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An Outdoor Life Book
New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London
Copyright © 1976 by Ray Bearse Published by Book Division, T i m e s Mirror Magazines, Inc. Brief quotations may be used in critical articles and reviews. For any other reproduction of the book, however, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means, written permission must be obtained from the publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 7 5 - 3 1 0 6 2 ISBN: 0-06-010291-8
Manufactured in the United States of America
This Book Is For LILLIAN With Love
Introduction PART
Single-Shot Centerfire Rifles
Lever-Action Centerfire Rifles
Slide-Action Centerfire Rifles
S e m i a u t o m a t i c Centerfire Rifles
Double-Barrel Rifles
Bolt-Action M a g a z i n e Rifles
Single-Shot Bolt-Action Centerfire Rifles
Big-Bore Bolt-Action Rifles
Bolt-Action Varmint Rifles
D e s i g n of t h e C e n t e r f i r e C a r t r i d g e
A m e r i c a n C e n t e r f i r e Rifle C a r t r i d g e s
Metric Centerfire Rifle C a r t r i d g e s
Single-Shot Rimfire Rifles
Lever-Action Rimfire Rifles
Slide-Action Rimfire Rifles
Semiautomatic Rimfire Rifles
Bolt-Action Rimfire Rifles
Rifle a n d H a n d g u n Rimfire C a r t r i d g e s
Single-Shot Shotguns
Over/Under Shotguns
Side-by-Side Double-Barrel Shotguns
Slide-Action Shotguns
Semiautomatic Shotguns
Bolt-Action Shotguns
Combination Rifle/Shotguns
Shotgun Chokes, Barrel Lengths, and Cartridge Designs
Single-Shot Centerfire Pistols
Single-Shot Centerfire Revolvers
Double-Action Centerfire Revolvers
Semiautomatically Centerfire Pistols
Centerfire Handgun Cartridges
Single-Shot Rimfire Pistols
Single-Action Rimfire Revolvers
Double-Action Rimfire Revolvers
Semiautomatic Rimfire Pistols
Notes on Sporterization, Optical Gear, and Accessories
APPENDIX U. S. A r m s M a n u f a c t u r e r s Foreign Arms Manufacturers Arms Importers Ammunition (Commercial, Custom and Foreign) Optical E q u i p m e n t - S c o p e s , Mounts and Accessories Ballistics Charts
Almost any tool for shooting at game or targets can be classified as a "sporting a r m . " A r c h e r s certainly classify the bow as a sporting a r m , and possibly a slingshot or fishing rod might be so classified by some people. It's safe to a s s u m e , though, that a n y o n e w h o buys this book is interested in shooting and has in mind a c o m p r e h e n sive book on firearms designed for game or targets. Sporting Arms of the World is indeed comprehensive—the most c o m p r e h e n s i v e book of its kind. It lists and describes all of the currently manufactured production-line sporting firearms made in the United States. It also lists and describes those made abroad and sold in the United States, whether they are designed here and p r o d u c e d specifically for the A m e r i c a n import market, or designed in the country of manufacture for sale here and perhaps elsewhere. Specifications are provided; background d a t a and c o m m e n t are provided; clear photographs of most of the guns are provided; and there are even exploded views and cutaway or other technical illustrations of some of them. This is not to say that it includes every sporting firearm in the world. N o book will e v e r succeed in doing that, and in any case it would be pointless in a work of this kind to include a r m s that are rarely if ever available or are available only overseas. N e i t h e r d o e s it include custommade a r m s which are produced only on special order; after all, no one has e v e r compiled a complete list of gunsmiths w h o offer such a r m s , much less a list of all the kinds of guns they offer. M o r e o v e r , there would be no reliable way to describe the specifications, which generally change for every customer. W h a t I have included is a collection of all the normally and currently available guns (including a few that are in the process of being phased out of production but can still be bought) —all of the many guns a shooter might want to know about. My definition of sporting a r m s includes those rifles, shotguns, and handguns designed for hunting small and big game, for shooting upland game
birds and wildfowl, and for match rifle and pistol shooting and skeet and trap m a t c h e s . I h a v e omitted semiautomatic versions of fullautomatic military a r m s and all semiautomatic military a r m s save the M l Carbine, Caliber .30, and pistols such as the .45 Colt A u t o m a t i c . With minor exceptions, only those handguns with sporting-length barrels and sporting sights are included. T h e h a n d g u n s without micrometer sights can be fitted with them. T h e book is divided into a r m s types. A major exception is the bolt-action centerfire rifle, which is divided into categories like (a) basic rifle; (b) varmint rifle; (c) big-bore rifle for d a n g e r o u s African and Asiatic g a m e ; (d) single-shot match rifle. Since this book deals with a r m s employing m o d e r n firing s y s t e m s , muzzleloading replicas — flintlocks and caplocks —are not included. In addition to a r m s of m o d e r n design, h o w e v e r , there will be listings and descriptions of currently available replicas of a n u m b e r of famous old breechloading firearms employing self-contained ammunition. T h e r e was a time when a shooter could take for granted that a gun stamped with the name W i n c h e s t e r or Savage or I t h a c a — t o n a m e but a typical few — was m a d e in A m e r i c a . (A major exception w a s Browning, of course.) T h i s is no longer true. M a n y A m e r i c a n a r m s companies m a k e some of their p r o d u c t s in this country and h a v e some of t h e m made abroad. T h o s e produced in the U n i t e d States are simply listed in the specification tables by brand and model n a m e . F o r those m a d e abroad, I h a v e included the n a m e of the manufacturer and the country of origin as well as the n a m e of the A m e r i c a n importer/distributor. T h i s is a kind of information that most shooters would like to h a v e , and it is not always readily available — especially for those guns stamped with an A m e r i c a n brand n a m e but nonetheless manufactured abroad. N a m e s and a d d r e s s e s of manufacturers and importers are listed in the A p p e n d i x . With a few exceptions (such as the British manufacturers of
double rifles) the address of the sole or primary American importer is given, rather than that of a foreign manufacturer from w h o m it would be difficult if not impossible to order the gun. M a n y foreign manufacturers o w e their existence large to the United States market. S o m e would go out of business if they could not sell in the U . S . Major a r m s e x p o r t e r s to the U n i t e d States include Belgium, England, Italy, J a p a n , Spain, Sweden, and W e s t G e r m a n y . Austria, F r a n c e , and the U S S R export limited types and quantities to the U n i t e d States. T h e M a u s e r M a r k X action, imported largely through I n t e r a r m s , is manufactured by the Yugoslavian State A r s e n a l . F e w M u s g r a v e rifles are imported from the Union of South Africa, which only recently entered the a r m s business. This book employs the decimal rather than fractional system —4.25 inches, for example, rather than 4Vi inches. T h e decimal system is more precise and is often used in firearms literature. With regard to certain specifications, however, it may be misleading to those not accustomed to it. F o r example, the weight of any firearm is apt to vary by several o u n c e s from factory specifications. T h i s is primarily because wood density varies, and a n o t h e r factor is introduced if there are options such as a cheekpiece. In addition to variations in the stock, there may be a choice of sights — open, receiver, scope blocks, etc. —each of which has a different weight. A s a rule, the weight c o m e s within about 4 oz. of the factory specification. O n a shotgun, a ventilated rib generally adds about that a m o u n t — 4 oz. Some manufacturers refuse to specify trigger pull. This is not b e c a u s e a particular arm may have a poor or heavy trigger pull but because many p u r c h a s e r s fail to understand that the pull of a given model is likely to vary from arm to arm. T h e pull is adjustable on many of the finer bolt-action centerfire rifles and rimfire match rifles. Most bolt-action centerfire sporters h a v e an average pull of 4.5 lbs. T h e single-action pull of a double-action revolver is usually m u c h , much lighter than the double-action pull; w h e r e possible, both are listed. Some trap shooters put great emphasis on trigger pull but, generally speaking, it is not as important with shotguns as with rifled a r m s , and it is not included in the b o o k ' s s m o o t h b o r e specifications. It is quite rare, incidentally, for a sideby-side or o v e r / u n d e r to have an identical trigger pull for each barrel, even if the gun has a single selective trigger. T h e trigger-pull weights given in this book are
mostly nominal. In some c a s e s they have been specified by the manufacturer. In o t h e r s , they w e r e not specified but w e r e calculated by using a trigger gauge on several sample guns of the same model and taking the average. F o r those guns that could not be tested and for which the m a k e r specified no pull weight, the trigger pull is simply listed as " n o t specified." W h e r e it is specified, it is not intended to be interpreted as precise, particularly for the many a r m s with adjustable pulls. Overall lengths are given for rifled a r m s and for magazine shotguns but not for side-by-side or o v e r / u n d e r shotguns. In the latter two instances the m a x i m u m t a k e d o w n length is the same as the barrel length. It is important to know the taked o w n length or, for a gun that c a n n o t be taken d o w n , the overall length. T h e need b e c o m e s obvious when ordering a gun case for travel, shipment, or simply carrying. (Unfortunately, some of the c h e a p e r gun cabinets are m a d e m o r e skimpily than they should be, so it can also be important to know the length of your longest gun when judging the suitability of such a cabinet.) I intended to maintain consisentency throughout the technical data section of each type of firearm. H o w e v e r , when there w a s an opportunity to provide additional information I opted to sacrifice consistency for the sake of the additional data. T h e section titled " D a t a " w a s designed to provide additional facts. T h e section titled " C o m m e n t " w a s designed to provide personal observations on a particular firearm. It sometimes proved impossible to maintain a distinct line between the sections. After nearly fifty y e a r s ' involvement with firearms and firearms research, I h a v e some strong opinions. B e c a u s e I like or dislike a particular firearm d o e s not mean that my preference is to be interpreted as G o s p e l . S o m e of my opinions are obvious. I like traditional c o n t o u r s , oil-finish stocks, hand checkering and finely finished a r m s . Such features d o n ' t mean that a particular firearm is going to function better, last longer or shoot straighter. T h e s e matters are purely esthetic and personal. Within two w e e k s before the manuscript went to the printers, I c o n t a c t e d by mail or p h o n e every manufacturer and importer/distributor to ensure that the book would be up to date. T h e current state of imported firearms is very fluid. M a n y first-rate foreign a r m s are being discontinued because of the rapid and steep increase in prices. This is partly d u e to increasing cost of foreign labor and materials, and the d e c r e a s e of the dollar's value on the international currency market. M a n y foreign bolt-action rifles are no
longer imported because of the improved quality of American commercial a r m s . T o d a y , unless one wants a specific caliber like the .416 Rigby, virtually n o imported rifle offers anything that is not provided by an A m e r i c a n commercial boltaction sporting rifle. T h e r e are rifles for those w h o like the distinctive W e a t h e r b y stock and for those who prefer the classic English sporter type stock with a dull oil finish. A s for shotguns, there are plenty of magazine guns —that is, repeaters—in both the Americanmade and imported categories. But the doubles are another matter. It is possible to buy an inexpensive but sturdy A m e r i c a n - m a d e side-by-side or over/under, but most such guns, w h e t h e r cheap or expensive and w h e t h e r or not they are stamped with an A m e r i c a n brand n a m e , are made in other countries.
Sporting handguns, like magazine shotguns, c o m e in a wide enough array of types, both domestic and foreign. (An exception is the free pistol, used for highly specialized match shooting; n o free pistols are now m a d e by A m e r i c a n manufacturers, and not many are m a d e in other countries.) A final note: Manufacturers frequently make minor changes in stock design and sighting equipment. T h e specifications p r e s e n t e d here are the latest available, but some of them will change from time to time. W h e n buying a gun, c h e c k on the specifications with the dealer so you'll know precisely what y o u ' r e getting. G o o d shooting. Ray Bearse Bristol, V t .
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T h e writing and publication of Sporting Arms of the World would not h a v e been possible without the assistance of the following friends: H o w a r d Walzer, Beretta A r m s and Sloans Sporting G o o d s , Inc.; Val Browning, Bruce Browning, and H a r m o n Williams of Browning A r m s C o . ; R o b e r t G r e e n e of C h a r t e r A r m s C o . , Inc.; T h o m a s T u r n e r and T h o m a s T h o r n b e r of Colt Industries, F i r e a r m s Division; Richard Wulflf of G a r c i a C o r p o r a t i o n ; J a c k Sharry of Harrington & R i c h a r d s o n ; Gil H e b a r d of Gil H e b a r d G u n s ; Eric B r o o k e r and J a m e s R e a r d o n of High Standard Sporting A r m s ; Carl Ring of I n t e r a r m s ; Kristin Driscoll Colongeli of I t h a c a G u n C o . ; W a y n e L. J o h n s o n of J a n a International C o . ; Viktor Brandl of Krieghoff G u n C o . ; William L a w r e n c e I I I of G e o r g e L a w r e n c e C o . ; R o b e r t Behn of Marlin A r m s C o . ; Carl H . Benson and Carl L i e d k e of M o s s b e r g C o . ; Val F o r g e t t of N a v y A r m s C o . ; M y r o n C h a r n e s s of N i k o n (Ehrenreich Photo-Optical C o m p a n y ) ; T e d M a c C a u l e y and Richard D i e t z of Remington A r m s C o m p a n y , I n c . ; Earle Harrington of Savage A r m s Division, E m h a r t C o r p o r a t i o n ; J a m e s McClellan of Smith & W e s s o n ; J o n Sundra of Stoeger I n d u s t r i e s ; E d w a r d N o l a n and Stephen Vogel of Sturm, Ruger C o m p a n y , Inc.;
W a r r e n C e n t e r of T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r A r m s C o m pany, I n c . ; the late C a r l Walther of Carl Walther Waffenfabrik; R o y W e a t h e r b y of W e a t h e r b y ' s I n c . ; D a n W e s s o n of D a n W e s s o n A r m s C o m p a n y ; J o h n F a u l k of W i n c h e s t e r - W e s t e r n Division, Olin Industries. A l s o , I wish to thank A n g u s C a m e r o n , Wilton, C o n n . , a m a s t e r voyageur and hunter/rifleman, and one of my best friends for m o r e than thirty y e a r s . W y n n U n d e r w o o d , Middlebury, Vt., friend and hunting campaiiero since 1936. William Dickinson, Street, Md., formerly with Aberdeen Proving G r o u n d s and former director, H . P. White L a b o r a t o r y , Bel A i r e , Md., a good friend w h o supplied m u c h technical data, fine wine and stimulating conversation. J. T r e v o r U n d e r w o o d , Middlebury, Vt., a fine hunting friend w h o shoots and h u n t s in the grand old British tradition. E r n e s t Taylor, longtime V e r m o n t neighbor, a fine shot and very knowledgeable w o o d s m a n . D o n a l d D a v i s , Brandon, Vt., my first hunting and fishing campahero. T h a t was in the early 1930s. T h e greatest d e b t is to my friend Lili C a p r a W o o d a r d w h o supplies companionship, good conversation, gourmet meals and e n c o u r a g e m e n t . Ray Bearse
T h e single-shot metallic centerfire cartridge rifle —the legend, H o l l y w o o d , television, and Winchester advertising notwithstanding —was the basic arm that " w o n the W e s t . " T h e Winchester and its parent, t h e H e n r y rifle, played a considerable role, but its users w e r e largely ranchers, rustlers, civilian army scouts, and peace officers. T h e U . S . A r m y — save for limited use of experi m e n t a l - fought the Indian W a r s ( 1 8 6 6 - 9 0 ) with single-shot trapdoor Springfields, first in caliber .50 G o v e r n m e n t ( . 5 0 - 7 0 rifle/carbine) and later with the .45 G o v e r n m e n t ( . 4 5 - 7 0 rifle/carbine). T h e bison (buffalo is a misnomer) w e r e nearly wiped out with big-bore single-shot rifles like the . 4 5 - 1 2 0 - 5 5 0 Sharps and the shorter-ranged Big Fifty Sharps. T h e most popular single-shot action among non-bison-hunting civilians was probably t h e Remington rolling block. This w a s L i e u t e n a n t Colonel G e o r g e A r m s t r o n g C u s t e r ' s favorite hunting-rifle action. Unlike most officers, he carried a rifle in addition to his sixguns. Meanwhile the British Indian A r m y controlled a continent with the single-shot .577 Snider and the later .577/450 M a r t i n i - H e n r y rifle (the .577/ .450 is a .45 caliber bullet in a n e c k e d - d o w n .577 case).
British s p o r t s m e n after big g a m e — big game to the British m e a n s d a n g e r o u s game, like elephant, rhino, C a p e buffalo, lion, and leopard —used the magnificent single-shot falling-block F a r q u h a r son rifle. T h i s rifle w a s less expensive than a double rifle and was available in a wide range of calibers. Big-bore F a r q u h a r s o n s w e r e also used in India. William B. Ruger's N u m b e r O n e and N u m b e r T h r e e single-shot rifles use a vastly improved F a r q u h a r s o n action. T h e a u t h o r ' s late friend J o h n " P o n d o r o " T a y lor, one of Africa's most experienced dangerousgame h u n t e r s for m o r e than forty years, used a .577/.450 M a r t i n i - H e n r y single-shot for several years. H e took m o r e than 100 elephants with this rifle. T h e Sharps rifle, m a d e in places like Windsor, Vt. and Hartford and Bridgeport, C o n n . , was the nemesis of the bison. T h e Sharps was a favorite of m e a t and hide h u n t e r s . S o m e had 34-inch barrels. Its a c c u r a c y has been well proved, but never better than by the 1100-yard shot m a d e by buffalo h u n t e r Billy D i x o n at the Battle of A d o b e Walls. H e d r o p p e d a C o m a n c h e at that m e a s u r e d distance. M o s t A d o b e Walls riflemen, including future N e w Y o r k City n e w s m a n William Barclay " B a t " M a s t e r s o n , w e r e skilled buffalo hunters. This was the S h a r p s ' finest hour. 1
Meanwhile, back in the East, Sharps-armed shooters successfully engaged in prosaic marksmanship on paper targets. T h o u g h the single-shot . 4 5 - 7 0 w a s used by state militia in the Spanish-American W a r and the Philippine Insurrection, and by h o m e guards during World W a r I, its last major use against the Indian c a m e at the Battle of W o u n d e d K n e e (1890), where the pungent bark of the Springfield was heard against the stutter of the rapid-firing H o t c h k i s s , which had been invented in F r a n c e by an American, Benjamin H o t c h k i s s . T h e . 4 5 - 7 0 Springfield, both carbine and rifle, was officially replaced by the U . S . Magazine Rifle 1892, better k n o w n as the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag. But as noted a b o v e , the .45 Springfield lingered in the service for nearly thirty years. T h e Remington rolling block w a s used by several countries, including D e n m a r k , Egypt, and Spain, as their standard military rifle. In 1866, N e l s o n Story, a native of O h i o , m a d e the first trail drive from T e x a s to the meathungry miners of M o n t a n a ' s gold fields. Story armed each of his thirty-two T e x a s c o w h a n d s with several Remingtons. T h e r e was plenty of ammunition. Arriving in Wyoming, Story and his outfit, including 3000 longhorns, headed up " B l o o d y " B o z e m a n Trail to M o n t a n a . Colonel H e n r y Carrington, commanding officer, F o r t Phil Kearny, denied him passage on the grounds that there w e r e too many Indians for Story to make safe transit and that he could not spare escort t r o o p e r s . T h e fort and environs w e r e u n d e r daily h a r a s s m e n t by the Indians. " T o hell with y o u , " Story said. " I ' m going a n y w a y . " Carrington, w h o admired the brash promoter, wished him well. Carrington's men were armed with single-shot muzzleloaders. H e had asked for single-shot breechloaders but had not received them. Story and his hands w e r e attacked repeatedly, but fast accurate fire from breechloading Remingtons proved sufficient deterrent. Some years before the Indian W a r s ended, the Winchester M 8 5 single-shot rifle, designed by John M o s e s Browning, appeared. This was available with six types of barrels and three sizes of frame. T h e rifle was available in every caliber, about fifty, for which Winchester c h a m b e r e d its other rifles. T h o s e ranged from .22 Short to . 5 0 110 Win. It was also m a d e in 20-bore shotgun. A full-stocked version in caliber .22 Short—the Winder M u s k e t —was used by the t h o u s a n d s of trainees during World W a r I. Chief of O r d n a n c e G e n e r a l E d w a r d Ripley consistently opposed the adoption of a magazine rifle. H e preferred the single-shot muzzleloader. His influence lingered for nearly a quarter-cen-
tury after A p p o m a t t o x . Because of the direct intervention of A b r a h a m Lincoln, reportedly an able rifleman, there w e r e a few magazine rifles, mostly Spencer carbines, used by U n i o n troops. D e s p i t e the superior firepower of the lever-action magazine rifles, there w e r e times when the single-shot b r e e c h l o a d e r w a s a heaven-sent w e a p o n c o m p a r e d to clumsy muzzleloaders. In J u n e 1867 a thirty-two-man woodcutting d e t a c h m e n t from F o r t Phil K e a r n y , in the Dakota Territory (now M o n t a n a ) , w a s attacked by more than 1000 Sioux and C h e y e n n e . Forming an oval with w a g o n s , the party, using breechloading single-shot . 5 0 - 7 0 carbines and rifles, successfully stood off the a t t a c k e r s . T h e Indians, w h o expected their enemies to be a r m e d with muzzleloaders, w e r e appalled at the rapidity of fire. T h e better shots among the whites w e r e armed with several rifles. T h e s e w e r e kept loaded by the poorest shots. O n e man, an old frontiersman, estimated he kept eight rifles " p r e t t y well het u p " for six h o u r s . In the early 1900s, target riflemen racked up impressive scores with Stevens-made Walnut Hill single-shot rifles. T o d a y ' s riflemen w h o consider the . 3 2 - 4 0 and . 3 8 - 5 5 to be short-range obsolete cartridges would be surprised by 200yard targets with all holes of a 10-shot group cutting each other. T h e Walnut Hill model was named after a famed Boston suburban range. During the 1920s and early 1930s the singleshot fell into disrepute b e c a u s e hunters wanted the magazine capacity of a lever- or bolt-action. T h e 1930s saw the a d v e n t of medium- and long-range varmint cartridges: .22 H o r n e t , .257 R o b e r t s , .220 Swift, .218 Bee, and .219 Zipper. M a n y varmint s h o o t e r s , especially wildcatters, had heavy-barreled rifles m a d e up on reliable Sharps, W i n c h e s t e r M 8 5 , or other single-shot actions. In the 1950s, V e r m o n t gunsmith Wilbur H a u c k manufactured a few single-shot rifles using an action of his o w n design but it w a s not until 1967, w h e n Bill Ruger began manufacturing the N u m b e r O n e , which he designed himself, that the real revival set in. T o d a y there are the m o d e r n single-shots like the Ruger and the Browning — a modified version of J o h n M o s e s Browning's M 8 5 W i n c h e s ter—and single-shot replicas like H & R Springfields. In the late 1960s, A r t h u r S w e n s o n of Salt L a k e City, U t a h , redesigned the famed SharpsBorchardt and then organized the Sharps A r m s C o m p a n y to manufacture this well-designed rifle. Colt Industries acquired the firm's a s s e t s in 1970 but as yet has not gone into production. T h e future of the n e w Sharps is uncertain.
Miroku, J a p a n
Browning A r m s
Action type: falling block; exposed S-type lever Safety:
Weight: semi-octagon, 7.925 lbs. hammer;
Sight, r e a r :
half-cock h a m m e r
Stock: 2-piece fancy walnut; well-executed (20 lines to the inch) hand checkering on full pistol grip and fore-end shotgun type with solid recoil pad
Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
3.0-4.5 lbs. (adjustable) none
Sight, front:
Barrel length: 26 inches; round or semi-octagon
Trigger pull:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for scope b a s e s ; Browning scope bases and 1.0-inch-diameter scope rings furnished with each rifle Caliber:
. 2 2 - 2 5 0 , . 2 5 - 0 6 , . 3 0 - 0 6 , 6 m m Rem.
Data: T h i s well-designed and finely made rifle is a direct d e s c e n d a n t of the W i n c h e s t e r M 8 5 single-shot designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. T h o u g h the M 8 5 ( 1 8 8 5 - 1 9 2 0 ) did not a p p e a r until near the end of the single-shot's heyday, about 140,000 were sold.
2.5 inches
Star B Echeverria, Spain
Importer/distributor: International
6.0 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
4.50 lbs. folding leaf
Action type: rolling block (reproduction of Remington rolling block)
Sight, front:
Caliber: . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., .357 M a g n u m , .44 Magnum
Barrel length:
20.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece walnut; band on fore-end Buttplate:
crescent (rifle) t y p e ; serrated steel
Overall length:
35.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
2.5 inches
Drop at heel:
3.0 inches
blade on r a m p
Scope adaptability:
no provision
Comment: T h i s is a well-made replica of the Remington rolling-block. Forged steel receiver. Although the stock has excessive d r o p , recoil with these mild cartridges is not excessive. T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 and .44 M a g n u m chamberings are a d e q u a t e for short-range d e e r hunting. T h e .357 M a g n u m is an inadequate d e e r cartridge. Receiver bridge and barrel should be tapped and drilled for scope mount. A 2.5x scope with a wide field of view would be ideal for this carbine.
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON LITTLE BIG HORN COMMEMORATIVE CARBINE Action type: Springfield trapdoor; top loading and ejection; outside h a m m e r Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece plain A m e r i c a n walnut with removable metal pistol-grip a d a p t o r Buttplate:
rifle type; metal
Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
3.0 inches
7.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
6.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding tang, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: Caliber:
n o practical adaptation
.45-70 Gov't.
Data: T h i s is a reproduction of the standard M l 8 7 3 U . S . Springfield cavalry carbine ( 1 8 7 3 90). T h e Little Big H o r n C o m m e m o r a t i v e has three features not on the original of 1873: folding tang sight, r e m o v a b l e metal pistol grip, and casehardened receiver. T h e first t w o items appeared on the officer's rifle. T h i s H & R carbine — 5000 w e r e m a d e — was introduced at the centennial of the carbine, not the centennial of C u s t e r ' s demise at the Little Big H o r n in 1876. P u r c h a s e r s receive a 128-page book describing C u s t e r ' s blunder and the gallant death of his men at the Little Big H o r n . Comment: T h o u g h m a d e from much better steel than the original, this carbine should not be used with maximum s m o k e l e s s - p o w d e r loads. T h e trapdoor-type action is not safe for these loads. It is entirely safe with currently manufactured (Remington/Winchester-Western) smokeless loads and full (70-grain) b l a c k - p o w d e r loads.
Action type: Springfield t r a p d o o r t y p e ; top loading and ejection; outside h a m m e r Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
32.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece plain A m e r i c a n walnut; straight grip; ramrod carried beneath barrel in stock Buttplate:
rifle t y p e ; metal
Overall length:
52.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches 3.0 inches
8.625 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
6 lbs. leaf, adjustable for elevation blade
Scope adaptability: Caliber:
no practical adaptation
.45-70 Gov't.
Data: Classic Springfield trapdoor action. Similar to M l 8 7 3 carbine except for barrel length, full-length stock, and sight. T h e metal finish is blue-black with a case-hardened breechblock and buttplate. This is a limited-production rifle,
with serial n u m b e r s running from S P R 1 to SPR1000. Comment: S a m e as for carbine M 1 8 7 3 . Odd as it may seem today, there was a time when these rifles, using the full . 4 5 - 7 0 - 5 0 0 loading, were used on 1000-yard targets.
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON CAVALRY MODEL (M1873 U.S. SPRINGFIELD REPLICA) Action type: Springfield trapdoor; top loading and ejection; outside hammer. Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece plain A m e r i c a n walnut with saddle ring; straight grip Buttplate:
7.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
6 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : standard battle sight, adjustable for elevation only (deluxe version has sight adj u s t a b l e for windage and elevation) Sight, front:
Scope adaptability:
rifle t y p e ; metal
no practical adaptation
Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Data: M a n y o w n e r s of M l 8 7 3 carbines are s o m e w h a t reluctant to fire their original. This replica gives t h e m a functional carbine.
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
2.0 inches 3.0 inches
.45-70 Gov't.
Comment: Should not be used with maximum s m o k e l e s s - p o w d e r loads.
Action type: Safety:
top-break (shotgun type)
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length: rifle ( . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t , only), 28.0 inches; carbine, 24.0 inches Stock: 2-piece plain hardwood finish Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length: 28-inch barrel, 43.0 inches; 24inch barrel, 39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 28.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs. Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
not specified folding leaf, crudely adjustable blade
Scope adaptability: Caliber:
not readily adaptable
.44 M a g n u m , . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t .
Data: H & R for many years has m a d e sturdy utilitarian single-shot break-open shotguns, and in more recent years has offered interchangeable rifle-shotgun barrels for at least one break-open.
Comment: This is a good economical buy for single-shot buffs w h o c a n n o t afford a more expensive single-shot like the Ruger N u m b e r O n e or T h r e e , or for . 4 5 - 7 0 or .44 M a g n u m buffs w h o likewise cannot afford more e x p e n s i v e rifles. T h e a u t h o r would rather face a giant A l a s k a n brown bear with a single-shot . 4 5 - 7 0 Shikari rifle (holding a spare cartridge between the fingers of the right hand —an old African h u n t e r ' s trick) than with a full 5-shot magazine of . 3 0 - 0 6 s in a semiautomatic rifle.
Action type: general characteristics of the fine British F a r q u h a r s o n rifle but thoroughly modernized, improved, and strengthened Safety: top tang; slide safety functions only when arm is c o c k e d ; arm may be opened or closed with safety either on or off Barrel length: inches
22.0 inches, 24.0 inches, or 26.0
Stock: A m e r i c a n walnut; hand-checkered full pistol grip and fore-end; fore-end either slim British A l e x a n d e r H e n r y t y p e or semibeavertail type Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; solid recoil pad
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
2.75 inches
Overall length: 26-inch barrel, 42.5 inches; 24inch barrel, 40.5 inches; 22-inch barrel, 38.5 inches Weight:
see model variations below
Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf, adjustable for windage and elevation; can be ordered without sights; varmint model fitted with scope bases
Sight, front: flat-faced gold bead on r a m p with removable sight p r o t e c t o r Scope adaptability: all rifles except varmint version fitted with q u a r t e r rib which provides base for tip-off s c o p e s ; varmint rifle fitted with scope blocks Caliber: .222 Remington (discontinued), .243 Win., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , . 2 5 - 0 6 , .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 , .300 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H M a g n u m , .458 Win. M a g n u m , . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t . , 6mm Rem., 7mm R e m . M a g n u m
Model Variations Number One Light Sporter. Barrel: 22 inches. Calibers: .243 Win., .270 Win., 3 0 - 0 6 . Sights: open and quarter-rib. A l e x a n d e r H e n r y fore-end is standard. F r o n t sling swivel m o u n t e d on barrel band forward of fore-end tip. Weight: 7.25 lbs. Number One Medium Sporter. Barrel: 26 inches. Calibers: .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7mm R e m . M a g n u m . Sights: open with quarter-rib. Alexander H e n r y fore-end is standard. F r o n t sling swivel m o u n t e d on barrel band forward of foreend tip. Weight: 8.0 lbs. Number One .45-70 Gov't, version. N o t illustrated. Barrel: 22 inches. Caliber: . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t . A l e x a n d e r H e n r y fore-end is standard. F r o n t sling swivel m o u n t e d on barrel band forward of fore-end tip. Weight: 7.25 lbs.
Number One Standard Rifle. Barrel: 26 inches. Calibers: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 , .270 Win., 3 0 - 0 6 , .300 Win. M a g n u m , 6mm Rem., 7mm Rem. Magnum. Sights: quarter-rib with 1.0-inch tip-off rings. Semi-beavertail foreend. Weight: 8.0 lbs. Number One Special Varminter. Barrel: 24.0 inches. Calibers: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , . 2 5 - 0 6 , .300 Win. Magnum, 7mm Rem. M a g n u m . Semi-beavertail fore-end. Sight: scope blocks (designed for target or varmint scopes with internal adjustments). Weight: 9.0 lbs. Number One Tropical Rifle. Barrel: 24 inches. Calibers: .375 H & R M a g n u m , .458 Win. Magnum. Alexander H e n r y fore-end. Swivel attached to barrel band forward of fore-end tip. Sights: open and quarter-rib. Weight: .375 H & R , 8.25 lbs.; .458 Win. M a g n u m , 9.0 lbs.
Ruger increased the thickness of the exterior walls to 0.218 inch. Directly behind the breechblock, the side walls are joined by a massive piece of steel. T h e original F a r q u h a r s o n s , designed in the black-powder era and for low-pressure smokeless cartridges, had but a thin steel w e b protecting the shooter. T h e stock is securely attached to the receiver itself. T h e ejector is fully automatic, but for those w h o do not need this automatic feature, the ejector spring may readily be removed. S o m e professional African hunters do not want their exact shooting site revealed to dangerous beasts, and so remove the automatic ejector. (An ejected case might strike a rock, thus sounding an alarm.) T h e removable ejector is also of interest to handloaders w h o d o n ' t want to lose their fired cases. Barreled actions are available.
Data: T h e finely made British F a r q u h a r s o n rifle — calibers ranging from varmint to elephant stoppers—was until its discontinuance the standard by which all other single-shot actions were judged. A r m s designer Bill Ruger took the original F a r q u h a r s o n , left the outside lines largely intact, and completely redesigned and rebuilt the inner mechanism. A major improvement over the original Farquharson is the increased strength of the action walls. T h e large dangerous-game calibers so beloved by British African and Indian hunters actually had much lower breech pressures. T h o u g h the .458 Win. M a g n u m case is much smaller than the dangerous-game British cases it has a much higher breech pressure, as d o several other of the cartridges for which the N u m b e r O n e is chambered.
Comment: This is the finest single-shot rifle it has ever been the a u t h o r ' s privilege to own and shoot. It is also the quickest-handling and bestlooking rifle he has e v e r owned. T h e original F a r q u h a r s o n was a beautiful and utilitarian rifle, and this is an i m p r o v e m e n t with its rugged, welldesigned mechanism. T h e .458 Tropical Rifle should weigh at least 11.0 lbs. I n a s m u c h as at least eight out of ten varmint-rifle o w n e r s use scopes with internal rather than external adjustments, the Special V a r m i n t e r version should be fitted with a quarter-rib. Scope bases (blocks) should be optional. Shooters w h o can afford the luxury of engraving and gold inlay will find that the receiver walls provide a d e q u a t e space for an artist's creativity.
Action type: Safety:
same as Ruger N u m b e r O n e
top tang (sliding)
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece walnut Buttplate:
semi-rifle type, metal
Overall length:
38.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
RIFLES (continued)
2.75 inches
6.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
gold bead on barrel band
Scope adaptability: .22 H o r n e t fitted with scope blocks; others require fitting Caliber: .22 H o r n e t , . 3 0 - 4 0 U . S . A r m y ( . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag)
Data: T h e N u m b e r T h r e e C a r b i n e uses the same action as the N u m b e r O n e , but costs about $ 1 0 0 less. M o s t of the savings are effected in the stock. T h e N u m b e r T h r e e also uses the traditional American-style lever rather than the more expensive F a r q u h a r s o n lever of the N u m b e r One. Comment: It's good to see the old reliable . 3 0 40 Krag —one of our best d e e r and black-bear cartridges —return to life. N o rifle has been c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag since the M 9 5 W i n c h e s t e r was discontinued in 1931. T h e H o r net has not been available since the late 1950s. W e c a n n o t have everything, and so it is a pleasure to welcome old friends like the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag and .22 H o r n e t back to the land of the living. W h o k n o w s ? S o m e d a y Bill Ruger may even c h a m b e r his N u m b e r O n e Rifle for these excellent cartridges.
T h e lever-action magazine rifle (and carbine) has been the most celebrated A m e r i c a n r e p e a t e r for more than a century. T h o u g h outsold in recent years by the bolt-action magazine rifle, the lever-action, thanks to motion pictures and television, remains the A m e r i c a n rifle to most A m e r icans, including n o n s h o o t e r s . T h e best-selling centerfire lever-action of a century ago was the lever-action M 7 3 Winchester. T o d a y , the best-selling rifle, regardless of type, is the lever-action M 9 4 Winchester, introduced m o r e than 80 years ago. Both models have tubular magazines, top ejection, and exposed h a m m e r s . Lever-action rifles can be classified in several w a y s : by type of magazine, by type of ejection (top or side), by type of h a m m e r (exposed or concealed), and type of stock. T h e s e variations will be discussed below. Magazine
1. Tubular magazine beneath barrel. T h e oldest (Volcanic, 1849) and the most popular type even today. All great Winchester lever-actions, except the nondetachable-box-magazine M 9 5 and the recently discontinued detachable-boxmagazine M 8 8 , h a v e had tubular magazines. T h e classic tubular magazine, either rifle or carbine, is the full-length magazine — that is, it is about the same length as the barrel. Magazines one-third, one-half, and two-thirds barrel length have never been as popular. This preference, obviously, is based on a desire for the greatest possible magazine capacity. Carbine magazines for cartridges like the . 3 8 40 Win. and the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. hold 13 cartridges, and rifle magazines (26-inch barrel) hold 16. 2. Nondetachable box magazine. T h e M 9 5 Winchester is the only lever-action rifle with a nondetachable straight-line box magazine. C a r e has to be exercised in loading rimmed cartridges, or j a m s result. This was the first lever-action magazine to handle spitzer bullets. T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield cartridge is usually considered a bolt-
action or semiautomatic load, but the M 9 5 was the first sporting rifle c h a m b e r e d for this round. Both rimmed and rimless cartridges have to be singly loaded. T h e r e was one exception: the M 9 5 c h a m b e r e d for the 7.62mm Russian cartridge had a charger clip slot like that of M 1 9 0 3 Springfield. 3. Detachable box magazine. T h e M 8 8 Winc h e s t e r ( 1 9 5 5 - 7 4 ) was probably the first leveraction rifle to use this type of magazine. T h e rarely seen Sako Finnwulf uses it, and some current-production M 9 9 Savage lever-actions are available with box-type magazines. T h i s is the quickest reloading method, and in states w h e r e only unloaded rifles may be carried in a car, speed in loading and unloading can be important. It h a s disadvantages, though: an overly hasty h u n t e r may a t t e m p t to insert the magazine wrong end to, or the magazine may be improperly secured (catch not completely locked) and the magazine will fall out. 4. Rotary magazine. T h i s type, to the a u t h o r ' s knowledge, has been used only in the M 9 9 Savage and its predecessor, the M 9 6 . It is easy to load, though not as fast as the detachable box magazine. It is practically jamproof. 5. Tubular magazine in buttstock. This type, used in the short-lived Spencer-action rifle and carbine, h a s not been made in many years.
1. Top ejection. T h i s system has been used on all W i n c h e s t e r lever-actions save the short-lived M 8 8 . N o t until the a d v e n t of the telescopic sight did top ejection b e c o m e a disadvantage: scopes must be offset or set forward of the receiver. N e v e r t h e l e s s , the top-ejection lever-action M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r continues to sell better than all other action t y p e s . 2. Side ejection. C u r r e n t - p r o d u c t i o n Marlins, the M 9 9 Savage, the M 8 8 Winchester, and the S a k o Finnwulf use side ejection, which creates no scope-mounting problems. 9
1. Exposed hammer. All Winchester lever-action centerfire rifles except the M 8 8 h a v e exposed h a m m e r s . This is by far the most popular type. An exposed h a m m e r can slip and fall forward while the shooter is trying to t h u m b the h a m m e r back into full-cock position, and it can also be accidentally c o c k e d if caught on a branch or other object, but these mishaps rarely occur. Most lever-action users apparently feel safer because they can tell at a glance if the action is cocked or in the safety position (half-cock). 2. Hammerless. T h e Savage M 9 6 and M 9 9 were the first successful h a m m e r l e s s lever-action rifles. T h e Sako Finnwulf and W i n c h e s t e r M 8 8 have concealed h a m m e r s . S o m e M 9 9 Savages have a cocking indicator.
Stocks 1. One-piece stock. T h e one-piece stock provides greater rigidity, and thus, in theory, superior accuracy, but has been used only on the M 8 8 Winchester and Sako Finnwulf lever-actions. M o s t lever riflemen d o not need minute-of-angle accuracy for their relatively short-range shots. 2. Two-piece stock. N e a r l y all lever-action rifles have two-piece stocks. T h e s e are a d e q u a t e for most tasks d e m a n d e d of the lever action.
Other lever-action
M o s t lever-action users are once-a-year deer hunters. T h e y want a very inexpensive rifle — that's one reason so many buy M 9 4 carbines — and this means no frills like pistol grip and checkering. N o lever-action, regardless of type or make, fitted with a pistol grip and with checkering has ever outsold a plain rifle or carbine. Winchester at one time offered such lever-action frills as fancy walnut, hand checkering, and set triggers. N o n e of these features was popular for very long. Pistol grips on rifles or carbines chambered for big-bore cartridges — .40 caliber and up —do provide s o m e w h a t better control. Most carbines —like the M 9 4 —have 20-inch barrels. T h e traditional 26-inch rifle barrel ceased to be popular about the turn of the century. T h e 24-inch barrel also falls way below the 20-inch barrel in popularity, and even the 22inch barrel is less popular. T h e lever-action today is mostly a brush-country firearm. During the heyday of the c o w b o y and Indian the rifle
w a s popular b e c a u s e of its greater magazine capacity, and also b e c a u s e it had s o m e w h a t more velocity and thus a slightly flatter trajectory o v e r the long ranges in open country. EARLY HISTORY OF THE LEVER-ACTION T h e great-granddaddy of the M 7 3 Winchester (1873) was the tubular-magazine Volitional Repeater of 1849, which was soon renamed the Volcanic. T h e g r a n d d a d d y w a s the H e n r y rifle (1860), designed by Vermont-trained designer and machinist Benjamin T y l e r H e n r y . Confederates called the H e n r y " t h a t d a m n e d Y a n k e e rifle you load on Sunday and shoot all w e e k . " T h e immediate a n c e s t o r of the M 7 3 w a s the improved H e n r y k n o w n as the M 6 6 W i n c h e s t e r (1866). This w a s the first rifle to bear the Winchester n a m e . It w a s named after financial b a c k e r Oliver P. Winchester, w h o switched from shirts to shooting irons. Manufacture of the M 6 6 W i n c h e s t e r was discontinued in 1898 after 170,101 had been m a d e . It w a s c h a m b e r e d only for the .44 ( H e n r y ) Flat Rim Fire and the .44 ( H e n r y ) Pointed Rim Fire. T h e s e w e r e interchangeable. T h e rifle and m u s ket versions held 16 cartridges, the carbine 14. T h e H e n r y was not adopted by the U . S . A r m y during the Civil War, but several states purchased H e n r y rifles for their militia, and the Federal G o v e r n m e n t bought a small n u m b e r which saw action in the Petersburg C a m p a i g n of 1864. T h e M 7 3 rifle and carbine w e r e discontinued in 1919 after m o r e than 7 2 0 , 0 0 0 had been manufactured. Rifles and carbines m a d e u p from parts on hand were sold until the final cleanup in 1 9 2 4 - 2 5 . T h e M 7 3 was c h a m b e r e d for . 3 2 - 2 0 Win. (1882), . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. (1880), and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. (1873). A special version of the M 7 3 was c h a m b e r e d for the .22 Short and later the .22 Long and .22 Long Rifle. Barrel lengths ranged from a 32-inch m u s k e t to a 14-inch carbine. Standard barrel length was 22 inches for the carbine and 26 inches for the rifle. T h e popularity of the M 7 3 created an immediate d e m a n d for a lever-action arm c h a m b e r e d for m o r e powerful cartridges. W i n c h e s t e r re sponded with the M 7 6 rifle and carbine. C h a m b e r i n g s included . 4 5 - 7 5 Win. (1876), . 5 0 - 9 5 Win. E x p r e s s (1879), . 4 5 - 6 0 Win. (1879) and . 4 0 - 6 0 Win. (1884). T h e M 7 6 carbine in . 4 5 - 7 5 Win. w a s the official arm of the N o r t h West M o u n t e d Police for many y e a r s . T h e M 7 6 w a s discontinued in 1897 after 63,871 had been manufactured. T h e M 7 6 w a s the last W i n c h e s t e r centerfire lever-action tubular-magazine rifle that was not designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning.
T h e M 7 6 did not meet the d e m a n d of riflemen who wanted a lever-action that would handle even more powerful cartridges. T h e .45 G o v e r n ment cartridges ( . 4 5 - 7 0 - 5 0 0 and . 4 5 - 5 5 - 4 0 5 ) were widely distributed along the frontier and used in both infantry rifles and cavalry carbines. Winchester purchased rights to J o h n M o s e s Browning's and M a t t h e w Browning's U . S . Patent 306,577 for a long-receiver lever-action. Winchester shop superintendent William S. M a s o n improved the original Browning feed mechanism ( U . S . Patent 311,079). T h e M 8 6 Winchester (1886) and its improved version the M 7 1 (1937) were the strongest and smoothestoperating tubular-magazine lever-actions ever made. T h e M 8 6 was c h a m b e r e d for the . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t . ( 1 8 8 6 - 1 9 1 9 , 1 9 2 8 - 3 1 ) , . 4 5 - 9 0 Win. ( 1 8 8 6 - 1 9 1 9 ) , . 4 0 - 8 2 Win. ( 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 1 1 ) , . 4 0 - 6 5 Win. ( 1 8 8 7 - 1 9 1 1 ) , . 3 8 - 5 6 Win. ( 1 8 8 7 - 1 9 1 1 ) , . 5 0 - 1 1 0 Win. ( 1 8 8 7 - 1 9 1 1 ) , . 4 0 - 7 0 Win. ( 1 8 9 4 1911), . 5 0 - 1 0 0 - 4 5 0 Win. ( 1 8 9 5 - 1 9 1 1 ) , and .33 Win. ( 1 9 0 3 - 3 5 ) . This w a s a very popular rifle —popular not among d e e r hunters, but among riflemen like T h e o d o r e Roosevelt, w h o went up against big game that could strike back. T h e M 8 6 remained in production until 1935, when it w a s about to be replaced by an " i m p r o v e d " version, the M 7 1 ( 1 9 3 6 - 5 7 ) . This was c h a m b e r e d for .348 Win. only. M o r e than 47,000 M 7 1 s and about 160,000 M 8 6 s were manufactured. T h e M 8 6 w a s the first lever-action to employ the Browning-designed vertical sliding locks. This feature m a d e it possible for the action to handle long, powerful cartridges. T h e next Winchester lever-action rifle —the second Winchester w h o s e sales would exceed a m i l l i o n - w a s the M 9 2 (1892). This action, a modified and scaled-down M 8 6 , w a s designed to replace the M 7 3 . It was c h a m b e r e d in 1892 for the . 3 2 - 2 0 Win., . 3 8 - 4 0 Win., and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. T h e . 2 5 - 2 0 Win. cartridge, designed especially for the M 9 2 , was introduced in 1895. A very few M 9 2 carbines were c h a m b e r e d for the .218 Win. Bee ( 1 9 3 6 - 3 8 ) . T h e M 9 2 rifle was discontinued in 1932 and the carbine in 1941. A b o u t 1,004,000 M 9 2 s w e r e manufactured. This production figure includes about 25,000 M 5 3 s ( 1 9 2 4 - 3 2 ) and about 5,700 M 6 5 s ; both used the M 9 2 action. T h e M 5 3 had a 6-shot magazine and 22-inch barrel and was c h a m b e r e d for . 2 5 - 2 0 Win., . 3 2 20 Win., and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. T h e M 6 5 , which succeeded the M 5 3 , had a 7-shot magazine and 22inch barrel and was c h a m b e r e d for . 2 5 - 2 0 Win. (1935), . 3 2 - 2 0 Win. (1933), and .218 Bee ( 1 9 3 9 -
47). M o s t M 6 5 s w e r e m a d e for the .218 Bee. T h e M 9 4 w a s followed in 1895 by Browning's M 9 5 rifle with n o n d e t a c h a b l e box magazine. A t the time of its initial release it w a s c h a m b e r e d only for r o u n d n o s e or flatnose bullets —the spitzer (pointed) type was a d e c a d e away — but it w a s the first lever-action to handle spitzer bullets. In a tubular magazine, a pointed bullet theoretically could d e t o n a t e the primer of the cartridge in front of it when jarred by recoil. T h e M 9 5 ' s box magazine avoided this problem. M 9 5 calibers included t w o black-powder cartridges, the . 3 8 - 7 2 Win. and . 4 0 - 7 2 Win. T h e most popular civilian caliber was the .30 U . S . A r m y ( . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag). Lever-action-oriented c o w b o y s in T e d d y R o o s e v e l t ' s First Volunteer Cavalry (the Rough Riders) a r m e d themselves with M 9 5 s in this caliber. In 1 9 1 5 - 1 6 C z a r N i c h o l a s ' a r m y purchased 293,816 M 9 5 s in caliber 7.62mm Russian (see C h a p t e r 12). T h e U . S . A r m y p u r c h a s e d a few M 9 5 s ( . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag) for use in the Philippine Insurrection, but it is not k n o w n if these carbines reached the islands before the fight ended, noncompetitive with Winchester. But the WinT h e most famous M 9 5 w a s the .405 Win. carried by T . R . on his African safari. T h i s was his favorite "big bad medicine g u n " for lion. T h e Roosevelt safari also carried a M 8 6 Winchester (.45-70) and a M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r ( . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.). In addition, the battery included a Holland & Holland double rifle for use on elephant, C a p e buffalo, and rhino and the first semi-sporterized M l 9 0 3 Springfield. Until the a d v e n t of the Charles N e w t o n boltaction . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, j u s t before World W a r I, the only regular sporting rifle available to the general public in caliber . 3 0 - 0 6 was the M 9 5 . Stewart E d w a r d White used a M 9 5 on his African safari. H e w a s also one of the first to h a v e a custom-sporterized M 1 9 0 3 Springfield. In the World W a r I era, an early Outdoor Life editor carried t w o M 9 5 s c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 03 and . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield on a long and successful Y u k o n hunt. T h e M 9 5 was also c h a m b e r e d for the .303 British and .35 Win. T h e . 3 0 - 0 3 cartridge w a s discontinued shortly after the a p p e a r a n c e of its . 3 0 - 0 6 successor. T h e M 9 5 w a s the only leveraction rifle with a receiver long enough for the . 3 0 - 0 6 and capable of handling that cartridge's 50,000 p.s.i. p r e s s u r e s . T h e M 9 5 c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield w a s discontinued early in the 1920s, b e c a u s e many shooters tried to load it with the 7.92mm G e r m a n service cartridges, which w e r e available through surplus outlets and also had b e e n brought h o m e by returning dough-
T h e W i n c h e s t e r 1873 A c t i o n
lever action forces the h a m m e r back, c o c k i n g the trigger and pressing the carrier block u p w a r d , raising a new c a r t r i d g e to c h a m b e r level.
H o w A M o d e r n L e v e r - A c t i o n R i f l e W o r k s (Marlin
2. Moving the finger lever f o r w a r d moves the l o c k i n g bolt d o w n w a r d , d i s e n g a g i n g it f r o m the bolt, a n d the finger level tip engages slot in the bolt a n d moves it rearward. As the bolt slides back, an e x t r a c t o r hook pulls the fired case f r o m the c h a m b e r a n d a s p r i n g - l o a d e d ejector o n the o p p o s i t e side of the bolt ejects the case. The magazine spring pushes the cartridge o n t o the carrier and a c a m o n the finger moves carrier u p w a r d t o w a r d the barrel c h a m b e r .
3. As the finger lever is m o v e d to its f o r w a r d - m o s t position a n d returned slightly, it engages a p r o t r u d i n g pin o n the carrier rocker and c a m s the carrier fully u p w a r d to the barrel chamber. As the finger lever is returned, its tip, w h i c h is e n g a g e d in the bolt slot, moves the bolt f o r w a r d , p u s h i n g the c a r t r i d g e into the c h a m b e r . Returning finger lever to the stock raises the l o c k i n g bolt to m a t c h i n g n o t c h in the bolt a n d aligns the safety firing pin (see Fig. 1). The g u n is n o w ready for f i r i n g .
boys. W h e n the G e r m a n cartridge was fired in the M 9 5 , or even in the 1903 Springfield, the action was nearly wrecked. Sixty years would pass between the a p p e a r a n c e of the M 9 5 and the next Winchester lever-action type, the M 8 8 (1955). T h e r e have been, of c o u r s e , lever-action rifles other than Winchesters, but their total production, Spencer, Marlin, S t e v e n s , Savage, and even Colt, has not e x c e e d e d the production of one Winchester—the M 9 4 . T h e lever-action Spencer, with its tubular magazine in the buttstock, saw service during the Civil War. It, too, w a s sometimes praised as the gun that could be "loaded on Sunday and shot all w e e k " —but in reality that would h a v e meant shooting it only o n c e a day as it held only 7 rounds. T h e r e was an understandable preference for the 16-shot H e n r y . Spencer sales declined swiftly after the war, and in 1869 the manufacturer went out of business. During the Indian W a r s , Colt marketed a lever-action rifle. Immediately after its public appearance Winchester a n n o u n c e d that it was going into revolver production, and exhibited prototypes. C o l t ' s Hartford b o y s got the m e s sage. T h e y dropped the lever-action and substituted a slide-action —one of our first —which was
noncompetitive with Winchester. But the Winc h e s t e r lever-action was too firmly imbedded in the A m e r i c a n tradition to be seriously threatened by a new and untried type of magazine rifle, and Colt soon withdrew the centerfire slide-action from production. Marlin entered the lever-action field with a few top-ejection models, but these failed to achieve popularity. Marlin later developed a solid-top side-ejection model. Variations of the original model are still available. Despite the superiority of the side-ejection Marlin over the top-ejection W i n c h e s t e r for scope mounting, the M 9 4 Winc h e s t e r still remains almost s u p r e m e in terms of sales after more than 80 years of production. Stevens and Bullard lever-actions never seriously challenged Marlin's sales. T h e M 9 9 Savage rotary-magazine (1899; more recently the M 9 9 is available with detachable box magazine), is the only lever-action to challenge the sales of the M 9 4 Winchester, and even the Savage is outsold by the M 9 4 by more than t w o to one. In 1976, N a v y A r m s w a s offering reproductions of the M 6 6 W i n c h e s t e r lever-action rifle and carbine and a replica of the M 7 3 W i n c h e s t e r rifle and carbine.
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
lever; exposed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Browning A r m s
half-cock h a m m e r (inertia firing pin)
Barrel length:
20.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut with oil finish; straight grip; forward barrel band Buttplate:
recoil pad
Overall length:
39.75 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.375 inches
6.925 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : modified R o c k y M o u n t a i n (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber:
.243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O )
Data: This modern-design — despite exposed hammer—lever-action rifle might technically be considered a bolt-action, since it has a rotary bolt with multiple locking lugs. T h e designer was Val Browning. In addition to the half-cock h a m m e r safety —typical of e x p o s e d - h a m m e r a r m s —the B L R has an inertia firing pin. T h e pin d o e s n ' t rest on the cartridge primer when the firing pin is in the forward position. T h e pin in this position is retracted by a spring. It is perfectly safe for a
h u n t e r to carry this rifle with the firing pin in the forward position, rather than with the h a m m e r at half-cock. Should the hunter accidentally strike the h a m m e r a sharp blow, as by dropping the rifle on a rock, the firing pin will not m o v e forward with force sufficient to ignite the primer. T h e trigger, housed in the lever, disconnects when the lever is operated. Comment: T h i s rifle should be c h a m b e r e d for a wider range of cartridges.
Rossi A r m s , Brazil
Importer/distributor: Action type: tion
Garcia Corp.
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; top ejec-
Drop at heel: Weight:
4.0 inches
5.75 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Magazine type: tubular; beneath barrel
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation
Magazine capacity:
Sight, front:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
20.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece straight grip, uncheckered walnut; forward barrel band Buttplate:
rifle type
Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.50 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Scope adaptability: scope Caliber:
not readily adaptable
.357 M a g n u m , .44 M a g n u m
Data: This carbine has a strong resemblance to the W i n c h e s t e r M 9 2 . Comment: T h e a u t h o r c a n n o t see w h y a n y o n e would select the .357 M a g n u m o v e r the .44 Magnum for a carbine cartridge. T h e Marlin M 9 4 , in the same price range, is a better buy.
Sako, Finland
Garcia Corp.
Action type: lever-actuated c a m s ; side ejection; concealed h a m m e r Magazine type: detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length:
23.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; sling swivels; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; pistol grip
rifle type; plastic
Overall length:
42.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.625 inches
6.75 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
4.5 lbs. none
Sight, front: bead on forged r a m p with removable sight c o v e r Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
dovetail blocks for tip-off
.243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O )
Data: T h i s short-stroke lever-action rifle has an unusual action operated by gears. It is the only current lever-action with hand checkering. Comment: This fine rifle is not popular on the A m e r i c a n market. It costs more than twice as much as a W i n c h e s t e r M 9 4 . M o s t lever-action o w n e r s are economy-minded and prefer the lessexpensive Winchester, Marlin or Savage leveractions.
Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Safety:
22.0 inches
Stock: plain uncheckered A m e r i c a n walnut; semi-pistol grip (composition cap with white spacer); fluted c o m b ; fore-end with barrel band Buttplate: shotgun type; ventilated recoil pad with white spacer
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y M o u n t a i n (buckhorn) modified to fold d o w n , crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: receiver top drilled and tapped for scope sight, and sandblasted to reduce sun glare w h e n using open or receiver sight Caliber: .444 Marlin in this updated version of M 9 5 , but straight-gripped M 9 5 is chambered for . 4 5 - 7 0 (.45 G o v ' t . )
Sling: 1.5-inch leather carrying sling; forward sling swivel attached to barrel band Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Comment: T h i s semi-pistol-grip version of the revived Marlin M 9 5 , a solid-frame lever-action originally designed by J o h n Marlin, is adapted to the .444 Marlin cartridge, which is a d e q u a t e for all but the heaviest N o r t h A m e r i c a n game such as the polar b e a r and Alaskan brown bear.
Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: M336C-M336T, (full); M 3 3 6 A , 5-shot Safety:
Drop at heel:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length: M 3 3 6 C and M 3 3 6 T C a r b i n e s , 20.0 inches, round; M 3 3 6 Octagon, 22.0 inches, octagonal; M 3 3 6 A Rifle, 24.0 inches, round Stock: M 3 3 6 C and M 3 3 6 A have semi-pistol grip with cap and plain u n c h e c k e r e d American walnut stock; M 3 3 6 C and M 3 3 6 T have blued steel forward barrel b a n d s ; M 3 3 6 A and M 3 3 6 Octagon have blued steel foreend tips; M 3 3 6 T and M 3 3 6 Octagon have straight plain stocks and plain fore-ends of uncheckered A m e r i c a n walnut Buttplate: M 3 3 6 A , M 3 3 6 C , and M 3 3 6 T , modified rifle-shotgun t y p e ; M 3 3 6 Octagon, hard rubber; other current M 3 3 6 s , composition with white spacers Overall length: M 3 3 6 C and inches; M 3 3 6 Octagon, M 3 3 6 A , 42.50 inches Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
about 7.0 lbs. for all M 3 3 6 variations
Trigger pull: 6-shot
M 3 3 6 T , 38.50 40.50 inches;
2.5 inches
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : Rocky M o u n t a i n (buckhorn) modified to fold d o w n , crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
bead (not on ramp)
Scope adaptability: receiver top drilled and tapped for scope sight, and sandblasted to reduce sun glare when using open or receiver sight Caliber: M 3 3 6 A and M 3 3 6 C ; . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., .35 R e m . ; M 3 3 6 O c t a g o n and M 3 3 6 T ; . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.; discontinued calibers include . 3 8 - 5 5 and . 2 5 - 3 6 Marlin
Data: T h i s is the oldest centerfire lever-action still in production. It was designed by J o h n Marlin and introduced in 1893 —the year before W i n c h e s t e r ' s famed M 9 4 . M o r e than 2,000,000 have been manufactured. T h i s Marlin is competitively priced with the M 9 4 , probably because of its high production rate. Comment: L e v e r fanciers w h o want to use a . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. cartridge in a tubular-magazine carbine would d o well to select this side-ejecting model over the M 9 4 if a scope is to be used.
MARLIN 1894 REPEATING RIFLE Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: octagon sporter barrel, 6-shot Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length: octagon, 20.0 inches; sporter, 22.0 inches Stock: plain uncheckered straight grip
Buttplate: modified rifle-shotgun rubber with Marlin monogram
Overall length: octagon barrel, 37.5 inches; sporter barrel, 39.5 inches Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: octagon barrel, about 6.0 lbs.; sporter barrel, about 6.0 lbs. Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : Rocky M o u n t a i n (buckhorn) modified to fold d o w n , crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
bead (not on ramp)
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for scope sight, and sandblasted to prevent or reduce glare when using open or receiver sight Caliber: .44 M a g n u m ( . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. and . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. discontinued) Data: T h e M 1 8 9 4 short-action Marlin was J o h n Marlin's a n s w e r to J o h n M o s e s Browning's M 9 2 Winchester. T h i s is an excellent, well-designed rifle. O n c e discontinued, it was revived to handle the popular .44 M a g n u m handgun-rifle cartridge. Comment: T h e large-caliber .44 M a g n u m cartridge is a much better d e e r killer than the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. at ranges not exceeding 7 5 - 1 0 0 yards.
MARLIN M94 REPEATING RIFLE Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; round
Stock: plain u n c h e c k e r e d A m e r i c a n walnut; straight grip; blued steel fore-end tip Buttplate: modified rifle-shotgun type with hard rubber plate bearing Marlin m o n o g r a m Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding Rocky M o u n t a i n (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation
Sight, front:
bead (not on ramp)
Scope adaptability: receiver top drilled and tapped for scope sight, and sandblasted to eliminate or reduce glare when using open or receiver sights Caliber:
.45-70 Gov't.
Data: O n e year before the . 4 5 - 7 0 (.45 G o v ' t . ) cartridge celebrated its 100th birthday, Marlin reintroduced its M 9 5 for hunters w h o want a bigbore cartridge suitable for the largest N o r t h A m e r i c a n timber-country game. ( F o r . 4 5 - 7 0 data see C h a p t e r 11.) Comment: Since rifles are no longer made for the .348 Win. or .358, the . 4 5 - 7 0 - i n selected handloads—is our most powerful short-range timber cartridge. This rifle and caliber make a first-rate hunting outfit for deer, black bear, and larger game such as elk. T h e 1895 Marlin with handloaded . 4 5 - 7 0 cartridges using a 405-grain bullet is an excellent combination for very big N o r t h A m e r i c a n game —up to and including the big Alaskan brown bears. Scope p o w e r should not exceed 2.5x.
Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
Drop at heel: tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: carbine, 6-shot; rifle and brush gun, 5-shot Safety: pistol-grip models have h a m m e r block safety which prevents accidental discharge when h a m m e r is c o c k e d ; straight-grip models have traditional half-cock h a m m e r safety Barrel length: carbine, 20.0 inches; rifle, 24.0 inches; brush gun, 18.0 inches Stock: 2-piece American walnut; straight-grip and pistol-grip models available Buttplate: straight-grip versions have rifle t y p e ; pistol-grip versions have shotgun type with recoil pad Overall length: carbine, 38.5 inches; rifle, 42.5 inches; brush gun, 36.5 inches Length of pull:
Drop at comb:
13.25 inches
1.75 inches 2.5 inches
6 . 5 - 7 . 0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Saddle ring: versions
standard feature on straight-grip
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y M o u n t a i n (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for windage, elevation Sight, front: gold bead on r a m p ; rifle has sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for scope sight Caliber:
. 3 0 - 3 0 Win., .35 Rem.
Data: This recent addition to the M o s s b e r g line is a solid-frame lever-action that bears a strong resemblance to the side-ejection Marlins. Comment: Like other side-ejection lever-actions, the M o s s b e r g 472 series are well adapted for scope sights.
Action type: lever; hammerless Magazine type: rotary or detachable box (recently introduced)
Magazine capacity: S
0 t
rotary, 5-shot; detachable
box, ^ ^ Safety: top tang (sliding); original type (discontinued) w a s right-side lever
C u t a w a y V i e w s o f S a v a g e 99 L e v e r A c t i o n
and slide safety (below).
Safety features: all of t o d a y ' s M 9 9 s except 9 9 C box-magazine and 9 9 E rotary-magazine have a visible c o u n t e r window showing the n u m b e r of cartridges remaining; all models have a cocking indicator Barrel length: current M 9 9 D L , M 9 9 C , M 9 9 F , 22.0 inches; current M 9 9 A , M 9 9 E , 20.0 inches; longer barrels (24.0 inches, 26.0 inches, 28.0-inch Military) have all been discontinued Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut (except 9 9 E , which has h a r d w o o d stained with walnut finish). All current models have pistol grip. Plastic grip caps on all models except 9 9 E . Earliest M 9 9 s had no checkering, but G r a d e A hand checkering cost $5 and G r a d e B hand checkering cost $8. In later years, machine checkering was substituted. T o d a y ' s checkering is the " i m p r e s s e d " or " r e v e r s e " type, which provides n o grip in humid or rainy weather, and lacks the handsome a p p e a r a n c e of hand checkering. Most A m e r i c a n manufacturers (Ruger is an exception) have been forced by rising costs to use impressed checkering. Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic. (Original buttplates were rifle type of uncorrugated steel;
only the 22-inch round-barrel rifle was regularly fitted with a steel shotgun-type buttplate. T h e a u t h o r r e m e m b e r s seeing M 9 9 buttplates of the shotgun type in the 1930s. F a c t o r y records d o not indicate when the shotgun type b e c a m e standard.) Overall length: 22.0-inch-barrel models ( 9 9 D L , 9 9 C , 9 9 F ) , 41.75 i n c h e s ; 20.0-inch-barrel models (99A, 9 9 E ) , 39.75 inches Stock dimensions
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Stock dimensions Length of pull:
2.5 inches (99DL) 13.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
1.5 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 20.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; discontinued longer-barreled models, up to 8.75 lbs. Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf on all current versions except 9 9 E , which uses a modified R o c k y Mountain (buckhorn) Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight cover on current versions Scope adaptability: all current production M 9 9 s drilled and tapped for standard scope sights Caliber: .243 Win., . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 (.250 Savage), .300 Savage, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) ; discontinued chamberings include .22 HiP o w e r ( I M P ) , .284 Win., . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., .303 Savage, . 3 2 - 4 0 , .358 Win. Data: M o r e than 1,000,000 h a v e been m a d e ; this was the first successful hammerless lever-action. It w a s designed by A r t h u r Savage, originally for rimmed cartridges like the .303 Savage and the look-alike-shoot-alike . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.; a successful transition was made to rimless rounds like the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage and the .243 Win. T h e first M 9 9 the author ever saw was a .300 Savage in the t a k e d o w n version, which has long been discontinued. A .410 (2.5-inch case) barrel could be fitted into the frame when the .300 barrel was removed. T h e .410 was single-shot only.
Action type: tion
lever; exposed h a m m e r ; top ejec-
Magazine capacity: all calibers e x c e p t discontinued .44 M a g n u m (which held 10 shots): full, 6-shot; one-half, 3-shot; two-thirds, 4shot Safety:
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length: 20.0 inches; round only. Sole known exception w a s octagonal barrel of Winchester '66 Centennial Carbine (1966 only). Barrel lengths shorter than 20 inches were available on special order until about 1924. Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
T h e M 9 9 ushered three notable cartridges o n t o the A m e r i c a n hunting scene: the .22 Savage H i - P o w e r , which was the first high-velocity .22 centerfire; the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage, our first highvelocity . 2 5 ; and the .300 Savage, the first highvelocity short-case .30. T h e first two cartridges w e r e designed by high-velocity pioneer Charles N e w t o n . Both the .250 and the .300 h a v e been with us for more than half a century. M 9 9 shooters are protected by a thick piece of steel that lies b e t w e e n them and the cartridge head. T h e r e h a v e been n u m e r o u s variations of buttstocks and fore-ends in the past 75 years. Comment: T h i s is o n e of the finest lever-actions extant. It w a s the first, and for more than 50 years the only, lever-action capable of handling cartridges with breech pressures approaching 50,000 p.s.i. T h e . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 and the .300 Savage calibers h a v e long been popular with W e s t e r n riflemen for their saddle guns. With the advent of the .243 Winchester, Savage d r o p p e d (in about 1960) the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage from the M 9 9 line. T h e caliber w a s restored in 1970, and continues to be in d e m a n d .
Saddle ring: 1 8 9 5 - 1 9 2 5 ; revived and brassplated in 1966 for '66 Centennial Carbine and A n t i q u e Model M 9 4 ; saddle ring has since been used on other M 9 4 c o m m e m o rative editions Stock: 2-piece (buttstock and fore-end); plain u n c h e c k e r e d A m e r i c a n walnut; straight grip. S o m e M 9 4 stocks w e r e reportedly made in the mid-1960s of a light-colored h a r d w o o d other than walnut, an e c o n o m y m o v e later discontinued. Buttplate: 1937 to d a t e , shotgun-type; hard rubber or plastic. Rifle type ( 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 3 7 ) was metal at first, later changed to hard rubber. Shortly after the M 9 4 ' s introduction
shotgun-type buttplates w e r e available on special order. Overall length: 37.75 inches ( M 9 4 carbines with rifle-type buttplate average 38.5 inches) Length of pull:
13.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Following dimensions for pre-1937 and Winchester '66 Centennial carbines with rifle-type buttplate Length of pull: Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
13.125 inches 2.0 inches 2.75 inches
Weight: 5.75-6.5 lbs. ('66 Centennial Carbine with full octagon barrel weighs about 7.0 lbs.) Trigger pull: Sight,
5.0 lbs.
rear: R o c k y Mountain (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation
Sight, front: Bead on r a m p ; sight (cover) removable protector added 1931 Scope adaptability: top ejection precludes normal scope mounting, and M 9 4 ' s greatest popularity is for d e e r hunting in brush and timber where shots are usually over short ranges; however, long-eye-relief scopes are available for special mounting forward of ejection port Caliber: .30 Win. ( . 3 0 - 3 0 , 1895 to date), . 2 5 - 3 5 Win. ( 1 8 9 5 - 1 9 3 6 , 1 9 4 0 - 5 0 ) , .32 Win. Special ( 1 9 0 2 - 7 3 ) , . 3 2 - 4 0 ( 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 2 4 ) , . 3 8 - 5 5 ( 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 2 4 ) , .44 M a g n u m ( 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 ) ; manufacture of . 3 2 - 4 0 and . 3 8 - 5 5 barrels w a s reportedly discontinued in 1924 but carbines in these calibers w e r e sold until about 1936, when the barrel supply was exhausted Data: Winchester Repeating A r m s C o m p a n y had by 1893 t w o excellent lever-action carbine/ rifles. T h e s e w e r e the long-action M 8 6 for powerful cartridges like the .45 G o v ' t . (.45-70) and the short-action M 9 2 for the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. and . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. J o h n M o s e s Browning designed both actions. In 1893 Browning offered W i n c h e s t e r what he
called the M 9 3 medium-length action for cartridges like the popular black-powder . 3 8 - 5 5 . Sometime in the next few m o n t h s W i n c h e s t e r decided to develop t w o cartridges specifically designed for smokeless p o w d e r : . 2 5 - 3 5 Win. and .30 Win. (.30-30). Both n e w cartridges were n e c k e d - d o w n . 3 8 - 5 5 c a s e s . M e a n w h i l e , Browning's new action b e c a m e the M 9 4 . O n August 2 1 , 1894, it w a s assigned Patent N o . 542,702. T h e M 9 4 (carbine and rifle) w a s the first A m e r i c a n sporting magazine rifle c h a m b e r e d for smokeless cartridges. ( T h e W i n c h e s t e r M 8 5 , also designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning, was c h a m b e r e d for the smokeless . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, but it w a s a single-shot rifle.) Production a n d / o r design difficulties delayed M 9 4 manufacture for the t w o smokeless cartridges until A u g u s t , 1895. T h e first M 9 4 s , c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 2 - 4 0 and . 3 8 - 5 5 , appeared on the m a r k e t in late 1894. T h e .32 W i n c h e s t e r Special M 9 4 —first marketed in 1902 — originally had a special front sight. T h e rifle w a s designed to be first fired with W i n c h e s t e r factory ammunition and then with black-powder reloads. A t a later d a t e , u n k n o w n , a standard front sight w a s fitted. T h e serial n u m b e r s on the M 9 4 and its close relatives are located on the underside of the receiver. T h e n u m b e r s reportedly began with 1. T h e i r range includes M 9 4 carbines and rifles (except the specially n u m b e r e d c o m m e m o r a t i v e s ) plus 20,580 M 5 5 s (except the first 2,870) and all M 6 4 s and M 6 4 A s . Comment: T h e M 9 4 C a r b i n e is the most popular sporting arm e v e r manufactured. This includes rifles, carbines, h a n d g u n s , and shotguns. A t least 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 - p r o b a b l y m o r e - o f the 3,500,000 M 9 4 s made w e r e carbines. A t this writing (1975) nearly 4,000,000 h a v e been manufactured, and unless A m e r i c a n s are deprived of their Constitutional and traditional right to o w n firearms, w e may well see the M 9 4 ' s centennial with possible production approaching 6,000,000. Production and sales are increasing. It took 33 years to sell the first million but only 10 years to sell the last million. T h e 1,000,000th M 9 4 was presented to President Calvin Coolidge in 1927. C a r b i n e n u m b e r 1,500,000 was p r e s e n t e d to President H a r r y S. T r u m a n in 1948. F i v e years later, President Dwight D a v i d E i s e n h o w e r w a s presented with the 2,000,000th M 9 4 . T h e C a r b i n e n u m b e r 2,500,000 was p r o d u c e d in 1961, and n u m b e r 3,500,000 in the mid-1970s.
SLIDE-ACTION CENTERFIRE RIFLES T h e slide action (also called " p u m p " or " t r o m bone") is the fastest of the three manually operated types of magazine-rifle actions. It is about as fast as the semiautomatic action; in the fraction of a second it takes for the semiautomatic's barrel to return from its recoil position, the slide action can be operated. Y e t the slide action is the least popular rifle action (though it is the most popular shotgun action). Caliber .22 rimfire slide-action rifles were c o m m o n for 70-odd years. E x c e p t for a few experimentals — a Colt of a century ago and a current Savage . 3 0 - 3 0 —the one name in slide-action centerfire rifles has always been Remington. Danish-born J o h n Douglas Pedersen, a longtime Wyoming resident, was the genius responsible for Remington rimfire and centerfire slide-action rifles as well as for the Remington M 5 1 semiautomatic pistol ( 1 9 1 8 - 3 4 ) and the " P e d e r sen d e v i c e " of World W a r I fame. H e also designed several semiautomatic rifles during the 1920s which, despite excellent possibilities, w e r e edged out by the M l G a r a n d . It was cheaper, thought some authorities, to adopt the design of a Springfield A r m o r y salaried employee (he got $3,500 annually) than to pay royalties to an outside designer, and a foreigner at that.
T h e Remington M 1 4 was manufactured ( 1 9 1 2 - 3 5 ) in .25 Rem., .30 Rem., .32 R e m . and .35 R e m . T h e barrel was 22.0 inches long, and the stock was available with or without a pistol grip. T h e M 1 4 R ( 1 9 1 2 - 3 4 ) had an 18.50-inch barrel and a straight-grip stock. T h e Remington M14Va ( 1 9 1 2 - 2 5 ) had a 22.0inch barrel and was c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. and the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. T h e M 1 4 V R ( 1 9 1 2 25) was a carbine version of the M14V2. T h e .25 R e m . was a rimless . 2 5 - 3 5 Win. T h e .30 R e m . is a rimless . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. T h e .32 Rem. is a rimless .32 Win. Special. T h e s e cartridges and the original .35 R e m . w e r e designed for the semiautomatic Remington M 8 ( W o o d s m a s t e r ) . Remington officially discontinued the M 1 4 and M14V2 on D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1935. On the following day the c o m p a n y a n n o u n c e d the " i m p r o v e d " M 1 4 1 and M141Va. T h e s e w e r e available in .30 Rem., .32 Rem., and .35 Rem., had a barrel length of 24.0 inches, and had a pistol grip. T h e y w e r e discontinued in 1950. T w o years later, Remington brought out the M 7 6 0 , the first slide-action designed for . 3 0 - 0 6 length cartridges and capable of handling pressures in the 50,000 p.s.i. class. 2
Action type:
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
Safety: crossbolt on right (or left in lefthand versions, available in .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, and .308 Win.) 23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Firing Pin Extension Firing Pin Firing Pin Spring Breech Bolt Breech Bolt Assembly Extractor Spring, Left Extractor Plunger Extractor, Left Extractor Spring, Right Extractor, Right Shell Stop Spring Shell Stop Shell Stop Retaining Pin Firing Pin Stop Pin Slide Assembly Bolt Support Spring Bolt Support Spring Rivet Trigger Guard Screw Ejector Screw Dummy Screw Receiver Rear Sight Barrel Front Sight Screw, Short Front Sight Screw, Long Front Sight Ejector Assembly Ejector Pin Ejector Spring Ejector Plunger
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Cartridge Stop Cartridge Stop Pivot Nut Cartridge Stop Pivot Screw Trigger Guard Pin Magazine Tube Adapter Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Magazine Tube Filling Block Magazine Tube Yoke Screw Magazine Tube Yoke Magazine Plug Slike Lock Spring Stud Slide Lock Spring Slide Lock and Spring Assembly Trigger Sear Trip Spring Trigger Spring Sear Trip Sear Trip Pin Sear Sear Engagement Screw Mainspring Mainspring Plunger Hammer Assembly Operating Handle Bar Assembly Operating Handle Collar, Rear Operating Handle Wood Operating Handle Collar, Front Safety
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Safety Spring Safety Retaining Ring Safety Lever Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Assembly Safety Lever Retaining Pin Slike Lock Release Spring Hammer Bushing Lifter Screw Trigger Pin Safety Adjusting Screw Sear Pin Lifter Spring Lifter Assembly Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Lock Washer Stock Bolt Washer Butt Plate Screw Butt Plate Stock Assembly Swivel Stud PARTS FOR MODEL 174 ONLY 2Receiver Stock Butt Plate Rear Sight Rear Sight Step Operating Handle Wood
horn), crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Barrel length: Carbine, 18.5 inches (chambered for . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and .308 Win. only); rifle, 22.0 inches Stock: 2-piece impressed checkered A m e r i c a n walnut; pistol grip with white line spacer and plastic cap Buttplate:
rifle t y p e ; plastic with white spacer
gold bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver tapped and drilled for standard scope bases Caliber: .222 Rem., .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 6mm R e m . ; discontinued chamberings include .244 Rem., .257 R o b e r t s , .280 Rem., .300 S a v a g e ; .35 R e m .
Overall length: 18.5-inch barrel, 38.5 inches; 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches
Data: This model replaced the tubular-magazine M 1 4 1 and M141V*.
Length of pull:
13.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Comment: T h e M 7 6 0 , as of 1975, was the first and only slide-action rifle c h a m b e r e d for cartridges in the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield class. It is a very well-made rifle. It is the only box-magazine slideaction centerfire rifle. T h e designation " G a m e m a s t e r " was also used for the M 1 4 1 and M 1 4 1 V .
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.125 inches
rifle, 7.5 lbs.; carbine, 6.75 lbs.
Sight, rear:
modified Rocky Mountain (buck-
Action type:
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
top tang; slide
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece impressed checkered A m e r i c a n walnut; pistol grip with no c a p ; fluted foreend Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
41.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
6.75 lbs.
Sight, rear: Sight, front:
folding leaf gold bead on removable r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s Caliber:
. 3 0 - 3 0 Win.
Data: This is the only currently available slideaction centerfire rifle with a tubular magazine, and the only slide-action rifle c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.
SEMIAUTOMATIC CENTERFIRE RIFLES T h e most recently introduced sporting-rifle action type has passed its 75-year mark. This is the semiautomatic. J o h n M o s e s Browning patented his recoil-operated sporting-rifle action in 1900. It was the same basic action used in his popular autoloading shotgun. T h e gas-operated semiautomatic action, currently the standard type for semiautomatic sporting and military rifles, had been adapted to machine guns some years earlier. F o r sporting rifles the semiautomatic action ranks third in popularity behind the lever action and bolt action. T h e lever action predominated from its Civil W a r inception through World W a r I I . Since then the bolt action h a s been in the ascendancy. Between 1905 and 1950 there w e r e only t w o A m e r i c a n - m a d e semiautomatic rifles, a Remington and a Winchester. First c a m e the Browning designed Remington M 0 8 ( 1 9 0 6 - 3 6 ) and its successor the M 8 1 W o o d s m a s t e r ( 1 9 3 6 - 5 0 ) . T h e M 8 1 was identical to the M 8 except for an improved stock. T h i s was a recoil-operated rifle. T h e Winchester M 0 5 series was the second. T h o u g h Browning patented his long-recoil action in 1900, the rifle was not manufactured until 1906. W i n c h e s t e r designer T h o m a s Crossley J o h n s o n , w h o had a hard act to follow when Browning severed his W i n c h e s t e r connection, designed the W i n c h e s t e r M 0 5 Self-Loading Rifle. T w o other versions, the M 0 7 and M 1 0 , followed. T h e y w e r e virtually identical to the M 0 5 except in caliber; all three w e r e blowbackoperated. Before delving further into the d e v e l o p m e n t of semiautomatic sporting rifles, let's define the crucial terms " s e m i a u t o m a t i c , " " a u t o m a t i c , " and "selective-fire." I. Semiautomatic. This designates a rifle, pistol, or shotgun which fires one shot when the trigger is d e p r e s s e d ; the trigger must be released and then depressed again to fire a n o t h e r shot. 26
M a n u f a c t u r e r s and frequently users often miscall the semiautomatic action " a u t o m a t i c , " or " a u t o " for short. T h e r e is a difference b e t w e e n "semiaut o m a t i c " and " a u t o m a t i c . " 2. Automatic. This designates a rifle, pistol, shotgun, machine gun, submachine gun, or light machine rifle which continues to fire as long as the trigger is d e p r e s s e d . Firing stops when the trigger is released. E x c e p t with heavy and light machine guns, firing is usually d o n e in " b u r s t s " of 3-5 shots. Sustained firing of a fully automatic w e a p o n that is not m o u n t e d on a tripod, bipod, or m o n o p o d c a u s e s the barrel to rise, thus causing misses on the target. 3. Selective-fire. S o m e w e a p o n s , classified as " c a p a b l e of full automatic fire," h a v e selector switches so the firer can select semi- or full automatic fire. M o s t shoulder a r m s —including submachine guns, which are often fired from the hip — are m o r e effective when fired " s e m i a u t o " or in short bursts. Laws regarding automatic and weapons
Discussion of full automatic w e a p o n s is largely academic, b e c a u s e U . S . residents, except for military and police on duty, are effectively prohibited from owning or using full automatic weapons. It is possible for a U . S . resident —under federal law —to possess and use full automatic w e a p o n s provided he pays the Bureau of Alcohol, T o b a c c o and F i r e a r m s (an I R S unit) a $ 2 0 0 transfer fee. T h e fee is paid by the p u r c h a s e r (in addition to p u r c h a s e price). T h e p u r c h a s e r must be fingerprinted. H i s c h a r a c t e r is checked by F B I and B A T F agents. S o m e states outlaw automatic w e a p o n s . A potential p u r c h a s e r may comply with B A T F regulations —i.e. pay transfer tax —and have an " a c c e p t a b l e c h a r a c ter," but o w n e r s h i p could still be outlawed by
state statute. Jail plus a multi-thousand-dollar fine are potential penalties that can be invoked against violation of the "full automatic w e a p o n s " law. Selective-fire w e a p o n s are subject to the same restrictions as full automatic a r m s . F u r t h e r m o r e , any arm designed as a semiautomatic w e a p o n is illegal if it can be readily converted to full automatic fire. Obviously, the truly automatic w e a p o n s are designed for military and police use. A n y o n e interested in guns and their m e c h a n i s m s can get a lot of pleasure out of informal target shooting with the full automatics, but they are not sporting arms in the normal sense, and certainly they have no place in hunting. Since this book is devoted to sporting arms, data will be listed for semiautomatics but not for full automatics. Commercially available semiautomatic military rifles include the Colt A R - 1 5 (semiautomatic version of the full-automatic M16) and the semiautomatic versions of the G e r m a n - m a d e H e c k l e r & Koch and Swiss-made S I G . T h e s e are legal because they have been modified so that they cannot be readily converted to full automatic fire. M o s t semi- or full-automatic military rifles have at least a 20-shot detachable magazine (the M 1 6 has a 30-shot magazine), but state laws often limit semiautomatic magazine capacity to 5 shots. Manufacturers usually meet this challenge in two w a y s : a special 5-shot magazine, or a magazine filler block that reduces capacity to 5 shots. Though state laws usually limit semiautomatic magazines for hunting, there is rarely a restriction on target shooting or plinking. If manufacturers sell only 5-shot magazines for militarydesign semiautomatics, those w h o wish a greater capacity can purchase surplus military magazines. Canadians can own and shoot full automatic w e a p o n s . Canadian o w n e r s of full automatic w e a p o n s just register them at their local police station. A Canadian friend of the a u t h o r o w n s T h o m p s o n submachine guns, a B A R , a Lewis light machine gun, and several other light and heavy machine guns. T h e a u t h o r occasionally visits his friend for a real schutzenfest.
Early problems of the
Semiautomatic Remingtons and Winchesters did not b e c o m e popular for several reasons. F o r one thing, most hunters until after World W a r II (with some exceptions in the plains states) were firmly wedded to the lever action. A n d with one
brief unsuccessful exception, the .300 Savage, cartridges c h a m b e r e d in these semiautomatic rifles w e r e strictly short-range. T h e .32 Win. S.L.R., .35 Win. S.L.R., and .351 Win. S.L.R. w e r e barely a d e q u a t e for d e e r at ranges exceeding 75 y a r d s . T h e .401 Win. S.L.R. cartridge was a good whitetail and black-bear killer at 1 0 0 - 1 2 5 yards. Remington M 8 and M 8 1 cartridges —.25 Rem. (rimless . 2 5 - 3 5 Win.), .30 R e m . (rimless . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.), .32 R e m . (rimless .32 Win. Special) and the .35 R e m . —were also brush cartridges for d e e r and bear. T h e M 8 1 was briefly c h a m b e r e d for the .300 Savage. T h e cartridge generated a high breech pressure and malfunctions occurred, so this fine cartridge w a s dropped from the M 8 1 list. W i n c h e s t e r ' s blowback action had severe limitations. T h e weight of the breechbolt has direct relationship to the pressure generated by the cartridge. T o c h a m b e r a . 3 0 - 0 6 in a blowback action would require a breechbolt weighing 27 lbs. T h e double-barrel 4-bore elephant rifles of blackp o w d e r d a y s w e r e caliber 1.052, used 14 d r a m s of propellant behind a 1882-grain projectile and generated 158.4 lbs. of recoil —and weighed only 24 lbs. T h a t included lock, stock, and barrel! While the long-recoil action of the Remington M 8 and M 8 1 series could use s o m e w h a t more effective cartridges than W i n c h e s t e r ' s blowback, there w e r e disadvantages. T h e barrel recoiling inside an o u t e r sleeve (some folks thought the M 8 and M 8 1 could be used as a shotgun by removing the rifle barrel) m a d e minute-of-angle accuracy impossible. T h e Remington was cumb e r s o m e and heavy. T i m e lapse between shots was a fraction of a second less with the semiauto than with the lever action, but the time required to pull the barrel d o w n from recoil made the time difference b e t w e e n aimed shots with a semiautomatic and with a lever-action virtually nonexistent. Weight w a s a n o t h e r factor. T h e light, handy, 20-inch-barrel W i n c h e s t e r M 9 4 carbine weighs a b o u t 6.5 lbs. T h e M 8 and M 8 1 weighed 8.0 lbs. Why use a heavier, bulkier, longer-barreled rifle for a rimless . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. when the handier, reliable M 9 4 w a s available in . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., and at considerably less c o s t ? In the late 1930s the Remington M 8 1 in standard (cheapest) grade was $ 6 9 . 9 5 . T h e Winchester M 9 4 sold for $30 or less. T h e a u t h o r rem e m b e r s several mid-Depression sales of new M 9 4 s for $ 1 9 . 9 5 . D e a l e r s could slash M 9 4 prices b e c a u s e of sales volume. T h e M 8 1 price w a s rarely slashed, but even on these occasions
it still cost m o r e than twice as much as the M 9 4 . Western and C a n a d i a n hunters pursuing elk, grizzly, or m o o s e could find no reliable killer cartridge among the semiautomatics. Lever-action buffs had suitable calibers ranging from .33 Win. to "Big Fifty" W i n c h e s t e r s (these calibers w e r e discontinued in the M 8 6 Winchester but s e c o n d h a n d rifles w e r e available and Winchester m a d e ammunition up to World W a r II). Lever-action d e v o t e e s stalking antelope, caribou, and sheep had the . 3 0 - 0 6 in the M 9 5 Winchester, the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 and .300 in the M 9 9 Savage. T h e lever-action was (as it still is) primarily the rifle of the man w h o hunted in his own bailiwick. T h e few hunters — mostly well-to-do E a s t e r n e r s — w h o traveled a fair piece to hunt sheep, elk, grizzly, caribou, and m o o s e toted bolt-action rifles. It w a s not until after World W a r II that the average American could afford such h u n t s . T h u s semiautomatic sales w e r e restricted by cartridge limitations, weight, a c c u r a c y , price, and sometimes handiness.
M8 and M81 series
T h e M 8 was available with straight stock or pistol grip. T h e n o n d e t a c h a b l e box magazine had a 5-shot capacity. T h e barrel length was 23.0 inches. T h e M 8 was replaced by t h e M 8 1 W o o d m a s ter. T h e walnut stock has a pistol grip, and the M 8 ' s splinter fore-end was replaced with a semibeavertail type. In addition to the M 8 and M 8 1 rifles made in A m e r i c a by Remington, the M 8 was also manufactured in Belgium ( 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 3 1 ) by F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e u n d e r the n a m e " B r o w n ing H i - P o w e r Rifle." It w a s made in metricdesignated calibers c o m p a r a b l e in p o w e r to their A m e r i c a n c o u n t e r p a r t s . Remington agreed not to sell the M 8 in E u r o p e , and F N agreed not to sell its version in A m e r i c a . Total production figures for either model are not available, but the R e m i n g t o n / B r o w n i n g w a s far m o r e popular than the W i n c h e s t e r s . T h e M 8 was the first semi-automatic sporter with a locked b r e e c h . T h i s feature allowed the action to be c h a m b e r e d for m o r e powerful cartridges than the straight (unlocked-breech) blowback W i n c h e s t e r s .
Winchester M05, M07, and M10 series T h e s e rifles weighed 7 . 5 - 7 . 7 5 lbs. Barrel length was 22.0 inches except in the .351 W. S. L. R. (20.0 inches). A 5-shot d e t a c h a b l e box magazine was standard. In O c t o b e r 1911, detachable 10-shot box magazines b e c a m e optional as an extra-cost item. It has been reported that some manufacturer, not Winchester, made 20-shot .351 W . S . L . R . magazines available (supposedly for use with the 1907 Police M o d e l ) ; the author has never seen o n e . T h o u g h the M 1 0 in .401 W . S . L . R . caliber only was the most effective combination, the M 0 7 in caliber .351 W . S . L . R . was the most popular. Several thousand M 0 7 s were p u r c h a s e d by the F r e n c h Air F o r c e during World W a r I. T h e s e rifles w e r e used by pilots and o b s e r v e r s , in the days before aerial machine guns, to potshot enemy pilots and o b s e r v e r s . T h e .351 w a s popular with police, if only b e c a u s e it was a short, handy semiautomatic with extra-capacity magazine. T h e M 0 5 was discontinued in 1920 after about 29,000 had been m a d e . T h e M 0 7 w a s discontinued in 1936. A b o u t 20,775 w e r e sold. T h e M 1 0 was discontinued in 1957. A b o u t 58,000 w e r e made. T h e M 0 7 was replaced (1960) by the Winchester gas-operated M l 0 0 .
F i v e years after Remington discontinued the M 8 1 (1950), it introduced the M o d e l 740 W o o d s m a s t e r gas-operated semiauto sporting rifle. T h i s was the first semiautomatic sporting rifle to handle cartridges of . 3 0 - 0 6 length and p r e s s u r e . It w a s later replaced by the improved Model 742, which handles cartridge lengths from .223 R e m . through . 3 0 - 0 6 .
OTHER SEMIAUTO DESIGNS Between the a d v e n t of the long-recoiloperated R e m i n g t o n / B r o w n i n g and its contemporary W i n c h e s t e r s and t o d a y ' s gas-operated semiautomatic sporting rifles w e r e a series of semiautomatic designs. S o m e w e r e —and are — civilian semiautomatic versions of military rifles. S o m e w e r e experimentals.
In 1936 a Boston attorney, C a p t . Melvin Johnson, U . S . M . C . (Res.), designed a caliber . 3 0 - 0 6 short-recoil semiautomatic rifle with a 10-shot rotary magazine. It featured a quick (30-second) barrel change. Barrels of different calibers — provided they had . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield head size — could be interchanged. T h e rifle w a s reliable, ac-
curate, and easier and c h e a p e r to m a k e than the M l ( G a r a n d ) , which was the gas-operated semiautomatic rifle adopted in 1936 by the U . S . Army. J o h n s o n designed his rifle so that many of its parts could be manufactured by machine shops on standard lathes and presses. T h e rotary magazine was stamped metal. Conventional military men, including O r d n a n c e folk, disliked stamped and punch-press c o m p o n e n t s . G e r m a n y w a s rearming its troops, and many successful Abwher weapons like its machine guns and Schmeisser machine pistol w e r e m a d e by m e t h o d s similar to J o h n s o n ' s . H e was way ahead of the U . S . military mind. But the services had already adopted the M l , and the J o h n s o n was rejected. T h e M a r i n e C o r p s , however, purchased thousands of J o h n s o n rifles and J o h n s o n M l 941 light machine guns. J o h n s o n s w e r e used by A r m y Ranger units. T h e D u t c h adopted the J o h n s o n rifle and the light machine gun. It was easy for J o h n s o n to make D u t c h rifles. Rifle c o m p o n e n t s were identical to the . 3 0 - 0 6 version. Only the 7 x 5 7 m m barrels w e r e different; these w e r e made for J o h n s o n on contract. T h e D u t c h w e r e good volume c u s t o m e r s , but in 1940 the N a z i s overran the N e t h e r l a n d s , and in 1942 the Holland Pacific Island Empire was overrun by the J a p a n e s e . After the war, t h o u s a n d s of J o h n s o n / D u t c h rifles were returned to the United States and sold as surplus. Some J o h n s o n s w e r e sold with 7 m m barrels and stocks. O t h e r s fitted with . 3 0 - 0 6 or .270 Win. barrels of commercial manufacture. Some rifles had " s p o r t e r i z e d " stocks. A major advantage of the J o h n s o n over the M l was in the magazine system. T h e M l uses an en bloc magazine. It holds seven cartridges. W h e n the last shot is fired the magazine is ejected from the rifle. M a n y times loose ammunit i o n - u s u a l l y in boxes for the M 1 9 1 7 Browning heavy machine gun or the M 1 9 1 9 Browning light machine gun —was available. U n l e s s empty M l clips w e r e available the rifle had to be singleloaded; thus the firing rate w a s no greater than C u s t e r ' s troopers could achieve at the Little Big H o r n in 1876. Ejected M l clips c a n n o t always be salvaged. Frequently they are dented or battered beyond use after striking a rock or other object. It is almost impossible to locate them at night. T h e J o h n s o n rifle can be loaded with 10 single cartridges or by using two 5-shot Springfield stripper clips or with 5 single rounds and one stripper clip. In 1 9 4 5 - 4 7 the a u t h o r was informally associated with J o h n s o n through a mutual friend,
the late C h a r l e s T . H a v e n , military a r m s authority. H e fired more than a quarter-million cartridges through J o h n s o n semiautomatic rifles and M l 9 4 1 and M 1 9 4 4 J o h n s o n light machine guns. F e w problems w e r e e n c o u n t e r e d . A m o n g rifles suitable for civilian use, the J o h n s o n is the only o n e k n o w n to the a u t h o r using the short-recoil system. J o h n s o n ' s c o m p e t i t o r s ' assertion that the short-recoiling barrel would not function with its b a y o n e t in position w a s not true. T h e J o h n s o n functioned equally well with service ammunit i o n - M l ( 1 7 2 grains), M 2 ( 1 5 2 grains), and armor-piercing, incendiary, and grenadelaunching cartridges — and with sporting cartridges. Developments
in military
During the 1920s, C a n a d i a n J o h n G a r a n d , a hired hand at Springfield A r m o r y , designed an experimental rifle. T h e cartridge primer moved rearward out of the case to actuate the semiautomatic action. T h e project w a s d r o p p e d as unfeasible. In 1915, C o m d r . Blish, U . S . N . (Ret.), received U . S . Patent 1,131,319 for a "delayed b l o w b a c k " action. T h o m p s o n submachine guns M 1 9 2 1 , M l 9 2 8 and M 1 9 2 8 A 1 used a brass H block, sometimes called a Blish adhesion block. It w a s discovered that the arm functioned as effectively without the block as with it. T h e T h o m p s o n without the block was easier, cheaper, and quicker to manufacture. World War II T h o m p s o n s without Blish's block w e r e the M l and M 1 A 1 T h o m p s o n s . During the 1920s a T h o m p s o n Autorifle (sic) using the Blish principle was tested at Springfield A r m o r y . T h e G a r a n d semiautomatic rifle w a s selected o v e r all c o m e r s , including the J o h n D . F e d e r s e n retarded-blowback rifle. In 1941 the U . S . A r m y adopted the Winchester carbine, later k n o w n as " U . S . Carbine, Caliber . 3 0 M 1 . " Several million were m a d e . T h i s carbine utilized the short-stroke piston as designed by ex-convict D a v i d " C a r b i n e " Williams, one of this nation's great a r m s designers. This method eliminated the necessity for a long operating rod like that of the G a r a n d . T h e first major U . S . use of gas-operated (long-stroke) action w a s the M 1 9 1 7 Browning A u t o m a t i c Rifle ( B A R ) , the basic automatic Squad w e a p o n in two world w a r s and K o r e a . Ml Garand. T h e U . S . A r m y , after more than a d o z e n y e a r s of experimentation, adopted J o h n G a r a n d ' s M l rifle in 1936. G a r a n d designed not only the M 1 but also jigs and dies necessary to
H o w A M o d e r n P u m p - A c t i o n R i f l e W o r k s (Remington
1. Moving the f o r e - e n d rearward pushes back the action bar a n d the bolt assembly, w h i c h in t u r n moves the h a m m e r d o w n w a r d and ejects the empty case. Ejection is a c c o m p l i s h e d by a c i r c u l a r spring in the end of the bolt (see detail, s h o w i n g top view) w i t h a claw w h i c h h o o k s under rim of the c a r t r i d g e and pulls it o u t of the c h a m b e r . W h e n the case clears the chamber, the ejector spring in the bolt flips the case out. Then the magazine spring moves a new c a r t r i d g e u p w a r d .
2. Moving the f o r e - e n d f o r w a r d locks the c a r t r i d g e in the barrel chamber. The n o t c h in the sear holds the h a m m e r so that the rifle is c o c k e d . As the bolt carrier is moved f o r w a r d , the threads o n the bolt c o n t a c t the l o c k i n g lugs (see detail). C o n t i n u e d movement of the bolt carrier causes the cam pin o n the carrier to engage a curved slot in the bolt, t u r n i n g the bolt and t h r e a d i n g it into l o c k i n g lugs.
3. Pulling the trigger disengages the sear f r o m n o t c h o n the hammer. The main spring forces the h a m m e r against the firing pin, d e t o n a t i n g the cartridge. The safety lock and a d i s c o n n e c t i n g device, w h i c h prevents the rifle f r o m g o i n g off until the action is closed, is not s h o w n to allow maxi m u m clarity.
H o w A n A u t o l o a d i n g R i f l e W o r k s (Remington
1. B e g i n n i n g w i t h rifle loaded and c o c k e d , pulling the trigger disengages the sear f r o m n o t c h o n the hammer. The h a m m e r spring forces the h a m mer against the firing pin, e x p l o d i n g the cartridge. After the bullet passes the port, residual gases are metered d o w n w a r d t h r o u g h the barrel o p e n ing into the impulse c h a m b e r in the f o r e - e n d .
2. Gases force the action bar and bolt-assembly rearward, compressing the action spring, p u s h i n g d o w n the h a m m e r and ejecting the empty case. Further rearward travel of the bolt permits the next cartridge to raise into the path of the returning bolt. The ejection m e c h a n i s m (see detail, showing top view) is the same as in the p u m p action.
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3. Compressed action spring moves the action bar and bolt-assembly f o r w a r d , causing multiple lugs to lock the bolt into place (see detail also), sealing the cartridge tightly in the barrel chamber. The n o t c h in the sear holds the h a m m e r in c o c k e d p o s i t i o n . Pulling the trigger sets the w e a p o n in m o t i o n as in the first d i a g r a m . The safety lock and a d i s c o n n e c t i n g device, w h i c h prevents the rifle f r o m g o i n g off until the a c t i o n is closed, is not s h o w n to allow m a x i m u m clarity.
put the rifle into production. A t the time he completed his successful design his annual government salary was $3,500. Despite his major contributions to A m e r i c a ' s victory in the war, some of the A r m y O r d n a n c e hierarchy in Washington wanted him fired on the basis that he had "already served his usefulness." Major G e n e r a l Julian Hatcher, one of the nation's leading riflemen and handgunners and an expert on semiautomatic and automatic w e a p o n s and firearms identification, threatened to raise hell if G a r a n d ' s services were terminated. T h e y w e r e not.
Meanwhile the M 1 4 is being phased out. A T e x a s firm purchased remaining M 1 4 c o m p o nents, except what the military kept for current service maintenance and repair, and created a semiautomatic rifle called the M 1 4 A 1 . W h e n used as a semiautomatic the M 1 4 is a remarkably accurate rifle. It is this version that will be used in military m a t c h e s requiring this type of rifle and ammunition.
In its initial stages the M l had to o v e r c o m e prejudice from A r m y men and Marines reared on the familiar M l 9 0 3 Springfield. Ultimately the M1 on target range, on training field, and in combat proved itself superior to the M l 9 0 3 . T e n s of t h o u s a n d s of M i s w e r e sold through the Director of Civilian M a r k s m a n s h i p to N a tional Rifle Association m e m b e r s . Included were carefully tuned National M a t c h M i s , which proved themselves superior in accuracy to N a tional Match M l 9 0 3 Springfields. T h e M l , however, has not been popular in the hunting field. Most big-game hunters are bolt-action a d v o c a t e s , and probably will be for a long time to come. N e w cartridges —many with more punch and longer range than the . 3 0 - 0 6 —appeared after World War II and Korea, and many could not be c h a m b e r e d in the M l . It is much more expensive to rebarrel an M l with its gas system than to rebarrel or r e c h a m b e r a bolt-action rifle. Only a few M i ' s h a v e been sporterized.
T h e first gas-operated semiautomatic sporting rifle to a p p e a r on the A m e r i c a n market was the G e r m a n Krieghoff. It resembled the Browning semiautomatic, with a big square-shouldered receiver. What appeared to b e a full-length tubular magazine beneath the barrel contained the operating rod. T h e magazine resembled the Krag series. Cartridges w e r e inserted one by one through a left-side loading port. T h e r e w a s , however, no external box like the Krag's. T h e rifle weighs about 7.0 lbs. T h e Krieghoff w a s the first sporting gas-operated semiautomatic available for the "caliber . 3 0 - 0 6 U . S . or any other rimless cartridge." N o t many of these rifles sold here. T h e y w e r e first advertised in Stoeger's 1939 catalog, which appeared a few m o n t h s before the N a z i s invaded Poland. E v e n had w a r not c o m e it is doubtful that many would h a v e sold, at $ 5 0 0 each.
M14. In 1957 the United States began a gradual replacement of the M l with the M l 4 . T h e M 1 4 is capable of full or semiautomatic fire. N o n e can be sold to civilians. T h e rifle was not an unqualified success, and while still used in E u r o p e it was replaced by the M 1 6 in Vietnam.
sporting rifles of recent years
W i n c h e s t e r discontinued the M 0 7 in 1958 and brought out the gas-operated M 1 0 0 in 1960. T h i s fast-handling, a c c u r a t e rifle was c h a m b e r e d in .243 Win., .284 Win., and .308 Win. It was discontinued in 1974. Browning brought out the first —and to date only—gas-operated rifle for short magnum cartridges like the 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m , .300 Win. M a g n u m , and .338 Win. M a g n u m .
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
semiauto; gas-operated
Magazine type: detachable box Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 4-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
Barrel length: standard calibers, 22.0 inches; m a g n u m calibers, 24.0 inches Stock: five grades of stock and engraving available, F r e n c h walnut; G r a d e s I and I I , machine-checkered; G r a d e s I I I through V , finely hand-checkered Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic; recoil pad with white line spacer on magnum calibers
Overall length: standard calibers, 43.25 inches; magnum calibers, 45.25 inches Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.0 inches
Weight: M a g n u m calibers, 8.4 lbs.; standard calibers, 7.4 lbs. Trigger pull:
5 lbs.
Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation (no open sights on G r a d e s I I I through V). Sight, front: Bead on ramp (none on G r a d e s I I I through V ) . Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
Caliber: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7 m m R e m . Magnum, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win. Magnum Data: T h e full n a m e of this model is the Browning H i g h - P o w e r A u t o Rifle or Browning Magnum A u t o Rifle, depending on the chambering, but it's often called the Browning A u t o m a t i c Rifle, or B A R . It's strictly a sporter and not to be confused with the B A R light machine rifle which w o n a well-deserved reputation in t w o world wars and K o r e a . T h i s is the only semi-automatic rifle c h a m b e r e d for belted m a g n u m cartridges. It was designed by Val Browning and associates. Comment: T h i s rifle, from the standpoint of quality, is the current production semiautomatic sporter.
Action type: tion
semiauto; gas-operated; side ejec-
Magazine type:
Weight: detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
slide on trigger guard
Barrel length:
22 inches; tapered
Stock: 1-piece hand-checkered A m e r i c a n walnut; pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; rollover cheekpiece; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; solid recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at comb:
Drop at heel:
1.75 inches
1.5 inches
2.625 inches
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : improved R o c k y M o u n t a i n (buckhorn), adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
gold bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber:
.243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O )
Data: M 3 6 1 is identical to M 3 6 0 except that it has a full rollover cheekpiece for left- or righthanded shooters. G a s piston and cylinder are machined from stainless steel. Comment: This is a high-quality semiautomatic. It is notable for its hand checkering and the precision machinework.
Trigger pull: imum
semiauto; gas operated
Magazine type: detachable box Magazine capacity: 5-shot (to comply with magazine capacity laws for semiautomatic shoulder a r m s in many states); 15-shot and 30-shot also available Safety:
Barrel length:
18.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece u n c h e c k e r e d h a r d w o o d ; fitted with sling Buttplate:
35.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.6 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
.30 M l C a r b i n e
Data: T h i s carbine, originally designed by Winc h e s t e r in 1941, w a s intended to replace the service pistol and submachine gun. It didn't. T h e M l carbine is not to be confused with the M l Rifle, Caliber .30 ( G a r a n d Rifle) or the M l 4 . It is also not to be confused with the M 2 Carbine, which is a full automatic shoulder arm. Comment: T h i s arm w a s rarely popular with front-line troops. It was a favorite of many rearecheloners. It is light and handy but its cartridge is ineffective against medium game (deer class). Most Marines in K o r e a a b a n d o n e d their M i s and M 2 s in favor of almost any other service arm, including the Colt .45 A u t o m a t i c pistol. S o m e states h a v e outlawed the use of the .30 carbine cartridge for use on deer-class game.
black plastic
Overall length:
5.0 lbs. m i n i m u m ; 7.0 lbs. max-
2.75 inches
5.5 lbs.
Action type: tion
s e m i a u t o ; gas o p e r a t e d ; side ejec-
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
Safety: crossbolt guard.
in rear
portion of
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with spacer
Overall length: 42.0 inches on all versions except 38.5 inches on carbine trigger
Barrel length: 22.0 inches on all versions except 18.5 inches on carbine Stock: 2-piece walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with c a p ; B D L c u s t o m D e l u x e has M o n t e Carol with c h e e k p i e c e ; left-hand B D L has right-side cheekpiece
Stock Dimensions
Length of pull:
13.24 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Stock dimensions
2.5 inches (BDL)
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 7.0 lbs. all versions except carbine, 6.75 lbs. Trigger pull: 4.0 lbs. Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain (buckhorn), crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber:
.243 Win., .244 Rem. (discontinued),
.280 Rem., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 6 m m Remington; carbine available in .308 and . 3 0 - 0 6 only Data: T h i s model replaced the recoil-operated Remington M 0 8 and M 8 1 designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. T h i s is the first A m e r i c a n semiautomatic rifle c h a m b e r e d for standardlength cartridges like the . 3 0 - 0 6 . T h e name " W o o d s m a s t e r " is a carryover from the M 8 1 . Comment: T h o s e w h o like semiautomatic hunting rifles will find this a fast-handling, reliable rifle.
Is Action type: semiauto; short-stroke piston; side ejection
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
Magazine type: tubular (inside fore-end)
Magazine capacity:
Data: T h i s is the lightest, shortest, and least expensive of all current sporting (as opposed to semimilitary) semiautomatic rifles. Recoil for the revolver cartridge is slight. Breech remains open after the last shot is fired. Two-stage unserrated trigger is 0.635 inch wide. A button readily releases loaded cartridges from the magazine.
Safety: crossbolt in forward portion of trigger guard Barrel length:
18.5 inches
Stock: 1-piece uncheckered A m e r i c a n walnut; semi-pistol grip; forward barrel band Buttplate:
semi-rifle t y p e ; steel
Overall length:
36.75 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.625 inches
5.75 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: flat gold bead on forged r a m p
.44 M a g n u m
Comment: This uniquely designed semiautomatic by Bill Ruger is, despite its low cost, as sturdy as any other sporting semiauto on the market. A highly specialized arm, it is designed for d e e r and black-bear hunting at ranges not exceeding 7 5 - 1 0 0 yards. M o s t whitetail d e e r are taken within this range. W e would like to see a fuller and capped pistol grip with the same quality checkering as on the bolt-action M 7 7 Ruger. T h e flat-face Redfield Sourdough front sight on early production models w a s a much better sight than the present one. T h i s is Redfield's fault, not Ruger's, inasmuch as Redfield ceased making what was the best front sight ever produced for sporting rifles.
semiautomatic; gas operated
Length of pull:
13.6 inches
Magazine type: detachable box
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (to comply with magazine capacity laws for semiautomatic shoulder a r m s in some states); 15-shot and 30-shot also available
Drop at heel:
Barrel length: Stock:
18.0 inches
1-piece uncheckered A m e r i c a n walnut
black plastic
Overall length:
35.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: imum Caliber: Data:
2.75 inches
5.0 lbs. m i n i m u m ; 7.0 lbs. max-
.30 M l C a r b i n e
See Plainfield M1 C a r b i n e
Comment: E x c e p t for optional decorative features, this is almost identical to Plainfield M l Carbine.
DOUBLE-BARREL RIFLES T h e big-bore double-barrel rifle is the weapon of romance and adventure for those yearning to hunt dangerous African game. F o r more than a century this rifle —first in muzzleloading and then in metallic-cartridge versions —has been the rifle of the professional hunter, elephant poacher, white hunter, tropical planter; and British civil servants; military men on leave, wealthy American sportsmen, and maharajahs have traditionally favored it. Usually considered an African rifle, the double has also seen service against the tiger and buffalo of India and Southeast Asia. It is used by tea and rubber planters on islands like Ceylon. T h e best-quality double rifle is strictly a British arm. Colt o n c e made a few double-barrel h a m m e r rifles in . 4 5 - 7 0 , and before World W a r II Winchester chambered one M 2 1 shotgun for the .405 Winchester. Until the late 1950s nearly every A m e r i c a n on safari purchased a double rifle or rented one. But the wonderful, trusty double rifle is passing from the scene in dangerous-game country. O n c e the sun never set on the British Empire. N o w there is no longer a British Empire for it to shine on, and the British sportsmen and colonials who were major p u r c h a s e r s of double rifles have departed. This e x o d u s from Empire lands has placed double rifles on the s e c o n d h a n d market. T h e r e remain only a few pukka sahibs affluent enough to keep their doubles —in racks bracketed with 100-pound elephant tusks —to gaze at or occasionally to fondle with affection. Fifteen years ago the a u t h o r purchased a Westley Richards double rifle, .458 Win. Magnum caliber, for $750 (new price with import duty was $1000). T o d a y a similar rifle costs about $4000. S o m e best-quality doubles cost about $5000. DOUBLE-RIFLE DESIGN AND FEATURES Double-rifle safeties, triggers, locks, and bolting systems are identical to those of the side-by-
side double-barrel shotgun. O v e r - a n d - u n d e r rifles h a v e the characteristics of over-and-under shotguns. T h e r e are three basic double-barrel action types: 1 .Anson & Deeley box locks. T h i s is found on 95 percent of side-by-side double-barrel rifles and shotguns. It is a very sturdy action. T h e buttstock must be dismounted before examining the action. T h e stock " s m a l l " is sturdier than that of the sidelock action. 2. Side lock. T h i s is the easiest to inspect, clean, and repair. It is not as sturdy as the A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock. A side plate, usually with Holland & Holland side levers, is easily removed. Side plates offer an additional area for engraving. 3. Hand-detachable box lock. Inaugurated by Westley R i c h a r d s , this action c o m b i n e s the advantages of the A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock and the side lock. T h e trigger system is removed from the bottom of the action. Inspection, cleaning, and repair is quite easy, and the mechanism d o e s n ' t h a v e the w e a k n e s s inherent in the sidelock system. Safety Double-barrel rifle safeties, like double-barrel side-by-side or O / U shotgun safeties, are of the sliding type, located on the tang. All tang safeties should be n o n a u t o m a t i c . W h e n barrels are closed, thus cocking the h a m m e r s , the safety should not automatically go on. It should require a manual effort to put the safety on. A double-rifle u s e r with an automatic safety may easily forget to push the slide forward to the firing position. In the time it takes to realize the gun has not gone off and to push the automatic safety to firing position, a charging elephant, buffalo, or rhino can trample a man to death —and frequently this has happened. D o u b l e rifles with factory-installed automatic safeties can readily be converted to nonautomatic. Y o u r g u n m a k e r should d o this without charge. 37
38 / D O U B L E - B A R R E L
Many experienced old hunters —and they got to be old b e c a u s e they used their heads —were c o n t e m p t u o u s of safeties. T h e y believed a man should be able to handle his gun properly without benefit of mechanical devices. T h e fictional H e n r y M c K e n z i e , millionaire — through his own efforts —and onetime ivory poacher in the late R o b e r t R u a r k ' s Something of Value (Doubleday & C o . , N e w Y o r k , 1955), was based on a real character. Ruark, a h u n t e r of dangerous big game, noted:
N o n e of his double rifles had a safety or an automatic ejector. Henry M c K e n z i e did not believe in overcomplication of weapons, nor did he believe that any man fit to carry arms was milksop enough to need protection against himself. T h e purpose of a gun, Henry M c K e n z i e thought, w a s to shoot as fast and accurately as possible, with a minority of potential mechanical breakdowns.
T h e s e are live rubber on best-quality British doubles (and on other British d o u b l e s , too). T h e price difference b e t w e e n a best-quality double and the least expensive one by the same g u n m a k e r is largely in engraving, etc., and not in mechanism. (The Westley Richards White H u n t e r — t h e e c o n o m y rifle of the W R line —has double triggers rather than the W R single trigger.) P a d s are always solid. Ventilated pads are for shotguns, even though some A m e r i c a n gunm a k e r s , like Winchester, fit their .458 Win. Magn u m s with them. T h e 158-lb. recoil of the 4-bore is a thing of the past, but the .470 # 2 N i t r o E x p r e s s p r o d u c e s a b o u t 70 ft.-lbs. Tropical s h o o t e r s h a v e little clothing to provide additional padding against recoil. Sights
T h e double-barrel rifle, like the side-by-side or over-and-under scattergun, has t w o basic trigger systems. Twin triggers. T h e s e are still standard on most double rifles and some shotguns. M a n y doublerifle and shotgun shooters consider twin triggers the most reliable trigger system. Ninety-nine percent of the time if one trigger fails —which is rare — the other trigger remains operational. S o m e smokeless-powder double rifles are more than 70 years old. Metal fatigue may cause one trigger to fail. Firing-pin crystallization is o n e of the m o r e c o m m o n failings. Single trigger. Westley Richards introduced the single trigger for double rifles. W R also introduced the detachable-trigger system for boxlock doubles. ( A n o t h e r W R innovation — and it was a radical —was chambering double rifles for rimless cartridges. Westley Richards w a s the first to c h a m b e r the .458 Win. M a g n u m in double rifles.) T h e a u t h o r has a wide acquaintance and an even wider c o r r e s p o n d e n c e with double-rifle users. H e has not found one c a s e of single-trigger failure on W R rifles. T h i s d o e s n ' t mean that there have been no W R failures, but they must be rare. T h e Westley Richards reputation for reliability is so great that the a u t h o r d o u b t s he would ever p u r c h a s e a single-trigger double m a d e by a n y o n e other than Richards. H e certainly would not purchase a non-British-made double with a single trigger, at least not for use on dangerous game.
A non-British rifle b u y e r w h o is pursuing British a r m s literature will e n c o u n t e r some w o r d s or p h r a s e s which seem a bit odd. A s British automobile lingo differs from A m e r i c a n , so does British gun talk. T h e A m e r i c a n " r e a r " sight is the British " b a c k " sight; the A m e r i c a n "front" sight is the British " f o r e " sight. Sights, recoil p a d s , and trigger s y s t e m s are "furniture." Back sight Usually this is a quarter-rib mounting three sight series. Standard leafs are frequently marked from 100 to 300 yards in 100yard increments. Some knowledgeable shooters prefer leafs ranging from 50 to 150 y a r d s marked in 50-yard increments. T h e latter figures are probably more realistic for the short ranges at which d a n g e r o u s game is generally bagged. Considerable firing is required to properly adjust each leaf. Shots are fired for each range. T h e sight is then filed. Firing and filing continues until the p r o p e r adjustment is established. Typical sights have wide, shallow V - n o t c h e s . Aiming is aided by a vertical line from sight base to the V-notch base. T h i s line is etched or filed and then filled with white platinum. Fore sight. F o r e sight beads are gold, silver, or ivory. T h e a u t h o r likes the Redfield Sourdough tipped with c o p p e r and the sight blade at a 45° angle. T h i s sight is no longer m a d e . Scopeminded A m e r i c a n s neglect to learn front and rear sight design and use. Williams m a k e s a similar sight, though the a u t h o r believes it is not as well designed or as effective. T h e standard double-rifle fore sight for many years w a s a reversible — or tip-up —sight. A shooter could select an ivory or gold bead by flipping it into position. Silver and ivory show up
D O U B L E - B A R R E L RIFLES / 39
badly against a light background. C o p p e r is the best c o m p r omi s e. Ejectors Most double rifles have automatic ejectors which throw empties clear of the rifle. W h e n a rifle c h a m b e r s one fired cartridge case and one loaded cartridge, the empty is ejected and the live round remains in the chamber. This seems like a great ad v an ce over the nonejector, w h e r e empty cases are but slightly elevated to be plucked out with fingers. But R u a r k ' s H e n r y McKenzie, as many other experienced dangerous-game hunters, had his own method: Holding two extra heavy express cartridges in his left hand, he was able to fork them into a double rifle, after shaking out the expended c a s e s , so swiftly he could fire four shots out of his doubles more rapidly than most men could shoot a half a magazine from a rifle with a bolt action.
J o h n " P o n d o r o " T a y l o r usually removed the automatic ejectors from rifles so fitted. H e did not want an empty case clanging off a nearby rock. T h e sound might alert his quarry. This could be fatal, or at least diminish his ivory haul.
W h e r e t w o cartridge types are available — rimmed for double rifles and rimless for magazine rifles —the double-rifle load has somewhat less authority. Tropical t e m p e r a t u r e s sometimes exceed 115 degrees. T h e British worry about high t e m p e r a t u r e s raising c h a m b e r pressures (which they q u o t e in long tons rather than footpounds). Increased p r e s s u r e s could create excessive obturation, causing cases to stick in the c h a m b e r . T h e powerful camming action of turnbolt rifles is rarely affected to the extent that extraction p r o b l e m s occur. Over-and-under
T h e conservative British maintain that the O / U is slower to reload than the traditional sideby-side double b e c a u s e the lower c h a m b e r has to be elevated. T h e a u t h o r has little knowledge of O / U rifles, but he has used O / U shotguns for 40 years and d o e s not believe the slightly greater elevation creates any real time lag. A n O / U rifle advantage is the single sighting plane. Recoil seems less, as it does in an overa n d - u n d e r shotgun. T h e recoil c o m e s straight back on the shoulder. THE DOUBLE'S PRESENT AND FUTURE
British double-rifle users rarely use carrying straps on double rifles. M o s t strap-equipped rifles seen in British Africa were originally brought by G e r m a n planters, w h o were used to the Continental custom fitting their doublebarrel shotguns or drillings with carrying straps. T h e British did not need slings, as their heavy rifles were carried by gunbearers until the actual moment of closing on their quarry. Carrying straps should be fitted with quick-detachable swivels. A strap should be removed before advancing into the brush where it might catch at a crucial moment on brush or creepers. Double-rifle
T h e double-barrel rifle is usually considered by non-Britishers as strictly a big-bore rifle for dangerous game. H o w e v e r , doubles have regularly been made in calibers as small a s .256, and possibly smaller on special order. T h e .375 H & H Flanged (rimmed) M a g n u m was a popular double cartridge for many years. Ammu n i tion is no longer made. O n c e rimless and belted cartridges were c h a m b e r e d in double rifles the demand for the .375 H & H fell off.
T h e future of double-rifle manufacture is uncertain. It is reliably reported that the great British g u n m a k e r s such as Holland & Holland, J o h n Rigby, and Westley Richards are making, between them, less than 25 new doubles a year. Most, if not all, are made to order. A few doubles are made in Austria, Spain, and possibly elsewhere —the picture is constantly shifting —that sell for as little as $ 2 0 0 0 new. M o s t double-rifle p u r c h a s e r s , h o w e v e r , prefer a s e c o n d h a n d British double by a reputable gunmaker. S e c o n d h a n d rifles will be with us for many years. C h e c k with the gunmaker—give him the serial n u m b e r and he can tell when the rifle was m a d e . With older rifles it is a good idea to replace firing pins and main and ejector springs. Replacement is c h e a p insurance. Double-rifle stocks have a tendency to work loose; they're subjected to repeated clouts from heavy recoil. A m m u n i t i o n is a problem. K y n o c h , the sole manufacturer of double-rifle ammunition, has discontinued some older and less popular cartridges. M a k e sure an a d e q u a t e supply is available. It could be worthwhile to secure extra bullets and primers. A m e r i c a n c u s t o m bullet m a k e r s can supply steel-jacketed bullets.
Ferlach d o u b l e rifle in .300 caliber w i t h H&H style action. A u t o m a t i c ejectors, 24" barrels, and Circasian w a l n u t stock with horn fittings, scroll and hand e n g r a v i n g .
The last .600 Bore Holland & Holland Double Rifle. This fine c u s t o m - m a d e g u n is the last of a series of only six made by the c o m p a n y . It features 24" barrels w i t h a p l a t i n u m - t i p p e d foresight bead w i t h f o l d - o v e r " n i g h t " sight inset w i t h a d i a m o n d . Exquisite engraving decorates the action, barrels, trigger g u a r d a n d pistol grip cap. This g u n is the e p i t o m e of fine c u s t o m firearms, w h i c h are not covered in this book, but can be o r d e r e d t h r o u g h c u s t o m g u n makers.
T h e medium-bore double rifle may b e c o m e a thing of the past sooner than the big-bore rifle. A few w h o can afford it will pay up to $5000 for a double rifle that is life insurance in the face of dangerous game. N o t many will pay almost as much for a .375 H & H M a g n u m when they can buy the same caliber in a W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 for $350. Popular big-bores today for collectors and shooters alike are the big-bore black-powder h a m m e r express rifles. Calibers include the .577/ .450, .500 Black P o w d e r E x p r e s s , and the .577 Black P o w d e r Express. T h e r e are h a m m e r doubles for smokelessp o w d e r loads. Some are still used in Africa and Asia along with big-bore single-shot rifles. If you want a double-barrel big-bore rifle, whether to hunt with in Africa, admire in your gunroom, or shoot on the nearby rifle range, then go ahead even if you have to save up for the purchase. A b e r c r o m b i e & Fitch and their affili-
ate Griffin & H o w e are good starting places for a n y o n e seeking secondhand double rifles of assorted vintages. E x c e p t for a very few new double rifles in some g u n s h o p s , all double rifles are m a d e to order. Shooters w h o are interested in ordering a double rifle may want to contact one of the following m a k e r s : Holland & Holland 13 Bruton St. L o n d o n W 1, England J o h n Rigby & C o . , Ltd. 13 Pall Mall L o n d o n SW 1, England Westley Richards & C o . , Ltd. G r a n g e Road, B o u r n e b r o o k Birmingham 29, England
T h e turnbolt-action centerfire magazine rifle is the world's most versatile sporting rifle. Calibers range from the tiny .17 Rem. with its 25-grain varmint bullets to the mighty .458 Win. and .460 Weatherby M a g n u m s with their 500-grain bullets for stopping C a p e buffalo, rhino, and elephant in their tracks. T h e r e are cartridges which will harvest woodchucks at 400 yards, and others like the 7mm Rem. M a g n u m that take light game like pronghorn antelope, mountain goat, sheep, and caribou to ranges like 400 yards. T h e .375 H & H Magnum, .338 Win., M a g n u m , and .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m are long-range cartridges for the biggest N o r t h American and much African game. T h e reliable . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield —it's been around for nearly 75 years —will take more than 90 percent of the world's medium and big game at ranges out to 300 yards. T h e bolt action — turnbolt version —has since the end of World W a r II b e c o m e the pre-eminent rifle action of the A m e r i c a n hunter/rifleman. It has displaced the lever action, which reigned supreme for more than three-quarters of a century. H u n d r e d s of thousands of surplus military turnbolt-action rifles were imported and sold for a few dollars on the American market. Rifles
based on the M 9 8 M a u s e r action could be made into fine sporting rifles. O t h e r rifles were mere j u n k b e c a u s e of their condition or p o o r design or w o r k m a n s h i p . M a n y p u r c h a s e r s of these rifles ultimately p u r c h a s e d A m e r i c a n or imported turnbolt-action sporters. T o d a y , fine bolt-action sporting rifles are marketed by a n u m b e r of American a r m s companies including Colt, Harrington & Richardson, Ithaca, M o s s b e r g , Remington, Ruger, Savage, W e a t h e r b y , and Winchester, among others. Some of these rifles are made domestically, o t h e r s by foreign suppliers. In addition, various distributors import bolt-action rifles from A u s tria, Belgium, D e n m a r k , England, Finland, Japan, South Africa, S w e d e n , West G e r m a n y , Yugoslavia, and other countries. H e n c e the bolt action's popularity— it is versatile and it is available. In addition, it is inherently the most accurate action, and since it is capable of withstanding greater p r e s s u r e s than any other type of rifle action it can handle maximum handloads. T h e prime disadvantage of the bolt action is its relative slowness when c o m p a r e d to the lever, slide, and semiautomatic actions. Also, fine boltaction rifles cost m o r e than any other type except double rifles. 41
BOLT-ACTION SYSTEMS T h e r e are two types of bolt action, the turnbolt and the straight-pull bolt. W e will discuss these in detail, then go on to discuss magazine types. Turnbolt. This system is nearly universal for t o d a y ' s bolt-action rifles. 1. W h e n the bolt handle turns upward it c a u s e s the bolt's locking lugs to turn about 90°, thus unlocking the lugs on the inside of the receiver. O n c e unlocked, the bolt may be pulled directly to its rearward position. O n most current Mauserderived actions, opening the bolt and pulling it to the rear position c o c k s the action. T h e most notable action to cock on the closing stroke of the bolt was the M 1 9 1 4 / 1 7 Enfield. A m e r i c a n s are a c c u s t o m e d to the cock-on-opening design, and many purchasers of the Enfield alter the bolt to cock-on-opening. T h e slight resistance encountered while thrusting the bolt home on the cockon-closing actions seems to b o t h e r riflemen trained on the cock-on-opening system. T h e r e is no real difference in the efficiency of the two systems. 2. With the bolt in its most-rearward position, the magazine well and the magazine follower (the platform for cartridges) are open. A s each cartridge is inserted, the magazine follower and magazine spring are further depressed. W h e n the magazine is fully loaded the spring follower can no longer be depressed. It is possible to load a cartridge into the c h a m b e r after the magazine is loaded. T o do this the t h u m b holds down the top cartridge in the magazine while the extra round is inserted in the chamber. Some military rifles, including the M l 9 0 3 Springfield, the M 1 9 1 7 Enfield, and some M 7 0 Winchesters, c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 0 6 , h a v e a clip slot at the inside after end of the receiver. A stripper clip holds five cartridges and is inserted into the magazine. T h e clip guide cannot be used on a scope-equipped rifle. 3. T o load cartridges from the magazine into the empty c h a m b e r , the bolt is m o v e d forward. While moving forward, the bottom front face of the bolt catches the upper rear of the top cartridge in the magazine. T h e cartridge now slides forward into the chamber. 4. O n c e the cartridge is fully c h a m b e r e d , the bolt handle is turned d o w n . T h i s m o v e m e n t catches the firing-pin extension on the sear, and the pin is thus held in its rearmost position. 5. T h e thrusting forward of the bolt and the turning down of the bolt handle interlocks the bolt lugs with those on the inside wall of the receiver. T h e firing pin is now in firing position.
(The safety may deactivate the firing pin.) A s the bolt m o v e s into its maximum forward position, the extractor in the bolt face h o o k s o v e r the cartridge (or into the extractor groove on rimless or belted cartridges). 6. T h e safety is released (if it was actuated). T h e trigger is depressed. T h i s r e m o v e s the sear from engagement with the firing-pin extension. T h e firing pin is driven forward by the tension of the firing-pin spring. W h e n the firing pin hits the primer the cartridge is fired. 7. T h e bolt is again drawn to its most-rearward position. T h e extractor withdraws the fired cartridge case from the chamber. During this p r o c e s s the rear of the fired case contacts the ejector, which ejects the case from the rifle. (Some target shooters or varmint hunters w h o wish to reload the fired cases either r e m o v e or otherwise negate the ejector and pull out the empty cases by hand.) A recent modification of the M a u s e r ejector system replaces the outside (of the bolt proper) ejector with a plunger. T h i s simplifies production but is not necessarily an improvement. Straight-pull bolt. T h i s system is usually found on military or sporterized military rifles. It is rarely used on commercial sporting rifles. E x c e p tions include the R o s s Sporting rifle, Remington K e e n , and W i n c h e s t e r L e e (all discontinued long ago). H e r e ' s a typical straight-pull operation: T h e bolt is pulled straight to its r e a r m o s t position. A s the bolt m o v e s directly rearward, bolt-head locking lugs are disengaged from receiver-wall lugs by a moving cam on the bolt. A reverse action o c c u r s when the bolt is m o v e d to its forward position. Loading, extraction, and ejection are accomplished as in the turnbolt rifle. A straight-pull rifle can be fired slightly faster than a turnbolt. T h e turnbolt, however, can be built to withstand higher p r e s s u r e s and thus m o r e powerful cartridges than the straight-pull. T h e camming action of the turnbolt provides a greater extraction capability. T h e straight-pull action should not be confused with the straight (or T-bolt) bolt handle. M a n y early M 9 8 M a u s e r s had the bolt handle at right angles to the action. T h e bolt handle stuck straight out. T h e M 8 3 W i n c h e s t e r H o t c h k i s s rifle had a similar bolt. M o s t straight-pull actions had turned-down bolt handles. T h e straight bolt handle w a s apparently designed with the idea that it would slightly reduce the time required to manipulate the bolt. T h e inconvenience created by the protruding handle m o r e than offset any saved time. G e r m a n A r m y M 9 8 cavalry carbines had the bolt handle turned down in the conven-
tional m a n n e r so the arm would fit scabbards. Most civilian o w n e r s of straight-bolt military rifles have the handle bent down by heating. Some gunsmiths cut the handle off and weld it back in a turned-down position.
1. Nondetachable staggered box magazine. T h e Spanish (that is, made for the Spanish arm y, but not made in Spain) M 9 3 M a u s e r is the first rifle known to the author to be fitted with this type of magazine. T h e usual capacity for standard (nonbelted) cartridges is 5-shot. Capacity for belted magnum cartridges is usually 3-shot (this doesn't count a round in the chamber). T h e staggered box magazine, unlike the straight-line magazine used in Belgian and Argentine Mausers, does not protrude below the stock bottom. T h e magazine is thus protected from damage. T h e nondetachable box magazine is standard on most first-line sporting bolt-action rifles like the Winchester M 7 0 , Ruger M 7 7 , Remington M 7 0 0 , and W e a t h e r b y models. 2. Blind magazine. Remington with its M 7 0 0 A D L was one of the first A m e r i c a n manufacturers to offer a rifle with no floorplate. Object: slightly lower cost. D i s a d v a n t a g e : cartridges must be worked through the action for emptying purposes. Loading time is the same as for rifles with nondetachable box magazines. 3. Mannlicher spool (rotary) magazine. T h e Mannlicher-Schoenaur uses a rotary magazine similar to the magazine used in the original M 9 9 Savage rifle. Loading time is about the same as for a nondetachable box magazine. T h e rotary is probably the most jam-free magazine type. 4. Straight line en bloc clips. T h e s e are not found in current bolt-action s p o t t e r s . T h e y are found on surplus military rifles, such as the old Mannlicher-Steyrs once used by Austria, Bulgaria, H u n g a r y , and Rumania. T h e expendable clip fits into a magazine well. W h e n the final round is fired, the clip d r o p s out of the magazine well. Disadvantage: loose or individual cartridges may be available, but unloaded clips may not be available. Retrieved clips are not always in usable condition. T h i s expendable clip is also a disadvantage of the G a r a n d . If usable clips are not available then the arm must be operated as a single-shot. 5. Tubular magazine. T h i s system has rarely been used on centerfire bolt-action rifles. T h e M 8 3 Winchester, designed by Benjamin B. Hotchkiss, used a seven-shot tubular magazine. 6. Straight-line magazine. S o m e are detachable, some nondetachable. T h e y are basi-
cally like the n o n d e t a c h a b l e staggered box magazine. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOLT-ACTION RIFLE Mauser. P e t e r Paul ( 1 8 3 8 - 1 9 1 3 ) and Wilhelm ( 1 8 3 4 - 8 2 ) M a u s e r designed the basic turnbolt action from which nearly every c o n t e m p o r a r y turnbolt rifle action is derived. M a u s e r rifle authority Ludwig Olsen estimates that more than 100,000,000 military M a u s e r s have been manufactured. T h e first M a u s e r centerfire-cartridge turnbolt rifle was the single-shot M 7 1 . In 1884 the G e r man A r m y adopted M a u s e r ' s tubular-magazine M 8 4 . Both rifles were c h a m b e r e d for the rimmed 11mm (.43 caliber) M a u s e r cartridge. In 1884, t w o years after Parisian chemist Paul Vielle invented smokeless gunpow der, the F r e n c h a r m y adopted the bolt-action magazine Lebel Rifle in caliber 8mm Lebel. T h e 8mm Lebel w a s the world's first smokeless-propellant military cartridge and the first cartridge to use a metal-jacketed bullet. T h e G e r m a n a r m y then adopted the M 8 8 C o m m i s s i o n rifle. T h e y used the basic M a u s e r action —without consulting Peter M a u s e r — b u t with an expendable Mannlicher en bloc clip magazine. T h e most important feature of the shortlived M 8 8 rifle was its cartridge. 7.92mm (8 x 57) M a u s e r . T h i s was the granddaddy of the 7 m m M a u s e r , the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, and many others. T h e M 8 9 Belgian M a u s e r introduced the rimless 7.65mm Belgian M a u s e r cartridge and the straight-line box magazine. T h e M 8 9 was manufactured by F a b r i q u e Nationale, the Belgian National A r m o r y , by H o p k i n s & Allen, N o r w i c h , C o n n . , and during World W a r I by Belgian refugees in England. T h e M 9 1 7.65mm T u r k i s h M a u s e r (same cartridge as Belgian M a u s e r ) was similar to the M 8 9 e x c e p t that the metal handguard was replaced by a wood handguard. T h e M 9 3 Spanish M a u s e r (made in G e r m a n y ) introduced the n o n d e t a c h a b l e staggered box magazine. T h i s magazine, flush with the bottom of the stock, did not project like the straight-line M 8 9 and M 9 0 magazine. T h e M 9 3 M a u s e r (a few M 9 2 s had been made for the Spanish navy) introduced the 7mm (7 x 57) M a u s e r cartridge. T h e M 9 5 was the first short-action small-ring M a u s e r (smaller-diameter receiver ring than earlier M a u s e r s ) . T h e M a u s e r plant in C z e c h o s l o v a k i a o n c e made a superb small-ring M a u s e r action.
How the Mauser Action Works
1. The bolt handle is raised and pulled b a c k w a r d , relaxing pressure on the magazine spring w h i c h then pushes a c a r t r i d g e u p w a r d into position for loading.
2. As the bolt is moved f o r w a r d , the e n d of the f i r i n g - p i n assembly is engaged by the sear. Moving the bolt fully f o r w a r d c o c k s the firing pin and locks the new cartridge in the chamber.
3. Pulling the trigger releases the sear f r o m the n o t c h on the f i r i n g - p i n head and the main spring drives the firing pin f o r w a r d , d e t o n a t i n g the cart r i d g e primer.
At the same time, n o t c h at b o t t o m of the bolt handle catches and pushes up p r o t r u d i n g finger of the firing pin head, p u s h i n g firing pin to rear.
2. Moving bolt assembly back ejects the empty case. A circular spring in the end of the bolt (see detail) exerts pressure on the claw, h o l d i n g the case tightly. W h e n the m o u t h of the fired case clears the chamber, the s p r i n g - l o a d e d ejector flips the case clear. The pressure of the magazine spring n o w raises a new c a r t r i d g e to loading position.
T h e M 9 8 M a u s e r , as adopted by the G e r m a n army in 7.92mm, introduced dual locking lugs and cocking on the opening stroke of the bolt. This action is the basis for most of the world's military and commercial sporting turnbolt rifles. After World W a r I, when G e r m a n y was allowed to produce sporting rifles, the great M a u s e r W e r k e at O b e r n d o r f produced sporting versions of the M 9 8 action. Hinged floorplates and trigger-guard floorplate releases w e r e among the refinements. M1903 Springfield. T h e first major offspring of the M 9 8 M a u s e r was the United States Magazine Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903. T h i s was the U . S . Standard rifle in World W a r I and Limited Standard in World W a r I I . T h e U n i t e d States had fought the SpanishA m e r i c a n W a r (1898), Philippine Insurrection ( 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 0 2 ) , and Boxer Rebellion ( 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 1 ) with the United States Magazine Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1892 (and successors), and the single-shot t r a p d o o r U . S . Rifle, Model of 1873 (and successors), caliber .45 (.45-70). U . S . Regulars were armed with the side-loading . 3 0 - 3 4 Krag. while Volunteers —except T h e o d o r e Roosevelt's First Volunteer U . S . Cavalry —were armed with the t r a p d o o r Springfields. T h e dense smoke from black-powder . 4 5 - 7 0 Springfields revealed the rifleman's position. T h e smokelesspropellant Krag cartridge did not reveal the riflem a n ' s position, but the Krag had to be loaded one cartridge at a time. A m e r i c a n soldiers noted the fast-loading charger (stripper clip) used in the Spanish M a u s e r s . T h e U . S . A r m y , after a series of experiments, adopted the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield. E v e n today there are those w h o consider the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield superior to the " G e r m a n " M a u s e r . A c t u ally, the M l 9 0 3 Springfield was a M a u s e r M 9 8 . T h e U . S . made what they considered to be imp r o v e m e n t s over the original M a u s e r : they added a cocking piece, turned the original onepiece firing pin into an inferior two-piece pin, and added a magazine cutoff device. T h e U . S . A r m y used magazine rifles as single-loaders, saving the magazine c o n t e n t s for making or repulsing a charge. T h e U . S . g o v e r n m e n t acknowledged its design debt to M a u s e r by paying the M a u s e r W o r k s 75 cents per rifle until a total of $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 had been paid. This included a royalty of 50 cents per 1000 stripper clips. Final royalty p a y m e n t was made in July, 1909. T h e original M 1 9 0 3 Springfield bullet, like that of the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, was a metal-jacketed 220grain r o u n d n o s e bullet. In 1905 the G e r m a n
a r m y adopted a metal-jacketed spitzer pointed bullet. T h e U n i t e d States then adopted a 150grain metal-jacketed spitzer. T h e new bullet required a shorter-necked case. Existing rifles were rechambered. D e u t s c h e Waffen und Munitionsfabriken ( D W M ) sued the U n i t e d States government, claiming the new service bullet ( M 1 9 0 6 ) violated a U . S . Patent issued to one H e n r i c h Gleinich. T h e case dragged on. During World W a r I the U . S . Custodian of E n e m y Alien Property took over the patent rights. After the w a r the International C o u r t at T h e H a g u e a w a r d e d Gleinich $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 for his design plus $112,520.55 interest. T h u s , in effect, we paid a G e r m a n designer for every .30 rifle and machine gun bullet U . S . forces fired at G e r m a n s during the war. A few Springfields found their way into the hands of civilian riflemen/hunters before World W a r I. C h a r l e s N e w t o n , the father of highvelocity cartridges, imported a few rifles, but the w a r ended his imports. H e then designed and made his o w n rifles in limited n u m b e r s . It was not until after the w a r (during which several million A m e r i c a n s first encountered the turnbolt rifle) that civilians began purchasing bolt-action rifles in appreciable quantities. N a tional Rifle Association m e m b e r s , through the W a r D e p a r t m e n t ' s D i r e c t o r of Civilian M a r k s manship, could p u r c h a s e M l 9 0 3 Springfields for about $ 3 5 . Surplus Krags cost as little as $1.50. M 1 9 1 7 Enfields, superior to the more popular M 1 9 0 3 Springfield, cost $7.50. M19I7 Enfield. T h e M 1 9 1 7 Enfield was the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield version of the British P-14 (P for pattern) Enfield. T h e s e were made under commercial contract in the United States by Winchester, Remington, and the Remingtonoperated E d d y s t o n e , Pa., plant. W h e n the U . S . entered the war, the combined facilities of Springfield and R o c k Island armories were producing only 1400 rifles daily. T h i s production, together with 600,000 M 1903s on hand, was far below the requirements of the American Expeditionary F o r c e . It was discovered that by chambering the .303 P-14 Enfields for the . 3 0 - 0 6 cartridge and by changing bore and groove dimensions to o u r specifications, the rifle could be used by o u r forces. T h e P-14 b e c a m e the M 1 9 1 7 . T h r e e M 1 9 1 7 plants produced 11,000 rifles daily. Total World W a r I M 1 9 1 7 rifle production between August 1, 1917, and N o v e m b e r 9, 1918, was 2,193,429. Total M 1 9 0 3 Springfield production for the same period was 296,212 rifles. Early manufacturers of A m e r i c a n bolt-action
sporting rifles found sales slow. N o wonder, considering the competition from less expensive —if not so refined — military rifles. Remington offered a modified civilian M 1 9 1 7 Enfield. Introduced as the M 3 0 ( 1 9 2 1 - 4 0 ) , it was chambered for cartridges like the .25 Rem., .257 Roberts, . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .35 Rem., and 7mm Mauser. Its popularity was retarded by the availability of military a r m s , commercial M a u s e r s , and the Winchester M 5 4 . M54 Winchester. T h e M 5 4 Winchester, the first successful American bolt-action sporting rifle, was an improved M 9 8 / 1 9 0 3 but without the latter's disadvantages. T h e M 5 4 ( 1 9 2 5 - 3 6 ) introduced three famed W i n c h e s t e r cartridges: .270 Win. (1925), .22 H o r n e t (1931), and .220 Swift (1935). O t h e r calibers were 7mm Mauser, 7.65mm M a u s e r , 9 m m M a u s e r ( 9 x 5 7 ) , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .257 R o b e r t s , and even the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. T h e M 5 4 sold at the rate of 5,000 annually. Custom bolt-actions. Wealthy or devoted gun buffs who wanted something better than a military rifle or a standard factory rifle ordered custom M a u s e r s or used the M l 9 0 3 action as the basis for fine custom sporters. M a k e r s like Griffin & H o w e , Hoffman, and N e i d n e r and stockers like Bob O w e n s , T h o m a s Shellhammer, and Alvin Linden became well known. M70
Winchester improved the M 5 4 . T h e new rifle, the M 7 0 , was introduced J a n u a r y 1, 1937. C h a n g e s included an improved speedlock (faster ignition time), a bolt stop independent of sear and trigger, a fuller fore-end and better checkering, and a hinged floorplate. T h e original M 7 0 ( 1 9 3 7 - 6 3 ) was made in 20 calibers. Cartridges for which the pre-64 M 7 0 was chambered throughout its lifetime included .220 Swift, .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 H & H Magnum, and .375 H & H M a g n u m . Cartridges which were added to the M 7 0 ' s list and which were still extant in 1963 included .243 Win. (1955), .308 Win. (1952), .458 Win. Magnum (1956), .338 Win. M a g n u m (1959), .264 Win. Magnum (1960), and .300 Win. M a g n u m (1963). Cartridges discontinued before 1964 included .22 H o r n e t , . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage, .257 R o b erts, .300 Savage, .35 Rem., .358 Win., 7mm Mauser, 7.65mm M a u s e r , and 9mm M a u s e r . T h e smooth-working, well-stocked, and wellcheckered M 7 0 with a machined receiver and allsteel parts became the standard by which all other turnbolt sporting rifles were judged. N e a r l y 30 years passed before the M 7 0 ' s pre-eminence
was challenged. N o rifle today, except the p o s t 1964 M 7 0 , would be offered in such a variety of rifle t y p e s : (1) sporting rifle with regular stock, (2) sporting rifle with M o n t e Carlo stock, (3) carbine with standard stock, (4) standard rifle with M o n t e C a r l o stock, (5) target rifle, (6) Bull G u n , (7) varmint rifle, (8) Featherweight with regular stock, (9) F e a t h e r w e i g h t with M o n t e C a r l o , (10) .264 Win. M a g n u m Featherweight. T h e M 7 0 introduced several Winchesteroriginated cartridges. T h e short-magnum series include .458 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .264 Win. M a g n u m , and .300 Win. M a g n u m . A l s o the .308 Win., and the .243 Win. T h e .243 is the most popular sporting centerfire cartridge of nonmilitary origin. Before the introduction of the M 7 0 , big-game riflemen desiring a rifle for the .300 H & H Magnum or .375 H & H M a g n u m had to purchase an expensive c u s t o m rifle, or import a E u r o p e a n rifle or M a u s e r magnum action. T h e M 7 0 action — there w a s but one length —was designed to handle the long (3.60 inches) .300 H & H and .375 H & H M a g n u m s . During its early years a .375 H & H M a g n u m M 7 0 cost just the same as one c h a m b e r e d for the .22 H o r n e t - $ 6 1 . 9 5 . T h e .375 H & H gamble paid off. T h e .375 H & H M 7 0 gained almost immediate favor among African professionals, among safari clients, and oddly enough among many Americans w h o never e x p e c t e d to hunt in Africa. T h e .375 H & H also gained popularity among Alaskan guides, w h o used it as a b a c k u p rifle while guiding clients to brown bear. T h e M 7 0 Bull G u n and T a r g e t Model in caliber .300 H & H M a g n u m took top honors in the 1000-yard match at C a m p Perry for more than a quarter-century. T h e date 1964 inevitably c o m e s up in any discussion of the M 7 0 . Production costs had risen steadily, and that year W i n c h e s t e r instituted a n u m b e r of changes in order to e c o n o m i z e . T h e styling of the stock w a s altered (and its quality lowered) and the machine-cut checkering was soon replaced by impressed checkering. T h e receiver and bolt design was modified to eliminate as much machining and hand work as possible. T h e new bolt, with a recessed head, was actually stronger than the old one, though it wasn't quite as smooth-working until an anti-bind device was added in 1968. In '64 the ejector bec a m e a spring-loaded plunger in the bolt head, and the old M a u s e r - t y p e nonrotating extractor was replaced by a rotating one riding in a transverse T-slot in the bolt head. T h e new version functioned reliably but it was
no longer the "classic 7 0 " and it was severely criticized. T h e stock aroused the greatest objections, and W i n c h e s t e r soon revived the old contours. Since '64, machine checkering has been restored and there h a v e been refinements (like that anti-bind device) in the action. O t h e r details are given in the data and c o m m e n t u n d e r the specifications for the M 7 0 . T o d a y ' s M 7 0 is a fine rifle, even though pre-1964 d e v o t e e s will pay more for an old one in top condition than for a new one. M 7 0 sporter stocks w e r e not originally designed for use with scope sights. All pre-1964 M 7 0 s were drilled and tapped for the fine L y m a n 48 m i c r o m e t e r receiver sight. M o n t e C a r l o stocks were soon offered those w h o wished to use telescope sights. T h e pre-1964 M 7 0 w a s and is o n e of the strongest rifle actions e v e r made. Its safety margins can be even further strengthened by drilling a vent hole in the left receiver wall opposite the vent hole in the bolt body. A simple gas shield can be easily installed (American Rifleman, p . 7 3 , April 1964). T h e M 7 0 ' s single-stage, easy-to-adjust trigger is one of the finest available. It is still used on post-1964 M 7 0 s . Riflemen w h o feel they can improve —this is difficult to d o —on the M 7 0 trigger can install the M 7 0 Canjar trigger. T h e a u t h o r once installed a M a u s e r M 9 8 double set trigger on his pre-'64 M 7 0 .243 varmint rifle. It worked very well. T h e M 7 0 Featherweight (1952) was the first M 7 0 in which alloy parts w e r e substituted for steel. A slight weight saving was effected by substituting an alloy floorplate and trigger guard and aluminum buttplate for the all-steel versions in other M 7 0 s . Winchester developed an elephant cartridge, the .458 Win. M a g n u m , and a special M 7 0 to handle it. T h e M 7 0 African and the magnificent 500-grain full-metal-cased bullet —there's a 510grain softpoint for big thin-skinned game like tiger, lion, and brown bear—are rapidly replacing the double rifle in the battery of professional African hunters. A b o u t 500,000 pre-1964 M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r s were made. Post-1964 W i n c h e s t e r serial numbers started at 700,000. O n pre-1964 M 7 0 s , caliber and the last two digits of the year of manufacture are stamped on the bottom of the barrel. Remington
700 series
In 1948, Remington introduced the M 7 2 1 / M 7 2 2 action. T h e M 7 2 1 " l o n g " action was c h a m b e r e d for "full" or " M a g n u m - l e n g t h " car-
tridges like the .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, and .300 H & H M a g n u m . T h e M 7 2 2 " s h o r t " action c h a m b e r e d the .257 R o b e r t s , .300 Savage, .222 Rem., .222 R e m . M a g n u m , .244 Rem., and .243 Win. In 1962, with minor modifications, the M 7 2 1 / M 7 2 2 actions w e r e redesignated the M 7 0 0 . Details of the M 7 2 1 / M 7 2 2 action will be found in this c h a p t e r in the section on the Remington M 7 0 0 . In the M a r c h , 1948, issue of American Rifleman, the late Major G e n e r a l Julian H a t c h e r — a n authority not given to superlatives —stated that the M 7 2 1 action w a s the strongest action then extant. By " t h e strongest a c t i o n " he meant that it w a s capable of withstanding m o r e p o u n d s per square inch breech p r e s s u r e than any existing action. T h i s did not mean that actions like the Winc h e s t e r M 7 0 were not safe but that the M 7 2 1 had a higher safety margin than any other existing action. A n y m o d e r n rifle is capable of withstanding p r e s s u r e s created by cartridges w h o s e loads are within factory n o r m s . T h e Remington M 7 2 1 had the cartridge head completely surrounded and supported by metal. In typical M 9 8 M a u s e r actions, notably the M l 9 0 3 Springfield, part of the cartridge head is u n s u p p o r t e d . T h e M 7 2 1 with its completely enclosed case head offered a greater margin of safety in event of cartridge case-head failure. MODERN TRENDS IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION F o r many years, actions —including receiver, bolt, magazine, trigger guard, and floorplate — w e r e precision-machined from high-quality steel. T h e past d e c a d e has seen the a d v e n t of "investment casting." S o m e shooters associate "casting" with the c h e a p cast iron of yore. Actually our finest factory rifles, including the Ruger M 7 7 , which some consider our finest domestic rifle, use investment castings. Ruger organized his o w n investment casting c o m p a n y . Pine T r e e Castings, N e w p o r t , N . H . , supplies Ruger. Investment casting allows precision casting of a rifle's major steel c o m p o n e n t s . So closely to final specifications can an investment casting be m a d e that only minimal machining is required. T h e current trend in bolt-action rifles is to r e d u c e costs. Competition is keen and inflation is a major cost factor. Eliminating the M a u s e r claw e x t r a c t o r and substituting a spring-loaded plunger e x t r a c t o r for the classic M a u s e r type extractor and ejector a r e cost-cutting m e t h o d s . Trigger b o w s and floorplates, formerly machined steel and blued, are now alloy and are anodized rather than blued. Alloy trigger b o w s and floor-
plates are slightly lighter, but are not as rugged as steel. Action length. T h e standard-length A m e r i c a n action was one which would a c c o m m o d a t e a cartridge not exceeding the overall length of the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. Shorter cartridges like the .257 Roberts were adapted to the .30-06-length action by using a shorter bolt stop and a magazine spacer. T h e M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r was the first American commercial action — barring c u s t o m j o b s —designed to a c c o m m o d a t e cartridges ranging from the .375 and .300 H & H M a g n u m s down to the .22 H o r n e t . Shorter cartridges were acc o m m o d a t e d by varying-length bolt stops and magazine fillers. T h e .22 H o r n e t M 7 0 used a magazine system based on the M 1 9 2 2 Springfield. A detachable magazine was inserted through a slot in the magazine floorplate. T o d a y , action length designation is confusing. Every manufacturer has his own designation. Some m a k e r s w h o do not c h a m b e r rifles for the .375 H & H M a g n u m cartridge call their action for . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield cartridges " M a g n u m s . " " S h o r t " magnums like the .458 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .300 Win. M a g n u m , .264 Win. Magnum, and 7mm R e m . M a g n u m will function through a .30-06-length action. T h e M 7 7 Ruger's "magnum"-length action will handle the " s h o r t " magnums but not cartridges based on the full-length .375 H & H case. Ruger's short action, designated the " S h o r t S t r o k e " action, handles cartridges like the .243 Win. and . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage. " S h o r t " cartridges like the .222 R e m . occasionally j a m when used in a long action. This malfunction may be avoided by using a singleshot bolt action like the Savage M 1 2 V , or using a true " s h o r t " action like the S a k o L - 4 6 1 . Barrels Winchester used nickel-steel barrels for many years. Some manufacturers use so-called "ordn a n c e " steel. With the a d v e n t of high-velocity cartridges like the .220 Swift it b e c a m e imperative to use harder steel. T h e a u t h o r w o r e out three M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r .220 Swift barrels in 500 rounds each. T h e rifle was no longer capable of producing 1-inch 5-shot groups at 100 yards. After World W a r II w h e n W i n c h e s t e r introduced its superbly accurate 26.0-inch-barrel M 7 0 varmint rifle, the barrels w e r e stainless steel. .220 Swift barrel life was tripled. Stainless steel is difficult to blue, so W i n c h e s t e r ironplated stainless steel and then applied a bluing solution. Remington, for a time, used stainlesssteel barrels in 7mm R e m . M a g n u m . T o d a y ,
Remington uses unplated stainless-steel barrels for its b e n c h r e s t rifle, the 4 0 - X BR. Barrels for W e a t h e r b y ' s magnum cartridges are relatively short-lived. H o w e v e r , the average big-game h u n t e r shoots only a few r o u n d s annually, and replacement barrels, even for Weatherbys, are not too expensive. Barrel weights. A s s u m i n g stock and action weights to b e relatively stable, the ultimate weight of a rifle is determined by the barrel weight. Light sporter barrels 22.0 inches long may h a v e a smaller barrel diameter than a 24.0inch sporter barrel. Barrels for most current varmint rifles are medium heavy (total rifle weight: 9-10 lbs.); total weight of a match rifle is 11.012.0 lbs. T h e bull barrels of yesteryear ( 1 2 . 0 13.0 lbs. plus) are custom-order-only rifles today. T h e r e are exceptions to these weight classifications. Barrel length. T h e standard sporter barrel of 24.0 inches w a s derived from the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield. T h e M 1 9 0 3 was the first military rifle to use a 24.0-inch barrel. This length w a s a c o m p r o m i s e b e t w e e n the 30.0-inch Krag infantry barrel and the 22.0-inch cavalry carbine. W i n c h e s t e r with its first commercially successful A m e r i c a n bolt-action sporting rifle, the M 5 4 introduced in 1925, followed the lead of Springfield and adopted the 24.0-inch barrel as standard. Exceptions to the pre-1964 M 7 0 standard sporter barrel w e r e the .220 Swift and .300 H & H M a g n u m , with 26.0-inch barrels. T h e .375 H & H M a g n u m has a 25.0-inch barrel. W i n c h e s t e r introduced the first 26.0-inch-barrel medium-weight varmint rifle in calibers .220 Swift and .243 Win. in the late 1950s. This length was d r o p p e d for the 24.0-inch barrel in 1964. Except for the Ruger M 7 7 in caliber .220 Swift and the n e w Savage single-shot varmint rifle ( M l 12V) in calibers .243 Win., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., and .220 Swift, all other varmint rifles like the M 7 0 0 Remington h a v e 24.0-inch barrels. Barrel length affects velocity. T h e 80-grain .243 Win. has a specified muzzle velocity of 3500 f.p.s. but this velocity is obtained with a 26.0inch test barrel. F o r 11 years after W i n c h e s t e r discontinued its 26.0-inch varmint barrel n o A m e r i c a n bolt-action rifle in .243 Win. had a 26.0-inch barrel. M u z z l e velocity in a 24.0-inch barrel, according to factory standards, would be 3350-3400 f.p.s. Velocity in a 22.0-inch barrel sporter would be a b o u t 3250 f.p.s. Actual velocity is less in all barrel lengths b e c a u s e factory velocity tests are m a d e in special barrels. Short barrel lengths — 18.0-20.0 inches —have never been popular with bolt-action riflemen. T h e M 7 0 w a s available with a 20.0-inch barrel
before World W a r I I . Remington's 20.0-inchbarrel models w e r e short-lived. Several factors depend on barrel length: handiness or convenience, weight, and muzzle blast. Judging the relative importance of these factors is up to the individual buyer. F o r nearly 25 years the author's long-range rifle was a 26.0inch-barrel .300 H & H M a g n u m M 7 0 Winchester. A 22.0-inch barrel would have reduced the muzzle and residual velocities to that of the . 3 0 06 Springfield. Muzzle blast would h a v e been greater than with the . 3 0 - 0 6 , and ammunition more expensive. But the a d v e n t of the .300 W e a t h e r b y , .308 N o r m a , and .300 W i n c h e s t e r M a g n u m s has resulted in velocities in 24.0-inch barrels that are greater than the .300 H & H Magn u m with a 26.0-inch barrel. In calibers . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and .270 Winchester, the a u t h o r prefers his pre-1964 M 7 0 to the Ruger M 7 7 simply b e c a u s e the M 7 7 is not available with 24.0-inch barrels in those calibers. This is a matter of personal c h o i c e ; certainly 22.0-inch-barrel .270 Winchesters are capable of excellent work, as proved by J a c k O ' C o n n o r ' s successes on game ranging from antelope through grizzly bears to big African plains game. T h e 24.0-inch barrel w a s standard for cartridges ranging from the .22 H o r n e t through the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield until 1951. W i n c h e s t e r introduced its M 7 0 Featherweight in calibers like .243 Win. and .308 Win. Barrel length was 22.0 inches. This M 7 0 version introduced the alloy floorplate and trigger guard. Traditionalists could still p u r c h a s e standard M 7 0 sporters with the 24.0-inch barrel. T h e F e a t h e r w e i g h t M 7 0 w a s popular in .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) . This w a s the first commercial rifle c h a m b e r e d for this cartridge, which replaced the nearly half-century-old . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield as the standard U . S . service cartridge. W h e n Winchester introduced the post-1964 M 7 0 , the barrel length for cartridges like the .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 , and .308 Win. w a s standardized at 22.0 inches. T h e standard M 7 0 length—which other A m e r ican manufacturers generally followed—for all magnum calibers except the .458 Win. M a g n u m (original length 25.0 inches) is 24.0 inches. T h i s includes the .264 Win. M a g n u m , .300 Win. Magnum, .338 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H M a g n u m , and 7mm R e m . T h e current M 7 0 .458 Win. Magnum has a 22.0-inch barrel. T h i s is a p r o p e r length for a shorter-range cartridge and for faster handling in the brush. W e a t h e r b y offers options: 24.0-inch or 26.0inch barrel. A t W e a t h e r b y prices—about twice
what standard W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 , Ruger M 7 7 , and Remington M 7 0 0 rifles c o s t — t h e r e should be options. N o t that W e a t h e r b y rifles are overpriced; s t o c k w o r k , action, finish, and bluing are of higher quality than on most standard factory rifles (we except M 7 7 stockwork). Y o u pay for what you get.
Stocks A m e r i c a n black walnut is used for most A m e r ican rifle and shotgun stocks. S o m e less expensive rifles use a walnut-stained h a r d w o o d . T h e r e are many special stock w o o d s ; most are available only as c u s t o m rifles. Stock designs. T h e classic stock is best exemplified by the Ruger M 7 7 . T h i s type w a s developed during the 1920s by stockers like Alvin Linden, Bob O w e n s , and Griffin & H o w e . T h e M 7 7 has n o c h e e k p i e c e or M o n t e Carlo c o m b . T h e M 7 7 stock is similar to the original standard W i n c h e s t e r stock e x c e p t that it has a full pistol grip with cap. Riflemen with an eye for the beautiful and graceful prefer the classic design. T h e W e a t h e r b y stock is distinguished by a flatbottom slab-sided fore-end fitted with a45°-angled r o s e w o o d tip. C h e c k e r i n g is b a s k e t w e a v e . T h e high c o m b slants d o w n and forward. T h e slightly flared pistol grip has a r o s e w o o d cap and white line spacer. T h e stock has a high-gloss finish. In the past ten years this stock has b e c o m e the most widely copied design. E v e n W i n c h e s t e r copied W e a t h e r b y . S o m e manufacturers use tips of material other than r o s e w o o d . T h e author, a longtime admirer of the classic stock, w a s late to appreciate the a d v a n t a g e s of the W e a t h e r b y design c o m b and pistol grip. N o W e a t h e r b y c o p y seems as well d o n e as the original. Price is a factor. M a n y foreign imports a d o p t e d the Weatherby design. Stock types. T h e most widely used m e t h o d of securing stock and barrel is with a screw in the fore-end. W o o d is — or should be — closely fitted to the metal e x c e p t with free-floating barrels. U n l e s s the stock is thoroughly seasoned and properly finished, climatic changes or e x p o s u r e to moisture may w a r p the w o o d and affect the accuracy of the rifle by putting u n e v e n p r e s s u r e on the barrel. Free-floating barrels are j u s t that. T h e barrel projects from the receiver into a barrel channel. T h e barrel is not attached to the stock; w o o d d o e s n ' t contact the barrel. T h i s method was originally used on varmint and target rifles w h e r e extreme a c c u r a c y is required. W h e n W i n c h e s t e r released its post-1964 M 7 0 ,
devotees of the rifle w e r e appalled at the excessively wide gap between barrel and stock. This was a lamentable, though understandable, attempt to save money by reducing machine and hand labor required to fit barrel and stock. This free- or floating-barrel technique allows manufacturers to use barrels of different diameters with little barrel channeling. W i n c h e s t e r realized its error and offered M 7 0 s with better-fitting floating barrels. T h e original channel was so wide that leaves, pine needles, and other debris collected in the channel. Comb. T h e r e are two basic types: classic and M o n t e Carlo. T h e a m o u n t of d r o p between c o m b and heel has slowly been decreasing during the past 30-odd years. T h e almost universal use of telescopic sights on bolt-action rifles has been responsible for the decrease. V e r y few riflemen use both micrometer receiver sights, like the famed L y m a n # 4 8 or Williams Foolproof, and scopes. In theory, rifles so fitted should h a v e compromise m e a s u r e m e n t s . T h e r e would be a very slight neck craning to use the scope, and a slight d o w n w a r d pressure of the cheek to use the receiver sight. A few target rifles are designed for the same position when using either receiver or scope sights. T h e classic c o m b is represented by the standard-stock pre-'64 Winchester M 7 0 and the current Ruger M 7 7 . N e i t h e r has a cheekpiece. T h e classic c o m b with cheekpiece is represented by the pre-'64 M 7 0 Super G r a d e and some current imports. M o n t e Carlo stocks w e r e first used on trap shotguns designed for the famed live-pigeon shoots at M o n t e Carlo. T h e M o n t e Carlo was adopted for rifles to provide a high sight line—for scopes —without increasing buttplate area. In the late 1930s the Winchester M 7 0 b e c a m e the first factory rifle to offer p u r c h a s e r s a choice of a standard or a M o n t e Carlo stock and cheekpiece. Early M 7 0 sporter stocks were designed for a receiver sight only. T h e M o n t e Carlo stocks with cheekpiece includes such widely varying designs as the forward-sloping M o n t e Carlo of the W e a t h e r b y and the near-classic (slight M o n t e Carlo) of the excellent post-1964 Winchester M 7 0 (Super G r a d e only) .458 Win. M a g n u m . Weatherby stocks with the p r o n o u n c e d M o n t e Carlo have a forward and d o w n w a r d slope. T h e forward point of the c o m b is lower than the after end of the M o n t e Carlo. Since Weatherby rifles are quite light for the a m o u n t of recoil, this forward-sloping M o n t e Carlo — together with the semi-flared pistol grip — reduces the felt (but not actual) recoil.
S o m e M o n t e Carlo stocks h a v e a rollover c o m b . T h i s is an u n n e e d e d c o m b , but attractive to many shooters. Harrington & R i c h a r d s o n ' s bolt-action series using the S a k o action are examples. T h i s type of cheekpiece c o m b was useful in the single-shot schiitzen rifle era but not today. S o m e o n e o n c e remarked that Homo sapiens is an adaptable c u s s . This is borne out by rifle stock variations. T h e a u t h o r has used about all variations, from stocks with classic c o m b s to radical M o n t e C a r l o s . H e seems to use all with equal effectiveness and e a s e . T h e c h e e k p i e c e is a E u r o p e a n innovation, several centuries old. T h e late Colonel W. T o w n send Whelen devised the first practical cheekpiece for modern A m e r i c a n bolt-action rifles, and the style is n o w classic. T h e best examples are on the current M 7 0 0 Remingtons. M a n y shooters, h o w e v e r , including the author, seem to shoot rifles without cheekpieces like the Ruger M 7 7 as well as those with cheekpieces. Fore-end F o r e - e n d s on the original bolt-action rifles w e r e the typical full-length—up to the muzzle. A w o o d e n —or sometimes metal — handguard covered the barrel t o p . Full-length fore-end and top guard w e r e designed to keep the left hand from being blistered during rapid fire. A s the bolt-action evolved into a sporting rifle the top guard was eliminated and e x c e p t in Mannlicher type the full-length fore-end was shortened. T h i s reduced weight and improved the rifle's locks (though many shooters consider the full-length Mannlicher style most h a n d s o m e ) . 1. Classic fore-end. E x a m p l e s include pre1964 M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r and current Ruger M 7 7 . T h e round, plain fore-end —no flats and no foreend tip insert —was standard until the a d v e n t of the W e a t h e r b y and its imitators. T h e rounded fore-end is justly popular b e c a u s e it fits the hand. 2. Classic fore-end with tip insets. During the 1920s, Griffin & H o w e offered clients a black fore-end tip m a d e of buffalo horn. Inserts were fitted at a 90° angle. T h e s e tips w e r e usually fitted on rifles designed for use against dangerous game and c h a m b e r e d for .375 H & H Magnuiw, .416 Rigby, .425 Westley Richards, .505 G i b b s , and similar cartridges. T h e first assembly-line rifle k n o w n to the author that w a s fitted with a fore-end insert was the W i n c h e s t e r Super G r a d e M 7 0 . T h e insert was molded plastic. T h e only current Super G r a d e M 7 0 , the .458 M a g n u m , has an ebony tip. O t h e r manufacturers use, or h a v e used, plastics like tenite. A t least one manufacturer painted
a black fore-end tip on .22 rimfire rifles. F o r e - e n d tip inserts have no practical use. T h e y are strictly decorative. Remington's M 7 0 0 is the only current production A m e r i c a n bolt-action to offer a black foreend tip fitted at the traditional 90° angle. M o s t inserts are fitted at a rakish 45° angle. 3. Weatherby-type fore-end tip. R o y W e a t h e r b y ' s stockers w e r e apparently the first to introduce the fore-end insert angled at 45°. Weatherby uses rosewood for fore-end tips and pistolgrip caps. Winchester, e x c e p t on the M 7 0 Super G r a d e .458 Win. M a g n u m , copied W e a t h e r b y ' s angled tip and like W e a t h e r b y uses white line spacers b e t w e e n tip and main stock, pistol-grip cap and pistol grip, and recoil pad or buttplate and stock. F a n c i e r s of the classic stock feel that angled inserts would not be as ugly if white line spacers were deleted. By 1970 many A m e r i c a n rifles and n u m e r o u s E u r o p e a n sporters had adopted angled fore-end tips and white line spacers. By 1975 the trend may be beginning to change. Savage has returned to the traditional fore-end. T h e d e m a n d for the Ruger M 7 7 is so great that the N e w p o r t , N . H . , plant is running several m o n t h s behind on orders —and Ruger never offered any type of fore-end tip, M o n t e Carlo c o m b , or cheekpiece. T h e increasing popularity of the M 7 7 may be forecasting a return to classic stocks. O n e thing is almost certain. Roy W e a t h e r b y w o n ' t go classic. He'll find enough c u s t o m e r s for his unique rifle stock, which in its own way has b e c o m e a classic. Traditionalists prefer the rounded fore-end. T h e W e a t h e r b y slab-sided flat-bottomed foreend, they say, is not as comfortable to hold, nor, they maintain, can it be held as securely. T h i s may be true, but W e a t h e r b y u s e r s d o n ' t seem to mind and they certainly account for their share of the world's big and dangerous g a m e . 4. Mannlicher fore-end. This full-length stock, originally used on sporting rifles based on Ferdinand von Mannlicher's patents, has been used occasionally on A m e r i c a n rifles. It's heavier, and being longer is more subject to warpage. 5. Schnabel fore-end. This form, of E u r o p e a n origin, is rarely seen now. It terminates in a finial lump —a Schnabel. In theory the small lump at the fore-end tip aids in steadying the rifle. T h e theory is not borne out in practice. 6. Beavertail or semi-beavertail fore-ends. T h e s e , without checkering, are usually found on top-grade match rifles.
Pistol grip A pistol grip has one primary function: it enables a rifleman to hold his piece steadier. T h i s is
very important for long-range shooting. O n bigbore rifles designed for use against dangerous game, the pistol grip also snugs the rifle tightly to the shoulder to aid rifle control and reduce felt recoil. 1. Semi-pistol grip. T h e classic example is the pre-1964 W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 . T h e semi-pistol grip is distinguished from the full pistol grip by the angle of the lower front part of the stock. T h e r e is no clear demarcation b e t w e e n this section and the b o t t o m rear of the pistol grip. 2. Pistol grip (full). F o u n d on the post-1964 W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 , Remington M 7 0 0 , Ruger M 7 7 , and M a u s e r X. T h e a u t h o r considers the pistol grip on the W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 S u p e r G r a d e .458 Win. M a g n u m ideal —at least for his ham-size hands. 3. Semi-flared pistol grip. T h e W e a t h e r b y M a r k V and V a r m i n t m a s t e r are the classics. This pistol grip, together with the forward-anddown-pitching M o n t e Carlo c o m b , is probably necessary to control W e a t h e r b y magnum-caliber rifles, which are light for their caliber and generate considerable recoil. S o m e W e a t h e r b y - s t o c k imitators use the down-pitching c o m b but not the semi-flared pistol grip. T h e y would be well advised to d o so. 4. Flared pistol grip. T h i s weird design offers no advantages o v e r the standard full pistol grip or semi-flared W e a t h e r b y type. Flared grips are often seen in combination with a zebra-type stock (laminated w o o d with alternating light and dark layers). T h e result in the a u t h o r ' s opinion, is an L S D nightmare.
M o s t semi-pistol grips are not capped. C a p s , regardless of material, are decoration, but many riflemen, including the author, feel that a cap — preferably blue steel — provides a nice finishing touch to a fine rifle. Off-the-shelf factory caps may be hard rubber, plastic, r o s e w o o d , or steel. S o m e have white line spacers b e t w e e n the pistol grip and the cap. S p a c e r s seem appropriate on W e a t h e r b y s , but admirers of the classic rifle d o not like them. T h e a u t h o r replaces non-steel c a p s with blued steel. Manufacturers often place their m o n o g r a m s on pistol-grip c a p s . S o m e , like the one on the S u p e r G r a d e W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 .458 Win. Magn u m rifle and the Ruger M 7 7 , are relatively subdued. Probably the most garish of all w a s the big red " W " on early post-1964 W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 s . M o n o g r a m s are strictly advertising. Why pay m o n e y for a rifle and then get stuck with advertising it?
Buttplate Bolt-action buttplates are the flat (shotgun) type. T h e deeply curved buttplate of the early lever-action —a heritage from old Pennsylvania flintlocks —was painful when fired with heavy loads and uncomfortable at anytime. Military buttplates like those of the M 9 8 M a u s e r and M 1 9 0 3 Springfield were plain steel. T h e y had a trapdoor so an oiler and cleaning thong could be toted within the buttstock. This is not a bad idea. Similar buttplates of checkered steel can be obtained from custom gunsmiths or gunsmith-supply houses. T h e checkered steel buttplate of the pre-1964 M 7 0 Winchester type has largely been replaced by high-impact plastic. Surely a man w h o purchases a rifle costing $ 2 5 0 and up is entitled to a checkered steel buttplate. Early rifle buttplates were brass, iron, and then plain steel. Winchester used aluminum to reduce weight on its Featherweight M 7 0 . A n exception was the ventilated recoil pad of the short-lived (too much recoil and muzzle blast) Featherweight M 7 0 in .264 Win. M a g n u m . Recoil Pads T h e r e are two types of recoil pad: ventilated for shotguns, and solid rubber for rifles. Unfortunately, most manufacturers use ventilated (shotgun-type) recoil pads even on rifles of moderate (.375 H & H Magnum) to heavy recoil like the .458 Win. M a g n u m . T h e difference in cost between ventilated recoil pads and solid recoil pads is infinitesimal. If Bill Ruger can fit solid recoil pads on rifles costing $200, then Winchester and others should be able to fit solid pads to rifles costing $400 plus. T h e r e is a difference between rifle and shotgun recoil. Solid recoil pads seem to a b s o r b big-borerifle recoil far better than the ventilated shotgun type. All magnum-caliber rifles should be fitted with solid recoil pads. Bill Ruger has gone to the other e x t r e m e . H e fits all M 7 7 s with solid p a d s . T h e r e is no need — in terms of recoil — to fit a recoil pad on a .243 or . 2 2 - 2 5 0 or even . 3 0 - 0 6 rifle. T h e advertising gimmick is that a rifle when stood up against a wall, a car, or a tree will not be as likely to slip and fall down when fitted with a recoil pad. A n y man who stands a rifle up anytime, anyplace, except in an upright gun cabinet is a fool. T h e real reason for fitting the same pad type to all rifles is purely economic. Rifle stock blanks are cut to overall length by machines. It is less expensive to set all machines to one length than to set some machines for cutting to steel or plastic buttplate length and other machines for cutting to recoil-
pad length. T h e overall stock length for a rifle with a recoil pad is less (before attaching the pad) than for a rifle with the thinner metal or plastic buttplate. Recoil pads were formerly made of rubber. T o d a y , many are made of synthetics. R u b b e r recoil pads ultimately h a v e to be replaced. Synthetic ones may last longer, but the author doubts if they a b s o r b recoil as well. T h e y do not seem to but this may be his imagination. Swivels and slings All bolt-action sporting r i f l e s - s a v e the least expensive —are fitted with sling swivels. D e tachable swivels are the best type. Permanently attached swivels such as w e r e furnished on most pre-1960 rifles require the complete removal of the sling itself. Quick-detachable ( Q D ) swivels are simple. It takes 15 seconds to remove the swivels and sling. Only an inconspicuous swivel stud remains. Rifles stowed in upright rifle racks look sloppy with slings left on. T h e r e are times when slings are a confounded nuisance, as in thick brush. Slings are best removed when firing from a bench (when a rest is used). On the basis of use, there are two types: 1, Carrying sling. T h i s is sometimes called a carrying strap and is what the name implies. Bigbore rifles like the M 7 0 African and M a r k V .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m are designed for use at short range against dangerous game. O n e d o e s n ' t get into the p r o n e position and carefully adjust the sling w h e n confronted by a charging C a p e buffalo or elephant at 20 feet. In Alaska, b r o w n - b e a r hunters tote their own rifles. This is w h e r e a carrying sling is useful. In Africa your gun bearer p r e c e d e s you. Y o u r heavy rifle is carried over his shoulder, stock to the rear, w h e r e you can readily grasp it. Slings should be detached in heavy cover. 2. Standard sling. F o r many years the sling used by sportsmen was the surplus or "libera t e d " M l 9 0 7 sling as designed for the M l 9 0 3 Springfield. T h i s was the sling issued during two world wars. Simpler w e b slings for the M l 9 2 3 and M1 were also used. T h e M l 9 0 3 sling was useful but c u m b e r s o m e , slow and heavy. T h e a u t h o r ' s first experiences with the M l 9 0 7 sling c a m e when undergoing infantry officers' training, and later as a horse cavalry cadet. T h e sling substantially improved o n e ' s c h a n c e s for a hit at ranges out to 1000 yards, but it is too slow for use while hunting sheep, antelope, caribou. H e r e the " h a s t y sling" position should be used. T h i s position is easy to get into though not as effective as the standard position. T h e time saved may make the dif-
ference between bagging and missing your trophy. T h e late Colonel T o w n s e n d Whelen, a military rifleman and a big-game hunter, devised the lighter, easier-to-use Whelen sling. It costs only a few dollars. Buy one and forget the heavy 1.5inch-wide military sling. T h e author uses a Whelen 0.875-inch sling on rifles (with scope) weighing less than 9.0 lbs. and a 1.0-inch sling for rifles over that weight. 3. Big-bore rifle slings. F o r w a r d sling swivels for use on rifles of .40 caliber or o v e r (including the .378 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m ) can severely injure or temporarily cripple the left hand if placed in the conventional fore-end position. Such heavy-recoil rifles should h a v e the forward swivel positioned on the barrel ahead of the foreend with a barrel band or barrel stud fitted with quick-detachable sling swivels. T h e W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 African is o n e of the few .458 Win. Magnum rifles so fitted. It has the forward swivel fitted to a barrel stud. Ruger's superb M 7 7 .458 has a barrel band, as d o e s the Ruger N u m b e r O n e Tropical single-shot rifle in both .375 M & M and .458 Win. M a g n u m s . Some of W e a t h e r b y ' s lightweight smallbore rifles like the .300 and mediumbore .338 Weatherby M a g n u m s could d o with a barrel-band or barrel-stud forward swivel mount.
Checkering Checkering has t w o functions: to assist in holding the rifle steady (particularly important
when hands are sweaty) and to improve appeara n c e . T h e r e are three basic checkering types: 1. Machine checkering. Until the mid-1960s most off-the-shelf factory rifles w e r e machinecheckered. 2. Impressed checkering. Remington in its fight to minimize rising production costs, introduced " r e v e r s e " or " i m p r e s s e d " checkering. This " c h e c k e r i n g " type is worthless for gripping p u r p o s e s , and most shooters agree that it looks like hell. N e v e r t h e l e s s , other companies, w e r e also caught in the campaign to increase sales while keeping production costs d o w n . T h e post1964 Winchester had reverse checkering for a while. M 7 0 admirers protested. M a n y turned to Bill Ruger's M 7 7 , which not only sells for less m o n e y but offers modest hand checkering. By 1975 Remington and W i n c h e s t e r returned to machine checkering on the M 7 0 0 and M 7 0 . 3. Hand checkering. T h i s is used by only one of the Big T h r e e . It is the Ruger noted a b o v e . H a n d checkering, until Bill Ruger trained N e w port, N . H . , girls to h a n d - c h e c k e r stocks (under supervision of top c u s t o m stocker L e o n a r d Brownell), w a s the province of a relatively few craftsmen. H a n d checkering found on factory-stocked rifles cannot, of c o u r s e , c o m p a r e with fine custom-stocked rifles, w h e r e the cost of checkering may exceed the cost of an entire new M 7 0 , M 7 7 , or M 7 0 0 rifle. R o y W e a t h e r b y ' s M a r k V rifles — costing nearly twice as much as the Big T h r e e — has hand checkering of the b a s k e t w e a v e type.
BSA CF2 HUNTING RIFLE Manufacturer: land
Birmingham Small A r m s , Eng-
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate
Stock: 1-piece walnut; skip-line hand checkering; roll-over M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; Weatherby-style slab fore-end; flared pistol grip with r o s e w o o d c a p and white line spacer; r o s e w o o d fore-end tip with white line spacer; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
solid rubber recoil pad.
Magazine capacity: 5-shot, except 4-shot capacity in .300 Win. M a g n u m and 7 m m R e m . Magnum
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
pivoting side lever
Barrel length:
23.5 inches
Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.25 inches
7.75-8.25 lbs., depending on caliber
Trigger pull: Sight, rear:
4.5 lbs. Williams G u i d e , fully adjustable
Sight, front:
Caliber: .222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7x57 M a u s e r , 7mm Rem. M a g n u m Data:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard mount
Set trigger available at extra cost.
A well designed and crafted rifle.
Birmingham Small A r m s , Eng-
Importer/distributor: Action type:
J. Galef & Sons
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: 5-shot, except 4-shot capacity in 7mm Rem. M a g n u m Safety:
pivoting side lever
Barrel length: 22.0 inches, except 24.0 inches in 7mm Rem. M a g n u m Stock: 1-piece walnut; machine checkering; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with rosewood tip and white line spacer; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
solid rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.25 inches
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: hood.
bead on r a m p with detachable
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7mm R e m . Magnum
Comment: T h i s is one of the lower-priced boltaction imports. It offers no unique features, but is well designed and crafted.
Birmingham Small A r m s , Eng-
Importer/distributor: Action type:
J. Galef & Sons
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: non-detachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; machine checkering; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with rosewood tip; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
solid rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
pivoting side lever
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.25 inches
bead on r a m p with detachable hood
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber:
.222 Rem., .243 Win.
Data: same as for standard B S A M o n a r c h except for slightly heavier barrel.
8.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Sight, front:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation
Comment: T h i s would be a better varmint rifle if it had a 24.0-inch barrel and weighed at least 8.5 lbs.
Manufacturer: Carl G u s t a v Stads Gevarskfaktori, Sweden Importer/distributor:
F F V Sports, Inc.
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face Magazine type: nondetachable staggered box with hinged floorplate; inside trigger bow release; interchangeable with detachable box magazine Magazine capacity: Safety:
slide on right side of receiver
Barrel length:
23.5 inches
Stock: Standard G r a d e : 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut in either classic or M o n t e Carlo version; hand-checkered pistol grip and fore-end; Schnabel tip, thin white line spacer between pistol-grip cap and pistol grip; oil-rubbed finish. Swede Standard: F r e n c h walnut stock; hand-checkered pistol grip and foreend; Schnabel tip Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.625 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
0.25 inch
1.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
Trigger pull: minimum Sight, rear:
externally adjustable to 3.3-lb.
standard, o p e n ; D e l u x e , n o n e
Sight, front: standard, gold bead with removable sight protector; D e l u x e , none Scope adaptability: drilled and tapped for adjustment scope m o u n t s Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) Data: Basic action data is the same as for Carl G u s t a v G r a d e s I I / I I I . S w e d e D e l u x e has j e w eled bolt, engraved bolt plate. Comment: This is an extraordinarily fine rifle. Superb craftsmanship and design. T h e Schnabel tip may not appeal to all stateside riflemen.
Manufacturer: Carl G u s t a v Stads Gevarskfaktori, Sweden Importer/distributor: Sports, Inc.
Stoeger A r m s C o r p . / F F V
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face Magazine type: nondetachable staggered box with hinged floorplate; interchangeable with detachable box magazine Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; M a g n u m s , 3-shot Safety:
3-position slide on right side of receiver
Barrel length:
23.5 inches
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.625 inch
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
0.25 inch
1.5 inches
7 . 2 - 7 . 5 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
adjustable to 3.3 lbs. minimum G r a d e II, o p e n ; G r a d e I I I , none
Sight, front: G r a d e I I , gold bead with removable sight protector; G r a d e I I I , none Scope adaptability: both grades drilled tapped for standard scope m o u n t s
Stock: G r a d e II (no G r a d e I): 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; rosewood tip insert; oil finish; handcheckered pistol grip and fore-end; M o n t e Carlo c o m b and c h e e k p i e c e ; rosewood pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; sling swivels. G r a d e I I I : 1-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered pistol grip and fore-end; 5 coats of polyurethane, glossy finish; rosewood tip and pistol-grip c a p ; white line spacer between pistol-grip cap and grip and between fore-end and fore-tip; cheekpiece and M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; quick-detachable sling swivels.
Data: Action features anti-bind device (bolt guide) and externally adjustable trigger. Bolt handle has short (80°) lift. C h r o m e bolt handle. G r a d e I I I has jeweled bolt body, hand-engraved floorplate. G r a d e I I I in calibers 6 . 5 x 5 5 M a u s e r , . 2 5 06 Rem., .270 Win., and . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield is available in a left-hand action.
Buttplate: shotgun type; ventilated recoil pad on magnum calibers; plastic buttplate with white line spacer
Comment: This is a very fine rifle. W o o d and metal unions are perfectly executed. A c t i o n s and barreled actions are available.
Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7mm R e m . Magnum, 6 . 5 x 5 5 M a u s e r
Manufacturer: many
J . P . S a u e r & Sohns, West G e r Colt
Drop at heel:
bolt; shrouded head
Magazine type: detachable box Magazine capacity: 4-shot, except 3-shot capacity in 7mm R e m . M a g n u m and .300 Win. Magnum Safety:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Drop at comb:
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand checkering; full pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; rosewood fore-end cap with white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Length of pull:
1.3 inches
2.25 inches
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7mm Rem. Magnum Data: T h e shrouded bolt and locking lugs bear a superficial resemblance to the W e a t h e r b y M a r k V action, which w a s formerly manufactured by Sauer.
13.75 inches
Comment: T h i s is an excellent action, and the stock work is superior to the average bolt-action rifle.
J . P . Sauer & Sohns, W e s t G e r -
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; shrouded head
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length:
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand checkering; full pistol grip with r o s e w o o d cap and white line spacer; r o s e w o o d fore-end cap with white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; high gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels
24.0 inches
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.3 inches
2.25 inches
Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O )
7.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t
Comment: Short-action version of Colt Sauer Sporting Rifle.
Sako, Finland
Importer/distributor: International
Drop at heel: Corp./Firearms
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; magnum calibers, 4-shot Safety:
Weight: 6.5 lbs. in .222 Rem., .223 R e m . (5.56mm); 6.75 lbs. in . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) ; 8.0 lbs. in other calibers. Action lengths: short in .222 Rem., .223 Rem. (5.56mm); medium in . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) ; long in all other calibers Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
Barrel length: 23.5 inches in .222 Rem., .223 Rem. (5.56mm); 23.0 inches in . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) ; 24.0 inches in all other calibers
0.65 inch
Sight, front:
3.5 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; handcheckered fore-end and pistol grip; uncapped full pistol grip; slab-sided, flat-bottom fore-end; crossbolt through stock on magnum calibers; quick-detachable sling swivel studs
Caliber: .222 Rem., .223 R e m . (5.56mm), . 2 2 250 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. Magnum, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H Magnum, 7mm Rem. Magnum
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer on standard calibers; ventilated recoil pad on magnum calibers
Data: T h e M 7 4 designation c o v e r s three action lengths, each of which has had at least one previous designation and which also had names like Vixen, Forrester, and Finnbear. T h e oldest action dates back to 1949. T h e M 7 4 is one of the few rifles that have three different-length actions instead of using one length magazine with magazine fillers for varied cartridge lengths.
Overall length:
4 3 . 0 - 4 4 . 0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.0 inch
Drop at Monte Carlo:
0.875 inch
L-46JL-461 (Vixen) action. T h i s action, originally designed for the rimmed .22 H o r n e t and .218 Bee, was later c h a m b e r e d for the .222 R e m . It was fitted with an almost exact duplicate of the famed Winchester M 7 0 trigger and had a detachable box magazine. W h e n the L - 4 6 was chambered for the .222 Rem. the magazine was lengthened and bolt face altered to handle a rimless cartridge. T h e .222 Rem. M a g n u m chambering was not a success. T h e case was too long to feed and eject properly. T h e L - 4 6 safety for some reason w a s located on the left —a damnably inconvenient site. It was later moved to the right side. In 1964 Sako replaced the L - 4 6 with the L 4 6 1 . T h i s modification has a nondetachable staggered box magazine with a hinged floorplate. T h e M 7 0 - t y p e trigger was replaced by a Sako trigger. A bolt sleeve uniform in design with that on the Sako L - 5 7 9 and L - 6 1 was adopted. Most rifle makers don't make a short action for short cartridges. T h e M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r uses the same length action for its .375 H & H M a g n u m as it does for the .222 R e m . Magazine fillers and bolt stops of varying lengths are used to accommodate different-length cartridges. If Sako w e r e to c h a m b e r its " l o n g " action for short cartridges like the .222 Rem., bolt travel would be increased from 2.925 inches to 4.4635 inches. Action weight would be increased from 33.0 oz. to 44.0 oz. T h e use by Winchester of one action length or the use of two lengths by Remington and Ruger doesn't imply that these actions are inferior to the Sako but that for short cartridges the true short action like the L - 4 6 and L - 4 6 1 is more efficient. L-57IL-579 (Forrester) action. T h e increasing popularity of the .243 Win. and .308 Win. cartridges led Sako to introduce the mediumlength L - 5 7 (Forrester) action in 1958. T h e action was fitted with a nondetachable staggered box magazine. Essentially the L - 5 7 w a s an elongated L - 4 6 action, though the trigger system was different.
In 1960 Sako issued the L - 5 7 9 . T h i s improved version's major change was the altering of the mechanism to accept the S a k o N u m b e r 4 trigger system or the same as that of the L - 4 6 1 . Action weight is 40 oz. L-61 (Finnbear) action. T h i s is designed to handle " l o n g " cartridges like the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and short m a g n u m s like the 7 m m Rem. M a g n u m . It has the S a k o N u m b e r 4 trigger system. Action weight is 44.0 oz. O v e r the years Sako standardized the c o m p o nent design of its three actions. T o d a y , the M 7 4 designation covers three separate length actions, uniform in design. A c t i o n s can be purchased separately: L - 4 6 1 , L - 5 7 9 , and L - 6 1 . Several A m e r i c a n rifles have used —some still do use —Sako actions. T h e a u t h o r recently purchased a Marlin 322 ( 1 9 5 4 - 5 7 ) . T h e MicroG r o o v e Barrel was shot out, but he bought it for its L - 4 6 action. Marlin discontinued the 322 not b e c a u s e of action problems but b e c a u s e the barrel rarely retained minute-of-angle accuracy beyond 500 r o u n d s . Harrington & Richardson currently uses Sako actions for the 300 series rifles. C o l t s m a n rifles ( 1 9 5 7 - 6 1 ca.) used the L - 5 7 action. Bettergrade Browning H i - P o w e r rifles, (discontinued 1974) used the L - 4 6 1 action for .222 Rem. chamberings and the L - 5 7 9 for . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem. J. C. Higgins' M 5 2 rifle in .222 Rem., made by Marlin for Sears R o e b u c k , used the L - 4 6 action. Comment: T h e Sako is one of the world's great actions. It r a n k s with the pre-1964 M 7 0 Winchester—for short cartridges it is better—and with the finest of the O b e r n d o r f M a u s e r sporters. S o m e potential p u r c h a s e r s would prefer a classic stock. T r u e , they could h a v e a c u s t o m stock, but such stocks are expensive. F o r most calibers like the .243 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, or 7mm Rem. M a g n u m , the a u t h o r can get along with his pre-1964 M 7 0 s and Rugers, but for short cartridges he prefers the short S a k o action o v e r all o t h e r s . So d o many o t h e r s , including action expert F r a n k de M a a s , w h o has evaluated all existing bolt actions. Actions and barreled actions are available.
Sako, Finland
Harrington & Richardson
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; enclosed bolt head Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
3-position; sliding
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; rollover c h e e k p i e c e ; pistol grip with rosewood cap and contrasting wood foreend insert at 45° angle Buttplate: shotgun type with solid recoil pad; black and white line spacers Overall length:
42.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.125 inches
7.75 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage Sight, front: flat gold bead on r a m p grooved for sight p r o t e c t o r (not furnished) Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7mm R e m . Magnum Data: Fitted with studs for quick-detachable sling swivels. All barrels and actions in the H & R 300 series are made by Sako/Finland. Comment: Sako actions and barrels are as good as can be found. T h e 22.0-inch barrels are too short for m a g n u m cartridges. T h e r e is velocity loss and excessive muzzle blast. T h i s is one of the few models with a 22.0-inch barrel for magn u m cartridges.
Sako, Finland
Harrington & Richardson
Action type: 3
' °' ^
a C e
bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed
H.&R. M 3 0 1 (continued)
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
slide (just aft bolt handle), 3-position
Barrel length:
19.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut, Mannlicherstyle with flared pistol grip capped by rosewood; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; hand checkering Buttplate: shotgun type with white and black line s p a c e r s ; thin solid recoil pad (red) Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.125 inches
7.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: gold bead on r a m p with groove for sight protector (not furnished) Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and taped for standard scope b a s e s Caliber: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7mm R e m . M a g n u m Data: N o provisions for sling swivels. Mediumlength S a k o action. Comment: E x c e p t for men w h o carry a rifle lashed to a p a c k b o a r d or packframe, the 19-inch barrel is too short. T h e r e is excessive muzzle blast. Several A m e r i c a n manufacturers and importers have offered similar barrel lengths but discontinued them within a year or two.
Manufacturer: Zavodi C r v e n a Z a s t a v a Arsenal, Yugoslavia Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: 5-shot, except 3-shot capacity in .300 Win. M a g n u m and 7mm Rem. Magnum Safety:
Barrel length:
spacer; c h e e k p i e c e ; quick-detachable sling swivels; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; black tenite fore-end cap with white line
black plastic with white line spacer
1.5 inches
2.125 inches
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r :
Williams G u i d e , fully adjustable
Sight, front: hood
gold bead on r a m p with detachable
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard mount Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. Magnum, 7 x 57 M a u s e r , 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m Data: This rifle uses the Yugoslavian-made M a u s e r M a r k X action, which is almost like its illustrious ancestor the M 9 8 M a u s e r . Single-stage sporting trigger replaces the double-pull military trigger. T h e triggerbow and magazine floorplate
are milled steel rather than the inferior alloys. T h e action closely resembles the M 2 4 Yugoslav Mauser. T h e bolt stop more closely resembles that on the recently deceased F N Browning H i - P o w e r rifle. It has an almost flush combination stop and ejectors. T h e ejector and e x t r a c t o r are of the highly desirable classic M a u s e r design. Comment: T h i s is an excellent action for those w h o prefer the classic M a u s e r rather than the current types which use plunger ejectors and other money-saving devices.
I Manufacturer: Zavodi C r v e n a Z a s t a v a Arsenal, Yugoslavia Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: 5-shot, except 3-shot capacity in 7mm Rem. M a g n u m and .300 Win. Magnum Safety:
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut with modified W e a t h e r b y styling; machine checkering; full pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; rosewood fore-end tip; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated black rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r :
Williams G u i d e , fully adjustable
Sight, front: hood
gold bead on r a m p with detachable
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. Magnum, 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r , 7mm Rem. M a g n u m Data: F o r general action d a t a see Interarms M a u s e r M a r k X Rifle. Comment: A well-designed rifle with classic M a u s e r 98 action features. Save for stock design, this is same as other I n t e r a r m s M a r k X rifles.
^ p ^ ^ - ^ f e i i Tmt Manufacturer:
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machine checkering; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with rosewood tip and white line spacer; flared pistol grip with r o s e w o o d cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; highgloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
shotgun type; black plastic
Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull;
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.375 inches
2.0 inches
6.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
Williams G u i d e , fully adjustable
Sight, front:
bead on r a m p with detachable hood
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: .222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 6 m m R e m . Data: A n improved M a u s e r action with bolt face completely covering the cartridge head. Comment: action.
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length: Stock:
22.0 inches
1-piece walnut; skip-line hand checker-
ing; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with rosewood tip with white line spacer; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; roll-over M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; highgloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: solid rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.125 inches
6.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: .222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 6 m m Rem. Comment: A s the name implies, this is a deluxe version of the M 5 5 Standard.
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
23.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; machine checkering; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; beavertail fore-end; rollover cheekpiece; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; oiltype finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
solid rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
2.125 inches
8.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber:
.222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m .
Data: Save for barrel and beavertail fore-end, similar to M 5 5 Standard. Comment: F o r varminting, the a u t h o r would prefer a 24.0-inch barrel and a bit more weight.
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; machine checkering; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; highgloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; black plastic
Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t
1.375 inches
2.0 inches
Caliber: .25-06 Springfield
7.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: Williams G u i d e , adjustable windage and elevation
bead on r a m p with detachable hood
Data: S a m e as for I t h a c a - L S A M 5 5 save for chamberings. Comment:
See I t h a c a - L S A M 5 5 Standard.
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
23.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; skip-line hand checkering; roll-over c h e e k p i e c e ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with rosewood tip and white line spacer; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: solid rubber recoil pad with white line spacer
Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
2.125 inches
7.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t Caliber: .25-06 Springfield
Data: S a m e as for M 5 5 D e l u x e except for chamberings. Comment:
See M 5 5 D e l u x e .
Action type: lugs
bolt; modified M a u s e r ; six locking
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate; short action
Magazine capacity: shot) Safety:
4-shot (except .222 Rem., 3-
t h u m b ; 3-position; at rear end of bolt
Barrel length: 22.0 inches; 24.0-inch heavy varmint barrel on M 8 0 0 V T (calibers: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .222 Rem., .243 Win.) Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with reverse checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; plastic pistol-grip cap with white spacer Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
on r a m p ; n o n e
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; M 8 0 0 V T has dovetail base for target (external adjustment) scope. Caliber: .222 R e m . ( M 8 0 0 V T only), . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) ; not in varmint version. Data: M o s s b e r g uses a letter suffix for each variation and caliber in the M 8 0 0 series —i.e., a .308 Win. M 8 0 0 is M 8 0 0 A , a .308 Win. with a M o s s berg 4 x scope is M 8 0 0 A S M , and so on
1.625 inches
2.125 inches
Weight: 6.5 lbs.; M 8 0 0 V T (varmint version), 9.5 lbs. Trigger pull:
Sight, front: gold bead M800VT
not specified
Sight, rear: folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation; none on M 8 0 0 V T
Comment: O n e of the most moderately priced rifles on the market. T h e varmint version is capable of 1-inch 5-shot groups at 100 y a r d s . This is not quite as good as some of the m o r e expensive rifles like the Ruger M 7 7 , but considering the price difference, this rifle will supply the accuracy r e q u i r e m e n t s of all but the most exacting shooters.
MOSSBERG 810 SERIES Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; enclosed bolt head Frame:
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered box with hinged floorplate; or detachable box Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 4-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
t h u m b slide at end of bolt
Barrel length: standard calibers, 22.0 inches; magnum calibers, 24.0 inches Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with reverse checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; classic fore-end Buttplate: shotgun type with white line spacer and rubber recoil pad Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.625 inches
2.125 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs. Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: tor
gold bead on r a m p ; no sight protec-
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; no o p e n sights provided if rifle is ordered with 4 x M o s s b e r g scope Caliber: .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, Win. M a g n u m , 7mm R e m . M a g n u m
Data: Engine-turned bolt. Standard sling swivels. Adjustable trigger. M o s s b e r g , as with the 800 series, uses letter suffixes for each M 8 1 0 variation. T h u s 8 1 0 A is . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield with detachable box magazine. M 1 8 0 A H is . 3 0 - 0 6 with hinged floorplate. M 8 1 0 A S M is . 3 0 - 0 6
Springfield with detachable box magazine and 4 x M o s s b e r g scope.
Comment: This excellent rifle is one of the best b u y s on the market. It should be made available in a wider range of calibers. It is basically the " s t a n d a r d " or " s h o r t - m a g n u m " - l e n g t h version of the M 8 0 0 series.
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F THE M O S S B E R G 810 B O L T - A C T I O N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27
Bolt Cap Safety Button Screw Safety Button Click Ball Click Spring Safety Lock Bolt Cap Spring Bolt Cap Lock Plunger Mainspring Striker Firing Pin & Striker Screw Firing Pin Bolt and Lever Assembly Ejector Retaining Pin Ejector Spring Ejector Extractor Extractor Spring Extractor Plunger Dummy Screw Barrel Sight Assembly Barrel and Receiver Assembly Front Sight Ramp Take Down Stud Trigger Housing Retaining Pin Trigger Housing Assembly
28 29
Magazine Latch Retaining Pin Take Down Screw
The 30 31 32 33 34 35
Following Parts for Models with Box Magazine Trigger Guard Magazine Latch Magazine Assembly Magazine Shell Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Magazine Bottom Plate
The 30H 31H 32H 33H 34H 35H 36 37 38 39 40 41
Following Parts for Hinged Floorplate Models Trigger Guard Floor Plate Latch Magazine Assembly Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Floor Plate Stock Grip Spacer Stock Grip Cap Stock Grip Screw Recoil Pad Recoil Pad Screw Recoil Pad Spacer
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Stock Complete Trigger Sear & Trigger Spring Trigger Sear Trigger Sear Adjusting Screw Trigger Sear Spring Screw Trigger Pin Trigger Sear Adjusting Screw Trigger Housing Assembly Trigger Sear Spring Trigger Sear Plunger Sear Sear Trigger Spring Retaining Ring Magazine Latch Spring Scope Front Scope Mount Base Rear Scope Mount Base Rear Scope Mount Base Screw (2) Front Scope Mount Base Screw (2) Scope Ring (2) Front Sight Bead Front Sight Screw
M u s g r a v e & Sons, South Africa
Importer/distributor: Action type:
J. Sherban & C o .
bolt; Mauser-derived
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered box/ hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
side slide
Barrel length:
25.75 inches
Stock: 1-piece dark walnut with epoxy finish; well-executed borderless hand checkering (22 lines per inch) on fore-end and pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; white spacer between butt and recoil pad; rearward-slanting 45° fore-end tip of wild olive w o o d ; wild olive pistol-grip c a p ; quick-detachable sling swivel studs Buttplate:
ventilated red rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
46.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.875 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.565 inches
2.25 inches
Weight: standard calibers, 7.75 lbs.; 7mm Rem. Magnum, 8.0 lbs. Trigger pull: Sight, rear: Sight, front:
3.5-5.5 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: drilled and tapped for standard scope m o u n t s Caliber: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win., 7mm R e m . M a g n u m , .458 Win. M a g n u m (special model)
Data: This rifle incorporates desirable M a u s e r features like claw extractor and dual opposed front locking lugs. T h e swept-back bolt handle serves as an extra lug by fitting into a receiver notch. T h e long M a u s e r - t y p e extractor prevents cartridges from being double-loaded, a feature not found on the otherwise excellent Ruger M 7 7 . T h e Premier has one action length for all cartridges. T h e .243 Win., tested by the author, as with the .308 Win. has a sheet-metal spacer block to provide p r o p e r cartridge functioning. T h e barrel fore-tip—just aft of tip insert —rests on t w o fiber p a d s . T h e remainder of the barrel is free-floating, though the space between barrel and stock is slight. Comment: T h i s is a very well-designed rifle. W o r k m a n s h i p is excellent. O n e might believe this rifle —it's in the M 7 0 / M 7 0 0 / M 7 7 price range — would cost considerably more. T h e checkering is of much better quality than on most A m e r i c a n factory rifles in this price range. Only a few foreign rifles can be purchased for so little, and not all of those are as good as the Premier. O n e feature which may not appeal to riflemen a c c u s t o m e d to actions that cock on the opening stroke of the bolt is the resistance felt as the bolt is slammed h o m e on this cock-on-closing action.
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Drop at Monte Carlo:
P a r k e r - H a l e , England
Drop at heel:
J a n a International
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: 4-shot, except 3-shot capacity in .300 Win. M a g n u m and 7mm Rem. Magnum Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
1.5 inches
2.3 inches
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: hood
gold bead on r a m p with detachable
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; skip-line hand checkering; Weatherby-style flat fore-end with rosewood tip; flared pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels
Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 6 m m Rem., 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Data: Well-finished action. High-luster blue finish. Gold-colored single-stage trigger.
Overall length:
45.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.8 inches
Comment: A rifle that r e s e m b l e s a W e a t h e r b y Vanguard in looks and is available in a n u m b e r of c o m p a r a b l e calibers.
REMINGTON M40-XC NATIONAL MATCH COURSE RIFLE Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; short throw Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; stripper clip slot for rapid loading Magazine capacity: Safety:
3-position t h u m b slide
Barrel length: Stock:
23.25 inches (stainless steel)
1-piece uncheckered A m e r i c a n walnut;
wide, d e e p fore-end; full pistol adjustable hand stop and grip Buttplate: 2-position adjustable groove Overall length:
42.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.0 inch
type, t h u m b
Drop at heel:
Weight: 10.0 lbs. without metallic sights or scope Trigger pull:
2 . 0 - 4 . 0 lbs. (adjustable)
Sights: n o n e furnished; receiver and barrel drilled for metallic (peep and target fronts at option of shooter); scope (external-adjustment) blocks furnished
7.62mm N A T O (.308 Win.)
Data: Special order requiring 18 w e e k s , minimum, for delivery. T i m e period subject to change. Comment: Obviously, this rifle is designed for competitive target shooters. It's a fine National M a t c h C o u r s e rifle. H a n d - b e d d e d stock.
Action type:
bolt; enclosed cartridge head
Magazine type:
nondetachable staggered box
Magazine capacity: 6-shot in .222 Rem., .222 Rem. Mag., .223 (5.56mm); 5-shot in all other standard calibers; 4-shot in magnum calibers Safety:
modified M a u s e r t h u m b type
Barrel length: 20.0, 22.0, or 24.0 inches in standard calibers; 24.0 inches in magnum calib e r s ; 24.0-inch heavy barrel in B D L Varmint M o d e l ; 26.0-inch magnum barrel discontinued Stock: 1-piece checkered A m e r i c a n walnut; pistol grip with plastic c a p ; quick-detachable sling swivels and leather carrying strap except on A D L version. Original finish was replaced with glossy D u p o n t R K - W (bowling-alley type) in 1965. Original machine checkering with fleur-de-lis patterns was replaced in 1969 with impressed checkering in a stylized " S " design. In 1974 the M 7 0 0 B D L returned to its original —and much better — machine checkering in a traditional pattern. M o n t e Carlo stock has a black wood fore-end tip. Buttplate: shotgun type; plastic with white line spacer except magnum calibers which h a v e solid rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 20.0-inch barrel, 39.5 inches; 22.0-inch barrel, 41.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 43.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel in magnum calibers (with recoil pad), 44.5 inches; 26.0inch M a g n u m barrel (discontinued), 46.5 inches Length of pull:
13.375 inches
Drop at comb: 1.625 inches (from open sight line) except Varmint Special, 0.5 inches (from center of bore) Drop at heel: 2.375 inches except V a r m i n t Special, 1.375 inches Weight: 20.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 22.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs; M 7 0 0 B D L Varmint weighs 9.0 lbs.; discontinued versions range from 6.5 to 9.0 lbs. Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
3.5 lbs. adjustable for elevation
Sight, front: flat-faced gold bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; V a r m i n t Special has no sights Calibers: .222 Rem., .222 R e m . M a g n u m , . 2 2 250, .223 ( B D L Varmint rifle only), .243 Win., 6 m m Rem., . 2 5 - 0 6 , .264 Win. Magnum, .270 Win., .280 (discontinued), 7mm
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F R E M I N G T O N M O D E L 700 B O L T - A C T I O N
grip c a p . It c a n be ordered with o r without a hinged floorplate.
Rem. M a g n u m , .300 Win. M a g n u m , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .350 Rem. M a g n u m , .375 H & H M a g n u m , .458 Win. M a g n u m , . 2 5 - 0 6 (1970), .300 Win. M a g n u m (1964), .350 R e m . M a g n u m (1969), 6.5mm R e m . M a g n u m (1969) .17 Rem. (1971) Data: T h e cartridge case head is completely enclosed by the shroud of the recessed bolt face. T h e M 7 0 0 A D L , the less expensive version, has impressed checkering and n o floor plate o r sling swivels. T h e B D L is available with a left-hand action and left-hand cheekpiece in .270, . 3 0 - 0 6 , and 7mm Rem. M a g n u m . T h e M 7 0 0 Safari is the B D L in .375 H & H M a g n u m o r .458 Win. Magnum, but unlike t h e smaller bore B D L rifles it has an oil-finished stock and hand checkering. It's m o r e expensive, of course, as is t h e M 7 0 0 C , or C u s t o m version—the only o n e presently offered with a 20-inch barrel a s well as t h e 22- o r 24-inch options. T h e C has a hand-lapped barrel, jeweled bolt, select a n d hand-checkered American walnut stock, and rosewood fore-end tip and
Comment: Remington took 25 years to p r o d u c e a bolt-action rifle that could c o m p e t e in sales and quality and in a broad range of calibers with Winc h e s t e r ' s famed M 7 0 . In recent years M 7 0 0 sales h a v e reportedly been higher than those of the M 7 0 . T h e M 7 0 that the M 7 0 0 h a s been competing against since 1964 is not t h e grand old M 7 0 of the 1 9 3 7 - 6 3 e r a but t h e " n e w " M 7 0 . T h e M 7 0 0 (notice resemblance of n a m e to M 7 0 ) , aside from being a well-designed and wellconstructed rifle, has certainly gained sales by introducing several original calibers, like t h e 7mm R e m . M a g n u m , and a cartridge that h a d been a popular wildcat, the . 2 5 - 0 6 . This is partly due to the genius of Remington designer Mike Walker. Aside from the . 3 0 - 0 6 , which is of military origin, t h e 7 m m R e m . n o w made by most bolt-action rifle manufacturers is probably the most popular bolt-action caliber for medium to large N o r t h A m e r i c a n game e v e r introduced. M a n y M 7 0 0 admirers will applaud the discarding of the impressed checkering on the B D L and the return t o machine checkering, which took place in 1 9 7 3 - 7 4 . In that period an " a n t i b i n d " device, o r bolt guide, was added to t h e action.
Parts List For Remington Model 700 Bolt-Action Rifle No. 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8a 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 20
21 22 23
Part Name Barrel Assembly Bolt Assembly Bolt Plug Bolt Stop Bolt Stop Pin Bolt Stop Release Bolt Stop Spring Butt Plate Butt Plate Spacer BDL Grade Butt Plate Screw Center Guard Screw. ADL Grade Ejector Ejector Pin Ejector Spring Extractor Extractor Rivet Firing Pin Firing Pin Assembly Firing Pin Cross Pin Floor Plate Latch. BDL Grade Floor Plate Latch Pin, BDL Grade Floor Plate Latch Spring, BDL Grade Floor Plate Pivot Pin, BDL Grade
No. 24 25
26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43
Part Name Front Guard Screw Front Guard Screw Bushing, ADL Grade Front Sight Front Sight Ramp Front Sight Ramp Screw Front Sight Hood, BDL Grade Front Swivel Nut, BDL Grade Front Swivel Screw, BDL Grade Magazine, ADL Grade Magazine, BDL Grade (not shown) Magazine Follower Magazine T a b Screw (ADL Grade) Magazine Spring Magazine Spring, BDL Grade Main Spring Rear Guard Screw Rear Sight Aperture Rear Sight Base Rear Sight Base Screw (2) Rear Sight Slide Elevation Screw W i n d a g e Screw Rear Swivel Screw, BDL Grade
No. 44 45 46 47
48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63 64 65
Part Name Receiver Plug Screw Safety Assembly Safety Detent Ball Safety Detent Spring Safety Pivot Pin Safety Snap Washer Sear Safety C a m Sear Pin Sear Spring Sling Strap Assembly, BDL Grade Stock Assembly, ADL Grade Swivel Assembly, BDL Grade (Q.D.) Trigger Trigger Adjusting Screw Trigger Connector Trigger Engagement Screw Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Assembly, BDL Grade Trigger Housing Assembly Trigger Pin Trigger Spring Trigger Stop Screw
REMINGTON M788 Action type:
Sight, front:
Magazine type: detachable box Magazine capacity: ers, 3-shot Safety:
.222 Rem., 4-shot; all oth-
t h u m b type
Barrel length: 24.0 inches in .222 Rem., . 2 2 250; 22.0 inches in all other calibers Stock: 1-piece h a r d w o o d with walnut stain; no checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; uncapped pistol grip Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 43.625 inches Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb: sight)
1.875 inches (from line of open
Drop at heel:
2.625 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs. Trigger pull:
3.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: U - n o t c h , crudely adjustable for windage and elevation
detachable blade on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s Caliber: .222 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win., .6mm R e m . ; . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. and .44 M a g n u m discontinued Data: T h i s rifle has been available in left-hand variations in calibers .308 Win. (7.62mm N a t o ) and 6 m m R e m . since 1968. N o cost increase over standard M 7 8 8 . Several extra-cost options are available: a Universal 4 x scope complete with rings and b a s e s ; an extra clip; and a carrying strap, with quick-detachable swivels installed. Comment: This is a sturdy, reliable rifle for the man w h o c a n n o t afford a fine rifle like the Remington M 7 0 0 or Ruger M 7 7 . T h e author suggests the p u r c h a s e of the sling (it's handy w h e n climbing or toting out deer) and an extra magazine (socalled clip). T h e 4 x Universal scope is not suggested. A scope at this price is not going to last many d e e r s e a s o n s ; its waterproofing is not apt to last long. S c o p e p o w e r for short-range deer and bear shooting should be no greater than 2 . 5 x . This gives a wider field of view for running game than the 4 x .
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate operated by release button inside trigger guard Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 5-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length: .220 Swift varmint version, 26.0 inches; magnum calibers and . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . , 24.0 inches; other calibers, 22.0 inches Stock: 1-piece hand-checkered A m e r i c a n walnut; capped pistol grip; fitted with e y e s for quick-detachable swivels Buttplate: pad
shotgun type with solid rubber recoil
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel (except .458 Win. and varmint version), 7.5 lbs.; .458 Win., 8.75-lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel varminter versions (.22/.250 Rem., .220 Swift, .243 Win., 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 6mm Rem.), 9.0 lbs. Trigger pull:
3.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: Williams folding leaf, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: flat-faced gold bead on r a m p fitted to barrel with band Scope adaptability: T h e M 7 7 (except varmint version) is available with or without open sights. Flat T o p receiver version is fitted with integral scope bases for 1.0-inch Ruger split scope rings. O p e n sights optional at extra cost. Round T o p receiver is drilled and tapped for standard scope bases. O p e n sights optional at extra cost. Round T o p receiver is available in limited n u m b e r of calibers. Varmint version is drilled and tapped for scope blocks Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .220 Swift, .243 Win., . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage, .257 R o b e r t s , .270 Win., .284 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. Magnum, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .458 Win. M a g n u m , 6mm Rem., 7 x 5 7 (7mm M a u s e r ) , 7mm R e m . M a g n u m ; discontinued calibers include .222 Rem., 6.5mm Rem. M a g n u m , .350 Rem. Magnum
Data: T h e M 7 7 is available in two action lengths: short-stroke and M a g n u m . Short-stroke handles n o n m a g n u m cartridges
Ruger Model 77 r o u n d - t o p receiver is tapped to take standard scope m o u n t bases.
shorter than the .270 W i n . / . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield class. T h e s e range from the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem. through the .243 Win. and 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r . Magazine box length (interior): 2.920 inches. This is about one-half inch shorter than the so-called magnum length. . M a g n u m action designation is misleading. T h i s action handles all M 7 7 magnum cartridges, but these are short m a g n u m s , which are no longer than the . 3 0 - 0 6 case. F o r many years there have been three basic action lengths: shortaction, as described a b o v e ; standard length, meaning . 3 0 - 0 6 length; and m a g n u m , to handle full-length magnums like the .300 H & H Magnum, .375 H & H M a g n u m , and full length Weatherby M a g n u m s based on the .300 H & H M a g n u m or .375 H & H M a g n u m cases. Beginning with the .458 Win. M a g n u m and short W e a t h e r b y Magn u m s , there has developed a tendency to call the standard-length action a magnum action. T o avoid confusion we should term the M 7 7 standard action a short-magnum action and leave the term magnum action in its original meaning. T h e M 7 7 " M a g n u m " magazine-box length (interior) is 3.340 inches. T h e .300 and .375 H & H Magn u m case length is 3.60 inches. T h e M 7 7 Ruger provides safety in the event of cartridge-head failure (or pierced primer) in several w a y s . G a s moving rearward along the locking lug channel is largely diverted by the bolt stop. G a s is then vented through a Rugerdesigned gas e s c a p e port. T h e usual gas escape port is located on the receiver's right side. T h e bolt sleeve further diverts gas from the shooter. N o n - M 7 7 barrels may be free-floating (stock not attached to barrel) or may be attached to the stock with a fore-end screw that enters the barrel at right angles. Both m e t h o d s h a v e advantages and disadvantages. Ruger designed and patented a diagonal-front-mounting-screw system with the advantages of both systems but without their disadvantages. A heavy diagonal mounting screw passes through the stock into the receiver recoil lug at a 45° angle. T h e mounting screw thus firmly d r a w s the barrel-receiver unit downward to the rear. This seats the barrel solidly in
its channel. T h e receiver is now positively positioned against the stock's recoil shoulder. Ruger bucked the trend of nearly all riflemakers, both A m e r i c a n and foreign, toward the Weatherby-type stock. H e reverted to the simple classic lines of the stock made famous by noted old-time stockers like Louis W u n d h a m m e r , Bob O w e n s , T h o m a s Shelhammer, Griffin & H o w e , and N a t e Bishop. T h i s stock has no cheekpiece, no M o n t e Carlo c o m b , no flared pistol grip. T h e r e are no white line spacers or fore-end tip inserts. In a day when most major riflemakers are using " r e v e r s e " checkering or machine checkering, Ruger offers 20-line-to-the-inch hand checkering. Heretofore, hand checkering was considered the domain of skilled stockers. Ruger hired leading s t o c k m a k e r L e o n a r d Brownell to teach a bevy of girls the mysteries of hand checkering. T h e experiment has proved successful. Comment: T h e M 7 7 with its classic stock and features usually found on c u s t o m rifles, like the triggerbow floorplate button release and tang safety, offers American riflemen almost a single choice against the overwhelming n u m b e r of Weatherby copies. W e a t h e r b y ' s stock style is perfectly functional, but not all riflemen like it. With the advent of the M 7 7 they h a v e two distinct choices. N o manufacturer m a k e s a sufficiently heavy .458 Winchester M a g n u m . T h e M 7 7 weighs 8.75 lbs. (the Ruger N u m b e r O n e single-shot .458 weighs 9.0 lbs.), but this is far too light. T h e .458 Win. M a g n u m has about twice the recoil of the .375 H & H M a g n u m , yet most g u n m a k e r s offer the .375 H & H M a g n u m and the .458 Win. Magnum at identical or similar weights. In most respects the a u t h o r considers the M 7 7 the equal of the pre- 1964 M 7 0 Winchester. Exceptions: 1. T h e M 7 7 has a plunger ejector rather than the pre-1964 M 7 0 ' s M a u s e r ejector. Varmint shooters can easily modify their M 7 0 ejector so it does not eject or lightly ejects. This is desirable for handloaders. Violently ejected cases may get lost or battered beyond reuse. This minor point, however, only c o n c e r n s a few shooters.
2. All calibers should be available in roundtop and flat-top with integral mount. A minority of h u n t e r s , notably those w h o trek the outback, want a micrometer receiver sight to back up their scope. T h e best m o u n t for this p u r p o s e is Griffin & H o w e ' s quick-detachable side mount. This mount, as is obvious from its n a m e , doesn't require the integral base. A m i c r o m e t e r receiver sight like the famed and reliable L y m a n 4 8 cannot be mounted on the integral-base M 7 7 . 3. T h e trigger was originally advertised as serrated (grooved), but never has been m a d e that way. T h e trigger should be serrated and wider to provide a firmer grip. 4. T h e r e is no need for a recoil pad on standard calibers. A rifle of this classic design and superb quality should be fitted with a N e i d n e r (checkered steel) buttplate on standard calibers. T h e theory is put forth that a rubber recoil pad prevents the rifle from slipping w h e n it is stood in a c o r n e r or against a tree or car. But no rifleman with any affection for his rifle or shotgun ever stands it u p e x c e p t in an upright gun cabinet. T h e arm is laid over a chair or across a Stetson or jacket. It is never stood up. 5. T h e present barrel band securing the fore sight to the barrel should be a b a n d o n e d . T w i c e the a u t h o r has seen V e r m o n t d e e r hunters turn back M 7 7 s which they had just purchased. T h e gun shop proprietor—a c o m p e t e n t gunsmith — fitted scopes to the M 7 7 s , and the fore sights showed in the scopes. It was virtually impossible to r e m o v e the barrel band. It can be sweated off, but then the barrel has to be reblued. 6. Alloy triggerbow, floorplate, and floorplate hinge frame should be replaced by steel. Alloy d o e s n ' t hold its finish. It's p o o r material for engraving. 7. T h e bolt must be firmly closed w h e n e v e r it is turned' d o w n ; otherwise double feeding can occur. T h e a u t h o r greatly admires the M 7 7 in .458 Win. M a g n u m caliber. It is the h a n d s o m e s t .458 he k n o w s — the M 7 0 is second — but because of the potential double-feeding hazard he'll stay with his M 7 0 African. 8. T h e so-called bolt guide should be redesigned so that it really functions as an anti-bind device or bolt guide.
Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: M l 1 0 D / M 1 1 0 D L , nondetachable staggered box, hinged floorplate; M 1 1 0 C / M 1 1 0 C L , detachable b o x ; M 1 1 0 E / M 1 1 0 E L , nondetachable staggered box, no floorplate Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 4-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length: standard calibers, 22.0 inches; magnum calibers, 24.0 inches (stainless steel); M 1 1 0 E / M 1 1 0 E L have satin finish; all others blued Stock: 1-piece American walnut; capped pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; reverse checkering; classic fore-end. M 1 1 0 E / M l 10EL has walnut-stained hardwood and no pistol-grip cap. M a n y stock variations since the M H O was introduced. At one time a premier grade had a roll-over cheekpiece. Weatherby slab-side fore-ends have also been offered. Buttplate:
shotgun type; plastic
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 43.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 45.0 inches Length of pull:
13.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
2.25 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 24.0 inch-barrel, 7.75 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel ( M 1 1 0 E / M 1 1 0 E L ) , 7.5 lbs. Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.; adjustable to 3.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7 m m R e m . Magn u m ; discontinued calibers include .264 Win. M a g n u m , .284 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .338 Win. M a g n u m
Data: M o d e l s 1 1 0 C L / 1 1 0 D L / 1 1 0 E L have lefthand actions. N o M l 10 is fitted with sling swivels. T h e M 1 1 0 E formerly had a 24.0-inch barrel and a floorplate. T h i s version of the M l 10E had no checkering. R e a r sights w e r e formerly R o c k y Mountain (buckhorn). Comment: T h i s rifle, while not in the same category as the Ruger M 7 7 , W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 , Remington M 7 0 0 , Browning H i - P o w e r , or the W e a t h e r b y V a n g u a r d , is an excellent buy for those w h o wish to spend less and still have an accurate, reliable rifle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Safety Trigger Pull Adjusting Screw Safety Detent Spring Safety Detent Spring Screw Trigger Bracket Trigger Pull Adjusting Screw Trigger Pull Adjusting Spring Bolt Body (Specify caliber, right or left) Front Baffle Friction Washer Front Baffle (Specify right or left) Ejector Retaining Pin Bolt Head Assembly (Specify caliber, right or left) Ejector Spring Ejector Extractor Spring Steel Ball Extractor Trigger Travel Adjusting Screw Trigger Pin Retaining Screw Trigger Trigger Spring Pin Trigger Pin Safety Bearing Pin Bolt Assembly Screw Cocking Piece Sleeve Bolt Handle (Specify right or left) Rear Baffle (Specify right or left) Cocking Piece Cocking Piece Pin (Specify right or left) Cocking Piece Link Washer Mainspring (Specify caliber)
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Bolt Head Retaining Pin Firing Pin (Specify caliber) Firing Pin Stop Nut Washer Firing Pin Stop Nut Front Sight Rear Sight Front Sight Base Front Sight Screw Front Sight Adjusting Screw Sear Pin Dummy Screw Recoil Lug Barrel Lock Nut Barrel (Specify caliber) Receiver Trigger Adjusting Screw Cover Magazine Box (Specify caliber) Sear Spring Sear Bushing Sear Butt Plate Screw Recoil Pad Screw (magnum only) Butt Plate Recoil Pad (magnum only) Stock Assembly (Specify caliber, right or left) Pistol Grip Cap Screw Pistol Grip Cap Trigger Guard Screw Trigger Guard Magazine Follower Assembly (Specify caliber) Hinge Plate Spring Magazine Spring (Specify caliber)
9 3 9
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
Hinge Pin Hinged Plate (Specify caliber) Magazine Latch Retaining Ring Floor Plate (Specify caliber) Floor Plate Screw, Rear Magazine Latch Spacer Magazine Latch Magazine Latch Spring Floor Plate Screw, Front (Specify caliber)
PARTS FOR MODEL 110E SERIES ONLY Stock Assembly (Specify caliber, right or left) Trigger Guard 41 Rear Sight Step 42 Rear Sight 43 Front Sight Screw 44 Front Sight Assembly PARTS FOR MODEL HOCSERIES K ONLY 75 Magazine Latch Button 76 Stock Assembly (Specify caliber, right or left) 77 Escutcheon 78 Floor Plate (Specify caliber) 79 Magazine assembly (Specify caliber) 80 Magazine Ejector Spring 81 Magazine Guide (Specify caliber) 82 Magazine Latch Spring 83 Magazine Latch Pin 84 Magazine Latch
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face
Weight: standard calibers, 7.5 lbs.; 7mm Rem. M a g n u m , 8.25 lbs.
Magazine type: detachable staggered box
Trigger pull:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot in .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield; 3-shot in 7mm R e m . M a g n u m
Sight, rear:
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length: 22.0 inches in .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield; 24.0 inches in 7mm R e m . Magnum Stock: 1-piece American walnut; handcheckered pistol grip and fore-end (20 lines to the inch); full pistol grip with plastic cap and white spacer; quick-detachable sling swivels with carrying strap; M o n t e Carlo fluted c o m b ; crossbolt on 7mm Rem. Magnum Buttplate:
hard rubber with white spacer
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 43.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 45.0 inches Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.25 inches
3.5 lbs. Williams O p e n G u i d e Sight
Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, 7mm Rem. Magnum Data: A relatively deluxe rifle based on the Savage M H O . Comment: This is the finest Savage the a u t h o r has seen. T h e r e are no unsightly gaps between stock and barrel as sometimes occurs —it did with the early post-1964 M 7 0 Winchesters—with free-floating barrels. A d e q u a t e safety margins are provided by two gas ports and three safety gas baffles. This rifle would be almost as good —for the classic-minded —as the Ruger M 7 7 if the white line spacers w e r e eliminated. T h e a u t h o r would prefer a nondetachable magazine. T h e trigger system could be refined.
Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: detachable staggered box Magazine capacity: 4-shot in .222 R e m . ; 3-shot in .225 Win. (discontinued), . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. Safety:
t h u m b t y p e ; locks bolt and trigger
Barrel length: . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., 22.0 inches; .222 R e m . (and discontinued .225 Win.), 24.0 inches; 20.0-inch, . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. discontinued Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; plastic pistolgrip c a p ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; reverse checkering; classic fore-end; earlier stocks had no M o n t e Carlo c o m b and no checkering Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 40.0 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: .222 Rem., 7.5 lbs.; . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., 7.25 lbs. Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation; replaces earlier R o c k y M o u n t a i n (buckhorn) Sight, front:
bead on removable r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope m o u n t Caliber: .222 Rem., . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.; .225 Win. discontinued Data: This is the post-World W a r II version of the old Savage M 2 3 (.22 H o r n e t , . 2 5 - 2 0 , . 3 2 20). Comment: T h i s is an inexpensive rifle designed for casual varmint shooting (.222 Rem.) or for the occasional . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. shooter w h o wants this caliber in a bolt action.
WALTHER KKJ SPORTSMAN CENTERFIRE RIFLE Manufacturer: Carl Walther West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
pistol grip and fore-end; c h e e k p i e c e ; plasticcapped pistol grip; sling swivels; left-hand stock available at e x t r a cost on special order Buttplate:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
F i r e a r m s International
Magazine type:
22.5 inches
E u r o p e a n walnut; hand checkering on
Shotgun t y p e ; hard rubber
Overall length:
41.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.9 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: not specified; standard or double set trigger available Sight, r e a r : military-type leaf, adjustable windage and elevation Sight, front:
bead on r a m p with removable hood
Scope adaptability: scope m o u n t s Caliber:
.22 H o r n e t
Data: Same basic rifle (except, of c o u r s e , for the action) is offered in a rimfire version, and is described in the chapter on bolt-action rimfire rifles. Both the centerfire and rimfire are handsomely finished as well as finely crafted for precision shooting, although the cheekpiece is
too small. T h e s e Walthers are intended for serious s h o o t e r s ; both are priced at well over $ 3 0 0 with a standard trigger, and about $20 extra with a double set trigger. Comment: It has b e c o m e hard to find a rifle c h a m b e r e d , as this one is, for the famous old .22 H o r n e t . A t appropriate ranges, the H o r n e t is a fine cartridge for w o o d c h u c k s , prairie dogs, j a c k rabbits, and other varmint species or fairly small game —even including foxes. H o w e v e r , this Walther K K J is not a varmint rifle in the traditional sense. A varmint rifle needs plenty of weight for long, deliberate shots. At 5.5 lbs., the Walther is a sporter rather than a true varminter despite its caliber.
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
bolt; nine locking lugs
Magazine type: floorplate
Magazine capacity: 5-shot in .240 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m ; 4-shot in . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield; 3shot in all other calibers Safety:
horizontal t h u m b type
Barrel length: 24.0 inches in .240, .257, .270, .300, 7mm W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m s ; 26.0 inches in .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m (available for same caliber with 24.0-inch barrel at extra cost); 26.0 inches, heavier barrel, in .378 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m ; for .460 Weatherby M a g n u m , see C h a p t e r 8 Stock: distinctive W e a t h e r b y styling; A m e r i c a n walnut; flared pistol grip capped by rosewood insert; M o n t e Carlo c o m b and cheekpiece; solid rubber recoil pad; rosewood fore-end tip insert at 45° angle; flat sides and
b o t t o m on fore-end; b a s k e t w e a v e checkering; high-gloss waterproof and scratch-resistant finish; all stocks individually hand-bedded; cheekpiece slants u p to rear; Oregon myrtle stock w a s formerly offered but has been discontinued. Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; ventilated rubber recoil pad Overall length: 24.0-inch barrel, 44.5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.5 inches Length of pull: 13.5 inches (except .460 W M ) ; 13.875 inches (.460 W M ) Drop at Monte Carlo: inch (rear) Drop at heel:
0.875 inch (front); 0.5
1.5 inches
Weight: 24.0-inch barrel with c o n t o u r one, 7.25 lbs; 26.0-inch barrel with c o n t o u r two or three, 8.5 lbs. Trigger pull: Sight, rear:
3.5 lbs. (adjustable) n o n e except on special order
Separate view of the Weatherby Mark V action with the one-piece bolt in place. The bolt is m a c h i n e d f r o m c h r o m e moly steel.
Sight, front:
none except on special order
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; W e a t h e r b y scopes furnished on special order Caliber: .240 W M , .257 W M , .270 W M , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 W M , .340 W M , .378 W M , 7mm W M Data: This action, designed by Roy W e a t h e r b y , was originally made for him by J. P. Sauer & Sohn, Suhl, G e r m a n y . It is now produced in Japan. A major feature of this strong action is not merely that the bolt face is recessed — many other bolt actions have this feature —but that the barrel face is also counter-bored. T h u s the bolt head fits into the barrel. T h e M a r k V action has a combination of features of various actions. T h e one-piece bolt is machined from c h r o m e moly steel. T h e receiver is made from a one-piece c h r o m e moly forging. T h e r e are nine locking lugs in contrast to the two of the typical M a u s e r action. T h e actual
bearing area of the nine lugs is not appreciably greater than the total a r e a of t w o standard lugs. T h e bolt sleeve is entirely enclosed from the rear. T h e W e a t h e r b y w a s one of the first American sporting rifles to h a v e this feature. T h e M a r k V action and other parts of the rifle are entirely m a d e of steel. T h e r e are no alloy parts. Comment: T h i s is one of the strongest and most h a n d s o m e actions m a d e . T h e barrel and the entire action — save the receiver-ring top and bright bolt —are finished with very high-quality bluing. T h e streamlined action, despite its massive app e a r a n c e , weighs only 36 oz. —4.0 oz. less than the short-stroke Ruger action and 6.0 oz. less than the magnum Ruger action. T h e well-designed trigger is adjustable. T h e a u t h o r ' s major criticism c o n c e r n s the small size of the safety slide. It should be considerably larger even at the e x p e n s e of breaking up the action's sleek lines. It is unfortunate that separate M a r k V actions are not available. T h e r e are many riflemen w h o have no desire for R o y ' s fancy stocks but would like to build a rifle around the M a r k V action. Y o u h a v e to p u r c h a s e a barreled action.
H o w a Machinery C o . , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Weatherby, Inc.
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
nondetachable box
Magazine capacity: 5-shot e x c e p t .300 Win. M a g n u m , 3-shot Safety:
t h u m b t y p e ; horizontal
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with Weatherby styling; flared pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; rear of M o n t e Carlo c o m b elevated above forward portion; rosewood fore-end tip inletted at 45° angle; cheekpiece; glossy waterproof and scratch-resistant finish; sharp machine checkering Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; ventilated rubber recoil pad Overall length:
44.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: inch (rear) Drop at heel: Weight:
0.875 inch (front); 0.5
1.5 inches
7.925 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
3.25 lbs. n o n e ; available on special order n o n e ; available on special o r d e r
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; W e a t h e r b y scopes furnished on o r d e r Caliber: .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m Comment: T h i s improved M a u s e r action offers the economy-minded a genuine W e a t h e r b y - t y p e stock in several standard calibers. It is one of the few rifles on the m a r k e t which offers a 24.0-inch barrel in standard calibers like .270 Win. and . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. A very well-made rifle.
Whitworth Rifle C o . , England
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
slide located behind bolt
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece finely figured E u r o p e a n walnut; classic English styling; hand-cut checkering; full pistol grip with plastic c a p ; black tenite fore-end c a p ; oil-type finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: solid red rubber recoil pad with black line spacer
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: .375 H & H M a g n u m , 8.25 lbs.; .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7.5 lbs.; 7 m m R e m . Magnum, 7.5 lbs. Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : three folding leafs, m o u n t e d on q u a r t e r rib and marked 100 y a r d s , 200 y a r d s , 300 yards Sight, front: flat gold bead on r a m p with detachable hood Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t
Caliber: .375 H & H M a g n u m , .300 Win. Magnum, 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m Data: Action is same t y p e of modified M a u s e r used in Interarms M a u s e r M a r k X rifle, described earlier in this chapter.
Comment: F o r h u n t e r s w h o prefer the classic English rifle styling and furniture like leaf sights on a q u a r t e r rib, this is an excellent rifle. T h e a u t h o r would like to see this rifle available in such noted big-game calibers as 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r , .270 Win., and . 3 0 - 0 6 . T h e fore-end cap should be m a d e of the traditional ebony or C a p e buffalo horn rather than tenite. T h e pistol-grip cap should be steel.
Winchester Model 70 pre-1964 version
Winchester Model 70 Standard
Action type:
bolt; cartridge head enclosed
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: standard, varmint, and target, 5-shot; M a g n u m and African, 3-shot Safety: 3-position, horizontal; red dot shows when arm is cocked Barrel length: 22.0 inches for all standard calibers except . 2 5 - 0 6 (24.0 inches); 24.0 inches for all magnums except .458 African (22.0 inches); 26.0 inches for M 7 0 target in . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and .308 Win. (7.62 N A T O ) ; 24.0 inches in .308 A r m y International M a t c h rifle; 24.0 inches for all varmint calibers; 19.0 inches for all calibers with Mannlicher-type stock (discontinued) Stock: new M 7 0 stock (1964) w a s a radical departure from its p r e d e c e s s o r ( 1 9 3 7 - 6 3 ) . Machine-cut checkering w a s replaced by impressed checkering. Secured barrels w e r e replaced by floating (unsecured to stock by screw) barrels. G a p between barrel and stock was considered too large by
many leading firearms writers. In 1972 Winc h e s t e r returned to machine checkering. F o r several y e a r s after its introduction the new M 7 0 ' s M o n t e Carlo slanted d o w n from the rear. T h e forward slant has been substantially modified. In 1972 the M 7 0 was given an entirely new stock. It now has a Weatherby-style slab-sided fore-end with a wood insert, slanted at 45°, with a white line spacer. T h e grip w a s reshaped with some W e a t h e r b y - t y p e flare. Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic on standard and varmint m o d e l s ; black rubber recoil pad on magnums Overall length: 19.0-inch barrel, 35.5 inches; 22.0-inch barrel, 42.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.5 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.5 inches; 24.0 inch barrel A r m y International M a t c h in .308 Win. (7.62 N A T O ) , 43.25 inches Length of pull: 13.5 inches except .308 Win. (7.62 N A T O ) A r m y International M a t c h , 12.0 inches
Drop at comb: 1.75 inches except .308 Win. (7.62 N A T O ) , 1.25 inches Drop at Monte Carlo: 1.5 inches e x c e p t .458 African, 1.75 inches; n o n e on A r m y International M a t c h rifle Drop at heel: 2.125 inches e x c e p t A r m y International M a t c h , 1.25 inches, and .458 African, 2.375 inches Weight: standard, 22.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; standard, 24.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; magnums (except .375 H & H ) , 24.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; .375 H & H M a g n u m , 8.5 lbs.; .458 African, 8.5 lbs.; V a r m i n t e r calibers, 9.75 lbs.; 308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) A r m y International M a t c h rifle, 11.0 lbs.; target rifle, 26.0-inch barrel, 10.5 lbs.; Mannlicher, 19.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs. (discontinued) Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : target, varmint, and Mannlicher, n o n e ; folding leaf all others Sight, front: target, varmint, and Mannlicher (discontinued), n o n e ; others h a v e gold bead on ramp with removable sight p r o t e c t o r Scope adaptability: varmint and target versions have scope blocks; other versions h a v e receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
Caliber: .222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 , .264 Win. M a g n u m , .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62 N A T O ) , 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H M a g n u m , .458 Win. M a g n u m ; .225 Win. discontinued Basic model variation
1. Standard M70. Calibers: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .222 Rem., .225 Win. ( 1 9 6 5 - 7 2 ) , .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) . T h e s e calibers h a v e 22.0-inch barrels. Caliber . 2 5 - 0 6 (introduced 1972) has a 24.0-inch barrel. Standard M 7 0 s now h a v e quick-detachable sling swivels (1972) and a plastic buttplate with white line spacer. W h e n the n e w M 7 0 appeared, the Featherweight version with the 22.0-inch barrel (pre-'64) was d r o p p e d from the line. Standard calibers like the .243 Win., .270 Win., and . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield that had heretofore been available with 22.0-inch barrel in the F e a t h e r w e i g h t or 24.0-inch (pre-'64 Standard) are available with 22.0-inch barrels. 2. Magnum M70. Calibers: .264 Win. Magnum, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H M a g n u m , 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m . All barrels are 24.0 inches. Butts are fitted with ventilated recoil p a d s . Quick-detachable sling swivels. All calibers e x c e p t the .375 H & H M a g n u m
W i n c h e s t e r Model 70 target rifle
are " s h o r t " m a g n u m s in that they are .300 H & H or .375 H & H cases shortened and necked up or d o w n . T h e s e cases function through a standard ( . 3 0 - 0 6 length) action. T h e .375 H & H M a g n u m is the only M 7 0 cartridge requiring a full-length or true magnum action. T h e magazine capacity of the .375 H & H p o s t - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 M a g n u m is 3shot; pre-1964 was 4-shot. All W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 M a g n u m s in current production have 3-shot magazines. T h e .300 H & H M a g n u m cartridge w a s the only magnum cartridge available in the pre-1964 M 7 0 that w a s not carried over into the present M 7 0 . All new M 7 0 M a g n u m stocks are reinforced with a steel crossbolt; the .458 African has t w o . 3. Mannlicher-stocked M70. In 1969 Winchester introduced a 19.0-inch barrel M 7 0 with the full-length Mannlicher-type stock. Calibers: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) . Steel fore-end cap. Checkering was reverse type ( 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 ) . Quickdetachable sling swivels. Discontinued 1972. This variation w a s probably discontinued bec a u s e : it cost about $75 more than the Standard M 7 0 , and medium- to high-velocity cartridges created about 250 f.p.s. loss of muzzle velocity from the 24.0-inch barrel. T h e handiness of the short barrel w a s insufficient c o m p e n s a t i o n . 4. M70 African. D i s c u s s e d in C h a p t e r 8. 5. M70 Target rifle. Like the M 7 0 African, the new M 7 0 T a r g e t is little changed in stock dimensions from the old M 7 0 . (There is, of course, the improved action with recessed bolt head.) Calibers: .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. Clip slot in receiver bridge for use with 5-shot Springfield stripper clips. C o n t o u r e d aluminum hand stop. W e would like to see a return of the Old M 7 0 Bull G u n in either .300 H & H M a g n u m or . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield or both. T h i s M 7 0 had a 28.0-inch barrel and weighed 13.0 lbs. 6. M70 Varmint Rifle. D i s c u s s e d in C h a p t e r 9. T h e author would like the 26.0-inch barrel fitted to this rifle. H e prefers this rifle weight over any other commercially available rifle in t h e s e calibers. N o w that Ruger has revived the .220 Swift in his M 7 7 , p e r h a p s W i n c h e s t e r will also revive this fine cartridge, which it originated in 1935. 7. M70 Custom (Super Grade) Rifle. Introduced in 1964, discontinued in 1973. Its n a m e was changed to S u p e r G r a d e (after old M 7 0 ) in 1972. Calibers: .243 Win., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m (with ventilated
recoil pad). R e c e i v e r bridge matted to prevent glare. Knurled bolt handle. Prior to 1972 the S u p e r G r a d e had a stock similar to (but better wood) than other M 7 0 s . Data (general): M a n y modifications w e r e m a d e on the post-1963 M 7 0 during its first 11 years. M a n y changes involved stock design, and some of these changes w e r e sufficiently unfortunate so that they w e r e later refined or aband o n e d : reverse checkering, a loss of classic contours, a free-floating barrel which theoretically should h a v e improved a c c u r a c y (by eliminating the variable pressure of w o o d against metal) but —until the design was refined —was floated in too wide a channel. It should be stressed that most of the criticisms n o longer apply, although the M 7 0 has not returned to traditional c o n t o u r s but h a s , instead, incorporated a subtle touch of Weatherby styling. A major difference b e t w e e n the old and current M 7 0 is the recessed bolt head, which offers additional protection in the event of cartridgehead failure. O t h e r i m p r o v e m e n t s o v e r the old M 7 0 : j e w eled bolt, quick-detachable sling swivels, and knurled bolt handle. P r e 1964 M 7 0 s —except F e a t h e r w e i g h t — h a d machined-steel trigger guards. M 7 0 s n o w have the old F e a t h e r w e i g h t aluminum alloy triggerbow. Early pre-1964 M 7 0 s , save those with recoil p a d s , w e r e fitted with a c h e c k e r e d steel buttplate. T h e c u r r e n t M 7 0 has a plastic buttplate in standard calibers. T h e new M 7 0 retained the old M 7 0 ' s hinged floorplate. Trigoer pull is adjustable. In 1968 W i n c h e s t e r added an anti-bind device, or bolt guide. T h i s m a k e s the bolt noticeably easier to o p e r a t e . T h i s feature was installed on all M 7 0 s at serial n u m b e r 866,000. P u r c h a s e r s of secondhand p o s t - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 s should e n d e a v o r to get one with the serial a b o v e 866,000. Bolts above 866,000 will not fit receivers below that number. T h e alloy floorplate was replaced with one of black c h r o m e steel. Triggerbow and floorplate frame are still alloy. P r e - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 triggerbows and floorplate frame — both of machined steel — are still available. Comment: T h e author, along with many a n o t h e r admirer of the lovable pre-1964 M 7 0 , intensely disliked the replacement M 7 0 for a long time after its a p p e a r a n c e . T h i s dislike w a s partly esthetic, partly emotional, and partly technical. S o m e of the features w e r e mechanically improved, but there w e r e also changes for the sake of e c o n o m y — c h e a p e r m e t h o d s of manufacturing the receiver and action by eliminating s o m e machining
and meticulous handcrafting. ( F o r further details and comment, see the introductory text at the beginning of this chapter.) While these e c o n o m y measures did not significantly impair functioning, they were mere changes rather than progress and, as with the stock, later refinements w e r e made. T h e recessed bolt head of the new M 7 0 is safer than that of the old M 7 0 , but no one w h o used factory ammunition or sensible reloads could have asked for greater safety with the pre-1964 M 7 0 . It was partly Remington's advertising its M 7 0 0 ' s bolthead safety feature that impelled Winchester to adopt the enclosed bolthead. Gradually, and especially in the last three or
four years, the new M 7 0 has returned to the good graces of some old M 7 0 buffs. O t h e r s h a v e been permanently weaned away by the Ruger M 7 7 , which bears a strong resemblance to the classic lines and features of the pre-1964 M 7 0 . T h e new M 7 0 is an even safer rifle than the old M 7 0 , but the old M 7 0 w a s extremely safe. It was primarily the looks, including the useless reverse checkering, that caused old M 7 0 lovers to bewail its fate. Machine-cut checkering has returned. M a n y recent M 7 0 changes may well h a v e been effected because the Remington M 7 0 0 was surpassing the M 7 0 in sales —and because of the appeal of the Ruger M 7 7 to pre-1964 M 7 0 admirers.
Winchester Model 70A Sporter
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; cartridge case head enclosed Magazine type: plate
nondetachable b o x ; no floor-
Magazine capacity: standard calibers, 4-shot; magnum calibers, 3-shot Safety:
Barrel length: magnum calibers, 24.0 inches; standard calibers, 22.0 inches Stock: 1-piece Weatherby-style A m e r i c a n walnut; plastic pistol-grip c a p ; machine-cut checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece; fluted c o m b Buttplate:
shotgun type; plastic
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 42.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.5 inches Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.125 inches
Weight: 22.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
not specified folding leaf
Sight, front: gold bead on r a m p with removable sight p r o t e c t o r Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: 1974 .222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .270 Win., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m Data: T h i s e c o n o m y version of the M 7 0 is available in all M 7 0 calibers except the .338, .375 H & H , and .458 W i n c h e s t e r m a g n u m s . A major e c o n o m y was achieved by eliminating the hinged floorplate. T h i s r e d u c e s the magazine capacity by one round. T h e M 7 0 A has an engine-turned bolt, three-position safety, and wide serrated trigger. N o fore-end-tip wood insert, and the rounded, classically plain fore-end may appeal to m a n y old M 7 0 lovers. Comment: T h i s is W i n c h e s t e r ' s third e c o n o m y version of the p o s t - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 . T h e other att e m p t s , both discontinued, w e r e the M 6 7 0 and M770.
SINGLE-SHOT BOLT-ACTION CENTERFIRE RIFLES T h e single-shot bolt action is the most restrictive of all centerfire rifle categories. T h e r e are three basic u s e s for such an action: match rifles for use in a limited n u m b e r of m a t c h e s , varmint shooting, and b e n c h r e s t shooting. A t the present time, one A m e r i c a n production-line rifle is manufactured for each of these p u r p o s e s . (There are, of course, plenty of custom-built single-shot boltaction centerfires, m a d e by gunsmiths to fill individual orders.) D e s p i t e the limited u s e s , there is sufficient d e m a n d to keep these rifles in production. Before 1975 only two rifles, both using the same basic Remington 4 0 X B action, w e r e available. In 1975 Savage introduced its M i l 2 V single-shot varmint rifle. If Savage and Remington had to design and manufacture actions solely for single-shot use there would be no single-shot bolt rifles. H o w ever, the two Remington single-shot rifles are actually one-shot versions of a magazine rifle. T h e magazine rifle b e c o m e s a single-shot by the simple expedient of not cutting a magazine well in the stock. A bolt-action single-shot costs slightly less to p r o d u c e b e c a u s e the stock-cutting p r o c e s s is simplified and there is no magazine or magazine floorplate. H o w e v e r , a rifle for benchrest shooting, other kinds of target m a t c h e s , or varminting d o e s have special features and it must be exceptionally a c c u r a t e . It requires very painstaking manufacture — which m e a n s that a single-shot costs the buyer as m u c h or more than its magazine counterpart. W h y a single-shot rifle? T h e stiffer a stock is, or the less spring it has, the m o r e accurate the rifle should be, all other factors being equal. T h e simplest way to stiffen a stock is to delete the magazine well. T h e only benchrest rifle from a major manufacturer is the Remington 4 0 X B - B R . T h i s model represents a very small portion of the rifles used by the t h o u s a n d s of b e n c h r e s t shooters. F r o m personal observation the a u t h o r estimates that at 88
least 95 percent of b e n c h r e s t rifles are c u s t o m m a d e . M a n y of these rifles use modified Remington actions. O n e of the most popular actions is the Shilen. T h i s handcrafted action is designed for b e n c h r e s t shooting. M a n y b e n c h r e s t rifles based on a Remington or Shilen action are m a d e up by the shooters themselves. T h e b e n c h r e s t s h o o t e r has one ultimate goal. H e —or she —wants to put three bullets into one hole, t h e size of one bullet. T w e n t y years ago this seemed impossible, though even then pioneer b e n c h r e s t e r s w e r e hoping to achieve it. T h e day is approaching when it will h a p p e n . After that, w h a t ? T h e clan will probably seek to achieve the s a m e effect at twice the distance. T h e original b e n c h r e s t s h o o t e r s met informally back in the early 1950s in J o h n s t o w n , N . Y . T h e a u t h o r ' s friend, the late H a r v e y D o n a l d s o n , wildcatter and designer of the famed .219 D o n a l d s o n W a s p , was largely responsible for the meet. M o s t of the group w e r e dedicated varmint shooters and wildcat cartridge e x p e r i m e n t e r s . T o d a y , there are two b e n c h r e s t shooter organizations. National m a t c h e s are attended by shooters from all o v e r the U n i t e d States and C a n a d a . T h e organizations a r e International Benchrest S h o o t e r s (publication: Precision Shooting), 8 Cline St., Dolgeville, N . Y . 13329; and National Bench Rest S h o o t e r s Association (publication: The Rifle Magazine), Box 3030, Prescott, Ariz. 8 6 3 0 1 . T h e r e are three basic rifle categories in benchrest m a t c h e s : (1) Sporting rifle class, not to e x c e e d 8.5 lbs. including s c o p e ; (2) Varmint rifle class, not to exceed 11.5 lbs. including s c o p e ; and (3) any-weight class. T h e a u t h o r o n c e fired a class-three rifle which used a healthy portion of a railroad tie for a stock and weighed 47.0 lbs. Benchrest bullets are extraordinarily precise affairs. M a n y b e n c h r e s t e r s manufacture their own bullets. O t h e r s buy them from small-quantity, high-quality craftsmen. M a n y b e n c h r e s t e r s
load their cartridges at the shooting site. Stationwagon tailgates and the trunk deck b e c o m e loading benches. T h e r e may be a benchrest group in your area. Even if y o u ' r e not interested in this type of shooting, you won't regret a few h o u r s ' watching
and listening and talking to b e n c h r e s t shooters — and you might get the bug. T h e one single-shot varmint rifle is the Savage M l 12V, and the position target rifle is the Remington 4 0 X B Rangemaster. Both are described in this chapter.
REMINGTON MODEL 40XB SINGLE-SHOT Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt head
Trigger pull: 2 - 4 . 0 lbs. (adjustable); 2.0-oz. special trigger available at extra cost
Sights, open: n o n e furnished; receiver drilled and tapped for receiver peep/target sight
3-position thumb-operated slide
Barrel length:
27.75 inches (round)
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut, u n c h e c k e r e d , with full pistol grip; straight c o m b ; handbedded free-floating barrel; adjustable front swivel and hand guide Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
47.75 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
Drop at heel:
Scope adaptability:
target scope block installed
Calibers, s t a n d a r d : .222 Rem., .222 R e m . Magnum, .223 R e m . (5.56mm), . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .300 Win. M a g n u m , 7.62mm N A T O (.308 Win.), 6 m m Rem., 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m Calibers, wildcat: 6 x 4 7 m m (6mm R e m . case necked to .222 Rem.), 6mm International, . 3 0 - . 3 3 8 (.338 Win. case necked to .30) Data: date.
1.25 inches
Weight: standard-weight stainless-steel barrel, 9.75 lbs.; heavy-weight stainless-steel barrel, 11.25 lbs.
18 or more w e e k s for delivery after order
Comment: T h i s rifle —one of o u r best target types —is available in many more calibers than its competitor, the 5-shot M 7 0 target model.
Action type: throw) Safety:
bolt; modified
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
steel, 20.0 inches; heavy-varmint stainless-steel, 26.0 inches Stock:
class, stainless-
similar to Model 4 0 - X B
special target-type " n o n - s l i p "
Parts list for Remington Model 40-XE Centerfire Rifle
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CO
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Part Name Bolt Assembly Bolt Plug Bolt Stop Bolt Stop Pin Bolt Stop Release Bolt Stop Spring Butt Pad Butt Pad Screw Center Guard Screw (Single Shot Only) Connector Ejector Ejector Pin Ejector Spring Extractor Extractor Rivet Firing Pin Firing Pin Assembly Firing Pin Cross Pin Floor Plate (Repeating) Floor Plate Latch (Repeating) Floor Plate Latch Pin (Repeating)
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Part Name
Overall length: 20.0-inch barrel, 39.25 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.25 inches Length of pull: Drop at comb:
13.5 inches 0.5 inch
Drop at heel: 0.35 inch Weight: 20.0-inch barrel, 9.24 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 12.5 lbs. Trigger pull:
2 . 0 - 4 . 0 lbs. (adjustable)
Sights, open:
Floor Plate Pivot Pin (Repeating) Floor Plate Latch Spring (Repeating) Fore-end Rail Fore-end Rail Screw (3) Front Guard Screw Front Guard Screw (Repeating) Front Swivel Block Front Swivel Block Washer Front Swivel with Bushing Front Swivel Nut Front Swivel Screw Front Swivel Washer Magazine (Repeating) Magazine Follower (Repeating) Magazine Spacer (Repeating) Magazine Spring (Repeating) Main Spring Rear Guard Screw Receiver Plug Screw Safety Assembly Safety Detent Ball Safety Detent Spring
Scope adaptability: target scope blocks installed
Part Name Safety Pivot Pin Safety Snap Washer Sear Pin Sear Safety Cam Sear Spring Stock (H2) (Repeating) Telescope Base, Front Telescope Base, Rear Telescope Base Screw, Front Telescope Base Screw, Rear Trigger Trigger Adjusting Screw Trigger Adjusting Spring Trigger Adjusting Ball Trigger Engagement Screw Trigger Guard Trigger Guard (Repeating) Trigger Housing Assembly Trigger Spring Trigger Stop Screw
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 64
Caliber, s t a n d a r d : .222 Rem., .222 Rem. Magn u m , .223 R e m . (5.56mm), 7.62mm N A T O (.308 Win.) Caliber, wildcat:
Data: Specifications meet the requirements of National Bench R e s t Shooters Association ( N B R S A ) . Special order item. Allow 18 w e e k s minimum for delivery. Comment: T h i s is the only b e n c h r e s t rifle regularly available through a manufacturer. M o s t b e n c h r e s t rifles are m a d e by c u s t o m m a k e r s (including action m a k e r s like Shilen). T h i s is a s u p e r b varmint rifle. T h e a u t h o r would like it available in calibers .243 Win. a n d / o r 6 m m Rem.
SAVAGE M112V SINGLE-SHOT VARMINT RIFLE Action type: bolt; Savage M H O action (modified M a u s e r ) ; enclosed cartridge head Safety:
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length:
47.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.625 inch
26.0 inches
Stock: black walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); uncapped pistol grip; plain uncheckered fore-end; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: line
Overall length:
shotgun t y p e ; recoil pad with white
Drop at heel: Weight:
0.625 inch
9.25 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
4.0 lbs. (adjustable) none none
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope blocks Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .220 Swift, Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . Data:
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: T h i s is the first A m e r i c a n - m a d e boltaction single-shot varmint rifle. It is the only current-production varmint rifle which offers a 26.0inch barrel in all calibers including the .220 Swift. It is one of t w o current production rifles — the other is the Ruger M 7 7 — c h a m b e r e d for the .220 Swift. T h e W u n d h a m m e r swell of the pistol grip is readily adaptable for either the right or left hand. T h e M 1 1 2 V is available in right- and left-hand actions. M a n y dedicated varmint shooters prefer a single-shot bolt-action rifle b e c a u s e of the increased stock stiffness gained by lack of maga-
zine well. M o s t c u s t o m varmint rifles are singleshots. T h e n o n - M o n t e C a r l o stock and plain fore-end appeal to lovers of the classic stock. O n e discordant n o t e is the white line in the recoil pad. If Savage wanted to p r o d u c e a p u r e classic rifle, a steel buttplate should h a v e b e e n used. O r , if a recoil pad must be used, at least the white line should h a v e been left out. It is, h o w e v e r , n o great chore to replace the recoil pad. T h i s is the only current-production centerfire rifle k n o w n to the a u t h o r which has a c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and a plain —uncheckered—fore-end. T h i s was an e c o n o m y m e a s u r e . M o s t c u s t o m varmint rifles h a v e neither the pistol grip nor the fore-end c h e c k e r e d . B e c a u s e the varmint rifle is usually fired in conjunction with some sort of improvised rest, the grip usually provided by checkering is not so vital. T h e trigger pull of the a u t h o r ' s t w o M l 12V rifles, a .220 Swift and a .243 Win., was a bit heavy upon arrival from the factory. This w a s readily rectified.
T h e big-bore magazine rifle —caliber .450 and up—did not b e c o m e a major player on the African scene until the W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 African and its companion cartridge, the .458 Win. M a g n u m , appeared in 1956. T h e r e w e r e no magazine rifles in caliber .450. T h e .500 M a u s e r (Jeffrey) and .505 G i b b s are ultra-big-bores. T h e .500 M a u s e r , never popular because of feeding problems with the rebated case head, is dead. Only the .505 G i b b s is in the general range of the ultra-big-bores like the .500, .577, and .600 N i t r o E x p r e s s e s . T h e large-medium-bore class includes .404 Westley Richards, .416 Rigby, and .425 Westley Richards. T h e .416 Rigby, capable of dropping elephant u n d e r all conditions except a charge, was most popular. Its popularity lay in the stoutly constructed steel-jacket solid. M a n y professional hunters like H a r r y Selby used the .416 as their personal rifle. T h e .425 W R acquired a reputation for unreliability for the same reason the .500 M a u s e r did — rebated-case feed problems. T h e s e t w o ultra-big-bore and three largemedium-bore rifles, assembled in England, used M a u s e r actions. T h e most popular medium-bore bolt-action cartridge, the .375 H & H M a g n u m , is m o r e popular than any other bolt-action cartridge, including ultra-large and large-medium bores. T h e .375 H & H is capable of dropping but not stopping an elephant. It is also an excellent long-range caliber for African plains game. M a n y British East African and Rhodesian professionals tote a twogun battery —.375 H & H and large-bore double or magazine rifle. In the late 1930s when ultra-big-bore and large-medium-bore rifles cost $ 3 5 0 to $ 5 0 0 , the .375 H & H Winchester M 7 0 cost $61.96, and it rapidly b e c a m e popular on the African scene. T h e M 7 0 acquired a reputation for accuracy and reliability. J a c q u e s Lott, an experienced dangerous-game hunter, writing in The American Rifleman
("Why Big Bore Rifles A r e B e s t , " J a n . / F e b . 1972), noted that professional white hunters H a r r y M a n n e r s and Wally J o h n s o n "killed between them t h o u s a n d s of elephant and buffalo plus countless antelope and many lions betw e en 1937 and 1960. T h e y used pre-war M o d e l 70 .375s and w o r e out several stocks a p i e c e . " T r o u b l e c a m e , as it must, to all men w h o hunt d a n g e r o u s game long enough with a marginal caliber. Lott noted: Wally changed his old Model 7 0 for a .458 after a nasty duel with a snared buffalo which charged his clients. . . . T h e buffalo, pain-maddened because his neck had been cruelly cut by a poacher's snare, charged before Wally could get in his third shot. T h e buff crashed into the muzzle, knocking the rifle from Wally's hand . . . D o w n went Wally, with the buffalo working on him . . . Wally got a horn through his thigh. Jerry Knight, manager of Kerr's Sport Shop (Hollyw o o d , California), ran up and pumped a couple of .458 solids, o n e of which severed the buffalo's spine just forward of the shoulders.
A s R o y W e a t h e r b y topped the .338 Win. Magn u m with his .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , so he topped the .458 with his .460 W e a t h e r b y Magnum. Advertised as the " W o r l d ' s most powerful c a r t r i d g e " — the c u s t o m .475 A & M has m o r e energy, 10,000 ft.-lbs. —the .460 uses the same weight and diameter bullet as the .458 Win. but at a higher velocity. S o m e professional hunters believe the .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m is a case of " o v e r k i l l " while o t h e r s prefer the .458 Win. M a g n u m on the g r o u n d s that it has better penetration. Some hunters, preferring m o r e bullet weight to high velocity, use a 600-grain bullet. E x p e r i e n c e d elephant hunters like barrelmaker J o h n Buhmuller—he may h a v e killed more elephants than any contemporary A m e r i c a n —used a .460 W M with a 600-grain bullet reversed in the case. Buhmuller shot elephants on control—for the g o v e r n m e n t — a t his 93
own e x p e n s e . H e was not allowed to keep the ivory. T w o other W e a t h e r b y loads are .375 Weatherby M a g n u m and .378 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . T h e .375 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m was a .375 H & H case with a W e a t h e r b y shoulder. Increased propellant capacity gave the .375 bullets about 200 f.p.s. higher velocity than the .375 H & H . It was a deadly caliber. Unfortunately it w a s discontinued when Roy brought out his .378 W e a t h e r b y Magnum. H e added a belt to the .416 Rigby case and necked it d o w n to .375 H & H diameter. In some African countries neither of these cartridges can be used for elephant. Local laws require a .400 caliber minimum for the big stuff. M o s t professionals now use the .458 Win. M a g n u m cartridge, and most are W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 Africans.
Big-bore design and
Barrel length. T h e .458 Win. M a g n u m M 7 0 originally had a 25.0-inch barrel. P o s t - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 s h a v e a 22.0-inch barrel. T h i s is ideal. It is handy in bush or jungle. T h e .458 is a short-range cartridge, so the slight velocity loss is not critical. T w o other pre-1964 M 7 0 s had 25.0-inch barrels, the .375 H & H M a g n u m and .338 Win. Magnum (both are 24.0 inches in post-1964s). T h e original Remington M 7 0 0 in .458 Win. M a g n u m had a ridiculous —and, in bush or jungle, dangerous —26.0-inch barrel. It is now 24.0 inches; 22.0 inches would be even better. T h e current M 7 0 is the only .458 with a 22.0inch barrel. Stocks. .458s usually have black or E u r o p e a n walnut stocks. T h e .458 Colt S a u e r G r a n d African has a stock of African bubinga wood. A n y wood should b e close-grained; big-bore rifle stocks take a t r e m e n d o u s pounding, so there can be no coarse-grained or flawed wood. T h e M 7 0 , Remington M 7 0 0 , and Ruger M 7 7 use closegrained wood. W e a t h e r b y ' s M a r k V .460 W e a t h e r b y Magnum uses California mesquite. T h i s must be good; W e a t h e r b y continues to use it and the author has heard no complaints. Recoil lugs. First-production .458s had one recoil lug. Splintered stocks were c o m m o n . A second recoil lug was added. Large recoil lugs are essential on stocks subject to heavy recoil. Crossbolts. W i n c h e s t e r uses two crossbolts on the current .458 M 7 0 . T h e s e are essential to avoid stock breakage. Overall weight. T h e r e is only o n e .458 Win. Magnum rifle which a p p r o a c h e s a practical
weight for a rifle with nearly 70 lbs. free recoil. T h i s is the 10.5-lb. C o l t Sauer. T h i s is about the standard weight for a British magazine rifle with a cartridge with the .458's recoil. N o A m e r i c a n rifiemaker has a sense of proportion b e t w e e n recoil and rifle weight. M o s t g u n m a k e r s w h o p r o d u c e both .375 H & H Magn u m s and .458 M a g n u m s m a k e t h e m in about the same weight range. T h e .375 H & H M a g n u m has about one-half the recoil of a .458 Win. M a g n u m . T h e author, w h o has fired several thousand .375 H & H M a g n u m cartridges, agrees that the 8.5 lbs. of the .375 H & H is about right, if only because most .375s weigh about 9.5 lbs. with a scope. M o s t .458 Win. M a g n u m s are not fitted with s c o p e s . Big-bore rifles are usually toted by a gunbearer. Such rifles are carried to the hunting area in Land R o v e r s or j e e p s . T h e .458 could conveniently weigh 10.5 lbs. T h e a u t h o r ' s p r e s e n t M 7 0 (1974 production) .458 Win. M a g n u m is catalog-listed at 8.5 lbs. T h e actual weight, e m p t y without carrying strap or scope, is 8.75 lbs. Because of wood density variation, it could j u s t as readily weigh 8.25 lbs. T h a t ' s j u s t too light. T h e r e is this point, h o w e v e r . Recoil is usually forgotten when firing at onrushing dangerous game. T h e a u t h o r fires his .458 without excessive discomfort, but he has fired big-bore rifles for many y e a r s and enjoys it, and he is an unusually large man. M a n y potential p u r c h a s e r s are scared of .458 recoil. D o n ' t be. A box of 20 solids will last through your sighting-in session and probably through the average elephantrhino-buffalo safari. You'll only use y o u r 510grain softpoints on lion, so half a box may d o . It is better to h a v e a few left over. Y o u may need to resight your rifle, so take an extra box. Front sight. T h e .458 W i n c h e s t e r and most other front-sight-equipped rifles h a v e a damnable microscopic bead. T h i s should be replaced by the superb Redfield Sourdough front (if you can locate one). Rear sight, open. T h e a u t h o r ' s M 7 0 African is fitted with the best A m e r i c a n - m a d e back sight he has e v e r used: a Williams O p e n G u i d e Sight adjustable for elevation and windage. Rear sight, receiver. S o m e prefer a micrometer receiver sight. T h e classic m i c r o m e t e r is Lym a n ' s 4 8 . I n a s m u c h as long-range shooting is not practiced with the .458 Win. M a g n u m or .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , such an a d v a n c e d sight is not essential. T h e L y m a n # 5 8 is a d e q u a t e , or even better is Williams' F o o l p r o o f receiver sight. W h e n your receiver sight arrives, u n s c r e w the
disc aperture and pitch it into the j u n k box. Scope sight. T h e man w h o uses a scope sight on a short-range big-bore rifle against dangerous game is a damn fool. A t short range in a scope it's just too hard to tell what you're seeing and get off a fast, accurate shot. T h e only possible exception is the rare man with one rifle w h o uses his .458 against nondangerous game. F e w men, however, venture into the African bush without gunbearer and trackers. T h e y can tote a second rifle like a .375 H & H or . 3 0 - 0 6 . Sanity aside, it is very difficult to find a scope mount that can withstand repeated batterings of a big-bore's recoil. T h e only one known to the author is the Griffin & H o w e quick-detachable mount. If a scope is going to be used on a bigbore then it should be a side mount. Before moving into the brush you quickly detach the scope and slip your micrometer slide into position or look through your Williams Open G u i d e Sight. T o p mounts such as Roy W e a t h e r b y supplies with his fine .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m are to be abhorred. Roy likes to sell one of his superbly made scopes with a rifle. This is all right except in the case of the .460. On request Roy can probably supply a G & H side mount already installed if you insist on a scope. Only a few scopes can withstand heavy recoil. Y o u never know. A scope that has remained intact after 25 shots may crystalize on the 26th shot. F o u r inches should be minimum eye relief. Five inches is better. Floorplate releases. Must be absolutely secure against premature opening. It is not u n c o m m o n
for a magazine floorplate to open from the recoil of a big-bore. It is rather inconvenient when facing a charging elephant to find your magazine is empty. L o a d e d cartridges on the ground w o n ' t stop a charge. During the 1930s the a u t h o r saw a Griffin & H o w e Springfield sporter that had its magazine floorplate-release catch inside the lower forward section of the triggerbow. Thirty-five years later h e bought a Ruger M 7 7 . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. It was wonderful after all those years to have a classic-stocked rifle complete with tang safety and triggerbow magazine release. T h e n c a m e the day while d e e r hunting the G r e e n M o u n t a i n s . A gloved finger accidentally moved the catch. T h e floorplate opened. T h e r e was no second shot at the vanishing whitetail. T h e W i n c h e s t e r / W e a t h e r b y magazine floorplate release located outside and forward of the u p p e r portion of the triggerbow is probably the safest release. It is even safer to pin the catch release permanently shut. T h e detachablemagazine Colt Sauer can be taped closed. T h e big-bore bolt-action has only one barrel, but the action is so well designed and constructed that malfunctions are very rare. You can buy a new .458 Winchester M a g n u m —or even a .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m —and take a threeweek safari or longer for the price of a new bestquality British double. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the rifle. Practice loading. T r y to create j a m s . T r e a t it well and it will not let you down in what matadors and H e m i n g w a y term " t h e m o m e n t of t r u t h . "
Manufacturer: J. P. Sauer & Sohns,
Barrel length:
Action type:
C o l t ' s , Hartford, C o n n .
nonrotating bolt
Magazine type: detachable box Magazine capacity:
sliding (top tang) 24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece African bubinga wood, rosewood fore-end tip at 45° angle with white line spacer; r o s e w o o d pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; 18-line-per-inch hand checker-
ing; rear detachable sling swivel; forward swivel mounted on barrel band Buttplate:
.458 Win. M a g n u m
F o r general data, see C h a p t e r 6.
ventilated recoil pad
Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
10.0-10.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : sliding leaf; adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: ivory bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
Comment: T h i s is the most comfortable-shooting rifle in caliber .458 Win. M a g n u m that the aut h o r has fired. A b o u t as heavy as the W e a t h e r b y .460 M a g n u m , it weighs more than any other current .458 Win. M a g n u m rifle, and the forwardslanting M o n t e Carlo c o m b helps handle severe recoil. T h e a u t h o r d o e s not trust the security of any detachable box magazine rifle, particularly in such a heavy caliber designed for use against dangerous g a m e . H e r e c o m m e n d s taping or pinning the magazine in place. Like all rifles used against dangerous game, it should be fitted with a magazine follower stop so that the bolt remains open after the last round is fired. This is an excellent rifle, but except for the heavier barrel and the other factors mentioned a b o v e , the a u t h o r c a n n o t see its advantage over the same caliber in the M 7 0 Winchester.
INTERARMS MARK X ALASKAN RIFLE Manufacturer: Zavodi C r v e n a Z a s t a v a Arsenal, Yugoslavia Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
slide located behind bolt handle
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; machine-checkered; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; tenite foreend cap with white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; high-gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: black rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.25 inches
2.35 inches
8.25 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
not specified Williams G u i d e , fully adjustable
Sight, front: flat gold bead on r a m p with detachable hood Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope m o u n t Caliber: .458 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H Magnum Data: F o r basic action d a t a see M a u s e r M a r k X Rifle ( C h a p t e r 6).
Comment: T h i s rifle uses the same action as the Whitworth E x p r e s s Rifle, but c o s t s less and has a stock designed for those w h o prefer semiW e a t h e r b y styling.
Action type: bolt; cartridge case head enclosed Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
3-position vertical
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; handcheckered fore-end and pistol grip; pistolgrip cap with white line spacer; black plastic fore-end tip with white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece; twin steel reinforcing crossbolts Buttplate: solid rubber recoil pad with white line spacer (photograph shows ventilated pad used previously) Overall length:
44.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.625 inches
2.125 inches
9.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs., adjustable
Sight, rear: Williams O p e n G u i d e Sight, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: gold bead on r a m p with removable sight protector
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s Caliber: .458 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H Magnum Data: S a m e as for basic M 7 0 0 action (Chapter 6). Comment: T h i s is a well-designed and well-constructed rifle. It has the reliable M 7 0 0 Remington action. A n y o n e w h o owns the earlier version with a 26.0-inch barrel should cut it to 22.0 inches. T h e p r e s e n t 24.0-inch barrel could be cut to 22.0 inches without adversely affecting velocity/energy. Remington should have m o u n t e d the front quick-detachable sling swivel on either a barrel band or barrel stud (like the W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 African). T h i s is the standard method of mounting big-bore rifle front swivels. With the forward swivel in its present position the left hand gets severely bruised from heavy recoil. T h e a u t h o r fired more than 100 rounds through this rifle in .458 caliber and k n o w s from experience. Remington probably didn't use the forward stud or barrel band in o r d e r to prevent any accusations of imitating the W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 African too closely, but W i n c h e s t e r j u s t adopted a long-standard practice. P u r c h a s e r s of secondhand M 7 0 0 s —in any caliber—should get one that incorporates the bolt guide (anti-bind device) introduced in 1974. F o r other changes in that year see C h a p t e r 6.
RUGER M77 ELEPHANT RIFLE Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face Magazine type:
nondetachable staggered b o x ;
hinged floorplate operated by release button inside triggerbow Magazine capacity:
externally adjustable to 3.5-lb.
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece selected dense-grade A m e r i c a n walnut; hand-checkered pistol grip and foreend; capped pistol grip; quick-detachable sling swivel studs Buttplate: pad
shotgun t y p e ; solid red rubber recoil
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Trigger pull: minimum
2.5 inches
8.75 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : Williams O p e n G u i d e Sight, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope m o u n t s Caliber: Data:
.458 Win. M a g n u m
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: F o r basic action c o m m e n t see C h a p t e r 6. This rifle, though it costs less than any other .458 Win. M a g n u m rifle on the market, is as well made as any, and better than some. A c tions and barreled actions are available.
H o w a Machinery C o . , Japan
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt face Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
slide, right side of receiver
Barrel length:
26.0 inches
Overall length:
46.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; ventilated recoil pad with white plastic spacer
0.5 inch
1.5 inches
10.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r :
Stock: 1-piece California mesquite; basketweave-checkered pistol grip and fore-end; flat-bottom fore-end with slab sides; rosewood fore-end tip insert at 45° angle; rosewood pistol-grip cap with white plastic diamond insert; forward-sloping M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece; quick-detachable sling swivel studs
0.75 inch
Sight, front:
3.5 lbs.; adjustable none e x c e p t on special order n o n e e x c e p t on special order
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope m o u n t s Caliber: Data:
.460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: T h i s rifle is c h a m b e r e d for the " w o r l d ' s most powerful cartridge." Actually the .475 A & M wildcat has more energy, some
10,000 ft.-lbs. S o m e experienced dangerousgame hunters prefer the .458 Win. M a g n u m , which they believe has better penetration. Others prefer the 750-grain bullets of the .577 double rifles to the 500-grain W e a t h e r b y Magnum. Some .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m users prefer 600-grain bullets. Weight, they argue, is preferable to velocity. T h e 26.0-inch barrel is u n h a n d y in the brush. H o w e v e r , it takes a long barrel to a p p r o a c h advertised velocities. In the a u t h o r ' s opinion the
m a x i m u m barrel length for jungle and bush is 22.0 inches. T h a t extra 4 inches could cost a h u n t e r his life if the gun b e c a m e entangled on a vine or brush during a critical situation. T h e rifle d o e s n ' t c o m e fitted with iron sights. T h i s is a mistake. T h i s rifle should not be used on dangerous g a m e with a scope sight. T h e .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m p r o d u c e s nearly 100 lbs. of free recoil; the rifle should weigh at least 2 lbs. m o r e than it d o e s . Barreled actions are available.
Whitworth Rifle C o . , England
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate
Stock: 1-piece finely figured E u r o p e a n walnut with classic English styling; hand-cut checkering; full pistol grip with plastic c a p ; black tenite fore-end c a p ; oil-type finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: solid red rubber recoil pad with black line spacer 44.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
Sight, r e a r : three folding leafs, m o u n t e d on q u a r t e r rib and marked 100 yds., 200 yds., 300 y d s . Flat gold bead on r a m p with detachable hood
24.0 inches
Overall length:
not specified
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t
slide located behind bolt
Barrel length:
8.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine capacity:
2.5 inches
.458 Win. M a g n u m
Data: F o r general action data see I n t e r a r m s M a u s e r M a r k X Rifle ( C h a p t e r 6). Comment: T h i s is an excellent rifle for use on d a n g e r o u s big game. F o r those w h o prefer the M a u s e r sporter action with the classic extractor and ejector this is a b o u t ideal. T h e a u t h o r ' s only criticisms are minor. A rifle in this price range should be fitted with an ebony or C a p e buffalo horn fore-end tip. Such tips are standard decoration on classic English big-game rifles. T h e pistol-grip cap should be blued steel. T h e rifle should weigh at least 3 p o u n d s m o r e to substantially r e d u c e recoil. Still, this is o n e of the best big-bore bolt-action rifles available.
WINCHESTER M70 AFRICAN Action type: bolt; cartridge case head enclosed. Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity:
Safety: 3-position vertical; red dot when arm is cocked
Barrel length: 22.0 inches (25.0 inches on pre1964 type) Stock: 1-piece selected black walnut; twin steel reinforcing crossbolts; sharply defined handc h e c k e r e d fore-end and pistol grip; ebony fore-tip; slight M o n t e Carlo stock; welldefined c h e e k p i e c e
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; black ventilated rubber recoil pad Overall length:
42.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches
2.6 inches
8.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, rear: Williams O p e n G u i d e Sight, adjustable for windage and elevation; wide shallow V-notch; receiver drilled and tapped for standard receiver sight Sight, front: silver bead on r a m p with removable sight p r o t e c t o r Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: Data:
.458 Win. M a g n u m
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: This rifle was the first arm c h a m b e r e d for the .458 Win. M a g n u m cartridge, and it established standards for future competitors. T h e author believes that despite higher prices the .458 M 7 0 e x c e e d e d those standards. T h e higher cost of foreign competitors is due to inflation here and abroad, devaluation of the A m e r i c a n dollar, and import duties. T h e post-1964 W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 African has not been as subject to the severe criticism that other post-1964 M 7 0 s received. T h e M 7 0 African in both the old and c u r r e n t versions has been made in Super G r a d e only. During the lifetime of the pre-1964 M 7 0 all calibers were available in Standard or Super G r a d e . T h e present M 7 0 African is the only Super G r a d e survivor.
Quality of w o o d , fitting of wood to metal, and excellent hand checkering is as good as or better than found on any A m e r i c a n factory rifle today. It is better than most foreign imports. A d m i r e r s of fine line (24 to 26 lines per inch) might prefer finer checkering, but in rifles largely designed for use in hot deserts and the humidity of tropical rain forests, excessively fine checkering can be a disadvantage. H a n d s wet with perspiration or rain can slip more easily on finely checkered stocks. T h e M 7 0 African is so well designed and its lines so graceful that there is little need for customization. Even those affluent individuals w h o can afford the $1000-plus price tag that firstclass stocking and metalwork costs today rarely have any gunsmithing d o n e on their M 7 0 Africans. T h e M 7 0 —like beautiful w o m e n —has one flaw, but it is a flaw we can live with. F o r more comfortable firing, the rifle should be 2 to 2V2 p o u n d s heavier. Achieving this weight increase would mean a new barrel and a new stock. A c u s t o m barrel and first-class stock in a fine wood would cost at least $750. T h e a u t h o r would prefer a solid rubber recoil pad to the ventilated o n e . It's only a matter of a few dollars. H e has owned t w o Africans over the last 20 years and has survived with the factoryinstalled pad. H o w e v e r , on a relatively expensive production-line rifle it seems that W i n c h e s t e r could install a solid rubber pad. T h e M 7 0 African is the only current-production M 7 0 fitted with a steel magazine floorplate and triggerbow. T h e former is beautifully blued. T h e w o r d s " S U P E R G R A D E " a p p e a r on the barrel. Its a p p e a r a n c e on the plate makes engraving nigh impossible. Even if one d o e s n ' t intend to engrave the floorplate, the gold-filled letters are gaudy. Only one .458 Win. M a g n u m rifle —the Ruger M 7 7 —currently sells for less than the M 7 0 African.
A varmint rifle is any rifle with a cartridge capable of taking varmints. T h e r e is, h o w e v e r , a special rifle and cartridge class designed for varmint shooting. A " v a r m i n t " — d e r i v e d from "verm i n " — t o the E a s t e r n e r is a w o o d c h u c k and to the W e s t e r n e r is a rock chuck or prairie dog. C o y o t e s , foxes, c r o w s , and even mountain lions are varmints to some shooters. M a n y states h a v e no season or limits on certain varmints, but in recent years some of these species have been elevated to the legal status of game animals, with the harvest controlled by season and limit regulations. This trend is apt to continue. It is welcomed by sportsmen w h o are c o n c e r n e d about the future of wildlife as habitat continues to be depleted by urbanization. Dedicated varmint shooters are usually c h u c k shooters. Experienced c h u c k shooters are deadly long-range riflemen. R o c k y Mountain guides and outfitters agree that chuck shooters usually get their sheep or other long-range game like caribou or goat. T h e author has fired all varmint rifles on the current market in at least one caliber. H e has had the most experience with the pre-1964 Winchester M 7 0 . F o r 27 years the M 7 0 had n o p r o d u c tion-line competitor, and the post-1964 M 7 0 was on the market for four years before Remington introduced its M 7 0 0 Varmint Special. T h i s was followed by the excellent Ruger M 7 7 varmint version.
Accuracy of
It is virtually impossible to say o n e rifle model is m o r e a c c u r a t e than another. N o m a t t e r h o w extensive o n e m a n ' s experience is, it would take the firing of h u n d r e d s of rifles o v e r a long period to determine the most a c c u r a t e . A n y properly scoped rifle with a varmintweight barrel should m a k e 1.0-inch 5-shot groups at 100 yards. In theory this m e a n s a 2.0inch group at 200 y a r d s , 4.0-inch at 4 0 0 y a r d s , etc. It d o e sn 't usually work that way. Beyond 200 yards there is a tendency for groups to open up a bit.
S o m e rifles are capable of 0.75-inch groups with factory ammunition. T h e author o w n s four such rifles: a pre-1964 M 7 0 in .243 Win., t w o Ruger M 7 7 s in .243 Win. and .220 Swift, and a Carl G u s t a v in . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . H a n d l o a d s bring groups d o w n to nearly 0.50 inch. Such a ccura cy is not good enough for b e n c h r e s t shooting but is m o r e than adequate for varmints b e c a u s e u n d e r field conditions a rifleman c a n n o t utilize all of his rifle's accuracy potential. B e n c h r e s t shooters fire at k n o w n ranges from sandbagged rests. A paper target w o n ' t m o v e , so t h e b e n c h r e s t s h o o t e r can wait for the wind to die d o w n —except u n d e r certain conditions. T h e c h u c k s h o o t e r has n o sandbag. H e must use his sling, a bipod or m o n o p o d rest, o r a binocular case, felt hat, or rolled j a c k e t . Stone walls, as they are called in N e w England (stone fences elsewhere), provide a good rest but should be covered with a shirt o r j a c k e t to protect the rifle's finish.
V a r m i n t h u n t e r s are careful handloaders. T h e y e x p e r i m e n t to find the best cartridge case and bullet and reject t h o s e exceeding allowable tolerances. T w o basic cartridge/caliber t y p e s are used by dedicated varmint shooters: .22 centerfire, and 6mm. .22 centerfire. T h e s e include 200-yard cartridges like the .222 R e m . and .223 R e m . (5.56mm). T h e .222 R e m . M a g n u m is fading from the s c e n e , not b e c a u s e it is not a good cartridge but b e c a u s e it is identical in performance with the .223 R e m . T h e latter is n o w a U . S . service cartridge in the M 1 6 automatic rifle. Surplus cartridges a n d / o r brass will soon b e c o m e available. T h e .22 H o r n e t , for which A m e r i c a n rifles w e r e not m a d e for nearly 20 years, is experiencing a revival. Several bolt-actions are now made for the H o r n e t . Bill Ruger's N u m b e r T h r e e Single-Shot is c h a m b e r e d for the H o r n e t . T h e H o r n e t ' s m a x i m u m range is about 150 y a r d s . It 101
is your best bet for shooting where a low decibel level is appropriate. .22 centerfire long-range cartridges include the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . and .224 W e a t h e r b y . T h e s e cartridges and the dying .225 Win. h a v e almost identical ballistics. T h e . 2 2 - 2 5 0 is n o w available in just about all bolt-action centerfire rifles. T h e .220 Swift, long-range king of .22 centerfire cartridges, is staging a c o m e b a c k . It was not available from 1964, w h e n W i n c h e s t e r d r o p p e d it from the M 7 0 , until 1973, w h e n Ruger revived it. Savage now c h a m b e r s the M l 12V single-shot bolt-action rifle for it. Long-range .22 centerfire rifles are capable of taking c h u c k s out to 4 0 0 yards. 6mm cartridges. A disadvantage of the .22s is that they are ultrasensitive to even slight breezes. This is where 6 m m class cartridges are useful. T h e y also retain their residual velocities o v e r longer ranges. 6mm-class cartridges include .240 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , .243 Win., 6mm Rem., and the dying .244 R e m . (see C h a p t e r 11). T h e s e cartridges can be used with 75-80-grain bullets for varmints and with 100-grain heavier-jacketed bullets for deer, antelope, etc. M o s t hunters w h o are interested in both use standard-weight sporters rather than the heavier varmint rifle. T h e a u t h o r considers his various .243 s as strictly for varmints and prefers something heavier for d e e r and antelope. T h e .243 Win. and 6mm (.244 R e m . case) calibers are available in several classic varmint rifles. M a n y m o r e rifles, sporting and varmint, are c h a m b e r e d for the .243 Win. than for the 6mm R e m . (see C h a p t e r 11). T h e W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m is available only in sporter weight. A n y 6mm is capable of taking c h u c k s at 400plus yards. T h e y have better windbucking propensities. During the years 1 9 3 5 - 5 5 the .257 R o b e r t s there were no 6 m m cartridges in those d a y s — was the most popular dual-purpose varmint/deer cartridge. T h e advent of the .243 Win. killed off the excellent R o b e r t s . T o d a y ' s . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . is perfectly capable of harvesting both c h u c k s and deer, but many chuck shooters —the a u t h o r included—think the . 2 5 - 0 6 has disadvantages for regular chuck shooting: it has a high noise level, ammunition is more expensive (the day of c h e a p surplus . 3 0 - 0 6 brass is past), and ideally a true varmint caliber has minimal recoil. C o m m e r c i a l . 2 5 - 0 6 s have recoil pads and 24.0-inch barrels to reduce muzzle blast. This is indicative of their disadvantages as varmint rifles. T h e .264 Win. M a g n u m and .257 W e a t h e r b y Magnum have trajectories flat enough for var-
mint shooting, but they h a v e a very high noise level and considerable recoil, and magnum cases are far more expensive than .243 cases. N e i t h e r cartridge is available in a varmint-type rifle. In using dual-purpose rifles, always select the p r o p e r bullet for the c h o r e at hand. T h e 80-grain 6 m m bullet is designed strictly for varmints and disintegrates on impact with r o c k s , etc. This reduces ricochet danger. T h e 100-grain bullet has a heavier j a c k e t for thin-skinned mediumsize g a m e like deer. V a r m i n t shooters w h o prefer the 100-grain weight can p u r c h a s e c u s t o m bullets with light varmint j a c k e t s for handloading. T h e .30-caliber 110-grain bullets h a v e varmint j a c k e t s . T h e initial 3500 f.p.s. velocity is shed very rapidly. T h e y have p o o r sectional density, i.e., ratio of width to length.
Barrels T h e .220 Swift, e v e r since its initial a p p e a r a n c e in 1936, has always had 26.0-inch barrels. This length has been n e c e s s a r y to develop the advertised 4 1 0 0 f.p.s. velocity and to r e d u c e muzzle blast. W i n c h e s t e r ' s p r e - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 varmint and target model in caliber .243 Win. always had a 26.0-inch barrel. T h e .257 R o b e r t s and the .22 H o r n e t , in both standard and varmint target barrels, w e r e a standard 24.0 inches. T h e post-1964 M 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r — a t that time it was the only varmint-type rifle—was fitted with a 24.0-inch barrel in all calibers. T h e Remington M 7 0 0 , Ruger M 7 7 (except .220 Swift), and M o s s b e r g M 8 0 0 V all h a v e 24.0-inch barrels. T h e 1975 introduction of the Savage M l 12V with a 26.0-inch barrel for all five calibers n o w gives the varmint s h o o t e r something he has not had in a long time: a bolt-action rifle in .243 Win. with a 26.0-inch barrel. Calibers . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . and . 2 5 - 0 6 h a v e n e v e r been available in a 26.0inch-barrel varmint rifle. M a k e y o u r choice: a 26.0-inch barrel with slightly superior ballistics o r the shorter and s o m e w h a t handier 24.0-inch barrel. T h e r e is n o option with .220 Swift. Y o u w o u l d n ' t w a n t one. T h e medium-heavy-barrel rifles do not necessarily shoot m o r e accurately but they d o hold steadier u n d e r field conditions.
Scopes T h e usual varmint scope of 1 0 - 1 2 X requires the steadiest possible hold; wobble is to be kept at a minimum. F r o m the early 1930s, w h e n m o d e r n varmint-
ing was born with the .22 H o r n e t , until the late 1950s varmint shooters used target scopes with micrometer mounts (external adjustments). T h e situation changed when L y m a n brought out its lOx All-American scope with internal adjustments. T h e target scope with external adjustments provided finer adjustments but was easier to damage than the lower-mounted internal-adjustment scope. Target scopes are considerably more expensive. Since about 1960 the internal-adjustment scope has b e c o m e almost universal for varminters.
T h e classic varmint rifle has a 26.0- or 24.0inch barrel and weighs 8.75 to 9.75 lbs. T h e r e are, h o w e v e r , included in this chapter several rifles which d o not meet the classic standards. S o m e are called varmint rifles b e c a u s e they are c h a m b e r e d for varmint calibers. In some instances, like the .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , the particular rifle described is the only o n e chambered for the cartridge. T h e Savage M l 12V, though essentially a varmint rifle, is covered in C h a p t e r 7 with the other single-shot bolt-action centerfires. T h e Ruger N u m b e r O n e and N u m b e r T h r e e single-shot rifles are covered in C h a p t e r 1.
Manufacturer: Carl G u s t a v Stads Gevarskfaktori, Sweden Importer/distributor:
F . F . V . Sports
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt head Magazine type: detachable staggered box (interchangeable with detachable box) Magazine capacity: Safety:
Sight, front:
none none
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .222 Rem., .243 Win., 6 x 5 5 (Swedish) M a u s e r
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
slide on right side of receiver
Barrel length:
27.0 inches
Stock: E u r o p e a n walnut; target t y p e ; n o checkering; flat-bottom, slab-sided fore-end; fluted c o m b ; Wundhammer-swell pistol grip Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; checkered steel
Overall length:
47.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
0.4375 inch
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, r e a r :
0.3125 inch
1.625 inches
9.25 lbs.
Trigger pull: externally adjustable to 18.0 oz. minimum
Comment: O n e of the world's most accurate target rifles, the V / T (Varmint/Target) has been introduced to the A m e r i c a n shooting public in hopes that it will attract both varmint and match shooters. E u r o p e a n shooters —usually S w e d e s — have w o n m a n y international and national m a t c h e s with this rifle. T h e Swedish Shooting T e a m established two n e w world records at the World Shooting C h a m p i o n s h i p s in 1970 at T u c son, Arizona. Such m a t c h e s are usually shot with a very a c c u r a t e Swedish service cartridge, the 6 x 5 5 (Swedish) M a u s e r . T h e wide, flat-bottom, slab-sided fore-end is very popular these d a y s . Actually the classic rounded fore-end is better for sporting rifles. T h e stock on this rifle is j u s t what is needed for shooting over sandbag rests or for field rests in varmint shooting.
Sako, Finland
Harrington & Richardson
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; enclosed bolt head Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity:
Safety: sliding (just aft of bolt handle); 3-position Barrel length:
20.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered on M 3 1 7 , hand-checkered on M 3 1 7 P ; Weatherby-style slab fore-end with wood insert at 45° angle; flared pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; selected figured walnut and b a s k e t w e a v e hand checkering on M 3 1 7 P ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; solid rubber recoil pad with white and black line spacers Overall length:
38.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.6 inches
2.6 inches
5.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: .17 Rem., .222 Rem., .223 R e m . ; .17/ .223 R e m . wildcat discontinued Data: M 3 1 7 is standard or U l t r a G r a d e . M 3 1 7 P is Presentation G r a d e . Comment: F o r the varmint shooter w h o has everything or the tyro varminter w h o d o e s n ' t know any better. A standard-weight varmint field rifle weighs 6 . 5 - 7 . 2 5 lbs. A standard heavy-barrel rifle weighs 9 . 0 - 9 . 7 5 lbs. T h e M 3 1 7 ' s short barrel r e d u c e s the 4 0 0 0 f.p.s. to less than 3750 f.p.s. or about the s a m e as a . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , or .225 Win. It is a shame to w a s t e such a fine action and excellent stocking on a too-light rifle.
MOSSBERG M800 VARMINT RIFLE Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; recessed bolt head Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: 3-shot Safety:
tang slide
4-shot except .222 Rem.,
Barrel length:
24.0 inches (straight taper)
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; reverse checkering; plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; red rubber recoil pad with white line spacer
Mossberg M800 Varmint Rifle
Overall length:
44.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.625 inches
2.125 inches
Sight, rear:
3.5 lbs. none
Sight, front:
.222 Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win.
Data: This is a short-action version of the M o s s berg 810 series. T h e bolt has a recessed head. Locking is accomplished by six lugs. Comment: T h i s rifle, which sells for considerably less than other A m e r i c a n - m a d e varmint rifles, is surprisingly reliable and accurate. T h e M 8 0 0 is capable of 1.0-inch groups. T h e trigger may require some easing u p . This is an excellent rifle for the e c o n o m y - m i n d e d shooter.
9.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Scope adaptability: scope b l o c k s ; receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
P a r k e r - H a l e , England
Importer/distributor: Action type:
J a n a International
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; skip-line hand checkering; flat Weatherby-style fore-end with rosewood tip; flared pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b with roll-over c h e e k p i e c e ; high gloss finish; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: solid rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
45.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.8 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.3 inches
9.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Open sights:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard m o u n t ; target-scope bases supplied Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., Rem., 6 m m R e m .
Data: T h i s is a good-quality rifle with a 4.0-lb. target-type barrel. High-luster blue finish. G l a s s bedded action. Comment: A n excellent varmint rifle. Inasmuch as many varmint shooters prefer the more classic type of stock, some of us would prefer a c o m b without the roll-over cheekpiece, but this is of relatively small importance.
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r ; encased cartridge head Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: shot Safety:
5-shot except .17 Rem., 6-
24.0 inches
Overall length: 43.5 inches e x c e p t . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 44.5 inches Length of pull:
13.375 inches
0.5 inch (from c e n t e r of bore) 1.375 inches
9.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Sight, front:
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered (formerly reverse-checkered) pistol grip and fore-end; black fore-end tip with white spacer; plastic pistol-grip cap with white spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece; quick-detachable sling swivels and sling Buttplate: spacer
Drop at heel:
Sight, r e a r :
3-position t h u m b type
Barrel length:
Drop at comb:
3.5 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: scope blocks; receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope mounts Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .222 Rem., .223 R e m . (5.56mm), .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 6 m m R e m . ; .222 R e m . M a g n u m discontinued Data:
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: T h i s w a s the second U.S.-made classic varmint-type rifle to a p p e a r on the A m e r i c a n scene. It is probably the best-selling varmint rifle today. T h i s is d u e partly to the wide range of calibers available and partly to its deserved reputation as a very a c c u r a t e rifle.
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine capacity:
Magazine type:
nondetachable staggered b o x ;
hinged alloy floorplate; side triggerbow
release located in-
sliding (top tang)
Barrel length: 24.0 inches e x c e p t .220 Swift, 26.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece American walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; plastic pistol-grip c a p ; quick-detachable swivel studs; classic stock type Buttplate: pad
shotgun t y p e ; solid red rubber recoil
Overall length: 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
8.5-8.75 lbs.
Sight, rear:
externally adjustable to 3.5-lb.
Scope adaptability: scope blocks; fitted with Ruger integral scope base and 1.0-inch Ruger scope rings Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .220 Swift, .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 6mm Rem. Data:
2.5 inches
Trigger pull: minimum
Sight, front:
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: T h e a u t h o r o w n s three of these rifles: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .220 Swift, and .243 Win. T h e y are a m o n g the most accurate varmint rifles he has used. Several varmint rifles weigh up to a pound more than the Ruger but the Ruger is fully as accurate. It would be interesting to see the results if another pound were added.
Sako, Finland
Importer/distributor: International Action type:
bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length: 23.5 inches in .222 Rem., .223 (5.56mm) R e m . ; 24.0 inches in . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem.
Overall length: 23.0-inch barrel, 43.0 inches; 23.5-inch barrel, 43.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer
2.5 inches
Weight: . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 9.0 lbs.; all other calibers, 8.5 lbs. Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; handcheckered pistol grip and fore-end; uncapped pistol grip; semi-beavertail fore-end; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; quick-detachable sling swivel studs
1.25 inches
3.5 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber: .222 Rem., .223 Rem. (5.56mm), . 2 2 250 Rem., .243 Win., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) Data:
F o r basic action data see C h a p t e r 6. Cali-
dium action. T h e . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . uses the L-61 long action.
bers .222 and .223 (5.56mm) use the L-461 short action. Calibers . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., and .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) use the L-579 me-
Comment: T h e s e are beautifully made varmint rifles. T h e .308 Win., though not a varmint caliber, is in this instance a lightweight target rifle.
Anschutz, West Germany
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r
Magazine type:
Trigger pull:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
3-position wing
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered pistol grip and fore-end; Schnabel fore-tip; pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; roll-over c h e e k p i e c e ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; quick-detachable swivel studs Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
1.25 inches
1.75 inches
6.57 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
adjustable; minimum, 3.0 lbs. folding leaf
Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: receiver grooved for m o u n t and drilled and tapped for standard scope bases Caliber:
.22 H o r n e t
Data: T h i s is a well-made rifle for the .22 H o r net which seems to be staging a c o m e b a c k . Stock features skip-checkering. Comment: T h e rifle would h a v e greater appeal if the roll-over c o m b w e r e eliminated. T h i s type of c o m b was designed for the old Schutzen rifles — and this isn't a Schutzen rifle.
H o w a Machinery, Japan
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
Magazine capacity: .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 4-shot; . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , 3-shot Safety:
t h u m b - o p e r a t e d horizontal type
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r Magazine type:
nondetachable staggered box
Barrel length: standard, target, 26.0 inches
24.0 i n c h e s ;
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with Weatherby styling; flared pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; flat-bottom fore-end; rosewood foreend tip inserted at 45° angle; forward-sloping M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; sharpcut b a s k e t w e a v e hand checkering; actions individually handfitted to stock; high-gloss finish Buttplate: rifle type; solid rubber recoil pad Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (front): Drop at Monte Carlo (rear): Drop at heel: Weight:
0.56 inch 0.25 inch
1.265 inches
6.5 lbs. (either barrel)
Trigger pull: Sight, rear: Sight, front:
3.5 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope b a s e s ; W e a t h e r b y scope available on o r d e r Caliber:
.22-250 Magnum
Data: This is a scaled-down version of Weathe r b y ' s M a r k V action. T h e stock is classic W e a t h e r b y with flaring pistol grip, rosewood cap, rosewood fore-end tip inserted at 45° angle, and white line spacers. Typical W e a t h e r b y cheekpiece and M o n t e Carlo c o m b . Comment: T h i s rifle was originally c h a m b e r e d for the .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m (almost identical with the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem.). T h e . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., at the time the .224 was introduced, w a s still a wildcat cartridge. In 1966, w h e n . 2 2 - 2 5 0 rifles and cartridges had b e c o m e available through commercial channels, W e a t h e r b y c h a m b e r e d the V a r m i n t m a s t e r for the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m .
1964 (current version)
Action type: bolt; modified M a u s e r Magazine type: nondetachable staggered b o x ; hinged floorplate Magazine capacity:
3-position t h u m b
Barrel length: inches)
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; plastic pistolgrip cap with white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; fore-tip insert with white line spacer;
110 /
machine-checkered pistol grip and fore-end since 1974, reverse checkering 1 9 6 4 - 7 3 ; quick-detachable sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white plastic spacer Overall length:
44.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.625 inch (from line of sight)
Drop at Monte Carlo: sight)
0.375 inch (from line of
Drop at heel: 0.0875 inch (from line of sight) Weight:
9.75 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
adjustable t o minimum of 3.0 lbs. none none
Scope adaptability: scope b l o c k s ; receiver drilled a n d tapped for standard scope mounts
Caliber: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .222 Rem., .243 Win.; .225 Win. discontinued
F o r basic action d a t a see C h a p t e r 6.
Comment: A lineal d e s c e n d a n t of the pre-1964 M 7 0 V a r m i n t , this is the oldest —and heaviest— varmint rifle available. D e s p i t e criticisms — some unjust—this M 7 0 is a s accurate a s its predecessor. M o s t admirers of the pre-1964 M 7 0 V a r m i n t rifle could live with this o n e if t h e stock more closely resembled t h e old one. T h e M 7 0 V a r m i n t rifle is available in three calibers, c o m p a r e d t o t h e seven calibers of t h e Remington M 7 0 0 a n d t h e five calibers of t h e Ruger M 7 7 a n d Savage M l 12V. T h o s e three calibers, h o w e v e r , c o v e r all basic needs of varminters. It will b e interesting t o s e e if Winchester, which originated t h e .220 Swift—about 95 percent of all .220 Swifts w e r e M 7 0 s —will revive the cartridge now that t w o competitors are chambering rifles for it. A t this writing (1976) Winc h e s t e r d o e s n ' t even m a k e .220 Swift ammunition.
T h e centerfire—formerly "centralfire"—cartridge has been with us for slightly m o r e than a century. T h e . 4 4 - 4 0 Winchester (1873) was our first successful centerfire cartridge. A cartridge consists of case, primer, propellant, and bullet. This c h a p t e r will explain the design and function of each c o m p o n e n t . CASE TYPES 1. Bottle (shoulder) case. This is the most c o m m o n type for rifles. M o s t c o n t e m p o r a r y cartridges are rimless. A n y rimless cartridge must have a shoulder to control h e a d s p a c e . Bottleneck cartridges can readily be necked d o w n (closed to a smaller diameter) or opened up (enlarged to a greater neck diameter) to create a cartridge of smaller or larger caliber. 2. Straight case. M o s t cases h a v e a slight taper, but for practical p u r p o s e s they are considered straight. Straight cases of recent years include the belted .458 Win. M a g n u m and rimmed .444 Marlin. T h e .458 Win. M a g n u m is a straight case because it is the shortened .375 M a g n u m case opened up to accept .458 caliber bullets. 3. Straight taper case. Straight taper c a s e s are
from the black-powder d a y s . T h e y are, of necessity, rimmed. Case
Centerfire cartridges h a v e been brass for nearly a century. Cartridge brass is 70 percent c o p p e r and 30 p e r c e n t zinc. N o substitute has been found which has t h e advantages of brass. It can easily be m a d e into cases in large quantities. Brass p o s s e s s e s obturation, a quality not found in other usable case material. C a s e s must be smaller than t h e c h a m b e r into which they are fitted. W h e n fired the case material must e x p a n d —obturate —to fill the c h a m b e r . Early centerfire cases and p r e d e c e s s o r rimfire cases w e r e copper. T h e . 4 5 - 7 0 and .45 Colt cases used by C u s t e r ' s t r o o p s at the Little Big H o r n , J u n e 16, 1876, w e r e copper, not brass. W h e n a t r o o p e r fired his single-shot M l 8 7 3 Springfield carbine the thin c o p p e r case too readily transmitted the heat to the c h a m b e r walls. A t about every fifth shot the heat caused a fired case to e x p a n d excessively and stick in the chamber. T h e e x t r a c t o r usually tore off the case head. T r o o p e r s tried to r e m o v e ruptured cases with the 111
broken shell extractor. Little Big H o r n t r o o p e r s w e r e dead before they could r e m o v e the headless case. O r d n a n c e knew about the fifth-round problem, but with the slowness as typical of Washington b u r e a u c r a c y then as now, nothing had been done. T h e "fatal fifth" sealed the fate of one glory-hunting general, his officers, and more than 200 troopers. T h e government nevertheless continued using copper cases until the cartridge was replaced by the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag. Steel. In wartime, brass is in short supply. G e r m a n y experimented with steel cases during World W a r I. T h e most successful steel cases — and they w e r e not authorized for use in T h o m p son or M 3 submachine guns —were developed in World W a r I I . C h r y s l e r C o r p o r a t i o n ' s .45 A C P plant in Evansville, Ind., developed a coating which prevented steel c a s e s from rusting, but the inferior obturation of steel was never solved. Chrysler's K r o n a k p r o c e s s was used on caliber .30 rifle and M l carbine ammunition. World W a r II steel c a s e s in calibers .30 M l carbine, . 3 0 - 0 6 , and .45 A C P , readily identified by gray case color, are not suitable for reloading. Aluminum. Reich Marshal H e r m a n n G o e r i n g , in an effort to increase the ammunition load carried by his Luftwaffe fighter pilots, had aluminum cases m a d e . Only a limited quantity were made before the w a r ended. T h e current status of caliber 7.62mm N A T O (.308 Win.) aluminum c a s e s , recently m a d e on contract for the U . S . government, is not k n o w n . Plastic. T h e a u t h o r k n o w s of n o successful cases made from plastic for use in rifled a r m s , though plastic has b e c o m e the primary material for shotshell c a s e s . Caseless. G e r m a n y was the first country to experiment with caseless cartridges. T h e r e h a v e been several forms. T h e a u t h o r is familiar with one that had the propellant pressure-formed into proper case size. T h e only metal in the complete cartridge — excluding the bullet j a c k e t —was the primer. E x p e r i m e n t s have been made with disintegrating primers. A b o u t 10 years ago the Daisy Air Rifle C o m p a n y purchased rights to a caseless cartridge (it was not for air rifles). Little has been heard since then. Cartridge brass will probably continue as the standard sporting cartridge case material for many years. Case head types Rimmed. T h e first centerfire rifle cartridges were designed for use in lever-action, single-
shot, and double rifles. T h e rim w a s inherited from the rimfire c a s e . T h e rim serves t w o purp o s e s : it h e a d s p a c e s the cartridge — that is, holds it in p r o p e r relationship to c h a m b e r and bolt face — and it provides a surface for the e x t r a c t o r to grip. A few slide-action rifles like the old Colt and Remington w e r e o n c e c h a m b e r e d for rimfire cartridges like the . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. V e r y few rimmed cartridges h a v e been introduced in the past 50 y e a r s . E x c e p t for the .22 H o r n e t (1930), other rimmed cartridges have been designed for lever-action rifles. T h e s e include .218 Bee, .219 Zipper, .348 Win., and .444 Marlin. T h e bolt-action, semiautomatic, and full automatic a r m s h a v e pushed the rimmed cartridge into the background. Existing lever-action cartridges like the 80-odd-year-old . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. will be around for a long time. T h r e e rimmed cartridges are undergoing a revival: .22 H o r n e t , . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, and . 4 5 - 7 0 . Rimmed c a s e s will function in bolt-action rifles, but rimless c a s e s are easier to m a k e and function better through semi- and full automatic a r m s . A rimmed cartridge requires a bigger bolt face and hence a heavier and bulkier action than a rimless case using an identical-caliber bullet. A . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. rimmed cartridge would h a v e required a bigger action for the M 8 1 Remington semiautomatic or the slide-action Remington than the rimless . 3 0 - 3 0 R e m . T h e M 1 9 1 7 action is bigger than the M l 9 0 3 Springfield/Enfield action b e c a u s e the M 1 9 1 7 w a s adapted from the P-14 Enfield originally m a d e for the rimmed .303 British cartridge. In this case there w a s an advantage — not to M 1 9 1 7 Enfield . 3 0 - 0 6 users but to those w h o built rifles c h a m b e r e d for long cartridges like the .375 H & H M a g n u m and .416 Rigby. T h e P - 1 4 / M 1 9 1 7 Enfield is an exception. Rimless. T h e first successful rimless cartridge was the 8mm M a u s e r (8x57) developed for the G e r m a n M l 8 8 8 C o m m i s s i o n rifle. D o z e n s of cartridges using the same head size are based on this former G e r m a n army cartridge. S o m e 8mmhead-based cartridges: 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r , 8 x 5 6 Mannlicher, . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .243 Win., .244 Rem., 6 m m Rem., .257 R o b e r t s , .300 Savage, . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage, .270 Win., and scores of wildcats. T h e first U.S.-designed rimless cartridge w a s probably the .236 L e e N a v y (6mm L e e N a v y ) in 1895. T h e M l 9 0 3 Springfield was the first U . S . service rifle with a rimless cartridge, caliber .30 M l 9 0 6 (.30-06). P r o p e r h e a d s p a c e was no problem with the rimmed cartridge. It can be a problem with
rimless cartridges. T h e rimless case is properly positioned in the c h a m b e r by its shoulder. S o m e rimless cases with very little shoulder h a v e caused headspace problems. T h e excellent .358 Win., a necked-up .308 Win. c a s e , has a very slight shoulder. O t h e r rimless cases h a v e encountered similar problems. T h e wildcat .400 Whelen, a necked-up . 3 0 - 0 6 case, was almost shoulderless. Modern sporting rifles and cartridges provide virtually no h e a d s p a c e problems. A great deal was heard about headspace in the 1930s and after World W a r II when many military rifles were converted to sporting cartridges. Semirimmed. T h i s c o m p r o m i s e type, supposed to combine the advantages of the rimmed and rimless types, is nearly obsolete. N o rifles have been m a d e for the .351 W . S . L . R . and .303 Savage cartridges for many years. Belted. T h i s is a rimless case with a belt behind the head that controls h e a d s p a c e . T h e first commercially successful belted case was probably the .275 H & H M a g n u m (about 1910). Belted rifle cases are " m a g n u m s . " T h e .275, .375, and .300 H & H w e r e pioneer m a g n u m s . T h r e e cartridges today are based on the fulllength .375 H & H case: the .375 H & H M a g n u m and .340 and .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m s . Weatherby started the "short m a g n u m " trend with his .257 and .270 M a g n u m . Winchester then introduced its short-magnum series in 1956 with the .458 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win. M a g n u m (1959), .264 Win. M a g n u m (1960), and .300 Win. M a g n u m (1963). T h e belted magnum case is very strong. M o s t magnum cartridges approach the workable safe limit of about 55,000 p.s.i. Rebated. T h e only current rebated A m e r i c a n case is the .284 Win. (1963). N o rifles are now made for the cartridge. Rebated cases were long used in E u r o p e . T h e .500 M a u s e r (Jeffrey) w a s such a case. T h e .500 M a u s e r case used a rebated head, so existing M a u s e r bolts could handle the heavy propellant charges required for a .500 cartridge. T h e rebated case body diameter is larger than head diameter. Rebated cases h e a d s p a c e on the shoulder. T h e extractor on rimless and rebated cases grips an extractor groove located between the head and case body. T h e .284 Win. was designed to give .270 Win. ballistics in a cartridge short enough to work through the short lever action. T h e c a s e had to be larger than the head so that an a d e q u a t e powder charge could be used.
F o r nearly a century A m e r i c a n centerfire rifle and handgun cartridges h a v e used the Britishdesigned Boxer primer. F o r about the same time most English and Continental cartridges have used an American-designed Berdan primer. Boxer w a s a British A r m y colonel. G e n e r a l H i r a m Berdan was k n o w n for his U n i o n A r m y sharpshooters. Cartridges using the Boxer primer are easy for handloaders to reprime. Berdan c a s e s can be reprimed but require special repriming tools. (Berdan primer users could say Boxer primers require special tools.) Repriming Berdan c a s e s takes a little more time. Since World W a r II some E u r o p e a n ammunition manufacturers h a v e produced Boxer-primed cases and loaded cartridges for A m e r i c a n shooters. N o r m a of S w e d e n , which m a d e American cartridges for the E u r o p e a n s with Berdan primers, for some time marked cases exported to the U n i t e d States with the c o d e R E on the headstamp (this practice has apparently been discontinued). This indicated to knowledgeable American shooters that the case could be reprimed with a Boxer primer. G e r m a n manufacturers like D W M also load cases with B o x e r primers. It is reported that even Britain's conservative K y n o c h now loads many cases with Boxer primers. Primer sizes. Basic primer sizes have a designation of small and large rifle, small and large pistol. F o r many years handloaders used Remington primers in Remington cases and W i n c h e s t e r primers in W i n c h e s t e r c a s e s , etc. T o d a y , some c o m p a n i e s manufacture primers but d o not make cartridge c a s e s . Primer composition. During the black-powder era and for more than 4 0 years into the smokeless-propellant era all primers — there were G e r man exceptions —were mercuric and corrosive. In the d a y s when an inexact mixture rather than the later exact composition was the rule, it was believed that mercury was essential to primer performance. T h e mercury residue in fired cases meant that they had to be cleaned in w a t e r almost immediately after use. Buffalo h u n t e r s reloaded their Sharps cartridge c a s e s . T h e y carried w a t e r containers. W a t e r stopped m e r c u r y ' s immediate reaction upon c o p p e r or b r a s s . L a t e r c a s e s w e r e scrubbed with a brush. Chemical d e v e l o p m e n t s eliminated mercury. Until recently the W e s t e r n Cartridge C o m p a n y , h o w e v e r , loaded its very accurate .300 H & H M a g n u m 180-grain boattail load with mercuric
priming. This w a s d o n e b e c a u s e the best accuracy was produced by a particular priming compound. M e r c u r y was eliminated, but there remained the barrel-corrosion problem b e c a u s e nonmercuric primers still contained a salt (potassium chloride). Chemist J a m e s Burns b e c a m e a Remington chemist after he developed the first A m e r i c a n noncorrosive priming c o m p o u n d with the copyrighted trade n a m e of K l e a n b o r e . This was in the 1920s. Burns based his experiments on work done by the G e r m a n s . Lead s t y p h e n a t e replaced potassium chloride. T h e U . S . A r m y —with one exception —used corrosive primers until the early 1950s. This was not a quirk of the conservative military mentality. Military ammunition is subjected to far greater stresses than sporting ammunition. T h e deer hunter w h o buys a box of . 3 0 - 3 0 s d o e sn ' t worry about long y e a r s of storage or transport u n d e r wide climatic changes. Military ammunition must be capable of being stored for at least 20 years without deterioration. Caliber .30 ammunition made in 1918 w a s used for training p u r p o s e s in the 1930s. T h e r e was one major exception to the use of corrosive primers in A m e r i c a n small-arms service ammunition in World W a r 11. W h e n the Winchester M l Carbine w a s developed, Colonel Edward H . Harrison of the O r d n a n c e D e p a r t ment believed the extremely small gas port would readily be fouled by corrosive primer residue. H e wrote into the cartridge specifications the requirements for a noncorrosive primer. Millions of World W a r II caliber .30 and .45 A C P cartridges are on the market. This is corrosive ammunition. After firing, one either resorts to the traditional method the author used in the infantry and cavalry before World W a r 11 or uses the G I Bore Cleaner developed during World W a r II for the p u r p o s e of removing the corrosive residue. Prior to the bore cleaner, rifles, pistols, B A R s , machine guns, and submachine guns had to be washed and scrubbed with hot water. C u r r e n t A m e r i c a n , Swedish, and G e r m a n ammunition and that of most other countries has nonmercuric, noncorrosive primers. M u c h of the K y n o c h ammunition does, h o w e v e r , have corrosive primers. W h e n in doubt, wash and scrub or use G I Bore Cleaner. BULLET DESIGN Lead was the basic bullet material from the day of the first firearm until the twentieth cen-
tury. Lead, no matter how hard, will fuse at the base if propelled by smokeless propellants at velocities much o v e r 1000 f.p.s. A gas check — metal cap on bullet base—will allow u p to about 1500 f.p.s. A b o v e 1500 f.p.s. bullets need semij a c k e t s , which puts t h e m into the softpoint category. Lead bullets, either straight lead or used as the core of solid (full metal-jacketed) bullets or softpoint bullets, are hardened by the addition of tin a n d / o r antimony. Sixgun —not semiautomatic pistol —bullets are either lead or lead with a semijacket (softpoint). M a n y sixgun bullets originated in the black-powder d a y s . Solid. This term when applied to a rifle bullet m e a n s a " s o l i d " j a c k e t . " S o l i d s " are used by dangerous-game h u n t e r s . Bullets like the 500grain .458 Win. M a g n u m bullet are designed for m a x i m u m penetration on thick-hided game like elephant, rhino, and C a p e buffalo. Full metal-jacketed military bullets. Colonel Lebel, designer of the F r e n c h A r m y Lebel rifle, designed the first metal-jacketed bullet for the first smokeless-propellant military cartridge, the 8mm Lebel. T h e adoption by major p o w e r s of smokeless propellants also led to universal a d o p tion of metal-jacketed bullets. T h e U . S . adopted its first metal-jacketed bullet, the 220-grain . 3 0 4 0 Krag bullet, in 1892. T h e Spanish A m e r i c a n War, h o w e v e r , was largely fought with volunteers using lead-bullet . 4 5 - 5 5 405-grain (cavalry) and . 4 5 - 7 0 500-grain loads with black p o w d e r . T h e r e were not enough Krags to supply the rapidly expanding army. In the early 1900s the G e n e v a C o n v e n t i o n outlawed "dumdum" bullets. Full metalj a c k e t e d bullets may m a k e less devastating w o u n d s . T h e D u m d u m A r s e n a l in British India had made bullets with knife-nicked tips during the Chitral Campaign. T h e United States, though not a G e n e v a signatory, agreed to abide by convention rules. M o s t p o w e r s , by the time of the convention, had already adopted metal-jacketed bullets, not for humanitarian reasons but b e c a u s e smokeless propellants required them. H o w e v e r , effective barrel life is far shorter with metal-jacketed bullets than with lead. During the D e p r e s s i o n years when m o n e y was scarce, World W a r I surplus military . 3 0 - 0 6 cartridges sold for two cents apiece. It was a common practice for d e e r hunters to drill a small hole, a " h o l l o w p o i n t , " in the M l 9 0 6 bullets. This was a d a n g e r o u s practice, b e c a u s e n o full metalj a c k e t e d bullet is actually fully j a c k e t e d . T h e base is open. W h e n the tip is opened, the j a c k e t
—or envelope, as the British say —becomes a mere tube. D o c t o r e d bullets may strip their j a c k e t s during barrel passage. T h e resulting obstruction makes things interesting when the succeeding shot is fired. D u m d u m m i n g has been —and probably still is — practiced by some troops of every nation. But d u m d u m s violate the G e n e v a C o n v e n t i o n . F o r civilian purposes, d u m d u m s are useless. If o n e of them causes a barrel obstruction, the firearm will be ruined even if the shooter isn't maimed or killed. A n d commercial hollowpoints are not only safe to shoot but far m o r e accurate and far more effective on game. Full metal-jacketed match bullets. Originally these were metal-jacketed military bullets. F o r many years they w e r e made available without charge to National Rifle Association m e m b e r s through the D i r e c t o r of Civilian M a r k s m a n s h i p . Before World W a r I, National M a t c h ammunition was taken from the best of several tested lots. After the war, match ammunition was developed by the Frankford A r s e n a l . S o m e years later, lots w e r e again purchased from commercial manufacturers. F r o m 1931 until World W a r I I , National M a t c h ammunition was taken from selected lots of standard service issue. Before 1919 the 150-grain caliber .30 M l 9 0 6 c u p r o nickel-jacket bullet was used. Beginning in 1920, a 170-grain cupronickel and then gilding-metal bullet w a s used in match — or selected service — ammunition. A 172-grain and later a 173-grain M l gilding-metal bullet succeeded the M l 9 0 6 bullet. T h o s e and succeeding bullets b e c a m e the basis for some of the most accurate commercial and military match ammunition e v e r m a d e . T h e M 1 bullet had a boattail — sometimes called tapered heel — and was extremely accurate at rifle ranges up to 1000 yards. W e s t e r n Cartridge C o m p a n y developed the very accurate 180-grain boattail caliber .30 bullet. T h i s was widely used by civilian riflemen in both .300 H & H M a g n u m and . 3 0 - 0 6 matches. C u s t o m bullet m a k e r s developed a c c u r a t e bullets like the 160-grain and 200-grain Sierra M a t c h Kings. A match bullet will be developed for the 5.56mm (.223 Rem.). T h e 55-grain full metal-jacketed service bullet has developed surprising accuracy in heavy-barrel A R - 1 5 semiautomatic (civilian) and M 1 6 full automatic (military) rifles. T h e most accurate bullets — many are m a d e by shooters themselves —are the .22 caliber (.222 Rem. is popular) bullets for super-accurate benchrest shooting. T h e s e are usually 50 or 55 grains.
Hollowpoint bullets. Once known as m u s h r o o m bullets, this type lost some of its former appeal after the d e v e l o p m e n t of controlled-expansion softpoint bullets. T h e best hollowpoint bullet k n o w n to the a u t h o r was the W e s t e r n O p e n Point Expanding. H e used this bullet extensively for m a n y years in the 139grain 7 m m and the 180-grain caliber .30 in both . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and .300 H & H M a g n u m . Recently he w a s fortunate enough to salvage some 139-grain 7 m m bullets from old cartridges with cracked necks. T h e 130-grain .270 Win. O p e n Point Expanding w a s a longtime favorite of Jack O ' C o n n o r . H e also liked the 180-grain O p e n Point Expanding . 3 0 - 0 6 bullet. T o d a y , the hollowpoint bullet has its widest use among varmint s h o o t e r s , mostly in .22 caliber. T h e a u t h o r uses hollowpoints in his .22 H o r net, . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., and .220 Swift but prefers the 80-grain W i n c h e s t e r - W e s t e r n Pointed Soft Point in his much-used .243 Win. rifles. T h e Remington Bronze Point is a hollowpoint with a spitzer-shaped tip plug which protects the hollowpoint and improves ballistics efficiency. It is m a d e in t w o calibers and three weights: 130grain .270 Win., 150-grain and 180-grain . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. T h e a u t h o r found the Bronze Point a d e q u a t e on open-country game like d e e r and antelope, but n o w uses N o s i e r partition bullets for much of his shooting. Softpoint
In this broad category calibers range from the .17 R e m . to the .600 N i t r o E x p r e s s . Q u a r r y ranges from w o o d c h u c k s to elephants. Probably 95 p e r c e n t of t o d a y ' s game bullets fall in this category. Original softpoint. O n c e c o m m o n to many calibers and originally loaded with black powder, few m a d e the transition to the smokeless era. Early smokeless-propellant cartridges like the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. and . 2 5 - 3 5 Win. used this type of bullet for m a n y years. T h e factory-loaded 405-grain . 4 5 - 7 0 is typical of the few bullets of this type m a d e today. T h e . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. are also typical. T h e softpoint lead bullet has a metal base and half j a c k e t . T h e b a s e is supposed to remain intact while the lead e x p a n d s . Dangerous-game softpoints. T h e s e bullets are designed for heavy-boned, thin-skinned dangerous game like lion, leopard, and Alaskan bears. A n ideal example is the Winchester-Western 510-grain .458 Win. M a g n u m Soft Point. This bullet has a very heavy base designed to hold together u n d e r a d v e r s e conditions. T h e exposed
portion is designed to expand slowly while driving through the animal's vitals. Experienced hunters do not agree on penetration. Some say the bullet should penetrate almost through the animal, ideally stopping at or near the hide on the far side. T h i s m e a n s all the bullet's energy is expended within the animal. O t h e r hunters, notably skilled trackers or those w h o have a skilled t r a c k e r (as one does on safari/ shikar), like the bullet to exit. If the bullet exits there should be a blood trail. Nondangerous big-game expanding bullets. This category ranges from d e e r (not truly big game) through elk, caribou, and grizzly bear and some African plains game like eland. T h e s e bullets, like the dangerous-game softpoint, should have a base that holds together while the exposed lead portion — sometimes covered with a protective tip —expands. Bullets like the 300-grain Silvertip will expand at a slower rate than the 130-grain .270 Win. Silvertip. T h e same holds true for comparable bullets in Remington's excellent C o r e - L o k t series. W h e n a bullet designed for use on big game is used on lighter game like deer, there may be little nor no expansion. T w o years ago when the author was experimentally inclined he poured a .510-grain .458 Win. M a g n u m Soft Point completely through a d e e r at 35 yards. T h e great bullet went through the animal and buried itself in a sandbank. T h e recovered bullet showed little trace of expansion. So great w a s the force of the b u l l e t - a b o u t 5000 f t . - l b s . - a t that range, that the deer was slammed off its feet. During his high school days in the 1930s, the author hunted d e e r with a . 3 0 - 4 0 W i n c h e s t e r M 9 5 carbine. Wanting the heaviest bullet he could get, he purchased a box of 220-grain Winchester Soft Points —this was the pre-Silvertip era—which had only a tiny point of exposed lead. T h e r e was virtually no expansion. H e went back to 180-grain Western O p e n Point Expanding bullets. D e e r hunters would be better off with other bullets, but the trade n a m e s Silvertip and C o r e Lokt are so well known that it b e c a m e almost imperative for Winchester-Western and Remington to add the Silvertip and C o r e - L o k t design to d e e r cartridges like the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. H o w e v e r , as noted above, the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. j a c k e t s are much lighter than those for bigger calibers. A caliber .30 bullet designed for use in a . 3 0 30 Win. has a lighter construction than a caliber .30 bullet for the . 3 0 - 0 6 or one of the Big Thirty magnums. T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. 180-grain bullet pro-
pelled at m o d e r a t e velocities needs a light j a c k e t . T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 and .300 m a g n u m 180-grain bullets need a heavier j a c k e t that will hold together u n d e r their much higher velocities. Nosier partition bullets. During the late 1920s or early 1930s the G e r m a n small-arms-ammunition firm of R W S —the world's largest sporting ammunition manufacturer at one time —designed its famed Mantle bullet. A cross-section of the bullet looked like the letter H . T h e portion of the bullet a b o v e the c r o s s b a r was relatively thin metal. T h e base below the c r o s s b a r was thicker. W h e n such a bullet entered an animal —light or thin-skinned —it e x p a n d e d back to the metal crossbar. T h e base remained intact. T h i s bullet w a s the basis for the famed American N o s i e r Partition bullet. T h i s is probably the best-controlled expanding bullet available to N o r t h A m e r i c a n h u n t e r s . R o y W e a t h e r b y is the only ammunition manufacturer w h o uses N o s i e r Partition bullets for factory-loaded cartridges. N o s i e r bullets cost about twice as much as commercial or c u s t o m bullets of similar weight and caliber. T h e few cents per bullet difference can m a k e the difference between success and failure on a hunting trip costing many t h o u s a n d s . T h e y are available from most g u n s h o p s that carry handloaders' bullets and reloading supplies. Quick-expanding bullets. T h e h u n t e r of deer in open country, antelope, sheep, goat, and light African plains animals needs a bullet that quickly e x p a n d s inside these relatively small, lightskinned critters. Ideal examples of these bullets are the W i n c h e s t e r - W e s t e r n P o w e r Point series and Remington's Hi-Speed Pointed Soft Point C o r e - L o k t series. T h i s type of C o r e - L o k t is of different construction than the heavier-base E x p r e s s C o r e - L o k t discussed a b o v e . Winchester-Western P o w e r Points range from the 100-grain (Soft Point) .243 Win. to the 270 grain P o w e r Point .375 H & H M a g n u m . T h e P o w e r Point/Soft Point is essentially an enclosed hollowpoint. A small forward section of the j a c k e t encloses a hollow space. S o m e notable P o w e r Point bullets are the 140-grain .264 Win. M a g n u m , 150-grain .270 Win., 150- and 175grain 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m (the a u t h o r prefers 175-grain R e m . C o r e - L o k t or Nosier), 150- and 180-grain . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. Remington's HiSpeed Pointed Soft Point C o r e - L o k t offers fast expanding action. W i n c h e s t e r . 3 0 - 0 6 riflemen can use Silvertip or P o w e r Point (Soft Point) 150 grain, 180 grain, and 220 grain.
T h e s e range from the 25-grain .17 Rem. to the 90-grain .244 Rem. and a few heavier bullets. Varmint bullets, which are often used in the vicinity of small villages, farmhouses, and outbuildings and in cattle-inhabited p a s t u r e s , must be incapable of ricocheting. T h e high-velocity bullets are designed to shatter on impact. Varmint bullets are either pointed or hollowpoint. M o s t Winchester varmint bullets are designated Pointed Soft Point (PSP) or O p e n Point Expanding ( O P E ) . Remington's are Hi-Speed Hollow Point or Hi-Speed Soft Point. T h e .22 centerfire cartridges are strictly for varmints or benchrest shooting. D u a l - p u r p o s e cartridges like the .243 Win., .244 Rem., 6 m m Rem., and .257 R o b e r t s can be used on varmints or deer-class game. T h e lighter bullets like the 80-grain .243 Win. bullet are designed for varmints only. T h e 100-grain bullet with its heavier
j a c k e t is for use on deer-class game. T h e 80 grain is inadequate for deer, and the 100 grain is not too heavy for varmints but its heavier j a c k e t will not disintegrate the way a varmint bullet should. V a r m i n t h u n t e r s wanting a heavier .243 or 6mm bullet can get 100- or 105-grain c u s t o m varmint bullets.
T h e s e are super-accurate bullets —usually .22 caliber—used for b e n c h r e s t shooting. Such bullets are either m a d e by c u s t o m bullet m a k e r s like H o r n a d y , Speer, and Sierra or are h a n d m a d e by shooters themselves. T h e r e are some highquality precision b e n c h r e s t bullet m a k e r s w h o confine their sales to a small region. T h e bestk n o w n small-production but high-precision b e n c h r e s t bullet m a k e r w a s the late Crawford Hollidge, a Boston d e p a r t m e n t store owner.
AMERICAN CENTERFIRE RIFLE CARTRIDGES Cartridge nomenclature is a confusing subject. T h e .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m ( WM) , .300 Win. M a g n u m , .300 H & H M a g n u m , . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , .308 N o r m a M a g n u m , .300 Savage, and .30 Rem. all use bullets of the same diameter but the cartridge cases are not interchangeable. S o m e British and A m e r i c a n designations are identical, while others differ. T h e former U . S . service round, " C a r t r i d g e , Ball, Caliber .30 Model 1906 (designed for M 1 9 0 3 Springfield)" is commonly called . 3 0 - 0 6 (often p r o n o u n c e d "thirty ought six") is in G r e a t Britain the caliber .300 U . S . A . or .300-inch U . S . A . T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 , sometimes known as the .30 U . S . A . , is not to be confused with the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, also known as the .30 U . S . A r m y . Some cartridges are identified by their manufacturer by groove diameter—that is, bore diameter measured from groove to opposite groove in the rifling. O t h e r cartridges using the samediameter bullet are identified by land diameter (a smaller m e a s u r e m e n t , since the lands are the portions between the rifling c u t s , or g r o o v e s , in a barrel). T h e current trend is to use groove diameter because it gives a higher figure or implies a larger caliber. T h e .236 L e e N a v y was identified by land diameter. T h e .243 Winchester, using an identical-diameter bullet, is identified by groove diameter. T h e .244 Rem., .243 Win., and .240 Weatherby M a g n u m all use .236 bullets. Some cartridges, like the century-old . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., have m o r e than 40 different designations. T h e caliber .45, Model of 1873 cartridge, also known as the .45 G o v e r n m e n t , is usually called the . 4 5 - 7 0 , though nearly a half-century has passed since cartridges have been loaded with 70 grains of black powder. Black-powder cartridges w e r e usually given three sets of figures, such as . 4 5 - 7 0 - 5 0 0 . T h e first figure d e n o t e s caliber in decimal fractions of an inch, and the second is the black-powder 118
charge in grains. T h e final figure d e n o t e s bullet weight in grains. Early smokeless-propellant cartridges w e r e usually given t w o sets of figures: . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. T h e first figure is caliber, and the second figure is smokeless-propellant charge in grains. T o d a y , we still have the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., but it may not be loaded with 30 grains of propellant. Some black-powder cartridges were designated first by caliber (usually bullet diameter) and then by the length of the case. T h e British carried this system o v e r into some smokeless cartridges for double rifles. Early A m e r i c a n cartridge calibers w e r e designated by two digits (hundredths of an inch): .30, .45, .50, etc. T h e British almost invariably use three digits (thousandths of an inch): .303 British, .375 H & H M a g n u m . T h e first A m e r i c a n cartridge to use three figures w a s the .236 L e e N a v y (1895). T h i s w a s also the first A m e r i c a n cartridge to use a metric designation. T h u s we h a v e the 6 m m N a v y . Cartridges stamped 6 m m L e e N a v y (or 6 m m U . S . N . ) are identical to t h o s e h e a d s t a m p e d .236 L e e N a v y (or .236 U . S . N . ) . T h e r e was a rimmed 6mm L e e N a v y . O t h e r cartridges using the three-digit designation soon followed: .303 Savage, .405 Win., .351 Win. M o s t centerfire cartridges now use three figures. T h e .22 H o r n e t and .17 R e m . are among the few exceptions. In the late 1930s, W i n c h e s t e r brought out two cartridges with a n a m e attached: .218 Bee and .219 Zipper. Savage had introduced the d e c e a s e d .22 Savage H i - P o w e r before World W a r I. T h e r e are rimmed and rimless versions of the s a m e basic cartridge. T h e M l 8 9 4 Winchester designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning was chambered for several cartridges, including the famed . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. (originally .30 Win.), . 2 5 - 3 5 Win., and .32 Win. Special. W h e n Remington brought out the M 8 semiauto rifle, also designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning, rimless versions of the Winc h e s t e r cartridges w e r e introduced (rimless car-
tridges function more reliably in semiautomatic actions). T h e y were the .25 R e m . (rimless . 2 5 - 3 5 Win.), .30 Rem. (rimless . 3 0 - 3 0 Win.), and .32 Rem. (rimless .32 Win. Special). T h e rimless .35 Rem. had no Winchester counterpart. T h e British occasionally use t w o sets of figures separated by a slash: .577/.450. T h e example indicates a .577 case necked to .45 caliber. In the United States there is a . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . A c cording to British usage this would be a .25 R e m . case opened to .30 caliber, but w e turned the British system around. T h e .25 indicates a .25 caliber bullet based on the . 3 0 - 0 6 case. T h e first A m e r i c a n factory cartridge designated in this m a n n e r was the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . T h i s is a . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage case necked to .22 caliber. (Cartridge nomenclature is all the more confusing because of the many exceptions to its rules. T h e " 3 0 0 0 " in the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 designation, for instance, was a clever advertising gimmick —a boast about the cartridge's 3000 f.p.s., a very high velocity for its time.) In England the .300 H & H M a g n u m cartridge is Holland & Holland's " S u p e r T h i r t y . " T h e double-rifle version is called "flanged" instead of "rimmed." A peculiar English custom is the proprietary cartridge. K y n o c h (long ago it absorbed Eley Bros.), an Imperial Metals C o . Ltd. subsidiary, is England's only major sporting rifle cartridge manufacturer. W h e n a g u n m a k e r like Holland & Holland develops a new cartridge, say the .375 Magnum, K y n o c k sells those cartridges only to Holland & Holland. W i n c h e s t e r was able to bring out the M 7 0 in calibers .300 H & H Magnum and .375 H & H M a g n u m because Holland & Holland released their proprietary rights. Some British g u n m a k e r s h a v e their o w n designation for continental metric cartridges. J o h n Rigby barrels and c h a m b e r s imported actions for the 7 x 5 7 (7mm Mauser). Barrels are marked and cartridges headstamped " . 2 7 5 Rigby." British gunmakers call the 6.5mm Mannlicher the .256. This book is devoted to current sporting a r m s , plus arms which have been discontinued very recently and may still be stocked by some dealers and wholesalers. T h e writer deliberately has not included " o r p h a n " cartridges — those cartridges for which a r m s are no longer m a d e . Some orphans ultimately acquire n e w p a r e n t s . N o rifles or sixguns for the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. w e r e made for nearly 4 0 years, but recently a foreign manufacturer began producing a W i n c h e s t e r M 7 3 replica. Quien sabe? T h e omission of obsolete or orphan cartridges eliminates many like the .218 Bee, . 2 5 - 2 0 Win., .30 Rem., .303 Savage, .32 Rem., .32 Win. Spe-
cial, .351 Win. S.L.R., .348 Win., and . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. N o t included are the .22 Savage H i - P o w e r and . 3 8 - 5 5 Win. T h e s e are n o longer m a d e in the U . S . A . but are produced by C a n a d i a n Industries, Ltd. ( C I L —formerly Dominion Cartridge). C I L no longer e x p o r t s these cartridges, or any cartridge, to the U n i t e d States.
I n t r o d u c e d 1971. N e c k e d - d o w n .222 R e m . case. Standard bullet weight: 25 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.176 inch. Small rifle primer. Ultra-smallbore bullet and cartridge experim e n t e r s h a v e b e e n working for a quarter-century to p r o d u c e an ultra-high-velocity smallbore cartridge. T h e . 17 R e m . is the first commercial attempt. It has not been a notable success. T h e .17 Rem., with an alleged velocity of about 4 0 0 0 f.p.s. for a 25-grain bullet, is o v e r s h a d o w e d by the return of the .220 Swift bullet at about 4 1 0 0 f.p.s. W h e n Remington brought out its .17, n o .220 Swift rifle had been available since the Winc h e s t e r M 7 0 w a s revamped in 1964. T h e .17 R e m . is a 250-yard cartridge. T h e light bullet sheds velocity very rapidly. C h r o n o g r a p h tests m a d e by several organizations, including the a u t h o r ' s F i r e a r m s Information & Research Service, failed to p r o d u c e velocities in excess of 3900 f.p.s. T h i s is considerably less than the Swift and not much m o r e than . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . T h e . 17 R e m . requires a special cleaning rod for the extremely small b o r e . Metal fouling accumulates m o r e rapidly (high velocity is a factor) than in larger-bore rifles. Remington should receive credit for offering a new-caliber cartridge — and h o w w e r e the Bridgeport-Ilion b o y s to know that the .220 Swift would return to haunt t h e m ? F a c t o r y cartridges are available only in the Remington brand.
.22 Hornet Introduced 1930. .22 W i n c h e s t e r C e n t e r Fire case. Standard bullet weights: 4 5 , 46 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.224 inch. T h e first bolt-action centerfire cartridge for varmint shooting w a s developed about 1929 by Al W o o d y , civilian engineer, U . S . A r m o r y , Springfield, M a s s . , and his associates. H e loaded the .22 W i n c h e s t e r C e n t e r Fire (.22 W . C . F . ) cartridge case with 45-grain F r e n c h Velo D o g revolver bullets. H e fitted a centerfire bolt to the .22 L o n g Rifle M l 9 2 2 Springfield (modified M l 9 0 3 Springfield).
Winchester brought out ammunition before commercial rifles were available. T h e .22 H o r n e t was c h a m b e r e d in many single-shot rifles like the Winchester M 8 5 SingleShot. T h e H o r n e t is a fine cartridge if the object is varmint stalking rather than long-range shooting. It makes minimum noise. T h i s is fine for shooting in settled areas. T h e last and best .22 H o r n e t A m e r i c a n magazine rifle, the W i n c h e s t e r pre-1964 M 7 0 , was discontinued in the late 1950s. Y o u can buy actions chambered for the H o r n e t , but the only magazine .22 H o r n e t rifles known to the a u t h o r in current production are the expensive S a v a g e / A n s c h u t z M 1 4 3 2 and Walther K K J S p o r t s m a n . T h e H o r n e t cartridge has long been popular in E u r o p e , w h e r e it is designated the 5 . 6 x 5 2 R ( 5 . 5 6 m m x 5 2 m m rimmed). Ruger c h a m b e r s his N u m b e r T h r e e single-shot for the .22 H o r n e t . H e should also c h a m b e r his superb N u m b e r O n e single-shot Varmint Rifle (about 8.5 lbs.) for this cartridge. .22-250
Introduced 1965. N e c k e d - d o w n .250 Savage case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.224 inch. Standard twist: 1-14.0 inches. This original version of the .220 Swift p r o d u c e s slightly less than Swift velocity with heavier bullets. It sheds velocity less rapidly than the Swift. Standard bullet weights: 50, 55 grains. A n extremely accurate cartridge to 350 yards (when there's no wind). T h o u g h developed in the mid-1930s, this remained a wildcat until the mid-1960s; it w a s long known as the V a r m i n t e r or .22 G e b b y Varminter. Most major manufacturers now c h a m b e r rifles for this cartridge. Cartridges with similar ballistics are the .224 Weatherby M a g n u m and .225 Win. T h e . 2 2 - 2 5 0 is at its best in a rifle weighing (without scope) 8.75 lbs. to 9.75 lbs. like the Ruger M 7 7 , Winchester M 7 0 , and Remington M 7 0 0 varmint versions. Roy W e a t h e r b y ' s V a r m i n t m a s t e r (6.5 lbs. without scope) is a first-rate arm for varmint hunters w h o like to walk. .220 Swift Introduced 1935. Modified 6mm (.236) L e e N a v y case. Standard bullet weights: 4 6 , 56 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.2245 inch. T h e .220 Swift is W i n c h e s t e r ' s version of the original . 2 2 - 2 5 0 . T h e cartridge w a s developed by the a u t h o r ' s Weybridge, V e r m o n t , neighbor
J e r o m e Bushnell Smith ( 1 8 9 4 - 1 9 4 8 ) , along with Captain G r o s v e n o r W o t k y n s and J. B. Sweaney. W h e n W i n c h e s t e r brought out its modification, the Smith-Wotkyns-Sweaney cartridge was called the .22 W O S ( " W o t k y n s Original Swift"). In the mid-1960s, Browning A r m s brought out a bolt-action rifle for the .22 W O S but called it the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 . N o factory ammunition was available, but Browning thought there w e r e sufficient . 2 2 - 2 5 0 admirers to w a r r a n t the risk. Remington soon brought out . 2 2 - 2 5 0 ammunition. T h e first factory rifle c h a m b e r e d for the .220 Swift w a s the W i n c h e s t e r M 5 4 bolt-action (improved M l 9 0 3 Springfield/Mauser 98 action). First rifles w e r e m a d e in April 1935 and w e r e released for sale in August. Only a few M 5 4 .220 Swifts w e r e m a d e as the M 5 4 w a s soon replaced by the M 7 0 . T h e pre-1964 M 7 0 was c h a m b e r e d throughout its life ( 1 9 3 7 - 6 3 ) for the .220. T h e .243 Winchester seemingly spelled finis for the .220. W h e n W i n c h e s t e r discontinued the pre-1964 M 7 0 the .220 w a s d r o p p e d . M a n y riflemen and hunters check muzzle velocities only on manufacturer's ballistics c h a r t s . T h e .220 w a s m a d e only with 26-inch barrels. T h e 48-grain .220 has a muzzle velocity of about 4 1 0 0 f.p.s.; the .243 has a muzzle velocity of 3500 f.p.s. T h e real story for the varmint shooter w a s at 300 y a r d s , w h e r e the .220's velocity is 2440 f.p.s. and the 80-grain .243's is 2 4 1 0 f.p.s. With improved propellants N o r m a n o w offers two .220 bullet t y p e s (50 grain). T h e 50-grain semi-pointed full metal-jacketed N o r m a .220 Swift, with a muzzle velocity identical to its 50-grain softpoint, has a 300-yard residual velocity of 2295 f.p.s. Swift bullets are more susceptible to crosswinds than 75-80-grain .243 varmint bullets. In 1973 Bill Ruger m a d e a few 26-inch-barrel Swifts. T h e r e w a s no magazine advertising. D e spite this handicap, enough w e r e sold so that Ruger has put the Swift into regular production. In 1974, Savage brought out the .220 Swift in its Model 112V single-shot bolt-action varmint rifle. .222
I n t r o d u c e d 1950. Original case. Standard bullet weight: 50 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.224 inch. T h i s w a s probably the most popular .22 caliber centerfire cartridge e v e r placed on the market. H o w e v e r , there w e r e many more potential varmint shooters than w h e n the .22 H o r n e t appeared 20 years earlier.
This is a short-range (200 yards) varmint caliber. Its light report is an asset in settled areas. It is easy to load. Cartridges are relatively inexpensive. This extremely accurate cartridge is very popular with benchrest shooters. It has virtually no recoil. Cartridges like the .243 Win., .244 Rem., and 6mm Rem. slowed the .222's popularity. M a n y hunters w h o didn't know any better—but w h o should have —had disappointing results on deer. T h e cartridge is not designed for use on game larger than w o o d c h u c k s . .222 Remington
Introduced 1958. Elongated .222 Remington case. Standard bullet weight: 55 grains. Standard bullet diameter: .2245 inch. This cartridge, despite a propellant capacity one-third greater than that of the .222 Rem., never approached the .222 Rem. in popularity. This was due to the ballistically similar .223 Rem. Remington dropped the cartridge from its M 7 0 0 . It is still available in the 40-X specialorder rifle. .223 Remington
Introduced 1960. C a s e midway in length between .222 Rem. and .222 Rem. M a g n u m . This cartridge, like the .222 R e m . M a g n u m , .222 Rem. Special, and .224 Win., was part of an A r m y O r d n a n c e program to develop a highvelocity .22 cartridge for full-automatic shoulder arms. N o w available in a few rifles like Remington's M 7 0 0 varmint version, the .223 will b e c o m e popular for match shooting. This cartridge and its shoot-alike twin the .222 Rem. M a g n u m extend m a x i m u m range (compared to .222 Rem.) for varmint shooting to 2 2 5 250 yards. (See the discussion of the 5.6mm cartridge in C h a p t e r 12.) .224 Weatherby
Introduced 1963. Rimless belted bottleneck case. Standard bullet weights: 50, 55 grains. Standard bullet diameter: .2245 inch (maximum). Ballistically the .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m is almost identical with the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . and .225 Win. Ruger, Winchester, and Remington all make heavy-barrel varmint rifles c h a m b e r e d for the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 . W e a t h e r b y m a k e s a lovely-to-lookat and light-to-handle sporter and thus provides . 2 2 - 2 5 0 ballistics in a light rifle. With the advent
of . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . ammunition, W e a t h e r b y chambered the V a r m i n t m a s t e r for the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem. .225
Introduced 1964. Rim bottleneck original case. Standard bullet weight: 55 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.2245 inch (maximum). T h i s small-capacity case w a s fitted with a rim to adapt it to rifles with a standard . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield bolt. T h e .225 is practically identical with the . 2 2 250 R e m . and .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . It is an excellent cartridge but n e v e r b e c a m e popular. Within a y e a r of its a p p e a r a n c e , the 30-odd-yearold wildcat .22 V a r m i n t e r b e c a m e commercially available as the . 2 2 - 2 5 0 R e m . .240 Weatherby
Introduced 1965. Original bottleneck cartridge case design with belt. Standard bullet weights: 70, 90, and 100 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.2435 inch. T h i s is Roy W e a t h e r b y ' s magnum a n s w e r to the .243 Win. and 6 m m Rem. T h e 100-grain bullet for deer-class game has a 300-yard residual velocity about 300 f.p.s. faster than the 100grain .243 Win. or the 100-grain 6 m m . T h e 300yard residual velocity of the 90-grain .240 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m is 2475 f.p.s., c o m p a r e d to 2 2 3 0 f.p.s. for the .243 Win. .243
I n t r o d u c e d 1955. N e c k e d - d o w n .308 Win. c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 7 5 , 80, 90, 100 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.236 inch. Large rifle primer. T h e .243 Win. is probably the most popular centerfire rifle cartridge above .22 caliber and of nonmilitary origin. Originally offered in lightweight j a c k e t e d bullets for varmints at a factorystated velocity of 3500 f.p.s. (26.0-inch barrel) and a 100-grain medium-weight j a c k e t e d bullet at 3080 f.p.s. (26.0-inch barrel) for light game like d e e r and antelope. Since 1975 W i n c h e s t e r lists the 80-grain at 3420 f.p.s. and the 100-grain at 2960 f.p.s. T h e s e figures d o not indicate a reduced loading but are based on the 24.0-inch barrel of current M 7 0 varmint rifles. C u r r e n t M 7 0 .243 Win. sporters, like most other sporters, have 22.0-inch barrels. T h e change of figures in current Winchester ballistics c h a r t s may h a v e resulted from an informative article in American Rifleman
("Should Y o u Shorten Y o u r .243 B a r r e l ? " , April 1972). T e s t s w e r e conducted by M . D . Waite, technical editor, and K e n n e t h C . R a y n e r , assistant technical editor. Waite and R a y n e r c o m m e n c e d recording velocities with a 28.0-inch .243 barrel. After each series was fired and chronograph d a t a recorded, the barrel was reduced in 1.0-inch increments to an 18.0-inch minimum. Results were surprising. M a x i m u m muzzle velocity with a 26.0-inch barrel w a s 3300 f.p.s. instead of the factory's alleged 3500 f.p.s. T h e 24.0inch barrel —now standard on all .243 varmint rifles except the 26.0-inch bolt-action single-shot Savage M l 12V and the 27.0-inch barrel of the Swedish Carl G u s t a v V / T (Varmint/Target rifle) — produced a muzzle velocity of 3255 f.p.s., or nearly 250 f.p.s. less than stated factor ballistics. T h e 22.0-inch barrel — sporter standard — produced a muzzle velocity of 3190 f.p.s., or more than 300 f.p.s less than alleged factory standards. Using American Rifleman standards, varmint shooters wishing to secure m a x i m u m velocity with 80-grain factory loads should use the Carl G u s t a v V / T , whose 27.0-inch barrel p r o d u c e s a muzzle velocity of 3325 f.p.s. W h e r e actual ballistics differ considerably from factory ballistics, unwary shooters or those too lazy to field-check find the bullet drop and trajectory charts unreliable. In varmint shooting a matter of 1 or 2 inches may mean the difference between a kill and a miss or u n n e c e s s a r y wounding. Since the advent of the .243 in 1955, about 90 percent of the a u t h o r ' s c h u c k shooting has been d o n e with .243 varmint rifles. T h e remaining 10 percent is accounted for by testing cartridges like .244 Rem., 6 m m Rem., . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .225 Win., .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , and .17 R e m . T h e author n e v e r attempts to take c h u c k s with a .243 Win. at less than 200 yards. Shots are measured with a 100-foot s u r v e y o r ' s tape. It is impossible to accurately m e a s u r e shots taken across a valley. H i s longest successful shot, made with a .243 M 7 0 Target rifle, was 429 measured yards across a fiat m e a d o w . G i v e n but one choice of caliber for varmint shooting, the author would select the .243 Win. or 6mm Remington. T h e s e 6 m m bullets are less subject to wind drift and retain their velocity at longer ranges. T h e .220 Swift has an initial muzzle velocity of 600 f.p.s., more than the 80-grain .243 Win., yet the 330-yard residual velocity of these bullets is almost identical. Classic varmint rifles weigh 9.50 to 9.75 lbs.
(without scope and sling), but the c u r r e n t trend — as in other rifle types — is toward shorter barrels and lighter rifles. V a r m i n t rifles should be fitted with scopes of lOx or 12x. Bipods are most useful for steadying the rifle u n d e r field conditions. T h e .243 Win. is available in bolt-action singleshot and bolt-action magazine rifles. It is m a d e in lever-action, slide-action, and semiautomatic rifles. It is also available in R u g e r ' s N u m b e r O n e single shot. .244
Introduced 1955. N e c k e d - d o w n .257 R o b e r t s (7mm M a u s e r ) c a s e . Standard bullet weight: 90 grains. Standard bullet diameter: .2435 inch. T h e .243 Win. and .244 R e m . both a p p e a r e d in August, 1955. Of these almost identical twins the .243 Win. b e c a m e one of the greatest commercial centerfire cartridges. T h e .244 R e m . had such poor sales that Remington .244 rifles were soon dropped. Only N o r m a now loads the .244. W i n c h e s t e r visualized the .243 Win. as a dualpurpose cartridge for use on varmints and deer. T h e .243 Win. with its 1-in- 10-inch twist handles 75-80-grain varmint bullets and 100-grain deer bullets with equal facility and a c c u r a c y . T h e .244 Rem. w a s designed strictly for varmint shooters. Its original 1-in-12-inch twist w a s designed to handle a 90-grain j a c k e t e d varmint bullet. T h e Speer C o m p a n y , Lewiston, I d a h o , issued a 105-grain bullet designed for deer-class game, but .244 R e m . ' s 12-inch twist would not stabilize the longer, heavier bullet. .25-06
Introduced 1970. Necked-down .30-06 Springfield case. Standard bullet weights: 8 7 , 100, 120 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.257 inch. T h i s cartridge, with an a c c u r a c y potential to 4 0 0 yards, dates back 40-odd y e a r s to experim e n t s with . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield c a s e s —not quite the same overall dimensions —and caliber .250 bullets. It has been a popular wildcat for many years. T h e 100-grain bullet has a muzzle velocity (24.0-inch barrel) of 3200 f.p.s. and a 500-yard residual velocity of 1830 f.p.s. A fine cartridge for riflemen wishing to use the same cartridge — different bullet weights and c o n s t r u c t i o n s — o n varmints and deer-class plains and mountain game. Prime rifles for this cartridge currently include
Remington M 7 0 0 (both standard and varmint versions), M 7 0 Winchester, and Ruger M 7 7 and N u m b e r O n e single shot. Barrel lengths are 24.0 inches. .250-3000
Introduced about 1914. Shortened and necked-down . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield case. Bullet weights: 87, 100 grains. Bullet diameter: 0.257 inch. This was small-arms and ammunition designer Charles N e w t o n ' s second commercially successful high-velocity (high for those days) cartridge. Until about 1921 the cartridge was loaded with the 87-grain bullet with a 3000 f.p.s. muzzle velocity. T h e cartridge and rifles c h a m b e r e d for it continued as the . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 for many years. Its popularity decline began with the advent of the .257 Roberts (1935) and further decreased when the .243 Win. appeared. By 1960 no A m e r ican rifles were made in this caliber, but cartridge manufacture has been continuous. T h e .250 Savage—as it should properly be known since the appearance of the 100-grain bullet —is experiencing a mild revival. It is now available in the Ruger M 7 7 bolt-action. Savage has revived it in the rifle for which it was first chambered, the M 9 9 lever-action. .257 Weatherby
Introduced about 1945. Shortened, neckeddown .300 H & H M a g n u m case. Standard bullet weights: 87, 100, 117 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.257 inch. This is the flattest and farthest-ranging caliber .25 cartridge. It is an excellent varmint cartridge where noise is not a factor, though barrel life is shorter than with other .25s. A varmint shooter may average more than 500 shots per season, while a medium-size-game hunter usually shoots no more than a box of 20 r o u n d s (including preseason sighters). T h e varmint shooter's barrel may last a shorter time, though for as many total shots as the larger-game h u n t e r ' s , but he is also getting more pleasure in a shorter time period. T h e .257 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m in its early years received considerable publicity — some of it adverse —because African game animals up to C a p e buffalo were killed with it (these hunters were backed up by professional hunters armed with large-bore double rifles). T h e author has used the .257 W e a t h e r b y Magnum with proper bullet weights on c h u c k s , mule deer, and antelope.
.264 Winchester
I n t r o d u c e d 1960. N e c k e d - d o w n .338 Win. M a g n u m case. Standard bullet weights: 100, 140 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.2645 inch (maximum). T h i s is W i n c h e s t e r ' s answer—it took 15 years — to Roy W e a t h e r b y ' s .257 M a g n u m . Minimum and maximum .264 bullet weights are slightly heavier. T h i s is a plains and mountain rifle. T h e 100-grain bullet has a light j a c k e t for varmints. T h e heavier-jacketed 140-grain bullet is for game up through caribou. It has been used on elk, but a heavier bullet in a larger caliber should be used for that magnificent creature. H o r n a d y ' s 160grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e is the heaviest .264 (6.5mm) bullet available. F e w cartridges a p p r o a c h the .264's long-range ballistics. T h e 140-grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3200 f.p.s. has a 500-yard residual velocity of 2 1 0 0 f.p.s. Its 500-yard energy is 1370 ft.-lbs. T h e only bullets with substantially greater 500-yard energy are the 270-grain .375 H & H M a g n u m and several W e a t h e r b y s . T h e .264's ballistics are based on the 26-inch barrel of the pre-1964 M 7 0 Winchester. C u r r e n t 24-inch barrels give about 100 f.p.s. less muzzle velocity and slightly less energy. T h e .264 Win. M a g n u m ' s popularity was impaired by the a d v e n t of the 7mm Rem. M a g n u m . .270 Weatherby
Introduced 1945. Shortened and necked-down .300 H & H M a g n u m case. Standard bullet weights: 100, 130, 150 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.277 inch. T h e .270 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m gives .270 Win. weight bullets about 300 f.p.s. more muzzle velocity and about 100 f.p.s. more at 300 yards. .270
Introduced 1925. N e c k e d - d o w n .30-06 Spi'.ngfield c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 100, 130, 150, 180 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.277 inch. T h i s 50-odd-year-old cartridge w a s the first A m e r i c a n commercial cartridge — e x c e p t limited N e w t o n s —to be c h a m b e r e d in a bolt-action rifle that can take all N o r t h A m e r i c a n game. First released in 1925 for the Winchester M 5 4 , the .270 Win. won a c c e p t a n c e in the West (it's n e v e r been popular in the East), w h e r e it supplanted the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. Barring the .300 H & H , the limited N e w t o n s , and Hoffman Magn u m s , the .270 remained our premier plains and
mountain cartridge until the flood of post-World W a r II magnums. Jack O ' C o n n o r has probably harvested more N o r t h A m e r i c a n and African light-skinned game with the .270 Win. than a n y o n e else. It has been his favorite cartridge for 50 y e a r s . T h e advent of 7mm and .30 caliber magnums has not sounded the d e a t h knell of the .270. M a n y riflemen, ultrasensitive to recoil, prefer the .270. With the great increase in riflemen since World W a r II it is possible that more .270s are sold today than before the onslaught of the magnums. All bolt-action-rifle m a k e r s known to the author c h a m b e r at least o n e model for the .270 Win. Ignore the 110-grain bullet (poor sectional density) and use the 130-grain for the lighter deer-class game. T h e 160-grain is only available from dealers handling Canadian Industries, Ltd. ( C I L - D o m i n i o n ) . T h i s r o u n d n o s e long bullet is capable of d e e p penetration. T h e 150-grain is probably the best all-around .270 bullet. .280
Introduced 1957. .270 Win. case with shoulder moved forward 0.05 inch. N e c k expanded 0.006 inch. Standard bullet weights: 100, 150, 165 grains. (100-grain n o longer available). Standard bullet diameter: 0.2835-0.284 inch (7mm). This cartridge was designed to provide .270 Win. ballistics in Remington's M 7 4 0 / M 7 4 2 semiauto W o o d s m a s t e r . At the time of its introduction no semiautomatic sporting rifle —except sporterized versions of C a p t . Melvin J o h n s o n ' s recoil-operated rotary-magazine semiautomatic — were c h a m b e r e d for the .270 Win. Remington then c h a m b e r e d M 7 0 0 and M 7 2 1 bolt-actions for the .280. T o d a y , Remington c h a m b e r s only the M 7 4 2 for the .280 R e m . Bill Ruger made a few M 7 7 s for the .280 R e m . This cartridge will not do anything that the .270 Win. c a n n o t d o . .30 U.S. Ml
Introduced 1940. Modified .32 W i n c h e s t e r Self Loading Rifle case. Standard bullet (sporting) weight: 110 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.3075 inch (maximum — .0008 inch tolerance). Even in its soft and hollowpoint versions this is by no stretch of the imagination a " s p o r t i n g " cartridge. T h e r e is a serious ricochet danger when firing at varmints, and it is inadequate for deer.
During the K o r e a n War, G e n e r a l S. L. A. Marshall conducted a thorough survey of weapons usage in K o r e a . Front-line Marines —and many soldiers—ditched their carbines and s w a p p e d or otherwise obtained submachine guns or M l rifles. T h e major reason for the carbine's popularity among rear-echelon troops and unknowledgeable h u n t e r s w a s its light weight and c o m p a c t size. It is " h a n d y " or " c o n v e n i e n t " to tote. 30-06
I n t r o d u c e d 1906. Elongated 8 m m M a u s e r case necked d o w n , or elongated 7mm M a u s e r c a s e necked up. Standard bullet weights: 110 to 220 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.308 inch. Large rifle primer. F o r more than 50 y e a r s this w a s o n e of the three most widely used military cartridges in the world (others: .303 British and 7.92mm M a u s e r ) . It has been used in bolt-action, lever-action, semiautomatic, and full automatic rifles, light and heavy ground machine guns, aircraft machineguns, and single-shot rifles. F o r many of its 70-odd years the . 3 0 - 0 6 has been, as it is n o w , the world's number-one allaround sporting cartridge. T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 with bullets of p r o p e r weight and construction for the game at hand is capable of taking 95 percent of the world's big game. T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 , k n o w n officially as " C a r t r i d g e , Ball, Caliber 30, M l 9 0 6 , " in its first version w a s a cupronickel-jacketed 150-grain spitzer bullet. It w a s the forerunner of modern sporting cartridges. T h e three most widely used weights are the 150-grain for long-range game like antelope, sheep, caribou, and the lighter African plains g a m e ; the 180-grain r o u n d n o s e for use' against all but the heaviest N o r t h A m e r i c a n game (in the b r u s h ) ; and a 180-grain spitzer for open-country shooting. T h e slow-to-expand 220-grain bullet is capable of taking all N o r t h A m e r i c a n game including the big Alaskan b r o w n bears, though most experts prefer a heavier bullet like those from the .338 Win. M a g n u m , .375 H & H Magnum, or even .458 Win. M a g n u m . E l e p h a n t s h a v e been taken with full metaljacketed—solid—220-grain bullets, but experienced dangerous-game h u n t e r s prefer a bullet of sufficient weight, energy, and velocity to stop an elephant in his t r a c k s . O t h e r bullet weights range from the 110-grain bullet for varmints (its sectional density is insufficient for stability at long ranges, and it sheds ve-
locity rapidly) to a limited-production specialpurpose (big Arctic game) 280-grain bullet. This latter bullet was for use by the military only. T h e 165-grain custom bullet is popular among those who seek a c o m p r o m i s e between the flat-shooting 150-grain and the heavier 180-grain bullet. C u s t o m 168-grain and 200-grain bullets are popular among match shooters. T h e late G r a n c e l Fitz was probably the first American to bag all recognized N o r t h A m e r i c a n big-game species —many of them record-class — and he did it with one rifle. This w a s a Griffin & H o w e . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield sporter. This rifle after more than a quarter century of hard use —not abuse —bore the honorable badge of scars and worn bluing. Jack O ' C o n n o r , best k n o w n for his a d v o c a c y and expert use of the .270 Win., has probably used the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield as much or more than any other c o n t e m p o r a r y N o r t h A m e r i c a n big-game hunter. H e has used it in Africa too. T h e author prefers .35 caliber or better for elk and grizzly; his favorite is the .375 H & H Magnum, though the . 3 0 - 0 6 is a d e q u a t e for all but rear-end or raking shots. T h e .270 Win. and a host of other rifles shoot slightly flatter over long ranges than the 150grain . 3 0 - 0 6 , though most of the a u t h o r ' s shots at game like caribou, sheep, and antelope could have been made just as successfully with a . 3 0 06 as with a .300 H & H M a g n u m , .375 H & H Magnum, or .257 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . V e r y few shots in N o r t h A m e r i c a —even at sheep and caribou — are made at ranges over 275 y a r d s . T h e pronghorn antelope is an exception only occasionally. Every major A m e r i c a n ammunition manufacturer offers a greater variety of loadings in . 3 0 06 Springfield than in any other caliber. E v e n Roy Weatherby offers his justly famed M a r k V action in one non-Weatherby caliber—the . 3 0 06. Most American-made . 3 0 - 0 6 snorting rifles are currently offered with 22.0-inch barrels. F a c tory ballistics are based on 24.0-inch barrels. T h e author likes the 24.0-inch barrel, which is one reason he prefers the pre-1964 M 7 0 Win. with its 24.0-inch barrel to the fine Ruger M 7 7 with a 22.0-inch barrel only. This is strictly a personal matter. M a n y big-game hunters d o very well with 22.0-inch barrel . 3 0 - 0 6 s - a n d that includes Jack O ' C o n n o r . T h e author has had considerable experience with the . 3 0 - 0 6 cartridge, over 4 0 years, for hunting, target, and military uses. H e o n c e testfired for accuracy and functioning some 200
Lewis light machine guns. H e has taken antelope, sheep, caribou, whitetail, bear, elk, and zebra with this 70-odd-year-old cartridge.
Introduced 1895. N e c k e d - d o w n rimmed . 3 8 55 Win. c a s e . Standard bullet weights (current): 150, 170 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.3085 inch (maximum). T h e .30 W . C . F . , as it was originally known, and the . 2 5 - 3 5 Win., both released in the summ e r of 1895, were the first sporting smokeless centerfire rifle cartridges m a d e in America. T h e M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r was the first A m e r i c a n sporting rifle designed to handle smokeless-propellant cartridges. During the past 4 0 y e a r s the author has known, met, or c o r r e s p o n d e d with h u n d r e d s of . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. o w n e r s , most of them o w n e r s of M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r s . Practically all were convinced their " t r u s t y t h u t t y - t h u t t y " w a s the d e e r cartridge s u p r e m e . M a n y other cartridges in the short-range deer-rifle class are superior: .35 Rem., . 3 8 - 5 5 , and .44 M a g n u m . T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. mystique is difficult, if not impossible, to explain. .30 caliber seems the magic figure a m o n g most rifle-owning Americans, be it a . 3 0 - 3 0 Winchester, . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, .308 Win., or .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . T h e caliber .30 trend c o m m e n c e d after the adoption in 1892 of the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag as o u r standard A r m y cartridge. T h e .30 caliber trend intensified after the adoption of the M 1 9 0 6 caliber .30 ( . 3 0 06 Springfield) in the M l 9 0 3 Springfield. N e x t c a m e the .30 R e m . and .30 N e w t o n . Several million A m e r i c a n s w e r e introduced to bolt-action rifles and the . 3 0 - 0 6 in World W a r I. Some v e t e r a n s took to the bolt-action, but many took to various o t h e r .30 calibers. N e x t c a m e the .300 Savage, and for a few the .300 H & H M a g n u m and .30 wildcats. M a n y . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. h u n t e r s are not well informed about rifles and rifle calibers other than their own. E x t r e m e cases —and the a u t h o r k n o w s a number—think all .30 caliber rifles, w h e t h e r . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. or . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, have similar characteristics, " a n d I'd rather have a handy M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r than a c u m b e r s o m e , heavy, expensive bolt-action." O t h e r s believe .300 caliber rifles use a m u c h bigger (wider in diameter) bullet than .30 caliber cartridges. All .30 caliber cartridges k n o w n to the a u t h o r use a 0.308-inchdiameter bullet. T h e most persistent myth among A m e r i c a n hunters, especially . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. o w n e r s , is that
" t h e thirty-thirty w a s o n c e the standard U . S . A r m y cartridge" or " t h e old (1903) Springfield was a . 3 0 - 3 0 . " T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 W i n c h e s t e r cartridge was never adopted or used by the United States A r m e d F o r c e s . A b o u t 1900, s o m e Savage M 9 9 lever-actions were purchased by the N e w Y o r k State Militia. T h e U . S . Bureau of Prisons occasionally purchased . 3 0 - 3 0 W i n c h e s t e r s . This w a s a waste of the t a x p a y e r s ' money, because U . S . O r d n a n c e d e p o t s had surplus M l 9 0 3 Springfields and M 1 9 1 7 Enfields. Millions of d e e r are harvested with the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., but h o w many millions h a v e escaped only to die a lingering death because of the cartridge's inadequacy? T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. is the cartridge of rural and small-town deer hunters. F e w of t h e m e v e r hunt outside their bailiwick. F e w h u n t e r s w h o travel to other states for d e e r hunting use the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. h u n t e r s are familiar with the area where they hunt year in and y e a r out. T h e y know the life style, including food sources and d e e r herd m o v e m e n t s , in their region. A n d their shots are usually m a d e at close range. T h e y rarely switch to other calibers or to non-lever-action rifles. T h e y are convinced they h a v e the best tool for the task at hand. T h e popularity of the handy, lightweight M 9 4 Winchester carbine has had m u c h to d o with the popularity of the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. cartridge.
Introduced 1892. Rim bottleneck case. Standard commercial bullet weights (current): 180, 220 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.307-inch minimum, 0.308-inch m a x i m u m . Standard twist: 1-in-10 inches. A s o u r first smokeless-propellant cartridge enters the last q u a r t e r of its first century, there is still sufficient d e m a n d for our major small-arms ammunition manufacturers to keep t w o bullet weights in production. Fifty years passed in which no . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag rifles were made. In July, 1973, Bill Ruger announced his N u m b e r T h r e e Single Shot in . 3 0 40 Krag. T h e . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag cartridge may enter its second century, as have the . 4 5 - 7 0 G o v ' t . , . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., and .45 Colt. T h e . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, today, is a medium-range cartridge for all N o r t h A m e r i c a n game except polar and b r o w n bears. T h e r e is a tendency among non-knowledgeable riflemen to confuse the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag with the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. Both h a v e been officially
referred to as Caliber .30. H e a d s t a m p s like W . R . A . .30 and W . R . A . C O . .30 A r m y (both . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag) contributed to the confusion. T o most of us, it has always been the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag. H e a d s t a m p s marked .30 U . S . A . are for the . 3 0 06 Springfield.
.300 H&H
I n t r o d u c e d about 1924. N e c k e d - d o w n .375 H & H M a g n u m . Standard bullet weights: 150, 1 8 0 , 2 2 0 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.3085 inch. T h e .300 H & H M a g n u m —known in England as " H o l l a n d ' s S u p e r T h i r t y " —was the final cartridge in that firm's series of great m a g n u m s (.244 H & H M a g n u m w a s not m a d e in A m e r i c a ) . T h e .300 H & H was designed to handle heavier bullets than the .275 H & H M a g n u m at greater ranges. (The .275 H & H M a g n u m - a n attempt to best the .280 R o s s - w a s loaded by W e s t e r n Cartridge C o . , but no A m e r i c a n factory rifles w e r e regularly c h a m b e r e d for it even though its excellent long-range 169-grain bullet gained wide a c c e p t a n c e in England and Africa.) T h e .300 H & H M a g n u m with W e s t e r n ' s 180grain O p e n Point E x p a n d i n g bullet was the aut h o r ' s favorite long-range rifle load for plains and mountain game ( 1 9 4 0 - 6 5 ) . H e held 5 inches high at 4 0 0 yards, on the n o s e at 300 y a r d s , and 4 inches low at 175 y a r d s . H e rarely used the 220grain bullet, inasmuch as he considers the .300 H & H a long-range open-country rifle. T h e .300 M a g n u m ballistics tables are among the few that a p p r o x i m a t e reality. All .300 H & H rifles k n o w n to the a u t h o r h a v e —and should h a v e —26.0-inch barrels. Ballistics table data is for 26.0-inch barrels. During its first d e c a d e in A m e r i c a the .300 H & H w a s available only in expensive English versions or c u s t o m A m e r i c a n rifles m a d e u p on the long M a u s e r action. T h e keenly sought Wimbledon T r o p h y for 1000-yard shooting at C a m p Perry w a s first w o n with a .300 H & H M a g n u m in 1935 by the author's late friend Ben Comfort. Ben used a c u s t o m - m a d e .300 H & H rifle with ammunition specially loaded by his friends —the Olins —in E a s t Alton, 111. T h e .300 H & H w o n all Wimbledon C u p s for the next q u a r t e r century (there w e r e no m a t c h e s during World W a r I I ) . A n y rifle capable of putting its bullets into the 18-inch V-ring of a 36inch bull at 1000 yards is not to b e lightly dismissed.
.300 Savage Introduced about 1920. Shortened . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield case. Standard bullet weights (current): 150, 180 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.3085 inch. This was the first caliber .30 smokeless sporting cartridge designed to work through shortlength actions like the Savage rotary magazine M 9 9 . It was introduced for the M 9 9 . T h e M 9 9 is the only rifle currently chambered for the .300 Savage. This excellent cartridge was d o o m e d by the superior .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) .
.300 Weatherby
Introduced 1946. Radial-shouldered .300 H & H M a g n u m case. Standard bullet weights: 150 to 220 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.308 inch. This was the first Weatherby M a g n u m cartridge. F o r many years it was the most controversial big-game cartridge. T h e hunting world is divided into two c a m p s . Elmer Keith's c a m p advocates heavy bullets of moderate velocity for big game. W e a t h e r b y ' s c a m p a d v o c a t e s high velocity. N e i t h e r extreme is as sound as a c o m p r o mise. Some Weatherby cartridge failures are due to inexperienced hunters using improperly constructed handloaded bullets against too large a game animal or at excessive range. T h e r e have been —and still are —hunters w h o swear that the .300 Weatherby M a g n u m is a sure killer at 1000 yards on deer and sheep! W h e n loaded with the proper bullets, preferably N o s l e r s , the .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m can and has taken all N o r t h A m e r i c a n game. It has also taken much African game. Most of the author's experience with Weatherby M a g n u m s has been with the .257 and .340. H e has seen numerous kills made with the .300 W e a t h e r b y Magnum. T h e r e is no doubt the cartridge is capable of taking all but the largest game. W e a t h e r b y offers calibers above .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m for the largest game but only because many African game laws are based on conservative British cartridges. (Nevertheless, it is fortunate that caliber restrictions exist. Otherwise more d u d e s might be killed.) Outside of Roy W e a t h e r b y , the most experienced .300 Weatherby M a g n u m user is probably Californian Elgin G a t e s . H e has taken about all the various wild sheep of the world plus most other big-game animals in N o r t h America, Asia, and Africa.
W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m s had their radial-shoulder origin back in the 1930s with a cartridge series k n o w n as P . M . V . F . Ralph Baden Powell, a California gun enthusiast, and a man named Miller blew out c a s e s usually based on the .300 H & H M a g n u m . T h i s m e a n t expanding the case to increase its p o w d e r capacity. T h e radial shoulder had a reverse curve. Rifles c h a m b e r e d for those cartridges were free-bored (hence " F " in P.M.V.F.). N o s i e r partition bullets are optionally available in most W e a t h e r b y calibers. T h e 150-grain bullet is ideal for long-range hunting, as is the 180-grain. T h e only N o r t h A m e r i c a n need for the 220-grain is for our biggest game like brown and polar bears. S o m e of these have been taken with 180-grain N o s l e r s . Probably 99 percent of all .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m s are c h a m b e r e d in the W e a t h e r b y M a r k V. F r o m time to time a manufacturer c h a m b e r s one of his rifles for a W e a t h e r b y caliber. Such efforts are usually short-lived. Weatherby-cartridge aficionados seem to prefer Weatherby rifles. It is not necessary to p u r c h a s e a M a r k V W e a t h e r b y rifle. T h e .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m and .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m require full-length m a g n u m actions. T h i s m e a n s you can have a pre1964 W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 rifle c h a m b e r e d for the .300 H & H M a g n u m or .375 H & H M a g n u m . A . 3 0 - 0 6 barrel can be r e c h a m b e r e d for the .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . Such a rifle, however, will cost nearly as much as a new M a r k V rifle. This is because of the high d e m a n d for the superb M70 Magnums. If a man is not fussy about fancy stock work but wants a .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , his best bet is a M 1 9 1 7 Enfield, which can be bought for about $50. If the barrel is not in good condition a surplus barrel can be picked up for a few dollars. T h e barrel can be r e c h a m b e r e d for the .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . T h e a u t h o r suggests removing the u p p e r handguard, filing off the sight ears, and cutting the barrel to 24.0 inches (not less, as muzzle blast is quite severe even with a 26.0- or 24.0-inch barrel). A d d a recoil pad. T h e cost of the rifle, rechambering, and other basic gunsmithing should not exceed $ 150. T h e strong Enfield action can be readily opened for the .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m cartridge. .300 Winchester
Introduced 1963. .338 W i n c h e s t e r case necked d o w n to caliber .30. Standard bullet weights: 150, 180, 220 grains.
This is the fourth cartridge in W i n c h e s t e r ' s short-belted magnum series: .458 Win. M a g n u m (1956), .338 Win. M a g n u m (1959), .264 Win. M a g n u m (1960), and .300 Win. M a g n u m (1963). All work through standard .30-06-length actions. T h e .264 and .338 Win. M a g n u m s have identical neck lengths, but the .300 Win. M a g n u m has a shorter neck. T h i s seats heavier and longer bullets deeper in the c a s e . T h e base of the 220grain bullet projects into the c a s e body. T h e .300 Win. M a g n u m is superior to the .300 H & H M a g n u m , equal to the .308 N o r m a Magnum and will perform like the .300 W e a t h e r b y Magnum. T o some riflemen the .300 Win. Magnum is superior —money wise —to the Weatherby. A M 7 7 Ruger costs far less than the M a r k V W e a t h e r b y . F a c t o r y ammunition is less expensive, and bolt throw is shorter. T h e W e a t h e r b y , however, is well worth its cost. T h e .300 Win. M a g n u m is a fine " a l l - r o u n d " cartridge for all but the largest N o r t h A m e r i c a n and African game. It has taken all of the bigger game, though many riflemen —including the author—prefer a little more insurance when going against dangerous game. S o m e African countries do not allow the use of calibers below .375 or .400 on dangerous game. .303 British Introduced 1888. Standard (sporting) bullet weights: 130 ( N o r m a ) , 180, 215 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0 . 3 1 1 - 0 . 3 1 2 (maximum). British and foreign c a s e s are usually Berdan-primed. American-Canadian/Swedish (Norma cases marked " R e " for "reloadable") sporting loads have easily reloadable Boxer primers. " . 3 0 3 British" is A m e r i c a n nomenclature indicating a difference between .303 British and .303 Savage. R e m a r k s concerning the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag apply to the .303 British. T h e . 3 0 3 - l i k e the . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag —can be loaded to m a x i m u m pressures in a P-14 Enfield. .308 Norma
Introduced 1960. Shortened .300 H & H Magnum. Standard bullet weight (current): 180 grains (110- and 190-grain loads discontinued). Standard bullet diameter: 0.308 inch. This was the first commercial " s h o r t m a g n u m " in caliber .30 to a p p e a r on the A m e r i c a n market. T h e r e would h a v e been no need for this excellent cartridge had the .300 Win. M a g n u m been available at the time. F a c t o r y .308 N o r m a M a g n u m
ammunition is limited to the 180-grain bullet. N o r m a .308-chambered rifles are relatively scarce. N o r m a .308 sales dropped after the app e a r a n c e of the .300 Win. M a g n u m . T h e cartridges h a v e similar ballistics.
.308 Winchester
I n t r o d u c e d 1952. Shortened . 3 0 - 0 6 c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 110, 125, 150, 180, 200 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.308 inch. Large rifle primer. T h e . 3 0 - 0 6 was the U . S . service cartridge of t w o world w a r s , the Mexican Punitive Expedition ( 1 9 1 6 - 1 7 ) , various " b a n a n a - r e p u b l i c " campaigns, and the K o r e a n W a r . T h e U n i t e d States was the only military force in World W a r II with a semiautomatic M l G e r a n d . M l 9 0 3 Springfields w e r e Limited Standard in World W a r II during the early U . S . phase b e c a u s e there w e r e insufficient M i s . After World W a r II, O r d n a n c e searched for a new rifle and a n e w cartridge, wanting to remain with caliber .30 but changing to a shorter c a s e . W i n c h e s t e r developed the cartridge—a shortened . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. T h e sporting version of the cartridge is the .308 Win. T h e military version is the 7.62mm N A T O . T h e M 1 4 rifle for which the 7.62mm N A T O w a s designed w a s a failure. C o n s e r v a t i v e U . S . military a r m s designers rejected the straight-line stock —essential to r e d u c e recoil in a lightweight caliber .30 rifle capable of full automatic fire. T h e M 1 4 w a s largely replaced in V i e t n a m by the even lighter but virtually recoilless M 1 6 in caliber 5.56mm (.223 Rem.). T h e 7.62mm cartridge replaced the caliber . 3 0 - 0 6 b e c a u s e it required less brass to manufact u r e ; brass is always scarce in wartime, and a soldier could carry m o r e r o u n d s of the lighter cartridge. T h e shorter 7.62mm cartridge required a s h o r t e r — h e n c e lighter—action. T h e .308 Win. is a very popular sporting cartridge, e v e n though it is not as powerful or as versatile as the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. It is an excellent long-range military m a t c h target cartridge up to 1000 yards. T h e a u t h o r c a n n o t see any advantage of the .308 Win. in a bolt-action sporter over the . 3 0 0 6 . Rarely is the .308 c h a m b e r e d in a shorter action. T h e Ruger M 7 7 short-stroke action and Sako are major exceptions. In most bolt-action rifles the standard-length (.30-06) action is used. T h e bolt stop is of a different length for otherlength cartridges. H e n c e there is little weight saved. Bolt t h r o w is rarely shorter. A bolt-action-minded man is better off with the . 3 0 - 0 6
Springfield. T h e major advantage of the .308 Win. lies in lever-action, slide-action, and semiautomatic rifles.
the slightly greater propellant capacity of the .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m probably gives it a slightly greater edge.
.338 Winchester
Introduced 1959. Shortened and n e c k e d - d o w n .375 H & H M a g n u m . Standard bullet weights: 200, 250, 300 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.338 inch. F o r many years riflemen and hunters used .33 and .35 caliber cartridges: .33 Win. (M86), .35 Whelen, and .350 Griffin & H o w e . Some riflemen imported the .333 Jeffries and .350 Rigby M a g n u m s . M o s t of us could hunt big game throughout the world and not be t o o undergunned or overgunned with the .300 Win. M a g n u m and .375 H & H M a g n u m . T h e .338 Win. M a g n u m will do " a l m o s t " everything the .375 H & H M a g n u m can d o . But it will be a long time before many African nations allow calibers below .375 H & H on dangerous game. This cartridge in its heavier loadings is capable of handling all N o r t h A m e r i c a n and most African game. O n e minor point: the .375 H & H M a g n u m ammunition is available throughout Africa's and India's big-game country. T h e .338 Win. Magnum ammunition is less widely distributed.
.340 Weatherby
Introduced 1963. Full-length .375 H & H case necked to .338 caliber. Standard bullet weights: 200, 210, 250 grains (275, 285, 300-grain custom bullets available). Standard bullet diameter: 0.338 inch. This was Roy W e a t h e r b y ' s one-upmanship on Winchester's .338 M a g n u m . It is also a modification of the 40-year-old .334 O K H wildcat. This cartridge will handle all N o r t h A m e r i c a n game including big bears and probably all African game, provided 300-grain solids are available for use on the thick-skinned critters like rhino and elephant. (It is worth repeating here that some African countries prohibit calibers below .375 or .400 on dangerous species.) T h e 250-grain semipointed expanding bullet has a muzzle velocity of 2850 f.p.s. (26.0-inch barrel). T h e 250-grain .338 Win. M a g n u m has a muzzle velocity of 2700 f.p.s. (24.0-inch barrel). T h e .340 Weatherby M a g n u m has a 300-yard velocity of 2049 f.p.s. T h e .338 Win. M a g n u m had only 109 f.p.s. less, and this with a 2-inch-shorter barrel. N o figures are available for the .340 Weatherby M a g n u m with 275- or 300-grain bullets but
I n t r o d u c e d about 1908. Standard bullet weights: 150, 200 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.356 inch. T h i s cartridge w a s designed for the Remington semiautomatic W o o d s m a s t e r M 8 ( 1 9 0 6 - 3 6 ) and its improved s u c c e s s o r the M 8 1 ( 1 9 3 6 - 5 0 ) , and for the slide-action G a m e m a s t e r Remington M 1 4 / M 1 4 V ( 1 9 1 2 - 3 5 ) and its improved succ e s s o r the M 1 4 1 / M 1 4 1 V 2 ( 1 9 3 5 - 5 0 ) . It is still c h a m b e r e d in the lever-action M 3 3 6 Marlin. F o r g e t the poor-sectional-density 150-grain bullet. T h e 200-grain bullet is far superior to the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. and .32 Win. Special o r similar cartridges (.30 R e m . , .32 Rem.) for d e e r and black bear. It is a short-range (150-yard) cartridge. Brush and timber h u n t e r s w h o s e target is the whitetail d e e r might consider the .35 Remington in the side-ejection M 3 3 6 Marlin with a 2.5x Redfield Widefield s c o p e . 2
.350 Remington
I n t r o d u c e d 1965. Shortened and n e c k e d - d o w n .375 H & H M a g n u m c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 2 0 0 , 250 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.358 inch. T h i s cartridge w a s introduced in the 20-inchbarrel bolt-action M 6 0 0 carbine ( 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 ) and in the similar M 6 6 0 bolt-action carbine ( 1 9 6 8 69). It w a s briefly c h a m b e r e d in R u g e r ' s M 7 7 . T h e .350 Rem., a short-case magnum, was designed for use against all but the largest N o r t h A m e r i c a n game. T h e h a n d y 20-inch barrel prod u c e s a h o r r e n d o u s muzzle blast. Bench-testing riflemen can w e a r ear p r o t e c t o r s , but hunters cannot. S o m e shooters w e r e discomfited not only by the muzzle blast but by t h e sharp recoil of the .350 M a g n u m in the 6.5-lb. (without scope) M 6 0 0 / M 6 6 0 carbine. T h e 250-grain bullet h a s a muzzle velocity of 2410 f.p.s. T h e 300-yard velocity is 1870 f.p.s. M u z z l e energy is a respectable 3320 ft.-lbs. T h e 300-yard energy is 1780 ft.-lbs.
.358 Norma
I n t r o d u c e d about 1959. N e c k e d - d o w n and shortened .375 H & H c a s e . Standard bullet weight: 250 grains. Standard bullet diameter:
0.358 inch. Standard twist: l-in-14 inches. Large Boxer rifle primer (reloadable). N o r m a once loaded several bullet types —all 250 grains. T h e .358 was an excellent cartridge but d o o m e d by the .338 Win. M a g n u m . It w a s further handicapped by being regularly available in only one rifle, an imported expensive o n e . and by limited ammunition availability. T h e 250-grain softpoint semipointed bullet has a 2790 f.p.s. muzzle velocity. Its 300-yard velocity is 2001 f.p.s., or slightly higher than the .338 Win. Magnum and just u n d e r the .340 Weatherby M a g n u m . T h e difference is insignificant. T h e .338 Win. M a g n u m and .358 N o r m a Magnum provide residual velocities close to the .340 Weatherby M a g n u m without using a full-length .375/.300 H & H case or a full-length magnum action. .375 H&H
Introduced 1912. Standard bullet weights: 235, 270, 300 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.366 inch. T h e term " . 3 7 5 H & H M a g n u m " is strictly American. H o w e v e r , since the Winchester M 7 0 in this caliber is widely used in Africa, many white African hunters and other professionals use the American term. M a n y prefer A m e r i c a n ammunition because current bullets have superior construction and the loads are s o m e w h a t more powerful than British loads. T h e standard British designation for the .375 H & H is a mouth-filler: " . 3 7 5 Belted Rimless Magnum N i t r o - E x p r e s s (Holland)." T h e rimmed .375 for use in double-barrel rifles is the " . 3 7 5 Flanged M a g n u m N i t r o - E x p r e s s (Holland)." This is one of the world's great cartridges. T h e author's acquaintance, the late J o h n " P o n d o r o " Taylor, an Anglo-Irish remittance man turned Moslem and a professional African hunter for nearly a half-century, killed more than 5000 head of dangerous game with his three double-barrel and two magazine .375 H & H M a g n u m s . T h e .375, while not an elephant stopper, is perfectly capable of harvesting the great beast provided you can pick your target. M a n y professionals, particularly in non-British Africa (perhaps one should say " f o r m e r " British Africa), use their .375s for all African big and dangerous game. T h e .375 H & H M a g n u m has excessive punch for any N o r t h A m e r i c a n game save big Alaskan bears. It is excellent for elk and m o o s e . T h e .270-grain bullet has about the same trajectory as the excellent long-range 180-grain .30-06
spitzer. T h e .375 can serve as a long-range rifle on s h e e p , caribou, and African plains game. If a world traveler could tote but one rifle and cartridge, the .375 would be difficult to surpass. During the 1920s and 1930s, g u n m a k e r s like Hoffman A r m s and Griffin & H o w e manufactured .375s using the expensive ($100) M a g n u m M a u s e r action or the far less expensive but excellent surplus M 1 9 1 7 Enfield action. T h a n k s to the foresight of W i n c h e s t e r executive Ed Pugsley, W i n c h e s t e r c h a m b e r e d the M 7 0 —an improved M 5 4 / M 1 9 0 3 Springfield - f o r both the .300 H & H M a g n u m and the .375 H & H M a g n u m . T h e .375 M 7 0 immediately caught on in Africa, where it b e c a m e known for its accuracy and reliability. It cost about onethird as much as English (Mauser-action) rifles and G e r m a n M a u s e r s , some of which were inferior to the M 7 0 . S o m e A m e r i c a n riflemen and hunters w e r e fascinated by the romanc.e and deadliness of the multi-use cartridge and the reliability and accuracy of the rifle. Some, like the author, w e r e also fascinated by that long (3.6-inch) gleaming cartridge. T h e author was a 17-year-old V e r m o n t country boy when the M 7 0 .375 first appeared. T h e price was $ 6 1 . 9 5 . H e had absolutely no use for a .375 for V e r m o n t d e e r and w o o d c h u c k s . H o w e v e r , he has never been k n o w n for his practicality, so he ordered one. It was fitted with an A m e r i c a n - m a d e N o s k e 2V2X scope fitted to Griffin & H o w e side m o u n t s . T h e serial number, as he r e m e m b e r s , was 0 1 4 0 . T h e M 7 0 .375 originally had a standard-weight 24.0-inch barrel. T h i s was later changed to 25.0 inches. P o s t - 1 9 6 4 M 7 0 s h a v e a 24.0-inch barrel, which the a u t h o r believes is about right. T h e 270-grain bullet is designed for use on game taken at ranges up to about 300 yards. F o r use in the w o o d s against elk, m o o s e , and big African plains game like the eland and kudu, the 300-grain softpoint types are better. T h e r e is a 300-grain solid for use against the big stuff. T h e a u t h o r has examined various commercial solids, and every one has been deformed in its passage through buffalo, rhino, and elephant. W i n c h e s t e r should m a k e a solid .375 j a c k e t with the same strength and weight as its superb 500-grain solid .458 Win. M a g n u m j a c k e t . Fred Barnes, D u r a n g o , Colo., designed a superb 300-grain solid. H o r n a d y , G r a n d Island, N e b r . , also m a k e s a fine solid. B a r n e s ' softpoint .375 bullets are properly made with two j a c k e t thicknesses, the 0.032-inch j a c k e t for use against N o r t h A m e r i c a n big stuff
and the 0.048-inch j a c k e t for use against big African game. .378 Weatherby
Introduced about 1952. .416 Rigby case with a belt added. Standard bullet weights: 270, 300 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.375 inch. Standard twist: 1-in-12 inches. Large rifle primer (Federal # 2 1 5 ) . This cartridge — where African game regulations allow —is capable of handling with efficiency and dispatch the largest thick-skinned game. T h e 300-grain bullet has a 3000 f.p.s. muzzle velocity and a whopping muzzle energy of 5700 ft.-lbs. This is 700 more than the powerful .458 Win. M a g n u m . H o w e v e r , many hunters, including the author, prefer the heavier 500-grain .458 Win. M a g n u m despite lesser velocity and muzzle energy. W e believe this cartridge would be even more devastating if 350-grain Barnes bullets w e r e used. .44 S&W
Introduced 1956. Elongated .44 S & W Special case. Standard bullet weight: 240 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.429 inch. It was inevitable that the world's most powerful factory handgun cartridge would ultimately be chambered in a rifle. T h i s followed the century-old tradition of having a rifle and revolver using the same cartridges. E x a m p l e : . 3 2 - 2 0 Win., . 3 8 - 4 0 Win., and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. Some cartridges, like the N o r m a , are designed specifically for rifle use only. T h e factory recommends that rifle loads not be used in handguns. Because such superb revolvers as the Smith & Wesson M 2 9 and Ruger's Single Action Superblackhawk are so well m a d e , most h a n d g u n n e r s use rifle and handgun loads interchangeably. T h e .44 S & W M a g n u m , when used in rifles like Ruger's semiautomatic, is strictly a shortrange brush cartridge for d e e r and black bear. Effective range is about 100 yards. G a m e as big as elk has been killed at several hundred y a r d s with .44 S & W M a g n u m sixguns, but it takes an expert handgun h u n t e r like Elmer Keith to bring off such a feat. .44-40
Introduced 1873. Rim/bottleneck case. Standard bullet weight (current): 200 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.425 inch. Standard twist:
l-in-20/l-in-36 inches. Large rifle primer. Original propellant: black p o w d e r . T h i s w a s the popular rifle-sixgun combination of the W i n c h e s t e r trio (the other t w o : . 3 8 - 4 0 Win. and . 3 2 - 3 0 Win.). M a n y frontiersmen liked the same ammunition for their W i n c h e s t e r s and Colts. T h e . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. is o u r oldest centerfire rifle and our first successful commercial centerfire cartridge. T e n s of t h o u s a n d s , possibly more, . 4 4 - 4 0 carbines w e r e sold south from the Rio G r a n d e to Tierra del F u e g o . South A m e r i c a n rubber plantation o w n e r s purchased t h e m for their plantation w o r k e r s . Short-barrel (14-16-inch) carbines w e r e extremely popular t h e r e . T h e W i n c h e s t e r M 7 3 has been revived by an Italian a r m s maker. T h e r e was a Spanish copy of the M 9 2 called " E l T i g r e . " Buffalo Bill and his Wild W e s t Show folk were partial to W i n c h e s t e r M 7 3 s and M 9 2 s . Bill, taking no c h a n c e s , broke t h o u s a n d s of tossed glass balls with . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., the c a s e s loaded with N o . 12 shot. This is a good d e e r and bear cartridge, but today all fair-condition W i n c h e s t e r M 7 3 s and M 9 2 s are collectors' items. It is unsafe to use present-day . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. ammunition in M 7 3 W i n c h e s t e r or in Colt Single Action A r m y revolvers with serial n u m b e r s below 160,000. .444 Marlin I n t r o d u c e d 1964. . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag case necked out to 2.0 inches and rim trimmed. Standard bullet weight: 240 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.429 inch. T h i s is a far better short-range d e e r killer than the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. and a host of m e d i u m - p o w e r short-range .30 and .35 caliber cartridges. A m munition is made only by Remington, and the one rifle is a Marlin. T h e .444 is more powerful and s o m e w h a t longer-ranged than the .44 Magn u m cartridge when the latter is fired in a rifle like the Ruger semiautomatic. Ruger admirers would like the rifle c h a m b e r e d for the .444 Marlin. .45 Government
Introduced 1873. Standard sporting bullet weights (current): 405 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.457 inch. Standard twist: l-in-22 inches (Springfield). Large rifle primer. Original propellant: black p o w d e r .
T h e U . S . A r m y O r d n a n c e Board made t w o major decisions in the early 1870s: to reduce service cartridge caliber from .50 to .45 but to retain the full 70-grain black-powder load of the . 5 0 - 7 0 G o v ' t , cartridge. T h e .45 G o v ' t , cartridge in the rifle and carbine decimated and subdued the plains Indians. T h e original .45 G o v ' t , loading for rifle and carbine was 70 grains of black p o w d e r and a 500grain lead lubricated bullet. T h i s load had excessive recoil in the cavalry carbine. T h e carbine load was reduced to a 405-grain lead bullet and 55 grains of black powder. T h e two loads were identified by a " C " h e a d s t a m p e d on the . 4 5 - 5 5 405-grain carbine load and an " R " on the . 4 5 - 7 0 500-grain rifle load. D e s p i t e variations of the original 70-grain black-powder load, the cartridge has always been called the . 4 5 - 7 0 . M a n y g o v e r n m e n t loadings are of but passing historical notice. T h e r e were, for example, the . 4 5 - 7 0 - 2 3 0 U . S . G o v e r n m e n t Short Range and the . 4 5 - 2 0 - 2 3 0 U . S . G o v e r n ment A r m o r y Practice. Commercial loadings included, besides . 4 5 5 0 - 5 0 0 / . 4 5 - 7 0 - 4 0 5 / . 4 5 - 5 5 - 4 0 5 , the . 4 5 - 7 0 350 W . C . F . (Winchester C e n t e r Fire), . 4 5 - 7 0 330 W . C . F . , and . 4 5 - 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r High Velocity (300-grain bullet). Early cases w e r e inside-primed centerfire. T o the uninitiated, these c o p p e r c a s e s look like rimfire cases. T h e y may be identified by a horizontal indentation just above the rim. Original thin-wall c o p p e r c a s e s caused trouble. On every fifth shot the cartridge would stick in the chamber. T h e thin c o p p e r walls heated too rapidly, thus swelling the case so it would not normally extract. T h e ejector would then tear through the thin c o p p e r rim. Removal required a broken-shell extractor. Some troopers died before they could c h a m b e r a sixth round. Some years later case walls w e r e made of thicker copper. C o p p e r (and later tinned copper), not brass, was standard for service-issue cartridge cases until almost the turn of the century. With a d e q u a t e loadings and bullets, the . 4 5 - 7 0 has taken every species of N o r t h A m e r i c a n game including big bears and bison. T h e sole commercial load available today is inadequate, but heftier loads would be dangerous in the many trapdoor M l 8 7 3 Springfields that are in use. T h e s e rifles w e r e designed for blackp o w d e r loads not exceeding 15,000 p.s.i. A rifle like Bill Ruger's N u m b e r O n e Single Shot can handle pressures in excess of 50,000 p.s.i. H a n d loads are the only solution for new rifles. Black-
p o w d e r loads of 70 and 55 grains gave greater velocity and energy than the present factory load. Y o u can safely a p p r o a c h 2 0 0 0 f.p.s. with h a n d l o a d s . A n excellent lead bullet is the 330grain G o u l d bullet ( L y m a n mold # 4 5 7 1 2 2 ) for d e e r and bear. T h r e e rifles c h a m b e r e d for maximum . 4 5 - 7 0 loads are n o w available: Ruger N u m b e r O n e Single Shot, Ruger N u m b e r T h r e e Single Shot, and the tubular-magazine lever-action Marlin M 9 5 . T h e M 9 5 ' s side ejection m a k e s it ideal for scope mounting. Harrington & R i c h a r d s o n ' s replicas of the t r a p d o o r Springfield should be used only with current factory . 4 5 - 7 0 ammunition or blackp o w d e r handloads. M a n y . 4 5 - 7 0 W i n c h e s t e r M 8 6 rifles and carbines are too valuable as collectors' items to be subjected to rough usage. O t h e r collectors' . 4 5 70s: Remington Rolling Block and W i n c h e s t e r ' s H o t c h k i s s bolt action. It is a fitting tribute to this effective historic cartridge that it is undergoing a revival. .458 Winchester
Introduced 1956. Straight rimless case derived from shortened .375 H & H M a g n u m . Bullet weights: 500, 510 grains. Standard bullet diameter: .457 inch. Standard twist: 1-in-14 inches. Large rifle primer. Annealed neck. T h e 500-grain solid full-metal case or metal j a c k e t is the best-constructed solid ever made, and the a u t h o r is not forgetting those superb solids old J o h n Rigby furnished for his .416 Rigby (bolt-action) and his double rifles. W h e n you hit your elephant b e t w e e n the eyes (the best spot for a frontal shot) the bullet has to plow through 2 - 3 feet of h o n e y c o m b b o n e before striking the brain. T h e a u t h o r has examined many 500-grain .458 bullets that reached their mark. All retained their original shape and their weight. T h e 500-grain solid should be used only on rhino, C a p e buffalo, and elephant. D o n ' t worry a b o u t recoil. Y o u w o n ' t even notice it. Better to be a live h u n t e r with a black-andblue shoulder than a stomped-on h u n t e r w h o used too light a bullet or a poorly constructed one. T h e 500-grain solid, a masterpiece of design, has a 220-grain j a c k e t . Several companies make .458 cartridges, but all the h u n t e r s and professional hunters the a u t h o r k n o w s or c o r r e s p o n d s with use W i n c h e s t e r cartridges.
.460 Weatherby
Introduced 1960. .378 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m case opened up for .457 bullets. Standard bullet weight: 500 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.457 inch. Standard twist: 1-1-14 inches. Large rifle primer (Federal # 2 1 5 ) . T h i s is the biggest round in the WinchesterWeatherby one-upmanship bout. T h e .460 Weatherby M a g n u m uses bullets of the same weight and diameter as the .458 Win. M a g n u m but at higher velocities. M a n y hunters, including the author, would prefer heavier and largercaliber bullets using the .378/.460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m case at .458 Win. M a g n u m velocities over .458 Win. M a g n u m weight and diameter bullets at a higher velocity. M o s t African professional hunters back up clients with a rifle capable of stopping an elephant.
Until the ad vent of the .458 Win. M a g n u m , most of t h e m used a double .577 or .600 rifle costing $ 1 0 0 0 - $ 2 5 0 0 , a large medium-bore like the .416 Rigby or .425 Westley Richards, or big-bore magazine rifles like the .500 M a u s e r or .505 G i b b s . T h e high cost of double rifles plus an uncertain ammunition supply brought the .458 Win. M a g n u m very much into the picture. W h e n it first a p p e a r e d (1956) the .458 M 7 0 Winchester African cost $ 2 5 0 . E v e n today, this rifle or the Ruger M 7 7 in the same caliber can be bought for a very reasonable price. T h e W e a t h e r b y , which costs considerably m o r e (though nothing like the price of a double rifle), nonetheless has a strong appeal among sportsmen w h o are devoted to the W e a t h e r b y style in rifle design and in cartridge velocity. A h u n t e r w h o can afford a safari —and the a r m s and equipment for it —doesn't necessarily worry m u c h about the e x p e n s e of such a rifle.
Cartridges designated in millimeters rather than in decimal fractions of an inch may be placed in several categories. 1. Cartridges originally developed and manufactured in America. E x a m p l e s : 6mm Lee N a v y (.236 L e e N a v y ) , 5.56mm (.223 Rem.), and 7.62mm N A T O (.308 Win.). H e r e the metric nomenclature is that usually assigned to military loads while the other designation is usually applied by civilians to sporting loads. 2. Cartridges originally designed abroad which have been made here in sporting or military loads or both and for which A m e r i c a n sporting rifles have been c h a m b e r e d . E x a m p l e s : 7mm Mauser, 7.65 Argentine/Belgian M a u s e r , and 9mm Mauser. 3. Cartridges imported for rifles or for combination rifle-shotguns which have never been made in the United States. E x a m p l e s : 10.75 Mauser, 8 x 5 7 Mannlicher-Schoenauer, and 7X57R. 4. Cartridges which have been made in the U . S . on military contract for allies but which have not been made in the U . S . in sporting loads. Example: 6.5mm M a n n l i c h e r - C a r c a n o . Sporting loads may or may not have been available through importers. 5. Military cartridges and cases. S o m e importers—not knowledgeable or reputable ones — have imported full j a c k e t e d military cartridges. Military bullets are pulled and sporting type projectiles are substituted. Sometimes sporting bullets are the same weight as the military originals. H o w e v e r , bullets of an entirely different weight may be substituted for the military bullet but without changing the propellant charge. This is a dangerous practice. It is often impossible for the p u r c h a s e r to determine w h e t h e r the reload has the proper propellant charge. Avoid all cartridges where substitutions have been made. M a n y loads will be fired in rifles m o r e than 75 years old. T h e rifle action may have been prop134
erly designed, but aging metal often deteriorates from fatigue and stress. Better to spend a few m o r e cents for a commercial cartridge than lose y o u r rifle and possibly y o u r eyesight or receive a disabling w o u n d . 6. Cartridge c a s e s like the 7mm W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m which are m a d e abroad ( N o r m a ) but which are loaded here in the States. (At one time W e a t h e r b y cartridges may have been loaded abroad as well.) Some metric cartridges have m o r e than one designation. T h e 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r (second figure d e n o t e s case length in millimeters) is known in A m e r i c a as the 8mm M a u s e r . T h e G e r m a n military designation was 7.92mm. T h e letter " R " attached as a suffix to the case length (example: 7 x 5 7 R ) indicates that the case is a rimmed version of the original rimless cartridge. E u r o p e a n manufacturers frequently designate a caliber by dual n u m b e r s . N o r m a h e a d s t a m p s 7mm M a u s e r cartridges " N O R M A 7 x 5 7 . " United States manufacturers usually use the first n u m b e r ; thus " R - P 7 m m . " W e ste rn formerly marked its cases " 7 m m M a u s e r . " In the past, some E u r o p e a n ammunition firms have assigned a n u m b e r to each case. D e u t c h Waffen Munitionsfabriken ( D W M ) and G . Roth once designated cartridges in this manner. Sometimes bullets were designated by n u m b e r . T h e first American-designed and -manufactured cartridge to use the metric designation was probably the 6mm L e e N a v y (1895), also k n o w n as the .236 L e e N a v y . T h e last A m e r i c a n cartridge to receive a metric designation was the 7mm Rem. M a g n u m . O t h e r s h a v e included the 6mm R e m . and 7mm W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . U . S . military designations h a v e been previously noted. P u r c h a s e r s of obsolete military rifles for which sporting ammunition is available only through limited sources like N o r m a should buy an ample
supply of cartridges before purchasing the rifle. T h e s e cartridges are subject to discontinuance of manufacture without prior notice. 6mm
Introduced 1963. N e c k e d - d o w n .257 R o b e r t s case. Standard bullet weights: 80, 100 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.2345 inch (maximum). Large rifle primer. T h e 6 m m R e m . and the .244 R e m . case are identical and are interchangeable. T h e only difference in the case is the h e a d s t a m p . T h e switch from the .244's original 1-in-12inch twist for the 90-grain bullet to the 1-in-10inch twist for the 80- and 100-grain bullets created confusion among riflemen. Remington solved the problem by changing the n a m e from .244 Rem. M a g n u m (see C h a p t e r 9) to 6 m m Rem. for all rifles with the 1-in-10-inch twist. T h e change to the faster twist and the offering of 80-grain lightweight j a c k e t e d bullets for varmints and the 100-grain heavier j a c k e t e d bullet for use on deer-class game places the 6mm Rem. on a par with the .243 Win. T h e . 2 4 3 , however, had such an e n o r m o u s headstart in the popularity race that the 6mm has not caught up and never will. Nearly every manufacturer, A m e r i c a n and foreign, of centerfire bolt-action rifles offers the .243 Win., but very few c h a m b e r these same rifles for the 6mm Rem. Some nitpicking handloaders — mostly varminters — prefer the 6mm Rem. to the .243 Win. because of the alleged superiority of the case neck angle.
6.5 JAP (6.5mm Japanese Army, 481)
Semi-rim case. Standard bullet weights ( N o r m a ) : 139, 156 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.263 inch. Standard twist: l-in-7.5 inches. Large rifle (Boxer) primer. T e n s of t h o u s a n d s of G I s brought h o m e Japanese A r m y rifles. M a n y w e r e r e c h a m b e r e d for A m e r i c a n cartridges. T h e A r i s a k a — a very strong but clumsy-looking action — reached the high tide of its popularity in the years before 1950. Its popularity has been receding e v e r since. Only a selected n u m b e r of stores carry N o r m a ammunition, and an even smaller n u m b e r carry the 6.5mm J a p a n e s e cartridge. A. F . Stoeger imported D W M sporting cartridges before World W a r I I . T h e only real advantage of the Arisaka — despite its very strong action — was the low price of military surplus rifles. T h e r e is no advantage, today, in purchasing a 6.5mm J a p a n e s e rifle.
6.5mm Remington
I n t r o d u c e d 1966. N e c k e d - d o w n .350 Rem. M a g n u m case. Standard bullet weight range: 100 to 120 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.264 inch. Standard twist: l-in-8 inches. Large rifle primer. T h e 6.5mm R e m . M a g n u m , like the .350 R e m . M a g n u m , w a s c h a m b e r e d in the short-lived Remington M 6 0 0 and M 6 6 0 20-inch-barrel boltaction carbines. Muzzle blast in the short barrel w a s severe. T h e cartridge, c o m p a r a b l e to the .264 Win. M a g n u m , was also offered in the M 7 0 0 for a couple of y e a r s . T h e . 2 5 - 0 6 R e m . will d o anything the 6.5 R e m . M a g n u m will d o and at less cost, with s o m e w h a t less noise, and with greater accuracy. 6.5 mm Mannlicher Schoenauer)
I n t r o d u c e d about 1900. Rimless bottleneck c a s e . Standard N o r m a bullet weights: 77, 139, 156 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.263 inch. Standard twist (Steyr): l-in-7.5 inches. Large rifle (Boxer) primer ( N o r m a ) . Shortly before leaving on his 1933 safari to British East Africa, E r n e s t H e m i n g w a y purchased from A b e r c r o m b i e & Fitch a full-length Mannlicher-type-stock 6.5mm MannlicherS c h o e n a u e r for his wife. T h e same type of rifle figured in H e m i n g w a y ' s short story The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. T h e 6.5mm Mannlicher cartridge in both its original and improved version by G i b b s of Bristol w a s also the favorite of the a u t h o r ' s friend D r . Vilhjalmur Stefansson ( 1 8 7 9 - 1 9 6 2 ) . Anthropologist, geographer, historian, a leading Arctic explorer and one of the greatest Arctic authorities of all times, Stefansson used the 6.5mm exclusively on his three expeditions ( 1 9 0 6 - 0 7 , 1 9 0 8 12, and 1 9 1 3 - 1 8 ) . "Steff" harvested h u n d r e d s of caribou, m u s k o x , seal, and polar bear during his 10 Arctic y e a r s . A n o t h e r a d v o c a t e of the 6.5 Mannlicher w a s C h a r l e s Sheldon, big-game hunter, leading conservationist, and one of the most experienced Alaskan h u n t e r s . H e took h u n d r e d s of Alaskan game animals, including the polar b e a r and big b r o w n bears, with his 6.5mm Mannlicher. T h e long 156-grain bullet with its great sectional density w a s capable of driving into the vitals of the largest N o r t h A m e r i c a n game animals. W e s t e r n Cartridge C o m p a n y did not r e s u m e production of 6.5mm ammunition after World W a r I I . T h e 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r will d o anything the 6.5mm M a n n l i c h e r will d o , and the 7mm Rem. or 7mm W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m will do it even better.
6.5x55 Swedish
Rimless bottleneck case. Standard ( N o r m a ) bullet weights: 77, 9 3 , 139, 156 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.263 inch. Standard twist: l-in7.5 inches. Large (Boxer) rifle primer ( N o r m a ) . This cartridge, similar in performance to the 6.5mm Mannlicher-Schoenauer, has n e v e r been manufactured in the United States. It was the longtime service cartridge of S w e d e n and N o r way. T e n s of t h o u s a n d s of 6 . 5 x 5 5 surplus military rifles have been imported into the United States. Carl G u s t a v rifles are currently imported in this caliber. T h i s cartridge, c h a m b e r e d in a Carl G u s t a v target rifle, took top h o n o r s in the 1972 World Rifle C h a m p i o n s h i p M a t c h e s in T u c s o n , Ariz.
7mm Remington
Introduced 1962. Belted bottleneck c a s e , necked-up .264 Win. M a g n u m . Standard bullet weights: 110, 125, 150, 175 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.284 inch. S t a n d a r d twist: 1-in10 inches. Large rifle primer. T h e first 7 m m magnum a p p e a r e d shortly before World W a r I. T h e .280 rimmed R o s s bec a m e a popular long-range cartridge with British A r m y officers stationed in India, but its 140grain c o p p e r tube bullet acquired a bad reputation in Africa, w h e r e it was used against heavyboned, thin-skinned g a m e like lion (a use for which it was n e v e r designed). Several fatalities resulted. Following World W a r I I , considerable publicity was given several wildcat 7 m m m a g n u m s . J a c k O ' C o n n o r sparked interest with an Outdoor Life article titled " T h e Big S e v e n s , " while Warren Page repeatedly reported on his great successes with a wildcat 7 m m M a s h b u r n M a g n u m . Remington arms and ammunition designer Mike Walker, a leading b e n c h r e s t shooter— together with L e s B o w m a n , the C o d y , W y o . , guide, outfitter, and a r m s consultant —experimented with several 7 m m m a g n u m s . T h e result was the 7 m m R e m . M a g n u m . This cartridge rapidly b e c a m e the most popular of all belted m a g n u m s . T h e 150-grain bullet has a muzzle velocity of 3260 f.p.s. and muzzle energy of 3540 ft.-lbs. T h e 300-yard velocity is 2440 f.p.s., and residual energy is 1990 ft.-lbs. Midrange trajectory for 300 yards is 4.9 inches. T h e 175-grain bullet originally w a s the typical 7mm r o u n d n o s e type. Remington soon a d o p t e d a semi-pointed bullet with a resulting increase in velocity. Present 100-yard velocity is 3070 f.p.s.
and energy is 3660 ft.-lbs. T h e 300-yard velocity is 2 1 2 0 f.p.s., and energy is 1750 ft.-lbs. T h e 125-grain and 110-grain bullets have a high initial velocity but b e c a u s e of their poor ballistic coefficient shed velocity t o o rapidly. T h e classic all-round 7 m m magnum bullet, the 160-grain, w a s thrust aside in favor of the 150-grain b e c a u s e the 150-grain gives a higher initial velocity and is therefore m o r e impressive at least to novices. H a n d l o a d e r s , h o w e v e r , have a variety of 160-grain bullets to c h o o s e from. T h e r e a r e also the standard 7 m m bullet weights like the 139-grain and 154-grain. M a n y h u n t e r s , including the author, prefer the 7 m m m a g n u m s to the "Big T h i r t y " m a g n u m s . T h e rifle can be s o m e w h a t lighter and the bullets h a v e superior sectional density. T h e recoil is lighter in rifles of equal weight. In factory loads the 150-grain is a superb longrange cartridge for s h e e p , goat, caribou, and African plains g a m e . T h e 175-grain is a d e q u a t e on all N o r t h A m e r i c a n g a m e with the possible exception of rear-end shots on m o o s e and elk and the big A l a s k a n b r o w n bears. It is a d e q u a t e for all African plains g a m e . T h e a u t h o r would rather go u p against the Big Five with a .375 H & H M a g n u m or a .458 Win. M a g n u m . A 7 m m m a g n u m rifle with s c o p e n e e d s to weigh no m o r e than 8.0 lbs. A 2 . 5 - 7 X scope is an excellent all-round sight for the 7 m m R e m . Magnum. A 4 x scope would be the best all-round fixed-power scope.
7mm Weatherby
Introduced about 1945. Shortened and n e c k e d - d o w n .300 H & H M a g n u m c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 139, 154, 175 grains. Standard bullet diameter: .284 inch. Standard twist: 1-in-10 inches. Large rifle primer. T h i s cartridge, like o t h e r 7 m m m a g n u m s , is an excellent long-range cartridge for lighter g a m e like sheep and caribou. T h e 175-grain bullet is capable of taking all N o r t h A m e r i c a n g a m e with the possible exception of the big A l a s k a n b r o w n bear.
7x57 (7mm
I n t r o d u c e d 1892. N e c k e d - d o w n 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r c a s e . Standard bullet weights: 110, 139, 150, 175 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.284 inch. Standard twist (military): l-in-8.75 inches. Standard twist (usual c u s t o m / c o m m e r c i a l ) : 1-in-10 inches. L a r g e rifle primer. T h e 7 m m M a u s e r (along with the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield and the .375 H & H Magnum) is one
of the world's oldest and most popular sporting cartridges. Though it has never been extremely popular in the United States, it has nonetheless had a very devoted coterie of followers w h o purchase enough cartridges to keep it on the lists of ammunition manufacturers. T h e original military round was a 172-grain full metal-jacketed r o u n d n o s e bullet with a muzzle velocity of about 2300 f.p.s. in the standard 28-30-inch infantry rifle barrels. T h e standard sporting bullet weight for many years was the 175-grain r o u n d n o s e softpoint. T h e late Karamojo Bell, a wiry Scots elephant hunter, killed many of his 1000-plus elephants with a 7mm M a u s e r using " s o l i d " bullets as the British call full metal-jacketed projectiles. N o r t h A m e r i c a n s —unless they used imported G e r m a n or British ammunition —were confined to the 175-grain roundnose bullet until the 1920s, when Western Cartridge C o . loaded some 139grain spitzer bullets for a South A m e r i c a n republic. A n 139-grain W e s t e r n O p e n Point Expanding bullet was soon released to hunters. T h e alleged 3000 f.p.s. in a 30.0-inch barrel yielded about 2850 f.p.s. in standard 24.0-inch sporting barrels. This bullet, highly effective on deer, antelope, sheep, goat, caribou, and African plains game out to about 2 5 0 - 2 7 5 yards, resulted in a mild demand for 7mm sporting rifles. Winchester responded with the M 5 4 bolt-action magazine rifle and its grand successor the M 7 0 . Remington offered its M 3 0 — a sporter version of the M 1 9 1 7 Enfield —and Griffin & H o w e made many sporters, either on the M l 9 0 3 Springfield action or the superior commercial M a u s e r short action. Despite its increase in popularity, the 7 m m fared badly at the hands of the ammunition manufacturers. Western and then Remington dropped the 139-grain bullet shortly before World W a r I I . Shooter d e m a n d brought a brief revival of the 139-grain W e s t e r n O . P . E . load but it was not revived after World W a r I I . Winchester also discontinued its excellent but littleknown 150-grain bullet. N o A m e r i c a n manufacturer r e s u m e d 7mm rifle production after World W a r I I . In 1974 Ruger reintroduced the 7mm in the M 7 7 . T h e M 7 0 Winchester was listed as being available in that caliber, but orders w e r e filled by fitting barrels m a d e before World W a r II onto M 7 0 actions. T h e last 7mm barrel was fitted to an M 7 0 action for Jack O ' C o n n o r . H e cut the barrel down to 22.0 inches, turned d o w n the barrel to save weight, and had a custom stock fitted. T h e 175-grain b u l l e t - t h e only load regularly
and conveniently available to A m e r i c a n hunters — w a s kept alive for nearly 30 years following World W a r II by virtue of the large influx of imported surplus military M a u s e r s . T h e only A m e r i c a n - m a d e 7mm factory—as o p p o s e d to c u s t o m or imported —rifle currently available is the Ruger M 7 7 . A n u m b e r of imports, including the F N M a u s e r S u p r e m e , are c h a m b e r e d for the 7mm M a u s e r . T o d a y factory loadings range from the 110grain N o r m a softpoint through the 175-grain r o u n d n o s e . O t h e r loadings include the 150-grain N o r m a and 139-grain Federal softpoint. T h e author considers the 110-grain softpoint to have too poor a sectional density for practical use. T h o s e w h o remain with factory loads might d o well to use the 139-grain or 150-grain bullet for long-range shooting and confine the 175-grain to m o o s e , elk, and big bear. This long 175-grain bullet is capable of d e e p penetration on large game. H a n d l o a d e r s can use the 160-grain N o s i e r for an all-round load. T h e a u t h o r prefers the H-type j a c k e t of the N o s i e r partition bullet to the same weight Sierra or Speer bullets. T h e r e is also the excellent 154-grain H o r n a d y bullet. Some handloaders like the 130-grain Sierra, which can be given a b o u t 3000 f.p.s. (24.0-inch barrel). T h e a u t h o r has had no experience with the 145-grain Speer bullet, though many have reported excellent results on mule deer, antelope, sheep, and caribou. J a c k O ' C o n n o r ' s wife, Eleanor — one of this nation's finest big-game rifle shots —has had very fine results with her 7mm. O n a 1962 M o z a m bique safari she took seventeen head of game with nineteen shots. Only one —kudu —of the seventeen head required more than one shot. H e r bag includes black bear, Dall sheep, eland, elk, G r a n t ' s gazelle, impala, kudu, mule deer, reedbuck, roan antelope, Stone sheep, waterbuck, and zebra. In some instances she has taken several of one species. A 160-grain Speer bullet backed by 52 grains of D u p o n t 4 3 5 0 p r o d u c e s a velocity of about 2 6 5 0 f.p.s. in her 22.0-inch-barrel rifle. T h e author uses the same load with a 160-grain N o s i e r partition bullet for a velocity of about 2 7 0 0 f.p.s. in either a W i n c h e s t e r M 7 0 or Ruger M 7 7 (both h a v e a 24.0-inch barrel). T h e a u t h o r ' s experience with the 7mm stretches over a 40-year span but it has not been extensive b e c a u s e he is always trying a n o t h e r caliber or using his .375 H & H M a g n u m on all sorts of g a m e . A l s o , his favorite long-range rifle for thin-skinned game for a quarter-century w a s the .300 H & H M a g n u m . H o w e v e r , he would not
be too badly handicapped if he had to use the 7mm against 95 percent of all the world's big game. H e would even face an elephant —at a respectable distance of 50 yards and in the o p e n — if he had a good 175-grain solid and was backed up by a white h u n t e r with a .458 Win. M a g n u m . His bag taken with a 7mm M a u s e r includes six whitetails, t w o mule deer, one antelope, one mountain goat, one bighorn, three caribou, four zebra, and three black bear. Most of this game w a s taken before the advent of the 160-grain N o s i e r partition bullet, with 139-grain W e s t e r n O p e n Point Expanding bullets with the 154-grain H o r n a d y handloads. T h e r e is n o need for a 7mm M a u s e r rifle with sling and scope to weigh more than 7.5 lbs. T h a t some factory rifles (with attached scope) weigh more is due solely to the fact that basic factory stocks are designed to fit a n u m b e r of calibers. If you wish to h a v e a light 7mm rifle but d o not wish to spend the money required for turning down the barrel diameter (thus requiring c u s t o m or semi-custom stock), weight can be saved by " c h e e s e c a k i n g " (drilling holes) in the magazine sidewalls, shaving some thickness off the receiver—but not too much —routing out the bottom of the barrel channel, replacing a steel trigger guard with a lightweight alloy one, and thinning down the stock. N o n e of these weightsaving techniques should be carried to e x c e s s . Spanish M 9 3 M a u s e r s and the small-ring M 9 5 Mexican/Chilean M a u s e r s should be avoided when selecting a 7mm rifle or action. T h e s e onelocking-lug actions are not designed for loads in excess of 45,000 p.s.i. T h e M 9 8 and M 1 9 0 9 M a u s e r actions, along with commercial M a u s e r actions and the C z e c h military V Z 24, can safely handle r e c o m m e n d e d maximum handloads. T h e C z e c h action and the G 3 3 / 4 0 actions are longer than the short K actions but shorter than the standard M 9 8 actions. T h e s e actions both h a v e weight and h a v e a shorter bolt t h r o w . Rifle m a k e r J o h n Rigby of Dublin and L o n d o n once made 7 m m M a u s e r rifles and offered proprietary cartridges u n d e r the designation .275 Rigby. M a n y t h o u s a n d s of Remington rolling-block rifles were made in 7 m m M a u s e r — m o s t l y for export as military rifles —then purchased by w a r surplus dealers during the late 1940s and early 1950s and d u m p e d on the A m e r i c a n market. H e a d s p a c e problems frequently developed. T h i s once honorable but n o w ancient action should not be used with m o d e r n high-velocity 7 m m loads. H a n g y o u r 7 m m rolling-block on the wall; look at it but d o n ' t shoot it.
Beware of surplus military ammunition. S o m e years ago when the a u t h o r w a s associated with the H . P. White L a b o r a t o r y , one of the nation's largest importers of military a r m s and ammunition submitted s o m e full metal-jacketed military ammunition m a d e a few years before in Spain. P r e s s u r e s e x c e e d e d 100,000 p.s.i. T h e s e cartridges could h a v e detonated old military rifles designed for loads not in e x c e s s of 4 5 , 0 0 0 p.s.i. E v e n high-velocity c o n t e m p o r a r y loads d o n ' t range a b o v e 55,000. T h o s e Spanish military cartridges would h a v e w r e c k e d e v e n the finest of c o n t e m p o r a r y actions. T h e shooter w h o is sensitive to recoil or w h o wants a light big-game rifle will have to search a long w a y to find a cartridge as efficient, as reliable, and as versatile as the old 7 m m M a u s e r .
7X57R (7mm rimmed
I n t r o d u c e d about 1900. Rimmed 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r c a s e . T h i s rimmed version of the 7 x 5 7 rimless M a u s e r w a s designed for combination rifleshotguns. A m m u n i t i o n has n e v e r been m a d e in the U n i t e d States and can be obtained only from E u r o p e a n sources. T h e cartridge may be discontinued by the time this b o o k is in print.
7X61 Sharpe & Hart I n t r o d u c e d about 1952. N e c k e d - d o w n and shortened .300 H & H M a g n u m c a s e . Standard bullet weight: 160 grains (all types). Standard bullet diameter: 0.284 inch. Standard twist: 1-in10 inches. Large (Boxer) rifle primer ( N o r m a ) . Available in N o r m a brand only. T h i s cartridge w a s developed by the a u t h o r ' s friend the late Captain Philip Sharpe and Richard H a r t . It was designed as an all-round rifle load for N o r t h A m e r i c a n big g a m e and African plains g a m e . T h e cartridge w a s c h a m b e r e d in the fine D a n i s h - m a d e Schultz & L a r s e n rifle, which n e v e r b e c a m e popular b e c a u s e the ammunition and rifle had such a high price and relatively small distribution.
I n t r o d u c e d a b o u t 1891. Rimmed bottlenecked cartridge. Standard bullet weight (current): 172 grains (pointed softpoint boattail; N o r m a ) . Standard bullet diameter: 0 . 3 0 8 - 0 . 3 1 1 inch. Standard twist: 1-in-10 inches. Large (Boxer) rifle primer (Norma).
This cartridge, currently available only through N o r m a , may be discontinued by the time this book appears in print. Remington formerly made a 150-grain Bronze Point bullet. T h e 7.62mm Russian (strictly A m e r i c a n nomenclature) is also known as the 7 . 6 2 x 5 4 R (R for rimmed). Official designation was 7.62mm Moisin-Nagant (after the rifle). D W M case number 378. It was the standard service cartridge of the Imperial Russian A r m y from 1891 to 1917 and of the Red A r m y from 1917 until World W a r II. During World W a r I, W i n c h e s t e r made 293,816 M95 nondetachable-box-magazine lever-action rifles with bayonets for the C z a r ' s army. Winchester also supplied 174,000,000 cartridges for the Russians. Remington, too, m a d e millions of 7.62mm service cartridges. Remington also made M l 8 9 1 Moisin-Nagant rifles for the Russians. A l e x a n d e r K e r e n s k y ' s government repudiated all Czarist contracts. T h e U . S . government bailed Remington out by purchasing more than 600,000 rifles, which it shipped to Siberia, w h e r e they w e r e successfully used by White Russians against Red A r m y C o m mander Leon T r o t s k y ' s troops. M a n y of the M 9 5 Winchesters shipped to Russia during World War I were used by Russian civilians against Hitler's invaders in World W a r II. Some of these rifles were captured and taken to G e r m a n y , where U . S . surplus dealers purchased them for resale in the United States. T h e s e rifles, along with all M 9 5 s , are now collectors' items. T h e M 9 5 c h a m b e r e d for the 7.62 Russian cartridge was the only M 9 5 caliber which had a slot for charge strip (clip) loading. T h e 7.62mm Russian cartridge has ballistics similar to the .303 British and . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag. 7.65mm Argentine IBelgian
Introduced about 1889. N e c k e d - d o w n 8mm (7.92mm) case. Standard bullet weights: 54 to 219 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.310 inch. Standard twist: 1-in-10 inches (Mauser). Large rifle primer. Service ammunition has Berdan primer. N o r m a has reloadable Boxer primer. T h e world's second-oldest rimless military cartridge has had very limited popularity in the U.S., though both ammunition and rifle have been here. T h e cartridge is almost identical in performance to the . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield. T h e only currently available sporting load known to the author is the 150-grain N o r m a . S o m e foreign service ammunition—full metal-jacketed —is available in limited quantity.
W i n c h e s t e r manufactured the cartridge from 1900 to 1939. T h e final W i n c h e s t e r load had a 215-grain bullet. Remington also m a d e a 216grain softpoint bullet. T h e W i n c h e s t e r bolt-action M 5 4 ( 1 9 2 5 - 3 6 ) w a s c h a m b e r e d ( 1 9 3 0 - 3 6 ) for the 7.65mm Argentine. T h e M 7 0 Winchester during the first y e a r of its existence ( 1 9 3 7 - 3 8 ) was offered in 7.65mm Argentine M a u s e r . It is believed the M 7 0 was fitted with M 5 4 barrels and that when the barrels w e r e sold out, no more M 7 0 s were c h a m b e r e d for the cartridge. A few Remington M 3 0 / M 3 0 S s were also c h a m b e r e d for the 7.65mm. T h e very few M 7 0 s c h a m b e r e d for the 7.65mm M a u s e r , together with a few 9mm M a u s e r s , are among the rarest M 7 0 s and are in great d e m a n d by M 7 0 collectors. Some 7.65mm Argentine military M a u s e r s h a v e been offered as surplus on the U . S . market. T h e s e rifles —among the earliest M a u s e r s —had a straight-line 5-shot magazine which projected through the b o t t o m of the stock. Belgian models include the M 1 8 8 9 / M 1 9 3 5 . Similar but not identical Argentine M a u s e r s included the M l 8 9 1 / M l 9 0 9 . T h e s e w e r e M l 8 9 0 / M1893/M1903 Turkish Mausers. T h e 7.65mm M a u s e r s adopted after 1893 used the M 9 8 G E W action with its 5-shot nondetachable staggered box magazine. 5x56" (8mm)
Introduced into U . S . by Winchester, 1904. Rimless case based on 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r . Standard bullet weights: 170, 202 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.325 inch. Standard twist: l-in-9.5 inches. Large rifle (Boxer) primer. Continental primers are Berdan. T h i s cartridge, while designed to cash in on the justifiable popularity of the 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r , has the performance characteristics of the .35 Rem. rather than of the 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r . Ammunition is m a d e by D W M and R W S . W i n c h e s t e r ceased its manufacture shortly before World W a r II. C a s e s may be h e a d s t a m p e d " 8 m m M / S " or "8MANN." 8X57 (7.92mm)
Introduced 1888. Perhaps the first rimlesscase military cartridge. Standard bullet weights: 150 to 236 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.318 inch ( M l 8 8 8 rifle and M 9 8 ' s through 1904), 0.323 inch (all M 9 8 s and sporter-based M 9 8 s after 1904). T h i s is the world's greatest military cartridge, in t e r m s of influence. It has also spawned more
sporting cartridges — including A m e r i c a n — than any other military or sporting cartridge: the 7mm M a u s e r , 7.65mm M a u s e r , . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, 7.62 N A T O (.308 Win). T h e 9 m m M a u s e r , a medium-bore sporting cartridge o n c e m a d e here in the U . S . (both rifles and a m m o ) is but a necked-up 8mm M a u s e r . M a n n l i c h e r — M a u s e r ' s lesser competitor—cashed in on the 8mm M a u s e r ' s fame by slightly revamping the case and calling it the 8 m m M a n n l i c h e r - S c h o e n a u e r cartridge (also U . S . m a d e before World W a r II).
S o m e Austrian rifles w e r e m a d e in both 8 x 5 7 J and 8 x 5 7 J R d i a m e t e r s . A m e r i c a n ammunition manufacturers — and the shooting public —found the 8mm business confusing. Remington and W i n c h e s t e r offered the 236-grain softpoint 8mm M a u s e r - M a n n l i c h e r ( 8 x 5 7 J) cartridge with the information on the box that the cartridge w a s for M a u s e r , SauerM a u s e r , and Schilling-Mauser M l 888 and H a e n e l - M a n n l i c h e r M 1 8 8 8 . W i n c h e s t e r and Peters also m a d e a 170-grain bullet.
Cartridges like the .243 Win., .244 Rem., 6mm Rem., .250 Savage, .257 R o b e r t s , .270 Win. and .358 Win. are collateral d e s c e n d a n t s of the 8mm M a u s e r (all h a v e the original 8mm head dimensions, but case lengths and neck width varies). T h e 8mm M a u s e r w a s first c h a m b e r e d in the M l 8 8 8 M a u s e r , a bastard M a u s e r / M a n n l i c h e r with M a u s e r action and Mannlicher detachable clip. T h e 8mm M a u s e r ( 1 8 8 8 - 1 9 0 4 ) cartridge's 227-grain r o u n d n o s e metal-jacketed bullet had a muzzle velocity of 2110 f.p.s. (30.0-inch barrel, infantry rifle). Bullet diameter was 0.318 inch. In 1905 the G e r m a n a r m y adopted a 154-grain spitzer bullet. Its diameter w a s 0.323 inch. Bullets with the 0.323-inch diameter w e r e designated " S " for spitzer (sharp). T h e M 1 8 8 8 cases (8mm) when loaded with the .323 " S " bullet w e r e designated 8 x 5 7 J S . " J " stands for " J a e g e r " (infantry). T h e 8mm cases when loaded with the M 1 8 8 8 0.318-inch diameter bullet w e r e designated 8 x 5 7 J. 8 x 5 7 J is designated 8 x 5 7 J R when rimmed. A rimmed version of the 8 x 5 7 J S is designated 8 x 5 7 J R S . G e r m a n military nomenclature for the 8.57S is 7.92mm or sometimes just 7.9mm.
T h e a u t h o r micrometered 100 assorted R e m ington, P e t e r s , and W i n c h e s t e r cartridges and the average w a s 0.318 inch. Remington offered the 170-grain M a u s e r " S p e c i a l " that is designed for c h a m b e r s that are worn or oversized. T h e s e bullets miked 0.323 inch. Remington h e a d s t a m p s for the 0.318-inch bullet ( 8 x 5 7 J) and for the 0.323-inch bullet ( 8 x 5 7 JS) w e r e identical. T h u s these bullets could be correctly identified only if they c a m e from a new box. In loose lots they w e r e indistinguishable. W e s t e r n and Peters manufactured a 200-grain softpoint cartridge designed for the 8mm M a n n licher-Schoenauer. H e a d s t a m p s w e r e designated either " 8 m m M A N N " or " 8 m m M / s . " It would be possible to confuse the 8 m m M / s h e a d s t a m p with the " 8 m m M a u s e r Special."
After World W a r I, rifles c h a m b e r e d for both the 8 x 5 7 J and 8 x 5 7 J S w e r e brought h o m e by returning soldiers. T h e 8 x 5 7 J S M a u s e r s had been liberated from the Kaiser's finest. T h e 8 x 5 7 J M a u s e r s —the army disposed of them after outfitting its troops —were probably liberated from G e r m a n civilians w h o purchased t h e m as preWorld W a r I surplus. Some Austrian-made M l 8 8 8 s ( 8 x 5 7 J) m a d e their way to the United States. S o m e w e r e directly imported as sporters or surplus while others had been liberated in the E a s t e r n Kingd o m (Austria). Austrian-made M l 8 8 8 s designed for sale within the A u s t r o - H u n g a r i a n Empire w e r e tagged with well-known Austrian a r m s n a m e s : Haenel-Mannlicher and Schilling-Mannlicher. T h e same Austrian-made a r m s w h e n sold in G e r many b e c a m e H a e n e l - M a u s e r or SchillingMauser.
T h e r e are other 8 m m cartridges, including the 8mm Lebel (no longer m a d e in the U.S.), 8 x 6 0 , 8 x 6 3 , and 8 x 6 4 B r e n n e c k e . U n l e s s you can positively identify G e r m a n a r m y service 8mm ammunition either by the box, by m e a s u r e m e n t s , or by reading the h e a d s t a m p c o d e , y o u ' d better p u r c h a s e factory ammunition. O n e 8mm load (0.322-inch bullet) is currently manufactured by R e m i n g t o n - P e t e r s . It is a 170grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e . C I L (Canadian Industries, Ltd.) m a k e s a similar-weight bullet. N o t a b l e 8 x 5 7 J S imports include 123-grain softpoint pointed, 159-grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e , 196-grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e , 198-grain hollowpoint, 198-grain full metal-jacketed boattail, 227grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e . T h e y are, of c o u r s e , all 0.322-inch-diameter bullets. T h e s e are all loaded by N o r m a . N o r m a offers 8 x 5 7 J cartridges (0.318-inch bullet) in four t y p e s , ranging from the 159-grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e through a 198-grain softpoint r o u n d n o s e . D W M and R W S imports may or may not be regularly available. M a n y A m e r i c a n s with 8 m m M a u s e r s use t h e m not at all or very little b e c a u s e they d o n ' t like the only available A m e r i c a n loads and are u n a w a r e of the wide selection of imported 8 m m loads.
T h e 8 m m / 0 6 is a popular wildcat for the economy-minded. This is a full-length . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield case opened up to 8mm. It is an inexpensive procedure to have a gunsmith extend the 8mm c h a m b e r to a c c o m m o d a t e the longer . 3 0 06 case. 8x57 JR
rifle-shotguns: one rifle barrel, one shotgun barrel; t w o shotgun barrels, one centerfire rifle barrel (this is famed drilling combination); and two shotgun barrels, one centerfire rifle barrel/one rimfire rifle barrel, sometimes k n o w n as the Rube G o l d b e r g Special. ( T h e r e may also be bolt or other actions for this cartridge.)
Introduced about 1900. 8mm M a u s e r case with rim. Standard bullet diameter: 0.318 inch. Standard bullet weight (current): 196 grains, softpoint roundnose. Standard twist, l-in-8.5 inches. Large (Boxer) rifle primer ( N o r m a ) . T h e only arms chambered for the 8 x 5 7 J R that the author has seen are the special combination
8X57 JRS
Introduced after 1905. Rimmed 8 x 5 7 M a u s e r case with " S " bullet. Standard bullet weight: 196 grains. Standard bullet diameter: 0.322 inch. Standard twist: l-in-8.5 inches. Large (Boxer) rifle primer ( N o r m a ) . This is the rimmed version of the 8 x 5 7 J S .
T h e r e are two basic single-shot rifle types: purely single-shot actions like the Remington rolling block, Stevens C r a c k Shot and Little Scout; and single-shot versions of bolt-action magazine rifles. T h e r e are t w o basic categories of single-shot bolt-action rifles: the inexpensive type designed primarily as a youngster's first rifle; and match rifles costing several hundred dollars. T h e Remington rolling block was one of the first actions for .22 rimfire cartridges. T h e first version, known as the Sporting Rifle # 1 Single Shot Rolling Block ( 1 8 6 7 - 9 0 ) , w a s succeeded by the Sporting Rifle # l V a Single Shot Rolling Block ( 1 8 8 8 - 9 7 ) . T h e # 1 weighed 8 . 0 - 1 2 . 0 lbs. T h e #1V2 was a lighter version, averaging 7.5 lbs. A n o t h e r popular rimfire rifle w a s the Sporting Rifle # 2 Single Shot Rolling Block ( 1 8 7 3 - 1 9 1 0 ) . This was the a u t h o r ' s second .22 rimfire rifle. It cost $1.25 secondhand in 1930. A popular falling-block .22 rimfire target rifle was the Stevens Walnut Hill series — n a m e d after
the M a s s a c h u s e t t s rifle range —some of which w e r e barreled by the famed H a r r y P o p e . T h e Stevens Little Scout and C r a c k Shot were inexpensive falling-block plinking rifles which w e r e surprisingly a c c u r a t e for their price and weight. T h e latter was recently revived by Savage A r m s . O n e of the first bolt-action match rifles w a s the W i n c h e s t e r M52—originally a magazine rifle, but for some years available in a single-shot version. T h e prices of bolt-action single-shot rifles h a v e risen even m o r e sharply than those of bolt-action centerfire magazine rifles. T h e a u t h o r brought his first n e w single-shot bolt-action — a W i n c h e s t e r M 6 7 —for $5 in 1935. T o d a y , a similar rifle costs about $ 5 0 . T h e single-shot bolt-action, particularly one that h a s to be manually c o c k e d (a cocking piece is pulled back after the bolt h a s been operated to feed a round into the c h a m b e r ) , is an ideally safe first rifle for y o u n g s t e r s .
Importer/distributor: International Action type: Safety:
Drop at comb:
Rossi A r m s , Brazil Garcia
Sight, r e a r :
20.0 inches
Stock: skeleton finish
Sight, front: crackle
Buttplate: crescent (rifle) type formed by stock; no buttplate Overall length:
32.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.875 inches
3.0 inches
3.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Barrel length:
Drop at heel:
1.75 inches
4.5 lbs. slot in receiver bridge bead
Scope adaptability:
no provision
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Long Rifle Shot Comment: T h i s is a special-purpose rifle for the boater or for the b a c k p a c k e r w h o may want an occasional shot for the pot.
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON M750 Action type: Safety:
Drop at heel:
side t h u m b lever
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; tapered
Stock: 1-piece uncheckered walnut-stained American h a r d w o o d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip; fluted c o m b Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
5.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
dovetail blade
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: A typical low-priced single-shot rifle suitable for beginners.
ITHACA M49 SADDLEGUN Manufacturer:
Erma Werke, West Germany
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
standard, 5.5 lbs.; Y o u t h , 5.25 lbs.
Action type: lever; Martini type
Trigger pull:
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
n o n e , but d u m m y tubular magazine
rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length:
18.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece plain walnut, glossy finish; foreend barrel band Buttplate:
Shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
36.0 inches
Length of pull: standard/magnum, 14.0 inches; Y o u t h , 12.0 inches Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Sight, front:
5.0 lbs.
dovetail blade
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 L o n g Rifle, .22 L o n g Rifle Shot, .22 Win. Rimfire M a g n u m (magnum version of rifle only) Comment: T h i s inexpensive single-shot rifle with its d u m m y magazine has the a p p e a r a n c e (more or less) of the W i n c h e s t e r s that " w o n the W e s t . " G o o d w o r k m a n s h i p and materials.
REMINGTON M40-XR SERIES RIFLE Action type: Ejection:
bolt; single-shot
Trigger pull:
2 . 0 - 4 . 0 lbs., adjustable
Sight, r e a r : n o n e furnished; optional at extra cost is Redfield O l y m p i a micrometer, Uminute clicks l
t h u m b , 2-position
Barrel length: 24.0 inches; heavy barrel, countersunk muzzle Stock: A m e r i c a n walnut; position style; t h u m b groove; front swivel block with guide rail; adjustable hand stop and sling swivel Buttplate:
2-way adjustable
Overall length:
42.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
0.0 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
0.0 inches
10.125 lbs.
Sight, front: n o n e furnished; optional at extra cost is Redfield Olympia with 10 inserts Scope adaptability: barrel drilled and tapped for target scope blocks Caliber:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: T h i s is R e m i n g t o n ' s top-of-the line smallbore target rifle. It w a s designed by Mike Walker. Only A m e r i c a n competitor is the 57year-old, but improved, W i n c h e s t e r M 5 2 . Both rifles have w o n many local, state, regional, national, and international m a t c h e s . (The Winchester M 5 2 has won many m o r e b e c a u s e it has been a r o u n d a third of a c e n t u r y longer than the M 4 0 Remington.)
REMINGTON M540-XR/M540-XRJR SERIES RIFLE Action type: Ejection: Safety:
bolt; single loader; target
side t h u m b , 2-position
Barrel length: 26.0 inches; medium-weight target, countersunk muzzle
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; position t y p e ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; c h e e k p i e c e ; full-length guide rail on fore-end for front swivel block (front swivel block, sling, and front swivel optional at extra cost) Buttplate: 5-way adjustable; 3.75-inch adjustment ( M 5 4 0 - X R ) ; same range for shorter stock ( M 5 4 0 - X R J R ) Overall length: adjustable; M 5 4 0 - X R , 4 3 . 5 0 46.75 inches; M 5 4 0 - X R J R , 41.75-45.0 inches
1 2 . 7 5 - 1 6 . 9 inches; 14.25 inches Drop at comb:
0.0 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
0.0 inches
Weights: 8.85 lbs. without sights; 9.65 lbs. with receiver and front sight Trigger pull:
1.0-2.0 lbs., adjustable
Sight, r e a r : n o n e furnished; optional Redfield m i c r o m e t e r # 7 5 , V2-minute clicks Sight, front:
Redfield # 6 3 G l o b e with 7 inserts
Scope adaptability: barrel drilled and tapped for target scope bases Caliber:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Length of pull: adjustable buttplate; M 5 4 0 - X R ,
Comment: This is R e m i n g t o n ' s second-line m a t c h rimfire rifle. It, too, w a s designed by Mike Walker.
Action type:
Ejection: Safety:
bolt; single-shot
side t h u m b , 2-position
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; no checkering; uncapped pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length: standard, 42.375 inches; Boy's, 4 1 . 3 7 5 inches Length of pull: standard, 13.75 inches; Boy's, 12.75 inches Drop at comb:
2.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
2.0 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
standard, 4.75 lbs.; Boy's 4.6 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: scope m o u n t
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 L o n g , .22 L o n g Rifle; .22 Long Rifle Shot for M 5 8 0 SB (smoothbore) Comment: Better-than-average single-shot boltaction rifle for beginning shooters. T h e Boy's rifle version is one of the few single-shots that have a suitable-length stock for younger shooters.
Action type: falling block; case-hardened frame
Trigger pull:
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; octagonal
Sight, front:
5 . 0 - 6 . 0 lbs.
dovetail blade
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; straight grip; u n c h e c k e r e d ; oil finish
Scope adaptability:
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Long Rifle Shot
Shotgun t y p e ; hard rubber
Overall length:
37.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.75 inches
4.5 lbs.
no provision
Comment: T h e M 7 2 is a revival of one of the most popular and, originally, inexpensive .22 rimfire rifles e v e r m a d e . T h e a u t h o r owned one when he was eight or nine years old. M a n y adults buy one of these delightful rifles just for nostalgia, but the C r a c k s h o t rifle can still shoot.
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F S A V A G E S T E V E N S M O D E L S 72 74 S I N G L E - S H O T R I F L E
No. Part Name 1 Hammer 2 Hammer Spring 3 Firing Pin 4 Firing Pin Spring 5 Firing Pin Securing Pin 6 Breech Block 7 Barrel 8 Rear Sight Step 9 Rear Sight 10 Front Sight
No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Part Name Frame Trigger Spring Trigger Hammer Block Hammer Block Pin Hammer Pin Link Link Pin Detent Plunger Detent Plunger Spring
No. Part Name 21 Lever 22 Extractor 23 Forend 24 Forend Screw 25 Butt Plate Screws 26 Butt Plate 27 Stock 28 Stock Bolt 29 Stock Bolt Washer 30 Stock Bolt Lock Washer
Action type:
bolt; alloy receiver; enclosed bolt
Safety: sliding; goes on automatically when bolt is worked Barrel length: M 7 3 , 20.0 inches; M 7 3 - Y , 18.0 inches; both lengths free-floating Stock: 1-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; unc h e c k e r e d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; hard rubber
Overall length: inches
M 7 3 , 38.5 inches; M 7 3 - Y , 35.0
Length of pull: inches
M 7 3 , 14.0 inches; M 7 3 - Y , 12.5
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
M 7 3 , 4.75 lbs.; M 7 3 - Y , 4.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5 . 0 - 6 . 0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : able
R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjust-
Sight, front:
dovetail bead
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Long Rifle Shot
Comment: T h e smaller-size M 7 3 - Y Y o u t h rifle is an excellent idea. A b o u t 90 percent of all .22 rifles are used by kids, yet most stocks are too big for younger shooters.
2.5 inches
Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type: Safety:
single-shot; bolt
Stock: 1-piece heavy E u r o p e a n walnut; handcheckered pistol grip with t h u m b hole and hand-shelf; adjustable c h e e k rest; flat foreend with adjustable weight and sliding rail holding palm rest Buttplate: metal u n d e r a r m hook t y p e ; adjustable for drop and length of pull
Barrel length:
28.0 inches
Overall length:
46.0 inches
15.5 lbs.
Scope adaptability: target-scope bases provided
Trigger pull: adjustable match type with basic pull of 7.0-21.0 oz. or 3 2 . 0 - 3 3 . 0 oz.
.22 Long Rifle
fully adjustable micrometer aper-
Data: Barrel is heavy tapered match type. Lefthand stock is available at extra cost.
Sight, front: Olympic-type tube with interchangeable post and aperture inserts
Comment: O n e of the world's finest Olympic match rifles.
Sight, rear: ture
Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type: Safety:
10.2 lbs.
Trigger pull: adjustable match type with basic pull of 7 . 0 - 2 1 . 0 oz. or 3 2 . 0 - 3 3 . 0 oz.
single-shot; bolt
Sight, r e a r : ture
Barrel length:
Sight, front: tube with interchangeable post and aperture inserts
25.5 inches
Caliber: Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; handcheckered match-type pistol grip; flat foreend with sliding rail for palm rest or sling Buttplate: metal, adjustable for drop and length of pull Overall length:
fully adjustable micrometer aper-
44.75 inches
.22 Long Rifle
Data: Left-hand stock available at extra cost on special order. Comment: Finely crafted rifle designed for special m a t c h e s and conforming to both U . l . T . (Union Internationale de Tir) and N R A match requirements.
Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type:
Barrel length: Interarms
single-shot; bolt
25.5 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut, split to allow M o n t e Carlo cheekpiece adjustment; hand-
checkered match-type pistol grip; flat foreend with sliding rail for palm rest or sling Buttplate: metal with rubber recoil pad, adjustable for drop and length of pull Overall length: Weight:
Sights: none provided as standard; purchaser can c h o o s e from wide variety of Walther or other match sights Scope adaptability: target-scope bases provided Caliber:
.22 Long Rifle
44.75 inches Data:
10.25 lbs.
Trigger pull: adjustable match type with basic pull of 7 . 0 - 2 1 . 0 oz. or 3 2 . 0 - 4 9 . 0 oz.
Left-hand stock available at extra cost.
Comment: Superbly designed and crafted target rifle for International P r o n e 4 0 0 competition.
Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type: Safety:
single-shot; bolt
Barrel length:
23.5 inches
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; t h u m b hole; hand checkering on oversized (match-style) pistol grip; c o m b adjustable for d r o p Buttplate: metal with slight u n d e r a r m hook; adjustable for d r o p and length of pull Overall length: Weight:
42.0 inches
8.3 lbs.
Trigger pull: match type with 18.0-oz. pull, which is standard for running-boar event Sights: n o n e provided as standard; purchaser can c h o o s e from variety of Walther or other fine sights Scope adaptability: n o n e , as rifle is intended for match in which scope is not used Caliber:
.22 Long Rifle
Data: Sliding barrel weight is provided. Lefthand stock available at extra cost. Comment: A highly specialized rifle, designed j u s t for the international running-boar target matches.
Action type: Safety:
thumbpiece lever
Barrel length:
28.0 inches; free-floating
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; match type with n o checkering; full u n c a p p e d pistol grip; accessory channel on b o t t o m of foree n d ; combined h a n d s t o p and forward swivel
plastic with white plastic spacer
Overall length:
46.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb: terline)
0.25 inch (taken from bore cen-
Drop at heel: none (taken from bore centerline) Weight:
13.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
adjustable d o w n to 16.0 oz.
Sight, rear: sight
n o n e ; drilled and tapped for receiver
Sight, front: sight
n o n e ; drilled and tapped for target
Scope adaptability: vided Caliber:
bases for target scope pro-
.22 Long Rifle only
Da*a: T h e M 5 2 Winchester match rifle first appeared in 1919 when it was shown to shooters at C a m p Caldwell, N . J . Sales began in the fall of 1920. T h e original M 5 2 had a standard-weight barrel of 9.5 to 10.0 lbs. T h e original stock resembled the M l 903 Springfield N . R . A . Sporter type, with a forward barrel band. T h e r e are n u m e r o u s vari-
ations and i m p r o v e m e n t s . T h r e e stock types are currently available. M 5 2 s from 1919 to 1929 w e r e fitted with what b e c a m e known as the " s l o w lock." This term was not used until after the 1929 advent of the speed lock. T h e speed lock w a s redesigned in 1937. M52A (1932-35). Receiver and locking lug were strengthened. This was probably due to the a d v e n t of high-velocity ammunition, though match shooters almost invariably use standard/ match-velocity ammunition. M52B (1935-47). A single-shot a d a p t o r and adjustable sling swivel w e r e added to the M 5 2 A . M52C (1947-61). An easily adjustable vibration-free trigger system was installed. M52D (1961-to date). Magazine and singleshot a d a p t o r w e r e replaced by a single-shot with loading platform. A free-floating barrel with adjustable bedding system replaced the previous fixed barrel. A h a n d s t o p and adjustment channel were added to the new magazine-less stock. M52 Sporting Rifle. See C h a p t e r 17. Comment: T h e M 5 2 was the first successful .22 Long Rifle magazine match rifle. F o r nearly 40 years it was not challenged by any A m e r i c a n as the king of the smallbore match rifles. Its chief competition today is the superb Remington 4 0 - X series.
Action type: Safety:
thumbpiece lever
Barrel length: 28.0 inches; counter-bored muzzle lead-lapped Stock: laminated international match style stock; t h u m b hole and full-hand pistol grip; aluminum combination h a n d s t o p and forward sling swivel; long under-fore-end chan-
nel for a c c e s s o r i e s ; adjustable palm-rest assembly meets International Shooting U n i o n (TSU) specifications Buttplate: a l u m i n u m ; adjustable vertically and horizontally; u n d e r a r m hook Overall length:
44.5 inches to 46.5 inches
Length of pull:
adjustable; 12.6 to 14.6 inches
Drop at comb:
0.0625 inch
Scope adaptability: extra cost
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Drop at heel:
0.0625 inch
.22 Long Rifle only
0.5625 inch
Trigger pull: adjustable nondrag trigger system; I S U trigger system or K e n y o n trigger system available at extra cost Sights:
scope blocks available at
none supplied
Comment: T h i s rifle, designed for international m a t c h e s , is one of several such rifles, including A n s c h u t z , Remington, and Walther. T h e M 5 2 D is as accurate as any. Price range $ 5 0 0 plus. Available on special order only.
Drop at heel: terline)
bolt; speed lock
thumbpiece lever
Barrel length: zle
28.0 i n c h e s ; counter-bored muz-
11.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Stock: 1-piece walnut with high rollover c o m b ; full pistol grip; u n c h e c k e r e d ; accessory rail; combination handstop/front swivel Buttplate:
plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
46.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at center of cheekpiece:
0.25 inch (taken from bore cen-
not specified
Scope adaptability: Caliber:
scope blocks furnished
.22 Long Rifle only
Comment: This rifle, based on the M 5 2 D action, is designed for use in international prone m a t c h e s . It is available on special order only.
T h e lever-action is the oldest rimfire magazine rifle. T h e first .22 rimfire lever-action was the Winchester M 7 3 rifle designed specifically for the .22 Short and .22 Long cartridges. This model, introduced in 1884, was discontinued in 1904. T h e r e was one version for .22 Shorts and another version for the recently developed .22 Long. Cartridges w e r e not interchangeable. N o t quite 20,000 of these rifles w e r e m a d e . A few rifles were m a d e on special order for the .22 Extra Long cartridge. T h e M 7 3 was an excellent rifle, but the M 9 0 Winchester slide-action, designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning, cut M 7 3 sales. M o s t of that era's hunters preferred higher-powered rimfires like the .25 Stevens Long or .32 or .38 S t e v e n s Long. T h e most successful .22 rimfire lever-action rifle is the M 3 9 Marlin, which has been around since 1891. It has been in continuous production, except during the two world w a r s , longer than
any other A m e r i c a n rifle, including the famed M 9 4 Winchester. F o r m o r e than a half-century the Marlin M 3 9 was the only lever-action rimfire rifle. E v e n Winchester, with which the term lever-action seems nearly s y n o n y m o u s , didn't h a v e a rimfire leveraction on the m a r k e t until a few years ago. After that, Browning and Ithaca brought out lever-actions. T h e Marlin, however, b e c a u s e of its fine reputation and lower price, will probably remain s u p r e m e . T h e W i n c h e s t e r M 9 4 2 2 presently costs m o r e than the . 3 0 - 3 0 M 9 4 . T h e .22 rimfire lever-action has n e v e r been a very popular action. T h e slide-action, or p u m p , w a s the d o m i n a n t .22 rimfire magazine rifle from the 1890s until the mid-1950s, w h e n the semiautomatic t o o k the lead. All .22 rimfire lever-action rifles k n o w n to the a u t h o r h a v e e x p o s e d h a m m e r s and tubular magazines.
Miroku, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
lever; exposed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 22-shot; Long, 17-shot; .22 L o n g Rifle, 15-shot
Trigger pull:
Safety: half-cock h a m m e r ; disconnect system prevents firing during lever operating cycle; inertia firing pin prevents accidental firing due to blow on h a m m e r Barrel length:
20.0 inches; recessed muzzle
Stock: 2-piece walnut; n o checkering on G r a d e I; checkered pistol grip and fore-end on G r a d e II Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
36.75 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
5.0 lbs. 5.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding leaf, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 C B c a p , .22 Long Rifle Shot Data: Short-stroke lever (33°). Machined steel receiver. Comment: T h i s well-made lever-action carbine, like the W i n c h e s t e r M 9 4 2 2 , is designed to resemble J o h n M. Browning's M 9 4 . T h e designer was Val Browning.
2.25 inches
ITHACA M72 SADDLEGUN Manufacturer:
E r m a W e r k e , West G e r m a n y
Importer/distributor: Action type:
lever; exposed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector
18.5 inches
Stock: 2-piece walnut; band on fore-end Buttplate:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation
rebound h a m m e r
Barrel length:
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Drop at heel:
Scope adaptability: uncheckered;
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
35.125 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
grooved for tip-off m o u n t
barrel Caliber: .22 Long Rifle (.22 Short and .22 Long will not function through action) Comment: This is an excellent lever-action rimfire rifle. It c o m p a r e s in quality and price with the Winchester M9422.
Action type:
lever; exposed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity:
M39M: .22 Short, 21-shot; .22 Long, 16-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 15-shot
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
M 3 9 A , 24.0 inches; M 3 9 M , 20.0
Stock: 2-piece American walnut; u n c h e c k e r e d ; plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer on M 3 9 A ; straight grip on M 3 9 M ; fluted c o m b on both
Overall length: 36.0 inches
M 3 9 A , 6.75 lbs.; M 3 9 M , 6.1 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
Scope adaptability: solid-top receiver drilled and tapped for scope m o u n t (or receiver sight); scope a d a p t e r b a s e ; offset h a m m e r is furnished for c o n v e n i e n c e when scope is attached Caliber:
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; black white line spacer
2.6 inches
Sight, front: bead on r a m p ; Wide-Scan (extra view) head
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length: inches
13.625 inches
Drop at heel:
M39A: .22 Short, 26-shot; .22 Long, 21-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 19-shot
Length of pull:
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
M 3 9 A , 40.0 inches; M 3 9 M ,
Data: T h i s is the most popular lever-action .22 rimfire rifle/carbine. Designed by J o h n Marlin, it has been on the m a r k e t longer than any other
sion ( U . S . Patent # 5 8 4 , 1 7 7 ) , designed by Lewis H o p b u r n , is dated J u n e , 1897.
A m e r i c a n centerfire or rimfire rifle. It is three years older than J o h n M. Browning's famed M 9 4 . All other current lever-actions have been on the market for less than 10 years. Early models were solid frame, but the t a k e d o w n ver-
Comment: This is one of the best .22 rimfire rifle/carbines m a d e to d a t e . It is the only .22 lever-action designed to a c c o m m o d a t e fulld i a m e t e r (1.0-inch) scope rings as well as the smaller 0.875-inch m o u n t s that are standard for .22 caliber.
\ Action type:
lever; h a m m e r
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 21-shot; .22 Long, 17-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 15-shot; .22 W . M . R . ( M 9 4 2 2 M only), 11-shot Safety: half-cock h a m m e r ; 2-piece firing mechanism o p e r a t e s only when action is fully closed and locked Barrel length:
20.5 inches
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; straight carbine stock; no checkering; barrel band near front of fore-end Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
37.125 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
6.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front: white bead on r a m p with detachable head Scope adaptability:
grooved for tip-off m o u n t
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle; .22 W . M . R . in M 9 4 2 2 M only Data: This is a rimfire version of the famed M 9 4 W i n c h e s t e r carbine. A major design variation is the solid top and side ejection, which m a k e s for easy and conventional scope mounting. Forged steel receiver. Comment: It is a w o n d e r that Winchester, with the great popularity of the M 9 4 , waited for more than half a century before bringing out the M 9 4 2 2 . T h e author prefers the M 9 4 2 2 / M 9 4 2 2 M over its competitors, but this personal view d o e s not mean that the others are not well worth their cost.
T h e slide-action was the first .22 rimfire design of which two models both nearly a p p r o a c h e d the million mark in sales. T h e first successful rimfire slide-action, or pump-action, rifle was designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning and his brother M a t t h e w . U . S . Patent # 3 8 5 , 2 3 8 was issued to the Brownings on J u n e 26, 1888. T h e y assigned rights to Winchester for a payment taken partly in cash and partly in arms and ammunition for their store. First delivery to the w a r e h o u s e of the " W i n c h e s t e r 22 Caliber Repeating Rifle Model 1 8 9 0 " was on D e c e m b e r 1, 1890. When manufacture w a s discontinued on D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1932, about 850,000 had been sold. T h e r e was sufficient stock on hand to advertise the rifle until 1941. T h e M 9 0 , prototype of millions to c o m e , had a tubular magazine beneath the 24.0-inch octagonal barrel. T h e first 15,500 rifles w e r e solidframe. T h e t a k e d o w n was introduced in late 1892. T h e solid frame was discontinued shortly afterward. In those days .22 rimfire rifles did not c h a m b e r .22 Short, Long, and Long Rifle cartridges interchangeably. T h e r e was a W i n c h e s t e r M 9 0 chambered for each of those cartridges plus the .22 Winchester Rimfire. T h e magazine and feed mechanism was designed for one specific chambering. T h e .22 W . R . F . cartridge —a super .22 Long Rifle —was specifically developed for the rifle. T h e .22 Long Rifle chambering was added in 1919. T h e M 9 0 was the most popular slide-action rifle ever made. T h e M 9 0 and its sales w e r e closely followed by the M 0 6 slide-action ( 1 9 0 6 32), which sold about a thousand less than the M 9 0 . T h e M 0 6 used the M 9 0 action. It w a s fitted with a 20.0-inch round barrel. Originally chambered for the .22 Short cartridge only, Winchester decided in 1908 to broaden its cartridge capacity and in that year it b e c a m e the first .22 slide-action rifle to c h a m b e r interchangeably the .22 Short (15 cartridges), .22 Long (12 cartridges) and .22 Long Rifle (11 cartridges).
T h e M 0 6 w a s replaced in 1932 by the M 6 2 . This used the M 9 0 action, but the crescent rifletype butt w a s changed to the flat shotgun-type. Magazine capacity was increased by lengthening the barrel to 23.0 inches. T h e rifling was changed to provide greater stability and accura cy for the interchangeable use of Short, Long, and Long Rifle cartridges. In 1940 the M 6 2 - A , incorporating several modifications to the action, was released. T h e M 6 2 / M 6 2 - A was discontinued in 1958 after m o r e than 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 had been sold. T h e biggest single source of M 9 0 , M 0 6 , and M 6 2 sales w a s the t h o u s a n d s of shooting galleries. It is a testimonial to these rifles, which once sold for little m o r e than $10, that many of them had m o r e than 250,000 r o u n d s poured through their barrels. S o m e fired m o r e than 500,000 rounds. T h e M 6 2 , nearly 20 years after its disc o n t i n u a n c e , is still found by the t h o u s a n d s in shooting galleries. Gallery o w n e r s prefer the exp o s e d - h a m m e r to h a m m e r l e s s models. T h e first successful hammerless .22 rimfire slide-action rifle w a s designed by the noted firearms designer J o h n Pedersen, born in D e n mark but long a Wyoming resident. T h e M 1 2 Remington ( 1 9 0 9 - 3 6 ) w a s succeeded by the M 1 2 1 F i e l d m a s t e r ( 1 9 3 6 - 5 4 ) . T h e M 5 7 2 Fieldmaster, introduced in 1955, is still on the market. Winchester, in r e s p o n s e to d e m a n d s created by its Remington competition, developed the h a m m e r l e s s slide-action M 6 1 in 1932. It was discontinued in 1962 after slightly fewer than 350,000 had been m a d e . T h e M 6 1 w a s replaced in 1963 by the M 2 7 0 h a m m e r l e s s slide-action, which w a s discontinued in 1974. T h e h a m m e r l e s s slide-action was n e v e r as popular as the e x p o s e d - h a m m e r version. Since the flooding of the .22 rimfire m a r k e t with num e r o u s semiautomatics, slide-action sales a r e d o w n to such an extent that only three makes are currently on the market. O n e of these, G a r c i a ' s Rossi Gallery M o d e l (made in Brazil), is a reproduction of the W i n c h e s t e r M 9 0 . T h e second is 157
High Standard's Flite-King, a p u m p not unlike the Remington. T h e third is the Remington M 5 7 2 Fieldmaster itself, which still survives in
its standard form plus a deluxe edition and a s m o o t h b o r e version with the barrel choked for .22 Long Rifle shot cartridges.
Rossi A r m s , Brazil
Importer/distributor: International Action type:
slide; exposed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
13.125 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches 2.125 inches
5.25 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 L o n g , .22 Long Rifle, interchangeably; .22 W . R . M . in special chambering
half-cock h a m m e r 24.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece walnut; straight grip; ribbed classic fore-end Buttplate:
Length of pull:
Barrel length:
42.0 inches
Drop at heel:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 20-shot; .22 Long, 16-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 13-shot; .22 W . R . M . , 10-shot (in M a g n u m rifle only; cannot be used interchangeably in rifle chambered for standard .22 cartridges) Ejection:
Overall length:
shotgun t y p e ; steel
Data: Unlike most of t o d a y ' s rifles, this is not a solid-frame model but a quick-takedown rifle. Comment: This is a replica of the W i n c h e s t e r M 9 0 slide-action rifle.
slide; hammerless
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 24-shot; Long, 19-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 17-shot Ejection: Safety:
Barrel length:
side crossbolt
24.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering on pistol grip; plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; slight M o n t e C a r l o ; fluted c o m b ; fore-end (slide handle) u n c h e c k e r e d but vertically grooved for finger traction
Buttplate: shotgun type; black white line spacer Overall length:
41.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches
2.8 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: Only current .22 pump rifle with a " c o m p r o m i s e " stock —a slight M o n t e Carlo c o m b elevation —to position the shooter's eye a little better when using a scope. T h e pump-handle fore-end is a bit fuller than those on competitors. In fact, it's advertised as "semi-beavertail." While that designation may smack of advertising exaggeration, for a shooter with man-sized hands the fore-end may be more comfortable than those on some rimfire rifles. T h e Flite-King also has a larger magazine capacity than other current slide .22s.
Comment: This High Standard is rather similar in a p p e a r a n c e and operation to the Remington M 5 7 2 and is in the same price bracket. Though the prices of rimfire rifles have soared in recent years, these are reasonable by comparison with many rimfire repeaters employing other types of actions.
Action type:
slide; hammerless
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 20-shot; .22 Long, 17-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 14-shot; .22 Long Rifle Shot (smoothbore version), 14shot
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Ejection: Safety:
Sight, front: ramp
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece American walnut; u n c h e c k e r e d pistol-grip and fore-end on M 5 7 2 A ; M 5 7 2 B D L ( D e L u x e ) has checkered pistol grip and fore-end; sling swivels and sling available at extra cost Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
blade; M 5 7 2 B D L has blade on
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 L o n g Rifle Shot (smoothbore only) Data: In addition to M 5 7 2 F i e l d m a s t e r (standard) and M 5 7 2 B D L (deluxe version, also described above in specifications), this Remington series includes the M 5 7 2 S B . T h e " S B " stands for s m o o t h b o r e —a special barrel choked for use with .22 L R shot cartridges. This version is sold at the same price as the M 5 7 2 B D L . Comment: A n excellent rifle for those w h o like the slide-action for small-game hunting and plinking.
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Parts List for Remington M572 Fieldmaster No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Part Name Action Bar Action Bar Lock Barrel Barrel, BDL Grade Barrel Lock Screw Barrel Dowel Screw Barrel Dowel Screw Washer Bolt Butt Plate Butt Plate Screw Carrier Carrier Pivot Tube Carrier Spring Cartridge Ramp Connector, Left Connector, Right Connector Pin Disconnector Ejector Extractor, Left Extractor, Right Extractor Pin Extractor Spring Firing Pin Firing Pin Retaining Pin Fore-end Assembly, BDL Grade Fore-end Escutcheon Fore-end Hanger
No. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
Part Name Fore-end Nut Fore-end Screw Fore-end Screw Lock Washer Fore-end Support Front Sight Front Sight, BDL Grade Front Sight Screw Front Sight Washer Grip Cap, BDL Grade Grip Cap Screw Hammer Hammer Pin Hammer Plunger Hammer Spring Inner Magazine Tube Locking Bar Locking Bar Retaining Screw Locking Bar Spring Locking Bar Spring Stud Magazine Follower Magazine Pin Magazine Plug Magazine Ring Magazine Screw Magazine Spring Open Sight Leaf Open Sight Screw Open Sight Step
No. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Part Name Outer Magazine Tube Rear Sight Aperture, BDL Grade Rear Sight Base. BDL Grade Rear Sight Base Screw, BDL Grade Rear Sight Slide, BDL Grade Elevation Screw, BDL Grade Windage Screw, BDL Grade Receiver Receiver Bushing Receiver Cover Safety Safety Detent Ball Safety Spring Safety Spring Retaining Pin Sear Sear Pin Sear Spring Stock Assembly, BDL Grade Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Lock Washer Stock Bolt Washer Trigger Trigger Pin Trigger Plate, R. H. Trigger Plate Pin Bushing, Rear Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Front Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Rear Trigger Plate Pin, Front Trigger Plate Pin, Rear
T h e semiautomatic —a slow starter in t e r m s of popularity —is t o d a y ' s favorite rimfire rifle action. T h e r e are more than twice as many semiautomatic rimfire rifles as there are of any one other action type. T h e first rimfire semiautomatic was the Winchester M 0 3 ( 1 9 0 4 - 3 2 ) . A b o u t 126,000 M 0 3 s were sold despite the handicap of being chambered for an oddball cartridge — the .22 Winchester A u t o m a t i c Rimfire cartridge. T h e M 0 3 w as, like all other .22 rimfires, a straight blowback action. T h e rifle had a 20.0-inch round barrel. T h e tubular buttstock magazine held 10 cartridges. T h e rifle was designed by T h o m a s Crossley J o h n s o n , a longtime W i n c h e s t e r designer. T h e second rimfire semiautomatic was a J o h n M o s e s Browning design. Patented in 1913, the rifle was made by F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e d ' A r m e s de G u e r r e from 1914 to D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1957. M o r e than 200,000 w e r e m a d e . At that time. Remington having discontinued its A m e r i c a n version of the Browning, F N continued making the rifle for sale in A m e r i c a and elsewhere. (The original F N model had not been sold in A m e r i c a , while the Remington version w a s made u n d e r license.) T h e second rifle to a p p e a r on the A m e r i c a n scene was the Remington Model C ( 1 9 1 4 - 2 8 ) . This rifle, c h a m b e r e d for a special .22 load, the .22 Remington Autoloading cartridge, was designed by a C. H . Barnes. In 1922 Remington c o m m e n c e d manufacturing the Browning semiautomatic, designated the M 2 4 ( 1 9 2 2 - 3 4 ) . It had a 19.0-inch barrel and
w a s c h a m b e r e d for .22 Short, .22 Long, and .22 Long Rifle, interchangeably. In 1934 Remington modified the M 2 4 to handle both standard and Remington Hi-Speed cartridges. Barrel length w a s 24.0 inches. T h e new designation was M 2 4 1 ( 1 9 3 5 - 5 1 ) . In 1933 Winchester, in r e s p o n s e to c u s t o m e r d e m a n d for a semiautomatic c h a m b e r e d for the .22 Long Rifle and other standard .22 rimfire cartridges, brought out the M 6 3 . T h i s was a modified and improved M 0 3 . It was discontinued in 1958 after a b o u t 175,000 had been made. During World W a r I I , H a r r i n g t o n & Richardson developed the .22 semiautomatic " G e n e r a l . " T h i s was based in part on the M 5 0 and M 5 5 submachine gun, designed by E u g e n e Reising, that w a s c h a m b e r e d for the .45 A C P cartridge. T h e G e n e r a l was soon retired. It was t o o heavy and too e x p e n s i v e for kids. Of excellent design and w o r k m a n s h i p , it was ahead of its time. In the late 1950s and early 1960s the rimfire market b e c a m e inundated with .22 semiautomatic rifles. T h e o n e s currently available are described in this chapter. Semiautomatic rimfires c o m e in three magazine t y p e s : tubular magazine in stock, tubular magazine u n d e r barrel (this popular type was inherited from the beneath-the-barrel magazine of lever and p u m p rifles; it provides greater magazine capacity than d o e s any other type), and detachable box magazine, better known as the "clip." Semiautomatic rimfire rifles currently range in price from about $ 6 0 to more than $ 1 5 0 .
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
semiautomatic; locked breech
Magazine type:
tubular; in stock
Magazine capacity: Rifle, 11-shot Ejection:
Browning A r m s
.22 Short, 16-shot; .22 Long
Safety: crossbolt (right); left-hand optional at no extra charge Barrel length: .22 Short, 22.0 inches; .22 Long Rifle, 19.25 inches Stock: 2-piece walnut; checkered pistol grip and fore-end. Buttplate:
shotgun type; plastic
Overall length: 22.0-inch barrel, 40.0 inches; 19.25-inch barrel, 37.0 inches Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.1875 inches
Drop at heel:
1.625 inches
Weight: .22 Short, 4.75 lbs.; .22 Long Rifle, 4.92 lbs.
Trigger pull: Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
5.0 lbs. folding leaf, crudely adjustable white bead
Scope adaptability: barrel drilled and tapped to accept special Browning barrel m o u n t base or 2-base ring m o u n t s Caliber:
.22 Short, .22 Long Rifle
Data: This rifle, designed by John M o s e s Browning, has been in continuous production longer than any other semiautomatic .22 rimfire rifle, and it may be the most popular. It is an unusual design in that most .22 semiautomatic rifles are of the blowback type with an unlocked breech. T h i s rifle has a non-mechanically locked action in which recoil operates the breechblock. Comment: T h e lightweight, sleek lines and reliability of this semiautomatic h a v e combined to k e e p it in production for more than 60 years. N o other semiautomatic .22 rimfire rifle has been in production for half as long. It is the only semiautomatic .22 rimfire rifle to achieve worldwide use. Designer Browning's original working model is in the U t a h National G u a r d ' s J o h n M. Browning A r m o r y , Ogden, U t a h .
Action type: breech
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Barrel length:
16.0 inches; alloy with steel liner
Stock: high-impact plastic, barrel readily unscrews from alloy receiver and stows in watertight flotation stock; hollow stock has full pistol grip Buttplate: plastic trap d o o r opens to allow stock insertion Length of pull:
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
13.75 inches
2.0 inches 2.25 inches
2.75 lbs.
Trigger pull:
6.0-7.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
Sight, front:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: This ingenious survival rifle was designed by the Armalite Corporation, w h o s e Eugene Stoner o n c e designed the A R - 1 5 / M 1 6 w e a p o n s series and a n o t h e r similar series for the Cadillac G a u g e C o r p . T h e unit floats and is accurate enough to take small g a m e .
The AR-7 Explorer consists of five simple elements all of w h i c h store neatly into the stock.
The interior of the AR-7 Explorer stock stores the action, the magazine a n d barrel.
Manufacturer: many
Heckler & Koch, West
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Security A r m s C o .
semiauto; blowback
Magazine type:
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; checkered (16 lines per inch) pistol grip and fore-end; Schnabel fore-tip; cheekpiece with European-style smallbore rifle c o m b ; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer 39.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, r e a r : windage
sporting, crudely
19.7 inches
Overall length:
3.5 lbs. (single-stage trigger) adjustable for
bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: rifle fitted with base part of H K 0 5 m o u n t ; scope part of clamp costs extra; standard A m e r i c a n scope rings will also fit base mount
sliding lever, left side of triggerbow
Barrel length:
Trigger pull:
Sight, front:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
.22 W . R . M .
Data: Part of trigger-guard and trigger assembly are plastic and sheet-metal stampings. T h e plastic is not as bad-looking as it sounds, but a rifle costing $ 2 0 0 plus (without scope bases) should have machined steel parts even though the price would have to go u p . Comment: A well-made rifle and quite accurate. T h e a u t h o r fired 20 5-shot groups with average group of 1.35 inches. This rifle and the Marlin are the only two semiautomatic rifles c h a m b e r e d for the .22 W . M . R . At press time Security A r m s had, at least for the present, discontinued importing the H e c k l e r & Koch rifle.
3.25 inches
5.75 lbs.
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 21-shot; Long, 17-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 15-shot Ejection: Safety:
side t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
22.25 inches
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering on pistol grip; black plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; slight M o n t e C a r l o ; fluted c o m b Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; black white line spacer Overall length:
42.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, front:
1.5 inches
Scope adaptability: mount
2.8 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
post receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
4.5 lbs.
Sight, rear: R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage
Comment: semiauto.
A good, reliable, low-priced rimfire
Action type:
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Ejection: Safety:
Drop at heel:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage
Sight, front:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; impressed checkering; uncapped pistol grip Buttplate:
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Barrel length:
2.6 inches
Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
white metal bead
Scope adaptability: nonglare grooved for tip-off m o u n t Caliber:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Data: Chrome-plated trigger. Rustproof (alloy) receiver. Comment: T h i s is Marlin's e c o n o m y version of the tubular-magazine semiautomatic Marlin M49.
MARLIN M49DL SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLE Action type: semiauto; blowback; open mechanism Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Ejection: Safety:
side crossbolt
Barrel length: grooves)
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e (16
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and fore-end; plastic pistol-grip c a p with white line spacer Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic (curved) with white line spacer
Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Sight, r e a r : Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Drop at heel: Weight:
Scope adaptability: mount
2.6 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
blade receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: Typical semiautomatic tubularmagazine rifle of good design and quality.
5.0 lbs.
Action type: semiauto; blowback; open mechanism Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Ejection: Safety:
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering on uncapped pistol grip and foreend; high-gioss finish Buttplate: shotgun type; plastic (curved) with white line spacer Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
1.75 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Barrel length:
Drop at comb:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
blade on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: A medium-price semiautomatic rifle suitable for plinking or close-range small-game shooting. Marlin offers (at extra cost) its M 3 0 0 B 4 x scope for this rifle.
Action type: breech
semiauto; blowback;
Drop at heel:
Magazine type: tubular; inside fore-end Magazine capacity: Safety:
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; u p p e r barrel guard; u n c h e c k e r e d ; uncapped pistol grip; barrel band on fore-end; sling swivels
Overall length:
37.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
4.5 lbs.
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : adjustable for elevation; removable for sight base placement
18.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; black white line spacer
1.75 inches
2.5 inches
Trigger pull:
Barrel length:
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Sight, front:
blade on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: This copy of the U . S . Carbine, Cal. .30 M 1 , has a tubular magazine inside the stock. T h e magazine tube is loaded as are slide-action magazines, from the front. This is a light, fairly accurate rifle for plinking or rabbit shooting.
MARLIN M782 MAGNUM AUTOLOADER Action type: semiauto; straight blowback; unlocked breech
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Overall length:
41.0 inches
Magazine capacity:
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; uncapped pistol grip; sling swivels; leather carrying strap; Mar-Shield finish
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
2.0 inches
5.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: folding semi-buckhorn, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
brass bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 W . R . M .
Comment: T h i s is the only current Americanmade autoloader c h a m b e r e d for the .22 W . R . M . cartridge. Such a rifle has long been o v e r d u e . T h e only other .22 W . R . M . autoloader known to the a u t h o r is the very fine H e c k l e r & Koch H K - M 3 0 0 . T h e latter costs three times as much as the Marlin. It is a superior rifle but the accuracy difference is not that great.
MARLIN M989M2 AUTOLOADER Action type: semiauto; straight blowback; unlocked breech Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length:
Drop at comb:
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with u p p e r handguard; u n c h e c k e r e d ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; uncapped pistol grip; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
37.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
4.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
18.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
1.5 inches
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : removable sight, adjustable windage and elevation Sight, front:
blade on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: This carbine is identical to the Marlin M 9 9 M 1 except for magazine type.
Action type: semiauto; straight blowback; unlocked breech Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length:
18.0 inches; A C - K R O - G R U V
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; extension fore-end of plastic (Tenite) flips d o w n to serve as pistol grip or m o n o p o d ; very slight M o n t e Carlo Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
38.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Sight, front:
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Scope adaptability: mount
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
5.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, rear: R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
bead on r a m p receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: A n inexpensive .22 autoloader designed for plinking and hunting small game at m o d e r a t e ranges.
Action type:
semiauto; blowback
Magazine type:
tubular; in buttstock
Magazine capacity: .22 Long Rifle, 14-shot; .22 Short (Gallery Model), 15-shot Ejection: Safety:
side slide (top tang)
Barrel length:
19.625 inches
Stock: 2-piece nylon ( D u p o n t Zytel); plastic white diamond inlay both sides of fore-end; checkered pistol grip and fore-end; white line spacer with pistol-grip cap Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
38.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches 2.25 inches
4.0 lbs.
Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs. Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 L o n g Rifle, .22 Short (Gallery Model) Data: Zytel nylon is lighter than a walnut stock of identical dimensions. It is extremely durable and, unlike wood, will not w a r p . It doesn't look traditional but it is functional. M 6 6 nylon variations: 1. M B ( M o h a w k Brown) has a brown stock and blued barrel. 2. A B ( A p a c h e Black) has a black stock with c h r o m e d barrel and receiver. 3. G S (Gallery Special) fires .22 Shorts only. A n y of the above may be obtained with installed sling and sling swivel at extra cost. A 4 x scope is available at extra cost for the M B model.
Comment: N e a r l y e v e r y o n e familiar with this rifle k n o w s the durability of the stock; its color d o e s not fade and it d o e s not crack or chip. W h a t is not as well k n o w n is the reliability of the rifle. T h e M 6 6 rifle established a world's record for breaking w o o d e n blocks. N o malfunctions occurred while 100,010 aerial targets (wooden blocks) were fired at. Only six blocks w e r e missed —a total of 100,004 hits. T h i s extremely rugged and reliable rifle is fine for kids —or for adults w h o frequently tote a rimfire rifle in a pickup truck or j e e p or w h o take a rifle along on c a n o e voyages or horse-packing trips.
N Y L O N 22 C A L I B E R
Part Name
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Part Name Action Spring Action Spring Plunger Barrel Barrel Bracket Barrel Support Barrel Lock Screw Bolt Bolt Handle Cartridge Feed Guide Cartridge Feed Insert Cartridge Stop Cartridge Stop Pin Cartridge Stop Spring Cover Screw Disconnector Disconnector Pivot Disconnector Pivot Spring
No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Part Name Disconnector Pivot Pin Ejector Extractor Extractor Plunger Extractor Spring Firing Pin Firing Pin Retaining Pin Firing Pin Retractor Spring Firing Pin Stop Pin Firing Pin Striker Firing Pin Striker Spring Front Sight Front Sight Screw Front Sight Washer Inner Magazine Tube Magazine Follower Magazine Lock
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Magazine Pin Magazine Plug Magazine Spring Outer Magazine Tube Receiver Cover Assembly Rear Cover Screw Bushing Rear Sight Rivet Safety Safety Lever Safety Lever Pin Safety Detent Ball Safety Detent Retaining Pin Safety Detent Spring Safety Lever Cam Pin Sear Sear Assembly Pin Sear Spring Stock Assembly Striker Spring Sleeve Trigger Complete Trigger Assembly Pin Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Assembly Pin Trigger Spring Windage Screw
Action type:
semiauto; blowback
Drop at heel:
Magazine type: tubular; beneath barrel Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 20-shot; Long, 17-shot; .22 L o n g Rifle, 15-shot Ejection: Safety:
Weight: .22
side crossbolt
Barrel length: inches
rifle, 23.0 inches; carbine, 21.0
shotgun type; plastic
Overall length: inches
rifle, 42.0 inches; carbine, 40.0
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
rifle, 5.75 lbs.; carbine, 5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y M o u n t a i n , crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with u n c a p p e d pistol grip; M 5 5 2 B D L ( D e L u x e ) version has impressed checkering and high-gloss D u P o n t R K - W finish; sling and sling swivels available at extra cost
2.625 inches
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 L o n g Rifle
Data: M 5 5 2 series variations: 1. M 5 5 2 A (rifle). 2. M 5 5 2 C (carbine). 3. M 5 5 2 B D L ( D e L u x e ) rifle has checkered pistol grip and fore-end, D u P o n t R K - W highgloss finish, blade r a m p front sight, and windage adjustment screw for rear sight. 4. M 5 5 2 G S (Gallery Special) is c h a m b e r e d for .22 Short cartridges only. Comment: T h i s is a reliable rifle, sufficiently accurate for plinking and small-game shooting.
Action type:
Magazine type:
rotary (spool); detachable box
Magazine capacity: Ejection: Safety:
gold bead
Scope adaptability: drilled and tapped for scope bases or for tip-off m o u n t ; scope base a d a p t o r furnished Caliber:
.22 Long Rifle
Barrel length:
18.5 inches
Stock: American walnut with oil finish; carbine version has uncapped pistol grip and no checkering; D e L u x e Sporter has handcheckered pistol grip and fore-end Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
37.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, front:
1.75 inches
5.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0-6.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for elevation
Data: T h i s is the only current rifle k n o w n to the a u t h o r which has a rotary (spool type) magazine combined with a detachable box. T h e rotary magazine, m a d e famous by the Savage M 9 9 and Mannlicher, is probably the most reliable magazine type, i.e. the least subject to j a m s . T h e magazine guides are made of steel. T h i s material further d e c r e a s e s c h a n c e of malfunction. Magazine fits flush with stock. Spare magazines are available at extra cost. Comment: T h i s rifle, b e c a u s e of its unique magazine design, may well be the most reliable of all .22 rimfire rifles. Design and w o r k m a n s h i p are u p to Ruger's usual high standards. This rifle costs less than many inferior rifles. It costs about half as m u c h as the excellent W e a t h e r b y M a r k X X I I , which is the most expensive .22 caliber rimfire rifle.
Ruger 1 2 / 2 2 Deluxe Sporter
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type: breech
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
semiauto; blowback;
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: 5-shot supplied with rifle; 10-shot available at extra cost Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; hand-cut skip-line checkering panels on fore-end; checkered full-size pistol grip capped with rosewood tip at 45° angle; white plastic spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; cheekpiece; nondetachable sling swivels (0.625 inch wide) Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; solid rubber recoil pad with black and white plastic spacers Overall length:
42.74 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.875 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches
2.625 inches
6.35 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, rear: U - n o t c h with fixed 50-yard leaf and folding leafs for 75 and 100 yards Sight, front:
gold bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
Data: Aluminum-alloy receiver and triggerbow are black c h r o m e . All steel parts h a v e highpolish blue typical of W e a t h e r b y rifles. Stock has high-gloss finish also typical of W e a t h e r b y a r m s . O n the right side of the receiver is a selector switch and t w o positions marked A U T O and S.S. (for single-shot). With the selector switch on A U T O , the rifle fires every time the trigger is released and depressed in standard semiautomatic fashion. With the switch in the S.S. position the bolt remains o p e n after each shot. T o fire the next shot the selector switch must be moved forward to release the bolt and c h a m b e r a loaded round. T h i s is an excellent safety feature for shooters having their first experience with a semiautomatic. T h e bolt is engine-turned. Disassembly for cleaning is easy: R e m o v e magazine loading tube. R e m o v e take-down pin at rear of receiver. Action will now clear the stock. F u r t h e r disassembly should not be undertaken by o w n e r (nor should it be normally necessary). T h i s rifle was originally m a d e for W e a t h e r b y by Pietro Beretta. T h e a u t h o r ' s M a r k X X I I was Italian-made. F o r several years the rifle has been made in J a p a n u n d e r the supervision of the W e a t h e r b y quality-control staff.
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long Rifle
Comment: T h i s is a superbly made, reliable, accurate, and h a n d s o m e rifle. T h e author, w h o generally prefers a traditional stock rather than the W e a t h e r b y style, likes this o n e . So d o most shooters. T h e Ruger 10/22 and the W i n c h e s t e r M 4 9 0 are probably as well m a d e , but for a big man the full-size stock and longer barrel seem a better fit. T h i s rifle is as a c c u r a t e as E u r o p e a n rifles costing $ 3 0 0 , or about twice as much as the W e a t h erby. I n a s m u c h as the superb old M 5 2 Winches-
ter Sporter is no longer available, this rifle is an excellent choice for adults interested in squirrel shooting. T h e rifle is far more popular than its price tag might indicate. T h e a u t h o r k n o w s several gun-
shops with long lists of back orders for the gun. T h e optional W e a t h e r b y 4 x scope is one of the best of its t y p e ; in fact it is as good as or better than any scope of c o m p a r a b l e tube diameter and magnifying power.
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type: breech Magazine type:
semiauto; blowback;
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Safety:
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
24.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut; hand-cut skip-line checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; full-size pistol grip capped with rosewood and white plastic spacer; c h e e k p i e c e ; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; nondetachable sling swivels (0.625 inch wide) Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; b r o w n rubber recoil pad with white and black spacer Overall length:
42.75 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Weatherby Mark XXII Deluxe S e m i a u t o m a t i c Sporter
Drop at comb:
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Scope adaptability: receiver grooved for tip-off mount
1.875 inches 2.0 inches
2.625 inches
Data: F o r basic action description see M a r k X X I I detachable-box-magazine version.
6.35 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : U - n o t c h rear with fixed 50-yard leaf and folding leafs for 75 and 100 yards Sight, front:
.22 Long Rifle
gold bead on r a m p
Comment: F o r general c o m m e n t see M a r k X X I I detachable-box-magazine version. T h e author prefers the detachable box (for rimfires but not centerfire rifles) to the tubular magazine. It is quicker to load, e m p t y , and reload.
Action type:
semiauto; blowback
Drop at comb:
Magazine type: tubular; beneath barrel
Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity: Rifle, 15-shot
.22 Long, 17-shot; .22 Long
Barrel length:
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; no checkering on M l 9 0 ; reverse checkering on M 2 9 0 pistol grip and fore-end
Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
not specified
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
22.5 inches; tapered
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic; white spacer on M 2 9 0
2.75 inches
5.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
1.75 inches
Sight, front:
white bead on post
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Long, .22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: A n inexpensive reliable tubular magazine rimfire rifle.
Action type:
semiauto; blowback
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: standard, 5-shot; and 15-shot available at extra cost Safety:
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; tapered
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : elevation
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.625 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
Sight, front: white bead on r a m p with removable head Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with satin finish; impressed checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; plastic pistol-grip cap
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 L o n g Rifle
Data: Steel receiver. Serrated trigger. Serrated cocking handle serves as open action lock. Comment: T h e M 4 9 0 and the Ruger are the h a n d s o m e s t and most reliable U . S . - m a d e semiautomatic .22 caliber rifles that the a u t h o r has extensively tested. T h e superb J a p a n e s e - m a d e W e a t h e r b y M a r k X X I I is also h a n d s o m e and reliable but c o s t s approximately twice as m u c h . T h e M 4 9 0 , the Ruger, and the W e a t h e r b y M a r k X X I I are among the few adult-size .22 rimfire rifles.
BOLT-ACTION MAGAZINE RIMFIRE RIFLES A m o n g rimfires, the bolt action was a late starter. T h e first major bolt-action rimfire magazine rifle w a s the U . S . Magazine Rifle ( M l 9 0 3 Springfield) M 1 9 2 2 . T h i s was the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield with a rimfire bolt and a .22 caliber magazine inserted into the regular magazine. Several modifications to this rifle w e r e designated M 2 , M 1 9 2 2 M 1 , M 1 9 2 2 M 2 , and M I L All models w e r e converted to the later imp r o v e m e n t s . W h e n these modifications were m a d e the markings (stamped on the forward section of the receiver) were changed. T h e letter A was added after the serial n u m b e r of the M 1 9 2 2 M 2 rifles. A B was added after the serial n u m b e r s of the M i l and M 1 9 2 2 M I I rifles. All M 1922s w e r e fitted with a L y m a n # 4 8 mic r o m e t e r receiver sight. This version of the # 4 8 had 10 graduations for each completed turn of the windage and elevation adjustment s c r e w s . T h e front sight was the blade type. T h e M l 9 2 2 weighed j u s t u n d e r 9 p o u n d s and was 43.75 inches long with the 24.0-inch barrel. This is one of the most a c c u r a t e .22 rimfire rifles the author has ever fired. His first experience with it was at F o r t D e v e n s in 1936 when he fired the 1000-inch range. T h a t ' s right, the 1000inch range. Sights and targets, as he r e m e m b e r s , were set up to m a k e the 1000-inch range c o m p a rable to the 1000-yard range with the Caliber .30 M1903. H e acquired one of these through the National Rifle Association and used it for many years — fitted with a variety of hunting s c o p e s —for small game. T h e r e was one slight disadvantage to the M l 9 2 2 Springfields: the bolt t h r o w was somewhat longer than necessary for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge. H o w e v e r , the advantages of sufficient stock, a c c u r a t e barrel, and bedding more than c o m p e n s a t e d for the long bolt throw. T h e first high-quality commercial .22 rimfire sporter was the W i n c h e s t e r M 5 2 Sporter. This splendid rifle used the M l 9 2 7 speedlock and action of the M 5 2 W i n c h e s t e r match rifle. T h e 178
sporter with a 24.0-inch barrel weighed 7.25 lbs. During the first ten years o r so of its existence it was generally fitted with a L y m a n # 4 8 micrometer sight and blade or bead front. During the last twenty years it w a s frequently fitted with scopes of 2 . 5 - 4 X . T h e sporter stock resembled that of the M 5 4 and M 7 0 . It had a full pistol grip with a hard r u b b e r c a p . T h e fore tip was durable black plastic. Both the pistol grip and fore-end were checkered. It was fitted with quick-detachable sling swivels. T h e sling was a l-inch leather military type. This was the finest .22 rimfire bolt-action sporter e v e r m a d e . N o other A m e r i c a n sporter has a p p r o a c h e d it, and no foreign rifle known to the a u t h o r equals it. This superb sporting rifle w a s killed in 1958 for one reason. T h e r e are not enough adult A m e r i c a n s w h o require a .22 rimfire sporting rifle with the characteristics of the M 5 2 —at least not enough to pay the $ 1 5 0 that the rifle ultimately cost. H o w e v e r , old M 5 2 sporters fetch up to $500 today and sometimes more. F a r too few adult A m e r i c a n riflemen realize the grand sporting potential of a fine .22 rimfire rifle. T o most A m e r i c a n s a .22 is a kid's rifle. Only in the d e e p South, w h e r e squirrel hunting is a fine art, d o many adult riflemen use the .22 rimfire. A n a c c u r a t e .22 fitted with a 2 . 5 - 4 X scope is capable of dropping squirrels at ranges up to 100 yards. A man w h o can d o this can be p r o u d e r than the brush s h o o t e r w h o accidentally stumbles o n t o a whitetail and d r o p s it. Hunting, seeking, finding, and dropping a squirrel at 50 to 100 yards is both hunting and riflemanship. T h e r e are s o m e excellent imports like the S a v a g e / A n s c h u t z and Walther K K J , but these h a v e stocks which d o not appeal to most A m e r i can riflemen. T h e best A m e r i c a n - m a d e boltaction sporter is probably R e m i n g t o n ' s M 5 4 1 - S . T h e average bolt-action rimfire rifle is bought for a boy. It is more apt to have a tubular maga-
zine than a detachable straight-line box. T h e capacity of 25 .22 Shorts is a powerful appeal to youngsters. Winchester was first on the A m e r i c a n scene with a bolt-action box-magazine inexpensive sporter. In August, 1926, two such rifle types were delivered to the Winchester w a r e h o u s e in N e w H a v e n . T h e Winchester M 5 7 was like the M 5 6 except that it had a heavier barrel, a larger stock with sling swivels, and better sights. T h e M 5 6 was discontinued in 1929 after only 8,200 had been sold. T h e M 5 7 —a superior rifle —was discontinued after about 18,600 had been sold. T h e next box-magazine bolt-action repeater was the M 6 9 . This was a lower-priced rifle which Winchester hoped would sell better than the M 5 6 / M 5 7 . A b o u t 350,500 were sold between 1935 and 1963. T h e finest .22 rimfire bolt-action detachablemagazine rifle that Winchester has ever m a d e , other than the M 5 2 Sporter, was the M 7 5 ( 1 9 3 8 58). It was available in both target and sporter versions. Many of the M 7 5 Target rifles were purchased during World W a r II by the government. This medium-priced version of the M 5 2 was very accurate. M 7 5 s bring a fairly high price today because no comparable rifle except the
Remington 540-S is on the market. It is ironic that Winchester, a pioneer in the field, no longer makes a .22 bolt-action repeater. Remington began producing the bolt-action detachable-magazine sporting rimfire rather late. T h e first such Remington w a s the M 5 1 1 Scoremaster, a low-priced rifle ( 1 9 3 9 - 6 2 ) . T h e first Remington to c o m p a r e with the Winchester M 7 5 was the M 5 1 3 - S . This was the sporting version of the M 5 1 3 M a t c h m a s t e r . T h e next medium-priced Remington was the current M 5 4 0 - S . This is the sporting version of the M 5 4 0 medium-priced match rifle. T h e difference b e t w e e n a low-priced .22 boltaction magazine rifle, a medium-priced one, and one in the $300 bracket is a m a t t e r of stocking and trigger mechanism. O n e reason for the decline of the fine .22 caliber bolt-action magazine rifle is the increasing i m p r o v e m e n t in the semiautomatics. T h r e e accurate, h a n d s o m e , and well m a d e semiautomatics are the Ruger 10/22, W i n c h e s t e r M 4 9 0 , and W e a t h e r b y M a r k X X I I . T h e s e rifles are relatively inexpensive and cost one-half to onethird as much as an imported first-line boltaction. T h e y are extremely accurate and make fine squirrel rifles.
Action type:
Magazine type: detachable straight-iine box Magazine capacity: Safety:
side t h u m b lever
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; tapered
Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Stock: 1-piece u n c h e c k e r e d walnut-stained hardwood; uncapped semi-pistol grip; M o n t e C a r l o ; fluted c o m b
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
5.1 lbs.
180 / BOLT-ACTION MAGAZINE RIMFIRE RIFLES H & R M 8 6 5 P L A I N S M A N RIFLE ( c o n t i n u e d )
Sight, front:
dovetail blade
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Trigger pull: 4.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
Comment: A magazine version of the M 7 5 0 single-shot rifle.
.22 Short, .22 L o n g , .22 Long Rifle
Action type:
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
22.0 inches
Stock: 1-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; reverse checkering on fore-end and pistol grip; uncapped semi-pistol grip Buttplate:
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
bead on r a m p with Wide-Scan hood
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
shotgun t y p e ; plastic
Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Comment: T h i s is one of the least-expensive bolt-action rifles on the market. It is entirely adequate as a boy's rifle for plinking and small game. Note: T h e Glenfield M 2 0 0 C is the M 2 0 plus an inexpensive 4 x scope.
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length: Stock:
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse check-
ering on pistol grip and fore-end; u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip; M o n t e C a r l o c o m b Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Marlin Model 780 bolt action rifle
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.375 inches
Sight, front:
2.5 inches
Scope adaptability: mount
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
bead on r a m p with Wide-Scan hood
5.0 lbs.
Sight, rear: R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: A rugged, medium-quality averagepriced rifle.
Action type:
Drop at comb:
Magazine type: tubular; beneath barrel Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 25-shot; Long, 19-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 17-shot Safety:
Drop at Monte Carlo: .22
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; uncapped semi-pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.375 inches
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
bead on r a m p with Wide-Scan hood
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: A well-made, medium-priced bolt-action magazine rifle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 to
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Part Name
Barrel Barrel Retaining Pin Breech Bolt (Complete) Breech Bolt, Front Breech Bolt, Rear Breech Bolt Retaining Pin Bullseye Buttplate Buttplate Screw (2) Buttplate Spacer Cartridge Guide Spring N/A Ejector Extractor Firing Pin, Front Firing Pin, Rear Firing Pin Spring Front Sight Assembly (Old Style) Front Sight Binding Screw (Old Style) Front Sight (Complete) Consisting of:
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34
Part Name Front Sight Ramp Base Front Sight Ramp Base Screw (2) Front Sight Ramp Hood Front Sight Ramp Insert Magazine Complete (7 shot only) Magazine Catch Magazine Catch Pin Magazine Catch Spring Magazine Guard Plate Magazine Guard Plate Screw Magazine Receiver Catch Magazine Receiver Catch Screw Rear Sight (Old Style) (Not Shown) Rear Sight Elevator (Old Style) (Not Shown) Rear Sight Complete (New Style) Consisting of Rear Sight Base Rear Sight Elevator Rear Sight Folding Leaf Receiver
No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Part Name Safety Sear Sear & Safety Pivot Screw Sear Spring Stock Striker Striker Cam Pin Striker Knob Striker Retaining Screw Striker Sleeve Striker Spring Takedown Screw Takedown Screw Stud Trigger, Gold Trigger Pin Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Screw (2) Trigger Spring Trigger Stud
MARLIN M783 MAGNUM Action type:
Magazine type:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
22.0 inches; M i c r o - G r o o v e
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; u n c a p p e d pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; sling swivels with leather carrying strap; Mar-Shield finish Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
41.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Action type:
bead on r a m p with Wide-Scan hood
.22 W . R . M .
Comment: rifle.
5.0 lbs.
A sturdy, medium-priced bolt-action
Drop at heel:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity:
Trigger pull:
Barrel length: 26.0 inches; medium crowned muzzle
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with finger grooves in pistol grip; u n c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end; black plastic adjustable handstop on underside of fore-end; high c o m b for target-type s c o p e ; c h e e k p i e c e ; target-type sling swivels Buttplate:
shotgun t y p e ; serrated plastic
Overall length:
44.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
1.625 inches
8.0 lbs.
Sight, rear:
t h u m b slide
Sight, front: serts
not specified M o s s b e r g S-331 (micrometer) L y m a n 17A target sight with in-
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: T h i s inexpensive target rifle is designed for young m a r k s m e n . A n y match rifle should have blocks for a target scope. A good rifle for the tyro shooter. First-rate .22 rimfire match rifles cost $ 3 5 0 - 5 0 0 or more. This one costs about $ 1 0 0 . It is comparable to the late Winchester M 7 5 but is not up to the Remington M 5 4 0 at about $ 1 5 0 (with iron sights). Spare magazines are available.
Action type:
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: 7-shot ("Magic 3 - W a y " magazine adjusts for .22 Short, .22 Long and .22 Long Rifle) Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length: 24.0 inches; A C - K R O - G R U V ; crowned muzzle Stock: l-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; unc h e c k e r e d ; finger grooves in uncapped semipistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
2.5 inches
6.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : S-330 micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation in V4-minute clicks Sight, front: S-320 bead on r a m p with removable hood Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: A n inexpensive bolt-action rifle. C o s t s were pared by using walnut-stained hardwood in lieu of black walnut for stock. Suitable for plinking and small game. Spare magazines are available.
Action type:
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: 7-shot ("Magic 3-Way" magazine adjusts for .22 Short, .22 Long and .22 Long Rifle) Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
24.0 inches; A C - K R O - G R U V
Stock: l-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; M o n t e C a r l o c o m b and c h e e k p i e c e ; c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and fore-end; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
6.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
Sight, front:
not specified
Sight, rear: sporting-type U-notch, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation; receiver drilled and tapped for receiver sight
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: T h i s is an accurate, well-made rifle. With a scope it will take squirrels at 50 yards, or better if you can hold. Spare magazines are available. A p p e a r a n c e and carrying ease would be improved if the magazine w e r e a 5-shot box, flush with stock bottom.
Action type:
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity:
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
24.0 inches; A C - K R O - G R U V
Stock: 1-piece American walnut; checkered pistol grip and fore-end; slight M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; plastic capped full pistol grip; sling swivels Buttplate: shotgun type; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
44.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : U-notch, crudely adjustable windage and elevation Sight, front:
bead on ramp
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 W . R . M .
Comment: This is one of the finest .22 W . R . M . rifles on the market —and at a modest price.
E X P L O D E D V I E W OF R E M I N G T O N M O D E L S 580, 5 8 1 , A N D 582.
Action type:
Drop at heel:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: extra cost
Trigger pull:
Ejection: Safety:
5-shot; 10-shot available at
Sight, front: 24.0 inches
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; no checkering; uncapped pistol grip; sling and swivels available at extra cost Buttplate:
4.375 lbs.
Overall length:
42.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: T h i s is a t a k e d o w n model. Disassembly is fast and simple, involving a single screw. Rifle can be had with left-hand action at slight extra cost.
Drop at Monte Carlo:
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage
Barrel length:
3.0 inches
Comment: A durable, medium-priced rifle for younger shooters.
1.75 inches
Parts List of Remington Models 580, 581 and 582. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Part Name Barrel (582) Barrel Assembly Pin Barrel Bracket (582) Bolt Assembly Pin Bolt Body Assembly Bolt Head Bolt Plug Bolt Stop Bolt Stop Spring Butt Plate Butt Plate Screw Carrier (582) Carrier Pin (582) Carrier Spring (582) Cartridge Feed Insert (582) Cartridge Feed Insert Pin (582) Cocking Piece Ejector (580) Elevation Screw Extractor. L. H. Extractor, R. H. Extractor Spring Firing Pin Floor Plate (580-582) Floor Plate Screw (580-582)
No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 31a 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Part Name Front Sight Housing (See Trigger Housing Sub Assembly) Housing Pin Housing Lock Screw Inner Magazine Tube (582) Loading Platform (580) Loading Platform Screw Magazine Assembly (581) Magazine Follower (582) Magazine Guide (581) Magazine Latch (581) Magazine Latch Screw (581) Magazine Pin (582) Magazine Plate (581) Magazine Plate Screw (581) Magazine Plug (582) Magazine Spring (582) Magazine Ring (582) Main Spring Outer Magazine Tube (582) Rear Sight Base Rear Sight Eyepiece Rear Sight Leaf Rear Sight Screw Receiver Assembly (582)
No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
Part Name Safety Safety Pivot Pin Safety Pivot Pin Retaining Washer Safety Detent Safety Detent Spring Safety Retainer Pin Safety Retainer Pin Retaining Washer Sear Sear Pin Stock Assembly (582) Striker Assembly Striker Striker Cross Pin Striker Washer Takedown Screw (580) Takedown Screw (581) Takedown Screw (582) Takedown Screw Escutcheon (580) Takedown Screw Escutcheon (582) Trigger Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Screw Trigger Pin Trigger Spring
Action type:
Magazine type:
Drop at Monte Carlo:
tubular; beneath barrel
Magazine capacity: .22 Short, 20-shot; Long, 15-shot; .22 Long Rifle, 14-shot Ejection: Safety:
Drop at heel: .22
24.0 inches
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; n o checkering; uncapped pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b Buttplate:
3.0 inches
5.0 lbs.
Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs. Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
Barrel length:
1.75 inches
Overall length:
42.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: Remington M 5 8 2 is a one-screw takedown model, basically the same as the M 5 8 1 but with a tubular magazine. Comment: Rugged, medium-priced tubularmagazine rifle for young hunters and plinkers.
Action type:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: extra cost Ejection:
5-shot; 10-shot available at
t h u m b type (lever)
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: l-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and fore-end; design similar to Remington M 7 0 0 centerfire bolt-action; rose-
wood-stained fore-end tip and pistol-grip c a p ; white line s p a c e r s ; sling and swivels available at extra cost Buttplate: shotgun type; plastic with white line spacer Overall length:
42.625 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
0.875 inch
Drop at heel: 0.875 inch Weight:
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for scope bases or receiver sight; receiver grooved for tip-off mount Caliber:
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: Bolt has six locking lugs and twin extractors. Adjustable trigger pull. Comment: A m o n g standard factory models, the M 5 4 1 - S sporter is the only A m e r i c a n bolt-action .22 rimfire currently m a d e for serious sporting use by adults.
Action type: tors
bolt; recessed h e a d ; twin extrac-
Magazine capacity:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
20.0 inches
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; reverse checkering; uncapped semi-pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo fluted c o m b ; flat-bottom fore-end with semi-slab sides Buttplate:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Drop at comb:
shotgun type; hard rubber
Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.625 inches
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull:
5 . 0 - 6 . 0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber: Comment: receiver.
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 W . R . M . A well-made rimfire rifle with steel
A n s c h u t z , West G e r m a n y
Importer/distributor: Action type:
spacer; Schnabel fore-end tachable sling swivel studs
bolt; steel receiver; shrouded bolt
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: Safety:
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Buttplate: shotgun type; hard rubber with white line spacer Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Stock: F r e n c h walnut; skip-line hand checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; rollover cheekpiece; plastic pistol-grip cap with white line
tip; quick-de-
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.25 inches
2.0 inches
6.25 lbs.
Savage A n s c h u t z M 5 4 Sporter
P a r t s list of S a v a g e M 6 5 - M M a g n u m . No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Part Name Barrel Barrel Assembly Pin Barrel Plug Screw Bolt Assembly Pin Bolt Body Assembly Bolt Head Bolt Plug Bolt Stop Bolt Stop Release Bolt Stop Spring Cocking Piece Extractor, L. H. Extractor, R. H. Extractor Spring Firing Pin Housing Housing Lock Screw
No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Part Name Housing Pin Magazine Assembly Magazine Guide Magazine Latch Assembly Magazine Latch Screw Magazine Plate Magazine Plate Screw Mainspring Receiver Assembly Receiver Plug Screw Safety Safety Detent Safety Detent Spring Safety Pivot Pin Safety Pivot Pin Washer Safety Retainer Screw Sear
No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Part Name Sear Pin Stock Assembly Striker Assembly Striker Striker Cross Pin Striker Washer Takedown Screw Trigger Trigger Adjusting Screw Trigger Adjusting Spring Trigger Engagement Screw Trigger Pin Trigger Spring Trigger Spring Retaining Pin Trigger Stop Screw Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Screw
Trigger pull:
adjustable; minimum, 3.0 lbs.
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 W . R . M . ( M 5 4 - M only)
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard scope bases
Comment: This is a relatively expensive rifle that c o m p a r e s in a c c u r a c y to the fine old Winc h e s t e r M 5 2 Sporter. It is capable of 1-inch—or slightly better—5-shot groups at 100 yards. It is unfortunate that its looks are marred by the unnecessary rollover c h e e k p i e c e , but that is strictly a personal opinion.
Drop at comb:
Sight, r e a r :
folding leaf
Sight, front: bead on ramp with removable sight protector
A n s c h u t z , West G e r m a n y
Importer/distributor: Action type:
bolt; steel receiver; shrouded bolt
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity:
Trigger pull:
side slide
Barrel length:
24.0 inches
Stock: l-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; checkered full pistol grip; Schnabel fore-end tip; M o n t e Carlo fluted c o m b ; full cheekpiece Buttplate: shotgun t y p e ; hard rubber with white line spacer Overall length:
40.25 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
1.5 inches 1.5 inches
2.25 inches
6.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
adjustable; minimum, 3.0 lbs. folding leaf
Sight, front: bead on r a m p with removable sight protector Scope adaptability: mount
receiver grooved for tip-off
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 W . R . M . ( M 1 6 4 - M only) Comment: T h i s is a high-quality rimfire bolt-action rifle. It is entirely suitable for adults w h o enjoy precision potting of squirrels and other small game.
Action type: bolt; recessed bolt face; double ext r a c t o r s ; steel receiver Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: extra cost Safety:
5-shot; 10-shot available at
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.625 inches
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs. 5 . 0 - 6 . 0 lbs.
Sight, rear: Rocky Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage
20.0 inches
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained A m e r i c a n hardwood; reverse checkering; uncapped semipistol grip; M o n t e C a r l o ; fluted c o m b Buttplate:
Drop at comb:
Trigger pull:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
shotgun type; hard rubber
Overall length:
39.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Sight, front:
dovetail bead
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber:
receiver grooved for tip-off
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Comment: A moderately priced, well-made .22 rimfire rifle.
WALTHER KKJ SPORTSMAN RIFLE Manufacturer: Carl Walther West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type:
Firearms International
5-shot; extension, 8-
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
shotgun t y p e ; hard rubber
Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: shot
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.0 inches 2.9 inches
5.5 lbs.
Trigger pull: available
not specified; double set trigger
22.5 inches
Stock: European walnut; hand checkered pistol grip and fore-end; cheekpiece; plasticcapped pistol grip; sling swivels
Sight, r e a r : military marked in meters Sight, front:
with folding
bead on r a m p with removable hood
Scope adaptability: scope mounts
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle; .22 W . R . M . chambering is also available Comment: This may well be the finest .22 caliber rimfire sporting rifle available. It is capable of 1-
inch 5-shot groups at 100 yards from a rest. T h e K K J is expensive, and its cheekpiece is far too small, but this .22 sporter is about the best we have today. It is not a kid's rifle. It is designed for the serious small-game h u n t e r w h o wants an accurate and dependable rifle, and should be fitted with a standard 1-inch-diameter scope, not one of the inexpensive .22 scopes.
T h e rimfire is our oldest and most popular metallic cartridge. Of the d o z e n s of calibers once available only the .22 rimfire and 5mm Rem. are still made, but the survivors include the world's most widely used cartridges: .22 Short and .22 Long Rifle. T o d a y ' s generation thinks of the rimfire cartridge as being strictly .22 caliber, but in the past rimfires have made up to at least .58 caliber. T h e last of the medium-large rimfires to go was the .41 Swiss Vetterli. This used a 300-grain lead bullet and as late as 1939 cost $1.05 a box. Production of the .44 H e n r y Flat, .25 Stevens Short, .25 Stevens Long, .32 Short, .32 Long, and .38 Short was not r e s u m e d after World W a r II. T h e last big rimfire handgun cartridge discontinued was the .41 Short for the Remington derringer. T h e rimfire was still a strong, if losing, contender in cartridge lists at the turn of the century. T h e r e were the .22 E x t r a Long, .32 and .38 Extra Long, .44 Colt and Win. (not to be confused with the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win.), .44 E x t r a Long H o w a r d , . 5 6 - 4 6 Spencer Rifle, . 5 6 - 5 0 Spencer Carbine, . 5 6 - 5 2 Spencer Rifle, and . 5 6 - 5 6 Spencer Carbine. Rimfire case
C o p p e r was the uniform rimfire case material from the introduction of the .22 rimfire in 1854 until Remington introduced the stronger brass case for its .22 Hi-Speed loads in 1930. Brass is now the standard case material. W e st e r n and later Winchester-Western used nickel-plated brass cases for the S u p e r - X and Super-Speed loadings. (Today Remington's .22 Short Gallery loads can be had with standard brass cases or nickel-plated brass so that shooters can easily keep their gallery loads separate.) During World War I I , when there was a brass shortage, steel was used for some .22 Long Rifle cases.
Until the advent of high-velocity loads, almost all rimfire bullets w e r e outside-lubricated. This w a s , and is, the most effective method of lubricating lead bullets. H o w e v e r , many .22 hunters and plinkers carry ammunition loose in their p o c k e t s . Lubricants picked up t o b a c c o c r u m b s , lint, and other foreign matter that accumulates in a m a n ' s p o c k e t s . V a r i o u s platings have been applied, usually to the high-velocity loads. W e s t e r n and later Winchester-Western used Lubaloy, an A m e r i c a n version of the British N o b e l o y . Remington used a cadmium plating called Silvadry. N o plating is as effective a lubricant as the original grease. T o d a y all highvelocity loadings k n o w n to the a u t h o r are plated. T h i s reduces barrel life, but .22 rimfire barrels h a v e such an extraordinarily long life in terms of rounds fired that for practical purposes the shorter life is of no importance.
.22 B.B. Cap (Bullet Breech
T h i s was the smallest .22 rimfire cartridge. It is no longer made in this country. T h e B.B. C a p used a 20-grain bullet about as wide as it was long. It was designed for use in the F l o b e r t rifle but was later used for informal living-room or b a s e m e n t target shooting. T h e B.B. C a p s rem e m b e r e d by the a u t h o r had a sharp w a d c u t t e r shoulder to cut clean holes in the paper. M u z z l e velocity in a 6-inch-barrel revolver was 750 f.p.s., and about 875 f.p.s. in a 20-inchbarrel rifle.
.22 C.B. Cap (Conical Ball Cap) This uses a 29-grain bullet in the same size case as the B.B. C a p . It makes more noise than the B.B. but is no m o r e a c c u r a t e . It does not cut such a clean hole. M u z z l e velocity is about 750 f.p.s. in a 6-inch195
barrel revolver and 975 f.p.s. in a 20-inch-barrel rifle. C a s c a d e recently revived the C . B . C a p .
the average handgun barrel. T h i s hollowpoint is deadly on game no larger than rats.
.22 Short
.22 Short Gallery
Developed in 1854 for Smith & W e s s o n , this is our oldest and one of our most popular cartridges. It was introduced as a handgun load but for many years its greatest popularity has been for rifle shooting. Its chief use is in shooting galleries and by economy-minded kids. A few international pistol (semiauto) matches require the .22 Short. Only a very few target handguns are made for the .22 Short.
T h e s e are standard-velocity loads, but the bullet pulverizes on the target to prevent ricoc h e t s . Both Remington and Winchester-Western make two bullet weights. Remington offers a 29grain bullet with an average rifle muzzle velocity of 1045 f.p.s. and a 15-grain bullet with an average rifle muzzle velocity of about 1700 f.p.s. Winchester offers a 27-grain bullet and a 15-grain bullet with similar velocities.
Shorts are the least expensive of the three standard .22 rimfire load (Short, Long, and Long Rifle). T h e Short is ideal for tin-can and other plinking but is not an adequate small-game cartridge, though it w o r k s well at short range in the hollowpoint version on rats. T h e .22 Short was loaded into the 1930s with black powder, though both semi-smokeless and smokeless propellants had been available for many years. Back in the D e p r e s s i o n era the author bought Shorts for twelve cents a box. Highvelocity .22 Shorts were not as popular because of their much higher price: fifteen cents. T h e standard short lead bullet weighs 29 or 30 grains. Its muzzle velocity in a rifle is about 1045 f.p.s. In handguns, depending on barrel length, velocity averages about 925 f.p.s. T h e .22 Short for nearly a century used c o p p e r c a s e s in the standard loading. In the 1950s most companies shifted to brass cases for both standard and highvelocity loads.
Remington d u b s its disintegrating bullets " . 2 2 Short G a l l e r y " loads. Winchester-Western calls the 27-grain bullet the " . 2 2 Short G a l l e r y " and the 15-grain bullet the " . 2 2 Short Super Gallery." Previous Winchester-Western terminology has been " K a n t S p l a s h " and " S p a t t e r Proof." T h e s e bullets should not be used on game. T h e gallery bullet led to the World W a r II development of the Caliber .30, Cartridge, Frangible Ball (T-44). T h i s 108-grain bullet, developed at D u k e University, was c o m p o s e d of equal parts Bakelite and p o w d e r e d lead. T h e exposed portion of the bullet was waterproofed. This bullet type w a s developed so that training gunners could fire directly at aircraft rather than at a sleeve tow target. T h e bullet disintegrated on the aircraft's skin. .22 Short Match
In 1930 Remington introduced the first American high-velocity .22 rimfire cartridge. T h e trade designation was " H i - S p e e d . " All Remington HiSpeed cases were and still are brass, as are those cases of other manufacturers that the a u t h o r is familiar with. Western soon followed with a " S u p e r - X " high velocity and W i n c h e s t e r with its " S u p e r - S p e e d " version. L e s s e r competitors did likewise. T h e muzzle velocity of the .22 Short highvelocity load is about 1095 f.p.s. from the average rifle muzzle. H a n d g u n velocity runs 150 f.p.s. or so less.
T h e only .22 Short pistol match ammunition k n o w n to the a u t h o r that is currently available in the United States is the British-made Eley Short Pistol M a t c h cartridge. Pistol match ammunition usually has a velocity j u s t below that of standard-velocity loads. Both rifle and pistol match ammunition also has selected c a s e s , at least in theory. C a s e s and bullets are machine-miked, and c a s e s which d o not have a n a r r o w e r tolerance range than standard loadings are rejected for match ammunition. Eley Short Pistol ammunition has won many international rapid-fire m a t c h e s . M a t c h e s using the .22 Short cartridge are more popular in England and on the Continent than in N o r t h America. M a n y top A m e r i c a n pistoleers of the past 50 years have never shot a .22 Short match unless they w e r e in international competition.
.22 Short
.22 Short
.22 Short (high
T h e 27-grain bullet has a rifle muzzle velocity of about 1120 f.p.s. and about 150 f.p.s. less in
T h e s e are used for starter guns in sporting events, in theatrical affairs, and in the training of
hunting dogs. T h e y are charged with black powder and have a waterproofed flat wad. T h e s e blanks will not normally operate the action of a semiautomatic arm. A r m s which have fired blank cartridges should be thoroughly cleaned after use. Some blanks contain mercuric primers, and others —not A m e r i c a n —use corrosive primers. Blank cases known to the author are copper.
several other .22 rimfire high-velocity loadings. Rifle muzzle velocity averages about 1250 f.p.s. T h e a u t h o r sees little need for this load except in the hollowpoint version. T h e standard velocity is better for target practice and for long-range plinking. T h e .22 Long Rifle high-velocity hollowpoint is better for small game.
.22 Long
.22 Long Rifle Hollowpoint
This halfbreed cartridge has a .22 Long Rifle case and a .22 Short bullet. It is neither as efficient nor as accurate as the Short or Long Rifle. Remington makes the .22 Long in the standard-velocity version with the " T a r g e t " designation. Winchester-Western m a k e s the .22 Long in Super-X. T h e Long is not made in hollowpoint or match versions. It is too inaccurate for the latter.
T h e 36-grain (Rem.) or 37-grain (W-W) hollowpoint bullet is an excellent killer on game like squirrels and rabbits.
.22 Long Rifle (standard
This cartridge w a s d e v e l o p e d about 1888 forthe J. Stevens A r m s & Tool C o m p a n y by U n i o n M e tallic Cartridge C o m p a n y ( U . M . C . ) . O n e of the most widely used cartridges in the world, it is far more popular in revolvers than the .22 Short and it is almost universal in semiautomatic a r m s and match rifles. T h e man w h o designed this cartridge was William Morgan T h o m a s , better known as U . M . C . T h o m a s because he designed so many successful bullets and cartridges for U . M . C . and then for Remington U . M . C . T h e .22 Long Rifle, like other .22 rimfires dating back to the nineteenth century, has been made with black, semi-smokeless, and smokeless propellants. Millions of dollars have been spent to bring this cartridge to its present high state of development. T h e standard-velocity version is excellent for long-range plinking or basic target practice. It is not very efficient on game. T h e .22 Long Rifle high-velocity hollowpoint is the ticket for squirrels and rabbits. T h e standard-velocity .22 Long Rifle is more accurate than the high-velocity version. This doesn't mean that the high-velocity loading is inaccurate but that the standard-velocity is better when it c o m e s to counting up the scores on target paper. Velocity of the 40-grain lead bullet is about 1150 f.p.s. from the average rifle muzzle.
.22 Long Rifle (high
T h e high-velocity .22 Long Rifle was introduced by Remington in 1930 along with the
.22 Long Rifle Match
F o r a good many years, pistol and revolver shooters used the same .22 Long Rifle match ammunition in both rifle and handgun. During the past few years, pistol ammunition has developed. M a t c h pistol ammunition is subject to the same exacting specifications as match rifle ammunition. T h e r e may be other differences, but the only difference obvious to the a u t h o r is the bullet shape. T h e r e seems to be smoother feeding from magazine into c h a m b e r with the pistol match bullet than with the rifle match bullet. Virtually all .22 rifle m a t c h e s use single-shot rifles, so there is no feeding problem. F o r many years there w e r e more .22 revolvers like the Colt Officer's M a t c h and the S & W K-22 than there w e r e semiautomatics. T o d a y most matches are shot with semiautomatics: .22 Long Rifle, .38 Special, and .45 A C P . T h e trend toward .22 a u t o s led to the d e v e l o p m e n t of the specially shaped bullet for pistol ammunition. Eley makes two .22 Long Rifle " M a t c h " ammunition t y p e s . Eley .22 L.R. Pistol is a standard-velocity ammunition in the same accuracy category as Remington's " T a r g e t " and W - W ' s T-22 cartridges. Eley's match load is Eley Pistol Match. Remington's Pistol M a t c h is that firm's only load specifically designed for match use and is comparable with Eley's Pistol M a t c h . W i n c h e s t e r - W e s t e r n ' s pistol match ammunition is .22 Long Rifle S u p e r - M a t c h M a r k I V (rifle match ammunition is M a r k I I I ) . .22 Long Rifle Match
T h e t e r m s " m a t c h " and " t a r g e t " cartridges are misleading. T o d a y , Remington calls its standardvelocity .22 Long Rifle cartridge " T a r g e t .22 Long Rifle." Winchester-Western dubs its standard-velocity cartridges " T - 2 2 " (T implying
target). Because of the cost factor many rifle and handgun competitors use standard-velocity loads for daily practice, saving special match ammunition for final practice and matches. Eley's standard-velocity loads are M a t c h Long Rifle. Remington's .22 Long Rifle match (rifle) cartridges are termed "Rifle M a t c h .22 Long Rifle." Winchester-Western offers .22 Long Rifle Super-Match I I I (plain lead bullet) and .22 Long Rifle Super M a t c h G o l d (plated bullet). Eley's top match load is Eley T e n e x (for ten X ' s ) . Savage —Eley importers — noted that at the 1972 Munich Olympics more than 90 percent of .22 caliber competitors —including Americans — used Eley T e n e x . In the prone match 97 p e r c e n t used T e n e x .
.22 Long Rifle Shot
T h e r e are two basic t y p e s : a shotshell with a crimp of the rose or star s h a p e ; and a transparent hollow plastic bullet-shaped container replacing the standard 40-grain bullet. Shot size is usually # 1 1 or # 1 2 . Shot charge weight is about 0.125 oz. Shot cartridges are most effective when fired in a s m o o t h b o r e rifle —which with a s m o o t h b o r e barrel ceases to be a rifle and b e c o m e s a smallbore shotgun. S o m e manufacturer—as the a u t h o r r e m e m b e r s it was M o s s b e r g —once developed a miniature skeet game called Mo-skeet-o. Shot cartridges can be used in rifled long arms or handguns. T h e more worn the bore is the more effective the shot is. Shot cartridges, preferably in a cartridge like a .44 M a g n u m , . 4 4 - 4 4 Win., or .45 Colt, are useful against poisonous snakes like Florida rattlers. Long-rifle shot cartridges use high-velocity loads. .22 Long Rifle stud driver loads T h e s e blank-type loads are identified by the wad color. T h e y are designed to o p e r a t e stud driver guns only; u n d e r no conditions w h a t e v e r should they be fired in rifles or handguns.
.22 Winchester
T h e only k n o w n rifle c h a m b e r e d for this cartridge w a s the M 0 3 W i n c h e s t e r Autoloading Rifle ( 1 9 0 3 - 3 2 ) . A b o u t 126,000 w e r e made. T h e Colt Officer's Model Revolver was o n c e chambered for this cartridge.
.22 Winchester Rimfire
T h i s cartridge was introduced about 1959 and is c h a m b e r e d in rifles and revolvers. T h e .22 W . R . M . is much more effective than the .22 Long Rifle, but ammunition is considerably more expensive and c a n n o t be used interchangeably in a rifle or handgun c h a m b e r e d for Shorts, Longs, and Long Rifles. A 40-grain j a c k e t e d hollowpoint has a muzzle velocity of about 1900 f.p.s. T h e 40-grain full metal-jacketed bullet has the same muzzle velocity. This cartridge can take w o o d c h u c k s u p to about 100 yards.
.22 W.R.F. (Remington
T h e only rifle known to the a u t h o r that was c h a m b e r e d for this cartridge was the Remington M 1 6 A u t o l o a d e r ( 1 9 1 4 - 2 8 ) . N o rifles have apparently been made for this cartridge in nearly 50 years. With a 45-grain lead bullet at a muzzle velocity of 1320 f.p.s., it was far superior to the .22 W i n c h e s t e r (M03) Autoloading cartridges.
5mm Remington
T h i s cartridge, slightly smaller than .224 inch (the diameter of .22 bullets), was designed to c o m p e t e with the .22 W . R . M . It was introduced in 1970. (As a m e a s u r e of its popularity Remington ceased producing a rifle for it.) It was an effective and accurate cartridge, but was probably d o o m e d because it w a s m a d e only in a bolt-action rifle. N o semiautomatic —today's most popular type —was c h a m b e r e d for the round.
Single-barrel single-shot shotguns have two basic categories: 1. Inexpensive shotguns designed for kids or for economy-minded farmers and other rural dwellers w h o occasionally pot a bird or a chicken-stealing varmint. The inexpensive single-barrel single-shot shotgun may well be our most popular type of arm. T e n s of t h o u s a n d s are shipped annually to ru6ber and other plantations in the far corners of the earth. T h e y are used by the workers for protection against snakes and other critters. Single-barrel single-shot shotguns are occasionally toted by big-game hunters in the northwestern United States and C a n a d a for bagging an occasional grouse for the c a m p pot.
long shot on pheasant or n o n d e c o y e d waterfowl. F o r s o m e o n e w h o occasionally n e e d s a full choke, one solution is a multi-choke device like the P o l y - C h o k e . Such a device, however, increases the gun's cost by at least 50 percent. T h e r e are quite a few single-shot gunners w h o ultimately switch to the bolt-action magazine scattergun, which costs little m o r e than a good single-shot. After a spot of practice the singlebarrel shotgunner can, by holding a spare shot cartridge in his left hand, fire t w o shots about as rapidly as the c u m b e r s o m e , slow, bolt-actions. M o s t bolt-actions have full-choke borings. Mossberg offers a multi-choke device on its bolt-actions.
2. T r a p guns ranging from about $350 to $ 5 0 0 0 (you can pay more fcr custom arms). F o r a century or more the single-barrel was the only trap gun. In recent years the trap game allows double-barrel side-by-side and o v e r / u n d e r and multi-shot semiautomatic and slide-action guns.
T h e single-shot is a very reliable and durable arm. T h e r e is little that can go wrong with one. T h e a u t h o r o w n e d three. His first shotgun, acquired at age 11, was a secondhand 16-bore Iver J o h n s o n C h a m p i o n with a w o r k e d - o v e r nail in lieu of the factory firing pin. H e used this from 1930 to 1936, when he acquired a new Winchester M 3 7 in 16-bore. Later a M 3 7 in .410-bore was purchased. With these three guns the author took rabbits, squirrels, grouse, pheasant, c r o w s , d u c k s , and h a w k s .
T h e typical inexpensive single-shot has two basic characteristics: exposed h a m m e r , and, except in some youth models, full c h o k e . T h e y may or may not have checkering. T h e full choke dates back to the black-powder era when most guns were full-choked. T h e full choke is a handicap for about 90 percent of scattergunning. Most upland-bird and decoyed-waterfowl shots are made at ranges not exceeding 3 5 - 4 0 yards. Rare exceptions are the occasional
T h e single-barrel trap gun has one notable feature. T h e r e is no safety. N o n e is required bec a u s e the trap shooter d o e s n ' t load his gun until he is on the line and ready to fire. T h e M o n t e Carlo c o m b , now popular not only 199
on trap guns but on rifles, originated at M o n t e Carlo, scene of many live-bird shoots. T h e raised c o m b was designed to minimize recoil. (On a rifle, it also positions the shooter's eye for scope sighting; and on a trap shotgun it lines his m a s t e r eye up on the barrel rib.) T r a p barrels were traditionally 34 inches long. N o w , the 32-inch barrel is usually optional, and 30 inches is c o m m o n . C h o k e w a s always full, but modified is now offered as an option with many models. A dense pattern is needed to break clay birds consistently, and this b e c o m e s all the more important as a trap shooter gains skill enough to move back from the 16-yard line (the standard distance from the trap house out of which the targets hurtle) —that is, w h e n the shooter increases the distance and fires from a handicap yardage. T h e full c h o k e was crucial for achieving dense patterns until the a d v e n t in recent years of
improved shotshells featuring plastic collars or p o u c h e s enclosing the shot charge. T h e protective collar greatly r e d u c e s the deformation of shot pellets as they travel through the bore, and an important effect is to p r o d u c e denser, more uniform patterns. With this achieved, the full c h o k e is not so important. It may, in fact, keep the pattern too tight for the shooter w h o tends to "get o n " his targets fast enough so that the pellet pattern doesn't open up much before overtaking the bird. T h u s a full c h o k e can lose an occasional clay bird for some s h o o t e r s , and these shooters prefer a trap gun with modified choke (or a special c h o k e constriction s o m e w h e r e between full and modified). Incidentally, a $ 5 0 0 0 trap gun w o n ' t shoot any better or last any longer than a $ 5 0 0 gun, but the expensive affairs are truly things of great beauty, and beauty is always something we need more of.
Miroku, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
break-top; hammerless
automatic none
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 34.0 inches, full, improved modified, or modified Rib: floating ventilated, 0.9675 inch wide Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); hand-rubbed semi-gloss finish; full uncapped pistol grip Buttplate: contoured ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 49.375 inches; 34.0-inch barrel, 51.375 inches Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.9175 inches
Drop at heel:
L 6 2 5 inches
Weight: 32.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs.; 34.0-inch barrel, 8.125 lbs. Sights: Bore:
ivory front and center beads 12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: T h i s well-made, tightly fitted singlebarrel trap gun replaces the former B r o a d w a y . T h e Broadway tag is now applied to the trap version of the Browning Superposed (over/under).
No. 3710 3712 3720 3724 3728 3732 3734 3736 3738 3744 3746 3748 3755 3760 3763 3767 3770 3780
Part Name Cocking Lever Cocking Lever Pin Ejector Ejector Extension Ejector Stop Screw Ejector Sear Ejector Sear Pin Ejector Sear Spring Ejector Sear Spring Follower Ejector Hammer Ejector Hammer Spring Ejector Hammer Spring Guide Ejector Trip Rod Firing Pin Firing Pin Bushing Firing Pin Spring Forearm Beavertail Type Forearm Bolt
No. 3784 3787 3790 3802 3805 3815 3820 3830 3833 3836 3840 3842 3845 3850 3885 3887 3889 3900
Part Name Forearm Bolt Escutcheon Forearm Screw Forearm Bracket Hammer Hammer Pin Locking Bolt Tang Piece Mainspring Mainspring Guide Mainspring Sleeve Sear Sear Pin Sear Spring Stock Trap W/Pad Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Washer Stock Bolt Lock Washer Take Down Lever
No. 3912 3915 3918 3922 3934 3940 3950 3953 3956 3959 3962 3965 3967 3970 3975 3985 8180 8234
Part Name Take Down Lever Spring Take Down Lever Spring Screw Take Down Lever Pin Take Down Lever Bracket Take Down Lever Bracket Screw Top Lever Top Lever Dog Top Lever Dog Spring Top Lever Dog Spring Guide Top Lever Screw Trigger Trigger Pin Trigger Safety Trigger Spring Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Screw Bradley Type White Ivory Front Sight White Ivory Center Sight
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type: Ejection: Safety:
Beretta A r m s C o .
break-top; h a m m e r l e s s ; underbolt
automatic none
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Stock: European walnut; hand-checkered pistol grip and extra-long beavertail fore-end ventilated recoil pad
1.375 inches
1.75 inches
Weight: 32.0-inch barrel, 8.35 lbs.; 34.0-inch barrel, 8.5 lbs. Bore:
ventilated and matted
14.375 inches
Drop at heel:
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 34.0 inches, full Rib:
Length of pull:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: T h e M a r k II is decorated with modest machine etching; m o r e expensive grades are available.
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 49.375 inches; 34.0-inch barrel, 51.375 inches
Comment: This is one of the better lower-priced single-barrel trap guns. It has an excellent action and a well-designed stock.
Rossi A r m s , Brazil
Iriporter/distributor: International Action type: Ejection: Safety:
swing-out; hammerless
nonautomatic crossbolt
Barrel length & choke:
18.5 inches, full
Stock: skeleton metal with rust-resistant crackle finish Buttplate:
c o n t o u r e d ; no separate buttplate
Overall length:
32.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
3.5 lbs.
.410, 3-inch case
This is a t a k e d o w n model. It disassembles
in seconds and has a taken-down length of 21.75 inches. Comment: This is the least expensive .410 shotgun known to the author. It could be used for backpacking or as a boat gun.
Action type: Ejection: Safety:
break-top; exposed h a m m e r
nonautomatic half-cock h a m m e r ; rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 30.0 inches, 32.0 inches or 36.0 inches, full 16-bore:
28.0 inches, modified
28.0 inches, full or modified
.410-bore: Rib:
28.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained uncheckered h a r d w o o d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip Buttplate: red rubber ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 43.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 32.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 36.0-inch barrel, 53.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Drop at heel:
3.0 inches
5 . 5 - 6 . 2 5 lbs.
brass bead front
12, 16, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, .410, 3.0-inch
Comment: A n inexpensive single-barrel gun that has been a r o u n d for many years, and probably will be for many more.
H a r r i n g t o n & R i c h a r d s o n Model 058 T o p p e r
Action type: Ejection: Safety:
b r e a k - t o p ; exposed h a m m e r
nonautomatic half-cock h a m m e r ; rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: (slug) Rib:
24.0 inches, cylinder
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained u n c h e c k e r e d h a r d w o o d ; u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip Buttplate: red ventilated recoil pad with white plastic spacer Overall length:
40.0 inches
6.0 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
3.0 inches
rear, folding leaf; front, blade 12, 3.0-inch case
Comment: This is the only A m e r i c a n - m a d e single-shot scattergun specifically designed for slug shooting. Its barrel is shortened (to rifle length) and cylinder-bored for slugs, and it has crude but a d e q u a t e rifle-style sights.
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON M198 TOPPER Action type: Ejection: Safety:
break-top; exposed h a m m e r
nonautomatic half-cock h a m m e r ; rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches; 20-bore, modified; .410-bore, full Rib:
Stock: 2-piece ebony-stained u n c h e c k e r e d hardw o o d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip Buttplate: black ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
12.25 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Weight: Bore:
2.0 inches 3.0 inches
5.5 lbs.
20, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 3.0-inch case
Data: Ebony-stained wood and c h r o m e frame. Action identical to M l 5 8 and M 4 9 0 . Comment:
Same as for M 1 5 8 and M 4 9 0
Action type: Ejection: Safety:
break-top; exposed h a m m e r
nonautomatic half-cock h a m m e r ; rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: 26.0 inches; 20-bore, modified; .410-bore, full Rib:
Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
12.25 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Sights:
2.0 inches 3.0 inches
front, brass bead
20, .410, 3.0-inch case
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained u n c h e c k e r e d h a r d w o o d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip; semibeavertail fore-end
Short-stocked youth version of M 1 5 8 .
Buttplate: red ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
Comment: Durable, reliable shotgun in sizes suitable for kids.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type: Ejection: Safety:
break-top; h a m m e r l e s s
automatic none
sion has M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; full pistol grip with rounded natural c a p ; full beavertail fore-end; satin finish Buttplate:
contoured ventilated recoil pad
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 34.0-inch barrel, 51.5 inches
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 34.0 inches, full
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
matted, semi-ventilated
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered; with straight c o m b ; C e n t u r y T r a p M C ver-
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): Drop at heel:
2.0 inches
1.5 inches
TRAP G U N (continued)
Weight: 32.0-inch barrel, 7.08 lbs.; 34.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs. Sights: Bradley front; mid-rib bead Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Ithaca for many years has been noted as America's foremost p r o d u c e r of fine trap guns. This one, m a d e to Ithaca design and specifications and u n d e r Ithaca quality control, is hand-
fitted both with metal-to-metal and wood-tometal. T h e gun is balanced 0.625 inch forward of the hingepin. T h e trigger bow is engraved and there is finequality scroll engraving on the receiver. T h e bore is c h r o m e d and the outside of the barrel is blackc h r o m e finished. Comment: T h e r e are m o r e expensive trap guns, b e c a u s e of their engraving and gold inlay, but the a u t h o r d o u b t s if there is a more reliable one or one with more h a n d s o m e basic lines.
ITHACA E SERIES TRAP GUN Action type: Ejection: Safety:
b r e a k - t o p ; hammerless
automatic none
Barrel length & choke: ches, full Rib:
30.0, 32.0, or 34.0 in-
Stock (4E): top-grade A m e r i c a n walnut; handcheckered (22 lines per inch) pistol grip and full beavertail fore-end; straight classic stock Stock (5E): for another $ 1 0 0 0 , probably the finest figured A m e r i c a n walnut, checkered 24 lines per inch; otherwise same as 4 E contoured rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel:
ventilated matted rib
32.0-inch barrel, 49.375 inches; 34.0-inch barrel, 51.375 inches
30.0-inch barrel, 47.375 inches;
1.375 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrel, 8.25 lbs.; 34.0-inch barrel, 8.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
Bradley front; mid-rib bead 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Receiver of the M 4 E is engraved with a trap-shooting scene on one side and A m e r i c a n Indian scene on the other. M 5 E is more elaborately engraved, with a gold w o o d c o c k inlaid on the right side of the frame and a pheasant on the left. A n A m e r i c a n eagle is engraved on the triggerbow.
Manifattura Armi Perazzi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type: Ejection: Safety:
b r e a k - t o p ; h a m m e r l e s s ; underbolt
automatic none
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 34.0 inches, choked to c u s t o m e r ' s order Rib:
ventilated, c o n c a v e and matted
Stock: l-piece or 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand-fitted and h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip; semi-satin finish Buttplate:
contoured ventilated recoil pad
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 49.0 to 49.5 inches (depending on pull length); 34.0-inch barrel, 51.0 to 51.5 inches (depending on pull length) Stock dimensions: Perazzi Competition N u m b e r I T r a p G u n offers 8 different stock dimen-
sions; interchangeable stocks are available for those w h o wish different stock dimensions for different matches Stock Code
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Stock Code
2.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
1.5 inches
1.875 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches 2.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches 1.875 inches
Weight: 32.0-inch barrel, 8.35 lbs.; 34.0-inch barrel, 8»5 lbs. 14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Sights: Bore:
Bradley bead front; mid-rib brass bead 12, 2.75-inch case
1.5625 inches Data: At Perazzi, each engraver has his price (or prices). T h e cost to the purchaser d e p e n d s in part on the engraver and type of engraving chosen. F o r this model, the highest-quality engraving is called L u s s o T M - 0 ; second grade is L u s s o T M - 4 and third grade is L u s s o T M - 3 . T h e price of a Perazzi shotgun, be it field, trap, or skeet, is also affected by the stock one selects. It is high.
2.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches 1.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.125 inches
Length of pull:
Stock Code
Drop at comb:
Stock Code
Stock Code #6
Drop at heel:
14.5 inches
Drop at heel: 14.5 inches
Stock Code
Length of pull:
Stock Code
1.375 inches
Length of pull:
Drop at heel:
Drop at heel:
Drop at heel:
Stock Code
Comment: This trap gun r a n k s among the world's finest. It has won a gold Olympic medal and the 1973 G r a n d A m e r i c a n plus many other international and national shoots.
1.5 inches
SAVAGE STEVENS M94-C/M94-Y SINGLE-SHOT Action type: Safety:
break-top; exposed h a m m e r
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore:
28.0, 30.0, 32.0, or 36.0 inches, full
28.0 inches, full
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full; 26.0 inches (Youth Model), modified .410-bore: Stock:
26.0 inches, full
2-piece walnut-stained
verse checkering on uncapped pistol grip; semi-beavertail fore-end
h a r d w o o d ; re-
hard rubber
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 42.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel Y o u t h Model, 40.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 44.0 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches; 32.0-inch barrel, 48.0 inches; 36.0-inch barrel, 52.0 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight range: 5.5 lbs. (Youth Model) to 6.5 lbs., depending on barrel length Sight:
gold bead front
Bore: 12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 16, 2.75-inch case Comment: This reliable, relatively inexpensive shotgun has been around for more than 40 y e a r s . It is not as well finished as the W i n c h e s t e r M 3 7 A , but is as rugged.
Russian State F i r e a r m s F a c t o r y ,
Importer/distributor: Action type: Safety:
Universal Sporting G o o d s
break-top; under-lever release
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: full
28.0 inches, modified; 30.0 inches,
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered pistol grip and fore-end plastic with white line spacer
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.2 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel. 6.4 lbs. 20-bore: Sights:
20-bore: 26.0 inches, modified
Length of pull:
5.7 lbs.
metal bead front 12, 20
Comment: Well-built single-barrel scattergun, priced competitively with c o m p a r a b l e low-cost A m e r i c a n - m a d e models.
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F S A V A G E - S T E V E N S M O D E L 9 4 C A N D Y, A N D S E R I E S
No. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Part Name Top Snap Locking Bolt Plunger Spring Locking Bolt Plunger Locking Bolt Assembly Firing Pin Screw (Specify Gauge) Firing Pin Barrel (Specify Gauge and Length) Front Sight Top Snap Plunger Spring Top Snap Plunger Top Snap Sleeve Hammer Mainspring Plunger Seat Mainspring Mainspring Plunger Assembly Top Snap Screw
No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Part Name Frame Locking Bolt, Hammer Pin Trigger Guard Screw Trigger Spring Trigger Hammer Stop Link Assembly (Series K) Link Pin (Series K) Trigger Pin Extractor Ejector Spring Ejector Starter Pin Trigger Guard Trigger Guard Screw Ejector Hook Extractor Stop Pin Extractor Lever Pin Fore-end Spring
No. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Part Name Fore-end Spring Spring Fore-end Spring Spring Pin Fore-end Spring Housing Screw Fore-end Spring Housing Fore-end Spring Housing Assembly Fore-end Spring Pin Fore-end Iron Head Screw Fore-end Iron Head Fore-end Wood (Specify Gauge) Fore-end Assembly (Specify Gauge) Fore-end Screw Butt Plate Screw Butt Plate Stock (CHECKERED) Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Washer
Action type: Safety:
break-top; e x p o s e d h a m m e r
half-cock h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore:
30.0, 32.0, or 36.0 inches, full
30.0 inches, full
28-bore: .410-bore:
28.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs. 26.0-inch barrel, 5.5 lbs.
20-bore Youth Model: lbs.
26.0-inch barrel, 5.75
.410-bore Youth Model: lbs.
26.0-inch barrel, 5.25
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full; 26.0 inches (Youth Model), modified
Bore: 12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 16, 2 8 , 2.75inch case
28.0 inches, full
gold bead front
26.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; machine-checkered pistol grip and b o t t o m of fore-end; fluted semi-beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with plastic c a p and white line spacer Buttplate: plastic with white line spacer; recoil pad on Youth Model Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel (Youth Model), 40.75 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 42.25 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 44.25 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 46.25 inches; 32.0-inch barrel, 48.25 inches; 36.0-inch barrel, 52.25 inches Length of pull: 14.0 inches; 12.5 inches on Youth M o d e l Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.375 inches 2.375 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 5.75 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs.; 36.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs. 16-bore:
30.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.
28.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs.
Data: W i n c h e s t e r took the M 3 7 Steelbuilt ( 1 9 3 6 - 6 3 ) , added a gold trigger, automatic ejection, and machine checkering, fluted the foreend, grooved the h a m m e r spur, and c a m e up with the M 3 7 A . T h e original M 3 7 sold m o r e than 1,000,000 in 26 years. Comment: T h e a u t h o r has pleasant memories of the original M 3 7 . H e o w n e d t w o , a 16-bore and a .410-bore. T h e .410 was used on rabbits exclusively but the 16-bore a c c o u n t e d for untold p h e a s a n t s , ruffed grouse, foxes, and d u c k s . T h e M 3 7 A , though it no longer has a walnut stock, is an i m p r o v e m e n t o v e r its predecessor. T h e automatic ejector is essential on a singleshot shotgun if one w a n t s to get in a fast second shot. It is unfortunate that W i n c h e s t e r a d h e r e s to the ancient A m e r i c a n tradition of providing full c h o k e as standard on single-barrel shotguns including—until recently — slide-actions and semiautomatics. T h e old M 3 7 w a s available in a greater choice of barrel lengths. T h i s is the best single-shot scattergun k n o w n to the author, excluding trap guns.
OVER/UNDER SHOTGUNS T h e o v e r / u n d e r shotgun is the most popular multiple-shot nonrepeating shotgun on the market today. T h o u g h a good o v e r / u n d e r costs m o r e to manufacture than a side-by-side double of comparable quality, the former is outselling the latter by at least ten to one. T h e first commercially successful o v e r / u n d e r shotgun was J o h n M o s e s Browning's " S u p e r p o s e d . " T h e Browning firm has always designated its top-of-the-line o v e r / u n d e r as " S u p e r p o s e d " rather than " o v e r / u n d e r . " Browning filed for his " S u p e r p o s e d " patents on O c t o b e r 14, 1923, and S e p t e m b e r 29, 1924. U . S . Patents 1,578,638-39 were granted on M a r c h 30, 1926. T h e Superposed, one of Browning's greatest a c h i e v e m e n t s , was his last. H e died on N o v e m b e r 26, 1926, in Belgium, while awaiting production of the first Superposed by Fabrique Nationale. Save for a brief hiatus during World W a r II, when the N a z i s operated the F N plant, the Superposed has been in constant production since its 1927 introduction. It has long been the standard by which all other production boxlock over/under shotguns are judged. T h e Superposed w a s available in 12-bore only when it was first sold in the U n i t e d States in 1928. T h e very popular 20-bore was later designed—it has a lighter and smaller receiver—by Val A. Browning, J o h n M o s e s Browning's son. It is also available in 28-bore and .410. It has never been produced for the U n i t e d States in 16bore. T h e original version had double triggers. T h e s e are preferred by most E u r o p e a n s on both side-by-side and o v e r / u n d e r doubles. During the early 1930s, Val A. Browning designed the unique "twin-single" trigger. This w a s d o n e to satisfy both those w h o preferred double triggers and those w h o liked the single trigger. With the twin single, first one barrel and then the second barrel could be fired by depressing either trigger, once for the first shot and o n c e for the second
shot. O r one shot could be fired by pressing either t h e front or rear trigger and the second shot could be fired by pressing the other trigger. T h i s complicated system w a s ultimately replaced in the late 1930s by the selective single trigger. In this system, as with side-by-side doubles, either barrel may be fired first by moving the t h u m b safety selector. Only five o v e r / u n d e r shotguns k n o w n to the a u t h o r h a v e been m a d e in the U n i t e d States. Only the Remington M 3 2 0 0 , s u c c e s s o r to the pre-World W a r II M 3 2 , is manufactured in the U . S . today. Marlin and Savage once made inexpensive o v e r / u n d e r s . A few hundred w e r e made by a small R h o d e Island firm shortly after World W a r I I . Bill Ruger, a r m s designer and president of Sturm, Ruger C o . , Inc., has designed an o v e r / u n d e r that will be m a d e in America. Like his other a r m s , it is extremely well designed, and it shows the s a m e high quality of w o r k m a n s h i p always associated with Ruger. It's scheduled for delivery to dealers in late 1976. Major over/under-producing countries today are J a p a n and Italy. Belgium, Spain, West G e r many, and the Soviet U n i o n p r o d u c e limited quantities. S o m e c o m p a n i e s import o v e r / u n d e r s designed in the c o u n t r y of manufacture. T h e Belgian-made Browning Superposed was designed by an A m e r i c a n . W i n c h e s t e r designed the M o d e l 101, m a d e in J a p a n . T h e less expensive Browning o v e r / u n d e r is J a p a n e s e - m a d e . S o m e critics, usually side-by-side d e v o t e e s , claim it takes longer to eject empties and to reload an o v e r / u n d e r than it d o e s a side-by-side double. T h e y also claim the o v e r / u n d e r is more subject to wind p r e s s u r e b e c a u s e of the greater surface presented. T h e s e claims have very little if any practical justification. G u n s like the fine Browning Superposed and the W i n c h e s t e r M 1 0 1 h a v e the t w o barrels brazed or otherwise joined together. M a n y E u r o pean o v e r / u n d e r s , including the Winchester M 1 0 1 designed for the E u r o p e a n market, utilize
the lighter yet very rugged monobloc construction. H e r e two barrels are united by being fitted into a single block of steel. T h e ventilated rib is more or less standard on over/unders. It was originally designed for trap guns that may be fired several hundred times in the course of a d a y ' s shoot. T h e added weight is insignificant. Shotguns designed primarily for wildfowling would be better off with a solid rib; it is very difficult to dry out the perforations of a ventilated rib after a d a y ' s shoot on the marsh. Salt water is particularly corrosive. It would be better if wildfowl guns fitted with ventilated ribs w e r e given a hard black c h r o m e finish outside. All shotguns, and probably rifles, too, are rust-resistant if the barrel interiors are c h r o m e d . (It must be admitted, however, that some gunsmiths object to chromed bores b e c a u s e the c h r o m e m a k e s any barrel alteration far more difficult.) Most over/unders m a d e in America, like the Remington M 3 2 0 0 , or designed for A m e r i c a n shooters usually have a semi-beavertail fore-end. This is much more desirable than the slivers sometimes fitted to E u r o p e a n guns. Actions Box lock. M o s t o v e r / u n d e r guns utilize the A n s o n & Deeley type box lock. E x a m p l e s : Browning Superposed, Winchester Model 101 and Remington M 3 2 0 0 . T h e box lock, though not as easy to reach for thorough cleaning or drying, is sturdier than the side lock. Side lock. This action type usually is found on more expensive English guns like the W o o d w a r d (made by Purdey), the Beretta S O series, and some Spanish guns. T h e side lock, as its n a m e implies, has removable side plates which give ready access to the action for cleaning and drying. T h e two disadvantages of the side lock are cost and a weakening of the small of the stock. T o d a y o v e r / u n d e r s are so well designed and crafted that the advantages of side locks are no longer as important as formerly. Locking
Underbolt. T h i s system, used on the Browning Superposed, Winchester M 1 0 1 , and most other o v e r / u n d e r s , consists of an underbolt — sometimes two underbolts — locking the barrels to the action. Crossbolt. A few guns utilize the doll's-head extension —an extension of the barrel which fits into the receiver—plus a G r e e n e r crossbolt. This bolt fits through a hole in the doll's-head exten-
sion. T h e purpose of the bolting system is to keep barrels and action from separating during firing or at any other time. Trigger
Double or twin triggers. T h i s classic system was inherited from the side-by-side doubletrigger gun. It is the simplest to design and manufacture. It is still the most reliable system. N o mechanical selector system is required. Y o u select the c h o k e you need and pull the trigger for that particular barrel. Usually, as with side-byside doubles, the front trigger fires the more open barrel. T h e twin-trigger system is at its best when the front trigger is hinged. T h i s allows more rapid a c c e s s to the rear trigger when a follow-up shot is immediately required. M o s t E u r o p e a n gunners still prefer double triggers on their o v e r / u n d e r guns. N e a r l y all o v e r / u n d e r s designed for sale in the United States are currently fitted with selective single triggers. Beretta in the fine S O series offers the option of a single selective or double-trigger system. Selective single trigger. A few E u r o p e a n - m a d e o v e r / u n d e r s designed largely for A m e r i c a n sale w e r e available shortly before World W a r I I . It has only been in the last 20 years that the over/ u n d e r with selective single trigger has b e c o m e popular in A m e r i c a . M a n y early E u r o p e a n manufacturers, including some of the finest, had considerable difficulty in designing trouble-free selective single-trigger systems. T o d a y such s y s t e m s as found in the Browning S u p e r p o s e d , the W i n c h e s t e r M 1 0 1 , and the Beretta S O series are probably as reliable as the old twin-trigger systems. T h e combination sliding tang safety and barrel selector is almost universal on currently produced o v e r / u n d e r guns. T h e slide, easily worked with the t h u m b , functions as a conventional safety. W h e n it's pushed forward, the action can be fired. W h e t h e r manually operated or automatically actuated as the gun is opened (and the action thus cocked), the safety is on when in the rear position. T h e slide also m o v e s to the left or right, and this sets the mechanism to fire one barrel or the other first. N o r m a l l y the lower barrel — or the right barrel on a side-by-side —has the least c h o k e and is fired first, while the tighter bore is reserved for the follow-up shot which is apt to be at longer range as a bird or clay target m o v e s away. T h e firing order remains set until the shooter changes it —which he can d o instantly by moving the slide if, for example, he has
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 213
a c h a n c e for just one long shot and wants to fire the tight barrel rather than the more open one. W h e n the first barrel has been fired the second barrel is automatically set to fire. It is not necessary to move the barrel selector for the second shot. Some guns employ a separate selector slide or button — not integral with the safety — and a few use a behind-the-trigger safety/selector button. Nonselective single trigger. T h i s is usually found on a few less expensive guns. T h i s system is not such a handicap as it might seem, b e c a u s e most first shots are from the more open barrel. T h e r e is no necessity for selective triggers on guns w h o s e barrels have identical c h o k e , like full and full or skeet and skeet. Firing
Inertial. H e r e the recoil upon firing the first barrel cocks the trigger of the second barrel. This is the system used by the Browning Superposed, Winchester Pigeon G r a d e , W i n c h e s t e r X p e r t , and others. Normally this system will fail only if the first cartridge misfires, which rarely h a p p e n s with factory ammunition. It may o c c u r with faulty reloads or very old shot shells in which the primer ingredients have deteriorated. During a period of nearly 4 0 years the writer fired more than 200,000 r o u n d s through a Browning Superposed fitted with twin-single triggers and utilizing the inertia system. H e had less than 20 misfires, and these w e r e caused by using World W a r I era ammunition — all that was immediately at hand. Mechanical. H e r e both firing pins are mechanically cocked when the action is opened (or, in a few models, when it is closed). In theory this is the more reliable system in that the second barrel can be fired if the cartridge in the first barrel fails to fire.
Selective automatic ejectors. T h i s system, the same as with side-by-side double guns, automatically ejects an empty case while retaining a loaded case —if one remains —in the c h a m b e r . T h e e m p t y is ejected o v e r the shoulder when the gun is b r o k e n open. T h e merits of auto ejection are obvious. S o m e gunners, notably trap and skeet shooters and other reloaders, modify the ejection system by removing springs so the cases can be manually extracted. T h i s way one d o e s n ' t h a v e to hunt on the ground for fired cases and they are less subject to d a m a g e . All but the c h e a p e s t o v e r / u n d e r s (and c u s t o m guns built for handloaders w h o want no ejectors) are now regularly fitted with selective automatic ejectors.
Safeties T h e sliding tang safety combined with the barrel selector is almost universal, but at least one o v e r / u n d e r utilizes a crossbolt behind the triggerbow. T h e r e is no real advantage in this unless reduced cost is a factor. T h e nonautomatic safety is to be preferred, and most good guns are so fitted. A nonautomatic safety m e a n s that when the gun is closed the safety must be manually pushed into the safe position. T h e letter S or word " S A F E " usually a p p e a r s when the safety is in that position. M a n y shots h a v e been lost with automatic safeties. A gunner w h o has e x p e n d e d his two cartridges and is trying to reload quickly for following shots must manually m o v e the safety slide to the rear. T h i s takes critical time. M a n y trap guns have n o safety. This is bec a u s e the gun is only loaded just before firing from a designated station of the trap range.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Browning A r m s
selective automatic manual; sliding tang selector
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full & full or full & modified; 28.0 or 26.0 inches, modified & full or improved cylinder & modified 20-bore: 28.0 or 26.0 inches, modified & full or improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; fluted modified beavertail foreend; high-gloss finish
Buttplate: 12-bore, ventilated rubber recoil pad; 20-bore; black plastic Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb: 1.5 inches
12-bore, 1.625 inches; 20-bore,
Drop at heel: 12-bore, 2.5 inches; 20-bore, 2.375 inches Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.65 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.65 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.75 lbs. Sights: Bore:
ivory bead on ventilated rib 12, 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: T h i s is one of the better o v e r / u n d e r shotguns in the below-$500 price range. It is an excellent buy.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single nonselective
Locking system: Ejection:
Browning A r m s
nonautomatic n o n a u t o m a t i c ; sliding tang
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
26.0 or 28.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; fluted beavertail fore-end; highgloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.0 inches
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 215
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.7 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.7 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.8 lbs. Sights: front and mid-rib ivory b e a d ; ventilated rib width 0.4 inch on 12-bore and 0.3125 inch on 20-bore
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: N o t a b l e feature is nonselective trigger. L o w e r barrel fires first. N o n a u t o m a t i c ejection is not a handicap on a skeet field. F o r those w h o reload, as most skeet and trap shooters d o today, it is an a d v a n t a g e . Comment: A reliable, fast-handling, and goodlooking lower-priced over/under.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single nonselective
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
nonautomatic no safety
Barrel length & choke: 30 inches, full & full, improved modified & full, or modified & full
Stock: 2-piece walnut; M o n t e C a r l o ; machinec h e c k e r e d ; semi-pistol grip; fluted semibeavertail fore-end
ventilated r u b b e r recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.375 inches
2.0 inches
8.625 lbs.
Sights: ivory bead front on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h e nonselective trigger fires the lower (more open) barrel first. Comment: A medium-priced trap gun that is well m a d e and is entirely suitable for any trap shooter.
Fabrique Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; sliding tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Browning A r m s
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; sliding tang selector
Barrel length & choke: 26.5 or 28.0 inches, full & improved modified, modified & improved cylinder, or skeet & cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; semipistol grip; semi-beavertail fore-end; highgloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.24 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.5-inch barrels, 7.35 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. Sights: ivory bead front on 0.3125-inch-wide ventilated rib Grades available: G r a d e I (standard), Diana, Midas, a n d C u s t o m ; C u s t o m grade offers engraving and checkering to suit p u r c h a s e r ' s taste a n d p o c k e t b o o k Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s Superposed —like all Superposed variations —has, according to Browning, " 2 2 different t y p e s of s t e e l . . . 7 9 4 precision operations on t h e 84 parts . . . 67 parts have different heat treatments . . . 1,490 instruments a n d gauges check the parts . . . parts are subject to 2,310 different checks a n d m e a s u r e m e n t s . . . skilled craftsmen perform 155 hand operations . . . All parts a r e handfitted . . . functional tests include proof firing a n d pattern checking and rigid final inspection by experienced gunsmith i n s p e c t o r s . " T h e above statement is n o t a mere advertising blurb. T h e a u t h o r h a s seen these steps during a visit to the F a b r i q u e Nationale plant in Belgium. T h e Superposed w a s formerly offered in t w o weights, Standard a n d Lightning. T h e Standard weight is n o w available in only t h e 12-bore Magnum gun. Superposed variations are offered in three basic grades: 1. G r a d e I (standard) — light engraving. 2. D i a n a G r a d e —fine engraving o n silver steel plus d e n s e r wood with fancier pattern. Finer checkering. 3. Midas G r a d e — 18-karat gold bas-relief birds. Finer and d e n s e r wood with finer checkering than D i a n a G r a d e . E a c h gun h a s a different design.
C u s t o m checkering and engraving is also available. A side-plate extension c a n b e added to provide more room for engraving a n d bas-relief figures. Comment: T h e Browning Superposed has long been t h e standard by which all other box-lock o v e r / u n d e r shotguns a r e judged. T h e basic G r a d e I variation is a s fine a box-lock o v e r / u n d e r as m a d e a n y w h e r e in t h e world. N o o v e r / u n d e r has finer materials o r superior w o r k m a n s h i p . N o mechanical i m p r o v e m e n t s a r e probably possible at this stage of gunmaking technology. M o r e expensive guns are m o r e expensive only b e c a u s e of wood, checkering and engraving, a n d bas-relief figures. M o s t non-monobloc o v e r / u n d e r s are patterned after the Superposed. T h e single selective trigger m e c h a n i s m h a s established t h e standard. D o u b l e triggers a n d straight stocks, available to t h e E u r o p e a n market, c a n b e obtained by A m e r i c a n s on special order. Inflation h a s affected prices throughout the world. T h e Superposed is n o exception. T h e author purchased his first Superposed in t h e late 1930s. C o s t n e w w a s $ 8 5 . T h e same g u n today costs m o r e than a d o z e n times as much. H o w ever, t h e Superposed is an excellent investment. N o m a t t e r what y o u p a y today, it will cost more next year. Y o u r secondhand Superposed will also b e worth m o r e . A Superposed that cost about $ 1 0 0 before World W a r I I n o w fetches $ 5 0 0 o r more. T h e Superposed is o n e of the few o v e r / u n d e r guns that c a n b e obtained with o n e o r more sets of extra barrels. A shooter w h o already o w n s a Superposed c a n also obtain extra sets of barrels for it. T o ensure a perfect fit, the gun must be returned t o t h e factory for fitting. T h e time required is 6 - 9 m o n t h s . T h e r e is but o n e feature —and it's a small o n e — that t h e author d o e s n ' t like a b o u t t h e Superposed: E a c h extra set of barrels must h a v e its o w n fore-end.
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
b o x lock; break-top
Ignition system:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 26.5 or 28.0 inches, full & full, full & improved modified, modified & improved cylinder, skeet & cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; hand-checkered; pistol grip; semi-beavertail fore-end; high-gloss finish. Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
28-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.45 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.625 lbs. .410-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.625 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.875 lbs. Grades available: G r a d e I (standard), Diana, and M i d a s ; c u s t o m checkering and engraving to p u r c h a s e r ' s taste Sights: ivory bead front on 0.25-inch-wide ventilated rib Bore: 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 28, 2.75-inch case
2.375 inches
Weight: 20-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.
Data: Same basic data as for 12-bore except smaller and lighter receiver, bore, and weights. Comment: O n e of the finest smallbore box-lock o v e r / u n d e r shotguns.
Fabrique Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
28-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.7 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.85 lbs. .410-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.7 lbs.
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
26.5 or 28.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip; semi-beavertail fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
20-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.
Sights: ivory bead front and steel mid-rib b e a d ; ventilated rib width 0.6125 inch Grades available: G r a d e I (standard), Diana, M i d a s ; c u s t o m work on special order Bore: 28, 20, 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 2.5-inch case Data:
Similar to basic model.
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.0 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.5-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.
Comment: O n e of the finest skeet guns m a d e . A n All-Gauge Skeet Set (one gun with four matched sets of barrels) is also available in either the 26.5-inch or 28.0-inch barrel length. T h e set is built on a 12-bore receiver, and the interchangeable barrels are so designed that the gun has the same weight regardless of w h e t h e r the 12-bore or .410 barrels are in place.
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Browning A r m s
automatic selective
red ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.435 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.625 inches
7.75 lbs.
Sights: ivory bead front and mid-rib steel b e a d ; ventilated rib width 0.3125 inch Grades available: G r a d e I (standard), D i a n a , M i d a s ; c u s t o m to order available
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full & full, full & improved modified, or modified & full Stock: 2-piece black walnut; hand checkering; pistol grip; high-gloss finish
12, 2.75-inch case
S a m e as for basic model.
A fine trap gun.
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Browning A r m s
automatic selective
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 32.0 inches, full & full, improved modified & full, or modified & full Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.45 inches 1.625 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 7.875 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs. Sights: ivory bead front and metal mid-rib b e a d ; ventilated rib width 0.625 inch Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
F a b r i q u e Nationale, Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
selective automatic nonautomatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 or 30.0 inches, full & full (any standard c h o k e combination can be ordered and usually without extra charge) Stock: 2-piece full pistol high-gloss checkering Buttplate:
black walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; grip; semi-beavertail fore-end; finish; fancier wood and finer on D i a n a and Midas grades
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Data: Same as basic d a t a for Superposed Field G r a d e 12-bore. B r o a d w a y ' s main distinguishing feature is extra-wide rib of 0.625 inch. Broadway is only Superposed fitted with 32.0-inch barrels (optional with 30.0-inch).
Comment: O n e of the better trap guns. Available in G r a d e I (standard), D i a n a , and Midas grades.
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 28.0-inch barrels, 7.9375 lbs.; 30.0inch barrels, 8.0625 lbs. Sights: raised steel bead on ventilated rib; rib width 0.3125 inch Bore:
12, 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e as for basic Superposed except for recoil pad and chambering. Comment: T h i s is one of the finest o v e r / u n d e r 12-bore 3.0-inch M a g n u m s made today. A s noted elsewhere, solid ribs are preferable on shotguns designed solely for wildfowl. H o w e v e r , a n y o n e w h o can afford the least expensive grade can afford to have a c u s t o m solid rib fitted or h a v e the barrels black-chromed.
Engraving and checkering details of Midas grade B r o w n i n g S u p e r p o s e d shotgun.
F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e , Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 26.5 inches, full & improved modified, modified & improved cylinder, or skeet & cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; straight grip; high-gloss finish Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb: 1.5 inches
12-bore, 1.625 i n c h e s ; 20-bore,
Drop at heel: 12-bore, 2.5 i n c h e s ; 20-bore, 2.375 inches Weight:
12-bore, 6.5 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.0 lbs.
Sights: ivory b e a d ; solid rib; 12-bore rib width 0.3125 inch, 20-bore rib width 0.25 inch Grades available: G r a d e I (standard), D i a n a , and Midas. C u s t o m checkering and engraving available to suit purchaser. Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: E x c e p t for straight grip and solid rib, this is same as basic Superposed. Comment: T h i s is o n e of the finest and lightest over/unders.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
C h a r l e s Daly, Inc.
automatic selective a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; fluted beavertail fore-end; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: M e d i u m bright-blue barrels. Light engraving or etching on receiver. Comment: A good low-priced o v e r / u n d e r field gun. Checkering is fairly well e x e c u t e d . G o o d fit of w o o d to metal.
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 221
Miroku Firearms, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Charles Daly, Inc.
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
7.75 lbs. metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 3.0-inch case
30.0 inches, full & modi-
Data: Similar to Superior G r a d e Field version except for barrel length, weight, and recoil pad.
Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine checkering; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; polyurethane finish
Comment: Similar to Superior G r a d e Field version c o m m e n t . All 12-bore M a g n u m s should weigh at least 8.0 lbs., and 8.25 lbs. is even better.
Barrel length & choke: fied
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Charles Daly, Inc.
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore, 26.0 inches, skeet & skeet; 20-bore, 28.0 or 26.0 inches, skeet & skeet Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; polyurethane finish
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore:
7.25 lbs.
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: Same as for Superior G r a d e Field except for c h o k e s . Comment: Same as for Superior G r a d e Field. A sturdy, inexpensive skeet gun.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Charles Daly, Inc.
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 inches, full & improved modified; 30.0 inches, full & improved modified or full & modified Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; polyurethane finish
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e as for Superior G r a d e Field except for barrel lengths, c h o k e s , and recoil pad.
Comment: gun.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Charles Daly, Inc.
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 30.0 inches, full & improved modified Stock: 2-piece walnut; c h e c k e r e d ; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs. Sights: front and mid-rib metal bead on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A well-designed, well-crafted, relatively inexpensive trap gun.
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 223
Miroku Firearms, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Charles Daly, Inc.
single selective; tang selector
Locking system:
Ejection: automatic selective; can be switched to extraction only Safety:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; fluted beavertail fore-end; polyurethane finish
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Silver-gray etched or engraved receiver. Gold-plated trigger. T h i s gun employs " S e l e x o r " ejection system, which permits shooter to switch from automatic ejection to merely extraction w h e n e v e r he wishes. Comment: field-grade 1976).
A well-designed and well-crafted o v e r / u n d e r for its price class ($600 in
Miroku Firearms, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Charles Daly, Inc.
single selective; tang selector
Locking system:
Ejection: automatic selective; can be switched to extraction only Safety:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 inches, full & improved modified; 30.0 inches, full & full, full & modified, or full & improved modified Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered; M o n t e C a r l o ; fluted beavertail fore-end; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
Buttplate: pad
P a c h m a y r ventilated rubber recoil
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Same as for D i a m o n d G r a d e Field G u n e x c e p t barrel lengths, borings, and M o n t e Carlo stock. Comment: trap gun.
A well-designed and well-executed
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
C h a r l e s Daly, Inc.
fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system:
Ejection: automatic selective; can be switched to extraction only Safety:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet Stock:
26.0 inches, skeet &
2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ;
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e as for D i a m o n d G r a d e Field G u n e x c e p t for c h o k e s . Comment:
A good skeet gun.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
C h a r l e s Daly, Inc.
single selective; tang selector
Locking system:
Ejection: automatic selective; can be switched to extraction only Safety:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 30.0 inches, full & improved modified Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; polyurethane finish
Buttplate: pad
P a c h m a y r ventilated rubber recoil
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on flat-top ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Same as regular trap, but with flat-top rib.
S a m e as for regular trap.
Luigi F r a n c h i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
automatic selective automatic; behind trigger
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified; 24.0 inches, cylinder & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified; 24.0 inches, cylinder & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip; high-gloss (epoxy) finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 24.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.35 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. 20-bore: 24.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrels, 6.15 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: T h e extremely light weight of this arm, notably in the 12-bore, is achieved through the use of a light but strong metal alloy. T h e selective single trigger has overhead sears. T h e r e are t w o versions of this least expensive Falconet. Both have lightly engraved bird scenes. T h e receiver of the " B u c k s k i n " has a silvery-type finish. T h e " E b o n y " has a dark finish. Comment: This ultra-lightweight o v e r / u n d e r is well m a d e and is a good buy. T h e 12-bore would be easier to shoot if fitted with a ventilated recoil pad. T h i s , of c o u r s e , can b e installed by a gunsmith for the purchaser. T h e 20-bore is a delight to handle.
Luigi Franchi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylin-
der & modified; 24.0 inches, cylinder & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip; high-gloss (epoxy) finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 24.0-inch barrels, 6.875 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.125 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Interiors of barrels are c h r o m e d . Pickled silver receiver with light engraving (English-type scroll). Comment:
A well-made, low-priced over/under.
Luigi F r a n c h i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Trigger: single selective; selector button on trigger Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
beavertail fore-end; pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 26.5-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.125 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.5 inches, full & modified, modified & improved cylinder, or improved cylinder & cylinder
Data: Same as for M 4 5 1 e x c e p t for all-steel receiver, which a c c o u n t s for additional weight.
2-piece Italian walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ;
Save for weight, same as for M 4 5 1 .
Luigi Franchi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.5 inches, full & modified, improved cylinder & cylinder, or modified & improved cylinder
Trigger: single selective; selector button on trigger
Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; hand checkering; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; beavertail fore-end; polyurethane finish
Locking system:
Ejection: Safety:
black plastic
automatic selective
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
automatic; tang slide
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 26.5-inch barrels, 6.0625 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Receiver weight is saved by utilizing a lightweight alloy. Blued barrels and c h r o m e plated bores.
Comment: This is probably the lightest 12-bore m a d e . A s noted a b o v e , considerable weight is saved through an alloy receiver. This ultralightweight 12-bore should be fitted with a recoil pad. T h i s is one of a very few with 26.5-inch barrels choked full & modified. T h e improved cylinder & cylinder bore is practically a skeet-bored gun. It is the least expensive in F r a n c h i ' s F a l c o n e t line.
Luigi F r a n c h i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Trigger: single selective; selector button on trigger Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet 2
26.5 inches, skeet 1 &
Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; hand checkering; beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip; satin finish
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at c o m b :
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
7.5 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
2.25 inches
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s is F r a n c h i ' s $ 2 0 0 0 skeet gun (prices effective in 1976). It features a steel receiver and true hand-cut checkering rather than so-called hand checkering that is d o n e with a high-speed hand-operated electric cutter. Nicely engraved receiver. Comment: ford it.
A fine skeet gun for those w h o can af-
Luigi F r a n c h i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Trigger: single selective; selector button on trigger
Locking system: Safety:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0, 29.0, or inches, full & modified
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; beavertail foree n d ; satin finish
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
7.75 lbs., all barrel lengths
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Save for barrel lengths, c h o k e s , and stock dimensions, same as for M 3 0 0 3 Skeet.
2.0 inches
A good $ 2 0 0 0 trap gun.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Locking system:
Sights: (see
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modifield; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.
Trigger: selective below)
Beretta A r m s C o .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Drop at heel:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: This latest Beretta entry —and the least expensive of them all — introduces a new trigger mechanism. T h e trigger itself is the barrel selector. Press the u p p e r half of the trigger to fire the o p e n - c h o k e barrel and the lower half to fire the tighter-choke barrel. Comment: T h e Speed-Trigger selector may well be one of the best trigger d e v e l o p m e n t s since the single trigger was introduced. I w o n d e r if a gloved hand might foul up the operation. G l o v e s , h o w e v e r , are worn by only a small minority of gunners — usually cold-weather wildfowlers or hare hunters. T h o u g h this o v e r / u n d e r is at the b o t t o m of Beretta's o v e r / u n d e r price line, it has the craftsmanship associated with much more expensive Beretta a r m s .
Close-up p h o t o of the Beretta B L - 2 / S trigger. The upper half is pressed to fire the o p e n - c h o k e barrel; press t h e lower half to fire the t i g h t e r - c h o k e barrel.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Beretta A r m s C o .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
checkering; full pistol grip; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Trigger: selective Speed-Trigger (see data for Field G r a d e )
Drop at heel:
Locking system:
Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
30.0 inches, full & modi-
fied Stock: 2-piece Italian walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end with wrap-around hand
Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
7.75 lbs. metal bead front 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e as for Field G r a d e except magnum chambering and recoil pad. Comment: S a m e as for Field G r a d e . A s noted elsewhere, 12-bore M a g n u m s should weigh at least 8.0 lbs. or even slightly m o r e .
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
o v e r / u n d e r ; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
manual; extractors only
Safety: automatic; tang slide; not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece hand-checkered E u r o p e a n walnut; capped pistol grip Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.15 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Barrels are drilled and r e a m e d ; monobloc is machined; barrels are then machined to fit interior of monobloc. M o n o b l o c is heated and barrels are inserted while cold. Cooling monobloc shrinks to fit barrels. T h i s is considered a better method than brazing monobloc unit to barrels or vice versa. A notable feature on all B L series is the gas-esc a p e channel in event of primer failure. Comment: O t h e r B L series features include engine-turned side of monobloc unit, springloaded firing pins that retract into breech, and main springs of Swedish coil steel (this type of spring is superior to flat springs). Even the B L - 3 , least expensive in the B L series, shows considerable hand work.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
o v e r / u n d e r ; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly
manual; extractors only
Safety: a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide; not integral with barrel selector switch Barrel length & choke: full
30.0 inches, modified &
Stock: 2-piece hand-checkered E u r o p e a n walnut; capped pistol grip Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
7.5 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e as for BL-3 field grade save for recoil pad. Comment: Same as for field grade B L - 3 . A n y 12-bore m a g n u m , as noted elsewhere, should weigh at least 8 lbs. A r m s designed for wildfowling should have a solid rib. Barrels should be bright-chromed inside with black-chromed exterior. N o n a u t o m a t i c safety is preferable to automatic safety.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
over/under; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
manual; extractors only
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: skeet
26.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece hand-checkered E u r o p e a n walnut; capped pistol grip Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front; mid-rib b e a d ; ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: E x c e p t for c h o k e and sights, same as 12bore BL-3 field grade. Comment:
Same as for BL-3 field grade.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
over/under; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
selective single; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
manual; extractors only
Safety: automatic on smallbore field g r a d e ; nonautomatic on smallbore skeet; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified or skeet & skeet Stock: 2-piece hand-checkered E u r o p e a n walnut; capped pistol grip Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front on field g r a d e ; metal
bead front and mid-rib on smallbore skeet gun; ventilated rib on all BL-3s Bore:
20, 3.0-inch case
Same as for BL-3 field grade 12-bore.
Comment: A well-made lower-priced over/ u n d e r smallbore a n d / o r skeet gun. F o r general c o m m e n t on BL-3 series see BL-3 field grade 12bore.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
o v e r / u n d e r ; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.375 inches
1.75 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib b e a d ; ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
manual; extractors only
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: modified & full
30.0 inches, improved
Stock: 2-piece hand-checkered E u r o p e a n walnut; M o n t e C a r l o ; capped pistol grip Buttplate:
Length of pull:
ventilated recoil pad
Data: Same as for BL-3 field grade except for stock dimensions, wider ventilated rib, and ventilated recoil pad. Comment: Same as for BL-3 field grade. T r a p shooters w h o desire a c h o k e other than the standard combination available will h a v e to select a n o t h e r arm.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
o v e r / u n d e r ; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
selective single; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
a u t o m a t i c ; selective
Safety: a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector
Barrel length & choke:
30.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handcheckered; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
ivory bead on ventilated rib
12, 3.0-inch c a s e
Comment: See BL-4 field grade for general comment. T h e a u t h o r ' s personal taste is for a minimum of 8 lbs. for a 12-bore M a g n u m .
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
over/under; box lock; monobloc
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting from breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.35 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
ivory bead on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
automatic selective
Safety: automatic; tang slide not integral with barrel selector switch Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; capped pistol grip; hand-checkered; satin hand-rubbed finish
Comment: T h i s is a well-designed and wellm a d e , moderate-priced over/under. T h e monobloc construction m a k e s it s o m e w h a t lighter than similar non-monobloc o v e r / u n d e r s . T h e automatic safety can readily be converted to nonautomatic. T h e Swedish coil mainsprings are far more desirable than flat springs. T h e BL-4 shows evidence of considerable and painstaking fitting.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type:
over/under, box lock; monobloc
Ignition system:
c h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish Buttplate:
selective single; tang selector
Locking system: dual locking lugs projecting f r o m breech face fit into corresponding slots in monobloc assembly Ejection:
automatic; selective
Safety: a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 5.85 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs. Sights: Bore:
ivory bead on ventilated rib 20, 3.0-inch c a s e
Comment: T h e BL-4 smallbore saves weight over the 12-bore by using a small receiver. Weight is also saved by the monobloc construction.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
c h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish
Beretta A r m s C o .
Buttplate: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
26.0 inches, skeet &
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector
Length of pull:
Drop at heel:
Barrel length & choke: skeet
black plastic
2.5 inches
6.0 lbs.
Sights: ivory bead front and metal bead mid-rib; ventilated rib Bore:
20, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 28, 2.75-inch case
Comment: S a m e as for BL-4 12-bore skeet gun. O n e of the lightest smallbore skeet guns available. This is partly due to monobloc construction.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Locking system: Ejection:
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
single selective; tang selector monobloc
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector
Barrel length & choke: skeet
26.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish Buttplate:
Drop at heel:
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
black plastic
2.5 inches
ivory bead front; metal bead mid-rib; 0.375-inch-wide rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A well-designed skeet gun of m o d e r a t e price.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Beretta A r m s C o .
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: full
30.0 inches, modified &
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.125 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.125 inches
1.375 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sights: front and mid-rib metal bead on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Same as for basic Field G r a d e except for stock dimensions and recoil pad. Comment: gun.
A well-made, moderately priced trap
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
Safety: automatic; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; capped full pistol grip; handrubbed satin finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
1.25 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. Sights: white metal bead front on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: T h i s has the same basic action as the Beretta BL-4 series. A major difference is the d u m m y side plate. T h i s provides a greater a r e a for engraving. T h e side plate has n o practical function as it d o e s in the sidelock action. Comment: T h i s is Beretta's top-of-the-line boxlock action. It is a fine o v e r / u n d e r .
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
metal bead front on ventilated rib
12, 3.0-inch c a s e
Same as for Field G r a d e .
automatic selective
Safety: automatic; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: full
30.0 inches, modified &
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish
Comment: A n excellent 12-bore M a g n u m . H o w ever, n o 12-bore M a g n u m should weigh less than 8.0 lbs. T h e a u t h o r prefers full and modified c h o k e s for his 12-bore d u c k gun, but every 12bore M a g n u m should be available in full & full for those w h o want t h e s e borings.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 237
Safety: automatic; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified or skeet & skeet
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
metal bead front and mid-rib
20, 3.0-inch case
See Field G r a d e 12-bore.
Comment: T h i s is identical to 12-bore Field G r a d e save for bore and weight. T h e 20-bore uses a smaller receiver than the 12-bore.
black plastic
Length of pull:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights:
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish
1.5 inches
14.125 inches
c h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; hand-rubbed satin finish
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
26.0 inches, skeet &
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
Safety: automatic; tang slide not integral with barrel selector
Length of pull:
automatic selective
Barrel length & choke: skeet
black plastic
Drop at heel:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e as for Field G r a d e except for skeet boring and wide rib. Comment:
S a m e as for Field G r a d e 12-bore.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: u-shaped receiver bolt a r m s engage holes alongside barrels
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 32.0 inches, full & full; 30.0 inches, modified & full Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handcheckered (24 lines per inch); W u n d h a m m e r swell along pistol grip (right side) Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.375 inches
1.75 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 7.9 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: M o n o b l o c breech is permanently united with barrels by heating and shrinking p r o c e s s . Comment: T h i s BL-6 replaced former BL-5 as top of the line in the B L series. N o t a b l e and desirable feature is shallow depth of action (2.48 inches high). T h e arm is very well finished and well m a d e . Its barrels are high-luster blue. Floral engraving on d u m m y sideplates is well executed. Handling qualities are excellent. It performs well on the trap field.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Beretta A r m s C o .
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
selective automatic
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
1.375 inches
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide not integral with barrel selector Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full & full or improved modified & full Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; M o n t e Carlo b u t t s t o c k ; capped pistol grip
Data: Same as for basic Field G r a d e save stock dimensions and recoil pad.
Comment: O n e of the better o v e r / u n d e r trap guns.
Pietro Beretta, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
sidelock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Beretta A r m s C o .
selective single or double
Locking system: dual lugs either side of u p p e r barrel lock into concealed slots in breech via modified G r e e n e r crossbolt
automatic selective
Safety: automatic e x c e p t on skeet and trap versions (nonautomatic safety supplied on request for field models) Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, modified & pull; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified (on special order, available in any length from 26 to 30 inches, full, modified, improved cylinder, improved modified, cylinder, skeet # 1, or skeet # 2 )
The Beretta Sidelock SO Series f r o m top to b o t t o m : S 0 5 , S 0 4 , S 0 3 and S02.
Stock: figured E u r o p e a n walnut; straight or various modifications of pistol grips; checkering is fine, ranging upward from SO-2 to SO-5 Buttplate: SO-2, checkered buttplate; S O - 3 , SO-4, SO-5 have hand-checkered b u t t s ; ventilated recoil pad furnished on request Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 7.0 to 7.25 lbs., depending o n barrel length
Sights: all versions except SO-5 have medium bead steel front sight; SO-5 has ivory bead front; trap and skeet models have metal midrib bead Bore':
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Sidelock action has only five parts plus three pivot pins and one screw. D o u b l e internal safety mechanism prevents discharge if gun is dropped. Chrome-lined barrels are furnished on request. E a c h barrel is cut and reamed individually. Lead lapped and polished. Ventilated rib is matted to eliminate or reduce glare. Triggers on S O - 2 , S O - 3 , and SO-4 are checkered blue steel. SO-5 trigger or triggers are gold-plated. Buttstocks and fore-ends are cut from same piece of wood to e n s u r e perfect match. W o o d figure and grain increase in beauty in ascending grades. (SO-5 is top grade.) Standard finish is a d o z e n or more hand-rubbed coats. Semi-gloss or high-gloss finish is available on order. T h e checkering is of highest quality. Comment: T h e S O series is as fine a sidelock o v e r / u n d e r as m a d e a n y w h e r e in the world. It is to be regretted that this sidelock is not available in 20-bore.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type: Trigger:
box lock; break-top
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; hand-checkered foreend and full pistol grip; semi-beavertail fluted fore-end; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights: R a y b a r (translucent front) on ventilated rib Bore:
Barrel length & choke:
2.625 inches
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: This is the least expensive of the S K B o v e r / u n d e r series. M 5 0 0 is a mediumpriced over/under. T h e M 7 0 0 includes only skeet and trap a r m s . M 6 0 0 and M 7 0 0 offer progressively fancier grades of F r e n c h walnut, finer hand checkering, and s o m e w h a t more detailed engraving. All grades have barrels c h r o m e d inside and outside. T h e M 6 0 0 and M 7 0 0 have gold-plated triggers and pickled (silver-color) receivers. T h e Series 500 is probably the best o v e r / u n d e r in its price range. T h e a u t h o r prefers a sliding barrel selector on the tang to a button in the trigger bow. H o w e v e r , if all your guns have the same barrel selector location, then the triggerbow location is good.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: proved modified
30.0 inches, full & im-
Stock: 2-piece walnut; hand checkering; semibeavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.625 inches
8.0 lbs.
R a y b a r front 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: Same action and basic features as M 5 0 0 Field G r a d e . Comment: Despite its reasonable price, for weight and anti-rust qualities this is one of the best 12-bore M a g n u m o v e r / u n d e r guns on the market. Barrels bright-chromed inside and darkc h r o m e d outside, like the M 5 0 0 ' s , should b e a must on all scatterguns for waterfowl use. T o o many — and some are far more expensive — 12-bore M a g n u m s weigh far too little. Eight p o u n d s should be the minimum weight.
S K B , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut (finer grade than M 5 0 0 ) ; hand checkering; pistol grip
with black plastic cap and white line spacer; fluted fore-end; semi-gloss (satin) finish Buttplate:
black plastic with white spacer
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.625 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
R a y b a r front 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e mechanical data as for M 5 0 0 . Superior wood, checkering and engraving. Comment: Series.
S a m e basic c o m m e n t as for
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Ejection: Safety:
1.5 inches 2.25 inches
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
Drop at comb:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system:
14.0 inches
Drop at heel:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Length of pull:
28.0 or 26.0 inches,
Sights: Bradley-type front and metal mid-rib bead Bore:
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip and semi-beavertail fore-end; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish
Data: Same as for Field G r a d e M 6 0 0 except c h o k e s and less drop at heel.
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Comment: gun.
A well-crafted medium-priced skeet
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
28.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip and semi-beavertail fore-end; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish
Buttplate: ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
Sights: Bradley-type front and metal mid-rib bead Bore:
28, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 2.5-inch case
Comment: Basic d a t a same as M 6 0 0 Field G r a d e . A C o m b i n a t i o n skeet set can also be p u r c h a s e d —one frame, three sets of interchangeable 28.0-inch barrels in 20-, 28- and .410-bore. This version weighs 7.25 lbs., regardless of which set of barrels is in place. It c o m e s with a fitted black c a s e .
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 243
S K B , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 30.0 inches, full & improved modified Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): Drop at heel:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system:
Length of pull:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
1.5 inches
2.0 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-ihch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: Bradley-type front and metal mid-rib head Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: Same basic data, save for stock dimensions and barrel lengths, as M 6 0 0 Field G r a d e . Buyer has choice of straight stock or M o n t e Carlo c o m b . Comment: Same basic c o m m e n t as for M 6 0 0 Field G r a d e . A good trap gun.
S K B , Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
32.0 or 30.0 inches,
special boring (see data below)
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand checkering; pistol grip; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: standard, 1.875 inches; M o n t e C a r l o , 2.0 inches Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: Bradley-type front and mid-rib metal bead Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e as regular trap gun e x c e p t special boring, designed for shooting doubles and International trap. C h o k e d for 21 y a r d s on the first target and 30 y a r d s for the second target. It's available with straight or M o n t e Carlo stock. Comment: Said to b e the only o v e r / u n d e r choked in this m a n n e r . A well-designed, wellcrafted, and well-stocked gun.
ITHACA SKB M680 OVER/UNDER Manufacturer:
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
black plastic with white line spacer
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
single selective; triggerbox selector
Locking system: Ejection:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
2.625 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.
automatic selective
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: same as 600 Series except straight stock (no pistol grip)
Sights: R a y b a r front and middle bead on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: E x c e p t for straight stock and wraparound checkering, identical to 600 Series. Comment: T h i s is one of the few straight-stock o v e r / u n d e r guns.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Drop at heel:
automatic selective
28.0 or 26.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss (satin) finish
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.
Sights: Bradley-type front and metal mid-rib bead
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
2.25 inches
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
1.5 inches
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Drop at comb:
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e basic action as M 5 0 0 and M 6 0 0 . F a n c i e r wood and scrollwork. Finer checkering. Silver-color frame. Stock finish resembles oil but is m o r e water-resistant. Comment: A fine skeet gun. S a m e basic comment as for M 5 0 0 and M 6 0 0 .
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Ejection: Safety:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
Length of pull:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: standard, 1.875 inches; M o n t e C a r l o , 2.0 inches Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.1 lbs.
automatic selective
Sights: Bradley-type front and mid-rib metal bead on ventilated rib
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 30.0 inches, full & improved modified
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered, full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer
Data: See a b o v e and general 700 Series comment u n d e r M 7 0 0 Skeet.
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Comment: S a m e basic c o m m e n t as for M 7 0 0 Skeet. C h o i c e of straight c o m b or M o n t e Carlo.
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
32.0 or 30.0 inches,
special boring (see data below)
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: standard, 1.875 i n c h e s ; M o n t e C a r l o , 2.0 inches Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: Bradley-type front and mid-rib metal bead Bore:
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; straight c o m b or M o n t e Carlo
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: S a m e as for M 7 0 0 trap gun except for special International boring. This is designed to hit first target at 21 y a r d s and second at 30 y a r d s . Comment:
S a m e as for basic M 7 0 0 trap gun.
Krieghoff, West G e r m a n y
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: system Ejection: Safety:
Krieghoff G u n s C o .
Krieghoff patented multi-bolt
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, all skeet b o r e s ; various lengths and c h o k e s —your order—for trap Stock: finest-grade F r e n c h walnut; hand-cut checkering (lines per inch depend on grade); several designs available (a trapshooter, for instance, can use interchangeable stocks for various events) Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad is standard
Weight: d e p e n d s on barrel lengths and stock types
plastic or metal bead front and mid-rib
Bore: 12, 20, 28, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 2.5-inch case Data: Krieghoff guns range from a little old cheap $ 1 8 0 0 Standard G r a d e to a Super C r o w n G r a d e in versions ranging from $ 7 0 0 0 to $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . A t the latter price they include three extra sets of barrels. Comment: T h i s is one of the finest o v e r / u n d e r s in existence. T h e metalwork, both interior and exterior, is of the highest quality. T h e F r e n c h walnut is absolutely top drawer, and its epoxy finish is excellent. T h e a u t h o r has seen P u r d e y s that had no finer w o r k m a n s h i p . Gold-inletted figures cost a minimum of $8,000. (On the $6,500 arm you only get silver inlays.) Spare barrels — price d e p e n d s on grade —comm e n c e at a low of $ 7 0 0 and range u p w a r d . G r a d e s , in ascending order, are Standard, San R e m o , M o n t e C a r l o , C r o w n , and Super C r o w n . T h e Krieghoff G u n C o m p a n y , P . O . Box 481367, Miami, Fla. 3 3 1 4 8 , will provide full details.
Manufacture F r a n c a i s e , F r a n c e
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
monobloc plus two underlogs
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 27.5 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder or skeet & skeet Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand checkering (18 lines per inch); pistol grip; fluted fore-end; polyurethane semi-gloss finish
black plastic fitted to steel plate
Length of pull:
13.875 inches
Drop at comb:
1.3125 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 27.5-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A h a n d s o m e , well designed and wellcrafted o v e r / u n d e r in the $600-or-so price range. T h e use of small underlugs on the barrel m a k e s for an attractively shallow receiver (2.52 inches in height). A n interesting feature is the interchangeable buttplate. It is available in several thicknesses, thus providing a variety of lengths of pull.
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 247
Importer/distributor: Action type:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: fied
black plastic
Length of pull: inches
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
diamond inlay in grip c a p ; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
28.0 inches, full & modi-
Stock: 2-piece walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; white plastic
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
13.75 inches or (optional) 14.0 1.5 inches 2.5 inches
6.925 lbs. brass bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s grade has a silver-gray trigger and blued receiver. Comment: T h i s is a fast-handling, easy-to-point, well-designed, inexpensive field gun.
MIIDA M2100 OVER/UNDER SKEET Manufacturer:
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
black plastic
Length of pull: inches Drop at comb:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
13.75 inches or (optional) 14.0 1.5 inches 2.5 inches
7.75 lbs. bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
27.0 inches, skeet &
Data: Silver-gray trigger. M o d e s t scrollwork on silver-gray receiver.
Stock: 2-piece walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; white diamond inlay in c a p ; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
Comment: T h e F r e n c h walnut stock on this model, as on all Miida o v e r / u n d e r s , has a handsome reddish-brown color. A n excellent lowpriced skeet gun. It is the least expensive of the three Miida skeet guns.
Barrel length & choke: skeet
MIIDA M2200 OVER/UNDER SKEET Manufacturer:
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
black plastic
Length of pull: inches
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
27.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); beavertail fore-end, full
13.75 inches or (optional) 14.0
Drop at comb: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.5 inches 2.5 inches
7.75 lbs.
metal bead front and mid-rib
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Silver-gray receiver. Gold-plated trigger.
Similar to M 2 1 0 0 Skeet.
MIIDA M2200 OVER/UNDER TRAP Manufacturer:
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: improved modified
Buttplate: pad
P a c h m a y r ventilated r u b b e r recoil
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
7.75 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib; 0.45-inchwide ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
29.75 inches, full &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
Data: Similar to M 2 2 0 0 Skeet save for barrel length, c h o k e , and recoil pad. Gold-plated trigger. Silver-gray receiver. Comment: Miida's lowest-priced trap gun. A n excellent buy.
MIIDA M2300 OVER/UNDER SKEET Manufacturer:
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
Action type: box lock; break-top Ignition system:
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 249
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
27.0 inches, skeet &
black plastic
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
7.75 lbs.
Sights: bead front and mid-rib; 0.32-inch-wide ventilated rib
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; white plastic diamond inlay in c a p ; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
12, 2.75-inch case
Silver-gray receiver. Gold-plated trigger.
Comment: gun.
A well-designed, inexpensive skeet
MIIDA M2300 OVER/UNDER TRAP Manufacturer:
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: modified & full
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
Buttplate: red rubber ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
29.75 inches, improved
Stock: 2-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; white plastic diamond inlay in c a p ; semi-gloss polyurethane finish
1.875 inches
7.6 lbs.
Sights: white plastic front and metal mid-rib bead Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Attractive walnut stock has thick c o m b , which is considered desirable for trap shooting. Light floral engraving or etching. Bores and c h a m b e r s are hard-chrome-plated. Hand-filling fore-end. Comment: A well-designed and well-crafted medium-priced trap gun. Excellent handling qualities.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
Locking system: Ejection:
Action type: box lock with d u m m y side plates; break-top Ignition system:
single selective; tang selector
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
26.0 inches, skeet &
7.75 lbs.
Sights: Bore: Stock: 2-piece top-quality F r e n c h walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end; white ivory cap on full pistol grip; hand-rubbed polyurethane finish Buttplate:
white ivory
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
silver front and mid-rib bead 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: All working parts are hand-honed. D u m m y side plates and receiver are engraved. G o l d inlays. O u t e r breechblock, ejectors, and locking levers are engine-turned. Gold-plated trigger. Comment: This skeet gun and c o m p a r a b l e G r a n dee T r a p are Miida's top-of-the-line o v e r / u n d e r s . Price range is around $ 2 0 0 0 (1976). T h i s and the trap version are fine pieces of the g u n m a k e r ' s art.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Marubeni A m e r i c a C o r p .
automatic selective
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.3125 inches
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
2.125 inches
7.875 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
29.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-cut checkering; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip; semi-gloss finish
Data: Same as basic Miida trap guns save for finer engraving and checkering. Comment: O n e of the better—and expensive — trap guns.
Nikko Firearms, Japan
Importer/distributor: U . S . A . , Inc.
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Kanematsu-Gosho Ignition system:
selective single; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
selective automatic n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, modified & full; 28.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder or modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified 20-bore: 28.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder or modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered (22 lines per inch); pistol grip; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
checkered black plastic
Nikko Firearms, Japan
Importer/distributor: U . S . A . , Inc. Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective; spring-loaded
Length of pull:
13.875 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.9 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.1 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.65 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front on ventilated rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: T h i s is a well-made o v e r / u n d e r with barrels bright blue. F r a m e , bottom plate, and triggerbow are polished bright with handengraved floral patterns. Overall w o r k m a n s h i p is excellent. O n e of the better o v e r / u n d e r field guns.
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Length of pull:
14.3125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
7.75 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib; ventilated rib width 0.43 inch, with narrow center groove to help guide shooter's eye
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: modified & full
30.0 inches, improved
Stock: 2-piece dark F r e n c h walnut; handcheckered (22 lines per inch); pistol grip; high-gloss finish
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A well-made trap gun showing excellent w o r k m a n s h i p , and it's in the lower price range of o v e r / u n d e r trap guns.
Manifattura A r m i Perazzi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Ejection: Safety:
8.0 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Trigger: single; u n d e r barrel fires first (optionally available: u p p e r barrel fires first, or double triggers) Locking system:
Data: Same basic d a t a as for other Perazzi competition models. H a n d - h o n e d c h o k e s . O p e n spaces between barrels to dissipate heat and r e d u c e wind resistance.
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: fied
28.0 inches, full & modi-
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handcheckered, full pistol grip; beavertail foreend; semi-gloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Stock dimensions: eight stock-dimension combinations available; stocks readily interchangeable
Comment: Unfortunately, live-bird (pigeon) shooting is illegal in most states. T h i s is not to say that it is not sometimes practiced. M e x i c o is the nearest place for live-bird shooting. T h e author had some great live-bird shooting in H a v a n a in the p r e - C a s t r o era. M o n t e C a r l o , M o n a c o , has seen s o m e lively bird shoots. M a n y live-bird competitors use a M o n t e Carlo stock, but note that the barrels, though c h o k e d modified and full, are shorter than those of most trap guns. A good live-pigeon gun seems to be a kind of c o m p r o mise b e t w e e n a trap gun and a field gun.
Manifatturi Armi Perazzi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Trigger: single; u n d e r barrel fires first (optionally available: u p p e r barrel fires first, or double triggers; trigger s y s t e m s readily interchangeable) Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; beavertail foree n d ; semi-gloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Stock dimensions: eight stock-dimension combinations available; readily interchangeable stocks Weight:
8.0 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib; tapered ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
See M X - 8 T r a p .
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
28.0 inches, skeet &
O V E R / U N D E R SHOTGUNS / 253
Manifatturi A r m i Perazzi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Trigger: single; under barrel fires first (optionally available: u p p e r barrel fires first, or double triggers; trigger systems readily interchangeable) Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; beavertail foreend Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Stock dimensions: choice of 8 different stocks, each with varying d i m e n s i o n s ; stocks readily interchangeable. Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.5 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide (can be ordered without safety)
Barrel length & choke: 32.0 or 30.0 inches, full & improved modified
Data: S a m e as M X - 8 T r a p save for standardheight ventilated rib. T h e rib is tapered.
12, 2.75-inch case
Manifatturi Armi Perazzi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Ignition system:
Trigger: single; u n d e r barrel fires first (optionally available: u p p e r barrel fires first, or double triggers; trigger systems readily interchangeable) Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide (can be ordered without safety)
Barrel length & choke: & improved
32.0 or 30.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece fancy E u r o p e a n walnut; full pistol grip; oil-type finish Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Stock dimensions: eight stock-dimension combinations available for any competition Perazzi; all Perazzi competition-model stocks are readily interchangeable Weight: Sights: Bore:
8.5 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s trap model was designed expressly for Italian trap shot Ennio Mattarelli, w h o w o n the 1968 Olympic Gold Medal in trapshooting. N o t e (see illustration) open space b e t w e e n upper and lower barrels is ribbed, but not in conventional manner. V e n t s allow better barrel cooling when long-shot strings are fired. Perazzi considers that ribs hold barrels together better than with entire o p e n space as on the old Remington
M 3 2 , new M 3 2 0 0 , or early Browning Superposed guns. T h e vented middle rib is a logical compromise. Air spaces b e t w e e n barrels reduce wind resist a n c e to a minimum. H o w m u c h this is an actual factor has not been determined. Comment: Perazzi competition guns are in the $2000-and-up bracket. T h e only improvement one could m a k e is on fancier engraving and gold or platinum inlays. Mechanically, it would be difficult to improve on Perazzi craftsmanship and design.
Action type: box lock; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: twin side bolts; sliding top lock Ejection: Safety:
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch case
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 or 30.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered (20 lines per inch); fluted semibeavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; D u P o n t R K - W bowling-alley high-gloss finish Buttplate:
checkered rosewood
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Data: T h e M 3 2 0 0 , like its Remington predecessor the M 3 2 , has an o p e n space b e t w e e n the barrels. T h i s is designed to r e d u c e barrel heating on guns from which long shot strings are fired, as in trap or skeet. It also r e d u c e s weight a trifle. A n o t h e r unusual design feature is the combination safety/barrel selector. O n most guns that combine the safety and selector, the slide m o v e s forward or back as a safety, left or right as a barrel selector. T h e R e m i n g t o n ' s device, however, pivots to the right to select the top barrel for the first shot, to the left to select the b o t t o m barrel, and in its central position —without sliding it b a c k w a r d — puts the action on safety.
O n e of the best guns in its price class.
REMINGTON M3200 MAGNUM Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Locking system: twin side bolts; sliding top lock
Drop at heel:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: modified & full
30.0 inches, full & full or
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered (20 lines per inch); full pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; fluted semi-beavertail fore-end; D u P o n t R K - W bowling-alley high-gloss finish
Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
8.25 lbs. ventilated rib 12, 3.0-inch c a s e
Similar to Field G r a d e M 3 2 0 0 .
Comment: A well-designed and well-crafted shotgun, but it could weigh a n o t h e r 8 - 1 2 oz.
£ • ~
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Locking system: twin side bolts; sliding top lock
Drop at heel:
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
26.0 or 28.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; fluted beavertail fore-end; full pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; D u P o n t R K - W bowling-alley high-gloss finish
Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
ivory bead front; metal bead mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Similar to Model 3200 Field G r a d e except for c h o k e s and recoil pad. Comment: models.
O n e of the better o v e r / u n d e r skeet
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: twin side bolts; sliding top lock Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 32.0 inches, full & improved modified Stock: 2-piece selected A m e r i c a n walnut; machine-checkered; full pistol grip with rosewood c a p ; fluted beavertail fore-end Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Valmet, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: twin bolts in breech fit into corresponding slot in barrel assembly Ejection:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: standard, 1.5 inches; M o n t e C a r l o , 2.0 inches Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
ivory bead front; metal bead mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Basic d a t a same as for Field G r a d e M 3 2 0 0 . Available with either standard or M o n t e Carlo stock. Comment: trap gun.
A well-designed and
a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Savage A r m s
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Drop at comb:
automatic selective
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 28.0 or 30.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder or skeet & skeet 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder or skeet & skeet
Stock: 2-piece walnut; impressed checkering; semi-pistol grip; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
black hard rubber
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore:
26.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0-
inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: Similar to the least expensive Savage M 3 3 0 e x c e p t for ventilated rib and automatic selective ejection.
Valmet, Finland
Savage A r m s
Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
manual a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.
12-bore: 30.0 o r 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Sights: Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
E t c h e d designs on blued receiver.
Stock: 2-piece walnut; impressed checkering; u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip; high-gloss waterproof finish Buttplate:
black hard r u b b e r
brass bead front on unribbed barrel
Comment: This is one of the least-expensive o v e r / u n d e r s . It has sturdy construction. It is an excellent buy for the m a n w h o w a n t s an over/ u n d e r but w h o c a n n o t afford to spend much money.
SAVAGE M 3 3 3 OVER/UNDER SKEET Manufacturer:
Valmet, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
black hard rubber
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Savage A r m s
automatic selective
Weight: Sights:
12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.25 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib
a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
26.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece walnut; reverse checkering; uncapped semi-pistol grip; high-gloss finish
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: Same as for M 3 3 3 Field G r a d e save for skeet boring. T h i s is j u s t about the least expensive o v e r / u n d e r skeet model.
Valmet, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide 30.0 inches, full & im-
Stock: 2-piece walnut; impressed checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
1.5 inches 1.5 inches
2.5 inches
7.75 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib
Barrel length & choke: proved modified
Drop at comb:
Drop at heel:
single selective; triggerbow selector
14.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Locking system:
Savage A r m s
Length of pull:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e as for M 3 3 3 Field G r a d e except for M o n t e Carlo stock, recoil pad, and c h o k e . Comment: A sturdy, reliable, but unfancy trap gun. It is j u s t about the least expensive trap gun on t o d a y ' s (1976) market. This is ideal for the e m b r y o t r a p s h o o t e r w h o has a minimal a m o u n t to spend.
Soviet State A r m s Plant, U S S R
Importer/distributor: G o o d s , Inc.
double triggers
Locking system:
Action type: box lock; break-top
Ejection: automatic selective (manual optional at slightly reduced price)
Ignition system:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F T H E S A V A G E M O D E L 3 3 3 T O V E R / U N D E R 12
No. 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Part Name Locking Bolt Trap Snap Top Snap Plunger Top Snap Spring Safety Button Safety Detent, Inertia Block Pin Firing Pin Block, Cocking Crack Pin Top Tang Screw (Front) Top Tang Screw (Rear) Top Snap Pin Top Slide Trip Top Slide Trip Pin Top Slide Trip Spring Frame PRICE ON APPLICATION Safety Spring Safety Spring Screw Firing Pin Block Striker Pin Striker Firing Pin Firing Pin Spring
No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Part Name Cocking Lever Spring Cocking Crank Cocking Slide Hammer Sear Spring Mainspring Plunger (Right) Mainspring Plunger (Left) Mainspring Inertia Block Spring Inertia Block Plunger Inertia Block Safety Level Sear (Left) Sear (Right) Trigger Plate Sear Pin, Hammer Pin Trigger Pin, Safety Lever Pin Selector Spring Selector Lever Trigger Spring Trigger Plate Screws Trigger
No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Part Name Selector Button Trigger Guard Washer Trigger Guard Extractor Barrels Barrel Pivot Pin (Left) Barrel Pivot Pin (Right) Fore-end Snap Housing Screw Forend Iron Forend Wood Forend Snap Spring Forend Snap Forend Snap Stop Pin Forend Snap Pin Forend Snap Housing Stock Complete Butt Plate Liner Recoil Pad Recoil Pad Screw Rear Sight Front Sight
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered (19 lines per inch); M o n t e C a r l o c o m b ; full pistol grip; brown plastic pistol grip cap with white plastic spacer; barrels attached to fore-end with Deeley (of A n s o n & Deeley) type latch; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
brown rubber ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
15.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.25 inches
2.625 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. Sights:
brass bead front on ventilated rib
12, 2.75-inch case
F r o n t trigger fires lower (more open) bar-
rel. T h r o u g h b o l t a t t a c h e s stock to frame. Animal scenes on either side of receiver. E u r o p e a n grouse on triggerbow. Comment: T h e a u t h o r test-fired 500 rounds with one sample gun. L o a d s ranged from light skeet loads through standard upland-game loads to 2.75-inch m a g n u m loads. Recoil with latter was fairly severe. Ejector problems included no ejection or ejection of loaded case with retention of fired case. Trigger pulls tested at an excessively high p o u n d a g e . O n e trigger tested at 11.0 lbs. and the other at a b o u t 8.0 lbs. T e s t p a t t e r n s fired at 4 0 yards (10 r o u n d s each barrel) gave a p p r o x i m a t e full-choke pattern with full-choke barrel and improved-cylinder patterns with modified-choke barrels. This spread all t o o often h a p p e n s with many m o r e expensive guns. Such deviation is a good reason for the o w n e r of every shotgun to test-pattern his gun. F o r t u n a t e l y , the arm has a one-year warranty. T h i s is one of the lowest-priced o v e r / u n d e r s on the m a r k e t and is one of a very few on the U . S . m a r k e t fitted with double triggers. T h e difficulties e n c o u n t e r e d should have been detected by the factory inspection. M o s t problems w e r e corrected by a local gunsmith.
H o w a Mach i n er y C o . , J a p a n
Weatherby, Inc.
Action type: box lock with d u m m y sideplates; break-top Ignition system:
20-bore: 28.0 or 26.0 inches, full & modified or modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; flared full pistol grip with r o s e w o o d cap and white line spacer; fluted fore-end; high-gloss finish
mechanical Buttplate:
Locking system: Ejection:
red ventilated rubber recoil pad
single selective; triggerbow selector Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
includes G r e e n e r crossbolt
automatic selective Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide Weight:
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full & modified; 28.0 inches, full & modified or modified & improved cylinder; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.375 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.7 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.875 lbs.
(continued) Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: Typical high-gloss W e a t h e r b y bluing. Floral engraving on action, d u m m y sideplates
and bottom of trigger bow. Simulated gold-plated trigger. Comment: T h i s is an excellent o v e r / u n d e r shotgun. It pleases those w h o like W e a t h e r b y ' s rifle styling, but it is not offensive to many lovers of classic-design shotguns. T h e a u t h o r would prefer about 4 o u n c e s less weight in the 20-bore.
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
Action type: box lock with d u m m y sideplates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; in front of trigger
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
includes G r e e n e r crossbolt
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet & skeet
26.0 or 28.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece fancy A m e r i c a n walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; flared full pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; fluted foreend; high-gloss finish
ventilated red rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.375 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.7 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.875 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: Same as for Field G r a d e save for skeet & skeet c h o k e . Comment: S a m e as for Field G r a d e . A n excellent skeet gun.
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
Action type: box lock with d u m m y sideplates; break-top Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
includes G r e e n e r crossbolt
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 32.0 inches, full & full, full & improved modified, or full & modified
Stock: 2-piece fancy A m e r i c a n walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; flared full pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; fluted foree n d ; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
red ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel:
1.875 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.; 32-0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: Same as for Field G r a d e except for borings, barrel lengths, and stock dimensions.
Comment: gun.
S a m e as for Field G r a d e . A good trap
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 or 30.0 inches, modified & full; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; fluted fore-end; high gloss polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: Jeweled action and barrel lugs. Light engraving. Ventilated rib. H a n d - c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and some checkering on fore-end. Inside of barrel is chromed.
Comment: This o v e r / u n d e r w a s designed by Winchester-Western engineers. It is m a d e in the J a p a n e s e plant of Olin-Kodensha. Olin Industries, W i n c h e s t e r ' s parent corporation, owns 50 percent of O l i n - K o d e n s h a stock. F i n e walnut is used for buttstock and fore-end of the M 1 0 1 . E a c h stock is given five coats of polyurethane lacquer. T h e finish is sprayed on the stock. E a c h coat is dried and hand-rubbed. After the fifth and final coat, stocks designed for the U . S . m a r k e t are polished to a high gloss. T h o s e for the n o n - U . S . market—mostly European — are not polished after the final coat. This gives E u r o p e a n - b o u n d M I O l s the classic dull finish. Its water-resistant capabilities are superior to the traditional oil finish. Stocks designed for the U . S . m a r k e t are checkered after all lacquer has been applied. O n c e the checkering has been completed, oil is hand-rubbed into checkered a r e a s . N o n - U . S . - m a r k e t stocks are c h e c k e r e d before applying lacquer. M o s t stocks are checkered by w o m e n at h o m e . " H a n d " checkering is d o n e with a hand-operated high-speed checkering tool that cuts one line at a time. Checkering is about 22 lines per inch. T h e M I O l s for the E u r o p e a n m a r k e t use a monobloc construction. This m a k e s for lighter construction. E u r o p e a n s like light guns and use light loads. T h e light " e n g r a v i n g " is d o n e with an electric tool. F r o m a mechanical standpoint this is as fine a box-lock/mechanical trigger o v e r / u n d e r as the a u t h o r has used. Shotguns of this type which cost more m o n e y h a v e the added cost in fine borderless checkering and costly engraving and gold figure inlaying.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 26.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder; 28.0 inches, modified & full
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 20-bore: 28.0-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 26.5-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. 28-bore: 28.0-inch barrels, 6.375 lbs.; 26.5inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. .410-bore: 28.0-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 26.5inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front
Bore: 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 2 8 , 2.75-inch case
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; capped full pistol grip; fluted fore-end; highgloss polyurethane finish
Data: S a m e as for 12-bore Field G r a d e except for lighter action.
black plastic
Same as for 12-bore Field G r a d e .
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition System: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
selective automatic
ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
7.75 lbs. metal bead front 12, 3.0-inch case
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: modified & full
30.0 inches, full & full or
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; semibeavertail fore-end with finger g r o o v e ; highgloss finish
Data: S a m e as for Field G r a d e e x c e p t c h o k e s and barrel length.
Comment: T h i s is a very good though light 12bore M a g n u m .
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore & 20-bore: skeet 2
26.5 inches, skeet 1 &
28-bore & .410-bore: skeet 2
28.0 inches, skeet 1 &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; hand-checkered; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; finger-
grooved semi-beavertail fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
black hard rubber
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 7.25 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.5 lbs.; 28bore & .410 b o r e , 6.375 lbs. Sights:
metal bead, front and middle
Bore: 12, 28, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, .410, 3.0-inch case Data: S a m e as for Field G r a d e save barrel lengths and c h o k e s . W o o d is slightly fancier than Field G r a d e . Comment:
A fine skeet gun.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified; 28.0 inches, modified & full
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; full uncapped pistol grip; fluted fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate: black ventilated rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: Silver-gray "satin-finish" frame, checkered trigger. Comment: T h e Pigeon G r a d e is W i n c h e s t e r ' s top-of-the-line o v e r / u n d e r shotgun.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system Trigger:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
Length of pull:
27.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; fluted fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate: ventilated black rubber recoil pad with white line spacer
2.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib; ventilated rib Bore:
12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e
See Pigeon G r a d e Field G u n .
Comment: T h i s and the other Pigeon G r a d e M I O l s h a v e an inertial firing system rather than the mechanical system of the less expensive M I O l s . O t h e r features include finer hand checkering and fancier wood. T h e receiver is silver-gray and is handengraved, as is the trigger guard.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
selective single; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 or 32.0 inches, full & full or modified & full
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; capped pistol grip; finger grooves on semibeavertail fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate: black ventilated rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): inches
Drop at heel:
Weight: 30.0-inch barrels, 8.0 lbs.; 32.0-inch barrels, 8.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
2.5 inches
white bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s o v e r / u n d e r trap gun replaces the single-barrel trap ( 1 9 6 7 - 7 3 ) . Unlike the standard M 1 0 1 , it uses the inertia-activated trigger rather than the mechanical trigger.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full & full; 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder & modified Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered; uncapped pistol grip; fluted fore-end; highgloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front on ventilated rib
Bore: 12, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0inch case Comment: Soaring production costs prompted W i n c h e s t e r to issue this o v e r / u n d e r for about $ 1 0 0 less than the M 1 0 1 and about $200 less than the Pigeon G r a d e over/under. T h e wood is not as finely figured, the checkering is machinecut, and there is no engraving. It is, h o w e v e r , a very good o v e r / u n d e r shotgun. It may well be the best buy in its price category.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet Stock:
26.0 inches, skeet &
2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; un-
capped pistol grip; fluted fore-end; highgloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
20-bore, 6.5 lbs., 12 b o r e , 7.5 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib; ventilated rib Bore:
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Comment: T h i s is o n e of the better low-priced skeet o v e r / u n d e r guns.
Olin-Kodensha, J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; tang selector
Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
black ventilated recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): Drop at heel: Weight: Sights: Bore:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
8.25 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
30.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; fluted fore-end; full pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; high-gloss finish
Comment: Without engraving and fancy w o o d , this is nonetheless o n e of the best of the relatively inexpensive trap guns.
The side-by-side double-barrel shotgun, largely written off by A m e r i c a n s in the t w o decades following World W a r I I , is making a m o d e s t comeback. T o d a y , only Savage's S t e v e n s - F o x line of inexpensive side-by-side doubles and the Winchester M 2 1 —by custom order only at $ 3 0 0 0 p l u s are regularly made in A m e r i c a . Most doubles on the A m e r i c a n market are made in Italy, J a p a n , and Spain. Inflation in those countries is slowly forcing the prices e v e r upward. Oddly enough, the over/under, which is m o r e expensive to manufacture, is outselling the double by a probable 10-to-l margin. In part the reason may be that many A m e r i c a n s raised on the rifle prefer a single sighting plane. A fine over/under can be fully as beautiful —at least to this author—as a side-by-side double. T h e P u r d e y , long the side-by-side twin-tube by which all others are judged, may soon fade from the scene along with other elegant a n a c h r o n i s m s like the Holland & Holland and Westley Richards. T h e British h a v e long been proud, and justly so, of their fine shotguns. M o s t of these guns are hand-made by a few w o r k e r s . T o d a y machine tools can perform at least 90 percent of the work done by a hand craftsman. T h e remaining 10 percent can be finished by hand. It is too late for fine British g u n m a k e r s to switch to machine production, with the final touches being supplied by hand craftsmen. T h e British w h o can afford fine shotguns — or double rifles—already have them. A b o u t 100,000 shotguns are imported annually. M o s t of these are from the Continent. Several of the a u t h o r ' s British shooting friends w h o own one or several fine doubles with sidelocks often take along an inexpensive box-lock double when they head for Africa or other far parts.
F i n e English double guns rarely get knocked about as m u c h as d o A m e r i c a n doubles. T h e British, w h o like to order their doubles in pairs, use these guns for estate shooting at driven birds.
Actions M o r e than 95 p e r c e n t of current production side-by-side shotguns —it's been about the same ratio for a c e n t u r y — u s e the A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock. It is the sturdiest of twin-tube actions. T h e side lock —it has re m ovable sideplates — like those of the P u r d e y and Holland & Holland has long been considered the finest shotgun action. S o m e sidelocks require a screwdriver to r e m o v e or replace sideplates. O t h e r s use the Holland & Holland levers, which a r e instantly removable or replaceable without a screwdriver. T h e major mechanical advantage of the sideplate is the accessibility of the action for cleaning and repair. T h e major disadvantage is that the action location w e a k e n s the stock at its most vulnerable location —the small. T h e sideplate provides additional space for engraving and inlays. T h i s also raises the price b e c a u s e of t h e cost of the extra artwork. T o d a y , the a d v a n t a g e of the sidelock—except as a surface for additional decoration — is far less than in the past. I m p r o v e d metallurgy, rigorous factory inspection, and quality design and workmanship on better box-lock twin-tube guns has lessened the need for the sidelock.
Barrels T h e information a b o u t o v e r / u n d e r barrels and c h o k e s in C h a p t e r 20 is also applicable to sideby-side double guns. Side-by-side aficionados stoutly maintain that their favorite is less subject to wind p r e s s u r e than the o v e r / u n d e r barrels, which present a 269
270 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
broader surface to the wind. T h o s e of us with extensive experience with both side-by-side and over/under guns fail to detect an appreciable difference. Felt recoil is slightly less in the o v e r / u n d e r than in the side-by-side double. T h e r e may well be a slight advantage to the single sighting plane of the over/under, though the advent of the raised ventilated rib has eliminated some of the o v e r / u n d e r ' s edge. C h r o m e d bores are an advantage, in that they are free from rust problems and probably protect the bores from being excessively battered by hundreds of t h o u s a n d s —or even millions—of individual pellets passing through the t u b e s . Bright blued barrels such as found on W e a t h erby arms are beautiful to behold. F o r those of us w h o like bright blue, the dull finish of black c h r o m e barrel exteriors takes a bit of getting used to. T h e author likes bright blue on his upland guns and appreciates the anti-rust qualities of black c h r o m e on his waterfowl guns. O w n e r s of waterfowl guns with regular blued barrels and ventilated ribs should take care to wipe dry the areas between the posts —and the posts themselves—after a day in the blind. A light coat of oil should be given those areas.
Safeties T h e classic safety location for many years has been the tang. T h e usual location for the barrel selector has also been the tang. S o m e a r m s , like Ithaca's S K B , have a sliding tang safety and a separate barrel selector inside the triggerbow. This is probably all right, but many of us w h o own several side-by-side and/or o v e r / u n d e r guns prefer to h a v e the same type of safety and barrel selector in the same location on all a r m s . F o r many years only trap guns had manual (nonautomatic) safeties. T o d a y , an increasing n u m b e r of double guns — particularly in the middle and u p p e r price b r a c k e t s — of all t y p e s are fitted with a manual safety. T h i s can possibly save a split second in getting off a shot, and it is —in the opinion of some, including the a u t h o r — a "safer" safe method. O n e is much more a w a r e of the safety if he has to consciously put the selector in the safe position. Some trap guns, to the h o r r o r of ignorant safety devotees, have no safety at all. T h e arm is used only on the line at the trap field. T h e arm when loaded is always pointed at the target area. T h e shot cartridges are inserted j u s t before the traps are pulled.
Triggers C o m m e n t s m a d e on o v e r / u n d e r trigger systems apply with about equal validity to side-byside trigger systems. T h e so-called "gold plating" on triggers—the a u t h o r d o e s n ' t particularly care for the s t u f f d o e s provide some rust protection. F e w shotgun triggers —and not enough handgun and rifle triggers—are c h e c k e r e d or serrated. A firmer grip, particularly on waterfowl gun triggers, would be ensured if the triggers w e r e checkered or serrated.
M o s t of these s y s t e m s are the same as those used on o v e r / u n d e r s . M o s t o v e r / u n d e r s use bolting systems which are directly derived from the double-barrel shotgun or double-barrel rifle. F e w double-barrel side-by-side shotguns are currently m a d e in A m e r i c a , but d o z e n s of manufacturers h a v e produced them in the past. Almost all, regardless of manufacturer, used a single or double underbolt. T h e major A m e r i c a n exception was the late and oft-lamented L. C . Smith double with the rotary bolt. T w i n - t u b e a r m s which employ other systems usually feature the underbolt or bolts in addition to their sometimes patented system. F e w of the n u m e r o u s patented s y s t e m s w e r e substantial safety i m p r o v e m e n t s . T h e y w e r e — and still are — produced with the primary object of selling the idea to potential p u r c h a s e r s that a specific m a k e r ' s bolting system is superior to those of other m a k e r s . A system widely used on the C o n t i n e n t and in England is the G r e e n e r crossbolt. T h e original patent granted to designer W. W. G r e e n e r has long since expired. T h i s round crossbolt—there are square or offround versions —is used in conjunction with a barrel extension which projects rearward from b e t w e e n the twin tubes. W h e n the gun is closed and c o c k e d , the bolt slides through a hole in the extension. T h i s provides a second or third lock between barrels and receiver. S o m e a r m s , like the Krieghoff, use dual extensions and crossbolts. T h e author, over the past 40-odd years, has used a large n u m b e r of a r m s with various locking s y s t e m s . H e has never had any problems with a well-designed and wellcrafted arm. T h e only scatterguns that opened at the time of firing w e r e t w o c h e a p single-shot, single-barrel a r m s costing n o m o r e than $5 w h e n originally manufactured, which w a s at least 50 years earlier.
Stocks T h e basic stocks for side-by-side doubles are the same as for those of the o v e r / u n d e r scattergun: ( 1 ) straight (no pistol grip) stock, which is usually termed "English classic" or vice v e r s a ; (2) full pistol grip, which is usually capped with plastic, hard rubber, and sometimes with ivory, horn, or steel; and (3) semi-pistol grip, which may or may not be capped. T h e straight stock should be confined to those arms in which only light or m o d e r a t e field loads are used. M a n y shooters of twin-trigger guns prefer a straight stock because they alter their hold slightly —sliding the shooting hand back a fraction of an inch — to pull the rear trigger. T h e full pistol grip helps keep the arm in position and gives the hand a good hold on the stock. In the author's opinion, it should always b e fitted to scatterguns used with full or magnum loads. A s for the semi-pistol grip, its only real advantage is in the eyes of some beholders. F r e n c h or Circassian walnut is the finest classic wood. T h e dull, hand-rubbed oil finish has been the
classic finish for fine stocks for many years. It has taken time for m a n y of us to b e c o m e accustomed to the high-gloss polyurethane finish. This finish, however, provides far better "waterproofi n g " than oil. S o m e stocks, like those on I t h a c a ' s S K B Series, h a v e several coats of polyurethane applied, but the last coat is not rubbed to a highgloss finish. T h o s e w h o prefer the dull finish thus can h a v e it and waterproofing t o o . M a n y best double guns have n o buttplate (this doesn't apply to a r m s designed for magnum loads, which are properly fitted with quality ventilated recoil pads) but h a v e the w o o d of the butt c h e c k e r e d . S o m e shooters, including this one, prefer a m o r e durable buttplate like hard rubber. C h e c k e r e d steel is rarely used for buttplates, though there is no reason it cannot be used on a r m s designed for light loads. T r a p guns are invariably fitted with ventilated recoil p a d s . T h i s is because several hundred r o u n d s may be fired in the course of a shooting day. S o m e skeet double guns are fitted with recoil p a d s , and some are not. T h e a u t h o r prefers recoil pads on his skeet guns.
V i n c e n z o Bernadelli, Italy
Importer/distributor: Inc.
Sloan's Sporting G o o d s ,
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; external h a m m e r s Ignition system:
Trigger: double (single nonselective available on special order at extra cost) Locking system: Purdey G r e e n e r crossbolt Ejection: Safety:
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut (fancy grade at extra cost); hand-cut checkering; classic English field (splinter) fore-end (beavertail available at extra cost); full pistol grip (straight stock available at extra cost); semigloss finish Buttplate: black hard rubber ( P a c h m a y r ventilated rubber recoil pad available at extra cost) Length of pull:
14.325 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.375 inches
half-cock external h a m m e r s
Barrel length & choke:
12-bore: 29.5 inches or 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder
12-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 27.5inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 29.5-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
20-bore: 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder
20-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 27.5-inch barrels, 6.2 lbs.
272 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
Sights: metal bead front on raised matted rib (hollow rib available at extra cost) Bore: 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case (16, 2.75-inch case available on special order)
Data: C a s e - h a r d e n e d receiver and d u m m y sideplate. Light engraving. C u s t o m dimensions and fancier engraving at e x t r a cost.
Comment: A quality double gun for the m a n w h o w a n t s an external-hammer gun.
Sloan's Sporting G o o d s ,
hand or left-hand cheekpiece available at extra cost; straight or pistol grip; semi-gloss finish
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breakt o p ; internal h a m m e r s
Buttplate: black hard rubber ( P a c h m a y r ventilated rubber recoil pad available at extra cost)
Ignition system:
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.575 inches
V i n c e n z o Bernadelli, Italy
Importer/distributor: Inc.
Trigger: double, front trigger hinged (single nonselective trigger available at extra cost) Locking system: Purdey-type underbolts ( G r e e n e r crossbolt available at extra cost) Ejection:
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang available at extra cost)
Drop at heel:
2.375 inches
Weight: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 27.5-inch barrels, 6.15 lbs. Sights: metal bead on c u s t o m e r ' s specifications
Barrel length & choke: 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut (fancy figured wood available at extra c o s t ) ; hand-cut checkering; English field (splinter) fore-end (beavertail available at extra cost); right-
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: Silver-gray receiver. F i n e scroll engraving on receiver and b o t t o m of triggerbow. C u s t o m dimensions available at e x t r a cost. Comment: T h i s is the lightest 12-bore gun on the c u r r e n t market. T h e a u t h o r would not recommend continual firing — without recoil pad —of heavy field or 2.75-inch m a g n u m loads. T h i s is a fine shotgun in the u p p e r medium price range.
V i n c e n z o Bernadelli, Italy
Importer/distributor: Inc.
Sloan's Sporting G o o d s ,
Action type:
A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; break-
e x t e r n a
Ignition system:
' hammers mechanical
Trigger: double (nonselective single available at extra cost) Locking system: Purdey-type underbolts and G r e e n e r crossbolt Ejection: Safety:
Length of pull:
14.325 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.375 inches
12-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 27.5inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 29.5-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
half-cock external h a m m e r s
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 29.5 or 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder
20-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 27.5-inch barrels, 6.2 lbs.
20-bore: 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Sights: metal bead front on raised matted rib (hollow rib available at extra cost)
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut (fancy grade available at extra cost); hand-cut checkering; classic English field (splinter) fore-end (beavertail available at extra cost); straight English-type stock (pistol grip available at extra cost); semi-gloss finish
Bore: 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case (16, 2.75-inch case available on special order)
Data: cost.
Buttplate: black hard rubber ( P a c h m a y r ventilated rubber recoil pad available at extra cost)
Comment: Same as Brescia G r a d e but with full scroll engraving.
C u s t o m dimensions available at extra
Bernadelli " R o m a 6" d o u b l e w i t h single trigger, pistolgrip stock, and beavertail f o r e - e n d (not usually carried in stock in this c o n f i g u r a t i o n ) .
Vincenzo Bernadelli, Italy
Importer/distributor: Inc.
Sloan's Sporting G o o d s ,
Action type: A n s o n & Deeley box lock with d u m m y sideplates; break-top; internal hammers Trigger: double triggers, front trigger hinged (nonselective single available at extra cost) Ignition system:
Locking system: Purdey-type underbolts ( G r e e n e r crossbolt available at extra cost) Ejection:
automatic selective
Safety: n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang available at extra cost)
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 29.5 inches, full & modified (not always in stock but available on special order at extra cost); 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 27.5 inches, full & modified; 25.5 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece fancy E u r o p e a n walnut; hand-cut checkering; straight grip (pistol grip to order at extra cost; extra fancy wood to order at extra cost); classic English field (splinter) fore-end (beavertail fore-end available at extra c o s t ) ; semi-gloss finish Buttplate: horizontal serrations on black hardrubber buttplate (standard or P a c h m a y r ven-
20-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 5.875 lbs.; 27.5inch barrels, 6.125 lbs.
tilated rubber recoil pad available at extra cost)
Sights: metal bead front on raised matted rib (hollow rib available at extra cost)
Length of pull:
14.2 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Data: Action and sideplates finished in silvergray. Fully engraved scroll on action and sideplates.
Drop at heel:
2.375 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 25.5-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 27.5inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 29.5-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch c a s e '
Comment: This is a more expensive version (over $ 1 0 0 0 in 1976) of the Premier G r a d e G a m e c o c k . It is a well-designed and well-executed double.
I Manufacturer:
V i n c e n z o Bernadelli, Italy
Importer/distributor: Inc.
Sloan's Sporting G o o d s ,
Trigger: double triggers, front trigger hinged (single available at extra cost) Locking system: Ejection:
automatic selective
Safety: nonautomatic tang available at extra cost) Barrel length & choke:
to c u s t o m e r order
Stock dimensions: Sights:
Action type: sidelock Holland & Holland hammerless type with double safety s e a r s ; screw-type sideplates (Holland & Holland has detachable sideplates at extra cost) Ignition system:
to c u s t o m e r order
to c u s t o m e r order on raised matted rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: A s noted, many specifications are at the c u s t o m e r ' s order. T h e gun normally has fine scroll engraving, but c u s t o m designs, including game scenes, are available at extra cost. Extra barrels are available. T h e s e spare barrels cost less if ordered with the gun than if ordered afterward, when the arm must be returned to the factory for special fitting.
many c u s t o m e r options
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; hand-cut checkering; straight or pistol grip and beavertail or English field (splinter) styles at customer order
Comment: Bernadelli's best quality shotgun is, at nearly $5000 (1976), the firm's most expensive double gun. Because Italian labor is less costly than British labor, this arm would cost nearly $10,000 if m a d e in England. It is a very fine double gun.
Miroku F i r e a r m s , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
box lock; break-top; hammerless
Ignition system: Trigger:
single nonselective
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
Browning A r m s
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full & full or full & modified; 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece; hand-checkered (20 lines per inch); full uncapped pistol grip; full beavertail fore-end; satin (semi-gloss) finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb: 1.5 inches
12-bore, 1.625 inches; 20-bore,
Drop at heel: 12-bore, 2.5 inches; 20-bore, 2.375 inches Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.2 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.35 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.875 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs. Sights: G e r m a n nickel-silver bead on raised matted rib Bore: 12, 20, 3.0-inch c a s e (12, 2.75-inch case on early production models)
Comment: T h i s is one of the best lower-priced side-by-side double-barrel shotguns. T h e design and w o r k m a n s h i p are u p to usual Browning stand a r d s . T h e fit of metal to w o o d is excellent. T h e checkering is well executed. If the a u t h o r w e r e going to p u r c h a s e a side-byside shotgun in this price range, this would be his choice. T h e Ithaca S K B —with a smaller range of barrel/choke options —is also an excellent sideby-side, but he prefers the sliding tang safety/ barrel selector.
F a b r i c a A r m e s I L J A , Spain
Action type: A n s o n & Deeley box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system:
Locking system: G r e e n e r - t y p e crossbolt, except underbolts on 28-bore and .410-bore Ejection: Safety:
manual a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
276 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
(continued) 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 16-bore, 20-bore, 28-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder .410-bore:
25.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; English (splinter) type fore-end; synthetic finish Buttplate:
black plastic with white line spacer
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
16-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.45 lbs. 28-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs. .410-bore:
5.75 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front on matted rib; rib tapers from 0.375 inch at breech end to 0.025 inch at muzzle Bore: 12, 16, 20, 2 8 , 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 3.0inch case Comment: O n e of the least-expensive doublebarrel shotguns on the A m e r i c a n market. It is worth its price.
F a b r i c a A r m e s I L I A , Spain
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breakt o p ; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
cap and white line spacer; semi-beavertail fore-end; synthetic finish Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: G r e e n e r crossbolt
manual automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 10-bore:
32.0 inches, full & full
30.0 inches, full & modified
28.0 inches, full & modified
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip with black plastic
2.5 inches
Weight: 20-bore, 6.75 lbs.; 12-bore, 7.5 lbs.; 10bore, 10.625 lbs. Sights: metal bead front on raised matted rib; tapered rib is 0.375 inch wide at breech and 0.25 inch at muzzle Bore:
10, 3.5-inch c a s e ; 12, 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: O n e of the relatively few double-barrel 10-bore M a g n u m s . In the a u t h o r ' s opinion, no 10-bore M a g n u m double should weigh less than 12.0 lbs.
S K B , Japan
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breakt o p ; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
manual automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 25.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; English (splinter) fore-end; full pistol grip; oil-type polyurethane finish
2.625 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.85 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.2 lbs. 20-bore: 25.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs. Sights:
12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
black plastic
R a y b a r front on matted rib 12, 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: Scrollwork on receiver. C h r o m e d bores. Imitation gold-plated trigger. Comment: O n e of the best inexpensive doubles for those w h o d o not require ventilated rib, nonautomatic safety, or automatic selective ejection.
SKB, Japan
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breakt o p ; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
manual automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 25.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Stock: 2-piece unfigured F r e n c h walnut; handc h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip; beavertail foreend with wrap-around checkering; oil-type polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch or 28.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.2 lbs. 20-bore: 25.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights: Bore:
R a y b a r front on matted rib 12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
278 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
ITHACA SKB M 1 5 0 FIELD GRADE DOUBLE ( c o n t i n u e d )
Data: S a m e as for M 1 0 0 except for beavertail fore-end.
Comment: S a m e as for M 1 0 0 , e x c e p t this a u t h o r prefers wrap-around checkering and the full beavertail fore-end.
SKB, Japan
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective; triggerbow selector
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
black plastic with white line spacer
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.625 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: 25.0-inch barrels, 6.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs. Sights:
R a y b a r front
12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 25.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Data: Scroll engraving. Barrels h a v e bright c h r o m e interior and black c h r o m e exterior.
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type polyurethane finish
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: M l 00.
T h i s is a higher-grade version of the
SKB, Japan
Locking system: Ejection:
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system:
single selective
automatic selective n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: skeet
26.0 inches, skeet &
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; h a n d - c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end with wrap-around hand checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type polyurethane finish
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Data: S a m e as for M 2 0 0 E Field G r a d e except boring, recoil pad, and 0.25 inch less d r o p at heel.
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
12-bore, 7.25 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.25 lbs.
Sights: Bradley-type front on matted rib and metal bead mid-rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: S a m e basic c o m m e n t as for M 2 0 0 E Field G r a d e . O n e of the best low-priced skeet guns on the market.
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; internal hammers Ignition system: Trigger:
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: underbolt
manual automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 or 24.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
Weight: 12-bore: 24.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 26.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. 20-bore: 24.0-inch barrels, 6.75 lbs.; 26.0inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. .410 bore:
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 or 24.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder
.410 bore:
26.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; uncapped semi-pistol grip; beavertail fore-end; polyurethane finish
2.5 inches
6.75 lbs.
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e
Comment: T h i s is a twin-trigger and hence lessexpensive version of the S a v a g e - F o x Model B-SE.
280 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 24
Part Name Top Snap Plunger Spring Top Snap Plunger Collar Top Snap Plunger Top Snap Top Snap Screw Top Snap Trip Top Snap Trip Spring Frame Extractor (Specify Gauge) Top Rib Lock Screw Top Rib Barrel Rear Sight Front Sight Firing Pin Spring Firing Pin Firing Pin Retaining Screw Safety Button Safety Spring Safety Plunger Safety Lever Trigger Spring (right) Trigger Spring (left) 26 Safety Lever Pin 30A Trigger (right) 30B Trigger (left) 31 Mainspring 32 Mainspring Plunger
No. 33 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
BST, B-C, B-D-B-E,
Part Name Trigger Pin Hammer (left) Cocking Lever Spring Pin Cocking Lever Spring Cocking Lever Hammer (right) Sear, Socking Lever and Hammer Pin Sear (left) Sear Spring Sear (right) Cocking Plunger Cocking Plunger Spring Extractor Screw Cocking Plunger Retaining Screw Ejector Ejector Screw Forend Iron Forend Iron Assembly Forend Spring Spring Forend Spring Forend Spring Pin Forend Insert Forend Wood (Specify Gauge) Forend Assembly (Specify Gauge) Forend Screw
No. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
18 19 23 25 27 28 29 30 34 35
Part Name Forend Screw Butt Plate Screw Butt Plate Butt Plate Liner Pistol Grip Cap Liner Pistol Grip Cap Pistol Grip Cap Screw Stock Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Washer Trigger Guard Screw Trigger Guard
PARTS FOR MODEL BST ONLY Slide Stud Slide Spring Safety Lever Trigger Spring Inertia Block Inertia Block Spring Inertia Block Spring Screw Trigger Inertia Block Screw Trigger Stud
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
single nonselective
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 or 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder .410-bore:
26.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; uncapped semi-pistol grip; beavertail fore-end; polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. .410-bore:
6.75 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front and mid-rib on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch case
C a s e - h a r d e n e d frame.
Comment: T h i s is the fanciest version of the least expensive double-barrel shotgun (Savage Stevens M311).
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; internal hammers Ignition system:
Locking system: Ejection:
282 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
SAVAGE-STEVENS M311 (continued)
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrels, 7.75 lbs.
automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke:
12-bore: 30.0 inches, full & full; 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder 16-bore:
28.0 inches, full & modified
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder .410-bore:
26.0 inches, full & full
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; impressed checkering; u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip; beavertail fore-end Buttplate:
black plastic with white line spacer
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs. .410 bore: Sights:
6.75 lbs.
metal bead front on solid rib
Bore: 12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e ; 16, 2.75-inch case Data:
C a s e - h a r d e n e d receiver.
Comment: T h i s is the least expensive doublebarrel shotgun k n o w n to the author. H e used a s e c o n d h a n d one nearly 4 0 years ago. A friend bought it and still uses the gun for upland birds and waterfowl. T h i s is not a fancy shotgun, but it is very sturdily m a d e . T h e r e is little that can go wrong with its simple box-lock mechanism.
A r m a s Erbi, Spain
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breakt o p ; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
manual a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece Spanish walnut; c h e c k e r e d ; beavertail fore-end; pistol grip; semi-gloss finish
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel:
2.56125 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrels, 7.125 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrels, 7.25 lbs.
Locking system: Ejection:
ventilated r u b b e r recoil pad
brass bead front
12, 2.75-inch case
C a s e - h a r d e n e d frame.
Comment: T h i s is an excellent inexpensive shotgun for those w h o do not mind the a b s e n c e of a ventilated rib, pistol-grip c a p , and automatic selective ejectors. After all, these items are niceties and not essential. T h e automatic safety can readily be converted to nonautomatic by any c o m p e t e n t gunsmith.
A r m a s Erbi, Spain
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
Ejection: Safety:
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrels, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0inch barrels, 6.5 lbs.
automatic; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full & modified; 26.0 inches, modified & improved cylinder .410-bore: 26.0 inches, full & full or modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece Spanish walnut; checkered; beavertail fore-end; pistol grip; semi-gloss finish
2.25 inches
Locking system:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
5.75 lbs.
brass bead front 20, .410, 3.0-inch case
Data: Same as for Star G a u g e 12-bore except for smaller receiver, bore, and c h o k e s . C a s e hardened receiver. Comment: A well-made, inexpensive small-bore double-barrel shotgun for those w h o can forego a ventilated rib, automatic selective ejection, and superior checkering.
Webley & Scott, England
Harrington & Richardson
Action type: A n s o n & Deeley box lock; breakt o p ; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
Locking system: Ejection:
n o n a u t o m a t i c ; tang slide
Barrel length & choke: 26.0 inches, improved modified & improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; straight grip; hand checkering; English (splinter) foree n d ; oil-type finish Buttplate:
automatic selective
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
284 / SIDE-BY-SIDE D O U B L E - B A R R E L
WEBLEY & SCOTT M 7 2 0 DOUBLE BARREL ( C o n t i n u e d )
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights:
2.25 inches
6.0 lbs. metal bead front
20, 3.0-inch case
Engine-turned flat rib. G o o d engraving.
Comment: A finely crafted, well-designed upland-game gun. It might sell better in A m e r i c a if the fore-end w e r e semi-beavertail.
Webley & Scott, England
Harrington & Richardson
Action type: A n s o n & D e e l e y box lock; breaktop; hammerless Ignition system: Trigger:
Locking system: Ejection: Safety:
hand checkering; English (splinter) foree n d ; oil-type finish Buttplate:
Length of pull:
13.75 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: underbolt
automatic selective automatic; tang slide
Weight: Sights: Bore:
2.25 inches
5.5 lbs. metal bead front
2 8 , 2.75-inch case
Barrel length & choke: 25.0 inches, improved modified & improved cylinder
Data: S a m e as for M 7 2 0 save for weight, barrel length, and bore. Smooth c o n c a v e rib.
2-piece F r e n c h walnut; straight grip;
S a m e as for M 7 2 0 .
Action type:
box lock; b r e a k - t o p ; h a m m e r l e s s
Ignition system: Trigger:
single selective
Locking system:
Ejection: automatic selective (plain extractors or selective automatic e x t r a c t o r s w e r e optional until 1942) Safety: standard originally fitted with automatic safety; D u c k , Skeet, and T r a p versions fit-
ted with nonautomatic safety; today most custom M 2 1 s are fitted with nonautomatic safety; automatic safety is optional
bore, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20-bore, 2.75- or 3.0inch c a s e ; 28-bore, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410bore, 2.5- or 3.0-inch case
Barrel length & choke: 26.0, 28.0, 30.0, or 32.0 inches (32.0 inches on 12-bore only); choked to order with any standard combination
Comment: T h e M 2 1 , even in its least expensive grade and at its lowest price —about $75 in the early 1930s —is probably the finest double-barrel shotgun, in t e r m s of mechanism, that has ever been produced in the United States. Its fancier grades during its line production d a y s (particularly pre-World W a r II) m a d e it one of the best quality guns e v e r produced in the U n i t e d States. Following World W a r I I , in an effort to reduce production costs without substantially elevating prices, the quality of checkering and wood fitting to metal deteriorated slightly. T h e few guns made up annually are undoubtedly m a d e from stock on hand when the production a r m w a s discontinued in 1959. A b o u t a year later the M 2 1 was offered —as it still is —in custom grades only.
Stock (standard): 2-piece select A m e r i c a n walnut; hand checkering; straight or pistol grip optional at no extra cost; fore-end standard or beavertail Buttplate: hard rubber, except hand-checkered butt on skeet gun and ventilated rubber recoil pad on trap gun Weight: 6.25 lbs. to 8.0 lbs., depending on bore, barrel length, stock dimensions and style, wood density Bores:
12-bore, 2.75- or 3.0-inch c a s e ; 16-
T h e slide, p u m p , or t r o m b o n e action is almost exclusively an A m e r i c a n product. T h e r e are t w o basic slide-action t y p e s : the exp o s e d - h a m m e r type, as represented by the Winc h e s t e r M 9 3 and M 9 7 , and the internal-hammer type, which is the only kind m a d e today. J o h n M o s e s Browning designed both the first successful e x p o s e d - h a m m e r and the first successful concealed-hammer slide-action shotgun. Before the Winchester M 9 3 , introduced in April 1894, there had been several attempts at slide-action shotgun designs. N o n e w e r e commercially successful. T h e M 9 3 was designed by Browning in 1890. Patent # 4 4 1 , 3 9 0 was granted N o v e m b e r 25, 1890. Browning assigned patent rights to Winchester. Browning and his brother M a t t h e w were master trap shots. During the 1890s they w e r e m e m b e r s of the famed " F o u r B ' s " trap team. T h e other m e m b e r s were A u g u s t u s " G u s " Becker and A . F . Bigelow. Browning's favorite trap gun —a M 9 3 —hangs in the J o h n M o s e s Browning M u s e u m in the National G u a r d Armory, Ogden, U t a h . All M 9 3 s had a solid frame and w e r e chambered for the 2.625-inch-long 12-bore shot cartridge. C u r r e n t standard 12-bore shot cartridges are 2.75 inches long. M o d e l M 9 3 s , designed for black powder, are not safe with smokeless loads. C o n s i d e r y o u r M 9 3 a collector's item. H a n g it on the wall. T h e advent of smokeless propellants lead to a redesign of the M 9 3 . Winchester records show that about 34,000 M 9 3 s w e r e manufactured. T h e improved M 9 3 w a s introduced in 1897. T h i s famed M 9 7 was m a d e until 1958. A b o u t 1,240,000 M 9 3 s and M 9 7 s were m a d e . M 9 7 serial numbers include M 9 3 serial n u m b e r s . T h e M 9 7 was available in solid frame only until O c t o b e r 1898, when a t a k e d o w n version was introduced. All M 9 7 12-bores w e r e chambered for the 2.75-inch case. T h e M 9 7 was introduced in 16-bore in F e b r u a r y 1900. It w a s available only in the t a k e d o w n version. 286
M 9 7 variations include: (1) Field G u n ( 1 8 9 7 1958); (2) T r a p G u n ( 1 8 9 7 - 1 9 3 1 ) ; (3) Special T r a p G u n ; (4) Pigeon G r a d e T r a p G u n ( 1 8 9 7 1939); (5) Brush G u n ( 1 8 9 7 - 1 9 3 1 ) ; (6) Solid F r a m e Riot G u n ( 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 3 5 ) ; (7) T a k e d o w n Riot G u n ( 1 9 1 2 - 3 5 ) ; (8) T r e n c h G u n , c o m m e r cial version ( 1 9 2 0 - 3 5 ) ; (9) T o u r n a m e n t G r a d e T r a p G u n ( 1 9 1 0 - 3 1 ) ; and (10) Standard T r a p Gun (1931-39). T o d a y ' s slide-action shotgun, save for the internal h a m m e r , differs but little from the M 9 7 . Metallurgy has improved, stocks are straighter, the ventilated rib has been introduced, but the basic arm is the same. T h e a u t h o r k n o w s of n o poorly m a d e slide-action shotgun. M o s t of them are about the same. S o m e manufacturers offer fancy wood and better-than-average checkering, but the $ 1 0 0 0 shotgun is no better mechanically than the slideaction shotgun costing less than $200. T h e c h a n c e s are that any new slide-action p u r c h a s e d today will last half a century or m o r e . T h e a u t h o r k n o w s several M 9 7 s that h a v e seen hard annual use for 50 to 75 y e a r s . N o e x p o s e d - h a m m e r shotguns are made today. T h e e x p o s e d - h a m m e r M 9 7 Winchester survived by 50 years the a d v e n t of the internalh a m m e r slide-action. T h e M 9 7 was less expensive and it had a great reputation for durability and reliability. M a n y shotgunners still prefer the exposed h a m m e r b e c a u s e they can tell at a glance w h e t h e r or not the a r m is c o c k e d . T h e first successful internal-hammer shotgun, as already noted, w a s also designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. H e filed for it on July 10, 1903. Patent # 7 8 1 , 7 6 5 was granted on F e b r u a r y 7, 1905. Originally k n o w n as the H a m m e r l e s s P u m p Action Shotgun M o d e l 1903, it w a s first marketed in early 1904 as the S t e v e n s M 5 2 0 . Savage A r m s continued production of the M 5 2 0 after the firm took o v e r J. T . Stevens. T h e shotgun — the patent has long since expired — w a s the granddaddy of the current-production Savage M30.
J o h n D . Pederson created Remington's first internal-hammer slide-action. T h e M 1 0 ( 1 9 0 7 - 2 9 ) was a typical slide-action, with bottom ejection. It was an excellent gun —well designed and well made. Remington's next internal-hammer shotgun, designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning, was the M l 7 . Browning filed for the patent on his final slide-action shotgun on N o v e m b e r 26, 1913. U . S . patent # 1 , 1 4 3 , 1 7 0 was granted on J u n e 15, 1915. Wartime operations and reconversion
problems held u p production until 1921. After the patent expired, this lightweight gun —it weighed about 5.5 lbs. —was taken o v e r by Ithaca. T h i s is I t h a c a ' s current-production Featherlight. It has been in production longer than any other current-production internal-hammer slideaction. It, t o o , has b o t t o m ejection, a feature preferred by some lefthanded shooters w h o don't like to h a v e ejected shells fly across their line of vision as the c a s e s d o when they c o m e out of a port on the right side of the receiver.
Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 27.0 inches with adjustable c h o k e device 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 27.0 inches with adjustable choke device 26.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; finger-grooved fore-end Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.
Barrel length & choke:
Length of pull:
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 49.75 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.75 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.75 inches
20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs. .410 bore: Sights: Bore:
6.0 lbs.
brass bead front 12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 3.0-inch case
Data: T h e s e are fixed-barrel guns e x c e p t for the 12-bore, which has a t a k e d o w n barrel that can be interchanged with other High Standard 12-bore barrels to switch barrel length and c h o k e . Comment: A t p r e s s time High Standard had suspended production temporarily in order to conc e n t r a t e on meeting d e m a n d for military and police shotguns. H o w e v e r , plans w e r e to r e s u m e production, offering both plain barrels and ventilated ribs, and both field guns and trap and skeet versions.
w Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.625 inches
Weight (plain
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder
16-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 5.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, modified 6.0 lbs., full 6.25 lbs.
16-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder or full
20-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 5.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, modified 5.75 lbs., full 6.0 lbs.
20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder
Sights: Ithaca translucent R a y b a r ; all versions except Standard G r a d e and D e e r s l a y e r fitted with ventilated rib
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer; amount and type of checkering varies with grade; S u p r e m e G r a d e has checkering; M o n t e Carlo available at extra cost Buttplate: recoil pad on S u p r e m e G r a d e at no extra cost; standard buttplate is black plastic with white line spacer Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.0 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches
12, 16, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s shotgun is unusual in that it uses the same bottom of the receiver port for both loading and ejection. It is the lightest slide-action shotgun on the market.
Comment: T h i s well-made shotgun handles fast and points beautifully. It is particularly light in the 26.0-inch-barrel 20-bore version.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Buttplate: rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 45.0 inches; 20.0-inch barrel, 39.0 inches
Barrel length & choke: special slug c h o k e
and white line spacer; Super D e L u x e D e e r s l a y e r has better wood and checkering
26.0 or 20.0 inches,
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic cap
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.625 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 20.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.
Sights: bead front; R o c k y M o u n t a i n rear; receiver grooved for tip-off m o u n t Bore:
12, 16, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e
16-bore: 20.0-inch barrel, 5.75 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.
S a m e basic data as for standard M 3 7 .
20-bore: 20.0-inch barrel, 5.5 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs.
Comment: A good slug gun for those w h o must by law or by preference use rifled slugs on deer.
( Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 3.0-inch c a s e , 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug); 2.75-inch case, 5-shot Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece; impressed checkering; pistol grip with plastic c a p ; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
recoil pad
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 4 9 . 9 3 7 5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 4 7 . 9 3 7 5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.9375 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5625 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 8.25 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 8.5 lbs.
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 3.0-inch case
Data: T h e receiver is machined from a steel block. Barrel and all other parts, e x c e p t brass bead sights, are steel. Barrels are readily interchangeable without tools. T h e breechblock system is strong and reliable. Comment: T h i s is one of a very few 12-bore M a g n u m s available with 26-inch improvedcylinder barrels. T h i s m e a n s the same gun can be used to shoot skeet or waterfowl over d e c o y s . F o r long-range d u c k s and geese the 30-inch barrel is best. Skeet shooters or d e c o y gunners can p u r c h a s e the e x t r a 26-inch barrel. T h e a u t h o r fired 10 boxes of 3.0-inch M a g n u m shotshells. T h e r e w e r e n o malfunctions with the 250 r o u n d s of M a g n u m loads, n o r with 250 r o u n d s — fired at o n e visit to the range — of skeet loads. T h e ventilated rib has a dull finish to reduce glare. T h e stock is well designed and looks good except for the impressed checkering. T h e extralarge safety button can readily be located with gloved fingers. Simple instructions m a k e it easy to reverse the safety for s o u t h p a w s .
MARLIN M120 SLUG GUN Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r with wildfowl plug installed —slug guns not normally used on wildfowl) Safety:
26.0 inches, special slug
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate: ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5625 inches
8.0 lbs.
Sights: rifle bead front with detachable r a m p ; R o c k y M o u n t a i n rear
Barrel length & choke: choke
Length of pull:
45.9375 inches
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S a m e as for Standard M l 2 0 except for sights and c h o k e .
Comment: A good deer-slug gun but might be shorter.
MARLIN M120 TRAP GUN Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke:
Overall length:
50.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.25 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
30.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece American walnut; handcheckered; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; high-gloss finish Buttplate: black ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
Weight: Sights:
1.25 inches
1.75 inches
7.75 lbs. metal bead front and middle
12, 2.75-inch M a g n u m case
S a m e as for Standard M 1 2 0 .
A well-constructed, reliable trap gun.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke:
40.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate: ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
59.9375 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Weight: Sights:
2.5625 inches
9.0 lbs. metal bead front
12, 3.0-inch case
Data: T h i s is identical to the M 1 2 0 M a g n u m except for the 40.0-inch barrel. Comment: T h i s 5-foot-long scattergun is the heaviest 12-bore M a g n u m on the market. This weight is its sole advantage over any other 12bore M a g n u m . T h e additional weight, however, d o e s n ' t c o m p e n s a t e for the clumsiness, nor does the alleged superiority of the extra-long sighting plain. M o r e than 95 percent of geese —and this is a goose gun —are taken with barrels of no more than 30 inches. T h e remainder are taken with barrels of miscellaneous lengths, and more are probably below 30 inches than over.
Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
top tang
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder .410-bore: 26.0 inches, full or improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate: ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches 1.375 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs. 20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs. .410-bore: 6.0 lbs.; add a b o u t 4 oz. for ventilated rib Sights: front metal bead Bore: 12, 20, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch c a s e ; .410, 3.0 inch c a s e Data: Aluminum-alloy receiver with twin action guides. Bolt and carrier are c h r o m e d machine steel. D o u b l e extractors. Barrel is machined from bar stock. Comment: T h i s is a reliable shotgun in a price range s o m e w h a t lower t h a ^ the Remington and W i n c h e s t e r s t a n d a r d s . Like die Savage, it is a good buy for e c o n o m y - m i n d e d shooters. T h e M 5 0 0 can be bought with or without a ventilated rib and with or without C - L E C T - C H O K E ( M o s s b e r g ' s variable-choke device).
Series 500 letter codes A : 12-bore C : 20-bore E: .410-bore
K: when added to any one or combination of a b o v e symbols indicates C - L E C T - C H O K E variable c h o k e . M: Magnum R: w h e n added to a b o v e symbols indicates a ventilated rib.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
4-shot (plus 1 in chamber)
top tang 24.0 inches, special slug
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut, impressed checkering; pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer ventilated recoil pad
Overall length:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Barrel length & choke: choke
Length of pull:
43.75 inches
2.5 inches
12-bore, 6.5 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.0 lbs.
Sights: metal bead front; R o c k y M o u n t a i n rear, crudely adjustable for elevation Bore:
12, 20, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: Same as for standard M 5 0 0 except for barrel length. Comment: A well-designed structed deer-slug gun.
I . , . , , ! iiii'JMiiiM-mmliMHi.
Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r w h e n fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder 16-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with plastic c a p ; fancy hand-checkered wood available on special orders Buttplate:
black plastic
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight (plain barrel): 12-bore, 28.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 16-bore, 28.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 20-bore, 28.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.; add 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib; add or subtract 4.0 oz. for longer or shorter barrel Sights: Bore:
ivory bead front 12, 16, 20, all 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s all-steel shotgun is available in several versions, all described herein —Skeet, T r a p , Lightweight 20, M a g n u m , D e e r Slug, standardweight Wingmaster and Small Bore 28 and .410. Expensive fancy-wood hand-checkered versions are available on special order. All barrels are available with plain or ventilated rib. Comment: Along with the venerable Winchester M l 2 , this is one of the best on the market. It is available in more b o r e s and barrel/choke variations than any other slide-action. It is also available in a left-handed version, with the crossbolt safety reversed and ejection on the left side.
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 28.0 inches, modified or full Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered (formerly impressed); pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate:
black ventilated recoil pad
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches (including recoil pad)
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.625 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: rel, rib; 6.0
26.0-inch barrel, 5.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch bar5.75 lbs.; add 2 . 0 - 4 . 0 oz. for ventilated 28.0-inch barrel in 3.0-inch M a g n u m , lbs.
20, 2.75- or 3.0-inch case
Data: S a m e as for standard weight versions. Steel receiver. Barrels interchange within same bore and case length. Available with plain barrel or ventilated rib. Comment: O n e of the lightest, handiest and bestm a d e slide-actions.
No. 16271 16600 16791 16949 17415 17416 17417 17419 17420 17427 17432 17436 17437 17451 17463 17465 17514 17515 17516 17518 17533 17539 17540 17541 17551 18545
Part Name Magazine Follower. 12 Ga. Hammer Pin Magazine Cap Detent Spring Magazine Spring Retainer Carrier Dog Follower Spring Carrier Dog Follower Carrier Pivot Tube Connector, Left Connector Pin Extractor Extractor Plunger Firing Pin Firing Pin Retractor Spring Magazine Cap Detent Sear Pin Hammer Plunger Safety Spring Safety Spring Retaining Pin Safety Plunger Sear Spring Trigger Pin Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Front Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Rear Trigger Plate Pin Bushing Connector, Right Breech Bolt, 12 Ga.
No. 18551 18554 18571 18572 18573 18584 18623 18634 18646 18647 18648 18673 18749 18750 18756 18760 18781 18849 19014 19479 19622 19628 19993 20000
Part Name Receiver Stud Slide Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Lock Washer Stock Bolt Washer Carrier, 12-16 Ga. Firing Pin Retaining Pin Fore-end Tube Nut Ejector Rivet, Front Ejector Rivet, Rear Ejector Spring Front Sight (Plain Barrel) Hammer Sear Carrier Dog Carrier Dog Washer Carrier Dog Pin Action Bar Lock Hammer Spring Magazine Spring Action Bar Lock Spring Locking Block Stud Stock Bearing Plate Barrel Assembly, PLAIN, 12 Ga. (26", 28", 30") (includes Barrel, Barrel Guide Ring, Barrel Guide Pin, Steel Front Sight,
No. 20025 20030
20040 20045 20050 20065
20601 20606 20616 25035 25115 25370 25375 25410
Part Name Magazine Cap Detent, Maga zine Cap Detent Spring) Fore-end, AP GRADE, (wood only), 12 Ga. Receiver Assembly, 12 Ga. (includes Receiver, Ejector, Ejector Rivet, Front; Ejector Rivet, Rear; Ejector Spring, Magazine Tube, Barrel Support, Shell Latch, Left; Shell Latch, Right) Shell Latch, Left, 12 Ga. Shell Latch, Right, 12 Ga. Stock Assembly, AP GRADE (includes Stock, Butt Plate, Butt Plate Screws (2)) Fore-end Tube Assembly (includes Action Bar, Left; Action Bar. Right; Fore-end Tube) Trigger Plate Pin, Front Trigger Plate Pin, Rear Butt Plate Trigger Plate, R.H. Safety Trigger Magazine Cap Butt Plate Screw
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 28-bore, 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug); .410-bore 3.0-inch case, 3-shot (2shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 25.0 inches, improved cylinder, modified, or full Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered (formerly impressed); pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer black plastic
Overall length:
13.875 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
44.5 inches
2.5 inches
Weight: 28-bore, plain barrel 5.5 lbs.; ventilated rib 6.0 lbs.; .410-bore, plain barrel 6.0 lbs., ventilated rib 6.25 lbs. Sights:
Length of pull:
front metal bead
Bore: 28, 2.5-inch c a s e ; .410, handles 2.5-inch or 3.0-inch case Data: Same as for M 8 7 0 save for weight and barrel length and c h o k e combinations. Either plain barrel or ventilated rib available. Comment: O n e of the few better slide-actions c h a m b e r e d for the 28 and .410.
Action type:
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: cylinder
Overall length:
39.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
20.0 inches, improved
2.5 inches
12-bore, 6.75 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.5 lbs.
Sights: bead front; R o c k y Mountain crudely adjustable for elevation
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckering (formerly impressed); pistol grip with plastic cap
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Same as for basic M 8 7 0 .
A well-made slug gun for deer.
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore, 30.0 inches, full or modified; 20-bore, 28.0 inches, full or modified Stock: 2-piece; machine-checkered (formerly impressed); pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 30.0-inch plain barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 20-bore, 28.0-inch plain barrel, 6.75 lbs.; add 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 20, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: Same as for basic M 8 7 0 except weights and barrel specifications.
ventilated recoil pad
Overall length: 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches
Comment: O n e of the better M a g n u m slide-action shotguns.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
4-shot (plus 1 in chamber)
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore, 26.0 inches, skeet or C u t t s C o m p e n s a t o r ; 20-bore, 26.0 inches, skeet; 28-bore, 25.0 inches, skeet; .410-bore, 25.0 inches, skeet c h o k e Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; full pistol grip capped with plastic; fancy wood and hand checkering on more expensive grades Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad on 12-bore
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 45.0 inches; 25.0-inch barrel, 44.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.625 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.75 lbs.; 28bore, 6.5 lbs.; .410-bore, 6.0 lbs.; skeet cap for smaller bores a d d s u p to 12.0 oz. for those w h o wish all skeet b o r e s to weigh same Sights:
ivory bead front; metal mid-rib bead
Bore: 12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 2 8 , .410, 2.5-inch case Data: M870. special fancier
S a m e basic d a t a as for standard-weight T o u r n a m e n t and P r e m i e r G r a d e s — order only —have hand-polished action, wood.
Comment: A n excellent skeet gun for those w h o like slide-actions.
Action type:
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
4-shot (plus 1 in chamber)
Barrel length & choke:
30.0 inches, full or modi-
checkering; pistol grip with plastic c a p ; M o n t e Carlo available Buttplate:
Sights: Bore:
fied trap
Drop at heel: standard, Carlo, 2.0 inches
red ventilated recoil pad
Overall length:
47.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
1.5 inches
1.75 inches; M o n t e
8.25 lbs. ivory bead front; metal mid-rib bead 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Same basic d a t a as for standard M 8 7 0 . T r a p barrels are interchangeable with Standard barrels in same chambering and bore. Tournament and Premier G r a d e s h a v e special w o o d s , hand checkering, and hand-polished action parts. T h e Ail-American T r a p , the least expensive grade, has a plain barrel and is available only in a standard righthand version. Comment: O n e of the most popular—and justly so — slide-action trap guns.
Action type:
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
top tang
20-bore: 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 28.0 inches, modified or full .410-bore:
26.0 inches, full
Barrel length & choke:
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; checkering; semi-pistol grip
12-bore: 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 28.0 inches, modified or full; 30.0 inches, full
Buttplate: red ventilated recoil pad on 3 0 D ; black hard rubber on 3 0 F G
Sights: front and mid-plane bead on M 3 0 D ; front bead on M 3 0
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight (add 2.0-4.0 oz. to M30Dfor
ventilated rib):
12-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs. .410-bore:
26.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.
12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: Machined steel receiver and polished steel bolt. Barrel lengths and c h o k e s are interchangeable with s a m e bore. Comment: This is a very rugged inexpensive shotgun. F o r the s h o o t e r w h o has to be careful with his dollars it's an excellent buy. M 3 0 D is the " D e l u x e " version. It has a ventilated rib, ventilated recoil pad, and m a c h i n e - " e n g r a v e d " decoration on the receiver. M 3 0 is the field grade — plain barrel, plain receiver, hard r u b b e r buttplate. Savage also offers the M 3 0 D C o m b i n a tion—same as M 3 0 D but with an interchangeable 22.0-inch slug barrel for d e e r hunting.
slide; concealed h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug); 1 shot less when 3.0-inch 12 or 20 M a g n u m or 3.0-inch .410 cases are used
Drop at heel:
top tang
Weight: Sights:
2.5 inches
7.5 lbs. bead front; R o c k y M o u n t a i n rear 12, 3.0-inch c a s e
Barrel length & choke: 22.0 inches, special slug
Data: E x c e p t for barrel and sights, same as for M 3 0 Field G r a d e .
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; checkering; semi-pistol grip
Comment: A well-constructed slug gun for the economy-minded d e e r hunter. Because this shotgun costs less than most of its contemporaries d o e s n ' t mean it is poorly built. It is mass-produced and has few frills.
black hard r u b b e r
Overall length:
41.5 inches
H o w a Mach i n er y C o r p . , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type: stroke
W e a t h e r b y , Inc. internal
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2 plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug)
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder, skeet, or modified Stock: 2-piece dark A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecut checkering (20 lines per inch); fluted fore-end; full pistol grip with white line spacer, rosewood cap, and white plastic diamond inlay; very high gloss finish Buttplate: red rubber ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.125 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.125 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.125 inches Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.375 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: Aluminum-alloy receiver and triggerbow with hard anodized black finish. Barrel has typical W e a t h e r b y high-gloss blue. Breechblock m o v e s rearward by action transmitted through dual action bars. Rearward-moving breechbolt carrier c a m s carrier locking block d o w n and out of engagement with the barrel extension locking shoulder. Designed by Fred J e n n i e . Comment: M a n y g u n n e r s dislike the usual exposed forward portion of the tubular magazine in front of the slide. W e a t h e r b y eliminated this e y e s o r e with a longer slide. F r o n t end of fore-end is c o u n t e r b o r e d to conceal the sides of the magazine cap. T h i s is, in the a u t h o r ' s view, one of the most h a n d s o m e slide-action scatterguns. T h e action is very strong, the wood is beautiful, the metal parts are finely finished. It is to be regretted that this fine shotgun —and it is not as expensive as many others —is not available in 20-bore. It has excellent handling qualities on skeet and trap layouts, in the duck blind, and in the uplands.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke:
30.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece select A m e r i c a n walnut; full pistol grip with black plastic cap Buttplate:
ventilated recoil pad
Overall length:
49.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: standard, 1.875 inches; M o n t e Carlo, 2.125 inches Weight: Sights: Bore:
8.25 lbs. metal bead front 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: F o r many years the W i n c h e s t e r M 1 2 was the most popular of all p u m p shotguns, and it may still be the most famous. It was also one of the earliest internal-hammer slide-action shotguns. Designed by T h o m a s Crossley J o h n s o n , it w a s introduced in 1913, j u s t a d e c a d e after J o h n M o s e s Browning applied for a patent on the first such gun — the direct forebear of the Savage M30. A trap version of the M 1 2 a p p e a r e d in 1914, and the currently p r o d u c e d M 1 2 T r a p is the fifth variation of that original model. Differences include the shape and size of the slide, stock shape and dimensions, barrel lengths, and ribs. Winc h e s t e r m a k e s a claim that is probably quite accurate regarding the performance of the M 1 2 in competition —namely, that it has won more championship trap m a t c h e s than any other gun. T h e trap grade is only o n e of several M l 2 s that have won a d h e r e n t s over the years. Bores h a v e included the standard 12 gauge and 3-inch 12 M a g n u m , 16, 20, and 28. T h e y w e r e m a d e in field grade, skeet, and a beautiful Pigeon G r a d e . F o r half a century various M 1 2 s w e r e produced, always to rigid quality standards both in the ma-
terials used and in the w o r k m a n s h i p , despite rising production costs. Finally, in 1963, t h e M 1 2 w a s relegated t o special-order status. By then, 1,968,307 M l 2 s had been m a d e . ( T h e t w o million mark has now been passed.) F o r the next decade the M 1 2 remained a c u s t o m gun. T h e n it was returned t o regular—or almost r e g u l a r production and o n c e again a field o r skeet M 1 2 could be obtained. But in 1975 t h e W i n c h e s t e r catalog omitted all b u t o n e survivor, t h e M 1 2 Trap. T h e price of the M 1 2 had risen to nearly thrice the cost of t h e Winchester M l 2 0 0 a n d other competitors made by M o s s b e r g , Remington,
Savage, etc. A dedicated trap shooter is willing to pay the price of the M 1 2 (especially since it's lower than t h e price of m a n y o v e r / u n d e r a n d side-by-side trap guns). But the average buyer of a slide-action shotgun c a n g e t something much less e x p e n s i v e for hunting a n d even for skeet. T h e demise of all t h e M 1 2 s b u t the trap version is m o u r n e d by shotgunners w h o appreciate quality and tradition. Comment: T h e surviving trap version upholds the M 1 2 ' s rank a s t h e best-selling slide-action shotgun and the one that has been in production longer than a n y other. It is extremely reliable, smooth-handling a n d smooth-functioning, well balanced, good-looking, certainly one of the best ever m a d e .
The Winchester M o d e l 12 Field Grade with ventilated rib. Since 1972, only the trap version is available.
Parts List for Weatherby Patrician Pump Shotgun No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Part Name Cap-Fore-end Barrel Assembly Bead-Barrel Screw-Detent Spring-Detent Plunger-Detent Forearm Slide Assembly Nut—Fore-end Tube Bolt Pin-Retaining Firing Pin Spring-Firing Pin Extractor Plunger-Extractor Spring-Extractor Locking Block Carrier Pin-Front Trigger Frame Lever-Fore-end Release Ring-Retaining Pivot-Lifter Pin-Lifter Dog Lifter Dog-Lifter
No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Part Name Follower-Dog Spring-Dog Follower Spring-Detent Pivot Tube-Hammer Lockshaft Assembly Hammer Plunger-Hammer Spring-Hammer Plunger Spring-Detent Cam Plunger-Cam Spring-Cam Plunger Pin-Trigger Pin-Disconnector Disconnector Pin-Trigger Spring Spring-Trigger Trigger Screw-Retainer Spring-Safety Plunger-Safety Safety Button Frame-Trigger Spring-Sear Sear
No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
Name Sear Pin Retainer-Magazine Spring Plug-Magazine Follower- Magazine Spring-Magazine Magazine Retainer-Latch Pin Latch Pin Spring-Latch Latch —Feed Blocker Retainer-Ejector Ejector Spring-Ejector Insert-Housing Factory Installation only Adaptor-Stockbolt Buffer Housing Screw-Wood Recoil Pad Stockbolt Lockwasher Washer- Buttstock Buttstock Sub-Assembly
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, W i n c h o k e only (three separate t u b e s , o n e for each c h o k e desired: full, modified, or improved cylinder; spanner supplied) Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; gloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Overall length:
48.625 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: plain barrel, 1.375 inches; ventilated rib, 1.5 inches Drop at heel: plain barrel, 2.375 inches; ventilated rib, 2.5 inches Weight: 12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.5 lbs.; add 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib Sights: Bore: Data:
metal bead front 12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e Action d a t a s a m e as for standard M 1 2 0 0 .
Comment: T h i s is an excellent choice for a gunner w h o w a n t s multi-chokes but d o e s n ' t want to p u r c h a s e extra barrels. T h e 28-inch barrel is a good c o m p r o m i s e b e t w e e n 26-inch and 30-inch lengths. It can be had with or without a ventilated rib.
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2 plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore, 30.0 inches, full; 20-bore, 28.0 inches, full Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with plastic cap Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.625 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.625 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: plain barrel, 1.375 inches; ventilated rib, 1.5 inches Drop at heel: plain barrel, 2.375 inches; ventilated rib, 2.5 inches Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.675 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.325 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 20, 3.0-inch case
Data: Same as for standard M l 2 0 0 except for weight, 3.0-inch c h a m b e r , barrel length, and choke. Comment: A n y 12-bore M a g n u m should weigh at least 8 lbs., and 8.5 lbs. is even better.
I Action type:
slide; internal h a m m e r
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machine checkering; pistol grip with plastic cap Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.625 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.625 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.625 inches Length of pull:
Drop at heel: plain barrel, 2.375 inches; ventilated rib, 2.5 inches Weight: 12-bore: plain barrel, 6.75 to 7.0 lbs.; ventilated rib, 7.0 to 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: plain barrel, 6.5 to 6.75 lbs.; ventilated rib, 6.75 to 7.0 lbs. Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: This shotgun, like its semiautomatic counterpart, the M 1 4 0 0 , is an entirely new design. T h e bolt head, like that of a bolt action, has a breech-locking, rotating 4-lug bolt. This substantially r e d u c e s stress on the receiver during firing. M a n y M l 2 0 0 c o m p o n e n t s , including the bolt, are interchangeable with those of the M 1 4 0 0 . T h i s facilitates manufacturing and reduces costs.
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: plain barrel, 1.375 inches, ventilated rib, 1.5 inches
Comment: The shotgun design.
SEMIAUTOMATIC SHOTGUNS T h e semiautomatic, or autoloading, shotgun, both recoil- and gas-operated, w a s an A m e r i c a n invention. Semiautomatics made in E u r o p e and J a p a n are either American-designed or copies of A m e r i c a n designs. T h e i r market is essentially the United States. T h e basic types of semiautomatic action are: long recoil, short recoil, and gas-operated.
All shotguns — with one exception, a Winchester flop —made u p to 1939 used J o h n and M a t t h e w Browning's long-recoil system. Y o u name it —Browning, Breda, Beretta, F r a n c h i , Remington, or Savage —it used Browning patents. W i n c h e s t e r ' s one pre-1939 attempt, the Model 1911, w a s a failure. T o h a v e been successful it would h a v e infringed Browning's patents. T h e long-recoil system, like that used on t h e Browning-designed Remington M 8 / M 8 1 semiautomatic rifle, o p e r a t e s on recoil created by the force of expanding gases on a recoil spring. In long-recoil a r m s like the Browning rifle and shotgun, the barrel recoils within an outer barrel jacket.
Short recoil This system w a s utilized by W i n c h e s t e r on its never-too-popular semiautomatic M 4 0 and M 5 9 shotguns. T h e system, h o w e v e r , is an improvement o v e r the long-recoil system. T h e fixed-position barrel has a floating c h a m b e r (designed by the late Marshal D a v i d " C a r b i n e " Williams). T h e floating c h a m b e r only m o v e s about 0.1 inch when the gun is fired. T h e bolt m o v e s r e a r w a r d u n d e r its o w n m o m e n t u m . While t h e bolt travels rearward the e m p t y c a s e is extracted and ejected. T h e loaded cartridge pops into line and is p u s h e d into the c h a m b e r by the forward-moving bolt. O n c e t h e cartridge is fully c h a m b e r e d the action is closed and locked. 304
Gas-operated T h e semiautomatic shotgun had been on the m a r k e t for m o r e than 50 years before High Standard Manufacturing C o r p . brought out the first successful gas-operated shotgun. H e r e expanding gas is forced through a port. T h i s gas forces the bolt to the rear, thus unlocking the bolt and extracting and ejecting the fired case. A s the bullet or shot charge leaves the barrel, p r e s s u r e d r o p s and the bolt slides forward, pushing a loaded cartridge into the c h a m b e r and simultaneously closing and locking the action. T h i s is a simpler, lighter, and less complicated system. E v e n Browning, which originated the long-recoil system, now builds a gas-operated shotgun ( M 2 0 0 0 ) besides its long-recoil-operated A u t o - 5 . T h e A u t o - 5 is the only long-recoil-operated shotgun m a d e today.
The Brownings
By 1903 J o h n M o s e s Browning had been associated with the W i n c h e s t e r Repeating A r m s C o m p a n y for nearly 20 y e a r s , and every Winc h e s t e r rifle and shotgun designed since 1885 had been Browning-designed. T h e Browning-designed M 9 3 and its improved s u c c e s s o r t h e M 9 7 ( 1 8 9 7 - 1 9 5 8 ) , with sales of 1,000,000 plus, w e r e the most successful exp o s e d - h a m m e r slide-action shotguns ever m a d e . After designing his semiautomatic shotgun, J o h n M o s e s and his b r o t h e r M a t t h e w w o r k e d closely with W i n c h e s t e r ' s patent a t t o r n e y s in drawing u p a patent which w a s so airtight that it would be impossible for a n y o n e to legitimately m a k e a long-recoil rifle o r shotgun without infringing the patent. T h e brainchildren of J o h n and M a t t h e w Browning earned —and are still earning — millions of dollars for Winchester. W i n c h e s t e r had paid the Brownings only a b o u t $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 for 44 patents. Browning got the p a t e n t s and then assigned all rights to Winchester. Winchester, in turn, paid Browning a pittance — part in cash and part in trade goods—for the rights.
Old J o h n may have been a M o r m o n country boy from U t a h , but over the years he had seen Winchester prosper on his idea. H e knew he had a winner in the semiautomatic shotgun design. After receiving his patent he told W i n c h e s t e r President T h o m a s G r a y Bennett that he would negotiate only on a royalty basis. Bennett —a p o m p o u s fellow w h o got his j o b by virtue of being the son-in-law of W i n c h e s t e r founder and longtime president Oliver Prince Winchester—said it was against Winchester's policy to pay royalties. After considerable dickering, J o h n and M a t t h e w said they'd go elsewhere. S o m e w h e r e along the line Bennett or a h e n c h m a n indicated that the plant was tooled u p for M 9 7 production and that the semiautomatic might not sell and if it did it would cut M 9 7 sales. T h e brothers Browning immediately m a d e an appointment with Remington A r m s President Marcellus Hartley. Y o r k State farm boy Hartley had been a co-founder of A m e r i c a ' s largest sporting goods firm, Schuyler, G r a h a m and H a r t ley. H e took over the financially decrepit E. Remington & Sons and converted it into Remington A r m s C o . in 1888. (In 1867 Hartley and his partners Schuyler and G r a h a m had founded Union Metallic Cartridge. Remington and U . M . C . were combined into one corporation in 1912.) J o h n and M a t t h e w Browning went to H a r t ley's office at 315 Broadway. It w a s J a n u a r y 8, 1902. T h e y waited for their appointment with Hartley. A n agitated man shot out of the office, saying Hartley had j u s t died of heart failure. J o h n and M a t t h e w packed their bags and went to Liege, Belgium, to visit F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e . T h e y arranged for the manufacture and sale of their shotgun in all countries outside the U n i t e d States. It is still made there today. Browning A r m s later b e c a m e a F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e stockholder. T h e Belgian g o v e r n m e n t w a s — and possibly still is—an F N stockholder. M a u s e r W e r k e , Oberndorf, was a stockholder before World W a r I. On their way back to Ogden, U t a h , J o h n and M a t t h e w visited Remington's new president, grandson of Marcellus Hartley. Marcellus Hartley D o d g e was interested in acquiring A m e r i c a n manufacturing rights to the new semiautomatic.
T h e Brownings signed a contract that netted them more than $ 1,000,000 in the first ten years, proving that T h o m a s G . Bennett had been a poor prophet. Winchester, noting the popularity of the Browning semiautomatic both abroad and at h o m e , had e m p l o y e e T h o m a s Crossley J o h n s o n design a recoil-operated shotgun. J o h n s o n , w h o had helped J o h n Browning d r a w up the patent specifications for the Browning semiautomatic, saw to his dismay that it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to develop a recoil-operated gun that did not infringe Browning patents. T h e W i n c h e s t e r M 1 1 w a s W i n c h e s t e r ' s first h a m m e r l e s s semiautomatic shotgun. It was not a success. Only 82,000 w e r e sold before it was discontinued in 1925. W i n c h e s t e r waited 15 years before attempting to p r o d u c e a n o t h e r semiautomatic shotgun. This, too, w a s not a success. T h e long-recoil-operated arm w a s discontinued in 1941 after only 12,000 had been sold. W i n c h e s t e r ' s next attempt —the M 5 0 , a short-recoil-operated arm —was somewhat more popular. It sold about 200,000 before its discontinuance in 1961. T h e M 5 0 was replaced in 1960 by the M 5 9 short-recoil nonrecoiling-barrel shotgun. This w a s dropped from the line in 1965 after only five years of production. T h e M 5 9 had one unusual feature. T h e barrel consisted of 500 miles of glass fibers wound about a very thin barrel t u b e . T h e outer glass was dyed d e e p blue. T h e barrel was lighter than a conventional shotgun barrel, yet quite strong and reliable. S o m e shooters felt that it m a d e the M 5 9 muzzle-light and therefore hard to swing smoothly, with good control, on birds or clay targets. But there w e r e plenty of other shooters w h o applauded this lightness; it gave them a light, fast-handling semiauto for such uses as grouse and w o o d c o c k hunting. T h e shotgun was discontinued not b e c a u s e the barrel w a s unsuccessful but b e c a u s e the gasoperated shotgun w a s replacing both short-recoil and long-recoil m e c h a n i s m s . In the previous year (1964) W i n c h e s t e r offered its first gas-operated semiautomatic shotgun, the M 1 4 0 0 . M a n y M l 4 0 0 parts, including the bolt, w e r e interchangeable with the M l 200 slide-action shotgun.
H O W A M O D E R N P U M P S H O T G U N W O R K S ( R E M I N G T O N M O D E L 870)
1. Starting w i t h the g u n loaded a n d c o c k e d , p u l l i n g the trigger trips the sear, releasing t h e h a m m e r to strike the firing pin a n d fire the shell.
3. Detail of the carrier m e c h a n i s m (left) s h o w s h o w the bolt assembly at its rearmost position engages the carrier d o g . As the bolt assembly moves f o r w a r d (right), it moves t h e carrier d o g d o w n w a r d , p i v o t i n g the carrier and new shell up into loading p o s i t i o n . At the same t i m e the shell latch moves to the right to hold the remaining shells in the magazine.
4. As the f o r e - e n d a c t i o n bar a n d bolt assembly c o n t i n u e to move f o r w a r d , the new shell is p u s h e d into the c h a m b e r , and the sear engages the h a m mer, l o c k i n g it. At the final m o v e m e n t of the f o r e - e n d , the slide c o n t i n u e s f o r w a r d , p u s h i n g the l o c k i n g block up to lock the action for f i r i n g .
H O W A G A S O P E R A T E D S H O T G U N W O R K S ( R E M I N G T O N M O D E L 58)
1. Starting w i t h the g u n c o c k e d a n d loaded, squeezing t h e trigger releases the hammer, w h i c h strikes t h e firing pin and fires the shell.
2. The gas generated by the fired shell is metered d o w n t h r o u g h the gas port in the barrel into the cylinder. The pressure of the gas in t h e cylinder pushes the piston a n d c o n n e c t i n g rod rearward, moving the bolt f r o m the chamber. As the bolt travels rearward it recocks the h a m m e r and opens the carrier lock.
3. Further rearward travel of t h e bolt ejects the spent shell t h r o u g h the side o p e n i n g , and the magazine spring pushes a fresh shell o n t o the carrier.
4. The piston s p r i n g starts the piston f o r w a r d , moving the bolt f o r w a r d , and p i v o t i n g the carrier t o bring the new shell into loading position. As bolt moves all the way f o r w a r d , it loads t h e new shell into the chamber. The spent gas escapes t h r o u g h the port.
F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e , Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
semiautomatic; long recoil
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r w h e n fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety: crossbolt; large button to enable s h o o t e r to use with gloves Barrel length & choke: 12-bore 3.0-inch M a g n u m : 32.0 and 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified 12-bore 2.75-inch (Light 12): 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder or cylinder 16-bore 2.75-inch (Sweet 16): 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, modified, improved cylinder, or cylinder 20-bore 3.0-inch M a g n u m : 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, full, modified, or improved cylinder
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 50.125 inches; 30.0-inchbarrel,48.125inches;28.0-inchbarrel, 4 6 . 1 2 5 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 44.125 inches Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight (add about 4 oz. for ventilated
12-bore 3.0-inch M a g n u m : 32.0-inch barrel, 8.75 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 8.625 lbs.; 28.0inch barrel, 8.5 lbs. 12-bore 2.75-inch: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.375 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.35 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.2 lbs. 16-bore 2.75-inch: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.625 lbs. 20-bore 3.0-inch: 28.0-inch barrel, 7.125 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0625 lbs. 20-bore 2.75-inch: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.35 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.
20-bore 2.75-inch: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, modified, improved cylinder, or cylinder
Note: A b o v e barrel lengths and c h o k e s are all available with plain or ventilated-rib barrels. A n y c h o k e may be obtained in any standard barrel length with a slight charge for reboring. N o t included in a b o v e are skeet and slug borings.
Data: T h i s was the first semiautomatic shotgun and for the first 54 years of its existence it w a s the only semiautomatic shotgun type (long recoil). All successful semiautomatic shotguns m a d e during that e r a w e r e either legitimately licensed or pirated versions of the Browning. M o r e than 2,000,000 Brownings plus h u n d r e d s of t h o u s a n d s of copies h a v e been sold. All c h o k e s and barrel lengths are available with either plain barrel or ventilated-rib barrel; all plain barrels e x c e p t the 12 M a g n u m h a v e matted top surfaces to reduce glare.
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; c h e c k e r e d pistol grip and fore-end; full u n c a p p e d pistol grip; semi-gloss finish Buttplate: hard rubber; ventilated recoil pad on 12-bore 3.0-inch M a g n u m
bead front
Bore: 12, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch c a s e ; 16, 2.75inch c a s e ; 20, 2.75-inch o r 3.0-inch case
M O D E L S - 1 2 , 1 6 , A N D 20 G A U G E
No. 1001 1007 1010 1017 1027 1064 1070 1076 1079 1081 1086 1092 1098 1103 1107 1115 1120 1121 1126 1127
Part Name Action Spring Action Spring Plug Pin Action Spring Tube Barrel Extension Breech Block Carrier Assembly 2 Piece Carrier Dog Carrier Dog Follower Carrier Dog Pin Carrier Dog Spring Carrier Latch Assembly Carrier Latch Button Cartridge Stop Pin Carrier Screw Carrier Spring Trigger Plate Type Carrier Stop Cartridge Stop Spring Ejector & Ejector Rod Magnum Ejector Spring Retainer Magnum Ejector
No. 1136 1147 1150 1155 1159 1160 1165 1169 1198 1207 1215 1227 1235 1247 1269 1275 1277 1280 1285
Part Name Ejector Rivet Extractor Left Extractor Right Extractor Pin Left & Right Extractor Spring Left Extractor Spring Right Hand Firing Pin Firing Pin Stop Pin Friction Piece Bronze Magnum Friction Ring Friction Spring Hammer Assembly-Standard Hammer Pin Link Locking Block Latch 2-Piece Carrier Locking Block Latch Pin Locking Block Latch Spring Lock Screw Mag. Cap-W/O Swivel Eyelet
No. 1287 1305 1310 1318 1325 1330 1335 1344 1345 1346 1359 1378 1410 1414 1431 1435 1442 1445 1475 1480 1486 1495
Part Name Mag. Cap-W/O Swivel Eyelet Magazine Cutoff Spring Magazine Cutoff Spring Screw Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Magazine Spring Retainer Magazine Tube 5-Shot Mainspring Mainspring Screw Operating Handle Receiver Recoil Spring Safety Sear Spring Safety Sear Spring Follower Sight Bead Plain & Vent Tang Screw for Pistol Grip Stock Trigger For Crossbolt Safety Trigger Pin Trigger Plate Screw-Front Trigger Plate Screw-Rear Trigger Spring-Pin Retained Trigger Spring Retaining Pin
Comment: T h e r e a r e t w o schools of thought about the Browning. (1) T h o s e w h o dislike the square receiver. Before World W a r II Abercrombie & Fitch offered a rounded-shoulder conversion of t h e a r m . This conversion w a s also
carried out by several independent gunsmiths. (2) T h o s e w h o believe —and there m a y b e truth to it —that t h e big receiver bridge helps in fast pointing. In 1973 Browning produced its first gasoperated semiautomatic shotgun, t h e Browning M 2 0 0 0 . T h e old recoil-operated Browning m a y be around for a considerable time.
F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e , Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
semiautomatic; long recoil
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
12-bore, 28.0-inch barrel:
7.35 lbs.
12-bore, 26.0-inch barrel:
7.175 lbs.
20-bore, 28.0-inch barrel:
6.35 lbs.
20-bore, 26.0-inch barrel:
6.25 lbs.
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, improved o r modified; 2 6 . 0 inches, improved, modified, or skeet Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; checkered u n capped pistol grip a n d fore-end Buttplate:
Weight (add about 4 oz. for ventilated rib):
bead front 12, 2 0 , 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: T h i s gun is available with a ventilated rib or a plain barrel featuring a matted top. Trigger is gold-plated.
Overall length: 28.0-inch barrel, 46.125 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 44.125 inches Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Comment: This h a s long been a popular skeet semiautomatic, if only b e c a u s e it is so well k n o w n and h a s been m a d e for nearly 50 y e a r s in the skeet version. It is designated hunting/skeet b e c a u s e many shooters find t h e skeet c h o k e deadly on upland game a n d waterfowl u p to 35 yards.
F a b r i q u e N a t i o n a l e , Belgium
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Browning A r m s
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 2.75-inch case, 4-shot; 3.0inch case, 3-shot (2-shot when fitted with wildfowl plug)
Safety: crossbolt in triggerguard, reversible for left-handed shooters. Barrel length & choke: 32.0 inches, full (3.0inch case only); 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder (2.75-inch case only) Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut; 20 line-per-inch checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; finger-grooved fore-end; high-gloss polyurethane finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 51.375-inches; 30.0-inch barrel, 49.375-inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.375-inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.375 inches. Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.625 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
32.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs; 30.0-inch bar-
rel, 7.375 lbs; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.225 lbs. (add 4 oz. for ventilated rib) Sight:
metal bead front
12-bore, 2.75-inch c a s e or 3.0-inch case.
Data: Cold-forged machined steel receiver with brazed inserts. Loading port is on left side of receiver. Shot cartridge on carrier ready for loading is visible through loading port slot. Ejection is through right side of receiver. Comment: T h i s is the first Browninggas-operated autoloading shotgun. It has a square-backed receiver like that of the old long-recoil Browning. Location of its loading port is unusual. M o s t semiautomatics have bottom-of-receiver loading ports. T h e t w o lengths of shot cartridges are not interchangeable with one barrel. A separate barrel is required for each c a s e length. This fine shotgun should be fitted with a ventilated recoil pad. T h e wood is finely figured and h a n d s o m e . T h e arm handles easily.
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot when with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Overall length: 28.0-inch barrel, 47.875 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.875 inches
Armi F r a n c h i , Italy
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 28.0-inch barrel, full, improved modified, or modified; 26.0-inch barrel, modified, improved modified, or cylinder Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machinecheckered; full uncapped pistol grip; highgloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Length of pull:
13.875 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.35 inches
7.0 lbs.
metal bead front
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: C h r o m e d bore and alloy receiver. U n usual features of the new Franchi semiautomatic shotgun include: (1) magazine isolated from gasoperated piston to eliminate malfunctions created by c a r b o n deposits; (2) loading made easier b e c a u s e cartridge carrier d o e s n ' t have to be unlocked to fill magazine; (3) gas expelled through t w o ports located in the forward portion
312 / SEMIAUTOMATIC SHOTGUNS F R A N C H I M 5 2 0 S E M I A U T O M A T I C (continued) of the fore-end; (4) precisely machined gas-tight piston, eliminating need for plastic or rubber seal.
Comment: This well-designed lightweight 12bore semiautomatic shotgun meets the usual high F r a n c h i manufacturing and performance standards.
A r m i Franchi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
semiautomatic; recoil-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 30.0-inch barrel, full (12bore only); 28.0-inch barrel, full or modified; 26.0-inch barrel, skeet (ventilated rib only), modified or 24.0-inch barrel, modified or improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; finger-grooved fore-end; full uncapped pistol grip; semi-gloss finish Buttplate: black plastic (rubber recoil pad available at extra cost) Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 24.0-inch barrel, 43.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
D r o p at comb: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches 2.25 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 6.375 lbs.; 28.0inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.125 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs. 20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 5.250 lbs.; 26.0inch barrel, 5.125 lbs.; 24.0-inch barrel, 5.0 lbs. Sight:
metal bead front
12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: In addition to the 12- and 20-bores, Stoeger imports a limited n u m b e r in 28-bore (2.75-inch c a s e ; same specifications as for 20bore). G u n ' s design is based on Browning longrecoil patents. M o s t c h o k e s and barrel lengths are available with a plain or ventilated-rib barrel. Skeet borings are available with ventilated rib only. Comment: Probably the world's lightest semiautomatic shotgun. V e r y well crafted. C h r o m e d bore.
Armi Franchi, Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
semiautomatic; recoil-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot with waterfowl plug installed) Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full
32.0 (12-bore only) or
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; machinec h e c k e r e d ; finger-grooved fore-end; full uncapped pistol grip; semi-gloss finish Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 32.0-inch barrel, 51.5 i n c h e s ; 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.25 inches
12-bore: 32.0-inch barrel, 8.25 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 8.0 lbs. 20-bore:
6.0 lbs.
metal bead front
Bore: 12 or 20, 3.0-inch case _ _ , . Comment: Same as for Standard model.
. ^ Automatic
FRANCHI SLUG GUN Manufacturer:
Armi F r a n c h i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Stoeger A r m s C o r p .
black plastic
Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
semiautomatic; recoil-operated
Magazine type:
tubular Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity:
Weight: Safety:
2.25 inches
4-shot 12-bore, 6.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 5.5 lbs.
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke:
24.0 inches, cylinder
Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; finger-grooved fore-end; full uncapped pistol grip; semigloss finish
Sight, r e a r : age
adjustable for elevation and wind-
Sight, front:
metal bead on r a m p
Comment: C h r o m e d bore. O n e of the lightest semiautomatic slug guns. Well crafted.
28.0-inch barrel, 4 7 . 7 5 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.75 inches
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 12-bore, 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug); 20-bore, 3-shot Safety:
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.
12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 27.0 inches with adjustable c h o k e device 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder; 27.0 inches with adjustable choke device Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap
Overall length:
14.0 inches
Barrel length & choke:
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Length of pull:
30.0-inch barrel, 49.75 inches;
20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs. Sights: Bore:
brass bead front 12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e
Data: Available with plain barrel or ventilated rib. T r a p and skeet versions are also offered. Comment: A t press time, production w a s temporarily suspended so that High Standard could c o n c e n t r a t e on turning out police and military shotguns. H o w e v e r , plans w e r e to r e s u m e production in the n e a r future.
INTERARMS MANUFRANCE SEMIAUTOMATIC SHOTGUN Manufacturer: Manufacture F r a n c a i s e d ' A r m e s et Cycles d e St. Etienne, F r a n c e Importer/distributor: Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Length of pull:
14.332 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut with impressed checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; semigloss finish Buttplate:
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.875 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.875 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.875 inches
black plastic
2.2 inches
Weight: 30-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 6.625 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.; add about 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib Sight:
metal bead front
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: T h i s simply designed autoloader functions reliably with a variety of loads.
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity: 2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r (maximum allowed for waterfowl) Safety:
Sights: Bore:
2.375 inches
11.75 lbs.; a b o u t 12.25 lbs. loaded metal bead front 10, 3.5-inch M a g n u m case
Barrel length & choke:
32.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece select A m e r i c a n walnut; hand checkering; capped full pistol grip Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Overall length:
54.25 inches
Length of pull:
14.125 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Data: T h i s is currently the world's only semiautomatic 10-bore 3.5-inch M a g n u m . It is the first multi-shot 10-bore M a g n u m m a d e in the U n i t e d States since Ithaca, which m a d e the first 10-bore 3.5-inch M a g n u m in 1932, did not r e s u m e double m a g n u m production after World W a r I I . All gas-system c o m p o n e n t s are stainless steel. T h e receiver is machined from a block of solid steel. T h e gas system is unusual. T h e piston is stationary but the cylinder m o v e s . W h e n the gun is
fired, p o w d e r gas enters the sole gas port. T h e expanding gas forces the operating slide, cylinder, and action bar about 0.625 inch rearward. The rearward-moving cylinder c a m s the breechblock's after end d o w n w a r d . T h i s motion disengages the barrel extension from the locking lug. T h e breechblock unit — operating slide and link group —compresses the action spring recessed in the buttstock. During the m o v e m e n t the empty case is ejected. A plastic buffer prevents metal-to-metal contact. Some trigger-system c o m p o n e n t s are steel stampings. T h e trigger housing is aluminum alloy. T h e carrier and some allied c o m p o n e n t s are investment castings. T h e piston, gas cylinder, operating handle, carrier, release, and trigger are stainless steel. T h e barrel has a ventilated rib.
Comment: T h e actual recoil of about 44 lbs. seems less than in a double 10-bore M a g n u m b e c a u s e of the gas-operated action. A c t u a l recoil is, of c o u r s e , the same in either a double or semiautomatic of equal weight. T h i s slow-to-handle arm is handicapped by the low pattern density. T h e only factory load is 2.0 oz. of N o . 2 shot. W h e n fired from a full-choke arm like the Mag 10, there seem to be about twice as many shot within an inner 15.0-inch circle than there are in the entire 30.0-inch circle at 40 yards. T h e 10-bore M a g n u m would be more useful and far more effective if loaded with N o . 4 shot. Performance can be improved with handloads or by opening u p the c h o k e very slightly with a P o l y - C h o k e - t y p e device.
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: choke
Drop at comb:
24.0 inches; special slug
1.5 inches 2.25 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
red bead on r a m p
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering; black plastic pistol grip cap with white line spacer; high-gloss finish
Scope adaptability: mount
black plastic
Overall length:
43.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
sight b a s e grooved for scope
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A reliable, good-looking shotgun for deer hunters.
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: Stock:
26.0 inches, skeet
2-piece fancy grade A m e r i c a n walnut;
Length of pull:
14 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: machine-checkered; black plastic pistol-grip c a p ; finger-grooved fore-end; semi-gloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Overall length:
45.5 inches
2.25 inches
8.0 lbs.
metal bead front
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
An excellent skeet gun.
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke:
30.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece fancy grade A m e r i c a n walnut; machine-checkered; black plastic pistol-grip c a p ; finger-grooved fore-end; semi-gloss finish; available with M o n t e Carlo c o m b Buttplate:
red rubber ventilated recoil pad
Overall length:
49.5 inches
Length of pull:
14 inches
Drop at comb: inches
1.325 inches; M o n t e Carlo, 1.5
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): Drop at heel: inches Weight:
1.5 inches
1.425 inches; M o n t e Carlo, 2.0
8.0 lbs.
Bradley-type front
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: A well designed and crafted trap gun at a reasonable price.
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full (12-bore only); 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; black plastic pistol-grip cap with white line spacer; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic
Overall length:
30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
1.5 inches
Sight: Ithaca R a y b a r (plastic bar which transmits light)
2.25 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 7.5 lbs (Magnum, 7.75 lbs.); 20-bore, 7.25 lbs. (Magnum, 7.5 lbs.); add about 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib
12, 20, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch case
Comment: A well designed and crafted semiautomatic shotgun.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
1.5 inches 2.5 inches
Weight (add about 4.0 oz. for ventilated
12-bore: 30-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.125 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full (12-bore only); 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type finish Buttplate:
Drop at comb:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot when with wildfowl plug) Safety:
14.0 inches
Drop at heel:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Length of pull:
20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.0 lbs. Sight: brass bead front on plain barrel; R a y b a r front on ventilated rib Weight:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case.
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches
Comment: O n e of the world's lightest shotguns in 20-bore, this is as mechanically fine a semiautomatic as obtainable.
ITHACA SKB MODEL XL900 Manufacturer:
Importer/distributor: Action type:
SKB, Japan
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full (12-bore • only); 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot when with wildfowl plug)
crossbolt in trigger guard
Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine-checkered; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type finish
XL900 (continued)
black plastic with white line insert
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 49.5 i n c h e s ; 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
12-bore: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.375 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs. 20-bore: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.25 lbs. Sight:
R a y b a r front on ventilated rib
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
Comment: S a m e as for M o d e l X L 3 0 0 ; the X L 900 has fancier engraving and better checkering.
2.5 inches
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
47.5 inches
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot when with wildfowl plug) Safety:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke:
26.0 inches, skeet
Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type finish
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.25 inches
12-bore, 7.5 lbs.; 20-bore, 7.0 lbs.
Sights: Bradley type front and middle bead on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 20, 2.75-inch case
A fine medium-priced skeet gun.
SKB, Japan
Importer/distributor: Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity:
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: boring
24.0 i n c h e s ; special slug
Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; oil-type finish
Buttplate: spacer
Sight, r e a r : open, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation
Overall length:
43.5 inches
Sight, front:
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Scope adaptability: rear sight base grooved for long eye relief scope m o u n t
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.5 lbs.
blade on r a m p
12, 2.75-inch c a s e ; 20, 3.0-inch case
A good slug gun.
Overall length:
49.5 inches
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Length of pull:
14.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Importer/distributor: Action type:
SKB, Japan
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable):
crossbolt in trigger guard
Barrel length & choke: proved modified
30.0 inches, full or im-
Drop at heel: inches Weight:
Stock: 2-piece walnut; m a c h i n e - c h e c k e r e d ; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; straight (standard) or M o n t e C a r l o ; oil-type finish
1.5 inches
1.875 inches; M o n t e Carlo, 2.0
7.75 lbs.
Sights: Bradley front and middle bead on ventilated rib Bore:
12, 2.75-inch c a s e
A good trap gun.
REMINGTON M1100 FIELD GRADE Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.0 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug)
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder 16-bore & 20-bore: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece American walnut; reverse checkering on full pistol grip and fore-end; black plastic pistol-grip cap and white line spacer
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs. 16-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 7.125 lbs.; 28.0inch barrel, 7.375 lbs. 20-bore: 26.0-inch barrel, 7.0 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.
REMINGTON M 1 1 0 0 FIELD GRADE ( C o n t i n u e d )
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 16, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: Matted-top steel receiver. C h r o m e d bolt. Acid-etched scrollwork on receiver. Aluminumalloy triggerbow. Plain barrel or ventilated rib.
T h e M 1 1 0 0 uses the gas metering system now popular on semiautomatic shotguns. T h i s system is described u n d e r the W e a t h e r b y Centurion semiautomatic shotgun. Comment: A well-designed and well-crafted medium-priced semiautomatic shotgun. Left-hand action (ejection and safety) w e r e introduced in 1972 (12-bore and 20-bore only).
Action type: gas-operated; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Barrel length & choke: 26.0 inches, skeet or C u t t s C o m p e n s a t o r ; 25.0 inches, skeet, available on 28-bore and .410 only Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; c h e c k e r e d full pistol grip and fore-end; M 1 1 0 0 S B skeet has fancy-grade walnut and finer checkering; full pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer plastic with white line spacer
Overall length: 26.0-inch barrel, 46.5 inches; 25.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches Length of pull:
1.5 inches 2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 7.5 lbs.; 20-bore, 7.25 lbs.; 28bore, 6.75 lbs.; .410-bore, 7.25 lbs.; an adjustable weight can add u p to 12.0 oz. on 28- and .410-bores
Drop at comb: Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
14.0 inches
ivory bead front; mid-rib metal bead
Bore: 12, 20, 28, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 2.5-inch case Data: T h e M 1 1 0 0 S B costs slightly m o r e and has a better grade of walnut. Either version has a ventilated rib. By using the adjustable weights, which screw on at the front of the magazine tube, a shooter can use guns of identical weight, feel, and handling qualities in all skeet events, from 12-bore matches to .410. Comment: O n e of the most popular—and deservedly so —skeet semiautomatics.
REMINGTON M1100 TRAP GUN Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Stock: 2-piece select A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer
crossbolt (reversible for southpaws)
Barrel length & choke: fied trap
30.0 inches, full or modi-
ventilated red rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
50.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Drop at comb:
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): inches Drop at heel: standard, Carlo, 1.875 inches Weight: Sights:
12, 2.75-inch case
See M l 100 Field G r a d e .
1.75 inches; M o n t e
8.5 lbs. ivory bead front, metal bead mid-rib
Comment: F o r general c o m m e n t s see M l 100 Field G r a d e . This is a popular trap gun among those w h o prefer semiautomatics to slide or double-barrel types.
REMINGTON M1100 DEER GUN Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Barrel length & choke: 22.0 inches, special slug Safety:
42.35 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkered full pistol grip and fore-end; plastic pistol grip cap with white line spacer; D u P o n t R K - W high-gloss finish plastic with white line spacer
2.5 inches
12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.75 lbs.
Sight, front:
Overall length:
blade on r a m p
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for windage and elevation Bore:
12, 20, 2.75-inch c a s e
A n excellent slug gun for deer.
REMINGTON M 1 1 0 0 SMALL GAUGE Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 25.0 inches, full, modified, and improved cylinder
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate:
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
45.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 28-bore ventilated rib, 6.5 lbs.; 28-bore plain, 6.25 lbs.; .410-bore ventilated rib, 7.0 lbs.; .410-bore plain, 6.57 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front
28, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .410, 3.0-inch case
Data: See general information on M l 100 Field Grade. Comment: This is one of the few semiautomatics to offer a variety of c h o k e s in 28 and .410-bores.
REMINGTON M 1 1 0 0 MAGNUM Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.125 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.125 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.25 lbs.
Barrel length & choke: 12-bore:
30.0 inches, full or modified
28.0 inches, full or modified
12, 20, 3.0-inch case
See M l 100 Field G r a d e .
Stock: 2-piece American walnut; reverse checkering; pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer Buttplate: red ventilated recoil pad with white line spacer
metal bead front
Comment: N o 12-bore M a g n u m should weigh less than 8.5 lbs. Recoil in a too-light M a g n u m 12 e x c e e d s that of a 12-lb. 10-bore M a g n u m .
Parts List for Remington M1100, 20 Gauge No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Part Name Action Bar Assembly Action Bar Sleeve Action Spring Action Spring Follower Action Spring Plug Action Spring Plug Pin Action Spring Tube Action Spring Tube Nut Action Spring Tube Nut Washer Action Spring Tube Nut Lock Washer Barrel Assembly Barrel Seal Breech Bolt Breech Bolt Buffer Breech Bolt Return Plunger Breech Bolt Return Plunger Retaining Ring Breech Bolt Return Plunger Spring Butt Plate Butt Plate Screw Butt Plate Spacer Carrier Carrier Assembly Carrier Dog Carrier Dog Pin Carrier Dog Washer Carrier Dog Follower Carrier Dog Follower Spring Carrier Latch Carrier Latch Follower Carrier Latch Pin Carrier Latch Spring
No. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 61 62
Part Name Carrier Pivot Tube Carrier Release Carrier Release Pin Carrier Release Spring Connector, Left Connector, Right Connector Pin Disconnector Extractor Extractor Plunger Extractor Spring Feed Latch Firing Pin Firing Pin Retaining Pin Firing Pin Retractor Spring Fore-end Assembly Fore-end Support Assembly Front S i g h t - f o r VENT RIB use No. 18796 Grip Cap Grip Cap Spacer Hammer Hammer Pin Hammer Pin Washer Hammer Plunger Hammer Spring Interceptor Latch Retainer Interceptor Latch Spring Interceptor Latch Link Locking Block Assembly
No. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
Part Name Magazine Cap Magazine Cap Plug Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Magazine Spring Retainer Operating Handle Operating Handle Plunger Operating Handle Plunger Retainer Operating Handle Spring Piston Piston Seal Receiver Assembly Safety Safety Detent Ball Safety Spring Safety Spring Retaining Pin Sear Sear Pin Sear Spring Slide Block Buffer Sock Assembly Stock Bearing Plate Trigger Trigger Pin Trigger Plate, R.H. Safety Trigger Plate Pin Bushing Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Front (Need 2) Trigger Plate Pin Detent Spring, Rear Trigger Plate Pin, Front Trigger Plate Pin, Rear
Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 4-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece m a h o g a n y ; reverse checkering; pistol grip with black plastic c a p ; D u P o n t R K - W finish Buttplate: 2.75-inch chamber, plastic; 3.0-inch chamber, red rubber recoil pad Overall length: 28.0-inch barrel, 48.125 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.125 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at heel:
Manufacturer: Japan
2.625 inches
Smith & W e s s o n
Weight: 28.0-inch barrel, 6.5 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 6.35 lbs.; add a b o u t 4 oz. for ventilated rib Sight:
metal bead front
20, 2.75-inch or 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: See M 1 1 0 0 Field G r a d e for general data. T h i s 20-bore lightweight differs from the Field G r a d e 20-bore in several w a y s : the receiver (machined steel) is smaller and the fore-end support has been omitted; the barrel extension is shorter; the lightweight barrel is identified by the marking " L t . W t . " ; and the buttstock and foreend are mahogany rather than the heavier walnut used on o t h e r versions. T h e author, w h o prefers side-by-sides or over/ u n d e r s , has owned a 20-bore 2.75-inch-chamber Lightweight since 1971. D e s p i t e a slight tendency to shoot low, this is a well-made, good-looking, fast-handling a r m . With the 26-inch improved-cylinder barrel it is a fine little skeet or upland game gun. Recoil with skeet or light field loads is virtually unnoticeable.
Action type: semiautomatic; short-stroke piston Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 3-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder or skeet Stock: 2-piece American walnut; checkering (20 lines per inch); pistol grip with black plastic cap and white line spacer; silver-colored S & W monogram inlaid in pistol-grip c a p ; high-gloss finish Buttplate:
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.5625 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 4 8 . 5 6 2 5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.5625 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 26.0-inch barrel, 6.625 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 6.75 lbs.; 30.0-inch barrel, 6..875 lbs. Sights: Bore:
T h e hollow piston has one part which aligns with t w o barrel ports. P o w d e r gas, immediately upon entering the piston, forces the piston port into nonalignment with the barrel gas ports. N o gas can n o w enter the piston. T h e gas inside the piston e x p a n d s to drive the piston and action bar unit and breechblock rearward. After about 0.375 inch of travel, the breechbolt face c a m s d o w n w a r d , its lock thus disengaging the barrel extension. E x h a u s t e d gas is forced u p w a r d through two fore-end top slots. While the piston and connector ring's rearward m o v e m e n t is halted after 1.85 inches of travel, the unlocked breechbolt and action bar unit continue their rearward track until the fired case has been extracted and ejected from the arm. M e a n w h i l e the rearward-traveling breechbolt has c o m p r e s s e d the action spring and cocked the h a m m e r . T h e bottom of the breechbolt, in moving forward, pushes a cartridge from the top of the magazine well into the chamber. Aluminum-alloy receiver and triggerbow are black anodized. Trigger, breechbolt unit, and carrier are bright chrome-plated. Barrel is a highluster blue with a ventilated rib.
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: This shotgun uses the short-stroke floating-piston system of the M 1 4 series rifle. M a n y semiautomatics of the past and some today h a v e problems —or manual adjustment is required —in compensating for the varying pressures created by widely different loads, say between a light field load and a heavy M a g n u m load. T h e M 1 0 0 0 has a p r e s s u r e - c o m p e n s a t o r valve unit which stabilizes gas-port pressure variations. T h e compensating c o m p o n e n t s are in the fore section of the gas cylinder. T h e valve unit is a piece of resilient plastic between two metal c o m p o n e n t s . Expanding gas pressure c o m p r e s s e s the plastic piece as required to work the action properly with a given load.
Comment: T h i s fast-handling, well-designed firearm unfortunately tends to shoot s o m e w h a t low —about 5 inches —at 40 y a r d s . This might h a v e been a fault only in the shotgun the author tested, since performance varies slightly from gun to gun in mass-produced a r m s . H o w e v e r , another M l 0 0 0 tested by the N R A displayed a similar t e n d e n c y . T w o barrels tested by the author indicated a s o m e w h a t more open pattern than the indicated c h o k e standard. Patterns with both barrels w e r e s o m e w h a t irregular. Recoil is rather severe with M a g n u m loads. A shotgun this light is primarily a fast-handling upland game gun, to be used with field loads. E x t r a barrels are available and are readily interchangeable.
H o w a Machinery C o . , J a p a n
Importer/distributor: Action type:
W e a t h e r b y , Inc.
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 3-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with waterfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 28.0 inches, full or modified; 26.0 inches, modified, improved cylinder, or skeet Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; hand checkering (20 lines per inch); pistol grip with rosewood cap and white line spacer; white plastic diamond inlay in c a p ; fluted fore-end; high-gloss finish Buttplate: red rubber recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 50.25 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.25 i n c h e s ; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.25 inches Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5625 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5625 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.875 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.75 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs. Sights:
metal bead front
12, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h e Centurion, designed by Fred Jennie of W e a t h e r b y , o p e r a t e s via a floating, hollow, short-stroke piston that is guided by the magazine forward tubular extension. Immediately after ignition, expanding gas enters the cylinder
through t w o ports. T h e gas p u s h e s rearward both piston and slide assembly. After moving about 0.3125 inch the slide carrier c a m s the breechbolt's locking block d o w n , thus disengaging the barrel extension. T h e piston halts after 0.5625 inch of travel. Slide unit and unlocked breechbolt continue their rearward travel until the e m p t y c a s e is extracted from the c h a m b e r and ejected. T h i s is the only c o n t e m p o r a r y semiautomatic shotgun k n o w n to the a u t h o r in which the front end of the magazine tube d o e s n ' t extend beyond the fore-end. This e n h a n c e s the a r m ' s h a n d s o m e a p p e a r a n c e . T h e barrel has a ventilated rib and, of c o u r s e , the typical W e a t h e r b y high-gloss bluing. C r o s s - s h a p e d slots on the magazine cap have t w o functions: (1) M o s t p o w d e r gas, after entering the piston tube, e s c a p e s forward through these slots and thus away from the shooter. Only a small a m o u n t e s c a p e s through two fore-end grooves. T h i s is an excellent feature. (2) A pin insert in the slots u n s c r e w s the magazine cap. T h e receiver and trigger housing are black anodized aluminum alloy. Piston is stainless steel. Trigger has a gold-color finish. O t h e r comp o n e n t s are steel. Comment: This is a well-designed arm. Both finish and w o r k m a n s h i p are top-drawer. It would m a k e a h a n d s o m e and reliable addition to any shooting m a n ' s battery. T h e a u t h o r fired 350 r o u n d s without malfunction. T h e firing included 2.75-inch M a g n u m s , e x p r e s s loads, field loads, trap loads, skeet loads, and reloads. T h e 26.0-inch improved-cylinder barrel gave 55 p e r c e n t p a t t e r n s in a 30-inch circle at 4 0 y a r d s . T h i s conforms to standards. Pattern distribution was quite uniform. T h i s is one of the better semiautomatic a r m s that the a u t h o r has fired during the past 4 0 y e a r s .
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Barrel length plied by fied, and are flush Safety:
2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r
& choke: 28.0 inches, c h o k e supthree screw-in inserts (full, modiimproved cylinder); these c h o k e s with muzzle
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; reverse checkering; full uncapped pistol grip and fore-end Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
45.625 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb: plain barrel, 1.375 inches; ventilated rib, 1.5 inches Drop at heel: plain barrel, 2.375 inches; ventilated rib, 2.5 inches Weight: 12-bore, 7.0 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.5 lbs.; add 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front 12, 20, 2.75-inch case
Data: T h i s was originally introduced as the M l 4 0 0 but with minor modifications is now the M l 4 0 0 M a r k II and is only available with Winc h o k e . T h e introduction of W i n c h o k e eliminated the need for separate skeet and trap models. T h e r e was also a slug model. M a n y parts of the M 1 2 0 0 slide-action shotgun including bolts are interchangeable with the semiautomatic M 1 4 0 0 . This reduces manufacturing operations and cuts production costs. T h e receiver is light alloy. T h e gun can be bought with a plain barrel or a ventilated rib. Comment: This is a good buy for the economyminded shooter w h o cannot afford a double-barrel gun or several barrels for a semiautomatic or slide-action shotgun. It m e a n s that o n e gun can serve for waterfowling and upland game. T h e a u t h o r w o n d e r s if a light alloy receiver can withstand the batterings of tens of t h o u s a n d s of trap r o u n d s .
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: 5-shot (2-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug) Safety:
Barrel length & choke: 30.0 inches, full; 2 8 . 0 inches, modified; 26.0 inches, improved cylinder Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with machinecut checkering on full pistol grip a n d foreend Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length: 30.0-inch barrel, 5 0 . 0 inches; 28.0-inch barrel, 48.0 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 46.0 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
Weight: 30.0-inch barrel, 7.5 lbs.; 28.0-inch barrel, 7.44 lbs.; 26.0-inch barrel, 7.38 lbs.; add 4.0 oz. for ventilated rib
Sights: Bore:
metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: C h r o m e m o l y b d e n u m receiver, barrel and barrel extensions, a n d all other metal c o m p o n e n t s . T h e short stroke —a machined steel rod rather than t h e usual stamped action bar— requires n o adjustment for various-powered loads. T h e carrier system is machined steel. T h e r e ' s a choice of plain barrel o r ventilated rib.
Comment: This is probably t h e best semiautomatic shotgun that W i n c h e s t e r has produced. It is one of the best-designed and best-crafted semiautomatic a r m s o n t h e market. In view of t h e current growing popularity of the 20-bore, particularly in the 3.0-inch M a g n u m version, it is to be hoped that this excellent shotgun will soon be m a d e in that b o r e .
Action type:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: Safety:
4-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r
Barrel length & choke:
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
26.0 inches, skeet
Sights: Bore:
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machine checkered full pistol grip and fore-end Buttplate: black rubber recoil p a d with white line spacer Overall length:
46.25 inches
2.0 inches
7.75 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: S e e Super-X Model 1 for basic action data. T h i s skeet version c o m e s only with a ventilated rib. Comment: A first-rate skeet gun for those w h o prefer semiautomatics.
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
Drop at comb:
Magazine capacity:
Drop at heel:
4-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r
Barrel length & choke: 22.0 inches, special slug Safety:
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; machinecheckered full pistol grip and fore-end Buttplate:
ventilated rubber recoil pad
Overall length:
42.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
Action type:
2.625 inches
7.0 lbs.
Sights: R o c k y Mountain rear, crudely adjustable for elevation; bead front Bore:
12, 2.75-inch case
Comment: This is as good a semiautomatic slug gun as o n e can find. It should be fitted with quick-detachable sling swivels but this minor matter can readily be corrected.
Drop at comb:
semiautomatic; gas-operated
Magazine type:
1.625 inches
1.375 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo (if applicable): inches
Magazine capacity: 4-shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r (2shot plus 1 in c h a m b e r when fitted with wildfowl plug)
Drop at heel: standard, 1.875 inches; M o n t e C a r l o , 2.125 inches
Barrel length & choke: full
30.0 inches, modified or
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; checkered full pistol grip and straight or M o n t e Carlo c o m b
Bore: machinefore-end;
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer Overall length:
50.375 inches
Length of pull:
14.375 inches
8.25 lbs. metal bead front and mid-rib 12, 2.75-inch case
Data: See Super-X Model 1 for basic action data. T h e trap version c o m e s only with ventilated rib. Comment: T h i s shotgun, despite its youth, is doing very well u n d e r the rugged grind of tournament trap competition.
T h e bolt-action magazine shotgun is deservedly the least popular kind of repeater. In a slug-barrel version it's an acceptable arm for deer hunting w h e r e the law requires that shotguns be used. Since it's inexpensive and rugged, it vies with the single-shot models as a " b a r n g u n " for use on pest species a r o u n d a farm, though for reasons given below the a u t h o r sees no advantage in the bolt-action magazine scattergun o v e r the break-top single-shot design. It would serve all right as a c a m p gun —again b e c a u s e of its low cost and ruggedness —except that it's big and c u m b e r s o m e in most versions. H e r e the instantt a k e d o w n design of the break-top single-shot is a big advantage. T h e r e are a few wildfowlers (particularly those brought up on long-barreled, lowcost guns for pass-shooting at geese) w h o feel most comfortable with a bolt-action " L o n g T o m " but in the a u t h o r ' s opinion the best e x c u s e these people h a v e is that t h e y ' r e set in their w a y s . M o s t shotgunners agree that the only
shooter w h o n e e d s this action is the shooter w h o feels he must h a v e a r e p e a t e r and can't afford any other kind. It d o e s cost only one-half to one-third as much as a field-grade slide-action. But the shooter would be better served with the ancient " c o r n sheller" M 9 7 W i n c h e s t e r — o n e of our most popular and reliable shotguns — than with a new boltaction shotgun. T h e bolt action is the slowest of all manually operated actions. A man with a single-barrel single-shot shotgun carrying one spare cartridge betw e en the fingers of his left hand can get off two shots faster than a bolt-action man. Bolt-action shotguns in the 3.0-inch 12-bore chambering should weigh 1 to 2 p o u n d s m o r e than any current model. T h e sheer ugliness of this arm should put most people off, but t h o u s a n d s of shotgunners are perfectly content with their bolt-action shotguns — and c o n t e n t m e n t is a rare virtue these d a y s .
Action type:
Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length & choke: 330
36.0 inches, full
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with semi-pistol grip; u n c h e c k e r e d ; sling swivels and leather carrying strap Buttplate: ventilated black recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
57.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.5 inches
7.25 lbs.
bead front
12, 3.0-inch case
Data: M 5 5 has a gold-plated trigger. A removable adaptor in the detachable magazine permits the use of standard or " s h o r t m a g n u m " loads when 3.0-inch shells aren't necessary.
Comment: Irrespective of the advantages or disadvantages of a bolt-action shotgun, there is no reason for the long, ungainly 36-inch barrel. Its sole p u r p o s e is to lure buyers. T h e difference in velocity between 36-inch barrel and 30-inch barrel is barely perceptible. T h e shorter barrel will get m o r e waterfowl because it is easier to handle and swing. Such guns are a nuisance in a duck blind, car, or boat. T h e y rarely fit into an upright gun cabinet. This arm is at least 1 lb. too light.
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Part Name Receiver Recoil Plate, Model 395K Recoil Plate, Model 395S Barrel Choke Index Plate, Model 395K Front Sight, Model 395K Choke Tube Choke Adjusting Sleeve Safety Lock Safety Button Screw Safety Button w/6297 Plate Safety Click Ball Safety Click Ball Spring Bolt complete Bolt & Lever Bolt Index Plunger Spring Bolt Index Plunger
Part Name
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Striker Spring Firing Pin Bolt Head Extractor Spring Left Extractor Right Extractor Extractor Pin Sear & Trigger Housing Retaining Ring Sear Pin Ejector Screw Ejector Sear & Trigger Housing Retaining Pin Sear Trigger Sear Spring
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
Part Name Angle Bar Magazine Latch Trigger Spring Trigger Retaining Ring Trigger Pin Trigger Housing Screw Trigger Housing Complete Stock Plate Stock Plate Screw & Nut Take Down Screw Magazine Magazine Spring Assembly Stock complete Recoil Pad Spacer Recoil Pad Recoil Pad Screw Safety Adapter
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: Safety:
Sight, front:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length & choke:
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white plastic spacer Overall length:
45.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.25 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
bead on r a m p with Wide-Scan hood
Scope adaptability: receiver drilled and tapped for standard b a s e s
24.0 inches, slug
Stock: 1-piece A m e r i c a n walnut with u n c a p p e d semi-pistol grip; u n c h e c k e r e d ; sling swivels with leather carrying strap; Mar-Shield finish
Drop at heel:
7.5 lbs.
12, 3.0-inch c a s e
Data: data.
See M 5 5 G o o s e G u n for basic action
Comment: This shotgun is at least 1.5 lbs. too light for long M a g n u m loads. T h e standard minim u m weight for a 3.0-inch 12-bore M a g n u m is 8.5 lbs. T h e 24.0-inch barrel on this d e e r gun would take m o r e geese than the 36.0-inch-barrel G o o s e G u n b e c a u s e it is much easier to handle.
2.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Drop at heel:
Magazine capacity:
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length & choke:
Stock: 1-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d with uncapped semi-pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; u n c h e c k e r e d ; sling supplied
Overall length:
45.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
2.5 inches
6.75 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for elevation
24.0 inches, slug
Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
2.0 inches
Sight, front:
partridge type on r a m p
Scope adaptability: receiver can be drilled and tapped for scope m o u n t s Bore:
12, 3.0-inch case
Plastic triggerbow.
Comment: A n inexpensive shotgun design for slug use on deer.
Action type:
Magazine type: detachable straight-line (.410-bore is nondetachable) Magazine capacity:
Overall length: 28.0-inch barrel, 47.5 inches; 26.0-inch barrel, 45.5 inches; 25.0-inch barrel, 44.5 inches Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Barrel length & choke: 28.0 i n c h e s (12-bore); 26.0 inches (20-bore); 25.0 inches (.410bore); C - L E C T - C H O K E (variable c h o k e ; instant selection is secured by twisting choke dial to full, modified, or improved cylinder)
Drop at heel:
sliding t h u m b
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained u n c h e c k e r e d hardwood with uncapped semi-pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b Buttplate: ventilated rubber recoil pad white line spacer
Drop at Monte Carlo:
2.0 inches
2.5 inches
Weight: 12-bore, 6.75 lbs.; 20-bore, 6.25 lbs.; .410-bore, 5.5 lbs.
bead on C - L E C T - C H O K E 12, 20, .410, 3.0-inch case
Comment: M o s t bolt-action and single-shot shotguns h a v e full c h o k e , the least useful of all c h o k e s , but t h e s e shotguns have the great advantage of selective c h o k e .
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
.410, 3.0-inch case
Magazine capacity:
Steel receiver and twin extractors.
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length & choke:
24.0 inches, full
Stock: l-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; uncapped semi-pistol grip; reverse checkering on pistol grip Buttplate:
hard rubber
Overall length:
43.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.5 inches
5.5 lbs.
Comment: A n inexpensive magazine shotgun in a bore that ought to be used solely by e x p e r t s , n o n e of w h o m would use a bolt-action shotgun. S o m e people c h o o s e a .410 as a first gun for their youngsters, but this is a mistake. Even a youngster is not apt to be bothered by the recoil of a 20-bore gun with a properly proportioned stock, a recoil pad, sufficient weight, and reasonably light loads. A beginner often gets discouraged firing the pencil-thin .410 loads b e c a u s e it's so hard to hit with them that misses mount up unnecessarily. M o r e o v e r , in the a u t h o r ' s opinion a beginning shotgunner ought to h a v e the benefit of a shotgun that handles and looks like the guns he will use later—not a bolt-action model.
T h e full potential of the combination rifle/ shotgun has never been realized by N o r t h A m e r ican hunters. T h e combination rifle/shotgun reaches maximum use on the Continent, notably in G e r m a n y . T h e basic types are: 1. One rifle barrel (rim- or centerfire)jone smoothbore barrel. This is the only type regularly manufactured in the United States. Typical combinations: .22 Long Rifle/.410-bore shot cartridge; .222 Rem./20-bore M a g n u m shot cartridge; .222 Rem./12-bore shot cartridge. Savage A r m s is the only regular manufacturer of this type of arm. Savage now imports from Finland t w o combination a r m s : .308 Win./12-bore and .222 Rem./ 12-bore. 2. Cape riflelshotgun. T h e a b o v e rifle/shotgun combination a r m s are the o v e r / u n d e r type. T h e C a p e rifle/shotgun combination —no longer m a d e except possibly on special o r d e r — h a s side-byside barrels. O n e barrel is usually c h a m b e r e d for a military (British) rifle cartridge and the other for a 16-bore (a few 12-bores w e r e made). T h e true C a p e gun was rarely used by sportsmen on African safari or in India. T h e s e men used double rifles and shotguns. T h e C a p e , as its name indicates, found great favor among thrifty Boer settlers in the vast country north of C a p e T o w n . T h e y could not afford expensive British doubles and shotguns, so the C a p e provided them with an arm for game ranging from the tiny dik-dik to the elephant, as well as birds for the pot. I m p e c u n i o u s British junior officers liked their versatility and low price. Early C a p e guns used the u n d e r lever rather than the more popular top lever of later years. All C a p e guns observed or fired by the author had external h a m m e r s . T h e C a p e ' s h e y d a y ranged from the 1870s through 1925. Secondhand C a p e s w e r e in demand to a b o u t World W a r I I . T o d a y , they are still useful in those calibers for which cartridges are available, but are be334
coming collector's items. T h e a u t h o r owned t w o C a p e s : a Westley-Richards . 5 7 7 - . 4 5 0 MartiniH e n r y / 1 2 - b o r e and a Jeffrey .303/16-bore. Early rifles designed for black p o w d e r should be used only with black-powder cartridges. 3. Two smoothbore barrels and one rifle barrel (usually centerfire). T h e G e r m a n s designate this three-barrel combination as a Drilling. Shotcartridge barrels are usually 16-bore. G e r m a n Drillings are usually c h a m b e r e d for a rimmed cartridge of G e r m a n / A u s t r i a n origin, though the a u t h o r o n c e o w n e d a Drilling for the . 2 5 - 3 5 Win. T h e . 3 0 - 3 0 Win. w a s also a popular Drilling cartridge, as was —and still is —the .22 H o r n e t . T h e 7 x 5 7 M a u s e r (7mm) with a rim w a s a popular cartridge. T h e .243 Win. and . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield are currently popular among t h o s e w h o can afford the stiff price tag (well o v e r $1000). 4. Two rifle barrels (usually one centerfire and one rimfire) and two shot cartridge barrels. T h e G e r m a n s call this four-barrel combination a Vierling. 5. Two separate interchangeable barrels, one rifle and one shot cartridge barrel. Either barrel can be used with the break-top frame. A typical combination is a . 3 0 - 3 0 Win./12-bore barrel.
rifle I shotguns
Savage once m a d e a t a k e d o w n version of the M 9 9 that was optionally available with a .410bore (2.5-inch c h a m b e r ) . Before World W a r I I , Marble A r m s , G l a d stone, Mich., manufactured the " G a m e G e t t e r . " This w a s an o v e r / u n d e r long-barreled pistol. O n e barrel was c h a m b e r e d for the .22 L o n g Rifle. T h e other barrel accepted a .410 (2.5-inch c h a m b e r ) shot cartridge. T h i s barrel also accepted the . 4 4 40 Win. rifle/handgun cartridge. T h e . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. barrel c h a m b e r e d the regular . 4 4 - 4 0 cartridge or a special " M a r b l e ' s G a m e G e t t e r " cartridge that was a .410 round ball (slug) loaded into the . 4 4 4 0 c a s e . This handy —or c u m b e r s o m e — affair
was fitted with a detachable skeleton stock. Manufacture ceased when the arm b e c a m e illegal under the 1934 Federal F i r e a r m s A c t (detachable stocks were outlawed). It was made with 12-, 15-, and 18-inch barrels. T h e author used a G a m e G e t t e r on his trapline for several years. H e discarded it in favor of a .22 Colt Officer's Model sixgun. T h e various Savage M 2 4 Series arms with a .22 Long Rifle or .22 W . R . M . barrel in combination with a shot cartridge barrel are handy c a m p guns, good for rabbits, squirrel, or grouse. A
W e a v e r I X or even a 2.5X scope m a k e s the arm more useful. In states like Florida w h e r e the turkey, quail, and d e e r seasons c o m m e n c e about the same time, a shotshell barrel and rifle barrel are handy. T h e a u t h o r used a Drilling c h a m b e r e d for the 16bore shot cartridge and .22 H o r n e t . H e loaded one barrel with N o . 7Vs shot for birds (other than turkey) and the second barrel with a rifle slug for deer. T h e .22 H o r n e t was handy to have for hunting turkey and small g a m e . It was an excellent and practical combination.
COLT SAUER DRILLING Manufacturer: J. P. Sauer & Sohn, West G e r many Importer/distributor: Colt Industries Action type: break-top; top lever opening; two shotgun/one rifle; G r e e n e r type Barrel selector:
tang slide
Locking system: Safety:
u n d e r b o l t / G r e e n e r crossbolt
side tang
Barrel length & choke: full
24.0 inches, modified &
Stock: 2-piece European walnut; hand checkering (16 lines per inch); oil finish; pistol grip with plastic cap Buttplate:
recoil pad
Overall length:
41.75 inches
Length of pull:
14.25 inches (from front trigger)
Drop at comb:
1.5 inches
Drop at heel:
2.0 inches
Takedown length: Weight:
24.0 inches
8.0 lbs.
Trigger system: type)
two triggers (rifle trigger is set
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
brass bead
Scope adaptability: no provision, but rib can be drilled and tapped for scope m o u n t Caliber/bore: . 3 0 - 0 6 / 1 2 - b o r e , 2.75-inch c a s e ; .243 Win./12-bore, 2.75-inch case Comment: T h i s is one of the finest contemporary Drillings. A s of 1975 it was priced in the vicinity of $ 1 5 0 0 , so not too many will be sold. T h e a u t h o r has t w o criticisms: the arm should be available in a wider array of calibers and b o r e s , and a man w h o appreciates such a firearm and w h o has the m o n e y to p u r c h a s e one will probably want much finer checkering than the coarse 16-lines-per-inch type.
Importer/distributor: Action type: release
3 inches
3.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : button on frame
Barrel length & choke:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
Garcia Corp.
single shot, swing-out; under-lever
Barrel selector:
Drop at comb:
Rossi, Brazil
leaf on receiver bridge
Sight, front:
18.5 inches, full
Scope adaptability:
Stock: skeleton t y p e ; rust resistant, crackle finish Overall length:
32 inches
Length of pull:
13.875 inches
n o provision
.22 rimfire/.410 b o r e
Data: T h i s combination firearm features simple, quick t a k e d o w n for pack or c a m p use. Comment: A n inexpensive s m o o t h b o r e with a rifle that will handle the Short, Long, or L o n g Rifle cartridge.
Tikka, Finland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Ithaca G u n C o .
b r e a k - t o p ; top lever opening
Barrel selector:
button on frame
Safety: exposed h a m m e r with half-cock position Barrel length & choke: Stock:
checkering; full pistol grip and fore-end; forward-sloping M o n t e C a r l o c o m b ; d e tachable sling swivels
24.5 inches, full
2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; skip-line hand
Overall length:
45 inches
Length of pull:
14 inches
Drop at front of Monte Carlo: Drop at r e a r of Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
2.25 inches
7.5 lbs.
1.875 inches 1.625 inches
Sight, r e a r :
folding leaf
Sight, front:
bead on r a m p
Scope adaptability: mount Caliber/bore:
Data: Supplied with 12-gauge full c h o k e and .222 R e m . rifle barrel.
Receiver grooved for scope
.222/12 bore
Comment: A n excellent firearm for turkey and fox hunting. It would also serve well for a number of small-game and varmint species.
C U T - A W A Y D R A W I N G O F T H E I T H A C A T U R K E Y G U N 12 G A U G E / . 2 2 2
No. 1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 6A 6B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Part Name Wood, forend (screw mounted) Wood, forend (nylon clip mounted) Sight, front Barrel set (see service page) Washer, stock bolt lock Washer, stock bolt plain Stock assembly (right hand) Stock assembly (left hand) Stock assembly (right hand) for guns with clip mounted forends Plate, butt Screw, butt plate Swivel, rear Cap, pistol grip Screw, pistol grip cap Plate, pistol grip cap screw Housing, restriction ball Spring, restriction ball Ball, restriction Pin, locking
No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Part Name Pin. selector Selector Lockring Sight, rear Blade, sight elevation Pin, sight blade Screw, sight blade Spring, rear sight Plate, selector Hammer Pin, selector plate Guide, mainspring Lever, top Guide, action bolt spring Spring, action bolt Bolt, stock Guide, forend lock spring Spring, forend locking Holder, forend Screw, forend holder Lock, forend Swivel, front
No. 39 40 41 42 42A 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Part Name Screw, forend front Iron, forend Screw, forend rear Extractor (12ga./.222 cal.) Extractor (for guns with clip mounted forends) Bolt, action locking Frame (see service page) Retainer, firing pin Spring, firing pin Pin, firing Screw, trigger guard Stop, trigger Pin, hammer Screw, trigger adjusting Pin, trigger Trigger Guard, trigger Spring, trigger Mainspring Screw, mainspring adjusting
Action type: break-top; top lever opening; over/ under rifle-shotgun; exposed h a m m e r Barrel selector: Safety:
on h a m m e r spur
rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke:
20.0 inches, cylinder
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained hardwood; straight grip; no checkering; finger groove on fore-end Overall length:
36.0 inches
Length of pull:
13.5 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel: Weight:
2.75 inches
5.75 lbs.
Sight, r e a r :
crudely adjustable for elevation
Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: Caliber/bore: case
grooved for tip-off mount
.22 Long Rifle/20-bore, 3.0-inch
Data: This lightweight version in the M 2 4 Series has a color-case-hardened frame and blued barrel, and it c o m e s with a c a n v a s carrying case.
Comment: A useful combination for youngsters or c a m p e r s . H a n d y c a m p - m e a t gun on a biggame expedition.
SAVAGE M24-D (DELUXE) RIFLE/SHOTGUN Action type: break-top; top lever opening; over/ under rifle-shotgun; exposed h a m m e r Barrel selector: Safety:
on h a m m e r spur
rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke:
24.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering on pistol grip and fore-end; black plastic pistol grip cap with white line spacer Buttplate:
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
40.0 inches
Length of pull: Drop at comb:
14.0 inches 2.0 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel: Weight:
1.75 inches
2.625 inches
6.75-7.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability:
grooved for tip-off m o u n t
Caliber/bore: .22 Long Rifle/.410-bore, 3.0-inch
case; .22 Long Rifle/20-bore, 3.0-inch c a s e ; .22 Magnum/20-bore 3.0-inch case Data: Early M 2 4 combinations had the barrel selector on the frame. Locating it on the h a m m e r spur facilitates fast switching.
Comment: T h e .410-bore chambering should be ignored. T h e 20-bore in combination with the .22 Long Rifle (and scope) is good small game/bird combination.
SAVAGE M24 FIELD GRADE (F.G.) RIFLE/SHOTGUN Action type: break-top; top lever opening; over/ u n d e r rifle-shotgun; exposed h a m m e r
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation
Barrel selector:
Sight, front:
on h a m m e r spur
rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke:
Scope adaptability:
24.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece walnut-stained h a r d w o o d ; checkering; uncapped semi-pistol grip Overall length:
40.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
1.75 inches
Drop at heel:
grooved for tip-off m o u n t
Caliber/bore: .22 L o n g Rifle/.410-bore, 3.0-inch c a s e ; .22 Long Rifle/20-bore, 3.0-inch c a s e ; .22 W . R . M . / 2 0 - b o r e , 3.0-inch case
Comment: Similar to M 2 4 - D except stained h a r d w o o d stock is substituted for walnut stock; also without checkering and pistol-grip cap of slightly more expensive M 2 4 - D . Early M 2 4 series models did not have split barrel. T h e M 2 4 Field G r a d e was given split barrels in 1972.
2.75 inches
Takedown length:
24.0 inches
7.5 lbs.
Action type: break-top; o v e r / u n d e r shotgun; external h a m m e r Barrel selector: Safety:
on h a m m e r spur
half-cock; rebounding h a m m e r
Barrel length & choke:
24.0 inches, full
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; impressed checkering; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; pistol grip with plastic cap and white line spacer
black plastic with white line spacer
Overall length:
40.0 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
Drop at comb:
2.0 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.75 inches
2.625 inches
Takedown length:
24.0 inches
SAVAGE M 2 4 - V RIFLE/SHOTGUN ( c o n t i n u e d )
Scope adaptability: bases
drilled and tapped for scope
Caliber/bore: . 3 0 - 3 0 Win./20-bore, 3.0-inch c a s e ; .222 R e m . / 2 0 - b o r e , 3.0-inch case Weight: .222 Rem./20-bore, 6.75 lbs.; . 3 0 - 3 0 Win./20-bore, 7.5 lbs. Sight, rear: folding leaf, adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Valmet, Finland
Action type: break-top; top lever opening; over/ under rifle-shotgun; internal h a m m e r Barrel selector:
button on trigger
Locking system: monobloc locking rails engaged by lock shield that slides forward when arm is closed Safety:
Drop at comb:
23.5 inches, improved
Stock: 2-piece walnut; machine checkering; uncapped pistol grip; M o n t e Carlo c o m b ; finger-grooved fore-end Buttplate: black recoil pad with white line spacer Overall length:
40.5 inches
Length of pull:
14.0 inches
1.5 inches
Drop at Monte Carlo: Drop at heel:
1.75 inches
2.5 inches
Takedown length:
23.5 inches
7.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : folding leaf, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
sliding tang
Barrel length & choke: modified
Comment: This is an excellent low-priced combination. It is handy for the turkey and bird hunter in the .222 Rem./20-bore combination and for the d e e r and bird hunter in the . 3 0 - 3 0 Win./ 20-bore combination.
Caliber/bore: .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) / 1 2 bore, 2.75-inch c a s e ; .222 R e m . / 1 2 - b o r e , 2.75-inch case Data: Blued finish. Design elements similar to Savage M 3 3 0 o v e r / u n d e r shotgun; barrel selector on trigger. T o p barrel is s m o o t h b o r e ; bottom barrel is rifled. Comment: This is a very well-designed and wellcrafted o v e r / u n d e r shotgun/rifle combination. Some shooters may dislike the wide-open space between u p p e r and lower barrel.
E X P L O D E D V I E W O F S A V A G E M O D E L S 24, 24C, 24D
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Part Name Hammer Assembly Selector Plunger Spring Selector Plunger Selector Selector Pin Firing Pin (Rifle) Firing Pin (Shotgun) Firing Pin Spring Top Snap Top Snap Spring Top Snap Plunger Top Snap Sleeve Top Snap, Trigger Guard Screw Extractor Extractor Screw Extractor Spring Rear Sight Step Rear Sight Barrel Band and Front Sight Barrel Band Screw Frame Trigger Spring
No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Part Name Trigger Trigger Pin Hammer, Locking Bolt Pin Firing Pin Screw (Shotgun) Firing Pin Screw (Rifle) Extractor Extractor Lever, Lever Spring and Stop Pin Fore-end Spring Housing Screw Fore-end Spring Fore-end Spring Spring Barrel Extractor Lever Extractor Lever Spring Fore-end Spring Housing Fore-end Spring Housing Assembly Fore-end Spring Pin Fore-end Spring Spring Pin Trigger Guard Screw Trigger Guard
No. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47A 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 57 58 59 60
Part Name Mainspring Plunger Seat Trigger Guard Mainspring Mainspring Plunger Assembly Fore-end Iron Head Screw Fore-end Pivot Plate Fore-end Wood Fore-end Screw Locking Bolt Spring Locking Bolt Plunger Locking Bolt Assembly Butt Plate Screw Butt Plate Stock Bolt Stock Bolt Washer Stock Pistol Grip Cap Pistol Grip Cap Screw Butt Plate Trap Cover
T h e rifled barrel has been with us barely more than two centuries. T h e s m o o t h b o r e has been with us since the first firearm was made. T h e American revolution and even the Civil W a r were fought largely with s m o o t h b o r e m u s k e t s using slugs or balls rather than shot. F o r many years the degree of choke has been theoretically standardized. T h e basic borings today are full, modified, and improved cylinder. T h e cylinder bore, still with u s , is largely used for deer guns firing slugs or for short-barrel police guns. Chokes Until the late 1860s, shotgun or s m o o t h b o r e barrels had no choke. T o d a y , we designate such a barrel as "cylinder b o r e . " In the true cylinder bore the barrel's interior has the same diameter all the way to the muzzle. " C h o k e " m e a n s constricting the muzzle slightly (by a few h u n d r e d t h s of an inch) so that a degree of control is exercised o v e r the shot pattern. C h o k e was apparently " i n v e n t e d " by t w o A m e r i c a n s , each u n k n o w n to the other, and by an Englishman, u n k n o w n to either of the Americans. F r e d Kimble, a market gunner, and a c h a p named R o p e r were the A m e r i c a n s . T h e Englishman was William R. P a p e . T h e r e is considerable variation between the chokes of some manufacturers. T o d a y ' s c h o k e s are more open than those of yesteryear, when the black-powder influence was still with us. T h e effect of choke is measured in t e r m s of pattern density—that is, the average percentage of pellets in a shot charge that will strike within a 30-inch circle at 40 yards. Full choke. A b o u t 70 percent pattern density is all one can expect today. ( H o w e v e r an occa342
sional gun delivers nearly 20 percent m o r e with t o d a y ' s plastic shot-pouch wad c o l u m n s , which protect the pellets as they travel through the bore and p r o d u c e a tighter shot string.) Some tight c h o k e s of yesterday ran to nearly 90 percent. O n e reason for the m o r e open full choke is the t r e m e n d o u s i m p r o v e m e n t in shot cartridges. T h e s e i m p r o v e m e n t s include the plastic shot p o u c h e s mentioned a b o v e . T h e full c h o k e is vastly overrated for most shooting. T h e average upland game and waterfowl decoy g u n n e r is handicapping himself if his shotgun is full-choked. Single-barrel gunners should use a variablec h o k e device. Modified choke. This patterns at about 60 percent. It is a very useful c h o k e and is about the maximum for most g u n n e r s , except long-range goose and pheasant shooters. T h e modified might be called the " p i v o t " or " s w i n g " c h o k e . O n double-barrel guns —except t h o s e for goose shooting —it is usually in partnership with a full c h o k e , or an improved-cylinder c h o k e . Improved cylinder. This is an ideal c h o k e for most upland game and for decoyed d u c k s up to about 35 yards. T h e ideal upland-bird and decoyed-waterfowl c h o k e s are one barrel improved cylinder and the other modified. T h e man with a single-barrel slide-action o r semiautomatic will not be severely handicapping himself if he uses improved cylinder. Pattern is about 50 percent. Skeet choke. T h i s type, too, varies s o m e w h a t depending on manufacturer but it is essentially a n o t h e r n a m e for improved cylinder. E v e n t h o s e twin-barrel guns with c h o k e s labeled Skeet 1 and Skeet 2 have improved-cylinder c h o k e (more or less) in both barrels. Cylinder. T h i s often gives a variable pattern — depending on load and shot size —but the density rarely e x c e e d s 40 percent at 4 0 y a r d s . Its basic
use is for short-barreled short-range "policet y p e " shotguns, though many gunners might benefit from its use in hunting certain upland birds such as woodcock. Slug choke. This is a general description and may range from cylinder to improved cylinder. Some slug-gun manufacturers use the term "slug c h o k e , " while others simply call it by its right name. Trap choke. F o r many years trap guns w e r e almost invariably bored full choke (or even extrafull). T o d a y , however, modified or modified-full may be offered as an option. T h e r e is also the improved modified which is another compromise. In the past the term "halfc h o k e " was applied to what now approximates modified. Q u a r t e r - c h o k e approximated improved cylinder. T h e classic myth about determining full c h o k e : If a dime w o n ' t pass through the muzzle of a 12bore the barrel is full choke. D i m e s , as the a u t h o r knows from miking many, are far from uniform diameter, especially worn dimes.
Shotshell case material Brass. Probably the oldest and still the most durable material. It is c o m m o n p l a c e to reload a brass case at least 100 times. All present brass cases are imported. W h e n brass cases are loaded, w a d s must be cut to a slightly greater diameter than for a standard case because the brass case is thinner than the plastic one. Cardboard with a paper wrapper. This type was with us from the late nineteenth century until after World W a r I I . This case when subjected to humidity or moisture frequently swelled to such an extent that it could not function through a magazine or c h a m b e r in a barrel. T h i s w a s but an inconvenience to civilian scattergunners, but it was a far different situation when A m e r i c a n troops armed with " t r e n c h " or " r i o t " shotguns moved into the many c a v e s of the Pacific Islands to clean out the enemy. A rush order was sent stateside for brass cartridges. T h e y were produced and shipped to the Pacific, w h e r e they served our troops reliably. Corrugated cardboard. These appeared shortly after World W a r II and w e r e an improvement over the old c a r d b o a r d / p a p e r t u b e s . Plastic. In the 1960s the cardboard and cardboard/paper shells were replaced by waterproof —or w a t e r repellent, at least —plastic. Plastic cases have improved over the years to the extent that nearly 100 percent of current shot cartridge case production is plastic. T h e folded, or star,
crimp w o r k s best as a closure for the mouth of the plastic shell. It has replaced the old rollcrimp and top-wad closure. Plastic shells are easy to reload and they provide excellent shooting performances. Aluminum. Winchester-Western during World W a r II supplied the A r m y Air F o r c e —and possibly other services —with aluminum cases in .410bore for use in survival kits. This is an excellent but expensive material. V a r i o u s alloys have been used by E u r o p e a n shotshell manufacturers, but to date no alloy case has offered significant competition for the very durable plastic case. Case design F o r many years there w e r e t w o basic brass shot cartridge h e a d s . T h e " l o w " brass case was used for field loads like Winchester R E P E A T E R or X P E R T loads, while e x p r e s s and/or magnum loads had a much higher brass head. Brand n a m e s are S u p e r - X , Super Speed or N i t r o Express, familiar to many A m e r i c a n s of both yesteryear and today. T o d a y , many cases are compression-formed plastic. T h e brass head merely serves to hold the primer and its battery cup. S o m e shot cartridges — m o r e will probably follow —are entirely plastic except for the primer and its battery cup. A major p h e n o m e n o n among scattergunners has been the development of handloading shotshells. T o d a y ' s skeet or trap shooter, unless he is very well off, must reload his empty cases or load new c a s e s . F r e q u e n t l y clubs p u r c h a s e a mechanical loader that can load up to 1800 shot cartridges per hour. T h e a u t h o r handloads trap loads, but for hunting purposes uses factory loads. T h e shooting season — particularly with the low waterfowl limits—doesn't offer that much shooting.
Barrel length, despite the great myth that "longer barrels shoot h a r d e r , " has little effect on velocity. T h e trend for the past few years has been toward shorter barrels. T h e standard length of 12-bore full-choke barrels is about 30 inches, though there are still some 32-inch barrels left. T h e 32-inch barrels — in the case of twin tubes —are usually bored full and full. T h e 20-gauge full-and-full barrels are usually 30 inches. T h e r e are relatively few fulland-full 20-gauge barrels. M o s t twin-tube improved cylinder and modified combinations are 26 inches or 26.5 inches; the 0.5-inch difference seems pointless.
Barrel length, it will be noted, has a definite relationship to c h o k e . T h e full-and-full double-barrel is used largely for waterfowl. T h e flight pattern of ducks and geese is such that a longer sighting plain and a slow swing are required. Quail and w o o d c o c k , both usually shot at short range, require a more open choke. A s already noted, the short, easy-toswing 26-inch improved cylinder and modified chokes can also be deadly on decoyed waterfowl. M u c h of the myth about long barrels c o m e s from the black-powder days when considerable barrel length —they even had 40-inch barrels — was required to generate adequate velocity for long shots. With modern progressive-burning propellants the long barrel is no longer needed. T h e trap-gun barrel still averages 30 to 34 inches. A long sighting plane and a slow-to-stop swing are required. T h e 32-inch barrel is entirely adequate, but sometimes tall men —including the author, w h o is 6 feet 7 —like the 34-inch barrel. A 26-inch-barrel slide-action or semiautomatic scattergun is about as long overall as a 30-inchbarrel break-top single-shot, or twin-tube side-byside or over/under, which have no long receiver. This overall length is often a consideration in selection of a barrel length. C u s t o m - m a d e arms can be made in almost any barrel length or choke. Variable-choke
Single-barrel guns like the single-shot, semiauto, and slide actions have the inherent disadvantage of no choke selectivity. O v e r the years this condition has been remedied by several variable-choke devices. T h e r e are t w o basic types: Permanently installed. T h e s e units can be adjusted through several degrees of c h o k e , usually from improved cylinder through modified to full. Some devices h a v e stops between the major ones. E x a m p l e s : P o l y - C h o k e and M o s s b e r g C - L E C T - C H O K E . T h e latter is usually factoryinstalled on the gun. Poly-Chokes are usually installed by your friendly, and one hopes c o m p e -
tent, gunsmith. T h e r e are t w o types of PolyC h o k e s : the original, in which the proper choke was selected manually; and an automatic version. Close shots are usually first shots, so the choke can be set at cylinder bore. After the first shot the c h o k e selector automatically m o v e s to the next degree of choke tightness. Removable. T h e first or a m o n g the first variable-choke devices was the C u t t s C o m p e n sator invented in the mid-1920s by Colonel Richard C u t t s . H e was probably better k n o w n for his C u t t s C o m p e n s a t o r of M 1 9 2 8 A L T h o m p s o n Submachine guns than for the C u t t s choke device (which also acted as a recoil device). T h e C u t t s is a 5- to 6-inch-long tube of slightly greater diameter than the exterior of the barrel. It is necessary to install a separate C u t t s device for each desired choke pattern. T h u s if you want an improved-cylinder c h o k e , you r e m o v e the C u t t s device already in the barrel and replace it with the desired c h o k e . G a s escaping through the slots (or gas escape ports) force the barrel d o w n , thus reducing muzzle j u m p and recoil. T h e C u t t s , though effective, is an ungainly affair, and many users of lovely-lined doubles have thanked the stars —or something —that their guns were not so damnably e n c u m b e r e d . M o s t C u t t s users have several inches of the forward portion of their barrel removed so that the arm is not excessively long. Several years ago Winchester brought forth a similar device in that only one c h o k e pattern at a time could be installed. T h e device, now available only on the M 1 4 4 M a r k II semiautomatic shotgun, is the least offensive-looking of all variable-choke devices and it is as effective. It is not as efficient as the P o l y - C h o k e because only one choke insert can be used at a time. T h e device is almost entirely inside the barrel. Unlike the C u t t s , it d o e s n ' t seem to increase muzzle heaviness. T h e a u t h o r has fired a great many types of shotguns and experimented with several variable-choke devices, and solved the problem to his satisfaction by switching to the over/under.
T h e single-shot centerfire pistol, since the advent of Colt's Revolving Pistol, is the least popular handgun type. Except for target pistols, single-shot handguns suffered a long, steady decline. It remained for Remington with its X P - 1 0 0 and T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r with its C o n t e n d e r to revive the single-shot as a sport/hunting arm. Today's highly accurate single-shots are frequently used with a scope sight specifically designed for handgun use. T h e United States A r m y , except for its adoption of the T h o m p s o n submachine gun, M1 (Garand), and 5.56mm M 1 6 automatic rifle, has been —and still is —conservative about arms. T h e service handgun from the Mexican W a r (1848— 49) through the Civil War ( 1 8 6 1 - 6 5 ) was either the cap-and-ball Colt's Revolving Pistol or a copy thereof. But shortly after A p p o m a t t o x , the A r m y took a 30-year backward step and issued single-shot pistols to the cavalry. Fortunately the A r m y soon adopted the Model P (M1873) Colt Single Action Revolver. T h e single-shot centerfire pistol adopted by the A r m y was designed and manufactured by Remington. All models, including U . S . Pistol, Model 1871, Caliber .50 Centerfire, used the rolling-block rifle action. T h e s e pistols were, or could be, very a c c u r a t e . T h e author's friend Douglas " W e b b y " H o w e consistently hit a 1-foot-diameter target at the Arlington, M a s s . , Rifle C l u b ' s 100-yard range. H e used black-powder handloads.
T h e r e was very little activity in the centerfire single-shot pistol field until 1965, when Bill Ruger designed the H a w k e y e single-shot pistol for the now nearly defunct .256 Win. pistol cartridge. T h e H a w k e y e ingeniously used the Blackhawk Single-Shot frame but with a swinging block in lieu of the usual cylinder. T h e pistol was not a commercial success. A m o n g m o d e r n hunting a r m s , the first successful centerfire single-shot pistols were the Remington X P - 1 0 0 , introduced in 1963, and the T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n t e n d e r , introduced four years later. T h e C o n t e n d e r w a s designed by W a r r e n C e n t e r , a fine a r m s designer formerly with the Iver J o h n s o n A r m s & Cycle W o r k s . C e n t e r joined the T h o m p s o n investment-casting c o m p a n y in Rochester, N . H . T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r p r o d u c e s the T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r Contender single-shot pistol, which is available in both rimfire and centerfire calibers and employs interchangeable barrels. Remington manufactures the X P - 1 0 0 , a unique bolt-action centerfire pistol with a molded plastic stock that e x t e n d s almost to the muzzle and is c o n t o u r e d to provide a rest for the heel of the hand and a guide for the t h u m b and trigger finger. It's c h a m b e r e d only for the .221 Rem. Fireball cartridge, which m e a n s it is essentially a long-range varmint pistol. It functions like a miniature bolt-action single-shot rifle. M a n y hunters have recha m be red the X P - 1 0 0 for heftier cartridges. Either of these handguns in 345
the proper caliber is capable of taking game from w o o d c h u c k s through d e e r at ranges not exceeding 100 yards. Their effectiveness is enhanced by specially designed scopes. T h e a u t h o r uses scopes for bench-testing pistols but prefers the
handier single- or double-action revolver with open m i c r o m e t e r sights adjustable for elevation and windage and with a cylinder of six cartridges. P e r h a p s this is because he is not confident of getting his game with one shot.
Manufacturer: Action type: Magazine: Safety:
Navy Arms rolling block
Barrel length:
9.5 inches
42.0 oz.
6.5 inches
Overall length: Trigger pull:
14.0 inches
4.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mt. rear crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: Finish:
case h a r d e n e d
Caliber: .22 L.R., .22 W . R . M . , 22 H o r n e t , 5mm R e m . Mag., 357 Mag.
Comment: A well m a d e reproduction of the Remington pistol.
Action type: Safety:
bolt; short rifle action
sliding t h u m b
Barrel length:
10.5 inches (ventilated rib)
Stock: l-piece D u P o n t " Z y t e l " Universal grip, molded to fit either right or left hand; black plastic fore-end tip Overall length: Weight:
16.75 inches
60.0 oz.
Trigger pull: not specified Sight, rear: R o c k y Mountain, crudely adjustable for elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: for m o u n t s Caliber:
receiver drilled and tapped
.221 R e m . Fireball
Comment: T h i s pistol reminds some viewers of the late Buck R o g e r s ' 24th-century rocket pistol with which he zapped Killer K a n e . Its grip is surprisingly comfortable. This pistol, based on a short Remington rifle action, should be used with a pistol scope. It is o n e of the most accurate centerfire pistols the a u t h o r has ever fired. T h e designer was Mike Walker. C a r e should be exercised when firing so that a finger doesn't get in the way of the muzzle. This is easier to d o than it s o u n d s . T h o s e of us used to scopes on a rifle always slide the left hand along the e x t e n d e d fore-end. O n e can easily forget this pistol d o e s n ' t have an extended fore-end —and there goes the tip of a finger. T h i s happened to the late Stuart " t h e G r e a t " L a t h r o p , one of the most experienced shooters k n o w n to the author. Accessories: A zippered gun c a s e is supplied with the pistol.
THOMPSON/CENTER CONTENDER SINGLE-SHOT PISTOL Action type: single-shot; single action; breaktop; underlever release formed by trigger guard Safety: automatically functions when pistol is opened for loading; remains on safe until trigger is pulled; safety interlock prevents firing if barrel is not fully closed and locked
Barrel length:
8.75 or 10.0 inches
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; hand checkering Overall length: 8.75-inch barrel, 12.25 inches; 10.0-inch barrel (with or without c h o k e device), 13.5 inches
T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n t e n d e r single-shot pistol.
(continued) Weight: 8.75-inch barrel, 41.0 oz.; 10.0-inch barrel (with o r without c h o k e device), 43.0 oz. Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs.; adjustable Sight, r e a r : R o c k y Mountain, adjustable windage and elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mounts
Caliber: Standard barrel: .22 H o r n e t , .22 R e m . J e t , .218 Bee, .221 R e m . Fireball, .222 R e m . , .256 Win. M a g n u m , . 2 5 - 3 5 Win., .30 M l C a r b i n e , . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., .38 Super (.38 A C P ) , .38 Special, .357 M a g n u m , .45 A C P , .45 Colt, .44 M a g n u m , 9mm (Luger) Parabellum 10.0-inch bull barrel:
.30 H e r r e t t
10.0-inch barrel with choke: .44 M a g n u m , .45 Colt
.357 M a g n u m ,
Data: Serrated, wide target-type h a m m e r spur, with adjustable position for selecting rimfire or centerfire. ( F o r rimfire specifications and cali-
b e r s , see C h a p t e r 32.) Serrated, wide target-type trigger with adjustable trigger stop. All barrels except .30 H e r r e t t bull barrel are octagonal. Button rifling is used. Barrel lug is welded to barrel with electron b e a m . E a c h Cont e n d e r frame a c c e p t s both centerfire and rimfire barrels. D u a l firing pin is adjustable for either cartridge type. Comment: This excellent pistol, designed by W a r r e n C e n t e r , has achieved a j u s t popularity. It is very a c c u r a t e even with the factory rear sight, which is adjustable for windage and elevation. N e v e r t h e l e s s , m a x i m u m a c c u r a c y and effectiveness require a telescopic sight. It is n e c e s s a r y to buy only o n e basic arm in o r d e r to take a d v a n t a g e of the array of calibers offered, b e c a u s e barrels in o t h e r calibers, both rimfire and centerfire, may be p u r c h a s e d separately. Shot cartridges a r e becoming available in a growing n u m b e r of pistol calibers. T h e s e handgun shot loads are often used to shoot small pest species, including v e n o m o u s snakes, and to pot occasional small g a m e during a big-game expedition or o t h e r wilderness trip. T h e rifled barrel of a conventional pistol is not c o n d u c i v e to top shot-load performance. Such performance is significantly improved by the T / C 10-inch barrel with c h o k e , n o w offered in several calibers.
T h a n k s to the old Saturday-afternoon horse operas and the pulp Wes t er n magazines and to today's T V westerns, certain arms are w e a p o n s of romance to millions of A m e r i c a n s w h o have never fired a shot. T h e Sharps buffalo rifle and lever-action Winchesters are examples. But one arm stands out above all others —the Colt singleaction revolver with its traditional " h o g l e g " butt. This is the real arm of r o m a n c e . During his early youth the author whittled Colt replicas from orange-crate ends and centers (Winchesters were made from the side slats) and with a discarded sewing spool for a cylinder killed thousands of Indians, cattle rustlers, bank and stagecoach robbers, assorted outlaws, and just plain ornery human critters. T h o s e orange-crate P e a c e m a k e r s carried more notches than were sported by all the gunfighters of the Old West. His Winchesters were studded with brass carpet tacks, each representing a badman in Boot Hill. T h e first commercial single-action was probably Sam Colt's triggerbowless 1836 Paterson Colt. It was named after its Paterson, N.J., plant. T h e venture failed, but only momentarily. A Paterson fell into the h a n d s of a knowledgeable T e x a s Ranger named Samuel Walker. Walker realized the six-shot revolving pistol would revolutionize horseback combat. H e r e tofore, a man fired one shot from each of his two or four single-shot pistols or sometimes four shots from two double-barrel pistols. W h e n his muzzleloading pistols were empty the rider closed in with lance or saber. (Yes, once there was a lancer outfit in the United States A r m y . It was Reid's 22nd Pennsylvania L a n c e r s in the Union Army.) Indians and Mexicans were originally appalled at six-shooter firepower. A man often carried two sixguns, and with spare loaded cylinders. Walker c a m e N o r t h for a p o w - w o w with Colonel Sam'l. H e told Colt a bigger caliber was needed. T h e Paterson was only a .36 caliber (the
Colt-Walker was a .44) and a far m o r e rugged arm was needed. T h e resulting arm was the heaviest A m e r i c a n sixgun of the nineteenth century. It weighed 4.5 lbs. N o t until the third q u a r t e r of the twentieth century would so heavy an arm appear, and it was a reproduction of the Colt-Walker. T h e basic action of the M l 8 7 3 —and of 1975 single-actions —is similar to the 1836 Paterson, but the M l 8 6 0 A r m y established the size and general handling qualities of the M l 8 7 3 and t o d a y ' s successors. T h e M l 8 7 3 - o f f i c i a l l y the Model P - w a s the M l 8 6 0 with a topstrap o v e r the cylinder. T h e cylinder w a s bored through for metallic cartridges—originally the .45 (Long) Colt —and the r a m m e r (bullet seater) was transformed into an ejector. A loading gate was added. T h e M l 8 7 3 in caliber .45 Colt was designed for the United States A r m y . T h e Cavalry Model had a 7.5-inch barrel. T h e Infantry and Artillery Models had a 5.5-inch barrel. Colt sold a "civili a n " model with a 4.75-inch barrel. T h e M l 8 7 3 was made in at least 16 different calibers, but the .45 Colt was the most popular for many years. T h e Colt .45 was not only the A r m y ' s n u m b e r - o n e handgun during the Indian W a r s but it was the favorite of gunfighting peace officers like Bat M a s t e r s o n , Bear River T o m Smith, Bill Tilghman, Charlie Bassett, Pat G a r rett, and others. C o w b o y s and outlaws liked it too. City and town marshals and many sheriffs used the .45 Colt, but some U . S . deputy marshals, deputy sheriffs, and others w h o spent time on the range preferred the . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. M 7 3 rifle and the same cartridge in their sixgun. T h e r e w e r e also outlaws w h o preferred it. O n e of F r a n k J a m e s ' s favorite guns was a . 4 4 - 4 0 Remington revolver. D i m e novelist and vaudeville p r o m o t e r E. Z . C . J u d s o n , better known as N e d Buntline, pre349
sented 12-inch-barrel .45 Colts to several fam o u s W e s t e r n lawmen. T h e s e monstrous Buntline Specials w e r e so muzzle-heavy and unwieldy that they were impossible to hold steady without resting them on a fence rail or some such support. T h e r e is no evidence that any of the lawmen w h o got them ever fired one for serious purposes, but the Buntlines did make reasonably good h a m m e r s as well as great conversation pieces — and there is some evidence that one lawman did use his as a club to "buffalo" an argumentative acquaintance. Some two-gunmen were said to carry a short 4.75-inch-barrel Colt on the right hip for a faster draw. On the left hip rode a 7.5-inch Cavalry Model for use on the range. T h e grand old P e a c e m a k e r w a s a durable arm, but parts were subject to breakage, including most of the trigger mechanism. Its major redeeming feature was the fact that it could be fired without a trigger and other parts. C o w b o y s really didn't know m u c h about guns. T h e y killed rattlesnakes, shot u p saloons, and " h u r r a h e d " c o w t o w n s . T h e i r sixgun irreligiously drove staples into fence posts and r e m o v e d the same. It was a general tool. Gunfighters, lawmen, and troopers were about the only .45 Colt users w h o kept their guns clean and in good repair. T h e Colt has its competitors, but none achieved the century-long fame or usage of the M 1 8 7 3 . O n e competitor w a s the S & W Schofield. Shortly after the A r m y gave its initial order for Colts it purchased several thousand break-top Smith & W e s s o n Schofields. T h e Schofield (designed by a Cavalry officer named G e o r g e Wheeler Schofield) had one advantage over the Colt. In the latter, cartridges are single-loaded through the loading gate. Empties are ejected one by one while the h a m m e r is held at half cock and the cylinder revolved. T h e break-top Schofield ejected cartridges simultaneously. Loading was faster. T h e cartridge —a miserable puny thing — was the .45 S & W , a sawed-off .45 Colt case with only 29 grains of black p o w d e r (40 grains in the Colt). T h e shorter case was necessitated by the Schofield's design and construction. Although .45 S & W cartridges w e r e issued for the .45 Colt revolver throughout much of its military career, some soldiers w e r e reported to have purchased .45 Colt cartridges from local stores and trading posts. V e r y few knowledgeable civilians used the .45 S & W cartridge, though J e s s e J a m e s and C o l e Y o u n g e r both used Schofield sixguns (among other revolvers). T h e r e was also the Remington M l 8 7 5 A r m y
Revolver. It was an excellent w e a p o n but was never very popular on the frontier. T h e Remington, including civilian sales, sold 25,000 ( 1 8 7 5 89). T h e M l 8 7 3 Colt during its first 22 years sold 160,000. T h e Remington weighed about 10 oz. more than the Colt. S o m e gunfighters preferred a heavier w e a p o n because it w a s more accurate, partially b e c a u s e of lesser recoil, but most frontiersmen stayed with the M 1 8 7 3 . T h e Colt and Remington, like most handguns of that era, w e r e available with a blued or nickeled finish. T h e A r m y , o n c e the Indian W a r s were over, replaced the .45-caliber single-action Colt with the p u n y .38 Long Colt cartridge in the M 1 8 9 2 Colt (and successors). T h e Philippine Insurrection proved the inadequacy of the .38 Long Colt. G o v e r n m e n t arsenals hurriedly dug out stored single-actions and rushed t h e m to the islands, w h e r e they w e r e welcomed. T h e A r m y also shipped some double-action rod-ejection Colts. In 1908 the A r m y went back to caliber .45 Colt and in 1911 to the .45 A C P , which it still u s e s . Colt continued production of the M 1 8 7 3 , later k n o w n as the Single Action A r m y or the N e w Frontier, until 1942. T h e last original-production M 1873s w e r e shipped to England, w h e r e it was hoped that the sixgun could help repel the anticipated N a z i invasion. Total production ( 1 8 7 3 1942) w a s about 359,000. T h e spirit of the M l 873 w a s kept alive during World W a r II by n e w s p a p e r p h o t o g r a p h s of G e n e r a l Patton, wearing his M 1 8 7 3 .45 Colt and a .357 S & W M a g n u m with a 3.5-inch barrel. Patton wore t h e s e only for publicity p u r p o s e s . W h e n a n e w s m a n asked P a t t o n if he wore his "pearlh a n d l e d " pistols in c o m b a t , the general replied, " H e l l , son, only N e w O r l e a n s w h o r e h o u s e pimps w e a r pearl-handled pistols. T h e s e are ivory-handled." After World W a r II there was a great d e m a n d for the M l 8 7 3 , but C o l t had scrapped all M 7 3 tools and machinery and did not intend to r e s u m e production. Prices skyrocketed. W h e n Colt stopped production the standard list price was $37.50, and many w e r e sold for less. T h e author bought a new M l 8 7 3 for $27.50 in 1940. A s prices for s e c o n d h a n d Colts z o o m e d , it w a s inevitable that s o m e b o d y would m a k e replicas. M o s t of t h e m w e r e poorly d o n e , with inferior materials or poor w o r k m a n s h i p or both. Colt patents had expired m a n y years before, so a n y b o d y could join the P e a c e m a k e r p a r a d e . In 1954 a r m s designer and manufacturer Bill Ruger introduced his s u p e r b .357 Ruger Magnum Blackhawk. It incorporated all the improve-
ments that sixgun experts like Elmer Keith had been trying to get Colt to add for nearly 30 years. Keith advocated replacing the easy-to-break flat springs with coil springs and replacing the curved top strap with a wide, flat top strap. O t h e r imp r o v e m e n t s were made. All Ruger Blackhawks and Super Blackhawks (.44 M a g n u m s ) h a v e been — and still are — fitted with a wide r a m p front sight and a micrometer rear sight adjustable for windage and elevation. It is difficult to make a flat statement about women or guns, but the a u t h o r puts himself on record as saying that the single-action Ruger Blackhawk and Super Blackhawk are the best single-action revolvers e v e r m a d e . T h e r e has been no compromise with quality, and prices — low at the start—have risen less than for any corresponding firearm. T o d a y , the Ruger costs about half what a revived Colt single-action sells for. Colt, after nearly 25 years of no M 1 8 7 3 production, tooled u p to m a k e the single-action in the 1960s. T h e r e were n o i m p r o v e m e n t s in the Colt. Except for a cylinder adapted to smokeless powder, introduced in the 1890s at serial # 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 , it was identical with the original. Later Colt brought out a single-action with a r a m p front sight and micrometer rear. Called the Colt N e w Frontier Single Action A r m y , it has a flat-top frame and smooth walnut grips rather than the hard rubber used on the standard version. T h e action remains the same, however. Colt sells very few centerfire single-actions. T h e only people w h o buy the Colt in preference to the Ruger are those w h o enjoy the r o m a n c e of owning a history-making Colt, or those w h o don't give a d a m n or don't know about the superiority of the single-action Rugers. Imports a p p e a r occasionally, but most are more expensive than the Ruger and none have the Ruger's refinements, w o r k m a n s h i p , or overall quality. T h e Colt and other single-actions are frequently referred to as " s i x - s h o o t e r s . " Until 1973, this term was misleading. Knowledgeable six-shooter toters carried five loaded cartridges in the chamber. T h e h a m m e r rested on an e m p t y case or empty chamber. An accidental shooting could occur if the h a m m e r accidentally struck the firing pin behind a loaded cartridge. In July, 1973, Ruger introduced the N e w Model Blackhawk Single Action. This was the first single-action that could be safely carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded. Shortly thereafter a
foreign import offered an inferior safety device. T o d a y ' s typical best-quality single-action centerfire revolver features a solid top strap and rod ejection. Calibers range from .30 Caliber U . S . M l C a r b i n e and .357 M a g n u m (which will safely c h a m b e r .38 Short Colt, .38 Long Colt, and .38 Special cartridges) to .41 M a g n u m , .44 M a g n u m (which will safely c h a m b e r .44 Russian and .44 S & W Special), and .45 Colt. T h e Ruger Blackhawk in caliber .357 M a g n u m can be converted to 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum by substituting a cylinder of the latter caliber. T h e .45 Colt cylinder interchanges with the .45 A C P in the Ruger Blackhawk. Standard barrel lengths range from 4.75 inches to 7.5 inches. Colt offers a " h o g w a l l o w " sighted 12.0-inch barrel .45 Colt Buntline Special. F o r sporting p u r p o s e s , the major disadvantage of the single-action as c o m p a r e d to the modern double-action is the slowness of reloading. This is not much of a disadvantage. N o game animal is apt to wait around while you miss six times, so you d o n ' t have to load u p again in a big hurry. T h e double-action can be fired faster than the single-action, but very few double-action toters can fire double-action (without cocking the hammer) effectively and accurately. A major factor is trigger pull. A single-action or a double-action fired as a single-action — with the h a m m e r manually cocked for each shot—has a trigger pull that is about one-third that of a double-action fired without cocking the hammer. If you fire a double-action handgun without first thumbing the h a m m e r back, the initial stage of the trigger pull cocks the h a m m e r . T h e trigger pull is therefore not only heavy but long. A n d the gun tends to w a v e r during this long, heavy pull. A b o u t the only practical purpose of double-action firing is speed for defense or police shooting —that is, at an assailant at short range. Trigger creep is another factor affecting a c c u r a c y . T h e more trigger c r e e p , the less accurate a gun may be. It is probably better to have no c r e e p and a heavy pull than a light pull with c r e e p . T h e Ruger, for instance, has no trigger creep in either the Blackhawk Single Action or the Security-Six and Speed-Six double-actions. Trigger c r e e p results from poor design or w o r k m a n s h i p . A single-action usually gets off the first shot before a double-action. A single-action like the Ruger Blackhawk will last a shooter's lifetime. It is a c c u r a t e , the grip handles heavy recoil very well, and then it is also a w e a p o n of excitement and r o m a n c e .
Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Safety: half-cock (hammer notch); must be loaded with only 5 shots so h a m m e r rests on empty c h a m b e r Barrel length (historical): 3.0 inches (Sheriff's/ S t o r e k e e p e r ' s ) ; 4.75 inches (Civilian); 5.5 inches (Artillery/Infantry); 7.5 inches (Cavalry); almost any barrel length was available on special order Barrel length (current):
4 . 7 5 , 5.5, or 7.5 inches
Weight: .357 M a g n u m : 4.75-inch barrel, 40.5 oz.; 5.5inch barrel, 41.5 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 43.0 oz. .45 Colt: 4.75-inch barrel, 36.0 oz.; 5.5-inch barrel, 37.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 39.0 oz. Stock (historical): 2-piece plain walnut succeeded by black composite rubber with rampant colt; plain or carved ivory available on special order; also plain pearl and sometimes stag; other materials to special order Stock (current): black composite rubber with eagle and shield Overall length: 4.75-inch barrel, 10.125 inches; 5.5-inch barrel, 10.875 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 12.875 inches
Trigger pull: 4.0 lbs. (great variation in original production models) Sight radius: 4.75-inch barrel, 5.75 inches; 5.5inch barrel, 6.375 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 8.375 inches Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch Sight, front:
Caliber (historical): . 3 2 - 2 0 Win., .357 M a g n u m , .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt, .38 Special, . 3 8 - 4 0 Win., .41 Long Colt, .41 Short Colt, .44 Colt, .44 Special, . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., .45 A C P , .45 (Long) Colt, .450 Boxer, .455 Colt Caliber (current): Colt
.357 M a g n u m , .45 (Long)
Data: T h e old Single Action A r m y had a casehardened frame with blued barrel, grip frame, trigger b o w , and ejector rod; this w a s later replaced by blued frame and parts throughout the exterior; nickel plate was also furnished. T o d a y the gun is Colt Blue with color-case-hardened frame. It also c o m e s in a polished nickel-plate version with plain walnut stocks. Comment: This is virtually the same as the original M l 8 7 3 . T h e frame is color-case-hardened. T h e cylinder, as with the original version on all guns serially n u m b e r e d a b o v e 160,000, is designed for smokeless propellants. M o r e M l 873s h a v e probably been ornamented than any other A m e r i c a n handgun. Aside from the factory standard of nickel-plated
or blued barrel, cylinder, frame, and grip frame, there are gold- or silver-plated Colts. Nickel plating, though still available from the factory, is far inferior to c h r o m e plating. T h e a u t h o r has seen combinations such as blued throughout except nickel-plated cylinder, gold- or silver-plated with blued cylinder, nickel- or chrome-plated except for blued cylinder.
A n M l 8 7 3 that may well h a v e been one of a kind w a s a copper-plated . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. It belongs to a friend of E l m e r K e i t h ' s . H e asked his friend what he paid for the gun. " S w a p p e d my w o m a n and gave $15 to b o o t " was the reply. M a n y Colts have expensive gold and silver inlays and engraving. Cattle b r a n d s w e r e and still are a favorite engraving subject.
Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Safety: half-cock (hammer notch); must be loaded with only 5 shots so h a m m e r rests on empty c h a m b e r Barrel length:
5.5 or 7.5 inches
Weight: .357 M a g n u m : 5.5-inch barrel, 42.0 oz.; 7.5inch barrel, 44.0 oz. .45 Colt: 5.5-inch barrel, 38.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 39.5 oz. Stock:
2-piece plain walnut
Finish: Colt frame
Overall length: 5.5-inch barrel, 10.875 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 12.875 inches Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
ramp type
.357 M a g n u m , .45 (Long) Colt
Comment: E x c e p t for adjustable rear sight and front r a m p , flat-top frame and walnut stocks, this is identical to the Single Action A r m y .
\ Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Safety: half-cock (hammer n o t c h ) ; must be loaded with only 5 shots so h a m m e r rests on empty c h a m b e r Barrel length: Weight:
12.0 inches
42.0 oz.
2-piece plain oiled walnut
blued with color-case-hardened frame
Trigger pull: 4.0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : Sight, front: Caliber:
square notch fixed blade
.45 (Long) Colt
Comment: Except for barrel length, this is identical to the Single Action A r m y . This is a longrange revolver but its effectiveness and accuracy is considerably diminished by the lack of micrometer adjustable rear sight and a better front sight. T h e best front sight ever designed for longrange shooting was Elmer Keith's three-gold-bar sight. This high front sight had three gold bars for ranges of 100, 200, and 300 y a r d s . " B u n t l i n e " is derived from N e d Buntline, the pen name of dime novelist E d w a r d Z a n e Carroll Judson. Buntline, as a publicity gimmick, gave Buntline Specials to W y a t t E a r p , Bill Tilghman, Charlie Bassett, N e a l Brown, and Bat Masterson. E a c h Buntline Special was fitted with a de-
tachable walnut stock for long-range shooting. T h e sighting equipment is u n k n o w n —no record at C o l t ' s —but Colt did m a k e some long-barrel P e a c e m a k e r s fitted with an adjustable back sight equipped with a leaf like those used on M 1 8 7 3 Springfields. N o n e of the five recipients is ever k n o w n to h a v e used the stocks. T h e walnut buttstock had " N e d " carved into the wood. A holster accompanied each sixgun. " T h e r e was a lot of talk in D o d g e about the Specials slowing us on the d r a w , " Earp told his biographer, Stuart N . L a k e . " B a t and Bill Tilghman cut off the barrels to make t h e m standard length [probably 7.5 inches, although in the summ e r of 1885 M a s t e r s o n ordered a pair of 4.75inch-barrel C o l t s direct from the Hartford factory]. Mine w a s my favorite over any other gun. I could j e r k it as fast as my old one and I carried it on my right hip throughout my career as marshal. With it I did most of the sixgun work I had to d o . M y second gun, which I carried on my left hip, was the standard C o l t ' s . . . with the sevenand-one-half inch barrel, the gun we called the ' P e a c e m a k e r . ' " M u c h of w h a t E a r p told his biographer has been discredited, but there is evidence that he actually wore his Buntline and used it at least o n c e — to hit T o m M c L a u r y on the head. M c L a u r y was a m e m b e r of the Clanton faction, the victims of the E a r p b r o t h e r s and D o c Holliday at the O.K. Corral. So much for the r o m a n c e of the Old W e s t as personified by Wyatt Earp. In any event, the incident shows that the Buntline had practical uses even without the detachable shoulder stock.
Hammerli, Switzerland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Safety: manually operated; to operate, the cylinder pin is pushed rearward so that cylinder cannot rotate; to fire pin is pulled forward Barrel length: Weight
4 . 6 2 5 , 5.5, or 7.5 inches
.357 M a g n u m : 4.625-inch barrel, 37.0 oz.; 5.5-inch barrel, 38.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 40.0 oz. .45 Colt: 4.625-inch barrel, 36.0 o z . ; 5.5-inch barrel, 37.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 39.0 oz. Stock:
l-piece smooth E u r o p e a n walnut
Overall length: 4.625-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 5.5-inch barrel, 10.0 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 12.0 inches Trigger pull: not specified
Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch Sight, front:
Caliber: .357 M a g n u m (also c h a m b e r s .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt and .38 Special), .45 (Long) Colt (also c h a m b e r s .45 S&W) Data: T h i s sixgun has a case-hardened frame; c h r o m e triggerbow and b a c k s t r a p ; bright blued barrel and ejector rod housing. Comment: T h e basic action, except for the safety feature, is almost an exact copy of the Colt Single Action A r m y , also k n o w n as the M l 8 7 3 or Model P and sometimes the Frontier. T h i s is a very well-made sixgun. It is unfortunate that its m a k e r — o n e of the finest match handgun makers—did not fit the arm with a r a m p front and m i c r o m e t e r rear adjustable for windage and elevation. Such sights are available and can be readily installed by a knowledgeable pistolsmith. T h e one-piece stock is superior to the twopiece stock. T h e safety feature is admirable, although that of the Ruger N e w Model Blackhawk is even better.
Armi U b e r t i , Italy
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Navy Arms
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
7.5 inches
34.0 oz. plain walnut with oil finish (as original)
Overall length:
12.0 inches
Trigger pull:
?? lbs.
Sight, rear: g r o o v e ; can be fitted with micrometer sight from independent sources Sight, front: blade/bead German-silver blade)
Calibers (original): .44 Rem., . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., .45 Colt (also c h a m b e r s .45 S&W) Calibers (replica): .357 Magnum, . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., .45 Long Colt (also c h a m b e r s .45 S&W) Data: T h e United States A r m y purchased a small n u m b e r of these revolvers. A m o n g A r m y purchases were nickel-plated ones for issue to Indian scouts, w h o preferred the bright nickel to the standard-issue blued/case-hardened M l 8 7 5 s . T h e M l 8 7 5 was discontinued in 1889 after 25,000 had been manufactured and sold. T h e replica, introduced in 1974, has a large, all-steel frame and a checkered h a m m e r spur. It lacks the lanyard swivel of the original. T h e standard version of this replica has a color-case-hardened frame, and the rest of the exterior metal is
blued. A nickel-plated Indian Scout Model is also available. Comment: T h e M l 8 7 5 Remington A r m y revolver was just as good as the M l 8 7 3 Colt. It was unfortunate for Remington that the c o m p a n y was two years behind Colt in issuing what was essentially a metallic-cartridge version of the Remington M l 8 6 1 A r m y revolver (percussion/ cap-and-ball). Some W e s t e r n e r s , particularly peace officers w h o "buffaloed" their culprits, believed —and rightly so — that the webbing beneath the ejection rod made the arm s o m e w h a t more rugged than the M l 8 7 3 Colt P e a c e m a k e r . M a n y peace officers like W y a t t Earp hit their arrestees over the head with the sixgun barrels instead of shooting them. This replica is a well-made arm. It is even stronger than the original, which was made with relatively primitive steels and designed for black powder. T h e replica, made of modern steels, is entirely safe for smokeless loads. It is the only c o n t e m p o r a r y revolver known to the a u t h o r that is currently c h a m b e r e d for the famed . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. cartridge.
Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Transfer-bar safe-carrying feature: revolvers generally employ no safety slide (and need none); in N e w Model Rugers, transfer bar comes between h a m m e r and pin when hammer is d o w n —an automatic safety feature that blocks h a m m e r and prevents accidental discharge so that gun can be carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded.
Barrel length: .357 and .41 M a g n u m s , 4.625 or 6.5 inches; .30 M l Carbine, 7.5 inches Weight: 4.625-inch barrel, 40.0 oz.; 6.5-inch barrel, 42.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 44.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece plain oiled walnut with Ruger medallion Overall length: 4.625-inch barrel, 10.375 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 12.25 inches; 7.5inch barrel, 13.125 inches
Trigger pull:
3.5-4.0 lbs.; no creep
Sight, rear: micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation; protected by rib integral with frame Sight, front:
sloping partridge-type on r a m p
Sight radius: 4.625-inch barrel, 5.625 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 7.5 inches Caliber: .30 M l Carbine, .357 M a g n u m (also c h a m b e r s .38 Special, .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt), .41 M a g n u m Data: T h e original Ruger Blackhawk appeared in 1954. This improved version was introduced in 1973. It has a blued steel barrel, cylinder and frame, with a black anodized grip frame and trigger bow. In the .357 M a g n u m chambering, a stainless steel version is available. Everything is
stainless steel, inside and out, except for the front and rear sights, which are blued. T h e r e will be n o rust problems with this gun. T h e .30 M l C a r b i n e version, unlike the .357 and .41 Magn u m s , has a fluted cylinder. T h e safety mechanism incorporated into the N e w Model Blackh a w k in 1973 means that these sixguns can be carried fully loaded without worrying that the h a m m e r may be inadvertently slammed against the firing pin and thus cause an accidental discharge. Comment: T h e a u t h o r has gone on record as being less than e n a m o r e d of the .30 M l Carbine cartridge as a hunting load. H o w e v e r , in any of the three calibers that Ruger offers, this is a superbly designed and crafted single-action revolver. T h e lack of c r e e p in the trigger pull is a boon to a c c u r a c y .
Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Transfer-bar safe-carrying feature: revolvers generally employ n o safety slide (and need none); in N e w Model Rugers, transfer bar c o m e s between h a m m e r and pin when hammer is down —an automatic safety feature that blocks h a m m e r and prevents accidental discharge so that gun can be carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded. Barrel length:
4.625 or 6.5 inches
Weight: 4.625-inch barrel, 40.0 oz.; 6.5-inch barrel, 42.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece plain oiled walnut with Ruger medallion
Overall length: 4.625-inch barrel, 10.375 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 12.25 inches Trigger pull:
3.5-4.0 lbs.; no creep
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation; protected by rib integral with frame Sight, front:
sloping partridge type on r a m p
Sight radius: 4.625-inch barrel, 5.625 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 7.5 inches Caliber: furnished with two cylinders for .357 M a g n u m (also c h a m b e r s .38 Special, .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt) and for 9mm (Luger) Parabellum
Data: Blued steel barrel, cylinder, cylinder frame; black anodized alloy grip frame a n d triggerbow. T h e .357 M a g n u m / 9 m m Convertible must be ordered by a dealer through the factory. O w n e r s of Blackhawk .357 M a g n u m s w h o want the 9 m m Parabellum cylinder must send their gun to t h e factory for initial installation. O n c e
this has been d o n e , it is a simple matter to swap the interchangeable cylinders. Comment: Like t h e basic N e w Model Blackh a w k , the Convertible is a superior firearm. A n d of c o u r s e the two cylinders provide unusual versatility. H e r e is a single gun that can handle 9 m m Parabellum cartridges in o n e cylinder and, in t h e other, .357 M a g n u m s o r any of three varieties of .38s.
Action type:
single-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Transfer-bar safe-carrying feature: revolvers generally employ n o safety slide (and need none); in N e w Model Rugers, transfer b a r c o m e s between h a m m e r and pin when hamm e r is d o w n —an automatic safety feature that blocks h a m m e r and prevents accidental discharge so that gun can be carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded. Barrel length:
4.625 o r 7.5 inches
Weight: 4.625-inch barrel, 3 8 . 0 o z . ; 7.5-inch barrel, 40.0 o z . Stock: 2-piece oiled plain walnut with Ruger medallion Overall length: 4.625-inch barrel, 10.125 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 13.125 inches Trigger pull:
3.5-4.0 lbs.; n o c r e e p
Sight, r e a r : micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation; protected by rib integral with frame
Sight, front:
sloping partridge type o n r a m p
Sight radius: 4.625-inch barrel, 5.625 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 8.375 inches Caliber: .45 (Long) Colt (also c h a m b e r s .45 S & W ) ; .45 A C P Data: Blued steel barrel, cylinder and cylinder frame; black anodized alloy grip frame and triggerbow. T h e .45 Colt/.45 A C P Convertible must b e ordered by a dealer through the factory. O w n e r s of .45 Colt N e w Model Blackhawks w h o want t h e .45 A C P cylinder must send their arm to the factory for installation. O n c e this h a s been d o n e it is a simple m a t t e r to swap t h e interchangeable cylinders. Comment: O w n e r s using .45 Colt lead bullets will find the barrel of the N e w Model Blackhawk —or a n y other arm —will last for at least t e n times as many r o u n d s as when using metalj a c k e t e d .45 A C P ' s . Lead bullets c a n b e loaded into .45 A C P c a s e s . H o w e v e r , even a handgun using full metal-jacketed bullets will last about 5000 r o u n d s .
Action type:
single-action revolver
Caliber: .44 M a g n u m (also c h a m b e r s .44 Special and .44 Russian)
tridge. Ruger's single-action d e v e l o p m e n t paralleled the d e v e l o p m e n t of the S & W M 2 9 .44 M a g n u m ; it did not follow it. T h e original Blackhawk M a g n u m was available with a 6.5-inch, 7.5-inch, or 10.0-inch barrel. T h e current Super Blackhawk is m a d e with a 7.5-inch barrel only. T h e Super Blackhawk introduced in 1959 is identical to the N e w Model S u p e r Blackhawk e x c e p t for the safety feature. T h e original Super Blackhawk was discontinued in 1973 when the N e w Model with its safety feature was introduced. T h e original is every bit as good as the N e w Model, but only five cartridges can be safely carried in the c h a m b e r s . T h i s latter c o m m e n t applies to all Blackhawks and Super-Single-Sixes m a d e prior to the introduction of the N e w Model and its safety feature. T h e N e w Model Super Blackhawk has the largest frame ever used on a commercially available single-action sixgun. T h e entire arm was built around the powerful .44 M a g n u m —the most powerful sixgun cartridge ever manufactured commercially.
Data: Wide target-type h a m m e r spur; firing pin located in all-steel frame — largest single-action frame m a d e . T h e bluing is dark and highly polished. T h e first Ruger c h a m b e r e d for the .44 M a g n u m was introduced in 1956. This was a few w e e k s after S & W introduced the first double-action sixgun c h a m b e r e d for the .44 M a g n u m car-
Comment: T h i s sixgun is capable of taking large game. R o b e r t Petersen, publisher of Guns & Ammo, killed an Alaskan brown bear with the .44 M a g n u m Super Blackhawk. Elmer Keith and many other skilled sixgunners h a v e used it to take game like elk.
Cylinder capacity:
Transfer-bar safe-carrying feature: revolvers generally employ no safety slide (and need none); in N e w Model Rugers, transfer bar c o m e s between h a m m e r and pin when hammer is d o w n —an automatic safety feature that blocks h a m m e r and prevents accidental discharge so that gun can be carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded. Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
7.5 inches
48.0 oz. 2-piece oiled walnut
Overall length: Trigger pull:
13.375 inches 3.5-4.0 lbs.; no c r e e p
Sight, rear: micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation; protected by ribs Sight, front:
blade on r a m p
T h e title of this c h a p t e r might read " D o u b l e / Single-Action R e v o l v e r s , " because all the a r m s covered herein can be fired either double or single action. C u r r e n t guns capable of double-action fire only are limited to so-called pocket-type revolvers. N o n e of these k n o w n to the a u t h o r is suitable for target or hunting p u r p o s e s . During World W a r II the British used some Webley-designed Enfield revolvers c h a m b e r e d for the .380 (.38 S&W) cartridge which had the h a m m e r spur removed so that this holster arm had to be fired double action. W h y this was d o n e with a holster weapon is not exactly clear. It deprived the firer of his option to shoot single action when the occasion allowed. A shooter is always more accurate when he fires single action. Smith & W e s s o n p r o d u c e s one police-type revolver with a h a m m e r shroud but the exposed h a m m e r and option of single-action firing have b e c o m e standard. C o n t e m p o r a r y double-action centerfire revolvers are of the solid-frame, swing-out cylinder, simultaneous-ejection type. Most break-top centerfire revolvers have been ch eap affairs, usually chambered for the .32 S & W (short) or the .38 S&W. S & W made a few good break-top revolvers in caliber .45 S & W , .44 A m e r i c a n , and .44 Russian during the last q u a r t e r of the nineteenth century. T h e y were never as rugged as the solid-frame type. T h e British Webley service revolvers, ugly as they w e r e , w e r e the strongest of the break-top revolvers. T h e break-top frame provided faster ejection and loading than rod ejection. O n c e the solidframe swing-out cylinder simultaneous-ejection type was marketed, the break-top w a s on its way to obsolescence. T h e double/single-action revolver appeared in England some years before it appeared in America. T h e A d a m s & T r a n t e r was an early English double-action cap-and-ball sixgun. T h e author o n c e o w n e d an A m e r i c a n - m a d e double360
action Starr cap-and-ball sixgun designed for the U n i o n A r m y . During the Civil War, Colt was never able to keep up with the d e m a n d for its M 1 8 6 0 A r m y , caliber .44, and N a v y , caliber .36. A disastrous fire which swept the Hartford plant stimulated other manufacturers. T h e double-action revolver was never popular during the "winning of the W e s t " ( 1 8 6 6 - 9 0 ) or for some y e a r s afterward. Even today many W e s t e r n e r s prefer the single-action. O n e of the few W este rn gunmen (as opposed to gunfighters) to u s e a double-action revolver was William "Billy the K i d " Bonney. H e used a double-action Colt Lightning M o d e l , caliber .41 Colt. T h e U . S . N a v y took cognizance of the doubleaction in 1889 by adopting a Colt double-action revolver. T h e U . S . A r m y followed in 1892, and later regretted the drop from .45 Colt to .38 Long Colt caliber. T h e r e w e r e later modifications of the M l 8 8 9 and M l 8 9 2 revolvers. In 1897 Colt introduced the first top-quality solid-frame double-action revolver. This superb sixgun had the largest frame of any A m e r i c a n revolver until S & W introduced its M 2 9 caliber .44 M a g n u m (1956). T h e N e w Service Colt w a s made in . 3 8 - 4 0 Win., .44 Russian, . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., .44 Special, .45 Colt, .45 A C P , .455 Colt and .476 Eley. It was not until the 1930s that Colt —because of potential c u s t o m e r d e m a n d —made a few .38 Specials and .357 M a g n u m s . T h e r e was a N e w Service Target M o d e l , and in the early 1930s Colt introduced the Shooting Master. This w a s usually furnished with the rounded rather than the square butt. T h e U . S . A r m y adopted the N e w Service Colt as the M l 9 0 9 . A b o u t the s a m e time it w a s adopted by the N a v y and Marine C o r p s . It w a s gradually replaced by the M 1 9 1 1 Colt semiautomatic pistol. During World W a r I t h e N e w Service, as noted elsewhere, was c h a m b e r e d for the .45 A C P cartridge. Both the M 1 9 1 7 Colt and its
S&W counterpart w e r e Parkerized —dull finish — instead of the fine Colt or S & W blue. Standard N e w Service barrel lengths were 4.5, 5.5, and 7.5 inches. T h e N e w Service target had a 7.5-inch barrel, while the Shooting M a s t e r had a 6.0-inch barrel. O t h e r lengths w e r e available on special order. Military models of the N e w Service —except the U . S . M . C . version —had plain walnut grip panels with a square butt. T h e U . S . M . C . N e w Service had some checkering and a rounded butt. Colt blue was the standard finish, but nickel plating was available. Parkerizing was standard finish on the M 1 9 1 7 , but the earlier M l 9 0 9 series had Colt bluing. Military versions w e r e marked U.S. P R O P E R T Y . M o s t pre-World W a r I commercial N e w Service Colts w e r e fitted with hard black rubber grip panels. A b o u t 1920, hand-checkered —later machine-checkered—grip panels were adopted. S & W had no arm comparable to the N e w Service in either size of frame or n u m b e r of calibers. T h e fine S & W Triple L o c k was generally available in .44 Special only. S & W ' s top sixguns have one notable feature lacking in the N e w Service and all other preWorld W a r II Colt double-actions —the encased ejector rod. T h e rod encasing was omitted from the M 1 9 1 7 S & W because military authorities believed mud or other foreign matter might collect behind the rod, thus interfering with ejection. Colt did not adopt the encased ejector rod until the late 1950s, when the firm brought out the Python, a fitting successor to the N e w Service but unfortunately not available in powerful calibers. While ejector-rod encasing is desirable, the author, w h o has owned and fired more than a score of N e w Service revolvers, never damaged an ejector rod. H e has also owned n u m e r o u s encased-rod S & W s , a Colt Python, and a Diam o n d b a c k (.22 Long Rifle) and has never had the rod impeded by mud or other material, though he has deliberately fouled the encased rod. In the caliber .38 Special category of target revolvers, the Colt Officer's Model Target revolver reigned supreme between the t w o world w a r s . This 34.0-oz. 6.0-inch-barrel revolver, except for the Colt Shooting Master, was the only major .38 Special revolver deemed suitable by the nation's top target .38 Special handgunners. After World W a r I I the S & W K-38 gained wide popularity. In the late 1950s the semiautomatic chambered for the .38 Special cartridge began to replace the sixgun on target ranges. Difficulties with a rimmed cartridge have largely
been o v e r c o m e . T h e A r m y M a r k s m a n s h i p Unit, F o r t Benning, G a . , used a special rimless version of the .38 Special k n o w n as the .38 A M U , until cartridge-feed difficulties w e r e o v e r c o m e . Since World W a r II, Smith & W e s s o n has replaced Colt as the number-one manufacturer of double-action revolvers. Ruger entered the field with the excellent Speed-Six, Security-Six, and Service-Six. D a n W e s s o n A r m s has a small but excellent line of sixguns. Spanish revolvers imported before World W a r I I w e r e of cheap materials and poor workmanship and design. T o d a y several excellent Spanish-made revolvers, including the A s t r a , are sold here. T h e s e sixguns have nothing that is not provided by A m e r i c a n a r m s . S & W offers sixgun p u r c h a s e r s —in many models—the option of wide-spur target h a m m e r s , wider-than-standard target triggers, and extrasize stocks. P u r c h a s e r s of these a r m s should seriously consider these options. Shooters with small hands will probably bypass target stocks. Barrel
T o d a y ' s double-action sixgun barrel lengths — for sporting and hunting p u r p o s e s —range from 4.0 to 8.375 inches. T h e latter length, found on S & W ' s .357, . 4 1 , and .44 M a g n u m s , is rarely encountered. It is too long and c u m b e r s o m e . T h e 4.0-inch barrel is the most convenient and, though the shorter barrel p r o d u c e s slightly less velocity and energy than the 5.5- or 6.5-inch barrel, it is an extremely handy arm to carry. T h e 5.5- to 6.5-inch barrels have a longer sighting plane and provide s o m e w h a t greater velocity and energy. T h e s e are good lengths for a r m s intended for target or hunting p u r p o s e s . Sights F o r all shooting p u r p o s e s save target work, the sloping serrated r a m p is the best front-sight choice for most p u r p o s e s , including hunting, plinking, and self-defense. C u r r e n t sights of this type usually have a red insert. This is a mistake. T h e red bead u n d e r a d v e r s e lighting conditions — and sometimes u n d e r good conditions —looks black. A gold bead shows u p much better against nearly all targets. T h e rear sight should be of the micrometer type fully adjustable for windage and elevation. F o r added visibility the square notch of the rear sight should have a white outline insert as provided with many S & W rear sights.
1. E x c e p t among military personnel, the revolver is a more familiar arm than the semiautomatic pistol. 2. F o r the tyro shooter—including those w h o want a self-defense arm — the revolver is a safer gun. 3. In the event of a misfire the sixgunner merely pulls the trigger or c o c k s the h a m m e r to bring a n o t h e r cartridge into the firing position. 4. T h e revolver, particularly when fired single action, usually h a s a superior trigger pull. 5. Sixguns will fire old ammunition w h o s e reduced velocities might create malfunction in a semiautomatic pistol. 6. E x p e n d e d cartridges are readily at hand for removal from the cylinder; semiautomatic pistols throw the expended cases some distance away.
1. T h e sixgun is slower to load. 2. T h e sixgun is bulkier than the semiautomatic pistol. 3. T h e grip — single-action Colt-type grips excepted — is not as natural or as easy to hold as a semiautomatic's. 4. T h e sixgun is m o r e difficult to disassemble for thorough cleaning. ( H o w e v e r , Ruger's double-action sixguns — except for barrel removal from the frame —can be taken d o w n in a minute or less with n o tool but a coin.) 5. Barrel removal of a sixgun is a chore. 6. W o r n or poorly m a d e sixguns may have p o o r cylinder-barrel alignment, thus shaving bullets and reducing a c c u r a c y .
Action type:
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation; ventilated rib
double-action revolver
Cylinder capacity:
Safety: rebounding h a m m e r ; safety bar blocks hammer
Sight, front: Caliber:
sloping r a m p
.38 Special
Barrel length: 4.0 inches (2.5-inch barrel not for sportsmen)
Data: T h e D i a m o n d b a c k employs a medium frame, all steel. T h e finish is Colt (bright) blue.
Comment: This is a scaled-down version of the Colt P y t h o n . It is one of the t w o best double-action sixguns m a d e by Colt. T h e author, b e c a u s e he prefers big guns (he has hamlike hands), favors the P y t h o n even for the .38 Special cartridge. Small h a n d s will find t h e D i a m o n d b a c k m o r e comfortable, but it is not available in the far m o r e effective .357 M a g n u m .
28.0 oz.
checkered walnut, target type
Overall length:
9.0 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 lbs.
33 32
\ \ t
/ •'
z 46
28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 36
Part Name Barrel-2W-.38 Special Barrel-4"-.38 Special Barrel-2V2"-.22 L. R. Barrel —4"—.22 L. R. Barrel-2'/2"-.22 Magnum B a r r e l - 4 " - . 2 2 Magnum Bolt Bolt Screw Bolt Spring
Part Name
5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 11
Crane Crane Bushing Crane Lock Detent Crane Lock Screw Crane Lock Spring Cylinder-.38 Special Cylinder-.22 L. R. Cylinder-.22 Magnum Ejector Rod
12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Part Name Ejector Rod Head Ejector Spring Firing Pin Firing Pin Rivet Frame-.38 Special Frame-.22 L. R.-.22 Magnum Hammer Hammer Pin Hammer Stirrup Hammer Stirrup Pin Hammer Strut Hammer Strut Pin Hammer Strut Spring Hand Latch Latch Pin Latch Spring
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Name Latch Spring Guide Main Spring Ratchet Rear Sight Blade-.100 Rear Sight Blade-Ve" Rear Sight Detent Ball (2) Rear Sight Detent Spring Rear Sight Elevating Screw Rear Sight Elevating Screw Pin Rear Sight Leaf Rear Sight Leaf Elevating Spring (2) Rear Sight Leaf Pin Rear Sight Windage Spring Rear Sight Windage Screw Rebound Lever Rebound Lever Pin Recoil Plate Safety Safety Lever Side Plate Side Plate Screw Side Plate Screw Stock-Left Hand S t o c k - Right Hand Stock-Left H a n d Walnut-Target Stock-Right H a n d Walnut-Target Stock Pin Stock Screw Stock Screw Nut Trigger Trigger Pin Escutcheon (1), Left Stock
Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Safety:
safety bar blocks h a m m e r
Barrel length: 4.0 or 6.0 inches (2.5-inch barrel is not for sportsmen) Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 38.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 43.5 oz. Stock:
checkered walnut; target type
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.25 inches Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Sight radius: 4.0-inch barrel, 5.625 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 7.625 inches
Caliber: .357 M a g n u m (will c h a m b e r .38 Special, .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt) Data: Colt Royal (very bright) Blue finish or at extra cost polished nickel plate. Comment: T h i s is C o l t ' s finest double-action revolver. It is the largest centerfire caliber in a Colt double-action. Along with S & W ' s top-of-the-line .357, .41 M a g n u m , and .44 M a g n u m revolvers, this is one of the finest double-action sixguns made. Colt, which o n c e manufactured the largestframe A m e r i c a n sixgun, the N e w Service and N e w Service Target, in calibers ranging from .38 Special to .476 Eley, did not return to big-frame double-action manufacture after World W a r I I . T o d a y , a shooter wanting a double-action .41 M a g n u m or .44 M a g n u m must go to S & W . T h e r e are t w o schools of thought concerning handgun balance. S o m e shooters prefer the weight in the hand, while others like a muzzleheavy balance like the P y t h o n ' s .
Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity:
Safety: safety bar interposed between h a m m e r and firing pin Barrel length:
4.0 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 39.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 42.0 oz. Stock:
checkered walnut; target type
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.5 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.5 inches Trigger pull (nominal): single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Sight radius: 4.0-inch barrel, 5.5 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 7.5 inches Caliber:
.357 M a g n u m
Data: T h e T r o o p e r has a medium, all steel frame. T h e finish is bright blue or (at extra cost) nickel plating. Comment: This is an excellent double-action sixgun for lawmen, w h o should never use a cartridge with less punch than the .357 M a g n u m , nor should they use a fixed-sight sidearm.
DAN WESSON M15-2 REVOLVER Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: 4.0 inches, 6.0 inches, or 8.0 inches (interchangeable); 2.5-inch barrel unsuitable for sporting use Weight: standard barrel: 4.0-inch barrel, 36.0 oz.; 6.0inch barrel, 40.0 oz.; 8.0-inch barrel, 44.0 oz.; with vent-rib barrel shroud, d e d u c t 1.0 oz. in any barrel length
with heavy barrel shroud: 4.0-inch barrel, 38.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 43.0 oz.; 8.0-inch barrel, 48.0 oz.; with vent-rib heavy barrel shroud, deduct 1.0 oz. in any barrel length Stock: 1-piece walnut; checkered or uncheckered; plain walnut stock blank also available for c u s t o m fitting Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.25 inches; 8.0-inch barrel, 13.25 inches
DAN WESSON M 1 5 - 2
Trigger pull: double action, 10.0 lbs.; single action, 3.5-4.0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: r a m p with field-interchangeable red, white, o r yellow insert Caliber:
.357 M a g n u m
Data: This a r m h a s a firing-pin disconnector; this feature, while not original, is certainly useful. O t h e r features include a wide trigger with adjustable overtravel stop; wide-spur h a m m e r with
short double-action travel; all-steel medium frame; matte-finished h a m m e r , topstrap, and shroud, with remainder of metal highly polished and blued. Comment: Barrels of various lengths are readily interchangeable by m e a n s of a supplied accessory tool, making this an unusually versatile gun for the shooter w h o likes a longer barrel for one kind of hunting o r a n o t h e r — o r for target practice with lighter .38 Special w a d c u t t e r loads. E a c h barrel is fixed in a barrel shroud which also c o m e s in several versions —standard; standard with ventilated rib which cuts weight slightly; h e a v y ; o r heavy with ventilated rib that m a k e s it not quite so h e a v y . Naturally, t h e gun must be resighted w h e n e v e r barrels a r e interchanged.
S&W M12/.38 COMBAT MASTERPIECE Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
4.0 inches
.38 Special
Data: T h e M 1 2 has an all-steel medium frame, the same size a s t h e K-38 T a r g e t Series.
34.0 o z . Magna t y p e ; checkered walnut
Overall length:
Sight, front: 0.125-inch-wide Baughman quickdraw ramp
9.25 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Comment: While the .38 Special cartridge is ina d e q u a t e for police officers and for most hunting, it is a d e q u a t e for small game a n d excellent for target shooting. A s with other S & W sixguns this arm is more efficient when fitted with extra-cost target hammer and trigger and white outline for rear sight. Big men may prefer oversize target stocks.
S&W M14/K-38 MASTERPIECE Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
6.0 or 8.375 inches
Weight: 6.0-inch barrel, 38.5 o z . ; 8.375-inch barrel, 42.5 o z .
Trigger pull: single action, 4 . 0 lbs.; double a c tion, 8 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
Magna t y p e ; checkered walnut
Overall length: 6.0-inch barrel, 11.125 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.5 inches
0.125-inch-wide plain partridge
.38 Special
Data: T h e M 1 4 h a s a wide, grooved trigger (target type) and a wide, checkered h a m m e r (also target type).
s&w M 1 4 / K - 3 8 M A S T E R P I E C E
Comment: This is the standard revolver for all handgunners using the .38 Special cartridge in matches. Its weight is the same as that of the discontinued K-32 and K-22 match revolvers.
Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
4.0 or 6.0 inches
35.0 oz. checkered G o n c a l a Alves target type
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.5 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.5 inches Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Sight, front: 0.125-inch-wide Baughman quickd r a w on r a m p ; 0.125-inch-wide partridge on 6.0-inch barrel Caliber: .357 M a g n u m (also c h a m b e r s .38 Special, .38 Long Colt, .38 Short Colt) Data: All-steel medium frame. C h o i c e of finish — bright blue or nickel. Comment: T h i s sixgun is built on a lighter frame for those w h o prefer this type. T h e a r m ' s effectiveness is improved with extra-cost items like white outline for rear square notch, wide target h a m m e r , and grooved target trigger.
S&W M23 Action type: double-action revolver
Sight, front:
Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
6.5 inches
41.75 oz. Magna type checkered walnut
Overall length:
11.75 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.5 lbs.; double action, 9 . 0 - 1 1 . 0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
0.125-inch-wide plain partridge
.38 Special
Comment: This is a micrometer-sighted version of the famed .38/.44 H e a v y D u t y (M20). T h e M 2 3 uses the large frame of the M 2 4 .44 Special frame. This is one of the t w o finest sixguns designed for .38 Special use only (not .357 Magnum). T h e other is Colt's D i a m o n d b a c k . A n y o n e ordering this arm should secure the extra-cost target-type wide h a m m e r and grooved trigger. A white outline should be ordered for the rear sight's square notch. T a r g e t stocks are available at extra cost.
Parts List for S&W 14/K-38 Masterpiece No. 4067 4068 4071 4081 4141 5002 5004 5005 5014 5022 5023 5034 5036 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5049 5053 5053 5053 5053 5054 5055 5062 5064 5071
Part Name Escutcheon Escutcheon Nut Rear Sight Slide 6" & 8%" Bbl. Rear Sight Assy. 6" & 8%" Bbl. Sear Pin Barrel Pin Bolt Plunger Bolt Plunger Spring Extractor Pin Extractor Spring Yoke Hammer Nose Rivet Hammer Nose Bushing Hand-Pin Locking Bolt Locking Bolt Pin Locking Bolt Spring Frame Lug Mainspring Plate Screw, crowned Hand Spring Pin Hand Torsion Spring Pin Stirrup Pin Trigger Lever Pin Sear Spring Stirrup Stock Pin Strain Screw Thumbpiece Nut
No. 5072 5073 5074 5076 5078 5079 5079 5083 5084 5085 5086 5088 5089 5091 5093 5098 5102 5105 5106 5107 5108 5112 5113 5114 5118 5129* 5133 5155
Part Name Trigger Trigger Lever Rebound Slide Spring Hand Trigger Stud Cylinder Stop Stud Rebound Slide Stud Rebound Slide Pin Hammer Block Rebound Slide Cylinder, with extractor, pins & gas ring Trigger Stop .500 Trigger Stop S.A. Plate Screw, flat head Hammer Barrel, 6" Rear Sight Elevation Nut Rear Sight Spring Clip Rear Sight Elevation Stud Rear Sight Windage Nut Rear Sight Windage Screw Hammer Stud Sear Trigger Stop Hand Torsion Spring Side Plate Hammer Nose Rear Sight Leaf Screw
No. 5155 5212 5357 5384 5386 5387 5420* 5435* 5455 5458 5583 5585 5629 5786 5843 5937 7003 7055 7158 7159 7189 7190 7191 7197 7198 7263
Part Name Trigger Stop Screw Hammer, wide spur Target Cylinder Stop Hammer S.A. Trigger S.A. Rebound Slide Spring Frame, with studs, bushing & lug Extractor Extractor Rod Center Pin Spring Bolt Thumbpiece Extractor Rod Collar Rear Sight Leaf Trigger, wide Target type Barrel, 8%" Center Pin Cylinder Stop Spring Single Action Kit Rear Sight Plunger Rear Sight Plunger Spring Stock, oversize Target, left Stock, oversize Target, right Stock Screw Square Butt Stock, left Square Stock, right Square Stock Screw Target
S&W M24 TARGET Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
6.0 inches
45.0 oz. checkered walnut; oversize target type
Overall length:
9.25 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
0.125-inch-wide plain partridge
.45 A C P
Data: T h e M 2 4 has a wide, checkered targettype h a m m e r , a wide, grooved target trigger, and of course a large all-steel frame. Comment: T h i s is a highly refined target version of the S & W M 1 9 1 7 double-action revolver. An extremely accurate sixgun, it is the only current double-action revolver in caliber .45 Colt A C P . It is an excellent hunting arm. It uses the .45 A C P cartridge with half-moon clips or the .45 A u t o Rim cartridge. Regardless of which type is used, lead bullets or softpoint bullets should be used.
Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 6.5, or 8.375 inches Weight: 3.5-inch barrel, 41.0 oz.; 5.0-inch barrel, 42.5 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 44.0 oz.; 6.5inch barrel, 44.5 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 47.0 oz. Stock:
Magna t y p e ; checkered
Overall length: 3.5-inch barrel, 8.875 inches; 5.0-inch barrel, 10.375 inches; 6.0-inch barrel, 11.375 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 11.875 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.75 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.5 lbs.; double action, 8 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation; white-outlined square notch Sight, front: Caliber:
choice of any S & W target sight
.357 M a g n u m
Data: This large-frame revolver c o m e s with a choice of finish —blued or nickeled. Comment: P e a c e officers and h u n t e r s should select the 0.125-inch-wide Baughman quick-
draw r a m p front sight with red insert (gold would be better if it were available). This handgun should always be ordered with target-type wide serrated h a m m e r and with grooved target trigger. M e n with big hands should get the oversize target stock. T h e s e three optional items are worth the extra cost.
T h e a u t h o r would like to see this handgun with a 4.0-inch rather than a 3.5-inch minimum barrel length. T h e extra length slightly reduces the severe muzzle blast so noticeable with the shortest barrel. T h e 8.375-inch barrel—and this applies to the same length in any caliber—is too clumsy and ill balanced for any use e x c e p t target shooting.
Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
4.0 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 41.75 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 44.0 oz. Stock:
Magna t y p e ; checkered walnut
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.25 inches Hammer:
Trigger pull: single action, 5.0 lbs.; double action, 9 . 0 - 1 1 . 0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: 0.125-inch-wide Baughman quickd r a w front on r a m p Caliber:
.357 M a g n u m
Comment: T h i s sixgun uses the same frame as the M 2 7 but the finish is not as highly blued. T h o u g h s o m e w h a t less expensive than the M 2 7 , the interior is as well finished and it has the advantage of a 4.0-inch barrel. T h i s revolver should be ordered with target-type wide spur h a m m e r and wide grooved trigger. O v e r s i z e target stocks should be ordered by m e n with big hands.
S&W M29/.44 MAGNUM Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
4.0, 6.5, or 8.375 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 43.0 oz.; 6.5-inch barrel, 47.0 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 51.5 oz.
Stock: oversize target t y p e ; c h e c k e r e d G o n c a l o Alves wood Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.375 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 11.875 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.75 inches
M29/.44 MAGNUM
Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation; white-outlined square notch Sight, front: serrated with red insert Caliber:
.44 M a g n u m
Data: T h e M 2 9 is another of the large-frame S & W revolvers that give the p u r c h a s e r a choice of blued or nickeled finish at no difference in cost. F e a t u r e s include a wide, checkered targettype h a m m e r spur and a wide, grooved, targettype trigger. Comment: This handgun, together with the S & W M 5 7 .41 M a g n u m , is the finest large-frame double-action revolver m a d e . Colt's .357 Python does not have as large a frame. This revolver was designed by S & W at the
suggestion of leading U . S . handgun authority Elmer Keith. T h e .44 M a g n u m cartridge was designed at Keith's suggestion by Remington A r m s in conjunction with S & W engineers. T h e design, w o r k m a n s h i p , and quality of materials and finish are exceeded by no other bigframe sixgun and equaled only by the M 5 7 .41 M a g n u m . T h e sole difference between the two models is the caliber. F o r details of the caliber .44 M a g n u m cartridge, see C h a p t e r 3 1 . T h e a u t h o r would like to see this handgun c h a m b e r e d for the .45 Colt revolver cartridge. T h e front sight should h a v e a gold bead, which would stand out better against dark backgrounds. T h e red bead looks black in poor light. S o m e .44 M a g n u m shooters prefer a smooth stock to a checkered one. T h e y maintain that the severe recoil m a k e s c h e c k e r e d stocks hurt their palms. A plain stock is available from S & W on special order.
Parts List for S&W M29/.44 Magnum No. 4067 4068 4078 4096 4098 4141 4165 5005 5014 5021 5022 5034 5036 5042 5045 5047 5049 5053 5053 5053 5053 5054 5055 5062 5064 5071 5073
Part Name
Escutcheon Escutcheon Nut Rear Sight Slide 8%" bbl. Rear Sight Assembly 4" & 6V2" bbl. Rear Sight Assembly 8 /e" bbl. Sear Pin Rebound Slide Bolt Plunger Spring Extractor Pin Extractor Rod Collar Extractor Spring Hammer Nose Rivet Hammer Nose Bushing Hand Pin Locking Bolt Spring Mainspring Plate Screw. Crowned Hand Spring Pin Hand Spring Torsion Pin Stirrup Pin Trigger Lever Pin Sear Spring Stirrup Stock Pin Strain Screw Thumbpiece Nut Trigger Lever 3
5074 5078 5079 5079 5083 5091 5102 5105 5106 5107 5108 5112 5113 5118 5155 5219 5306 5357 5389 5418 5421 5423 5426 5429 5430 5431 5448
Part Name Rebound Slide Spring Trigger Stud Cylinder Stop Stud Rebound Slide Stud Rebound Slide Pin Plate Screw, flat head Rear Sight Elevation Nut Rear Sight Spring Clip Rear Sight Elevation Stud Rear Sight Windage Nut Rear Sight Windage Screw Hammer Stud Sear Hand Spring Rear Sight Leaf Screw Rear Sight Leaf Trigger Stop Rod Cylinder Stop Bolt Plunger Hammer Nose Hammer, wide Target type Hammer Block Hand Locking Bolt Side Plate Locking Bolt Pin Extractor
No. 5456 5457 5461 5500 5584 5585 5750 5810 5843 5856 5857 5859 5900 5901 5912 5913 5930 5941 7055 7158 7159 7271 7263 7275
Part Name Extractor Rod Center Pin Spring Frame, with studs, bushing & lug Yoke Bolt Thumbpiece Hammer Nose Spring Barrel Pin Trigger, wide Target type Cylinder, with extractor, pins & gas ring Barrel, 6V2" Gas Ring Rear Sight Slide 4" & 6V2" bbl. Barrel, 4" Stock, checked Goncalo Alves Target, right Stock, checked Goncalo Alves Target, left Frame Lug Barrel, 8 W Cylinder Stop Spring Rear Sight Plunger Rear Sight Plunger Spring Center Pin Stock Screw Center Pin
S&W M53 Action type: double-action revolver Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
4.0, 6.0, or 8.375 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 37.5 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 40.0 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 43.5 oz. Stock:
Magna t y p e ; checkered walnut
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.25 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.875 inches Trigger pull: single action, 4.5 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: draw
0.125-inch-wide Baughman quick-
Caliber: .22 R e m . Jet (centerfire); .22 Long Rifle with individual c h a m b e r inserts Comment: A very a c c u r a t e medium-frame hunting/target-type sixgun. Individual c h a m b e r s for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge can be inserted in .22 Jet c h a m b e r s . Firing pin is adjustable for rim- or centerfire cartridges. Should be fitted with extracost white outline for rear sight notch, with target-type h a m m e r and trigger.
S&W M57
Action type:
double-action revolver
Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
4.0, 6.5, or 8.375 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 44.0 oz.; 6.5-inch barrel, 48.0 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 52.0 oz. Stock: oversize target t y p e ; checkered G o n c a l o Alves wood Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.375 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 11.875 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.75 inches Trigger pull: single action, 4.0 lbs.; double action, 8.0-10.0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation; white-outlined square notch
Sight, front: serrated with red insert Caliber:
.41 M a g n u m
Data: T h e M 5 7 has a T y p e - N (large) all-steel frame, a wide, checkered target-type h a m m e r and wide, grooved target-type trigger. C h o i c e of bright bluing or nickel plating. Comment: T h i s handgun is identical to the M 2 9 .44 M a g n u m in all r e s p e c t s except caliber. It is slightly heavier because of the smaller-caliber barrel and cylinder (exterior dimensions identical to M 2 9 ) . T h i s revolver and caliber w e r e the result of E l m e r Keith's request for a sixgun with slightly less p o w e r than the .44 M a g n u m .
T h e semiautomatic pistol, often called " a u t o m a t i c " or "autoloading," is the latest, though not necessarily the last, type of handgun action to appear on the market. T h e r e are three basic (semiautomatic actions, but here we are c o n c e r n e d only with the largecaliber (9mm and up) recoil-operated semiautomatic. T h e semiautomatic pistol is not a good choice for big-game hunting. T h e full metal-jacketed "solid" big-bore rifle bullet is designed for use on thick-skinned game like C a p e buffalo, rhino, and elephant; with that exception, the full metaljacketed bullet is not a good choice for game. It slips into or through the game without a d e q u a t e expansion. This is not to say that the .45 A C P 230-grain bullet w o n ' t kill game. It will, but properly designed lead or softpoint revolver bullets are much m o r e effective. T h e basic role of the semiautomatic pistol in the sporting world is that of target m a t c h e s or plinking. This chapter is not c o n c e r n e d with t h e socalled pocket automatics in calibers like .25 A C P (6.35mm), .32 A C P (7.65mm) or .380 A C P (9mm Short). In the United States these a r e strictly self-defense w e a p o n s , though the 7.65mm and 9mm Short ( K u r z or C o r t o ) are standard holster w e a p o n s for many E u r o p e a n uniformed peace officers. T h e first successful semiautomatic pistol used for military and some sporting p u r p o s e s w a s the famed " b r o o m - h a n d l e " M l 8 9 6 M a u s e r , caliber 7.63mm (a few were made in 9mm M a u s e r — n o t 9mm Parabellum—caliber). T h i s pistol, though never adopted as an official military sidearm by any nation, at least in the m e m o r y of M a u s e r W e r k e officials, was widely used as a personal sidearm by many officers in Czarist Russia, China, and other countries. T h e original version used a 10-shot stripper clip. Later versions used detachable 10- and 20-
shot magazines. T h e r e w a s also a full automatic version. S o m e M l 8 9 6 pistols and successor models had detachable shoulder stocks. S o m e stocks w e r e stiff leather holsters, while other stocks w e r e hollow w o o d e n holsters. In U . S . O r d n a n c e trials in N e w p o r t , R.I., in the early 1890s there was a semiautomatic pistol designed by G e r m a n - b o r n H u g o Borchardt, w h o had designed or improved several existing a r m s , including the B o r c h a r d t - S h a r p s . Borchardt returned to G e r m a n y , w h e r e he secured the backing of G e o r g Luger. T h e pistol was redesigned and w a s m a r k e t e d by D W M as the 9 mm Parabellum. This is t h e prized collector's arm known to A m e r i c a n s as the Luger. T h e term " L u g e r " is almost exclusively A m e r i c a n . E l s e w h e r e it is the " P a r a b e l l u m , " which m e a n s "for w a r . " In 1908 the G e r m a n a r m y adopted the pistol. Its official n o m e n c l a t u r e w a s , and still is, Pistol '08 (1908). It was the standard sidearm for the W e h r m a c h t in World W a r I and was the limited standard in World W a r I I . T h e P-08 w a s m a d e by many c o m p a n i e s , including D W M , M a u s e r W e r k e , Simson of Stuhl, V i c k e r s in England, and in Switzerland. T h e 1919 T r e a t y of Versailles prohibited the manufacture in G e r m a n y of sidearms c h a m b e r e d for t h e 9 m m Parabellum. P-08 manufacture was allowed only in caliber 7.65mm (known in the U . S . A . as caliber .30 Luger). T h i s cartridge employed a n e c k e d - d o w n 9 m m c a s e . G e r m a n a r m s designers developed the new cartridge and arm so that the pistols could be readily converted to 9 m m Parabellum by switching barrels and magazines. In 1911 the U n i t e d States A r m y adopted an improved version of t h e M l 9 0 5 Colt (1900 patent) designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. This famed semiauto pistol — with slight exterior modifications ( M 1 9 1 1 A l ) - i s still the standard U . S . A r m y and U . S . Marine C o r p s sidearm. T h e pistol was supplied to most of our allies 375
during World W a r I I , the K o r e a n Conflict and the ensuing brushfire w a r s , and the V i e t n a m War. T h e N o r w e g i a n g o v e r n m e n t used it for about 40 years as the standard service pistol. During World W a r II it was p r o d u c e d in N o r w a y for use by G e r m a n t r o o p s . It was made in P u s a n , Korea, during the early 1950s. Unlicensed, and hence unpaid-for, copies have been and still are being m a d e in Spain and Argentina. It was made in C h i n a during the regime of Chiang Kai-shek. In caliber .45 m a t c h e s , customized .45 Colts have reigned supreme for more than a half-century. T h e 9mm Parabellum cartridge is m o r e accurate at extended ranges, but the cartridge lacks the heavy punch of the 230-grain metal-case A C P bullet. In 1938 a n o t h e r pistol entered the military and later the civilian a r e n a —the Pistole 1938, better known as the P-38 Walther. This was the first double-action semiautomatic pistol adopted by any major power. It was the standard service arm of the World W a r II W e h r m a c h t and remains the same for the W e s t G e r m a n Republic's army. M o s t P-38s are in caliber 9 m m Parabellum, though the s a m e gun is now available in .30 Luger and .22 Long Rifle. A few experimental pistols were m a d e in .38 Super Colt and .45 ACP. P-38 usage will never reach that of the P-08, M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 or the M 1 9 3 5 Browning HiPower. This is not b e c a u s e the pistol is not an excellent one but b e c a u s e the U . S . spread the M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 throughout much of the world and because N A T O p o w e r s except the United States and G e r m a n y use the M 1 9 3 5 Browning Hi-Power. T h e Browning, though it lacks the double-action feature of the P-38, has a 13-shot magazine, a feature considered desirable by many military people. Until World W a r I I , the M l 9 3 5 was m a d e only in Belgium by F N . W h e n the N a z i s overran Belgium and took o v e r wartime M 1 9 3 5 p r o d u c tion for themselves, the British ar my , which had adopted the arm, generated production elsewhere. In C a n a d a the J o h n Inglis C o . p r o d u c e d more than a million M 1935s for the C h i n e s e N a tionalist A r m y . M a n y of these, along with U . S . supplied M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 l A l s , ended up with M a o ' s millions. It is interesting to note that of the three great military pistols, the Parabellum, the M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 , and the M 1 9 3 5 , two were designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. T o d a y , the Parabellum is made by M a u s e r W e r k e , Colt m a k e s an improved M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 , and F N continues M 1 9 3 5 p r o d u c -
tion. T h e s e a r m s designs range from 50 to 75 years in age (the M 1 9 3 5 w a s designed several years before it w e n t into production). T h e P-38 is approaching its 40th birthday. S o m e a r m s described in this c h a p t e r are not fitted with m i c r o m e t e r sights adjustable for windage. H o w e v e r , existing m i c r o m e t e r sights can be modified to fit. Y o u should d o this to secure m a x i m u m effectiveness from y o u r handgun. T h e a r m s described in this c h a p t e r are lockedbreech, recoil-operated, and air-cooled. T h e unlocked-breech blowback system is designed for low-powered .22 caliber rimfires or p o c k e t automatics like the .25 A C P , .32 A C P , and .380 A C P .
SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOL VS. THE REVOLVER Advantages 1. T h e semiautomatic is faster to load and reload than the revolver. 2. T h e semiauto is easier to clean thoroughly. 3. T h e semiauto has greater rapidity of fire. 4. T h e semiauto design allows no gas leakage or bullet shaving. 5. It is easier to replace semiauto parts, including barrel. 6. T h e semiauto usually has a better grip than the revolver. 7. T h e semiauto h a s greater magazine capacity than the revolver (in some a r m s m o r e than twice the capacity). 8. T h e semiauto is m o r e c o m p a c t than the revolver. Disadvantages 1. T h e semiauto requires perfect ammunition; defective ammunition j a m s it. 2. Clips must be in perfect condition or feeding j a m s result. 3. T h e semiautomatic is not as safe for tyros to handle as the revolver. 4. All other factors being equal, metalj a c k e t e d bullets are not as effective as softpoint or lead bullets. 5. E m p t y cases which are t h r o w n from the semiauto are sometimes dented during the ejection p r o c e s s and are m o r e difficult to recover. 6. Fired cases sometimes eject in the shooter's face. 7. N o r m a l l y , blanks or reduced loads c a n n o t be used b e c a u s e the action will not function with them. 8. T h e magazine spring may deteriorate after being left loaded for an e x t e n d e d period. This can c r e a t e functioning difficulties for those w h o keep a pistol for self-defense p u r p o s e s and rarely use it.
Fabrique Nationale, Belgium
Browning A r m s
Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; locked breech; exposed h a m m e r ; air-cooled Magazine type: detachable staggered box Magazine capacity: 13-shot (10-shot on Belgian A r m y model; 15-shot on original inventor's model) Safety: t h u m b safety (left side); cannot be activated unless h a m m e r is cocked and slide is at rearmost position; pistol cannot be fired unless magazine is in position Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
4.75 inches
34.0 oz. 2-piece checkered walnut
Overall length:
7.75 inches
Trigger pull: 5 . 0 - 8 . 0 lbs. (closer to 5.0 lbs. on most current commercial models) Finish: Parkerized on most military models; medium-gloss blue on current civilian models Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch or optional tangent leaf adjustable for 500 meters Sight, front: barleycorn (half-moon) on current commercial models Caliber:
9mm (Luger) Parabellum
Data: In 1923 the F r e n c h Ministry of W a r asked J o h n M o s e s Browning to submit prototypes of a semiautomatic pistol with an extralarge magazine capacity and c h a m b e r e d for the 9mm (Luger) Parabellum cartridge. Browning submitted two distinctly different models. O n e , never patented, was a simple blowback. T h e second model resembles the present M 1 9 3 5 Hi-Power. It had a 15-shot magazine. T h e F r e n c h ultimately adopted an inferior pistol and inferior cartridge. In 1926 Browning applied for a U . S . patent covering the pistol's operating principles and
mechanism. Patent N o . 1,276,716 was issued August 27, 1927, several m o n t h s after Browning's death. T h i s was his last patent. T h e M 1 9 3 5 , also k n o w n as the Browning HiP o w e r , was issued with a 13-shot magazine, which it currently retains. Its original manufacturer, F a b r i q u e Nationale, continues to produce the M 1 9 3 5 . Belgium was the first nation to adopt it as a standard service arm. After the organization of N A T O , all m e m b e r s except the U n i t e d States ( M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 pistol) and W e s t G e r m a n y (P-38 Walther) adopted the M 1 9 3 5 . T h e current supply for the C a n a d i a n A r m e d F o r c e s c o m e s from World W a r II stocks. S o m e surplus has been sold in the U . S . A . Standard military-issue stocks are usually black plastic. T h e C a n a d i a n s used some M l 8 9 6 Mauser-type holster-stocks (hollowed-out wood), which were fitted to a grip cut in the pistol. T h i s type of holster-stock attached to the user's belt with a spring clip. A few Parabellum (Luger) type flat-board stocks w e r e also issued. This stock type could not be used as a holster. T h e r e w e r e variations in e x t r a c t o r and ejector design and tolerances. S o m e interchange with other M 1935s. T h e standard service rear sight was the fixed square notch. C a n a d i a n M 1935s designed for u s e with stock-holster combinations or for shoulder stocks alone were fitted with a rear tangent sight leaf. U n l e s s a special permit is purchased from the T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t ' s Bureau of Alcohol, T o b a c c o , and F i r e a r m s ( B A T F ) unit, it is illegal in the U n i t e d States to own both a shoulder stock and an M 1 9 3 5 which has provision for attaching a stock. It is legal to own a holster-stock or a stock and an M 1 9 3 5 from which the stock lug has been r e m o v e d . Comment: T h i s is one of the finest semiautomatic pistols m a d e . F o r those w h o prefer a double-action semiautomatic pistol, some pistolsmiths can convert the M 1 9 3 5 to a double-action mechanism.
Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; locked breech; air-cooled; lanyard-type hammer Magazine type:
Magazine capacity: .45 A C P , 7-shot; .38 Super and 9mm (Luger) Parabellum, 9-shot
Barrel length:
2-piece panel; sandblasted walnut
Parts List for Browning M1935 Hi-Power Pistol No. Part Name No. 5520 5598 5599 5615 5616 5617 5618 5620 5624 5545 5555 5558 5559 5650 5654 5660 5664 5670 5674 5593 5594 5595 5597 5596 5640 5644 5600
Barrel Ejector Ejector Extractor Extractor Extractor Pin Extractor Spring Extractor Old Style Extractor Old Style Firing Pin Firing Pin Spring Firing Pin Retaining Plate Firing Pin Retaining Plate Grip Plate-Lett-French Walnut Grip Plate-Left-Nacrolac Pearl Grip Plate-Right-French Walnut Grip Plate-Right-Nacrolac Pearl Grip Plate Screw Grip Plate Screw Hammer (New Type) Hammer Hammer (New Type) Hammer Strut Assembly with Mainspring, Mainspring Support Pin, & Nut Hammer Strut Pin Magazine Complete Magazine Complete Magazine Latch
5.0 lbs.
Sight, front:
Caliber: 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum; .38 Super; .45 A C P Data: All-steel frame, Colt Blue or satin nickel finish. 5.75-inch sight radius.
4.25 inches
Weight: .38 Super and 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum, 36.5 oz.; .45 A C P , 35.0 oz. Stock:
Trigger pull:
7.875 inches
Sight, r e a r : square n o t c h ; micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation available
detachable straight-line box
Safety: t h u m b safety (left side); grip (backstrap)
Overall length:
5604 5608 5610 5614 5695 5699 5567 5568 5540 5538 5680 5684 5588 5625 5626 5627 5628 5590 5591 5340 5341 5342
Comment: T h i s is a heavier (all-steel) version of the alloy Lightweight C o m m a n d e r and a lighter c o m p a c t version of the M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 .
Part Name Magazine Latch Magazine Latch Spring Magazine Latch Spring Guide Magazine Latch Spring Guide Magazine Safety Magazine Safety Spring Magazine Safety Pin & Trigger Spring Pin Magazine Safety Pin & Trigger Spring Pin Recoil Spring Recoil Spring Guide Assy, with Slide Stop Retaining Ball, Spring & Cap Safety Assembly Complete Safety Assembly Complete Sear Sear Lever Sear Lever Pin Sear Lever Pivot Old Style Sear Lever Pivot Old Style Sear Pin Sear Spring with Button Rear Sight Complete, Adjustable Sight Model Rear Sight Base, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Aperture, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model
No. 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5521 5522 5524 5526 5510 5512 5514 5652 5653 5570 5574 5561 5562 5563 5575
Part Name Sight Aperture Housing, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Aperture Housing Pin, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Elevation Screw, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Elevation Screw Spring, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Elevation Spring, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model Sight Windage Screw, Rear, Adjustable Sight Model S i g h t - Rear Sight-Rear S i g h t - Front Sight-Front-Adjustable Sight Model Slide-with Front Sight Slide-Adjustable Sight Model Slide-with Front Sight Slide Stop Slide Stop Trigger Trigger-Gold Plated Trigger Lever Trigger Pin Trigger Pin Trigger Spring
Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; locked b r e e c h ; air-cooled; exposed h a m m e r Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b safety (left side of frame); grip safety (backstrap) Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
5.0 inches
38.5 oz. 2-piece checkered walnut
Overall length: Trigger pull:
8.375 inches adjustable
Sight, r e a r : special Colt-Elliason, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
Data: Serrated trigger, all-steel frame (large), Colt Blue finish. T h i s gun has a longer sight radius (6.75 inches) than the Colt C o m b a t C o m mander.
undercut blade
.45 A C P
Comment: T h i s version of the Colt G o l d C u p and customized/accurized o t h e r Colt .45 A C P s is the finest and most a c c u r a t e .45 caliber target pistol m a d e . T h e design by G e o r g e Elliason, is a modification of the original J o h n M o s e s Browning design. T h e a u t h o r has been attending m a t c h e s for m o r e than 4 0 years and has n e v e r seen any target .45 that w a s not a basic Browning-designed Colt or Colt-licensed. F e a t u r e s which a target Colt .45 A C P must have are a tight slide, tight barrel bushing, light trigger with no c r e e p , and excellent sights. M a n y old service M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 l A l s have been converted to top match-winning pistols by gunsmiths like J e s s e H a r p e r .
COLT LIGHTWEIGHT COMMANDER Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; locked b r e e c h ; air-cooled; lanyard-type hammer Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
4.25 inches
27.0 oz. 2 sandblasted walnut panels
Overall length:
7.875 inches
Magazine capacity: .45 A C P , 7-shot; .38 S u p e r ( A C P ) and 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum, 9-shot
Trigger pull:
Safety: t h u m b safety (left side); grip safety (on backstrap)
Sight, r e a r : square n o t c h ; m i c r o m e t e r sight adj u s t a b l e for windage and elevation available
5.0 lbs.
COLT LIGHTWEIGHT COMMANDER ( c o n t i n u e d )
Sight, front: fixed blade Caliber: .38 Super, .45 A C P , 9 m m Parabellum Data:
Alloy frame, Colt Blue finish.
Comment: This is lightweight version of the C o m b a t C o m m a n d e r , which in turn is a light, compact version of the M l 9 l 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 . T h e author considers this too light for good accuracy.
COLT GOVERNMENT MODEL MK IV/SERIES 70 Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; locked breech; single-action; exposed hammer; air-cooled
Sight, r e a r : Sight, front:
Magazine capacity: .45 A C P , 7-shot; .38 Super and 9mm (Luger) Parabellum, 9-shot
Data: All-steel frame, size 0. Colt Blue or optionally nickel plate; military versions usually Parkerized. T h i s is a slightly modified version of the U . S . Pistol, Caliber .45 M 1 9 1 1 and its successor the M 1 9 H A 1 . T h e basic differences are the barrel and barrel bushing, which have been " a c c u r i z e d . " Parts are interchangeable with M 1 9 l 1/M1911A1 or commercial version. A b o u t 1905 the U . S . A r m y evinced an interest in adopting a semiautomatic pistol. J o h n M o s e s Browning submitted two designs. T h e first was the .45 Caliber Military Model H a m m e r l e s s Semi-Automatic Pistol. This model is similar to the M 1 9 0 5 H a m m e r M o d e l ; it is different in minor details and had no h a m m e r . It w a s never
Safety: t h u m b safety (left side); grip safety (on backstrap) 5.0 inches
Weight: .38 Super and 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum, 40.0 oz.; .45 A C P , 39.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece sand-blasted walnut; checkered walnut discontinued; plastic checkered stocks used on some World W a r II guns Overall length:
8.375 inches
Trigger pull: 5.0 lbs. current commercial; 5 . 5 6.5 lbs. new or repaired military
Caliber: .38 S u p e r (.38 A C P ) , .45 A C P , 9mm (Luger) Parabellum
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Barrel length:
square notch
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Part Name Barrel Barrel Bushing Barrel Link Barrel Link Pin Disconnector Ejector Ejector Pin Extractor Firing Pin Firing Pin Spring Firing Pin Stop Front Sight Grip Safety Hammer Hammer Pin Hammer Strut Hammer Strut Pin Magazine Tube Detail Assembly Magazine Catch
No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Part Name Magazine Catch Lock Magazine Catch Spring Magazine Follower Magazine Spring Main Spring Main Spring Cap Main Spring Cap Pin Main Spring Housing-(Round) Main Spring Housing-(Square) Main Spring Housing Pin Main Spring Housing Pin Retainer Plunger Spring Plunger Tube Rear Sight Leaf Rear Sight Elevation Screw Rear Sight Elevation Spring-(2) Rear Sight Leaf Pin Receiver Recoil Spring
No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Part Name Recoil Spring Guide Recoil Spring Plug Safety Lock Safety Lock Plunger Sear Depressor Depressor Spring Sear Pin Sear Spring Slide Slide Stop Slide Stop Plunger Stock Assembly R.H.-Walnut Stock Assembly L.H.-Walnut Stock Screw-(4) Stock Screw Bushing Trigger Detail Assembly Trigger Stop Elliason S i g h t - N o t Shown
produced commercially. T h e second was the .45 Caliber Military Model 1905, with an exposed hammer. Several thousand were produced commercially. In 1911 the U . S . A r m y , and later the N a v y and Marine C o r p s , adopted a slightly modified version of the M l 9 0 5 Military H a m m e r Model. This was the standard service pistol in World War I. Patent N o . 984,519, issued F e b r u a r y 14, 1911, and Patent N o . 1,070,582, issued April 2 3 , 1913, applied to the M 1 9 1 1 . T h e pistol w a s adopted M a r c h 29, 1911. Most of the approximately 100,000 M 1 9 l i s made between 1911 and April 1917 w e r e manufactured by Colt. A few, now rare items, were made in Springfield A r m o r y . U . S . entry into World W a r I generated a need for increased production. Colt, already in production, and Remington A r m s were the only ones of ten contractors to produce effective quantities. Colt made nearly 500,000 and Remington m a d e about 100,000. M o s t contractors never got into production. After World W a r I most pistols were put into arsenal storage. T h e extensive experiences of the war led to minor external modifications. T h e modified pistol was designated M 1 9 1 1 A 1 . Modifications included grip safety tang e x t e n d e d to better protect hand; clearance cut in receiver for trigger finger (easier for small fingers to reach trigger); trigger face cut back; trigger face knurled; mainspring housing arched to better conform with average hand; top of front sight widened. During World W a r II both M 1 9 1 1 and M 1 9 1 1 A l s w e r e issued. C o n t r a c t s w e r e let to Colt (400,000), Ithaca (400,000), RemingtonRand (900,000), and U n i o n Switch & Signal (50,000). T h e s e are approximate production figures. T h e M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 with slight or no modifications were adopted by n u m e r o u s countries, including N o r w a y ( G e r m a n s continued produc-
tion during occupation), M e x i c o , and Argentina. Pirated copies w e r e made in Nationalist China. A P u s a n , K o r e a , arsenal made M 1 9 1 1 A Is during the K o r e a n Police Action. T h e original patents expired some years ago, but long before that, unlicensed copies were made in several countries. M e x i c o now uses a simplified M 1 9 1 1 A 1 , the Obregon. During World W a r I Colt furnished the M 1 9 1 1 in caliber .455 Self Loading Pistol to the Royal N a v y . In World W a r II these same pistols were issued to the Royal Air F o r c e . During and after World W a r II the United States furnished M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 pistols to j u s t about every Allied nation. World W a r II M 1 9 1 1 A 1 production would h a v e been greater except that the U . S . N a v y and the U . S . A r m y Air F o r c e adopted the Smith & W e s s o n Victory Model caliber .38 Special. Colt and S & W M 1 9 1 7 revolvers w e r e used as Limited or Substitute Standard a r m s . Comment: M o s t service personnel w h o used the .45 M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 criticized its accuracy. This was because they w e r e given inadequate training. T h e a r m ' s effectiveness could also be improved by a rear sight adjustable for windage and elevation. In the a r m y before World W a r II the best rank-and-file pistol shots w e r e U . S . C a v a l r y m e n . In the infantry only officers and non-coms were generally issued sidearms. Field artillerymen w e r e issued sidearms, but they rarely came into pistol c o n t a c t with the e n e m y . T h e old horse cavalrymen — the a u t h o r w a s o n e —knew h o w to use the pistol, both mounted and dismounted, and use it effectively. T h e pistol, though capable of effective longrange work, is essentially a short-range selfdefense arm. Civilian o w n e r s of M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A l ' s should fit them with a micrometer rear sight. T h e trigger pull should be improved by an expert pistolsmith. T h e slide should be trued u p , but not as much as in a match pistol or it will not function u n d e r a d v e r s e conditions of mud and dirt.
Mauser Werke, West Germany
Action type: semiautomatic, short recoil; locked toggle breech; fixed barrel; air-cooled Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: discontinued
8-shot; 32-shot snail drum
Safety: t h u m b safety; extractor acts as loading indicator when elevated by c h a m b e r e d cartridge; the word L O A D E D also a p p e a r s ; when t h u m b safety is engaged the word S A F E appears on frame Barrel length:
4.0 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 32.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 35.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece E u r o p e a n walnut; sharply defined checkering (16 lines per inch) Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 8.66 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 10.66 inches Trigger pull:
2.75 lbs., minimal creep
Sight, r e a r :
Sight, front: age
tapered post, adjustable for wind-
Caliber: 7.65mm (Luger) Parabellum Luger), 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum
Data: Pistol has 8.6-inch sight radius with 4.0inch barrel, 10.6-inch sight radius with 6.0-inch barrel. T h i s slightly modified and improved version of the P-08 was designed by H u g o Borchardt and G e o r g Luger. Unlike the original P0 8 , this version has a grip safety. T h e front grip strap is curved. T h e r e are slight differences in the trigger shape, take-down lever, lock block, and safety lever. Comment: T h e a u t h o r prefers a c u r v e d forward strap, as it fits his hand better. S o m e h a n d s , however, m a y b e better a d a p t e d to the straight strap of the M-29 Parabellum. T h e 9 m m Parabellum is not a good hunting cartridge, so p e r h a p s it isn't important that this pistol's toggle-breech design d o e s n ' t a c c o m m o d a t e scope mounting. T h e trend today is to use scoped pistols for hunting.
Mauser Werke, West Germany
Action type: semiautomatic; fixed barrel; air-cooled
Barrel length:
4.0 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 32.0 o z . ; 6.0-inch barrel,, 35.0 oz. recoil-operated;
Stock: 2-piece oil-finished E u r o p e a n walnut; clearly defined checkering (16 lines per inch)
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 8.66 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 10.66 inches
Magazine capacity: discontinued
Trigger pull:
8-shot; 32-shot snail drum
Safety: t h u m b safety; grip safety; as with M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 Colt, grip must be fully depressed before pistol will fire; e x t r a c t o r acts as loading indicator; w h e n elevated by c h a m b e r e d cartridge; the word L O A D E D also a p p e a r s ; when t h u m b safety is engaged, the word S A F E a p p e a r s on frame
Sight, r e a r :
2.6 lbs.; minimal c r e e p fixed
Sight, front: tapered post adjustable for windage Sight radius: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.68 i n c h e s ; 6.0inch barrel, 11.68 inches Caliber: 7.65mm (Luger) Parabellum Luger), 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum
Data: This pistol resembles the M l 9 2 9 Swiss A r m y model. T h e Swiss w e r e the first to adopt the Luger pistol ( M l 9 0 1 ) in caliber 7.65mm Parabellum. A n improved version, the M 1 9 0 4 , was adopted by the D e u t s c h Kriegsmarine (German navy). This w a s c h a m b e r e d for the 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum cartridge. In 1906 the original flat steel mainspring — easily broken as in the Colt Single Action A r m y revolver and others — was replaced by a coil spring. T h e G e r m a n army adopted the pistol in 1908, as noted earlier in this chapter. T o facilitate wartime production, the grip safety was deleted. All commercial production prior to 1920 ( G e r m a n production ceased in N o v e m b e r , 1918) was d o n e by D e u t s c h e Waffen und Munitionsfabriken ( D W M ) . T h e firm's wartime production w a s implemented by Erfurt ( G e r m a n arsenal) manufacture. A b o u t 1920 the Allies allowed Simson, G m b H , Stuhl, to manufacture the pistol for m e m b e r s of the 100,000-man G e r m a n police force/army. Caliber was restricted to 7.65mm Parabellum. During the 1930s, G e r m a n a r m s production intensified. T h e P-'08 was m a d e by Heinrich Krieghoff, maker of fine shotguns, for the ballooning Luftwaffe and by M a u s e r and Simson for the G e r m a n army. A. F . Stoeger imported M a u s e r - m a d e P-08s, each stamped with the A m e r i c a n eagle and the M a u s e r banner, for commercial use. T h e s e were probably the finest Lugers ever m a d e . Stoeger Lugers can be identified by the phrase (right side of frame): G E N U I N E L U G E R R E G I S T E R E D U.S. P A T E N T OFFICE. A b o v e on the toggle: A. F . S T O E G E R , I N C . N E W Y O R K . T h e A m e r i c a n eagle was stamped on the top of the breechblock. N o arm today can bear the word " L u g e r " without permission of Stoeger Industries, successor to A. F . Stoeger, Inc. T h e term " L u g e r " was never employed in G e r m a n y , where the P08 was and is called the Pistole (or P-08) Parabellum. Stoeger offered 4.0-inch and 8.0-inch barrel lengths in caliber 9mm Parabellum. T h e 8.0inch-barrel model had a folding-leaf sight mounted on the barrel just forward of the receiver. It is unfortunate that this sight is not fitted on current production models.
Between the two world wars the so-called Luger was m a d e in England (by VickersArmstrong), in Holland and Switzerland. T h e pistol was adopted by G e r m a n y , Switzerland, Portugal, and Bulgaria. It w a s sold in substantial quantities in the U S S R , Brazil, and C a n a d a . It w a s widely used by many national police departments. T h e present M 2 9 ' s frame, toggle, slide, and other major c o m p o n e n t s are machined from forged steel. I n v e s t m e n t steel castings are used for the safety arm, trigger, locking bolt, firing pin, and side plate. T h e current M-29 has a straight front strap rather than the traditional curved strap of the P0 8 . T h e grip safety of the M 1 9 2 9 and pre-P-08 Parabellums is incorporated in the M-29. In the P-08 and all other Parabellums, except the M l 9 2 9 and M - 2 9 , the trigger-lever well extends only p a r t w a y to the top of the plate. In the M-29, as in the M l 9 2 9 , the well e x t e n d s to the plate's top. Basic field stripping can be readily accomplished without tools. H o w e v e r , the classic Parabellum tool (which includes a screwdriver) can be used to dismount the side grip (stock) panels and to r e m o v e the firing-pin container unit in the breech block. T h e tool is helpful in pushing d o w n the very stiff magazine spring while loading the magazine. M a n y experienced Parabellum users load the detachable box magazine with only seven instead of eight cartridges. T h i s technique possibly prolongs the life of the magazine follower spring by not compressing it to its m a x i m u m . Comment: T h i s is a well-designed and wellm a d e pistol. T h e muzzle is a bit light due to the exeedingly thin slender barrel. T h e gun could be improved by the addition of an adjustable rear sight and an improved front sight. S o m e machining m a r k s were noted on the two pistols test-fired by the a u t h o r and on five others he examined in various g u n s h o p s . T h e s e marks would n e v e r have passed a p r e w a r M a u s e r commercial inspector. T h e A m e r i c a n Eagle and M a u s e r b a n n e r are too shallowly etched to survive much handling. T h e grip safety dug painfully into the author's hand during recoil. H e easily removed it. This gouging occurred only with heavy 9 m m military ( G e r m a n and Canadian) loads.
Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; double action; locked breech; external hammer Magazine type:
detachable staggered box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b safety (left side)
Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
4.108 inches
30.0 oz. 2-piece black nylon; checkered
Overall length: Trigger pull:
7.5 inches 4.0 lbs.; minimal c r e e p
Sight, r e a r : square n o t c h ; micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: ramp Caliber:
0.125-inch-wide serrated blade on
9mm (Luger) Parabellum
Data: Aluminum alloy frame; steel slide and barrel. Magazine is all steel except castaluminum follower. F r a m e similar to but not identical with S & W M 3 9 . M a n y c o m p o n e n t s , however, are interchangeable, including slide, barrel, extractor, and some internal c o m p o n e n t s . Magazine, magazine catch, d r a w bar, and slide stop are wider because of greater—hence wider — magazine capacity. Black anodized frame and blued slide. After the last shot is fired the slide remains open. T h e magazine disconnector makes it impossible to fire when magazine is removed.
This pistol can be fired by a long pull on the trigger or by cocking the h a m m e r and then a short pull on the trigger. Standard smooth trigger with serrated spur. Comment: T h e magazine of this pistol will accept 15 cartridges but this is not r e c o m m e n d e d . T h e extra cartridge places u n d u e stress on the magazine spring. M a n y automatic pistol shooters, including the author, rarely if e v e r load any pistol magazine to its full capacity. Better one less round and a more reliably functioning magazine spring. If one d e e m s it necessary, the one less cartridge in the magazine can b e m a d e up by placing one round in the c h a m b e r . Load the magazine to stated capacity and then slide one cartridge into the c h a m b e r . This is a well-designed double-action semiautomatic pistol. It is made of fine materials, and w o r k m a n s h i p is typically of the high quality expected of S & W sidearms. A c c u r a c y can be improved by having a custom pistolsmith straighten the slide. This straightening, however, should not be carried to an extreme, or the arm may not function under sandy or m u d d y conditions. This arm is obviously intended primarily for police and military markets. Semiautomatic pistols designed for such service must have greater tolerances than target a r m s of the same type. T h e a u t h o r fired 350 cartridges of various commercial and military makes without a single misfire or malfunction. D e s p i t e the merits of this arm, the stopping p o w e r of the 9 m m (Luger) cartridge is far less than that of the .45 A C P cartridges.
Manufacturer: Carl Walther West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor:
Action type: semiautomatic; recoil-operated; double-action, locked b r e e c h ; air-cooled Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: Safety:
see data below
Barrel length: 4.925 inches standard; various lengths on experimentals and World W a r II special-purpose models; .22 Long Rifle version, 5.625 inches Weight: original, 29.5 o z . ; current P-38 alloy model, 28.0 oz. Stock: original, hand-checkered walnut; military and current commercial, black plastic Overall length:
8.5 inches
Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch; can be fitted with micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
Caliber: 7.65mm (.30 Luger) Parabellum, 9mm (Luger) Parabellum, .22 Long Rifle, .38 Super Colt (experimental only), .45 A C P (experimental only)
Data: In 1937, Waffenfabrik Walther (Carl Walther) issued a double-action pistol cham-
bered for the 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum cartridge. T h e w o r k m a n s h i p , including hand-checkered stocks and fitting of c o m p o n e n t s , m a d e this pistol the equal in quality of any semiautomatic pistol ever p r o d u c e d , and it has the advantage of double action. T h e frame was steel and the finish was highest-quality bluing; current production has alloy frame and blue-black finish (matte black on military). T h i s pistol, designated " H e e r e s P i s t o l e " (service pistol), is generally referred to as the Model H P (or H . P . ) . T h e H P w a s offered for sale in 1939 by A . F . Stoeger. T h e price was $ 7 5 . It was designated the " W a l t h e r H P A r m y Pistol." Stoeger noted that orders w e r e being taken for the pistol in .38 Super and .45 A C P and that delivery could be expected by mid-1939. World W a r II intervened. In 1938 the W e h r m a c h t adopted a slightly modified version of the Model H P . T h i s was designated Pistole 1938 (P-38) for the year of adoption. S o m e changes were m a d e in sear and safety design. T h e s e parts are not interchangeable with the H P . World W a r II military-issue pistols carried a c o d e rather than the manufacturer's trade name and trademark(s). P-38s marked " a c " w e r e made in the Walther Zella-Mehlis plant. P-38s marked "byf" w e r e m a d e in the M a u s e r W e r k e , Oberndorf. S w e d e n adopted the P-38 in 1939 as the standard a r m y service pistol. T h e Swedish designation for the arm is P-39 (from y e a r of adoption). T h e P-38 is n o w the standard service pistol of the W e s t G e r m a n Republic's army.
left the muzzle. T h e bolt n o w disengages and permits the breech to return by itself.
Until the advent of the P-38 all military semiautomatics had to be manually cocked. Walther adopted the double-action mechanism of the Walther P P (Polizeipistole) and the smaller P P K (Polizeipistole, Kriminal). With the Walther double-actions it is j u s t necessary to disengage the slide (thumb) safety and pull the trigger. T h e safety serves the double purpose of operating directly upon the firing pin and also uncocks the pistol. T h e h a m m e r , which is automatically cocked after firing a shot, can be released by engaging the t h u m b safety. T h e firing pin is always locked so that even when the safety is not engaged there is no possibility of accidentally firing. T h e slide remains open after the last shot has been fired. Engage safety; insert loaded magazine; release safety. Cartridge slides forward into c h a m b e r and arm is ready to fire. T h e P-38's breech-locking system resembles that of the military M l 8 9 6 M a u s e r pistol. U p o n firing, the rigid barrel interlocks with the bolt. T h e latter travels rearward until the bullet has
Comment: This pistol w a s the number-one war trophy for E u r o p e a n T h e a t e r G I s . S o m e wartime pistols were sabotaged by slave labor. P o o r materials and p o o r w o r k m a n s h i p characterized late wartime P-38s and most other N a z i w e a p o n s . In some wartime pistols — identified by the round-headed firing pin —the safety performed only t w o functions. C o m p e t e n t pistolsmiths should check all wartime-production P-38s to ensure that they w e r e properly assembled. It is possible for s o m e pistols with b r o k e n or improperly fitted locking surfaces to fire accidentally as the slide goes forward. T h e P-38 should not be disassembled by any o w n e r w h o d o e s not k n o w the p r o p e r assembly techniques. T h e current production P-38s are well m a d e and properly fitted. T h e r e are apt to be machining m a r k s . T h e finish is not as fine as that of the p r e w a r H P models. This d o e s n ' t detract from the fine design and general excellence of craftsmanship. T h e 1-piece hand-checkered stock is n o longer available, but the discriminating o w n e r can h a v e a c u s t o m stock m a d e .
Parts List for S&W M59 Double-Action Pistol No. 5107 6001 6005 6011 6013 6014 6015 6017 6019 6022 6041 6042 6049 6054 6056 6057 6059 6076 6078 6079 6079 6083 6084
Part Name Rear Sight Windage Nut Barrel Barrel Bushing Trigger Plunger Pin Ejector-depressor Plunger Ejector-depressor Plunger Spring Ejector Magazine Depressor Ejector Spring Firing Pin Firing Pin Spring Magazine Catch Plunger Mgazine Catch Plunger Spring Manual Safety Manual Safety Plunger Rear Sight Leaf Rear Sight Assembly Recoil Spring Rear Sight Slide Extractor Pin Manual Safety Plunger Spring Extractor Spring Slide Stop Plunger Slide Stop Plunger Spring
No. 6088 6095 6103 6107 6108 6110 6111 6121 6122 6126 6127 6144 6149 6151 6152 6153 6217 6252 6253 6254 6256 6257 6257
Part Name Slide Rear Sight Windage Screw Sear Release Lever Disconnector Disconnector Pin Drawbar Plunger Drawbar Plunger Spring Trigger Plunger Trigger Plunger Spring Trigger Play Spring Rivet Trigger Play Spring Hammer Mainspring Stirrup Stirrup Pin Trigger Mainspring Plunger Drawbar Frame (factory exchange only) Frame Stud Insert Insert Pin Trigger Pin
No. 6258 6259 6260 6262 6264 6265 6266 6267 6269 6271 6272 6288 6304 6308 6319 6320 6323 6325 6339 6350 6352 7158 7159
Part Name Magazine Assembly Magazine Follower Magazine Butt Plate Magazine Catch Stock Screw Magazine Spring Magazine Tube Sear Pin Slide Stop Stock, Left Stock, Right Sideplate Sear Spring Retaining Pin Extractor Slide Stop Plunger Rivet Sear Recoil Spring Guide Assembly Magazine Butt Plate Catch Magazine Catch Nut Sear Spring Slide Stop Button Rear Sight Windage Screw Plunger Rear Sight Windage Sc. Pig. Sprg.
Centerfire handgun ammunition has existed for m o r e than a century. T h e oldest handgun cartridge — the .45 Colt (not to be confused with the .45 A u t o m a t i c Colt Pistol cartridge) — was adopted in 1873 by the United States A r m y . T h e dual-purpose (rifle-handgun) . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. also dates to 1873. This cartridge was an improved centerfire version of the .44 H e n r y Flat/.44 H e n r y Pointed rimfires. Early centerfire handgun cartridge c a s e s , like early centerfire rifle cartridge c a s e s , w e r e copper. Brass, h o w e v e r , has been the major centerfire case material for many years. Some brass cases have been nickel-plated. Steel was used by G e r m a n y in both world wars. Steel was used in some .45 A C P production during World W a r II but it is not as good as brass b e c a u s e of relatively poor obturation (i.e., it d o e s not e x p a n d to fill the c h a m b e r as readily as brass).
Case head T h e r e are three basic case-head t y p e s : 1. Rimmed. T h i s is o u r oldest type b e c a u s e revolvers and single-shot pistols require a rim for extraction. Revolvers are older than semiautomatic pistols. 2. Semi-rimless. Cartridges so designated have a very slight, hardly noticeable rim. T h e s e are used in semiautomatic pistols like .25 (6.35mm) A C P , .32 (7.65mm) A C P , and .38 A C P . T h e r e is a very slight bearing of the rim against the rear of the chamber. 3. Rimless. This type is used in most semiautomatic pistols like the 9mm (Luger) Parabellum and .45 A C P . T h i s type is much easier to load into box magazines than the rimmed type. During World W a r I, Colt and other contractors could not supply sufficient quantities of the Caliber .45, A u t o m a t i c Pistol, M 1 9 1 1 . Smith & Wesson modified the Triple L o c k Model to handle .45 A C P c a s e s . 390
T w o half-moon clips, each holding three cartridges, w e r e used with the S & W M 1 9 1 7 and the Colt M 1 9 1 7 (modified N e w Service) revolvers. T h e clips held the rimless cases from sliding forward into the c h a m b e r s so far that there would be n o c o n t a c t betw e en firing pin and primer. T h e c a s e s could not be extracted and ejected except one by o n e . In late production a r m s , the shoulders were designed for the c h a m b e r s . T h i s allowed the .45 A C P to be fired without clips, but c a s e s had to be p u n c h e d out of the c h a m b e r s one by one. After the war, P e t e r s Cartridge C o m p a n y (later absorbed by Remington) developed a .45 rimmed cartridge that could be fired in M 1 9 1 7 (and succ e s s o r arms) without benefit of half-moon clips.
Case shape Straight and!or slight tapered cases. This category includes all but t w o of the c a s e s we are c o n c e r n e d with. Bottleneck cases. T h e 7.65 (.30 Luger) Parabellum and . 3 2 - 2 0 Win. are the only bottleneck c a s e s that we are c o n c e r n e d with. Bullet
Lead. T h e oldest bullet type is still the most widely used revolver bullet. Metal base or jacketed (softpoint). Sometimes lead bullets, particularly if the lead is quite soft, tend to e x p a n d excessively before a d e q u a t e penetration h a s been m a d e . T h e metal base holds together while its soft point e x p a n d s . Softpoint bullets may or may not be hollowpointed. Full metal-jacketed. T h e term is not quite correct b e c a u s e as in metal-jacketed rifle bullets the base is open. T h e full metal-jacketed bullet— required for military use by the G e n e v a C o n v e n tion—has greater penetration than softpoints or lead bullets, but is not as effective. Barrel life
with j a c k e t e d bullets is much shorter than with lead bullets. Hollowpoint. T h e s e are usually softpoints that have been hollowpointed. T h e s e bullets when used at high velocity h a v e a devastating effect upon animal tissue. Blanks. T h e s e are used for sporting e v e n t s , theatricals, the movies and T V shows, and training dogs. Shot cartridges. Popular in the late blackp o w d e r and early smokeless era, this cartridge type is virtually nonexistent, save in the .44 Magn u m shot cartridge designed for use in the T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r single-shot pistol. T h e s e are very useful in poisonous snake co u n t r y . During World W a r II the U . S . A r m y and U . S . A r m y Air F o r c e used t w o shot cartridges designed for survival kits. Both t y p e s had to be single-loaded b e c a u s e they w e r e t o o long for the .45 A C P magazines. E x p e r i m e n t s have proved that the m o r e w o r n —that is, the less rifled —a barrel is, the m o r e effectively it handles shot. Gas-check bullets. A gas check is a small metal cap which covers the base of a lead bullet. T h e y have been generally used on revolver bullets where the velocity is a b o v e 1000 f.p.s. T h e first factory-loaded gas-check bullets k n o w n to the author are those for the .44 M a g n u m . T h e 250-grain bullet has initial velocity of nearly 1500 f.p.s. T h e bullet base would h a v e been fused by the high t e m p e r a t u r e s had not a gas check been used. Roundnose. This is one of the oldest and least effective bullet designs. A pointed bullet tends to glance off bone. Slight flatnose. This is the most widely used revolver bullet type and is not much m o r e effective than the r o u n d n o s e . Keith-type flatnose. T h i s type, developed by Elmer Keith —this nation's most experienced handgunner—in the 1920s, is the most effective revolver bullet. F o r some reason ammunition makers have never gone whole hog and u s e d the basic Keith bullet design. T h e .44 M a g n u m is a poorly modified version of the Keith design. Primers T h e r e are t w o basic sizes: large pistol and small pistol. A t one time, .45 A C P primers and cases made at Frankfort Arsenal used a bastardsize primer. T h e usual dividing line is .38 caliber (.357), though .357 M a g n u m c a s e s h a v e been made with both large and small primers. CARTRIDGES T h e following section d o e s n ' t include p o c k e t automatic pistol cartridges like the .25 A C P , .32
A C P , o r .380 A C P , or such p o c k e t revolver cartridges as the .32 S & W (Short). F o r the most part it c o v e r s only t h o s e cartridges used for match shooting or for small or big g a m e . M o s t of these cartridges still h a v e a r m s manufactured for them. T h e . 3 2 - 2 0 Win. and . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. are accepted b e c a u s e a r m s may o n c e again be m a d e for them. T h e .38 L o n g and Short Colt cartridges are included b e c a u s e they c h a m b e r in the .38 Special and .357 M a g n u m . A u t o m a t i c pistol cartridges o r revolver cartridges with full metal j a c k e t s are usually p o o r game killers. T h e .45 A C P is a possible exception. T h o u g h this has long been a favorite of the a u t h o r ' s he would not use it against big game provided he had an alternative like the .41 o r .44 M a g n u m o r handloads in t h e .45 Colt revolver. .22 Remington
I n t r o d u c e d 1962. R i m m e d case. Bullet diameter: 0 . 2 2 1 - 0 . 2 2 3 inch. Standard weight: 40 grains (softpoint). T h i s cartridge, the first fact o r y - m a d e .22 centerfire, is a dud. T h e only reason it has been listed for so many years is that S & W is using u p barrels and cylinders already on hand. C a s e s almost invariably set back, thus locking — o r blocking —the cylinder so that it will not revolve to the next cartridge. C a s e setback can be reduced by removing all traces of lubricant from the c h a m b e r s . S w a b individual c h a m b e r s with c a r b o n tetrachloride. C a u t i o n must be exercised when using this fluid. It must not t o u c h the skin, nor should its fumes, which can be fatal, be inhaled. Smith & W e s s o n c h a m b e r e d the very fine — and a c c u r a t e — K - M a s t e r p i e c e series revolver for this cartridge. T h e revolver is fitted with dual firing pins. T h e centerfire pin is for the .22 Remington J e t cartridge (sometimes called the .22 Centerfire M a g n u m ) . T h e second firing pin is for the .22 Long Rifle rimfire cartridge. This cartridge can be used in the M 5 3 S & W when e a c h c h a m b e r is fitted with a .22 J e t case modified to act as an auxiliary .22 Long Rifle c h a m b e r . T h e cartridge was advertised as having a muzzle velocity of a b o u t 2 1 0 0 f.p.s. N e i t h e r t h e author with his O e g l e r T 1 4 4 0 C h r o n o g r a p h nor the H . P. White L a b o r a t o r y has e v e r been able to obtain velocities exceeding 1827 f.p.s. .221 Remington
I n t r o d u c e d 1963. Rimless case. Bullet diameter: 0.224 inch. Standard weight: 50 grains, semi-pointed softpoint. Remington introduced the .221 Fireball —us-
ing a shortened .222 R e m . case —and with it the single-shot X P - 1 0 0 bolt-action pistol, based on the Remington M 7 6 0 bolt-action rifle series. Both cartridge and pistol are extremely accurate. T h e pistol —the heaviest centerfire U . S . handgun —has a molded stock of D u P o n t Zytel (nylon). T h e X P - 1 0 0 pistol weights 60.0 oz. and has a 10.5-inch barrel. C h r o n o g r a p h e d loads approximate factory ballistics: 2 6 5 0 f.p.s. at the muzzle and 1825 f.p.s. at 200 y a r d s . T h e only other handgun k n o w n to the author, chambered for the .221 Fireball is a n o t h e r singleshot, the T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n t e n d e r . Both the X P - 1 0 0 and the C o n t e n d e r are extremely accurate. F o r m a x i m u m accuracy a handgun scope should be used for bench or varmint shooting.
.30 Caliber (7.65mm Parabellum)
I n t r o d u c e d 1900. Rimless c a s e . Standard bullet diameter: 0.308 inch. Standard bullet weight: 93 grains, metal case. T h i s cartridge is c h a m b e r e d in imported Parabellum (Luger) pistols. It is not a good game cartridge. It is very accurate when used in the longer-barreled Lugers. J 2 - 2 0 Winchester
(.32 W.C.F.)
Introduced 1882. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.3125 inch (considerable variations will be found in older rifles and handguns). Standard bullet weights: 8 7 - 1 1 5 grains, lead and softpoint. H a n d g u n s , including the M 1 8 7 3 Colt Single Action, w e r e not c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 2 - 2 0 until 1899. Both the rifle and the handgun w e r e essentially designed for small game. T h e cartridge was capable of excellent accuracy in handguns like the Colt Single Action Target model. N o handguns k n o w n to the a u t h o r have been c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 2 - 2 0 since Colt halted single-action production at the beginning of World W a r I I . W e would like to see Ruger c h a m b e r his superb single-action Blackhawk for this fine cartridge. It is an infinitely superior cartridge to the Caliber .30 M l Carbine cartridge, one of the cartridges for which the Blackhawk is now chambered. T h e best load was the 115-grain softpoint bullet. This was perfectly capable of taking d e e r in the hands of a good handgun shot. .32 S&W Long Introduced 1896. Rimmed c a s e . Standard bullet diameter: 0.313 inch (considerable varia-
tions will be found in older guns). Standard bullet weight: 8 5 - 1 0 1 grains. T h e 98-grain lead bullet is the only regularly available load today. Since S & W discontinued (1973) the excellent K-32 M a s t e r p i e c e for this cartridge, n o comparable revolver is available. T h i s is a very accurate target and small-game cartridge. T h e .32 Colt N e w Police is identical except for the bullet shape. Cartridges for small-game hunting should always be the flatnose .32 Colt N e w Police rather than the r o u n d n o s e .32 S & W Long. .357
Introduced 1935. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.357 inch. Standard bullet weight: 158 grains. E l m e r Keith for many years advocated a high-velocity .44 M a g n u m . His friend Major D o u g l a s B. W e s s o n , president of S & W , h o w e v e r , preferred a super .38 Special. His first step in that direction was the . 3 8 - 4 4 . T h i s w a s a high-velocity loading for the .38 Special case. It was suitable for chambering only in heavy-frame .38 Specials like the .38 S & W H e a v y D u t y and . 3 8 - 4 4 O u t d o o r s m a n . A y e a r after suggestions w e r e m a d e by Elmer Keith and Captain Philip B. Sharpe concerning the need for something heftier, S & W brought out the .357 M a g n u m . T h e y added 0.1 inch to the .38 Special, to m a k e sure the powerful load could not be used in existing .38 Special revolvers. T h e y forgot the ancient .38 Long Colt. T h e a u t h o r o n c e blew up six M l 8 9 2 Colt service revolvers on the first shot with .357 M a g n u m loads. ( T h e s e test guns w e r e fired, needless to say, by r e m o t e control.) T h e .357 M a g n u m , at the time of its introduction, was with o n e exception the world's most powerful handgun cartridge. T h e exception w a s the Cabbot-Fairfax M a r s cartridge. T h e .357 M a g n u m cartridge was very controversial. Big-game h a n d g u n n e r s like Keith still wanted a super .44 Special. T h e y got it in 1956. M a n y police agencies, particularly in cities, maintained it w a s too powerful. T o d a y , the .357 M a g n u m is used by m a n y state police forces and by game w a r d e n s . Since the a d v e n t of the more powerful .41 and .44 M a g n u m s , some city d e p a r t m e n t s h a v e adopted the .357 M a g n u m . T h e a u t h o r has used the .357 M a g n u m on small game u p to c o y o t e s since 1937. H e used K e i t h ' s .44 Special h a n d l o a d s on bigger game until the a d v e n t of the .44 M a g n u m . M a n y hunters use the .357 M a g n u m on deer. T h e .38 Special target loads (wadcutters) give excellent accuracy in the top-quality .357 Magn u m s fitted with m i c r o m e t e r sights adjustable for
windage and elevation. T h e area of the bore forward of the front end (neck) of the .38 Special should be scrubbed occasionally to clean it out. Otherwise you may find it difficult to c h a m b e r the longer .357 M a g n u m cases. T h e author's favorite top-quality .357 Magnum guns are the Ruger N e w Model Blackhawk, Colt Python, and Smith & W e s s o n Magnum. T h e handiest double-action barrel length is 4.0 inches. T h e 8.375-inch barrel of the S & W is too long; it has a poor balance. T h e 6.0-inch barrel of the double-action and the 6.5-inch barrel of the single-action are good for hunting, though the 4.0-inch barrel will often d o the j o b . T h e .357 Magnum barrel should never be less than 4.0 inches. Otherwise there is excessive muzzle blast and velocity loss, and sometimes the bullet tends to keyhole. .38 Long Colt Introduced 1874. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.357 inch. Standard bullet weight: 190 grains. In 1889 the U . S . N a v y adopted the .38 Long Colt cartridge. T h e A r m y made some changes in the load and adopted it in 1892. At that time the outside-lubricated bullet was replaced by an inside-lubricated bullet and the case was slightly lengthened. This cartridge became the .38 Long Colt, Inside Lubricated. This was the standard service cartridge until the A r m y adopted the .45 M l 9 0 9 Colt revolver and cartridge. T h e A r m y made a bad mistake —and like so many A r m y mistakes it cost lives —when the .45 Colt was a b a n d o n e d for the .38 Long Colt. During the Philippine Insurrection, fanatical M o r o s proved that the .38 Long Colt could not be depended on to stop a determined attack. A cry went up for the old manstopping .45 Colt. M l 8 7 3 single-actions were taken out of storage and rushed to the Philippines. T h e .38 Long Colt is mentioned here because the cartridge can be fired in any .38 Special or .357 M a g n u m handgun. It is not wise to fire highvelocity .38 Specials in those old .38 Long Colt service revolvers. .38 Short Colt (short case); .38 Short Colt (long case) Introduced 1874 (long case). Rimmed. Standard bullet diameter: 0.375 inch. Standard bullet weight: 125 grains. This is not for game. It is mentioned here only because it will chamber—both versions —in a r m s chambered for the .38 Long Colt and therefore in
a r m s c h a m b e r e d for the .38 Special and .357 M a g n u m . T h e long case, originated in 1874, had a length of 0 . 7 3 3 - 0 . 7 8 inch. T h e .38 Short Colt (short case) originated with Remington or Peters about 1920. M o r e than 50 years h a v e passed since a r m s w e r e c h a m b e r e d for this specific cartridge.
.38 Special Introduced 1902. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.359 inch. Standard bullet weight: 158 grains (others range 1 1 0 - 1 4 9 grains). Originally called the .38 S & W Special and later the .38 Colt Special, this cartridge was developed by Smith & W e s s o n for the S & W Military & Police Model revolver which appeared in 1902. It was intended to replace the unsatisfactory .38 L o n g Colt for service use, but eventually the military reverted to the .45 instead. T h e Colt version of the .38 Special cartridge c a m e along in 1909. It differed only in the shape of the bullet, which was s o m e w h a t flattened instead of roundnosed. T h e .38 Special is the world's most widely used centerfire revolver cartridge. It is standard for most police d e p a r t m e n t s in the United States, though t h e r e is a trend among state police agencies, state highway patrols, and sheriff's offices to use the m o r e powerful .357 M a g n u m . T h i s extremely accurate cartridge is one of the three used in handgun match competition. T h e others are the .22 Long Rifle and .45 A C P . F o r many years match shooters used .38 Special revolvers and .45 semiautomatic Colt pistols. T h e most widely used revolvers were the Colt Officer's Model and the S & W K-38 Masterpiece. T o d a y most match g u n n e r s use the .38 Special in the S & W or Colt semiautomatic pistol, even through rimmed cartridges are rarely used in semiautomatics b e c a u s e of feed problems. T h e difficulty, h o w e v e r , has been largely solved in the w o r k e d - o v e r S & W s and Colts. T h e .38 Special, preferably with hollowpoint bullets, is fine for small game up through foxes but should not be used on d e e r or larger game. T h e standard bullet weight is 158 grains. F o r many years the cartridge designated as the .38 S & W Special w a s loaded with a r o u n d n o s e bullet, while the identical case loaded with a flatnose (not flat enough) bullet was the .38 Colt Special. T o d a y the cartridge is simply the .38 Special, regardless of bullet type. T h e r e is a wide variety of loads, ranging from the 95-grain semi-jacketed hollowpoint to the 200-grain lead bullet. T h e highest velocity is ob-
tained with a maximum-load 158-grain lead bullet, having a muzzle velocity of 1090 f.p.s., which c o m p a r e s unfavorably with the 158-grain semij a c k e t e d hollowpoint .357 M a g n u m at 1550 f.p.s. T h e standard target load is a 148-grain wadcutter. .38 S&W Introduced 1876. R i m m e d case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.359 inch. Standard bullet weight: 146 grains (many others h a v e been discontinued). This is essentially a pocket revolver cartridge and is not suitable for game. T h e best load was the 200-grain load introduced in the 1920s. T h e British went from caliber .455 to caliber .38 S & W , which they call a . 3 8 0 - n o t to be confused with the .380 A C P (9mm Short). T h e y used the 200-grain bullet as their standard service cartridge. D e s p i t e its low velocity it w a s a good killer u p to 35 y a r d s . T h i s loading is n o longer available in the U n i t e d States.
.38 ACP (Colt Automatic
Introduced 1900. Semi-rimless c a s e . Standard bullet diameter: 0.359 inch. Standard bullet weight: 130 grains. This is the oldest A m e r i c a n semiautomatic pistol cartridge. It was originally m a d e for the M l 9 0 0 Colt A u t o m a t i c Pistol, which w a s the first production semiautomatic pistol m a d e in the United States. In the 1930s Colt c h a m b e r e d its M 1 9 1 1 A 1 semiautomatic pistol for a souped-up or m a g n u m version of the .38 A C P . T h e new version, called the .38 Super A C P , should not be fired in the earlier C o l t s . In fact, all the earlier Colts are collector's items and should be treated as such. N e i t h e r the standard nor the S u p e r .38 A u t o matics are suitable game guns. T h e 130-grain bullets are either 1040 f.p.s. (.38 A C P ) or 1280 f.p.s. (.38 Super A C P ) ; neither has sufficient stopping p o w e r for anything but small game. .41
Introduced 1964. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.41 inch. Standard bullet weight: 210 grains. M a n y shooters — including some w h o had looked forward to it—found the .44 M a g n u m j u s t too much gun for them. T h e y complained a b o u t the excessive recoil and the slowness in getting off a second shot b e c a u s e of the time required to pull the big gun d o w n from recoil.
E l m e r Keith and G o r d o n Boser had d o n e considerable experimenting with the old .41 Long Colt. Keith p e r s u a d e d S & W to bring out a .41 M a g n u m . T h e first ammunition w a s developed by Remington. T h e r e are t w o .41 M a g n u m factory loads. T h e first is a 210-grain softpoint bullet with a muzzle velocity of 1500 f.p.s. and muzzle energy of 1049 ft.-lbs. T h i s is the load for lawmen and h u n t e r s . T h e second is a 210-grain lead bullet with a muzzle velocity of 1150 f.p.s. and muzzle energy of 550 ft.-lbs. This is a load for lawmen w h o are not permitted to use the m o r e powerful load. T h a t more powerful load is suitable for all but our largest game. T h e t w o finest h a n d g u n s chambered for the .41 M a g n u m are the S & W M 5 7 double-action and the great Ruger N e w Model Blackhawk. T h e 4.0-inch-barrel S & W is ideal for lawmen or for those w h o tote a handgun much of the time.
I n t r o d u c e d 1956. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.427 inch. Standard bullet weight: 246 grains. A b o u t 1926, E l m e r Keith switched from the .45 Colt to the .44 Special. While the .44 and .45 cylinders w e r e identical in exterior dimensions, the c h a m b e r walls of the .44 Special w e r e slightly thicker b e c a u s e the .44 Special c a s e is slightly smaller in diameter than the .45 Colt. This m e a n t a greater safety margin for K e i t h ' s maximum loads. Keith waged an almost singlehanded campaign for 30 years for a super .44 Special sixgun and load using his flatnose bullet. In 1956 S & W brought out the magnificent M 2 9 sixgun and Remington developed the .44 M a g n u m cartridge. T h e .44 M a g n u m was and still is the most powerful sixgun factory cartridge. H o w e v e r , the author o n c e fired a revolver c h a m b e r e d for the . 4 5 70 rifle cartridge. W h o k n o w s ? O n e day we may h a v e a handgun c h a m b e r e d for something more powerful. After all, t h e r e w a s o n c e a .577 H o w dah single-shot pistol. T h e original Remington bullet w a s flatnose with a gas c h e c k to prevent hot gases from fusing the lead bullet b a s e . After Ruger brought out the handy semiautomatic carbine in .44 M a g n u m , N o r m a produced a softpoint (metal j a c k e t with e x p o s e d lead u p p e r half). Sixgun e x p e r t s like Keith and Guns & Ammo publisher Bob P e t e r s e n have taken elk and big Alaskan bear with the .44 M a g n u m . T h e a u t h o r ' s best was only a deer.
T h e two finest handguns for which the .44 M a g n u m is c h a m b e r e d are the double-action Smith & W e s s o n M 2 9 and the single-action Ruger N e w Model Super Blackhawk. .44 Special Introduced 1907. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.427 inches. Standard bullet weight: 240 grains. T h e .44 Special is an elongated version of the obsolete .44 Russian. T h e latter, for many years, was one of our most accurate match cartridges. T h e .44 Russian cartridge has not been made since World W a r I I . T h e .44 Special is superior to the .44 S & W Russian for hunting p u r p o s e s . Several very accurate .44 Special handguns were made by both S & W and Colt. T o d a y , however, the Colts are collector's items. T h e Smith & Wesson M 2 9 in caliber .44 M a g n u m when used with .44 Special loads is the most accurate .44 Special double-action revolver that the author has used. Likewise, the .44 M a g n u m Ruger Blackhawk is very accurate with .44 Specials. .44-40
Rifle version introduced 1873; sixgun version introduced 1878. Rimmed bottleneck c a s e . Standard bullet diameter: 0.427 inch. Standard bullet weight: 200 grains, softpoint. This is our oldest centerfire rifle cartridge, one of our oldest handgun cartridges, and our oldest rifle/sixgun cartridge. N o . 4 4 - 4 0 handgun has been available since Colt stopped production of its Single Action Colt and N e w Service sixguns in World W a r I I . T h e r e are r u m o r s that a Remington M l 8 7 5 replica single-action revolver for the venerable cartridge may soon be introduced. T h i s is one of the most popular nonmilitary rifle cartridges of all time. F o r many years — until World War II —Winchester had one loading machine working five days a week producing nothing but . 4 4 - 4 0 cartridges. T h i s w a s and still is the most popular rifle cartridge in South America. T h e . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. has taken most N o r t h American big game. With p r o p e r handloads the . 4 4 - 4 0 sixgun can take any game with the possible exception of Alaskan bears. T h e . 4 4 - 4 0 Win. has the same bore specifications as the .44 Special and .44 M a g n u m .
.45 Automatic
Colt Pistol
Introduced 1905. Rimless case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.451 inch. Standard bullet weight: 230 grains.
T h e cartridge was originally c h a m b e r e d for the M 1 9 0 5 Colt A u t o m a t i c Pistol. T h e original load w a s a 200-grain metal-case bullet. T h i s load — never used in the service —was discontinued about 1925. W h e n the A r m y returned to .45 caliber and decided to adopt an automatic, this cartridge and the improved M l 9 0 5 Colt, the M 1 9 1 1 , were selected. T h e standard service and commercial bullet is a 230-grain metal-case. T h e M 1 9 1 1 and its modification the M 1 9 1 1 A 1 have served the United States in t w o world w a r s , K o r e a , V i e t n a m , the 1916 Mexican Punitive Expedition, and lesser affairs in Latin America. T h i s cartridge, designed for use in a semiautomatic pistol, has seen worldwide use as a submachine-gun cartridge since the advent of the first commercial T h o m p s o n S M G in 1921. It has been used in other S M G s like the U . S . M 3 and M 3 A 1 . It w a s and is used in revolvers and semiautomatic copies of the T h o m p s o n S M G . During World W a r II it w a s used in the so-called Liberator single-shot pistol, of which about 1,000,000 w e r e m a d e at a cost of less than $2 each. N o metal-case bullet is as good a killer as the same weight and caliber bullet of either lead or softpoint construction. T h e .45 A C P is most effective when used with one of those two bullet t y p e s . T h e s e types d o not always function well through a semiautomatic pistol. T h e .45 A C P remains, h o w e v e r , a deadly short-range killer. During World W a r I I , t w o shot cartridges, the M 1 2 and M l 5 , w e r e issued in A r m y Air F o r c e Survival Kits. T h e r e have also been tracer or signal cartridges and various blanks and dummies for training or testing p u r p o s e s .
.45 Auto
I n t r o d u c e d 1920. Rimmed case. Bullet diameter: 0.454 inch. Standard bullet weight: 230 grains, metal case, r o u n d n o s e (current). After World W a r I, t h o u s a n d s of M 1 9 1 7 Colt and S & W revolvers (.45 A C P ) w e r e sold through the N R A and the D i r e c t o r of Civilian M a r k s m a n s h i p for less than $10 each. M a n y s h o o t e r s , however, did not want to bother with half-moon clips. A n d many shooters prefer a lead bullet; it is more effective, and barrel life is far longer. Peters introduced a 230-grain roundnose bullet in 1922. T h e best bullet type, alas no longer available, was a 250-grain flatnose lead bullet. This type was better than the a b o v e t w o t y p e s on all c o u n t s : heavier bullet; a flatnose is a better man or animal stopper; and the lead bullet is m o r e effective than a full metal-cased bullet.
H a n d l o a d e r s , to secure maximum effectiveness, should also use the Keith bullet. T h e original M l 9 1 7 Colt, when in fine condition, is becoming a collector's item. T h e M 1 9 1 7 S & W is not so popular with collectors. T h e r e is, however, the M l 9 5 5 S & W .45 A C P target revolver. Ruger offers a .45 Colt/.45 A C P outfit in which the same Blackhawk single-action can shoot either cartridge by changing cylinders. .45 (Long) Colt Introduced 1873. Rimmed case. Standard bullet diameter: 0.454 inch. Standard bullet weight: 250 grains. F o r nearly three d e c a d e s after Colt discontinued its Single Action A r m y (1941) —with minor exceptions —no A m e r i c a n sixguns w e r e chambered for this grand old cartridge. E a c h y e a r n o w sees several new .45 Colt sixguns appear. S o m e soon disappear b e c a u s e of shoddy materials and workmanship. T h e cartridge first a p p e a r e d in 1873, but actual design c o m m e n c e d about 1871. T h e U . S . A r m y used the M 1 8 7 3 Colt ( 1 8 7 3 92), but contrary to horse o p e r a s , movies, and T V westerns, the .45 Colt cartridge was used by the A r m y only from 1873 to 1875. In that y e a r the A r m y ordered several thousand break-top S & W Schofield revolvers c h a m b e r e d for the inferior .45 S & W cartridge (230-grain lead bullet and 29 grains of black p o w d e r ) . T h e .45 Colt used 4 0 grains of black p o w d e r and a 250-grain lead bullet. T h e short S & W cartridge would fit in Colts chambered for the .45 Colt cartridge but not vice versa. T h e .45 S & W had to be used in the Schofield b e c a u s e of design considerations. N o one k n o w s h o w many cavalry troopers died because they w e r e a r m e d with an inferior cartridge. It would have been better if the A r m y had recalled the few thousand Schofields and peddled them to civilians.
T h e Single Action Caliber .45 Colt w a s the favorite arm and cartridge of the c o w b o y and W e s t e r n p e a c e officer. In 1909 after an untold n u m b e r of A m e r i c a n soldiers died b e c a u s e they w e r e a r m e d with the miserable .38 L o n g Colt cartridge, the A r m y , and soon afterward the N a v y and M a r i n e C o r p s , adopted the Colt N e w Service revolver in caliber .45 Colt. T h e .45 Colt cartridge has a very narrow rim. A wide rim w a s not n e e d e d b e c a u s e of the rod ejection system of the M 1 8 7 3 . N e i t h e r w a s it needed in the small n u m b e r of so-called "Philipp i n e " or " A l a s k a n " model double-action Colts which used rod ejection. T h e M 1 9 0 9 , with its swing-out cylinder and simultaneous ejection, requires a wide rim for positive chambering and ejection. T h e M l 9 0 9 cartridge is identical in all respects to the .45 Colt case e x c e p t for its wider rim. W h e n the M l 9 0 9 cartridge is used in the single-action, only alternate c h a m b e r s can be loaded. T o d a y ' s factory .45 Colt cartridges, like the factory-loaded . 4 5 - 7 0 s , are underloaded because a r m s nearly a century old are still fired. N o smokeless propellant cartridges should be fired in M 1 8 7 3 Colts with a serial n u m b e r below 160,000. T h e .45 Colt with its original load of 4 0 grains of black p o w d e r is more powerful than current factory smokeless loads. H a n d l o a d e r s should always use the Keith-type flatnose bullet with t w o wide grease g r o o v e s rather than factory bullets. T h e semi-pointed or r o u n d n o s e factory bullet is far less effective. T h e r e are Keith-designed hollowpoint and hollowbase bullets. L y m a n m a k e s the molds. T h e best single-action revolver ever m a d e for the .45 Colt cartridge is the Ruger Blackhawk. T h e .45 Colt, when handloaded with either black p o w d e r or a smokeless propellant and with a Keith bullet, is the most effective sixgun load available e x c e p t the .41 and .44 M a g n u m s .
T h e single-shot rimfire pistol capable of hunting and target accuracy is the n a r r o w e s t of all handgun categories. T h e only single-shot hunting pistol capable of fine accu r acy —it is designed for use with scopes —is the T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n tender pistol. Because of the development of highly a c c u r a t e target revolvers and semiautomatic pistols, and with changing match rules, the single-shot target pistol is largely a relic. N o t a b l e single-shot rimfire pistols of the past include the Colt C a m p Perry model, the S & W Perfection, and Harrington & R i c h a r d s o n ' s single-shot U . S . R . A . model. T h e Colt C a m p Perry model used a double-action revolver frame. T h e 6-shot cylinder was replaced with a flat breech block that swung out, like a cylinder, for loading and extraction. T h e H & R single-shot pistol used the frame of the famed H & R break-top S p o r t s man revolver. T h e general description of rimfire single-shot pistols is similar to that of the centerfire singleshot pistols ( C h a p t e r 27). F o r several d e c a d e s , single-shot .22 pistols w e r e relatively c o m m o n . T h e reason for their decline in m o r e recent years is the availability of well-designed, well-built, reasonably priced, reliable rimfire r e p e a t e r s . In this country the primary uses of a .22 rimfire handgun are hunting small game at short range, plinking, and target-shooting ev en t s in which the shooter can now use a revolver o r a semiauto-
matic. W h y buy a single-shot .22 when you can have a repeater? T h e r e are, h o w e v e r , t w o exceptions to the rule that the a d v a n t a g e s of a repeating rimfire handgun far outweigh those of the single-shot. T h e best-known exception is the previously mentioned T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n t e n d e r .22. F o r one thing, it's m o r e a c c u r a t e than the average run of .22 h a n d g u n s . F o r another, it offers the versatility of interchangeable barrels, not j u s t for switching from one length to a n o t h e r but from one caliber to another—in other w o r d s , rimfire-centerfire interchangeability. If no centerfire barrels w e r e available, it seems doubtful that the rimfire version could withstand the repeater competition on its own. F r o m time to time other single-shot rimfire pistols appear, and some are well-made but n o n e , to the a u t h o r ' s knowledge, has significantly wide distribution. M o s t of them d o n ' t remain on the market for many years. But this pertains to pistols of m o r e o r less traditional, easily recognized design and uses. Which brings up the second exception—the "free pistol." This is a very highly specialized match pistol w h o s e sole use is in sophisticated and esoteric target e ve nts. It is the type of pistol used in a 50-meter pistol competition c o n d u c t e d u n d e r the auspices of the International Shooting U n i o n . It is characterized by extreme precision of manufacture — including all tolerances —fast lock time, very light adjustable 397
trigger pull, and fine match sights. But to the uninitiated it is probably characterized chiefly by its odd a p p e a r a n c e . It has a long barrel but it certainly looks nothing like the old Buntline Special. T h e rear sight—a micrometer type adjustable for windage and elevation, of c o u r s e —is apt to be mounted on a long adjustable base so that it can be moved forward or b a c k w a r d . T h i s permits the shooter to move the sight back beyond the action so that it overhangs the stock and provides an extra-long sight radius. Stranger by far is the stock itself, which invariably has a large, sometimes adjustable t h u m b rest and usually a palm rest which m a y or may not be adjustable. A shooter can fit the stock to his hand almost as if it were an integral extension of that hand. It, too, is an exception to the rule of w h a t ' s advantageous since no other type of gun can substitute for it in the matches for which it is intended. Y e t the free pistol is rarely found in the United States. In this context, incidentally, the word " f r e e " m e a n s that such features as barrel length,
trigger pull, and stock dimensions are not restricted by a national or international shooting organization. T h e r e are n o regularly scheduled free-pistol matches in the United States at p r e s e n t — a pity, p e r h a p s , since competition of this kind fosters an attention to careful shooting almost analogous to benchrest-rifle competitions. A few (very few) A m e r i c a n shooters c o m p e t e in E u r o p e a n freepistol m a t c h e s . But e v e n in E u r o p e , w h e r e the free-pistol competitions originated, not many shooters specialize (or compete) in free-pistol events. In this country the best-known of these guns is probably the H a m m e r l i free pistol —assuredly one of the best, and understandably expensive. Since it is currently available, it will be described in this chapter. O t h e r such pistols are only occasionally—sporadically—available or can be obtained on special order through an A m e r i c a n representative of one E u r o p e a n m a k e r or another, usually at a very high price.
H a m m e r l i , Switzerland
Importer/distributor: Action type: Safety:
Gil H e b a r d G u n s
single-shot, sliding bolt
Barrel length: 9.9999 inches (heavy barrel 120 H B , 5.7 inches) Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut with right t h u m b rest. G r i p angle to frame, 110 degrees. Model 120-2 has adjustable palm rest and is obtainable with right- or left-hand grip and t h u m b rest. Model 120 heavy barrel has right or left adjustable grip with palm rest.
Overall length: 9.9999-inch barrel, 14.75 inches long. With 5.70-inch barrel, 9.0 inches. Weight: 44.0 oz. (Model (Model 120 H B )
120-1), 41.0
Trigger pull: Internally adjustable 1.80 o z . - 1 2 . 0 o z . Length of pull is adjustable. L o c k time is 0.0018 seconds. Basic length of travel, 0.27 inches. Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation. O n e click equals 0.60 inches at 50 m e t e r s . Sight, front:
Patridge t y p e .
.22 Long Rifle
(continued) Finish:
Comment: A well-made, (1976) —free pistol.
blue black.
Manufacturer: Hammerli Target A r m s , Ltd., Switzerland and West G e r m a n y
Sight, front: interchangeable match blade, undercut to reduce reflections
Gil H e b a r d G u n s
Action type: single-shot; sliding bolt; Martinitype action operated by side lever; straightline hammerless ignition Barrel length: Weight:
11.4 inches
42.4 oz.; up to 49.4 oz. with weights
Stock: l-piece oiled black walnut with t h u m b rest and adjustable palm rest; forestock under free-floating barrel holds extra weights Overall length: 15.4 inches maximum (with rear sight moved back for longest possible sight radius) Trigger pull: set trigger, adjustable to 2.0 oz. minimum Sight, rear: micrometer match sight, adjustable for windage and elevation, and moveable to vary sight radius; leaf is canted slightly rearward to eliminate reflections; notch has flat bottom, slightly curved sides
.22 Long Rifle
Data: Stock has an overhang which helps position the w e b of the shooter's hand, and rear sight can be slid back along this overhang to obtain maximum 15.4-inch sight radius. Barrel is freefloating, with 6-groove rifling. Ignition is vibration-free and very fast —0.0016 second, according to factory specifications. Barrel and some minor c o m p o n e n t s are made in L e n z b u r g . Switzerland; other c o m p o n e n t s are made in Tiengen, West G e r m a n y , where the pistol is assembled and tested. Comment: F r e e pistols are made for a small elite of match specialists, not for casual shooters. Such guns are necessarily expensive. T h e Hammerli, at this writing, costs about $ 8 0 0 , and the price may rise in the future. Its design and craftsmanship are exceptionally fine, making it worth the cost to m a r k s m e n competing in the International Shooting U n i o n ' s 50-meter competition for which the gun is intended. Extra weights are optional but, as might be expected, standard accessories (at no additional cost) include a beautifully manufactured fitted case.
Action type: single-shot; single action; breakt o p ; underlever release formed by trigger guard Safety: automatically functions when pistol is opened for loading; remains on safe until trigger is pulled; safety interlock prevents firing if barrel is not fully closed and locked Barrel length:
8.75 or 10.0 inches
Weight: 8.75-inch barrel, 41.0 oz.; 10.0-inch barrel, 43.0 oz. Stock:
2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut; hand
Overall length: 8.75-inch barrel, 12.25 inches; 10.0-inch barrel, 13.5 inches
Trigger pull: 4.5 lbs.; adjustable Sight, r e a r : R o c k y M o u n t a i n , adjustable windage and elevation Sight, front:
Scope adaptability: mounts
Caliber: .22 L o n g Rifle (barrel # 3 0 1 ) , .22 W . R . M . (barrel # 3 0 2 ) , 5mm R e m . (barrel #303) Data: Similar to that of centerfire model (see C h a p t e r 27). H a m m e r is serrated wide target type, adjustable for rimfire or centerfire cartridges. Trigger is also serrated wide target type, with adjustable trigger stop.
T h e rimfire version of the centerfire single-action revolver differs only in size, caliber, and minor details from its big brother, discussed in Chapter 28. This c h a p t e r is not . c o n c e r n e d with the hundreds of ch eap pocket-type .22 rimfire singleaction revolvers but with a r m s capable of hunting and plinking accuracy. M o s t .22 rimfire single-action revolvers are scaled-down centerfire revolvers. T h e .22 caliber rimfire Colts are
7/8ths-scale Single Action A r m y revolvers. T h e Ruger Single-Six is a 7/8ths-scale Blackhawk. M a n y years ago Colt m a d e a full-scale Single Action A r m y ( M l 8 7 3 ) revolver c h a m b e r e d for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge. T h e s e sixguns are widely sought collector's items. T h e single-action rimfire sixgun, like its centerfire c o u n t e r p a r t , should always be fitted with a rear m i c r o m e t e r sight adjustable for windage and elevation if used in hunting situations.
Action type: spring
single action; rod ejection; coil
Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
6-shot (5-shot for safety)
4.375, 6.0, or 7.5 inches
Weight: 4.375-inch barrel, 29.5 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 31.0 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 33.0 oz. Stock:
2-piece black composite r u b b e r
Overall length: 4.375-inch barrel, 9.375 inches; 6.0-inch barrel, 11.25 inches; 7.5-inch barrel, 12.75 inches Trigger pull:
not specified
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
blade on r a m p
Caliber: .22 Long Rifle, .22 W . R . M . ; furnished with interchangeable cylinders Data: T h i s is a 7/8ths-scale version of centerfire N e w Frontier; all steel frame. Standard trigger
(smooth) and h a m m e r (checkered spur). C o l o r case h a r d e n e d frame with blued cylinder, barrel, and ejection rod unit. Comment: Same as .22 Colt P e a c e m a k e r except this has an adjustable rear sight.
Action type: spring
single action; rod ejection; coil
Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
6-shot (5-shot for safety)
4 . 3 7 5 , 6.0, or 7.5 inches
Weight: 4.375-inch barrel, 28.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 30.5 oz.; 7.5-inch barrel, 32.0 oz. Stock:
2-piece black composite rubber
Overall length: 4.375-inch barrel, 9.628 inches; 6.0-inch barrel, 11.25 i n c h e s ; 7.5-inch barrel, 12.75 inches Trigger pull: not specified Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch (micrometer ad-
j u s t a b l e for windage and elevation available from independent source) Sight, front:
Caliber: .22 L o n g Rifle, .22 W . R . M . ; furnished with interchangeable cylinders Data: T h i s is a 7/8ths-scale version of the centerfire P e a c e m a k e r . Steel frame, color case hardened with blued cylinder, barrel, and rod ejection unit. Standard trigger (smooth) and h a m m e r (checkered spur). Comment: T h i s rimfire version of the standard Colt centerfire single-action P e a c e m a k e r (Single Action A r m y / N e w Frontier) has a coil spring which is far superior to the standard flat spring.
Action type:
single action; rod ejection
Cylinder capacity:
Transfer-bar safe-carrying feature: single-action revolvers employ no safety slide (and need none); in N e w Model Rugers, transfer bar comes between h a m m e r and pin when hamm e r is down —an automatic safety feature that blocks h a m m e r and prevents accidental discharge so that gun can be carried with all six c h a m b e r s loaded Barrel length:
4 . 8 7 5 , 5.5, 6.5, or 9.5 inches
Weight: 4.875-inch barrel, 31.5 oz.; 5.5-inch barrel, 33.0 oz.; 6.5-inch barrel, 34.5 oz.; 9.5-inch barrel, 38.9 oz. Stock:
smooth walnut
Overall length: 4.875-inch barrel, 9.875 inches; 5.5-inch barrel, 10.825 inches; 6.5-inch barrel, 11.825 i n c h e s ; 9.5-inch barrel, 14.825 inches Trigger pull:
4.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation (protected by integral frame ribs) Sight, front:
sloping r a m p
Caliber: .22 Long Rifle, with interchangeable .22 W . R . M . cylinder Data: Serrated h a m m e r . Cylinder frame, cylinder, trigger, transfer bar, barrel, and other comp o n e n t s subject to stress made of hardened c h r o m e m o l y b d e n u m steel.
This revolver, which has been on the m a r k e t for more than 20 years, now has a safe-carrying feature which allows all six c h a m b e r s to be loaded with live ammunition. A flat surface in the end of the gate spindle allows a transfer bar to m o v e d o w n and u p when the gate is closed. It locks transfer bar, trigger, and h a m m e r when the gate is o p e n e d .
W h e n o p e n e d , the loading gate d e p r e s s e s u p p e r arm of gate detent spring. T h i s in turn lowers cylinder latch. Cylinder can then be turned for loading. T h e h a m m e r and trigger are immobilized by the gate interlock. W h e n the gate is closed, the gate detent spring arm turns to its u p p e r position. T h i s allows the cylinder latch to be engaged and disengaged by normal h a m m e r operation. Comment: This is probably the finest single-action rimfire revolver m a d e . It is also the safest.
DOUBLE-ACTION RIMFIRE REVOLVERS T h e double-action rimfire revolver, like the single-action, is usually a rimfire version of a centerfire big brother. T h e D i a m o n d b a c k —a scaled-down P y t h o n — is now the only Colt .22 rimfire revolver with target capabilities. C o l t ' s .22 rimfire version of its Officer's Model was for many years the standard of all rimfire revolver match shooters. T h e S & W K - 2 2 - a I s o available in .22
W . R . M . —is the only match-quality .22 rimfire double-action revolver available today. S & W ' s 4.0-inch-barrel K-22 C o m b a t Masterpiece and C o l t ' s 4.0-inch-barrel D i a m o n d b a c k are excellent sixguns for hunting. A few other double-action .22 sporting revolvers are available—and are listed in this c h a p t e r — b u t not many.
double-action; swing-out cylinder
Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: 4.0 inches; 2.5-inch barrel unsuitable for sporting use Weight: Stock:
28.5 oz. 2-piece checkered walnut
Overall length:
9.0 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 4.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
r a m p on ventilated rib
.22 Short, .22 L o n g , .22 Long Rifle
Data: This gun has a ventilated rib and a wide h a m m e r spur. Finish is bright Colt bluing or, at extra cost, nickel plating. Comment: D i a m o n d b a c k is a slightly smaller edition of the centerfire Colt Python. It has a crisp trigger pull and exhibits fine quality throughout.
double-action; break-top
Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight:
6.0 inches
30.0 oz.
2-piece c h e c k e r e d walnut
Overall length:
10.5 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 4.0 lbs. Sight, r e a r :
notch, adjustable for windage 405
Sight, front: blade on r a m p , adjustable for elevation; mounted on ventilated rib Caliber:
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: M o s t of t o d a y ' s double-action revolvers employ swing-out cylinders, though High Standard offers some models with single-action-style loading gates. Harrington & Richardson also makes them both w a y s and, to the a u t h o r ' s knowledge, is the only A m e r i c a n m a k e r still offering a third construction — the top-breaking action. This is not quite as strong as a solid frame,
of c o u r s e , but it has more than enough strength for a .22 rimfire revolver. W h e n a break-top revolver of this sort is o p e n e d , an ejector mechanism (really an extractor) p u s h e s the shells about halfway out of the cylinder. T h i s isn't much faster than opening a swing-out cylinder and pushing the ejector rod, but it is faster than opening a loading gate and pushing the empties out one at a time. Comment: A good moderate-priced .22 revolver for plinking or hunting small game at short range. T h e a u t h o r would much prefer a m i c r o m e t e r rear sight. Like the High Standard line of double-action .22s, this H & R holds 9 shots instead of 6.
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON M999 SPORTSMAN REVOLVER Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder
Sight, front:
Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: Weight:
6.0 inches
33.0 oz.
Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut with t h u m b rest Overall length:
10.75 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 4.0 lbs. Sight, rear: notch, adjustable for windage and elevation
r a m p , m o u n t e d on ventilated rib
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: G u n c o m e s with special lock and key so that it can't be fired by unauthorized p e r s o n s . F e a t u r e s include trigger-guard extension and t h u m b rest on stock panels to provide steady hold. Barrel is slightly heavier than that on H & R M 9 9 9 S p o r t s m a n , also to provide steadier hold for those w h o prefer a little extra weight in a revolver. Comment: This is a n o t h e r good moderate-priced .22 revolver for plinking or short-range hunting of small g a m e . It, too, is a nineshooter.
HIGH STANDARD HIGH SIERRA DELUXE REVOLVER Action type: double action; interchangeable cylinders for standard or M a g n u m .22 rimfires
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 5.0 lbs.
Cylinder capacity:
Sight, r e a r :
7.0 inches
Sight, front:
Barrel length: Weight:
36.0 oz.
Stock: 2-piece u n c h e c k e r e d hand-rubbed walnut Overall length:
12.5 inches
notch, adjustable for windage blade
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle; interchangeable cylinder for .22 W . R . M . Data: A double-action nineshooter with " O l d W e s t " styling. Octagonal barrel. Gold-plated
backstrap and trigger guard; blued barrel and frame.
Comment: T h e author prefers better sights even for plinking or short-range small-game hunting,
but all the High Standard handguns are first-rate moderate-priced firearms. T h i s one is a fancier version of the D o u b l e - N i n e and 9.5-inch-barreled D o u b l e - N i n e Longhorn line. T h e interchangeable cylinders add M a g n u m versatility to a rimfire revolver.
HIGH STANDARD SENTINEL MARK IV REVOLVER Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder Cylinder capacity:
Barrel length: 4.0 inches; 2.5-inch and 3.0-inch barrel lengths unsuitable for sporting use Weight:
26.0 oz.
Stock: 2-piece panels Overall length:
9.0 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 5.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : white-outlined notch, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
r a m p with red insert
Caliber: .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle; or .22 W . R . M . Data:
Nicely blued; nickel-plated at extra cost.
Comment: T h i s latest version of the Sentinel has better than average sights for a double-action .22, and it has a desirably smooth, no-creep trigger pull.
IVER JOHNSON T-526 TARGET MODEL REVOLVER Action type: double action; loading gate Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight:
6.0 inches
30.5 oz.
Stock: 1-piece T e n i t e ; c h e c k e r e d ; wrap-around with t h u m b rest Overall length:
10.75 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, 4.0 lbs. Sight, rear:
notch, adjustable for windage
Sight, front: tion Caliber:
blade on r a m p , adjustable for eleva-
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: A rimfire eightshooter with better than average sights for a .22 double action at a very low price. Comment: Its n a m e notwithstanding, this is not a match-quality revolver, nor d o e s it have the weight, trigger pull, sights, or configuration of a match .22. It is, however, a durably built gun and quite a d e q u a t e for target practice as well as for plinking or small-game hunting at short range.
Llama G a b i l o n d o , Spain
Stoeger A r m s
Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
6.0 inches
40.0 oz. 2-piece checkered walnut, Magna type
Overall length:
11.0 inches
Trigger pull: double action, 9.0 lbs.; single action, not specified Sight, rear: white-outline micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: blade on r a m p , mounted on ventilated rib
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: Matte-finished rib and sight r a m p ; steel frame; serrated b a c k s t r a p and frontstrap; floating firing pin; color case-hardened, grooved, wide trigger; color case-hardened, serrated, wide-spur h a m m e r . Comment: This import c o m e s in a n u m b e r of grades and styles. T h e description a b o v e covers the basic, no-fancy-options model, a mediumpriced gun with good sights, solid weight, quality w o r k m a n s h i p , good bluing, and features not often found on medium-priced .22 double-action revolvers. Various " D e l u x e " versions are offered with engraving, " S a t i n " or gold-damascened finish, and—for those w h o care more about flamboyance than function or durability—"simulated p e a r l " stocks!
Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
6.0 or 8.375 inches
Weight: 6.0-inch barrel, 38.5 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 42.25 oz. Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut Magna type (oversize target stocks available at slight extra cost)
Overall length: 6.0-inch barrel, 11.125 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.5 inches Trigger pull: single action, 3.5 lbs.; double action, 9.0 lbs. Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
0.125-inch-wide partridge
.22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle
Data: Plain trigger (wide target type, grooved, available at slight extra cost). Standard h a m m e r (wide checkered spur target type available at slight extra cost). Medium-size all-steel frame.
Comment: O n e of the most accurate .22 revolvers. Usually used in matches when .22 semiautomatic is not used.
double action; swing-out cylinder
Cylinder capacity: Barrel length: Weight:
4.0 inches
35.0 oz.
Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut; Magna type (oversize checkered walnut target type available at slight extra cost); square butt Overall length:
9.125 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 4.5 lbs.; double action, 9.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Sight, front: 0.125-inch-wide Baughman quick d r a w on r a m p Caliber:
.22 Short, .22 L o n g , .22 Long Rifle
Data: Standard trigger (extra-wide grooved target type trigger available at slight extra cost). Standard h a m m e r (wide spur target type available at slight extra cost). Medium-size all-steel frame (same as K-series). Comment: This is identical to the K-22 Masterpiece with 4.0-inch barrel except for front sight. T h e 4.0-inch barrel is fine for short-range hunting and plinking. T h e .22 C o m b a t Masterpiece with its Baughman quick-draw front sight is a better all-round choice than the 4.0-inch-barrel versions in the Kit G u n series.
S&W M34 9153 .22/32 KIT GUN Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder
Sight, front:
Cylinder capacity:
0.1-inch-wide serrated r a m p
.22 Long Rifle
Barrel length: 4.0 inches (2.0-inch barrel not for sporting use)
Data: Standard (smooth) trigger and h a m m e r ; small-size all-steel frame.
Weight: oz.
Comment: This is one of the famed S & W Kit G u n series which has been around in one form or another for at least a half-century. It is designed for those —especially w o m e n —with small hands. M a n y fishermen carry one in their tackle box. While small in size, the Kit G u n has the typical high-quality S & W materials and craftsmanship. M e n with large hands should select the square butt. Because of his big hands and general dislike of small h a n d g u n s , the a u t h o r prefers the 4.0inch-barrel .22 C o m b a t M a g n u m or Colt Python.
round butt, 22.5 o z . ; square butt, 24.0
Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut; Magna t y p e ; round or square butt optional Overall length:
8.0 inches
Trigger pull: single action, 2 . 5 - 3 . 5 lbs.; double action, 12.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Action type: double action; swing-out cylinder Cylinder capacity: Barrel length:
4.0, 6.0, or 8.375 inches
Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 37.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 39.0 oz.; 8.375-inch barrel, 41.5 oz. Stock: 2-piece checkered walnut M a g n a type (oversize checkered walnut target stocks available at slight e x t r a cost) Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.25 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.25 inches; 8.375-inch barrel, 13.5 inches Trigger pull: single action, 3.5 lbs.; double action, 9.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Caliber:
0.125-inch-wide partridge
.22 W . R . M .
Data: Plain trigger (wide grooved target type available at slight extra cost). Standard h a m m e r (extra-wide target type available at slight extra cost). Medium-size all-steel frame. Almost identical in weight and identical in size to other calibers in K-series.
A very accurate sixgun for hunting.
SEMIAUTOMATIC RIMFIRE PISTOLS T h e first successful .22 semiautomatic pistol, the Colt W o o d s m a n , was , not surprisingly, designed by J o h n M o s e s Browning. T h i s Sports Model W o o d s m a n , still available, was the sole arm of its type from its introduction in 1913 until the development of the High Standard semiautomatic sports pistol in the 1930s. T h e Ruger A u t o Pistol, which heralded the entrance of Sturm, Ruger on the shooting scene, is the most popular semiautomatic sports pistol currently available. T h e Ruger A u t o Pistol sells
m o r e than all other m a k e s of semiautomatic rimfire pistols combined. T h e first match semiautomatic pistol was the Colt T a r g e t W o o d s m a n , which is still made today. T h e r e are several excellent imports, including a target model by Walther. Several .22 target pistols are c h a m b e r e d for the .22 Short cartridge. T h e s e pistols are designed for international m a t c h shooting. Rimfire m a t c h e s within the U n i t e d States normally use the .22 L o n g Rifle cartridge.
Action type: semiautomatic; b l o w b a c k ; hammerless; air-cooled Magazine type:
detachable straight-line box
Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b safety left side of frame; slide lock Barrel length:
6.0 inches
Weight: Stock:
31.0oz. c h e c k e r e d walnut with t h u m b rest
Overall length: Trigger pull:
10.875 inches 3 . 5 - 4 . 0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
blade 411
Caliber: Data:
.22 Long Rifle
S-type frame; Colt Blue finish.
Comment: A slightly less expensive version of the W o o d s m a n Sport/Target model. T h i s is not suitable for serious match shooting b u t is excellent a s a hunting arm.
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; hammerless; air-cooled
Sight, r e a r : Colt-Elliason; adjustable for windage and elevation
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Sight, front:
Magazine capacity:
undercut ramp
.22 Long Rifle
Safety: t h u m b safety on left side of frame; slide lock
Barrel length:
Comment: T h e Colt W o o d s m a n M a t c h Target pistol has u n d e r g o n e many changes during the last 50 years. T h e original W o o d s m a n design was by J o h n M o s e s Browning, with some M a t c h T a r g e t features suggested by G e o r g e Elliason. T h e W o o d s m a n M a t c h T a r g e t was the only firstline rimfire A m e r i c a n target pistol until about World W a r I I , when some fine High Standard target pistols b e c a m e available.
4.5 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.5-inch barrel, 34.5 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 39.0 oz. Stock: checkered walnut panels with t h u m b rest Overall length: 4.5-inch barrel, 10.5 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 12.0 inches Trigger pull:
3.0 lbs.
S-type frame; Colt Blue finish.
Parts List for Colt (Woodsman) Targetsman No. 1 2 3 3 4
Part Name Assembly Lock Assembly Lock Plunger Barrel Detail Assembly—AW Barrel Detail Assembly-6" Rear Sight Detent Ball — (2 Required) 5 Ejector 6 Ejector Pin 7 Rear Sight Elevating Screw 8 Rear Sight Elevating Spring 9 Extractor Firing Pin 10 11 Firing Pin Spring 12 Firing Pin Stop Front Sight-Ve" Blade 13 Front Sight Blade .100 13 14 Front Sight Blade Pin-(2) Hammer 15 Hammer Strut 16 Hammer Strut Pin 17 Magazine Assembly 18 18a Magazine Base
No. 18b 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Part Name Magazine Base Lock Magazine Catch Magazine Catch Pin and Main Spring Housing Lock Pin-(2) Magazine Catch Spring Magazine Follower Magazine Follower Stud Magazine Spring Magazine Spring Guide Main Spring Main Spring Cap Main Spring Cap Pin Main Spring Housing Rear Sight-Blade W Rear Sight Blade-.100 Rear Sight Leaf Assembly Receiver (Main Frame) Recoil Spring Recoil Spring Guide Safety Lock Detail Assembly Sear Sear Pin and Main Spring
No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Part Name Retainer Pin-(2) Sear Spring Side Plate Side Plate Screw Rear Sight Leaf Pin Slide Detail Assembly Slide Stop Detail Assembly Slide Stop Spring Stock-Left Hand-Walnut (With Thumb Rest)* Stock-Right Hand-Walnut' Stock Screw Stock Screw Nut Trigger Trigger Bar Trigger Pin Trigger Spring Rear Sight Windage Screw Rear Sight Windage Spring Elliason Sight-Not Shown Rear Sight Detent Spring
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; hammerless; air-cooled
Sight, front: Caliber:
r a m p type
.22 Long Rifle
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b safety on left side of frame; slide lock Barrel length: Sport W o o d s m a n , 4.0 inches; Target W o o d s m a n , 6.0 inches Weight: 4.0-inch barrel, 29.0 o z . ; 6.0-inch barrel, 32.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece checkered t h u m b rest
walnut panel with
Overall length: 4.0-inch barrel, 9.0 inches; 6.0inch barrel, 11.0 inches Trigger pull: 4.0 lbs. Sight, rear: micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Data: S-type-frame; Colt Blue finish. This is the adjustable-sight version of the most famed .22 caliber rimfire semiautomatic pistol. M o r e than 1,100,000 have been sold. W h e n Remington introduced the Hi-Speed .22 rimfire cartridge in the early 1930s all W o o d s man models w e r e fitted with an arched highspeed mainspring housing to handle the new cartridges. O w n e r s of the old W o o d s m a n with a flat housing should secure from Colt a high-speed housing. Early W o o d s m a n pistols w e r e not fitted with adjustable rear sights. T h e H u n t s m a n version of the W o o d s m a n is still fitted with fixed sights. O n e should always p u r c h a s e an adjustablesighted W o o d s m a n .
Designer J o h n Moses B r o w n i n g ' s w o r k i n g m o d e l of the Colt W o o d s m a n .
HIGH STANDARD CITATION MATCH PISTOL Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
c h e c k e r e d walnut with t h u m b rest
Trigger pull: target type with built-in trigger stop. Pull adjustable 2 . 0 - 2 . 2 5 lbs. Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation
t h u m b slide
Barrel length: 5.5-inch bull barrel; 7.25-inch fluted barrel (military grip frame); 5.5 inches (standard grip frame) with bull barrel Overall length: 5.5-inch barrel, 7.25-inch barrel, 11.5 inches
10.0 inches;
Weight: 44.5 oz. (both barrel lengths with military grip frame); 42.0-oz. with 5.5-inch barrel and standard grip frame
Sight, front:
blade with flat face
Sight radius: 5.5-inch barrel, 8.75 inches; 7.25inch barrel, 10.0 inches Caliber:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: A n excellent medium-priced match pistol. A l s o first rate for hunting and plinking.
HIGH STANDARD OLYMPIC ISU MATCH PISTOL Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation
Magazine type:
Sight, front:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length: Weight:
6.75 inches
40.0 oz.
Overall length:
11.25 inches
Stock: A m e r i c a n walnut with t h u m b rest. C h e c k e r e d . Stock designs available: military type (same angle as .45 Colt) or standard
Sight radius:
blade with flat back 9.5 inches
Trigger pull: adjustable (for over-travel as well as weight); minimum not specified Finish:
Caliber: .22 Short (designed for Olympic shooting and m a t c h e s sponsored by International Shooting U n i o n ( I S U ) Comment: O n e of the finest .22 Short match pistols m a d e in A m e r i c a . C o m p a r e s favorably with m a n y of the more expensive E u r o p e a n imports.
HIGH STANDARD M9205 SHARPSHOOTING PISTOL Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; hammerless; air-cooled Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b safety on left side of frame; slide lock Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
5.5 inches
44.5 oz. checkered black plastic
Overall length: Trigger pull:
10.0 inches 3.5 lbs. (no creep)
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Sight, front: Caliber:
square u n d e r c u t blade
.22 L o n g Rifle
Data: Steel frame. Slide sides, barrel, and barrel release plunger are polished blue; frame is matte black. Bull barrel. Magazine follower has unique feature in that follow plate is extremely visible green plastic. O n e can tell at a glance w h e t h e r magazine has any cartridges in it. Blued steel magazine has large t h u m b button to aid in depressing spring while loading. T h e r e is no magazine disconnector. Pistol can be fired while magazine is r e m o v e d . Designed by J a m e s R e a r d o n . Comment: This pistol is billed as a medium-price target pistol. T h e a u t h o r prefers to think of it as a "field . 2 2 . " It m a k e s an extremely a c c u r a t e hunting and plinking pistol.
HIGH STANDARD TROPHY MATCH PISTOL Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
5.50 inches and 7.25 inches
Overall length: 5.50-inch barrel, 9.75 inches; 7.25-inch barrel, 11.5 inches
Trigger pull:
adjustable from 2 . 0 - 2 . 2 5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front:
blade with flat back
Sight radius: 5.5-inch barrel, 8.75 inches; 7.25inch barrel, 10.0 inches Caliber:
.22 L o n g Rifle
Weight: 44.5 oz. for either barrel length. Weight variation is obtained by fluting 7.25inch barrel
Data: Stock is military t y p e (same angle as .45 Colt).
Stock: C h e c k e r e d A m e r i c a n walnut, with or without t h u m b rest
Comment: matches.
A n excellent pistol for N R A type
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation. Square notch
Magazine type:
Sight, front:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b slide with gold plated (for visibility) grooved t h u m b button Barrel length: 5.5 inches or 4.5 inches (ventilated or solid rib) Weight: 50-oz. (4.5-inch barrel has 2.0-oz. weight to m a k e same as 5.5-inch barrel weight) Overall length:
9.56125 inches
Stock: 2-piece A m e r i c a n walnut grip panels. Sharply checkered. Waterproof finish. Right-hand t h u m b rest (left-hand t h u m b rest, optional) Trigger pull: adjustable through stop in trigger guard. M a x i m u m pull: 2.50 lbs.
Sight radius: Caliber:
0.125-inch wide Patridge type 8.56125 inches (5.5-inch barrel)
.22 L o n g Rifle
Data: D e e p l y counterbored muzzle. F r o n t sight is machined integrally with rib. Rear-sight adjustment screws designed for use with dime. Barrels, as with all High Standard .22 a u t o s , are readily changeable by depressing barrel latch beneath barrel in forepart of frame. Comment: T h e author considers this one of the finest .22 semiauto match pistols extant. M a n y match pistolmen w h o also shoot .45 caliber matches with the M 1 9 1 1 (and its match versions) prefer the feel-alike grip of this handgun. In 1973 High Standard issued an Olympic C o m m e m o r a t i v e version of this superb pistol. This special issue, limited to 1000, had special inlays and engravings by noted Austrian-born engraver Walter Koluch.
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer
Sight, r e a r : square notch, adjustable for windage only
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Sight, front:
Magazine capacity:
t h u m b slide on left side of frame
Barrel length:
4.75 or 6.0 inches
Weight: 4.75-inch barrel, 36.0 oz.; 6.0-inch barrel, 38.0 oz. Stock: 2-piece hard rubber; sharp checkering; 2piece walnut available at slight extra cost Overall length: 4.75-inch barrel, 8.75 inches; 6.0-inch barrel, 10.0 inches Trigger pull:
3.5 lbs.
.22 Long Rifle
Data: G r o o v e d and curved aluminum-alloy trigger, 2-stage pull, 0.375-inch-wide trigger. (Steel trigger available at extra cost; c u s t o m triggers available from some pistolsmith.) Polished and blued finish. Comment: In 1949, a r m s designer William B. Ruger established a partnership with writer A l e x a n d e r Sturm. T h e latter supplied most of the $50,000 initial capital. T h e first factory was in a small a b a n d o n e d railroad station along C o n n e c ticut's Long Island Sound shore. T h e initial advertisement was a one-inch ad in
The American Rifleman. T h e look-alike soundalike combination of Ruger with Luger undoubtedly attracted early attention. T h e pistol was an immediate success. E v e r since its initial appeara n c e it has always been on back order. It is the least expensive of any .22 semiautomatic sports pistol. Despite its low cost — partially due to Ruger design and manufacturing techniques —it is equal, and in some c a s e s superior, to any semiautomatic .22 sports pistol. T h e H . P. White Laboratory conducted independent tests for Ruger. O n e pistol —it then cost $37.50 —was fired 41,000 rounds without a single malfunction. This is remarkable. T h e pistol uses only coil springs. This es-
tablished the Ruger-coil-spring system, which has been used in all Ruger revolvers. Finequality piano-wire coil springs are always superior to flat leaf springs. This arm, though not fitted with a rear micrometer sight, is exceptionally accurate. A micrometer sight is available from Ruger or through ind e p e n d e n t sources. T h e a u t h o r r e c o m m e n d s that this pistol, unless it is to be used solely for plinking, be so equipped. T h e a u t h o r would also like to see a Baughman quick-draw front sight on a r a m p , fitted with a gold bead insert. A gold bead s h o w s up better against a variety of b a c k g r o u n d s than any other t y p e s of blade, bead, or insert.
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer
Sight, r e a r : micrometer, adjustable for windage and elevation
Magazine type: detachable straight-line box
Sight, front:
Magazine capacity:
t h u m b slide on left side of frame
Barrel length: M a r k I Target, 6.875 inches; M a r k I Bull Barrel, 5.5 inches Weight:
42.0 oz.
Stock: 2-piece hard rubber; sharp checkering (checkered walnut with t h u m b rests on left panel available at slight extra cost) Overall length: 6.875-inch barrel, inches; 5.5-inch barrel, 9.25 inches Trigger pull:
3.5 lbs.
u n d e r c u t 0.125-inch-wide partridge
.22 L o n g Rifle
Data: Trigger grooved, 1-stage crisp pull. Polished and blued finish. Comment: This pistol —the least expensive serious match arm —has won national competitions. T e n s of t h o u s a n d s h a v e been purchased by the A r m y and N a v y for training p u r p o s e s . A major feature contributing to this fine a r m ' s accuracy is that the rear sight is always in one place. It d o e s not m o v e on the slide as d o those of most .22 semiautomatic pistols. T h e M a r k I 5.25-inch barrel w a s discontinued along with a muzzle brake (optional) about the time the Bull Barrel version was introduced.
H a m m e r l i , Switzerland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Gil H e b a r d G u n s
semiautomatic; blowback
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Barrel length:
5.9 inches
Weight: 38.0 oz. (35.0 oz. minus barrel weight) Stock: (Model 208) l-piece plain walnut with adjustable palm rest; (Model 211) l-piece plain walnut with no palm rest
Overall length: Trigger pull: 3.0 lbs.
10.3 inches externally adjustable u p to 2.25-
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation. 0.47 inch per click at 25 metres Sight, front:
0.125-inch wide blade on r a m p
Sight radius: Caliber:
8.18 inches
.22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: O n e of the finest international match pistols m a d e .
H a m m e r l i , Switzerland
Importer/distributor: Action type:
Gil H e b a r d G u n s
semiautomatic; blowback
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Barrel length:
6.3 inches
Weight: 44.0-oz. (with adjustable grips); Model 2 3 0 - 1 , 44.0 oz. with nonadjustable grips
5.7 inches
1.9 inches
Trigger pull: 5.25 o z . - 1 0 . 5 o z . ; adjustable for backlash and slack Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation; m o v e s at 0.39-inch per click at 25 metres Sight, front:
0.125-inch wide post
Sight radius: Caliber:
9.96 inches
.22 Short
Stock: (Model 230-1) l-piece nonadjustable grips; (Model 230-2) l-piece adjustable grips with adjustable heelplate; E u r o p e a n walnut
Data: T h i s arm is designed specifically for International Rapid Fire Competition. Finish is dull blue.
Overall length:
11.6 inches
O n e of the finest a r m s of its t y p e .
SMITH & WESSON M41 MATCH PISTOL Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
Stock: 2-piece c h e c k e r e d walnut; modified t h u m b rest adaptable for right- and left-hand shooters Trigger pull:
2.5 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : S & W m i c r o m e t e r adjustable windage and elevation
t h u m b slide
Barrel length: 5.0 inches (without muzzle brake), 7.375-inches (sans muzzle brake) Overall length: 5.5-inch barrel, 9.625 inches (sans muzzle brake); 7.375-inch barrel, 12.0 inches (including muzzle brake) Weight: 7.375-inch barrel, 43.5 oz.; 5.0-inch barrel, 44.5 oz.
Sight, front:
target blade on r a m p
Sight radius: 5.5-inch barrel, 8.0 inches; 7.375inch barrel, 9.321 inches Caliber: .22 Long Rifle (.22 Short version available for International Rapid Fire Course). Comment:
O n e of the best U . S . match pistols.
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; togglejoint breech; internal h a m m e r ; nonrecoiling barrel Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity:
Safety: t h u m b slide, left side of frame; right-side safety for southpaws may be ordered at no extra cost
Barrel length: Weight:
4.5 inches
30.25 oz.
Stock: early production models ( 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 ) had resin-impregnated checkered w o o d ; unpleasant resemblance to c h e a p plastic resulted in change to present unimpregnated plain walnut Overall length:
9.0 inches
S T O E G E R L U G E R .22
Trigger pull:
breechbolt, a n d other c o m p o n e n t s subject t o substantial stress are steel. A major feature of this pistol is the ease with which the firing m e c h a n i s m may b e r e m o v e d for cleaning a n d / o r repairs.
3.0 lbs.
Sight, r e a r : fixed square notch Sight, front: fixed blade, laterally adjustable Caliber:
.22 Long Rifle
Data: Standard trigger (smooth); internal hamm e r ; aluminum-alloy frame; blued finish. T h i s pistol, while differing in its actual action, resembles the Pistole '08 in exterior looks. T h e designer was G a r y Wilhelm. T h e .22's weight is but 1.75 oz. lighter than t h e standard P-08, a n d t h e .22 barrel is about 0.5 inch longer than the standard P-08. T h e frame is aluminum alloy. S o m e c o m p o nents are fabricated sheet steel o r plastic. Barrel,
Comment: T h e pistol h a s t h e same handling qualities a s t h e P - 0 8 . It is muzzle-light, but grip and natural pointing qualities h a v e been retained. T h i s is an excellent plinking pistol. H u n t e r s should p u r c h a s e t h e target version, which is identical save for longer barrel a n d micrometer rear sights. T h e arm is well m a d e . It is the first regular-size P-08 t y p e c h a m b e r e d for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge. Before World W a r I I , Stoeger imported a special unit including .22 caliber barrel insert for converting t h e 7.65mm o r 9 m m Parabellum t o .22 Long Rifle.
UNIQUE 69 D.E.S. MATCH PISTOL Manufacturer: Manufacture d'Armes Pyrenees Francaises, France Importer/distributor:
C o n n e c t i c u t Valley A r m s
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; internal hammer
Overall length:
10.0 inches (with hand rest)
Weight: 36.0 o z . ; barrel weights of 260 grams (included) and 350 grams (extra cost)
Safety: manual t h u m b slide (left side); slide catch (right side)
Stock: 2-piece F r e n c h walnut with large t h u m b rest for right-handed s h o o t e r s (left-handed s h o o t e r s can h a v e t h u m b rest at e x t r a cost). Stock projects rearward t o fully c o v e r hand. Adjustable palm rest (Allen w r e n c h e s included)
Barrel Sength:
Trigger pull:
Magazine type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
5.875 inches
2.2 l b s . (1000-grams o r 1 kilo-
gram). This meets international standards for basic pistol c o u r s e Sight, rear: micrometer adjustable for windage and elevation. E a c h click m o v e s sight 8mm at 25 meters Sight, front: Calibers:
blade with flat back
.22 Long Rifle or .22 Short
Data: All steel parts. N o alloys. N u m e r a l s on sheet steel magazine indicate " 5 " or " 1 0 " shots. Magazine floorplate is bright c h r o m e plated. Comment: T h i s international match pistol, introduced in 1969, is of sophisticated design. T h e entire a r m is well m a d e and finely finished. It has w o n n u m e r o u s international m a t c h e s .
WALTHER GSP RIMFIRE MATCH PISTOL Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type:
semiautomatic; blowback
Magazine type:
Sight radius:
4.48 inches
Overall length:
11.8 inches
5.9 inches
44.8 oz.
Trigger pull: two o p t i o n s ; 1000 grams (2.2 lbs.) or 1360 grams (3.0 lbs.)
Sight, front:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length:
Stock: 1-piece m a t c h type with t h u m b rest and palm shelf
Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation
detachable box
Magazine capacity: Safety:
blade with flat back 10.14 inches
dark blue .22 L o n g Rifle
Comment: O n e of the finest and most expensive .22 rimfire m a t c h semiautos available.
WALTHER MODEL OSP RAPID-FIRE RIMFIRE PISTOL Manufacturer: Carl West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor: Action type:
detachable box
Magazine capacity:
t h u m b slide
Barrel length: Overall length: Height:
semiautomatic; blowback
Magazine type:
4.48 inches 11.8 inches
5.9 inches
Trigger pull:
8.0-10.0 oz.
Stock: 1-piece E u r o p e a n walnut with adjustable palm shelf Sight, r e a r : m i c r o m e t e r adjustable for windage and elevation Sight, front: Sight radius: Finish: Caliber:
blade with flat back 8.58 inches
blue-black .22 Short
Comment: T h i s pistol is essentially designed for rapid-fire international and Olympic competition.
WALTHER P-38 RIMFIRE DOUBLE ACTION PISTOL Manufacturer: Carl Walther West G e r m a n y Importer/distributor:
Action type: semiautomatic; blowback; exposed h a m m e r ; air-cooled Magazine type: detachable straight-line box Magazine capacity: Safety:
t h u m b slide, left side of frame
Barrel length: Weight: Stock:
5.825 inches
28.0 oz.
.22 Long Rifle
Data: T h i s arm resembles the P-38 9 m m (Luger) Parabellum in a p p e a r a n c e and size but is blowback-operated. T h e pin which projects a b o v e the loaded c h a m b e r of centerfire P-38s is absent, as is the internal locking block. T h e frame is alloy, but the barrel and slide are steel. F r a m e is anodized black, slide and barrel are matte black. T h e slide is skeletonized to reduce weight. Trigger and h a m m e r are machined from solid steel blocks.
c h e c k e r e d black plastic
Overall length:
8.5 inches
Trigger pull: smooth
5.5 lbs.; c r e e p noticeable
Sight, rear:
U - n o t c h ; fixed
Sight, front:
square blade
Comment: T h e pistol is well m a d e , well designed, and reliable. It is easy to disassemble and reassemble. It is a c c u r a t e for an arm with fixed sights. Mic r o m e t e r sights can be adapted to the P-38. Centerfire P-38 admirers might want a rimfire version for less expensive shooting.
CUSTOMIZING AND SPORTERIZING " G u n s m i t h i n g " and " c u s t o m g u n s m i t h i n g " are widely abused and misunderstood t e r m s . S o m e times the two terms are used interchangeably. T h e r e is no clear line of demarcation b e t w e e n the two. N o t even gunsmiths agree. Since we can't be definitive, let's be a bit arbitrary. M a n y , including the author, consider "gunsmithing" as the basic p r o c e s s of making repairs, replacing parts, fitting a recoil pad or quick-detachable sling swivels, and possibly altering the angle of a bolt handle to permit lower scope mounting. Fitting scope b a s e s is a n o t h e r gunsmith chore. " C u s t o m gunsmithing" may include recontouring a barrel, modifying the exterior of an action, reshaping the triggerbow, fitting a quickrelease floorplate, rebarreling, or rechambering. A V e r m o n t neighbor recently had his M 1 9 1 7 Enfield Caliber .30 (.30-06) " g u n s m i t h e d . " This consisted in sawing off 2 inches from the 26inch barrel and fitting scope blocks. T h e w o o d e n fore-end was cut from near muzzle length to a length approximating a commercial sporter. T h e upper wooden handguard was r e m o v e d . T h i s work cost about $ 2 5 . A n o t h e r friend also " s p o r t e r i z e d " his M 1 9 1 7 Enfield. T h e military barrel was r e m o v e d from the action. T h e Parkerized — dull — military finish
was r e m o v e d from the barrel and action. T h e whole unit was reblued. T h e rear sight " e a r s " were machined off. T h e magazine was shortened. (It originally held five rimmed .303 British cartridges. W h e n c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 0 6 cartridge it holds six of these rimless cartridges.) M y friend reduced triggerbow width. A floorplate release w a s installed inside the triggerbow. T h e M 1 9 1 7 has a massive action; it weighs more than o t h e r actions c h a m b e r e d for the . 3 0 - 0 6 or similar cartridges. So he had the sheet-steel sides of the box magazine " S w i s s - c h e e s e d " —a series of holes w e r e bored to r e m o v e excessive weight. Edges of the action w e r e rounded off. T h i s red u c e s weight and m a k e s a m o r e streamlined action. A Redfield Sourdough front sight —it's unfortunately been discontinued but a few are still on some d e a l e r s ' shelves —was installed on a r a m p . A Williams' G u i d e Sight —one of the best open rear sights —was installed. A G & H quick-detachable double-lever side m o u n t was installed. A c u s t o m trigger replaced the original two-stage military trigger. Jim couldn't afford the $ 5 0 0 and up for a fine piece of F r e n c h walnut c u s t o m - c h e c k e r e d . H e bought a commercial semi-fitted A m e r i c a n walnut stock for $ 125. S o m e decent 22-line-per-inch c u s t o m checkering cost him a n o t h e r $ 1 2 5 . H e p u r c h a s e d a r e a d y - m a d e c h e c k e r e d steel butt425
plate fitted with a trapdoor. T h e recess will hold the slide of his L y m a n 4 8 m i c r o m e t e r sight w h e n it is not in use. W h e n the sight is in use the d u m m y slide will be toted in the trapdoor. T h e rifle is fitted with quick-detachable sling swivels and a 0.875-inch-wide Whelen-type leather sling. Jim applied the several handrubbed coats of linseed oil —the so-called London-type oil finish —himself. T h e metalwork cost him about $ 2 5 0 . F o r $500 Jim has a far better rifle —in most w a y s —than any of the commercial sporters. T h e M 1 9 1 7 a c t i o n - i t ' s far better than the M l 9 0 3 Springfield — is obsolete in that, unlike most current production bolt-action rifles, it d o e s n ' t have a recessed bolt face. It does have the advantage of the M a u s e r - t y p e extractor and ejector.
M a n y continental stocks have m e r e worthless slivers of cheekpieces. T h e British introduced the fore-end cap. T h e best caps —they are not necessary — w e r e originally m a d e from the horn of the C a p e buffalo. T h e y can also be m a d e of e b o n y but should never be made of T e n i t e or other plastic. F a n c y w o o d s include bird's-eye maple, California mesquite — that's what W e a t h e r b y uses on its big .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m —and myrtlewood. T h e a u t h o r ' s only experience with the latter— and it was a good experience —was on a standard .340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m . A wood must not only look good —proper grain and fine figuring—but it must not crack or splinter u n d e r heavy recoil. Stocks on medium-bore rifles and big-bore rifles — bolt-action magazine ones —should have at least one and preferably t w o crossbolts.
T o d a y , a t o p - q u a l i t y stock—usually F r e n c h or Circassian walnut —with fine h a n d w o r k and furniture—buttplate, swivels, pistol-grip cap holding spare front sights, etc.—done by a first-class s t o c k m a k e r like Jerry Fisher, Kalispell, Montana, would cost $ 5 0 0 - $ 6 0 0 . Total costs depend on quality of w o o d , type of w o o d , a m o u n t of furniture and type, a m o u n t and lines per inch of checkering.
S o m e eccentrics like zebra-striped wood. This effect is achieved by alternate laminations of light and dark wood. In the future laminated wood may ultimately replace one-piece stocks on factory but never on fine c u s t o m rifles. G u n s m i t h s h a v e been around since there w e r e guns, but until shortly before World W a r I their prime function w a s repair. W h e n the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield b e c a m e available to civilian riflemen through the D i r e c t o r of Civilian M a r k s m a n s h i p via the National Rifle Association, " c u s t o m " gunsmithing entered o u r vocabulary. President T h e o d o r e Roosevelt took a slightly modified M l 9 0 3 to Africa on his 1 9 0 9 - 1 0 safari. H e w a s followed by the writer Stewart E d w a r d White. After World W a r I —when several million A m e r i c a n s handled their first bolt-action rifles — prestigious Griffin & H o w e entered the field. Between world wars and for some time afterward, their stocks and metalwork w e r e superb.
Borderless checkering is considered the best (borders often conceal slips of the checkering tool), and about 26 lines per inch is the practical maximum. M o r e than 26 lines per inch m e a n s that diamonds are more easily damaged and the grip is not as secure. Rifles w h o s e calibers d o not actually require solid —never ventilated — recoil pads can use o n e of three basic buttplate t y p e s : (1) solid plate with Neider-type checkering; (2) skeleton buttplate with hand-checkered wood (a metal framework outlines the b u t t s t o c k ' s edges and prevents damage to the w o o d ) ; or (3) checkered steel buttplate with trapdoor. T h e recess inside the t r a p d o o r can be designed for a sight slide, thong and oiler cleaner, a spare cartridge, or a waterproof match safe. T h e r e is a E u r o p e a n buttplate — rarely seen in this country — which is designed to hold a magazineful of cartridges. T o prevent rattle, each cartridge is usually held within its o w n separate tube. Opening the t r a p d o o r e x p o s e s all cartridge case heads. M o s t shooters desiring finer details such as trapdoors for spare front sights and skeleton buttplates are shooters w h o also prefer the classic stock type as originally developed by British riflemakers. This stock has a dull oil finish —a dozen or more c o a t s — a n d no M o n t e C a r l o . It may or may not h a v e a practical cheekpiece.
F e w individuals excel at both stockmaking and metalwork. S o m e great s t o c k e r s : Louis W u n d h a m m a r , R o b e r t O w n e n , Alvin Linden, and T h o m a s Shelhammer. F i n e post-World W a r II stockers include N a t e Bishop, Al Biesen, Leonard Brownell, and Jerry Fisher. A rising newc o m e r is Winston Churchill of Ludlow, V t . Churchill is also a m a s t e r engraver. N o t e d barrel m a k e r s of the era included Adolph N e i d n e r and Eric J o h n s o n . O n e of the great metalworkers w a s the late A u g u s t Pachmayr. T h i s G e r m a n - b o r n craftsman could m a k e a top-quality double-barrel shotgun with no tools but files. In that era as now, few can afford top-quality gunsmithing or stocking. T h e a p p e a r a n c e of the Krag, the M 1 9 0 3 Springfield, the M 1 9 1 7 Enfield, and the t h o u s a n d s of bolt action rifles
brought h o m e by A m e r i c a n Expeditionary F o r c e doughboys created a d e m a n d for " s p o r t e r i z e d " military rifles. Examples of what could be d o n e were mentioned a b o v e in connection with the M 1 9 1 7 Enfields. Basic sporterizing p r o c e d u r e s will be detailed at the end of these c o m m e n t s on gunsmithing. T h e demand for sporterization ascended sharply in the post-World W a r II and K o r e a n W a r years. By the late 1960s the d e m a n d had plummeted. Federal legislation prohibited importation and sale of military a r m s from foreign sources. T h e s e included a r m s of A m e r i c a n manufacture which had been shipped at one time to our allies or other c u s t o m e r s . F o r many years gunsmiths did a brisk business in rechambering a r m s — many of them of military origin — and sometimes rebarreling them for wildcat cartridges. M a n y former wildcat cartridges b e c a m e standard with rifles and ammunition m a d e by regular arms makers. During the 1930s, wildcats like the .22 H o r n e t , .220 Swift, and .257 R o b e r t s entered the list of standard cartridges. Following World W a r II the list soared: . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., .243 Win., .244 (6mm) Rem., . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., and others. Cartridges based on experimentals and wildcats included .264 Win., .300 Win. M a g n u m , .338 Win., and .458 Win. M a g n u m . T h e n , t o o , there are Roy W e a t h e r b y ' s high-velocity cartridges. Returning momentarily to the between-twowars era, it was not until 1937 when W i n c h e s t e r brought out its greatly improved M 5 4 as the M 7 0 that A m e r i c a n shooters and hunters w e r e able to purchase at reasonable costs an A m e r i c a n factory-made rifle for calibers like the .300 H & H M a g n u m and the .375 H & H M a g n u m . T o d a y there are virtually no basic requirements that are not filled by factory-chambered rifles and ammunition. T h e r e will always be wildcats but the d e m a n d will n e v e r be as great as in the past. M a n y gunsmiths — some of t h e m alleged gunsmiths — h a v e gone out of business because their prime stock in trade, wildcat conversions and military-rifle sporterization, is but a whisper of the past. N o t only has the source of military a r m s from abroad dried up, but here at h o m e the a r m e d services adopted the automatic M 1 4 and M l 6 . T h e s e a r m s cannot legitimately be purchased by civilian shooters unless they pay a $ 2 0 0 transfer tax in addition to the p u r c h a s e price. T h e n , too, due to legislation sponsored by Senator E d w a r d K e n n e d y , only replacement parts, n o complete a r m s , can be sold to National Rifle Association
m e m b e r s through the D i r e c t o r of Civilian Marksmanship. T h e best available military action today, the M 1 8 9 8 M a u s e r , is obsolete in t e r m s of currently available commercial rifle actions. M a n y old bolt-actions will see d e c a d e s m o r e of use, but there is the question of age and metal fatigue. M o s t c o n t e m p o r a r y bolt-actions, with their boltface completely surrounding the cartridge head and vastly improved trigger mechanisms, are far superior to any military bolt-action. A man can spend more m o n e y for j u s t the basic sporterization of a military rifle than for a factory rifle of fine design and w o r k m a n s h i p . O n e small source of income for gunsmiths is the desire of current factory-production rifle o w n e r s to improve their a r m s . E x a m p l e : A b o u t 1960 the a u t h o r purchased a new M 7 0 Winchester in caliber .338 Win. M a g n u m . T h e r e was nothing wrong with the action, but he preferred a solid rubber recoil pad (ventilated pads despite their widespread use on rifles are for shotguns), and a knurled bolt handle, jewel-turned bolt, quick-detachable sling swivels, and Redfield Sourdough front sight. H e also wanted a pistolgrip cap with a trap d o o r for holding a spare front sight. T h e a u t h o r shipped the rifle to Griffin & H o w e . T h e i r bill for this work was about $ 1 6 0 , or more than he paid for the rifle (at a discount house). A b o u t one-third of the cost was for the imported English t r a p d o o r pistol-grip cap. In fitting the cap it w a s n e c e s s a r y to partially rec h e c k e r the grip. Shooters w h o want changes on their current production rifles represent a minute minority of rifle p u r c h a s e r s . V e r y few riflemen w h o wish to restock a rifle have a complete c u s t o m stock m a d e . A t least 95 p e r c e n t use commercial stocks which are already shaped and partially inletted but u n c h e c k e r e d . Such precut blanks range from about $25 to $ 1 2 5 . M o s t riflemen spending more m o n e y for a blank usually go whole hog and h a v e a complete custom job. N e v e r h a v e expensive work d o n e by a gunsmith of u n k n o w n reputation. A s k to see examples of his work. It is unfortunate that gunsmiths d o not h a v e to pass examinations before hanging out their shingle. A n y b o d y , c o m p e t e n t or not, can set u p shop. If you plan extensive alterations, you are well advised to secure the services of a gunsmith w h o is at least k n o w n statewide, if not nationally. With some gunsmiths it is a case of caveat emptor.
BASIC SPORTERIZING PROCEDURES This c h a p t e r o p e n e d with an a c c o u n t of how an Enfield M 1 9 1 7 w a s gunsmithed for a friend of the a u t h o r ' s and h o w a n o t h e r Enfield M 1 9 1 7 was custom gunsmithed for a n o t h e r friend. T h e j o b s done on both rifles certainly c o m e u n d e r the heading of " s p o r t e r i z i n g , " although one involved a minimum of cost and alteration while the other involved extensive and elegant work, much of it for the sake of a p p e a r a n c e rather than function. Obviously, there are almost infinite variations on the theme of sporterizing, but the term basically means nothing m o r e than the modification of a military arm to make it suitable or m o r e efficient for sporting use and to give it the h a n d s o m e r appearance of a civilian arm. It has been pointed out that sporterizing, o n c e so popular it was almost a national fad among riflemen (and a thriving sub-industry among gunsmiths), has declined considerably. G o o d military surplus a r m s —especially those that lend themselves to sporterizing — h a v e b e c o m e harder to obtain and m o r e expensive, while commercial sporters have multiplied. W h y , then, should a n y o n e sporterize a military rifle or have one professionally sporterized? Some shooters d o it b e c a u s e they h a p p e n to own or obtain a military rifle that has the potential to be transformed into a gem of a sporter. A n d many do it simply for the satisfaction of the creative urge —the pleasure of having a hand in designing a n d / o r producing exactly the kind of sporter they consider ideal. T h e r e a r e some (not many) w h o have completely outfitted w o r k s h o p s and the skills necessary to d o most o r all of the work themselves. M o r e c o m m o n l y , they enlist the aid of a gunsmith, and if that gunsmith is not one of the m o r e c a n t a n k e r o u s breed he will listen to the sensible desires and suggestions of the client. This gives a rifleman the justified feeling that he has taken a hand in the design of his sporter. Although a great many military a r m s can be successfully modified for civilian u s e , sporterization is most often an honor accorded to three eminently suitable rifles: the M 9 8 M a u s e r (and its many variations), the M 0 3 Springfield, and the M 1 7 Enfield. Occasionally, s o m e o n e insists on sporterizing the U . S . Carbine, Caliber .30 M l . T h e r e is little one can really sporterize about the M 1 C a r b i n e beyond re-stocking it with good wood nicely contoured and checkered, fitting quick-detachable sling swivels, and installing sporting sights o r scope blocks. T h e carbine cartridge is inadequate for d e e r (though some h u n t e r s refuse to be convinced by anything but sad experience). It is
strictly a 75-yard cartridge for j a c k rabbits and the like — if one can find nothing better to point at a j a c k rabbit. A n d bear in mind that semiautomatic a r m s such as the M 1 must h a v e fairly loose c h a m b e r s to e n s u r e p r o p e r functioning. If a h u n t e r is e n a m o r e d of the M 1 C a r b i n e ' s lightness, c o m p a c t n e s s , fast-handling qualities, and romantically martial a p p e a r a n c e , why not buy an excellent civilian carbine such as the .44 M a g n u m Ruger, which has all t h o s e delights, looks rather like a sporterized M l Carbine (though h a n d s o m e r ) , c h a m b e r s a useful cartridge, and can be p u r c h a s e d at an attractive price? A s for the three m o r e suitable sporterization candidates mentioned a b o v e , there are fundamental gunsmithing operations that are generally agreed upon, regardless of additional refinements to suit the taste and bank a c c o u n t of the owner. T h e s e operations will be listed below.
M98 Mauser (and
T h e M 9 8 M a u s e r is the action from which at least 90 p e r c e n t of the world's bolt-action rifles are derived. T h e y include the M 0 3 Springfield, M 1 7 Enfield, W i n c h e s t e r M 5 4 and M 7 0 , Ruger M 7 7 , W e a t h e r b y M a r k V , etc. D e p e n d i n g on the original caliber and the primary uses for which the sporter is intended, sporterization may or may not include rechambering. M a n y military M a u s e r s have two distinct features: a straight bolt handle and a stepped barrel — that is, a barrel enlarged from muzzle to breech in a series of i n c r e m e n t s . O n e or both of these features may be altered. T h e s e and the other operations most c o m m o n l y performed are as follows: 1. R e s h a p e o r replace bolt handle if necessary or if desired. 2. Replace barrel if desired. (A stepped barrel is obvious and unsightly only when a military fore-end is r e m o v e d o r a full-length military stock is cut back to sporter length. Sometimes a Mannlicher-style sporter stock is put on, and of c o u r s e this r e a c h e s to the muzzle.) 3. If the original barrel is retained, it may be 30 inches long on an old infantry rifle, and it will then h a v e to be shortened to desired length. 4. Drill and tap receiver for scope m o u n t s (and/or m i c r o m e t e r sight) and replace military front sight with sporting t y p e on a r a m p (usually with a barrel band). 5. Install hinged magazine floorplate with triggerbow release catch. 6. If weight is excessive, r e d u c e it slightly by " S w i s s - c h e e s i n g " magazine walls. Triggerbow
may also be slimmed or replaced, thus enhancing appearance. 7. R e m o v e military bluing and re-blue barrel and other parts. 8. Re-stock, if desired (usually with semi-custom inletted stock); bed, c h e c k e r and finish stock. 9. Fit desired buttplate (such as c h e c k e r e d steel plate or solid rubber recoil pad). 10. Fit quick-detachable sling swivels and sporting sling. U.S. Springfield
T h e famed Springfield employed the M 9 8 M a u s e r action with t w o minor " i m p r o v e m e n t s " of dubious value —a two-part firing pin/cocking piece and a magazine cut-off. But the action is fundamentally similar. Again, rechambering may or may not be desired. Basic sporterization includes these steps: 1. If barrel is not replaced, r e m o v e foldingleaf rear sight. 2. Drill and tap receiver for scope m o u n t s (and/or micrometer sight). 3. R e m o v e military front sight; if "iron s i g h t s " rather than scope will be used, m o u n t barrel band for flat-bead front on a r a m p . 4. Replace the two-part cocking piece/firing pin unit with single-piece firing pin. 5. Inactivate magazine cut-off. 6. Alter angle of bolt handle if desired for appearance or if necessary for scope mounting. 7. File and polish barrel — removing military bluing or Parkerization — and reblue barrel and other parts. 8. Fit hinged magazine floorplate with triggerbow release catch. 9. " S w i s s - c h e e s e " magazine walls and trim triggerbow width for lightness and good appearance. 10. R e m o v e military stock; bed, checker, and finish semi-custom inletted stock. 11. Fit desired buttplate. 12. Fit quick-detachable sling swivels and sporting sling. Note: If original stock is retained, r e m o v e upper handguard, cut fore-end back to about mid-barrel, checker, finish, and equip with furniture as outlined a b o v e for replacement stock.
Enfield M17 (U.S. Rifle Caliber .30,
T h e Enfield was one of the strongest and most reliable of all military bolt-actions. Its long magazine makes it an excellent candidate for rechambering. Of the three most-often-sporterized mili-
tary w e a p o n s , it is the only one that can handle full-length m a g n u m cartridges such as the .375 H & H M a g n u m or the .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m without cutting into the receiver. H e r e are the basic sporterizing operations: 1. R e d u c e barrel (if original is retained) from original 26.0 inches to desired length. 2. Mill off rear sight " e a r s " and rear sight, and drill and tap for scope m o u n t s (and/or micrometer sight). 3. Install barrel band for flat-bead front sight on a r a m p base. 4. File and polish barrel, removing original bluing or Parkerization, and re-blue barrel and other parts. 5. R e d u c e magazine capacity to 5-shot so that floorplate can be installed flush with bottom of stock. 6. Fit hinged magazine floorplate with triggerbow release catch. 7. " S w i s s - c h e e s e " magazine walls and trim triggerbow width for lightness and good appearance. 8. R e m o v e military stock; bed, checker, and finish semi-custom inletted stock. 9. Fit desired buttplate. 10. Fit quick-detachable sling swivels and sporting sling. Note: If original stock is retained, r e m o v e u p p e r handguard, shorten fore-end to about midbarrel, checker, finish, and equip with furniture as outlined for r e p l a c e m e n t stock. Obviously, some of t h e s e steps with any of the three popular military rifles are for the sake of a p p e a r a n c e only, not for functional p u r p o s e s . T h e y are optional refinements. O n e m a n ' s " j u n k e r " is a n o t h e r m a n ' s sporter.
RIFLE SCOPES T h e r e are t w o basic kinds of rifle s c o p e s : internal-adjustment and external-adjustment. Internal-adjustment scopes represent a b o u t 95 percent of all rifle scopes. T h e y ' r e used for hunting and varmint shooting. T h e hunting scope is installed in a top m o u n t , side m o u n t , or swing-off mount. A b o u t 95 p e r c e n t of hunting scopes are top-mounted. T o p m o u n t s may be one- or two-piece. T h e W e a v e r is typical of two-piece top m o u n t s . T o p m o u n t s are the most secure, but they preclude the use of open sights. T h e classic side m o u n t is the Griffin & H o w e Quick D e t a c h a b l e . T h i s steel m o u n t has two parts. T h e steel b a s e , fitted on the left side of the receiver, requires a cut in the stock. T h e scope
can b e removed or replaced by operating t w o side levers. W h e n p u t back in t h e mount, in its original position, t h e s c o p e d o e s not have to be sighted-in all o v e r again; it does not lose its "zero." During the 1930s m a n y big-game hunters were reared on open a n d / o r m i c r o m e t e r sights like the classic L y m a n 4 8 , and most Griffin & H o w e Springfield Sporters w e r e fitted with a G & H side mount plus a L y m a n 4 8 and an open rear sight. In calibers not requiring a solid recoil pad, t h e L y m a n 4 8 slide w a s often carried in a t r a p d o o r buttplate. S o m e t i m e s a d u m m y slide w a s fitted into t h e sight. It did look better than an empty slide holder. It h a s been alleged, and with a certain a m o u n t of theoretical truth, that t h e G & H side m o u n t is not quite as rugged as a t o p mount. T h e a u t h o r has used the G & H side mount for m o r e than 4 0 years. Rifles carrying this mount h a v e traveled h u n d r e d s of miles in saddle s c a b b a r d s . D e s p i t e nasty spills, t h e m o u n t h a s n e v e r given a n y trouble. W h e n traveling by air, a rifle m u s t b e cased and shipped in the cargo hold. D e s p i t e the cushioned rifle cases, a scope c a n get o u t of line. With the side mount you detach t h e scope and carry it in your hand baggage or in a shockproof case. O n c e you arrive at y o u r take-off point for the wilderness you slide t h e scope into position and the rifle is ready to fire with the scope zeroed in. Should you b e leery about carrying y o u r scoped rifle in a saddle scabbard, you c a n carry the scope in a belt case where it is ready to slip into the side mount at a m o m e n t ' s notice. T h e a u t h o r d o e s not r e c o m m e n d the Jaeger side mount. M a d e of aluminum, it lacks the strength of the G & H . F r i e n d s have suffered bent mounts w h e n a h o r s e rolled o n a scabbard. If you fit your side-mount rifle with a sight such as t h e L y m a n 48—and in t h e a u t h o r ' s opinion you should —get some practice with it at various ranges before leaving on your trek. R e d field makes a sight similar to t h e L y m a n 4 8 . Williams offers a rustproof m i c r o m e t e r sight known as t h e Foolproof. T h i s is an excellent sight for big-bore m a g n u m s like the .458 Winchester M a g n u m . Both the L y m a n and Redfield are superior for long-range shooting in that they have m o r e precise adjustments. Redfield and P a c h m a y r offer a unique swingoff mount. T h e scope is side-mounted on bearings. T h e scope m a y b e instantly swung o u t of the way so that iron sights may b e used. T h e a b o v e m o u n t s a r e for scopes with internal adjustments. E a c h scope h a s t w o separate dials, one for windage and o n e for elevation. T h e y a r e
graduated in clicks ranging from 7 4 - m i n u t e to 1minute. With 1-minute adjustments, for every click of the dial the point of aim is m o v e d 1 inch u p , d o w n , or sideways at 100 y a r d s . T h e Uminute scopes move V4-inch p e r click, obviously a finer adjustment; 1-minute or V2-minute adjustm e n t s a r e normal for scopes o n big-game rifles, while t h e W m i n u t e click is preferred for varmint scopes. l
Hunting scopes range from about 2V2X t o about 9 x . T h e basic hunting scope h a s a fixed power. In recent years t h e variable-power scope has gained popularity. A variable m a y range from 2V2-5X or from 3-7x or 3 - 9 x . T o o m a n y h u n t e r s miss g a m e b e c a u s e they leave t h e p o w e r dial at t h e highest o r o n e of t h e higher p o w e r s . M o s t w o o d s shots require a lower setting. L o n g e r shots usually provide time for t h e shooter to dial his s c o p e to a higher power. T h e higher t h e p o w e r , t h e n a r r o w e r t h e field of view. T h a t is w h y lower p o w e r s a r e preferred for running shots. T h e higher p o w e r s should be reserved for g a m e that is standing or lying still. T h e a u t h o r h a s hunted d e e r with scopes for m o r e than 4 0 years and in m a n y regions. M o s t d e e r h u n t e r s , at least t h o s e w h o hunt in t h e w o o d s , a r e o v e r p o w e r e d (though n o t e x c e s sively so) with a 4 x s c o p e . T h e 4 x usually provides enough magnification for h u n t s m e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e world. If additional p o w e r is required —varmint shooting excepted — it is probably better to p u r c h a s e a variable-power scope like a 3 - 7 x . T h e latter s c o p e provides a d e q u a t e —is it e v e r really a d e q u a t e ? —width of field for w o o d s o r running g a m e . T h e higher magnifications m a y p r o v e useful for long shots at plains or mountain game. Several y e a r s ago Redfield introduced the Widefield model, a scope with an almost rectangular eyepiece — shaped m o r e or less like a T V screen. W e a v e r , W e a t h e r b y , a n d probably a few o t h e r c o m p a n i e s h a v e since introduced similar s c o p e s . T h e wide, semi-rectangular eyepiece provides a slightly wider field of view than what is seen through a scope of equal p o w e r b u t with a conventional, round eyepiece. S o m e shooters feel that t h e difference is insignificant and that the wide eyepiece is a trifle c u m b e r s o m e . O t h e r s , including the author, prefer this type t o t h e round eyepiece on scopes used for running a n d / o r big game. In t h e late 1950s, L y m a n —one of o u r first manufacturers of quality s c o p e s —introduced t h e lOx varmint s c o p e . Prior to this, varmint s h o o t e r s used target s c o p e s with t h e external adj u s t m e n t s . Since then, similar s c o p e s ranging from 8 x to 12x h a v e been introduced by m o s t
manufacturers. T h e a u t h o r uses an 8 x on his .22 H o r n e t and .22 Remingtons. H e uses 10x or 12x on his longer-range .220 Swift, . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., and .243 Win. It is possible to make finer adjustments with target scopes fitted with external adjustments — these are in the bases —but the internal-adjustment top-mounted varmint scope is more rugged. F e w of us are capable of making field shots—using a sling or other rest — that utilize the full accuracy of the rifle and cartridge. Target and benchrest shooters use scopes with magnifications up to about 3 0 x . Higher p o w e r s are not always the best. Mirage and the slightest m o v e m e n t adversely affect accuracy. Shooters will note that the lOx or 12x varmint scopes and higher-powered target-type scopes usually have figures marked in feet and yards. T h e shooter must estimate the range he is shooting at —unless on a target range where exact distance is known —and set the figures on the scope to that distance to ensure p r o p e r focus. Reticles Reticles, better known as graticules to the British, are now more o r less standardized. T h e r e have been some strange reticles. T h e r e was the inverted post, for one. T h e a u t h o r has used many reticles. Nearly all his present scopes have medium crosshairs. Some w o o d s hunters prefer a flat-top post. A t its maximum efficiency, a horizontal crosshair complements the post. Pointed, or picket, posts should be avoided. F o r obvious reasons, thick posts or crosshairs are a help in fast aiming —that is, the shooter's eye can find them and center them on the target almost instantly. But they blot out so much of the target area that shooters w h o try them often switch back to finer (medium) crosshairs that subtend less of the target. Several years ago Leupold introduced a crosshair that offered the advantages of both thick and thin. T h e Leupold version is called the D u plex. It consists of a crosshair that is thick near the outside of the field of view (in other w o r d s , near the rim of the reticle) but quite thin at the center. T h e thick segments help the shooter align quickly and center the target, while the thin intersection provides an aiming point and an u n o b structed view of a large part of the target (or all of the target, depending on its size and the range). Lyman now offers a reticle of the same type, called the C e n t e r Range, and Redfield has one called the 4-Plex. In fact, many manufacturers and importers are marketing scopes with this
kind of reticle. It has probably b e c o m e the most popular of all hunting t y p e s , and with good reason. In some models, the thin segments of the crosshairs extend farther than in others. A b o u t half and half—half thick, half thin —seems ideal to the author. T h e Lee D o t , designed by the late T h o m a s K. L e e , was popular with some benchrest and target shooters. T h e r e w e r e various-size dots. Scopes fitted with the dot had no other reticle. T h e y w e r e (and are) fine for shooting at p a p e r targets but many h u n t e r s , including the author, avoid them for hunting b e c a u s e they tend to obstruct game. T h e r e have been various a t t e m p t s to incorporate range-finding devices into reticles. T h e one devised by Bill W e a v e r is probably as good as or better than any other of its type. It can be useful particularly when one is using two bullet weights like the 150-grain and 180-grain caliber .30 or the 270-grain and 300-grain .375 H & H M a g n u m . It takes some experience to use this reticle so be sure to get in some practice shooting before you shove off for the outback. Scope lenses should be given as much care as c a m e r a or binocular lenses. U s e the cleaning p r o c e d u r e s described in the binocular section. T w o types of cap are used to protect scope lenses. O n e is a " n o - s e e - t h r o u g h " and the other is a " s e e - t h r o u g h " type. With the latter you can use the scope with the lens cap in place. T h e writer has ambivalent feelings about it. W h y spend money to h a v e fine lenses and then partially nullify the value of those lenses by using optically inferior transparent scope c a p s ? T h e r e is no doubt that the latter are faster than the " n o see-throughs." W h e r e the t e m p e r a t u r e s are around zero or less it is better—if practical —to leave your scoped rifle outside the hunting lodge. If you must bring the scoped rifle inside (same for binoculars and c a m e r a lenses) then c o v e r the lenses with t r a n s p a r e n t plastic w r a p . This will help keep moisture from condensing on the lens. BINOCULARS A good binocular—or a monocular—is as almost essential in varmint, deer, and big-game hunting as the rifle or ammunition. It is a safety factor and can prevent you from shooting an illegal o r undesirable trophy. Since the end of World W a r II the 7 x 3 5 binocular has almost entirely replaced the 6 x 3 0 as the " a l l - r o u n d " glass. T h e " 7 " m e a n s 7 p o w e r and the second figure relates to the a m o u n t of light entering the binocular. A 7 x 5 0 glass has the
same magnification as a 7 x 3 5 glass but the former admits more light. T h e 7 x 3 5 is generally the best choice for the shooter/hunter w h o can afford but one glass. It is ideal for w o o d s hunting, and for shots a c r o s s w o o d s clearings, p a s t u r e s , or m e a d o w s . It provides a wide enough field of view and a d e q u a t e magnification. T h e 9 x 3 5 binocular is essentially the glass of the specialist w h o hunts the high, wide plains and mountain slopes of the R o c k y M o u n t a i n West. It is also a good glass for the plains game of Africa. T h e standard E u r o p e a n glass is probably the 8 x 3 0 . T h i s is an excellent combination of p o w e r and light-gathering qualities. F o r the man w h o can afford but one glass the 8 x 3 0 is a good bet, though not quite as good as the 7 x 3 5 . Quality binoculars are usually offered with individual focus, meaning that each eyepiece can be individually adjusted to each e y e ; or with central focus, meaning that focus is secured by turning the wheel on the bridge b et ween the t w o lens barrels. Individual focus provides m a x i m u m adjustability for the vagaries of each eye. T h e major advantage of the central focus is speed in adjustment. It is supposed to be more dustproof. I've used both focus types and h a v e never had trouble with either. T h e coating of optics to reduce glare c a m e in about World W a r I I . F o r many years all first-rate binoculars, scopes, and c a m e r a lenses h a v e been coated. D o n ' t turn down a good deal in glasses — if it is a good deal —because they are not coated. M a n y manufacturers will coat uncoated glasses of their manufacture. T h e r e is a lamentable tendency for manufacturers to provide soft or semi-soft leather or synthetic cases for their glasses. A good binocular, like a fine camera, requires maximum protection. Soft zippered c a s e s d o not provide the protection of the old hard cases. M a n y binocular, rifle-scope, spotting-scope, and c a m e r a lenses have been scratched by the use of improper cleaning cloths or tissue. A common mistake is to use the cloths supplied by opticians for wiping eyeglass lenses. T h e s e cloths usually contain an abrasive which is harmful to fine lenses. T h e r e is no comparison b et w e en the quality of an eyeglass and that of a fine lens. W h e n cleaning off fingerprints, which contain grease, the a u t h o r likes to use K o d a k L e n s Cleaning Tissue. Put a drop or t w o —or more—of K o d a k L e n s Cleaning Fluid on the tissue. D o n ' t put the fluid directly on the lens surface. A lens may consist of 10 or m o r e s e p a r a t e elements. T h e s e elements are put together in the factory.
L e n s fluid should not but could loosen the cement and seep b e t w e e n t h e e l e m e n t s . N e v e r wipe d u s t from a lens. U s e a small photographic lens blower a n d / o r a small camel's-hair lens brush. T h e lens brush should always be kept in its case so that the hair will not accumulate dust. G l a s s e s should be protected from moisture and dust. If the glasses should be dunked or heavily rainsoaked d o n ' t take them apart. Send them immediately to the A m e r i c a n manufacturer (if there are any left) or to the designated service station of the importer. T h e handiest place for glasses is suspended from y o u r neck. But it's annoying to have t h e m banging about. T h e Banks C a m e r a H a r n e s s helps solve this problem. A quick-release strap around y o u r body holds them in position. A monocular is half of a binocular, less the bridge—and a binocular that weighs 20 oz. will weigh about 8 oz. if only one lens barrel is used. T h e a u t h o r ' s monocular, a Carl Zeiss 8 x 3 0 weighs 8 oz. (plus 3 oz. m o r e if the sturdy leather case is used). T h e monocular case fits handily into the pocket of a shirt or bush j a c k e t . T h e m o n o c u l a r has an a d a p t e r so that it can be used as a 16-power telephoto lens on a Zeiss Icarex 35 mm c a m e r a . T h e r e are several " p o c k e t " type binoculars on the market. N o n e is as satisfactory as the Zeiss monocular. SPOTTING SCOPES T h e spotting scope is used by rifle and pistol target s h o o t e r s , varmint s h o o t e r s , trophy hunte r s , h u n t e r s of long-range, open-country game like antelope and caribou, and h u n t e r s of mountain g a m e like s h e e p and goat. A spotting scope is also most useful for African plains g a m e . T h e r e are t w o basic m o d e r n types —the fixed p o w e r such as a 2 0 x , and the zoom scope featuring adjustable magnification. T o d a y , most fixed scopes offer one or m o r e additional lenses—all interchangeable — in p o w e r s like 3 0 x and 4 0 x . T h e zoom spotting scope is c o m p a r a b l e to the variable-power rifle scope. T h e W e a t h e r b y 2 0 x 4 5 x is an excellent e x a m p l e of the fine zoom spotting scopes. O t h e r manufacturers/importers include Bausch & L o m b , Bushnell, Redfield, Swift, and U n e r t l . T h e r e are two c o m m o n eyepiece t y p e s : right angle and 45° angle. T h e latter is generally considered m o r e convenient. A n d t h e r e are t w o basic scope-stand t y p e s : tripod and bipod. T h e former are far m o r e c o m m o n . M o s t scopes h a v e a socket that fits standard c a m e r a tripods.
GUN SHIPPING CASES If you are about to e m b a r k on your first airplane flight accompanied by one or more rifles or shotguns, don't arrive at the airport expecting they can be stowed in pilot or stewardess compartments. O n c e , yes, but not since the rise of air piracy. Y o u r rifle or shotgun must now be shipped in an appropriate and locked case carried in the cargo hold. Since the nineteenth century baggage handlers have appropriately been called "baggage s m a s h e r s . " T h a t is what they did and still d o . Baggage smashers obviously resent people fortunate enough to take hunting holidays. M a n y baggage smashers are thieves. G u n cases are very conspicuous in a p p e a r a n c e , especially the full-length rifle cases or the leg-of-mutton shotgun or double-rifle c a s e s . Federal law requires y o u r case to be locked. A n y o n e can open one of these locks in a few seconds. T h e only real good of a lock is that it m e e t s the federal requirements. Airlines m a k e m o n e y selling cases to hunters w h o arrive at the airport without an approved gun case. T h e standard case sold by major distributors appears to have been made by a single manufacturer. If not, the cases are almost identical. T h e case is made of a hard synthetic and has a foam lining. This material readily absorbs moisture, which it transmits to the firearm to produce rust. This can happen overnight. Each firearm carried in such a case should be thoroughly oiled (and that includes the bore unless it is chromed). T o be on the safe side, the a u t h o r d e t a c h e s the scope before shipping the rifle. This is w h e r e a side-mounted scope is of considerable value. RIFLE SCABBARDS T h e author has used scabbards since he undertook officer's training in the horse cavalry at F o r t Ethan Allen, Vt., in 1937. Until the recent imposition of federal regulations for shipping rifles aboard aircraft, he used a c u s t o m rifle scabbard complete with detachable hood for carrying aboard planes. Scabbards range from the open-ended skinny type for nonscoped rifles to m o r e sophisticated and protective designs. S o m e have zipper closures. Shun them like the plague. Since Roy W e a t h e r b y no longer sells his superb scabbard, the best available scabbard in the author's opinion is the J a c k O ' C o n n o r scabbard made by the L a w r e n c e L e a t h e r C o . , Pendleton, Ore. J a c k says he had nothing to d o with the
design but that it is a good scabbard. O t h e r fine scabbards are made to order by individual saddlemakers. T h e quality leather scabbard should be made of thick, heavy saddle leather. S e a m s should be sewn with heavy w a x e d linen thread. T h e hood should be quickly detachable. Stitches should be double-hooked. T h e r e should be a small drain hole in case water finds its way into the scabbard. Location of the strap should allow the scabbard to be suspended from the saddle at different positions. T h e a u t h o r ' s preference is on the forward left side of the saddle. T h e interior of the scabbard should never be lined with real or imitation sheepskin or any other liner. Liners, despite advertising claims to the c o n t r a r y , accumulate moisture.
CASES FOR TAKE-DOWN SHOTGUNS T h e classic A m e r i c a n case for o v e r / u n d e r or side-by-side shotguns is the leg-of-mutton type. C h e a p c a n v a s o r plastic offers little protection. T h e best c a s e s are leather. English c a s e s —they are rare in this type —are very costly. O n e s about equally as good, but made in Spain, sell for much less. Price differential is a c c o u n t e d for by labor costs. T h e standard case has a partition to separate the stock from the barrels. C a s e s are also available for guns with a second set of barrels. T h e major disadvantage in the past of the leather leg-of-mutton case, as c o m p a r e d to the traditional British trunk case, was that no snap caps, shot cartridges, or cleaning gear could be toted along with the shotgun. T o d a y , the major disadvantage of the leg-ofmutton case is its readily recognizable appeara n c e . T h i e v e s among baggage smashers easily spot the case as a gun container. M o s t of the aut h o r ' s shotguns have trunk cases. Rectangular trunk c a s e s don't look like a trunk. T h e y h a v e r o o m for a spare box of shot cartridges, cleaning rods, snap caps, gun oil, p a t c h e s , and so on. T h e British trunk case, like the leg-of-mutton type, costs at least twice as much as a similar Spanish case of about equal quality. T o d a y , most shooters settle for the far less expensive synthetic c a s e s , and these cases may be m o r e practical than the beautiful leather ones. L e a t h e r requires a certain a m o u n t of attention, particularly in climates with high humidity. A n y leather, including c a m e r a cases, shoes, belts, and gun slings, should be stored in air-conditioned spots in such climates.
U.S. ARMS MANUFACTURERS A-J O R D N A N C E , I N C . , (Alexander-James), 1066 E. Edna PL, Covina, C A 9 1 7 2 2
H O P K I N S & A L L E N , (See: High Standard)
A.R. S A L E S C O . , 9 6 2 4 Alpaca St., South El Monte, CA 91733 AMERICAN HERITAGE ARMS, INC., Rte. 4 4 P.O. Box 95, West Willington, C T 0 6 2 7 9 A R M A L I T E , 118 E. 16th St., C o s t a M e s a , C A 9 2 6 2 7 A P O L L O C U S T O M R I F L E S , I N C . , 1235 C o w l e s St., Long Beach, C A 9 0 8 1 3 A R T I S T I C A R M S , I N C . , B o x 2 3 , Hoagland, I N 4 6 7 4 5 A U T O M A G C O R P . (See Lee E. Jurras & A s s o c . , Inc.) A U T O - O R D N A N C E C O R P . , Box Z G , West Hurley, N Y 12491 B A U E R F I R E A R M S , 3 4 7 5 0 Klein A v e . , Fraser, MI 4 8 0 2 6 C H A L L A N G E R M F G . C O R P . , 118 Pearl St., Mt. Vernon, N Y 10550 C H A M P L I N F I R E A R M S , I N C . , Box 3 1 9 1 , Enid, O K 73701 C H A R T E R A R M S C O R P . , 4 3 0 Sniffens Ln., Stratford, CT 06497 C L A S S I C A R M S I N T L . , I N C . , 20 Wilbraham St., Palmer, MA 01069 C L E R K E P R O D U C T S , 2 2 1 9 Main St., Santa Monica, CA 90405 C O L T , 150 H u y s h o p e A v e . , Hartford, C T 0 6 1 0 2
C U M B E R L A N D A R M S , 1222 Oak Dr., Manchester, T N 37355 D A Y A R M S C O R P . , 2 4 1 2 S.W. L o o p 4 1 0 , San Antonio, T X 78227 D U B I E L A R M S C O . , P.O. B o x 8 5 6 , D e n i s o n , T X 7 5 0 2 0 E E - D A - H O W L O N G R I F L E S , I N C . , 3318 Camrose Lane, Boise, I D 8 3 7 0 5 E M F C O . I N C . , Box 1248, Studio City, C A 9 1 6 0 4
I V E R J O H N S O N A R M S & C Y C L E W O R K S , Fitchburg, MA 01420 J & R C A R B I N E (See: PJK, Inc.) L E E E. J U R R A S & A S S O C . , I N C . , P.O. Box 8 4 6 , Roswell, N M 88201 U U T I C I N D . , I N C . , P.O. B o x 2 1 1 7 , Yakima W A 9 8 9 0 2 M B A S S O C I A T E S (See: Intercontinental Arms) M A N C H E S T E R A R M S , I N C . , 6 8 5 8 Manchester Rd., Rte. 2, Clinton, O H 4 4 2 1 6 M A R L I N F I R E A R M S C O . , 100 Kenna Dr., N e w H a v e n , CT 06473 M E R R I L L C O . I N C . , Box West High, Rockwell City, IA 50579 O . F . M O S S B E R G & S O N S , I N C . , 7 G r a s s o St., N e w Haven, C T 06473 W.L. M O W R E Y G U N W O R K S , I N C . , B o x 2 8 , I o w a Park, T X 76367 N A T L . O R D N A N C E I N C . , 9 6 4 3 Alpaca, S. El Monte, C A 91733 N A V Y A R M S C O . , 6 8 9 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefield, NJ 0 7 6 5 7
N O R T H A M E R I C A N A R M S , P.O. Box 158, Freedom, W Y 83120 N O R T H S T A R A R M S , R.2, Box 7 4 A , Ortonville, M N 56278 N U M R I C H A R M S C O R P . , W. Hurley, N Y 12491 O M E G A (See: Hi-Shear Corp.) PJK, I N C . , 1527 Royal Oak Dr., Bradbury, C A 9 1 0 1 0 P L A I N F I E L D M A C H I N E C O . , I N C . , Box 4 4 7 , Dunellen, NJ 0 8 8 1 2 P L A I N F I E L D O R D N A N C E C O . , P.O. B o x 2 5 1 , Middlesex, NJ 0 8 8 4 6
F A L L I N G B L O C K W O R K S , P.O. Box 22, Troy, MI 4 8 0 8 4 DEVELOPMENT,
I T H A C A G U N C O . , Terrace Hill, Ithaca, N Y 14850
N O R A R M C O , 4 1 4 7 1 Irwin, Mt. C l e m e n s , MI 4 8 0 4 3
C O M M A N D O A R M S , I N C . , Box 10214, Knoxville, T N 37919
H Y P E R - S I N G L E P R E C I S I O N SS R I F L E S , 5 2 0 E. Beaver, Jenks, O K 7 4 0 3 7
P O T O M A C A R M S C O R P . , P.O. Box 3 5 , Alexandria, V A 22313
F I R E A R M S IMP. & E X P . C O . , 2 4 7 0 N . W . 21st St., Miami, FL 33142
R G I N D U S T R I E S , 2 4 8 5 N . W . 20th S.E., Miami, F L 3 3 1 4 2
F I R E A R M S I N T L . C O R P . (See: Garcia) 4 A C E M F G . I N C . , P.O. B o x 3 8 2 0 , Brownsville, T X 7 8 5 2 0
R I E D L R I F L E S , 15124 West State St., Westminster, CA 92683
G O L D E N A G E A R M S C O . , 14 W. Winter St., Delaware, OH 43015
R O C K Y M O U N T A I N A R M S C O R P . , B o x 2 2 4 , Salt Lake City, U T 8 4 1 1 0
HARRINGTON & RICHARDSON, I N D U S T R I A L R O W E , Gardner, M A 0 1 4 4 0
S A V A G E A R M S C O R P . , Westfield, M A 0 1 0 8 5
A . D . H E L L E R , I N C . , Box 268, Grand A v e . , Baldwin, N Y 11510
S E A R S , R O E B U C K & C O . , 825 S. St. Louis, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 0 7
H I - S H E A R C O R P . , A D - T E C H D I V . , 2 8 3 0 Lomita Blvd., Torrance, C A 9 0 5 0 5
SECURITY INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA, INC., 31 Bergen Turnpike, Little Ferry, NJ 0 7 6 4 3
H I G H S T A N D A R D M F G . C O . , 1817 Dixwell A v e . , Hamden, C T 0 6 5 1 4
S E V E N T R E E S L T D . , 315 W. 39th St., N e w York, N Y 10018
R E M I N G T O N A R M S C O . , Bridgeport, C T 0 6 6 0 2
R U G E R (See: Sturm, Ruger & Co.)
436 / APPENDIX u.s.
T R A I L G U N S A R M O R Y , 2115 Lexington, Houston, T X 77006 TRIPLE-S D E V E L O P M E N T CO., INC., 1450 E . 289th St., Wickliffe, O H 4 4 0 9 2
S H I L O H P R O D U C T S , 37 Potter St., Farmingdale, N Y 11735
U N I T E D STATES ARMS CORP., D o c t o r s Path and Middle Road, Riverhead, N Y 11901
S M I T H & W E S S O N , I N C . , 2 1 0 0 Roosevelt A v e . , Springfield, M A 0 1 1 0 1 S P O R T I N G A R M S , I N C . , 9 6 4 3 Alpaca St., So. El Monte, C A 91733
U N I V E R S A L S P T G . G O O D S , I N C . , 7 9 2 0 N . W . 76th, Miami, F L 3 3 1 6 6 U N O R D C O , P.O. B o x 1 5 7 2 3 , Nashville, T N 3 7 2 1 5 W A R D ' S , 6 1 9 W. Chicago, Chicago, I L 6 0 6 0 7
S P R I N G F I E L D A R M O R Y , 111 E. Exchange St., G e n e s e o , IL 6 1 2 5 4 S T E R L I N G A R M S C O R P . , 4 4 3 6 Prospect St., Gasport, N Y 14067
W E A T H E R B Y ' S 2781 E. Firestone Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280
S T U R M , R U G E R & C O . , Southport, C T 0 6 4 9 0
D A N W E S S O N A R M S , 2 9 3 So. Main St., M o n s o n , MA 01057
T D E M A R K E T I N G C O R P . , 11658 M c B e a n Dr., El Monte, C A 9 1 7 3 2
W I L K I N S O N A R M S , 1841 Merced, So. El Monte, CA 91733
T H O M P S O N - C E N T E R A R M S , Box 2 4 0 5 , Rochester, N H 03867
W I N C H E S T E R R E P E A T I N G A R M S CO., N e w Haven, CT 06504
T I N G L E , 1125 Smithland Pike, Shelbyville, Ind. 4 6 1 7 6
W I N S L O W A R M S C O . , P.O. Box 5 7 8 , Osprey, F L 3 3 5 9 5
FOREIGN ARMS MANUFACTURERS A L A S K A N R I F L E S , Box 30, Juneau, Alaska 99801
M A N U - A R M , St. Etienne, France
A R M I F A B B R I , Casella 2 0 6 , Brescia, Italy 2 5 1 0 0
A R M I F A M A R S , Via Cinelli 33, Gardone V . T . (Brescia), Italy 2 5 0 6 3 A S T R A - U N C E S T A Y C O M P A N I A S.A., Guernica, Spain A Y A ( A G U I R R E Y A R A N Z A B A L ) See: Ventura Imports (Spanish shotguns) B L A S E R / V I N Z E N Z H U B E R G M B H , P.O. B o x 2 2 4 5 , D - 7 9 0 0 U l m , W . Germany B R E T T O N , 21 Rue Clement France
Forissier, 42-St.
C A R L G U S T A V F A B R I K E N , Eskistuna, S w e d e n CARL W A L T H E R W A F F E N F A B R I K , Ulm/Donau, W. Germany E R M A - W E R K E , D a c h a u , W. Germany E U R O A R M S , Via Solferino 13/A, 2 5 1 0 0 Brescia, Italy J. F A N Z O J , P.O. B o x 2 5 , Ferlach, Austria 9 1 7 0 A . F R A N C O T T E & C I E . , 61 rue Mont St. Clair, Liege, Belgium R E N A T O G A M B A , Fabbrica d'Armi, via Petrarca, 2 5 0 6 0 Ponte Zanano di Sarezzo (Brescia), Italy A R M A S G A R B I , Fundidores 4 , Eibar, Spain (shotguns) H A M M E R L I , Lenzburg, Switzerland G E V E L O T O F C A N . L T D . , B o x 1593, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada G E O R G E S G R A N G E R , 6 6 Cours Fauriel, 4 2 St. Etienne, France H E C K L E R & K O C H , Oberndorf am Neckar, W. Germany I T A L G U N S , Via Leonardo da Vinci 169, 2 0 0 9 0 Trezzano, (Milano), Italy
1 0 0 Cours
Fauriel, 4 2 St. Etienne,
M E R K U R I A , P.O. B o x 18, 17005 Prague, Czechoslovakia ( B R N O ) M A U S E R - W E R K E , Obendorf an Neckar, W. Germany M U S G R A V E & S O N S , Bloemfontein, Union of South Africa P A R K E R - H A L E , Bisleyworks, G o l d e n Hillock Rd., Sparbrook, Birmingham B11 2 P Z , England P I C A R D - F A Y O L L E , 42-rue du Vernay, 4 2 1 0 0 Saint Etienne, France L E O N A R D P U C C I N E L L I C O . , Casella 3 0 9 , 2 5 1 0 0 Brescia, Italy (Fabbri) S I G (Schweizerishe Industrie Gesellschaft) N e u h a u s e n an Reinfalls, Schaufhausen, Switzerland S K I N N E R ' S G U N S H O P (see Alaskan Rifles) S T A T E A R S E N A L , Izhevsk, U . S . S . R . FRANZ SODIA JAGDGEWEHRFABRIK, Schulhausgasse 14, 9 1 7 0 Ferlach, Austria S T A R - B E C H E V A R R I A , Eibar, Spain S T E Y R - D A I M L E R - P U C H , A 4 4 0 0 Steyr, Austria U B E R T I , A L D O & C O . , Via G . Carducci 41 or 39, Ponte Zanano (Brescia), Italy I G N A C I O U G A R T E C H E A , Eibar, Spain U N I O N A R M E R I A , Eibar, Spain V E R N E Y - C A R R O N , 17 Cours Fauriel, 4 2 0 1 0 St. Etienne C e d e x , France W A F F E N - F R A N K O N I A , Box 3 8 0 , 87 Wurzburg, W. Germany
L L A M A G A B I L I L O N D A Y C I A , Elgoibar, Spain
W E B L E Y & S C O T T , Park Lane, Handsworth, Birmingham, England
L E V E R A R M S S E R V . L T D . , 771 Dunsmuir, Vancouver, B.C., Canada V 6 C 1 M 9
W E S T L E Y R I C H A R D S & C O . , L T D . , Grange Bournebrook, Birmingham, England
M C Q U E E N S A L E S C O . L T D . , 1760 W. 3rd A v e . , Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6J 1K5
Z A V O D I C R V E N A Z A S T A V A , 2 9 N o v e m b r a St., N o . 12, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
ARMS IMPORTERS A B E R C R O M B I E & F I T C H , Madison at 45th, N e w York, N Y 10017 A M E R I C A N I M P O R T C O . , 1167 Mission St., San Francisco, C A 9 4 1 0 3 A M E R I C A N I N T E R N A T I O N A L , 103 Social Hall A v e . , Salt Lake City, U T 8 4 1 1 1 AYA (AGUIRRE Y ARANZABAL) ports (Spanish shotguns)
See: Ventura Im
H E A L T H W A Y S , Box 4 5 0 5 5 , Los A n g e l e s , C A 90061 G I L H E B A R D G U N S , B o x 1, Knoxville, IL 6 1 4 4 8 (Hammerli) A . D . H E L L E R , I N C . , B o x 268, 2 3 2 2 Grand A v e . , Baldwin, N Y 11510 H E R T E R ' S , Waseca, M N 56093 I N T E R A R M C O (See: Interarms Walther) I N T E R A R M S L T D . , 10 Prince St., Alexandria, V A 2 2 3 1 3 (Mauser, Valmet M - 6 2 / S )
A R M O U R Y I N C . , Rte. 25. N e w Preston, C T 0 6 7 7 7 A R M S P O R T , I N C . , 2811 N . W . 75th A v e . . Miami, FL 33122
I N T E R N A T I O N A L D I S T R . , I N C . , 7 2 9 0 S.W. 42nd St., Miami, F L 3 3 1 5 5 (Taurus rev.)
B R O W N I N G , Rte. 4, Box 6 2 4 - B , Arnold, M O 6 3 0 1 0 C E N T E N N I A L A R M S C O R P . , 3318 W. D e v o n , Chicago, (Lincolnwood) IL 6 0 6 4 5 C E N T U R Y A R M S C O . . 3-5 Federal St., St. Albans, V T 05478
ITHACA G U N (Perazzi)
C O . , Terrace Hill, Ithaca, N Y
P A U L J A E G E R I N C . , 211 L e e d o m St., Jenkintown, P A 19046 J A N A I N T L . C O . , Box 1107, D e n v e r , C O 80201 (Parker-Hale)
C H A M P L I N F I R E A R M S , I N C . , Box 3 1 9 1 , Enid, O K 73701 (Gebruder Merkel)
J.J. J E N K I N S , 375 Pine A v e . , N o . 2 5 , Goleta, C A 9 3 0 1 7
C O N N E C T I C U T V A L L E Y A R M S C O . , Saybrook Rd., Haddam, C T 0 6 4 3 8 ( C V A )
G U Y T. J O N E S I M P O R T C O . , 9 0 5 Gervais St., Columbia, S C 29201
C O N T I N E N T A L A R M S C O R P . , 6 9 7 Fifth A v e . , N e w York, N Y 10022
KANEMATSU-GOSHO USA INC., 543 W. Algonquin Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 6 0 0 0 5 (Nikko)
W . H . C R A I G , Box 9 2 7 , Selma, A L 36701 C R E I G H T O N & W A R R E N , P.O. Box 15723, Nashville, T N 3 7 2 1 5 (Krieghoff combination guns)
K A S S N A R I M P O R T S . P.O. Box 3 8 9 5 . Harrisburg, P A 17105
M O R T O N C U N D Y & S O N , L T D . , 4 1 3 6th A v e . , E. Kalispell, M T 59901
K E R R ' S S P O R T S H O P , I N C . , 9 5 8 4 , Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, C A 9 0 2 1 2
D A I W A , 14011 Normandie A v e . , Gardena, C A 9 0 2 4 7
K I M E L I N D U S T R I E S , P.O. Box 335, Matthews, N C 28105
D A V I D S O N F I R E A R M S CO., 2703 Greensboro, N C 2 7 4 0 3 (shotguns)
D A V I S G U N S H O P , 7 2 1 3 Lee Highway, Falls Church, V A 2 2 0 4 6 (Fanzoj, Ferlach; Spanish guns) D I A N A C O . , 842 Vallejo St., San Francisco, C A 9 4 1 3 3 (Benelli, Breda Shotguns) D I X I E G U N W O R K S , I N C . , H w y 5 1 , South Union City, T N 38261 ("Kentucky" rifles) EASTERN SPORTS D I S T R I B U T O R S CO., INC., P.O. Box 28. Milford, N H 0 3 0 5 5 (Rottweil; G e c o ) E X C A M I N C . , 4 4 8 0 E. 11th A v e . , P.O. Box 3 4 8 3 , Hialeah, F L 33013
K L E I N G U E N T H E R ' S , P.O. B o x 1261, Seguin, T X 7 8 1 5 5 K N I G H T & K N I G H T , 5 9 3 0 S.W. 48th St.. Miami, F L 3 3 1 5 5 (made to order only) K R I E G H O F F G U N C O . , P.O. Box 4 8 - 1 3 6 7 , Miami. FL 33148 L.A. D I S T R I B U T O R S , 4 Centre Market PL, N e w York, N Y 10013 L.E.S. 3 6 4 0 Dempster, Skokie, IL 6 0 0 7 6 (Steyr, Mannlicher-Schonauer) S.E. L A S Z L O , 2 0 0 Tillary St., Brooklyn, N Y 11201 L I B E R T Y A R M S O R G A N I Z A T I O N , Box 306, Montrose, C A 9 1 0 2 0
FERLACH (AUSTRIA) OF NORTH AMERICA, P.O. Box 4 3 0 4 3 5 , S. Miami, F L 3 3 1 4 3
M C K E O W N ' S G U N S , R . R . I , Pekin, IL 6 1 5 5 4
R.C. F E S S L E R & C O . , 1634 Colorado Blvd., Los A n g e l e s , C A 90041
M A N D A L L S H O O T I N G SUPPLIES CORP.. 7 1 5 0 E. 4th St., Scottsdale, A Z 8 5 2 5 2
F I R E A R M S C E N T E R I N C . , ( F C I ) , 113 Spokane, Victoria, T X 77901
M A R S E Q U I P M E N T C O R P . , 3318 W. D e v o n , Chicago, IL 6 0 6 4 5
F I R E A R M S IMP. & E X P . C O . , 2 4 7 0 N . W . 21st St., Miami, FL 33142
N A V Y A R M S C O . , 6 8 9 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefleld, NJ 0 7 6 5 7
FIREARMS I N T E R N A T I O N A L CORP., 17801 Indian Head Hwy., A c c o k e e k , M D 2 0 6 0 7 F L A I G ' S L O D G E , Millvale, P A 15209 F L O R I D A F I R E A R M S C O R P . , 555 N . W . 36th A v e . , Hialeah, F L 3 3 1 4 2 F R E E L A N D ' S S C O P E S T A N D S , I N C . , 3 7 3 7 14th A v e . , Rock Island, IL 6 1 2 0 1 J.L. G A L E F & S O N , I N C . , 85 Chambers, N e w York, N Y 10007
N I K K O S P O R T I N G F I R E A R M S , 5 4 3 W. Algonquin Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 6 0 0 0 5 H A R R Y O W E N , P.O. Box 7 7 4 , Sunnyvale, C A 9 4 0 8 8 P A C H M A Y R G U N W O R K S , 1220 S. Grand A v e . , Los Angeles, C A 90015 P A C I F I C I N T L . M E R C H . C O R P . , 2 2 1 5 "J" St., Sacramento, C A 9 5 8 1 6 E D P A U L S P T G . G O O D S , 172 Flatbush A v e . , Brooklyn, N Y 11217 (Premier) P R E C I S E , 3 Chestnut, Suffem, N Y 10901
G A R C I A S P T G . A R M S C O R P . , 329 Alfred A v e . , Teaneck, NJ 0 7 6 6 6
PREMIER S H O T G U N S , N Y 11217
172 Flatbush A v e . , Brooklyn,
H A W E S N A T I O N A L C O R P . , 1524 Cabrito Rd„ Van N u y s , C A 9 1 4 0 6
RG I N D U S T R I E S , I N C . , 2485 N . W . 20th St., Miami, F L 3 3 1 4 2 (Erma)
S L O A N ' S S P T G . , G O O D S , I N C . , 10 South St., Ridgefield, CT 06877
S T O E G E R A R M S C O . , 55 Ruta Ct., S. Hackensack, NJ 0 7 6 0 6 R I C H L A N D A R M S C O . , 321 W. Adrian St., Blissfield, MI 4 9 2 2 8 R O T T W E I L (See: Eastern) S A N D E R S O N ' S 7 2 4 W . Edgewater, Portage, WI 5 3 9 0 1 S A V A G E A R M S C O R P . , Westfield, M A 0 1 0 8 5 (Anschutz) S E C U R I T Y A R M S C O . , 1815 N o . Ft. Myer Dr., Arlington, V A 2 2 2 0 9 (Heckler & Koch) S E R V I C E A R M A M E N T , 6 8 9 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefield, NJ 0 7 6 5 7 (Greener Harpoon G u n ) SHERWOOD DIST., I N C . , 1 8 7 1 4 Parthenia Northridge, C A 9 1 3 2 4
S I M M O N S S P E C , I N C . , 7 0 0 Rogers Rd., Olathe, KS 66061
T R A D E W I N D S , I N C . , P.O. B o x 1 1 9 1 , T a c o m a , W A 98401 T W I N C I T Y S P T G . G D S . , 2 1 7 Ehrman A v e . , Cincinnati, OH 45220 U N I V E R S A L SPTG. G O O D S , INC., 7 9 2 0 N . W . 76th A v e . , Medley, F L 3 3 1 6 6 V A L O R I M P . C O R P . , 5555 N . W . 36th A v e . , Miami, FL 33142 V E N T U R A I M P O R T S , P.O. B o x 2 7 8 2 , Seal Beach, C A 9 0 7 4 0 (European shotguns) W E A T H E R B Y ' S 2781 Firestone Blvd., So. Gate, C A 9 0 2 8 0 (Sauer) D A N W E S S O N A R M S , 2 9 3 S o . Main, M o n s o n , M A 0 1 0 5 7
A L C A N S H E L L S (See: Smith & W e s s o n Ammunition Co.)
O M A R K - C C I , I N C . , B o x 8 5 6 , Lewiston, I D 83501
A M R O N C O R P . , 525 Progress A v e , Waukesha, WI 5 3 1 8 6
O M A R K - S P E E R - C C I , I N C . , B o x 8 9 6 , Lewiston, I D 83501
C A S C A D E C A R T R I D G E I N C . (See: Omark)
R W S (See Dynamit N o b e l )
D W M (See RWS) D Y N A M I T NOBEL O F AMERICA, INC., 9 1 0 , 17th St. N W , Suite 7 0 9 , Washington, D C 2 0 0 0 6 F E D E R A L C A R T R I D G E C O . , 2 7 0 0 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, M N 5 5 4 0 2 F R O N T I E R C A R T R I D G E C O . , I N C . , B o x 1848, Grand Island, N E 6 8 8 0 1 L E E E. J U R R A S & A S S O C . , I N C . , P.O. B o x 8 4 6 , Roswell, N M 88201
S E R V I C E A R M A M E N T , 6 8 9 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefield, NJ 0 7 6 5 7 SMITH & WESSON A M M U N I T I O N CO., 2 3 9 9 Forman Rd„ Rock Creek, O H 4 4 0 8 4 W E A T H E R B Y ' S 2781 E. Firestone Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280 W I N C H E S T E R - W E S T E R N , East Alton, I L 6 2 0 2 4
B I L L B A L L A R D . P.O. Box 6 5 6 , Billings, M T 5 9 1 0 3 B A L L I S T E K , B o x 4 5 9 , Laconia, N H 0 3 2 4 6 B E A L ' S B U L L E T S , 179 W. Marshall Rd., Lansdowne, P A 19050 B E L L ' S G U N & S P O R T S H O P , 3 3 0 9 - 1 9 Mannheim Rd., Franklin Park, IL 6 0 1 3 1
R E M I N G T O N A R M S C O . , Bridgeport, C T 0 6 6 0 2
B R A S S E X T R U S I O N L A B S . L T D . , 8 0 0 W. Maple Lane, Bensenville, IL 6 0 1 0 6 R U S S E L L C A M P B E L L , 2 1 9 Leisure Dr., San Antonio, T X 78201 COLLECTORS SHOTSHELL ARSENAL, 16425 Old South G o l d e n Rd., G o l d e n , C O 80401
C R O W N C I T Y A R M S , P.O. B o x 1126 Cortland, N Y 13045
G U S S E R T BULLET & C A R T R I D G E CO., 1868 L e n w o o d A v e . , G r e e n Bay, WI 5 4 3 0 3
C U M B E R L A N D A R M S , 1222 Oak Dr., Manchester, T N 37355
H U T T O N R I F L E R A N C H , 6 1 9 San Lorenzo St., Santa Monica, C A 9 0 4 0 2
E.W. E L L I S S P O R T S H O P , R F D 1, B o x 139, Corinth, N Y 12822
J-4, I N C . , 1700 Via Burton, Anaheim, C A 9 2 8 0 6
E L L W O O D E P P S ( O R I L L I A ) L T D . , H w y . 11 North, Orillia Ont., Canada
K T W I N C . , 7 1 0 Foster Park Rd., Lorain, O H 4 4 0 5 3
R A M O N B. G O N Z A L E Z , P.O. B o x 3 7 0 , Monticello, N Y 12701
R . H . K E E L E R , 1304 S. Oak, Port A n g e l e s , W A 9 8 3 6 2 D E A N L I N C O L N , P.O. B o x 1886, Farmington, N M 87401
L O M O N T P R E C I S I O N B U L L E T S , 4421 S. Wayne A v e . , Ft. Wayne, I N 4 6 8 0 7
A N T H O N Y F. S A I L E R - A M M U N I T I O N , P.O. Box L, O w e n , WI 5 4 4 6 0
M A N S F I E L D G U N S H O P , Box 8 3 , N e w Boston, N H 03070
S A N D E R S C U S T . G U N S E R V . , 2 3 5 8 Tyler Lane, Louisville, K Y 4 0 2 0 5
N U M R I C H A R M S C O R P . , 203 Broadway, W. Hurley, N Y 12491
SHOTSHELL COMPONENTS, 16425 Old South G o l d e n Rd., G o l d e n , C O 80401
T H E O U T R I D E R , I N C . , 3288 La Venture Dr., Chamblee, G A 30341
G E O . S P E N C E , P.O. Box 2 2 2 Steele, M O 6 3 8 7 7
R O B E R T P O M E R O Y , Morison A v e . , Corinth, M E 0 4 4 2 7 PRECISION A M M U N I T I O N & RELOADING, 122 Hildenboro Square, Agincourt, Ont. M 1 W Canada
H. W I N T E R C A S T B U L L E T S , 4 2 2 Circle Dr., Clarksville, T N 37040
A B E R C R O M B I E & F I T C H , Madison at 45th St., N e w York, N Y 10017 A M M O D Y N E , Box 1859, Los A n g e l e s , C A 9 0 0 5 3 (RWS) C A N A D I A N I N D . L T D . (C.I.L.), A m m o D i v . , Howard H o u s e , Brownsburg, Que., Canada J O V 1AO C E N T E N N I A L A R M S C O . , 3318 W. D e v o n A v e . , Chicago, IL 6 0 6 4 5
HIRTENBERGER PATRONEN-, ZLINDHUTCHEN- & METALLWARENFABRIK, A . G . Leobersdorfer Str. 3 3 , A 2 5 5 2 Hirtenburg, Austria H Y - S C O R E A R M S C O . , 2 0 0 Tillary, Brooklyn, N Y 11201 J A M E S C. T I L L I N G H A S T , B o x 568, Marlow, N H 0 3 4 5 6 N O R M A - P R E C I S I O N , South Lansing, N Y 14882
C O L O N I A L A M M U N I T I O N C O . , Box 8 5 1 1 , Auckland, N e w Zealand D Y N A M I T N O B E L OF A M E R I C A , INC., 910, 17th St. N W . Suite 7 0 9 , Washington, D C 2 0 0 0 6
O R E G O N A M M O S E R V I C E , Box 1 9 3 4 1 , Portland, OR 97219 P A U L J A E G E R I N C . , 211 Leedom St., Jenkintown, P A 19046 S.E. L A S Z L O , 2 0 0 Tillary, Brooklyn, N Y 11201
E A S T E R N S P O R T S D I S T R I B U T O R S C O . . P.O. Box 28, Milford, N H 0 3 0 5 5 ( R W S ; G e c o ) G E V E L O T O F C A N A D A , Box 1593, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada
S T O E G E R A R M S C O R P . , 55 Ruta Ct., S. Hackensack, NJ 0 7 6 0 6 T H E O U T R I D E R , I N C . , 3288 LaVenture Dr., Chamblee, G A 30341 RWS ( R H E I N I S C H E - W E S T F A L I S C H E S P R E N G S T O F F ) (See: Eastern)
OPTICAL EQUIPMENT-Scopes, Mounts, Accessories A B E R C R O M B I E & F I T C H , 45th & Madison A v e . , N e w York, N Y 10017
B U T L E R C R E E K C O R P . , Box G G , Jackson Hole, W Y 83001 Park,
K E N N E T H C L A R K , 18738 Highway 9 9 , Madera, CA 93637
A M E R I C A N I M P O R T C O . , 1167 Mission, San Francisco, CA 94103
C L E A R V I E W M F G . C O . , I N C . , 2 3 7 0 2 Crossley, Hazel Park, MI 4 8 0 3 0
A N D E R S O N & C O . , 1203 Broadway, Yakima, W A 9 8 9 0 2
C L E A R V I E W S P O R T S S H I E L D S , P.O. B O X 2 5 5 , Wethersfield, C T 0 6 1 0 7
A L L E Y S U P P L Y C O . , Carson Valley Industrial Gardnerville, N V 8 9 4 1 0
A R M S P O R T , I N C . , 2811 N . W . 75th A v e . , Miami, FL 33122 A V E R Y C O R P . , P.O. B o x 9 9 Electra, T X 7 6 3 6 0 B - S Q U A R E C O . , B o x 1 1 2 8 1 , Ft. Worth, T X 7 6 1 0 9 B A U S C H & L O M B I N C . , 635 St. Paul St., Rochester, N Y 14602 B E N N E T T , 561 Delaware, Delmar, N Y 12054 B R I D G E M O U N T C O . , B o x 3 3 4 4 , Lubbock, T X 7 9 4 1 0 B R O W N I N G A R M S , Rte. 4, Box 6 2 4 - B , Arnold, MO 63010 M A Y N A R D P. B U E H L E R , I N C . , 17 Orinda Highway, Orinda, C A 9 4 5 6 3 B U R R I S C O . , 351 E. 8th St., Greeley, C O 80631 B U S H N E L L O P T I C A L C O . , 2 8 2 8 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, C A 9 1 1 0 7
C O L T ' S , Hartford, C T 0 6 1 0 2 C O M P A S S INSTR. & O P T I C A L CO., INC., 104 E. 25th St., N e w York, N Y 10010 C O N E T R O L S C O P E M O U N T S , H w y 123 South, Seguin, TX 78155 C O N T I N E N T A L A R M S C O R P . , 697-5th A v e . , N e w York, N Y 10022 D A V I S O P T I C A L C O . , P.O. Box 6, Winchester, I N 4 7 9 3 4 D E L - S P O R T S I N C . , Main St., Margaretville, N Y 12455 M.B. D I N S M O R E , Box 2 1 , Wyomissing, P A 19610 E D E R I N S T R U M E N T CO., 5115 N . Ravenswood, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 4 0 F L A I G ' S L O D G E , Babcock Blvd., Millvale, PA 15209 F R E E L A N D ' S S C O P E S T A N D S , I N C . , 3 7 3 4 14th, Rock Island, IL 6 1 2 0 1
P A C H M A Y R G U N W O R K S , 1220 S. Grand A v e . , Los Angeles, C A 90015 P A C I F I C T O O L C O . , P.O. Drawer 2 0 4 8 , Ordnance Plant Rd., Grand Island, N B 6 8 8 0 1
G R I F F I N & H O W E , I N C . , 589-8th A v e . , N e w York, N Y 10017
E D P A U L ' S S P T G . G O O D S , I N C . , 172 Flatbush A v e . , Brooklyn, N Y 11217
H.J. H E R M A N N L E A T H E R C O . , Rte. 1, Skiatook, OK 74070
P R E C I S E , 3 Chestnut, Suffern, N Y 10901
H E R T E R ' S I N C . , Waseca, M N 5 6 0 9 3
R A N G I N G I N C . , 9 0 N . Lincoln Rd., East Rochester, N Y 14445
J.B. H O L D E N C O . , 2 9 5 W. Pearl, Plymouth, M I 4 8 1 7 0 T H E H U T S O N C O R P . , P.O. 1127, Arlington, T X 7 6 0 1 0
R A Y - O - V A C , W I L L S O N P R O D . D I V . , P.O. Box 6 2 2 , Reading, P A 19603
H Y - S C O R E A R M S C O R P . , 2 0 0 Tillary St., Brooklyn, N Y 11201
R E A L I S T , I N C . , N . 93 W . 16288, Megal Dr., M e n o m o n e e Falls, WI 53051
I N T E R A R M S , 10 Prince St., Alexandria, V A 2 2 3 1 2
R E D F I E L D G U N S I G H T C O . , 5 8 0 0 E. Jewell A v e . , Denver, C O 8 0 2 2 2
P A U L J A E G E R , 211 L e e d o m St., Jenkintown, P A 19046 J A N A I N T L . C O . , B o x 1107, D e n v e r , C O 80201 J A S O N E M P I R E I N C . , 9 2 0 0 C o d y , Overland Park, KS 6 6 2 1 4 J E F F R E D O G U N S I G H T C O . , 1629 Via Monserate, Fallbrook, C A 9 2 0 2 8 K E S S E L R I N G G U N S H O P , 4 0 0 Pacific H w a y 9 9 , N o . Burlington, W A 9 8 2 8 3 K R I S M O U N T S , 108 Lehigh St., Johnstown, P A 15905
S & K M F G . C O . , B o x 2 4 7 , Pittsfield, P A 16340 S A N D E R S C U S T . G U N S E R V . , 2 3 5 8 Tyler Lane, Louisville, K y 4 0 2 0 5 S A U N D E R S G U N & M A C H I N E S H O P , 145 Delhi Rd., Manchester, I A 5 2 0 5 7 S A V A G E A R M S , Westfield, M A 0 1 0 8 5 S E A R S , R O E B U C K & C O . , 825 S. St. Louis, Chicago, IL 6 0 6 0 7
K U H A R S K Y B R O S . (See: Modern Industries)
SHERWOOD DIST., I N C . , 1 8 7 1 4 Parthenia Northridge, C A 9 1 3 2 4
K W I K - S I T E , 2 7 3 6 7 Michigan A v e . , Inkster, MI 4 8 1 4 1
W . H . S I E B E R T , 2 2 7 2 0 S.E. 56th PL, lssaquah, W A 9 8 0 2 7
L A N D A V , 7 2 1 3 L e e Highway, Falls Church, V A 2 2 0 4 6
S I N G L E P O I N T (See: Normark)
S.E. L A S Z L O H O U S E O F I M P O R T S , 2 0 0 Tillary St., Brooklyn, N Y 11201
S O U T H E R N PRECISION INST. CO., 3 4 1 9 E. C o m m e r c e St., San Antonio, T X 7 8 2 1 9
L.E.S., 3 6 4 0 Dempster, Skokie, IL 6 0 0 7 6
S P A C E T R O N I N C . , Box 8 4 , Broadview, I L 6 0 1 5 5
L E A T H E R W O O D B R O S . , Rte. 1, B o x 111, Stephenville, T X 76401
S T O E G E R A R M S C O . , 55 Ruta Ct., S. Hackensack, NJ 0 7 6 0 6
T.K. L E E , Box 2 1 2 3 , Birmingham, A L 35201 E. L E I T Z , I N C . , Rockleigh, NJ 0 7 6 4 7
S U P R E M E L E N S C O V E R S , B o x G G , Jackson H o l e , W Y 83001
L E U P O L D & S T E V E N S , I N C . , P.O. Box 6 8 8 , Beaverton, OR 97005
S W A I N N E L S O N C O . , Box 4 5 , 9 2 Park Dr., G l e n v i e w , IL 6 0 0 2 5
J A K E L E V I N A N D S O N , I N C . , 9 2 0 0 Cody, Overland Park, K S 6 6 2 1 4
SWIFT INSTRUMENTS, Boston, M A 0 2 1 2 5
W . H . L O D E W I C K , 2 8 1 6 N . E . Halsey, Portland, O R 9 7 2 3 2
T A S C O , 1075 N . W . 71st, Miami, F L 3 3 1 3 8
L Y M A N G U N S I G H T P R O D U C T S , Rte. 147, Middlefield, C T 0 6 4 5 5
T H O M P S O N - C E N T E R A R M S , P.O. Box 2 4 0 5 , Rochester, N H 0 3 8 6 7
MANDALL SHOOTING Scottsdale, A Z 8 5 2 5 2
T R A D E W I N D S , I N C . , B o x 1191, T a c o m a , W A 9 8 4 0 1
S U P P L I E S , 7 1 5 0 E. 4th St.,
M A R B L E A R M S C O . , 4 2 0 Industrial Park, Gladstone, MI 4 9 8 3 7 M A R L I N F I R E A R M S C O . , 100 Kenna Dr., N e w H a v e n , CT 06473 M I T C H E L L ' S S H O O T I N G G L A S S E S , Box 539, Waynesville, M O 6 5 5 8 3 M O D E R N I N D U S T R I E S , I N C . , 6 1 3 W - l l , Erie, P A 16501 O.F. M O S S B E R G & S O N S , I N C . , 7 Grasso A v e . , North H a v e n , C T 0 6 4 7 3 N I K K O ( K A N E M A T S U - G O S H O U S A INC.), 543 W. Algonquin Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 6 0 0 0 5 N O R M A R K C O R P . , 1710 E. 78th St., Minneapolis, M N 55423 N U M R I C H A R M S , West Hurley, N Y 12491 N Y D A R (See: Swain N e l s o n Co.)
I N C . , 9 5 2 Dorchester A v e . ,
J O H N U N E R T L O P T I C A L C O . , 3551-5 East St., Pittsburgh, P A 15214 U N I T E D B I N O C U L A R C O . , 9 0 4 3 S. Western A v e . , Chicago, IL 6 0 6 2 0 U N I V E R S A L SPORTING G O O D S INC., 7 9 2 0 N . W . 76th A v e . , Miami, F L 3 3 1 6 6 V I S S I N G (See: Supreme Lens C o v e r s ) W E A T H E R B Y ' S , 2781 Firestone, South Gate, C A 9 0 2 8 0 W.R. W E A V E R C O . , 7125 Industrial A v e . , El Paso, T X 79915 W E I N P R O D S . I N C . , 115 W. 25th St., Los A n g e l e s , C A 90007 W I L L I A M S G U N S I G H T C O . , 7 3 8 9 Lapeer Rd., Davison, MI 48423 B O Y D W I L L I A M S I N C . , 8 7 0 1 - 1 4 Mile Rd. (M-57), Cedar Springs, M I 4 9 3 1 9
P E M ' S M O U N T S , 6 0 6 3 Waterloo, Atwater, P A 4 4 2 0 1
WILLRICH PRECISION I N S T R U M E N T CO., 37-13 Broadway, Rte. 4 , Fair Lawn, NJ 0 7 4 1 0
P G S , P E T E R S ' I N C . , 6 2 2 Gratiot A v e . , Saginaw, MI 4 8 6 0 2
C A R L Z E I S S I N C . , 4 4 4 Fifth A v e . , N e w York, N Y 10018
Ballistics for S t a n d a r d Centerfire Rifle A m m u n i t i o n P r o d u c e d b y t h e M a j o r U. S. M a n u f a c t u r e r s
Bullet Cartridge 218 Bee 22 Hornet 22 Hornet (c, d) 22 Hornet 222 Remington (e) 222 Remington Magnum (c, d) 223 Remington (c, d, e) 22-250 Remington (a, c, d) 225 Winchester (a, b) 243 Winchester (e) 243 Winchester (e) 6mm Remington (c, d) 6mm Remington (c, d) 244 Remington (c, d) 25-06 Remington (c, d) 25-06 Remington (c, d) 25-20 Winchester 25-20 Winchester 25-35 Winchester 250 Savage 250 Savage 256 Winchester Magnum (b) 257 Roberts (a, b) 257 Roberts 257 Roberts 6.5 Remington Magnum (c) 6.5mm Remington Magnum (c) 264 Winchester Magnum 264 Winchester Magnum 270 Winchester 270 Winchester (e) 270 Winchester 270 Winchester (c, d) 270 Winchester (a, b, e) 280 Remington (c, d) 280 Remington (c, d) 280 Remington (c, d) 284 Winchester (a, b) 284 Winchester (a, b) 7mm Mauser (e) 7mm Remington Magnum 7mm Remington Magnum (e) 7mm Remington Magnum (e) 7mm Remington Magnum (c, d) 30 Carbine (e) 30-30 Winchester (c, d) 30-30 Winchester (e) 30-30 Winchester (a, b) 30-30 Winchester (a) 30 Remington 30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield (c, d) 30-06 Springfield (e)
Wt. Grs. 46 45 45 46 50 55 55 55 55 80 100 80 100 90 87 120 86 86 117 87 100 60 87 100 117 100 120 100 140 100 130 130 150 150 125 150 165 125 150 175 125 150 175 175 110 150 150 150 170 170 110 125 150 150
Velocity (fps) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds. 2860 2690 2690 2690 3200 3300 3300 3760 3650 3500 3070 3450 3190 3200 3500 Not 1460 1460 2300 3030 2820 2800 3200 2900 2650 3450 3030 3700 3200 3480 3140 3140 2800 2900 3190 2900 2820 3200 2900 2490 3430 3260 3070 3070 1980 2410 2410 2410 2220 2120 3370 3200 2970 2970
2160 1610 2030 1510 2030 1510 2030 1510 2660 2170 2800 2340 2800 2340 3230 2745 3140 2680 3080 2720 2790 2540 3130 2750 2920 2660 2850 2530 3070 2680 Available 1180 1030 1180 1030 1910 1600 2660 2330 2460 2140 2070 1570 2840 2500 2540 2210 2280 1950 3070 2690 2750 2480 3260 2880 2940 2700 3070 2690 2880 2630 2850 2580 2440 2140 2620 2380 2880 2590 2670 2450 2510 2220 2880 2590 2630 2380 2170 1900 3080 2750 2970 2700 2720 2400 2860 2660 1540 1230 1960 1620 2020 1700 2020 1700 1890 1630 1820 1560 2830 2350 2810 2480 2710 2470 2620 2300
300 yds.
Energy (ft. lbs.) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds.
1200 1150 1150 1150 1750 1930 1930 2305 2270 2410 2320 2400 2420 2230 2310
835 720 720 740 1140 1330 1330 1730 1630 2180 2090 2220 2260 2050 2370
940 940 1340 2060 1870 1220 2190 1920 1690 2320 2230 2550 2480 2340 2400 2320 1870 2160 2320 2220 1970 2310 2160 1680 2450 2450 2120 2460 1040 1360 1430 1430 1410 1350 1920 2200 2240 2010
405 405 1370 1770 1760 1040 1980 1870 1820 2640 2450 3040 3180 2690 2850 2840 2610 2800 2820 2800 2910 2840 2800 2410 3260 3540 3660 3660 950 1930 1930 1930 1860 1700 2770 2840 2930 2930
475 265 410 230 410 230 235 420 785 520 955 670 955 670 1275 920 1200 875 1690 1320 1730 1430 1740 1340 1890 1570 1630 1280 1820 1390 Not Available 265 200 265 200 945 665 1370 1050 1340 1020 570 330 1560 1210 1430 1080 1350 985 2090 1610 2010 1640 2360 1840 2690 2270 2090 1600 2390 2000 2340 1920 1980 1520 2290 1890 2300 1860 2370 2000 2310 1810 2300 1860 2300 1890 1830 1400 2630 2100 2940 2430 2870 2240 3170 2740 575 370 1280 875 1360 960 1360 960 1350 1000 1250 920 1960 1350 2190 1710 2440 2030 2280 1760
300 yds. 145 130 130 135 340 455 455 650 630 1030 1190 1018 1300 995 1030 170 170 465 820 775 200 925 820 740 1190 1330 1440 1910 1215 1660 1550 1160 1550 1490 1640 1420 1480 1550 1100 1660 1990 1750 2350 260 616 680 680 750 690 900 1340 1670 1340
Mid-Range Trajectory 100 200 300 yds. yds. yds. 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 Not Not 2.6 2.6 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 Not 0.6 04 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6
3.8 11.6 4.3 13.0 4.3 13.0 4.3 13.0 2.5 7.0 2.3 6.1 2.1 5.4 1.7 4.5 1.8 4.8 1.8 4.7 2.2 5.5 4.7 1.8 2.1 5.1 2.1 5.5 Available Available 12.5 32.0 12.5 32.0 4.6 12.5 2.5 6.4 7.4 2.9 4.0 12.0 2.2 5.7 2.7 7.0 3.4 8.8 Available 5.7 2.3 4.2 1.6 2.0 4.9 1.8 4.8 2.1 5.3 2.1 5.3 7.6 2.9 2.5 6.3 2.1 5.3 2.5 6.1 2.8 7.2 2.1 5.3 2.5 6.3 3.7 9.5 4.7 1.8 4.9 2.0 2.4 61 2.1 5.2 7.5 21.7 4.5 12.5 4.2 11.0 4.2 11.0 4.6 12.5 5.3 14.0 2.2 6.0 2.2 5.6 2.4 6.0 2.5 6.5
(a)-Winchester only; (b)-Remington only; (c) Peters only; (d)-Speer DWM; (e)-Cartridges also available from Federal; (f)-Not safe in Winchester 1873 rifle or handguns; (g)-HP-Hollow Point; SP-Soft Point; PSP-Pointed Soft Point; PP-Winchester Power Point; L-Lead; Lu-Lubaloy; ST-Silvertip; HSP-Hollow Soft Point; MC-Metal Case; BT-Boat Tail; MAT-Match; BP-Bronze Point; CL-Core Lokt; PCL-Pointed Core Lokt; OPE-Open Point Expanding; PL-Power-Lokt. 441
Ballistics for S t a n d a r d C e n t e r f i r e Rifle A m m u n i t i o n P r o d u c e d b y t h e M a j o r U. S. M a n u f a c t u r e r s ( c o n t i n u e d )
Bullet Wt. Grs. Type (g)
30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield (e) 30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield 30-06 Springfield (a, b) 30-40 Krag 30-40 Krag 30-40 Krag 300 Winchester Magnum 300 Winchester Magnum 300 Winchester Magnum (a, b) 300 H & H Magnum (a, b) 300 H & H Magnum 300 H & H Magnum 300 Savage (e) 300 Savage 300 Savage (c, d) 300 Savage (e) 300 Savage 303 Savage (c, d) 303 Savage (a, b) 303 British (e) 303 British (c, d) 308 Winchester 308 Winchester (a, b) 308 Winchester (e) 308 Winchester 308 Winchester (e) 308 Winchester 308 Winchester (a, b) 32 Winchester Special (c, d, e) 32 Winchester Special (a, b) 32 Remington ( c, d) 32 Remington (a, b) 32-20 Winchester HV (f) 32-20 Winchester 8mm Mauser (e) 338 Winchester Magnum (a, b) 338 Winchester Magnum (a, b) 338 Winchester Magnum (a, b) 348 Winchester (a) 348 Winchester (c, d) 35 Remington (c, d) 35 Remington (e) 350 Remington Magnum (c, d) 350 Remington Magnum (c, d) 351 Winchester Self-Loading 358 Winchester (a, b) 358 Winchester (a, b) 375 H&H Magnum 375 H&H Magnum 375 H&H Magnum 38-40 Winchester 44 Magnum (c, d) 44 Magnum (b) 444 Marlin (c) 44-40 Winchester 45-70 Government 458 Winchester Magnum 458 Winchester Magnum
150 180 180 180 220 220 180 180 220 150 180 220 150 180 220 150 150 150 180 180 180 190 180 215 110 125 150 150 180 180 200 170 170 170 170 80 100 170 200 250 300 200 200 150 200 200 250 180 200 250 270 300 300 180 240 240 240 200 405 500 510
2970 2700 2700 2700 2410 2410 2470 2470 2200 3400 3070 2720 3190 2920 2620 2670 2670 2670 2370 2370 2140 1980 2540 2180 3340 3100 2860 2860 2610 2610 2450 2280 2280 2120 2120 2100 1290 2570 3000 2700 2450 2530 2530 2400 2100 2710 2410 1850 2530 2250 2740 2550 2550 1330 1750 1750 2400 1310 1320 2130 2130
2670 2330 2470 2520 2120 2180 2120 2250 1990 3050 2850 2490 2870 2670 2370 2350 2390 2270 2040 2160 1810 1680 2300 1900 2810 2740 2520 2570 2250 2390 2210 1920 1870 1800 1760 1430 1060 2140 2690 2430 2160 2220 2140 1960 1710 2410 2190 1560 2210 2010 2460 2280 2180 1070 1360 1350 1845 1050 1160 1910 1840
2400 2010 2250 2350 1870 1980 1830 2040 1800 2730 2640 2270 2580 2440 2150 2060 2130 1930 1760 1960 1550 1440 2090 1660 2340 2430 2210 2300 1940 2170 1980 1630 1560 1540 1460 1090 940 1790 2410 2180 1910 1940 1820 1580 1390 2130 1980 1310 1910 1780 2210 2040 1860 960 1110 1090 1410 940 1050 1700 1600
300 yds. 2130 1740 2040 2190 1670 1790 1590 1850 1630 2430 2440 2060 2300 2220 1940 1800 1890 1660 1520 1770 1340 1250 1900 1460 1920 2160 1930 2050 1680 1970 1770 1410 1330 1340 1220 950 840 1520 2170 1940 1690 1680 1570 1280 1160 1870 1790 1140 1640 1570 1990 1830 1590 850 980 950 1125 830 990 1520 1400
Energy (ft. lbs.) 200 100 yds. Muzzle yds. 2930 2910 2910 2910 2830 2830 2440 2440 2360 3850 3770 3620 3390 3400 3350 2370 2370 2370 2240 2240 1830 1650 2580 2270 2730 2670 2730 2730 2720 2720 2670 1960 1960 1700 1700 780 370 2490 4000 4050 4000 2840 2840 1920 1950 3260 3220 1370 2840 2810 4500 4330 4330 705 1630 1630 3070 760 1570 5040 5140
2370 2170 2440 2540 2190 2320 1790 2020 1930 3100 3250 3030 2740 2850 2740 1840 1900 1710 1660 1860 1310 1190 2120 1720 1930 2080 2120 2200 2020 2280 2170 1390 1320 1220 1170 365 250 1730 3210 3280 3110 2190 2030 1280 1300 2570 2660 975 2160 2230 3620 3460 3160 455 985 970 1815 490 1210 4050 3830
1920 1610 2020 2200 1710 19-10 1340 1660 1580 2480 2790 2520 2220 2380 2260 1410 1510 1240 1240 1530 960 875 1750 1310 1349 1640 1630 1760 1500 1870 1750 1000 920 895 805 210 195 1210 2580 2640 2430 765 1470 835 860 2000 2180 685 1610 1760 2920 2770 2300 370 655 635 1060 390 990 3210 2900
300 yds. 1510 1210 1660 1900 1360 1560 1010 1370 1300 1970 2380 2070 1760 1970 1840 1080 1190 916 920 1250 715 660 1440 1020 900 1300 1240 1400 1130 1540 1400 750 665 680 560 160 155 870 2090 2090 1900 509 1090 545 605 1550 1780 520 1190 1370 2370 2230 1680 290 210 480 675 305 880 2570 2220
Mid-Range Trajectory 100 200 300 yds. yds. yds. 0.6 2.4 6.1 0.7 3.1 8.3 0.7 70 2.9 0.6 2.8 6.7 3.9 9.8 0.8 3.7 9.2 0.8 0.8 3.8 9.9 3.5 8.5 0.8 4.4 1.0 11.0 0.4 1.9 4.8 0.5 2.1 5.3 0.6 6.9 2.9 0.5 2.1 5.2 2.4 0.6 5.8 7.7 0.7 3.1 0.7 3.2 8.0 0.7 3.0 7.6 0.7 3.3 9.3 4.1 10.5 0.9 3.7 0.9 9.2 5.4 1.1 14.0 1.3 6.2 15.5 0.7 3.3 8.2 1.1 12.5 4.9 0.5 2.2 6.0 5.9 0.5 2.3 2.7 0.6 7.0 0.6 2.6 6.5 0.7 3.4 8.9 3.1 7.4 0.8 0.8 3.6 9.0 12.5 1.0 4.8 1.0 4.8 13.0 1.0 4.9 13.0 1.1 5.3 14.5 1.5 8.5 24.5 15.5 3.3 38.0 0.8 3.9 10.5 2.4 0.5 6.0 0.7 7.4 3.0 3.7 0.8 9.5 0.4 1.7 4.7 0.8 3.8 10.0 0.9 4.6 13.0 1.2 6.0 16.5 Not Available Not Available 1.5 7.8 21.5 3.6 9.4 0.8 4.4 1.0 11.0 0.7 2.9 7.1 0.7 3.3 8.3 0.7 3.6 9.3 3.2 15.0 36.5 1.6 8.4 9.4 26.0 Not Available 3.3 36.5 15.0 2.9 13.0 32.5 1.1 4.8 12.0 1.1 5.1 13.5 CO
Velocity (fps) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds.
(a)-Winchester only; (b) - Remington only; (c) Peters only; (d)-Speer DWM; (e)-Cartridges also available from Federal; (f)-Not safe in 1873 rifle or handguns; (g)-HP-Hollow Point; SP-Soft Point; PSP-Pointed Soft Point; PP-Winchester Power Point; L-Lead; Lu-Lubaloy; HSP-Hollow Soft Point; MC-Metal Case; BT-Boat Tail; MAT-Match; BP-Bronze Point; CL-Core Lokt; PCL-Pointed Core Lokt; OPE-Open Point PL-Power-Lokt.
Winchester ST-Silvertip; Expanding;
Speer/DWM Ballistics A m m u n i t i o n M a n u f a c t u r e d by D W M in G e r m a n y a n d D i s t r i b u t e d T h r o u g h S p e e r O u t l e t s in T h i s C o u n t r y
Cartridge 5.6 x 35 R Vierling 5.6 x 50 R (Rimmed) Mag. 5.6 x 52 R (Savage H.P.) 5.6 x 61 SE 5.6 x 61 R 6.5 x 54 MS 6.5 x 57 Mauser 6.5 x 57 R 7 x 57 Mauser 7 x 57 R
7 x 64
7 x 65 R
7mm SE 7 x 75 R SE 30-06 8 x 57 JS 8 x 57 JR 8 x 57 JRS
8 x 60S x x x x
62 64 72 R 74 R
(a) FP-flat point; SP-soft point; Ring; SM-Stark Mantel (strong
46 50 71 77 77 159 93 93 103 162 103 139 162 103 139 162 177 103 139 162 177 169 169 180 123 198 196 123 196 198 196 198 293 293 193 293 PSP-pointed jacket).
2030 Not 2850 3700 3480 2170 3350 3350 3330 2785 3260 2550 2710 3572 3000 2960 2880 3480 3000 2887 2820 3300 3070 2854 2968 2732 2391 2970 2480 2600 2585 2780 2515 2640 1925 2360 TIG-Brenneke
1500 1140 Available 2460 2320 3360 3060 3140 2840 1925 1705 2930 2570 2930 2570 2865 2450 2480 2250 2810 2390 2240 1960 2420 2210 3110 2685 2570 2260 2603 2375 2665 2490 3010 2590 2570 2260 2540 2320 2600 2420 3045 2825 2840 2630 2562 2306 2339 1805 2415 2181 1991 1742 2340 1805 2140 1870 2320 2105 2162 1890 2450 2205 2310 2150 2450 2290 1600 1400 2160 1998
300 yds.
Energy (ft. lbs.) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds. 418
2200 2790 2560 1485 2260 2260 2060 2060 2000 1720 2020 2283 1980 2200 2325 2200 1980 2140 2255 2620 2430 2077 1318 1985 1565 1318 1640 1930 1690 2010 2020 2145 1245 1870
1280 2350 2070 1660 2300 2300 2550 2780 2430 2000 2640 2930 2780 3150 3270 2770 2780 3000 3120 4090 3550 3261 2415 3276 2488 2415 2680 2970 2905 3390 4110 4550 1590 3580 Torpedo
224 130 Not Available 947 846 1920 1605 1690 1370 1025 1300 1760 1350 1760 1350 1890 1380 2200 1820 1820 1320 1540 1190 2120 1750 2230 1670 2040 1570 2440 2030 2820 2440 2100 1540 2040 1570 2320 1930 2660 2300 3480 3010 3050 2620 2632 2133 897 1497 2560 2083 1736 1316 1497 897 2000 1510 2350 1950 2030 1560 2625 2130 3480 3010 3900 3410 1090 835 3000 2560 Universal;
Mid-Range Trajectory 100 200 300 yds. yds. yds.
300 yds.
766 1345 1120 810 1040 1040 977 1520 920 910 1460 1190 1200 1740 2130 1120 1200 1650 2000 2600 2240 1726 477 1736 1056 477 1165 1620 1245 1770 2634 3000 666 2250
1.2 Not .3 .1 .1 .5 .1 .1 .1 .3 .1 .3 .3 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .2 .2 .3 .5 .2 4 .3 .4 .3 CO
9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3
Bullet Type (a)
Wt. Grs.
Velocity (fps) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds.
.3 .5 .3
7.5 Available 2.3 6.5 3.4 1.1 1.3 4.0 4.1 11.5 1.7 4.8 1.7 4.8 1.7 5 2 2.4 6 7 1.8 5.3 8 6 2.9 2.4 6.9 1.4 4.4 2.2 6.4 2.0 6.0 2.0 5.6 1.5 4.7 6.4 2.2 2.2 6.3 2.1 5.9 1.4 3.9 1.6 4.5 2.2 6.3 2.7 8.8 2.5 7.1 11.2 3.9 2.7 8.8 9.4 3.3 2.7 7.6 9.2 3.2 2.4 6.9 2.8 7.5 2.4 6.6 5.7 16.6 8.7 3.1
Hofe Torpedo
Ballistics for Standard Rimfire A m m u n i t i o n P r o d u c e d b y t h e M a j o r U. S. M a n u f a c t u r e r s Bullet Wt. Grs. Type(a)
Cartridge 22 Short 22 Short Hi-Vel. 22 Short HP Hi-Vel. 22 Short 22 Short 22 Long Hi-Vel. 22 Long Rifle 22 Long Rifle 22 Long Rifle 22 Long Rifle 22 Long Rifle Hi-Vel. 22 Long Rifle HP (Hi-Vel.) 22 Long Rifle HP (Hi-Vel.) 22 Long Rifle 22 WRF (Rem. Spl.) 22 WRF Mag. 22 WRF Mag. 22 Win. Auto Inside lub. 5mm Rem. RFM (a) C-Copper
29 29 27 29 15 29 40 40 40 40 40 37 36 No 45 40 40 45 38 (wax coated);
C C C D D C L' L' L*
Velocity (fps) Muzzle 100 yds.
L* L L
12 Shot C, L JHP MC C L PLHP D-Disintegrating;
1045 1125 1155 1045 1710 1240 1145 1120
1165 1335 1365 1365
1450 2000 2000 1055 2100 L-Lead
810 920 920
965 975 950
Mid-Range Trajectory 100 yds.
Handgun Barrel Length
42 54 51
5.6 4.3 4.2
6' 6'
865 1035
Energy (ft. lbs.) Muzzle 100 yds. 70 81 80 70 97 99 116 111
84 80
3.8 4.0 4.2
121 158 149 149
84 97 86 86
4.0 3.3 3.4 3.4
1390 1390 930 1605 Lubricated;
123 170 170 86 217
8* 6"
980 1045 1040 1040
210 355 355 111 372
77 80
48 69
2.7 1.6 16 6V2" 4.6 Not Available
Case; HP-Hollow
Ballistics M.V. M.E. fps ft. lbs.
1550 1550
213 213
(per 500) (per 500)
B a l l i s t i c s of N o r m a - P r e c i s i o n C e n t e r f i r e Rifle A m m u n i t i o n M a n u f a c t u r e d in S w e d e n
Cartridge 22 Hornet 220 Swift 222 Remington 223 22-250 243 Winchester 6mm Remington 250 Savage 257 Roberts 6.5 Carcano 6.5 Japanese 6.5 x 54 MS 6.5 x 55 270 Winchester
7 x 57
7mm Remington Magnum 7 x 61 S & H (26 in.) 30 U.S. Carbine 30-30 Winchester 308 Winchester
7.62 Russian 308 Norma Magnum 30-06
300 H & H 7.65 Argentine 303 British
7.7 Japanese 8 x 57 JR 8 x 57 JS
358 Winchester 358 Norma Magnum 375 H & H Magnum 44 Magnum (a) P-Pointed; Point.
Wt. Grs.
Bullet Type (a)
45 50 50 50 50 55 75 100 100 87 100 100 120 156 139 156 139 156 139 156 110 130 150 110 150 175 150 175 160 110 150 170 130 150 180 180 180 180 130 150 180 220 180 220 150 130 150 180 130 180 196 123 159 196 200 250 250 300 240
Velocity (fps) 100 200 yds. Muzzle yds. 2690 4111 3200 3300 3800 3650 3500 3070 3190 3032 2822 2900 2645 2000 2428 2067 2580 2461 2789 2493 3248 3140 2802 3068 2756 2490 3260 3070 3100 1970 2410 2220 2900 2860 2610 2610 2624 3100 3281 2972 2700 2411 2920 2625 2920 2789 2720 2540 2950 2493 2362 2887 2723 2526 2530 2250 2790 2550 1750 RN-Ftound
2030 3611 2660 2900 3300 3200 3070 2790 2920 2685 2514 2588 2405 1810 2280 1871 2420 2240 2630 2271 2966 2884 2616 2792 2539 2170 2970 2720 2927 1595 2075 1890 2590 2570 2400 2400 2415 2881 2951 2680 2494 2197 2706 2400 2630 2483 2440 2340 2635 2292 2045 2515 2362 2195 2210 2010 2493 2280 Nose;
300 yds.
1510 3133 2170 2520 2810 2780 2660 2540 2660 2357 2223 2291 2177 1640 2130 1692 2270 2033 2470 2062 2694 2639 2436 2528 2331 1900 2700 2400 2757 1300 1790 1630 2300 2300 2210 2210 2222 2668 2636 2402 2296 1996 2500 2170 2355 2195 2170 2147 2340 2101 1761 2170 2030 1894 1910 1780 2231 2040
1150 2681 1750 2160 2350 2400 2290 2320 2420 2054 1956 2020 1964 1485 1990 1529 2120 1840 2320 1867 2435 2404 2262 2277 2133 1680 2450 2120 2595 1090 1550 1410 2030 2050 2020 2020 2030 2464 2338 2141 2109 1809 2297 1986 2105 1929 1930 1965 2065 1922 1513 1857 1734 1627 1640 1570 2001 1830
Energy (ft. lbs.) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds. 720 1877 1137 1330 1600 1637 2041 2093 2260 1776 1769 1868 1865 1386 1820 1481 2056 2098 2402 2153 2578 2847 2616 2300 2530 2410 3540 3660 3416 948 1934 1861 2428 2725 2725 2725 2749 3842 3108 2943 2914 2840 3409 3367 2841 2246 2465 2579 2513 2484 2428 2277 2618 2778 2843 2811 4322 4333 1640
Tail; MC-Metal
410 1448 786 1027 1209 1251 1570 1729 1890 1393 1404 1488 1542 1135 1605 1213 1808 1738 2136 1787 2150 2401 2280 1904 2148 1830 2945 2870 3045 622 1433 1349 1937 2200 2303 2303 2326 3318 2514 2393 2487 2358 2927 2814 2304 1780 1983 2189 2004 2100 1820 1728 1970 2097 2170 2243 3451 3464
230 1090 523 776 885 944 1179 1433 1570 1074 1098 1166 1263 932 1401 992 1591 1432 1883 1473 1773 2011 1977 1561 1810 1403 2435 2240 2701 413 1066 1003 1527 1762 1952 1952 1970 2846 2006 1922 2107 1947 2499 2301 1848 1391 1569 1843 1581 1765 1530 1286 1455 1562 1621 1759 2764 2773
300 yds. 130 799 340 570 613 704 873 1195 1300 815 850 906 1028 764 1223 810 1388 1173 1662 1208 1448 1669 1705 1267 1516 1097 1990 1590 2393 290 799 750 1190 1400 1631 1631 1644 2427 1578 1527 1778 1599 2109 1927 1476 1075 1241 1544 1231 1477 996 942 1062 1152 1195 1369 2223 2231
Max. Height of Trajectory (in.) 100 200 300 yds. yds. yds. Not Available .9 3.0 .2 .0 2.0 6.2 .4 2.4 6.8 Not Available Not Available 1.4 4.1 .0 .1 1.8 5.0 .4 2.1 5.3 .0 1.9 5.8 .1 2.2 6.6 .1 2.1 6.2 .2 2.5 7.0 Not Available .3 2.8 7.7 4.4 11.9 .6 .2 2.4 6.5 .3 3.0 8.2 .1 2.0 5.6 .3 2.9 7.9 .1 1.4 4.3 .0 1.6 4.7 .1 2.0 5.7 .0 1.6 5.0 .1 2.2 6.2 .4 3.3 9.0 .4 2.0 4.9 .5 2.4 6.1 .0 1.5 4.3 .8 6.4 19.0 .9 4.2 11.0 .7 4.1 11.9 .1 2.1 6.2 .1 2.0 5.9 .2 2.5 6.6 .7 3.4 8.9 .2 2.5 6.6 .0 1.6 4.6 .1 1.5 4.6 .0 1.9 5.7 .1 2.3 6.4 .3 3.1 8.5 .0 1.9 5.3 .2 2.5 7.0 .1 2.0 5.8 .1 2.3 6.7 .1 2.2 6.5 .2 2.7 7.3 .1 2.0 5.9 .3 2.8 7.7 .4 3.7 10.6 .1 2.3 6.8 .2 2.6 7.9 .3 3.1 9.1 .4 3.1 8.8 3.9 10.4 .6 .2 2.4 6.6 .3 2.8 7.6 Not Available
Ballistics for Weatherby M a g n u m A m m u n i t i o n S u p p l i e d by W e a t h e r b y ' s Inc. f o r u s e in W e a t h e r b y Rifles
(a) PE-Pointed from 26-inch
Bullet Type (a)
Wt. Grs.
224 Weatherby Varmintmaster 224 Weatherby Varmintmaster 240 Weatherby 240 Weatherby 240 Weatherby 257 Weatherby 257 Weatherby 257 Weatherby 270 Weatherby 270 Weatherby 270 Weatherby 7mm Weatherby 7mm Weatherby 300 Weatherby 300 Weatherby 300 Weatherby 340 Weatherby 340 Weatherby 340 Weatherby 378 Weatherby 378 Weatherby 460 Weatherby Expanding; barrels.
50 55 70 90 100 87 100 117 100 130 150 139 154 150 180 220 200 210 250 270 300 500
Velocity (fps) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds.
3750 3650 3850 3500 3395 3825 3555 3300 3760 3375 3245 3300 3160 3545 3245 2905 3210 3165 2850 3180 2925 2700
3160 3150 3395 3135 3115 3290 3150 2900 3625 3050 2955 2995 2885 3195 2960 2610 2905 2910 2580 2850 2610 2330
2625 2685 2975 2795 2850 2835 2815 2550 2825 2750 2675 2715 2640 2890 2705 2385 2615 2665 2325 2600 2380 2005
300 yds.
Energy (ft. lbs.) 100 200 Muzzle yds. yds.
2140 2270 2585 2475 2595 2450 2500 2250 2435 2480 2430 2465 2415 2615 2475 2150 2345 2435 2090 2315 2125 1730
1562 1627 2304 2444 2554 2828 2802 2824 3140 3283 3501 3355 3406 4179 4201 4123 4566 4660 4510 6051 5700 8095
1109 1212 1788 1960 2150 2087 2199 2184 2363 2685 2909 2770 2874 3393 3501 3329 3748 3948 3695 4871 4539 6025
1670 881 1376 1559 1804 1553 1760 1689 1773 2183 2385 2275 2384 2783 2925 2757 3038 3312 3000 4053 3774 4465
300 yds.
Mid-Range Trajectory 100 200 300 yds. yds. yds.
1250 629 1038 1222 1495 1160 1338 1315 1317 1776 1967 1877 1994 2279 2448 2257 2442 2766 2425 3210 3009 3320
0.7 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0 6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7
3.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.7 2.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.9 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.0 2.5 3.3
9.0 4.5 3.9 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.4 6.8 4.3 4.5 5.0 4.9 5.0 3.9 5.2 6.7 5.3 5.0 6.7 5.2 6.2 10.0
All velocities
B a l l i s t i c s of S t a n d a r d S h o t s h e l l A m m u n i t i o n L o a d e d b y t h e M a j o r U. S. M a n u f a c t u r e r s
Length Shell Ins.
Powder Equiv. Drams
Shot Ozs.
Shot Size
10 12
12 12 16 20 20 20 28 LONG RANGE LOADS 10 12 16 16 20 28 FIELD LOADS 12 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 SCATTER LOADS 12 16 20
SV> 3 3
21. 21. 3 3 2*. 2*.
1Ve 1'/! 1' 4
3'h 3' , Max 3 Max
IV4 1*i«
2 /.
3V. 3
2*4 2 »
21. 21. 2'. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. 21.
3V. 3' . 3 3 2 ,
Wt V, 1.
2 . J
2, 4 BB. 2. 4 2. 4, 6
Th Th.
2. 4, 6. 6. 4
Th. Tli. Th. Tli. Th.
4, 6, T V * 8. 9
3 2Vt
IVi 1
6, 8. 9 4, 5, 5. 6. 4, 5. 6. 8
Tli, Th.
8, 9
4, 5. 6. 8. 9 4.
8, 9
4. 5. 6. 8. 9 4,
8. 9
1 '/a
9 9
4. 5. 6,
2'h 2'h 2V4
12 12
8, 9
BB, 2, 4, 5. 6, 4, 5, 6. 4, 5, 6,
Wt VI,
16 20 28 410 410 SKEET 4 TRAP
2, 4, 5, 6 2, 4, 6 2. 4, 6. 7 V j 4
T A R G E T LOADS 12 12
8 8 8
16 20 BUCKSHOT 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 20 RIFLED S L U G S 12 16 20 410
Length Shell Ins.
Powder Equiv. Drams
21. 21.
2V. Max Max
2>. 2'h 2'/.
2*4 2*4
3*. 3*. 3*.
2' 2*4
Th. Wt Th. 1 I
8, 9 8. 9
4'h 4 4
9 4. 5. 6. TV
4, 5, 6, 7V . 9
Th. Wt Th.
-_ _ _ _
w. Vt
2 . Max 3
8. 9 8. 9
3 Mag 3 Mag 2 * 4 Mag 2 * 4 Mag 2*4
Shot Size
Shot Ozs.
8. 9 8, 9
8. 9 8, 9
00 B u c k - 15 pellets 4 B u c k - 41 pellets 2 B u c k - 20 pellets 00 B u c k - 12 pellets 00 B u c k - 9 pellets 0 B u c k - 12 pellets 1 B u c k - 16 pellets 4 B u c k - 27 pellets 1 B u c k - 12 pellets 3 B u c k - 20 pellets Slug Slug Slug Slug
Ballistics for Standard Pistol a n d Revolver Centerfire A m m u n i t i o n P r o d u c e d b y t h e M a j o r U. S. M a n u f a c t u r e r s Muzzle
Bullet Style
Muzzle Energy
22 Jet
221 Fireball 25 ( 6 . 3 5 m m ) A u t o 256 W i n c h e s t e r M a g n u m
50 60
30 (7.65mm) L u g e r A u t o
735 307
30 (7.63mm) M a u s e r A u t o
MC 85 No bullet
375 _
_ _
32 S&W B l a n k
No b u l l e t
32 S & W B l a n k . BP
2 BVi 4Vi 5Vi
32 S h o r t C o l t
32 L o n g Colt, IL
100 71
Lead MC
680 960
100 145
4 4
162 90 115 120
4 3
32 C o l t N e w P o l i c e 32 (7.65mm) A u t o 32 (7.65mm) A u t o Pistol 32 S&W 32 S&W L o n g 7.5 N a g a n t 32-20 W i n c h e s t e r
88 96 104
MC Lead Lead Lead
680 705 722
32-20 W i n c h e s t e r 357 M a g n u m 357 M a g n u m 357 M a g n u m
100 158 158 158
1030 1550 1410 1410
6 8*s
357 M a g n u m 9 m m Luger
158 JSP 116 MC 124 MC No b u l l e t
1450 1165 1120
271 845 695 696 735
Lead Lead
685 730 620
150 172 153
1060 855 730
375 256 236
6 6 6
9 m m Luger Auto 38 S & W B l a n k 38 S m i t h & W e s s o n
146 146
38 S & W 380 M K II 38 Special Blank 38 Special, IL 38 Special, IL 38 Special 38 Special
IL-lnside Point;
MC No bullet Lub 150 150 MC Lead 158 200 Lead
349 345
Soft Point;
Gas Check;
8*8 8*8
8¥a 4 4
4 4 5
Fth-Ftound Hollow
770 855 1090
195 256 425
6 6 6
150 128 130 150
Lead Lead Lub. Lead
130 130 130 95
MC MC MC MC SP Lub. Lead SP Lead SP Lead SP Lead Lub., L MC JHP MC MC
680 730 730 730 1280 1280 1040 955 975 730
154 150 155 175 475 475
4 6 6 6 5 5 4Vj 3 /« 5
Colt New P o l i c e S h o r t Colt S h o r t Colt, Greased Long Colt Super Auto A u t o , f o r Colt 38 S u p e r
148 15B 158
180 200 210 210 246 240 240 200 250 255 230 230 185 230 185 210 230
MC Lead Lead
Bullet Gr. Style Style (a)
(a) JHP-Jacketed Cutter.
Muzzle Velocity
Muzzle Energy
Barrel Inches
1026 1422 1325 1370 775 1110 1690 2005 1060
188 402 428 458 196 439 697 1607 743
5 5 5 6 6 6
80 90 110 110 147 158 110 180 190
380 ACP 9mm Luger 9mm Luger 38 Special 38 Special 38 Special Int. 357 Magnum 44 Magnum 45 Auto
6 5
Not available Not available
312 192 380 230 515
1050 1500 755 1470 1470 975
1050 311 1150 1150 420
860 860 850 850 775 850 775 710 810
410 410 369 370 245 369 247 235 335
Ballistics of Super Vel Cartridge Corporation Handgun Ammunition Cartridge
158 148
Lead Lead Lead
38 38 38 38 38 38
Barrel Inches
158 125
Muzzle Energy
Special Special Special Special W C S p e c i a l M a t c h , IL Special M a t c h , IL Special H i - S p e e d Special
45 A u t o R i m
Muzzle Velocity
38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38
38 A u t o 380 A u t o 38-40 W i n c h e s t e r 41 L o n g Colt, IL 41 Remington Magnum 41 Remington Magnum 44 S&W S p e c i a l 44 R e m i n g t o n M a g n u m 44 R e m i n g t o n M a g n u m 44-40 W i n c h e s t e r 45 Colt 45 Colt. IL 45 A u t o 45 ACP 45 A u t o W C 45 A u t o M C 45 A u t o M a t c h 45 A u t o M a t c h , IL
4 4' !
Bullet Style
6 8*. 8'/. 6'/! BV> 6'/j 7Vj 5Va 5 V, 5
5 5 5 5 5 SVi
A R M S INDEX / 449
ARMS INDEX A b e r c r o m b i e & Fitch, 40, 135, 310 A d a m s & T r a n t e r double-action revolvers, 360 A n s o n & Deeley box lock, 37, 212, 269 Automatic w e a p o n s , 2 6 - 2 7 Back sight, 38 Barrels: bolt-action rifle, 4 9 - 5 1 , 94, 102 revolver, 361 shotgun, 200, 2 6 9 - 2 7 0 , 3 4 3 - 3 4 4 Beavertail fore-end, 52 Belgian M a u s e r M 8 9 bolt-action rifle, 43 Belgian National A r m o r y , 43 Beretta: over/under shotguns: BL-2/S O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 2 2 8 - 2 2 9 BL-2S O v e r / U n d e r M a g n u m , 229 BL-3 Field G r a d e 12-Bore O v e r / U n d e r , 230 BL-3 M a g n u m O v e r / U n d e r , 2 3 0 - 2 3 1 BL-3 Smallbore Field G r a d e Skeet Over/ Under, 231-232 BL-3 12-Bore/Skeet Wide-Rib O v e r / U n d e r , 231 BL-3 Wide-Rib T r a p O v e r / U n d e r , 232 BL-4 Field G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r , 2 3 2 - 2 3 3 BL-4 Skeet O v e r / U n d e r Small Bore, 234 BL-4 Smallbore O v e r / U n d e r , 2 3 3 - 2 3 4 BL-4 Wide Rib Skeet O v e r / U n d e r , 2 3 4 - 2 3 5 BL-4 Wide Rib T r a p O v e r / U n d e r , 235 BL-4/12 Bore M a g n u m O v e r / U n d e r , 233 BL-6 Field G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r 12-Bore, 235-236 BL-6 M a g n u m O v e r / U n d e r , 236 BL-6 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 2 3 7 - 2 3 8 BL-6 Skeet O v e r / U n d e r 20-Bore, 2 3 6 - 2 3 7 BL-6 Wide Rib Skeet O v e r / U n d e r , 237 BL-6 Wide Rib T r a p O v e r / U n d e r , 238 Sidelock S O Series O v e r / U n d e r , 212, 2 3 8 239 single-shot shotguns: M a r k II T r a p G u n , 202 Bernadelli side-by-side double-barrel shotguns: Brescia External H a m m e r D o u b l e , 2 7 1 - 2 7 2 Elio Double, 272 Italia External H a m m e r D o u b l e , 2 7 2 - 2 7 3 Roma 6 Double, 273-274 V. B. Holland D e l u x e , 274 Big-bore bolt-action rifles, 9 3 - 1 0 0 Big-bore rifle slings, 54 Black-powder h a m m e r express rifles, 40 Blind magazine, 43 Bolt-action: centerfire rifles: big-bore, 9 3 - 1 0 0 magazine, 4 1 - 8 7 single-shot, 8 8 - 9 2 varmint, 1 0 1 - 1 1 0 rimfire rifles: magazine, 1 7 8 - 1 9 4 single-shot, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 shotguns, 3 3 0 - 3 3 3 Bolting systems, 270
Box lock, 37, 212, 269 Browning: lever-action rifles: BL-22 Lever-action Rifle, 1 5 3 - 1 5 4 L e v e r Rifle ( B L R ) , 1 4 - 1 5 o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: Citori O v e r / U n d e r Field G u n , 214 Citori O v e r / U n d e r Skeet G u n , 2 1 4 - 2 1 5 Citori O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 215 Superposed Broadway T r a p O v e r / U n d e r , 218-219 Superposed Lightning Skeet O v e r / U n d e r , 217 Superposed Lightning Small Bore O v e r / U n der, 2 1 6 - 2 1 7 Superposed Lightning T r a p O v e r / U n d e r , 218 Superposed Lightning 12-Bore O v e r / U n d e r , 2 1 1 , 212, 2 1 3 , 215-216 Superposed M a g n u m O v e r / U n d e r , 219 Superposed Superlight O v e r / U n d e r , 220 semiautomatic pistol: M 1 9 3 5 Hi P o w e r Pistol, 376,377-378 semiautomatic rifles: H i g h - p o w e r and M a g n u m A u t o Rifle ( B A R 29), 3 2 - 3 3 .22 Autoloading Rifle, 163 semiautomatic shotguns: Auto-5, 308-310 A u t o m a t i c 5 H u n t i n g / S k e e t Model, 310 M 2 0 0 0 Semiautomatic Shotgun, 3 1 0 - 3 1 1 side-by-side double-barrel shotgun: Model BB/S D o u b l e , 275 single-shot centerfire rifle: M 7 8 Single Shot, 3 single-shot shotgun: M B T - 9 9 T r a p , 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 B S A bolt-action rifles: C F 2 Hunting Rifle, 5 4 - 5 5 M o n a r c h D e l u x e Rifle, 55 M o n a r c h H e a v y Barrel Rifle, 5 5 - 5 6 Buttplate, 5 3 , 426 C a p e rifle/shotgun combination, 334 Cabines: lever-action, 9, 10, 14 semiautomatic, 29, 34, 3 5 , 36, 164, 1 6 9 - 1 7 0 single-shot, 1-8 Carl G u s t a v bolt-action rifles: F F V - F r a n c h i Rifle, 57 S w e d e Rifle, 56 V / T Rifle, 101, 103 Carrying sling, 53 Carrying straps, 39 Cases: gun shipping, 433 for take-down shotguns, 4 3 3 Centerfire h a n d g u n s : pistols: semiautomatic, 362, 3 7 5 - 3 8 9 single-shot, 3 4 5 - 3 4 8 revolvers: double-action, 3 6 0 - 3 7 4 single-action, 3 4 9 - 3 5 9
Centerfire rifles: bolt-action: big-bore, 9 3 - 1 0 0 magazine, 4 1 - 8 7 single-shot, 8 8 - 9 2 varmint, 1 0 1 - 1 1 0 double-barrel, 3 7 - 4 0 lever-action, 9 - 2 2 semiautomatic, 2 6 - 3 6 single-shot, 1-8, 8 8 - 9 2 slide-action, 2 3 - 2 5 , 30 Charles Daly o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: Diamond G r a d e Field G u n , 223 Diamond G r a d e International T r a p , 223 Diamond G r a d e Skeet, 224 O v e r / U n d e r Flat T o p D i a m o n d G r a d e International T r a p , 224 Superior G r a d e Field O v e r / U n d e r , 220 Superior G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r , 222 Superior G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r Magnum, 221 Superior G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r M o n t e Carlo T r a p , 222 Superior G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 221 C h a r t e r A r m s A R - 7 Explorer Carbine, 164 Checkering, 10, 50, 54, 426 C h o k e s , 199, 200, 3 4 2 - 3 4 3 , 344 Circassian walnut, 2 7 1 , 426 Classic c o m b , 51 Classic fore-end, 5 1 - 5 2 Colt: double-action centerfire revolvers: D i a m o n d b a c k Revolver, 3 6 2 - 3 6 3 Lightning Model, 360 M l 8 6 0 A r m y , 360 N e w Service Colt Revolver, 3 6 0 - 3 6 1 N e w Service Target Model Revolver, 360 Officers' Model T a r g e t Revolver, 361 Python Revolver, 3 6 1 , 364 Shooting M a s t e r Revolver, 360, 361 T r o o p e r M K III Revolver, 365 double-action rimfire revolver: D i a m o n d b a c k Revolver, 405 semiautomatic centerfire pistols: C o m b a t C o m m a n d e r , 379 Gold C u p National M a t c h M K IV/Series ' 7 0 , 380 G o v e r n m e n t Model M K IV/Series 70, 3 8 1 383 Lightweight C o m m a n d e r , 3 8 0 - 3 8 1 semiautomatic rifle: A R - 1 5 , 27 semiautomatic rimfire pistols: W o o d s m a n M a t c h Target, 4 1 2 - 4 1 3 W o o d s m a n S p o r t / W o o d s m a n T a r g e t Models, 4 1 1 , 414 Woodsman Targetsman, 411-412 single-action centerfire revolvers: Buntline Special, 350, 354 Model P (M1873) Colt Single Action Revolver, 3 4 5 , 3 4 9 - 3 5 0 N e w Frontier Single Action A r m y , 3 5 1 , 353 Single Action A r m y Revolver, 3 5 2 - 3 5 3 single-action rimfire revolvers: N e w Frontier .22/.22 M a g n u m , 4 0 1 - 4 0 2 P e a c e m a k e r .22/.22 M a g n u m , 402 Single Action A r m y (1873) Revolver, 401 single-shot rimfire pistol: C a m p Perry Model, 397
Colt Sauer: bolt-action rifles: G r a n d African, 94, 9 5 - 9 6 Short Action Rifle, 5 8 - 5 9 Sporting Rifle, 58 drilling, 335 Combination rifle/shotguns, 3 3 4 - 3 4 1 C o m b s , 51 C r o s s b o l t s , 94, 212, 270 C u s t o m gunsmithing, 4 2 5 - 4 2 9 C u t t s C o m p e n s a t o r , 344 D a n W e s s o n double-action centerfire revolvers, 361 M l 5 - 2 Revolver, 3 6 5 - 3 6 6 D a v i d s o n side-by-side double-barrrel shotguns: M 6 3 B D o u b l e Barrel Shotgun, 2 7 5 - 2 7 6 M 6 3 B M a g n u m D o u b l e Barrel, 276 D e t a c h a b l e box magazine, 9 Double-action revolvers: centerfire, 3 6 0 - 3 7 4 rimfire, 4 0 5 - 4 1 0 Double-barrel rifles, 3 7 - 4 0 D o u b l e triggers, 212 Drillings, 334 D W M ( D e u t s c h e Waffen und Munitionsfabriken), 3 7 5 , 385 Ejectors, 39, 213 Enfield M 1 7 ( U . S . Rifle Caliber .30, M 1 9 1 7 ) , 4 6 - 4 7 , 4 2 6 - 4 2 7 , 429 E x p o s e d h a m m e r , 10 F a b r i q u e Mationale d ' A r m e s d e G u e r r e , 4 3 , 162 F a r q u h a r s o n rifle, 1, 7 Flared pistol grip, 52 Floorplate release, 95 Fore-end c a p , 426 Fore-ends, 51-52 F o r e sight, 3 8 - 3 9 Franchi: o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: Field G r a d e F a l c o n e t O v e r / U n d e r , 225 Peregrine M 4 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 226 Peregrine M 4 5 1 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 226-227 Peregrine M 3 0 0 3 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 227 Peregrine M 3 0 0 3 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p , 2 2 7 228 Silver F a l c o n e t O v e r / U n d e r , 2 2 5 - 2 2 6 semiautomatic shotguns: M 5 2 0 Semiautomatic, 3 1 1 - 3 1 2 M a g n u m A u t o m a t i c Shotgun, 3 1 2 - 3 1 3 Slug G u n , 313 Standard A u t o m a t i c Shotgun, 312 Free-floating barrels, 50 F r e e pistols, 3 9 7 - 3 9 9 F r e n c h walnut, 2 7 1 , 426 F r o n t sights, 94 Full c h o k e , 342 Garcia: B r o n c o Rifle, 143 Bronco .410, 2 0 2 - 2 0 3 Garcia-Rossi: Gallery Model Rifle, 157, 158 Lever-Action Rifle, 15
A R M S INDEX / 451
Garcia-Sako: M 7 3 Finnwulf Lever-Action Rifle, 1 5 - 1 6 M 7 4 Sporter, 5 9 - 6 0 Garcia-Star Rolling Block Carbine, 3 G a s - o p e r a t e d semiautomatic rifles, 32 Gas-operated shotguns, 304, 307 G r e e n e r crossbolt, 270 Griffin & H o w e , 40, 47, 50, 5 1 , 9 5 , 4 2 7 , 4 2 9 - 4 3 0 G u n shipping cases, 433 Gunsmithing, custom, 4 2 5 - 4 2 9
T r o p h y M a t c h Pistol, 416 Victory (Military) Target Pistol, 417 shotguns: Flite-King Series Slide-Action shotgun, 287 Supermatic Semiautomatic, 304, 313 Holland & Holland: double-barrel rifles, 39, 4 0 side-by-side double-barrel shotguns, 269 H o p k i n s & Allen M 8 9 Belgian M a u s e r , 43 H o t c h k i s s rifle, 2
H a m m e r types, 10 Hammerli: semiautomatic rimfire pistols: Model 230-1/Model 230-2 Rapid Fire Match Pistol, 4 2 0 Models 208-211 International M a t c h Pistols, 420 single-shot rimfire pistols: Model 120 Single-Shot F r e e Pistol, 398 M l 5 0 F r e e Pistol, 399 Virginian Single Action Revolver, 355 H a n d checkering, 54 Hand-detachable box lock, 37 Harrington & Richardson: bolt-action rifles, 41 M 3 0 0 , 61 M 3 0 1 (Mannlicher stock), 6 1 - 6 2 M 3 1 7 / 3 1 7 P U l t r a Wildcat, 104 M 8 6 5 Plainsman Rifle, 1 7 9 - 1 8 0 double-action rimfire revolvers: M 9 4 0 U l t r a Sidekick Revolver, 4 0 5 - 4 0 6 M 9 9 9 Sportsman Revolver, 406 semiautomatic rifles: " G e n e r a l , " 162 M 3 6 0 / 3 6 1 , 33 single-shot centerfire rifles: Cavalry Model ( M l 8 7 3 U . S . Springfield Replica), 5 1873 C o m m e m o r a t i v e Rifle ( M 1 8 7 3 U . S . Springfield Replica), 4 - 5 Little Big H o r n C o m m e m o r a t i v e Carbine, 4 Shikari Rifle/Carbine, 5 - 6 single-shot rimfire pistol: U . S . R . A . Model, 397 single-shot rimfire rifle: M 7 5 0 , 143 single-shot shotguns: M l 5 8 T o p p e r , 203 M l 6 2 T o p p e r Buck G u n , 204 M l 9 8 T o p p e r , 204 M 4 9 0 T o p p e r Y o u t h G u n , 205 Heckler & Koch ( H K ) M 3 0 0 Semiautomatic .22 Magnum Rifle, 165 H e n r y rifle, 1, 10, 14 High Standard: double-action rimfire revolvers: High Sierra D e l u x e Revolver, 4 0 6 - 4 0 7 Sentinel M a r k I V Revolver, 4 0 7 rimfire rifles: M 6 0 0 5 Sport King Semiautomatic Rifle, 165-166 M 6 0 0 6 Flite-King Slide-Action Rifle, 1 5 8 159 semiautomatic rimfire pistols: Citation Match Pistol, 415 M 9 2 0 5 Sharpshooting Pistol, 416 Olympic I S U M a t c h Pistol, 415
Impressed checkering, 54 Improved cylinder, 342 Inertial firing system, 213 Interarms bolt-action rifles: M a r k X Alaskan Rifle, 96 M a u s e r M a r k X Cavalier Rifle, 63 M a u s e r M a r k X Rifle, 6 2 - 6 3 I n v e s t m e n t casting, 4 8 Ithaca: combination rifle/shotguns: Bronco Combination, .22/.410, 336 T u r k e y G u n 12 G a u g e / . 2 2 2 , 3 3 6 - 3 3 7 rimfire rifles: M 4 9 Saddlegun, 144 M 7 2 Saddlegun, 154 semiautomatic shotguns: M 5 1 D e e r s l a y e r Semiautomatic, 315 M 5 1 D e l u x e Skeet Semiautomatic, 3 1 5 - 3 1 6 M 5 1 D e l u x e T r a p G r a d e Semiautomatic, 316 M 5 1 Standard and M a g n u m Semiautomatics, 3 1 6 - 3 1 7 Mag 10 Semiautomatic, 3 1 4 - 3 1 5 single-shot shotguns: C e n t u r y S K B Single-Barrel T r a p G u n , 2 0 5 206 E Series T r a p G u n , 206 Perazzi Competition I T r a p G u n , 2 0 6 - 2 0 7 slide-action shotgun: M 3 7 Featherlight Deerslayer Slide-Action, 2 8 8 - 2 8 9 I t h a c a - L S A bolt-action magazine rifles: M 5 5 D e l u x e Rifle, 6 4 - 6 5 M 5 5 H e a v y Barrel Rifle, 65 M 5 5 Standard Rifle, 64 Model 65 D e l u x e Rifle, 66 M 6 5 Standard, 6 5 - 6 6 Ithaca S K B : o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: M 5 0 0 Field G r a d e M a g n u m , 2 4 0 - 2 4 1 M 5 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 240 M 6 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 241 M 6 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 243 M 6 0 0 Skeet O v e r / U n d e r , 242 M 6 0 0 Small Bore Skeet Bore O v e r / U n d e r 28/.410 Bore, 242 M 6 0 0 T r a p D o u b l e s O v e r / U n d e r G u n , 243 M 6 8 0 O v e r / U n d e r , 244 M 7 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet G u n , 244 M 7 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r (Trap) D o u b l e s G u n , 245 Series 700 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 245 semiautomatic shotguns: Model X L 9 0 0 , 3 1 7 - 3 1 8 Model X L 9 0 0 Skeet, 318 Model X L 9 0 0 Slug G u n , 3 1 8 - 3 1 9 Model X L 9 0 0 T r a p , 319
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(continued) side by side double-barrel shotguns: M l 0 0 Field G r a d e D o u b l e , 277 M l 5 0 Field G r a d e D o u b l e , 2 7 7 - 2 7 8 M 2 0 0 E Field G r a d e D o u b l e , 278 M 2 0 0 E Skeet D o u b l e , 2 7 8 - 2 7 9 Iver J o h n s o n T - 5 2 6 T a r g e t Model Revolver, 407
Jaegar side mount, 4 3 0 J o h n s o n semiautomatic rifles, 2 8 - 2 9 Krieghoff: O v e r / U n d e r M 3 2 series, 246 semiautomatic rifle, 32 Lebel Rifle, 43 Lee D o t , 431 Lever-action: centerfire rifles, 9 - 2 2 rimfire rifles, 1 5 3 - 1 5 6 Llama Martial .22 Revolver, 408 Locking s y s t e m s , 270 Long recoil system, 304 Lugers, 3 8 4 - 3 8 5 L y m a n scopes, 4 3 0 - 4 3 1 M1 Carbine, 34, 36 M l Rifle, Caliber .30 ( G a r a n d Rifle), 29, 32, 34 M 1 4 Rifle, 32 M 1 4 A 1 Rifle, 32 Machine checkering, 54 Magazine rifles: centerfire, 4 1 - 8 7 rimfire, 1 7 8 - 1 9 4 Magazines, 9, 27 Mannlicher: fore-end, 52 spool (rotary) magazine, 43 stocks, 6 1 - 6 2 Mannlicher-Steyrs rifle, 4 3 Manufrance F a l c o r O v e r / U n d e r Field M o d e l , 246 Marble A r m s G a m e G e t t e r , 3 3 4 - 3 3 5 Marlin: bolt-action rimfire rifles: M 7 8 0 Bolt-Action Rifle, 1 8 0 - 1 8 1 M 7 8 1 Bolt-Action Rifle, 1 8 1 - 1 8 2 M783 Magnum, 182-183 bolt-action shotguns: M55 Goose Gun, 330-331 M 5 5 S Bolt-Action Slug G u n , 332 lever-action centerfire rifles, 14 1894 Repeating Rifle, 1 7 - 1 8 M 9 5 Repeating Rifle, 18 M 3 3 6 (1893) Series-Repeating Rifles and Carbine, 13, 17 M 4 4 4 (1895) Sporter Repeating Rifle, 16 lever-action rimfire rifle: G o l d e n M 3 9 A / M 3 9 M Lever-action Rifle/Carbine, 153, 155-156 semiautomatic rifles: Glenfield M 6 0 Semiautomatic Rifle, 166 M 4 9 D L Semiautomatic Rifle, 1 6 6 - 1 6 7 M 9 9 C Semiautomatic Rifle, 167 M 9 9 M 1 Autoloader, 168 M 7 8 2 M a g n u m Autoloader, 1 6 8 - 1 6 9 M 9 8 9 M 2 Autoloader, 169 slide-action shotguns:
M l 2 0 M a g n u m Slide-Action, 289 M l 2 0 Slug G u n , 290 M l 2 0 T r a p G u n , 290 Model M X R 120 M a g n u m G o o s e G u n , 290-291 Marlin-Glenfield M 2 0 Bolt-Action Rifle, 180 M a r t i n i - H e n r y Rifle, 1 Mauser: bolt-action rifles, 4 3 , 4 4 , 5 3 , 9 3 , 4 2 8 - 4 2 9 semiautomatic centerfire pistols: M - 2 9 (Swiss T y p e ) Parabellum Pistol (Luger T y p e ) , 3 8 4 - 3 8 5 M 1 8 9 6 , 375 P-08 Parabellum Pistol (Luger), 384 Mechanical firing system, 213 Miida o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: M 6 1 2 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 247 M 2 1 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 247 M 2 2 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 248 M 2 2 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p , 248 M 2 3 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 2 4 8 - 2 4 9 M 2 3 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p , 249 O v e r / U n d e r G r a n d e e Model T r a p , 250 O v e r / U n d e r G r a n d e e Skeet, 2 4 9 - 2 5 0 Modified c h o k e , 342 M o n t e Carlo stocks, 4 7 , 50, 5 1 , 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 Mossberg: bolt-action magazine rifles, 41 800 Series, 6 6 - 6 7 810 Series, 6 7 - 6 8 bolt-action rimfire rifles: M l 4 4 Super Target, 183 M 3 4 0 B Bolt Action, 184 M 3 4 1 Sporter, 1 8 4 - 1 8 5 bolt-action shotguns: K Series C - L e c t - C h o k e Bolt Action Shotguns, 333 M 3 9 5 S Slugster, 332 bolt-action varmint rifle: M 8 0 0 Varmint Rifle, 102, 1 0 4 - 1 0 5 lever-action centerfire rifle: 4 7 2 Series LeverAction, 19 semiautomatic rimfire rifle: M 3 5 3 A u t o Carbine, 1 6 9 - 1 7 0 slide-action shotguns: M 5 0 0 series Slide Action, 2 9 1 - 2 9 2 M 5 0 0 series Slugster Slide Action, 292 M u s g r a v e Premier Rifle, 69 National M a t c h M l Rifles, 32 Navy Arms: M 1 8 7 5 Remington Replica, 3 5 5 - 3 5 6 Remington Rolling Block Pistol Replica, 346 Nikko: M 5 0 0 0 - I O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 251 M 5 0 0 0 - I I O v e r / U n d e r Field G u n , 2 5 0 - 2 5 1 N o n d e t a c h a b l e box magazines, 9, 4 3 One-piece stock, 10 O v e r / u n d e r shotguns, 2 1 1 - 2 6 8 P a r k e r - H a l e bolt-action rifles: M l 2 0 0 V V a r m i n t Rifle, 105 Super Rifle, 70 Parkerized finish, 3 6 1 , 425 Perazzi o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: Mirage Live Bird O v e r / U n d e r , 252 Mirage O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 253
Mirage Skeet O v e r / U n d e r , 252 MX-8 Over/Under Trap Gun, 253-254 Pistol-grip cap, 52 Pistol grips, 10, 52 Pistole ' 0 8 , 3 7 5 - 3 7 6 Pistols: centerfire: semiautomatic 362, 3 7 5 - 3 8 9 single-shot, 3 4 5 - 3 4 8 rimfire: semiautomatic, 4 1 1 - 4 2 4 single-shot, 3 9 7 - 4 0 0 Plainfield U . S . Carbine, Caliber .30 M l , 34 Poly-Choke, 344 P u m p action, see Slide-action Purdey shotgun, 269 Quick-detachable ( Q D ) swivels, 53 Rear sights, 9 4 - 9 5 Recoil lugs, 94 Recoil pads, 38, 5 3 , 2 7 1 , 426 Redfield scopes, 430, 431 Remington: bolt-action big-bore rifle: M 7 0 0 Safari G r a d e , 94, 97 bolt-action centerfire rifles, 41 M 3 0 , 47 M 4 0 - X C National M a t c h C o u r s e Rifle, 7 0 71 M 7 0 0 Series, 4 3 , 48, 4 9 , 5 1 , 52, 7 1 - 7 3 M 7 8 8 , 74 M 1 9 1 7 Enfield, 46 bolt-action rimfire rifles: M541-S " C u s t o m " Sporter Bolt-Action Magazine Rifle, 1 8 8 - 1 8 9 M 5 8 1 Series Bolt-Action Rifle, 187 M 5 8 2 Series Rifle, 188 M 5 1 3 5 , 179 bolt-action single-shot rifles: Model 4 0 - X B , 89 Model 4 0 X B - B R , 88, 8 9 - 9 1 bolt-action varmint rifle: M 7 0 0 B D L V a r m i n t Special, 101, 102, 106 over/under shotguns: M 3 2 0 0 Field G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r , 254 M 3 2 0 0 Magnum, 255 M 3 2 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet G u n , 255 M 3 2 0 0 O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 2 1 1 , 212, 256 semiautomatic centerfire rifles, 27 M5 Series, 26 M 8 , 26, 27, 28 M81 W o o d s m a s t e r , 26, 2 7 - 2 8 M 7 4 0 Series, 28 M 7 4 2 (Woodsmaster) Automatic Rifle, 3 1 , 34-35 semiautomatic rimfire rifles: M 2 4 , 162 M 2 4 1 , 162 M 5 5 2 S p e e d m a s t e r Series, 172 Model C, 162 N y l o n 66 Series Rifle, 1 7 0 - 1 7 1 semiautomatic shotguns: Model 58, 307 M l 100 D e e r G u n , 321 M l 100 Field G r a d e , 3 1 9 - 3 2 0 M l 100 Lightweight 20/20 M a g n u m , 324
M l 100 M a g n u m , 323 M l 100 Skeet G u n , 320 M l 100 Small G a u g e , 3 2 1 - 3 2 3 M l 100 T r a p G u n , 3 2 0 - 3 2 1 single-action centerfire revolver: M l 875 A r m y Revolver, 356 single-shot centerfire pistol: X P - 1 0 0 Bolt-Action Single-Shot Pistol, 3 4 5 - 3 4 6 , 347 single-shot rimfire rifles: M 4 0 - X R Series Rifle, 144 M 5 4 0 - X R / M 5 4 0 - X R J R Series Rifle, 145 M 5 8 0 Series Rifle, 1 4 5 - 1 4 6 slide-action centerfire rifles, 23 Model 760, 30 M760 Gamemaster, 23-25 slide-action rimfire rifles: M 1 2 , 157 M 1 2 1 Fieldmaster, 157, 1 5 9 - 1 6 1 slide-action shotguns: M 1 0 , 287 M 8 7 0 Brushmaster ( D e e r G u n ) Slide Action, 295 M 8 7 0 Lightweight, 2 9 3 - 2 9 4 M 8 7 0 M a g n u m Slide-Action, 296 M 8 7 0 Skeet Slide-Action, 296 M 8 7 0 Small Bore Slide Action, 295 M 8 7 0 T r a p Model, 297 M 8 7 0 Wingmaster Slide Action, 292-293 Reticles, 431 Revolvers: centerfire: double-action, 3 6 0 - 3 7 4 single-action, 3 4 9 - 3 5 9 rimfire: double-action, 4 0 5 - 4 1 0 single-action, 4 0 1 - 4 0 4 Rifle s c a b b a r d s , 4 3 3 Rifle/shotguns, combination, 3 3 4 - 3 4 1 Rifles: centerfire: bolt-action, see Bolt-action, centerfire rifles double-barrel, 3 7 - 4 0 lever-action, 9 - 2 2 semiautomatic, 2 6 - 3 6 single-shot, 1-8 slide-action, 2 3 - 2 5 , 30 rimfire: bolt-action, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 , 1 7 8 - 1 9 4 lever-action, 1 5 3 - 1 5 6 semiautomatic, 1 6 2 - 1 7 7 single-shot, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 slide-action, 1 5 7 - 1 6 1 Rimfire h a n d g u n s : pistols: semiautomatic, 4 1 1 - 4 2 4 single-shot, 3 9 7 - 4 0 0 revolvers: double-action, 4 0 5 - 4 1 0 single-action, 4 0 1 - 4 0 4 Rimfire rifles: bolt-action, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 , 1 7 8 - 1 9 4 lever-action, 1 5 3 - 1 5 6 semiautomatic, 1 6 2 - 1 7 7 single-shot, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 , 1 5 7 - 1 6 1 slide-action, 1 5 7 - 1 6 1 Rollover c o m b , 51 R o s e w o o d stocks, 50
454 / A R M S INDEX
Rotary magazine, 9 Ruger: bolt-action rifles, 41 M 7 7 , 4 3 , 4 8 , 50, 5 1 , 52, 5 3 , 54, 7 4 - 7 6 M 7 7 Elephant Rifle, 94, 9 7 - 9 8 M 7 7 Varmint Rifle, 101, 102, 1 0 6 - 1 0 7 semiautomatic rifles: M 1 0 / 2 2 Rifle, 173, 179 M 4 4 Autoloading C a r b i n e , 35 semiautomatic rimfire pistols: M a r k I Target/Bull Barrel M o d e l s , 419 Standard Model .22 A u t o m a t i c Pistol, 4 1 1 , 418-419 single-action centerfire revolvers: N e w Model Blackhawk, .357 M a g n u m , 350-351, 356-357 N e w Model Blackhawk Convertible, .45 Colt/.45 A C P , 358 N e w Model Blackhawk Convertible, .357 Magnum/9mm, 357-359 N e w Model Super Blackhawk, .44 Magnum, 3 5 1 , 359 single-action rimfire revolver: N e w Model Single-Six Convertible, 4 0 3 - 4 0 4 single-shot centerfire pistol: H a w k e y e , 345 single-shot rifles, 1, 2, 6 - 7 Safeties, 3 7 - 3 8 , 2 1 3 , 270 Sako: Finnwulf Rifle, 9, 10 H e a v y Barrel Varmint Rifle, 1 0 7 - 1 0 8 Savage: bolt-action magazine rifles, 41 M H O Series, 7 7 - 7 8 M i l l Chieftain, 79 M 3 4 0 , 80 bolt-action rimfire rifle: M 6 5 - M M a g n u m , 189-190 bolt-action single-shot rifles: M l 12V, 88, 89, 102, 103 M l 12V Single-Shot Varmint Rifle, 9 1 - 9 2 combination rifle/shotguns: 24-C C a m p e r s ' Model, 338 M 2 4 Field G r a d e ( F . G . ) Rifle/Shotgun, 339 M 2 4 - D (Deluxe) Rifle/Shotgun, 3 3 8 - 3 3 9 M 2 4 - V Rifle/Shotgun, 3 3 9 - 3 4 0 M 2 4 0 0 Rifle/Shotgun, 3 4 0 - 3 4 1 lever-action rifles, 14 M 9 6 , 9, 10 M 9 9 , 9, 10, 14 M99 Hammerless, 19-21 o v e r / u n d e r shotguns: M 3 3 0 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 2 5 7 - 2 5 8 M 3 3 3 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 2 5 6 - 2 5 7 M 3 3 3 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 258 M 3 3 3 - T O v e r / U n d e r T r a p , 259 slide-action shotguns: M 3 0 D / M 3 0 Field G r a d e Slide Action, 2 9 7 298 M 3 0 Slug Slide Action, 298 S a v a g e / A n s c h u t z bolt-action rifles: M54/54-M Spotters, 191-192 M 1 6 4 / M 1 6 4 - M Rifles, 178, 192 M 1 4 3 2 H o r n e t , 108 S a v a g e - F o x side-by-side double-barrel shotguns: Model B D o u b l e , 2 7 9 - 2 8 0
Model BS-E D o u b l e , 281 Savage-Stevens: rimfire rifles: M 3 4 Rifle, 193 M 7 2 C r a c k s h o t Rifle, 142, 1 4 6 - 1 4 7 M 7 3 / M 7 3 - Y Rifles, 148 shotguns: M 5 8 Bolt-Action Shotgun, 333 M 9 4 / C / M 9 4 - Y single-shot, 2 0 7 - 2 0 8 M311, 281-282 Schnabel fore-end, 52 S c o p e s , 9 5 , 1 0 2 - 1 0 3 , 122, 4 2 9 - 4 3 1 Selective automatic ejectors, 213 Selective-fire w e a p o n s , 26, 27 Selective single trigger, 2 1 2 - 2 1 3 Semiautomatic: defined, 26 pistols: centerfire, 362, 3 7 5 - 3 8 9 rimfire, 4 1 1 - 4 2 4 rifles: centerfire, 2 6 - 3 6 rimfire, 1 6 2 - 1 7 7 shotguns, 3 0 4 - 3 2 9 Semi-beavertail fore-end, 52 Semi-flared pistol grip, 52 Semi-pistol grip, 52 Sharps-Borchardt rifle, 2 Sharps rifle, 1-2 Short recoil system, 304 Shotguns: bolt-action, 3 3 0 - 3 3 3 c h o k e s , 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 , 3 4 2 - 3 4 3 , 344 combination rifle/shotguns, 3 3 4 - 3 4 1 over/under, 2 1 1 - 2 6 8 semiautomatic, 3 0 4 - 3 2 9 side-by-side double-barrel, 2 6 9 - 2 8 5 single-shot, 1 9 9 - 2 1 0 slide-action, 2 8 6 - 3 0 3 , 306 Side-by-side double-barrel shotguns, 2 6 9 - 2 8 5 Side ejection, 9 Side lock, 37, 212, 269 Side m o u n t e d scopes, 4 2 9 - 4 3 0 Sights, 3 8 - 3 9 , 9 4 - 9 5 , 3 6 1 , 4 3 0 Single-action revolvers: centerfire, 3 4 9 - 3 5 9 rimfire, 4 0 1 - 4 0 4 Single-shot: pistols: centerfire, 3 4 5 - 3 4 8 rimfire, 3 9 7 - 4 0 0 rifles: centerfire, 1-8, 8 8 - 9 2 rimfire, 1 4 2 - 1 5 2 , 1 5 7 - 1 6 1 shotguns, 1 9 9 - 2 1 0 Slide-action: centerfire rifles, 2 3 - 2 5 , 30 rimfire rifles, 1 5 7 - 1 6 1 shotguns, 2 8 6 - 3 0 3 , 306 Slings, 5 3 - 5 4 Slug c h o k e , 343 Smith & W e s s o n : double-action centerfire revolvers: M l 2 / . 3 8 C o m b a t M a s t e r p i e c e , 366 M14/K-38 Masterpiece, 366-367 M19 " C o m b a t " Magnum, 367-368 M 2 3 , 369
A R M S INDEX / 455
M 2 4 Target, 370 M 2 7 Magnum, 3 7 0 - 3 7 1 M 2 8 Highway Patrolman, 371 M29/.44 Magnum, 371-373 M 5 3 , 374 M 5 7 , 374 Triple Lock, 361 double-action rimfire revolvers: M 1 7 K-22 Masterpiece Revolver, 4 0 5 , 4 0 8 409 M 1 8 C o m b a t Masterpiece, 4 0 5 , 409 M 3 4 9153 .22/32 Kit G u n , 409 M 4 8 K-22 Masterpiece M . R . F . , 4 1 0 semiautomatic pistols: Model 41 M a t c h Pistol, 421 M 5 9 Double-Action Pistol, 386 semiautomatic shotgun: M 1 0 0 0 , 3 2 4 - 3 2 5 single-action centerfire revolver: Schofield, 350 single-shot rimfire pistol: Perfection, 397 Snider single-shot rifles, 1 Spanish M a u s e r bolt-action rifle, 4 3 Spencer: carbines, 2 lever-action centerfire rifles, 14 Sporterization, 4 2 5 - 4 2 9 Spotting scopes, 432 Springfield M 1 9 0 3 ( U . S . Rifle Caliber .30, Model of 1903), 42, 46, 4 8 , 4 9 , 5 3 , 178, 426, 429 Standard sling, 5 3 - 5 4 Star G a u g e Double Barrel: Small Bore, 283 12-Bore, 282 Stocks: bolt-action rifles, 4 7 , 5 0 - 5 4 , 94 checkering, 10, 50, 54, 4 2 6 lever-action rifles, 10 M o n t e Carlo, 4 7 , 50, 5 1 , 1 9 9 - 2 0 0 precut blanks, 427 shotguns, 271 woods for, 426 Stoeger Luger .22, 4 2 1 - 4 2 2 Straight line en bloc clips, 4 3 Straight-line magazine, 43 Straight-pull bolt-action, 4 2 - 4 3 Swivels, 5 3 - 5 4 T h o m p s o n Autorifle, 29 T h o m p s o n / C e n t e r C o n t e n d e r Single-Shot Pistol, 3 4 5 , 3 4 7 - 3 4 8 , 397, 4 0 0 T o p ejection, 9 T o p mounted scopes, 429 T r a p choke, 343 Triggers, 38, 2 1 2 - 2 1 3 , 270 T r o m b o n e action, see Slide action Tubular magazines, 9, 43 Turkish M a u s e r bolt-action rifle, 43 Turnbolt-action, 4 1 , 42 Twin triggers, 38, 212 Two-piece stock, 10 Underbolt, 212 Unique 69 D . E . S . M a t c h Pistol, 4 2 2 - 4 2 3 United States Carbine, Caliber . 3 0 M 1 , 29 United States Magazine Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903 ( M l 9 0 3 Springfield), 42, 46, 4 8 , 49, 5 3 , 178, 4 2 6 , 429
States Pistol, Caliber .45 M 1 9 1 1 / M 1 9 1 1 A 1 , 3 7 5 - 3 7 6 , 383 United States Rifle, Caliber .30, M 1 9 1 7 , (Enfield M l 7 ) , 4 6 - 4 7 , 4 2 6 - 4 2 7 , 429 Universal-Baikal: IJ-18 Single-Shot, 2 0 8 - 2 0 9 Model I J - 2 7 E O v e r / U n d e r , 2 5 9 - 2 6 1 Universal U . S . M l Carbine, Caliber .30 M l , 34, 36 Variable-choke devices, 344 Varmint rifles: bolt-action, 1 0 1 - 1 1 0 single-shot, 9 1 - 9 2 Vierlings, 334 Volcanic lever-action rifle, 9 Volitional R e p e a t e r Rifle, 10 Walnut Hill single-shot rifles, 2 Walther: bolt-action rifles: K K J S p o r t s m a n Centerfire Rifle, 8 0 - 8 1 K K J Sportsman Rifle, 178, 1 9 3 - 1 9 4 semiautomatic pistols: G S P Rim Fire M a t c h Pistol, 4 2 3 Model O S P Rapid-Fire Rimfire Pistol, 423 P-38 Rimfire D o u b l e Action Pistol, 4 2 4 Pistole-1938 (P-38) D o u b l e Action Pistol, 376,387-389 single-shot rimfire rifles: K K M International M a t c h Rifle, 1 4 8 - 1 4 9 Moving T a r g e t M a t c h Rifle, 150 " P r o n e 4 0 0 " M a t c h Rifle, 1 4 9 - 1 5 0 U . l . T . M a t c h Rifle, 149 Weatherby: bolt-action big-bore rifle: M a r k V .460 Magnum, 94, 9 5 , 9 8 - 9 9 bolt-action rifles, 4 1 , 5 0 - 5 4 M a r k V Rifle, 8 1 - 8 2 Vanguard, 8 2 - 8 3 V a r m i n t m a s t e r Rifle, 1 0 8 - 1 0 9 semiautomatic rimfire rifles: M a r k X X I I D e l u x e Semiautomatic Rifle ( D e t a c h a b l e - B o x Magazine), 1 7 4 - 1 7 5 , 179 M a r k X X I I D e l u x e Semiautomatic (Tubular Magazine), 1 7 5 - 1 7 6 , 179 shotguns: C e n t u r i o n Semiautomatic Shotgun, 326 Patrician Slide-Action, 2 9 8 - 2 9 9 Regency O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e , 2 6 1 262 Regency O v e r / U n d e r Skeet Model, 262 Regency O v e r / U n d e r T r a p Model, 2 6 2 - 2 6 3 Webley & Scott side-by-side double-barrel shotguns: M 7 2 0 D o u b l e Barrel, 2 8 3 - 2 8 4 M 7 2 8 D o u b l e Barrel, 284 Westley Richards: big-bore bolt-action rifles, 92 double rifles, 37, 38, 39 side-by-side double-barrel shotguns, 269 Whitworth E x p r e s s Rifle, African Series, 8 3 - 8 4 , 99 Winchester: bolt-action big-bore rifle: M 7 0 African, 94, 99-100
456 / A R M S INDEX
W i n c h e s t e r (continued) bolt-action centerfire rifles, 41 M 5 4 , 4 7 , 427 M70, 41, 43, 47-54, 84-87 M 7 0 Featherweight, 4 8 , 50, 53 M 7 0 A , 87 bolt-action rimfire rifles: M 5 2 , 178 M 5 6 , 179 M 5 7 , 179 M 7 5 , 179 bolt-action varmint rifle: M 7 0 Varmint Rifle, 101, 102, 1 0 9 - 1 1 0 lever-action centerfire rifles: M 5 3 , 11 M 6 5 , 11 M 6 6 , 10 M 7 1 , 11 M 7 3 , 9, 10, 12 M76, 10-11 M 8 6 , 11 M 8 8 , 9, 10, 14 M 9 2 , 11 M 9 4 , 9, 10, 11, 14 M 9 4 Repeating Carbine, 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 7 - 2 8 M 9 5 , 9, 11, 14 lever-action rimfire rifles: M 7 3 , 153 M 9 4 2 2 / 9 4 2 2 M Lever-Action Carbine, 156 over/under shotguns: M 1 0 1 Field G r a d e - 12-Bore, 2 1 1 - 2 1 2 , 263 M 1 0 1 O v e r / U n d e r Field G r a d e - S m a l l Bore, 261 M 1 0 1 O v e r / U n d e r M a g n u m , 261 M 1 0 1 O v e r / U n d e r Skeet, 265 Pigeon G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r Field G u n , 2 6 5 266 Pigeon G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r Skeet G u n , 266 Pigeon G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 2 6 6 267 X p e r t Field G r a d e O v e r / U n d e r Shotgun, 267 X p e r t O v e r / U n d e r Skeet G u n , 268 X p e r t O v e r / U n d e r T r a p G u n , 268 semiautomatic centerfire rifles, 27
M 5 Self-loading Rifle, 26, 28 M 7 , 28 M 1 0 , 28 semiautomatic rimfire rifles: M 0 3 , 162 M 6 3 , 162 M 1 9 0 / M 2 9 0 Semiautomatic Rifle, 176 M 4 9 0 Semiautomatic Rifle, 177, 179 semiautomatic shotguns: M i l , 305 M 4 0 , 304 M 5 0 , 305 M 5 9 , 304, 305 M l 4 0 0 , 305 M 1 4 0 0 M a r k I l - W i n c h o k e , 327 Super-X Model 1, 3 2 7 - 3 2 8 S u p e r - X Model 1 Skeet G u n , 328 Super-X Model 1 Slug G u n , 329 Super-X Model 1 T r a p Model, 329 side-by-side double-barrel shotgun: M 2 1 C u s tom D o u b l e Barrel Shotgun, 2 8 4 - 2 8 5 single-shot rimfire rifles: M 5 2 , 142 M 5 2 D International M a t c h Rifle, 1 5 1 - 1 5 2 M 5 2 D International P r o n e M a t c h Rifle, 152 M 5 2 D M a t c h Rifle, 1 5 0 - 1 5 1 M 6 7 , 142 single-shot shotgun: M 3 7 / M 3 7 A Single-Shot, 210 slide-action rimfire rifles: M 0 6 , 157 M 6 2 , 157 M 9 0 , 157 slide-action shotguns: M 1 2 T r a p Slide-Action, 2 9 9 - 3 0 1 M 9 3 , 286 M 9 7 , 286 M l 2 0 0 M a g n u m Slide Action, 302 M l 2 0 0 Slide Action, 303 M l 2 0 0 W i n c h o k e Slide-Action, 302 Winder M u s k e t , 2 W o o d s , for stocks, 4 2 6 Zebra-type stocks, 52
CARTRIDGE INDEX Aluminum cases, 112, 343 B.B. C a p s , 195 Belted cases, 113 Benchrest bullets, 8 8 - 8 9 , 117 Berdan primer, 113 Black-powder cartridges, 118 Blanks, 1 9 6 - 1 9 7 , 391 Bottle (shoulder) case, 111 Bottleneck cases, 390 Brass cases, 111, 112 Brass shot shell cases, 343 Brennecke 8mm rifle cartridges, 140 Bullets: benchrest, 8 8 - 8 9 , 117 design of, 1 1 4 - 1 1 7 disintegrating, 196 dum-dum, 1 1 4 - 1 1 5 expanding, 116 gas-check, 391 hollowpoint, 115, 196, 197, 391 Keith-type flatnose, 391 lead, 114, 390 match, 115 metal-jacketed, 1 1 4 - 1 1 5 , 3 9 0 - 3 9 1 military, 1 1 4 - 1 1 5 roundnose, 391 slight flatnose, 391 softpoint, 1 1 5 - 1 1 6 , 390 varmint, 117 C.B. C a p s , 1 9 5 - 1 9 6 Cardboard cases with paper wrapper, 343 Caseless cartridges, 112 Cases: centerfire handgun, 390 centerfire rifle, 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 , 1 1 8 - 1 1 9 , 132 rimfire, 195 shot shell, 343 Centerfire handgun cartridges, 3 9 0 - 3 9 6 .22 Remington Jet, 391 .221 Remington Fireball, 3 9 1 - 3 9 2 .25 A C P , 390, 391 .30 Caliber (7.65mm Parabellum) Luger, 392 .32 A C P , 390 .32 S & W Long, 392 . 3 2 - 2 0 Winchester (.32 W . C . F . ) , 392 .357 Magnum, 3 9 2 - 3 9 3 .38 A C P , 390, 394 .38 Long Colt, 392 .38 S&W, 394 .38 Short Colt, 393 .38 Special, 3 9 3 - 3 9 4 .41 Magnum, 392, 394 .44 Magnum, 3 9 1 , 3 9 4 - 3 9 5 .44 Russian, 395 .44 Special, 395 . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., 390, 3 9 1 , 395 .45 A C P , 390, 3 9 1 , 3 9 3 , 395 .45 A u t o rim, 3 9 5 - 3 9 6 .45 (Long) Colt, 390, 396 9mm (Luger) Parabellum, 390
Centerfire rifle cartridges, 1 1 1 - 1 4 1 American, 118-133 design of, 1 1 1 - 1 1 7 metric, 1 3 4 - 1 4 1 nomenclature, 1 1 8 - 1 1 9 .17 Rem., 115, 118, 119 .218 Bee, 2, 112, 118, 119 .219 Zipper, 112, 118 .22 H o r n e t , 2, 1 0 1 - 1 0 2 , 112, 115, 118, 1 1 9 120, 4 2 7 .22 Savage Hi Power, 118, 119 . 2 2 - 2 5 0 Rem., 102, 115, 119, 120, 427 .220 Swift, 102, 115, 119, 120, 122, 427 .222 Rem., 101, 115, 1 2 0 - 1 2 1 .222 R e m . M a g n u m , 101, 121 .223 R e m . (5.56mm), 121, 134 .224 W e a t h e r b y , 102 .224 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 120, 121 .224 Win., 102, 112, 118 .225 Win., 120, 121 .236 L e e N a v y (6mm Lee N a v y ) , 112, 118, 134 .240 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 102, 118, 121 .243 Win., 102, 117, 118, 1 2 1 - 1 2 2 , 140, 427 .244 H & H M a g n u m , 126 .244 Rem., 112, 117, 118, 122, 140, 427 .25 Rem., 119, 125 . 2 5 - 0 6 Rem., 102, 119, 1 2 2 - 1 2 3 , 125, 4 2 7 . 2 5 - 3 5 Win., 115, 118, 119 .250 Savage, 140 . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 Savage, 112, 123 .257 R o b e r t s , 2, 102, 112, 117, 123, 140 .257 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 102, 113, 123, 125 .264 Win. M a g n u m , 102, 113, 123, 135, 427 .270 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 113, 123 .270 Win., 112, 1 2 3 - 1 2 4 , 140 .275 H & H M a g n u m , 113, 126 .280 Rem., 124 .284 Win., 113 .30 N e w t o n , 125 .30 Rem., 118, 119, 125 .30 U . S . M l Carbine, 112, 124 . 3 0 - 0 6 Springfield, 9, 46, 112, 115, 118, 1 2 4 125, 140 . 3 0 - 3 0 Win., 112, 115, 118, 119, 1 2 5 - 1 2 6 . 3 0 - 4 0 Krag, 46, 112, 113, 118, 125, 126 .300 H & H M a g n u m , 1 1 3 - 1 1 4 , 115, 118, 119, 125, 126, 4 2 7 .300 Savage, 112, 118, 127 .300 U . S . A . , 118 .300 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 113, 118, 127, 128 .300 Win. M a g n u m , 113, 118, 1 2 7 - 1 2 8 , 4 2 7 .303 British, 118, 124, 128 .303 Savage, 113, 118, 119 .308 N o r m a M a g n u m , 118, 128 .308 Win. (7.62mm N A T O ) , 112, 118, 127, 1 2 8 - 1 2 9 , 134, 140 .32 Rem., 119 .32 Win. Special, 118, 119 .33 Win., 129 .333 Jeffries, 129 .338 Win. M a g n u m , 113, 124, 129, 427
.340 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 113, 129 .348 Win., 112, 119 .35 Rem., 119, 129 .35 Whelen, 129 .350 Griffin & H o w e , 129 .350 R e m . M a g n u m , 129 .350 Rigby M a g n u m , 129 .351 W.S.L.R., 112, 113, 119 .358 N o r m a Magnum, 1 2 9 - 1 3 0 .358 Win., 113, 140 .375 H & H M a g n u m , 9 3 , 113, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 427 .375 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 94 .378 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 131 . 3 8 - 4 0 Win., 115, 119 . 3 8 - 5 5 Win., 119 .400 Whelen, 113 .405 Win., 118 .416 Rigby, 112 .44 S & W M a g n u m , 131 . 4 4 - 4 0 Win., 115, 118, 119, 131 .444 Marlin, 112, 131 .45 A C P , 111, 112, 113 .45 G o v e r n m e n t (.45-70), 118, 1 3 1 - 1 3 2 .458 Win. M a g n u m , 9 3 , 111, 113, 114, 124, 132,427 .460 W e a t h e r b y M a g n u m , 9 3 , 133 .500 M a u s e r (Jeffrey), 113 .600 N i t r o E x p r e s s , 115 6mm Rem., 102, 117, 122, 135, 140 6.5mm J A P , 135 6.5mm Mannlicher (6.5454 MannlicherSchoenauer), 119, 135 6.5mm M a n n l i c h e r - C a r c a n o , 134 6.5mm Rem. M a g n u m , 135 6.5x55 Swedish M a u s e r , 136 7mm M a s h b u r n M a g n u m , 136 7mm Rem. M a g n u m , 123, 134, 136 7mm Weatherby M a g n u m , 134, 1 3 6 - 1 3 8 7x57 M a u s e r (7mm M a u s e r ) , 134, 1 3 6 - 1 3 7 , 140 7 x 5 7 R M a u s e r (7mm rimmed M a u s e r ) , 138 7 x 6 1 m m Sharpe & H a r t , 138 7.62mm Russian, 1 3 8 - 1 3 9 7.65mm Argentine/Belgian M a u s e r , 134, 139, 140 8mm Lebel, 113, 140 8x56 (8mm) Mannlicher-Schoenauer, 112, 139, 140 8x57 (7.92mm) M a u s e r , 112, 124, 134, 1 3 9 41 8x57 J R M a u s e r , 140, 141 8x57 J R S M a u s e r , 141 8x63 Brennecke, 140 8x64 Brennecke, 140 9mm M a u s e r , 134 10.75mm M a u s e r , 134 Colt: handgun cartridge designs: .25 A C P , 390, 391 .32 A C P , 390 .38 A C P , 390, 394 .38 Long, 392 .38 Short, 393 .45 A C P , 390, 3 9 1 , 3 9 3 , 395 .45 Long, 390, 396
rifle cartridge designs: .30, 113 .45, 111, 112, 113 C o p p e r c a s e s , 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 , 132 Daisy Air Rifle C o m p a n y , 112 D a n g e r o u s - g a m e softpoint bullets, 1 1 5 - 1 1 6 Disintegrating bullets, 196 Double-rifle cartridges, 39 D u m - d u m Arsenal, India, 114 D u m - d u m bullets, 1 1 4 - 1 1 5 D W M ( D e u t s c h e Waffen und Munitionsfabriken), 4 6 , 113, 134, 140 Eley Bros., 119, 196, 198 Expanding bullets, 116 Full metal-jacketed bullets, 3 9 0 - 3 9 1 G a s - c h e c k bullets, 391 G I Bore Cleaner, 113 Griffin & H o w e .350 rifle cartridges, 129 G r o o v e diameter, 118 H a n d g u n cartridges, see Centerfire handgun cartridges; Rimfire cartridges Holland & Holland ( H & H ) rifle cartridge designs: .244 M a g n u m , 126 .275 M a g n u m , 113, 126 .300 M a g n u m , 1 1 3 - 1 1 4 , 115, 118, 119, 125, 126, 427 .375 M a g n u m , 9 3 , 113, 118, 119, 123, 124, 125, 130, 4 2 7 Hollowpoint bullets, 115, 196, 197, 391 H o r n a d y bullets, 117, 138 Keith-type flatnose bullets, 391 Kleanbore, 113 Krag . 3 0 - 4 0 rifle cartridge, 4 6 , 112, 113, 118, 125, 126 K y n o c h ammunition, 39, 113, 114, 119 Lead bullets, 114, 390 Lebel 8mm rifle cartridge, 113, 140 L e e N a v y .236 (6mm L e e N a v y ) rifle cartridge, 112, 118, 134 Lubaloy, 195 M a n n l i c h e r - C a r c a n o 6.5mm rifle cartridge, 134 M a n n l i c h e r - S c h o e n a u e r rifle cartridge designs: 6.5mm (.6.5454), 119, 135 8 x 5 6 (8mm), 112, 139, 140 Mantle bullet, 116 Marlin .444 rifle cartridge, 112, 131 M a s h b u r n 7mm M a g n u m rifle cartridge, 136 M a t c h b u r n 7mm M a g n u m rifle cartridge, 136 M a t c h bullets, 115 M a u s e r rifle cartridge designs: 6.5x55 Swedish, 136 7x57 (7mm M a u s e r ) , 134, 1 3 6 - 1 3 7 , 140 7 x 5 7 R (7mm rimmed M a u s e r ) , 138 7.65mm Argentine/Belgian, 134, 139, 140 8x57 (7.92mm), 112, 124, 134, 1 3 9 - 1 4 1 8x57 J R , 140, 141 8x57 J R S , 141 9 m m , 134 10.75mm, 134
Mercury, 113-114 Metal-jacketed bullets, 1 1 4 - 1 1 5 , 3 9 0 - 3 9 1 Metric centerfire rifle cartridges, 1 3 4 - 1 4 1 National M a t c h ammunition, 115 N e w t o n .30 rifle cartridge, 125 N o r m a ammunition, 113, 120, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140 rifle cartridge designs: .308 M a g n u m , 118, 128 .358 M a g n u m , 1 2 9 - 1 3 0 N o s i e r bullets, 115, 116, 127, 137, 138 Peters Cartridge C o m p a n y , 390 Plastic cases, 112 Plastic shot shells, 343 Potassium chloride, 114 Primers: for handgun cartridges, 391 for rifle cartridges, 1 1 3 - 1 1 4 Quick-expanding bullets, 116 Rebated cases, 113 Remington: centerfire handgun cartridge designs: .22 Jet, 391 .221 Fireball, 3 9 1 - 3 9 2 .44 M a g n u m , 3 9 1 , 3 9 4 - 3 9 5 centerfire rifle cartridge designs: .17, 115, 118, 119 . 2 2 - 2 5 0 , 102, 115, 119, 120, 4 2 7 .222, 101, 115, 1 2 0 - 1 2 1 .222 M a g n u m , 101, 121 .223 (5.56mm), 121, 134 .244, 112, 117, 118, 122, 140, 427 .25, 119, 125 . 2 5 - 0 6 , 102, 119, 1 2 2 - 1 2 3 , 135, 427 .280, 124 .30, 118, 119, 125 .32, 119 .35, 119, 129 .350 Magnum, 129 6mm, 102, 112, 117, 122, 135, 140 6.5mm M a g n u m , 135 7mm Magnum, 123, 134, 136 rimfire cartridge designs, 1 9 6 - 1 9 8 Rifle cartridges, see Centerfire rifle cartridges; Rimfire cartridges Rigby rifle cartridge designs: .350 Magnum, 129 .416, 112 Rimfire cartridges, 1 9 5 - 1 9 8 .22 B.B. C a p , 195 .22 C.B. C a p , 1 9 5 - 1 9 6 .22 Extra Long, 195 .22 Long, 153, 157, 162, 197 .22 Long Rifle, 157, 162, 195, 197 .22 Long Rifle Hollowpoint, 197 .22 Long Rifle M a t c h , 1 9 7 - 1 9 8 .22 Long Rifle Shot, 198 .22 Long Rifle stud driver loads, 198 .22 Short, 153, 157, 162, 195, 196 .22 Short Blank, 1 9 6 - 1 9 7 .22 Short Gallery, 196 .22 Short Hollowpoint, 196 .22 Short Match, 196 .22 W . R . F . , 157, 198
.22 W i n c h e s t e r Autoloading, 198 .22 W i n c h e s t e r Rimfire M a g n u m , 198 .25 Stevens Long, 195 .25 Stevens Short, 195 .32 E x t r a Long, 195 .32 Long, 195 .38 Extra Long, 195 .38 Short, 195 .41 Short, 195 .41 Swiss Vetterli, 195 .44 Colt, 195 .44 E x t r a Long H o w a r d , 195 .44 H e n r y Flat, 195 .44 Win., 195 . 5 6 - 4 6 S p e n c e r Rifle, 195 . 5 6 - 5 6 Spencer Carbine, 195 . 5 6 - 6 0 S p e n c e r Carbine, 195 5mm Rem. M a g n u m , 198 Rimless c a s e s : for handgun cartridges, 390 for rifle cartridges, 1 1 2 - 1 1 3 , 1 1 8 - 1 1 9 Rimmed c a s e s , 112, 390 R o b e r t s .257 rifle cartridge, 2, 102, 112, 117, 123, 140 R o u n d n o s e bullets, 391 Savage rifle cartridge designs: .22 Hi P o w e r , 118, 119 .250, 140 . 2 5 0 - 3 0 0 0 , 112, 123 .300, 112, 118, 127 .303, 113, 118, 119 Semi-rimless c a s e s , 390 Semi-rimmed c a s e s , 113 Sharpe & H a r t 7 x 6 1 m m rifle cartridge, 138 Short cartridges, 391 Shot shells, 343 Sierra bullets, 115, 117, 137 Silvadry, 195 Silvertip bullets, 116 Slight flatnose bullets, 391 Smith & W e s s o n (S&W): handgun cartridge designs: .32 S & W Long, 392 .357 M a g n u m , 3 9 2 - 3 9 3 .38 S & W , 394 .38 Special, 3 9 3 - 3 9 4 .41 M a g n u m , 392, 394 rifle cartridge design: .44 S & W M a g n u m , 131 Softpoint bullets, 1 1 5 - 1 1 6 , 390 Solids, 114 Speer bullets, 117, 122, 137 Spitzer bullets, 137 Steel cases, 112 Straight cases, 111, 390 Straight taper c a s e s , 111 Stud driver loads, 198 T a p e r e d c a s e s , 390 Union Metallic Cartridge C o m p a n y 197 United States M l C a r b i n e .30 rifle 112, 124 United States Springfield . 3 0 - 0 6 rifle 9, 46, 112, 115, 118, 1 2 4 - 1 2 5 ,
(U.M.C.), cartridge, cartridge, 140
Varmint cartridges, 1 0 1 - 1 0 2 , 117, 1 2 1 - 1 2 3
Weatherby: centerfire rifle cartridge designs: .224, 102 .224 M a g n u m , 120, 121 .240 M a g n u m , 102, 118, 121 .257 M a g n u m , 102, 113, 123, 125 .270 M a g n u m , 113, 123 .300 M a g n u m , 113, 118, 127, 128 .340 Magnum, 113, 129 .375 M a g n u m , 94 .378 Magnum, 131 .460 Magnum, 9 3 , 133 7mm Magnum, 134, 1 3 6 - 1 3 8 rimfire cartridge designs, 196 Western Cartridge C o m p a n y , 113, 115, 126, 135, 137 Whelen rifle cartridge designs: .35, 129 .400, 113 Winchester: centerfire handgun cartridge designs: . 3 2 - 2 0 (.32 W . C . F . ) , 392 . 4 4 - 4 0 , 390, 3 9 1 , 395 centerfire rifle cartridge designs: .218 Bee, 2, 112, 118, 119
.219 Zipper, 112, 118 .224, 102, 112, 118 .225, 120, 121 .243, 102, 117, 118, 1 2 1 - 1 2 2 , 140, 427 . 2 5 - 3 5 , 115, 118, 119 .264 M a g n u m , 102, 113, 123, 135, 427 .270, 112, 1 2 3 - 1 2 4 , 140 .284, 114 . 3 0 - 3 0 , 112, 115, 118, 119, 1 2 5 - 1 2 6 .300 M a g n u m , 113, 118, 1 2 7 - 1 2 8 , 427 .308 (7.62mm N A T O ) , 112, 118, 127, 1 2 8 129, 134, 140 .32 Special, 118, 119 .33, 129 .338 M a g n u m , 113, 124, 129, 427 .348, 112, 119 .351 S.L.R., 112, 113, 119 .358, 113, 140 . 3 8 - 4 0 , 115, 119 . 3 8 - 5 5 , 119 .405, 118 . 4 4 - 4 0 , 115, 118, 119, 131 .458 M a g n u m , 9 3 , 111, 113, 114, 124, 132, 427 rimfire cartridge designs, 1 9 6 - 1 9 8
The, 9 3 , 1 2 1 - 1 2 2
Banks C a m e r a H a r n e s s , 432 Barnes, Fred, 1 3 0 - 1 3 1 Bassett, Charley, 354 Becker, Augustus " G u s , " 286 Bell, Karamojo, 137 Bennett, T h o m a s G r a y , 305 Berdan, Hiram, 113 Biesen, Al, 426 Bigelow, A. F . , 286 Binoculars, 4 3 1 - 4 3 2 Bipods, 122 Bonney, William "Billy the Kid," 360 Borchardt, H u g o , 375 Boser, G o r d o n , 394 Bowman, L e s , 136 Boxer Rebellion, 46 British India A r m y , 1 Brown, Neal, 354 Brownell, L e o n a r d , 54, 426 Browning, John M o s e s , 1-2, 10, 11, 18, 26, 118, 153, 157, 162, 163, 2 1 1 , 286, 287, 3 0 4 305, 375, 376, 377, 3 8 1 , 411 Browning, M a t t h e w , 11, 157, 286, 304, 305 Browning, Val A., 211 Buhmuller, John, 9 3 - 9 4 Bureau of Alcohol, T o b a c c o , and F i r e a r m s ( B A T F ) , 26, 377 Burns, J a m e s , 114 Center, Warren, 345 Churchill, Winston, 426 Civil War, 2, 10, 14, 26 C o d y , Bill, 131
Colt, Sam, 349 Custer, G e o r g e A r m s t r o n g , 1, 111 C u t t s , Richard, 344 Dixon, Billy, 1 D o d g e , Marcellus H a r t l e y , 305 D o n a l d s o n , H a r v e y , 88 Earp, Wyatt, 354, 356 Elliason, G e o r g e , 380, 412 F e d e r a l Bureau of Investigation, 26 F i r e a r m s Information & Research Service, 119 First Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders), 11, 46 Fisher, J e r r y , 426 Fitz, G r a n c e l , 125 G a r a n d , J o h n , 29, 32 G a t e s , Elgin, 127 Gleinich, Henrich, 46 G o e r i n g , H e r m a n n , 112 G r e e n e r , W. W., 270 H . P. White L a b o r a t o r y , 3 9 1 , 419 H a r p e r , J e s s e , 380 Harrison, E d w a r d H., 113 H a r t , Richard, 138 H a r t l e y , Marcellus, 305 H a t c h e r , Julian, 32 H a u c k , Wilbur, 2 H e m i n g w a y , Ernest, 135 H e n r y , Benjamin Tyler, 10 Holliday, D o c , 354 Hollidge, Crawford, 117 H o w e , Douglas " W e b b y , " 345
Indian W a r s , 14, 1 1 1 - 1 1 2 International Benchrest Shooters, 88 J a m e s , Frank, 349 J a m e s , J e s s e , 350 Johnson, Eric, 426 Johnson, Melvin, 2 8 - 2 9 , 124 Johnson, T h o m a s Crossley, 26, 162, 305 J o h n s o n , Wally, 93 Judson, Edward Z e n e Carroll ( N e t Buntline), 3 4 9 - 3 5 0 , 354 Keith, Elmer, 127, 1 3 1 , 3 9 1 , 3 9 2 , 3 9 4 , 3 5 1 , 3 5 9 Kennedy, E d w a r d , 427 Korean War, 29, 32, 124, 128, 376, 395 Kriefhoff, Henrich, 385 Lake, Stuart N „ 354 Lawrence L e a t h e r C o . , 433 Lebel, Colonel, 114 Lee, T h o m a s K., 431 Lincoln, A b r a h a m , 2 Linden, Alvin, 4 7 , 50, 426 Lott, J a c q u e s , 93 Luger, G e o r g e , 375 M c K e n z i e , H e n r y , 39 M c L a u r y , T o m , 354 M a n n e r s , H a r r y , 93 Mannlicher, Ferdinand von, 52 Marlin, John, 16, 18 Marshall, S. L. A., 124 Mason, William S., 11 Masterson, William Barclay " B a t , " 1, 354 Mauser, Peter Paul, 4 3 Mauser, Wilhelm, 4 3 National Bench Rest Shooters Association, 88, 91 National Rifle Association, 46, 115, 178, 395, 426, 4 2 7 Neidner, Adolph, 4 7 , 426 N e w t o n , Charles, 11, 46, 123 N o r t h West Mounted Police, 10 O ' C o n n o r , Eleanor, 137 O ' C o n n o r , Jack, 50, 115, 124, 136, 137, 4 3 3 Olsen, Ludwig, 43 O w e n s , Bob, 4 7 , 50 O w n e n , Robert, 426 Pachmayr, August, 426 Page, Warren, 136 Patton, G e o r g e S„ 350 Pedersen, J o h n Douglas, 2 3 , 157, 287 Peterson, Robert, 359, 394 Philippine Insurrection, 2, 46, 350 Pope, H a r r y , 142 Powell, Ralph Baden, 127
Pugsley, Ed, 130 Rayner, K e n n e t h C , 122 Reising, Eugene, 162 Rigby, John, 39, 138 Roosevelt, T h e o d o r e , 11, 46 Ruark, Robert, 38, 39 Ruger, William B., 1, 2, 7, 5 3 , 54, 120, 124, 126, 2 1 1 , 3 4 5 , 350, 4 1 8 Savage, A r t h u r , 21 Schofield, G e o r g e Wheeler, 350 Sharpe, Philip, 138, 392 Sheldon, C h a r l e s , 135 Shellhammer, T h o m a s , 4 7 , 426 Smith, J e r o m e Bushnell, 120 Spanish-American War, 2, 46 Stefansson, Vihjalmur, 135 Stoner, Eugene, 164 Story, N e l s o n , 2 Sturm, A l e x a n d e r , 4 1 8 Swenson, Arthur, 2 Taylor, J o h n " P o n d o r o , " 1, 39, 130 T h o m a s , William Morgan, 197 Tilghman, Bill, 354 United States A i r F o r c e , 3 9 1 , 395 United States A r m y , 1 , 1 1 , 29, 32, 46, 113, 126, 132, 3 4 5 , 350, 360, 3 7 5 , 3 8 1 , 3 8 3 , 3 9 1 , 392 United States Bureau of Prisons, 126 United States Marine C o r p s , 29, 3 6 0 - 3 6 1 , 375, 383,396 United States N a v y , 360, 3 8 3 , 396 Vielle, Paul, 4 3 Vietnam War, 32, 128, 376, 395 Waite, M . D . , 122 Walker, Mike, 136, 145 Walker, Samuel, 349 W e a t h e r b y , Roy, 52, 9 3 , 116, 125, 127, 129, 433 W e a v e r , Bill, 431 W e s s o n , D a n , 361 Whelen, W. T o w n s e n d , 5 1 , 54 White, Stewart E d w a r d , 11 Wilhelm, G a r y , 4 2 2 Williams, D a v i d " C a r b i n e , " 29, 304 Wimbledon T r o p h y , 126 Winchester, Oliver P., 10, 305 W i n d h a m m e r , Louis, 4 2 6 W o o d y , Al, 119 World W a r I, 4 6 , 149, 140, 395 World W a r l l , 2 9 , 3 2 , 3 3 , 4 6 , 112, 137, 1 6 2 , 3 5 0 , 360, 3 6 1 , 376, 3 9 1 , 395 W o t k y n s , G r o s v e n o r , 120 W o u n d e d K n e e , Battle of, 2 Younger, C o l e , 350