Emma Wildes, Jamie Hill, C’ann Inman, Sherrill Quinn, Jenna Howard, Karen Mandeville, Mary Ongjoco Chapman, Trinny Anthony, Emma Sinclair & Barbara J. Baldwin
WHISKEY CREEK PRESS www.whiskeycreekpress.com
Published by WHISKEY CREEK PRESS Whiskey Creek Press PO Box 51052 Casper, WY 82605-1052 www.whiskeycreekpress.com A Growing Passion Copyright 2006 by Emma Wildes Sweet Reunion Copyright 2006 by Jamie Hill A Warmer Than Usual Autumn Copyright 2006 by C’ann Inman Pumpkin Moon Copyright 2006 by Sherrill Quinn Changing Autumn Copyright 2006 by Jenna Howard The Salon Copyright 2006 by Karen Mandeville Unmasked Copyright 2006 by Mary Ongjoco Chapman Secrets Copyright 2006 by Trinny Anthony Passion Burning Copyright 2006 by Emma Sinclair The Philosophy of Love Copyright 2006 by Barbara J. Baldwin Names, characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-59374-531-8
Cover Artist: Jinger Heaston Editor: Chere Gruver Printed in the United States of America
Dedication To our terrific Torrid readers, who know how to keep the home fires burning hot as the autumn evenings turn cool and crisp.
Table of Contents A Growing Passion 1 Emma Wildes
Sweet Reunion
Jamie Hill
A Warmer Than Usual Autumn
C’ann Inman
Pumpkin Moon
Sherrill Quinn
Changing Autumn
Jenna Howard
The Salon 125 Karen Mandeville
Unmasked 135 Mary Ongjoco Chapman
Trinny Anthony
Passion Burning 183 Emma Sinclair
The Philosophy of Love Barbara J. Baldwin
Emma Wildes
Fall Fires Anthology
The inside of the ballroom was oppressively hot and Victoria Manwell idly fanned herself, stifled by the crowd and heat. “I think I’ll go outside and get some fresh air,” she said, nodding toward the doors open to the terrace and the promise of cooler, cleaner air that did not reek of perfume, sweat, and stale champagne. “For being late fall, it is certainly warm. I thought I saw Stephen step out a second ago, perhaps I’ll join him.” Her aunt merely nodded, half-absorbed in listening to a bit of scintillating gossip, her plump figure firmly planted in a chair. “Don’t catch your death, dear, it’s chilly outside.” The death of me, she thought darkly as she politely attempted to edge through the melee of swirling bodies, would be to have to stay inside for another minute. Gaining the exit, she stepped out onto the flagstone terrace and inhaled a great lungful of clean air, feeling vastly relieved. The truth was, she detested parties such as these, much preferring her garden or curling in bed with a good book. Where is Stephen? she wondered, casting a look around. Other than a couple close together, whispering and leaning against the balustrade, there was no one in sight. Odd, she’d been sure she’d seen him, dressed as always in his very severe evening clothes, easing out the same doors just moments before. The air wafted over her bared shoulders, feeling delightful. Strolling down the wide steps, she chose the path to her left and wandered down the winding length of it, leaving the merriment behind. The flowers were dying in homage to the encroaching 2
Fall Fires Anthology threat of winter, she saw in regret, the roses drooping and beginning to scatter thick petals across the stones that paved the way. Catching a familiar scent, she bent and ran her fingers over one velvety blossom, the deep crimson like a familiar friend. “Queen Anne,” she murmured, “I know your smell and you hang on longer than the others, don’t you, darling?” Wandering farther, she assessed with a connoisseur’s eye the lack of general imagination in the layout of the garden itself. Even in the thin light of a wispy moon, she could see that the gardener had placed the yews, which defined the space, in such a way they must surely block the light, and the late blooming bushes were in the back, instead of the front where they would allow… The sound of voices, one low and modulated, the other high and shrill, suddenly made her aware there were two people in the garden just ahead. She could see them just a few paces away, but since they seemed to be in the midst of an argument, hadn’t noticed her approach. Not certain what to do, she halted, realizing she had blundered into some sort of lover’s tryst for the woman had her arms twined around the man’s neck and was saying in a wheedling tone, “Come on, darling. The coach house is empty and we have at least a few minutes before anyone will notice us gone.” Lord, Victoria thought irritably, how to retreat gracefully from this was a mystery, as they were standing just a few feet away. Moving a scant bit, she tried to skulk behind a sickly rhododendron, suddenly freezing when she heard his reply. “No thank you, though the generous offer is much appreciated.” The deep voice was familiar, startlingly so. Stephen? Unable to help it, Victoria stood there like a statue and watched. Stephen—it was indeed him, for as he went to remove the woman’s arms from around his neck, he stepped into a shaft 3
Fall Fires Anthology of filtered moonlight and she clearly saw his face—added, “Not that I didn’t enjoy your bountiful charms, my dear, but you are now married.” What was worse, the woman was clearly none other than their hostess, the new wife of the Earl of Haldon, her pretty face drawn into a scowl, the decadent neckline on her gown showing off a great deal of white, creamy skin. Dumbfounded, Victoria simply couldn’t believe her eyes. Stephen Forsythe? The man she’d known since childhood, the quiet, serious scholar who had as much a passion for botany as she did herself, perhaps more? And Lady Haldon? Who, according to Aunt Sophie, was little more than a high-born slut. “Please.” The earl’s wife didn’t seem willing to give up easily, rubbing her hand in a familiar gesture up his shirt front and then dropping it lower to caress shockingly between his legs. “My marriage needn’t be a deterrent. We both know how these things work. Your misplaced sense of honor is inconvenient. I need you now. Besides,” she added in a purr, “my new husband doesn’t have your magnificent cock, darling.” “Your capacity for sexual neediness is etched forever in my memory,” Stephen said, smiling wryly, stepping back away from the lady’s questing hand, “but my honor is simply that. I won’t cuckold your husband, my dear, he’s a friend. Let’s forget you ever asked, shall we?” Petite and dark, her shining hair drawn up in an elegant chignon, Lady Haldon lifted her chin. “It’s her, isn’t it?” she asked in a silky lethal voice. “That bluestocking bitch with the red hair.” “Victoria?” At the sound of her own name mentioned in this bizarre exchange, Victoria stiffened, realizing she should have retreated long ago, or else made her presence known, but now it was 4
Fall Fires Anthology entirely too late and she wouldn’t have been able to move anyway, even if her life depended upon it. “It’s not natural the way she digs in the dirt, like a common servant.” The countess sniffed. “And she discusses it too, not even ashamed to be so—” “Intelligent?” Stephen supplied in a voice that sounded cool, still standing a bit back from the woman confronting him. “The men here tonight don’t seem to think she’s common at all. Don’t be catty, my dear, it makes you sound jealous.” “Jealous?” the countess sputtered for a moment, and the malicious gleam in her dark eyes was visible in the meager light, “of a chit practically on the shelf? Of a girl who would rather talk about rotating crops than fashion? I think not. She’s…rusticated.” Was rusticated a bad thing to be? Victoria wondered, feeling a slightly hysterical urge to laugh. It was true, she had led a slightly unconventional life, but she didn’t realize anyone resented her for it. The clouds above shifted and suddenly she could see Stephen’s face clearly, the clean line of mouth and jaw, his steady light blue eyes, the faint frown between his well-shaped brows. He said mildly, “She’s beautiful and learned and welltraveled, my dear Isabelle. Some men might find it intimidating that she’s a botanist, but most would overlook it, I think, the moment they saw her. The only reason she is ‘on the shelf’ as you term it, is because she wishes not to marry. I know for a fact her father has turned down many offers for her hand.” The countess sniffed again, lifting one bare, shapely shoulder. “You take her side because you are like her, obsessed all day with your stupid plants.” “Well,” he agreed in the reasonable tone Victoria had heard a hundred times, “that is true, I suppose, but we have also been friends since childhood.” 5
Fall Fires Anthology Her hands clenched in her silk skirts, Lady Haldon demanded hoarsely, “Are you in love with her?” His brows winged upwards. “Not that it is any of your business, but she doesn’t think of me that way.” Well, Victoria thought wryly, Stephen was rarely wrong, but the truth was, she most certainly did. **** Good God, what a terrible evening. Stephen Forsythe leaned back in the carriage and resisted the urge to close his eyes and sigh out loud in audible relief to be leaving. Besides, if he had his eyes closed, he wouldn’t have to face Victoria, who was sitting directly across from him. Hell and blast, he was reasonably certain she’d heard at least part of the exchange between him and the insatiable Isabelle, who had all the discretion of a feline in heat. He certainly hoped Haldon’s wife would soon find a new man to stand in stud service, so she would leave him alone. Social situations were becoming awkward with her relentless pursuit. That affair had obviously been a mistake. “Thank you so much, dear boy, for escorting us. It’s convenient to have a handsome young neighbor like yourself with my brother out of town so frequently.” Sophia Manwell, Victoria’s maiden aunt, beamed at him. Seated next to her niece, she was plump and elderly, almost like a second mother to Victoria. Stephen was very fond of her as well, which is why when she had sent a note requesting that he squire them to this evening festivities, he had agreed. “My pleasure,” he responded, lying through his teeth. “Ah, so you enjoyed yourself then?” At that question, asked in a slightly amused tone, Stephen had to look finally at Victoria. He cleared his throat. “It was a bit crowded.” 6
Fall Fires Anthology “But the air in the gardens was lovely, was it not?” Arching one perfect brow, Victoria had her head tilted slightly to the side, studying him as if he were a new species of exotic water lily she had never seen before. Her hands were folded demurely in her lap, wisps of auburn hair escaping from her simple chignon and curling against her slender neck, long lush lashes lowered slightly over her dark blue eyes. The speculative gleam he caught in her gaze was disconcerting. She had definitely seen them. He sure as hell hoped she hadn’t heard Isabelle’s crude comment about his size. He said coolly, “I wasn’t out there very long. Lady Haldon wanted to show me some new shrubs she had planted recently.” “Is that what she wanted to show you?” Victoria murmured, her pretty face twitching into a mischievous smile. He sent a quelling glance at her, well aware Sophia was listening, and changed the subject. “Congratulations on having your article on your travels in America published, Tori. You didn’t tell me. That’s quite an accomplishment.” “You mean for a woman.” Victoria sighed, to his relief, seeming to accept the new topic. “You are so widely recognized as a botanical expert, that I felt it was a bit humble in comparison, but thank you, I was pleased.” And he was pleased, he thought as they lapsed into silence, the cool autumn air drifting in the windows as the carriage rolled along, that she had chosen to stay home this time. Her father, who she accompanied often on his expeditions, had gone to Arabia to search for plant life in the arid climate, but she had decided that the attitudes there toward women and the local customs might be too confining for someone of her sex. It had probably been a wise decision, he thought, leaning back with his arms folded across his chest. She was infinitely noticeable with her unusual auburn hair and creamy skin, the 7
Fall Fires Anthology contrast striking. Her face was oval, her cheekbones delicate, and her mouth soft and pink…his gaze drifted lower, to where her breasts swelled above the bodice of her dark blue gown. They were so tempting, the pale mounds quivering slightly as they rocked over a rough patch of road… But, he told himself, tearing his gaze away so she didn’t notice the lascivious way he was staring at her, she didn’t think of him that way. **** What she was about to do was reckless. It was more than that actually, it was…wanton. Unless, of course, he turned her down in the same honorable way he had Lady Haldon. Then, she told herself, she would be in trouble. She could already feel an odd tingling in her nipples and her breasts were tight. It had rained almost all day, gradually lessening to a fine mist, and Victoria tugged her hood a little farther forward, protecting her face and hair. Skirting a pile of fallen leaves, she didn’t bother to approach the front door, but instead, walked around the front of the big house to the huge conservatory in the back. It was much more likely Stephen would be there, working with his plants. Opening the door with the ease of long familiarity, she slipped inside, assaulted by the fecund smell of soil and vegetation. And for once, that odor, so beloved to her, didn’t stir her at all. He was in the back, where he’d recently shown her his new experiment; hybrid fruit trees that would produce fruit with fewer seeds and higher yields. Coatless, his white shirt open at the neck, his sleeves rolled up to show muscular arms, he was bent over a small specimen in concentration and she stopped for a second, just studying him. He was very good-looking, she supposed she had always known that, but in more of a sisterly 8
Fall Fires Anthology fashion. Upon her return from this last trip to the colonies, where she and her father had explored the American desert, she suddenly saw him in a different light. It was odd how he looked so familiar, yet so…exciting. She couldn’t remember when she hadn’t known him and they had grown up together, their family estates not even a mile apart. Aside from the usual childish quarrels, he had been her best friend for most of her life. Two years older than she, he had tolerated a young girl tagging along, patiently teaching her how to fish, how to ride her pony… There was something else she wanted him to teach her. “I brought you a gift.” At the sound of her voice, he lifted his head and smiled in welcome. “I didn’t hear you come in. What kind of gift?” Her breathing was a little erratic. She was nervous, but it was something else too. “Actually, I guess I brought you two gifts.” “Oh?” Wiping his hands on a cloth, he lifted a brow. His hair, chestnut brown and a little too long, was rumpled attractively. Almost against her will, her gaze strayed lower, to where his dark breeches hugged his legs. And his crotch. Was it magnificent? she wondered. “Tori, are you well?” He frowned and came forward, taking her arm. “You’re trembling…and it’s so damp outside, your cloak is soaked. Come, let’s go into the house. There’s a fire in my study, I just left there.” The study would be more private than the glass walls of the conservatory, so she let him take her there, allowing him to remove her cloak, shaking out her damp skirts as she slid her slippers from her feet. “Are you warm enough?” he asked, still obviously concerned. 9
Fall Fires Anthology She was too warm, her skin glowing, her body beginning to throb. Not only were her breasts sensitive and hard, but a strange sweet ache had begun between her legs. “Here,” she said breathlessly as they stood by the fire, “this is for you.” Taking the vial in a long-fingered hand, he said curiously, “They look like seeds. What are they?” Oh God, she knew she was flushed, glad she was wearing absolutely nothing under her day dress. He would realize that in a moment, she guessed, because her nipples were rigid against the thin fabric. “It’s a rare plant that grows only in a small area of the desert on the American continent. The native people there use it in certain ceremonies and treat it like gold, sometimes it is even traded like coin is here. If you consume the seeds themselves, it is reputed,” her voice was so husky, she could hardly speak, “to be a powerful aphrodisiac.” At that word, he glanced up and she saw his expression change, his gaze slipping from her undoubtedly pink cheeks to where her breasts strained against her bodice. “It works, by the way,” she added, “I just took some.” “You…what?” he asked incredulously. “I took some and I think I need you to help me.” Reaching up, she tugged the pins from her hair. **** Stephen couldn’t quite believe his ears, or his eyes. Victoria stood, her obviously aroused body nude beneath her dress. She was in front of the fire and he could see tantalizing curves and the darkness of her taut nipples through the fabric, her face framed by luxuriant auburn tresses. The way she was breathing and the open desire he saw in her eyes hit him in a streak of fire that surged straight to his groin and he hardened instantly, his erection swelling and filling his breeches. She began to fumble with the fastenings on her bodice and whispered, “Please, 10
Fall Fires Anthology Stephen…I want you inside me now. Help me take off my dress.” She wanted…what? His senses reeling, he still had the presence of mind to turn and shut the door to his study, the voice of reason in his head vying with the sudden pulsing of his lower body. He had never gotten so hard so fast in his life. Standing there for a moment, he took a deep, shuddering breath. She was the daughter of a man he admired and considered a friend. She was undoubtedly innocent—he couldn’t do this. By the Saints, they had been playmates for years. “Tori, love, I think this is a mistake, it’s the drug—” “I’m not a virgin,” she informed him as if she could read his mind. “Hurry. I swear I can feel my heartbeat in my breasts and I ache.” Turning around, he saw she was naked, her breasts creamy and licked by firelight, the apex between her legs gleaming. Dropping to the rug, she lay flat on her back and moaned again, knees spread, her damp sex open and waiting. “Stephen.” Not a virgin? The brief spurt of jealousy was tempered by the fact he now knew he wouldn’t be deflowering her. Tearing his shirt off over his head, he unfastened his breeches, his rigid shaft springing free, aware she watched him with heavy-lidded eyes. He couldn’t get out of his boots and pants fast enough and she spread her legs open farther in pure carnal invitation as he moved toward her. Good God, he was pulsing hard against his stomach. Her cleft was wet and inviting, her arms reaching for him, her hands frantic as she gripped his shoulders. Moving between her open thighs, he took his stiff penis in his hand and guided the throbbing crest to her opening, beginning penetration without so much as a kiss, her need so obviously intense, and even without 11
Fall Fires Anthology the benefit of some ancient drug, he was somehow just as wildly primitive. “You’re so tight, Tori,” he said through his teeth, as he probed forward carefully into her opening, “but so wet.” She didn’t want carefully. “Fill me,” she begged, bending her knees and opening further. “All the way…oh, yes, like that.” “I don’t want to be rough with you…” “Damn you, Stephen, deeper.” With a low curse, he complied, driving forward forcefully, hearing her answering cry of pleasure. Fully embedded in her body, he felt as if he were in some sort of pagan version of heaven, the physical joy intense and soul-shattering as he began to move in and out in long, slick strokes, her liquid warmth caressing him as he thrust hard into her vaginal passage, her eager hips lifting to meet each penetration. He wasn’t surprised when she climaxed quickly, her inner muscles clenching around his straining cock, the ripples intense, and he covered her mouth in a kiss just in time to smother a scream he was sure would bring all the servants running. She was so beautiful in her sexual abandon, drug or not, that he felt his testicles tighten and a scalding sensation lashed through his entire body as he stiffened and pushed as deep as possible, suddenly exploding inside her just as quickly and with such incredible force, that he gasped for air. Silence except for the light crackle of the flames in the hearth and his own harsh breathing. Beneath him, Tori murmured languidly, “I hate to agree with Lady Haldon on anything, but it really is a magnificent cock.” All Stephen could do was give a choked laugh. **** “Don’t leave.” Victoria grasped his buttocks to stop his withdrawal and Stephen halted, his still rigid shaft partially inside 12
Fall Fires Anthology her. His face was dark with passion, his light blue gaze holding hers, but he thankfully sank back inside, stretching her wide with that wonderful sensation. “I’m sorry,” she explained, without a trace of the shame she should be feeling at the wanton request, “but you feel so good…so big.” He leaned down and kissed her, his mouth warm and firm as he whispered against her lips, “Your every wish is my command, but you’ll have to forgive me, I didn’t take any kind of sexual stimulant, so it might be a few minutes before I can service your…hungry body.” Lying beneath him, wide-legged and impaled, she ran her hands over his shoulders, the tensile strength of his muscles hard under her fingers. She felt less frantic in the glow of orgasmic release, but still needy, as if she wanted to keep him between her legs forever. “Why haven’t we ever done this before?” she murmured teasingly, touching his tousled hair. Shifting so their bodies were still joined but he could prop himself on one elbow, he touched her face, lightly tracing the line of her lips with his finger. “I suppose because you hadn’t yet visited America.” “If you think the drug is why I’m here, you’re wrong,” she admitted, looking deep into his eyes, a ridiculous shyness seizing her, despite their intimate position. “The drug was a way to let me ask for this,” she lifted her hips lightly, savoring the way he still stretched her, even not fully erect, “without being too terribly nervous.” “You weren’t nervous at all that I could tell.” He laughed, his free hand beginning to toy with her left breast, cupping it in his warm palm, circling the sensitive nipple, rolling it lightly in his fingers. Her body, still aroused and stimulated by the drug, reacted instantly. Victoria let her head fall back and her eyes drift shut, her concentration flying to that one part of her body, her vagina 13
Fall Fires Anthology pulsing lightly around his shaft in immediate reaction to his touch. “Yes, please touch me.” “You like that.” He lightly squeezed. “My God, you have perfect breasts. I imagined them a thousand times but my imagination didn’t do you justice.” “Consider them,” she breathed, “yours for as long as you want them.” One brow lifted up and he said softly, “Oh, I want them.” He continued the exquisite torture until she was panting; stroking, cupping, reshaping her flesh in his hands, his touch gliding over her quivering flesh. And when he finally lifted one welling mound and bent his head to suckle the trembling crest, she felt as if the world rushed in and collapsed on top of her. Vivid sensation spiked straight to the throbbing junction between her legs and she climaxed again with a small cry. Drifting in that blissful world, she didn’t even realize he had adjusted himself over her again. “I’m twenty-six, not sixteen,” he whispered in her ear, kissing the side of her neck, “but apparently, I can rise to the occasion faster than I thought. Can you feel it?” She could, her passage was distending, his staff swelling inside her, hard and extravagantly male. Disbelieving her body could crave more so soon, she moaned as he lengthened and stretched her. He began to move again when he was stiff and enormous, his rhythm slower this time, her body pliant and excruciatingly sensitive to the friction of flesh against flesh, of hardness against softness, of male possessing female. It was too much, she thought wildly, this pleasure, this carnal joining. Leaning forward, he kissed her, whispering urgently, “One more time, Tori love, come for me one more time.” She did, crying out without thought, convulsing around his inexorable sexual invasion of her body, feeling the unbelievable 14
Fall Fires Anthology awareness when he stiffened and pushed to the hilt, ejaculating and flooding her with his seminal fluid. This time, when he gently pulled out a few minutes later, she didn’t object. The last thing she remembered, her body pleasantly exhausted, was his arms safely around her as they lay by the fire. She felt…wonderful, she thought drowsily. But now nothing was going to be the same. **** “You did it, didn’t you?” “Did what?” Reaching for her glass of sherry, Victoria innocently lifted her brows. Across the small tea table, her friend, Elaine Rice, Lady Wharton, exclaimed vehemently, “You finally bedded him, the delectable young Mr. Forsythe. By heavens, you are practically glowing, child.” She blushed, but one of the things Victoria liked best about Elaine was that she was unconventional. “I could hardly walk the whole next day,” she confessed, lowering her voice. Leaning back, dangling her glass in her long fingers, Lady Wharton said wickedly, “Then perhaps you didn’t bed him, it sounds like he fucked you. I’m deeply jealous.” Outrageous terminology aside, what they had done had certainly not been tender, romantic lovemaking, that was sure. “I used the seeds,” Victoria glanced at the doorway, keeping her tone low, “it was rather beyond sensational.” “I believe I shall have to go to America and bestir myself to see the West,” Elaine murmured. “Anyway, it’s about time. What happens next?” “I have no idea. I haven’t even seen him since and it has been nearly three days.” “Well, I do.” Her companion, tall, elegantly dressed, and despite the fact she was a decade older, still beautiful in a full15
Fall Fires Anthology figured way, said plainly, “Stephen Forsythe is a gentleman, despite his…uhm…rumored prowess in the bedroom and he has been in love with you for years. I predict a letter is on its way to your father already, clearly stating his honorable intentions.” Startled, Victoria choked on a sip of sherry. “Do you think so?” “Indeed.” “He’s been in love with me?” “Everyone knew but you, darling.” “But I don’t know if I want to get married.” “Then you should have kept your legs together and those seeds in that jar.” Frowning, Victoria stared at the ruby liquid in her glass. “It’s true, I suppose, despite what happened, that Stephen is rather a settled sort of person. I would guess he would want his wife to stay at home and bear his children rather than wandering the globe in search of new species of plants.” “At least he isn’t the sort of husband to forbid his wife to have any interest in new species of plants. In fact, he would, and does, embrace your unconventional scientific interest.” “That is one huge point in his favor.” Elaine’s eyebrows lifted and she leaned forward conspiratorially. “Speaking of huge, well…darling, he did spend some time in bed with Lady Haldon, after all, and she is one to talk…so tell me, is huge an appropriate term?” Remembering the sensation of his glorious penetration and how she’d felt stretched deliciously as wide as possible, Victoria took a sip from her glass and responded, “Well, I don’t have a lot of experience, but huge seems just about right.” Lady Wharton sighed and cooed, “You lucky, lucky young thing.” **** 16
Fall Fires Anthology Stephen slid over the window sill and slipped into the darkened depths of the room. It smelled like her, he thought first thing, struck by the gentle fragrance of exotic blooms, his breathing coming slightly quick from his climb. Closing the sash to keep out the chill of a clear fall night, he went over and stirred the fire, squatting down and poking at the glowing coals. Victoria would be up any minute and he was chafing to see her. When he heard voices outside in the corridor, he climbed into the giant wardrobe, grateful for both the size of it and the overflowing contents. His future bride, he thought, a bit of lace trim tickling his nose, certainly did not stint with her wardrobe. But then again, when one had the body of Venus herself, why not display it, he reminded himself. Listening to the rustling of fabric as her maid helped her undress nearly undid him, even cramped as he was, his body responding to the very idea of her taking off her clothes. When he finally heard her dismiss the girl, he sent a prayer heavenward, and at the closing of the door, he shoved open the doors to the armoire and slipped out. Her back was to him as she splashed water on her face, the graceful curves enticing, the roundness of her bottom visible through her thin chemise as she bent over. As if she sensed him there staring at her, she suddenly whirled around, and he said urgently, “Don’t scream.” A startled gasp emerged anyway, but her fear was immediately replaced by anger. Her eyes, magnificent at any time, sparked. “Stephen, have you ever heard of the front door? If you want to see me, why not simply come calling like any sane person?” “I don’t just want to see you.”
Fall Fires Anthology Water still dripping from her nose and running down her cheeks, she said, “Oh.” And grabbed for a towel, dabbing at her wet face. She looked…well, beyond delicious. A barefoot goddess with tumbled red-brown hair and abundant breasts, clad only in a thin, lacy shift. His hands flexed as he forced himself to not grab her, dump her on the bed, and drive himself deep inside her luscious body. “I need to know,” he said in a strained voice, “who.” Victoria blinked, the towel suspended in her hands. “Who what?” “You weren’t a virgin, you said. And,” he added on a breath, “you were telling the truth. It’s been driving me crazy.” “It has?” She looked amazed. “Oh, Stephen, it was nothing. One night back in Italy with an importunate young man…uhm, his name was Cosomo and he was very young and I wasn’t much younger, nineteen. It was pleasant, I guess, but not enough to repeat the performance.” She smiled. “And nothing like the other day.” He was still unreasonably, obsessively jealous, but one time was better than the torrid love affair he had tortured himself imagining. “Didn’t you think you should save yourself for your future husband?” he demanded unreasonably. “Didn’t you think you should stay out of the bed of that shrewish bitch, Lady Haldon?” she asked in sharp retort. “By the way, there will be a line forming for your services if the rumors become anymore lurid, I understand.” He swallowed. She was right, of course. He had vastly more experience than she did, and besides, it was unfair to ask a young woman—a curious, intelligent young woman with a great deal of freedom such as Victoria had been given—to not venture into the world of sexual experience. Every childhood argument they’d ever had came rushing back with both of them standing 18
Fall Fires Anthology there, glaring and furious. “I’m sorry,” he said suddenly, a small laugh escaping his lips. “I’m not myself.” “No?” She gazed at him with almost challenging expectation, those full breasts within reach, her slender body gleaming and arresting. “Why?” Childhood suddenly seemed far, far away. “Perhaps I ingested some of those seeds,” he suggested, rewarded when he saw the flare of sexual excitement replace the irritation in her blue eyes. He asked softly, “Would you like that, if I could go all night, hard inside you the whole time?” “Perhaps,” she admitted, her tone suddenly breathless. He stalked toward her. “I’ll see what I can arrange.” **** This was most definitely not the calm, refined scientist she knew. When Stephen came toward her, Victoria felt an almost debilitating wave of excitement at his expression, which seemed to be something between lust and frustration. He swept her up in his arms and fairly tossed her on the bed, undressing with deliberate movements of his long fingers, his expression inscrutable as she sat up in flurry of loose hair and tangled chemise. Once he was fully nude, she could see that he was splendidly aroused, his erection engorged and distended, his bare chest impressive in the subdued lighting. He is certainly well-built for a man who spends most of his life tenderly coaxing plants to life, she thought, her body already responding to his predatory approach. When she felt the dip of the mattress, she sighed, feeling the fluid rush between her thighs, knowing that her body readied for him, whether she wished it or not. “Here.” He peeled her chemise from her body with effortless ease, which, she thought vaguely, she would resent later, since he was being so damned territorial. Much later, she told herself, as he loomed over her, touching his mouth to hers at the same time his fingers slid 19
Fall Fires Anthology between her legs. He stroked her mouth with his tongue just as he touched and fondled her sex, and she opened both her mouth and her legs wider with shameless abandon. “Tonight,” he lifted his mouth from hers and whispered as his fingers pushed into her female passage, “you’re mine, Tori.” “I was yours,” she gasped, “the other day.” He laughed, a low masculine sound. “Actually, I believe I was yours then, but now, I want every bit of you.” What he thought he hadn’t possessed she didn’t know, but the delirious pleasure of his fingers moving in and out of her opening was so intense, she could hardly argue. When he shifted, sliding lower, she caught her fingers in his thick, silky hair, her breathing arrested as he pressed his heated mouth to her breast, holding him close as he lavished ardent attention on her sensitive nipples, sucking, nibbling, making her arch and gasp. She was invaded by his touch, possessed by his mouth, her body helpless to resist the potency of his lovemaking. “Don’t cry out,” he warned softly, and then he lowered himself between her thighs in a shocking position, his mouth gently beginning to nibble at her wet cleft. She wanted to scream at the soft abrasion of his tongue as it slid between her heated folds, her hands fisted in the sheets of her bed, her breath caught in the back of her throat. She opened wider, if that was possible, lifting her knees and setting her feet on the bed, her legs trembling as he lightly licked and teased, then pressed his mouth to the tiny bud between those tender folds and sucked it gently. The pleasure was so intense, she bit her lip to keeping from screaming, and the sight of his head between her legs as he pleasured her so wickedly was almost as arousing as his skillful torture. There was nothing in the world except the exquisite need building inside her, and when he took his fingers and parted her 20
Fall Fires Anthology folds to give him more access, she shattered into a thousand pieces as he covered her wet heat and lathed her with his tongue. He kept her there on that trembling peak until she gasped, “Stop, oh God, Stephen, I can’t take any more.” Limp, replete, she was barely aware that he had moved back over her until she felt him kiss the side of her neck, nuzzling the curve of her shoulder as he settled between her unresisting legs. “Do you mind if I borrow your luscious body for a moment, Tori? I believe it’s my turn.” Her lashes fluttered open at the amused passion in his voice. Looking into his blue eyes, she murmured huskily, “Help yourself.” “This won’t take long.” His eyes closed as his crest prodded her entrance, then pushed slowly inside. She could see the tension and hunger in his face, and the quick rise and fall of his broad chest. Sucking in a breath, she felt him fill her, stretching her wide, pulsing inside her sensitized passage with blatant need. Through his teeth, he said, “I’m dying for you.” “Then take me,” her voice was hushed. “Oh God, love, I’m damned close already just from touching you, tasting you.” He withdrew once to surge forward, and a second time, and on his third plunge, he shuddered and stiffened, his entire body going rigid. Victoria could feel the flex of his sex as he climaxed deep inside her, glorying in the rush of hot semen against her womb. He collapsed then, rolling to his side, wrapping his arms around her, and whispering against her hair. “Next time, I promise more…stamina. Luckily, we have all night.” “You’re staying?” “Just ’til dawn, don’t worry, I’ll leave discreetly.” She shouldn’t let him, she should tell him to go. Still uncertain about the limitations of marriage, even to a man as 21
Fall Fires Anthology wonderful as Stephen. She knew him well enough that each time he made love to her brought him closer to proposing. She was rather surprised he hadn’t brought the subject up already. But all night? Could she resist such a glorious offer? Lifting up slightly, she looked at him as he lay back on her bed, nude and muscular, his body and face as beautiful as his remarkable mind. Sinking back into his arms, she murmured, “I can’t wait to test your…stamina.” **** Falling on her knees, mindless of the damp earth, Victoria frowned and ran her fingers over the knobby growth on the stem. It was black and almost furry in texture, and she was admittedly perplexed. She said, “It’s obviously a fungus of some kind, but I don’t know it. You say all the usual treatments don’t work, Gibbons?” The old man, who had served faithfully and loyally as the estate gardener for two decades, shook his head. “No, my Lady, I’m afraid not. I’ve tried it all, even the clever spray you concocted that worked on the insect trouble we had last year. It began in late summer, has gotten progressively worse, and I have now begun to notice it on several of the other plants.” Gazing at the limp leaves and several rotted branches, Victoria was alarmed. “Not my roses, I hope.” Her rose garden was her pride and joy, the abundance and variety of the blooms a source of great pride. Even in October, they still flourished because of her careful care and attention, feeding, watering and pruning a science and yet also an art tailored to the needs of each specific plant. “Not yet. I check them daily. Perhaps Mr. Forsythe will know.” Rising, she dusted off her skirts. “Yes, Stephen would be the person to ask.” 22
Fall Fires Anthology “Let me know what he says, my Lady. If you’ll excuse me, I have to tend to trimming the yews by the library.” Shuffling off, Gibbons left her standing there, gloomily looking at the sick bush, her mind elsewhere. Good heavens, just the mention of Stephen’s name made her heart beat faster. And, she had to admit, she missed him terribly. He’d had to go to London for a week to give a lecture on his fruit tree experiments, promising to call as soon as he returned. During that week, she had come to the inevitable conclusion that she was in love with him. Oh, she’d loved him her whole life, but this was pure passionate love with all the longing, the yearning and the pleasure immortalized in song and literature. Strolling along the tidy paths, she hardly noticed the brilliant blue of the fine late fall sky, the sweetness of the breeze, or even more remarkably, the vegetation around her. “Hello.” Since her thoughts were so occupied with him, the familiar voice seemed natural. Glancing up, she saw Stephen standing a few feet away, his hair slightly windblown, his jacket over his arm in deference to the usual warmth. He smiled at her and lifted a brow. “I walked over and decided to cut through the gardens. I can usually count on finding you here on a day like this. How are you, Tori?” “You’re back,” she cried, and before she could stop herself, ran forward to fling herself into his arms. He caught her, and his mouth found hers with remarkable swiftness, hungry and welcoming as he kissed her deeply, in the way that made her very bones melt. “I missed you,” she explained breathlessly. “I missed you.” He gazed intently into her eyes. “Your aunt sent a note asking me to tea, but I would have come over anyway 23
Fall Fires Anthology to see you. Come, tea isn’t for an hour, sit with me somewhere. The gazebo, perhaps.” “Yes,” Victoria agreed, her hand in his as he led her to the end of the path where a small structure sat, a somewhat neglected folly from another time that no one used anymore. They had played there as children, she thought, wondering at the idiosyncrasies of life. He glanced around. “I guess I didn’t think how very dusty it would be in here, maybe you can sit on my coat…” “Damn your coat,” Victoria said dreamily, “kiss me again.” “Gladly, love.” He took her in his arms and she pressed against him, savoring the heat of his mouth as it possessed hers, the stroke of his tongue, the fire that built inside her every time he touched her. It was only late afternoon, she thought as her body reacted instantly to the passion ignited by his touch. He could come to her tonight but it was disappointing to have to wait when she wanted him…now. And he wanted her too. She could feel the thickening swell inside his breeches. Her body also recognized the blazing desire between them, she was dampening, her sex softening and beginning to weep. When he broke the kiss for a moment to graze the line of her jaw with his warm lips, she panted shamelessly, “Perhaps I could lie on your coat instead.” “We’ll both get filthy,” Stephen objected, and it was true the floor was coated with grime and littered with piles of fallen leaves. “But I need you,” she breathed, rubbing her hands over his shoulders, flattening her breasts against his chest so he feel how hard her nipples had become through his linen shirt. “Here,” he grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, pushing her forward so she was bent over, “put your hands on the seat.” 24
Fall Fires Anthology “What?” A little surprised but intrigued, Victoria gasped when she felt him shove her skirt up from behind. In seconds, she was shockingly bare, the warm breeze floating in through the windows across her naked bottom. She felt his hands there also, running over the curves, finding her cleft and caressing her aching center. “What are you doing?” “There’s more than one position, my sweet. I’m going to mount you from behind.” “Oh.” “You’ll like it,” he added in distinct carnal promise. His fingers probed, parted, and penetrated her opening. “Jesus, are you always wet, Tori?” he muttered. “Are you always hard?” she countered, realizing he had freed himself and his rigid staff was stiff against her exposed buttocks. “When I’m around you, yes,” he murmured. “Now, spread your legs a little if you want me.” She complied instantly, and his fingers withdrew. Quivering in anticipation, she felt the engorged crest of his erection nudge, then stretch her deliciously, her moan of arousal one of abandoned and unabashed joy. When he stopped, the tip just inside her burning feminine opening, she tried to move backwards to force him farther inside, but his hands, holding her hips, stopped her and she protested hoarsely, “Stephen.” “Tell me what you want, love,” he said thickly from behind her. “Do you want it hard and fast?” She wanted it, period. “Yes,” she breathed, her arms braced against the thrust she craved, “Fuck me, Stephen, please.” He didn’t move. “Wherever did you hear that word?” The prim note of disapproval in his voice when he had her bent over and half-naked, his penis between her legs and partially penetrating her from behind, made her give a muffled laugh. “I’ve traveled all over the world, do you think I haven’t heard 25
Fall Fires Anthology most everything there is to hear? I can say it in Russian, for God’s sake. Now, please, do it.” To her relief, he complied, his entrance urgent and gloriously intrusive, filling her to the hilt. True to his word, he moved swiftly, pulsing forward, then sliding backwards to penetrate again, pumping in and out of her body as she closed her eyes in bliss and felt the decadent rise of orgasmic release flood her blood, her bones, her saturated aching passage. He was right, the sensation was not the same, the friction different as she braced for each thrust and began to tremble. “Oh God.” She felt the convulsions begin, holding hard to the dusty wooden seat, her body milking his shaft as he pushed impossibly deep and groaned, spurting his release into her as he caught her before her knees buckled and she fell on the dusty floor. Breathing in her ear, slipping from her pulsing cleft, he said, “That was impetuous, but I suppose that is one of the things I love about you. Here, I’ll do this.” When she felt the gentle pressure, she moaned again, her body still so aroused that the brush of cloth between her legs made her womb tremble. Vaguely, she realized he was wiping the fluids from her thighs and cleft. When she could breathe again, she straightened and began to adjust her clothing, turning to see him refastening his breeches, the bulge there not yet gone. It was almost comical to see him eye his soiled handkerchief, discarded on the dusty bench. Stephen said firmly, “I have no desire to put that back in my pocket, but no idea how to dispose of it either.” Victoria laughed, a spontaneous burst of mirth, because she was at once reminded that despite their reckless passionate joining just seconds before, he was truly a gentleman at heart. “Remember our treasure box,” she said, still laughing, “put it in there.” 26
Fall Fires Anthology “I’d forgotten about it.” Stephen, looking fairly normal except for his rumpled hair, bent and pushed at a panel on one of the built-in wooden benches. Sure enough, it came loose and inside still lay the collected items they once deemed treasure; a small ball, some dusty marbles, a few Roman coins they had unearthed in the garden. It was rather poignant to see him add the white linen cloth, still stained with the evidence of their lovemaking, to that childhood collection. “Who would have thought,” she said, “that things would turn out this way?” Straightening, Stephen wiped a speck of dust from his breeches. “I did,” he said with absolute conviction. “Always.” **** Aunt Sophie looked nothing like herself, Victoria decided uneasily, when they entered the parlor. In fact, for someone who had invited a neighbor over for tea, she seemed to have forgotten the tea trolley. “There you are,” her aunt said in an uncharacteristically brisk tone. “Both of you together. That’s convenient. Sit down.” Blinking, Victoria sat in an embroidered chair, cautiously eyeing her aunt’s flushed face. Stephen sat opposite, the delicate chair looking ridiculous under his utterly masculine body. “There are rumors,” Sophia announced to them both, “rather scandalous rumors, in fact. People are saying…well, I went to a luncheon today, and you wouldn’t believe, but…they’re saying the two of you are…well...” “Lovers?” Stephen supplied helpfully. “Yes, thank you.” Her plump bosom heaving, Aunt Sophie nodded. “I, of course, could not countenance it. Stephen wouldn’t compromise anyone, and there has never been a breath against you, Victoria—but, it seems that the servants, well, 27
Fall Fires Anthology there were some unusual noises from your bedroom one night— ” “I told you not to scream, darling,” Stephen said, giving Victoria an amused glance. Shooting back a killing glare, Victoria had no idea what to say. Her aunt seemed in a similar fix, until she suddenly shook her head in obvious resignation. “Oh, dear, I suppose I was actually afraid it was true. Ever since you were little scamps, getting into mischief together.” “Victoria hasn’t yet made up her mind about what she wants to do,” Stephen explained to her aunt, his voice sounding infuriatingly reasonable. “She is used to a life in which she can pick up and follow her father across the globe. Marriage to me would tie her here, not just because I would want her by my side, but,” he sent Victoria a wickedly teasing smile, “by the large family we will no doubt have.” Forgetting Aunt Sophie’s presence for a moment, Victoria said, “Is that why you haven’t asked me? Because you knew my dilemma?” The teasing smile vanished. He said, “I was rather hoping you would fall so madly in love with me that losing your freedom wouldn’t matter so much.” Her heart beating faster at the emotion she saw in his eyes, she said unsteadily but truthfully, “I did.” In seconds, he was across the room, pulling her to her feet, grasping her upper arms and looking down into her face. “Then marry me, have my children, Tori. We’ll grow our plants together, grow old together.” Then, leaning forward so he could whisper in her ear, he said, “I pledge to fuck you as often as you like, and I know you adore it when I pleasure you with my tongue between your legs, I…” Blushing, she put her hand over his mouth. “In that case,” she said softly, “how can I say no?” She grinned as his arms slid 28
Fall Fires Anthology around her, whispering against his lips, “You really are still a scamp, you know.” He kissed her and grinned back. “So, darling, are you.”
Fall Fires Anthology
Jamie Hill
Fall Fires Anthology
They say you can’t go home again. Danny Mitchell wasn’t sure about that. There was no reason he hadn’t been back to his hometown of Marshall, Kansas over the past ten years, other than there had been no reason to go back. He nosed his car off Interstate 70 and onto old Highway 99, thinking how familiar it felt to him. But there had just never been a reason to come back. After Danny graduated college and landed two hours away in Kansas City, his parents moved to Florida for the golf courses and warmer winters. His brother Dave ended up in St. Louis with a wife and three children, and, since Danny was single, when the family got together, it was either at Dave’s house or their parents’ condo, with its close proximity to Disney World. The speed limit dropped to twenty as Danny hit the edge of town, so he slowed his car. He would have anyway; he didn’t want to miss a thing as he drove down Main Street for the first time in ten years. William’s Appliance was still on the corner; they had updated a little but it looked much the same. Chet Williams had been Danny’s best friend through the years and they played football together in high school. They went to different colleges but managed to keep in touch with Christmas and birthday cards, and Danny knew Chet now ran the store and was married with a couple kids. Sweet’s Drugstore used to sit next to the appliance business, and Danny and Chet spent many hours there back in the day. Comic books and cherry-vanilla Cokes were their excuses, but the main appeal was Jack Sweet’s daughter, Andi. She was a 31
Fall Fires Anthology beauty back then, Danny recalled, with long dark hair and soulful brown eyes. Her other memorable attribute was a figure that developed far earlier than most of the girls in his class. Andi had a set of knockers that were the envy of every cheerleader at Marshall High School. She also had a colorful reputation, which kept her from associating with the cheerleading and football player types, and that’s why she was such an enigma to Danny and Chet. Danny had no idea if the stories were true; he was busy during football games as the star defensive back for the Bulldogs, so he wasn’t sure what actually went on under the bleachers. But rumor had it that Andi could usually be found there, and never with the same guy. She expressed interest in Danny when she saw him around the drugstore, and Chet used to encourage him to go for it. But Danny kept the same girlfriend all through high school and he was loyal to Marianne, even if she didn’t put out until late in their senior year. Chet thought Danny should get from Andi what he wasn’t getting from Marianne, but Danny didn’t feel right about that. He wouldn’t have minded feeling those big knockers, though, because the only ones he ever felt were Marianne’s and they were tiny little handfuls. He chuckled about that as he looked over the site of the former drugstore. It was still a drugstore, but now it was one of those national chains. Signs in the window advertised one-hour photos and an ATM. Gone were the classic features of the soda counter and rack of comic books. Danny was sorry to see the big-city changes that had touched his little hometown. The rest of Main Street looked familiar, if somewhat updated. Danny drove to the end of the street and turned left. The Bluebird Motel sat on the edge of town, another fixture from his childhood. He pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car, tossing his sunglasses on the console and stretching his legs before entering the motel office. 32
Fall Fires Anthology “Kin I help you?” the old man at the counter asked, squinting, and Danny smiled. “Hey, Mr. Tanner. It’s Danny Mitchell. I have a reservation.” “Danny Mitchell?” Jasper Tanner peered through his bottlethick eyeglasses and tried to focus. “Danny Mitchell! It is you! I’d recognize that face anywhere.” Danny extended his hand and shook with the man. He doubted Mr. Tanner would have known him from Brad Pitt, but it was nice to see a friendly, familiar face. “Good to see you, sir. The town looks great. I haven’t gotten back much since my parents moved to Florida.” “Still get postcards from your parents, yes we do. Such nice folks. Where you at now, Danny?” “Kansas City.” “And your how’s your family? I heard you was married and had two or three young’uns.” Danny smiled. “That would be my brother, David. He’s in St. Louis, married with three kids.” “Oh,” Jasper scratched his head. “I was always getting the two of you mixed up.” “Occasionally,” Danny agreed, and smiled. Jasper Tanner’s eyesight was poor even fifteen years ago, when Danny and Chet ran through the town on Halloween, egging and toilet-papering everything in sight. Jasper got a glimpse of them and Danny’s father was called, but David got the blame. Dave took the punishment and cleaned up the mess without ratting on his brother, because Danny had covered for him a few months earlier when David dented their father’s fender driving without a license. “Dave was a year younger. I ran around with Chet Williams.” “Ah, Chet Williams. Now there’s a boy I never placed much stock in, but he sure grew up respectable. He’s done a fine 33
Fall Fires Anthology job with his father’s business, and he’s got himself a nice wife and family.” “So I heard. I wasn’t able to make it back for the wedding, I’m anxious to meet Cindy and the kids.” Another customer entered the office, so Jasper ran Danny’s credit card and gave him the keys to room eight, around back. “Perfect,” Danny said, thanking the man and promising to stop by later for a visit. “Have fun at the reunion!” Jasper called, and Danny waved. He slipped his sunglasses on and drove around behind the building. He grabbed his keys and suitcase and went into the room. The place was exactly as Danny remembered it—a little old and slightly rundown—but it was cheap, clean and all that Danny needed for the two nights he’d be in town. He had never been to a class reunion before. Five years ago, someone organized a reunion, and Danny laughed when he got the invitation. Barely out of college, just getting settled in a new job and new relationship, Danny had no interest in revisiting his roots. What a difference five years makes, he thought, as he looked at himself in the mirror. Now his job bored him and the relationship had gone through the phases of marriage, separation, and finally a few months ago, divorce. Danny chuckled, thinking he probably should have made it back when he was bursting with enthusiasm about designing websites, and he had a beautiful blonde on his arm. Evie was a looker, no doubt about that. He studied his own reflection, thinking he really hadn’t changed much over the years. His wavy hair was still dark, and there were few wrinkles on his lightly tanned face. He liked to work out and it showed—his body was firm and wiry, not much different from the football physique he sported when he lived here. No, he didn’t have anything to worry about in the looks department. It was all the other areas of his life that he dreaded answering questions about. Especially the married with children 34
Fall Fires Anthology area. From what he heard, most of his classmates had finally settled down and were starting their families. But the class had a hundred people, and he wasn’t the only one who divorced. He knew for a fact Marianne was single again, and that was part of the reason he was here. Danny and Evie had been separated for two years, and having problems long before that. He was faithful to her, and if she could say the same, they might still be married, he thought wryly. But Danny hadn’t had sex in a long time…a long, long time. He didn’t like the idea of an office romance, and all the friends he had outside of work were also close to Evie. There was nobody he had ever been interested in other than her. He tried going to bars now and then, but nobody ever appealed to him there. It had been a long, dry spell. That’s why, when the ten year reunion announcement arrived in the mail, Danny didn’t throw it away immediately. He heard through occasional cards and calls from Chet that Marianne was divorced, and would indeed be attending the reunion. Danny thought if she was in the same boat as him, perhaps they could have a no-strings-attached sex-filled weekend. The very idea of it made the bulge in his jeans tighten uncomfortably, and Danny smiled to himself. That was one itch he was dying to have scratched, and Marianne used to be a mighty fine scratcher. What she lacked in experience, she made up for in eagerness—that “rah rah” cheerleader attitude always turned him on, and the tight skirt didn’t hurt, either. Danny checked his watch; he had just enough time to shower and change before the Marshall High football game that night. The reunion organizers had invited everyone to the game to meet up and cheer on the Bulldogs, and tomorrow there would be a dinner and dance at the newer, bigger hotel in town. 35
Fall Fires Anthology He stripped out of his clothes and stepped under the warm shower spray. There was excellent water pressure he was pleased to notice, which was rather unusual for a motel. He was glad he had chosen to stay here instead of the newer place. Plus, it felt good to give Jasper the business. He stood with his hands against the wall and let the spray pour over his back. Danny glanced down and noticed his erection jutting out, hard as a rock. He smiled as he ran the soap over his body, realizing that if things went the way he hoped, someone else might be lathering up his body with warm, soapy hands later that very night. The idea made his cock twitch, and Danny put the soap down and touched himself. “Maybe tonight,” he whispered, drawing his shaft up and down slowly. It felt so good, he did it again, with a firmer touch. “This is crazy.” He released his throbbing cock and turned to face the water. Why do it himself, when Marianne might be doing it later? He should save his energy for that. The stream of water hit him like a thousand tiny needle pricks and made his cock jump. Christ, that felt good! He wrestled with the idea in his mind for a minute and finally decided if he was too horny, he might come the minute Marianne touched him, or pulled him into her mouth. (His fantasies were going full-force now.) Maybe he needed to take the edge off. He turned the water to a hotter setting and the showerhead to a vibrating, pulsing spray. The jets pounded his sensitive skin and Danny grasped his shaft, pulling the skin up and down slowly. He closed his eyes, picturing Marianne kneeling before him, licking the area around his cock with her tongue before pulling his whole length into her mouth. He envisioned looking down and seeing her blonde head bobbing as she sucked him off enthusiastically, and he felt the tightness as her mouth closed around him. It was a delightful feeling and Danny continued to stroke himself as his mind wandered. 36
Fall Fires Anthology Now he was laying Marianne in a bed beneath him, sucking her tiny, tight titties and shoving his cock into her hot and waiting pussy. She wriggled her body under him and it took just a moment before he came explosively. Danny imagined opening his eyes and looking at the satisfied expression on her lovely face, but he surprised himself to discover the face he imagined had deep-set brown eyes and dark hair that flowed over the pillow. Not only that, he saw tits that would require two hands to hold each one. Danny’s eyes popped open in the shower and he used the soap one last time to rinse the sticky jism from his body. He shut the water off and grabbed a towel as he stepped out. He dried himself off and looked in the mirror. Where had that image come from? He hadn’t thought of Andi Sweet in that way for years and years. Chet never mentioned her; her name wasn’t on anything having to do with the reunion…why was it her face he pictured when he was coming in the shower? And those tits, Christ! Just the thought of them started firming up his cock again. Danny finished drying off and pulled clean jeans and a button-down shirt from his suitcase. He began dressing, and by the time he was finished, he’d decided it was thinking about Sweet’s Drugstore that had brought the memories of Andi back to him. Not memories so much, as he had never laid a finger on Andi. Fantasies, he decided. Despite what he told Chet, he fantasized a lot about Andi and her bodacious set of knockers. In fact, before Marianne let him pop her cherry, Danny jacked off in the shower regularly and it was usually Andi Sweet he was thinking about. He dried his hair and took a couple minutes to style it into the casual-messy appearance he tried so hard to achieve. His waves curled over his collar into little ringlets, just long enough for someone to run their hands through and grab hold, Danny thought as 37
Fall Fires Anthology he smiled to himself. Marianne was number one on the list, but he wanted to remember to ask Chet about Andi. Chet would know, owning a business in a town this size, he probably knew everybody. It was a cool September evening, perfect football weather, Danny determined. He slipped on a jacket and shoved his wallet and keys into his jeans. He noticed his senior yearbook sticking out of his suitcase and he picked it up. He flipped it open to the senior class and looked over the faces he used to see everyday. He wondered how much everyone would have changed. He looked at the picture of Marianne, lord, she was pretty back then! She had practically written a novel next to her picture in his yearbook. Most of the guys just signed their names, Chet wrote a few words and so did lots of other girls. Danny looked at Andi’s picture with no writing around it; she wasn’t there when everyone was signing yearbooks. He touched her face with his finger and closed the book gently. Danny left the motel and headed for the football game in a great mood. He was going to see some old friends, renew some relationships, and if all went well…he would get lucky. There was a banner at the stadium proclaiming Welcome Alumni, Marshall High School Reunion. Danny motioned to it and told the girl at the ticket booth “That’s me; I’m an alumnus, here for the reunion.” She looked at him blankly, snapped her bubble gum, and announced, “Four dollars.” “Right.” Danny pulled the cash from his wallet to pay her and she stamped his hand. He walked into the stadium chuckling, he may have been a big-shot football player ten years ago, but now he was a middle-aged nobody. His self-confidence deflated a notch or two and he strolled into a crowd of people.
Fall Fires Anthology “Mitch, that you?” a voice from the crowd called, and Danny grinned. Only one person called him Mitch. “Willy? Where are you, man?” Chet Williams stepped from the masses, grinning wildly. His curly mess of red hair and glasses looked the same, but he had gained weight. He had always been taller than Danny, but now he was twice as wide. “Nobody calls me Willy and lives to talk about it.” Danny pretended to punch Chet in his big gut. “I can see that, man, I mean, Mister Williams.” “Chet is fine.” He scooped Danny into a big bear hug and they patted each other’s backs. “I think you might be able to kick my ass now,” Danny remarked as they separated. “I could always kick your ass, buddy,” Chet informed him. “I knew this reunion was going to be full of a bunch of bullshit memories.” “What, and I suppose the only accurate memories are yours?” Chet teased, and Danny grinned. “You know it. So how are you? Where are Cindy and the kids? I can’t wait to meet them.” Chet shook his head sadly. “Terri came down with an ear infection, and Cindy didn’t want to get her out in the chilly night air.” “Too bad! Terri, which one is she?” “She’s the two year old, Emily is four. They are just precious, man, you have to see them.” “That’s why I’m here, dude. I’ve seen their pictures in Christmas cards and they are cute…they both got their daddy’s red hair and curls.” Chet pulled his wallet from his pocket and opened it to a family picture. “Guess you’ve never seen their mama.” He held it 39
Fall Fires Anthology up and Danny saw Cindy also sported a full head of curly red hair. “Christ, man, those kids never stood a chance!” They laughed and Danny patted Chet’s shoulder. “She’s beautiful, Chet.” “I know. Not sure how a sucker like me got so lucky…” He looked at Danny. “I’m sorry about Evie. I really liked her that one time I came to visit.” “It’s okay, thanks. I’m trying to move on with my life.” Not quite the truth, Danny realized, but this wasn’t the time or place. “Tonight I’m ready to meet up with some old friends.” Chet nudged him in the ribs. “Marianne is here, freshly divorced and on the prowl, my friend. She might be just what you’re looking for.” “Oh, I don’t know…” Danny tried not to sound too eager, but she did sound exactly like what he was looking for. He was glad someone else was ‘on the prowl’ and not just him. “And wait until you see her.” “What?” For an instant, Danny’s heart sank. Had Marianne changed for the worse? “No, no,” Chet said and waved his hand, “she’s still a babe. But she’s got knockers now! They have to be store-bought because no one could grow that much in the five years since I’ve seen her.” “Breast implants?” Danny asked, startled. He liked big boobs, no doubt, but for some reason, the idea of implants didn’t arouse him. He’d have to see her…them…to get a better idea how he felt about plastic boobs. “Yep.” Chet took Danny by the arm and led him into the building. “Come on. We’ve got some beer hidden over here for reunion-goers. You’ll have to dump it in a covered cup so no one sees it, but that’s no big deal.” 40
Fall Fires Anthology “I could use a beer.” They walked around the corner where another group of people were standing, and the reunion was on. “Danny Mitchell!” “Hey, Danny!” “Danny! How the hell are you, man?” He shook hands with a few, hugged some others, and told his story over and over again. “Yes, I’m living in Kansas City. I design web pages. Uh-huh, I could do that from anywhere, but I was married for several years and my wife’s job was there. No, we’re divorced now. Yeah, thanks, I appreciate that. No, we never had any kids. Yes, that is a good thing.” Three beers and a quarter of the football game went by before Danny came face to face with Marianne. “I heard you were here,” he told her, looking over her appearance. She was still beautiful and looked very polished and precisely put together. Her hair was drawn back into some kind of fancy style and she wore a lot of make-up. Danny couldn’t envision himself kissing those bright red lips. All he could think about was that he’d look like a clown when the lipstick was all over him. And Christ, Chet was right: Marianne had obviously gotten a boob job. She wore a sweater that showed her cleavage and her pointed breasts jutted out at Danny. He wasn’t impressed at all. “Wow,” he pulled his eyes off her chest and looked at her face as he said “You look great…all grown up.” She smiled and wiggled her chest at him, then took a step closer and put one hand on his shoulder. “Yes, I have filled out a bit. I guess God was taking his time with me.” Danny bit back a chuckle and forced down a comment about the plastic surgeon who had given God a hand. There was no reason to be nasty; he had fond feelings for Marianne. But he realized at that moment, he didn’t want to have sex with her. She wasn’t the woman he remembered, and he couldn’t see her enjoying a no-strings-attached romp. It would take her at least 41
Fall Fires Anthology damned near half an hour with the make-up remover before she’d even be ready to hop in the shower. He was disappointed, but it wasn’t her fault. Everyone changes—he supposed he had over the years—and it was foolish of him to think Marianne would still be the same as he remembered her. He looked out over the field. “Great game,” he commented. “I’m not that into football anymore.” Marianne slid her hand up his neck and cupped it. “Maybe we could go someplace quiet and catch up.” Danny saw her face inching forward like she was going to kiss him and he pulled back. Those bright red lips really turned him off. “I don’t know,” he said hesitantly. “I’ve just started meeting people, and Chet and I wanted to watch the game.” Danny was relieved when Chet stepped up next to them. “Hey, I see you found each other.” He turned to Danny. “You’re not going to believe this, but Cindy called and Emily is throwing up. She can’t handle two sick kids, and I have to get home.” “No!” Danny said sincerely. He hated to see his friend go, almost as much as he did the idea of being left alone with Marianne. “But don’t worry, Cindy’s mom is watching the kids tomorrow night so we’ll definitely be at the dinner and dance. I can’t wait for you to meet my wife.” “Yeah, me too. See you tomorrow, then…” Danny muttered, but Chet was already leaving, in a hurry to get home to Cindy and children. “Well,” Marianne stepped closer and put her hand on Danny’s chest. “Too bad about his kids, but I can’t say I’m sorry to have you all to myself.” Danny gulped. He had arrived there with the wholehearted intention of seducing Marianne into his bed. Now the only thing 42
Fall Fires Anthology he wanted was to get the hell away from her. “I don’t know about you, but I could use another beer.” “Sounds good,” she agreed. “Wait here,” Danny told her, and slipped into the crowd. He headed in the opposite direction of the beer and found a secluded spot at the end of the bleachers. He hadn’t actually lied to her—he never said he’d bring her a beer—he just said to wait there. Danny wondered how long she’d wait before she went looking for him. He wouldn’t let her find him tonight, that was for sure, and by tomorrow night, he’d have some excuse how he got caught up in a crowd of reunion-goers and never found her again. He slapped the railing in front of him. This night was not turning out as he’d hoped. Everyone was so different, they almost seemed like strangers to him. He couldn’t believe how little they had to talk about. Once his football history was rehashed, that was about it for great high school memories. As for the time after high school, well, he was sick of repeating his life story over and over again. What had he been thinking coming here? What did he expect a reunion to be about? If he was honest with himself, Danny knew he hadn’t been thinking past the possibility of getting laid. He hadn’t considered what a bust the reunion could turn out—was turning out—to be. “A penny for your thoughts.” He looked down over the side of the bleachers and the sight amazed him. Andi Sweet was standing in the grass, staring up at him. “Hey, you,” Danny said and smiled. “I was wondering where you were.” Actually, he had forgotten all about her the minute he arrived at the stadium. But now the fond memories were back, and he was pleased to see Andi looked just the same as always. Finally, someone who hadn’t changed. “You look great.” “So do you. I was hoping you’d be here.” “Why don’t you come on up so we can talk?” 43
Fall Fires Anthology Andi shrugged. “I didn’t pay to get in.” He laughed. “So how’d you get here?” “Same way I always used to, climbed through a hole in the fence. I used to watch the games from the grass hill over here.” “You watched the games?” Danny asked and instantly regretted it. Andi chuckled. “Not what you heard? Well, don’t believe everything you hear, Danny Mitchell. I watched every one of the games you played. You just never noticed me.” “Oh, I noticed you all right. Maybe not during the games, I’ll admit I was a little busy then. But I noticed you the rest of the time. You were too beautiful not to be noticed.” “You were too busy with what’s-her-name cheerleader to pay any attention to me.” “My mistake.” Danny looked over the railing and down the ten foot wall that separated him from Andi. He supposed he could leave the usual way and try to find the hole in the fence she was talking about, or…he tossed a leg over the railing. “What are you doing?” she squealed. “If you won’t come up, I’m coming down.” He tossed his other leg over and held on by his hands. “You’re going to break your neck!” “It’s not that big of a leap.” “Be careful!” “I’m trying to.” Danny took a breath and shoved away from the wall as he let go. He dropped to his feet and then rolled to his back, but he was all in one piece. “Are you okay?” Andi knelt by him, looking him over. He smiled and lay back on the grass. “I’m just fine. I can’t believe how beautiful you look. I can’t believe how the same you look.” She grinned and extended a hand to help him up. “I hope that’s a good thing.” 44
Fall Fires Anthology He stood and faced her. Her shiny black hair hung loosely at her shoulders, and her face radiated a natural glow. Her lips were inherently pink and full, no tube of lipstick made them that way. He couldn’t help staring at them. He imagined how soft they would feel against his. “It’s a very good thing,” Danny murmured. “I can’t believe you jumped.” She looked down, appearing self-conscious at his scrutiny. “I can’t believe you’re here. I was just thinking what a bust this reunion was turning out to be, and I was actually considering leaving.” “What’s-her-name is here,” Andi said softly. “Marianne,” he told her. “I know, we talked. I couldn’t get past the bright red lips and the new plastic boobs—oh geez, I shouldn’t have said that.” Andi laughed. “You can be honest with me. I always liked that about you.” He cocked his head at her. “We barely spoke. How could you know me?” She took a step away from him and looked out over the football field. “I probably knew more than you realized,” she said quietly. Danny stepped up behind her. “Chet and I used to come to the drugstore hoping to get a look at you.” She continued staring out over the field as she spoke. “Chet tried to get you to ask me out, but you never did.” “I was, uh, going steady with Marianne.” “All through high school, believe me, I know. But having a steady girlfriend didn’t stop other guys from asking me out.” Danny took Andi’s arm and turned her around to face him. “I would have never done that to you.” She looked into his eyes. “Even if I wanted you to?” 45
Fall Fires Anthology He smiled. “That’s water under the bridge at this point. I’m sorry we never got to know each other better in high school. Perhaps we can do something to rectify that situation.” Andi smiled sadly back at him. “I’m afraid it’s too late now.” She ran a finger across the sleeve of his jacket. “But I think it could have been wonderful.” He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. “It could be wonderful. Why is it too late?” Danny ran a hand over her cheek tenderly before leaning down and pressing his mouth against hers. He kissed her gently and felt her body stiffen for an instant before relaxing against him. Danny groaned softly as he wrapped his arms around Andi, pulling her to him tightly. “I’ve had fantasies about this,” he whispered. Her hands caressed his neck and she murmured, “Me too,” between kisses. He backed her up to the brick wall and pressed his body against hers. His erection strained against his jeans, and Andi spread her legs so he could press himself closer to her center. “That feels so good,” she moaned, and brushed the hair from her neck as his kisses trailed down that way. His hands cupped her breasts and she sighed loudly. “Oh yeah. I’ve wanted this for so long, Danny.” “God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, unbuttoning the top of her blouse and sliding one hand inside. He couldn’t believe the glorious feeling as he squeezed her large silky breast. “I love these. I want to taste them.” Andi yanked her shirt open and both taut breasts were bared for him. “Do it,” she groaned, pushing his face toward her chest. “Let me feel it.” Danny cupped both breasts in his hands and took turns licking and sucking the rose-colored nipples until they were firm nubs. He rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers and 46
Fall Fires Anthology pressed his body against hers again. “I want you, Andi. I want to make love to you.” “I want you too, Danny. I’m ready. I’ve been ready for so long.” He kissed her neck and murmured “Let’s go back to my motel room. We’ll have privacy and we won’t have to hurry— we can take all night.” Andi cupped his erection through his jeans and looked at him. “We don’t need all night. There’s a place we can go right here. I don’t want to wait.” She dragged him around the corner and under the bleachers. Danny looked skeptical as they scooted under the narrow back of the brick wall, but it was roomy and definitely private once they got in. There was a blanket on the ground and a candle burning, which cast a soft glow over them both. He looked at Andi. “The candle is lit. You were planning this?” She grabbed his face and kissed him hungrily. When they stopped to breathe, she replied, “I’ve been planning this for years. I want you so much, Danny. Make love to me…here…now…I can’t wait anymore.” She began tugging at his jeans. “Hang on.” He pulled a silver foil packet from his jeans and she grabbed it and tossed it aside. “I’ve been fixed for a long time, baby. And I’m clean as can be; you won’t get anything from me except a mind-shattering orgasm.” Danny wanted to protest but Andi’s hand was now inside his jeans, massaging his bulging cock. All thoughts slowly slipped from his mind as she rubbed him, and soon, dropped to her knees in front of him. “Oh God,” he muttered, reaching up to grab a metal rod for support. “That’s right, you’d better hang on,” she teased before she sucked his length into her mouth. 47
Fall Fires Anthology Danny gasped at the intense pleasure and tried to think about something nonsexual so he wouldn’t come instantly. He wanted this to last, and wanted to fuck her more than anything. After a few minutes, he ran a hand through her hair and said, “That feels so great. Will you let me reciprocate?” She pulled back and smiled. “Let you? Hell, I’ll beg if I have to.” He grinned as he leaned down and pressed her onto the blanket. He dragged her jeans and panties down and tossed them off, then straddled one of her legs and rubbed himself against her. He looked around quickly. “This is kind of nice down here.” The crowd was noisy but muffled above them, and they could hear the sounds of the game in the distance. “I think so, too,” Andi replied as Danny started kissing her neck and working his way down. When he got to her breasts, she moaned, “Oh yeah, suck me, baby.” Her words sent shivers down his spine, and Danny sucked the large nipples until they were red and engorged. He teased his mouth down her stomach and stopped to admire the square patch of hair between her legs. “You are so beautiful, Andi.” She bucked her hips. “Show me.” Danny parted the hair with his fingers and dived into her folds with his tongue. She was wet and hot and he had never tasted anything so delicious in his life. “Oh, Andi,” he murmured, licking, sucking and nibbling her all over. She was heavenly. He loved this. He wanted this for himself. She cried out when she came and her fluids gushed over him. Danny lapped up her juices and couldn’t wait another moment to sink his throbbing cock into her wet pussy. “I need to have you,” he moaned as he thrust into her. “Take me,” she replied, clinging to him as he pounded her forcefully. “I want you so much. Fuck me, Danny. Fuck me hard and make me come again.” 48
Fall Fires Anthology No one had ever talked to him this way before, and he couldn’t believe what her words were doing to him. He dropped onto her and pulled her earlobe into his mouth. “I am fucking you, my beautiful Andi. I’m fucking you hard and we’re both going to come together.” “Come on.” She bucked against him. “God I love this!” he called to her as his climax hit. “I love you,” she replied and shuddered her own orgasm out in conjunction with his. They clung to each other and took a moment to catch their breath before Danny pulled up and looked at her. “I love you,” she repeated, gazing into his eyes. “I love you, too.” He grinned and kissed her passionately. They laughed and kissed and rolled around on the blanket like school kids. They lay quietly for a few minutes, and then they whispered for awhile before they started kissing again. The next thing Danny knew, he was hard as a rock again, thrusting into Andi from behind as she clung to a stack of old tires someone had placed there. She cried out her climax so loudly, he thought for sure they’d be found out, but no one ever appeared. The danger apparently added to the experience, because Danny came harder and felt more wonderful than he ever had in his life. He wrapped his body around Andi and spooned her on the blanket for a long time afterwards. When he heard soft snoring, he whispered in her ear, “Come back to my motel room. I don’t want this night to end.” She didn’t answer, so he kissed her ear and then her cheek. “I love you, Andi. I love you. I don’t know if we really want to live here, but I don’t have to live in Kansas City. We could pick someplace different, someplace wonderful where we could start a new life together.” 49
Fall Fires Anthology She turned her head to look at him. “I’ll always love you, Danny. Please believe me, I will. But you’ve misunderstood. There’s no way we can have a life together.” “What?” He sat up and looked at her. “Jesus, I guess I really jumped the gun here. I mean, I’m not attached, and I assumed you were free to be with me.” “You know what they say about assuming.” She smiled at him as she sat up. “Don’t joke with me, Andi. I’m deadly serious here. I think I’ve loved you for more years than I can remember, and didn’t even realize it. But what we just did—sweet Jesus, babe—I want you in my life forever.” She reached for her shirt and began buttoning it up. “It was just sex, Danny. Fantastic, fabulous sex, but it can never be anything more.” He started to interrupt and she put a finger to his mouth. “I’m not free to be with you. I’m sorry, because I know I’ve loved you my whole life. But what we had was just tonight.” “No.” He looked at her, pained. Andi nodded. “I’m sorry, my beautiful, beautiful Danny. But it was a great night. It was exactly what I’ve been waiting for…exactly what I needed.” He pouted around as he slipped into his shirt and slowly buttoned it. He looked at her hopefully. “I’m here until Sunday. I don’t suppose there could be just one more night…” She shook her head sadly. “I have to go.” Andi stood up and finished dressing. Danny followed suit, and when they were dressed, he pulled her into his arms. “I can’t believe this is goodbye. Will I see you tomorrow night at the dance? I won’t like seeing you with someone else, but at least—” “No, I won’t be there.” She touched his face and smiled. 50
Fall Fires Anthology “I don’t want to let you go!” he insisted. “We were so perfect together. That was the best it’s ever been for me.” “Too bad you didn’t figure that out ten or twelve years ago.” She kissed her fingertip and touched it to his lips, and slipped out under the wall. “Andi, wait!” Danny stumbled as he started out after her, and when he got free of the wall and looked around, she was gone. “Andi!” he called loudly, but she never returned. **** Danny slept until well after noon on Saturday, and then he lay awake in bed, reliving the previous evening in his mind. Remembering Andi made him smile, but knowing he would never see her again pained him like a knife to the heart. He thumbed through the phone book in his motel room, but there were no listings for Sweet. If she was married, she’d have a different last name, he realized. Of course, that must be it. But why had she sought him out if she was happily married? Evidently, she’d harbored a secret crush on him all these years, as he had on her without actually realizing it. The fulfillment of their dream was so perfect. He sighed as he recalled the feeling of her body intertwined with his. He’d be damned if he’d let her go that easily! He’d talk to Chet, find out where she lived, and visit her under the guise of an old classmate wanting to say hello. When he phoned Chet, Cindy’s mother answered and told him that Chet and Cindy were at the emergency room with Emily, who was still throwing up. Danny chatted with the woman a few minutes and hung up, realizing he couldn’t bother his old friend at a time like this. He wondered if they would even make it to the dinner that night, having two sick children. He showered, dressed and drove around the town aimlessly. The reunion committee had planned a tour of the town that afternoon, but Danny had no interest in seeing anyone but Chet or Andi. He would make an appearance at the dinner 51
Fall Fires Anthology and see how it went, but in all likelihood, he probably wouldn’t stay long. He really wanted to see Andi one more time, even if it was just to talk. **** The big room at the new hotel was decorated in blue and white, the colors of the Marshall High Bulldogs. Danny stepped in nervously, looking around for familiar faces. He saw a few guys from his football team and talked with them until Chet showed up. “Hey, am I ever glad to see you!” Danny told him. “How’s Emily?” “Better. She has an ear infection, too. We started her on antibiotics and she was finally sleeping when we left her with Cindy’s mom.” He looked around. “I’m not sure how late we’ll be able to stay.” Danny grabbed the lapel of Chet’s suit jacket. “Listen, I need to talk to you.” “Yeah, me too, man. I heard you disappeared last night! Marianne was pissed.” “Too bad. I’ve got to tell you what happened! I—” “Chet?” A woman’s voice interrupted them. Chet turned and smiled at her, slipping his arm around her waist. “Hi, honey. I want you to meet Danny, my oldest best friend. Danny, this is Cindy, my newest best friend.” Danny smiled and shook hands with the pretty redheaded woman. “I’m pleased to finally meet you. I’ve heard many good things about you.” She grinned at him. “I’ve heard plenty about you, too, and not all of it was good.” They chuckled and made small talk for a few minutes. Danny wondered how he was going to get Chet alone—Cindy’s arm was tightly threaded through her husband’s. 52
Fall Fires Anthology “That was some game you missed last night!” One of their former teammates, Gil, said to Chet. “Oh you bet! I was sorry to have to leave.” Chet turned to Danny. “Great game, eh?” “Uh, yeah,” Danny hesitated. He had forgotten about the game, and had no idea who won. Gil continued, “We even heard there was some activity under the bleachers!” “No way!” Chet laughed, and the whole crowd joined him. “Yes, there was,” another man spoke up. Danny vaguely remembered his name was Ted; he wasn’t a football player and not a close pal. “We heard it from where we were sitting. There was some definite action going on.” “Makes you think of Andi Sweet, doesn’t it?” Gil added, and everybody laughed again. “That’s not nice,” Danny spoke up. “Maybe not, but it was true. She had a whole little set-up under there, blanket and all.” Ted smirked and added proudly, “I know, because she took me down there once.” Danny glared at him, his fists clenching. “I guess that makes you quite a man, real proud of yourself and all.” Chet stepped up next to his friend and patted Danny’s shoulder. “You’re right; we shouldn’t be talking about her like that. They say it’s not polite to speak ill of the dead.” Danny looked at Chet. “What did you say?” “That it’s not polite to speak ill of the dead. Andi, you know…” Facing Chet, Danny asked again, “What the hell are you talking about?” “You remember, she was run over by a drunk driver as she walked along the highway one night. It was probably about a year after graduation. They made a big deal about it at our five year reunion.” 53
Fall Fires Anthology Danny’s head was reeling. “I didn’t go to the five year reunion,” he murmured softly. “That’s right,” Chet answered. “Gee, I thought you knew. It was in all the papers; it was a pretty big story. The coroner said she didn’t die instantly. She probably laid out there injured and alone for several hours before she died.” “It was sad,” Cindy added. Danny shook his head. “I didn’t know. Jesus, she laid out there hurt and alone before she died?” A thought struck him and he voiced it out loud. “She died the way she lived…lonely.” Several people laughed. Ted winked obnoxiously and added, “I don’t think she was ever lonely. She was never under those bleachers by herself, if you know what I mean.” Danny scowled at Ted for one instant before he punched him in the jaw. “I’ve got to get out of here,” he muttered, and headed for the door. He heard Chet trying to smooth things over, saying something about Danny always having a little crush on Andi. It was nice of his friend to try and justify his behavior, but Danny knew his behavior was beyond justification. He reached the front door when Marianne grabbed his arm. “I’ve been looking for you!” she said with a touch of irritation. He looked at her evenly and removed her hand from his arm. “I’ve got to go. Have a nice life, Marianne.” “But, Danny—” She tried to grab him but he was out the door and to his car in a flash. He sat behind the wheel, trying to decide where to go. Did he want to go back to the stadium and look under the bleachers? Maybe he should drive out to the cemetery and view her gravestone for himself. Both of those ideas scared the shit out of him. He had thought he wanted to see Andi one last time. Now 54
Fall Fires Anthology the last thing he wanted to do was to run into Andi Sweet. Or should he say the ghost of Andi Sweet. Danny drove to his motel and locked himself in his room. He debated staying the night, but really just wanted to get the hell out of there. He began throwing things into his suitcase, stopping only when he noticed his yearbook sitting open on the dresser. He took a step toward it hesitantly, knowing he hadn’t left it open. Next to Andi’s senior picture was a fresh inscription in bright red ink. Danny, I’ll never forget the night we spent together. Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed. I’ll always love you, Andi. He ran a finger over her picture in the yearbook, and then closed it gently. He no longer felt the need to run away. He knew Andi was gone, and that somehow, spending time with him had helped her cross to a better place. Suddenly, Danny felt in a better place himself. He kicked off his shoes and tossed his jacket on the chair. Lying back on the bed, he smiled when he realized that maybe Andi had given him a bit of what he needed, too. He came to the reunion looking for something, and he found it. A sense of peace and satisfaction washed over him. It was time to move on with his life. Evie was gone, not that he wanted her back anyway. Marianne was in the past…the distant past. Danny realized he was finally ready to move ahead and go after what he wanted. He’d go back to Kansas City and look for a new place to live, and maybe even a new job. He needed to shake things up a little. He’d stop by Chet’s house tomorrow and apologize for leaving the dinner so abruptly. He’d tell Chet and Cindy goodbye, and maybe on his way out of town, he’d stop and leave some flowers on Andi’s grave. The thought didn’t terrify him 55
Fall Fires Anthology anymore. All he felt was calm and peaceful…and hungry! He was damn hungry. He picked up the phone to order a pizza.
Fall Fires Anthology
C’ann Inman
Fall Fires Anthology
The ones who saw her called her Autumn. She was a ghostly vision with long, chestnut hair and violet eyes. She appeared most often during the fall, when the leaves changed colors and fell softly to the ground to crunch underfoot. No one knew her real name was Lauren. But she didn’t care. People came and went. Young. Old. Couples. Laughing. Crying. Breathing. The only person she ever cared about was long gone. Her fiancé, James, never came to visit. And in fact, she knew in her heart, he avoided the park. Because Lauren lost her life here years ago. A petty thief fired a bullet into her heart when she wouldn’t meet his demands. It had, in fact, not hurt a bit. The pain blossomed later when she watched her fiancé hold her hand as her life’s blood spilled onto the autumn leaves. They were so painfully beautiful, she remembered. Golds, oranges, and yellows melded and swirled upon the veins of the foliage. The wind blew lightly through her hair and James brushed it back, whispering sweet words. Telling her not to die. Telling her he loved her. His tears fell on her face, streaming across her cheeks and wetting her hair. In the end, she watched the policemen pry the love of her life off her dead body and escort him back to the police car. Her body, her life, swiftly zipped into a plastic bag. But pieces of her remained at the spot of her demise. Drawn by a force she didn’t understand and never questioned. 58
Fall Fires Anthology Lauren thought she had seen James once about a week after her murder. That was when she still kept track of the days. Just a glimmer. A hope born in her breast that was shattered as she walked closer and found nothing. Just her imagination. And that was the last time she dared to dream of being with her love. The first five years in the park had been excruciatingly long. No parties. No laughter. She kept herself amused by watching the squirrels and seeing the seasons change. But the amusement rapidly faded into animosity. Why should those around me have the gift of life? Am I not a good person? Didn’t I deserve to have a life just as the people I watch? The resentment built quickly, and she vented her anger on passersby. A brisk wind here. A paper pushed out of hands. A fall in the mud. Men were her favorite targets. So busy with their lives. Wrapped up in themselves and their work. Lauren had learned to trip some of them. It was a build up of energy inside her. And if she focused all of it, she could create a physical manifestation. A swift shove. Anything she could do to physically punish them. She still longed for James to come to her. Eventually, she told herself. He would come eventually. He needed to pay his respects at the spot where her body had fallen. But he never came. Not once. And the hurt deepened day by day. She was bitter. And the bitterness took on a life of its own that only grew as more time passed. But then an event happened that changed her existence and altered her perceptions of her narrow world. A couple visited the park on a chilly, fall evening. They glanced around furtively, which piqued her interest. They were in their twenties. The man held a picnic basket in one hand, and had the fingers of his other entwined with his date’s. They laughed. She remembered that. And she was drawn to the sound 59
Fall Fires Anthology as a moth to flame. Laughter. One of the only things that warmed her from the inside out. Even in death. The man and woman were both blonde. He had green eyes. Hers were blue. He wore pants. She had on a skirt. The man bowed low and gestured at the bare ground. The woman inclined her head, silently agreeing with the spot. The man bent low and laid the picnic blanket on the ground. He helped the woman sit and then began pulling items from the basket, one by one. The food hadn’t interested Lauren at all. She wasn’t hungry. It was the look in the couple’s eyes. That was the hunger which drew her. And she was soon rewarded. It wasn’t cold that evening. Neither person wore a jacket. And when the man sank down next to the woman, she reached for him. And the hunger, long denied in Lauren’s soul, swept through her painfully. She watched them from a distance until she couldn’t stand another minute so far away. Lauren glided silently closer, eager to see more. To be as close as possible. When she moved onto the edge of the blanket, the couple shivered, as if sensing her presence. But still they continued. The man unbuttoned the woman’s shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. The woman groaned and brought the man’s head down against her breast, and he sucked her nipple through the chemise. The woman arched her back, trying to bring the man’s mouth as close as possible. And then his mouth moved down. Lower and lower. Both of his hands untucked the woman’s chemise and brought it up over her head. He tossed it carelessly to the side and lay the woman flat against the picnic blanket. And this time, when his mouth touched the woman’s nipple, it was flesh to flesh. 60
Fall Fires Anthology Lauren watched the woman tremble beneath the man. And she ached. An ache so deep, she wanted to weep with it. She bent, trying to become a part of the scene. And then it happened. Lauren slipped. Or at least that’s what it felt like. And then she was. Was the woman. Feeling the man’s mouth and hands on her. She exhaled then. A deep, lusty sigh. Lauren looked down and saw the top of the man’s head. His mouth worked against her stomach, nipping gently. The sensations washed over her skin, causing it to break out in goose bumps. Her nipples hardened, and she grabbed the man by the back of his head and moved him up higher. She brought his mouth to her left breast and took his hand to move between her legs. He groaned, “Baby,” against her skin. “Yes.” Lauren heard the other woman’s voice but didn’t care. She brought the man’s hand up below the hem of her undergarments until she felt his finger against her pussy. And then she began to move his hand up and down, stroking her. Lauren felt him tremble and knew power, the likes of which she wasn’t aware she could have. She and James had sex. But it was often in the dark. He on top. She on bottom. And now she felt the freedom to explore her darkest desires and wants. What her body demanded. She opened her legs further, pushing the man’s hand where she wanted it. He shifted immediately, and Lauren smiled a secret smile. The man’s hard cock lay against her leg, insistent. She licked her lips and arched her hips. The man shuddered against her, dry humping her leg. “Do you want me?” Her voice was husky in the still of the night. 61
Fall Fires Anthology “Yes.” The man lifted his head, blue eyes darker than they had been. His face was tight with suppressed need. Lauren pushed the man back and slid her skirt up even higher. She pulled her panties down slowly, watching the man’s face as he gazed on her bare pussy. She spread her legs farther, parting her pearly, pink lips. “Then fuck me.” The man groaned and shuddered. He unzipped his pants quickly and shoved his cock deep inside her. One pump. Two. And then he came with a shout and buried his face against her bare breasts. Lauren frowned. Unsatisfied would be an understatement. She moved her hips around until she was rewarded with the hardening of the man’s cock again. She grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled his face up to hers. “You’re not done. Do you understand?” He nodded furiously. She eased down and wrapped her legs tightly around the man’s waist. Then she pushed her hips up. And then down. Fucking him slowly. Letting him feel her tight pussy clench his cock. Sweat broke out on his brow, and Lauren smiled. She licked her lips and cupped her bare breasts in her hands. “Make me come.” She stroked and pulled on her nipples while the man watched. He moved up to his knees and began stroking his cock deep inside her. His eyes never left her breasts, and she smiled. Power. Such power. The man’s strokes became shorter and harder. Lauren tried to make him hold on, but she couldn’t. The elusive pleasure she was seeking skittered away, and she grimaced. The man came again, shuddering convulsively against her. And then Lauren slipped away. 62
Fall Fires Anthology She watched the woman shake herself lightly and come back to herself. Even when she was the woman, Lauren could feel the other. They both experienced the same feelings. Same thoughts. The woman had just become distant. And now she was back. The couple left soon after, holding hands. And Lauren smiled. There would be others. **** There were plenty of couples to choose from. But not all of the women let her in. Lauren began to watch. And when she wanted to be part of the scene, she would move closer until she could tell if she would “slip” or not. Around a decade after her first experience, she found another woman who let her in. It was, once again, fall. And Lauren noted the leaves with knowing eyes. She wasn’t a stupid woman. She always felt stronger during the fall. There was a pull in her to be more. To exist. And her needs were always stronger than she could imagine. She glanced back at the people. They had their arms around each other. He was tall and lanky. Brown hair. Brown eyes. The woman was short. Long brown hair. Brown eyes. Curvy. They moved toward the bushes, and Lauren followed them. She knew what they were planning to do, and she felt her excitement build. It had been too long. The couple sank to the ground, wrapped in each other. Lauren moved closer and became part of the woman. The man’s mouth worked against hers, his tongue stroking deeply. She sucked on it and moaned. His hands moved down her body, cupping her breasts for a minute. And then lower. His hand crept beneath the waistband of her pants, stroking her through her panties. Lauren shuddered with need. He continued kissing her while his hand moved back up and undid her pants. He worked 63
Fall Fires Anthology them down her body, his mouth trailing everywhere his hands went. The man tossed her pants to the side and moved his body on top of hers again. Lauren brought his head down to hers and kissed him with all the pent-up passion she felt. His hands moved below her sweater and pulled her bra down over her breasts, still leaving it clasped. Then he lifted the sweater and simply looked at her. Her breasts spilled over the white satin, and he reached down to pull lightly at her nipples. Then he spread her legs and looked at her. She watched him stroke his hard cock through his pants. “Take your panties off.” Lauren worked them down her legs and tossed them by her pants. And then the man sank down between her legs. He wrapped his arms around her legs while he moved his mouth against her soaking pussy. She spread her legs as far as she could. Never had she felt anything like what the man was doing to her. His tongue flicked against her hard clit, relentless. And then she moaned as he worked one finger deep inside her. And then two. Lauren worked her pussy against the man’s face. And he continued to suck and nibble on her while working his fingers deeper and quicker. She grabbed the back of his head and arched herself closer. She rubbed her nipples while fucking his face mercilessly. Her body tightened, and he lifted his head. Still holding eye contact, he undid his pants and slid them down to his knees. Followed by his underwear. He grabbed his cock in his hand and moved down between her legs. Lauren watched him slide the tip of his cock inside her and then pause. She started to move her body closer, but he stopped her. He began to move inside her. But slowly. So slowly. His 64
Fall Fires Anthology hand kept his cock clutched tightly. She could feel it move against her pussy with every stroke. And then he bent to suck on her nipples. His mouth was insistent, and she held him there while he continued to thrust into her. And then he lifted his head for a moment and locked gazes with her. He let go of his cock and slid his full length into her. Lauren’s body began to shake, and she reached out for him. But he took her hands and put them back on her breasts. The man bent her knees and pistoned himself back and forth. She lay back on her elbows and pulled on her nipples while his unrelenting cock pushed inside her. His eyes feasted on the sight of her playing with her breasts and then moved down to watch his cock slide in and out of her hole. He reached down and rubbed her clit in slow circles. Lauren threw her head back and welcomed the tightening sensation flowing through her body. She wanted it so badly. The man’s hand and cock were more persistent, and he bent down to whisper in her ear. “You fuck so good. Do you like my hard cock in your pussy?” Her body jerked, and she cried out as the waves flooded her body. And still the man plunged into her. Lauren barely caught her breath when she felt it happening again. “Oh, please.” Her voice shook. “Yes. Tell me.” His brown eyes bore into hers. “Tell me what you want.” “Fuck me. Slam your cock into me.” The man grabbed her ass and pounded inside her so fiercely, that Lauren came with a scream. The man shook as he came and collapsed on top of her. He moved his head slowly and licked the nipple closest to his face. “I love you, Monica.” 65
Fall Fires Anthology Lauren slowly slipped away. She wasn’t Monica. And the man who loved her had left her. **** Lauren loved to glide along the numerous pathways of the park and watch the people with curiosity. It was a habit she picked up long ago. It was mostly the children who saw her. She had a soft spot for the young and the elderly. One group at the beginning of their life and the other at the end of it. The young people would often smile and wave while she waved back. Parents turned their heads and looked puzzled when they saw mere air. It suited her. The men who glimpsed her were amazed and startled by her ethereal beauty. The chestnut hair moved softly against her shoulders while her violet eyes seemed to see straight into their souls. Her simple blue dress hugged her curves and flared softly to the ground. They were scared, the lot of them. And Lauren scoffed at their timidity. She smiled secretly at the ones she had felt inside her through her visitations to their wives and girlfriends. What would they do if they knew they had sex with her? Touched her intimately? Years passed, and she felt her strength build again as the dry, summer days shortened. The children began to wear long pants, and the parents scolded them for forgetting to bring jackets. Her body tightened in anticipation when the city workers decorated the park for Halloween. Soon. Soon I will feel a man’s body next to mine. Soon I will remember what it is like to be desired. Her hunger grew day by day. But so did her melancholy. Lauren missed her life. It hadn’t been perfect. Not even close. Her matronly Aunt Maude raised her since her parents passed away. Her aunt was a woman who didn’t know what it 66
Fall Fires Anthology was like to let her hair down and lift her skirt up past her knees. Someone who didn’t understand Lauren in the least. An aunt who stifled her beyond reason. And then James came into her life. Sweet, silent James. One look at him, and she had lost her reasoning. Whereas she was young and wild, he was sedate and a little older. Lauren was barely eighteen when they met. And she knew from the instant she laid her violet eyes on his bottle green ones, they were meant to be. The breath seemed to leave her body as he gazed intently down at her. And then he took her hand and proceeded to place a whispery soft kiss against the back of her hand. She had been speechless. Her aunt’s chiding caused a flush to ride high in her cheeks as she shamelessly stared at the man she wanted. And then she began her pursuit. Wherever James was, she would be. Her friends began to tease her, but she didn’t care. It was imperative they be together. How else could she explain the intensity of the feelings he sparked in her? He would often arch an eyebrow at her when no one was looking, and Lauren would grin back at him and wink. The days passed quickly, but still he didn’t approach her with offers of a courtship. She plotted in her room late at night and tried to decide the next best plan. Maybe she could sneak into his bedroom late at night. Maybe she could accidentally swoon into his arms. Maybe. And then everything changed. One early summer evening while Lauren was accompanying her aunt to the store, James stopped them in their tracks. He had bowed low, she remembered. And then he brought a ring out of his pocket and proceeded to ask her to marry him. 67
Fall Fires Anthology Her aunt sputtered in shock while Lauren snatched the ring proudly and slid it on her finger. She held it up and admired the way the sun glinted off the small diamond. Her piece of James to carry with her always. Aunt Maude kicked her out soon after. And Lauren calmly walked to James’ house and asked him to take her in. He immediately hired her a maid and proceeded to ensconce her in his home and his heart. The first time they made love, she instigated the whole episode. James swore his love to her but explained he wanted to wait until she was legally his. To cherish. To care for forever. But her young body itched for fulfillment, and she took matters into her own hands. While he was at work one day, she had her maid help her into one of her most daring, amethyst dresses. Then she asked the staff to retire early because she had plans to discuss with their employer. Each did as they were asked. When James walked inside the house, Lauren brought him a tray and met him in the den. He looked at her closely but didn’t question her. And when she locked the door behind her, he allowed himself a small smile. “Are you sure?” “Yes.” Lauren moved closer and fit her body to his. It was almost unbearable. But then James touched her. Undressed her. And loved her in a way that no one else ever could. Her first love. Her heart. He had been so gentle. Those large hands gliding over her smooth skin and sparking deep desires within her. She barely recognized herself. She was lost to all the sensations he brought her. Her body trembled uncontrollably at her first spasm, and she shattered in his hands. And when he slid his hard length into her, she clenched tightly around him, urging him on. 68
Fall Fires Anthology They had been good together. Somehow, James always knew her heart. The deepest part of her she kept hidden. And once they were married, she would show him the desires of her body. All of those secrets Lauren kept locked inside. Longings. Wanton wishes. But the wedding never came. Exactly two weeks before they were to wed, Lauren was killed. She refused to give up her small piece of James to a robber. And he had shot her point blank in the chest. James was buying refreshments and hurried back with a stricken look on his face. He dropped the drinks and sank down beside her, cradling her body close to his. “My love,” he murmured, his tears washing down her face. “James.” Lauren forced herself to bring her weak and trembling hand up to cup his cheek. “My James,” she whispered. The last words she ever uttered. So long ago. The years began to pass more quickly. People wore less and less. Children became louder and more insistent. And still she waited. **** Lauren slid along her favorite path soundlessly in the evening air. Her dress brushed against her body softly. And her hair moved slowly as if a breeze stirred through it. All of the parents had taken their children home for the evening. It was a weekday. It had to be. There were no groups of children hanging out and talking into phones they could take with them. Ah, technology. It had changed so much and so quickly. Now there were cars that moved swiftly through the streets and bikes with motors. What a wondrous world it had become. At least she still had most of her senses. The smells had changed, along with the sights. It was dirtier. So many people 69
Fall Fires Anthology crammed into a little space. But the park was still mostly untouched by the times. And she took great pains to keep it that way. Lauren stopped abruptly in her tracks and turned around. Her nose twitched slightly. The air had changed. Another couple. She smiled. The yearning in her grew until it almost eclipsed her reasoning. Their passion was almost tangible, and she wanted a taste. She needed one. They were young, she noted. The man was in his twenties, but the girl not even twenty. Her blue tank top and blue jean shorts hugged her body. The man wore longer shorts and a casual T-shirt with a car on it. Their fingers were laced tightly together. The girl looked up longingly into the man’s face, and Lauren’s breath caught. Desire unfurled in her. She slid along until she was even with them. And then she pressed herself against the girl. Oh. Lauren shivered in the air. The girl’s desire was palpable. And the things she wanted… When the man turned and looked at her, she tugged his face down to hers and stroked his lips with her tongue. Hunger nipped at her with sharp teeth, and she unleashed it gladly. The man led her into an opening surrounded by shrubbery. It was a small place, and one Lauren knew lovers favored. Her body shivered in the evening air as she watched the man’s eyes rake over her body. “Take your shirt off.” Lauren moved her hands slowly down her body and lifted the tank top inch by inch up over her breasts and then her head. The wind shifted, and her nipples peaked in the sudden air. “And your shorts.” She undid the strange fasteners and moved the fabric down her legs and stepped out of them. The girl wore no underwear. Lauren stood there, nude, in front of the man’s hot gaze. 70
Fall Fires Anthology “Beautiful,” he rasped. His right hand reached out and ran from her collarbone down to her left breast. He brought his hand back to his mouth and licked his fingertips before he brought them back down to her breast. His fingers slipped over her hardened nipple, and she moaned. When she brought her hands up, he pushed them back down. The man’s left hand repeated the action, and she stood there and let him tug and tweak at her nipples. The sensations shot down into her pussy and caused her breath to catch in her throat. “Please,” she murmured. The man grinned. “I haven’t even started with you yet.” He lay back on the grass and motioned to her. “Come here.” Lauren walked over and straddled his body with her feet. When she started to sink onto his lap, he shook his head. He flicked his tongue once. And then again. She felt her knees buckle at the thought. And then she moved higher and higher until her knees were by the man’s ears. Lauren threw her head back as she felt her pussy exposed to the air and the man’s tongue. He sucked her gently at first, and she rocked back and forth on his face. His hands moved up to knead her breasts while he pleasured her clit with sure, quick strokes of his skilled tongue. Her body shook uncontrollably at the pleasure. She brought her hands up and covered the man’s with her own. “Yes,” she whispered. “More. Please.” Lauren eased slowly back and forth against his mouth and felt the tension build inside her. She wanted him to keep fucking her with his tongue. It felt so good. The pleasure blinded her to the man who watched from the bushes. Lauren jerked her hips faster and faster. And then she came with a startling intensity that made her breath hitch unevenly in her throat. 71
Fall Fires Anthology “That’s nice, baby.” The man pushed her down a little lower and licked his shining lips. “And now I’ve got a surprise for you.” He motioned with his hand, and her eyes widened. Another man, a little older, stepped out of the bushes and smiled. His eyes riveted to the sight of her naked body atop the other man. Lauren searched the other woman’s memory and felt nothing but relief. They were brothers. And this had been talked about. Halfway planned. She grew wetter at the thought of fucking both men. She crooked her finger, and watched, pleased, as the man shuffled over to her. No one could mistake the bulge in his pants or the look in his eye. Lauren undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles. She took his hard cock into her mouth, while still sitting on the other brother’s lap. The man standing put his hand on the back of her head and groaned at the feel of her sucking his cock deeply into her mouth. She cupped his balls with one hand and his length with the other. Her head bobbed up and down while she pleasured him. The man underneath her slid his shorts off and moved his hand between her legs to stroke her silky flesh. Lauren shuddered and spread her legs farther. He slid one finger inside her and worked it in and out slowly. The man standing up pulled his cock out of her mouth slowly and looked down at his brother. With barely a nod, they traded places. Lauren spread her legs over the cock she had just been sucking and slid his entire length into her. She bucked her hips against his and leaned down so the man could suck her breasts. The other man moved his hand down to her pussy and spread it farther open while using his fingers to stroke her clit. “You like that, don’t you?” 72
Fall Fires Anthology Lauren licked her lips and put her hand over his. She began moving his finger in a slow circle as she fucked his brother beneath her. The tension built quickly, and she let herself simply feel everything. Her nipples were sucked deeply into a mouth while her pussy was slammed full with a hard cock. And her clit throbbed in anticipation at her impending orgasm. Lauren rocked quicker and dug her nails deep into the thighs of the man underneath her. Her body jerked at the first spasm, and she closed her eyes and rode the others until her body was limp and sated. She drifted off then, letting the threesome pull their clothes back on and go home. Lauren filed the memory away for the cold, winter nights that would come. They were inevitable. She licked her lips in memory. The sex fed her need for physical intimacy, but her heart was still encased in ice. Never to be touched again. James. The name echoed hollowly in her heart. Where is James? What is he doing? What is his life like? **** Lauren spent the next three seasons wrapped in melancholy and sadness. Even the memory of her physical visits did nothing to ease the ache. She watched listlessly as the children went back to school and the cool breezes once again shifted over the park. It had been so long. She lost track of years, but she knew decades passed. Decades. The word wormed into her heart and caused more grief. She was inconsolable. Her hands brushed against the changing leaves still clinging bravely to the trees as she moved from one area of the park to another. And then a long-forgotten feeling swept through her so thoroughly, she staggered. Lauren turned hesitantly and watched the thin, old man shuffle slowly down the path she was on. His feet were unsure 73
Fall Fires Anthology and he stumbled against the uneven cracks of the sidewalk. He relied heavily on his brass-handled cane to support his weight and make sure he didn’t fall. The old man kept his head down and shuffled along. His thin, gray hair blew in small wisps across his head. She frowned at him as he approached her slowly. An elderly man didn’t need to be out in this weather. He could catch his death. But the man pushed relentlessly onward. Her eyes narrowed and scanned the immediate area. There was no one around. And she decided to help him as best she could. Lauren focused all her building energy and heard a slight pop as she materialized. The man was only about six feet from her, and his head jerked up suddenly. She pasted a smile on her face and moved closer. “Sir?” “Lauren.” The words seem ripped from the old man’s throat. His hand trembled as it moved higher up to touch her sleeve. Tears slid from bottle green eyes and fell silently on the path. Those eyes. Lauren thought she might faint for a minute. Those green eyes. “James?” she whispered. Her body shook uncontrollably. And her heart swelled tightly in her chest. “Lauren.” The one word broke in the man’s mouth. “Please.” He lifted his hand again as if to touch her. “Don’t!” She stepped back and tried to compose herself. “After all these years, you grace me with your presence. All these years.” Lauren stiffened her backbone with all the hurt and pain she carried. “You have no right to be here. Leave.” She turned her back to him. “I love you.” James’ voice was pleading in the silent twilight. “Please. Lauren.” “Love?” Her tone could have scalded milk, her violet eyes blazed hotly in her face as she turned back around. “Don’t you 74
Fall Fires Anthology dare speak to me of love! Not once did you come here. Not once did you pay your respects to me. Not once did you care!” The wind picked up, and she shook with suppressed emotions. “I cared too much,” James whispered. She snarled at him. “Leave me be! I dreamt of you coming here the first five years. Five years! And then my hope died slowly and painfully. How may years has it been, James? How many years have I waited?” He stepped close enough so she could look into his eyes and see the truth. “Fifty-eight years, Lauren.” The words slapped her back, and she staggered. “Oh my God.” Her violet eyes filled with horror, and her hand moved up to cover her mouth. So long. “I saw you once,” he continued. “Things were bad after you died.” His green eyes skittered away in shame. “I tried to commit suicide a week after you passed.” Lauren’s head whipped around to pin him with her gaze. “I saw you,” she whispered. “And I saw you.” James leaned heavily on his cane and sighed. “The maid found my body. They took me to the hospital and kept me until I regained most of my strength. But I had died. I saw you.” His green eyes asked for forgiveness. “And the pain was more than a weak man could bear.” “You seemed to have managed.” Lauren’s lifted her head even as her chin trembled. “You’ve lived. You’ve loved.” “I’ve loved no other.” James lifted his arthritic hands and clasped hers. “My heart has always been with you.” His green eyes pleaded with her. “Forgive me, Lauren. Forgive the man who’s loved you his entire life.” Lauren furiously blinked the tears away. Her heart filled to capacity and healed. She hugged James tightly to her. “My James.” The dam broke as she sobbed uncontrollably. But suddenly it wasn’t an old man’s frail chest she was crying against but a young man’s sturdy one. 75
Fall Fires Anthology She looked up in shock and saw before her the man he was all those years ago. The gray hair faded into the brown she loved to run her hands through. His body strong again. “How?” she whispered, searching his face. “I’ve come for you, my love. I’ve come to take you home.” James held out his hand, and Lauren slid hers into it. He brought it slowly up to his lips and kissed the back of her hand just as he did so many years before. Warmth suffused her body, and she felt herself splinter into a million particles and then mend back together again. Love flooded every inch of her body, and she trembled in pleasure. She was whole at last. Lauren looked over at James and noticed the soft, white light enveloping his body. Her heart rejoiced, and her spirit soared. Home at last.
Fall Fires Anthology
Sherrill Quinn
Fall Fires Anthology
“You want the loser to do what?” Turner De Winton turned his attention from his friend and leaned back in his office chair to get a closer look at the woman who’d just walked into Friends, Incorporated with his cousin Sydney. Valida Northrup. Her pale blonde hair was piled on top of her head today, leaving her long neck bare and vulnerable-looking. His gaze traveled down the rest of her body, lingering on full breasts, then down her long, long legs set off by the soft-looking short skirt she wore. God, he could look at her until he shriveled up and died. And if he could get her into bed again…he’d die a happy man. He shifted in his chair, trying to unobtrusively adjust his hard cock. One look, that’s all it took. One glimpse of her and his dick could drill through concrete. One thought and there was no shutting out the memory of the way she called out his name when he was buried balls-deep inside her slick heat. “I said,” his friend Roger said, his voice jumping with humor, “that the one who backs the losing team has the woman of his choosing paint a jack-o-lantern on his ass. Then he has to moon the mayor at the annual Fall Fires dance.” Val went into his cousin Sydney’s office and Turner nearly upset the chair trying to keep her in sight. “Whoa!” Roger laughed. “Dude, you have so lost it. Why don’t you just ask her out again already?” 78
Fall Fires Anthology “The timing’s never right.” Turner scooted the chair closer to his desk and fought a blush. Damn. It was bad enough making an ass out of himself in front of his best friend; he did it all the time. But somehow, he had the feeling that Val knew he’d nearly toppled himself onto his head. The woman seemed to know every time he was less than debonair. Even when she wasn’t looking at him. Now, here she was. She came to see Syd frequently, but always after dark. He’d gotten to the point where he was staying at the office later and later, just in case she came in. She’d been avoiding him since that one night, but he’d be damned if he was going to let her continue dodging him. How one night of sex—albeit mind-numbing, roll-youreyes-to-the-back-of-your-head sex—could have entrenched her so firmly in his mind, in his soul…he was clueless. He didn’t like being clueless. What was it about her that drew him? Her body? The startling blue eyes that always seemed to be layered with sadness? That sexy Brit accent? “Why? How hard is it?” Roger interrupted his musing. “‘Hi, Valida. Remember me? Turner De Winton, aka Loser.’” He shook his head. “Man, I’ve only been married five years, but I still remember how to ask a girl out.” “It’s…complicated, Rog.” Turner rubbed the back of his neck and blew a sigh from between pursed lips. He wasn’t sure he could put into words what he was thinking. How did you tell your best bud that you thought your would-be girlfriend wasn’t human? He’d caught a glimpse or two of a reflection in her eyes that made them look silver. And when they’d made love, he could’ve sworn at one point, she was about to bite him. Bite him. Later, he’d convinced himself it had been his imagination, that second when her teeth had looked like fangs. But still, he 79
Fall Fires Anthology couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something preternatural about her. She moved quietly, sometimes so much so, he couldn’t hear her. When she made noise, it was because she wanted to. There was often a coolness to her skin that didn’t seem normal. With all of that, he was almost certain she was… He had a hard time even thinking the word. Was he nuts, wondering if his woman was a vampire? Rolling the idea around in his mind, he was surprised it didn’t bother him. But it didn’t. He knew Killian was a werewolf, so it would only track he’d have some unusual friends. Turner had always been fairly open-minded, with a live and let live attitude toward other people. And Val had never threatened to hurt him. Physically, at least. What she’d do to his heart was anyone’s guess. “She’s different from anyone else I’ve ever met,” he finally said. “Quiet and soft, but there’s a rod of steel that runs up her spine, a certain look she gets in her eyes…” He looked at his friend, frowning at the wide grin on the other man’s round face. “I’m just saying. There’s something different about her.” “Man, oh, man. You got it ba-a-ad.” Roger clasped his hands across his paunch and leaned back in his chair. “One date and she’s got you so tied up in knots, you can hardly stay in your chair. I know who you’re gonna use if you lose this bet.” Turner’s frown deepened. Thank God Roger had brought the conversation back around to the bet and given him an out; he wasn’t comfortable talking about his feelings for Val. Hell, he wasn’t comfortable thinking about his feelings for the woman. “Tell me you’re not serious about this, Rog.” “Damn straight, I’m serious.” Roger leaned forward and grabbed a bag of chips from the desk. He popped open a bag of rippled potato chips and tossed a few in his mouth. “You got me 80
Fall Fires Anthology good last year, Turn.” Roger’s words came out garbled. “It took me three months to get all that green dye outta my hair.” “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full? Besides, you deserved green hair for backing the Packers, buddy.” Turner grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. “Who’s playing?” “Cowboys ’n Giants. Loser from last year gets to pick first. My money’s on the Cowboys, man.” Roger dug in the bag and pulled out another handful of chips. “You in?” “Let’s just be sure we’re straight on this. The loser gets a jack-o-lantern painted on his ass and has to moon the mayor.” Turner stared at his friend, hoping Roger was just kidding. “Yep. At the annual Fall Fires dance. You got it.” “And you think your wife is gonna paint your ass for you, buddy?” Turner snagged the bag of chips and grabbed a handful. “I’ll have you know my wife loves my ass.” Roger ignored Turner’s snort, even as Turner tried to quash the rising feeling of envy he felt for his friend. Roger’s dark hair was thinning, his middle had thickened and he had a bad habit of talking with food in his mouth. But his wife loved him like there was no tomorrow. Turner clamped his jaw against the emptiness that made him feel. Roger popped a chip into his mouth. “She’d paint it if I asked her. Which I will not have to do, ’cause I ain’t gonna lose.” He crunched another chip and pointed a stubby finger at Turner. “You are. You’re goin’ down, man.” Turner heard the click-clack of heels on the floor and pushed away from his desk. Val was leaving. Fuck it. He wasn’t going to let her do this to him. If that had been a ‘wham, bam, thank you, sir’ kind of deal, she could just tell him to his face. But not before he got at least one last kiss.
Fall Fires Anthology “Count me in.” Dumping the chips back in the bag, he stood and swiped his hand on his jeans, wiping off the salty oil. “Let yourself out, will ya, Rog?” As he left his office, he heard his friend’s chuckle and parting shot. “I’m putting you down for the Giants.” Another laugh, louder this time. “Oh, yeah, you are goin’ down.” **** Valida smelled Turner before she saw him. He had such a distinctive scent: understated, spicy cologne; clean, fresh soap; and hard, hot male. And all with the underlying sweet tang of warm blood. His footsteps rang down the hall. Too soon, he was standing behind her, the heat from his big body seeping into her cool flesh. Tempting her. Taunting her. The one night they’d spent together had been the closest she’d ever get to heaven. Even though his own need had been great, he’d played her like a violin. Strumming her body with his hands, his mouth. Finally possessing her with his big, thick cock. She’d been captured, conquered. And fell so fast and so hard into love, she’d never be the same. She would always associate autumn with Turner and Brook’s Place. This little town midway between Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio had harbored her when she needed it and given her love when she least expected it. Turner’s breath warmed her nape. A shiver forced its way along her nerve endings, despite her best efforts to control it. “Val? You were gonna leave without saying hello?” Broad hands rested on her shoulders and turned her to face him. She felt like a marionette with no ability to move on her own. Turner controlled her. From the first moment she’d seen him, she’d known he owned her. Body and…well, body. The jury was still out on whether vampires had souls. 82
Fall Fires Anthology She’d never felt evil or cursed. But her heart didn’t beat unless she fed. Her skin remained cool if she didn’t ingest the life-giving blood of a human. She was something between life and death. Now, with the Carnifex—the Executioners—after her, she had to distance herself from any mortal who might be used to reach her. She was staying with her friend, Killian, who was a werewolf and Sydney’s fiancé. Until she and Killian were certain it was safe for her to go to her sire in Los Angeles, she had to maintain a low profile. That meant staying away from tempting, mouthwatering specimens of manhood like Turner De Winton. “I didn’t realize you were here,” she murmured the lie, staring at the strong column of his throat bracketed by the white of his dress shirt. Her eyes drifted down, seeing the sleeves rolled up over muscled forearms, the shirt neatly tucked into the waist of his jeans. When she looked further south, her nostrils flared at the sight of the erection lying along his left leg. “You’ve been avoiding me.” His voice was deep and soft, but with a slight edge. One big hand came under her chin and tilted her face up, forcing her to meet his probing green eyes. His face held such a look of bewildered longing, she had to clench her fingers to keep from reaching up to try to wipe the hurt away. But what could she say to him? I’m a vampire, luv. I almost bit you when we had sex. It was difficult, but I managed to keep my teeth to myself. Even though you are so very biteable. Oh, and before you get any ideas, I can’t stay with you. Even if I could bring myself to watch you grow old and eventually die, right now, I have hunters after me. Viperous, murderous bastards who will not stop until they’ve destroyed me. I can’t let them hurt you. I’ll protect you, even if it’s against myself. 83
Fall Fires Anthology “I’ve not been avoiding you,” she finally said, her voice soft and uncertain instead of strong and confident as she’d meant it to be. “You have.” He looped one arm around her waist and pulled her into his warmth. Valida gasped to feel the long thickness of his erection against her. Desire pooled in her belly. Cream slid from her core to lie slickly against her pussy lips. Just like that. One touch, and she was ready for him. His mouth crashed onto hers, lips nibbling, rubbing, the stubbled skin of his five-o’clock shadow rasping against her face. She gasped and his tongue stroked inside her mouth, gliding over her tongue like wet, heated silk. The arm around her waist moved and his broad palm shaped her buttock, pulling her even closer to his hardness. His free hand came up and cupped her head, tilting her face to the angle he wanted. His tongue foraged between her lips, stroking against the roof of her mouth in a tickling caress before it mated with hers. He tasted like cola and peppermint. More cream slid from her core, dampening her panties. Moaning softly, she pressed against his erection and skimmed her hands up his chest to hold his head. Silky dark blond hair slid through her fingers. Curling her hands, she clutched handfuls of his hair. His mouth left hers to travel along her jaw, then down her neck. When his warm lips reached the juncture of her shoulder and throat and lingered, the touch sent currents zipping from that spot straight to her breasts and pussy. Nipples hardened and pressed into his chest. From the groan that rumbled from deep within him, she knew he felt the evidence of her arousal.
Fall Fires Anthology “God, Val, you make me…” His raspy voice trailed off. He sought her lips again, his mouth open and almost desperate in its intensity. She sighed into his kiss, wishing she could keep him forever. Just this one kiss. She would take this one kiss from him, but then it had to end. For his sake. She’d never survive if something happened to him because of her. It appeared she was under a curse, after all. She wanted one man: Turner De Winton. If she couldn’t have him, that meant she was cursed to live her long life alone. **** Turner crowded Val against the wall and pushed his groin against her soft belly. God, he always got so hard so damned fast when he was around her. It was like there was a switch directly connected to his eyes. See Val equals pike-stiff dick. That was an equation he could live with. “Um, excuse me?” Turner broke the kiss and turned to face his cousin. Syd’s face was pink but she met his eyes. “Val and I need to get going, Turn.” “Get going where?” When Val made to move out of his arms, he put his hands on her shoulders to hold her in place. He glanced down at her chest and his gut twisted at the sight of her hard nipples pressing against her top. It made him want to suckle her, right then and there. “Back to Killian’s.” Syd frowned at him. “Turner, let her go.” “Not yet.” He looked down at Val. Her slate-blue eyes held a beseeching look he’d never seen before. “What’s going on?” Val put one soft hand against his cheek. Remembering what that hand felt like curled around his cock, he closed his eyes and 85
Fall Fires Anthology turned his face into her palm. He pressed a kiss against the sensitive skin, then drew in a deep breath. “Let me go, Turner,” she whispered. “It’s not safe for you.” His eyes shot open and every muscle in his body tensed. “What do you mean, it’s not safe?” Val glanced at Sydney, but neither woman responded. “God dammit.” Turner gave Val a little shake. “Talk to me, honey. Tell me what the hell’s going on.” His voice got loud there at the end, but he didn’t give a flying fuck. If his woman was in danger, he needed to know about it. “Turner—” “Stay out of it, Syd.” His voice hard, Turner didn’t look away from the woman in his arms. “This is between me and Val.” His cousin smacked him on the back of his head. “You’re being a jerk, Turner. Let go of Val. We really do have to leave.” Turner glowered at Syd and she glared right back. Sometimes, he swore she was the strongest, meanest, most contrary of the bunch of them. “Just tell me what’s going on. I can help.” “Give us a moment, Sydney.” Val’s voice was soft with entreaty. “A few minutes won’t make a difference.” Syd threw up her hands. “Fine,” she muttered, turning back to her office. “Two minutes, then we’re leaving.” Val slid away from Turner, and this time, he let her. She walked a few paces away and, with her back to him, said baldly, “I am a vampire, Turner.” He leaned his shoulder against the wall and crossed his arms. “I figured as much.” She whirled to face him. “What!” Pushing away from the wall, he walked to her and took her hands in his. “Your skin is always cool, until you touch me. Then it warms.” He felt it happening, her hands getting warmer in his. 86
Fall Fires Anthology “Every once in awhile, especially when you’re aroused, your eyes get a silver cast to them.” She stared at him, a look of wonder brightening the blue depths of her gaze. He drew her hands around his waist, then pulled her close, his own hands flat against the small of her back. His voice low, he delivered the coup de grace. “And you almost bit me that last time we made love.” Val trembled against him and tears sheened her eyes. “You know.” She searched his face, her gaze roving over his eyes, his mouth and back to his eyes. “And you don’t care?” He cupped her face in both hands and pressed a soft kiss against her mouth. “I know. I don’t care.” Pulling back far enough to be able to look into her eyes, he added huskily, “I love you.” She gave a sob and burrowed into him. “I was so afraid…” “Afraid of what, honey?” He rubbed his hands in a soothing motion up and down her slender back. “That you wouldn’t…that you couldn’t love me, if you knew…” “If I knew what you were?” he finished for her. He felt her nod against his chest. Closing his eyes, he pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “How ’bout we go back to my place and I’ll show you how much I love you?” She shook her head and pulled away. Once again, Turner let her go. “It’s not safe for you to be with me right now, Turner.” He clenched his jaw. “So you said. Tell me what you mean by that, Val.” “I have hunters after me. They call themselves the Carnifex.” “Executioners?” He saw the surprised look on her face and gave her a mock scowl. “I’m not totally uneducated, Val. I remember some of my high school Latin.” 87
Fall Fires Anthology She smiled slightly, then sighed. “They’re very dangerous and deadly men, Turner. The organization has devoted its energy and considerable financial backing to eradicating vampires.” “Why?” “Why not?” She shrugged. “If it wasn't them after me, it would be someone else, luv. And they won’t hesitate to kill anyone who gets in their way.” He studied her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. He was pretty sure he knew, and it made him mad. For Christ’s sake, didn’t she think he could take care of himself? Hearing Sydney come out of her office, he quickly came to a decision. “Syd, you go back to Killian’s. I’m sure he’s missing you.” “Wait just a minute—” He shot her a look that shut her up, although she crossed her arms and fumed. “I used to be in the Rangers, you know. I know a little bit about goin’ to ground.” He fished his wallet out of his back pocket and flashed his credentials. “And I am a PI, remember? Trust me. I can help.” Before Val could respond, Sydney said, “This could work. Wait a minute.” She disappeared into her office. A couple of minutes later, she walked back out wearing a blonde wig and carrying a brunette one. “I’ll leave here as Valida, and Val, you put this on,” she handed over the dark wig, “and go with Turner.” “No! Sydney, you can’t leave by yourself.” Valida stepped forward and grabbed her hands. “I won’t be. I called Killian when I was in there.” She pointed over her shoulder, her pretty face grim. “He’ll be here in about five minutes. He and I will head toward LA and try to throw these bastards off your trail.” **** 88
Fall Fires Anthology An hour later, Turner stopped his silver Z4 in front of a small lakeside cabin. Valida climbed out and looked around. It was close to midnight, but her night vision was excellent. Seeing shadowy forms slinking through the woods surrounding the cabin, she tensed. In a normal fight or flight reaction, her eyes burned and her fangs elongated. “Turner.” He came around the car and put his arm around her waist. “It’s okay, hon. They’re friends of Killian’s. They’re here for guard duty.” He looked at her and whistled, then grinned, flashing his dimple. “You can just settle down, little cat. Nothing’s gonna get past these boys.” She grimaced, knowing he could see the silver of her eyes in the dim moonlight. She peered more closely and saw the distinctive ear tufts that were the primary difference between ordinary wolves and werewolves. Relaxing, she felt her fangs retract and the burn leave her eyes. She slid her arm around his back and hooked her thumb through a belt loop on his jeans. “Come on,” he said, giving her a squeeze. “Let’s get inside.” She walked with him up the stairs, waiting patiently while he unlocked and opened the front door. With another grin, he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the cabin. Kicking the door shut, he shuffled her into his arms so he could flip the light switch, then walked straight through to the bedroom. Valida got a sense of a North Woods theme, but had no time to see any items in detail before Turner set her on her feet beside a king-sized bed. Light from the living room spilled into the bedroom, shadowing his big body with sharp planes and angles. His hands came up and pulled the wig from her head. Dropping it to the floor, he started pulling pins from her hair. When the heavy mass fell down around her shoulders, he grasped a handful in each hand and tilted her head to one side. Instead of the hard, 89
Fall Fires Anthology hungry kiss she expected, his lips settled against hers with such tenderness it made her stomach start to flutter. She loved this man, this mortal. If she could keep him safe, she’d stay with him as long as he’d have her. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Don’t ever try to hide something like this from me again, baby.” His breath blew sweet and warm against her skin. “I love you. That means I get to help you. Got it?” She smiled at the warmth that spread from her belly outward. This big, strong man was completely delightful. A bit naïve, but that was endearing, too. How was he to know she was quicker and stronger—by as much as five times—than him? “Yes, Turner.” If she were honest with herself, and she always tried to be, it felt good to have someone else want to take care of her. She was so tired of always being the strong one. What would it hurt to let him take care of her for a while? She stroked her hands along his shoulders and down his arms to his hands. Twining her fingers with his, she gave them a slight squeeze and released. Her fingers went to the buttons of his shirt and she began undoing them. One. Two. Three. By the fourth button, she’d reached his belly. She slid one hand inside his shirt and lightly raked through the hair on his abdomen. He sucked in his breath and the muscles under her fingers jumped. Emboldened, she finished unbuttoning his shirt, watching the muscles ripple across his chest and through his shoulders as he shrugged out of it. She watched him unhook his holster from his belt and place the holstered gun on the side table. Taking over, she popped open the button on his jeans, then slid the tab of the zipper down, making sure her fingers brushed his erection. His groan was all the encouragement she needed. She slid her hands under his waistband and pushed the jeans down his legs. 90
Fall Fires Anthology He stepped out of them and kicked them out of the way. Standing before her in just his boxers, he was so completely male, he took her breath away. With a light touch, she traced the outline of his cock until she reached the bulbous head. Already a spot of liquid dampened the cloth. “See what you do to me?” He pulled her crimson-red top up and over her head. Big hands molded her breasts, he gently kneaded her flesh, scraping his thumbs across her rigid nipples. “I love it when you don’t wear a bra.” He bent and kissed each beaded nipple. She sighed and clasped his head, silently urging him to do more. With a low chuckle, he complied, drawing one taut peak into the heat of his mouth. His hands skimmed her body, gliding up and down her sides, her hips, her stomach before sliding under her skirt. Bunching the skirt around her waist, he traced the elastic of her panties from the top of her hip down until he palmed her sex. “You’re wet.” His voice was deep and harsh, his breathing faster than normal. She placed her hands on his forearms, loving the feel of hair-roughened skin covering taut muscles and the heat that radiated from him. Forcing the words past a throat tight with need, she whispered, “I’m always like this. For you.” He pulled her skirt and underwear off. Surging to his feet, he picked her up and placed her on the bed gently, as if she were something that could be easily broken. His hands and mouth went back to her breasts. As much as he wanted to lose himself in the slick heat of her body, to slide his cock inside her, feeling her tight around him, then stretching to accommodate him, Turner knew it wouldn’t be enough. He wanted to make her mindless with need, to satisfy her slowly. 91
Fall Fires Anthology Pushing her breasts together, he buried his face between them, inhaling the floral scent of her perfume. His thumbs strummed her nipples, coaxing them to harden further for him. Her moan enticed him to squeeze and pluck at her nipples while he placed kisses on the silken skin of her stomach. When he moved back to her breasts, her hands went to his head and held him as he took one straining nipple between his lips. He tongued it before sucking it deeply into his mouth. She moaned while he sucked, arching into his mouth. When he grasped her nipple between his teeth and gently bit, she shivered, her body shuddering against him. He moved his mouth to her other breast, his fingers plucking at the reddened tip of the one he’d just abandoned. Sliding one hand down her slender torso, he tangled his fingers briefly in neatly trimmed hair before he dipped between the swollen folds of her sex. One long finger rimmed the opening of her sheath. She tensed and moaned. “Turner, please!” “Please what, honey?” He continued to move his finger in a circle. Sliding down until his mouth was flush with her pussy, he lightly flicked her swollen clit with his tongue. It was already slick with desire. He couldn’t resist. He swiped the flat of his tongue from her opening back up to her clit. She tasted sweet and tart and so goddamned hot, he could hardly keep himself in check. But this time was for her. It was about her desire, her need. He’d make sure she found her release before he took his. It was time that she realized she could let him be the strong one. Let him take care of her. “Tell me what you want, baby. I’ll give it to you.” He flicked his tongue against her clit, back and forth. She keened and pressed her mound against his face. “Suck me.” Her words ended on a gasp. 92
Fall Fires Anthology He pulled her pleasure pearl between his lips and suckled gently, brushing the swollen nub with the tip of his tongue. When he pushed one finger into her steaming depths, she moaned and bucked against him. Adding another finger, he began plunging his fingers in and out. Fast. Deep. Hard. She twisted and writhed beneath him, her voice hoarse as she called out his name. He splayed one hand over her belly to hold her in place and kept up his relentless assault. With quick movements, he flicked her clit with the hardened tip of his tongue. Thrust his fingers as far as they’d go. Beneath his splayed hand, he felt her belly tense, then she screamed and her tight passage convulsed around his fingers. Before her tremors ceased, he reared up over her, replaced his fingers with his cock, and drove deep, deep inside her. Her orgasm still fractured her body and her sheath squeezed his shaft, milking him, encasing every thick, hard inch of him like a hot, slick glove. With a deep groan, he rolled them over so she rode him. “I know you like it on top, sweetheart.” “I like it any way with you, Turner.” Valida tried to catch her breath, but her orgasm gave lingering ripples, and his cock was so hot. So hard. So thick. She loved it this way the best, with him so deep inside her body. The heat from him burned through her, searing her from the inside out. His eyes closed and he pumped his hips against her. She clenched around him and his eyes flew open, then narrowed. With a low growl, he rolled his hips, then plunged deeply. Big hands on her hips held her in place as he thrust frantically into her. 93
Fall Fires Anthology She felt the change in him, even as another orgasm threatened to break over her. His breathing quickened and he pumped harder, faster toward his own completion. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and felt him stiffen as his climax peaked. With a ragged, primitive groan, he spilled himself into her. With the approach of her own orgasm, her fangs elongated and, this time, she didn’t hold back. Moaning softly, she leaned over him, brushing her breasts against his hard chest, then sank her teeth into his muscular throat even as another orgasm burst through her. He gave a shout and arched. With every drop of blood she took into her throat, his once-sated cock hardened more and more inside her. When she released him, licking the wounds on his neck closed, he rolled over and braced himself over her. His eyes blazed with heat, the green of his irises muted by the thick blackness of his pupils. One big hand touched his throat. “Damn, Val. You bit me.” She faltered, feeling icy dread steal away all the heat he’d inspired. “You didn’t like it?” He pressed his hips against hers, driving his rigid cock deeper. “Does this feel like I didn’t like it?” “N-no.” Her voice was thread-thin. Turner pushed her knees further apart and swept his hands down her supple thighs. His thumbs slid along the slick, glistening folds of her sex, spreading her. Seeing his cock disappear into the welcoming clasp of her body was almost more than he could bear. Her channel was snug, like smooth, wet satin gripping his shaft. Drawing her knees up, he spread her as wide as he could and watched while he fucked her. After only a few strokes, he found he needed a deeper connection. Tangling his fingers in her 94
Fall Fires Anthology hair, he held her head in his hands and slanted his mouth across hers. Her hands slid to his shoulders, fingers digging into his muscles as he surged into her. Again and again he plunged into her slick heat, dragging a moan from the back of her throat. His thrusts came faster and faster. He was ruthlessly demanding in his passion and she answered him stroke for stroke. “More,” she gasped, silvered eyes staring into his. His lunges became almost primal and her neck arched, eyes closing. Each thrust made his cock harder and thicker, until lust and need and love collided and white-hot heat consumed him. Lost in the rush as his cock spewed into her warmth, lost in her, he threw his head back and arched into her. His entire body shuddered as he came hard and strong, tearing a guttural growl from his chest. With what he could only call a snarl, Val surged up and sank her fangs deep into his neck. Her cunt convulsed around his spasming cock. Bright flecks of light flashed behind his closed eyelids and he groaned as his release seemed to go on and on. Finally, she retracted her teeth and fell back on the bed. Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her, burying his face in her neck. When his breathing calmed, he rolled to his back and murmured, “God damn, woman. Wish you would’ve bitten me sooner.” **** Valida turned to her side and studied Turner. He had one brawny forearm across his eyes, the other rested on his flat stomach. Reaching over, she slid her hand through the dusting of hair on his chest. It was several shades darker than the hair on his head and covered luscious tanned skin. “You gotta give me some time, honey.” He moved his arm to the pillow above his head. “What happened before was a 95
Fall Fires Anthology fluke.” One hand reached out and cupped her neck, drawing her down for a soft, slow kiss. “I like your flukes,” she murmured against his lips, feeling him smile in response. She laid her head on his chest and listened to the steady rhythm of his strong, sure heartbeat. He’d become her world, this man, in such a short amount of time. She loved the feel of him under her hands, against her face. His large hands rubbed up and down her back and she was comforted by their warmth. Pressing a kiss against one male nipple, she was about to take it further when a sound from outside the cabin caught her attention. She reared up and stared toward the window. “What is it?” Turner sat up, his body tense beside hers. “Sshh.” Valida got off the bed and padded to the window. Drawing the curtain to one side, she saw two of the werewolves snarling and fighting with a figure on the ground. A second human backed away from yet another wolf. She whirled toward the bed. “Get dressed,” she hissed. She pulled on her clothing and darted through the bedroom door, heading toward the living room. Thumping and cursing from the bedroom behind her told her Turner was getting dressed and was not happy she’d left him behind. She looked over her shoulder to see him coming down the hallway, barefooted, his gun in his left hand. Valida turned back toward the living room and stopped. Drawing a deep breath through her nose, she faced the kitchen, where she knew the intruder was. She could smell his hate and fear, like the bitterest of black coffee. It cloaked him in a stench that mingled with his sweat and made her want to gag. She heard the clunk of an arrow being notched in a crossbow and braced herself. A sharp thwap and she spun to the side, catching the arrow in one hand. 96
Fall Fires Anthology “Damn,” Turner breathed. His eyes held a new awareness in them. When she snapped the arrow in half, he grimaced. “I guess you don’t need me.” “I need you.” She poured all the love she felt into the lingering glance she gave him. “Don’t ever think otherwise.” A yelp from outside made her believe at least one of the werewolves was down. She hardened her resolve. These bastards wouldn’t get her, or Turner. The man from the kitchen burst into the living room at a dead run, a crucifix in one hand and a long, wooden stake in the other. He rushed her, his eyes blazing with righteous fervor. “Die, you bitch from hell!” She dodged a jab from the stake and snatched it out of his hand, tossing it toward Turner. When her assailant thrust the cross in her face, she laughed, baring her fangs. “Crosses and holy water don’t work on me, boyo.” She grabbed his hand hard, folding the crucifix down over his thumb. “I’m not evil.” His eyes widened and he backed away from her. The cross dropped from his listless fingers. “Y-you…you couldn’t have done that.” “But I did.” Even to her ears, her accent had thickened, the flavor the thick inflection from the back streets of London, just like when she was a girl over a hundred years ago. You can take the girl out of Cockney, but you can’t take the Cockney out of the girl. Screams from outside and answering howls made her smile. The man in front of her backed away further, his eyes nearly rolling back in his head. “Sounds like the wolves got your men outside,” she said and stalked smoothly forward. “You’ve go’ an opportunity to ge’ outta here wif your life. But it’s a limited time offer.” He shook his head. Sweat beaded along his brow and dripped off his long nose. 97
Fall Fires Anthology “They never prepared you for this, did they?” She crossed her arms and leaned her hip against an antique sideboard. “The Carnifex didn’t tell you everything you needed t’ know.” Turner stepped up behind her, the heat from his body warming away the cold that threatened to overtake her. “I can’t go back,” the man said, his voice hardening. He put one hand behind his back. “They’ll kill me.” “You stay,” she whispered, feeling her eyes heat with silver fire, “an’ I’ll kill you.” “I can’t go back.” With a cry, he barged forward, a maniacal light in his eyes and another stake in his hand. He bore Valida to the floor and she grasped his hand with both of hers, struggling to keep him from plunging the pointed wood into her chest. Turner slid his arm around the man’s throat, pulling him up and off Valida. The man turned and threw a vicious uppercut, catching Turner on the jaw and sending him sprawling. Just then, the door burst open and another member of the Carnifex ran in, gun drawn. Turner jumped to his feet and barreled into him, and both men crashed to the floor. Valida saw the gun skitter across the hard wood floor. Hearing the man behind her getting to his feet, she turned her attention to her original assailant. A sharp blow from the side of her hand had him on the floor. A swift kick under his jaw made his eyes roll back in his head and he slumped heavily, unconscious. She heard Turner grunt and she looked over toward him. The other man had Turner underneath him, a knife perilously close to Turner’s throat. Turner had both hands wrapped around the man’s wrist, holding him off. The two men rolled. Turner on top, Turner on bottom again. Quick as a striking snake, she grasped the attacker by the throat and, with her superior strength, yanked him off her lover and bore him to the floor. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as 98
Fall Fires Anthology she sank her fangs into the soft, giving vein in his neck. She lost herself in the ecstasy of feeding, the blood sliding hot and thick down her throat. When she was pulled off him, she snarled. Turner held her firmly and gave her a little shake. “It’s me, honey. And you’ve taken enough.” He looked at the man at her feet. “Sheesh. Remind me not to make you mad at me.” Valida put a hand over her mouth and tried to back away. Turner wouldn’t let her. “Don’t, honey,” he whispered. With his thumb, he swiped the corner of her mouth. She saw the smear of blood on his skin. Staring at him, she felt tears fill her eyes and spill over to slide down her cheeks. Whatever he’d thought of her before, he now must believe her to be a monster. **** Whatever she was thinking, Turner knew he had to get it out of her head, or he’d lose her. Swiping his thumb against his jeans, he wiped the blood off and then cupped her face in both hands. “Don’t. I love you.” She shook her head, causing more tears to slide down her cheeks. “H-how can you?” Her breath hitched. “You’ve seen what I am.” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. He freed her lip with a gentle motion of his thumb and leaned in to kiss her mouth. “What I’ve seen is that you love me.” He nodded toward the man on the floor. “Enough to kill to protect me.” “But—” He shook her again. “But nothing. I love you. You love me.” He pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently. “The rest of it, we can work out.” “If I stay with you, I’ll put you in danger.” Pulling away slightly, she stared into his eyes. “The Carnifex won’t rest until they’ve killed me. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you because of me.” 99
Fall Fires Anthology “It’s my choice, honey.” He slid his hands up until he held her head in his hands. His mouth slanted over hers, soft and so sweet, it made her want to cry again. “I choose you. We’ll be okay.” She rested her head against his chest. He made it sound so easy. She knew it wouldn’t be. They were too different. He was human and she was…not. But she knew, too, that she’d do whatever it took to make it work. She owed that much to him. She owed it to herself. “Now,” he said, “What are we gonna do with these bozos?” **** Turner rolled over in bed and stretched, grunting slightly with the effort. Opening his eyes, he smiled to see Val staring at him in the dim morning light. “It’s good to be back in town, isn’t it?” he asked, reaching out to brush stray strands of hair from her face. “Hmm.” Her voice was lazy and he knew it wouldn’t be long before the daylight sapped her energy and she would fall asleep. “It’s amazing the difference forty-eight hours can make.” “Well, with Syd and Killian making it to LA safely, the members of the Carnifex should think you’re safely ensconced behind the walls of the compound.” He shook his head and rasped his hand over his jaw. He and Val had left the attackers at the cabin, leaving them for the werewolves to take care of. He’d had a moment’s pause, knowing in his gut what would happen, but when he thought of what they would have done to Val… He’d left the cabin without a backwards glance. There were three less mentally deficient assholes in the world, and that was fine by him. The radio alarm clicked on. He swore and reached over to swat it. “Damn it. I forgot to turn the alarm off.” “Wait!” He stopped, his hand hovering over the radio. 100
Fall Fires Anthology “It’s the news. Let’s listen and see if they say anything about the cabin.” Crooking his arm, he slid it under the pillow, resting his head on both. The newscaster talked about the weather and traffic. “Nothing earth-shattering,” Turner said. He reached out again, but stopped when the sports report came on. “Last night’s football game was a real nail-biter, folks,” the disembodied voice on the radio intoned. “Dallas and New York battled head-to-head for three quarters, but in the end, it was the Cowboys all the way.” Turner turned off the radio and started laughing. “What is it, luv?” Val leaned over him, a smile on her face. He shook his head and dragged her down for a quick, hard kiss, full of all the affection and love he felt for her. “I had a bet with Rog. I lost.” She pursed her lips. Her eyes had the beginning of a twinkle. “And what does the loser have to do?” He cocked his head to the side. “What makes you think the loser has to do anything?” Arching one slender brow, she plucked at his chest hair. He winced and grabbed her hand. “With you boys, the loser always has to do something completely juvenile and outlandish.” She wiggled her fingers in his until she could clasp his hand. “So, what do you have to do?” He reached back over to the bedside table and grabbed a Sharpie sitting on top of a looseleaf tablet. Letting loose of her hand, he rolled to his stomach and handed her the black marker. “You ever carved a pumpkin?”
Fall Fires Anthology
Jenna Howard
Fall Fires Anthology
There was a certain scent that came with a hunt. A thrill that aroused the predator. Stalking his prey through the jungle, power rippled through him. Hunt, kill, devour. That was his world. Leave nothing of the weaker prey. Take it all in one vicious swipe at the jugular. The killing blow. The moment of victory. The taste of triumph. All raged through him, along with something stronger, something more potent, more primal. Claim her. Mate her. Keep her. The time had come for the lion to claim his mate. **** They were going to succeed, Autumn thought, openly spying on the dining clientele. The restaurant was filled as if the eager citizens of Henderson had been waiting for the reopening of Seasonal Changes. She was so excited, she bounced on the tips of her toes. People were eating and they weren’t barfing it up on the floor. Cool. Her heart beat a mile a minute every time an order came in. She left her staff to handle the food. Some were new, recommended by people she knew, who had come seeking her out when word had spread. She exchanged her dirty chef coat for the clean one. Her “visiting” jacket. No one wanted to see the blood red of steak juice on her right breast, or the smear of alfredo sauce across her stomach. People liked to believe the food was created by elves. Her fingers caressed her name and she checked out the knuckle she had scraped when she had been 103
Fall Fires Anthology zesting the hell out of lemons for the dessert of the night, Gramps’ Lemon Meringue. Yeah, she’d make it. Grinning, she avoided a bus boy swooping in with dishes and sauntered into the restaurant. I am the queen of this kingdom. She stifled the urge to whoop. Her older sister Summer was doing what she did best, chatting up customers. The one glimpse she caught of her younger sister, Spring, was one of dollar signs cha-chinging in her eyes and Winter, her oldest sister, glowed. Even Mom was enjoying herself as she seated some new customers. Opening night was a success. She wanted to grab the closest customer and kiss them. Instead, she asked them how they liked their meal. Her body was zinging on endorphins. She greeted those she knew, introduced herself to those she barely remembered. In short, she was having the time of her life. Until she turned. And saw him. Her heart stopped, her stomach bottomed out while nerves began to prickle with awareness. There was no mistaking the dark gold hair, despite the new cut. “What,” Spring growled in her ear, “the fuck is he doing here?” Autumn had no clue. Anyone with the MacConnell last name was persona non gratis since Spring’s ex-husband, Clint MacConnell, had set her up for embezzlement. Now Zach MacConnell stood in their restaurant. He took in everything inside the restaurant, from the lighting to the floor. Finally, his gaze settled on her and she felt his look like an erotic caress. Behind her, she heard Summer ask the same question. Me, Autumn thought with a flare of panic. He stared at her like she was his next meal. He’s come for me. Beneath the stiff fabric of her jacket, her nipples snapped awake and she swore his nostrils flared as if he knew exactly what was happening to her body. Oh my fucking god. 104
Fall Fires Anthology She fought the urge to turn and run. Instead, she smiled at someone who gave her a compliment, or told her that her roast beef was shit, then returned to the haven of the kitchen. Zach. Zach MacConnell. The last time she had seen him, he had been buried to the hilt in her, taking her toward her umpteenth orgasm. Yes, she had seen him in court when he had been rendering her sister into itty-bitty pieces, but at that point, he hadn’t been human, he had been a highly skilled predator. Now he was in her restaurant. She wrung her hands, then looked up when her name was called. Work. Yes. Work. What did she do? Right. She was the executive chef. She exchanged jackets, trying to ignore what seeing him had done to her body. She was a grown-up now. She could handle this. Right? She stared blindly at the chit someone had handed her. After all, what was Zach to her other than a monstrous mistake? Yeah, her body purred, because it had felt soooo bad. Shut up. I’m working. She jumped when a pan banged onto the gas range. She went to work, trying to forget there was a predator in her restaurant. Eventually, he faded from her memory, the fervor of the kitchen taking control until, finally, the last dish was ordered, the customer paid and the last staff member left. “My feet hurt,” Summer said, propping her feet in the lap of Mitch Durst, who had come over with his cousin at some point. At fifteen, Autumn had watched her sister Summer creep out the house and return after the weekend, married. She had thought the elopement terribly romantic. A few weeks ago, she had watched Summer vanish with him again and returned with the same ring on her finger and a light in her eyes that had been missing. At twenty-eight, Autumn thought their elopement was terribly romantic. To have someone love her that much, for that 105
Fall Fires Anthology long despite the problems that had torn their first marriage apart. Whatever had separated them years ago had been fixed. Autumn was ecstatic. She adored Mitch, despite the fact he looked like he could knock over the gas station for no other reason than he was bored. Their mom was pissed about Summer not giving her a wedding…again. Autumn didn’t bother to catalogue her aches and pains. She hurt from head to toe. It had been a long time since she had been in a kitchen that had hopped from start to finish. She had added to her collection of knicks and burns. Her feet throbbed from being on them and the small of her back was tight just from the sheer stress of managing a kitchen again. Moaning, she lowered her head to a table and wished Lucas would stop massaging Winter’s shoulder and come do some work on her. “Wow,” Spring said while she finished tallying up the chits. “I think we’re a hit.” Too tired to care, Autumn lifted an arm and stuck her thumb in the air. “I’m so proud of you, girls.” Mom sniffed and planted a kiss on Autumn’s head. She figured each of her sisters received the same treatment. “Your grandparents would be so happy. I’m going home. Don’t celebrate too late. It starts again tomorrow. Good night.” “Night, Mom.” She watched Winter reach an arm back and hook it behind Lucas’ neck. She turned and kissed him with enough fervor that Autumn’s eyebrows rose. “Take me home, baby, and make love to me,” her sister said. Lucas nodded, stood up and grabbed Winter, tossing her over his shoulder. “Night.” Autumn was stunned to see her normal, staid sister reach down and grab Lucas’ tush in a squeeze. They headed across the 106
Fall Fires Anthology street where they were living in his apartment above Bad Boyz Motors, the garage Lucas and Mitch owned. A few minutes later, Mitch and Summer sauntered out leaving only Spring and Autumn. She figured if Dale Andrews was here, Spring wouldn’t be. A meeting had kept him in Victoria. “You rocked, Autumn.” Yawning, she sat up. “Yeah.” Clasping her hands, she stretched them over her head, then smiled. “I did.” Spring laughed, gathered up credit card slips, chits and cash and stuffed them into a money bag that would be locked downstairs until morning. “Give me a sec.” Autumn nodded and she rubbed the back of her neck. The door swung open a few seconds after Spring vanished. Dale walked in, looking like he had just come from a suit convention. Three’s a crowd. “She’s downstairs.” Autumn stood up and snagged her backpack. “Lock up.” “How’d it go?” “Good. Busy. Tell Spring I said good night.” He grinned and vanished in the kitchen. She heard Spring scream, then whoop. Yep. Definitely, three’s a crowd. She left the restaurant, locking the door since the couple was downstairs, and headed to her car. Even though she had the menu planned out for the week, she found little things to make improvements on. The gravy had been off. The steaks a little tough. She wasn’t sure if her sous-chef was going to make it. Then there was a wood oven for their flat breads that needed tweaking. She made a list in her head while she drove to her parents’ home where she was living in the basement. **** He watched her sleep. Ironic, a lawyer breaking and entering but it had been pathetically easy since Autumn hadn’t locked the back door behind her. The pale pink camisole she slept in had shifted, baring one plump breast to him, the nipple 107
Fall Fires Anthology slightly peaked in the night air. A hand rested on her belly and he admired the shorts with red lipstick prints that revealed curvy legs. He remembered those limbs holding him snug to her body. He especially liked the kiss print right over what he knew was her clit. Kind of an X marks the spot. The scent of fresh lemons and vanilla filled his nose. He brushed the backs of his fingers along the softness of her thigh. He watched her nipple respond to his touch and triumph flowed through him. His cock throbbed like it had since he had clapped eyes on her in the restaurant. A chant rumbled through his head: claim her, mate her, keep her. The primal chant had filled his head the first time he had looked at her in the restaurant when their families had met. He hadn’t held a lot of hope out for the marriage between his younger brother, Clint, and Autumn’s younger sister. He had settled in for a boring evening until Autumn had walked in. The second he had looked at her, he had hungered for her. All those soft curves designed for his hard angles had made his cock swell. Then she had smiled and his instinct had been that of an animal: mate her. He had rumbled a low mine when she had sat across from him, her face flushed from her rush to the dinner. Beside him, Dale Andrews, Clint’s best man, had chuckled softly. He hadn’t understood. No one understood Zach. He was wired different. His entire body had been tense while he fought the primitive urge to push her soft dress over her ass and mount her right in front of their families. At times, he would catch nervous looks darted at him but by the end of the night, her nipples had swelled under his regard and he swore he could smell her dawning arousal across the table, a feminine scent that teased the creature within. He had stalked her with all the intentions of a wild animal and struck at the wedding. A lion marking his territory. She had surrendered her virginity to him. But she hadn’t been ready for all of him then. 108
Fall Fires Anthology Was she now? Normal men had normal needs. What he felt for Autumn went beyond words. No one understood. Would she? Few understood him. Most feared him. He heard the whispers around the courtroom. Some believed he really could exchange bodies with a lion. He didn’t dissuade them of that fairy tale. Fear was a good tool to have. Will you understand me, kitten? Will you accept me? He feared for his sanity if she didn’t. Claim her. Mate her. Keep her. His blood surged with the demands of his soul. He would do all three. Zach wasn’t a man who accepted anything less. A kind man, a gentleman, wouldn’t take advantage of a sleeping woman. Zach had never been confused for either. He caressed up her thighs and under the gap in her shorts to her pussy. A shudder rippled through her body and he watched the erotic sight of her nipple darkening, peaking. He stripped, then eased the shorts down her legs without waking her. Moving between her legs, he searched her face. Mine. Savage possession pumped through his blood, blending with the arousal he felt the moment he had seen her. He wanted to conquer her. He cupped her pussy, the soft flesh beneath his fingers made his body shudder. Claim her, mate her, keep her. Her nostrils flared when he thrust his middle finger into her. Watching her face, he began to explore the tight fit of her cunt. Mine. Every one of her five foot four inches was his. An eyelid twitched when the pad of his thumb rubbed along the top of her vagina. Her nipples swelled when he hit the sweet spot. A gasp. Moisture and her body bowed up. He smiled in victory when her sheath tightened around his finger. He mounted his attack slowly, methodically. Cream spilled from her and the soft cry that escaped lashed his skin. Now. He felt his pulse throbbing fast in his cock and he eased his finger out of her. A whimper filled the quiet room while her hips shifted. 109
Fall Fires Anthology Her labia was plump and slick. He parted her, then claimed what was his. Possession tightened his spine when her body began to accept him. Her pussy dampened and clasped him as he began to move. Each stroke made her more his. Did she realize that? Did she know? If she didn’t, she would. Her lashes fluttered and her curvy body pressed into his, her hips meeting his. Mine. Her fingers jerked and tightened on the sheet beneath her. Fuck, she was lush. Bracing an elbow by her head, he caressed down her side, over her flattened breast to the fleshy curve of her hip. Her ass tightened beneath his fingers and she began to move like he had taught her. Hips rolling like waves, her pussy slid along his cock until the tempo, the need burned through her like it did him. The beast within rumbled with pleasure when he began to thrust hard, deep, the way eased by her cream. Her cunt tightened, her mouth parted and she arched into his body. Lashes lifted and arousal burned in the dark coffee of her eyes. Her eyes closed again when she cried out, surging over him. She came and hot rain spilled around him. He felt his balls tighten and his cock throbbed. Take her. Claim her. Mate her. Keep her. A low purr came from him and he pumped into her until she was meeting each plunge, her body peaking again. Still he waited. The predator always waited. “Zach.” The gasp escaped her when she came for the third time. He roared in victory and emptied into her greedy sheath. Mine. His body shuddered. He marked her in the elemental way. She was his. The knowledge was a hot burn in his body. And he always kept what was his. **** The sun warming her face drew her from dark, erotic dreams only to realize it was reality. Tawny eyes watched her 110
Fall Fires Anthology and she became aware that she was naked and so was he. His burnt honey hair, while short, still resembled the mane of a lion. Predator. His catlike eyes seemed to look into her soul. He leaned down and licked her breast like the big cat she compared him to. The rough velvet of his tongue on her skin made her pussy weep and her skin draw tight. He had seduced her. Mounting an erotic attack she hadn’t been aware of. How like him to take advantage. He was a man without mercy, without kindness, without a heart. But there was the passion. She had made herself forget the passion. His tongue swirled around her nipple until it throbbed in time to her womb. She saw the victory in his strange eyes before he sucked hard. Autumn cried out, feeling like he was licking her from the inside out. Fingers thrust into her sex and she bowed at the duel sensations. Her feet slid along the sheets, seeking purchase. A soft grunt escaped when finally, she braced her feet on the mattress and met the teasing thrusts of his hand. He moved like a cat. Crawling between her legs, his fingers urged her higher to the fire. She clutched his shoulders. Maybe with the intention to push him away. Or not. A low, sensual sound came from him and he exchanged his fingers for his cock. “Oh God,” she moaned, her hips meeting his. She didn’t want to want him, to crave him. He was a predator. Predators always turned on their prey. It felt so good though. The last man in her body had called her a fat, frigid fuck, walked away and left her feeling betrayed. Everyone wound up betraying her. At least men did. This one had when, hours after losing her virginity to the most intense man she had ever met, she had awakened alone. Abandoned. His teeth raked her nipple and she bit her lip. And he would leave her again. 111
Fall Fires Anthology Her body wept with need for him and she hated that traitorous side of her. He would hurt her, destroy her. It’s what he did. Nature of the beast, she thought, a cry ripping from her throat. But he felt so good. So…good. Hands gripped her ass and he shifted. Each thrust burned through her. Each plunge destroyed her. Her nails scraped down his chest as she bowed up. He began to pump, fast, hard. He pinched her clit and she rolled onto her shoulders, screaming when she came. Two heartbeats and then she felt him release into her, rhythmic pulses that seared her. She felt the bite of his fingers in her ass when he jerked one last time in her, a final silky release. He gave her no time to think, to comprehend what was going on; he launched erotic attack after erotic attack. He claimed her body until it no longer felt like hers. Time halted until all she knew was his touch, his taste, his skin and his passion. When she awoke much later, her room was empty and she knew he had disappeared again. Just like last time. The bastard. Between her nether lips, she still felt the silky texture of his cum and her hand slid down to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Her clit, swollen and sensitive from the matings, throbbed and burned. Her fingers came away wet and she contemplated her word. Mating? Yeah. She stared at her ceiling. Mating. Any other word was too civilized. **** She felt…stalked. Deep in the middle of the night, he would come to her like some kind of savage, sexual beast, then come daylight, he’d disappear. She tried waiting up for him like she had with Santa as a kid. That didn’t work. She locked every door, every window but he still got into the house, into her body. 112
Fall Fires Anthology She was getting jumpy. And irritable. Lack of sleep, anger toward herself and the selfish bastard who seemed to know her body better than she did, along with a good old dose of sexual hunger made her temper short. The sous-chef she had worried about fled in tears, never to be seen again when Summer had yelled at her. Fuck it. She felt like her skin couldn’t contain her body because, damn it, she craved his midnight marauding. Well, at least her body did. Yawning, she propped her head up and tried to figure out the upcoming week’s menu. She had every recipe Gramps had ever created and she was bound and determined to use at least one a week. From three to five, the restaurant was dead and she used this time to work on her paperwork. She hated paperwork. It reminded her of university. Her vision blurred and she fought to focus on the various charts she had created. When there were customers, she didn’t have time to be tired. Now though, she wanted to slide under the table and sleep for a week. The door swung open, bringing air scented with changing leaves. Expecting one of the guys, she looked up and froze. Every muscle clenched when he prowled through the restaurant. Her body’s response was instantaneous. Her nipples pulled into tight, needy points while a rhythmic throb filled her womb. Holy shit. He sat down across from her. They were the only two people in the restaurant but he seemed to fill it with all that caged sensuality rippling from his body. Four, dark, erotic nights. Why was he here? The back of her neck grew hot as he watched her. “Hello, Autumn.” The first words he had spoken to her the entire time. His voice licked over her skin, memories flashing through her body. “Asshole.” Yeah, Autumn. Whoo. Go, girl. 113
Fall Fires Anthology His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward. “Come again?” Probably. And again and again. “Asshole,” she said the word slowly, clearly. She had waited five years to call him that. There were some other adjectives and nouns she wanted to use but they were special occasion words. Just because her body apparently worshipped his sexiness, didn’t mean she did. Much. She had never experienced sexual warfare before and she wasn’t sure she liked it. Much. Her weeping pussy was pretty much doing the dance of joy. Traitorous bitch. Leaning back in her chair, she faked disinterest. What she wanted to do was crawl across the table and mount his sexy self. Control. Down, girl. She folded her arms beneath her breasts and his gaze dropped. She felt his mouth, his tongue, his fingers. Fuck. She fought the urge to slide her arms up to cover her boobs. There was some moist panting going on below her waist while he stared at her. No man had ever looked at her like he did. Like she was a sex goddess made for his pleasure alone. Until he grew bored with her, then it was out with the trash. His lips curled in a cream-licking grin. Bad description, Autumn! Did he know exactly what he was doing to her body? “You look flushed, kitten.” Her pussy rippled at the name. Uh-oh. “You okay?” “Fine. You?” The lines at the corner of his eyes crinkled, though the smile never transformed his face. The lines were new. For the first time, she saw the changes that five years had made. At thirty-eight, he was maturing. Damn it, he shouldn’t get sexier with time. His hair was supposed to thin, his belly was supposed to bloat out. Foul! “Perfect.” He purred the word and she hated the way her body shivered in response. Damn him. “Why are you here?”
Fall Fires Anthology His finger caressed hers and her hand clenched around the pen before going limp. They both watched the pen roll across the table and vanish over the side. “You.” She stared at the finger that began to tease her palm, sending little heated sparks through her body. “Why now?” “It was time.” “Time?” She blinked. “Time? Like a fruit ripening on the tree?” His nostrils flared. His index finger traced a line down her middle finger. “Exactly.” He lifted her hand and nipped the fleshy part of her palm. “Are you ripe for me, kitten?” “Oh yeah,” she breathed out, unable to catch the confession in time. Triumph glowed in his eyes and he sucked her middle finger into his mouth. Holy fuck. She shifted, heat pulsing low in her sex, the rhythm matching the draws of his mouth. She felt cream trickle free and she shuddered, unable to stop her legs from parting to allow her to grind her pussy on the chair. The color in his eyes darkened to burnt caramel. His teeth scraped her knuckle and she whimpered. “Come here, kitten.” He guided her around the table and she straddled his lap. She was a slave to her body. His hand slid to the crotch of her pants and a sensual shudder rippled through him. “I feel you soaking the fabric. You that ripe, kitten?” She had no words to answer. His finger began to rub, pressing the damp fabric against her. He grabbed the front of her jacket and yanked it hard enough to tear the large white buttons free. His nostrils flared and he squeezed her breasts, swollen tight with need, beneath the thin tee shirt she wore. Her body jerked at the sensation. She gripped his tie and began to grind over his finger that had returned and the solid bulge below. “Why?” She gasped the question out. 115
Fall Fires Anthology “Because,” he growled, rubbing harder, faster, “now you’re ready.” Ready? For what? The question eluded her when the orgasm ripped through her and she came with a sob. “For me,” he whispered in her ear. Had she spoken aloud? “Be prepared.” “For?” His tongue licked her ear. “Me,” he purred before he kissed her, their mouths mating in what had to be the most sexually dominated kiss she had ever experienced in her life. Ever. “I’m coming for you tonight, kitten.” He cupped her crotch and squeezed. “Don’t run. Lions like the chase.” She shuddered. He lifted her onto the table, then stalked away. “Oh fuck,” she moaned and fell onto her back. She was in a lot of trouble. A lot. **** Oh, yes she was ready for him now. Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel of the Porsche, he watched the lights go out in the restaurant. Five years ago, she hadn’t been ready for anyone like him. Her virginity had stunned the shit out of him, pissed him off because off all the things he wanted to do to that lush, little body. He had done them anyway. She adjusted the knapsack on her back and stared at the car like she knew it was him. She called to him, silent beckonings that aroused the sexual beast in him. The first time he had set eyes on the luscious Autumn Drummond, he had craved her like a narcotic. She headed to the Porsche and stopped, staring at him through the windshield. His fingers tightened on the steering wheel, arousal clawing through him. If he had to stand up, he would wind up bending her over his hood and fucking her in front of the entire town. The door opened and the smells of fall drifted in, followed 116
Fall Fires Anthology by the scent that was all Autumn. Lemon and vanilla. He felt his balls tighten as her perfume filled his head. Before she shut the door, he peeled away from the curb. She snapped her seatbelt on and he saw her study him. No, I’m not sane, kitten. She fidgeted with her bag while he headed out of town. “Where—” Her voice was like liquid fire on his skin. He had made a tactical error five years ago. He had discovered her taste, her smell, her voice when she came and the sensation of her skin against his. He hadn’t been ready for his sexy kitten either. The mistake had cost him. A lot. Now he had to regain lost ground and that meant claiming her from the inside out. He didn’t believe in seduction. It wasn’t the nature of his beast to woo and flatter. Claim her, mate her, keep her. Pulling into the gravel parking lot of the small inn that was the only answer to a hotel in this godforsaken area, he turned off the engine. “Get out,” he growled. “What?” He faced her. “Get. Out.” He yanked out the keys and she stumbled out of the car. He fought for the control he was notorious for. He set the alarm, took her hand and practically dragged her up the wood steps that led to the Victorian style house. He had the honeymoon suite. Not for romance but for privacy and the fact it was the largest room available. He was a man who needed space to prowl. He dragged her up the stairs to the third floor where only his room was. He unlocked the door with the dainty key, missing keycards and civilization. He tossed the brass key onto a little table, then moved the do not disturb sign outside and locked the door. Autumn backed away from him while he stripped off his suit jacket. “Going somewhere?” 117
Fall Fires Anthology “Um,” she said, her gaze following his hands, he began to unbutton his shirt. “Should we, I don’t know, talk?” “No.” He pushed his shirt off and worked his belt open. Her cheeks turned pink and not from embarrassment. She spun around to flee and he smiled when she stumbled to a halt, staring at the bed that dominated the room. He yanked her bag away and flung it across the room. “Do you want to talk?” He worked the buttons open on her jacket and palmed her breasts. The nipples were beaded, the flesh taut. No, his kitten didn’t want to talk. He massaged the globes that filled his palms and more. She leaned against him and moaned when his cock bumped her ass. “There’s no going back tonight, kitten.” “To where?” A life without her. Until the sight of her had filled his senses, he hadn’t realized how lonely he had become. He had claimed her body. He wanted her soul. No, he needed it. “You can still leave.” Maybe. He pinched her swollen nipples and she jerked, that sweet ass rubbing over his arousal. The need he felt for her was intense. Some men needed air to live, some drugs. He needed Autumn. “You’d let me leave?” She panted out the question, her ass grinding against his cock. “No,” he answered truthfully. His hands slid down over the soft hill of her belly and he opened her jeans. “It’s just sex. Right?” Her words echoed in his head and he wanted to roar in anger, pain. “No.” He slid down her body, taking her pants with him. His hands stroked up her calves, thighs then to the lush curves of her ass. “God no,” he whispered, kissing one cheek, then the other. Tiny goosebumps flared over her skin and he palmed off the pink sneakers she wore, then removed her pants 118
Fall Fires Anthology one leg at a time. From this spot, he could smell her arousal. He wanted to lick the dark valley of her ass all the way to her cunt. Mine. “No? Are you sure?” He slowly stood up, shifting before her. “It was never just sex, kitten.” He pushed her jacket to the floor, then tugged her shirt up. “Really?” It was more primal than sex. She was his mate. Good to his not so good. Softness to his hardness. Kindness to his cruelty. Purity to his depravity. She fed his soul, cleansed him. Yes, the hunger he felt for her was intense, but it was just an extension of him. At least, she wasn’t scared of this side. More then one woman had accused him of being too intense, too selfish, too raw. Intense? Yes. Raw? God, yes. Selfish? He peeled her bra down and stared at the body that was his. Yes. And yet Autumn didn’t flinch from this side of him. Not even from the first touch. Perhaps that was why with every year, his craving for her had intensified. “What is this then?” she asked. He fought the urge to touch her. He toed off one shoe, followed by the next. Her dark gaze searched his and his hands paused at his fly. The predator, he thought, waiting for her instinctive reaction, had become the prey. Fingers brushed his stomach, already tight with need. Her gaze left his face and he heard her gasp at his cock that bulged the front of his pants, the head cresting the waist of his shorts. Her head snapped up, awe sparked in her eyes. He took her hand and eased it to his hungry flesh. He shuddered at the feel. Already pre-cum wept from him and her hot fingers on his heated flesh was threatening to destroy him. Her palm caressed him from root to tip and his hips flexed forward. Against his chest, he felt each hot pant from her. Silky strands of hair whipped him and 119
Fall Fires Anthology she watched herself touch him. The fabric was growing restrictive. He swelled more from her touch. His balls felt tight against his body. He gripped her wrist, halting her. “No,” she gasped her fingers squeezing him. “No.” Her head lifted. “No,” she repeated, then slid down his body like water. Like he had, she pushed his pants and shorts to the floor. Her hot breath caressed his erection that fell heavy with need. Her tongue flicked out, a velvet lash and his hand fisted in her hair. He tried to remember the last woman he had allowed to do this. There were none. Like a cat, she licked him, her hand stroking. He felt moisture weep from him and she began to suck, her mouth milking him. Moaning, he thrust into the softness of her mouth, sliding along her tongue. Hands cupped his balls, fingers lightly stroking and his body jerked. His grip eased. She shifted to her knees, her mouth sliding free with a wet pop. He watched her hand pump his cock, her body responding to the thrusts of his hips. Fingers dug like claws into his thighs and he watched her curvy body rise and fall like she imagined him in her, her hand stroking him like lightning. His head fell back and he roared, the orgasm pumping through him. He felt his body expel seed and heat licked over his body. From below, he heard a responding cry. Her fingers tightened, her body shaking in her own orgasm. In her. Now. He grabbed her arms, lifted her with ease and tossed her onto the bed. The glistening cream coating her pussy and his semen on her breasts snapped any and all control. She scooted back on the bed, her legs spread for him. He shook as he climbed between her legs and buried himself in her creamy body. “Autumn!” he roared and pumped hard, needing to mark her as his. He wanted to lick himself from her tits but he had no control. There was only this woman. His woman. He fucked, 120
Fall Fires Anthology needing to claim. It was over in seconds, minutes or hours. He shuddered and emptied into her welcoming body, her cries of his name filling the vastness that was his soul. Mine, he thought with each jerk of his hips. He urged every last drop into her body. He didn’t feel human with her hands gripping his ass, holding him against her like she wanted every last drop of his body. He sank down, easing them over so she lay on him. She was limp. He was limp. Their bodies were sticky and yet he couldn’t find the strength to move. He, who was never truly sated with his first orgasm, was wiped out. Catching a fistful of her hair, he brought it to his nose and inhaled. “What is this, Zach?” “Everything,” he whispered into the gold strands. “This is everything.” **** Autumn watched the hand slide across the mattress. In a heartbeat, his eyes were open. He took in the sight of her fully clothed. Something bleak entered his eyes and he fell onto his back. “I—” “Shh.” He held up his hand stopping her. “I know.” Something painful squeezed in her because she felt that he did know. This was too intense for her. She needed more than…this. She wanted what her sisters had. Not whatever this was that stirred something in her that scared her. “I—” “Go.” He sighed and folded his arm over his eyes like the light hurt him. “Go.” “But—” “The keys are in my pants.” His voice sounded hollow. Flicking a hand in the general vicinity of his pants, he didn’t look at her. “Go. It’s okay, kitten. I understand.” 121
Fall Fires Anthology She didn’t. She stared at him for a few seconds before she climbed off the bed. She dug the keys out of his pants, and after one look at the man lying still on the bed, she fled. This was survival. She couldn’t handle him walking away like he had before. She had to protect herself. She shut the door behind her and she flinched when the lion roared within, an angry, hurting sound that seemed to echo throughout Anna’s Inn. Something crashed. She did the only thing she could think of. She fled. **** “You look like shit, MacConnell.” Zach snarled at his unwanted visitor and emptied the last of the whiskey into the tumbler. He had told his doorman no visitors. Especially anyone affiliated with the last name Drummond. Drew Andrews picked his way through his lair. He had been trying to get drunk for a month. He was going for a record. “This is pretty disgusting, even for you.” “Fuck off.” He reclined on the couch and sipped the drink. The burn was good. The oblivion would be better. “How’d you get in?” “Thousand dollar bribe. You need new staff.” Zach picked up the phone and waited until the doorman answered. “You’re fired. Get the fuck out.” He hung up, ignoring Dale’s stunned look. The man might have been best friends with his brother, the fucker, first, but when the fucker had stolen a healthy dose of Zach’s money, Dale had helped him recoup his losses. Apparently, fuckers needed getaway money. “You’re fired, too. Fuck off.” “So I take it things didn’t go well.” He growled before draining the alcohol. “Do they look like they went well? Get the fuck out.” “Spring’s pregnant.” 122
Fall Fires Anthology “Yee fucking haw.” Zach reached behind him to remove a shoe that had somehow wound up on his couch. He flung it at the bookshelf and smiled when the final frou-frou vase shattered. Fuckin’ A. “Get out.” He folded an arm over his eyes. “Don’t take this the wrong way but…don’t come back.” “Zach—” “Seriously, Dale. Don’t come back.” He pushed to his feet, nodded at Dale. “Congratulations.” “Shit. Zach, man.” He shook his head and wandered into the bedroom to escape a man happy and secure in his love. Fuck. Love fucking sucked. Cupid could suck his dick. “You know where I am, Zach.” The front door closed behind Dale. “Yeah,” he growled as he flopped onto his back. “In fucking paradise.” **** “We need to talk.” Autumn looked up to see Dale pull out the chair across from her. “We do?” He nodded and pushed a piece of paper across the table. “What’s this?” “No games, Autumn. Go to him.” She picked up the paper with an address scrawled on it. She hadn’t expected a cold ache to spread in her when she had realized he wasn’t going to hunt her down. The first few nights after she had ran from him, she had been awake in anticipation of his nightly visits. He didn’t come. The loneliness in her was threatening to devour her. “I can’t,” she whispered. She met Dale’s gaze. “I can’t.” Dale sighed. “Zach is…” he paused, searching for the right word. “Unique. Intense. Very intense.”
Fall Fires Anthology That was the understatement of the millenium. Zach wasn’t just intense he was…he was extremely intense. And what he made her feel. Well, that scared her a little. A lot. “I know.” Dale studied her face. “Unless you’re sure, Autumn, really sure you can be comfortable with what Zach is, leave him alone.” She ignored the paper for three days. On the fourth day, she found herself battling Calgary traffic until she found the large, intimidating building. She parked and climbed out. What are you doing, Autumn? She wasn’t entirely sure. She approached a man behind a large desk. “Zach MacConnell.” “Is he expecting you?” “No.” He rubbed his chin. “Your name?” “Autumn Drummond.” He consulted a piece of paper. “Eighteenth floor. Suite 1804. I did not let you up.” She nodded and headed into the lion’s den. **** He smelled lemons and vanilla. Ghosts. Ghosts were everywhere. He slid his arm from over his eyes and stared at the woman sitting on the side of his bed. “Fuck.” He blocked the sight of her. “How drunk are you?” Apparitions talked. “I’m not.” He wished he was. “How’d you get in?” He sat up, bending his legs to stare at Autumn. “Because you can leave the same way.” He scooted off the bed, unable to bear being close to her now. “Zach.” “Autumn, I’m too damn tired.” He shut the bathroom door and stared at his reflection. He filled the sink and dunked his face in the cold water. When he surfaced, she was there. 124
Fall Fires Anthology “You never call me Autumn.” “Surprise.” He dried his face and flung the towel into the tub. “Do you love me?” He leaned against the bathroom sink and shook his head. Love? What a tame, gentle, comfortable word. She paled, nodded, then walked away. She didn’t get it. Didn’t understand. His head fell forward and he stared at the tiles. He wasn’t wired like everyone else. He was too intense, too passionate, too something. He didn’t feel things like love. God, he wished he did. Maybe then he wouldn’t feel like a hollowed-out carcass. “So was it all bullshit? Just fucking me because you could?” “Yeah,” he grunted. “Why the fuck not?” He straightened and brushed past her. She grabbed the back of his shirt. “What was Henderson, Zach? Tell me!” Tell her. He spun around and grabbed the lapels of her jacket. “You want to know?” He kissed her because he needed it like she was his sun. Claim her, mate her, keep her. It was the animal instinct in him. But she wanted safe, normal, sweet. He was none of those things. He pushed her away. “What you want, I can’t give you. Do you understand? I can’t give that to you.” He wanted to but he was who he was. She pressed a shaking hand to her mouth. “Why did you leave five years ago?” “Because you weren’t ready,” he roared, punching the wall beside her. “You will never be ready! Look at me, Autumn. Look!” His hand thumped his chest. “I can’t give you what you want. Ever. Period. God damn it!” He trapped her between him and the wall. “God damn you,” he panted out. “I can’t be what you want. I can’t give you what you want. You want sweetness and romance and sunshiny days. I am not that person. I want to consume you. I can never love you. It is not in my nature to feel so passive an emotion.” He flexed his fingers and pushed back, 125
Fall Fires Anthology stretching. “Do you understand? I am not that man.” There were days when he doubted he was a man. More beast than human, wired differently than the world. “I am not that man.” He wanted to claw at the wall. “Go home, Autumn.” He dropped his arm and wished his own cage opened so easily. “Go home.” She stared at him, her eyes wide as comprehension finally sank in. Yes, he wanted to roar. See me. A hand touched his cheek and he flinched at the contact. “Consume me, Zach,” she whispered and closed the distance between them, kissing him. He wished he were a good enough person to deny her. Gripping her by the arms, he dragged her to his bed. He wished he had the willpower to deny himself. He mated with her mouth and opened her jeans, pushing them as far as he could before planting his foot in the fabric and driving it to the floor. Against the arch of his foot, he felt dampness. It registered as he flipped her onto her belly. His hand delved between her thighs and his fingers came away wet. Yes. He roared and reached for his fly. He sprung the erection that had filled the moment he had smelled her. “If you can’t handle this, go now,” he whispered against her neck. “I’m not like everyone else, kitten.” She shuddered and rubbed her ass over his cock. “Consume me, Zach.” He lifted her onto the mattress, gripped her hips and lowered her over his erection. He purred and she came with a moan. His legs framed hers and he leaned forward, his hand fisted on the mattress. He stroked into her, mounting her as the lion he felt like. Her ass bucked against him, her cunt wet and welcoming. Primal. Claim her. Yes. Her cries filled his empty soul and he pumped hard, flexing into her while he rutted. 126
Fall Fires Anthology Mate her. God yes. Her head flung back and she came with a scream. He roared, pumping his seed into her body. Keep her. Yesss. “Zach,” she sobbed, leaning into him. “I love you.” “I know.” His hands fisted on her shirt. She had come back. That was all that mattered. He wished he could say the words back but they were so trite, so mediocre. “You’re my everything, kitten.” Her hand caressed his jaw. “I know. I understand.” Thank you. He kissed her, his hands stroking up her thighs. “Consume me, kitten,” he whispered against her mouth. She purred and he smiled. She claimed him. She mated him. She kept him. **** Winter stared at the menu she held. In an elegant script, the words Seasonal Changes with one snowflake, one flower, one butterfly and one autumn leaf made her smile. She wanted to lift the paper up to her nose and inhale the reality of a dream. “Crap, it’s cold out here,” Summer muttered as she shifted. “Can we do this fucking faster, Win?” “That’s what I love about you, Summer,” Spring drawled. “Your eloquent ways.” Winter looked over her shoulder in time to see Summer flash their youngest sister the middle finger before tucking her arm back into her armpit in an attempt to get warm. Hard to believe that a year ago she had sat in her apartment in Calgary making list after list: pros and cons of reopening the restaurant. She certainly hadn’t imagined herself here with her sisters. She tried to find the words. She had practiced them over and over in the mirror, entertaining Lucas. She had rehearsed so she wouldn’t forget a single word. Only she had no words now. She crouched down and propped the menu up on the 127
Fall Fires Anthology gravestone. Resting her elbows on her knees, she stared at the engraved marble, at her grandparents’ names. They had started this dream. Then Winter had picked it up and now, once again, the restaurant was alive and thriving. Behind her, Summer stamped her feet impatiently and Autumn shushed her. “We did it,” Winter said softly. She looked over her shoulder at her three sisters. Her gaze shifted to the four men waiting for them. Their men. “We did it.” Standing up, she smiled when Summer flung an arm around her shoulder in the carefree way that was her sister. They stood in silence, staring at the new menu. A snowflake fell, a blatant reminder that fall never lasted long in Alberta. “Hello, it’s fucking snowing,” Summer muttered. “Can we go home now?” “It’s one snowflake, you wuss,” Spring responded. “Suck it up, princess.” The seasons were changing again. This year had been one full of changes, and not just the restaurant. She couldn’t wait to see what the next one brought.
Fall Fires Anthology
Karen Mandeville
Fall Fires Anthology
Jade rubbed her hands over her arms before she reached to turn the faucet. “The weather is so unpredictable in the fall. Don’t know whether it’s going to be warm or cool. I must say, I do like it when it’s warm through the day but cool enough to need a blanket to snuggle into at night. Bye, Rachel.” Jade waited for the bell to fall silent before she spoke again. “Ahh, now that we’re alone, am I allowed to tell you that you’re my favorite client, Nick?” Jade said. Her fingers snaked their way through his hair as a stream of warm water gushed over his head. Instant relief washed over him. His soul felt like it was floating over his body as he sank further into the seat. Her voice worked in time to soothe him. “Ha! I’m sure you say that to everyone.” Nick opened his eyes. Normally, Jade would wash clients’ hair standing behind them, but not Nick. She stood by his side and stretched across him. “I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, but can I just say that your perfume is a heavenly scent?” “Thank you,” she said, reaching to pump shampoo into her palm. “It’s vanilla. I can’t get enough of it. I have everything in vanilla. Shower gel, perfume. I even burn vanilla oil.” Her scent permeated his senses and it lingered there while her fingers worked their magic. Her fingers pressed against his skull and stripped away the tension with each stroke. A few splashes of water made its way 130
Fall Fires Anthology along his forehead and as he reached to wipe it away, the back of his hand grazed across her breast. The softness came as a surprise and he quickly returned his hand under the cape. “So do you want the usual?” she asked, unfazed by his touch. “The usual?” His mind was still lingering on her soft breast touching his rough hand. “Yeah, the wash, cut and blow job?” His cock bounced as the words registered. If only it was the blow job that he really wanted. “Now, I’ll just get you to lean forward and I’ll towel off your hair.” Nick braced his hands on the chair arms and pulled himself forward. He stopped inches from her breasts as she draped the towel around his head and rubbed it against his hair. He licked his lips and fought the temptation to put his hands on her back and bury his face in her firm breasts. They looked like a perfect pair. Her T-shirt stretched just enough. When he looked at them, he could see the outline of her nipples. She must have sensed him looking at them because they hardened and strained against the material. He released another long, slow sigh as she pushed him back in the chair. “Now, this is the part everyone loves. Just sit back and relax,” she instructed him. Nick nodded against her hand, closed his eyes and soaked in everything about her. He took note of the way she breathed as she worked. He noted the different strokes she used to work the conditioner into his hair. He noticed her touch pushed against spots he didn’t realize were sore or tense. Jade’s fingers put him into a trance. He felt himself relax more into the chair as he forgot about his surroundings. He couldn’t and didn’t even try stopping himself from imagining her strong fingers moving down his neck and across his chest. He thought he felt her fingernails raking over his shirt to 131
Fall Fires Anthology lift it up. He opened his eyes and saw her working with her eyes half-closed. Nick smirked again and tried to drift back into his fantasy. He slowly shifted in his chair, being careful not to interrupt her swift movements. In his fantasy, he imagined her lifting her leg to straddle him in the chair. He could have sworn that she moved her wet, warm hands to the nape of his neck and held him in close as she moved over the top of him. He leant forward and put his hands on her back, beckoning her closer until her body was pressed against his. He desperately wanted to kiss her. He wanted to taste her, to kiss every inch of her body. Nick wanted to see what she looked like with his cock inside her. Nick moved in the chair wanting to hold her tight. He could picture her clearly grinding her hips against his. He had nowhere to move to, other than up. His cock strained against his pants as she pushed against him. His hands roamed from her back and slipped under her shirt. She wouldn’t protest as his fingertips found her nipples. She’d kiss him harder as he gently squeezed her breasts. The smell of vanilla was making his head spin. He had no problem grabbing her arse. He imagined she would squeal and pull her mouth away. “Sorry, I thought you’d like it,” he apologised. “But what if we want to be seen?” Jade stopped moving her hands and looked down at Nick. “Sorry? Did you say something?” she asked. Nick’s eyes flew open. He’d lost track of all space and time. The bright lights hurt his eyes as he blinked and saw her staring down at him. He realized he had one hand on his cock and the other had reached out and was holding onto her leg. He flinched away as if her skin were on fire. “I’m so sorry,” he stammered. “I…I…” 132
Fall Fires Anthology Jade smiled and replaced her hands around his head. “It’s okay…just relax…no one else heard you…tell me what you were thinking about.” “Umm…umm…” His mind raced. He desperately wanted to remember, but he was fearful of her reaction. “I’ll tell you what I was thinking…” she said in an attempt to encourage him to reveal his thoughts. “Actually…” she said, looking around to the front door. “Give me a moment.” She took her hands out of his hair and gave them a quick flick into the washbowl. She shot off toward the door and turned the CLOSED sign around. As she made her way back to him, she wiped her hands on the front of her pants, leaving a wet trail. “Now…yes…you were going to tell me what you were thinking about while I was doing your massage.” As he opened his mouth to speak, he still had a strong hold on his cock. He again stammered to find the words he would say. Speak the truth? Or make something up? “I was…” “You were what? You were in another place. I could see it on your face and I think I have a fair idea of what was happening under your cape…so don’t bother trying to make anything up…just tell me. I’m fairly open-minded, in case you haven’t gathered that.” “Yeah…but I’m sorry…I should never have done that. I’m a bit embarrassed.” Nick felt his face flush. “Well there’s no need to be. There was no one else around. Okay—well, if you are feeling embarrassed, can I just say, when you put your hand on my leg…you actually snaked your arm through my legs and grabbed hold of my butt…then you let your hand drop to my calf when you said something.” Nick’s cheeks felt like they were on fire and he lowered his head. “Hey, I told you not to be embarrassed. If anything, you have a healthy grip there!” 133
Fall Fires Anthology He let go of his cock thinking she was referring to that. “I think I’d better get going,” he said, trying to sit up in the chair. Water ran down the back of his neck and soaked his shirt. Jumping to her feet, she stood before him to block his way and held her hand to his chest. “No, please don’t. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. I meant it before when I said you were my favorite customer.” He looked up into her blue-green eyes and smiled. She returned his smile as her hand moved over his chest and to the back of his neck. “Kiss me,” she whispered as she inched toward his mouth. Nick didn’t have time to lick his lips before Jade pressed her open mouth onto his. Her soft lips felt perfect against his. Jade leant forward till her chest touched his as she moved her tongue to kiss him long and deep. His cock sprung back to life as his hands moved to her hips. Her tongue rolled over his as she held him close. Her fingers worked to unclip the cape around his neck and moved her hand to his chest as Nick held her around the waist. She kissed him hard but tenderly as she wriggled to get to her feet and took the cape with her. He felt exposed. His hands instinctively went to cover the bulge in his pants as she moved toward him again stopping only inches away. “What’s the matter?” she whispered, moving her arm and taking hold of the armrest. She blocked him in. “Nothing…before I was dreaming this exact thing was happening and now I don’t know if it’s real or not.” He was staring at her breasts. She leant forward and came face to face with him. “I can guarantee this is not a dream. Now kiss me again.” She waited for him to lean forward. He kissed her softly and waited to see if she upped the tempo. She let her lips linger over his. She flicked him with her tongue. He moved his hands to her hips and slowly 134
Fall Fires Anthology slid them under her tight T-shirt. She shivered from the touch of his cool hands. Jade wasted no time in pressing her lips harder against his as she pushed him back into the chair. She clambered onto the chair and knelt over him. His cock hurt as it strained against his pants. Strands of her hair tickled his face as she looked down at him. Nick couldn’t take his eyes off her nipples as they poked against the material. He slid his hands toward her breasts. His palms lay against her soft bra and waited for her response. When she sighed with appreciation, he squeezed them gently. “If you’d like…you can take my top off,” she said, between kisses pressed to his neck. He wasted no time in pulling the shirt over her head. Her breasts were as he fantasized. They were full and he thought if she leant too far forward, they would fall free. His hands clamped over them, pushing them together. She sat precariously close to his cock as he fondled her cleavage. “If you want me to remove more clothes, you’re going to have to lose some, too.” He smiled as he looked up at her, “Sure, but if we are going to…you know…can we do it in this chair?” Jade smiled as she crawled off and extended her hand out to help him stand. Getting to his feet, he leant forward and kissed her hard on the lips. As his tongue pushed into her mouth, his hands moved to undo his pants and let them drop to the floor. Her hands ran along his ribs, bunching his shirt before pulling it over his head. His hands slid up her back to find the clasp on her bra. She tried to hide her giggles before he asked her what she was laughing at. “Nothing…I was just thinking about how many times you’ve come in here and I’ve fantasized about this happening,” she said quietly, wanting to taste him again. “Really?” 135
Fall Fires Anthology “Ah hah.” She nodded before she took his mouth again. She rubbed her fingers over his five o’clock shadow as she let her bra slip over her shoulders and down her arms. He sighed as he looked at her breasts before taking one in each hand. He moved her hand from holding his face to his balls. “Ohh…hairless.” She sighed as she brushed her fingers gently against them. “You like it that way, do you?” he asked before kissing her deeply. She gave an appreciative murmur before she unzipped her jeans, took hold of his hand and fed it toward her pussy. His fingers pushed against her bare opening before slipping through her wetness. “God, you’re so wet.” She turned him and pushed him down in the chair before sitting on top of him again. He couldn’t help but stare at her bare slicked pussy as he reached for her breasts. “I’ve been waiting for this day for quite some time,” Jade said, reaching into the other head basin. “I hope you don’t mind but I kind of prepared for this. She moved a towel and reached for a condom she’d hidden there. “Don’t think of me as presumptuous, but whenever I see your name in the appointment book, I make sure I have one of these handy.” “No,” Nick said. “I like a woman who’s prepared. For the record, I have some in my pockets. I like how we were thinking the same thing.” Nick grazed his fingertips along her inner thigh toward her pussy again. She grinned as she tore the edge of the foil wrapping. “I don’t want to move now,” she said as his fingers toyed with her lips. “Your hands feel so good.” “Put that condom on and I’ll give you something that will feel better.” Jade moved further along the chair and squeezed the tip of the condom before placing it over the head. 136
Fall Fires Anthology “You have a very lovely cock.” She smiled as she inched it down the shaft. “Looks delectable.” Nick reached and took her gently around the neck and pulled her toward him. Jade wriggled her hips and grazed his cock, running it from front to back over her lips before positioning the head against her opening. Jade pulled away from his mouth and looked down to his stomach. Nick put his hands on her hips and she lowered slowly. Not being able to resist the temptation, he thrust up into her. She threw her head back and squealed with delight as his balls pushed between her arse cheeks. His cock felt so good inside her as he found his rhythm and jogged it inside her. Her fingers moved to the front of her opening and pulled back the hood of her clit. She pulled his hand toward her clit and instructed him to rub it. As his fingers touched the little nub, she clenched her muscles around his cock making him give a happy groan. He craned his neck to watch his cock thrust in and out of her as she reached behind and squeezed his balls as he entered. “God, you feel heavenly,” he said as she moved against him. Jade found his neck and smothered it with quick kisses, being careful not to mark him. Small sweat beads formed over her body as he lowered his butt back into the chair. She eased herself onto his lap before finding her own pace. She reached out and cupped the side of his face while she writhed over his cock. Feeling it pressing against the opening of her cervix made her increase her pace. “Fuck me there!” She gritted her teeth. Leaning forward and taking hold of her around the waist, his hips left the seat as he pounded into her. Wild with excitement, she held him close and tightened her legs around him. Sliding off the chair, he stood as he jogged his hips while she held onto his neck. His grunts were 137
Fall Fires Anthology loud and distinct as his thrusts got quicker and shorter, not deep and long as when he first started. Hearing his ragged breath in her ear, she couldn’t help but make her own appreciative noise as his splayed fingers dug into her fleshy ass. “Oh Jesus,” was all he could say as his cock ached for release while her pussy clamped tighter. She buried her face into his neck while waves took over her pussy. She struggled for breath as the waves subsided. “We haven’t finished yet.” Without pause, he turned and set her down in the chair. He grabbed hold of her ankles and spread them wide as he moved to lie on the leg part of the chair. His mouth found her opening and took it all. His tongue rolled along her inner lips and filled her opening. Jade squirmed from his touch as he moved to focus on her clit. “There!” she said, feeling as if a volt of electricity shot through her. Nick held her in place by holding her hips as she bucked against him again. She fought to get her breath as he continued to suck and tease her. His fingers explored inside her. He wanted her to feel the same way he did when she massaged him. She urged him to go harder as she shook and relished his touch. Nick’s tongue mashed against her clit and then he’d suck on it till she cried out for him to stop. “You have to stop, or I’ll pass out.” “Well I don’t want you to pass out,” he said, lifting his head before giving her pussy one more quick kiss. Jade squealed and tried to close her legs. “No. I don’t want you to stop but you have to. I’ll pass out and you won’t be able to speak due to an injured tongue.” Jade looked down at him as he slowly got to his feet and stood before her. “What?” Nick didn’t speak as he extended his hand toward her.
Fall Fires Anthology Jade moved slowly along the seat and unsteadily got to her feet. Nick pulled her in for a long deep, gentle kiss. She tasted herself as he moved his tongue inside her mouth. She ran her fingers gently over his cock before taking it in her hand. “It’s still beating,” she murmured with a smile as it slowly retracted in her hand. “Be gentle with it,” he said. “It gets very tender after it’s had a big moment like that. But God you are sexy.” She giggled, “Well you definitely are my favorite client. So when will you be back?” “I think I’ll be coming for haircuts every day of the week from now on.”
Fall Fires Anthology
Mary Ongjoco Chapman
Fall Fires Anthology
“Amanda, I’ve told you a billion times—no. I have no fucking desire whatsoever to go to a Halloween party, even if it is for a good cause.” Groaning, Rose Montreuil collapsed on the couch and kicked her adorable Jimmy Choo sandals off her hot, tired feet. Oh, it felt so good to wiggle her newly-liberated toes. She propped her feet up on the coffee table and sank against the soft cushions of the couch. “This weekend, the only good cause I’m donating to is me. I need some downtime. I’ve worked practically nonstop for the last month, and it’s been one hell of a week.” An excited giggle came over the phone. “Rosie, I’m telling you—there are going to be tons of guys at the party. Hot guys, too, if it’s anything like last year.” Rose rolled her eyes. Of course, her best friend would have noticed the hot guys last year; they were probably all she’d seen because she would have been surrounded by them. Amanda was not only beautiful; she was genuinely nice. And attracted guys like bees to honey. Something Rose had never been able to do. “Mandy, I…I just can’t. Just go without me. I’m totally exhausted.” There was a beat of silence. “You’re just saying you can’t go because you’re still hung up on Herr Slimeball.” “No, I’m not! It’s been nearly a year, and I’m totally, totally over him.” 141
Fall Fires Anthology “Then prove it to me—hell, prove it to yourself and come with me to the party tomorrow.” Amanda’s voice was triumphant. “You’ll be in costume. No one will have to know who you are unless you tell them. Take the opportunity to explore your bolder side. Flirt. Tease. Kiss a stranger. But most importantly, for one evening, forget all about that jerk, Gerhard.” Despite her protests, Rose knew Amanda was speaking the truth. Yes, she still thought about Gerhard—but only sometimes. Even though she had caught the German scumbag at the bar with his tongue jammed halfway down some blonde bimbo’s throat while the slut’s hand worked away at his bulging crotch. And she missed him, too—but usually it was only when she was lonely and horny as hell. That bastard. He had accused her of being a dead fish in bed. Boring and unimaginative. Blamed her for needing to find satisfaction elsewhere. Fuck him. She wasn’t that dull and predictable. Was she? Amanda was right. Forget about Gerhard. She needed to let her hair down—if only for one night. **** “Rosie, you’ll have a fabulous, unforgettable night. I just know it!” Rose grinned at Amanda, arms linked as they headed toward the entrance of the manor, their high heels clicking on the walkway. A crisp, fall breeze, heavy with the scent of drying leaves, swirled around them. Only thirty minutes from the hustle-and-bustle of New York, but already, she felt light years away from the craziness of her hectic life. 142
Fall Fires Anthology Amanda slipped her arm from Rose’s and greeted a pair of acquaintances. Both dressed as Egyptian pharaohs and both obviously glad to see Amanda dressed as Lady Godiva. Rose adjusted the half-mask so she could watch without obstruction. Ever since becoming friends during high school, she had appreciated Amanda’s giving nature and loyalty, but above all, she admired her friend’s lack of inhibitions. Amanda tossed the synthetic mane of long, blonde hair over her shoulder, letting it shimmer down her naked-but-for-a-bodysuit back. Damn, she had a gorgeous body. Rose had no such luck in the body department. Her boobs were way too big and her hips much too wide, in her opinion. And the last time she’d had a really flat tummy was during high school. Maybe college. She stole a glance at her own costume. Why in the world had she ever let Amanda talk her into dressing like a devil in a blue dress? The refrain of the old rock song buzzed through her head. Of course, Rose wasn’t exactly wearing a dress, so much as a corset and a skirt. Yeah, right. She gave a futile, surreptitious tug on the scrap of spandex supposed to be her skirt. Shit, it was skintight and barely covered her butt. Which she could ordinarily deal with, except Amanda insisted Rose wear a thong—to avoid unsightly panty lines, of course. God, she might as well be naked. Thank goodness she was wearing a red cape. And she hated that everyone could see her stockings were held in place by the garters on the corset. But Amanda had sworn it added a sexy touch to the outfit, so she had reluctantly agreed. What did Rose know about sexy? Nothing. That was Amanda’s area of expertise. 143
Fall Fires Anthology At least she was lucky in the legs department. Tina Turner, eat your heart out. A drink was pushed into Rose’s hand, and she was swept alongside Amanda into the dimly-lit ballroom. The place was packed. So full, it was nearly impossible to move among the witches, wizards, pharaohs, French maids, and vampires. Wait—were those four guys dressed like a box of…of Tampax? What a scream! Rose looked around the crowded ballroom, and her eyes widened. She was being watched. **** Lucius tossed his cape over his shoulder. He wore no mask tonight; there was no need. His party was, once again, a great success. The charity would receive a nice-sized check from the proceeds of tonight’s masquerade party. He scanned the ballroom once more. She was here. He sucked in his breath. What was it about this woman? One minute, he saw hesitation on her face; the next, she was a vixen, a minx. No. She was a siren. Sensual heat oozed from her body, called to him from across the room. As when she had first caught his eye. Three months earlier, he had stepped into the bright sunlight after leaving his attorney’s office. Instead of getting into his car, he motioned for his driver to wait, and walked down the block to the nearest Starbucks. After such an intense meeting with the attorneys about the buyout of his competitor, Lucius needed some liquid energy. There was still too much to do. He had looked around, and felt the air knocked out of him. 144
Fall Fires Anthology The woman sat at a table against the back wall, her eyebrows slightly knit as she stared at the laptop monitor, her fingers deftly skimming the keyboard. Her dark hair was pulled up into a tight bun. She collected her things and looked up, their eyes briefly meeting. The black frames of her glasses did nothing to hide either her beauty or the surprise which registered on her face. Her lips spread into a small smile before she quickly looked away, her cheeks tinged a pale pink. She edged past, gripping her briefcase to her chest. His gaze followed her, taking in the proud way she carried herself, the gentle sway of her hips. His nose tingled, sniffing at the faint perfume left in her wake. He took a deep breath, trying to pinpoint the scent. Vanilla, with a hint of warm sugar. And tonight, even beneath the half-mask, he spotted her again. The red cape burned brightly against the dark waves trailing down her back. Her deep blue corset lifted her full breasts, urging him to cup them, to fondle them, to taste them. His gaze swept down to her legs. Muscular, shapely legs in black fishnet stockings, her feet encased in four-inch ebony stilettos. Lucius suppressed a moan as he felt the blood rush to his groin. God, he had wanted her from the moment he first laid eyes on her. His mind filled with a vision of those legs wrapped around his waist. The feel of her round, firm breasts in his hands. The sight of her long, dark hair spread behind her as he pounded himself into her. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. He needed to get closer. To hear her voice. To touch her skin. To taste her lips. To feel her body in his arms. 145
Fall Fires Anthology He had to have her. Had to possess her. She was meant for him. He knew it. Damn those men standing at her side. He started across the room. **** Amanda had slipped away—no surprise, there—and Rose was left chatting with Amanda’s former college chums—the pharaohs—as if she had known them for years. “What’s your name, baby?” they asked. “You’ve never told us.” She had—but they were already too drunk to remember. The men flanked her, their hard bodies flush against hers as the crowd pressed the trio against the wall. Her shyness slipped further away as she took another sip. What was in this drink? She rarely drank alcohol, but tonight was to be a special occasion. Tonight was about anonymity, letting her hair down, liberating herself. And for some reason, she did feel more free, more daring than ever before. She flirted, teased, tormented her escorts as they edged closer. Her body hummed with nervous excitement. Something wonderful was going to happen tonight; she could feel it. Could this be it? “Why worry yourselves over my name? If you really must know, ask Amanda. But does it matter? Does knowing my name make tonight any more magical? Any more, uh, wonderful?” The men moved closer, and one Egyptian king began stroking her hair. Rose felt the man’s fingers twine through her long, raven waves, and she closed her eyes. A jumble of fear and anticipation stirred within her. This was what I wanted, wasn’t it? To tease? To be desired? She tried to ignore the apprehension building inside. “Tell us your name,” the pharaoh urged softly. “We want to whisper it, caress it, shake the heavens when we scream it, say it 146
Fall Fires Anthology when we moan.” His finger lifted her chin, and he dropped a gentle kiss on her parted lips. The other man moved closer. “Come on, beautiful.” His hand slipped beneath her cape and wrapped around her breast, kneading it gently but firmly until her nipple pebbled to a tight peak. His hand slid lower. Oh my. Two men. Can I really do this? Rose tried to enjoy the attention the men gave her, but nerves took over. Anxiety shot through her body, obliterating any fleeting bit of excitement she may have felt, because suddenly, it all felt so very wrong. She eased herself away and laughed nervously. “‘What’s in a name?’” “‘That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.’” Her head shot up. It was him, the man from across the room. She knew him, didn’t she? At once, the world dissolved into nothingness. All she heard was the pounding of her heart as it echoed in her ears. Any thrill with the twin pharaohs hardly compared to how this man affected her. She drew her breath in sharply, her flesh prickling. Every nerve in her body tingled as he closed the distance between them. Her gaze was locked on his, electricity rushing through her veins as she took his outstretched hand. “Who are you?” she breathed. As if from faraway, Rose could hear her companions calling, beckoning her back to their haven against the wall. But she couldn’t turn her head, couldn’t acknowledge them. All that existed was the man before her. She swept her gaze over him as he pulled her closer. His tall, lean frame was clothed in black, a long cape draped across his shoulders and held in place by a silver chain which sparkled in 147
Fall Fires Anthology the dim light. His gaze seemed to pierce her soul, as she looked into his dark eyes. Wavy brown hair fell about his shoulders as he cocked his head to one side and his eyes twinkled mischievously. “What are you thinking, sweetheart? Are you sorry I rescued you from those two? They seemed to enjoy, uh, being with you.” “Wh-what?” Rose blinked several times and swallowed hard. “Oh. I, uh, usually don’t do things like that.” His eyes shone brightly. “There’s no shame in being touched by two men,” he reassured her. “It can be very exciting, very stimulating and very satisfying. But if it’s not for you, it’s not for you.” “You know, maybe I’ve had too much to drink.” “Then I won’t ask if you’d like more punch.” Rose glanced at her hand, still gripping her nearly half-full glass. He lifted his hand, made a slight gesture, and a waiter appeared at their side. Smiling, her companion took her glass and placed it on the waiter’s tray. “Water?” Somewhat dazed by his attention, Rose took the glass and sipped, feeling the cool liquid soothe her throat. Cool and refreshing—but not enough to dampen the fire her rescuer had ignited. “Enough?” When she nodded, he returned the drink to the waiter, dismissing the man with a slight movement of his head. “Would you like to dance, Rose?” Her eyes grew wide with surprise. “How…did you know my name?” “‘…A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.’” He grinned. “A guess. Why else would you respond with that quote when asked for your name?” Danger radiated from the man before her. He was an enigmatic, formidable man, but she instinctively knew she had nothing to fear. “Who are you?” she asked again. 148
Fall Fires Anthology He gently touched her chin. “‘Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized.’” “You may be familiar with Romeo and Juliet, but that doesn’t tell me anything. Shakespeare scholar?” “Hardly.” The man smiled and bowed deeply. “My name is Lucius Morefield. Welcome to my home.” **** “Hmm. Tuxedo and cape. You’re dressed as a vampire. Do you intend to drain me? To devour me?” Rose tried to joke. Lucius chuckled. “Only if you allow it, my dear.” “Why do I feel as if I know you?” Rose raised her eyes to his. She could feel her flesh burning where he touched her, guiding her through the dance. His gaze bore into her, and he smiled slowly. “Maybe we’re meant for each other.” He pulled her close, fitting her against him. “Maybe our souls called to one another from across the room.” “Maybe you’re weirding me out.” His mouth twitched, fighting off a smirk. “Am I?” Rose waited a beat before shaking her head. “No. Not really.” “You have nothing to fear from me. I will never hurt you.” “I know.” She looked away, then peered at him from beneath her lashes. “But I’ve seen you before. Haven’t I?” Lucius slipped the mask from her face, dropping it to the floor. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you as you slaved over your computer.” Her eyes widened as the memory returned. “Oh. In Starbucks…” “I still can’t take my eyes off you.” He tightened his embrace, his sinewy arms holding her fast as they danced slowly to the music. She closed her eyes and 149
Fall Fires Anthology leaned her head against Lucius’ shoulder, trying to ignore how excited she felt being with him. This was it. This was the something wonderful she had been anticipating. She knew it. Rose felt his heart beating below her hands, its steady rhythm vibrating through her body. His scent filled her nostrils, and her pulse began to race. “Your heart is hammering so fast, I can almost hear it.” Rose opened her eyes and lifted her face toward him. Lucius stopped their dance and pressed two fingers to her throat. His eyes darkened as her pulse quickened. “Hmm, you’re so excited,” he whispered in a teasing voice. “You love that I’m holding you, touching you. And you want me to continue touching you, don’t you?” God, what was it about this man? Five minutes after meeting him, and all she wanted to do was press her body closer, feel herself become lost in him. Shock waves had been coursing through her body since the moment their hands touched. “Tell me, Rose.” His tone was commanding yet gentle. “Tell me that you love my arms around you. That you want me to touch you.” Her body warmed as his deep baritone voice flooded her. Made her temperature rise. Made her nipples peak painfully. Rose sucked in her breath, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from his. God, yes, it was the truth. She did love the feel of his arms around her. And she did want him to touch her. But could she…say it? “Lucius.” She heard her voice respond in a husky whisper. “H-hold me closer. I love having your arms around me. I want you to touch me, to hold me.” He laughed lightly. Arranged his floor-length cape so they were completely enveloped, hidden in the tent held shut by his hand. Still gazing into her eyes, he pulled her close and gently 150
Fall Fires Anthology ran his free hand along her body, slowly, as if to memorize her shape. His hand slipped under her excuse-for-a-skirt, lifting the hem and cupping her bare bottom. Rose gasped and her cheeks flushed a bright pink. She quickly looked around. Had anyone seen him? Did any of the other guests know how he was touching her? A chuckle drew her attention back to the man who held her. “No one is paying any attention, Rose. We’re not causing any sort of scene. Trust me.” Her eyes widened. God, his hand felt so warm, so strong against her flesh. Wetness quickly appeared between her legs as his fingers followed the string of her thong. “Ah. So you do want me,” he whispered, triumphantly discovering the hot moistness between her legs. Rose moaned lightly and her eyes drifted shut. Oh, God. Yes, I want you. Touch me. I’m on fire, Lucius. In response to her silent plea, Lucius’ caresses became faster, more insistent. “Open your eyes, Rose.” She opened her eyes slowly, hesitantly. His gaze was fixed on her. His stare seemed to penetrate her, down to her very soul. “Keep them open,” he said quietly. “I want to see the pleasure in them when I touch you. I want to see how much you want me, and you won’t be able to disguise that in your eyes.” Lucius’ hand glided upward, his thumb caressing her nipple through the fabric of her corset. She could feel it instantly pebble to a hard kernel. He cupped her breast, weighing it in his hand as he tenderly massaged it. She bit back a moan. Incredibly, she was getting wetter with each pass of his fingers. Never had she been so turned on by a man fondling her breast. 151
Fall Fires Anthology Lucius pulled her close, their lips nearly touching. “I’m going to touch you, love.” He paused as her eyes widened. “And when I do, you won’t make a sound, you won’t move. Do not look anywhere but in my eyes. Do nothing that would give anyone a hint of what we share. Do you understand?” Dazed, she nodded. The desire pooling below her navel had doubled. No, tripled in size. She tried to prepare herself, but still she caught her breath. His fingers traced the front of her thong, tantalizing her with their touch. A finger slipped beneath the fabric, stroking the silky curls of her pubic hair. Lucius lowered his mouth to hers, teasing her with a tender kiss that made her lips tingle. When he pulled back, Rose moistened her full bottom lip with a pass of her tongue. He followed the movement with his gaze before raising it to her eyes. Touch me, Lucius. He kissed her again, slipping his tongue in her mouth, tasting her. Powerful shock waves crashed through her body. His fingers delved between her legs, teasing the nub of her sex. Rose gasped, forcing her body to remain still. His fingers worked quickly, efficiently, nearly bringing her to climax. Never had she thought she could be so wet, so ready to receive a man completely. God, if only… “Just think, Rose,” he whispered. “I’m touching you, fondling you, almost making you come—and no one around us is the wiser.” His fingers increased their tempo, becoming saturated by her juices. “Mmm… If only it were my tongue teasing you right now…” The image of Lucius’ head between her legs seared itself in her mind. It was something Gerhard had refused to do; he said it was unappealing. Common, he called it. 152
Fall Fires Anthology Rose’s eyes fluttered shut as the room swam before her. She felt herself being crushed against his chest as he pulled his lips from hers. “Do you want me to stop, Rose?” he whispered in a hoarse voice. Her eyes flickered open, dark with desire. “Lucius, for God’s sake, no. Don’t stop.” His fingers slipped in and out of her wet sex. Rose’s knees began to buckle from the pleasure coursing through her veins, but Lucius’ strong arms kept her from falling. His mouth covered hers, swallowing her cries as fireworks exploded before her eyes. **** Candles burned brightly throughout the room, negating any need for electric lights. Rose turned as the door clicked shut behind her. Somehow, he had led her to his private wing on the third floor of the manor. She could hardly remember walking through the ballroom and up the stairs. And now, she could scarcely hear the music, could barely feel the steady thumping of the bass notes through the subwoofers. “Lucius? Amanda should know…” “I already sent word to her that you were with me.” He tossed his cape and jacket on the couch. Lost the tie and approached her. Rose stood in the center of the room, looking around, taking in the dark-paneled walls, the opulence of the Oriental rug beneath their feet, the heavy brocade of the window dressing, the jewel-toned silk of the pillows adorning the canopied bed. A leather couch and matching club chair sat before the stone fireplace. The tall windows revealed a bright autumn night, but any chill in the air was chased away by the warmth from the roaring fire. A heavy pine table with two sturdy chairs 153
Fall Fires Anthology sat before the windows, a silver tray laden with petit-fours and fruit sitting in the middle. For a midnight snack? For breakfast after a night of making love? Rose’s heart was pounding, her senses on full alert. He stood behind her, and she could almost hear the beating of his heart. Sparks of electricity coursed through her body as his hands skimmed her flesh. Her nostrils were filled with the spicy scent of his cologne. “Tell me, Rose, why did you come to the party tonight?” His soft voice drifted over her skin, making it prickle beneath his warm breath. He unfastened her cape, baring her shoulders as the material fell to the floor. “T-the party was for a good cause. And I, uh, wanted to relax, have fun. To be a little…a little daring, I suppose.” God, it was so difficult to concentrate. But how could she, when his smooth lips were traveling along the ridge of her shoulder, along the curve of her neck? She moaned, her head falling back as Lucius pressed his lips on the soft skin of her throat. Oh God, she was going to collapse from the sheer pleasure of it all. “Stay with me, baby. Don’t faint.” His soft command cut through her thoughts. Her eyes flew open. “Lucius…” He chuckled, the gentle rumbling sending shivers down her back. His lips trailed across to her other shoulder. “And is that all, sweetheart? You came here to be more daring?” he asked between kisses. “No.” She shuddered. “Part of me thinks I was meant to…” “Meant to what, love?” Rose took a deep breath and forced herself to focus. “To…meet you tonight.” “You’re right. I think we were meant to meet. So you could be a little daring…with me.” Smiling, he placed his hands on her 154
Fall Fires Anthology shoulders and turned her around. “I want to make love to you, Rose. I want to bury myself deep within you, feel myself fill you. I want your warm body next to mine. And after, I want to talk with you, to laugh with you, to learn all about you. “But most of all, I want you to be happy, to be as daring as you choose. I can help you, but in return, I want your absolute obedience. You will do whatever I tell you to do, as you did in the ballroom. I won’t hurt you, won’t humiliate you. “The question is—do you want to stay?” Rose slowly nodded. She knew he spoke the truth. She trusted him. **** Soft jazz filled the air. Lucius poured two glasses of wine. God, she was beautiful, almost Rubenesque. In her eyes, he saw anticipation and uncertainty vying within her. Yes, he’d coax her to be a little daring tonight. It wouldn’t take much to bring out the vixen in her. He had caught glimpses of it earlier. “You look a bit edgy, love,” he murmured. “A little wine— to help you relax.” Rose took the glass from him, and he noticed her breath hitch as their fingers brushed. He smiled. So she felt it, too, this magical thrill between them. Already he loved the sound of her voice. Already he found it impossible to ignore the waves of excitement that tore through him when they touched. What would it feel like when they… She took a sip, and he watched as she passed her tongue over her bottom lip to catch the remnants of the wine. He set his glass down. Felt his cock stir, and gave an inward groan. Not yet. Just a little while longer. She drank again before Lucius took her glass and placed it on the table. He folded Rose in his arms and led her in a slow, 155
Fall Fires Anthology sensual dance. Her heart pounded as he traced the shape of her body with his hands. Releasing her, he took a step back, his stare not leaving her face. “Dance for me, Rose,” he said, settling into a chair. Her eyes widened. “We were dancing.” “Dance for me. Alone. Feel the sensuality of the rhythm, of the music. Let it carry you away.” Her expression was doubtful as she looked at him. Then slowly, almost hesitantly, she began to move in time with the music. He watched as she closed her eyes and began moving more freely. The music was intoxicating, provocative, urging her to let go of her self-consciousness. Bit by bit, he saw her transform as the music washed over her. Her face relaxed, her body became more at ease. Her eyes were still shut, but her arms lifted as she swayed. Slowly, her hands lightly brushed the sides of her body, trailing down to her hips. “The skirt.” Her eyes opened at the sound of his voice. “Lose the skirt.” Without protest, Rose slipped her fingers under the elastic waistband and tugged downward. Lucius watched as she wiggled her hips, easing the material past her buttocks. It fell to the floor in a heap, and she kicked it away. She paused, seeming not to know what to do next. He smiled. Shifted in his seat, his cock growing harder. “Don’t stop dancing, love. Enjoy it. Touch yourself the way you love to be touched. Enjoy the freedom.” He pressed a button on a remote, and the volume from the stereo increased slightly. Rose took a deep breath and undulated more provocatively. A few minutes later, her hands skimmed her body, caressing her hips, her belly, straying across her breasts. 156
Fall Fires Anthology His smile broadened. His instructions had been wellreceived. He watched greedily as her hands cupped her full breasts, squeezing the globes gently. To his delight, her hands slid downward, her fingers playing with the string of her thong, dipping below the fabric. A little closer, baby. That’s it. Just a little closer. But it wasn’t right. “Wait.” Hearing his harsh tone, Rose stopped moving, utter confusion on her face. Lucius quickly neared and suddenly the sound of ripping threads tore through the air. Rose gasped as cool air rushed around her legs. He grinned, holding the remains of her thong. “You don’t need this anymore, love,” he murmured. “It would just get in the way.” “Get in the way?” The back of his hand brushed against her cheek. “Get in the way of your pleasure. This time, sit on the bed with your legs open wide. Go on,” he urged. “You’ll enjoy yourself more now.” He settled back in his chair, tossing the ruined scrap of material aside. He gave her a slow smile, and Rose walked toward the bed, sliding her hands along her firm buttocks. Lucius shifted, feeling himself become even harder as he watched her fingers trace the crevice between her cheeks. Rose faced him once more, her eyes dark with excitement. She perched herself on the edge of the bed, leaned back slightly and spread her legs wide. One hand fondled her breast as the other slid to her sex, already damp with wetness. She pinched her nipple as a finger quickly circled the hood covering her clit. He groaned aloud, his hand caressing his cock. God, had he ever been this hard before? If only he could slam himself into her… 157
Fall Fires Anthology No. This wasn’t about him. This was about her. About her exploring her sensual side. About her becoming comfortable with her body and what pleased her. And ultimately, it would be better for both of them. Better? Lucius smirked. How about extraordinary? Rose had become focused on her masturbation. Good. He could see the wetness on her fingers as they moved in and out of her slit. Her eyes were closed, her cheeks flushed, her full lips slightly parted. Beautiful. Faster and faster her fingers circled, teased her clit, her breathing becoming more labored… “Stop.” He could barely get the word out. Rose slowed her strokes until she came to a stop, her eyes glassy as she looked at him. “Come here.” Tentatively, Rose approached him. She quickly glanced at his crotch. Lucius grinned. His erection strained against his zipper, his cock begging to be freed. “All in good time, sweetheart,” he said. The platter was swept to one side. She gasped as he swiftly unsnapped the garters, tore open her corset and threw it to one side. Then, as if she were weightless, he lifted her up, laying her flat against the table. It was all he could do to keep from taking her there on the table. “I loved watching you, Rose, but now I’d…like a bit of dessert.” Lucius dipped his finger into the bowl of cream nestled among the fruit. Dabbed a bit on her mouth and around her nipples, then leaned over and licked the cream from her lips, nibbling as he did. His hot breath wafted over her skin as he moved lower. He took one nipple in his mouth, sucking and licking the cream off until it peaked. Rose moaned, arching her 158
Fall Fires Anthology back toward him. He moved to her other breast, causing her to moan again. God, she tasted so delicious. He kissed her again, deeply this time, as he traced a line of cream down her belly. His tongue parted her lips, teased her tongue as he dipped his finger in the bowl again, gently painting her delta. The smell of sex drifted to him, causing desire to roar through his veins. Reluctantly, he removed his mouth from hers and tore off his shirt. Flicking his tongue catlike across her skin, he began to lap the cream from her belly. Rose shivered and moaned as he licked her clean, following the trail down her body. He could sense her anticipation of his next move. Lucius smiled, delaying it a little while longer. Rose turned her head to face him, her eyes wide with longing. His stare locked on hers as he kicked off his shoes and removed the rest of his clothing. His hand lightly caressed his erection. She couldn’t see his cock from where she lay, but he knew she’d be satisfied when they finally came together. He kneeled, pulling her gently toward the edge of the table so her stockinged legs hung over his shoulders. He kissed her belly again, slipping his hands beneath her hips. His breath drifted over the silky curls laden with cream. His tongue darted out, tentatively brushing her sensitive skin before licking the confection cleanly from the folds of her sex. Lucius glanced up, smiling to himself. Her eyes were shut tightly, her hands grasping at the air, as she desperately searched for something to hold her steady. Over and over his tongue fluttered against her, tasting her, wanting more. His tongue played with her clit, circling it, sucking it, rubbing it. Finally, he began to lick her with long, hard strokes, feeling her quiver beneath him, her legs quaking. He looked up again. Her head was thrown back, her breasts thrust forward as she 159
Fall Fires Anthology arched her back. He reached for one breast, rubbing his thumb over the nipple, then caressed it gently between his fingers. She was beautiful; she was all his. Rose tunneled her fingers through his thick hair, moaning his name over and over. She rocked against him. His tongue darted in and out, making quick trills against her flesh. He sucked and nipped hard on her sex, lapping up the juice from her slit. Her breathing came faster and faster, matching the movement of her hips. Her body tensed, and he knew she was going to explode soon. Come on, baby, come on. Do it. Do it now. This will be so good. God, I want to taste more of you. As if in answer to his silent command, Rose’s moans became more throaty until she finally cried out, her body taut as she came and came and came. Lucius’ head was spinning. He was drunk on the taste of her, the feel of her, the smell of her. He watched her as she lay there, dazed, her breasts heaving. When the room stopped moving, he stood, towering over the woman on his table. He glanced down. Her legs were still propped on his shoulders. Her sex glistened with beads of wetness, inviting him to ram his cock deep inside her. He couldn’t wait any longer. His hands and his mouth covered her breasts, tugging on her nipples. The head of his thick penis teased her slit as he leaned forward to kiss her, to plunge his tongue in her mouth. He threaded his fingers through her thick hair, and she pulled him close, her body begging for fulfillment. “Tell me what you want, Rose,” he said in a raspy voice. “Lucius, I want you. I can’t…take much more of this,” she whispered. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard and fast. Fuck me now.”
Fall Fires Anthology He didn’t hesitate. With one swift move, he thrust his full length inside her. The wineglasses and platter crashed to the floor, the din sounding as if from a distance. No matter. Rose was all he knew now. She threw her head back, crying out in a guttural voice. Pulled him close, her fingers clawing at his back. “Oh God, Lucius. Don’t stop. For God’s sake, don’t stop.” He lifted one of her legs off his shoulder, wrapping it around his waist. The new angle created more friction, made her sheath even tighter as he drove into her over and over. He could tell she teetered on the verge of climax when suddenly, the force of her orgasm shook her. Lucius closed his eyes and continued plunging himself into her, marveling at how tightly she sheathed him, loving the feeling of being inside her. Her low moans became more pronounced, spurring his excitement. Faster and faster he moved, his strokes more ferocious and demanding as he sought release. Waves of ecstasy poured over him as he increased his tempo. Rose’s body stiffened as she cried out again, another orgasm shaking her more violently than before. With a groan, Lucius gave one last thrust and emptied his seed within her. **** “So tell me why you thought you needed to be more daring.” His words caught her by surprise. She looked up as he pulled her close. After that incredible session on the table, he had carried her to the bed, rid her of the stockings and stilettos, and then made slow, passionate love to her. As mind-blowing as before. Maybe even more so. Rose stiffened, a knot forming in her chest. She almost forgot about her desire to be daring. She had wanted to step 161
Fall Fires Anthology outside of her normal boundaries. She had wanted to prove that Gerhard had been wrong about her. Lucius rolled over her, pressing her into the soft mattress, her hands pinned above her head. “Hmm. You seem to be embarrassed,” he observed. His mouth dropped to her breast, taking a nipple and teasing it erect with his tongue. She moaned, and desire began pooling behind her navel. His lips traveled to the other breast. “Answer me, or I’ll stop right now,” he warned. “I…I used to be with someone. Gerhard,” she added. She sucked in her breath as a spasm of pleasure zipped through her body. God, Lucius was a master with his tongue. No wonder she couldn’t think straight. It never felt like this with Gerhard. He lifted his mouth from her breast, his eyes narrow. “And what was wrong with this…Gerhard that you aren’t with him anymore?” Rose started at the disdain in his voice. Opened her mouth to answer. Instead, she blushed and looked away. “If you had been perfectly happy with him, he’d still be around, and you and I wouldn’t be enjoying each other.” What could she say? That she bored Gerhard? That he loved sex—just not with her? “It wasn’t a strong relationship to begin with,” she finally admitted. “Honestly, I can’t remember why we ever started dating.” “Why did you two stop seeing each other?” She shifted uncomfortably beneath his intense gaze. “Because Gerhard was a selfish, arrogant, two-timing jerk.” She sighed. “No. It’s more than that. I never realized what an ass he was until we broke up. And then I was glad he was gone.”
Fall Fires Anthology “What else, sweetheart?” He gave her an encouraging smile, his hand traveling to her breast as his fingers began to slowly trace her nipple, making it peak beneath his touch. “Everything centered on his schedule, his social events. I was there to smile at his business associates and to nod during dinners when it was appropriate.” Rose knit her brow. “I was definitely second in the relationship. Never first. And in the end, I wasn’t good enough for him,” she added softly. Lucius gathered her in his arms. “If he didn’t think you were good enough for him, the man was a fool.” She sighed. How could he say that? Sure, they had just spent God knows how long having sex, but what made him an expert? For all she knew, she was just another notch on this magnificent mahogany headboard. “Lucius…” “Rose.” She finally looked him in the eye. “You hardly know me.” “I know enough, and I want to know more.” “What does that mean?” His eyes twinkled as he smiled. “After I saw you in Starbucks, I asked the manager about you. He only knew that you worked in the area. You were always very polite to his employees, you ordered the same thing for lunch—lemonade with either a turkey sandwich or a salad with vinaigrette—and you always worked on your laptop while you ate.” Rose’s jaw dropped. “You asked about…me? Why?” “Because you intrigued me. And I’ve always hoped I’d run into you.” She shook her head. “So you know what I eat for lunch. None of that means anything.” “On the contrary. Not only are you beautiful, you’re considerate of others. You’re unassuming and don’t need fanfare. You’re hard-working.” His smile broadened. “And best of all, it’s fantastic making love with you.” 163
Fall Fires Anthology His words struck a harsh chord. She looked away, her jaw tightening. “Gerhard, um, told me I was boring in bed. Dull. A dead fish.” “Sweetheart, you are far from boring.” He slipped a finger beneath her chin and forced her to look at him. “You are a very beautiful, sensual woman. Maybe you just need to give yourself permission to explore. Maybe you needed a better partner.” “Forgive me if I’m a bit skeptical about your motives.” Lucius knit his brow as he gazed into her eyes. “Rose, I mean it—I want to know you. Out of bed, as well as in. I don’t want tonight to be a one-night thing.” “Really?” “Really.” Wow. He means it. She gave him a shy smile. “Me, too.” He fell back against the pillows, his arms encircling her. He grinned wickedly. “So. You want to be more daring? Trust yourself, love. Do what feels good. Take charge. Let go.” Well, okay then. Smiling, Rose pressed her lips to his, teasing them apart with her tongue. Slowly she entangled her tongue with his, brushing her nipples against his chest. More than anything, she wanted to please him, to share herself with him. God, he tasted so good. She wanted more. She trailed kisses down his strong chest, sucking a nipple and making him catch his breath. She smiled. Felt a stab of pride, knowing she was exciting him. Her hand traveled to his cock. Mmm…already getting hard. She traveled lower, pressing kisses along the way. Her breath passed over the patch of dark curls between his legs. Her tongue flickered against the head of his cock, catching the drop of moisture that appeared before traveling down the length. “Do you like this?” She knew she did. He moaned. “Sweetheart, your tongue feels like heaven.” 164
Fall Fires Anthology Rose passed her tongue over his thick cock, feeling every ridge, teasing the head. With a sly smile, she stopped and looked up. “I need some dessert.” She hopped off the bed and retrieved the overturned bowl of cream from the floor. Remnants still stuck to the sides. Grinning, she sauntered back. Climbed back on the bed. Fitting herself between his legs, she swirled a finger in the bowl and began painting his belly and cock with the sweet confection before setting the bowl aside. “Now, that’s more like it.” Catlike, she licked his belly clean, smiling to herself as she saw his muscles contract beneath her touch. She looked up. His eyes were closed, his head slightly thrown back. God, he looked…beautiful. She drifted lower, and began nibbling the cream from his cock. Her tongue passed over its length. She grinned, recalling the ecstasy from being joined with him. She scooted further up on her knees and placed his cock between her full breasts, squeezing them together. “And do you like this?” She bent her head and sipped a drop of dew from the head. “Mmm…” Rose lifted her head and grinned. “Give me a moment. I need to get a drink.” Ignoring his protests, she poured a glass of ice water from the carafe by the bed. Took a long drink, then turned and smiled. She straddled him backwards. Took his hot cock into her mouth. Heard him gasp at the cold left from the water. Rose smiled to herself again. She flipped a chip of ice around in her mouth, and ran it along his length with her tongue. “Oh…my…God…” She moved up and down on his cock, soon melting the ice with the heat from her tongue. His cock swelled, filling her mouth. She ran her tongue along the sides, tracing the ridges 165
Fall Fires Anthology created by his veins. He felt smooth and slick and rough all at once. She groaned. Lucius had found her sex. God, she was so wet already for him. His thumb ground deep into her, as his fingers teased her clit. Rose moved faster, her tongue flickering along his length. How she loved the feel of his cock in her mouth. He was getting harder, his fingers moving faster against her nub. She was going to come soon. Very soon… As if on cue, Lucius took his hand away, not protesting when Rose moved her mouth away. Shifting forward, she lowered herself on his cock. Sucked in her breath. Christ, he felt even better inside her. She rocked back and forth on her knees, grinning when he moaned. Rose lost herself in the sensation of being joined with him, began moving faster and harder. Squeezed her muscles a little harder, just to feel him a bit more. She forced herself to stop. Shuddered as she pulled off him. He had a glassy-eyed look when she turned to face him. Moaned when she lowered herself again. With his hands on her hips, she began to slowly ride up and down. A shiver ran up her spine, and tingles of delight coursed through her body. Good…God… Rose closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of him between her legs, of controlling the tempo of their pleasure. Lucius reached for her breasts, massaging them and pinching her nipples. Her head lolled back, and her fingers threaded through her hair as she rocked. Oh God… It had never felt like this with Gerhard. Not with anyone— ever. **** “Sweetheart, please. Stay with me.” 166
Fall Fires Anthology “Lucius, I can’t stay another night. I have to work in the morning, and…” She bit her lip. God, she didn’t want to go. Hard to believe that just the evening before, she barely knew him. Hard to believe they had talked and laughed and made love throughout the night—and most of the following day—as if they were alone in the world. Hard to believe that after one night, she couldn’t imagine being without him. “Call me tomorrow,” she whispered, as she brushed a kiss across his lips. Before he could protest again, she quickly opened the limo door and stepped into the moonlight. Hurried up the stairs to her brownstone apartment. She pressed the button on the answering machine. It was Amanda. “Hey, chica! What a fabulous party! Call me when you get a chance. I want to know how things went with our host. And what a hottie…” Sighing, Rose ignored the rest of the message and headed for the bathroom, shedding her clothes along the way. Steam from the hot shower enveloped her, and a ripple of tenderness rushed through her as she thought about Lucius. A wonderfully kind, gentle man. A considerate, adventurous lover. She had never felt so thoroughly loved, so completely cared for. She grinned, remembering his laugh and smile. Her arms felt empty. She looked at her hands. Her fingers looked pruny. The shower had been long enough. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts as she toweled off. Clasping her robe shut, she opened the front door. A pair of twinkling brown eyes and a killer smile greeted her. “Hi. Let’s pretend I’m calling you.” “It’s not tomorrow yet,” she pointed out. 167
Fall Fires Anthology “It’s after midnight, so technically, it is,” Lucius countered smugly. Rose laughed, her heart doing a little flip. “Get in here.” She tugged at his hand and pulled him inside. Locked the door behind him. Chuckling, he wrapped her in his arms. “I couldn’t wait until morning. I missed you too much.” “Same here.” “Mind if I stay?” Rose giggled. “Why would I mind?” “I wondered if I should come back here tonight,” he admitted. “Really?” She unbuttoned his shirt. “Hmm…you need to be a little daring. Let yourself go. Explore the way you want to explore.” “Interesting. Any suggestions?” He smiled, his eyes dark with desire. “Yeah.” Reaching for his belt, her hand brushed against his cock, already straining against his fly. Rose returned his smile, her eyes shining. “Try dancing first—and then dessert.”
Fall Fires Anthology
Trinny Anthony
Fall Fires Anthology
“What the hell are you doing here?” Professor Richard Holloway took a sharp step back as Marcy Grant pushed through the small gap and slipped into his rooms. “I had to see you—” “I told you never to come here!” Anger surged within him, mixed with a healthy dose of fear. She turned toward him, but held back whatever she’d been going to say behind an exasperated sigh. A small fire flickered in the hearth and the only light was from the streetlamp outside the main entrance—even that was dimmed three-stories up. An icy glow coated her features, glinted off her raven-black hair as she took in an incensed breath. He tried his damnedest to keep his eyes off her breasts as she crossed her arms beneath them, but failed. Oh God, haven’t I done enough? Can’t this girl keep away? For her own good? Forcing his breathing to steady, he studied her slowly—she looked different. High-heels and a short black skirt with a white blouse and a black coat that swirled around her calves, heralded the change of seasons and the first crisp frost of fall. So different from only a week ago—when she’d worn jeans and a lightweight stripy sweater that had clung to every curve— was it only a week since I descended into hell? There was no smile on her face tonight, no shy glimmer of hope. Not that she’d looked happy the last time he’d seen her, last week when he’d escorted her back to her apartment and told 170
Fall Fires Anthology her there could never be anything between them...he was her supervisor for God’s sake. But that had been before he’d become the chief suspect in a vicious murder investigation. He had to get rid of her—fast—before he lost control. “Richard, I had to see you.” Pearly white teeth caught blood-red lips that dripped with iridescent lipstick—since when has Marcy Grant worn lipstick? Her voice was breathy, laced with emotions that sounded hideously close to tears. God help him if she started crying…he wasn’t strong enough to resist her tears. But she didn’t cry. She watched him, eyes wide and luminous, appearing unlike any way she’d ever looked before— sultry, mysterious, in control of an uncontrollable situation. Until last week, he’d always thought of her as a girl—at least that’s what he told himself. He’d ignored the surges of lust that had left him burning with need and tried to ignore the insipient desire that shone through her gaze every time he walked into a room. Hero worship was a turn-on. He’d never expected it to be and felt shamed by his secret excitement. He was her supervisor and twelve years her senior—but tonight, that didn’t seem important. Nothing seemed important anymore...except murder, and a life sentence. “I’ve come to help you...” she whispered. It wasn’t just the outfit, she was different—sexier, her eyes glittering wildly and her hand trembling as she raised it toward him. Ah, shit. He grew hard just looking at her. This was not what he needed when the police could turn up at any moment to lock him away for the rest of his life. “You can’t help me, Marcy. You can only make things worse.” 171
Fall Fires Anthology “Worse? Worse!” Her voice rose dangerously high and he took two steps toward her and placed the forefinger of his good hand against her heated lips. Their gazes locked, hers filled with passionate fire, but he wouldn’t let it sway him. Parting her lips, she took his finger into her mouth and sucked. Professor Richard Holloway damn near fell to his knees, his cock springing to attention like a sergeant in the presence of a general. “What do you have to lose?” she asked, grabbing onto his good wrist and holding on; she was much stronger than she looked. Nothing. He had nothing to lose. Not anymore. His broken wrist ached. The slow arc of pain reminded him he wasn’t Superman—couldn’t save the girl, even when he tried. This time last week, he’d been proud of himself for saying no to this woman, even though he’d desperately wanted to fuck her. Proud of not giving into his lust and accepting her innocent kisses when she’d pressed them on his lips. He’d even walked her home, because college campuses could be dangerous places…silently testing himself, like the smug bastard he was. Was...past tense. There was nothing smug about a suspended university professor about to be brought up on murder charges. On his way home from walking Marcy back to her safe little home, he’d noticed the door of Alicia Cosgrove’s ground floor apartment ajar. He’d knocked; just to make sure she was all right, and when she didn’t answer...had found her dead on the floor of her tiny sitting room. Oh God… The vivid memory shone in his mind and he swallowed hard, watched disconnected as Marcy shrugged out of her coat 172
Fall Fires Anthology and let it fall to the floor. At least his brain was disconnected. His cock was on fire. She’d undone the top three buttons of her demure white shirt and already his eyes hungrily craved more. Scraps of black lace cupped the twin globes of her breasts. His fingers rose of their own volition and caressed the tip of her breast through the layers of material. What do I have to lose? This wasn’t Marcy…Marcy was sweetly innocent, gentle and kind. Not wanton, not sophisticated or sex-on-legs, like this woman. She arched back against his desk, resting the palms of her hands flat down as if to steady herself. Midnight hair cascaded back as she raised her face to the ceiling. Constrained beneath tight denim, his penis pulsed painfully. She is driving me crazy. She groaned and pushed her nipple harder against his palm. He gritted his teeth against the urge to take, to tear and ravage. This might be his last chance for twenty years... **** Marcy knew this might be the only moment she’d ever have with Richard. She’d wanted this man from the first moment she’d seen him, fallen in love with him one second after saying, ‘Hello.’ Professor Holloway had looked for all the world like Indiana Jones back from one of his more deadly adventures. Quick-witted and brilliant, he was tolerant and patient with his students, even the ones like her who battered him relentlessly with stupid questions. She was his grad student and willing slave—willing love slave—even though he’d said he wasn’t interested. She’d thrown caution and pride to the winds and come over here last Saturday to offer herself to him. 173
Fall Fires Anthology And he’d refused. Told her he thought of her as his student, and colleague, a sweet girl, not the type for a sordid affair. God. Her face still burned from the humiliation. She’d nearly died of embarrassment on the spot. He was right; she had been expecting marriage, not a quick fuck, but that was before. Before he’d sacrificed everything he’d held dear to keep her identity a secret from the authorities. And if they didn’t catch the real killer soon, Richard Holloway would be arrested for murder. She’d wanted to tell the police he’d been with her when Alicia was murdered, but he’d sent her a message saying to stay away, that she’d only make things worse. He’d lose his job if the university thought he was screwing around with a student and she’d lose her hard-earned reputation as a trainee archeologist. But things had changed... Tonight, she’d made up her mind to prove to Richard she wasn’t a girl and was exactly the type for a sordid affair, especially if that was all she could get. Not that she’d ever let him go to prison…but he didn’t need to know that. She wanted to prove to him that she was a match for him in every way— every way. Richard stood looking at her, not moving toward her, though his hand burned an imprint on her breast. Flames danced across his pale grey eyes, reflected from the hearth. She swallowed a groan as sparks of desire shot from her breast to her pussy, leaving a trail of molten heat in between. His fingers just barely grazed her nipple, but it beaded greedily beneath the black lace bra. But he didn’t come any closer. He still doesn’t want me. Not really. Just like he’d told me last week. 174
Fall Fires Anthology Her heart felt like breaking, but humiliation and shame battled the need to show him exactly what she was made of. I’ll persuade him... Edging backwards, she slid her bottom up onto the large, wooden desk crammed with papers and drawings and periodicals. Her skirt drew up slightly and she watched his eyes flicker to the rising hemline. She wore no panties beneath the short skirt and had scandalized herself by enjoying the cool breeze that flashed against her secret flesh every time she took a step. She sat on the ink blotter, enjoyed the warm roughness of the paper beneath her bare skin, and put one fuck-me heel on the seat of the hard-backed chair that sat beside the desk. Smiling openly as his gaze lowered and darkened, she spread her legs an inch wider and leaned back to rest her elbows on the desk. “Don’t you want me, Professor?” Her girly-sweet voice beckoned, much the way she’d seen her friends reduce men to ashes, time and time again. The fire burned hotter in his eyes as she revealed more naked flesh and tight curls just visible in the dim light. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, just once, before his eyes narrowed and his good hand shook as it went to his bulging zipper. He held his other hand tight to his chest in a dark-colored sling. She’d heard he’d broken it right after finding Alicia’s body. Marcy swallowed nervously as a chill spread over her. There was a murderer lose, but it wasn’t Richard. She knew that in her heart—this man would never hurt a living soul, would he? Each second lasted a lifetime and she held her breath as he slowly unzipped his pants. She watched him, drinking in the sight of his desire for her, relishing the fact she had done this to him. She had made him hard. The slow rasp of the zipper sounded curiously ominous in the semi-darkness and Marcy shivered. His cock sprang free of his jeans, jutting out threateningly, huge and swollen. 175
Fall Fires Anthology Holding her breath, she suddenly wondered if she really was brave enough to do this… Yes, damn it, I am. She wasn’t doing sweet anymore. Sweet girls never got the guy. Determined to find out, she held out a small foil package to him and smiled like she had a clue how to seduce a man. **** Richard took the foil wrapper from Marcy’s fingers and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The woman was determined to fuck him—one way or another. His whole body shook as he held onto his crumbling control. Sweet exposed pussy lay on the desk before him—and hadn’t he fantasized a million times about having innocent Marcy Grant screaming for mercy on this very spot? But this wasn’t innocent Marcy—this was fuck-me Marcy, who’d spread her legs even wider and trailed a long, elegant finger down her thigh, between her legs, slipping one finger inside herself and arching her hips as she held his gaze. Her pink tongue peeked out and his penis jerked, his control shattered and she laughed huskily, watching him like a cat watched a mouse. God—she was an imposter, had to be…or he was dreaming. What do I have to lose? Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. But two could play at this game of seduction and he had twelve years experience on Marcy Grant. He dropped to his knees, but didn’t touch her. He wanted to. Jesus, he wanted to stroke and inhale every satiny inch, but didn’t dare. He was afraid he’d come like a teenage boy if he touched her now. Blowing on her skin, he marveled as sleek muscles quivered in response. Putting his lips on her silky flesh, he nuzzled his way up the inside of her thigh. Listened to her small gasp of surprise 176
Fall Fires Anthology as his teeth grazed along the tender junction where her legs met. She smelled like blueberries—an innocent scent for such a wanton—but he didn’t want blueberries, as ripe and rich as they were, he wanted the real essence of woman… Lingering, teasing each millimeter of flesh beneath his lips, she finally inched closer to him, toward the edge of the desk where he wanted her. He pushed her thighs further apart with his shoulders, stretching her open to his gaze and wished to hell his wrist wasn’t broken so he had two good hands to use on her. Moaning and gasping, she inched toward his mouth and he smiled grimly. He dipped his tongue inside her, tasting skin as pure as sunshine and as hot as the devil himself. Reining in his own needs, he still took things slowly. Even though his cock begged to slide inside her the same way his tongue was, he held back, listened to the sound of her startled yelp as she fell back and writhed against the solid oak. Heat and the musky scent of woman encircled him, aroused him and teased his senses. He scraped his teeth against the nub of her clitoris and heard his life’s work scatter to the floor as she cried out and moved closer. None of it mattered anymore. He was going to play with sweet, sexy Marcy Grant until the cops came and took him away. Her hands grabbed his hair and she came with a scream that made him sweat—damp, tight pussy quivering beneath his mouth as he nibbled on the tiny little nub that turned her to liquid sex. He picked up the foil wrapper and tore it open with his teeth. Kicked off his jeans, then sheathed himself in latex. She looked, dark eyes startled and bright, her lips wet and hungry and he realized he hadn’t even kissed her yet... But she wanted him and that turned him on just as much as her sweet 177
Fall Fires Anthology scent. She stared at his cock and her lips parted slightly, like she wanted to taste him. But he couldn’t stand that. There was so much of his life out of control right now—he wasn’t letting go of this one last thing. And there was still a way to get her to run home again, before it was too late. “Turn over,” his voice was rough and guttural, scary even to him. He expected her to bolt like some startled fawn, but she surprised him. **** Marcy knew she’d never done anything as risqué or exciting in her entire life. She’d never felt this empowered or sexy and by God, she was taking the feeling and running with it. Keeping her body pressed to the unforgiving wood, she scooted back on the desk, not heeding the papers that flew like confetti to the floor. She drew her knees together and turned over, lying with her cheek pressed flat against the smooth wood of the desk, her ass in the air. She pushed herself back and lowered her heels to the floor, looked over her shoulder and grinned at the shocked look on Richard’s face. She spread her legs wider. “Like this?” A muscle flexed in his jaw. “You’ve done this before?” She laughed, though nerves cut off the sound after a beat. “No, I’ve never done this before. This is for you.” Even as she said it, he was behind her, pulsing, thick and heavy against her vagina. She tensed, wondering if he would hurt her, wondering just how angry he was with her for seducing him… But he didn’t enter her, he tapped her feet further apart until she was stretched tight across the desk and she could feel herself, exposed and fragile. The lace of her bra scraped her nipples against the surface of the desk. He rubbed against her opening with his cock. She felt him growing even thicker and 178
Fall Fires Anthology harder and she didn’t think this was going to work because surely none of the boys she’d been with before had been this big. Frowning with uncertainty, she sucked in a deep breath as he took a handful of her hair in a hard grasp and pulled her head back to look into her eyes. She let out a small cry, half excitement, half fear. “Do you really want this, Marcy?” His voice was rough, but he wasn’t hurting her, “Do you want me to fuck you?” She should have flinched, should have recoiled from the vulgar word, but she realized she did want him. She wanted him to fuck her…hard. Tortured from the feel of him against her bare ass, and the fact she had to beg him to do this, she glared. “Damn it! Just do it.” She felt him then, the very tip of him penetrating her soft body instantly throbbing and melting and tingling all at once. Oh God. Her head arched back and she groaned and felt the tightening and excitement tingling through her muscles with savage pleasure. He pushed inside her slowly, so slowly. Stretching her wide and easing into her with gentle force. Oh, yes. The sensation was unbearable, pleasure—tight sensual pleasure—twisted inside and around her, making her want to ease back and take even more. Her breathing came in ragged gasps, as if she were running without moving. Her hands clawed for purchase on the smooth wood. Richard’s hand gripped her hair the way a stallion gripped a mare, and Jesus if this didn’t remind her of exactly that. He pushed deeper, deeper, almost painful, the hand in her hair firm and again, almost painful—but not quite—just this side of the pleasure pain divide. And it was fucking marvelous. 179
Fall Fires Anthology She reached back and held on to the edge of the desk as the friction forced her forward. Suddenly, he thrust hard, filling her, embedding himself so deeply, the hard muscles of his stomach ground against her soft ass. Pinned, full, unable to do anything but writhe and want, the first spasms of orgasm ripped away her breath and sent pleasure shooting through every nerve in her body. **** Richard couldn’t believe how small and tight she was, or how her muscles gripped his cock like a silken coil. She screamed as she came, quietly so the neighbors wouldn’t come running, but loud enough so he wanted to grind and pump hard and fast against her rounded ass and pour himself into her like a dying man. Her hair was like raw silk beneath his fist and he needed that anchor—physically and mentally, he had to be in control. He pulled out of her vagina and thought about something more reckless, more hedonistic, but knew she was too innocent for that. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her toward the fire. She stood awkwardly, as if she didn’t quite know what to do with herself since she’d come. His shirt was still on, making him feel ridiculous, so he unbuttoned it, or rather tried to with only one good hand. Shit. She stepped forward to help him get the stupid thing over his cast and then he stood there naked, except for his socks, making him feel even more ridiculous. Ever helpful, Marcy got down on her knees and slipped them off his feet. Which was bloody great, because now he was naked and aroused and she was on her knees in front of him, her lush body dressed for sin and her big eyes, innocent but eager. 180
Fall Fires Anthology “Touch me,” he demanded, wanting to sound harsh and uncaring. In the firelight, he could see a shade of fear enter her gaze and he softened his tone, his need for control tempered by her uncertainty. “Touch me…please, Marcy.” Her eyes rose to meet his, his jutting penis just about begging for her lips. She slipped the condom from him and took him into her mouth. Hell. Closing his eyes, he threw his head back and savored the feel of her warm tongue against his rigid cock. Her fingers were hesitant and light, unbearably erotic, as if she hadn’t a clue what she was doing, though that was impossible given the effect she had on him. He braced one hand on her shoulder fearing his legs might give way and drop him to the floor. Her mouth was hot and sweet and sucked him just hard enough to make sweat break out along his brow and across his chest. She played with the length of him, wrapped one hand around his cock and started sliding it up and down the engorged flesh, still sucking the tip. Sweet Jesus. With her other hand, she rubbed his balls, teasing and stroking with gentle fingertips that made him growl with lust. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He was going to come. He tried to pull back, but she held him tight by the balls as he spurted into her mouth, unable to warn her or do anything more than groan as he pulsed and jerked between her lips. “Holy Mother…” He palmed the back of her head gently as the spasms eased. Opened his eyes and looked at her as she knelt back and swallowed. The tip of her tongue poked out and made her look like the cat that got the cream. “Hell. I’m sorry, Marcy.” He felt like slime, his future in ruins and taking hers with him. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, making her lips glisten with moisture. 181
Fall Fires Anthology “Oh, Richard…” she said and laughed. **** Richard sat down on the rug in front of the fire, and pulled her into his embrace as she’d dreamed he might do from the first moment she’d seen him. He’d finally lost control and Marcy meant to ensure it stayed lost for a good long while. Should have known a blow job would do the trick. Smiling naughtily to herself, she traced along the knuckles on his hand. She’d never gone down on a man before and was surprised by the feeling of power and connection she got from the act. Sex had never been that important to her, but she was determined to use it to bind Richard to her any way she could. The cast on his sprained wrist gave him a vulnerable edge, as did the worry that shuttered his eyes. She wanted to distract him with better thoughts than murder or prison, so she traced her fingers up his strong, hairy forearm and laughed when he shuddered. “I’m sorry,” he told her, smoothing her hair with his good hand. “I feel like a bloody fool. I’d meant to make you come all night. Hah.” His laugh was bitter and pained. She blushed and held his gaze. “I think we could probably manage another go in a little while.” His expression changed, his good arm tightening around her shoulders, as he gave a twisted smile. “Assuming the cops don’t turn up.” She turned in his lap, admiring the muscles in his chest even as her palms ran over them absorbing the satin texture. “They have no evidence—” “Marcy.” He grabbed and held her hand against his pounding heart. “I was covered in Alicia’s blood when they found me! I slipped in the mess and got this,” he motioned toward his sling with his chin. “I argued with her the night before 182
Fall Fires Anthology that because of the stupid party she threw and I don’t have an alibi.” The last was the kicker. He’d told the police he’d been out for a walk, but no one had seen him—no one but Marcy. “You know there’s no way I’ll let them arrest you, Richard.” She kissed his lips, dying to tell him she loved him, but knowing he’d run a thousand miles in the other direction if she did. She needed more time... “Even if you did...” The look in Richard’s eyes was chilling, “I still don’t know if they’d believe me.” “What do you mean?” she asked. “I still had time to come back and kill poor Alicia after dropping you off.” She hadn’t realized... The grip on her wrist turned painful. “How do you know I didn’t do it, Marcy? How do you know I’m not some deranged killer?” His grey eyes burned. He was trying to scare her away. How do I know? She squinted slightly and pursed her lips as if considering. Richard held silent, waiting for her answer. “I’ve known you for over a year, Richard.” She gave a soft little laugh and slowly traced a ridge of muscle down his chest. “I’ve never seen you hurt anything or anyone. I’ve never known you to be mean or petty. And I know you didn’t, couldn’t do such a terrible thing.” He hugged her close against his naked chest and dipped his face into her hair. Tears sparkled in his eyes for a brief second, but he closed his eyes, hiding from her. She couldn’t begin to think what the last week had been like for him. Of course, it had been worse for Alicia—she was dead. She didn’t want to think about Alicia. She’d known her vaguely from grad student functions, but hadn’t socialized with 183
Fall Fires Anthology the vibrant beauty. Hadn’t really liked the other girl. And now Alicia was dead. Richard’s scent was warm and musky and made her want to drink him up—she’d rather do that than think about the dead blonde, who’d been a bit of a bitch, even though she hadn’t deserved to die. The skin of her hand was pale against Richard’s bronzed flesh. She gently scored a nail across first one nipple and then the other. He sucked in a tight breath, jerkily released it. His body stirred beneath hers and she wondered if she could get him to rise to the occasion again so soon. **** Richard couldn’t believe he was getting another hard-on already. Jesus, the woman was a drug in his blood—or maybe it was the thought of imprisonment that made him desperate for the feel of her soft female form wrapped around him. He had spent most of the week in the police station answering endless questions about Alicia, but he’d finally had enough and said he was going home and if they wanted to interrogate him anymore, they’d have to arrest him. They’d let him go, but he was expecting them to turn up any moment. His back was pressed firm along an old wingback chair that flanked the fire, his cock stirring fast against Marcy’s soft thigh. She was still dressed, while he was totally naked. And it was freaking erotic, especially knowing she had nothing on under her skirt. Sliding his hand inside her blouse, he cupped her breast. The lace grazed his skin and her breast weighed heavenly in his palm, her nipple peaked against the fabric as he rubbed gently back and forth.
Fall Fires Anthology A sharply sucked in breath told him she was getting turned on, as did the flash in her eyes. She was so responsive, so hot and ready, that he couldn’t believe he’d resisted her for so long. He wanted to see her. “Take off your blouse, Marcy.” She stopped playing with his chest hair, her startled gaze flying to meet his. “Now?” she asked. He grinned and took her hand and placed it over his throbbing cock. “Now,” he whispered. She withdrew her hand as if alarmed and he suddenly realized Marcy was not the siren she pretended. If anything, that made him even harder and he was desperate to fuck her properly, to come inside that sweet body and make her scream with pleasure. If he’d had two useable hands, he would have ripped the shirt open, so desperate was he to see her now, but he didn’t, he couldn’t. Slowly, so slowly he caught his breath, she undid the buttons of her blouse. The black bra pushed up her tits into glorious golden orbs that defied gravity and reminded him she was only twenty-three years old. Shit. She wanted this, she wasn’t too young. She was his! She watched him gaze at her breasts and he knew she was expecting him to touch them. The way she straddled his thighs laid her wide open for exploration and he slipped his fingers up between her legs. She was wet and tight and burning hot. He slid two fingers inside, gliding his thumb along her clit and making her kneel up and arch back clutching his shoulders. Damn, he wished he had two working hands because her tit was right in his face and he wanted her clothes off, but that would mean moving his hand out of her pussy and no way was he doing that. He used his teeth instead, pulled the black scraps of lace off her shoulders and down her arms to reveal creamy, rose185
Fall Fires Anthology tipped breasts. She reached behind her back and unclasped the hooks of her bra, flinging the material to the side. He pushed his fingers harder inside her, building a rhythm, pushing her close to that sensual edge. Leaning forward, he claimed a nipple in his mouth, suckled the exquisite flesh until she writhed and his cock pulsed so badly, he thought he would die. “Do you have another condom?” he asked, still stroking her. Driving her toward that silken edge with a relentless touch that knew how to pleasure a woman. Without opening her eyes, she reached into a small pocket on the side of her skirt and pulled out a condom as another scattered to the floor. “You came prepared.” He laughed, not knowing whether to be frightened or flattered. She grabbed a package, ripped the foil impatiently and drew out the latex. He withdrew his fingers from her slick vagina as she gently ran the condom over his penis. Delicate touches, burning the length of him from tip to base. She leaned toward him and took his mouth in a kiss that was almost savage and then she raised herself over his body and sank down until he was inside her, right up to the hilt. “Holy shit,” he breathed, opening lust-lidded eyes and meeting her gaze with an emotion that was fast turning into wonder. She leaned back, still wearing her fuck-me heels, and he pushed into her harder and harder, faster and faster, wishing he had two good hands and could turn her onto her back and ram into her until every thought, every emotion, every regret was her. Nothing but her. Slowing down, he splayed his hand over the sleek muscles of her back, her spine gliding beneath his fingers as she circled him rhythmically and tantalizingly. 186
Fall Fires Anthology His spirit throbbed and ached, almost as much as his cock. Why hadn’t he realized he loved this girl—and more importantly, why hadn’t he admitted it, even to himself? The basic need to mate, to bond, to come, shattered his thoughts. Holding her fused against him, he lifted her and toppled her sideways onto her back. Bracing himself on his good elbow, he drove into her, reveled in the long shapely legs that wrapped themselves about his hips and pounded against her in an urgent, desperate rhythm that she matched thrust for thrust. “Oh God, oh God!” She screamed out her orgasm that tightened about him and milked him hard. He grinned savagely, knowing he couldn’t hold out much longer, that he needed to follow, needed to...he shuddered, yelled out his release with rage and fear and love. She was crying. Opening his eyes, he could see Marcy was crying softly. Her hands came up to frame his face. “I love you, Richard.” He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. Froze as heavy feet pounded up the stairs like the orcs of doom. He was still inside her, still pulsing into her soft, moist heat. There were shouts, the words police and open up barely distinguishable above the heavy stomping feet. Part of him wanted to withdraw from Marcy, put his clothes on so he’d be respectable when they took him in. The other part of him never wanted to leave her warm embrace. She loved him and he’d give anything to try and make her happy. He wiped a tear from her eye with the pad of his thumb, rubbed the silky moisture between his fingers. The thumps got louder and he raised his head to look at the door when they had clearly reached his floor. Marcy grabbed his hand, tears coming hard now. He rested his finger against the pulse that jumped wildly in her throat. 187
Fall Fires Anthology “How do you know I didn’t do it?” he asked again. Her eyes were wide and frightened. Finally she stopped crying and cupped his cheek, making him realize he couldn’t love her more if he tried. “How do you know?” “I just know.” She hiccupped and tears flowed again. “Open up!” The noise was deafening, sounded like a thousand feet were outside in the hall. Richard withdrew from Marcy and quickly clambered into his jeans, throwing the condom on the fire. It sizzled and spat and pretty much reflected how he felt. Marcy dressed quickly, but the pounding started anyway, the smashing of wood and splintering of timber—only it wasn’t his door breaking. Moving silently, Richard went to the door and turned the key, expecting it to be shoved open and him arrested immediately. Instead, he opened the door a crack and found himself peering over a black Kevlar-clad shoulder. The officer flicked a glance back at him. “Stay inside, police business.” But Richard couldn’t move as they bundled his neighbor, Professor James Williams, out of his apartment door with his hands cuffed behind his back. The lead detective was reading him his rights as Williams cursed and swore his way out of the building. “What the hell is going on?” Richard asked the officer. “He’s being charged with the murder of that girl from downstairs.” The officer moved off, his job done. Marcy came to stand at his shoulder, holding onto his arm. Richard smiled at her and looked up to find the detective who tortured him for nigh on fifty hours stopped short outside his door. “Professor Holloway.” The detective nodded and smiled at Marcy. “You the girl the prof was seen with last Saturday night?” 188
Fall Fires Anthology Marcy nodded and Richard tightened his grip on her arm. “Should have come forward, Miss.” Marcy nodded as Richard straightened up protectively. “Don’t get your pecker up, Prof.” He grinned and pulled out his cell phone, flashing his gun as he did so. “Just might have saved us some time is all.” “How do you know it was Williams?” Richard asked him. God knew the detective hadn’t impressed him with his intelligence, just his bulldog perseverance. “Got a partial print on the victim’s torso,” he shrugged. “Turned out Professor Williams had been screwing Alicia Cosgrove in return for better grades. But she finished taking his courses and didn’t need him anymore.” Richard didn’t miss the look he threw between him and Marcy. His arm tightened across her shoulders. “Pissed him off so badly, he killed her. Classic case.” He tipped his hat, nodded to them both and left without another word. No apology for what he’d put Richard through, no reassurance he was home-free. But he was. Turning, he found Marcy crying silently against his arm. “It’s over, Richard,” she told him and then threw her arms around his neck. “No, Marcy.” He wrapped her tight with his good arm and thanked God for his life. “It has only just begun.”
Fall Fires Anthology
Emma Sinclair
Fall Fires Anthology
Morgan pulled her coat tight around her trying to block the chill, but it was no use. She was cold, and it wasn’t likely that she’d be warming up any time soon. She stood on the porch of her parents’ house, now hers, she reminded herself, and watched the leaves blow around the front yard. In years gone by, the reds, oranges and browns had tempted her to pile them and jump right in, but that was in the past. Now she guessed she had to figure out a way to get them cleaned up. Who was going to want to buy a house, knowing they had all those leaves to rake? A burgundy car that must have been at least ten years old rolled up and parked in front of the house. The heavyset woman in the driver’s seat called to her out of the open window. Morgan pulled her coat tighter around herself. “Miss Reynolds, welcome to Roland’s Hollow, or should I say, welcome back?” “Thank you,” was all she could get out. She didn’t want to be welcomed back. She didn’t even want anyone to know she was back here at all. The woman pulled her considerable heft out of the car and waddled up the walkway to join Morgan on the porch. She introduced herself as Birdie. “The town’s all a flutter with your return, you know. Why, you were the only topic of conversation down at the diner.” Great. 191
Fall Fires Anthology So much for a quick trip with no one knowing she was here. All she wanted to do was sell the damn house and head back to her cozy townhouse in Florida. At least she was warm there. The woman didn’t seem to care about Morgan’s inner struggle. She simply kept talking. “I told Mel that you’d visit his bookstore to sign some books right after we finished our meeting. Who would have thought that a nice girl from Roland’s Hollow would end up as a bestselling horror writer?” “Oh, well, I don’t know. I shouldn’t be here too long, you know. I’ve got to get back to…things.” “Nonsense. I promised him and you don’t want to make me look like a liar, do you?” Morgan had every intention of leaving Roland’s Hollow never to return. She didn’t care what anyone here looked like. Against her will, her gaze was drawn to the large white house across the street. The curtains were all drawn and it didn’t look like anyone was home. Good. How awful would it be to run into him. “He’s downtown,” Birdie said. Damn it. She’d been caught. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Birdie simply snickered. “He’s the mayor now, you know.” Yes, she did know. For years, her few remaining acquaintances from her hometown had kept her up to date on Nash Roland’s activities. “Who?” “Don’t play coy with me, missy. The whole town remembers the relationship you and Nash had before you left town.” 192
Fall Fires Anthology And that was exactly why she hadn’t been back to Roland’s Hollow in ten years. **** Three hours later, Morgan couldn’t put it off anymore. She had to go into town. She pulled on a pair of red mittens and a matching stocking cap. She hadn’t yet taken her coat off. Stepping outside into the cool fall air, she shivered. The crisp air blew over her and she let out a wistful sigh. She used to love fall. She and her mother used to go apple and pumpkin picking. They’d bake pies while her father raked leaves for her to jump in. But her parents were gone now. They had been for a little over a year. It was time to sell the house. Time for her to sever the one final tie to Roland’s Hollow, to her past. As cold as she was, she decided she had too much pent-up energy, so she’d walk into town. It wasn’t that big of a place, only a few blocks to downtown. Keeping her head down and her arms wrapped around herself, she slogged down the tree-lined streets. Leaves made a whooshing sound as her feet cut through those covering the sidewalk. It almost brought a smile to her face. Almost. “Well, well, I was wondering if you were going to make it into town, or if you were just going to slink away again.” The deep rumbling voice sent shivers down her spine. It was the voice she desperately didn’t want to hear. The voice whose words still echoed in her mind ten years later. “I don’t slink.” Her chin held high, she kept walking right past him. She didn’t even glance his way. She couldn’t. She wasn’t ready for that yet. 193
Fall Fires Anthology “Hah. Could have fooled me. Could have fooled your parents.” She paused then, but still didn’t look back at him. “That was a low blow.” Sure, her parents had been gone for a year now. She hadn’t come home for the funeral. Hell, she hadn’t even been told until after the funeral. He of all people should know how much that statement would tear her up. At least he would have ten years ago. A lifetime ago. She resumed walking, this time picking up her pace. “You’re right. That was a low blow. I’m sorry.” “You’re forgiven. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She picked up her pace even more, thankful she hadn’t worn the stiletto boots she’d almost decided on this morning. She was practically running now. Still not looking in his direction, she could tell he was no longer following her. “This isn’t over, Morgan. We have some unfinished business, you and I.” With that threat hanging over her head, she did break into a run and she didn’t stop until she reached the front door of Mel’s Country Bookstore. **** The shadows were extra long on the ground and the streetlamps were just coming on by the time Morgan was opening the door to what would only be her home for a few more days. Mel had kept her busy for well over an hour and then she’d been caught by Birdie again, who made her go to the diner for a piece of pie. Strangely enough, even though the house had only been on the market for a few hours, she already had an interested buyer. He was supposed to be over that evening to take a look at the place. 194
Fall Fires Anthology Hopefully, Morgan would have enough time to clean the place up. Not that there was much cleaning to do. Her parents’ estate lawyer had emptied the contents of the house and sent the money her way. Everything else she wanted, she took when she left town at eighteen. She’d spend the next few days on furniture that would go to the town dump after she left. It was funny being back in her hometown after all these years. There was no doubt that she’d left with her tail between her legs, but she was coming back a success. That had to mean something. But strangely, she didn’t take any solace in it. She hung her jacket up on the one coat hanger left in the closet and then dashed upstairs for a sweater. No matter what, she just couldn’t seem to warm up in the house. Rather than turning on the few lamps remaining, she plopped down on the old couch and waited for the darkness. The room turned red with the setting sun and she could imagine the beautiful sunsets of her childhood. With her parents, with Nash, sitting on a blanket in old man Gable’s orchard, watching the reds and golds of the sunset mesh with the colors of the trees. The harsh ringing of the doorbell jolted her out of her reverie. Her heart was still pounding when she opened the door. And it didn’t stop once she saw who was there. She was glad she hadn’t looked Nash’s way when she’d met him on the street earlier. She probably would have tripped over her own tongue. The years had been more than kind to Nash Roland. He’d been the sexiest thing she’d ever laid eyes on when he was sixteen, and now he was even more so. His black hair was a little too long—she could easily imagine the old ladies in town constantly telling him he needed 195
Fall Fires Anthology to get a haircut—and hung down into his bright blue eyes. It looked like he hadn’t shaved that day, for he had a slight bit of stubble around his chin. She knew women who would kill for his eyelashes. He’d filled out since high school. Back then, he’d been more interested in girls, particularly her, than sports, but it looked like he’d at least started working out. His shoulders were broad and tapered to a narrow waist and long legs. He may have been the mayor of Roland’s Hollow, but he certainly didn’t look the part now in his worn jeans and black tee shirt covered by a faded flannel shirt. “What do you want?” Okay, so maybe that wasn’t the best greeting she’d ever come up with. Sure, she had a way with words on paper, but when she was writing, she could go back and change things. She’d never figured out a way to do that with time. “I don’t want to argue with you, Morgan.” “I’d invite you in, but there’s someone coming to look at the house.” At least he had the gall to look sheepish. “Yeah, I made that appointment with Birdie. I just wanted to make sure you were here.” Against her better judgment, she opened the door wide and let him in. The scent of fall followed him in. That and his own natural scent, musky and male. She closed the door and turned to face him. That’s when she noticed the bottle of wine and paper bag he held in his hands. “Coming to welcome me to the neighborhood? I’m leaving tomorrow, you know.” “I thought you might be hungry.” She put her hands on her hips and leveled a stare his way. She didn’t like being on the defensive and Nash most definitely put her there. 196
Fall Fires Anthology “Does the mayor bring everyone who passes through town dinner?” “Quit acting like a bitch, Morgan. It doesn’t suit you.” She inhaled and then let out a deep breath. He was right. It didn’t suit her. “How would you know? A person can change a lot in ten years.” A small, almost sad smile appeared on his face and he looked away. “Yeah. But you haven’t.” He turned and walked toward the living room like he owned the house. “Come and eat something.” She was starving, but she most definitely didn’t want to be in Nash’s presence any longer than she had to. He brought out things in her that she’d rather not remember. Slowly, she walked into the living room. The scent of Chinese food made her stomach rumble. “Sweet and sour chicken still your favorite?” Actually, she hadn’t eaten meat in almost two years. “Yep.” The smile he directed her way made her knees weak. She fell to her knees in front of the coffee table where he was dishing out the food. Her mouth was watering. “Still know how to use chopsticks?” “Ha. There are some thing a girl never forgets.” The food was like ambrosia. She’d never ever tasted anything so wonderful in her entire life. She even had a second helping of everything, sweet and sour chicken, pork fried rice, dumplings and she even stole some of Nash’s Szechwan beef. So much for being a vegetarian. The two ate in silence for what seemed like hours. It was nice, being with someone who knew the old her, but didn’t want to talk, didn’t want to discuss how things had gone terribly wrong like everyone else in this town. 197
Fall Fires Anthology Unfortunately, Nash had to go and open his mouth. “We need to talk, Morgan.” Suddenly, the remaining food on her plate tasted like sawdust. “No we don’t, Nash. The past is in the past. I’m selling the house. I’m severing all connections to the past. We don’t need to talk.” As she spoke, she got up and began gathering the dishes from the coffee table. She was walking them into the kitchen when he dropped his bombshell. “I still want you.” Everything in her hands dropped to the floor. She turned slowly. Looking at him, there was no denying the heat in his gaze. He was telling the truth. He still wanted her. Her body burned under the intense look in his eyes. “You can’t do this to me, Nash.” He winked at her. Even after all this time, it still had the same effect on her it always did. It felt like a lead weight settled in the pit of her stomach. Only lower and it was much more pleasant than a lead weight. Heedless of the stuff she’d dropped on the ground, he slowly walked toward her. Her temperature rose with each and every step he took. “I have to do this to you,” he said. “I have to do this for you. For me.” He reached out and traced one thick finger down the side of her face. Tingles skittered up and down her spine. Her breasts felt heavy. Her pussy wept. “Don’t pretend you’re doing this for me. You want me, that’s fine, but don’t make it my problem.” She tried to turn away, but he held her close with a strong hand on her arm. She hadn’t even felt him touch her before that. 198
Fall Fires Anthology “But it is your problem. You want me, too.” “No I don’t.” But her body screamed liar. Nash simply chuckled. No doubt he could tell she was turned on by her shortness of breath and heavy breathing. “So, if I were to kiss you, you could just walk away from that? Because you don’t want me, remember?” “Sure.” But her voice came out as barely more than a squeak. And when she saw the blazing light in his eyes, she realized her mistake. His mouth wasn’t gentle on hers. He was rough and his tongue demanded entrance to her mouth. She was powerless to fight him. He pushed her hard up against the wall and her hands were caught behind her back. She heard a whimpering sound and assumed it was her, but for the life of her, she didn’t know if it meant stop or more. His tongue battled with hers. She tasted the remnants of the Chinese food he ate and the sharp tang of the red wine. It was perhaps the most wonderful thing she’d ever tasted in her life. Nash’s hands began roaming over her body, leaving tingles in their wake as well as desperation for more contact. He ran his hands up her sweater-covered arms, along her collarbone and down to her breasts. “You’ve grown since the last time I’ve seen you.” She couldn’t reply because she once again found his tongue in her mouth. His hands weren’t gentle as they pawed her through her clothes. But all she could think of was, more. Leaving her breasts, his hands slid down her body to her jeans. His knee came up hard between her legs, sliding them apart and granting his hand access to her core. 199
Fall Fires Anthology He laughed. “Honey, I can feel your heat through your jeans. You’re not walking away from this.” No. She wasn’t. She couldn’t. Every sexual experience she’d had in the last ten years had paled in comparison to what she and Nash had shared. It was time for her to be honest. Both with herself and with him. “I’m not walking anywhere but to the bedroom.” **** The only light in the bedroom came from the streetlight out front. The room was silent except for her heavy breathing. Downstairs, she could hear Nash moving about. She figured he was probably cleaning up the mess she made and knowing him, locking up. Morgan walked to the window and looked outside. The only movement was the swaying of the last of the leaves on the trees. Heavy steps sounded on the stairs, and she felt her pulse kick up a notch. But she remained standing by the window. “Morgan.” That was it. All he said was her name, and she felt like she could have melted into a puddle on the floor. Why was she like this? Why did he have this power over her? She grabbed onto the window ledge for support. She felt rather than heard him cross the room toward her. It was as if her senses were hyperaware when Nash was around. “It’s okay, you know.” His arms came around her and he pried her fingers off of the window as he pulled her back toward him. He was so warm. Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned down and blew the hair off of her neck. Leaning down, he nuzzled it. 200
Fall Fires Anthology “You know it was inevitable that you’d come back here.” “No.” But there was no force in her voice. She just didn’t want to believe that it had all come down to this. The last ten years, the name she’d made for herself. Hell, walk into any bookstore in the country and one of her books was most likely on the front table. But here, back in Roland’s Hollow, back in Nash’s arms, she was the same girl who had left town ten years ago, humiliated and broken. She made a sound in the back of her throat and he must have figured out what she was thinking. He spun her around in his arms and once again crushed his mouth to hers. She was powerless to refuse him. This time, she opened her mouth to his of her own accord. His tongue swept into her mouth once more, and his hands began roaming again. There was no stopping him when he reached up and pulled her sweater over her head. “Damn it, woman, you’ve always worn too many clothes.” She would have laughed but once again, Nash’s mouth was on hers. This time, his hands went directly to her pants. Before she could process what was happening, Nash had her pants down around her ankles. “Nash,” she said on a shiver. “I’ll keep you warm. I promise.” He’d never broken a promise to her before now, and she had no doubts that in a few minutes, she’d be burning up. She kicked the pants off at the same time Nash picked her up. As soon as they were free of her feet, he tossed her on the bed. The mattress was old and lumpy and she bounced several times when she landed. The old metal-framed bed squeaked with every move she made. Struggling, she moved around trying to 201
Fall Fires Anthology find a comfortable position, especially when she thought about Nash’s body on top of hers, pressing her down hard. “Are you comfortable?” She hadn’t realized how much she’d been fidgeting until she looked up to see Nash standing above her. His eyes gleamed with lust, but also with amusement. He was humoring her. “Yes.” “Good.” The change in his demeanor was instantaneous. “Then put your arms above your head.” The humor was gone, but the lust remained. She couldn’t resist him. And she hated that. Ever so slowly, she put her arms up over her head. “You know what to do, Morgan. Put your hands around the bed frame.” No! She didn’t want this. She didn’t, she told herself, but she wasn’t able to convince her body. Her pussy dripped and clenched, waiting for Nash’s cock. But she did as he said. She watched, nervous, as he removed his belt and wrapped it around her wrists, tightening the leather so she knew it’d leave marks. He was branding her. Marking her. Just like he had ten years ago. Once she was secure, he stepped back and stared down at her. Though she still had on panties and a long-sleeved tee shirt, she felt completely bare under his scrutiny. “I can’t believe it’s been ten years since I’ve seen you like this.” He sat down next to her and rubbed his hands up and down her thighs. She shivered. “I must have dreamed about it a million times over the years.” 202
Fall Fires Anthology She didn’t want to think about that. “Please more,” she begged. “More? We haven’t even started yet.” “But I want…” She stopped. She didn’t know if she’d be able to tell him what she wanted. “Don’t go quiet on me. What do you want? Tell me.” His hand continued to rub up and down her thigh, each time moving a little bit higher. “I want your cock.” Only a slight smile crossed his lips. “What do you want with it?” “I want to suck it. I want you to come in my mouth.” A slow smile spread across his face. “Well, that’s no problem at all.” But it was. From where she was tied on the bed, Morgan knew she’d never be able to get all of Nash’s glorious cock into her mouth. And she wanted it all. He moved to stand next to her face. His pants were already unbuttoned, so he unzipped and pushed them down. Morgan couldn’t believe the sound she made had actually come from her. She was practically purring. Nash’s legs were strong with just a slight dusting of hair. His cock rose proudly between his legs. He didn’t have very much hair there, and she couldn’t really imagine him bothering with manscaping. His cock was just absolutely naturally perfection. She shifted as much as she could on the bed, trying to get closer to his cock. She could feel the leather of her restraints biting into her skin, but she didn’t really care. He leaned in toward the bed and she covered his cock with her mouth. They both moaned. He tasted absolutely amazing. His texture was soft on her tongue. Warmth spread from his body to hers. 203
Fall Fires Anthology “I should have made sure you were completely naked before tying you up,” he said just before she heard a ripping sound. She only moved her head away from his cock long enough to see the torn center of her shirt. Oh well, it never was one of her favorites anyway. Thank God she wore a front clasp bra, or she was sure that would have been torn apart as well. “God you’ve got beautiful tits.” That whimpering sound really couldn’t be her, could it? “I can’t wait to fuck them.” And now, neither could she. What was wrong with her that the second Nash told her to do something, she turned into his sex slave and could think of nothing else? She increased her sucking, still upset she couldn’t get more of him in her mouth. His hands kneaded her breasts, his thumb brushed over her nipple. He squeezed hard. She desperately wished he would use his mouth. Lick her, suck her, nibble her. She wanted his markings. Craved them. No! She didn’t, she had to remind herself again. She wanted to leave Roland’s Hollow. She wanted to forget this was happening. Again. His cock was wrenched from her mouth when he moved away. He hissed when her teeth made contact with the sensitive underside. His eyes were navy blue when he looked at her. “You’re going to be punished for that later.” He laughed, and she blushed. Her pussy gushed with moisture at his statement. “You’re so wet, I can practically see through your panties.” “Well, then, I guess there’s no use taking them off.” She knew she was playing with fire, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She crossed her legs, one over the other. 204
Fall Fires Anthology He looked at her with a raised eyebrow asking a question. Did she really want to be playing with him this way? Hell, she didn’t know what she wanted anymore. He walked to the bottom of the bed and grabbed her ankles. He pulled her legs apart hard. Grabbing the waistband of her panties, he yanked them off. One of his fingernails scratched her leg. She could feel a long gash on her thigh. Her pussy got wetter. His hands slid up her legs as he crawled up the bed. He paused when his hands passed over the raised flesh he’d just scratched. His eyes changed instantly, softening. “Did I do this?” She was afraid to answer, but did manage a slight nod. His breath was warm on her leg as he lowered his head to kiss the red scratch. “I’m sorry. You know I never mean to hurt you.” Then why was she tied up like this? She was desperately afraid that she knew the answer. Because she was a whore who liked things like this. Just like her parents had told her ten years ago. “Please,” she begged, pressing her pussy toward him as much as she could manage. Once again, her bindings tightened on her wrists. But the pain in her wrists only brought her pussy more pleasure. Why? “Please,” she begged again. Please, make all the other thoughts go away. All she wanted to think about was how good Nash’s cock was going to feel inside her. He relented this time, perching himself between her legs, his cock poised and ready. He pressed gently at her entrance. He had no trouble sliding in. 205
Fall Fires Anthology “Is this what you want?” “You know it is.” She struggled to get closer to him, but instead, ended up cursing her bindings once again. “Ask for it.” “I don’t…please don’t make me.” He continued to rub his cock up and down her slit, sliding over her distended clit. Tormenting. “Ask for it, Morgan.” “Please give me your cock. I need it.” And she did. She needed his cock more than she needed air to breathe at the moment. He plunged inside her. This was no soft lovemaking, he pounded into her. His balls slapped against her ass as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her feet on his ass pulled him closer, harder. She wanted more. She wanted everything. “Fuck, Morgan. You’re so good. It’s been so long. I’m not going to last.” Before either of them knew it, she was writhing on the bed, his cock making her orgasm stronger with each and every thrust. His pounding increased until with one last thrust, which almost felt like it’d break her in two, he came buried deep inside her. Rolling to the side slightly, he collapsed on top of her. **** Morgan struggled to keep the tears from falling. She didn’t want Nash to know she was crying, but her arms were asleep, she felt horribly used and sore, and she had to use the restroom. She had no idea how long he’d been asleep. She’d completely lost track of time, but she didn’t know how much longer she could wait before she had to wake him. 206
Fall Fires Anthology And when she woke him, she was going to have to find a way to kick him out of her house. He moved slightly in his sleep and finally, his eyes opened. “What the…” His eyes widened when he took in Morgan’s position. “Jesus, Morgan, I’m sorry. Why in the hell didn’t you wake me? You must not have any feeling in your arms at all.” He sat up and went to work on the belt binding her wrists. Once she was free, he took her wrists in his hands and rubbed her arms up and down, trying to get the blood flowing again. It would have been a nice gesture, but Morgan didn’t want nice gestures. She wanted him to get dressed and leave. Instead of going meekly into his arms like she desperately wanted to, she jumped from the bed and dashed into the bathroom. She needed to get herself under control. She made use of the facilities and cleaned herself up. She threw hot water on her face, tossed her ripped clothing in the corner and wrapped herself in the terrycloth robe hanging on the back of the door. When she put her arm into the sleeve of the robe, she noticed the sores on her wrists. She stood in the center of the bathroom staring at them. The leather had rubbed her skin raw in places. Blood oozed from several small cuts. Shouldn’t looking at these injuries make her feel bad? Why did they send tingles throughout her body? The door swung open. “Are you all right?” She quickly hid her arms behind her back. Damn it, she’d been hoping he’d be gone by now. “Fine.” She walked past him, through the bedroom and tried to leave the room. But Nash caught up with her. “Where are you going?” 207
Fall Fires Anthology He reached out and grabbed her arm. She cried out in pain when he grabbed her injured wrist. But he didn’t let go until he pulled her close and was able to wrap his arms around her. “What are you doing? Let me go!” But Nash held her tight. “Let me see your wrists.” She struggled against his hold, but it was useless. He was much stronger than her. He ran his fingers softly over the discolored flesh. “I’m sorry. I should have started you with something softer and we could have worked up to the belt.” She pulled away then. “What the hell do you mean, ‘worked up to’? You don’t actually think this is going to happen again, do you?” The change in him was intense. Where just a few seconds ago he’d been so caring, his demeanor had completely changed now. He was harsh. Before she had a chance to move, he walked over and slammed the door keeping her from leaving. “Sit down, Morgan.” “I’m more comfortable standing.” She was just asking for punishment now. Instead of being mad or scared though, the only thing she felt was arousal. He walked over and stood directly in front of her. He was wearing nothing more than his jeans and she was having a hard time concentrating on his face and not the rest of his body. “Sit down, Morgan.” She walked to the bed and perched on the edge. “Talk to me,” he demanded. “I don’t have anything to say.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Why are you hiding yourself? Who you are?” She couldn’t stay seated. 208
Fall Fires Anthology “Don’t you dare presume to tell me who I am, you…you…” She couldn’t think of the appropriate word. “You need a man who knows how to handle you.” “I most certainly do not need to be handled!” she practically shrieked. “You like being tied up. You like it rough. I don’t believe for a second that you’ve had a satisfying sexual experience in the last ten years.” So what if that was true? It couldn’t happen. She couldn’t like it rough. It just wasn’t natural. “I don’t like it rough and I’ve had plenty of good sex in the last ten years.” Liar! She hadn’t had an orgasm like that since she’d been with him ten years ago. He simply began to laugh. And to her credit, she managed not to smack him. Then he sat down next to her and took her hands in his. “Morgan, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a sexual woman. You know what you like. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.” She pulled her hands away. She didn’t want any contact with him. He made her feel things she’d spent the last ten years trying not to. “No, I’m a strong woman. I shouldn’t want weird stuff.” “Weird stuff? What, like being tied up? Dominated? Honey, that’s not weird. I’ll have you know that I think it’s fucking hot.” She wished she could smile but she couldn’t really work one up. “It makes me…weak.”
Fall Fires Anthology Nash jumped up and began to pace. She’d never seen him so aggravated before. Normally, he moved with grace and economy. “Good Lord, Morgan, knowing what you like sexually does not make you weak.” She jumped up to stand toe-to-toe with him. Then she backed up a step so she didn’t get a crick in her neck looking up at him. “Good girls do not like things like being spanked or tied up or…” Any of the things that made her body hum. “Well who in the hell likes good girls?” The fight was going out of her. She didn’t know what was right anymore. She’d been fighting her urges for ten years, but how could the way she felt with Nash be wrong? Nash calmed and walked toward her. He ran his hand down her hair and pulled her close. She didn’t have the strength to fight him. “Morgan honey, I have no doubt you can be Wonder Woman, but the point is, you don’t have to be. Especially with me.” Her arms wanted to wrap around him. Was she really ready to stop fighting the things she’d been struggling against for the past ten years? Were her parents wrong when they told her that she was dirty? Frankly, she didn’t care anymore. “Nash, I don’t think I can be Wonder Woman.” He stepped away from her. The disappointment in his eyes was clear and she would have felt horrible if she were finished speaking. She smiled. “I think those gold cuff things she wears would hurt my bruised wrists.” His head swung around so quickly, it was a wonder he didn’t get whiplash. 210
Fall Fires Anthology Stalking toward her, a smile spread across his face. Tingles skittered up and down her spine and she couldn’t wait for what was about to come. His mouth crushed hers in a punishing kiss. But this time, she fought back. Her tongue battled with his. Both of their hands practically ripped the clothes off the other, until they were both standing naked in the middle of the room. She dropped to her knees. His cock jutted to attention in front of her. Her mouth practically watered at the thought of tasting it. She opened her mouth and leaned forward taking him as deep as possible. His cock touched the back of her throat. She sucked and licked lubing up his cock well for what she wanted to come next. She could live on nothing else but the taste of Nash for the rest of her life. Though she desperately wanted to taste his cum in her mouth, she wanted more, too. When his cock was nice and wet, she stood and moved to the bed, climbing to the middle on her hands and knees. Looking back over her shoulder, she saw that he remained standing in the middle of the room, a dazed look in his face. “Are you waiting for an invitation?” He laughed and crossed the room to her faster than she could have imagined. “Look forward,” he commanded. She didn’t have any trouble obeying this time. She expected to feel his hands spreading her pussy and his cock poised at her entrance. Instead, his tongue and mouth devoured her. His tongue probed into her center, licking, sucking. He licked her from her clit, all the way to her ass. He laved her with attention and didn’t miss any spots. Only when she was poised on the precipice of what she hoped would be her first of many climaxes did he thrust his cock 211
Fall Fires Anthology into her. That threw her right over the edge and she cried out. Loud. “Yes, Nash. More.” “I love it when you beg.” His voice came out in harsh pants. She could tell he was getting close to orgasm as well. She pushed back against him harder. “Fuck me,” she moaned. “Fuck my ass.” “What?” The surprise in his voice was quite clear. “Please.” He didn’t speak, but he did pull his cock out of her pussy. She knew she was wet, so she didn’t expect any pain. And when his cock pressed into her slowly, she knew he’d make sure there was none. She relaxed as he pressed into her. “Yesss,” she hissed. His balls slapped against the back of her thighs. That sound, along with both of them breathing heavily, were the only ones audible in the room. It was only a matter of seconds before yet another climax was washing over her. Nash was only a few seconds behind her. This time, he didn’t even bother to roll when he collapsed on top of her. He pulled her to him, tight. She laughed. She didn’t want to go anywhere but she couldn’t have if she wanted to. “Damn you, woman,” he said, but there was no malice in his voice. “What did I do?” She knew he was well pleased. “I’d intended to make love to you nice and slowly when I asked you to stay, to marry me, not fuck your brains out.” Marry her? For real? 212
Fall Fires Anthology She couldn’t think of anything better. A lifetime with the one man who knew her like no other? Not just her, but her body as well? She rolled over and pounced on him, kissing him with all the love in her heart. “Well,” she said as he smiled up at her. “Why don’t we go take a shower and then we can make love nice and slowly when I say yes.”
Fall Fires Anthology
Barbara J. Baldwin
Fall Fires Anthology
Dried leaves crunched under her combat boots as Mert hunched over, trying to keep the chilly wind from seeping down her neck. It would be too cold to sleep in the park tonight, especially with no more than her light coat. She had exactly fiftytwo dollars and thirty-eight cents left to her name, which wasn’t even enough for a hotel. Damn Stu for locking her out of her apartment, even if she was behind on the rent. Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday. Having spent the day looking for a job, she hadn’t gotten around to it. Now, she didn’t know how long her money would have to last. She turned the corner into an alley and began checking dumpsters along the narrow lane. The boutiques that fronted Franklin Street were ritzy, and she was hoping they had tossed some slightly irregular articles, maybe even a coat, into the trash. She normally had more class than to go dumpster diving, but damn, she was cold tonight. As she hurried across the street toward the next section of alley, the wind caught her, blowing dirt and leaves into her face. “Shit.” She stumbled into the alley out of the wind, wiping at her eyes. “Give me your money!” A rough voice came from the other side of a stack of boxes and Mert immediately froze. She heard scuffling and several grunts, then something heavy skidded to a stop against her boot. She looked down at the dull glint of a gun. 215
Fall Fires Anthology Cautiously she peeked around the crates to see a man, arms pinned behind his back by another, with a third pounding him in the stomach. Knowing firsthand about violence, she quickly picked up the gun and pointed it at the men, thinking to use it only to get them to stop hitting the other one. “Leave him alone or I’ll shoot!” she yelled. Her hands shook so hard, she knew if she had to shoot, she’d probably hit the innocent man instead of the thugs beating on him. “Stay out of this, bitch!” one of the men yelled as he dug through the man’s pockets. Mert pointed the gun in the air, shut her eyes and squeezed the trigger. The blast echoed down the alley and slammed her onto her ass, but it was enough to scare away the two men, who fled without looking back. Mert threw the gun aside and crawled over to where the man sat slumped against the brick wall. **** Royal Bradford tried to focus on the face above him, but his vision kept blurring around the edges. He struggled upright only to fall back down. He swung an arm, hoping to deflect the thief. “Yeah, right, like you’re going to take me on,” a feminine voice said as cold fingers clutched his wrist, pulling him to his feet. He staggered, leaning against the wall for support. The girl moved to his side, sliding an arm around his waist. With her shoulder under his arm, she supported him the best she could for her size. “Hey, watch where you put your paws.” She swatted at his hand when he accidentally touched a soft plump breast. “Where’s your car?” she asked as she led him down the alley toward the street. Royal had taken a cab downtown, and now he raised a hand to hail a hack, groaning at the tug of bruised muscles. He tried to straighten as the driver pulled to a stop in front of them, 216
Fall Fires Anthology although he liked the feel of his rescuing angel tucked close to his side. He gritted his teeth as he reached for the door of the taxi. “Get in,” he told the girl. She seemed reluctant, so he groaned again and leaned more heavily against her. With a sigh, she helped him in, then scooted onto the seat, slamming the door behind her. He gave the driver his address, then rested his head against the back of the seat. He couldn’t summon the energy to speak, but wasn’t about to let his rescuer out of his sight without properly thanking her. **** “Good evening, Doctor,” the butler said when he opened the door. “My word, what happened to you?” “Minor skirmish, George,” Royal said as the girl helped him into the house. He knew his lip was cut and his ribs bruised, but he felt much better than he had at first. “You a doc?” the girl asked as she helped him out of his coat. “Doctor of philosophy.” He stifled a groan. “We’ll be in the study, George,” he said. “Come along,” he added to the girl. He didn’t know what to do with her, but since she had practically saved his life, he felt he owed her something. “You a shrink?” His shoulders tightened. “That would be psychology or psychiatry.” “Yeah, so, if you ain’t a head doctor, what are you?” She flopped into his favorite chair, swinging a leg over the arm. He looked at her more closely. If not for her voice, he wouldn’t even have known she was female, for she was dressed in combat boots, jeans and an oversized green army jacket. She pulled a knit cap off her head and a tumble of jet-black hair fell around her shoulders. Her face was pretty, even if she wore far 217
Fall Fires Anthology too much makeup. And she was a woman, not a girl, though her petite frame had made him think she was quite young. “Are you what they call Goth?” She snorted. “Shit, no. Do I look Goth?” “Well, I don’t exactly know as I’ve never had the privilege of meeting a Goth.” “Is that what your kind of doctor does—talk funny?” He poured himself a brandy. “A doctor of philosophy studies the way men think.” “That’s a shrink.” “No, it’s the reasons behind the thinking, and what exactly they think about beliefs and values.” “Geez, that sounds boring as hell. You gonna offer me a drink?” “Are you old enough?” “Shit, Doc, I’ve been drinking since I was fifteen.” He poured her a dainty portion of brandy, handing her the crystal snifter. She gulped it down and then gasped as the heat hit her. He smiled, then grimaced when the cut on his lip stung. “And that would be exactly how many months go?” “Cute, Doc.” She coughed. “Please don’t call me that. My name is Royal. Actually, Royal Bradford, to be precise. I guess we never formally introduced ourselves.” Instead of telling him her name in return, she stood, tossed the snifter at him and wandered around the room. He barely managed to catch the heirloom crystal to prevent it from shattering against the desk. “Holy crap, you’ve got a pool!” she exclaimed when she got to the double doors that opened onto the conservatory where Royal had recently added a lap pool. “Yes—” 218
Fall Fires Anthology “Can I swim?” She turned her head to give him a smile and he immediately revised his thoughts of her being just pretty. Her smile dazzled him. “You don’t have a suit…” His voice trailed off as she opened the doors wide, stepped onto the tile and immediately began taking her clothes off. Royal didn’t stop her. Nor did he blink as her jacket dropped to the ground, followed by an oversized sweater. He gulped. She wasn’t wearing a bra. When she bent over to unlace her boots, his penis jerked, swelling and throbbing. Her jeans stretched tight over small buttocks and long legs. He finally remembered to breathe when she dove into the heated water, swimming to the other end with long, sure strokes. His hands shook as he poured himself another drink. She was coarse, rather rag-tag, and he didn’t even know her name, but he wanted her in a primal way he had never felt before. Maybe the fact they appeared so opposite turned him on. He laughed at himself, thinking it was more likely the sight of her bare ass and pale skin. Royal watched her frolic in the pool like a water nymph. He had spent a lot of time studying but not really participating in life. He was fascinated by the critical examination of the rationale for man’s most fundamental beliefs, but right at the moment, he began to wonder if he hadn’t missed out on something more important. He wasn’t a virgin, heaven forbid, but sex had been used as part of his research. The mechanics, the physical elements, the sexual pheromones men and women exuded when mating— those clinical aspects were all part of one or the other research paper he had published over the years as they related to a particular culture’s belief system. But the elemental surge of lust in his groin at this precise moment would be impossible to describe in a paper. 219
Fall Fires Anthology “Come in with me,” she yelled from the edge of the pool, where she jumped up and down, giving him a tantalizing glimpse of breast. In a daze, he sauntered over, squatting down at the edge. “Do you need to call someone? Don’t you have to get home?” Her smile disappeared. Before Royal could question her further, she pushed off and swam rapidly away from him. He could see her sleek, naked body beneath the rippling water and with a sigh, went in search of a robe. **** Mert felt the sting of tears as she furiously cut through the water. Why did he have to be so nice? She was used to rude and offensive, or even being ignored on the jobs she had worked over the years. She didn’t know how to react to nice. In a matter of minutes, he had broken through the tough shell she had wrapped around herself for the past seven years. She turned at the other end and swam underwater, holding her breath until she felt as if her lungs would burst. She would not let the splendor of his home remind her of what she had given up years ago. And while the warmth of the pool might make her hesitate to go back into the chilly October wind, she told herself this was just make-believe and it didn’t really exist for her. Gasping for breath, she popped to the surface to find him standing at the edge of the pool, a large fluffy white robe in his hands and a soft smile on his lips. “I don’t even know your name, nor have I properly thanked you for saving my life.” He held up the robe as she climbed the steps out of the water, but she noticed he didn’t avert his gaze. Instead of finding his stare offensive as she often did when men ogled her, a warm feeling spread through her body. She slipped her arms into the robe. When his hands touched her shoulders, she turned to face him. He glanced down, and 220
Fall Fires Anthology without a word, he pulled the robe together and tied the belt snuggly at her waist. “We need to talk.” Talk, Mert could handle, she thought as she followed him back into the study. He had lit a fire and she moved closer to its warmth. A shiver went through her at the thought of not having a place to sleep tonight. He handed her a cup of steaming coffee, then nodded toward the couch. “Thanks,” she said as she gladly accepted the drink. She gathered the extra large robe around her as she sat, glad the man sat across from her rather than on the couch beside her. She studiously tried to ignore him as she sipped her coffee. She didn’t know what he wanted, but she wasn’t naive enough to think he was being nice just as a favor to her. In her estimation, men weren’t nice unless they wanted something from her. “First, you must tell me your name so I can properly thank you.” His voice, soft and deep, stirred her from her reverie. She turned her gaze from the fire to study him. He had dwarfed her five foot four inch height when she had helped him from the alley. Now, as he casually reclined in a wing chair, legs outstretched, she was even more aware of his size. She remembered the strength of his arms and the feel of a tight stomach beneath his coat. His light brown hair was tousled, as though he continually ran his fingers through it. Clear blue eyes held her gaze, a strong square chin, straight nose and high cheekbones gave him the air of a man of the world. A very handsome man and Mert felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. “Mert.” “I beg your pardon?” 221
Fall Fires Anthology “My name,” she said, not willing to give him any more information than necessary. His brow furrowed. “What kind of name is that?” “What kind of name is Royal?” she shot right back. “Touché.” He smiled at her and Mert felt the funny little quivers again. “Well, Miss Mert, you have my eternal gratitude for stepping in as you did and saving me from disaster.” “Anyone with half a brain would know better than to be in that area of town late at night.” “You were there.” “Yeah, well, I’m from that area.” She glanced at his neatly creased, although stained, slacks and obviously expensive sweater. She allowed her gaze to drift around the room, past luxurious furniture and plush area rugs. “You obviously ain’t.” “And that brings us back to my original question.” Mert was going to make him ask; she wouldn’t volunteer anything. “Miss Mert?” She gave an exaggerated sigh. “I ain’t a prissy miss, okay? It’s Meredith.” She frowned at him, just to let him know she wasn’t happy telling him. “That’s not the question I was asking, but thank you for telling me.” He took a sip of brandy. “Do you need to call anyone to let them know you’re alright?” She glanced again at the fine furnishings and gleaming hardwood floors. He was one of them—the rich, snooty people who thought they could get away with anything just because they had money. Suddenly, she wanted to strike out at him. “I got locked out of my fucking apartment for not paying the rent. I lost my job last week, so no way can I pay the fucking rent.” “I’m sorry,” he said softly. If he was shocked, he didn’t show it. “In that case, the least I can do is offer you a room for 222
Fall Fires Anthology the night and breakfast in the morning. George makes quite an omelet.” **** Royal gave up trying to make sense of his notes. Tossing his pen on the desk, he ran his hands through his hair as he walked over to the conservatory doors. After ensconcing Meredith in the yellow room upstairs, he had come back to the study and tried to concentrate on his latest work, even though his muscles screamed in protest. But all he could think about was her sleeping naked. He had no doubt that she was, for she didn’t have anything with her, and her rumpled clothes still lay on the tile by the pool. He smiled. Meredith no-last-name was a creature beyond his understanding. He had the feeling she had spent much of her life looking out for herself, and she was certainly streetwise. In his philosophical studies over the years, he thought he had seen just about everything. He always tried to look beneath the surface of a person, and beyond the actual words they spoke. For that reason, he realized she had tried to shock him with her language when he knew there was more to her than she was willing to show the world. He suspected her tough exterior held a gentle heart, or she would never have stepped into the middle of his troubles in the alley. His brow cleared as a plan began to form. Meredith needed help, whether she wanted to accept it or not. And she could help him gain that which had rapidly been slipping beyond his grasp. **** The minute Royal saw Meredith peeking around the doorframe the next morning, he waved her in, cutting his aunt off in mid-tirade and hanging up the phone. Sometime last night, she had come back for her clothes and he frowned at her appearance. She should dress like a woman, he thought, and she would, if she accepted his plan. 223
Fall Fires Anthology “I have a proposition for you,” he said. “I don’t turn tricks.” “Tricks? I…oh. No, that’s not what I meant.” His mouth lifted in humor but seeing her scowl, he quickly turned serious. “Would you marry me?” Meredith fell into the chair next to his desk. “I don’t even know you.” He waved a hand in dismissal. “It wouldn’t be a real marriage. Just a…” How could he come up with the right words to gain her compliance? “Aha! A marriage of convenience.” She scowled again. “There’s nothing convenient about marriage.” She rose and moved toward the door. “Thanks for the bed.” Royal hurried around the corner of his desk, grabbing her arm to stop her. She tried to pull away, her previously passive mask turning to fear. He quickly released her, holding his hands in the air to show her he meant no harm. “Give me five minutes to explain. Please.” “It ain’t like I’ve got no place to be.” She moved back to the chair, slinging one leg over the arm of it, swinging her foot. He cringed at her language, starting to rethink his plan. She was pretty enough, and he knew for a fact she had a great figure, but if he was to make his aunt believe it was a love match, well, he had his work cut out for him. He began to pace, if only so he couldn’t stare at her, slouched in his chair, her femininity spread wide. He envisioned her as she had been last night in the pool, the black curls at her mound glistening with water droplets. He wondered if she would be just as wet in the throes of passion. “Four minutes.” He cleared his throat. “My father came from an old established family here in Philadelphia and because he had only one sister, he naturally ran the family businesses and inherited 224
Fall Fires Anthology the majority of the wealth. This house,” he spread his arms to encompass his home, “dates back to the revolutionary war and has been the home to generations of Bradfords.” “Doc, I’m glad you got a pedigree, but that don’t ’xactly seem a reason to get hitched.” “Heritage and family lines meant everything to my father, who passed away last year. According to his will, if I don’t marry before I turn thirty-two, everything goes to my aunt’s son, who already has a gaggle of children.” “How long you got?” “I’ll turn thirty-two in just two weeks.” “So why ain’t you married?” she asked, then added, “You’re gay.” It wasn’t a question. He frowned. “I am not. I’ve just spent my life studying philosophy, not chasing women, and while my father was alive, I never really thought about marrying.” “And now you have to, just to keep all your money.” He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not the money at all.” “Yeah, right. It’s always about the fucking money. Otherwise my shit of a landlord wouldn’t have locked me out of my apartment.” Royal realized that all the ethical and moral reasons in the world wouldn’t win her compliance, but money, regardless of what she said, could. “I’ll give you one hundred thousand dollars, if you agree to be my wife before my birthday to satisfy the terms of my father’s will.” “What?” she squawked, coming up out of the chair. “A hundred thousand bucks to pretend?” Royal shook his head. “Not pretend. I’m sure my aunt will demand a marriage certificate. But after everything is in my name so her greedy son can’t touch it, we can get quietly divorced and you can go on your way.” 225
Fall Fires Anthology “So it’s a hundred thou to fuck me?” “No!” Royal shouted, frustrated she didn’t understand, or maybe he just wasn’t explaining it right. “I mean, we will be married, but I wouldn’t presume to impose myself on you.” Even as he said it, he found himself wondering what it would be like to sink into her hot body; to caress and suckle at her breasts. “Your time’s up, Doc.” Meredith walked toward the door. Royal was beside himself. “Okay, two hundred thousand.” She turned at that, her green eyes shooting sparks. “Fuck you, your money and your damned heritage. Marriage means fists and drunken arguments. And all the money in the world ain’t going to make me buy into that!” Royal realized that someone in her past had hurt her, which was probably the reason she had reacted so badly when he had grabbed her arm. He knew he needed to change tactics, quickly. He moved in front of the door, blocking her exit but not touching her. “It’s snowing.” He said the first thing that came to mind; anything to get her to stop for a minute so he could regroup. She turned to look out the window and then groaned. “Look, you don’t have a place to stay and the weather is not conducive to sleeping in the park. I want to continue living in my home and conducting my research. We can help each other.” “I don’t want your money.” She straightened her spine and stuck her chin out at a stubborn angle and Royal had the feeling she hadn’t always been from the wrong side of town. There was an air of breeding in her stance. “Fine. We’ll get married,” at her look, he hurried on, “but only pretend to have a marriage. You will have your own room, clothes, food, anything you want.” He watched her relax just slightly. “And in return, you will pretend to be my devoted wife. But you’ll have to dress decently and quit using foul language.” “Fuck you,” she said. 226
Fall Fires Anthology Regardless of what he said about her language, the way she said fuck made him want to take her right there on the floor. Now, he didn’t think; he just acted, circling her waist and pulling her close as his mouth came down on hers. She tasted of coffee and woman, exotic and forbidden, and he drank his fill. Somewhere in the endless time they stood there, Royal realized she was kissing him back, her tongue plunging into his mouth, her hips sliding sensuously against his. “Okay, fine, I’ll do it,” she gasped when they broke apart, “but only for a place to stay. And you gotta quit kissing me like that.” He looked at her glittering green eyes and rosy, kissswollen lips and wondered what he had gotten himself into. As she moved away, his body made him painfully aware that a marriage of convenience was not going to be as easy as he first thought. **** What had she gotten herself into? Mert twisted the plain gold ring on her finger. Within a day, Royal had gotten a license and they had been married by a judge at the courthouse. Then he had spent days correcting her language and etiquette and shopping for clothes, most of which were still piled on her bed. She had a flashback to her past. Her stepfather, who drank too much and abused her mother, had always bought her expensive things by way of apology. After her mother had died, he had turned his tirades on her until, at sixteen, she had run away. She had lived on the streets until she found a job and she’d shared a variety of crummy apartments with a number of equally crummy roommates. Regardless of how hard up she ever got, she had sworn she’d never go back or ask him for help. And now, look what she had done. Was this any different, allowing Royal to buy her things and living in wealth? Had she 227
Fall Fires Anthology sold herself after all? She sighed. She was just so tired of living hand to mouth. Besides, she had laid alone in her bed on her wedding night, and somewhere deep in her heart, she knew Royal was different. He hadn’t even kissed her good night, reminding her they were just pretending to be married. Damn it, she didn’t want to pretend. At least, she didn’t think she did. Royal’s gentle spirit tugged at her heart and she longed to wipe away the serious expression he usually wore. Besides, she was hot for his body. She checked herself in the mirror and pulled off the top that covered her swimsuit. From the one kiss they had shared, she knew Royal desired her. He had been hot and hard as he pressed against her, and he made her ache in all the right places. She had told him not to kiss her again, but if she gave herself freely to him, it wouldn’t be changing their bargain, and she could still leave when the charade was over. She rubbed a hand over a soft cashmere sweater. How hard was it going to be to leave all this behind for the second time in her life? With a sigh, she wandered from the room, her bath towel trailing behind her. As she hoped, Royal was in his study. “Want to go for a swim with me?” she asked as she entered. “No, go ahead,” he replied without looking up. Mert was disappointed, until she heard him cough and sputter as she opened the doors to the pool area. She smiled a secret smile, determined to make Royal more interested in physiology than philosophy. **** Royal was waiting for her at the edge of the pool, a hard-on straining the fabric of his slacks so badly, he could hardly walk. Meredith had been taunting him with her luscious body from the first day they met, and the scrap of fabric she called a swimming suit left little to the imagination. 228
Fall Fires Anthology He had promised not to impose on her, but damn, he wanted her. Regardless of her language, which had cleaned up remarkably well and quite quickly, he knew innately she came from good breeding, and perhaps that was why he hesitated. He thought it might have been easier to take her to his bed if she had continued to curse, because what he wanted to do with her had no gentle names, and he had never felt so out of control in his life. He wanted to fuck her—hard, fast and more than once. He ached to taste her and have her go down on him. He wondered what the new, ladylike Meredith would say to that. “I just got off the phone with my aunt,” he said the minute she stopped at the wall, knowing he had to get his mind out of the gutter. “She’s insisting on throwing us a wedding reception at the Ritz-Carlton this weekend. I’m sure it’s her way of putting us in the spotlight, hoping to publicly defraud me.” He watched her frown. “Do you think you’ll be ready?” **** Royal had insisted she practice being a lady in everything she did, from eating to speaking to how she sat and walked. It hadn’t been hard for Mert to remember her manners, or even how to speak properly, since the first sixteen years of her life had meant nannies and private schools and then the country club set. But she refused to divulge that to Royal. Let him think she was a quick study, or that he was a brilliant teacher. “So that means more lessons today?” she asked as she popped out of the pool. She shook her head, deliberately splattering him with water. He didn’t get mad; in fact, he stood as though rooted to the spot and she could have sworn she saw steam rise. While he stared at her boobs, she glanced down to see he had a growing hard-on. She took a step closer. Her movement seemed to break his trance. He quickly backed up and cleared his throat. 229
Fall Fires Anthology “Get some clothes on, then we’ll talk.” He walked away but Mert could have sworn she heard him groan, and that was before he walked right into a chaise lounge. Mert was back down in the study half an hour later, but when Royal began a discussion on philosophy, she wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Can’t we discuss the Phillies game or something?” she asked. He looked at the papers on his desk. “Why? Demetrios Andreas was one of the leading philosophers of the last century and his works are still studied today. In fact, he—” “He’s dead,” she interrupted. “Who cares what he thought?” “His writings are central in the intellectual history of man.” “You always say man. Don’t you believe women think?” “I use man in the generic sense.” “You use man?” she repeated, then grinned. “I knew you were gay.” His mouth dropped open before he sputtered, “You can’t keep saying whatever pops into your head, Meredith. I thought we were making progress.” With perfect elocution and a perfectly straight face, she said, “Do excuse my slip of the tongue. Whatever was I thinking?” She sashayed up to him, her hands clasped at her waist with ladylike decorum. Royal burst out laughing, grabbing her in a hug. “I don’t ever remember laughing this much before you came into my life.” She joined his mirth, returning his hug and suddenly, the air felt charged with electricity. Royal’s body sprang to life and he pulled her hips snug, wanting her to know how much she turned him on. “Doc?” She said the word with hesitancy, fear, curiosity, hunger; and he answered the only way he could. 230
Fall Fires Anthology She groaned in surrender when his lips crushed hers, her arms tightening around him and her hips nudging his groin. “I want you desperately,” he moaned into her mouth, his hands sliding up her ribs to cup her breasts. “I won’t sell my body for a roof over my head.” She said the words even as she caressed him, making his penis strain against his pants. Royal couldn’t think. She was driving him to the brink of insanity, but somewhere in the corner of his mind, he understood her concerns. “No, it wouldn’t be like that.” Her mouth was back on his. She circled his neck; he cupped her buttocks and lifted so she could lock her legs behind his back. “Bedroom,” he muttered as he hurried down the hall and up the stairs. He could feel her heat and couldn’t wait to get her naked. Kicking his bedroom door shut behind them, he dropped her onto the bed, then yanked down her slacks, followed by bikini underwear as she jerked off her sweater. He kissed her belly button, her hips, then trailed his tongue across her skin to her breasts. She stretched beneath him, spreading her legs and rubbing her mound against his stomach. The minute he sucked her nipple into his mouth, she arched. “I’ve got to touch you,” she moaned, yanking his shirt out of his pants. Royal reluctantly released her breast so he could undress. As he kicked off his shoes and fumbled with his slacks, Meredith came up on her elbows, openly watching his every move. Her feet were flat on the bed, her knees spread wide, and he couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. When he shrugged out of his briefs and reached for her, she scrambled to her knees. 231
Fall Fires Anthology “Wait.” She held him in place with her palms on his chest, caressing his muscles, then tweaking his nipples. She put hot lips to his breastbone, then began a slow, torturous descent, her kisses getting longer and harder as she lowered her head. Her mouth was incredible when she took the tip of him in a hot, sucking kiss. One hand slid from his hips to his balls, caressing, and the other circled the base of him, sliding up, then down. Royal’s knees buckled, and if not for the edge of the bed, he would have fallen. “Stop! I’ve got to be inside you right this minute.” He lifted her head and she gazed up at him, her glistening lips lifting in a seductive smile. “But what about the marriage just for convenience?” He flipped her back onto the bed, coming down on her and sliding to heaven with one long stoke. “It won’t change anything, I swear.” But it changed everything. **** For the next two days, lessons were forgotten. Unless, Royal thought, the many positions they tried during their fucking marathons could be considered part of his or Meredith’s education. He freely thought the word, even if he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud, because what he and Meredith did went well beyond the rather mundane making love. She was vigorous and wild in bed, but she continued to remind him that having sex with him was of her own free will and had nothing to do with the room, board and clothes he provided. And he continued to agree with her, if only to make her happy. He had always been quite reserved and in control, but with Meredith, he felt free. He had been expressing that freedom by taking her in just about every room of the house and as he had 232
Fall Fires Anthology pounded into her hot, slick depths, he would shout out in climax. Now, he dropped his head against the shower wall, letting the water beat over him. Meredith had done more than take up lodging in one of the many bedrooms of his house. She had invaded him; mind, body and soul and he was beginning to wonder why they had to dissolve their marriage after his birthday. He knew for a fact his feelings ran deeper than the gratitude he had first felt. “Can I join you?” Meredith peeked around the edge of the shower stall. He smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling her under the water with him. “You’re like Jell-O©. I always have room for you.” Meredith groaned. “Oh my God, the doc made a joke. A bad one, but still a joke.” “And you make me happy,” Royal murmured as he took her mouth in a searing kiss. As always, their passion skyrocketed. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, bending down to take a nipple into his mouth. She had her hand on him, stroking, making him swell, then she rubbed her thumb across the head of him. “Sit,” he moaned, easing her back onto the tiled ledge at one end of the shower. He knelt in front of her, brushing her wet hair back from her face, tracing the arch of her brow with his finger. God, he had fallen hard for this woman. “Meredith, I—” She put a finger to his lips. “Just fuck me, Doc.” Royal wasn’t about to deny either of them that pleasure. As she caressed his back and shoulders, he nuzzled her breasts, licking and sucking first one, then the other. The water beat against his back as he showered her with affection. Sliding his hands down her thighs, he pushed her knees apart, kissing a hot 233
Fall Fires Anthology trail down her stomach. He nipped her hip with his teeth, then soothed her with kisses. He separated her curls, sliding two fingers into her as he lowered his mouth to taste her. No matter how many times they made love, each time was a new experience. She grabbed his hair as he teased her clit and he could feel her muscles clutch his fingers. “More,” she whispered raggedly and he complied. Mert couldn’t stand lying still while Royal fingered her, so she slid her feet up his thighs and captured his cock between them. Every time she wiggled her feet, he groaned, which sent vibrations all the way through her. “I’m going to come,” she whimpered, arching her hips, pushing her mound against his mouth. “Let it happen.” He tongued her harder and she fell apart, her legs trembling as the sensations shot out in all directions. “Oh, God, I can’t stand it when you do that to me,” she moaned when she could finally breathe. She looked down between her legs to see Royal grinning. “I wanted you in me when I came.” “We can fix that,” Royal replied. “Turn around and bend over.” She did as he said, supporting herself on the ledge. She looked back over her shoulder and wiggled her ass at him. “Like this?” In answer, he bent over and bit her lightly on the butt cheek. As she watched, he positioned himself but did not penetrate her more than an inch. She tried to push back against him but his hands on her hips held her still. “Don’t tease,” she whined. “Don’t be in such a hurry,” he replied. He barely pushed into her only to retreat and do it again. He was thick and long and Mert wanted all of him. 234
Fall Fires Anthology “Do it, damn it!” Royal chuckled as he bent over her, sliding his hands around her ribs to cup her breasts. Just as he pinched her nipples, he thrust, filling her completely and she climaxed again, squeezing him, drawing him in deeper. He stilled his movements, letting her muscles work their magic. “Better?” He nuzzled her neck, listening to her pant his name over and over again, loving the feel of her hot sheath around him. He was in no hurry to end this interlude. He had found that each time he could make Meredith climax before he did, it took him higher and higher toward the crest of an orgasm without throwing him over. The pleasure became almost too intense at times, but it made his climax all the sweeter. And he knew for certain Meredith had no complaints. He pulled out of her, lifting her in his arms and turning so he could sit on the ledge with her on his lap. This time she reached down between them to caress him before lifting her hips and sliding down all the way, burying him deep. He gazed into her glittering green eyes. “How many do you want, sweetheart?” She wrapped her arms around his neck as she moved up, and then slowly back down, squeezing her muscles around him. She gave him a siren’s smile. “I’ll have to settle for three. We’re running out of hot water.” **** It was the day of their reception, and Mert hoped she passed inspection. She thought about her combat boots and army jacket, hidden in the bottom of the closet, and knew she would be more comfortable in those than the fancy dress and heels she would wear. She had been born to wealth and privilege, even if she hadn’t been living in it for the past seven years. Regardless, her stomach churned in nervous distress. 235
Fall Fires Anthology For Royal’s sake, she hoped she didn’t forget herself and screw up. She was beginning to care for him, nerd that he was. He was always so serious about his philosophy, but he loosened up fast when they screwed. With him, she forgot her past and lived only for the pleasure he gave her. A pleasure she needed now. “Hey, Doc,” she said, rolling to the side where he laid naked on her bed. She caressed his bare chest. “Hey, Mert,” he mimicked, using her nickname even though she knew he preferred to call her Meredith. “When we’re not around your aunt or anybody, can I say what I want?” He frowned at her; the hand that had idly been caressing her hip paused. “You can always say what you want. You should know that by now.” She leaned forward, licking his nipple and watching it pebble. She smiled. Her hand slid down his chest to his groin, where his cock was already stiff and throbbing. “Okay, then would you fuck me?” Laughing, he rolled over, pushing her to her back and settling between her legs. She raised her knees, planting her feet on the bed and pushing up against him. The ache in her grew. “Would you fuck me, please?” he corrected. **** Mert’s fingers dug into Royal’s arm. “Who are all these people?” she whispered, panicking at the sight of a huge crowd only two steps below her in the ballroom of the Ritz. Royal shrugged easily. “Mostly business associates.” “You’re a nerdy scholar,” she replied. “What kind of business?” He smiled, the sexy smile that always made Mert’s stomach flip. He bent to kiss her cheek. “Thanks for putting me in my place, as usual.” 236
Fall Fires Anthology “Seriously, Royal…” “I don’t physically manage any of the businesses that are part of Bradford Enterprises, but I am the majority stockholder and chairman of the board.” “Fu—” Mert caught herself just in time. She felt Royal tense. “Look out, here comes my aunt,” he said in a low tone. “Oh, lord,” Mert moaned. He covered her hand with his. “You’ll do fine.” “Royal, how nice to finally meet your bride,” the bleach blonde, perfectly made up woman practically purred. Mert hated her on sight. “Aunt Saundra, I’m delighted to introduce my wife, Meredith Bradford.” “How did you two meet?” His aunt started right in with the questions, deliberately ignoring Mert’s outstretched hand. “It was a small gathering,” Royal replied, giving Mert a wink. “With my first glimpse of Meredith, I fell at her feet.” Mert laughed, his satirical humor putting her at ease. Royal was playing his aunt and she didn’t even realize it. “Well, shall we get things moving?” Saundra said in a sickly sweet voice. The look she gave Mert as she raised a hand to the orchestra made her think the woman thought she would fall on her face the minute she moved. She slid a hand down the slinky midnight blue dress she wore and took a deep breath. She only hoped she didn’t prove the woman right. “Ladies and gentlemen,” a disembodied voice came over the loud speaker. “Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Royal Anthony Bradford.” The orchestra began and Royal guided her down the steps and onto the dance floor. His hand was warm on her bare back as he pulled her close and they began to dance. 237
Fall Fires Anthology “You mocked your aunt,” she scolded him. He shrugged. “She needed it. Don’t think she won’t cut you down if given the chance.” Mert put her head on his shoulder and they danced in companionable silence. She could stay like this forever, she thought, enjoying the security of his arms and the happiness in her heart. Too soon, applause erupted as the dance ended and wellwishers surrounded them. Mert nodded politely at the many introductions, knowing she’d never remember their names. In minutes, several people separated her and Royal, all pushing close until Mert thought she couldn’t breathe. “What the hell are you trying to pull?” A rough voice ground out as a hand grabbed her upper arm and squeezed painfully before jerking her around. Mert looked into the bloodshot eyes of her stepfather. “Let go.” She tried to step away, her stomach twisting agonizingly. John Butler took another gulp of drink. “If I’d known you’d sell yourself to the highest bidder, I would have bought you years ago.” Mert sucked in a breath at his insinuation. “Butler,” Royal’s voice came from behind her. “I see you’ve met—” His eyes blazed with fury when he saw John’s hand clamped around his wife’s arm. “What the hell? Get your hands off my wife!” “Royal.” Mert put a hand to his chest to calm him. A scene like this was just what his aunt wanted. Luckily, her stepfather released her, but it didn’t dim the murderous look Royal gave him. “Get the hell out of here,” Royal hissed at John before taking her hand to lead her in the opposite direction. She stumbled in her high heels trying to keep up with him. 238
Fall Fires Anthology “Royal, slow down. People are staring.” Her words finally penetrated and he paused, circling her shoulders as he said softly, “Sorry.” He didn’t speak again until they were out of the ballroom and in a small alcove. “How do you know John Butler?” Mert’s stomach sank. She really didn’t want to have this discussion. She knew now she loved Royal, and he would hate her when he found out. “Meredith?” “How do you?” she asked, instead of answering. “He’s president of one of the Bradford Enterprises companies.” Oh God, this was worse than she had imagined. Tears welled in her eyes and she was suddenly enveloped in warmth as Royal pulled her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “Sweetheart, tell me.” “He’s my stepfather,” she whispered, her shoulders tensing as she waited for his rejection. Instead of pushing her away, he pulled her closer. “I don’t understand. Your last name was Olson.” She sniffled. “He married my mother when I was four, but he never adopted me.” “Then why were you in such dire straits? Why hasn’t he taken care of you?” The anger was back in his voice. She buried her face against his chest, not wanting to see his reaction when she disclosed her secret. “He abused my mother. When she died, he turned his attentions on me.” “He raped you?” “No, just punched on me when he got drunk, which was often. Until I finally ran away.” He held her from him and when she wouldn’t look at him, he lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Meredith, this isn’t your fault.” 239
Fall Fires Anthology “I didn’t stop him!” she cried. “Honey, you were a child.” He wrapped her in his arms again, rocking her gently. “That bastard will never work in this town again.” “I’m sorry, Royal. If your aunt finds out, she’ll no doubt find a way to have our marriage annulled. I’m not exactly good wife material.” “Nonsense. You’re brave and resilient and you have more courage than I would ever have. I love you just the way you are.” “You—” Mert never got a chance to finish as his lips closed over hers in a kiss that was both tender and seductive. “Let’s go home.” As they stepped back into the ballroom, Mert had yet another shock as she caught sight of a man talking to Aunt Saundra. She tugged Royal to a stop. “Who’s that man speaking to your aunt?” Royal scanned the crowd. “That’s Saundra’s son, Paul. Why?” Mert knew him in a different venue but before she could say anything, Saundra came bearing down on them. “Royal, I just spoke with John Butler. Your wife has been living on the streets, for God’s sake.” She clutched a hand to her throat. “We’ll have something to say to the lawyers about this.” Mert thought she sounded more delighted than troubled. Royal started to speak but Mert put a hand on his arm. He loved her, and she wouldn’t let him lose his heritage to this woman. “Darling,” she spoke softly. “Would you get me some champagne while I visit with your aunt?” When he gave her a questioning look, she smiled and added, “Please?” His eyes lit at her reminder of their earlier grammar lesson. 240
Fall Fires Anthology The minute he was out of hearing, she turned to Saundra, her eyes narrowed and her voice low and menacing. “You will not threaten Royal. You see, I know your son and if you even think about doing anything that will hurt Royal or his life, I will turn Pauly in for drug trafficking.” The older woman gasped. “That’s a lie!” Mert slowly shook her head. “I know people. I finger them and they finger your son.” “That’s blackmail!” Mert smiled. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you come from the streets. You meet all kinds of filth and you learn the worst about most of them.” By the time Royal returned, his aunt was nowhere to be seen. He handed her a flute of champagne and saluted her with his glass. Mert let the rest of her past slide from her shoulders as she looked at her lover, her husband, and knew she had given away her heart. **** Mert wandered around Royal’s study while he attended to all the paperwork at the lawyers. It was his birthday and Mert wished she could think of something special to give him. After all, he had nailed her stepfather and given her back her life. How could she ever repay that? She glanced at the clutter of papers on his desk and absently began gathering them up. Over the past few weeks, she had become just slightly fond of that Andreas guy, as long as Royal explained what he was saying in words she could understand. She picked up a paper written in Royal’s dark scribble; notes he had made, no doubt. She started to put it on the stack when the words caught her eyes. Demetrios Andreas writes mostly on man’s preoccupation with material things and that man’s existence depends on the romance of wealth, or 241
Fall Fires Anthology perhaps the tragedy of it. For man seems disinclined to be satisfied with what he has, and is in eternal pursuit of that which he has not. There are no other records of Andreas’ writings, though they have been sought after to no avail for many years. From my research on Andreas, I have concluded that any man’s wealth comes not from what he possesses, but what he gives. For only in giving will he gain a hundredfold—no, a hundred thousand times, that which he has given. The paper drifted from Mert’s grasp as she realized she had the perfect gift for Royal. **** It was dark as Royal pulled into the drive at his house. The wind circled the drive and he looked up, wondering if it would snow tonight. “Good evening, Doctor.” George met him at the door as he always did. “Miss Meredith requests your presence in the conservatory.” “Thank you, George.” Royal wandered into his study, dropping his briefcase on a chair as he glanced toward the double doors of the conservatory. It was pitch black in there. Perhaps Meredith wasn’t… He heard a splash and smiled, thinking his entire house could burn down around their ears and she would be happy if only the pool were left. “Meredith?” he called her as he opened the doors. When she didn’t reply, he flipped the switch to the pool lights. A ripple spread across the water, glittering in the low glow of the light. As he stood transfixed, Meredith rose from the water and slowly climbed the steps from the pool. Her body shimmered as silvery drops of water ran down her pale, naked skin. She reached up and slicked back her hair, the movement 242
Fall Fires Anthology causing her breasts to lift, the nipples peaking. She walked toward him and Royal’s whole body shook, his erection straining and throbbing for attention. “Make love to me,” she whispered, her voice sultry. Royal realized he had finally found his philosophy of life in a black-haired, smiling water nymph. He scooped her up and carried her upstairs as fast as he could to put that philosophy into practice. **** They lay in bed, naked and sweating from making love, but Mert was ready to cry. Royal had his heritage and she knew it was time to leave. Though she had given herself freely to him and he had made love to her as achingly sweet as always, they had an agreement and about the only thing she had left to her name was her honor. She would never love another like she did him. “I heard some interesting news today,” he said as he rolled to his side facing her. He absently swirled a finger around her breasts and down her stomach. “It seems the police received a tip that my cousin has been dealing drugs.” “Oh.” Mert’s heart beat faster. His lips tilted in a slight smile. “Yeah. It seems that someone pointed a finger at someone else and…well, you probably know how that story goes.” He kissed her chin. “Thank you,” he whispered softly. “You didn’t need to put yourself in danger for me.” “I was afraid your aunt would contest everything.” Mert bit her lip. “After we go our separate ways, of course. Are you terribly mad that you retained your heritage but your name was besmirched?” He laughed. “Hell, no. Scum like that needs to be behind bars so our children can grow up safe.” She sucked in a breath. Was it possible? 243
Fall Fires Anthology Royal reached beneath his pillow and pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal the largest diamond Mert had ever seen. “Will you marry me, Meredith, for real?” “I’m already married.” She blurted out the first thing that came to mind. At his look of surprise, she added, just to make sure there were no misunderstandings. “A convenient sort of marriage, even if he is a rather nerdy philosopher.” “Fuck him!” Royal said with a frown, although his eyes glittered. She laughed out loud, pushing him to his back and straddling him. She kept her hands on his chest as she wiggled her butt against his erection. “He’s sorta proper, most times. I’m not sure he would like that.” Royal lifted her hips and slid into her and she groaned at the fullness. “Oh, he would like it alright. In fact, I’ll bet he’d like it right now.”
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Emma Wildes loves historical settings and long past customs. The author of thirteen novels and numerous short stories, she creates heroes who are the epitome of their times; gentlemen who are a little bit rougish and arrogant; balanced by women who are more independent and selfsufficient than tradition suggests…and sometimes, sparks do fly! Please visit her at www.emmawildes.com. Jamie Hill was born and raised in the Midwest, where she still lives with her husband and two sons. She has always loved to read, with romance and mysteries being particular favorites. She enjoys writing romantic suspense and short stories with erotic and paranormal elements. Her first story for Whiskey Creek Press Torrid was Far from Ordinary in the Summer Sizzlers Anthology. Visit Jamie's website at www.jamiehill.biz, and sign up for her monthly newsletter with contests and news about upcoming releases. C'ann Inman is an Oklahoma author who loves to spin wild and wicked stories for her readers. She realizes that romance can be found in many places and many ways. Her stories celebrate the sensuality of relationships. Her first short story, Naughty and Nice, is available in the Winter Wishes Anthology from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. Her second short story, Intervention, is available in the Spring Flings Anthology from Torrid April 2006. Her first full novel, What He Wants, is available now from WCP Torrid. School’s Out is available in the Summer Sizzlers
Anthology. And C’ann’s last seasonal short story, A Warmer Than Usual Autumn, is available in the Fall Fires Anthology October 2006. Sherrill Quinn grew up in Northeast Ohio, moved to Tennessee, back to Ohio, and finally ended up in Arizona. After putting twenty years into a career in Human Resources, she switched gears and started working on a second career: erotic romance author. Pumpkin Moon is her fifth release with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. You can read more about her at www.sherrillquinn.com. The voices in her head. They compel author Jenna Howard to do things like write. That’s probably the best alternative because the voices could be telling her to clean her condo. Because she is allergic to cleaning, she can most often be found sitting at her computer where she’s supposed to be writing but usually she’s surfing the net or rapidly pressing her email button. Living in the wilds of Calgary, Alberta, she’s not quite as lucky as her heroines, having no hunky guy to call her own. But considering the avalanche of books in her bedroom and the layer of dust coating everything but her iBook, that’s probably a good thing. Since this writer is a lonely creature and is a slave to the voices in her head that demand really good stories, great sex and maybe a weapon or two, she’s starved for human contact and will happily talk to anyone unfortunate enough to email her. Test the theory by visiting her website at www.jennahoward.com. Australian author Karen Mandeville writes a variety of genres including erotica, dark fantasy and paranormal romance. Five of her twenty-eight years were spent as a
journalist and she has eight contracts signed for releases in 2006. She made her debut with the release of her erotic short story in the Winter Wishes Anthology through Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. If you would like to know more about Karen, then head over to http://www.karenmandeville.com, where you can see when her next chat is, learn more about her writing and read interviews about her upcoming releases. She also has a newsletter to keep everyone updated, all you have to do is head over to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/karenmandeville and join up to receive your free copy of BeDevilled. Mary Ongjoco Chapman once dreamed of becoming a princess, prima ballerina, firefighter, police officer, Broadway actress and attorney—not necessarily in that order. But, being a voracious reader, what she really wanted to be was a romance novel heroine. And when that didn’t happen, she followed another dream: to be a singer. Having earned her degree in Vocal Performance, Mary still sings professionally during the concert season. Her workdays are spent at a regional investment firm, her evenings in various rehearsals and her weekends singing in concerts, directing her church choir or puttering about the house—unless there’s a good shoe sale. During her offdays, she can frequently be found hunched over her laptop, playing matchmaker for her latest characters and berating them when they refuse to listen to reason. Mary lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with husband Matt, daughter Maria and Sadie the Wonder Dog. And, by the way, she’d still love to be a romance novel heroine. Feel
free to write her in. www.marychapman.net.
Stay-at-home wife and mother Trinny Anthony has been addicted to romance since her early teens when she discovered her grandmother's romance novels. When not slaving away for ruthless preschoolers, she's busy typing on her keyboard and thinking up more stories. While Emma Sinclair would like to confess to settling before her computer to write everyday in her silk and lace while half-naked boy-toys bring her champagne and truffles, the truth is she writes in her jammies and has to get her own Diet Coke. You can keep up with Emma and her books at http://www.EmmaSinclair.com. Barbara Baldwin is one of the fortunate few who are in all four seasonal anthologies. Her favorite saying—Life’s too short to go through it in a bad mood—epitomizes her writing as she loves telling tales of happy-ever-after. She has written everything from poetry to grants but she loves writing super sexy stories for Whiskey Creek and has received 5 hearts and 5 Angels plus Recommended Reads on some of her WCPTorrid releases. Barb can be reached at
[email protected] or check out her website at www.authorsden.com/barbarajbaldwin.
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