Jacques Derrida
Spurs Nietzsche's Styles tperuns Lcs Styles de Nietzsche T fit roduction by Stefano Agosti P face de Stefano Agosti English Translation by Barbara Harlow Drawings by Francois LoLIbrieu Dessins de Francois Lrnibrieu
The University of Chicago Press Chicago and London
The 1.;:ni•ersity of ChicaRn ThelJnivvrs.ity of C.:hicagn 1
Chicago. 64163 7 LOndOEI
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I illrAr• of Congress CiLialogni.1 in PLIblicalion D411.;1 Dcrrikia,)Jf.. r'S
and Frcsk h on EJL Ltij.; frirloilvs hihIlagraphic.al reirrenixs. Wahtlrn, 18-14 -1900.
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ISBN 0-226-14333-3 (piper) LI•S.N.1 ilk t
coup: Praice riperoits Coup upon Coup: An Introduction to Spun,. Stefano Agosti 2/3 OLL!) sur
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ihrir y ANSI 739.4H-1992
l'A].rr for Primed
Eperons: Les Styles de Nietzsche Spurs: Nietz5che's Srylcs 34 /35 La question du style I The question of scYlii! 34/35 Distances 36/37 Voiles I Veils 4 6 /47 rites/Truths 54/51 Parures I Adornments 62/63 La. simulation I Simulation 66/67 er I Iistoire (-rune errcur a r - History of ;11.f1 error" 70171 Femina vita 82/83 Positions 94/95 Le regard ciTh(lipe / The gaze of Oedipus I 00/10 Le coup de don i o8/ t o9 Abiffies de la verire / Abysses of truth 1 18.1 .1.19 oubh& mon parapluie I "1 have forgotten my umbrella" .1 2 2 / 1 2 Mores 146/1 47
tperons Les Styles de Nietzsche Spurs Nietzsche's Styles
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Mais– la femme sera mon st.ijct. Il resteiait sc lcroondcr si eela tvvient all mique – fro A name-
Ilowever—it is woman w'ho subject_ Still, one might wonder whethe
question du style Kr, sans doute l'ave?.vous reconnue, c'est une citation, voulu Inarquer clue je n'avoneerai tics ici qui n'appartienne l'espace degage au cours (le ccs dell x dernCeres annets par des lectures qui ouvrent une phase nouvelle clans tin prc)c es d'interpr.aation (1.6construc-
trice, Cest•A-dire atiirmative. Si je ire rite pas ccs (ravatioz auxquels je
dais beaucoup, pas rnélne Vcrsiom du Yoleil qui me &nix: cc titre, ouvrant lc- champ probl6matique et jticcilI'L la ro rge c lans ! a quae, a tele derive pros, je me tiendrai, cc ne sera ni par omission ni par pre'somption d'independance. Plutãt pour tit pas fragmeaner dote et pour l a pre'siipposer chaquic instant en sa totalitt. J.,a cimstion du slylc, c'cit toiijours l'ex:irnen, Patrol's fi eule• le pesant (run objet ment divine plume, Mais aussi hint dun stylet, noire d'un poignard. A l'aide &sequels 011 13.CLIt, certes, .t ta3C]1]cr C r UCI1CMC11 Cc a (poi la philosophic en appell• sous le nom de tnatiere ou de =trice, pour y cnfoncer one marque, y laisser tine einpreinte ou um:. forme,. rnais aussi pour repousser ILL/ IC forme mcnacanle, la lenir n distance, I, relotiier, s'en !larder – sc pliant alors ou repliant, en fuite, derriere des voiles.
bL: l .1:it {it1C1.,11 t '
amount tn. the same 11-iing—or is it
the other, The .ec question of st}.le o. is, as you have no doubt rtougoizcd, a quotation. Thus it serves t1.1 indicate that wilrIE I shall put forth here. is already a part of ;hat space which certain readings, in launching a new phase in the process of deconstructive allirmative) interpretation, have (le —rnar(aux! durirkg the last 0,vo years. I ov..e these. readings a great debt and it is neither through omission nor in a spirit of presumptuous inilcpendeney that I do not (not even to icier to them soleil which provided the title Verrifors for this text). But., because they have opened lip WA prohiciruiLic field to the very margin in which (aside from those mumenrs when I deviate from it) l shall remain. that debt itself should nut be fragmented here, but at each moment presupposed in its totality. to
0 iJ tellizees
In the question of style there is always the weight or examen of some pointed ohject. At times this ohjcct might he only a quill or a stylus_ But it could just as easily he a stiletto, or even a rapier_ Such objects might be used in 3 V IC iOUS attack against what philosophy apvcois to in 1 hr. name of matter or matrix, an attack whose thmsr could not but !cave its mark, could not but inscrib-c there some imprint or form. Mit they 'night also be used as protection against the thrrat of such an attack, in order to li:cep it at a distance, to repel it—as am; btads or recoils I,,k-, o rc its force-, in flight, behind veils and salk (de.t. voiles), 37
But let us [cave this c17„..tron to float Laisscns IP6lytre flotter entre rnaseulin et between the masculine and the feminine., Notre I Li ngLJC ROLLS CIL aSSU re la Our tongue, in any case, promises us such CIU iSSarlte 1)1 1 I IWO Ll cm n'articule pas. rinvidcd [CO St I h LII L %%IC Lk) lit quart aux voiles, nous y sommes, iculate.' nI)t :art Nietzsche aura pratiqu4 tour its genres. And as far as sails and veils are concerned, '
Lc htylc s ovolicer2it aliMS COrilinc riperog, le CCII.11 par exemple Chin VILiSSC;911 l
ro.ftrilM, cette saillie qui va au devant, brise Irattaque fendre la surface adverse, Encore., toujours cn wrtnes de 11141,1jr1C. Clet1C 9uNs.i il;peron pointc de rochcr qu'on et qui .rompt 6 lames a l'entr6e (Fun havre 1-C Styli: prat dune amui tie. son 6peron i1roi6ger runtrc la Illerl1Ce tCrrifiarar, avcuglantc et mortelle (cle ce) qui se pre setae, se donne voir avec entetement: IA presence, done, It COntelki, la chose meJrne, 'cns, moins clue cc Isc soit — deid l'abyme deflot6 unit cc d6.1Toilcmcnt de la difi6tence. Depa, nom de. ce qui s'efface ou d'avance sonstrair, lais.sout n6anmoins vine signature sousunite dans Ma RP pre'zient c'a'l: meme dont it se retire — dont it faudrait tenir compte. Ce que je fera.i, mais cette operation ne se laisse simplifier ni cifilcr crull scul c.oup. L'eperon, cc, francic1LIC ou
now that we have happened into them, Nietir.SChe must have becn fillniliOr with all genres. Thus the style would seem to advance in the manner of a 3 ,tner of sorts (eperatg). Like the prow, I[Of example, of a salting vc-ssel, its rostrum, Liu! projec•tion of the ship which surges ahead to meet the sea's amilck and cleave its hostile! surface. Or yet again, and still in nautical tcrrnincdogy, the style might be eomprired to that rocky pcint, also called an jperon, on which the waves break at the harbor's entrance_ So, it seems, style also LI SC:S HS spur ( eperan as a menns of protection against the terrifying, blinding, mortal threat ( o f th a t) which presenes itself, which obstinacel!.. thrusts itsidi into view. And stvlc thcruby laroiCCtS the preSellCe.„ the content , the thing itself, meaning, truth--on the condition at lease that it should not already (dj)a) lie that gaping chasm which has been itn cif the LlifFeicneu. cieltowerc4.1 in the Lira Already ftield), sLith 3S. the name for what has been effaced or subtracted beforehand, but which has no.iertheless left behind a mark, a signaiure which is rertneteci in thin %wry thing from which it is. ‘,.....iihdrawn. Withdrawn from the here and now, the here and now which must be accounted fol. Which T am going to aCCU1111( for. lint skid) an operation cannot be simplified, nor can its fine point be honed in a single stroke (Sun seut coup). The 4'perfw.r, wLik...11 is translated Sporn -
gaelique spot, (eta se di( en anglais 5,pur awls 1.1 5. "'mix (Died*, Mallarme le rapproche de sprern, mepriser, repot'sNer ., iejeter avec raepris. nest pas une fascinante homonyniie, mais (rune Lague A l'al Li PL! [ 4.]1345rE1.1 1.0/ 41 111311• ne CeSSi tj I ii s roriquc ct s&riantique: le spur anglAi5, l'k'peron, es( le .41 rarrie mot K.. que lc Spur allemand; trace, sillage, indite, inargur,t. Le style perorinant, l'objct long, oblong, perfnre, la points arrnc de parade arrant oblongifoli'ee tenant sa puissance apotropaILytle des tis so s, toiles, voiles qui se bandent„ ("est sL ploient ou deploicnt autour aussi, pc pas l'oublier, le parapluic. Par exemple, mais ne roublier. Et pour insister sur ce qui in writ= Jo inar• .(k sty1.6 duns. Li Ltucstion de 12 femme — je ne clis pas, sclnn la locution si souvelll rectie, 1a figure de La femme, — s'agira. ici de la vole s'enlever, la question (k. la figure C (ant 't la fois ouverte et . if 31 1162; par ie qui s'appelle ]a femme —; pour antioncer aussi, 4.l s rnaintenant, cc qui regle le jet) des voiles (par exemple Sun navire) stir l'angaisNe apotropaique; pour laisser enrin paraiirc (11,1041 11C,7 {14..11u rise entre le style 1,1 femme de Nietzsche, void (Iiiclques lignes dot Gai SaVotr, depuis la belle tradoction dc Pierre Klossowski_ Lc.5 f•rnmes et leter opCrolichn ji distorrce (ibre Wirkung ill rf r4. Ferree). <4 Ai-je encore des oreilles? Ne suis-ie plus qu'oreille 4.t tieil de plus? ,
. .
Frankish or ilit211 GerMark. spur in Gaulle. prolimanceil spu. in Lriglish. In Les atiglais Nilallaripc: relates it to the verb to spurn, that is, to disdain, to rebuff, to reject scornfulh.r. Although this may not be a particularly fascinating homfinyrn, alum is still a necessary historic and semantic operation from one language to the either evident in the fact that the English spur., the f:perapy is the ci slum! word As the Cr'erman „Creir: or, in other words, trnre, wa k.e, indkatiOn, Mark. The stylc•spur, the spurring style, is a long ,
3111 411}1c)[1E: nhicet, a wofd, which
perforates even as it parries. Tt is th• oblongi—foliated point (a spur or a spar) which derives its apotropaic power from the taut, t•sisrant tissues, webs, sails and veils which are erected, furled and unfurled around it. [3(11, it must not he forgotten, it is also an umbrella For e:‹ample, but it must not be forgnEtirn_ And so, 1 v i way cif rin emphasis \VFW. impresses the mark of the stylatc spur in the question of the woman (note that this is 110! {according to a well—turned phrase) figfir•. Ti is not the figure of the Vpr011Iall procisdy Hc.c-nrnic we shall bear witness here to her abduction, because the question of the figure is at once opened and closed by what is called woman); by way nlso (5f :3 ri armoilikCyrilerit of what will henceforth regal ate the play of (he sails {of a ship, for example) around the aputropaic anxiety; and finall y , by way of a first glimpse of some exchange hctwccn Nietzsche's style ond Clictz5ches woman ...these lines joyful Wisdom: W 0 nie.P? find Their klecs in the Dia:vice Ohre Wirkeog in die Ferni•►. 44 Have i s till ears? Am I only car, arid
nothing else 40
[Tourer ks into tf Nietzsche, la fvninIt: cn port iculier, sont rclieg enronle'es clans le labyrinthe chine oreille, et A ptine plus loin, elan ,. le Gal Savoir (Die Ifelromen der lierrem, Les mahir c i i.r1 ,dc's main-es). un ritlean 01.3 tine tenture, Lii c Utile (VorhLJnl) ti levee trir cies auxocaes molts Are t-rOyons par d'ardinaire tjuand s.'4'deye tell( voix d'alto profonde er imisgante (eine iiefe PPlik brig(' Alf i min r } tlkli Scmble, romme le ineilleur .k l'homme dans ]: femme War Besse pcm Mezom r ), surrnonter l:l diff&ence. des sexes. (iiber dos Ginchtecbi hip:A.11s et in•a•ner (juanr ccs voix (le confront) rept4=:sentunt kmant viril festal. Ron-k°: par exempt: N., Nietzsche dtt sa reserve: a On rte emit pas LIc eci5 CeS VOLX L.111R rUtlit)Lirs teinte inaternelle et de [nnitret.se de ison, avec d'autant plus de force cinc rilITICA17 eSt dans !cur intonation 0..] Nc suisie plus qu'orcElle et 11E11 de plus? Au milieu 4 l C l'ardeur (NI ressac I if-11 di: mot inlrnduisible, cmnmc on dit : flier sfebe ?nmieten des Brander der Braliarung. Brant time, avo: I'crntivasetmnt tic Brand, qui signific aussi la marque au ler rouge, c'est le res.c;ic, rornrne le t•ail:lit justement K]ossowski. lc reickur sur ellesini;mies des vEignes quand elks rencontrent des C111.11.31.CS de rockers Oil (11.:CHeS sc. hrisent SUL' JCS eflieilti, ICS falRISCS, JC -2i c.'perons, etc.) Acne Fekurneux retour dc flarnmes blanclkes jaillit 11- 13Sq11 1%1 MeS pie& (done je SiliS 341551 l'eperonl — cc ne sont gitc hurlernents, nicnaces, CTiS StriClUtIlS lent, tandis crue dans son anire le plus profond !'antique 6. 1-)ranleur de la terre chante sot:nit:Myr!l sun air [son arid, st.itle AT:e. U'est pas Si 11.)in 4. Cinunc mugissant tatireakt: cc faisarkt, de satin pied d'ebratfleur, it hat tine knesure cin'erk ,
of Niet:esche's investigations, and in portiLular those which concern ).voinau, are coiled in the labyrinth of Ati Car. Thus, ill little flirt- her on in jovi111 111.7 isdom. (Div Ilerrwer.r der Herren, The Mistresses of Ata.3.rers, 70), a taixstry or curtain (Vorbang) rises (4:tf111 p055ibilft ICS in iVbiCb W :I Mab ry arCi nCa helita Ve ,) at the soundl of a powerful contralto voice (eine heir nfficbtiv Nutim. ma This yoke, like the best of man (Jar &we vom ManNe) to be found in woman, appears to transuenci the difference between the sexcs (fiber drys (7e,ichiechd Arnaus) and incarnate the ideal, Concerning these contralto voice!, which represent male lovcr, for exam[dc, a Roinco, the Nietzsche, however, expresses a certain People do not believe in ehrse reserve; lovers; thesc yokes still COTIE:hir5 a time of the MOtherly and housewifely elLtracter, anCt most of all when love is in their tone, ki.1 Am I only car, and nothing else besides? Ilet-e 1 stand in the midst of the surging of the breakers, (ilki.s is on untranslatable play un words: flier ste..hr ich inmirten de; Brand es der En-Daring. Brordiar e related to the conlIdgra.tion expr.e-ssed in Brand itself also :iignifics Thu mark lcft by a burning branding iron. Ir is the seething surf, the waves rolling bock over themselves as they crash against the rocky shoreline or break on the reefs, the cliffs, the c'permrs.,] whose white flames fork up to my feet [so I too am an e. Pvrim1;—frorn all sides there is howling, t]Srealuning, crying, and screaming, at 1110, earth iti the l' west shaker sings his aria [seine Aric ILMWIAPC, Ariane is not for away) hollov.. like a roaring bull; he beats such 3 n earth sinker's measure thereto, that even the hearts of these weathered rock— 3nonste rs .
trcniblc lc corm- cics Ninoris cle ( es ro•bcs en rite:es. Alrprs, ck wrime surgi du 116U It , :31,3•1 portes, (ft cer infernal labyrinthe, a.pparait, diStant seuternent tie quelq L10; braS.S.12S, Ull grand voilier (Segelschiff) qui posse, cl'un fanthmale silencieux glissernent fantennal. heaute! Quel enchantement pas sue inoi? Quoi? cet esquif [Klossowski toulcs leti 4:0111CCI) t re ici d'un mot — CS.LLLi cliancvs (IL: < liar ein zeschiffe 1 c.rnrorle• rait-il le term taciturne ltl monde? Ma propte relicite assist- la-bas, ii tette place tranquille. neon moi phis heurcux, mon second 13113i6ternise? Pas encore mon, mak Il• c16:1 plus? Glissont et flottant, 6tre intermdiaire (Mittelwes02), spectral, silencieux et 1..isionnaire? Semblablt all IlaVite qui stns 1.51:inclkus planc zw-LIcssus de lo rner comme un Rigantescinc p;.lpillon? t 'Lh, Planer au-de-spit de l'exi:;rence (fiber das Dasein hinlaufen!) Cies( ctla, eicst eclat qu'il landrait! – ce turnulte a-t•il fait tic moi un fontasque (PbaniaEleA);) Tome grancie agitation (Lirm) nous porte A imaginer la feli•itt' dans le calme et dans lontain (Feast-). Lurstiu'un 0011.11T11.: en prOie 11111311.1i1E: (.term) se 1101.1Ve milieu du ressac (nr4mdlivig, encore) de ses jets et proicts (Wiirfen mud Lniwiirien): _5.nns L[LJLJIC alors ;Jussi des j:tres cnchanteurs et s.ilencieux glissct cicvatit ltli, clont it convoire felicite' et la rettaite (Zuriickgrzogenbae: le re.pli cn soi) re Ion/ 1es ferry mes (es liFrd die Framen). ]1 ann..: i eroire. clue 111)2S, aupr6s des f•rnmes, liabiterait son rneilleur rriclii (wire bessere5 .Selbse): a ces places cranquilles le plus violent tumulte (Br4Pidteng) s'apaiscrait en 1313 silence tic more (Thiewtilfc) el in vie CleVierltirlit le T, VC! 111i..ine de la vie (iiher defy Lehen).A [Le fragment prik 6(krit.. War Kiinsner!, -
tremble at the sound. Then, suddenly, as if born out of nothingness, there appears before the portal. of this hellish ]abyrimh, cin1.3 a Crv.. falltorliS cli5tClra. a great sailing ship (Segelschifi) gliding silently along like a ghost_ Oh, this ghostly beauty! With what cnch a rlimcitt it seizes me! What? 11as all the repose and Eilmcc in 113e world crnbrirlird hcrc (sick hier einge.crbilja? Does my happiness itself Sit in [his quiet place, my happier ego, Dly Second iminortaliz.ed sklf? Still [lin dead, but also no longcr living? As a *hest—like, calm, grrzing, sweeping neutral being (Afilielevesenp shnitar to the ship, which, with its Whitt Sails, like an iinitlimsc butterfly, pi1S5C5 over Ilse tldtk !sea! Yes! Passing over existence! (fiber' das Dasein hinlanfen!) That is it! That would be it!—It seems that the noise (Lirm) here. has made me a VIS4.1iliry (7'himed5/0 1)? All great mike (biro} causes one to place happiness in the calm and in the distance (Ferne). Whcn a man is in die midst of his hubbub (i.arm), in the midst of the breakers (again Brandan) Ill his plots and plans, (Wiirien /10:d F.P.rtwarien) there sees perhaps calm, enchantEnr, beings glide past him, for whose happin4.!4is, Arid retirement Virriickgezogenheit: withdrawing in oneself) he longs—they are women (es sind die Frarien). He almost thinks that there with the women dwells his better Self (stir' besseres Selbst); that in these calm places even the loudest breakers (Firanclung) become still as death (Totetwille)„ Arid life itself a dream of life (meter das Leben).. Mc preceding fragment, Wir Kiinsiler!„ We Arijus, which 11-rgan ci When wv -
arils/el , qui cornmencait par Quand nous aimons une femme .., vIticrit IC lriuuvement qu i cmparte lc tisq Ile SC Fri ma 11111 1 11[(]1.31: de la mon, lc .r:ve de moil, la sublimation et In Ili iiiY11I.lti tln dc naritre, T,a valeur de dissimulation ne la femse dissocit pas du r2pport de ]'art me: ....Vienne-lit FLU JUJUS l'esprit et la force du rove, et void gut_ titnr21 moutons par les vale's les plus dangereuses yew: ouverts, insensibles a tout risque, sur les twits, sur 1i falais4...s el stir 11..!.5 t(ntr at' la Cantasic. Phinteasterci), sans le moindre vertige, n6s pie nous scsnures pour griraper – nous mares :.:.-.oranarntatics du jour (rvir Nizcbileandier des rages)! Nous autres a.rtis• tes! Nous Litotes alssimulatetirs (11, la rinture iirrhchler der Nrotfirlirbke. it)! Nous aurres lunariques er chercheurs de Dieu (Wir Mora- tout Guitiiiebeigen)! Nous ;3utres voyatiteuts au Ni14:11CI: di: Mort, voyageurs infatigahl•s (ft,ir totenvtilloo, rinerrniidlieben Wandrrer), sur des haureurs que nous nc discernons pas cortime bauteurs, que nous prmirins 114AE nos plaints, ix Air nos certitudes! n...] e POLITtallr POUMIni ! tiro lc CX41.1 nIIE'n1 sur les plus beaux voiliers it nest pas moirrx de rumeur et de vacarme (Liirm), et malheureusement tanr de piroyable vacartne Le el La Vine IC phis +gen erkirmfiebca puissant des femmes (elcr 7.atirher hind die tnfichtigste Wirkurzx der Frareen), c'est de le dre faire will ir au loin (eine Wirkung F erne., Lulu opilzratiori elk:limn:1, et pour po,rlur le langage des pllilosoplies, c'est unc, aciio in distaffs: mais pour rela it faur tour d'alxurd et avant tout de la distance! (dAp.:..eir – Disianz!) gebiirt abet, zteerst tad gor r1 5 aufre‘.
love a woman, . describes a simultaneous 1114.)vernenli 43f Ilse sunimunbulistic risk of Cle3t11, death's drenni, sulllirnaticm ...law! the dissimulation of nstute. The value of dissimulatkin marked in this movement is. not at all e t ra])eous to the relatioit be tureen Li 31 2114.1 woman: ...the_ spirit and the petwer of dream conic civet- us, and u se kisceficl, with open eyes and indifferent to all danger, the mom dangerous path, to the 313C1 10'6,V ITS Or f,l1ia;3 1.1 PbaUlaSIC rei),
and without any giddiness, as persons born for climbing—we the night—walkers by clay (tvir Nachswandrier des Tages)! We concealers uf naturalness artists! Verivhfcr der Natiirtichkeie)! We Moon. struck and Codstruck ones! (wir Marld- un] GertisjchliAen) We death—silent, untiring, wai)derers (u: it totensiillun, tinermr.ridUchen Wanderer) on beiEhts which tint do not see as heights, but as our plains, as our places of safety! 3:).] • Bnr still ! But 56111 my noble enthusiast, there is also in Ilic 131.05t. bCallti f uI Sailing s}i iprn41ch noise and bust/ing and alas, so much petty, pitiable hustling (kleir.ren erithrmlichen arm.)! The enchantment alld the Most puwcr it l efrycl cif {
Zrateher und die talkivil Wirk.ung der Fratien), k, tc use t Fly l a ngrune of philosophers, an effect at a distance (eine Wirkung in die Ferne), Lltl 21‘.110 u. tirlicsita; • OrnAn
there belongs tile tyro, hmA-ever., primarily and aboiJe all—distance! (clazu izehort ober, und vor allcm—Lbstanzny,.. Veils Vfluir is the op.ening step of that nis•earn .P lis rhythm already is mimed in Nietzsche's writing, The hyphen, a stylistic effect ins,c.rted berween LIR! Et.il iii citation (e.refic) ciiltdpis) which parodies tlie philoz,oplicr's -
Voiles Sous quel pas s'ouvre cette Dis•tanz? INTriture dc Nietzsche dc_Errit (rim 46
etlet dc: style ei.c.ari; entre la citation latine 1p tigne (aclio in- distal's} rtrodiant philoviphcs et le point d'exclamat inn, k tiro smspendant le mot Distanz: qui nous invite d'une pircalCitt OU (run jOU de silhouette it 11.3jII de ces voiles multiples tcnir qui nous font re'ver do mart, sduction de Is femme opere A distance, la distance est l'cHernent de .on pouvoir. ?dais de ce chant, de ce charme i1 faut se tenir 6 distance, iE faut sc tcnir clistance c.k 1. distance, non settlement, comme on pour. rail Jc croire, pour se garde]. contre cili: fascination, mail Ertl si bien pour l'ilprotivcr. if pill la distance (qui faut), it hut se tenir 6 distance (Diyeanz!), cc dont nous manquons, ce que news manqiions cic faire et ce]: ressemble amsi ii Lin conscil d'ininune hommc: 13.013r s.i:duirc er pour nc pas Se taisscr S'il but s tenir it distance cle l'operation f&itintlic (dc l'aeh t) eliltansi, ce qui nc review. pas i s'approchcr simplement, said N .
c'est que
femme» n'est peut-titre pas quelque chose. Ficktntit6 (16terminab1 d'une ligure qui, elle, s'amintice 71 disranue, 4.1i5E:mIcc chose, et c Lc,rr y attrait i S'elOignct s'approcher. Peat ire est-elle, c ornme nonideriiite , non-figure, simulacre, l'abirne de la distance, It diElimcinnulE_ d 1 c...sturicv, la coupe de l'espacement, la distance die. rne'me si ran pouvait encore dire, ce qui est impossible, la distance elle-meme. La distance se distance, l e l o in s.'6J o igne. l'tts.:Lg(" iiridcp.,gerien Eindrait recourir ici clu mot it"mtfc.p nriug: a Ta kis Ii6carteinent, 1. 310igne. l'elnignement et l'eloignernent Inent„ l'eloigneineiit du lointain, -
anti thi exclamation point, suspends the. }ally of silhouettes which Dimetiz. IS created h e r e by th e h y ph en ' s serves as a sort of warning M t to keep our distance from these naultifatious veils and their skac14)wy drcalit of r..14,tio.b.. A -wornan seduces from a dist:incr. Tr, fact, distance is the very element of her poN.t.er . Yet one must beware to keep one's own distoot:c from her lacguiling song of enchantment_ A distance from distance must he maintained, Nor only for protection (die most obvious advmage) against the spell of her faseinarion, but also is a way of suet:lin-thing to it, that distance (which is lacking) is .014 ceslar•. 11 Fara la distance (gin hut), ) IE is necessary to keep one's distance Wishmz)! Which failing us, we Fail to do. Such might also he the advice of one man to annther:- a sort CIE schcnic fot how to seduce without being seduced, If it is necessary' to keep one's distance from t h e .de tio try the feminine operation, 11 .1:0 g2 ":1. ( to niiStrlhC this neremity for just :ar another <1 approach F•„ [LON.VCVCT, ..i.votild the 'risk of death itself), it is pc. ..rllops Excm.ie the ci woman is not i deR"rfrillikle icic'T3rir '. Per13;IpS WOrmin is nol sonic thing which announces itself from a disaarv. c, at a distance from some other thing. In that CaSc I I WOUld J101 ht ik fj1;All fer ,
:-ind approach. Perhaps •ounin—a ric)h -icleillity,. a non-gurc, a simulacrum— is distance's e.ry chasm, the out-distancing Ter te:lt
of distance, the interValIS cadence, &mance itself, if WC scald sti]( Say Skid] a lbing, distance itself. Distance out-distances itself.
The far is furthered, One is forced ro appeal here to the lieideggerian use of the word Emtierturn: VIL 011C-C diverge:31re. distance and the distantiatiott of distance, the deferment of the distant, the de-ferrrhent,
iitu!s[tuoad _Tam) sayultipui)loa jo (4,11rdliros ..coinprio ') Foti, poiappi(Itti)-Lrapiall c sind (A.atputz) Lump 103t-1 a ..)111 sr g,til It ;op/ Inptiroq ur ‘Juoci /4.0A sdetilard arty '4cIu.d ss.:vtii.LoAaiu ]rte[ I SOUI.11) JO uni- J3.10 s! 1110,TI. 3111 1011.11 Ars 0/ of.lx.if 03110 01.4 soop A11110 10 'ire /V [npinc.)1.1 ;1 1-11 Lily& sn kisiuinj )uu Alpo2tin 403 ' • • ).1- : 5JUII 11;119 atli stun rim iimcip.e) KET) ,.1.31,10 4119 •(ptian:..* ERNAa pap atiovpid Xilyrop Ex.`.)! Thrtf c jc ;c1 luxugoi; 6 51 1f .1C.1Z1V.1 13 ir! padopAap (Yuni •prififij wajja Vu!ip..% pule impit ok[i iir-,C1s3pou1 luo!i3np...1s: c.a .pE ‘uctirom uowei.iaq (b!un. OPT Ig4111.'1) /;;11.3T111EIRIO -.)Li[iff.togi- )0 '.1(111 311fil.1.1.03 iu3T113AnfE1 rarazi.JL J F solquaasai I I 'UULLIO.m. U 311 1 ST 4.1111.11 `TILT{ 101 1S3A.. )Ifn !Lurk° s!RI u! (wegilowi }off o.onl:?rj El!.."n.100Drfr -
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ILE) D]uriLlpciro)
41onne unc allure prometteuse, re)iceute, puclique, ironiqu•, ailit rvi. si4duisfm rc, Okti, la vie est femme! Nlais diautre part, a cette verit6: qui est femme, lc philci.sophe croft, cljduic et iLi; ['OHMIC ;) la femme, dogmatique, a h.) n'a rien commis.. E nFa rich compris ni ve'rit6 Ili a la femme. Car si 12 fe.inme est v6i iE6. ells :sail. quid n'y a pas 121. clue Ea veriti5 n'a iras lice el qu'on Ia VO" rittl . T.11 ceSt femme el] rant q u' e lle ne critc, done a ce guide (Tait Pas, elle, (2E,. A ce gu'on croit e.st, (FOC don,: clic West pas. Ainsi opere 6 distance lorsqu'elle propre de la femme, de'sarcorme le [thilosop-he cavalier, :a moins gut. celui•ci ne reruive femme clle•rnme. 6pVT(1115, coups de style ou coups de poignard dont re'change brouille alors ridentite sexuelle: 441 Que quelqu'un ne puisse se daendre et par enns.aluent nOn plus le Lire, yank, nos yeux, qui ne serait point pour lui on sujet de. honte: mail nous n'avons guere d'eslime pour qui ni 13 volont6 de se venger – pe1.3 11111)011C (1k1 . 11 S ' agi 11E11131TIC 011 CPU d'une femme. Hst-ce nulune femme pourtait nous reeenir (ou comme on dit, nous fasciner dont on n'imaginerait pas, le rrt (c•htzant, qu'elle sacile punier le poignard (rCimporte cluel genre de pol l:01;1rd,, n-vigeleine Ani von ..L.Mrb) con; re torn? ou hien 4,...ontre elle•merne: ce qui 4,ians eertains cas constiiuerail ink° vengyance plus sensible (6 vengeance chinoisc) 0 9 11. La femme ., la maitresse, mattresse feinrne dt Nietzsche ressemble parfois Peothe'sile. (Avec Shakespeare, Kleist est city, dons la propos de la 1 7 a or I. I ,4 r r puissant c, violence infligec au lecteur et du *plaisir de la dissimulation D., Kleist avait aussi
mocking, sympathetic, seductive. Yes, life is a woman! v. Rut, on the other hand, the credulous and dogmatic philosopher who believes in the trutli [hat i5 Woman,. who believes in truth just as he believes in WOnlall, this philosopher has understood ',tithing. Tic kis understood nothing of truth, nor anything of woman. Because, indeed, if woman is truth, she least knows that there is no truth, that Mall S no ploce here and tliat no one has a place for truth, And she is woman precisely because she herself does not believe in truth itself, I.X:CafilSc she does mil believe in what she is, in whit she is L.)elievtil to he, in what she thus is not, fn its maneuvers distance strips the lady 01 her identity and unseats the philosopher1 1 -MS not alrea dy been .- he if knight. twice-spurted by the woman_ The exchange of stylistic blows or We thrust of a dagger That a person confuses sexual identity.: cannot and conseqiiently will nc cid C. Lid hi Eli SAE JEWS t yet disgrace him in our eyes; but we despise the person who his neither the ability nor the goodwill for revenge—whether it be a rm'in or a wthilint. Would ti woman he .nl p[e to captivate us (or, as people say, to letter • us) whom we did not credit with knowing how to employ likC dagger (any kind of dagger, irgetnirtne cl.gzJiMlb 13E 13 DC r Ari Von .1.101C.6) re main circumstances? Or against herself which in a certain case might he the ScVcrtSE revenge (the Chinese revenge)*. (69) \Willi-in, mistress, Niet7SChe'S womanmistress, it lintel resern1-)1t.s Penthe:silea, (lInth Shake-pears and Klrist are cited in The Will to Power with respect to the violence Ilia is pc1peLr.tLccl thcr on ills: reader as well as for their pleasure in dissimulation. x.• Karla, 100, had written t3
t'crit Line Priere de Zoroastre Sem: voile cu transparence, la point,: retournec curare soi, c'cst aussi Ca Luerece claput::e plc Cr]mach_ Comment 1;: femme peot elle, tarts la veertte, ne pas croite a la v&ite? Mais aussi bitn continent etre la ve_=riti::: en y croyarkt encore? °overture h A supposer clue v6rite sprit Line femme., n'Hurait-on rns dc soupronner que tour lcs philosophes, daps ]n mt.-sure oi..E its 6taient des dogislAiques., opt Mal eompris les femines (sicb Trihreeb, cut/ IX/el/7er verstanden, s sont mat emend!' en fernmes)? Lt que Se'riC1.3X efirCiyi.11:11e, -
galClie '1.11(11iscre:ti011
it, errs poursuivi in
etnient (les moyens maladroits et malsi.ants (ungescbickee fad unschickliche Mete!) pour prendre Utie (Fralionimmer, teime tole idle facile)? xi-
VbrItEr Nietnche a cet instant fait virer Ia v&ite alt 1a C.N51115; Li V.[Lit de v&itc.:. •. 11 ust c•rtain qu'elle rte s'est pas laissi_:e preikdre — chnque espece cue doginatique se tient I) aujourd'hui dans le contenance piteuse et de'priitici:ce A nippier M6uc qu'elle se tienne encore dchour! La femme (ia vt5rire) TIC se laisse pas prendre. A /3 v6rite 1N femme, la v&he aye se laisse pas prendre., Cc qui la vtcrit6 DC se laisse pas prendre est — cc qu'il ne Nut pas s'empresser de traduire par la Qininite., la fe minifé la femme, is EcxLia[i kr.rninine et auttcs fe tiches essentialisants go_ SIAM ilInterrierlt ce qu'on croit prendte quand on cry reste niaisrrie du phi]osophe dogrnatiquc, l'artiste OU tlu !a_'cill( SAILS exi4ricmcc. .
<1 Prayer to Zoroastet...) The stX has been
veileil in transparency, the dagger turned. agains:1 oneself, Cranach's Lucretia has been st blx-d. I low is it possible that woman, who herself is truth, does not believe in truth? And yet, how is it possible to 1 5c truth and will believe in it? ile.yond Good and Evil opens! .(t SapposinR truth 10 he a woman --what? is the suspicion riot }w ell-f0111)1 that all philosolihe•s, when they have been dogmatists, knve had little understanding of women (sic") schlecht 1,17eiter rerilfmilen , been misunderstanding ns to +women?) skit thc... gruesome earnestness, the clumsy importunity +.1. ith Which they have bren in rbe habit of ,:ipproaching truth have been inept and improper Ell•qriK (11.P1gC5Chiekte rind rinschickliche Afiftel) for winning a we (Frauenzimmer is a term of contempt: an easy woman)? .§ -
Truth.; At this moment, the truth of woman, the truth of truth, Nietzsche cktrils it about: <4 Certainly she has [Mt ]ct herself be won—and today evc,'ry kind of dogmatism stands sad and discouraged. If it continues to stand at all! )5. Woman (truth) will not he pinned down, hi truth WtifiLili, 111.1th Will 110i be pinned .
That which will not be pinned down by, troth is, in truth—feminine_ This should not, however, be ]1.►541y mistaken for a WUntati":4 femininity, for female sexuality, or for any other of these essentializing fetishes which might still tantalize the dogmatic philosopher, the impotent artist or the inexperienced seducer who has resit yet escaped his foolich lit-pin5 of capture. 55
Cet &art de la I.r6rit6 qui s'endeve qui se. 14'lve CrirtC gUitleinets (machination, cri, viii et pincer dune grue), tout cc JUL va con.traindre dans 1'6criture de Nietzsvhe ]a misc. entre guillcmcis de la .kwriteYfr – et par suite rigoureuse, (lc tout le torte ce qui V2 CICMC inscrirc la v4a it6. -- et par SUile rigoureuse, irbctire iris / 42 ge:n6rol, ePcsc, 1ne disfln S feminin: fe.minine. Elle (s')e'crit. C'esz elle que revient k style. Plut6t; si le style e'tait (comme le penis sc. rni t scum Freud vc le prototype normal du f6tiche*) rhomme, Ncriture surai t femme. 'routes ces ;Armes eiretflent dune main dans passant crun Wiltraine i l'autre, question rustant de ce que je fais ici e n ce moment, Ces propositiolis d'appare.nce fe'rniniste, ne f^rat it pa:5 ks concilier avec Nnorme corpus de ranti•fc:Aninisme acharn6 Niet7sclic? La congruence, nit que Fopposerni ici par convention I cohe'rence, en est tres c 2'nigmaL tique inais rigoureuseincnr n6cessa.ire,. Telle thb c prc5scmc szrait d11 moins coniniunicnti V4rice i la femme est le sceptieismc et la voilanre dissimulation, voilA ce faucIrait pouvnir penscr. crY.i':14.cle I.a. veri t .14 rilge de la femme: erainE {Inc lcs kmrnes vieilles (aitgelziordene Frauen) ne soicm plus scepriqucs dans k repli 1e plus Ncceet de feu euuur que tour les hommes; e]res rroient la supellicialit6 de ]'existence comma son essence, et tome vett 13, tourc ptufondeur n'cst pour elks que ‘roilemcnt (Vcrbidinngi de cette re.::rit ,
The divergence within truth elevates itself, It is elevated in quotation marks (the scruching maellinalinns o f a 1..}4 ,1,• rt or crane (Rare), its flight and clapping clawg). Nierische's writing is compelled to suspend truth hetween the tenter•oolcs of quotation ill:irks—and suspended there v.•ith truth is—all the rest, Nietzsche's writing is an inscription of the mirk. And such an ineription., even if we do not venture so kr As to ca/E it the fcrytinil,i itself, is indeed the feminine .oprntion. Because woman is (her own) writing, style must return to her_ In other words, it could Ix said that if style 'Were ki mon (much 05, the penis, according to Freud is the not mai prototype of fetishes .), then writing ...vc.iuld he a woman, But in tI X midst of al/ these ureapons frurn hand to hand, vmssing from one opponent to Pnother, ihc question still remains of what 1 am al:Knit here. Must not threw; appartwily /ell/mist reconciled -with the provusitions corpus of Nict7sche's venomous anti-feminism? Their congruence (a notion which I oppose by convention to that of cr..olicrence), although ineluctably enigmatic, is just as rigorousl y necessary. Sucli, in any case, will / .)e the thesis of the present communication. Woman, inasmuch as truth, is scepticism and veiling dissimulati4m. This is what muse be conceivable. The CrXiiPLC of truih is as old as wcpinan herself: I fear that WOriicri who have grown old (atigeworJene Framer) are more sceptical in the 54erct recesses of their hearts than any of du: men: they believe in the superficiality of existence as in its essence, and all virtue and profoundity is to them only the disguising (Verbiiihmg) of this truth, n. the very .
]c voilernent tres cksirable d'un Aririendurn – done une affaire de convenancc et de pudettr, ricfl dc plus! r, (Lc C Li SeiParr (64). Sceplique.s. stirtout, la fin de l'An.re)e.Propor du Gal Savoir). La -0: veritlf: i ne seroit qu'une surface : elle piufontle., true, ne devienclroit clue par relict
desirable disgui$ing of pfldr endfirn—an affair, therefore, of decency and r7101.30[Y, and 1101. h trig niorc * (joliird Wisdam, 64 o Srepticc. Cf_ also the conclusion cipeChIlly of the introduction to Jolla Wirdow.) 6: Truth )c. can only be surface. But the hlushing MOSIC1EICM of ilia( truth which is. not suspended in quotation marks casts a modest veil over such a surface.. And cinly through such a veil which thus. falls aver it cou!cl [Cud) KF EICCOMF: 1.1.111111, prOrotind, incicccnC, cl•cirahl•, Btit1scEtllcl that veil he sucpencled, or even fall a NI difTerently, would no longer he any ttutli.. only I rtll11 —'.
de la qui park:, de la costratinn et phallocentrisme clans Te dis•nurs lneanien„ par exemple), Ira .c( femme:. – le mot fait (430.2tie – ne crnit pas kILIV:t1)r Age ;1/2.1. 1 01 VC IS ft:LILC 1, castration, ;=i ]':anti castration. Elle test troll rusce pour cern el elle snit -- de on opjration 4.141 moins, nous, main; nous?, fiCtiriimS l'apprendre – it:I renverseinent Ater:tit torte possihilitc:.: simulacre, revienclrair en au meinc et rinstallerait plus sCirement clue jarnais dans la vieille ❑nachitie, L1A3is Ie pliallogocentrism,: assist6 tic son compriz, urine invetsee des [lupines. chohlitelir c'est. a-dire disciple discipline du maitre. Or la femme at bcsnin de l'effei de •astralion, sans fe cr iel die IIC n:aLir;th se;LIUirc iii ouvrir le &sir – rnais eViclurninent elle n'y unit pas. Est 4( femme cc qui n'y emit pas et qui en joue. En 'Nue: d'un nouveau LAITICCIsi 1.1 tritJ3C 1301.1V UHL! I ructurC LEL Rat cro?!.ance visant CI tire. De l'hornme – elk suit, d'un savoir auquel our-une philosophic, dogmatique ou •tdule naura i_tu se mesurer, 4.11.1c la CLISi riiI701) .11 paS /inv. Fornuile (1.6nlacer Ire.s 1:11C marque d'abord clue le lieu de la castration nest pas dterminable ., marque intkcidahle ou non iarklue, Marge diNCrele auX 01.310(iLwrifcs. incalculables„ Flute d'entre elks, j'ai tente: de le noter ailleurs,' revenant 1.'(:quivalenee stricte de rail -inflation et de !a negation de hi castration, de la castration ct 1%1mi-castration, dc l':issunwt(on .
deciamallion, of the castration and phallc, centrism, for ex aui pk, in 1A:icart's dist•ourse). Woman i her Mime made epoch-, no more helieves in castration's exact oppos4C., anti-castration, than she does in castration iiself.'Much too elvver for that (and we learn from her, ourselves.—who or in am, case (tom her ur:ration) she knows that such a reversal would only deprive Fier of her poixers of simulation, that in truth reversal of that kind would, in the end, only amonto to the same thing and force her just as surely as ever intn the same rticl 04-}Paraws. She knovi's that she would only find l7erSc11 trappc4.1 tince agdI.31 in a phallocentrism 4.1131v 111i5 citric it ‘,VOUIL1 1w that of castration's confecierate, veho hos now become the inverted image of his pupil, tile rowdy student, the rtlaster's Unable to seduce 01 to give vent to dcsire. without it, is in need of castration's dicer. But evidently sIte does not believe in it. She who, unbelieving, still plays with castration, she is cc W 43 Ik 1 iin. She takes aim and amuses herself len loud with it as she would with a new concept ur structurc... of belief, kit cven as she plays she is gleefully anticipating her laughrer ., Iter mockery of Mirk Widi a kflOwledgt: 11 tat wOrild outrneasurc the most self-respecting clopsnatic or credulous philosopher, woman knoi,vs that castration dues tmi take pracc. This formula, however, must he manipulated with great prudence. Inasmuch aS its undecidablc roo.7k ., a non-mark even, indicates that area where eastrarion is no longer determinal3le„ it describes at Jklegin whose very consequences are incalculable, (1 attempted once 1-iefore, 6 in a return to a strict equivalence between the affirmation anti tilt: dcrlial of cabtrillioll, bct VJeC11 CaStradon arid anti-castration, assumption .
Cl dc l,r (14,.(ni:gation. /\ dc'velopper plus petit-Lre, titre (IC rargtemciti tic la ripe erripiUllt6 211 texre de Feud s.o r Ic 16tichrsint_
and negation, to note just such a consequence. We might develop it infillur usin g 1 he argftment J untierdothing in F reud's, text on fetishism.)
F.ri 175
la castration 201- 4 cctce syntaxe cle assurant, en les. annalie et en }es e'gaLotit, tour les clISCOurS cri prrr of von frs
lc ccitip pour rien,
qui ne se tente d'ailleurs jarnais sans itite:'r&t, rYnii l'extr&me Skepsis des Weibe l' dechirc le ....one de pudeur ou de vr'-'tit6. clans lc:TH..1 on a vouh, ]'envelopper, la terlint «clans la plus grandu ignor.inir 11-05Sible hrt erotieis. , son scepricisrne n'o, plus de limite. (Von lise Von der weikiehor ,
Keitschliril (De 14.r (haslet('
I.e Gat
danS La <4 con I. r;.44.] ion rntre ['amour et Ia pudeur tuns voisinage cl,L Dieu et de la 136te », entre .I'dnigine de la solution 1 et la solution de l'4riig.rne 'c 5 .%171C.tur rexEri l ryle philosophic et 1'eX1tL' . 111c SCeplic.isrrie de la femme 3.).. Lest c•ns cc vide qu'elle jet to son ancre (die 14121e Sarroir):
Philosopine tond SkepAit des Weibes dir ienf I 2 tinkt ihrc Airier wirt t), I .4 3 4 femme
slintresse dors si i la veri[e, elk y (mit si peu gm: Ia verite l son proprc sujet ne Ia concerne m6'rne phis. C'csL 1'4( hoinmc qui croft que n di6cLu.1. Nur 12 fellTiinc nu stir la v6rik.:. crinC4.-rne — telle est Ia question topographique que j'esquissais, qui s'esquivait aussi, comrrie toujours ., quant au contour indi..cidal)le de la castration — femme. La •irconvient. C'est lt.hointne. qui croit ve'rit'e de Ia Jerome, a la femme-velir, Et
Ye3—(Si—) had it ever ;alien place,
castration will have been a sort of syntax which, in its annulment and equalization of any diseours.c in i I 11: I 31.C.16.1 I pica conera, would have stabili?ed its undecidable. Castration.'s s....entax is the free shot wliich aims nonetheless to collect its interest_ Weibm thu extreinv Skcpyis Once she has rent the veil of blushing hos bound and irlith IrICI'leSty held her in the greatest ig.norance possible lvoman's scepticism knows eroticis, ?), no 1:Kninds. One has on/y CO read Von tier weiblichen Keruebbeh (On Feynale Chastity, joyful Wisdom, 71:1= in love and shame in contradiction, in the proximity of God i nd animal,* between the enigma *f this of this solution r nucl. du: enigma, :6 here the ultimate philosophy :and scepticism of the woman casts anchor. x. low such a void %NOMAD throws her anchor .
.S.1..e.psis des (die !ewe Philosop.bic Peibe.s- an a irscm Punkt ihre Agrief ). Because a woman takes so little interest in truth, because in fact she hardly even bCFLCVLIN in it, Ix! truth, Li regatcis does not concern her in the least. It rather is the c< man:* who Las decided to believe that his discourse on woman or truth might possibly be of any concern to her, This, concern with 41 woman. is in fact the topographical problem that rarlie-r., even as i was attempting to sketch castration's unc,lecidable contours., slipped away—outwitting Ike unwitting. For it is the man who l)elieves in the' truth of woman, in wnrnan-
en verity les fenuncs feministes Lunge les. quelles Nietzsche k sarcasine,, e sonr lcs hommes, I.c Feminisme,, c'est l'op'eration par laquelle la femme VCUt ressembler rhomme, phi/osophe GoonaI tnin e, revendiquant hi vaite, la science, e'est,;.-dire avec route l'efiet de castration qui s'y attache. feminisme vein. !a castration – aussi de la femme. Pc....1.4.1 le style. Nietzsche &nonce hien, clans le felninisme, fautc de style: i N'est•il is du plus mauvais p,oijt Cite la femme slappr&te devenir savantc (scientifique: wisse•ic:haft. present par 1-,onlictir. Ibrh)? quer (Ardikliiren)(Itilit Pali:lire des hommes, k don des hommes (:VIZ.i.Prner-Sacbe, Afa:nnetGabe) – on restait done 'entre $0iP Cimter iklf ll(yrscits, 2 3 2, cf. a1I33i 2 3 3 ). II est vrai qu'ailleurs (2°6) – Innis ce ri'est pas du tout contradictoire l'hornrne science mediocre, celui qui ne crec pas, qui nicofante pas, qui SC Contcniu cn sotnrne d'avoir hi science la bouctie, dont est Ilion; parcil tin lac uni et maussade mail pen( aussi devenir (.oil de lynx pour lcs faiblisscs des 4 2tres supaienrs atiNquels rte pent , Cet hoinine de science sterile est compare ,.rise vieille Nietzsche, on pout he v6riiier poriout, c ust. penseui plc 1;3 g rossesse_ bite rili.5111.111C non rnoins TM' CIIC7, hi femme. Et commu it pleiirnit facilemenr, cornine Iui est arriv dc psrler de sa pens& commie tine femme enceinte de son enfant, jc sou.venr. versant des IALIIIICS Siff 5C141 Verttfe. 4 `
truth. And in truth, they Coo ate men, those women feminists so delidoil by Nietzsche. Feminism is nothing hilt operation cif a wntnan who aspires to he like a man. And in order to resemble the masculine dogmatic philosopher this Noniart lays claim—just as much claim as he—to truth, science and objectivity in all their castrated delusions of virility. Feminism too seeks to castrate.. It wants a castrated woman. Gone the style. Feminism's lack of style is denounced by Niemelie: ix Is it not the worst of taste when woman sets about becoming scientific: (wissenscfraftlic. h) in that fashion? Enlig,hteninent (Alifkilira) itt this field has hither14 -1 bCC.711 the affair and the endowment of men (mdimer-Sacbe, Miinner-Gabe)—we rcrnairtell an)On.gS t ourselves' rimier thi-gjeaS4..iil 2 3 2. Cf, also 233.) Elsewhere though (2n6) there appears the mediocre scientific man who creates nothing. begets nothing, content as he is merely to mouth the rote words of science, rA,Iihaugh his cyc might be like a reluctant smooth ).). he nonetheless has very keen eyes for what is LIMC in those natures tt) Whose heights he is unable to ris.e.y. Nieusche compares the sterility of a man cif this !arced to that of :an old maid. In spite of what it may appear, such a comparison is not in the least. contradirtnry, Nietzsche, as is ever .where evident in his texts, is a thinker big with thought. Ile is the thinker of Ruegnancy which, for him, is no less praiseworthy in a man than it i s in 3 11(31I1501. Indeed °Di; might imagine Nietzsche, who tvaN so easily moved To rears, who referred to his thought as a pregnant woman might speak of her unborn child, one might well irria.gine him shedding tears over his swollc..n 13elly,T ,
. , a 4111 msEnil doric
5oi, 17.n vir(( &crice
dc re que les femmes ecriVent SNIP la icrniyie, est pertnis de se dermauder avK i..,1c bonne dose de rn6fiance si la femme vela LNietzwlie sottligne 1 ct pure/ rOulOil (well Lad WV111CD uric rxplica. 4-ann) propremcnt lion (Are.fklarring) son propre spiel . la ferninc ]Le Cherdie p2IIS ti= P4.11eire supp1.6mcm3irc pour clle (eihrel.! xiC Cas 13 utz fur ;kb) k se-parer jc pc.nsc laL114.11 :46 (sicli,Puezen)appartient h — alors c'esi faire [mitre devout 1
pci]r: — pc1.11-&1.Pc MaitriSe
ric. rTerrd pLIS (I lerrschole),1V.ais (Aker es gill nitht 1X"rthrbeitY
la Qu'est-ce clue la femme as voir avec la Ds }'origin •, rien ril<st get, CO] Ernire, tostilt. N1:1 femme Tie v.6rice, win grand art, rest le mensonpr, sa plus psande cause, eest le pArerre (Schein) [a beauie (232)
we rcmaineLl 10.11.14-50g5t nkti.selvcs' and whaleve.r women wt. may in the end reserve of go(34.1 suspicion as to .i.vh.Lther W0111311 really warn / (Niel 7.s.c.11e's or corn want ki2.11.11) enlif:hrennlenr (./1141k1UF.rg.Prg) at herself ...Unless a woman is lankily. for a new Jc:107.P.r.Phier.d lot herself (eine..a arc rr^•ra l'utz fr'ir licb) ill 'his .way—selfadornniunt j.ierlains to the eternal ..r.ninanly„ fear does is taut'?—..shc iS 1r4•ing Cc, of herself—perhaps she is dominion (ilurrsvhatir). 13tH bile does nut wan! mill (eli7try et will ifichi Ircit)! what is rruth to a woman! From tht. very first 33011161g hAs been mote alien, inimica.l to woman than iruihher Litt is tile lit, ller S13[11C31.1C CO31CCETI 1S :lippearaRce (S4.- bein} and beauty 2_32} ..
ptdRiairion Woman Lk:ploys rhc 111-43Ccti:Li Of in the intCrV;.1/ Cif 1.1 . 1i.:5 apparent contradiction
1,a .gimkiatio...?
Tour le roccs sic roperation feminine s'espace (hris ceure Apparemre de contradiction. La femme est deux fois 1e roo(VC.I.E., elk rt-Er clr. (:c)n. contracticroire, 011 E'en lotic Crirnrnc re'eritLitel 1e• et COrldaMTIC a FA fait regolreremeni et sans hasard, la femme l'argiumnt di. prOCute1.3t .}.! 141 Mgiendf.• chautirem. 2y .l.odiAt. de la iutiit. IC' dogma_ 'u n£ poisEar)c. -.c. 401:7'cruic.-Iricc Tisme, .6gare et fait courir les hommes. les crtIcilde..s, les philosophas. Mais Ln tint qt.l'•[lV ne (roil plts.,. l3 1.r61- 116, 11,..ftwant 116:inmoins son int.6n'i 1 (- enc. vt4 rii4:: 4.31]i 11E: 1'iht6reRSe pr3R, elle est encore ]e nindle: cette fail k bon models, ou plurait k 111i11.14 1 :1iS .1110de1v tn L3.01 q1112 E)U.(L 1.2104h[e:
where she is twice model, ar once. landect 1114.1 condemned. IIerc, in a manner like to lhat of writin.2, surely and safely., Sl)e forc•s (J)(• proFy's argument 10 1.)cm.1 [wfory
sort of kemie logic.' Since she is a model for 111.3LII s l,e is 0,111 to We gilts of Eier seductive power, which rules 01.1 r finci clisairicisEs ;:LHC[ rE11.]12.; 111E1 0.i.0
mensorige, bier, la philosophic artiste, elle est tine puissance d'offo.moilion. Si on la
credulous men, the philosophers_ And 1. -xcausc she does not believe in the inith (still, she does find that uninteresting (11.1.1h in her intereL:k ) woman rtmains n inodel, only ihis [ iJib 1 F!..anil mode/. But beenuse she ir.3 a good model, she is in fact a bad model. She plays ar dissimulotion, aL ornament-ation, des ii, uttifice„ 1t in artist's philosophy. 1er5 is an air.lintaliVe 1.30wc.t. And if !Jim continkres to 1.14.,. cookkInned, it is only from ihe man's point of view where she repncliates
parlar•., 1e
condamnaii encore, 4:c scrag L c.,Ins I Lk ri3csurre oil elk nierait cette puissance affirmative du point de vue cte F.I-tornrne, viendraic meintir en croyant encore t Li 1 .(.7. r ite. , a re;tlechir spe cul:iircrnm lr. doginalisme nulls qu'e/le provoque. A travers 1 1,Joir,e de la simulation, du xi. (the Lusir an 47 Veysi 4.4. Si! de 1101.1?.), de J'histti►nisme, 4lit a dangercux concept d'artistc r..e Gal Sducii:r range parmi les artistes, qui sont toujours des cxperts en simulation, les juifs et les femmes, r.' , issodarion du juif et tic lit femme West prohahlement pas insigniii;timu. Niensche les traite suuvent en parialkle, ce qui nous renverrait pout-hre encore an motif de la castration et du simulacre, voire du siniulacre de castration dnrir l.a circoncision sCrAiL [a marque, le nom de la marque. Fin tee fiagment sur l'instinct histrionique ,5 (36i); tt.1) bon ;mew a.ujourd'hui qui ne soil pas — Tuil? juif 6g,donicht cn tent que littrateur, en tam clue ciorninaceur ]ectif de la presse europeenne exerce cette puissance qui Itti est prod re cn vertu de ses capacit6s de coradien — it jour to cad k cornp•tcnt 55• Ic a spi:cei;ilisrc P. Enfui /es ie..m.Pnes: gine S-Crige tosite l'histoire des females - [rout l'heure, cette histoire, est rhistoine ill[rtme. de l'histrionisine 4,1 de l'hystrisine, nclus rclircns •oriuric line page dans l'histoire de IA vcrit6i ne lour taut-il pas trc avant tout et surtout cnEencie les m64.14:.cotilL'cliennes? Que CiEls qui onr hypnolisi6 tits Beier (FraneliliVi..Yer): pour finir, lu'on jeN — q u 'on se Ltisse hypnotiser par elks! Quest-ce qui wujouis? eA SC LIODrWilt Pour .+, rn&mc tiurind ogle s — SC 4113.1111M1 [194 rich Rehr?, wenn .54e — SiCh gehen Line Lois de plus, 4tudier Ec jcu des tirets et non seulement (les guil-
that affirmative power and ., in her specular 1 .014..c1 ion ni that foolish dogmatism that she has provoked, holies her belief in mith. In its eulogy of play-acting, of the ((delight in dissimulation), (die Lust an der Verstelhut g), of histrionics and of the .:. dangerous concept of 'art ;se, :. jnyhoi 1,V1 har(mr ranks both ?ewe a nci women among those expctt mountebanks, the artists_ That jtws and .1/4v1 rnen should let thus ssc ciilte ll JO-LS not seem at ....ill insignificant AIL(I the fnct !hot Niet?..schc often considers them in parallel roles might in fact be related to the motif of castration and simulacrum for v..hieh circumcision is the mark, indeed the mimic of the mark. Such is die indication of the conclusion to the fragment on .44 the histrionic What good actor at capacity 5). (36I)! Jew also, Prcsenl is not—a Jew? as a horn literary man, as the actual ruler of the F..uropean press, exercises this power on the basi_s of his histrionic capacit...: for the literary reran is essentially an Actor, he plays the part (5f 'expert,' of wea.01;.e.oa, If we con s i c ler whole history of women [that history which oscillates between histrionics and lroteri•s will come try he rend it little later 05. a chapter in the history of truth], arc they not obliged first of all„ and above all we listen to doctors to be actresses? ho.vc hypnotized 5k'oi1.30 Frame,p,rzim.pner), or finally, if we love them—and let ourselves be hypnotized )5.bye them,— what is always divulged thereby? That they gjVc themselves airs 5► (a give 3 l]C.ILMthpreS for 55.), even when the♦--R give themselves Dag ircsic: b g4., ben r setbst wen): sae lech geben_ _ . once again. tlLe play' here. of both the quotation marks. and the hyphens should he noted .] Das Weil) ist so artistisch„ Woman is so artistic_ >5.'
lemetsj Das 1F..'ed .) isi so nrtislisch,
CullCi1lc.11( :It (isle
1:1 clissimulnEifin offirnrotivc ryliik if y r
]'artiste hys[e. ricitre, klissirmilio hi:a-live qui est /a part de 1'4( artiste moderne Cc dernier, .N'ictzschc 1 c compare pri::cisc_:rnent 4.9.[ tcpcIlIcs 1 n.us pc21.31cs fCMMCS hysterigIC.s Parodianr Aristme. Nietzsche at-cable missi les perites fesnme.s favoir 75, Le eroisii.me Sf Xe). (.4 E r 1111S PCtiSit.LS ne SODC 4:11 lict quc [roll 11pH, rent6s :lux ]-elites feTlinirs itei park contre er non pas contre 1."ortiste ;0_ 0..).agolent 014 KlosNowski, Nieenche 1.r k rerck vicieux). pour l'iostlitt j4.:13 sin donnet dormer of se dormer Mir XI a 110EI e arvt.rrons reekeaTlee se cleporteT plus loin_ T.cs qtiestion5. 4 k du style, (IC la vi:riit2. ne se l2issent cl an.e pkiS cliSSO-Cier de la cluesrion de la femme. Mais sirripte formation {lc celte probl6ma1icitie corrunune 5U5pend 1•3 quuslicin viiLl'eSt-C4f title la fenune? On Fie pair P1' cliercher fenune flu 1.1 riite- ir3 femme cu 13 sexualite: rnoins peut•on les trouver scion un mode conLIL1 LIU 01.31Lrep ;L;w0Dir, 3r3(73-0.c. si 031 Ile petit scmpecher cl 142s ellereher. r
annoncer clu'ail lieu 0 .0 cl]c traverse, vers le (vrps femme, le voile de 13 verk6 et sirnulacre de la lc vuncirais
HIOIC firHAV !NS. en11.!gi.lry SIMUL1,11C3n, ci f rriCnintellanIV) it Silt Mid he recalled that even at the moment of This equivoc:.41 eu[ogy (which in fact is not so far from An indictment) the con.cpt of the :ink( is irEcIr n{3[ Not kinly there the artist.histrion, car kiflirmative dissimulation, but there is also the artisthysteric whose reactive dissimulation is LhAt Of LILL -{{ Er2{M[Urrl fli'LES[,* TE3 fact, it is ihis 13trcr dint Nietzsche compares. to tc srrmIt womr.n Airtcl .4., poor women _ . _ agitated and uncertain. xi. In a parody of Atisioll .Nietzscbc just as devastatingly OVCrWhdinl 1111C'Sq $lnall ❑ Ornien. CTOyfrar F5cioni , 7 5 , The Third Sex) a And 04.11' artis[s are too closely related to little hysterical WOHltrl. BUL this :LS Eti speak against 'today' and not r2
aigniser ratejlOrie. i t but rrippeler au momcnr de cet ecinivocjoe.., [ow pro(ki 4:11.1c ]e concept d'a.rtistz. se divisc toujours. Ii y
:IgAinsl 1hr :urtis1 . xi (This iniguirill is 1
CitC.C1 1w Pierre HlOSSOlOnki. in
et le cercle vicieux.)
Alzhougll this; play on .0: to give ., e4 to give oneb.c.•1.. and to give oiteNeli for ([1.1 45111('Srir airs) is imnInhili7crl here. for the moment, irs debt will rertaifilv f:111 due It is iff§pOSSible tra diSSOCine th1. COCStiell1S Of art, style and truth from tile question of the wonion. Nevertliele!-J s:.LIIL quencion ▪ what is wc_Irrian? xi. is itself suspended by the simplc fOrrntilladon cif [hcir common. prclIci.unatic. One can no [flinger seek her, no more than one could lenrck for 1.voirinn's femininity or female sexuality. And she is certainly not ro be found in any of [he tylodcs of eancel,t ur knowlcdg.t. Yet it is impoE61-,le to resist looking for her_
- 1-1. roc) of an error" At tlids paha ...where it pierce the veil of truth an[ 1]3C (Intr.:Ilion in )
order to irinplile the 10. Girrinn'S ECKly, the -
castration, [a quetion. du styli poor r (Lui I 5C titc:411'ul ..ivce Ea grUi E! (le FintC;Kke <1C Nictzscbe, dc l'intcr•
pretation de l interpre tarion, tie l'inrerprti.;tation, rout court.; pour Li iiu pour hi 4.1i:sq11ali6er en s011 4: 1101106. 7
Si 1'011 vctit FITC'31 Ci MCS1.11"C` rlc celle qtteStiOrk r co.mment faire re conoinie ale la .
lecture 1:,eitleggeriennt de r'N'ier :sch, tiuelque roiriptc c.iLl'OL) Cr] tienne finaleint:DC, 4ui.11que ,
queslinin of style must be measured against the larvt-r question of Ow illtcrpr.emion, of NierysCliC2i test, ili 1Iic Crinel a ion CA jriterrretation—in short against 11,c clktes.1 ion of inrerpreiatiori itself. In such a confrontation viihcr tll question of style will be rcsul....924.1, or its very stalcrnCnt will be
F I )02 ,
motifs (1.1.1:lerminable5, pour cn occulter, conFourner on retarder repretr...re? SotiV.LIIL lart)1)011Lc i Ee !MAC r7tStrafiriul s.nns nivnir, aia moins apparriwc. et
etnyer cl tin tcxte de Nietzsche. revieins crwEiriten.aor, Au tisq u e de 61.31 ptericire, 4:lest dcpuis 1111 certain paysage Iteidc.ggerien, avec ses plcins crt SCS LtC1.1 LK'S SC :i scLillic s 5CS rentr6es, que fie procede re recour. Le grand livre de Heidegor est beaucoup inoins simple deans sa these qu'on n'a tenflirt!. II S (11.0.'1C.7, comilou dancu on 52it, Sur 1c preibleme .(k 1a volorq6 puissance e.n rant qu'art er sur la queFirion clta grand style.... Au titre dc C)431)0(3tit)11 (]At de niceocupo.. gnernent, jc trnis ani cc in g;Ircli2 cEe ITeidcg.p.er . E]Ics me parnissent et Fie valent pas 5 1.31.ement pour hier. l'Aise cri garde cantle k confusionnirrie csitiaisant, ['art waLt1n1 1 11. philOSCPplik. voudrait neitis faire -colic:lure de tellcs proposirions nieT2..scl-x^.eviries Itativement que l'ere du pilausuph.c-arlistc: C;tirit tksorniais otiverte, riglicur concept pourraii se inoinrc.-r Enoin5 intraitable, pouvoir dire n'im7
In raking the measure of thit question s however, there is std] the Heideggerian reading, of 1.....rictzsclie which must be nclymintecl for. VillatcVer nHolManCes that have been 11124.1e for ii. , whatever ;he ciforts that. been exerted (and for rocognivitblc reasons) in I=ra net to conceal, evade or cich3y its fnlling due, this 2contirvt ttm remains unsetrled. Until now I .1-inve often repeated the word without 'cr Lippeating, to attach it to it of Nic-t..r.sclic. Thus it is thAt I shall return to it here, pineetdin p „ pezrl-mps somewhat startingly, from the plenums and lacunas, projections And incientAtions , of a certain Icicluggvririn lamIscape, The arguments of ileitleirser's mighty tonic are much less simpte th.rin is gerFernlly 21(h f7irted. It OpC.DS of course, with the [1rohlem of 1)t)wcr as iirt and Ihe Vyill .tilACS1100 r,f dim •N grand style. Aid because their urgency, k would seem, is as valid 1.2..doy as it was yesterday, three warnings from litideggtf Might, by Way of a connoMlion or 3 n accumpinirrivnl, 13c re allcc] here. First. lleicle8ger warris ago.insr sestheticizins confusionism which, :as blind 10 srl it is tci philosclphy, would, in its procipitate interpretation of such of Tqietz.srl leig. prnmsitions as the age of the philosopherartist,. hav us conclude that its own conceptual rigor is Icss intraetoblc, anti fc3r1ller, that it will henceforth be admissible .
pnrte r[ niiIiirr p.r3nr .r5011.-pertincnce • ceqi i revicnr tcujours rassi.trer et ::11 Grin firmer, i laisser hors d'atteirge l'ordre auquel on croit dors &opposer; par exeni[)le la phi-
14.3 1;:iy
.1.113iS forces dürflifllirgEN,
Order whic. 11 11 prcricilats 10 OpriOSC And
IL: p{PL.1 4..'4)1T, h1S
l C11ri. fOl5, lour police faur lien se garaet (le dire
— auxquelles vc::ri[e _ •rt garde contre la confusion Entre sty [e k t k st y i 1 ) 63 pi cq varoarcl (bproisch prablerischen) qui est d'aillrurs, dans on ex.t.11).ant:.e psendu-transarc_LisivE", le fait kle la classy dit Nictzsche., qu. en[rtlil 1.431161.31.11.4 par IT. 11101. ]1 ClaYSC inculte des philistins war,ncdelis, .6! besoin de petits-bourgeois. commente Heidi:mei., co H.;31.3Va.grie Ts.lt'( visitc' Ele Nietzsche cn irnerrogennt F.ans cesse l'histoire cle 1 0(Tirle.nt,, faute quoi, quancl on pre'tend en finir avec de siL:culaires illusion.s ., on ire flit .yue. riuninct dcs FCC:1.4CS ct roil est appal c frappe 1)91 ]a sentence tle 117-184.). 1.)e c ni2oke chapitre j prel'eve fit, aintenant trois F.II.cs n'oxret,...nt pas lc inocrxremen1 (lc ritnalyse lleiriegr,erienn• gur sitivre ini. i. L'ancien.ne es[h6tique aurair toujours etc, scroll Nictzsclv-, unt t5tl3c'tique e4.3.osovu. mitcurs: rossifs et r6ceptifs. if filiximit clone I Lii !qub5titi.ccr tine esthe:tique de pi oduct.rurs (erzeugenden, zeteguil,;10.??, 1-4..ba6T•nare...c). A ling:. msrliddidut 16rninine, [lime, clevroit unc c[1]4ti.4.11.3e Comme l'atrestnit, avec tam d'autres textes., le fragment 72 du Cal savoir, la prochKrion est DiasculitiL _L._ re yC213X .
an:ell-ling in rnilitating. ,C5T F[} Of irreleli ance. In [he final analysis, huwe.ver, such ati atiitucle is nothing more than the reassurance and corroboration 41# 111c vcry P
which iEself escapes intact. This conhisionism remains ineffective nor only i.n its confrormalion with philosophy but L050 before the 1)nwerN [kat 1I3e dominating forces, their laws ., their ML105.trillte5. - 145 whoin one must beware of speaking the truth. Second, IIeidegger caution6 agoimr rnistaldng. an h.L..roir..0-1.14)astful. (herarsch•prablerischelii) style for the 4.; gtan<1 styli. 14- 1 1110 rscudo-rroilstf,relsi•e extil)erance of the former is characteristic, accuircling to Nie.tzsriK, of ll)c eukivAted.. class, ihat vul g ar crowd of Wngnerian 1E cornrnentA Fieidegger, the a ilee.(1 'Of the yeti[-1)ourgeois who is in a sawEge. humor And third, liek.lrgger ar2.111S of [IAL .
NiutZSCIIC .1.15 are Iiinremilling,
Wuslvfli CiVililatinn.
neglect such an in[errogacion, and in part3cu]ar now that one clahnS [O. done with, any secuEar illusions, is lrierery turriinrilv n•certul[ LcleaS.. SentenCed Fly history, one remains without appeal. lieidegger 1 1:010 the same chapter in issued th.es.e Aral..oings • 11)r<' . propulition.s, 110 ' .1'Lly interrupt [he development of his :anal!. !iis .which. W tru.3st Li1teucl. to here, rnisll[ also be singled out. Firm, Jit..i4.kggt.r ..,v0111(1 Lt that, aceordirig to .Nieresche, the Ad acs[h•ie has nnver ho.on hur an aesilletic of passive, receptive consumers. II t must therefore be replaced by onc of produceI.,. (erzellgep.rdc•J, zerogundei.l, NtkelficadV0.1). Elfille17110Te (OCCnEdifkg to til£ cleyns[tiOn of fragnient 72 in joy/lit Wisdom), production, just as much. for Nier Asehc as for 3[1 of :
(lc toute la tradition, et urle. mete productriec.c cct tine rrir• 1n:use-urine, I Teidegger cite Oct autre frngment: Notre esthe'rique en 6:lair feminine
(eine 1pt .'‘..ibf Asehetik) C11 Cif -
Sens que seules les natures r6ceptives (Ai• ant forynnV icur
expe rience idtd 'cp.i'est-cc qui est lie:1117 route [a philosophic jusqu'il nos jours l'artistc! fait defaut (fe1s►... der Kii11.;t1(.. rj (fr. R 1 1 t r. fr, [1. 701. Autrcinent plutAt troduit (Ficklugger ne le die pas ), jusqu'ici, dev ant Part, ]c philosopbe de Parr. qui est pr6k.:i6C:Inent pp L1.31.3 1(51.11's Far. I, qui fl tou42114: pus, qui dins certains cas s'irnagine oriiste cr pro.. se eontent.e c.h.Lire des ceuvres alt: rs causer dc I'art, cc philosophe est femme: fcntinc ste:rdo, binet non ic pliilosoplle dogmaAfar ter Devant ray, tique, courtisan mata.droir, reste, (virtine le savant de second or lie, l'irunuissant, une irr lllc fills, SOrit L!C l\fais Nietzsche se scut ici du tres vicox nornrn6 production, ort.c scs connotations plus on mains inapercues et ing6nuentent ili1!}]itlucc. do creativite ., d'activitif., (le misc.- en fOrille ct de inise au jour, en un 711O1 de E t.re:sentation, mist pr&enee rrinnifeste. Et inserit ce rt..Incept prink., de rnaaphysique dans 1 4-N,luivalenee (...aclitionnellement supposec., K;int c t jusqu'a ifcgcl (dans; 214 311 onalysc bien connue de la passivit6 de la jouicsance clitoridienne) entre la productivit :active -
inE(.5113kli triC L.: (hunt: putt
6 ',Ili-lice
croutre part, entre. 1:1 passivit6 intprotluctive
tradirinn, is masculine,. and a productive mpther is a itIASCLIIiitc r]1011 lee, Tn this matter Heiciegger cites a Sccond fragment: <4 Our aesthetic was 2 feminine one Weib.1-.113 1helik) iLL dull only dhow ria LUI es which were rc.c.-vritive to art {die Etnplang lichen) formulated their experience of ax vAtat is beautiful? )3 'Ihroughoka 211, of philosophy and even to tbe present time the artist hos lice]] luLking (ic1.12 r1 drr -
Stated (or rather translated, since Heidegger 4L.5estft put it 1.13 SO marly words) in anoalcs wav, chute- has becn, until nom,v, only a philosopher of arc. And this philosopher of art, who, face to face with art, never abandons his positions in front of art, who Lltti'cr ;windily veninres to lay his bands on it, w h n,CVC11 though he ;It an artist producing works, is content merely to gossip about ad, he is a woman— and what Ls more he is a sterile woman arid ecrtonly not the miinnliehe Afigeter Before art, ih dupnatic philosopher, a maladroit courtesan, remains, just as did the second-rate scholar, impotent, a sort of old maid. Nientscbc there is dealing With II very old phiksopheme of produclicm. And in so doing he is also manipulating its vaguely Liilluiliccd„ yet cleverly formulation, presenta. of creativily, tion—its connotations of the formulation and presentation of manifest presence. UN concept, shiny from US ineraphysit..al List, hc inscribes in the analogous eqttivalence, itself part of that tradition which extends from Aristotle to Kant, and as far as Flegel (whose analysis of the passivity 0( clitoral pleasure is familiar), bets.Vcen active,. informative productivity and virility fin the one bond. and material, unproductive 77
c.ritl-r- part C't Li. fetniiiiae irJul
parr. Ce q ii parait contreciire, noun y reviendrong. d'autres propositions sur la femme, 2- I,;1 pensc::e Jar Nietzsche. stir Part serail, 1 suivre licidegger, a 131haphysiq1Ie (1:1115. tales intime intention puisque l'art est pour lui <4 la maniere essenrielle dont l'étanr. s C cr6e en Lane que. l'etant (tr_ fr, p. L 22).
3.. NictzsChe sernklc proc&let In plus sou• went, quant t la rne raphys[ct ne e t au phinnis. Tiani ; Ia relatioa Ptatunicicnne., une .
<4 inversion
(trm.circhiing) qui aurait
consispe: 'mitre les propositions platoniciennes tens dessuis dessouR, stir la 16:Et- itr. fr. p, 182 s'en tient pa :t, comme on Ileiclegger fait SOUVelli dire, ;'). CC sch6rita. Non qu'il rabandonne purement et sitnplcmcnt. Pas plus chez ]ui que c.he{ Nietzsche le travail de lecture el Vulture nest homogene :V.:Mil lie SMIS strat4tie du p..;.}ur 31 ] 421. contrc_ Bien clue Nietzsche senthle on &live ptatiquer s.oLivent test Lilt, rernarque Heidegger, qui! c cherche 3ntre chose )0 (cile.fras anderes 51.430 (tr. fr. p_ 782),
cet atirre qui nc fair }gets couple dans une opposition de renversement, Ileidemer se itlporto LL cc t&it di so rin.ajs c61i.hre (rune fahulation unique, erune erreier, clans Le rrepurcille des adorer POW annoricer
(1888): Corn Meni le monde vrai devint enfin
N.Ple able.
J(• rte reptends pas le corntricrulaire
dc I Icicitz.
ger lii zotis cetni qui nous cant amim.eriant,
passivity and femininity on the other, It remains. to bc seen kviwther Nietzsche, ss it would appear,. is indeed contradicting certain of his propositions concaning the woman_ Second, it. seems that if one were to he e d licidegger, Nierischu`s thought on art would be ci metaphysical in its most intimate intention, )5. and this, inasmuch as art, for him, is the .r.4 essential way in which thc... ]wing crrolCS itself as the bring, .pr And third, according to Ifeidegger, Niernehe, in dealing with metaphysics, Platonism and the I'Latunic tradition, simpir. procedcs MO S!. frCq1.10.- ndy inveIrSiOn 1:t „rine/Own } whicil
consist in turning the Platonic propositions upside duwn, .1n standing them can their licad. Heidegger, however, does not restrict himself (as it is often supposed) to this schema of an Inver ion, Still, be doesn't purely and simply abandon it, for the work of reading Lind. writing' 15 no more homo• geneous in his case than it is in Niet7sclie's, his scerning leaps from pro to contra are t7c^t 5.Vilhout a certain sitalcgy, ThUS Iivickwer rcmarks although Niet2schc might seem, or perhaps even uugl,t to employ the methcKt of Umdrebung, it is nonetE u apparent that he • 35 seeking ,
EC5Inetiling ttse (clway anderes sr.echi).
In announcing that other which is no 'longer coupled here in the operation of an inversion, ficidegger refers to the tale, famous cvcr .senor , of a singula[ rubulows ploi. It is the story of flow the A Tr: Worki )1 Finally Became a Fable which is recounted in :'he History of an L: rrc, r ;,L3 .
Twilight of the Idols (1888), N•ither I leidumet's commentary nor idiom: many others which in Plance have lately 78
ee reNte, SC Lilt rrient tin 01.1 traits qui n'oDk paS 6t4, 1 1:1 cormaiss9nre, cxpliqviers, en po[riCullei pat I Icidegger, et qui touchietu pred.G6ment la femme. I leitiCglif.Cf 121U1 its vuiettr la torsion 10 plug forte titmorr prohletnalicirpie de -
drekeiv_e: 10,0,00.511 .ion qui se pre'lait BO rear CSI dierli2ane .C.UpprimL:0; AVCC IM)frorc VI;ri notss IL/1113K .IZISSi .
rnOndiC <6 arrilrenccs
reC-ir (mit der
teitz.bren 'Welt babe...7 at h die scbei:ubare abgcschagi!).. La hi6r,:trchie EiCS 4, reux mondes, t7,i sensil)le (.t tre. 1L c'tt.' ctikn k-nt renvers.6e. tine now...Ale hiérarchie esr afErrnee .et 4 ritie rouvelle. position de va/eur. La tiouveaute ne oonsiste pas A recouveler le L.L n u la hit:ir;trchic ou 1:1 siihs.thnce. fiCS ATITC ITI2i5 tr:11n51C3r inct la valcur Tr1{1".111C t le hieirarchie, Uric nouvelle hic'sarchie (R.a.P.2goreingong) et une nouvcre position J raleur refit Vel.11 CliTO: IchcIrricy hif1 1ArdliqUe (dalr n.rdnungs.Scl]crna verwat...deb..) Ne pas supprimer toute llierrarchie, telt3i0urs Nr.dre. .la [hie trie laphysique; ne pus 1:13anI4er 013 renverser ..c.runes. [ii.e::rarchic. (limn 6.; ; nlais transiorrner sirticrurc Merne (11.3 -
kidegger. soli (14 311C" l'on.Lc.ratioil de Nietzsche {inns c: v ([1.1. c11.• pont ivoii- clit.:...-cussiC a'i regard de lA rnOtaphysique ci pla.ronisme, Ma.is n'est-ce pas seulemenr, moins pol.31' Sr' dimIllander. SC1011 forme dc quc.st ion rel•v:mt cncorc de l'he r 1111:: ne LILJC el done dc care philosophic telk 1
c]arilied this it will be developed lick:. Reber. I Shall, Singh:. nut ow' or Ivro characteristics which, to my linowlcdge .riyvi.t.ay, have not been elabor.a(Cd (EirRi MOST particula.r13.. by 1-Ieicievi..cr himself :I and beat prcci9cly on the (question cif the) woman, tti Otis teins:LikvaiAm. 161 ye. urtaternivi..L IA,...a..8a ' fa% -
N CVO 06-1. 11:11 4:111 ]i 1 1A-1.
rkficrszli is
.crk us f.ts the we Lave fivr
S.1.510 tew%.e , for tit true 21.94 1 bilisine4.1 tbe Wahren Web' )71117•.1 alich scheinbare Ltbgescbeogi)i :b. In such 3 tortured movement not only has the hier2rchy of the. two work6 4.3f scnsihl• Li nd Llie Leen. rcwrsCd, ;.-1 new hierarchy will] its order of priorities has been ilfirrawd. 115 innovotion do.cs not consist in a renewal of the hierarchy or ilie sail)stanci: UI value:s, but rather ill a t nu LK {]rrnfC 011 i,1 11 -1C very Val 1.1 of hirrarchy itself, Thus liciLicgger loys. ihRE <1 a new hierarchy (R..a...Turellaing) means to transform [ht. kiermclikal (4/42% Ora'r.rungi-Schciria veru.imiet.n) P 3.11. 1514Ist cxCccir then is not merel...ir siippreon of all hierarchy, for osi-.achy only consolidaleb surely the cstablished order c.)f hientrchy; 11C31 3 SifIlpk. C11:111ge: Oi• t ci al i>i the term5 of .iny given hicrarchy_ Rather, t he Voluirebliing muse be 2 Hansforination of the stniciure Tieittegger here is imirsuing the Nietzschcan operarion into the very reaches wheire it exce(les metaphysics and Platonis'. .But the same time it W c)iikl i41t1 titut what b.c is after there is in fact a form Of question more proper 10 :I hermeneutic, and consequently philosophical, order, inclemi .
ref Cthtinn dcvrait rourtant derv/g•r, si. Nietzsche ,a rrlursi A faire re ciu'il . siire•rncnt projete- , et jusqu'a quel point H a et -fa-riven-tent stiritiont6 lc pl kn on i sme . H e id egger
appelle cat unc .N question crilicine der .16-iiik) qui illoit sc lnisser guider par Li re-pcnsee de la volonte pensante la plus intime cle Nietzsche de son vouluir.dire lc plus profond (wean 21.qr Nietzschel inywr;rem arcnk-crischerl 11 7 ificti P;urai•gtilarbt imben),
orkkr that Nietnchc's operation the sliould have otherwise put on! (J1 order. whether Nictzwhe actually This cp succeeded in achieving what he mast certainly ;3rojected and thus t; to what extent 10 he In surmounted Platonism, is for ticidegger critical question ». (Fragen der Kriti.k) and consequeotly must be directed by the re-thinking of Nietzsche's of suost intimate thinking will Nietzsche's most prufound iniendcu.I rrienning
Ferwina •ita
(wenn wit. Nietz scbrs inneweyn den keriscbennach-gedacht babod,
Ccst l'horizon de (-cue question rienne, au 3TMMCnr oriente 1:3 iccturt plus exigeante, faudra tin pelt plus Lard, peat-Lre, apCes le detour dans lequel -
PIOUS. NC)3T1111C5, CrCyCr. (11.11 ne
ix-)itrra sans dome Se faire par rintervention de quelique pratique styler. rtatique sityWe mats de 9.3d genre? Ccla riff 5`,:i.crit selon l'ailabalation conjointe de la femme ei cle I,i v6rit6. Entre la femme. Au rn6pris cle la profondeur qui est Ja pudcur. Queklues aphorismes pour faire attendre l'hisiohe d e hi qu-ds pk:cLdent, dans Lr. cr‘vmsciiic, Jr quelques pagcs-.
Sentences et flêche.,t (Spri4cbe and Pleile). 6_ rinfer Fra.rien. dare 1.Vahrbett? 0 Sir 1Vabrbeit nirbr! IV lie nicht cin kennen Atteneat au, ally tinsere pudeurs) 4( La viTite? Oh! vous ne connaiAs.ez pas la ..011-it! N'ent-elle pas rtit 'at Lim Li c.-ontrc Lo u r v. 6 pudeurs? 27. Man halt Jas Weil ffir wartm? -
Femina ecru
Later, perhaps, after n certain detti n r. we must come about to the momcnr where the horizon of this Heideggerian question sets the bcating for its 1[1.1.1.L.E xacting, reading, that is, 1,:crane about in order to stave it in. Which, of course, wall be impossible without the intervention of some practiced 5tiiCt14] (ptalitpe
A Sty]Rte pn:If tiCe (prcliirjvC Stylt4 6), Elf course., but of what genre of gender? For it cannot be written without the conspired plotting Iwtween wo(31.41,11 truth, woman. And in spite ref t profundity which is modesty. As if in its anticipation, several aphorisms precede by a few pdgcs 1114: story of truth in thi.!Trogigbit
Maxims and Arrows (Spriebe Lend Pielle)--• 16. Linter FratiieLi. cc I re Wahrbeit? C.) Sie kennel; die Wahrheit nicht! Ist sic nicht cin At/carat au/ Ale unser!? pude.gir? .T.ruch? Oh, you don't know truth. Is it not in attempt to assassinate all Our
invarestri?x. 27. Man kilt jar Weib (fir tiel--rdrityn? 83
bei ?bol. au/ dan Grand komp.a. Diu Weil. eiMon411 flaCh ?). On tirnt Lz rE111.3I3C 1)01.0" 1) CC JO ride —17. CRICSi ? ParCe cox cllcz elle on n'arrive inmais (031.d. L9 (eonme n'est pas mernc encore Wed
AIVO■ nie ,
'1.17 it: pied halle
do7 Cervicycn zu beiAeni welche guteu 7,!ihne hatiY es? — rind hesue.? i..00ran febit — Fr age eines abnarztes., (1 CA i71'5 L}ien consc.i.(•nce Akra_t nlordrc iii
well man nte beg: jhm auf deto ,Grtind konv.v e. D 1st nrclir itacb_ Womcn i re pro.fourid. 'Why? Ikc:nin one never fathoms thr.ir WOrnen aren't even 9. Wie vie! batte c?..pen-tas day GowisJev2 beiEen! welehc. Zo:bne /ite e•si ry.ptd bepfzo plionm ferbire es?. _Fra g en eitin Zabmarztes. ‹c How rnE.I.c1-1 cow:kr ice has had to chew on hi the past! And what excellent tceth it had! A[1(1 toddy what is. lacking? clurnises glacstion. S-0 goes Ow Hipirey of au Error. ench of iEs six ..equenees., its sir epochs, with the exeepi Loll. Ord}' of the third, there are certan words underlined. And in the second ep-ndi, Nietzsche lms landerlim:d ordy words see wird Weih, 4:( it becomes feimile_>;. IIcidemer cites (1 16 Ser.3.1eUCC . rf:SpOCES Ant ill. Iris COEnitic ri. tary (1IE scans 10 be generally ttic rase) Ix skirts rile .1.11.1111:111, he abandons her there. Much as one might skip over a sensible i.m.age in a philosophy book or rear 011.4t iLll lcaf cr i'irIcRorical representition in a more serious vat-tune, Ticid.egger 3rlltv2es all the elements of Niet2Arbe's texi with the sole OA cc.prion of the idea's 1312CC1 3 II 31 g-femalc (sie wird ircib). in .rich n wny does tinc permit oneself ro see withour reading, [0 mod xv[thout seeing. But if we ourselves should take Cluscr 1c 1< Lit (hit sk Wrib 55. we w.nuld Plot be proceeding in a way counrey Heidegger's (such a counter direction is in fact his own). IL is n.E.lc the contrary (whEch. once ::igAirk mr0111<1 only arnonnr to -die very same thing) of wl-Lni TIeidegger is doing than we oursetves are about to do. lt is lint that we arc about to pluck Sari L< mytho/o8i.e31 flower in order 10 4lisi.CCZ -
Lg 9 VtffirOlSgq X1
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rid de. Qui St004421e, (Lvirra zeanscendante, !Hi )i 11.R.7 inacccss.ibic, se;diriN.Jr]lc, oxii
le cliernin ii distance, in die Fermi.. Ses yolks ie rtIve de mom commence, notienr u ecsr la I ernme. riLcrricfr vrai Iyt
dc porec.::c t13 r5
sap-, ;LIE p itai X , le pre senr, mak prornis Vt1141('L1 X ('pour le pecheur qui fait pe nitence'). c{(Progan de l'idee: elle devicnt phis fine, of/t' deviera plus copfietiSe, phu. .
becomes femaIe
ir771n1C . _
les attribute, taus les traits, tous les awaits que Nietzsche await reconnus 1;1 felli1E11C, Ia clislanrc s4:11.ucl rice, l iiiaLecs-h Lble c p captc, In promesse infiniment voil&,, la 1'P-m.1errariscen(13nce prodnisont le ming appartiennent bleu a l'histoire cit. : la v4::riu5 comme histoire d'une arctic . '
"I•acL. kna t Lt 'LatA 1-ransc_endava bectcin- C.I0n1 'afar in die Ferne•. 1.1r, 'float in the distance. '11.1e. (\te a m of aealAi beg;ns., it is ....12oman, i '11)e tiuu vo..3r1d- unattainable for now, but promised for the the pious, Ole virtuous man (0 for the .. ,ioncr wino repents 0, (Progress of the idea: it becomes more subtic, insidious, inciimprehensible • it
()E" CCIMETIC (Ii ap110111.011,
All the einblems L all the shafts and allurementsthat Nietzsche Joutd_in her seductive distance, her captiy;Ating the_evenvelicd promise of licr provixative itanscendanee z a1,c Efilfe;;27.07,11, these ;AL belong grope rly to. a history of truth by . way of the history of anerror. And then Nietzsche, as if in appOSitiOn or as if to explain or analyze the it becomes fernal,Y, adds there 4 lie tvird ch-ristfich 4tild CloSes the rtarenthesiN. Iii the epoch described by this parenthesis the story's fahulous plot might he somehow linked with the motif oi castrarion .err Nfietzsche's text, with its enigrua E truth's no:iprcscnce.. In fact, what is em!)1a.poti•(1 in the becomes female .. ,ehristiaPio might lye shown to he a «she castrates (herself). y, -
expticiter et analyser le elle devient ferule Nietrzsdle 2joute ci zee 'ird 4:.t fertile la parenthse. chrisatch •utte ix:trendiest Cest dons 1 c::poiiiic qu'on petit tenter d'entrainer cette aff;k1m. laden very le rnocif de la castration clans verli lei TtxrE riittzsch6cn, l'6nigme d une non-pr6ence de la ve"ri16. Ce skit s'enseigne en lettres rouges dans le rile devient femme. elle devient je VaiS CSSayer de dermontrer glut parce ePe.s.taS1.3 1 5lY u •elle (se.) C • Lk( pl;i5.-s at her cam qu'elle est ch:“ree, elle joie si castration ra tit )r) in The par[uillc tico] epoch. SIR! feigus her castration—•which is .at once dans lItl:p(kitic dune parenillese, elle rein( la — pour maitriser suffered and inflicted. From afar she would castration — subic et &k it et master 1.110 master lint] with the Silanc L10. ,1,' in Je maitre de loin, pour produire A Lt tiSeri a Ch05C ),, IC her 01 (El• S:Line lhing 1.0 That produced Ids r4c.!Nt clii rriC mc. desire, kill him. A period, a neceAsary periphrase, has been I'llase est periphrase r[Lessaire dans l'histoirc niarked in the history of 'woman-truth, friiiiric-v&ite, tic la femme commv WOinan trU1112 t f rehirication fc:minisation. v6ritc', de la v&ificatioo Cr 01 ic in isat ion , (
I6 9.si[IEL)
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uL 2 d..it.q2-7:q ?Jew s.r7
J .3.1
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.17 SU
• S
JO ,)191::c1 slLp ❑ 1133 Sn pT
.'art .r
4.![ SILLOU L101.
procdc par al:dal:ion exiirpxion 7 f-xcision_ C. L FJ*] i se CcIllil)nt la passicin 11.1r 151 fOtIpe r ..-11.es3 o5neirtrie.P.rg, la tank, la castra• pratique 7 sa c'esi ]e castratistAre. Elli nt se at:Elif111.1..[e. 'comment ilivinke•L-(DC1 de- sir?'. De toco:: tempq, ell': a mils 14! [)1;:1.idS do sa discipline au service dc .1';'_=radication (21..risre.d.ttin) (le 1 dr: flerr Ck n, ,l11 ric (iff'FF5147NR(1)If <1;1 de'sir etc posF.cssion desir de vengeance (Racbocht), aztaquer les passion5 a la radne, east t taquer la Vie faCinc: praxii de rEg lise cst rahilk rr la pie (.14-heasfeindirich)... Donc hosiik Zi la femme qui est b vie (temina !Am): Iii rasita.iion est one op(^.3-orion (.1e. la femme eon; re I.a femme., non nwins que (lc clripie gem , cOntiv C! conttc 1
rhe. mak way of
Tkr C..6
10 ]Jr f, thc 7. (=EulTE.1-1 is hos.ii• thus to woman also who k hcrscif life (f mina gizajr And ocit only is castration the
operation that each sex perpurates agai.nsc 1 rNigi ilnel 113c (31.11 .1C 'T, cf0.0.1":11.h.ln r hal v,,, {-ipennion Nvornart corirra The same means in the right ogfiinst erkii.luiss—CAstral:163A, t xt'sttrat'30:5—is Chuseriluy trust= Qi-Lo atcl too willed, to dcacncrate, to be able to impostmDderarion ilierngeives _ _ _ On should J..e.i.nrcy the whole ..bic.tary
ik5iu F jarMix d011t 11.3 voiont ,]: cst f; Li Sont (Top deperns pour pouvoir imposer ,
une mcsurc it .reur d6sir ()lie Jon survole toute Phistoire des prr2EL'4.!S cq doz. 11111.11.)stylktni i des co 17s1{:•51 veriicucklx contsc: 1L s sRri.s• ti 1 ctst pai clans 1.-3.1.5om.(1-..
de l$
ene CS! kii grad
ItiOraphe S-Ur y es CHriStiOrliSMC, Tart autre rriomphe cle,5t nutrc 5piritualisation ck
riArimific.:, consiste s comprenare prcifondi::ElluelL pri3C qu'il 3 ;1 j nvoir (1q3 CrIrlenliS: lite( agir et conclure do rriani-ert inversc (senlgekehrs) i celle dont on agissaii cL 1.1-11C111;diL L'Eglise VOulL.1 4.1c. tons temps Vnn6antisserricnt de 5 C5
F.14 C/ ir,V77:"1. :(2e2IrZiCr irke;Ffir eraenW)2Ti r' rierZir:4-
V-\71-\11:T4.:.S\ :11SCteS.
iis its cure r F. is cg. seranp». It nevcr as k5; 4, 111mv con one spirnualli2e, 62:41.31ify. deify a craving? V It has it all times laid the stTc.•5s r7I clixcipine on e.gtirperiori (A2d ch.-A/H.4nel (cif sen.sualit.v, of the lust to ride (iferrschsvebt), inf avarice (11abs.richr), of vengcluhiess (Rachsurb.e). But C3E1 il-c MCA Of passion •ea.ns an snack on he roots of life: thr practice 01 the church is..de:s2;;t to: (Ichen5frintlIich).
EILI'Llt ITIC5ytil, 61.
cm_ einploy (Lim. 10,
r1"11.1S 1. )...1V.Cian .._ J.,.
pi-octetl by cx.cision., cxtirpation.
Ax.r.rychnedrogg, severance, co.7rratiol)
i atittC. 6
Afir eked?
ascetics, bot. by the impossible ascetics., by 'Kase who really were in dire need of 1 . The spi ri tu all ..f.:ati.on being 25CetiCS of scns•ality is called love: it represents greAt Eri omph over Chri3tianit.y. Another itioraph. is Dar spi.ritnalizarion o1 hoslifify. It consists in a profound approci211(141. of the value of having enemies: i 11 short, it rTICOCI% acting and thinking in the opposiTe way (iirmgekebri) from that ..1013iCh has been rule. The church always mr.allicd. dersvuoion of its enemies; we, we ,
ennernis: nous autres immoralistes et anii• chr6ii.C.11S, nous voyons notre avamage A CC guy. l'F.glise subsiste ..1,e. saint qui plait i Dieu est le castrat ,
P tki f!102 :1)C: I{_ 11386n6it.6 (11.2 t exts..
inzinifestc biers. Nietzsche tic se dotinait pas l'illusion, l'a.nalysait sucontraire, rle savoir en e:tait des eilets nor7m6s femme, vc!, ritt4., castration, ou des eiTets ontologigtees presence ou trahsence. 11 s'est hien Ear(k de la dengation precipitC'e qui consisternit diseonrs simple (I.:Imre la castration ct contre son systemic_ Sans pa rodie discri'Re, SNITS strati:gic d'62t-iturr, sans diffe'rence oil cart tie primes, sans le style, done, k grand, le renversement revient ni e:tne . tlaTIS ti&laration bruyante de Pantithese. l'hke'rogentlite- du trxte_ Renoncant trairer Flu tr es . grind nombre ProPwilions stet la femme, jc tenterai d'en formaliser la regic, do lcs rammer .ii Liri nnrribre fini de prepOSItiOlis tepees inatricielles. Pols ie rnarquerai la limite cssenticlle (rune telle codification et le probre:Ine lectlete d6termine, Trois types ditInoncr.;, done, trois propo.sititins fondarnentalcs qui s.ont atissi truis positions de valour, provoques clepuis trois places 41iff6rentes. Ces positions de vareur pourraicnt Lin certain travail que je ne peux ici qu'indiquer, prcndre le setts quc la psychanalysc (par exemiple) donne au not positron "
immoralists and Antich.ristians, find our advantage in this., that the church cxists. The saint in wkurn God delights is the ideal etlniA, 5> P&SifinFJ5
_US .C1[15 that he That!iewskhe had no ill might ever know anrthing of tl -besu efiects called w►rnan, truth, castration, nor of those emeOlogical effects of presence and abStriCe, 15 Manifest in the very hcturogclicity of his text. Indeed it is just such an illusion that he \vas analyzing even a..S he took care to avoid the precipitate negation where he might elect at simple discount: against castration and its s y stern. For the reversal, if it is not accompanied by a discrete parody, a strategy of writing, or difference or deviation in quills, if there is no style, no grand style, (his is finally hut the same thing, nothing mote. than a clamorous declaration of the antithesis, HerRe the .heterog.eneity of the text. Ifourever, rather than ciurnerle here the large number of propositions which treat of the woman, it is instead thejc principle, which might be resumed. in a finite number of typical and matrical propositions, that I shall attempt to forrnali7e--in order to mark then die essential limit of such a codification and the problem that it entails for reilding_ Three types Of such a StAteinent are to lx found_ Furihcrmore, these three fundamental propositions represent three positions o1 value which themselves derive frOtn ihrte dilierunt situations_ (And according, to a Particular sort of investigation (which can he no more than indicated herr) these positions of value might in fact be read hi the terms (for example) of the psychoposition analytic.- gleaning of the word
La 14.7.IIMIC LSE ec.):idainh6e, ni.6puisere coin m.e figure 011 p13issance it3enSOlige. c....ate.gorie de Vaccination est alors produitc au nom de la ve kite, ny6rripliyNig1.ru tiognia.tiquic, de t'lloniine cr641u]e c7tiri 2V11.nCe 1.1 c rile Er 1C 1713.al1L.1', OnTilEne! ses. Antrilmtts I,CS itCXV2S — phallogocentriques — Tits depinis instaricc r6active stint tres tionibteux. 2. La r12(31.3L1C CSE CLW1ELMIIL6C, int'pris6e corninc conirnc figure oil puiss.anc. c ciq tre 1.313ilosopllique et chrertien_ soft c1.1. eHe 111 ve tit4, .soil que, i distance elk en j OU C CE1C. 5 Te. C.1.)1L1E3LC Skin du la fl: 64.11r 11 sun sans y croire, en derneurant, par name et noivet (k ruse est toulours corstamin&c de naivete') dans le et 1-c:co15o71iic dc la V4:rit6, 125[ clans respaet phsil[oRocent r.c]ue, I.0 alC1CS C011(111.1it [III pilint de vile de l'artiNte .rnasquC_ dais cclui-ei emit encore a la cov.rikrian ck 121. femme et en rcsie al i JL)fl du ]'instance ractive et n6gati...!e. femme es( dekLX f(1.i5 Castration: ^rerite et (1.01 1-vrite,. 3, La femme cst ruconnut., ati-t_14:4r1 de CE1LC . r453(31(1-L doable riggation, arT11- (11 jE!'
In the fif e r of ille5e 1 1 0[XISICIIC018 the wornio, Laken as ;l figure or potentate of falsehood, finds herself censnrecl, ;Ind rIt's]- isvil. Ii the name f truch Eind metaphysics she is. accused here by the eredulmts roon who, itl stippOTt Of hiS leilLirrIO.LIY, offers. truth and his phallus Li g {Mil 1)101142r CF124.1C.!13[113IS. ` [ .6eM are nuimcrous examples cif such a phal[ogocentric depositian which represent this rcout]ve. i]imance of negation. Similarly,. the sic.. -Inn41 preposition., the woniin is censured, debssed and Jespised, Eli:11y in this case it is as the figure or potentate of truth. In the guise of the christinn, Ding iticnt dies with tn.lth, or else she continues to play 1ail.13 it it 51 diSiSinCe os if it vietc al ittish, tnanipulaling it, vittri.i.is she refuscs to bclicve in it, 11-56`1 iI to her oWn ..).12.342VCT WC53LELH, guilc and naivety (Dm" her guile is. always contaminated by naivety), rerosins norielheless within the eCOhOiny C.5 f truth's system, in the phallogoeentrie space. At rllc lir:id c,f t11 proac-cittirin this time is the masked 171.ist who, l .K.Tause he himsdf still belicves in castration, also does not cSCA1542 113c 1.1n:LNLO(1 L112g0E11.)n_
The worrinn, up tcs this point rl,cn
n'est pss siTirrne'e pa.r l'homtne clue. et rnais s'aiTirme ELMS. [1111111.]1.3C. ALL SCL)S (Jut iC
4.175:11k; EMIL
twice C7IF.Trati011: 01100.
riocuroth. In. the instance of ;he
snil once
:1 l'heurc, la castrciiirm na pas lieu. T.'ar1i-
11[3. 1.vc vet, i)c3'031(1 the 4.14,41.61r_- L51
16ninisine est a on tour renvem& it nc COndauulait la femme que dans la rneRire: des deux .12 Hu rpondait pnci ;DIM r{:".0.ELiVC.'.N.
first INTO, W0111311 iS l'OrOgriri'ic-cl and 3111M14'd 11113 nfrittnativc power, a dissimitla.tress, an artist., a dionysiac_ And no longer is it mart who affirmL l)er. She otfirins. Euu - s{:if, in mid of hr.n.clf, in man_ Castration, here again, does not take plsce. Andl sniff. condemned woman only SO lOng as she WAS, So long us. s/ic asl.vcred to man ftoin tl31' IWO terICEil.rr [11 asitiorLS, 1r1 irk turn overall-own.
Pour que ces [lois types d'Cnonc'e forment un code exhaustif, pour qu'on tente (Pen FUCA
t6 Sy S 6111;11igtie , iI faldrnir
que rh6te'rt..5g6ne'ite parodique du style, des styles, soit maitrisable, tt rt:'-ductible C1 1 1,1[140 11 121,{1.1 til d'autrc part mak ccs deiix conditions S11 nd 1:W1-HAIL'S . gue chaque ralcur impliqii ee dans les trois schemes soit decidable clans un couple (fopposition, c.(.5 ❑nine y ;i11.10 11 un contrairc pour chaque tcrmc: par exernpie pour la C25tra.tion. femme, la rer116, Or la graphiquc de rhymert ou dLi pharmakon, qui inscrit en elle, sans s'y reclaim, refiet de castration et qui est A l'elcuvr• partout, en particulier dans le texte de Nietzsche, limite sans appel Ia pertinence de ces questic-ms he.rin6neutiques ou systiernatiques. Elle soustrait ti 1 1.3i0L1TS 1 111E ❑ arge au contride du sens cm c1u code. Non qu'il faille passivement prendre son parti (le rhkerogene ou dtt parodiciiie (cc ncrait encore les r6duirc), Non qu'il faille conchire„ d c tine le maitre scns, seas unique et hors grefle est introuvable, la maitrise infinie de Nietzsche, a son pouvoir imprenable, min ii ❑pc(cabic manipulation du pi iv, it une sortc (lc calcul infini, quasimerit celni du Dieu de Leibniz, mail calcul infini de l'inde. cidahle cette fats, pour (lc:loner la prise herm6:riviltique. strait, pour 1 1 (riter i coup sCir, retnmber aussi stirement dans le pkge. Ce serait faire de is parodie ou du sim-ulacre un instrument de maitrisc scrvice dc Ia yerit.6 eru de la castration, reconstittier la religion, lc cultc de Nietzsche par exemple, et y trouver son .
But if these three types of sullen -writ are to form an exhaustive cudc, if their systematic unity is to he reconstructed, the parodying heterogeneity of the style, the styks.. should itself masterable and reducible to the cont en t of 11 single thesis. On the other hand, athl at ihe same time that these PAT, conditions remain inclissociable, each term that is implicated in the three schemata must he decidable Vir Lh L.11 :1111 41[1130Sitio1 1ll couple and in such a way that for each term, such as woman, truth, castration, there should exist a counter term, But [Lc hymen's graphic, that of the pharmakon, without itself being reduced to it, inscribes castration's effect within itself. Everywhere operative, and most especially in Nietzsdic's text, this graphic, cicseribes a margin where the control over meaning or code is without recourse, poses the limit to the relevance of the Bern eneutic of systematk question.. is not that it is necessary to choose sides with the hetetogeneous or the parody (whik-1.1 vrou[d only reduce them once again). Nor, given that the master sense, the sole inviolaie sense, is irretrievable, does it necessarily follow that Nietzsche's mastery is infinite. his perwer impregnable, or his manipulation of the snare impeccable. One cann o t conclude, in order to mitmancuytT the hermeneutk hold, that his i :in infinite calculus which, but that it would calculate the undecidable, is similar to Illat of Leibniz.' Go& Such a conclusi(..511, in its very attempt to chide the snare, succumbs all the more surely to ir. Tc use parody or the simulacrum as a weapon in the service of truth or castration would he Li) fact to reconstitute ruligion. as i3 Nietzsche cult for example, in the interest of a ptiestliond of parody interpreters (pretrise de .
pr'êtrise de l'interprte e's Nrodics, 3ifici pretrise. -
Non, fa patoilie Suppose' iotijCiiIrS quckpie pad u I it na1vet6 ., adosstA:c- 1 UT] inconscient
et le vertige d'une non-rnaltrise, unt perm de connaissance, La parodic absoluilicnt calcule'r strait uric confession on une table
!c- in loll. 11 {;tut se dire, be:lenient, que si on ne pout assimiler — enrre cu. d'abord — les ilphorismes :Lan. 1L7 une et 10 rch.1.42 C C 5 t pritssi que Nier7sche n'y voyait pas tri-s chair ni d'un seul din &loci'', en im instant. et que tel avetiglement regulier, rychnu:., al:rc leqiiel on n'e..:u 1113irLi jail WS, a tiro (1:111S lc 1CxIr. Nietzsche y est (in pct] perdu. Tl v 3 Ck pcTre, cc]a pew s'affirmer, ya 7
1).iris la toile tin icKte, Nietzsche est un perdu, con-me tine araigrt6c irtgale 1 cc qui s'e.st prncluit Travers elle, je dis hen conime une araignee on comme plusieurs araign6es, c lie de Nietzsche, celle Lantre.nniont, cullc tic tviallartne, cellos Freud CI d'AbrallaiM. Il érait„ i1 redOltit9it relic femme chAt3 6e. II etait, it recloutait Idle femme eastratrice. 11 L3jL 31 aitnait telle afiitniatticc. Tout ccla fois., simultan6ment successivernent, selon les lieux de on corps Cr Its positions (le son histoire. II avail affaire LIS lui, hors de lui, Law fcr»mes, (:011111.14.' Lenant etpncile. .
rigard dZEdipe 11 n'y a pits Line femme, lane coil 5131 de la fen I 11 C 4.11 Sk)i, re13 AI Trull ii 1 :1 dit, et la typologic si varift. la Joule den rt3 . .. tes, 1
l'inferprtife .0 p a rnarieN , tltfer,r rariS No, Somewhere parody always supposes naivety Withdriawing into on unconscious,
ludy supposcs veriiginoub non-miasicry, a Loss of consciousnes-c, fur were it 10 absolutely calculated, ii would become confession or a law table. This inability to assimilate—even anteing aphorisms arul the rent -themselves - per1LITIS it Etiu.St simply be ficlilliTt'ed 11 13E Nietzsche himself did not see his wo.y too clearly there. Not could be, in the iriSlantallemi! blink of an eye. Rather It regular, rhythmic blindness takes place in the text, One will never have done with it. that Nic•sche too is a little Lost there_ therc is a loss, that anyway is ascertainable,. as sou ❑ as ibere. i hymen. Nietzsche mifht well be a little lost in the web of his text, lost much as. a spider Flo finds be is unequal to the has spun. Much as at spidrr indeed. several spiders even. 'Nietzsche's spider. Lauttiamont's, that of tikallarm, those .of Freud and Abraham, I], was , be dreaded this Castrated WOITIan. Etc dIC•Acled this castrating woman. 1k w lie was, he loved 11-]is affirming woman. At once, simulianeously or successively. dcpending On the ix.)sition of his body and thc sitmatiOn ill h is stray. n etzsChe was all of these. Within himself, outside of himself, Nietzsche dealr with so many wom en, Like in Basel where he held clamed. -
The Kau of
Them is no such thing as a woman, as a
t rtl L lr in itself ..)f woman. in itself. That crutch, ,
at least, Nietzsche has said. Not to mention inslnifOld lyrology of women in his Nt.(irlc., its horde of mothers, daughters, 100
fines, soeurs, filks, .epouses, gcpavernames, p11.Thi.11.13C. :"CS., vierges, perir^• et grandes idles Elf' Son peuvrc. Pour cetre raison rne'rne, i1 n'y a pas one v6riL6 de Nietzsche 011 dti texic Nietzsche_ Qu,111(1 OR Iii LL1115- ":4 Cc 5.015L V61116S CL1 SOtilip,i1J131 he ten rind eesi ju:sternenr darns irn paragro.phe CCMTIICS_ <.ela i ❑ L1 , 41.311E:. 501115 thYLELU c.1114.! Ele 5.unr pas La des. pinisiju'elks son.' multiples, contradictoire.s. 11 n'y done pos. une verite' en soi, inais de surcroit, m6[The pour inui, moi, la v6tice est plurille. Or ex passage se trou vc pris entr l fameci.....: paragraphe !-.41. 1" 4.: der' schreelthche Crtindlexe 0 1:3 Pprbelic a l'inrr6pide regard d'Oedipc (umersc.broeknor Amgen) Lonitc Ics appcinix Elcs victLx E.Tiseleurs metaphysiques (die Jr.orktorisen alPey
&lido 711 4 r a K'
physischer Vogelfiner) Oeclipe 7
taCeat 101.3[ler j11. 424:4142Siii x.
J t Iligiki2
Werra EntIliCt t is (1{' Napolclun, Nier...sche ajoute, en 0: arni des femrnes..o., Nctat inulier de ranlierc 4.10ILC: pos de v6 .r5t.e' ti3 sea] di116' renCC SC.XLICIlu 4215 filmmtne on tie la femme en soi, tome rontologie conTraite pr6suppose, rceele c-etfe indecicia_ bilitc:; dont the est l'etErt arraisonnemem, .
0E41713135 WhOSC diktinLICS'S gaZe
nen nedi j r3115 - ANg.CH) duf;:intly confronts
the decoys of the ancient metaphysical (owlets (41k. I.ockweiset) slier meleirphrischer V eigelgartur). (1....ilpurS, 130 10112:Cr naive, cl ocs no t a5.5iirrpc ih•ir (41:1rpe any more than 1, disclaims it On the other side of the passage is found NieTzschd s incLictment EcEniniStn, of 111.0 4.: eternal womanly,. 5. of thc. .u v...orriiiin in itself. ...> Condemned liere in All their kd taste are. Peltne. Roland. Mme. de Siael and M. Gu_prgel Sand. 13ut Niet2s.Lhe„ in the guise of a C V. I C fri.C31C I 1.1:E1431.12r1, alevines his indictment, and to the Churc 11's rmilier L13 eCT1Pqa and the pOl[tiCiS7 ;1;P 10.0eRt TITUlier 11C Atit1S the toceat mulicr (lc rem[iurc_ :13. 13 A1111E]11g11 iht ••r•i L'IO Ruth in itself of 11 e sexual difference in it5c1f, cif either man Or w0.11111.11 .1.n itself, 311 of ontology nonetheless, With. its illoipection7 Appro. prim01113 7 idCILLifie:11inn ve2EifICs1LiCall Of identity, has resuEted in coi)ccaling, evert -
viii ne denie pas plus 11E3'11 n'assurne &ante cfhirge, c...t ]c kcquisitOlre COMec Ir t 1 LC'rninin 1•, la 6: femme en soi Roiond, ?Arne de Stal, M. George Sand, leor qinwinrois g.06( 'MI
sisters, old rnaids, governesses, pium3nRies, vitgins, grandmothers,. big :ind little girls. oson tken, Ellere is no stich For just t11t thing either as. the truth of Nietzsehe,. uf NictLkiell.r:S• L_ Iii fact, in. jeaseits, it is in a parogroph an wnnricm that one rrals • (liege are rpnly—my truths (meine .c( rneine \X'alirheitra sind). The vet..? fact N.X.Iiihilivitcn 4. is so undcriirmil, chat they ire mulliple, VAriegaied contradictory evon, can only irnpfy that these Are rICIE inahs. Indeed there is no such thing as a truth in [(self. Rot only a surftLL Of LE. Even if it should be for me, abc.nit me., mirk is plural. On one side of this passage is the famous. paragraph on di e?' schrecNicbe Grundrext &mi.) rattan( where Niere.sche appeals to
d'appropriation, d'identification, de Trip :1u.-4.1eLl.
de [a rnytho[ogic tic [a sign -mom. de la theologie de hauteur, le. ciesir bingraphique s']ncrix dans. le R ex te, y une morgue. irr6Juctible. nh.tis aussi bien irn. 1.4.1tietiblement 4, gr.:knit de fattini spirituel chacun donne et recoil leN marques, cn forme I.I.63-eci ion to.rnbe. Le 4:xte. biqraphique se fixt., E".nur une durr::e incertairke 1,1 constitue. longtc-mrps la Er.le inc1.6plocable, avec• roils IC6 risques de cette KK motntmentale Historic 5) dont ]es Unnriegelp2jgf. out d'avance .teL4.),Litu tous les risc..11.44.S_ Ce granit, c'est de-visions c( cle i-.61)Ori4.s. pred6terminees (les questions (guts (Cavancc_ A chaque prubletne cardinal repond un. immuable 'day bin ji! sub:). excnipli: 211 sujc•t i c l'hurnrrkr cr de 12 feninie tin penseur ne petit pas. ehanr,e.r (Limlermen), seuleerient epui5et au bo u t (Ie., emsfernen) ce qu'il pense... Apres les gL":13t4 N,91.15.[,'S :1E13:1131liLCI S. E[1,]C iC Vi CI(' MC Servir [ i] vient de 4.161.inir spirituel conitne notrc x t is J i I Ene sera ptut-tllre permis d'i::noneer quelques vc!ritc!.s ,
Silic[ TIC la lunI11342
s{]1 ; e E:1(11 hien '
etunthi n qu'on sal3n3 dCirenov2nt
cit.,e1 point Cc sont I setplement — .mer — a (23 t ). Et dins Et cry bowl° (Poterquoi j'erriy si bons livrrs), deux pa.ragrapites se fun( suite (TV et V) clans lesquels rnro.nrc 54ECCe . :F, SiV('Ment rpfi.] un grand nombre (le styks possibles quid a pas de en. pUiN -.commit bier!, feinmes [ou fetnelle, !4'1'j Cela fait partic cl n3011 patrimoi-
presuppos.{..3. it, this ondecidability. Somewhere here, bcyon4.1 the inylbology cif the signature., beyond authorial theology, the biographical desire has been inscribed in. the text_ The mark which it has 'behind, irreducible ihough it In:013.r he., is itisi as. irreducibly plural. Their (of these marks) .0; granite stratum of spirhual fate 3.1 ho I1 coulters and receives marks.. From them it fortn Dint[Er_ EV.p.t.cfirin torbbe." hit1gniphical. tcyk, which hiic hcen ri:Kccl and stabilized for an indeterminate duration, constiruteA a tong vr.hi.le the .humovable stele , Ne.vcrthelcss tll C...g.ze.i.egenth84.. had rec..eignized beforehand the risks invoked in its monlimenfairp hricl reCOgfli:md that the granite stratum is a ysiern of c precietetpuirtated decision and :insia.•ri- to prractCrininated s.elected In the ease of e, -y cardinal ['problem [here speaks an u.nchangeable das bin ich {.-.4 this is 1 ;4); ataut woman anti philosophy, for example.. a ihinker cannot relt-arn iT
iiimleraen) kilt only buirn fully (arirkp Me0 -
only discover all Thar is 'firm and settled' with him on this s u biecr „_Ilavirsg just paid myself such a deal of prctty compliiiiems [Ow futc 1171 -past been described as our stur'idiiyy 1 [nay perhaps be more readily permitted to utter :1 rev,. Ltuths aiK31111. VR5111E111 1124 Such : LINS.1.1rTilng I t i5 now under5tood from Ow ourset to how great an extent These are or] ly—wy Irtfehs. (3.1) .And in /1:z c c./law° (Why I \Virile ..S'r.u. 1) (oaf BOCYLC), i11 1 . :0 SIICCUC{Ii3T (IV and 1.7 ), Nict7sche follows his declarntion that he is capable of many kinds of style, or else t1Not th.eic is no sue]] thing fts a siyk in ihelf,. with 111,1. he knows woman I or rather. the Female. 1Vethlein J ; .g Thi s kno....eledge is. part of ]
ne fliimysiaciiie. Qui sait? Peut-42ite suis-je ]r premier psychologue (lc nl'aiment routes , cicst tine vieille historic, exccpte les fernelles accident4es (verunglUcktcri Weilblei.o.:), les 'e i.n.anok.es.`, ernes qLi ruancluent 4,1. 1 0[1.6e VOW filire (IC's CrifilDt5. TiCtITCUSellieni le ne iiisposé. 51 me laisser t.I.4chivcr; la femme acc4....rnplie dread cllt aime Des !ors qL1C [11 6'2 ir2 1113t34.1 SIISPCMCI rCIPPCISITI . C)11. de'riclah10 lri vrai el r111 non-vrai„ insTaktre lie re:girrie deN guillemeis pout sous les concepts appartemant systeme de Cette philosophictite, disqualific le proja herrili:;11cuLitluc.7 postulant le sens vr:3i (Fun teme. lib:r:Te 1;1 lecture (le L' horizonsens de retire nu Lie [a vi...!rit6 de 1. c.rc, dcs valeurs di prucluet LOrl. EL.1 124..it1lli.t di!. prclEcnCe <10 lirtsCIlt, Cill; sc d6chaine, c'est la question ttu. style cumme question tie l'e.c.ritute.„ la (.11.1e6an 1 1.t rorinante plus puissante cp.ic tout content", wine cL tout stns, 116pci nri style traverse le voile, ne le de'chire pas seulement pour voir cxJ yroduire la chose r31.[314., niai c l E,cit ropposition ropposition pli.cc 5.t1r soi du voile/ devoil.C., veriLe i24.31111 11C pr(X1.11Ltii.)3 436. 101.31• lerneni/dissimulmion d41 p-roditit en nte !..,:etice. II curve pas plus qu'il ne 1:1 is tunil3cr lc (11::-lintite lc su.spctis – l'6insduc. DL'-11[3111CT, SC• clEgairr., s'sgissatit du voile, est-ce clue cc[a nc rev ient pas encore voire cretriiire un Cettu qi.:42stion,..r...n. !ant i uiv CHM'S" .
knixoes my Dionysiim patrimony. klavix: I :.1.111 1.111: first psyeliologist of the eternally feminine. 'Women iiI Iiice irle .. But chat's an old story: save, of coursc (he aluirtions virrionL.! them (ptiu.P.rgliickren ihe cmaricipmed orIES, EllOSE
} t ro have. t hiidircri.
tkrit tin
Thank Rood ncss I am not willing to let mySa Lic corn to pieces! the prri.ect Lu:112; you 10 pieces whcn slic toves yom ... The c[mestiot, [Ei the ......roman suspends the decidable opposition of true and T1031.-C rue and inaugursres the epochal regime of quotation. marks which is to be cniciimcd. .
for evcry conccpc hvitllitirkg to thc
phi.105413LicAl deeidability. The herme-
neutic project which postulates a true sense. regime. of the text is disqualified under is Entud in.a111 Cl3C [10rizon of the 1ic;ifliiL^; meaning or truth of bcfrig, ]ite.Nted from the values of she produces production or the present's prcscnce. W/hc....rcupon the. question of style. is immediately unlooscd as 3 gm-scion. of writing. The question posed by the spurring-opetation (opera : ) 0n. 4perorm.2.11e) is more po ...vo..ftil than any concern!, thesis ear StyLLE Spur perael Si yie ) rips fhroulih the veil. Et rents it in such way that it not only allows there the vkion or production of th very (smile) thing , but in fact undoes the self-oppositinn, the opposition of vEilecl., unveiled (sailed/uns.ailecl) v, l)ir1.1 has folded on itself. Truth. in thi guise of prod.uction, 1.13C LIE3VellingidiSSiMUlLiti [5(1 Eht! p•usurit prodLict, i5 1 -
veil no more raised 113:111 it i 10 1,1F.ereci.
'Its suspension is delirnite41—the epoch.. To
oc i0j-ipS3C(0-3A13 01 ;=)1.11, Lll s-11-11-1L3 t{.}!Lvel. wilas umo .1X-1 40J :Cials12113 Jul 3.ei rss7sschd ;91 11 L]ualssU K1111.131111J-DS4100 EMU rSultoinuirs 5e '-..TIJili...7377 4 -Mter. ovj 1-0 ST xis Tuiel.0 (I! OSTIRIN LIEUJOICL 51 aLiS 'ticalq.S:;)SI{ LI 53/131 Jayo 'a 1; LW[]r 191 ,.}371 Ur 'ff.DDsEod ' 1 &:1101 111A I
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immix e.n dormant l'apparence ou int roduise quclque till roots, gnelgur• recour, arnortisscmcnt ou b6nefice dans la pr...rte du propre, le pour retient le don d'une rtL:serve et change &s lur5 ]is bigiie de l'apposi.riori sexuelle. HOITIllir CC femme changent de pl.gce, 41;:changent Jew masque riurtni, < Les Femmes ow( su, par !cur 50111111iSSiO31 (Limierordnung), s assincr Vrili re ifl d4)niirkal is PC1 ( I ierrschaff 41 2). Si Vopposition du dormer et du prendre, du polaier et do pol•e,t, est tine sone do leurre transcendantal pre_ duit par hi gr :Th;(1ot de I'hyrncn, lc proci s de propriation (tchaply: tinute dialectique commie route cl6cicla. bilite ontologique. 011 ne peut done plus se demander qu'ess ce quc lc propre, hipproptiation, rcxprOpriation, hi maitrise, la servitude, etc? En Cant qu'ock'ration sexuelle - et nui, s ne sitvons pas la sexualite:' avant e] le - la prol
priation cht plus
131] I SS'a
cl able, quc qncstion ti ecti, Cr1E(7 la question du voile de la verit6 ou dtl sens de D'autant plus mai cet argument West ni second ni suppl.Litentaiie -- clue lc pr;-x _'s proces proprintion organise (a iotnlit1 cle langage on d'echanAe syrnholique en general, y comnris, done, tour les .clitonces ontolc L'histoire (de la) vrite (est) un proci...!2; propriation. I.c proper ne done pas. d'unc interrogatiOn onto-ph6nomenologique ou semantico•hermeneutiqUe. Ira questicm du sons oil de la v6 rit tie l'e tre rl'est pas capable d• hi question du propre,. -
whatever its value, whether it deceives by giving only an amwaraiire of, or whether it actually introduces some destination, finality or twisted calculation, some return, redemption or gain, into the loss of proper-ty (proprt..), this fiir ilCITLetileleSS (Tint in1.31.:21 Lo withhold the gift of a reserve_ ficnouftTrith all the signs of a sexual oppoition arc and woman change. places. changed. They exchange masks ad infindirm. Wcirlicr, lywc kniywn licrve to secure for themselves by their sul-)orclination the greatest advantage, in fact the upper hand (1.1err. literArgli A!! Too liumall,(41 2)_ Should the opposition of give and take. of possess and posseued, he riothimg more than a transcendental snare ....IA Lich is produced by the hymen's graphic, it would then escape not only dialectics, but also any ontological decidabiliry As a result, the ciuestion, whaL proper-ty proprt..), what is appropriat MaiSrernsc•rvil110c,.cir. LI no longer possikle, MX only is.propriatioii a sexual aperation,_but_before it there was no sex.1.]ality, And because it is finatly undecidablc, 1)1'0 priation is inc.nc powerful than the question fl CIPI, more pnwe• flii than the veil of truth or die meaning of being. Furthermore, according to a 5.0cond argument, which is neither secondary nor supplerileilcary, propriation i5 all ihc more powerful since it is its prores that organi-4ed hoth the totality of language's process and syttil.volic exchange in general, By implication, then, it also organized all ontological statements. The history (of) tmtb.(is) a process of prppri ation_ And it is not from an on o-prN enomenological or semant ico-he ruleneutic inlerrogolion that proper-ty ( proprel is to he derived. For the question of the truth of being is not capable of the question -
11 0
de Nchange indecidable du plus cn moifis, du danntt . -pruildi - E, C}L clOrtncr-git'tkr,. du
clonncr-nuitc, du roup F_Ele n'on r-st pns op:4 11'(. rorce e [41 CU e y c51 inscrite. Chaque foil pie surgit Li question du prop re, dan5. ]tts cl).41136 re'tonoolic (441 btflE l'eSi reign), di: la linguiltiquc, du la illaorique, dt- itsycbonalysc, (le la politiquc, etc., forme onto-herm6neutique de I:interrogation -
C.C1Re liMile est singuliere. ;lc determine pas un CililiqUe. rill line retion (Intologique, mais la limite de 1 tre rrCe rrie. II y aurai.t beorticoup d hair'4. en .conclure c.ju'on va pouvoir purement ct .
implcuncilt C pa5scr dc.5 ricssokiscqs criEitlucg
la question ontologique, en general ou clans la leciure dc Nierzscht. .1.] set oIt mtlt aussi ingenu de wriclure qui., la c.lueition. de
prolarc nc tuluvatli [r1LIS dc
tILICStion crt t,4-cupf:r Clc•VrOia potivoir N i.
de l'etne, 3ircctement, cornme si on [ rerese propre, ]o prOprimEiOn, 1'6a:3-age, le dormer,. it prendre, la det Lc, le call, etc. tenant Alor5 des diwours ciinrortahlcinenr clans pit tel champ determine, on restein ri3it,. finite e'en CL Doter J problrne., 9 111.iql.14 thins 1.14.6uppoSitiOn. 4.5111L0 - 114r11)(111. pre_;-critique chins lc rctour h naturelk,. a 14.1 peroiption, l.t visibilit6 ., en un mot 1 la cunseicnce et Li tout sun systeine )
phclno3nt4 m5logicIttc. CA!
TiSqUe. 1112
4.61.42 INAS
crlyin mais it rcdevient actucl. Yintligoe dui 56 .6110 rourertioi. au point oit
oi proper-t-y (propre). On the contrary, it falls short oE undiecidable cxcharige ciE more into less. A.hcac.1....4 inse1:91H:4) in Llic 0%,- C•1.1kC, give-kcep, give-jeopardize, [13 Short in 11. 14.! .corip e eicm, this question i5 incaroble of answering for then). And i hr TECSTIC)31 (5f tia-uper-(3. (propre) [WS Only co lo•orn up in thc field of oronomy (in its rk:.5.tricrecl sense). psychoanalysis, politics, etc_, for the ontohermeneutie inierrop,atinn Lo revtni its. -
This limit is a singulrff one. And its singnlariLy lies in the fact Thar it determines not so much an ortrick 41 o r onmlogical region Lis tl3e vcry limit of bcing itself_ Evcn given this, hovr•v.cr, it •imid precipitak Lo conclude Thar, ci;hcr in .gerierAl.. or more specifically in a reading of .N.lietz.sche, the critical ne6ources of the pEltological quemLion 'night simply he dispenscd with. naive though wiiuld he to conclude thnt, since the quesiion of proper-ty (propre) is no longct a derivative of ;he question of buin6.iL is. thus :wadable to d rLci examination. ?rnper ty (propre)—:1g is one even knew what it is.- -propriation, exalangc, (r_ebit,. price (cat), cic. The tliy:ourse that ducs not c.millnd 0 ❑ t[liN prof-5km, Aertle corniort.ahly into its. ()vim privatc cicvnain, this discourse never depans from the onto-J5e.i . 31 . 4ileuLie .
presttpposition, IlL I i ruillainS in iLS KC-Critic:or rc lLii ien 110 file signified,. in flip trtni-n Rya
;he spokcn word, t41 naRnal. language, lc" perception, visibility., word, Lai consciousness, lint] iLs p13cnomenologicol system. SuCh a 64, 4,1 L-Olutse, doesn't date from yesfeIdiv, but it is 'once agAirk immediate. And TIOIN Lhat we hay,: rea.chcd this point, the preenCe Of
might tLiciLunkalieLilly intliCiike why E2
.nous en sommes, lo lecture de IfeicleRger (du Ileidener lectcur de Nietzsche, fa 1ect1]r ele J feicicgger, celk qu'il pratique aussi hien que celk que nous ri5quonc is i (lc son ne, of parair pas simplement defaut par rapport t cetfe de-limitmion de /a problidmatique oritologiquc." alms pyr.stille. toialitt .. dr. :Non CAC se mAintient en efiet — cicsr cc qu'on rcticnt s.n.n4.-ent onTurne sa i s — c.lanR l'espace herm6neutique de la qi..iestion de la v6rite (de l'i_Ltre). Et vile conelur, 1)1 61eildant pt4: neItcr an plus. infirm.: de 1.a volora6 sante de Nierische Noir p[us hour), que apparicuaii encore, pour l'accomplir, l'histoirc tic la. rtv.:taplrysique_ Sans &lac., A supposcr encore quc la valour Lrapparkupgre aLJt 431.(elfik1e 41fliC113e t i)e s'emporte pas elle.me-me. Tali x] certain4,.. aliisccnce tnivra. lecture sans hi. ("Haire, kitivre stir UM' 11.1.11 qui IiiiSSe pin s enclore. Non quIlle ait en retour un eget critique (IL d.esimcietur stir ee qui se sothnet ainsi 6. la violence niais aussi :91.N II&C 5itt (30;11:5i !Ell CI CM AU CO to cl6Lis.ce1ice. Niais elle ell transforme figure et pf:'inscrit a sUll tour l gesze bermeneutique. C'est pourquoi, en cl .;9,4111kOiLl. <4 la r12 1.3C totg1iuc dun traict Jr 1.)%3v;Inc;ii$ pa.s tine opprt.1/41aticin tiumuitative-, i'annon• ca.is plu.tOt unc autrc forme crocganisation qui s'al)rite sons cette considc::ration sta.tistique. Celle ikhiscence suoilientlrait di:Nitre lois que Heiciegger &owner, ouvre t question cle ..
reading of Heitlegger. (this read tither as Ele.idegger, Llie reader or Met:454:11e, or as the reading. ot I leitteggcr, the one lie is. practic...ing 1 i iC11,2;4:11C :LS. 1,V4 [1ati the rim we venture here to pi ay.:lice on his own text) does no appear to he s/mply ticiicicnt with rcNiKet ti) thr. deon/01004-91 probkmatir,' 5 of Thus. as is often taken to he its the is, Heitiegger's rending subsists, throughout th.r nelir Eolality if its trajectory, in the herrnenet ti space {if the citicsticin cif flit 111.111) (of In presuming. to pLeneu to the most intimme rekw.hcs of Nietzsche's thiliAing, will (see above), 1.kidegger concLades that this. lit'1111115C it 31.1111,9 d 14) CU IminAtC it, Sii]i properly beiremgrd rhe hismry of metaphysics_ This might ).e.t he the case - if tine perists 111 the assumption din so]1, ii12Lc meaning can mitt tic atm Er-41 to. ilic value of belot.Tin.g, that this value i nut ..;k1ready its own 2Lx.lucilort. I]eiLlegger's reading yields to a vitilcrir yet :tlmosa. nc..ccssity and, Athougli riot actually undone, is noneillelcs5. opc.rx•cl up by a certain dehiscence. It is thus forced to open on to still another rt,nling which for its part refuses to bc.:- coilutined 1.11cf.e. Not dint this reading, shou.la in it..turn exact its roll there of a critical or destructive effect_ Rather .hat happens is chat it converts Chg.` righ.tfe 21.1id It its turn reinscribes liii .112. riurnvulii; gc.sturc, '1 ' h is 10101.11d t'Xplain why my designation of the near totality of .3 alief:(01'y ;1> did • 1]rOp[)50 (112=LnEi(Olive cstirnatiori but suggvsted instcntl ciiFferent form of organiz.ation orykreTs. its if in slech • sratistical consideration_ Each time that refers the question If being ta ti3C c].1c5tion of the prOper-ly -
ri2tre a la question du E)ropre, du proE.I.rier, tic la latoptiAli1.311 (elgen, civileff
[=reigui; F.Lirtoot), Cc rl'usr talc ruptiiirc on un totirnant clans la pen de lleideg..rer. l'opposition e.te 1 EigentLichkeil et de illneigenriicbkeit organisoth I 1 " :031.21y1i 1
(31.1C eXiSkI (1 I Ll (IC
and 72ra . Uric
certaine valorisation du propre ct Vatorisation elle-meme — s'interrampt janiars. C l e5I )13 11.11)C• [ ISLA nCnCe 4.10131 i1 fiul Lullit CO]19pLu ];.1 sits dtiit c•ssr; interrog6e. un mouvernent oblique ckr2nge 1. AL3 1'-i.erument ect ordett et inscrit La %.6ritt3 -thins
pytTriaLi4).13. 1 106:S )
V . flT 'tiat _On. r L R E qui, pour ZIre :iirannt.6 par ki1 propre, par 10 pr(''frence. i13c16.rocinable pour le propre, n'cn conduit pm nmins a la .5(111[11.11 1: .trucLitic .dbys.5.:1[c du plOpre. Cel aby5S;11.4: est unc 5krWttirr 11011 - ECIrldArrientale. ;I. to feli!..; superficielle et sans fond, toujouts encore plate F danis Eaq.1.20e ye piopre slerivoir. pmr lc foncl, sombre d:.1.116 [ ' CM!. di: 5L]1 .1. p !'O re (RS i r Sans jarrinis punnintruT, s ' cri lEwc. 514.• rn prir I — de liii-meme. PLISF•C dins l'autre. Sans 401.1 Lc it-1-0L1 It: [2113 S SOuveilL I:impression — et la FrosSe des 1-Nonc......s,. ele leers connotations le confirment — dune rlota^• 11 rpiltaphysicpue de la 1.3.ropri4t6, de metaphysique cn SOMMC. CILIC r
chtit CI ilull-itl.LO.
limit;:, qui est la limite memc. de rette opposition, cis as fornit cL ]'opposition. Si la forme :struct1LIr. opp1:91Ei4)11.111.1c, l'opposition, TrOrrip:hy_ est miaphysique, le rapport rle physiglle TCnCorktIT
5K1f1 loler Ea
(propre),, of prof rime, of proprialionttrW.A., ereigntin , Fria erar cspccirdly) this tiehisoence bursts (_)rtli anew. Its irruption hers' though does not mark 2 rupEtIre turning point in the order of 11.ei41egger's thought, For already in Sein um? Zell We opposition of E.i.ernificiAeff awir Uneigewl, lichkeie wos organizing the existential analytic_ OEIC..• there has b.ten a certain valuation or LEIL prOper-ly (proprer) an 1?igeofttic.hkeit, IC ;;1.3t be interrupted. This permanency, which is that of valuation itself, must Ex oceounteil fur 2114.l ]LS ilcuessily Min! !Mil tingly inicrrog :11Cd. .
(lulu of 1 h depart's thnitglit however, regularly disoriented by on oblique movement which inscribes truth in the process 4113.totniaiion, Aliliottglt this proLess. is ...Tt if mogn(•i7C<1 by a 0r an ineradicable preference for Ole pramr-ty (propre), all the inure surety leads to this proper-ty's (p•opre) 31 S non-fundamental one, at once superficial and botrornle..55,, mill and alway. 6: flat, r:). thd,_prgper.-ty.Q, (pr(Jpre) is skink, F.vv.i. as it is CritrIrt! .i'vs,kroy of itself by its desitt, it founders there in Ow. this its. own de-sirc, unencounterable-4 itself_ It passes into Ow h other. its to the opposition 1.34:1AVCC31 nIcrophyir and rion-rtieta physic encounicrs irs limit here, the very limit of that opposition and of opposition's form. This 'might give the impression thcn of a metapliyNic of proi3eriy, irulec(1. mernpiTyi.c. Thu many instances of skid) an impression are in fact attested to by the abundance kind connu ; starcmcnts to efieCt. TiLlt---if the fnrm of opprisition and the oppositional structure are rheinSe.lVeS ffletophysieRE, !ken Ole. The
T 7
. -
sique a son autrt posi ion,
petit plus are 4.1 up.
A limes de la rbrili C..haque foil qtse les questions ni6taphysiques v.( la qui:sliOn de 11411 E1563:1[311ySi<11.1C !-.(5E1t ilISCTileS [1;3115 ill question plus puissonte pro priation, tout cet espace se reorga• dt
Cela survient assez rt:Tulierement, sinon de Litsi west (non slaci2tacii[aire, et d'ahord, pas fortuit, dans. le dernicr chapitre Ngozsebe (Die Erinnerung in die Afetaphysik}. On y passe d'une proposition du type .(1Drys Scir.t s•lbst sich anbingficb ereigne'l )>, que, smite de. Klossowski,u je Tr-nonce traduire, A une proposition clans etre lui•mErne eSt r6.11.3iL (Ads Erei,gnis er — eignet). EIL1FI- luS detlx; ... rind 10 'loch einmfdi in der tuig4..nen Anifingnis die reine Uribedarftigkeit sich ereignen tdxgt, die selbst Abglaflz. rfit des Ahhinglithen, das airs iir-ei g Arting arty Wilbrhvit fn. .04.1 K.. Et cn.fin la question de hi production tlu faire et de la machination, de l'eve nonent (Cebt kin des sens de Ereegnes) avant .6-te arrachee. a l'ontologie, 1}ropris:;rt1 ou la propliation du propru CSC 111'6Cis6TIcrNI. 11Coni• romme ce qu] n'est propre 5 rien, done a personne, De d6cide plus de l'approde ['Etre, renvoie Clans priation de L le Roos-fond l'abyrne la ve'rit6 commr e near]-v6riti..:'!„ le d' voilement eornme voilement, I' e~lairement coninie dissimulation, l'histoire de retre comMe histoire dins laquelle rich, inais seulentent le nc.v.ent Eluctin e taint nI ; propriet6 prod-s sans fond de l'Frrignis, de l'abyrne (des Rigenrum des Ab-gruncies1 qui est ne cessairentent l'abyme de la propric, la violence auissi (Fu[, 4:wt.:nem-In qui :icivient sans .hre. L'abyme de 1:1 verite' .
relation of metaphysics to its other can no lourr he OM! Of Abyfsel a? truth
Mcraphysieal questions and the question of metaphysics have only to be inscribed in the rnorc pov..crful question of prow in.tiolt for their space to be reorganized. This omits quite regularly., if not in fact spectacularly. Its first incidence in the final chapter of Nicizsche (Die Erinnerung in die Metaphysik) i4 not a fortuitous 0114.,!. Here a proposition of the type 0 Das Sein sctbst sick ereignet (which, as Klossuwski has ohservuki,36 4,10ics it2ndation.) givcs way to ;1 prOpOSitiOn
in which ( Being XI. itself is reduced Mas er-eignetgives way, but only aftcr (he intervention between them of .4( rille.1 so nod) cinmal in der- eigenun fjrr ithgnis die reine rinbediirftigkeit ereignoi id$1, die maw ci. Abgldnz itt de iingikben, dal (41 L: "-eignring. der W abrbeit skb creignet. }I [1]CO, UnC_C 1110 cI iOn Of prOCIOCtiOn, doing. machination: the question of the event (which is one meaning of Err:g..12 %1 has bt Tn uprooted r4) in ornology, the propert.y or propriation is named as exactly that which is proper I I to nothing and no (int. Truth, koweiling, illumination are no longer decided in the appruptiation of the mak of beiug, but are CASi into its bottomless abyss as non-truth, veiling and dissimulation. The history of Being becomes a hiSalry ill which no being, nothing, happens except Ervigni5' 1.2111:.11110inal31U 13tC)1:CSN. The proper-ty of the (elor Figeneurn de .5" Ab-gr.r.meies) is necessarily the abyss of properly,. the violence of an event which befalls without .
Perhaps truth's abyss as non-truth, IIg
3 9
'iaa!qns Dip Jo Joyni.i.vo
f(5 aZAILIOgRD E.Te 14) .*1]1.-.I
04,11 sr lsn(
aF In.R.p4. -r]cl. oTiFj u . n1) sucl ourruiun . c.r - uti!][..c. 4.).(1410
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un simple renverstment et fain: de ll'cre as particulier ou une espece du genre err prier, dimmer/Fent/IC la viella tin cas de l't.:'v6iicrnent en On&al nomm6: •icl•gger pr6vient eontrC lai 1 -5 1- 11 Iittt Fretvfir. et 1C non riveriu (11 ' Ian tel TC1IVCrW117unt C011CeptiICI de l'esp'ece et du genre." Tc[[c ZiCtAit la piste ., pout-art, stir ]aquell.c relancer la lecture de Nietzsche par IIeidegger, la voler hors du ccrcle herm6.neuun champ tique, avec tout CC immense. Dont la rnesure ne se donne sons doutc qu'au pas de colombe. Id pourrait commencer un autre diSCOUrs sur colomb:ire de Nietzsche_
ouhliii moo ParaPhilex ' a i ci bli man parapluie ». Parini les fragments ineklits de Nietzsche, on trouv' ces mots, tout seals, entre •
Petit-Eire one citation. Pcut-kr• a-t-elle t prc:I'lev& quelque part. (.1C cntendue ici ou Pcui-We Pcut-tre ttait-ce lc propos &Pune phrase (..:erire 1c1. ou Ia, Nous n'avons aucun morn infailliblc dc savedr oU k pra'&vemeni 9 en Iicu, sur quoi la greffe attrait pu prendre, Nous Ile serous jamai s assureJ savoir cC clue Nietzsche a voulu Lire cu dire en natant ces mots_ Ni s'il a von t/ quoi clue cc fCit. A supposer encore qu'on trait aticun doute sur sa signature autographs et qu'on sitche quoi rnettre sous le concept crautographie et la forme d'un seing. A cet ard, La note des Miteurs qui ont
should, by a simple reversal, transform Being into a particular case or species of the genus pro pri er , give/take, life/denth. I leidegger himself cautions against mak Mg lleing lucre incident in the ei....cnt called d.,:rrip.:)./IN and warns or the futile nullity of conccptual reversal of this sort bet wc(..-11 species rind genus On such a track one might flush out once again Ilcidegger's reading of .4, Nietzsche 5and abscond with it outside the speculum and the hermeneutic circle and everything it points out 1 eogg e qu'il firf.z.:h.e) towards an enormous field of dimensions iir_mensurahle—except perhaps by the steps )
of a dove_
Another discourse on Nictischc's ber, in her e_ columbariurri Might
hape Argo! en my umbra/a" ' 1 have forwitt•n my umbrella. & These i.vords were found, isolated in quotation marks, among Nictzschc's unpublished manuscripts." Maybe a citation. It might have hem a sample picked up somewhere, or overheard hcaz. Or there. Perhaps it was the note for some phrase to he written here or there. There is no infallible way of knowing the occasion of this sample or what ii. could have been inter grafted onto_ We never will know for vire what Nietzsche wanted to say or do when he noted these words, nor even that he actually wanfrd anything,. And even this is still assuming, of course, that there is no doulm that it is Nietzsche's autograph signature here, assuming also ihat one ev u n knows what is included under the concept of au tog ea phy and the form of a seing, 19 GivcC1 this Jack of Assurance, the nate 12 3
classe ces inedits est un munament de soulnamhulisme herrn1=i-nentique clout c. - haque mot recouvre 4.1 vcc In tranquillitei; la plus insouciante une fourtnilli.Lre de questions critiques, II fandrait la paSscr :01 Ctilile plur fake tiOits MIN Ics probRilles lc occupent ici_ EitUrcirs-DoUS kin jour rine' est le contexts: signi ant de cc parapluic, Les Mireurs le savent pew-Etre, quoiqu'ils n'en disent rien; ils &RI:trent n'avoir retenu, dais lour travail cle selection et dc rnise au point des manuscrits, que cenx qui communiquent jugent kre un travailelabore» avec ce de Nietzsche?' Pent-Etre un joiir, avec du tra...rail et de la contexte chance, pourra-t-on re.constituer ce i'ai oubli6. man interne ou externs factuelle paraphlic*. Or tote soil Marcia chins hi n'empchcra jamais mructure de ce fragment (milk le concept di- fraginnynt n'y suffit plus, it en appeile sa fracture au cornpV2inen1 lotalisant 1, [Rip puisse t /a lois rester cutler et it tout jamais sans aLLCI'C contexte, cuupc non 4,C1.51C dc prOd1.1cli011 IM1IS dc ment tic s.ori mule intention Ou VoulOir dirc de Nietzsche, cc: vouluir-dire et setts: signature appropriante nous ciemeurant au principe inacces:
Non qut cet inaccessible snit lit profonri_eur dui secret, il petit!ere inconsistant., gnifia.nt. Nietzsche n'a peut4-3..tre rien voulu
7 2 4.
which the editors have appended to their classification of these unpublished pieces is a monument to hermeneutic somnambulism, In blithest complacency their every word obscures so well a veritable beehive of critical questions that only the it scrutiny could p,iissihly recover there those (pest ions whicli preoccupy us bc.:re_ One day thoujh, we 4611 perhaps know the signifiant context of this umbrella. Perhaps the editors themselves already know. But if they do, they are not saying. According to their testimony they urolAd have withheld nothing in their selection and appointment of the manuscripts but those cif Nietzsche's fragments which correspond to what they judge to he an t% over-i,vrought wor k of his.' Nevertheless, by dint of dilip,ence and good fortune, the internal and external context of the ix 1 have forgotten my umbrella » could twn one clay be reconstructed. Such a factuiti possibility, however., does not alter the fact of 11)411 other possibility which is marked in the fragment's very structurc. (The cc..meept of fragment, however, since its fracturedness is itself an appeal to some totalizing. complement, is no longer sufficient here,) For it is always possible that the <4 I have forgotten my umbrella », detached as it is, not only from the milieu that produced it, but also from any intention or meaning on Nietzsche's part, should remain so, whole and intact, once Eind for all, without any other context, The meaning and the signature that appropriates it remain in principle inaccessible. That inaccessibility tlwaig,11 is not necessarily one of some hidden secret. It might just as easily be an inconsistency, or of no What if Nietzsche` himself significance at meant to say nothing, or a least not much 1 25
dire ou hicn it aj peut-L:itrc vourai dine pcu de hose,. n'imporie (poi , oil encore fait seniblarn votiloir Arc Celle phrase n'eNE pas di: Nicix:sclw, (11:6(pc si salt l'y rcconrfflit re sa main. Qu'est•ce qu`c::crirc de so te.)1.1t Ce qu'on AssAiDlc-t-0). de s3 main? PiSSUNIC i 4.3E3 propra 5:signature? La. structurc memc dc hi signature laa ignatu.reltoinbe) di.scr.mliFie. la formc. do ces questions.'' Puis Puis cette phrase est cnzrc rnErne hesoin de guillernets poi.it Yon Eupposer n'est pas cie part en part coinnie ci Alit, So simple do lui soffit i l'exproprier. Nier7schrt a encore pi disposer d'un code pcair lui ou (113C[CILIC plus Cu moins secrel complice inconn4i 5 donne'. scans cet 4'rhanc6. 1)u. twins. pottvons {)Lis ne le s:111JYLIEIS nc„.. alr7YiIi5 lc uL CLC rerl.C dc cct inipouvoir i I rant icnir Ce con iptc c.st marciu6 cans Li 3.esioni..4... tie cc ilon-fnagrneni comme. tracc, it It Mlus[rail u 4issur6: ck route quc5 tion he -
on horizon.
of anything., or anything whatcvcr? Then again, v..hat if Nictzschc was. only pretending try say soinciking? in fact, it is event ii-ossilak that it is 13{3i NjeLZSCI1C S NCELLC11CC, and this noiwitL4to,n4.1ing Any tonficicut certainty' drat it is inciccd rwriiii2n in his hand. What, after all is handwritin.g? Ts 1
one obliged, trwely becnise something written iii oncls. hand, ro 0.5SUM.e , Ut thus .
to sign it? Does. one assume even one's own signature? 'fbe formuLation of such
questions, ho...vever, is disqualified by the signature's structure (la Bye Furthermore, if one is going to suppose that this sentencc is not <4 his through and thruugh, it is hardly necessary to recall the fact that this. semence appears CI qt.icitation EnAl k5 irl Nieuzsche's tc:gt. Its nierc readability would he enough 1{} expropriate Could Nicre.sche havc disposed .nr somt2 more or I. secret code, which, for hint f;El' ti1J 3C accoinplice of his, would have fliotif... sense of this stritement? we wilE knuw. At least it is 134.)ssibic that ...ye will never know and that powerlessness (nipotr;voir) trost sorne:110 0, .
Lire, se ra.pportct Lint kriture, c.lest dom. ptrforer cet borizori ou cc voil.e 1-icrin6.ncutique, eeonduire. tous les Schleiermache.r., taiseurs de voile, s,elon le coca dc'. 1 0JUS Nietzsche v43201 1.6 1301. I leidegger. E1 iJ s'agit hicn ac Tire cet ii edit, cc POflr queer i[ se donne cn se cl&olmint, ciamme femme en, rne 6criture. Car ceue phrase est -
b taken inio account.. 1vlu h .as as trace which has been marked in what remaiws of this nonEragment, such RD occouilk.
\!. ithdraW it frOtni any assured horizon of 7
a hermeneutic question.
.Reading, ...which is to relate to writing, is to perforate such an hnri7.nn cr the hermeneutic sAil, Thus,. according 10 N'ietzsche'..s story and ;is it is cited by Heick.gger., [hc Schleicrmachers and the vtilmrikers are rotated, .And. :I5 far as, the ktnpill)lisEn d piecc iz is inf.11...ci.1 s611. a matter of readhig it, its wlic,r..' for, or why, like a woman or Jilt v writing, passcs iNeff tiff for whEit it passes itself .off for. -
transimrence .s..k4r.ule sans 1711, ssns son conf o rm parAji dune intclligibi1ire;. phis give pla re. Chacun comprend C(' >5, OHMIC" 111(113 vc.Itt. dire avoir, encore qu'inilise.: comme _raj mon parapluic nuxiliiii•c et que. soil marquc,'.' clams Fadjectif pcissessif), tin j'ai Elarapluie, qui c:st lien A moi 1aintenatit . 1 peux clécrire la those. / je nc I'M plus, au present ., rai donc (la Pout'.Fier guelque part, etc. Te me tappelle mon parapluie, je rue tappcile A mon parapluie.. C'est une chose qu'on peut avoir ou n'avoir p1Its au moment c11 on en a le plus Lesoin Ou avoir encore quand on n'en plus hcsoin. Question de temps. .et to strate de l is it i l i t pent i:',...entuelle.ment dourer lien a dcs traductions sins perte dins mutes ]es langues qui disposent chin certain matt- riau_ Ce nam6riau, it est veal, limite pas at signe cc pirapluie » (ei A quel Iii inique A (Jues autres) dans la 1; u h Jr l a 4( ChCISC driillS l it Cu] ii rep Innis. un .6-norine functionnement. Ceue strate do Iisihilitc peut aussi dorinzr lieu d'autres o161.ations interpr6tativcs plus tlabore'es. On pent par example en proposer L1 1 S decryptage psychanalytique en la rattachant, apr'es le detour d'unc certaine l'icliome nictzscheen. On gait pe'rieralit, ou Fon croit savoir quelle est Ja figure symbolique du parapluit: par cxemple re. rieron hermaphrodite cl'un phallus pudiquernent replie clans scs voiles, organe a la lois agressii et apotropiique, Merrarant etiOU menace.', objet insolite qu'on ne trouvc pas roujours par siiripin fel3C011Tre ilVeC 111111
1 28
'IAD, CC:CM., TI,C4)
, 45PIW,'M.\-\\.
\-VA% \V%
VOLII:Ii ii:;11-aVri. . ENtrkjorit
mean's_ li. tale NINA) to 'have voir).—cvon if it is used here. at an auxiliary arid althout2,h int my halving LOCI loirobre lthl. ig filtt Incr minkc4.1 by the possessive ..itdiective) an umbrella. it is mine. But I forgot it, I can describe it, But now 1 don't have it anymore. AL hand, I must have fon,rotten it somewhere, etc.. 1 remember my urr_brella.. I remind rriy:.;elf of my umbrella. An umbrella is that sort of thing that, just \viler) it is really needed, one might either have or not have any more (n'avoir plus), Or else one still has it when it is no longer needul- Simply rx questkm of the weather at the time (of temps, time and/or weather). Such stratum of readability could eventually be translated with no loss into any language w hich disposes of a certain material. It is true that this material is nol just the sign .0 umbrella* in ;;1, .given languai.te, nor 'UMW(
is LC Cyril tilt. < ObieCt ?,5 presence iIl (hal
culture_ But because this maiet.iiil consists in fact in an enormous operation, this stratum of readability admits not only of translation but als o of much more e]aboratcd operations. A psychoanalytic 4, decoding, for example., could be proposed which -.would ultimately, after a detour via certain generalities, of course., relate it to Nieresche's idiom. The umbrella's symbolic figure is well.known, or supposedly so. Take, for example, the hermaphroditic spur (61fieron) Of a phallus which k modestly enfolded in iis veils, an organ which is Iii orrce iiiggressive and apotropaie, threatening and/or threatened. One doesn't just happen onto an unv.ronted object of this sort in a 1
machine A recandre stir le table de ca:strlLion.. 'est non seulement un °bid symbohque 15Nor Frettil mak: pres(1114! 0(3Eleept, hi 11)4111[3k)rC (1 011 4.1513k'el1Z '
tout pies du farneux Xcizst bu.r.t (In sysiZ:mc Pcrrcplion-CAinscience. De p[uF., cc qui est rappek, cc n'est pas sfillrinent [c ]Iarapluie,. rnais l'oubli de la chose, it la qui s'y connait en ouhli ct en 6yrnbolcs phalliq u es, pew esprer ?assurer In maittise herrn6neutique doce reste 01..t 1110in5 soupconncr, car les psychanalystes ne sont pas. qu'on a parfois int&ez a le ctoite, tlu'A CoralpTecer prodCITIment Ic contextt. en articularit et en r6trcissnr lcs on pourra un jour saturcr l'attenle: interquoi lc ou la psychatmlyste se inettrait au principc, quoique rnoins naivemein , clans la. inLike Nitundon que le lecteur pri:11i.sawir:r ou clue l'herluincuic onlcdogiste trst 1111 pensetit ions clue
.6kn).-11.N2.1.11:1 rivacran.el.machirle Z recnbarel km a castration table. The umbrella, thoup,1), is not just rt sylnbolic. objvct for Freud. The mo3pkor of meu.11)Nycholo r ical (.0111.cpt, the famous R.L'izsebtef.t of the ix..nceplion-conscionsmss system, it is in Eaci itscli almost a concept. Furthermore it is not only Ike umbrcE[0, that is .rccalled but also its J19ving buen or gotten. And psychoanalysis, fElniliar as it is with forgetting A.04..[ 136.1lic objects, might yet aspire to a biermencutic mastery of these remains. A.nd if not, the psychoanalysts, who :are otherwise not so naive as one :flight have thinking them, can still continue to suspect that ., if tlyise gcnera[ities i,vere to he articulmed and narrowed and the contem.t itst]f thus prudently completed ., they would one day hc able to satisfy their interpretalive exportations. In this respect 1115' analyst, somewhat less naive, H or she rejoins in principle die iinptiLivt,.: reader 01.11crt7]cneut ontolo8i51 Eli Ihc.ir. common belief that this unpuNished picce is an aphorism of sonic signifiance. Assured that it must mean someihing, they look for it to come from the most intimate reaches of this author's thought_ But in order to be so assured, one must. forgotten that it is k) text that is in question, the remains of a text indeed a forrttcn text, An umbrella perhaps. That one no Jotlget has in hand. The remainder (restanc) that is this a I have forgotten my 'umbrella 73 is not caught up in cry' circulnt trajectory. It knows of no proper itinerary which would Fend frorn its beginning to its end nEid back a g ain, not it w. its rnovc.inent of any emit[. iT is libcriired f mitt :iny Living Mcf.thiJ] [4, it is 1.1 ..vrlys. p(Ksibk. thaL it means nothing ait :11I or that it ilas .
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Auuint dire quill n y aurair plus de .c du texte de Nietzsche ...5., tilt-elle fragment:Lire et aphorisi iue, J)e quoi s'exposer aux eclairs au a ia loathe (I ' L.111 imment;c 6c1:)i tic, rip r. Sam parotorirwrre cat 1c it. irir. T.Tomrrstii.wilichen, den?' r.eir wobnen den 151i(zot imnier mither iVota aiiIr .r ilicompribensiRey [titre du fragment 371 Gezi Semioi.ej car. nazis habitons toujou.rs plus iii s Je 1a fiaud.r.el L117011 remonte, peine plus haut, .vers k fragment 365 qui se 6-gVie posibunien Menschen1 —
Which is tantamount to saying ihoit there is 110 R totality NieriSche's text not even a fraRmentary ur aphoristic. one, There is ei...idence here. LO Cx.p0SC LOC, lonfless rind unprotected by a [Oa RS be is, 10 the ihtinGler .111(1 lightning 4..if in enormous (14'1.4.4 laughter. 1171, Ofiversiiindilichen . dem! wir wohnen ,
Ofgcs (title .
encore_ Supposez que ror.alir& en quelque sorts, de cc qua jr.,. Si rw.Lii di re, viens de lire., soft ui)e. greffe erratique, pc:Lir-kite parodique, clu type, eventitellement cal] b] men parapluie)..... S'il ne rest pas crl totoiliti., did EflUEE1 teXie-Ci t Clrie v,.i.us commence:4: otihiir.r, ILO urii ccJetain,Li d s inouvements les plus t.14::rapants, Ic surte .5 C13 propane sans. triesure, Pourtant mean cTiseow's emit aussi clair que jai mon parspluiu ».. II await n'est-ce pas, quelques vertus ou lourdeurs. illetoriques, ptMagogkj1.1CS, pers.uoisives, Supposcz pourtant S0.iE Crypt& cfue j'pie choisi tels textes Ole:\:'iet2.sche exumple patsy:kik.: ccls concepts j'ai tnois (par cm:Triple e'peron pour des raisons dont jc sois scul connoitre rhistoire et Ie code, Voire selon ales raisons, histniro et tin code qui pour moi-mkinc n'ont stieune transparence_ A ln limite, pour1.
We to fra&t ncnt -
isd nnfr. k.
1 =r1- ..sR5 ihr.s•4 z3
N.1 OA. tr.]
)0; cx
den NiLzen i mrr :i.1ber?
N at yet, -Jut one. stqi pas encore). Sioppoist. furCher i h t to souse way 110“%lity which I (c to spen10 11:taT.:T presented is also an criaLiC, eNiCL1 parodyinR, ,raft. VVIrdit 0)is toLaiity should cventionny f LI1C MUM: Sari :18 rin 1 luivc fort4ot Len. my trrilbrullaY)? Even if it is alt i s for its thcre might yet be certain movements where the text, librhiCh Aleady yoki beginning to rorgel, could very virc.11 Ai, quite away. Should this kicked he the case, there would be no measure to its tincle.eipher2bility. My discourse, th ough, 112s been ever y bit As dear as that I have forgotten my umbrella -0.. You might even .a.A.ree that it contained a certain ballast of rhetorical, pedagogical find pe l'SU a sive guslities. But suppose ainr.vay thcLL it is er!..rptic.. if 1 hose texts of Nietzsche { such as 6; 1 have forgotten my umbrella and those concepts and wards (like ..;4 spirt. )0) ....vevc.. selecied for R.....ason:..; whose history and code I sloric know? What if even i -
Eta see die tranNpnrc..nl. r(MSOJ1 Of !.4111:11 hisiory code? At most you could reply 1
rieZ-vOLIS dire aussi, it n'y a pas de code pour un soul Mais it pourrait y unc cle: de cc 'Lexie entre roni et m': i, conttat par lequei moi fail phis .t.itfun. MikiN comme noun mourrons, vous n'en doutez pas, il v a l?1 unc rp6ce.ssitiL: structurelleinent postluu• de mon rapport – et du vat re – i 1 6w.'nernent de cc texte qui ne ?arrive jamats. Lc texte putt toujours rester a l i foil ouvert, offert of ina, chifirrible sans rne'rtle qui'on lc sache inde'chiffrable. Suppose? alors clue je tie soil pus soul pre tendre connetre le code idioi»azique (notion a elk settle der.fa contraclictoire) de cet evenernent: qu'il y ici Oil l pillage pr(:.suine... du secret de cc non-secret. Cela nc changcrait rien...A la scene, Les complices mourront, vous n'en doutez pas, et ce tegte peat rester, s'il cst cryptique et parodique (or je vous &is qu'il rest, {lc bout en bow, et je pettx VOUs le dire /ince clue cola ne vous avance rien, cat je pert?: rnentir pUiSqU 031 Ile petit dissimuier qu'cn disant qu'on skit la ......6.ritC;), di ant la v6ritc'., incieiniment ouvert, cryptique et parodique, c'est -dire ferrn6, ouvert et fermc Zt la frail ou tour t tour. PloycVdc'pleye% un parapluie en .cornme dont vous reautiez pas l'emploi, clue vous pourriez oublier au.ssiteit, comme si vous n'en aviez jamais emendu 6tait place an-clessus de parler, (-own votre tote, comma si vous ric rn'aviez mane pas entenclu, puisque je n'ai rieti dir que vous nycz pu entendre, De ee parapluie, on ,
that one person does not make a code. To which I could just as ensily retort [Hal the key to this text is 'between me and myself, according to a contract where I tri k more. than just one, Hut because ni• and myself, as you are no doubt well kiware, vir c arc going to die, n ly relation—and yours too—tO the event of this text, which otherwise never quite makes it, our relation is that of a stnicturally posthumous necessity_ And it is hardly necessary to know that this text is undecipherable for it to remain, at once :and for all, open, tendered (ma undecipherable_ Suppose, in that case, that I am not alori, in my claim to know the idiomatic code (whose notion itself is already contradictory) of this event. \Mint if somewhere, here or there, there are shares in this non-secret's secret? Even so the scene would not be chaned. The accomplices, as you arc once again well aware, are ...Lis° bound to die. And still the tem will remain, if it is really cryptic and parodying (and I tell you that it is so through and throurh, 1 might as well tell you since it won't be of any help to you, Even my admission can very well be a lie because there is dissimulation only if one tells the truth, onfy if one tells that one is telling. the tru4la1 still the text -.ATM remain indefinitely open, cryptic and parodying, fn other words. (lie text remains closed, at once open and closed, or each in turn, folded/unfolded (pioye it is just an umbrella that you de coukIn't use (dont vous n'auriez pas 1' emploi). You might just as soon forget it, as if, over your bend like that, you never heard tell of it.. As if you didn't evon heed me, since I have said nothing ],..ou could heed anyway. It k easy for you to think that you can rid yourself of this umbrella, -
croft toujours pouvoir se d&harger, pour n'a pas plu. autant La mort dorti je park nest pas la trag6die ou l'attribution rapporkle a un sujet: dont il ffikudrait faire cas, titer la cons&pience quant .1:3 Scene qui nous oecupc. 11 Ile s'agit pas dc proc6c1cr ainsi; 0: je suis mortel, dour., tort — et le etc., „*., Au contrairc, partir posthume ne s'annoncerit la possibilit¢ dune toile scene_ Ti cn va clone de ni'rne, quant a la trag&lie et quant b, la parodic, pour la naissance. Vest peut-ecrc cc que Nietzsche nommait le style, le simula.crc, la femme_ Mais it devient assez manifeste, (fun gai savoir, que pour cette raison mkt to it n'y jarnais eu le style, le simulnere, la femme. Ni la diUrcnce. sexuelle„ Pour que le sirnulacre advienne, i l raut ekrire dans 1'6:art entre plusieurs styles. Sail y a (.11.1 style, voih ce (IOC 1 101LES cinit y c r1 avoir 1;1 1C111111.C: phis d'un. Deux 6.perons aru moins, [elle est rc:'''.ch6ance, Entre mix l'abvnic lancer, risquer, perdre peel t.-t re l'aucrc.
either because it hasn't rained or eke just because you don't like it (pour ottani g•ftil
pas plti). Thnt dcat13 that I am talking :about is not that of tragedy nor that aliributed co n subject. One would have to make a case for a subject and draw its conscquences for that scene where we are occupied, But the procedure: is not such that 44 I ant mortal, therefore, etc.., *. On the contrary, only when such a scene is possible can death and the posthumous be anticipated.. 'PIUS, as far as tragedy and parody go, the same holds for birth. Maybe this is what Nietzsche WFIS calling style, simulacrum, woman. A joful wisdnm shows it well: there never has been the style, the simulacrum, the 1,vornan, There never has been the sexual difference_ If the simulacrum is ever going to Occur, its \wiling mum he in the interval between se ..reral styles. And the insinnation of the woman (of) Nierzschc is hat, if there is going lob qyk, tiler can only be more ,
than One_
The deb.( fkillk due_ Ai least two spurs (e'pertmy). 'Thu aneli4.)r is lowered, risked, lost maybe in the abyss between them.
Ps_ Roger Laporte me rappelle unc rencon-
tre orageuse — it y a plus. de cinq ans cl je ne peux en rapportcr ici la circ.onstance —
au errors de laquelle nous anions eu tous deux a nous opposer, pour crautres raisons, rel hermt'jneute qui, au passage, pretendit tourner en tit'.rision la publication de toils ils iinissent par its in6dits de. Nietzsche; publier sus notes de h.hrichisseuse et (les c_16...hots du ge[lFe Tai 01.111,1i6 [DOH 1lar;11)1 1.11e l
P.S. Roger Laporte has reminded me of a stormy encounter which took place five years ago. During this encounter (although I ant unable to re.count the occasion for it here) we found ourselves, for other reasons, in disagreement with a certain bermcn.cut who in passing had presumed to ridicule dm publication of Nietzsche's unpublished manuscripts. (.4 They will rnd he said, dA publishing his laundry notes and scraps like 'I have forgotten my umbrella' x 39
Nous cn avions reparki, des t&tioins le suis done assur6 de la confirm Lent, Je 1'outhemieit6 cle cos melt, c fails A. dont 'lc n'avais d'ailletits aucune raison de dower., C n'un garde pourtaut pas encorc_ Le inoindre souvciiir, -
(1•4-.19.73 PS. IL Nc feignuns pas du savoir (e elite S'agit-il pour aulant de que questionner le sons cle Poubli? ou cle recon• duire la quescion cle l'ouhli a la question Pe.tre? Et l'ouEili crun E..tant (par exe.mple le parapluic) serail-il incommensurable serair tout au pins roubli cle 1:C-tre? dcint unc mauvaise itn.g•? je nc me rappelais pas davantage cc texts de lieklegger„ extruit de 7, lir Seinstragr clue j'ai pourtant lu et cite ; 1)ans la phase d'accornplisscirnent dll nihilisnic IE seinklc clue quelquc chose comine cti alit pas, qu'il 1 '41 tre de' Htant, Wen so it rien I. sem; (IA flibd OlegatiVe00 ). tCSIte abliefit (run{ fagot] singulii?.re. rhl]S kin relrait voil6 (VerborgenII be eest clans un htle) qui se voile tel voilemeni clue consiste ressence de e prouveic comme les Grecs reprouvent_ Ce West finale/nem (c'est-ii-dirc scion ce °West flnalement son essence) Oen de mais en tam que retrait (-`est sans doute tine retraite yrmei:trice, qui sauvcgardc Pencove Inde'icele, Pour la repr6sentation couranrc prcn(l iiisernent l'apparence manque, de de hi simple lacune, rincertitude. Liinbitude est de considerer oublieux, cies; exclusivement 'o i n c ure', C:4
We discussed the incident again; those who were present confirm This. Thus I am of the story's veracity, as well as as the authenticity of die facts Aid' otherwise I have no reason to, doubt, Nevertheless I halve: no recollection of Ow inCidrnt. CI'daY •( 1 -4-J 97
P.S. U. Let us not pretend to know what it is, this forgettinp,_ And if such is the case, is it for us to question the meaning of forgetting? or to bring the question of forgetting back to the question of being? Would the forgetting of a being (an umbrella, for example) be incommensurable with the forgetting of Being? for which it would all the more be a 1:121 1 imaxe? Indeej. Although E have read and quoted it, I no longer recalled this text of lIcidegger from ?Air Scinsirage! 4411) the culminating phase of nihilism it seems that there is no such thing ns the c Brittg belitA,› 1 ha t I Itery is nothing to it (in the saarse negativion), EX .g, remains absent in a singular way. It veils itself. It remains a veiled concealment (Verborgembeii) which itself veils itself. In such a movement then consists the essence of forgetting which is experienced in the way the Greeks experienced it. Finally, (that is, according to what is finally its essence), it is nothing negative. Inasmuch as it is a concealment, however, ii is no doubt a pr4.)tective concealment which safegu.ards the still Undisclosed. :Tn its current representation forgetting easily assumes the appearance of a sicnp]e lacuna, a lack, uncertainly. It habiltial to consider chat to forget, to be forgetful, is exclusively «10 omit Yfr and that the omission is n human condition (of man represented for himself) which is -
rencontre asset ftaluernment_ NOUS restons Tune c.kterrnination tincore tres l'otthli. Et la uni].nit (lc l'essenc: St' C14.C1:1L1Vrt 71.1 .13(341:;; clans Fes:A-vice de encore trop 6tendue, noir.; facilcincni ozrici5-6s rill (Langer (lc tic ccrniprcric.lre l'oubli tine cuitnone un Iai t humain. Ainsi a-C-0n repre'sent6 ., de milk forcing, I' `€ (Sciuvergesseubei0 dc tI image, comrnc si l'fl'tne, pour prcnclre inc parapluie quc la distraction cilun (tali professeur de philosophic lui Elutait abandonner cluelque part (d d. Eini es im I]1 fd z.rig 5w i i das SCifl (.1..S chirw Isl., den .
Pbilarophieprofrssays irg.s.u.d2Lio ha! selyt.. ,/ lasso?), Or roubii Wailaque pas seuleinent, c:n teat en est Apparerornent distinct, l'e.g.Rence (lc l'Lirre (dal 1Xlesen des gEn2S)- e-st congnl)stanricl iL l'itre (Sic gcht'irl zur .ache des Seins), it ri:Ti n.r.: en taw 4,:i4ie Dustin dc son essence (al..: (;eS(hiek SVEOWS 1Xl ege 11, 5) n (COnfribreinti que.aion de P.O.F.C. tr. fr G. Grand, in Qurshons i. 1). 23740 .
commonly foufld. We are still far from tletemining (he esscncy of forgetting, Precisely there, whcre forpciring rcvcr§ls iNc[r to us in its. full 4..xt(Tri are mill only Co'' vulnerable the clanger of understanding forgetting as bui rl huirnAn, fart Thus, in a thousand ways, his the forgetting of Being (Seinsuc-rgessenbuie) been represented as if B e in g (fi gu ni ti v d.,.. speaking) 11.10. t..tc the umbrella that some philosophy professor, in his distraction, le.ft somewere (aratil., um es itp; sagen, elas Seim der Schir dotdie Verge,ffich-
keis' eines 1-2 hilosoFbicproferson . irgendwo hae szehm lassen). Forgetting, then., not only aitacks tilt essence of Being (das Wiesen (3e5 Sei.P2S) inasmuch aS it i5 apparently distinct from it, ft helongs the nature ficiNz (k. AehUr! sir Sa.c . bc. cies Lind i. cigns :1IFF the Destiny of its essence (01,v seines Vic.sens)>:., (Z.rer Sciir.Wrage)
(-1 7-5- 1 973).