English f or
Charles Lafond. Sheila Vine, BirgftWelch
Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6DP Ot'ord University Pressis a department ofthe Univenityof Oford It furthen the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishingworldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With ofEcesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand T\ukey lJkraine Vietnam oxrono and oxroRD BNGLISHare registered trade marks of Oxford University Pressin the LJKand in certain other countries O Oxford University Presszoro Adapted from lflglish for Negonofingby Charles Iafond, Sheila Vine, and Birgitwelch @CornelsenVerlag GmbH & Co. OHG,Berlin zoog The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro 2074 2013 2Oa2 2oal 2OrO 7098 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 photocopylng No unauthorized All rights resen ed. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press,or as expresslypermitted by law or under terms agteed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press,at the addressabove You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Anywebsites refened to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor information only. Oxford University Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN:978o 194S79S1 3 Printed in China This book is printed on paper from ceftified and well-managed sources
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I 7
Settlngobjectives TheHITtable Thesuccessfu [ negotiator
Askingfor information Planning a meeting Providing explanations
Setting obiectlvec
Priorltlzlngobjectlves Drawlngup the agenda Geftlngto knowthe otherslde
Arranging a meeting Statingandaskingaboutinterests Agreeing agendapoints
The meetlngl
Invltatlonto a meetlng last-mlnutechangesto the agenda Themeetlng'sgoals Thebestapproach
Sending a coverletter/email Amending andconfirming the agenda Statinggoalsat a meeting Meeting andgreeting
Maklngaproposal Responding to a proposal Offerlnga counterproposal
proposals Presenting and counterproposals Ctari[ting information possibilities Expressing and impossibilities Linkingoffersto conditions
A new offer
Typesof negotiatlon Cladfylngposltions Introduclng newideas Resolvlngdlfferences
Enquiring aboutoffers Expressing opinions Suggesting a solution
Deallnt wlth deadlock
Handllngconfllct Deatlngwlth dlfferences Settllngmatterc
Expressing agreement and disagreement Askingpertinentquestions Making andobtaining concessions Encouraging agreement
Finallzlng the atreement Settingup an actlonplan Closing
Describing current andfuture situations Conveying commitment Statingprogress made Setting deadlines Summarizing
I 68 7o 72 74 8o 8t
loot yourrlf! Pailner fller Partner A Partnerfiler Partner B Anrwol koy lramcrlptr Ur€tu| plraner
About the book at work.This Englishfor Negotiatingis aimedat peoplewho regularlyneedto negotiatein Engtish on encountered the wayto neededto handlethe typicalscenarios bookprovidesall the language negotiations. successful Every consistsof sevenunits,coveringall the typicalstagesof a negotiation. Englishfor Negotiating prepare thoroughly aspect.At the outset,it is importantto on onefundamental unitconcentrates (Unitz), the firstroundof negotiations canbe(Unitr). Afterthe initialgoalshavebeendetermined (Unit presented (Unit (Unit are offersarediscussed organized S). +) andcounter-offers :). Detaited conclusion canbe reached(UnitZ).The Differences areresolved(Unit6), andfinallya successful in a logicalstructure,but canbe workedthroughin anyorder. unitsarepresented is a core of the unit.Listening the themesandvocabulary Everyunit beginswith a Starter,introducing termsin context. of everyunit,as arereadingtexts,whichpresenttypicalnegotiating component put whathasbeen to practice bothspokenandwritten,offerthe opportunity exercises, Numerous usedidioms.Everyunitalsocontains learnedto use.TheUsefulphrasesboxesadviseon common]y TheIntercultural strategies andtechniques. effeqtive skiltsboxwithtips on employing a Negotiating andclosingthe deal, avoidingproblems, skills boxesgiveadviceon creatinga goodim'pression, At the endof everyunitthereis an Outputtext,an authentictext whenworkingwith foreignpartners. reflection anddiscussion. whichencourages on themessuchas bestpractice, on pages68-6g.In the appendixthe At the endof the book,thereis a Testyourself!crossword of the study,alongwiththe Partnerfiles,the Transcripts Answerkey is providedfor independent Listeningextracts,and severalUsefulphrasesboxes. TheMuttiROMcontainsallthe Listeningextractsfromthe book.Thesecanbe playedthroughthe ontoan MP3 or througha conventional CDplayer,or canbe downloaded audioplayeron a computer, playerfor extralisteningpractice.TheInteractiveexercisesprovideUsefutphrases,Vocabulary,and practice, study.Thereis alsoan valuablefor independent andareparticularly Communication Thisincludesa column A-Z Wordlistwith atlthe keywordsthat appearin Englishfor Negotiating. your own language. of the wordsin anda spacefor youto writethe translations of phonetics
Readthe followlng quotcs.
In business, you don't get whatyou deserve, you get whatyou negotiate. (ChesterL. Karass)
Thefellowwho says he'llmeetyouhalfwayusuallythinks he'sstandingon the dividingline. (OrlandoA. Battista)
you Tobe successful, haveto retateto people... (George Ross)
Failingto plan is planning to fail. (Anonymous) '
Letus never negotiateout of fear. But let us neverfearto negotiate. 0.F.Kennedy) "."' -.-*'"*'",-.......,F.
a a a
Doyouagreewiththesequotes? Explain why.Giveexamples fromyourownexperience. Whichof thequotesbestfitsthe unittitle?Why? Whydo we negotiate? Canyouthinkof threereasons?
6 | UNIT1 Preparation
Readthe Internalemallbelow.
Brainstormingbefore meetingwith Jackson's
Dearall As you are all aware,we have
schedulea meeting
Jackson'sin orderto negotiatea
masteragreement. To makesure we are preparedproperly,we shouldhavea brainstormingsessionto discuss the details,set up an agenda,and find a datefor the actualnegotiations. I proposewe meeton 24 June,at 10.30a.m.Pleaselet me know if the dateand time areOK. to enableus to set the pricerangewithin Karin:Couldyou pleasedo somecalculations which we can negotiate?Additionally,we haveto talk about acceptabledeliveryand paymentterms.The quotationwas OK, but the terms needto be discussed. Frank:I requireall the detailsof the qualityreportbecausewe haveto specifya standard levelof qualityin one of the contractclauses.The proposalfrom Jackson'sshowsa productiontime of ten workingdays plus transportationtime. Pleaselet me know the minimumdeliverytimesto ensurecontinuousfiFoduction. Mirja:You researchedJackson's.Wouldyou pleasejoin us and give us some more detailed informationon the company? I will chairthe meeting,but I needsomeoneto take the minutes.Canyou checkyour availabilityand let me know when we meet on the 24h? lf you haveany questions,pleasecontact me. Regards, Tasha
llow answerthe followlnt questlons. r 2 f 4 5
WhendoesTasha wantto meetherteam? Whoshouldbeat thebrainstorming meeting? Whyaretheymeeting withJackson!? WhatshouldFrank bringto themeeting? Howlongdoesit taketo maketheproduct?
UNIT1 Preparation | ?
Undorllnethqcxpndonr urcd In the qnell to o* fw lnfomotbr. Put e clrclo rround thc ones u*dto plon o ncctlng. Oneof rach har boendoncfor you.
Whenaskinghr inbrmation orhelp,youcanc,OnrsyurrrcquestIneltheranInformal ora ' forboth. formal way,Herearcsomeexamples librmd I need... Howabout... ? Whercls/are...? Doyouknow...? Howis...going? Haveyougota moment?
Fonnt I wouldtike... Please let meknow... Doyouhaveanydetallson ...? Whatls/arethe altemattueb)here? Whols responsible for/lnchargeof ...? CanI askyoua favour? Canyouhelpmewlth-., please?
Crrtrln wordt hrw vcrb rnd nounformr. Cornpletethe tablc urlng wordr fron the emall Conprn your rrrultr wlth r prrtncr.
Tradlng throughnegotlatlon ls the baslsof humanclvilizatlon. Negotiation takesplace whentwoor morepeoplehavedifferentviewsandwantdifferentthings.Theycome Thenegotiator togethertotryandreachagreement. says,in effect: 'lf youglvemesomeof whatI want,thenI willgiveyou someof whatyou wont.' forthingseachday.Wearrangeanappointment, lUeall negotlate askfor betterservice,' askbr a hlghersalaryor solveanargument witha co-worker or familymember.
8lUN lTl
Prep ara tion
Youareworkingon a proiectwith somecolleagues. Onecolteague needsthe followlng lnformationandsomehelpwith tasks.Aska partnerfor assistance. Usethe informationbelow. Exomple:Couldyoupleasesendme Westworld'saddrese? A.sksom*odYfo' addrets We,rtworld's
Ask soynebady thc yurne of a persow -[o, frarn thz prodou{wnobpartmet
Ask nmrhody if thzy are bwy
fo' AsksomehodY a of addrus the ddiverYcotw?qvtl
kk sovn&ody for avt uplavuiwwfor the word'hagjllvg'
to ftni.sh orcalculahow Ask.lomehody AsksoYnrhodY for hdP owa ProPosal to 1et sornz. Ark sovnehodY tvdtrwvtwwaut'Pwz: for Yot Asksom*odyfa, thz yeilow folde* wvh the sotmpler abouttlrw som*ody fo, morc tnforrvtahow Ausk fufut) vnatcrwl rqnLred (i'e' 'ri'zz'colonr' IIIFORMATIO]I GETTIilG partnersis alwaysimportant. frombusiness Thiscansometimes Gettinginformation be more people with fromothercultures.Forthis reason,it is necessary difficuttwhennegotiating to try in mind. andkeepculturaldifferences Doyou knowthesegroups? meetings, and Groupr: Thosewhodo onethingat a time.Theyptaneachstepof theirnegotiations, discussions, and areexcellent at organizing theirthoughts. Groupz: Thosewhodo manythingsat the sametime.Theyareveryflexibleandpreferto adaptto the situation. Schedules andagendas meanlittleto them. Group3: Thosewho listenquietlyandcalmlybecause respectis key.Theseculturesreactcarefully to other'sproposals. Theylistenfirst,establish theirown. the other'sposition,andthenformulate Your However, don'tmakequickgeneralizations aboutothercultures, andavoidculturalstereotypes! partners business will appreciate it.
What experience have you had negotiating with people from other cultures? Do you recognize any of the groups above?
Preparation| 9
C 2
TashahagaskedKarlnto cometo herofffce.Sheneedgsone Informatlonbeforethe meetlng. Hstento the dlalogue,thensaywhetherthesestatementcaretrue (rz) or false(l). r
Theinternalmeetingdateis on Junezznd.
z TashaasksFrankto takethe minutesof the meeting. hasproposed. 3 Tashais not happywith the priceJackson's
andpayment termsareverygood. 4 Thedelivery 5 Karinhaslostthe quotation.
is to agreea targetprice. 6 Tasha's objective wantspayment termswhicharesimilar to thoseoffered byotherfirms. 7 Tasha
llow tlstenagelnandcheckyour an3wers.Thencorrectthe falcercntence3.
HIT refers, in negotiation terms,to H - toft To HAVE, | - tt'fiil,t0,T-tnRoRgu. A HAVE isanessential TOHAVE aspeitor outcome foroneof thepartiesin thenegotiation. Generally, thereareonlyoneor twoin eachnegotiation. However, theyarea must!Youmustachieve theseitemsin orderforyournegotiation to besuccessful. refersto something INTEI{D thatis lessessential, butstil]important in thenegotiation. Youmightbe prepared to beflexible withrespect to theseitems.Youonlyhavea fewof them,i.e.perhaps twoto five. youputin yourproposalwhich youbelieve yourpartner itemis something ATRADABTE wouldliketo have.Youareprepared to exchange thisitemforsomething whichyouwouldliketo obtain. youbeginthenegotiations Before withyourpartner, it isveryimportant to determine theseissues anddecidewhichcategory theybelong to fromyourpointofview.Theseissues shouldbeclearto all
10 I UNIT1 Preparation
Lookat Tasha'soptions and decidewhich of the'H's'she could possiblydecideupon. Canyou exptainwhy she would choosethem?
goodpayment terms
discount on[argequantities
gooddelivery teims
presents at Christmas
a widevarietyof colours
nicepeopleto talkto
quality product
shortdelivery time
OBIECTIYES SETSMART To helpyou Whenyoudecideon your'H's',it is bestto setveryclearandtargetedobiectives. goats. it is recommended definethemeffectively, to setSMART Yourobiectives mustbe: Specific- stateexactlywhatyou wantto achieve - knowhowmuchyou haveachieved Measurable goalsfor the givencircumstances - chooserealistic Achievabte pointsfor bothparties - findinteresting Relevant Timed- seta realistic deadline
productlon. lt needsto moveto a newlocationwherenew Yourcompany mustincrease production a list of posslble'H's'for haltsandofflcescanbebuilt.Workwith a partner.Prepare yourcompany. yourlist wlth a partnerandexplainyourchoice.Usethe expresslons Compare fromthe UsefulPhrasesboxon page11.
Keepyour llst of 'H's', becauseyou will needit later.
UNIT1 Preparation | 11
PlOYlDlllG REl.SOrg ltD, gXPttf,tTtof{S
Thisis because .... Thereasonfor...is .... ...is essential for our customers. Thesearethe mostimportantpoints.... W em us thav e. ... Wehaveto have....
a; ;
Weneed/require .... W ew ant.... Wewouldlike.... Thisis a must! Thepricemustfit ourguidelines. Moneyis all important!
lt's f une24th,ro.3oa.m.Tashals meetingwlth hercolleagues. Theyatl wantto heartiria's presentation yournotes on the potentlalpartner.Llstento the meetingandtakenotes.Compare with a partner. l{ow useyour notes to completeilliria's formal report for the company. fifle: Reporton Jackson'sPLC Introduction: This report aimsto providedetailson the abovecompanyso that future businesscanbe discussed. Findings - Thecompanywasfoundedin 2,Eng.D.,the PeterJ companyis basedaroundthe Researchand
I. TheChiefExecutiveOfficeris 3 of the founder.Thewhole a division.
s.His name Recentdevelopments- Theyhaveappointeda new directorof 7.He wishesto expandthe companyinto a new area, 6H -....---....---. 8.Nbst of the currentproductionis soldin whichis loin profit whichhasbeencaused Finance - Their latestaccountsshowa rr orders.This meansthat thev havehad to t2 their by workforce,which couldmeanthat they havelost
13.Mr Hallam has
recentlyreturnedfrom a Chamberof Commercesponsoredvisit to Chinaand 14. stated Proposal- Wesuggest... Conclusion - This companycouldbe interestingfor us because...
Whichadditional informationwould you needif you wereTasha?tlake a proposaland iustify your suggestionsto a partner.
12 | UNITI
Younowhaveto makea declslon.Useatl the informatlonyou have lmagineyouareTasha. gatheredto makea decision.Putyourreasonsunder'For'or'Against'ln the tabtebetow. For
Wouldyouwantto negotlatewlth thls comp.nyandbullde newpartnershlp?
yourproductlon lf youdoso,youwlll needa lot Youarethlnkingaboutexpanding capabllltles. your partner productlon your haverecelveddifferent haltsandoffices.Youand morespacefor for a informatlon. Getthe informationfromeachotherandsetyour'H's'In preparatlon negotiation.Givean explanatlonfol your'H's'. PartnerA tite 1,p.70 PartnerB File1,p.72
Preparation | 13
mR e a d t h e ar ticle a b o u tgoodnegotiatingpracti c e . -
Excerpt fromGhrisJames, Negotiation forExecutives Coach in NewYork
Thesuccessful negotiator Whennegotiating,it's extremelyimportant to understandhow communication works. Accordingto communication theoristPaul Watzlawick,for communication to take place,you haveto havesomeoneto send the message- a sender- and someone who receivesthe message- a receiver.
ln short,therearetwo basiclaws: 1 lt's not whatthe sendersays,but what the receiverunderstandsthat is true. 2 The senderis responsiblefor what the receiverunderstands.
Asa result,twotruthsfollow. 1 'Onecannotnot communicate.'We are alwayscommunicating. Evenif we stop speakingand say nothing,we wouldstill be communicatingsomething.Most peoplewould probablyinierpretthis as disinterestor perhapsdislike.Normally we ask them, 'Whatis wrong?' 2 'Communication takesplaceat two levels:the contentleveland the relationshiplevel.'The contentlevelis what is said- the facts&figures. The relationshiplevelis how it's said- the feelingsand the atmosphere. It's likean iceberg.80-90 % of communication takesplaceunderwater- at the relationshiplevet. So if you want to be a successfulnegotiator,get to knowthe otherside well. Onlyafterthat, start planningyour offer.
@ . Canyouthinkof a situation whereyoudo notcommunicate? Discuss thiswitha partner. . Doyouagreethatmostcommunication is basedon relationship andmuchtesson content? r Whatmakesyoua goodnegotiator?
L 4l
Setting obiectives
Chooseone of the situatlons below. Brainstormwith a partner a list of points that both partners might want to includein a negotiation.The questionsbetowwill help you. Situation1 Employees andemployer: findsitselfin economic difficultyandten the company employees havealreadylosttheiriobs.Theemployees andsalaryissues. areunhappywith employment . Why should each party negotiate? o What does each side want to achieve?
Sltuatlonz Twocompanies: one company(an importantcustomer) €zo,ooobut owesthe othercompany cannotpayit now. r What are each side'salternatives? r What is their next best sotution?
Thenreadyour Afterwards discussyourllst wlth anotherstudentwhohasthe samescenario. llst to the classandexplainthe reasonsfor yourchoices. t
Readthe followingnote. Bank' Britain' haveagreedto merge' Oracle Bank, Lawia and Dominions be formalized' The banks are arranging However,many details still needto on the Both parties are cunently working to me€t and finalize arrang€ments' agendafor the meeting'
What issuesmight be important in such a merger?
Setting obiectives | 15
T HEA G E NDA - T H EK EYT OSU C C ES S meetinghasan agenda. Anygoodbusiness Anygoodnegotiation hasan agenda, too. andp l a n n i nagn a g e n d ah e l p sy o ui n th reew ays: O r ganiz ing r Youidentifyyourownissues,priorities, andgoals. issues,priorities, z Youidentifyyouropponent's andgoals. y ou lt helps m a i n ta i d n i s c i p l i n e . 3 'Whenyou know whereyou areand whereyou wantto go, it'sa lot easierto makethe trip.'
Readthe followingmemo.
From: Tgr'. Date Subjech
D. DaVita(CEO) H. Gosling(CFO)a;.DaVita(PublicRelations Consultant) 18lanuary2010(CFO) Mergermeeting- Urgent
Harold,I needyouandIo,|annesto discussthis mergermeetlng.Wedo not6aveto acceptall their ideas. But I am quitehappyifthey choosethe venueandappointthe chairperson. I hopel8 Februaryis a WemustappointIohdnnesas our publicrelationsexpert.With all the badpublicitythat,panksaregetting fglfowingthe creditcrunch,wearegoingto needso{neone to makeus lookgoodin the press. the corporatecentres,I think we witl haveto agreeto closeours.Londonis a muchbigger Concerning finanoialcentre.In addition,we pangeta goodpricefor the old building.Perhapswe couldlocatethe in LaWia. marketingdepartment Iohannesand I feelthat we needto notify customerswell beforethe merger,as manyLatvianemployees wiltlosetheir jobs.Wecannotrisk a negativeeffectgn the sharepriceasthe mergergoesahead.,, Now,for the advertising, I am willing to acceptthe useof a Britishexpert.However, I will agreeonly if they agreeto reducethe numberof Oraclebranches that haveto closein Britain.Our intentiorlis to keep at leasta fewopen. By the way,my sonis interested in combiningandupdatingthe computersystefus. we could Perhaps tradethis ideaagainstthe newcorporateimage.It will lookveryBritishanywaydueto the British advertisingagency. I wouldalsolike to addour nameto Dominions'. It wouldbe goodcorporatebranding. I refuseto acceptanyredundancies amon! the marketingstaff.I will not compromise on this.Someof our peoplehavebsenwith us for 20 years.It maymeanthat qur callcentresandsomecomputercentreswill haveto close.However,thesepeopleshouldsoonget newjobs,as there is a needfor goodpeoplein IT. Harold,pleaselet me haveyour thorfhts and,aproposedagendaby the morning. DD
Didyou mentionany of the issueswhich Mrs DaVitafinds important?
16 | UNIT2 Se tting objec t iv es
Are the fotlowing statementstrue (rz) or false (,x)?Correctthe false sentences. at the meeting. r MrsDaVita wantsto bethechairperson to be in the summer. z Shewantsthe meeting important for her haveJohannes at the meeting. lt is to 3 shouldbe in Latvia. 4 Shethinksthe headquarters company. is happy accept a British advertising She to 5 arecloseddown. 6 lt is OKwithherif atlthe Britishbranches problem her. is not for call centres a Closing the 7
n n T n n I] n
Haroldhas startedto write OracleBank'sproposedagenda.HelpHaroldby filling in the missing words.Youwitl find somewordsto helpyou in the memoin exercisez. OracleBank CEOMrs D. DaVita CFOMr HaroldGosling DirectorGeoffPutinski Administration -. Minutes Mrs ShirleySmithson OracleBankP.R.Consultaht J Meetingdate:18February2010 Venue:Tobe agreed Agenda - Apologies for absence - Corporate centres 2 Departmentin Latvia - M r Relations Appointment of P Consultant
a notification
5 closures(in Britain)
Advertisingand Corporateimage
6 branding
- Callcentres 7&updating
- Computerc
that ts A Have (H) t: sovnetltLn4 aw usental' sonzthln4 thzt u An tntenl (l) r's tmPortant' JTLLI but Le:s essenttal, u somd644 ATradqbLe (7) ttewt Mtve on' to wiLling are you
Have W em us t ... Ourmainconcernis ... It is vital/crucial that ... I refuseto acceot...
lntend O u ri n te n ti o ins ... I wouldtiketo ... Wemighttiketo ...
Tradable I amw i l l i ngto accept...i f ... I thinkwe will haveto agreeto ... It wouldbe an alternative to ... W ecantradethi sagai nst... on are... A fewthingswe cancompromise
Settingobiectives| 1?
Rereadthe memoon page15. a Whlchof the HITphrasesfromthe boxcanyou find in thc memo?Underlinethem. b Decidewhicharethe essentlalpolntsfor trs DaYlta(H),whlcharethe lmportantpolnts (l) andwhlchpolntsls shepreparedto erchangefor anotherpolnt (!), andlabelthen H,l, or T. llow put themInto the table.Tlrohavebeendoneforyou. Esccntfd0il
PublicRelations Consultant
'--' l
I lI
: I
It'sveryimportant to understand thedifference between thesethreepoints.Clarify them youragenda! beforeyoufinalize Thiswillhelpyourpreparation become effective. goontheagenda lssues:Thepointsthatactually - whatisto benegotiated. Posltlons: Yourpositioniswhatyousayyouwant- whatyouwantto askfor. Interests: Yourinterest answers thequestion 'Why?'-whyyouwantwhatyouwant. It'sessential to analyse thesepointsfromyoursideaswellasfromtheopponent's side.
u6 4
l|rs DaYltahasnot yet recelvedthe agenda.Ustento Harolddlscussthls matterwlth her. trs DaYltachangesthe order.HelpHarttdput the polntsIn the orderchewants.
IGETDA I .Apol-oslgg Lo-l ?-osJ-nc€_ 2 4 6
7 8_ I 10 11
l?-P"?p 9l.l9l![r9-9It'_s-
18 | UNIT2 Settin go bjec t iv es
PHRASES FORAGEI{DA POIilTsAI{DAGREEIIENTS USEFUL - A5KIl{G Doyou haveanypointsyouwishto add? Fromour pointof viewtherearesomepointsmissing. lf you haveanyspecificpointsyouwouldliketo include,please... ls adding. ..O Kw i thy o u ?
Harotd has sent his agenda. Howeyer, in the meantlme Oracle has received the following letter from Dominions Bank. DominionsBank . 1 UpperBank Street . London814 The CompanySecretary OracleBank OracleSquare Riga Latvia
\ lB,lanuary 2010
DearSirs it wasdecidedto holda furthermeetingin the NewYear. Duringour lastmeetingon 19December, Wehavenot, as yet, teceivedan agendafrom youlcompany.Therefore,we havepreparedthe enclosed agendacoveringthe remainingopenpoints.Wefeelit is in ourjoint interestto resolve this matterspeedilyin viewof the currentworldwidebankingcrisis, pleaseinformus.Ifyou wish to is necessary, If thereareanyareaswhereyoufeelh0 negotiation makeanychanges to our agehda, or if you.have anypointsyouwouldlike to include,pleasecontact the undersignedby 27 Ianuary.I canbe reachedby phoneon 0044 020799966or by mail at the aboveaddress. My emailaddressis mdaniels@dominionsbank,uk. I lookforwardto hearingfrom you.
Yoursfaithfully lvl"arrsaDawdr MarisaDaniels, Ms Chief Financial Officer
ilil :;i.i:I r 'r: ,rI tr
l l l l i l i l l |il r .
UNIT2 Settingobjectives I 1.S
Dorrinions Bank Agendaformeeting - ll l-elruary Time:9.00am - 5.00pm. Location:Dominio4s --/BankBoardRoom,London
-.. Particinants MC*ing Chairman- Mf Geor$iBorristerM.A.
DominionsBank ;;ghief ExecutivcQfficqrlt{r beorgi Borrjstei U..q,. ' ChiefFinancial'OfficerMs MarlsaEariiels ChiefInformationOfficerMr DonaldHardy' Ms MadelineDoualdson:P.A. - Minutes
CttiililJuu"r officer Chieiptnaniia ofii"" Oneother Difecbt
Topics -' , 1 Apologiesfor absence ! Decisions'oqamalgamntiohof headquapters . Redundancy payments . Returnofcompanycars . Branchclosures . ' Computeramalgamation, supervisionby D)Hardy I . Cubtomeiissues . Advertising& branding i .AOB
l{owanswerthefollowlngquestlons. r Whenwasthelastmeeting withOracle? z Whatis thedateof the newmeeting andwherewiltit be held?
takenaccount of anyspecial OracleBankissues? 3 HasDominions 4 Whatreasondid MarisaDanielsgivefor writingthe letter? 5 Whenis the closingdatefor newagendapoints?
_u,sllurPHRASES Arranginga meeting
I am callingto arrange the ...meeting. Whowill be comingfrom...?/Whowitlattendfrom...? Let'smeeton/next... Howabout...? 0r is ...a bettertimefor you? Couldyouconfirm...in writing,please?
Weneedto discussthe agenda... It is extremely importantfor us to include... ...hasa lowerpriority.
20 | UNIT2
TheCFO's secretaryat Dominions Bankls rlngingOracleto arrangethe meetingin February. listen andcomplete the tablebelow. Meeting details Date: T im e: Ptace:
Use the informatlon above to write a formal emaiI from Domlnions Bank to Oracle. Confirm the items agreed.
To: From: Date: Subiect: Meeting - Oracle andDominions'arrangements
Regards Dominions Bank
T HECUT TU RIC AIE BE R G Likean iceberg, Thereis muchmoreto culturethanwhatwe see.Manyexpertscompareit to an iceberg. behaviours cultureis notstatic.lt shiftsanddriftsaround.lt hastwo oarts.Abovethe 'waterline'are gestures, findvalues,beliefs,and bodylanguage, actionsthatwe see.However, belowthe 'waterline'we cultureunder we see.Understanding normsaswellas culturalassumptions, whichshapethe behaviours negotiator. is onekeyto becoming a successful international the 'waterline'
A Britisharchitectis tryingto arrangea businessmeetingfor nextweekwlth representatives wouldlike to sell their products,i.e.newsoftware fromothercountries.Theserepresentatives for designinghouses.Workwith a partner.
Par tnerA Par tnerB
ti l e :, p.7o ti te 2, p.72
UNIT2 Settingobjectives I Zf
Readthe followinsarticle. @|[
Getting to knowtheotherside- a Preparation Ghecl ktisr 'Thereis no substitutefor the hardwork of preparation'
(Winston Churchill) The most difficult aspectin negotiation preparation is finding out about the other side. It is demandingwork, but it will pay off in making your negotiation successfuland effective.Here are some key points to check off before you start your negotiation: O Do you know who the opponent is? Find out their namesand positions. Have you (or membersof your team) met them? What else do you know about them? O Where does your opponent corne from? Do you know their cultural background, languageability, personal attitudes? O What experiencedoes your opponent have? How did they behavein other negotiations?Are they new in their job(s)? Do they needto prove something? O What approaches and tactics did they use in the past? Can you identify any patterns or characteristicsthat help you understandthem better? D Does the opponent have the authority? Will the agreementstick or does your opponentneed permissionfrom someoneelse? O Do you know what your opponent wan$? What are their needsand wants? What are they willing to give in order to reach those needsand wants? D What kind of pressare (tirge, mdilrey)is your opponent under? Does your opponent have a time limit or are they under pressurefinancially? O What possible hidden agenilas anil motioes are there? What hidden factors might influencethem? What motivatesthem and 'tums them on' or'off '? Negotiations take place between people who often view the exact samefacts and statementsdifferently. So put yourself in their shoes.Preparea list of questions you can ask which will help you find out more. Remember,in the words of Richard Nixon, 'Fact-finding is the mother's milk of negotiation.'
Whichthreepointsabovedo youthinkarethe mostimportant? Whatotherkeypointswouldyou addto thischecklist? Discuss. Thinkaboutyourlastnegotiations. Howmuchtimedidyouspendon preparation? Wouldyou preparedifferently if youdid it again? quoteat theendof thechecklist? DoyouagreewithRichard Nixon's Why,or whynot?
The meeting
Whichof these suggestionsfor the early stages of a businessmeetingdo you agreewith? Exptainwhy. . o . . r o .
Shakehandsandexchange business cards. Keeptheconversation on business topicsonly. Aska lot of questions. given. Makenoteson theanswers Atwaysbe friendly. Stayformat. Tatkabouthowyou feel.
A chain of Europeanbookshops,BookmarkPLC,is discussinga distribution contractwith Books to Go,a cut-price,Americanbookstore.Readthe coverletter. To: From: Date:
JoannaDuncan- Booksto GoCorp.,NewYork MarkTaylor- BookmarkPLC,London 29October2o1o
Attachment:Agendafor firstorganizational meetin$ Re: Finatversionofthe agenda
DearM s D u n c a n Wearewritingto confirmthatour CEO,JosephDaniels, hasagreedto meetwith yourdirectors possibilities. Asyou mayknow,our aimis to internationalize Bookmark's to discussdistribution presence. Please findattached range.Weunderstand thatyouwishto havea high-profile European our proposal for the agendafor thisinitialmeeting. Following our recenttelephone conversation, we suggestthatthe meetingtakeplacein Paris, as it is a neutralvenue.Wecanthencombinethis meetingwith a visitto the ParisBookFair,which takesplacefrom4 to 16April.Wehopethat Friday, r3 Apritis a suitabledatefor you. havea reservation Ourdirectors at the H6tetde Lafayette andwe havechosenit as the location for the meeting. A meetingroomfor a maximumof ten peopleandtwo smallseparate roomshave beenreservedfor that date. will actas hostsfor the meetingandwitttherefore 0ur company coverthe costsinvolved. lf you haveanyqueriesaboutthis,pleasecontactmeon o2o 989798or by email. I lookforwardto finallymeetingyouon r3 April. BestRegards MarkTaylor
UNIT3 Themeeting| 23
A GE N DA Participants: BookmsrkPLC fosephDaniels - chairman of thesupervisory Board(willchairmeeting) Rachel Philips - Finance Director MarkTaylor - SalesDirector BrianNewson - Operations Director TBA- Minutes Participants: Booksto GoCorporatlon Valentine Stevens - CEO George East-CFO PaulRichardson - SalesDirector Dennis Griffith -WebsiteController Duncan - Personal (pA)to MrStevens Joanna Assistant Dateandvenue Meeting date:r3 April2o1oat 1o:ooam paris Venue: H6teldeLafayette, Agenda ro:oo Welcome andshortoveryiew of theday(Joseph Daniels) ro:3o Apologies forabsence Coffee ro:45 Shorthistoryof company - theposslbilities asseenbyJoseph Daniels 11:45openingstatement - reviewof available titlesforEurope - Booksto Go rz:45 Lunchin hotelrestaurant *, r4:oo Private meeting foreachc0mpany in separate rooms r5:oo Return to meeting room- firstproposals fromeachside r7:oo Advertising andwebsite issues r7:3o Initialschedule Dateof nextmeeting AOB Close
Uslngthe emall and the agenda,answerthe followlng questlons. Yes
r HaveMarkandJoannamet before? of the bookfair? z HasParisbeenchosenfor the meetingbecause 3 ls Bookmarkbasedin NewYork? 4 WillMarkwritethe minutesof the meeting? 5 ls APrit13thOKfor alt? 5 ls Mr Stevensstayingat the HOtelde Lafayette?
T l T T T T
tr T
T tr T
Don't know
T T l tr I T
2 4 l U NI T 3 T hem ee ti n g
Formalopeningsentences I amwritingto confirm ... Thisisto confirm ... Following ourtelephone conversation ... Following ourrecentdiscussions ... youwillfind... Attached
Formalcloslngsentences you... I lookforward to meeting/seeing please lf youhaveanyqueries, contactmeat... in/on... lt willbeniceto seeyouat themeeting Donothesitate to contact usif ...
Rrt the wordsIn the rlght orderto makesentencesthat areoftenusedIn covorletters. r the to confirmmeetingthis dateis the of next for z the telephone are a following few agendaopenthereour still pointsconversation financial company a attached the you find currentwilt of statusthe 3 of summary lookand the forwardyou 4 meetingto you topicI with discussing
Formalguetlomto conffrmdetalls Addlngln a ffnalpolntandlustlfflnglt confirm wewillneedto speakabout...aswell. Couldyouplease thatyouhavereceived I believe ...hasreminded ... therevised agenda? usthatwemustdiscuss Doestheagenda meetyourneeds/expectations?because ... '.. Doyouagreewiththeotheritems? It hasoccurred to usthatweneedto add...to .theagenda. Shallwemoveforward onthisbasis? ...mustbediscussed because ... Closlngerpresslons weput...ontheagenda afterpoint... ? Could you. I lookfonvard to meeting It willbeniceto puta faceto a name.
gothroughtheagenda At thebeginning of thenegotiation, andaskforagreement. effective A clearagenda thatbothpartiesagreeto isveryhelpfulin keeping a negotiation andconcise. Theagenda helpsbothpartiesin threeways.lt: . setsa positive lt isthefirstagreement atmosphere. bothpartieshavereached! r prioritizes thepointsto bediscussed andprovides a cleartimetable. o allowsbothsidesto include all pointsto bediscussed. Don'tunderestimate thepowerof theagenda. lt savestimeandbuildstherelationship!
U N I T 3 T h em e e t i n g| 2 5
s4 6
tlark makesa courtesytelephonecall to foanna.Listento the conversationand take notes on the notepad below. caller-
5 6
Listenagalnandtick the expressions youhearin the secondUsefulPhrasesboxon page24. Putthe expressions belowIn the table. Usethe coveremailon pageze to hetpyou.
comments -
r ...time o ...timer 2.3op.m.. January theriioming. thrueif:W4:,.,$e ureekend. lumh'ffie:;,m€ ernoonr 2o1o. 4.4op.m. . Ir4onday
company -
contact -
FltlIn the correctprepositions. r Wewillmeet_
z I amgoingto seemyboss_
animportant matter.
3 | do not likewritingemails_
Ingeneral I preferworking 4 Whereshallwego _
the morning.
The presentationwill be _onFridayaf 9.00 in the morning.
Monday? 5 lf youcannotbe_
mea call. 6 Themeeting wiltbe held_ headquarters _ Tuesday afternoon.
my office
OK, I'll makesure everyonearrivesat
the conference centre
26 | UNIT3 Themeeting
Arrangean appolntmentwlth a pertnerto dlscussbusiness.Planthe calt by followlngthe flow dlagram.Donot forgetto practlsesomesmalltalk. CallerB
CallerA ,
Sayyouneedto addpoint Askwhy Givereason Agreeandcheckdateandvenue Confirm dateandvenue Thankcallerandendcallpolitely Endcallpolitely
ite 7
Bookmark andBooksto Goeachdlscussthelralmsfor the meetlng.Llstento eachmeetlngand answerthe questlonsbelow. r WhatareBookmark's maingoalsforthemeeting? z WhatareBooksto Go'smainobjectives?
aims? 3 Dotheyhaveanyconflicting 4 Whichcompanyhasfinancialproblems? 5 Whichcompanyhasa problemwith unsoldolderbooks?
parts.Whlchsentence ilatch the sentence is saldby whlchcompany? Wrlte'B'for Bookmark and'BTG'forBooksto Go.
r lf we increase the rangeof stockavailable, a I won'tinsiston includingfictionas well z lf we saywe'vealreadycoveredall the costs,b it witl helpwith sales. c 3 lf theygiveusa gooddealonour listof non-fiction, d 4 lf theyworkwith us on the website, get quick lf we can a agreement, 5
Themeeting | 27
TIAI(E YOURGOATS REAL Defineyourgoals!Theclearertheyare,the easierit is to reachthem.ln addition,be sureto let the otherpartyknowexactlywhatyouwant. youcanaskyourselftocheckhowREAL yourgoalsare. Herearefourquestions Canyou Ratethem? Howimportantarethegoals?- Whatprioritiesdo theyfollow? Arethey Exact? Howclearlydefinedarethegools?- Canyou measurethem? AretheyAchievable? Howrealisticarethegoals?- Cantheybe reachedin the timeframeT Arethey Logicat? Do thegoalsmakesensefor bothporties?
;" Y
Bookmarkand Booksto Gostart to developa good relationship.Llstento the beginningof the meetingbetweenBookmarkand Booksto Go and answerthe following questions. r
Whatis Mr Griffith's iob at the bookstore?
z WhatdoesMr Newson do?
3 Whydoeshe sayhe usedto workfor Mega-Online? andMr Stevens metbefore? 4 HaveMr Daniels
Listenagain to how the participantsare introduced. Tick the phrasesyou hear in the box below. 1{G TIEETITIG A1{D GREETI Howdo youdo?(answered with 'Howdo youdo?') Verypleasedto meetyou. It is a pleasure to meetyou... M ayI int r oduc.e..H e /S h ei s ... T hisis . . .He/ S h eh e a d so u r... Haveyou met...? I don'tthinkyou havemet...
Write a few short sentencesabout yourself and give them to a partner.Takeit in turns to introduceeachother using the expressionsabove.
The mee t ing
28 lUN|T3
welcoming Readthe Chairman's speechandfill in the gapswith thewordsbelow. comeup with o fall in with o go alongwith o lookforward1s o put up
%""/"n,*rr/"g/6 Mr Joseph Daniels - Chairman of the Supervisory Board Venue: Hotel de l€fayette, Par$
Chairman's speech Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It's my g[eat pleasure to welcome you to our fust meeting. I hope you had good flights and you've'all managed to check into your hotels, where I 'm sure you wili be well looked after. We ' all our guests in an excelient hotel and I think 2 some good ideas to make most of the Iocal hotels have a business traveler's stay satisfactory. 3 the agenda, which was you I hope can all circulated and agneedbefore the meeting. We feel the meeting. should be held in a friendly and co-operative spirit, and hope that you can all 4 our decision to take these values forward into the '' new venture. This attitude will, I beli6re, be beneficiat Jor our business and
" our co-operalion.
Matchthe expressions with their meanlngs. Expresslons r
go atongwith
fatlin with
b setup in hotel
4, put up
5 c om eu p w i th
A ns wer s :
ileanlngs th i n ko f
varies Thewaybusiness cardsareexchanged fromcountryto countryandcansetthetonefor relationship. When the restof the business card,makea someonehandsyoutheirbusiness goodimpressionl Takethe cardwhilethanking the person.Thenreadthe card,beforeputtingit it away.lt not onlyshowsthatyouareinterested; about alsogivesyoua chanceto learnsomething which,in turn,may the personandthe company, helpyouto understand the personbetter!lfyou grabthe cardandsimplyplaceit intoyourpocket, you mayshowdisrespect.
A buyer and seller In the fashion industry arrangeto meet.First call to set up the flnal agenda for the meetlng.Then,beforethe meetlng,lntroduceyourself to the peoplewho you havenot met beforehand. Par tner A F i l eLp.70 Par tnerB
F i l e3, p.72
U N I T S T h e m e e t i n g1 2 9
Readthe fotlowing article by Dr Stanley Carter,a bank director In London.
Leavemoneyon the negotiatingtable! Here arefive key tips to helpyou losemoney,coffise your ov)nteam and help the otherparty gain theadvantageat thenegotiatingtable: I Avoid making an agenda The last thing you want is for both sidesto know about what points come next. There's plenty of time for chatting about whatevercomesto mind especiallywhen the other party asksyou what you want to talk about. They will be impressedby your flexibility.
Remember,time is money. So get directly and immediatelyto your goal. Interrupt if you haveto. It's not important what the other sidesays,anyway.
2 Go into the negotiation unprepared Preparationis a wasteof time. Besides,you already know everythingthere is to know. It doesn'tmake any differencewho elseis at the table.You haveyour price and terms.They simply will haveto take it or leaveit. Your conditionsare the bestanyway.And, of course,you'll impressyour bosswith the ability to think on your feet. 3 Alternatives only complicate the negotiation Besureto stick to your oneand only goal,no matter what! Finding alternativesto the problem only makes the whole negotiation more complicated, extendsthe length of the negotiation anf,keeps you away from more important problemsat your desk.Don't considerany alternativesfrom the other party,either!They'reonly trying to hide something from you and obscurethe issueat hand. 4 Focus on your own interests Don't worry about listeningto what the other party wants or needs!It's only important that you reach your goal, regardlessof what they want. Above all, don't ask any questions!This just brings in more details, which will distract you from your goal.
5 Avoid clear roles Always have at least five membersof your team at the negotiationtable! The more, the better! But be sure that everyonespeaks- preferably at the sametime! Savetime beforehandby first discussing your internal viewpointswhile at the table and not before. But be sure to whisper,so that the other party doesn't hear what you re saying.Remember also to keep key information from your own membersfor as long as possible.They will applaud you on your ability to keepa secret.
@ r Whattipswouldyou giveto helpsomeonenegotiatesuccessfully? o Thinkabouta negotiation that brokedownor becameverydifficult. Whatcausedit andhowcouldit havebeenavoided? . Whencanyou go intoa negotiation properly? withoutpreparing Defendyouropinion.
lmaglneyouareorganlzingthe company summerpartywlth a colleague. Youdlscussalt the Checkthe notepadandplckyourfavourlteltems. thlngsthat canmakethls daya success. r theme:Asian [,
LatinAmerican [,
r location: at workfl, ona shipfl, formalvenue l-l e entertainment: groupf-1, discof-l colleagues'band fl, professional . typeof food:fingerfoodl--], barbecue [-1, formalmeatI . attire/dress code:casual[, format[, fancydressI . budget:company sponsored tickets l*1, purchased f-l o timeof year:summerl-1,winter[--l,springI
yournoteswlth a partner.DldyouhavemuchIn common Compare or doyouhaveto negotlate a lot of ltems? PROPOSAT Y5. COUilTERPROPOSAL
A proposalis an offermadeby onepartyto the other.Proposals canbe madein writtenand/or verbalform.Theyprovidethe basisfor the negotiation i.e.the deal. anda possiblesetttement, proposalis onethat resultsin an agreement. A successful A counterproposal offersan alternativeproposalthat maysuit both parties.Thiscanhappen whenonepartyrefusesor doesnotagreewiththe originalproposal.
Proposab| 31
Llstento the followlngnegotlatlon.Someof the polntr nentlonedIn thc dlscugclonerellcted below.Tlck'P'lf the statementls a proposal,and'CF for a counterproposal
CI t
PC P 1
forallthegoods Oneshipment
Production timeofr5worfing daVs andfourdaysfortransportation n bycustomer 3 Pick-up I
for absence - apologies - detiverytimefor containers - deliveryterms
Delivery byairfreight
I 6 Delivery ofthree(notfour)shipments I
Working hours longer
Production timeofr5working days andtwodaysfortransportattn I
- price * confidentiality agreement
I tr I
Rerdthe trrn*rlpt of the nectlng on pr& tr. Undcrllnethe prcponl endclrclcthc two countcrprcpoob.Shercyour llrt wlth the rert of the cl.u.
l/Wepropose... l/Wesuggest... Howabout... ? Would it bepossible... ? Howdoyoufeelabout... ? youconsider... Would/Coutd ? youaccept... Would/Coutd ?
...is correct, isn'tit? Canyoutellmehow...? ls it atrightwithyouif ...? Wouldit bepossible... ? It seems...Whatisyouropinion?
Aruthc ctrtcmcntr belowtruo k/l o: fllln (D? llrtcn .gtln rnd checkyour rn3wrrs. TF r Theinitialofferstatedz5 daysforproduction andfourdays'delivery time. I I z A proposalwas madeto produce thegoodswithintenworking days.
to worktwoshiftsinstead of three. 3 A furtherproposalwas
waspart-shipments at seven-day intervals. 4 Analternative
of amounts in fewershipments wassuggested. 5 Delivery
forthewholeamount 6 Oneshipment wasdiscussed.
32 | UNIT4 Pro po sa ls
Rewritethe statementsin erercise3 using the UsefutPhraseson page31
timeof z5 workingdays? Exomple: Wouldyou considera production Woutdit be poesible to produce within 25 working daye? 4 5
RBALSIGI|ALS REW_AIID_-VE signal. A gestureis a non-verbal signals. therearebothverbalandnon-verbal In everynegotiation yousenda on the otherhand,is a verbalsignat.Whenyousay'Yes,I am interested', A statement, or it canbe a verbalsignal.lt canbe a veryclearanddirectproposal('Howabouta 5%increase?'), ('l'mafraidthat'snot possibleat the moment',whichmeans hiddenandindirectstatement 'Perhaps we couldtatkaboutthis tater').Someverbalsignals(e.g.'Hmm!')justshowthatyouare to the othersPeaker. listening andreactproperlyto verbalsignalsif youwantthe In anycase,it is importantto listencarefully Don'tignorethemlSendandrewardthem! andsuccessfutty. efficiently to progress negotiation yourbusiness relationship. Theyhelpintensify
Helpillarcy wererathercomplicated. the discussions Marcyhasa lot to think aboutbecause ctarifyherthoughts.Writehera notewith all yourideasin completesentences. [ongerdeliverytime ,{
usinga different forwarder
- lower delivery larger costs transport '" ,*,*.-
o ****",@""
*" "
with a Partner. yourproposats andaskingfor ctarificatlon Thenpractisepresenting
UNIT4 Proposats | 33
Putthewordsin the right orderto makequestions. you ro% the? r ordercouldincreasing by imagine amount 2 you order 5oo how per feel do piecesabout? 3 are you how goodscan storedme the telt? 4 by about rail of how truck insteadby transport? 5 containerwith is load a in atrightif you we it ? 6 alternativean freightbe would sea? a is on opinionwhat? 7 your part-shipment
Themeetingcontinues.Listento the conversation andfilt in the gapswlth the wordsyou hear. part-shipment, an loson ...That'sright.Thismorningwe ' earlierdelivery, additionalshift,andincreased orderquantities. Wehavelookedat eachalternative very Weare carefully. ' a thirdshift. Marcy Wel[,I guessedyouwouldn'twantthat,because in price.However, of the increase it is a quickty. in demandwhichneedsto be met solutionif thereis a majorincrease lason At the moment,this is
: to happen. Butwhoknows?
Marcy Thereis alsothe possibitity of shippingthe goodsat intervals. Whatdo youthinkof that? 4 either,because that is onceagainwe wouldbe lason Unfortunately, lookingat a priceincrease. Transport is reallygettingmoreandmorecostlythesedays! s lwouldbe you use. Morcy frue, but that depends, then,on whichforwarder you good price negotiatea very ableto help with our forwarder. Wouldyou likemeto try?l'm in dealing withyou. surehe'l[be interested lason Of course!lf youthinkthat againat a laterdate,though.
6 that.Butwe wouldhaveto tookat that
Marcy 0K, l'vemadea noteof it andwe'l[let you know. loson Thankyou,Marcy.Good.NowCraigwantsto discussthe finalproposalwith you.Craig?
34 1 UNIT4
z do it. We havecheckedand
Craig Yourquestionwasaboutstoragecapacity.
planning wecouldstorethreecontainers. witha litttecareful of adjusting Thereis alsothepossibility I haveanothersuggestion. MarcyGoodto hear.However, in oneshipment as Let'ssay,threecontainers according to yourneeds. , orderquantities Thiswouldbe0Kaslongaswestickto or evenfour,if necessary. discussed, twoin another, weagreed to. theoverallorderquantities 8storefourcontainers webuildanother unless e.Still...ordering is analternative, twocontainers
Craig Thatis a niceoffer.But
warehouse and shouldtherebeanychanges.
possibllities/probabilltles Expresslng (that)... It is possible/probable/conceivable (that)... Thereisa possibility It maybe... It couldwellbethat... Inatlprobability... ... It isto beexpected
Expressing impossibllltles/lmprobabllltles It is impossible to ... It is outof thequestion ... Unfortunately, thatcannotbedone! of ... Wecanruleoutthepossibility ... It is doubttulwhether/if It is (hardly) likely...
Fllt In the gapowlth wordgfromthe bor Readthe followlngconversetlon.
A Inorderto meetyour
,1aboutthe price,canyou
increasein orderquantityof z5o/o?. B No, roololastweek.
l, we cannot.Wedid, however,
A Wasthatyour
B Yes,it was,because it is A An
by J anincrease
zfor usto storemore.
.8wouldbeto deliverthegoodsat shorterintervals.
B Tobehonest,it is A Another whenneeded. Whatisvour B Thatis outofthe A OK,then,whatexactlydo you
gthat we will favourthat 11wouldbe to storethe goodsat a lowerpriceand calloff the order 72?
P rooosa,s 35
t{owflndthewordsusedIn the gapsIn exercise 8 in thewordsearch.
ip I io
i o- o iu it i i I i
:U rLll I lP ,N,P
j - i l ; i r i r iri ls i I i M f M l;i'r r" l s l i f i f n l " ole u .u i l i i i t -G ' 'r' l'" ' i r i t
.U L s5
1B lNlcrriN
l.i^ir,r'r:r t I
E N i E tX,P N ]A TI ..
liol- r ' l1 ." ' - j |' r i1e -
P il i.
ti *
NiT --t UlA ,{
EiNiF '-'-r- I W LtA
E rc
TrO;Y ri
Nir iA
l - ''-
- I
i P R I o i Pl o i - t..s IA Ii L E z i v l r-- - r I' 1 I A urNiFioi R i T IU N A T .---f il r "- .- .- 1 - l r I l' R l Ei a U i.i E ST to laix
I'l ^,e Ir jc ' i
ol H 0 iui iN- 1 .,.....
1-- ' I
o i1 PE i'--"i I 1 5 i vl a i-., +. ;,-I
THEPOWER OFBATI{A Theexpression BATNAwas inventedby R.FisherandW.Uryin their bookGettingto Yes. It standsfor BestAlternative To a Negotiated Agreement. lt meansthatyou knowwhat youwill do if youdo not reachan agreement. ThecleareryourBATNA is to you,the strongeryouwill be at the negotiating youwill be ableto demandfrom table,because the otherpartyexactlywhatyouwant.The principal advantage of knowingyourBATNA is thatyouwill knowwhento stopnegotiating! However, alsoestimateyouropponent's - andyou'ilestimatetheirpower,too. BATNA t,
Duringthe lunch breakfason, Richard,and Graigdiscussthe currentstatus of the negotiation via email. Readtheir correspondence and completethe misslng Informatlonusing rason'snotes. Note^r - 15daysfir produrttottunhl ofupatclt - 10produAtw dayt unttl dtspatch??? - Not porstble betqure of rcf-up tLyne,chzck-r!!!! - Nternattvar?
- ( workivgdays'rdppivg nme
- Not a lot we cavt,do!
- 3 th.tfts iwtead of z?
- Pottlble, but what about thL prtLe? - Tooexpewtve, w doqbt !
- Part-ilttpment every 7 dayt
- Trawport costs?Shall we chzck?
- StoragecapacLty
- How ynatlt caw we ftore?
- 3 containrrs ...
- Shtuld (Caw we) cut trqwpart imt cnl .:&e fturof? - CarLthL mqteral be storel ufdy .ft, bnler p<:&ds? - ProdwtLon woqld rwn marc snuat*Jy. - Mows firuard pkoniry.
O sena
O contact
lD Rcply
O RcplyAll
O Forsard
lD prinr
O Delctc
Hi there Beforewe go backto the meeting,pleasetakea lookat the notesI've writtenup so far! I feelthat the meetingis goingratherwell.Whatdo you think?Everybodyseemsto be comfortableand we havealreadyagreedon one majorpoint.Wegot whatwe wanted.Whatmore can you ask? Unfortunately, thereis somedisagreement on the deliveryandwe shouldlookat the alternatives beforewe decideif we can work somethingout that will suit bothsides. 1 In my opinion,thereis Production timeremainsat
1we can do about
3 unlesswe askthemto work
a. lf we do that, then we'll haveto considerthe price increase.Shift
allowancesareexpensive. 5be 2 Arepart-shipments reallyan optionfor us?lf theyare,thenwould a problem? 6 is certainlymy favouritesolution.lf we agreeto that,then 3 Deliveryof 7.Thequestionis: canwe storethe materialsafelyfor longer we can periods?lf storageis possible, thenproduction would e in the future. wouldhelpus with <\ Howdo you feelaboutit?
8 and that
lf possible,pleaselet me haveyouranswerby 1pm. Hopefully we canfinda viablealternative beforewe returnto the meeting. Jason
lt ls n.3o p.m.and you flnalty havetime to study the proposals.Write an answerto fason and tet him know what you think. Doyou agreewith fason? To:
From: Subject
U N I T 4 P r o o o s a l 1s 3 7
Weoftenusef sentences to expressrequirements andtheir possibleresults. Requirements 'lf we agreeto that, 'lfthereis space, 'lf | leavenow,
Possibteresults then we cansavetime and money.' then we canstoremoregoods.' then I will be ableto catchthe bus.'
Readfason's email agaln. Flndthe sentencesuslng'lf'and underllnethem.
(r-7) to the Belowis a list of requirements andpossibleresutts.tlatch the requlrements (a-S). posslbleresutts Thenwrlteyouranswersin complete sentences. possibleresult
requirement r
...winthe lottery...
z ...getthe workdone... 3 ...getthe order... 4 ...go to the meetingin London... ... 5 ...dothe research 6 ...attenda PowerPoint course... t
...allgo together...
n T n n T n
a ...preparethe presentations myself. b ...threeshiftsa day. c ...workall weekend. d ...stopworking. e ...savea lot of money. f
...visitthe tradefair.
g ...9ohomeearly.
3 4 5 6
we work throughthe weekend,then we'll be readyfor the meetingon Monday. ... then won't be ableto go to Paris.
I.. then I ban't go to the dentist after all!
38 | UNIT4 Proposals
llne. A yearanda half later,Rlchardis visitlngllarcy In orderto lookat the newproductlon Theyaredlscusslng businesspartnershlp. Hetakesthis opportunltyto ask thelrsuccessful on pagetf someimportantquestlons.Rewritethequestionsbetowusingthe UsefulPhrases andanswerthe questlonson tlarcy'sbehalf. Ricliard: Canwereduce transportation timebyseafreightfromsixto fourweeks? (impossible/because/shipping routes) r
z Marcy Richard:Doyouthinkwe canhavea furtherdiscountof z.5o/o? (because materials) /price/unfortunately/raw 3 Richard 4 Marcy Richard: ls the priceincreasing on thecommodities market? (wilt/increase/price/year) 5 Richard 6 Marcy Richard: Witltherebe a shortageof container spaceon shipsin the nearfuture? (because/volu me/export/rise) 7 Richard 8 Marcy Richard:ls the exchange ratestayingat its current[eve[? (dueto/continue/decline/stay/dottar) 9 Richard ro Marcy plant? Richard:Areyouopeninganotherproduction (avaitabte/ because/ no/suitable/property) n Richard
rz Marcy AUOIO
@ 11
l{ow listen to the correct answers.
U N'4
Workwith a partner.llake up guestionswith the informationbelow.Thenanswerthese questionsby using the Useful Phraseson page3t.
borrowyourcar r finishproduction tomorrowo builda newproduction hall . havefabricin pink o speakto thebosso checkstocklevelsfortheproduct o doubledelivery quantity yourcar? Exomple: DoyouthinkI canborrow Forrowingmy car ia out of the question! 1
;h:,1:i:i rt.:,
Bodylanguage canneverbe absolutely Therearethreereasons. straightforward. 1 A gesturemaybe physical andhaveno psychotogical meaning. lf youscratchyour nose,you maybe feelingdishonest, - or it maybe thatyoujust have uncomfortable an it c h. z Theinterpretation of a gestureis oftenvery vague.Youmaynoticethatwhensomeone touchestheirface,it is a signof nervousness. Butnervousness aboutwhat?Onlvthe context cantellyou. Theymaydeliberately arenot natVe. 3 Peopte changetheirbodylanguage to conveythe impression theywantto give.
A cardealeris discussingthe sale of a fleet of carsfor a new companycustomer.
Readthe questionnaire.Tick the most appropriatephrase.Add the points and checkyour score.
Results or relationships?
Get the deal or build trust? What kind of negotiatorare you? Do you feel it's more importantto have a good relationshipwith the other pady or is it more important to win the contract?For most people,buildinga relationshipand gettingthe deal are importantaspectsof an effectivenegotiation. I
How important
are your feelings in a negotiation?
party will take advantageof them. l__l a lf I revealmy true feelings,the other f-] O t don't considerthe consequencesmy feelingsmay haveon my opponem. Ll " I hide my feelingsfrom my opponent by usingthe correct body language. 2
What priority
| U
does building
a relationship
have in a negotiation?
| a Keepinga good relationshipis more importantthan makingsomebodyangry by rejectinga marginallyacceptabledeal. b A good relationshipis essentialin any negotiation.
aremoreimportantthanbuildlnga relationship. l-l c My interests 3 When is it important fl |
I 4
to clore a ileal?
a A marginallyacceptabledeal is betterthan no deal at all. | b 'Somethingfor nothing' is always betterthan 'somethingfor something'.
t lookaftermy interests, but I alsolookaftertheirs,too.
How do you deal with how the other party views you?
whennegotiating. f-] a I don'tworryaboutrejection i b I am willingto give in when a relationshipis important. party lets me take advantageof a situation,then I do. f_-j c lf the other I
5 VUbat role does power play for you?
f_l a lt is bestto be openabouttrueintentions. I pushharder. f-l O tt the otherpartyis underpressure, |
| c Power is more importantthan a good cause.
What kind of negotiator are you? r-5 points: Y o ua r e c o n c e r n e with d r e la tio n sh ip s a n dy o u s e e kco - o p e r a tio nYo . u rta r g e t i s t o w i n t h e w a r ,e ve nif it m e a n slo sin g t h e b a t t t e .B u t b e ca r e fu l,o r yo u m a y b e taken advantageof.
€- ) iz - q: r - e
6-ro points: You believethat a negotiated o u tcomecan benefi tbothsi des. Yo uptaceval ueon both rel ati onshi p a n d resul ts.R emember that p r eparati on i s sti l l key!
S z- ) ir - q:t-e
z-l :6-q
u-r5 points: Youareconcerned morewithresutts thanw i th retati onshi ps. In orderfor one partyto w i n,the othermay have to lose.Youpreferto take something for lessthan you give. €-r:r-qt.-e.
z-t:€-q:1-p r :alo)s inol
lc e
A new offer
Yousharean offlcewlth a colleague. lt ls qultecoldoutslde,but the heaterls setto mark3 and youfeel comfortable.Whenyou returnfromyour lunchbreak,you notlcethat the roomis very warm.Youcheckthe radlatorandseethat it hasbeenturnedup.Youturn the radlatordown getsup andturnslt backup,and... agaln.Flveminuteslater,yourcolleague o Whatdo youthinkhappens next? . Howwouldyougo aboutfindinga solution? . ls it possiblefor eachof youto 'win'?
DwlghtRobinson headsthe Department of Internatlonal Salesat llacatomlCorporatlon. Hels oneof the mostInnovatlve manatgrsIn the company andplayeda maforroleIn maklng Hewantsto'negotlate l{acatoml successful. a payralsewlth hls boss,ilr Yamamoto. Llstento thelr conversatlon andflll In the gapsfor the fivestatementsbelow. my firstpayraisein morethanfouryears. that we cancometo an agreement. Unfortunately, though,I f ust cannotagreeto roolo! for this.lf you remember, noneof the staffhavehada payraisein
busin esshasbeendifficult. thelastfouryearsbecause 4 5 So,
a higherpayraise? you correctly, youaretellingmethat I cantakeit or leavelt?
l{ow llsten agaln and checkyour answels.
An ewo ffer
- \T5
Turnto thetranscripton pages8l-81. Underllnetheexpressions usedIn the dialogueto clofity informotionandcirclethe languageusedto expressoplnlons. usEFuLPHRASE
.. _--""1 l
Clarifying information
E xpressi ngopi ni ons
Doyousuggest... ? Areyousuggesting that ...? Doyou mean...? Doesthat mean...? youcorrectly lf I understand ...? W hatdo y o um e a nb y ...?
In my/ouropi ni on... Frommy/ourpointof view... Wearetalking/speaking about... I am/Weareof the opinionthat ... l/Westrongtybelieve/feel that... I am confident that ... l/Weimagineit'ssomething like...
Therearetwo counterproposals in the In Unit4 we lookedat proposals andcounterproposals. dialogue.Whatarethey? 1 2
l{ow maketrvo new proposalswhich clarify and expressyour opinion.Usethe expressionsabove. 7
Complete the sentences on page43with the phrasesbelow.
Anotheroptionwouldbe ... I imagineitl something like... Areyousuggesting... ?
I n m yo p i n i o n... youcorrectly lf I understand ... lf youcouldhelpmewith...,
,A {
Doesthat mean...? W earetal ki ngabout... Doyouthinkwe can...?
UNITO Anewoffer | l|"3
Buyinga newcar?
Round? Thatisexpensive, but
a newengineis still cheaperthana newcar! a squareoneonly cheaper.
information? 3 Notenough explanation?
I haveto give a moredetailed
youthinkit'sexpensive! 4 I understand
to makeit smaller.
youaretellingmethatI needa newcomputer.
5 It can'tbefixed? 5 Ohdear,
rewriting completely thedocumentation forthecoune. splittheworkbetween threepeopleinstead?
7 Morefeedback? cheaper? 8 Something
lookingfora different typeof material? thismatter,
out sortthecheque
Underllnctha correctphrareIn the sentences. t 2
3 4
helpoutat themeeting? goodsarefaulty. wehaveto moveto Nottingham? youwillcheck onthedetails?
anincrease of too/o,
l|rd Errgrlnlng:In hardbargaining, eachpartytriesto achleve thelralmswlthoutmaking conce$ionsor maktngonlyfewor smallones.Theaimis to 'beat'theotherslde.Thisstyleleads to a wift-logegtenario,l.e.onesidewinsandtheotherloses.0ften,the resulth a stalemate, whlchresultgin e lose-losesltuation. SoftSeqrhlng: ln soft bargaining, the partiestry to reachanagreementbrygfuingconcessions veryfreetyThesoftbargainer oftenmakesproposals veryquicklyandsays'yes'rathersoon.This type6f fiegotiatoris oftenahaldof huftlngth€otherpafi's helings. Prfncfflcdtfafotletkg: In thelrboolqMtlng fo Yes,FisherandUryintroduced thisterm.lt refers position. principled to a stylewhlchfocusesondlscorering thelnterests The behindthe negotiator separates thepersonfromtheissueandconcentrates on mutualgainin orderto rcadr ln Short,it leavesbothsideswltha senseof achievement, agreement. i.e.a wirt-winsitrntftn
tcd the dlalogueIn ererclser agaln.tn your oplnlon,wlnt Hnd of rcarHJr fGn? Soft, herd,or prlnclpled?Whydo youthlnk so?
.fyb b rd
-' i - 5
Dwight is thinking about possiblealternativesto the rcTopayraise he askedfor. Hecontacts Warren,a tax advisor.Unfortunately,Dwightspilt somecoffeeon the printout.
ReadWarren'sreply and completethe printout with the words from the box. breakfast. company. holiday . payment I present . suggest
Subject:HELP!!!!!!!! To:
[email protected] From:
[email protected]
DearDwight 1toyouremployer. I havethoughtaboutsomethingsyoucan Sortthem you intooriorities and lf don't mention al[, them then '?the besttwo. youwitl leaveyourselfroomto manoeuvre. I hopethesehelp. t of j.Bo/"intothe pensionscheme. - A dd i ti o n a tm o n th l y These payments arefullytax-deductible. 4 carcanbe usedprivately. Youhaveto paytaxandsocialinsurance contributions on thevalueof yourannualprivatemileage. - Threeextradays'paid
lt witthetpin everyday - Language coursepaidfor by the company. business andcanbe set off againsttaxes. 6 and[uncheon for the canteen. vouchers onZoodbi
llgl':?f o
- Useof the fitnessandchildcare facilities for freeor,alternatively, Thetax subsidized. officeallowsa deductionhere,too. - As for the hotidayin Spainanda first-class flight...I wouldNOTsuggestit !!!! Bestregards Warren
UNITS A newoffer | 45
Res pondingt o p ro p o s a l s
S uggesti ngsol uti ons
Thereareseveral options... Thatwoulddependon ... Nowthatyou mentionit, ... Considering this,l/we would... It soundslikean alternative ... option/possibility
l/W ecoutdi magi ne... l/W ethi nkw e shoul d... I was/Wewerethinkingthat... It wouldbe hetpfut/an option... It mightbe possible to/a possibility ... Frommy/ourexperience, the bestway... Doyouthinkwe can/could...? Couldthe problembe solvedby...?
Lookat Warren'sinformationataan.HelpDwightrewritethe email.Usethe boxabove. To:H.Yamamoto From:D. Robinson Sublect:Proposals
DearMr Yamamoto Further to our conversation, andas agreed,hereareseveralpossibleoptions: 1I
5 l-l
monthtypaymentof 3.5o/o Additional intoa pensionscheme.
carcanbe usedprivately. I Company
coursecanbe paidfor by company. | Language
Breakfast andlunchvouchers for the canteen. canbe provided
6 l__l Useof the fitnessand childcarefacilitiesfor freeor, alternatively, subsidized.
I havereceivedthe informationfromyoursecretary. I am avaitableandam lookingforward to ourconference on Fridayat 1o.3oam. Bestregards D. Robinson
Ilwight's friend, Warren,suggestedorderingthese statementsaccordingto priority. Whichof the alternativeswould be at the top of your list? Rankthem and erplain wiry.
46 | U NITS An ewo ffer
Dwlghthasdecidednot to sendhis emall.Insteadheiust decidesto Afterfurtherconsideration, presenthis toptwo choicesto Mr Yamamoto. Lookagalnat Warren'slnformation.Howwould youorderthe statements? HelpDwightmakehis twofirst choicesandrewritethe email. . To:H.Yamamoto From:D. Robinson SubiechProposals
DearMr Yamamoto As discussed andagreed,I would[iketo presentthe followingalternatives: 7
conference on Fridayat 1o.3oam. I am availabte andam lookingforwardto our forthcoming Bestregards D. Robinson
rP I t{ ilUtTrcUtTUlALT.EAIS TEADERSfl a leaderfaces.Theyare: teamtherearethreebasicdiificutties In a multicultural Forthis reason,it is importantto clarifythe culturescanviewa taskdifferently. r Taskconflict:Different featuresandthe intendedresults. task,outlineits particular the worldwith respect throughout canarisedueto differingconceptions z Procedural conflict:Difficulties guidelines. howtheiob is donemust Therefore, stylesandproblem-solving to hierarchy, communication the proiect. be clearlydefinedandagreedto throughout conflict:Sociatidentityis key.Peoplewho looksimilarto us,speaklikeus andagreewith 3 Interpersonal conflictariseswhenwe losefacein frontof peopleof a our identity.Interpersonal ourviewsreinforce Thismaythreatenour sociaIidentity. similarbackground. supportare andmanagement commonunderstanding sharing, As a result,keepin mindthat information in orderto achieve success. essential
Putthe wordsin the rightorderto makephrases. r
ableworkto Weout werethings
to be ... 3 certainlylt an wouldalternative
n n
havewe ... far Sothreeestablished 4 alternatives
us Letdown 2 getto business
coutd 5 two but youWehaveimaginepossibilities 6 optionsoundsmy In likeopinionthatan AUOIO
ilow mark the sentencesaccordingto the orderyou hearthem.
n n
U N I T S A n e w o f f e r1 4 7
It ls Fridanro.to a.m.Llstento the conversation betweenDwightandtlr Yamamoto anddecide (X). (/) if the followingstatements aretrue or false
monthlypayment intohissavings r Dwightwould[ikean additional account. proposes z Mr Yamamoto a holidayin Spain. carandpaytaxandsocialsecurity on the mileage. 3 Dwightwantsto usethe company good Yamamoto thinks that a language is Mr course a alternative. 4 agreesto Dwight'sinitialproposalof roolo. 5 Mr Yamamoto payment intothe pension scheme. 6 Theyagreeon an additional
n n n I n
lllcovEfllG TtTERESTS lfyou wantto succeed in a negotiation, findout as muchas youcanaboutthe needsandconcerns that differentinterestswil[ generatedifferentresults. underliea party'sposition.Clearly, Therefore, be awareof the following: . Cuttural affectsthe relativeimportance background of specificpoints.Knowas muchas possible aboutthe cultureof the partyyou?edealingwith. o Don'tunderestimate interests for the otherparty.Interests the importance of particular arethe reasonwhyclaimsaremadeandrejected. . Usequestions(i.e.vvho,what,when,where,why,how)to gatherinformationon interests.
whlchyou haveto solve.Theproposals aremade In thetablebelowtherels a list of probtems proposats. your your AlternatlveI shows Thlnkof anotheralternatlve, by counterpart. andenter yourstatements It In Alternatlvell. Prepare andpresentthemto the class.
I li'oltem r
Altematlve I
quantitytoo big Delivery
Keepexcessamountat z5%di scount
Caris silverinsteadof btack
Keepthe carandget threefreeinspections
Waiteightweeksfor a blackcar
your Thetailordamaged dr es s / s uit
Makean identical dress/ Repairthe damageat no suit cost
Youwanta payraise of 5o/o
A payraiseof 3%
t.5o/opayraiseand a company caj
A fauttwithyournew computer
A newcomputer
Findthe faultandrepair
Delivery timetoo long
Deliverlargerquantities Workingthreeshifts insteadof two
Priceof goodsis too high Reducepriceby7.5"/"
4 5 Deliverat regular intervals 6
Exomple:r Ourobjectiveis to reducethe deliverytime. Weneedto reduce deliverytime. z Youproposethe deliveryof largerquantities. How about deliveringat regular intervals? l{ow think of a problemyou had to sotvein the past and how you did it. Erplain it to a partner.
/|E I UN|T! Anewoffer
Synonyrnrer. wds ild phnru thrt cln b. rncd In ptrrccof other wordr llnd th symnyrro for the follorlng mrds rnd pbc thcm In thc box bclow. or choice. Exomple:Thatsoundslikeanaltemative/option
offer 1
to propose
to increase
3 to predict 4
to establish
5 oprnron 6
to research
7 objective 8 to solve
Rrwrltcthc rtrtcnentr urlngthorymonyms rlnn for thr folloulngword; r This z Canyou 3 Saleshave 4 We have
(solve) theproblem? by roolo.(increase)
(propose) lookingfor a different supplier.
isto lowercosts.(obiective)
7 Mikewants 8 We 9 It isour t4
is nowtwomonthsotd.(offer)
(to research) thematerial. thatthepricewillgoup.(predict) thatthisoffercannotbebeaten.(opinion)
A mcmbcrof e tredc unlonrnd en crnploycrr' egcocletlonmcct to nogotletenu condltlonc. PertnerA Fllelp.n PNrtncrB Fllct,p.ZS
U N I T 5 A n e w o f f e r| 4 9
Readthe artlcle.
Getbehinda positionto createa
mJl-WIn SCgnanO- atruestory HeatthySkin Ltd., a large internationalcompanyin
DougSkeeninto the negotiationto hetpfind a way
the fietd of heatthcare, was interestedin expanding out of this impasse andsotvethe problem.Doug,wetlits business.For this reason,it approachedZSC trainedin deating withdisputenegotiations, hadto find GmbH,a research anddevetopment unit in Germany, an atternative, whichwasacceptabte to both parLies. Doug'sfirst stepwasnot to arguethe positionof exclusivity. Thishad not broughtthe partiesforward. Instead he askedquestionsabout why there was resistance and what motivatedeachparty'sposition. Hewantedto understand their reasons. Soonhe discovered that ZSCrealtywantedto do businesswith HeatthySkin. In fact, they fett that €32perkitowasa veryfair priceandwerehappythat HeatthySkin wasgoingto buyatmostthewhotequantity ZSCproduced. But Dougatsofoundout that ZSChad a prioragreement with a smatlcompany, Thompson & interestin a new healthcareproduct Co.,for 150kitosa yearfor a locatty-sold and expressed product.This ingredient,whichZSCwasworkingon. Thepartiessat
wasthe reasonwhy 6C coutdnot grantHeatthySkin
downto negotiatethe dea[andveryquicktyagreedon
exctusivity. It had nothingto do with HeathySkin's
a priceof €32 per kilo for 500,000kitosa ye!?.How-
ever,oneprobtem remained. ZSC woutdnotagreeto se[[
0nceeachpar$r'sreasons wereknown,it wassoon
exctusively to HeatthySkin. In addition,HeatthySkin clearthat their interestswerenot reallyin conflict wou[dnotinvestin the newproduct if theircompetition with eachother.As a resutt,they begandiscussions hadaccess to this particularingredient. Neithersidewaswittingto budgewith respect to this
againanda dealwasguicktyreached. was HeatthySkin grantedexctusivity exceptfor the coupleof hundred
keypoint.Dueto the questionof exctusivity it looked, kitosfor Thompson & Co.Thanksto Doug'sexpertise, unfortunately, tikethe dealwasgoingto fattthrough.
both HeatthySkin andZSCwereableto cometo a win-
HeatthySkin Recognizing thedeadtock, decided to bring
win sotution.
youwerein whereyouwerearguing Thinkabouta negotiation yourposition. situation Couldit havebeenmadewin-win?How? Whydo partiesgetintoarguments? Arearguments a partof negotiations, or shouldtheyatwaysbe avoided? Whatothersuggestions couldyou giveto helpsotvea conflict?
Dealing with deadlock
Readthe following text.
Dealingwith deadlock- Negotiationtactics A good negotiator'saim is to reacha win-win situationand a deal.However,in businessit is not alwayspossibleto take the direct route.Often you may find that you needto address minor problemsfirst in order to avoidstalemate. Herearesomeusefultips: . Listen to the other party'sexplanationsactivelyand respectfully. . Avoid unnecessary confrontation.Don't get into arguments. . Hold back on your reactionsand stayfocused.Ignore attacks' . Deal with the impassetogether.Accept criticism,but rephraseit in a lessconfrontational style.Try to seethe reasonsbehind the standstilland look for solutions. . Avoid escalation.Showthe other party tha'ithey can only win if you win, too. . Build a .golden'bridgebetweenyour positions.The other team shouldalso be winners.
Put the words In bold in the text aboveInto the following three categories. agreement
e 75
Dyersville,Franceis hosting the InternationalStudentSummerGames this autumn.A Brltish company, tQ Chemlcals,has a subsidlaryIn the city and has agreedto sponsorthe Gamesby coveringhalf the costs.Sam Gilbert, a US tetevision producer,catls the mayor, ilaurice Bayle, to discuss thelr plans.
UNITO Deatingwith deadtock| 51
Llstento the telephoneconversatlon. Saywhetherthe followlngsentencesaretrue (r'}ot fatse (r). r
Themayoris verypoliteto hiscaller.
z Themayorwantsto stopthe Games.
3 Thefactoryis importantto the mayorandthe city. 4 TheTVproducersaysthe companyhasa newlargeorder. wantsto closethe factory. 5 TheTVproducer
6 Mr Gilbertis politeto the mayor.
*@!_6 Polite I wouldprefer... Thatis not howwe seeit. Couldyou ctarifothat, please? Couldyouexplainthat more fully,please? l'm afraidwe couldn'tagreeto that.
Lesspollte Expresslonsto slow Youarewrong. conversatlondown Thatis totallyunacceptable. Letme (ust) makesureI understand No,that is out ofthe guestion. whatyou aresaying. No,I'm not interested. Let'sgo backand reviewthe situation. I thinkyoushouldexplain. Whyis that importantto you? I don'tseethe point. Howcanwe dealwith/solvethis problem? Ourexpertssaythat... Wheredoesyourinformation come from?
Lbtento the conversatlon ateln. Wrltedownthe erpresslonsyou hearfromthe boxabove.
Theconversatlon betweenthe nayor and tr Gllbertcontalnsthe followlngerpressions. tatch themto thelr meanlngr. Expression r l-l don'thavea clue
a don'thavealltheinformation
z [-l calltheshots
people b knowimportant
3 I I gooveryourhead
c don'tunderstand
in highplaces 4 Ll friends
o witlfail
5 *_j arenot in the [ooP
e decidehowthingswittbe
i beanon-starter
52 | UNIT6
Dealing withdeadtock
Repeatthe conversation betweenthe mayorandMr Gilbertwith a partner.Thistime usepotite the transcript on pages8l-8S. language. Use
Informthecompany Writea short,politeemaitfromthe mayorto the manager of MQChemicats. andexptainthe pointsmadeby illr Gilbert. aboutthe conversation
StudentSummerGames I Subiect International
AU 0 r o
s !6
andtake A meetingtakesplacein SlmonBennet'soffice.Listento the conversation noteson the mainpoints. Problem:
Bennet's position:
f,laklngsuggestlons Could theproblem besolved by...? Canyouofferanyalternatives? Clarlfylng Doesthatmean...? Howimportant is it foryouthat...? Whatisthepurpose of thB policy?
Askingfor suggestlons Canyouofferusanyotherpossibility? Whatwouldyousuggest? Whatdoyousuggest I do? g partialagreement Exprcssln I understand howyoufeel! I agreewithyouspecifically on... Yes,youhavea pointthereabout...
tatch the sentencebcglnnlngs(r-6) wlth the sentenceendlngs(a-f). t 2
3 4 5 6
Dealing withdeadlock| 53
u rf l
Ourgoal is... a usethe old machinestoo. Doesthis mean... b a loss-making subsidiarymustclose. It is our opinionthat ... c we had madegoodprogress. I am not in a positionto do this... d to completeit by the endof August. Youwouldhaveto ... e the company will notshut downfor the Games? Theinspector thought... f becauseheadofficehasalreadysignedthe contract.
Usethe wordsln boldIn exerclse7 toibmptetethe sentences. r Whatdoyou
? | donotunderstand.
z I amveryhappywithyour 3 Whatisyour 4 Wehavea 5 Thereis a 6 Please 7 lf youwantto rentsewing 8 Theshop
inthiscompany. ona husband andwifeworking in thesamedepartment? in China. vacantin the financedepartment. the figuresas soonas possible, as I mustcheckthemthisweek.
youmustsigna five-year contract. because therewerenotenough customers.
Inexperienced negotiators oftenavoidtakingadiournments because theyfeelthismightmakethemappear weak.Experienced negotiators, however, aren'tafraidto ca[[fora break.Theyfrequently makeeffective useof themin orderto: o considera newpointor proposal e get out of a circularargument o reconsider a strategy or objective r slowdownthe negotiation. Whenyou wishto takean adjournment, followthesethreesteps: r Givea reasonfor the adjournment andstatehowmuchtimeis needed. z Summarize the currentstateof affairsbeforeyou go. 3 Withdrawto a privatearea.
54 | UN|T6
Deatingwith deadlock
gettinginformation hastwopurposes: Askingquestions andbuilding it isessential to trust.Inbothcases, questions. bediplomatic. Therefore, askopenandIndlrect Anopenquestion is created wordlikehow,when,why,which,who, Openquestlons: byusinga question will etc.Aclosedquestion, ontheotherhand,givesyoua yes/noor I don'tknowanswer. Openquestions giveyoumuchmoreinformation or thanclosedquestions. Theywiltalsohelpyougetoutof animpasse youshow Inanargument, stalemate. eachsidewilltryto protectits interests. Byusingopenquestions, in theirconcerns. Andyoucangetsomeveryhelpfulinformation, theotherpartyyouareinterested too! question Anindirect in English is politeand,therefore, Indlrectquestlons: helpsbuildtrust.Theindirect questionreflectsrespectandpoliteness, e.g.Howdid youarriveat thatfigure?ascompared to Canyoutell mehowyouanivedat thotfigure? questions. lf youwantto buitdtrustandgetmoreinformation, askopen,indirect
Closedquestions lsthatimportant to you? Whotoldyouthat? Whoistheboss? Willyoupayourprice?
Openguestlons Whyisthatsoimportant to you? Wheredoesyourinformation comefrom? Doyouhavekeymanagers in your company? * Whattanyouofferus?
Dlrectquestlons Whatisyourbudgetforthisproiect? Whatdoyoumean...? Whatisyouraim?
Indlrectquestlons Canyougivemeanideaof your...? youtellme...? Could Howdoyouthinkwecanachieve thisgoal?
ilake the followlngquestlonsopenor Indlrect.Usi ttreexamplesabovoto helpyou. 1 Willyougiveus? 2oo/o discount? 2 Doyou supplyothercompanies in Britain?
causepollution? 3 Doesyourcompany 4 ls the pollutiondecreasing?
outof date? 5 lsyourmachinery 6 Howcanyou proveno onewill be harmed?
withdeadtock| 55 UNITG Dealing
Readthe two letters and answer the questions on page 56. HealthwiseSoftDrinks,B, rueilu centre,66ooo Perpiwsn Monsieur Maurice Bayle Mairie de Dyersville 55640Dyersville Dear Mr Mayor As you know, we are sponsoring the ISS Games this summer. I was horrified to learn that the pollution level has reachedan astronomical amount becauseof MQ Chemicals'outdated production methods.In addition, the air and water seemto be toxic. This pollution must stop by May for me to declarethe area safe.Now it is not! Young people cannot come and be poisoned by the foul atmospherecausedby an outdated company. The reputations of the city and our company would be ruined. I feel I speak from a position of strength. I can refuseto agreeto let theseGames take place. So strong demandsmust be made on this company. In addition, I haveheard that production will double during the Games. How can you allow this? I cannot. For this reason,I haveno alternative but to issuean ultimatum. I will publish this letter nationally if you do not take action. I insist we meet next week to discussour combined strategy. Regards Dr Frank Simpson Chief Medical Office
IVlouriceBoy{e . lrtoirie de Dyersville . 55d10 Drcrsville Dear Dr Simpson I would be very happyto meet you to discussthis matter. I can quite understand your strongfeelingsand the specificpoints made in your email. I am surethat if I werein your position I would feel the same.Is next Friday at 10.00am suitable? Befloreour meeting, I would like some further information, as I am very interestedin your position. l. Is all the pollution definitely from the factory? Do you have the facts to back this up? Remember,there is a new motorway nearby. 2. We havedrunk the local water for years.I will ask for new testsbefore the meeting. I hope that seemsreasonable. Regarding your demandsto close the factory, I seethis is logical from your point of view However,many peoplelosing their jobs would kill our town. I am suretha! )ou will agreethat this is an unacceptablesolution. What do you feel we still need to do in order to resolvethis issue? Despitemy many discussionswith the company,they are not preparedto negoliate when threatened.In fact, they saythey cannot discussthis matter at the moment But ii you are preparedto modify your demands,then we mav be ableto reacha clrmpromii.. At present,I am in no position to issuean ultimatum. Hoserer. se needto di*-ussand resolvethis matter at the meetins. Yours Maurice Bayle
56 | UNIT6 Dea ling wit hdeadloc k
Thedoctoris quitethreatenlngandaggressive, whilethe mayoris tryingto catmthe sltuation. r Whichexpressions usedbythedoctorcouldbeseenasthreatening? z Whichexpressions doesthemayoruseto calmthesituation? ATg TISOIYE PROBTETS
Asklngquestions i Couldyoutell us whyyoufeellikethat? i Howcanwe reacha compromise? Whatdo youthinkis a fairwayto resolve...? Yourpositionis veryinteresting. Canyoutell me more? Asklngfor or encouragingagreementwith views Doyouagreewithour positionon ...? Doyoufeelyoucanaccept... ? I hopeyoucanseeour pointofview. Letmeexplainour position!
Expressingagreement I knowexadtlywhatyou mean. I believethat is correct. Thatseemsreasonable. lf I werein yourposition,I woutdalso...
Phrasesthat canappearthreatening demand negotiate underduress issuean ultimatum be in a positionof strength
T rrs
vglli 'oDY
A goodimpression is oftenthe resuttof the rightamountof eyecontactandpersonaI space with respectto the otherparty. Studiesshowthe average amountof eyecontactwith NorthAmericans andWesternEuropeans prefer shouldbe abouta thirdof thetime.In genera[, LatinAmericans andSouthernEuropeans moreeyecontact,whereasAfricanAmericansprefer[ess. Personal spaceis alsoanotherimportantfactor.lt is oftendividedintothreezones. o Theintimatezone(< 45 cm)is reserved for partners, children, andclosefamilymembers. . Ihe personalzone(45cm- 1.3m) is for friendsand acquaintances. o fhe socialzone(r.3- 3 m) is for formalinteraction. As a rute,if eyecontactis too little or if you standtoo far away,this mayimplythat you feelshy, guilty,or bored.lf thereis too mucheyecontactor youstandtoo close,thenyou maybe considered rude,hostite,or challenging.
UNl T6
D e a t i nw g i t hd e a d l o c k| 5 7
In this unit there were manyconcernsabout pollution issues.Use Mr Bennet'srotes to write a memoexplainingthe problemsto his headoffice in Britain.
PtslJw! Fwlafi close& !9! " - ". To: Head office Yantsfactoryto : T! pfgd.yq-e-f Frgy: Simautge11zt _ t\eChernicak lt ?9,*t coverful!9o?-!?: ?pg!s?1.lleGamqe' p not k19yu 4boutnewordgr ' M3-y-91doqe gloaes2 weeks'guggegpd ..th2u6htfacwry factorY' fou-e,V9!!!? 4nothqr aboutair andwatel& l" p-?rtol.y-?r1.ry-g?;;!'iu-e ,gllpgp-/?f"u, if pottutionlevelhigh'
Subject: Dyersvt\le factory / I&ernattonal Stud7W 5 uynynzr avn<"t Q
wit'htheseProblems? : g4l y4uhelPme
Themayoris hotdinga meetingin the city hall. fust beforethe meetlnghe has a short telephone conversationwith Simon Bennet.Listento the conversationand decldewhat you think the solutloncouldbe. B U IT D II{G TH EGOLD EBNR ID GE I g o tth i sideafromsomethi ng yousai dearti er... T h i so c c u rred to measa fol l ow -up to our previ ous di scussi on. Whichinterests of yoursdoesthisstillnot satisfy? ls thereanywaywe canmakethisofferbetterfor you?
A buitderwantsto developa propertyfor industrialuse.Hemeetsa repres€ntative of the local residents'association, who hasmanyobiections to the devetopment.
58 | UNIT6
Dealing withdeadlock
Readthe article.
Givethemwhat thev want.but on vour terms! At the beginning of a negotiation, a lot of positioning takes place as each party presentsits views.As the negotiationprogresses, trust is built up bit by bit and information beginsto be sharedbetweenthe parties.This signalsthe real heart of the negotiation. In order to give them what they want, but on your terms,you needto link issues! Here are somecolnments by experiencednegotiators about linking issues: Jo Greendown, CEO: Whennegotiatingone issueat a time,negotiatorswill generallyagreeon the easyonesfirst and setasidethe moredifficultones until the end,whentheyoftenhaveverylittle to tradeoff. Multiple-issue However,this meansyou haveto quicklymovefrom offerslink outcomes. the informationinto an offer. askingquestionsto consolidating
offerswill BorisMayr, CFO: Keepin mind that makingmultiple-issue giveyou evenmoreinformation.As a result,this generates manymore optionsfor mutualgainand letsyou getthe most out of the deal. SusanneSchmidt,MBA, LogisticsManager:You needto keepthe big picture in mind. A goodHIT list will helpyou.Think the way your opponentthinks! You needto put yourselfin their shoesafiA focuson their benefits.
GregoryLau, Sales& Marketing Director:Takea break! An adjournmentwill helpyou collectyour thoughts,and, as a team,confirm your strategy.This allowsyou to be more flexiblewith your approachand helpsyou recognize differentalternatives.You are also lesslikely to overlook additionaloptions.
Dr. Laura Going,CIO: Multiple-issueoffersminimizethe needto build up trust because But they they don't lorcepartiesto revealspecificgoalsand prioritieson individualissues. alsoavoiddistrust,sincenegotiatorsrarelymakemultiple-issues offersthat theyaren't willing to agreeto at the end of the day.
@ . Doyou agreewith the statements above?Why,or why not? . Discuss whereyoucanlink thesituation in the partnerfileagain.Thistime,findan approach multipleissuestogether. . Lookat a negotiation youwereinvolved within the past.lf youdid it again,howcouldyougive themwhattheywant,buton yourterms?
Weneeda votunteer!Therest of the classhasto leavethe room.Choosea topicbelowand summarize it. Callin a student(A)andpresentyoursummary.l{owcall in anotherstudent(B) whattheyheardfor studentB.Haveeachstudententerthe andaskstudentA to summarize classroom oneby one.Thelast studentpresentsthe flnalsummaryto the wholeclass. . . . .
afilm a book a currentevent yourtasthotiday
Discuss. r Howmuchis leftof the originalstoryafterthe lastpersonhastold it? z Didthe mainpointsgetthroughto theend? difficult? Whatwashelpful? 3 Whatmadesummarizing [}c
o 4
ilr Fisherand his partnersare financinga houslngproiect.Duringthe last few weeksthey havebeennegotiatingthe contract.llow he is meetingwith a lauryer,Mr Clark,in orderto ffnalizethe agreement.listen to the dialogueand say whetherthe following statementsare true (rz) or false (X). r Mr Fisher andhispartners wantto payfor attthe kitchens andgardensheds. z Theagentagrees price. to includeatlthe kitchens andgardenshedsin the purchase Mr Fisher wants to sign the contract in weeks. two 3 withtheagreement so far. 4 Mr Ctarkandhisclientareunhappy partners Fisher's areunableto attendthe meeting. 5 Mr
-_l rl :l
it tl L,-__] tl L]
60 | UNITT Agreemenl
ilovrlc_ qlg9TrATroil s Aro 1{G Describingcurrent/futuresituations Fortunately, ... Unfortunately, we haven'tbeenableto ... Weareverysatisfied/dissatisfied ... In futurewe hopeto ... Hopefutly, we will be ableto ... B yt het imew e ...
Conveyingcommitment I am/Wearesurewe canfinda solutionto ... I am/Wearecommitted to findinga solution. l /W ehaveno doubtthat... Wehopeto be ableto cometo an agreement. Wearelookingforwardto a successful busi ness rel ati onshi p.
Expressingagreement l/Wecanontyagreewithyouthere. l/Wehaveto admitthatyouareright. I am/Wearewillingto workwiththat. Thatis alsoourconcern/point of view/goal. By mutualagreement we havedecidedto ... It'sa deal!
Statingprogressmadeor currentstatus I believewe havemadesomegoodprogress. Thisis certainlya steptowards... Fine,but it seemswe stillneedto discuss... In orderto achieveour objectives, we stil[...
Lookat the Useful Languagebox above.Underlineall the expressionsyou heardin the dialogue.
Gompletethe sentenceswith the words l"ior. An examplehas beendonefor you. Exomple:Bythe time lhave linformation I sisnlcontract. By the time we havethis information, we will be able to sign the contract. r
Thiscontract / result/ our/ mutualagreement.
z Thisis certainlya steptowards/ settlement / contract.
/ open/ [ast-minute / change. 3 | haveno doubt/ setter
we will/ be able/ provide / detaits / tendays. 4 Hopefutly,
I pricelorder/ achieve i objectives. 5 lt seemswe stillneedto discuss
6 Weareverysatisfied/ way/ talks/ going.
U N I T T A g r e e m e n|t 6 1
Answerthe following questionsby choosingerpressionsfrom the Useful Phraseson page6o. Completethe sentenceswith the contentfrom the listening in r wherenecessary. r
Doyouthinkit is possible to resolve thesituation?
wasn'tit? z Thatwasa successfuI afternoon.
Howdo youfeelaboutour newproposal?
4 Doyouthinkyourclientwillagree? 5 Doyouhaveanynewsfromyourclient? so far? 6 Howdo youfeelaboutthe meeting
DIRTY TRICKS generally Atthoughnegotiators consider themselves to be verylogical,manyof theirdecisions are m adewit houtt h i n k i n gth e mth ro u g hSo ! me ti m et acti s csareusedto makenegoti ators unc om f or t abl ae n dfo rc eq u i c k g, u t re a c ti o n sH.e r earesomecommon tacti cs: r Dem and re s o o n s e s . im me d i a te . Don'tallowbreaksor timeto rest. . M ak eper s on anle g a ti vceo mme n ts .
. Alwaysreferbackto concessions alreadymade. o E x pl aithat n the bosses w on' tagree. l ust o Adda demandto everyconcessi on made.
R emaical n mandtakeyourti meto consi der Don' tlety our s e lbf e p re s s u ri z ebdyth e s eta c ti c s. the implications beforeyou respond.
tlr Fisherdiscussesthe details with Mr Clark.Listenand answerthe followingguestions. r WhenwitlMr Fisher takepossession of the houses? priceof agreeto the purchase z DidMr Fisher 2.75million? continue at 4.3op.m.? 3 Wiltthemeeting
62 | UNITT Agreement
rHE Lr!.Es REI-D|IG _BETWEEff doneby Edward T.Hall, According to research a' y es ' inJ a p a n e s('eh a i )ma yn o th a v eth e g s ' y e s ' i nE n g ti s h . s am em ea n i n a Com m uni c a tihoansm a n yd i me n s i o nasn d information is oftenembedded betweenthe words,ratherthandirectlyon the surface. Russian, Non-Western cultures(e.g.,|apanese, generally andArabcultures) useindirect communication moreoftenthanWestern cultures(e.g.Britain,the US,and requires Switzerland). Indirectcommunication interpreting wordstogetherwiththeirsociat context.Understand the cultureandyou'll message morefullyunderstand a person's and Therefore, listencarefully, intentions. observe intensely, anddon'tmakeassumptions.
IIEGOTIATIO]IS TOA HEAD BRII{GIT{G Guaranteeing youthat... l/Weguarantee l/Wecanassureyouthat ... liWewitldo my/ourbestto ... Discussingfoltow-updocumentation Shallwe put thisintoa writtenproposa[? I t hinkwe w i l l n e e da d e ta i l e d s u m m a ry o f th is. Let'sdrafta contractbasedon theseoointsl
Summarizing ... 0ust)to summarize ... So farwe haveestablished Letmeiust repeat,if I may. Thisis wherewe stand. I wouldliketo summarize as follows... l/Wethink/believe we all agreeherethat ... Wehavecertainly covered a lot of groundtoday!
Lookat the following statements.Whichcategorydo they belongin: A, B, or C?
A Discussing I follow-up documentation r
B Guaranteeing
I witldomy bestto ensurethecontract is signedtoday.
z Thisis wherewe standat the moment. 3 Shatlwe putthisintoa writtenproposal? if I may. 4 Letmejust repeatthe lasttwo statements, 5 Weassureyouthatthequalitywi[[notchange. 6 Wehavecertainlycovereda lot of groundtoday! basedon thesepoints! 7 Let'sdrafta finaloutline
C Summarizing
T T T T I T l
UNIT? AgreementI Gl
Rewrltethe statementsuslngthe UsefulPhraseson page6:. r lguessweneedanitemized listof thispartof thecontract. youthatthehousewillbeavailable z I canassure inJuty. 3 OK,this is howit is at the moment. 4 Wehavereallydonea lot of worktoday. 5 Wecannowset up the contractwith thesedetails.
6 CanI iustrecaponthesepoints?
It is surprising howoftennegotiators miss.the close.Manyareafraidto endthenegotiations because theyfeartheymayhavemissed oi forgotten something. Theothersideoften misinterprets thisfearasa delaytacticandbelieves thatthefirstpartyis uninterested or wantsevenmore.Theythenbecome confused anddefensive andtheagreement beginsto fallapart. is a matterof instinctaswellascommon Closing sense.Lookforthenon-verbal signals and listenfortheverbalones.Keepyourgoalin mind.lf you'vereached it, thenmakethedeal!
It ls 4.3op.m.andllr Clarkandtr FlshermeetagalnIn orderto slgn the contractagdlscussed that mornlng.Llstento thelr conversatlon. Thenfftl ln the gapswlth the wordsfron the bor.
r Noproblem, MrClark. Webothknowthatthiswasnecessary. Haveyou contract?
2 No,not really.I onlywantto we havediscussed todayandthenI will sign 0h, hasyourclientsignedit already? the document.
3 Yes,andifyou turnto the lastpage,his Mr Fisher! This 4 Congratulations, hardworkoverthepastcouple of weeks.
is right...there. the successful conclusion ofa lot of
64 | UNIT7 Agreement
authorities. we willsubmitit to the retevant thecontract,
5 Whenwe have
if youcoutd butwe wouldbe grateful 6 Hmm,I knowthismaysounda bit impatient, thisbytheendof theweek. accessto the projectsiteanytimewe would
Thenwe can Ofcourse. like,can'twe?
nextMonday. ...Well,it hasbeena pleasure.
8 Yes,youcan.In fact,
9 Yes,it has.I alsospeakfor my partnerswhenI saythankyou
again.Putthe phrasesyouhearwhichareusedto expressaeaCtines Listento the conversation in thetablebelow. andclosediscussions I Closlngdiscussions
Expresslng deadllnes
. . . t'hankyou for havingus
... implementthis by ...
Expressingdeadlines Weshouldcometo a decision within/by... Youwill be hearingfromus by ... Theclosingdatefor...is ... l/Wewoutdbe gratefulif youcould im plem e ntht i sb y ...
Closingdiscussion Thankyoufor coming. Thankyoufor havingus. meeting. Thankyoufor a fruitfuldiscussion/productive get a lot out of this meeting. l/Wehadhoped/expected to I am/Weareverymuchlookingforwardto ... Wewouldcertainlytiketo intensifi/...
UNITT Agreement| 65
Write five sentenceserpressingdeadllneswith the words below.
date deadline decision finish hear implement set timelimit
Monday Friday
by for of within
9,h 21st in orderto p.m. to 4.3o weeks 3 4 days 5 months
3 4 5
Lookat two negotiationscenarios.Chooseone of the scenariosand closethe negotiation. r Scenarlo - closea malordeal - establish newpartnership - havehighexpectations at thestart z Scenario - solvea oroblem - increase activity business - lookroundthe production facility
Write down possiblesentencesand practise them with a partner.
complete documents exchange finalizeagreement obtaininformation paperwork problem sort/solve
66 I UNITZ Agreement
Readthe coverletter sent by Mr Glarkto lilr Fisher. Clark& Partners. LawFirm 13lune 2010
' Subject:HollandDrive development DearMr Fisher As discussedthis weekI am contacting youwith respectto the above.
A t ta c h e d y o u w i l l fi n d a c o p y o fthecontractforyourrecords.A syouw i l l see,mycl i entshave signedthe contract.In addition,all the relevantauthoritieshavegiventheir approval. Thismeans that youhaveas of this weekenddirectaccessto the property. Weassumethat youwill carryout the banktransferby the endof the month.Pleasenotethat bankdetailscanbe foundon the first pageof the contract.
If yourequireanyadditionalinformation, pleasedo not hesitateto contactus.Shouldyoube interested in purchasing additionalpropertt pleasefeel free to informus at yourconvenience. Welook forward to dealingwith you in future. Bestregards KennethClark
l{ow fill in the gaps In the sentencesbelowwlth the words ln bold. thatyouwilldiscuss thiswithyourshareholders andthengetbackto us. z lf yourequireadditional material on the proiect,
youa formalconfirmation in our lastmeeting, we aresending of our positionon the matter. 4 Shouldyou requirefurtherdetailson aspectsof the offer, at yourconvenience. 5 6 We
we havemadethe changes we agreedon. to workingwithyouon this projectin future.
thatwe canmaintain ourofferonlyuntiltheendof nextmonth.
youwil[finda counterproposaI forthe project.
A sportswear supplieranda sporbwearretailerhavebeennegotiatingthe supplyof runnlng equipment. Todaytheywantto ftnallzethe agreement. Par tner A F i l e7,p.71 Par tnerB F i l e7,p.73
UNITT Agreement| 67
Readthe following article from an online newsletter.
A negotiation is successful when... Proofthat negotiationshavebeensuccessfulis bothsubiectlveand obiective.Thereare certainlygoalsthat haveto be reached.But successcannotonly be measuredin theseterms. Herearesomeotherimportantaspectsto keepin mind:
is whenbothparties... Success . feelthat they haveachievedsuccess. Thesenseof accomplishment is very importantto the personalegoof all partiesinvolved.Feeling that we havereached the goatwesetout for ourselves is important andcannotbe underestimated. Recognize thisfor the otherparty,too! . feelappreciated. Whenwe feelthatthe otherpartyappreciated our interestsand in us,thisgivesus pleasure. wasinterested Lackof appreciation makesus hesitate andunwilling to continue a workingrelationship. . feelthe othersidewasfair.Thereis nothingworsethanclosinga deal,onlyto findout afterwards thatthe othersidetook advantage ofyou.Theconceptof is commonto us all andthe basisuponwhichtrustis built.Thereis no fairness trustwithoutfairness. . feel that professionaland objectivestandardshavebeenapplied.In a successful negotiation, theagreement needsto be basedon a measurement independent of bothparties.In otherwords,all partiesinvolvedfeelthat acceptable andobjective criteriaor standards havebeenused. . feelthe othersidewill keepthe agreement. lt is verydisappointing whenthe otherpartycomesbacka fewdayslaterand nullifiesthe agreement. A lot of hard workgoesintoa negotiation. Findingout it wasfor nothingwill destroyany reputation andgoodwillthatwasbuittup. lt alsoleavesa souraftertaste. . woulddealwith eachotheragain.A quick'acidtest'beforethe dealis closedis whetheryouwoulddealwiththe otherpartyagainin the future.Thisreflectsyour 'gutfeeling'.Listento it!
@r o Doyouagreewiththe pointsmentioned in theonlinenewstetter? Why,or whynot? . Thinkabout youhavebeenin.Wasit successfulaccordingto a negotiation theabovecriteria? o Howimportant is thefeelingof success yourgoal? foryoupersonalty? Shoutdit influence
68 I
Test yourself ! See horymuchvocabularyyou have learned. Usethe clues to completethe crosswordpuzzle. Across in whichneitherpartycanwin;alsousedin chess. 3 A situation betweenparties. 5 An angrydisagreement of a meeting. The official record 6 8 A bookingfor a hotelor flight. at a meeting. t7 A listof topicsor pointsto bediscussed 72 A placeto hotda meeting. 15 A situationin whichneitherpartyseesa possiblenextstep. or programme. t9 A timetable on a subject. zo Yourposition whenyouno longerwork. 22 Moneypaidbythestateor a company theirobjectives. z3 A situationin whichbothpartieshaveachieved is neitherfor noragainstsomething. 25 A positionin whichsomeone z6 A firm request. z7 Afirstproposal. z8 A discussion betweenpartieswhowouldliketo reachan agreement. Down r Anotherwordfor a goa[. by anothercompany. z Companies ownedor controlled beyondthe presentone. 4 An additionalpossibility 6 Thetermusedto saythat bothpartiesapproveofthe decision. 7 A personwho offersproductson the marketfor a price. 9 Toofficiallyinformsomeoneaboutsomething. youwantmore. for something to exchange 10 An itemin yourproposalwhichyouareprepared 73 Thedateby whichan actionmusttakeplace. 74 Anotherwordfor an offerin a negotiation. you mightchoose. t6 An alternative oftenconfirmed by a handshake. 77 A business agreement providedin response to an offer. r8 An alternative whichis signedwhena dealis finalized. 27 A document z4 An articleor obiecton a list.
70 1
Partner files yourlistwith Takea lookat yourtistof 'H's'in exercise in the partnerfile.Compare 7. Thenstudythe information 'H's'.Getanymissinginformation the pointsbetowNoteall possibte fromyourpartnerandsetyour'H's'. Site
no bui l di ngs, € ro,ooop.a. needs pl anni ng permi ssi on purchase pri ce r,5 o om2 purchase onl y 4 factorybuildings unusedfor 5 years, to be agreed r newofficeblock, partl yoccupi ed z ,5 o om 2 rentor purchase al tbui tdi ngs needto be € r5,ooop.a. removed. tease goodaccess price to motorway purchase to be agreed
Newlndus tri a lSh a n g h a r Park KowloonPark
Tempte Park
Addltlonal Information
2,ooom2 ro-yearlease
m2 ro-yearlease t,5 o om 2 purchase onl y
z factories, r officebtock, new l ybui l t
purchase pri ce 4factorybuitdings, z of w hi choccupi ed, to be agreed r officeblock, needsrefurbishing € 8,5oop.a. to be developed, pl anni ng permi ssi on available, canbe bought afterleaseis up
Nowwritesentences a) statingyour'H's'andb) providing an explanation for them.
Youarea Britisharchitect. Youhaveto contact partnersin differentcompanies andcountries, and hopeto getthemall to Londonfor a meetingon the sameday.Youwantto discussproposals withthem yourcompany's to modernize workingpractices and t o m ak es om ed e c i s i o n s . Arrangea meetinglastinghalfa daywiththe French salesperson who is thefirstpersonon yourlist. Thisis yourschedute for the week. Monday 7.3o-1:,o salesmeeting .. lUeoday 8.oo-9.3o English lesson t2.3o-t.3o lunchwithdirectors dentist 3,3o
Youarea buyerfor a largedepartment storeandyou wouldliketo discussthe followingpoints: r Youwantto reduceprices,but needa guarantee on quality. . A meetingis urgent.ldeatty, it mustbe beforethe endofthe month. . Youwouldalsoliketo addin a finalpoint. . D el i veri es mustbeon ti mei n future. . Youwantto introduce yourassistant, whowill be takingoverwomenswear nextyear. . Someof the designsin the catalogue are outdated. Setthe agendawithyourpartner. At the meeting, yourcolleagues introduce to yourpartner.
Wodn$dayMorning Oxford Afternoon drivebackto London Itursday
Engtish PublicHoliday
Takethe dayoff,if possible!
Youarethe purchasing manager ofthe company. Youneedto buva fleetof newcarsfor the sales
Partnerfites | 71
representatives. Youhaveclearideasas to the features the carsshouldhaveandthe priceyou wouldliketo pay. Theseareyournotes:
5 doors ' Car: X-tYPewttlt . Colour:black metalht at w extra clurge diare) 'EryLvoo: . Swnnwr and wLntertYrar/whtAs . Ai.rcon/Liuwvg APt0 a t'vrqx . Prtce:vnivt'€12,000
of €13,ooo Teltthe classwhethera dealhasbeenreached! lf so, whatweretheterms?
Youarethe builder. Yourproiecthasmany advantages: . Thebui l di ng j obs. si tew i l tprovi de . C ompani es w i l lopeni n the bui tdi ngs, w hi chw i l l helplowerthe unemployment rate. o Thefactoryunitswill be modernandecologically friendly. o Manvlocalpeoplewantthe old buildingspulled downbecause theyaredangerous. A surveyofthe localresidents showsthat most peoplearein favourofthe prolect.Fromyourpoint ofview,the resultsofthe surveyaregood.Usethe surveyto helpsolvethe problem. youareunderpressure However, you have because alreadyboughtthe landandmustgetpermission to buildsoon. Staypotiteif yourpartnertriesto attackyourpoints.
Yourepresent an employers'association, whichhas madethe followingoffer: a payincrease of 3o/o andan increase in working hoursby onehour. At the endofthe firstroundof negotiations, both youandyourpartnerhaveagreedto takea breakto th inkaboutt hef oll o w i ncgo mp ro mi s e : 4ohanda half-hourincreasein workinghours. Nevertheless, therearestillotherbenefits that coulo h elpy ouc om et o a g o o dc o m p ro m i s e : . o o o
earlyretirement scheme job guarantees for employees over50 year sabbatical paidfor by company furthertrainingprogramme for employees longerthanthreeyearson board . contribution to pensionschemefinancedby raisedby 3% company o luncheon vouchers . contribution towardstransportation costto company. Discuss thesealternatives andtry andcomeup with a win-winsolution.Usephrases whichexpress, clarify, andrespondto proposals as wellas suggest solut ions .
Youarea sportswear supplierandhavebeen negotiating witha newclientfor thesupplyof runni ng equi pment. Nowyouaremeetingwithyournewcustomer to finalizethe agreement. Summarize the information you haveagreedon,set up an actionplan,andclose the negotiation.
Quantlty Quallty P.a. Running shoes 5oopcs. leather high
Prlce €49
Running shoes 3oopcs. mi d
leather/cloth € lS
Running shoes 45o pcs. tow
suedeleather € 3o
Running shorts 5oopcs. btack
nylon/cotton € r5
R unni ng shorts 5oopcs white
R unni ng top btack
1,ooopcs. mixedfibres € r5
R unni ng top w hi te
Partner files yourlistwith in the partnerfile.Compare Takea lookat yourlistof 'H's'in exercise 7. Thenstudythe information fromyourpartnerandsetyour'H's'. the pointsbetow.Noteall possible'H's'.Getanymissinginformation Slte Greenfield
Be i i i n g
Price Addltlonal Informatlon € ro,ooop.a. no buildings, needs permi ssi on pl anni ng t,5oo mt 4 factorybuildings unusedfor 5 years, r newofficeblock, parttyoccupi ed € 15,ooop.a. needto be m2 rentor purchase attbui l di ngs lease removeo, price goodaccess to motorway purchase to be agreed
Rent/Purchase Slze 2,ooom2 ro-yearlease
Newlndus tri a lS h a n g h a ' Park
z,z5om2 ro-yearlease
z factories,r officeblock, € zo,ooop.a. newlybuilt
Kowloon Park
r,5 o om2 purchase onl y
z,6oom2 5-yearlease
price purchase 4 factorybuildings, z of w hi choccupi ed, to be agreed r officeblock, needsrefurbishing € 8,5oop.a. to be developed, pl anni ng permi ssi on availabte, canbe bought afterleaseis up
for them. Nowwritesentences a) statingyour'H's'andb) providing an explanation
representing a French Youarea French salesperson houses, company sellingnewsoftwarefor designing Yourpartner, a Britisharchitect, hasinvitedyouto Yourcompany thinks cometo Londonfor a meeting. couldbecomean important the Britishcompany partner. business Youwantto go to Londonto discussyourproducts. Arrange a meeting. Canyouchangesome arrangements?
a[ day free Morning Afternoon
free pickup familyfromairport
fashionandyouwould Yousellladies'andchildren's liketo discussthe followingpoints:
. Youarebringingyournewbosswithyouto deal fromlastyear. withcomplaints for the week. Hereis yourschedule o Yousellan excellent qualityproduct,whichis Mond.y 7.3o-tz.)o free reflected in the price. Afternoon productpresentationmeeting . Youcannotagreeto anything, as yourCEOis on month. hol i day unti l next ruosday 9.oo-12.oo meeting withadvertising r Youwouldlikemoreftexibility on deliveries. company . Youhavean excellent for the new designer Afternoon free range. children's Wodnosday Morning meeting withmanaging At the meeting, Setthe agendawithyourpartner. director yourcotleagues to yourpartner. introduce Afternoon ontheroadwithsalesteam
Partnerfiles | 73
Youare Youarethe ownerof a cardealership. andhopeto makea tatkingto a potentialcustomer saleanda goodprofit.
Discuss thesealternatives andtry andcomeup with a win-winsolution.Usephrases whichexpress, clarify, andrespondto proposals aswellas suggest sotuti ons.
on the following Youbaseyourdiscussions information:
, Car:X-typewth 3 or 5 doors , Colour:black, red, blu'e'and stlvex' Mefaltw PatWat c
a tradeunionwhichhasmadethe Yourepresent followingdemands: in hours! of 60/o andno increase a payincrease both At the endof the firstroundof negotiations, youandyourpartnerhaveagreedto takea break a ndt hinkaboutt h efo l l o w i ncgo mp ro mi s e : 47"anda half-hourincreasein workinghours. Nevertheless, therearestillotherbenefitsthat could helpyoucometo a goodcompromise: . r r r
scheme earlyretirement for employees over50 iob guarantees year sabbatical paidfor by company furthertrainingprogramme longerthanthreeyearson board for employees r contribution to pensionschemefinancedby companyraisedby 3olo . luncheon vouchers o contribution costto towardstransDortation company.
Yourepresent You the localresidents'association. havejust movedto thisquiettownandareafraidof the following: r o r o
Thetownwill expandtoo quickly. Thebuildings witlincrease traffic. All factories aredirtyandnoisy. Thetownwilt loseits character.
Makesurethe builderunderstands thatyourpoints arestrongones!BefirmlTheymustprovethatthe is safe. townwil[benefitandthatthe environment Youhavea strongopinionandyou usecolourful expressions. At timesyou mightevenbe a bit impolite.
Youarea sportswear retailerandhavebeen negotiating with a newsupplierfor the supplyof Thi si s the meeti ng i n w hi chyou runni ngequi pment. hopeto finalizethe agreement, setup an action plan,andclosethe negotiation. Yournotesweredonein pencil,so someof the you left information is hardto read.Unfortunately, the printedcopyin the office.Youalsohaveone pointwhichyouwouldliketo change. Item(s)
P-*iry.rhaet h\9h
P-nniA futcs mld
300 pu.
tzather/cloth €35
Unnitg thtet low
.txedeleathzr €30
Rnnning chtrts whtle
500 pu
pqre cotton
P.unnirytop black
1,000 pcs.
naed fbrc-:
750 pc!.
' 4..d
top whlte ta change tle
mi< af fibre-s u wt
quaLLtt tc pqre 4tta4 actnq tc seLl well
betause the
74 1
Answer key prge6 r z 3 4 5
On Ju nez 4t hat r o. 3oa. m . Tasha,Karin,Frank,and Miria To negotiatea masteragreement A q ua lit yr epor t Tenworkingdays
PeseT (underlined Toaskforinformation expressions): Pleaselet me know (zx)
Canyou check let me know
youplease do Coutd I require Toplana meeting(circledexpressions): t o s c hed u atem e e ti n g cot
frn 2n aoondz
find a date I proposewe meeton we haveto talk about e us Wou ldyou pLeasjoin r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
negotiation p rop osar to arrange discu s s ion to prepare to catculate delivery to pay
9 quot at ion rn
tn c npr ifir
rr 12 r3 t4 r5 16
pr oduc t ion t r ans por t at ion c hair per s on/ c ha i r to inform to produce m eet ing
pege 8 Possibleanswers: . Haveyou got a moment? .Can I asky ou a f av our ?Cany ou f inis hof f t he calculation by 9 o'clock,please? . Canyou hetpme with the proposal,please? . Canyou find out the pricefor me? . Whereis the yeltowfotder?I needit. . Do you haveany moredetailson the colours available? .Wh o is in c har geof t he pr oduc t iondepar t m e n t ? . Do you knowthe addressofthe deliverycompany? . Canyou te ll m e whatt he wor d' haggt ing' m e a n s ? p.EF 9 t F- lt is on J unez 4t n. z F - Sh ea s k edhim f or det ailsf r oma r epor t T . he minu t e- t ak er hasnot beendec ided. 3 F - Th ep r ic eis not t oo bad. 4 F - Theyare not as expected. 5 F - Shehasto lookat the figuresagain. 6T 7T
p.8em Possibleanswers: .The right pricefor the goodsbecausepriceis a criticalfactor. . Shortdeliverytimesbecauseit ensurescontinuous productionin one'sown factoryand allowsfor lust-
in-timedelivery. . Productqualitybecausethat avoidsprobtemswith t h e e n dc u s t o m e r . . Discounts on largequantitiesbecauseit gives Tashamorescopefor profitwith her own customers. . Goodrelationship with lackson'sso that she witl not haveto lookfor new businesspartners. . Ftexibitity in caseofa rushon certainproducts. 7 Possibleanswers: . We w a n t e a s ya c c e s st o t r a n s p o r rt o u t e ss u c ha s motorwavsand oorts. . We would like a goodpricefor the land. . T h i si s b e c a u s es u p p t i e r a s r e s i t u a t e dc l o s eb y . . F u t u r ed e v e l o p m e n tcso m p l e m e not u r p r o d u c t sa n d ourplans. ' T h er e a s o ni s t h a t i t i s b i g e n o u g hf o r p o s s i b l e f u t u r ee x p a n s i o n . ' G o o dq u a l i t yb u i t d i n g tsh a t g i v ec u s t o m e r a s good i m p r e s s i oa n r ee s s e n t i a l . . We n e e dt o b u v l a n d . . We m u s tl e a s el a n df o r a l o n gp e r i o d . Pegr 11 8rr9o5 z Jackson 3 grandson 4 Devetopment 5 sales 6 David 7 Hallam 8 Asia
9 10 11 12 t3 t4
England f a l l ,r e d u c t i o no r d r o p tost reduce customers that he wantsto develop t h e A s i a nm a r k e t
,1pl$cl*;' l answers: 9 Possibte For Against F a m i l y - o w n ebdu s i n e s s , T o ot r a d i t i o n aaI n d maybeold-fashioned continuity H i g ht e c h n i c asl t a n d a r d F i n a n c i aplr o b l e m s B a s e di n E n g t a n d M i g h tm o v ep r o d u c t i o n t o C h i n ao r i m o o r t Wi t lq u a l i t yr e m a i nt h e J o i n tv e n t u r ew i t h C h i n e s eD a r t n e r same? Newpartnerhasgood Possiblytongerdetivery reputation times
FSt4 Possible answers: economiesof scate,branchclosures,customer pubticity, comptaints, corporateidentity P{3-16 r F - S h ei s h a p p yf o r t h e mt o a p p o i n t h e chairperson. z F- Shewantsthe meetingto be heldon rSth February.
Answerkey| 75
3 T department should 4 F- Shethinksthemarketing bein Latvia. 5 T as 5 F- Shewantsto closeasfewBritishbranches possible. T 4 r z 3 4
DaVita Johannes Marketing Pubtic Customer
5 Branch 5 Corporate 7 combining
ffi phrases: 5aUnderlined Wemust I thinkwewillhaveto agreeto andI thinkit is important Johannes I amwillingto accept Perhaps wecouldtradethisideaagainst I wouldalsoliketo keepourname I refuseto accept Thismightmeanthat
ptsstmrattrfl puLtii Retations Consultant Customers in notified advance Marketing staffredundancies
(D i txchangpable rmportant I polnts (I) callcentres I croi. andcomputer corporate centres ctose centre SomeBritish Soncombines branches open computer systems Keepname British advertising expert
6 AGENDA * forabsence r Apotogies of PublicRelations Con'sultant z Appointment Department 3 Marketing of customers a Notification centres 5 Corporate 6 Branch ctosures 7 Advertising imageandbranding 8 Corporate 9 Computers ro Cattcentres u A0B 12 Dateof nextmeeting rgth / 1 December - z February uth in London 3 No,theyhaveaskedifthereareany. is thatnoagenda hadbeenreceived, 4 Herreason zTtt' 5 January
IFIE& 8 Meetingdetaits 18th Date:February Time:9 .ooa.m. Place:OracleBankBoardRoom
+trrc zrN o 2 Yes 3N o
4 Don'tknow 5 Don'tknow 6 Don'tknow
= thedateofthenextmeeting. 3 r Thisisto confirm z Foltowing ourtetephone conversation thereare stitla fewopenpointsfortheagenda. youwiltfinda summary of thecurrent 3 Attached financial statusofthecompany. youanddiscussing the to meeting 4 | tookforward topicwithyou.
{rF 4 catler- MarkTaylor company- BookmarkPLC comments- Agenda Addedpricingbeforeadvertising Otherarrangements agreed contact- Mark 5 ... havereceivedthe revisedagenda ...on this basis ...has remindedus that ... I look forwardto meetingyou.
6 i et 2.3op.m. 4.40p.m. threeo'clock theweekend lunchtime
In ton ...time lanuary ...time Monday themorning theafternoon 2oLO
at 5.oop.m. 7 r WewillmeetonWednesday matter. z I amgoingto seemybosson an important I 3 | do notlikewritingemailsat night.Ingeneral preferworking In themorning. on Monday? 4 Whereshattwegoat tunchtime givemea ca[[. 5 lf youcannotbeon time,please in 5 Themeeting wittbehetdat ourheadquarters myofficeon Tuesday afternoon.
ffi maingoalsarethe following:a) get a 9 r Bookmark's quickagreement, b) take on their betterquality titles, c) have Booksto Go organizea ioint websiteand contributeto the costs,and d) access Booksto Go'scatalogueof self-helpand business devetopment books. areto a) get some z Booksto Go'smainoblectives moneyfrom Bookmark'sfor the website,b) get rharket.and Booksto Go'sbooksinto Bookmark's titles. c) get a gooddealon the list of non-fiction 3No a Bookmark 5 Booksto Go roreB zdBTG 3aBTG 4cB 5bB
11 1 He is a websiteexpert. z He is OoerationsDirector. 3 He wantsto explainhow long he has beenin the Internetbusiness. 4 Yes.
key 76 1 Answer
rz MayI introduce ...Heis... Howdoyoudo? Verypleased to meetyou. It is a pteasure to meetyou.
7 r z 3 4 5
re 141 putup 2 comeupwith 3 goalongwith 1 51 e
4 fattin with 5 lookforwardto
8 1 z 3 4 5 6 7
re P
expectation imagine unfortunately propose proposar doubtfut possible
Maybewecan 8 wecannot no 9 thatmeans
8 atternative 9 untikely ro alternative u possibitity rz opi ni on 13 question 14 expect
2 seetranscript on page82. 31F
6 youcando
r r Oneshipment forallthegoods z Production timeof 15working daysand fourdaysfor transportation bycustomer 3 Pick-up 4 Part-shipment by airfreight 5 Delivery 6 Delivery of three(notfour)shipments [ongerhours 7 Working timeof r5 working daysand 8 Production twodaysfortransportation
talkedabout unable to accept notgoing notanoption Maybe
LY z HE N UT 0 T E F
NTA 6T-rT-R-T-EIIT-D M P I B qT--l-T*-T-O-mo u N q E o -rs S E DE z v c L L T A@T'E--L-T o x e R eC]]-ET]I--I-EEE s
answers: 4 Possibte r . Howdo youfeelaboutdelivery withinten working days? . ls it atright withyouif wedetiver withinten working days? 2 . I propose workingtwoshiftsinstead ofthreeshifts. .Yousuggested working in twoshiftsinstead of threeshifts. Thisis correct, isn'tit? in part-shipments at seven-day 3 .Woulddelivery intervals bean alternative? . Canyoutellmehowyouwouldarrange delivery intervals? at seven-day delivering largeramounts in fewer 4 .Wesuggest shipments. Whatis youropinion? . Howdo youfeelaboutdelivery in larger amounts andfewershipments? a delivery of oneshipment? 5 . Canyouimagine . Canyoutellmehowyoudeliver inoneshipment? answers: 5 Possibte . I suggestusinga differentforwarder. . Howabouta shorterdelivery time? ' Canyoutellmehowmuchshorter thedelivery time wouldbe? . Woutdregutar everysixweeksbean shipments alternative? . Canyoutettmehowyouwilltransport thegoods?
ffimrw 6 r Couldyouimagine increasing theorderamount by to"/o? perorder? z Howdo youfeelabout5oopieces 3 Canyoutell mehowthegoodsarestored? by railinstead of bytruck? 4 Howabouttransport 5 ls it atrightwithyouif wetoadin a container? 6 Woutdseafreightbeanalternative? on a part-shipment? 7 Whatis youropinion
r o n ) cEW
ffi ror z ' 3 4 5
nothi ng/notal ot shipping time r5 working days threeshifts storage
6 7 8 9
threecontainers Savetimeandmoney runmoresmoothty production planning
ro r3rd
2g r+ f 5c 6a 7e 3b r . lf I winthe lottery,(then)| canstopworking. . I canstopworkingif I winthe lottery. 2 . lf wegetal[ourworkdone,(then)wecango homeearly. . Wecango homeearlyif wegetallourworkdone. 3 . lf wegettheorder,(then)we'lthaveto work threeshiftsa day. . We'llhaveto workthreeshiftsa dayif wegetthe order. (then)| canatso in London, 4 . lf I goto themeeting visitthetradefair. . I canalsovisitthetradefairif I goto themeeting in London. (then)| witthaveto workall 5 . lf I do theresearch, weekend, if I do the ' I witlhaveto workallweekend research. 5 ' lf I attenda PowerPoint course,(then)| can prepare myself. the presentations . I canprepare myselfif I attend thepresentations a PowerPoint course. (then)wecansavea lot of 7 ' lf weall go together, money. . Wecansavea lot of moneyif weatlgo together.
Answerkey | 77
m 14Seetranscript on page83. n 15Possible answers: r ls it possible to finishproduction tomorrow? - lt coutdwellbethatwewillfinishproduction tomorrow. z Howaboutbuitding a newproduction hall?Unfortunately thatcannotbedone! 3 Canwehavethisfabricin pink?- lt is impossibte to dyethisfabricpink. 4 I haveto speakto the bossaboutthisnow!- | am sorrybutit is untikelyheis goingto answerhis phoneat themoment. 5 Canyoucheckstocklevelsfor a bluenotebook? Thereis a possibility theyaresoldoutalready. quantity? to doubledetivery 6 Areyouproposing It maybetheonlywayto solvethe problem.
T r r z 3 4 5
Wearetalkingabout I stronglybelieve explanation Thereis a simpte Whatdoyoumean if I understand
z Clarlfflnglnformatlon - Whatdo youmeanby...? youcorrectly lf I understand ...? Expresslng opinions Wearetalkingabout... I stronglybelievethat... r a bonus 3 perks z additionat Possibte answers: .Whatdo youmeanbyadditional benefits? . lf I understand youcorrectly, youaresayingthatan additional oerkis an alternative? . I stronglybelievethatadditional fringebenefitsare anoption! . I imaginewearetalkingabouta differentkindof bonushere.
T a newcar?In mvopinion, a newengine 4 r C Buying thana newcar! is stillcheaper Thatis expensive, A Round? but I imagineit's likea square one,onlycheaper. something information? DoesthatmeanI 3 B Notenough haveto givea moredetailEA;xFia;;ir5;? youthinkit'sexpensive! Another 4 A I understand ootionwouldbeto makeit smalter. 5 C lt can'tbe fixed?lf I undelgl!9!!lg! co11gq!ly, y ouar ete l l i n g m @ r. 6 B 0h dear,wearetalkingaboutcompletely for thecourse. rewriting thedocumentation Dovouthinkwecansplitthe 7 B Morefeedback? workbetween threepeopleinstead? cheaper? Arevousuggesting 8 A Something lookingfor a different typeof material? 9 C lf youcouldhelpmewiththismatter,I could sortthechequeout straightaway.
ru 5 r z 3 4 5 6
A revouproposi ngto hel poutatthe meeti ng? Webelievethegoodsarefaulty. Doesthat meanwe haveto moveto Nottingham? Dovoumeanyouwillcheckonthedetails? Westronglybelievewecanworkthisout. Wearetalkingaboutan increase of too/".
n 6 r suggest 2 present 3 payment
4 Company 5 hotiday 6 Breakfast
IE answers: 7 Possible r Couldthe problembe sotvedbyanadditionat payment intoa pension of 3.5"/" scheme? z I thinkweshouldlookat theprivate useof the company car. anadditional threedays'paid 3 | couldimagine holiday. thata company-paid language 4 | wasthinking coursecouldbean alternative. for to lookat vouchers 5 lt mightbea possibility breakfast andlunchin thecanteen. 6 lt woutdbe anoptionto usethefitnessandchitd carefacilities for freeor,alternatively, havethem subsidized.
IT 8 Possibte answers: payment r Anadditionat monthty of 3.5%intoa pension scheme. 2 Company carcanbe usedprivately. 9 1 Wewereableto workthingsout. 2 Letus getdownto business, bean alternative to ... 3 It wouldcertainly threealternatives... 4 Sofarwe haveestablished butcouldyou 5 Wehavetwo possibilities imagine ... 6 In myopinion thatsoundslikeanoption. tf
n ror F
u Possible answers: isto returntheexcess amount r ' Oursuggestion delivered. . lt mightbe a possibitity to keeptheexcess of z5o/o. amountandgeta discount z . lt wouldbeanoptionto keepthecarandget freeof charge? threeinspections . I thinkweshouldtakeintoconsideration waiting sixweeksuntiIa blackcarcanbedelivered. the bestwayis to makean 3 . Frommyexperience identical newdress/suit. . Anotheroptionwoutdbeto repairthedamageat nocost. 4 . Wecanofferyoua payraiseof 3ol". . lt wouldbe analternative to lookat a payraise of t.5o/o car. andthe useof a company abouta newcomputer, 5 .Wewerethinking . Doyouthinkwecouldlookat theoptionto find thefaultandrepairit? 5 . Doyouthinkwecouldreducethe priceby 7.5"/"? . Wecouldimagine reducing thepriceif youorder largerquantities.
78 1 Answerkey
ryffi 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 r3 r z 3 + 5 6 7 8 9
offer to propose to increase to predict to estabtish opinion to research obiective to solve
Synonyms quotation proposa. to suggest to recommend to raise to go up to forecast to proiect to identify to determine position betief to investigate to lookup goal aim to resolve to tackle
quotation/proposal resolve/tackle risen/gone up identified/determined suggest/recommend aim/goat to investigate/to tookup forecast/proiect betief/position
ffiM Starter agreement . ce!.toctt win-winsituation stalemate deat imoasse solutions standstilt 'golden'bridge
dlsigreemeni confrontation attacks si escalation arguments
ffi r rT
ru.That z
istotatlyunacceptable. .Couldyouctarify that,please? . LetmejustmakesureI understand whatyouare saying. .Wheredoesyourinformation comefrom?
3t c
answer: 5 Possible DearSimon, I haveiusthada mostunpleasant conversation with MrGitbert in NewYorkabouttheStudent Summer I believe Games. hehassomeincorrect information froman unnamed'expert'. Hisdemands ranged from moving theGames to another venueto closing down yourfactorypermanently. Hetalkedaboutpeopte dying. However, hedidhaveonepointthat,if true,would worrymeconsiderably. Heclaimed thefactory would notbeclosing in Augustas ptanned, anddueto a neworderyouwouldbeworking overtime through thewhotesummer. Therefore, I wouldliketo bringourmonthly meeting forward sothatwecandiscuss thistetephone call.I canbe in yourofficeat 1o.3otomorrowmorning. Please letmeknowif thisis convenient. Bestregards Maurice
6 Therearetwoprobtems: Problem: old machines position:- situationbetter Bennet's pleased - factoryinspector - butstittneedto useold machines Baylel posltlon:unhappy, dissatisfied Measuresatleed: none Problem:newcontract Bennetbposition:- mustkeepto thecontract Bayle'sposltlon:- expects thefactoryto closein the summer - suggests shiftwork lleasuresagreed:none -l td
E 1 2 3 4
mean progress opi ni on subsidiary
f b
Sa 5 6 7 8
position complete machines shutdown
answers: 9 Possible r Canyoutetlmeif youcangiveusa zoTodiscount? z Canyougivemean ideaof whichotherBritish yousuppty? companies youtettmeaboutyourcompany's pollution 3 Coutd levels? is 4 Canyougivemeanideaif thepollution decreasing? 5 Couldyoutetlmeabouttheageofyour machinery? youteltmehowyoucanproveyour 6 Coutd company is safe?
ffi ro r I washorrified,I speakfroma positionof strength, I havenoalternative, I insist ' z I wouldbeveryhappyto meet,I canquite understand, I amsurethatif I were..., I amvery interested ..., whatdo youfeel..., weneedto discuss
rc rz Possible sotutions: . Thepotlution survey findsthatthepollution levels arewithintheEUguidetines. . Headofficesuggests thatit supplynewmachines to thefactory earlier thanplanned. .TheworkcanbedoneinAugustandon new, environmentally friendly machines, i.e.nottheones thatoroduce toomuchooltution. .TheCEOof thechemicals company offersto sponsor altthesoftdrinkstheparticipants require fromtheAmerican drinkscompany. .TheTVproducer is reptaced by hiscalmer, more potitebossin thenegotiations.
ffi r rF
re. z
Fortunately, ... . I amsurewecanfinda solution ...
Answerkey I 79
. I havenodoubt... . I hadhopedto beableto cometo anagreement. .Wearewillingto workwiththat. . lt'sa deal! answers: 3 Possible istheresultof ourmutuaIagreement. r Thiscontract anda a steptowards a settlement z Thisis certainly contract. 3 | havenodoubtthattheselleris opento a lastminutechange. thedetailsin wewittbeableto provide 4 Hopefulty, tendays. thepricein order westillneedto discuss 5 lt seems ourobiectives. to achieve withthewaythetalksare 6 Weareverysatisfied going.
ffi answers: 4 Possible to findinga solution. r Wearecommitted z I canonlyagreewithyouthere! to workwiththat. 3 Wearewitting him. a I havenodoubtthatwitlinterest I wasableto talkto myclient 5 Fortunately, yesterday. 6 | believewe havemadesomegoodprogress. withineight of thehouses 5 r Hewitltakepossession months. priceof to a purchase z No,hedidnot.Heagreed 2. 5m ilt ion. 3 Yes.
mmffi answers: 7 Possibte summary of this r I thinkwewillneeda detaited oartof thecontract. youthatthehouseis available in z I canguarantee luty. 3 Thisis wherewestandat themoment. a totof groundtoday! 4 Wehavecovered 5 Let'sdraftthecontractbasedon thesepoints. thesepoints,if I may. 6 Letmeiustrepeat
m 8 r z 3 4 5
6 drawnup lookat thechanges 7 8 signature contract signifies 9 finalized
implement guarantee youcango for havingus
lilrre answers: 9 Possibte lerpresslngdeadllnes Gloslngdlscusslons . ...thankyoufor . imptement thisby... .Youwiltbehearing from havingus. . Wett,it hasbeena us by... pleasure. .H a v ea n i c ed a v !
nEE ro Possible answers: .Theclosing of theplansis the dateforsubmission 9thofAugust. . Wehaveto finishthedrawings byMonday. .Youwillbehearing fromus by+.3op.m./the zftlFriday. . Weshouldcometo a decision withinthenexttwo weeks/four daysin orderto solvetheproblem. .Wehaveto seta timetimitof threeweeksto obtain theinformation. .Thereis a deadline months to offourdays/five finalize theagreement. . lwouldbegrateful thisby if youcouldimptement thepaperwork. thezrstof themonthto complete rr Possible answers: r Scenario r Speaker . Thankyoufora productive meeting. . I am/Weareverymuchlooking forward to a relationship. business successfut .Thankyouforhavingus. .Wehadexpected to geta totoutof thismeeting, andw edi d. Speakerz . l/Wefeetexactlythesame! . Soaml/arewe,andthankyouforcoming. . My/Ourpleasure! . Goodto hear.Wouldyoulike...? z Scenario Speakerr . Thankyoufora fruitfuldiscussion andthe theproblem. thatsolved customer suggestions . l/Wewoutdcertainly my/our tiketo intensify withyourcompany. relations business . lf thereis nothing etse,thenwecangoandhavea lookroundthefactory. .OK,fottowme,ptease! Speakerz . Don'tmention isto ensure it. Oneof ourpriorities customer satisfaction. .Thatwouldalsobein ourinterest. lt hasbeena oleasure sofar. .Thatwouldbewonderfut.
ru rz r z 3 4
Weassume please do nothesitate to Asdiscussed pleasefeelfreeto
5 6 7 8
As you will see look forward Pleasenote Attached
Testyourselfl Across 3 statemate 5 confrontation 6 mi nutes 8 reservation u agenda 12 V enU e
r5 19 zo zz z3 z5 z6 z7 z8
deadtock schedule opinion pension win-win neutral demand initialoffer negotiation
Down r objective z subsidiaries 4 alternative 5 mutuaIagreement z seller 9 notifY ro tradable r3 deadline 14 pr0posal 16 option r7 deal r8 counterproposal 21 contract 24 item
80 1
Tlanscripts please TashaHiKarin, comein! Karin Hi.Whatdidyouwantto talkto meabout? I imagine itl Jackson's. Tasho Yes,asyouknow,we haveto talkaboutthe meeting we'veplanned withthem.Haveyou gotthe pricecalculations I askedfor? Korin Yes,andI alsobroughtthequoteso wecan checkthedetails. Tasha Great,that'sexactlywhatI need.We'tlhaveto pricein order seta targetpriceanda maximum to giveussomeroomto negotiate. Karin Hmm!...Thepriceshownin thequoteisn'ttoo bad.Butdidyoutakea lookat thedelivery and payment terms? Tasha Yes,I did.Notquitewhatweexpected. We getbetterconditions usually andpayment termsaswellasa discount on largequantities. Karin Yes,in fact,atlourothersuppliers have improved theirdiscounts to usthisyear. TashaWhatareourpreferred delivery andpayment terms? Korin Sorry,but I'll haveto lookat thefiguresagain. You'lthavethemin a dayor two.Asforthe payment terms,I wouldprefer to talkto Accounts first,if that'sOKwithyou. TashoOK,tetmeknowwhenyouhaveallthedetails. Karin Noproblem. Tosha Youknow,we hadsucha goodrelationship withouroldChinese supptiers. Korin Yes,theywerealwayspoliteanddelivered on timeuntiItheyweretakenoverbythatnew company. Tasho Yes,I know.Wett,I hopewemanage to work wetlwiththenewpeople. Karin Bytheway,haveweseta datefor ourinternal yet? meeting TashoAdrianandMirlahavebothagreed onthez4th of lune.Adrianneedsa littlemoretimeto check thedelivery times.Miriawittjoinusto giveus moreinformation aboutJacksonl sinceshedid theresearch onthembeforewecontacted them.Shethinksthattheyreatlyneedmore customers fortheirnewbusiness [ine. goodto me.Whatabout Karin 0K,thez4thsounds Frank? TashaFrank is waitingforthefinalquality report.But heexpects it onthezznd. Korin OKfine.Anything else? TashaOh,I'llchairthemeeting withtheirsalesteam. ButI needsomeone to taketheminutes ofthe person meeting andanadditionaI asbackup on youcheckwhenyouare thatday.Coutd avaitable? lf youlet meknowbyther8th,we canseta dateto meetthemthen. Korin Noproblem. Bytheway,didyouhearabout...?
Tasha Frank,I don'tbelieveyouhavemetMiria,have you?Miriais ournewcompany secretary. Mirja, Frank is ourqualitycontrolexpert.Heworksin department. theresearch Frank ondMirja Niceto meetyou. Tasha0h,andthisis Karin. She'smyassistant. OK,soweareall here.Nowlet'scheckthatwe havealttheinformation weneed.Frank? Mirja Actuatty, Tasha, I haveanappointment withthe auditors in zo minutes. ls it OKwithyouif I start? TashoOK,wett,I suppose so.Whatcanyoutetlus aboutJackson's? Mirjo Wett,they're company. They anold,established werefounded in r9o5andhavealwayshada greatreputation for goodquality.Theyhave evenwona prizeat themaintradefairevery yearforthelasttenyears. Frank I heard theytea bitold-fashioned. Mirja YesFrank, theyarea familycompany, whichis unusuaI today,andthecurrent CEOisthe grandson Heis only35years ofthefounder. old,studied andevenhasa engineering doctorate. That'sprobabty whythewhole company is basedaroundtheirResearch and Development division. Infact,thatis their strength andtheycomply withallthetatest g standards. engineerin Tasho Whatabouttheirfinances? Mirja Wett,asfarasI cansee,theyarecompletely up to dateandhavefiledalltheiraccounts upto now.Unfortunately, though, theyhavenotbeen making muchprofitoverthelastthreeyears andtheyhadto letsomeoftheirkeyworkers go because offewercustomers andorders. Therefore, I thinkpricewillbeanimportant issueforthem,aswettaspayment terms.This coutdalsobewhytheyareinterested in devetopi ng i n C hi na. Tasha Interesting! Mirio Currently is small,since theirvolumeof exports mostof theircustomers areneartheiroffices. However, therewasrecently anarticlebytheir newsalesdirector, DavidHallam, in oneof the tradenewspapers. Hesaidhewasverykeenon developing in theAsianmarket. theirpresence problems. Fronk I heard theywerehaving financial Tasha, areyousureyouwantto do business withthem? Hmm!Thatreallydepends onyourquality reportandanything etseMirjahasto say. Mirjo Thearticlesaystheytookpartin a delegation thatwentto China. it seems, haveset Jackson's, upa jointventure witha localpartner. We wouldbe mostlydealing withtheChinese branch I think,andtheyhavea ofthebusiness, goodreputation. Infact,according to the article, hasreceived thecompany a lotof large
Transcripts| 81
year.Ofcourse, we'll ordersforthecoming ontime. haveto besurethattheycandeliver I thinkweshouldtryto do business However, I'mreallysony,butI withthem....Oh,Tasha, mustgo now.You'llhavea copyof myreporton yourdesktomorrow morning. Mirla.NowFrank, aboutthequality fasho Thanks, r epor r . ..
Shirley Fine.However, someotherthingsalsoneed movingas theygo togetherwith the pubtic relationsissue.Forexample,customer notification, brandingand advertising. Mary OK.And is addingthe companycar issueOK with you? Shirley Yes,OK,and all the pointson computerscan be combined.Theyare lowerpriority.But paymentsshouldcomeafterthe redundancy closureofthe corporatecentres. Mary No probtem.So we haveagreedon the date, and the time,9.ooa.m.,in the r8thof February, our boardroomhereat Oracle.I'll checkand confirmthe dateand time of the meetingin writing.So couldyou redothe agendaas discussedand emaiIit to me? Shirley Of course,I'ltdo it as soonas possibte.
Harold Hello,HaroldGoslingspeaking. DoVito Hello,Harold.Haveyou sent me the agenda? I can'topenmy emails,so couldyou please readthe pointsout to me? Harold
DoVita Horold DoVita Horold DoVita Harold
I'veleftthevenueopenasyou Ofcourse. asthe wantedandusedtherSthof February asa participant. date,andincluded lohannes Perfect! theusual Nowthebultetpoints.Firstly, centre... thencorporate apologies, ofthepubtic No,I wanttheappointment consultant to comenext. relations of pubtic theappointment OK,secondty, consultant, thencorporate centres.,. relations you'veforgotten No,Harotd, thatthemarketing department shoutdbenearthetop. marketing department. CanI put OK,thirdty,
A qt 6
corporatecentresnext? Dovita No, no, not yet, I want notificationof customers next,and then corporatecentres.Let'sget atl our importantpointsat the top. Harold Aftercorporatecentres,I've put branch and corporateimage, closures,then advertising and branding. Davita Yes,and finalty? and Horold Well,I havecallcentres,then computers, finaltyAOB. Doylto lt would be betterto swapthe callcentresind the computersaround.Thenit's fine. Horold Do you wantto checkthe agendaagain? Dovito No,iust sendit off as soonas it's finished. Geoffcansignit.
a 5
Helto,OracleBank,MaryJetticospeaking.How can I helpyou? ShrrteyHelto,Ms lettico.ShirleySmithsonfrom DominionsBankhere.Howareyou? Mary I'm finethanks,and you? ShirleyFine.I'mcattingto arrangethe meetingand discussthe agenda. Mory Do you haveany morepoints? shirleyYes,I do. Haveyou receivedthe agenda? Mary Yes,I have.We suggestedthe rrtn of February, ar 9 .ooa .m . But we can'tmakethe ShirleyThetime is acceptabte. rrthas Mrs DaVitawitt be awayuntilthe r6th. at 9.ooa.m.? Howaboutthe r8thof February, ls that OK? Mory | thinkthat wilt be fine.I will confirmthat tater, though.Any otherpoints? Shirley No,but canwe movepublicrelationsup the agenda? Mary Yes,that shouldbe fine.I witl moveit to after the apologiesfor absence.0K? Mory
Booksto Go.HowcanI help JoannajoannaDuncan, you? here. Mark Helto, fromBookmark MarkTaytor Joanna, Howareyou? loonnaI'mfine,thanks.Andyou? the Mork Verywetl,thanks.Haveyoureceived revised agenda, Joanna? loannoYes,I have.lt wasin myinboxthismorning. Mork Great! Shaltwegoaheadonthisbasis? us oursatesdirectorhasreminded loonna Aclually, pricing poticyaswell, thatweneedto discuss ... because Mork Yes,right.Ofcourse, we'llneedto speakabout thatat a later thataswell.Butcanwediscuss meeting? Yousee,this loannoWell,it willaffecttheadvertising. pointis important weoftenneed to usbecause dramatically sales. to cutprices to promote then, Mark Ohyes,I see.Howaboutputtingpricing, beforeadvertising? Mark.That's a goodidea. JoannoOh,OK,thanks, Mark Andwhatabouttheotherarrangements? etseis fine,Mark,So| lookforward loannaEverything youin London. to meeting Mork Samehere,Joanna. Seeyouonther3th. Goodbye. loanna Bye.
O 7
Norrator Themeeting at Bookmark's Rachel Brian,this meetingis vitalto us. lf we canget it will helpwith sales. a quickagreement, They'reat an atl-timelow this month,and that makesit hardto pay the bills. Brian Yes,Rachel,our customerbaseis startingto causebig problems.lf we don't get some youngercustomers, we't. new and especially havemanymoreproblemsin the future.lf we had thoughtof this earlier,we woutdhave alreadybeenableto improvesales.5o if we increasethe rangeof stockavailable, that I woutdpreferto onty shouldhetp.However, takeon their betterqualitytittes. Mork To be honest,I think BTGhaveproblems,too. But afterthis first meetingI think we witt be OK,so in a betterpositionto makedecisions.
82 1 Iranscripts first. let'sworkonourgoalsforthemeeting a Rachel Fine.Sowewantthemto helporganize lointwebsite. Brian Yes,andiftheydo thatandcontribute to the costs,willwealsohaveaccess to their catalogue of setf-hetp andbusiness develooment books? Mark 'fes,wewitt.Butweshouldmakethatour offerin exchange andnotletthemseethat it'ssomething weneed.We'ltiustsay- if theyworkwithuson thewebsite, we'tltet themselttheirbooksin ourstores. Brian Oh,I getit.Thatis a plusforthem.But actualty, it is ourmaintarget. (Laughs) Mork That'sthe idea! Narrotor Themeetingot Booksto Go volentinels thewebsitereadyyet? Georye Notyet,Val.I haven'tpaidthelastinvoice. workon it. 5othedesigner hasstopped valentineWhat'stheideahere,George? Thewebsiteis vitalforourfuture.Andwehavethemoney. George Look,Val,I wantto waituntilafterthe meeting. Wemightgetsomemoneyoutof Bookmark's. However, if wesaywe have already covered allthecosts,theymightnot wantto contribute. Right,George, I understand. So,we haveto Volentine pretend is stiltan idea,not thatthewebsite already designed. That'sit, andanyway, addingtheircontent George wiltstowthedesigner down.l'lttakeour designs original to showthem.Thatshould do it. Paul OK,butwemustgetourbooksintotheir market. I knowtheirstandards areveryhigh, welt butEngtish tanguage booksareselling in Europe especialty setf-hetp at themoment, andtanguage tearning tittes. Valentine Agreed, Paut.I'llhotdoutfora gooddealon ourlistof non-fiction. lftheygiveusthat, I won'tinsiston including fictionaswelt.Or perhaps tittes? Thattistis onlythewomen's hug e . Paul Greatidea,Val! A\ qt I
Hetto,Mr Stevens,it's very niceto see you again.May I introduceyou to my colleague BrianNewson?He'sour Operations Director. volentine How do you do, Mr Newson?Verypleasedto meetyou. I don'tthink you havemet Dennis Griffith.Dennisis our websiteexpert.He has be enadv is ingus on dev et oping our onli n e oreSence. losephandDennis Howdo you do? loseph lt is a pleasureto meetyou, Howlonghave you beenin the Internetfield? Dennis Forabout ten yearsnow.I usedto work for Mega-Online in NewYork.By the way,ptease call me Dennis. Thanks,you cancallme Joseph. Ah, I think Joseph we shouldtake our seatsnow.lt's time to begin.Ladiesand gentlemen,pleasetake your seatsaroundthe table.We'll... loseph
Richard Excuse CanI askyouto come me,everyone. ptease? OK.Let'sfocus backto ouragenda, whichis the onthenextitemontheagenda, overto you. detivery timeandterms.Jason, Marcy, theinitialoffer lason Thankyou,Richard. production timeof statesanaverage Thisseems r5 working daysforthematerial. to bea bit long,sinceweatsohaveto add Would fourworking daysfortransportation. in tenworking days it bepossibte to deliver plustransportation time? Marcy Hmm!...Thelengthy delivery timeis dueto youarelooking at.Werequire thequantity twoworking daysto setup theproduction daysforthe line,at leasttenworking production run,onedayfortheagreed qualitychecks, andonedayforloading. time lason Wett,then,is a shorterproduction feasibte at all? youarereferring to ourshift Morcy lason,I assume working a twosystem. Welt,wearecurrently extendto a third shiftdayandcouldpossibty shift.Butthatwouldresultin a priceincrease staffcosts.lt wouldtake dueto additional time,though. aboutsixdaysoffthedelivery what'syouropinion? Hmm...Richard, Joson Richord Forthetimebeing, [et'smakea noteof it. Marcy l oson
buton anex
woutdincreasethe detiverycosts dramatically. 6eorgino May I interrupt? Sure! loson Georgino Marcy,can I havea word with you, ptease? Morcy ls it OKwith you if we take a shortbreak? Richord Of course.ls five minutesenough? Morcy Yes,morethan enough! Morcy
Te[[me ...How Thankyou for your patience, muchmaterialcanbe storedhereat your warehouse? We havestoragecapacityfor two full containerloadsin our warehouseat the moment.Whvdo vou want to know? wereDossrble to al50storea t then we coulddeliverthe overallamountin instead threeshiomentsof threecontainers of four shiomentsof two containers
sEvet-rnre and.due to the increased overa[[amount,atsomoney. Well,Marcy,you certaintyhavegivenCraig loson and me somethingto think about.Richard, mavbewe candiscussthis overlunch.Hmm? Richard Marcy,shall we breakfor lunch now? Morcy That'sfine with me. How about the rest? Richord OK,tistenup. Shattwe meetbackhereat 2 p.m.to continueas we ...
Transcripts | 83
thisyear. Marcy lt couldbethatthe pricewill increase Richord of container Willtherebea shortage
Jason ...That'sright.This morningwe talked about (r)
lason Marcy lason
Morcy loson Craig
part-shipment, anadditional delivery, earlier Wehave orderquantities. shift,andincreased Weare verycarefu[[y. lookedat eachalternative unable to accept(z)a thirdshift. youwoutdn't wantthatbecause Well,I guessed it is a solution in price.However, of theincrease in demand which if thereis a majorincrease needsto bemetquickty. that'snotgoing$) to happen. At themoment, Butwhoknows? the of shipping Thereis atsothepossibitity goodsat intervats. Whatdoyouthinkof that? thatis notan option(4)either, Unfortunately, at a onceagainwewouldbelooking because priceincrease. Transport is reallygettingmore thesedays! andmorecostty then,onwhich True,butthatdepends, youuse.Maybe(S)| wouldbeabteto forwarder a verygoodpricewithour helpyounegotiate forwarder. Wouldyoulikemeto try?I'msure in deating withyou. he'l[beinterested lf youthinkthatvoucando (5)that. Ofcourse! Butwewouldhaveto lookat thatagainat a laterdate,though. OK,I'vemadea noteof it andwe'l[letyouknow. Good.Now,Craigwantsto Thankyou,Marcy. withyou.Craig? discuss thefinatproposal capacity. wasaboutstorage Yourquestion andwith Maybewecan(Z)do it.We'vechecked planning wecouldstorethree a littlecareful containers. I haveanother Goodto hear.HoweveL of Thereis alsothepossibitity suggestion. according to your orderquantities adiusting in one needs. Let'ssay,threecontainers or even twoin another, shipment asdiscussed, ThiswouldbeOKaslongas four,if necessary. we orderquantities westickto theoverall agreed to. Thatis a niceoffer.Butwecan't(8)storefour warehouse, webuildanother unless containers, two andthatmeansno (g).Stitt...ordering is anatternative, shouldtherebe containers anycnanges.
transportation timeby seafreightfromsixto fourweeks? to reduce thetransportation Marcy lt is impossible routesused. oftheshipping time,because of Doyouthinkwecanhavea furtherdiscount Rrchard Richordlstherc a
2.5"/o? Richardls it conceivablethat we coutd havea further discountof 2.5"/o? that cannotbe donebecauseof Marcy Unfortunately, the pricefor raw materialsat the moment. on the commodities Richordls the priceincreasing market? nrchordls it oossibtethat the pricewill increaseon the commoditiesmarket?
of nrcrrora Doyouthinkthatttrerewiltbea shortage spaceon shipsin thenearfuture? container because the Marcy I consider it to bea possibility is rising. volumeof exports R,chdrd ls theexchange ratestayingat its currentlevel? ratewill Richard Canit beexpected thattheexchange stayat its currentlevel? Marcy lt is hardtyliketyto stayat its current[eve[,due dectine to thecontinued ofthedottar. plant? production Rlchard Areyouopening another Richard Couldit wellbethatyouareopeninganother production plant? of opening Marcy Wecanruleoutthe possibitity plant,because production thereareno another properties available. suitable
a l2
Yamamoto ...Yes,this is veryencouraging and I am
tookingforwardto seeingthe figuresfor the third and fourthquarter.Now...let'statk about you, Dwight.You havebeenwith us for a longtime. Dwight Yes,for over 15 years.And I haveenjoyed everyminuteof it. lt is certainlya but satisfyingjob. challenging, Yamomoto I am verygladto hearit. Wett,I havereadthe proposalyou forwardedme and haveto say, though,that a pay increaseof roolois out of the question.Youknowyou arealreadyat the top of the payscale. that is really Dwight To be honest,Mr Yamamoto, ratherdisappointing. Youknow,we are talkingaboutmy first pay raisein morethan four years.I havemanagedto acquirea lot of new customersand increaseordervotume Surelythat deserves with existingcustomers. recognition, doesn'tit? YamamotoDwight,I strongtybelievethat we can come though,I to an agreement. Unfortunatety, just cannotagreeto roolo! | candefendan increaseof f/oto the membersof the board. Butthat is reallyas far as I am witlingto go. That'snot a great deal, is it? Dwight 4olo? for this. Yomomoto Dwight,thereis a simpleexplanation noneof the staffhavehad a lf you remember, pay raisein the lastfour yearsbecause businesshas beenverydifficutt.Bonus paymentswerealsosuspended. And,as you know,lastyearwe awardeda pay raiseof Thisyear,we will z.5o/o lo our workforce. finattybe abteto re-activate the bonussystem. you will reSo,you see,if we agreeon 4olo ceivea higherpay raisethan everyoneelse. Dwight H m m ,w h a t d o y o u m e a nb y a h i g h e rp a y raise?The nextstaffpay raiseis due in for the August,and if they negotiater.5olo nexttwelvemonths,I witt ontybreakeven and not havegainedanything. YomomotoWelt,I did mentionthat we aregoingto reactivatethe bonussystem.Thatwoutd certaintybe an increasein pay.
ots 84 1 Transcri
So, if I understandyou correctly,you are tellingme that I cantake it or leaveit? Yamomoto Dwight,I am sorry.But 4olois the best I can d o! Dwight Mr Yamamoto,if we can't agreeon morethan how aboutlookingat additionalperks? 4olo, Yamamoto Yes,that would be an alternative ...OK,OK! 1 feelwe shouldcontinuethis conversation onceyou havecomeup with someoptions. Sendme your proposalsand we witl talk again.I am confidentwe canwork this out. Dwight OK,fine.Thankyou, MrYamamoto. Byenow. Yomomoto Goodbye. Dwight Hmm,this is awkward!
Yamomoto lt can,indeed!Doesthat t.un Uo, nau. lookedat that possibilityas well? Dwight Nowthat...wouldbe givingawaymy secrets, wouldn'tit? Yamamoto Hmm,I knowwhat you meanl Dwight Mr Yamamoto,so far we haveestablished threealternatives, whichboth of us seemto with my be quite happywith in comparison originalproposal,whichyou rejected.I think it'stime we settledfor one,don't you? Yomamoto Well,yes,ldo. Dwight,alt of theseoptions haveadvantages for both you and Nacatomi. We favourthe languagecoursesbecauseof Thattheyare the benefitsto dailybusiness. tax-deductibte is an addedbonus.In addition,the coursewilt atsohelpto secureyour positionas headof internationaI sates and boostyour abilityto deatdirectlywith our Frenchand Spanishpartners. Dwight OK,that'ssettled,then.4% and a companyfinancedlanguagecourse.I am realtyquite pleasedthat we wereableto work things out, Mr Yamamoto. Yamamoto So am l, Dwight!I'tl get my secretaryto forwardthe detailsto you as soonas possibte. lust signthe form and returnit by fax.Youcanstart havinga lookfor suitabte languageschoolsnow. Dwight OK.Thankyou. \/amomoto My pleasure.Bye,then. Dwight Goodbye.
13 d
o c d e f
... Let'sgetdownto business Inmyopinion thatsounds likeanoption. It wouldcertainly to ... beanalternative ... Wehavetwopossibitities, butcouldyouimagine ... Sofarwehaveestablished threealternatives Wewereableto workthingsout.
a a4
Ah, goodmorning,Mr Yamamoto. Howare you? Yomamoto Fine,thanks.Howareyou, Dwight? Dwight Verywetl, but very busy. Youalwaysare, Dwight,you alwaysarel Let's Yomomoto get downto business, then.I have your proposals. Wouldyou [iketo considered giveme somemoredetaits? Dwight Of course.I coutdwell imaginethat the additionalmonthtypaymentinto the pension to Nacatomi,because schemeis beneficial the paymentsarefuttytax-deductible. Yomomoto Yes,in my opinionthat soundslikean option. your pensionwhenyou It woutdincrease retire.Howaboutthe privateuseof a companycar?| cannotseethe advantage there. Dwight Thecompanypaysinsurance, tax,fuet,and maintenance on the companycars,and it doesn'tmatterif the carsare usedor not. I would paythe tax and socialsecurity contributions on the miteagedriven,through my sarary. Yomomoto Doesthat meanyou wouldhaveto record yourtrips in a log book? Dwight Yes,it does.Whatdo you think? Yamomoto Letme see.lt wouldcertainlvbe an alternative to your initialproposatofa ro% pay raise.I admitthat this wouldbe hetpfut. I am gladto hearthatl Dwight YomamotoDwight,you haveobviouslyresearched the proposalsin detailand I can seethe advantages to both you and Nacatomi We havetwo possibilities, Corporation. but couldyou imaginea third one,suchas an intensivelanguagecoursefinancedby the company? As headof international sates,it would be a goodideato brushup on your Spanishand French. Thatwouldcertainty help you in dailybusiness. Wouldn'tyou agree? Dwight Yes,I woutdhaveto agree.Thecoursecan be set off againsttaxes,can't it? Dwight
a 15
GilbertGilberthere.ls thatMauriceBayle? Boyle Yes,Baylehere. lt is a 6r'lberfThissituationis totallyunacceptable. potlution disaster. Bayte I amsorry,Mr Gilbert.Couldyouctarifythat, ptease? Thepollution is at Pottution disaster? acceptable levels. Howcanyousaythat? GilbertAcceptable? Bayle LetmemakesureI understand whatyouare is doing saying! Doyoumeanthatthefactory something against thetaw? GilbertYeslNocountryatlowssucha highlevetof potlution. Youdon'thavea clue.Ourexperts every saythatpeoplediefromthesechemicals year.Youknowwearetheoneswhoarepaying fortheseGames. Butwewillnotrelease the moneyyet.Wecalltheshotshere. youthatthe Eoyle But,MrGitbe(,I canassure poltution levethasbeengoingdownforthe pastthreeyears. Wheredidyougetyour information from? GilbertHuhlI'ttgo overyourhead.Letmespeakto yoursuperiorsl I havefriends in highplaces. Bayle MrGitbert, I amthemayor, andmysuperiors Howcanwesolvethis arethetownspeople. problem together? GilbertDoyoureallythinkwecanbring2,oooyoung athletes to yourpoltuted town?TheGames mustdefinitely bemoved. You're iustnotin the hasa large, toop!Didn'tyouknowthefactory lt seems neworderfordangerous antpoison? it'ttbeworking overtime attthrough the summer.
Transcripts| 85
I amafraidwecannotmovetheGames. Have youspoken to Mr Bennet aboutthis?Afteratt, heisyourco-sponsor andhehasagreed to coverhalfthecosts.Oh,andplease askyour meandI willexolain exoertto contact everything to him.Inthemeantime, I'lttry and findoutaboutthisneworder.Hmm.how Thefactoryusuatlyclosesfortwo to strange! threeweeksin August. in your Totellyouthetruth,I'mnotinterested Wehaveto makesuretheGames excuses. are safe.lf not,thewhotethingwittbea nonPlease understand wecannottakeany starter. risks! Mr Gilbert, let'snotforgettwoimportant things havealready beenorganized here!TheGames employs andthecompany 5o%of our population. Therefore, theGames candefinitely notbemoved. Ridiculous! lt mustbepossibte to do I'llgetbackto you.Themaniust something. doesn'tgetthemessage! MrGitbert. Goodbye,
EennetHello,Maurice. Bayle Boniour,Simon.I am so pleasedyou couldsee me at suchshortnotice. EennetNo problemat all, and I'm sorryto hearabout your difficultconversation with Mr Gilbert. Comeand sit down.Let'sdiscussthe matterl Boyle Mr Gilbertwas ratherrude.I am happyI didn't losemy temper.How'sthe factory?Mr Gilbert mentioneda newcontract. Bennet Fine,The factory'sinspectorthinkswe have beenmakinggoodprogresswith the new Nevertheless, someof the old machines, machinesarestilldirty,and we will unfortunately stitlneedto usethem in the to producethe summer.Ourgoalis, however, amountin the contractby the end ofAugustin orderto allowtime for shipping. Boyte And doesthis meanthe companywitl not shut do wnd urin gt he St udentSum m erG am es ? yes.I am not in a positionto EennetUnfortunatety, shutthe factorydown,becausewe must achieveour targets.lt is, in fact,company policyto ctoseloss-making subsidiaries. Bayle But the companyis profitable,isn't it? Eennet Well,we havebeen losingmoneyfor the last threeyears- this can'tcontinue.Whatdo you suggestI do? the Boyle Hmm,I'm not sure.But from my experience, bestway is to set up flexibteworkingschedules whichallowday and nightshifts.Or,betterstill, changethe detiveryschedutefor the goodsto a laterdate. l'm not in a positionto changeit, EennetUnfortunately, becauseheadofficehassignedthe contract. your position.But canyou offer Boyle Oh, I appreciate any alternatives? Bennet fo be honest,I am not reallycertainnow.You knowwe needthis orderto keeppeopte employed.
Yes,I completelyunderstand what you?e saying.But as far as the TVcompanyis concerned, theywitt not sponsorthe Gamesif we cannotreducethe poltution.Canyou offer any alternatives? Howimportantis it for you that the work is donein Dyersville? Eennet Well,we haveno alternative, Maurice.Thework must be donehere.Movingit is not an option. This is a headofficedirective. Bayle And Simon,you woutdusethe old machines, with that too. I mustsay I am verydissatisfied your position. solution.However, I understand Wetl,I needto get backto my officeand give the wholethingsomethought.Perhapsyou couldcontactyour headofficeagainand explainto themthe situationwith the American TVcompany. Boyle
a t7
Bayle Wereallyhaveto solvethismatternow.Theyall wantto maketheirooints. Bennet I agree, andI thinkweshouldtetthem. However, I thinkourheadofficehavecomeup witha goodsotution. Theyhavefounda wayto bui l da' gol den' bri dge. l t w i l lmeanspendi ng somemoney, but... Tetlmemore! Bayle Thatis excellent. yet. BennetOh,tater,Maurice, later!lt'snotconfirmed So Wearealsoarranging fora pollution survey. please withthe seethatpeopte co-operate testers. Eayle Whatdo youmean? willbesending some BennetWelt,theuniversity andsamples, students to takemeasurements lwill give andyou'tlhavea fullreportbyFriday. moredetailsat themeeting. everyone Bayle That'sgreat.But,Simon,whatif the reportis bad? BennetMaurice, let'snotworryaboutthat now.Set yourmeeting for Friday, andI'ttbethere.
@ i8
Niceto seeyou again,Mr Fisher.I hopeatl is wetl? Fisher Yes,thank you for asking. Fortunately, I was ableto speakto my client Clark yesterdayand he is happywith the agreement so far.ls thereanythingthat we still needto discuss? Well,..thereis.AfterwardsI spoketo my partnersand we cameto the conctusion that we reallydon'twant to inctudefittedkitchensand gardenshedsin the entireproject,afteralt. lf a b o u th a l f o f t h e h o u s e sh a v et h e m ,t h a t 's enough.We think it's just moneywe don't need to spend. Oh, I am surewe canfind a solutionhere.I have no doubtthat my clientwill be opento change.Letme iust considering this last-minute c a l lh i m ! Clork
Yes,thankyou so much.My pleasure!| wilt catt you backlaterthen.Bye.
86 1 Transcripts
I had hopedto be abteto cometo an agreement I have.lf we with my clientand,fortunately, signthe contracttoday,he is wiltingto add in the priceofthe kitchensand the gardensheds in the purchaseprice.lt is an extremelygood offer.Woutdyou like to discussit with your oartnersfirst? Fisher Yei, iust give me a moment.I needto send them a text messagebecausethey are in a meetingthemselves. ...Done! Clark Would you like some coffee? Fisher Yesptease!lt's unfortunatethat my partners are unabteto be heretoday.But...oh, that was quick.Hereis the answer.Well,we arewilting to work with that. Clark Exceltent.I am very pleased. Fisher lt's a deaI then! Clark OK.5o, let's havecoffee,and then ...
o 19
Thediscussion continues: andbring Clork Right,nowtet'sgetbackto business thisnegotiation to a head! Fisher Yes,let's.I mustsay,attin att,we havecovered a lot of groundin the pasttwoweeks,haven't WE? Clark Yes,wecertainlyhave. FisherWell,do youthinkthatwewillbeabteto take possession of thehouses withineightmonths? youthatmyclientistrueto Clark Hmm,I canassure hiswordandyouwiltbeableto startworkon theproject bytheagreed date. Butcanwemakea noteof thatin the FisherBrittiant! contract? clork Let'sapproach thisanotherway,then!Sofarwe haveestablished thatforthesumof 2.5miltion, intheHolland Drivedevelopment theproperties pricea fittedkitchen include in thepurchase the anda garden shedperhouse.Inaddition, handover datewe'veagreed to isther't ofJune. Finatty, thecontract is to bedrawnup todayand This signedbybothparties earlythisevening. shouldcoveratlthedetails. Fisher Justto makesure,let merepeat,if I may! Clork Sure! kitchens andgarden shedsinctuded Fisher2.5mittion, istherstofJune, andthedateof handover right? right.Let'sdraftthecontract Clark Yes,absotutely latertoday. basedon thesepointsforsignature I suggest wemeetagainat around4.3op.m.to continue. Doesthatsuityou? FisherYes,it does.I'llseeyouin a coupleof hours, t hen. I'tthaveallthepapersreadyandthenwe Clork Great, c an. . .
Thankyouforyourpatience today,Mr Fisher. I reatlyappreciate it. Webothknowthatthis Fisher Noproblem, MrClark. wasnecessary. Haveyoudrawnupthe contract? Clark Yes,wouldyoutiketo go throughit oncemore? I ontywantto lookat thechanges Fisher No,notreally. CIark
we'vediscussed todayandthenI witlsignthe document. Oh,hasyourclientsignedit already? Clark Yes,andifyouturnto the lastpage,his signature is right...there. FisherHmm,oh,yes.Thankyou.OK,givemea pleasel yes,I'mhappywith moment, Right, that. Thiscontract Mr Fisher! clark Congratulations, conctusion of a lot of signifies thesuccessful hardworkoverthepastcoupte of weeks. andI are FisherWelt,it does,doesn'tit?Mypartners now? verypleased, aswett.So,whathappens wewilt thecontract, Clark Whenwe havefinatized authorities. submitit to therelevant FisherHmm,I knowthismaysounda bit impatient, if youcould butwewouldbegrateful implement thisbytheendof theweek. youthatyouwitlbe I guarantee Clork Mr Fisher, hearing fromusbyThursday at theverylatest. I hopethatmeetswithyourapproval. access to the FisherOfcourse. Thenwecanguarantee project siteanytimewewouldlike,can'twe? Clork Yes,youcan.Infact,youcango nextMonday.... Wett,it hasbeena pleasure. whenI FisherYes,it has.I alsospeakformypartners saythankyouforhavingus. then?Witl Clark So,whatistheplanforthisevening, you...?
Useful phrases Thisis because .... for...is .... Thereason forourcustomers. ...is essential points... . These arethemostimportant Wemusthave... . Wehaveto have....
Weneed/require... . W ew ant.... Wewouldlike.... Thisis a must! Thepricemustfit ourguidetine. Moneyis all-important!
Have Wemust... is... Ourmainconcern It is vital/crucial that... I refuseto acceDt...
Tradable I amwillingto accept...if ... I thinkwewill haveto agreeto ... It wouldbean alternative to ... Wecantradethisagainst... A fewthingswecancompromise on are...
lntend is... Ourintention I wouldliketo ... Wemightliketo...
... l/Wepropose/suggest Howabout...? ? Woutdit bepossibte... ? Howdo youfeelabout... youaccept/consider... ? Woutd/Could
...is correct,isn'tit? Canyoutellmehow...? ls it alrightwithyouif ...? Wouldit beoossible... ? It seems...Whatis youropinion?
(that)... It is possibte/probable/conceivabte (thaO... Thereis a possibitity I t m aybe. . . It couldwellbethat... Inallprobability... It is to be expected ...
It is impossible to ... It is outof thequestion ... Unfortunately, thatcannotbedone! Wecanruleoutthepossibility of ... It is doubtfulwhether/if ... It is (hardly) tikety...
? Doyousuggest... Areyousuggesting that...? Doyoumean...? Doesthatmean...? youcorrectly lf I understand ...? Whatdoyoumeanby...?
In my/ouropinion... Fromour/mypointof view Wearetalking/speafing aOiut... Weare/lamof theopinionthat... We/lstronglybetieve/feel that... I amconfident that... l/Weimagine it something like...
Thereareseveralootions... Thatwoulddepend on... it ... Nowthatyoumention Considering thisl/wewould... ... It sounds likeanalternative/option/possibitity
l/We coutdimagine... l/We thinkwe should... I was/Wewerethinkingthat ... It would be helpfuUanoption... It might be possibleto/a possibility... Frommy/our experience,the best way... Do you think we can/could... ? Couldthe problembe solvedby... ?
Openquestions Whyis thatso important to you? comefrom? Wheredoesyourinformation in yourcompany? Doyouhavekeymanagers Whatcanyouofferus?
lndircctquestions Canyougivemean ideaof your...? Couldyoutellme...? Howdo youthinkwecanachieve thisgoal?
88 | Usefulphrases
Polite I wouldprefer... Thatis nothowweseeit. Couldyouclarify that,please? Couldyouexplain thatmorefully,ptease? I'mafraidvyecouldn'tagreeto that. less polite Youarewrong. Thatistotallyunacceptable. No,thatis outofthequestion. No,I'mnotinterested. I thinkyoushouldexplain. I don'tseethepoint. Ourexperts saythat... Expressions to slowconversation down Letme(ust)makesureI understand whatyouare saying. Let'sgo backandreview thesituation. Whyisthatimportant to you? Howcanwedealwith/solve thisprobtem? Wheredoesyourinformation comefrom?
Makingsuggestions Couldtheproblem besolvedby...? Canyouofferanyalternatives? Clarifuing Doesthatmean...? Howimportant is it foryouthat...? Whatisthepurpose of thispoticy? Asklngfor suggestions Canyouofferusanyotherpossibitity? Whatwouldyousuggest? Whatdo yousuggest I do? partialagreement Expressing I understand howyoufeel! I agreewithyouspecificatly on ... Yes,youhavea pointthereabout...
Askingguestions youtelluswhyyoufeellikethat? Coutd Howcanwereacha comoromise? Whatdo youthinkis a fairwayto resolve ...? Yourposition isveryinteresting. Canyouteltmemore? Askingfor or encouraglng agreement with views Doyouagreewithourposition on ...? Doyoufeelyoucanaccept... ? I hopeyoucanseeourpointofview. Letmeexplain ourposition! Expressing agreement I knowexactlywhatyoumean. I believe thatis correct. Thatseemsreasonable. I wouldalso... lf I werein yourposition,
Describing current/future situations Fortunately, ... wehaven't beenableto ... Unfortunately, Weareverysatisfied/dissatisfied ... Infuture,wehopeto ... Hopefulty, wewiltbeableto... Bythetimewe... Expressing agreement l/Wecanonlyagreewithyouthere. l/Wehaveto admitthatyouareright. I am/Wearewillingto workwiththat. Thatisalsoourconcern/point ofview/goal. Bymutuatagreement wehavedecided to ... It'sa deal! Conveying commltment I am/Wearesurewecanfinda solution to ... I am/Wearecommitted to findinga solution. l/Wehavenodoubtthatwe... Wehopeto beabteto cometo anagreement. Wearelooking forward to a successful business relationshio. Statlngprogressmadeor currentstatus I believe wehavemadesomegoodprogress. Thisis certainly ... a steptowards Fine,butit seems ... westillneedto discuss Inorderto achieve westitl... ourobiectives,
Guaranteeing youthat... l/Weguarantee youthat... l/Wecanassure l/Wewittdo my/ourbestto ... Discussing follow-updocumentatlon Shallweputthisintoa writtenproposal? I thinkwewittneeda detailed summary of this. Let'sdrafta contract basedontheseooints. Summarizlng ... 0ust)to summarize Sofarwehaveestablished ... Letmeiustrepeat,if I may. Thisis wherewestand. I woutdliketo summarize asfollows... l/Wethink/believe weallagreeherethat... Wehavecertainly covered a lotof groundtoday!
Expressing deadlines Weshouldcometo a decision within/by... Youwiltbe hearing fromusby... Theclosing datefor...is ... l/Wewouldbegrateful if youcouldimptement this by ... Closingdiscussion Thankyouforcoming. Thankyouforhavingus. Thankyoufora fruitfuldiscussion/productive meeting. l/Wehadhoped/expected to geta lotoutofthis meeting. I am/Weareverymuchlooking forward to ... Wewouldcertainly liketo intensify...