequently the shearing stiffnesses will be overestimated and introduction of shear-correc tion factor (ks) will be necessary. The two-layer plate model is constructed as follows. The point of departure is the variational equilibrium equation (2.5.1) for the three-dimensional problem of elasticity. The trial displacement field v(x, x3) is represented according to assumptions (10.1.1); the trial fields for r, if, tp, w are denoted by s, TJ, x and v respectively. After integration through the thickness one finds + Qa9a(v,v) + Tada(v,X)]dx = jpvdx . n (10.1.5) The stress resultants Na0, Ma0, La0, Qa, Ta can be expressed by appropriate integrals of stresses through the thickness. On introducing relations (10.1.2) and (10.1.3) into these formulae and performing integration in x3 onefindsthe constitutive relations + BfX»kXli , Na0 = ^ / 5 V e v + A?*PXll JlN^e^a) n
+ Ma0Pa0(v)
+ L^k^x)
+ Afx»pXfl,
MaP = Af*exii
Q = Hfg0
U# = B?**^ ,
+ Bfx»kX)i,
T° = Hfd0 ,
with stiffnesses defined by h Aa0x„ =
fc°0^dx3, 0
Af » = j{x3 -
0 h
= f{x3 - a)"Cal3X^dx3 ,
a =1,2;
Part-through the thickness cracks
Hf = ksjc°W3dx3
Hf = k3 fca3^dx3
In the case of a plate made of a homogeneous material the stiffnesses assume the form
A = hC,
Ha = k,aC ,
*-?*■ C = [C'a3/33l
Hb = k,bC ,
On substituting equations (10.1.6) into (10.1.5) one observes that the left-hand side of Eq. (10.1.5) defines a bilinear form bn(-,) with respect to (r,
= f(v)
" • > - / pvdx
For the sake of simplicity the problem of a clamped plated will be discussed. Then Wi(x,X3) = Oforx € <9fiandi3 6 [0,/i]. By (10.1.1) this condition is satisfied if the fields r,
v2aL(n) = / f o W x H>(nf x i / 0 W x //>(«), (2L = two-layer model). The equilibrium problem of the two-layered plate reads as follows: H2Lj
find the kinematic fields (r, (p,tp,w) £ V2°L(U) s u c n m a t equation (10.1.9) holds for each (s, TJ, X, V) € V2°L(il) .
One can prove that the problem above is well-posed, in particular the bilinear form 6n(-, •) is V^(n)-elliptic. In fact, the matrices Ha and H& are positive definite. Moreover, it is not difficult to verify that A =
A! Bi
A2 0
0 B2
is also a positive definite matrix. The proof is similar to that of Sec. 11.1, where unique solvability of a two-dimensional model of cross-ply laminates is shown.
Elastic plates with cracks
Since fields (a,77,Xiv) are arbitrary, the variauonal equilibrium equation (10.1.4) im plies the local equilibrium equations Nf
= 0,
+ Qa = 0,
+ Ta = 0,
satisfied in fi. Apart from the clamped edge conditions the model admits the boundary conditions con cerning Nn Mn Ln Q+T
or or
rn , tp„ ,
or or
rT ,
or or
Vn ,
LT w,
ipT ,
where Fn = Fa^nan0
FT = F^ricTp ;
F€{1 a
T = T na ;
Q = Q na , a
9n = 9c,n ,
= 9a ra ;
9 € {r,
while n, T are versors outward normal and tangent to <9fi, respectively. In particular, along the clamped edge r„ = 0 ,
^n = 0 ,
V r = 0 ,
W = 0
or thesefieldsassume given values. If the edge is supported and sliding, then Nn = 0,
^T = 0,
rpT = 0,
u> = 0,
or thesefieldsare given. Along the free, unloaded edge we have ATn = 0,yVT = 0,
Mn = 0 , M T = 0,
Ln = 0 , L T = 0,
Q + T = 0.
The two-layer plate model enables one to describe deformation of a plate with a transverse crack in one layer. In the present section we shall deal with a crack in the layer: a < X3 < h, the crack surface being perpendicular to fl. The projection of the crack on Q forms an arc F. F can be treated as a part of a curve E dividing the domain fl into two subdomains fii, fi2(fi = ^i U ^2 U E) which do not overlap, cf. Fig. 10.1.2. The versors normal and tangent to F are denoted once again by n, T, respectively. According to (10.1.1) the distribution of the in-plane displacement wn = wana, normal to F, is given by f rn(x) + (x3 - a)tpn(x) , wn(x,x3) = i I r n (x) + (i 3 - a)ij)n(x) ,
0 < x3 < a a<x3
Part-through the thickness cracks
Fig. 10.1.2. Plate with a transverse part-through-the thickness crack The opening of the crack is characterized by a jump [ipn] = t/>„j2 - ^ n ji along F; here '/'njc represents the value of ipn at the ath side of F; a = 1,2. If this jump is positive: [i>n] > 0, then the crack is open. The crack is closed if [?/)„) = 0. We shall consider the cracks such that tyn]>0,
[<M- arbitrary,
[r] = 0 ,
|ii>] = 0 . (10.1.14)
Consequently, the upper layer deforms continuously while the lower layer (a < x3 < h) undergoes cracking, see Fig. 10.1.3. Such a cracking mode can befiguredout with the help of the two-layer plate model presented here and could not be described by one-layer plate theories, like those due to Kirchhoff or Reissner-Hencky in which the penetration zones cannot be avoided, see Sees. 8 and 9.
Fig. 10.13. Opening and closure of the crack. Signorini conditions a
The stress couples Lm= LTnxn^ are equal on both sides of F: Ln=L„=L„,
Elastic plates with cracks
which expresses the principle of action and reaction. The moment Ln is always nonpositive and becomes zero if the crack opens. Thus the relations Ln < 0 ,
/,„[>„] = 0 ,
[iPn)>0, a
LT = 0 ,
(10-1.16) M
j a nxr A ,
are Signorini-type conditions without friction for the considered mode of cracking. The a
other stress and couple resultants: AT„, NT, M„> MT> „> Tn are equal at both sides of the crack: Rn=Rn, RT=RT, Re{N,M,Q + T}. (10.1.17) Now one can formulate the equilibrium problem for a plate with the crack described above. This problem amounts to finding the field U = (r, tp, ip, w) on fi, vanishing on dfl, such that the equilibrium equations (10.1.10) are satisfied in fi\F, the constitutive relations (10.1.6) hold and along F the Signorini-type conditions (10.1.16), (10.1.17) are fulfilled. This formulation will be called strong. Let us pass to the variational formulation. First let us define the set K = {v e Hl(D,\F)\ [vn] > Oon F } ,
where H{{Sl\F) = {ve
v = 0 on F } .
Note that A" is a convex set closed in Hl (f2\F). The set of kinematically admissible fields v is given by U € K = / ^ ( f i ) 2 x tf,5(ft)2 x A- x H^(Q).
Instead of the bilinear form bn(-, •) defined on fi, we shall use the bilinear form: a(U, V) = j
n\F + La0(U)ka0(X)
+ Qa(U)ga(v,
TJ) + Ta(U)da(v,
defined on D.\F, here N, M, L, Q, T depend on U according to relations (10.1.6) and (10.1.4). The variational formulation of the boundary value problem for the considered clamped plate transversely loaded and weakened by the crack F reads: find U € K such that (PUF)
Part-through the thickness cracks
This variational formulation can be derived from the strong formulation given before by using a standard technique known from the theory of three-dimensional bodies with Signorini's cracks. On the other hand, under stronger assumptions the variational formulation implies all conditions involved in the strong formulation. Moreover, it is not difficult to prove that problem (P2LF) is well posed. It is sufficient to prove that the form a(-, •) is coercive. This is a consequence of the Korn inequality being true for the domain D\F, cf. Sees. 8 and 9. 10.2.
In-plane scaling and effective model
This section is aimed at discussing effective properties of transversely homogeneous plates weakened by periodically distributed cracks of the type described in Sec. 10.1. Thus one can choose a rectangular basic cell of periodicity the repetition of which forms a given periodic layout. Assume that dimensions of this cell are proportional to a small parameter e. Thus the domain fi\F is now replaced with ile = Q\Fe, Fe being a sum of all cracks Fei, i € 2{e)\ 1(e) represents the number of cells which lie within fi. Periodicity cells are eY, Y = (0, li) x (0, l2) being a rescaled cell of periodicity. Instead of the sets K and K we shall handle the e-dependent sets Kt = {v G Hl{tf)
| [vn] > Oon Fe} ,
Ke = H^(nf x // 0 '(n) 2 x KC x H^(n)2.
The bilinear form a £ (-, •) is defined by (10.1.20) with Q\F replaced by fi£. The variational formulation of the ey-periodic problem reads: find Ue 6 Ke such that {PSi
(10.2.3) £
From Sees. 8 and 9 we know that the Poincar6 and Korn inequalities can be extended to the domain Q.c. Thus it is not difficult to prove that problem (P^LF) is uniquely solvable. The parameter e scales the in-plane dimensions of the periodicity cell, which means that for e —♦ 0 the three-dimensional cells of periodicity become infinitely slender in the transverse dimension. This takes place since these transverse dimensions are present in the formula tion (PzLF) ■ they are concealed in the definition of stiffnesses (10.1.8). Thus the effective plate model to be derived will be applicable for plates with densely distributed cracks. This means that crack spacing should be much smaller than the plate thickness. Prior to performing the asymptotic analysis let us define the set KYF and the space H^r{YF) as follows KYF = {ve H^.{YF)
= {v € H\YF)
\ [vN] > 0 on F} ,
| v is V-periodic} .
Here N = (Na) represents the versor outward normal to F and v^ = vaNa. The set KYF is closed and convex in HLr.(YF)'1. Now let us represent the solution Ue to the problem
346 (P|LF)
Elastic plates with cracks 'm °^e form °f a two-scale expansion:
£(*) = fa0)(x) + £fa1Hx,y)+£2fa2)(*,y) + ---
where y = x/e; here / stands for r, (1)(x, •) € .KVFSimilarly we expand the trial functions s„, r£, Xa>v£- The functions SQ ', 7?i0), XQ and v(0) are of class ^ ( f i ) ; s£\x, •), J?Q '(X. 0. ^ ' ( z , •) belong to / / ^ ( K ) , while x{l)(x, •) e To find the homogenized problem we substitute representations (10.2.5) into (10.2.3), taking thefirstterms of (10.2.5) for the trial fields. On passing to zero with e one finds find Uc = (r<°>,
v v « = ( S ( 0 »,^,x (0, ^ (01 ) e v2°L(n) ( 1 °' 2 ' 6 )
h(u<-°\v<°>) = f(vW)
where the bilinear form &/,(-,-) has the form W
0 )
, V<°>) = JiNfe^s^)
+ M?Pa0(r,W)
n +
The homogenized constitutive relations are given by Nh = (NQ)YF , Mh = (M0)YF , Lh = (L0)YF ,
Qh = {QO)YF ' Th = (T0)YF ,
where the brackets (-)YF mean averaging over YF (see Eq. (8.2.5)), and N* = A°^el
+ Afx»pl
+ Bfx»[kl
QoQ = H?fi ,
+ e«v(V(1))] , (10.2.9)
7? = Hf<§ .
The homogenized generalized strains are given by (10.2.10)
We recall that < , ( , ) = ( * J
Part-through the thickness cracks
The field ■0(,) involved in Eqs. (10.2.9) is a solution to the following local problem: find V(1) G KYF such that (P2L.Y)
C^<^(V(1,)e5U*-tf(,)))vF ^ '(*-^(1))
W = -Ca0X» ( | 4 + *&) «,(t)>y
We have used here the property of transverse homogeneity of the plate, see relations (10.1.8). It turns out that fields r' 1 ', ^J' 1 ' and u/ 1 ' do not depend on y and hence do not affect the effective constitutive relations (10.2.8). Note, moreover, that the non-linear terms of these constitutive relations depend on the function [i/>'1'](e'1, fch) defining a jump of i/>(1' across F. Indeed, by (10.2.8) - (10.2.12) one finds the constitutive relations Nf
= C°^{hel
- £pfc, + | [ * t - fc&(6\ fc")]} , 2a"' 2 3
M\■a0 ■C^^[~^
+ jP^],
Lf = Ca^{*el
+ ^K
- A£(6\fc")]} ,
Q% = ksaCa3/33ghp ,
7£ = k3bCa303dh0 ,
involving the crack deformation measures (10.2.14) which can equivalently be put in the form k 0
( 1 0 2 1 5 )
This proves that the jump [V>(1)] determines the nonlinear part of the homogenized consti tutive relationships. The tensor kF describes the opening of the crack F. Note, moreover, that opening of the crack affects only the constitutive relations for Nh and Lh. Coupling between those relations follows from transverse asymmetry of the problem. One can show that the effective plate deforms like a nonlinear and hyperelastic structure. Its hyperelastic potential is given by W - \(K0eha0
+ Mfphalt + Lf{k% + eyT/>(1))) + Qa0gha + 7 X > ,
Elastic plates with cracks
or, using (10.2.13) - (10.2.15), one finds
+ <&[*(*£. - *£) - a2pl\} + lksC°303(aghX
+ bdhadh0) ■
The potential W satisfies the following condition: there exist positive constants Co, C\ such that c0(\e\2 + \p\2 + \k\2 + \g\2 + \d\2) < W(e,p,k,g,d) < Cl (|e| 2 + \p\2 + \k\2 + \g\2 + \d\2) 2
for each e, p, k € E and for each g,d G R . Moreover, W is of class C and
" aw
h ^' T a _aw
which proves that the effective plate is hyperelastic. For transversely homogeneous mate rial the potential W can equivalently be represented in the form 1a3 a0X W(e, p, k, g, d) = -C "(hea0ex^ + —pa0pxn - a2ea0px„) + \ksCam{agag0
+ bdad0) + Wl (e,fc),
where Wi(€,fc) = nun 0 i ( € , e » + k))YF ,
and jx(e,k) = hja0X» (*-ka0kXli + b2ia0kXl\
We observe that the convex minimization problem in (10.2.21) is equivalent to solving the variational inequality (10.2.11) of the local problem (P2L,y)- Representation (10.2.20) is a convenient starting point for proving the estimates (10.2.18). By virtue of introducing the potential W one can represent the effective problem (P%L), see Eq. (10.2.6), as a minimization problem
ini{JW{e{s),p{rj),k{x),g(v,ri),d{v,x))dx ~f(v) | (s, r,, x, v) € V°L(Q)} .
Taking account of the properties of the macroscopic potential W given above we conclude that problems {P%L) and (PlL) are equivalent and uniquely solvable; C7(0) = (r (0) ,
Part-through the thickness cracks
10.3. The study of convergence For a fixed e > 0 the functional Jc of the total potential energy may be written in the form Je(r,
where \J[Aa^ea0(r)ex,(r)+Af^ea0(r)pXti(
Gf(r, V ,V0 = n
+ Ma/3(r,
+ 2Bfx»ea0(r)kXl>(iP)}dx ,
*(¥>, V, ™) = \J[Qa(™,
= -[£,p,fc]A[e,p,k]T = j0{e,p) + jx{e,k) ,
where jo(e,p) = \{Aa0^ta0eXtl
+ AfKa0pXll
+ Ma0pa0) ,
h(e,k) = l-{Bfx,ika0kXll + 2Bfx»ea0kXll)
(10.3.5) (10.3.6)
Here (e,p,fc) G E, andMQ/3 is given by (10.1.6)2. For a plate made of an inhomogeneous material jo and h depend additionally o n i e f i because A does. In the case of transversely homogeneous plates ji is given by (10.2.22). The partial stored energy function j is nonnegative: j > 0. We observe also that if e is prescribed then jx is a sum of a positive definite quadratic function and of a linear function. Let us set (G\{r,^) G£{r,(p,ip) = < l+oo
The main result of this section is formulated in the form of the following theorem, where Wi is given by (10.2.21). In the general case ji is defined by (10.3.6).
Elastic plates with cracks
Theorem 103.1. The sequence of functionate {Gc(r,
Jwi[e(r),k(1>))dx °
/ c W l m x 2 if r,(p,tp e Hl(iiy ; otherwise.
, +oo Proof. It will be divided into four steps. In steps 1 and 2 we shall prove that for any xp € H '(fi) 2 there exists a sequence {ip {xpcc}}cc>0 >o CC 2 2 Ke strongly convergent to xp in the topology of L (f2) such that G(r, ip, xp) > lim sup Gc(r, ip, xpc) .
Step 1. Let {£IK}K£K be afinitepartition of fi by polygonal sets. Such a partition enables us to exploit the local character of the functional Gc(r,
4 = { i £ QK\ dist (x, dQK) > 6} , 6 > 0 , and let
With every family of functions {v }xeK C KYF
(10.3.10) (10.3.11)
associate the sequence
1f*{x) = 4>(x) + e<JK{x)vK ( - ) ,
£> 0,
where the summation convention obviously applies to K. Since
L2(Q)2 strongly.
From Eq. (10.3.12) we conclude that xpee'66 G Kcc because WAF-
= £VK[V*]F< > 0 •
Part-through the thickness cracks
Let t < 1 (intended to go to 1) and set £FK = ft£ n QK. Recalling that t
= J2 JMr(x)),
P(v(i)), trf<(x) (kK + k(vK) ( ^ ) )
+ {(1 - <^(x))fc* + (1 - t)^-tsym(vK
g ) ® V„(x))]dx
^ £ / J H*-^)). PW*)). fc *+ k ^ K ) (f)]da; + y"(l - ^WJJletrti)),^)),*^ + (1 - t)Jj[e(r{x)),
p(v>(i)), Y ^ s y m (w* (^) ® Vi/K(x))]dx
+ c , y (1 - ^(x))[|e(r(x))| 2 + |p(v>(x))|2 + |fc* |a]
IPM*))| 2
+ ly^y™(«* (f) ® V*(x))|2]dx}.
Here we have used the fact that j > 0 and the following notation [sym(vK ®V
(no summation on AT).
The function j{e(r), p(
^ £ KeK
+ ey(vK(y))}dydx.
By applying Lemma 1.3.27 we construct a mapping e -> (t(e),6{e)) with (t{e),6(e)) -> (1~, 0) as e —> 0. Now we set t/>£ = t ( e ) ^ W .
Elastic plates with cracks
Thus ipe —> ip strongly in L2(Q)2 when e —> 0. Consequently (10.3.15) yields lim sup Ge(r,
/ | 7 [ fj[e(r(x)),p(
^ E KeK
Taking now the infimum on the r.h.s. of the last inequality when vK runs over the set KYF we arrive at the relation G'(r,
< JjoMr(x)),p(V(x))) n
+ m(e(r(x)),k(xP(x)))}dx
Step2.Foreache,0,X€ E 2 wehavej o (e,0)+Wi(e,x) < Ci(|e|2 + |0| 2 + |x| 2 ), where c\ is a positive constant. Hence we obtain G°(r,
L2 (Q)2 strongly, the following inequality is satisfied G{r,(p,ipc) < limjnfG'(r,(p,ipc)
Step 3. First, let us show that if ip is an affine function: ip(x) = xx + a ,
then lim Ge(r, ip, ipc) = G(r,
where iP£(x) = i,(x) + eV(6,X) ( f ) •
Here V'fe.x)IS a solution t 0 m e following local problem: mi{
W\ Jjl^'x YF
+ eV dy
e Kvp
} ■
Part-through the thickness cracks
We immediately obtain l i m G e ( r , V , ^ ) = y , [ j o ( e ( r ( i ) ) , p ( V ( i ) ) ) + W1(c(r(i))1x)]dx. n Equation (10.3.18) gives k(ip) = x, and thus limG'(r, tp, V) = j[3o(e(r(x)),p(ip(x)))
+ W,(e(r(i)),fe(^(i)))]di = G(r,
n Step 4. Let {i/>£}£>o C AT£ be a sequence of functions strongly convergent in L 2 (fl) 2 to a certain ip. We take q, a continuous affine function: q(x) =XKx
+ a,
a G R 2 , i € ilK .
x " e ^ ,
Let us denote by vK(K G AC) a solution to the problem (10.3.21) with x being replaced by XK■ Obviously, vK depends on e and xK■ We set
G /C .
Clearly, for each K G AC we have: q** —► q strongly in L 2 (fi) 2 as e —> 0. Next, let us introduce a function
jj,(e(r),fc(^))di J
+ Y,
' n^
Applying the subdifferential inequality to the function j(e(r),p(
J VK( a; )io(e(r),p(¥J))da: + ^
Ke c
> ^
•) we obtain
KeK c
(i K
^ri* where Z ^ e t r ) , *('•*)] = [0tfi(e(r), *(«,«■*))]<*. Here D2Ji{e(r), •) stands for the gradient of the function j i ( e ( r ) , •).
Elastic plates with cracks
By using (10.3.19) we arrive at l|m[ /
= J
K e K..
Performing integration by part on the r.h.s. of (10.3.25) we readily obtain (no summation over K\) k(
where *K = -j^K[Da0(e(r),k(qc'K))}A^a
- £*)<** ,
CK = J
He C
Here F K = F n nK. Before proceeding further, some localization considerations are indispensable. The local minimization problem appearing in (10.2.21) with ji given by (10.3.6) is equivalent to: find vK e KYF such that [Da*[e(r),xK
+ &(vK)WaP(v-vK)dy>0
Taking v = vK + (p,
V v e KYF .
from the last inequality we obtain
+ eV{vK)}eyaf}{
32) (10.3.
Particularly, one can take (p € D(YF)2, that is
+ ey(vK))=O
in D'(YF)2.
Part-through the thickness cracks
Let us consider (10.3.32) once again and take
is V-antiperiodic.
Consequently (10.3.33) can be extended to F 2 \ U [F + (miyi, m2y2)}, where mi,m2 G Z, and Z stands for the set of integers. Let us return to the variational inequality (10.3.31). Integrating by parts and taking (10.3.33) and (10.3.34) into account we get / " [ K - vZ)D°t>(e{r), e^{vK) + xK)N0]ds > 0 V v G KYF .
Let us take v = (1 - tp)(vK + xKy) +
) + xK)]N0ds > 0 ,
for each $ G KYF,
k(q*'K(x))} = 0
in D'(ft£) .
/ v x IWG " ^ P ^ W r ) , fc(tf-*))]JVfa > 0 ,
Next, (10.3.36) yields
J VKJo(e(r),p{
- £
jjx{e{r),k{^))dx Jji(e(r),ktf*))dx (10'3-39)
Elastic plates with cracks
Prior to passing to the limit (e —» 0) in the last inequality we shall demonstrate the follow ing property D2Wx{e,X) = 7^7 JD2ji(e,
ev(v) + X)dy .
Since the function j \ (e, •) is convex andfinite,therefore we have D2ji(e,-)=d2jl(€,-).
Here &2J is the subdifferential of the function ji(e, ■). Similarly we can write £>2>Vi(6,X) = fyWyicx) ■ Let us denote by maB{y)(a,0 sponding to i>(y), that is
= 1,2; y e YF) the microscopic bending moment corre
ma^{y) = DaP(e(r), e»(w) + x)
and fma0(y)eva0{v(y)
- v{y))dy > 0
By virtue of (10.3.41) and (10.3.42) we write W, (e(r), X (1) ) - W,(e(r), X) = j ^ f[Drii(e(r),
c»(5 (,) ) + X (I) )
- D2jl(e(r),
e»(») + x)]*/ > j ^ | Jm^y)^^)
+ x§ - (e^(i>) + X ^)]dj,.
Here v' 1 ' corresponds to x' 1 ' and v to xHence, taking into account (10.3.44) we obtain W(e(r),XW)-WMr),X)
> ( | ^ j Jm<*(y)dy ) ( x $ - X < * ) = ^ ( x ^ - X o f l ) , VF
(10.3.45) where
L? = -±-Jm'*(y)dy.
The last formula coincides with Eq. (10.2.13) 3 in the case of transversely homogeneous plates.
Part-through the thickness cracks
Now we are in a position to pass to the limit in (10.3.39). First, we observe that i/>£ -
- ±JD^[e(r),
+ e?(vK{y))]dy ,
(10.3.47) weakly in L2(Q) as e -> 0. Due to (10.3.40) the limit in (10.3.47) is equal just to D 2 Wi(e(r),x K )- Thus we arrive at lim i n f G f ( r , ^ , # ) > £
J2 f[D,WMr),-XK)]ap'PKJrl,a-qa)dx. (10.3.48) K ^nK According to Sec. 9 there exists an extension operator Q| s u c n m a t m e sequence {Q|t/) £ } £ ^ 0 is bounded in H\Cl)2 and \\Q?il>c - i>\\L2{n)2 -» 0 as e -» 0. By using this result we conclude that xj) G i/'(n) 2 . Integrating by parts the last term of (10.3.48) and next passing with ipK to 1 for each K G tC, we obtain limJnfG£(r,<^i/>£) > J {j0(e(r), p(
+ f(rl>a ~ ,w) = G(r l V ,V0 +*(¥>,4>,v>) - f{w).
Now we formulate the minimum principles of the total potential energy for fissured and homogenized plate: = inf{7e(r,v>, V,w)| r l V G / / o W , - 0 6 Ke,w G H>(Q)2} , 4(r<°',^°»,V ( 0 ) ^ ( 0 ) ) = i n f ^ r , ? , V,w)| r, V , V e # 0 W , ™ e ff0l(fi)2} .
Elastic plates with cracks
358 We observe that (Pc) and (Ph) are equivalent to We claim that
iPhL) respectively.
when e - 0 .
Indeed, according to Theorem 10.3.1, for (r' 0 ',^/ 0 ', V>(0\w(0)) as above, there exists a sequence { ( r 1 , ^ , tp ,tu£)}£>o C HQ(Q,)2 X HQ(Q)2 X KC X H^(Q) strongly convergent in L2(ft)2 x L2(Q)2 x L2(ft)2 x L2(il) and such that Mr{0),
> lim sup J£{¥c,!pe,i>£,we) .
We also have lim inf JJrc,ip£, if, uf) > Jh(rW,
The relations (10.3.51) - (10.3.53) corroborate our statement, i.e.: inf Pc —»infPh
10.4. Dual homogenization This section is concerned with the dual homogenization involving generalized stresses. As usual, to derive the dual problem (Pe*) we apply the theory of duality presented in Sec. 1.2.5. In the present case the operator A maps the space H^(Q)2 x H^(U)2 x H{(W)2 x H£(n)2 into L2(fi, E 2 ) x L2(Q, E 2 ) x L2(W, E2) x L2(S1)2 x L2(ft)2 and is defined as follows A(r,
= - j'Na0,0radx n
where N 6 L2(Q, E£). In a similar manner we obtain A'2M = -(M Q %)
in fi ;
A ! i
(10.4.2) £
(-L %) = < -L.
in ft , on F-;
*»"<"?* '" n'TV A;T=<{
-- Q r% l B m T
m in in
ft, n , ( «(y») ;), ; fi, (V>) ^'V,V
Part-through the thickness cracks
Further we set Ce(v,*l>)=-f(v) + IKe(Tp),
where IK, stands for the indicator function of the set Ke. Standard calculation yields C;(-\'{N,
M, L, Q, T)) = sup | J(Na^0ra n
+Q%w - Qa<pa + Taiaw - Ta4>a+pw)dx + f Lal3,0ipadx
- IK.W)\ r,
We introduce the functional of the total elastic energy of the fissured plate G5(A(r,
+ \Hfdad0
To find the conjugate functional (G|)* of G\ we calculate j'(N,M,
L) = sup{Na0ea0 + Ma0pa0 + La0ka0 - j(e,p,fc)| e,p, fe e E 2 } = ^[N,M,L}A'l[N,M,T]T,
j2*(Q,T) = sup{QQ5a + Tada - j2(g, d)\g,de
(10.4.10) R2}
= \l£PQr
where ha = H;1 , hb = H\. The set of statically admissible generalized stresses is defined by, cf. (10.4.7) SJ := {N G L2(fi, E^), M G L2(fl, EJ), L G L2(n*. EJ), Q, T G L2(fi)2| diviV = 0, -divM + Q = 0, in fi div(Q + T) + p = 0 in 0.; -divL + T = 0 in n£ ; Ln < 0 on F*} .
Elastic plates with cracks
360 Now we are in a position to formulate Problem (P;) Find sup{ -J[j'(N(x),M(x),L(x))
+ j'2(Q(x),T(x))}dx
- / s : ( i V , M , i , Q , T ) | (N,M,L,Q,T)
e H} ,
where H = L2(fi, Es2) x L2(fi, Es2) x L2(ff, Es2) x L2(fi)2 x L2(fi)2 .
Problem (P/) is obviously uniquely solvable and inf P£ = sup P' .
Let us set Ge(N, M, L, Q, T) = J\j'{N(x), M(x),L(x)) n +IS:(N,M,L,Q,T).
+ j'2{Q{x), T{x)))dx (10.4.15)
In order to study the T-convergence of the sequence {Gc}e>o it is indispensable to derive the dual macroscopic potential W*, where W is given by (10.2.16). We write W(N, M, L, Q, T) = sup{Na0ea0 + Ma06a0 + La0Xa0 + Qaga + Tada-W{e,e,x,9,d)\e,e,xeE.2s;g,deFi2} = (j0 + m)'(N,M,L)+j'2(Q,T) , (10.4.16) where N,M,L € E 2 and Q, T e F 2 ; moreover (jo + W1)'(N,M,L)=
sup {Na0ea0 + Ma06a0 + La0Xa0 e.O.xeE]
To be more specific, consider the case of transversely homogeneous plates. To this end we set c = C . Proceeding similarly to Sec. 11.5 in the next chapter it can be shown that
(jo + Wi)'(N, M,L) = ca0X^Na0Nx" +
a b) a0 x a0 x a0 x + 3{i2a + M M » - 4rM L » + 2b24rL L A) A h abh h
+ inf | ^J^ca0Xli{La0
- ma0)(Lx» - mx»)dy\ m G S ^ I , (10.4.18)
Part-through the thickness cracks
where S ^ = (L - S y n ( E y ,
and s
( m e L2{YF, E32)\ divvm = 0 in YF ; % = 0 , mN < 0 on F ; mji takes opposite values on the opposite sides of Y } ,
£er =
(E3V = {m e L2(KF, E5)| y"m(y)dy = 0} . YF
Here /i represents a unit vector outward normal to dY. We observe that in order tofindW one has to solve only the following local problem: for a given L e E ; find inf{
|7f S^Ca0^{La0
~ ma0{-y^LX" -
This problem can be written in an equivalent form. Namely for an element m € Sper we have,cf. (10.4.19) m= L-mi
(m) = —- / m{y)dy = 0 ,
m, 6 S^,r
and thus (mi) = L. Hence the last local problem means evaluating i n f { ^ j^ca0X,m^m^dy\
m 6 S ^ , <m> = L) .
We are now in a position to solve the problem of T-convergence of the sequence {Gc}c>o defined by (10.4.15). To this end we set yP(r,
Here i = 1,2, 3,4,5 andp a e L (fi, E 2 ), p 3 € L 2 ^ , E 2 ), p 4 ,p 5 G L2(ft)2 ; obviously a = 1,2. The T-convergence of the sequence {Jc}c>o to Jh implies the T-convergence of {Jf } t > 0 . in the strong topology of L2(Q)2 x L2(fi)2 x L2(fi)2 x L2(ft) x H to the following functional ,^(r,
{W[e(r)+pl,p(ip)+p2,k{ip) n + P3>9K
More precisely, one has to choose approximating sequence for Pj (i = 1,2,3,4,5). To this end we first consider the case where p{ are constant functions on the sets n^ introduced
Elastic plates with cracks
in the previous section. Then it is not difficult to prove the following inequalities, cf. Sec. 5.4 J*{r,(p,il>,w p.) < \imjntJ?(re,ifi£,xl>£,we;
Here {rc,
It is easily seen that Jc"(r,
> c(||r||2n + |M| 2 n + u\\lne + ||HI2,n - \\P\U\MU
where c > 0 is a constant independent of e. The assumptions of Theorem 1.3.38 being satisfied, we conclude that Gh = {w-H)gh(N,M,L,Q,T)
lim«& ,
(l 0.4.24)
Jw[N(x),M{x)tL(x),Q{x),T(x)]dx n + ISm(N,M,L,Q,T),
and S, :={N,M,LeL2(n,El); Q,T € L2{Q)2\ diviV = 0, -divM + Q = 0, -divL + T = 0 , div(Q + T) + p = 0 in
We recall that w - H stands for the weak topology of the space H. We observe that (10.4.24) still applies to transversely inhomogeneous plates since the explicit form of W* has not been used and the sets S^, S s are independent of material properties. Further consequences resulting from application of dual homogenization Theorem l .3.36 to the plate model studied are left to the reader. Remark 10.4.1. For technical reasons it is convenient to assume that divergences of all fields appearing in the present section belong to the corresponding L2-spaces.
Part-through the thickness cracks
/ 0.5. Passage to classical models of cracked plates The homogenization process based on the in-plane scaling (10.2.5) has preserved the ini tial mathematical structure: models of an eV-periodic plate {P%Lf<) and the homogenized model {P%L) are both models of a two-layer plate. In the next section an alternative ho mogenized model will be derived. By using a so-called refined scaling we shall arrive at a homogenized model of a physically non-linear Kirchhoff-type plate. In this case the ho mogenization process goes beyond the limits of the original framework of the two-layer plate model and leads to the thin plate model of Kirchhoff type. To bridge a gap between these two approaches a passage from the results of the previous sections to the HenckyReissner-and then to the Kirchhoff plate description will be presented. Let us impose the constraints ¥><°> = t/> (0)
on problem {P%L). The potential W is replaced by WH = \c°^[heha0el
+ ajk*0kl
+ £((*&, + e'a/3(V(1)))(fct + e*v(V>(1)))>yF
+ l(b2 - a2)kl - b2kQehJ + \kshCa^P%
where /?£ = w,a + <pa . Specifying the constitutive relations Na0_dWH_
*aPfl ' ~ &£
n ? - ^
0fc*a0 ' wn,
~ dft '
(ia5 3)
we obtain
< = C°^[hel + ±(b- a)kl - £fc£] (10.5.4) M f = C°^C(b
- a)el + -(a + b )^ a
- -A&
Q£ = k3hC W fy .
Note that Mh = Mh + Lh, Qh = Qh + Th. The equilibrium equations assume the form
w$ = o, - * C + Q*=o, -Qla=P,
well known from the theory of Hencky-Reissner plates. The properties of the potential W mentioned above imply that the reduced potential WH is still smooth, strictly convex and enjoys similar properties, cf. Sec. 10.2. To arrive at the Kirchhoff-type plate model one should, in addition, impose /3 h = 0 or
Elastic plates with cracks
Then k*p = ftQ/3(u/0'). The equilibrium equations reduce to the form Na0 - n
The constitutive relations linking Nh, M / , with eh, kh are still coupled, because the pres ence of the cracks makes the plate transversely non-homogeneous (unbalanced). 10.6.
Refined scaling and effective
Consider the problem of homogenization of effective properties of the plate discussed in Sec. 10.2. The plate is weakened with a family of cracks that form an ey-periodic layout. As it was mentioned in Sec. 10.2 the effective models found in Sec. 10.2 and studied in Sees. 10.3 - 10.5, concern cracks which are densely distributed: cracks spacing should be much smaller than the plate thickness. To consider a larger class of cracks layouts it is necessary to introduce a new scaling, called here refined, that preserves the threedimensional shape of the cell of periodicity. Thus instead of the in-plane scaling: Y ~> eY we replace: Y ~> eY,
a ~» ea,
6 -^> eb,
h~~> eh .
To compensate the decrease of stiffnesses as e —• 0 we scale the loading p ~» e3p.
Below, our study is restricted to transversely homogeneous plates. The bilinear form ae(-, •) on the left-hand side of Eq. (10.2.3) is now replaced by 3 c e a (U, V) and the bilinear form &'(•,•) reads
a€{U,V) =
b3 + -^ka0{ip)kx„{x) + ^ea0{r)[b2kXll{x) + -±Ca303[a{w>a
a3 1 + ^ e Q / 3 ( s ) [ 6 2 f c v ( V ) - a2pX)1{
+ tpa){vji + 17/,) + b(w,a + V>a)(wjj + Xp)]}dx ,
where U = (r,
V V e Ke
Part-through the thickness cracks
The solution Uc will be represented in the form compatible with singularities inherent in the definition of ac(■,■): r< (s) = £ri°»(x) + rf (x, ^ ) + rf (x, ?)
+ ..
<^(x) =
(*, * ) + • •
w£(x) = u/°>(x) + e^ 1 ) (x, - ) + E V 2 > (X, - ) + . . .
and the trialfieldssa, rja, \a, v are represented similarly. The functions ri '(x, •), Sa (x, •), ipa(x,-), rja (x, •), w(*'(x, •), i/*'(x, •),fc> 1, are elements of the corresponding spaces H^.(Y). More precisely, we assume mat TQ ) (x,0.Sor(^.--)'V'a( x > , )' 7 ?o( a; ' , )>w (1) (x,-), vW(x, •) € H^{Y) and i/>(1)(x, •), X(1)(*> 0 e ffyF. Moreover, to suppress singularities of the integral of (10.6.3), we assume that v40) = -w™ , € , =V»2 , ) ',
™(1) = w^(x),
X< 0 ) =^ 0 ) .
i/ 1 ' = ^ ' ( x ) ,
= -i#> , '
Let us define ^a = Vil) + < ' ,
Xa = X^ + V$ •
Substitution of representations (10.6.5) - (10.6.7) into (10.6.4) gives the variational in equality J{Nf[ea0(s^ n +Lf[Ka0(vM
- r<°>) + < > ( " - r' 1 ')] + AtfW(t;< 0 > - «/°>) + e ^ i / 1 ' -
- «,«») + el0(X"
- V(1))] + Q'oKvp -
+To0l(xe - i>fi) + 4-(v{2) - u>{2))])dx > [p(v{0) ~ w^)dx + 0(e),
~ u^)) (10.6.8)
where K.a0(vm) = -v^p and
MS0 = C ^ [ - ^ e % + ^ ] , eW 2 >
L°" = C ^ M ^ + y*SJ , -
Elastic plates with cracks
366 with the following definitions of strain measures: />a0 = < 3 + <3(V ( 1 ) ).
Now we put s (0)
r (0) ( x ) +
g(0) ( x ) ^
^(0) ( x )
X(0) (x) = ipm (x) + x{x), ,0)
r (i> t
( x ) + Jj(a;) ,
r (0) (*) = w(0) (i) + v{x) , x (i)
^ ( i ) _ w(i)
w(2) )
into (10.6.8). Since the virtualfieldss, f), x, € are sufficiently regular, otherwise arbitrary, the inequality (10.6.8) assume the form of the variational equality + mZ0Ka0(v)}dx = fpvdx + 0(e), n
JNfKeis) n where
V (5, v) € V£(fl)
mtf = M* + L? 2
and V£(tt) = tf^) x if0 (n). Letting e — ► 0 we reduce the equality (10.6.11) to the form of the variational equation of equilibrium of the homogenized plate: f[Nfea0(s) n
+ m f Ka0(v)}dx = fpvdx , n
V (a, v) g Vg(fi) ,
with Nh = (7V0)yj, ,
m h = (mo)yj, .
Substitution of expressions (10.6.9) into (10.6.14) gives the homogenized constitutive rela tions in the following form (10.6.15) m
/> — I 2 involving the crack opening measures
( 1 1
L ,
3 V
or «£, = - < e y ^ ) ) „ „ ,
or equivalently = 2 ^ / ( ^ J J V > + [Vvrftfa)^ •
Part-through the thickness cracks
Let us take (10.6.11) into account in the inequality (10.6.8). We thus arrive at a new in equality which after passing to zero with e assumes the form j(K0<0(s(1)
- r (1) ) + M«VQ/3(fj -
+Q0o[m-w + £-0(vV)
- i>)
-1P0 + Q^-(VW - w^)])YF±c > o. (10.6.18)
Let us take ,(D.
. r' 1 ' = aa .
ri-q> = 0fl,
StH^Y)2 ^€^r(y)
(a:-fixed) ( r - fixed)
X = V> + 7(x ~ VO > X e ^V^ 2 ,,(2) . ve HUY), y< ' = \v ,
(* - fixed)
where a, /3, 7, A are functions from the space D(fi) that assume values from the interval [0,1]. Note that ijj G KYF since ^ = V>(1) + Vtu(1) and Vu>(1) does not depend on y. Thus V(1) 6 ^ V F implies V> € .KYF. Hence [XN] = (1 - 7)[V>/vJ + 7[x>] > 0, which means that x £ ^VF- Let us recall that fn = faNa. On substituting representations (10.6.19) into (10.6.18) and making use offieldss, fj, x> v and functions Q, /?, 7, A being independent, one arrives at the local problem: find(r(1),<^,i/.,u;(2))e//2L,per(yF) = H^Yf
x H^Yf
x KYF x tf^(y) such that (10.6.20)
(A2 i y j <^
V (a, f), x, v) € H,LtPer(YF)
Lf = C^eiy*) W£ = k,Ca^(hw^
+ ^(j,)] + If , + aj>0 + typ)
Elastic plates with cracks
368 and Qg, T£ are given by (10.6.9)4,5. Moreover
™f = &*» (-yet + J<) '
f =^
( ^ t + J«t)
Thus solution (r ( 1 ) , £,rj>, w (2) ) depends on (eh,«h). In particular, /c F given by (10.6.17) is a function of (eh, Kh), which determines the constitutive relations: Nh = iV h (e h , *ch), Ttih = mh(eh, Kh), cf. (10.6.15). The mathematical structure of the local problem ( A i y ) is similar to the mathematical structure of the original problem (PUF) of Sec. 10.1. Thus both problems are simultaneously well posed. Note only that the fields TQ (Q = 1,2) and u/ 2 ) are determined up to additive constants. These constants, however, do not affect the final form of the constitutive relations, since these relations depend only on the jumps [ ^ Q ( e \ « h ) ] o n F , s e e E q . (10.6.17). The homogenized constitutive relations (10.6.15) can be put in the form characteristic for a hyperelastic medium: N
The potential W(eh, K1*) is given by
W = l(K0el0+MS0pi,+Lfkl0+Qi^0
+ ^)+Ti(i>,
+ ^-))YF.
Although differentiable, the potential W is only of class C 1 . Moreover, it can easily be proved that there exist positive constants Co, C] such that co(|e|2+|K|2)<W(e,,c)
I find (r(0>, u/ 0 ') e VK{Q) such that the variational equilibrium | equation (10.6.3) holds with Nh and Mh determined by (10.6.23)
can be rearranged to the minimization problem
wi{Jw(e(s),K(v)) n
~ f(*)\ (-,«) e V°(Q)} .
In both formulations this problem is uniquely solvable. Remark 10.6.1. The homogenized model derived in the present section can be justified by the method of T-convergence. The procedure is similar to that already used in Sec. 5.4 and to that which will be presented in Sec. 11.5.
Part-through the thickness cracks 10.7.
Plates with aligned cracks
The present section is aimed at evaluating the stiffness loss of an orthotropic plate weak ened by aligned part-through the thickness cracks going along the orthotropy axis. The transverse dimensions of the plate are ea, eb, eh = e(a + b), since the refined scaling method of Sec. 10.6 will be used here. The crack distance is el, cf. Fig. 10.7.1, where the cross-section x2 = const is shown.
Efr E/
f x) Fig. 10.7.1. Plate with aligned cracks. Section i 2 =const The rescaled periodicity cell Y degenerates to the interval yx € (0, /), cf. Fig. 10.7.2.
a h
'— b
1 in. j, in
'» in l = 2ph
Fig. 10.7.2. Basic cells y and Y Position of the crack within Y can be arbitrary. Thus we choose the simplest case when the crack is located in the middle, see Fig. 10.7.2. Let us consider first the case when the crack is open. Due to orthotropy the problem {Pii.y) s P» t s UP i n t 0 t w o I00*"* problems: a) bending problem (Pa), b) torsional problem (Pi,). Both are one-dimensional.
Elastic plates with cracks
a) Problem (Pa) amounts to finding the functions r' 1 ' = ra(yt), ipi = t^0(2/i), ^i = ■0a(yi)> w'2' = w(yi) defined for j/i e [0, l] such that ^,=0,
-A/QVI + Ql = 0 ,
-Lj,\ + Tj = 0 ,
where (-)n = d(-)jdy\ and N» = (5»» (hr* - j<pa\i + | ^ i ) + "J1 ,
Ql = aC1313(y>a + «,„) ,
TJ = &C1313(V>0 + <%) ,
WJ = fcsC1313(«(p0 + hpa + Aw,,) . The shear correction factor fc, is taken as 1. Quantities n^1, raj1, ^ ' are defined by (10.6.22). The boundary conditions are: /(0) = HI) ,
/ € {^011,Af0,1ILj,I Wj ; ra,<pa,1>a,w} ■
The switching conditions at yi = l/2 are given by /(//2 - 0) = /(i/2 + 0),
/ € {Nl\Ml\W^
■ ra,^w}
Since the crack is considered as open, we have Ll0l(l/2-0)
Lj1(2/2 + 0) = 0.
The jump [ipa(l/2)] is here arbitrary.
b) Problem (Pb) amounts to finding the functions r^1' = r^), defined for j/i £ [0, l] such that 7^=0,
-Mo2,1! + Ql = 0 ,
(p2 -
-Z,2^ + T 2 = 0 ,
where /V2* = &™ (hrv - y ^ l i + jV<6|i) + ng1 , (10.7.4) Lg.=c»ia.^J.6|I +
Q2 = aC 232 V 6 ,
| 1
+ i g
T02 = bC2323^6 ,
Part-through the thickness cracks
where n§ 1 =2C 2121 (/ l e? 2 + ^ 2 - a 2 K 2 ) , (10.7.5) m
c . 2 i
2 1
( _ l
4 +
3 ^
Z21 = 2C2m
12 I i
(l* :^>
The boundary conditions are: / € {JV 2 \M 21 ,L 21 ; r 6)V>6 ,^} .
/(0) = /(/) ,
The switching conditions at j/i = Z/2 are given by /(Z/2-0) = /(//2 + 0 ) ,
The jump [i()b(l/2)] is here arbitrary. The homogenized equations (10.6.15) reduce to the form Naa
+ G NU
| "€22 '
b2 - a22
o (J2 _
"22 Q2)KA2
2^2] .
'b2-a2 ^ 2 C" +
m? a = C"
*^ 2
3 3
a + Z> «& + ■
«22 I >
2 2 3 3 mi 2 = C1212 (b -a )e? 2 + ^(a + b K 2 - ^ « f 2
where, according to (10.6.17): «n = y l ^ J ,
"f2 = 27^*] •
Here [/] = /(Z/2 + 0) - /(Z/2 - 0). Note that K
l l ( e l l i e 2 2 i K l l ' K 22/ '
' t 12( £ 12' K 12J '
which confirm that problem (P0) and (Pb) are independent. Both problems can be analyti cally solved. Let us sketch how to solve the problem (Pa) in the case of a = b = h/2.
Elastic plates with cracks
Substitution of (10.7.2) into (10.7.1) gives the homogeneous system of ordinary differ ential equations:
- ^ )
= -24a(<pa - 4>a) + 12aK ,
where K is a constant. The system above is easy to solve. Within the whole interval (0,2p), 2p = l/h, the solution can be represented as follows Cpe-°"< + Cke-a^»-U + 6aKe + C3^ + C4, if f e (0, p) ai 2 Dpe-*i «-P) + Dke~ ( "-«) + QaLf + D3£ + D4 , if f e (p, 2p) , -C p e" Q '« - Cke~a^-ti + QaK? + C3£ + CA ,
i>a =
-Dpe- ^-ri
a 2p
- Dke- ^ -^
if £ 6 (0, p)
+ 6aL? + D3£ + £>4 , if £ € (p, 2p)
( h, ACpe~a« + Cke-a^»-U + C5£ + C6] , -[Dpe-ai(«-"» + Dte-Q'(2"-«> + Z?5£ + D6],
if£e(0,p) if £ e (p, 2p),
/i[-2aK£ 3 - ^C3£2 + (If - C4)£ + C7] , if £ e (0,p) w = < /l[_2a^
- ^L>3£2 + (L - £>4)£ + ^T] , if f € (0,2p) ,
where a, = (48a)1/2, p = l/2h and Cp, C*. C3> C4, D3, D4, K, L, C5, C6, D5, D6, C7, D7 are integration constants. By using the boundary conditions, the conditions on the crack and the switching conditions onefindsthat C3 = D3 = Cs = Ds,
K = L = 0,
C4 = 0 .
Further analysis gives
h3Cnn aipcoth(aip) + 7 1 ut to be sufficient sufficient to find all formulae for the reduced if IQ > 0 and this result turns out effective stiffnesses with indices: 1111,1122, 2222.
Part-through the thickness cracks
Finding the solution to the problem (Pb) is easier and will be omitted. The final results for the case of a = b = h/2 have the following form. The crack deformation measures read « n = K « n + "12*22) + ^ ( « i i + H2£22)bi( Q iP) .
(10.7.8) K
n = K 2 + -jf n)92{oc2p)
where i? = 2a/3, tti = (48 • £'313/(71111)1/2
£ll22/£llll f
/ Q2 = ( 1 2 - C 2 3 2 3 / C 1 2 1 2 ) 1 / 2 ,
p = ^
and functions g\{x), gi{x) are given by »i(i) =
^ — ^ , z • coth x + 7 t \8sinh2x 2 ^ ~ 3sinh2x + 2x(2 + 3cosh2x) '
( •• )
Note that limp Q (i) = l , x—*0
limg Q (x) = 0 ,
a = 1,2.
For isotropic case we have Ql
= [24(1 - u)}1'2,
Q2 = ( 1 2 ) 1 / 2 ,
i/12 = «/,
where 1/ is the Poisson ratio. The results (10.7.8) concern the case of the crack being open. One can prove that the crack is open if IQ1 > 0, which means here that V := ^(e?i + ^ i 2 4 ) + « i + Wi>&) > 0 •
Thus 0
if 77 < 0 (the crack is closed)
rjgi (aip)
if 77 > 0 (the crack is open),
while formula (10.7.8) 2 for K{2 holds good in both cases. Having found the rule (10.7.15) we can write down the final form of the homogenized constitutive relations N°a = h(AaaUe^ h
4- Aaa22A2)
+ ^ ( E 0 0 1 1 ^ , + Eaa2242)
11 22; 11 Nl2 = 2/i(A 1212 e5' 2 + hE™2Khn) ■
m ? a = h2(Faanehn m'2
+ F a a 2 2 4 ) + h3(DaaUK,hu 11 227 = 2/i 2 (F 1 2 1 2 ef 2 + hDm2Kkl2)
+ DaQ22/d,), w , .
Elastic plates with cracks
The explicit formulae for the reduced stiffnesses will be given for the case a — b = hjl. The stiffnesses j^aaPP _ j^00aa
gaa00 _ n*00aa
£)aa00 _ r\00aa
(10 7 18)
are reduced or not: i) if V < 0 the crack is closed and then £aa00 _ Qaa00
p00aa _ Q
_ Qaa00
ii) If 77 > 0 the crack is open and then the moduli are reduced as follows
^ " V C " " = 1 - |Sl(«lP), /
AiiM/C.mi = „12 ^ _ | P l ( t t l p)J ,
A™*/C™ = 1 - |^ 2 i>(a l P ),
1 ■ Faa00
= E00aa
DHii/^nn = 1_ l5l(QlP) ,
= vn f 1 - ^iteiP)
_ i^^g^p) ,
C.n22 /( J2222
where jy**
( 1 0 .7.24)
Reduction of stiffnesses: ^-1212 _ ^-2121 _ ^-2112 _ ^ 1 2 2 1 ^
is independent of rj: A .212 / C 1212 =
_ 3
2(ft2p) (
£l212/cl212 =
1 = 1 - ^2(a2p>) ,
( a 2 p ) >
Fm2 = Euu .
The opening of the crack is determined by the crack deformation measures /eft, «.f2, see (10.7.7), (10.7.8). They depend on the crack density cd = h/l, since p = -(c d ) _ 1 . Accord ing to (10.7.12) lim «f2 = 0 , c^—»0
lim = r^e*, nh) , c,j—»oo
lim «f2 =tf(<&, «&),
where 77 is defined by (10.7.14) and d = «i 2 +^ 2 /72. Shapes of functions «£ (cd) = «£/??,
Part-through the thickness cracks "■wicd) = Kn/fi 0.3.
shown in Fig. 10.7.3. This figure concerns an isotropic plate of v —
In-plane scaling
< 2
^ /'
o 5
^ -^•'
/ ^
/ -0.5
/ /
1 1
* **
s •
Fig. 10.73. Cracking measures a\a versus crack density h/l One can see that the cracking measures «f0 tend asymptotically to 1, as the crack density increases. Note that Ann/Cun
1 1 2 2 / n l 122
The stiffnesses Aa0Xtl and £ > Q ^ decrease when cd increases and tend asymptotically to the following values, see Figs. 10.7.4 - 10.7.6. Ann{cd
= o o ) / C i m = An22{cd
= oo)/C 1 1 2 2 = Am2{cd
A2222(cd = oc)/C 2 2 2 2 = 1 un
D (cd
= <x)/D
= D {cd = oo)/D
= oc)/C 1 2 1 2 = | ,
3 ,
= D {cd
D2222(cd = oc)/D 2 2 2 2 = 1 - y .
= oo)/D
(10.7.28) 1
Elastic plates with cracks
376 The reciprocal stiffnesses tend asymptotically to Enn(cd
= o o ) / C m l = E U 2 2 ( Q = oo)/C 1 1 2 2 = Em2{cd
= oo)/C 1 2 1 2 = - \ ,
E2222{cd = oo)/C 2 2 2 2 =
thus their absolute values increase with cd. This means that the membrane - bending cou pling becomes essential if the crack density increases, see Fig. 10.7.6. The same problem of evaluating effective stiffnesses of the plate with aligned cracks (see Fig. 10.7.1) could be solved by means of the in-plane scaling method of Sec. 10.5. Problem {PiLy) can be solved exactly, thus making it possible to find relations kFll{eh, kh). It turns out that kF2 = 0 and kF
Kn —
— lch -+- —fh
T]' > 0 ,
where (10.7.31)
V' = ^ n + "12&) + (*fi + "»*&)
Taking into account result (10.7.26) 2 we observe that the in-plane scaling-based method produces asymptotes (cd —> oo) of the refined scaling-based results. Thus just results (10.7.28) coincide with those predicted by the in-plane scaling method, cf. Figs. 10.7.4 10.7.6.
0.625 _ 0.5 In-plane scaling
Fig. 10.7.4. Reduction of the stiffnesses Aaa11,
DaaU versus crack density
Part-through the thickness cracks
0.98 \
0.5 .
1.0 , 1, CRACK DENSITY M Fig. 10.7.5. Reduction of the stiffnesses A2222,
10.0 u_ D2222
In-plane scaling Am2/C
_ _:::;vi.
mi 1212,?1212 \M ic
./ 0.5
In-plane scaling J 1.5
2.0 '
50.0 n—■—
CRACK DENSITY h/l Fig. 10.7.6. Reduction of the stiffnesses /I 1212 , E 1212 , D 1212 This confirms that the in-plane scaling assumptions refer to the case of plates density of crack distribution.
Elastic plates with cracks
10.8. Cracks of arbitrary position. Three-dimensional local analysis In Sec. 2.3 the effective characteristics of a thin Z-periodic plate have been determined. Two types of inhomogeneities: material and geometric have been considered. The elastic moduli and the bounding surfaces of the plate were Z-periodic functions. In the present section it is additionally assumed that each cell Z is weakened by an identical crack T. The aim is still the same: to smear-out the cracks and find the effective potential of a hypothetic homogenized plate. 10.8.1. Asymptotic analysis The surface of the crack divides the cell into two parts, denoted by Za. Assume that at each point x € T a versor N is directed outward to Z\. The friction on the crack T is neglected and the non-penetration condition is assumed. Thus b VfiiNj =o "NiNj =oN , i
b JNiTj=Z JN,Tj Jio-iV]]^>0,
oN < 0 = 0,
oN[w ■ N\r = 0 .
Here T represents a versor tangent to T at the point x, oxi means the value of the stress a,j 2
taken from the a-th side of T(a = 1,2) and []? represents the jump on T : \f\? •=/ — /• The subscript T will further be omitted. Let 3? represent the cracked three-dimensional domain of the plate or B? = B\ U T$ i
and Tj are cracks within the domain B, each of which being of the same shape as the crack T. The set of kinematically admissible displacement fields assumes the form K(5;F)
= {v e Hl(B^)3\ v = 0 on T0 and [v ■ n] > 0 on each F] .
Here n stands for a unit normal vector defined on U Tj. The equilibrium problem (Pz) of Sec. 2.1 is now replaced by find w 6 K(Bjr) such that / crijeij(v - w)dx > / r'+(x)(vi - uii)(x, x^dT (Pz)
+ |r«:(x)(vi - Wi)(x,X3)dT+ [v(x)(vi - Wi){x)dx Vv € K(Bjr) . r. B (10.8.2) Since our aim is to find effective characteristics of the cracked plate we introduce a small parameter e according to the rules (2.2.1) - (2.2.3). The cracks T are replaced by eT. Instead of y we shall deal here with yT = y\F, y being defined as in Sec. 2.2. The surface of the crack is still denoted by T, see Fig. 10.8.1. The domain By is replaced with
Part-through the thickness cracks BCE = Bc\Tl,
where the domain B£ has been introduced in Sec. 2.2 and J^ = U eTr The
set K(Bjr) is replaced with K(B|) defined by
Fig. 10.8.1. Periodicity cell with a crack
K(Bl) = {« e # U ^ ) I v = 0 on 1^ and [v • n ] > 0 on J J } . Obviously, the unit normal vectorTOis now defined on T€. The unknown displacement field wc solves the problem: find wc € K(B<) such that for each v e K(B')
> / V P ? ( ^ - < ) ( * , ec + ) + e V ( « s - to§)(x, £c+))dT (Pe) + [{£2P-(va ~ 0 ( x , e c " ) + £39_(V3 - «^)(x,ec-)]dr
+ [£b
° (!) (v °" Wa){x)+e2yi (?)(V3 _ ^x*)]^ •
Elastic plates with cracks
Now we introduce the assumptions (2.2.9), set y = x/s as an independent variable and integrate both sides of (10.8.3) over y. Problem (Pc) is rearranged to the form: find wc € K(f2 x yT) such that (P*) Ae{we,v~wc)>Fc{v~w€) VveK(nxyF), (10.8.4) where A and F are defined by (2.2.15) and (2.2.16) while the set K{Q x yT) is defined as follows e
K(0 x yT) = {v = (Vi(x,y))\v(x,-)
e K(yT) ,v(;V) e / T O 3 } ,
where K(yT) = {v e Hl(yT)3\
v assumes equal values on the opposite
lateral faces of yT and [v N] > 0 on T} . The solution wc is sought in the form (2.3.1) with u (0) € H&(fl)3 and u (p) G K(Q x yT) for p = 1,2,.... The stresses are expanded according to Eq. (2.3.2). Moreover, any trial field v is expanded as follows v = vm (x) + ev(1) (x, y) + e V 2 ) (x, y) + ... ,
where t><°> G H*{Q)\ «<"> G K(Q x yT),p > 1. Let us substitute the expansions (2.3.2), (2.3.1) and (10.8.5) into the l.h.s. of (10.8.4). We find A£(we,v - wc) = ehQj -< ( a " + eaf + e2cf + .. .)[v% - u^ o + £(v%-u%)
+ ...} + \ W + ^
+ e>a% + .. .)[£(v|J - « g ) + e2(v% - « g ) + ...] y dx ,
and the inequality (10.8.4) gives ehoj -< < K ( 0 J n
(0 Ut 2)
+ a»(v]» - u g ) >- dx + 0(£2) > 0(£2) .
Hence / h
We take u<°> = u<°> and v (1) = u (1) + 0(u - u (1) ) ,
0 < 6 < 1,
Part-through the thickness cracks
where 0 e D(fi), u 6 K(^JT). Note that \vw ■ N\ = (1 - 0)[uw -N] +
hence u (,) e K(fi x ^J"). Then the inequality (10.8.8) reduces to fe(x) -< <xjJ'(uib - u ^ ) >- dx > 0 n
V (9 € D+(fi) ,
VuG K(yT).
By (2.3.3) the last inequality yields ■< [C>klu§ + C^u^u^
- u g ) y> 0 .
Step 2 of Sec. 2.3 implies that ua = 0. One can prove that the presence of cracks does not change this conclusion. We thus have Ua = 0. Moreover, by the standard theorem concerning well-posedness of the variational inequalities one can show that u' 1 ' is determined up to an additive constant vector (depending on x, x being treated here as a parameter). On the other hand, one notes easily that Ua
— — U3ay3
satisfy the condition: CWHG$ + C * 3 " , ^ = o and -< u (1) y= 0. Thus the fields ui" = ua(x) - u{3% ,
u3l) = u3(x)
satisfy (10.8.11) and -< u (1) y=^. u y,u being an arbitrary field defined on fi. Conse quently, atf = 0. From now on we shall write: u3 = w. Let us return to the inequality (10.8.4). By using the expansion (10.8.6) and taking 1 (°)=n(°),v( »=u( 1 'onehas v £3/io / ■<
0(e4) .
«(2> = u(2) + 0(x)(v>-u (2) ),
where 9 e D(fi), 0 < 0 < 1, gives J0{x) < a^^j
- v§) ydx>0
V«£D + (fi).
Elastic plates with cracks
382 Hence wefindthe local problem in the following form find uW(x, •) € K(yF) such that M -{ff?(^-«S)>->o
all = C*'(u§ + 4'j) .
Equivalently, by (10.8.12) we obtain
+ y3Ka0(w)),
with ea0{u) = -(U QI/ J + uPja),
Ka0(w) = -wtO,0 .
Thefield« ( 1 ' is assumed as given. Let us note that the component u3 = u3(x) does not affect the relation: ox = <Ti(u(!)). Indeed let us take u(1) = (0,u3(a;)). Then the solution of (10.8.7) assumes the form uff>
= (-J/3U3,!, -y3U3,2, 0) ,
which implies a1* = 0. Thus o\ depends solely on uj»' or on the deformation fields ea0{u) and na0(w). Let us complete € = e(u) and p = K(W) with zero components: e^ = 0, pi3 = 0. Then the local problem {Py?) can be rearranged to the form: find u<2>(x, •) = x G K(yF) such that (Pyyr)
-< C" y («$(x) + ey + &py)efc(» - x) ^ > 0 ,
Vv 6K(^) .
(10 8 20)
' -
The local stresses
Given e,p 6 E^ with e<3 = 0, /9i3 = 0 the solution x of the problem (Py?) is determined up to an additive constant vector while the stressfield
Ma0 = ho^y3afy
Note that local problem {Py?) defines a nonlinear operator A : E^ x E^ —♦ Ej x E£ such that A(e,p) = (Af,M).
Part-through the thickness cracks
Proceeding similarly to Sees. 8 and 9 one can show that
where the potential W is expressed by, cf. Eq. (2.10.109) W = \ho -< C*^
+ y3Pij + e» (X)][eH + y3Pki + ej,(x)] >- ■
The function \ depends on e, p according to (Py^-). The potential W is convex, of class C1 and positive definite: W > 0 and the equality holds only for e = 0, p = 0. Moreover, the following conditions are satisfied: (i) W is positively homogeneous of degree 2, i.e. W=(Ae,Ap) = A 2 W(e,p),
X > 0, e € E 2 ,
p e E2,
and W(e, p) = ^ (A^€ a/3 + M Q V/3) •
(ii) There exist two positive constants mo and JTM such that 2
W c
™o Y, K^) + (^) 1 ^ ( - P ) ^ > E K£^)2 + (^) 2 l • (10-8-27) o,/3=l
(iii) W is strictly convex. (iv) W is strictly monotone, i.e. (A/?" - j O « * - ^ ) + (>
- pi,) > 0 ,
and equality holds iff e(2> = e(1) and p (2) = p (1) . Let us proceed now to finding the homogenized equilibrium equation of the plate with smeared-out cracks. The first terms of the asymptotic expansion for displacements have the form wca = e{ua{x)-y3w{x)tC,)
+ 0{e2),
w\ = w(x) + eu3(x) + 0(e 2 ).
According to this representation we take the trialfieldv of (10.8.4): va = wca + e{va(x)-y3v(x),a),
v3 = wl + v{x) +ev3{x).
Note that v 6 K(fi x yj=) and hence the field v can be substituted into (10.8.4). We compute Ac(wc, v-wc)=
e3 f{Ma0ea0(v)
+ Ma0na0{v))dx
+ 0(e 4 ),
Elastic plates with cracks
and F'iv - w£) = e3 [{Fva ~ fhav,a + qv)dx + 0(e4) , n
where p°, fha and g'are given by Eqs. (2.3.46) and (2.3.48). Since the signs of v and v are arbitrary the variations] inequality (10.8.4) assumes the form of the variational equality: j{Ma0ea0{v)
+ Ma0Ka0(v))dx
= f(pfva - fhav,a + qv)dx ,
that holds for each (v,v) e V£(fi) = ( / f ^ ) 2 x /f02(fi). Now we are in a position to formulate the homogenized problem find (u, w) e V£(fi)such that the variational equation (10.8.33) (Ph) holds, while A/* and A i are determined by (10.8.24). The last problem is equivalent to the minimization problem: (P'k) mm{J(v,v)\(v,v)eV°(n)}, where J, representing the total potential energy, is defined by J(v,v)=
[w{e{v),K{v))dx n
- f(v,v) ,
with f(v, v) = [(p*va - mav,a + qv)dx . n
The equivalency of (P/,) and {P'h) follows from the following property of J: J is strictly convex, finite and coercive on V$(f2). These properties can easily be inferred from the properties of W mentioned above. Consequently a solution (it, w) of the problems (P^) or (P'k) exists and is unique. The state of deformation of the original plate can be recovered by the formulae (2.3.60), (2.3.61). 10.8.2. Justification by T-convergence The homogenized plate model derived in the previous section will now berigorouslyjusti fied. For the sake of simplicity we assume that c+ = -c~ = c. Dividing then both sides of the inequality (10.8.3) by e3 and taking into account (2.10.1) we conclude that this inequality is equivalent to the minimization problem, which means evaluating M{J„{v)\v G K(S<)} .
Part-through the thickness cracks
Here Jce is given by (2.10.9) with e = e while Be is to be replaced by B\. The body forces are equal to b(xa, x3/e) or to 6 ( - ]. After the rescaling (2.10.2) the functional Jce becomes, cf. Eq. (2.10.14) J„(v) = ^Jc?kl{z){&ez{v))x}{z){We*{v))kldz
- Lc(v) ,
where L£ is defined by (2.10.16) with e = e whilst B€ = B\TC. The set Te is obtained from the set of fissures T\ by the rescaling (2.10.2). In (10.8.37) v is a function from H1(BC)3. We observe that Be is a domain with constant thickness equal to 2c. The proof of Theorem 2.10.13 is based on Lemmas 2.10.1,2.10.12 and exploits also the dual effective potential given by Eq. (2.10.126). We shall now extend those results to the case of the fissured domain Be. We introduce the space, cf. (2.10.12), V0{B£) = {»€ H\Be)3\
v = 0onT 0 } .
Lemma 10.8.1. Let {v£}£>o C VQ(BC) be a sequence strongly convergent to v £ L2(B)3 in L2(B)3 as e —► 0. Suppose that there exists a constant K > 0, which is independent of e and such that
Then e*3{v) = 0 and v € V%{B), where V%(B) is denned by (2.10.25). Proof. Similarly to the proof of Lemma 2.10.1 we obtain m||Q £ e*(0||o,B<
^||e5 s (Q§« £ )|| 0lfl < * i •
Moreover we have, cf. (9.3.36) Qf3vc ->v
in L2(B)3 strongly.
The properties of the extension operator Q| imply that v € Vo(B). Thus e^(«) = 0 and consequently v belongs to V^(B). D
Elastic plates with cracks
In the case considered j/3 = 2/3 and the effective elastic potential is given by, cf. (10.8.25) W(e,p) = i n f { ^ -< C * ' ( y ) [ e ? » + £ y
+ e« + Wu] >- l» € K(y^)} ,
where e, p € E 3 with ei3 = 0 and pa = 0. To obtain the dual potential W* we can proceed similarly to the derivation of the formula (2.10.125). We eventually arrive at, cf. also Sec. 10.4, W(e',p')
= inf{/*o ■< j'(y, jf-e* -p*(y)) y \p' € S(e')} no
where S(e-) = ( i - e * - S p e r ( ^ ) ) n {q* 6 L 2 ( ^ , E ^ ) | -< p* y = 0, A„ -< j / 3 9 * >-= p'} , (10.8.40) and SperiyT) = {p* € L 2 (yF, ES)| div„p* = 0 in y?, p'N < 0 and pT = 0 on ^ , p V assumes opposite values on the opposite faces ofayx(-c,c), pV = 0onFx{±c}}. (10.8.41) Here v stands for the outward unit normal vector to dy. We recall that in (10.8.39) e* and p* are arbitrary elements from the space E3 with e" 3 = 0 and p " 3 = 0, i = 1,2,3. Note that if n e S(e*) then n = —e* - p*, where p* 6 S^yF).
Hence we conclude that
n/x = 0 on Y x {±c} because e**3 = 0. A counterpart of Lemma 2.10.12 is formulated in the form of the following result. Lemma 10.8.2. Assume that n e S(c*) and a sequence {ve}c>0 C H1(BC)3 is such that v£ -> u strongly in L2{Bf as e -» 0 and {Qcez{ve)}e>0 is bounded in L2(BC, E 3 ). Then v e VK-(S) and
lim /4>(za)nij (j,z*)
(£))0efc: = Up'
: nz{w)dz ,
where ^ € D(fi). Proof. We can proceed analogously to the proof of Lemma 2.10.12. After integration by parts, however, an integral over T* will appear. It is not difficult to show that this integral tends to zero when e —» 0. D
Part-through the thickness cracks
The sequence of loading functionals {Le}e>o is continuously convergent, cf. Sec. 2.10. Consequently it suffices to study the T-convergence of the following sequence of function als
JiM = ( \l <*"WM&*M)»** [ +00
if» e K(B.),
where K(J3£) = {v € H\BC)3\ v = 0 on T 0 = T x (-c, c)} .
Theorem 10.83. The sequence of functionals { J£' }£>o defined by (10.8.43) is T-convergent in the strong topology of L2(B)3 to the functional Jl(v)=
fw(e{u),K{w))dx. n
Here v G V£(B), va(x,z3) = ua(x) - z3-—, v3 = w(x) = w(xa) and ua G Hi (SI), axa w e //02(fi). Proof. We can proceed analogously to the proof of Theorem 2.10.13, where instead of Lemmas 2.10.1 and 2.10.12 we exploit Lemmas 10.6.1 and 10.6.2. Details are left to the reader. D Remark 10.8.4. Having at our disposal the above theorem and the dual potential W*, given by (10.8.39), one can perform dual homogenization. The assumption that T does not intersect the boundary of y can be weakened. It suffices to treat y as a torus by identification of the opposite sides. However, this torus must still be a connected set.
Elastic plates with cracks
11. Stiffness loss of cracked laminates /1.1.
Two-dimensional model of transversely symmetric laminates in stretching and in-plane shearing
This section is aimed at forming a new mathematical model of the in-plane deformations of three-layer, balanced laminates subject to membrane boundary loadings. The layers of the laminate are composed of fiber-reinforced plies. Since only the cross-ply laminates will be considered, the layers will be viewed as orthotropic. When stretched, the laminates crack under relatively low in-plane loadings. This is due to discrepancy between the values of thermal expansion coefficients and elastic moduli of fibers and the matrix. The appearing intralaminar cracks go usually across the whole thickness of some layers and are almost equally spaced, cf. Fig. 11.1.1.
\ I
90° "90° " 0°
_9_p° _2P°
_P° _2D°
-2K _20°
Fig. 11.1.1. Images of intralaminar cracks in the [0^/90° ]s laminates subjected to tensile forces in the 0° direction; after Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982) (published by courtesy of ASTM STP) At a certain level of loading the crack patterns attain a saturation state in which the layout of cracks is nearly uniform, called CDS-characteristic damage state. In the next sections the problem of stiffness loss caused by transverse cracking in the internal layer of the three-layered balanced laminates will be discussed. Having this in mind we develop below a special two-dimensional model of the three-layered laminates that, by distinguishing between in-plane displacements of the layers, will be capable of describing opening and closing of the transverse cracks in the internal layer. The modelling proposed is of Reissner type: we put forward stress assumptions that satisfy the equilibrium equations
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
pointwise outside a boundary zone. To avoid artificial recovering of displacements through Lagrangian multipliers we augment the stress assumptions with displacement assumptions and use the saddle-point variational principle of Reissner. The model thus derived involves five displacement components. Unfortunately, the model cannot be simpler. Let us note, however, that after performing homogenization with appropriate scaling, the homogenized model is reduced to the conventional model of an in-plane loaded plate. Only its potential is determined by solving more complicated equations of the three-layer plate model. Consider a transversely symmetric (balanced) laminate composed of the face of thick ness d and the internal layer of thickness 2c. The middle plane fi of the internal layer is parametrized by Cartesian coordinates x Q ; x = (xa) e il. The whole laminate occupies a cylindrical domain B = f2 x (-ft,ft),ft= c + d. We write x e B, x = (x, x3), x 3 being an axis perpendicular to fi. The lower and upper faces x 3 = ±h are free of loads while the lateral edge S = dQ. x (-ft, ft) is subjected to the tractions pl(s, x 3 ) on its part S„; Sa = T(r x (—ft, h), Ta C dQ. The remaining part of 5, Sw = Tw x (—ft,ft)is clamped; Fw U f „ = dfl, Sw U Sa = S\ s e d£l. For the scale of simplicity the loading p' is assumed to have the following throughthe-thickness distribution
P (S,Z3)
if x3 e h ,
- L°(s)}
2d p3{s,x3)
(x3 + h)Q{s)
= <
>fz3 € h ,
where h = (-/i. - c ) , h = (-c, c) , I3 = (c, ft).
The body forces are omitted. The through-the thickness distribution of elastic compliances is layer-wise constant c$(x) c
ijli( )
The planes x 3 = const are assumed as planes of material symmetry, hence
4 ^ = C33L = 0,
The tensor (C^M) satisfies usual symmetry conditions and is positive definite, cf. (2.1.6), (2.1.7).
Elastic plates with cracks
Within the three-dimensional framework, the problem of equilibrium of the laminate considered amounts to finding the stress field (aij) and the displacement field (u>i) for which the two-field Reissner functional I(w, a)
(wa,0 + w0,a)aa0
+ (wa,3 + w3,a)&
+ W33CT33 - -Cijkialjokl
dx -
assumes its stationary value at a saddle point (w, cr). In linear elasticity, such a boundary value problem is standard and can be solved by using Brezzi's theorem, see Sec. 1.2.2. The two-dimensional modelling is based on the following stress assumptions, cf. Fig. 11.1.2. (AfaP-Lap)/2rf
,L aP /2c
~ -
c c ..d
Fig. 11.1.2. Stress and displacement assumptions 7a0(x) =
{[N° {x) a/3
ifi3€/a, a0
- L (x)} I {2d)
(x 3 + h)Qa(x)/{2d) 3 <*3(~\
(X) =
-Q (x)/(2c) a
(x3 - h)Q {x)j{2d)
otherwise ;
ifx3G/i, ifx3GJ2, ifx3e/3;
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates (
391 ±(x3 + h)2R(x)
a33(x) = { ^(-(x3)2
if x3 e h ,
+ ch)R(x)
ifz3 e l2,
if x3 e l3.
Here LQ", Na0, Qa, R are unknown fields defined on Q. On the other hand the following distribution of displacements is assumed, cf. Fig. 11.1.2
v/ Wa{x)=r
2 2 Va{x) +2c2^[c - (x3) }u »(x)
ifx e/ ^ - ^ -~,— otherwise
-w(x)/b x3 . . w3{x) = < —w(x) C ■ 0
if x3 e h , if x3 e h .
if x3 e h ;
d c where 6 = 2 + 3Note that the assumptions (11.1.7), (11.1.8) satisfy the boundary condition ak3{x, ±h) = 0 and continuity conditions on the interfaces x3 = ±c. We shall see later that also the equilibrium equations cr'j = 0 are satisfied for x e ft, x3 e (—h,h), which makes the fields a'j statically admissible in the interior of B and on the faces x3 = ±h. Substitution of (11.1.6) - (11.1.8) and (11.1.9) - (11.1.10) into Reissner functional (11.1.5) and integration over x3 yields I(w, a) = J(v, u, w; N, L, Q, R),
where J = f[va,0Nal3 + ua,0La0 + (ua - w,a)Qa +wRn
W*(x, N, L, Q, R)}dx
{Nara + Laua - Qw)ds .
The existence of a unique saddle point (v, it, w; N, L, Q, R) of the functional J can be proved by using Brezzi's theorem, see Sec. 1.2.2. The density of complementary energy has the form W* = (D^XllNa0Nx"
+ D^VOL*
+ D%QaCf + 2D^RLa0
+ 2D^RNa0
2D^Na0L^ + DRR2)/2 ,
Elastic plates with cracks
392 where nN
- —A!)
ni a0\ii
_ r>N . J_ r ("») - Ua&\» + 2d 0XvL '
DLN - - nN
_ _ j * (/)
12 " ^
DQ --(Hrif) P ~ Z
A-rrim) a30i
Q/3 _
= ^^333 + I (h ~ \ch + - , .3333
The functional J attains its stationary value if the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) the two-dimensional equilibrium equations -Naf
= 0,
- L Q / + Q a = 0,
Qaa + R = 0
for x G Si, (ii) the constitutive relations *«* = DZp^N* + DSfaL* + D™R , la0 = Dfl^N* + DJ^L* + D%R , w = D™N°l} + D*};L°0 + DRR,
Ka = D%Q , where the deformation measures are defined as follows £a/3 = £a(s(«) = ea0(v) , 7Q0 = -raP{u) = eQ/3(«) , /cQ = «.a(u, w) =ua-wia . (iii) The stress-type boundary conditions along Ta Nn = Nn,
NT = NT,
Ln = Ln,
Q = Q,
where Nn = Na0nan0 , NT = / V Q % T Q a0 i„ = i " V ^ , LT = L n0Ta, Q = Qana, (11.1.19) Q JVn = JV nQ , NT = N?ra . Here n, r are unit vectors: outward normal and tangent to Ta respectively. Now we can clear up the motivation of using assumptions (11.1.6) - (11.1.10). Note that the equilibrium equations of
+ of = 0 ,
aQQ3 + af = 0
are satisfied identically for all x € SI and X3 € /j U I2 U ^3 if we take into account Eqs. (11.1.15). MoreoverCT*3(X,±h) = 0 and oij are. continuous on the interfaces x3 = ±c. Obviously, the stressfield
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
surface S. Nevertheless one can say that
I > = A^eaP
+ A^la0
4- A&w ,
R = A^ea0 + AZiiaff + Kw , Qa=Ha0K0
The matrices Av, Am, Avw, Au, Auw, Aw, H are stiffnesses of the composite. Having found the primal form of the constitutive relations given by (11.1.21), one can proceed to the primal formulation of the equilibrium problem. The space of kinematically admissible fields has the form V = {(v,u,w)\v€Hl(Q)2 v = O,u For (v, u,w) eV
, ueHl(Q)2 = O,w
r„} .
, (v1, u', w') G V let us introduce the bilinear form = / [Na0(v, u, w)ea0{v') n a + Q (u,w)Ka(u',w') + R(v,u,w)w'}dx
a f i (v, u,w ;v',u',w') +La0{v,u,w)-ya0{u')
where N, L, Q, R depend on (v, u, w) according to (11.1.21) and (11.1.17), and the linear form = f{Nav'a
+ Lau'a - Qw')ds .
The equilibrium problem in its primal variational formulation reads: find (v, u,w) eV such that {Pa)
= f{v',u',w')
V (v', u', w') € V .
We observe that the elastic potential j{x,e,-Y,K,r)
where E = (e, 7, r) € E 2 x E 2 x R, K e R 2 and 4
A = constitute a positive-definite form: 3c, > 0 ,
EA(x)ET>cl{\e\2 Ha0{x)aaa0>Cl\a\2,
+ \1\2 + r2)
Elastic plates with cracks
for a.e. x e fi and each £ , 7 6 E 2 , r e R, a e R 2 . Consequently the bilinear form on(-, •) is V-elliptic and continuous. If Na,L°,Q€L2{ra),
then the bilinear form / is continuous and we conclude that the problem (Pn) is well-posed. We recall that each element of the matrices A, if is an element of the space L°°(fi). Remark 11.1.1. It is instructive to prove (11.1.27). Let us consider (11.1.27)2. Since H(x) = (DQ)~l, therefore it is sufficient to prove that there exists a constant c2 > 0 such that D%(x)babP > c2\b\2 ,
for a.e. x € fi and for each 6 £ R 2 . To corroborate this statement we write \c,jkl<7"okl = \caBX)iaa0a^
+ caSm°a0°™ + 2ca303aa3a03 + \C3333(a33)2 •
Taking cfs = a33 = 0, aa3 / O w e have cQ3,M<7QV3 > 0 , because the matrix [c,j«] is positive definite. Treating (<7Q3) ^ 0 and Q / 0 in (11.1.7) as arbitrary we obtain h
h a3 03
Jca303a a dx3 -h
= -h
= D%{x)Qa{x)Q8{x) > 0 ,
a.e. x e n ,
where g{x3) is deduced from (11.1.7). Hence (11.1.29) follows, since c2 may be taken as the minimum eigenvalue of the symmetric matrix DQ. The proof of (11.1.27)i is similar to the above. 11.2. Modelling the unilateral crack within the internal layer The cross-ply laminates subjected to in-plane shearing and tension incur intralaminar cra cks or cracks which go across the lamina of a given orientation of fibers. The two-dimen sional model of Sec. 11.1 has been formed with the intention of considering the cross cracks in the internal layer. The aim of this section is to put forward this construction. Consider the laminate with a crack in the internal layer or for x3 e h = {-c,c). The crack surface SF = F x I2 is perpendicular to the domain fi; F represents its projection on fi, see Fig. 11.2.1. Thus the crack is assumed as present at the stress-free state of the laminate. Its geometry is given a priori, independently of the applied loading.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Fig. 11.2.1. Laminate with an intralaminar crack in the internal layer Let us extend the arc F so that it divides the domain Q into two subdomains f2Q, see Fig. 11.2.1. Since the surface Sp is cylindrical the versor n = (nQ) normal to F at point (x, 0) is parallel to all versors normal to SF at points {x,x3), x3 6 (—h, h). The versors tangent to Sf.- are represented by the versor r tangent to F at point (x, 0). A jump on Sp of a field g defined on fl x I2 is denoted by = 9j2 - 5 j i ;
here g^a represents the value of g at the Q-th side of S?. Now we can express the unilateral contact conditions on the crack surface: 1
o-„ =c7 n =cr n < 0 , 1
[U>„]SF>0, l
an[wn]SF = 0, 2
(11 .£. II
where a
n= cra0isnang
<7nT= oaPisnaT0
a n x 3 =
wn = w a n Q .
Since the friction between crack lips is neglected, the jump [W T ]SF assumes arbitrary val ues. On account of the stress and displacement assumptions (11.1.6)-( 11.1.10), the contact conditions (11.2.1 )i are approximated by the Signorini conditions expressed in terms of the
Elastic plates with cracks
396 stress resultants: Ln=L=L<0,
Now [•) denotes a jump on F and L=
La0 uriang ,
/ ^ means the values of / at the <5-th side of F. Note that die fields w, w are continuous on F and the jump [uTj is unconstrained. The stress assumptions (11.1.7), (11.1.8) do not allow for expressing the conditions (11.2.1 ) 2 in terms of the two-dimensional laminate model proposed in Sec. 11.1. The equilibrium problem of the laminate with the crack F amounts to finding the fields (v,u,w) satisfying: the equilibrium equations (11.1.15) for z G Q\F, the constitutive relations (11.1.21) for x G x e H \ F , the boundary conditions involved in the definition of the space V, the boundary conditions (11.1.18) on r„ and Signorini-type conditions (11.2.3) on F. This equilibrium problem posed above in a strong form can be put in a variational form. Note that the set of kinematically admissible fields assumes now the form K = HrJQ)2
x K(n\F)
Hry,{Q) = {veHlISl)\v = 0 onrU, 2 K{il\F) = {u G H\tt\F) \ u = 0 on Tw and [u n | > 0
(11.2.6) (11.2.7)
on F}.
One can easily prove that the equilibrium problem considered is formally equivalent to solving the following variational inequality (V.I.): find (v, u, w) € K such that (Pn\f) an\F{v,u,w\
V ( t / , u ' , u / ) € K . (11.2.8)
The bilinear form an\r(-, •) is defined by (11.1.22) with integration over an\p. Variational inequality (11.2.8) is uniquely solvable. In fact, from Sec. 8 we already know that Korn's inequality remains valid for functions from the space // r u ,(fi) 2 . Consequently, the bilinear form involved in V.I. (11.2.8) is coercive on K. /1.3.
Regular crack systems
In the case of fiber reinforced laminates the crack patterns are fairly regular. This observa tion justifies the assumption of a regular crack layout that will be considered in the sequel. Nevertheless, even if it is not the case, the analysis of a regular (or periodic) cracking lay out is a first stage of more general analyses. For instance, the determination of effective properties of materials with stochastically distributed cracks is significantly facilitated once the periodic case has been solved.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Consider the laminate of Sec. 11.2 weakened by a family T of cracks Fj of the type described previously. Then one can divide the domain f2 (except for a boundary zone) into homothetic rectangular cells Zj, each of which is weakened by a crack Fj. Assume that F, do not intersect the boundaries dZ, and the boundary dQ, see Fig. 11.3.1.
l -♦—=-1 —►.
Fig. 11.3.1 Z-periodic layout of cracks. Geometry of the basic cell YF = Y\F Denote by Z = (l\, l\) a master cell to which all Zj are homothetic. The cell Z includes the crack F ; F is homothetic to all Fj. Mathematical description of the previous section applies here. A single crack F is here replaced with T. Both strong and variational formulations of the previous section remain formally unchanged. Although posed correctly, the formulation of the equilibrium problem of the laminate with a great number of cracks is impractical, since no results can be wrung from it, even if numerical methods are employed. To have these results in hand we shall resort to the two-scale asymptotic expansion method. This is reasonable especially in the case if we are interested in this part of the solution which does not change if the number of cracks increases. Just this part of the solution provides us with the crucial information about the effective or overall properties of the laminate. The two-scale asymptotic expansion method is not uniquely defined, since the small parameter e can enter into it in various manners. Two versions of the asymptotic expansion method corresponding to two methods of introducing e into the original problem will be discussed in the succeeding sections. 11.4.
Moderately thick laminate weakened by transverse cracks of high density. Model (h,l0)
The aim of this section is to derive the effective model of cracked, moderately thick lam inate with crack spacings much smaller than the thickness 2/i. The derivation will be based on the two-scale asymptotic expansions method. The starting point is the introduction of a small parameter e. Since crack spacings are much smaller than the laminate thickness we assume that the dimensions of the periodicity cell are proportional to e and keep h as
Elastic plates with cracks
e-independent. Thus we replace Z~~> eY , Y = (li,h) ; /i~» h , c~> c , d~> d , F}~>eF};
and F £ represents the sum of all cracks eFj. The set of kinematically admissible fields assumes the form K£ := K(n £ ) = Hr„(n)2 x tf(fi£) x Hrw(il) ,
where tf(£y) is given by (11.2.7) with Q\F replaced by fie and F-replaced with Fe. For a fixed e > 0 the equilibrium problem reads: find (ve, uc, iif) G K such that (/&)
ant(vc,ue,wc ; e
>f(v,u-u ,w)
v,u-uc,w) V (v,u,w) €Kc
The bilinear form an«(; •) is defined by (11.1.22) with fi replaced by ff. Remark 11.4.1. Applying Korn's inequality derived in Sec. 9, we conclude that the bilinear form a^ is coercive on the space V(fle) = Hr„(£l)2 x Hr„(£le)2 x HT„ (ft), provided that F C Y. It can easily be proved that Kt is a convex and closed set in V(fi£). Under the assumption (11.1.28), the linear form (11.1.23) is continuous and consequently problem (P^e) is uniquely solvable. □ The scaling (11.4.1) used here will be called in-plane scaling, since the transverse di mensions are kept e-independent. We shall now employ the method of a two-scale expansions to the problem (P^,). First, let us define the sets: KYF = {ueH^(YF)2\[uN]>0
KYF = HUX)* x KYF x HUX) . Here YF = Y\F, see Fig. 11.3.1, the space H^.(YF) has been defined in Sec. 10.1; UN — uaNa, N = (Na) stands for the versor normal to F; the brackets [ ] denote a jump on F. The solution to the problem (P^e) as well as the trialfieldsare assumed in the form jf = T/ 0) (X) + £77(1)(x, y) + eV2)(*> v) + ■ ■ ■
where y = x/e; r?(0) € tfrjft) for TJ € {v^u^w} and r?(1>(x, •) € H^Y) for r] € {vc.u;}. Moreover, we assume that u (1) (x, •) € KYF- The functions 7;(k)(x, •), k > 2 are V-periodic and sufficiently regular. The functions 7?(*'(-,y) are defined on ft and are sufficiently regular; y € YF. Similar assumptions hold for trial fields.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The stress resultants associated with the kinematic fields in the form (11.4.5) assume the form S£ = S0 + 0(e),
' = Ha0
(V dVP /|y=x/e '
The deformation measures are defined by
*SI=<&+*y«(,) w .
(i 1.4.8)
where <& = e«rf(w(0)) ,
4 > ( 1 ) ) = eJ>(1)) ,
"* = u * ' " ^ 7 •
7*fl(«(,)) = <,(«<») .
< 11A9 > (11.4.10)
The homogenized stress resultants are given by Nf
= K 3 ) , Lf = {Lf) , tt„ = (Ho) , Q? = (QS) ,
(■) = -~J(-)dy,
m = M2.
To find the effective model of the laminate one should substitute expansions (11.4.5) into the variational inequality (11.4.3) and let e tend to zero. Following the lines of the deriva tions used in the previous sections one eventually arrives at the homogenized problem and at the local problems. The homogenized problem assumes the form: find (v(0>, «(°>, w (0) ) e V such that ah{v{0),uW,wW; v,u,w)=f(v,u,w)
= JlN?(vV\ n<°\ w^)ea0{v) + Lj*(«W u ( 0 ) y ° W « ) n +Rh(v{0),ui-0\w^)w + Qah{ui-0\ww)Ka(u,w)}dx.
where ah
Elastic plates with cracks
The homogenized stress resultants are expressed by N* = Air*^
+ (7^(« (,) )>] + A&vfi ,
+ A**^
L* = A^e% + A**^ + < 7 ^(« (,) )>] + A^w" , Rh = A^a0 + A&tfo + (T*,(« ( 1 ) )>] + Awwh , Q°h = Ha^h0 .
The notation wh = u>(0' indicates that this field plays the role of a deformation field. The field « (1 ' depends upon the homogenized deformations (11.4.9). This dependence is governed by the local problem: find («<'>, uW V J >) G KYF such that (PL)
(io%(u-«(»))>0, V(«,«, w) G KYF ■ <
In this problem the z-dependent fields £^0,7^, wh are treated as given and x is viewed as a parameter. The elastic potential of the homogenized laminate has the following form UK = l(K"{eha0 + el0(v^)]
+ LaM0
+ 7 y« ( 1 >)] (11.4.17)
or, equivalently a0h
r UH = ^(K^aP
+ LTlefi + RHWk + Cft**) = ^ + U2 ,
where = m{{±-Jjl(x,eh
+ e»(v)17h + Y(u),w»)dy\
(v,u) G H^Y)2
x KYF)
= ±-Jh(*,
*" + ey(t>(1)), 7" + 7 S (« (1) ), w")rfy ,
The homogenized constitutive relations (11.4.15) can be written as follows dUh dUh rQ/3 _ dUh L*h — dwh ' Q°h ~ 3K* fry*, ' Rh dw>
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The potential Uh(x, eh, -fh, K/\ wh) has the following properties: (i) Uh(x, •, •, •, •) is a strictly convex function provided that F does not separate Y into disjoint subdomains. For other types of cracks this function is convex. (ii) Uh(x, •,-,-,•) is of class C 1 . (iii) 3 ci > 0 such that Uh(x,e\fh,Kh,wh)
< C l (|£ h | 2 + | 7 " | 2 + | K f + \wh\2)
for a.e. x G fi and all ( e \ fh, Kk, wh) G E 2 x E 2 x R 2 x R. (iv) 3 Co > 0 such that Uh(x, eh,
h 7
, Kh, wh) > Co(\eh\2 + |
f + \nh\2 + \wh\2)
for a.e. x e H and all {eh,-/k, nh, wh) G E 2 x E 2 x R 2 x R, provided that F does not separate £1 into disjoint subdomains. The proof is left to the reader as an exercise. By virtue of the properties (i) - (iv) the problem (P^1) is uniquely solvable, provided that the length of Tw is positive. Remark 11.4.2. The solution to the problem (P/^) is not sensitive to the ratios pa = la/2h (crack spacing / laminate thickness), hence it is not sensitive to the transverse shape of the periodicity cell. Consequently, the effective potential Uh and formulae for the effective stiffnesses do not depend upon pa. This means that they apply to the case when pa are very small, which is a consequence of keeping h as e-independent in the in-plane scaling (11.4.1). The formulation of the problem (Pj^) can be simplified. Equation (11.4.16)3 implies w1 =w1(x). Thus the problem ( P ^ ) reduces to find v ( 1 ) G HL.(Y)2
(PL loc)
and tt' 1 ' G KyF
such that
W ^ > = °.
dye 11.5.
Thin laminate with transverse cracks of high density. Model {ho,lo)
In the conventional engineering computations the longitudinal displacements of the lami nate are usually treated as uniform through the thickness. Moreover, the effect of stresses a33 is neglected. Such an approach, justifiable for thin laminates, corresponds to the fol lowing assumptions ,(o)
fio = 0 .
Note that only at the macrolevel the graph wa(z) is assumed to be uniform; in general uW ± 0.
Elastic plates with cracks
Let us substitute u = 0 and w = 0 into (Pjl). One finds = JNavads
V v G #r„(fi) 2 .
The field ur appearing in Eq. (11.4.15)i can be eliminated by means of the equation Rh = 0. Then wefindso-called Kachanov's form of the constitutive relation: N» = Axr0eha0 - A**^ , (11.5.3) where 4Q0A/i _
ActPX^i _
AO0 AXUI * \ - l
jQ/3Afi _
A<*0 4 V I A \ - l
(\ 1 « j , \
and *£» = - < 7 y u ( 1 ) ) > .
therefore the tensor e F describes the crack opening. Decomposing u' 1 ' into normal and tangential components we obtain e. -a0
l4]]NaN0 + ^KTaNp + T0Nads, )
= ~J
where U^ = V$Na + U^Ta ,
and JV, T are versors normal and tangent to F, see Fig. 11.3.1. To be consistent, we reformulate the local problem (P^). By (11.4.7)3, the equality RQ = 0 implies AfA
+ ^ ( u < 1 ) ) ] + Kil%{u(l))
+ Awwh = 0 ,
since 7 ^ = 0 by (11.5. l)i. Consequently, Eqs (11.4.7)i2 assume the form < " = Affa
+ e%(vW)} + 4 ^ 7 ^ ( « ( 1 ) ) ,
Lx» = Axr0[ehQ0 + el0(v^)} + A ^ l l ^ ) , where A*"
= Afx» ,
Afx» = A?* - AZlAt{Awyl
The local problem assumes the form (P^) in which NSP = nat3 + nf ,
Lf = la0 + if ,
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
where n* = Axr0el0(v^)
+ « , ( « < » ) ,
and n* = y l ^ e * , ,
l* = *
W 3
4» •
The new local problem thus obtained will be referred to as (P^). If the crack F does not separate Y into two disjoint subdomains, then the problem {P^) is well-posed; (v' 1 ', it' 1 ') are determined up to additive constants. Let us define the potential 1 V* = ^Kl 0[sha0 2
+ slg(v^)}
+ Lfll0{u^))
Then j o "
dVh °£a/3
The potential V/^x, £ h ) has the following properties: (i) Vh(x, •) is a strictly convex function of class C in the space E 2 (ii) 3 C\ > CQ > 0 such that for a.e. x e Q. Co|e|2
Ve e E 2 .
These properties are also satisfied when F divides Y into two disjoint subdomains. The macroscopic constitutive relation (11.5.16) is a by-product of (i). The variational equation (11.5.2) along with (11.5.16) constitutes a new homogenized problem (P°). Due to the property (ii) this problem admits a unique solution. Remark 11.4.2 applies here. The effective constitutive relations (11.5.16) are not sensi tive to the quantities pa = la/2h representing the crack spacing to the laminate thickness ratios. Thus the results refer to the case of pa being very small or to the case of a dense distribution of the cracks. 11.6.
Thin laminate weakened by transverse cracks of arbitrary density. Model (h0,1)
This section is aimed at deriving a new effective model of a thin three-layer laminate with transverse cracks in the internal layer. No limitations concerning the crack spacing-to-the thickness ratio are imposed. The notation (ho, I) means that h <^ diam (f2). The following quantities c, d, h , b, l{, lz2 ,
are internal length scales of the model of Sec. 11.3. In this section we shall assume that all these parameters are proportional to the one small parameter e. Thus we replace:
Elastic plates with cracks
h~~>eh, b-~*eb, ll^-*ela ,
Z ~> eY , F ~* Fc . (11.6.2)
If e tends to zero, the thickness of the laminate also diminishes to zero. To compensate for this degeneracy we scale the loading: Na^eNa
, La^ela
The scaling (11.6.2) implies the following scaling of the stiffnesses involved in (PQC) {Afx",A^x",Afx")
(A%, Ki) ~> ( J ^ > \Ki)
~»(eAf^^A^^^AZ0^) a0
H ^ -£H
Aw ^ ±AW . (1L6 ' 4)
Note that the scaling (11.6.2) preserves homothety between three-dimensional periodicity cells ey, y = YF x (~h,h) for all values of e. This scaling will be called refined. According to this scaling the constitutive relations (11.1.21) read as follows Nx„ = e A w £ a ) J ( w « ) +
Lx» = eA^eapivF)
+ eA^la0(u£)
+ ^A%w<, +
-A^w*, £
R£ = -Atex»{uc)
+ -A&7A„(«e) + ^ v f
These relations determine the counterpart of the bilinear form a^t involved in (P^e). bn<{ve,u€,wc; v,u,w) =
+Lf{vc, uc, we)-ya0(u) + Qf{uc, w£)/cQ(u, w) + R<{v£, uc, we)w]dx .
The scaling (11.6.3) defines a new linear form representing the work of the boundary load ing: ge(v,u,w) = f(eNava + elaua - Qw)ds . r„
Thus the equilibrium problem reads:
find (v£, uc, w£) € K(n£) such that 6n«(we,u£,wc ; v,u — ue,w) > gc(v,u — ue,w) V (w,«,iu)eK(fi e ).
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
This problem will be studied in the next section. Let us pass now to constructing an asymptotic solution of (P^O- We use the following representations *a = u i ° V ) + evP(x, y) + eh^\x, )
u% = eu£ {x,y) e
+ e u£ {x,y)
w = e w (a;, y) + £ w
y) + ...,
+ ...,
(i, y) + ...,
(11.6.9) y = x/e .
The trial fields are expanded similarly va = vi0) (x) + ev'^ (i, y) + e2v£] (x,y) + ..., ua=eu^)(x,y) 2
+ £2uT)(x,y)
l{ 2)
+ ...,
w = e w - (x,y) + E U/ (x,y) + ...,
(11.6.10) y = x/e .
It is assumed that
The deformation measures associated with the kinematic fields (11.6.9) are £«*(«<) = e<*(» (0) ) + ^ ( « ( 1 ) ) i v = « / e + 0 ( e ) , W * ' ) = 72/J(ti(1))|B=x/e + 0(e) ,
(11.6.12) J
* Q ( u V u / ) = eK»(u05,w(«)| y=l/E + 0(e ) , where Ky(u(i))U;(2)) =
( i ) _ ^ .
The stress resultants (11.6.5) associated with the kinematics (11.6.9) are Nf
= eNf
+ 0(e 2 ) ,
= ehf
+ 0(e 2 ) , (11.6.14)
Re = -Ro + 0{l)
= A^[
^ + ^(r<»)] + / l ^ ^ ( W ( 1 ) ) + ^><2> ,
Elastic plates with cracks
and e ^ = £tt0(v'0'). By using the representations (11.6.9) - (11.6.15) one can express the bilinear form (11.6.6) as follows +eva0(v'^)}
bn.(v*,u\w* ; v,u,w) = e j{Nf[ea0(v'M) +Lf 7 ^(ti'( 1 ») + Q^(u'( 1 ), w 'W)
+ JRoW'(2)}dx
+ 0(e2) .
On the other hand the linear form (11.6.7) is represented by g*{v,u,w) = e f Nav'(0)ds r„
Tofindthe main terms of the solution (t£, u%, we) we take first v = ±v'm(x)
u = 0,
w = 0,
in the inequality (11.6.8), with the left- andright-handsides represented by (11.6.16) and (11.6.17), respectively and next divide both sides of the inequalities (for ±v'^) by e. Let ting e tend to zero wefindthe variational equation JNfea0{v'W)dx
= fNavfds
with Nf
= {N°0).
Let us return now to the inequality (11.6.8) with the left- and right-hand sides given by (11.6.16) and (11.6.17) respectively. Let us divide it by e, pass to zero with e and take into account the equality (11.6.19). Then the inequality reduces to dw'M dyQ
n +Row"-2))dx > 0,
V ( t / ( 1 ) , u ' ( 1 V 2 ) ) € K(ft £ ).
To derive local problem we put t/' 1 '(x,y) = ±&(x)v'{y) ,
w'M(x,y) = ±iP(x)w'{y) ,
u'W{x,y) = u")(i,y) + x(x)[u'(») - u^(x,y)}
0,tf lX eD(n),
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Substituting (11.6.22)i,2 into (11.6.21) and passing with e to zero wefindthe local problem in the form: find («('>, u' 1 ', w'1') G KYF such that (K0eva0(v'))=O,
- UW) + Q°(u'a - «£>)) > 0 ,
= 0
V (v',u',w')eKYF,
where N0, L0, QQ, Ro, are given by (11.6.15). The strain £h{x) is treated here as given and x is viewed as a parameter. The problem (P,2*.) is equivalent to the following minimization problem: (/&) find inf{0(x,e" + e»{v), 7 » , KS(U, w), W)) |(«,u,u;) £ K y F } ,
where j(x,e,f,K,r)
= j 1 (x,£,7,r) + -//a/3(x)KQK/3
and for £ = (e,7, r ) e E | x E ] x R, we define j,(x,E)
with A given by (11.1.26). The property (11.1.27) implies that a solution (u (1) ,ii (1) ,u; (2) ) 6 KYF to the problem (P,2^) and hence to (P£J, exists. The fields Va\ Ua\ w(2) are deter mined up to additive constants. Now we are ready to formulate the homogenized problem: find v(0) 6 Hrw (ft)2 such that the variational equation (11.6.19) is satisfied, where Nf die given by (11.6.20) and (11.6.15),, and the fields (t/ 1 ', u^\ w<2>) appear (Pit) ing in the constitutive relation (11.6.20) depend on the tensor e ^ = £Q0(«(O)) according to the implicit relation determined by the problem (P^). Let us define the homogenized potential Wh{x,eh) = 0'(^e" + e ! '(« (1) ),7 y (« (1) ),K s '(« (1) ,w (2) ),w (2) )} = ^jinf{ Jji [x, e" + e»(»), Y(u), K»(U, W), w]dy\ (v, u, w) € KYF},
+ QX(« (1 V 2 ) ) + W 2 ) > •
Elastic plates with cracks
The last formula can be simplified as follows. Let us substitute v' = t/ 1 ', w' = u/ 2 ', u'(1) = 2u(1) and then tt'(1) = 0 into (11.6.23). After adding the equalities obtained in this manner one finds « ^ y « ( 1 ) ) + Lfy»a0(uW) + QS«a(« (,) . «/2>) + Row®) = 0 . (11.6.29) Consequently the expression (11.6.28) reduces to W h (*, e *) = i < V ) < j -
The potential W>, has the following properties: (i) jap
(ii) Wh(x, •) is strictly convex and of class C1. (iii) 3ci > Co > 0 such that for a.e. x € fi co|e| 2 < W h (x,e)< C l |e| 2
We observe that formula (11.6.31) and the properties (ii), (iii) are preserved if F divides the basic cell Y into two disjoint subdomains. The property (iii) ensures unique solvability of the homogenized problem (P^)> provided that meas (r^) > 0. It turns out that the homogenized constitutive relations (11.6.20) can be rearranged to Kachanov's form (11.5.3). To corroborate this statement we recall that v' 1 ' 6 H^)er(Y)2, then {eya/3{v^)) = 0. Thus the expression (11.6.20) assumes the form Nj? = A^0eha0
+ A%*m{uW))
+ A»(w
Let us substitute w' =const into Eq. (11.6.23)3. Hence (Re) = 0, which makes it possible to express (u/ 2 ') in terms of (7^(w (1) ))Elimination of (w(2)) transforms Eq. (11.6.33) to the form Nj? = Afe^ (1)
- Axr0eFa0 ,
( " -6.34)
with i?0 = - ( ^ ( « ) > , cf. Eqs. (11.5.6) and (11.5.7). The tilde over e%0 indicates that these quantities are evaluated according to the (ho,I) method. The tensors (A^°0) coincide with those defined by (11.5.4). Only now thefieldu (1) is a solution to a different local problem. Note that the knowledge of the functions [u^ (eh)], [i4~ (eh)J along F suffices for the determination of the homogenized constitutive relationship (11.6.34). The quantities i^0 will be referred to as crack deformation measures. The constitutive relations of Kachanov type (11.6.34) are usually postulated in the dam age mechanics. In contrast to Kachanov's phenomenological approach, the formula
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
(11.6.34) has not been proposed but rigorously derived. The internal state variables (e^) are directly connected with macrodeformation fields (e^) through the local problem. The tensor A2 may be called a "damage moduli tensor". Unlike the results based on the in-plane scaling, the problem (P^.) is sensitive to the change of the ratios: pa = la/2h. The refined scaling (11.6.2) preserves the relations: la/dJa/c for each e. Consequently, the homogenized constitutive relation N^0(eh) de pends upon the crack spacing measured with respect to the laminate thickness. Remark 11.6.1. The model (ho, l0) derived in Sec. 11.5 turns out to be a limit of the model (ho, I) as pa = la/2h tend to zero. Thus Vh=
Pl- , 0,p2-*0
for h/l2 fixed. Two ways of deriving the model (ho, lo) are outlined in Diagram 11.6.1. Diagram 11.6.1 averaging by in-plane scaling
Laminate with cracks of periodic layout (%)
Laminate of moderate thickness. High density of cracks. Model (Mo) (P'^U^)-Potential^
averaging by refined-scaling
Thin laminate with cracks of arbitrary density. Model (ho,I) (P, 2 ^), (P*2). Potential Wh
constraints of "thinness" 33 u o = 0, <7 = 0
pa->0 Zi/k-fixed, /i-fixed
Thin laminate. High density of cracks. M Ddel(fco,20) P%). PotenialVh
11.7. Justification by V-convergence and duality The physical models derived in Sees. 11.4, 11.6 will now be justified rigorously by ap plying the method of T-convergence. From the mathematical point of view, the in-plane scaling results in a model which can be justified similarly to the one describing partially penetrating fissures, cf. Sec. 10.4. Therefore in Sec. 11.7.1 we shall only formulate a convergence theorem and provide indispensable comments. On account of the appearance of singular terms in the functional of the total potential energy a rigorous justification of the refined scaling is more complicated. Previously, in Sec. 5.4, we have already dealt with a much simpler case of the refined scaling of an uncracked plate.
Elastic plates with cracks
11.7.1. Moderately thick laminate The model itself has been developed in Sec. 11.4. The notations used there are still pre served. Problem (Pw), being convex is equivalent to the following minimization problem: Jf(«',u £ ,w e ) = inf{Jf(«,u,w) | (v,u,w) £ K(fi£)} ,
where the functional of the total potential energy J{ is given by J\(v,u,w)
= -aw(v,u,w;
v,u,w) -
= /[?i( a; ,E(v),7(u),w) + ^Ha0(x)Ka(u,w)K0(u,w)]dx
- f(v,u,w)
We recall that ji is denned by (11.6.26). From Remark 11.4.1 it follows that the functional J{ is coercive on the space V(W) = HVw(Q)2 x HrJW)2 x Hrjty and (vc, ue, wc) e Kj = K(fiE), solving the minimization problem (11.7.1), is unique. Now we are in a position to formulate the T-convergence theorem. Theorem 11.7.1. The sequence of functionals {J' } c > 0 is T-convergent in the topology T = (W- Hl(n)2) x(s- L2(n)2) x(w- H^il)) to
,?(„,„,„)- JuMvM),^)),
n (11.7.3) The functional j£ is coercive on the space // rn ,(fi) 2 x Hru(Q)2 x Hrw(Q.) and UK = f/i + t/2isgivenby(11.4.18). Proof. It is similar to the proof of Theorem 10.3.1. Indeed, the functional $(«,it,w) := - / Ha0(x)Ka(u(x),w(x))K/}(u(x),w(x))dx — }{v,u,w) (11.7.4) n is continuous in the topology T and ihus plays the role of a perturbation functional. Next, we set Ge(v,u,w) = U
/ j \ [x, +oo
e(v(x)),f(u(x)),w(x)]dx, if v e Hl{tt)2,iveHl(n) and ueKcotherwise,
where Kc = {u 6 H1^)2 | [un] > Oon F*} , (11.7.6) while j \ is given by (11.1.30). Consequently the proof reduces to showing that the sequence of functionals {Ge(v, ■, w)}e>0 r-converges in the strong topology of L2(Cl)2 to ( fui[x,e(v{x)),f(u(x)),w(x)]dx, G(v,u,w)
n +00
if v, u e Hl{Q)2, w € H^Q), otherwise.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Now the reader will be able to perform both direct and dual homogenization by following the consideration of Sees. 10.3 and 10.4. D 11.7.2.
Refined scaling and T-convergence
The model (ho, I), proposed in Sec. 11.6, will now be justified rigorously by using the method of r-convergence. The scaling leading to this model is also called by us "refined scaling". Preserving the notation introduced in Sec. 11.6, the functional of the total potential energy has the following form J ^ C r . u . w ) = -bQ,(v,u,w = £ jc{x,e(v{x)),~t{u{x)),
; v,u,w)
- efc{v,u,w),
where a0 = -[e 1 ,e 2 ,r]A £ (a;)[e 1 ,e2,r] T + —-H (x)a Q a 0 , 2e2
je{x,eue2,a,r) f£(v,u,w)
(Nava + Laua --Qw)ds
(11.7.9) (11.7.10)
Here eQ 6 E2. (a = 1,2), a £ Ft2, r e Ft and
A,(i) =
) "vtu
> "uu
±A £'
As we know, all the elements constituting A £ may depend on x, cf. Sec. 11.1. The variational inequality (11.6.8) is then equivalent to the convex minimization problem: J^v*,uc,wc)
= M{Jpe(v,u,w)
I (v,u,w)
e K£}
We set *^£
From (11.7.8) and (11.7.13) we conclude that Jc{v,u,w)
(11.7.14) We observe that the functional J^ models the physical problem. The mathematical situa tion is described by the functional Je. Of our main interest will be the T-convergence of the sequence {Jc}e>o- Primarily, however, we shall provide some auxiliary results. First,
Elastic plates with cracks
we note that for afixede > 0 the minimization problem (11.7.12) is equivalent to Jc(ve,uc,w£)
= M{JE(v,u,w) €
| (v,u,w) 6 K J .
The existence and uniqueness of a {v , u , uf) e K£ will now be proved. Theorem 11.7.2. Assume that 0 < e < 1 and NaeL\Ta),
a =1,2.
Then the minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (11.7.15) is uniquely solvable. Proof. The set K(Qe) defined by (11.2.7) with Q,\F replaced by W is convex and weakly closed in Hl(£lc)2. It is thus sufficient to show that Jc is coercive. Obviously, this func tional is strictly convex on //x(f2)2 x Hl(£lc)2 x H1^). Let us rewrite the matrix A£ in the following form
A£=A +
- ■A.
For each u e // ru ,(fi e ) 2 (meas r„, > 0) Korn's inequality is given by, cf. Prop. 9.3.6. |«||i,n« < (& + ci)||7(«)llo,n« ,
where c and C\ are positive constants independent of e. Recalling that the matrices A and (Ha0) are positive definite, by using (11.7.17) and (11.7.18) for (v, u, w) € V{flc) and 0 < e < 1 we get Je(v,u,w)
> c 2 (|| £ (*)|| 2 , n + | | 7 ( « ) | | ^ . + N f t n ) + | | | « - V H | | ^ n , l + -^JA^ea0(v)wdx
+ ^—^ j
Ml2.n- •C5(IHIo,r. + ll«||Li,r, + - | H l o . r . ) ,
where c 2 ,..., c5 are positive constants, which do not depend on e. A trace theorem for the space i/'(fi £ ) 2 seems not to be available. However, in Sec. 14.1 it will be shown that the injection //'(f2*)2 C BD(£l) is continuous, where BD(Q) is the space of functions with bounded deformation. It is well known that the trace of a function u € BD(Q) is in L'(r) 2 . Anyway we have l|u||L'(r„)a < CfjHullsotn) < c7||i*||ijn* , and the constants <% and c7 do not depend on e.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
For any /i, / 2 £ L2(fi) and each p > 0 the following elementary inequality holds true: ll/i + / 2 ||S in > Y^ll/illofl - Pll/2ll§.n •
Taking into account (11.7.20) and (11.7.21) in (11.7.19), after simple calculations we final ly obtain Je{v,u,w) > c8(\\e(v)\\ln + l|-y(«)||g,„. + |MlS.n) l|VHIo,n - c10(||v||i,n + ||tt||i,n. + - | M M .
As previously, eg, eg and Cio are positive constants independent of e and p has to be suitably chosen. For an e > 0 andfixedthe coercivity of the functional Je follows, which concludes the proof. □ We pass now to the formulation of a counterpart of Lemma 5.4.4, cf. also Lemma 2.10.1. Lemma 11.7.3. Let {vc,ue,wc}e>0 that
be a sequence in //'(ft) 2 x //'(f2 c ) 2 x //'(ft) such
supflltfUu, + ||u£||i,n< + \\w%fl} < oo , e
J£(v ,u ,w )
where c\ is a non-negative constant, independent of e and (11.7.16) holds true. Denote by (v,u,w) a limit of a convergent subsequence in the topology (w — // ! (Q) 2 ) x (s L2(fi)2) x (w - Hl(n)). Then u = Vw = 0 and w = 0. Proof. Taking into account (11.7.17) and recalling that A and (//°") are positive definite matrices we have Uv',u<,wc)
> c2(||e(tOllo,n + ll7(u £ )ll^ + IKIIo,n)
+ / Q-2Kilap(ncW -
+ J ( ^ K ) 2 - ^(«02) dx n - / [Navea + Lauea - l- Qwc j ds ,
Elastic plates with cracks
where c2 is a positive constant appearing in (11.7.19). Elementary inequalities hold true: I ^ e a / 3 ( " £ H = ±A<£ea0(v<)^-2 £
> -±(A<£ea0(v<))> - ^
f (we\2
-At-ya0(u<)w< > -±(AZelQ0(u<))2
Taking into account (11.7.10), (11.7.20), (11.7.22), (11.7.23) and (11.7.25) in (11.7.24), we get Mi
M + 1 i(||e(« e )||g, n + ||7(
- I j {vf)*dx ,
where M and Mi are positive constants which do not depend on e. Hence we obtain Me2 + M2e > 1 f Ha0Ka{uc,wc)^0(uc,
wc)dx + / ( ^ - J ) K ) 2 ^ ,
since ^ ( i ) > M3 > 0 for a.e. x e fi. Consequently, for a subsequence e' of e we have /H a0 K a {u c ',W C ')K 0 {U C ',w c ')dx n«'
-> IHa0Ka{u,w)K0{u,w)dx n
1 \
as e' —> 0. We observe that for e' sufficiently small ( ^
— ; ) is positive and tends to
infinity. Thus w = 0 and K ( « , IU) = 0 or u = Vtu.
□ c
A basic property of the sequence of minimizers {v , u , w }c>o (see (11.7.15)) is speci fied by the following result. Lemma 11.7.4. There exists a positive constant ci > 0, which is independent of s and such that (0 < e < 1) sup(||w£||1,n + ||u%,n< + - | | ^ | M < c 1 .
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Proof. For any (v, u, w) £ Ke we have Jc(vc,ue,we)
Particularly, by taking v = 0, u = 0, w = 0, since (0,0,0) £ K,. we get Jc(vc,ue,we)<0. Hence Jje[x,e(vc)Mu%K(u<,w<),wc}dx
< C 2 (|r||o,r, + ||u£||L>(r„)> + JlKllo.rJ •
By using (11.7.17), (11.7.18), (11.7.20) and (11.7.21), after simple calculations we arrive at (0 < e < 1) (lk(*£)llo,n + |l7(«£)llo,n« + -JWUln) + \\\uc
~ V^Wl*
d 1 - 7 - 26 ) □
Remark 11.7.5. Since 0 < £ < 1, therefore by applying the Korn and Poincare' inequalities we can write sup(||« £ ||i, n + \\v.%ja, + | K | | l i n ) < Cl . (11.7.27) £>0
Recall that for the domain fi£ Korn's inequality is given by (11.7.18). From Sec. 9.3 we know that there exists an extension operator Q|: Hl(iY)2 —» Hx(fi)2 such that ||^ue-«e||o,n-0, (11.7.28) provided that sup | |u£ || i,^ < oo. The estimate (11.7.27) combined with (11.7.28) imply the existence of a subsequence e' of e such that tf'^v weakly in H\Q)2, uc' —> u strongly in L2(fl)2, we' —>■ w weakly in H1 (Q) , as e' — ► 0. Furthermore, (11.7.26) yields ||w £ '||o,n-»0,
e' -» 0 .
Hence w(x) = 0 for o.e. i £ ^Similarly we get | \ue' - Vwe'| |0,n -» 0 , and thus u(x) = 0 for a.e. x £
e' -> 0 , fi.
Elastic plates with cracks
Dual effective potential Later on, to prove that the sequence { Jc}e>o is T-convergent we shall exploit in an essen tial manner some duality arguments. Therefore we have to derive first the complementary (dual) effective stored energy functions W£. The procedure is similar to the one applied in Sees. 5.4 and 10.4. It is thus sufficient to provide main points of the derivation. The complementary potential is given by the Fenchel conjugate of W\: W'h(x, e') := sup{e* : c - Wh(x, e) | e 6 E*} , e* € EJ .
By using (11.6.24), we write W'h(x,e') = sup{e*:eC6E
- J - f j[x,e + ey(v),Y(u),Ky(u,w),w}dy}
inf (U,V,W)£KYF
. (11.7.30)
We observe that inf { / j[x,e + ev{v),-yy{u),K(u,w),w]dy
\ (v,u,w)
€ KYF}
= inf{ / j[x, e + ev(v),fv(u),
KV(U, w),w]dy
| v <E
€ H^YF)2,™
G H^Y)}
where I K Y F is the indicator function of the set KYF< the last being defined by (11.4.4)i. The minimization problem (11.7.31) is here called (Pe)-problem. To apply Rockafellar's theory of duality we introduce Ge(x,A(v,u,w))
= YF
= ¥{x,u,w)
/j[x,e + ey(v),yv(u),Ky{u,w),w}dy
(H-7.32) (11.7.33)
Here e € E , is held fixed whilst A = (ALA2.A3.A4) and A x v = e (v), A2u = 7 v (ix), A 3 (u, w) = K"(U, W), A4W = w. Obviously, the operator A maps H1 (Y)2 x H1 (YF)2 x H\Y) into L2{Y, E*) x L2(YF, E28) x L2(Y)2 x L2{Y). Standard calculations yield, cf. Sees. 5.4 and 10.4 1
(-divvn ^ nfj.
iny on dY;
in YF ,
\ -lN —IT
f' onF, on F ;
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates (q in Y , (u) X'3q=ldivyq in Y, (w) ( —q • fj. on dY (w) ; AJr = r inr, 2
(11.7.36) (11.7.37)
where n <E L (Y, EJ), I 6 L {YF, E^), g 6 L (K) , r € L (F), while /x stands for the outward unit normal to dY. We recall that nit = (n""/^), 9 • A4 = <7aMa. W = la/3J 1^,^/3 and IT = (l0/5Ji///j) - INN. For instance, let us derive (11.7.35). We have (I, A2w)^(yF,E2)xL2(KF,E,2) = /
= - J\ali\0Uady + fr0tii)uads YF 2
- flN[uN]ds - J\T ■ [uT]ds = (A'2l,u) ,
dY l
where it e H {YF) ,1 e L {YF, EJ). The duality pairing (AJl, u) in the last relation is to be understood in the following sense: ( A j l . l t ) = -{divyl,u)lHi(YF)->}'xH>(YF)i
+ (W*> u)
-(lw,[uAf])w-i/2(F)xWi/2(F) - (IT, Kl>[H-v'(f)>iJx«'/>(F)i •
Next we calculate F*(-A*(n, I, g, r)) = sup{ / (divyn) • vdy + / (divsl) • udy Y
I (divyq)wdy - / q ■ udy - I rwdy - / nQ")iavads - / la0nguads Y
q Ha ds+ dY
u e HUYF?
lN[uN]ds + F
, «, e HUY))
= { ° +00
6 S
( y F )
where S^(VF) = {(n,l,g,r) 6 L2(K,E<) x L2(yF,E<2) x L2(Y)2 x L2(V) | divyn = 0 in V ; divyl - q = 0 in VF ; divyq + r - 0 in Y ; nji, l/x and q • fi assume opposite values on the opposite sides of Y ; lN < 0 and l T = 0 on F} . (11.7.41) We observe that various integrals appearing in (11.7.40) are always taken in the sense of duality pairings when an integral is not in L1.
Elastic plates with cracks
418 For afixede G E 8 , the dual problem means evaluating (P|)
8up{-G* e (i,n,l, q ,r) - P ( - A * ( n , l , g , r ) ) | (n,l,g,r) 6 S^YF)}
Tofindthe functional G*e we calculate G'e(x,n,l,q,r)
= Jj'e(x,nh,),\{y),q(v),r(v))dv,
where j^(x,a*,b',c',d")
= = = - o * : e + j*(x,a*,6*,c*,d*) =
sup{o* : a + b* : b + c* • c + d*d je(x,a,b,c,d)\a,be E 2 ,c G R 2 ,d G R} sup{a* -.a + b'-.b + c'-c + cCd j(x,e + a,b,c,d)\a,b£ E 2 ,c G R 2 ,d e R} -a' : e + W(x,a',b',c',d') , (11.7.43)
since j * = W*. see Eq. (11.1.13); moreover a*, 6* G E'2) c* e R 2 and
Combining (11.7.42) - (11.7.44) and (11.7.29) we get W'h{x,e') = sup —-{ e' : edy+ inf eeEjlH J (n,i,,,r)eS^r(VF)^ = sup
— {
+ /(e* -n(y))
The supremum over e G E 2 is finite provided that
~Jn(y)dy = e'.
The last two relations yield thefinalform of the dual effective potential: W'h(x,e') = iid±{
+ n(y),l(y),q(y),r(y)}dy\(n,l,q,r)
e SreriYF)},
= {(n,l,g,r) G S^YF)
\ Jn(y)dy = 0} .
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Physically, the dual variable e* is identified with the effective generalized stresses (N% ). We also observe that the condition fn(y)dy YF
= [n{y)dy
equivalent to (11.7.45), can be obtained by using the inf-convolution operation, cf. Sees. 2.10 and 5.4. It suffices to substitute n(y) = n(y) - |Y|e* in (11.7.48), where n € S^YF), n G S^iYF). Relation (11.7.45) is then recovered. Remark 11.7.6. It can easily be verified that S^YF) 2
= [S^(YF)\
n (E2)1 ,
where (E ,) denotes the orthogonal complement of E , in L . Remark 11.7.7. The local equilibrium equations appearing in the definition of SpeT(YF) via (11.7.41) are obviously to be understood in the sense of distributions. Sinceq G L2(Y)2 and r G l2(Y), therefore divy\ G L2(YF)2 and divyq G L2(Y). Additionally, it is reason able to assume that divyn G L2(Y)2. The minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (11.7.46) is then uniquely solvable as a strictly convex (dual) problem. Remark 11.7.8. (i) The local equilibrium equation divyq + r = 0 in Y,
yields / r{y)dy = - / divyq(y)dy Y
qanads = 0 ,
because q ■ /x is Y-antiperiodic. (ii) From the local equilibrium equation divyl-q
= 0 in YF,
we obtain
Jqa(y)dy = J^~dv = Jv*n>ds + J[ia0ff0]ds = o, YF
since IN is antiperiodic and [ l ^ A ^ ] = 0 (on F), according to the action and reaction principle. (iii) Equations (11.7.50) and (11.7.51) imply divydivyl 2
and thus divydivyl G L (YF).
= divyq = — r ,
Consequently the following equation makes sense:
Jidrv^l-q^dy^, YF
Elastic plates with cracks
for each w e H^er(Y). Integrating by parts we conclude that (divyl) ■ n is Y-antiperiodic. (iv) Considering Eq. (11.7.50) once again, by formal differentiation and integration we get
(divyq + r)dy = 0,
for each v 6 H^Y)2.
Hence / <(divyq + r)v • fids = 0 . dY
The periodicity of a function v implies that v ■ /j, is Y-antiperiodic and thus divyq + r is Y-periodic. Similarly we deduce that divydivy\—divyq = divydivyl+r is also Y-periodic. The above periodicity and antiperiodicity properties of the local fields (n, I, q, r) € Sper(Y) enable us to extend them to the whole plane R 2 or to R 2 \ U Ft t€Z a
whenever a field is discontinuous across F; here Z is the set of integers and Ft denotes F translated by a vector i = (i\, 12) € Z 2 . Consequently, after rescaling y ~» x/e, and recalling that —— = e——, from the local equilibrium equations one readily gets oya oxa edivnc=0 in ft, e ediv\e - qc = 0 in Q. , edivqe + r £ = 0 in fi, e2div divle — edivqc = e2div divle + r€ = 0 in He ,
(11.7.53) (11.7.54) (11.7.55) (11.7.56)
where n £ (x) = n ( | ) , etc. We shall now formulate a counterpart of Lemmas 2.10.12 and 5.4.3, which will be used in the proof of T-convergence of the sequence of functionals (11.7.14). Lemma 11.7.9. Let (n,l,g,r) e S^C^F) and
+ lfya0{uc)
c *U J
+ -
where n£(x) = n ( | ) , etc. /e set a = lim a£, where 1 Proof. We £—0
ac = Jv(x)[rifea0(v*)
+ lfya0(uc)
+ ^ ? « a ( « W ) + ^r€w*}d.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Integration by parts yields a = lima' = hmj[~
- (
+ -ifi{x)q"w£(x) + — ^>(x)rtwc]dx -€ lim hp(x)lN (-) [u£N(x)\ds , E e —°J \e/
< +00 .
Recalling that uc tends to 0 we have lim
From (11.7.57) and (11.7.58) we get a = lim / < ip(x)(—divn€) ■ ve(x) +
+ J«Q]-u(i)
+ J_r ( | ) w*(x) - ^ ( 1 X ^ ( 1 )
By using Theorem 1.1.5 and Remark 11.7.7 we write VmJipJ,{x)n'#
Q ) v*Q(x)dx = Jipt0(x)va(x)dx-^Jn^(y)dy lim /
= 0, (11.7.60)
Taking into account (11.7.53) - (11.7.55) and (11.7.60) in (11.7.59) we conclude the proof. D
Y-convergence of the sequence (11.7.14) As we already know, the sequence of functionals {J£}£>o. defined by (11.7.14), charac terizes the class studied of cross-ply laminates in the case of the refined scaling specified by (11.6.2) and (11.6.3). After indispensable preparations we are now in a position to formulate and prove the basic result concerning the T-convergence of this sequence.
Elastic plates with cracks
Theorem 11.7.10. Under the assumption (11.7.16) the sequence of functionals (11.7.14) T-converges in the topology r = s - [L2(f2)2 x L2(fi)2 x L2(ft)] to the functional v € HrJfi)2
Mv) = Jwh[x, e(v(x))]dx - L(e),
where L(u)= fNavadT,
and Wh is given by (11.6.27). Proof. As usual, it is divided into two parts. I. For any v e # rv ,(fi) 2 we have tofinda sequence {ve, uc, wc}c>0 C K£ such that (v£,u£,iO^(v,0,0)
and Jh(v) > lim supJ c {v e ,u e ,w e ) .
Step 1. Let {HxJKeK be afinitepartition of fi formed by polygonal sets. Such a partition enables one to exploit the local character of the functionals Je. One can single out those elements, denote them by {^K)K^K^ with the following property
r.= U ^ n r „ ,
(i 1.7.65)
where QbK stands for the closure of Q.bK. The case of a curvilinear part Ta of the boundary, though excluded at this stage, can be examined similarly by assuming that Ot^ (K € AC&) are curvilinearfiniteelements. For all sets fi^, different from ilbK, we introduce Q,6K := {x 6 QK I dist(x, dQK) > 6} ,
where K 6 tCi and K. = K.\ U £;,. Obviously the sets of indices K.t and Kb are disjoint. Furthermore, for Tf =r„n& b K (K € Kb) we set fi^ = {i € rfK | dist{x, {dnbK)\rbaK) > 6} ,
Now for the subfamily (11.7.66) we take ip*K € D(ftA-), such that 0 < ipsK < 1,
Let v € //^(fi) be a piecewise affine and continuous function, that is VcW^E&Xff /3
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates where K e /C. Hence we have e{v{x)) = eK ,
x e 0* , K e K .
With every family of functions {vK,uK,WK}K&K sequences
C Kyf- we associate the following
(11.7.70) wc's{x) = e2^2vsK{x)wK
v£'s -* v u E - 4 -» 0 wci _> o
strongly in L2(Q)2 , strongly in L2(ft)2 , strongly in L2(fl) ,
when e — ► 0. Moreover, (11.7.70)2 implies
K ' l = ^ E ¥>* (*)[*£] > 0 on f . We put u>Jf = ft£ n QK- , A" e K. Let t > 1 (intended to tend to 1). Noting that ttp6K +1{ 1 Vic) + (1 — *) = 1 and exploiting the convexity of the function je(x, •,-,-,•) we obtain Jc {tv£'6,tu£-s,tw£'6)=
E /C6K6 J
= £
c 5 f {tNavl;6 + tLaucJ --tQw - )dT £
(e* + e(vK) Q ) + t(l - ^ ( x ) ) e *
+ (1 - O y ^ j ( V * ( f ) ® V K ( * ) ) . . ^ ( i ) 7 ( t i K ) (~£) + *(1 - V^(*))0
+ (l-0r^(uKQ®VJf(x))., t ^ ( x ) (eu* Q
( f ) ) +*(1 - ^ ( x ) ) 0
- t1 - O J T J ^ W ^ W V K W ^ " ( J ) + <(1 - ¥>*(*))<> + (1 - *)0]dx -
E * /[iv a K + £ ^ ^ ) + £ ^ L Q ^ - e ^ Q ^ ] c z r vceK6
Elastic plates with cracks
< £ fj[*.*+«<»*>©«*)(f).-*(f) -
+ M2(l-t)J
(11.7.72) /fe£6
since j c > 0 (and likewise j > 0); here Mi and M2 are positive constants, independent of e and t. We recall that
The function j[x, £ * + £ ( « * ) ( - ) ,7(11*) ( - ) , u * ( - ) - ( V w * ) ( - ) ,wK periodic, hence by applying Theorem 1.1.5 we get J€{tvcS,tue'6,tw€*)
lim sup
/ j T f Jftx>€"
^ E
YF K 2
+M1Y^\e \ K€lc
/ ( I -
Now let t —> l~ and J —> 0, then lim sup lim sup Jc(tvcS,tuc-s, t_i£-.0 <^o
twc-6) < £ /-£- f *•<=£ 7 K I 7 n YF *
- j Navads
By applying Lemma 1.3.27 one can construct a mapping e —► (£(e), 5(e)) with (£(e),J(e)) — ( 1 " , 0) as e —> 0 such that setting ve(x) = t{e)vs^
uc(x) = t(e)u£M
we conclude that lim supJe(vc,uc,wc) £-0
< J2
I 4,
\'\J YF
we{x) = t{e)we^
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
fN"vads .
By taking the infimum on the r.h.s. of the last inequality when (vK, uK, wK) run over the set Kyp we obtain Jj»(v,O,0) < lim sup J,{vE,ue,we) £—0
< £ fm(x,eK)dx-L(v)= Ken J
- L(v) = Jh(v) .
Here (11.7.71) has been taken into account and J£ denotes the r-limit superior, cf. Sec. 1.1. Step 2. The convexity of Je is preserved by the r-limit superior J£, cf. Sec. 1.3.4. By virtue of the quadratic growth of W/,(x, •) (see (11.6.27)), we have Jsh[v,0,0) < d j\e(v(x))\2dx
- L{v) , v € HrJSl)2 .
Being convex and finite, the functional ■/£ is continuous on Hrw{ty2; in fact those two properties hold true on the space Hl(Q)2. Basic properties of the effective potential Wh and linearity of the functional L imply that Jh is also a convex and continuous functional. Due to the density of piecewise affine continuous functions in //'(fi) 2 , and consequently also in the subspace Hr„ (fi)2, the inequality J°h(v,0,0) < Jh(v) , can be extended to this subspace. In fact, for v e Hrw(Cl)2 there exists a sequence {vk}ken of piecewise affine continuous functions vanishing on Tu and convergent to v in the strong topology of Hl (ft)2. In view of the continuity of the functional J/, we have Jh{vk)-+Jh{v)
as k - o o .
(11.7.76) ,e
Following the previous step, for each k e N there exists a sequence {«* , u , w }e>0 C Ke such that 2 2 vk,c _> vk strongly in L (n) , kc k 2 u —» u strongly in L (Q)2 , wk,c —> wk strongly in L2(f2) , when e —* 0 ; moreover lim sMpJe{vk-c,uk'c,wk-c) < Jh{vk).
Combining (11.7.76) and (11.7.77) we deduce that lim sup lim sup Je(vk'e, uk~c, wk-£) < Jh{v), k—oo
lim sup lim sup \\vk'c - u||0,n = 0 , k—oo
lim sup lim sup ||u*,£||o,n = 0 , t-»oo
lim sup lim sup ||u>*,c||o,r! = 0 . k—oo
Elastic plates with cracks
By applying now Lemma 1.3.27 we infer existence of a mapping e —»fc(e)with k(e) —> oo such that setting vc = v* ( t ' £ , uc = u* (£),£ , we = W* ( E ) E , one finally obtains Jh(v, 0,0) < lim supj£(vv,uc,we)
< Jh{v) ,
for each v e Hrw (fi) 2 , which completes the proof of (11.7.64). II. The second part of the proof of T-convergence of the sequence {J £ }oo consists in showing that for any sequence {vc,uc,we}c>0 C K£ and convergent to (v, 11,111) in the topology r, the following inequality is satisfied Jh(v) < lim inf JAv^u^w')
We recall that if u ^ 0 and/or w ^ 0 (see Lemma 11.7.3), then obviously lim inf Jc(ve,u€,w€) £-•0
= +00 ,
and (11.7.78) is trivially satisfied. Of interest is thus the case where u = 0, w = 0. Similarly to the proofs of Theorems 2.10.13 and 5.4.6, some results from the theory of duality play an important role. More precisely, it will be shown that lim inf J E (v £ ,u £ ,w £ ) > Jh[v) = f\Vh[x,e{v{x))}dx J £ ^o n = sup{ j\Na0{x)ea0{v{x))
- W'h{x, N(x))]dx
| N e L 2 (fi, E^)} - L{v) . (11.7.79)
Step 3. Let {£IK}K€>C be a finite family of open disjoint sets such that f2 = (J QK. Note that such a partition may be completely different from the one introduced in Step 1. We take N(x)= ZxK{x)NK, NKeE°2, (11.7.80) KtK.
where x ^ is the characteristic function of QK. \^.{-nK,\K,qK,rK) e S^YF),^ = QKnflc and take
dist(x, dQK) > <5} , S > 0 .
Applying Lemma 11.7.9 and recalling that j e > 0 we obtain lim inf
> lim inf{ £ [je[x,e(vc),-fCuc),K(ucM),ve}dx £_>0 KeK J u>5,
- /(Navca + J ri«
Lau'a--Qwc)ds} £
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
> hm c inf Yl
Ketc J
) . 7 ( « )>«(« ,™ )>w }dx -
= lim inf X) /
+ 1 * ( ^ ) : -y(u e ) + \q g ) • K ( « W ) + ^ r * Q l
= lim inf Yl £-,
wc]}dx - L(v) - L{v) ,
where ^,(n K ,i K ,« K .r K )(a;,a,6,c,d) = j £ (x, a, 6, c, d) - ri/c : a - l/c : 6 - - q K • c - ^ r / f d .
Fenchel's inequality applied to the function Jc,(nK,iK,qK,rK){x, •, •, •, •) at {(e{v*(x)), NK);
( 7 ( u £ ) , 0); (K(UC(X),
0); ( W £ (x), 0)]
gives J £ *,(n*, l K ,, K ,r K ,(^K,0,0,0) > TV* : e{vE{x))
Hence lim inf J€{ve, uc, we) £—»0
> lim inf £
- j;AnK,lK,qK,Tlt)(x,NK,0,0,0)]dx
= limjnf £
[NK : e(v*(x)) - ^ ^ ^ ( x . / V * , 0,0,0)] dx - L(v),
(11.7.82) since v £ e //'(fi) 2 . The sequence {v £ } £> o is a bounded sequence in H1(Q.)2, therefore for a subsequence still denoted in the same manner, we have e(v£) -^ e{v)
weakly in L 2 (fi, E 2 ) .
Thus lim [
= l
: e{v{x))dx .
Elastic plates with cracks
The explicit form of j*€, ?'*,
) (•, 0,0,0) is found by performing standard calculation:
= sup{e* : c - ;£,(nK,iK,,K,rK)(x, e, b, c, d) \e, b e E 2 , c € R2, d £ R} = sup{(e* + Tiff) : e + Iff : b + -qK ■ c + —rKd ez
E 2 , c e R2, d€ R}
-jc(x,e,b,c,d)\e,be = \\D^Xli(x)(e'^
+ rtf)(e** + < " ) +
+2D%(x)laI?rK + D^(x)nfrK
+ DRr2K), (no sumation on K\)
where e* € E'2. The sequence of periodic functions j * ,
, ,
- > , ,
, ,, (ar.ATff, 0,0,0)
is bounded in L1 (Q) and converges weakly (in L1 (fi)) to — Jj'[x, NK + Tiff (j/), Iff (y), 9 j f (y), rff (y)]dy , wherej , = W,cf. (11.1.13). Thus inequality (11.7.82) becomes Urn inf Je(v',uc,w<) > £
{ fvsK(x)NK
: e(v(x))
+n'<(y)'l'<(y)''lK(y),rK(y)dy}dx } - L(v) . (11.7.83)
-]V\JW'[X'NK y
Next, taking the supremum on the r.h.s. of (11.7.83) when (n.ff, Iff, qK, rK) runs over the set Sper(YF) of statically admissible (local) generalized stresses one obtains lim inf Jc(v*, uc, wc) > Y, [VK(X)[NK
■ e(v{x)) - W'h(x, NK)}dx - L(v) .
We recall that W^ is given by (11.7.46) and sup(— / ) = — inf / . Since >p6K > 0 and N is a piecewise constant function (see (11.7.80)), therefore lim inf J€(ve,uc,w£) £_ *°
> £
- E
- L(v) .
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The inequality 0 < ^2 ipsK(x) < 1, x € tt, implies KuK
0 < Y,f>K{x)W'h{x,N{x)) Keic
because W£ > 0. Thus lim mU€(v£,uetw€)> £ ^°
£ [ipsK{x)N{x) : e{v{x))dx KeicJ J si n
Now let <5 tend to zero, then Yl
ds to 1 for almost every x € fi and consequently
lim inf Jc{v£,us,
w£) > f[N{x) n
: e{v{x)) - W'h{x, N{x))]dx - L{v).
Step 4. For each TV G L2(Sl, Ej) there exists a sequence {iVt}jt€M of simple functions such that Nk -» TV strongly in L 2 (fi, Es2) when k —► oo . Here
Nk(x) = £ x£(t)(*)/V*<*> , where *tf(*)W
and^t = 1 / k, diamilmk) < <5*.andn = U n ^ ) . By virtue of the previous step we have K{k)
lim inf J £ (t; £ ,n £ ,«; £ ) > f[Nk(x) e-o J n
: e(t>(i)) - WjJ(x, Nk(x))]dx
- L(w) .
Passing now to the limit when k tends to infinity we finally obtain lim inf Jc(vc,uc,we)
> f[N(x)
This inequality completes the proof.
: e(t)(i)) - W*(i,7V(x))]dx - L{v) .
Elastic plates with cracks
Remark 11.7.11. Rigorously, we should write Jh(v,0,0) instead of Jh(v). Also, we observe that in the second part of the proof N € L2(Sl, E£) is not necessarily a statically admissible field. Corollary 11.7.12. According to Step 3 of our proof, the dual of jc(x, -, -, •, •) has the following form + D^(x)La0L*»
J:(X, N, L, Q, R) = \{D^(x)N^N^
+2e2[D*0w(x)Na0R + D^(x)La0R]
+ e*DRR2}
+\e2D%{x)QaQ0 .
Dual homogenization By comparing the complementary stored energy function (11.1.13) with (11.7.84) it is clear that now the refined scaling involves the following replacement R^>e2R.
To formulate a problem dual to the one appearing on the r.h.s. of (11.7.15) it remains to find the set of statically admissible generalized stresses. To this end we introduce the functional fcl(v,u,w)
= -fe(v,u,w)
+ In,(v,u,w),
where / e is defined by (11.7.10), and A = (Ai,A 2 ,A3,A 4 ), 2
A : Hrw(n) xHrJW) xHrjn)
A(v,u,w) =
-» L (ft, E2) x L2(ff,E'2)
x L2(ft)2 x L2(Q) .
It can now easily be found that, cf. Sees. 2.10, 5.4,10.4
' ^
m e S m
where S(fi£) = {(AT, L,Q,R)\N£ L2(fi, E*), divAT 6 L 2 (fi) 2 , L G L2(n', EB2), divL e L 2 (ft £ ) 2 , Q e L2(Q)2 ,divQ e L2(fi) , diviV = 0 in Q, divL - Q = 0 in fi£ , divQ + R = 0 in ft ; Na0n0 = Na , La0n0 = La , Qana = -Q on r„ ; Ln < 0 , £
LT = 0 on F*}.
Here Ln and LT denote normal and tangential generalized contact stresses on Fe. For a fixed e > 0 we can now formulate the dual problem, which means evaluating GC(NC, Lc, Q€, R,) = sup{Ge(N, L,Q,R)\Ne L2{Vl, EJ), L 6 L2{ne,E32) , Q € L2{Q)2, R e L2{Q)} ,
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
where GC(N,L,Q,R) = -Jj;[x,N(x),L(x),Q(x),R(x)]dx - Ism{N,L,Q,R).
By using Proposition 1.2.47, 1.2.48 and 1.2.49, we conclude that Je(v',u€,w') = Ge(Ne,le,Qe,Rt) ,
and (JV£, Lc, Qc, Rc) e S(Q£) is uniquely determined. We are now in a position to formulate a theorem on r-convergence of the sequence {G£}E>0. Theorem 11.7.13. (i) The sequence of functional (11.7.90) is r-convergent in the weak topology of the space L2(n, E°2) x L2(fi, E^) xL2(ft)2 x I?{9) to Gh{N) = -jwh(x,N(x))dx
- IS^N)
where Sh(£l) = {N G L2(fi, E^) | divN G L2(tt)2 , diviV = 0 inft, Na/3np = Na on Va} . c
(11.7.93) c
(ii) If {v ', u ', w '}£'>o is a convergent subsequence of {v , u , ui }E>0, i.e. (v*',u£',we') —>{v,0,0) in L2(ft)2 x L2(ft)2 x L2(fi) strongly , £'—•0
then Jh{v) = inf{Jh(i;) | v e
and inf J£- —»inf ■//, when e' —» 0 . (iii) If (JV£, I-£, Qc, R\) is a solution of the dual problem (11.7.89) and {Ne',Lci,Qc,, Rc'}C'>a is a convergent subsequence (N^L^Q^R,)
—»(JV, 0,0,0) —o in L2(n, E°2) x L2(fi, E'2) x L 2 (0) 2 x L(fi) weakly , then Gh(N) = sup{- j W'h{x, N{x))dx | x e Sh(ft)} , and sup G£< —> sup G/,, when e' —» 0.
inf Jh = sup G/,,
Elastic plates with cracks
Proof. One has to verify the assumptions of Theorems 1.3.36, 1.3.38, cf. Sec. 5.5.
Remark 11.7.14. To be precise, we should write W£(z, N,0,0,0) and Gh{N, 0,0,0). Then the above T-convergence of Ge to G/,, from the notational point of view is quite clear. 11.8.
Application of the augmented Lagrangian method to solving local problems with unilateral constraints
To find effective potentials describing macroscopic behavior of plates and cross-ply lami nates one has to solve variational inequalities posed on a basic cell. Equivalently, one has to find minimizers of the corresponding convex optimization problems. In the present section we shall apply the augmented Lagrangian algorithm, expounded in Sec. 1.5, to solving the minimization problem appearing in the definition of the effective elastic potential W/, given by (11.6.27). The remaining cases can be examined in the same manner. This problem can be written as follows: mm I ^aYF(x,U,U)
- l(x,U)\U
£ Hper, g{u) < Oon F\ + M(x) . (11.8.1)
Here U = (v, u, w), g(u) = -[(7o«)w] on F; 70 is the zeroth-order trace operator (on F). For the sake of simplicity we write g(u) = — [uN]. Moreover we have -aYF(x,U,U)
= YF
+ A%x»(xhya0(u)tXll
l(x, U) = I(Af^(x)el0(v)ex,
+ A%ea0w)dy
M(x) =
where U = (v,u,w) € Hl{Y)2 x Hl(YF)2 x Hl(Y), e e E2. The space H^ is the 2 2 subspace of H^Y) x H^YF) x H^^Y) and consists of functions with zero mean value over Y. Thus we write H^ = H^Y)2 x H^YF)2 x H^.(Y). The minimization problem (11.8.1) is then uniquely solvable, its solution is denoted by if. We now define V = H\Y)2
x H\YF)2
x H\Y),
Vj = H^
, H = H1/2(F),
H' =
The coerciveness constant is still denoted by CQ. The inequality g(u) < 0 is satisfied almost everywhere on F. In fact, g(u) e Hl/2(F) and hence g(u) £ L2{F). Normal contact stress IN is an element of the space H~ll2(F). Therefore it is necessary to introduce the Riesz operator 11 : Hl/2{F) -> H~l/2{F). We recall that if / € H~^2{F), there exists one and only one vf e Hl'2(F) such that/(v) = < / ^ ) „ - 1 / 2 ( f ) x „ 1 / 2 ( F ) = (V/,V)H1/,(F), H(vf) = / and | | / | | B . I / 2 = \\v/\\Hl/i . cf. Yosida (1978), Kikuchi and Oden (1988,
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates Chap. 3). Here(-,-)
stands for an inner product on// 1/>2 (F). Then we obviously
have7e-1(lN)e^1/2(^r Theorem 5.1. of Ekeland and Temam (1976, Chap. Ill) implies existence of A G //* = H~l*2(F), such that (A, g(«))„. x „ = 0. Equivalently, by Riesz' representation theorem we have (Tl~iX,g{u))HxH = 0. We recall that the condition g(u) < 0 defines a cone in H]/2(F). Now g is a linear and continuous operator from Hl(YF)2 onto Hll2{F). The assumption (A) of Sec. 1.5 is obviously satisfied and takes now the following form: (a) (A,9(u)>„.x„ = (n-lX,g(u))HxH = 0, (b) aYF(x,U,U) - l{x,U) + (A, g(u))„.x„ = 0 VU = (v,u,w) G V,. We observe that (U, A) G V\ x H~l*2(F) is a unique saddle point of the Lagrangian defined by L(x, U,U) = ±aYF(x, U, U) - l(x, U) + (A,g(u))H.xH .
Now we are in a position to apply the augmented Lagrangian algorithm of Sec. 1.5 to solve the local problem (11.8.1). This algorithm involves now the Riesz mapping 7c. To this end we define a family of augmented Lagrangian problems by (P)„,A
where L,(i, U, A) = \aYF{x, U, U) - l(x, U) + 1 ( | | sup(0, H^X + W («))|| 2 „ - Hft-'AHJ = \aYF{x, U, U) - l{x, U) + 1 ( | | supCO.'fc-'A + W («))|| 2 H - ||A||2„.) , and A e H\ 7c"1 A G H, \\X\\H. = \\K-lX\\H, 17 > 0, 77 e R. The Algorithm (1) Choose Xx € H', Xl > 0, and 7? > 0. (2) Put n = 1. (3) Solve (P)„,An for Un. (4) Put 7c-1 V i = K-'Xn + Tjg{Un, K, V) = sup(0, 7c"1 X + VQi^n))(5) Put n = n + 1 and return to (3). Herep: Vi x / J x R + - > / / is defined by ([/, Tc-'A, 77) = sup(#(u), — 7 C - ' A ) , A G V H* = H~l/2{F). We observe that A e H', X > 0 satisfies the inequality (A, v)H.xH > 0 for each v G H, v > 0; moreover we have (A, v)H.xH = (7c"1 A, v)H > 0 for all v e //, 7J > 0 .
From Theorem 1.5.3 we conclude the following estimate
+ ^K-'X^-K-'MllK^W-'Xn-K-'Xlll,
Elastic plates with cracks
for all n = 1,2,. ..Here
IMIv = Nl 2 „ 1 ( y ) , + NI 2 „ 1 ( y F ) , + IIHI2„1(y) •
By using the properties of the Riesz mapping 71 we obtain the estimate equivalent to the previous one Q,l|C>,£/n||2v + ^l|An + i-A|| 2 „. < l | | A n - A | | 2 „ . .
The augmented Lagrangian algorithm can obviously be replaced by the variable stepsize algorithm that was explained in Sec. 1.5. 11.9. Case of aligned parallel intralaminar cracks. Effective characteristics according to the (h^, I) approach The aim of this section is to assess the loss of effective elastic characteristics of the [0^/90°], laminates with the straight matrix cracks going transversely through the whole thickness of the 90°-plies. The in-plane boundary loading will be considered. Let us start with con sidering simplifications implied by the assumptions of the plies being orthotropic and the cracks being aligned. Assume that the axes x\ and x2 are axes of orthotropy. The cracks are parallel to the axis X2 for a laminate with short aligned cracks, see Fig. 11.9.1. In view of the orthotropy assumption the only non-zero components of the stiffness tensors involved in (11.1.21) are Aaa00
AO0a0. Ada.
/ M Q n
Consequently, the only non-zero components of the tensors Aa are given by, cf. (11.5.4) j^aa00
_ j^a0a0
_ ^a0a0
/, j g
Note that A\122 = A2211 but Al2122 / Afn. The components of the vectors N,T are (0,1) and (1,0), respectively; the vectors N and T are normal and tangent to the crack F, see Fig. 11.3.1. According to Eq. (11.5.6) we find expressions for the components of the matrix (e^) »2
e n = jj-Jh[
4 = 0,
4 =^/l41)1^2.
Thus, the homogenized constitutive relations (11.5.3) assume the form Nl1 = ^ m (<*„£?, + al2eh22 - PneQ , N? = Alln (a12ehn + a22eh22 - &,££), Nl2 = 2Al™(e12-aeQ,
where e£0 = e ^ t e n . ^ . ^ ) - W e c a n n o t expect, in general, that e£Q = e^e^e^) and e(2 = ef2(e^2), since the cracks considered are of a unilateral type. The coefficients
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
h F
h y\
Fig. 11.9.1. Case of parallel cracks involved in Eqs. (11.9.4) are defined as follows
Note that the formulae (11.9.3) - (11.9.4) hold true within the framework of the {h0,l) model introduced in Sec. 11.6. Only the meaning of the vector « ( 1 ) is different. Let us consider now the case of straight-line cracks lying at equal distances I and going along the whole domain n, thus intersecting the opposite edges. Since these cracks cut only
Fig. 11.9.2. Laminate with straight cracks going along the whole domain H
Elastic plates with cracks
the internal layer, the laminate remains capable of carrying the in-plane boundary loading. The crack lines coincide with the x\ = nl lines, n = 1,2..., see Fig. 11.9.2. The cracks weaken the overall stiffnesses of the laminate. This degradation will be assessed by using model (h0,lo) of Sec. 11.5. Let us recall that the predictions will be insensitive to the l/h ratio, see Remark 11.4.2 and the comments at the end of Sec. 11.5. In order to find the formulae for effective stiffnesses one should start by solving the local problem (P^.) of Sec. 11.5. Geometry of the periodicity cell is here simple, see Fig. 11.9.3.
/ = 2pA
Fig. 11.93. Rescaled cell of periodicity For the sake of simplicity, the crack F is located at the centre. The solutions to the lo cal problem will be independent of the variable y\. The unknowns v[ (yi), uj (j/i) and v 2 (j/i)> u2 (j/i) W'N be found from the independent: stretching and shearing problems. Solution of the local stretching problem. Stiffnesses A"a/30 The unknownfieldsare v[1'(«/i), u[ \yi). Let t = yi/h;Se(0,2Q);2e
= l/h.
Analysis of the local equations of (P£<.) shows that both unknown functions are piecewise linear in £, or are linear functions in the intervals: (0, Q) and (o, 2Q). The stress resultants (11.5.12) are given by N
° ~ h (i)
inn d "i d4
+ n,o > (11.9.7)
+ A
+ '0 '
where nj 1 , / " are defined by (11.5.14). The unknown functions satisfy:
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
• periodicity conditions v?\0) = V?\2Q),
u(11)(0) = u(11)(2e),
Wo»(0) = N»(2e),
L»(0) = Lj 1 (2e);
• switching and contact conditions v\%
- 0) = v^ie
+ O),
= N»{Q + 0), 1
Li'(fi-O) = LJ (P + 0 ) < 0 , Li (e-0)[« ( 1 1) ]| = 0, hi 1) ]=tx ( 1 1) (e + 0 ) - U ( 1 I ) ( ? - 0 ) > 0 .
Knowing that functions u[ ', u' are piece-wise linear one can choose appropriate constants such that the conditions (11.9.8) - (11.9.9) are fulfilled. In this way we find ( 0
for 1$ < 0,
W,^)) = | ^
Here (•) = - / (-)dy\. Due to periodicity we have (7n(u(1>)) = -([u'/'j/L Hence we o find a non-zero component of the crack deformation measure e^0, see Eq. (11.9.3) 1 ,j, £, = > " ] = ' where F _ ;ll / 4nil ^fc - '0 l \ or
[ 0, „ ' ^Eh,
rf _ 41111 / 41111 rn-A-v /A4 > Efc = A i e ? i + f t i 4 >
if Eh < 0 (the crack is closed), " if Eh > 0 (the crack is open),
ill _ 41111-h , 41122,h '0 - A3 £ n + A3 £22 .
m o m (11.9.11)
with ( 7 ,A llM ) = ( A i 1 1 1 , ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ ) / ^ ' 1 1 •
On account of Eqs. (11.9.10) and (11.9.4) we find the homogenized constitutive relations for the axial stress resultants ' Afane^ + A°a22e$2, N?a = { ' " ' "' h \Aacanehn + Aaca22eh22,
for Eh < 0
ATm = y C " - ^ " ^ W 0
1 1
It is not difficult to verify that Nff given by (11.9.14) is continuous along the line Eh = 0.
Elastic plates with cracks
438 Note, moreover, that
(11.9.16) These effective (reduced due to cracking) stiffnesses can be put in the form (11.9.17) In the "technical" notation the constitutive relations read as follows: • in the case of closed cracks (E^ < 0) v\2E\
1 - Vx2Vl\
in the case of open cracks (E^ > 0) 2/i 2
i / ^
^E 2
with "12
"21 = ~"
= ^1111 •
A 2222
Ea = v{\ - f- 12^21) — «'«/
The components i/^2< ^21 and E^ are defined in terms of A°a00 in a similar manner. Solution of the shearing local problem. Stiffness A(1212 Since the unknown functions v2 , u2 are piecewise linear, the stress resultants
V - -h
^2121 QV2 1
dyi ,(0
42121 "V2 L
^2121 2
« ' k
(1) u,a < 2 1 2,1du! 2
+ «?, (11.9.21) , ;21 T '0 '
are piecewise constant. The periodicity conditions are given by
t41)(0) = U[1\2Q) L«(0) = lS1(2e),
«2°(0) = 4l)Pe),
while the switching conditions are
=t41,(e + o), L 2 '(e-0) = ^ ( ^ + 0)
N o 2 ' ( ^ - 0 ) = Afo21(£» + 0),
Using (11.9.22H11-9.23), the equality A 2 " 1 = A 2121 which follows from the orthotropy, and the definition of If = 2Af21 e?h129 ,we obtain fc
12 —
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The homogenized constitutive relation (11.9.4)3 assumes the form
Al212 =
with 3 defined by (11.9.5)3. One can prove that 1 - 3 = djh. Thus the effective Kirchhoff moduli of the uncracked and cracked laminate are G „ = A™/2h,
G<\2 =
The homogenized potential Having found relationships (11.9.14) and (11.9.25), one can express the homogenized constitutive relations in the hyperelastic form (11.5.16) with the effective potential Vh now given by Vh
Eh < 0,
Eh > 0,
K = a,0 E ^ r f l ^ ^ + 2^212 M,)2 + (4)2] /2 (11.9.28)
*H - I E
+ 2AJ
\{z\2f + ( 4 ) ]
/2 .
Fig. 11.9.4. a) (efx, e^-plane; m e condition £■/, > 0 for the crack opening in the glass/epoxy [0°, 9011s laminate tested by Highsmith and Reifsnider [1982]; Eh - 0.4298e^j + 0.128fe^. b) (N^1, N%2)-p\ant. The condition Nh>0 for the crack opening; the same laminate, Nk = 0.632JV,}1 + 0.0408JVf.
Elastic plates with cracks
Note that
Vg = V S - ^ m ^ i ( ^ ) a ,
which shows that VA is of class C 1 (not C 2 ), the result already known from Sec. 11.5. Moreover,we see that the line E h = 0, or (11.9.30)
Aieii + A i 4 2 = 0 ,
is a line of discontinuity of the second order derivatives of the potential V/,, cf. Fig. 11.9.4a. This figure characterizes the [OV9O3], glass/epoxy laminate examined in detail in Sec. 11.11. Inverted form of the homogenized constitutive relations In order to invert the relations (11.9.4) we introduce a matrix notation: * = [0n,fti],
*L = [ - A I , / ? I I ] ,
C =
m = 1 or c,
k k± (11.9.31)
~ [ £ lli £ 22j
The constitutive relations (11.9.14) can be written as follows ( Ai£, N = { { Ace,
for k ■ e < 0, for k • £ > 0.
Since V\ is of class C \ we have A\K± = Ack± .
Let us set e = Ce, e = (ei, e2). The inverse relation reads e = C _ 1 e,
crl = detC
Hence (11.9.32) assumes the form
for ei < 0 , for ei > 0 ,
with Bx = AiC~\ Bc = ACC~\ Consequently D1N, DCN,
for ei < 0 , for ei > 0 ,
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
with Dx = CAX \ Dc = CAC '. Our aim now is to express the conditions e\ < 0 or ei > 0 in terms of N. To this end let us introduce a new vector £ = D\N. Hence for for
£, i P£, re,
ei < 0 , ei > 0 ,
ci ^ u ,
where or
P CA l cT P=^n = - f -~c C J^4 c - 1 A 1 C T .
One can prove that (11.9.33) implies det A\ Pn = — - r det Ac Note that Pn > 0. Thus (11.9.37) yields
P12 = 0.
for e ! > 0 ,
hence sign et = sign £u which makes it possible to rewrite (11.9.37) in the form JDXN, \DCN,
for £:<0, for £t>0,
...... (11941)
and, finally, to find I™ £Fli°' for £i > 0 . The condition £\ < 0 can be expressed as Nh < 0, with \
Nh = (A1Q22 - ftittai)^1 + (anAi - AiQi2)/Vf ,
and sign N/, = sign Eh. The inverted form of the homogenized relations (11.9.14) reads 2hEc
Nh<0, (11.9.44)
and /3 = 3 — Q; do not sum over a and /3. Since the relation (11.9.25)i can be easily inverted one can express now the potential V/, in terms of N^0. The line of discontinuity of its second order derivatives is N^ = 0, see Fig. 11.9.4b. The relations (11.9.44) could be found by using the Fenchel conjugate of Vj,, i.e. - Vh(E) | E € Es2} , E' g EJ.
Vh(ET) = sup {E'^E^
The complementary potential V£ is strictly convex, of class C and e"
Elastic plates with cracks
11.10. Degradation of effective stiffnesses of laminates with aligned parallel cracks. The refined scaling approach - model (ho, I) The aim of this section is to evaluate the loss of the overall stiffnesses of the cracked laminates considered in Sec. 11.9 by using the (ho, I) model developed in Sec. 11.6. The results of this section will be sensitive to the Ijh ratio and hence will apply to arbitrary values of this ratio. Similarly to the in-plane scaling method, the local problem (Pi2 ) of Sec. 11.6 splits up into two: stretching (Pa) and shearing (P„) problems. The unknown functions depend solely on y\ = h£. To distinguish between the predictions of the models: (h0, lo) and (ho, I), the last predictions will be denoted with a tilde (~). Solution of the stretching local problem (Pa) The unknown functions are «j , u[ , u>(2'. Let us introduce the non-dimensional func tions: v = v[1]/h,
u = u[1]/h,
w = w(2)/h2 + w0,
where «* = -(/fe?i+ft4») .
ft = h'AZ/Al1" , 0 = h2A^/Alnl;
fj, has been defined by (11.9.13). The non-vanishing stress resultants are given by (11.6.15); they assume the form A^1 =Alvm(v'
+ au' + 0w) + no1,
No22 = i4»»(Ai/ + 04u' + &w) + nf, L$ =Alin(av, Lf
+ yu' + \1w) + l101,
=Al™(/34v' + y3u' + 03w) + l?,
Ro =^Aiul(Pv'
+ Xiu' + fiw),
(•)' = (*(•)/#,
a = ^"MJ 1 1 1 , S = h2H»/A»" ; mi (0uft,ft,73)= (Al™,h?AZ, Aii22X122)Mi
the coefficients 7, \\ being defined by (11.9.13). The equilibrium equations reduce to the form -3T=0,
-vT = «2o).
^r = -hR*.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Substitution of (11.10.4) into Eqs. (11.10.6) gives v" + au" + 0w' = 0, av" + frit" - 6u) + Xw' = 0,
-0v' - Xu' + (Sw" - fiw) = 0. The strong formulation of the local problem (P£J reduces to finding the fields (v, u, w) defined on the interval [0,2g\ which satisfy: • the equations (11.10.7) for £ e (0, g) U {g, 2g), • the periodicity conditions /(0) = / ( 2 g ) ,
• the switching conditions at £ = g / ( 0 - O ) = /O? + O), and L
= LV(g + 0)<0,
Lflu] = 0 ,
[u] = u( + 0) - u{g - 0) > 0 . We note by (11.6.34) that the only unknown which is really needed for assessing the loss of stiffnesses is the jump flu]; we have
£fi = i ^ .
& = o.
2g The analysis of the system (11.10.7) implies that the function u satisfies the following fourth order ordinary differential equation d4u d?u ai^I + a2—+ a3=0.
To make this derivation complete we report the formulae for the coefficients a t : ai = M12M21 - M11M23 ,
a 3 = /ii 3 /i 2 2,
a2 =/X22M12+ M13M21-M24M11, (H-10-13)
where /i U = 1 - a/3/A , M21 = QM13 , M24 = 0X-
n12 = a-
0-y/X , 2
/i22 = ) 3 - / i , <5/i13 - /ia ,
/ii 3 = 50/X ,
/i 2 3=7Ml3,
/i 44 = /ii 3 //in .
Let ±CT, ±u> be the roots of the characteristic equation a i i 4 + a 2 x 2 + o3 = 0 .
Elastic plates with cracks
If the roots are complex, then a = p — iq, UJ = p + iq, p, q E R. In general one cannot say, whether the roots are real or complex. The derivation of the formula that interrelates [u] with e£ a is left to the reader. The final result has the form 0,
Eh < 0 ,
Eh > 0 ,
with Eh defined by (11.9.12)! and Fn{o) = /11
r^9\ (?, w) + 92(0, u)F(g; w, a) (11.10.17)
9c\P,U) = 7 a i + 7Q 2
7a3— , ai ai g fcathbjg coihog a2 — ui2 \ u) a
The coefficients 7 ^ and / n are given by /11 = a - / W A * H .
7n = A*44(/? - M44),
r 722 = 7j(/n) 2 .
7i2 = M12/11/M11 . r
721 = -Q{0 - M44)2 ,
713 = M44/ll ,
723 = gMP
Note that a2 +LJ2 = —02/01 ,
a2u2 = 03/01 .
If a = p - io, u = p + iq (p, q € R), the function F(g; u, a) assumes the form Fo(g; p, q), namely Fo(e\P,Q) =
f(pQ,QQ) 2pq(p2 + q2)'
with y sinh 2x + x sin 2y
f(x,y) = cosh 2x — cos 2j/
Assessing the loss of the A°a00 stiffnesses Substitution of (11.10.16) into (11.9.4) gives
I ^1
Eh < 0,
Eh > 0,
e l l "+" A l £22> n h Ar e u + i r 2 2 4 .
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The tildes indicate that the model (/io,/) is used. The relations (11.10.22) are continuous along the line (11.9.30). The constitutive relations (11.10.22) can be expressed in terms of technical notation usually used for orthotropic materials, cf. (11.9.18) - (11.9.20). For the case of closed cracks (Eh < 0) these relations have the form (11.9.18). For the case of open cracks (Eh > 0) they read as follows m
2h c
1 - u uv^
(11.10.24) J
where 41122
57 -
K = (1 - v\& \2V2\)
*21 = ^ " ^2222
The last formula can be rearranged to the form
K = Ea +
(1 - 1/I2f2l)
Ep - (Pai - VC0M2FU{Q)EV
where/3 = 3 - a ; Ev = A\xu/2h (do not sum over/?). The constitutive relations (11.10.22) can be inverted to the form similar to (11.9.43), where instead of ££, vca0 one should put
Solution of the shearing local problem (Ps) The non-dimensional fields u = u\ fh,
v = v\
are the unknowns of the problem. They determine the stress resultants N2l
_ ,2121 (d£
(11.10.27) 21
+ — + 2e
-A 2121;
~ hA
Here 6 = hH22/A$121
Substitution of these expressions into the equilibrium equations = 0,
^ -
Elastic plates with cracks
446 gives the set of ordinary differential equations v" + 32" = 0 ,
av" + (32" - 6u) = 0 ,
where (•)" = d 2 ()/c^ 2 . Our goal is to find the crack deformation measure
ef2 = P
4g that depends on the field 2 . To find 2 one should solve the set (11.10.30) with • the conditions of periodicity /e^u,^21,^1},
• the switching conditions at £ = g f(g-0)
= f(g + 0),
= L201(g + 0)=0.
Bothfieldsv, 2 satisfy 4-(A)2^=°>
where A = h{S/{cd)Y/2. Solving the problem above is much easier than solving (11.10.7)(11.10.10). Thefinalresult has the form if2 = -Fl2(Xg)eh12, c F12(x) = (l+-xcothxj
(11.10.35) (11.10.36)
Assessing the loss of the Kirchhoff modulus Substitution of (11.10.35) into (11.9.4)3 gives
Nf = 2A™2ef}2 ,
Al /A?
= 1 - Fl2(Xg) .
The reduced Kirchhoff modulus of the laminate is defined by G12 = Al2n/2h
Homogenized potential The homogenized constitutive relationships (11.10.22) and (11.10.37) obey the hyperelastic rule (11.6.31) with the hyperelastic potential W/, given by Wh={
"' "-
for Eh < 0 , for
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
where W£ = ( x > T
e ^ + UT2
\{e\2f + (e^) 2 ]) /2 ,
Wi = \TA^ehaaeh00
+ 2^12 [(£h2)2 +
(£ h i)2 ] j
( /2
The last equation can be expressed as follows Wch = W°h ~ ii4i 1 »F 11 (e)(£; h ) 2 .
Hence we readily see that VWh is of class C1, £7, = 0 (see Eq. (11.9.30)) being its line of non-smoothness of its first order derivatives. The complementary effective potential WJ(N^) is defined by Fenchel's transformation, cf. Eq. (11.9.44). The potential W^, defined on the space Ej is smooth, the equation iV?, = 0 (see (11.9.42)) being the line of non-smoothness of thefirstderivative of VV£. Comparison of(h0, l0) and (hQ, I) predictions One can easily prove that limf„(p) = ff 1)
where Fu(g) and Ff\ are defined as in (11.10.17)i and (11.9.11)2, respectively. Let us recall that g = l/2h, I being the crack spacing. The relation (11.10.43) implies limef 1 =ef 1 ,
and hence lim^o AfM = A™00 .
On the other hand, one can show that \im Fu(\g) = -c , Q— 0
which implies limef2 = ef2,
lim# 2 1 2 = A' 212 .
Elastic plates with cracks
Thus, if the crack density cd := g~l tends to infinity, the (ho, I) predictions tend to (ho, lo) predictions. The (h0, l0) model provides asymptotes for the curves A"0X,i(cd) predicted by the (ho, I) model: Afx" = lim Africa) ,
hence (El, uca0, G\2) = lim (Eca(cd), Z^Cc), G\2(cd)), Crf—»CO
Vh = lim Wh(cd) . (11.10.50) Crf—»O0
Moreover, one can prove that lim A™00 = A™00 , g—»oo
lim A™2 = A™2 .
Hence (Ea.Vtf.Gn)
= lim (Eca(cd),Vca0(cd),G\2(cd)),
Thus the stiffnesses of the uncracked laminate are recovered if the crack density cd tends to zero. 11.11. Degradation of effective stiffnesses of laminates [0°/90°Ja. Comparison with experimental results and with other analytical predictions 11.11.1. Scope of the section We consider the laminate of Fig. 11.9.2. The material of the faces of the laminate is rein forced with fibers lying along the X\ axis, hence the faces are called 0° layers. The internal layer of thickness 2c is reinforced with fibers lying along the x2 axis, hence this layer is called 90". Thefibrousmicrostructure introduces orthotropy properties characterized by the orthotropic moduli: EA, GA, ^A and Ex, GT, VT', "A" indicates thefibrousdirection; T means the direction that is transverse to the direction of the fibers. If referred to the coor dinate system of Fig. 11.9.2, the elastic compliances (11.1.3) of both layers are expressed in terms of the orthotropic moduli as follows Cllll
^tfU ~ \™A)
C n l l = C2222 = C3333 =
^ 3 3 = C2233 = —VT/Ex
C ^ 1 3 = C2323 = ( 4 G r )
Consequently the compliances (11.1.14) and stiffnesses involved in (11.1.21) are fully de termined by the orthotropic moduli and by the transverse dimensions c and d of the lami nate. The 0°-layers are composed of n 0° plies of thickness t, while the 90° layer is formed by 2m 90° plies of the same thickness t. Hence the laminate manufactured in this manner is called a [0°/90£js laminate. The subscript "s" indicates that the laminate is transversely
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
symmetric with respect to the 13 = 0 plane. Such laminates are sometimes called "bal anced" laminates. The first damage mode observed in the in-plane loaded, three-layer, balanced crossply laminates is usually transverse cracking along the fibers of the outer or inner layers. When stretched along the fibers of the outer layers or sheared in its plane, samples of the balanced [0^/90°], laminates undergo transverse cracking in the 90° layer, with values of crack density a determined by magnitude of the in-plane loads applied. The crack density Cd will be further defined either as the number of cracks per 1 mm (then cd = lmm/l, I represents the crack spacing) or as the ratio: 2c/1, see Fig. 11.9.2. The intralaminar cracks lead to degradation of the effective elastic characteristics of the laminate. The aim of this section is to assess the loss of the effective Young moduli, Poisson ratios and the effective Kirchhoff moduli of the selected glass/epoxy, graphite/epoxy and carbon/epoxy laminates for which the elastic characteristics are available; they are collected in Table 11.11.1. All results will be predicted by the formulae derived in Sec. 11.10. Let us emphasize here that the (ho, I) model provides a unified algorithm for finding decay of all components of the stiffness matrix, including the off-diagonal components, like the Poisson coefficients. Our theoretical predictions are compared with available experimental data of Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982), Groves (1986), Ogin et al. (1985) and Smith and Wood (1990). 11.11.2.
[0°/90°,], glass/epoxy laminate tested by Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982)
The complete characteristics of the plies of this laminate can be found in Hashin (1985); they are given in Table 11.11.1. Laminate [0u/90^], glass/epoxy [0U/90U]3 glass/epoxy
[oy9oun]sfl* graphite/epoxy [0790"], glass/epoxy [0U/90U]3 carbon/epoxy
Tested in Highsmith and Reifsnider [1982] Ogin et al. [1985] Groves [1986] Smith and Wood [1990] Smith and Wood [1990]
t [mm]
EA [GPa]
GA [GPa]
13.0 0.30 0.42
0.3 0.42
0.31 0.461
10.0 0.31 0.42
0.31 0.42
Table 11.11.1. Mechanical properties of the [0°,/90°]s laminates referred to in the text. Thicknesses of the layers are d = mt, c = nt, GT is computed by: GT = £r/(2(l + i*r)) Here c = 3d, d — t = 0.203 mm. Knowing the orthotropic moduli of the plies (see the first row in Table 11.11.1) one can compute the compliances c{-kl, c™w by Eq. (11.11.1). Having c and d one can compute now the compliances of the uncracked laminate by Eqs. (11.1.14). By inverting the constitutive equations (11.1.16) we find the stiffnesses of the
Elastic plates with cracks
uncracked laminate, involved in the primal constitutive relations (11.1.21). The conven tional orthotropic moduli of the uncracked laminate are computed by Eqs. (11.9.20) and (11.9.26). We find Ei = 20.30 GPa ,
Eh = 34.75 GPa ,
vX2 = 0.193,
G12 = 3.40 GPa ,
i/21 = 0.113.
According to the in-plane scaling (hoJo) (see Sec. 11.9) the effective moduli of the cracked laminate are crack density independent. Using formulae (11.9.17) one finds Eci = 10.70 GPa ,
El = 34.53 GPa ,
«/f2 = 0.0943 ,
G\2 = 0.85 GPa ,
i4i = 0.0292 .
According to the experimental data of Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982) the minimum value of Ei is achieved for a = 0.75 cracks/mm and equals 11.0 GPa. In this case the agreement is very good. To describe the relations E%(a), v^p{cd), G\2{ci) one should resort to using the (ho, I) model. In the case considered the roots of the equation (11.10.15) are complex. They are (p, ±9), withp = 1.98025 and q = 0.8934. Thus the function Fu(g) defined by (11.10.17) is determined by F = Fo(g;p,q),F0 being defined by (11.10.20). The decay of stiffnesses is given by (11.10.23) - (11.10.25a) and by (11.10.36) - (11.10.39).
In-plane scaling: £]| / £/, .
~ — — ■
/ -1.0
1 i
Crack density per mm, 1mm// 0.5
10.0 -HI—<-
Fig. 11.11.1. (0°/903]3 glass/epoxy laminate tested by Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982). Longitudinal crack deformation versus crack density. The in-plane scale prediction efj sa e^i + 0.299£22 ' s an asymptote for the (ho, I) or refined-scale prediction: efi
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
In-plane scaling: £| 2 / el2
\ £ | 2
/ E
1 2
Crack density per mm, 1mm//
Fig. 11.11.2. The same laminate. Shear crack deformation versus crack density. The in-plane scaling prediction ef2 = £^2 ' s a n asymptote for the (ho, I) prediction: ef2
Lee etal. (1989) refined scaling (AQ,/); (GPS) Hashin (1985)
in-plane scaling (/>o>'o) ply discount o Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982)
g c O h0.25
Crack density: 2c/l 0.1
1.0 —'
1.2 '
s Fig. 11.113. The same laminate. Assessing the loss of the effective Young modulus £ f versus crack density. Experimental results of Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982) are denoted by circles.
Elastic plates with cracks
Prior to finding the curves describing a decay of stiffnesses, let us consider the rela tions eia(cd) representing the crack deformation measures. Let us recall that g = l/2h, hence Cd = 2c/l = (c/h)g~l; if Cd = lmm//, then c* = (lmm/2h)Q~l. Thus rela tions (11.10.16) and (11.10.35) interrelate e ^ with Q . Let us recall that according to the (ho, /o) model the crack deformation measures e(a are independent of cj, see (11.9.10) and (11.9.24). For cd = 0 the quantities efQ assume zero values, which means that the (h0,1) approach encompasses the case of a very dilute distribution of cracks, cf. Fig. 11.11.1, 11.11.2, contrary to the (ho,fo)method. This last method gives the upper asymptotes for The decay of the effective Young modulus E\ observed in experiments by Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982) and predicted by the method of Hashin (1985), the GPS (generalized plane strain) method of McCartney (1992), the method of Lee et al. (1989) and Allen et al. (1987) and by the (ho, I) method is presented in Fig. 11.11.3. The Hashin's curve has not been repeated after Fig. 3 in Hashin (1985) but has been independently plotted by the present authors. The experimental data are placed according
0.2 ^0.193
Iz o o
In-plane scaling: vf2
0.0943^7 0.0935 J
n s
'"**■-"»» i.-^|
o z D
P o
V -0.05
vJ,(A0,/);(GPS) V.
In-plane scaling: vfi
_jj 0.0292
Crack density per mm, 1 mm// 0.5 1.0 1
10.0 |U-±_1
Fig. 11.11.4. The same laminate. Effective Poisson ratios as functions of the crack density
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
"h "V.
. 0.995
( G P S ) - ^ ^ . ^
=4L-- ~ r
In-plane scaling
0.9936 J
Crack density per mm 1mm// 0.5
10.0 —II
Fig. 11.11.5. The same laminate. Decay of the effective Young modulus E\
\ \ \
G| 2 /G| 2 = Hashin's curve (1985)
\G| 2 /Gi2 = ply discount Crack density per mm, 1mm// 1.0
Fig. 11.11.6. The same laminate. Decay of the effective Kirchhoff modulus. Hashin's (1985) and (ho, I) predictions coincide. Predictions based on the in-plane scaling coincide with ply-discount results
Elastic plates with cracks
to Fig. 14 of Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982) and Fig. la in Lee et al. (1989). The Hashin's curve lies slightly below the curves predicted by the GPS model and by the (ho, I) models, the juxtaposition of the last two curves being too close to be noticeable^n Fig. 11.11.3. The in-plane scaling method (h0, lQ) gives a horizontal asymptote for the E\/Ei curve; the conventional ply-discount assessment (see Garrett and Bailey (1977)) lies a little below and is an asymptote for Hashin's curve. Decay of the effective Poisson ratios vcap is shown in Fig. 11.11.4. The in-plane scaling method (ho, lo) produces the asymptotes for more realistic refined-scaling results. A very small decay of E\ is shown in Fig. 11.11.5. The results of the GPS method are slightly smaller. The decay of E\ and u^0 could not be described within the framework of Hashin's (1985) approach, hence the lack of comparisons. The method of Hashin (1985), of Tsai and Daniel (1992) and the method (ho, I) lead to the same formula describing decay of the Kirchhoff modulus, G\2, see Fig. 11.11.6. Tsai and Daniel (1992) confirmed that these theoretical predictions compare favorably with experimental data concerning graphite/epoxy laminates, cf. Fig. 5 in their paper. On the other hand the experimental results due to Han and Hahn (1989) concerning the GFRP [05,905] laminates lie far away from these theoretical predictions. Experimental data for G\2 of the laminate considered there were not available to the present authors.
Aboudi(1987) refined scaling (h0, Q; (GPS) Hashin (1985) in-plane scaling(h0,I0) ply discount o Ogin et al. (1985) b10
Fig. 11.11.7. The [0°/900]a glass/epoxy laminate tested by Oginetal. (1985) (circles). Assessing the loss of the effective Young modulus
\ -0.9
V \ 0.8
L J|0.7932_
0.7904 0.75
Crack density: 2c/l 0.5
^'0.7904~" 1.0
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
11.11.3. [0°/90°]s glass/epoxy laminate tested by Ogin et al. (1985) The physical characteristics of the plies of this laminate are given in Table 11.11.1, the second row. The values of t, EA, ET, GA, GT are repeated after Aboudi (1987); the values VA, VT are assumed by the present authors. The Hashin curve E\(cd = 2c//) as well as the almost coinciding curve provided by the GPS model and by the model {hQ, I) yield lower bounds for the experimental results of Ogin et al. (1985), cf. Fig. 11.11.7. The accuracy, however, is not so satisfactory as for the laminate considered in Sec. 11.11.2. Better results are provided by the displacement-based method of Aboudi (1987). U.11.4. [0^/90°], graphite/epoxy laminates tested by Groves (1986) The elastic characteristics of the plies of these laminates are collected in the 3rd row of Table 11.11.1. In the case of the [0°/902] laminate me experimental results for E{ of Groves (1986) lie between the curve of Lee et al. (1989) and the curve of Hashin (1985). The almost coinciding curves provided by the GPS model and the model (ho, I) lie slightly over the Hashin curve; the differences could not be shown in Fig. 11.11.8.
model (GPS) of McCartney (1992) • • refined scaling (A,,,/)« Hashin (1985 Lee etal. (1989) in-plane scaling (h0, /„) Groves(1986)
\ \
0.90 0.8842 (in-plane scaling (h0, / 0 )) ^ r 0.8840 (pry discount) Crack density: lc/1 0.6 0.8 0.85 0.2 0.4
Fig. 11.11.8. The [0°/902]s graphite/epoxy laminate tested by Groves (1986) (circles). Assessing the loss of the effective Young modulus E\ Similarly, for the [0790°]a, [0°/90|], and [O^O^], laminates the experimental values of E\ lie between theoretical predictions of Lee et al. (1989) and the (ho, /) results, see Figs. 11.11.9-11.11.11.
Elastic plates with cracks
Lee et al. (1989) model(A0./);H«shin(1985) in-plane scaling (A0,/0) o Groves (1986)
.0.98 0.96 0,94 in-plane scaling: 0.9388 ply discount 0.9387 0.92 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Crack density: 2c/l Fig. 11.11.9. The |0°/90°] s graphite/epoxy laminate tested by Groves (1986) (circles). Reduction of the effective Young modulus E\ 0.1
model (/>0,/);Hashin (1985) Leeetal. (1989) 1.0
o Groves (1986)
0.95 """" 0.90
in-plane scaling: 0.8355 ply discount: 0.8353 0.80 0.1 0,2 0.3 0.4 Crack density: 2c/l
Fig. 11.11.10. The [0°/90§] s graphite/epoxy laminate tested by Groves (1986) (circles). Reduction of the effective Young modulus E^
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
Ueetal. (1989)
- model (A 0 ,/);Hashin(1985) - in-plane scaling (h0, l0) a Groves (1986)
Fig. 11.11.11. The [0g/90§]s graphite/epoxy laminate tested by Groves (1986) (circles). Reduction of the effective Young modulus E\
V-. V
0.96 .0.94ply in- discount: 0.9387 1 0.5
Crack density: 2cA
Fig. 11.11.12. The [0°/90°]s glass/epoxy laminate tested by Smith and Wood (1990). Reduction of the effective Young modulus E\. The signs *, o, A, x, + refer to the different samples used in experiments. The shear-lag predictions are taken from the same paper
1.0 1.5 2.0 Crack density: (1/mm)
Elastic plates with cracks
The horizontal asymptotes of the curves found by the (ho, I) method are theoretical pre dictions of the (ho, lo) method (the in-plane scaling). On the other hand, the asymptotes to the Hashin curves can be interpreted as the "ply-discount" predictions. They lie a little below the in-plane scaling - based (hQ, l0) results. The Hashin curves lie a little below the (ho, I) predictions. 11.11.5. [0°/90°], glass/epoxy laminates tested by Smith and Wood (1990) The moduli of the plies are given in the fourth row of Table 11.11.1. The shear-lag pre dictions of Smith and Wood (1990) concerning the effective modulus E$ provide us with better curves than the (ho, I) model, see Fig. 11.11.12. The model (ho, I), however, gives better information about decay of the Poisson ratio tf2> s e e pig- 11.11.13. For greater values of crack density, also this model is incapable of describing the experimental results correctly.
21 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Crack density: (1/mm)
1 2.5
Fig. 11.11.13. The same laminate. Reduction of the effective Poisson ratio v\2 11.11.6. [0°/90°]s carbon/epoxy laminate tested by Smith and Wood (1990) The plies characteristics are set up in the last row of Table 11.11.1. The shear-lag curve of Smith and Wood (1990) overestimates the experimental values of tf2, while the (ho, I) description looks fairly well, cf. Fig. 11.11.14.
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
shear-lag analysis
1.0 1.5 2.0 Crack density: (1/mm)
Fig. 11.11.14. The [0°/90°]s carbon/epoxy laminate tested by Smith and Wood (1990) (the signs o, x refer to various samples). Reduction of the effective Poisson ratio v{2- The shear - lag predictions are taken from the same paper / /. 12.
Stress distribution around crack tips
The subject of our consideration is the same as in Sees. 11.9 - 11.11; we consider the laminate with straight cracks in the internal layer, see Fig. 11.9.2. The analysis of Sec. 11.10 was confined to assessing stiffness loss due to cracking. The aim of the present section is to recover the stress distribution between the cracks and around an isolated crack by the (/io, 0 method. Such a recovery is feasible due to the stress assumptions (11.1.6) (11.1.8) a priori imposed. Moreover, the formulae for stress distribution are closed, since solutions to the local problems of the (ho, I) model were found in closed forms, see Sec. 11.10. We start from the formulae for the in-plane stresses ala that arise in the laminate before cracking starts. By stress assumptions (11.1.6) and by formulae (11.10.4), (11.10.27) we find o'lo = (Alin/2c)Eh , o%0 = 2GAe<12 ' (11.12.1) m o}\ = {Al /2d)(aue>}1 + a 2 1 4 - Eh) , of0 where Eh is defined by (11.9.12) x; subscript m labels the central layer, while / refers to the faces. The subscript o indicates that the stresses refer to the uncracked state. Having found the solutions to local problems (Pa) and (Ps) of Sec. 11.10 one can determine distribution
Elastic plates with cracks
of stresses by Eqs. (11.1.6) - (11.1.8). These formulae can be cast in closed forms in the intervals (0, g) and (g, 2g), g = l/2h. The point £ = 0 lies in the middle between two cracks while the point £ = g lies on the crack. Here only the final form of same expressions for stresses will be provided. The axial stress in the central layer is given by
ii/_n Fo(e;P,l)-S{g,0 = 7 :„,„„:;' .
with F0 defined by Eq. (11.10.20) and S(g£)=
/l(giO~/2(g.O pq(p2 + <72)(cosh 2pg — cos 2qg)
(1112 3)
where h{QiO = (?(coshp£cosq£ sinh pgcos<7£> + sinhp£sinq£coshpgsinqg) , h(Q,i) = pp(sinh p£ sin q£ sinh pg cos qg — cosh pf cos q£ cosh pg sin qg) , (11.12.4) and the quantity B n follows from the expressions {A^BxJ
, &„),
where a*, <& have been defined by (11.10.13) and (11.10.17)2, respectively. The axial stress in the external layers is calculated from „»
11 _ (Bn - An) + S(g,£)
°j -af.o =
, .
s c
m i 7
The transverse shear stress on the interface X3 = —c is given by „13f^
a (x 3 = -c)/amo
S\3(Q, £ )
=- ■
where p(cosh p£ sin g£ sinh pp cos qg — sinh pf cos q^ cosh pp sin qg) -,—r^ 7,—N • (11-12.8) pg(cosh 2pg - cos 2qg) The transverse normal stress on the middle plane x 3 = 0 has the form Su{Q,t,) =
a (x3 = 0)/amo
=— , 2ft £(11 + i r 0 ( e ; P , 9 J
s ^ o = - Me>Q + Me>t) . v
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
The shearing in-plane stress in the central layer is expressed by 12/12 mlamo~
x(cosh(Xg) - cosh(AQ) = ~ ~— • 2 ■ sinh(Ap) + \gcosh(\g)
/nmiN (11.12.11)
Other formulae can be found similarly. Distribution of stresses a^, a™, <733 (2:3 = 0), cr^, of are symmetric, and stresses a13 (x3 = - c ) , a23 (x3 = c) - antisymmetric with respect to the central line between two cracks, see Figs. 11.12.1, 11.12.2 concerning the laminate of Sec. 11.11.2 (^ = 0.75). The graph of a]^ attains its maximum at £ = 0. As the crack density increases the stress <7™(£ = 0) decays to zero, while max \a13(x3 = ±c)| and max |u 33 | increase. If the crack density decreases the crack interaction effects cease to be essential. Thus it is interesting to consider a limiting case when this interaction is not present, hence the case of Q = 00. Let us introduce a new ordinate y\ = 0.5/ - yu £0 = V\/h. The variable £0 equals zero at the crack tip. We have, in particular
The stress a^ tends to a£0 if £0 -> 00, while the stresses
Fig. 11.12.1. The [O/9O31], glass/epoxy laminate tested by Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982). Crack spacing I = 3c; p = 0.75. Dis tribution of stresses a 11 , a 22 in the 90° layer and stress cr33(x3 = 0) between two interact ing cracks. Model (ho, I)
Elastic plates with cracks
Fig. 11.12.2. The same laminate. Distribution of stresses a12 in the 0° and 90° layers and of a23(x3 = c) between two interacting cracks. Model (ho, I)
Fig. 11.12.3. The same laminate. Case of an isolated crack. Distribution of stresses cr11 in the 90°-layer, a 3 3 (i3 = 0) and <J13(x3 = c) in the vicinity of a crack. Model (ho, I)
The variaton of the stress CT13(X3 = c) clears up the mechanism of the onset of delamination. On the other hand, the values of the stress a]^ decide on whether the matrix cracking will precede delamination or not. 11.13.
Crack spacing as a function of the averaged applied stress
Relation (11.12.2) for a^ is valid as far as the laminate response is elastic. This formula may be useful in deriving a relation l=l(°h),
oh = Nll/2h
expressing the crack spacing / as a function of the averaged stress ah (at Njj* = 0) if one assumes that the cracking process in the 90°-layer is controlled by the value of the axial stressCT^J(£ = 0) in the middle point between two cracks. At this stage of the analysis a
Stiffness loss of cracked laminates
delamination due to a13, a33 is neglected. Thus we put ffm« = 0 ) = f f c r i f
Taking into account Eq. (11.12.2) we find a relation of the type (11.13.1). For the [0°/90^]J> glass/epoxy laminate discussed in Sec. 11.11.2 this relation is presented in Fig. 11.13.1. The quantity a c r j t is taken as 36.3 MPa (see Fig. 9 in Hashin (1985)). [mm]
O - experimental results of Highsmith and Reifsnider
10.0 O
S u Hi O
2.0 1.0
ic = lj.218mm
57.0 100.0
200.0 300.0 APPLIED STRESS: ah
Fig. 11.13.1. The same laminate. Crack spacing I versus the applied stress ah = N^1 /2h in case of N%2 = 0. Experimental results are reported after Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982, Fig. 6) and Hashin (1985, Fig. 9) versus theoretical predictions of the (ho, I) model The forces Nh = 2/i(CT/,)crjt applied to the samples of the laminate trigger the first cracks. It turns out that (
Elastic plates with cracks
12. Comments and bibliographical notes The cracks of surfaces perpendicular to the plate middle plane (or through cracks) can run through its whole thickness or can have a depth smaller than the plate thickness. A three-dimensional stress analysis around such cracks can be found in Iyengar et al. (1988), Folias and Reuter (1990), see also Sih (1971) and Movchan and Movchan (1995). The formulae for effective stiffnesses of plates with periodically distributed cracks, otherwise arbitrary, were found by Chacha and Sanchez-Palencia (1992), where the local problems are three-dimensional, see Sec. 10.8. Similar problem was studied by Kolpakov (1991). A two-dimensional analysis of stress resultants around the cracks in thin and moderately thick plates is the subject of the monograph by Berezhnitskii et al. (1979) and of the papers by Joseph and Erdogan (1987), cf. also Haryadi et al. (1998). The effective properties of thin plates with periodically distributed cracks were found in Lewiriski and Telega (1985, 1988b); these results are outlined in Sec. 8. The effective stiffnesses of moderately thick plates with periodically distributed cracks were the subject of the papers by Lewiriski and Telega (1988c, 1988d) and Telega and Lewiiiski (1988), where the Reissner-Hencky plate model was used. These results are briefly put forward in Sec. 9. The problem of flexural cracks was examined in more detail in Lewinski and Telega (1989, 1991a) and Telega (1993) by using an in-plane scaling. Section 10.3 generalizes consideration of the paper by Telega (1993). In the last paper only plates made of trans versely homogeneous materials were dealt with. In order to preserve the three-dimensional shape of periodicity a refined scaling was introduced. The relevant results are summarized in Sec. 10.6 and are published in this section for the first time. The effect of crack closure is usually neglected. This effect is taken into account in Sees. 8-10 by the method of Sanchez-Palencia (1980), cf. also Telega (1990). A different methodology of incorporating this effect has recently been presented by Prat and Bazant (1997). The problems considered in Sec. 11 have been extensively studied since late '70s. When stretched or sheared, the samples of the laminates [0°„/90°]s crack in the 90° - layer. There are two main problems to be solved: (i) assess the loss of effective stiffnesses as functions of the crack density, (ii) assess the crack density as a function of the applied boundary forces. The simplest method for solving problem (i) is the shear-lag approach. At least two versions of this method are worth recalling, one is due to Garrett and Bailey (1977) and the second-due to Highsmith and Reifsnider (1982), cf. also Groves et al. (1987). Both methods need assuming some material constants that interrelate the shear stresses at the in terfaces with the values of jumps of displacements. Upon fixing these modelling constants one can arrive at fairly good predictions of experimental data, see Chou (1992). To solve the problem (ii) one should put forward a failure criterion. The simplest failure criterion used by Garrett and Bailey (1977) says that a new crack in the 90° layer occurs if the maximal tensile stress in this layer attains a certain critical value. Just this criterion is used in Sec. 11.3. However, the critical value of the tensile stress turns out to be dependent
Comments and bibliographical notes
on the whole transverse geometry of the laminate, which means that it is not a material constant. Parvizi et al. (1978) were the first to replace this failure criterion by a new one based on the notion of the energy release rate. This approach has found its continuation in the papers of Nairn (1989) and Nairn and Hu (1994). The shear-lag approach of Garrett and Bailey (1977) was incapable of predicting decay of the effective Poisson ratios. Smith and Wood (1990) have shown how to improve this approach to describe the Poisson ratios reduction. Despite the apparent successes of the shear-lag model one should mention that this approach is characterized by the following drawbacks: - it is not able to distinguish between laminates [(s)/90°] s and [90°/(s)] s , where (s) rep resents any non-90° ply orthotropic sublaminate; - the transverse normal stresses are neglected; - an undetermined constant is involved. These drawbacks are removed in the Hashin (1985, 1987, 1995) variational approach. Hashin used Reissner's idea (as in Reissner (1945)) of constructing a statically admissible stress field and using the Castigliano's principle. The construction concerns a three-layer plate loaded in plane. The crucial assumption is that the in-plane stresses are piecewise constant across the thickness. The distribution of other stress components are determined by the requirement of static admissibility. This approach has made it possible to find the reduction of the Young (E!) and Kirchhoff (G) moduli of the cracked laminate. In an indi rect way one can also assess the decay of the Poisson ratio v\2- Hashin's (1985) approach was generalized by Nairn (1989) to comprise the thermal strains. The modelling presented in Sec. 11 refers to the Hashin (1985,1987) stress assumptions. However, the stress assumptions (11.1.6) - (11.1.8) do not coincide with those of Hashin, where the analogues of the Na0 forces are treated as boundary forces. Moreover, the whole averaging procedure is completely different. The effective properties of the cracked laminate are found by the homogenization method. Thus the analysis of Sec. 11 is performed at two levels: at macro level, where the laminate behavior turns out to be nonlinear and hyperelastic and at the microlevel, where the analysis concerns the periodicity cell. If the cracks are treated as unilateral, the basic cell problem involves a variational inequality, which makes the local problem nonlinear. In most papers on laminates with cracks the unilateral effect is neglected. Here this effect is taken into account by the method of Sanchez-Palencia (1980). The homogenization method used draws upon the methodology developed by SanchezPalencia (1980), Leguillon and Sanchez-Palencia (1982), Attouch and Murat (1985) and Chacha and Sanchez-Palencia (1992). However, a special scaling is adopted which makes it possible to interrelate the effective stiffnesses with the crack density. A similar scaling was successfully used in the analysis of periodic plates, see Sec. 5. In contrast to the Hashin (1985) approach, where the Castigliano principle is used, the modelling of Sec. 11 is based on the Reissner (1950) stress-displacement variational prin ciple. In this way the generalized displacements are introduced directly, i.e., without any need of introducing Lagrangian multipliers. The kinematic assumptions (11.1.9), (11.1.10)
Elastic plates with cracks
are helpful, but do not determine the accuracy of the model. The constitutive relations (11.1.16) are found in an inverted form, which is a characteristic feature of the Reissner modelling. The results of Sec. 11 were announced in Lewinski and Telega (1991b, 1992, 1993), Telega and Lewinski (1993) and published in extenso in the papers by Lewinski and Telega (1996a, 1996b, 1996c, 1996d, 1997b, 1998) and Telega and Lewinski (1994). In the relevant literature one can also find the displacement-based refinements of the shear-lag model. Han et al. (1988) proposed a parabolic distribution of displacements across the laminate thickness. Han and Hahn (1989) extended the analysis to comprise shear loading and Poisson effects. More complicated equations were found by Tsai et al. (1990) and Tsai and Daniel (1992). This model, called the interlaminar shear analysis method, is capable of predicting a decay of the Kirchhoff modulus. The result coincides with that of Hashin (1985) and with the formula (11.10.38) of the (ho, I) method of Sec. 11.10. The method of Tsai applies also to the case of cracks in the external layers, but then the equations are too complicated to find closed formulae. The aim of the McCartney (1992) contribution was to generalize Hashin's (1985) results to the case of finite width specimens. McCartney recovered displacement fields compatible with Hashin's stress assumptions. Accuracy of the Hashin (1985) approach was examined by Lee and Hong (1993). These authors expressed the displacement fields in terms of power series with respect to the x 3 variable. The method leads to a second order matrix differential equation whose solution can only be found numerically. Similar in spirit is the approach of Gamby and Rebiere (1993). These authors solved the basic cell problem by using the Fourier series method. The approaches outlined above are restricted to the cross-ply laminates and their possible generalizations to angle-ply laminates are unknown. For such more complicated cases one can apply the finite strip method of Li et al. (1994). Alternatively, one can resort to the methods of continuum damage mechanics. Talreja (1985, 1986) indicated that the constitutive relations of this approach should involve new vector unknowns representing possible damage modes. The scalar damage fields are insufficient here. The Talreja model was later improved by Allen et al. (1987), Allen (1994) and by Li et al. (1997). The hybrid methods were employed in the papers of Gudmundson and Ostlund (1992a, 1992b) and Gudmundson and Zang (1993), where both analytical elasticity solutions as well as finite element solutions are utilized for predicting effective characteristics of lami nates with transverse cracks. If the laminates are used in the environment where high temperatures prevail, their viscoelastic properties cannot be neglected. Zocher et al. (1997) have shown recently how to generalize the Lee et al. (1989) model to the viscoelastic case. The transverse cracking in 90° plies trigger the delamination at the 0°/90 c interfaces. The passage between these two failure modes are analytically described in the paper by Yang and Boehler (1992). The fiber breaks are discussed in the insightful papers by Bayerlein et al. (1996) and Beyerlein and Phoenix (1997). Unresolved seems to be the problem
Comments and bibliographical notes
of constructing two-dimensional plate models with randomly distributed microcracks, cf. Telega and Gambin (1996) and Telega and Lewiriski (1993). More precisely, of interest would be stochastic homogenization combined with asymptotic methods of constructing two-dimensional plate models.
Chapter IV
Introduction Until now we have dealt with plates and laminates made of elastic materials. The present chapter is concerned with geometrically linear plates made of an elastic-perfectly plastic Hencky-Nadai-Iliushin material, or Hencky material for short. Such plasticity, also called deformational theory of plasticity can be viewed as elasticity with nonlinear constraints imposed by the yield condition. Suppose that a solid made of a Hencky material is subject to a monotone loading characterized by a load multiplier A. For certain A the so called limit state is attained and for A < A the safe load hypothesis is valid. Consequently, it is indispensable to determine A and associated stress and velocity fields. In other words one has to study also the limit analysis problems.
13. Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth In this section we shall introduce mathematical tools of vital importance for the study of plate models made of a Hencky material and exhibiting a periodic structure. In contrast to the elastic case, the functional involved in the kinematical formulation has only linear growth. It means that one has to work with nonreflexive Banach spaces, which are briefly introduced in Sec. 13.1. Physically this necessity is caused by perfectly-plastic behavior. Next, strainfields(or strain ratefieldsin the case of limit analysis) are no longer integrable functions but measures, which are due to inherent discontinuities of displacement (velocity) fields. For instance, plastic hinges at a clamped part of the boundary of a Kirchhoff plate provide an example of discontinuity of theflexionangle. To study asymptotic and homogenization problems for functionals depending on mea sures, in Sec. 13.2 we shall introduce and concisely discuss convex functionals of a mea sure. Moreover, the convergence in Kuratowski's sense of a particular sequence of sets will also be considered. The last case will prove useful in the study of T-convergence for plastic plates loaded by bending moments along a part of the boundary, cf. Sec. 14.1. Section 13.3 is concerned with the formulation of homogenization theorems for func tionals with linear growth depending on the second gradient (hessian). Such functionals depending on thefirstgradient of a scalar function or on the symmetric gradient (strain) of a vectorfieldare also briefly examined.
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
The last section is concerned with the r-convergence of the same sequence of func tionals with linear growth provided that Dirichlet type boundary conditions are taken into account. In contrast to the elastic homogenization, the homogenized functional contains now the term defined on the boundary and provides an example of relaxation of boundary conditions. The spaces BV(Q), BD(fl) and HB(Q) are convenient in mathematical studies of func tionals with linear growth. For instance, the space W2,1 (f2) is too small to ensure existence of solutions for perfectly plastic plates. A common feature of functionals with linear growth is that from a sequence bounded in L1 one can extract a subsequence weakly-* convergent in M1. Hence, the need for "large" spaces such as BV(Q), BD{Q.) or HB(fy. We ob serve that Chacon's Biting Lemma offers another possibility of characterization of bounded sequences in L1, see Ball and Zhang (1990). 13.1. Functional setting: spaces W1-1, W2A, LD, BV, BD, and HB In this section fi is a sufficiently regular domain in R n . For three-dimensional problems n = 3; if fi stands for the mid-plane or a reference plane of a plate, then n = 2. The regularity of the boundary has been discussed in Sec. 1.1.2. The spaces W u (ft) and W2^{Q) General properties of these spaces have been discussed in Sec. 1.1.2. Here we are going to specify mainly the trace spaces. The space Whl(Q) is defined by W M (ft) = {ueLl(Sl)\u,i€L1(fy
,i = l,...,n},
On where u < = —-. This space is equipped with the natural norm following from the formula axi (1.1.6) form = p = 1. The trace mapping tr = 70 is a surjective mapping from W 1 1 ^ ) onto ^(T), where T = dQ. Moreover, 70U = u for all u in C1 (ft). The next Sobolev space is defined by W2'\Q) ={ue
e L\n)}
where u a = ——-—. For n = 2 it is convenient to define this space as follows axidxj W2A(n) = {we W^iil^Kapiw) G ^(fi)} ,
where K0/J(W) = -w,Q/3, a,0 = 1,2. There exist linear continuous mappings 70,71 of W2,1(Q) into L1^) such that yQu = u and 71U = — for all u in C^fi), where n denotes the unit normal on T, exterior to fi. on The trace space 7o(W (^)) has yet been identified. It is only known that this space is continuously imbedded into Wl,l(T). Demengel (1984) proved that the trace mapping 71 :
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
W22,1 ^(fl) (fi) — —»» LLll(T) (T) is is surjective surjective provided provided that that fifi is is uniformly uniformly C C22-regular. -regular. More More precisely, precisely, 1 the surjectivity means here that for g in L (r) there exists u in W 2,1 (fi), 7ou = 0, (fl), such that 70U 7iu g. 7 i " = 9The space L£>(fl) L£>(fi) This space is defined by LDiSl) = {ue
L ^ n n e y C u ) £ L ' ( ( J ) , i,j = l , . . . , n } .
Ani A
A/» A/i
We recall that e„(u) = U(vj) = I —- 4- -~ I /2. This space is a Banach space for the natural norm
— - 4- -~ - ^ I /2. This space is a Banach space for the C/JL -j
(JJL j
natural norm
ll«H/.D(fi) = ll«lk'(n)" + $^IK-(«)l|L'(n) •
The space C°°(fi) C°°(fl) n is dense in LD(fi). LD(Q). Since Korn's inequality does not hold in L 1 , thereu1 1 n fore W ' ^ ) " C LD(n). w (fi) c l n There exists a surjective continuous linear operator 7 0 from LL>(fi) LL>(fl) onto L (T) such that 70u = « | r ,
for all
u e LD{Q) n C(fl) n .
The imbedding of LD(fi) LD(ft) into LP{Q.), 1 < p < nn/(n / ( n -— 1), is continuous; it is compact for all p such that 1 < p < n/(n - 1). The (9.) 77ie space BV BV(fl) A function u 6 L 1 (fl) is said to be of bounded variation if / | V u | = sup{ fu{x)div
< 1} < +oo .
Equipped with the norm IMIBVOJ) = f\u(x)\dx n
+ j\Vu\ n
BV(fi) is a separable nonreflexive Banach space and IV1,1 (fi) C BV(Q), the inclusion BV(fl) being strict. The space W u ( f i ) is obviously a closed subspace of BV(Q). Particularly, if fii is a Borel subset of fi with sufficiently regular boundary, its characteristic function xni isinBV(fi)\Wu(fi)and
y"|vXni| = i/„-i(aninn), n where i/ n _i is (n - 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure, cf. Eq. (1.1.27). Equivalently, BV(fi) can be introduced in terms of measures. Let M'(fi) denote the space of bounded measures on fi. This space coincides with the space of distributions \x on
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
fi such that IHIM'OI) =sup{(//,< / >)|^e C g ° ( n ) , | ^ ( i ) | < 1} < +cx>.
The norm is also denoted as follows IM'(II)
= H(fi) = y"|M|,
n |/i| = /x+ + ^ " being the total variation measure associated to fi and |^x|(fi) is the total variation of p. in fi. It is known that M'(fi) is the dual space of Co(fi), the space of continuous functions vanishing on the boundary of fi and / | / i | = s u p { Itp(x)d[i(x)\>p e Co(ft) , |M|c(fi) < 1} • Thus BV(Q) can equivalently be expressed as the space of functions u € L1 (fi) for which Uj € M^fi), for every 1 < i < 1, with the partial derivatives u^ understood in the distributional sense. If the vector valued measure space M 1 (fi) n = M 1 (fi, R n ) is endowed with the ^-norm, in the sense that
/lH = £/V.I, /^^(fi)" then IMIavpi) = \W\\mti) + / | V u | = ||u||t. ( n) + ^ /"luil , i=1 n n
u 6 BV(fi) .
Since the space M 1 (fi) is the dual of a normed space, it is weakly-* sequentially compact, which means that for any bounded sequence {i*j}jen of M'(fi), there exists a fi G M'(fi) and a subsequence /j.jk converging weakly-* (or vaguely) to (i, i.e.: V ip e C 0 (fi)
^ -» oo .
The weak-* topology on M (fi) is denoted by (r(M'(fi), C 0 (fi)). We recall that here (•, •) stands for the duality pairing between M'(fi) and Co(fi). We shall also need the space of bounded measures on fi, the closure of fi. This space is the dual of C(fi), i.e.: Ivl(fi) = [C(fi)]* . Let us summarize basic properties of the space BK(fi). Proposition 13.1.1. (a) If {um}meM C BV(Q) and lim um = n in L'(fi) then / | V w |
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
(b) The imbedding BV(Q) C LP{Q) is continuous for 1 < p < n/(n - 1), and compact for 1 < p < n/(n - 1). (c) (Poincare type inequality) There exists a constant K = K(n) > 0 such that, cf. Eq. (1.49) ( j\un
for all u € BV(Q) ,
where p = n/(n - 1) and (w) = — / udx. If n = 1, then the Ln/(n_1)-norm is understood I''1./ n to be the L°°-norm. (d) There exists a linear, continuous and surjective trace operator 70 : 5V(fi) —> L'(r) such that 70u = U|r for each u € BV(Q) n C(U). D Corollary 13.1.2. From a bounded sequence {um}meN C W(f2) one can extract a subse quence vmic weakly convergent to u in the following sense: tim,-»u inL^fi) strongly, Vu mt —k Vu in M^fl) weak-* .
Corollary 13.1.3. (Chavent and Kunisch, 1997) If n = 1 or 2 then BV(Q) and X = L2(fi) n BV(ft) are equivalent Banach spaces. □ Remark 13.1.4. If Qt CC Q is an open set of class C", by u + and u~ we denote the trace of U|nxn and u^ on dtli. Then
/ IVu| = j \ u +
We recall that f^ CC fi means that Oj C
The lemma which follows is due to Anzellotti (1986). This result and its easy to conceive variants are useful in the study of homogenization problems for bodies or plates with loaded boundary, see Bouchitte and Suquet (1991) and Sec. 14.1. Lemma 13.1.5. Let fl C R n (n > 2) be a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary and let n stands for the outward unit normal to <9Q. If u e L°°(Q)n and divit e Ln(fi) then at every Lebesgue point of u ■ n one has {u-n){x)=
lim lim
/ u(£) ■ n{x)d£ , Cr.p
where a, P (x,n(x)) = { £ - « n ( x ) | | £ - x | < p ,
0 < t < r} .
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
The space BD{Q) This space is defined by BD{Q) ={ueL1(Q)n\eij(u)
6 MJ(fi) , i, j = 1,... ,n} .
Endowed with a norm n
H«||sD(n) = l|tt|Ui(n)- + X)lMu)llM'(fi) -
the space BD(£l) becomes a Banach space. It is known that BV(Q)n C BDtfl) ,
BV(Q)n / BD(fi)
and L£>(fi) is a closed subspace of BD{9), LD(Q) / BD{9). It is also known that BD(Q) is the dual of a normed space. Consequently one can define a weak-* topology on this space and the closed balls of BD{Q) are then compact and sequentially compact for this topology. This topology is called the weak topology of BD{Q). Particularly, { « m } m e N C BD(Q) converges to u in this topology if, for m —* oo um->u in e{u)^e(u)
L1(il)n, i „> in M 1 ^ , E?) weak-* .
Another natural topology on BD(£l) is the intermediate topology defined by the distance ll« - «|U. (n) - + I y*|e(«)| - j\e{v)\ n n
In fact, this topology is intermediate between the weak topology and the topology of the norm on BD(Q). The intermediate topology is not uniquely defined. Let us summarize main properties of the space BD(Q). Proposition 13.1.6. (i) If Jl is an open set of class C 1 , there exists a continuous surjective linear operator 70 from BD(n) into L 1 ^ ) " such that 7ou
= ti| r
for all u g BD{9) n C(U)n .
The trace operator is a continuous operator from BD(Q.) into L1(F)n, when BD(Q) is endowed with the intermediate topology. (ii) The imbedding BD{Q) C LP(n)n is continuous for 1 < p < n/(n - 1) and compact for 1 < p < n/(n — 1). (iii) C°°(Q) is dense in the space BD(Q) endowed with the intermediate topology.
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
(iv) For alH, j = 1 , . . . , n and all tp e C 1 (O) one has the generalized Green formula 2 / ( U * ^ J + u]{P,i)dx + /
where Ty(p) = ^ ( P t ' i j + P j ' i i ) -
Remark 13.1.7. (see Temam, 1985, Chap. II, Sec. 7) An appropriate stress space is S(fi) = {
For materials incompressible in the plastic range one can take 5 c (ft) = {
where ap stands for the stress deviator, i.e.: o% =
More precisely, the condition diva € Ln+1(i1)n can be replaced by the condition diver e L n + Q ( n ) n , with a > 0 arbitrarily small; one can even allow a = 0. One can easily define a^ex]{u) as a distribution on Q. Moreover, it can be shown that ff'-'ey(u) and a ^ e ^ ( u ) are bounded measures on ft. Here e^(u) are components of the strain deviator. □ Remark 13.1.8. For the study of bodies made of plastically incompressible materials it is convenient to introduce a subspace of the space BD(Q): BD(fi)|divu e L2(Q.)} ,
U{Q) = {ue
which is a Banach space for the natural norm
I M M = IMIflD(n) + lldivulb(fi) •
If {u m } m e N C U(Q) is a bounded sequence then there exists a subsequence {umk} converges weakly to u in l/(ft), i.e.: umk->u
div« * —>■ divu m
e tJ (u *) -* ey(ti)
in in
strongly. 2
L (H) M'(fi)
weakly, weakly-*;
forij = l , . . . , n . For more details the reader is referred to Temam (1985, Chap. II, Sees. 3 and 5).
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
77K? space HB(Q)
This space is defined by HB(Sl) = {ve Wlll(fi)|»c(u) 6 M'ffi.Ej)} .
Having in mind applications to mathematical studies of plates, here n = 2. Only such case is of interest to us. Endowed with a natural norm IMI//BOJ) = IMIw.'(n) + l|KMIlM'(n.Ej) •
the space HB(Q) becomes a Banach space. A sequence {vm}meti C HB(tt) converges to v weakly if » m - t ) ) in WU(Q) strongly, K(vm)^n(v) in M^fi.E?) weak-*.
An intermediate topology can be defined by the distance d(v,w) = \\v - w\\wx.l{a) + \J\K(V)\ - J\K(W)\ n n Let us specify some of the basic properties of the space HB(£l).
I .
Proposition 13.1.9. (i) The imbedding HB{Q) C W1,P(Q) is continuous with 1 < p < 2 and compact if 1 < V < 2. (ii) Let fl be a bounded domain with C2-regularity property, except a finite number of points. Then the imbedding HB(n) C C(fi) is continuous. (iii) The trace mapping HB(Sl) -»-yo(HB(Sl)) x Ll(T) = -w,(Wr2«1(«)) x Ll(T) , is linear, continuous and surjective. The trace mapping is such that 7oV = v\r, l\v = — , V v 6 C2(fi) . CTl| r
(iv) Let Q.I be a relatively compact subset of fi (fli CC f2) whose boundary dfii is of class C2 and let fi2 = fi\fi]. Let v be a function of Ll (ft) whose restriction va to fiQ is in HB(Qa), a = 1,2. Then v e HB(£l) if and only if the traces of v\ and t;2 on <9fi] are equal: 70^ = 70v2. In this case one has «(«) = Xn,K(ui) + Xn2«(v2) + F f Q^(V2 ~ «i) ] <5an, ,
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
dv where \na is the characteristic function of QQ and - ^ is the value on dCl\ of 71 u a , n is on the unit normal on afii in the direction from i\ to 0.2, and J ^ is the Dirac distribution on dfi,. D Let us introduce the space of moments S = {M e L°°(fi, Ef2)| div d i v M e M\n)}
where div d i v M = Ma&\ga in the sense of distributions. For v in W2,1 (f 2) and M in S the generalized Green formula holds true (div divAf,«) + IMaPKa0{v)dx
= (bo(M),v)
- (b,{M), ^ } .
If M £ C 2 (fi, EJ), then 6 Q ( M ) and bi (Af) coincide with the known expressions for the effective shear force and bending moment on T, respectively. Obviously, on the r.h.s. of dv the last formula v = 70v, — = 7iv. on When M e S and v € HB(Q.), we can define a distribution Ma0Kag(v) by putting <Ma/5/cQfl(t;),^> = [vMaliv,a[)dx n
+ 2 /M a0 v, 0
for all ? G Co°(n). Let us specify the properties of the measure just introduced. Proposition 13.1.10. (i) For M € S and v e HB(Q), the distribution Mal3Ka0{v) is a bounded measure on fi, absolutely continuous with respect to \n(v)\ and
< \\M\\L~{n,Bi)J\v\
forah>eC0(fi). (ii) If {vm}meN C HB(Cl) is a sequence of functions converging to v under the metric (13.1.22) then Ma0na0{vm) converges to Ma0na0{v) in the following sense fvMa0Ka0{vm)
V p e C(H) .
Let us pass to a generalization of the Green formula (13.1.24). In fact, there exist two continuous linear surjective mappings 60, &i from S onto [7o(W 2,1 (^)l* x £°°(r), such that for M € C^fl, EJ), bo(M) and &i(M) have the same meaning as in (13.1.24). Thus bo(M) and h(M) are generalized effective shear force and bending moment on T, respec tively. For M € S, v € HB{Q) and any
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
formula holds true f(MaPKa0(v))
+ 2jMa0v,0ip,a
[vtpdivdivM nn + (boiM^vtp) -
(13.1.27) + vjg) •
For y? = 1, we obtain a more familiar form of this formula. Remark 13.1.11. In Sees. 8 - 1 0 plates weakened by periodically fissures have been studied. Preserving the notations introduced there, Attouch and Murat (1985) proved that: (a) there exists a continuous imbedding from H*(Y\F) into BV(Y); n is not necessarily equal to two. (b) There exists a constant K independent of e such that for any v € H1 (Qc), for any e > 0, the following inequality holds IMIev(fi) < K\\v\\HHnn
Telega (1990c) showed that the following imbeddings are continuous: LD{Y\F) C BD(Y) , LD{Q.C) C BDiSl) . Similar imbeddings obviously hold for H\Y\F)n
and Hl{S¥)n.
13.2. Convex functions and functionals of a measure If v 6 BV(n),u e BD{Q.) and w € HB(Q), then Vv,e(u) and K(W) are bounded measures. Suppose now that j(x, p), p = Vv, e(u) or K(W), where j is an appropriate potential. A natural question arises: what is the precise mathematical meaning of a function of a measure? How to interpret the integral / j(x, /*)? Such problems are discussed in the n present section. Let j : (x, e) € fl x E" —» R U {+00} be a convex integrand, see Sec. 1.2.3. We make further assumptions: (Hi) there exist a function tp0 € ^(ft, E*) and a function a e L^Q) such that dxalmost everywhere in x, for each e,j(x,e) >
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
We set j(x,h(x))dx
i f / x « dxandhe
Ll(£l, E") ,
n +00 otherwise. We recall that /x
represents the lower semicontinuous regularization of the functional J in the weak-* topol ogy of It1 (SI, EJ), i.e.: J = sup{G I G < J, G - a(U\n,
E?), C0(fi, E^)) lower semicontinuous} .
Now the problem is to give an integral representation of J. To this end we introduce the notion of the principal part (recession function) of j defined on fi x E" jco{x,e) = lim -j(x,te) t—00 £
= \\m pj{x, - ) = sup{e,yej,-| e* e darn j'(x, •)} . p->0
The mechanical meaning of jao is given in Sees. 13.3, 13.4 and 14. Under the assumptions (Hi), (H2) and (H3) VTJ > 0, 3 <5 > 0, |x' - x"| < 6 =» Ve, |j 00 (i' l e) - Joo(x",e)| < »j(l + |e|), the functional J given by (13.2.2) is ^ ( M 1 ^ , E"), C0{fl, E*)) lower semicontinuous and J(ti) = Jj(x, ^)dx
+ j3oo{x,
|^)d|M9| ,
where ixe IA1{£1, E?). Here pi = (ia(x) + Ms ,
is the Lebesgue decomposition of p. into absolutely continuous (regular) part and singular part with respect to dx. Obviously, \p.s | stands for the total variation measure associated to p,s anddp,s/d\p,$\ is the density of /xs with respect to |ii s |. The singular term in (13.2.3) is often written as / j ^ x , dp.s) or even just / joo(x, /xj. Remark 13.2.1. Having in mind applications to plasticity, let C be a closed convex-valued and lower semicontinuous function such that for each i , 0 e C(x). Moreover, we assume that V
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
of this chapter the integrand of the following type will be used f{x,e) = [W'e(x, •) + /C(s,(-)]*(e) , e € E? . (13.2.5) Here W* is a convex normal integrand on ft x E* such that 0 < W*(x, •) < (•), where g : E^ —» R is a continuous function. When the behavior of the material is linear in the elastic range then, for instance V^(x,a) = i c y „ ( i ) a « a H , e
Let h(x,e) = Ic{x)( )- Th
V M € Ml(ft, E ? ) ,
J(ii) = I fix, ^)dx + Jhix, /i,) . n n Obviously, /i(x, •) = /oo(x, •) provided that dam fix, ■) = C(x). In the case when C(x) = CD(X) + R J one has f/; CD(X)K , .(e)
y +oo
hix,e) = {
where E stands for the deviatoric space.
The two lemmas which follow are useful in proving homogenization theorems. Let / be a convex function on E" satisfying the following property 3 A o > A 0 > 0 , 3fco>0, V e e E ? ,
A0|e| - A*, < / ( « ) < A0(l + |e|) . (13.2.6)
Lemma 13.2.2. If / : E" —> R is convex and satisfies (13.2.6) then V/x„M2 6 M'(fl,E;),
y*/(/*i + M2) < jfiHi)
+ jfooin*) •
Lemma 13.23. Let pi £ M1 (ft, E") and denote by i4M the space of functions v : ft —» E* defined by
where c* e E^ and {fti}iSj is a family of open disjoint sets such that ft* C ft and meas (5ft*) = f |/x| = |/*|(dfti) = 0 . If / is a convex function satisfying (13.2.6) then ffilt)
= sup{(va0fxa0
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
Remark 13.2.4. The last two lemmas remain valid for J(x, e) provided that (13.2.6) holds for every i 6 f t . Obviously, / is a measurable function convex in c. Remark 13.2.5. Positive convex functions of a measure enable us to define intermedi ate topologies on BV(ft), BD{Q.) and HB(Q) and to state approximation results. For instance, on HB(£l) we can define the intermediate topology corresponding to the distance
df(v, w) = \\v - w\\w>.m
+ \J\K(V)\ n
+ \Jf{x, n
- Jf(x, n
Then for all v G //B(ft), there exists a sequence { v m } m e N C C°°(ft) n IV2,1 (ft) with the following properties: (i) 7o^ m = 7ofl. 7if m = 7if. V m. (ii) As m —> oo, vm converges to v for the distance d;. Let us formulate a useful result on multifunctions. Lemma 13.2.6. Let C be a multifunction on ft to the convex subsets of V\d. Then C is lower semicontinuous on ft if and only if (x,e) —» /£(i)( c ) l s ' s c - o n ^ x ^ d '-' Commutativity of integral and inf revisited Rockafellar's Theorem 1.2.33 involves decomposable spaces and precludes practically important classes of spaces. A different approach was proposed by Bouchitte' and Valadier (1988), cf. also BouchitfcS and Valdier (1989). Let L°(fl) d denote the vector space of real measurable functions. Definition 13.2.7. A subset C of L°(ft) d is said to be PCU-slable. (or C0-stable) if for any continuous partition of unity a 0 , c*i,..., c*c € C(ft; [0,1]) such that Q i , . . . , a^ have compact supports, for every ito, • •, u>c in C, the function Yl Q t'"/t belongs to C.
Possible variants: (i) Q 0 , . . . , aK e D(ft)„ Q 0 € C°°(ft). Then C is said to be Cc°°-stable. (ii) Lip-stability: Q 0 , . . . , QJC are Lipschitz functions. Remark 13.2.8. The notion and existence of the partition of unity is discussed, for instance, in Stein (1970) and Yosida (1978). □ For any subset C\ of L°(ft) d there exists a smallest closed-valued measurable multi valued function F such that V u € C\, u(x) G F(x) almost everywhere. We write F = ess sup{u(-)\ u 6 C]} and say that F is the essential supremum of the multifunctions x —> {u(x)} (u G Ci). If Ci is convex, then F is (a.e.) convex-valued. This remains true if Ci is PCU-stab\e. We set J(u) = A ( x , u ( i ) ) d i ,
u G L°(ft) d
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
The functional J assumes its values in R, and as usual in convex analysis, / j(x, u{x))dx = n +00 as soon as / j(x, u(x))+dx = +00, where a + stands for the positive part of a. n Theorem 13.2.9. Let C be a PCU-stable subset of L°(Cl)d (variants: Lip-stable, t e stable). Suppose there exists u° € C with J(u°) G R. Then F = ess sup{u(-)| u 6 C fl dom J} is convex-valued, inf{ J(u) I u G C} = / [ inf j(i,z)]dx, n and inf {j(x, z) I z G F(x)} = ess sup{j(x, u(x)) \ u € C D dom J} .
Specific case of convergence of a sequence of sets Let us consider now a particular case of convergence in Kuratowski's sense, cf. Sec. 1.3.7. By O we denote a compact or locally compact set of R m . The statements which follow are due to Bouchittd (1987). Theorem 13.2.10. Let /x be a positive bounded Radon measure, p. G M^(O), and let F€ : O —> R d (e G £) be a multivalued, /x-measurable mapping with values in the closed and convex sets of R and such that 0 G F£(x) p-a.e. Then the sequence of convex sets Ce = {
where F is a lower semicontinuous multivalued map with values in the convex and closed sets containing the zero element of R . □ To be more specific, let us investigate the following case: (1) /i G M+(0) and supp n = O, (2) {A £ } £>0 - a family of Borel subset of O such that n{dA€) = 0, (3) Fi, F2 - continuous multivalued maps with values in convex and closed subsets of R d containing 0 as the interior point.
- I Fl{x) ** -\F2(x)
(4) FX)(x) W
^' ifxGOVU;
(5) Cc = { 6 C0(O) I
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
Theorem 13.2.11. If inL4£ -> A and int(0\A t ) -> B as e -» 0, then ,4 and B are closed sets such that A U B = O. Moreover, the sequence {C£}£>0 is strongly convergent in Kuratowski's sense to the convex set C defined by C = {*> e C0(O)d | V{x) £ F(x) , V i e O } , where F is the following l.s.c. multivalued mapping
' Fl{x)nF2{x)
F(x) = < Fi{x) if x e A\B , a .F 2 (x) if x€B\A. We recall a practical criterion of continuity: Fi is continuous on O if and only if F\ is lower semicontinuous with closed graph in O x R d . Also, the assumption 0 e int{F\ (i)nF 2 (i)), V x G O, implies that the multivalued mapping x —> Fi [x) n F2(x) is l.s.c. A simple criterion ensures that A = B = O. It means that the media occupying At and 0\/4 £ undergo perfect mixing when e — ► 0. Proposition 13.2.12. If the sequence of characteristic function {\AC }£>O converges in 0-(Z£\L^) to a function 6{x) such that 0 < ||0||L<X)(O) < 1 then the sets int4£ and int(0\A £ ) converge to O and one has: A = B = 0,
F{x) = F,(r)nF 2 (x)
13.3. General homogenization theorems for functional with linear growth Prior to the presentation in Sec. 14 of homogenization problems related to thin elasticperfectly plastic plates we shall first consider a simpler case, which does not involve any boundary condition and loading. Suppose that a plate made of a Hencky material exhibits a microperiodic structure char acterized by the complementary elasto-plastic potential j;(x,p')
= j g , p * ) = \da0„ g ) p* Q V A,i + /c.<„(p*) ,
where p* € E^, x € n and Cc(x) = C (-) stands for the periodic elasticity convex. The elasticity convex C ( - ) is the set of plastically admissible moments at x e 0. Obviously, D = d"1 possesses usual properties, cf. (5.4.6)i. The variable p* is just the moment tensor or p* = M. For instance, in the case of the Huber-Mises yield condition the elasticity convex C(y) has the following form C(y) = {M\{Mn)2
- MnM22 + (M22)2 + 3(M12)2 < M2(y)} ,
where y = x/e and MQ (-) denotes the limit bending moment at a point x £ fi. The function M0(y) is obviously assumed to be y-periodic. Equation (13.3.1) implies Cc(x) = dom H(xy ■).
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
In general, C is a closed convex-valued l.s.c. multifunction such that for each y G V, 0 € int C(y). Moreover, we assume that there exist constants ko and ki,Q < ko < ki < +00 such that {M G E* : \M\ < ko} C C,{x) C {M G E^ : \M\ < *,} ,
for every x G fi, where |M| 2 = ^
The elasto-plastic potential is calculated by using Fenchel's transform j ( ^ , p ) =sup{p' : p - j - g , p - ) |p* G E*} ,
where p G E^. This function is a convex normal integrand and has the following property 3k3>k2>0,
+ \p\),
for each (y, p) G Y x E2S; moreover j(y, 0) = 0 and j(y, p) > 0 for each p G E 2 . The recession function joo ( - >•) of j (-, • J or the support function of C ( - ) is given by jco ( - , p ) = Mm W f - , ^ ) = sup{p* : p|p* G C ( - ) } ,
for each p G E,. This function is also a convex normal integrand, positively homogeneous with respect to p G E^ and satisfies the condition 3 ks > k4 > 0 ,
k4\p\ < jx(y,p)
for each (y, p) G Y x E . From the physical point of view, in the case of limit analysis the function joa represents the density of plastic dissipation. For the elasto-plastic Hencky plate jaa stands for the density of plastic work. Example 13.3.1. Let the elasticity convex be defined by
C 0 = {M€E>(M)<$Q}, where $ is eF-periodic and a(M) a convex function, not necessarily isotropic. Particular ly, for o(M) = \aa0XllMal3M^
one has
;«(f,p) = [2***P«^*(f)] , provided that a is positive definite; here x G il and p G E 2 . The case of a being only positive semidefinite is left to the reader. □
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
r-convergence in ^'''(fl) offunctionate with linear growth Let Y C R 2 stand for a basic cell. Of primal importance for two-dimensional homoge nization of thin elasto-plastic plates is the following theorem. Theorem 13.3.2. Let fi C R2 be a bounded domain with the uniform C2-regularity prop erty except possibly at a finite number of points. Let j : (y, p) e R2 x E 2 — ► R be measurable, convex in p, Y-periodic in y, and such that 3Ao>A0>0,
A o | p | - * o < i ( y , p ) < A 0 ( l + |p|),
is satisfied for each (y,p). For every e > 0 we define the functional Jc on W1,1(fl) by f [j (-,K(W(X)\
Je(w) = { j/
if w 6 W2-l(il) ,
Then r(VV1'1(n)) - lim Jc = Jh,
where Jh(w)
\fweHB[Q), (13.3.9)
and jh(p) = inf{(j(y, / c » + p))\ v € Wg(Y)}
, p G E,' ,
dv_ Wp2;!(Y) = {»£ W2''(Y)I v and — are K-periodic} . dya
□ cj2
We recall that Ka0{w) = -w Q / 3 = - - — — , KyaJv) = -vla0 = --=—x— while the P axadx0 oyaoy0 averaging in (13.3.10) is over Y. The V-periodicity involved in (13.3.10) means that the traces (values) of v G W^.(Y) are equal on the opposite sides of Y. The same pertains to dv/dya. Since the growth of the integrand j is linear, the infimum in (13.3.10) will, in general, be attained not in W££(Y) but in HB(Y). The assumptions concerning j ensure that for a function v e HB(Y), (j(y, KV(V) + p) is a convex functional of a measure, cf. Sec. 13.2. Throughout this section k with a subscript denotes a positive constant.
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
486 Properties of jh (i) The function jh is convex and such that aA^A^O,
+ \p\),
for each p € E^. The proof results directly from (13.3.6) and (13.3.10). (ii) The polar function j ^ of jh is given by J'h(p')
where Sper(K) = {me
= mf{{j'(y,m(y)
+ p'))\meSper(Y)},p'eE'2
L°°(Y, Es2)\ divj, divvm = 0 in Y, fm(y)dy
(13.3.12) =0,
Tn„ assume equal and q opposite values on the opposite sides of V}, and mv = maliv0Lvp,
m q = va~z-— + -s— . t = mal3uaT0 . (13.3.15) dyp ds In Chapter IV v = (z/Q) denotes the exterior unit normal to dY. The meaning of s and T = (TQ) is obvious. More precisely, m„ and q are to be understood in the sense of traces.
Proof. The Fenchel conjugate of jh has the form j'h(p') = sup{p* : p - jh{p)\ p € E32} = sup | ^ { / [ P * : ( « » + p) - J(V, KV(V) + P)\dy\ P e E2S, v €
where p* € E£. If we set
W = K"(W£(Y))
© E],
J(m) = Jj(y, m(y))dy , Y
then we have JI(P') = ^(J
+ IwY(p') = (^n/ S p w ( y ) )(p*) .
Here D denotes the inf-convolution, cf. Sec. 1.2.1. Moreover, p* is to be identified with an element of L°°{Y,E\) and J'{rn) = j j'(y,m(y))dy
SreriY) := W^ = [ / ^ ( W ^ Y ) ) ] 1 n (E*) 1 .
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
We calculate (Ey
= { m e L~(y,E;)Km,p>100(yiE.)xtl(yiEj) = 0 , = { m e L°°(Y, E*)| jm(y)dy
Vp € E=}
= 0} .
To find [ ^ ( W ^ V ) ) ]
we use the integration by parts, at least formally
0 = (m,Kv{v))La>{YiE.)xLHYieM)
= Y
= - fm^pavdy
+ jqiavds
Vv € Wg[Y)
where q (the local effective shear force) and m„ (the local bending moment on dY) are given by (13.3.15) and (13.3.14), respectively. Since
= { r a € L » ( y , E ; ) | ( m 1 K ' ( V ) ) l . ( ^ ) x l l ( V | E j ) = 0 , *v e W£(Y)}
from (13.3.17) - (13.3.20) we readily obtain (13.3.13). We recall that due to periodicity, the last term in (13.3.19) vanishes. Finally, (13.3.16) takes the form j'h(p') = | y | i n i { ^ * ( " l i ) + / s p « r (y)( m 2)IP* = = ^
inf{J*(p* - m 2 ) | m 2 e
i +m2,m.a
e Sper(y)}
= inf{0"(y, m(y) + p*)>| m e S ^ y ) } , because Sper(Y) is a linear space. This completes the proof of (13.3.12). (iii) The function jhoo denned by Jhoo(p) = Mm
coincides with the function jooh(p) = inf{0'oo(j/,« v (u) + P))I « G W£J(y)} Proof. Calculating (joofc)* similarly as j ^ we conclude that dom (joo/,)* = dom ;'J . Thus we have jooh(p) = sup{p* : p'\ p* e dom (jooh)*} = sup{p : p'\ p* e dom jfc} = jhoo(p)
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Physically, that set Ch := dom (joo/i)* = domjjj represents the elasticity convex or the set of plastically admissible macroscopic moments. We observe that convexity and boundedness of Ch are inferred from the properties of the recession function j ^ , ^ . The lemma which follows is a counterpart of Lemmas 2.10.12, 11.7.8. Lemma 13.3.3. Let m € Sp,,r(Y) and
c H /2 ' 1 (fi) be a sequence
wca0dx = 0 .
Proof. We set rc =
Applying twice integration by parts, recalling that vf € C(fl) and knowing that div divm ( - 1 = 0
in fl ,
we get rc = - f{2ma0
y?, Q (x)^(x) +mafi
g )
n The sequence m I - J, being bounded in L°°(£l, E2), is convergent in the topology <J(L°°, L1) to the mean value (m(y)) = 0, whereas the sequences {ip,awe0}c>o, {
Let {vf}€>Q C I V 2 , 1 ^ ) be strongly convergent to w in W1,1^) as e —> 0 and let lim inf J£(wc) < +00. Otherwise, when lim inf Je{w€) = +00, the inequality (13.3.22) is trivially satisfied. From (13.3.6) we conclude that K(WC) is bounded in L'(fi, E2.) and consequently con verges weakly in M^fi, E 2 ). Hence w belongs to HB(Q). By Lemma 13.2.3, it suffices to prove that for each M 6 A^, p. = K(W), the following inequality holds true lim inf Jc{wc) > I~Ma0Ka0{w)
f j'h(M(x))dx
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
If M 6 Ap then we write
M(z) = £ X n i (z)M, tei
Lemma 13.3.3 implies that for every family of functions {m,}, e x C Sper(Y) we have lim / " [ E ^ ^ m , ( - ) ] : K{wE{x))dx = 0 .
The properties of the functions tpf are specified in the proof of Theorem 2.10.13, cf. also Th. 11.7.9. Recalling that j > 0 and taking into account the last relation we obtain lim inf JE{w£) = lim inf jj (-, K{W£(X)))
n > £ I'm inf / ^ ( x ) [ M t : « ( t / ( i ) ) - j'mt(-,Mt)}dx
n, where j m , ( y , p) = j(y, p) - m^y) For / j ^ . (y. Mt)dy
: p.
< +oo, the function j ^ , . (•, M t ) is bounded from below by (-A 0 ).
Indeed, if G\, G 2 are two convex functions such that G\ < G2, then G'2 < G\. Con sequently, the sequence of £ V-periodic functions j ^ , . is bounded in Ll(Q) and converges weakly to U'mi(y,Mi))
= {j*(y,mi{y)
because 3m,{y,M,)
= sup{M,:p-j{y,p)
+ P-mt(y)\pe
E2S} = j'(y,mt(y)
+ Mt) .
It follows that lim inf Je(wc) > £ [ [
: n(w) - (j*(y,m,(y)
+ M,)> f<£dx] .
Taking now the supremum on the r.h.s. of the last inequality with respect to m , running over Sp,, r (y) and taking into account (13.3.12) we obtain lim inf Je(w<) > / " ( J > * ( : r ) ) M ( z ) : K(W) - [C£vi(x))j'h(M(x))dx n
We recall that the functions ip\ are, ex definitione, such that 0 < ]T
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
490 Hence 0 < E
< fh(M(x))+jh(0)
which implies J2^(x)j'h(M(x))
< fh(M(x))
+ Jh(0)\l - J > f (z)] ,
since \jl(M(x)) + jh(0)] is positive. Combining (13.3.26) with (13.3.27) we get
u™£) > Jzfi
lim inf Je(w£) > I J2
{Jj'h(M(x))dx + jh(0)J[l - £^(*)]
a.e. with respect to the measure |K(IU)|, since meas (<9fii) = \K(w)\(dQi) = 0. Applying now the dominated convergence theorem in L}Ktw)i(ty to the integral ipf(x)M(x) : K(W), in the limit we obtain (13.3.23). / n II. The proof of the inequality J* = r(Whl(n)) - lim sup JE < Jh £—0
is subdivided into four steps. Step 1. Let {flj} be a finite partition of Q formed by polygonal sets. Let w e H /2,1 (n) be a function of class Cl(£l) such that K(W{X)) = Pi,
PieE2s .
We set fi* = {xefi,|dist(z,<9n,) >6} ,
and take a family of functions {w,}i€j C W££(Y). The sequence of functions wsc{x) = w{x) + e2J2>pi(x)wi (-)
e >0
is convergent to w in l y 1 , 1 ^ ) as e —* 0. Proceeding similarly to Sees. 2.10 and 11.7 it is not difficult to show that lim sup lim sup Jc(twse) < J2\ttz\{j{y,iiy(w,){y) + Pi}} ■ i~0 t—1-
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
Employing now Lemma 1.3.27 we infer that there exists a mapping e —» (<5(e), t(e)) such that limJ(e)=0, ^ '
limt(e) = l " . £-0
* '
Consequently, we can construct a sequence wc = t(e)w€ ' such that wc —> w strongly in l y ' ^ H ) when e —i- 0 and satisfying lim sup Je{w£) < lim sup lim sup J£(tw6) < E|fti|(j(2/,/c v (w t ) + p,)) . £->o «—o £-.0 iei (—i-
Taking the infimum with respect to Wj running over W££(Y) one readily finds r W 1 ' 1 ^ ) ) - lim supJ £ ( W £ ) < E i a i ^ ( p t ) = [Jh(Ky(w))dx £—o iei J n Step 2. From (13.3.6) and (13.3.10) we have
for each v€ W 2 ''(ft). As we known, the T-limit superior preserves convexity, cf. Sec. 1.3.4. From (13.3.29) we conclude that Js is a convex and finitely valued functional on W 2il (ft). Consequently, this functional is continuous on W 2,1 (ft), as already J^ is. Step 3. Applying Proposition 1.4.16 we prove that Js(w) < J/,(w) for every w G W2'l(tt). Indeed, for w G W 2,1 (fi) let {W*:} K6 N be a sequence of functions of class C"(n) with piecewise constant second derivatives and such that u>k —► w in W2,l(i1) as k —» oo. The continuity of J^ on IV2'1 (ft) yields Jh{wk) —* Jh{w)
k —> oo .
On account of step 1, for each fc € N, there exists a sequence {wk,e}£>o such that Wk,e —* wkinU"!l(ft)asE->Oand •A(wfc) > lim sup.7E(iyfc,t) . Hence lim sup lim supJ£(ui*]E) < Jh(w) . Applying Lemma 1.3.27 once again we conclude that there exists a strictly increasing map ping e —> k(e), such that setting wc = Wk{c),e> the sequence {w£}£>o tends to w in the norm of W1'1 (ft) and lim sup Je(we) < Jh(w). £^0
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Step 4. Let us set J(w) =
{ +™ '
if w e
Hence Ja(w) < J(w) for each w € W],1(Q). We perform now the lower semicontinuous regularization of J' and J on W1,l($l), cf. Sec. 13.2. Consequently J"(w) < Jh(w) for each w e HB(Q). This proves the theorem. □ Comments on other cases Consider now the following specific complementary elasto-plastic potential j'(y,e',A*)
= \(da^{y)ea0t'^
+ ha0A'aA*0)
+ /c(v)(e*,7*) ,
where e* £ E*2, A* € R 2 while D = d _1 and H = h'1 satisfy (5.4.6). The elasticity convex is now defined in the space E.s2 x R 2 . The reader can easily formulate the assumption similar to (13.3.2). The Fenchel conjugate of j'(y, ■, •) is given by j(y,e, A) = sup{e* : e + A* • A - j(y,e, A)| £ G E 2 , A e R 2 } , (13.3.31) and represents the specific elasto-plastic potential of a Reissner plate made of a Hencky material. The properties of the function j(y, e, A) are similar to those of the function j(y, p) given by (13.3.3). One can also introduce the recession function Joo(y,e,A)= lim 7?i(2/,-,—) = sup{e* : e + A* • A| (c, A*) € C(y)} .
Now we are in a position to formulate the second homogenization theorem for functionals with linear growth. Theorem 13.3.4. Let fi C R2 be a bounded domain with Lipschitzian boundary. Let j : (y, €, A) € R 2 x E 2 x R 2 —» R be measurable, convex in (e, A), V-periodic in y, and such that 3 A o > A 0 > 0 , 3fco>0, A0(|e| + |A|) - ko < j(y, e, A) < A„(l + |e| + |A|) ,
is satisfied for each (y, e, A). For every e > 0, we define the functional Je on Ll(Sl)2 x L1 (ft) by [j \-M
w € L1(fi)\W1'1(fi) •
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
Then T(Ll{Q)2
x L'(n)) - lim Jc = Jh ,
where fh[e(
(13.3.36) if ¥J € L ' ( n ) 2 \ / ? D ( n ) , w € L ' ( n ) \ B V ( n ) ,
and, for e G E 2 , A G R 2 Jh(e,
A) = inf{(i(l/, e»(€) + e, V y V + A))|£ G L Z ^ O O . « € W£J(V)} , LDpe r (y) = {£ G LD{Y)\ £ is y-periodic} , W£{Y) = {v € W u ( y ) | v is y-periodic} .
(13.3.37) (13.3.38) (13.3.39)
Proof. It is similar to the proof of Theorem 13.3.2 and is left to the reader. Obviously, the proof involves now the approximation result formulated as Proposition 1.4.2 and the dual potential fa given by fa(e',A')
= in({(j[y,m(y) s
+ e",q(y) + A*])| (m,q)
G S«r(y)} ,
where c* e E 2, A ' G R and S £ r ( y ) = {(m,q)
€ L ° ° ( y , E * x R 2 ) | div B m - q = 0 in Y ,divyq = 0 in Y ,
(m(y)) = 0 ,
(q(y)> = 0, m i / and q v = qava
take opposite values on the opposite sides of Y } .
(13.3.41) '-'
The physical meaning of e" and A* is obvious: e* = M, A* = Q, cf. Sec. 5. To provide an example of the elasticity convex, one may consider the following C(y) = { ( M , Q) G E< x R 2 | M 2 / M 2 ( y ) + Q2/Q20(y) < 1} , 2
where M = (A/ 11 ) 2 - MnM22
+ (A/ 22 ) 2 + 3(M 1 2 ) 2 , Q2 = (Q 1 ) 2 + (Q 2 ) 2 .
Remark 13.3.5. It is now not difficult to formulate the homogenization theorem for a se quence of functionals with linear growth on BD(Q) x HB(Cl). Such a situation is typical for plates in which the interaction between bending and membrane forces becomes impor tant. For thin plates this effect is due to geometrical nonlinearities. If the strain measures are given by Eq. (4.1.17) and K Q/3 (K;) = —wtag 'hen the local problem has the following form jh(e, p) = inf {(j(y, ey{£) +i+-a®a, \^eLDper(Y).veW^r(Y)},
K*{V) + p)) (13.3.43)
where e = e + - a ® a, e G E 2 , a G R 2 and p G E 2 . The function j h (•, •) is still convex independent of whether the strain measures are linear or not. It means that for the von Karman plate made of an elastic perfectly-plastic Hencky material, the notion of the convex functional of a measure is well defined.
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
494 13.4.
Y-convergence and Dirichlet boundary conditions, relaxation
The r-convergence problems for functionals with linear growth have left out Dirichlet boundary conditions. In contrast to the elastic case, now the r-limit functionals will in volve terms (integrals) defined on T = dfl. Physically, these terms are due to possible discontinuities (hinges), appearing on I\ 13.4.1. Thin Kirchhoff plates made of Hencky material In the previous section we have studied the problem of r(W /1,1 (f2)) convergence of a se quence of functionals with linear growth without imposing boundary conditions. Now we assume the following boundary conditions 7otf = wo ,
7iw = u>i
2 l
on T ,
where w G W^ify, w0 € -yo(W - (Q)) and Wy £ L {T),cf. Sec. 13.1. Let us denote by w0 a function defined on fi D Q and suchjhat 70u;o = WQ, 7iuio = Wi on T; moreover the support of the function w0 is contained in fi. Under the assumption that Q has the uniform C2-regularity property we can take WQ € W2,1(Q,). Further, we set 1C(W0,WI)
= {w € HB(Q)\ JQW = wo,
FrfOO = pnan0,
■y\W = w\
on T} ,
(13.4.2) (13.4.3)
where n = (n Q ) stands for the outer unit normal vector to T. Denoting by /JC(U,0IU;I) the indicator function of the affine space K.(wo, Wi) we formulate the first result. Theorem 13.4.1. Let a sequence of functionals {Je}oo be defined by (13.3.7). Then the sequence {J€ 4- Iic(wo,Wi)}c>o is T-convergent in the strong topology of the space W1-1^) to the functional * M = Jh(w) + A h o o O i - 1iv>))dT , r
where w e HB(Q), ^0w = w0 and J/, is given by (13.3.9). Proof. I. Let us first prove that r(Wl'\il))
- l i m j n f U + /*:(»..„,)) > * •
With any function w € HB(Q), 70W = w0 = 70W0, we associate the function w e HB{F?) defined by w = w\„ + wXw Here xn stands for the characteristic function of Q and Qc is the complement of fi. We have, cf. Sec. 13.1, K(W) =XaK-{w) + x„cK(€}o)+T(—(w0-w)jSr, where <5p denotes the Dirac distribution on T, Q = fi U Clc U T.
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functional with linear growth
Forty e HB(Q), let { K / } E > 0 C IV2'1 (0.) be such that we satisfies (13.4.1), we -> w in W u ( f t ) strongly as e -» 0 and U n ^ i n f ^ + lK{u,,,m))(wc) < +oo . Hence for every bounded and regular domain Q. D Q we conclude that we —» w in W 1,1 (0.) strongly when e —> 0. We observe that {w€}c>0 C W 2 ''(fi). For the domain fi, Theorem 13.3.2 gives limjnf fj (-, K{we)\ dx > f jk(n(w))
The convex functional of the measure on the r.h.s. is decomposed as follows, cf. Sec. 13.2, Jjh{K{w))
= fjh(K{w))
We recall that w0 6 W2'1^).
+ /jhoo(T>i - 7if))<*r + j jh{K(S0))dx
{-£, « K ) ) dx = Jj
/" j ( ^ , K(IUO)) dx > Jj
By using (13.3.6), we readily get
Jc{wC) = Jj
( p « ( « ? ) ) dx
(^, K ( W £ ) ) dx - A0 J (1 + |*s(tSo)|)dx .
Taking into account (13.4.7) - (13.4.9) we obtain limjnf (J £ + /K( WO ,«.I))(W £ ) > limjnf / j f - , / c ( w e ) j dx n - A 0 f (1 + «(wo))cte > *(to) + / b h (K(w 0 )) - Ao(l + Hwc)\)]dx
and (13.4.5) follows, since for |f2\Q| —> 0 the last integral over Q.\Cl tends to zero. II. To prove that Js = T(Wl-\Q))
- lim sup(J £ + IK(vo,Wl))
<* ,
one can first show that for each w G £(wo,Wi)nC°°(n) the following inequality is satisfied J'{w)
< Jh(w) .
Next, it is sufficient to verify that the functional $ represents the lower semicontinuous regularization in W1,1^) of the functional Jh + //c(™0,"
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Remark 13.4.2. The limit (homogenized) functional $ involves one boundary integral over T. Just this term represents a relaxation of one of the Dirichlet boundary conditions. Remark 13.4.3. If the boundary conditions (13.4.1) are imposed on a part To of T then in Eq. (13.4.4) the integral over T is to be replaced by the integral over r 0 . Similarly, (13.4.2) involves T0. 13.4.2.
Moderately thick plates, refined scaling
Let us consider now a moderately thick plate made of an elastic perfectly plastic Hencky material and subject to the following boundary conditions
w = w0
on r .
w0 € Ll(T) are prescribed and (13.4.10) is to be
>C{(p0,w0) = {(cp,w) e LD(Q) x W1-1^
TQ0 = x(pan/3 + p0nQ) .
(13.4.11) (13.4.12)
We are now in a position to formulate the homogenization theorem. Theorem 13.4.4. Under the assumptions of Theorem 13.3.4 and (13.4.10), the sequence of functionals {Jc + I/c((p ,wo)}c>o ls r-convergent in the strong topology of the space Ll(Q)2 x L'(fi) to the functional $(
- (p), (w0 - w)n\dT ,
r where Jh is given by (13.3.36) and tp e BD(Q), w £
Proof. It is similar to the proof of Theorem 13.4.1 and is therefore omitted.
Remark 13.4.5. In Sees. 5.3 - 5.5 the so-called refined scaling of a moderately thick elastic plate has been studied. Let us discuss now the problem of the refined scaling of plates made of the Hencky material. To obtain the refined model we replace the strain measure ^Up,w) by —y(
the condition (13.3.33) one should also take - A instead of A (e > 0 and fixed). It is not e difficult to formulate counterparts of Lemmas 5.4.3, 5.4.4. The homogenized potential is now given by, cf. (5.4.10), (13.3.37) jh(p) = inf{0-(y,e y (€) + P,Y(Z,v))\
t € LDpeT(Y),ve
Mathematical complements, homogenization of functionals with linear growth
where p e E j . We observe that (13.3.37) involves the gradient V y while in (13.4.14) we have 7 s . The limit functional has now the following form
* H = Jki
where w € HB(Q) and w = WQ. Obviously this functional describes a thin Kirchhoff plate made of the elastic perfectly plastic Hencky material. 13.4.3.
On von Karman plates made of Hencky material
For an elastic perfectly plastic von Karman plate with a periodic microstructure, the macro scopic potential has been defined by (13.3.43). On the other hand, the sequence of func tionals
[j \-,E{u,w),K(w)]dx \ l l £ l
i f u e L D ( f i ) , w e W^Hfi), (13.4.16)
_ +oo if u G L (n) \LD{n), w^wxw^in), is a sequence of functionals nonconvex in w, where the strain measure E(u,w) is given by (4.1.17). Fortunately, the local (microscopic) potential j(y, ■, •) is still a convex function on E^ x E3 for each y e Y. The Dirichlet boundary conditions are given by (13.4.1) and u = tt 0
where M0 £ Ll(T)2. Similarly to (13.4.10), (13.4.17) is to be understood in the sense of the trace of u on T. The homogenized potential is given by (13.3.43) and the limit functional has now the following form *(u,«;) = Jh{u,w)
+ A hoo [T(«o - u),f(Wl
- ^)]dT ,
r where u e BD(fi), w e HB(Q), w = w0 on T and Jh(u,w) = JJh(E(u,w),K{w)).
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
14. Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments This section is concerned with elastic perfectly plastic plates provided that loading is dis tributed over Q and a part Tj of the boundary. We assume that T = r 0 U Ti, To fl Tx = 0 . As we know from the previous section, the T-limit comprises an integral over r 0 where the Dirichlet boundary conditions are prescribed. In the case of plastic plates made of Hencky material and loaded along r 0 the limit (homogenized) functional may also contain an integral defined over IV For instance, if a plastic Kirchhoff plate is loaded by bound ary bending moments then the strength of the boundary of the homogenized plate may be weaker than that strength which follows from the bulk properties of this plate. The present section deals mainly with plastic Kirchhoff plates, though moderately thick and von Karman plates will also be briefly discussed. Moreover, in Sec. 14.2 three models of thin plastic plates will be investigated, similarly to the approach of Sec. 2.10. 14.1. Thin Kirchhoffplates loaded by boundary forces and moments As previously, we assume that r = dU = T0 U Tx, T0 n I^ = 0 . The length of T0 is positive. On To the plate is clamped. The loading functional is assumed in the form
L(w) = L,H + JQ°wdT - jK^dT
= L2(w) - j M^dT ,
where Lx{w) = (b,w)^n]xcm
L2{w) = L^w) + fQ°wdT .
(14.1.2) (14.1.3)
Here Q° e i 0 0 ^ ) , M° € Cop!) and b 6 M(H) = [C(Q)}'. Since b e M(fi), there fore concentrated transverse forces are not excluded. The continuity of the imbedding HB(Q) C C(fi) implies that the linear form (14.1.2) is continuous on HB(fl) and conse quently also weak-* continuous. The functional L2> given by (14.1.3), is weakly-* continuous. The trace operator map ping HB(Q) (or W2,1(Q.)) onto L1^) is continuous in the strong topologies, but not in the weak-* topology of HB(Q). Consequently, the functional L is not weakly-* continuous. Assume now that the plate, being subject to the loading (14.1.1), is a plastic plate with an ey-periodic structure. Let us pass to the formulation of dual extremum principles. To this end we introduce the set £o of kinematically admissible fields
fc0 = {we iy2'1(n)|w = o, — = o , onr 0 }.
For a given load multiplier A, to be precised below in Lemma 14.1.1, the kinematical prin ciple is formulated as follows:
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Problem (P£) Find inf{
- , K(W(X))
dx - XL(w)\ w G /C0}
As usual, the dual problem can be derived by using Rockafellar's theory of duality. Problem {Pcx)m Find
snp{- J J' (^,M(x))
dx\ M e SI}
The set Sx of statically admissible fields lying within the yield locus C ( - ) is given by Scx = {MeL°°{{l,Es2)\Ma0i0a Mn = XM°,
+ \b = O,
Q = XQ° ,
Here Q is the effective shear force. More precisely, instead of Q and Mn we should use trace operators, say 6D and 61, cf. Sec. 13.1. In general, we have bo{M) G [7o(W2,1(^))]*> 61 ( M ) G L°°(r 1 ), provided that M G { M G L°°(Q, E*)| M 0 " , ^ G Ll{Q)}. Particular ly, if M € C2{Q, Es2) then Q = M * % n Q + ^-{Mal3n3ta) as
, on T,
Mn = M nQnp ,
Here t is the tangent unit vector and s denotes a curvi-linear abscissa on T measured posi tively in the direction t. We now pass to limit analysis problems. Problem P[A Find
rf{ /joo ( f ,K(1>(*))) <&| " 6 £0, L(«) = 1} Problem {PCLAY Find
sup{A(M)| M G SI) We recall that v occurring in the problem (P[A) stands for a velocity field. As in the case of homogeneous plates we have the following result. Lemma 14.1.1. The following conditions are equivalent: (i) infPJ =sup(P£)* > - c o .
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
(ii) 5 J ^ 0 . (iii) X = inlP[A = sup(P[Ay > \.
Let us set
L(w,fi) = L2(w) - JM°d(i,
where we HB(Q),n€ M 1 ^ ) . We can now formulate relaxed problems. Problem RPex Find in
'> (!■■*->) + /-(f' f (-£)) ff+ /*• (!■' ("" s H ) n
_ r0 r! -AL(u>,/i)|ii;e#fl(fi), / i e M'(ri) , w = 0 o n r 0 } . Problem {RPCLA Find
v = 0 on r 0 } . It can be shown that (Pf)« = (RPD', (PL,)* = (flFLJ*, inf/^ = sup(PJ)* = s\ip(RPtY = min RPl , and similarly for the limit analysis problems. Consequently, we conclude that the problems RPx and RP[A attain their infima in the space HB(Q) x M1 (Fi). Thus we have A£ = inf P[A = min RP[A .
The proof follows by the same method as in the case of homogeneous plates. Homogenization dw dv We are now in a position to find the effective plate model. We recall that -r- or -r— are
elements of the space £'(Fi). Moreover, bounded sequences in ^(Ti) contain weakly-* convergent subsequences with limits in M 1 ^ ) , in general.
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Consider a sequence of functionals defined by dx , *>.")= <"
if w € W2'1^) and w = 0 on T0,
d s = M
otherwise. 1
The functional L defined on HB{Vt) x M (T) by (14.1.7) is continuous in the weak-* topol ogy of this space. Similarly, the set {(v, /z) G HB(Q) x M'(ri)| L(v,fi) = 1, v = 0 on T0} is sequentially weakly-* closed in HB{Q.) x M'(r). Since the embedding of HB(£l) into W 1 , 1 ^) is compact therefore it suffices tofindthe T-limit of the sequence {$£}e>o in the topology T = (s - VKu(fi)) x ( weak-* - M 1 ^!)). Obviously, the functional L then plays the role of a continuous perturbation functional. We set S(Q) = {M G L°°(Sl,Es2)\ divdivM G L\£l) , Mn G C0(Ti)} , Sx{b, Q°, M°) = {M £ S(fi)| div divM + Xb = 0 in Q; Q = \Q\ Mn = AM°onr 1 } ! where b G Ll{ty, Q° G L°°(ri), M° G C 0 (rO. The space S{Sl) is equipped with the following topology denoted by TS (MC-^M in L°°(fi, E*) weak-* , M £ ^ M iff I div divM£ ->• div divM in Ll (fi) weakly , [ {Mfnann)Wi -> Mn,ri in C 0 (r,) strongly . If the loading 6 G M(f2) is admissible then we assume that div divM£ -> div divM in M(fi) weak-*. Let us define the set S£ = {M e «S(fi)| M(x) e Cc{x) , a.e. xefy
and make the following assumption:^ (A) SE convergences to a closed set S in Kuratowski's sense for the topology TS on S(Q).
a For every s G r\ we define Cb{s) = closure {Ma0no{s)n0{s)\ M G S} . Obviously, Cb is a lower semicontinuous multivalued mapping with convex and closed val ues. The main result of the present section is now formulated as the following theorem. Theorem 14.1.2. The T -limit of {$ £ } £>0 is given by
*h(u/,AO= fjh(K(w)) + Jjhx\T(-^j)ds n
+ Jdb(s,^--^dsj fi
, (14.1.10)
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
where w 6 HB(£l), / i f M ( r i ) and db is the l.s.c, convex and positively homogeneous of degree-one function defined as follows db(s,a) = Icb{s)(-a)
Prior to passing to the proof we shall provide some auxiliary results. Corollary 14.1.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 14.1.2 we have HmA£ = A \
where A' is defined by (14.1.8) and Xh = mm{$hoo(v,n)\
v € HB(n),-y0w
= 0
onTo ,/i e M 1 ^ ) , 2(u,/i) = 1} .
Here $hoo has the form (14.1.10) with j h being replaced by jh<x. In fact, (14.1.11) is a straightforward consequence of Theorem 14.1.2, the aforemen tioned continuity of L and of the continuity of the trace operator 7 0 . □ We are going to show that Ah = min(A£,A£),
£ = mf{JjHco«v)) + Jjhoo (? ( - 1 £ ) ) M v e w2'\n), r0
v = 0onT0,
L(v) = l} ,
\hb = mf{J db(s,»)\ Ji^nd„ = i,peM 1 (r 1 )} = sup{A| AM°(s) G Cb(s) for every s € Tj} .
Indeed, we may write Xh =
min {min **«,(«, AOI /i € MfTi),
/ A * X = - 1 + /todx + j
ri r
"ir0=° =
min { v
jhco(K(v))+ fi
Let us set jbvdx + jqPvds n
db(s,n r,
- 1 = £(b, Q°,v) .
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
By using the definition of d(,(-, •) we obtain in({Jd^fi
- ^ds)\
fi e M ' O U y V n % = C(b,Q°,v)} = A?|l - L(v)\ ,
r where A£ = sup{A| AM°(s) e Cb(s) for each s e I\} . Here L(v) is given by (14.1.1). Consequently
A" = in{{JJhoo(K(v)) + JJhoo (f ( - ^ ) ) *» n r0 + A£|l-L(v)|| 0
t e R - Jjhao(K(tv)) + J]haa U ( - ^ ) )
+ A "I 1 - L ( i v )l
is piecewise affine, decreasing for t < 0 and increasing for t > \/L{v). We pass to the second auxiliary result. Lemma 14.1.4. Let a sequence {Mc}c>0 topology TS as e —> 0. Then
C <S(fi) be convergent to M € <S(fi) in the
0) lim inf f f (-,Me{xj)
dx > I'j'h(M{x))dx .
(ii) If M £ belongs to <Se then M belongs to 571 = {M e S(fi)| M(x) 6 Ch a.e. T e fi} .
Proof. Let {ftj}i6i be a finite family of disjoint, sufficiently regular open subsets of fi such that meas (Q\ U il() = 0. For instance, f^ may be a domain with the uniform C2 regularity property, except possibly at a finite number of points of 9fij. We set p W = Exn.(x)p , )
Elasuc-perfectly plastic plates
Applying Theorem 13.3.2 to each open setfi<(the local character of r-limit), we conclude the existence of a sequence {u£}e>o C //£?(fl,) such that: wl = 0 and
- ^ = 0 on d£U , an
j ( - , p* + K(W'£))
Hence, for vf = £ ) xn,ix)w\ we = 0 and
lim< = 0 e—o dx =
we nave
lim wc = 0 in i V ' ^ f i . ) , £—o
- — = 0 on dfi , an
lim / j ( - , p(x) + K ( W £ ) J dx = / jh{p{x))dx
For a sequence { M £ } £ > 0 C <S(fl) rs-converging to M Fenchel's inequality gives: A * (-,Mc(x))
dx > !MC{X)
: [p(x) + n{wc(x))}dx
n - 3
( j , p { x ) + K(WC(X))J
dx .
a Hence limjnf Jj* ( j , A f e ( i ) ) dx > /"[M(x) : p{x) - jh(p(x))]dx
since lim / Af £ (x) : n(wc(x))dx e-0j
= - lim / (div divM £ )u/(x)dx = 0 . e-OJ
We recall that we € C(fi). Piecewise constant functions of the form (14.1.17) are dense in Z,'(fi, E^). Taking the supremum on the r.h.s. of (14.1.18) and using Rockafellar's Theorem 1.2.33 we get lim inf
j ' f-,M£(x))dx n
> s u p { | [ M ( x ) : p(x) - h{p{x))\dx
| p e L>(n, E*)}
n = / s u p [ M ( x ) : p-jh{p)]dx= and thus (i) is proved.
I j*h{M{x))dx
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
To prove (ii) we observe that if Me e <Se then the left hand side of (4.1.15) is finite and consequently M{x) £ Ch for a.e. x 6 fi. We recall that Ch = dom j | | . The proof of the lemma is complete. □ Proof of Theorem 14.1.2. It will be divided into two parts. I. First it will be shown that T(r) - l i m inf$ £ > $ h . e—»0
Obviously, it suffices to prove that lim inf <J>£ > $h . t—»o
Since the role of Theorem 14.1.2 is to reveal the influence of T i therefore, to simplify the proof we assume that r 0 = 0 or 1^ = dQ. Take a sequence {u>£, //} £ >o C W1'1 (fi) x M 1 (d£l) converging to (w, /i) in the topology r, and such that $ £ (w £ ,p c ) < const. ow£ e W 21 (f2) and /z£ = -^—ds. Since the sequence {ui£}£>o is bounded in on IV2'1 (ft) and the imbedding of W M (ft) into W2A{0.) is compact, therefore
Hence vf
\imwe = w lim ——ds = u e-o dn
W 1 , 1 ^ ) strongly ,
in in
M 1 (5ft) weak-* .
Now let M be an element of S and {M £ } c > o C <S£ a sequence TS - converging to M. From Sec. 13.2 we know that ££ = M€ : K(WC) is a measure on Q. defined as follows (£e,
(Vw£ ® Vp)dx + / wcMe : (VVi^)di,
n (14.1.19)
for all ip e D(Q). We recall that K Q ^(W) = -w,a/?- Hence lim(££,
ipw div divM + 2 / M : (Vw ® V
+ / t » M : (VV^)dx .
The r.h.s. of (14.1.20) defines a measure £ = M : K(W) and ££ —*• £ in M'(ft) weak-* when e —> 0. We set
n^^efildist^.an) ><5},
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Then limf {Q6) =£(&) ,
for 6 outside at most a countable set (on d(fi?) the measures may have atoms, the set of such 8 - is at most countable). Let us take such a 5. We may write fj(^,K{we))dx=fj(^,K(wc))dx+ n n'
j j(^,K(wc))dx. n\n*
On account of Theorem 13.3.2 we have lira fj (^,«(«/)) dx > fjh(K(w)) . ns n<
j j (^«(^)) dx > j J,. (j,"«)) dx - K\Q\ns\ n\n*
n\n* > J M £ : K,(we)dx - K\Q\ns\ ,
where K is a strictly positive constant such that j'(y, p') < K
for every p* in C(y).
In (14.1.24) the following estimate of the recession function j ^ is used: 3oo(y,p)<J(y,p)
+ K,
which results from (14.1.25). Indeed, we may write j*(y,p')-K<0
rc{v){p) = My,P)
< (f(y, •) - K)'(P) = j(y,P) + K,
for ever p E E^. We can now return to (14.1.24). Generalized Green's formula yields, cf. Sec. 13.1 / Me : n(wc)dx = — we div divM£dx n n + (bo{Mc)
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
We recall that for M € C2{U, Bs2) : 6o(Af) = Q = Ma0,0na
+ —{Ma0n0Ta)
&,(M) = M n = Ma0nan0
To simplify the notation we shall also write Q, Mn in the case studied, where M £ 5 ( 0 ) . Passing to the limit in (14.1.27) we obtain lim / Me : K(we)dx = - / wdiv dwMdx n n Taking into account (14.1.21) we get
+ / Qwds - / Mndn . (14.1.28) an an
lim I Mc : n{w£)dx = JM : K(W) .
By virtue of (14.1.28) and (14.1.29) we obtain lim / M£ : K(w€)dx = - / wdiy divMdrr + / Qwds - I Mnd/j. - I M : n(w). n\n 4 n an an & Now (14.1.22) - (14.1.24) and the last relation yield lim inf $ £ (io £ ,|i E ) > jh(n(w)) Qi
- / wdiv divMdx + Qwds n an
- f Mndfi - JM : K{W) - K\Q\ns\ . an nJ Let now 5 tend to zero. Applying the formula (13.1.27) with ^ > = l w e arrive at limjnf * e (iu e ,/i e ) >
+ JMn(~(d^ an
Taking the supremum on the r.h.s. with respect to M e 5 and assuming for the moment that sup{ / M „ ( - ( ^ - ^ds))\ J an an
M e 5} = / sup [a(-(dn - ~ds))\ J o€ q, (s ) dn an
= Jdb(s^-^ds), (14.1.30) an we complete the first part of the proof. Thus it remains to show Eq. (14.1.30). To this end, it suffices to prove that the set §b = {h(M)
\ M e §} ,
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
is C£°-stable, cf. Sec. 13.2. It means that for a partition of unity (ao,... ,an), at £ n
C°°(dfl,[0,1]), Y2ai(s) ~
1 f° r e a c n
S e
d^< and f° r e a c n fin'te family of functions
A/i e 5j (i = 0,..., n), the function A/ = f^a i M j , «=o
is also an element of «Sj. Indeed, by definition of <Sj we conclude that there exists a family of functions Mt (i = 0,... ,n) in <S such that
Y^Pt = 1 w'th Po £ D(fi). We choose a, (i = 1,..., n) as a restriction of A
at = Bi _
J = 1,..., n .
The function »o is a restriction of BQ extended by zero to f2, i.e. Qo = 0 on dfi. We have thus constructed a partition of unity Bi (i = 0,..., n) on Q, where Bi = fa for i = 1,..., n, and B0 is the aforementioned extension of Bo. It is clear that the function
M = EfrMi, t=0
satisfies the condition: M = Mn = 6i (M) = Ma0nanp on dfl. It remains to prove that M is an element of S . According to the definition^ «S, each M* can be approximated in the topology TS by a sequence M\ of elements of Sc. Let
Having in mind the regularity of Bi and convexity of C I - J we conclude that Me € S* and that M E converges to M in the topology TS ■ Thus M belongs to <S and the set Sb defined by (14.1.31) is Cc°°-stable. Remark 14.1.5. An alternative form of Theorem 14.1.2 will be more suitable in proving its second part. Let us set L(w,tf,iJ.) = Li{w)+
fhCdfi, r,
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
K ( W ( I ) ) ) dx if we
* £ (IM,AO = -
509 W2'\n)
, w = 0 on TQ ,
dw w = v and 7— = ji on otherwise.
T\ ;
Next, we introduce the following topology: T<, = {S- W u ( f i ) ) x (s - L 1 ^ ) ) ) x (weak-* - M 1 ^ ) ) and the topology TQ on the space <S(fi) :
' M£ ^ M in L°°(fi, E£) weak-* , div divM £ —>• div divM in L1 (fl) weakly , -A M iff I 0 0 Q^QinL ^,) weak-* 0 -» M n in C 0 (ri) strongly , k M? nan0
where Qc = bo(M £ ), Q = h{M). Now the sets S and C(,(s) are to be understood in the sense of the topology TQ. Let us formulate the relevant homogenization theorem. Theorem 14.1.6. The sequence of functionals {'I'£}£>o is T(T#) - convergent to ($h(w,iJ,) * h (w,i»,/x) = +00
if w e HB{fl) , w = 0 o n r 0 , w = 0onT1, neM1^); otherwise,
where the limit functional $/, is given by (14.1.10).
The proof of the first part runs as before. Therefore we now turn to the second part of the proof. It is worth noting that for w = d on Ti, the functionals */, and $ h coincide. Also, we recall that HB(Q) is continuously embedded into LX(Q). Therefore we introduce the following topology TOC = (weak-* - L°°(f2)) x {s-Ll{Ti))x
(weak-* - M 1 ^ ) ) •
II. We pass to proving that r(7jj) - lim s u p * £ < * h . £—0
Primarily, however, the conjugate functionals ty* and Vh will be derived. Lemma 14.1.7. In the duality between L°°(fi) x L 1 ^ ) x M 1 ^ ) and L ' ( " ) x L°°(^\) * Co(ri) we have y'e(b,Q0,M°)
= inf{ fj'
( ^ , M ( x ) ) dx -
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
+ fMnWlds\
inf{ Jl(M(x))dx - / Qw0ds n r0 + JMnw,ds
*;(&,Q°,AO = < +co
| M € S(b, Q°, M°)}
if (-Mn(s)) e Cf,(s) for each s e Ti ; otherwise.
Proof. Let us take (b, Q°, M°) in L'(fi) x L°°(ri) x C o ^ ) . We find *;(&, g°, M°) = sup{ fbwdx + /Q°IMS + fM^dfi - *c(w,tf,M) n ri r,
IKrf.Mjei-^xL'fTOxMHri)} = - inf{ fj (-,«(w)) cte [Q0MS n ri
According to the theory of duality outlined in Sec. 1.2.5 we set G(Aw) = fj (^,Aw)dx, F{w,d,v) = -£(«;, 0,/x) , n Aw = K(W) , A : W2'\n) -» L\Q, E2S) . Here £(u, #>/*) = fbwdx + JQ0Msn
I M^dfj,. Ti
Hence {M, Aiy)Loo(nE.)xLi(fiE2) = n
M : n(w)dx = — I wdivdivMdx n
+ JQwds - f^n^ds an an
= (A'M, w) ,
and consequently A'M = I
—div divAf Q
in Q , on dQ, (w) , )
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Next we find (-£)*(-A*M) = sup{(-A*M, w) + fbwdx+ [Q°MS - f M°dfi n r, r, | w e W2A(ti) , w = u>0 and -z- = wi, on r 0 } an - / Qw0ds + / Mnwids , if div divM = 0 in Q, Q = Q° and Mn = M° on Vi , TO
w = ■d and — = /i on Ti ; on .+00 otherwise. Further we have, cf. the formula (1.2.31)
G'{M) = If ( - , M ( i ) ) dx,
Me L°°{n,EJ).
n Finally, from (14.1.37) and (14.1.38) we obtain (14.1.35). We proceed now to proving (14.1.36). Since the functional $/, is defined on the nonreflexive space HB(Cl) x Ltfix) x M 1 ^ ) , therefore to avoid difficulties in applying the theory of duality, we introduce the following functional: ^ '
\ +00
We assert that 0 and */, have the same dual functions. More precisely, it will be shown that their l.s.c. regularized functional in L°° (Q) x L'(Fi) x M 1 ^ ) coincide. First, suppose that 0 > * h . According to the definition of the lower semicontinuous regularization of a functional, cf. Sec. 1.2.1, we have 0 > ^ > */, and consequently 0 > *h- Here 0 denotes the l.s.c. regularization of 0. We shall prove now the reverse inequality: 0 < */,. To this end, for any (w,d,/j.) 6 HB(tt) x L^ri) x M 1 ^ ) withu; = d on Ti we consider a sequence {wc,dc,nc}c>a C W2'\Q) x L\Y{) x L\T{) such that: (a) vf->w
wc = w on T0 , wc = ve dc — d in Ll{Tx)
as e -+ 0 ,
ase-»0, dwc dw „^ on T^ , —— = —— on oil, on on lim Ijh{K{uf))dx = f jh(K{w)) . n n
Particularly, we may take w' = tf£ = w also on Ti. (b) Hc —»• n in M^ri)
weak-* as e —» 0 ,
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
512 lim / db(s, ne - —)ds= ri
/ db(s, fi - Tr-ds) . n
The existence of sequences {w }£>0, sequence {wc, &, //} £ >o w e have:
{n }e>o follows from Sec. 13.1. For this particular
and consequently 8 < *h. We will now compute 9*. For (6, Q°, M°) in Ll{Q) x L°°{Tx) x C o ^ ) we find: 9-(6, g ° , M°) = sup{y(bw - MK(w)))dx
+ jQ°dds
j[M°J r,
j£)]ds\ {w,d,o) e w2-\n) x L'(r,) x c 0 (r,), w = w 0 o n r 0 , w = t?onTi} .
Let us fix w and d and calculate the supremum in 6. By using Rockafellar's Theorem 1.2.33 we obtain
suP{ J\M°ne - db(s,e - ^)}ds\ e e L'rr,)} = Jsup[M°(*)a
- 4(5, a - g ) ] d s = |
ri ° ' [M^^ds dn = - J +oo
( M ° ^ + W ~ M ° ) ) rf5
r, if ( - M ° ( s ) ) 6 Cb(s), for every s e r , , (14.1.41) otherwise.
The proof of (14.1.36) follows now immediately from (14.1.40) and (14.1.41) by applying Rockafellar's theory of duality. □ To complete the proof of Theorem 14.1.2 we have to show that T(r tf ) - lim s u p * E < * h .
To show that (14.1.42) really holds it suffices to establish the following inequality: T(T* ) - lim inf * ' > * ! ,
where r ^ = (w - L'(fi)) x (w' - L00^)) x (s - C 0 ( r i ) ) . Indeed, let (w,d,(j.) € HB(Q.) x L ' ( r i ) x Ivl^ri), w = ti on Tj and assume that a sequence {iw e ,!? e ,^} E > 0 C
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
W2''(fi) x L ^ i ) x L^ri), tu* = & on Ti, converges to (w,tf,/z)in the topology rtf and is such that lim sup* £ (w £ ,^ £ ,^) < tfh(u>, #,/*).
Take now a sequence {6£, Q?, M £ } £ > 0 in L 1 (n)xL oo (r 1 )xC 0 (r 1 ) convergent to (6,Q°, M°) in r^. Fenchel's transformation yields: * £ (6 £ ,Q £ ,M £ )> fbewcdx + /"(Q£i?£ + M £ ^ ) d s - * £ ( w £ , ^ £ , ^ ) . Hence lim inf tf^.Q*, Mc) > lim inf{ fb'w'dx + ({fftf n r, -lim s u p t f ^ . t f ' , ^ ) .
+ M£6c)ds}
By using (14.1.44) we obtain limjnf *:(6 £ , Q£, M£) > /"friodi + f{Q°d + M°)ds - tfh(tu, tf, /i). n ri The last inequality being valid for each (to, #, /x) with w = -d on Y\, we arrive at the desired conclusion or (14.1.43). Let{b £ ,Q £ ,M £ } £>0 C L1 (ft) x L°° (rj) x C0 (I\) be a sequence convergent to {b, Q°,M°) in the topology r^, and such that lim inf#*(6£,Q£,M£) < +oo . e—»0
By Lemma 14.1.7, there exists a sequence {M £ } £ > 0 in S(fi) such that: (i) Mt G S{tf, <5£, M£), thus M££SC, (i>)
**(6£,Q£,M£) > [j'(-,Mc{x))dx-
I'M€wxds - e .
The condition (13.3.4) implies j'(y,p')
ifp'GB(0,fc 2 ), ifp*€B(0,fc 3 ),
where B(0, k) C Es2 is a ball with a radius it. By virtue of (14.1.45) and (14.1.46), the sequence {MC}E>0 is bounded in L°°(n, Ej); more precisely it belongs to S(bF, Q*, M£) (~l
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Se. Consequently, it contains a rg - convergent subsequence, say {Af£<}£/>0. Its limit is denoted by M. Obviously M is an element of S{b, Q°, M°) n S. Then we find Qewods =
lim To
Qw0ds ,
lim / Mcw\ds = / Mnw\ds .
Applying Lemma 14.1.4, combining it with (14.1.45) and (14.1.47) we get limjnf
and thus the inequality (14.1.42) is established. The proof of Theorem 14.1.2 is complete.
□ The assumption (A): some comments The reader is certainly aware that the determination of the set Ct,{x) is not a simple problem. Therefore one may ask whether it is possible tofindan estimate of this set. In some cases at least the answer is positive. Indeed, the limit in Kuratowski's sense in the strong topology ofC 0 (ri)ofthesets S\ = {Ma0nan0iri\
M e Sc} ,
can sometimes be either determined or estimated. By using Theorem 13.2.11 withy^ = ds, O = Ti.p = 1, we conclude that if Sei strongly converges in Kuratowski's sense in Co(ri) to5i, then
sl = {iP€C0(rl),\ip(x)eC(x) v i e r , } , where C(x) is a l.s.c. multivalued mapping with closed convex values. An explicit formula for C(x) follows from Proposition 13.2.12 provided that the plate is made of two materials with strength domains C\ and Ci. More precisely, let us define:
nj = {i6n|c(-)=c 1 }, 4, = n;nri. According to the aforementioned proposition we assume that \dAc\ = 0 ,
int Ac -> A ,
int (T^Ae) -+ B .
Then A and B are closed and
C2t(x) n Ci6(i)
where Cab(x) = (Can(x)) ■ n(x), a = 1,2. Next, we introduce C6h(x) = closure {Ma0na(x)n0{x) ,\M e§h} h where S is defined by (14.1.16). The following lemma confirms an intuitive fact.
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Lemma 14.1.8. Let Q c R2 be bounded and of class C2. Assume that div divM is in L2(fi). Then C£(x) = {Chn{x)) ■ n{x)
for every x e I\ .
Proof. The inclusion (Chn(x))-n(x)cC£(x) follows immediately. Indeed, if M is in (Chn(x)) ■ n(x) for one x e Ti, there exists p* in Ch such that M = (p'n{x)) ■ n(x). The constant field M(x) = p* belongs to Sh and consequently (p'n(x)) ■ n(x) is in C£{x). To prove the reverse inclusion we extend Lemma 13.1.5. In our case we have the following characterization of (Mn) ■ n on dQ. at every Lebesgue point of (Mn) ■ n : (Mn(x)) ■ n(x) = lim lim
(M(€)n(i)) • n ( x ) # ,
where Qr,p{x, n(x)) = {£- tn{x)\ \£ - x\ < p , 0 < t < r} . Consequently (Mn(x)) ■ n(x) is in (Chn(x)) ■ n(x) for a.e. x in 3fi provided that M(£) belongs to Ch for a.e. ^ in Q. Moreover, for M being an element of SK, the continuity of both (Mn(x))-n(x) and of the multivalued mapping (Chn(x))-n(x) imply that (Mn(x))n(x) is in (Chn(x)) ■ n(x) for every x 6 IY Thus (Chn(x)) ■ n(x) contains {(Mn(x)) ■ n(x)\ M 6 Sh}. The set (Chn(x)) ■ n(x) is closed and therefore C£(x) is contained in it and the proof is complete. D The sets Cb(x),C£(x) and C(x) are interrelated according to the following proposition. Proposition 14.1.9. Under the above assumptions: (i) [(Cj 0 C2)n(x)} ■ n(x) C Cb(x) C C(x) n C6"(x) . (ii)
4(x, a) < jhoo(-an{x)
® n(x)) .
Proof. The first inclusion in (i) is evident. To prove the second inclusion we take M G Ct,(x) and M' = r)M with 0 < 77 < 1. One can find tp in C^Tx) such that
in C0{Ti) strongly .
Thus f(x) = (Mn(x)) • n(x) G C(x) for every x in 1^ and M' belongs to C(x). Let now r] —> 1~. In this manner the conclusion is extended to M and (i) follows. Now (ii)
Elasuc-perfectly plastic plates
is a direct consequence of the second inclusion in (i) and the definition of <4(x, •). This completes the proof. □ Remark 14.1.10. In the specific case when C\ C C2 we obtain: C\,{x) = (C\n{x)) ■ n(x) for every x in B. On B the strength of the boundary is governed by the strength of the weakest material. 14.2.
Three models of thin, transversely inhomogeneous and anisotropic plates with constant thickness
In Sec. 2.10 three models of thin linear elastic plates were justified by the T-convergence method. The present section is devoted to similar problems provided that the plate is made of Hencky material. As we already know from the Sec. 14.1, Hencky's plasticity leads to the study of functional with linear growth and homogenization procedure involves relax ation of at least some of boundary conditions. Moreover, the loading functional influences the choice of functional spaces. 14.2.1. Basic relations A thin three-dimensional domain Be and its boundary have been introduced in Sec. 2.10.1. In this section we set c = 1. Now only the loading is rescaled, but not the elastic moduli. The complementary elasto-plastic potential is assumed in the following form
£(*,*) = f ( f A * ) = ^ « (T,T)ff°ff" + / c (¥. ! ?) ( < r ) '
(14>2 1)
where a is the three-dimensional stress tensor and x 6 Be. From now on we omit the su perscripts x and z, because it will be evident to which independent variables the quantities like strains are referred to. Within the framework of Hencky plasticity the constitutive relationship is assumed in the subdifferential form eij = efj + e?j = cijHakl + e?j,
where e"' € dlc^
The elasticity convex C I —, — J is a closed and convex set in E3. We assume that there exist constants kQ,ki, such that 0 < ko < k\ < +00 and satisfying {a e E°3: H < ko] C C ( ^ , ^ ) C {cr € E^ : \a\ < fc,} ,
for every x € Be. 1
Let a =
<5y°'y> anc ' °D is the stress deviator. For
plastically incompressible isotropic materials the yield condition does not depend on tr a.
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Particularly, in the case of the Huber-Mises-Hencky yield condition we have C ( ^ , ^ ) = {
For isotropic materials we have co = a.i{tra)I
+ a2(To ,
where a\ = (1 — 2i/)/3E, a 2 = (1 4- v)jE\ here v denotes Poisson's ratio and, as usual, E is Young's modulus. The yield limit in pure shear T0 (—, — ) is now £Y-periodic, where V £ e / the basic cell Y is two-dimensional. The elasto-plastic potential j I —, —, e J is found to be given by, cf. Eq. (13.3.3) 3 ( y , °j,e)
= sup{
a G Es3} ,
where e G E 3 . This function is a convex normal integrand and possesses the following property 3k3>k2>0,
+ \e\),
for each ( x , e ) G Be x E3, ; moreover j t t (a;,0) = 0. To prove (14.2.8) it is sufficient to use (14.2.4). For plastically incompressible materials the analogous condition takes the form: 3 k2, k3, fc4, fc5 > 0 ,
such that
k4(tr e) 2 + fc2(|eD| - 1) < j„(x, e) < k5(tr e) 2 + fc3(|eD| + 1) ,
where eD is the deviator of e G E 3 . - , —, • I of j ( - , —, J is now defined by, cf. Eq. (13.3.5), 3oo
( p ^ , e ) = sup{<7 : e | a £ C ( p ^ ) } ,
where, as previously x = {xa). It satisfies the condition: 3fc7>A*>0,
for each (x, e) G Be x E 3 . The plate is subject to body forces b = (&') = (6*, e6|), where 6 £ (x) = b(xa,x3/e), b G L°°(B) 3 and to tractions s± = (eff5, e 2 g|), where g e L°°(ft)3. The minimum principle describing the equilibrium of the body Be means evaluating (P«)
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
where Le{u)
= fb(x)
■ u(x)dx + fgl
■ udT .
We observe that the scaling of loading is now different from the one performed in Sec. 2.10. The stress problem means evaluating (PL)
s u p { - ^ y c, jH ( ^ )
a € S<(Be)}
where S'(Be)
L2(Be, E5)| a{x) € C g , ^ ) a.e. x e Be ,
= {ae
div a + b = 0 in Be , an = ge± on Te±} .
In general, the problem P M has no solution. From the mechanical point of view, plastic hinges can appear. Consequently, the space Hl(Be)3 is "too small" to allow for a solution. Also, the loading cannot be arbitrary. Let us formulate the limit analysis problems. Their variational forms are formulated as follows: (P«LX)
( f . 7 . e ( w ) ) dx\ L(v) = 1, » 6 Hl{Be)\v
A := infljjc
sup{A| a E Sl(Be)}
= 0 on T e } ,
where Sl(Be)
= {ae
L2(Be, EJ)| a e C ( | , ^ )
a.e. x €
div a + Xb = 0 in Be , an = Xge± on 1^} .
Be, (14.2.14)
Here A > 0 is the load multiplier and n denotes the outward unit normal vector to the boundary. In the problem (PecLA) v denotes a velocity field. For plastically incompressible materials divw = 0 and consequently e(v) = eD(v). Replacing Le(u) by XLe(u) in (P M ), the corresponding extremum problem is denoted by (P<£). We have the following characterization. Lemma 14.2.1. The following conditions are equivalent: (i)
inff£ = s u p ( f £ ) ' > - o o .
( 0 - empty set).
~\ = \nf PULA > \ .
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
We observe that if A = 1, then P£ = PK and the condition (iii) becomes infPeeiA>l.
Our first aim is to pass with e to zero provided that the second small parameter or e is fixed. We assume the following hypothesis: there exists an a > A such that inf P^LA > a for all e e {1/n, n £ N , n > 2} . (14.2.16) The problem P M is relaxed to: (RP„)
mi{J3ee(x,e(u)) B€
+ Jjx
( ^ , ^ , - T ( 5 ) ) dS - Le(u)\ u €
where T y ( u ) = (u ® n)3. For plastically incompressible materials the infimum is to be taken over u G U(Be) with t i n = 0 o n T = r x ( - e , e), where U[Be) = {u € BD{Be)\ div u e L2(Be)}
Moreover, T(«) is to be replaced by T ^ S ) . The following theorem holds. Theorem 14.2.2. (i) (ii)
inf F M = inf RP^. P^ and RPeE have the same dual problem P^..
(iii) Under the hypothesis (14.2.16), each problem RPee possesses a solution uc and P^\ has a unique solution at . Moreover, we have ||U £ ||BD(B,) < constant (||2 £ ||I/(B«) < con stant for plastically incompressible materials) and ||? e ||t J (B e ,E5) < constant. □ Similar to Sec. 2.10 we now pass to the change of variables so that the e-dependence is changed from the integration region to the integrand. To this end we introduce a mapping Fe : Ft3 — Ft3 defined by, cf. (2.10.2) Fe{za,z3)
= {za,ez3)
= {xa,x3),
To a function h(z) defined on B corresponds the function h on Be : h{x) = h{F-e{x))
= h(xa,x3/e)
where x e Be and F~e = {Fe)~\ Then, for stresses a = (a'j) £ L2(Be, E3) we set (r = C ! o ? o f ,
where O e is given by (2.10.15). Thus a € L2{B, E3). We recall that Q" e is also a continuous mapping from E3 to E3, though Q° does not exist; here (Q c ) _ 1 = Q _ c .
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
For a function u € Hl{Bef (resp. BD(B) or f/ e (B)) by
(resp. BD(Be)
or U{Be)) we define u -> u € / / ' ( B ) 3
u = FeouoFe.
Here the function space Ue(B) is defined by Ue{B) = {« G L\Bf\
e{u) e M ' ( P , E 3 ), trQ e e(«) e L2{B)} .
Obviously, it is a subspace of BD(B). (14.2.21) are written as
In a more explicit form, the relations (14.2.20) and
u(za, z3) = {uo(z0,ez3),eu3{z0,ez3))
Having performed the change of variables we transform the variational problems (P«), {P£)* and {RPee)to n e w problems posed on the domain B: inf{ f j (-, z3,Qee{ufj
dx - \L(u)\
u e H1(B)3,u
= 0 on T},
( p z3) (Q- e o-)«(Q- e C r) w dx|
(fl/£) B
+ [joo [~£, 23; - Q e T ( u ) ) d S - AL(u)| u e BD{B)}
with obvious modifications in the case of materials incompressible in the plastic range. We recall that z = (za), T = T 1 , while the space Sl(B) is defined by Sl(B)
= {
z 3 ) a.e. z e B, div or + \b = 0 in B,
The loading functional L(u) is now given by L(u) = jb{z)
■ u(z)dz
+ J g±udT
The new variational problems posed on B readily follow by observing that Jj
g , j ; e ( u ) ) dx - L e (u) = e ^ ; ( v 3 ; O e e ( « ) ) d* - L(u)] .
The following theorem interrelates the problems posed on Be with the corresponding ones defined on B in an evident manner.
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Theorem 14.2.3. (u",or K ) is a solution to the problem {RP^^P^) if and only if ( u ^ . ^ a ) = ( F o i a o F , Q « o f f e £ o Fe) is a solution to the problem {RPe£,P^).
□ The hypothesis (14.2.16) is changed to: there exists an a > A such that inf P^LA > a for all e ,
where (PesLA) inf{ jjoo (pz 3 ,Q e e(u)) dz\ v = H\B)\
v = OonT,L(v)
= 1} .
For materials incompressible in the plastic range we add the condition tr Qce(v) = 0. Then in the dissipation density j x appears (Qee(v))D instead of Qee(v). We have the following limit analysis theorem. Theorem 14.2.4. inf P^LA = inf PeeLAProof. It readily follows by noting that joo ( - , z3; • j is positively homogeneous. More precisely, the limit load multiplier A can equivalently be calculated as follows: f Joo{x/e,X3/e,e{v))dx A = inf{^ — \veH\Be)3 L{v) e jx{z/e,z3,Qee{v))dz = inf{—
,v = 0 on T e }
,v = Qon7) .
14.2.2. Derivation of the effective plate model by passing to zero: e — ► 0 and next e —> 0 The passage to the two-dimensional plate model is now obviously more complicated than in the elastic case. We shall point out the main steps of the derivation of the effective two-dimensional model mainly for plates made of Hencky material incompressible in the plastic range. Theorem 14.2.5. Under the hypothesis (14.2.16) and assuming that g± = (0,0, g|) with g'i e Co (ft) we have lim (inf Pec) = inf Pc,
where (Pe) inf{ h\z/e,z3,w{a.g) u={wa-
+ z3Ka0{w)]dz - L{u)}ue
Hl{B)3, ■u = 0onT,
z3W;3,w), {wa) e BD{Q), w 6 HB(Q.)} .
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
The relaxed problem of (14.2.30) is {RPC) inf{ h{z/e,z3,w{a;0)
+ z3Ka0{w)) + J}eoo(za, -Ti(w Q ) + z3T{w))dS
-L(u)\ u€U (B) ,u=
(wa - Z3W.3, w), w = 0 on T} .
Here (Ti(wa))/j7 = ^{w0n^ + wyn0) , nr
1 \
= -g-nan0 ,
U(B) = {u€BD(B)\ei3(u)
= 0}
and j(z/e, 23, c) = }{zje, 23, e) = sup{tr : e - j'{z/e, z3,
where o-0
tro- 0 I
Moreover, if ua is a solution of (RPec), then {uer}e>o is a bounded sequence in BD(B) and any of its subsequences which converges in L1 (B)3 is such that its limit is a solution to (RPe). Proof. The proof will be divided into several steps, cf. Sec. 2.10.2. Step 1. The space BD(B) equipped with the topology of Ll(B)3 satisfies thefirstaxiom of countability. Thus the following limits exist JJu) =
inf (u«)CHl(B)3 u« —u€i'(B) 3
inf (U«)CH'(B)3 u«—uei.i(«)3
lim inf / j( -, z3,Qee(u)) dz e
lim sup / 1'(-, z3)Qee(ix)) dz . e
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
Next one proves that Jc(u)
inf u«-u€L'(B)
lim inf fj 3 B
lim sup I j t-,z3,Qee(u))
inf (u«)cflp<«) U«—uet'lB)3
./ g
. >
For plastically incompressible materials the sequences {wc}e>o belong to U(B). Step 2. One shows that for any u e BD{B)\{u J£{u)
£ BD{B)\ e t3 (u) = 0}
= +oo .
Moreover, for any u = U (B), ifw = (wa, w) e W (Q) is such that u = (wa - z3w.a, w), then cf(\e(wa)\ n
+ \K{W)\) + C{B) < Jc{u) < c' j(\e(wa)\ n
+ \K(W)\) + c'(B),
for some constants c, d > 0 and c, c' G R. Here W (fi) = {{wa,w)\
(wa) e BD(Q),w£
HB(Q)} .
The proof of (14.2.37) is similar to the proof of (2.10.31). It is then not difficult to show that, cf. Lemma 2.10.1, {u£BD{B)\ei3{u)
= 0,i=
1,2,3} = {u\ 3{wa,w) €W> (fl) (14.2.40) such that u = {wa — z3w;a, w)} .
We observe that on W (H) one can define an intermediate topology by, cf. Sec. 13.2, «,wn)->w
L'(fi) 3 ,
/ ( | e « ) | + | / c K ) | ) - » | ( | e K ) | + |/c(W)|)
when n -> oo. Then C°°{U)3 is dense in W (ft). To prove the left-hand side of inequality appearing in (14.2.38) it suffices to take a se quence {ue}e>0 c Hl{B)3 such that ue —> u in i ' ( 5 ) and J e ( u ) = lim /"j ( ^ 2 3 , O e e ( u e ) ) dz . By using (14.2.8) (or (14.2.9) for plastically incompressible materials) we establish the desired inequality.
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
To show the right-hand side of (14.2.38), for each u € {u e BD{B)\ e i 3 (u) = 0} n C°°(5) 3 , (wa, w) e\V (ft) n C°°(n) such that u = {wa - z3w;Q, IU), we define u e = (wa - z3w-a,w - e2{--zlAw
+ z3wa.a)) .
Then ue —» u in L ' ( S ) and simple calculation yields < limjnf A ( ^ z 3 , Q e e « ) ) dz . < k3j\e{u)\
+ I > a ; a l + k3 meas (B) < c' f (\e{wa)\ + \K(W)\) + c'(B) , (14.2.42) n where k3 is the constant appearing in (14.2.8). To extend (14.2.42) to U (B), we exploit the intermediate topology (14.2.41) and lower semicontinuity of j £ . Step 3. To show that J e (u)
: a - i c y „ ( ^ 3 ) ^au)dz\
= suV{J(e(u)
we proceed similarly to step (iii) of the proof of Theorem 2.10.2. Now one has to consider separately the case of compressible and plastically incompressible materials. Step 4. For g± and {uee}e>0 as in theorem which is being proved and assuming that u K —» uc when e —» 0, we have / g±-uecdT^
Indeed, since u K -*• uc in BD{B) weak-*, therefore ue£,u€ G BD(B). By the trace theorem we conclude that u^ , ue]gs e Lx{dBf. Thus for any
+ jglufdY) r_
= Jb^dz B
= Jg\u3dT
+ Jglu\dT
provided that
r_ 0{e2).
Step 5. (i) To show that lim (inf P^) < inf Pe , e—»0
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments we take u6 g H\B)3C\
& (B) such that u* = 0 on T, us = {wa - z3w,a, w),
{wa,,w) e i y ( f i ) . if /j[z/e,23,e(w a ) + z3K(w)\dz - L(us) < inf Pc + 5 , B
then there exists a sequence {ue}e>o C H*(B) satisfying ue = 0
u e -> u6
T ,
e -> 0 ,
and lim / j[z/e, 23, Q e e(u e )]dz = / j[z/e, z3, e(iuQ) + Z3K{W)} . B
Moreover, we have lim L{ue) =
(ii) To show the inverse inequality of (14.2.45) suppose that {ue}e>0 that ue = 0 on T and [}{z/e, z3, Qee{ue)}dz
C H1(B)3
- L{ue) < inf P + e .
is such
Next we introduce fi« = {(*«>) e fi| dist ((2Q), fi) < 5} , ue if B, = n « x ( - i , i ) , t ^ = 1 0 if
6>0, zeB, z e B A 5
We readily conclude that ||IT||BD(BJ) < constant (or H t T ^ . ^ ) < constant for plastically incompressible materials). If ue —» u° in L : (B) 3 , then ue —» u° in L'(Bf) 3 , where «°
z GB.
_. * u° 6(/ (£*) .
Hence u° = 0 on T. We observe that u° may depend on £ which is held fixed. Applying now (14.2.43) to Bs we get Umji[z/£,z3,Qee(lf)} Bs
> f }[z/e,z3,e{v%) BS
+ Z3K(HP)} ,
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
where (tu£,tu°) ew (^a) is such that u° = (w£ - z3w°a,w°). More precisely, the last inequality yields ){z/£,z3,Qee(ue)}
> h[z/e,z3,e{wa)
B + J}oo[za,
Z3, - T ^ O + Z3T(w°)]dS
Combining the last inequality with (14.2.44) we conclude that lim (inf PK) > inf P E . e-tO
(iii) To complete the proof one has to show the convergence of solutions {ue£}e>o- To this end one can proceed similarly to (ii). D Remark 14.2.6. By performing a relaxation of the loading functional on T± it seems possible to consider more general loading g±. Indeed, by replacing the loading functional Lwith L(u,n+,fj,-)
g+dfi++ r+
where now g± G Co(fi)3 and fi± e M'(n) 3 , we conclude that L is continuous in the weak-* topology of BD(B) x M'(fl)3 x M^ft) 3 . Consequently, the functional L plays the role of a perturbation functional when e — ► 0 and e —► 0 in their three combinations. Additionally, one has to add relaxed terms over T+ and T_ to the functionals appearing in the problem RP^, cf. Suquet (1988). D Convergence of{Xec}e>o The limit load multiplier A" has been defined in Sec. 14.2.1. Assume that b G L°°(B)3 and g ± = (0,0, g|) with g\ € CQ (fi). Then it can be shown that lim A" = AE ,
where (PCLA)
A£ = inf { )00[z/e,Z3,e(wa) + z3K{w))dz\ L{v) = 1, B l
veH (B)3HU (B),v = 0 on T, (wa,w) eW (SI), v = (wa- z3w-a, w)} . (14.2.49) The hypothesis (14.2.16) or (14.2.28) can now be replaced by \c > A ,
where A is the load multiplier associated with the loading functional L, cf. (14.2.23) (14.2.25). Obviously, if A = 1 then the safe load hypothesis (14.2.50) is given by As > 1.
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments We observe that the relaxed problem (RPCLA)
inf { h00[z/e,z3,e{wa)
of PCLA means evaluating + Z3K{W)\
+ / Joo^c.,23, -Ti(iw0) + 23F(w°)]dS| L{va,v) = 1,
(uo,u) €{/ (B) ,v3 = 0 on T, (ioQ,ii>) eW (ft), « = («; Q -z 3 io ;a ,io)}. Obviously we have A£ = inf P £ t A = inf RPeLA = min i?P£L„ .
Homogenization: e —> 0 Having constructed the two-dimensional plate model with a microperiodic structure we are in a position to perform the homogenization. We assume that the loading functional L plays the role of a perturbation functional. Theorem 14.2.7. The sequence of functional defined by / /}[z/e,z3,e(wa) + z3K{w)]dz if (wa) G LD{9) , Jc{wa,w) = < n - i <(14.2.52) l u e r ' i f i ) , wQ = 0,w = 0,dw/dn = 0 on T; otherwise, x +oo is T-convergent in the topology T = s- [//(ft)2 x W 1 ' 1 ^)], 1 < p < 2, to ih[e(wa) K(W)] + /jhoo[-Ti(rua), F(w)]dT Jh{wa,w) = • +oo
r if(wQ) € BD(fi), w G if 5(fi), w = 0 on T ; otherwise.
Here i
jfc(e, p) = inf{jij /" /"j[y, z3, c»(€) + e + z s ^ f a ) + p)]
I G LDperOO- 7? G W£J(YO} ,
where e, p G E*. y = (y0). Proof. It is a straightforward combination of the proof of Theorem 13.4.1 and the results duetoBouchitt6andSuquet(1991). □
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
Remark 14.2.8. Since the function J(J/, z3, •) has only linear growth therefore the infimum on the right-hand side of (14.2.54) is attained, in general, in the space BD^^Y) x HByeriY), where BD^Y) HB^r{Y)
= {u € BDloc(R2)\ u(z + i) = u{z) for a.e. z in R 2 and i in Z 2 } , = {w€ HBloc(R2)\ w(z + i)= w(z), Vw(z + i) = Vw for a.e. z in R 2 and i G Z 2 } ,
(14.2.55) (14.2.56)
where Z is the set of integers. We recall that functions of BDper(Y) are allowed to have discontinuities on dY, al though the y-periodicity implies that the external trace on some face of Y must be equal to the internal trace on the opposite face. The same pertains to the gradient of a function of HB^Y), the function itself being continuous. □ Remark 14.2.9. The elasto-plastic thin plate model with the potential j / , couples mem brane and bending effects. Once they can be decoupled the resulting bending problem is still more general than the one studied in Sec. 14.1, provided that T] = 0, since the present model admits transverse inhomogeneities. For instance, the effective plate model (14.2.54) includes layered plates with possibly a two-dimensional microperiodic structure in the plane of layers. □ Let us pass to the formulation of the limit analysis problem for the plate made of Hencky material characterized by jh. Ah = m({Jihoo[e(v),K(v)}dz\ L(v,v) = l,v€ H>(n)2, v 6 // 0 2 («)}n The relaxed problem can also be easily formulated. Under the assumption of continuity of L in the topology r, as a consequence of Theorem 14.2.7 we get: {PHLA)
limA £ =A /! .
The equilibrium problem for the homogenized or effective elasto-plastic plate means evaluating (PhA)
ini{jih[e(u),K(w)}dz - XL(u,w)\ u 6 Hl0(n)2, w e //02(n)} , n h where A < X (the safe load hypothesis). The relaxed problem has the following form: (RP£) inf{jh(u, (w) - XL(u,w)\ u 6 BD(Sl), w € HB(Q), w = 0 on T} .
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
14.2.3. Derivation of the second effective plate model: e —> 0 and next e —» 0 Both in the present and in the next section the loading functional is assumed to play the role of a perturbation functional. We set [j[z/e,z3,Qee{u)}dz Jec{u) = < { +oo
if ueLD(B),
u = 0 on T , (14.2.58)
For afixede > 0, the homogenization process (e —> 0) is standard and yields the following r(L"(B) 3 ) -limit, 1 < p < 3/2, ■£(«) = Jjo[z3, Qee(u)] + /joooh, -Q e T(u)]dS , u € BD{B) , (14.2.59) B
where jo(z3,e) = inf{(j(y0,*3,e»(€) + e))| £ £ LD%r(Y)} .
Here e e E3, and LD%r(Y) = {£ e L W l e " « ) € L'OO ,& is Aperiodic; i,j = 1,2,3} . (14.2.61) We recall that for £ e LD^r{Y) we have <&(*) = ^ | | .
«&«) = 0.
For plastically incompressible materials, u in (14.2.59) belongs to Ue(B) and u. • n = 0 on T. Formulation of problems PeA and i?PeA is left to the reader. The load multiplier A satisfies the safe load hypothesis, now given by A < Ae, where (PeLA)
Ae = m{{Ji0oo{z3,€lee(v)\dz\
L(v) = 1, v e Z/ 1 ^) 3 , « = 0 on T} .
We have HmA" = Ae.
By using the results of Sec. 14.2.2 we pass to zero with e. We conclude that the sequence of functional {Je°}e>o is T(IJ'{B)3) -convergent to J^(wa,w) =
jo[z3,e(wa) + Z3K{W)\ + B
jooo[z3,-Ti{wa) + z3¥{w)}dS , (14.2.64) To
where (wa) € BD(fi), w e HB{Q) with w = 0 on T; 1 < p < 3/2.
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
530 The relaxed problem RP£ means evaluating
(/?PhA) m[{J°(wa,w) - \L(u)\ u eU (B), u3 = 0 on T, {wa, w) EW (fi) with u = (wa- z3w.a, w)} , where A < Ah and (RPhLA) Ah = inf { / jooo[23, e(wa) + Z3K(W)} B
+ [jooo[z3, -Mwa)
+ z3T(w)]dS\ L{v) = l,veU
(B), v3 = 0 on T,
(wa,w) EW (ft) with» = ( » „ - z3w.a,iu)} . We recall that in (RP£) a field (wa,w) is a displacement field while in field is a velocity field. We also have
limAe = A h .
such a
Remark 14.2.10. Outside of discontinuities the effective potential of the homogenized Hencky plate is now given by I
Joh(e,P) = / jo(zs,e + z3p)dz3 ,
where e,p e E^. 14.2.4. Derivation of the third effective plate model: e — ► 0 and e —> 0 simultaneously In Sec. 10.2.4 we have justified a thin plate model made of a linear elastic material with a periodic microstructure provided that e - » 0 and E —» 0 simultaneously. We proceed now to extension of such a practically important model to thin plates made of Hencky material. As one can expect, we have to find the T-limit of the sequence of functional involved in P^ when e —> 0 and e —» 0 simultaneously. Once the elastoplastic potential j{z/e, z3,
where e, p 6 E* with ei3 = 0 and p^ = 0. We recall that z3 = y3, y = Y x (-1,1) and now c = 1. The space LDl^r(y) is defined by LD^(y)
= {r,e LD^r(y)\ r,{ya, y3) is Y-periodic in ya , a = 1,2} .
Homogenization of plates loaded by forces and moments
The properties of the potential JH as well as of jh and jot» follow from those of j , the last being given by (14.2.7). Such a simple study is left to the reader. The dual potential jH is derived according to the formula (2.10.115), where W(y) is to be replaced by LD^^y). Thefinalformula for this potential is given by (2.10.125), where ho = 2 and the space L2{y, E%) appearing in (2.10.126) is to be replaced by L°°{y, EJ). Then, one can formulate a lemma similar to Lemma 2.10.12. More precisely, a sequence {vc}c>o C LD(B) converges strongly in L'(B) 3 to v eU (B). Now we are in a position to formulate a counterpart of Theorem 2.10.13, which holds for periodic plates with the thickness comparable with the period. More precisely, e and e jointly tend to zero, staying proportional. It is sufficient to consider the case e = e, since otherwise one can always perform a scale change in y^ and y2 in the cell Y. Theorem 14.2.11. (i) The sequence of functional { Jce}oo given by (14.2.58) is T(LP(B3) -convergent to Mu,w)
= fjH{e(u),K(w))
+ JjHoo(-Ti(u),Hw))dr
where u e BD(Q), w £ HB(9), w = O o n r a n d l < p < 3/2. (ii) The limit load multiplier XH is determined by XH = m({[JHoo(e(u),K{w)) + f JH^i-Mumw^dTl n r
L(u,w) = 1,
u e BD{Q), w G HB(Q), w = 0 on T} .
Moreover, we have limA" = A".
Proof. To show (14.2.69), one can exploit the proof of Theorem 2.10.13 combined with the relaxation of boundary conditions on I\ The relation (14.2.71) is then a straightforward consequence of (i) provided that L is a continuous perturbation. Details are left to the reader. □
Elastic-perfectly plastic plates
15. Comments and bibliographical notes The space LD(Q) is systematically studied in Temam (1985, Chap. II). For more details concerning the space BV(fl) the reader is referred to the book by Giusti (1984), cf. also Anzellotti and Giaquinta (1978), Demengel (1989). Anzellotti and Giaquinta (1978) solved the problem of approximation of functions in BV(Q) by C°°-functions in the intermediate topology. The corresponding convergence is called T-convergence. Under rather weak assumptions it was also proved that the trace operator: 7o : BV(Sl) -»
is continuous in the intermediate topology; moreover this operator is surjective. Here d'Q denotes the reduced boundary of f2, see Giusti (1984). Roughly speaking, d'Q is the regular part of T = dQ, thus allowing for domains with corners. The book by Temam (1985) offers a systematic presentation of the properties of the space BD(Q), cf. also Demengel (1989). The space HB(Q) is studied in Demengel (1984) and Temam (1985), cf. also Demengel (1982,1989). The integral representation formula is due to Bouchittd and Valadier (1988); for related studies on convex functionals of a measure, see Hadhri (1985a), Temam (1985). The deformational theory of plasticity or Hencky plasticity and its relation to the flow theory of plasticity is presented in the books by Kachanov (1971) and Olszak et al. (1965). For more details on yield conditions for plastic plates the reader is referred to Janas et al. (1972), Save and Massonet (1972), Olszak et al. (1965), see also Telega and Wojnar (1996). The influence of shear forces on plastic behavior of plates was studied by Sawczuk and Duszek (1963) and Papadopoulos and Taylor (1990). Bouchitt6 (1986-1987) found the T-limit on BV{Q) of sequence of functionals with lin ear growth. This author also solved the problem of homogenization in the presence of a Dirichlet boundary condition. Amar (1998) extended the notion of two-scale convergence to the case of sequences of bounded measures. It is thus possible to carry out homoge nization in BV (fl) in an alternative manner. However, boundary conditions were not taken into account. Braides and Chiad6 Piat (1995) solved the problem of homogenization in BV(Q) when the integrand j is possibly a discontinuous function in the space variables. The homogenization potential j / , is then characterized by a minimum value problem on sets of finite perimeter, see Giusti (1984). The paper by Demengel and Tang Qi (1990) offers a study of periodic homogenization in the space U(Q) defined by (13.1.17). Homogenization theorems in HB(Q) presented in Sees. 13.3, 13.4 are due to Telega (1995). The results concerning homogenization of Reissner and von K6rmdn plates made of Henecky materials are original. Though only plates clamped along their boundaries were examined, one can extend those results to plates subject to boundary loading. In this case at least formal homogenization can be performed for von Karman plates by extending the results of Sees. 13.4.3, 14.1 and combining them with those due to Hadhri (1985b). To prove Lemma 14.1.1, one can proceed similarly to the case of homogeneous plates studied in Demengel (1982) and Temam (1985), cf. also Christiansen (1986) for an alternative approach to duality.
Comments and bibliographical notes
Telega (1991) performed homogenization of Kirchhoff plate loaded by boundary forces and moments. Section 14.1 provides refinements and proofs, which were not given in Telega (1991). We follow the approach developed by Bouchitte' and Suquet (1991) for three-dimensional Hencky solids loaded on the boundary. Percivale (1990) and Tang Qi (1990) used the theory of T-convergence to a mathematical justification of two-dimensional plate models made of isotropic and homogeneous Hencky material. The study performed by Tang Qi (1990) is more complete. The results presented in Sec. 14.2 are original and extend those presented in Sec. 2.10. Particularly, Sec. 14.2.1 extends the results presented in the book by Temam (1985) valid only for homogeneous materials incompressible in the plastic range. In fact, from the mathematical point of view it is easier to handle with plastically compressible materials. For inhomogeneous materials, the elasto-plastic potential depends on x £ Be (or z e B). One has to use then the notion of convex functionals of a measure introduced in Sec. 13.2. To accomplish the passage with e to zero we assumed, after Tang Qi (1990), a specific form of the loading functional. It seems that one can also consider the case of loading functional with nonvanishing components g%Q. Then a relaxation term on the faces of Be (or B) would appear. The load multiplier A usually affects both the body forces and boundary loading. Often physically more realistic is the case where this multiplier is associated to the boundary loading only, cf. Telega (1985, 1988, 1990).
Chapter V
Introduction Even in the case of homogeneous shells their statical analysis is complex and usually re quires using computational tools, like thefiniteelement packages. These difficulties grow essentially if the shell is nonhomogeneous, especially if the properties of the shell vary rapidly. The homogenization methods make it possible to split up the analysis into an anal ysis of a slowly nonhomogeneous shell and a local analysis within the cells of periodicity. The aim of this chapter is to put forward the details of the homogenization method within the context of the selected thin shell models. It is worth emphasizing that the homoge nized model remains nonhomogeneous, because the periodicity assumption concerns the distribution of elastic properties in the plane reference domain. To put the homogenization analysis in a broader perspective, this chapter begins with a short discussion of some linear and nonlinear models of thin shells. In the case of balanced elastic shells the first order constitutive relations are decoupled: the membrane forces are not affected by the changes of curvature and the tangent deformation does not influence the moments. Such approximation is called the first order approximation of Love. It seems in teresting that the homogenization process makes these constitutive relations coupled. Such coupling occurs for non-shallow shells only. This property is confirmed in Sec. 17 by using the T-convergence method of homogenization. Except elastic shells, in Sec. 19 we study perfectly plastic shells, thus extending partially the analysis performed in the previous chapter.
16. Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells A natural starting point for deriving a thin shell theory is the Naghdi theory of elastic shells with transverse shear deformations, cf. Naghdi (1963). We recall this theory and then proceed to the justification of the two most important theories of thin shells subject to the Kirchhoff-Love constraints. The last two sections concern some simple models of shells undergoing moderately large rotations. 16.1. Theory of shells with transverse shear deformation Before defining the shell itself let us start with geometry of its mid-surface. Assume that f ! c R 2 is a bounded sufficiently regular domain parametrized by a Cartesian coordinate
Elastic and plastic shells
system (£Q), a = 1,2. Let $ : fi -> 5 C R 3 be a mapping of class C3{Q). Here 5 denotes a surface in R 3 determined by: x' = x,(^1,^2), i = 1,2,3, £ = (f \£ 2 ) e ft, or "£(£) = r*(£)ett where e, are the versors of the orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system {x'} with the origin at the point 0. The vectors tangent to the coordinate lines £Q on S are, cf. Fig. 16.1.1
Fig. 16.1.1. Parametrization of the shell middle surface (16.1.1) Let a 3 be the unit vector normal to S at a point £. This vector is defined by
a3 = ^
|ai x a2\ The vector a 3 determines a straight line parametrized by £3. The coordinate £3 is equal to zero at S and measures the distance to S. Let us define the domain
B = W ) U = K',aen,
The three dimensional body that occupies this domain will be called a shell of constant thickness h. The symmetric covariant metric tensor of S is given by the scalar product aa0 = aa-ap.
The covariant components of the curvature tensor of S are ba0 = ~o.a ■ ax0 = a 3 • aQi/3.
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
The contravariant metric tensor (aal}) satisfying the relation: a^a^ the indices. The Christoffel symbols of S are given by
= 6° is used to raise
T^y = aa r\/3 7 ,
Tc/y, = -(a Q 0 i 7 + aQ7i0 - a^
for an arbitrary covariant vector (u Q ). Note that aax
ap = eapa3 ,
where £Q(3 = \Zae a /j ,
£n=£22 = 0,
e 12 = - g 2 1 = 1 .
Here (ea/3) ' Ricci pseudotensor and ea0 is the permutation symbol; a = det(a a /j). At regular points a ^ 0. The elementary area of 5 is given by dS = Jad£}d?
The third fundamental tensor of S is defined by ca0 = bxabX0 .
The Gauss formula assumes the form °o,0 = r a/3 a -r + b°0a3 ■
The Weingarten formula reads a3,a = -b*ax.
The Mainardi-Codazzi equations assume the form *Mlfl=°.
where [•] denotes the skew symmetry. The domain B is composed of the surfaces £3 = const. Let P be a point (£*); its position vector is given by *(r) = *(0+€3Os(0-
The vectors tangent to the coordinate lines £ at P are given by 9a = ** = &«*,
where & = %-?%,
Elastic and plastic shells
is the so-called shifter; moreover, g3 = a3. The metric tensor of the surface £3 = const has the following components 9a0 = 9a ■ 90 .
9a3 = 0 ,
033 = 1 ,
where, by (16.1.3) and (16.1.9) 9ap = aa0 - 2£3bal3 + (e)2ca0 .
Along the lines £ the coordinate system {£'} is orthogonal, see (16.1.16). Such a parametrization of B is usually called normal. The elementary area of the surface £3 = const named S(£3) is given by
dSi?) = Jdet(ga0)d4
dStf3) = nsfadt, = ndS ,
or where // = det(/zj). A vector w can be referred to both bases {a<} and { g j , which will be written as follows w = waga + w3g3.
w = Waa + n^a3 ,
Note, that not the type of indices but a bar distinguishes between both representations. By (16.1.14) we have wa = ^w1,
W3 = w3.
Let {a'} and {g'} be co-bases, such that a • a^ = <5*., g' • g^ = <5j. Then Wa = Ha^Wy ,
W3=W3 .
The simplest theory of shells is based on the following assumption: Wa(£.£ 3 )=«a(0+£Va(fl.
5*K,£3) = «>(0 .
where w* are components of the displacement vector referred to the basis {a'} and ua,ipa,w are unknown fields defined on the middle surface S. The components Wi referred to the ba sis {a'} are given by (16.1.22). Having found these components one can determine the components of the strain tensor ey referred to the basis g* ® g*. They read as follows, see Eqs. (4.30) - (4.31) of Naghdi (1963), 2eQ/,(u>) = nlprffaw)
2ec^(w)=(pa + wiC, + b^up ,
+£%*()} ,
where 07/j(u, w) = ityiifl - b^w ,
ha0(ip) = <pa\\(s ■
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
Assume that the shell is clamped at its lateral cylindrical surface. Kinematically admissible fields (r?i) obey the assumption (16.1.23). Hence *?3(«3) = " ( 0 .
Va(Z,e) = Va(0+eMO,
where va, tj)a, v are certain fields defined on S. Let n, t be unit vectors: outward normal and tangent to dS and lying in the tangent planes of dS, respectively. The condition of clamping implies v„ = 0,
Vn = 0 ,
A =0,
v =0,
on 5 5 .
Here /„ = / 0 n Q , ft = fata and na, t° are referred to the basis {aa}; f £ {v, V>}. The unknown fields satisfy similar conditions: un = 0,
u, = 0 ,
^„ = 0 ,
ft = 0,
w = 0.
Assume that the shell is subject to body forces of density p(£, £ ). The variational equilib rium equation:
Jaiieii(T,)dt = Jp\dt, B
should hold for all t] satisfying (16.1.27). Here the stress components a,j are referred to the basis gi ® g} at a point £. We compute < 7 % ( T , ) = aa0ea0(r,)
+ 2aa3ea3(r,)
substitute (16.1.24) for w = TJ and next integrate from -h/2 to +h/2. Thus we find the two-dimensional form of the variational equilibrium equation: [{H^e^(v,v)
+ M^k10(tl>)+QQ(TPa+vA+y3av0)}dS=
+ qv)dS,
for each (u,i/>,u) satisfying (16.1.27). Here h/2
Qa= and
I naa3d? -h/2
9° = h/2 //#/V#\ -h/2
3 3 q=Jw h/2 di . -h/2
The work of surface moments on the angles i\)a has been neglected.
Elastic and plastic shells
The stress and couple resultants N'37, M01 are not independent. The condition of sym metry: a12 = a21 implies the algebraic equation £*,(*"* - %M0X) = 0 .
The variational equation (16.1.31) implies the followingfivelocal equations of equilibrium:
N^V-ft^ + ^ O , Q V + 6 ° 7 N 7 Q + 9 = 0,
lvV ||0 - Q° = 0 . Equation (16.1.34) is called the sixth equation of equilibrium. The constitutive relations are proposed by assuming that |CT33| < |crcy3|. which means accepting the constitutive relations in the form aaP = Ca0Xt,e^ ,
aa3 = 2CQ3A3eA3 ,
a33 = 0 ,
where, cf. (5.12) pyaffX/i _ /jaffXti _ £ia#33/->33Aji //"i3333
C16 1 371
Substitution of (16.1.36) into (16.1.32) gives = xBa^eXli{u,w) Q° = HaX0x(u,w,v)
+ 2Ba^h^(
where h/2 nW06a =
j tfywl&c^d? , n = 0,1,2 , ~h/2
f nCa3X3d£3
The quantities (3x{u,w,ifi) =ipx + w,x + b/lu(3
represent transverse shear deformations. Upon substitution of the constitutive relations (16.1.38) into (16.1.31) onefindsthe vari ational equation of the form: a(u,w,
/ (qava + qv)-Jad£,
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
with f[oBa0X"eXll(u,w)ea0{v,v)
n + iB o f l A M (^(u,«;)MV') + M « , v ) M v ) ) (16.1.42) a0X + 2B »hXll(
= nBx,M0
imply a(u,w,ip;v,v,ip)
= a(v,v,ip;u,w,ip)
In the case of clamped shells the set of kinematically admissiblefieldsV is obviously given by
v = H^{n)2 x H](Q) x //^(fi) 2 .
Within the assumption of a generalized plane-stress the constitutive relations (16.1.38) are exact. Thus the positive definiteness property of the bilinear form
[C °Aea0(w)eXli(v) + ACa3X3ea3(w)eX3(v)}dS
s implies V-ellipticity of the form (16.1.42). Consequently the following problem: (P)
find (u, w, ip) e V such that Eq. (16.1.41) holds for every (v, v, ip) G V
is uniquely solvable. 16.2.
Koiter's version of thin shell model
If a shell is thin with respect to its characteristic dimension L then the transverse shear deformations /3X can be neglected. The angles of rotations tpa are then determined by distortion of the shell mid-surface
The quantity L is usually defined as mm{R\,R2>d}, where Ra represent the principal radii of curvature of the surface S and d represents the global dimension of the body B of the shell. Some authors associate L with a characteristic wavelength of the deformation pattern, thus linking the notion of thinness with the loading applied. Substitution of (16.2.1) into (16.1.25)2 or the definition of (ha0) transforms this tensor to the form ka0{u, w) = -iU| M - bl^Uj - bluMl0 .
Elastic and plastic shells
The deformation measures (0ap), {kap) are interrelated by the compatibility equations e ^ e ^ n p + e^k^p)
= 0,
£^£""(61^11^ - i>Qpfc^) = 0 ,
They can be expressed by the following variational equation: fea"e^[klweon(v,v)-e^kcn{v,v)}^.d^ =Q V {v,v) e V°{Q) , n with V°{n) = HQ(£1)2 x //o(Q). If we compare this equation with the homogeneous variational equation of equilibrium f[Wadcn(v,v) + M-'akcn(v,v))VidS n we note that the quantities N 7Q
and eTeTk^,
=0 V
- ^eTO^
are conjugate in the sense of the analogy between the equilibrium equations and compat ibility equations. This analogy tells us that the following representation of the stress and couple resultants: where t/> = (i/>i, ife). satisfy the homogeneous equilibrium equations identically, irrespec tive of the choice of stress functions ipi,ip2, ipLet us assume now that the shell is transversely homogeneous. A formal substitution of (16.2.1) into the formulae of Sec. 16.1 leads to a correct shell model. However, if we take advantage of the shell being thin, we arrive at some contradictions. For thin shells one may assume ii\ w $1 and ^i = 1 in (16.1.39), which leads to QB106°
tfflSo ^
^ S a
(16.2.5) 0 3
where A = hC, D = (h?/12)A. This approximation, however, results in N * = N*301, Ma0 = M /3a , which violates the sixth equilibrium equation (16.1.34). Thus a passage to a thin shell model requires special caution. Let us define the deformation measures e<*/3 = 2 ^ Q " + *W '
~~ ^ A Q '
On expressing them in terms of displacements one finds Ca0(u,w)
= - ( U Q | | 0 + U(j||a) - ba0W ,
= -w]]ap
(16.2.7) - b^U-,
b u
l yW
~ b}ui\\°
+ ca0W ,
and by the Mainardi-Codazzi relation (16.1.12) we conclude that the tensor p is symmetric. This property follows also directly from the compatibility equation (16.2.3)3.
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
Let us rearrange the variational equation of equilibrium (16.1.31) by substituting: k-,0 = Pi/3 + bp0\-, and 0a(v, v, t/>) = 0. We find J[H0aOa0(v,v)
+ M0a(Pa0(v,v)
+ bx09Xa(v,v))}dS
= J(qava
4- qv)dS .
s Hence f[Na0ca0{v,v) s
+ Ma0Pa0{v,v)}dS
= f{qava
+ qv)dS ,
(16.2.1 :.8)
where NaP = N a/3 +
= M(a0)
or N°I3 = N ( o « +
I ^ M
" + b°M"<0) ,
since by (16.1.34) the antisymmetric part of (Na0) vanishes. Thus the variational equi librium equation (16.2.8) involves the symmetric stress and couple resultants as well as conjugate symmetric deformation measures. It turns out that the deformation measures e and p determine the change of the tensors (aa0) and ba0 describing the internal and external geometry of the surface S. To show the role of these tensors let us assume that the deformed configuration of the shell is still parametrized by the coordinates {£'} and this parametrization is still normal, which reflects the assumption of the transverse deformations e a 3 being zero. Consequently the relation (16.1.17) holds for deformed configuration ga0 = &a0 - 2Z3ba0 + {£3)2ca0 ,
where the symbol "u" indicates that the geometrical object is referred to the deformed shell configuration. Within the nonlinear theory of elasticity the deformations of a thin shell are defined by la0 = ^{9c0 -ffa/j) ,
7a3 = 0 ,
733 = 0 .
Hence 7*0 = 7 a / 3 H3Pc0
+ ^{(,3)2(Ca0
~ Ca0) ,
(16.2.13) ° If 7a0 = y(aa0
\ — O.a0) ,
~ L I pa0 = Oa0 — Da0
Upon expressing the tensors (la0) and {pa0) in terms of displacements (u, w) and per forming the linearization one finds lc.0 = i*0 + nonlinear terms, P~a0 = Pa0 + nonlinear terms.
(16 2 14)
Elastic and plastic shells
According to the theorem of Bonnet, the tensors (aap) and (bap) determine the deformed configuration $ up to a position in space. This means that tensors (eap) and (pap) vanish if the shell is subject to translations and infinitely small rotations. This justifies calling them strain tensors. Let us emphasize that the deformation measures 9ap and kap do not vanish under rigid body motions and that is why these measures cannot be viewed as strain measures. Since the tensor (cap) is determined by (aap) and {bap), the strain measures (lap) and (pap) fully determine the state of deformation (7^) of the shell body. The linear part of {laff) assumes the form (eap) with kap given by (16.2.2). Thus in the linear theory the state of deformation of the shell body is fully determined by the tensors (eap) and (pap)- Let us stress once again that the only approximations that rearrange the variational equilibri um equation (16.1.29) of the three-dimensional shell body to its two-dimensional counter part (16.2.8) are the kinematic assumptions (16.1.26) and replacing the tensor Ca0x>1 with C ^ c f . (16.1.42). Now it is clear that the strains (eap) of the shell can be expressed in terms of the tensors (tap) and (pap)- Thus substitution of (16.1.36) into (16.1.32) makes it possible to express the stress and couple resultants in terms of tensors (eap) and (pap)- If we apply the as sumptions of thinness (the terms of the order of 0(h/R) may be neglected) we arrive at the simplest constitutive relations Nc,p =
Maf) = Da0XlipXtl.
Now the shell modelling is completed. Let us define the bilinear form a(u, w,v,v)
= f[A ^eap(u,w)eXli(v,v)
+ D ^pa0{u,w)pXli(v,v)}y/^d^
n and the linear form f{v,v)
= f(qava+qv)V^d^,
n The equilibrium problem of a clamped shell means finding (u, w) e V°(D.) = HQ(Q)2 X H%{ty such that (P)
= f(v,v)
V (v,v) € V°(Q) .
Both the forms (16.2.16) and (16.2.17) are continuous. The bilinear form a(;) is symmetric. Since A and D a r e positive definite we always have a(v,v;v,v) > 0 and the equality holds if and only if eap(v, v) = 0 and pap(v, v) = 0. We already know that these conditions are satisfied if the fields (v, v) describe a rigid body motion of the shell. Such a motion is not possible due to clamping. Thus a(v,v;v,v) > 0 if (v,v) € V°(Q) and (v,v) / 0. In fact one can prove more stringent condition of V°(fi) - ellipticity, a detailed proof can be
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
found in Bernadou and Ciarlet (1976), cf. also Bernadou (1996). Thus the problem (F) is uniquely solvable. The shell model composed of equations (16.2.7), (16.2.8) and (16.2.15) is called Koiter's model. Although derived from the previous shell model, for which the static-geometric analogy (16.2.4) holds, it is not characterized by this remarkable property. It turns out that to preserve this analogy one should perform the "symmetrization" procedure in a different manner. This will be the subject of the next section. 16.3. Budiansky-Sanders-Koiter version of a thin shell model In this section we show that the following stress and couple resultants ff*0
= N(°0)
_ Sa^M ,
MaP = M(Q/3) ,
and the strain measures €Q/3 ,
Pa0 = fc(a/3) +
(a«* ,
are energy conjugated. The following notation is introduced: dcn = ea0bP,
M = \e -ea0 MaP, aPM°e
* = -e i ta09a0.
Thus we shall prove that U = U0a9a0 + M0aka0 = Na0ea0 + Ma0pa0 .
It will turn out that such a choice results in a thin shell theory in which a static-geometric analogy holds good. Let us introduce decompositions N
+ £a0T
Ma/3 =
(16.3.5) Qa0 = (-(X0 + EQ/3$ ,
= k(a0)
+ Saj)T ,
where M and $ are defined by (16.3.4) and T=l-ea0Ka0,
r = ±ea0kQ0.
The sixth equilibrium equation (16.1.34) and the fourth compatibility equation (16.2.3)3 can be written in the form IT + d c r J M ^ ' + e^M) = 0 , „ 2r - dP* (tap + eCT/3$) = 0 . Taking into account (16.3.7) we rearrange U to the form
U = (U{a0) + e0aT)(ta0 + ea0$) + (M (o/?) + e0QM)(kia0) + ea0r) (16.3.8) M a 0 + A,(2T + d{cn)M + d^ M) + A2(2r - d^°ha0 - d °ea0$) , where Ai and A2 are Lagrangian multipliers. Let us choose Ai = $ and \2= M. Then the expression (16.3.8) rearranges into (16.3.4)2.
Elastic and plastic shells
Let us prove that the tensor (pa^) vanishes at a rigid body motion. To this end we calculate the symmetric part of (A;Q/j). By (16.2.6) we have *(«*) = Pee + 2 (bpOxa + bxJX0) •
Substitution of (16.3.5)3 gives fya/J) = Pc0 + 2^«Aa + j^A/? ~ d ( Q « $ "
By (16.3.2) we find pQ0 = Pa0 + ^(fev
+ bX0€Xa) .
If the shell is subject to translations or infinitesimal rotations then the tensors (ea0) and (pa0) vanish. Consequently the tensor (pa0) behaves in the same way. This tensor depends on (u, iv) as follows pa0(u,w) = -w\\a0 - bl\]0Uy + -bl(um-y - 3uMl0) + -6^(tXo||T - 3u^l{a) . (16.3.12) The assumption of thinness justifies taking the constitutive equations in the form Nap = Aa0X»eX)i,
Ma0 = A^p^
provided that the shell is transversely homogeneous. The variational equilibrium equation has the following form f[Na0ea0(v,v) s
+ Ma0pa0{v,v)]dS
= f{v,v) ,
V (v,v) e V°(fl) .
Further steps are similar to those concerning Koiter's theory. The bilinear form involved in the equilibrium problem is similar to (16.2.16) with p replaced by p. The bilinear form is V°(Q) - elliptic and the equilibrium problem is uniquely solvable. The compatibility equations interrelating the measures (ea0) and (pap) can be put in the form of a variational equation: fef,er\pIU)€en{v,v)-^pcei{v,v)]y/adi
= Q,
V(v,v) e V°(il) .
n By comparing (16.3.14) with (16.3.15) we conclude that the representations fiia = ^ ^ ( ^
satisfy the homogeneous equilibrium equations identically; %p = (ipa) and ipa are suffi ciently regular functions defined on Q.
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells 16.4.
Thin shell model with moderately large rotations around tangents
The aim of this section is to put forward a nonlinear generalization of the linear Koiter theory of thin shells. Within this model the kinematic assumptions (16.1.23) hold true, hence the nonlinear formula (16.2.13)i remains valid. Let us consider once again the tensor (7a0) defined by (16.2.13)2. We have aa = o a + 07Qa7 - i/>Qa3 ,
where tpa are given by (16.2.1). Hence *«0 = (<£ + 0l)(Sa0 + 9%)a^ + <pa
+ <pa(p0 ,
where (eag) is defined by (16.2.7)i. If the shell is subject to deformations associated with moderately large rotations (ipa) one can neglect the terms underlined in (16.4.2). The elastic potential is taken in the form W(7,P) = \Aa^la0l^
+ \Da0X»palJpXli,
where 7a/3 = «Q0 + 2<Pa
and the tensor (pa0) is defined as in the Koiter theory, cf. Eq. (16.2.7)2. The equilibrium problem of the clamped plate means evaluating
where J(v, v) = f[W(-y(v, v), p(v, v)) - (qava + qv)]^d£
n We observe that the functional J is non-convex. Theorem 6.4.1 Let $ be of class C 3 (Q) and assume that
> c£ a,/3=l
(\f\ A f%\
D^x"pa0pXfl > c J2 (Pep)2 , a,0=l
for all p 6 E^; c is a positive constant. Moreover, the usual symmetry conditions hold. Then the functional J attains its minimum on V°(Q).
Elastic and plastic shells
Proof. Let K = {{v,v) 6 V°(fi)| J{v,v) < 00} . To show that inf(P) =
one can use the direct methods of the calculus of variations. Let us denote by {vn, vn} C K a minimizing sequence. By definition, the following inequalities hold: Vn € M ,
< J(vn,vn)
J{v°,v°) ,
and lim J(vn,vn)
= inf{J(v,v)\{v,v)
€ K}
Destuynder (1983) proved that the sequence {vn, un}neN is bounded. Consequently there exists a subsequence {un*,vn*}teN weakly convergent to (u, w) € V°(fi). Since the functional J is weakly lower semicontinuous, therefore wefinallyget: lim inf J(vnk,vn")
> J{u,w) = inf(P) .
Remark 6.4.2. Destuynder's (1983) considerations are confined to isotropic shells. Obvi ously, an extension to anisotropic shells is straightforward. An alternative approach to solving the same problem was proposed by Bielski and Telega (1988) with details given in Telega and Bielski (1987). This approach is based on the results due to Ball, Currie and Olver (1981). We observe that to construct the minimizing sequences one can exploit Ekeland's evariational principle (Ekeland, 1974,1979,1990; Ekeland and Temam, 1976). D 16.5. The models of Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov and Mushtari-Marguerre Essential difficulties connected with solving the equations of the Koiter or Budiansky-Sanders-Koiter shell models justify less general approaches that lead to equations of lesser complexity. The idea underlying further simplifications is that there exist domains in the shell in which the bending deformations prevail. The case of concentrated loads serves as an ex ample: in the vicinity of a concentrated force the shell behaves like a curved plate whose deflections w are much greater than the tangential displacements (u a ). In such cases the tensor of change of curvature may be determined as in the theory of plate bending: Ko/jM = -W\\a0 ■
Assume that the starting point is the Budiansky-Sanders-Koiter theory. Thus the expression (16.5.1) can be viewed as derived from (16.3.12) by neglecting the terms involving the
Linear and nonlinear models of elastic shells
tangential displacements (u Q ). The bilinear form of this model is ai(u,w;v,v)
= I'{Aal3x»tXii{u,wya0{v,v)
+ Da0X»KXti(w)Ka0(v)}Vidt.
n The equilibrium problem of a clamped shell reads: find (u,iu) € V°(fi) such that
= f(v,v)
V {y,v) e V°(Q) .
There is one more assumption on which the Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov modelling is based. One should additionally assume that the compatibility equation (16.3.15) preserves its form, namely
/ ■e ^ e ^ / v ^ v , v) - e^Kcyiv)]y/ad£ = 0 V (», v) £ V°(fi) .
(16.5.3) n Obviously, the differential equations that follow from the variational equation (16.5.3) will not be satisfied exactly, but the errors introduced in this manner are consistent with the assumption (16.5.1). Note that the condition: a.i(v,v;v,v) = 0 does not imply that (v,v) are associated with a rigid body motion. The problem (Pi) is not uniquely solvable unconditionally, as in the previous shell models. It turns out that the problem is well-posed provided that the quantities |6^| are sufficiently small, see Bernadou (1996, Sec. 7 of Part I). This confirms that the model applies for sufficiently shallow shells. The nonlinear generalization of the shell model presented above is based on the following choice of deformation measures: -ya0(u, w) = -(u Q ||0 + W/JHC) - ba0w + -w,aw,p , z
Haffiw) = -W||Q/3 , cf. (16.4.4). The bilinear form is given by: a2(u,w;vtv)
= [{N^rj^w^^v)
+ MaSKa(){v)\sfadE,
where No0 = AcP^lx^
w) t
Ma0 = Dal3x»KXli{w) ,
and r)al3(w, v, v) = v{ma)
- bapv + -(wtaVi0 + w^v^)
The equilibrium problem amounts to finding (u, w) £ V°(n) such that (P 2 )
= f{v,v)
V (»,v) e V°{Q) .
Elastic and plastic shells
Equations (16.5.4) - (16.5.8) form the model called the Mushtari-Marguerre shell the ory. Mathematical aspects of this model were studied by Bernadou and Oden (1981) and Vorovich (1989). More precisely, in the paper by the first two authors the problem of existence of a solution was solved by applying the theory of pseudomonotone operators. This solution is unique provided that the normal load is sufficiently small. The book by Vorovich (1989) provides a systematic account of not only variational methods, including Bubnov-Galerkin and Ritz methods, but topological methods are also presented.
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
17. 17.1.
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach Koiter's shell. Asymptotic analysis and the convergence theorem
Let us consider the plate of a periodic structure analyzed in Sec. 2. Let us imagine a large deformation of this plate, admissible by the Kirchhoff kinematic constraints, according to which normals to the middle plane remain normal to the plane after deformation. This deformed plane is a surface that can be viewed as a middle surface of a shell of oscillating geometric and material characteristics. Assume now that just the shell of this shape is given in the stress-free state. The present section is aimed at analyzing the effective moduli of shells of such geometry and elastic characteristics. A fully correct starting point for assessing effective characteristics of such a shell is the three-dimensional setting, as it has been chosen in Sec. 2 regarding the plate problem. More precisely, the process of averaging should be performed simultaneously with the process of reducing the third dimension. Such a simultaneous process has been applied by Kalamkarov, Kudryavtsev and Parton (1987), cf. also Kalamkarov (1992). Since up till now this method has not been rigorously justified we shall confine our consideration to the averaging method which is based on a two-dimensional shell model. The reduction of the transverse dimension will precede homogenization of stiffnesses thus making the final results applicable only for shells, the periodicity cells of which have shapes of thin shells. However, the same formulae are of crucial importance in constructing the relaxed formulation of the problem of optimal layout for which the total compliance of the shell is the functional to be minimized, cf. Sec. 28. The homogenization formulae for the Koiter shell model are substantiated by the T-convergence theorem. 17.1.1.
Asymptotic analysis
The objective is a statical analysis of a thin shell of a structure periodic with respect to the fixed curvilinear coordinates £ = (£Q), see Fig. 17.1.1. The Koiter description will be applied, cf. Sec. 16.2. We assume that the reduced moduli Qa0\v(^ yQ) a n d / o r the shell thickness /i(£, y0) are slowly varying with respect to £ and are eo^-periodic with respect to the second variable y0 = £/£0- Here Y = (0, l\) x (0,12) is a rectangle and e0 > 0. The rectangle £QY transforms into $(e 0 Y) - a curvilinear rectangle, cf. Fig 17.1.1; the definition of $ is given in Sec. 16.1. To consider the averaged characteristics of the e 0 ^-penodic shell we replace £Q with e and consider e as a small parameter, thus constructing a family of shell problems. The stiffnesses Aa0X)i and Da0Xl1 are replaced by
= Aa0X»(t,y) ,
Dfx»(Z) = Da^(^y)
y = £/e ,
where Aa0X,i{(„ ■) and Da0X»{(„ •) are Y-periodic and of class L^.(R 2 ). The shell will be assumed as transversely homogeneous, hence
= h(U)Ca0X^,y),
Da0x»(Z,y) = ^h3(^y)Ca0X^y).
Elastic and plastic shells
e0y e
.V Fig. 17.1.1. Middle plane of the eo^-periodic thin shell a0XtL
The functions C {-, y) describe e-independent variations of the metric of the shell mid dle surface. The constitutive relations (16.2.15) assume now the form Nf
= Afx»eXli(uc,w*)
Mf = Z ) f A * p v ( « W ) ,
where (a0(u',wc) Papiu^W*)
= -(ucQll0 + ucma) - ba0wc ,
-uflla0 + ca0we - b"au^0 - &£<||a - 6«||/3*4
We note that the tensor 6 is e-independent. The covariant derivative is defined by (16.1.6). The shell is assumed to be clamped and subject to surface loadings of density qa and q, independent of the parameter e. The bilinear form (16.2.16) reads now: a*{u£,w*;v,v) = f[Nfea0(v,v)
+ Mfpa0{v,v)}^dE,
Problem (P) of Sec. 16.2 assumes the form
find (ue, we) 6 V°(Q) such that a£(uc, we; v, v) = f(v, v), V (v, v) e V°(Q)
Similar to the problem (P), the last problem is uniquely solvable for each e > 0. Similar to the case of plates periodic with respect to a curvilinear parametrization (cf. Sec. 3.10), we postulate that the solution (uc, w€) can be expanded in the form wc = iu<°>(0 + e2w<2» (£,») + e3w&(£, y) + ... .
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
In a similar manner we expand the trial functions. We assume that («(0),u>(0)) e V°(Q),
e H}er{Y),wW(s,-),vW(z,.) e H^Y).
According to the kinematic assumptions (17.1.7) we find
NS0 = A**(Z,y)[^
Nf = Nf + 0(e) , Mf
+ u (,)
(17.1.8) Mf = £><*>»{£, y)\pl - W™ - 26^, (I)
= Mf + 0(e),
where ^
= e*,(«(0),«/«»),
PAM = PA,(« ( 0 ) ,W ( 0 ) )
and uL' = "~A , etc., see Sec. 2. The averaged stress and couple resultants are defined by
<(O = (K0(Z,y)),
Mf(0 = (Mf(Z,y)),
where the parentheses (•) imply averaging over Y :
<9> =
Let us put va = vi and v = v(0> into Eq. (17.1.6) and let e tend to zero. By applying (1.1.1) we arrive at the macroscopic variational equation of equilibrium /
with /(•, •) defined as before, cf. (16.2.17). Now let us put « t = »(°'(0+£V J 'K,!/) + ... ,
v'a = vW(Z) + evW{S,y) + ...,
into Eq. (17.1.6), then pass to zero with e. By combining this equation with (17.1.12) we get
(17.1.14) V{vMte,-)M2)(Z,-))€HKjKr{Y).
where the space Hi<,per{Y) has been defined by (3.2.14). Let vF = va{y)
» = »(yWfl,
Substitution of (17.1.15) into (17.1.14) gives ¥><W - 2b2[M0o/')t;7,/,)V5de = 0 , /•
Vva e H^(Y)
Elastic and plastic shells
and Ji;(Mg0vla0)Vtd4
= O,
Thus wefindthe local problem: find («<'>(£, •), «/2)(£, •)) e HK^r(Y) such that {PY)
= f(v,v)
V(v,v) € HKjier{Y)
where aL(u,w;v,v)
= (Ba0X"ua\0vx^ a
+ D ^w^vlXtt) f(v,v) = -(A°^(6Zel
- Ea0Xll(ua^XlM
+ va\0w\Xli
- jblpl)vyW
with (17.1.20)
«o|/3 = dua/dy0 . The tensors B,E axe defined by
(17.1.21) (17.1.22) We note that both the bilinear form CLL and the linear form / depend on £ € fi.The local problem can now be rearranged to the form find (u<»(£, •), w(2)(C, •)) e ///f,per(y) such that (Py)
&(«<",v) + e(v,u;<2>) + /,(w) = 0 Vt; € ^ r ( F ) 2 , e(vP\v) + d(u;<2\ v) + g(v) = 0 V v G ^ r ( V ) ,
where b(u,v) = (B^""(^y)ual,vM0)
d(w,v) = {D "^,y)w^vla0) e(u,w) =-(EP^(S,y)w\Xliu^0) Mv) = {A^(Z,y)(82el g{v) =-{D&^.y^vw)
- ~blpl)vM0) ■
(17.1.23) ,
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
Note that the solutions u' 1 ', u>'2' are linear with respect to eh and ph. Hence there exist functions #(Q/3)(£, y), ${a0)(Z, y), E<-a®(Z,y), x(o/J)(£, y) such that (17.1.24)
The problem (Py) is equivalent to find *(•«({,-),Hf««(^.) e ///<,per(V) such that 6(¥ (A *\ «) + c(«, E) + {AQ0X"vaW) = 0 ,
e(*{x»\v)+d(E<-x»\v) V(u, U )G//^, p£r (y-)
find *(£, •), x ( v ) (€. 0 e ///c,perCK) such that
e(*(AM), u) + d(xM, v) - (Da0X»v\a0) = 0
V{v,v) e HK^Y) . We observe that the problems (Py) are well-posed. Indeed, they are equivalent to the problem (Py), which is equivalent to the minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (17.1.50) below. The last problem is uniquely solvable in the space HK^^Y). Now we pass to the study of the homogenization constitutive equations. Substitution of the representations (17.1.24) into (17.1.10) gives a0Xn h J°0 . C K> = *H AM
Mf = Ff^el + Df*fa ,
Af* = {A°^($Z8t+ ^)) ^
= -(^^2«S*™+E[£>), 42
= (^A^(diSZ-2b^J
We shall prove that the following symmetries hold: tapS-y
7i1<*0 _ rpi:a06-r r?o~tap
JSl) in (PY) and v = * ( v ) and v = E in (PY). Then Let us take v = * ( ' 7 ) and v we obtain the following identities
(Aa0X"*l*j) = 0
Elastic and plastic shells
e (*(W )X (*7))
= _d(H(V)))X(«T))
6(*«*»>,*^>) + e(* (J * ) ,x ( * r) ) + <-y>l < *^ 7 6S*i^ ) ) = 0 , a
=<*">) + d(x(*r))S(*M)) _ {D ^E\$)
(17.1.30) (17.1.31)
Equation (17.1.28) implies = -6(* ( A " ) ,* ( , h ) ) - e($ (,i7) , E ^ ' ) .
By adding equations (17.1.30) and (17.1.31) and next taking into account (17.1.26)3 one obtains p£i>» + 6($(<ST), q,(W) + e(* (A " ) , x (,57) ) +e(${5~,),3^) + d(x{iy) ,Z^) = 0 .
Taking into account (17.1.29) one finds F* 7 ^ = -6($ ( i 7 ) ,*' A "') - e ^ ' ^ E ^ ) .
Let us compare this fonnula with Eq. (17.1.32). Symmetry of the form b(-, •) implies the relations (17.1.27)3 between the tensors F/, and EhTo prove the symmetry relations (17.1.27)i2 let us define new symmetric tensors
K0h = (A»^(W + < © « + O ,
Let us take w = \I>(Q/3) in the first equation of (Py) and i> = E(o/J) in the second equation of this problem. On combining these identities with (17.1.26)i and (17.1.35)i one finds Aa0S-, =
£a06-, _ d(S(«tf)>S(*r))
«,(*(««, *(«7)) ,
where the bilinear form (-,•) is defined by g(u,v) = {jblblAa0X»uo^p)
Symmetry of the forms d(-, •) and (•, •) imply the symmetry condition (17.1.27)i. Similarly one can derive the formula D h
= Df5'1 - d($ ( Q «, #(,57)) ,
which proves the symmetry condition (17.1.27)2 due to the symmetry of the form &(•, •).
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
Let us substitute now the representations (17.1.24) into the relations defining N0 and (17.1.8). We find N$p = Aa0x»e°Xtl,
Mf = Da^p°Xfl,
with %
A M + * A | M £6-r +
A | M P&l '
Drawing upon all previous results one can prove the Hill-type identity (N^e°a0 + Mfp°a0) = {Nf)(elp)
+ (Mf)(p°a(j) .
The elastic potential of the homogenized shell W^,e\p") = \{Nf^o + Mfpa0)
can be put in the form, cf. (17.1.44) W h (£,e\p h ) = \(Aa^eoa0el
+ Da^poa0poXli) .
The constitutive relations (17.1.25) can be inferred from the formulae m
Remark 17.1.1. The whole asymptotic homogenization can be repeated taking the Budiansky-Sanders-Koiter model as a departure point, cf. Sec. 16.3. The derivation will differ in details only and that is why it is left to the reader as an exercise. 17.1.2. Justification by the T-convergence method The variational problem (Pe) given by (17.1.6) is equivalent to the following minimization problem (Qe)
- f(uc,w*) = M{Je(v,v)
- f(v,v)\(v,v)
€ V°(Sl)} ,
where Jc{v,v) = -a£(v,v;v,v)
for each (v,v) £ Hl{ty2 x H2(Q). Here W(£,y,e,p) = \Aa0x^i,y)ea0^+\Da^{U)PaBpXll. We make the following assumptions:
Elastic and plastic shells
(Hi) The function W : fl x R 2 x E 2 x E 2 —> » [0, +00) +oo) is measurable, F-periodic in y and continuous in £. (H2) There exist y-periodic function a e L/^R 2 ), increasing function u : R + —> R + , continuous at zero and such that o>(0) = 0, and continuous non-negative function B . fi —> R, for which the following inequalities are satisfied: |W(e.».CP)-W(f , ,y.e.P)l<w(K-€'|)(a(i,) + WK,i/,e,p)) 1 (17.1.47) c(|e|2 + |p|2) < W(i,y,e,p) < B(0(a(y) + |c| 2 + |p| 2 ), (17.1.48) for each £, £' G SI, y G R 2 , e, p G E 2 ; here c is a positive constant. Under the assump £ tions (Hi), ) G V°(£l) of the minimization problem appearing in {Hi), (H2) a solution (u£, w w') (17.1.45) exists and is unique. We observe that in order to perform the homogenization itself (e —> 0) it suffices to take c = 0 in (17.1.48), cf. Sec. 1.3.5. Now we are in a position to formulate the homogeniza tion theorem. Theorem 17.1.2. Let qa, q G L2(Q). Under the assumptions (Hi), (H2) the sequence of functional { Jc — /}£>o is T(L2(Q)2 x Hl (SI)) - convergent to the functional Jh — f, where Jh(u,w)= Jw^,e(u,w),p(u,w)]^d^,
n Wfcfc, e, p) = I M{{A°^(Z,
y){e%(v) + ^M^v)
+ ex,)
+ D "^,y)[Kl0(v) - 2b°a(Z)va{0 + Pa0\[Kx»{v) - 26ftO«J|„ +PAM]>I(».V) € tf*,per(K)} , for each e, p G E*.We recall that eya0{v) =
(17.1.50) v
"a~ + "3~ "3~ ) / 2 ^ d K^(v) ^,0(v) = =~ ~v\a/3 \a0 ==
dyady0' Proof. This theorem is a straightforward consequence of Theorem 1.3.28.
To better grasp the term 2b^)v 2b'^(£)v<,\ we write write thethedeformation deformationmeasure measurep(u,w) p(u,w)in in thethe a\0 0 we following way pa0(u,w) = -w^a0 + capw - 2el0(bu) ,
O 6 ") = \{(K^)w+%^)\\a) ■
We observe that the solution (u, w) of the homogenized problem (Qh)
= m{{Jh(u,w)-f(u,w)\(u,w)eV°(Q)}, (0)
coincides with the leading term (u ,u/°>) of the asymptotic expansion (17.1.7); moreover, e = €(«("), wM),p = p(uW,wM).
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
The solvability of the convex minimization problem appearing on the r.h.s. of (17.1.50) is readily inferred by applying Korn's inequality. Remark 17.1.3. Until now all mathematical developments concerning shells have been posed on the region Q. One can also work directly with the shell middle surface S. Then, however, one has to introduce the spaces like I 2 ( S ) , Hl(S), H2(S), etc. Let us introduce these spaces. First, we set
L2{S) = {u\u =
= J\u\2dS.
with the natural norm
Next we introduce Ht{S) = {« = v°aa\ va € L2(S)} ,
with the norm defined by \v\\2Ht{S) = JvT-vdS
The last norm is equivalent to 1/2
We recall that vT stands for the transpose of v. Now we are in a position to define
H\S) = {u e L2(S)\ ( g )
which is equipped with its natural norm:
Mlw(s) = IHU»(s) +
duV dx)
Here x = $ ( £ ) is any point of S. Finally we set H2{S) = {w\ w = w o $ g H2{U)} , with the norm
IIHU'(S) = II^H/z^n) • In particular we have H2{S) = {w\ w = w o * 6 tf02(fi)} .
Elastic and plastic shells
560 17.2. Dual homogenization
Let us first formulate the dual problem (Q*). As usual, we apply Rockafellar's theory of duality, cf. Sec. 1.2.5. We set A(u,w) = (Ai(u,iu),A2(tt,iu)) = (e(u,w),p{u,w))
where A : H*(S)2 x H$(S) -> L2(S, E2) x L2(S, E2S). Standard calculation yields (iV,Ai(u,«;)> L » xl 2= f Na0ua]l0dS s s = -jNa0ll0uadS s
- Jba0Na0wdS s
= {A\N,(u,w)){H-xxL2)xiHixHi)
where N € L2(S, Es2) and u € H&(S)2, w G tf02(S). Hence we have
f (-W a/ V) in 5 (u),
AtiV = {
Similarly we find
A;M = r
(26gW««'|, , + b° M°0) in 5 n/ oi an0
(u) ,
-M^|| Q / 3 + ca0M
H ,
:°„„ a0
. ~ ,' in 5
where M 6 L2{S, Es2). Next we calculate (-/)*(-A'(iV, M)) = 8up{(-AJJV, (u, w)) + {-A'2M, (u, w)) +f(u,w)\(u,w)eH^(S)2xH2(S)} = snp{ J(Na0n0
- 26°M<"V - b°n0M°0 +
+ sup{ f(ba0Na0 + Ma0lla0 - ca0Ma0 + q)wdS\w 6 //02(S)} s fO UNa0M-2baaM°0w-b°M°0 + qa = Q in 5 , and 6a/3JVa/3 + Ma0^Q0 - ca0Ma0 + q = 0 in 5 ; +oo otherwise.
The equilibrium equations appearing in (17.2.3) coincide with those derived in a different manner by Niordson (1985, p.99) provided that (Ma0) is replaced with (-Ma0). The space of statically admissible generalized stresses is defined by S(S) = {(N,M) e L2(S,E*2) x L2(S,E*2)| Na0ll0 e L2(S) , Ma0\\a0 6 L2(S) and the equilibrium equations are satisfied} .
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
Let us set o£ = A ; 1 ,
dc = D ; 1 .
The density of the complementary energy is then expressed by Wt{£,N,M) where N,M
= W(U/e,JV.M) = ^ W ^ " ^
+ l^M*0M*,
£ E£. Now we are in a position to formulate the dual problem:
find - C C ( 7 V £ , M £ ) = sup{-G £ (7V, Af)|(JV,Af) € 5 ( 5 ) }
where Gt(N,M)=
and x = $(£). The duality Proposition (1.2.50) implies inf Qe = min Qc = sup Q* = max Q* . Since the complementary potential W*(£, •, •) is strictly convex, therefore (7V£, M £ ) € «S(S) solving the dual problem (Q*) is unique. D«a/ effective potential W£ Prior to the formulation of the dual homogenization theorem pertaining to the T-convergence of the sequence of functionals {Ge}e>0 given by (17.2.7), it is indispensable to derive the dual effective potential W£. We recall that for e, p 6 E \ the primal homogenized potential is given by (17.1.50). For Nh, Mh e Es2 the dual potential is calculated as the Fenchel conjugate: W'h (£, Nh, Mh) = sup{NfeaP =
sup {NfeaP
+ MfPa/}
- Wh(Z, e, p)\ e, p e E]}
l\Y\ (v,v)eHK,pcAY) J Y
'/» =
- 1 sup { [[Nf{el,{v)+^) inf
I flA^&yHeleW
- 2 6 S ( 0 ^ + Pc0)]dy
+ eapHie^W
+ e*)
(v,v)EHK,pcr{Y) 4 J Y
+ Da^(Z,y)(K%(v)
- 26£(0^ + M K »
- ^{(0~
+ Px,)]dy} ,
Elastic and plastic shells
= Q,
v e H^Y?
i; G H^(Y) ,
JMf^{v)dy Y
Thus we may write Thus we may write
= W-'supiJiNf^W
+ tat,)
- \lAa0x»(t,y)(eva0(v)
+ ea0)(e%(v) + eXll)
+ D°^(S,y)(Kya0(v)-2bZ(O^ - 2b{(0^-+Px,)]}dy\(v,v)
+ pa0)(K\»(v) e HKjmr{Y),e,pe
E2} .
Now we introduce the following space X := [e^H^Y?)
© E2] x {[K"(H^Y))
- 2bVy(Hlper(Yf)}}
0 E2 ,
and set J(£, A, V) = y"w[^, y, A(y),iP(y)]dy . Y
We observe that the space X depends on £, since b does. The notation bVy(H^er(Y)2) has the obvious meaning: fort; £ //^.(V) 2 , b(£)V 6(f)Vyvt; = ^(^(dvs/dy^)). Thus we can write W'^N^M,)
= |lT1(J + / x ) W 1 M k ) ,
/ * stands for the indicator function of the space X. The conjugate or dual functional where Ix (J + Ix)' takes the form, cf. Sec. 1.2.5 (J + Ix)'(Nh,Mh)
= (VDlSrtr{Y))(Nh,Mh)
where ^(Y)
:= X1 ,
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
while O] denotes the operation of inf-convolution. We calculate XL = {(n,m) J[na0(y)(eya0(v)
G L 2 (Y,E<) x L2(Y, E s 2 )|
+ ea0) + m ^ ( y ) ( ^ ( t ; ) - 2 « £ ( 0 ^ + Pa0)]dy = 0
(17.2.10) ((17.2.10)
V (v,v) ( » , »e) H 6 KiPer V P(Y)} ' ) } '. XLL
To rmine X we To determine determine we successively successively find: find: ae (i) For For pp = = 00 and and (v, v) = (i) (v, v) = (0,0) (0,0) we we obtain obtain // nnal3(y)e (y)ea0a0dy dy
= 0, 0, and and hence = hence
a0 Jn fna0(y)dy (y)dy = = O. 0.
(17.2.11 (17.2.11)
Here ea0 is treated as constant, int, thus square integrable, element elen of (ii) For e = 0 and (v, v) = (0,0) one similarly gets
L2(Y). (17.2.12) (17.2.12)
/ m(y)dy = 0. 0. fm{y)dy yY
(iii) Taking into account (17.2.11) and (17.2.12) in (17.2.10) we obtain X1 = {(n,m)
€ L2(Y, E*) x L2(Y, Es2)\Jn(y)dy
= 0 , jm{y)dy Jm(y)dy
v Y a0a0 y J\n {y)el J \n {y)e0{v) a0{v)
+ m°V(y)(Kl m^{y){Kl0{v) 0(v)
= = 0,
v Y
- 2W£a{i)^-)\dy (0gg)]dy = 0
V(v,v)€HKiPer(Y)}. V(v,v)eH {Y) we get For(v,0) e HKlP er{Y) K:Per a0 J\na0 J[n {y)e%{v) (y)eya0(v)
= 0 V v G H^(Y)2
- m°e(y)2b°a(0^}dy
Integration by part yields /
( - ^ -
r ay
+ 2 6 ? ( 0 ^ - J «o<& + / K " " 2bax(Orn*0)v0vads 2 = 0 Vv € H^Y) , ay
where v stands for the outer unit normal vector to dY. Hence we conclude that2
v« e /^ r (Y) ,
where v stands for the outer unit normal vector to dY. Hence we conclude that fa"0
(nQ/} - 2b1((,)mx0)v0
i^ W
(nQ/} - 2b1((,)mx0)v0
opposite values on the opposite sides of Y. =takes 0 ,ny
(17.2.14) takes opposite values on the opposite sides of Y.
Elastic and plastic shells
It remains to study the following variational equation
'ro«*(yX>)dy = 0 V v e
Integration by parts gives d2ma0 ™a0{y)Kva0{v)dy = / v dy - I qvds Y
Y s
+ [™»^d
+ ERiHOi) = 0 VveH^iY),
where Oi (i = 1,2,3,4) denote the corners of Y and m„ = ma0vav0 , dma0 V
Fk = 2(-l)'+ 1 m 12 (O i ) , dmt
q = <*-QT- + ~g^ •
<- = mPl/c.T0 ■
Here T is the unit vector tangent to dY. From Eq. (17.2.15) we conclude that: d2ma0 divy div„m = -r—— = 0 in Y , dyady0 m„ takes equal values and q - opposite values on the opposite sides of Y ,
the condition ^2Ri = 0 is identically satisfied. i=l
On account of (17.2.10), (17.2.13), (17.2.14) and (17.2.17) the space S^Y) eralized stresses (n, m) isfinallygiven by S^Y)
= {(n, m) e L2(Y, E°2) x L2(Y, E°2)\ Jn{y)dy = 0 , jm{y)dy Y
of local gen
dnaP dmX13 —— -2bl(0^r— = 0 iny,div„div y m = 0 in Y , dye oyp (na0 - 2b°(£)mxl3)i>f3 take opposite values on the opposite sides of Y , mu takes equal and - q opposite values on the opposite sides of Y} . (17.2.18) In accordance with (17.2.8) and the definition of inf-convolution we have W'h(Z,Nh,M,,) = i r r 1 inf{J*(£,m, mi) + ISver{Y){n2,m2)\ Nh = ni + n 2 , M h = m i +Tn 2 ,(ni,mi), (n 2 ,m 2 ) € S^Y)} = IY]-1 inf{J*(£, Nh - n2, Mh - m 2 )|(n 2 , m 2 ) € S^Y)} ,
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
where r(t,n,m)=Jw{Z,y,n(v),m{y))dv, and = \aa0X)i(^y)na0n^
+ \da0X^,y)ma0m^
Since Sper(Y) is a linear space therefore
= \Y\~l M{jw(S,y,
Nh + n(y), Mh + m(y))dy\(n,m)
= l-\Y\~l \ni{J[aa^(U)(KP
+ na0(y))(N^ + n"»(y))
+ ma0(y))(M^
+da0^,y)(Mf s
€ S^Y)}
where Nh € E 2, Mh e E 2. Suppose that (n, m) € <Sper(y) solves the minimization problem occurring in (17.2.19). Such a solution obviously exists and is unique. Due to linearity of the problem studied, there exist functions (N(o/3), O{a0)) e 5 ^ ( 7 ) , (M ( Q / 3 ) , R(Q(3)) £ ^ - ( V ) such that n = JV?'N«*> + MfM(a0)
m = JVha"0(a/„ + MfR ( a / 3 ) .
These functions can be found by solving two minimization problems. Let (Jw.OjeEJxE;
wherel? 5) are components of the identity tensor. Then
V^(€,IW),0) = ^iniiJK^dyW^
+ n<"(y))(/&) +n*{y))
+ da0X^,y)ma0(y)mx»(y)}dy\(n,m)
£ 5^.(10} .
The infimum on the r.h.s. is obviously attained at (N(7fl, 0(7fj) £ 5per(K). To formulate the second minimization problem we take (0,1(7«)) £ Ej x Ej, 7, <5-fixed. Next we find mt,0,Im)
^mi{j{aa0X^,y)n^(y)n^(y) Y
«.y)(/ ( f fl + m ^ ( » ) ) ( / ^ + m»(y))]dy\(n,m) Now the infimum is attained at (M(7«), R(7<5)) € 5per(V).
£ 5^(7)}.
Elastic and plastic shells
Remark 17.2.1. The form (17.2.18) of <S^r(r) implies that both in (17.2.20) and (17.2.21) the infima over n and m are, in general, coupled. If b = (bap) vanishes then the minimiza tion over n and m can be performed independently. Dual homogenization theorem: Y-convergence of the sequence {GE}c>o We are in a position to formulate the dual homogenization theorem. Theorem 17.2.2. The sequence of functional Ge + Is(s), where Ge is defined by (17.2.7), is r-convergent in the weak topology of H = L2(S, Es2) x L2(S, Es2) to Gh + IS(s)- The functional G/, has the form Gk(N,M)=
[w*h(S,N(x),M(x))dS s where W£ is given by (17.2.19) and a; = $(f )• Sketch of the proof. (i) We set Jve{u,w;p,q) =
if (JV,Af)€H,
+ q]dS ,
s J£{u, w; p,q) = I Wh[£, e(u, w) + p, p{u, w) + q]dS , s 2 2 where p, q 6 L (S, E a). By using Theorem 17.1.2 we then prove that Jl = T(r x aH.) - lim J? , where r denotes the strong topology of the space L2(S)2 x H1(S) while sH> stands for the strong topology of the space H' = L2(S, E2) x L2{S, E2S). (ii) According to Az6's Theorem 1.3.36 we then have Gh + IS(S) = T(wH) - lim (G£ + IS(s)) ■ Further, let (uc,we) 6 HQ(S)2 X H$(S) be a minimizer of (Qe) and {ue',M/}£<>0 a convergent subsequence: (u £ ',iy £ ) -^ (S,uJ) when e' —» 0. Then inf Qci —»inf Q/, when e' —> 0 . Similarly, if (Nc, Mc) solves the problem (Q*) and {NE», Mc»} is a convergent subse quence: (JVe«, M £ ») ^
(JV, M )
when e" -> 0
then ((&)
- Gh(N, M) = sup{-y"w h '[^7V(x),M(x)]d5| (N,M) s
€ 5(5)} ,
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
and sup Q'c„ -> sup Ql,
inf Qh = sup Q'h .
Obviously, both the infimum and supremum are attained.
/ 7.3. Effective stiffnesses of ribbed orthotropic cylindrical shells The homogenization will be performed within the framework of the Koiter shell model studied in Sees. 17.1 and 17.2. Two cases will be dealt with. In the first one the shell is stiffened circumferentially. The second case concerns the stiffening coinciding with the generating lines. The final results turn out to differ considerably. 17.3.1.
Geometrical and material characteristics of a cylindrical shell
Consider a closed circular orthotropic cylindrical shell, the mid-surface of which is given by the mapping $(£) = \Rcos9,Rsin6,Z2},
where £' = 9, £2 = x 3 , see Fig. 17.3.1 below. The fundamental tensors of the mid-plane are o n = R2, Oi2 = 0, o22 = 1, bn = -R, b12 = 622 = 0 .
Due to orthotropy the following stiffnesses vanish Kun
^1222 _
According to (17.1.21), (17.1.22) the non-zero components of the tensors B and E are
B1111 = ( 1 + J^-] Ann , 3R2J
B1122 = B22n = A1122 ,
512,2= 1+
f £&) A l 2 U '
£2121 __ £1221 _ £2112 _ ^1212
h2 6R
We recall that D " = {h /l2)A
h2 =
£1212 __
£2222 _ ^2222 .
£1111 _ _Allll
(l7 34)
6R The following identities will be used
= i4iinz?iiiii nn
= 2[RA
51111^1111^1111)-! = f ^ L
, (^Hll)-l .
568 568
Elastic and plastic shells
17.3.2. Strong formulations of the local problems (P$) Let us define the auxiliary local fields °' l"> mi (
+ E^P\-X™
sty], (( 11 77 33 88 ))
(V) (AM)
'' -'
M 2 a0 = EP^^f where ( ) | Q = d/dya and where ()| Q = d/dya and
+ <^] ,
M ( ) (A , U t/(A"> = (* (*(** **)(£.-).X (£.-).X(A**,(£.-))(£.-))-
(V) (A,i) I{//(AM (¥<*»>(£,.), =<**•>(£,.)), "> = (* (£>'), S (£>•)),
Then Then the problems problems (Py) can can be be rearranged rearranged to the form: (Py) ( P '?)
find U find U CA,i) e€ HKiPer {Y) such that Kper(Y) (AM) a„ (AM) (AM) (AM) „a a W = 0 0 ,, (( M % ^* )) = = 0 0 V(«,«) V(v,v) ///CperCK) •• (17.3.10) (17.3.10) W a0% Va]0/ 3) ) = M„, Q« V €€ ///CperCK)
The variational equations (17.3.10) imply: (i) the differential equations (V) . JN „Va .0 l^0 ==0O, , (AM)
^M) „ (V) Maa/}C wT a % = = 0, M
iny. inY.
(ii) The The periodicity conditions: conditions: the quantities (AM)
(AM) .
N„ a0 uau0 , Na a0u0ra , Ma o0waue (17.3.12) N„ a0uau0 , Na a0u0ra , Ma o0waue (17.3.12) nliiaf> on A n the t n a rmr\S\ci\a i H a r of tip V nr%A assume the same values opposite csides Y, and assume the same values on the opposite sides of Y, and (Art „ d 22 and a a
£ (A,i to is aa small small parameter, parameter, cf. cf. Fig. Fig. 17.3.1. 17.3.1. The The solutions solutions U U (A,i will be be functions functions to S/i S/i = = ££ Y Y £ ;; £e is '' will of of one one variable variable j/i. j/i.
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
Fig. 17.3.1. Cylindrical shell with stiffeners along the generating lines A detailed analysis of the solution of the problems (Py) shows that the final formulae for the effective stiffnesses are unaffected by the curvature of the shell and coincide with the formulae for periodic plates. Thus the membrane stiffnesses Ajf^ are given by Eqs. (3.7.14), the bending stiffnesses D"" A,i are expressed by Eqs. (3.7.7) and the reciprocal stiffnesses Efx" and F^px" vanish. 17.3.4.
Case of circumferential stiffening
The geometric and material characteristics of the shell are el\ = ea-periodic with respect to the coordinate £2 = i 3 , cf. Fig. 17.3.2.
Fig. 17.3.2. Cylindrical shell with circumferential stiffening
Elastic and plastic shells
Thus we have A0"3*"* = Ao0X"(^,y2), h = h(£,y2), y2 € (0,o) and these functions are a-periodic with respect to y2. For £ fixed the solutions to the (Py) problems are functions of one variable y2. Contrary to the previous case of stiffening the formulae for A/,, Eh, Dh do not coincide with those for plates. Thus more detailed analysis seems necessary. a) Solution to the (P£) problem. Finding the stiffnesses A?Xli and F ^ A " The variable £ will be viewed as a parameter. Our aim is tofindthe functions *iAM'(y2), tf^CjtaXH^'tjfe) such that (A/i)
M , 2.£2 | 2 2 = 0 ,
a =1,2
where (
= B1212¥x"\2
+ <412A" , (AM)
M 2222
= S 2 2 2 2 * ^ + /1 22A "
MI = -D E( "»|22; we recall that
(A»») (A/i)
where g represents the following functions: *LA"', H(A/i), S * ^ , TV, "2, Mi Integration of (17.3.14) gives
M 12 = c™,
= c™, x>l)
One of the periodicity conditions gives C[ form ^ ) _ C ^ _ ^
y(A,, = ^
^1212 '
, Mi 22,2.
= c™ + w c ^ .
- 0. We can rewrite Eqs. (17.3.15) in the ^
, ( A M ) _ _ ^
m 3 l T
According to the periodicity conditions the averages of the left-hand sides of Eqs. (17.3.17) vanish. Thus wefindthe integration constants: C,(AM) = ( ( B 2 2 2 2 ) - 1 ) - 1 ^ 2 2 ^ / ^ 2 2 2 2 } , QM C(AM) = piMj-yi^gi^) _
° 7 ' '18)
Substitution of (17.3.18) into (17.3.17) determines these quantities. Then one canfindthe formulae for the components A^fXft and F£0X)' defined by (17.1.26). Simple computation gives C4ll22\2 ^2222 A 22
41122 ' ' ^
2222 1 = (l^ 2)U ' )-')*>^2222
= {^A^)
, + {{1 +
A2222 = ((^l 2222 )- 1 )- 1 , ayy{_^_rl,
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
and 1212
1 + ff
1 XU + ^ X {l + o)A12U 1
where c = — r . The remaining stiffnesses are given by 42211 _ 41122 IT2112 _
/11221 _
zp2121 _
42121 _
C1221 _
4 2 I I 2 _ 41212
In the case of h being constant the formulae for A™2 and F h A™2 = ((/I 1 2 1 2 )- 1 }- 1 + Fnu
simplify to
({A1212)-<(^1212)-1)-1), (17.3.22)
= 0
2 ( 1 + Or]
((A1212) - ( ( A 1 2 1 2 ) " 1 ) - 1 ) .
Note that the formulae for A^ coincide with those for periodic plates, found in Sec. 3.7. The membrane - bending coupling does not occur, but we note the membrane shearing ~ torsion coupling. This coupling tends to zero when h/R —> 0. b) Solution to the (P})-problem. Finding the stiffnesses Efx>x and Dfx" The functions $a (2/2) and x'A,1'(2/2) that satisfy the following differential equations are unknown: (AM)
^ 2 ^2|2 = 0 ,
22 |22
= 0,
where (AM)
,. ,
= 52222$2V), (17.3.24)
(AM). _
The periodicity condition (17.3.16) holds for g representing: *L V ) , X^K XM\2, fy (AM)
M2 22 , and M 2 22|2- Proceeding similarly to the previous case we find the gradients of the unknown functions
$ (V) 1|2 *2|2 (AM) __
1 £1212 u
' 1 £2222
Elastic and plastic shells
Substitution into (17.1.29) gives ft
! , r) 1122 '\ 2 D m
= (D
/?n» =
^~) + (^) 2 ((^ 2 2 2 2 )- 1 )- 1 .
<(z?M»)-,)-.(^) £>2222
£>2211 = D*122 ,
Df 22 = ((D 2 2 2 2 )" 1 )- 1 ,
/J)^221 = z?2,112 = D 2 / 2 1 = Z^ 212 . If h = const, then 012M
= (D.212)
_ ^ L ^ ( z ? . 2 1 3 ) _ ((O^ 2 )-!)-!) . (1+CTj
Thus in the case of h =const we have A\™ > ((A 1 2 1 2 )" 1 )- 1 ,
D1212 < {D12u).
This means that the curving of the basic cell increases the effective shearing stiffness and decreases the effective torsional stiffness. If h/R —* 0, then the effective stiffnesses of the cylindrical shell tend to the values of the effective stiffnesses of the plate, see Sec. 3.7. Note that only the effective stiffnesses of indices (1212) depend upon the ratio h/R. 17.4.
Shallow shells of periodic structure: effective properties
Only in rare cases the whole shell structure can be viewed as a shell obeying the MushtariDonnell-Vlasov shallow shell approximation, see Sec. 16.5. However, this approximation can be applied to some regions in which bending prevails. A possible periodic structure of such a shell region may be smeared-out with using less complicated formulae. Their derivation is the aim of die present section. Assume that the membrane and bending stiffnesses are given by Eq. (17.1.1), where Aa0X"^, •) and Z>a"A*(£, •) are ^-periodic and of class L°°(Y). According to (16.5.1) and (16.5.2) the constitutive relations assume the form Nf
= Aa0^(^/e)eXll(u^wc)
Mf = Da^(Z,t;/e)KXli(w<) . (17.4.1)
Note that now the measures of change of curvature do not depend on the field ue. Assume that the shell is clamped along the boundary and that the loads qa,q are eindependent. The bilinear form (16.5.2) depends now on e and has the following form a\(u£, w<; v, v) = J[NfeaP(v,
v) + Mfna0{v)\^
Homogenization of stiffnesses of thin periodic elastic shells. Linear approach
and the equilibrium problem has the form (P£) (see Eq. (17.1.6)) with the form ac replaced by a\. This problem will be called (P\t). The solution to this problem is represented by (17.1.7). The homogenization results follow from those of Sec. 17.1 by crossing out ap propriate terms depending on ue. The homogenized constitutive relations turn out to be decoupled N^
= Afx»el,
Mf = Dfx^l,
where e*0 = ta0{u°, w°), K!^0 = K^{W°). The effective stiffnesses are given by
AT" = {A^Wi
+ )> >
= (D°0X"W5i ~ O
where the auxiliary functions rp^, x((S7) are solutions to the basic cell problems: find 1/>(7,S)(£, •) e H^r(Y)2 such that
V v e HUY)* ;
find xbS)(Z, ■) G HleriY) s u c h that {Piloci
The homogenized equilibrium problem amounts to finding (u°, w°) G V°(Q) such that (P») \J\K^a0(v,v)
+ MfK^MWEdt
= f(v,v)
V(«,u) e V°(fi)
In where /(•, •) is given by (16.2.17); the constitutive relations have the form (17.4.3). The homogenized potential
yvh = \(Nf^ + Mf^),
can be put in the form similar to (17.1.50): Wh « , * \ «") = \ m({(A°^(Z,y)K0(v) a
+ D ^(t,y)K0(v)
+^ K , » + ^1
+ <}) I (v,v) € HK
fore h ,/s h e E*. Thus the homogenization formulae are similar to those derived for periodic plates, see Sec. 3.2. The curvatures of the shell do not affect the formulae for the tensors Ah and Dh. The reciprocal stiffnesses do not occur.
Elastic and plastic shells
18. Homogenized properties of thin periodic elastic shells undergoing moderately large rotations around tangents As we already know, this model is characterized by the strain measures (16.2.7)2 and (16.4.4), where eap(u,w) is defined by (16.2.7)j. The homogenization problem is for mulated similarly to the case of Koiter's shell model. Thus for afixede > 0 the functional of the total potential energy Jc is given by Jc(u,w) = Jw(taeMu,w),P(u,w))V^dZ n
- f(u,w),
where (u, w) S V°(Q) and the loading functional / is defined by (16.2.17). The stored energy function W satisfies the assumptions specified in Sees. 17.1.1 and 17.1.2. Applying Theorem 1.3.28 we conclude that the r(7-)-limit of the sequence of functionals specified by (18.1) has the following form Jh(u,w) = yW h (e,7(u I u;),p(u,iu))Va<£-/(«.«>)• n
Here r = s— [L2(£l)2 x H1^)] and the homogenized potential is given by
where ■yh, pf1 S E2,. The homogenized constitutive equations are Nf
= dWh/d>fa ,
Mf = dWh/dpha0 .
It is clear that they assume the form similar to (17.1.25) with eh replaced by -fk. These equations are in general coupled. Uncoupling occurs for the Mushtari-MargueiTe shell model. In the last case the effective tensors Ah and Dh are determined similarly to the case of thin plate homogenization, cf. Eqs. (3.2.32) and the local problems (PKS,Y)< <x = 1,2, as well as Sec. 17.4.
Perfectly plastic shells
Perfectly plastic shells
The goal of this section is to examine Koiter's shells made of a Hencky material. The strain measures are given by (16.2.7) and the periodic structure has been described in Sec. 17. Let C(£, y) C E j x E j be a convex bounded and closed set such that (0,0) G int C(£, y). We recall t h a t i ' = $ , (£ Q ), i = 1,2,3; a = 1,2, and y = £/e. Similarly to the case of plastic plates the set C(£, y) is generated by the yield condition. The density of the complementary energy of the elastic-perfectly plastic shell made of the Hencky material is assumed in the following form j'{Z,y,N,M)
= W(£,y,N,M)
+ Icl(,y){N,M)
where W stands for the density of the complementary elastic energy, cf. Sec. 17.2. The constitutive equation is conveniently written in the subdifferential form (e,p)edj(Z,y,N,M)-
Here d denotes the subdifferential of the function j*[£,y, •, •)• The density of the elasto-plastic potential is given by, cf. Sec. 13.1 j'(Z,y,e,p)=r(Z,y,e,P) = sup{N^ea0
+ Ma/}pa0
- j'(Z,y,
(19.3) N, M) \ (N, M) e E^ x E^} ,
for each e,p G E s . The inverse constitutive relationship is written as follows (N,M)edj(i,y,e,p).
The recession function joo(£, y, •, •) of C(£, y) is calculated as follows JooK,y,€,P) = sup{Na0ea0
+ Ma0pa0
| (N,M)
G Cfoy)}
Properties ofj and j ^ There exist R > r > 0 and k > 0 such that (i)r(|e| + | p | ) - f c < j t f l y , £ , p ) < f l ( | e | + |p|). (ii) r(\e\ + \p\)< j c t f , y, e, p) < R(\e\ + \p\), (iii)j^,y,N,M) = Ic(s,y)(N,M), for c, p G E^, £ G fi and y G Y. Let us assume that the shell is clamped on dS = <&(r), T = dQ. The loading functional is given by (16.2.17). We assume that in the homogenization procedure it plays the role of a continuous perturbation. The kinematical or displacement formulation of the equilibrium of the shell considered is formulated as a minimization problem.
Elastic and plastic shells
576 Problem P£ Find in f{JM>
Z/e,«(«. w) - P(«, «0] V a ^ - A/(u, w)\(u,w)e
LD{il) x W2'1 (il) ,
n u = 0, w = 0, - ^ = 0 on T} . on Here A > 0 is the load multiplier. The limit analysis problem is formulated in the usual way. Problem P[A Find Xc = inf{/'i00[f)e/e,£(u,u»)1p(ti1u»)]>/ade | (u,w) G LD{Sl) x W*x(fi) , n /(it, w) = 1; u = 0, w = 0, -g- = 0 on T} . The existence of solutions to problems (Pjf) and (PlA) is discussed in Bojarski and Tel ega (1994). As in the case of plastic plates, these problems are solvable in the space BD(fl) x HB(Q). More precisely, the infima of the corresponding relaxed functionals are attained just in BD(Q) x HB(£l). Obviously.the function j'[£,f/e,e(u,w),p(u,u;)],u G BD(Q), w G HB(Q), is to be treated as a function of measures and A < A£. We observe that in the general case if u G BD(Q), w G HB(£l), then p(u, w) is not necessarily a bounded measure. There two simple cases ensuring that p is a bounded measure: (i) p(u,w) = — w^ap, (ii) b\(£) = b2^) = 0 and &}(£) = b2(£) for each f e fi. In the first case the shell is shallow whilst in the second case the shell is a part of a sphere. Another way of ensuring that p(u, w) would be a bounded measure is to assume that for u G BD(Cl), (6QUA) G BD(Q) also. This problem deserves deeper examination. Anyway, in the homogenization study which follows, p(u, w) is assumed to be a bounded measure, when needed. Let us pass now with e to zero. Wefindthe r(I/(fl)2 x W1,1 (fl))-limit problems, where 1 < p < 2. Problem Pf Find mf{[jh{S,e(u,w),p(u,w)} + J j h 0 o[^T(-u),F (- — W d T n r -Xf(u,w)\(u,w),eBD(Q)xHB(il),w = 0 on T } .
Perfectly plastic shells
Problem P£A Find A" = inf{y'ite>K,e(u,u»)Ip(tt,iu)] + fj^,T{-u),f f~\]aidr n r \f{u,w) = 1, (u,w) € BD{il) x HB(n),w = 0 on T} . Here dxlV
{-d7) U r J
and s represents a parametrization of T. The homogenized potential is given by MS, e\ p") = ini{±-Jj[t,
y, e%(v) + e*,, < »
- ^
- ^
+ ^dy
where e*, ph 6 E^ and £ g fl. Obviously we have Ah = limA £ . Remark 19.1. One can also consider dual formulations and shells loaded on the boundary, cf. Bojarski and Telega (1994) and Sec. 14.1.
Elastic and plastic shells
Comments and bibliographical notes
The first complete set of equations of linear vibrations of thin elastic shells were derived by Love (1889). However, these equations were not mathematically correct. Novozhilov was the first who proposed a linear theory free of any inherent errors, but restricted to the special parametrization determined by the lines of principal curvatures, see Novozhilov (1951), cf. also Leissa (1969, 1993, 1998). In 1960 Koiter proved that there is no unique version of thefirstorder linear shell theory. He showed how to construct energy equivalent shell models that satisfy all requirements of mechanical and mathematical correctness. The next step was done by Budiansky and Sanders (1963) who restricted this class to those shell models in which the static-geometric analogy (discovered by Goldenveizer) takes place. They noticed that among all such shell models only one version uses the strain measures which for shells of revolution reduce to those forms which are widely accepted. Just this shell model was called "the best"; it was derived in Sec. 16.3. For theoretical consideration some authors prefer an energy equivalent shell model, called in Sec. 16 the Koiter shell model. In this model the formulae for strain measures are shorter than in the "best" version, but the static-geometric analogy does not hold. A rigorous mathematical proof of correctness of the Koiter model was given by Bernadou and Ciarlet (1976), cf. also Bemadou et al. (1994), Bernadou et al. (1997), and Ciarlet and Sanchez-Palencia (1996). The contemporary literature on shell modelling is ample but, in our opinion, the article by Naghdi (1963) is conspicuous due to its rigor, lucidity and elegancy of presentation, cf. also Destuynder (1985) and Lewiiiski (1980). This article starts with the shell theory with transverse shear deformation, which was reported briefly in Sec. 16.1. Further shell models can be derived by restricting the class of admissible deformations. The nonlinear shell models of Sees. 16.4 and 16.5 are reported after Pietraszkiewicz (1979). Periodicity of thin shells can be viewed as periodicity with respect to the curvilinear parametrization of its middle surface, cf. also Lutoborski and Telega (1982, 1984). This concept was used by Lewinski and Telega (1988a), where the effective shell model was derived by using the two-scale asymptotic technique and justified in Lewiiiski and Telega (1991c) and Telega and Lewinski (1998a) by the r-convergence method. This effective shell model (see Sec. 17.1) involves displacements as independent (primal) variables. The effective problem can be rearranged to the dual form involving stress and couple resultants as unknowns. The dual formulae of Sec. 17.2 were derived in Telega and Lewinski (1998b). The effective properties of ribbed cylindrical shells given in Sec. 17.3 were found by Lewinski (199 If)The homogenization results of Sec. 18 concerning shells undergoing moderately large deflections were published for the first time in Lewiiiski and Telega (1991c). In the homogenization method used in Sec. 17 the two-dimensional thin shell model of Koiter is treated as a departure point. Assuming that the curvature tensor b = (bap) vanishes we come back to the model of Duvaut and Metellus (Sec. 3) for thin plates. As explained in Sec. 5 this model applies to the case when the periodicity cells have a shape of a thin plate. By analogy, the homogenized model of Sec. 17 applies to the case when
Perfectly plastic shells
periodicity cells are thin shells themselves. If we apply the homogenization technique to the solutions of moderately thick shells (Sec. 16.1) wefindthe homogenization formulae similar to those derived in Sec. 5.2 for plates. This derivation is feasible but is not included in this volume. The most general averaging should start from the three-dimensional setting. Such av eraging was performed for the first time by Kalamkarov et al. (1987) by the two-scale expansion method, see also Kalamkarov (1992, Chap. 5). This derivation has been based on the assumption of the radii of curvature being much greater than the shell thickness, which has led to the homogenized and linearized shell model of Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov type (see Sec. 16.5). Consequently, the transverse shear forces do not enter the two first equilibrium equations (see Eqs. (15.89) in Kalamkarov (1992)) and the tensor of changes of curvature does not depend on the tangent displacements (see Eqs. (15.89) and (15.49) in Kalamkarov (1992)). Thus one can conjecture that the formulae of Kalamkarov apply to periodic shells of slowly varying curvatures. For some specific geometries of the basic cell of periodicity the algorithm of Kalamkarov leads to the closed approximate formulae for effective stiffnesses of composite or reinforced shells. Since these formulae depend explicitly on the geometrical characteristics of the basic cells they turn out to be useful in solving the optimum design problems for such shells, see Kalamkarov and Kolpakov (1996, 1997). A derivation of the homogenization formulae of larger range of application is up till now unknown. The reason is that such derivation would combine difficulties of homogenization and reduction of the transverse dimension of a shell. In the case of plates one knows how to derive die thin plate equations by a systematic and variationally consistent method, see Ciarlet and Destuynder (1979). In the case of shells one should not expect such unique asymptotic results since any complete shell theory involves two stiffness tensors of various units, which reflects the fact that such a theory is spanned between the membrane theory and the pure flexure theory and, as such, cannot be justified by one asymptotic process, see Ciarlet and Lods (1996a, 1996b, 1996c), Busse et al. (1997), Genevey (1996a, 1996b), Miara and Sanchez-Palencia (1998). Consequently one should not expect that homoge nization of three-dimensional shell equations can lead us smoothly just to the Koiter shell equations with uniquely determined effective stiffnesses. We observe, however, that Gen evey (1996a, 1998) applied T-convergence theory to a justification of both the membrane and flexural theories of linear isotropic elastic shells. The same method was used by Le Dret and Raoult (1996) and Genevey (1997) to justify of a geometrically nonlinear mem brane model, cf. also Collard and Miara (1997), Lods and Miara (1998), Miara (1998). As was already mentioned the problem of combination of rigorous justification witii homoge nization remains open. Section 19 presentsfirstresults on two-dimensional homogenization of perfectly plastic shells made of a Hencky material. The relaxation of the functional involved follows the paper by Bojarski and Telega (1994).
Chapter VI
Introduction One should clearly distinguish between the optimization problems of finite number of design variables and those in which design variables are functions. The former problems arise upon discretization. Having a truss or a frame we deal with a finite number of un knowns and design variables. By the nonlinear programming methods such problems can be solved, provided that the number of unknowns is not too great; nowadays it should be less than one thousand. In practice, even the case of one hundred unknowns can be almost unsolvable, if the chosen merit function has a lot of local extrema. On the other hand, the interest of researchers has been focused on shape optimization problems. One of the most interesting problem is how to place some given materials into a fixed domain to optimize a global behavior of the body. If augmented with an isoperimetric condition like that of a given volume, such problems sound reasonably. However, it turns out that partitioning of the materials usually makes the design better. And there is no barrier for such partitioning. To achieve the best design we are compelled to admit an infinitely dense partitioning, which means admitting composite domains in which the original materials enter at the microlevel. The elastic characteristics of these composite materials are new design variables. Instead of looking for the optimum shape of the constituents we shall look for an optimum layout of microstructural parameters. The overall elastic characteristics of the composite domains are determined by the formulae of homogenization. In this manner the homogenization theory enters into the realm of the layout optimization problems. One of the aims of the present chapter is to show this application of the homogenization method by the example of the minimum compliance problem of thin elastic plates, see Sec. 26. To understand this topic one should start with studying the optimal lower and upper bounds of the plate energy. They are derived by the translation method. The translation method is also a tool which makes it possible to derive the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for two-phase plates. The derivation is nevertheless far from being automatic. To derive the optimal bounds for the Kirchhoff modulus one should handle two strain or stress fields and estimate the sum of energies, see Sees. 22.3, 22.4 and 23.2. The bounds found in this manner are attainable, which can be proved by checking that the isotropic plates constructed by three subsequent "layerings" have the moduli that coincide with these bounds, see Sees. 22.5 and 23.3.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
If the merit function is the weight of the structure then optimal layouts consist of infinite number of infinitely thin bars in tension or compression, see Fig. 29.2. The optimal features of such unusual structures - which are neither trusses nor plates - were discovered in 1904 by Michell. Their theory is yet not developed. An intuitive introduction to the theory of these structures is given in Sec. 29, the introduction being given in the spirit of the arguments of Strang and Kohn (1983). The difficulties arise if in the layout problem the properties of the phases can vary within certain limits, like in the problem of a plate of varying thickness. To overcome mathemat ical difficulties arising due to this arbitrariness one resorts to the techniques of the Young measures, cf. Sees. 21.6 and 27. The layout theory of shells is less developed. Even in the case of the minimum compli ance problem we do not know the microstructures that realize the optimum. Nevertheless we can formulate the relaxed problem in terms of the dual variables and then rearrange it to the primal formulation involving the displacementfields,see Sec. 28.
21. Mathematical complements Optimization methods require using some peculiar tools of description and analysis. First, it turns out that instead of the standard bases ea ® ep, ea <S> eg ® ex ® e^ for second and fourth order tensors it is frequently helpful to introduce orthonormal vectorial bases. This formal change of the reference is considered in Sec. 21.1. While estimating energy by the so-called translation method we come across the matrix inequality
D0>((D-T)-yl+T. In Sec. 21.2 we show that this inequality is equivalent to Y{D0) + T > 0 , which defines V-transformation of Do- Its properties are explained in the same section. Some useful integral inequalities follow from the quasiaffine and quasiconvex properties of particular functions. They are reported in Sec. 21.4. To clear up some proofs we precede this section with Sec. 21.3 in which basic informations on the Fourier representations are summarized. Section 21.5 is devoted to estimating the effective energy, stored in a periodic ity cell, from below. A proof is given that the harmonic mean plays the role of this estimate. Section 21.6 introduces the reader to Young measures, often called parametrized measures. Our presentation will be oriented towards application to optimal design of structures. 21.1. Alternative representation of second and fourth order tensors Two-dimensional second order tensors are usually referred to the basis ea ® e^j, where (e I t e 2 ) represent versors of the Cartesian orthogonal coordinate system. Thus for any
Mathematical complements K € E 2 we have 2
K = £) Kai3ea ® e*5 •
Let us introduce the tensors 1 , v ai = -/=(ei ® ei + e 2 ® e 2 ) , f a 3 = -7={e\ ® e 2 + e 2 ® e i ) ,
1 , a 2 = -7=(ei ® e, - e 2 ® e 2 ) , f a , = -^=(ei ® e 2 - e 2 ® ei) .
The scalar product of two tensors p = paliea
q = qa0ea ®e0
is defined by p : q = pQV/3-
One can easily prove that ai-aj
= 6,Jy
7,7 6 {1,2,3,4}
and we say that the basis a/ is orthonormal. Each tensor n G E 2 can be decomposed in the basis (a/) as follows K=J2KJaj.
If K is symmetric, then « 4 = 0 and we shall write K € E 2 . We then have K= ^ a
where K2 = ~ S (
« ' = - T = ( « l l + K22) .
(21.1.7) K3 = -T=(/«12 + K2l) = \/2«.12 .
v2 Consequently «11 = -7=W + « 2 ) ,
t 2 2 = - ^ ( K 1 - /t2) 1
(21.1.8) 3
Let us introduce the convention that the indices i, j , k run over 1,2,3. The summation sign will be omitted, if the summation concerns indices at different levels.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Consider two orthonormal bases: (eQ) and (e Q ). According to Fig. 21.1.1 we have ei = cosaefi + s i n a e 2 ,
e 2 = --ssiinn aa ee i + cos a e£22 .
\"^\—-"' fa \ • \ fa X«i=^^-
„ex ~e x
Fig. 21.1.1. Two orthogonal bases (eQ) and (eQ) Let us associate the basis (a*) with the basis (e Q ) by the rules (21.1.2), that is Hi = - /^=( (eei i®®SSi i++ee22® ® 55e 22 ) ,
(21. (21.1.10)
and the tensors H/, / = 2,3,4, are defined similarly. The bases (a,) and (a,) are linked by the transformation relation:
' ai 1
I" 1 0
a2 (13
1 [ Hi °i "" *»1
0 c o s 2 a sin2a 0 — sin 2 a cos 2 a
a 22 H 03
Let us decompose K € E 2 in both bases: K = /c'Oi,
K = k'Oi.
Hence k1 = K1 ,
k2 = cos 2 a K2 - sin 2 a K3 ,
k3 = sin 2 a K2 + cos 2 a « 3 . (21.1.13)
Thus the tensor K K 66 EE] 2 can be viewed as a vector whose components are observed in the basis (Hj), ( a , ) , see Fig. 21.1.2. The projection of K on Hi gives the first invariant of K = -/=(«;„ K-™1 = KKKX1 1 = _ ( «(;*,, , +-+- K22 ) = _-pdrn t TtrKK . /UK) («) — = Kn)
(0\ 1 1 4^ (21.1.14)
The second invariant represents the length of the projection UK of « on the (H ((SH22, ,S a5 33 ) plane: lane: / / ( « ) = [(« [{k22))2 2 + + ((k£33)2)}21]?'2/ 2 .
Note that r i1 ' / ( * ) = { 2 [ ( M l " K22 ^ ?
++ 44((,, C Cll 22)) 22
1l 1/2 ]] f
Mathematical complements
Fig. 21.1.2. Vectorial representation of a symmetric second order tensor K. Note that UK = / / ( K ) Q 5
or 7/(K) = - p [ ( t r K ) 2 - 4 d e t K ] 1 / 2 .
The determinant of K : det K = KUK22 — (in)2 can be represented in the form detK ~
where K = [«.', K.2, K3] matrix:
T £
-KT 2
0 ..
and T = r ''a* ® a,. The components T [ T , J ] = diag[-1,1,1]
form the diagonal (21.1.19)
Note that T= -I\+ / 2 , where the tensors Ia are defined by (3.8.29). In Eq. (21.1.1) K represents the tensor and, at the right-hand side, the same notation is used for the column of numbers (K 1 , K2, K3). This ambiguity in notation should not lead to misunderstandings. The constitutive relations M = Dn for an orthotropic thin plate have the form Mn
= D22UKU
+ D2222K22
M12 = 2D 1 2 , 2 « 1 2 , where M = Ma0ea
® e/j,
D = D
K = ^,Ka0ea
® e0 (21.1.21)
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The versors ea coincide with the orthotropy directions. Let us transform the relations (21.1.20) to the basis (cii). We decompose M = Miai,
K = K,ai,
D = Dijdi ® a,■..
The primal and dual constitutive relations assume the form 3
M* = JTDijKj ,
K* = ihdijM* ,
where Dn = -(Dnu + 2D 1 1 2 2 + D 2 2 2 2 ) , D22 = - ( D 1 U 1 - 2D 1 1 2 2 + D 2 2 2 2 ) ; 2X i2
= -{D
- D
) , D
(21.1.24) 1212
= 2D
D13 = 0 , D23 = 0 . The relations between d^ and da^x^ are similar. If we refer to the basis (e Q ) the constitutive relations assume the form M = DK with Dn =Dn , D12 = cos2aL>12,
D13 = sin 2 a D 1 2 ,
5 2 2 = cos 2 2 a D22 + sin 2 2 a D33 ,
D23 = sin2acos2a(D22 - D33), D33 = sin 2 2 a D 2 2 + cos 2 2 a D33 . Consider now the case of isotropy. The representations of the tensors D and d = D~l have the form D = 2kli+2itl2,
d=^KIi + ^CI3,
C = n~i.
where K = k~\
The moduli k and n are called Kelvin's and Kirchhoff's moduli, respectively. The tensors I„ are defined by
Ji = a i ® a 2 ,
I 2 = a 2 ® a2 + a 3 ® a 3 .
They can also be represented as Ia = lfx"ea
® e0 ® ex ® e„ ;
Mathematical complements
the components I°0xf have been reported in Sec. 3.8.2, see Eqs. (3.8.29). Let us recall that Duu
= D2222 = k + fi, 2p2211 _
DU22 = k-n,
D1212 = /i,
£)2121 _ £)2112 _ £)1221 _ £)1212
and d i m = ~(/C + £) , rfll22 = T ( £ - C) , ^2211 = ^1122 ,
dl212 = T £ ,
^2121 = ^2112 = ^1221 = ^1212 •
Moreover, referring to the basis a< ® a, one finds D11 = 2k ,
£>22 = £>33 = 2n ,
Dn = 0 ,
L>°3 = 0 ,
d22 = d 33 = 2 ^ - '
^12 = 0 ,
da3 = 0 ,
(21.1.32) dn = - / C ,
hence the matrices [Dt]} and [dy] are diagonal [D«]= diag[2fc,2At,2/i],
[dy] = diag
l K lL lL 2^'2£'2£
The density of elastic energy is given by 1
14, W.M'iC,
and (21.1.35a) 2JJ=I
or W*(M) = ^dijMiMj .
W = kiK1)2 + H\(K2)2 + (K3)2} ,
In the isotropic case we have
or W = /c[/(/«)l2 +
M[//(K)] 2 •
Alternatively we can express the elastic energy in terms of invariants of M W =
+ ^[//(M)]2.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Let us consider now the problem of principal values of strains and moments. To this end we choose the angle a such that the vector a 2 = a j is collinear with I1K, cf. Fig. 21.1.2. Then «3 = 0. We denote a = aK, then we have cos 2aK = - £ — , 11(H)
ri/c = / / ( K ) O $ .
Consequently K1 = I(K) ,
K2 = cos2aKII(K),
K3 =sin2ajl(n)
Note that a? = ai, by (21.1.11). We represent«in the basis (of) »s = KiaJ + ^ a 5 . or K = 7(«)ai + 7/(/e)a$ ,
(21.1.40) (21.1.41) (21.1.42)
since K}K = I{K),
K2K = II(K),
a$ = cos 2aK a 2 + sin 2aK a 3 .
The principal strains «/, K// are determined according to (21.1.8) K/ = - ^ ( / ( I S ) + / / ( « ) ) ,
«„ =-^(/(K)-//(«)) .
By (21.1.44) we have «./ > «//, since / / ( K ) > 0. The decomposition (21.1.41), (21.1.42) applied to the tensor of moments reads: M = M ^ a f + M2Ma% ,
M = I{M)al+Il{M)a% ,
or since MlM = I{M),
M2M = II(M).
We see one more reason for introducing the basis (21.1.2): the decomposition of M in the eigenbasis a f involves invariants. The density of the complementary energy (21.1.35) can be expressed in the form
W =\
£ < C
M < >
where d^0 are referred to the basis a£f. 27.2. Y-transformation While estimating the effective conductivity of a two-component isotropic composite, Mil ton (1991) introduced a fractional linear transformation by means of which the HashinShtrikman bounds assumed a surprisingly simple form, seemingly independent of the vol ume fraction. According to Milton (1991) the same transformation had been independently
Mathematical complements
discovered by Cherkaev and Gibiansky in the same year. Moreover, Milton (1991) ex plained the geometrical meaning of this transformation and named it Y(•). In this section we define the K-transformation and report its main properties. Its role will become clear in Sec. 22, where the translation method is used to bound the elastic moduli of the two-phase isotropic plates. Let us start with Lemma 21.2.1. Let S i , S2 be positive definite quadratic matrices such that S1S2 = S2SX .
Let us define (S)m = m,5i + 1
{ S - } - = ( m . S ^ + m2S2 )-'
m2S2, [S] m =
+ m2Si ,
for T7T], m2 e [0,1] such that m\ +m2 = I. Then ( S ) m - ( 5 - 1 ) - 1 = m , m 2 ( S i - S 2 )[S]->(Si - S2) .
Proof. By positive definiteness of S Q the matrix [S] m is invertible. Let us define the matrix R = m i S , + m2S2 - m1m2(.S'i - S2)(mlS2
+ m 2 S i ) - 1 ( S i - S2) .
Let us rearrange the above expression as follows R = {(mlSl -mim2(Si
+ m2S2)(m1S2
+ m2Si)
- S2)(mlS2+m2Si)-1(S1
- S2){m]S2+Tn2Sl)}{mlS2+m2Si)-1
In view of (21.2.1) we have (Si - S2)(mlS2
+ m2Si)
= (miS2 + m2S-l)(Si
- S2) .
Thus R = [(mi Si + m2S2)(miS2
+ m 2 Si)
- m 1 m 2 (Si - S2)(S! - S2)}(miS2
+ m^i)"1 .
Using (21.2.1) one finds R = (mi + m 2 ) 2 S i S 2 ( m i S 2 +
or fl=[(m,S2 + m2S1)(S1S2)-1]-1Applying (21.2.1) once again we find (21.2.3). Lemma 21.2.2. The relation (21.2.3) remains valid without the condition (21.2.1).
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Proof. Let A\, A2 be positive definite quadratic matrices of the same dimension as Sa. Let S\ = AiA^1 and S2 = I, I being the unit matrix. Thus equality (21.2.1) is fulfilled and by (21.2.3) the following identity holds (m1.A1.A21 + m2I) — {m.iA2Ai1 + rri2l)~1 = mim 2 (AiAJ 1 - I)(rn.\I + m2A\A2l)~l{AiA2l
- I) .
By multiplying this identity by A2 we find (miAi + rn2.A2) — [ A j ^ m i ^ A f 1 + m,2l)}~1 = mim 2 (Ai - A2)A2x{m\I
+ m2AiA2~l)~'[{Al
- A2).
Hence (A)m - (A" 1 )- 1 = mim 2 (A, - A 2 )[(m,/ + m2A1A2l)A2}-l(A1 - A2) , which gives (21.2.3) for Sa = Aa. The assumption (21.2.1) has turned out to be redundant and this is precisely the assertion of the lemma. □ Lemma 21.23. Let D\, D2 be n x n positive definite matrices such that the matrix D\ — D2 is invertible. Let T be an n x n matrix such that the matrices Da — T are positive definite. Let Do be an n x n matrix such that the matrix
Do-p-rjt'+T) be semi positive definite, which will be symbolically written as D0>{{D-T)-X)^+T.
The operation ( ) m is defined by (21.2.2)i, with ma G [0, l],mi + m.2 = 1. Then the condition (21.2.4) can be rearranged to the form Y{D0)+T>0,
< )
where *
Y(D0) = -m2Dx
- mjDa
-mimaC-D, - D2){D0 - miDi
-m 2 £)2) _1 (-Di - ^ 2 ) , (21.2.6)
provided that the matrix D0 — m.iD\ — m2D2 is invertible. Proof. Let us substitute S^ = Dx - T and S2 = D2 - T into the identity (21.2.3). By Lemma 21.2.2 we know that the condition 5152 = S2SX does not need to be satisfied. The conditions Sa > 0 are fulfilled according to the assumptions. Thus we find «D-T)-ltt = {D)m-T -mim 2 (Z?i - D2)(mi£>2 + m2£>i - T ) - ' ( D i - D2) ,
(*) The operator Y(-) has nothing to do with the cell of periodicity Y. This ambiguity in notation should not lead to misunderstandings.
Mathematical complements
and the condition (21.2.4) can be rearranged to the form m i D i + m2D2 - D0 < m i m 2 ( D i - D 2 )(miL> 2 + m 2 D ! - T)~\DX
- D2) .
Let us rewrite (21.2.6) in the form
Y(Da)+m2Dl+mlD2 = m ^ t - D i - D 2 ) ( m 1 D i + m2L>2 - D 0 ) _ 1 ( D i - D2) . Hence (Y{D0) + m2Di + m1-D2)"1'Tiim2 = ( D , - D2)-\mxD,
+ m2D2 - D 0 ) ( D , - D 2 ) " ' .
Consequently we have mlm2{Dl = miDi
- D2)[Y{D0)
+ m ^
+ m2Dl}-l{Dl
+ m2D2 - DQ .
By (21.2.8) and (21.2.9) we find the estimate ( D , - D2)(Y(D0)
+ [£)]„)(£>! - D2) < ( D , - D 2 )([£»] m - T)-i(Dl
- D2) .
Since D\ — D2 is nonsingular, we conclude that ( r ( D 0 ) + [D]m)-i
< (\D}m - T ) " 1 .
Hence we conclude the formula (21.2.5). Remark 21.2.1. Consider the case when Da and D0 are isotropic. Then the y-transformation (21.2.6) transmits to the level of the components. Indeed, assume that [£>«] = diag(d 0 l ,d a 2 ,.--,d<m) -
[£>?'] = diag ( ^ 1 , ^ 0 2 , . . . , ^ ) •
Then [Y(D0)'3}=
and zp = -m2dip
- mid2p - mim2{dlp
- d2pf{dQp - m^dip - m2d2p)~l
, (21.2.12)
or zP = y{.d0p,dlp,d2p,mum2) n
where p G { 1 , . . . , n}. The function y y(x,a,b,mi,m2)
is defined by
= —m2a - rriib — mim2{a - b)2(x — m\a - m2b)~l ,
(*) Function y has nothing to do with points y = (yi, 3/2) of the periodicity cell. This notation should not be misleading.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
or, equivalently i u y(x,a,b,m1,Tn2)
ab - x{mib + m2a) -. rr-. x — (mia + m2b)
,,.,... (21.2.14)
The function y has the following properties (i) y(a,a,b,m\,m2)
= -a ,
= —6 ,
1= — r \, J y(x,a,b,m\,m2)
(iii) y [-,--,-,mum2 \x a b (iv) y(ax,aa,ab,m\,m2)
= ay(x,a, b,mi,7712) for a e R ;
(v) the equality y(x,a,b,mum2)
is equivalent to (a) x = y ( A , - 6 , - a , m 1 ,m 2 ) ,
(b) i = rmo+m26
~ '— , m,\b + rri2a + A
if mi6 + m20 + A ^ 0 , (c) 7712
* 4 - ^ , 6— a a+ A'
* a — b+
if x ^ a, a ^ b, a + A 7^ 0, (d) mi
x —b i(x^b,a^b,b (e)
^ b+ X
\^0, mi
a+A ifa + A ^ 0 , 6 + A ^ 0 , x + A ^ 0
+ r6 +AA = ^x T+ T A-
Mathematical complements
(0 mi
x - b + x——~ a = x + rA, '
if x ^ b, x 7^ a, x + A ^ 0. 21.3. Fourier representation of Y-periodic functions The notions of quasiconvexity and quasiaffinity were introduced in Sec. 1.2.4. Now these properties will be exploited by expanding the periodic functions in the Fourier series. The aim of this section is to study briefly this problem. Let / be y-periodic; Y = (0,h) x (0,l2). By periodicity, such a function can be extended to the whole space F 2 . The periodic extension to R2 is still denoted by / . Y is parametrized by y = (2/1,2/2)- Let u s introduce 27TZ71
£1 = Vi/h > & = 2/2/fe ,
ka = —~
k = {kuk2) ,
where i = v - 1 and na(a = 1, 2) are integers. Assume that / is sufficiently regular to be represented by the Fourier series oo
/» 1 .«,e 2,ri(,,,{,+Bjft) .
ni,Ti2 = — oo
This formula will be written as follows /(!/) = E7(fc)e* ,, " + * ,B ,
where /(fc) = (e-k^-k™f(y))
Here (•) means averaging over Y. In particular 1(0) = (f(y)) ■
The Fourier representation of the first and second derivatives are f\a = E/|a(fc)e*,y,+*JW .
/|«tf = E/U(fe)efc,,,'+*™ ,
where /| a = df/dya and f\a(k) = kj(k),
f]a0(k) = kckpfik) .
Consider two functions: / and g, both of them y-periodic. Their scalar product is repre sented by
(fg) = E/CO-P) k
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
or 5> = < / > ( 5 > + £ / ( * ) P ) -
Here (•) means complex conjugate. If both functions assume real values, then
U9) = (f)(9) + lZ(f(k)W)+Wm))
21.4. Examples of quasiconvex and quasiaffine functions The aim of this section is to report and prove some integral inequalities concerning func tions whose arguments are kinematically admissible local strains or statically admissible local stresses. These inequalities enter the so-called translation method used in Sec. 22 for finding optimal estimates of the effective moduli of the two-phase plates. The inequalities to be considered below follow from the theory of quasiconvexity, see Dacorogna (1982, 1989). Their applications are outlined in Gibiansky (1993). Let us denote by S(Y) a set of vector functions defined on Y C R 2 , assuming equal val ues on the opposite sides of Y and satisfying some additional differentiability conditions. We recall that a function F : S(Y) —* R is called quasiconvex on S(Y) if (F{
A function F : S(Y) —► R is called quasiaffine on S(Y) if
In this section we shall consider the cases when S(Y) coincides with K^(Y), «Sfer(K), S?T(Y) or their Cartesian products. Those sets are defined in Sees. 3.4 and 3.6. 21.4.1. A quasiaffine function of the strain tensor K Consider the function F : Kl^(Y) -» R defined by F(«)=det«,
VK g KJ^{Y) ,
We shall prove that (det/e) = det(K)
which means that F(K) = det K is quasiaffine on £« r (V). In fact, according to Sec. 3.4 K 6 K.^(Y) can be represented as
where K11 e E.2S.
Mathematical complements
Let us assume that v e C™r(Y) and compute (det/c) = ((/ch - U|H)(K$ 2 - V|22) - (*?2 - V|i2)2) = det/c" - /tn(r;|22) - K ^ I H ) + 2«f 2 ( u |i2) + ((«|iW|22)|i - (v|iV|i2)|2> • By periodicity of v we arrive at (21.4.4). Finally, by density arguments the same equality is extended to v £ H^T(Y). This establishes the formula (21.4.4). It is instructive to repeat this proof by using Fourier representations. By (21.3.9) we calculate ( d e t K) = (/CnK.22 - «12«12> = (Kll>(K22> ~ («12>(«12) + R ,
where # = E[«ll( fc )«22(fc)-«12(fc)«12(fc)] • MO Since Kag(w) = —u>\a0, we have Ha0 = —kakpw. Hence
R = £ K*0 W
- <=i*2(S)]» = o,
because fcQ = — fcQ. 21.4.2.
A quasiaffine function of two strain tensors
Consider the functions Fa : K%T(Y) x /C£ r (Y) -> R defined by F I ( K , P ) = K12P11 - P i 2 « n ,
F2{K,p) = K22P12 - P22K12 ,
where K , p € ^ ( y ) . Then (Kl2Pll - Pl2Kll) = («12>(Pll) - (Pl2>(«ll) .
(Pl2t22 - P22«l2) = (P12)(K22> - W H ^ t t ) . i.e. the functions Fa are quasiaffine on IC%T(Y) x K%?(Y). Obviously, it is sufficient to prove the first equality. There exist u,v e H^Y) such that «Q/3
- V\a0 ,
Po(3 = PQ0 _ u|c/3 ,
where / c \ ph £ E 2 . Assume that u,v e C~ r (V) and compute (Pn«i2 - P12K11) = ((p?i - W|n)(«?2 - VH2) - (P12 " u H2)(«n - W|n)> =
(PllK12 ~~ Pl2 K ll) - K-n(u\n) ~ Pn(vm) + Pi2(v\u)
+ Kn(U|12) + <(W|lV|l 2 )|l - ( U | l V | n ) | 2 ) ■
By periodicity we find (21.4.6)1. By density arguments this equality is next extended to the space H^r(Y). n
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
596 21.4.3.
An aggregate form of the previous results
Let us express the relations (21.4.4) and (21.4.6) in terms of the components K', px re ferred to the basis (Oi).cf. Sec. 21.1. For arbitrary K, p 6 K^{Y) we have
= (K)T T (K) ,
where T is defined by (21.1.19) and
'0 0 0' [Ei:l = 00 1 0-10
Equivalence of (21.4.6) and (21.4.7)2 follows from the identity (PTEK) = ( A 3 - A 2 } = o^
1 1
~~ P™)KW - Pl2(«ll - K22))
= j K ^ u ) ~ (P22»(«12> - (Pl2>((«ll) - («22))] = {{?)(*)
Let us define the ( 6 x 6 ) - matrix
T =
*i T t2E T ° t2ET tx T
where t\,t2 € R. Let e = [K\K2,K3,p\p\p3]T
By (21.4.7) we have (eTTe)
for each ta € R and any n, p e £j£ (Y). 21.4.4.
A quasiaffine function of the stress tensor m
Let us define the function F : S f (Y) -» R given by F(m) = - d e t m , m € We are going to prove that this function is quasiconvex on S2xr{Y), i.e.: (-detm) > - d e t ( ( m » , xr
Indeed, by definition of the set S2 (Y) equation m°£0 = 0. Hence
m e &F(Y) ■
S^{Y). (21.4.13)
the tensor m = {m ) satisfies the differential
(fc^m 1 1 + 2k,k2fhn
+ (fc2)2m22 = 0 ,
or (21.4.14)
Mathematical complements
if k ^ 0. Let us compute now the quantity (—F(m)) by applying the formula (21.3.10) (detm) = dmnrr^
+ ^mPm22
= Umn)(mX)
- m12^)
+ -(r^rn22)
- (m,2)W + R ,
+ )-fh"{k)m22{k)
- m,2(fc)m12(fc)
where ^fhu{k)fh22{k)
Substitution of (21.4.14) into the definition of R gives
* = - 7* M£0
^1 ~ n
since {ki/k2) = fci//c2. The inequality fl < 0 implies (21.4.13). By using (21.1.18) the inequality (21.4.13) can be written in the form (mT Tm)>
{m)T T (m)
Vm 6 S?r{Y)
where m = ( m ' , w 2 , m 3 ) T . 21.4.5. A quasiaffine function of the stress tensor n Consider the function F : S^r{Y) -> R defined by n G 5f e r (K) .
F(n) = - d e t n ,
This function is quasiaffine. In view of (21.1.18) this condition assumes the form: (nT T n) = (n)T T (n) 1
3 T
where n = (n ,n ,n ) andn' = n • o^. ,"0p = 0 or In fact, the condition n £ S^r(Y), see Sec. 3.6, implies that n^ ifcjn11^) + fc2n12(fc) = 0 ,
+ k2n22(k) = 0 .
= 0,
The solution of the above system is nontrivial. Thus nn{k)n22{k)
- nn{k)nl2(k)
since k\k2 = k\k2. Let us compute
-■-(nT T n) = (detn) = det(n) + R , where R=E\nn(k)n22(k)-n12(k)n^k) k/O
By (21.4.19) we note that R = 0, which completes the proof.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
A quasiaffine function of two stress tensors
Consider the function F : ST(Y) x S^r{Y)
-► F defined by
F(T,n) = TTEn,
where the tensor E has representation (21.4.8) in the basis a< <8> a,. We shall prove that the function F is quasiaffine on S^iY) x S f ^ V ) . Indeed, by applying the first two equalities of (21.4.9) we find 2(rTEn)
= {Tnn12 - Tl2nu)
+ (r12n22 - r^n12)
Application of the formula (21.3.9) gives 2{rTEn)
= (r u )(n 1 2 > - ( r 1 2 ) ( n u ) + (r 12 )(n 22 ) - (r 22 }(n 12 ) + R, + R2 ,
where Ri = E
- ^fc)nn(fc)l ,
LetfcQ^ 0. Let r , n € ST{Y).
R2 = £ \?W)n22(k)
Then, by (21.4.18) we have
12 fz (fc) = - ^^ nnH1(1A^!)) , n12(k)
?»(fc) = -£-T»(fc) -^-T"
K2 12
- ?^n12(fc)] .
H (fc) = - ^ n
*2 22
(fc) ,
T«(fc) = - ^ 2 ( f c )
since (fci/fo) = ki/k-i. Hence Ra = 0, which completes the proof. 21.4.7.
An aggregate form of the two previous results
Consider the function F : ST(Y) x Sfr{Y)
-> R defined by
where s = {Tl,T2,T3,nl,n2,n3) and T is defined by (21.4.10) with ta G R. By quasi affine properties of the functions defined by (21.4.16) and (21.4.20) we conclude that T given by (21.4.22) is also quasiaffine for each ta 6 R, or ( s T T S ) = (a)TT{s) for a e SF(Y) x Sr(Y)-
Mathematical complements
21.5. Harmonic mean as a lower bound for effective energy Let bh g E2, b e L2{Y, E2) and A = A^a, ® a, with A* e L°°(Y). By introducing the decomposition b = 6'a*, we can write b ■ (A ■ b) = bTAb, where bT is identified with (ft1, b2, b3). Let us define the function F : E 2 -> R by F(fe") = min{(bTAb)|b e L2(y, E 2 ),
Assume that A is positive definite, hence nonsingular. Let us define b0 = A-l(A-l)-1bh
and note that (bo) = b \ We are going to prove that F(bh) = (6^Ab0> ,
(bTAb) > {bh)T{A-ylbh,
for b £ L2(Y, E2) and (6) = bh. To this end we define the Lagrangian Fx{b) = (bTAb +
where A G E2,. The necessary condition of stationarity implies 2Ab0 + 2A = 0 or b0 = -A _ 1 A. Hence (b0) = -(A _ 1 )A. Consequently, A = -{A~l)~lbh and we find Eq. (21.5.2). Since A is positive definite, the function (bTAb) assumes minimum value at b = b0. Thus for any b e L2(Y, E2) {bTAb) > (blAbo) = ((b /, ) r (A- 1 )- 1 A- 1 AA- 1 (A- 1 )- 1 b /, >
= (bh)T(A-1)-1(A-1)(A-1)-1bh=
which completes the proof. 21.6. Elements of the theory of Young measures The Young measure was introduced by Young (1937, 1969) as a means of treating prob lems of the calculus of variations for which there does not exist a minimizer in a classical sense. Afterwards, the Young measure has become a tool for the study of nonlinear partial differential equations following the work of Tartar (1979) and DiPerna (1983), cf. also the references cited in Pedregal (1997) and in Valadier (1994). The use we make of it here is the one for which it was originally introduced by Young (1937,1969), cf. also Ball (1989), Ball and Knowles (1990), Pedregal (1997,1999), Roubidek (1997).
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The aim of this section is to introduce the notion of the Young measure in a rather simple manner. We follow Ball (1989), Ball and Knowles (1990) and Pedregal (1997). For a more sophisticated approach exploiting the notion of measure theory like disintegration, the reader is referred to Valadier (1994). Let {um}m6N C L°°(Q)P be a sequence convergent to u in the weak-* topology. If / : R p —> R is a continuous function, the sequence {/(tim)}meN is bounded in L°°(Q). Consequently, up to a subsequence one has f(um) —»• g in L°°(£l) weak-* when m —* oo . Naturally, a question which arises is: what is the relation between g and /(u)? Parametrized measures are a device to answer this basic question. In general, both {um}m£N and {/(ttm)}m6M are oscillating sequences. The answer is straightforward in two simple cases: (i) if / is affine then g = f(u), (ii) if / is convex and continuous then g > f{u). We recall that / is affine means that both / and ( - / ) are convex functions. The idea of Young consists in associating with um(x) a measure on fi x R p by putting for each continuous and bounded function ip on fi x R p : (fJm,
Particularly, one may take
»m(A) =
Similarly, for every Borel set B c fi one has Hm(B x R p ) = \B\, where bars | • | denote the Lebesgue measure. Thus if fi is bounded then, cf. Sec. 13.1 llMmll = SUP \(fMm,ip)\ = |fi| < +00 . M
In such case {nm}men is sequentially relatively compact in the weak-* topology of M1 (Q x R p ). We can now formulate thefirstresult on Young measures. Theorem 21.6.1. Let ft c R" be a bounded open set and C c R ' a compact set. Then for each sequence {um(x)}men such that um(x) G C for a.e. x G fi and for everyTO€ M there exists a subsequence rrij and a measure fioo 6 Ml(Q x R p ) such that (a)
Vy> e C(U x R p ),
lim [
Mathematical complements
Moreover Moo > 0 ,
SUpp /ioo C ft X C ,
Oxoo,tf(x)®i>= J^>{x)dx, n
V 0 e C(ft)p ,
(Moo, 0(x) • z) = J
where u is the weak-* limit of {«m}mgN(b) There exists a parametrized family of probability measures {^i}xen o n R P s u c n supp i / , c C and (Hoc,>f}=
inL°°(ft) weak-*,
for each ip G C(ft x R p ). In particular, for
Remark 21.6.2. The Young measure v = {fx}x6n can intuitively be thought of as giving the limiting probability distribution of the values of um' near x as j: -* oo. To be more precise, suppose that x € ft and denote by B(x, TJ) the open ball with center x and radius r] > 0. Keeping x, j and r]fixed,let i/j = v™}, be the probability distribution of the values of um> (x) as x is chosen uniformly at random from B(x, 77). Then vx = lim lim lA „ . 6^0 J-OO
'^ p
Let us consider now a more general case where C C R is only closed. We shall formu late now a theorem similar to the previous one. Theorem 21.6.3. Let fl C R" be open and bounded and let C C Rp be closed. Let u m : ft —> Rp, m = 1,2,..., be a sequence of Lebesgue measurable functions satisfying u m ( ) —> C in measure as m —♦ 00, i.e. given any open neighborhood M of C in R p lim meas {x € ft I u (m) (x) $ A/"} = 0 . m--oo
Then there exists a subsequence {um»} of {um} and a family {vx}xen of positive measures on Rp, depending measurably on x, such that (0 IkxIlM1 = / dvx < 1 for a.e. x Gft,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
602 (ii)
supp i/x cC
for a.e. x £ £1,
(iii) f(um>) ->• («/«,/) = ff(z)vx(dz)
in L°°(n) weak-* ,
for each continuous function / : R p —+ R satisfying lim f(z)
= 0.
Suppose further that {umi}
satisfies the boundedness condition:
lim sup meas {x e fi n S(0, R) : | u m *(x)| > 0} = 0 , for every R > 0. Then H^XIIM1 = 1 f° r a -e. x G fl (i.e. fx is a probability measure), and given any measurable subset J7i of fi f(um>) ->■ )} relatively compact in L 1 (fli).
is sequentially weakly □
Measurable dependence of vx on x means that (ux, f) is measurable. Example 21.6.4. Let Q = (0,1) x (0,1) and consider the problem of minimizing J{u) = f[(u,xl - l ) 2 + u2Xi)dx,dx2
n among scalar functions u = u{xa) satisfying the boundary condition
«|.,-o = ° •
In (21.6.4), u iXl , u i M denote the weak partial derivatives of u. We claim that the infimum of J subject to (21.6.5) is zero, but that it is not attained. To prove the former statement, define u : R x (0, oo) —» R by xi
0 < Xi < - ,
u(xa) = <
(21.6.6) (l-xi)(p(x2)
- < i i < l , 2
where 95(12) = x2 if 0 < x2 < 1, and f(x2) = 1 if x2 < 1, extended as a 1-periodic function of xi to the whole of R x (0,00). Then define u m ( x a ) = m~1u{mxi,mx2). Now V u m ( i a ) = (u ?I1 , uiXi)(mxi, 771x2) is uniformly bounded and so lim J ( u m ) = h m o
m—*c m->oo
Mathematical complements
Hence the infimum of J subject to (21.6.5) is zero. It is not attained because any minimizer u would satisfy u l 2 = 0, which together with (21.6.5) implies that u = 0 and hence that J{u) = 1, contradicting inf J = 0. Let us now determine the Young measure I>(X,,I,) corresponding to Vu m for any mini mizing sequence {um}m6M. We assume that a subsequence has already been extracted so that the Young measure is defined. In particular, Vum —>■ Vu in L1 (ft) for some u satis fying (21.6.5). Since obviously Vu m -> C = {(-1,0), (1,0)} in measure, by Theorem 21.6.3 we have that supp V(XuX2) C C a.e., i.e.: "(H,ii) = A(xo)<5(_i,0) + (1 - A(xQ))<5(10) , where 0 < A(i2) < 1 a.e. and 5^) stands for the Dirac delta concentrated at (a, b). Application of formula (21.6.2) yields u,Xl{xa) = /zi[A(ia)<J(_ii0) + (1 - A(xQ))(5(1|0)] = 1 - 2A(xa) , uX3{xa) =
z2[\(xa)6{-ii0) + (1 - A(xQ))5(1]0)] = 0 . R*
Hence, by (21.6.4) we conclude that u = 0 and consequently \{xa) = 1/2 a.e. We have thus proved that 1, u
(xu*i) = 2 '- 1 ' 0 '
In particular, the Young measure is unique.
Bonnetier and Conca (1994) proved the converse part of the fundamental theorem for Young (parametrized) measures: given a parametrized measure {^x}X6n> find a sequence {uJ}j6N satisfying (26.1.3). Their construction can be sketched as follows. One considers a dense family of functions {
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
(H3) there exists N > 1, such that for j < N, no point (
= £*! \
with z,«,6C,
0< > 0 ,
1 < i < m,
£>i = 1 ,
then there exists i0,1 < io < m, such that ^ t
0,0 = 1. Remark 21.6.5. Hypothesis (H3) implies that the functions {
{fix, 1) = 1,
for almost every x € fi. Assume that x —> /xx is measurable, i.e. that VfeC(C),
is Lebesgue measurable on H. Then there exist 2(j + 1) measurable functions 0d(x),a<j(x), defined on fi, ' & ( * ) € [0,1], a<j(x) e C , 3+1
£*«!(*) = 1 for a.e. x e fi such that >+i
V1 < / < i ,
(/i«, v*) = £6>d(x)<#{ad{x))
a.e. x € fi .
Mathematical complements
If, moreover, p = 1, and (p). = zk, then there exist 2j measurable functions #d(x), a<j(x), defined on ft, with values in [0,1], such that V 1 < / < 2j - 1,
( M „ A'} = £ed{x)ald(x)
a.e. x e ft .
As an application of the last theorem, Bonnetier and Conca (1994) established the rela tive compactness for the weak-* topology of some subsets of L 0 °(ft) r . Theorem 21.6.7. Let ft be a bounded domain in R n , C = [0, l] p , p > 1, and consider a family of r linearly independent functions (tp\,..., tpr) € C{C)r, that satisfy (H2) and (H 3 ). Let H be the set of functions h = {h\,... hr) G L°°(ft) r , such that there exist 9X e L » ( n , [o, i]) oiaB(fi,c)i'
with r+l
E e t(x)(p m (a i (x)) = hm{x) ,
1< m < r
E*. = i • Then H is compact for the weak-* topology. Corollary 21.6.8. The set
H 3 = {(ft,fc,0 e L°°(ft) 3 1 /i(x) = I > ( x ) / i , ( x ) , t=l
= X>(x)/i3(x), i=l 4
i(x) = E ^ * ) ^ * ) } i=i
is compact for the weak-* topology.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
22. Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds Assume that a thin plate is made of a two-phase composite material. The basic cell Y will be viewed as a representative volume (area) element (RVE). Within the cell Y two isotropic materials are distributed and the area fractions mi, m2 are given; mi + m2 = 1. The bending properties are characterized by isotropic bending stiffness tensors D\, D2. The perfect mixture of both materials leads to an isotropic effective plate characterized by two moduli: ko and ^0- The problem of Hashin and Shtrikman is to find the lower and upper bounds for these moduli. The upper bounds will refer to the stiffest isotropic plate constructed from two given isotropic phases. The lower bounds refer to the softest two-phase composite plate. The bounds will be found by the translation method. 22.1. Lower bound for the Kelvin modulus Consider a balanced plate subject to bending loads. The plate is made of two materials distributed in a homogeneous manner in the transverse direction. Both materials are mixed at the local level. The distribution of the bending stiffness tensor D within the cell Y is given by D(y) = Xi(y)D, + X2{y)D2.
The cell Y is divided into two subdomains Ya (a = 1,2) and Xa is a characteristic function of the domain Ya, i.e.
*■*>-{£ "'At We have Yi U Y2 = Y, Y\ n Y2 =
The area fraction of the a-th phase is defined by ma = (x»(y)), hence mi + m2 = 1. Integration of D(y) over Y gives (£>) = m! Di + m2D2 .
(22.1.5) (22.1.6)
The bending compliance tensor d equals D~ . We have <%) = X i ( v ) * + » ( l / ) * .
(d) = midr + m2d2 .
where da = D~ . Moreover
Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
The effective bending stiffness tensor is given by Eq. (3.4.12), i.e.: ^0Dfx^l
= mm{(Ka0Da^(y)KXli)\K
€ K%{Y)
, (K) = «"}
where ^C«r(V) was given in Sec. 3.4. We assume that the mixture is isotropic or D0 = + 2^0/2 ,
where A;0 and /Jo are the Kelvin and Kirchhoff moduli of the isotropic mixture. The aim of this section is to estimatefcofrombelow. To this end we use the translation method. To facilitate further computations we refer the entities of (22.1.9) to the vectorial basis (a*): £ < D j V h = J(KK) ,
where J(Kh)
= min{( £ n i Z? y /e')|K € 1C%T(Y), (K) = K " }
and rearrange J(nh) as follows J(Kh) = min{{KT{D-T)K)+
K e K%(Y),
(«) = Kh} .
Here K = (K\K?, K3)T, T = -t T, t G R and T is defined by (21.1.19). Assume that t is chosen such that D - T > 0. The idea of the translation method lies in neglecting the differential constraints in estimating the underlined term in (22.1.13) and applying the equality (21.4.7)i to the second term. Thus the first term can be estimated according to (21.5.4). We find J{Kh) > {Kh)T[{{D - T ) - 1 ) - 1 + T}Kh .
To make the estimate possibly optimal we maximize its r.h.s.: J(K',)>
T=rr°,teF D-T>0
Note that Da-T=
diag [2ka - t, 2y.a + t, 2/J Q + t] ; Q = 1,2 .
Thus the conditions Da - T > 0 imply t<2kmm,
The formulae (22.1.11), (22.1.15) yield D0>{{D-TYl)-l+T,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
and by Lemma 21.2.3 this is equivalent to estimating Y(D0)+T>0,
with Y(-) given by (21.2.6). Since the matrices D0, Da and T are diagonal if referred to the basis a^ ® a,-, Remark 21.2.1 applies and the condition (22.1.19) is equivalent to the set of conditions (21.2.13). They now assume the form y(2ko, 2ku 2k2, m,, m2) + t > 0 , y(2fio,2ni,2n2,Tnum2)
Assume that k2>ki,
which is called the ordered case. Then /i m i n = p,x and kmin = fci- Hence t 6 [-2/J.I, 2k{\. For the best estimate of ko one should take the greatest admissible (—t) = 2/ii. By (22.1.20)! we find y(2ko,2k1,2k2,ml,m2)
> 2m ■
Hi ■
=/ii •
By (21.2.18) this estimate is equivalent to y(ko,ki,k2,mi,m2)> Hence ko > kHS, where kHS is given by y{kHS>ki>k2,TnUTn2)
By (21.2.22) the expression above is equivalent to the formula 7712 kffs ~ "•!
1 ^2
mi ^I
M ■+■ Mi
The quantity kHS is the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bound for k0. The estimate (22.1.20)2 does not lead to the lower estimate of Ho and that is why will not be analyzed. The above derivation was based on the formula (22.1.9) concerning the case of a periodic composite. By the theorem of Kohn and Dal Maso, the periodicity assumption imposes no restriction on the final result Eq. (22.1.25), cf. Sec. 1.3.2 (Denseness of periodic composites) and Sec. 26.2. 22.2.
Upper bound for the Kelvin modulus
Assume that the materials are ordered, cf. (22.1.21). The upper bound: &o < ^HS follows from (22.1.25) by replacing the material (1) with material (2). We find mi «#s
1 m2 . &i - k2 ■ +k2-. + n— 2
Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
The same result follows from estimating the effective complementary energy, cf. Sec. 3.6, = mm{(m^da0Xtlmx")\m
A ^ C A X "
e S T 0 0 , (m) = Mh)
We decompose the averaged energy: {mTd m) = {mT{d - T)m) + (mTTm)
and take T = t T , t > 0, T given by (21.1.19). By using the estimate (21.5.4) to the first term and the estimate (21.4.15) to the second term one arrives at the inequality, equivalent to Y{do) +
Its analysis leads to (22.2.1). 22.3.
Lower bound for the Kirchhoff modulus
To estimate no one should subject the cell Y to two simultaneous deformation states. The lower estimation of elastic energy stored in the cell leads to the optimal lower estimate of MoThe functional to be estimated has the form J{K\ph)
= m\n{(KTDn (K)
+ pTDp)\n,p
<E !C%r{Y),
= Kh , (p) = p"} .
Here K = ( « 1 , / C 2 , K 3 ) T , p = (p\p2,p3)T,
" * = ( " l . ' M ) 7 ' . P h = (PIPIPIF-
Let US
introduce the notation T> =
= (K,p)T,
DO 0 D
(£> = (<*)-(P» 7
ft\T z„ft ^h\
e ={K ,p )
Thus J(eh) = mm{(eTVe)\e
€ IC%r(Y) x >C%r(Y) , (e> = <•"}
Assume that e € K%*{Y) x K%r{Y) and (e) = eh. Then, by (21.4.12) {eTVe)
= (eT(X> - T)e> + {eh)TTeh
where T is defined by (21.4.10). Let us take ta e R such that X> - T > 0 and apply the inequality (21.5.4) for A = T> - T , disregarding the differential constraints concealed in the definition of the set ^ r ( ^ ) - W e find J(en) > (ehy [{{V - T ) - 1 ) " 1 + T\eh
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Let us stipulate that the effective composite is isotropic or: J(eh) = (eh)T-D0eh ,
[Do7] = diag [2^0,2/^,2/20,2^0,2^,2^0] •
with The condition
can be written in the form (22.3.9) Y(T>o) + T > 0 . The condition T> - T > 0 means that the 6 x 6 matrix: ~2ka + tx 2fia - tx -t2 2/iQ ~ *i h (22.3.10) A = 2ka + tx t2 2/iQ - « ! -t2 2/iQ - U is semipositive definite. The estimate (22.3.9) is equivalent to the condition of semipositive definiteness of the 6 x 6 matrix a -1\ b+h t2 b+h -t2 (22.3.11) B = a — t\ -h b + tx t2 b+tx where a = y(2ko,2ki,2k2<mx,m2) , b = y(2fi0,2fj.ll2/i2,m1,m2) , (22.3.12) according to the Sylvester theorem the matrix A is semipositive definite, if the following determinants are non-negative det A = {2ka + tl)2(2tj.a -tx- t2)\2na -tx +12)2, det(A 2 < u < 6 ) = (2MQ + t2- h)2(2na - t, - t2)2(2ka + tx) ,
det(A3<,,,<6) = (2fJ.a - 0 ,
2/Xo - ti > 0 .
Hence (t2)2 < (2fia - tx)2 ,
Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
If the ordering assumptions (22.1.21) hold, then U > -2fci
t2 < 2/ij + 2fcj .
Now let us consider the conditions of semipositive definiteness of the matrix B. The fol lowing determinants should be non-negative det B = {a- ti)2{b -Mi - t2)2{b + tY + t2)2 , det(B 2 <,,;<6) = (a - *i)(6 -Mi - t2)2(b -Mi + t2)2 ,
det(B 3 <.,j<6) = (a - ti)(6 + ti)(6 + t, + t2){b -Mi - t2) , and a-t!>0,
b + U>0.
Sylvester's conditions are satisfied provided that (t2)2 < {b + ti)2 ,
Hence b>t2-tl.
Of all admissible parameters U, t2 one should choose those which maximize the expression t2 — U. Thus we should take the largest t2 and the smallest tx among their admissible values. Thus max(<2 - t\) = 2/ii + 2kx - (-2fci) = 4fci + 2p,x . The condition b > Ak\ + 2fi\, equivalent to l/(2/xo,2/i 1 ,2/i 2 ,Tn 1 ,m 2 ) > 2 ( 2 ^ +Mi) . determines the estimate [IQ > y
with jUHS given by
y(2/i H S , 2/xi, 2/^2, m 1 ,m 2 ) = 2(2fci + A » I ) . By (21.2.18) we find y(vHS,Hi,H2,mUTn2)
= 2ki + in ,
^ ^ ( i + Mi
and by (21.2.22) we have 1
M ws - Mi
M2 - Mi
2 fc
The quantity / J „ represents the lower Hashin-Shtrikman estimate of Ho22.4.
Upper bound for the Kirchhoff modulus
By interchanging the role of both materials in the formula (22.3.23) one finds fio < Atfs where p,H$ is determined by m,\
M, - MHS
M2 - Mi
2(fc2 + /x2)
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The same expression can be found by estimating the sum of complementary energies. This derivation is left to the reader. 22.5.
Attainability of Hashin-Shtrikman bounds. The Francfort - Murat construction
Consider a ribbed plate of third rank constructed by coating the second rank ribbed plate of stiffness tensor D^K (Sec. 3.8, cf. Fig. 3.8.2) with layers of the stronger material (2). The layering direction is p and the area fractions of materials (hh) and (2) are /9i and /32 respectively, see Fig. 22.5.1.
Fig. 22.5.1. Aribbedplate of third rank of effective bending stiffnesses
Let us assume the ordered case (22.1.21). The effective stiffness tensor £>/,/,/, of such a third-rank ribbed plate is implicitly given by formula (3.8.33), or /?j(D 2 -
)-'-^r S2
r p = p ® p ® p ® v,
s2 = k2 + n2
Multiplication of both sides by a\6\ and taking into account (3.8.35) gives
p,eiai(D2 - Du*)-1 = (D2 - D,)-1 - i r n m p ,
r„. r a , = k r B + 0 1 a 2 r m + 0la1/fcrp
mi = ffiSiQi
Note that
represents the area fraction of material (1). Let us compute the sum of the coefficients appearing in (22.5.4) 02 + exa2 + 6iaip2
= l-0i+0,(l-ai) + 0iai(l-A) = 1 — 6\Oti(3i = 1 — mi = m.2 .
Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
Thus the formula (22.5.3) can be put in me form m,{D2
- D^)-1
= (D2 - D,)-1 - - ( P i r n + p 2 r m + p 3 r j ,
where E f t = m2 .
The plate material (hhh) can further be coated by layers of material (2) and this process can be continued. The soft material (1) plays the role of a core and the strong material (2) is used for subsequent coatings. The subsequent layering directions are: n\ =n,n2 = m, TI3 = p , 714, n 5 , . . . , npf. The resulting stiffness tensor D^ is given by m1(D2-D^)-1=(D2-D1)-I--Ep.rni, « 2 1=1
f t
Such laminates are sometimes called "stiff laminates". The "soft laminates" are constructed by taking material (2) as a core and material (1) as a coating. We show below that one can choose the vectors n,TO,p and the area fractions #1, au /?! such that the effective plate of stiffness DhMl becomes isotropic. Let us take the versors n, m, p such that their vertices form an equilateral triangle, see Fig. 22.5.2. Let us take n = ei and
— I4T)-
For simplicity, the tensor r n defined by (22.5.4) will be denoted by T. Under the above choice of versors n , m and p the components rapxn assume the form
rim = 5 2 + -|(Q2+/32QI),
r 2 2 2 2 = I — J 6x{a2 + foan) ,
1 ( ^ \ \ t ^n ^ Fii22 = 4 I "o - I eHQ2 + & a i) ,
r rm
A , ,„ = —Oi{(hai
^ - Q2) ,
T2221 = T1H2 ,
r i 2 i2 = Tg(^lQ2 + hfcotl) •
Let us assume conditions of isotropy
1^1222 = r u n = 0,
riin = r 2222 ,
ri2i2 = ^(rnn —ri 122 ).
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Fig. 22.5.2. Hexagonal choice of versors n, m, p They are satisfied provided that a2
P2 =
^ ,
Ct2 = -T- , 01
which makes the tensor T isotropic: (22.5.14)
r = -e2(2/1 + /2) Let us assume that the tensor Dhhh is isotropic:
(22.5.15) Then W -=
2(A:2 - khtlh)
mi T + ' 2(/x2 - Hhhh)
On the other hand
<*-*>--i*- ( s - 1 ) ' ' + U - £ ) * - <2»"> where A / = /
- A , /G{A:,M}-
By equating (22.5.16) with (22.5.17) we arrive at two independent equations for k^hh and ^hhh mi k2 - khhh
1 A&
30, s2
fi2 - Hhhh
1 A/i
302 2s 2
By (22.5.13) we find the relations ^i = 1 - 02 ,
ai = -
— , 1-02
0i =
Two-phase plate in bending. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds
By (22.5.5) mi = 1 - 3#2 , m 2 = 1 - mi and we can express 92, a2 and 02 in terms of m2 m2 02 = ^ - , 6
m2 a2 = — ^ - , 3 — m2
m2 I . 3 — 2m2
Substituting 302 = m 2 into (22.5.18) gives mi k2 - khhh
1 k2 -
m2 fci
k2 + \i2 '
/i 2 - V-hhh Hi - Hi
m2 2(/c2 + /i 2 j
According to (22.2.1) and (22.4.1) we recognize that k^h. = kns and fihhh = HHSThe above derivation shows that: (i) there exists an isotropic plate constructed by three subsequent layerings (by introducing ribs) with the stronger material as a coating, (ii) this plate is the stiffest possible plate constructed from two isotropic materials taken in a given proportion, (iii) the Hashin-Shtrikman upper bounds are attainable by the same composite plate. Thus the isotropic plate of moduli kns, HHS can effectively be constructed. We observe that the function kHS{m2) increases from kx to k2 monotonically if m 2 runs from 0 to 1. Behavior of the function /2tfs(m2) is similar, it increases from /^ to n2. The construction of the softest isotropic plate from materials (1) and (2) with given area fractions mi and m 2 is performed similarly. One should take material (2) as a core and material (1) as a coating in the three subsequent layerings along versors n = e\ and m , p given by (22.5.10). An isotropic plate, with moduli kHS and HHS given by Eqs. (22.1.25) and (22.3.23) is thus constructed. This procedure should be based on the formula (3.8.58) for compliances. Remark 22.5.1. The analysis of Sec. 5.6 has shown that the formula (3.2.32) due to Duvaut applies only to plates made of periodicity cells of shapes of thin plates. Consequently the formula (3.8.33) applies to the same class of periodic plates. The construction of higherrank ribbed plates (see Eq. (22.5.9)) is completely abstract, since the condition of thinness of the cell contradicts the condition of its small in-plane dimensions. This contradiction concerns the first-rank ribbed plates and is aggravated by further layering process. Thus one should abandon all hope of manufacturing the strongest plate by following the method of this section. This construction is nevertheless practical from another viewpoint. It proves that Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are optimal in the sense that they cannot be tightened.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
23. Two-phase plate. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for the in-plane problem The subject of our consideration will be in-plane (or membrane) deformation of a thin plate made of a two-phase composite material. The membrane properties are characterized by isotropic membrane stiffness tensors Ai and A 2 . The composite is viewed as isotropic on the macroscopic level. The effective membrane stiffness tensor Ao is determined by two moduli, still denoted by ko and Ho. The aim of this section is to find the lower and upper bounds for these moduli and to prove that these bounds cannot be tightened. 23.1.
The upper and lower bounds for the Kelvin modulus
The setting of the problem is similar to that of Sec. 22.1. Instead of the bending stiffness tensors Do, Da we deal here with the membrane stiffness tensors A0 and Aa , a = 1,2. The compliances are denoted by oo = AQ1 and o Q = A" 1 . Let us decompose Aa = A%Oi
aa = a ^ ® a, .
Due to isotropy, the representations are diagonal: [Ag]= diag[2fcQ,2MQ,2/xQ],
[<£] = diag[2£ Q ) 2£ Q ,2£ a ] ,
where K,a = k'1, Ca = fi'1. The moduli ka, /ia here have different meaning from those of Sec. 22, which should not lead to misunderstandings, because the membrane and bending problems are considered in the present chapter separately. Within the cell Y the compliance a(y) is distributed according to the rule «(y)=Xi(ff)oi + X2(»)o2.
cf. Eq. (22.1.1). The effective compliances a°^ A are determined by the formula, cf. Sec. 3.6 Nf^Ni?
= min{(na0(y)aa0Xll(y)n^(y)}\n € ST{Y) »
= Nh} 173.1 A)
where Nh e E j . We shall further refer to the basis a^ and define
J(JV h ) = min{(n*ayni)|n G S^W), (n) = Nh} . We now proceed as in Sec. 22.1. We rearrange J(Nh) as follows J{Nh)
= m i n { ( n r ( a - T)n) + {nTTn)\n
G S?>r(Y), (n) = Nh} , (23.1.6)
where T = t T, t G R , f being defined by (21.1.18). By (21.4.17) we have (nTTn) = NlTNh
Vn G S^{Y),
Two-phase plate. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds ...
Assuming that a - T > 0, applying the estimate (21.5.4) to the first term in (23.1.6) and using (23.1.7) one arrives at J(Nh) > max {NlKia-T)-1)-1
Further steps are similar to those of Sec. 22.1, but not exactly the same. Note that now the ordering conditions: k2 > k\, n2 > Mi imply K,2 < K,\ and £ 2 < A- The conditions a-T>0,
imply 2ICa-t>0,
y{2IC0,2ICu2IC2,ml,m2) >-t.
Note that max(-i) = 2£ 2 . Wefindthe bound £O>£HS,
where }CHS is determined by the equation y(2KHS,2K.1,2IC2,m1,m2)
= 2£ 2 .
Now we use the properties (21.2.18), (21.2.17) and find y{kHS,kuk2,mum2) where kns = (£//s)
= n2,
• After using (21.2.23) we have mi
kHS - k2
h - k2
k2 + [i2
In this manner the upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound ko < kHS has been determined. Note that the form of the formula (23.1.14) is the same as for the plate bending problem, cf. Eq. (22.2.1). Tofindlower bound forfco' l 1S sufficient to change the role of the phases. Thus we arrive at the formula for kHS that coincides with Eq. (22.1.25). The formulae for both upper and lower bounds of the Kelvin modulus are the same in the bending and membrane problems. 23.2. The upper and lower bounds for the Kirchhoff modulus We proceed similarly to Sec. 22.3. The derivation is, however, worth reporting. To estimate £ 0 of an isotropic composite plate one should subject the cell Y to two simultaneous stress fields T and n of class S^T{Y). Estimation of the complementary energy stored in Y, associated with both the stressfieldsleads to the optimal lower HashinShtrikman bound for £ 0 . Let us introduce the functional J{sh) = min{(sTAs)\T,ne
SF(Y), (a) = sh} ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
618 where
a = [Tl,T2,T3,n\n2,n3]
A = diag[a,a] ,
and s is defined similarly; the components of s are referred to the basis a*. We shall use the identity (21.4.23) with the translation matrix T given by (21.4.10). The translation bound assumes the form J(sh) > (sh)T[(i-A - T T 1 ) " 1 + T > * ,
where A — T > 0. Now we postulate that the mixture is isotropic, hence J(sh) = {sh)TAoSh
with AQ = diag[2/C 0 ,2£ 0 ,2£ 0 ,2£ 0 ,2£ 0 ,2£ 0 ]
and (23.2.3) leads to
The condition A — T > 0 is satisfied provided that ii > -2K2 ,
t2 < 2£ 2 + 2K2 •
The inequality (23.2.6) is fulfilled if, in particular y{2C0,2Cu2C2,mum2)
> max(i 2 ~ h) .
By (23.2.7) we have: max(i 2 — h) = 2£ 2 + 4/C2, which gives £ 0 > £HS< where CHS is determined by y{2£HS, 2 £ i , 2£ 2 , mi, m2) = 2fC2 + C2 . By denoting fins = ( £ « s ) _ 1
d using (21.2.17) we find
yifiHS, Mi, M2, mi, m 2 ) =
2 2
■^2 + «2
Applying (21.2.23) we obtain mi
M2 - MHS
m2(/c2 + 2(i2)
M2 - Mi
2/i2(fc2 + M2)
The equation above determines the upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound for HQ '• Mo < M//5- TO find the lower bound: juo > fi„s we change the role of the stiff and soft phase. Thus we put ki, HI, /i 2 , mi, m2 in (23.2.10) instead of &2) /J 2 , /ii, m2, mi, respectively. Thus we find the formula for u m2 H\~HHS
1 ^ I
m,(*i + 2Mi) 2
Two-phase plate. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds ...
23.3. Attainability of Hashin-Shtrikman bounds This section is aimed at constructing a microstructure that realizes the bounds: ko = kns< Mo = Mws simultaneously. The construction is similar to that presented in Sec. 22.5. We perform three layerings by mixing (i) material (2) with (1) in proportions 82 and 6X respectively, to find a material of the effective stiffness tensor A/, determined by Eq. (3.9.15). The tensor TA involved in (3.9.15) and given by (3.9.18) depends on the lamination direction determined by the versor n. We shall emphasize this relation by writing T A (n). By (3.9.15) and (3.9.18) we have Oi(A3 - A,)" 1 = (A2 - A,)" 1 - - * < " ' ,
where * i n ^ e a
*L*flAu = 7(<W n <* n M + 60llnaTix + Scxnpn^ + 5a,,n0nx) 4 fc2 ip = .
- tpTicn^nxn,,
, (23.3.3)
&2+M2 n
Note that T(A)(n) = — ^ \ The material thus constructed will shortly be called (h) M2
material. (ii) Material (2) with material (h) in proportions a 2 and ai respectively; the lamination direction is given by a versor m. The material thus obtained will be called (hh) material and its stiffness tensor Ahh is determined by 1 (23.3.4) Q l (A 2 - 4 4 ) - ' = (A2 - A,,)- - 2?*(m) . M2
(iii) Material (2) with material (hh) in proportions /% and Pi respectively; the lamination direction is given by a versor p. The material thus obtained, called (hhh) material, is characterized by the stiffness tensor A^hh, determined by the implicit equation Pi(A2 - Ahhhyl
= (A2 - Ahhy> - ^ * < P > .
In the sequence of laminations (i) - (iii) the soft material (1) plays the role of a core and the stiffer material (2) is used as a coating. Such laminates are called "stiff laminates". By combining (23.3.1) - (23.3.5) one finds mi(A2 - Ahhh)~l
= (A2 - A,)" 1 - - * ,
with mi = OiotiPi and * = 02
0 lQ2
/ ^ f l , t f (J>) .
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Now we choose the vectors n, m,p as in Sec. 22.5 (see Eq. (22.5.10) and Fig. 22.5.2) and compute Vim
*LaW = 0 ,
1 _ ^. 4
1 6
*& = - ^
w 1212 -
(23 3 g)
= 2,/Je{l,2}; *<m> _ 3 _ J . .
*m, = - ^
1 6
( l - \*)
*ll3 =- * i ^ ,
<*,/?€ {1,2}.
Let us impose isotropy conditions on the tensor \P. In particular the conditions: * m 2 = 0 ,*222i = 0 imply (32 = 0*2/011. The condition * i m = $2222 gives a2 = 02/0\. We finally find
the tensors Ia being defined by Eqs. (3.8.29). By (23.3.6) the isotropy of V implies the isotropy of Ahhh- Thus there exist moduli khhh< P-hhh such that Ahhh
= 2khhhIl + 2ixhhhI2.
Thus the left-hand side of (23.3.6) assumes the form on. ^u
1 +
2(fc2 - khhh)
5 T ^ 2(/i 2 -
Noting that ( A 2
1 =
2^ /l
/ 2
(23 3 14)
- -
and using (23.3.6), (23.3.11), (23.3.13) we obtain mi
3fl2(l - j>)
1 3(92(1 - ^ )
(23.3.15) k2 - khhh Ak n2 M2 - Vhhh An fi2 The relation m2 = Z82 known from Sec. 22.5 also holds here. Thus (23.3.15) is equivalent to mi _ 1 m2 m.! 1 m2(fc2 + 2 ^ ) (23.3.16)
k2 - khhh
k2 - fci k2 + n2
H2 - nhhh
fj,2 - nx
2(i2(k2 + ^2)
Two-phase plate. Hashin-Shtrikman bounds ...
We compare these formulae with (23.1.14) and (23.2.10) to conclude that khhh = kHs,
l*hixh = VHS ■
This proves that the upper Hashin-Shtrikman bounds are not only attained, but they can be attained simultaneously. Similarly one can construct a composite that realizes the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bounds kHS, /JLHS. To this end one should take material (2) as a core and use material (1) as a coating. The choice of vectors n , m , p should be the same as previously. 23.4.
Summary of the main results
For the two-phase plate in bending, characterized by stiffnesses D2 and £>] such that D2 > D\, the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds assume the form kHS < k0
JJ-HS < Mo < jJ-HS ,
where the bounds are determined by y{kHS,kuk2,mum2) y{kHS,k2,kU
= fi\ ,
7712,771]) = /J2 ,
(23.4.2) y^HS'
M2 m
l + Ml .
= 2k2 + \i2 .
For the in-plane (membrane) problem of two-phase plate, characterized by stiffnesses A2 and Aj such that A2 > A\, the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds assume the form £Hs < ^o < £//s ,
LHS < £ o < C-HS ,
where the bounds are determined by y(K,HS^i>^2,m],m2)
= C2 ,
= C\ , (23.4.4)
= 2/C2 + C2 ,
= 2 £ , +Ci .
Here K.a = (fcQ)~\ Ca = (M Q ) - If written as above, the formulae (23.4.2) and (23.4.4) reveal an analogy. After expressing the latter in terms of k and fi the analogy is lost. Note that the known analogies between K.'e(Q) and S2{£1) and between IC'K(Q) and Si(Ct) (see Sees. 3.4 and 3.6) are so suggestive that one could think that finding (23.4.4) having (23.4.2) is an easy task. However, this can be misleading. Note first that the analogies mentioned do not correlate e with M and K with N, but eag with e Q7 em M^6 and Kag with £aj £ps Nl6; e is a permutation symbol. Second, the change: (k, fi) ~» ( £ , C) transforms the inequalities: k2 > k\ ~» Ki > /C2 and M2 > Mi ~> £i > £-2- Thus despite some analogies an independent derivation of all bounds (23.4.1) - (23.4.4) is necessary.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
24. Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses and compliances of ribbed plates The general formulae for effective stiffnesses of ribbed plates of first, second and higher rank have been derived in Sees. 3.7 and 3.8. The aim of this section is to specify these formulae to the case of the first rank and orthogonal second rank ribbed plates constructed from isotropic phases. Such explicit formulae are helpful in proving the extremal properties of the "stiff' and "soft" ribbed plates, which will be the subject of Sec. 26. 24.1. First rank ribbed structure Consider a transversely symmetric ribbed plate of first rank discussed in Sec. 3.8, see Fig. 3.8.1. We assume here that both materials are isotropic of stiffness tensors Da (a = 1,2) given by (3.8.28). The ordering assumption: D2 > Di holds. The materials (1) and (2) are taken in proportion 9X and 62 respectively; 6\+ Q2 = 1. Our aim is to find the explicit formulae for the components D "jf^ of the tensor Dh given by Eq. (3.8.2). These components are referred to the natural basis: e\, e2 such that et coincides with the lamination direction: ei= n, see Fig. 24.1.1.
Fig. 24.1.1. First rank ribbed plate Thus we decompose £) h as follows
Dh=n°**i --D fX" ea ® e0 ® eA
or Dh =D i a,
where the tensors a^ are defined by ea according to (21.1.2). To find D ^fx>1 one can use directly (3.7.7). It turns out, however, that simpler formulae can be found by using the formula (3.8.2) of Francfort and Murat.
Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses
Let us introduce the notation sa = ka + na ,
ra = ka- na
and operations: {f)$ = OJi+02f2,
[f}e = Oj2 + 02h,
{/}e = j 7 r ,
N = h~h,
for/ € {k,fi,s,r}. The non-zero stiffnesses D if** are given by i111 = {s)e - te(As)2 ,
D J,122 = (r), - teAsAr , b J212 =
bl™ = (s)e-te(Ar)\
and D fn
=D lU2 ,
D i221 =D Vu =D lm =D I212 ,
U = TTo
The components D % can now be found by using (21.1.24): \°D i1 = (k)e - te(Ak)2,
-teAkAfi, (24.1.8)
\br = (n)-te(Atf,
\bf = M,,
and other components are zero. The apparent simplicity of the formulae (24.1.8) is worth emphasizing. Let us find now the components of the effective compliance tensor d^, by using the formula (3.8.58). We decompose dh^Ed^Oi®^
and introduce the following notation: ICa = (ka)-\
Ca = (fxa)~1,
Sa = ICa + Ca,
Te = ~ .
The non-zero components d," are given by 2d ft = (fC)e-Te(AfC)2, 2dh22 = {C)g-Te{AC)\
2°dhn = TeAICAC, 2dgj = {£} 9 ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Here AK. = K\ - K2 > 0 , A £ = £ j - £ 2 > 0. Note three differences between (24.1.8) and (24.1.11): i) the signs in the expressions for D £2 and d ?2 are different, ii) the arithmetic mean in the expression for D £3 transforms to the harmonic mean in the o
expressions for d 33, iii) factor 2 transforms to 1/2. The composite of stiffnesses (24.1.11) will further be called material (h). 24.2.
Second rank ribbed structure with soft phase taken as a core
Let us consider the ribbed plate of Fig. 3.8.2. Now we change notation: the area fractions of material (h) and material (2) are ui\ and ui2< respectively, see Fig. 24.2.1.
Fig. 24.2.1. Second rank ribbed plate. The stronger material (2) plays the role of a coating The vector m is taken as e2. The resulting homogenized material will be orthotropic, with orthotropy axes coinciding with the basis (e Q ). The soft material (1) plays the role of a core, while material (2) is the coating. The resulting composite, called further {hh), of stiffness Dhh, belongs to the class of "stiff laminates". The resulting area fraction of material (1) equals m\ = 9\W\ and m 2 = w2 + Wi#2- Note that mi + m 2 = 1. The following formulae will be useful 62 - 6iu)2 = 1 + mi - 20i ,
0iu 2 = 0 i - m i ,
9lLj2 + e2 = m2.
The condition D2 - Dx > 0 implies D2 > Dh, Dh given by (24.1.8). To find Dhh we shall use Eq. (3.8.35) and refer all tensors to the basis a^ ® a,. We decompose —.
° i-i
Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses
The final formulae read as follows 1 o
771! (fc2 +
2Dh»-k2 1 o
kh =
J{^W) mi(2#i - 1 -
mi(/i 2 + [k]m)Afis2 2
M,m,) n 12 _ n 21
2 OS = Mi where
/(fli, mi) = 4(1 - 6>i)(0i - mOA/iAfc + s 2 [s] m .
The notation (24.1.4) applies here. Consequently [g}m = mlg2
+ m2gi
(g)m = mxgx + m2g2 ,
Ag = g2 - gx ,
f o r g e {p, fc,s}. Let us sketch now the derivation of the formulae (24.2.3). According to (3.8.35) the tensor Dhh is given by m i ( D 2 - DwO" 1 = (D2 - A ) - 1 - - ( ^ a ; 2 r e 2 + 92Tei) S2 o o The tensors involved in (24.2.6) will be represented in the basis a<
2k2- Dlhl \{D2 - Dhh)ty} =
Dil D\l
[ ( D 2 - A ) , ^ ] = diag 1
[(r.1)«] =
1 10 1 10 000
- £> ft
-Dfh 2»2-Dfh _L 1 1_" 2Ait'2AAi'2A/n " 1 -10 1 -1 1 0 l(r«)v] = 0 0 0
Equation (24.2.6) gives 1 (D2 - D hh) 771]
;[*vl .
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
626 where
_L _ L(e2 + elbJ2) Ak
[*«] =
— ( e 2 _ elU2)
(02 - 6W2)
{62 + 6^2) 0
s2 0
J_ A/j._
The matrix inverse to X assumes the form (&2 + [A*]m)Afc S2
(1 + mi -
(1 + mi - 26I!)AA;AA{
(/i2 + [k]m)A(j,
0 0 A/J52
/(fli,mi)J From the equation -Dhh
= -D2 -
we arrive directly at (24.2.3).
mxX~l D
Thus the formula (3.8.35) provides us with a convenient method to derive Eq. (24.2.3). Finding the same formulae by using two times (3.7.7) turns out to be surprisingly complex. Substituting w2 = 0 (9\ = mi) into (24.2.23) leads to the previous formula (24.1.8) concerning the first rank ribbed plate, cf. Fig. 24.1.1.
Fig. 24.2.2.
Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses
Substituting 9\ = 1 or mQ = uia yields
\ °D i« = (k)u - tu(Ak)2 ,
1 D I2 = tuAkA» ,
1 o
1 o
2 D f = {n)u - U V )
= {
2^ "
^" '
with tjj = uiW2/[s\ui- These formulae concern the first rank ribbed plate with the cell given o
in Fig. 24.2.2. Note the difference in sign in the formulae for D \2, cf. Eqs. (24.1.8)2 and (24.2.7)2. Thus the composites of Figs. 24.1.1 and 24.2.2 are characterized by the opposite values of this stiffness. Let us find now the components of the effective compliance tensor d/,/, = (D h /,) _ 1 . Inversion of (24.2.3) gives 2dhH
= IC + ™^IC2
o hh .. _ 2d
+ [£)m)A/C52 F(9um,)
m, (79, -- \ mi(2fli
F{9i,mi) -,hh _ r _■_ ■ ™i(£2+[£]m)A£S 2 2 d•22 22 ~ =M £2 '+ FTTj % 2
d 33 -
where dhh = Y,d $ at ® a, , ^-a = ( ^ Q )
A/C = /Ci — /C2 ,
£Q =
A £ = L\ — JL2 ,
02 = K-2 -+- £2
and F{9um1)
= 4(1 - 00(0, - m , ) A £ A £ + 5 2 [S] m .
To find the effective compliance of the first rank ribbed plate of Fig. 24.2.2 one should substitute 9\ = 1 or ma = uia into (24.2.8). One finds 2 d , , = (£>w - 2L(A£) 2 ,
2d?2 = - T w A £ A £ ,
2 2 Jj = { £ } „ ,
withT w = cj 1 w 2 ([5] u )- 1 , Let us examine the second rank ribbed plate of compliances (24.2.8) once again. Assume that mi is fixed. Consider the quadratic form with respect to x and y: H(9ux,y)
= 2{d l ^ x
+ 2 d $(61)zy+ °d 2 ^ 1 )2],
with d ap (#i) given by (24.2.8). An extremal property of this form is expressed by
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Lemma 24.1. Assume that x / 0 , y > 0 and
C2=[r72t*; •
Then min H{9uX,y) = H{6\)x,y),
where 9i = Ul+mi + m2^\ 'r = 2 V "C2
The function H(9\;x,y) has the form #(0,*; x, 2/) = Kx2 + C2y2,
where *
£ 2 + [iC] m
(24 Z16)
Moreover mi<9\<\.
Proof. The necessary condition of minimum BH w(eux,y)=0
leads to an algebraic equation which can be factorized by the program MAPLE V, cf. Heal et al. (1996). The solutions of this equation have the form
Using MAPLE V once again we check that
(242 20)
where |2
g (?) = A/C([£]m + /C2) - l - f A£(£ 2 + [£]„). IX \x/ Ixi
Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses
The condition \y/x\ < (2 implies g(y/x) > 0. Thus the minimum is attained at 0i = 0J1' = 0*. Substitution of 0i = 0* into (24.2.11) gives (24.2.15). To prove (24.2.17), assume first that y/x > 0. Then 0 < y/x < ( 2 . Hence 20* < 1 + mi + m 2 = 2. On the other hand, 20* > I + 7711 > 2 m , . \y/x\ Assume now that y/x < 0. Then 20* = 1 + TTJJ - m2 > 1 + m, - rri2 = 2mx. On C2 the other hand, we have: 20* < 1 + mi < 2, which completes the proof. □ Note that for 0i = 0* the orthotropic quadratic form (24.2.11) becomes isotropic, cf. (24.2.15). This fact will play a crucial role in proving the optimal properties of second rank ribbed plates (Sec. 26). 24.3.
Second rank ribbed structure with the strong phase taken as a core
Consider the second rank ribbed plate constructed as shown in Fig. 24.3.1. The strong material (2), taken as a core, is subsequently coated by the soft phase (1).
•Tl Fig. 24.3.1. Second rank ribbed plate. The weaker material (1) plays the role of a coating Let us note that replacing ®a ~* Op ,
UJa ~» Up , fcQ ~» k0 ,
)XQ ~» fig ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
changes the structure of Fig. 24.3.1 into that of Fig. 24.2.1; here p = 3 - a, a = 1,2. Performing these changes in (24.2.3) yields
1 o
2° 1
hh =
m2(292 - 1 - m2)AfcA/jsi
A 22
2(Ml + [^]m)A/JSi
2 ^ " = Mm , where }{92,m2)
= 4(1 - 92){92 - m2)Afj.Ak + Sl[s]m .
Inversion of the formulae (24.3.2) gives the effective compliances 9>»
" ^ l + [4»)A/CS, F(92,m2) m 2 (20 2 - 1 - m 2 )A/CA£5i
'Oil — M — h/i
2 d i2 =
F(e2,m2) ma(£i + [/C]m)A£5i 2 d■22 22 — ~^1 £i ~ F(92,m2)
2 0(33 — {£}m , where F(92,m2)
= 4(1 - 6>2)(02 - m 2 )A£A/C + 5i[S] m
and A £ = /Q — £2> A £ = £1 — £2. Si = £1 + £iA natural way of finding the formulae (24.3.4) is to apply the Francfort-Murat equation (3.8.58). The derivation is based on the following implicit equation m2(d1-°dhh)-1
= {d1-d2)-1+r,
r = 9 ^
where the tensors r d Q ) are defined by (3.8.59); for a = 1, n = ei and for a = 2, n = e2. The non-zero components of the tensors r j , are 4 iT(i)\ _ [L d J2222 — - 7 T .
1 (pOK _ I 1 d il212 — — 7 - .
^ H d JlHl -
7T .
t l ^ d Jl212
7- •
Explicit formulae for effective bending stiffnesses
Thus we have Mill =
4.02^1 ^ ,
40j T2222 = — - 5 - ,
Ili22 = 0 ,
T1212 =
#j + 0 2 W l -Z •
Now we represent Y in the basis a^
5, [r>\ = -2
5, 0
Si 0i 02^1 + 01 Si
0 0 02^1 + #1 £1
Further steps are similar to those performed in Sec. 24.2. They lead to Eq. (24.3.4).
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
25. Explicit formulae for effective membrane stiffnesses and compliances ofribbedplates The relaxed formulation of the minimum compliance problem for a plate loaded in its plane involves orthogonal second rank ribbed composite plates. The aim of this section is to derive closed formulae for effective membrane stiffnesses of such structures. These formulae play a crucial role in the optimization procedure. 25.1.
First rank ribbed plates
Consider the problem of finding explicit formulae for the effective stiffness and compliance tensors: Ah,ahoftiie ribbed plate of Fig. 24.1.1. The easiest method is to use Eqs. (3.9.15) and (3.9.19). Here n = elt hence by Eq. (3.9.18) 1 FA)A)uu
(r )l212
~ IiT2
and the components with indices: 2211,1122,2222,1222,1112 vanish. By using (21.1.24) we can find the components of TA referred to the basis a^ ® a 7 . They form the matrix 0
2s2 2s 2
2s~2 2s^
° 2M
By (3.9.15) we have
Ao - Ah
where AA:
X =
_ L _ °2
0 0
J__ (h Afi
After inverting matrix X and using (25.1.3) one finds the stiffnesses \Alhl
1 °.
Af = (n)o-te{Alif,
1 o
- AhA I2 2
\°A? = M,
Explicit formulae for effective membrane stiffnesses
The effective compliances are given by 2a^
= (K.)g-Tg{AIC)2,
2 a ?2 = T8A/CA£ , (25.1.5)
2°a^ = {C)e-Te(AC)\
2 a & = (£)„.
The notation of Sec. 24.1 also applies here. 25.2. Second rank ribbed plates O
Consider the ribbed second rank plate of Fig. 24.2.1. The membrane stiffnesses A hJ, and compliances a ££ are expressed as (24.2.3) and (24.2.8) or as the same formulae as those for the bending stiffnesses D £f and bending compliances d J$; a, 0 = 1,2. The difference concerns the shearing characteristics: ^S=M«,
For the ribbed plate of Fig. 24.3.1 the stiffnesses A £f and compliances a ^ are given by (24.3.2) and (24.3.4) respectively. The shearing characteristics are given by Eq. (25.2.1).
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
26. Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance One of the most challenging optimization problem of plates in bending is formulated as follows: given two materials of fixed total volume, find its optimal distribution within a given domain such that the total compliance (or the work of the loading applied) assumes a smallest possible value. This results in the stiffest plate design. Already in the late sixties it was discovered that admitting ribs improves the design and that this process never stops, cf. Kozlowski and Mr6z (1969). This phenomenon has further been cleared up by Cheng (1981) and Cheng and Olhoff (1981). If one uses the finite element method, the solutions become mesh-dependent. Thus it turned out that one should abandon all hope that the problem can be solved as originally posed. Applications of the theory of G-convergence of operators and T-convergence of func tional have essentially helped in rearranging the optimization problem mentioned above to its well-posed relaxed form. It turned out that optimizing the layout of two materials should take into account its mixing at a microscale. Thus instead of filling up the given do main with both phases, one should admit a two-phase composite material made of the two given materials. Moreover, it has been revealed that not all two-phase composites should be taken into consideration. In the problem of minimizing the total compliance, it is sufficient to admit so called orthogonal ribbed plates of the second rank, with stiffnesses depending on three scalar unknowns. The aim of the present section is to give a detailed justification of this relaxation formu lation. 26.1.
Ill-posedness of the initial formulation
The subject of our consideration is a thin transversely symmetric Kirchhoff plate subject to a transverse loading q = q{x), x € fi, 0 being a mid-plane of the plate. The problem reduces to the plate bending problem. The setting of the problem is fully two-dimensional: deformation of the plate is determined by the deflection function w = w(x), representing transverse displacements of the plate mid-plane. To fix the data, let us assume that the plate is clamped along To C dQ : iv = 0 ,
-3- = 0 onr0, (26.1.1) on and free along Ti = dQ\T0. The bending stiffness tensor D = D{x) is the only elastic characteristic of the plate. Let us assume that distribution of the bending stiffness is piecewise constant: D = D\ in Q\ and D = D2 in f22; the domains fiQ satisfy the conditions: Qi U ^2 = ^ and fii D Q2 = 0. The division of fi into £la is arbitrary. The characteristic function of the domain fiQ will be denoted by x<* = X<*(x). Thus one can write D = Xi{x)D1+X2{x)D2, x
and X\i ) + X2{x) = 1, x € fi. Assume, moreover, that both phases are isotropic, cf. Eq. (21.1.26) Da = 2kaIl + 2/xQ72 , (26.1.3)
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Fig. 26.1.1. Two-phase plate (26.1.4) where K.a = (A;Q)-1, Ca = (Ma)' 1 and the ordering assumption holds: k2> ki ,
n2> Hi ,
/Ci > K,2 ,
d > £2 .
The constitutive relations link the moment tensor M with the curvature tensor K M = DK,
K =
dM ,
where d = D~l. Referring these relations to the basis {e Q } one finds (26.1.7) If we refer them to the basis a, we have
The components Da0Xti, daeXli, D{' and d{j are given by (21.1.30) - (21.1.32), where k, (i, K, and C refer to the phase number (1) or (2). Note that the Greek indices at K are at the lower level and the index i is put at the upper level. This mismatch is a consequence of not introducing the co-basis a', to simplify this formalism. Since the space is Euclidean, both notations are correct. A moment field M is said to be statically admissible if M e «S2(fi), with 5 2 (n) := { M = (M Q ") e L 2 (fi,E 2 )| f Ma0 KaP(v)dx = fqvdxVvG
V(fi)} ,
where V{Q) = {v € H2(Q)\v = 0 and
dv — = 0
on T0}
A strain field K is said to be kinematically admissible if K € £/t(fl), with £/c(fi) defined
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
in Sec. 3.4. Then there exists w € H (Q) such that KQ0(W)
= -
The equilibrium problem assumes the form of the following problem: v
| find weVM \aD(w,v) = f(v)
s«ch that VreV(fi),
where aD(w,v)
= IK(W) : (Dn{v))dx
w,v £ H2(Q)
and f(v) = jqvdx.
The integrand of (26.1.11) is written in the invariant manner. It should be understood as follows: K(W) : (DK(V))
= Ka0(w)Da0X"KXli(v)
= £ K^D^K^V)
The functional J : L°°(fi) -* R (*2) = /(w(xa)) ,
is called the plate compliance (or total compliance). Its argument is the function \2 which determines the layout of the materials (1) and (2) within fi. Given \2< one can solve the problem (P) and, having w(\2), compute J(x2)Let A be a positive constant. The minimum compliance problem is usually put in the form: i n f l a t e ) I Xi € L°°(Sl, {0, l}) , JX2dx = A n with w being the solution to problem (P)} .
By Castigliano's theorem: J(X2) = min{ IM
: [dM)dx
\ M € 5 2 (fi)} .
n Now we introduce the Lagrange multiplier A for the isoperimetric constraint appearing in (26.1.15). Kohn and Strang (1986) proved that supremum over A can be interchanged with infimum over \2- Thus for a fixed A we put the problem (26.1.15) in the form: min mm f(M X2ez.°°(n,{o,i}) Me52(fi) n
: ( d M ) + \X2)dx
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
The order of minima can be interchanged. Then we use Theorem 1.2.33 according to which the minimum over X2 can be put under the integral. We find mm { / m i n [ M : (d2M) + \,M
: {d-iM)]dx} .
By (21.1.38) we have
M : (daM) = 1/C / 2 (M) + \ca II\M) , where 7 2 (M) = [/(M)] 2 and II2{M) = [//(M)] 2 . The integrand in (26.1.18) is a non-convex function of I{M) and II(M), 26.1.2.
see Fig.
^2(/M)2 +X
\*\UM? IM
Fig. 26.1.2. The section: 7/ M = H(M) = 0; IM = I{M) We conclude that the problem (26.1.18) is ill-posed and requires relaxation. More pre cisely, the integral functional involved in this problem is not sequentially weakly lower semicontinuous. 26.2.
The design variable in the problem (26.1.17) is the characteristic function \ = X2 which equals 1 in ^2 and 0 in ^ . Since this problem is ill-posed, one should extend the design space in such a manner that the weak-* limit of a sequence of functions {xn} would belong to this space. Applying Corollary 1.1.4 we conclude that X„ -*• m2
L°°(n, [0,1])
n —» 00 .
Any function roj £ L°°(Sl, [0,1]) can be interpreted as a distribution of the area fraction of material (2). Any sequence {Xn} defines a sequence Dn{x) = (1 - Xn(*))A + Xn(x)D2
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
of stiffness tensors and of compliance tensors dn(x) = (Dn{x)) sequence of the solutions wn 6 V(£l) that satisfy aDn(wn,v) = f(v)
. They determine the
Vv€ V(Sl) .
The following theorem determines the properties of the limit function wh to which the functions wn converge. Theorem 26.2.1. From the sequence {Xn}neN such that the isoperimetric condition r / >Xndx = A,
is fulfilled one can extract a subsequence {xn1} weakly-* converging to m2 G Z/°°(fi, [0,1]). Moreover, the area condition (26.2.4) is preserved, since / Xn'dx —* / Tn2
as n! —> oo .
The sequence {xn'}n'eN defines a G-convergent subsequence of tensors Dn'(x). Its Glimit £>/,(•) is a symmetric, positive definite, measurable and bounded tensor-valued func tion. It does not depend on fl and on the type of boundary conditions imposed on dQ. The sequence of energies an , (%,«;„/) converges to the energy avh(wh, wh), where wh solves the problem (PH)
find wh G V(Q) such that aDh {wh, v) = f(v) V v e K(Q) .
The sequence wn* converges to wh weakly in H2(£l). Proof. The convergence of Xn1 to rm and (26.2.5) result from (26.2.1). The sequence Dn-(x) has the form (26.2.2). Thus the remaining part of the proof is a direct consequence of application of //-convergence results presented in Sec. 1.3.2. It is sufficient to take =-. □ n Obviously, different {xn} satisfying (26.2.4) may tend to the same limit m2 € L°°(fl, [0,1]) and produce different limiting (homogenized) tensors Dh(x). Theorem 26.2.1 asserts that there exist tensor-valued functions £>/,(•) associated with sequences {Xn}neNAccording to Dal Maso and Kohn (see Sec. 1.3.2 and Allaire and Kohn (1993a)), these functions can be characterized pointwise for a.e. ar G f) as follows. For each pi G [0,1] there is a closed set of fourth-order tensors G^, called the G-closure of D2 and D\ with area fractions fa and p\ = 1 — p?, with the following properties: (i) if Tni(x) and D/,(i) are linked as in Th. 26.2.1, then Dh(x) e Gm2(x) for a.e. x eQ.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
(ii) If 7712(2) and Dh(x) are measurable functions satisfying the condition Dh(x) e Gm,(x) a.e. x € fi, then there exists a sequence {Xn}neN weakly-* convergent in L°°(Q, [0,1]) to m2 that determines the G-\imitDh(x). □ The following theorem is due to Dal Maso and Kohn (see Sec. 1.3.2 and Allaire and Kohn (1993a)) and reveals the role of periodic composites, cf. also Lipton (1994c). Theorem 26.2.2. Let p2 be a fixed number from [0,1]. Denote by Gj£r the set of all effective stiffness tensors £>/, of periodic plates, determined by, see (3.4.10), K : (DhK) = min{(K" : ( D K » ) ) | D = xUvWi + xUv)D2 (Xl(y)) =P2,*ye K%{Y) ,
, (26.2.6)
Here (•) represents averaging over a certain rectangular cell Y. The periodicity cell Y is divided into Yi and Y2; Xa represents the characteristic function of the domain Ya. Denote by GJjf the closure of the set GJf. Then G%r C G„2 and G%? = Gn. D Dual version of this theorem is formulated as follows. Corollary 26.2.3. Let p2 be a fixed number from [0,1]. The effective compliance tensors dh of periodic plates are determined by, see Sec. 3.6 M : {dhM)
= min{(m : {dm))\d = xfty)**, + X2{y)d2 , {x2) = P2 , m = {ma0) e SJF(Y), (m) = M } . (26.2.7)
The set of all such tensors dh is still G £ r . As before G^
C Gn and G%? = Gn.
Let us pass to the relaxation of the problem (26.1.17). Consider the sequence Dn(x) which defines the sequence of compliances d„(x) = ( D n ( i ) ) - 1 and the sequence of mo ment fields M n . Then
JMn : (dnMJdx - JMh : (dhMh)dx , n
where dh = ( D h ) _ 1 . The sequence M„ converges to M/, weakly in L2(fl, Ej). Moreover, To relax the problem (26.1.17) one replaces: d^dn,
and finds mm
X„6L»(fi,{0,l}) M„6S 2 (fi)
f(Mn n
: {dnM^
+ \Xn)dx
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Note that in the limit (n —» oo) the first minimum is replaced by the two minima: over m2(x) G L°°(n, [0,1]) and over dh{x) G G m , ( l ) . Thus we have mm
m 2 eL°°(n,[0,l]) d " e G m 2 ( l )
: {dh{x)M)
nun M€S 2 (0)
+ \m2{x))dx
Let us compare the problem (26.1.17) with (26.2.11). We note that (i) designs predicted within the initial formulation (26.1.17) are included in the class of generalized solutions to the relaxed formulation (26.2.11). (ii) If the solution of the problem (26.2.11) lies within the class of the initial formulation (26.1.17), then the value of the compliance determined by the relaxed problem (26.2.11) coincides with the value of the compliance determined by the initial formulation. (iii) A solution to the relaxed problem exists. The minimum is attained by the limits of conventional designs {xn}The features (i) - (iii) mean that the formulation (26.2.11) is an appropriate relaxation of problem (26.1.17). The features (i) and (ii) do not need proving. To prove (iii), let us assume that {xn} is a minimizing sequence of the problem (26.2.11). This sequence determines a sequence d„ of compliances. By Theorem (26.2.1) and Corollary (26.2.3) one can extract a subsequence, still denoted by {xn} such that Xn{x) —k m2(x) in L°°(tt, [0,1]) weak-* and d„(i) Gconverges to dh(x). Then the functional in (26.1.17) tends to the value of the functional in (26.2.11) for these 7712(1) and dh(x). On the other hand, the couple (m 2 , dh) is a minimizer of (26.2.11). This proves the property (iii). □ The formulation (26.2.11) can be rearranged to the form min mm f[2W'{M,m2(x)) m2eL°°(fi,|o,i]) Mes2(«), n
+ Xm2}dx,
where W'(M,m2(x))
min ]-M : {dh{x)M) d'HiJeCn,^) 2
By Corollary (26.2.3) one can write 2W(M,m2(x))=
min ( M : (dM))
inf dec;*'
M : (dM)
m 2 (x)
One can show that 2VW* is only a function of M, m2 and da(a = 1,2), while x is concealed in m2 = m2(x). It turns out that this function can be explicitly calculated, which will be the subject of the next section.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance 26.3.
Bounding the potential W* by the translation method of Cherkaev-Gibianskii
By (26.2.7) and (26.2.15) we have 2W*(M,m 2 ) =
min{(m : (dm))|
d = dlX\(y) + d2XY2(y), da of the form (26.1.4), <X2y) =m2,m = (ma0) 6 S2xr(Y), (m) = M} .
Here m 2 represents a number from [0,1]. The expression above will be estimated by the translation method. To this end we re fer the tensors d and m to the basis (Oj). Thus m : (dm) = mTdm, where m = (m1,™*, m 3 ) T , d = [diJ], d = d^a* ® a^. In the sequel we shall neglect the sign "~". Let us take (5 > 0 such that d - ^ f > 0 ,
where T is defined by (21.1.19), and rearrange (26.3.1) as follows 2W*(M,m2)=
min \(mT(d-]-0T)m) m€5fr(y) 2
inf X J" (X^)=m 2
+ ^(mT 2
T m)\ .
The first term will be estimated by disregarding the differential constraints involved in S j ^ V ) . The second term will be estimated by using the property of quasiconvexity of the function F(m) = — detm, see (21.4.15) in Sec. 21.4.4. Thus we estimate the first term 1 o by making use of the estimate (21.5.4) for A = d - -0 T, taking into account (26.3.2): (mT(d
- X-0 T)m)
> MT((d
- ^0 T)-l)~lM
By using (21.4.15) we obtain (mTTm)>MTT
M .
Since the r.h.s. of (26.3.4) and (26.3.5) are independent of x2< w e arrive at the translation bound in the form 2W*(M,m 2 ) > MTd(0)M
with 0 such that (26.3.2) is satisfied and d(0) = ((d - l-(3 I T V
+ l-0 T .
To make the bound (26.3.6) possibly optimal we maximize the r.h.s. over feasible values of/? 2W*(M,m2)>
max d-JflT>0
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design o
According to (26.1.4) and (21.1.19) the tensors d(y) and T can be represented by <%) = \nv)h
+ \c{y)I2,
T= -Ji + I2,
£(») = ClX?(y) + C2XY2(y).
>C(y) = ibxXiv) + laxity),
Now we can compute d(0) = {[\(K{y) + 0)1, + \(C(y) - / W ) "
+ \fi{-Ix
+ 12) • (26.3.11)
By using the rule (a/i + 6/ 2 )"' = a - ' / i + b~lI2 ,
valid for any a, b £ R\{0},seeEq. (21.1.26), we find d(0) = \K(0)I,
+ \L{0)I2 ,
(26.3.14) The condition (26.3.2) implies >d+0>O,
IC2 + 0>O,
In view of the ordering assumption (26.1.5) and 0 > 0 we have 0£[O,£2}-
According to the rule (21.1.38) we can write ^MTd{0)M
= ^K(0)I2(M)
+ -L{0)II2{M)
Let us introduce a new invariant of M : _[(M 2 )2+(M 3 ) 2 ]'/ 2
II(M) (
or [(M"-M22)2+(2M'2)211/2
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
provided that M is referred to the basis ea. The potential (26.3.17) can be written in the form r
(26.3.20) -L{0)1I\M)
if/(M) = 0,
where U{0,x)=K{0)+x2L{0).
Let us maximize the expression (26.3.20) with respect to 0 satisfying (26.3.16). In the case of I{M) ^ 0 the problem reduces to finding 0O such that W ( C M ) : = C / ( A ) , C M ) = max 1/(0, CM).
The extremality condition: dU/80 = 0 leads to the equation | [£]m ~0\MC = A £ U I[£]m + 0\ ,
where [/]m = mxf2 + m 2 /i, A/ = fr - f2 for / <E {/C, £}. The solution of Eq. (26.3.23) is denoted by /?2. The condition (26.3.16) implies [£]™+ft>0,
[£)m - /% > ™2(£, - £ 2 ) > 0 .
Thus AE[£]m-A£[KUM A
The condition (26.3.16) leads to Ca < CM < Ci ,
where, cf. (24.2.12)2 [£UA/C
- I^A£ •
m 2 A£
- wu^r2 ■
Substitution of (26.3.25) into (26.3.14) gives
TO) =£i/C2 + [£] m (£) m -
£ t £ 2 + [E] m (£) m - m 1 m 2 AX:A£(U)- 1 L(&) = [5]m
where [S]m = [/C + £] m and (/) = rrn/i + m 2 / 2 , / 6 {£, £}. We conclude that ft = ft ifCA/e[C2,Ci). see Fig. 26.3.1b.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
c M *e 2 0
p 0 = a 2 p2 p
Fig. 26.3.1. Analysis of problem (26.3.22) Assume that ( M > Ci- Then P2 < 0 (cf. Fig. 26.3.1a) and /?0 = 0. We compute K(0) = {£}m , 1
L(0) = {£} m ,
1 -1
where {/} m = (rriif{~ + r ^ / f ) . Assume that CM < C2. see Fig. 26.3.1c. Then ft > £ 2 and /3b = £2- We find /f(£ 2 ) = K,
L{£2) = £ 2 ,
where K is determined by, cf. (24.2.16) y(K, K.u K.2, mu m2) = £ 2 •
The above formula follows from (26.3.14)b (21.2.24) and (21.2.19). Comparing (26.3.31) with (23.4.4)] we conclude that K = £HS, where ACHS represents the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bound for the modulus AC.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
The solution to the problem (26.3.22) can be summarized as follows ' £ 2 if C M £ [ 0 , C 2 ] (regime 3 ) , 0o= I P2 if CMe[C2,Cil (regime 2 ) , . 0 if CM > Ci (regime 1) ,
'HL(Q if Ce[0,C2], n(0 = \ Wi(C) if Cefe.Ci], kWn(C)«f C > Ci,
where HdQ
= aL + cLQ2,
aL = K ,
cL = £ 2 ,
HR(Q =aR + cR(2 , aR = { £ } m ,
cR = { £ } m .
Moreover, by using the identity: (/W/U-/./2=m1m2(A/)2,
one can express W,(() as follows «i(C) = (£>m - Tm(AIC)2 - 2TmA£A£C + [(C)m - T m (A£) 2 ]C 2
with Tm = m 1 m 2 ([S] m )" , cf. (24.1.10). One can prove that «<(<) = Wt(C) + ^ ( C - C2)2 = WH(C) + 4«(C - Ci)2 ,
where AL =
m 1 A £ ( £ 2 + [AC],, [5] m '
A« n =
m,m 2 (A£) 2 [/C] fl [£] m [5] m •
Thus we immediately see that n,(0>HL(0
and Hi(0>HdO,
for all (. Moreover we have WiCCa) = W.«2) , dHi,,v - ^ - ( C 2 ) = -^-(Ca), <*WL,^
d«i,,x iH«,M -^-(Ci) - - ^ - ( C i ) ,
which proves that the function H(() is smooth in the whole domain C > 0, see Fig. 26.3.2. In the case of I(M) = 0 one can show that max 1-L{P)II\M) = \{C}mIl\M)
/3e 0X2] 2
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Finally, the r.h.s. of the estimate (26.3.8) 2iV*(M,m 2 )=
is given by
2W*(M,m 2 )= -
1 {£} m // 2 (M) I2
if/(M)/0, (26.3.44) if/(M)=0.
Fig. 26.3.2. Graph of the function H(CM) 26.4. Attainability of the translation bound We shall prove that there exists d e G££ such that MTdM
= 2>V*(M,m2) ,
or W*(M,m2) = W*(M,m 2 ), which means that the bound (26.3.8) is attained and the problem (26.2.12) can be explicitly formulated. 26.4.1. Regime(2):CM€[C2,Ci] Let us compare the formula (24.2.10) for compliances of the first rank ribbed plate of Fig. 24.2.2 with the coefficients of the polynomial (26.3.37). We note that this polynomial can
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
be written in the form: n,(0 = 2(dhn+2°d?2C+ °dk2) ,
where d ^ are given by (24.2.10) provided that ma is substituted for tja. In the case of I(M) ± 0, by (26.3.44) and (21.1.48) we have, 2W'(M,m2)=
a, 0=1
where the moments MXM = I(M), Ml, = II(M) and the compliances:
d»2 = sgn (/(M)) °d \2,
are referred to the lines of principal moments. In the case of I(M) > 0 the first rankribbedplate of Fig. 24.2.2 realizes the bound VV*. If I(M) < 0, the bound is realized by the first rank ribbed plate of Fig. 24.1.1, see Eq. (24.1.1). In the first case the ribs lie along the lines of the first principal moment M/. In the second case the ribs follow the Mu direction. In the last case we have M// < M/ < 0, hence in general the ribs follow the lines of the principal moment of greater absolute value. The case I{M) = 0 will be considered later on.
Fig. 26.4.1. The (Mi,Mu) plane. Regimes of the optimum solution We conclude that the estimate (26.3.8) is attained in the class of the first rank ribbed plates whose ribs follow the directions of the greatest (in the sense of absolute value) prin cipal moment
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Let us interpret the domain CM £ [C2, Ci] ' n the M/, Mu plane. The domain of interest is defined by 01 = {{MI,MU)\MI>MII,
C2< ffj'f,"* ^Ci}, \Mi + Mn\
since, by (26.3.18), we have Mi- Mu ^M = i.r , „ 1 •
, _ , . .. (26.4.5)
Let us define the parameters
72 =
7I =
TTo •
Note that 71 - 72 < 0, 71 < 1, 72 £ (0,1). One can show that 0< = On U Oi2, where Otl = {{Mi, M„)\M, > Mu ,
IxM, < M„ < -y2M,} ,
Oi2 = {{Mi,M„)\M,
-M, 7i
> Mu ,
< Mu < —Mi) . 72
The domains Oia {a = 1,2) form two cones joined at the origin, cf. Fig. 26.4.1. The case 7! > 0 or /Ci£ 2 < IC2£i is considered. 26.4.2. Regime (3): CM < C2 Consider the case I{M) ^ 0. Then 2W'{M,m2)
= \k{MlM)2
+ \c2{M2Mf
Let us pass now to an application of Lemma 24.1. According to (24.2.13) and (24.2.11) the potential (26.4.7) can be written in the form 2W(M,m2)=
where d <$ are effective bending compliances of the second rank ribbed plate of Fig. 24.2.1. The area fraction Q\ depends on M :
We observe that by (21.1.47) we have M M / M M = (sgn CM KM- The expression (26.4.8) represents the complementary energy of the ribbed plate of Fig. 24.2.1 with the direction of ribs coinciding with the lines of principal moments (M M = 0). Note that there are two second rank ribbed microstructures realizing the potential (26.4.7): the vector e\ of Fig. 24.2.1 can be tangent to the line of the first or the second principal moment. In the latter
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
case the formula for 0\ is slightly different: + mi - m2sgn (MlM)^-)
6\ = Ul
o , ,
and the modulus d 12 changes the sign, cf. the transformation formula (21.1.25) for a = - . Let us interpret the domain CM < C2 in the plane Mi, Mu. The domain M, - Mn fj ^" <
03 = {(M,, M„)\M, > M„ ,
\M, + M„\
may be written as O3 = O31 U O32 with 03i = i( M /> M//)|M/ + Mi, > 0 ,
M; > M// , M/i > 72M/} 1 M, > M ; / , M7/ > ——M,} j
O32 = {(A//, M„)\M, + MU < 0 ,
where 7Q are defined by (26.4.6), cf. Fig. 26.4.1. Remark 26.4.1. The potential (26.4.7) can also be realized by the microstructure consisting of inclusions of special shape, discovered by Vigdergauz (1986, 1994). Thus the domain O3 may be called the Vigdergauz domain. The inclusion of Vigdergauz have such shapes that the moments MTr around their boundaries are constant. This condition can be fulfilled if QM < C2- Thefirstshapes of holes of equi-strength (MTT = const) boundaries have been found by Cherepanov (1974). Both Cherepanov's and Vigdergauz contours are given by elliptic functions. □ 26.4.3. Regime (1): CM >Ci In the case where QM > 0 and MXM ■£ 0 the potential VV* is given by the formula, cf. (26.3.44), (26.3.35) W'(M,m2)
2 = 7l-{)C} {IC}mm(M (MlMlM))i + \\ m(M2Mf + -{C}
We shall prove below that the energy (26.4.11) can be stored in afirst-rankribbed plate with the ribs appropriately inclined, see Fig. 26.4.2. Let ifM and a represent the angles between the versors e f and e\ and between ex and e\. The versor e f determines the direction of thefirstprincipal moment Mi; the versor e\ is the lamination direction cf. Fig. 26.4.2. Moreover, let
M 2 = cos2(t> M2M , O
O . Q
M 3 = sin2tf> M2M ,
where M =M l a*; the basis a, is defined by en. We claim that for each M such that CM > Ci one canfind
M0+ °d$3(M 3)2] ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Fig. 26.4.2. Second rank ribbed plate 0
where d £#, d 33 represent the effective compliances of the first rank ribbed plate of Fig. 26.4.2, cf. Fig. 24.1.1 and Eq. (24.1.11); here 6Q = ma. Indeed, by substituting (26.4.12) into (26.4.13) and equating with (26.4.11) onefindsthe equation: [(/C)m - Tm{AK)2){MlMf + 2T m A£A£cos20M^M 2 r +[<£>m - Tm{AC)2]{cos2
Applying the formula (26.3.36) for / = K. and / = £ we find m\m,2 (AO/],) 2 +
2 \2 (cos20A£M^)
-(AlCMl, - cos2
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Hence we find
OT2 =
* -
or cos 20 = -sgn ( A ^ ) - ^ - ,
and because C,M = ^M/\^M\ ^li > °- N o t e that the condition: ( M > d implies that the absolute value of the r.h.s. of (26.4.19) is smaller than 1, hence 4> exists. The angle a assumes two values:
a = ^M±^arccos(-sgn(Mi,)^J
Indeed, for both angles a the complementary energy density W given by (26.4.13) as sumes the same value. Hence we conclude that there are two rank-one microstructures that realize the bound (26.4.11) for the regime ( M > £i. Consider now the case of MlM = M 1 = 0. According to (26.3.44) we have W*(M,m2) = ^ { £ } m ( M ^ ) 2 . n Then Eq. (26.4.14) is satisfied for 0 = ± - . The half-line Mu
= -M\
lies within the
region QM > CI- If referred to the (A//, Mu) plane, this region forms a cone, see Fig. 26.4.1. 26.5.
Physical interpretation of the relaxed problem
For a given A the problem (26.2.12) can be put in the form min
{f{m2) + \fm2(x)dx},
where / ( m 2 ) = 2 min
n with W(M, m2(x)) given by (26.3.44). The function W* depends on the invariants I(M) and II(M) defined by (21.1.14) and (21.1.16), respectively. The problem (26.5.2) can be viewed as an equilibrium problem for a hypothetic hyperelastic plate for which the inverted constitutive relationship assumes the form Ka8
3W(l,m2(i)) dM^ '
where K and M are the solution of the problem (26.5.2). For simplicity, from now on the overbar will be omitted.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The equation (26.5.3) can be written explicitly: (i) when I(M) = 0 l
(ii)when/(M) ^ 0
«a/3 —
dW dI{M)
dI{M) dMaP
dW dCw d(,M dM"*3 '
where dW 8I(M)
1 -/(M)W(CM) 2 v ' """' '
dW 1 = -I d(,M 4
dH(0 d(
The function dTi/dC, is piecewise linear:
<m = d(
'2c L C
if C 6 [0, C2] ,
< 2\{cL + AL)(,-AL(,2]=2[{cR .2cfiC
+ ARX~AR^\
if C G [C2, Ci] ,
if C > Ci -
For C G [C21 Ci] th e l i n e (CL + ^ L ) C - AL(;2 cuts the axis C at (3 Cje(0,< 2 ). see Fig. 26.5.1.
C2. Note that
Thus the first term of (26.5.5) is smooth, while the second one is only continuous. Figure 26.5.1 suggests calling the sliding regime (C2. Ci) - the regime of hardening. We observe that problem (26.5.2) is solvable, see the next section.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance 26.6.
Primal formulation of the relaxed problem
The compliance of the plate is equal to a minimum value of the complementary energy, cf. (26.1.16). This fact enables one to rearrange the minimum compliance problem to the minimization problem involving moments as dual variables, cf. (26.1.17) and (26.5.1). In this section we formulate the minimum compliance problem in terms of displacements. Let us start with the problem (26.2.11). For fixed m 2 and dh = d the minimum over M £ S2{0.) is a standard minimization problem. Indeed, by applying Rockafellar's theory of duality with, see Sec. 1.2.5, A M = (divdivM, M M ) , 6,(Af)) , G(AM) = / S ! ( ( ! ) (AM) ,
F{M) = IM : {d{x)M)dx we readily conclude min
: (d{x)M)
M€5 2 (n)
n max / [2qv - 2W [n {V )) + \m2 {x) \dx ,
where W(p) = l-p : (Dp),
p € Es2,
and D = d '.We recall that bo and bi are boundary operators. Consequently we have R\ =
min min min j\M m2e/.°°(n,|o,i]) deGm2W Mg5j(n) n n min min mm f\M m2eL~(fi,|o,i]) dec^T: Me52(n) min
m 2 6/.~(n,|0,l|) D6C*' r , , m I 2( )
: [d(x)M)
: [d{x)M)
/ [2qv - K(V) : (D(X)K(V))
«ev(n> J
+ Xm2{x)]dx
(26.6.3) Since G^ 2 r (l) is contained in L°°(Q, E^ 4 ), therefore, for a fixed m 2 € L°°(n, [0,1]) the minimax problem in (26.6.2) is not a standard one. By E j 4 we denote the space of matrices (Da0X») with usual symmetries: D00^ = D^0 = D00^. To prove that the order of minimization over D and maximization over v may be interchanged one can use
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
the Young measures. Such an approach has been followed by Lipton (1994b). However, the same aim can be achieved in a standard manner without recourse to the Young measures. Indeed, by using Theorem 1.2.33 we write R\ =
min min / [ min M : (d(x)M) + XmoixMdx m,et~(n,(o,i|) M€S,(«) J dec5**"n
min f[2W(M,m2(x)) mini 1,|0,1)) M65 2 (n)J l
+ Xm2(x)}dx. "
Consider now the following minimization problem (Pm2)
M65a(si) J U
To apply Rockafellar's theory of duality to the problem (Pm,) we take A and G(KM) as before; moreover we set F(M) =
dv ForvS V(fi) we then have A*(v, -u, ——) = on normal vector to dil. The dual problem means evaluating:
where n stands for the outward unit
(P^) m a x { - C » - P*(«H)| „ e V(fi)} . Standard calculation yields: G'(v) = -
fqvdx, n
sup { [M
: K(v)dx -\f
min M : {d{x)M)dx}
with W(p, m2(a:)) = -
max p : (Dp) . U f c 0
According to Proposition 1.2.50 we have min Pm2 = max P* .
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Substituting (26.6.5) into (26.6.4), one can write the relation (26.6.3) as follows Rx =
max / \2qv - K(V) : (D(X)K(V))
+ Am2(x)lda:
m,G;.~(H,[0,l|) r > € t ?m*(x) ^ ~ v£V((l)J —2' I )
+ \m2{x)}dx min min f[2W{M,m2{x)) m2£L<*'(n,\o,\)) Mes2(fi) nh min max J[2qv - 2W(K{v),m2(x)) + \m2{x)\dx m2e£.°°(r!,(o,i]) u6V(n).n h min
m26L°°(n,10,l]) v€V(Sl)/ ,
[2qv —
K(V) : (D(X)K(V))
+ Xm2(x)]dx
h min
m 2 eL°°(fi,[0,l]) veV{il)
min D £
^ -
/ [2qv - K(V) : (D(X)K(V))
(26.6.6) The set G ^ ( l ) is sequentially compact for the topology induced by G-convergence, cf. Sec. 1.3.2. The function W{-,m2(x)) is convex and W(p,m2(x)) has quadratic growth in p independently of m2(x) G [0,1]. We conclude that Rx is finite and the relaxed problem (26.6.6), or rather a chain of equivalent relaxed problems possesses a solution: (v,M,m2,D)
G V(Q) x S2(Q) x L°°(H, [0,1]) x G ^ ( l ) .
According to (26.4.1) we have D = (d) _ 1 . The extremality relations (1.2.51), (1.2.52) yield:
oM We recall that extremality relations hold also for nonconvex problems, provided that their solutions exist. Note that by Rockafellar's Theorem 1.3.33 R\ is also equal to: OK
Rx =
min I Fx(M)dx, MeSa(n) J n
where FX{M) = min v
min [ M : (dM) + Xp2]
0 < « < 1 d€G„ 2
f l
In the sequel the bar over the quantities involved in (26.6.7) will be omitted. We observe that the principal directions of the tensors K and M coincide. Indeed, let us refer the constitutive relationship (26.5.3) to the basis atM:
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
According to (26.3.44), the potential W* depends on Ml, and MM but is independent of My. Hence K3M = 0. This yields K
= K\,ai + K2MO^ .
Thus UK = 11(^)0^, where n is the operator of projection onto the plane a^, ai?. By definition UM = II(M)a^, hence UK and UM are collinear. Consequently a,w = a" and
M\, = M\,
M\, = Ml,
M\, = MK3 = 0 .
Let us proceed now to find the potential W. The simplest way of finding the explicit form of W is inverting the relations (26.5.3) and then reconstructing W such that (26.6.7)i holds. Regime (3): CM < C2 Substitution of (26.4.7) into (26.6.8) implies *>M = \kM\,,
= ^
A4 = 0 .
Taking into account (26.6.10) we have M1K=2kKlK,
where /i2 = ( A ) - 1 . k = (-ft-)-1 and r
kik2 + fx2(k)m M2 + [k]n
or k = kus, where kns represents the upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound forfco,see (22.2.1). The condition (M < (2 assumes the form m2/x2Afc ~ kik2 + {k)m '
By (26.6.12) we have QM = {n2/k)Q, with C* = ««/|«il- Thus the condition (26.6.14) yields C2 = m ' t u M2 + \k\m where, as usual, Afc = k2 — kx. The elastic potential W assumes the form C« < C2 ,
W = k(K[)2 + ^(K2K)2.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Regime (1): ( M > 0 Substitution of (26.4.11) into (26.6.8) yields *\t = \{CUM2M
^u = \{K.}mM\t,
By inverting these relations and taking into account (26.6.10) we find M2K=2(fi)mKl,
The inequality ( ^ > Ci transforms into C« > Ci ,
Afc Ci = £ - ,
where A/j = /i 2 - Mi- Let us compute Ak ; r lk + (Am n s , m Cl - C2 = -r —rrr- ■ (26.6.20) AMM2 + [k\m Thus (1 > (2 and w e conclude that the domains (0,(2) and ( are disjoint. The relations (26.6.18) determine the potential
W = {k)m«)2
+ (fi)m(^)2
Regime (2): (,M e [<2,G] According to (26.4.3) we find t « = 2 hnMU + sgn {M\,) d \2M2M , K2M = sgn {M\,) d h12Ml,+ dh22M2M,
K3M = 0 ,
where d ^3 aie given by (24.2.10) with CJQ = ma. By inverting the equations (26.6.22) we obtain l
-MxM = AK'M + sgn {M'M)BK2M
\M2M = sgn ( M ^ B / ^ . + CK 2 M ,
where A = (fc)ra - U A f c ) 2 ,
B = imAfcAM ,
C = <M>m - tm{Atf
Here £m = mlm2{[k + M]™)" - Note that A > 0, B > 0,C > 0. Moreover, by algebraic manipulations one can prove the inequalities ACc - B > 0 , (i) Case M ^ > 0 The condition (,M = Ml,/Ml,
C - BCa > 0 ,
a = 1,2 .
< Ci implies
^* M ( A( ^CC I -- BB) ) >> ( C(L- B- C , )u^\)^ K2M.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Since n2M > 0 by definition, we conclude that *}M > 0. The condition (,M > & implies K2M{C - B(2) > (A(2 - B)K\, .
By (26.6.10) the conditions (26.6.26), (26.6.27) can be rearranged to the form Ca < C« < Ci . 2
where now (K = K K/\K\\ = K K/K\ and C,a are defined by (26.6.15) and (26.6.19). The elastic potential assumes the form W = A(KI)2
(ii) Case MlM < 0 The condition: (,M = -M^/M]^
+ 2BK\K\
+ C(K2K)2
BCI)«M •
< £i implies
(ACi - B)(-K1M)
Hence -K\, > 0. By (26.6.10) we have Q = -K2JK\
and (26.2.30) implies
f •
On the other hand, the condition CM > C2 gives
C > ^ | .
The inequalities (26.6.31) and (26.6.32) can be rearranged to the form (26.6.28). Thus (26.6.28) holds for arbitrary M M . The potential assumes the form W = A(n\)2
- 2BK\K\
+ C{K\)2
+ C(K2K)2
In general, we have W = A{K\)2
+ 2B\KI\KI
Obviously the potential W is a non-differentiable function of K\. Final form of the potential W: W(K,m2)
(/(K))2^(C«) ; 4
( M ) m (//(/c))
,r if
7(/c)^0 r/
The function F{-) is defined as follows
' rL(Q ' HO .^(C)
if Ce[o,6], 'f Cefe.Ci], if C>Ci,
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
JrR(0 = aR + cR(;\
^l(C) = A + 2B( + C(2.
The coefficients involved in (26.6.37) are defined by aL = k,
cL = n2,
&R = (k)m ,
cR = {^)„
~ Ci)2 ,
and A, B, C are given by (26.6.24). One can prove that * ( 0 = FdQ
~ MC, - 6 ) 2 = ^ R ( C ) " Ml
where AL =
AR =
[k + n}m
mim 2 (A/i) 2
and ?&) < TR(Q
for all ( > 0. The relations similar to (26.3.41) hold here, which proves that the function T{Q is smooth in the whole domain see Fig. 26.6.1. Moreover, we observe that aL < aR and Ci > CR.
Fig. 26.6.1. Graph of F($K)
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Constitutive relationship Substitution of (26.6.35) into (26.6.4) gives i) case of I(K) = 0 Ma0 = 2(//} m //(«)
ii) case of I(K) ^ 0 Mos
_ dw di{n) | dw etc* t dl(n)
d(K dna0 '
aw W(|C)
_, =2/(^(C.).
dW ,r, 1%2dF(C) ^ = (/(«)) d c
(26.6.44) c=<«
The function dF{C)/d(, is piecewise linear '2c L C dT_ = <
21(21-^ + ^6] = 2(c« - AR)d + i«Ci] = 2[C( + B]
if C € [6, Ci] .
if C > Ci -
For C € [&, Ci]. we have dTjdC, = 0 at Cs = - B / C < 0, see Fig. 26.6.2
Si Fig. 26.6.2. Graph of dF/dC,
In contrast to the dual formulation (see Fig. 26.5.1) the sliding regime can be called here the regime of softening.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
On the shape design
The aim of this section is to formulate a shape design problem. Assume that the plate occupying a domain 0, clamped at T0 is subject to bending mo ments M° and transverse forces Q° along the edge Ti c 5 0 , or
/ ( f) = / « ( ~ ) + 0 ° « ] d
The loading q is absent. Moreover, assume that one plate material of moduli (fc2,//2) is at our disposal. This material occupies the domain 02 C 0 such that T\ C 9 0 2 . The boundary 90[ = <90\302 is free of loading. The minimum compliance problem has the form (26.1.15) with the difference that now the right-hand side of the equilibrium equation is given by (26.7.1) and the integral in (26.1.11) is taken over the domain 0 2 . Just the shape of 0 2 is unknown. This shape optimization problem needs a relaxation. In the context of the plane-stress problem, Allaire and Kohn (1993a) proved that the relaxed problem can be obtained by passing to zero: /cj —* 0, y.\ —♦ 0 in the relaxed problem concerning the optimal distribution of two materials. Applying the same arguments one conclude that the same method holds for the Kirchhoff plate bending problem. Thus the relaxed form of the optimum shape design for thin plates can be found by passing to zero with k\ and \x\ in the formulation (26.5.1). Let us substitute k\ = 0 ,
\i\ = 0
into (26.3.44). We find that
—f-{II{M)y 4m2
i f / ( M ) = 0and
W ( M , m 2 ) = -(/(M)) 2 H 0 (G for I{M)
± 0 . Here r
Wo(0 = {
— (/C2 + r m £ 2 ) + £ 2 < 2 m2
— ( £ 2 + £2C2)
I. m,2
Since by (21.1.14) and (21.1.15) CM =
2detM 1 (/(M))2,
the conditions CM < 1 and CM > 1 are satisfied provided that det M > 0 or det M < 0, respectively. The function HO(C,M) has a cusp at det M = 0 (or CM = 1)> cf. Fig. 26.7.1.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Fig. 26.7.1. Case of shape design. Graph of HO(CM) The constitutive relationship (26.5.3) assumes the form r
iftrM = 0,
0 l
C<1. (26.7.7)
^ 77l2/i2 '
if C > 1 .
the last function having a jump at C = 1, see Fig. 26.7.2. id3^tr
Fig. 26.7.2. Case of shape design. Graph of dHo/dC, Thus in the case of (26.7.2) the sliding regime reduces to one point £ M = 1, which corresponds to the domain in which det M = 0. At this point one of the principal moments equals zero. In the final design the plate domain is divided into three subdomains in which det M is negative, zero, or positive.
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Let us simplify notation as follows: K,2 = /C, £ 2 = £, m2 = d. By (26.7.3a,b) the potential W* assumes the form W'(M,6) = W0*(M) + i - ^ [ £ ( / ( M ) ) 2 + Cu{M)\ ,
with ( U{M))2 u{M) = I 1 (//(A/)) 2
if if
det M > 0 ~ det M < 0 ,
and, see (21.1.38) W0*(M) = \lC{I{M))2 + \C(II(M))2
represents the complementary energy of the plate material. One can prove by inspection that the function u(M) can be expressed by one formula: u(M) = ±(\MI\ + \M„\)2.
Consequently the formula (26.7.8) can be rearranged as follows W ( M , 0 ) = Wo'(M) + ^ p r t M ) ,
g(M) =]-JC(M,+ M,,)2 + ^C{\M,\ + \M„\)2 .
The optimization problem (26.6.4) simplifies to the form (26.6.7b) with FX(M) = min [2W(M,0) + \B\ . o<e
if g{M) < X if g{M)> A.
If A ^ 0 one can write 2 f ( l - Jg{M)/X) V F,(M) = 2W'(M) + A - A I \0
if Jg(M)/X V
< 1,
and this expression shows that the function FX(M) is of C1 class, the stitching along g(M) - A = 0 being smooth.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Theorem 26.7.1. The shape optimization problem given by (26.6.7b) with F\(M) defined by (26.7.14) is well-posed. Its solution exists. Proof. By using the definition of the norm of M € Ej ||M|| 2 = (M / ) 2 + (M // ) 2
one can rearrange the potential (26.7.10) to the form W0*(M) = \{K. + C)\\M\\2 + \{K. - C)dei M. 8 4 Let us define the increasing and convex function
m-{?+*S lit1' and the function rj and k 7?(Ar)
= /([||Ar|| 2 + 2adet TV + 2/?| det iV|]s) - 2/?|det N\ k(N) = T)(N) - 2a det N
with arguments (TV) e Ej and Q =
One can easily check that FX{M) = XG{M/V\)
where G{N) = - ( £ - C) det N + k{-y/JCTCN)
Note that F\(M) has a quadratic growth. Thus to prove the assertion, it is sufficient to prove that FX(M) is polyconvex, cf. Th. 2.3 in Dacorogna (1989) and Ciarlet (1988). Thus it is sufficient to prove polyconvexity of r)(N). Let us define the functions ta(N) = [\\N\\2 + 2a det N + 2of3{- det 7V)]i , J 9tJ(N,z)=f(tc(N))
+ 2a0z,
indexed by a € { — 1,1}; z g R Note that (t<,(N))2 is a non-negative quadratic form of TV. Indeed, for a = - 1 we have (i_i(7V))2 = (trN)2 and for a = 1 ((.(/V))2 = (N,)2 + (Nn)2 + 2(a - 0)N,Nn .
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
Since a — f3 < 1 the form above is positive definite. Recall, moreover, that the Euclidean norm is convex. Thus the functions ta(N) are convex. On the other hand, the function f(t) is increasing and convex. Thus by Theorem 5.1 of Rockafellar (1970) the functions ga{N, z) are convex with respect to TV and z. Moreover, r](N)=
max ga{N,det
N) .
This equality follows from the inequality 2^r + s -s>
which is valid for r + s < 1,
0 < s
r, s e R .
Indeed, it is sufficient to choose r=\\N\\2
+ 2adet
and then the conditions (26.7.27) hold irrespective of the sign of det N. The maximum in (26.7.25) is attained for a = -sgn(det N). Thus (26.7.25) holds, which proves that TJ(N) is poly convex. □ Interestingly enough, the assumption (26.7.2) does not lead to any degeneracy of the primal constitutive relationship (26.6.4). The potential (26.6.35) assumes the form f (/(K))2/O(GO
W(/c,m 2 ) = <
\m2^II (K)
U ( C f + C2) *b(0 = { m
^ ( l K2 +A*2
if <e[0,Cf] + C)2
if <>do),
and (0) =
fc2 /i 2
(0) =
(26 ?
The constitutive relationship (26.6.4) assumes the form (26.6.42) - (26.6.45) with T = T0. In particular, the function
f 2M2C 2m2J^(l+Q
K2 + H2 l2m 2 /i 2 C
if C G [ 0 , C f ] ,
if C6[d0),Cf], if
C > Ci0> ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
forms a broken line, cf. Fig. 26.6.2 with £3 = — 1. The sliding regime does not degenerate to a point. The length of the interval (Q , C?) ' s positive. The function W(-,m2) is smooth and strictly convex. Note that if QM = 1 the constitutive relationships (26.6.23) have the form
= m2
sgn (M'M)
h^2 ki + fit
sgn (Ml,)
Hence we conclude that KA
fc2 2
Mn = 0,
k2 + fi2 M,=0, 26.5.
Mi + Mu > 0 .
M/ + M// < 0 .
(26.7.32) 1
M// = 2m 2 -&2
+ M 2 «.//
Square clamped plates of minimum compliance
Consider a square plate clamped at its edge, subject to a transverse loading q = q(x), x € fi. The plate is to be constructed of pieces of thicknesses hi and h2. Thus the "plate materials" are characterized by the moduli Ka —
E(ha)3 24(1 -v)
E(ha)3 24(1 + 1/) '
where E and v represent the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio, common for both phas es. The assumption: h2 > hi implies the ordering condition (26.1.5). The area occupied by the first phase is given by:
= C,
Let us represent C as follows C={h2-hi)-l{-Vol
+ h2-\Q.\)
where |fl| stands for the area of the middle plane and Vol is a constant. Thus the condition (26.8.2) can be rearranged to the form
(mi(i)Ai + m2(x)h2)dx
= Vol
which means that the plate volume equals Vol and both conditions (26.8.2) and (26.8.4) are equivalent. The constant Vol should be chosen such that hi\n\ < Voi < h2\n\
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
To find the plate of minimum compliance we assume that the plate is endowed with a second rank ribbed microstructure in which the stronger phase is chosen as a coating, cf. Fig. 24.2.1. Thus mi = ( l - 0 2 ) ( l - w 2 ) ,
m2 = l-ml
and the condition (26.8.4) is replaced with f[hi + (u2 + 02- uj2e7)(h2 - h^dx
= Vol ,
n if 62 and u2 die. taken as design variables. At each point x e Q the ribs can be differently inclined to the reference axis Xi, the inclination angle being denoted by a = a(x). Thus the effective bending stiffnesses D^J^a(x) depend on the values of the design variables: V2(x), &2{x), a(x) at this point. We do not report these formulae, since they are determined by (24.2.3), (21.1.25) and the relation inverse to (21.1.24). The design variables are subject to the constraints -02 < 0 ,
02 - 1 < 0 ,
-UJ2 < 0 ,
w2 - 1 < 0 ,
— IT < Q < 7T .
The deflection w = w(x) of the plate satisfies the variational equilibrium equation Jqvdx n
= 0
V v € //02(fi) .
The minimum compliance problem amounts to finding: min J , (Pm
#2,1^2. <*
J = I qwdx , J Q
where w satisfies (26.8.9) and 62, u2, a are subject to (26.8.7) and (26.8.8). There are two ways of proceeding further. We can rearrange this problem to the form (26.5.1) or its dual counterpart (26.6.5). Then we are faced with the static problem of a hypothetic hyperelastic plate of nonlinear constitutive relations (26.6.7). The other way is to apply directly a standard optimality criteria method to the problem (P m m ). This method is described in Sec. 1.2 of the book of Bends0e (1995). Just with the help of this algorithm the optimal layouts of m2 for clamped plates subject to a uniform loading have been found in Lewiriski and Othman (1997b) and four of these layouts are presented here in Figs. 26.8.1 - 26.8.4. They concern the same case of h2/h\ — 2 and different values of the volume assumed. The compliance of a homogeneous plate of a given volume is denoted by J 0 . In all cases the ratios J/JQ are smaller than 1. The profit of the optimization is greater for greater prescribed volumes.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2300 03000 03500 0.4006 0.4500 05000 05500 0.6000 0.6500 0.7000 0.7500 0JO00 O.S500 0.9000 0.9500 14000
Fig. 26.8.1. Optimum layout of m 2 . Case of/i 2 //ii = 2 and Vol = 18000cm3. The relative compliance: J/JQ = 0.56
0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 01500 03000 03500 04000 0.4500 03000 05500 0.6000 0.6500 0.7000 0.7500 0.SOOO OJ500 0.9000 0.9500 1.0000
Fig. 26.8.2. Optimum layout of m 2 . Case of h2/hi = 2 and Vol — 14000cm3. The relative compliance: J/Jo = 0.72
Thin bending two-phase plates of minimum compliance
0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500 0.3000 03500 0.4000 0/4500 0.5000 0.5500 0.6000 0.6500 0.7000 0.7500 0.8000 0.8500 0.9000 0.9500 1.0000
Fig. 26.8.3. Optimum layout of m 2 . Case of h2/hi = 2 and Vol = 12000cm3. The relative compliance: J/JQ = 0.89
0.0000 0.0500 0.1000 0.1500 0.2000 0.2500 0.3000 0.3500 0.4000 0.4500 0.5000 0.5500 0.6000 0.6500 0.7000 0.7500 0.8000 04500 0.9000 0.9500 1.0000
Fig. 26.8.4. Optimum layout of m2. Case of h2/hi = 2 and Vol = 11000cm3. The relative compliance: J/Jo = 0.99 26.9.
Optimal perforated plates of small volume
Consider the shape optimization problem of Sec. 26.7 for the special case when the fixed volume condition imposes a very small value of the volume. Formally speaking the con stant A in (26.1.15) is a very small number. Consequently the relevant Lagrangian multi plier A must be very large. This implies that in (26.7.15) the condition g(M) < A prevails
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
and the function F\(M) can be approximated by FX{M) = V\[IC(tr M)2 + C(\M,\ + \M,,\)2}^ .
The problem (26.6.7b) assumes the degenerate form inf /[/C(h-M) 2 + £(|Ai(Af)| + |A 2 (Af)|) a ]idz. MeSafn) J n
Here, the notation Ai(M) = Mj, A2(M) = MJJ indicates that the principal moments are certain functions o f M s E J . Let us note that the problem (26.9.2) does not coincide with the analogous problem of optimal grillages, as formulated by Rozvany. According to Eq. (6.3) of the book by Rozvany (1976) the optimization problem of the form: min
/[|Ai(M)| + |A 2 (M)|]dx, n
determines optimal layout of perfectly plastic grillages. A mismatch between both the for mulations follows from the known difference between the behavior of independent beams and a plate. The form of the integrand of (26.9.2) is a direct consequence of the Kirchhoff kinematic assumptions which link the slopes with defections. The integrand of (26.9.3) is not affected by such constraints. Since the integrand in (26.9.2) has a linear growth its solution exists in a large space Z(Q, Ej) defined by 2(Q, EJ) = {M e Ml(Q, E'2)\ divdivM e M 1 ^ ) } .
The plate of small volume is a plate made of a perfectly locking material. Consequently, in (26.9.1) - (26.9.3) M denotes the rate of moments. Using duality one can find the locking condition, which imposes restrictions on admissible generalized strains K. The dual problem is solvable in H2(Q).
Minimum compliance problem for thin plates
27. Minimum compliance problem for thin plates of varying thickness: application of Young measures In this section we study the minimum compliance problem provided that h, the half-thick ness of the plate, is a function of i i e (a, b). As in Example 1.3.5, (o, 6) denotes the interval {x\\ 3x2 with (xa) G Q.}. The given load q is always assumed in L2(f2), and the loading functional is given by (26.1.12). In contrast to Sec. 26, the only assumptions imposed on the bending stiffness tensor are those specified in Example 1.3.5. We analyze two choices for the set of admissible half-thicknesses, H, H, = {ht L°°(a,b) | /i(i,) e {hmin,hnax}
, f hdx = C0} , n
H2 = {he L°°{a,b) I hmm < h(x,) < / w , I hdx = Co} , n where hmm, hm^, C0 are positive constants that satisfy
(27.1) (27.2)
area(il)hmm < C0 < area(Q)hmax . Concerning (27.1), the thickness function h is only allowed to take on the two values hmm and hmax- The minimum compliance problems may have no solutions in Hi, H^ To overcome this difficulty it is necessary to introduce^sets of generalizedJhicknessesJW and to perform some relaxation of /. More precisely, H and an extension / of /|K to H are to be such that: (Ai) for each h 6 H, the generalized compliance f(h) is realizable by a limit of ordinary, admissible plates. In other words, there exists a sequence {/im}meM C H for which f(h) = lira f(hm) .
(Aj) The functional / attains its minimum value on H. Bonnetier and Vogelius (1987) considered the following candidates for the "generalized plate-thicknesses": Wi = {6 G L°°{a, b) | 0 < 0(Xl) < 1, / [ 0 / W + (1 - 0)hmm]
Hi = {{hs,6) e L°°(a,b)2 | hmn < hs{Xl) < h^
, 0 < 9(Xl) < 1 ,
V / W + (1 - 0)h.]dx = C0} .
/ '
Here 6 plays the role of density of fine scale stiffeners parallel to the z2-axis, and in the second case hs represents the variable minimum height of the stiffeners (the maximum
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
height is always / W i ) . The generalized compliance functional corresponding to H\ is fi(0)=
n where HP solves (DfX»HPXli),a0
The nonzero elements of DQ0X>1 are D»»(Xl)
= lc(Xy
3 '
\m{xi)E+\c{x,)^, (27.8) 3" v " 1 - ^ '
bl™{Xl) = D™(Xl) = 50*»(xi) = 502121(*i) = l^Mjf^
with m denoting the average m(x,) =
+ (1 - 0(xi))/&„(xi) ,
and c the harmonic average c - ^ x i ) = 0 ( * i ) / v L + (1 - 9 ( * i ) ) ^ ( x i ) •
Bonnetier and Conca (1987) proved that (/i, 7ti) represents &full relaxation of (/, Hi). It means that both (A^ and (A2) are satisfied. Particularly, the functional /1 is sequentially weak-* continuous. Introduce now the generalized compliance functional corresponding to H2: h{ha,e)=
n where w solves problem (27.7) with (DQ0^) being replaced by (5 Q " A ' i ). The last stiffness tensor has the form (27.8), where the average and harmonic average are given by
m(xi) = eMh^ + (1 - *(*i))/i2(z,), 1 3 c - (n) = fl(x1)^ + (i-tf(xi))ft; (xi). Bonnetier and Conca (1987) pointed out that (f2, H2) is only ^partial relaxation of (/, H2), i.e., in general only (Ai) is satisfied. We observe that D0 is obtained from D by taking hs = hmin. The proof of (27.8) in the general case, thus also for h3 = hmtn, is based on the following result proved in Bonnetier and Conca (1987).
Minimum compliance problem for thin plates
673 673
Lemma 27.1. Let 6 6 L°°(a, 6) b) with 0 < 6 0 < 1 and let ga G L°°(a, L°°{a, 6), b), a = 1,2. Define . , (ffi(zi) fffi(^i) (MX]) = < [32(2:1)
f o r x1/e-\xi/£}<0{xi) j / e - [ x i / e ] < ^(x!) ,, forx f o r x ii//ee--[ x[zi/e] i/e] > > 06(xi) ( x i ) ,,
where [ ] denotes the integer part. Under these assumptions 9e -*• #3i + (1 _ #)2 8)92
in L°°(a,6) weak-* ase—» 0 .
To apply this lemma we take hs £ L°°(a, b) and 6 e L°°(a,b) with hhmin mm < hs < hmax and 0< <99 < 1. Next we define define ■Jext we hmax f( hmax
0(xi) , f o r x i / e - [ x i. / e ] < 0(zi)
[[ h,(xi) /i,(xi)
for Xi/e for xj/e - [xi/e] [xi/e] > > 0(xi) 0(xi) ..
/M if^ ( xij)) = = <S
0 Let {D" {D°0Xl1 ^) ) denote the bending stiffness tensor for an orthotropic plate with h = hc. Then
Let {D"0^)
denote the bending stiffness tensor for an orthotropic plate with h = hc. Then
1 - ^ /
1 - ^ /
02222 (01122)2(011.1)-! D2222 _ (0.122)2(0111,)-,
(27.13) (27.13)
= =
0,2,2 0.2,2
Applying Proposition 1.3.6 and Lemma 27.1 we get Applying Proposition 1.3.6 and Lemma 27.1 we get (01111)-!
( 2 J M
\\3 3 1 i -- **V v
( 0 i i_i i (0.122)2(01111)-. ) - i = ( \ c - ^ \ l' , 02222 £2222 _ (0ll22)2(0llll)-l = ?m£ = m
\3 i - * v
= =
^^ 3 3
* *
0„22(0llll)-l = l / i
1122 1111 1 ^ )" I mm= £ _ D 01212 J_vL^, __ = I =
(( 22 77 ]] 44 )) (27]4)
2 (01122)2(01111)-! _mE _yields01212 = Iprovided m J L _that h with 'ith m w and c02222 given_by (27.12). The last=formula (27.8), h.s$ = hmin. We observe that 3 hh\3.^m dh3nax + + (1 (l-8)hl - m = 0/i^x - 0)h\ , ft;h-'^c-^dh^ - c" 1 =tf/i^+ +il-d)^, (1 - 0 ) ^ , y
(27.15) (27.15)
in L°°(a, b) weak-* as £ —> 0. The first statement follows from Lemma 27.1 with 31 = h3nax and 1111\_1 / *-i11 1 1 \ — 1 ((£>mi)-i 0 u i i ) - i ^ ((£)ini)-i 0ini)-i _
) / n l1111 l 11 l U - 11 n 1- 1l 7JnE£lU22 il O122(Z) (Z)» )- ^ ->■ DTJ1n11i 21m22 ^2/ ^1r 1i 1l 1l 1)i )" D " £ 1
C£)1122\2/£)llll\-l _^ _,. 02222 _ /•^1122\2/^llll-\-l 02222 _ C0ll22\2(0llll)-1 (0H22)2(0llll)-l 2)1212 _^ n n11221 12 2 01212
in L°°(o, b) 6) weak-* in L (a, b) weak-* as as e ££ — —♦ ♦ 0. U.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Bonnetier and Conca (1993, 1994) extended (/2,ft 2 ) to a full relaxation. Indeed, by Corollary 21.6.8 one considers m = {{9i,02,O3,O*;hi,k2,h3,h4)
€ L°°(a,6) 8 | M * i ) e [0,1], 4
hmin < hM{xi) < Knax for a.e. x € (a, b), 1 < M < 4, £ 6M = 1, Z) / ^Mhufdx = Co} MJ n The generalized compliance functional / is defined by }{6M,hM)
qwdx , n
where w is a solution to (D
™M),C0 = 9 in f2,
H^(Q) .
The tensor D is defined as in (27.14), but m and c are respectively replaced by 4
m ( i i ) = £ 0M(ZI)/I5,(ZI) -
c"1(2;1)= £ M * I ) A M ( * I ) •
It is now easy to prove that (/,7-fo) represents a full relaxation of (/, 7i 2 ). Indeed, the property of partial relaxation (Ai) is obtained by using Lemma 27.1, considering elements of W.2 of the form '/ii(zi) /it(xi) = «
i f ^ i / e - [*i/e] < 0 i ( z i ) .
/i 2 (xi)
if(9i(x!) < i j / e - [ n / e ] < 0 i ( i i ) + 0 2 ( z i ) ,
i f ^ ( x i ) + ^ 2 (xi) < x 1 / £ - [ x 1 / e ] <0i(x 1 )+(9 2 (x 1 )+^3(a:i) ,
if6>i(x 1 )+6> 2 (x 1 )+(93(xi)<xi/e-[xi/e] < 1 .
For (A2), one shows that there exists an element of Tfo, at which / attains the infimum. To this end, one takes a minimizing sequence {9kM, hkM}ken c H2 for / . Applying Proposition 1.3.6 and Lemma 27.1 we conclude that ™(0M> hif) -^ ™{9M, hM)
in Hi{9) weakly as k' -> 00 S3
for a subsequence {k'} of {A; € M}, where (6M, h^) 6 Hi- Hence As
Minimum compliance problem for thin plates
An alternative point of view to the full relaxation of (/, H2) was adopted by Mufioz and Pedregal (1998). These authors examine the problem of relaxation in terms of parametrized measures associated to sequences of half-thicknesses and define a new compliance func tional / for such families of probability measures, which is an extension and reduces to / when the parametrized measure is trivial, i.e., a Dirac mass. In fact, the approach used by Mufioz and Pedregal (1998) develops the results due to Bonnetier and Conca (1993). In the last paper it is shown that it is sufficient to take M = a = 1,2. More precisely, (2f, ^2) represents a full relaxation (/, 7^2). where 2
= {'E0a(Xi)(h3a(xl),hZ3{xi),ha(xl))\
( 0 a ( * l ) , M * l ) ) e [0,1] X
E0a(*i) = l ,
[(ieahQ)dx n
= C0} ,
and 2
n Here w(hi, h2; 0) is the solution to (27.16) where m a n d c - 1 are still given by (27.17); now, however, M = a = 1,2. Let us pass to the full relaxation proposed by Mufioz and Pedregal (1998). Let H2 be the set of parametrized measures associated to sequences {/i/J/ceN of half-thicknesses: ^ 2 = {^ = {Mxi}x,€(a,6)l SUPP Mi, C C C
a.e. i i 6 (a,6), / / zdp.Xl{z)dx = C0} n c According to Theorem 21.6.6 we can find a sequence {/ifc}teN taking values in C and whose associated parametrized measure is precisely p.. It might not be true, however, that / hk(xi)dx
= Co
for all k .
n We only know that hk{xi)dx —» C 0
as k —* co .
Further, let m(X]) = fz^dp^iz) c The bending stiffness tensor (D c are given by (27.20).
c-'(xi) = fz-3dpXl(z)
c ) depends on p through (27.20); i.e., in (27.14) m and
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The compliance functional / is defined by /(A*) = fqwdx , n
where W is the solution to (27.7) with the stiffness tensor D. Theorem 27.2. The pair (/, H2) is a full relaxation for (/, H2). Proof. For h e H we have
and, moreover, f(h) = f{n), so that inf/
On the other hand, given any n 6 H2 we can find a sequence {/i*}it€N C H2 whose parametrized measure is fj.. Applying Proposition 1.3.6 we conclude that 7(M)
= Hm f(hk) . K—*00
The arbitrariness of /i yields the equality in (27.22). To show existence of minimizers for (f,Ti2), we take any minimizing sequence for / in Ti2- Then parametrized measure generated by such sequence n belongs obviously to H2 and by definition of / we have as before 7(M) = 1™ f(hk). K—*00
Thus n is a minimizer, and the proof is complete.
Now the following question arises: what is the form of parametrized measure rendering the functional / the minimal value? By using rather simple convexity arguments it can be shown that (/, H2) admits a mini mizer of the form fe, = Oi(xi)Shmtn + e2(x,)5hmal + 03(ri)*«*i) ,
where #,(xi) 6 [0, lj, 6j_ + 92 + 63 = 1 and h e H2. Similarly, it can be shown that there are minimizers for (/, H2) of the form Hxi = 0i(zi)<W.) + (1 with e t (xi) 6 [0,1] and ha 6 U2.
Minimum compliance problem for thin plates
Munoz and Pedregal (1998) also argued that minimizers depending on two design vari ables: 0\(xi) e [0,1] and ha € H2 fail to exist in general. What we are missing is the volume constraint. To adjust this constraint, we introduce an additional parameter and include both hmin and h^^ in the description of the minimizer. In this manner we find the optimal full relaxation. Indeed, the following theorem was established by Munoz and Pedregal (1998). Theorem 2 7 3 . There exist 0] (xi) E [0,1], xj G (a, b), h G 7i 2 and z G [a, b] such that the family of probability measures _ (0{xx)5hmax \ ^(xi)^ is a minimizer for (/, 7i 2 )-
+ (1 - ^ ( x , ) ) ^ )
forij € (0,2)
+ (1 - 0{xi))ShiXi)
for X, 6 (z, 6) , D
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
28. Thin shells of minimum compliance This section discusses the following layout problem: given a middle surface of a shell and an external loading and given two isotropic materials of a given volume, find their optimal distribution such that the shell made in this manner realizes the smallest compliance. Such layout problem requires relaxation, cf. Sec. 26. The optimal shell must be constructed from a composite shell material, its effective stiffnesses being determined by the homogenization formulae of Sec. 17. A natural relaxed formulation is expressed in terms of the dual variables. One of the aims of the present section is to put this formulation in its primal form, involving displacements and strain measures. 28.1. Setting of the problem Consider a shell with a middle surface S, an image of a plane reference domain f2; S — $(f2), see Fig. 17.1.1. Assume that the plane subdomains Q is a sum of two subdomains £la< a = 1,2, such that fii n ^2 = 0 and Q.t Ufi2=fi-Two isotropic materials are at our disposal. Their moduli, reduced according to the plane-stress assumption, are denoted by Ca. Due to isotropy one can write CQ = 2kaIx + 2JlaI2 ,
lfx» = 1 aQV ,
lfx" = A (a°V" + aaVA - aaV") ,
(28.1.1 b)
cf. Eqs. (3.8.29), (16.1.3), and ka, Jla represent the Kelvin and Kirchhoff moduli, respec tively. They can be expressed in terms of the Young and Poisson moduli as follows 2fcQ = i ~ -
2£Q = - ^ 2 - .
The material of moduli (fca, Mo) ' s placed transversely symmetrically within a shell of the mid-surface $(fi). The ath material forms the shell of thickness ha. Thus the twocomponent shell has the piecewise constant thickness. The membrane stiffnesses of the ath part of the shell are Aa = 2kahaJl + 2j2ahaI2 ,
while the bending stiffnesses have the form DQ = 2ka{-^I1+2Jia{-^fl2.
The piecewise distribution of the membrane and bending stiffnesses of the shell can be represented by the formulae A ( 0 = Xi(OA,+x a (OA 2 ,
D ( 0 = Xi(0r>i+X2(0Oa.
with Xa being a characteristic function of the domain flQ. The membrane and bending
Thin shells of minimum compliance
flexibilities are
A- l (o = xi(o^r 1 +x 2 (OA 2 -' 2 , D - , ( o = xi(o-Dr 1 + x 2 (0-D 2 - 1 ,
Assume that the shell equilibrium is considered within the Koiter shell model, see Sec. 17.1. Thus the deformation of the shell is fully determined by the position of the shell middle surface, measured with respect to the local co-basis a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , see Sec. 16.1. The tangent and normal displacements of a point "&(£) of the middle surface are denoted by u„(£) and w(£), respectively. These displacements form a vector field !/(£)
l/(0 = M£Wa^)] 7 '.
Assume that the shell is clamped along $(To) C dS uQ = 0,
w = Q,
? = 0 on$(r0), (28.1.9) on where n is the outward unit vector normal to $ ( r 0 ) C dS. The space of admissible displacements has the form V{Q) = {ua € Hl(Q),w
6 // 2 (ft)|u, w satisfy (28.1.9) for E, e T 0 } .
The shell is subject to the surface loading qa,q. The compliance (or rather total compliance) of the shell is defined as a functional of \2 I(X2) = f(U),
f(U)= [(qaua+qw)yMOdt.
n The solution U = (u, w) to the static problem is determined by the layout of the second material. Hence / depends on X2 and \i ~ 1 — X2The generalized strains associated with U are written in the form fi(U))T,
e{U) = \e(U),
where e and p are defined by (16.2.7). The generalized stresses cr = [N,M}T,
are interrelated with e by the constitutive relations (16.2.15) which can be put in the form a = T>£,
£ = d
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
680 where
d= diag (A~\ D~l),
T> = diag (A, D),
hence *>(0 = Xi(0*>i + X2(OV2 ,
d(0 = Xl(0d! + X 2 ( 0 * ,
with 2? Q = diag(A Q ,£> Q ),
d Q =diag(A- 1 ,£>; 1 ).
The bilinear form (16.2.16) can be rewritten as follows av(U, Z) = Je(U)
: (De{Z))Jd~[)df, ,
with Z = (v,v). The equilibrium problem reads: (P)
I find U 6 V(fi) such that I av(U, Z) = f(Z)
VZ € V(fl) .
Consider a family of shells of constant volume y"[xi(0/ii + X 2 ( 0 M \ A ( 0 < ^ = C •
Assume that /i2 > /ii. Then the quantity C must be chosen such that hi\Q\
This condition determines a constant A such that Jx2(Z)Va(£)dZ n
= A.
ThenO< A < |fi|. The minimum compliance problem has the form: inf {/(X2_)l X2 e L°°(n, {0,1}) , with X2 satisfying (28.1.22) and U being the solution to problem (P)} .
Let us express this problem in terms of the generalized stresses a. This quantity is said to be statically admissible if a e <S(fi), where, cf. also (17.2.4), S(fi) = {
= f(Z)
VZ 6 V(fl)} .
and (28.1.24)
Thin shells of minimum compliance
Here a :e = NaPea0 + Ma0pa0. Castigliano's theorem or the principle of the complementary energy for the Koiter shell yields inf
a€5(J2) J
n The theory of duality (see Sec. 1.2.5) implies that this minimal value of the functional appearing in (28.1.25) is equal to f{U). Thus the layout problem (28.1.23) can be put in the form min min / \
where x = X2By repeating the arguments of Sec. 26.1 we conclude that the above problem is ill-posed and requires a relaxation. 28.2.
The method of relaxation is similar to the case of plates in bending, cf. Sec. 26.2. Thus we extend the design space by admitting the weak-* limits of sequences {x n } n eN. where Xn = (X2)n- These weak-* limits are denoted by m2, m2 £ L°°(ri, [0.1]). Any sequence {Xn} defines a sequence of the stiffness tensors {T>n} and the compliance tensors {„}. By the equilibrium problem (P) a sequence Un = ((ua)„,wn) is determined. Its limit Uh = {uh,wh) satisfies the problem (P) with T> = T>h being a G-limit of the tensors {X»-}Let us introduce the isoperimetric condition
X n \ / ^ 0 # = A,
n where Xn = (X2)n- If Xn -*■ rn2 weak-* in L°°(fi, [0,1]), then the condition (28.2.1) is preserved, or
/i! '
= A.
Such sequences {xn} determine sequences of {T>n} and their G-limits. The set of all such limits will be denoted by Qm2. By the homogenization results of Sec. 17 we know that the elements T>h e Gm2 n a v e t n e form T>h
Ah Eh FhDh
and Eh ^ 0, F^ ^ 0 in general. We conjecture here that Theorem 26.2.2 due to Dal Maso and Kohn still holds. Consequently the set Gm2 consists of all tensors T>h characterizing
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
the effective stiffnesses of periodic shells. The relevant formulae are derived in Sec. 17. Obviously, the tensors dh = (X>/,)_1 constitute the same set Qm2. The relaxation of the problem (28.1.26) leads to the following problem: min
min J\a
: (d(0«r) + Am 2 (0]v/5 <# •
m 2 eL°°(n;(0,l|) deSm 2 (o " 6 5 ( 0 ) il
By interchanging the two last minima we find min min / [ 2 r ( f f , m 2 ( f ) ) + ^ m 2 K ) ] \ A ^ n
with W'(a,m2) 28.3.
= min{^<7 : (da)\d € S m J .
Primal formulation of the relaxed problem
The procedure will be similar to that of Sec. 26.6. Note first that by the Castigliano theorem min
{dcr)^/adE, = max
+ qv) - 2W{e{Z))\s/ad£,
where Z = (vi, v2, v) and W(e) = ±e:(Ve),
Let us denote the value of the expression (28.2.4) by R\. By (28.3.1) we have Rx =
m26L°°(f!;[0,l]) VeO„jU)
J\2{qava + qv)
- e(Z) : (D(0«(Z)) + A m 2 ( 0 ] v ^ •
We shall prove below that the order of minimization over X> and maximization over Z may be interchanged. Let us start with (28.2.5) and consider the problem (P m2 )
n or (Pm2)
min F{tr) , aes(n)
with F(cr) = Jw(
Thin shells of minimum compliance
To apply Rockafellar's theory of duality we take A(Z) = e(Z) and set G(A
max{-C'(Z) - F'(e{Z))\Z
€ V(fi)} .
By standard arguments we find G'(Z) = -f(Z) , F'(e(Z)) = sup {[a:e(Z)^dZ-l[ aes(n> J n
tj a
or f( £ (Z)) = Jw(e(Z),m2(0)^dt, n
with W(£,TTI 2 (0) = ^
max e:(Ve).
The equality (26.6.5) holds here. Thus min <7gs(n),n
h = max{/(Z) - f\V{e{Z),
€ V(Q)} .
The l.h.s. of (28.2.5) has been denoted by Rx- Taking into account (28.3.11) we have Rx =
min max (2/(Z) m2ez,°°(n![o,i|) Z£V(n) - [{ max £(Z):(X»(0e(2)) + Am 2 (0]\/S^},
Rx =
a min max min {J[2(q va + qv) m26/.°°(a(o,i]) zev(n) Peem2({) n n e(Z) : {V{$e{Z)) + \m2^)}^di} ,
which proves that the minimum over T> and maximum over Z in (28.3.3) may be inter changed.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
The primal formulation of the minimum compliance problem has the form (28.3.12). Note that the set S m2 (0 is sequentially compact for the topology induced by G-convergence. By (28.3.10) the function W(-, rn2{£)) is convex and W(e, m2) has quadratic growth in £, for all m2 G [0,1]. Consequently, the primal problem (28.3.12) is solvable, its solution being denoted by (C7,cr,m 2 ,^) 6 V(fi) x S(Q) x L°°(fi;[0,l]) x gmM) . Assume that the minimum in (28.2.6) is realized for d — d and maximum in (28.3.10) is attained forX> = £>. Then V = (d) _ 1 . The extremality relation (1.2.55) give
or e{V) =
do To be more precise, these relations are written in terms of stress and couple resultants ^_dW(e(U),p(U),m2(Q) de
^ '
—=dW(e(U),p(U),m2(Q) dp
The inverse relations are
> -
(28 3 17)
- '
The explicit form of the potentials W and W* is still unknown. Since the curvature tensor (6Q'3.) is involved in the equilibrium equations of the shell, it is clear that just this tensor should effect the effective potentials W and W*. Moreover, it is not known whether the tensors 2? and d can be realized by laminates offiniterank. It can only be taken for granted that orthogonal ribbed shells of second rank will not suffice. 28.4.
On the in-plane minimum compliance problem of two-phase plates
The special case of the optimization problem (28.1.26) for plates in bending has been con sidered in Sec. 26. The analogous optimization problem for plates loaded in the plane does not require a detailed derivation, due to some similarities with the bending case. Thus the present section is aimed at giving a short outline of the in-plane problem. In the in-plane (membrane) problem considered, we have q = 0, w = 0, M = 0. Thus the relaxed problem assumes a special form of (28.2.5) mm
mjet»(n ; (0,l]) Af€Si(fi)
Thin shells of minimum compliance
The set Si(f2) is defined by S,(«) = {N e L2{Q, Es2)\ Naf e L2(fl) , I Na0eaB{v)dx
= [ qavadx
Vv G ^ ( f i ) }
where Vi(fi) = {t)6 / / ' ( H ) 2 ! u = 0 on T 0 } and W'(N,m2(x))
= m\n{-N
: (A"'iV)|A G G ^ ( l ) } .
The above potential can be explicitly found by the translation method with the same trans lation matrix as used in Sec. 26.3. But here the differential conditions concealed in the set 5] (fi) are different, which makes the interval of admissible parameters 0 larger. More specifically, the condition (26.3.2) with d replaced by A~l is the only condition imposed on 0. This point is crucial since instead of (26.3.16) we have now 0 € [—£2, £2]. where KQ and £ a define the tensors AQ by: A " 1 = -fCaI\ + ^ a - J V Consequently the condition (26.3.26) still holds; here ( M is replaced with £#• The definition of (2 remains valid but the formula for 0 is now different. It reads
The potential W(N,
m 2 ) is given by ' 12 2 / (iV)7t(Cv)
=< ]-llI2{N)
where L=
A-2 + [•£-]„,
and the function H(Q is given by (26.3.34) with H L (C) and W t (() defined by (26.3.35) and (26.3.37), respectively. However, the function HR{Q is defined differently, as follows nR(Q
=IC2 + k 2 .
With the use of the formula in Sec. 25 one can show that the regimes C,N < ( 2 and C,N > (1 are realized by second rank ribbed plates and the sliding regime C,N € [&> Ci] ' s realized by first rank ribbed plates. In all regimes the directions ofprincipal stress resultants, principal strains and directions of ribs coincide. The characteristics of these microstructures can be identified by the methods of Sec. 26.4 with the use of the formulae in Sec. 25.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Remark 28.4.1. The results (26.3.44) and (28.4.4) differ in the regime C > Ci ;recallthat (i is defined differently for C = CM and < = £N. In this regime the torsion (or shear) prevails. The origin of this discrepancy lies in the Kirchhoff assumptions which reduce the number of kinematic variables and, consequently, the number of equilibrium equations. The translation method of bounding the potential W, as a method sensitive to the type of differential equations governing the problem, yields different results. Thus let it be emphasized here that thefinallayouts of the two-phase plates in bending are incomparable with the optimal layouts for the in-plane problems of two-phase plates, not because of differences in the loading, but because of essential differences in their optimal behavior. D Remark 28.4.2. The bending-membrane analogy (discussed in Sec. 23.4) interrelates the maximum compliance designing of bending plates with the minimum compliance design ing of plates subject to in-plane loads, and vice versa. Thus the result (28.4.4) can be wrung from the upper bound of the potential of a two-phase plate in bending. Such an upper bound can be found by using the translation method for the plate potential expressed in terms of strains, see Gibianskii and Cherkaev (1984). On the other hand, Eq. (26.3.44) can be read off from the lower bound of the potential of a two-phase plate loaded in the plane, as found by Allaire and Kohn (1993b, 1993c, 1994). Let us acknowledge Kohn's private communication: Kohn (1993). However, the bending-membrane analogy may be misleading (see comments in Sec. 23.4) and that is why the reader is encouraged to rederive all the energy bounds directly, by using the translation method. □ Let us outline briefly the in-plane shape optimization problem. As in Sec. 26.7, one should confine to the case of a boundary loading. We have at our disposal one material of flexibilities K.2 = K. and £2 = C and of area fraction m2 = 9. The potential W*(N, 6) assumes the form W'(N, 9) = W0*{iV) +
-^-9{N) ,
with g(N) = I(fc + Z3)(jA1(7V)| + |A2(7V)|)2 ,
where A^iV) = Ni, X2(N) = Nu. The optimization problem assumes the form (26.6.7b) with F\(N) given by (26.7.15). Only the function g(N) is defined differently here. Let us formulate now a counterpart of Theorem 26.7.1. Theorem 28.4.1. (Allaire and Kohn (1993a)) The shape optimization problem formulated above admits at least one solution. Proof. Polyconvexity of F\(N) defined here follows from polyconvexity of the function ri(N) given by (26.7.20) in the case of a = 0 and 0 = 1. □
Thin shells of minimum compliance
Let us consider now the shape design associated with very small values of the volume imposed. Then the relevant Lagrangian multiplier A attains great values and the main term of F\ assumes the form FX(N) = v^v/^T£(|A,(JV)| + |A2(7V)|) ,
known from the theory of Michell continua, see Sec. 29 and Strang and Kohn (1983). The optimization problem has the form (26.9.3) with 52(H) replaced by «Si(ft). Thus the Michell problem for the in-plane problem is similar to the bending problem of optimal grillages. The optimal Michell structures are composed of infinitely thin rods. That is why they can be alternatively derived from the discrete formulation or within the theory of rod structures. This approach is presented in Sec. 29.1, where the integrand (28.4.9) is obtained in a completely different manner.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
29. Truss-like Michell continua Consider the following fundamental problems of engineering design: (Pa): given two point supports A and B, one of which sliding, find the lightest frame structure capable of carrying a concentrated force P (perpendicular to the line AB) applied to the mid-point C, cf. Fig. 29.1. A 7 7 ^
B "A 77777/
Fig. 29.1. How to transmit the force P to the point supports at A and B? (Pb): solve problem (Pa) under the condition that the whole structure lies on the upper side of the line AB. First, one can prove that the solutions do not take forms of frames (or trusses) of finite number of bars. If we add a bar and assume smaller cross sections, the weight can diminish. To figure out further consideration it is helpful to look at the exact solutions to the problem (Pa) and (Pb), see Fig. 29.2. They were found by Michell (1904).
Fig. 29.2. Michell's solutions (1904). Feasible domains: a) fi-the whole plane b) fi-the upper half plane. Note that the optimum structures consist of bars of finite cross sections (thicker lines) and of fans of infinitely thin bars which resemble spokes of wheels of a bicycle. Although 94 years elapsed since Michell discovered these solutions, the theory of this fundamental optimum design problem is far from being completely resolved. 29.1.
Structures of minimum weight. Discrete versus continuum formulations
The most effective bar structures are trusses since in each member, the cross-sections are uniformly loaded. In the uniformly stressed trusses we have
where Nj represents the axial force in the jtii member; A, stands for the area of the jth cross section. The critical stress av is assumed to have the same absolute value for tension and compression. The axial forces in members equilibrate a given set of forces (Pi), I =
Truss-like Michell continua
1 , . . . , N. The equilibrium equations have the form m
= P, ,
where Lj represents the length of the jth member and (G3i) are components of the geo metric matrix of the truss. The weight of the truss is given by m
*r = e £ ^ .
where g is the material density. Taking into account (29.1.1) one can express the weight in terms of (N}) m
$T = k^lN^L,
where k = g/ap. The problem of finding the lightest truss to be placed in a given domain fi assumes the form {PD)
I min{$r| Nj satisfy (29.1.2) and the joints lie within SI}
The constitutive relations are not postulated. Thus the problem {PD) concerns the statically determined trusses for which the matrix {Gji) is quadratic and invertible. Numerical experiments show that increasing the number of bars usually makes the weight smaller. This suggests admitting from the very beginning that the bars can be infinitely thin and form a dense network. For simplicity, the two-dimensional or plane problems will be dealt with. Because of dense distribution of bars we treat them as embedded into a twodimensional continuum that can be identified with a thin in-plane loaded plate of thickness 2c in which a plane-stress state prevails. The membrane stress resultants iV° equal 2c
in J2,
on T = dSi .
Here n is a unit vector normal to r . Instead of concentrated loads we deal with the densities pa of a boundary loading. The bars can only be stressed or compressed, hence they must inevitably lie along tra jectories of principal stresses Ai(<7/,), A2(<7/,), see Fig. 29.1.1. The notation AQ(o-/,) is here better than (<7/,)/, ( O ^ ) / / , usually used. The trajectories of the principal stress form an orthogonal coordinate system £ ! = a,£ 2 = /? with the local basis a\,a2. The Lam6 parameters of the system: A{a, (3) and B{a, /?) are given by A{a,0)
= {au)^2,
= {a22f2,
where aa!j = aa ■ a/}. The elementary arc lengths are dLi = Ada and dh2 = BdB.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Fig. 29.1.1. From discrete to continuous description of a framework The relations between the elementary forces dNa and the averaged stresses \a(
dN2 = 2c\2((Th)Ada
The weight of the truss equals to $ = /2pc(di4idLi + dA2dL2) ,
where 2cdAt and 2cdA2 are elementary cross sections of bars and the integral is taken over all such bars. From the conditions of uniform stress \dNx\ = 2cdA1ap ,
\dN2\ = 2cdA2ap
we express 2cdAa in terms of \dNa\ and rearrange $ to the form $ = k [(\dNi\dL!
+ \dN2\dL2).
By (29.1.7) we express the weight by the integral over the domain tt as follows * = 2ckf(\\1(
+ \\2{crh)\)dn
where dfl = ABdad/3. The function $ thus derived represents the weight of a truss made from densely distributed bars formed along the trajectories of principal averaged stresses u£ . The plane domain f2 will be called a feasible domain. The counterpart of problem (PD) reads (Pc)
The passage from (PD) (discrete formulation) to (Pc) (continuum formulation) may be
Truss-like Michell continua
viewed as convincing, but it is by no means rigorous. The future research should show that (Pc) is a correct relaxation of (PD), the relaxation to be understood in an appropriate meaning, still weird. Note that in the problem (P(,), the domain 0. is a half-plane, hence unbounded. The problem (Pa) exceeds the framework of the formulation {Pc), since there fi = R 2 and the loading is concentrated inside fi. In practical problems il is a given bounded domain, which renders the solution suboptimal. Let us emphasize that the constitutive relations of the truss material have not been in voked. 29.2.
Dual formulation
A formulation involving stresses is usually viewed as dual. In our case the situation is dif ferent: the dual formulation for (Pc) will involve Lagrange multipliers interpreted further as trial or virtual displacements. Most authors assume that 2c = 1 and k = 1 and we shall follow this simplification. Moreover, the subscript "h" at
*(*) = Ji\*i(
n and Sp(il) = {a\ div a = 0 , an = p on T} . If a, T e Sp(fi), then a = da + (1 - 0)T satisfies diva = 0 and an = p and hence a £ <Sp(fi). Thus Sv(i\) is convex. Moreover, the integrand of is convex, which renders the problem (Pc) convex. Despite this nice property the problem (Pc) is highly nontrivial, since the integrand of $ is: i) nondifferentiable, ii) has a linear growth, cf. Sec. 26.9. These two properties imply singularities in the optimal solutions: there can appear bars of finite cross-sections, embracing some regions of densely distributed infinitely thin bars. Along the bars of fi nite cross-sections, the principal stresses become concentrated to form axial forces. The discrete background (PD) is thus partly revealed. Prior to passing to the dual formulation let us prove the following lemma. Lemma 29.2.1 Let r e E£ and 71,72 be arbitrary numbers. Let /(7i,72) := m i n d A ^ r ) ! + |A 2 (r)| - 7 , r n - 7 2 r 2 2 } , TeEJ
where (ra0) refer to the Cartesian basis ea ® eg. Then
692 Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
In case of I7aj < 1 the minimum is attained at T11 = T22 = 0 if 1-Y l < 1 ,
if I7«I=.1, a=1,2,
where Ka > 0.
Proof. Take r = Kry1e1 0 e1, K > 0. Then IA1(r)I = KI71I, ry1T11 = KI71I2. Thus I(71,'Y2)<xoKI71I(1-1711)
which implies 0 I(71,72) C
if l7il<1, otherwise.
Similarly we prove that I(71,72) <
1 -oo otherwise.
On the other hand, the expression
IA1(r)I + IA2(r)I is non -negative if
I7a I
- 71T11 - 72T22
< 1, which completes the proof.
Let us pass now to the dual formulation of (PC). We introduce a Lagrangian multiplier u = (u1, u2)
4) = min max an=p u
J [IA1(u)I + IA2(u)I +ua4a ]d1 . E2
Hence 4D = min max[
J [IA1(u)I + IA2 (0'
)I - aapeaR ( u)]d1l +
( 29.2.4)
1 where ep(u) = 2 (u.,,3 + up,a) and (),a = 8/8xa. By convexity we can interchange min and max to find 4) = max[
g(e(u))dIl + J JQ r
Pauadr] ,
where g(c) = o in (IA1(o)I + I)2( Q)I -
. (29.2.6)
Truss-like Michell continua
Let us now refer a to the new orthonormal basis: er = a"'13'e'Q
Now we use Lemma 29.2.1 and find Now we use Lemma 29.2.1 and find fo 9(e) = f o I -oo
3(e) =
if |A!(e)| < 1 , |A 2 (e)| < 1 n . n~ < 1 , |A 2 (e)| ~< 1 if '|A!(e)| otherwise.
I 2-(€)| o o < 1 the otherwise. In case of |A l (c)| < 1 and |A minimum is attained at In case of |A l (c)| < 1 and |A 2 (e)| < 1 the minimum is attained at a1'1' = a2'2' = 0 if | A , ( e ) | < l , |A2(e)| < 1 all=KlXl{e),
|A„(e)| = 1 ,
and Ka > 0. Taking account of these results in (29.2.5) we arrive at the problem dual to (Pc) (f£)
|A,(6(u))| < 1 , |A 2 (6(«))| < 1} .
r The reader is advised to derive this dual problem by using Rockafellar's theory of duality. The principal strains are roots of the equation A2 - A tre(u) + d e t e ( u ) = 0 . We know from algebra that: the conditions |Aaa| < 1 are satisfied if and only if dete(tt) < 1 and |tre(u)| < 1 + d e t e ( u ) ,
which renders the problem (P£) formulated in terms of tre(u) and det e(tt). When only some part of T is loaded and some of it serves as a support, then u should vanish somewhere on T. In the problem considered the part of T on which the structure is supported is a priori unknown. According to (29.2.9) the bars lie along the lines |A a (e(u))| = 1, since there the stresses do not vanish. Thus there are two families of bars that form a curvilinear orthogonal network. The structures related to the condition: A,(e(u)) = A 2 (e(u)) = ±1 were first discussed by Maxwell, cf. Prager (1978). Such structures can be made from a finite number of bars.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
Other family of structures related to the case: A,(e(u)) = l ,
A2(e(«)) = - 1
were first discovered by Michell (1904), two of them being given in Fig. 29.2, cf. Hemp (1973). These structures as two-dimensional discrete-continuous bodies go beyond the framework of both the truss theory and the plane-stress theory. The Michell structures are formed partly from infinitely thin bars and partly from bars of finite cross-sections. Note, however, that the formulations (Pc) and (Pc) exclude the latter case. Indeed, some particular Michell structures are known, but this knowledge did not help up till now to find a rigorous relaxation of the problem (Pp). The continuum formulations (Pc) and (Pc) are too narrow to encompass the case of stress concentrations along the lines (or the sets of dimension lower than the dimension of fi). Consider a special case of fi being an exterior of a convex domain fi]. Let a force P be prescribed at a point A G fl, cf. Fig. 29.2.1. Let us require that a structure is supported on a part of dfl\ and subject to the force P at point A. Then one can show (cf. Hegemier and Prager, 1969) that at most onefieldu satisfying (29.2.11) exists. Thus, according to (Pc), the minimum weight of such an optimal cantilever is equal to P ■ u(A). The problem (Pc) is reduced tofindinga kinematically admissible field u. A
Fig. 29.2.1. How to transmit the force P to the boundary di^? 29.3. A symmetric cantilever problem Assume that fi is a strip of given width h. Our task is tofindthe lightest cantilevers capable of carrying the vertical force P taking a position along the symmetry line. The cantilever should be fully or partly supported along its left lateral edge, cf. Fig. 29.3.1a. Our aim is to report the shapes of the lightest cantilevers for various ratios of £ = x/h, where now x represents the distance of the force to the support. If £ < 0.5, the optimal cantilever consists of two bars, see Fig. 29.3.2b,c. If 0.5 < f < 1.82196 three new regions occur, two of them being fans and the third being a Michell truss formed of two families of bars subject to compression and tension, see Fig. 29.3.2d,e.
Truss-like Michell continua
a) vr
n b) , 4<0.5
$ = 0.5
0.5 < $ < 1.82196
%= 1.82196
W /1.82196 < ^ < 3.35889 P
$= 3.35889
Fig. 29.3.1. Family of optimal cantilevers for various ratios of £ = x/h. After Lewiriski et al. (1994a) If 1.82196 < £ < 3.35889, three new domains occur. In regions DEG, CEF, one family of bars is tangent to the lines DD' and CC' respectively. The solutions (d) and (e) were found by A.S.L. Chan (1960). The regions CEF and DEG were first analyzed by H.S.Y. Chan (1967). Extension to the EFHG region has been developed in Lewiriski et al. (1994a), where all details of the solutions (b) - (g) can be found.
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
30. Comments and bibliographical notes Many complicated computations involving the second rank tensors can be simplified by referring the tensors to the basis (21.1.2). The first applications of this basis can be found in the papers by Lurie et al. (1982), Rykhlevskii (1984) and Gibianskii and Cherkaev (1984, 1987), see also Lurie and Cherkaev (1986). The preliminary Sees. 21.1-21.5 have been inspired by these works. The importance of the fraction-linear transformation (21.2.6), called ^-transformation, was stressed for the first time by Milton (1991). In this paper Milton also gives credit to an unpublished work of Gibianskii and Cherkaev in which the inequality (21.2.5) appeared for the first time. The proof of Lemma 21.2.2 is repeated after Cherkaev and Gibiansky (1993). V-transformation is closely related to the Stieltjes function and Pade approximants, see Tokarzewski and Telega (1997). Applications of quasiconvex and quasiaffine functions to the theory of optimum design can be found in Kohn and Strang (1986) and Lurie and Cherkaev (1986). The quasiconvex and quasiaffine properties of quadratic forms involving stresses or strains (and similary, moments or curvature tensors) are crucial for the translation method. This method, developed independently by Tartar (1978, 1985), Lurie and Cherkaev (1984, 1986) and Murat and Tartar (1985) makes it possible to derive the sharp bounds (or the bounds that are attainable) on the strain energy and complementary energy of the elastic composites and plates. The translation method is also based on the elementary inequality (21.5.4), the proof of which given in Sec. 21.5 has been reported after Gibiansky (1993). The derivation of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for the thin two-phase elastic plate is reported in Sees. 22.1-22.4 for the first time. The proof of their attainability given in Sec. 22.5 was previously published by Lewinski and Othman (1997b). This proof is based on the method of Francfort and Murat (1986) developed for the three-dimensional composites. The original derivation of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds dealt with the three-dimensional composites, see Hashin and Shtrikman (1963). The two-dimensional counterpart of these bounds were found by Hashin (1965). The derivation of the latter bounds presented in Sec. 23 is reported after Cherkaev and Gibiansky (1993). The proof of attainability given in Sec. 23.3 is inspired by the method of Francfort and Murat (1986) and was published in Lewinski and Othman (1997a). Cherkaev and Gibiansky (1993) showed that by estimating the sums of strain and com plementary energies, associated with independent strain and stress fields, one can find new coupled bounds for the bulk and shear moduli of the effective isotropic two-phase mixture. The explicit results concern the two-dimensional case. They turn out to be sharper than the coupled bounds found previously by Milton and Phan-Thien (1982) and by Berryman and Milton (1988). A mixture of isotropic phases can have anisotropic properties. The bounds for these properties were reported by Milton and Kohn (1988) and Jikov et al. (1994, Chap. 13).
Comments and bibliographical notes
The counterparts of the Hashin-Shtrikman bounds for the thermal expansion moduli were found by Schapery (1968) and by Rosen and Hashin (1970). These bounds were recently substantially tightened by using the translation method by Gibiansky and Torquato (1997). These results were confirmed numerically by Sigmund and Torquato (1997). The whole Sec. 26 concerns the minimum compliance problem for thin elastic two-phase plates in bending. By similar methods one can analyze the same optimization problem for the plates subject to an in-plane loading. Although both these problems have recently found their solutions some fundamental aspects remain unclear up till now. Before commenting these points let us recall much simpler second order problem which is now fully resolved: (Pi)
X2GL°°[n,{o n i}] where w is a solution to the problem: find w € Hi (ft) such that / Dafl(x)w,avi0
I vdx
HXQ(ft) ,
with Da0(x) = D{x)5a0, D{x) = \\(x)Di
+ X2{x)D2, DQ are positive constants and
JX2dx = C, n where C is prescribed. One of possible interpretation is that J represents a torsional stiff ness of a two-phase bar of cross section ft; the amount of both phases is fixed, cf. also Lavrovetal. (1980). The problem (Pi) is ill-posed since the maximizing sequences (x2)n t e "d to functions of the space L°°(ft, [0,1]). Consequently, the boundary between the domains in which Xi = 1 and X2 = 0 becomes a generalized curve of highly oscillating shape. To make the solution regular one can impose constraints on a Lipschitz constant of this curve, see Pironneau (1984, Chap. 3), or reformulate the problem to a relaxed form. The relaxation can be done by two equivalent but methodologically different methods. In the first method the problem is directly convexified, see Kohn and Strang (1986) and Goodman et al. (1986). In the second method, developed e.g. by Lurie and Cherkaev (1986) the homogenization arguments are invoked. This last method consists in admitting all composite mixtures of the phases. This method is constructive since the G-closure of all effective tensors D = (Dal3) characterizing such composites is known. This set was determined by Lurie and Cherkaev (1984), Tartar (1985) and Murat and Tartar (1985) and can be explicity expressed in terms of the two eigenvalues of D. Having the complete char acterization of all effective tensors D one can put the relaxed formulation in the explicit form involving the microstructural characteristics as new design variables. In the problem
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
considered it is sufficient to admit the laminates of first rank. If we perform maximization over the parameters characterizing such laminates we recover the formulation due to Good man et al. (1986). The numerical procedures can start from this formulation or from the previous one, involving microstructural design variables. The second method has become popular later, when applied to elasticity problems, see the detailed historical comments in the monograph by Bends0e (1995) and the review paper by Lewiriski (1993). The case D\ = 0 refers to a shape optimization problem, The shape optimization prob lem can be in general put in the form mm{F(A)\ A e A} , where A is a family of sets and F is a function defined on A. To make such problems wellposed we either impose constrains on Lipschitz constants of dA (see Pironneau (1984, Chap. 3)) or enlarge the class A Assume that A is a family of open subsets A of a given bounded set fl c R n such that \A\ = C and F(A) depends on the solution of an elliptic second order partial differential equation on A. Buttazzo and Dal Maso (1993) proved that the problem is properly relaxed if the set A is augmented with the so-called quasi-open subsets A of £2 such that \A\ = C. The generalized solution exists, if F is decreasing with respect to set inclusions and that F is lower semicontinuous with respect to 7-convergence, or convergence of resolvents of the Laplace operator with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Recently, Bucur et al. (1998) extended the results due to Buttazzo and Dal Maso (1993) to the following optimization problem: mm{J{Au ..., Ak)\ At e A{tt),
for i ^ j} ,
where k is a fixed positive integer, fi is a given bounded open set of R n and A(ty is the class of admissible domains. Obviously, J: A(Q)k — ► [0,00] is the cost functional. For k = 1 one recovers the general shape optimization problem investigated by Buttazzo and Dal Maso (1993). In contrast to the second order problem (Pi) the fourth order plate bending problem (26.1.15) discussed in Sec. 26 has been less investigated since up till now the G-closure of all effective tensors D = (Da0Xl1) is unknown. There is only one known method of relax ation and it is based on the homogenization approach. Although the complete characteriza tion of the G-closure is unknown, one can prove that the optimum is realized by orthogonal second rank laminates. This proof was first reported by Gibiansky and Cherkaev (1984); a similar proof is presented in Sees. 26.3,26.4 with all necessary details. To prove attain ability of the translation bound (26.3.43) we have used the closed formulae for effective stiffnesses of second rank ribbed plates, derived in Sec. 24 by using the two-dimensional counterpart of the formula of Francfort and Murat (1986), see Eq. (3.8.35). The translation method does not require the ordering assumption (26.1.5), which was admitted for the sake of simplicity. The attainability of the energy bound (26.3.43) can be proved more systematically by using the Hashin-Shtrikman variational principle. This has been shown in Allaire and Kohn (1993b, 1993c, 1994) in the context of the two-dimensional elasticity problem.
Comments and bibliographical notes
Let us repeat after Remark 26.4.1 that the regime C,M < Ca (see the domains O31 and O32 in Fig. 26.4.1) can be realized by both the second rank microstructure and the Vigdergauz inclusions, see Vigdergauz (1986, 1994) and Grabovsky and Kohn (1995). Whether other microstructures than second rank ribbed plates saturate the bound (26.4.1) for (,M > C,2 is an open problem. Up till now we know only that certain curved quadrilateral inclusions are optimal if their distribution is dilute, see the paper by Cherkaev et al. (1998), concerning the case of plane strain. In its final form the relaxed formulation (26.5.1) is similar to an equilibrium problem of a physically nonlinear plate, expressed in terms of moments or dual variables. The passage to primal variables can be performed by applying Rockafellar's theory of duality, which is accomplished in Sec. 26.6. We prove there that the primal formulation can be found without using the theory of Young measures, which was suggested by Lipton (1994b). On the other hand, the inversion of the nonlinear constitutive relation (26.5.3) can be performed directly, by making use of the fact that the principal directions of the strain tensor and moment tensor coincide, see Sec. 26.6. The optimal designs of two-phase plates formed on a square, reported in Sec. 26.8, were found by the numerical algorithm developed by Lewiriski and Othman (1997 b). Further details and examples can be found in Othman (1997). The classical, yet rigorous techniques of solving the shape optimization problems have been presented in the monograph by Sokolowski and Zolesio (1992). It has turned out recently that the layout problem of mixing two materials can be rear ranged to the shape optimization problem by passing to zero with the moduli of the weaker phase. The crucial problem is whether two operations: relaxation and degenerating the weaker phase commute. The affirmative answer was given by Allaire and Kohn (1993a). This justifies a formal derivation of Sec. 26.7, based on the assumption (26.7.1) which transforms the weaker phase into voids. The recent papers by Allaire et al. (1996, 1997) generalize the setting of the two-dimensional shape optimization problem to the threedimensional shape problem for the elastic bodies. The elastic structures and, in particular, the plates are usually subjected to various types of loading. A design optimal with respect to one loading is usually impractical for a differ ent loading. The simplest method of taking into account that the plate should be capable of carrying various surface loadings px{x), 1 = 1 , . . . , N, x € n is to demand that the weighted sum of the compliances is minimal. Let pt be weighted factors. Thus we have the multiple load minimum compliance problem (see Krog and Olhoff, 1997; Lipton, 1994b) N
min Y,Pi JiiXi) > 1=1
r = / Pi(z)w,(x) dx , J
n with w, £ V(Q.) being a solution to the problem (see (26.1.10)) aD(wt,v)
PiV dx , n
V t i e V(fi) ,
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
with / X 2 d x = C. The tensor D is given by (26.1.2). Avellaneda and Milton (1989) proved that the relaxed formulation for the multiple load case should involve composite regions generated by the ribbed plates of third rank. The higher rank ribbed composites are redundant. This result was recently generalized to the three dimensional case by Francfort et al. (1995), where the proof is given that the ribbed (or laminated) plates of sixth rank should be introduced. Note that these numbers: 3 and 6 appear in the theorem by Francfort and Murat (1986): 3 (in the plane case) and 6 (in the spatial case) subsequent laminations suffice to construct isotropic composites attaining the Hashin-Shtrikman extreme values of the effective moduli. Thus the condition of the higher-order laminate being able to achieve isotropic properties is decisive here. We have stressed above that relaxing the minimum compliance problem in the shape design means accepting infinitely small holes in the final design. If we prevent the final design from having such degeneracy, we confine ourselves with suboptimal solutions. Re cently two independent methods of finding such solutions have been developed. The first one is based on putting a constraint on the perimeter of all holes, see Ambrosio and Buttazzo (1993), Haber et al. (1996) and Beckers (1997). The second one admits appearing of finite voids and is called a bubble method, see Eschenauer et al. (1994). It has turned out recently, that the characteristic function of the bubble method can be rigorously derived by using the concept of the topological derivative, introduced by Sokolowski and Zochowski (1997). Its first applications in the optimization of shells formed on a sphere can be found in Lewinski and Sokolowski (1998). The minimum compliance problem for elastic plates can be based on other plate models than the thin plate model. One can use, for instance, the Reissner-Hencky plate theory described in Sec. 5.1. The effective stiffness of composite domains can be determined by the in-plane scaling based homogenization (Sec. 5.2). Such a relaxed formulation was used by Bends0e and Diaz (1993), Diaz et al. (1995) and Krog and Olhoff (1997), cf. also Lipton (1994c) and Lipton and Diaz (1997). Some comments on using the formulae for effective stiffnesses derived in Sec. 2 for making the minimum compliance problem correctly posed can be found in Kohn and Vogelius (1986b). This problem as well as the problem of possible applications of the formulae of Sees. 5.3 and 5.4 for relaxing the optimization problems of plates are not fully resolved up till now. The optimization problem of Sec. 26 can be viewed as designing a plate whose thickness assumes two possible values: h\ and /12. A natural question is how to regularize the problem in which the thickness is allowed to assume all the values from the interval [hi, /12]. This topic is discussed in Lurie and Cherkaev (1986). The one dimensional case when h(x) = h(xi) has been solved by Bonnetier and Conca (1993, 1994) and Muiioz and Pedregal (1998). These results are discussed in Sec. 27 and involve in an essential manner Young measures. The theory of Young measures is sketched in Sec. 21.6. For more details the
Comments and bibliographical notes
reader is referred to the papers by Ball (1989), Ball and Knowles (1990), Roubicek (1997), Valadier (1994) and to the nice book by Pedregal (1997). The problems of minimizing other functionals than the plate compliance are less inves tigated. One can minimize, for instance, the virtual work J\ (w) = / pw dx , n where p is not a loading. One can also minimize J2(w) = sup \w(x)\ , iefi
J3{w) = I w2dx . J
n For such merit functions we conjecture that the relaxed formulation should involve more general composite plates: the orthogonal second rank ribbed plates will not suffice. At least such ribbed plates should be non-orthogonal, see Cherkaev (1994) and Lurie (1994). On the other hand, instead of enlarging the design space one can shrink it to make the problem well posed. This concept was used by Myslinski and Sokolowski (1985) to mini mize J2(w) among the plates of thickness h(x) varying between hi and h2. The method of restricting the design space for the minimum weight design problem of plates of varying thickness h was recently proposed by Alvarez-Vazgez and Viano (1997). There the following conditions on h are enforced: Po>*||oo,n < C i ,
to make the design problem well-posed. For older references on this topic the reader is referred to Bends0e (1995). Theory of optimization of shells is less developed. The method based on the derivative of shape functionals is discussed in Khludnev and Sokolowski (1997) and Sokolowski (1996). The layout problem is considered in Tenek and Hagiwara (1994a, 1994b), where the for mulae for effective stiffnesses are simplified for numerical aims. A general formulation of the minimum compliance problem for two-phase thin shells was presented for thefirsttime by Lewifiski and Telega (1997a) and is developed in Sec. 28. A mathematical justification of the dual homogenization formulae for thin shells is given in Telega and Lewifiski (1998a, 1998b). Consider the shape design of the plates loaded in-plane. If the volume diminishes, the designs tend to special forms called Michell trusses (or Michell continua). These optimal structures were discovered by Michell (1904). Their classical constructions are presented in Hemp (1973). In 1983, Strang and Kohn put forward a functional the minimization of which yields Michell's layouts. A mathematical justification of this functional has been recently presented by Allaire and Kohn (1993a) and Bends0e and Haber (1993). This func tional is derived in Sec. 29.1 by applying to the theory of gridworks. The dual formulation of Sec. 29.2 repeats the arguments of Strang and Kohn (1983). Since the classical frame work does not allow for concentrated loads, Bouchitte et al. (1997a) proposed a general
Application of homogenization methods in optimum design
form of shape optimization problems, where for a load a measure is taken. The existence of an optimal measure for the total energy cost functional was shown. The solution to the problem of transmitting a force to a straight rigid support (rigid wall) depends on the distance between the point at which the force is applied and the wall. For a short distance the optimal truss has only two bars. For longer distances we find the structures of Michell type, elaborated by A.S.L. Chan and H.S.Y. Chan, see Chan (1967). The longer cantilevers were found by Lewiriski et al. (1994a, 1994b). Michell-type trusses of finite number of joints were found by Prager (1978), see also Sankaranarayanan et al. (1994) and Kolakowski and Holnicki-Szulc (1997), where the methods developed in the book by Holnicki-Szulc and Gierlinski (1995) were used. The Michell structures have their counterparts for the bending problem; then they are called Michell grillages. Their theory was developed by Rozvany and Gollub (1990). The concept of shape design by admitting voids at a microscale was used and justified by Allaire and Kohn (1993a). This idea, along with the passage to the Michell continua is briefly outlined in Sec. 28.4. The counterpart of this problem concerning the bending case is considered in Sec. 26.7 with all necessary details because most of these results have not yet been published. The proof of Theorem 26.7.1 is constructed by the methods proposed by Kohn and Strang (1986, Part. I, Lemma 3.4), see also Allaire and Kohn (1993a, Remark 4.2) and Allaire et al. (1997, Eqs. (68), (69)). In Sec. 26.9 a proof is given that admitting voids in a plate subjected to bending does not lead to the optimization problem of the least weight grillages, developed in the book by Rozvany (1976). The formulation (26.9.2) is new. One can solve the problem (26.9.2) by extending the results due to Demengel (1985). In the last paper the problem of existence of stresses in locking bodies was solved, see also Telega and Jemiolo (1998). In our case, the problem dual to (26.9.2) will involve the locking condition imposed on {na0(w)), i.e., on the tensor of changes of curvature.
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Index A -4-quasiconvex function 29 aligned cracks 310,376 parallel cracks 442 parallel intralaminar cracks 434 part-through the thickness cracks 369 analogy between the equilibrium equations and compatibility equations 542 aperiodic homogenization 300 approximation results \nHl{Q) 66 77 in H2{Q) asymptotic expansions two-scale 45 augmented Lagrangian algorithm with variable stepsize 83 algorithm 79, 433 method 78, 432
A 389 balanced laminate 1,5, 11,12 Banach space Banach-Alaoglu theorem 3 46 basic cell 315-317,321 bending cracking mode Berger method 228 17 biconjugate function bifurcating branch 219, 223,227-229, 232, 233 bifurcation 209 213 von Kirmdn plates 217,219,221 point bilinear form 23 coercive 23 V-elliptic 17 bipolar function Borel 25 function 25 subset 294, 300, 301 boundary layer 475, 477, 478 bounded measure bounds 612 attainability
see Hashin-Shtrikman Bourgeat-Tapiero homogenization model 299 Brezzi's theorem 390, 391 bubble method 700 Budiansky-Sanders-Koiter shell model 545, 548
Cc°°-stable subset 481, 482, 508 Caillerie homogenization models 86, 88, 295, 297 Caillerie-Kohn-Vogelius approach 86, 267 cantilever problem 694,702 Caratheodory function 24 theorem 15 carbon/epoxy laminate 449, 458, 459 CDS-characteristic damage state 388 centrosymmetric cell of periodicity 103 Chacon's Biting Lemma 470 Christoffel symbols 537 34 closed-valued multifunction 215 compact operator 41 compensated compactness 215,217 completely continuous operator 675, 676 compliance functional conjugate (polar, dual) function 17 conjugate functional 17, 27, 35 17 continuity of convex function continuously convergent function 48 continuous perturbation 575 convergence in Kuratowski's sense 35 , 482, 483 weak 1 1 weak-* convex combination 15 envelope 30 function of a measure 469, 478, 481 function 15 14 hull integrand 25 normal integrand 480, 484 set 14 corrector 168,239
cracked laminate solid cracking mode cracks of arbitrary position density tip cross crack cross-ply laminate curvilinear parametrization cylindrical shell A D
388 303 304-306, 315 378 449 459, 461 394 466, 388, 394 188 567
first rank ribbed plate 615,622,627,632,685 flow theory of plasticity 532 formula 86, 176, 182, 183, Francfort and Murat 185 187,269,630,698 181, 257 Lurie-Cherkaev-Fedorov 269 Tartar-Francfort-Murat Norris 187 Fourier representation of V-periodic functions 593 fractional Sobolev spaces 10 full relaxation 672, 674, 675 function of bounded variation 471 functional of a measure 478 with linear growth 469,470,483,485, 493, 516, 532
decomposable spaces 26,481 deformational theory of plasticity 532 denseness of periodic composites 43 diagonalization lemma 49 duality A pairing 16,472 G-convergence 35,634 theory 30 r-convergence 35, 47,49, 116,279,295, dual 17 297,411,421, 469,470,551, effective potential 134, 172, 360,416, 557,, 566, 578, 634 418,561 duality 52 r-regularization homogenization 35, 255, 358, 387, 430, 31 Galerkin method 104 560,566 Gateaux derivative 20 pair 16 Gauss formula 537 potential 386 generalized problem 31,430 compliance functional 671,672,674 Duvaut-Metellus homogenization model 86 Green formula 475,, 477,478, 506 plate-thicknesses 671 A glass/epoxy laminate 440, 449, 450, effective 454, 457,,458,461,463 domain 14 GPS (generalized plane strain) 452 plate model 521,530 method 454 eigenvalue problem 299 model 454, 455 energy method 37,43, 323 graphite/epoxy laminate 449, 454-457 epiconvergence 47 Green formula 10 epigraph 14 grillage 687 error estimation and boundary layers 300 H extension operator 210, 211, 312, 313, 324, A //-convergence 325, 328, 385 37, 297 (h, IQ] model 397 extremality relations 32 (ho, I) model 403,408,409,411,434, A 435, 442, 445, 448-^59, finite perimeter 532 461^63, 466
in-plane 397,401,409,436,448, minimum compliance 684 452, 454 harmonic average (mean) 599, 672 problems 686 Hashin-Shtrikman scaling 157, 236, 269, 291, 345, 398, bounds 581, 588, 606, 608, 612, 615, 409, 45(M58, 464, 700 644, 656, 6%, 697 method 262,376 bounds for the in-plane problem 616 membrane problem of two-phase plate Hausdorff measure 9, 471 621, 684 Hencky 235,300 material 469,483 A Jensen's inequality 16 incompressible in the plastic range 521 justification 516,532 plasticity by T-convergence 120, 136, 138,310, 315 plates 384,409 Hencky-Nadai-Iliushin material 469 refined scaling 242 87, 363 Hencky-Reissner model 300 hierarchy of plate models 700 AK higher-order laminate 228 Kikuchi method 615 higher-rank ribbed plates 86, 235, 294, 296, 5,10-12 Kirchhoff plate theory Hilbert space 304 , 363, 661 287, 300 Hoff theory 153 type description 205 homogenization 295-297 Kohn-Vogelius approaches 205 of von Kirm£n plate Koiter shell model 545,548,551, of perforated von Kfrmin plate 209 574,, 575, 578, 579, 679 homogenized Reissner-Hencky plate 263 Korn's inequality 13, 329,396,398,415, Huber-Mises-Hencky yield condition 517 471,559 (ho,l0) model
imbedding BD(Sl) C BV(Q) c H^Y^c
U'(n)n W(il) BV(Y)
H'^lcWffi) HB(Q) c C(fi) HB(Q) C Wl-"(U) LD(fl) C LP(Q)n LD{Y\F) C BD(Y) LD{0,€) c BD(Q) theorems indicator function infi mal-convolution integral functional representation intermediate topology interpolant intralaminar crack
476 AL Lagrangian multiplier 389, 545 474 laminated 473 plate 301 476, 478 of first rank 698 478 Lax-Milgram lemma 23 498 Lebesgue 476 decomposition 479 471 space 2 478 limit analysis problems 469,499,518 478 linear 7 form 23 16 growth 469 18, 19 481,482 Lip-stable subset load multiplier 498,518 26 local stretching problem 436, 442 479 local shearing problem 438, 445 474,476,481 locking 69,70 670, 702 388,, 395, 449 longitudinally homogeneous plate 151
736 AN lower nonlinear moderately thick plates Hashin-Shtrikman estimate 611 semicontinuous function 16 nonreflexive space semicontinuous multivalued mapping 35 Banach space semicontinuous regularization 16,35,479 non-uniform homogenization A M
300 511 469,471 49, 188, 297,300 32,538 26 25 538,543 32
normal convex integrand Macroscopic potential and its dual 243 integrand Mainardi-Codazzi parametrization equation (relation) 537, 542 problem marginal functional 32, 59 materials incompressible in the plastic A O range 533 optimal layout of perfectly plastic maximal monotone mapping 20 grillages 670 measurable selection 34 optimum Michell design of plates and shells 581 continua (structures, trusses) 688, layout 668,669 661,702 shape design 661 grillages 702 orthogonal problem 687 ribbed plates of second rank 634 minimum compliance problem ribbed shells of second rank 684 for elastic two-phase plates 632, 636, second rank laminates 698 667,671,684,697,700 second rank ribbed plate 701 for two-phase thin shells 701 sum 15 model orthotropic plate 261 Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov 548 Mushtari-Marguerre 548 A Hoff 87,287 parametrized measure 600,601,603, moderately 675, 676 large deflections 203,275, 296, 298 partial relaxation 672 thick part-through the thickness cracks 339 laminate 397,410 PCU-stable subset 481,482 perfectly plastic shells made of Hencky periodicity cell 105 material 579 plate 235 perforated plates, refined scaling 496 domain 297 moderate thickness 270 plate 195 multivalued function 20,34,481 perimeter 532 multiple load minimum compliance perturbed problem 699 functional 33, 48, 298, 312, 501 multivalued mapping 20, 34, 481-483, minimization problem 31 501,514 piecewise affine function 66 Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov shell model plastically incompressible material 516, 549, 574 517,519,523,524,529 Mushtari-Marguerre shell model 550 plastic plate made of Hencky material 498
relaxation of boundary conditions 494,4%, 516 637 ,681,697 of functionals restriction operator 312, 324 ribbed plates of first, second and higher rank 179, 183,269 , 622, 700 shell of second rank 684 537 Ricci pseudotensor 4 Riemann-Lebesgue lemma Riesz operator 432 Riesz' representation theorem 12,433 rigid inclusions 200 Rockafellar's theorem 27,512 Rockafellar's theory of duality 31,653, 654, 699
575 plastic shell made of Hencky materiial 270 plates of minimum compliance 666 266 of step-wise varying thickness plate 636 compliance (or total compliance) 669 of small volume 296 wrinkled ply discount 451, 453,454, 456-458 Poincar6 inequality 415 Poincar6-Wirtinger's inequality 12, 324 polar function 17,31 primal problem 31 principal part (recession function) 479 187 projection tensor proper convex function 17
A quadratic inclusions quasiaffine function quasiconvex function envelope
190. 297 30, 593, 594 28, 594, 595.,597, 696 30
A recession function
479, 484, 488, 492, 506,517 532
reduced boundary refined 271 plate tfieory scaling 164,239,263,291, 363, 364, 409, 430 411 and r-convergence of plates made of Hencky material 496 6 regularity of boundary 275 theory of moderately thick plates 235 Reissner 390, 391 functional 492 plate made of Hencky material 319 like plate 271 model Reissner-Hencky 271 modelling 235 model 315,700 plate model
AS safe load hypothesis sandwich plate scaling
(h0J) refined second rank micros tructure rank ribbed plate
469 287 451 451 404
699 624, 627, 629, 633, 650, 698 rank ribbed structure with soft 624, 629 phase selection theorem 35 sequence continuously convergent 48 converging vaguely 472 34 set-valued map shallow shell 572 shape 661,, 662, 700 design optimization problem 664,, 698, 699 shearing local problem 438, 445 shear cracking mode 322 458 shear-lag analysis 457, 459 model 464,466 prediction 457,459
738 shell model of Koiter 578 model of Love 535, 578 model of Mushtari-Donnell-Vlasov 579 model of Naghdi 535, 538 shallow 576 shifter 538 Signorini condition 345, 395, 396 Sobolev and Rellich-Kondrashov imbedding theorems 7 Sobolev space 1, 4, 470 soft laminate 613 space BD(Q) 474 BV(Q) 471 HB{Q) 476 LD{Q) 471 M(fi) 472 M'(n) 471 l/(fi) 519 Wl'\il) 470 W2'l(Q.) 470 of bounded measures 471 stable problem 32 static-geometric analogy 545, 578 stiff and soft ribbed plates 622 stiff laminate 613,619 stretching local problem 436, 442 structures of minimum weight 688 subdifferential 19,20,516 subgradient 19 support function 18 A
Index shell model 541 with moderately large rotations around tangents 547 three-layer plate 388 three models of thin, transversely inhomogeneous and anisotropic plastic plates 516 total variation measure 472, 479 trace mapping 10, 470, 476 operator 8, 473, 474 translation bound 646 matrix 685 method 303, 581, 582, 594, 606, 607, 643, 686, 696-698 transversely slender periodicity cell 112 symmetric plate 173 transverse shearing cracking mode 317 symmetry 102 two dimensional model of plate 339 layer 339 plate model 341-343, 363 phase bar 697 plate 635, 684, 699 plate in bending 606, 621 scale asymptotic expansions method 35, 397 convergence 35, 45, 46, 296, 532 expansions 398
T-coercive functional 21 tension cracking mode 318, 323 thermoelastic and piezoelastic plates and shells 301 A thin unilateral elasto-plastic plate 485 constraints Kirchhoff plate made of Hencky material contact conditions 494 crack periodicity cell 109 upper bounds plate 304,315 upper semicontinuous multivalued plate model of Kirchhoff type 363 mapping shells of minimum compliance 678
465 432 395 303,394 616 35
Index V A
V-elliptic (coercive) functional 23 variable stepsize algorithm 434 variational convergence 35 inequality 23, 396,411, 465 principle of Reissner 389 Vigdergauz domain 649 inclusions 699 von Karman plate theory 230, 275, 294 A W
von Karman plate made of Hencky material 493,497 weakly-* sequentially compact space 472 weak topology of DD(Q) 474 Weingarten formula 537 A Y
Y -transformation Young measure
582, 588, 589 582,599,601,603, A 654,671,699,700
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Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences Editorial Board
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High Accuracy Non-Centered Compact Difference Schemes for Fluid Dynamics Applications by A. I. Tolstykh
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Vol. 25
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