Neurobiology VOLUME 8
Contributors To This Volume Denise Albe-Fessard Raymond A. Beck David Bowsher GL'nter G. Brune Leonide Goldstein Paul A. J. Janrsen James 1. McGaugh Lewis F. Petrinovich
Ch. Stumpf Lowell E. White, Jr.
Neurobioloav Edited by CARL C . PFEIFFER New jersey Psychiafric Institute Princefon, New Jersey
JOHN R. SMYTHIES Department of Psychological Medicine University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Associate Editors W. R. Adey
Sir John Eccles
C. Hebb
V. Amassian
E. V. Evarts
K. Killam
D. Bovet
H. J. Eysenck
S. M:rtens
Sir Russell Brain
G. W. Harris
0. Zangwill
J. M. R. Delgado
R. G. Heath
8 1965
New York and London
0 1965,
ACADEMIC PRESS INC. 111 Fifth A v e n u e , New York, New York 10003
United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS I N C . (LONDON) LTD Berkeley Squartb House, London W . l
F. Georgi
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CONTR IBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin.
DENISEALBE-FESSARD (35), Faculty of Science, Laboratoire de Ph ysiologie des Centres Nervezix, Paris, France
RAYMONDA. BECK(265), Section on Neurophurmacology, Bureau of Research i n Neurology and Psychiatry, N e w Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princeton, N e w Jersey
DAVD BOWSHEH (35), Department of Anatomy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, a i d Centre KEtudes de Physiologic Nerveusc, Uniuersity of Paris, Paris, France GUNTER G. BRUNE( 197), Neurologisclie Universitatsklinik und -Poliklinik, Hamburg, Gcrmany
LEON~DE GOLDSTEIN ( 265), Section on Neuropharmacology, Bureau of Research i n Neurology and Ps!ychimtry, N e w Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute, Princcton, N m . Jersey
PAUL,4.J. JANSSEN (221), J a n s . ~ mPhnrmaceiitica, Research Laboratorin, Reerse, Belgium L. MCGAUGH(139), Department of Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, California
LEWISF. PETRINOVICH ( 139), Department of Psychology, State University of Nero York, Stony Brook, Long Island, N e w York
CH. STUMPF( 77), Department of Pharmacology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, and lnstitute of Pharmacology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
LOWELLE. WHITE,JR. ( l ) ,Division of Neurosurgery, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington vii
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PREFACE Thc. major aim of this rcLvic.\v is t o provide a foriini in which the latest progress in the many inajor and diff erent sciences that make up neiirobiology can lie presentc,d for the edification not only of scientists working iii the sainr. science but also of thosc working in other disciplines. The usual order for the classificatiotr of knowlt,dge in medical science is iisccl in this volumc, iianiely a progression from anatomy and histology through chemistry and physiology to the clinical application of anatomical, physiolo~ical, pharmacological, and ps>.chological kno\vlcdge. This r t y ents thc orderly progression which will ultimately determine suc'<'(~ss in the general field of nemobiology when the total g o d is thcs Iiettcr imdcrstanding and treatment of all mental disordvrs. A s in the past, particular emphasis has been givcw to the rcccnt tlcvelopmcnt of basic concepts which are of fundamental importaim., and also to those which are likely to further our understanding of neuronal functions and mental diseases. In the past thv nciirobiological sciences have been most important in progress t o n w d t h c w ends. These reviews and summaries ordinarily are by invitation, with an annual deadline for receipt of niannscripts by October 1. The cditors, however, will be happy to review unsolicited manuscripts if subinittcd in complete or outline form.
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A Morphologic Concept of the Limbic Lobe LOWELL
1’. \VIIITE,
I. Introduction . . . . . . 11. Terminology . . . . . 111. l’hylogenetic Development . . . I\‘. Ontogenetic Developmcnt . . . \’. Descripti\.c Limbic Lobe AnatojlIy VI. Sumnary arid Conclusions . . References . . . . .
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1 3 9 14 19 28 30
The Anatomophysiological Basis of Somatosensory Discrimination DAVIDBOWSHER,with tlicb collaboration ot I ~ E N I S I ’ AI.UI’-~~ESS.WO
I. The Peripheral System
11. The First Central Synapse .
III. IV. 1‘. VI.
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The Lemniscal System . . . The Extralemniscal Reticular System The Trigeminal System . . . The Cerebral Representation of Pain References . . . . . .
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Drug Action on the Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus CH. STUMPF
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . 11. Electrical Activity of the llipp~ic~iiiipii~ 111. Pharmacological Shldies . . . . 1V. Conclusions and Summary . . . . Refercwces . . . . . . .
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77 78 92 128 132
111. Drug Influences on Learning and hlemor) IV. Discussion . . . . . . . References . . . . . . .
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157 188 191
Biogenic Amines in Mental Illness
GUNTEHG. BIKJNE I. Introduction . . . , . . . . , . . . 11. Metabolism of Biogenic Ainincs in Inborn Errors of Metabolism Associated with hlental Disorclcrs . . . . . . . 111. Metabolism of Biogenic Amines in Schizophrenia . . . . IV. hletabolism of Biogenic Aniines in Varioiis Clinical States ASSOciated with l’sycliotic Behavior , , . . . . . . V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . , , . . . . .
107 202 212 214 216
The Evolution of the Butyrophenones, Haloperidol and Trifluperidol, from Meperidine-Like 4-Phenylpiperidines 1’AUL
I. 11. 111. IV. V.
A. J.
Introduction . . . . , Chemistry and Screening . . Clinical Results . , . . Structure-Activity Considerations Ideas and Suggestions for Furtlwr References . . . . .
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221 222 250
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Amplitude Analysis of the Electroencephalogram (Review of the Information Obtained with the Integrative Method) LSONlDE ( ~ L D S T E I N APiD R A Y R I O N D
Introduction . . , . . . . . . . . . Methodological Basis for Amplitudv hlrnsureincnts . . . hleasureinents of Aiiiplitucles . . . . . . . . The Electronic Integrator . . . . . . . . . Analysis of tlic l-lcsting EEG , . . . . . . . Analysis of the Resting EEG in 13rain Disorders . . . . Analysis of Clianges Procliicetl by hlotlification of Physiological . . . . . . . . . . . Conditions . VIII. Analysis of Clinnge>, Produced b y CNS Stimulants and Airti, . . . . . . . . . depressant Drugs .
I. 11. 111. IV. V. VI. \711.
266 267 270 272 275 279
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IX. Analysis of Changes Produced b y Hallucinogenic Drugs , X. Analysis of Changes Produced by Antianxiety Drugs . , XI. Analysis of Changes Productrd by €I>piotic and Anesthetic Agents . . . . . , . . , M I . .4nalysis of Changes Produced by Antipsychotic hleclication XIII. Analysis of Drug Interactioiis in Ral)bits . . . . XIV. hliscrllaneous Drug and 1’l;~ccl)oEflt.ct\ . , . . X\i. Discussion Conclusions . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . Awrrro~INDEX
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By Lowell E White. Jr
Division of Neurosurgery. University of Washington School of Medicine. Seattle. Washington
I. Introduction . . . . . I1. Terminology A. Limbic Lobe vs . Rhinencephalon B. P a h m . . . . . C Hippocampus . . . . D . Fornicate Gyms . . . E . Telencephalon Medium . F. Longitudinal Fiber Tracts . I11. Phylogenetic Development . A . A Promammalian Hemisphere B. The Commissures . . . C. The Fornix . . . . D . The Insula . . . . . IV. Ontogenetic Development . . A . The Telencephalon . . . B . The Limbic Cortex . . . V . Descriptive Limbic Lobe Anatomy A . The Limbic Cortex . . . B . The Limbic Fasciculi . . C. The Limbic Projection Tracts . VI . Summary and Conclusions . . References . . . . .
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I Introduction
The surprising response of the chimpanzee “Becky” following the amputation of her frontal lobes (Jacobson. 1935; Walker. 1944; Fultoa. 1951) and the foresighted surgical therapy on the frontal lobe for psychiatric disease (Moniz. 1936; Freeman and Watts. 1950) opened a new era in the quest for knowledge concerning the behavior of man . These epic observations. when considered in the light of the provocative morphologic “emotional mechanism” postulated by Papez (1937). have led to an era of investigation centered around the vegetative activities of the limbic cortex of the brain . These observations have been formulated by many into 1
theories of “emotion” and control of visceral function, imparting to Broca’s grand limbic lobe a possible homeostatic function (Pool, 1954; MacLean, 1954; Pribram and Kruger, 1954). Although still shrouded in mystery, recent years have recorded the rebirth of the limbic lobe and an elevation of status approaching that of the basic five senses. In many circles it carries the connotation of “a limbic system.” To the anatomist this suggestion represents a play on words, disrupting an already confusing area of anatomy by many functional terms and amplifying the already cluttered and redundant nomenclature of this poorly differentiated cortex. To the physiologist it offers an area of speculation because of its relative anatomic simplicity and varied evoked responses. To the behavioral psychologist it represents a nonspecific area of basic function, injury to which produces various changes related to volume destroyed, but with little in the way of discrete localization, To the clinician it represents a new vista for the possible understanding of abnormal mental function in psychosomatic and psychiatric diseases. The description of the limbic lobe by Broca in 1878 stressed the circumferential nature of this part of the brain, emphasizing its location as a border for the cerebral hemisphere. He observed that this border was joined together ventrally by the olfactory portion of the hemispheres to which in 1837 Sir Richard Owen had referred, in relation to its major input, as a rhinencephalon. Rapidly the term rhinencephalon was amplified to include all the border lobe of the brain and was adopted by many authors, particularly those writing in the French language (Gardner, 1881; Elliot Smith, 191Ob). This use of the term was generally accepted by human anatomists above the objections of noted comparative anatomists of the day. Thus, anatomists brought to the present era a functional connotation to their nomenclature which has led to considerable objection on the part of recent investigators who have suggested such terms as “visceral brain” (Fool, 1954) and integrated ‘limbic system” ( MacLean, 1954). Does this represent an improvement or simply add to the confusion? Was Broca correct in looking upon this area as a border for the spherical hemisphere? Is this cortex rudimentary in nature or simply old? A careful look at and review of the known morphology of this area in the light of history and recent knowledge may help to clarify this problem and create a unified approach to the nomenclature employed.
The intent of this paper is not to be all inclusive but rather selective in the use of information in essay form. Information will be taken from three sources to arrive, in this author’s opinion, at a historically sound, ontogenetically descriptive and phylogenetically consistent morphologic concept compatible with present day usage and adaptable to all fields of neurobiologic endeavor. I I . Terminology
A. LIMBICLOBEvs. RHINENCEIWALON The purely descriptive term for this area (limbic lobe) of the brain cannot be credited to Broca, for the truly bordering nature of this portion of the brain was recognized by older anatomists. Thomas Willis as early as 1664 pictured this area of the brain and referred to it as the limbus. Later authors (e.g., Solly, 1848; Todd, 1839) although not stressing the Latin term considered its prominence as a primary convolution containing within it the major superior commissure of the hemisphere (the cingulum of later writing). The Latin word conzmissura means a joining together. Early anatomists used the term for any tract of fibers within the brain or spinal cord connecting two points, either ipsilateral or contralateral. Modern usage limits the term to fiber tracts joining right and left sides of the brain or spinal cord. The commonly applied term for the limbic lobe prior to the work of Broca was used by Foville (1844) (the circonvolution de l’ourlet) and later called the falciform lobe by Schwalbe (1881). Likewise, Broca cannot truly be given the dubious distinction of coining the term rhinencephalon. Apparently both St. Hilaire and Robin in the eighteenth century (Elliot Smith, 1901) used the term to describe uniocular monsters without reference to the brain -a term maintained in the first index volumes of the Army Medical Library of the United States. On independent grounds Sir Richard Owen applied the term between the years 1840 and 1868 to the olfactory bulb and peduncle, establishing a precedent for its use as a descriptive term for a given area of the brain (Owen, 1868; Huxley, 1894). With Broca’s careful comparative study of the cerebral convolutions in 1878 he likened this border area of the hemispheres to a tennis racket with the handle represented by the olfactory bulb and peduncle and the racket proper by the cortex circumscribing the medial border of the hemisphere (Fig. 1). He described this
area as a continuing band of cortex which he referred to again in Latin as limbic cortex and applied the term grand limbic lobe. He ascribed to this area a possible function-olfaction-but did not use the term rhinencephalon. But, the term having previously been used in relation to olfaction was rapidly adopted by others. Many noted anatomists objected to this, and in rebuttal Sir William Turner (1890) extended the original use of the term by his countryman, Sir Richard Owen, to include not only the olfactory bulb and peduncle but the cortex to which the olfactory tracts were felt
FIG.1. The crosshatched area represents a diagrammatic overlay of the limbic lobe on the medial surface of the human brain.
primarily to project ( olfactory tubercle, the anterior perforate area, and piriform lobe) and used the term rhinencephalon in contradistinction to the rest of the hemisphere which he referred to as pallium. Numerous anatomists of the day including such names as Wilhelm His, David Ferrier, G. P. Putnam, Heinrich Obensteiner, Alex Hill, and G. Elliot Smith objected to the use of the all-inclusive term, rhinencephalon, on comparative anatomic grounds. Furthermore, Wilhelm His in 1895 did not include this definition of the term in the Basel, Nomina Amtomica, but rather adopted the description of Sir William Turner which included only the cortex of the base of the brain. B. PALLIUM The term pallium was an embryologic term applied to the thin upper portion of the developing hemisphere by Reichert in 1859 in contradistinction to the development of the basal ganglia and their overlying cortex which he termed “stamlappen.” In 1901 Elliot
Smith, struck by the confusing use of the term rhinencephalon in one sense for the olfactory lobe of Turner and in the other for the limbic lobe of Broca, and strongly objecting to the structures included in the limbic lobe of Broca (Elliot Smith, 1896d), drew attention to the above concept of pallium by the embryologist and on phylogenetic grounds suggested that in the developed cerebral hemisphere three major subdivisions existed: the older cortex of the medial hemisphere exemplified by the hippocampus; the basal
FIG.2. A diagrammatic representation of the three major divisions of the cerebral cortex depicted on dorsal, medial, lateral, and coronal section views of the rat brain.
cortex associated with the major ganglia of the base; and the newer cortex encompassing the majority of the hemisphere. To the thin pallium he applied the term neopallium. Owing to translation difficulties old brain was considered as archipallium by others which Elliot Smith (1910a) disclaimed and objected to. Apparently to clarify this paleopallium was utilized to separate the cortex commonly thought of as olfactory in nature and associated with basal structures from the other two pallial divisions (Fig. 2). Not only was the application of terminology difficult during this era, but it was complicated by a lack of acceptance of phylogenetic concepts concerning the development of the medial hemisphere propounded by Owen ( 1837, 1868). These observations were important to the precepts of Darwin and well known to the populace of the day as well as to the learned Linnean Society, where heated discussions were apparently common on these mat-
ters among Owen, Flowers, and Huxley (Elliot Smith, 191Ob; Kingsley, 1863). These concepts were of basic importance to the understanding of brain development and their relation to human anatomy. The discussions centered around the morphology of the limbic lobe and particularly the hippocampus and the transverse commissures. Some insight into the strong feeling encountered between these naturalists was recorded by the clergyman Charles Kingsley and well summarized in many passages of his version of the old Greek story, “Water Babies” which he wrote to “my youngest son . . . and all other good little boys” in 1863. C. HIPPOCAMPUS
Aside from the over-all concepts of the origin and connections of the medial aspect of the cerebral hemispheres, descriptive anatomists had difficulty in not only setting uniform limits on the structures encompassed by morphologic terms but coined many original terms for previously documented structures. This practice was aptly described by Alex Hill in 1893: “Galen converted illustrations into cognomens for most of the bones, muscles and other parts of the body, but the anatomists of the 17th and 18th centuries, when writing of the parts of the brain, considered it as immaterial whether or not they used the same symbol or illustration as their predecessors . . . if a new illustration occurred to them . . . , by all means let posterity make use of it!” Thus, in 1893, Hill recorded seventeen commonly used synonyms for the hippocampus of Arantius first described in 1587 (and likewise called by him Bombyx). Tilney reviewed this multiplicity of terms in 1938 and again reiterated that the term hippocampus was adopted in Basel in 1895 as a part of the Nomina Anatomica and represents the most acceptable name, although it may be somewhat confusing on descriptive grounds (Lewis, 1923). D. FORNICATE GYRUS
The remaining cortical components of the limbic lobe do not carry as profound a history as those of the archipallium (Ecker, 1873). The gyri of early nomenclature were usually considered simply as primary or secondary convolutions or folds (Solly, 1848). Arnold (1851) who prepared his anatomical handbook in 1844 referred to the superior longitudinal commissure (cingulum) as a peripheral counterpart of Vesalius’ fornix, naming the overlying gyms
of the hemisphere the fornicate gyrus, extending from the subcallosal septal area to the subsplenial hippocampal area. This nomenclature was officially adopted in Basel as the proper name for the primary gyrus of the medial hemisphere eliminating the term convolution de l'ourlet of Foville (1844) and the callosal gyrus of Huxley (1864). The need for a further subdivision of the convolution was necessary. Although the term cingulum had been utilized before the work of Beevor (1891) (Ecker, 1873; Obersteiner and Hill, 1890; Edinger, 1891), thereafter the term cingulate gyrus was commonly used in textbooks, the fornicate gyrus being divided into two main components: (1) the cingulate gyrus related to the corpus callosum and ( 2 ) the hippocampal gyrus related to the hippocampus ( Elliot Smith, 1903b). The central continuation of the cingulate gyrus cephalad around the genu of the corpus callosum was referred to by Vicq dAzyr as the peduncle of the corpus callosum, and later the subcallosal gyms by Zuckerkandl (1887). The relationship of this later gyrus to the precommissural area was recognized by Huxley (1864) and referred to as the septal area which was continuous with the diagonal band of Broca. These two structures form the connecting link between the subcallosal portion of the gyrus fornicatus and the uncus portion of the hippocampal gyrus on the ventromedial surface of the hemisphere-creating the completed ring of the limbic lobe. The following subdivisions of the fornicate gyrus were thus adopted in Basel (His, 1895) as the basic anatomical subdivisions of the fornicate gyrus of Arnold: the subcallosal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, and hippocampal gyrus. E. TELENCEPHALON MEDIUM
In acallosal animals the concept of the central telencephalic segment or telencephalon medium ( telencephalon impar ) was accepted. Although this area is present in higher mammals it is much more obvious in lower forms. The relation of this area to the midline septum pellucidum was suggested by Huxley (1864) who first referred to its discrete nuclear area in mammals as the septal area. Other authors stressed in lower forms the relationship of this midline nuclear mass to the olfactory lobe and referred to this cerebral area as paraolfactory (Johnston, 1913). Others stressed its cephalad position in relation to the anterior neuropore and the lamina terminalis-the paraterminal body of Elliot Smith ( 1896b,c, 1910b). Recent studies by Andy and Stephan (1962, 1963) and Stephan
and Andy (1964) show that phylogenetic growth of the septal area occurs in keeping with the growth of the remainder of the related limbic lobe structures. These later observations indicate that this telencephalic element must functionally remain an important cerebral structure apparently not solely related to olfactory function.
F. LONGITUDINAL FIBERTRACTS The major connecting fibers between the hippocampus and the telencephalon medium were described and pictured by Vesalius in 1543 as the fornix, a name surviving undistorted to date. With this prominent name other tracts were named around the fornix, the original superior longitudinal commissure being referred to by Arnold (1851) as the fornix peripherus and only later as the cingulum. The projection of the various portions of the fornix excited extreme interest. In 1845 Arnold (Arnold, 1851; Elliot Smith, 1896e) in order to establish a distinction between the fornix peripherus and the true fornix of Vesalius referred to the latter as the fornix internus. In 1869 Stieda described fibers in the mouse on each side of the septum joining the fornix from the hippocampus as well as fibers from the cortex above the corpus callosum in which the fornix peripherus was located. In 1872 Fore1 called attention to the crossing psalterium fornix fibers which he described as connecting the two hippocampi and likewise the longitudinally running fornix fibers. He referred to these, respectively, as the fornix transversus and the fornix longus. In 1882 Ganser again described the longitudinal fibers of the septum perforating the corpus callosum from the fornicate gyrus, a fact previously noted by Meynert (1884) and Huguenin (1879), and referred to these fibers as the fornix longus. Von Koelliker in 1894 suggested the name fornix superior for these perforant fibers (of Ganser) to separate them from those fibers obviously emanating from the area of the hippocampus. Huxley (1864) had previously described the pre- and postcommissural nature of these longitudinal fornix fibers within the septal area and Elliot Smith (1898), upon reviewing the situation, divided the longitudinal fornix into a dorsal portion receiving the perforant system (the fornix superior) and a ventral portion receiving its fibers directly from the hippocampus and related structures. The other major projection system of the limbic lobe from telencephalon medium is well documented in lower forms (Ariens
Kappers et al., 1936) and has caused little historical concern-the medial forebrain bundle, Its importance as a major association bundle of the forebrain has recently been emphasized by Herrick (1948). Ill. Phylogenetic Development
The study of the comparative neuroanatomic makeup of the various phyla has added immensely to our knowledge of the development of the cerebral hemispheres. This is compared in numerous papers and summarized in the epic work of Sir Richard Owen ( 1868) and Ariens Kappers et al. (1936). A. A PROMAMMALIAN HEMISPHERE
The development of the vertebrate hemispheres from their r ~ d i mentary beginning in the Silurian era to the mammalian brain we know today was an orderly process. This differentiation was probably influenced greatly by the alterations in oxygen tension created by a terrestrial existence. The significance of these changes has been outlined by Herrick (1920), and the significance of the everted hemispheres of ganoid and teleost brains to this orderly evolution has been stressed by Holmgren (1922). The earliest portion of the developing cerebral vesicle is represented by the vertebrate olfactory bulb and the rudimentary development of the primitive hemispheric vesicle. The exact makeup of the promammalian hemisphere is not known for, as is true throughout the phyla, the need for change is depicted by extinction and survival only of the changed and fittest. Elliot Smith in 1910 proposed a diagram for a promammalian brain (Fig. 3) made up of two vesicles, their development centered about a paired central structure which he referred to as the paraterminal body (telencephalon medium). This area was previously referred to by Huxley (1864) as the septa1 area and by Zuckerkandl (1887) as the subcallosal gyrus, and later by Johnston (1913) as the paraolfactory area. The differentiation of the cephalad end of the neural tube allowed additional areas of integration for the neural tube (Herrick, 1920). This not only established the receptive areas for the two most powerful distance-receptive senses-sight and smell-but allowed the unimpeded growth of neural nets not specifically related to functional input and output, but rather “associational”
in nature. This theory largely propounded throughout the writings of Herrick (1926, 1948, 1956) has come to be, in morphologic circles, relatively uniform in its acceptance. The initial cerebral growth is largely represented by limbic lobe development (von Bonin and Bailey, 1961) and closely related to the deep ganglionic masses of the striatum that reach their peak prominence in birds.
In the primitive promammalian brain the neocortex is relegated to a very insignificant role in the lateral portion of the developing vesicle. Rostrally is located the paired septal area in the region of the terminal plate, dorsally and caudally the hippocampus, and ventrally the piriform cortex and the olfactory tubercle. Fiber association between the two hemispheres occurs within the area of the terminal plate with fibers passing through the primitive septal area. Originally the most prominent of these crossing fibers con-
nect the olfactory tubercles, the piriform pocampi, but as will be emphasized later, interconnecting fibers continue to traverse major distortion of the developing limbic callosum.
cortices, and the hipsubsequent neocortical this area leading to a cortex by the corpus
B. THECOMMISSUHES The fundamental plan of the vertebrate brain was the subject of much debate. The source of the major transverse commissures was first propounded in 1837 by Sir Richard Owen and later conclusively established by John Symington in 1892. This observation led to the appreciation of the significance of the corpus callosum as a higher mammalian structure absent in lower mammals such as marsupials and monotremes. The basic mammalian hemisphere largely represented by the limbic lobe is illustrated in the following drawing of the medial surface of a marsupial brain (Fig. 4). The relationship of the medial rim of tissue to the large foramen of Monro is evident. In this precallosal brain the limbic lobe forms the true boundary of the foramen of Monro and the neocortex is relegated to a lateral position maintaining the same relationship as in the hypothetical promammalian hemisphere ( Fig. 3 ) . The significance of these findings and the true limbic nature of the hippocampus, piriform cortex, and the septal area with its connecting lateral link, the diagonal band of Broca, were described and discussed by Elliot Smith in 1896 (Elliot Smith, 1896a,b,d,e). He in turn referred to this area as the true limbic lobe bordering the foramen of Monro and considered the fornicate gyrus as a further perilimbic neocortical development. Elliot Smith (189541, 1903a) laid the groundwork for our understanding of the phylogenetic development of the major cerebral commissures which led directly to the understanding of the somewhat dystrophic and distorted elements ( indusium griseum ) of the limbic lobe of higher mammals. In early callosal animals the corpus callosum is just forming rostra1 to the hippocampal commissure which becomes displaced from its usual position in relation to the anterior commissure. There is little distortion of the major bulk of the hippocampus although the portion immediately overlying the corpus callosum is dystrophic with a well-formed, subcallosal, hippocampal extension joining the septal area.
a Anterior Hippocampal commissure a commissure FIG.4. The medial surface of a marsupial cerebral hemisphere which illustrates the relationship of the anterior and hippocampal commissures, and the absence of the corpus callosum. Abbreviations: f, fornix; d, dentate fascia; h, hippocampus.
As the phylogenetic scale is ascended the corpus callosum increases in size, extending caudad and creating the dorsal flexure in the remaining dorsal hippocampus (Fig. 5). This latter configuration is illustrated by both rodents and carnivores. With the larger corpus callosum the overlying hippocampus becomes more dystrophic and takes on the typical appearance of the indusium griseum with its contained longitudinal hippocampus and dentate
k p l r callosurn
Hippocampol comrnissurs Anterior mmmissure
FIG.5. Diagram of the phylogenetic development of the corpus callosum. This is illustrated on the medial surface of a marsupial hemisphere (see Fig. 4 ) in order to demonstrate the progressive distortion of the older commissures of the lamina terminalis and the components of the hippocampal formation by the (A-D) progressive development of the corpus callosum.
fascia fiber system, the medial longitudinal striae (Elliot Smith, 1897). With further growth of the corpus callosum the dorsal flexure area becomes somewhat dystrophic and straightened, becoming the fascioIa cinerea and the gyrus fasciolaris of primate neuroanatomy. They represent the dorsal continuation of the dentate fascia and hippocampus extending retrosplenially to join the indusium.
C. THE FORNIX The prominent fornix projection system of the limbic lobe with the septum remains unchanged by the development of the major cerebral commissures within the septal area ( telencephalon medium). Therefore, in the primate the fornix projects from the hippocampus and extends beneath the corpus callosum where it is joined by callosal perforant fibers from the cortex above the corpus callosum. Rostrally the fornix continues to form the border of the foramen of Monro which it skirts to penetrate directly into the septal area. Those fibers that do not end in the septal area continue to the mammillary bodies and are joined by more fibers from the septal area and dorsal limbic centers (indusium griseum and probably other areas) which have followed a course around the genu of the corpus callosum rather than penetrating it (see Elliot Smith, 1896a,b,c,d, 1897, 1898, 191Ob).
D. THEINSULA During the development of the medial hemisphere, the di€Eerentiation of the neocortex is also taking place. With the overgrowth of the frontal and temporal lobe (Fig. 6) the cortex immediately lateral to the caudal extent of the olfactory tubercle and the middle third of the rhinal fissure is gradually covered by the frontal and temporal operculi. Thus, this lateral portion of the limbic lobe becomes buried deep within the Sylvian fissure-the insula (Elliot Smith, 1902). The anatomy of the human limbic lobe still maintains its orientation to the foramen of Monro, but becomes distorted from its earlier semisymmetrical orientation by the tremendous overgrowth of the neopallial portion of the cerebral hemispheres. This relative overgrowth of the neopallium is now well documented by the comparative studies of Stephan and Andy ( 1964).
FIG.6. The development of the insula lateral to the rhinal fissure at the point of the valleculum of Sylvius. A, The frontal lobe and B, the temporal lobe overgrows to form the operculi burying the insula in the Sylvian fissure.
IV. Ontogenetic Development
The early development of the human brain was clearly depicted by Hochstetter (1919) and little has been added to these gross concepts throughout the years. The major portion of the brain develops rostra1 to the notochord from that portion of the neural tube related to the prochordal plate (Kingsbury, 1922). In man the prosencephalon has made its appearance at 3.5-mm crown rump length and by 9 mm has differentiated into the diencephalon, two telencephalic vesicles and their connecting link, the telencephalon medium (Hamilton et al., 1947). It is through this initial process of differentiation of the prosencephalon that the basic anatomic configuration of the cerebral hemispheres is created. It has been suggested that damage to the prochordal plate area will lead to massive defects in the differentiation of the prosencephalon ( Mettler, 1947). Although not experimentally documented, the gross evaluation of several human arhinencephalic monsters suggests the way in which the early basic architecture of the telencephalon is created by a possible mid-line cell migration, inducing the telencephalon medium and olfactory bulbs (White and Alvord, 1964). These observations are in agreement with the observations of Hines ( 1922) that the initial cortical differentiation of the telencephalon is found within the limbic lobe, for in the arhinencephalic monsters the defect is primarily found to be a lack of development of the telencephalon medium ( Yakovlev, 1959).
qJ 3
3 B
FIG. 7 . Diagrammatic representation of the cmbryologic development of the telencephalon. The upper portion of the figure shows the rostral e n d at A of a 3.5-mm. CH human embryo a n d B of a 9.0-mm CR human embryo with a diagrainmntic cross section at the level of the hatchrd line shown to the right, dorsal up. The lower portion of the figiirc shows a diagrammatic dorsal view of the above embryos at A and B. Thc stippled area on A', A", and B shows the region of cell proliferation forming thy velum transversum in A' and progressively illustrates the hypothesized rostral migration of cells at A" to separate the telencephalon into two symmetrical halves at B.
Figure 7 shows diagrammatically this early differentiation of the prosencephalon. The telencephalon initially separates from the diencephalon by the development of the velum transversum (Burr, 1922). Hochstetter ( 1919) and others have pictured this initial evagination as singular, the separation into two lateral vesicles occurring by the Iater development of a mid-line fissure. How this comes about may be answered by the new7 concepts of embryonic cell migration as studied with tritiated thymidine ( Angevine, 1963,
FIG. 8. A, Photomicrograph to illustrate a stage in the early differentiation of the dentate fascia by a migration of sinall granule cells from the mantle layer of the extreme medial portion of the telmcephalon, forming inrdial to the hippocampal pyraniidal cells which have already migrated. a, High-power view of cut out area in A. Abbreviations: d.f., dentate fascia; hip, hippocampus; m.L, mantle layer; I.v., lateral ventricle (65-mm CR human embryo). 16
1964). These observations have shown that cells move in a systematic fashion from the mantle layer of the hippocampus, set up growth zones, and differentiate into the hippocampal pyramid cells and dentate fascia. The significance of such growth zones has been studied by numerous authors and carefully correlated with the formation of fissures signaling the development of new structures (Kallkn, 1951). Figure 8 demonstrates the cell proliferation of the mantle layer in a 65-mm human embryo migrating externally to form the dentate fascia as previously observed by Hines (1922) and documented with tritiated thymidine in the mouse ( Angevine, 1964). In Figure 7A’ and A” the possibility of a similar rostra1 cell migration from the velum transversum leading to the separation of the telencephalon into two halves is suggested-a hypothesis which may well be illustrated by nature’s experiments which lead to the absence or distortion of this normal telencephalic splitting in arhinencephalic monsters (White and Alvord, 1964; Alvord et al., 1963; Yakovlev, 1959; Dekaban, 1959). The fact that the olfactory bulbs and tracts do not form in these arhinencephalic monsters indicates that this division of the telencephalon may be necessary to induce the telencephalon medium and form a necessary precursor for the induction of the olfactory bulbs, The work of Kundrat (1882) and Yakovlev (1959) has shown that when this separation does not occur the foramen of Monro remains in the region of the velum transversum on the caudal surface of the cerebral hemisphere, and the elements of the limbic lobe develop around it. No mid-line sagittal fissure develops, and a normal telencephalon medium and olfactory lobe are nonexistent. The fact that the archipallium develops from that telencephalic structure created by the velum transversum further indicates that this cerebral tissue may be of earlier origin than the olfactory lobe (Alvord et al., 1963; White and Alvord, 1964). Some support is gained for this hypothesis by the documentation that hippocampus cerebral cortical differentiation is the first known in man (Hines, 1922). Likewise, this hypothesis does not seem to be contradicted from the developmental point of view and in some ways may gain support from it (see Ariens Kapl’ers et al., 1936). B. THELIMBICCORTEX
With the induction of the general framework of the telencephalon, differentiation of the limbic lobe can proceed. Development
FIG. 9. Low-power photomicrographs of horizontal sections of the developing prosencephalon of a 65-mm CR human embryo to illustrate the independent development of the anterior and hippocampal commissures at A and B, respectively, within the lamina terminalis of the telencephalon medium. Abbreviations: 111, third ventricle; f.M., foramen of Monro; hip, hippocampus; I.v., lateral ventricle; S, septa1 area.
of the hippocampal fissure signals in man and other primates the first attempt a t cortical maturation. Hines (1922) submitted this to study in a series of human embryos. She described the early development of the roof plate of the telencephalon medium into choroidal tissue and of the terminal plate into lamina terminalis and its associated septal area. The documentation of the hippocampal fissure a s the earliest fissure, and His’ (1904) primary fissure as related to the later development of the olfactory bulb, helped orient the gross embryologist to the significance of the early development of the archipallium and its relation to the development of the cerebral cortex (Tihey, 1938). Concomitant with the development of the cerebral hemispheres, the differentiation of the telencephalon medium takes place (Hamilton et al., 1947). The septal nuclei are formed in conjunction with the anterior commissure, the hippocampal commissure, and finally the corpus callosum (Fig. 9 ) . This is an orderly process and essentially follows the pattern discussed under the phylogenetic development of the commissures (Hewitt, 1962). Lack of development of the corpus callosum leads to gross distortion of the medial hemisphere (Magee and Olson, 1961) and the development of a large medial rostrocaudally oriented bundle of apparently callosal fibers originally described by Probst (1901) running in the depth of the medial archipallium. There is a rather restricted growth of the hemisphere between the frontal and temporal lobes lateral to the primitive rhinal fissure. This lateral limbic lobe tissue or insula is gradually covered by the opercula (Elliot Smith, 1902; Hochstetter, 1919; Hamilton et al., 1947) creating the great later4 fissure (Connolly, 1940). Concomitantly, the other areas of the limbic lobe are delineated by further cell proliferation and the formation of additional sulci. Subsequent changes are related to cortical maturation and the formation of the various corticoarchitectonic areas of the limbic lobe. V. Descriptive limbic lobe Anatomy
From the historical, phylogenetic, and otogenetic points of view the limbic lobe has one basic thing in common-its roots are in antiquity. Not only has it excited the musings and fancy of the early members in the field of morphology but mother nature has seen fit to develop this area as one of the first, and therefore, primary,
structures of the cerebrum. Furthermore, in man with a complex and far advanced cerebral cortex, portions of the limbic lobe are apparently the first to begin to differentiate. The developed human cerebrum with the commissures removed can readily be thought of as quite similar to a pair of blown-up waterwings-a hollow paired structure, the two halves joined together by an isthmus. The brain stem is held up by or in contact with this winged structure; the diencephalon resting on or in contact with the isthmus (telencephalon medium) and its central cavity freely communicating at the center of the isthmus through the foramen of Monro. A. THELIMBICCORTEX
The limbus or immediate medial border of each half of the bulbus telencephalon is that portion bounding the foramen of Monro. It includes one-half of the isthmus ( telencephalon medium), the indusium griseum, hippocampus, dentate fascia, and medial amygdaloid (Elliot Smith, 1896d). The direct relationship to the foramen of Monro is illustrated in the following diagram (Fig. 10). The arrangement, like a trunkated sphere, illustrates the laminar nature of the limbic lobe. The inner ring composed primarily of allocortex (Stephan, 1961) is immediately bounded by the transitional elements of the isocortex ( juxtallocortex and mesocortex) (von Bonin and Bailey, 1961). This division is both phylogenetically and ontogenetically sound. As can be noted from the colored drawings of von Bonin and Bailey (1961), the inner ring of cortex is more and more overgrown by the immense growth of the isocortex. This does not mean that the growth of this inner ring tissue is not significant, but rather that its rate of growth is less (Andy and Stephan, 1963). The relationship of the various components of the internal and external rings of tissue are readily appreciated in lower forms (Ariens Kappers et al., 1936; von Bonin and Bailey, 1961; Stephan, 1961), but not directly evident in the human. The obvious circular relationship of these areas of the medial hemisphere wcre well known to the German school ( Zuckerkandl, 1887, 1888) and recently reiterated in relation to the anterior thalamic to limbic projections by Yakovlev and others (Yakovlev et al., 1960; Locke et al., 1961; Angevine et al., 1962, 1964). The comparison of the cortical diagram of the limbic lobe in
Fig. 10 to man can be readily applied if one simply eliminates the commissures distorting the telencephalon medium and unfolds the Sylvian fissure. This simple maneuver immediately establishes the intimate relationship of the limbic lobe to the foramen of hdonro and again brings the insula, olfactory tubercle, and prepiriform cortex out of the depths of the fissure and onto the ventromedial surface of the hemisphere (Elliot Smith, 1896d, 1902). Similarly, a
FIG. 10. Circular diagram of tht, cortical components of the limbic lobe as they border the foramen of Xfonro.
casual evaluation of the orientation of the fiber tracts deep to this border tissue of the foramen of Monro establishes the same circular orientation (Fig. 11).Likewise, there is a circular projection ring of fibers for the allocortical ring and the juxtallocorticalmesocortical ring-the fornix-diagonal band fibers and the cingulum-unicate fasciculus, respectively. The course of the unicate
fasciculus traverses the medial segment of the insula, incorporating this cortex into the outer band of the limbic cortex. The cortex of the limbic lobe becomes more complex morphologically from the rim of the foramen of Monro peripherally, a point stressed by the majority of the pupils of corticoarchitectonics (Stephan, 1961; von Bonin and Bailey, 1961). Thus, this cortex
FIG.11. Circular diagram of the fiber tracts and projection systems within the limbic lobe. See Fig. 10 for names of cortical areas represented.
can be readily separated into definitive corticoarchitectonic areas. This is true for any portion of the limbic rim but vividly demonstrated by the hippocampus and the cortex related to it (Blackstad, 1956; White, 1960; Vaz Ferreira, 1951; Smith and White, 1964). Figure 12 illustrates the limbic cortex of the rat related to the hippocampus and referred to as the hippocampal formation (White, 1960; Smith and White, 1964). This cortex can readily be
parceled from medial to lateral by cytoarchitectonic ( Krieg, 1946), myeloarchitectonic ( Zunino, 1909), or fiberarchitectonic ( White, 1960) methods into the dentate fascia, hippocampus, subiculum, presubiculum, parasubiculum, and entorhinal areas. Similarly in
FIG. 12. Diagram of a horizontal section of the rat hippocampal formation to illustrate the medial to lateral orientation of the two rings of the limbic lobe in relation to the hippoc'iinpus, refer to Fig. 10. The cut out in the right lower corner has the lateral ventricle and hippocampal fissures opened at the arrows to illustrate further the medial to lateral orientation of the cortical mantle. Compare with the developing hippocampus in Fig. 8 and 9. Abbreviations: alv., alvcus; entor., entorhinal area; d.f ., dentate fascia; hip., hippocampus; I.v., lateral ventricle; parasubic., parasubiculum; presubic., presubiculum; subic., subiculum.
other areas of the limbus: e.g., the supracallosal gyri can be parceled into the indusium grisium and cingulate cortex; the periolfactory cortex into the diagonal band, olfactory tubercle, and insula; and the periamygdaloid area into the medial amygdaloid, cortical amygdaloid, and prepiriform cortex. This centrifugal differentiation yields progressively more complex cortex which is oriented from medial to lateral and diagrammatically represented in Fig. 10. B. THELIMBICFASCICULI
The interconnecting pathways between these circular components of progressively more complex rings of the limbic lobe have only been partially studied. The unicate fasciculus can be shown grossly to interconnect the medial frontal and temporal lobes traversing the depths of the Sylvian fissure. In the monkey, Nauta ( 1962, 1964) has demonstrated prefrontal and orbital projections
to the cortex of the rostromedial temporal lobe which he feels traverse the medial portion of the uncinate fasciculus. Similar observations have been recorded by Krieg ( 1954). Definitive studies in the rat (White, 1960), rabbit (Adey, 1951), cat (Smith and White, 19M), and monkey (Adey and Meyer, 1952; Glees et al., 1950) have illustrated caudally directed cingulum fibers associating the cingulate gyrus and medial prefrontal lobe and projecting into the hippocampal formation to end primarily in the presubiculum and parasubiculum. The phylogenetic importance of this frontohippocampal projection tract has recently been stressed. The parasubiculum which receives fibers primarily from the medial surface of the frontal lobe through the cingulum seems to increase in relative size upon ascending the phylogenetic scale from rat to cat, an observation consistent with the relative increase in the size of the frontal lobe between the rat and cat (Smith and White, 1964). The functional correlation of this phylogenetic observation will have to await further confirmation, but it does tend to indicate a possible physiologic correlation. Input from the remainder of the neocortex to the limbic lobe has been only partially studied morphologically. Neurophysiologic studies using the technique of physiologic neuronography with strychnine or spreading after discharge (Pribram et nl., 1950; Pribram and Kruger, 1954; MacLean, 1954) have shown major projections to perilimbic structures which may in turn project into the major limbic rim. Morphologically such pathways have been shown rostrally in relation to the anterior cingulate area (White et d.,1960; Nauta, 1964; DeVito and Smith, 1959; Krieg, 1954; Glees et al., 1950; Showers, 1959) and posteriorly to the perirhinal area just dorsolateral to the entorhinal area (White, 1960). Whether these will remain the sole source of direct neocortical input to the limbic cortex must await further investigation. Direct projections into the limbic lobe from the olfactory bulbs through the olfactory tracts have been known for a considerable period (Elliot Smith, 1895a; Ariens Kappers et al., 1936). These projections reach the olfactory tubercle, amygdaloid complex, and prepiriform cortex. Recent studies (Lohman, 1963; Lohman and Lammers, 1963; White, 1962) illustrate that this olfactory bulb projection appears to be confined to paleocortical structures, and, as previously thought from normal studies, the olfactory bulbs do
not send direct projections to the septal area (telencephalon medium). Information is extremely sparse concerning the projections to the insula. The work of Amassian (1951) on evoked potential representation of the viscera to the homolog of the insula in the cat suggests a direct input to the area, but conclusive morphologic information in this regard seems lacking. The perforant pathway of the corpus callosum has been well documented by early workers (Stieda, 1869; Forel, 1872; Ganser, 1882) and recently studied by Jacobsen (1963). These fibers run from the cingulate gyrus and indusium griseum to the fornix, forming the dorsal portion of the fornix (Elliot Smith, 1896d,e) (fornix superior of von Koelliker, 1894). Likewise, the perforant path of the hippocampus running from the entorhinal area was well known to the older anatomists (von Koelliker, 1894; Ramon y Cajal, 1955) and recently shown by Blackstad (1958) to be composed of projection fibers from the entorhinal area to the molecular layer (layer I ) of the hippocampus and dentate fascia. Connections between the prepiriform area and the amygdaloid region are readily demonstrated and have been studied recently in relation to olfactory bulb projections by Lohman ( 1963) and White ( 1962). Information is scanty concerning the possible interconnection between the insula and the diagonal band area, as well as possible connections between the orbitofrontal cortex and the septal area. However, the work of Nauta and Valenstein (1958) and Nauta (1962) suggests their presence. For this reason the latter two limbic ring interconnection paths of the limbic lobe are depicted by dotted lines in Fig. 11, further studies being necessary to firmly establish their presence.
c. THE LIMBICPROJECTION TRACTS The major projection tracts responsible for carrying information into and away from the limbic lobe are three in number: (1) the fornix, ( 2 ) the medial forebrain bundle in conjunction with the stria medullaris and terminalis, and ( 3) the anterior thalamocingulate projections. The diffuse direct cortical projections of the limbic cortex onto the brain stem (e.g., anterior cingulate projections of Ward, 1948, and entorhinal projections of Adey et al., 1957) and the secondary association fasciculi such as the mammillary peduncle, mammillo-
thalamic tract, and habenulopeduncular tract will not be included here. They are considered by the author to be secondary components of the limbic lobe which are either diffuse in nature or at least one synapse removed from the telencephalic limbic lobe. For this reason they are not considered as immediate primary projection tracts of the limbic lobe. Their significance to the network as a whole should not be neglected, but for purposes of this essay they will be mentioned only in passing (see Adey, 1959; Votaw, 1959; Nauta, 1962, 1964). Existing information seems to indicate that the major outflow system for the limbic cortex remains the fornix (Nauta, 1956; Valenstein and Nauta, 1959; Votaw, 1959; Guillery, 1956; Powell and Cowan, 1955; Daitz and Powell, 1954; Cragg and Hamlyn, 1957, 1959). This tract has long been known to conduct information from not only the hippocampus but other areas of the limbic portions of the brain through the callosal perforant fibers. Conversely, it also serves to conduct information between the septal area and the hippocampal formation ( McLardy, 1955a,b; Andersen et al., 1961a, b; Votaw, 1960; Votaw and Lauer, 1963). In conjunction with the anterior thalamic nuclei ( Guillery, 1956; Nauta, 1956) through Gudden’s hippocampothalamic bundle it interconnects the hippocampal areas with the cingulate gyrus (White et al., 1960). This major projection bundle of the limbic lobe can no longer be looked upon primarily as an efferent fiber tract for the hippocampus, but rather should be considered as an association fasciculus of the inner ring of the limbic lobe which interconnects various parts of this inner ring in conjunction with the diagonal band of Broca. Concomitantly, the fornix also serves to conduct efferent information out of both rings of the limbic lobe by way of the dorsal and ventral portions of the fornix (Elliot Smith, 1896d,e) to the anterior thalamus, septal area, hypothalamus, and brain stem. Anatomical studies show that as the fornix approaches the septal area it separates into two distinct bundles in relation to the anterior commissure-the pre- and postcommissural bundles of Huxley ( 1864). The precommissural portion ends primarily within the lateral septal nuclei (Cragg and Hamlyn, 1959, 1960; Daitz and Powell, 1954; Votaw, 1960; Votaw and Lauer, 1963) whereas the postcommissural bundle partially ends within the septal nuclei related to the anterior commissure and fornix, but is also joined by fibers within the septal area (telencephalon medium) which ac-
company it to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. Many of these fibers bypass the hypothalamus and join with the medial forebrain bundle to gain access to the brain stem (Guillery, 1956; Nauta, 1956; Valenstein and Nauta, 1959; Daitz and Powell, 1954). Within the septal area or telencephalon medium begins one of the oldest of the forebrain fiber tracts-the medial forebrain bundle. Through this system numerous short and long fibers project through the hypothalamus into the central core of the brain stem (Nauta, 1956, 1962; Powell, 1963). Likewise, within the telencephalon medium (septal area) is formed the major projection tracts to the epithalamus and striatum-the stria medullaris and stria terminalis. The stria medullaris projects directly into the habenular nuclei, some of its fibers bypassing this nucleus to flow directly into the brain stem (Brodal, 1947; Adey et nl., 1957). The stria terminalis interconnects the telencephalon medium with the amygdaloid portion of the striatum. It accompanies the tail of the caudate nucleus caudolaterally to the central nucleus of the amygdala (Nauta, 1962; Valverde, 1963). Although the stria terminalis maintains an association with the caudate nucleus throughout its course it tends to be nothing more than a counterpart of the fornix association system within the inner ring of the limbic lobe, connecting the septal area with the archistriatum. The thalamocortical connections to the limbic lobe are confined primarily to the anterior thalamus (Rose and Woolsey, 1948; Krieg, 1947), that portion of the thalamus which is in close, gross association with the telencephalon medium. The median nuclei project directly through the septal area to join the cingulum bundle (Nauta and Whitlock, 1954) probably ending diffusely within the fornicate gyrus as a whole (White, 1960). The more lateral anterior nuclei project into the anterior limb of the internal capsule (Krieg, 1947, 1954) to join the cingulum from laterally. Although the anterior nuclei are separated into three distinct nuclear groups in lower forms (Rose and Woolsey, 1948), they become less distinct entities in higher primates (Walker, 1938). Even though it appears that the area of the anterior thalamus is increasing relatively in size with the rest of the brain (Stephan and Andy, 1964), this amalgamation of anterior nuclei is in keeping with the overlapped projection of the various fused components of the nucleus in primates (Yakovlev et al., 1960; Locke et al., 1961; Angevine et al., 1962, 1964) as compared to lower forms where a definite anterior to posterior cingulate
orientation is documented (Rose and Woolsey, 1948). Similarly, in lower forms the lateral dorsal nucleus of the thalamus is commonly associated with the parietal lobe (Lashley, 1941). However, in higher forms its close association with the anterior dorsal portion of the thalamus is obvious as it projects primarily to the retrosplenial portion of the cingulate gyrus (Yakovlev et al., 1960; Locke et al., 1961; Angevine et al., 1962,1964). Again, this seems to represent an apparent phylogenetic differentiation which is leading to a clarification of specific morphologic orientation. Numerous normal and experimental studies have been conducted on the intimate connections of the fiber projections of the fornix, medial forebrain bundle, striae, and thalamic projections to which the reader is referred for additional details. These are summarized within the works of Ariens Kappers et al. (1936) and Crosby et al. (1962). They are not considered within the confines of this discussion which is directed toward establishing a basic concept upon which such specific details can be woven. Similarly, the intimate details of the laminar degeneration patterns, histochemical studies, and submicroscopic observations have been neglected (see Bargman and Schadi., 1963). Likewise, no attempt has been made to consider interrelations of fiber tracts that are not of a first-order nature within the limbic lobe. VI. Summary and Conclusions
I have taken many liberties with the existing literature and adopted the rules of essay form in order to present as a reviewer a personal opinion of a morphologic concept of the limbic lobe. From a historical point of view the reader is at present caught up in a morass of terminology, which has led to an almost individual approach to the terminology of that portion of the brain now referred to as the rhinencephalon. There is no better illustration of this individualism than in the text of the general discussion on the meaning of the term “rhinencephalon” held as a part of the 3rd International Meeting of Neurobiologists in Keil, Germany, in September 1962 ( Bargman and Schadi., 1963). The concept presented here is based upon a brief historic review of the source of the existing nomenclature adapted to the present concepts of the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of the human telencephalon. It seems obvious that in the writings of the French school as exemplified by Broca, the German school as ex-
FIG.1:3. A suiiiiir;iry tliajiraiii ot t I i ( . i i i a i o l - fil>er tracts o l thc limbic lobr tlc~pictctl on a tlistortcd tircdi;il I i r i i i i a i i l i ( ~ n i i ~ p l ~ eOriciit r t ~ . with Fig. 1. T l ~ c <,xtreiiicl nictlial surface of the tc-tiil)or:d lolx, is liiddrri troiii view b y tlw hrain s t r m covering thc teriiiinatioti ZOIII'S (11 tlie stria of I,aiiciai, lornix, and cingduni. Abbreviation: C.C., corpii\ c~nllosriin.
miplifietl by Zuckerkandl, tlrr Knglisli school a s exemplified by Elliot Smith, and the American school as exemplified by Yakovleir tliiit tlic impression of tlie 1inil)ic 101) a simple border around thc foramen of AIonro is not a nrw7 onc. \Vhy then should we not continue to employ this simple coticc~ptoE a limbus first utilized i n all its simplicity by Willis in 1603? Or, should we continue to confuse the issiie b y utilizing a term that exmiplifies function wliere over-all function is not kno\x711? At prcwnt i t s w i m that 011 this point agreement is in the minority. It is t h e 110pc~of the author that the concept presented liere supports the forincr (picstion. Rcfcrcnce to Figs. 1 and 13 tliafir"rnni"tical1y summarizes the area of the limbic lobe and i t s principal connections discussed in
this review. No attempt is made to include the secondary projection tracts of the limbic lobe although they are partially diagrammed in Fig. 13 for completeness. It is concluded that the limbic lobe is formed by the medial border of the telencephalon and incorporates its early precursors, the archipallium and telencephalon medium, in its inner ring. The outer ring is formed by the further differentiation of the cerebral tissue bordering this inner ring-paleopallium ventrally and neopallium dorsolaterally. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This work was supported in part by grant number NB-2896 U. S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. I wish to thank Dr. Med. Theodore Blackstad and Professor Dr. Med. Jan Jansen of the Anatomical Institute, Oslo, Norway and Dr. Arthur A. Ward, Jr., and Mr. Randall Smith of the University of Washington for their inspiration and advice during the gathering of this material. To Mrs. Phyllis Wood for preparing the illustrations and Mrs. Loanna Andersson for typing the manuscript I am indeed grateful.
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THE ANATOMOPHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF SOMATOSENSORY DISCRIMINATION By David Bowsher, with the collaboration of Denise Albe-Fessard Deportment of Anatomy, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, England, and Centre d’Etudes de Physiologie Nerveuse, University of Paris, Paris, Fronce
I. The Peripheral System . . . . . . 11. The First Central Synapse . . . . . 111. The Lemniscal Systerii . . . . . . A. The Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus System B. The Spinal Lemniscus: Neospinothalamic and Thalamic Systems . . . . . . IV. The Extraleinniscal Reticular System . . . V. The Trigeiiiinal System . . . . . VI. The Cerebral Representation of Pain . . . Referenccs . . . . . . . .
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“If we refuse to admit that discrimination is in some way based on different anatomical constituents differently located in the brain, we may :IS wrll give up altogether.”
R. Granit. 1955
A review of somatosensory neural mechanisms cannot hope to cover in its entirety the immense literature on the subject which has grown up in the last two decades; and in view of the recent publication of the Neurophysiology section of the “Handbook of Physiology,” it would be invidious to attempt to do so. Especially when the writers themselves are actively involved in research on these systems, and, therefore, d e parti pris, they cannot be expected to give equal weight to all views on the subject. Rather, such a review must b e both selective and synthetic, and aim to present a particular view which seems to the authors to be, at the time of writing, the most reasonable analysis of the known facts. Before launching on such an analysis, it would be well to mention briefly some of the limitations of current methodology. Whether data have been collected by anatomical or physiological 35
techniques, they have certain interrelated limitations, of which the gravest are : 1. The electron microscope has revealed, both peripherally and centrally, a very much larger number of neural elements (fibers or fibrils ) than can be demonstrated by conventional anatomical, or registered by electrophysiological, techniques. It would be reasonable to assume that nervous functions are subserved by these structures, but at present there is no indication as to what they may be. 2. It is obvious that even the most refined neuroanatomical techniques currently in use fail to demonstrate all of those synaptic endings which, even if properly impregnated, are large enough to be seen by the light microscope, whether degenerated or normal (e.g., Gibson et al., 1955; Gray and Guillery, 1961). Particularly, therefore, when assessing the results of experimental degeneration studies in terms of their possible physiological significance, care must be taken in interpretation. Van Crevel (1958) and Russell and DeMeyer (1961) have drawn attention to the importance of the time-course of axon degeneration. In addition we should consider the possibility of chemical differences as between various types of synaptic ending being a cause of differential impregnability. 3. Peripheral C-fiber activity has been recorded by Zotterman (1939), Iggo (1959, 1962), Douglas and Ritchie ( 1957, 1959), and others; and Collins and Randt (1958) have been able to record some central effects of C-fiber activity. But this latter is known to exist in far greater profusion than has so far been satisfactorily registered, and its successful analysis urgently awaits further methodological advances. 4. Electrophysiological recordings, although constant and valuable, are in essence only symbolic. They are an outward and electrical sign of an inward and neural event. Recent work is beginning to uncover the nature of neural events [see Hodgkin (1964)], but this does not mean that there may not be important occurrences which are not electrically transduced by conventional recording methods. For example slow dc potentials have recently been recorded, whose significance is not yet fully understood (see O’Leary and Goldring, 1964).
In sum, because various anatomicophysiological data can be crossed-checked, it may justifiably be held that the evidence that
we possess is substantially correct; but it is becoming obvious that this evidence is incomplete, and that current methodology is not equipped to collect all the relevant information. Any hypothesis, therefore, that can be put forward at present cannot hope to be more than a partial explanation of the mechanisms under review. I. The Peripheral System
The welter of literature and the clamor of controversy in recent years rule out the possibility of covering, let alone doing justice to, the whole field in an article of this nature. As has been pointed out by more tlian one harassed chairman of a symposium, the apparently opposing views of various workers are not, in fact, completely irreconcilable. The mere fact that such heated academic arguments have occurred tends to suggest that the conceptual frame of reference within which the data have been interpreted should perhaps be re-examined. Before attempting to do this, some salient anatomical points should be recalled. 1. Anatomically, two plexuses can be seen in the skin. One is composed of thick myelinated fibers, the other of fine nonmedullated (in the classic sense) fibers. Thick fibers are always accompanied by thin fibers, but there exist other thin fibers which ramify freely, not in association with thick fibers; in other words, there are, as in the peripheral nerve bundle, more nonmyelinated than myelinated fibers. 2. All hair follicles are innervated by at least one medullated fiber. Other myelinated fibers frequently terminate in association with a nonnervous ectodermill structure (for example, see Cauna, 1959), of which structurally the most constant is the pacinian corpuscle. 3. The nonmyelinated fibers may perhaps end freely, or in association with follicular or other nonneural capsules. 4. The cutaneous ramifications of any given axon are of the same order of caliber as one another. The quarrel has been as to what modalities are subserved by what cutaneous fibers. This further involves the question of what sensations can be felt in the skin, although, as will be seen in this article, it may be that the attempt to correlate objective (extraneous ) physiological function with subjective psychological perception lies at the root of one of the major difficulties in this field, It is possible to apply objectively measurable mechanical and thermal
stimuli ( corresponding subjectively to touch, pressure, heat, and cold) to the skin. Years of careful physiological analyses have shown that within the A (medullated) group, there are fibers that respond specifically either ( a ) to one of these forms of energy, or ( b ) to one form at low threshold, and to another at a higher threshold (Maruhashi et al., 1952; Hunt and McIntyre, 1960a). The first recordings from peripheral C ( nonmyelinated ) fibers ( Zotterman, 1939) suggested that they were responsive only to noxious stimuli. Douglas and Ritchie (1957) and Iggo (1959) have now shown that, in fact, there are C fibers specifically responsive to different forms of external energy, and that, indeed, as in the A group, the majority of them are mechanoreceptors (Iggo, 1960). It is of importance, as will appear later, to note that physiological specificity of cutaneous afferent fibers has been demonstrated not only in mammals, but also in amphibia (Maruhashi et al., 1952). Lele d al. (1958) have shown that nerves in the skin of Amphioxus, which have only fine-caliber endings, as in human cornea, can respond separately to mechanical, thermal, and tissue-damaging stimuli. The recent researches of Weddell and his collaborators (Weddell et al., 1954) have suggested that there is little, if any, correlation between the histology of cutaneous nerve terminal structures and their physiological specificity. Thus, for example, Lele a r d Weddell (1956) demonstrated that the human cornea, which contains only bare nerve endings, is sensitive to all sensory modalities that can be recognized. Recent work by Iggo (1963a, 1964) has shown that cutaneous nerve terminals are associated with an organized epidermal or dermal structure. Specifity is conferred on the nerve by the nonnervous structure, which must, therefore, be considered as a specific transducer or at least as responsible for the specific sensitivity of the nerve (Iggo, 1963b). In addition to touch, pressure, heat, and cold, the fifth classical modality of cutaneous sensation is pain. Although probably resulting from damage of the skin, pain as such cannot be correlated with forms of external energy as can the other cutaneous sensory modalities; its existence is purely subjective. A valid differentiation can be made between pricking pain and diffuse pain. In brief, pricking pain is well-localized, travels rapidly to consciousness, and does not outlast the provoking stimulus. Diffuse pain takes some time to reach consciousness, is poorly localized (particularly in the absence of concomitant tactile stimuli), and almost always con-
siderably outlasts the provoking stimulus. Pricking sensation is normally absent in the buccal mucous membrane on the inner surface of the human cheek-a phenomenon which is put to good use by fakirs; a pinpoint pressed against the cheek from inside the mouth evokes a sensation of pressure, but not of pricking. On the other hand, this region is certainly capable of giving rise to the sensation of diffuse pain. This peripheral dissociation is said to be correlated with an absence of thin fibers in this region of the buccal mucous membrane (Arthur and Shelley, 1959); whatever may prove to be the case, it must have an anatomophysiological basis and this deserves investigation. It appears that the peripheral fibers that conduct impulses generated by painful stimuli lie not only in the C spectrum, but also in the smaller myelinated group. Thus, in the cat, Hunt and McIntyre ( 1 9 6 0 ~ )found a small number of fibers in the AS group which responded only to noxious stimuli; and Collins et al. (1960), stimulating the exposed sum1 nerve of man (11 cases), were able to evoke pain at the AS threshold. These important findings, taken together with those of Iggo, imply that in both myelinated and nonmyelinated peripheral cutaneous afferent nerves, there are fibers which (individually) are sensitive to each component of the whole range of cutaneous sensory modalities which introspective man is able to perceive. It seems to have been too often taken for granted (except by Bishop, 1959 and 1960) that if a peripheral nerve fiber is found experimentally to be fired by a particular form of energy, then natural firing of this fiber will always evoke a sensation in consciousness, provided that the impulses are not blocked a t some central synapse (descending inhibition, see Hagbarth, 1960). There is no reason why this should be so; indeed, the evidence of comparative anatomy and physiology militates against such a concept; many purely reflex reactions to specific peripheral stimulation are known. Specificity can also be lost centrally because of convergence of peripheral afferents on common central neurons. It is revealed by the well-known fact that the number of dorsal root fibers entering a segment of the spinal cord is greater than the number of secondary fibers ascending from the same segment. In phylogenetic evolution, the development of the peripheral sensory apparatus seems to be in advance of the specificity of the central systems; in this connection may be quoted the following important passage
from the masterly essay of Herrick (1948) on the brain of the tiger salamander: “The several functional systems of peripheral nerve fibers enter the brain in fascicles of the nerve roots, which are physiologically as specific as those of mammals; but at the first synapse this specificity may almost completely disappear, in so far as it has visible structural expression. The root fibers of all sensory systems (except, perhaps, the olfactory) terminate by wide arborizations in a few common fields of neuropil, in each of which several of these systems are inextricably mingled. This neuropil is a common synaptic pool for all entering systems.” There are strong grounds, therefore, for making a distinction between cutaneous afferent and sensory fibers. As all peripheral afferent fibers, in both A and C spectra, show a greater or lesser degree of specificity in their response to external stimuli, the distinction must be made in terms of central connections. II. The First Central Synapse
The ability of an organism to distinguish between the varieties of sensory information arriving centrally along specifically activated peripheral afferent fibers must depend on the number and synaptic arrangements of second-order neurons within its central nervous system. The salamander (whose brain, according to Herrick, can be roughly considered equivalent in some aspects to that of &week human embryo) has such a small number of central neurons that, because of convergence, “the physiological specificity of the root fibers is largely, though not entirely, obliterated at the first synapse” ( Herrick, 1948). As, in the course of phylogenesis, greater numbers of central neurons develop, central sorting-out of afferent information becomes possible; and it is this which is known as sensory discrimination. It depends, in the first instance, only on an increase in the number and complexity of synaptic arrangement in second-order, and not higher-order, neurons though, in fact, the two develop pari passu; it also depends on the unrelated fact that there is an increase in the complexity of central synaptic arrangements. Because they are easier to study, both anatomically and physiologically, more recently developed specific systems have been to date the most intensively investigated. In terms of somatic afferent
systems, these are the dorsal column-medial lemniscus systems. At the upper end of the evolutionary scale, they exhibit marked modality (or submodality ), specificity, and synaptic security (see references below). Both the dorsal columns (Torvik, 1956) and the medial lemniscus (Bowsher, 1958, 1961b; Valverde, 1961a) of mammals have collateral connections, but very few as will be seen below. This in itself is a sign of an advanced system in evolutionary development, for, according to Herrick ( 1948): “Collateral connections are more numerous and more dispersed in lower forms than in higher.” Although, of course, it is a sine qua non of neurophysiology that no synapse exists merely to transmit messages unchanged, it appears that the lemniscal systems approximate more closely in their organization, with modifications, to the now-despised theoretical telephone exchange than do less highly evolved systems. Indeed, since the parallel was first drawn, there have been important developments in the design of telephone exchanges, including selective amplification to increase signal-to-noise ratio ( synaptic security), and afferent inhibition on shared lines, which go some way to improve the analogy. It is only in the more primitive neuron systems, still persisting in the highest forms, that this analogy is untenable ( see Fessard, 1961) . The dorsal root entry zone remains one of the most baffling links in the afferent chain. Its functional importance cannot be overemphasized, for until we understand the transformations that occur at this level we cannot hope to interpret the modulations that take place at the higher levels. It is perhaps only within the last 5 years that the first glimmering of comprehension has become evident. Herrick (1948) has pointed out that a neuron system which evolves new connections retains its primitive ones; and that the new connection often involves a long (true) collateral axon, whereas the original connection becomes the “short collateral” whose function has been far too frequently overlooked. Thus it is that the long dorsal column fiber is in reality a collateral, which has recently been shown physiologically ( Mallart and Petit, 1963), to possess a “short collateral” connection to dorsal horn cells, as stated by Cajal ( 1909 ) and Wall ( 1961) , who by antidromic stimulation in the dorsal part of the dorsal column was able to activate cells in the dorsal horn of the spinal gray matter; and was able to
show that these cells are also orthodromically activated by small primary afferent fibers which do not reach the dorsal columns. It has been stated (Ranson, 1912; Ingvar, 1927) and axiomatically accepted by the textbooks, that the dorsal root enters the spinal cord in two divisions. The medial of these is said to contain only large fibers, whereas the lateral contains both large and (all the) small fibers. However, the examples cited in the preceeding paragraph show that, even if this segregation exists, the possibility of interaction is present at the segmental level of entry. The first central synapse of myelinated fibers is, therefore, at the “common carrier cells” (Wall) of the dorsal gray horn as well as in the dorsal column nuclei. These cells lie in lamina IV of Rexed (1952), and receive primary afferent fibers of all diameters arranged in microbundles. Long collaterals of the larger of these fibers pass up to establish further primary synaptic connections with the cells of the dorsal column nuclei. Thus the anatomical differences between these two first-order central neurons lie only in the fiber diameter spectrum of their primary afferents. Whether this alone accounts for their vast functional differences cannot be adequately discussed here; but it lends powerful support to Bishop’s (1959) concept of modality segregation according to fiber diameter. Whether they are the only two types of first-order secondary neurons acted upon by myelinated primary afferents is as yet unsettled; probably they are not, for further first-order central neurons seem to be called for to explain the results of analysis of cutaneous input at higher levels. Arising from first-order central neurons, we may recognize two ascending systems with very different properties. Spivy and Metcalf ( 1959) differentially stimulated the lateral and medial divisions of the posterior root. Stimulation of the lateral division evoked activity in the ventromedial reticular tegmentum of the midbrain and caused a rise in blood pressure, whereas the medial division alone was shown to activate the ventrobasal thalamus only. These two central systems for us are the extralemniscal and lemniscal, respectively. The lemniscal systems of mammals, caudal to the trigeminal nuclei, consist of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system, the neospinothalamic fibers (Mehler, 1957), and the older counterpart of the latter, the spinocervicothalamic system of Morin ( 1955). The quantitative importance in the lemniscal system of the two latter seem to vary in inverse proportion to one
another, while both the former are phylogetically recent (see Clezy et al., 1961) and have a partially overlapping thalamic distribution ( Bowsher, 1961b). The extralemniscal systems of mammals, it is submitted, represent the “common fields of neuropil” of lower forms. Their longest fibers are the paleospinothalamic ( Rlehler, 1957), which are distributed to noncortically dependent thalamic nuclei ( Mehler et al., 1956, 1960; Bowsher, 1957a, 1961b; Whitlock and Perl, 1961) and, perhaps, correspond to the nucleus (multi) sensitivus of the amphibian thalamus. The shortest such axons are spino-spinal, and even in man they probably constitute the majority of extralemniscal fibers (see Nathan and Smith, 1959). The cells of origin and termination of these fibers belong to the undifferentiated “common field of neuropil” or “common synaptic pool” of Herrick ( 1948), which according to most observers constitute some 50%of the neurons in the spinal gray matter of mammals (e.g., Aitken and Bridger, 1961). This central gray core of the spinal cord is continued rostrally as the reticular formation of the brain stem (see Bowsher, 1961a). The longer spino-spinal fibers, by semantic dint of crossing the spinoinedullary junction, Ixcome spinoreticular. Such fibers, first described in man by Collier and Buzzard (1903), constitute the vast majority of noncerebellopetal long ascending axons in the human spinal cord (Verhaart and Sie, 1957) ; in lower animals their relative numbers are probably even greater. Within the medial bulbar reticular formation, they terminate in relatively discrete regions in both cat (Rossi and Hrodal, 1957) and man (Bowsher, 1962); thence further projections carry impulses to diencephalic cell groups related to those in ~ h i c hdirect paleospinothalamic fibers terminate (Nauta and Kuypers, 1958; Albe-Fessard et al., 1962; Bowsher et al., 1962). It is our thesis, then, that two systems, largely independent of one another between a level above the first synapse and the cortex, are represented in the spinal nerves and their central connections. One of these, the lemniscal, is of recent phylogenetic origin, and signals modality-discriminated information to higher centers. The other, the extralemniscal system, relays through the central reticular core of the neuraxis, which is the modern mammalian remnant of the functionally undifferentiated central nervous system of ancestral vertebrates. Although the extralemniscal reticular system of mammals, as of lower forms, is activated by modality-specific peripheral
impulses, centrally it forms the afferent side of Coghill’s “total action pattern” system. In other words, whereas the lemniscal system is a true sensory system, the extralemniscal reticular system is an afferent system, not necessarily mediating conscious sensation. In the following pages, it is proposed to examine this hypothesis in greater detail, treating these two systems separately, and devoting a third section to the trigeminal system, which shows special features. Ill. The Lemniscall System
The primary afferents of this system show a good degree of submodality specificity, although slowly adapting, tactile receptors have been shown to have a base-line or background activity dependent on skin temperature (Hunt and McIntyre, 1960b; Iggo, 1963a). Pacinian corpuscles [pressure or vibration ( McIntyre, 1962) receptors] have been shown to be pure and to possess a “private line” to the spinal cord (Cauna and Mannan, 1961). The evidence suggests that the highly evolved mechanoreceptors of the A fiber group (including afferents from joint capsules, tendons, and muscle membranes-Hunt and McIntyre, 196Oa) have their information handled in an exclusive manner centrally by the most highly developed lemniscal system, that of the dorsal columns and medial lemniscus. The neospinothalamic lemniscal system and perhaps the spino-cervico-thalamic pathway additionally signal thermal and pinprick information, whose primary aff erents are found in the smaller myelinated fibers of the A group (Hunt and McIntyre, 1960c; Iggo, 1963a). There are some physiological as well as anatomical differences in the organization of the lemniscal pathways (Fig. 1), which will be pointed out in the ensuing pages, starting with the better-known purely mechanoreceptive system. A. THEDORSAL COLUMN-MEDIAL LEMNISCUS SYSTEM The primary afferent fibers end in a somatotopically organized manner in the gracile and cuneate nuclei (Glees and Soler, 1951), in such a way that the pecunculus is represented lying mediolaterally on its back. In recent years intensive investigations have been carried out on the dorsal column nuclei by Amassian, Gordon, ‘lemniscal, for us, means a specific pathway.
FIG.1. Diagram of lemniscal systems. Note these systems are crossed, but for purposes of schemltic clarity, the decussations are not shown in this figure. Three principal systems are shown relaying through the Ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus ( V P ) to S I and S 11: the spino-cervicothalainic system (S CT ), having an intercurrent synapse in the lateral cervical nucleus ( LCN); the neospinothalamic tract ( N S T ) , whose importance appears to vary inversely with that of SCT; it is questionable whether the cells of origin of NST are directly or indirectly supplied by primary peripheral affexents; and the dorsal column-mcdial lemniscus system ( DC ), which relays both monosynaptically and by way of interneurons in the dorsal column nuclei (DCN).
Kruger, McComas, Perl, and their collaborators. Kruger et d. (1961) have demonstrated units in the dorsal column nuclei which respond to joint movements. Perl et al. (1962) have demonstrated, in the gracile nucleus of the cat, cells differentially responsive to hair movement, light touch, and vibration or tapping. In addition to the dorsal columns themselves, two other sources of afferent fibers to the dorsal column nuclei are known anatomically. They receive an ascending contribution from the anterolateral columns of the cord (Nauta and Kuypers, 1958; Bowsher, 1962), and a
descending one from the sensorimotor cortex ( Walberg, 1957; Kuypers et al., 1961). Gordon and his collaborators (Gordon and Paine, 1960; Gordon and Seed, 1961) have shown that there are rostrocaudal differences in the physiological organization of the dorsal column nuclei. Cells in the rostra1 part of the nucleus have large peripheral receptive fields and do not show any afferent (lateral) inhibition, whereas those in the intermediate part of the nucleus have much smaller cutaneous receptive fields, which exhibit the phenomenon of lateral inhibition. Kruger et al. (1961) discussed these observations on a statistical basis; they failed to find afferent inhibition, but considered that, unlike excitation, it may be highly susceptible to the effect of anesthetics. McComas (19.63), working with the rat, has adduced evidence that large-field neurons in the caudal part of the gracile nucleus are monosynaptically activated by convergent primary afferent neurons and that these caudal units project secondarily to the more rostrally placed, gracile neurons with small receptive fields. Kuypers (1964) has shown that cells in this caudal part of the nucleus, as well as in the rostralmost section, receive the majority of descending afferents, and either possess more nonlemniscal collaterals or do not contribute to the medial lemniscus. He suggests that they may function, “at least in part, as the interneurones responsible for the pre-synaptic inhibition of relay cells.” Gordon (1964) also considers that these cells may act as inhibitory interneurons and has shown that they are uniformly excited by stimulation of the sensorimotor cortex, whereas the intermediately placed, lemniscally projecting, units with small receptive fields and showing afferent inhibition, are inhibited from the sensorimotor cortex (Gordon and Jukes, 1963). That descending afferents to the dorsal column nuclei may be either facilitatory or inhibitory was shown by Towe and Jabbur (1961); descending facilitatory fibers travel exclusively in the pyramidal tract, while inhibitory afferents appear to travel by both pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways (Jabbur and Towe, 1961). Thus there is shown to be considerable modification of information at the dorsal column nuclei, as first suggested by Amassian and De Vito (1957). This information is transmitted to the thalamus via the medial lemniscus, which decussates completely ( Matzke, 1951; Bowsher, 1958). The chief thalamic end station for the fibers of the medial lemniscus is the ventroposterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus, in which again there is a complete somatotopic
map of the animal. As in the dorsal column nuclei, each skin point projects to an oro-caudal group of cells (Mountcastle and Henneman, 1949, 1952), and the individual neurons are submodality speci.6~(Poggio and Mountcastle, 1963). Just as the fibers of the dorsal columns themselves make no synaptic connections with the brainstem reticular formation ( Torvik, 1956), neither does the medial lemniscus give off any collaterals below the mesodiencephalic junction ( Bowsher,2 1958; Valverde, 19614. However, some fibers or collaterals of the medial lemniscus terminate in the cell groups (PO of Rose and Woolsey, 1958) lying medial to the medial geniculate nucleus (Bowsher, 1961b). Inferences that this may be the case could be drawn from the physiological observations of Poggio and Mountcastle (1960) and are explicitly suggested by Per1 and Whitlock (1961). VPL and PO show considerable differences in their physiological response properties, as discussed by Poggio and Mountcastle ( 1960) and Mountcastle (1961). VPL receives only medial lemniscal afferents whereas PO appears to be an area for the interaction of auditory (or vestibular) and somatic signals; it also receives afferents from the superior colliculus in the cat (Altman and Carpenter, 1961). B. THE SPINALLEMNISCUS: NEOSrINOrHALAhlIC AND SPINO-CERVICO-THALAMIC Sysmm
In the amphibian salamander, there are no direct spinothalamic fibers, though such a pathway, interrupted by a relay at the bulbospinal junction, exists ( Herrick, 1948). In the marsupial phalanger the spinothalamic pathway is also interrupted at the bulbospinal junction (Clezy et al., 1961); whereas in the marsupial opossum, 2%of anterolateral spinal fibers reach the thalamus ( Mehler, 1957). In mammals, the proportion of direct fibers from the cord which reach VPL increases as the phylogenetic scale is ascended (Mehler, 1957). It appears that as the phylogenetic scale is ascended, the interrupted system is progressively replaced by a direct fiber pathway. In the cat, there is a relay in the lateral cervical nucleus (Morin, 1955), from where further fibers project to the contralateral ventrobasal complex of the thalamus. A similar relayed * Re-examination of the material used in this investigation shows that what was then described as the “nucleus of the medial lemniscus,” and which receives some lemniscal fibers, is, in fact, the caudalmost part of the PO complex.
pathway exists in the rabbit (Matricali, 1957), while there is no evidence for its existence in man (Verhaart, 1957 cited by Andersson, 1962). The pathway has not been demonstrated in the monkey ( Oscarsson et al., 1964), and undoubtedly direct neospinothalamic fibers predominate in this animal (Mehler et al., 1960). So far as the direct neospinothalamic fibers (spinal lemniscus) in primates are concerned, there is one important anatomical difference as compared with the medial lemniscus. This is that although the majority of fibers are crossed, a certain proportion reach the ipsilateral thalamic W L (Bowsher, 1957a, 1961b; Mehler et at!., 1960). This may occur through failure to decussate in the cord (White and Sweet, 1955), or through redecussation in the medulla (Bowsher, 1957a, 1961b; Mehler et al., 1960) or posterior commissure ( Quensel, 1898; Bowsher, 1957a). Within the thalamus itself, fibers of the direct spinal lemniscus are distributed in the same manner, though in lesser quantity, as are those of the medial lemniscus, with which they overlap (Bowsher, 1961b). There is tentative anatomical ( Bowsher, 1957b, 1961b) and physiological (Perl and Whitlock, 1961) evidence that, in some cases at least, spinothalamic fibers terminate in relation to different VPL cells than do fibers of the medial lemniscus; this would explain the retention of differential submodality specificity at the thalamic level. Impulses of spinal origin, thought to be neo- rather than paleospinothalamic ( Bowsher, 1961b), also terminate in the PO complex ( Whitlock and Perl, 1959; Poggio and Mountcastle, 1960). In proportion to the number of fibers reaching VPL, the spinothalamic projection to PO is greater than the medial lemniscal; this is probably also true of absolute numbers of terminations in PO ( Bowsher, 1961b). The cells of origin of spinothalamic fibers lie in the dorsal horn of the spinal gray matter (Edinger, 1889; Foerster and Gagel, 1932). Lundberg and Oscarsson ( 1962) have described units in the dorsal horn of the cat's spinal cord which they suggest may be cells of origin of the spinothalamic tract. They are activated from contralateral peripheral fields, probably monosynaptically. The cells of origin of the spinocervical tract have been identified by Eccles et al. (1960) in lamina IV of Rexed. They are identical with at least one group of Wall's (1960) common carrier cells, which can be collaterally activated by antidromic stimulation of dorsal column fibers. In this respect, it is interesting to note that the average
receptive field size of common carrier cells is 2016 mm2,while that of the gracile hairless skin “touch units” according to Perl et al. (1962) is 1818 mm2; the latter, like the former, do not exhibit afferent inhibition. Spinocervical cells are not influenced from the sensorimotor cortex ( Lundberg et al., 1963). Lundberg (1965) describes two types of spinocervical units: ( a ) those responding only to light touch in a restricted ipsilateral field, and ( b ) those responding to light touch in a restricted field, and to pressure-pinching from a larger field, Oswaldo-Cruz and Kidd (1964) in a microelectrode analysis of the cat’s lateral cervical nucleus, describe 7%of cells with large fields as activated by noxious stimuli. The medial and direct spinal lemnisci have been shown anatomically (Matzke, 1951; Anderson and Berry, 1959; Mehler et al., 1960; Bowsher, 1961b ) , and the spino-cervico-thalamic system electroanatomically ( Morin, 1955; Andersson, 1962), to terminate in the lateral part of the thalamic ventroposterior nucleus; this, in turn, is known to project to the primary and secondary somatic areas of the cortex ( S I and S 11) (Macchi .et al., 1959). Rose and Woolsey (1958) suggested on the grounds of the inconstant retrograde degeneration in VPL following removal of S I1 that the thalamic fibers to this area are sustaining collaterals of the projections to S I. The question arises therefore as to the degree of convergence of the various lemnsical systems in and beyond VPL. It may be true that both dorsal column-medial lemniscal and spino-cervico-thalamic systems project both to S I and to S 11; for Andersson (1962) has shown that the body image is represented in both areas where ( a ) the dorsal columns only are intact, and ( b ) when these columns only are destroyed. This does not, of course, imply that the same thalamic and cortical units are involved. In favor of the interpretation that S I mainly reflects dorsal column-medial lemniscus activity, the following points should be considered. The dorsal column-medial lemniscus shows the phenomenon of afferent inhibition, which occurs, as discussed above, at the level of the dorsal column nuclei. In the anterolateral system, Wall (1960) found no afferent inhibition at the level of the common-carrier cells in the dorsal horn of the cord; Perl and Whitlock were unable to demonstrate it in cat and monkey VPL under light barbiturate anesthesia, with the whole cord except for one anterolateral quadrant destroyed. Andersson ( 1962) found no afferent inhibition in S I1 units in the cat whose dorsal columns had been
destroyed, whereas in the intact animal, 3%of the cells in this area show afferent inhibition ( Carreras and Andersson, 1963). However, it is possible that in the case of convergence of different lemniscal afferents on place-specific cells in VPL, afferent inhibition in the medial lemniscus, taking place in the dorsal column nuclei, is transmitted unchanged across the thalamic synapse; whereas lateral column afferents with no surrounding inhibition, also transfer their information unchanged across the same synapses. This, of course, only applies to those submodality-specific afferents which are common to all lemniscal systems, i.e., to those driven by cutaneous touch-pressure stimulation. This is in accordance with findings in these systems below this level (Table I ) . TABLE I
Ref. ~
Peripheral aff. to common-carrier cells Intermediate (hair) gracile cells Common-carrier cells Gracile touch units
Area (mean value in mmz)
Wall., 1960 Per1 et al., 1962 Gordon and Paine, 1960 Wall, 1960 Per1 et al., 1962
20 (4-180) 280 (28-900) 250 2016 (450-5250) 1818
It appears that among the lemniscal systems, the dorsal columnmedial lemniscus system has gained a greater degree of accuracy of localization by sacrificing the wider submodality range of the other systems. Per1 and Whitlock (1961) found that 3.5%of the units they studied in the monkey thalamus (supplied by only one intact anterolateral column) responded only to noxious stimuli, coming from discrete peripheral receptive fields. Anterolaterally supplied temperature units in VPL have not been numerically investigated. Macchi et al. (1959) have shown that both S I and S I1 must be removed in order to produce fulminating retrograde degeneration in VPL, though cell changes (and some loss) ensue upon separate removal of S I or S I1 (Rose and Woolsey, 1958). This suggests that most VPL cells project collaterally to S I and S 11. There is some evidence (Mehler et al., 1960; Bowsher, 1961b)
that neospinothalamic afferents are chiefly distributed to pars caudalis of VPL (VB of Rose), that is, the part of the nucleus containing small as well as large cells; whereas the medial lemniscus projects equally to both partes oralis and caudalis. Demirjian and Morin (1964) state that the lower-limb projection through the lateral cervical nucleus of the cat overlaps in VPL with that of the gracile nucleus. Beresford ( 1962) has shown that the corticothalamic projection to the lateral geniculate body from the visual cortex is the exact reciprocal of the thalamocortical projection. If, as is probable, the same situation holds for the somatosensory relay nucleus, the work of Chandler (1964) is relevant: she finds that while S I projects unilaterally to partes oralis and caudalis of VPL, S I1 projects only to pars caudalis, but bilaterally, in the cat. Moreover, though both projections show somatotopy, it is less sharply defined in the case of the S II-VPL projection; Carreras and Andersson (1963) point out that the somatotopic projections to S I1 are less sharply defined than that to S I. Knighton (1950) found, electroanatomically, the posterior part of W L is that which principally projects to S 11. Joint position sensibility (kinesthesia) is virtually unrepresented except in the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system (see Rose and Mountcastle in “Handbook of Physiology”). However, some anterolateral fibers carry impulses generated in deep tissues, for Per1 and Whitlock (1961) found that in monkeys whose whole spinal cord except for one anterolateral quadrant had been destroyed, 10.5%of VPL units were driven by stimuli to deep tissue. This is to be compared with 58%of intact monkey VPL units driven by deep stimuli (Poggio and Mountcastle, 1963); of these, 45%were driven by joint movements. Powell and Mountcastle (1959) found that 5% of the units in S I cortex responded to stimulation of deep tissue, of which 37%were due to joint movement. Thus it can be seen that in the intact animals, the modality relationship between VPL and S I units is very close. Because of the overwhelming numerical preponderance of the medial lemniscus over other lemniscal systems (Glees and Bailey, 1951; Bowsher, 1963) it can reasonably be assumed that, in the intact animal, evoked activity in the thalamus and in S I are mainly a reflection of activity in this system. A valid comparison of the differential distribution of modalityplace-specific neurons between S I and S I1 can at present only be
made for the cat (Table 11), as insufficient data exist for the monkey’s S 11. Statistically significant analyses do not exist for cat VPL in preparations with only one anterolateral column intact; but Per1 and Whitlock (1961) found in such animals only 2 units responding to joint manipulation. Taken together with the previously quoted fact that afferent inhibition is not significantly demonstrable in SII in intact animals and in VPL supplied only by one anterolateral column, a case can be made out for the reflection in S 11, in the main, of lemniscal activity other than that conducted via the medial lemniscus. TABLE I1 DISTRIBUTIONOF UNIT RESPONSESIN CAT CORTEX
% Units responding to stimulation of: Locus
Deep tissue
Mouncastle, 1957 Carreras and Andersson, 1963
69 94
31 6
Phylogenetically, the oldest lemniscal system is the spinocervico-thalamic, and the most recent is probably the neospinothalamic. The dorsal column-medial lemniscus system holds an intermediate position, both anatomically and functionally. Thus, spino-cervico-thalamic cord neurons show no afferent inhibition, and are activated by primary peripheral afferents some of whose long collaterals reach caudal gracile cells (“touch units”) showing the same properties. Gracile hair units,3 on the other hand, with smaller receptive fields, show afferent inhibition, and are fired indirectly from the periphery via an interneuron. Conduction in the secondary neurons of the spino-cervico-thalamic system ( spinocervical fibers) is considerably more rapid than in secondary neurons of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system (medial lemniscus fibers ) . At higher levels, the spino-cervico-thalamic and neospinothalamic systems have been insufficiently distinguished for valid differentiation to be made. At the cortical level, the nomenclature is unfortunate, for the available evidence indicates that S I I is phylogenetically older than S I. Hairs are peculiar to mammals; but reptiles have dorsal column nuclei.
IV. The Extralemniscal Reticular System
The anatomy and physiology of this system (Fig. 2 ) is much more complex than that of the lemniscal systems, and despite intensive investigation in the last two decades very much less is
FIG. 2. Diagram of extralemniscal systems. A spinal cord interneuron excited from the motor cortex (Mo. Co.) and inhibited from the bulbar reticular formation ( B R F ) , receives primary afferents directly or indirectly by relay through the substantia gelatinosa ( S G ) . This interneuron sends its axon to a spinoreticular neuron which may be either excited or inhibited from the cerebellum. One spino-reticulo-thalainic pathway relays in the bulbar gigantocellular nucleus ( GC ) and parafascicular-centromedian complex ( Pf-CM ) to i d u e n c e the nonspecific association cortex (Ass. Co.) . Other pathways pass either through GC or a more rostra1 reticular relay (shown in dotted outline), to relay again in the mesencephalic reticular formation ( M R F ) before passing to cells in W and its shell showing convergent properties; this activity is finally reflected in cells of the specific primary cortex (Prim. Co. ) .
precisely known of it than of the lemniscal systems. We do not propose here, for reasons of space, to review in detail the literature already reviewed by Rrodal (1957) and Rossi and Zanchetti
(1957). We have already introduced the concept that, in mammals, this system represents a persistence of the nonspecific secondary afferent neuropil of lower forms, and it is our intention in this section to examine the implications of this in greater detail. It is worth recalling that the connections and possible functions of this system had been earlier discussed at the level of the brain-stem reticular formation (Kohnstamm and Quensel, 1908) and intralaminar thalamus (Dejerine, 1910). The first central neurons of this system would appear to be some of the “common-carrier cells” of Wall (1960) in the dorsal horn of the spinal gray matter. These cells receive anatomical convergence of microbundles of myelinated primary afferent fibers of differing diameter and conduction velocity: their cutaneous receptive field in the cat (forelimb below elbow) lies between 450 and 5250 mm2 (average 2016 mm2). Wall has shown that they respond by different discharge patterns to tactile, thermal, and noxious stimuli. In contrast to cells in the dorsal column nuclei (see above), common-carrier cells do not exhibit afferent inhibition. But Wall and Cronly-Dillon (1960) have shown that their threshold for any given submodality of stimulation can be raised by applying a stimulus of another submodality in the same receptive field. More recently, Wall (1962, 1964) has shown that the cells of the substantia gelatinosa, receiving primary unmyelinated peripheral afferents, exert a tonic modulating influence, probably by an interneuron, on the ascending activity from the common-carrier cells. Szentagothai ( 1964) has recently demonstrated an anatomical basis for this. Certain homologies exist between Wall’s common-carrier cells and some of the units activated by “flexion reflex afferents” of the Lund school (see Oscarsson, 1958). Although their identity has not been proved, it may reasonably be assumed for the purpose of the present argument. Lundberg and Oscarsson (1962) have shown that those cells with axons ascending in the anterolateral columns can be activated from bilateral receptive fields. A pathway descending in the dorsolateral funiculus of the cord can inhibit these cells via an interneuron (Holmqvist et al., 1960); these authors suggest that this descending inhibition [shown by Lundberg et al. (1963) to be mediated by the pyramidal tract from the sensorimotor cortex] may serve “to select and restrict the receptive field to parts physiologically needed.” Holmqvist et al. (1960) also showed that
these dorsal horn cells are monosynaptically activated by a ventral descending pathway, shown b y Carpenter et al. (1963) to be in the ventromedial brain-stem reticular formation. Thus it can be seen that the first central neuron of the extralemniscal pathway is subject to a large number of modulating influences; and it seems certain that not all of these are yet known. The fact that common-carrier cells can be activated by antidromic stimulation of the dorsal columns (Wall, 1961) must mean that they are also the cells which receive the “short collaterals” of large primary cutaneous afferents to the gracile and cuneate nuclei. There exist, however, at least two types of neuron with ascending efferents in the dorsal horn, for Liindberg et al. (1963) have shown that the lemniscal spinocervical system, unlike the extralemniscal spinobulbar one, is not affected by descending activity from the sensorimotor cortex. It is difficult to imagine, given the great differences in higher distribution and effects, that any spinal lemniscal systems share cells of origin with extralemniscal systems; although it is just possible that the modulating influences could act as a switching device for the channeling of upgoing activity. While awaiting further evidence, it will be assumed for present purposes that spinal extraleinniscal neurons are independent of lemniscal neurons except that the existence of lemniscal-extralemniscal interaction at spinal segmental level cannot be doubted. It ~ o u l dthus appear that the first central extraleinniscal neuron, which is monosynaptically fired by primary peripheral aff erents, has a short (spino-spinal) axon. This is a retention of the anatomical situation that exists in Amphioxus. Longer ascending extralemniscal neurons are third- (or even subsequent) order, and first appear in lampreys ( Ariens Kappers et al., 1936). Spivy and Metcalf (1959) showed that the central connections of the purely large-fibered and large- and small-fibered parts of the dorsal root have different central effects. Stimulation of the lateral division of the dorsal root (which probably contains all C and some A fibers) has visceral as well as somatic effects, since it causes “the blood pressure rise known to associate with avoidance of noxious stimulation” ( Spivy and Metcalf, 1959). Within the common neuropil of the generalized urodele amphibian described by Herrick (1948), there is an ill-defined and incomplete channeling of information into higher visceral (hypothalamic) and somatic ( tectothalamic) centers. Similar interlinked somatic and
vegetative neurons have been identified in the developing reticular matter of the human cord (Sukhetzkaya, 1957). So far as the higher ( diencephalic ) connections are concerned, we shall concentrate on the somatic (thalamic) ones, but it is important not to lose sight of continuous viscerosomatic linkage below this level. The organization of spinoreticular fibers in the cat has been described by Rossi and Brodal (1957). There is a tendency for spinoreticular terminals to be concentrated in two regions of the medioventral medullary reticular formation. A similar situation appears to exist in man with the addition of a further rostrally placed (mesencephalic), terminal zone ( Bowsher, 1962). This illustrates the important principle that the caudalmost connections of an ascending system are phylogenetically the most ancient, whereas more rostra1 terminals represent either more recently evolved independent neurons, or rostrally projecting collaterals of an older system which retains its caudal connections (cf. the dorsal column fibers). The bulbar reticular regions in which ascending afferents terminate give off further ascending efferent fibers ( Brodal and Rossi, 1955) . These reticulothalamic connections, originating in the large neurons of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and associated cell groups, terminate in the centromedianparafascicular complex and the centrolateral nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar nuclear group (Nauta and Kuypers, 1958). In their course rostralward through the brain stem, these fibers are said to occupy the region of the central tegmental fasciculus of Fore1 (Nauta and Kuypers, 1958; Dennis and Kerr, 1961). In addition to the spino-reticulo-thalamic pathway, there exist paleospinothalamic fibers passing directly from cord to thalamus (Mehler, 1957). In cat and monkey, they terminate in the same intralaminar nuclei as do reticulothalamic fibers (Anderson and Berry, 1959; Mehler et al., 1960; Bowsher, 1961b); according to Getz (1952), Bowsher (1957a, 1961b), from the physiological results of Kruger and Albe-Fessard (1960) and Whitlock and Per1 (1961), and Albe-Fessard and Bowsher (1965), some of these fibers seem also to terminate in the thalamic reticular nucleus. The paleospinothalamic fibers also travel in the central tegmental fasciculus, but it is not certain whether they are independent of spinoreticular neurons or whether they are long ascending collateral branches of these latter. In favor of their complete inde-
pendence is the fact that local cooling in the bulbar gigantocellular nucleus of the cat greatly diminishes but does not abolish the centromedian-parafascicular response to somatic stimulation ( Bowsher et al., 1962). Mallart, Bowsher, and Albe-Fessard (unpublished) have identified units in the reticular relay of the spinoreticulo-centromedian pathway which respond to stimulation of one, two, three, or four limbs. These may explain the positive or negative “preferences” for one or more limbs in the convergent responses found in the centromedian-parafascicular complex of monkeys in the macroelectrode studies of Albe-Fessard and Bowsher (1965). In addition to medial spinoreticiilar neurons, there is also a more diffuse spinal projection on the lateral reticular formation of the medulla and pons (Bowsher, 1957, 1962; Anderson and Berry, 1959; Mehler et al., 1960). Nauta and Kuypers (1958) describe fibers ascending from this region which swing medially at the level of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus to join the central tegmental fasciculus; these neurons have also recently been described in Golgi preparations by Valverde (1961b). According to Nauta and Kuypers (1958), ascending fibers from both medial and lateral bulbar reticular formation relay in the mesencephalic reticular tegmentum and pass from there, via the mammillary peduncle and dorsal longitudinal fasciculus, to the hypothalamus, in addition to the fibers projecting to the thalamus. In so far as a particular visceral afferent pathway can be differentiated from this “common neuropil”; it is probably represented by fibers from the cord to the caudal solitary nucleus (Rossi and Brodal, 1956; Torvik, 1956; Bowsher, 1962); from the caudal solitary nucleus to the dorsal tegmental nucleus (Hawkes, 1960); and from the dorsal tegmental nucleus to the hypothalamus ( Guillery, 1959). In marked contrast to the lemniscal systems, the ascending extralemniscal reticular system, in conformity with its phylogenetic antiquity, shows only partial laterization which is lost at higher levels due to decussation. At almost all levels, after the first synaptic relay, fibers from one side of the reticular core of the neuraxis project to some extent to both sides at higher levels; this is particularly noticeable above the bulbar relay. This implies that the system is developed from a completely nonlateralized neuraxis, such as does not exist alone in modern vertebrates above the level
of cyclostomes ( Ariens Kappers et al., 1936). Moruzzi ( 1954) was the first to show that the mesencephalic reticular formation also receives nonspecific convergent aff erents. The reawakening interest in the brain-stem reticular formation dates from the discovery that it forms the anatomical substrate for activation of the EEG by peripheral afferent stimulation (Moruzzi and Magoun, 1949). We do not intend to deal with this extensive subject here, especially since the relationship between EEG changes and the conscious perception of sensation is an intricate one, and there is certainly insufficient evidence at present to enable us to make any particular correlation between them. For the present purpose, it will suffice to regard EEG changes, either in the direction of slowing of activity or of activation, essentially as a sign of change in ascending reticular activity. It is interesting to note that stimulation of particular points within the brain-stem reticular formation at different stimulation parameters, can give rise to “slowing” as well as activation of EEG traces (Starzl et al., 1951; Favale et al., 1961; Magnes et al., 1961). Stimulation, at certain parameters of myelinated peripheral fibers of cutaneous (Pompeiano and Swett, 1962) or vagal (Padel and Dell, 1964) origin, can also produce cortical slow waves. Pompeiano and Swett (1962) have identified the myelinated peripheral afferent fibers that produce these effects and whose central pathways ascend through the lateral columns of the cord. They found that for cutaneous afferent fibers, low-frequency stimulation of group I1 fibers alone produced slow activity, whereas high-frequency stimulation of group I1 fibers produced arousal, which was greatly augmented by stimulation of group I11 fibers at low or high frequency. Stimulation of group 111 afferents in muscle nerves also evoked rapid activity. Before discussing the thalamotelencephalic transfer from the intralaminar nuclei, consideration will be given to other thalamic regions which are activated by extralemniscal signals. Whitlock and Perl (1959), in the cat, found potentials evoked by stimulation of all four limbs in an ill-defined cell region, including the magnocellular medial geniculate body, situated caudomedial to the lemniscal thalamic relay (VPL). Poggio and Mountcastle ( 1960) confirmed these findings; designating the receiving area PO after Rose and Woolsey (1958), they attempted to delineate it in anatomical terms. Whitlock and Perl (1959)
worked with cats in which only onc spinal anterolateral column was spared; Poggio and Mountcastle (1960) worked with intact animals, but felt that transfer to PO was a purely anterolateral phenomenon. However, in their single unit analysis of PO in the intact animal, 9 out of 74 (12%)of units driven by skin stimulation had small restricted contralateral receptive fields; and they state that “some PO cells may respond with latencies as brief as those of the VB cells,” as was found with macroelectrodes by Perl and Whitlock (1961). In intact chloralosed cats, Kruger and AlbeFessard (1960) found some evidence of tactile activation of PO in 11 out of 26 positive macroelectrode explorations. In a study of the modality sensitivity of PO neurons in cat and monkey with only one spinal anterolateral column intact, Perl and Whitlock (1961) state that “light mechanical disturbance of the body integument was the most commonly effective stimulus in exciting discharge of units located within the posterior nuclear group.” Their figures make it clear, however, that the peripheral receptive fields for these units are on average larger than those for VPL neurons, and frequently discontinuous. Bowsher (1961b) showed that in the monkey, both the magnocellular and suprageniculate portions of PO receive direct afferents from both the anterolateral quadrant of the cord (spinothalamic fibers) and the dorsal column nuclei (medial lemniscus). Andersson (1962) adduced, as a result of physiological investigations on S 11, that PO receives a direct contribution from the medial lemniscus. It may be concluded, therefore, that PO is a mixed region, showing some lemniscal connections and properties, but being primarily an area of nonlemniscal transfer. The only convergent responses in PO with a latency short enough to imply the possibility of lemniscal conduction in the monkey were in the suprageniculate portion ( Albe-Fessard and Bowsher, 1965). The dorsal column efferents medial to the main lemniscus bundle in the midbrain, whose properties have recelltly been described by Gordon and Jukes (1964), may project to PO. Kruger and Albe-Fessard ( 1960) observed convergent responses in the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus ( V L ) of the cat, in that portion immediately superjacent to VPL. Massion et aZ. (1963) have studied the more medial and anterior parts of VL and found convergent preferential responses in this region. In further analysis of convergent responses in the monkey, Albe-Fessard and Bowsher (1965) found them in those regions of VL and LP (lateralis
posterior) which overlie VPL. With macroelectrode recordings, these responses could not be evoked by the kind of natural stimuli which normally activates VPL. Latency of response in this “shell” covering VPL is of the same order as in GMmc (medial magnocellular portion of medial geniculate). Mountcastle ( 1961), in a further elaboration of the work of Poggio and Mountcastle (1960) on PO, indicates that neurons with these properties extend further rostrally above VPL than originally thought. These considerations lead to the speculation that the extralemniscal part of PO and the ventral portions of LP and VL may all be constituent parts of the same functional shell covering the dorsal, dorsomedial, and dorsocaudal aspects of VPL. Further reasons for including these convergent regions in a single functional group will be considered below. The pathways by which extralemniscal impulses are conveyed to this shell are as yet mainly unknown; though it has been noted that stimulation of the mesencephalic reticular formation in a wide area ventral to the level of the central tegmental fasciculus, which carries impulses from lower reticular centers to the parafascicular-centromedian complex, reproduces the extralemniscal effects of VPL stimulation (Covian et al., 1961). Mallart et al. (1961), in a microelectrode analysis of posterior VPL and surrounding regions in the cat, in response to natural stimuli, found that 11 out of 55 somatotopic units in VPL also showed convergence of extralemniscal afferent signals, whereas of 17 units in adjacent areas of VL and LP, 4 showed lemniscal and extralemniscal convergence, and the remaining 13 showed purely extralemniscal responses. Thus VPL and its shell may be considered as a single entity, the whole of which shows extralemniscal properties, but whose inner core (VPL proper) alone possesses, additionally, important lemniscal functions, This form of organization is also demonstrable in the properties of the thalamocortical projection of VPL and its shell. By an analysis of responses in cat S I cortex to stimulation of (lemniscally conducted) somatotopically represented contralateral limbs and of ( extralemniscally conducted) ipsilateral limbs, Jankowska and Albe-Fessard ( Albe-Fessard, 1961; Albe-Fessard and Fessard, 1963) were able to show that, in the somatomotor response to contralateral limb stimulation, the main positive deflection is a lemniscal event; but that a part of the surface-positive and -negative components are extralemniscal phenomena. It was subsequently shown
that electrical stimulation of VPL proper reproduces the whole (i.e., lemniscal plus extralemniscal components) on the somatomotor cortex, whereas electrical stimulation of the VPL shell reproduced only the extralemniscal components. Stimulation of the centrum medianum (CM) does not reproduce any of the extralemniscal effects in primary somatomotor cortex. Since stimulation of VPL, either directly or from the periphery, evokes potentials only in the primary somatomotor cortices (including S I and S II), it follows that extralemniscal impulses relayed through VPL and its shell are distributed only to the primary somatomotor cortices; probably principally to S 11, where 20% of the units show nonlemniscal properties ( Carreras and Anderson, 1963), and to anterior S I (i.e., ? motor) cortex, where 50%of units have extralemniscal properties ( Albe-Fessard et al., 1961). Convergent associative (i.e., heterotopic and heterosensory ) phenomena in the nonprimary cortex were first observed in the anterior marginal gyrus of the cat by Amassian (1954). Albe-Fessard and Rougeul (1955, 1958) soon confirmed this and found three further cortical areas-in anterior and posterior zones of the supraSylvian gyrus and in the anterior sigmoid gyrus (primary motor area). Eight years later, Thompson et al. (1963) were able in almost identical experiments to confirm the findings in all four areas. The primary motor cortex has been carefully analyzed for heterotopic and heterosensory convergence in the cat by Buser and Imbert ( 1961). Multisensory convergent responses have also been observed on the medial surface of the hemisphere (Bruner and Buser, 1960). Albe-Fessard and Rougeul ( 1958) also observed that the response characteristics to somatic stimulation of the thalamic center median are very similar to those of the four association areas in the superolateral cortex; and that the cortical effects can be reproduced bilaterally by stimulation of one center median. Relatively short latencies (4 msec) were observed between CM and association cortex in the cat. In the monkey, Albe-Fessard et al. (1959) found two cortical areas of the CM type: the main one is in the superior frontal gyrus, and the other, in the parietal association cortex just behind S I, has a preponderance of upper limb representation. The authors point out that the superior frontal association area is less sharply delimited than in the cat, and that occlusions within it between responses evoked from two limbs are not always total, as in the cat.
Of course, this may merely reflect greater complexity of thalamocortical and subdiencephalic integrating mechanisms. As in the cat, the cortical response pattern can be reproduced by stimulation of CM (at latencies of 8-19 msec). Two differences may be noted, at the level of the cortex, between what we may call the VPL and CM types of extralemniscal response. First, though the phenomenon of heterotopic convergence is displayed in both, microelectrode analysis in cat ( Albe-Fessard, 1961) and monkey ( Albe-Fessard and Liebeskind, 1964) shows that although convergence can be observed in neurons encountered in all layers of the association cortex driven by CM, pure extralemniscal properties are only seen in the superficial layers of the primary cortex driven by VPL; deeper layers additionally display somatotopy. Second, the CM-projected association cortex is not only heterotopic, but also heterosensory; in addition to somatic stimuli, it is also activated by visual and auditory stimulation ( Buser and Borenstein, 1956, 1959). This heterosensory convergence is a reflection of that already seen at single unit level in thalamic CM ( Albe-Fessard and Mallart, 1960). The VPGprojected convergent system, on the other hand, so far as can be judged from preliminary experiments, does not appear to be significantly heterosensory; again, analysis of units in the thalamic VPL shell shows little heterosensory convergence ( Massion et al., 1963). Thus, at the thalamocortical level, the extralemniscal system can apparently be divided into two components: ( a ) a convergent heterotopic but mainly homosensory system, projected from the ventral mesencephalic reticular formation through VPL and its surrounding shell to the primary somatomotor cortex and ( b ) an association system, which is both heterotopically and heterosensorially convergent, which projects from a relay in the gigantocellular bulbar reticular formation by way of the central tegmental fasciculus to CM and association (nonprimary ) cortex. The anatomical nature of the centromedian-cortical projection remains in much doubt. Centromedian-cortical latencies in the cat (4msec) are short enough for monosynaptic conduction to be possible. In the monkey, on the other hand, they were first reported to be considerably longer ( 10 msec) . Albe-Fessard et al. ( 1959) found the latency from periphery to association cortex to have a mean value of 20 msec, whereas the mean of the sum of the latencies from periphery to CM and from CM to cortex was 24 msec. More
recently, however, Oswaldo-Cruz ( 1961) has found CM latencies in Cebus of 5-7 msec. Direct projection of CM to this cortex has been denied by anatomists on the basis of lack of retrograde degeneration following decortication. But since it is now known ( Drooglever-Fortuyn and Stefens, 1951; Cowan and Powell, 1955) that the intralaminar thalamic nuclei project to the corpora striata, it is not possible to exclude a collateral projection to the cortex; this would be a sustaining projection as defined by Rose and Woolsey (1958). The latencies found between CM and cortex are a little long for direct connection, but such that the connections could be direct, by small fibers, or indirect with one synaptic relay, by larger fibers. If such a relay exists, its site is unknown, although some structures can be excluded:
1. The corpora striata, although in receipt of intralaminar and cortical afferents ( Webster, 1961; Carman, Cowan and Powell, 1963), do not project upon the cortex; they show no retrograde atrophy following decortication. 2. The thalamic reticular nucleus has been cast for the role of relay by some authors. This is because intralaminar and other thalamic efferents certainly pass through it and may establish terminal or collateral connections within it; and because its cells show changes following decortication ( Rose, 1952). However, it is unlikely to be a relay because, in the first place, the nucleus reticularis thalami is of ventral thalamic origin; that is to say, it is developed from the basal lamina of the primitive neural tube. In the second place, the changes observed in the cells of the nucleus following decortication are of the type found by Powell and Erulkar (1962) to be due to deafferentation; that is, they may be transneuronal rather than retrograde (Carman et al., 1964). 3. The nucleus ventralis anterior of the thalamus ( V A ) has been proposed as a possible relay (Hanbery et al., 1955); in the monkey it does project to the region of the superior frontal gyrus. However, a small number of latency measurements made by Kruger and Albe-Fessard (1960) in the cat indicate that it usually responds before CM to peripheral stimulation. V. The Trigeminal System
Primary afferent neurons of the trigeminal system are of two morphological varieties ( Cajal, 1909) : many fibers bifurcate proxi-
ma1 to the Gasserian ganglion, sending an ascending branch to the principal sensory nucleus in the pons and a descending branch via the spinal tract to the descending nucleus; a second type of neuron does not bifurcate, but travels caudally in the spinal tract to effect connections in, or in the region of, the descending nucleus. Recent studies of the distribution of primary trigeminal afferents in the rat have been made by Torvik (1956) and Clarke and Bowsher (1962). They show that in the pons, connections are restricted to the principal sensory nucleus, where they are chiefly axodendritic. In the descending nucleus, on the other hand, primary afferent fibers are distributed beyond the indistinct medial edge of the nucleus into the adjacent lateral and lateroventral reticular formation. Some fibers pass even further medially to make synaptic contact with the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, lying in the central core of the tegmentum. Fibers joining or passing through the descending nucleus from the spinal tract enter as radially arranged microbundles, morphologically reminiscent of those described by Wall (1960) in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. As in the principal nucleus, axondentric synaptic endings predominate over axosomatic in the descending nucleus; but in the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, the majority of degenerating boutons were seen to be in contact with cell bodies or proximal dendritic processes (Clarke and Bowsher, 1962). In addition to the sensory trigeminal and lateral and medial lateral reticular nuclei, primary afferent trigeminal fibers are also distributed to the nucleus of the solitary tract, to the motor nuclei of the trigeminal and facial nerves, and to ventral horn cells in the upper cervical cord ( P spinal accessory nucleus). Single unit recording in the sensory trigeminal nuclei and adjacent regions of the cat have recently been made by Gordon et al. (196l), Kruger & al. (1961), Wall and Taub (1962), Kruger and Michel (1962a,b), and Darian-Smith et al. (1963a,b). They have demonstrated a somatotopic representation of the face which is continuous throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the nuclei. These units are driven only by mechanoreceptors. Gordon et al. (1961), who investigated the caudal descending trigeminal nucleus, found that some 40% of the cells could be activated antidromically from the trigeminal lemniscus, and that afferent inhibition occurred in 6 out of 16 units tested. These authors, together with Wall and Taub (1962), would homologize the descending nucleus with the
dorsal horn of the spinal gray matter and the principal nucleus with the dorsal column nuclei; Kruger and Michel ( 1962a) specifically deny the existence of afferent inhibition in the descending nucleus. This question must at present be regarded as unsettled, but if it be true that there is no afferent inhibition in the somatotopically organized, descending nucleus, homology with the neospinothalamic system is evident. On the basis of embryology ( Brown, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1962), morphology ( Olszewski, 1950), afferent connections (Torvik, 1956; Clarke and Bowsher, 1962), and efferent connections (Walker, 1938; Torvik, 1957; Nauta and Kuypers, 1958), the most reasonable homologies still seem to be between the principal sensory and dorsal column nuclei, and between the caudal descending nucleus and the cells of origin of the spinal lemniscus. Gordon et al. (1961) found cells with very large receptive fields in the lateroventral juxtatrigeminal reticular formation which responded to noxious stimulation; and Lamarche et al. (1960) were able to activate cells in the medial gigantocellular reticular formation by noxious stimuli applied to the face. Both these reticular areas receive primary afferent trigeminal fibers (Clarke and Bowsher, 1962). Darian-Smith et al. (1963a) also report units with reticular properties along the ventromedial border of the descending nucleus. Thus there appears to be some justification for homologizing the caudal descending trigeminal nucleus and the adjoining reticular formation with the whole of the dorsal horn of the spinal gray matter and the reticular interneurons at its base. Of particular interest is the fact that both principal and caudal descending trigeminal nuclei are supplied by bifurcating primary afferent fibers, for a similar situation seems to exist for the cells of origin of the two corporal lemniscal systems (medial and spinal) (see Section 11).It is tempting to suggest that the cells driven by noxious stimuli from large peripheral fields receive the nonbifurcated descending primary afferents; but at present there is no positive direct evidence to support this conjecture. Sufficient is known, however, of the caudal descending trigeminal nucleus, in its widest morphological sense, to be able to say that it contains cells of both lemniscal and extralemniscal type, as defined in an earlier section of this review; the principal sensory nucleus, on the other hand, probably contains only what we would call lemniscal cells (Torvik, 1957). In this context, the (secondary) efferent projections of these two
portions of the trigeminal sensory complex are of interest. The principal sensory nucleus projects to the medial part of the thalamic ventrobasal complex (arcuate nucleus; VPM) (Walker, 1938; Darian-Smith et al., 1963a). The projections of the caudal descending nucleus and its surroundings are more complex. Some fibers contribute to the trigeminal lemniscus and project to VPM (cf. neospinothalamic lemniscal fibers) (Walker, 1938; Darian-Smith et d., 1963a); some project to the intralaminar thalamic nuclei, in the cat (Nauta and Kuypers, 1958) and in the monkey (Bowsher, unpublished observations) ( cf. paleospinothalamic extralemniscal fibers) ; and there is a very heavy projection medially into the medial reticular formation ( Nauta and Kuypers, 1958; Bowsher, unpublished data) (cf. spinoreticular fibers). It should be noted that spinal trigeminal tractotomy ( Sjoqvist, 1938), which effectively eliminates pain of facial origin in man, cuts off primary afferents to parts of the trigeminal sensory complex which project extralemniscally. The fact that the trigeminal sensory nuclei are, as it were, embedded in the lateral brain-stem reticular formation is of interest, because, like the latter, the sensory trigeminal nuclei( particularly the descending) receive an ascending afferent projection from the anterolateral quadrant of the spinal cord (Rossi and Brodal, 1956; Bowsher, 1957a, 1962). Both lateral reticular and descending trigeminal nuclei project to the medial reticular formation, as well as rostrally. Thus the afferent and efferent connections of the trigeminal complex are such that it may be homologized with the corporal lemniscal systems and the extralemniscal system. VI. The Cerebral Representation of Pain
It is not our purpose to review even the recent history of physiological thought on this subject, as this has been considered in earlier publications ( Bowsher, 1957a, 1963; Bowsher and Albe-Fessard, 1962). We prefer here to take a few salient points of the problem and interpret them in the light of the hypotheses put forward in the present review; this involves slight alteration of some of our earlier views. Pain appears to consist of two distinct components. The first is a sensation, itself divisible into two: ( a ) pricking pain (including pinprick, pinching, and itch), and ( b ) diffuse pain which is of a longer-lasting nature. The second component of pain ( c ) is an
affective phenomenon. Central pain seems to be mainly an affective disorder, and can be dissociated from provoked peripheral pain sensation ( Dejerine and Roussy, 1906; Walker, 1943). a. Pricking pain is well localized. We have previously asserted this to be due, in the normal subject, to concomitant discriminating lemniscal activity. In view of recent findings, we would now propose that it might be also due either to ( 1 ) a purely lemniscal spinothalamic projection passing through VPL to orbitary cortex (in the cat) as suggested by Korn and Richard (1964), or ( 2 ) to extralemniscal-lemniscal convergence at subtelencephalic level, which is represented in some primary somatomotor cortices. 1. Perl and Whitlock (1961), in the monkey with only one anterolateral cord quadrant intact, found that 3.5% of VPL units which they recorded responded only to noxious peripheral stimuli. Mountcastle and Powell (1959) found that 12 out of 593 (2%) skin-driven units in the intact monkey’s S I cortex responded to noxious stimulation. It is interesting to compare these findings with the results of Penfield and Boldrey (1937), who stimulated the S I cortex in conscious human subjects, and found that 11 out of 426 (2.5%) evoked sensations were described as sharp and localized pain. This would accord also with the persistent reports in the clinical literature ( see Garcin, 1937; Marshall, 1951) that discrete lesions within the limits of the sensorimotor cortex can produce analgesia. As might be inferred from the greater degree of convergence found in the S I1 cortex, single unit analysis (Carreras and Andersson, 1963, in the cat) reveals a greater proportion of nocisensory cells-18 out of 473 (3.8%)skin-driven units. 2. Within VPL itself, Perl and Whitlock (1961) found 4 units in the cat and monkey which responded to noxious peripheral stimulation. In addition, they found that “units which gave evoked responses to other foims of stimuli applied to certain portions of the body surface were excited by noxious stimuli to much of the body and/or head.” These authors, it is true, rejected these units because of the unusualness of the findings. But this now seems more likely to be true in view of the findings of Mallart et al. (1961) that some WL units show extralemniscal mnvergence. In the VPL shell (which, like VPL proper, projects to primary sensory or possibly to motor cortex) all units show heterotopic convergence, but many also show extralemniscal-lemniscal
convergence; Massion et al. ( 1963) found that 27 out of 72 (37.5%) such units did so in the cat. PO may perhaps also be considered a part (though a specialized one) of the VPL shell, as it also shows these properties. Poggio and Mountcastle (1960) state that 60%of PO neurons in the cat are excited by noxious stimuli (although Per1 and Whitlock, 1961, doubt this) ; some heterosensory (somatoauditory) convergence is also seen in this group (Hotta and Kameda, 1963). This is interesting because many observers consider that noise can cause a “pricking” as well as a “diffuse” pain. b. Diffuse pain, poorly localized and outlasting the provoking stimulus may be considered to be due to the activation of an extralemniscal system, passing via the brain-stem reticular formation through VPL-VL to a primary cortex such as one or more of the following: S I, S 11, motor cortex, and (in the cat) orbitary cortex (Korn et al., 1963). The idea of gross localization within this system is tenable: Massion (1964) has shown that there is some degree of coarse somatotopy within VL in response to afferent stimulation of the tegument. In each of these cortical regions, cells responding to noxious stimuli have been observed. We must assume that under normal conditions these cortical afferent pathways are tonically inhibited at subcortical levels; spontaneous pains appear when this inhibition is removed. It can be compensated only by additional destruction of the alerting system ( see below). c. The affective component of pain, we suggest, is closely allied with diffuse painful sensation. In all cases, the onset of pain sensation is signaled by an alerting system projecting through Pf-CM to nonprimary association cortex, acting in a nonspecific manner. Albe-Fessard and Bowsher (1965) have shown that the monkey Pf-CM complex contains zones of positive and negative preference (in terms of increased or decreased amplitude of response) for particular areas of the body surface; indeed this preference is partially reflected at single unit level in the gigantocellular bulbar reticular formation ( Mallart, Bowsher, and Albe-Fessard, unpublished results). Thus the difficulties formerly presented by the existence of gross localization of central pain are removed. Extensive frontal lobotomies which successfully abolish the affective reaction to pain include the frontal association areas to which Pf-CM projects; we have some suggestive evidence that bilateral removal of this area alone has the same effect as lobotomy insofar as reaction to pain is concerned.
Our suggestion that the purely extralemniscal system passing through Pf-CM adds affective color to primary painful sensation involves the question of effective stimulus for this system. We have stressed throughout that although light somatic stimuli, effective for lemniscal activity, do not evoke activity in this extralemniscal system, effective somatic stimuli for this latter need not necessarily be noxious, but they must be brusque; and they require summation. Mallart (1962) has shown that CM units require temporal or spatial summation of afferent impulses before firing occurs. Such summation is precisely what occurs in peripheral nerves before conscious pain is felt in man (Collins et al., 1960, see above); and common-carrier cells of the spinal cord respond with different spatio-temporal patterns to convergent peripheral afferent impulses, as a time factor is involved. We no longer believe that the passage from consciousness of arousal to that of pain is a quantity-dependent phenomenon within the alerting system ( Bowsher, 1957; Bowsher and Albe-Fessard, 1969), but rather that it is a time-dependent process ( Massion and Trouche, 1964). The occurrence of the phenomena discussed above, in peripheral nerves and in central lemniscal and extralemniscal systems may, we believe, be the basis for determining, at conscious level, the quality of painful events. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due thc many neuroanatomists and neurophysiologists who have given of their time to discuss, both pcrsonally and by letter, the matters considered in this review; particularly to Professor A. Lundberg, who allowed us to see unpublished manuscripts, and to our colleagues in Paris who have contributed their data to this synthesis. The illustrations were kindly prepared by Mlle. A. Trinson and Mr. D. J. Kidcl.
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Ch. Stumpf
of Pharmacology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, and of Pharmacology, University of Vienna, Austria
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 11. Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus . . . . A. Slow Activity (Theta Rhythm) . . . . . B. Fast Activity . . . . . . . . . 111. Pharmacological Studies . . . . . . . . A. Drugs That Produce or Inhibit the Theta Rhythm B. Drugs That Induce Seizures or Seizure-like Discharges . . . . . . . . Hippocampus . C. Miscellaneous Drugs . . . . . . . IV. Conclusions and Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References
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I. introduction
The purpose of this article is to give a short review on the action of drugs on the electrical activity of the hippocampus, excluding the actions of drugs on evoked potentials and evoked seizure discharges. Such a review should probably start with the anatomy, histology, and physiology of the hippocampus, and then proceed to its spontaneous electrical activity and the drug-induced modifications of this activity. However, numerous excellent reviews on the anatomy, histology, and physiology of the hippocampus have been published in the past and it is felt that a new discussion of these topics in this review would at its best be a mere repetition. Instead, the interested reader is referred to the papers by Cajal (1909, 1955) and Lorente de N6 (1934) which may be considered the classical descriptions of anatomy and histology of the rhinencephalon, as well as to the more recently published reviews by Brodal (1947), Droogleever-Fortuyn ( 1956), Green ( 1960), MacLean ( 1954, 1955), Thomalske et al. (1957), and others. In fact, the very first paper published in this series was a review dealing with recent studies of the rhinencephalon ( Adey, 1959). This review will deal 77
primarily with drug-induced changes of the hippocampus activity, but it will start with a short section on the spontaneous electrical activity of the hippocampus since a knowledge of the normal activity is essential for understanding its drug-induced changes. The hippocampus has been studied by various investigators for quite different reasons, but there is general agreement on the fact that one of the main advantages of the hippocampus as a tool in neurophysiological and neuropharmacological investigations is the simple and relatively uncomplicated structure of this part of the cortex. Few other brain areas have such a simple structure, one of the exceptions being the prepyriform cortex which is composed of a single sheet of cells (cf. Freeman, 1963). It may be added that probably the simple and well-organized structure of the hippocampus is responsible for its simple pattern of electrical activity, the socalled theta rhythm which appears in the hippocampus under certain experimental conditions. Renshaw et al. ( 1940) are frequently quoted for their statement that the hippocampus is a most suitable area for evoked potential studies. Obviously, it can be argued that for similar reasons the hippocampus might be an ideal model for neuropharmacological investigations. II. Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus
Under conditions of rest the hippocampus shows a rather inconspicuous EEG pattern consisting of a mixture of slow and fast activities. Under the influence of sensory stimuli both components undergo a drastic change. The resting activity is replaced by a rather regular, sine-wave-like activity for which the term “theta rhythm” will be used here in accordance with Green and Arduini (1954). At the same time there is also a change in the appearance of the fast activity. A. SLOWACTIVITY(THETARHYTHM) Jung and Kornmuller (1938) first observed the appearance of regular slow waves (4-7 per second) in the rabbit’s hippocampus following sensory stimuli. At that time the electrophysiological significance of the ascending reticular system was not yet known, Then, in 1949, Moruzzi and Magoun made the discovery that sensory stimuli cause an excitation of the ascending reticular system thereby producing generalized changes of the EEG which have been termed arousal reaction. Electrical stimulation of this system
has the same effect on the cortical activity. In 1954, Green and Arduini published the results of an extensive investigation of the hippocampal electrical activity under various experimental conditions and concluded that the theta rhythm can be regarded as the expression of the arousal reaction in the hippocampus. It can be elicited, in accordance with Jung and Kornmuller (1938), by sensory stimuli as well as by reticular stimulation. The theta rhythm is one of the most regular brain rhythms and, although its shape approaches that of a sine wave to a remarkable degree, significant deviations from a true sinusoid must not be overlooked ( Green and Petsche, 1961) . As Green and Arduini (1954) point out, there is some variation in the appearance of the theta rhythm in different species of animals such that, for instance, the theta rhythm is pronounced in the rabbit, almost not detectable in the monkey, and is intermediate in the cat. Undoubtedly, the rabbit with a large and readily accessible hippocampus is an ideal animal for investigations of the hippocampal activity and in this species the occurrence of a regular rhythm during an arousal reaction has been described frequently (Gangloff and Monnier, 1956; Longo, 1956; Longo et al., 1954; Rinaldi and Himwich, 1955d; Sailer and Stumpf, 195713; and others). However, in other species, as, for instance, in rats (Weiss and Fifkovii, 1960), guinea pigs (Liberson and Akert, 1953), and cats (Passouant et al., 1955a,b) a regular slow wave activity has also been recorded in the alerted animal. In clinical electroencephalography the term “theta rhythm” is used to designate a rhythm with a frequeccy between 4 and 7 per second. In general, the frequency of the hippocampal arousal activity lies, at least in the rabbit, somewhere within these limits. However, under certain experimental conditions or in some species (see below) the frequency of the hippocampal theta rhythm may be lower than 4 per second or higher than 7 per second. Nevertheless, for simplicity, the term “theta rhythm” is used in this article to denote the slow activity which is characteristic of hippocampal arousal reactions, and independent of its frequency. 1. Properties of the Theta Rhythm
There is general agreement that in the rabbit the usual frequency of the theta rhythm is 4-7 per second. Some authors ( Adey, 1962; GrastyLn et al., 1959) found similar frequencies in the cat,
whereas others (Bradley and Nicholson, 1962; Tokizane et d., 1959) reported much lower values in this species. When a hippocampal theta rhythm is elicited by arousal stimulus, its frequency gradually decreases while the stimulus is being applied. Thus, the frequency is always highest at the moment of the onset of the stimulus, and this frequency will be called hereafter the “initial frequency” ( Sailer and Stumpf, 1957b). The initial frequency depends on the parameters of the stimulation. When the theta rhythm is elicited by reticular stimulation, pulse duration and frequency of this stimulation determine the value of the initial frequency (Mayer and Stumpf, 1958a). In addition, there is a significant linear positive correlation between the logarithm of stimulus voltage and the initial frequency in such a way that a voltage increase of log V = 0.1 produces an increase of the initial frequency in steps of 0.81 to 0.99 per second. The regression coefficients of this relationship show only a negligible variation between animals. Strong reticular stimulation may produce a hippocampal theta rhythm with an initial frequency of up to 11 per second. Thus, the frequency of the hippocampal theta rhythm can be regarded as a sensitive index of the degree of reticular excitation. High frequencies indicate a strong excitation of the reticular formation (Sailer and Stumpf, 195713). An increase of frequency of the theta rhythm due to an increase of intensity of an arousal stimulus has also been mentioned by Tokizane et al. (1959) and by Yokota and Fujimori (1964). It can be shown that the theta rhythm arises in the hippocampus 2nd evidence for this fact will be presented later. This does not mean, however, that the theta rhythm can be recorded from the hippocampus only. Actually, the occurrence of a typical theta rhythm in areas other than the hippocampus, especially in the thalamus and/or parietal cortex, has been described by several authors (Gangloff and Monnier, 1956; Longo, 1956; Longo et al., 1954; Rinaldi and Himwich, 1955d; and others), and for this reason the theta rhythm has sometimes been called “thalamic rhythm.” When a monopolar recording technique is employed, the theta rhythm can be recorded from large areas of the rabbit’s brain. By means of this technique the potential field of the theta rhythm has been constructed and it has been shown that, although the theta rhythm is present in large areas, its amplitude is largest in the hippocampus. Moreover, a monopolar phase reversal between the
theta rhythm recorded from the hippocampus and the one recorded from the overlying neocortex has been found to exist (Petsche and Stumpf, 1960). A zone with no activity at all (“null zone”) which may be found only by semimicroelectrode recording, is very narrow and situated at a plane just below the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus. The theta waves recorded from above and below the null zone are mirror images, their amplitudes, however, reach different maximal values such that the amplitude in the stratum radiatum is about twice as big as in the stratum oriens (Green et al., 1960). This seems to be a general characteristic of waves that are recorded from the neighborhood of a cell layer forming a curved surface since in such a case the current densities in the concavity can be expected to be higher than in the convexity (Freeman, 1963; Gloor et d., 1963a). The existence of the null zone indicates that the theta rhythm is not propagated in a vertical direction. Moreover, the potential field of the theta rhythm with its null zone proves that this rhythm arises in the hippocampus itself, and it has been concluded that the virtual generator of the theta rhythm lies between the upper surface of the pyramidal cell bodies and the distal regions of their apical dendrites (Green et aZ., 1960). The theta rhythm shows the feature of traveling waves. By means of a toposcopical investigation (Petsche and Stumpf, 1960) it has been demonstrated that the theta rhythm shows a spherical propagation with the septum as the center. From there the waves seem to travel through diencephalon and hippocampus as through a homogeneous medium. The velocity of this propagation depends on the theta frequency, increasing with increasing frequency. The average velocity is somewhere near 30 to 40 cm/second. So far no explanation has been offered for this type of slow propagation. At any rate, in the terminology used by Freeman (1963), the theta rhythm may be classified as an ac field which is standing along an axis normal to the hippocampus but moving along its surface. As Freeman (1963) states, a standing ac field is characteristic for several types of simple cortex. In a similar study, but using cross correlation techniques, Adey et al. (1960) have shown that the slow waves in the areas CA2 and CA4 of the dorsal hippocampus lead the entorhinal activity by 20 to 35 msec indicating a passage of activity from the hippocampus to the entorhinal area. In the course of approach learning, the direction of this passage was shown by
them to be reversed. Thus, in the untrained animal the phase relationships would be consistent with the direction and velocity of spread found by Petsche and Stumpf ( 1960). Several studies have been concerned with the action potentials of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Unit action potentials have been found to occur more or less exclusively in the stratum pyramidale (von Euler and Green, 1960a; Gloor et d.,196313.; Green .et al., 1960). Pyramidal neurons show a strong tendency for repetitive firing, especially during a theta rhythm (Green and Machne, 1955; Kandel and Spencer, 1961) and in this case the bursts are frequently but not necessarily correlated to a certain phase of the slow waves (Arduini and Pompeiano, 1955; Green and Machne, 1955; Green and Petsche, 1961; Green et aZ.,1960). The significance of this correlation will be dealt with in the next section. 2. Origin of the Theta Rhythm
Whenever a rhythmic bioelectrical activity is observed, one of the fundamental questions is whether it originates in the area under investigation or in a remote part of the brain. For many years the origin of induced and spontaneous rhythmic activities of the neocortex ( especially spontaneous alpha rhythm and spindle bursts) has been discussed (see Bremer, 1958). The question has been asked: “Does the spontaneous activity of the brain originate in the thalamus or in the cortex, or is it a function of their interaction (for instance, via reverberation over closed circuits between them) ?” (Bishop, 1949). Obviously, this question could be restated as follows: “Does the theta rhythm originate in the hippocampus or in a subcortical area (for instance, septum), or is it a function of their interaction?” Any hypothesis concerning the origin of neocortical rhythms may be applied in an analogous way to the origin of the hippocampal theta rhythm. It is clear, however, that a hypothesis proven to be applicable to the origin of a neocortical rhythm does not necessarily need to be true for the hippocampal slow waves. Three main concepts concerning the theta rhythm have been developed so far, one by von Euler and Green (1960b), another one by Spencer and Kandel (1962), and a third one by Eccles (1964). Although all these hypotheses are concerned primarily with the nature of the theta rhythm, they have of necessity to make certain assumptions about its origin. According to von Euler and Green (1960b), the correlation be-
tween burst activity of hippocampal neurons and theta rhythm can be explained as follows: The process leading to the generation of bursts starts with a wave of depolarization. During the initial phase of depolarization there is an increased excitability which leads to a series of declining spikes. A further increase of depolarization produces a cathodal depression of the action potentials. Granit and Phillips (1956) had described a similar process in single cerebellar Purkinje cells and called it “inactivation process.” In analogy to this event, von Euler and Green (1960b) adopted the same name for the cathodal depression of action potentials in single pyramidal neurons. In such neurons the depolarization is followed by a hyperpolarization. Thus, two kinds of inhibition follow each other. The conclusion drawn by von Euler and Green (1960b) is “that the theta rhythm is due to synchronously occurring ‘inactivation processes’ in many neurons,” and is “generated in the hippocainpal formation under the pressure of afferent impulses from the septum and precommissural fornix.” Many common features were found to exist between the theta rhythm and inactivation processes. As to the nature of the inactivation processes, Green et al. (1961) suggested that these slow potentials are generated by summed postsynaptic potentials. The tendency of hippocampal pyramidal neurons to fire in bursts and the correlation of these bursts to the theta rhythm was explained by Kandel and Spencer (1961) in a somewhat different way. These authors studied the action potentials of pyramidal neurons by intracellular recording. They found that the action potential is followed by a depolarizing afterpotential (DAP) of a larger magnitude than that described for any other central neuron. In this respect, hippocampal neurons differ in their behavior from motoneurons, the spike potential of which is followed by a brief afterhyperpolarization ( Eccles et al., 1957). According to Kandel and Spencer ( 1961) the excitatory state underlying repetitive firing in the hippocampus pyramidal cell is at least partly maintained by an endogenous process-the DAP that is intrinsic to neuronal membrane. Thus, the cathodal depression occurring when pyramidal neurons fire in bursts is not thought to consist primarily of postsynaptic potentials but rather of an additive depolarization of DAPs, although synaptic potentials can trigger bursts as well. The burst has self-sustaining and self-limiting properties, and it can be shown that the membrane potential repalarizes even in the
presence of a long depolarizing pulse. Spencer and Kandel (1962) state that hippocampal neurons possess two properties favorable for the development of a 3 to 7 per second rhythm, namely: first, the time necessary for recovery of spike parameters after a single spike or after a burst is 100-300 msec; second, as found by these authors, hippocampus pyramidal cells possess inhibitory recurrent axon collaterals that produce an inhibition of adjacent neurons for periods up to 200300 msec. Both these properties would favor the development of a theta rhythm. Evidence for a recurrent inhibitory pathway with the basket cell as the inhibitory neuron has been presented by Andersen et al. (1963), and it has been suggested that this inhibitory mechanism may be responsible for the hippocampal theta rhythm (Eccles, 1964). All these hypotheses assume the existence of impulses impinging on the hippocampus and thereby producing a theta rhythm. Obviously, Spencer and Kandel (1962) had to assume only “the existence of some uniform and sustained driving force in the form of excitatory synaptic bombardment,” whereas for the hypothesis of von Euler and Green (1960b) the arrival of excitatory impulses in a sequence corresponding to the frequency of the theta rhythm would have to be assumed. Recently, a true pacemaker for the theta rhythm has been found to exist in the medial septa1 nucleus (Petsche et al., 1962). The existence of such a pacemaker supports the hypothesis of von Euler and Green (1960b), but does not contradict the concepts of Spencer and Kandel (1962) or Eccles (1964). Before the properties of this pacemaker can be described, the main inputs of the hippocampus should be discussed. 3. Significance of the Septum
Two main fiber systems provide pathways for afferent influxes into the hippocampus: ( 1) septohippocampal connections, as first described by Ellioth Smith (1910), and later suggested to form a definite pathway (Green and Adey, 1956); ( 2 ) entorhinal-hippocampal connections arising as temporoammonic tracts in the entorhinal area and continuing as alvear and perforant path to the hippocampus (Cajal, 1909; Lorente de N6, 1934). It should be understood that both these systems can also pass impulses in the opposite, i.e., hippocampofugal direction (for a full account on this subject, see Adey, 1959). However, for the production of a theta
rhythm, only impulse transmission in the indicated, hippocampopetal direction will be considered. Kandel et al. (1961) studied both of these hippocampal inputs and found that the perforant path is the more powerful excitatory input when compared with the forniceal afferents, but they stress that the driving force for the theta rhythm may well come from the septum via the forniceal afferents ( Spencer and Kandel, 1962). Obviously, the theta rhythm is induced in the hippocampus via septohippocampal connections since interruption of septal transmission by lesions (Green and Arduini, 1954) or procaine (Brucke et al., 1959a) abolish the theta rhythm (Fig. 1).Entorhinal ablation had been reported to have a similar effect (Carreras et al., 1955) but, as Adey (1959) points out, this was possibly due to the acute conditions of these experiments. A reinvestigation of the effects of an entorhinal ablation showed no disappearance of the hippocampal slow waves following a click ( Adey et al., 1956). Under certain experimental conditions (i.e., in trained animals in the course of approach learning) primary activation of the hippocampus was reported to be initiated from the entorhinal area (Adey et al., 1960). Under normal conditions, however, the septum and hippocampus should be regarded as one entity as far as the theta rhythm is concerned, and it may be concluded that the septum forms an important relay station between the reticular formation and the hippocampus. The septum is a rather complex structure consisting of many nuclei with probably different functions (see Andy and Stephan, 1961). I t is true that a septal lesion abolishes the theta rhythm but it is not necessary to destroy the whole septum or even large parts of it to accomplish this. Instead, only a small area has to be destroyed for this purpose, and this area is situated in the most median part in the center of the septum. A median lesion in this area abolishes the theta rhythm in both hippocampi, whereas with a paramedian lesion the theta rhythm is abolished in the homolateral hippocampus only ( Mayer and Stumpf, 195%). High-frequency electrical stimulation of this area also abolishes the theta rhythm (Brucke et al., 1959b). Thus, all available data indicate that in a small median septal area there must be neurons that send their axons toward the hippocampus and that must pass impulses responsible for the theta rhythm. Therefore, Petsche et d.(1962) investigated this area with microelectrodes. In a small area in the median
Frc:. 1. Ncxocortical and Iiippocanipal arousal reaction of a rabhit elicited by proprioceptive stimulations ( horizontal Ixirs ) , before ( upper part) and after a scptal lesion (lower part). EEG rc.cortl(d f r o m froiit;d cortex (upper traces), and left and right hippocampus ( iiiiddlv and 1owc.r traces). Time markings: 1 second. Notc difrerence in cali1)ration for hippocanipns recordings before and aftcr septa1 lesion. Take11 from hlaycr u i i d Stuinpf ( 1958b).
part of the septum a group of units was fouiid which show quite a characteristic discharge pattern. W l ~ nthere is a theta rhythm in the hippocampus, these units discharge in 1)ursts and these bursts always occur during a certain phase of the theta waves (Fig. 2). Usually, the phase correlation of the repetitive discharges of these
FIG. 2. Action potentials of a single neuron of the medial septa1 nucleus recorded with an extracellular microelectrode (upper trace), and hippocampal activity recorded with gross electrodes (lower trace) during a theta rhythm elicited by sensory stimulation. Positivity of action potentials down. Voltage calibrations: 1 mv (upper trace) and 0.5 mv (lower trace); time calibration: 250 msec.
cells with respect to the theta rhythm remains constant for long periods of time; in some cases, the discharge pattern of a single neuron was observed for up to 2 hours, and no change of phase correlation occurred. Under certain experimental conditions, the phase correlation may change but this is a rare event. On the other hand, each individual septal neuron may continuously discharge during any phase of the theta wave. When there is no theta rhythm in the hippocampus, the septal neurons discharge irregularly and apparently at random. The neurons firing in a manner just described, are located in the median part of the septum forming a nucleus which was previously described anatomically by various authors under different names: nucleus medialis septi (Cajal, 1909), nucleus parolfactorius ( Edinger, 1904), nucleus of the diagonal band (Johnston, 1923; Young, 1936), and pars posterior septi medialis ( Loo, 1931). It is well known that connections between the septum and the hippocampus conduct in both directions. Anatomical evidence for septohippocampal fibers has been presented by many authors, including Ariens Kappers et al. (1936), Bard and Rioch ( 1937), Cragg (1961), Daitz and Powell ( 1954), Gerebtzoff ( 1939, 19411942), Mettler (1943), and Morin (1950), although so far there is no agreement on the precise course of these fibers. During the last 10 years several electrophysiological investigations have been carried out which also suggest the existence of septohippocampal projections (Adey et al., 1957; Andersen ct d., 1961; Briicke et d., 1959b; von Euler et al., 1958; Green and Adey, 1258; Green and Arduini, 1954). I t is true that some of these authors recorded evoked potentials in the hippocampus as a response to stimulation of the dorsal fornix rather than the septum. Howejrer, as Andersen et al. (1961) point out, it is likely that in these cases the medial septal nuclei were actually stimulated. Green and Adey (1956) suggested a pathway passing through the fimbria to the cells of the dentate gyrus; the axons of the granule cells would relay impulses to the hippocampus pyramidal cells. Further evidence for impulse conduction along this pathway has been presented by von Euler et al. (1958).On the other hand, Gloor et al. (1963a) rejected this pathway on the grounds that they could not find excitation of granule cells after fimbrial stimulation. Andersen et al. (1961) as well as Briicke et al. (1963) were able to record clear-cut responses to septal stimulation in the area CA1 of the hippocampus.
However, as Andersen et (11. (1961) remark, the axons of the dentate granule cells, the mossy fibers, do not reach the areas CA1 and CA2. Therefore, the possibility remains that in addition to the pathway suggested by Green and Adey (1956) there are still other septohippocainpal projections. Cragg and Hamlyn (1957, 1959) described ascending fibers in the dorsal fornix, presumably from the septum, which terminate in the subiculum and presubiculum, and Andersen et c d . (1961) present evidence for a true septohippocampal pathway terminating in the stratum pyramidale and the adjacent part of apical dendrites of area CA1. This site of termination agrees with the findings of von Euler et al. ( 19.55). Summarizing it may be said that whereas all available data indicate the existence of a reticulohippocampal pathway which has the medial septa1 nucleus as an important relay station, the exact course of the septohippocampal fibers has not yet been determined. Furthermore, since destruction of the mid-line thalamic nuclei also abolishes the theta rhythm ( Eidelberg et al., 1959), an ascending reticulohippocampal pathway relaying through these nuclei and projecting from there to tlie hippocampus (Rose and Woolsey, 1948) has also been assumed. On the other hand, Corazza and Parineggiani (1963) found no modification of the theta rhythm after coagulation of the thalainic nuclei. According to these authors, the appearance of theta rhythm depends on tlie integrity of medial hypothalamic structures, indicating “that the afferent system eliciting the hippocampal theta rhythm upon ischiatic stimulation becomes clearly localized only from the hypothalamus and upwards.”
B. FASTACTIVITY Within the last few years data have accumulated which indicate that during rest as well as during an arousal reaction low-voltage activity with frequencies of more than 10 per second occur in the hippocampus EEG of the rabbit (Eidclberg et nl., 1959; Gangloff and Monnier, 1956) and cat (Bradley and Nicholson, 1962; Passouant et ul., 1956a, 1957; Tokizane et al., 1959). During an arousal reaction this activity appears to be accelerated and superimposed on the theta waves. However, different frequencies have been reported to occur during an arousal reaction: 12-16 per second (Passouant et nl., 1956a), 20-25 per second (Tokizane et ul., 1959), and 30-40 per second ( Bradley and Nicholson, 1962), respectively.
In all the cases mentioned above, the simultaneous occurrence of slow and fast activities has been described. Under certain experimental conditions, however, a low-voltage fast activity appears in the hippocampus EEG as the sole manifestation of an arousal reaction. In these cases the hippocampal arousal reaction is similar to the neocortical arousal reaction to which the term “desynchronization” has been applied. It has been found to occur in response to an arousal stimulus under the following conditions: ( a ) According to Grastyin et al. ( 1959), the hippocampal activity of the cat during a novel, unconditioned stimulus is character-
ized by a desynchronization. The theta rhythm is regarded as the reaction of the hippocampus during an “orienting reaction” in the course of conditioning. Under comparable conditions, Adey et al. (1960) found only rarely that short periods of desynchronization preceded the theta rhythm. ( b ) In very young cats (Cadilhac and Passouant-Fontaine, 1962) and rabbits ( Gogolik et al., 1963), the hippocampal arousal reaction is characterized by a fast, low-voltage activity. The theta rhythm as expression of the hippocampal arousal reaction does not appear until the animals grow older. At a certain age the hippocampus responds to some stimuli with a desynchronization, to other with a theta rhythm (Gogolhk et al., 1963). ( c ) It has been mentioned previously that septal lesions abolish the theta rhythm (Green and Arduini, 1954). This does not mean, however, that reticular stimulation is ineffective in such animals. Instead, it induces a low-voltage, fast activity in the hippocampus in animals with septal lesions (Mayer and Stumpf, 1958b). ( d ) In rats in light barbiturate anesthesia, external stimuli were found to produce a “desynchronization not only in the cortex but also in the hippocampus” (see Section III,A,B,b) and rarely the same phenomenon was found to occur in the unanesthetized, curarized rat ( Weiss and Fifkovi, 1960). ( e ) In rabbits, reticular stimulations with intensities that exceed a certain value also produce a low-voltage fast activity in the hippocampus ( Stumpf, 1965). In addition to the above effects produced by an arousal stimulus, stimulation of other brain areas has been reported to elicit a d e s p chronization of hippocampal activity (Briicke et a t , 1959b; Torii, 1961; Yokota and Fujimori, 1964).
Thus, there seem to exist at least two patterns of hippocampal responses, theta rhythm with fast activity superimposed on it and desynchronization, as suggested by Torii ( 1961). Recently, however, Yokota and Fujimori (1964) described four types of hippocampal electrical activity in response to subcortical stimulation: (1) synchronization (i.e., theta rhythm); ( 2 ) desynchronization A (i.e., increase in amplitude of fast waves with disappearance of slow waves) ; ( 3 ) desynchronization B (i.e., desynchronization without increase in amplitude of fast waves); and ( 4 ) “intermediate response” ( i.e., synchronization in response to weak stimulation and desynchronization in response to stronger stimulation). Pattern ( 1) was found to occur during stimulation of the medial preoptic area, the medial hypothalamic region, and the dorsolateral part of the midbrain tegmentum, pattern ( 2 ) during the stimulation of the amygdala and the lateral preoptic area, pattern ( 3 ) during stimulation of the bulbar ventromedial reticular formation, and pattern ( 4 ) during stimulation of the posterolateral hypothalamic region and the preoptic area. In a recent investigation, the reviewer (Stumpf, 1965) could partly confirm and extend the results reported b y these authors. It turned out that any type of hippocampal slow wave pattern (irregular, regularized, or depressed) may or may not be associated with regular fast activity. For instance, reticular stimulations with increasing voltage evoke theta rhythm without regular fast activity, theta rhythm with such a fast activity superimposed on it, and fast activity associated with depression of slow waves ( desynchronization ) ; septal stimulation produces depression of slow waves, as originally described by Brucke et al. (1959b), with or without fast activity, depending on stimulus voltage. Evidence has been presented that the several different types of hippocampal activity can be explained by assuming the existence of three mechanisms which are able to modify the electrical activity of the hippocampus-one mechanism would produce the theta rhythm, another one would depress the slow waves, and a third one would elicit a regular fast activity. In rabbits with septal lesions, reticular stimulation elicits a regular fast activity as in normal animals, but without theta rhythm. Therefore, it can be concluded that two different reticulohippocampal pathways are responsible for the mediation of theta rhythm and regular fast activity. It has been demonstrated by various authors (von Euler and Green, 19600b; Gloor et al., 1963b; Kandel et al., 1961) that hippocampal
pyramidal neurons respond to stimulation of forniceal afferents as well as to stimulation of the perforant path. Moreover, von Euler (1960) stated “that the afferent system from the septum and the perforant path make synaptic contact mainly with different hippocampal neurons.” Perhaps, the afferent influx from the entorhinal area is responsible for the mediation of the fast component of hippocampal activity. At the moment, this is a mere speculation and further experimentation is necessary to prove the correctness of this assumption. Ill. Pharmacological Studies
Any classification of drugs may be open to criticism. The grouping of drugs adopted here should not be regarded as a rigid classification implying grouping according to common modes of action, but rather as a convenient arrangement which allows the placing of drugs with similar actions on the electrical activity of the hippocampus together. Drugs may produce or inhibit the theta rhythm, they may induce seizures or seizure-like discharges, or they may influence the electrical activity of the hippocampus in other ways. Even with this rather simple classification, overlapping cannot be avoided. For instance, several drugs produce or inhibit the theta rhythm while inducing seizures or seizure-like discharges in the hippocampus, some produce theta effects at one dose and seizures at another. It is not intended to give here a detailed description of the action of all, or even nearly all drugs known to influence the electrical activity of the hippocampus. There are, however, some specific problems involved relating to drug action on hippocampal activity which will be discussed in the following sections. A. DRUGS THATPRODUCE OR INHIBIT THE THETA RHYTHM It has been mentioned before that the theta rhythm has to be regarded as one form of the hippocampal arousal reaction. A great number of drugs are known to influence the EEG arousal reaction in some way, although far more investigations have been carried out on the neocortical arousal reaction than on the hippocampal theta rhythm. Generally, it may be assumed that a drug that induces or inhibits the neocortical desynchronization, will also induce or inhibit the hippocampal theta rhythm. However, this “rule” has several exceptions which will be mentioned later.
It should b e clear that a statement such as “a drug inhibits the neocortical arousal reaction caused by reticular stimulation” does not mean very much, Recently, Domino (1962) pointed out that in such a case it is generally assumed that this effect is due to an inhibitory action on the reticular formation itself but that this is not necessarily true. Such an effect may also be caused by an action of the drug on the neocortex or on reticulocortical pathways, and there are several other possibilities which could explain such an inhibition of an arousal reaction. Obviously, the same arguments can be used when it is observed that a drug induces EEG changes similar to those of an arousal reaction. Finally, similar arguments will have to be dealt with when experiments on drug action on the hippocampal theta rhythm are considered. It should be pointed out here that in the case of drug action on the hippocampal theta rhythm one is dealing with a much less complex situation than in the case of drug action on the neocortical arousal reaction. Reticulohippocampal pathways can be interrupted by very small lesions (e.g., in the septum) rendering studies on the site of drug action relatively simple. This is not true, however, for pathways from the reticular formation to the neocortex which can only be interrupted by rather large lesions. 1. Drugs That Produce a Thetu Rhythm Many drugs are known to produce generalized EEG changes which are characteristic for a n arousal reaction, i.e., desynchronization of neocortical activity and theta rhythm in the hippocampus. However, as mentioned before, this does not mean that a druginduced neocortical desynchronization is always and necessarily associated with a hippocampal theta rhythm. Two examples may i h t r a t e this fact: BAS, the benzyl analog of serotonin (l-benzyl2,5-dimetliylserotonin), a drug with antiserotonin properties, induces in the neocortex of the rabbit a typical alert EEG pattern, but in the hippocampus convulsive-like phenomena rather than a theta rhythm (Rinaldi, 1958). Similarly, LSD, known to produce a flattening of neocortical activity, does not produce a regularization but rather a flattening of the hippocampal activity (Sailer and Stumpf, 195713). Consequently, the finding that a drug causes a neocortical desynchronization does not necessarily justify the interpretation that this drug produces generalized EEG changes characteristic for an arousal reaction.
Among others, two groups of drugs, cholinergic and adrenergic agents, do produce a desynchronization of neocortical activity and a theta rhythm in the hippocampus, i.e., EEG changes otherwise characteristic for an arousal reaction. It is well known that cholinergic agents may produce an EEG arousal reaction but not a behavioral arousal reaction (cf. Bradley and Elkes, 1957) although behavioral awakening has been observed after intracarotid injection of acetylcholine in the cat enc6phale isole preparation (Bonnet and Bremer, 1937). On the other hand, as will be shown later, the theta rhythm elicited by sensory or reticular stimulation is more similar to the theta rhythm induced by cholinergic agents than to that induced by adrenergic agents. a. Cholinergic Agents. Acetylcholine ( ACh) and the anticholinesterases, eserine and diisopropylfluorophosphate ( DFP) , are the cholinergic agents which have been used most frequently for electroencephalographic studies and there is general agreement that these three drugs have essentially similar actions. On the other hand, it has been reported that neostigmine does not produce any EEG modifications when given in reasonable doses intravenously and this failure to produce EEG changes has been suggested to be owing to the fact that neostigmine as a quaternary ammonium compound fails to pass the blood-brain barrier (Funderburk and Case, 1951). However, when injected into the carotid artery, Bremer and Chatonnet (1949) found neostigmine effective in changing the electrocorticogram in a manner similar to ACh and eserine. It may be mentioned here that other quaternary ammonium compounds given by the same route of administration have also been found to modify the electrocortical activity ( Longo, 1955). Between 1937, when the action of ACh (injected into the carotid artery in the cat enckphale isole preparation) on the cortical activity was investigated for the first time (Bonnet and Bremer, 1937), and about 1955, little depth recording was employed in such studies. Surface recording showed that cholinergic agents produce a low-voltage fast activity. Wescoe et al. (1948) demonstrated this effect for DFP in cats and monkeys, Bremer and Chatonnet ( 1949) for ACh, eserine, and neostigmine (all given by the intracarotid route) in the cat encbphale isole preparation, Funderburk and Case (1951) as well as Bradley and Elkes (1953b) for eserine in the cat, Bradley et al. (1953) for DFP also in the cat, and Longo (1955) for ACh injected into the carotid
artery in the rabbit. The potency of an anticholinesterase drug in producing a neocortical arousal pattern seems to depend on inactivation of brain pseudocholinesterase rather than on inactivation of brain true cholinesterase (Desmedt and La Grutta, 1957). It has been stated that the electrocorticographic changes produced by cholinergic agents are similar to those seen during an arousal reaction (Bradley and Elkes, 1957; Funderburk and Case, 1951; Longo, 1955) and further experimentation has shown that this similarity is not limited to the electrocorticographic changes. Rinaldi and Himwich (1955d) described the EEG changes after injection of ACh (0.5-5 pg) of DFP (0.1-0.3 mg) into the common carotid artery of rabbits as a typical alert pattern characterized by a fast, low-voltage neocortical activity and a regular, slow “thalamic rhythm.” Finally, this thalamic rhythm was identified as hippocampal theta rhythm (Sailer and Stumpf, 195713). That the regular subcortical rhythm induced by cholinergic agents was first recorded from the diencephalon can easily be explained by the peculiarities of the potential field of the theta rhythm (see Section II,A,l). Petsche and Stumpf (1960) and Monnier (1960) have also recorded a regular slow activity after eserine not only from the hippocampus but from other subcortical areas as well. Intracarotid injection of ACh, eserine, and pilocarpine induce a similar activity ( h4onnier and Romanowski, 1962). Finally, eserine has been found to produce a theta rhythm in the hippocampus of rats (Bure6 et al., 1962) and cats. In the latter species the frequency of theta rhythm was reported to be 2-4 per second rather than 4-7 per second as in the rabbit, but the same frequencies have also been found for slow activity during an arousal reaction ( Bradley and Nicholson, 1962). There are many characteristics which the theta rhythms induced by eserine and by sensory or reticular stimulation have in common. Both slow activities show the same potentials field with a “null zone” at a level just below the pyramidal cell layer, and the same spherical spread with approximately the same velocity (Green et al., 1960; Petsche and Stumpf, 1960). Just as the frequency of the theta rhythm during an arousal reaction depends on the intensity of reticular or sensory stimulation ( see Section II,A,l ), the frequency of the eserine-induced theta rhythm depends on the dose of eserine. For instance, in the rabbit an eserine dose of 0.1 mg/kg will induce a theta rhythm with a frequency between 4.5 and 5 per second, whereas this frequency will be between 5.5 and
6 per second after a dose of 0.6 mg/kg. a fter strong reticular stimulation frequencies of 8 per second and more may be obtained. This high a frequency is not possible with eserine, probably because the doses necessary to produce such frequencies would be otherwise toxic (Sailer and Stumpf, 1957b). With any drug-induced EEG change there is al\vays the question whether the observed effect is due to R direct action of this drug on the brain area under observation or on a remote brain structure. There is much evidence that the eserine-induced theta rhythm has the same origin as the theta rhythm elicited by sensory or reticular stimulation. The following observations demonstrate that the rnedial septal nucleus is responsible for mediating both kinds of hippocampal slon~waves. First of all, it has been shown that after administration of eserine the nenrons of thc. medial septal nncleus discharge in bursts synchronous wit11 tlie hippocampal theta rhythm just in the same way a s they do during a sensory or reticular stimulation (Petsche et (I?., 1962). might be expected on the basis of this finding, a septal lesion (or an injection of procaine into the septum ) abolishrs the eserine-inducecl theta rhythm (Brucke et nl., 1959a; Mayer and Stumpf, 195%). Probably, these effects are not specific for eserine, nor for cholinergic agents in general. So far no other drug which induces a theta rhythm has been studied a s to its action on the firing pattern of septal neurons. It is known, ho\ ~e ve r,that the hippocampal SIOW waves induced 1)y other drugs (apomorphiiie, inetlianiphetamine, and nicotine) are also abolished by septal lc,sioiis ( M ~ i y e r and Stumpf, 1958b; Stumpf, 1959). Therefore, it is probably justified to assume that no drug can incluce a theta rhythm in animals with septal lesions. This statcment would imply that a theta rhythm is i n no case caused by a direct action of a drug on the hippocampus itself, Although a septal lesion aboljshes the typical eserine-induced theta rhythm, this does not mean tliat after such a lesion eseriiic, has not action on the electrical activity of the hippocampus. In such animals, eserine produccs fast, lo\v-\dtage activity, changing the hippocampiis EEG in thc same 1 ~ 7 2 as 1 ~ an arousal stimnlus does following a septal lesion (Fig. 1) ( iyer and Stumpf. 195811). Recent investigations ( Stumpf, 1965) have shown that in the intact rabbit escrine not only prodiices a thcta rhj-tlim lmt, at the sainc time, superimposed on it, regiilar, fast, low-voltage activity which
1x1s lieen discussed in Section II,B, A septa1 lesion, altliougli al>olisliiiig tlie slow waves, does not cliangc the fast activity. Finally, a septa1 lesion niotlifios the eserine-induced firing pattcrti of Iiippocanipal pj~r;iinidal iwuroiis. During an eserineinduced theta rhythm some pyraniic1;il iicwroiis discharge in h r s t s correlatcd to a certain phase o f tlle tIlcbta waves just a s they do during a theta rliytliin induced b y rvticiilar stimulation. Gc~nerally,the discharge frequcncy is incrcastd rint1c.r thc influence of eserine (Green ct ml., 1960). This eifoct call 11~1abolished by interruption of scytal transmission. \\’hen, in a rabbit pretreated ~ i t heserine, procainr, is injected into the septum, theta rhythm and increased dischirge rate of pyramidal I I C I I ~ O I I Sdisappear and later rc’appear sit~iultai~e~ously ( Fig. 3 ) ( Dcistw1iaiiiiiic.r and Stumpf, 1960 ) .
FIG. :3. I>iscliarge ratc of hil’poc,:uiil)ii, 1))i-;iiiiitlal xicuron dnring control period ( A ) , aftcr intravellous i i i j c , c t i o r ~ oi 0.25 nrg/kg eserinc ( B ) , and at various intervals after injcction of O.015 iirl procaine ( 10%)into tlir septum ( C to G ) . Arrows indicate injections. Al)sc I : time in iiiinutcs aftcr procaiiic injection into the scptum. Oulinatc,: iiiiiiibcr of action potentials ptlr second. Taken froin Deiscirhamiiic~r; t i i d Stiiiiipf ( 1960).
This, all available data indicate that tlie septum plays the same important role for the eserinc-indiicc.d theta rhythm as it does for that induced by sensory or rvticnlar stimulation. None of thc experimental findings mcntioned so far requires the assumption that eserine exerts a direct action on tlie hippocmipus itself, this despite the fact that the 11ippoc.anipiis formation has been found to contain quite high concciltrations of cholinacetylase ( Feldberg and Vogt, 1948) and some psciido and true cholincsterase
(Burgen and Chipman, 1951 ), the latter enzyme being located mainly in tlie regions of the basal dendrites and the proxinial parts of tlie apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons ( Gerebtzoff, 1960). Adininistration of an anticliolinesterase should inhibit the cholinesterase and might thereby procliicc some observable effect if ACli plays any physiological role in the hippocainpus. Actually, it has been show~nthat eserine has a facilitatory action on the response of single hippocampal neurons to scptal stimulation, very probably due to a direct action of eserine on the hippocampus itself (Brucke et ab., 1963). RiacLean ( 1957) observed slow waves and seizure discharges in the cat's hippocampus after topical application of various cholincrgic agents, suggesting tliat lmth EEG plicnomena are clue to ii direct action of these driigs 011 the 11ippoc;impiis. Unfortunately, these experiments Irave not hecn rqieated in animals with septal lesions. Drug-induced hippocainpal seizure activity can occur in such animals (Stiimpf, 1959). If a theta rhythm could be induccd in animals with septal lrsions by injection of cholinergic agents into tlie liippocainpus, this would be the first case demonstrating a theta rhythm in the presence of a septal lesioii and would require a revision of the liypotliesis on the origin of the theta rhythm as outlined in Section II,A,?. From what has been said on the theta rhythm induced by cholinergic agents, it can easily be seen tliat this rhythm is similar to, if not identical with, tlie slow activity characteristic for the hippocampus arousal reaction, although a few observations indicate an additional direct action of these agents on the hippocampiis itself. However, several precautions nus st he taken before the identity of these two activities can be taken as granted. First of all, it is not yet establislrecl \vlietht.r these t n o activities are really identical in every respect. Second, one cannot be sure whether tlie various cff ects of cholinergic agents describcd above are specific for these agents unless otlier drugs producing a theta rhythm have been studied as well. At least, as mentioned before, the disappearance of a drug-induced theta rhytlim after septal lesions is not specific for cholinergic agents. fIo\vevcr, it will h e seen later that the theta rhythm produced by metliampl~etaminediffers in some respects from that induced by eserine or by sensory or reticular stimulation. Finally, tlie eserine-inducecl theta rhythm has been found to be influcnced by scopolamine in a somewhat cliff erent way than the theta rhythm induced by reticular stimulation ( see
Section IlI,A,?) but so f a r the rxplaiiation for this discrepancy remains o1)scure. Revcrsible functional elimination of the neocortex elicited by spreading depression lias no inlliiencr o i i tlie eserine-intlnced theta rhythm, as demonstratecl liy I3olidaiic~c.k~ c’t nl. ( 1963 ) . Similarly, neocortical ablation does not change the theta rhythm during an arousal reaction ( Green and Ahduini,1954), However, Holidaneck ct ti,?. ( 1963) maintain tliat reversible functional elimination of th liippoc.;iinp~isby spreading dqiression does not influence the theta rliytlrni rc~corded from tlie tcgmentitnn. This unexpcxtcd restilt \voiiltl iinply tliat an eserine-itidiic,c.d tlrr’ta rhythm in the h i t i stcm can mist even n7lien the nornial f~inc.tiotrof the liippocamp~isis c~liminatetl temporarily, tlierc+orc rcqiiiriirg tlic assuinption of a s c ~ o n dp:ic(~malierfor the teginetrtal tlreta rhytlim. ‘I’liis assumption \voiild require an auxiliary liypotlicsis, iiamc~ly, that both pacemakers work completely in pliase ant1 synclironously sincc it lias Iieen tlcinonstratetl that tlie tlicta rliytlrni i n niesodienceplialon and Iiippocatnpis forms one colrcrcnt acti\,ity ( Pvtsche and Stumpf, 1960) , Further eqierimentatioir is i r c ~ d r t lliefore such an assumption can he made \vitli certaint).. 11. Adrenergic Agents. Tlic~ actioir of epinephrine and iiorepiiieplirinr on cortical activity lias l i c ~ mstiidied repeatedly but the results of these investigations arc’ c.onflictitrg and oftcm contradictory (for a s i i i ~ ~ofy literaturc SCY. IJongo, 1962). On tlie other hand, thcrc is obvionsly complete ngrc’ctncnt oii the actions of cl-, I-, and dl-arnl~lrctaniineand inethaiiiplietaminc., and it has invariably been found that t h e sympathomimctics prodiice ElSG and behavioral arousal. This effect has been dcscrilwtl in cats ( Bradley and Elkes, 3 a , 1957; Funclerhiirk and \I’oodcoc.k, 19,57; I-Iiebcl et al., 1954a; Rotlilxdlcr, 1957), dogs ( Scliall(~ka i i t l \\‘alz, 1953), and rabbits ( Longo, 1962; Loiigo and Silwstriiii, 1957; IVhite and Boyajy, 1959; \\‘hitc arid Daigneaiilt, 1!)S9). .4ltliough no detailed studies on tlir actions of epineplirinc~ and irorcpinelilirine on the hippocampal activity have been rcyortecl, the appearance of rhythmic slo\\* \vaves in the hippocatnpiis aftcr amphetamine and methamphetamine has been denionstratc~l i n the cat ( Bradley and Nicholson, 1962) and rabbit ( I,ongo, 1962; Sailer and Stumpf, 195%). This activity can be aliolislietl by septa1 lesions ( Mayer and Stiimpf, 19S8b). Thercfore, it appears-and this 1r;is lwen mentioned frequently
-that the EEG changes induced by cliolinergic and aclrenergic agents are very similar, indeed, being analogous to those occurring during an aroiisal reaction. Ho\\7ever, several differences have been found to esist lxtween tlie ncocortical arousal pattern induced by cholinergic and aclrenergic agents, respectivdy. A discussion of the differcntial effccts of various brain s t m ~transections and of various antagonists o n tliesc, arousal patterns would be beyond tlic scopc of this review. It m a y be mentioned, liowever, that even the distrilmtion of tlie neocortical desynchronization, indiicccl by cserine and amphetamine, respcetively, shows some differences ( Longo and Silvestrini, 1957). Tlierefore, it might he expected that some differences in tlie 1iipl~oc;i~npal slow wave‘ p t t c r n s indiictd by cholinergic and adrenergic agents might also esist. I n the, rabbits, the frcqiiency o f tlie eserine-induced theta rhythm increases ~7itl1 increasing dosagc, and that of thc theta rhytlim iiiduccd by reticular stimulation ~ 4 t hincrcxsing stiiniiliis intensity, whereas the frequeiicy of tlie nietliaiiiplictainiiie-inducc.d theta rhythm remains constaiit within a range of ,5 to 5 5 1wr second independeiit of the dose of inetlinmpl~ctanii~i~~, even \vhcn doses 111) to 30 mg/kg are used. AIoreover, the wave shape of tlie ri~etlia~nplietamirie-induced theta rhythm is consitkrably inorc, irregiilar than that of the theta rliythm inducccl by escriiie (Sailer and Stumpf, 1957b), and the addition of reticular stiniiilation eiiiises a distinct regu1;uization ( Longo, 1962). 111 the cat, Bradley and Nicholson ( 1962) found much lo\ver frequencies of the theta rhythm induced b y amplietamine h i t , according to these authors, in this species any liippocampal SIOW wave rhythm tends to have the saine frequency l>etween 2 and 4 per sccoiid. In the rabliit, again, amphetamine decreases tlie discharge rate of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, whereas esrrinc has the opposite effect (Grren et d., 1960). If tlie above results a r c c o n i p ~ ~ critically, r~~l it must be concluded that only slight tliffcreiices mist h e t n w n the theta rhythms induced by somv cholinergic and adrcnergic agents and that this is generally true for tlie EEG arousal patterns produced hy tliese two gro"ps of drugs.
2. Drrrgs That Inhibit the Theta Rhythm A large nnmber of tlrugs-most anesthetics, hypnotics, tranquilizers, and related drugs, as wcll as anticholinergic agentsinhibit tlie ncocortical arousal rrwtion and at the same time de-
prcss the theta rliytliin of tlw Iiipl)o(,"iiil)~is.Important czceptioiis will l i t , discussed latcr. A s far ;is tlw Iiippoc;iriipus arousal rcaction is coiiccmied, tlic effect of siilitlirr~sliolcl doses is often far more interesting. It has Iwrw incmtioiicd l)w\.iously (Section I I,.i,l 1 tllat tlie frequency of the tlicta rliytlini is i t i soiiie w a y a quitc scnsiti\,c i d e s of the excitatory stat(, of tlio reticular foriiiatioii. Conscxqucwtly, it m a y be rxpectcd that (Irrigs \\,Iiich inlliliit tllc aroiisal reaction, \\lien givcn in sii1)tlircsIroltI tloses, \\,ill drcrc~tise the frequency of the theta rliytlriii tIierc1l)y giving ;i qiimtitati\.e estiniatc of thc amomit o f deprc~ssioii. , \ c , t i i a l l > r , it h a s lwei1 demonstratcd in rabbits that the frcqii(wc). of t l i c theta rhytlim elicited 1)y reticular stimulation is tl(xcrc;lscd temporarily by Iicw)lxirbital, procaiiic~, a i d clilorpro~nazinc~. 1 f, for iristarice, tlio frcqrieiicy is 7 1wr s x o n d during ;in arousal rcactioir i n tlic control period. hrsobarliital ( 10 mg/kg) reclnccs this frcyriviicy to aliout 3 pcr s e c o i d d~iriiigthe first few rniiiritc,s aftrr tlrc intravenons injection ( Fig. 4 ) , IIXtIi all three driigs, tlic t l t c w a s c ~of frcqiiency tlepeiids on tlw dosage. atid time after administratiori, Scopolamine shows a clifferclirt type of action. As long as tliv scopolmiinc~dose is not liigh cnougll to al,olisli tlie theta rhytliin cotiiplctc,ly, it ivill not reclncc, its frequc~iicyduring an arousal reaction clicittd by reticular stimulation ( l5riickc c't o/., 1957). Tlit, samc type' of c-sperimcnts lias lieen rcpcatccl \vitli a tlieta rliytlini iiidricd by rwrine instead of reticular stimrilation. In this case all I'oiir tlrygs Ira\-(. the same action consisting of a tlecreasc in the frcyii(~iiqo f t h e , theta rliytlim ( Uriicke ct ( I / . . 1958). Urethane, has also I)c~eiislio\vn to influencc~the e inc-inducrd tlieta rllythm in tliis n i a i i i ~ c r( Stiunpf c t NI., 1962). N o esplaiiation can lie offered for t l i c tliffercnce in action of scopolainirici on the theta rhythms iiitliic~cd by eserine and reticular stimrilation, respectively. ~ I o \ \ Y Y Tit~ ,may be stated-obviously tlriigs \\ hicli inhibit the arousal reacwitli a fen, exceptions-tliat tion tcnd to decrease the frtqucnc.>, of tlie liippocmqial tlicta rliytliin ivlien given in appropriate sii1)tlireshold closes. Of course, a drug-incliiced d c ~ c r c ~ w in frequency of theta rlrythin p ~ se r does not allo\v a n y c.oiic1rision in terms of sitc o f drug action. It niay lie due to a d c l m s s m t action on the reticular formation but it m a y also 1)e diie to sucli a n action on reticnlohippociiinpal pathways or on the hippocampus itself. An investigation of the action of drugs that irihil~ittlic arousal reaction, on the h s t firiiig pattern of tliosc scytal ri(~iirons~ h i c htrigger the theta
FIG. 4. Neocortical ( ripper traces ) and hippocampal arousal reaction (lower traces) o f :I rabbit, elicitctl by rcticolar stimulations (horizorital b a r ) , before ( a ) and 3 niinutes ( b ) , 12 ininiites ( c ) , and 42 minutes ( d ) after intravciious injection of 10 mg/kg hexobarbital. Time markings: 1 second. Note change in frequency of theta rhythm. Taken from Briicke et al. ( 19.57).
rhythm in the hippocampus, at least allows a conclusion as to whether such an action is due to a direct action on the hippocampus or on its afferent pathways. Such iniwtigations have been carried out (Stumpf et al., 1962) and the results will be mentioned later. a. Anticholincrgic Vricgs-Atropine and Scopolamine. Atropine
and scopolamine produce an electrocortical sleep pattern, they antagonize the EEC clianges induced by cholinergic drugs, and they block tlic electrocortical alert pattcmi. These effects were first described by IVescoe et al. ( 1948), Rrcmwr and Chatonnet ( 1949), and Funderliurk and Case ( 1951 ), airtl later confirmed repeatedly. Anticholinergic drugs seem to inhi1)it airy activations pattern, be it elicited by reticular stimulation ( 13inaltli and Himwich, 1955d), by brain lesions, or by cholinergic and aclrcnergic agents ( IVhite and Daigneault, 1959). The EEG slvcy pattern induced by atropine ( and scopolamine) is not associated \I.itlr behavioral sleep; therefore, there is a “dissociation” hctwcwi IIEC; and behavior, described in dogs ( Wikler, 1952), rabhits ( Longo, 1956), and cats (Bradley and Elkes, 1957), whereas in the monkey this dissociation is less marked ( Domino and Hudson, 1959 ) . Qiinlitatively, atropine and scopolamine have similar actiolis, h i t in its ability to inhibit the aroiisal reaction, scopolamine is from 10 to 15 times more potent than atropine (Longo, 1956), and I-lryoscyamine is much more potent than its cl-isomer (Bradley and Elkes, 1957; Domino and Hudson, 1959). The changes of the hippoeamlial activity induced by atropinc are characterized by an increase, iii amplitude and replacement of the rhythmic slow waves by an irregular 3#-6 per second activity (Bradley and Nicholson, 1962). Such an effect is not specific for anticholinergic drugs but is also seen aftrr administration of various central depressants. In the same \ \ x y as tlie neocortical activation pattern is abolished by atropinc,, this alkaloid also inhibits the rhythmic subcortical activity prodiicrd I)y any arousal stimulus or by cholinergic agents ( Brad1t.y and Nicholson, 1962; Longo, 1962; Monnier and Romanowski, 1962; Riiialtli and Himwich, 1955d). However, doses of scopolaminc that aholish completely the neocortical arousal reaction elicited b y rcticrilar stimulation, have only a slight effect on the theta rlrytlim \vitIioiit changing its frequency ( Briicke et uZ., 1957). This indicates tliat tlie hippocampal arousal reaction is less sensitive to scopolamine than the neocortical arousal reaction. In contrast to barbiturates, scupolmiine does not change tlie fast component of the hip1)ocmn1ial arousal reaction. This finding suggests that the system responsible for mediation of hippocampal fast activity (see Section I I , R ) i s insensitive for the action of scopolamine ( Stumpf, 1965). The scopolamine-induced changes in the firing pattern of septa1
neurons in rabbits pretreated ~ i t heserine is associated with corresponding changes of hippocainpal activity. For instance, after scopolamine, tlie hippocampal theta rhythm and the typical burst firing pattern of septa1 neurons disappear simultaneously ( Stumpf et ul., 1962). It will be s h o w n later (Section IIZ,A,2,Z?) that other drugs that dcyress the theta rhythm do not necessarily h a w such an action. The eserine-induced increase in discharge rate of hippocampus pyramidal neiirons is likewise abolished b y scopolamine ( Green et al., 1960). These findings indicate that tlic inhibition of the theta rhythm is not necessarily due to an action of scopolamine on the hippocanipus itself but rather on a lower level. 11. Ancsthctics. 13remcr ( 1935, 1936) demonstrated for the first time tlic fwndamentally diffcrent action of barbiturates, on the one hand, and of ethyl ether and chloroform, on the other, on the elcctrocortical activity o f the cat. He stresscd the similarity of tlie EEC, changes seen under the influence of 1)arbiturates with those observed during natural sleep or in the ccrvcxu is016 preparation. His results \vere confirmed and extended b y Derbysliire et al. ( 1936), 13eeclicr and 1lcDonougli ( 1939), and later b y many others. Derbysliire et 111. ( 1936) found that tribromoethanol and pentobarbital induce a slow frequency, high-amplitiide cortical acti\.ity, hereas as cdicr intluccs a high frequency, low-amplitude activity. As a rcsiilt of thc investigation of 17 anesthctics, Hc~clier and McDonougli ( 1939) concluded that tlie first type of EEG modification is in general produced b y nonvolatile ;mesthetics, the s c ~ ~ n i d type by volatile anesthetics, whereas a few anesthetics ( ethyl uretlian, amylene hydrate, and chloroforin ) were classified as “mixed“ anesthetics. It will be seen later that anesthetics belonging to tliese different groups also have differential actions on the hippocampal activity. To denionstrate this fact, one representative drug or group of drugs belonging to each of the groups mentioned 21s representatives of abo1.e. will be discussed here--barbiturates the nonvolatile anesthetics, ethyl uretlian as representative of the “mixed” group, and ethyl ether as a typical volatile anesthetic. A common property of all anesthetics is tlieir ability t o inhibit niiiltisynaptically organized portions of the central nervous systcm, especially the subcortical arousal mechanisms, and their action on tliese systems has been regarded as responsible for their geiieralized effects ( Arduini and Arduini, 1954: French (,f al., 1953). As a consequence of this action, one might expect not only an inhibition of
the neocortical arousal reaction I n i t of the hippoca~npal theta , in fact, such an efl‘cct was demonstrated early, rhythm as ~ l l and, at least for a barbiturate ( peiitol~arbital),by Green and Arduini ( 1954). It should be stressed, l i o n . c \ ~ ~tlrat r . it has never been stated that anesthetics in generaI producc~ a selective inhibition of tlie brain stern arousal mechanisms. On tlic contrary, direct actions on the cortex have heen reported f r c y i i c d y . Therefore, it may be expected that at least for sonic’ aiit,stIrt,tic*sa direct action on the hippocampus can be demonstratd, too. Bcirbiturates. Several invc~stigations Iiave been carried out 011 the action of barbiturates on Iiippocanipal activity. Longo ( 1962) described the effect of pento1)arl)ital oii the hippocampal activity of the rahbit using a division into thrc.v p l ~ s e sfor classification of the depth of anesthesia. Duriiig tlic f i y s t pliase (after 5-10 mg/kg) there is no basic change in Iiippocanip;i1 activity except for sliglit irrcgularities of the theta rhytlim. Diiring the second phase ( after IS-% ing/kg) the amplitude of Itippocmipd activity increases and spike-like liigh-frequency activity ma!. appe;u-. Finally, during the third phasc. (after 2S-30 m g / k g ) , the hipliocanipal acti\ity is greatly reducecl. Similar changes of hippocampal activity were observed after the administration of plic.iiolmbita1, hut liighcr closes were necessary to produce tlicsc tliroc. pliases ( 20-40, 50-70, and 100 mg/kg, respectively). A n investigation on the effects of sotlimii pentobarhital on the cat’s hippocampus was carried out b y Bradley and Nicholson ( 1962) who report the follon,ing cliaiigcs: after 1-3 mg/kg, no essential cliange; after 3-7 ntg/kg, incwase in amplitude; after 812 ing/kg, regular 7-10 per s c c o i ~ lac,ti\.ity togetlicr with higher frcquencies ( 15-25 per second) m t l Iiigli-voltage spike activity; after 14-94 mg/kg, a 6-7 per sccond activity with frequent liighvoltage spikes; and after 22 nig/kg and inore, spike activity of decreasing frequency with lo~~~-amplitutlt, Ixickground activity. Similar clianges \\.ere observed after sodium ainolxd$tal, although higher doses were necessary to incliict. eacl I change of activity. IIiglivoltage spike activity in the hippocaiiil)iis has also been observed after sodimn thiopental. Brooks (1962) drew special attention to the “beta activity” (1550 per second) and spike activity appearing in tlie cat’s hippocampus under light barbiturate anestlirsia ( defined as an anesthesia just deep enough to prm It spontaneous movement) . The
three areas where beta activity was found under these conditions were the prepyriform and anterior pyriform cortex, the hippocampus, and the ventromedial thalamic nucleus. In the hippocampus this activity consists of a large amplitude low-frequency ( 1,525 per second) and a small amplitude higli-frequency (35-40 per second) component with its maximal potential gradicnt in the pyramidal cell layer, this is to say, at a level similar to the maximal potential gradient for tlie theta rhythm. When tlie anesthesia deepens, the beta activity is replaced by a spike pattern consisting of biphasic or monophasic spikes which, again, can be recorded from the three areas mentioned above. Thr potential gradient set u p by the field of the hipliasic spikes is similar to that of the beta activity. Low voltage,, fast activity in barbituratr anesthesia occurring in hippocampus, aniygdala, and pyriform cortex w a s also observed by Kaada (1951). The action of bar1)iturates on the fast component of hippocampal activity consists of a n increase in amplitude and decrease in frequency ( Stumpf, 196s). This resulting activity is probably identical with that described by Brooks ( 1962) as large amplitude low-frequency component of “beta acti\rity” in cats under barbituratt: anesthesia. In summary, it may be said that these are the characteristic features of the action of barbiturates on the hippocanilia1 activity -irregular high amplitude activity associated with a high-frequency component and spikes that depend on the depth of anesthesia. Bradley and Nicholson ( 1962) regard the high voltage spike activity as a release phenomenon due to the inhibition of the reticular formation. Brooks ( 1962) puts forn7ard some evidence that under liglit barbiturate anesthesia the prepyriform cortex acts as a pacemaker for the hippocampal spikes, whereby prtmmably the biphasic spikes would arise in the region of the pyramidal cell layer, and the monophasic spikes in tlie region of tlie dentate gyrus, in response to iinpulses arrik7ing from the pacemaker. So far no evidence exists for the assumption that the same pacemaker may be responsible for the “beta” or fast activity seen after barbiturate administration. Barbiturates also increase tlie threshold for the hippocampus arousal reaction ( Green and Arduini, 1954 1, Low doses decrease tlie frequency of the theta rhythm induced by eserine or reticular stimulation whereas higher doses abolish this rhythm altogether ( Brucke et d.,1957, 1958). Intense afferent stimulation may evoke
a fast activity ( “desyncl~ronizatioii” ) in tlie hippocampus of animals under barbiturate anesthesia ( <;reen and Arduini, 1954; Weiss . and Fifkovh, 1960). Actually, intense rcaticular stimulation has an unmasking cffect on the fact activity l y producing a blockade of the s l o n ~waves in the unancst1ictizc.d animal as well as in the animal under barbiturate anestlicsia although, as mentioned above, in the latter case the fast actij-ity is o f m u c h Iiiglicr voltage and slojver than in the unanesthetizcd aniinal ( Sturnpf, 1965). I t is gencxtlly assumed tlrat tire inhihition of the arousal reaction Iiy 1)arl)itnrntes is due to, or at least includes, a depressant action o f thesc drugs on tlie rc.ticular formation (French ct al., 1953; and others). The action of 1)arbitiirates on the firing pattern of septal neurons is in agreemcmt \vith this assumption, at least as far a s the hippocampus arousal rc~action is concerned. When liexoharbital is given to a rahliit prctrcatcd with cscrine, tlie firing pattern of these neurons is slo\\wl just :is it would lie by scopolamine. L lower I dose of 1ie~ohnrl)ital\\ill only reduce the frcquency of the theta rhythm \virile rctlucing tlie frequeiicy of tlie bursts of the septal netirons, \ v h o r e l ) ~tlic ~ correlation between tlie burst discharges and the pliascx of tlic theta waves remains unchanged. After a higher dosc of Iicwlxirhital the eserine-induced theta rhythm disappears, and txactly at tlie same time the typical burst firing pattcrn of the sq>taI n ( w r o i i s also disappears. Tlierefore, it is not necessary to assiiiiic that tlic inliihition of the typical liippocani1~iis arousal reactiou b y 1)arl)itiirates is duv to a direct action on the Irippocampus ( Stiiinpf ct (11.. 1962). Ethyl tr,cthnn. Although iiix>tlian is clearly nonvolatile, it was classificd 1)y Heeclier and XlcDonoiigli ( 1939) as belonging to tlic “mixed group” since it \\’:IS f o r i i i d to possess many actions charactc,ristic for the volatilr aiicdit+cs. In 1937, Pick made a distinction bctwcen two differmt kinds o f hypnotics and narcotics, the “hrain stem narcotics” and ”cortex narcotics,” respectively. As these names imply, Pick (1937) assiinird that some hypnotics and narcotics wo~ildact primarily oii t l i ~brain stem and others primarily on cortical structures. I-I(, classifid hrbiturates as typical brain stem narcotics. Uretlian, ho\\~cvc.r,was considered as a cortex narcotic, or possibly a narcotic ivliiclr is intermediate in its action between the two groups. Actually, t‘vc~iearlier, Skowroliski ( 1929) had found important differences in tlics central actions of barbiturates and urethan, respectively. \lore I’ ntly. it has beer1 demon-
strated that urethan in anesthetic doses, in contrast to barbiturates, does not completely prevent the (neocortical) arousal reaction in response to reticular stimulation (Longo, 1962). Hukuhara (1962) investigated the action of urethan on various cortical and subcortical structures of the cat. H e found, after administration of 0.75 to 1.0 gm/kg intraperitoneally, irregular, highvoltage activity in the hippocampus and a spindle-like 15 per second activity instead of a theta rhythm in response to reticular stimulation. However, spontaneous periods of slow (3-4 per second), rhythmic, and high-amplitude theta waves may still occur in deepest urethan anesthesia; thus a phenomenon similar to paradoxical sleep may be produced (Gogolhk 6.t ul., 1964). The action of urethan on the hippocampal theta rhythm and the firing pattern of neurons of the inedial septal nucleus shows characteristic cliff erences d e n compared u i t h the action of hexobarbital (Stumpf et nl., 1962). Eserine was given to rabbits in order to induce a theta rhythm in the hippocampus with the typical h r s t firing pattern of septal neurons. The action of urethan on this system is classified liere into three stages for purely descriptive purposes only. During the first stage (this is after doses up to 1.1 gm/kg intravenously) the frequency and the amplitude of the theta rhythm decreasc gradually and low, high-frequency activity tends to predominate in the hippocampus EEG. At the s;ime time, the septal neurons continue to discharge in bursts with unchanged correlation to the theta rhythm. Therefore, the number of bursts occurring during a given time interval decreases in the same way as the number of theta waves during the same time interval. In addition, the nuinber of discharges per burst decreases gradually. During the second stage (this is after d o s c ~between 1.3 and 2.7 gm/kg ) , low, high-frequency activity witliout theta rhythm can bc recorded from the hippocampus and periods of relative electrical silence appear inore and inore frequently as the urethan close is increased. The scptal neurons, hom7ever, show no additional sudden change in tlieir burst firing pattern which might correlate with the absence of the theta rhythm in the h i p ~ ~ o c a ~ n p uIns. stead, the changes that occurred during tlic first stage continue during the second stage, this is to say, the number of bursts per second and the number of discharges per burst continue to decrease until, after 2.7 gidkg, 1 or 2 bursts occiir per second, each “burst” consisting of 1 or 2 discharges only. Finally, diiring the
third stage (this is after 2.9 giii/kg 1 tlic- Iiipliocampal activity is morc’ or less flat and the septa1 i w i r o i i s do not fire a n y iiiort~.This urethan dose is near tlie lethal dose, and a further increase in tlose \vould cii~isethe death of tIie aiiiinal. Iiitcqmtation of these rcsiilts let1 to the conclusion that a Inirst firing pattcrn of the septa1 iicwroiis can occur even in tlrc al)sc~iicc~ of a liippocmipl tlwta rliytliin. Tlicye are a few iiiorv c\aiiiplt~sof sricli a cordition \vliicli will be discussed later. At a i i y rute, tlrca fact tliat sucli conditions can occiir indicates tliat tlie 1iippocaiiip:iI thcta rliytlrin is tlie coiisequence rather than the causc o f tht, septa1 h i r s t firing pattern. Otlier\visc t h e sliould not Iw siicli ; I pattern \ v l i w tliercl is t i 0 theta rhythm in the liip1iocaiiipiis. Fi.oiii this it follo\vs that if the septal iic‘iiroiis discliarge in 1)rirsts aiitl at the saiiic’ tiinc tlierc is no theta rliytlini in tlie liil’l~oc‘aiiil)~is, a s aftrr appropi-iate doses of uretlian, then there may be a I h c k soiiicivhere along thv patli\vays leading froiii tlie septum to tlic 1iil’l~oc;iIiil~irs.Thus, it might be assumed that urethan has a tlirc‘ct actioii on tlie 1iippoc~uiiptisitself. Likewise it has I ~ e slion.11 n tliat riiitlcr higher doses of uretliaii tlie srytal neurons discliarge in l)rirsts, Imt these bursts occur at a inncli lo\vw rate tlian during tlic, coiitrol pvriod. This iiit1icatc.s an additioiial actioti of urethan a t a l o \ v c ~Ic\~clin tlie l x i i i i , h i t tlris action must be relatively weak, otlit.r\\-isri tlicre coiiltl be t i 0 h r s t discharge pattern of septal iieiiroiis :it all. E:th!yI ctlicr. Ether is mentioiicd I i ( w a s a represcwtati\,e of the largt) group of volatile aiiestlrc‘tic~s.For a long tiiiic, it lias Ixwi kiio\vii tliat etlicr produces lo\\.-\.oltage fast activity iii tlirx iicocortcs diiriiig tlie initial stag(, of mc~stlic~sia. Ever siiicr. this &“cct W;IS noticed, diffcwnt and soiirc‘times coiitrxlictory interprctations Iia\.v 1 ) c ~ wgiven to cq>lain i t . For iirstaiicc, Adrian and ( 1933) suggested tliat the inairi effect of ether and chloroform is “on afferwt atid cffcrcnt patli\vays rat1ic.r than 011 cortical neiiroiis tlieinsc~l\.es”and similarly Dcrhysliirr r ~ l .( 1936) conclridctl that sensory piths are blocked by drc‘r Iwforc~tlie cortical actij-ity disappears. To the contrary, Brcirwr ( 1935, 1936) assumed a direct deprcssant action of etlier o n tliv cortc\ and esplaincd tlic, fast activity a s ii conscquencc of ;iii inc~rc‘~iscdaffereiit iiiflo\\-. Tlic tnodifications of neocortical ac+i\7it!. tlririiig inhalation of ctlicr are similar to those occnrring diiring an arousal reaction, a ~ i dliotli typcs of cortical desynclironizatioii ar(1 al)olislicd b y tlic saiiie 1)rain stem transections, leading to tlw Iiylwtlic‘sis “tliat tlw fast cortical ( j t
rhythms characterizing thc earlier stages of inhalation anesthesia, may be due to a excitatory influence upon the brain stem reticular formation” ( Kossi and Zirondoli, 1955). This hypothesis is, of course, contradictory to the assumption tliat general anesthetic agents, including ether, depress the function of this formation (French et nl., 1953) although differences in closes may explain these different interpretations. A theta rhythm has been recorded from the hippocampus during the initial stage of ether anesthesia simultaneously with desynchronization in the iieocortex (Kim and MacLean, 1956; MacLean et al., 1955-1956) and when ether ancsthesia becomes deeper, the frequency of the theta rhythm decreases ( Longo, 1962). Therefore, tlie observed modifications of tlie hippocampal activity during the initial stage of ether anesthesia would be constant with the assumption that ether in low concentrations stimiilates tlie reticular formation and in higher concentrations, wheii the freqiieiicy of the theta rliythrn decreases, has a mixed stimulating and depressant effect on this system. Howe , as Domino and Ueki (1959) correctly point out, it is extremely difficult to describe the actions of ether in such terms, and their paper may be consulted for a detailed discussion on this subject. Domino and Ueki ( 1959) found spike-like discharges and other liypersyiiclironoiis events in the amygdala, olfactory bulb, posterior hypothalamus, and related rhinencephalic structures of the dog after inhalation of ether and other volatile anesthetics during certain stages of the anesthesia. No records were obtained in these experiments from the hippocampus. Longo ( 1962) described spikelike discharges in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of rabbits during cyclopropane anesthesia, but not after inhalation of ether. During deep cyclopropane anesthesia hypotlinlnmic seizures may occur. The meaning of the liypersyiiclironoiis cveiits occiirring in various subcortical structures during anesthesia with various volatile anesthetics is by no nieans clear. c. Tranquili=,ers-Clilolproinaairie and Reserpine. It is not a coinmoii property of all tranquilizers to inhibit the hippocampal theta rhythm, not even in the case of tlie two tranquilizers selected for discussion here. Chlorpromazine and reserpine have been selected to stress the dissimilarity rather than tlie similarity of their action. Despite the fact tliat a considerable literature on the EEG effects of these two clrugs has accuinnlatrd during the last
10 years, t l i r results of various in\~stigatorsand their interpretations are variablc and often cont-i,~idictory.For instance, for chlor1ironiazine, the original studics tlcw~otistratrd an “EEC, synclironizatioii” and inhibition of tlic arousal rcactioii in cats ( Hiebel et d., 1954b), rabbits (Longo c t ul., 1951; Trrziaii, 1054), and monkeys (Das ct nl., 1954), \17herws latcr iii\-c,stigations, too i i ~ t n e r o ~ i s to mention here, showed diffcrcwt, ottvii only insignificant EEG changes, and actually weii rr.iii\~estiSatic)iislcd to results similar to those found in tlic original stiitlivs, thcl invclianism of the chlorproinazine action has I i c ~ w iiitci.prc’tec1 in sc\wal different \vays. A similar situation exists iii t l i c (‘iisc’ of rcwrpinc. The fol1on~i ng discussion will be confiiic~d to stiitlics in \vliicli tlie effects of these driigs on the 1iippocarnp;il Lieti\ it!. \ w s included. It will be seen that in general the Iiippocampal activity i s influenced by chlorpromazine and rescrpiiie iii a \\.ay analogous to iieocortical activity exccpt for tlie fact that \t,itli thr.sc3 tlrugs seizure-like activity lias frcqiiently been fouiid to occ‘t~i‘ in tlic, liippocainpus lmt not in the rleocortes. Chlol.i,ronicrzinc. -411 authors \vlio fouiid a syiichronization of neocortical activity and a n inliihition o f t l i e arousal reaction, also I-epOrtCd modifications of tlic hippocainpal activity including inliibition of the theta rhythm. Kinaltli aiitl IIimnicli ( 1%Sc), for instance, described the c1isappc~uaiic.cof twocortical desynchroiiization as \wll as of tlie regular “tlialamic rliytlim” after small doses of cl~lorproniazinej i i the r a b l i t , atrtl Longo ( 1Y63) has reported similar results. € I o \ v ~ \ wa, dift’crcwtial wtisitivity of the nrocortical a d rliinenccphalic arousal rrxction to clrlolpromaziiie was fouiicl to mist. 111 the cat, after c l i l o r ~ ~ r o ~ i i a zthe i t i ~intensity ~~ of reticular stimiilation \\hicli elicits an arousal rc1;iction within the limbic system \\’as reported to lie tnorc c ~ l ~ ~ i than t ( ~ that 1 nTliicli elicits a iieocortic,al arousal reaction ( K i l l a m anti K i l l a m , 1956). Jn contrast, in the ral)l)it, the> neocortical arorisal rcJaction is no re casily dppressed b y clilorpromazine thnii tlie tIic3ta rliytlnn. After 0.S Ing/kg chlor~~roii’azirle, tlie neocortical ;iroiisal rcwtioii d i l c . to reticular stimulation is virtually abolisli(d \vlirrcxs tlic saine stiinldation is still effecti1.e in cliciting a tlicta rhytlinr \vitli slightly rtduced frequency; a higher close (2.5 m
tion” is induced, it is more 1ironoiiiiced in the rhinencephalon than in the iieocortex (Gangloff and Monnier, 1957). Higher doses of chlorpromazine (15 mg/kg and more) produce in tlie rabbit electrograpliic changes similar to an arousal reaction aiicl consequently a regularized “thalamic rhythm” ( Rinaldi and Hiinwich, 1955~). Besides aff ectirig the hippocampal activity as described above, chlorproinazinc has another characteristic effect on tlie hippocampus which consists of the elicitation of seizure-like discharges. Preston ( 1956) olxerved siich activity in the cat’s hippocaiiips after toxic closes of chlorpromazine (40 to 35 mg/kg). He notes, however, that the hippocampus is not primarily involvcd in this seizure-like activity. Instead, \vhen the clilorpromazine closc, is increased gradually, and increase of spontaneous activity and spike discharges occur first in tlie amygdaloid nucleus complex, a n d later similar activity can be recorded from septum and 1iippoc:~impus.It is not clear whcther the scizure-like activity in septum and hippocampus is projected from the amygdala to these structures or is to be regarded as due to volumc: cmduction. Sometimes, spike activity \\’as seen in tlie hippocanilius \vhicli could not be related to the activity i n the amygdala. At any rate, higher doses were always necessary to liroduce spike activity in thc, hippocampus than in the amygdala. Preston (1956) advanced a hypotliesis that the effect of clilorpromazine on tlie spontaneous activity of the amygdala may in some way explain the tranquilizing properties of this driig. Apparently, in tlie rabbit no seizure-like activity in tlie hippocampus under the inflrience of chlorpromazine has been obser\wl so far, despite the fact that the effect of rather high doses have been studied in this species (see a b o v c ) . Reserpine. Authors who have demonstrated a desynclironizing effect of reserpine on the neocortical activity and who have included recording of tlie Iiippocainpal activity in their inwstigations, have consistently found a regular subcortical rliytlim. It should be pointed out that the “desynclironization response” has bccn found to occur at varying times following reserpine injection by different investigators, but the association between neocortical tlesynchronization and regular, slow subcortical rhythm is unvarying. In the cat, it has been reported that 4 hours after reserpine injection a regular S . 5 4 pcr second rhythm appears i n the hipliocampus becoming more conspicuous and slower ( 2.53.5 per second) during
tlie next se\wal hours, and occiirring practically continuously after 20 hours; it is always associated with a desyIichronized neocortical activity (Kim and Maclean, 1956; hIacLean et nl., 1955-1956 ) . Similarly, in the rabbit, in hippocampis, thalamus, and occipital cortex, a regular 1-5 per second rliytlim was recorded some time after reserpine injection, again associated with a desynchronizatioii of the neocortical activity ( Gangloff antl hIonnicr, 1955, 1957; Kinaldi and Hirnwicli, 19551) ) . On tlw lxisis o f thesc findings, the similarity Ixt\vcen thcl rescrpinc.-intl~ic~,[lelcctrographic changes aiid the “electroencephalogr~i~ic.pattum of alertness” has 1)een stressed ( Rinaldi and Hiinwicli, 1O5511) , 1t is notc\vortliy, h o \ ~ e r , tliat all aiitliors quoted a l ~ o \ - cqqw ~ tliat the resrrpine-intluce~l tlieta rhythm has a rather lo\v frcqiicvicy in both cat and raliliit when compared \.i.itli the frcqiieiicy se(>ii during alertness. It is gentmlly assumed that the I.c.sel-l?inc,-intlricedalert pattern is due to a stiiniilatory action on thc reticular formation; in fact, it can be abolished b y brain stern transcxctioiis ( Sailcr and Stumpf, 1957a). Under tlicse conditions, the slo\\, frc~pit~iiey of tlie tlieta rhythm induced by rescrpine might iidiciitc, tliat this stimiilatory action is rather \veak ( s e e Section II,A,J ) . 1)ifl”wiices bet serpine-induced EEG patterii a i i d tlio ordinary arousal pattern ha\re been stressed by Gaiigloff ~ i t hlonnier l (195). In aclditioii to the effects incwtioiird s o far, reserpinc influences the hippocampal activity in still anotlicr w a y . In the cat, spontaneous scizures within tlic 1iml)ic sj-stcwi \ \ w c reported ( Killam and Killam, 1956; 11acLean ct t77., 1955-1956; Sigg a i d Schneidcr, 1957). In the rabbit, paroxysimal r l i i i i ~ ~ i i ~ ~ e ~ spike ~ l i a l i discharges c occurring 1 to 2 hours after I e o b s e r i d by Gangloff aiid hlonnier ( 1955, 195i‘)>h i t i m t 1)>~ 1,ongo ( 1962). Tlie origin of tlwsc discharges rcmaiiis iinkiio\vii. I I O W \ W , it may be significant that under rcserpiiic r1iiiieiicq)lialic seizures appear later than thc activation pattern autl that tlic typical leserpine-induced beha\.ioral cliaiiges occ~ir \ ~ . l i e i i tlw sc+me tlischal-gcs prcclominate ( Sigg and Schiwidcr, 1957 ) .
H. DHVCSTHATISDUCES ~ ~ z r ~oin~S Ik :si % t w ? - L . i m . : Dlscmncss IS n m HIPPOCAMI~US
For a long time it has h ~ k ~ ii o \ ~ . i(Gibbs i aiid Cihbs, 1936; Gretm antl Shimamoto, 1953; Jiiiig, 19-49; Kaada, 1951; Hcllslia\.i. ct ul., 1910; and otliers) that tlw hippocampus and otlier rliin-
encephalic areas are highly seizure-sensiti\re structures for which the thresholds for elicitation of afterdischarges are much lower than, for instance, in thc neocortex. Tlris is true for electrical as ell a s mecliaiiical stimulation ( Liherson and Akert, 1955). Is it to be expected that for this rmson drugs with convulsaiit properties vd1 affect thc hippocainpiis or other rhinencephalic areas first? Obviously not, since several convulsant drugs are known to produce seizure discharges which m a y or m a y riot involvc the hippocampus, but certainly do not originate there. A good example for sucli an effect is given by Rfetrazol, a drug which may be regarded as a classical convulsaiit drug. In a detailed study, Starzl et al. (1953) recorded the electrical activity from inany cortical and subcortical areas of the cat's brain during seizures induced by tlireshold doses of h4etrazol and found that tlie seizure discharges start in the cerebral cortex and radiate from therv to many deep strrictures. The hippocampus becomes involved into seizure activity, twt only during this radiation from the ccretxal cortex. Howcvcr, tlie liippocampus and the supt'rior colliculus differ from other subcortical areas in that the seizures activity in these two areas outlasts the cwcl of the cortical fit. This is takcm a s indication that these areas possess indepcwdent ca1i;icitic.s for seizure discharges. \Vlieii drug-induccd seizure activity appears first in the hippocampus or a related rhinencephalic area, tlie significance of this event can he interpreted in various ways. Preston ( 1956 ) pointed out that the excitation of the amygdala by high doses of chlorpromazine theoretically coiilcl be the result of the Ion. scizure threshold of the rliineiiceplialon, h i t it rcinaiiis to be explained \vhy the hippocainpus is not affectcd simultaneously, or evcn earlier than the ainygdala. Here it could be argiied that some authors ( e.g., Kaada, 1951 ) liave found the pyiiform-am?.g:tlaloid region to he somewhat inore sensitivc for elicitation of afterdiscliaiges than the hippocampiis. Ncvertlwless, Preston ( 1956 ) assumed that the seizure activity in tlie aniygdala after clilorpromazinc is probably due not to the nonspecific. high seizure sensitivity of this structure, h i t rather to a niore or less specific action of chlorpromazine on it. On the other h i d , Tokizane and Sa\vyer ( 1957) have suggested that tlie localized seizure activity in tlie :imygdi-lla and hippocampus diiring liypoglyceinia ( see later ) can lw at least
partially explained by the lo\\^ sc,iziire threshold of these two regions for electrical and chclnical stitiiulation [by cliolinergic agents ( AIacLean, 1957) or Iiypc,rtonic saline ( Sawyer and Geriiandt. 195S)l. Thus, the problem is tliis: \I’lienever a drug is shown to induce seizure discharges iii tlicl 1)rniii wliicli start in the hippocampus and/or arnygdala, it \ T i l l be tlifificiilt to differentiate betwcwi tu‘o possibilities, wliet1ir.r tlie sc,izrire activity started thew because these two structures ha\^ a lo\\- seizure tlireslioltl, or because tlie drug ~ i t suclr h au artion 1r;is ;I specific affinity for tliesc structures. There may be no grmerally \ d i d answer to this question. Some drugs certainly do l i a i ~slxbcific affinities for certain areas of tlie brain, others may act in a i n o w or lws unspecific manlier. In tlie latter case an origiii of s v i z i i l r acti\ ity in the rhinencephalon might he cxpected although, ;IS ;I coiiseqiience of tlie conccpts of Griindfest ( 19-57),IOM, thresliold for elcsctrical stimulation may not necessarily he concoinitatit with lo\\. t Iiresliold for chemical stimtilation. \\:lien pliarmacologically indiic*ctl scizure discliarges are recorded from the hippocampus o r froin aiiy other brain structure, it \\.oiild certainly be interesting to kirow whether the seizure activity actually starts there, this is to saj-, \vlirtlier tliresliold doses induce seizure discharges in this striirtiire, and in this structure only. Llnfortunately, the exprinirntal setiip which would allow such a conclusion, is somewhat tlifficult to achieve since it would necessitate recording from as 1na1iy ~ I X Y I Sof the brain as possible. Evcn then it might he argucd that t l i c rccording was not done from the area where tlie seizurcx activity actually started. Therefore, \vliene\7er pliartiiacologic~ill~ intliicecl seizure discharges have ~ ~been i i s , no conclusive becii recorded from the I i i p ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~t l~r ct wi ~lias proof that this is a primary locus. 111 sotnc’ cases, lio.ive\m, it has been found that seizure c1iscliargc.s appe:ir in the hippocampus before certain other brain a r e x 1)ecoine involved. Some of tlie drugs which have been reported to I1a\7c. such a11 action will be dealt with here. It is interesting to note tl iat iiiaiiy drugs which are usually classified as central depressants, C;IIISC’ spikc. discharges in the Iiippocampus without affecting tlic nvocortes or other brain structures simultaneously. These drugs 1ia.r~b r w i discussed earlier ( see Section III,A,2).
1. Insulin Hypoglycemia caused by the administration of insulin produces significant changes of the electrocortical activity ( Goodwin et al., 1935; Moruzzi, 1938). Tlicse and later studies offered no clue as to where tlw scizurc acti\vity originates, until Tokizane and Sawyer (1957) were ablr to demonstrate in the rabbit’s brain, wizure activity which originates, and, when the hypoglycemia is not severe, may b e confined to the amygdala and/or tlie hippocampus, especially the dorsal Iiippocanipus. A l~looclsugar drop to about SO mg/10O ml is necessary to produce thcse seizure discharges. Insulin in closcs of tip to 2000 units with an average of about 1000 iiiiits \\’ere givcn and seizures occurred between 1 and 4 hours after the injection. Seizure activity, first confined to the amygdala and/or tlie hippocampus, m a y later project to preoptic, hypothalamic, and otlier brain stem regions. The sprcacl to these brain areas occiirs very slowly and takes minutes to be uccomplished. A spread of seizure activity to the neocortc,x or appearance of motor syiiiptoms does not occur until tlw sciztire is quite severe. The projection pattern of the insulin-induced amygdaloicl seizure dischargcs is similar to the projection of amygdaloid seizures clicitccl by electrical stimulation in the cat, a s described by iwions authors ( Gloor, 1954; Naquet, 1953; and otliers), Tokizane and Sawyer ( 19S7) assume that hypoglycemia affects the hippocampiis and arnygdala in a way similar to “subclinical elcctrosliock,” tliat is, when the strength of the stimulus is low, only those brain structures odd exhibit seizure activity for \vhich the stimulus intensity just reaches threshold values. These authors have suggested that tlie beneficial rcwlts of insulin therapy m a y he related to induced subcortical seizures.
2. Intracarotid lrijectiniis of Hypertonic Solutions Besides producing other EEG changes, mtracarotid injections of liypeitonic solutions (0.47 Af saliiie or 2.4 Af glucose in amounts of 2 or 3 ml, injected within a few seconds) sometimes evoke seizure activity in the rabbit’s brain wliich, when it occurs, starts in, or remains confined to, the amygdala or hippocampiis ( Sawyer and Gernmdt, 1956). Preferably, such seizure activity occurs when intracarotid injection\ of hypertonic soliitions are given repeatedly. The same explanation for this preferential site of seimre activity is
given by the authors as for tlic scktirc activity iiiduced by Iiypogly cenii a.
3. Nicotine Longo a n d co-workers (von 13ergrr ant1 Longo, 19<53;Lollgo and Bovct, 19$52;Longo et nl., 1953) tlc>scrilxd the clianges iii electrical activity of neocortes aiid thalaiiiiis produced by nicotine in the normal and encephale isol6 ra1)hit. Small doses were found to produce a n activation pattern nrliicli, Lifter higher doses ( 1-3 ~ n g / k g ) , is followed by seiziirca d i s c h r g e s . A 5-6 per second rhythmic activity \vas reported to occur during the acti\.ation pattern. 111 tlie cat, apparently inuclr liiglier doses are necessary to prodiice seizure-like phenomeiia. 111 this species, Exley ct (11. ( 1958) descri1)ed only “occasional convulsive spikes” in tlie EEG after intravcnous injection of 50 mg/kg i i i c ~ ) t i n c >hase. In the rabbit’s hippocampiis the following sequence of e w n t s takes place after intravenous at1iiiiiiistr~~ti~)i~ of nicotine (Stuinpf, 1959) : low doses produce, as reported h y the Italian \, an activation pattern and, consequcntly, a tlrt,ta rhythm in the hippocampiis. The effect of a higher dose of nicotine is illustrated in Fig. 5. Following sucli doses (0.5-3 ing/kg), again, a theta rhythm appears wit11 a frequency which increases gradually from an initial \ d i i c - . of S to 6 per second to 7 to 8 pcJr second. Similar changes of hippocampal activity would lic oh ved when reticular stimulation with gradually increasing frcquency would be carried out. Following nicotine, after a period of time wliicli usually lasts for about 30 seconds (corresponding to tlie first phase as described b y Longo c,t crl., 19-54), the theta ~~Iiytlim is displaced by a liippocampal seizure activity consisting of spike discharges ( first irregular, 1att.r very regular \vith ii frc,quency of about 10 per second) and typical multiple spike and wave discharges similar to those seen in an electrically induced Iiippocainpal afterdischarge. Tliereafter, lowfrequency spikes a p p c w , followed by a theta rhythm with gradiially increasing amplitiide. Tlie activity recorclcd from the ovcrlying neocortes during a nicotiiic-iiiduced Iiip1)()~“1~il) seizure is similar to the hippocampal activity and seeins to be due merely to volume conduction from the hippocampiis. The hippocampus seizure activity spreads slo\\.ly to the septum. Seizure discliarges in the septiim start Iatcr than in the hippocampiis and last miicli longer; spike activity can I ) t . rcw)rcled from the septum
FIG. 5. Hippocampal activity of a rubbit aftcxr intravcrions injection of 3 ing/kg nicotinc bitartrate. A, 6-14 scconds; B, 22-90 seconds; C, 42-56 seconds; D, 64-72. scconds; E, 83-90 seconds; F, 1:30-138 scconds after injection. Theta rhythiir ( A ) followed by seizure di\chargrs ( 13 to E ) . Taken from Stiimpf ( 1959).
at a time when in tlie hippocampus theta rhythm has reappeared again. There is no correlation between tlie hippocampal seizure discliarges and the convulsions of the animal. In animals with septa1 lesions, the nicotine-induced changcxs of hippocampal ac-
ti\,ity I)rcome dissociated-tliv tIic%tarliythtn is replaced by a Iiighfrequency, low-amplitride uc*ti\.ity, \\diereas the hippocampal seizure acti\.ity appears to I)c, iiiicliaiigcd indicating that the theta rhythm, h i t not the seizure activity c1t~l)c~iiclson tlie integrity of thc: septimi. Tlie action of nicoti~ic.on tlicl Iiippocainpal activity seems to be relatively specific: lol~elinc~, cytisiiic,, ;IS ell as various aminonicotincls, aininol~rotnoriicotiiics,aiid osyiiicotiiies do not ~ O S S C S S such an action althoiigl1 tliese cwiiporiiids have nicotine-like actions on peripheral organs. Tlw tlo.;c. of nicotinc necessary to induce Iiippocmmpal sviziirc disc1iargc.s depends on the room teiiipcratnrcb at ~ h i c htlic> aiiiiniils arc’ Lcpt for a h i t 23 1 ~ ) i i r s prior to tlic experiment. Siiiiilar rtwilts liavcl been reportcd by Tokizallc, and Sawyer ( 1%7 for soizrirc. activity due to hypoglycemia. Frirtlierinorc,, there is ;I similar corrclatioti lict\veeu the close of iiicotiiie and tcmlwraturc \vlicw lwhavioral convulsions arc taken ;is criterion ( Forinanek aiid I,intlncr, 1960). ,411 iiirwtigation on the> action ot’ iricotiiic on the firing pattern of Iiippocampal tielirons w a s cnrricd o r it b y I>iiiilop r t trl. ( 1960). ?Jicotitic-inducecl regiiliirizatioir o f Iiippocanipal activity is accompaiiicd liy an incrcased firing rate of tliew iiciiroiis \\-liereas they stop firiiig as soon a s tlic Iiii)iio~,”iiiPaIseiziirc. activity coinmences. Tlicrefore, thc iiicotinc.-iiidiicc.d theta rhythm is similar in c ’ ~ w yrespect to a theta rli!ptliin intliic~cdb y eseriiitl. The depression of hippocampal unit acti\rity diiriiig iricotiiic,-iiicluce[l seizurc. discliargcs is nonspc~cificinsofar :is ;I siniilwr depressioii has 1 , c c ~ r obsrriml diiring elcctricdly intlr iccd aftcdischargcs ( \.on Euler ct d . , 1958). Finally, a stiidy on thc firing pattcmi of iieuroiis of tlie medial septa1 riiiclcws after atlininistr~itioii of nicotine ( Sttimpf e f al., 1962) lias lcad to tlie following rcwilts: (luring thc first phase of nicotine action \vIicn thcre is :I theta rliytliin in tlw Iiippocainpiis. the septa1 iieiiroiis clisc.liargP i i i 1,iirsts correlated to the phase of the theta waves, in tlic same way as tliiring an rserinc-iiidiiced tlieta rhythm. For varioiis periods of timc aftcr tlie onset of tlie hippocanipal scizure actiiity, tlic septa1 iit’iiroiis continw to discliargc, in bursts as during tlic initial t l i ~ t arliythin. Thereafter, the I>urst firing pattern clisappmrs a i d tlit, firiiig pattern is soinetimes, but correlated with tlic. Irippocainpal seizure discharges. not i~ecc>ssarily, From this, and frotn the effect of :I sc,ptnl lesion, it follo\\7s that the
nicotine-induced theta rhythm is produced by impulses reaching the hippocampus via the septum whereas this is not true for the liippocampal seizure discharges. None of the above-mentioned results coiild support the hypoth?\is that the nicotiue-indiiced hippocampal seizure discharges are primary in this region. On the other hand, it seems safe to say that from the liippocampus the seizure activity spreads to the septum and radiatcs to tlic neocortex althou+ the latter “radiation” may be simply due to volume conduction. Motor convulsions are correlated to tlie convulsive pattern in the neocortcx ( Silvestrini, 19SS). For a more detailed discussion on this subject the reader is referred to the revicw by Silvette et nl. (1962).
4. Topical Application
Cholinergic Agents
The experiment5 discus\ed under this topic were described by 5lacLeaii ( 1957) who injected cholinergic agents in crystalline form directly into the Iiippoc;impus of cats and recorded the hippocampal activity simultaneously ancl for longer periods after the injection. hlost characteristic are the changes in hippocampal activity obtained after application of carbachol; a few minutes after the injection, a 20 per second I hythmic activity appears either in groups or contiiiuously tor longer peiiocls of time, superimposed oii the theta rhythm with a tendency to be grouprd near the peak of the falling phase of the slow waves. At the peak of drug action ( 4 5 60 minute5 ‘ifter injection) high-voltage spikes occur almost continuously. The EEG pattern at the end of drug action i s similar to that during the first minutes after the injection until finally the theta rhythm predominates. Acetylcholine and escrine, when injectecl in combination, but not when gi17en separately, induce changes similar to carbachol altliougli more fleeting. M/Ict,icholine evokes a 4 per seco~idtheta rhythm ~ i t ah superimposed fast 35 per second activity. I t does not produce hippocampal spike\ and for this reacoii its action is clearly different from that of carbachol or of ACh in combination with eserine. The difference in action between metacholine, on the one hand, and tlie other cliolinergic agents, on the other, is interpreted as owing to the fact that metaclioline has a muscarinic action whereas ACh a n d c arbachol have 110th a muscxinic ancl nicotinic action. A4f-tcrtopical application of ACh in coinbination with eserine,
DRUG ACXIOS ON 1111’1’OC \%ll’AL
and carbachol, electrically induc.c.d liippocanipal aftertlischarges show a prolonged recrudescencci. Fiirtlic~rinore, light barbiturate aiicsthesia also aggravates the c~arbac.1iol-inducedseizure activity. Therefore, it was suggested 1)y h l a c , L w n ( 1957) that electrical stimulation a s n ~ l als anesthesia tniglit induce a release of ACh. It will lie recalled, a s mcntioned previously, that bar1)itriratcs produce spiking in the hippocampus ( sce Section III,A,2,,b). The significance of the fact that cliolioergic drugs applied directly into the hippocampiis prodiice a theta rhythm, has been discusscd in Section III,A,l,u.
5. Cyclohexurrtine Derimtiues Two cyclohexamine derivativc~s[ 1-( plienylcycloliexyl ) piperidinc monohydrochloride, Sernyl; ant1 rt-c~tliyl-1-plienylcyclolie~yla1iii1ie monohydrochloride, cyclohexirnine ) , Imtli hallucinogenic clrugs (Lear ct al., 1959), were found to produce seizure spiking in hippocampus aiid entorhinal arca from 8 to 16 hours after administration, and to abolish the liippocanipal theta rhythm during the approach performance fcw ininiitcs aftcr administration ( Adey and Dunlop, 1960).
1. Lysergic Acid Dicthylmnitlc ( IS11 )
LSD Iias a higlily specific. and ratlivr peculiar action 011 tlic electrical activity of the brain. Tlir first iin~cstigationof tlic EEG effects o f LSD aftcr systcmic ~udmitiistrationrevealed that tliis tlrng prodiices a flattening of the elc.c.troc.ortica1 activity in the ralibit ( Delay et uZ., 1952). Reinvestigations confirmed this finding iii the rabbit (Longo, 1962; Rinaldi and IIininich, 1955a) and cat (Bratlley and Elkes, 19%). Somc aiithors reported that LSD in adclition to tliis effect produces bursts of high-voltage sinnsoidal \vavcs with a frequency of aliont 4 per second in the electrocortic.ograrn o f cats ( Passouarit .c>t uZ., 195611) ;uid lal)l,its (Sailer and Stuinpf, 195711). In a few studies thy cifccts of increasing doscs of LSD have lxen investigated. Rinaltli :und 1-limwich (1955a) maintain that while lo^ doses ( 10-15 ,c,q/kg) produce a flattening, 1iight.r doses of LSD (90-60 ,Ig/kg) caiisc. slo\v \wives and slccp spincllcs in the' c,lcc.trocorticograin, ant1 Sc.lidlek aiid Kuelin ( 1959) found a slight clwrease of the frequency of tlic. electrocortical activity of
cats after 0.1 ing/kg LSD. The significance of these findings remains obscure, but it is known that tlie LSD-induced EEC; changes depend to some extent not only on tlie dosage but also on the environmental conditions (Bradley and Elkes, 1957). Most investigators, liowe\~er, found quantitative, but not qualitative, changes of the electrocortical activity under thc influence of increasing doscs of LSD ( Longo, 1962; Passouant ct (d., 1956b; :11id others). Tlic: electrocorticogram after LSD is similar to that seen during an arousal reaction. For this rc’asoii it has been stated that LSD (ill lo\v doses) prodLices “a long lasting presence of a pattern of alertnc~ss, practically iiidistinfiuishatle from the normal one” ( Riiialdi and I-Iiinwich, 1955a). Bradley and Elkes ( 1953a) found many common features in the EEC patterns elicited by LSD and ainpli~~tariiine, but they empliasizetl important differences which do exist bctwecn these two patterns. Yurpura ( 1957) concludecl “that the clectrographic picture common to reticular stimulation arid tlic action of I S D does not indicate a direct action of LSD on the brain stein reticular formation, hut a diffuse effect on cortical as \veil as subcortical synapses.” It will be seen later that under LSD not ~ v e i i changes of hippocainpal activity characteristic for an arousal reaction can be observed. It will be rrcalled that the EEG clianges during a i l arousal reaction clicited by sensory or reticular stimulation consist of lon7 voltagc, higli-frequency activity in the ncocortex and higli voltage, lo\vfrc.cliicncy activity (theta rhythm) in the hippocampus ( Green and Arduini, 1954). Simultiincous recording from both neocortex arid hippocampiis after administration of LSD shows that in this casc thc corrcqxmdence between tliese two activities is lost. In the cat, l’assouant ct al. ( 195611) found that whereas LSD has a (1 influence on tlie electrical activity of the neocortex, it scarccaly prodiiccs any cliange of the hippocampal activity. In addition, arousal stimuli d o not modify tliis latter activity after LSD. In tlie rabbit, Sailer and Stuiiipf (19S7b) reported that after LSD tlie 1iiplx)cainlxil activity becomes similar in appearance to the elcctrocortical acti\ity, this is to say, botli activities show a pronoiinced flattening. Similar results \ $ w e obtained by Long0 (1962) who correctly points out that “the EEG picture evoked by LSD is clearly distinct from tlie activation pattern seen either after external or reticular stimulations o r after administration of the so-called ‘desynchronizing drugs,’ cserinc and amplietarnine.” Ac-
cording to this latter author, the b:EG clianges seen undcr LSD are iiiorc similar to tlie EEG pattcmi ol>taincd by 5-liydrosytryptophal1lr~~~ytry~~to~~l~aii ( w e later) or during a sl~reatliiigdepressioii (Leao, 1944). DOES of ISD necessary to produce REG clianges in direction of the al)o\.e mentioned pattern start at 20 to XI ,Lg/kg, and complete flattening of neocortical and liippocainpl activity occurs after c1osc.s o f 100 to 150 pg/kg in the ralhit. LSD not on!y does not prodiicc. a tlieta rliythni i n tlie rab1)it’s Iiil’l)ocaiiil)iis, it also i s able to dcpress the theta rhytliiii ititliiccd by escrine ( Sailer and Stuinpf, 195711) or b y reticular stimitlation (Longo, 1962). Tlit, flattening of the 1iippoc:itiipaI activity caused I)y LSD is associutcd with ;I depressioti of tlicl spontaneous discharges of Iiippocampal pyrmiidal neiiroiis. Tlw disclrargv rate of tliese neurons is more easily depressed b y LSD tlian is tlre liippocaiiip~is EEG so that, for iiistaiicc., siiiall tloscs ( 10-5 pg/kg) occasionally decreasc tlie spontaneous discharge rate of pyramidal nt‘urons \vitliont affecting the hippocampiis E W . Higher do depress tlie unity activity cotnplctely. \\’lieu trains of a few theta \\x\.(~s o c c w occasionally duriiig tlie ~cbtionof LSL), this cliangc, in Iiippocampal activity is associatctl wit1 i ;t rapid increase of the discliargc rate of pyramidal neiiroiis. Escriiir, given after LSD, may producc. a theta rhythm and ; i n iticrcuse in the discharge rate of pyramidal neurons, but tliescl cffccts cati again lw abolished h y anothcr dose of LSD (Fig. 6 ) . ‘I’hc disclinrge rate of dentate gyms graiiirlc cells is not affected I)!, LSII ( Hriickc ct ul., 1961). The disappearance of the, Iiippocatiipal tlieta rhythm and the depression of the firing rate of pyraniitlal neiiro~iscaused by LSD could he due either to an inlii1)ition of tlie afferent inflow into the hippocampiis via the septum, or to a i l action of LSD on the hippocampus itself. In order to tliffrrcntiatc, 1)etween tliese two possibilities, tlie action of LSD oii tlicl firing pattern of septal neurons in rabbits pretreated with escrinc Iias lwen investigated ( Stumpf c;t a)., 1962). Under the influcvicc: of cscriiie the neurons of tlie medial septal nucleus cliscliargcy in bursts and as a consequence a theta rhythm develops in tlie liippocanrpiis (see Section III,A,l,o), LSD in doses of 100 pg/kg al)olislic~stlie eserine-induccd hippocarnpal theta rhythm, but does iiot cliaiige the burst firing pattern of septal neurons at all. Thus, uiider T,SD the septa1 neurons continlie t o generate impulses which undcr normal conditions ~ o ~ l c l cause a theta rhythm to arise in the liippocampus. If, ne\wtllelcss,
CH. S l W M P F
n o theta rhythm is recorded under the action of LSD, tlw depression of this activity must lie due to an action of LSD on synapses between the septum aind hippocampiis, or i n the hippocampus itself. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that responses to septa1 stimulation evo!ted in the hippocampus are deprc.sscd by LSD (Briicke et al., 1961). Since, as mentioned earlier, LSD depresses the spontaneous discharges of pyramidal neurons, but not Olmg/kq
20- 30
40 53
FIG. 6. Discharge rate of a hippocampus pyrainidal neuron after intrawnoiis iiijectioiis of LSD a i d eserinc. Abscissa: time in minutes after first LSD injection. Ordinatc: numbcr of action potvntials per second. Taken l1.0111 Uriicke et nl. ( 1961) ,
that of granule cells, a depressant action on the synapses formed between septoliippocampal fibers and pyramidal neurons might be postulated. LSD is knonm to hlock the transniission of many central synapses, hiit marked tlifferences in the scwsitivity of various synapses exist ( cf. Evarts, 19S7). Cnrtis ancl Da\Tis ( 196.7) found that clectrophoretic.al1~ applied I,SD deprcwe's the orthoclromic excitation of ~ieuroiisof the lateral geniculatc nucleus. In comparing this effect with the dcprcss:ant action of LSD on Iiippocanipal neurons (Briicke et a[., 1961), they discuss the possibility that the transmitter for tlie excitation of botli types of synapses may be the same, or that the action 011 hippocampal nmrons may bc due to an antagonism of LSD, against the synaptic action of rj-hydroxytryptamine. In this connection it is worthwhile to mention the results of experiments carried oiit by Pnrpiira (1957) on the action of LSD
on tlic electrocortical activity ot cats. LSD is tlioiiglit to activate “inhibitory synapses 011 dtwtlritcs tliat a r e also available to the transmitter or transmitters tliat arc rc~leased b y reticiilar stininlation of the brain stem.” I t lias I)ct~risliowii recently tliat inhihitory , 1. In syiiapst’s also exist in the liipl~o[,:iiiipiis( Aiidersen ct ~ l . 1963 suiiiinary, tlie exact mode of actioii of LSD on hippocampal neiirons remains to be explainctl. It inay 1 ) concluded, ~ Iiois-eiw, tliat tlie action of LSD on neocortes xiid hippocampiis is similar in tlic rcspect tliat it is a direct action on thc neuroiis in tllesc structurcs rather than an action which wonld modify tlie aft’ereiit inflow.
2. .5-H~d’.ox!jf1.yi’t“?iii~~t. ( . i - I l T ) and 5 - H ~ d r o x ~ t r y p t o ) ) ~ i a ~ ~
(5EITP) Contradictory results have 1)ecii rol~ortcdon tlie action of 5-HT (serotonin) on tlie elcctrical activity of tlic brain. Longo ( 1962) found no changes of tlie elcctrical activity of the rab1)it’s l m i n after intravenous doses of S-IIT of u p to 0.1 mg/kg. Highcr doses productd an over-all diminutioii of tliv I x i i i i waves, possibly due to hypotension. He found o i i l y minor EEC: clianges aftcr intracarotid injection of 0.1 to 0.2 ing Ti-IIT. On the other hand, \Iiintegazzini ( 1957) reportcd :I tles!7iiclironization of tlie electrocortical activity in the cat eiic6pliale isolC. preparation aftcr injection of 5-HT into the cerebral circulat ion, comparable to tliat seen after ACh applied by tlic same route. A bi- or triphasic action of intravenously administeretl ,5-111’ on tlw KEG ( acti\.ntioii-tleacti\lation-activation ) lias beeii tlviimistrated in the cat ( I
5 per second) tlictn rltytlm i n the Iiiplx~camp~is, tlialamiis, aiid p“rieto-occipita1 cortex \\;IS foimd to prwail. It is perhaps surprising that 5-HT w l i c m given hy intravenous injection, does produce any EEG cliangcy siiivtb passage of 5-111- into the 1957) or 110sbrain is believed to be difficult (Utlcmfricmd ct d., sil)le t o a limited extent only (Costa and A4prison,19FjS).Rcvzin and Costa ( 1960), in studying the cffcxt o f exogenous 5-I-IT ( 1 mg/kg intravenously) 011 the hippocampal rcyonse to amvgdala stimulation in a modified cat cervcxaii isolP l m p r a t i o n , foiind that this effect does not occur after vagotom>.. ‘I’lrey point oiit tliat “esog-
enous 5-I-IT probably does not affect iieuroiis excitability" and has 110 direct synaptic action in tlie central nervous system. 5-I-Iydroxytryptophaii, the precursor of 5-HT, readily passes the blood-brain barrier and is dccarbo~ylatedin the central iiervoiis system to S-HT ( Udenfriend et nl., 1956). The hippocampus has been found to contaiii rather liigli coriceiitrations of S-liydroxytryptamiiie decarboxylase (Bogclanski et nl., 1957). Changes of the Iiippocaii~pal activity, together witli other EEG changes, have coiisistciitly been found to occur after 5-I-ITP adniinistr a t'ion. a. Action of S-HTP o n Hippoeninpal Actiuity aftcr lntrciuenous Injection. Costa and llinaldi (1958) found that in rab1)its after intravenous injection of 75 mg/kg of 5-HTP first a sIo\v, highvoltage activity appears i n all brain areas including the hippocampus where, at the same time, tlie theta rhythm disappears. Later, for a period lasting froin the second lialf-hour to thc~second hour after the injection, tlie iieocortical and hippocampal activity show a marked voltagc tlrop a i d , tliereforc, appcar more or less flat. During this stage tlic EEG changes produced by 5-HTI' and LSD are very similar ( Longo, 1962) altliough Costa and Riiialdi ( 1958) deny this similarity. The reason for this disagreement probably lies in the fact that Riiialdi and Him\yich ( 195%) had riot fomnd a flattening 'of hippocampal activity uiider IS11> as had other authors, including Longo ( 1962) ( sc'c' Section III,C,l ) . Other investigators tkscribed rlnincncepIialic spikc discharges under the infliienccl of .5-HTP. According to hlonni:,r and Tissot ( 1958), 10-20 nig/kg cause slow \vave activity, ~ l ~ e r ehigher a~ doses (30 ing/k-g) induce a flattening of tlic, neocortical and hippocampal activity, and also ( about 1 hoiir aftcr thc injection ) spiking in the l n i ~ ~ ~ ) o c ~ ~ . These i i i l ~ ~ ifindings s. are siinilar to those ol~taiiieclby Domcr aiid Loiigo ( 1962) ~ h described o the effects of Fj-I-ITP given in form of rcpeatecl intravenous injections or by continuous intravenoiis illfusion, on tlie electrical activity of tlie rabbit's brain. Tlie first cliange seen in the hippocampal actility consists of disruption of the theta rhythm whereas higher doses cause spike discharges in the hippocampus at a frequency of 30 to 40 per second. The spiking can also he recorded froin tlie amyqlala and fornix, and occasionally it can be activated by esteriial stiinuli. I n this case tlie 30-40 per second spike activity is superimposed on the theta rhytliin. \Vhcm single doses are given, a dose of 50 to 100 ing/kg is iiccessary to produce bursts
of liippocampd spikes, wiiercas with continuous intravenous infusion (.jing/minute), spiking starts aftcr a total dose of SO to 50 nig/kg and reaches its maximiini aftvr a dose of 75 or 125 mg/kg. During tlie hippocampal spike. cliscliargw the firing rate of hippocanipal pyramidal ncurons is n i a r k c d l ~depressed ~ ( cle Aarali c’t ~ l . , 1963) . It is interesting to note that with S-HTP, as with otlier drugs which produce Iiippocampal spike discharges, these discharges can lie recorded froin the hippocampus a s \vcll as froin the amygdala. Tlic depression of the theta rhytlini I i a s heen assumed to be due to a direct action of 5-HTP on liipl>oc:iinpal neurons ( Donier and Longo, 1962). Unfortunately, tlrcre arc no experimental data availa l ~ l eon the action of 5-HTP on tlw discharge pattern of septa1 ncwrons, \\hich would a l l o ~ a coiic1iision to lie drawn a s to \vlictl~er the disappearance of the theta rliytlnn under 5-HTP is due to an action similar to that producing the disappearance of this activity iindc>r LSD.
b. Action of 5-HTY on Hi])))ouiut)i(i/Actirjity after Infracrrrotid Iiijcctiori. Costa ct d.( 1960) foiintl that in rabbits intracarotid injection of 22 or 44 nig 5-HTY c~ius(’sa bipliasic E E G pattern in that a neocortical synchronizatioii is lollowed 11y desynclironizatioii. During the first stage an irregrilar activity and, during the, second stage, a theta rliythm \wre foiiiitl in the, liippoc:~nipus. It was suggested that 5-HTP acts directly i i p o i i some region of the reticular formation. A positive correlatioir \IXS formd to exist hctnwm the elevation of 5-HT content in tlic iiic~sotlienceplialoiiand the EEG changes c ~ u s e dby 5-HTP, and ;L continuous theta rhytliin ( a n d a dPs)lnclilonizatioii of tlie nwcortical activity ) occurred when the 5-1 IT content in t1w mid-brain slrowetl a threefold increase. 1 1 ~ - 5 ~ I ~ ~ t l i y l t r ~ p t o p which l i a i i is not a prcciii-sor of 5-HT neither caused EEG changes nor did it altcr tli(1 5-llT content of the brain. No plausible cxplanation can I)c oEercd for tlie fact that a5-I-ITP: lien injected intravenously, caused a disappcarancc of the theta rliythm and rlrinenceplialic spike discharges wliereas, wlicn injcctcd intracarotidly, it inducctl ;I latc. arousal reaction with a theta rhytlini in the liippocampus.
3. Tryptnniinc Tryptaniine is mentiontd lwre since. its action on the. KEG, and c~speciallyon the 1iippocatirp;il acti\ity, is very siinilar to that
of 5-HTP when both tlrugs are given in comparable intravenous doses to rabbits. Single doses of IS to 25 mg/kg tryptamine produce in the hippocampus a flattening associated with disappearance of the theta rhythm and occurrence of spiking but, in contrast to 5HTP, these changes last for about 5 minutes only (Domer and Longo. 1962; Longo, 1962). The tryptamine-indiiced depression of the liippocampd theta rhythm is asociated \L it11 a marked deciea\e of the spontaneou~ firing rate of pyramidal neurons. Often, at tlie peak of tryptamine action, these neurons do not discharge at ,111. Neurons in the subiculum behave as pyramidal neurons do. The spontaneous firing rate of granule cells of ihe dentate gyrus, on the other hand, shows frequently a tremcnclous increase under tryptamine. The firing rate of these neiiroiis may increaw to such a frequency that intermittent prolonged partial tlepolari7ation of tlic cell membrane occurs (de Harm et d.,1963). It will be recalled that, undcr LSD, granule cells also beliavc differently when conipared with p j ramidal neurons althougli no increase in the firing rate of granule cells w a s observed under LSD. Possildy, the tr) ptamine-indut ed discharge pattern of granule cells is in some way related to the hightrcquciicy spike clischct~ ges in the liippocainpiis EEG. It will be notcd th'it in n ~ a n yrespects tlre actions of ISD, 5HTP, and ti yptamine on the 1iiplx)cainpal activity and unit firing pattern have becn found to 1c, similar. In tliis connection it is of interest that according to Curtis and Da\is (1962) all three drugs depress ortlioclromic rwitation of ncurons in tlie lateral geniculate nucleus of tlie cat w1ic.n applicd elcctropliorctically close to the nciiron under observ at'1017.
IV. Conclusions
and Summary
The question may wc~llbe poscd whether any useful conclusions can be drawn from the consideration of the actions of various drugs on only one area of the brain. This may lie done, however, if certain limitations dre kept in mind. In any event, tlie consideration of the actions of drugs on the hippocampus has allowed tlie separation of tlrugs with probably different modes of actions where this has not been possible by the stndy of cortical or brain stem rhythms. The aim of neuropharmacological experimentation of any kind is primarily to clarify tlie mode and site of action of the drug under investigation. The hippocainpii\ is connected by afferent and effer-
ent pathways with many otlicr Ijraiii arcxs and, tl~crcfore,a drugintliiced change of hippocampal acti1.i ty docs not nec cate a drug action on thc IiiL)l)o(‘;~i”i~iis itself. For instance, the Iiippocampiis receives iii1pulsr.s fro111 tlie brain stem reticular forination, a s d o the ncocortex :ind otlicar I)rain arras. Conscquently, any drug which acts upon thc rcxticuIar forination, may modify the liipliocanilial activity, just a s it m a y inodify the electrical activity of the neocortex and other braiii areas. Problcms concerniiig drug action on the reticular formation have tloliberately been touched upon only rarely in this revicw sincc changcs of hippocampal activity due to the action of drugs on th(. rc,ticular formation would comprise only a small part of tlic El<(: clianges occurring in the brain. However, with some drugs it lias heen s1ion.n that changes of neocortical activity corresponding to ;in arousal reaction may not justify tlie assumption that such cliaiigcs are diw to a stiniulatory action on the reticular formation, For instance, LSD produces in tlie neocortex, hut not ill lllc Iiiplwciunplis, clectrographic changcs corresponding to an arousnl reaction. Thc, most conspicuous 1iippocnmp;il activity is the 4-7 per second “thc.ta rhythm” which may I)(, r.licitet1 by sensory or reticular stimulation, or hy various drugs. Tlic properties of this rhytllm and its origin have becw tliscussctl. Hric+ly, tlic theta rliythin shows a monopolar phase reversal at a l ( ~ v ( ~jrist I l)elo\v thc pyrarniclal cell layer indicating that this r h j ~ t h n iis not p r o p a g a t d along an axis normal to the siirface of the Iiiliiioc~~iiiIi~is. On the other hand, a slow propagation along this siirfacc~t1oc.s take place. The frequency of tlie theta rhythm is positivr’ly corrclatcd \?-it11 the intensity of stimulation. The paccniaker for tlic thrta rhythm is located in the medial septal nucleus, the I ~ P I I ~ O I Iof S \\-I1ich discliarge in bursts correlated to the phase of tlic Iiip1i(”.;iii~1);iltheta rhythm. Lesions of this septal nucleus conseqiirmtly aholisli the theta rhythm. Arousal stimuli activate 1iippoc;iiq)al fast activity in addition to the theta rhythm, aiid this fast activity does not depend on the integrity of tlie septum. ;\licroelectrodc experiments on t l i r firing pattern of hippocampal and septal ncurons aftchr driig atlininistration have given ~ al~ 1~ 1blc information. It has somctimc~sbeen inferred that microelectrode experiments clo not have niuch I-alue in pliarmacological studies for the simple reason that ntwroiis of the same area or iinclcus may rcact entirely differently to tlie same drug. Fortunately.
this statement seems to be untrue for neurons of the liippocainpus and of the medial septal nucleus. \\'it11 very few exceptions, individual pyramiclal cells: have been found to react similarly to a given drug; likewise, individual granule cells react similarly though, of course, pyramidal cells and graniile cells may react differently in response to a single driig. Septa1 neurons, moreover, react in a like maliner without exception. Probably, this is a consequence of the fact that the hippocaiiipus is one of the most uniform structures within tlie brain, and together ~ i t htlie medial septal nucleus apparently forms one functional entity. Drugs may modify tlie 11ippocaiiipal activity in various ways: some drugs produce a :theta rliytliin; some inhibit the tlieta rhythm; some produce seizure-like discharge patteros; and some cause a flattening of the hippocainpal activity. Ratlier than attempting a complete coverage of all drugs known to influence hippocampal activity, a few drugs i~presentingeach type of action liave been discussed in ordcr to outline the problrms involved. cholinergic and Many drugs produce a theta rhythm-some adrenergic agents, nicotine in low doses, etliyl ether and reserpine during certain phases of their action, and clilorpromazine in high doses. In all these cases, tlie hippocmqxil tlieta rhythm is associated with low-voltage, Iiigli-frequency activity in tlie neocortex. In these cases, neocortical and hippocainpal activity resemble tlie modifications seen during tlie usnal arousal reaction. The data presented in this review can neither support nor contradict tlie hypothesis that soine or all of tlie above drugs lirodiice a pure arousal reaction. It is I\iio\vn, Iiowevcr, that in all cases investigated so far a drug-incluced tlieta rhythm is abolislicd by scptal lesions. Therefore, in all of thew cases, the tlieta rhythm cannot he due to ine and nicotine, it an action on the hippocampus itself. For lias been demonstrated that these two drugs infliience the septal neiirons to adopt a Imrst firing pattern wliicli apparently triggers the theta rhythm. Tlierefore, an action on tliese scptal cells, or, more likely, on a lower level, lias to be postulated. Slight differences have been found1 to exist between the theta rhythms induced by eserine and methamplietamine. The theta rliytliin elicited by sensory or reticular stimulation is more similar to the rhythm induced by eserine than to that induced by methamplietamine. Some anticliolinergic drugs, anestlwtics, and tranquilizers inhibit the theta rhythm. Low7 doses of such drugs usually decrease
DRUG ACrIOS ON I111’1’0(:
the frcqucncy of a theta rhytlini intliiced by reticular stiinulation or eserine. Scopolainine is a nota1)lc c~xccptionin that it docs not decrease the frcqueney of a tlret;i rliythiir elicitcd by reticular stimulation while reducing the freqticmcy of the eserine-induced theta rhythm. \Vitli scopolamine and 1)arbitiirates the depression of the eserinc-induced theta rhytliin is assoc:iatcd with eorresponditrg changes in the firing patterii of septal neurons. Tliiis, the action of t h e clriigs on tlic liippocai~ipalactivity iiiay lw assiimed to be due to an action on tlie septal ii(wrons, or, niorc’ likcsly, 011 a l o \ r ~ I level. Urctlian has a different typv of action under similar experi1 abolishcs all iueiital conditions : at a dose 1 ( ~ tl~ iat regularized hiplmeainpal activity, the scptal n ~ ~ n r o ncontinue s to r Coiisc,quently, clischarge in bursts although at ;I niricli l o ~ rate). an additional direct action of r i r d i a n on the hippocampus may 1)C postulated. Scizure activity oecrirs iii tl ic liippocatiip~safter insulin, nicololiexamine dtrivatilw, : i d iiitracarotid injectioii of hypertonic solutions. Seiziire activity or ;It lcast spiking has also h c ~ w reportecl to occiir aftcr 1iarliitiiratc.s. ethyl &er, high dosrs of clilorpromazine, reserpine, 5-1 ITP, ant1 tryptainine. Such discliargvs liavc, frequently l w e I~ foiind in hippocampus and/or amyglala, sometiinm, a s aftcr liigli tloscs of clilorproniazinc, apparc~ntly starting in tlic aniygtlala. T l i c x nicotine-indiiccd hippocamp;11 seizure, cliseliarges arc’ assoc.ititcd ~ i t ha depression of pyraniitlal n c u r o ~ iactivity a i i c l arc not changed by scptal lesions. This is pro1)ably triic for otlicr tlriig-intlriced seizure activities as \yell. Two explanations for tlw prd‘cwwtial site of drug-induccd seizure dischargcs have becm tliscussctl. One explanation assumes tlrat tlie low seizrii-e thresholtl of rliiiirwcephalic structures is rcsponsiil~lc;tlie otlicr one assninc~s;I spccific affinity of a drug for thew striictures. Certain clioliirc~gic~ ;tgcnts injected into the hippocaiirpus have 1)ecn found to product. theta rhythms and seizurc. dischargcs. Further ~~’xperiiiicirt~ition is ncedcd before these theta rhythms can lie postulatcd t o 1x1 t l r i c to a direct action on tlie hippocampus. LSII has a unique actioii on liippocmnpal activity. Under LSU neocortical a n d liippocaiirpal activity show a p r o n o ~ n r c dflattening of the 1iippoc.ainpl activity n~liicliis associated with a clcpression of the spontaneous firing of pyrairiidal iicuroiis. Since LSD does not affcct the eseriiie-induced h w t firing pattcrns of septa1 iieuron~
and, nevertheless, depi.esses the hippocampal theta rhythm, it is postulated that the latter effect is due to a direct action on the hippocampns itself, probably on synapscs formed between septohippocampal fibers and pyramidal neurons. l’ryptamine and 5-HTP induce a similar flattening of the h i p p o c a n q ~ ~activity l and, in addition, spike discharges associated wit11 depression of pyramidal neuron activity. Uiicler LSD and tryptamine, single neuron activity of the dentate gyms is influenced in R different manner than pyramidal neiiron activity; thc graiidc cells of the dentatc gyrus are scarcely infliienccd b y LSD whcreas tlivir firing is markcdly acccl erated by tryptamiii (1. ACKNo\~r.i-i)GXiE~i
The author is grcatly indebted to Dr. Harry I,. \Villi:inis for rc;iding the ilianuscript ant1 for helping with tlrc prcsrntation. REFEIWNCES
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EFFECTS OF DRUGS ON LEARNING AND MEMORY’ By James L. McGaugh and Lewis F. Petrinovich Deportment of Psychobiology, University of California,
Irvine, California, and
Department of Psychology, State University of N e w York, Stony Brook, Long Island, N e w York
I. Iiitrotlriction . . . . . , . , . , , . A. Pcrformance, Learning, ant1 hlcniory . . , , . . B. Early Ewmplvs o f Drng Hr..;c.;ircli OII I ~ ~ i n i i i i.g . . . 11. hlctliotl~~logic~il l’r(~l)lmis , , . . . , . . . A. Coiiiplcxities of Drug Infliit~iicr . , . . , . . 13. 14.01~1riiis of 13cliaciornl Taxoiicirny , , . , , . . 111. Drug 1nfiiic.nces on Leariling ; i i i t l MelllOry . . . . . . A . D r u g Impairmcnt of Lrariiiiig , . . , . . . 13. 1 h i g 1inp;iirmtwt ot hlrmoi-)- Stor;igt. . . . . . . C:. lhis I’acilitation of Ixarniiig . . . . . , . D. Drug Facilitation of Alenioi-y Storagt. . , . , . , 11’. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . A. 13asc.s of t h e Effects of Posttrial Driig Atlministration . . . B. Implications for Hypoth of .\leinor). Storage hleclin~lisms . Hcfrrcnccs . . . . . , . . . , , .
1:39 1110 149
131 151 15.5 157 157 160 169
179 188 188
189 191
I. Introduction
The discovery and preparation of tlriigs with psychological effects has occiipicd the interc,xt ancl c ~ i i r ~ gof y hiimans since the beginning of recordcd history. Only in rcwmt years, however, have systematic attempts bccm niatlc~t o discover the naturc and bases of drng eff cets on behavior. Expcriiwntal rcwarch in psychopharmacology liegan around thc tiirn of thc ccsiitiiry. Shortly after the first demonstrations that animal 1)chavior conlcl bc. stiidicd systematically, researchers in SEI a1 1al)oratoric~sl q a n to adopt the n c ~ l y developcd techniques for iisc’ in tlriig r ~ s e a r c h .hluch of thc early research was motivated by applied d i e d yucstions. Rcsearch with aiiiinals provided a meails of in tigating thc lielia\kxal cf-
’ The preparation of this revimv \\’as sripportrd 11y research grant AIH0701Fj from thc National Institutc. of Aleiital IIealth, Unitctl State,.; Piililic Iiraltli Service, and b y rrscarch graiit Clbl(j72 from thc National Science Fouiitlntion. 139
fects of prolonged use of common driigs such as alcohol, barbiturates, morphine, nicotine, and caffeine (e.g., Macht ant1 Leach, 1929; Barnhardt, 1936a,b). 111 addition, it was recognized that the techniques used in s t i d e s of animal behavior might be used to search for drugs with 'beneficial effects on human behavior. Much current research in psychopharmacology is a direct consequence of interest in drug treatinlent of human behavior disorders (e.g., sec reviews by Herz, 1960; R o s s and Cole, 1960; Cook and Kelleher,
1963). Recent years have
S ' C ' V I ~increasing
u s e of drugs a s research tools.
Drugs, together with other techniques such as lcsions arid electrical stimulation, are now used in invcstigations of the brain functions that underlie behavior ( Riissell, 1960, 1964 ) . Such researches are based on the assumptiion that kno~vlcdgeof drug effects on l x havior, together n i t h kilio\vlcdgr o f tlriig mec>hanismsof action, can provide clues to thc nk!ture of the basic ph>.siological mechanisms. Although thcre havc been niiincwus studies of drug effects on learning during the p":jt several decades, rescwch in this area has been particularly acti1.c during the past fvw years. This review summarizes representative studies of the effects of clrugs on learning and memory in infrahumans. It is not comprohensive, but instead emphasizes research concerned with the bases of drug effects on learning and nieinory and the relc\mcc of the findings to curront concepts of meinory storagc mcdianisins.
R'II;.' V0Fi-l
Thc inost crucial problem in research conccrning drug effects on learning and mcmory is that of distinguishing tlriig effects on Zcarning from other ef€ects of drugs on performance. M7hat distinguishes learning from performance? It is clcar that \\.hen the word "learning" is used, it refers to a cliaiige in hehavior which is brought about through practice. It is also clcar that not all changes in behavior that appear to occur as a function of practice should b e included. Changes in performance as a result of physical growth, effects of fatigue, or changes in motivation are clearly not instances of learning. The distinction l)etu7ec~lcwniiig and performancc \\'as llrought into sharp relief by experiments oil latcnt learning. In an early latent
EFFECTS OF DRUGS O S 1.1; \ R V l S ( ; A S D ?rIE?rlORY
learning experiment, Rlodgett ( 19.79 ) gave. three groiips of rats o m trial each day in a simple mazc’. Onc gr(~iipwas rewarded in the goal box on all trials, a second group \zas not rewarded until the seventh day and then on each su1)scqucnt day, and a third group was only rewarded beginning 011 the third day and then daily. The animals in the first groiip showed a gradtial drop in errors at the outset, whereas the error scoros for the other two groups remained high until thc day after the first time they found food. At that point the error scores t l r o p p c ~ l\ w y suddenly and were almost immediately coinpara1)lc to thv scores of the first group. Thcwfore, it appears that thv aniiirals i n the second and third groiips had been learning much morc than their pcrforinancc~shad i n d i c a t d during the nonrewarrled trials. h i t that the leariiing hat1 remained “latent” (i.e., not indicated by performance) until thc. reward n7as introduced. Subsqiicwt cqeriments ( e.g., Tohnan and I-Ionzik, 1930) obtained esscmtially similar results. [ See Thistlcthwaite (1951) for a revirw of thc cL\;tensive latent learning literatiirc..] These findings indicate quitc, cl(.arlv that although learning must be inferred from performancc~,Ic~irningis not ahvays evident in performance records. Often, the problem of definiiig those changes in behavior which can be considered as evidenccxs of learning is solved by offcring an opcrational definition in \vhich thv tcvm learning is defined by a set of operations. These opcratioiis iisnally arc measiircments and proccdiiral descriptions which c~sta1)lisliconditions for IISC of the term. Strict operationism maintains that “. . . in general, we mean by any concept nothing more tlraii ii sclt of operations; the concept is synoii~mouswith a corresponding set of operations” ( Rridginan, 19%). Objections have hcen raised to the application of strict operationism hecause it is deciuctl fimdainentally circular ( Popper, 1959). Nevertheless, regardless of tlic position taken about strict operationism, it is inescapable that an!’ concept that is to bc studied empirically must, at the point of c’sl”rimentatioi~, have an operational translation. Usually, wlien operationally translating the coilcept “learning,” some arbitrary performance criterion must be chosen. It has been shown that tho nature of this criterion can affect greatly the results obtainctl. Tlie conclusions drawn from a study may be entirely specific to the critc,rion chosen. For example, H E ~ L( 1959) has sliown that anticholiti(’rRie drugs will abolish a
conditioned avoidance response early in the acquisition process, but that they have no effect on a well-established response. Studies of learning typically emphasize improvement in performance with repeatcd trials, Thus learning is usually identified by responses which are repeated. As the findings of the latent learning studies indicate, however, learning can occur without the repetition of specific “correct” responses. Further, in many stndies evidence of learning is based on observations of variations in responding. In response alternation learning ( e.g., Petrinovich and Bolles, 1957) and one-trial avoidance learning (e.g., Essman and Jarvik, 1960), degree of “memory” is indicated by the tendency of the animals to avoid making a previous rvsponsc. ‘l’he nature of the memory trace or “engram” underlying the capacity of aniinals to either repeat or vary their responses a s a consequence of espcrience has been the focus of many recent ~~sy~liopharmacological studies. The main interest has centered 011 the nature of the processes involved in memory storage. This research has required the development of tcchniques for distinguishing those driig effects on learning that arc duc to effects on memory storage from other cffects due to attentional, percqtiial, and motor influences. Failure to provide for such distinctions can rcadily result in faulty inferences concerning the bases of clrug effects 011 performance.
InfEzrcnce of Research Focus Research concerning druz effects on behavior tends to be focused alternatively ‘on either pharmacological questions or on psychological questions. Most of the research employing operant conditioning teclniiqucs is done with a pl~arinacologicalfocus. The operant response is often chosen as an assay technique because it is very reliable and easily quantified. The (Beets of various drugs may be evaluated by a study of the changes in the rate and pattern of response in the light of variables in the reinforcemcnt schedule. This kind of research yields sets of perforniiince curves which can be coinpared to one another readily. These coniparisoiis make possible the classification of drugs in terms of behavioral effects. However, this approach often uses the rate of perforinnnce of a strongly established response as tlie depentlent variahle. The animals are usually pretirainccl on a simple reinforccine~~t schedule until very stable rates of respoii(1ing arc. ol>tainecl hefore the drug
conditions are introducrd. ~ : o i i s c , c l ~ i c . i i t l ~the . , results are not liery informative about tlic acquisitioii proce This is, or course, a result of the focus of tlie rcw~arcli.Tlicb (11i iasis in such work is on factors affecting tlie pc~rforiiiaiiccof IiiqIiIy Icarned responses, and risri:iIly i i o inference is drawii rc9gartIiiig the nature of any unclerl!.iiig ps~cliological or ~~s!~c.lro~~li~~sioIogic~al principlvs conc~crniiig ltxrning. :I rrrlrcli smallrl. a ~ n o u ~ iott I C . S C . ~ I . C ~lias I I)een d o n c l iisiiig a psychological focns. 1 icrc,, the so;rI is t o study psychological 01’ ps~~liol’l’ysiologie~~l processes, siic.11 215 tlic nccessary a n d sufficient coiiditions I’or thc storagc of incvnor!. t r a c u and for their retrieval. \\.it11 tliis focus, the drug 1)tcoinc~sInit oiie of many tools. Research \\.it11 a ps!-cliological focus tends t o cliaracterized hy closer atteiitioti to tlic pol)lenis of opci.;rtiotiiil translation ( see : i b o \ ~ )This . permits systcinatic stud!, of tlrc, lxisic. Ixiranieters iiivo1vc.d in leariiing, sucli ;IS the effect ot 1 I i c 1 r.r~lati\-c~ inassing o r distri1)ution of pr;icticv. \I’itli tlie al>ovc priiicipl(5s i i i niirrcl. let u s re\ie\v some early esainplcs o f drug rc-searcli oii I(wiiiiig. Tlie merits, a s well as the sliortcoinings, of tliis \wrli \T,ill s c ~ \ ~; I(S ~ mi introdnction to the currciit sirrvc’y \vliich follo\\-s. 1
1<.41?1.Y ES.&Ml’Lb:S 01 I h t i ( : lib:Sb::\1ii
11 OX
I n this scction soine of tlw c.ar1ic.r studicis of tlrng effects on I(~arningarc cliscrisscxl rnthcr 1)ricIfiy. Thew arc’ a rcasonahly rcprvscwtati\.c, h i t not c o m p r t ~ l i ~ ~ i isaiiiplt, s i \ ~ ~ ~0 1 the earlier rescwdi. 1. ?‘I! irr I I 1 i r I
As indicated in tlic Iiitroductioii, mucli of early drug research \vas coiicwiicd with applicd prol)lciiis. Rvsearcli with tliiamine was I)asetl on an interest in tliv possilic. mliancing effect of suppleiiicmtary thiamine on tlic intellc~c.tual frinctionirig of retarded children, 21s well a s on a more gviicxil intcwst i ~ ]the effects 011 learning of a sulxtmice kno\vn to esscmtial to cerebral metabolism. Se\.eral studies have indicatcd tliat !wiiiig rats deficient in t1ii:imine arc inferior to normal rats in niiize ltwiiing as well as in classical conditioning ( hlaurer, 1935; I’or c’t (TI,,1937; E. Poe ct nl., 1939; 13ir.1 and \\’ickens, 19-11), Stc ’11s ( 19):37)found that thiamine deficicwcy occiirrrd before thc aniinals \T.(W, 30 days old. Dietary re1
placement of tliiamine \vas fourid to iiiipro~x tlie learning of tliiaminc-deficieiit rats ( O'Neill, 1949). Otlier work ( hlarx, 194811) iiidicatcd tliat supplemcntary tliiamiiie did not enliance tlie learning of normal rats. I n fact, in the latter study, tlie trclated rats were inferior to controls o i l a retention test givcn 2 ~veeks after the original training. Altliongh tlie results of thrse studies are not entirely consistent, tlie findings seem to suggest that ( 1) thiamine deficiency impairs lc'arning, ( 2 ) the amount of iinpairinent is related to the age at ~ l l i c l tlie l depletion occurs, ( 3 ) tlie deficiency can be overcome by replacing thiamine in the diet, and ( 4 ) supplementary thiamine does not ciiliancc the lcariiing of noriiial rats. Tliese studies Iiigliliglit the clificulties that occur in studies using chroiiically aff cct cd subjects. Thiamiiic-deficient animals and normals differ in physical streiigth, levcl of motivation, hunger, etc. Tliereforc, it is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish tliose performance effccts that are due to influences on strength, ctc., from tliose \vliicli might b e due to changes in memory storage mechanisms. See the tliscussi.on above on tlie differences between performance, learning, aiiil mcinory.
2 . Glrrtriinic AcirL Glutamic acid has lic'eii tlic siibject of a great deal of experimentation and controversy since the initial study of Zimmcrmaii and Ross ( 1944). Tllese in\mtigators reported tliat rats given a glutainic acid supplement ( 200 iiig/cIay) learned ;I inazc, fastcr than did controls. Allwrt and \\'ardcn ( 1944) also reportcd facilitating effects of glutaniic acid on rats' perforiiianccs of a pedal-pushing problem. Tlicse findings led to a flurry of animal studies ( I Iamilton and Malier, 1947; Mar:c, 1Y4Sa, 1939; Stellar a n d hlcElroy, 1948; Porter and GrifFin, 1950. 1951; Pilgrim et ul., 1951; Zalwenko cf nl., 1951), all of Ivllicli rcyorted negative resiilts. Contrary to the iicgative evideiice just citcd there were a frw positive studies on human mental defectives. All these, l i o \ \ ~ ~ \ can v ~ , be questioned on iiiethodological grouiids ( sce Astiii and Ross, 1960). There \vas also one study reporting beneficial cff ects of glutaiiiic acid on tlie performances of the offspring of rats givcu the siipplement cliiririg pregnancy (Sweet, 1951 ) . In thc midst of the contro\wsy, Hughes a i d Ztibek (1958, 1957) rcyorted soiiic rcwilts which scenied to introdlice some order into
tlir: coiiflict. Tiley poiiltcd o i r t tlmt tlie Zimiiicrman and Ross ( 1933) coiitrol animals appeared to 1)c cluller aniinals tlian those employed in other studies. This lctl tlicwi to suspect that differences betwcen strains of rats in initial learniiig ability might be the cause of the coiiflicting data and tliat glutarnic acid 1nig21t facilitate the learning ability of dull anjni;iIs I)ut Iiavc~110 effect on bright ones. To test this 1i)yothesis they ~it1ininisterc.d200 nig of monosodium glutarnatc! ( AISG) to groups of rats from the McGill bright and gi\,cri daily from the time thc dllll strains. Tlic sllppl~~lllc~nls \\ animals \ w r e \\7ei111cd (25 (!a! s oC age) until they were 65 days of age. I ri Ic~;uningand relrwnii 1% ( (iO days later) tlie I-Iebb-\\:illiaiiis closecl-ficltl maze, tlic aliiiiiirls Iroin tlic dull strain \vhicli had received J l S G \\we signific~iiitl~ Iwtter tlian their controls. Tliere ~ 7 a s1 1 0 cliffcwwcc. Ixtwcwi tliv t r c a t c d brights arid tlie control brights. , I-lughcs ct d.( 1957) After these encouraging fiij(liiigs. lw\\ publislietl ;I su1,seqiIent stud!, of tlic3 c4fcct of varying dosages of glutamic acicl on tlrc lvariiing al)ility of the 11cCilI bright a n d dull rats. I n t h i s stiidy, siipl’l[,nic,iitar~ Ccdiiic of 500 mg of hlSG dail!. clid not affect leariiing. The!- also f o r i i i t l . iniich to their alarm, tliat the 200-ing dosage, whicli n 7 a s c4(xtivcx i i i t l i e first studies, did riot have a significant effect. ’rire~ only tlilfvreiicc in the experiments was that the first two studios i i s v t l aiiiiiials froin tlie F,,, and F,, gencrations of hriglits aiid tliills. \ \ I i c ~ r a stlic later study \vas done with aiiiinals froin the F,: gcirc’ixtioii. They doubted that this was the reason for tlie differcncc i i i rrmlts, liowevcr, because the control aiiiinals \\YW approsimatc~ly c ~ i r i a l in lmtlr stiidics. [ Kostnzweig ct (I!. ( 1RFiO) also foiincl no c,ffvc.t ~ I Icxiiing I iisiiig glritaniic acid \vitli t l ( ~ s c c ~ ~ ~ t l of a n ttsh y TI.! OII Iiian-I)i-iglit N I C ~ ~ii;rzc~-drrllrats.] l-Iiiglir,s ( ‘ i trf. ( 1957, 13. 2535 ) c . o i i c . l r i t l ( d , “ I t is obvious from these results that tlie action of glutamic wid o n lcarning nl)ility is not as simplr, as it first :ippe;ired a i i t l t l i n t ~iiiiiit~rous variables affect it, wria1)lt.s \vIiose iiifliieirce oirly l r i t u i - c x rclst~arcli cun clarify.” This ; ~ ~the ~ fi~iclil~gs about tlie statenlent pro\+lvs an atleyuatv S I I I I ~ I I I of effects o f glutamic acid on ltwmiiig. It is iiot cntirely clear wliy glLitariric acid was expected to affect learning. Gliit:unic acid is OIK, of thcs ~ioiic~sscntial amino acids and is readil! synthesizetl b y i i i a i n i i i i i l s ill ;iiiiotlnts I;irge enoirgli to inalw tlic organisin i n c l c y c ~ ~ i t l01~ ~a11 ~ ~ toritsidr, soi~rcc’ ( \\‘aelsc~Ir. 1955). Fiirther, it is tlon1,tful that iiigc3stcd gllltmlic acid csntcrs tlic,
brain when administered to norni,u2 animals ( Waelscli, 1952), although it may clo so in some pathological states such as deep insulin hypoglycemia ( Hini\vicli and Petcrsen, 1958). McIlwain (1955) has pointed out that in cerebral cortex tissue from laboratory animals, glutaniic: acid docs not support the respiratory response to applied electrical impulses as do glucose or pyruvates. He also pointed out, however, that it does have this action wit11 human cerebral tissws. This, species diff creiices might account for some of the data, since some studies were on humans and some were on rats.
3. Ba 1.1) it it rcitrs Ilost carly rcwarcli \vitIi Ixirl)iturates ;dso w a s motivated by applicd questions. Early crpc~riincwtson tlits c>ffectsof barbiturates o n Icarning inclicatv, for tlie most part, tliat l)arl>ituratr atlrninistratioii iiiipedes leariiiug. 1)ougliton ( I . Y U ) f o n d that the learning of food-motivated rats \\.as rctartlrd I ) y injections of pheiiobarbital adniinistcred prior to eacli training sessioii. Ho\\7cver, Jones and Joncs ( 1943) did not lincl that phenobarl>ital (SO ing/kg) had any effect on rats' discrimination, learning, retention ( 1 month later), or rwersnl learning. The drugged animals \ w r e significantly poorer than controls on rctrntion of the reversal Iiabit 1 inoiith aftcr the reversal learning. Jaws and Joncs argued that tlie earlickr sttidies on tlic cxffcct of 1xirl)itiiratcs on learniiig ( Mcndenliall, 1940; Omwake, 1933; Tlrilliams and O'Brien, 1937) cannot be accepted without qiialification, because all employed food or Ivater dcprivation as niotivation. 111 a n cnrlier study, Jones ( 1'343) found that phenoIxirbital (SO mg/kg) lias a clircct effect on food a d water intake and on rating lia1,its. Driiggcd m d c rats at(, less food and inrgested Illore \vatcr. Siinilar resiilts Iiave been reported for otlier barbiturates. For example, O'Kelly and lVeiss ( 1955) found that rats dosed with pentoI)iirl)ital ( 30 ing/kg s c ) clrank more tlian did controls. Schmidt ( 1958) also found incirrased drinking by female rats givm pentoIxLrbital ( 3-15 mg/kg sc ) . It slioulcl be mentioned, ho\vcver, tliat Alexandcr and Siegt.1 ( 1947) rcport ( in abstract form only ) that male rats gi\wi an tinspecified amount of pentobarbital intraperitoneally drank signifkantly lcss than did controls. Relatively long-term impairnic~ntof performance h a s heen found witli repeated iiijectioiis of' p"iito1,arI~ital. 3lcndeiihall ( 1940) has
sho\vn that pentobarbital injections rctartlcd learning, even though the iiijcctions i w r e discontiniicd 40 days l>cfore the beginning of training. Rats wcrc dosrd witlr peiitol)arl)ital (0.020-0.102 gin&) every other day starting at tlir age' of :E days (110 injections). It w a s found that the treated rats p d o r i n ~ significantly l less well than controls in both learning antl rel(~ariiing( ii0 days after attaininelit of critcJrioii) a ~iiaz(>. I I I other ~vorliwith p'i~tol,~irl,ital. ;i single injection lias l ~ e n found to 1iiive long-term iiiipairitig rtfccts. ilrinitage ( 1952) f o i d that if mother rats were injec.tcd \Tit11 6 ing of pentobarbital 191,; days after l,reeding, their progcii! w c m ' significantly poorer learners at 90 days of age than \ w r c tliv pro~c'ii! of undrugged mothers. Willimis and O'Rricm ( 1 Y X ) found that rats givcn daily intraperi t o i i c ~ dinjections of pent ol )arl )it;i I (, ( .( 1.74 gin/ k g i iicreased after 4 \\-eeks to 0.102 p n / k g ) \\.(wii-ifcsrior to controls i n lcarning a mi~ltiple-U-mazc.,evcn tlioiigii t l i c tli.iigged animals were dosed uffc).each day's run. In a stiidy rising e s c a p I roil1 \\-atc'r iis motivation, h l a r s and Edcrstroin ( 19.M) found distiiict rcLtardation in learning ~ i t h feiniilc rats treatcd daily with 40 iirg/kg of pcntobarhital for 4 wec~lisafter weaning, but no iinp;iirmont was found with male rats. Tlic aniiiials i w r e allo~vecl a ,l-tla!, rcsst period between the last drug injection and the leariling t c s t s in order to permit recovery from iniinediate effects of tlw tlriig. RIarx a n d Edcrstroin ( 1950) reanalyzed the data of \\'illiains a n t 1 ( ~ ) ' k i e n ( 1937) and foti~ad tliat thc retarding effect of I,(,iitol):irl~it~ilw a s liinitccl to the male subjects. This is quite puzzling, Iwcnnse mature females are said to be more susceptible to 1)arl)ituratcs than males ( Himwich, 1951) , antl also because XIars ; I d 1i:clerstrom ( 1%O) found only their female rats to be affectctl. De\\s ( 1955a) reported that p(~iitol)arl)ital( 1.0-5.3 mg/kg) does not affcct simple discriminntioiis ( v.g., red light us. blue light) in dosages which are siifficient t o recIiic(' the rate of responding by pigeons, h i t does impair morci coiiiplcs discriminations, cven in small dosages which do not afhlct tlw rate of responding. The ~ i g l i of t evidcnce froin thcw early studies leads to the conclusion that barbiturates (lo impair learning, despite the difficulties with motivation which niay- \.i tiate some of the studies. The experimental contradictions that appear in the literature can be summarized as f o l l o ~ :The contratlictoiy results related to sex
differences reported by MGlliams and O’Urien (1937) and Marx and Ederstrom ( 1950) await resolution. There is the qucstion regarding the nature of tlie effect of barbiturates on water intake. The cause of the impaired 1carni;ng performance of adult rats \vho had received barbiturates in infancy is unsettled. This impairment of lcarning persists long after tlie injections have been discontinued. l l a r x and Ederstroiii ( 1950) a l l o ~ e d4 days recovery, hlendenhall ( 1940) allowed 40 day:;, and Armitage (1952) allowed over 90 days, yet all reported impaired learning. None of these experimenters investigated tlie possibility that either prenatal injections or a series of injrctions during infaiicy might liave produced damage to the central neural tissue. The impairment of later learning might also be the result of impaired perceptual functioning during d e \ d o p ment. A large number of studies have reported that animals raised iii an impoverished sensory environment learn more slowly tlian those reared in a normal or enriched cmvironment (see Epstein, 1964, for a review of this). Since it is not possible, on the basis of tlie studies considered here, to rule out tlie possibility of neural damage or to separate effects on the storage process froin other performance effects, no clear conclusioiis can be drawn from tliese studies. More recent studies of the effects of barbiturates are discussed below (Sections: 111,AJ and III,B,l). 4. Amphetamine Amphetamine is a potent sympatliomimetic amiiie and stimulant of the central nervous system. Animals given large amounts of amphetamine exhibit tremors, restlessness, increased motor activity, agitation, and sleeplessness ( e.g., Brown and Searle, 1938; Zieve, 1937). Because of these stimulant properties, interest arose in the effect of amphetamine on learning and performance. Several studies have indicated that amphetamine impairs rats’ learning. Minkowsky (1939) found that 0.5 mg/kg of amphetamine sulfate impaired rats’ lcarning of a water maze. When saline injections were substituted there was a decrease iii the error score; upon reinstatement of the drug, performance deteriorated. Other early studies also reported impairing effects of aniphetaniine 011 performancc. Dispensa and 13arrett ( 1941) found that, although performance on a water maze was not affected for 1 to 2 hours after injections of amphetamine ( 0.25-1.00 mg/kg ) , the experimental animals were inferior to the controls on retention tests given 356-S hours after injections. Ewing
EFFECTS OF DRUGS 0 3 l , l < \ l i Y l S C AND MEMORY
c t ul. ( I U i Z ) found no differr~tic.c~s Iwtween control groups and experimental groups given either I .O or 0.5 mg/kg of d-amphet-
in either the amount aniine, or 8.0 or 4.0 mg/kg of I-ampl~i~~t~i~iiitic, of time or the number of crrors rcqiiircd to learn a miiltiple-Tmaze. However, when larger d o s c ~\I c given to animals already trained, the time to run the iiiiize and tlic number of errors required to attain the criterion incw:isctl \\-it11increasing dosage. The rank order of effectiveixss of tlic c l r r i q \\.as as f o l l o ~ s(greater to least): d-arnphet~~iniiic,mc~tl~att~plic~tnmine, dl-amplletamine, 1amphetamine. A~mplietamine also impairs tlise.riiiiination. Alpern et nl. ( 1943) slio\ved that administration of 3 ) or 30 mg/kg of amphetamine sulfate to clogs 20 minutes l)c+’orc.conditioning trials produced a docrease iii differentiation bet\\ i I cw,itatory and inhibitory stimuli. This I I Irruc ~ both for a secwtor\T r c . f c ~ and for shock-avoidance conclitioning. Dews ( 195%) trainctl pig(wns to peck for an intcrniittent reinforcement when ii rcd stiinulits was present and not to respond when a blue one was present. The ratio of responses to the two stimuli was not changed l y injections of 0.1-3.0 mg/kg of metliamplietaiiiine. When tlw task complexity was increased by climging the stiniulus-rcinforc(~iii~,iitcontingencies, there was a decrease in differentiation wit11 iiijc.ctions of 0.3, 0.52, and 1.0 I l l g /kg . In gencml, the findings of t l i c w a c..\l)c~rinic.ntsindicate that amplwtarninr impairs lc~trning aiid ptd’orniance. Tlie amount of impairment scwns to bc relatcd to tlrc, coniplexity of the task. More rcccnt studies ( Section IlI,C,I ) iiidic~itc. that, under appropriate conditions, learning may lie mliancc~tlh y injections of amphetamine.
5. C1rrnr.e Older studies of the effect of ciirxc on learning used various South American arrow poisons wl-ii(.l~contained many alkaloids and other substances. Tlius, there: \WIT p( iblc confounding effects due to \wying kinds and amounts of I ioncurare materials. Later studies used crytliroitlinc. a1l;aloids which have actions similar to those of cur;ire. 1’1 niost rcwnt studies have used dtubocurar h e which produces thcs s a t i i v flaccid paralysis as crude curare or erythroidine. The piirified alkaloid produces only paralysis and does not produce iiiwnsi1)ility or anesthesia, although other subitances present in t l i c s c!rrttl(. preparations may have the
latter effects. Smith ct al. ( 1947) have coiifirmed experimentally that a wide variety of sensory stimuli are experienced by humans paralyzed with d-tubocurarine and that these sensations can be accurately described after recovery. The interest of invlestigators in curare was stimulatccl by the possibility of discovering \vlietlicr or not overt respiiding is necessary for learning to take place. During the curare-induced iminotility, tlie animal cannot perform any skcletal rc:sponses. In the first study of tlie effects of cmare on conditioning, Harlow and Stagner (1933) subjectcd cats arid dogs to a skeletal conditioning procediirc under ciirarc’. Aftc~rmard, tliesc investigators found no evidenc:e of training wlirii tlie aniinals u7erc tested \\.ithotit drug. They found no leariling of the skeletal respoiise and no evidence of an effect of extinction trials given while the animals \vere curarized. They concliided that cortical activity w a s not dcpressed, liowever, since a pupillary response could be conditioned and extinguished in the ciirarized animals. Using a more refined technique, Girdeii and Culler (1937) subsequently reported evidence of learning under c ~ I ’ B ~Their c~. results also indicated tliat there was “dissociation” of tlic, learning between the norinal and the cmarized statc. The conditionecl response was a t\i-itclr of tlie sc.niitendinos~isiiiriscle rather tliuii the gross Imdily response uscd by Harlow and Stagner. The); fo11nd tliat responses learned in the normal state coiilcl not be elicitcd \vlic~i the dogs were curarizcd and responses learned in the curarized state could not be elicited in the normal statr:. In both c a s c ~ ,upon reinstatement of the condition tinder \vliicli the r e s p i s e n 7 a s learned, the conditioned response reappcxrel. They suggested that the curare inhibited normal cortical dominance a i d tliat the conditioning tlien occurred at subcortical levels. In support of this interprctation, Girckn 1940) fouild no evitlence o f dissociation in animals with ablations in sensory cortical areas. Tlic. cortex appears to be necessary in order to olitain dissociation with curare. Dissociation has also lxwi dcinonstratetl with erytliroidinc. paralysis ( Girden, 1937). Here the matter rcmaincd until several o t l i c ~ invcxstigators (Lauer, 1951; Black ‘ct d., 19G2; Solomon and T u r n c ~ ,1 Y G 2 ) reported that with d-tuhocurarine, learning tliiriiig tlie p;traIyzed state does transfer to the iioniial state. Black (1958) l ~ a s also found that dogs g i \ w estiiiction trials n,liile immobilized b y ;1
d-tubocurarine subsequently required fewer trials to extinguish a habit previously learned in the normal state than did dogs which had not received extinction trials under rl-tubocurarine. Solomon and Turner (1962, pp. 216-217) conclude that, “Animal subjects can acquire discriminative instrumental response tendencies without the overt responses themselves being exercised in the presence of the discriminative stimuli.” In reply to a suggestion by Smith (1964) that the d-tubocurarine may not have produced total striate paralysis, Black and Lang (1964) reported evidence that animals can learn (as indicated by subsequent retention tests) while under d-tubocurarine even when electromyograms show consistent blocking of skeletal responses. It seems, therefore, that skeletal responses are not essential for learning to occur. The research on curare seems to have answered the original theoretical question. It would, however, be of great value to test directly the possibility that dissociation is obtained with crude curare or erythroidine but not with d-tubocurarine. Dissociation has received no further attention until just lately. Recent research on this phenomenon is discussed below. II. Methodological Problems
A. COMPLEXITIES OF DRUG INFLUENCES Even a cursory examination of the literature concerned with drug effects on learning and memory reveals that the methodological problems are immensely complex. The following discussion does not cover all of the complexities to which experimenters must be alert, but dwells on those which appear to be the most serious and whose effects can be documented.
1. Dissociation The dissociation effect has been mentioned in the context of the early curare studies. This refers to the condition in which habits learned by animals in a drugged state do not transfer to the normal state, but can be evoked again whenever the animal is drugged. Dissociation can also occur from the normal to the drugged state. This is a serious problem whenever interest is centered on the retention of habits learned under the influence of drugs in order to determine whether or not the drug affects memory storage processes. If an animal has learned a habit under the influence
of a drug and tlien sliows rio retention o i die habit when retested in the normal statc, it is difficult to bc certain that no vestige of the experience exists uiiless additional control groups are iiicluded to evaluate ~ h e t l ~ eorr not dissociation lias occurred. Dissociation was first demonstrated by Girden and cull(^ ( 1937) using crude curare and by Girden ( 1942) using erythroidine. Recently, Sachs ct crl. ( 1962) have foimd that conditioned avoidance learning in rats is facilitated by injections of chlordiazepoxide. The rats trained with the drug slion~eclvirtually no retention when tested witliout the drug, altliougli the learning response reappeared \vhen the drugged state was reinstated. 011the other hand, tlie performance ol control rats trained without the drug deteriorated when they were tested 20 minutes after injections of c.11lorcliazepoxitle.Similar dissociation n7as reported by Otis (1964) in a study of the effects of chlorpromazinc on the lcmiing and retention of a sliock avoidance habit by rats. Overton ( 1964) also found dissociation wit11 pentobarbital in a study of learning and retention of a shock avoidaiicc habit in a T-maze by rats. In addition to total dissociation between drugged and nondruggcd states, lie found partial dissociation between drugged states not suficiently differeiit from each other to produce total dissociation. The more similar tn7o drugged states were, the more coiiiplc~tc~ tlic transfer of training between them. Overton suggests that tlie 1>erforiiianc~~ decwrnents are not due simply t o sensory cue changes. The basis of dissociation could lie, as Girden and Culler (1937) supposed, that diff ererit neural units are inetliating the learning in drugged and nondruggd states. Another possibility, as Otis argues, could be that tlie dissociation is clue to an altered stimulirs input to the storage mechanisms during tlic drugged state, even though the external stimulating environment is the same. Thercfore, responses learned to the s ; m ~ stimulus e cues when drugged would not transfer to the normal statc, although, according to his hypothesis, the storage mechanisms are not affected in either case. Overton interprets the dissociation effect to be due to a disruption of c o n plex central mediating processes. The change in a drugged state is assumed to modify the timing and routing of nerve impulses within those mediating processes to a degree that would disrupt them but still leaving brain function sufficiently intact so that new mediating processes could come into action. These new mediating processes would be specific to the drugged state. Therefore, no transfer
would occtir and tlie di\soci‘Ition c + k c t \ \ ~ u l be d o l ) s c ~c\d . It is not possible, at present, to decidc I)et\\ WII these altern,itive explanations.
2. Peripheral
Cetitrcrl Etftrc~s
The theoretical significanc~t. of‘ the c,ffects of a given drng on learning and memory depcwds 0 1 1 \\.I rcthcr the primary action of the drug is on tlie receptor o r (+kctor systems or on the central nelvous system, h y drug that 1i;is oiil!. periplieral effects can still cause an indirect alteration iir ccmtral 11 oils system function 11)modifying the input to tlie ccvitral iiclr\Tous s!.stclm. C o n \ ~ r s c l y , any drug ~ h i c hhas only ceirtral cffrcts caii procl~icealterations in peripheral nervous system fiinction Iiccaiisc of the general dominance of the central 1icr\7oiis s!.stcwi, For cxample, if a drug acts to incrc~isc receptor scwsitivity, thcii drrig-induced differences in the. rate of learning \\7odd bvar on the’ issuc of the effect of varying the intensity or quality of iiiput to thc storage system. If the drug is shown to enlrance tlrcs s(v isiti\.ity of central iiervoiis system synaptic mechanisms, then drii,q-iiitlriccd differences of learning in rats ~ o u l dbear more directly on thc nature of thc storage system itself. The usual approach to this pro1)lem has been to assess the effects of clrugs on varioiis l’oi.rns of I)c~liuvior~ h i c l iare known to be related to \ w i o u s aspects of Io~iriiing ( e.g., Petrinovich, 1963). I-Io\ve\~cr,Carlton ( 1963) Iias sriggcAstcd ;in approach \vhich might prove to be more satisfactory. IIcl i i s c i t l closc~ly similar drugs, of which some have both central a n d peripheral effects while others, \ ~ h i c hdo not cross tlie “blootl-1)rain lxirri(>r’’\.cry well, are much less acti\.r in the brain hiit rctain potent peripheral actions. The lattcr tlrcn provide a proper conIrol for assessing tlie central-acting drug.
3. 11im-Ric.s.porise Effects One of tlie niost serious defcscts of tlie existing literature coilcerning the effects of drugs on bcha\ior is the lack of systematic data on dose-rcsponst. relatioils. Frc,cliieiitly, drug stuclies employ 011e ar1)itrarily choseii closage of ii driig, assess thc &ect of this single dosage on behavior aiitl tlic.11 offcr geiieralizations about the nature of the drug’s effect oii Iwlra\ior. Vie particular dosage
level may be chosen liecause it is some fraction of the minimal lethal dosage or of the LD,,,, or because it produces no noticeable side effects, or because it is some fraction of tlie dosage that produces noticcable side effects. The clioicc of dosage level is sometimes based on determinations made in sonie other investigator’s laboratory ~ v e i ithough the strain and/or specics of aniinals is different, aiid despite tlie fact that different straiiis can vary greatly in sensitivity to various drugs, as discussed below. E\xm in the same strain, the behavioral effect of a driig can be completely different, depeiicling on the dosage chosen. Strattoii and Petrinovich ( 1963) have reported that the effect of physostiginine, an anticholinesterase agent, on the rate of alley-maze lenrning depends on the dosage level. Small doses of tlic, driig h a w no cffcct on learning, larger doses enliancc l(miiing, and still larger doses disrupt learning. In view of tlie al)ove, it is mandatory that a broad range of dosages h e employcd in any study in which the aim is to gain an over-all understaiiding of the effects of tlic drug on a given behavioral system. 4. Tolernncc cinrl Sr:n.sitixifion
Another troublcsomc factor ~ i t hsome drugs is that tlie effects change with repeatcd adiniiiistratioii. Eitlicr increasing tolerance or increasing sensitivity may be cmcountered. Often, either the problem is ignored (e.g., Jones and Jones, 1943; Marx and Ederstrom, 1950) or the investigator h a s to revise the dosage to try to maintain a given belia\ioral effect. \Villiams and O’Brien ( 1937) increased from 0.087 to 0.102 p / k g phenolxtrbital after 4 weeks, Mendenliall ( 1930 iiicreasecl from 0.02 to 0.024 gin&, from 0.050 to 0.060 gm/kg, and from 0.087 to 0.102 gin& after 35 injections (one every otlier clay). The results are very difficult to interpret, because thc inajor iiidel)eiident \.arialile is v ~ y i n gat an uiidetc~riniiied rate.
S . Strrrin and Spccics 13iffcr C ’ I Z C C S Lt 1s no\v widely 1 wognized that great caution must be exercised when generalizin~: troni either pliarinacological or behavioral results obtained from 0iil>7 onc species. Diff ercwces in the basic neurochcmical sulxtra tcs, difference\ in neural and aiiatoinical structiirc, and diffcrcnc*es i n receptoi and cffector capabilities are evident l)et\veeii \pecic.\, m c l all these mahe generalizations haz-
1. S i t l c
:in!. investigator \ ~ . h ohas stitdietl the effects o f clriigs on any aspect of beha\.ior is a\\7;1rc’ tliat b i t l c , effects of drugs must be considcred carefully iii interprc.titig rcsiilts. \Ire, have already iiientionecl Carlton’s (1963) rise o i p i r s of drugs of wliicli one member is primarily central-acting a r i d tlic otlicr mainly peripl’eral-acting. If such pairs are not to be f o i i i i t l \ \ - i t h i l l some families of drugs, o w must rely 011 behavioral ;isscwiiic’tit of tlie drug’s effects on those aspects of beliavior I i n o \ \ - i i to I)c, w l a t c d to learning effcctiveness. In sonic instances, chit gs ma>- e~nliancc~ tlic performance of responses rather than affect tlic storage> mechanism. For example. this might occur as a result of a c,liangc in hunger moti\Tation or in emotionality. Therefore, ineasiirmiwits of hunger, emotionality, sensory thresholds, etc., are soiiietirncs undertaken. This provides some information and heiicr ;I cclrtaiii degree of control, but,
unfortunately, diff erenit behavioral measures of what is presumed to be the same variable often do not correlate with one another. For example, Miller et al. (1950) have shown that measuring hunger by determining the amount of food eaten by rats will sometimes give a diflerent ans\ver tlian does ineasurins either I i o ~ miich work they will clo for food or tlie amount of quinine required to stop them from eating. Yet all thrse factors are assumed to be measures of hiinger. Xlillcr and Harry (1960) argue that it is important to me a battery of thxxifietl tcsts \vhenever attempting to measure the effect of a drug on siicli tliiiigs as level of motivation or emotionality.
2 . Appuratus Factors Tlie type of apparatus chosen to study the effect of a drug on behavior can also influence tlie results. This is a serious consideration, since usually only one type of prol>lcm and apparatus is used to measure lcarning, and geiieralizations are based 011 the results thus obtained. Sniall differences in the design of a maze can produce discrepant results in stuclies of the effects of drugs on learning. For esample, since the addition of retracing doors has been shown to increase the reliability of mazes ( Leeper, 1932), it sliould be easier to detect drug-induced cliff ereiices in perlorinance in a maze with retracing doors. Similarly, any differences in the manner of presenting the stimulus cucs in a discriniination probleni can be critical. Lashley (1930) found that rats coiild learn a pattern discrimination in fewer than 100 trials if the patterns were placed so that the rat had to jump at the stimulus cards to reach the goal. Fields (1928) had previously found that if the patterns were placed so that the rat merely went toward tlie visual stimulus and then under it, the discrimination required 800 trials.
3. Procedural Factors As mentioned earlier, many strategies have been employed to overcome the difficxilties created by differential motivational states induced by drugs. Motivation may be based on approach or avoiclance; if a drug is known to influence thirst, and not hunger, then hunger motivation might seem to be appropriate for studying the effect of that drug on learning. This is not satisfactory, h o ~ v ever, because factors influencing one drive state can affect the other indirectly ( Verplanck and Hayes, 1953). Oiic way of handling this
problcm \rould bc to train aiiiiiials witli the drug, then to test them witliout tlie drug, a i d compare them nit11 iiondrug controls which ha\^: rcwxived the same training. Tlrc tlificulty with this is that there might be dissociation from the drrigged to tlie nondrugged state. Often, avoidance motivation s11e11as escape from shock or cold \\-Liter are used in an iitteiiipt t o c.ircumvent these problems with approacli moti\~atiotr.l’licw~ a r c iiot necessarily satisfactory procedures (ither, becaiisc. tlriigs tliat influence tlrc motivational statc,s of aninrals in any m7ay tend also t o iiifluencc inetaholic rates, \vlricli i n turn affect muscular strongtli a d endurance, body teinperattire, stress tolerarrcr, and otlicr Ixisic I)otlily functioiis. Still anotlier solutioii to this l)rohlem has 1 ) c . c ~ to risv classical conditioned responses in a n attempt to iniirirriize tlie effwt of most motivational infliir.iices ( (>,g,, Bicl ant1 \\‘icl,(qis, 19.41; I-Ieadlee and Kellogg, 1941). Drng rffPcts on perforinancc, Iiacc~ l ~ e e n sliowtr to be influcncccl h y tlie specific tr;rinirrg Iiroccdiirc used. For example, hlcGaiig11 ot al. (1YCjl ) Ira\,(, sIio\cii tliat tlrc effects of dri-igs on leariiiiig l q - diff erelit strains of rats t l t y m d s on tlie degree of distribution of practicc in tlie traitiiiig trials. Ikccntly, Terrace ( 1963a) has de\7elop~da tccliniqnc \\,liicli lwrinits discriminatioti learning The tecliniquc iiisiires to p r o c ~ c d without a n y errors oc~c~irrirrg. that thc animal al\vays rcspotrcls to tl I(’ corrcct stimulus and never respotids to tlie incorrect stiiiirilus. \\‘Ircti discrimination is lcartled in this way witliout errors, sucli t l i i i 1s:‘ a s sporxlic bursts of respondiiig to the nc,jiative stitnrilris (lo not ha\.(. a l ~opportunity to occiir as they do \\Tit11 other nic~tliods.‘I’cwacc~( 1963a,b) has clemonstrated that c1ilorl”o~ii;~~inC. o r inii1mtiiiIw disrupt 17isnal cliscrimin:ition b y pigcons onl!, il’ hi( s learlied with errors. Ill. Drug Influences on Learning and Memory
As we have pointed out, tlic,re arc. inany ways in which tlr~igs can influcmce an animal’s perforniaiic,c.. If a drug impairs the rate of error elimination in a iiiazc-l(~artiingtask, this, quite obviously, does not necessarily mean tlrat tlic. cmripoinid intcrfcrcs u i t h the storagc of information in tho tuwoiis systctn. The clrug corild im-
pair performance by decreasing motivation, producing ataxia, decreasing arousal and attention, impairing sensory processes, or by generally debilitating the animal. Similarly, a drug i m p ~ o u i n gmaze acquisition could do so in a variety of ways unrclatecl to those involving mcmory storage,. Enhanced motivation and increased alertiwss and inotility arc’ wvcral possible iiifliieuces. The problcm of specifying the nature o-F a driig’s influences ( ~ i acquisition i is thus a difficult one. But it is not a Iiopclr~ssonc~.A variety of proccJdurcs ha\^ been devvloped i n an attempt to i ~ s s e s stlic effects of drugs on learning and memory independently of otlier effects on perfom1ancc.
I . Pcritolxirbitcil
A large n~imherof studies have sho\vn tliat central iwrvous system ( CNS ) depressmts impair perforinance in acquisition tasks ( see Section I,A,2 ) . Some attcmpts have been ma& to demonstratc that the perforniance iinpairnient found with depressants may be due to decreased cfficiciicy of ne~)ro~)l~ysiological processes involved in learning or incinorj. storage. In an early study, for csample, Headlee and Kcllogg ( 1941) sho\vcd tliat p m t o b a r ? k i l in mildly Iiylmotic doses ( 0.08 gr/lh ) retarded conditioned response learning in dogs. Conditioning \vas o1)taint.d but it w a s less efJ?eicmt tlian that found 1indc.r control ( i.e.*nontlriig ) conditions. Retention tt‘sts gi\.en a week later witlioiit pentobarl)it:il indicntcd that some learning had occurred h i t that tlw perfornlancc~of tlle dogs w a s vwy poor in comparison with wliat \vould have been predicted if the pentobarbital merely interfcrecl with the animals’ a1)ility to perform the response. The findings appeared to justify tlic authors’ coriclusion that “. . . tlir decrtase in learning ability \vas of ncural origin’’ (11. 336). Similarly Roseiizwc~igcJt NI. ( 1956), and hloroz ( 1959) ( 10 ing/kg 1 rctard demonstrated that small t1osc.s of i)~,i~tol)~~rl)it~il ~~roblcni-solvinglwliavior i n rats witliout serioiisly affect iug tlw performance of Icarncd respoiws. It s w i m csltw from these. as well as from otlier studies tliscusscd earlicr i n this review, that learning is retarded by CNS depressants. Possibly, I i o n . c ~ ~ the , impairment observed is due to dclircssioon o f seiisory ~iroccsses rnther than (or in addition to ‘1 iinpairincwt of memory storagc processes. Reduced nttcntion or iigilancr., or dccrc~asrdrcwptor sensitivity are alternative iutc~r~rct~itioiis of tlir Icarning impairmcnt. Altliougli thew lattcr interprctations are \veakcncd 1,) the fact that- pcnto-
barbital in small doses did not affect the perforniance of a leariied response, they are still relevant, becaiistl attention and vigilance are particularly critical during the earl!; stages of learning. Electroph>-sioIogica1correlates of aroiisal ( e.g., tlesynchronization or alplia block ) are gen(Jr;illy less cstcsnsivc: L1ttc.r a rcsponsc is well learncd (Calambos, 1961; Xlorrell, l9611>).
2. ,.~n/ic./roZirier~:ic.s l'lic3rc. is incrc,asiiig evicl(~iic.c~ ( Rosc~iiz\\-r~ig ct ~ l . 1960; , Carlton, 1963) that the acctylcholiiic~-~i~~~tylclioliirc.stcr~is~~ system is critically invol\cd in learning and meinory. A iitiiii1)c.r of recent studics have slro\\;n tliat atropine> impairs lc,tii.iiiiig and l)crformancc in experinicwtal animals. These findiiigs a r c of in terest because of the aiiticlwlinergic action of atropiiic ; i d also because, of the effcct of atropine on EEG activity. A troliiirc induces ;L S ~ O W ~ a v c ,highvoltage EEG pattern some\\-liat rcw~ml)lingthat of sleep e\,eii in dosc~sthat do not prodiicc> licliaviornl cvitlrwce of drowsincw or sleep. \\'liitehouse ( 1964) has slro\vir tlrat atropine ( 2 mg/kg) impairs siiccessiw tliscriiniiiatioir l t w i i i i i g in rats. Arriitnals in his study were @\,en 10 trials ;I clay hgiiiiiing 60 ininrites after atropine injrctions. After 7 days oC training. the injections werv discontinrietl and training w a s coiitiririctl. Tliv ~)crforinaiiccof tlic animals tliat l ~ rcceivcd d atropine prior to c~icliprc\,ioiis training sc.ssion rcmiainecl inferior to that of control sri1)icIcts for s t v c w l days after \\.itlidra\ of thc clriig. Tlic~ofiiitliiigs arc' consistcnt \\.it11 tlir interpretation that the pcrforriraiicc iiiip;iiriiicnt diiring thc initial traiiriiig \\-:is d i i v to less effi(,icmt lcwiriiig rather than to simplc, A s i i i t lie pentobarhital studies tlistlcl~rcssiori of pc~foImancc~. r, tlie \,icl\\ tliat learning impairmcnt w a s due nsory o r attentionnl infinc,iiccs cantiot lie riilcd out. Also the qiiestion of the diiration o f action o f atropine o i i various physiological s)~steinsis not consitlc.rcd. Additional cvicl(mcc of Icxniiig iriiliairineilt \\.it11 atropiiie \vas prcwiitcd in ii reccmt study I)! I 3 r i i 0\,6 c > f rrl. ( 1964). In their study, rats failcd to ]ear11 to ii\.oid c~iitc~iiig ;I sinall coinpartment ~vheretlic!. rccei\,ed p~iiiisliingfoot shocks if the trials \yere hegiin 20 minutes after irijectioirs of atropiirc. ( 6 mg/kg). EEG changes prodiiced b y atropine \\'ere f o u i d t o lit, maximal 20 minutes after iiijrction. Injections adininistc.rc't1 o i i l ! 1O miniites prior to training failed to affect learning. F t i r t l i c w i i o r c ~ .atropine injected 1 d a y aftcr
the learning trial but 1 day before a retention test, had no influence on retention. Retention was impaired by atropine administered 20 minutes before the retention test if the response was not well learned. Impairment of retention was not found in rats given two treatments of punishing shock on the initial day of training. One possible interpretxtion of these findings is that the impairment was due to interference with attention. The findings of Herz (19S9) are consistent with the ahove. H e found that atropine ( 1 0 mg/kg) and scopolamine (1 mg/kg) depressed rats’ performances of learned avoidance responses only in tlie early stages of training. No effects were found if the avoidance responses were well established. Scopolamine impaired auditory discrimination learning only during the initial stages of training. Similar results were reported by Michelson ( 1961). Carlton has shown that atropine and scopolamine disrupt rats’ performances of a learned alternation responscb as well as their learning of a complex niultiple choice discrimination. On the basis of these, as well as other related findings (e.g., Hearst, 19’59), Carlton suggested that the behavioral effects of anticholinergics may b e due, at least in part, to blocking of a cholinergic system concerned with behavioral inhibition. This interpretation is consistent with the findings of BureSovh et al. that atropine-injected rats failed to avoid entering a place where they had previously been punished. In more reccnt work, Carlton (1964) reported evidence more consistent with the view that anticholinergiics interfere with perceptiial or attentional processes. In a variety of situations, rats failed to habituate to stimuli prescnted after injcctions of scopolamine. The performance impairment found with these anticholinergics is most likely due to clffccts on the central nervous system, for peripherally acting quaternary componnds such as metliylscopolamine and metbylatropine have not been foiincl to impair either learning or performance ( Herz, 1959; Carlton, 1964; Michelson, 1961) . B. DRUG IMPAIRhlENT
I t is difficult to draw conclusions about the effects of drugs on memory storage on the basis of their effects on either acquisition or performance of learned responses. This problem has led to the development of alternaf.ive experimental procedures for assessing drug effects on memory storage. During tlie past two decades an
EFFECTS OF DRUG5 OU L r \ H \ l \ ( ,
increasing amount of evidence lias supported the view, originally proposed by Mueller and Pilzeckcr in 1900, that memory storage involves the persevcration ot 1ic:riral processes for some time after the termination of training. ?‘I i c cvid(wcc>,as revieu7ed hy Glickman ( 1961) and Deutsch ( 1962) inclicatcts that retention of learned responses is impaircd if aninials ;IW siil,ivcted shortly after training to trcatinents intrrfcring with C N S ac,ti\-ity. Amnesia produced in this way (terincd retrograde aninc.sia is grclatest if sliort intervals elapse Iwtweeu training and twatinciit. -111 the following can produce retrograde aJnllcSja: coiictissioii. teniperature changes, electroconvulsive shock ( ECS), su1)cwtica;iI 1)raiii stimulation, hypoxia, spreading depression of elelctrical ac*ti\zity,and, of particular significance for this revicw7, depr(waiit drugs. A iiietliodological issue shoiild be mentioned liere. Siiicc tlic trcxtnicnts are generally administered sliortly after trai~iing,it 11;~s1)c~wsiiggvsted that at least a part of the impairment may I x tliic. to ptuiishing effects of the treatrncmts. This criticism is pirticiil:irly relevant to ECS as a trratincmt ( Coons and Miller, 1960), Illit is applicable to the other trcatineiits a s \veil. Control stridirs have shown that, although ECS is piinisliing \vlicm administered r c p c x t d l j ~ ,ainncsia is obtained without punishment wlicw only OIK’ ICCS treatment is given after a single learning trial ( h1atlsc.n antl hlcC:tugh, 1961; hlcGarig11 ancl Madscn, 1964).
1. Dcp,e.ssc1 nts
Tlie procedure of administering drugs after training rather tliaii bcfore training lias been adoptccl by :i number of investigators as a means of assessing memory storage effects independently of other possible effects of drugs. Wiis techniqiic is primarily suitable for drugs \vliicli are maximally eff ectivc within seconds or minutes ancl wliidi arc metabolized prior to retention tests. By using this procedure, Leukcl ( 1957) foiincl that thiopeiital injected into rats 1 minute after each tlail!. trial in a watcr maze retarded their rate of Icarning. No impairmvnt \vas f o i i r ~ t li n rats injected 30 minutes after eacli trial. A platisibl(~intcqm’tation is that tlie drug interfered jvitli the storage of inforination acquired on each trial if given immediately after tlie trial. It should he noted that tlic animals were repeatedly dosed, antl that the injections may have hcen painful. Thus the possihilitp that the drug was punishing cannot 1)c completely excliitlrtl. Ill orclrr to avoid the complications
arising from repeated clrug administration. JarL-ik and Essman and their associates l i a ~tleveloped ~ a \micJty of single-trial learning tasks which liavc pro\wl suitablc: for stuc1ic.s of memory storage ( cl.g., Jarvik and Essm;in, 1960; Essman and .4117crn, 1964; Jarvik, 1964). I n om’ stiidy ( P8e:uliiim ct nl., 1961 ) , rats werc first trained to prcw a 1evc.r tor food re\vartl and then \verc given a single shock d e l i \ ~ e througli ~l tlie l ( w or ~ driiiking tube. \\lien tested 24 holm later, these animals cxliibitcd a marketlly deprvsscd rate of lever r , animals similarly trained but anesthetized pressing. H o w c , ~ ~ for with ether or p(wtobarbita1 (30 mg/kF; i\,) within a few minutes after receiving the puinisliing shock, tlie rates of lever pressing were I c w markcdly affectctl. This could be interpreted ;is wn effect on 1nc~mor)i.The d e g r c ~of this rff vct \US tlircctly relatod to the leiigtli of tlie i n t t m d l)et\vc~npunishmcwt and clriig administration. Other subjects m.crc> t r t x t d \vitli conviilsant doses of pentylenetetrazole ( 20 ing/kg i v ) . E\idence of amircsia w a s found after l)eiit!.lcnetetrazole e v ~ n\\Then the convulsions were indiiced as long as 4 rlrrys aftcr training. Tliis latter finding is hot11 intcresting and perplexing, sincc retrogrnde anincsi;i is rarely found if trainingtrcatmcmt intervals are grcater than 1 or 2 liours. In several subsequcnt studies tising evtm simpler single-trial leariling tasks, Jarvik and liis associates found additional cvidence of the amnesic effect of CNS dcymxsants (Ensman and Jarvik, 1960; Abt et d., 1961). In one stiitly, naive mice ainesthetizeci with ether within a few minutes after receiving a foot sliock upon stepping from a small platfoim, tendcd to step readily from the platform wlic,11 placed on it again 24 liours later. Control mice wliicli were sllocked hut not anesthetized tended to avoid s teppiiig from the platform. In rccent work, Jarvik ( 1964) h a s reported that amnesia is obtained with ether anesthesia only when the room temperature is warm ( al)o\w 80°F). Tlie significance of this curious finding is unknown. It is difficult to cspl’ain tliese findings in otlier terms than impairmcnt of mc~morystorage. .4n explanation based 0 1 1 punisliinent i s iiiisupportcd by these studies, bc3cause tlie eff ectiveiiess of the drugs is indicated b y a i l increased tcndcircy of aniinds to perform responses punished b y shock. The findings of other recent studies iising posttraining adrriinistration of depressants have been similar to those of Jarvik et al. Park ( 1961) forincl that secoharbital (35 mg/kg) impaired rats’ retention of a visiial discrimination if iiijvctions were administered
within 2 minutes after massed traitiiiig trials. Tlie retention test was given 3s hours after tlie traiiriitg and injections. Recently Doty and Doty ( 1964) stiidietl the effcct of daily posttraining injections of clilorpromaziiie ( 2 iiig/kg) on n\,oitlat rcc’ lcarning in rats of varying a g c ~ .In all gronps (30-600 tla) s ) tlie rate of learning was lowest in the groups dosed iinincdiiitc~I>~ aftcr eacli trial. In tlie young and old groiqx, performance \vas iiripaircd eveii with injections admiiiistt~red 2 hours aftrr c w 4 i triiil. ‘They conclucled that the .‘. . . similarity of effects prodricetl I)!, the tranquilizer and certaiii CNS tlepressants in iinpc‘ding tlicl acquisition of avoidance rcqonscls. suggests that clilori)roi~iii~iii~, may exert its effects on f~,ar-iiioti\,ntedlearning, not I)! i d i i c i n g fear, but by interfering 3 ) . TIiv evidencc~froin this stud!. uitli mcviory consolidation” ( 1). is consistmt with tliat from otlitv ork ( 7‘hompson~1957; hIcGangh and Colc, 1965 ) indicating tliiit mciiiory storage efficiency varies with age. Gutekuiist and Yoiiniss ( 1963) reported that imprinting in c.liicks w a s impaired if tlro elricks \ \ . t w anestlietizcd with ether iiiimc.diately aftcr an imprinting “traitiitig” session. Imprinting was not aEc>ctccI if anesthetization \vas atlniinistered 15 or 30 minutes after the imprinting.
2. Topicti1 Ap~dicutiuiiuf lIriig,s irinrwt of learning and nictnor!. storage lias also lieen found 11 experiments in \vliicdi drngs liave bceii applied directly to the c.crel)ral cortcx of aniiri:ils. :Iltiti-iiiiuin Iiydroxidc cream lias l ~ i i s ~c d i ni several cspcriinc~irts. Tlris substance elicits chronic sriziire disdinrges similar t o tliosc, rcwrded from epilcptic foci. Se\,eral investigators lia\.e sl lo\\ I I tliat different types of learning deficits arc’ found with diff(wnt sitcls of application. 111 monkeys, occipital applications impair \risual discrimination Ic~riiiiig (Kraft t‘t a!., 1960), wliereas I,ilntcml al)l)licxtions to the frontal l o b c ~ iinpair learning of a delayed altrmation task ( Stamni and Pribram, 1960). Ilowever, this treatniciit did not affect the p d o r i n a n c e of a responstt’ that had l>ec:n learned prior to tliv operation. Tlic deficit seeinetl to h specific to 1 o m iiiig, not retention. This effect is similar to tliat fouud witli posttrial ICCS and suhcortical h a i n stiniiilation. IVyers ( 1963) lins reportctl that retrogracle amnesia can lie pi-~chicedb y a single, slrock tl(>livorcd to tlre caiidatcl nucleus immediately after training. I t swins reasona1)le to conjecture tliat tlw performance effects f o i t i i t l w i t l i alrimiiiiim hydroxide ]nay lie
based on interference with memory storage resultinq t i om the chronic abnormal tissur discharges. The phenomenon of “spreading depression” has provided a rather unique method for investigating brain functioning. Application of mechanical, electrical, or chemical stimuli directly to the cortex can produce a depression of electrical activity which spread4 concentrically through the gray matter a t a uniform rate of from 3 to 6 mm/minute and which lasts for several hours. In a series of excellent studies, Bur&: and BureBovA and their associates liave used spreading depression induced by topical application of potassium chloride (25%sohition) as a means of producing tcinporary “decortication” of rats ( Bure6, 1959). hlost of their reseurcli has been concerned with the problem of localization of brain proeesses mediating memory. In recent work, they ( Bui e5: and BureHovb, 1963) and others (Pearlman and Jarvik, 1961; Ray and Emley, 1964) have shown tliat inemorp storage is impaired by KC1-induced spreading depression. In a very ingenious study (Ray and Emley, 1961), rats with iinilateral KC1-induced spreading depression were trained on a visual discrimination task No evidence of memory was found when they were then tested following depression of the opposite hemisphere. Apparently meniory \torage had been reytricted to the untreated hemisphere. They wcw then given a single trial with neither cortex: depressed. Then, either 15 seconds or 10 minutes later, KC1 was applied to the cortex which was not depressed throughout the original training. Thii ty minutes later, they were given four test trials in the discrimination task. On these trials, the pcrformances of the animals treated 10 minutes after the single trial with both hemispliei es functioning, were perfect, that is they made no errors whereas that of the r‘its treated only 15 seconds after the trial revenled no evidence of any learning. This study confirms earlier rvoik showing that a single experience is sufficient for the bilateral replication of memory storage processes originally located unilaterally, and also indic‘ites that this process, like that involved in ori:inal learning, is time-dependent. The time course found with KCI IS comparable to that found with posttraining ether anesthetizatioii ( Pearlman et nl., 1961).
3. Drugs Inflzicncing Hir‘ioiiucleic Acid and Protcin Synthesis
a. Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis A number of irivestigatols have propowd that meinorv st oraqe may involve ribonucleic acid ( R N A )
EFFECTS OF DRUGS O N I , L \ H h l N L A h D h l E l I O R Y
and protein synthesis ( IIydbn, 1959; Morrell, 1961a) which are known to vary with neuronal activity (Hydttn, 1959). Hydttn has suggested that inemory storage may IN: Ixised on specific alteratioiis in RNA composition (perhaps basc sequences) produced by the specific CNS actiirity occurring during lcmxing. The lasting change in protein formation which would follow the alteration of RNA could, according to I-Iydttn, provide a stallle iiitraneuronal basis for d l’iydkn and Egyhazi memory. In support of this g c ~ n c ~ rIiypotliesis, (1962, 1963) have reported tliat basc: ratios of neuronal and glial in rats’ vestibular Deiter’s nuclri are altered by training the rats in a task requiring balancing. In both types of cells, the adenine-uracil ratio was incrcascd. In tlic glial cells, there w a s also a decrease in cytosine. Since h e ratio clianges were not observed in rats gi\,eii vestibular stiiniilation by rotation but not trained in tlrc balancing task, the alterations appear not to be due merely to an increase in the vestibular stirnrilation. Furthermore, changes were not found if the RNA :uialyses \ ~ . e r cmade ~ 24 hours after the training was terminated. Although a iiuinber of quchstioiis iiiiglit be raised concerning the adcqiiacy of the learning task as well as the appropriateness of the cotrtrol stiinulatiou, the rcsults clvarly justify the further investiI W A and learning. gation of possible relationships I)c~t\\~c~c*ii Other iiivestigators liave attc\iiiptetl to cxlucidatc the role in learriing of R N A syntliesis hy iirjtxting coiripouids known to intcrfere with RNA synthesis. Dingmat i and Sporn ( 1961) reported that intracereliral injections of the atitimc~tal)olitc,8-azaguanine, \vhich is readily incorporated into lxain RNA, impaired the ability of rats to learn a maze without sigiiifirautly affccting the rats’ performaiiees of a previously well-lcarnctl mazcl. The training and retention tests were given 15 minutes aftcr the injections. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that 8-azaguanine interfered with learning by interfering with 1)rain RNA metabolism. However, the data do not eliminate the possilbilities that 8-azaguanine may interferc with other aspects of brain inetalmlisni necessary for memory hiit unrelated to RNA metabolism or that the impairment may be due to interference with attc>ntional processes which are critical in the early stages of learning in coniplcx tasks. Gerard and his coworkers (Chamberlain et al., 1063a,l)) reported no significant effccts of intraperitoneal injections of 8-azaguanine ( 50 1ng/kg) on eithcr maze learning or avoidance coiditioning. In other work,
however, these irivcstigators h a w found that 8-azaguanine ( 50-200 mg/kg ip ) retards tlic rate of development of hindlimb postural asyninietry produced 1-iy cerebellar lesions. Rats were subjected to ccrel)callar Ivsions first; then thcir spinal cords were transected at different intervals following tlie cerebellar lesions. i n control ( nondrug) rats, the posttural asymmetrir,s persistctl if 6 minutes lapsed Iwtwecn tlic lesion a i l d traiiscction. 111 rats injected with S-azaguanine, tlic asymmetry persisted following spinal transection only when 70 minutes or loiiger clapscd between thc lesion and transection. Gerald ( 1963) suggested tliat tlicsc findings, bascd on “fixation” of posttural asyn-imetry, :ire analogous to those obtained in more coiiwntional stu&,s of memor\i storage. iI’hetlier the mechanism of fixation in tlie spinal cord is idcntical or similar to that at liiglier CNS l e \ d s , is, of co~irsc, not known. l’licsc~ interesting rcsults suggest tliat tli(> \vholc qiiestion of tlic’ degree of plasticity at the spinal l e \ ~ neetls ~l to be re-csamincd. More rcccntly, I%:u.ontlcas and J a r ~ , i k( 1963) rcported that intraccwl)Ial injcxctions of actinoinycin L> did not affect one-trial learning in mice. Tlic, animals ww injected with a dose of actiiiornyciii siifficicLnt to prodiicc~ an 83% inlii1,itiori of h a i n RNA syntliesis chiring the 4-5 liour in t c m x l afttlr the injection. Foiir hours after iiijection, tlie mice w e r e given a single shock iii a sinall activitytyloration apparatus. On a reteiition test given 3 hours later, the atnotint of rcduction i i i cxploratory activity (which is taken as an index of meinory of tl I(’ shock ) \vas comparahle in expc~riinental a d control inicc. As Ihroiidcs and Jarvik pointcd out, tliesc data are not cornplctely iiiconsistcmt \\it11 tlie Iiypothesis that memory storage invol\7es H N A syntlwsis, Iiccausc, the residual RNA synthesis ( 17%)niiglit have becir sufficicmt to incdiutt~incmory storage. In a similar study, Appel ( 1964 ) found no effect of intracerebra1 injections of actinomycin L) eitl1c.r o i i learniiig or on memory in mice. The amount of tlie drug injc~tetlw a s sufficient to stop all RNA synthesis b y tlir: time of eacli animal’s dcatli. T ~ ~ Ltlie I s , findings of studies iisiiig intraccwlxil iiijcctions of actinomycin D seein to pose serious qiicstions for t1icoric.s of niemorv storage that rely heavily upon RNA syntliesis nieclianisms. Other efforts to link RNA synthcsis with memory storage have been based on studies using planaria. Several studies lia\re shown tliat when plaiiaria are traincd to respniid to a light paired with a shock and then are cut in half a n d allo\ved to regcnerate, retention
of the response is suhsequently found in animals regenerated from cithcr head or tail sections (!Conncll c’t ul., 1959). Corning and John (1Y61) trained planaria, cut tliern i n half and allowed them to regcmerate in either poncl watcr or pond water containing ribonuclease (0.074.10 mg/ml) . TIiis experiment was conducted to esaininc? tlic possiBility that BS:\ miglit bc involved in the transmission of an acquired structural coiifigwation from the trained portion of tlic animal to the rc$g!cmcwitingtissue. According to this assrimption, tails regcnerilted in tlic riboiinclease solution would be cspcvtcd to I i a w antcrior portions nith altered RSA and, as a conseqiicncc’, to h a w “naivcx” tloiniiiant heads. The regenerated planaria wort' tested for 3 days to set’ if they retained the response Icornecl prior to transection and tlicvi werci retrained to the oricginal learning criterion of 31 contlitioiicd rcywnscs pcr daily session of 40 triids. i4iiimals regeneratcd from Iieuds in rihonuclease were sup:rior to those regmcrated in pond wutcr, whereas animals regencwtcd from tails in rihuc.lciIsc* \wre inferior to those regencratcd in pond water. This iiitcrac*tioiiw a s not found with the wlctrrrtiiig scores, Iiowcver. Ikgcncrattd hcwls rclcarned faster tlian regenerated tails, and the scctioiis regenerated in pond water relemied faster than those rc~g(~nc~riltcd in tlie enzyine. The diffcrcncv in rclcarning triids for Iicwls and tiii!s regeneratcd in the enzyme \%filsvery similar to the cliffcwwce hetween heads and tails rcgeneratcd in pond water. ‘I’lic~sc~results arc’ compariihle to those ol)tained with animals that wcw cut, rcgcnerated, and then trained for the first time. Regencmtcd Iieacls lcurned fustcr than regcneratcd toils and illiiniids regcwrutcd in pmd water leaned faster than animals regenerated in ril)oiiiiclcasch. TIms, considered togetlicr, these results indicate that ( 1) hoth leurning and relearning were poor in animals regenerated in rihoiiuclease, ( 2 ) regenerated h c d s I t ? i l r d and releurned fastcir tlinn r(ypneratec1 tails, ( 3) at lcast some degree of savings \viis ol)tained in both hcuc~smad tails rcgcwcmtcd h i tlie ribonucleasc soln tion. The relcwning scores of thc Iiclid aml t d swtions regciicrratcd ii I rihonuclease were lower than the original learning scv)rc!s. Thty were also lower than those of planaria trained for the first time after Iwing regenerated in eitlicr ribonuclcase or pond \\.iltc*r.As Corning and John (1961, p. 1364) pointed out, the relcurning scores “. . . suggest that the tails treated with rihonucleasc* aiay rt:taiii some residual effects of espcrieocc, although they arc onnhlr to transmit the effects to the
regenerating tissue. A clearer understanding oi these findings seems to require a more intimate understanding of the mechanism of intoimation transfer.” We heartily concur. We are forced to conclude that studies using compounds designed to alter RNA synthesis have not yet provided clear evidence concerning the role of RNA synthesis in memory storage processes. One view is that of Dirigman and Sporn (1964) w h o have asserted that it would be surprising to find that KNA and protein synthesis are not involved in memory storage. b. Protein Synthesi:;. Recently Flexner c t nl. (1962, 1963) investigated in mice the effects of inliibition of brain protein synthesis on learning and memory. In the first of two studies, they found that subcutaneoiis injections of the antibiotic, puromycin, in doses (0.42 mg/gm) sufficient to produce an 83% inliibition of protein synthesis lasting 2-8 hours failed to affect either avoidance learning or simple maze learning. More complete inhibition ( 9.5%) produced by a combination of subcutaneous and intraventricular injections produced severe behavioral disorientation. The effect of intraventricular injection itself was an uncontrolled variable. In a second study, I % m e r et al. (1963) reported cvidence that inemory storage was impaired by intraccre1)ral injections of puromycin ( 0.03-0.09 nig ) , Bilateral temporal injections of the \mailer doses were given 1 day after training; reteirtion was impaired on tests given 3 days later. Memoiy loss nu\ also found with iirjections given 1 M 3 days after the original training (but 3 days bcfore the retention tests) if the mice were given comlined bilateral. frontal, temporal, and ventricuhr injections. A sinqle bilateral temporal injection of 0.09 mg of puromycin was found to impair memory only if the injections were given within 5 days after training. The greatest impairment was found with injections given within 2 or 3 days after training. Mice given bilateral temporal injections 1 day after position-reversal learning in a Y-maze, but 3 weeks after original position learning, reverted to the originally learned response on retention test5 given 3 days after the injection. The amnesic effects of puromycin appear to be similar to those found with pentylenetetrazole (Pearlman et al., 1961), but the extent of the retrograde amnesic effects is greater than that found with any other amnesic treatment. Retrograde amnesia is rarely reported if the time lapse between training and treatment is greater than a few honrc. The findings of studies of peiitylenetPtrazole and puromycin
suggest that the processes uiiclc.rlying iucmiory storagc retain some degree of lability long after thcy h a v e Iwconie resistant to electroconvulsive shock and depressant drugs. The differential effectiveness of various amnesic agents is consistent with the view that involves a sc)clii(wcc of stcys and that protein syn~ i i e m o rstorage ~tlivsis niay Iic one esscwtial part o f tIi(i sc~c~iicnce. As Plesner et nl. intlicate, the loss of inemor) follo\\-ing intraccrebral injections could be due to effects n1irczIatc.d to protein synthesis. Although most animaIs dosed with puroniycin \\’ere able to relearn after the loss of iimiiory, the: releariling alter the injections was inferior to tlie original learning. This cffect \voiild not be expected according to the view that the sole effect of piirotq’cin is that of interfering \vitli niemory storage 1)rocess”cs initiatcd by previous training. It suggests that at least part of tliv iinpairiiient iniglit b e due to impairment of eithrr pcrforrnaircc~or ~ i i ( m o r ystorage at tlie time of r d m r t i i i i g . Another possible iiitc,rl)r(.tatioi1 is that puromj-cin may product, long-lasting h i t re\-cwil)lc tlaiiiage or disturlxuice to cells \~Iiich11a1,e recently I)ccn iii\~)l\~ccl i l l memory storage. This view \~.ouldhe consistent nritli tlicl f i i i d i i i j : that recent inemory is more susceptible to interference tliaii is olc1r.r memory when a constant time ( 3 days) elapses betwccw iiije~ctioiisand retraining. It v7ould, I i o \ i w ~ t ~lcad , to tlie prediction that t h c b ainiiesia iniglit disappear with longer intervals between injc~ctions and retention testing. Shrinking of the intcwal for \\-liicli tlie patient has amnesia as time passes is a coninion ohscrvntion in clinical cases of arnncsia following brain concussion. Tlie studies of Flexner (11. (1963, 1963) are of interest and iniportance because thcy pro\.itle vcr)’ suggestive evidence of a link 1)etwcen memory storagc a d a biochemical process which might reasonably- be expectcd to bc involved in memory. I n addi~ with other work which tion, the>)- are to some d c g r c ~coiisistcmt Iias slro\vn that memory storago is tiiiic~-cleprnclent. c l i
c. l>RLK
hIost ps~~cliopliarmacologicalitivcxstigations of learning and nieinory have focused on thc dcl(~tc~rious cffects of drugs. The findings of such studies have coutriliutctl lmth to our knowledge of drug action and to our tliiiiking almut tlie nature of the neuroplivsiological and biochemical 1msc.s o f behavior. Riochemiciil “lesions” ( Russell, 1960’) ha\^^ 1xw)iiic. pnrt o f thc mc.thodologica1
armainentarium of resenrcliers concerned wit11 brain function. Tlie assumption, long s u p p o r t d b y lesion studics, tliat controlled impairmcnt of 11raiii fiinctioii c;rn incrcasc our iinclcrstaiidiiig 01’ tlie I)rain frinctions untlerlping behavior has rccci\.cd support from drug studies soeli as those citcd in tlie previous scction. Owr the pist scvcml ycars, an incrcasiiig numlier of studies liavc indicatcd that it is possible to enliancc performance with drugs. Until fairly rc,ccmtly, miiny studies of drug facilitation have been motivated by an interest in compounds which migllt he of value in tlie treatrneiit of nicntal retardation. The research with glutamic acid nnd tliiaminc disciisscd above are examples of such researcll. Otlier stntlics of clrrig facilitation Iiave hcen concerned primarily witli tlie b e n c k i a l cficcts of drugs on the perforn-iance of learned responses. In these studies, the focus is usually on niotivational or perceptual effccts of tlic conipo~inds.ratlicr than on problems of learning and iiic~i~iory. In a reccnt paper, for example, Hearst and \VIialen ( 1%3) found that rats’ lierforniances on a task wliicli rcquired tliem to press a lc~veri i p o i i pres(~iitationof a signal in order to avoid a sliock w a s imlirovcd 1)y injections of amplit~tainine ( 3 mg/kg). Tlie improvement ivas only temporary, lio\ve\~er.Perforniancc rctiirned to tlie I)re-”“perimetital l e i ~ lon subseqiient tests withoiit tlit driig. IIearst and \Vlialen siiggested that tlic irnprovemcnt may liave been diie to aii interference with “freeziiig” belia\ior typically displayed b y rats ill this task. Incrensccl alertness or attention is another possible basis of the effect. These findings are, of course, in contrast witli the finclings of the effects of amplietaminc on performance cited earlier. However, the findings of those earlier studics are also unsupported by tlie more recent studies of the effect of aniphctamine on learning wliicli are reviewccl below. Other evidence that rats’ performances can ht, improved by influencing their motivation, has been reported by Conzalrs and Ross ( 1961). These in\7estigators found that chlorpromazi~ie ( 1.0-4.0 mg/kg) i n i p r o \ d discrimination-reversal lcarning in rats. They siiggested that tlie dru:~,may liave alleviatcd the emotioiial consequences of the lack of re\vard during tlie first few trials. Thus tlie drug prevented the fixation of position responses found with control rats. If their suggcstcd interpretatioi1 is correct, improvement in learning was a n indirect efiect of tlic tranquilizing effect of chlorpromazine rather than a direct t+Fect of the drug on
associational mechanisms. Tliese findings are difficult to reconcile \vith other evidence ( Doty and Doty, 1964) that chlorpromazine interferes with memory coiisolidatioti. Studicls of drug effects on ~ierfori~iance are a l w a y s somewhat sulijrct to interpretations wliicli sti tlie motivational and/or perceptiial effects of the drugs. I+)\ r, a n u ml m of investigations o f drug facilitation of I(~arnii-ig;irt’ more dificult to interpret in siicli terms. This section ivill re\;ic\\. studies of facilitating effects of drrigs on learning and m c ~ t t i o i . ! . storagc, with particular emphasis on tlic Iiqx)tliesis tliat drugs iiiay tacilitktte acquisition, performaiice, a t i t 1 retention potetitiating tlic iieuropliysiological procewes ti ndcrlyitig memory storage. ( I w r cl\,idence of drug facilitation oC mciiior!. storage, togetlicr with tli(> I,iiowledge of tlie incclianisms of driig action, coiild provitlc soiiio I ( d s concerning tlic nature ot 1 ” ” ~ s s e sinvolved in storiiig intorination in tlic, cciitral nervous t c w . Results of some of tlie stii(1ic.s Ievieircd below provide a prc,liminary step in this direct ioi I .
1. ‘4) ) I p71 PIC1 111 i I ) ( ‘
A s iiidicatrd above,: a 1111ii11)c~r( i f studies have reported that Ieariiiiig is citlier impaircxl o r (iiiaffectetl by amphetamine. These findings arc1 somcwhat surpisiiig, sit let) it iiiiglit be expected that at Icast some improvement i i i pcd”)rmance \voiilcl result from itiercascd alertness or iticrwscd activity level. Recent evidence supports this coiiinion seiise c~\-pt~ctatioir. Keleincii and Rovct ( 1961) f o i i t i d that small dosc,s OF ~iiiiplic,t~iii~itre (0.3-1.0 mg/kg sc) facilitated rats’ escape and avoitlancc. Icarning. The rats \yere placed o i i a 1iotpl;itc ( 6O“C) a i d allo\vctl to escape by jiiniping tip onto thc rim of a cylindcr. On tliv first trial, the latency of tlic jittnping r q > o t i s e \ r a s shortcr in a r n ~ i l i c . t ~ i i ~ i i i i r - i i ~ rats ~ ~ cthan t e ~ l in control rats. \\’it11 atlditional trials giw>ii at .’3O-scconcl inter\&, tlie laten;iiiiiiials rcwiained \\sell belo\v those of cirs of the aiiipli~~tamine control minials. Since atnplic+iniiiie iiicrrases activit!. ( Dews, 1933). t h i s could be interl)r(’tc,tl its iiiclicatiiig tiiercxly that amplietaininr~facilitated lierfortiiatice 1)s increasing tlie probaliility of occiirretice of the corrc’ct rospotise. I Io\\ww-, with the lower dose ( 0.3 mg/kg), amplictamitic. f w i l i t a t r d learning on tlic successive trials h i t (lid not affect tlw Intcwcy ( i f the correct response on the first trial. Lrwning of this prol)lem \ f x s impaired h y clilorpromazinc, ( 1.O nig/kg ) . Other recxwt o \ ~ i t l ( ~ r i c .iiidicatc,s c~ that small doses
of r n e t h a m p l ~ e t a ~ n i( ~0.5 ~ emg/kg ) facilitatc discrimination learning in hamsters ( Rahmann, 1961; Reiisch and Rahmann, 1960). This is difficult to explain sol'ely in terms of the effect of the drug on activity level, since a'ccuracy of choice rather than latency of response was used as the learning measure. Learning was impaired by a dose (2.0 ing/kg) which produced a high activity level. Rensch and Rahmann suggest that the improvement in performance was due to increased attention and motivation. The effects were not temporary, however, because retention of the amphetamine-injected subjects tested over a 3-month period was supcrior to that of controls. Considered togethei., thcw recent studies indicate that lcarning is facilitated by small doses of amplietaminc and that the facilitation is probably not due solely to any teiiiporary effcct of tlie drug on performance. Whether the effect is dne to increased attention, to a more direct facilitation of processes involvcd in memory storage, or both is at ]?resent a n open question. It is not readily apparent why the fincliiigs of tliescx reccnt studies arc different from those of the earlier studies. Additional research is needed to gain understanding of the bases of the difference between the earlier and tlie inore recent researdl with amphetamine. 2. Nicotine For obvious social ;incl medical re'asons, nicotine is one of the common drugs of which tlie effects on learning and performance have been studied in a number of laboratories. Interest in nicotine has, to a large degree, centered on the effects on performance of long-term repeated administration. Some impairment of rats' performances of leal ned respoiises have been foimd a t t c x i eve12 a single injection of nicotine ( e.g., hlacht and Bloom, 1921) . Daily administration of nicotinc~, citlier b v ftiming rdts with laige amounts ot tobacco smoke or by iiijecting them with nicotine, has bern found to produce serion\ im1)aiiinent of p c r f ~ i n i ~ ~ i iwlien c e the drug is repeatedly admini\tered o v c ~long periods of tiinc, ( Peckstein and Reynolds, 1937, Essenberg, 1054). Smallcr closes of nicotine have been found to have eitlier no ef€ect (Pliillips, 1937) or facilitating effects on learniiig in rats. Peckstein and Reynolds (1937) reported that rats fumcd daily with a limited amount of tohacco smoke were superior to all control g r o u p in i n a x learning. More rwent stitdivs which I i a \ ~not l1ec.n concerned with the
loiig-term effects of nicotine havcb o1)taiiicd similar resiilts. Lncomskaja ( 1957) found that nicotinc (0.0Ei-0.2 mg/kg s c ) facilitated avoitlancc, learning in mice. Similar rcwilts were obtained \\,it11 the cliolinesterase inhibitor, dicdiyl /~-nitroplr~myl pliospliate (0.1 1i1g/ kg sc), and tlie clrolinergic coin1)oiind. arccoline (0.1 mg/kg). AS inc.ntionc~dearlier, Lucoinskaja ( 1957) foiiiid that avoidance learning w a s impaired b y atropiiicl i i r tIoscss \\-IiicIi did not affect the pcrforinaiicc of well-learned rcsl)oi~sc~s. Iii otlrcr rccc’at work, Rovet and his associates have rcportcd that sinall tlosrs of nicotine ( 0.2 iiig/kg i p ) facilitated inaze lc~aririug (, Rol)ustrlli, 1963) a s we11 as avoidancr~learning ( Hovct ci ul., I$I6:3) , Facilitation of inazc learning I)y nicotine \\:as found with \\.atcv iirotivation h i t not \\-it11 food motivation. This differential cffcct m a y have bceii chit, to a depressing effect of nicotine on appc>titc. Tlic. fact tliat facilitation b y nicotine \\as found with tlie t\vo tli\wscx l ~ w n i n gtasks. i n ’ ing and :i\~oidancc~ lcariring, is p : i r t i c ~ t i l d >important ~ in vie\\. of the lacli of a significant corrclation Ix>tn;cvilearning in these t\vo tasks ( IZo1,ustclli et “I., 1963). The. h i s of the Facilitatitrg effect of nicotinc on learning is not clcar from the studies pd)lislied to date. In the a\:oidance-leariiii~g study ( Bo\Tct ct OZ., 1963), all aiiiinals \vcm> gi1.t.n 50 trials per day for 6 d a y s iii an automated shnttle 1 ~ ) s . On each of tlie first 3 days, tliv cqwriiiicwtal rats were given drug irijcctions beforc tlie day’s sc1ric.s of trials. Control injwtions were thcn g i \ m to these aiiiinals on tlre nc3st 3 days. Iliiring this time. tlic performance of the animals 1 ~ 1 scoilsitlerably hrlow that of the last day \vith tlri~g.The drop \\.as greatest in the group \vIiich had Iicen given tlie largest dose of iiicotiiic ( 1.0 mg/kg). The group’s performance on the last 3 days \\’as coinparahle to that of the control rats on tlre first ,3 days of training. This finding suggests citlicr that tlre facilitation \v:is tlric to sonic t e m p o r a y effect of tlie drug on performance or tliat tlic I(~ariiingwith large closes of nicotine was state-depcndcnt. Iloiniiio ( 1964) has found tliat smaller doses of nicotine (40-80 pg/kg sc) have a slight facilitating effect on avoidance lrariiiiig i n rats, whereas larger doses ( 80-320 ,(.g/kg sc) impair avoiclancc learning. These findings are somewhat in agreement with those rcyorted by Ro\‘et ef al., but since the experimental animals \vere not tested without the drug, the findings offer no additional cviclmct~concerning the basis of the effect of nicotine on learning. The findings in tlie study oC Hovvt c ~ tcil. are strikingly similar to
those obtained by Saclis ct al. ( 1962) with chlordiazeposide. This drug, in a dose of 15 rng/kg was found to facilitate rats’ learning of a simplc hmdle-jump avoidance response”. tt is possible that this effect may have been duc in part to tlie relaxation produced by chlordiazeposidc since tlie tendcncy of the rats to freeze when shocked w a s rediiced. ‘rhcl learniiig of tliis task \vas impaired, however, by chlorproinazine (0.21i-2.0 mg/kg) . As discussctl above, chlordiazepoxide and c~lilorpromaziri~ proclncc the phr~noinenoii of dissociation. Since Hovet ct cil. did not study the t’ffcct of nicotine on tlw perforinancc of traincd salinc-control rats, it is not possible, on the basis of their data, to compare the effects of nicotine wit11 other compounds that produce dissociation. Subsequent studies of nicotine should take into accoiint the pssiliility that dissociation may occur with this cciinpoiind.
3 . Cnfioiis
In a very interesting and carefnl study, Sachs (1962 investigated the effects of intraventricular injections of calcium ( 22.5 pequiv CaCI,, 0.25% solution ) and potassium ( 25 peyuiv KCI, 0.375%) on avoidance learning in cats. Onc group of control cats \+7as treated with injections of comparable doses of saline, and two control groups were not treated at all. On each experimental clay, tlie cats were given 20 training trials i n a slinttle 110s 10 minutes after the injections. Tlic cats \\ c trained to jiimp from one compartmcnt t o a n o t h ( ~at tlic onsct of a flashing light. Failures to r ~ s p o i i dwithin 15 scconds, as well a s rcsponscs in the alxeiicc of the Bashing light, were‘ punished wit11 sliock. Tlie training sessions were spiced 4 days apart and training was cinitiniied to a criterion of 1s out of 20 correct responses. The rate of learning of the aniinals treated with KCI wa:: superior to that of the coinbincd control groups, whereas the rate of learning of the animals treated with CaCI, was inferior to that of tlie controls. Tliere was no overlap in the scores of the CaCl, m d KCl groups. A41thoughthe KCI animals were siipcrior to tlic saline groups, the difference w a s not statistically significant. The KCI group did differ significantly from the two iiiitreated groups, however. In the control groups, the most rapid learners were those animals who had the greatest initial tendencies to jump, as measured by spontaneous shuttling during the earlier trials. Although tlie KC1 injections produced clear behavioral signs of increased alertness and arousal, this change was
not associated with increased spontaneous crossing. This indicates that the enhanced learning rate was not a simple consequence of a drug effect on activity level. Further analyses indicated that, in comparison with the controls, the KCl animals learned very rapidly following the initial successful performance of the avoidance response. Although the KCl cats made about as many errors as the control cats prior to making three correct responses, they made significantly fewer errors thereafter. Sac115 suggested that the facilitating effects of KCl and the depressing effect of CaCl, on learning are due to the excitatory and depressing effects of these substances on the activity of neural structures adjacent to the ventricles, in particular the hippocampus. Additional research is needed to investigate the possibility that the improved performance was due to increased attention rather than (or perhaps in addition to ) improved memory storage proccsses. Nevertheless, the evidence clearly provides no support for the interpretation that KCl improves performance merely by increasing the probability of occurrence of the response independently of its effects on learning and memory.
4. Strychnine Strychnine has been studied for many years in various aspects of neuropharmacological research. Until recently, however, behavioral research with strychnine has been limited primarily to studies of its convulsive effect. There h m e been some exceptions to this. In an early study, Lashley (1917) reported that small doses of strychnine by injection (0.05 or 0.10 mg per rat) facilitated rats’ maze learning. The rats in his study were dosed each day 10 minutes before the first of 5 daily trials in a Watson maze. Although the smaller dose did not afiect learning significantly, the performances of the animals given the larger dose were superior to those of the controls, despite slight tremors. The strychnine animals ran more slowly than controls but madc fewer errors. Less enhancement of learning was found when the experiment was repeated with heavier animals. In other early work, Miles (1929) found that strychnine did not affect rats’ performances of well-learned maze habits. Zalmanson (1929) reported, however, that topical application of a 0.5% solution of strychnine enhanced dogs’ performances of a conditioned withdrawal response. Ward and Kennard (1942) found that daily administration of strychnine facilitated recovery of motor function
LEWIS F. ~ ~ L . I H I N O V I C I I
following the removal of tlie cortex in inonkcys. Although there was no evidence that the cnhanced rate of recovery was due to learning, tlic finding is worth noting and could be of significance for hypotheses concerning the basis of stryclinine effects. More recent studiei; Iiavc: provided additional evidence that learning can be cnhanccd \vith sniall doses of stryclinine sulfate and other convulsants in subconvulsant doses. R/Ic(:augh and Petrinovich (1959) reported that rats treated daily with small doses of strychnine sulfate (0.33, 0.66, or 1.0 nig/kg i p ) , 10 iniriutc>s before 5 massed trials on a Lashlcy III alley maze, rnade fewc>r errors tlian control sulijc,cts in attaining a criterioii of 5 out of 6 errorless trials. H ~ i i i g cmotivation ~ a i d food rcir7arcl werc? used. The strychnine and control rats did not diffcr significantly in running speeds or Tliirs tlie eiihanced lcariiiug witli strychnine could not be intcrprctccl readily in terins of perceptual or motivatioiial effects of strychnine. In a subscqumt study, hlcCaugli ( 1961) found both facilitative and disruptive effects of strychnine learning by rats of a 14-unit alley maze. \\'it11 a sniall dose (0.33 mg/l;g), the best strychnine-treated rats ( thosc be lo^ tlie group's median in total errors) made significantly fewer errors than the best control animals. \Vith a larger doso ( 1.0 ins&), the worst stryclinine aniinals made significantly iiiorc errors thaii the worst controls. Evidence for a disruptive effect of strychiiine in the perk'orinance of some animals has lieen fonnd in scvcxal s ~ h s t ~ l t~ studies eii ( Pctrinovicli, 1963; Prien et al., 1963; Calhoun, 1964). Evidence that strychnine facilitates learning lias also hecn foimd with tasks other than maze lemming. McGaugh and Thompson ( 1962) found that stryclinine facilitated learning b y rats of a simultaneous visual discriiiiination task. Experimental rats from two strains ( S, and S, descendants of the Tryon maze-bright and maze-dull strains) were dosed with strychnine sulfate (0.33 nig/kg ip) 6 rninutcs prior to massed training trials on n proldem rcqiiiring discriniination between horizontal-stripe vs. vertical-stripe stiiniili. Controls were dosed with saline injections. Avoidance of shock was used as motivation. Table I sho\vs thc trials required and errors made by the rats in attaining the criterion. As can be secn, the strychnine animals were superior to the control a.nimals. Il'ith the exception of one subgroup ( S, females), the trial and error scores of the strychnine aniinals were lower than those of the control subgroups of the sanie sex and strain. Petrinovich ( 1963) obtained further e\-idence of the
gciierality of the effects of strycliniilc~011 learning. RIale rats of thc S , and S , strains \vere tlosed ivith s t r > . c l l i i i i ~sulfatc, (1.0 mg/kg) 10 minutes before daily ma t i traiiliiig trials oii a visual succc>ssi\,c-cliscriniiiiation prolileiii. 01 ic groiip of control rats recrivcd saline injcctions ant1 another groiip \\.as iiot c l o s d The rats liacl 1 x ~ nckprivecl of food aiicl \\YT(' r c ~ \ . a r t l c ~\vitli l \vet mash. TIN. rclevant cue in the 1irol)lem \\-as tlic 1)riglitness of tlie gray doors in ;I 6-unit apparatus. Half of tlic. rats hat1 to I c ~ a r nto cliooscl tlic riglit door i f both cloors \verc Iigltl gIay, or tlic Ic+t door if liotli doors \ ~ w cdark gra),. The liositioii ;tiid briglitncss ciic's \\.cre re\wsecl for tlie other half of thc aniinals. TIi(1 in(xii iiiiml,cr of trials iiiadc liy rats of the two strains i i i rcadtiiig ;I critcrion of 16 oiit of 18 correct clioiccs is shoivn in Talilc~I I . I I I lwth strains. the trial scores of the str)~liiiiueanimals WLW l 0 n . c ~tl ian those of eitlic~of the control groups. Furtlicwiiorcs, t 1 it, t t i c w i trial scor(~s of tliv t\\w control groups \ \ w e similar. T l i c w ~\$-as sonic' cvic1ewc.c~that stryc.11nirlc~affected inoti\,atioii. Iii :I I t L s t qi\,c,ii lx~forctlic training, the
str!7chnine rats ate slightly less than tlic controls. T1lc.y also took slightly longer to leave the starting point of the apparatus cluring the preliminary training trials. Rats of the S strain given strychnine also ran more slo\vly t1r.m controls of tliis strain diiriiig the training trials. Stryclininc~and Iroiitrol S ; rats, ho\ve17er, did not tliffer in riiimiirg timcs. This, alt Iioiiglr strychnine affected the rats' performaiices as iiieasurcd liy i.hc :riiiount eatcm and latencies in running, it \ ~ o u l t lbe difficult to account for tlie enhanced learning in terms of these motivational factors. : i n o t h c ~finding \ \ a s that thc strychninc.-injected rats with al,o\~c~-mediaiitrial scores also made more errors than did tlw aninials \\Tit11 abo\emedinn trial scores in either of tlic control groups. As inclicatcd a l m e , similar effects were obtaincd by hIc;Caugh ( 1%1) and Pricn ct 07. ( 1963).
5. Dil,hcri!ildia=/r~~~/~~~~7t,fni~ol Lcarniiig fiicilitntioir lias also bcwi F o t i i i t l \\.it11 ;I synthetic str>-chninc-likc compoiind. 5,7-clipl~c11~l-1,3-diazadamantan-6-o1( 1757 T.S.) . Loiigo and his a:;sociates (Loiigo, 1961, 1962; L o n p ct al., 1959) have s1ion.n tliat this coiiipoiind, which is structurally uiilikc stryeliiriiie. lras c,5ects 0 1 1 CNS activity whicli ;ire strikingly similar to those, of strychnine. In one study (XIcGaugli ct nl., 1961), rats of tlic S, and S , strains, as well as first gencration S, by S : crosses, mere given injections cm each of tlircc days, 10 minutes before 5 massed trials on a Lasliley 111 maze. Thc animals liad been deprived of food a d \vet masli \ w s given a s :I rc\\.ard. Experimental animals of caeh strain \vcrt' gijrcw injections of 1757 1,s. (1.0 mg/kg i p ) .
Controls received a citric acid solution. Table I11 shows the mean number of errors made by experimental and control rats of each strain on trials 2 through 15. In the control groups, the S, mean was lowest, the S, mean was highest, and the F, mean was intermediate. There was no significant difference, however, among the means of the groups injected with 1757 I.S. Furthermore, the means TABLE I11 MEANNUMBEROF ERRORS MADEBY EXPEIIIMENTIL A N D CowrnoL SI, S, A N D F, 6, ON TRIALS 2-15 I N A LASHLEY111 J I A Z E ~ Control groups
Experimental groups (1.0 mg/kg 1757 13.)
(1.0 ml/kg citric arid)
Strain S,
F, cross SS
12.8ti 23.75 33.15
7 11 12
16.71 17.27 17.33
8.94 7.44 10.30
7.12 1 s . la
From McGaugh et al. (1961 ).
of the three drug groups were almost as low as that of the control S, rats. No facilitation of learning was found with the animals of the S, strain. McGaugh et al. suggested that 1757 I S . affects learning by enhancing intertrial memory storage processes. However, alternative interpretations stressing attentional as well as motivational effects of 1757 I.S. were not precluded. Other data discussed below provide additional support for the interpretation that the 1757 I.S. acts by affecting memory storage. In other work, Kelemen and Bovet (1961) found that 1757 I S . (0.6 mg/kg) and strychnine sulfate (0.3 mg/kg) had facilitated avoidance learning in a way similar to that of amphetamine. Unlike the results obtained with larger doses of amphetamine, however, strychnine and 1757 I.S. did not affect the latency of the initial successful jumping response. Facilitation was found only in the rate of improvement of responding from trial to trial. Thus the effects seem to be due to enhanced learning rather than to enhanced motor activity.
D. DRUGFACILITATION OF MEMORYSTORAGE The results of the studies discussed in the preceding section provide strong evidence that learning, as measured by improvement
in performance, can be facilitated by several CNS stimulants. The difficulty with all thew studies is that, since the animals were trained shortly after receiving the drug injections, drug effects on learning arc difficult tl3 distinguish from tlrug effects on other processes affecting performance. Even in those studies in which the results strongly siipport the vim7 that the drug facilitates performance by enhancing learning, the methods used have not provided evidence that cciuld allow for a distinction to be made between learning improvement due to enhanced arousal and/or attention and learning improvement due to potentiation of tlie processes involved in storing information in tlre CNS. This difficulty is, of course, coninion to all studies of drug efl’ects on performance. A number of recent studies have shown that learning can be facilitated b y dosing rat:<\vith CSS stiniiilantn within a short period of time after. training trials. Tlicw results are marc' clifricult to interprct in terms of motivational, perceptual, or attentional hypothescs since the animals are ncit1ic.r traiiied nor tested while nncler the immediate influence of the drug. By exclucliiig at least some drug eff wts, the posttrial injectioii stuclics liavc> provided clear eviclence in siipport of the liypothesis tliat some of the learning enliancenient foiind with CNS stimulants is due to a potentiation of perseverating processes imclerlying memory storage. 1. Strychnine
I n an initial study using posttrial injections, McGaugh ( 1959) found that rats given injections of strychnine ( 0.33-1.5 mg/kg ) after each daily trial in a Lashley I11 i n a x made fewer errors than did rats given saline after c d i trial. In a more extensive study (McGaugh et al., 1962a), rats of the S, arid S, strains were given daily injections of stryclinine (1.0 mg/kg ip) either 6 minutes before each daily trial in a Lasliley 111 maze or at one of the following intervals after eacl-i daily trial: 1, 15, 30, or 90 minutes. As Table 1V indicates, the animals that were dosed within 15 minutes after each trial made fewer c’rrors than those that rcceivcd the drug 90 minutes after each trial. This finding of “retrogradc facilitation” is consistent with the findiiigs of drug and ECX-induced retrograde amnesia. The magnitude of tlie eEect is inversely related to the time interval between training and treatment. These findings are evidence against the view that tlie drug effects are due to an influence on performance in the trial given 24
Sa a
16.3(7.0) 11.8(3.2)
1 min after
15 min after
30 rnin after
90 min after
12.5(3.8) 13.3(3.9)
12.6(.2.8) 13.3(7.1)
13.6(6,7) 25.3(12.2)
18.5(10.1) 18.3(8.5)
From McGaugh et al. (1962a).
hours after each injection. In view of these findings, the report (Cooper and Krass, 1963) that rats’ maze learning was facilitated by a single injection of strychnine given several days before training, is difficult to interpret. In a more recent study, Greenough failed to find evidence for the long-term strychnine effects reported by Cooper and Krass ( McGaugh, 1965a). In other recent work, Hudspeth (1964) reported that posttrial injections of strychnine sulfate (0.20 mg/kg ip) facilitated rats’ learning of visual discrimination, discrimination reversal, and oddity discrimination learning tasks. Rats were first taught to avoid a shock by entering one of three doors which differed in brightness from the other two (i.e., one black door and two white doors). After all animals had attained a learning criterion, the significance of the brightness cues was reversed, and the rats had to learn to use a door which was previously incorrect but which differed in brightness from the other two doors (i.e., one white door and two black doors). After the rats had learned the reversal, they were then rewarded only for choosing a door which differed from the other two. On some trials, the choice was between two white doors and one black door; on other trials, there were two black doors and one white door. Throughout the training, injections were given each day immediately after completion of the day’s blocks of trials. Ten trials were given each day during the discrimination learning and reversal learning, and 12 trials were given each day during the oddity training. On all three problems, the learning of the strychnine animals was superior to that of the controls. Furthermore, the strychnine animals learned thc oddity problem whereas the controls showed no evidence of learning, even though all rats were given
300 trials. Unfortunately, training was terminated at this point. It woiild bc interesting to know whether or not this problem is beyond the capacity of tlic control rats of the strain used. Other research with stryclinine lias pro\,ided additional evidence that facilitation is n o t limiictl to tasks ixyiiiring fixed response patterns from trial to trial. In one study (Petrinovich, Bradford, and McGaugh, 196#5),rats from two strains were first trained to alternate clioicc) of goal h s c on ~ an elevated T - J I ~ ~ on Z Csiiccessive trials. This procc:durc~ \\'as similar to tliat used by Petrinovich and Rollcs ( 1957). Tlie animals were tliirsty and werc rewarded with water. After tliej, had leariicd this task, tlie intertrial intervals were gradrially incrensed froin 1; to 8 hours. On half of the trials, the anirnals were c1osc.d with strychnine within a minute after reacliing tlic: g o d bos. On the remaining trials they were dosed wit11 saline. At intc.rtri:il intervals up to 31,; hours, the rats performed the delayed alternation response equally well on trials that followed either strychnine or saline injections. At the longer inter\-als, howcvcr, the rats made a significantly greater number of correct responses on the trials that followed tlie strychnine injections. Sincct tlierc: \ w r e no cliff cxcntial cxternal cues available to the rats :it tlic choice point, thcsc clata siiggest tliat strychnine facilitatcs perforinatice b y cnl~ancingthe rat's nimiory r;itlwr than by inerr~l!~strc~ngtlirniirgs1)vctific rcspoiise tcnclcncics.
2. L~i~~l~en~ltlin~citl~iiri~irittr~iol Evidcnce of learninq facilitation nsiiig posttrial injections has also 1)een foimtl \\.it11 thc at hnine-like compound, 1757 I.S. ( SIcCaiigli c't nl., 196.213; IIudspctli and Thonlson, 1962; Wtlstbrook and hIcGaugh, 1964). In one of thcse recent studies (Westbrook and hlcC;aiigli, 1964), r:its of tlie S , and S,$strains were dosed with injections of titlier 17ri'7 I.S. (1.0 mg/kg i p ) or a control solution ~ a c hclay for 5 days \\+tliin 1 minute after each training trial on a G-imit allc,!- l T - i n a z e . ,411 animals wcw botli hungry and thirsty. IIalf of tlie aninwls in 'each group were rewarded in the goal box with \vet m a s h , and h l f wcre not. On the fifth trial, and on 5 sncccccling trials, all aiiiiiials were rewarded in tlic goal box. No further drug injections 'were given; instead, all aniiiials were given injections of a control solution after each trid. As Table \' shows, on the first 5 trials, there was no tliffc.rencc~in the perforniance of the nonrewarded, tlriig a n d control groiips; ncitlier group improved.
0" 9
14.5(4.31 13.3(1.81
8 9
13.8(1.9) 13.7(2.4) 15.0(2.1) 15.3(2.0) 12.7(2.3) 17.5(3.0) 14.2
Combined mean a
Trials 6-10h
12.3(4.0! 12 i ( 3 . 4 )
11.7(2.11 13.8(1.7) 9.0(2.2) 6 . 7 ( 2 . 1 ) 14.7(2.9) 1 1 . 8 ( 2 . 4 )
16.70.51 16.8(1.6)
12.3(2.6) 15.7(3.2)
9 . 2 ( 2 . 7 ) 1 2 . 2 ( 2 . 0 ) 9.0(3.2) 8.7(2.51 1 2 . 2 ( 2 . 3 ) 11.0(2.1)
13.O(1.5j 15.2(1.21 14.8(1.9) l l . O ( l . 7 ) 15.7(2.7) 17.7(1.1)
4 4
From Westbroolc and McCaugh (1964). R, reward; NR, nonreward on trials 1-4; C, control injections; E, 1757 I.S.(1.0 mg/kg)
The rewarded gioups did iniprove, ‘is was expected, and the mean numbei of errors made by tlie 1757 IS. aniiiicils \vC15 less than that ot the controls. On tri‘ils 6 through 10, all subjects were treated alike but did iiot b c l i a ~ ealihe. The two groups prcviously given posttrial injections of 17.57 I.S. made sigiiificantly fewer errors than did the t\\ o control gioups. These data indicate that 1757 I.S. facilitates “latent” learning a 5 well as conventional maze learning. Furthermore, they indic.,ite that the posttrial facilitation is not due to a rewarding effect (of thc drug since there was 110 difference lietween the 1757 IS. and control animals during the nonrewarded trials. These fiiiding\ pi ovicle strong evidence. that memory storage is facilitated by strychnine and 1757 I S . 3. Other Compotiiids Affcctiiig C N S dctiuit!! Altliougli the most estensi~e u7ork lias been done with strychnine and 1757 IS., there is e\idencc tliat coiriparable effects can be o1,tained with otlicr C VS stiinulmts. Breen and McGaugli ( 1961) reported that sniall doses of picrotoxin (O.‘i5-1.% mg/kg i p ) injected after each trial facilitated the learning of a 14-unit alley inaze by rats. As Table VI indicates, the degree of facilitation \\‘as
greater with thc 1,ugci doscs aiid with tlie rats of the S1 strain. Prien ct a!. (1963) interpreted their rewlts :is indicding tliat rats’ learning of a 32--unit c~levated maze was unaffected by posttrial injections of either stq cliiiiiie or picrotoxin. Howcver, a careful reanalysis of their original data iiidicatcd that tlie cornbinetl strychnine and picrotoxin groups made errors than the controls ( McCaugh, 196%; h1cC:augh and Petrinovich, 1963b). Of particular
intcrvst was the finding th;it alniost ;I third of tlie experimental aninials h ; i d error scores less t h i r tliat of the bcst control animal. hi atl(lition, some of the drug i i i i i i i i a l < Iratl thc: greatest error scores. As wc indicated earlier, this cUoct Ii;is hecn obtained in scveral studics ( e.g., McCaugh, 196 1; l'c~triiio\~icll,1963; Calhoun, 1964). Thc fact that thc aiiiiiials treated \ \ i t l i strychnine had increased \Tariabilit). in tlrcir Iearniiig sc'orcs suggcsts that :~iidyses based solely on groiip mcans may tail to re\-clal important drug effects. II(~ c+€'cc:ts of pentylenetetrazole on the subjects' abilit!. to rc~sl)ondto stiniiiliis cii('s, thcir nic.tliods (lid not providc an!. c~\.itl(~irc,c~\z lricli \voultl distiiiguish the effc,cts of thc drug on attciitioii f r o i i i those on memory storage. Preliminary analyses of morc txwsiit rcxxrc.h ( Hunt and Krivanek, 1965) inclicntc, that discriniinatioii I(~ariiingin rats is also facilitated by posttrial injections of i ~ e ~ i t ~ , l ( , i i ( ~ t (This ~ ~ i -finding ~ i ~ o l . strengthens tho interpretation that the ( h i < c~iilinnces memory storage. The finding does not, h o ~ e v e r ,ritlcb oiit tlrcl possil>ility that facilitation foiind v i t h pr(,-trial injcctioiis is diio at lcast in part to effects on t s . J n -\.cry rc,ccnt rosearch jrith mice \ve havc ol>taincd additional cvidcncc, t h a t t i x i / ( > ant1 discrimination Icarning can I)c facilitatctl with 1imttri;il iiiicx,tions ol' 1mit),l(.iictc.trazolc
( hlcGaiigh, 19651)) , Iicc.cmtl!~ 1~alim:inn( 1963) stridicd t l i v effects of caffeine oii tliscriniinatioir lcariiing and transposition l y liamsters. Learning ant1 rctcwtion \\'ere facilitated by lm'trial iiriwtions of 0.5 mg/kg ( sc) a i i t l iinpaircd ivitlr larger c1osc.s ( 1 .O-10.0 nig/l
by Park’s ( 1961) fincliiig that \~isual-cliscriiiiiiiatioi~lcarning b,7 rats \\;as facilitatccl by posttrial injections of caffeine. Rats \\-:K given a single injection oC caffcine (:jO.O mg/kg) either 5 seconc!h, 2 minutes, or 1 hour after massed training trials oir a horizontal-stripe VS. vertical-stripe discrimination problem. On rclearning trials 2 days later, the animals doscd \ \ i t l i cafkiire 5 sccorrds after training made fewer errors tliati tlic an,iiiials given saline. No facilitation w a s E ~ L I I I C ~ \vheii tlre injections \\’CIX> gi\,en 2 i i ~ i i i u t c ~ors I hour after tlie training. AIthough tlicse fintliiigs arc coiisistcwt \\it11 those of Rahmaiin, it should be noted that tlitx closc used by l’iir~! \\w considerably greater than that found by Ralimann to lie optiiiial for facilitation of learning by liainstt~s. Furtliermore, it i s not clear why the facilitation \vas found oiily with tlie 5-second posttrial injections. In the same paper, l’art: reported tliiit retention was i m p i r e d by srcolnrbital ( 35 mg/kg ) injected 2 minntc>safter the training trials, and i n a iinni1ic.r of other studies, cvidciices of facilitation ( a s well as itiipirincvt ) of nicwiory 1iai.e 1)eeti found w e n with considerably l o n q ~ rtraiiiitig-tr~-atni~~i!it iiiterwls. \lost of the stuc1ic.s of facilitation ol learning have uscd conipo~inds classcd \ x i o u + as CNS stiniulants, analeptics, or coiivulsants. Unfortiinatcly2 ~ 7 (lo c not yvt know a great deal about the mecliaiiisms of cffects of tliese compounds on CNS activity. Thus is it difficult at this time to make any precise guesses coiicerniiig the basis of dnig eff‘ect:s on memory storage. Another experimental approach in se\wal stitdies lias 11cc:n tliat of employing drugs to product, relatively spccific biochemical “ltsions” of which the in terms of the knowlcEects on Icarniiig miglit he underst~iiidal~le rdge o f the particular drug’s mechaiiisni of action. For example, a number of studies Iiave investigated the effects on learning of compouiids affwting acctylclrolinc. ( ACIi ) a i d acet)ilcholinesterase ( .L\ChE). As 11-v l r a \ ~~ ( earlier, m tlre anticliolincrgic compounds, atropinc and scopc)laniiiic, impair I(wniiig. ‘I‘liis is, of course, not siirprising in vic.\v of the evidence that L i C h i s involved in synaptic transmission. Rrcently, several studit)s ha\^ inclicated that learning is facilitated b y small d o s e s of tlic reversible anticholiriesterase compound, pliysostigniiiie. B~ireSet trl. ( 1962) reported that the learning of a one-trial avoidance problcm b y rats was facilitated by small doses (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg) of physostigniine administered a I‘c’\\j iiiiiiutc~sbefore the training trials. Learning was impaired \vitli larger doses. Similar findings \\’ere also rcyorted by Cardo ( 19%). The effect is not l i i r r i t c d to avoidance lear~iing.Stratton
and Petrinovicli (1963) treated rats o f tlie S, and S>,strains \\it11 small doses of pliysostigmine OO st~coiitlsaftcr each daily trial i l l ;I Lashlcy 111 maze. The optiinal tlost, for facilitation of lcwniiig was 0.50 mg/kg for tlie S, straiii antl O Z mg/kg for the 5%strain. In both strains, iinpailmeiit o w i irrcd \\.it11 1;irgc~closcs. Since tlrc clcctropliysiologie~il offccts ou ])li!-sosli~iriiile ( e . ~ . ,production oi hippocampal theta activity) p(mists oirl!. for ahout an hour aftcr injection and since tlierc is no c.\.itlelrcc. that pllysostigmine C;LII aeeumiilate in thc system \ \ i t 1 1 rclw;itcd iiijcctioiis, tliese fiiidirigs suggest tliat pliysostiginiue iiiiprovt’s p(&rrnance b y facilitating memory storage. Fiirtliermorc, tlr(,y 1)rovide additional evidence tliat learning effici:.iicy dcpcvitls npot i lc\-els of XCli a i d AChE : learning is impaired by drugs tliat h1oc.k A%Clr and is facilitated l y a drug tliat in1ril)its iZChE. ‘ I l i c w lititliiigs arc particularly i n t w csting in view of otlicr e\itl(wc.c. t1i;it Iwrniiig cficicmcy in rats is relntcd to normal variations i i i I(~\TIs ot .%Ch aiitl .ZC1115 ( lioscnn n i g r’t c 7 L 2 1960). T h e li!pthesis that KN.\ s) iitlic,sis i \ i i i r d i w l in memory storage h a s stininlatcd a iiiiinlwr 01 cyx~riiiieiitalinvestigations of tlre ( + b e t s 011 learning and mcmor!’ 0 1 tlrrigs kiio\\,ii to affect 13N-4 s!dicxsis. Some of tho e\%lcmrxl rc.\.ic,\vcd carlici. indicates that mernory storage ma!- 1~ inip,airc,tl 1 )! c.oiii1)oimds that iiitcrfcrc \$,it11RN.4 s!mtliesis. ( ; c w r d antl liis a s s o c iatcs ( Clininberlain t’t al., 1963b) studied the effxts of tlic, coiiipoiiiid 1,1,5-tricyano-~-~Ill?inc!l-propeiic ( U-‘3189) on avoiclaiicx. lt~ariiiiig aiitl spinal cord “fixation” iir rats. Tlris drug \ w s c!ios(vi lor investigation b(~caiiseof mitleiice that it stiniulatcs 1iN.A s! I illrc,sis. In the a~70itlance-lear11irig c~\;lx~rimPnt, rats \\.ere iiiic’cal(.tl \\-it11 LJ-9189 (15 n i g / I q ) 43 ininutc,s prior to tlic trailring trials. ‘ I ’ l i c ~ srihjccts lrari~cdto p k \ ~ chiring r a 10-second sigiial i i i c w c l c ~ to aivicl a slrock. The clnig \\.as only injectcd 011 tlic first tla! of training. On this daj., the d r i i q y d animals did not tliffvr froiri coiitrols. Oil t\rw sulxeqiieiit days, I1o\ve\7er, tlic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - t o i ~of m ~thrx t i i cdriiggcd .c~ group \\.as siipcrior to that of controls. Fitrtlrc~~iiior~~, injc.ctioiis of LT-CjI‘S were found to eiiliaiice the rate of “li\-atioii” of tlic liindlimli p s t u r a l asy ni met r y produced by c c clx ~ 1;ir I csi ( 111s . T i m t i on ti ti1 \\.as iiicreascd by S-azagiianine. As Cl~nnil~c~rlain cf al. poiii:ctl orit. thcse findings CIO not pro\’(’ t1i:it RNA is as csscirtial link in mcniory storage. They are, lio\vc\w, c.oiisisteiit wit11 tlie hypotliesis. In other recent work, Cook ct rrl. ( 1963) found that rats given clail!, injcctioiis of R ( 160 i i i q / k q i porforincd significantly better 11
than controls in acquisition of an avoidance response. As these investigators pointed out, it \vould be premature to conclude, on the basis of these findings, that RNR directly affects the processes involved in memory storage. The findings do, however, add to the steadily increasing evidence that RNA is in some way involved with learning and memory. IV. Discussion
The studies reviewed in this paper provide clear evidence that drugs can influence learning. The results of the studies using posttrial injections iiidicate -that many of the compomds influence learning by affecting the processes involved in memory storage. Other compounds seem to afifcct perforinance by modifying attentional, perceptual, or motivational processes. An understanding of the h s e s of the effects of sc?veralof thc cor-upoiincls ( e.g., amphetamine and nicotine) will require additional research using such procediircs as posttrial iiijcctioiis. This will provide clearer distinctions betu.cen drug influencvs oil nieiiiory storage and drug influences on atteiitional, perceptual, aiid motivational processes.
Since tlie drugs that influence learning are known to affect the
CNS, it seems reasonable to assume that their effects on learning are due to their effects 011 CNS processes. The strongest support for this hypothesis is provided b y the experiments which used posttrial injections. Since most of the dnigs investigated in these studies are readily meta.bolized prior to the time at which retention tests are given, it is likely that tlie effects on behavior are due to some effects produced shortly after tlie training. It may be that some of tlie effects of posttrial injections arc due to some influence( s ) other than those on CNS activity, but as yet there is no evidence to support this vicw. For example, Thiessen ct nl. (1961) suggested that strychnine may enliance learning by decreasing locomotor activity, thus decreasing tlie amount of potentially interfering stimulation occurring after training. As we have pointed out elsewhere ( McGaugli and Petrinovich, 1963a), this hypothesis does not explain very well tlie facilitating effects of pretrial injections of strychnine when massed training trials are used ( e.g., hlcGaugh and Thomson, 1962). It also does not account for the fact that learning can be facilitated by compounds known to increase activity levels (e.g., Par&, 1961). Furthermore, in a recent study,
Calhoun ( 1964) found maxinium faeilitation of learning by posttrial injcctions of strychnine wli(w tlir animals ( mice ) were placed in a darkened,,tl h o ~ iminediatcly after the injections. No facilitation was found if t h c drugged animals were stimulated by sound, light, and rotation after the training. These findings are contrary to the iiitcri)rc,tatiun of strychnine effects offered by Thiessen ct (11. Aiiotlier possibility would be that the pimishing and re\varding effccts of tlic drug injections account for the impairing and facilitating c+Frcts foiiiitl in the posttrial injection studies. This also is unsiiplxxtcd 1 y t l i c rvidence. One-trial passivea\,oiclance learning is inipairod by posttrial injections of CNS depressants (Jarvik, 1964). According to a punisliment interpretation, the additional punishment provitlctl I)y tlic drug injection \\7ould be exupectcd to summate with the otlrc’r pLinislmcnt and facilitate rather than retard thc a\~oidanccIeariiiiig. On the other hand, there is no evidence that posttrial iiijcctioiis of CNS stimulants are re\vartling. Posttrial injections 0 1 1757 LS., for example, did not enhance the maze performatice oi’ otlierwise unren~arded, subu n r e \ ~ w d c dsubjects ( ’\Vcstbrooli ant1 JIcChugli, 1964). Facilitating eff rct-s of the, d r i i ~on leariling \vcr(’ c~\~idciiccd by superior performancc of tlic driig-trc>atctl aiiininls only after the r e \ ~ a r dwas introdiiced. A41tlioiiglithere inny l)c arlditional alteriiative interpretations of tlie posttrial drug stiidics, tlic availahle evidence indicat(1.s that the b ~ k t ~ i o r efl’ects al nix’ niost prolxably diie to tlie actions of the drugs i n the CNS. €3. IMPLICATIONS FOR I - I Y P o m i m +
h l m r o n ~STORACE 11EcIIAsIsm
A4t a very general level, tlic evitl(wce pro\-idccl by studies of drug effects on learning is consistent wit11 other evidence (Glickman, 1961) that mcmorjr storngc i i ivolvcs processes n7hich are activc for some time after tlw tc~riniiiation of an experience. -4 number of attcmpts Iiave b c ~ ninadc to measure the time required for memory storage l 1 ~ 7 findiii g tlic: sliortcst training-treatment inter1.d for which there is no significant c’ffect of the treatment on subsequent performance. This p r o c d i i r r is based on thc assumptions that all thc treatments affwt t l i r process of memory storage and that if a treatment has no c#ccl 0 1 1 memory then this is eviclence that memory storage \\’as cornpl(+c a t the time when the treatment was administered. hlrwwr! stoixge timc, as measured in this ~ 7 a y ,has been found to tlqx.iid upon a variety of conditions incliiding the age, sex, strain, and spvcirs, as well as the specific
training procedures ( Glicltman, 1961) , More important, however, is the fact that the “memory storage time” varies with the specific treatment used to impair memory storage. For example, memory storagc is impaired by topical application of KC1 only m.hen the treatment is administered within a few minutes after training. Under some conditions, other treatments, such as ECS and depressant drugs, affect memory storage even if thcy are administered an hour or longer after tra.ining. Studies using pentylcnetetrazole and piiroinyin indicate thal memory storage is not complete for several days after training. Tlicw results suggest that memory storage in\,elves scqtiences o f pimesses and that i x i o u s drugs and other treatments affect tlresc. scqiicnccs differentially. The process of mr’mory storage is, in all probability, a t lcnst as complicated as other basic biological processes such as photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. A common assunip tion in current hypotheses about memory storage (e.g., I-Iebb, 1949) is that short-term memory is based on transient neuronal processes, sucli as graded dc potentials or reverberations in networks of cells stiinulated by an experience, and that more lasting nicmiory is based on further changes initiated or produced b y tliest: t-ransient neuronal processes. I t seems likely that some of tlie effects of drugs on learning c l c p c d upon tlie clrugs’ effects 011 tliese transient posttrial neuronal processes. Differential effects would 1)e eypcctecl \vitli stimiilants and depressants. Furtliermorcl, differcmt effc.cts would be expected witli cliff erent stimulants i-uid depressants, because of difFcrent mechanisms of action, absorption rate, and toxicity. Strychnine, 1757 I.S.,picrotoxin, caffeinc,, pentyl(:netetrazole, amplietarnine, and pliysostigmine all Iiavc, excitatory effects o n CNS activity but have different pattcwis of CSS cffccts and different mechanisms of action ( Longo, 1962; SVashizii c’t nl., 1961; Cliang, 1951; Bremer, 19-53). =Inother \vay in ~ h i ~drugs l l might affect learning is by directly iiioditjiiig tlie specific procc‘sses involved in tlie formation of “pcrninncnt” traccs. For example, a drug might have no striking effect on transient neuronal activity but still impair or retard by disrupting the hiochcn-dcal processes underlying memory storage. Althougli the evidence is far froni conclusive, the results of some of the studies rcvicwccl in this paper provide fairly strong support for tlw hypotlicsis that nirmory storage in\,ol\.es RNA and protein syntliesis and is ul tiinately lxiscd 011 changes in enzyme concentratioirs in brain cells (Smith, 1962; I3riggs and Kitto, 1962).
According to this hypothesis, the sequence of memory storage is somewhat as follows: Increased activity in neurons increases the amount of transmitter substance released by the cells. The increased utilization of transmitter substance causes an increase ( enzyme induction) of the enzymes involved in the manufacture of the transmitter substance, This, in turn, would lead to far-reaching intracellular changes. Thus, “. . . it becomes clear that an increased amount of transmitter substance released by any axon following repeated stimulation could be the major factor in establishing and maintaining the particular mechanisms of memory . . .” (Briggs and Kitto, 1962, p. 539). The recent evidence (Bennett et d.,1964) the brain AChE activity in rats is affected by environmental stimulation and training provides additional support for this general hypothesis. There are, of course, numerous other ways in which neuronal activity might be modified to produce stable processes underlying memory. Even within the general scheme outlined here, there are other ways in which drugs might affect storage mechanisms. For example, drugs might interfere with synaptic processes or with the axoplasmic transport of newly synthesized proteins to synaptic terminals (Dingman and Sporn, 1964). Nevertheless, whatever the nature of the processes involved in the storage of information in the nervous system, drugs will undoubtedly continue to be important tools in research leading to the discovery of the nature of the processes. REI:~~:HENCES Abt, J. P., Essman, W. B., and Jnrvik, RI. E. (1961). Science 133, 1477. Albert, K., and Warden, C. (1944). Science 100, 476. Alexander, I. E., and Siegel, 1’. S. (1947). A m . Psychologist 2, 400. Alpern, E. B., Finkelstein, N., and Gantt, W. EL (1943). BUZZ. Johns Hopkins Hosp. 73, 287-299. Appel, S. ( 1964). Unpublished observations. Armitage, S. C. (1952). J . Camp. Physiol. Psychol. 45, 146-152. Astin, A. W., and Ross, S. (19fiO). Psychol. Bull. 57, 429434. Barondes, S. H., and Jarvik, M. E. (1964). J . Neurochem. 11, 187. Bennett, E. L., Diamond, M. C . , Krech, D., and Rosenzweig, M . R. (1964). Science 146, 610. Bernhardt, K. S. (1936a). J. Comp. PsychaZ. 22, 273-276. Bernhardt, K. S. (1936b). 1. Comp. Psychol. 22, 277-278. Biel, W . C . , and Wickens, D. D. (1941). J . Cornp. Psychol. 32, 329-340. Black, A. H. (1958). J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 51, 519-524. Black, A. H., and Lang, W. M. (1964). Psych,oZ. Reu. 71, 80-85. Black, A. H., Carlson, N. J., and Solamon, R. L. (1962). Psychol. Monographs 76 (29, Whole No. 548).
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BlOGENlC AMINES IN MENTAL ILLNESS By Gunter G. Brune Neurologische Universitatsklinik und -Poliklinik, Hamburg, Germany
1. Iiitroductioir . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. hletabolism of Biogenic Amiiics iii l i i l w r i i Errors of htetaliolisin Associated with hlentnl I l i s o i ~ l ( ~ r \ . , . , , , . A . Plienylpyruvic Oligoplirciiia . . . . . . . B. IIai-tiiup Jliscase . . . . . . . . . . C. hlaple Syrup Disease . . . . . . . . . D. IIepatolrnticii1;ir L)egriici-;rticiii i \ V i l s o i i ’ b Discwe) . . . 111. h1etal)olisiii of Biogciiic hiniiic,\ i i i S(,liizoplil.c,iii~i . . . . A. L’rinary Exeretioils of I i i t l o k ~ i ;iii(l (:atc~hols i i i Scliizoplirriric . . . . . . . . . . . . l’aticnts B. Effects of I’sychotropic Ilriigs, Uiog(,iric Airiiiics, ant1 Aiiiiiiii Acids oil tlw I3eli;~viorof Airiirials ;nit1 L I t i i i , Includiiig Sclrizophreiiics . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Effwts of hlrtli>1 l>oiiov OII t l i t - h , l i c ~ \ior of Scliizoplrrc~iiic~ Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . l\’, \lctaboliaiii of 13iogonic hiiiiiio\ i i i \’cirioiis Clirrical St;itc$ Ahloliotic 13c~havioI . . . . . . . . 1’. Coiiclusion . , . . . . . . . . . Hrfiwriccxs . . . . . . . . . . .
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I . Introduction
During recent years 111a1iy iii\-cstiytioiis pertaining to tlie question of a bioclieiiiical lesion i i r iiicwtal tliscasc,s have foeiisctl attentioii on tlie ~ - r ~ t a b o l i sof n i I)iogtwic a i i i i i i c ~ . This articlc will review soint’ o f t l i c \ \ ork on the nic~ta1)olisinof indoleamines and catecholainiiic~s iii r(~1ation to mental illness. It will include a brief presentatioii of Irioclieinical pattcrns observed in syndromes of inborn errors of nicta1)olisiii. In addition, iu\ cstigations of tryptophan and catec~ho1;rmiiic.inotabolism in relation to schizophrenia and various otller iwiirological and psyclriatric disorders will be discussed. I I . Metabolism of Biogenic Amines in Inborn Errors of Metabolism Associated with Mental Disorders
The study of inborn errors 01 inc~t,ilx)lismcan hc tracccl hack to Garrod ( 1902) \vho discovered that alhaptonuria represents a meta197
bolic unomaly recessively iiilic~itedowing to tlie cffcct of a single abnormal gene. Since that time \-arions otlicr inhorii tvrrors of metabolism includiiig those resulting in niental symptoms have been described. Usually these syndromes wcrc~ named after the most proininent biochemical lesion detected. This, Iro\ve~~er, does not imply that tliesc particular me ta ldic disturbances bear a causal relationsliip to the clinical symptomatology. In recent years derangements of varioris irictabolic pathways have been tlescril>ed in soiiie syndromes, and it may well be that these aiid not the most promiiient metaholic lesions arc' involved a s l>ioc.liemical factors in the clinical symptomatcilogy. I n the relationship between amine metabolism and mental illness it is of interest tliat in at least four different inborn errors of metabolism abnormalities in indole and/or catechol metabolism 1m.c bccn reportcd, i.e., in pheiiylpyruvic oligoplirenia, Hartnup disease, maple syrup disease, aiid hepatoleiiticular degeneration. All tliese syndromes are associated with mental disorders and, therefore, the biocheniical rcsults 013 tained in these relatively well-defined syndromes may also 1~ of significance in regard to otlrcr mcntal diseases.
A . PIIENYLPYRLJVIC 01.1~~01~111~1~~1~ Plreriylkctonuria, first clcscribcd by F d l i t i 2 in 1934, is ail inborn of phcnylalanine inctaliolisin. Gcnetic st uclics indicate that the condition is transmitted by a single autosornal recessive gcmc. The parents of almost all paticnts arc lreterozygons for the gene and S ~ O Wno clinical symptoms of tlie illness ( Pcwrose, 1935; Jervis, 1937, 1939). Tlic most important clinical nianifestations of the disease is mental tlc+icic,ncy. About "5% of tlie paticnts 1iai.c. epileptic seizures. In addition minor neurological symptoms, such as hypertonicity of muscles, tremors, and ataxia, have been o b s e r ~ d . hlarked behavioral devi:atioiis i n forin of Irypcxictivity, destructiveness, and rage have been reported in more severely affected individuals. Physical fcatures include reduction of structure and head measurements, the hair is often blond, tlie eyes blue, and tlie skin lightly pigmented, not infrequently shoving eczematous lesions. Fundamentally, the biocliemical disorder is represented by a failure of hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine in the liver ( Jervis, 1953; Udcnfriend : i d Bessman, 1953; Armstrong a i i d Shaw, 1955) clue to the lack of the hydrosylatiug enzyme (hIit-onia cf nl., error
1957). This defect results in a liigli pl:tsin~t concentration of phenylalanine and the prcsence of \~arioiisahnormal metabolites in tlw wine of \\-liich phenylpyruvic w i t 1 is t l i r most proniincnt. Although no correlations lwt\i.twr tlw intelligence quotient and either plic~nylalanint~ Iilood 1 ~ ~ or ~ 1iiriiiary s cscrction of plienylpyruvic acid ha\-e I>een cstal)lislitd ( 13orek c,t al., 1950; Jcrvis: 195O), \xioils iiivestigators I i a \ . c l trtxttd plienylpyruvic chilclren with a pht~nylalaninr OW diet m i d s o i i i c ~i i i ~ ~ ~ r o v e m of c n tboth inental as \re11 as physical conditions Ii;t\.c> Iwtm rcported ( Hickel ct a!., 2933; :4rmstrong and Tyler, 1955; \\'oolt ('f ul., 1955). I n 1954, Armstrong autl 1iol)insoii otfered e\klence of ail abriorinal intlole inetal~olisniin pliviiylpytrivic oligophrcnia including inc.reasc,cl urinary escrction of iiitlole,-:3-ncctic acid and decrcased urinar!, lcvc~lsof acid. Rrune and l-Iim\vich ( 1960 iisiiig quantitati\,e inctliotls cl~tc~i-~nincd total indole-3-acetic acid a i i d tryptamiiie i i i two 1)11(%1 i!.ll,iiuruiic acid, xantliurcriic acid, N-inctliylnicotinamidc, a i d S-li!,tli.onyiiidoleacctic acid \vas foiiiid to be decreased, wlicwas intlol(,-:;-acetic acid and indican \vcrc iiicrcasccl. Because tht. nl)iioriiiiilities o f inclolc metalmlism );>ear under :i lo\\, plienylalanine diet ( , h n s t r o n g and Tyler, 195Fj; Tada and 12c.ssniaii, NSO), it w a s genmilly assuincd that tlre derangement oi' tryptoplian metabolism in phenylkctonilria may be sccondaiy to tlitl impairment of phenylalanine that tlie inental disorders ohserved inc+abolism. O n the liypoth in phenylpyruvic oligophrei ray l x ~rcalated to an impaired formation of serotonin, \T'oolley a i d Van tlcr l Ioe\wi ( 1963a,b) studied thv clfects of serotoniii congeners, such as 5-liydrosytryptoplian and n;c,latoiriri, on the maze-Ieamii~gability of mice made phenylkctoniiric 11). thr administration of plivii ilanine plus tyrosine. I t was
found that plienylketonuric mice had a subnormal maze-learning ability which was largely prevented when, from birth on to maturity, serotonin congeners were administered continuously. These results were interpreted to mean that the mental failure in experimental phenylpyruvic oligoplirenia is attributable to the serotonin deficiency imposed in infancy. On the other hand, similar to the obscn~ations on blood. phenylalanine levels and urinary phenylpyruvic acid, no correlations were found between intelligence quotients and levels of urinary 5-hydrosyindoleacctic acid (Pare et al., 1959). Bergsman ( 1959) cleterinincd urinary adrenaline and noradrend i n e in two phenylpyruvic oligophrenics aiid found no appreciable cliff erences compared to control groups. At one tinic an elevation was found in one patiient who reacted strongly with anxiety aiid dysphoria to the catheterization. Weil-Mallicrbe ( 1955 ) reported low catccholaminc l c \ ~ l sin phenylpyriivic oligoplircnia. 13.
This syndrome was first described by Baron ct al. (1956). The heredity basis of this tliseasc is nlmost certainly rccessivc, and no rcle\mit anomalies I1aw been o l ~ s e i ~ ~in e t llicterozygons carriers. The clinical m:inifcstations of Hartnup disease appew irregiilarl~~. These includc a pliotoscmsitive pellagra-likc rash and episodes of ataxia. In addition, mental impairment ancl behavioral disorders including psychotic states ( Hersov, 1955) have heen described. The clisease occurs in childhood, and in contrast to most other hereditary metabolic conditions t c d s to impro1,e with increasing agc ( Milne et al., 1960). The most characteristic and constant biochemical almormalities were f o m d to be a generalized aniinoacicluria, not hcing associated with incrcases of plasma amino acids. In additioti large qiiantities of indole-%acetic acid, inclolc-3-acctyl~lutaiiiiiie,and inclican were found in the urine, nrlicrcas foriiiylliynureiiiiie was reduccd. This was thought to indicate either a deficiency of tryptophan pyrrolase or reduced transport $of substrate to tlie cmzyme (Ncmeth and Nachmias, 1958; Milne ct nl., 1960). Jcpsoii ( 19S6) reporting on two patients found indolc-3-acctic acid ancl iiidole-3-acetylglutamine considerably increased in the urine, hiit a later examinntion by llilnc et al. (1960) revealed normal excretion patterns and only after the tryptophan loading test did lesions in tiyptophaii metabolism become evident.
This discrepancy was probably explained b y the fact that the paticiits \\,lien stuclied a t the latcr d ; i t r > \\,ere in a more qiiiescc,nt period of tlie disease.
In 1954, .\~Iciil<eset o l . descril)otl iii:ipIc syrup disease a s a iie\isyndromc. The hcrcdity patterns iritlicatcs tliat maple syrup cliseasc, is probably due to a siinplc, aiitosoiiial rcuJssive gcne. Lolrsdale ct (/l. ( 1963) suggested tliat pwciits of aff(~ctec1chilclren are pheiiotypicall>- normal carricrs. hInple syriip disease occurs iii infancy m c l the clinical itianifestations i n c l u d ~syiiiptoiiis ~ of central nenmis systrni disturbances characterized by \roniiting, poor feeding, m u s cular liypertoiiicity, aiid s w t w c,cwliral tlegeneration. hlciital retardation rapidly lwcoiiies e l idlciit. The primary genetic lesion a l q x x r s t o be a ineta1)olic defect chx-acterizctl liy ;in accumiilatioii ot tliree keto acids corrcspoiiding to tlic partial l ) r e L ~ k ( l ~ ) ot \ ~ 7tlie ~ l three I~i-a~iclir~d-eli~iiii ainino acid-leuciiic., isoleiiciiic,, and \-alinc~.Tlicsc su1,stanccs \ \ w c found to occur in excess in ririt it,, I)lootl, and other 11ody fluids ( hfenkes, 1YS9). \\'oody and Ilaiicock ( 1963) reported that the branched-chain ketoaciduria in an infaiit \\.it11 maple syrup disease \vas brought to riorinal by i w x i s 0 1 ;L forinula restricted in its content of d i n e , leuciiie, :inti isolcuciiic~.\f7ith a reduced intake of these amino acids tlie correspoiitling kcto ;icicls returned to normal. Clinical impro\~einentfollo\wd tlic drcwase in tlie iiriiiary lrvels of keto acids and conviilsioiis c~easetl, Iiypertoiiieity and para1ysc.s abated, and tlie EEC hecainc noririal. Jlarkedly increased urinxy Icvr~ls of indolc-3-acetic acid in maple syrup disease \wre rcyortctl liy 3Iackenzie a i i t l IVoolf t
( 19%). D.
( \\'lISOS'S
The condition n7as first d(wri1)cd by \Vilson in 1912. :Ziialysis of family data gave evidcwce tliiit tlrc discwe is recessively iiilicrited ( Bearn, 1960). The possi1)ility \viis c,oirsidered tli:tt more tliaii one type of defect is involved ( H c ~ i r i i .lU5CI). Altliougli oiie form of tlic, disease 1)econies evident in tlic, third o r fourth decade of life, frequeiitly the clinical manifestations of tlie illness occur in late childhood or early adolescence. 'Tlie inaiii clinical features are represented by cirrhosis of the liver a i d progressive damage to the nervous system, resulting in siich symptoms as tremor, rigidity,
dystonia, pscudobulbar symptoms, mental retardation, and behavioral deviations, t h latter including psychotic states ( Filimonoff, 1928; Stutte, 1960). The Kayser-Fleisclier ring is cliaracteristic of the disease but is a constant finding only in the more chronic states. Disturbances of copper arid amino acid metabolism are tlie predominant biodicmical lesions in \.\’ilson’s disease. Consistently high urinary levels of copper and amino acids are found and, in addition, there is an increased copper deposition in all organs (Uzman and Denny-Brown, 1948; Zimdahl et ul., 1953). Derangements in indole and catecholamilie metabolism in Wilson’s disease h a w been reported recently. Sunrlerman ( 1963) 011served ;in increased urinary excretion of the serotonin metabolite, 5-liydroxyindolcacetic ;wid, whereas Barbeau and Sourkes ( 1961) found increased urinary amounts of adrenalinc aiid dopamine. I t is evident from this brief presentation that amino acitl metabolism was studied most iritcnsivcly in phenylpyruvic oligophrenia and that, as in the othcr syndromcs, abnormulitic~sof indole metaholism were observed. Thus, lieside disturbancc~sof other metabolic pathways, lesions of tryptophan metabolism will becomc evident in these syndromes either in infancy or early cliildliood. These lesions appear to b e marked and permanent in the lsarious syndromes with the exception of Hartnup disease, in which clinical improvement together with normalization of tryptoplian metabolism has been reported. The recent findings of a clisturbed catecholamine metabolism in hepatolenticular degeneration emphasizes the need for further systematic inlzstigations of amine metabolism in tlie syndromes of inborn errors of metabolism. 111. Metabolism of Biogenic Amines in Schizophrenia
A single biochemical concept of schizoplirenia is impossible in that this diagnosis is not clearly defined, and, therefore. it may cover a variety of different pathogenic conditions. The difficulty of biochemical research in schizophrenia is further enhancecl by the variability of the symptomntology even in individual patitmts. Remissions or partial remissions may alternate with severe psychotic states or dementia may be the most promincmt clinical feature. In addition, personality factors and anxiety may help to shape the clinical picture. Biochejmical studics have been performed in relation to the diagnosis of schizophrenia as well as in relation to the
iictual clinical psycliopatliology ol)ser\-ecl in schizophrenic patients. In the foIIo\ving, in\utigations rt:levaiit to the question of :I role of indole and catecliol nietabolism in scliizophrenia and its various mental states will be discussed.
hIaiiy investigatioiis on indole iiictabolism in schizoplircnic paticnts have centered arountl the. nriiiary cxcretioii of tryptaniines m d tlieir metabolic products, c~specially indole-3-acetic acid and 5-hydros~iridoleac~~tic acid. So far I I O iinique excretion patterns could be estahlislietl for tliesc~ sii1xtancc.s in relation to the diagnostic category of schizoplirciiis. 111 tlic. case of urinary tiyptainine otlicr than a greater \-ariability iio consistcmt abnormalities could b r detected in the scliizophrenic group ( Uriine and Himurich, 1960; Rodnight, l.SG1) . lloss ( 1913a,l)) a i r t l iiiore recently Slierwood ( 1957) and hlasuda cf ( I / . ( 1:)GO ) r c y o r t c d increascd uriliary levels of indole-%acetic acid, but I h i i t ~ j c e;iiit1 Agarwal ( 1958) ancl Roclniglit and Aves ( 1958) could iiot confirm these results. No consistent al~norinalityin urinary, tc )taI i n d o l ( 4 a c e t i c acid mas found by Brune m d Hini\vich (1960) in :L group of schizophrenic patients. Similar discrcpancivs i i i rcwilts \vere also obtained for 5liydroxyii~doleaceticacid. Laiit,r c~ta / . ( 1958) found an increase in the urinary excretion of 5-liytlro~yindolt.acetic acid in their control groiip after giving tryptophari h i t not in schizophrenics. 13anerjee and Agarwal ( 1958) reportcd c,\;actly tlie opposite results, while ) found no cliff(wiiws l)ct\s~eenthe normal and the groups a€tc,r a IryL)topli;iii loading test. Leyton ( 1958) reportetl dccreased iirin:iry exc,rc,tion of' tliis serotonin metabolite in scliimplirt,iiic patients. In contrxt. 3l;isiitla et NI. ( 1960) ancl Villar Palasi and Solduga ( 1963) o l ) s c ~ \ w;li n increased iiriirary output of ,5-1iytiro?i~iiidoleacetic acid, whcwas iiormal \ d u e s including a greater variation in tlie schizophrenic group \\'ere reported froin Tvarious laboratories ( Huscaiiio and Stefanachi, 1958a,b; Feldstein et ul., 1958, 1959; Haverback ct nl., 1056; Riegelhaupt, 1958; Robins et cd., 1956; Sano et az., 1957; Rriine a r i d Pscheidt, 1961). Tlicsc differences in excrc.tioii p;itterns may bc clue in part to \.al-ioiis factors unrelated or not directly rclated to the psycliosis. S r . \ ~ r n investigations l have sli i that factors such as diet ( Waalkes c'f (11.. I$)%: Anderson ct al., 1 : Sjocsttlsma e l al., 1959; Sjoerdsma,
1959; Weissbach et a!., 1959), drug treatment ( Sjoerdsina, 1956; Valcourt, 1959 ) , metabolism of intestinal hacteria ( Jepson, 1956; Armstrong et d.,1%3), and the function of the intestine itself ( Sjoerdsma, 19#59) may influence urinary excretion patterns. Considering these interfering factors and excliiding them as far as possible, 13runc and Himwidi (1960) and Bruiic and Pscheidt ( 1961) determined urinary levels of tryptamine, total indole-3acetic acid, and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in relation to the actual psychopathology of schizophrenic patients. These iiivcstigations showed that associatcd with the intensification of tlw psychosis there occurs a continuous and significant iucrease in tlic excretion levels of all three incloles. Except for total indole-3-acc.tic acid, whicli n7as slightly elevated, tryptaminc and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid were in the range of normal when thc psychosis w a s apparently inactive, but a1)normally high values were foiiiid with psychosis, and especially with the paranoid hallucinatory type of psychosis. Tryptamine, ~ h i c l 1chiefly represents tissue metabolism ( Sjocrdsma ef al., 1959), sliowed tlie most pronounced changes in relation to the alterations of the psychopathology, followed by total inrlole-3-acetic acid, and S-hydrosyiiitloleacetic acid in decreasing order. Further investigations confirmed t h e findings ( Bruiie and Himwich, 1963; Rerlet et al., 1964). Hecause of their hallucinogenic properties, tryptamine ccongeiiers, especially N,N-dimethylatcd tryptainines lia\re receivcd much research attention. Several lahoratorics attempted to isolate h’,Ndimetliylated tryptainines from the urine of normal persons and psychotic patients. Bu!mpus and Page ( 1955) using bioassay ant1 paper chromatography reportcd thv prcwncc. of N,N-climcthyl-5hvdrouytryptaniine ( bufoteiiin ) in the liiiinan urinc.. Rodnight ( 1961) could not detect this compound. Fischer rt crl, ( 1961) found ~ i t tlie h paper cliroinatographic metliods a spot cliaractcxristic of bufotenin in 25 out of 26 hallucinating sclrizoplircnic patients, and this compound \l’iis not found in tlie i.irine of 15 iionschizophrenic patients. B r i m et al. ( 1963a ) ohtainccl simihr results. ii~l Spriiiccl ct a!. (1963), lw\rcver, did not c1ctcc.t this c o n ~ ~ ~ oin~the urine of psychotic patients. The kyniirenine p t h w a y of tryptopliaii inetaholism was investigated by Pricc ct a / . ( 19Fj9) in some schizophrenic patients. In studying a total number of 19 schizoplirenics these :uithors foiind nlmoriiial tryptophan mc.taliolism in 6 patieiits, wlierras tlre otlier
13 mctnl>olized the ainino acitl i n a I iorinal manner. Both these groups of scliizophrenic patielits cwxctrd significantly less of pyric i o n c before or after tryptophan ingest ion, compared with the controls. The patients \\-it11abnormal ~nctabolismexcreted significantly inore kyiiiircnic acid, o-aiiiinol~ippuricacid, acetylkynurenine, kyii~ireninc~, and hydrosyli).nurciiiii~~ after adniinistration of tryptophan than did tlie controls. The ot1ic.r grorip of scliizoplirenic paticnts excreted significantly less kyniir(mic aci(l and o-aminohippuric acid beforc or after tryptophan supi)l(.iii(,iit~~tioii and less kynurenine after tryptophan a s coinpared \vitli tlw cwitrols. Thus the “normal” response to tryptophan in tlw group of 13 patients was actually sul~nornialin that they cscretcd significmitly less of sonic of the metubolites than did tlie coiitrols. Fotir of the G subjects of thc abnormal group and 5 of the 1:3 iiidi\-itluals of the “normal” group were considered to be acutely ill i i i that thcir admissions represented tlic first liospitalizatioii for scliizoplirenia. Tlie remaining su1)jects l i a d been trcatcd on 01 it’ o r scveral occasions for their scliizoplirc.nic psycliosrs. Bro\\.ii ( ’ I ( / I . ( 1RBO) did not confirm this but ol,served tliat their p;iticmts cscrc,tc(l less of a nicotinamide metabolite in comparison \\-it11the. contid groiip. The cliff erence was abolislietl after tryptophan s r i p ~ ~ l ~ ~ i i i c ~ i ~ t a t i o ~ i . ’4s with indoleamine metal)olisni, tlic, possibility that clisturliances of catecliolarnine metal~olism inay lie involved as a biorhcmicd factor in scliizop1ircwi:i lras I)cm widely clisciissed. In regard to the urinary c x x t i o i i of atlrrsiialine and noradrcnaline in scliimplirenie paticliits, varioiis c~scrc~tionpatterns \yere o b s c i i d . Gadtluni ct d.( 1958 ) foiiiid\.atctl valiics for adrenaline h i t not for iioradrc.naline in scliizoplirciiic p:itic.nts. Bergsiiian ( 1959) reported normal excretion valucls tor l ~ o t l imiines i n chronic scliizoplircmics, and thus found 110 c~\-idcircc~ of a relationship betn7een scliii.oplirenia and the product ioii a i i d cscretion of catecholamines. I n acrite scliizoplirenia, as I V ~ Ia s in iiiania, increased urinary levels of aclr~~nalinc were observed. I3wscd on tliese aucl other studies I3ergsman concliided that irritation, aiixiety, and dysphoria seem to increase tlw excretion of noratlrcnal i i i r in the urine. Elmadjian et (/I. ( 19%) canie to tlie concliision tliat active, aggressive, emotional display is related to incrcmetl tucretion of noradrenaline, wliereas tense, anxious, but passivc c,inotioiial displays are rclatccl to increased ewrctions of atlix~nalinc~i l l association with iiorinal excretion of norepinephrine. I~c~t~~rrniii~itioii of total catccliolaIiiines
( adrenalinc anti iioratlreiialiiie) iii scliizoplirenic paticmts revealed a correlation between tlic urinary levels of these amines with the degree of anxiety, hi^. there was no correlation with tlict scnverity of psychotic l x h v i o r ( Pscheidt ct nl., 1Y6O; Bruiie a n d Pschcidt, 1961) . Similar results were also obtained for urinary catecliolamine metabolites ( 13erlet ct ul., 1964). Curtis ct U I . ( 1960) stated that despite tlie diff erent secretion of adrenaline and noratlreiialine the amounts cxcretecl into the iirine are corrclatetl significantly in mcmtal patients iuicler special strcss, just as in normals. \'on Euler and Lundberg ( 1 3 ) determined urinary adrciialiiie and noradrenalinc in air force pilots (luring flight ;tnd found an elevation of adrenalinc outpiit in both groups, wliich they attribiitcd to the stress pr(:seiit during flight. Urinary noradreiialine was iiorinal in the passeiigers \ \ r h o ser\,ed a s controls. During strenuous muscular work Von Euler and Hellner ( 1952) observed an increase in the l In urinary cscrctions of both adrcnaliiie a s ~ ~as lnoradreiialine. professional hockey p1;iyers Elmatljian vt d.( 1958) c o i n p a r d urinary adrenaline and noradreiidine formed (luring tlie contest with that of the pregame control period. They reported a sixfold increase in norepinephrine excretion over tlic control lcvcl wit11 a moderate increase of adrenaline excretion. In summary, investigations on urinary indolcs a i i d catechols iiidicate that thew aw no consistent correlations lwtweeii l i o chemical patterns and tlie diagnosis of schizoplireiiia. Correlations w t w , liowei-er, found lwtweeii the intcmsitj. of the psychoses and cLpecially the paranoid lialliicinatory typc ot: psyclioscs and inclole iiieta1)olism on one hand, and betwc~eniirinary c a t t ~ h o l sant1 \wious kinds of stress includiiig an\;irty, on the otli<Ji..
that, according to current coiicvpt, iircIutl(~the airatornical substrate o f c>lnotion ( l’apw. 1958; \.lcLcan, l!X58). I I m b ( 191.3) obtaillcd cvi(1ciic.e j o r t l i c presence of catecholaii1inc.s i l l thc h a i n , and in IYS,?, T\viirog and Page detected serotonin iii that organ. Since that timc tlic distribution of these amines in the braiii has bccw carefully stiitlictl in several species, including inaii (Vogt, 1954; hinin ct nl., 1953; Kirntziiian et al., 1961; W. A. 1Iiimvicli and Costa, 1960; Psclic.iclt and €Iimwich, 1963). The highest amoiirits of serotonin and iioi.c,piitel’lirine were found in the niirlbrain liy~~otl~alaiiius, tlialaiiriis, aittl pons medulla; relatively high amounts \\;ere also foiind i n tlicb caudate nucleus and thc Iiippocampiis, hiit only low I ( ~ \ ~ c \vorc ls found in the cortex. Recently, large amoimts of swotoiiiii I\.CW also detected in pineal gland of I)otli animal and iiiaii (, (:iariiiau c’t nl., 1960). Reserpinc, a traiiqiiilizing and ailtipsychotic drug, as well as the antidcpressant, inoiio;iiniiic~ ositlasc, iiiliibitors were observed to alter tlrc l(1vel of biogcmic. airtiiic~si i i the brain. Wl1en it was o b s e r ~ t ltliat tlie rc,serl,iiit:-iiitliicctl Ix~l~a\~iornl effects persisted long aftctr tl-rc tlrug liatl tlisal)p(xrccl 1ro111the body and that the drug-intliicecl dccreasc of l m i i i scrotmiin also persisted for days, tlie Ii).potlicsis WIS ad\.anct.d t l i a t tlic c,lrange in brain ainines was related to tlir’ central action of t l i c tli.iig. Rescrpine, liowever, dccreases not only serotonin hiit 1)r:iiii iiorc~pineplirine as well and, thus, thc qucstil)n arosc \I Iiet1ic.r tliis cliaiige \vas also important in reserpine actioii ( Brodic ct ol., 19%). Furtlicr studics \vith thc syntlietic a i n i n o acxicl tv-mc~tli!;l-it1-t! r o s i i I ( ’ siiggcst that thc rcserpincinduccd tranciiiilizatioij is associated with changcs of hraiii scrotoniir and not \\,it11 brain iioi-(,i)ii~(,i)lrrii~c ( I3i-odic. c’f al., 1961). 111 rcgard to the action of nionoaniin~~ oxidasr inhihitors, it has hecm claiincd tliat tlic cxcitator!. vffccts of tlicw substances is the result of an elevation of c ~ w h a lbiogenic aniinc~sevoked by tlir action of these drugs (Spcctor ci ol., 19riS; Shore, 1958). Considering the meclianisins of at.tion of these compounds on serotonin nretabolism it may IN: conclntlcd that the liighest levels of free serotonin occur in the initial plias(n of reserpine administration and in the latter phase of treatmmt with nionoainine oxidase inhibitors, while a slight elevation of free serotonin may be present in the initial phase of treatment with a monoaminc oxidase inhibitor and during the latter phase of Icserpine administration. Clinical observations sho\v rc~lationsliips to those biocliemical
patterns. Both reserpine a s \vcll ;IS the monoaminc oxidase inhibitors can induce excitement in aiiirnals and man a s well as recurrences and activation of the psyclioses in scliizophrenic patients. These effects will occur inaiiily during the initial phase of reserpine treatment and during the latter pliasc~ of trcatment witli monoamine oxidase inhibitors. The calming a n d antipsychotic action of these drugs, liowe\w, becoines evident after proloiiged rescrpine adininistration and during tlie initial phase of treatment with nionoaminr ositlase iiiliibitors ( 13nrsa and Kline, 1955/56; Kline ct ol., 1957; ;lyd, 1959; Voelkel, 1Y059;Rrune and Hiimvich, 1961 ) . In order to study tlic rc,lationsliip 1,etwwn indoleamine metabolism and l~ehavior,indoleamine precursors a s well as indoleamines were administc~redto both animals a n d man.singly and in combination with a monoamine oxidase inliihitor. I n animal csperiments it was observed that nioclerate doses of 5-liydrosytryptoplian had a calming action on tlic, animals, \ v l i t ~ awit11 ~ higher doses excitement a n d disturbed 1)ehavior became c,\,itlcwt ( Rogtlanski ct al., 1958; W. A. Iiiniwicli antl Costa, 1960). 5-I-Iydrosytryl~tophaii w a s also gi\wi to Iiumans, h i t 011 account of severe pc~riphcralside eff wts, only lo\?: doses could bc cmployed ( Pare and Sander, 19ij9; Polliii ct N I . , 1961), and no clear-cut mental changes \ \ ~ r t >observctl. Neverthelcss, Klec c:t d. ( 1960) reported rcactiwtioi I ot thc psychosis in onc’ schizophrenic patient during inhision of 3-1i~,~tlros~~tryptoplian. Sjoerclsma vf t i / . ( 1 ) atlminis t c w d try p t o1111an in combination \vitli ;I inoiioaniinc~ ositlasc inhi1,itor to hcdtliy humans and observed behavioral altrixtions similar to alcoliolic intoxication. When tryptoplian mas g i \ w done, no hellavioral c h a n g t ~were observed. Lauer ct ( / I . ( 1958) and Polliii cf 01. ( 1961 ) found behavioral alterations in schizophrcliiic paticnts aftcr adi~iiiiistrationof tryptophan in combination with ;I inonoaniinc oxidasc inhibitor. Sha\v a/. ( 1959) gavr tr! ptopl-iati alone to schizoplirrnic cliildrcn and to controls and rcportcd lizarrcl antl rsaggoratcd lwhavior in thc schizophrcnic group, whercas thr lwhaviord effects in tlic c:ontrol gronp were less pronoiinccd. Briine and IIinnvich ( 1961) observed an accentuation of the psychopathology in 2 out of 7 schizophrenic patients recciving 2 gin of L-tryptophan for 2 days, whereas thc other 5 patic,nts who were either in full or partial remission showed no behavioral effects. In contrast to ij-liy~clrosytryptophan,serotonin passcs tlir, bloodcjt
lmiin barricr only to a limited extont (hlclsaac and Page. 1959). Even \vlien blood serotonin is liigli :IS is the case in carcinoid syiiclrome, no appreciable chaiigcs in lwha\~iorhave been observed, suggesting either that little pivtratiori occiirs or that the brain has adapted to higher concentrations and i i o loiigcr reacts ( Schiieckloth ct nl., 1959). Tryptamine, iii coiitrast, appears to penetrate. the b l o o d - h i i i liarrier morc~ readily ( Grc,cii ant1 Sa\vyer, 1960 ) . H. Dro\vn (1960) obsei (1 sedation i i i i i i i c , ~aftcr atlministrntion of tryptamine. Effects tryptamiiici oti t l i c ccntrd iiervoiis system \rere also described b y Tcdesclii (11. (, 1959). Thereforc~,it may bc conclridetl that serotoniii, tryptiiiiiiiicl, aiid ot1ic.r indolc~aiiiiiiesitlay affect tiit, function of the central i i c ~ \ ~ ) isystcin. is The a b o \ ~presented invclstigatioiis indicate tliat both driigs. I-escrpiiic, as \\,ell a s the inoiioaiiiiiic, o\itlasc. inliibitors, may indiicc sedation as WCII as cxcitation in aiiiit-ials and hiiinans, and that tlic-!, itiay e\wke reciirreiwcs and iiitc~nsificatioii of the p schizophrenic patients. I Io\ve\-c~,ti0 c4var-crit evidcnce exists that psychosis i n inentally these driigs may induct, a schizol,lirc~iiia-li~c. Iiealthy hriinaiis. This also appears to l)c truc for thc indoleamine precursors. i2s judged from hc.lia\ioral ohscr\xtioiis, tlicw stiidies \vitli psychotropic drugs alid iridoleaiiiitic~ prcwtrsors may suggest latent metabolic lesions in some scliizoplnc~iic~ patients \\7hich may l ~ w m c ~ activated during administration 01 t h e c,ompounds. In intcrprc,ting the behavioral effects of psychotropic tlrugs in hiocheinical tcrms it is, lio\vc~er,iiec iry to consitlcr tliat t I i ( w drugs not only affect the metabolism of liiogcnic ariiinos 1 n i t also \.arioas othcr 1,iocheinical par am et c r s . I n contrast to serotonin, tryptainine. a i d intloleainine precursors, administration of even rclatively small :~inoiiiitsof N,A7-diiiiethylated tryptainiiies e\roke psycliosis-likv st-atcxs in inentally liealtliy human beings. N , h ' - D i i i i e t l i y I t r y ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~\vas i i i i ifound ~~ I y Szara ( 1956) and ) to pocliice psychotic Iielia\,ior i l l Hoszormcnyi and Szara ( 1 hmnans. The psycliotropic principle o f P.ciloc!/hc~iiiesicutia IIriin, psilocybin. w a s isolated hy l l o l i i i a i i c't t r l . ( 1958) and lias been identified as the phosphoric w t e r o f n',~-tliinctliyl-.I-hytll.oxytlyptamine. The malog:, psilocin, w a s ol)scr\7cd to possscss identical properties ( 1 I o f i i i : u i ant1 Troxlc,r, 1959 ) . ..\dininistration of 10 mg of psilocyliiti to li~iiriaris rcwiltcd in n i a r k c d l i t > lia\,ioral altcmtions iiicliidiii~ l t ~ ~ l l i i [ , i i i ~ i t i o i(i s~ I ' d i n a i i t i v t (11.. (a/
1958). N,N-Dimethyl-5-hydroxytryptamirle or bufotenin is another tryptamine congener which has hallucinogenic propertics ( Fabing ct nl., 1956; Faliing arid Hawkins, 1956). Recently, Axelrod ( 1961) demonstrated that N,1\/-dirnethyltiyptaininc as well as bufotenin can hc formed in the mammalian organism. Tllesc observations indicate that N,N-diiiictliylatiori changes tryptamines to hallucinogenic compo~iiiclsand that such compounds may be formed in mammals. The 2L',h'-diinetliyl configu1,ation was also found to be of importance for the pharmacological effects of chlorproinazirie ( Brnne et ul., 1963b). These investigations point to the possibility that transmethylation processes way lie iiivolvcd in psychotic beliavior. In 1952, Osmontl aiitl Sniyt1iic.s discussed this possibility iii regard to the formation of a mescaline-like compound in schizophrenic patients. C T S O F h/IETH1L DONORS ON THE 13k:HAVLOH O F
SCHIZOPHRENICPAI.IESTS In order to further cliicidate the role of transmethylation processes in relation to psychotic bchairior, TTarious investigations were tried. kIoff er et 01. ( 1957) treated schizophrenic patients with nicotinic acid and nicotirianiide on the hypotl~esisthat these substances may compete for methyl groups and in this n7ay may roduce the amount of methylatctl psychoactive compounds. Herlet et nl. ( 1964) reduced metliionine in the diet but observed no improvement in the symptomatology of cdironic schizoplircmic patients. These authors felt, however, that they could not use dietary exclusion to extremes for fear of affecting adversely the health of the patients and that, therefore, transmethylation may not have been severely affected. Pollin ct nl. ( 196l ), on the other hand, administered the methyl donor, metliionine, in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor to schizophrc~nic paticnts ancl observed in a iiuniber of these patients a general activation, with increased anxicty, rising fiood of associations, a.nd estrcmc garrulousness as well as exacerbations of psychotic behavior. The ohserved bcliavioral effects did not seem to be clearly relatcd to the dose of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor. With the e.xception of tryptop1i;m imd nicdiioninc no other amino acids were observed to have an effect on the behavior of schizophrenic patients. Brune and I-Iim\vich ( 1962, 1963) admiiiistered methionine singly ancl i n conibination with a inonoamine oxidasc inhibitor to scliizophrenic patients, 'The sole xlministration of mrtliioninc. was f o i i n d to ha1 e little cyffect on heliavior. In 2 out
of 5 patients a slight increasc of psyc,liotic activity was o b s e r \ d When methionine was administorcd i i i combination with a monoamine oxidase inhihitor markctl 1)c.havioral effects became evident. The main characteristics of thc o1)scrvcd 1)cliavioral alterations were described in terms of two behavioral c.onipoiients: the first one being characterized by symptoms coininonly observed during a h 1101 intoxication as, for examplc, eiiplioria>slcepiiiess, and confusion, Ivhcreas the other coinpoiient appcarcd to be an intensification of icdi\,idual psychotic l3ehavior. After c ition of methionine, the belia\.ior rc,tiirned to premedication lcvcls or w:is even improved in comparison to baseline behavior. Similar ol)ser\-ations were rcported by Sprince c t nl. (1963). IVith hctaine in combination \vith ;I inonoainine oxidase inhibitor, similar cffects on the beli;i\.ior of sclrizophi-cnics were observed as with the combination of mc.tliioninc i u r d monoamine oxidase inhibitors ( Hrune and Hinnvic*li, 1963’i . I I I contrast to methionine, however, tlie ldiavioral cliaiigrs ( inc,liidiiig accen:uation of psychotic behavior) appeared niorc s l o \ v l ~and ~ wercl constantly accompanied by an elevation of niootl, n reduction of anxiety, and siniiiltaiir.oiis1~1)y a decrease of iiriiiary catecholamines. The behavioral effects obsc~rwtlin schizophrenic patients during the administration of methioninc m d 1 ~ ~ t : t i uine combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor thns slio\v similarities b u t also dissimilarities to spontaneously occurring psychoses because in the latter euphoria, sleepiness, and ronfiisioii were not observed. 1’0ssibly these symptoms represent sitlc cffects due to the relatively high iie inhibitors. The doses of methyl donors and thc n ~ o n o ; ~ ~ n ioxidase existmcc of tliesc effects, 1 1 0 u ~ c ~ h~ a~sc to ~ . be considered in interpreting tlie actions of methyl donors ant1 monoamine oxidase inhibitors in relation to psychotic behavior. Psychotic states in connection with the administration of mt:thioniirc. and a monoamine oxidase inhibitor were not only observed i n schizophrenia but also in other conditions. Sprince ct 01. ( 1963 ) reported that administration of these compounds to psychoiicwrotic patients provoked rises of s in the urine a s wcll as hallucinations and dehi‘11 ct 01. (19S6) found that administration of methionine to patients with hepatic tliscases either reproduced or accentiiated iieuropsychiatric symptoms while at the same time blood ammonia levels remained unaltc~red. ,i\lthougli many questions on the relationship between indole
metabolism and psycliotic behavior remain to be ails\verccl, on the whole, tlie presented data on urinary inclolcs as wcll as the studies with psycliotropic drugs, indoleamiw precursors, indolealnines, and methyl doiiors, are compatible wit11 tlie liypothesis that an increase of indolcaininc~and/or a facilitation of transilletliylation proc’ssc’s inay lead to higli Icvc,ls of liiglily psychoactivc~ coinpoiiiids in tlie brain and tliat this mcchanism may act as a bioclrcmical factor in psychotic behavior. A disturbed balance of biogenic amities in the brain is anotlicr factor to bc considered i i i this connection. Furtherniorc, tlie findings of normal iirinary levels of indole metabolites tlnring periods of relatively undisturbed heliavior altertiating with a1)iiorinally high urinary levels of iiidolrs during psychotic behavior suggest a latent lesion of tryptophan metabolism in some schizophrenic patients. Thesc lesions may h v e many c a ~ s e s and m a y 1,ecoinc acti\ratc.d or aggravated by various factors. Increased levels of amino acids owing to an increased breakdown of mnscle protein may act a s cmdogenous factors, as w a s proposed by Herlet ct nl. ( 1964), whcreas tlie administration of sonie psychotropic tlrugs, amino acids, o r aminc~s in:^!. rt>prcwnt rwgenoiis factors. It should be emphasized tliat t h e hypothetical biochemical mechanisms arc disciissed in relation to psychotic belmior and especially to the para.noic1 liallucinatory psychoses and not to the diagnostic term of sc~liizoplircnia. This suggests that similar biochemical mechanism^ may operatr in psychoses of a diffcrent clinical nature. This conccpt is in agreeiiirvt ivith the well-recognized fact tliat psychotropic drugs wliicli cither lo\ver the level of biogeiiic amities in the brain or interfere ~ i t l ltheir actions, have their most beneficial r>ffcctson the symptoms of \.arious psychoses, h i t that they do not cwre thc iindcrlying diseases. IV. Metabolism of‘ Biogenic Amines i n Various Clinical States Associated with Psychotic Behavior
This srction iiill incliide a number of studies in which the kynureniiw patli\vay h i t not the indole pathway of tryptophan n~etaliolistnwas investigated. Price ct (11. ( 1959) reported Icsions in tlie kvniiwninc~pathway in a variety of psychoses inc1iidir;g reactive dcpr depression, postpartum psyclioses, iuntl toxic psychoses. In addition marked disturhances in this metabolic pathway were observed in hepatic porphyria, and some of thesc patients liad lirniously been
considered schizophrenic on accorirrt of tlw clinical symptotnatology. I I I one p;itient who appeared to 1)c a paraporpliyric patient ( Peters c’t al., 1958) it \\‘as observed tliat thcb inetabolic disturbance was paralleled b y psychosis. Exaggeration o f psychotic symptoms was noted with iproniazid tlierapy. Lcsions in tlie kyiiurenine pathway were also observed in a sccoiid patictit \vitIi acute porph showcd tctraplegia due to pcriplrcral neuropathy. Reside aberrations in tryptophan metabolistn, a c1istlirl)cd l~alancco f polyvalent cations was observed, and thc possibility \viis disciissed that the c.linical and 1,iocliemical manifcstations of porpliyria might be reIatcd to tlrat disturlxd balanccx o f poly\~alcntcations. Porpliyria has g e t i ( ~ d y1)rcw defined in tlic pist ;IS a i r “inborn error of metabolisin,’’ but also the csistence of ncqiiircd f(irnis lias I ~ e r nconsidered ( \Vatson, 1960). Nutritioiial disorders ;IS ewiiiplificd l)!, pellagra inay he associatcd \vitli a variety of neurol,syc.ltiatri~ sytnptonis incliiding paranoid 1ialluci1i:itory psyclioscs. ‘L‘lris tlcficicmcy disease whicli shows many similarities to tlie genetically dc~tc~rtriitird Hartniip disease has IXYII linkcd in man to a lack o f tr>ytoplraii and nicotinic acid. The deficietwy of tlie latter m a y bcs cnlranccd 1)). a food containing largt, aiiioiints o f leucinc ( <;op~ilanant1 SriLairtiLt, 1960). 13csitlc the lack of nicotiiiic acid there may also lw ;I tlrficiency of \rarioiis other vitamins. i.c., vitamin H,, (Gyiirg! , 1934). whicl~may help furtlirr to impair a tiorrnal tryptophaii irrc~ta1)olisin.Lesions of indole meta1)olisin. \\~liiclihave 1 ~ 3 estal)lislicd 1 i t 1 1-Iartnnp discasc,, arc’ suggested by tlir \ \ ~ ) r kof Sullivan ( 1922 1 \vho isolated tryptamine from the urine of pellagrins. Soon after the introduction of tlrc. ~iiititubereulousdrug:, isoniazid, a variety of neuropsycliiatric disorders including peripheral neuropathy (Jones and Jonc’s, 195:3; LiiI)ing, 1953; Biehl and Vilter, 19-53) a t i d psychotic states \ w w ~rclportcd to occur in patients trcntcd \\.itli tliat drug. StucLi ( 1%1 ) tlescribed three cases of severe psychosis from large doscas of qrcloserine and/or isoniazid. The paticnts bccame manic, agitated, and nnable to control nffectivity. Unlike the usual symptom pattcms cwcounterecl in the toxic psyclioses, there appearc~Ito lie no c h i d i n g of consciousness or tt.nipora1-s~atial disorientatioti. l ‘ l r e Ixitieitts were aggressive and inaccessil)lr, with paratioid idwtion ;iirtl schizoforln clelusions and/ oi lialluciriations. Treatment Ivith c.lrlor1)roiii~izincresnltcd in prompt remission of the symptoms. Thc influence of isoiiiazid : ~ n t ltlcosypyridosine on urinary ex-
2 14
cretioii of tryptophan metabolites in tuberculous patients was studied by Price et al. (1957). All had an essentially normal tryptophan metabolism prior to treatment with thme drugs. Iluring treatment with isoniazitl 01’ clco\!,pyridoxine, abnormally large amounts of kynurenine, N-acetylk~iiureninc, and santhurenic acid were found in the uriiic. l’yriclouiue administration resulted in a return to normal tryptophai 1 metabolism even when the ingestion of isoniazid or deoxypyritloxine was continucd. Another condition whicli may be associated with behavioral deviations is represented by chronic alcoholism. Price ct (11. ( 1959) observed in onc patient with alcoholic hallucinosis a low-normal response to tryptophan administration in terms of excretion rates of kynurenine metabolite:;. Olson ct crl. ( 1960) noted normal excretion patterns for xunthurenic acid and N-methylnicotinamide before and after a tryptoplian load. Tliesc authors, Iiowcvcr, reported low urinary levels of 5-h~~droxyiiidoleacetie acid and suggested conversion of tryptoplmi to ,5-liydror;yiiidolc.acetic acid might be preferentially depressed in chronic alcoliolisni. V. Conclusion
It was the purpose of this article to re\ i c w some of the work relevant to the qtiestion o f the rolc of various biogenic ainines in mental illness and cspcially in psychotic l)cIia\,ior. From thc \!:orl, prcwntrd it is c~vidc~ntthiit tlierc’ is 110 final answer to that clucstio!~at the l m w n t time. Despite aii element of controversy, many invvstigations are, Iio~vc.\er, consistcnt with the Iiypoth~sisthat biogeiiic ninines may tie i i n d v e d as biochemical factors in some forms of mental illiiess and psychotic states. In regard to indoleamines it is of iiitc:rest tliiit disorders in tryptophan metabolism, including tlic inclole as ~ l as l the kynurenine pathway, liave hecn observed in various clinical conditions associated mitli niental symptoms, i.c., ill syndromes of inborn errors of metabolism, in nutritional disorders, during drng treatments, and alcoholism, as well as in schizophrenic patients. In the casc of inborn (WOI’S of metabolisni the varioiis inctabolic lesions as well as the c,liiiical symptoms usually lwcome c\ident in infancv or early cliiltllioocl, and tlwsc disordcm appear to bc permanent. IZartnup disease appears to I>c an cxccytion because normalization of tryptophan metabolism togethcr with clinical improvement has been obsmwl. In other syndromes of inborn errors of
metabolism, i.e., in plieiiylpyi.ii\ ic, oligoplircwia, lesions in tryptopliaii metabolism may be corrcctctl b y tlicmpciitic meails either by a low phenylalanine diet or, a s is suggc.stcd hy animal experiments, by application of st,rotonin prwiirsors, ’I‘licrapcwtic.siiccess has beem clairnctl wlicu the trvatiiicnt \\‘:is s t a r t ( d sliortly a f t c ~birth. Lcsions of tryptophan metal~olisiii iliat o c c ~ i r i n the iiutritional disorder pellagra appear to 11v primaril!. tliic. to a nutritional deficiency uC tryptophan and \wioiis \~itamiiis.‘ I ’ l i c w metabolic Icsions will disappear after corrcction 01’ tlie diet and, except for permanent damage during tlie tl(~ficic~iic~, states. cliirical rc~covc~ry will I-x iichicvrtl. Similarly, derangements ~f tIyptc~l)liaii mrtaliolisin a s \veil as mc5nt:il symptoms c’aii I)() iii(liicd I)!, l)lialmacologic~~lly active agents such as isoiiiazid, arid I l o t l i iii;iy tlisappcxr aftcr ccssatioii of t 11 treatment . T r i nll tlwse relatively well-clc~fincdsynclromes, lesions of tryptoplian Incta1)olisni may 1 ) rc~latcd ~ to c h i t l i c , r cwtlogcnoiis o r cxogenoiis (3
I n scliizoplirenic patients, 011 the otlicr Iiancl, in whom lesions of tryptoplian nictabolism \\WT o l ) s c ~ r v ~tliiring ~d acti\,e psychoses no iichiitc. st;itt,inciit a s to tlic c+ology m i i bc matlc at tlic present time. Tlie stitdies 011 iirinary intlolcs, \\ showed iiorinal patterns during remissians but abnorllid p a t t c w i s diiriiig psychotic states, as well as the stiic1ic.s 011 tlie 1)cluviord c4h>ctsof psycliotropic drugs, intlolcamjiies, aiitl aniino acids sriggost latent lcsions of tryptophan metabolism in sonic~sc1iizoplirc.iiic.s wliicli may become acti\,ated or aggravatctl b y \.arious factors, 1 )otli viiclogenous and exogcnous. 011 tlic ivliole, the iiii.vstig:i[ioiis point to tlic possilility that lesions of tryptophan mctaliolistn 0 1 \.arioiis origin may he associated \\lit11 similar clinical s)mptonis. I i i addition, the timc of the maiiifcstation of tlw m c t a h l i c Itssioii. \I lic,tlivr iir infancy or adult lifc, as well as tlic diiration, thv locxticni, and the range of these mctabolic lesions m a y rcprcsciit mc~ta1)olicfactors i n the sonictimcs complvx clinical symptoiiiatolog!. [n order to eliicidate fiirtlicr tlic rolv of iiidolcls in mental illness tcwiatically tlic indole, as well it would he helpftil to invc,stigatc as the k!mureiiiiic, patlr\vay of tiyptoplian metabolism in close association iivitlr clinical psychiatry i n order to define more clearly the metabolic lesions in relation t o tl ic \ arioiis clinical syndromcs and to thc actrial clinical symptoniatology.
In regard to catecholamine metabolism, it appears that variations of the level of urinary catecholamines reflect the degree of various kinds of stress including anxiety in healthy people as well as in mentally ill patients. This, however, does not exclude the possibility that an aberrant catecholamine metabolism may be involved in some forms of mental disease. Finally, it should he mentioned that in this article only a few metabolic pathways were traced and discussed in relation to mental illness. The possibility exists that other biogenic amines as well as other metabolic disturbances may be involved in mental disorders. REFERENCES Amin, A. H., and Crawford, T. B. B. (1954). J. Physlol. (London) 126, 596. Anderson, J. A., Ziegler, M. R.,and Doeden, D. (1958). Science 127, 236. Armstrong, M . D., and Robinson, K. S. (1954). Arch. Biochern. Biophys. 52, 287. Armstrong, M. D., and Shaw, K. N. F. (1955). 3. B i d . Chern. 213, 805. Armstrong, M. D., and Tyler, F. H. (1955). J. Clin. Invest. 34, 565. Armstrong, M. D., Shaw, K. N . F., Cortatowski, hi. J., and Singer, H. J. (1958). J. B i d . Chem. 232, 17. h e l r o d , J. (1951). Science 134, 343. Ayd, F. J., Jr. (1959). Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 80, 734. Banerjee, S., and Agarwnl, P. S. (1958). Proc. Soc. Exptl. B w l . M e d . 97, 657. Barbeau, A,, and Sourkes, T. L. (1961). In “Extrapyramidal Systeiii and Neuroleptics” ( J. h l . Bnrdrlrau, ed. ), pp. 101-107. Edition\ Psychiatriques, Montreal. Baron, D. N., Dent, C. E., Harris, H., Hart, E. W., and Jepson, J. B. (19-56). Lancet 11, 421. Barsa, J. A., and Kline, N. S. (1955/56). Am. J. Psychiot. 112, 684. Bearn, A. G. (1959). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 52, 61. Bearn, A. G. (1960). Ann. Human Genet. ( L o n d o n ) 24, 33. Bergsman, A. ( 1959). The urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in some mental diseases, Acta Psychint. Neurol. Scantl. Suppl. 133. Bcrlet, H. H., Bull, C., Hiniwich, H. E., Kohl, H. H., Matsumoto, K., Pscheidt, G. R., Spaide, J., Tourlentes, T. T., and Valverde, J. M. ( 1 9 6 4 ) . Science 144, 311. Bickel, H., Gerrard, J., and Hickmans, E. M. (1953). Lancet 11, 812. Biehl, J. P., and Vilter, R. W. (1954). Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 85, 389. Bogdanski, D. F., Weissbach, H., and Udenfriend, S. (1958). J. Phnrmucol. Exptl. T h e r a p . 122, 182. Borek, E., Brecher, A,, Jervis, G. A., and Waelsch, H. B. (1950). Proc. Soc. E x p t l . Biol. Med. 75, 86. Boszornienyi, Z., and Szara. St. (1958). J. Mental Sci. 104, 445. Brodie, B. B., Prockop, I).J., and Shore, P. A. (1958). Postgrad. Metl. 24, 296. Brodie, B. B., Sulser, F., and Costa, E. (1961). In “Extrapyramidal System
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I. Iiitrodiictioii , , . . . . 11. Chcinistry mncl Scrwiiiiig . . . . 111. Clinical Rcsults . . . . . . IV. Structure.-Activity (:oiisicleratioirs . . . V. Ideas a n d Suggc.stions for Fiirtlic~r 1icwa; Hcfcrcwws . . . . . . ,
. .
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. . .
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221 222 “50 2.52 2.52 26 1
I . Introduction
For inany years we have I ) c w r using in this laboratory a modification of Eddy’s hot plate screening mctliod in inice ( Jageneau and Janssen, 1956; Janssen, 1960, 1961a; Jansseii and Eddy, 1960; Janssen and Jageneau, 1956, 1057, 1958; Jaiisscn c’t (I[., 1958, 195Ya,h,c, l960a,b). A newly syirtlrcsizcd coinpound is given siibcutaiieously and at various timc. intc’rvals thereafter the general 1,ehavior of the animal is recordcd, its pupil diameter is measured, ;tiid the reaction time of a typical licking reflex, elicited by dropping the mouse onto a 5S”C hot pIntc, is determincd. Using profit analysis, median effective doscl for “lwt plate activity” ( AD,,, in micromoles per kilogram) ant1 l o r “inydriatic activity” ( MD,,, in inicroinolcs per kilogram) are r.aIcii1att.d. The most striking gross behavioral effects observed at tlie lo\\ t of these two ED,,,’s arc describcd in standardized tc’rins such a s wcitement, Stranb pheiiomeiron, cataleptic immobility, p:ilpc.l,rd ptosis, loss of rigliting refles, and ataxia. This simple screening proccdiirc. tlistiiipislles easily between iiiorpliinc~-lil;c~analgesics, atropiirc~-likt~anticholincrgics, chlorproirrazitic-likc trc~~~roleptics, and l ) ~ t r l ~ i t i i r ~ ~hypnotics. t~~-lik~~ This stateinent is supported by the data i n Ta1)It~I. The ratio ADJhlDr,,, is not sigiiificantly differcmt from unity tor all of the more than 50 classical morphine-likc analgesics 22 I
TABLE I pMoles/kg (subc.) Ihig
Morphine Meperidine Atropine Scopolamine Chlorpromazine Reserpine Phenobarbital Pentobarbital
30 81
MDso 40 81
> 100 > 100
4.8 4.1 264 140
> 100 > 100
Gross behavior a t ADsoor MDjo
) Excitement and Straub phenomenon } Normal Cataleptic immobility and palpebral ptosis and loss of } Ataxia righting reflex
studied and a typical state of excitement with Straub tail reaction is observed at these atoxic dose levels with all of these drugs (Janssen and Jageneau, 1956). I I . Chemistry and Screening
In 1954 we were studying an extensive series of 4-phenylpiperidines related to meperidine. One of the ideas was to try to increase morphine-like potency by replacing the N-methyl group of meperidine by other chemical moieties. This turned out to be easy: a Mannich reaction with normeperidine and acetophenone yielded the propiophenone derivative, R 951 (Table 11), which was found to be about one hundred times more potent as a morphine-like drug than meperidine itself (Janssen et al., 1958, 1959b). This interesting result, contradicting the classical belief that the N-methyl group was “optimal” for morphine-like activity (Eddy, 1959; Janssen 1962a,b), led to further experiments in this newly opened chemical field. Lengthening the ethylene side chain of R951 to a propylene chain produced the butyrophenone derivative of normeperidine, R 1187 (Janssen et at!., 1960a). The first screening results of the hot plate method clearly indicated that this compound possesses highly unusual properties, the induced effects being both morphinelike and chlorpromazine-like (Table I1 ). The ratio AD,,/MD,, -- 6.7/38 = 0.18 was found to be significantly lower than unity and lower, therefore, than is commonly found with typical morphinelike drugs. At the AD,, dose level a moderate degree of morphinelike excitement was Followed by a longer lasting state of chlor-
T A B L E I1 Hot P l a t e Activity (AD,, in p gikg a n d Mydriatic Activity (MD,, in p g/kg) in Mice (Subcutaneous Injection of 4-Phenylpiperidines of Type I)
Substituent @
C a r b a k o x y esters
I Substituent
C arbethoxy (COOC,H,) Meperidine
CH3 MD50
yLl\ 0C
- CH2-
T e r t i a r y alcohol
C a r bom e thoxy (COOCH,)
Hy clr ox y
R 1131
R 1139
' 526
R 951
R 993
5. 4
R 1187
R 1338
6. 2
R 1823
R 1830
R 1822
R 1829
5. 6
R 1106
R 1472 6. 1
> 111 R 1589 2.9 \
R 1546 14 120
proiniizine-like imnio’bility and pdpebraI ptosis, thc Straub phenomenon being olxerved in a few animals only. Administration of a mixture of morpliine and chlorpromazine induces similar behavioral c l ~ n g e sin mice. Subsequent studies revealed the fact that it is possible by “molecular manipulation” of R 1187, to increase its ehlorprnmazinclike potency kvhile decreasing the intensity of its morpl~ine-like effects (Table IT), ’.g., b y replacernent of COOC,H, I)y COOCI-I, or, prc+rably, by OII; b y substituting the kctonic plicnyl ring \\.it11 fluorine in para position ( the isosteric butyrothienones are as a rule slightly less potent) (Janssen ct ul., lSSSc, 1960a). The 4-fluorobutyro~~henone derivative of i-phenylpiperidin-4-01, K 1589, is a typical cl~lorproniazinc~-like neuroleptic, completely devoid of morphine-like properties. 111 mice this compound is sliglitly more potent than clilorpromazine or reserpine, but it is shorter acting (Jansscn ct (/I., 1 9 5 9 ~ ) i. t was filially found that s e ~ e r a laromatic substituents on tlrc plien)-l ring attachrd to the piperidine ii~icle~is produce more potent and longer acting neuroleptic drugs ( Table I1 I ) . Most of the piperidinrs mentioned a l ) o \ ~\\’ere scwc~nctlin mice, rats, and dogs. In tlie course of tlicse studies inany screening mt‘tliocls were explored and subsequently rejected. Tlie following ones, however, are still being used today and considered reliable, simple, efficicnt, and useful for tlw evaluation of nenroleptic drugs: 1. The hot plate metliod in mice, d e s c r i h d above. 2 . Tlie catalepsy-p tosis method in rats ( Janssen, 1961a,b; Janssen cf nl., 19631)). ,411 neuroleptic drugs induce a state of typical cataleptic iimnobility. Handled aiiiinals sho\v a ccrtain degree of pilpebral ptosis. Both plienomena are measured qiiantitati\dy. 3. The jiimping box method in rats (Janssen, 1961a, 196%; Janssen and Nicmegeers, 1961a: Jamsen r t ul., 1963a,b) or in dogs (Janssen, 1961a; Janssen, 1962c; Janssen ct nl., 1963b; Nicmegeers and Janssen, 196Oa). ?’he animals arc’ trained to jump over a hurdle in order to avoid punishment. A buzzer serves as the warning signal and failing to make the avoidance response within lt5 seconds is pmislied \vith electrical foot shock. A typical neuroleptic produces avoidance loss in fully trained animals at dose levels that are devoid of obvious behavioral effects. 4. The antiamphetamine method in rats (Janssen, l961a; Janssen, 196%; Janssen ct ol., 196311 coiisists in determining the dose
T A B L E I11 The Effect of Various Aromatic Substituents on Neuroleptic Potency in Mice (hot plate method), in Rats, (A W-test), and in Dogs (Antiapomorphine Test) of Butyrophenones @), Derived from 4-Phenylpiperidin-4-01 (ED,, in pg/kg Subc. )
X =F
8, :
T ,
4 CH,
3 C2H,
3 CF,
n hl
3 CH,
2 CH,
2 OCH, 4&H,
Methylpcridol, moperonc (R 1G5R). Hnloperidol (R 1625). Trifluperidol, triperidol (R 2498).
0.058 H
0.030 T
2.1 21 6.5
12 6.4
needed for blocking the compulsory gnawing movements induced by a high intravenous dose of amphetaminc. hlost neuroleptics are effective amplietaminc antagonists at very low dose levels, but rescrpine is inactive i n this test. 5. The antiapon~orphinemethod in rats (Jansscn, 1961a, 196%; Janssen et al., 1960c, 1.963b) is a similar procedure. Apoiiiorpliine also produces compulsory gna\ving in rats and this is blocked by many neuroleptics at l~.nv,moderate, or relatively high dose levels. 6. The LW-test in rats (Janssen, 1961a, 196.3~;Janssen et d., 1963b). Rats are trained to consume their daily ration of standard pellets on a 22-hour food deprivation schedulc. After about 3 weeks of training these animals sliow a highly predictable weight increase ( A W in grams) during the 2-hour feeding pcriod. Many drugs, including neuroleptics, aoticlioliiiergics, morphine-like narcotics, and amphetamii~e-li~e stimrilants clcpress food con.minption and weight increase in these trained rats. 7. The open field test in rats (Janssen, 1961a, 1 9 6 2 ~ ;Jansseii et al., 1960d, 1963b) consists in measuring exploratory ambulation, rearing, preening, and “c~motionaldefecation” in naive rats. Neuroleptics inhibit the motclr phenomena at low dose levels. Emotional defecation is spccifically blocked by a few neuroleptics only. 8. The antiepinephrine and antinorepinephrine tests in rats ( Janssen, 1961a, 196%; Janssen et nl., 196:3b) coiisists in determining the ED,, that lvill protect rats against the lethal effects of both catecholamines. 9. The antitryptamine test in rats ( JRIISSC’D, 1961a, 196%; Janssen et al., 1963b) consists in determining the E13j,lthat will protect rats against the clonic seizures of the forepaws induced by tryptanline. Most neuroleptics, exccpt reserpine, are active blockers of norepinephrine, epinephrine, and tryptamine at low, moderate, or relatively high dose levels. 10. The Noble and Collip drumming procedure (Janssen, 1961a, 196%; Janssen ct d., 196313) is a convenient method for producing traumatic shock in rats. hlany vasodilating drugs, including all known neuroleptics, protect the animals against shock-induced mortality. 11. The antiapomorphine test in dogs (Janssen, 1961a, 196%; Janssen and Niemegeers, 1961b; Janssen et ub., 1960e, 1963b) consists in determining the median effective antiemetic dose. The dog is pretreated with the drug under investigation and challenged $2,
Screening method Hot plate Mydriasis Catalepsy (CDa) Ptosis (PDI) Antiamphetamine Antiapomorphme Antinorepinephrine Antitryptamine Antishock Inhibition of ambulation Inhibition of rearing AW-test Jumping box Jumping box Jumping box Jump ng box Antiapomorphine Antiapomorphme
Mice Mice
Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rats Rata Rats Rats Rats Dogs Dogs Dogs Dogs
Subc. Subc. Subo. Subc. Subc. Subc. Subc. Subc. Subc. Subc. Subc. Suho. Subc. Oral Subc. Oral Subc. Oral
Fluphe nasinea
0.20 1.2 0.038 0.20 2.1 1.7 2.0 0.21 0.13 0.21 0.058 0.14 0.065 0.10 0.020 0.025
0.16 1.2 0.025 0.030 0.30
0.16 1.2 0.10 0.13 0.93 2.5
0.63 0.60 0.090 0.050
0.080 0.025 0.63 0.060 0.13 0.0065 0.050
1 .o
0.10 0.14 0.27 0.025 0.43 0.060 0.50 0.0065 0.070
Perpbe nazinea
Procblor- Chlorproperazinea mazinea
0.31 1.8 0.16 0.32 0.50 1.1 3.0 0.22 0.15 0.18 0.10 1.6 0.16 0.90 0.025 0.40
4.0 10 0.47 9.0 7.0 2.3 6.0
1.6 1.3 3.2 0.80 3.8 3.0 2.5 0.40 1.3
7.5 10 1.1 6.5 0.52 1.3 0.80 4.5 3.7 2.3 0.93 7.0 2.3 4.6 1.0 4.0
Subtoxic dose levels.
Mice Rats Rats 00.
Subc. Iv. Subc.
19 63
100 14 70
150 68 >640
270 80 >320
63 30 137
40 30 32 >80 0.70 20 0.50 50
25 15 10 35 25
25 15
>40 (Vomit.)
Acute toxicity Acute toxicity Acute toxicity
110 29 300
0.90 13 0.45 5.0 > 10 7.1 >10 >160 > 10 0.55 > 10 16 0.50 0.65 1.2 12 1.0 30 1.5 36 0.20 20 > 10 13 Toxic 20 Toxic 14 Toxic 3.6 Toxic 3 .O
2, 4,8 , 16, or 32 hour:; thereafter \vith a 100%’emetic dose of apemorphine ( 0.31 mg/lig subcutaneously), ED,,, \ d u e s may be computed for each time interval; ED,, 1’s. time curves arc used for evaluating onset, peak, and duration of action. On the basis of the results obtained in this battery of screening tcsts (Table I V ) , it was concluded that haloperidol and trifluperidol possess a series of pharmacological properties that are ytiite coniparable to the properties of several neuroleptics or m j o r trailquilizers derived from phenothiazine ( Boissier and Pagiiy, 1960; Hoissier and Simon, 1963, 1964a,b; Boissier ct d., 1960, 1961, 1964; Carlsson and Lindyvis t, 196:3; Frommel and Climorilio\.sky, 1964; Frommel aiicl Joye, 1963; Frommel et a[., 1960; Giizsy a i i d Kato, 1962; Jaiissen, 1961a, 1.96%; Jansseti and Nieinegeers, 1 Jansseti ct ul., 1959c, 1960b,c,d, 1963a; Niemc-gecrs, 1960; Niemclgeers and Jarissen, 1960a; Randrup et ul., 1963; Raynaud and ette, 1963; Revol, 19611; Schaper et ol., 1960a; Van Nuetcw, 1962; \Veaver ct ~ l . 1063). , Grapliical reprcseiitation of the mediwii cffective close lex7els (listed in Table I V ) is attempted in Figs. la-i and 2a-11. Figure la-i contains nine so-tralled “neurolrptic activity spectra” for rats d., 1965). m d Fig. 2a-li contains cight “ncwoleptic (Janssen activity spcctra” for dogs (rcserpine is yuitc. toxic in dogs and cannot 1x1 adequately stutlicd in this speciw ) . From these and similar data tlie f o h v i n g conclusioiis were clra\vn : 1. All neuroleptic tlriigs induce a re1atii.e long lasting state of c j f
‘r.ll%I,l+; v
m g lkg subc
n g l k g subc
60 40
8 6
2 3
08 -0 60
-0 30 - 020
0 08 0 06 0 04
0 0:
0 01
I’ Arnoh
FIG.l a . Activity s p r c k i m o f h:rloperidol in rats
r i
kgsubc 100
q g / k g subc
a !-CH?-CHz-
- 0 30
FIG.Ib. Activity qwctrum of trifliipeddol in rats,
rnglkg subc 100
nglkg subc
P3 H
T Sh
U C22H26F3N30s
Calalepsy Score t
0 16
2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
m g l k g subc. 100
100 80
60 10
t g l k g subc
S 20
T Sh
C ~ I H ~ ~ C I N ~ O S
2HCI 10
6 Ca t a l e psy Score
-0 20
06 01
0 08
006 0.01
I,, 1
Hours 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
FIG. l(1. Activity spectruin of perplrc,iiayiiie ill Iats.
100 80
l'AUI, .4. J. JaNSSEN
mg/kg subc
rglkg subc
6( 4(
Catalepsy Score 25
20 15
6 50 4
30 2
12 1
08 06 0 4
Noreoi 0 2
01 008 0 06
l ' , ,
Hours I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FIG. If. Activity spectriiiii of chlorproinazine in rats.
FIG.lg. Activity spectrnm of proinazii~c i l l rats.
mg/kq subc
q l k g subc
APO Inactive PI
10 m q l k g
T Sh -I2 -I0
-0 30
6 PI0
-0 -0
0 2
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
O2 01
0 08
0 06 0 06
1: HC I
5 0 02
T H l O R l D A Z l N E IN RATS
, , , , , , H8 o u1 r s I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 (
Fic. 21. Activity
of Idoperidol in dogs
FIG. 2b. Activity spectrum of trifluperidol in dogs.
2c. Activity spvctriim of fluphenazinc. in dogs.
EL0 0
- BE0 0
6 0-
13H 2
S0EN139zH I Z 3
5 3 0 0 NI
P R O C H L O R P E R A Z I N E IN DOGS ____~-
N - CH2-CH2-CH2-N
A \N-CH3
m g l h g or
-4 ~
2 315 I 1 0
'apomorphlne lesl
I 1
FIG.2g. Activity spectrum of promazine in dogs.
r -
c21 H26N2s2
FIG. 2h. Activity spwtruiii of tlrioIitl:~zi~iein dogs.
Screening method ~-
.intiamphetamine Jumping box Antiapomorphine AW Rearing Ambulation Antinorepinephrine Antiepinephrine Anti tryptamine Ptosis (ED,) .intishock
Fluphen- Perphen- chlorazine azine perazine
2 4
0 3 4 2 3 6 6 6 6 6
0 0 2 1 2 4 5 5 6 5
2 0 2-3
1-2 1 3
4 3
2 1-2 2
2 6 6 6 6
5-6 5-6 5-6 6
0 0 2 r r ) .?-9
2-3 1
1 2
4-5 5
4 0 0 2 2
2 0 0
4 6 2 5 4
0 3-4 0
4 X XI
3 0 0 3 -4 1-2 0
A neurolcptic drug is said t o be “specifically active” in a given screening test when the intensity of catalepsy observed at the ED5”level is low, i.e., mean catalepsy score 0 to 1. Its action is said to be “aspecific” when the mean score for catalepsy is high, i.e., 5 or 6. The symbol m indicatw lack of activity at the highest (siibtouic) dose level tested.
1 r
? 7
cataleptic immobility in mice, rats, dogs as well as in other laboratory animals. Table V gives the ranking order for cataleptigenic potency (chlorpromazine = 1) in rats. 2. A t low dose levels, not significantly affecting gross behavior, a typical neuroleptic drug is a “specific” blocker of learned conditioned avoidance responses, e.g., in the jumping box test (Table V I ) . In Table VII the potency ratios (chlorpromazine = 1) are given. 3. At dose levels producing a moderate degree of catalepsy, a typical neuroleptic drug inhibits food consumption in the AWtest and decreases rearing and ambulation activity in the open
Trifluperidol Haloperidol Flriphcnazinr I’erphenazine Reserpine Prochlorperazine Chlorpromazinc l‘hioridazinr Promazinc
;:5 15 35 0.5 4.5 I
0 ~
20 1
i 11
Open field test
Drug Triflriperidol Haloperidol Fluphenazine Perphenazine Reserpine Prochlorperazine Chlorpromazine Thioridazine Promazinr
8.5 15 1.5
Itear in g r-
in 30
25 25 3.5 3
1 7
K 1 7
Amhilation 50 20 45 20
4 3
\ rd
field test. Table VIH coi1iparc.s potcmc.\. ratios ( clilor~~r~~111~1~ine 1; rats; subc.) obtained from these two tests. 4. In all these tests in rats and in dogs, trifluperidol and lialo1x1idol are about 10 to 75 timcs inore potent than chlorproniazine; fluphenazine is about equally active; perphenazine and reserpinc. are less potent than the butyrophenoncs, but more potent thair prochlorperazine and chlorpromazine; thioridazine a i d promazinc, are less active in all these tcsts than the other seven neuroleptics. 5. A major dirTereiice betweon tlie nine neuroleptics listed in Tables IV and VI lies in their relative degree of specificity as epinc~plirine atid as norcpineplirine blockers (Table I X ) . These results arc’ in good agrccmcwt with other pharmacological data in tlie seiise that these tlrngs, except reserpine, have adrenolytic properties ( alplia reccptor blockade in tiitro, epinephrine reversal in vivo ) , proinazinc, tllioridazine, and chlorpromazine being significantly more spwific in this respect than the other phenothiazines and tlic 1)iityroplreiioiic.s. Rescrpiiie is furtlierrnore the only drug of this series \tit11 h i ti-catecholamine- and brainserotonin-dcpletiiig properties. Anotlicr diff erecce among tlivse drugs can 1)e studied by listing tlic degree of pa1pel)ral ptosis (scores 0 to 8 ) most frequently observed in drug-treated rats ~ i t hcatalepsy score 0 to 6 (Table X ) . Haloperidol, trifluperidol, Hiipliorinzine, and perphenazine are relatively weak a n d aspecific ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ c ~ ~ r ~ i 1 - p t o s i neuroleptics s-jiiducinji in handled rats, whereas proniazinc~,tliioridazine, and particularly
reserpine are relative strong and specifically x t i v e in this respect. Proclilorperazine and c~hlorpromazine are iii-bet\rcen. Aiirplietamine, apoinorpliine, and tryptamine blockacle is also obseri,ed ( ED,,,) i n r;its showing a variable degree of catalepsy (Table XI ) . TABLE XI Mean Catalepsy Score a t ED,, in T h r e e T e s t s in Ratsu Drug
;I+ i].\. ieI-
T r if lupe ridol
P eluphe F rphenazine nazine Prochlorperazine
> +
%’ + 3; m
High specificity of action; +, moderate specificity of action; action; --, very low specificity of action; 0 , no activity.
-, low specificity of
Comparison of tlie various “rieuroleptic activity spectra” lor
dogs ( Fig. 221-li ) leads to the classification i n Table X11. From all the foregoing analyses it is concludcd that tritfiipericlol and haloperidol a r r inorcl closely related to fliipllcnazinc~, both qiiaiititatively and qualitatively, than to tlic othcr l’lieiiotliiaziiics. Thesc threc clriigs h a w tlwreforc> prohubly a siinilar mode of action. Ilaloperidol and trifiuperidol are, Ii~>\~j(~Ver, faster act iiig and better absorbed orally than fliiplienazinc. Haloperidol is longer acting aiitf trifluperitlol ihortcr acting tllau fltipliciiazincl. Trifliiperido1 is froiii 1.5 to 3 timc.s more potent than Iialopcridol. Rvasoning by analogy one ~ o u l dof, coursc~’, predict clinical similarity l)et\veen these tlirce drugs (Jansscm, 1964a ) . Ill. Clinical Results
\lost of the cliiricd results o1)tainc.d with both 1)iityloplienones arc’ prtdictable from animal data. IIalopcridol ant1 trifliiperidol are
indeed powerful neuroleptic drugs (major tranquilizers) in man. Both drugs are about equally active orally as parenterally. Haloperidol, longer acting than trifluperidol, is being used at daily close levels of 0.5 to 30 mg and trifluperidol at daily doses of 0.25 to 15 mg. Both butyrophenones are being extensively used in the trtatinent of psychotic patients, o f patients wit11 psychomotor agitation of various etiology ( e.g., mania, alcoholic delirium, tic nerveux, and aggressive personality), i n anestliesiology, and as antiemetic drugs. The most important undesirable features associated wit11 high dose therapy are reversible neurological effects ( e.g., muscular rigidity, tremor, akatliisia, and dyskinesia ) . Fluplieiiaziiie and related phenothiazines are known to produce similar side effects. With haloperidol and trifluperidol the incidence of chronic toxicity reactions ( e.g., jaundice, blood dyscrasias, and allergic reactions) is extremely low. For detailed clinical infolmation tlie reader is referred to the extensive clinical literature on haloperidol, trifluperidol, and methyl!pcridol, which iiow iimnlxrs more than five h~indredpublished articles, including Danik and Govc~rdhaii( 1963), Delay and Deniker (1961a,b), Delay et 01. (19SO), Divry et ul. (1958, 1959, 1960), Gdlant et al. (1965), and Lrhinaii and Bann (1964). IV. St ruct u re-Act ivity Considerat io ns
The most potent neuroleptic drugs known arc all deriv a t’1ves of tlie following basic propylamine structure:
Q where p is preferably F or H; m is preferably CF::, SO,NR/le,, C1, or H; X is nitrogen, carbon, or oxygcn; and R is carbon or nitrogen. This statement is illustrated in Table XI11 (Janssen, 19641). V. Ideas aiid Suggestions for Further Research
Further research in this field will pro1)ably tend to further elucidate a number of problems related to the mechanism of action of neuroleptic and morphine-like drugs, the correlation between chemical structure, pliysical properties, aiid neuroleptic or morphine-like potency, and the metabolic pathways of these drugs. The
T A B L E XI11
Fluphenazine* Perphenazine Acetophenazine Chlopenthixol
Trifluoperazineb Prochlorperazine Thioperazineb Butyrylperazine
Fluanisone, R 2028* (Janssen, 1961a)
Anisopirol, R 2159
Trifluperidol, R 24986
Haloperidol, R 1625b
Methylperidol, R 1658, (moperone) (Janssen ~t nl., 1959c)
Haloperidide, R 3201b, (Niemeg e e r s and Janssen, 1960a; Schaper et al., 1960; Janssen, 1961a)
Methylperidide, R 29636.. (Janssen. . 1961a)
- CH-CHz-
0 II -C-CH,-
Y=3CF, Y=4C1 Y=4CH3
I ‘y
Y=3C1 Y=3CH,
Generic name
CF, c1 COCH, c1
0 I1 c -CHzC-CHz-
CONMe, Paraperidide, R 2962, (amiperone)
T A B L E XI11 (Continued)
Generic name
0 II -C-CH,-
Benperidol, R 4584
Droperidol, dehydrobenzperidol, R 4749 (Janssen et al., 1963b)
0 II -C-CH,-
Spiroperidol, R 514Tb
Spiramide, R 5808
Spirilene R slogd
0 II
N & -H f-
b M o s t potent of series.
general formula ( I11 ) , \vlierc, X, Y, .ind R represent carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen, is offered as
J / . -
Y X‘ 3 Y - CHI
Hydrogen or l o w e r a l k y l (111)
As pointed out ahove all kiio\\ I I potc,iit and specific neuroleptic tlriigs arc tlerivativcs of this g v n r ~ a lstructure. Evcii reserpine is c ~ s s e n t i ; ~ lal ~sithstituted ~ propylaiiiiii~~. The absolutc configuration of this alkaloitl is s1ion.n in I\’ ( Janssen. 19631)) . CH,O
(PJ) p = m = OCH, X= CHOCO: Y . CH,
R=carbon @ =alk y l
Tlie iiiotle of action of nc~iirolcptic~ drugs is, of course, largely d m o w n . There are, l l o \ \ 7 e \ ~a. Icw striking facts that seem to br I-el(’\-ant: 1. As pointed out bcforc., all pot:iiit and specific nenroleptic ( 1 r i i i y 1 1 a \ ~;I, strikingly similar c,hcinival striictiire. This would of
coursc suggest a common basic mechanism of action and alniost forces u s to bring in the receptor concept.
2. There is striking similarity between the chemical features associated with strong neuroleptic potency, on the one hand, and the chemical features associatcd n7itli strong r-aminobutyric-acidlike (GABA) depressant activity, on the other hand. In both series the 3-substituted 1irop:ylamine structure is associated with highest activity. If it is true that GABA and glutamic acid are in competition for the same receptor site on neuronal transmitter receptor membranes, that glutainic acid excites certain neurons by a membrane polarization effect, that GABA depresses these cells and antagonizes glutamic acid \vithout altering membrane potential, the action of both amino acids being mediated by cellular and subcellular membrane permeability changes ( Bimiatian, 1963; Curtis and Watkins, 1960) and unrelated to a transmitter function ( Ryall, 1964), and if it is, flirthermore, true that the glutamic acidGABA system is particularly important in arcas of the brain belonging to the extrapyramidal motor system ( Mueller and Langemann, 1962), then it appears rcasonable to a d ~ m i c ~tlie e working hypothmis that potent nerrroleptics rvould clecreasc cel!ular and subcellular meinbrane permeability processes, particularly in neurons belonging to the extrapyramiclal motor system, e.g., by occiipyii-ig GABA rcccptors and making them inaccessible to glutamic acicl. 3. Direct evidence for this theory is completely lacking, but there is convincing cvidence to show that chloi-promazine-like ~ieurolcpticsdo, in fact, decrease the permeability of a variety of biological membranes For a great many diffcrcnt types of molecules (Seeman and Rialy, 1963). 4. Seeman and Bidy (1963) have found that potent neurolcytics, including reserpine, reduce surface tension in extremely small concentrations of tlic order of 10 Af by adsorbing onto the air-water interface and that surface activity is strikingly correlated with neuroleptic potency. It was calculated that the surface film is virtuaIly a monomolecnlar layer of neuroleptic molecules, the surface concentration being from 100,000 to 1,000,000 times the concentratioii in the bulk solution. W e have confirmed these findings and extended them to ;i large series of potent iieuroleptics of various structures without finding an exception to tlie rule that for some reason neuroleptic drugs lower surface tension in proportion to their neuroleptic potency in rat, dog, and man.
Neuroleptic drugs therefore aplxirtwtly redrice incnibrane permealiility to practically all solirtcs b y formation of a diffusionlimited moiioiiiolecular subfilni on thc outer aspect of the cell membrane, thus adding another 15-20 .A to its thickness. 5. In view of all tliese coiisid~,ratioi~is, one is tempted to assume that potcnt ntwroleptics havct a niucli grcater tendency to form a meinbranc>s monoinolc,cular film on, e.g., CA t~i~-I.c,ceptor-coiitaining t 1 w i 011 others. The oil-solu1)lc~aroiii:rtic portion of the molecule, Le., the phenothiazinc ring or thc 1)vtizoyl inoiety of tlie butyrophenones, could adsorb onto tlie lipopliylic portion of the wceptor arca. the basic six-mcml)ered ant1 3-sul)stitritecl pipcridine or piperazinc ring could possibly fit iiito ii partly c4iarged or ioiiiztd hydropliylic portion of the receptor arc'a ;iiid the propylene side chain coirld form an adequate bridgr hctn 11 tlicse two portions. 6. If this were all true, t1ic.n \vv \vould expect low doses of potent neurolcptics to interfere s p t d i c a l l y \vith transport Inechanisms through certain cellular aiid sri1)cc~llularmem1)ranes of the extrapyramidal system nrliere pernwaldity is largely regulated 1)y the GXRA-glutamic acid systein. At niuch higher dose levels we would expect these drugs to dccrcase permeability and interfere Ivitli transport mechanisms tlii.oiigli other iiieniliriinvs. 7. There is no direct evitlcnce to dcinonstrate the exact nature or the physiological significat of tlw GAB.4-containing membranes in the extrapyramidal .tcxi that are hypothetically more reaclil!~ influenced by nriirolcptic drugs tlian other membranes. Indirect evidence, ~ O W ~ V C T siiggcsts , tlrat certain membrmes of central adreiicrgic ne~irons rniglrt l)e in\-olved. 8. The fact that many if not all potent neuroleptics are specific of norepinephrine blockers of traiiylcyproniine-intl~icetlcl(~\~ation concentration in the rat brain. h i t Iia\.e little o r no specific effect on reserpine-induced depletion of cciitral catecliolamiiic,s, is best explained b y the assumption tl rat ncuroleptics inhibit the transport of central sympathetic medianism of catecliolamines i n t o vc~sicl(~s nerve endings aiid axons cotrtaiiiing hoiind reserpine-depletable norepinephrine, but not tlie iiic3cllaiiistn releasing tliese cntecliolamine pools into the surrounding iiroiroariiinc-oxidase-contailling ( h l A 0 ) cell fluids (Drcwe a n d l l e \ l c , y t ~ , 1965; Kopin, 1964). 9. Carlsson and Lindqvist ( 1963 ) rcywted that the accuiniilation of methoxytyramine and norriic~taiic~plirine in brain after treatment with a M A 0 inhibitor is c~nhancetlby chlorpromazine and haloperiidol. Low doses of thcw t\vo clritgs and also of reserpine %
furthermore produce a transient iiicreasc of‘ 3,4-dihydro?iyphelr~lacetic acid and a sonaewhat slower, more prolonged increase of homovanillic acid in tlie rabhit corpus striatum. This and similar indirect evidencc ( Dresse, lac. cit. ) would indicate that neuroleptics may liroduce tlicir typical central nervous systein rtff ects by inhibiting tlw trarisport mechanism of norepinepkrine, dopamine, and similar hypothetical central nervous transmitters t h o u g h the cclldar membrane into the cytoplasm of the nerve ending or back into the sniall transmitter pool releasiiig transmitter molecules by nerve stimulation, through thc siil)cellular membrane into intraa:llular storage granules, tliroiigli thc membranes surroiiriding the receptor site into the receptor arc~a,itnd also through the mernlxanes surrounding tlie \vhole synaptic area tliroiigli which o-methylated and other metabolites are probably eliminated. A similar permeability block would cxplain how chlorprornazine-like neurolq3tics decrease periphcral uptakc of exogenous catwholamines nnd act as adrcnolytics or so-callccl alpharec:ep:or blocking agents in uitro. 10. In order to text tliesc theories expt~imetitally,thc easiest approach seems to be to investigate the mechanism of the antiemetic action of neuroleptics in detail. In the dog sinall, hehaviorally inactive doses of potent and specific neiiroleptics, such a s haloperidol or fluphcwazine. will prevent thc emetic effect of large doses o € aporiiorphiiie and similar stimulants of the emetic clremorcceptor trigger zone of Borison and Wang, which is located in the area cinerea at the floor of the fourth ventricle ( Fig. 3 ) . In this area circulating apomorphine probably penetrates into the trigger zone tlirough the vascular foot of a small astrocyte containing a reddish iHuorescent substarice ( Dresse, 1964). IIerc, conceivably, aponiorp’hinc could depolarizc tlie astrocytic memhrane and electrically stiinulate an adrcnergic neiiron of the chemoreceptor trigger zone, which in turn could stimulatc nonadrenergic, possibly cliolinergic iieiirons of the vomiting center, hereby triggering the mietic process. Circulating neuroleptics probably also perletrate the area cinerea through the vascular feet of the same o r similar astrocytes, which they probably use for transport to the membranes of the first adrenergic synapse. Here they would prevent released transmitter from reaching the receptors b y forming a permeability-decrcasing monolayer on the surface of the membranes siirrounding the receptors. 11.e w c 3 u l d consecltlently
FIG. 3. Specific neuroleptics are potent blockers of apomorphine-induced emesis in dogs. The site of this action is the trigger zone of Borison and Wang (no direct effect on the vomiting center). Graphical representation of the working hypothesis: neuroleptic molwules are picked up from serum by special astrocytes and transported throngh these astrocytes into the lumen of an adrenergic synapse in the trigger zone where they form a perineabilityblocking monolayer on GABA-receptor-containing ( ? ) membranes by occupying these receptors. Aponiorphine depolarizes the red astrocytes, whereafter catecholarnines are released from a small vesicle pool in the adrenergic synapse but fail to penetrate through the niembrane surrounding the receptor side. Adrrnrrgic transmission is blocked, the vomiting center remains inactivated, hence no emesis MAO- and COhlT-catccholamine metabolites accumulate in area A as another consequclncc of rcduced membrane permeability.
suspect the GABA-glutamic acid system to play an important role in regulating the normd permeability of this membrane. To \vhat extent a basically similar mechanism of action would sufficc to explain the other typical properties of neuroleptic drugs is not clear. How are most of the behavioral effects of amphetamiiic>-likv drugs a n t a p i i z e d by extremely small doses of most neurolq~ticsand why i:; reserpine rclatively inactive in this respect? Hon7 do small doses of all neuroleptics inhibit operant behavior in general, increase the reaction time of conditioned operant responses in trained animals follo\~ing a conditioning auditory or visual stimulus, decrease exploratory behavior and produce a state of cataleptic imm<)bility at higher dose levels? Why are all neuroleptics potent inhibitors of lever-pressing activity in self-stimulating rats \vith electrodes implanted in Olds’ positive reward centers? How do central anticholincrgic drugs antagonize certain neuroleptic effects? How can one c:xplain thc, typical effects of neuroleptics on muscular tone? Why is it that behaviorally equivalent doses of moderately active neuroleptics reduce autonomic reactivity more readily, prodlice much more soporific cffccts, are more potent adrenolytics, induce more hypothermia, possess a mucli greater barbituratc-poteiitiatiii~~ effect, etc. than most potent neuroleptics? What is tlie significance of the fact that a neuroleptic such as reserpine depletes brain catccholamines and brain serotonin, whereas most other neuroleptics do not have this effect? How can one correlate all thest. pliarmacological properties with antipsychotic activity in man? 1 mould like to suggest that the answer to this question lies in specific areas of the extrapyramidal midbrain system, in the fact that all potent neuroleptics are substituted propylamines with other common specific cliemical features similar to the y-amino acids of the GABA type, in the fact that neuroleptic potcmcy is correlated with surface-tensioii-lo\~eringor monolayerforming ability, in inembrane-perineability-loweringphenomena, in the fact that neurolleptics are blockers of inflow into cells and vesicles more than of outflow (outflow can even be increased), in the transport function of specialized astrocytes of the bloodbrain barrier around the ventricles and in the inhibition of adrenergic neurons in thest: same areas, and in the concept that in a g i \ m situation typical psychological changes are the predictable consequence of the basic biophysical, biochemical, and neurological effects of drugs. These are the pieces of the puzzle-how they fit togetlier remains to be seen.
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AMPLITUDE ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM Review of the Information Obtained with the
Integrative Method By Leonide Goldstein and Raymond A. Beck Section on Neuropharmacology, Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiotry. Princeton, N e w Jersey
I. Introduction .
11. hlethodological Hasis for Aniplitudc R l ~ ~ a s r i w n ~ c ~ .~ i t ~. , 111. hleasiircbment of Amplitudes . . . . . . . I\’. The Elcctroiiic Integrator . . . . . , . V. Analysis of the Resting Eli(; . . . . . , , . \‘I. Analysis of the Resting LEG in I3r;iill Ilisortlers . . , . VII. Aiialysis of Changes 1’roducc.d hy hfodification of Physiological Contlitions . . . . . . . . . . . , A. Hyperventilation . . . . . . , , . . B. Flicker Stimulation . . . . . . . , . , C. Sound Stimulation , . . . , . . . , D. Visual Field Stimulation , . . . . . E. Blood Pressure and Hematocrit . . . . . . . F. Blood Circulation ancl 0xyg:cwatioii . . . . . . Analysis of Changes Produccd l ~ yC N S Stimiilaiits and Antidepressant Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . A. Naturally Occurring Comporintlh \vith Stimulant Properties . H. Congeners, Derivatives, o r l’rcc~ursors of N;itiirdly Occurring Compounds . . . . . . . . . . C. Other Types of CNS Stimiil;iiit Driigs . . . . . 1). Antidcpressant Agents . . . . . . . . . Analysis of Changes Produced h y I1dliic.inogenic Ilrugs . . A. Experimentation in hlan . . . . . . . . B. Experimentation in Animals . . . . . . . Analysis of Changes Produced 11)) Antiauxiety Drugs . . . A. Aiiimal Studies . . . . . . . . . . B. Studies on Normal Voluntcws , , . . . . . Analysis of Changes Produced b y 1 Iypiiotic. ;ind Anesthetic Agents . . . . . . . . . . A. Pentobarbital . B. Thiopental . . . . . . . . . . . C. Butyric Acid Derivatives . . . . . . D. Ethyl Carbamate . . . . . . . . . 96<5 ,
X. XI.
266 267 270 ”2 275 279 280
280 280 280 281 281 28 1 282 28t3 284 286 289 289 289 290 291 29 1 292 294 294 2y(1
296 297
XII. Analysis of Clianjir:. Produced b y Antipsychotic hledication . . A . Chlorproinaziiie antl J’crphrnuzine in Clironic Schizoplireirics . 13. Clilorproinazinc in Hn1il)its . . . . . . . . XIII. Analysis of Drug Iiiteractioils in H;il)l)its . . . . . . A. I \ l o r p l i i i ~ e - n ’ n l o r ~ ~ l i.~ i ~ ~. ~ . . . . . . . B. Morphii-ie-Qiinterii~i~yAmmonium Coiiipciuncls . . . . C. Atlrmcrgic Blockers-Catecholamines a n d Rel;itrd Compouiitls D. Alpha-A(lrcnergic Bloc,kers niid IIistamine . . . . E. Ati-opiiie-Cliolin,:.I.gic a i d Atlrrnrrgic Drug5 . . , . F. Etlianol-CNS SI:iiiidarits . , . , , . , . G. Hypovolemic II:ipotension-AtIr(~ii~rgic a i ~ t lGanglionic Bloclicw XIV. hlisccllaiic~ousDriig and l’lacc~lio Effects . . . . . . A. Curarc. . . . . . . . . . . . . B. l’entylriretetrazole . . . . . . . . . . c. Placc1,o . . . . . . . . . . . . XV. Disciissioii ant1 Conclusious . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . .
297 297 298 298
298 “9 SO0 :302 302 ,303 303 504 304 304 30.5 ,305 ,309
I . Introduction
Aliiiost four c1ecac:les havc elapsed since I h i s Bergcr ( 1929 ) tlescribrd to a i l incredulous \ ~ o r l dof neurologists and physiologists the curious electrical phenorncna occiirriiig ccytsclcssly in the brain of inan. Sincv thcn, 13crger’s findiiig lias irot only been confirmed but so largcly extendcd that an entire iiew branch of science has ctevc~loped,that of c ~ l c c t r o c ~ ~ i c e p h a l o ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ l i y . During thr first 110 to 15 years of E I X research, impressivc correlations wcrc fouiid brtween the ~norphologyof brain waves and Physiologico-bcli~tvioralconditions ( slecy, \vakcfuli~~ss ) as wcll as in relation to pathological states ( cpilcysy, brain tumor). From thc former, one co~ilclprcdict the latter, and even, within limits, define a “normal”tracing, i .c., a tracing not containing any visible suggestions of association with known or suspected manifestations of brain dysfunction ( Gibhs and Cibbs, 1952). Of special interest to the rnedical pmfcwion w a s the fact that n o coinplcx measure-
ments were needed to analyze EEG records. The main qualifications were a prolonged training, a well-developed gift of observation, and an ability to recognize artifacts. However, as the years passed and more and more recordings were obtained not only on man but on numerous animal species (including such unlikely candidates as the alligator and the elephant ) , exceptions to originally established criteria were reported. These exceptions were especially prominent in regard to relationships between EEG and behavioral characteristics, so that eventually the expression “dissociation of EEG and behavior” appeared morc and more frequently in the literature (Wikler, 1952; Bradley and Elkes, 1955, Longo, 1956; Domino and Hudson, 1959). Furthermore, despite the use of almost entirely distortion- and artifact-free amplifiers and recorders, no correlation was found respecting the extremes of the intelligence quotient, nor, for example, did neurotics display “abnormal” brain waves. Even in chronic schizophrenics, with brains obviously functioning in a markedly different manner from that of nonpsychotic subjects, the EEG most often appeared “normal.” Paralleling qualitative studies, work on the quantitative analysis of brain waves also progressed from the early days of electroencephalography, although at a pace less rapid and intense. For a few “mechanistically” minded physiologists, the failures of the EEG method appeared to be due not to an absolute obstacle, but rather to the limitations of the human eye to distinguish the trees in an amazingly complex forest. They maintained that if a more intensive method of analysis were applied to EEG signals, other and perhaps entirely new information would emerge, rcsolving at least some of the contradictions between brain wave morphology and the physiological state. Was such a claim justified? This review attempts to answer the question with a presentation of data obtained from one of the currently available methods ot quantification, that involving the amplitudes of brain waves. I I . Methodological Basis for Amplitude Measurements
The EEG is essentially the manifestation of spontaneously occurring potential differences of 0 to 300 pv and with frequencies ranging from 1 to 300 or more per second. It is most important to understand clearly the implications of this fundamental concept. In a system involving a potential difference between two dis-
crete points, the characteristics of the intervening or cmstituent potential differences loannot be specifically deduced from the end points alone. That is, an increase or decrease in over-all potential difference does iiot necessarily indicate the direction of the changes of the individual potentials; an increase in the value of this total cliff erence may actually reflect decreases in the constituent values and vice vcarsa. Furthtrrinorc:, the degrec of homogeneity implied by the cmd point ( output) potcntials does not rc4ect directly the state of distribution prevailing among the constitucnt potentials. For example, the term “hypersynchronization” is often used to refer to a n EEG record comprising succcwive identical events; at the other cxstreme, “desynchronization” refcrs to the absence of siich homogeneity. I-Iowever, a hypersynchronous over-all output does not necessarily mean hypersynchronization “within and between” constituent parts. On the contrary, as shown in Table I, one can easily construct a model to dcinonstrate that if the variability in the output is brought to zero, i.c>., the output is continuously held constant,
24 x :3 6 14 6
Condition I3
Condition A
Tiiitial s l a t e I
3.5 . 3
:30. 3
8.0 14.4 26.3
23 0 0 0 ,
t52 1 27 1 1S 1 1-1 7 ::4 7 54 3
2.5 0 0
the coiistituent parts m a y I ) t x i r i n i i i p i l ; i t c d toward iiicreased or decreascd variability without nEcctiirg the, variability level of thc OvcY-all output. These factors arc of extremc. importaiice in that they illustrate the difficulties involved in such ;I system \vhcm only the ovcr-all output is considercd. rt~iiiinds oiie of that The kind of problem c.iicouiitcmd l i t \\.hicli coiifrontcd naturalists tliroiigliout thc eiglitcwith and ninetecnth centuries when they tricd, iiiisiic fully, to design a theory of evolution from observations of the irrorpliological characteristics of randomly selected individual nnimals or plants. Even if such work had extended through tcm or niore cnituries, evcw if it had I~eeiidone by scientists with iiifitiitc 1)wticwce and extraordinary acuteness of observation, failiirc. to 1)riiltl a sound theory accounting for tlie changes in the morphology, pli),siology, and 1iiochcm;stry of living creatures throughout the agcs \ ~ o i i I c lstill liavc rvsulted. It \vas only when analyses of chaiigos werv cs\-teudetl from individuals to populations, and cvcn furtlicr to tlio dynamics of populatiori changes, that such concepts a s inritation prcssurc', sc~lcctionpressure, a i d migration patterns were developed, aiitl an over-all widely acccptctl statistical theory of evoliitiou formiilatcd ( Fisher, 1930; Ilaldaiic~,1932; \Vright, 19.10). The airalogy between the cliaractc3ristics of popdatioiis and that of brain \raves is perhaps niorc thaii fortuitous. In both cascs, aiialysis is hindcred by a lack of kiio\\-lcdge of the funclainental stat(: of tlw units involved. For instaiice, j\-c do not know the absolute, potential values \vhosc~ (lifhwiic\v is described by x-pv in wave rc'; similarly not kiio\viiig the. gcw)typci of the progenitors of an 1 ) ~dcwri1)ed only 1)). its phcnotypc. organism o, the lattr IVO cwcountcr tliv prominent fcnture of However, in both ca \-ariability (so proniincnt, in fact, that i t is most often ignored). No two organisms of the same species, sul)sp(~c'ic~s, or c~vc'iiof the same varicity arc' esactly alikc; no two brain \i~avvs,except in w r y special cases, are exactly alike. Sincc iiiformatioii on e\wlutionary factors in related organisms is o1,tainecl througli \z.liat ainoiiiits to a statistical analysis of variability in time, it is ttmpting to use the same appi-oach in dealing with populations o f related brain \vavc~s. In view of the impossibility of dc~tcrmiiiiiigdirectly the behavior of constituent parts of brain electrical potcmtials, an indirect approach is iiscd b y aiialyziiig their relationships. 111 other words, instcad of
describing or analyzing statcs as separate, cmtities, information is obtained through tlic study of thcir rclationships. l‘lie idca of statistical analysis of Iirain \~‘avc\s, \\.it11 its implication of a series of mixiis computcd f r o m periods of varying duration, can appcar totally artiiicial. Yet, the oftcii used notion of “EEC pattern” is, in fact, a form of averaging. Sincc h a i n waves arc cxtrcmcly variablc., one can argue that a single arbitrarily chosen sample can he highly l,lisreprescntative of the condition of the brain at that tiine. Over-all expressions, covering as wide a range of cveiits as p~ossil)lc~, coiiltl 1~ n i o r c ~inforinativc~.provided one specifies the liniitiiig characteristics of that range. This suggests con,tiderilig brain \ v a v c ~as popdations of electrical evc~nts,amcnat)lcy to statistical analysis a s applied to any other type of population. It. p r ~ c l ~ i d riinfortuiiately, s, tlir iisc of the d l csta1)lishcd and highly iiseful classification of lirairi \vavc’s in ternis of ain~~Iitntle/frc~quency charactc~istics ( alpha, lwta, tlczlta, theta, etc. ) siiicc tlwse thcw 1)cw)ine merely componrnts OF the global population. €-Iowc~\:cr,a s will 1~ slio\vn later, \\heir tlic 1)resence of such rhytlims appcxr>:to be statistically signillcant, thcir significance is emphasized by th :’ qwntitativc, approach, perliaps t’veii inorc effectivr:ly than b y qtialitativc~o1)scrv:ition alonc~. Ill. Measurement of Amplitudes
Thc first attempt )to quantify the EEG, lircw~ntedb y Kornniuller It is of in 19:37, consistcd priinarily of amplitude, ~nc~asurenients. intcrvst to dcscrilw liis work a s a n illustration of the, prol~lenis iiivolvrd in such a 1)r~:)cedurc.Koriiniiillcr tletermined thc ainplitude of si.icccwivc waves, peak positivr to l w a k negative,, for periods of 1-minute duration. ‘To perform such iia(’;isiir~~ineiits, an ordinary desk ruler \ w s u s c d , the ineasiired \.alucs siininicd np, ;ind the over-all cumnlative amplitude c a l c i ~ l a t ~l’hcn, ~ d . Kornniullcr divided this global valnc h y 63. cxprcssinng N m m r i nmplitirclc~ per .second (rather than dividini; b y the nuinlwr o f \i.aves to esprcw a tnc’an amplitiide per wave ) . A furtlicr refinement was tlic transformation of such data into atrtiial microvolts p r scconcl by nicwis of the calibration characteristics, specifically, tlie height of the wave evoked by feeding iiito the oscillograp1-1tlie standard SO pv signal. Although this early attcrnpt at quantification yielded some interrsting facts, it was far from satisfactory from the physical point of view. For iitstancc, no mention is niack in this work of a
base line or zero line, and yet it is olnioiis that in peak positive to peak negative determinations, thr position of the base line is most important. In fact, if this position is not constant, comparisons of different recordings become incwiingl(xs. Since, as previously mentioned, brain waves are potential cliff cwmccs between variables, the absolute values of which one cannot kno\v, it follows that the only correct reference, or zero line, i s that corresponding to potential differences equal to zero. Needless to s a y , this valne has only a derived, theoretical position, and cannot be measured on the recorded EEG tracing. Therefor<,, siicli peak-to-peak measurements have little or no validity. An w e n more important rwson for rejecting this simplified approach to quantification conc(~~11s thc recording of only one of the valucs of a potential diffcrenccl cnryirag in time, thus neglecting most of the informational content. Tliat is, one would be treating as static an essentially dynaniic phenom(~iionmhose assumcd relationships with brain function can l)(> cstatilished only through kinetic studies. For example, in thc KI?G, donic-shaped and spiky waves, freqiiently occurring adjacont to each other, may also have identical peak amplitudes. Thv Pormrr may well represent a slowly dcvc~loping phenomenon with rcsgiilarly spaced small increments, f o l l o ~ c dI)eyond a certain poiiit, by itlcntically spaced, slowly clcvelopiiig decremrnts. On thc othcr hand, a spiky wave may correspond to a rapidly occurring, rapidly disappearing event, involving gcometric-type progr(wions in the extrusion and contrartion of t h r clectrical gradicwt. 1 Iriicc, i n spite of their identical peak amplit~idcs,the treatment of I)oth \i.:ivc,forms as identical in other paramc,tcm ~011ldobviously l w \ i ~ o i i q . Thc soliition to such a prol)l(wi is t o ineasiirc not tlic maxinial heights of siiccessivc wave's, hiit r a t l w the entire linear course pursiicd in the evolution of e a c h individual wave tracing with concomitant measiiremcmt of thc arc's sribtcnded. This was first attrmptcd by Drohocki ( 1937 ) b y incans of a planimeter, a relativvly simpl(,, Iiut very precis(, tlcvicc, \vliich determines the surface of thc plane area subtended b y a n y ciirvv form. II'ith brain waves, this type of measurement obtains tlir integral of varying potential differences between successivc points which most often serve as time references. Such integrals m a y lw considered direct representations of tlir electrical energy displayctl i n either a single wave or in inany waves. The base line, cstalilish(d directly by the planimeter,
is that straight linc: coiinwting the starting and end points of the ineasured areas. The plaiiirnctric method \\as used for a few years by Drohocki (1937), Berger (1938), and Andr6 (1945); later by Goldstein and Minz (1955) and by h i c k (1960). Owing to thc. fact that this proceclurc \vas exceedingly tcdious and time consuming, only very short iiitcrvals of a recording \ v t w submitted to measurc~ineiit. €Iencc,, in tliese early analyses, it w a s not imiisiial to define states or conditions of the brain from a siiiglc 10-second samplc. Again stressing the extremc variability of thc EEC;, it is rcadily apparent that such rvstrictcd iiii’asiirc:mcnts could be misleading. Therefore, an automntie dc%c.e tl-(at would perform measurements directly on thc EEC; signals, i.e., one tliat would integrate tlie brain waves continuously, \vas much to be desired, if not rqiiired. IV. T h e Electronic Integrator
By 1948, Droliocki was able to dcsigii an automatic integrator for clectroenceplialogr~a~~liy which overcame some technical difficulties in uiiiqii~~ mays. l‘hc classical cllectroiiic integrator is simply a capacitor jvhicli is 'charged b y thc. iiicoming signal tlirough a resistor. The size of the, capacitor drttmnines the rnasiniuin energy (charge) that can be storccl, and this, together \\,ith the sizc of thc resistor, deteriniiics the rate at which tlie cmcrgy can be stored. This simple circuit 1)i~conic~s nonlincar (logarithmic risr ) as its mnximal charge is approachcd; the s m a l l c ~the proportion of maxii i i i i i n charge, tlie morv linear the circuit. This places a practical limit on tlic respoiisc range of tlie device. Also, when tlie maximum valric, is r c d ~ e d there , inrist 1)c sonic way of shorting tlie capacitor monicwtarily, so that it again has zero chargc, arid intcygxtion can be resumed. The Drol~icliicircuit meets t h e problems by charging tho capacitor throiigh a high-gaiii, sharp cut-off pentode. l’hc large plate resistance of this tribe plus the cff cctive amplification of the value of the capacitor (hliller effect) results in an integrator of very large time constant Lvitli tlie lincar portion of its range being extended enough to be of practical value. The discharge of the capacitor is effected by means of a gas-discharge (thyratron) tube. This tube has the characteristic of being virtually nonconductive (having a very large plate resistance) iintil a fixed value of grid voltagc is rcaclicd, at which timc, the gas (argon) in the tube becoincs ionizrd ( avcmge time, 0.5 / p e e ) . The plate rc$stance then drops to a very lo\v v,aIiiv, and tlie tiibc conducts off the charge
\vhich has accuniulatcd on t l i c b capxitor. Dciotiization occurs in about 75 Ilsec, and the circuit is tlicn ready to rcsitme storing charge. The thyratron is also i i i t h c . plates circuit of thc, pcntode, so that its firing occurs at a tinit’ \\,liicli is cmtirely syiichronoiis with thv accuniiilation of the desircd charge on the capacitor. The time constant of the entire circuit C R I I easily lie changed by modifying thr valiic. of the capacitor. This is don(, b y means of a front panel selector s\vitch. ?. I lie circuit is also arrangctl so that tlie firing of the thyratron and thc. discharge of the capacitor trigger a monostable multivibrator, which thcii givcs a n appro~iinntely 10-volt p l s r as the e d an output signal of the devicc. l’liis piilse can he v i c ~ \ ~ ~on oscilloscope or recorded on pipc~ror inagnctic tape. The Drohocki integrator is I)? n o nicxns thc only device available for integration, althoiigh it \vas the first one dcsignrd to give an output in the form of pulsos w1iic.h can be treated as numbers and subiiiitted to the statistical airalj.tica1 proccdmes discussed in this paper ( Drohocki, 1957~).I t has rcniained until recently the only onc. urhich did not need a r c h y for resetting, a highly useful feature iii view of the well-known diiliculties encountered with such dcviecs. Of corirse, with the integrator, a s \vith all such circuits for analysis of harmonic functions, the incoming signal inlist first be rectified, so that the average valiie ~ i l not l be zero. Since each pulse from thc intcgrator represents a fixed increment of electrical cnergy, the numlwr of pulses in a given period of time will lie a direct rcflectiori of the amount of electrical energy (joulcs) in the input signal (hiring that time. As illustrated in Fig. 1, this is frcqiiency-iticlepenclciit for thv frequency range under study, because of thc very largtl tiinc constant of the entire intcygator circuit. As can also be SWII in Fig. 1, the, oiitput from thc integrator is fed into the oscillograph so that :I dircct waveform tracing and its quantitated countcrpart a p p ~ i r011 tlic r c ~ o r dsimultaneously. A n advantage of this graphic arraiigcmcmt is that elimination of any portion of tlie EEC prcsenting ;in artifact necessarily includes rcmoval of its quantitated coiiiitt~rpart. Also, one may arbitrarily selcct a specific portion of tlir~ KEG tracing, possessing pattern characteristics of qualitative iiiterthst, und obtain, at the s:uil(, timc, its corresponding qnantitativc. ~ i i i ~ a s i i r ~ ~ ~ ~ i e t i t s . JIo\rww, pctrhaps the main :tttril)iite of this method is that it
permits not only instant characterization of any change, however fast or slow, but further permits statistical evaluation of its possible significance. This is of particular value when dealing with a system, Input
I Pulses j
- Output
-1 20
10 I rec
5 I sec
Calibration and
Sine W a v e s )
Operotionai Characteristics
FIG. 1. Xlode of operation of the Drohocki intcpator. Uppcr graph: relationships between energy input ( number of 200 pv aim. \ \ ~ ; I W S ) ant1 integrator output (numlicr of pulses delivered) , As seen, direct pro1iortionalit)i is maintaiiicd despite variation of the frequency of sine u~avcsfrcl into the niialyzer (i.e., 5 or 10 cjps). Lower graphs: calibration characteristics and actual integration of a &second strip of EEG recording ( nionopolar tlcrivation from the left occipital in a normal human subjcct). The standnrd 5 0 - g ~ calibration signal corresponds to 3 pulses regardless of polarity ( since the integrator performs full-wave rectification). In the fi-second E E C sample, 34 pulses wrre cumulated and may lie expressed as 34/6 or an a v e r ~ g eof 5.7 pulses per sccond. The average value may furthrr bc tr;insfoimed in relation to calibration charactcristics, a r i d expressed :is thc mean e n c r q content ( hlEC),
such as the EEG, in which a “pire” or homogeneous state, per se, docs not seem to exist. Finally, direct data obtaincd from different subjects ( animals or human) exposed to identical conditions may not unrc~asoiiablybe simply averaged, provided such data has been initially sulimitted to some sitnplc and preferably straightforward trailsforinations in order to bring it all to tlie same initial level. Thc~most oftcn uscd transformation hiis Iiccn, until now, the indicia1 one ( b y which any set of valucs is cqnuted to a mean of 100). tn many cascs, ho\wver, us(’ \\.;is matle of tlie “calibration transformation ’ since tlw sc>lectioii of thc time constant of intcgration cvas to be adjusted in relation to thc relative level of “EEG abundance” of tlic subjects or animals. 111 this case, measureinents are cspressed, following transformation, in terms of the calibration characteristics cstablished imm~diatelyI)r%foreany one of the recording ri~iis.( S ( , e Fig. 1 for an esampl(5 of such manipulation of tllE data.) It shoiiltl \vc.ll understood, I i o \ v c . v c ~ , that data obtained tliroiigh the integrator have \ x l i i c > only if trcatcd with statistical methods; this is an averaging mc~tliotl,at id perhaps nothing more than an avcraging method. Hcmcx., tlic, dvtection of imique, isolated \~ivcforinsfrom integrator data is hardly possible since no averaging method is snficicntly seiisitivc t o single out events of rare or infrequent occurrcnce in a highly variable population of evcnts. As previously mentioned, it is primarily hccausc of tlw wide variability of the E E G that tlw intcyyation method is uniquely useful. In fact, it distinguishcss the. significant from the aleatory, as can I)c demonstrated by u ~ l l - k n o w nprocedures for examining the relationships between samplw. In thc. I< 15G, cg., this specifically entails the statistical cornparisoi i of a large number of successive periods of the electrical activity in respwt to their nuinerical pulse content. From such treatment, v;diies arc’ obtained for the average nmplitzide ( henceforth designated as mean energy content or M E C ) and for the uariability of tlie population which it represents, thc latter statistic Iieing detcrinincd from periods involved in tlie calculation of thc MEC and most often expressed as the coefficient of variation ( C V ) . 1
V. Analysis of the Resting EEG
The resting EEG has been cxtenxivr~lystudied in animals and man to provide a “base line” in relation to which all changes can
be expressed. Intcrcstiiigly enough, it has yielded surprisingly consistent data characterized by two apparently opposite fcatures: ( 1) a wide variability in tlie successive periods of integr at’ion enumerated during short timc intervals (1-10 seconds) and, ( 2 ) a rcniarkable constancy lxtwcen such successive levels of ciirnulated pulses during iiiort> prolonged time intervals. Figurc, 2 illustratrs these facts with actual data taken from a representative rvcording of a normal human sn1)jec.t and a rabbit. As can be seen, with increasing length of timc, the nmnber of pulscs counted and successive points plotted l ~ r o d ~ i cae progressively flattening curve to the ultimate level of a straight line. This corresponds to 250 seconds both in man and in rabbits. This finding shows that if a sufFiciently large group of electrical cncrgy levels is considered, a normal distribution results so that values above and below the mean cancel out each other. h direct demonstration of this property of brain electricd activity was providvd by llrohocki (1947, 19,56, 1957b, 1 9 6 2 ~ )and Drohocki cf NI. (195S, 1956a) ~ l i ostudied ;I large nnmbcr of distributions of inttgration pi11 obtainccl for various time intervals in transcranial recordings i abbits. Statistical tests showed that they were always within thc range of expectation for a Gaussian curve. By recording from various cortical areas, the same authors founcl that in spite of differences in the mean level of tslectrical cnergy, symmetrical spreads of the individiial values aroiind the different means always existed. In man, in recordings ohtained from the parietal area of 60 normal adult voluntecrs during five successive sessions of 20 minutes to 1 hour each, Drohocki (1954a) found that a characteristic value (or “constant”) could be determiiied for each subject. Although this valuc wa:i fairly constant from recording to recording for each subject, large differences were noted bctween subjects. ssive values of either a single session or of all sessions globally for each voluntecr prodnced almost pcrfect distributions. From integration of monopolar recordings of thc left occipital areas of 30 normal voluntt~ers,Goldstein ef al. (1963a) carried the study a step further. Instead of using direct data (the values for each of 30 successive 20-second intcrvals ) , such data was initially related to the MEC for the individual by indicia1 transformation, whereby the mean for each 10-minute “run” per subject was always
FIG.2. The increasing variability in the mean number of pulses per second (MEC) is shown as progressively smaller samples of a 5 0 0 - S e C O I l d strip of the EEG are considered. The atraight horizontal line in each graph represents the mean number of pulses per second for the entire 500-second sample. T h e plotted points represent the means of the number of pulses for the time intervals listed in the center column.
equated to 100. LTnder such conditions, data between subjects could then be grouped and compared, providing close to 3000 values. The histogram of frequency distribution was typically Gaussian, with an over-all CV equal to 14.5 (standard deviation, 14.5%of the mean ) . In further studies g gold stein et al., 1964a) the time basis for measurement was varivcl to include 5 periods ranging froin 1 second to 1 minute. The relationships betwcen the time unit of measurement and the value of the CV are listed in Table 11. No exceptions
Sormal subjects
Chronic schizophrc,iiic.s
SD 1.25 1.37 7.49 1 3 , 30 :3:: 1.5
so. of IiieasureIiic>iits
12,000 2 ,400 1,200 600 201)
2.61 13.06 ?ti. 12 52.24 156.72 2.16
3 11' 5.15 1 I .O1
to the rule mentioned abovc were found; it is obvious that thcy represent normal distributions in every case. Aside from its theoretical implications, which will be discussed later, the outstanding advantage of this type of data is that it permits the use of parametrical statistical procedures which arc' notably simpler than nonparanietrical. I n addition, it provides justification for the definition of thc resting EEG in t e r m of its MEC and CV. Drohocki ( 1954a), in fact, suggestcd the possibility of using the lower and higher limits of the MEC values of a large, homogeneous population to define normalcy within such a population, at least in relation to the level of electrical energy. Coldstein ct nl. (1963a), Pfeiffer rJt crl. ( 1964a), and Siigerniaii ct ml. ( 1964),
on thc other hand, coiisider tlicb (;\’ to of this type of characterization.
I)tx ;i
morc sensitive indicator
VI. Analysis of the Resting EEG in Brain Disorders
The first attempt to analyze KEG’S in brain disorders was b y Urohocki ( 1954b) who studied the qiiantitated records of 33 newly admitted epileptic patients, age from 17 to 26, not yet exposed to anticonvulsant therapy. He fouiid tliat the MEC’s in these records were as much as four times Iiigher thati those of the GO normal volunteers analyzed by the same autlior ( ;IS previously ineiitioiiecl ) . Furthermore, in the integrator-processed data, the distribution of the successive measurements ;iromd their respective means yielded, instcad of a one-peak plot, biinodal and even plmimodal curves. This disruption in the distributioii of measurements was interpreted a s a changc in the l)ioc~lrctric,almanifestations of cortical function a s influenced by tlie prcseiice of an epileptic focus. Of intcrest was the fact tliat this cliaiigc’ i l l tlie distribution shape was evident in recordings of tlie parietal cortex regardless of tlie location of the foci-an iiidicatioii t l i a t \vitlcspread changc~s in cortical function can be brought a l m i t I)! apprciitly small, well-tlelineated areas of pathology. Goldstein ct al. ( 1963a, 1963a) focused their attention on male chronic schizophrenics. hlonopolar E 1 X ’ s were recorded from tlie left occipital area on 101 pnticnts i n sessions lasting at least 10 minutes each. From thr grwt wcaltli of data obtained, a very striking fact emerged, namely, that tlic coefficient of variation for the scliizophrcnic group was onr-half tliat calculated for a g r o ~ p of 103 norrnal voluntecrs. On tlic. o t l i c ~hand, no significant &ffereiice could be detectcd lwt\ Irialc patients alld male nonpsychotics in rcgard to the ovcr-all h IEC. I n other words, although tlic iiieans of the distribution ciirvcs of EEG mcasurements in normal and schizophrenic sulijwts occupied the same position, the s p r t w l of values around the i i i c ~ a i iu x s inarkedly wider in the case of the normals. Further EEC rc.c.ortlings established the fact that the cliff c‘rciice in variability vsistiiig l)cltwc,en normal and psychotic groiips \vas not an artifact diic t o a cliance selection of the time period for measurement, but, as slio\vll in Table 11, could be dcmonstrated in nicasiiremcnts fronn tliffcrent time-intervals varying in duration from 1 secontl t o 1 iniiiiite. It also appc>arrd that
this difference in vurialiility was intlcpeiident ot thr levels of the hIEC as JV ell a s i n d e p m d c ~ i tof alpha indiccs. VII. Analysis of Changes Produced by Modification of Physiological Conditions
A . 1[Yl'EHVENTILATION hvestigations of 1iypc.rvc~ntilatory effects were performed b y Ilrohocki ( 1953c, 19601), 1965a), Droliocki and D~iflo( 1933, 1939) , llrohocki and Sousscm ( 1939), and Soussen aid Chassaing ( 1960), on both children and adiilts in apparent good h t d t h . The quantitated bipolar EEC, \\,as recorded from the parieto-occipital areas during a 5-miiiute control period, 3 ininutcts of hyperventilation, and finally a l-minute posttreatmcnt period. Of 37 children studied (age froin 9 to 13 years), 28 sIio\\~xla one- to fourfold increase in MEC diiring liypervcntilation. I t appeared that the lo\ver the rncrgy content of the control period, the larger the incrcasc produced by forced 1)reatl-iiiig.In the reinailling 9 subjects, no change of any kind was dctcctcd. In adults ( i n c ~ age' ~ i 2:3), 102 cqic.rinicnts w r e perforn~c.d.'The invcrse relationship 1)etuwm thc initial control levc~land the cxtynt of increasc, during hyp"vei~ti1ntioii was again fotmd. Quantitative studies sho\vcd no relationships thcs increased ai tioiint of exhaled air or incrcascd rcspiratory rate diiring 1iL'l"rvrntilntiori and the ovcr-all change in electrical energy. Thc spread of the distribution of intcgra.tion pulse frcqucmcies w a s not modified during the phase o f intreascd cncrgy; however, thc entire distribution was shifted to a hi,Slit,r range.
In each of 40 normal adults, Drohocki (1954c, 1960a, 1 9 6 0 ~ ) found that flicker-light stiiniilation resulted in an increase in the MEC. There also existed a certain subject-specific frcqtiency, located between 3 and 19 cps, at which a further increasc, i n energy occurred. This specific frequency of stimulation appeared to be independent of the individual alpha rhythm.
C. S o u m STIMULATION Forty subjects, stutlicd by llrohocki ( 1962b), on exposure to sound stimulatioii ( 400 cps for 3 sr,conds ) manifested tMTo succes-
s i w phases in the evoltitioii of thc EM:: first, a dccreasc of the LIEC; sccoiid, a “rel,ound” incrtmc, elevating the energy content above t h r control levcl. During the tlccrc~ase,variability was lowered, retiirning to control l c \ ~ ~ or l s highor during the second phase.
D. \ 7 ~ s r .FJELI) i~ STI~ILTL.ATIC)N A nuinl~erof normal sul)j(’cts and male chronic schizophrenics \ v c w recorded in a dimly lit rooin I d o r e and immediately following opening of the e y c ~The proct~liirc.\ w s doiie in both the supine and sitting positions (Goltlstt~in ct o/,, 1964a). In normals, eye op(.iiing \vas f o l l o n d b y an ahrript tall in hlEC and a decrease in E I<(; \*arialiility. Thcscx chaiigc-s o c c ~ i r r c din Imth thc supine and tht. sitting positions, altlioiigli th(3 tlt~crcasc~s in hlEC and C\’ were’ inorc’ pronoiincd in the sittitrg psiitioii. In male chronic schizophrenics only minimal, non.;igiiificairt changes, in either MEC or C\’, werc observcd clitring or following cye opening; a shift to the sitting position had 110 effoct on thv typical low levc.1 of EEG reactivity in these patients. UHE rlN1) ~ I ~ : ~ l A l ’ o c : l ~ l l l i i uiiaiiesthetized rabliits, hluiioz mcl Goldstein ( l 9 6 l a ) induced hypovolernic hypotension b y blecding while recording the paricto-cortical EEG from transcranial electrodes. Removal of a voliime of blood amounting to 1%liotly weight resulted in a large incrcwc. in the NEC as is chaructcxristic, of sedation ( “hypersynclironizntion” ) . Rcplaccmcnt of the tlcpletcd volume with an equivalent volume of dextran restorcd the E I X to the control levcl. This procedure could b e repeated as inany as five times, to the extent of clccrcasing the hematocrit to one-tliird of its original level while the original fluid volrunc. without significant alteration . To cxplorc physiological iiit,chanisms possibly influencing thc effect of hypoteiisioir on tlic: EEG, such opti’ 2t‘lolls as scBctioii of thc. spirial cord a t C2. tlencmxtion of the carotid sinuses, or section of both vagi a t tltc. I(vel of the neck were performed. r, the inversc rclatioirsliip of h I EC and blood prcssnre levels \\xs not affected by these procvlirres.
~~LO<)L C)~ I ~ C : I J L , \ ~ I ~.iSI) ON
( )xY(;~:N.\’I~o\
Studies wcrc. performed o n 22 c l o p sulmitted to long-tt:rm partial caidiopulmonary bypass iising a disposable b11b11lc oxygena-
tor or a “Kay-Cros, disc oxygenator.” The extracorporeal blood flow7 was kept constant, mostly at a rate of 600 ml/minute, corresponding to about 40% of the control cardiac output. The results of these experiments h,ive been described in detail by Hopf et al. ( 1961). A few minutes after initiation of the heart-lung bypass, a pronounced dccrease (up i o 40%)of the hlEC was observed in bipolar recordings of the frontoparietal cortex. This decrease, persisting throughout the experirnmts (up to 10 hours), was not affected by varying either the extracorporeal flow from 0 to 900 ml/niinute or the carotid blood flow from 53 to 143 ml/minute. The lowered XlEC could only tip returned to, and maintained at, control ltwels for periods of 111) to 3 hours follo\ving the introduction into tlw prfusing blood of 100 mg of hydrocortisone. This finding suggests that under the conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass there occnrs an inhibition or a depletion of cortical adrenal hormones. VIII. Analysis of Changes Produced by CNS Stimulants arid Antidepressant Drugs
The study of CNS stiinulant and antidepressant drugs may transcend the limits of thcrapeutics in that such agents can inducc a state of brain function of unspecific clinical significance but of utmost iinportancc to the homeostatic economy of the organism, namely, arousal. For one,, widespread searches have rcvcaled the existence of nuincrow natiirally occurring stimulants. Further, as will be shown, therc: a.rc many indications that certain llsychotic states are essentially states of hyperarousal or hyperstirnulation. It is not surprising, tlicwforr, that thcrc has heen extensive research in the analysis of the quantitated EEC of animal and man exposed to natin-ally occurring or synthc>tic CNS stiniulants. One problem cncoii~ntcrcdin the study of such compounds is that when administered to awake, unsedated subjects in small doses, their effects are generilly rather mild and short-lasting; hence it is difficult if not impossible to ascertain by niere visual inspection of the EEG the significance of the changes induced. The qiiantit at’ive method, however, obviates these difficulties by permitting appraisal of driig-induced EEG changes in relation to the prcdrug control period, whatever its variability. Also, as will be seen, quantitation describes the stimulant effect ( desynchronization ) simply and directly by a decrease in both the MEC and the CV.
A. NATURALLY OCCURRING COIII~OUNIIS WITH STIMULANT PROPERTIES Studies of these compounds w ~ r econductcd mostly on rabbits, e although some cats and dogs w ( ~ inclrided. 1. Catecliolamiiies It kvas found by Goldstcin a i d Rliilloz (1960, l96lb) that epinephrine and norepinephrinc at dosc lcvels of 1 to 5 pg/kg, iv, produced significant, short-lasting cliaiigcs in the EEG toward stimulation, or what is usually refrrrcd to as “desyncliroiiization”; this occurred, however, in only 2016 of the aniinals tested (45 rabbits, 7 cats, 2 dogs). As mill I)c, descrilml, further studies involving pretrc,atmcnt of the animals with other specific drugs prior to rcwlted in significant stimuadministration of these neuro1ioririoi~(~s lation in 100%of the cases. 2. Histamine
This compound was tested b y (:oltlstcin ct a / . (1963c, 19641)) in rabbits prepared with chronic i ~ i ~ l w ~ l l electrodes ing and protected against peripheral vascular effects with promethazine mcdiosulfatc or diphenhydrainine triinethylammoni~iinchloride. Potent and longlasting stiinulant effects of histan~incw c r c ~demonstrated with intravenous doses of 1 mg/kg. Of intcwst is the fact that N,N-dirnethyl histamine, a naturally occurring mc.tabolite of histamine ( Fram and Green, 1963), proved to be niorc cff(3ctive than histamine, in that a smaller dose produced an idc,iitical shift in the EEG toward a lowered level of the MEC. Other metal)olites or congeners, such as imidazole methyl histamine, imitlazol(: acetic acid, and histidine, showed no stimulant effects. 3. Choline
In a large range of oral doscx eholiilc, exerted no apparent effect on thc EEG of inan. An intravc.nou~i n i c c tion of 5 mg/kg was with-
out cffect on the EEG of r‘il)hit>, I ) r i t 1 mg/kg, iv, produced a short-lasting decrease in the h l t X ot the, parietal cortex of normal human volunteers (Pfeiffer ct a / . , 1960).
1. I"o~',otc>r(.i701 Mufioz and C;oltlstcin (1961b) and Goldstein and M u l i o z (1960, 196lb) fonnd that this. compomd, at dosc~s of 1 to 5 pg/kg, iv, produced short-lasting stimulant c>ffccts in most of the animals tested (rabbits, cats, clogs). The cffcct coincided with the inasimal hypotension and tachycardia iiidiiced by isoprotcrmol, but disappeared before return to norniotensioii. L)encwation of thc carotid sinuses ( i n rabbits) shiftcd the effect from that of stimulation to one of sedation.
2 . nicliloloisopr.oteicnol ( DCI ) The same authors found in rabbits that 4 ing/kg ot this structural analog of isoproterenol (which characteristically effects betaadrenergic blockade) produced rnarkcd and long-lasting arousal effects, as nwasured b y reversal of pentobar1)ital-induced sedation. Sniallc~d o s c ~had only a partial reversing eff cct. 3. Amplietaniiric Mufioz and Goldstein (1960, 1961a) a i d Beck ct 01. (1963) performed extensive experiinrAnts with amphctaniine administercd to rabbits equipped with chronically implanted electrodes and methodically trained to withstand intravenous injections under minimal stress and unr'estrained conditions. To ensure the delineation arid precise 111ea!iure11ie1it of drug eff cct, the rabbits ~ ' e r c initially lightly sedated with 3 nig/kg, iv, of sodium peiitobarbital, thus inducing an acceptably constant lcvc~lof hypersynchroiiization. Varied doses of amphetamine were given intravenously immediately thc~eaftcr-one dose level per group of 5 to 10 animals. The degree of stimulation was determined by the rewrsal of tlie lcvc~lof the hlEC of tlie 1,arbitiirate-induced sedation toward the RlEC Icvel existing during tlic control period prior to sedation. Applying siich an experiinental proccdnrc, linear log-close-effect relationships could be demonstrated on appropriately plotted curves; from tlic latter, in turn, 50% reversal doses (of pentobarbital sedation ) could be determined to serve as relative indications of testdrug activity. This, tlic average dose of d-amphetamine required to produce a 50%revcrsal w a s foiuitl to be 0.01 i0.005 mg/kg.
The aforementioned relationships enable the evaluation of the stimiilant effect to a more prccise dr.gpe than possible with qualitative observation alone in \vhicll oiily cxtensive change can convincingly carry significance. The rff ects of n-amphetatiiiiic: i n iiormal human subjects were stiidicd b y Pfeiffer ct 01. (1960) ant1 XIiirphree et al. (196211). The EEG \\.as rocordccl from the pariytal x v a ; ineasureinents for analysis wcrc obtained by “sampling” tlw record for 5 minutes at 30minnte intervals for a period o f 3 liorirs. In 7 subjects, 0.1 nig/kg, iv. prodiiccd a significaiit dccrcmc~in the parietal EEG after a short latent period. u7itl1 15 mg per os ( 8 siilIjccts) a significant change was also d(~tc~ctcd, this time in the ocripital area; the stimulant effect was not, ho\vever, consistcntly prvsc-iit aiid acquired significance only \vlien the total data obtaincd from all 8 sulljects were averaged. The measured EEG changes anioiintcd to a 20% decrease in the hlEC and a 20% decrease in tlic CV. This effect first appeared in the recorded electrical activity i i i a IO-minute “sample” obtained 30 minutes after drug administration, attained a peak at 60 minutes, and returned to the control lc~vclaftor 2 hours. 4. Deci nol ( 2-nimctl~!/Zaminoct7f(iriol) Primarily, dcanol is a precursor of choline ( trimethylaminoethanol) which has I~ecns h o \ v ~ I)y i Croth ct al. ( 1958) to pmetrate the Mood-brain liarrier freely. Cliolinc~,in tiirn, is known to be a prcuirsor of aectylcholinr~, a iit,iiroch(,inical inediator important for maintcwxncr: of the vigilant statt. o f the organism. Chldstc~in( 1960b), Pfciffcr rt ti!. ( 1.963),and Beck ct al. (1964) stiidicd the effects of this c o i n ~ ~ ~ i ~oni rthe ~ c lrabbit EEG. The action of d c w i o l appears to depend on the Iwhavioral state of thc animal at the timc of driig adininistration. A tlosc of 5 mg/kg, injected intravenously, into awake, spontanc.orisly alert rabbits, produces within 20 to 30 minutes, an E I X consisting of sporadic “hypersynchronus” patterns corrcqIondiiig to incrcwcs in both MEC and CV. Administered to animals, tithcr s~~ontaneoiislysedated or pretreated \vith minimal dosc~ of I”.iitol,arbital, the same intravenous close of deanol produccd, aftcsr ;I 15 to 20 minutes latent period, a distinct and suddcm shift in the EEG pattern toward stimulation. Dose-tdFect ciirvc’s, t~stablislicd by the expcrirnental tlcsign drscribcd previorisly for amplic.tarnine, revealed that the tlosc~ of cleanol exerting a 50Y r c ~ v c ~ s aofl scdation \\,as 1.8 s 0.5
mg/kg. Of interest is the fact that monomc.thylaminoethano1 produced the identical reversal at the much higher dose level of 13.2 mg/kg. This tends to indicate, for certain compounds, a relationship between the degree of methylation and their stimulant potency. Other examples of this type of structure-activity relationships are to be mentioned later. In man, the effects of single-dose administration of deanol were studied by Pfeiffcr ct al. (1960, 19G4b) and by Goldstein et al. (1963b). The dose most frequently employed orally was 200 mg, although in several cases the effects of 1-gin doses were studied; also, on a group of 7 subjects, an intravenous dose of 1 mg/kg was administered. In regards to the MEC, the EEG changes observed were very similar to .those produced by d-amphetamine, i.e., a decrease attaining its peak (20%) 1 hour after drug treatment. However, exactly con{-rary to the pronounced decrease in CV occurring with amphetamine, deanol increased the variability of the EEG energy levels to 120%;this altered variability still cxisted 2 hours after drug administration, although the MEC had since retiirncd to the control lcvel. Chronic administration of deanol n7as effected only in male chronic schizophrenic patients, as part of a year-long study involving cliffercnt drug treatments, to be described in detail later. Sixtcen patients, not cxposed to any aciitc or chronic driig treatment for at lcast 3 months were involved in that stiidy. Their h e - l i n e recordings had the typical characteristics of a very small CV, of the order of 7%.Deanol ~ 7 a sadministered daily at the oral dose of 1 gni. Recordings, performed at the end of 1 nionth of such treatment, revealed a 30% increase in the CV of the group. There was, however, no significant change in the over-all MEC and no changes in behavioral ratings (Sugerman et al., 1964). C. OTHER TYPES OF CNS STIMULANT DRUGS
.4 number of compounds were stucliecl i n rabbits for possible stimulant properties by Goldstein (196013) and Beck et al. (1964; Beck and Goldstein, 1964). In most cases, dose-effect curves were established by the procedure applicd to the study of amphetamine. 1. Tropines Of this group of compounds, atropine arid scopolamine are of special interest in that they are known to produce behavioral stimulant effects (in many species) along with a seemingly contra-
dictory hypersynchronized pattern in tlhe EEG. As a matter of fact, it is in reference to these sliwific compounds that the exprcssion “dissociation between EEG and 1)cJliavior” was originally used ( \Vikler, 1952). Atropine, 1 nig/kg, iv, did indeed shift the normal pattern of the EEG to\vard a typr rescmibling cither sedation or light sleep, Howevcr, statistical analysis of tlie qtlcltztitatetl EEG revcded an important diff ercmcts lwtn 11 thc two types of hypersynchronization, inapparent to obsrnxtion with thc naked eye. CJndcr true sedation, the distril~ntion of successively measured pc’riods of electrical energy ( pcbriotls of 1-second duration ) was tnarkcdly widened in comparison to its spread during normal wakefulness. Under atropine, ho\vevclr, thc limits of the distribution rcniained unchanged from that 1id‘oIc. drug administration; rather, thia “sedation” effect consisted in a shift of tlie entire system toward highclr values of electrical energy. Furthermore, if the dose of atrol’iiit, adtninistvred is dccrcascd to 5-10 pg/kg, the lichavioral stimulant effect of higher doses again appears; but now, in eontradistirictioii to high-dose effect, the EEG pattern is that of a loiig-lasting d(,synchrotiization. Thus it was established that in the parainc3tt.r of thc EEG, atropine liroc1iict.d two opposite effects dependrnt on dosc: level: at 1 to 50 pg/kg, a progressively increasing stimulant e1foc.t prevailed ( a s eviclenccd by thc: per cent reversal of peiitol~arl~it-al-ii~d~i~ecl scdation ) ; whereas, doses above 50 ,~g/lig~iroduer~tl, i i i place of the low-dose arousal, a deepening of the scdatetl state. ‘I‘ltc same relatioiisliips werc found to occur with scopolaiiiine esccyt that the dose level thresholds for arousal and setlation \\’ere one-twelfth-to one-twenticth that defincd for atropine.
2. Plzysostigmine This cliolinesterase inhibitor cxcrted a distinct stimulant effect at a threshold dose level of 20 ,Ig/kg, iv; the effect lasted 30 niinutes. From preliminary unpuhlis1ic.d ohscrvations, it appears that unlike all the chemical compoimds discussed in this review, physostiginine studies do not yic3ld dosc-cBc>ct curves, thus implying the existence of an “all-or-none” plienomenoii. 3. Nicotine The dose of nicotine produciirg ;I 3)X reversal of sedatioii \VRS found to be 19 pg/kg. It is t o Iw c~i~iphasizecl that contrary to the action of most stimulants, t l ~ offects , of this alkaloid were found
to be extrenicly short-lasting, appearing 2 minutes after intravenous administration, and disappearing completely within 6 to 8 minutes (Beck, 1965).
4. Caffeine Only preliminary data are at present available concerning the effects of caffcine on animals. It appears that tlic 50%reversal dose is apl~rosimately1 mg/kg, administered intravenously. ,4 significant effect liccomes evident after a latent period of 3 to 5 minutes and persists for a relatively long period of time (30 minutes or more). In normal human subjects, the effects of a single oral dose of 250 mg of caffeine wcIe studied b y Goldstein et d.(1963b). The EEG stimulant chffcct appeared vcry rapidly, attained an approximate maxirnal point :30 minutes after clrng administration, and persisted for at least 3 hours. The obscwctd changes resembled those produced by aniplietamine except that thcy were comparatively inore acccwtuated; that is, caffeine induced a 30% decrease in thc MEC, and a 35%decrease in the (3'.Unlike their response to all subjects reacted to caffeine essciitially in the amphc~taiiiinr~, same fashion and with little variation.
5. I 3 11 le ti ctlio tti ii I CJ Coinpo 1 I ti rl.s Bcck ct nl. (1964) :;tidied a series of iiiethylatcd derivatives of ctliylciicdiarninc to ascertain the degree to which progressive methylation may promote siniulant properties of the cthylenediamine moiety. As in the investigations of drugs already described, the cff ective potency of each siibstitutcd coinponnd \vas cwluated in t e r m of the dose level producing a 50%reversal of pentoliarbitalinduced sedation. The results deinonstrated a direct relationship betwwn the dcgrec of methylation of tlie amino groups and the stimulant effect evoked. For cxample, the 50%reversal dosc of the N-monomethyl derivative was 36.0 iiig/kg, iv, as cornpard to 5.7 nig/kg for the trimethyl compound, implying increasing stiinulant potency with progressive methylation. 6. Iboguinc This alkaloid extracted from the shrub Tabernurrthe i h g c i \\'as tested by Droliocki ( 1954d) in inan. Monopolar EEG recordings tverc obtained from the vertex; the integrator pulses \\jere mcasured
in units of 1-sccond timc. iirtcmds. Sigiiificant changes \\WC Wflected in the spread of the distril)ritions, in the position of the mean, or in both parameters, and occ.iirr(d chicxfly at tlie time the subjects r t y o r t ed “11sy diic ciscit a t ion .‘’
. - \ S . I , ~ D I ~ I ’ H I ~ S S A SA T Acxsrs
At the prescwt tiinc, aiitit1cpi.c tiit drugs investigated in nian include only the monoaininc, oai s(: inhibitors, tranylcypramine ( 20 nig total dosc, orally), and the experiinental coinpulid, 2inetliyl-3-~~iperidinopyrazineor \!WO7 U ( 50 and 1% 111g total doses. orally). The results of tliese stutlics were essentially negative (Chldsteiii et al., 1963b), as slio\nrn b y no significant change in hlEC or CV over a 6-hour pcbriod, o t l w than a transient increase iii the h\IEC 2 hours after th(2 larger 130-ing dose of \V3307 13. 1 I O \ W ~ C T ,clinically, these anti ssant drugs are \veil kno\vn to bc slo\v ill onset of action, I ‘tating rclatively prolonged administration to evoke the desire iavioral efftxts. Hence, it is not surprising that, in thc abovc~stiidy, quantitated EEG cl~anges wc.rv undrtc~ctahle following a singlcJ-dose administration and a relatively short period of EE(: rccortling. IX. Analysis of Changes Produced b y Hallucinogenic Drugs
EIW since the discovery of tlrc rvinarkable capacity of lysergic acid dietliylainide ( LSD) to iii(1iicc Iiallncinatory statrs in inan, there has 1,een coiisiclcm1,le intcrcst i n this spwific coiiipoiind, and others v.ith similar activity. Altlioiigli l~roiniiient chaiigi~s \$ deinonstrated in the EEC’s of aiiiinals under tlic influence of LSII, mcscalinrl, aiid psilocybin, distiiicti\~cfcatures in tlie clectrical activity of the hninan brain could not l x t dctc~ctedhy visual inspection of records alone even dining thv o c ~ ~ i r r c n cof e drug-induced lialhicinations. Hence, the qnaiititative nivtliod of EEG analysis was applied in an attempt to i n i v o v ( ~tlicx ;ipparently sn1)tle cffects of halhiciiiogenic drug action. ‘4. ESPERI;\IENTATION I N MAN Goldstein et al. ( 1963a,b) ntlrniiiistcwd LSD orally to norinal volunteers at the two dose Icvols of 0 . 3 and 1.0 ,.~g/kg.Ten-minute recordings were obtaiiicd from tlic left occipital area every 30 minutes for a period of 3 hours. As in all quantitative EEG studies, electrical energy levels and tlic varia1)ilitics therein were expressed
in relation to their conirol levels in a fixed period to drug administration. After the 1owc.r dose of 0.3 pg/kg, the 6 subjects tested reported no behavioral eff ccts other than a slight restlessness. Further, no significant change in the MEC of the quantitated EEG was detected during :any of the sampling periods. However, a significant decrease in the CV (from the control value of 17.6 to 11.7%) occurred 90 minutes after drug ingestion. This lowered variability was still detectible after 2 hours. At the higher dose of 1 &kg, producing visual hallucinations and other LSI) effects in most of the 13 subjects studied, thc decrease in EEG variability was w e n more pronoiiincrd (from the control value of 14.7 to 7.9%). Moreover, along with this change, the level of the MEC decreased liy 93%. hlaxinial decrease in electrical activity occurred in 90 minutes; that of the CV, in 150 minutes. Thus, in the quantitated E E G s of nornial volunteer subjects, LSD does, indeed, induce prominent changes. The latter are similar to those observed with amphetamine and caffeine: a decrease in MEC and variability; the decreases, however, were relatively pronounced and longer lasting with LSD. Of interest at this point are the experimental reports that overdosage with amphetamine may produce visual hallucinations. Also to be considered is the fact that the decrcasrct EEG variability typical of drug-induced hallucinations is very similar to that found in the resting EEG of the chronic schizophrenic. In both cases, the variability is approximately one-half that found in normal, untreated subjects. Goldstein e t ul. (1963a) administered LSD (1 pg/kg orally) to each of 10 malc chronic schizophrenics. There was no change in the MEC during 2 hours following drug administration. On the other hand, the CV increased rather than decrcased, as occurred in the nonpsychotic subject. This could be interpreted as a “rebound” phenomenon, although no striking behavioral changes were observed in the paticmts tliroughout t h t period of action of LSD.
The effect of hallucinogenic drugs on rabbits was studied by Picrre (1957), Goldstrin et 01. (1962), and Heck et al. (1963). As anticipated from thc findings in normal human volunteers, these drugs proved to be cqiially powerful CNS stimulants in rabbits. Using the previonsly described technique, and determining the
dose necessary to reduce thr energy levels attained during pentobarbital-induced sedation by SO%, the following values w cw obtained: LSD-0.23 pg/kg; hifotenii ic--0.08 mg/kg; psilocybin0.27 mg/kg; mescaline-1.7 nig/kg. 111 all cases, the stimulant effect w a s long-lasting. Goldstein ct al. (196s) and P f t d h ct (11. (1965) compared in rabbits thc changes induced b y LSD at cortical and rhombencephalic levels to c1iaiigc.s occurring during “paradoxical” or “fast” sleep. This study \vas prompted by the observation that in both cases thc cortcs cxhiI)itcd a i l identical 1JLltterll of “liyperaroiis~ill” and that an uncl~iestionable rescinblance existed between dreaming a i d hallricinations. As shown by the work of Dement a nd Kleitman ( 1957) there are numerous indications that dreaming takes placca duriiig the stages of paradoxical slwp. Quantitative integration of thc EEG recorded during paradosical slc,ep rcvealed that thy cwc~gycontent and variability arc quite low at cortical levels and very Ir igli in the subcortical, caudal, pontine niicleus. Following ( 5 ,Lg/kg, iv), similar effects were seen at cortical levels, but in the rliombencephalic area, no significant difference from wakcfulncss was found in either energy content or CV. This could mean that different mechanisms (or perhaps cliff erent neuronal pathways ) arc. involved in dreaming and drug-induced hallucinogcnesis. X. Analysis of Changes Produced by Antianxiety Drugs
Drohocki and Goldstein (1957) stiidied the effects of benactyzine, meprobamate, and the expwiniental compound, phenylparachlorophenyl morpholinoetho?ryiiictlie ( LD 2630 ) on the cortical EEG of rabbits. All three driigs prodiicml a shift of the I X G toward sedation, corresponding to increases in the IvlEC and (21’. The doscxs doiibling the control cnergy Irvt.1 (within a pcriod of 20 minutes) were: benactyzine--0.8 mg/kg; LD 2630-3.0 mg/kg; and iiic.l~r”bnmatc-1.0 mg/kg. Tlie drirntion of effect was longest with LD 2630 aird shortest with I)cwwtyzinr. The data in tliese studies \vcrc aiicilycd in a somewhat different inaiiiier. yieldiiig, as a rcwilt, ddi ti ot ial and unanticipated information; that is, successivc lO-scc,ond intervals of the EEG were measured, the time-unit w l i i ( ~ sciimiilatecl, and then plotted to
o1)tain linear regression lines, for the period of drug action (the first 20 minutes following drug administration). The slopc,s of the regression lines were found to be directly dose-related, suggesting a one-step relationship lxtwcen the close of the drug and thtb number of time units involved.
A number of antianxicty agents were studied b y (.:oldstein (1963d), Pfeiffer a i d Schultz (1964), Pfeiffer and Goldstein (1964), and Pfeiffer ct al. (1964a). The EEC WRS csvaliiatcd from successive 10-minute units, sampled from the recording c\ for a period of 6 hours. As with most of the previous studies, incasureinents were esprcssed in relation to a 10-minute, p r ( ~ l ' u g , control recording.
1. Alepsobanicite A total oral dose of 800 ing Lvas administcred to 10 normal volunteers. Two hours after drug administration, the h#lEC was decreased by :30Y; after 6 hours, it had returned to tliv control level. The CV, on the other hand, increased progressively and markedly, attaiiiing a peak in the fifth horir postdrug sampling. and still 25% above normal at the conclusion of the experiment.
2 . Chlordiazcpoxide Similar changes, i t . , decrease in MEC and increase in CV, were observed in the 9 subjects studied (20 mg total oral dose). However, the appearance of effects in relation to time differed from that of meprobamate. \Vith chlordiazcpoxide, the MEC was not significantly deercased until 4 hours after drug administration, nor did it return to control level at the conclusion of the 6-hour duration of the experiment. Further, the CV did, indeed, tend to increase, but significantly so only in tlrc second and sixth hour samples of the EEC rccord. 3. Di~~hciiliycl~aminc This antihistaminic agent was tested at two dose-levels, 20 and mg (total oral dose), on 10 and 13 subjccts, respectivcly. Sirnilar, though more pronounced, inverse relationships hetw,een the MEC and CV were olmrvecl as with meprobamate and chlordiazepoxide. For examplc., with SO m g , the M I X decreased. 6 hoiirs
after driig adininistration, to 284 ol its control valuc; at the same time, the C\.' almost doubled in valuc. In I d 1 EEG parameters, the degree of change was shown to I)c dosc~-rclated.
1. Orphenntlrine 'I'hc EEC: changes prodiicxd l)y tliis tlriig rescml)lcd those dcscribed for diphcnliydrainiiic.. Total t1osc.s of 20 aiid 50 m g , admiiiistercd to each of 10 and 1:3 sril)jvcts, rc~spctively,produced a similar tlecrease in the ME(: ant1 iiicwase in the C\'. Ho\vvrver, compared to aforemcntionc~cltlrrigs, orphcwidrinc effects \ w r v both tiiore acccmtiiated in natiirct m t l tliffc iitly spaec~lin time,.
3. Atropiiic OIICmilligram total oral tlosc, ( t l i c s sole dose levcl studied), aiigc in tlic h113C i ~ r ~ w i i r v cthroughout l a 6-lioiii. er, a signific:urt trcvrtl t o u m d iiicrcwc, iii the C\' \vas observrd.
6. f.:tl1anol Each of 10 subjects received ;in oral close of ctlianol amomtin:: to 0.25 ml/kg (95% soliitioir ) . \\'ithiti 60 minutw, the RIEC 0 1 the quantitatcd EEG dcerc!ascd by 17%';at thc: same time, a slight, nonsigiiificant, increase. in thv CV occwrcd. The maximal tlrop in hIEC appc~ircd90 ininiites aftrr driig athninistratioii.
Total oral doses of 20 a i i t l 40 riig \VLW givcxii to each of 2 groups of 10 subjccts, respctivcly. l ' l r c ~ il+:C chaiiges again included a decreased IIE C and increased CI', 1)iit iinlikc tlic compoiiiicls discussed above, these trends \vcrc not iiiiiforin but prwwit(d, instrad, a varia1)le course of cvciits: 1 hour after driig administration, the hlEC dccrciased; in the secontl- ant1 tliird-hour E E G samples, the e i i r ~ g ycontent rcturncd to normal lcvcls; in tlic fourth hour, a scwond more pronounced decrcxse iii hIEC occiirrcd ( as coinpared to the first sampling), aiid persistctl t o the conclusion of the 6-hour experimental period. Since sampling errors are always possible despite the averaging of data on as inany as 10 siibjccts, I'fciffer (1965) repeated the same study on a n cwtirely new groiip of 10 siihjects. The rrsults o1)taiiird \ v c w strikinglv similar to thaw obtainecl for the first
groups. i t would appear, therefore, that the biphasic drop in MEC under phenobarbital rrflects a characteristic fcature of the action of this drug. It is tentatively suggested that the second (fourthhour) dccreasc in RIEC may be due to the effect of a metabolite of phcmobarbital, cxerting stronger effects than the barbiturate itself. 8. Pciitobarbitul
T\\&y and 40 rng total oral dose produced no significant change in eithcr ME(; or CV throughout cxperimental sessions lasting 6 hours. As will lie discussed, higher doses did cxert significant effects, but of a nature morc characteristic of hypnotic rather than antianxiety activity. The decreased MEC induced by antianxiety agents iiiight, indeed, seem puzzling ( i f not paradoxical) when considered in relation to the CNS stimulant drugs which similarly effect a diminution in electrical activity. However, in contrast to the decreased CV observed with stimulant clrugs ( aniphetaminv, caff cine, LSD ) , variability in thc EEG :is increased with the antianxiety agents. Following admiiiistraticin of the latter, EEG recording examined by visual inspection alone, rcveal a pattern resembling that of drowsiness, namely, juxtaposi tcd intervals of alpha rhythm, nonrhythmic beta activity, and even sporadic slow waves of sleep. i n comparison, the state of arousal or stirnulation is characterized by a fairl!. constant reduction in lmin-wave amplitude persisting for a rclatively long period of time. It is precisely this differencr, in the variability of the quantitated EEG which distinguishes the action of antianxiety agents ( increasc~lC\' ) from that of stimulaiit agents (decreased C V ) . XI. Analysis of Changes Produced by Hypnotic and Anesthetic Agents
4. PENTOBARBITAL This familiar compound is of special importance in animal brain investigations in that it provides an effective base liiw of mild sedation to which stimiilant activity of varied agents can be more precisely referred. i n unrestrained rabhits cxpipped with chronically implanted intracranial electrodes ( parivtal cortcx ) and carcfiilly traincd to e y perimental proccdmcs, Muiioz and Goldstein ( 1961b). Pfeiffer et
~ 2 (. 1963), Beck et (11. ( 1963, IHfi-l), aiicl Beck and Goldstein ( 1964) foiind that pentobarliital in t1osc.s of 3 to Ci mg/kg, iv, increased the XlEC of the EEG to 200k or m o r c ~al)ovc~control levels. This effect rcquircd approximately 5 iniiiiitcss to r c ~ i c ha fairly constant level wliich theit persisted for 20 to :30 iiiinittcbs or more. The C\' was most often tlonbled. At higher doscy siicli ;IS 30 ing/kg, iv ( administered over a period of 1 minute), 1)rohocki t'/ (11. ( 195613) distinguished threc phascs in the evolution of tho h l I < C : an initial phase (lasting approximately 200 seconds aftcr injc~tioii) showing a decrcxase in hIEC; a swotid phase of rapid incrcwc. of hlEC (lasting from 300 to 300 seconds) ; and finally, thc alqi(waiice of a plateau of more or less constant activity. Plotting of the logarithmic: values of siiccessive l-second inter\xls of tllc second phase of rapid increase in MEC yiclclcd a l i n c m re-grcssion, which, in turn, indicated a geometric progression of tlic: nieasured vahics per time unit in the development of tlic hypnotic c>ffcct. In man, pentolmbital effects wcre stiidied b y Droliocki ( 1957a), Jenney et al. ( 1962), h l i i r p h r c ~c>t ~ (11. (1962a), and Pfeiffer ct d. ( 1965 ) ,
1. h'ormal Szrbjcc.t.y (A'
13) =\ total oral dose of 200 1ng protlticcd a phase division of the MEC levels as obscmwd in ral)l,its, iraincly, an initial decrcasc. ( dnration-12 minutcs ), ;I gcwiiivtric.-type increase ( duration-19 ininutc>s), and a slow arithnic+c iiic.rc:isc. requiring 6 minutes to reach the maximal l e w l of a platc.aii. :21r additional, primary stage ( duration--7 minutc,s), not i i i rzhbits, corresponded to a latency period lx>twecn adnrinistratioil of drug and beginniiig of effect; this diffcrcncc> is, ho\wv(,r, most likely due to the difference in routes of adiiiiiristlatioii, naint~ly.iiitra~~enous in the rabbit, oral in man. The maxiinal Icvel of c,lcx.trical energy at plateau level averaged SOT, above that of the, c ~ ~ i t r oIwriod. l The CV increased both during the pcriod of 1ntc~irc.y ant1 during the first phase, of -
the rise in RIEC; it was furtlwr arifiinentcd during thc phase of arithmetical growth, remainiirg consit1cnl)ly elevated thereafter.
2. Male Chronic Schizophrenics
In this group, rcspoiise to l)('i~toliarl)italwas characterized by ), and absc.iice of initial c l ~ ~ e a of s r tlic hlEC. Thc gc~onictric-type increasc was re-
a relatively prolongrd latent period ( 22 minutes
placed b17 an aritliinetic progression of 17 minutes duration, leading up to a platean of iconstant activity, but only 25% above control level. Variability was unchanged during the latent period and only slightly higher during the two last phases.
R. THIOPEZITAL This drug was stuclied only in human subjects.
1. Nornial Subjects (A7
A dose of 1.5 mg/’kg, iv, rapidly administered, produced an immediate, short-lastinq but very marked increase in energy content. Attcr 2 minutes, the hlEC temporarily returned to the control level atter which it decreased over the next 10 minutes by as much as 90%of its control value; the behavioral correlate of the t referred to as “activation.” recluccd energy period w‘is t h ~ usually As expected, it corrcspondcd to a rcduction in EEG variability. 2,.
Mnle Chrotiic Sch iz ophrc 11 ics
Somewhat similar changes were found in the averaged EEG data obtained from 10 patients. Howevcw, rccordings of the latter d in electrical displaycd a greater and more ~ ~ r o l o n g ereduction energy and variability than did no1 ma1
C Rr. I I HI( Acm
13117 \T IVES
The two clowly 1ic.1atc.d compouncls \tidied in man were hityrolactone (2.5 gin) and 7-hydroxybutyrate (1.5 to 4.0 gin). After a latent period of 12 minutes, butyrolactone indiiced behavioral sleep with a concomitant increaw in MEC to levels of 100 to 120%above control level. The attained plateau pcrsistcd for 25 minute\ or inow. y-Hydio~vl)utyrateediibitecl no behavioral or EEG effects up to 1.5 gin, larger doses produced an irregiilar CNS depression starting 15 minute5 after d o q e and lasting up to 2 hours. Despite i n c r e a w in the hIEC almost as pronounced as \T ith butyrolactonc, only light anesthesia resulted in ;i certain number of the subjectr. Interestingly, ‘1s the subject.; roused from the y-hydro\yl~utyrate cff-ects, thcy verhnli;.ed spontaneously and coherently despite a cocxistrnt EEG picture of high-voltage humps m d sleep spindles, features corrcsponding to a high level of electi ical energy and an increased variability.
D. ETHYLCARBAhlATE This anesthetic was studied in rab1,its b y Drohocki ct d. (19561,). Administration of 1 g/kg of the drug was f o l l o \ ~ dby decy s l c q within 15 minutes, Although the iiiean energy content of the EEG (parietal leads) incrcwcd inarkcdly, a plateau of constant activity lvas not attaiiird; that is, c.lcctrogenic levels shifted unprrdictably from va1iic.s of 3 to 300%above control level to \xlues equal to or even l)c~lo\v tliose ol)scr\~cd lwforc drug ~~dministration.Thv statistical tlistri1)rition of intcgrator piilses, ex:unined at different stages of sleep tlcvelopment or with different time units of measurement, failed to rc,vcal any trend or organization whatsoever. XII. Analysis of Changes Produced by Antipsychotic Medication
A. C I ~ L O H I ~ R O ~ IANI) A Z IPS E ~ I I ~ I Ir,: ~I SA Z I ~ (:rriiosrc SCIIIZOPHREIVICS
n x w perfornied 011 a group of 16 Quantitative EEG analy male chronic schizophrenics for a period of 1 year; 10-minute EEG recordings on each patient were taken monthly. The treatment (CPZ) (300 mg daily) for routiiie was as f o l l o ~ s :chlorprorn~~zinc 1 month; placebo for 3 montlis; finally, perphcwazine ( 16-32 mg daily), administered either alone or in eomlination with clcanol (previously drwribed ), for the rc.maiiit1r.r of the study. Tlic results of this inwstigation, performed i n ;I double-1)lind design, have ~ (11. been reported h y Sugermaii c't trl. ( 1964) aiid h l i i l p l ~ r c ct ( 1963). It is to be emphasized that thc: control, prctreatment level of the coefficient of variability of thc EEG of the these patients was relatively low. (See section on the resting EEG in schizophrenic ~ i ~ i ~ ~ from , recordings patients. ) The action of c h l o r p ~ o ~ ~ i ucvaluated at ccwation of drug treatment, reflected a slight increase in the over-all 3lEC of the group, and a nonsignificant increase in the C j 7 .1~cplacemc:ntof the phenothiazinc~b y placebo maintained the trend toward increasing MEC and C\' for the following 2 months. At the end of this time, the MEC \\'as 27% above predrug level, whereas the CV had doubled its original value. FIo\vever, at thc) conclusion of 3 months of placebo treatment, the trends of increasing MEC and C\' reversed; 110th parainrters now rc~turned to approximately control \'1111CS.
Perphenuzinc alone, but especially in coinhination with deanol (1 g daily), produced ;istriking change in the CV to the extent of a threefold incrcasc. In contrast to the iticrcased MEC due to CPZ, these drugs effected a dccrrasc in MEC to a platclau level 40% below initial value. Also unlike CPZ action, replacvment of perphenazine with placebo resulted in markedly decreased EEG variability within 1 month. In other \vortls, after 2 months of placebo treatment whii:h concluded the entire experimental study, the CV approaclied the low variability level characteristic of male chronic schizophrenics not csposcd to drug therapy. Perhaps tlie chief finding of this investigation was thr demonstration of thcl tlircct correlation of clinical improvement in schizophrenic lxahavior ( a s measured b y the Psychotic Reaction Profile and Inpaticwt hliiltidiiricnsioilal Psycliiatric Scale ) and the increase in the CV of the quantitated EEG; similarly this direct corrclation applies to the association of exaccrlxitcd schizophrenic symptoms with decrease in the cv. B. C r i ~ o ~ i ~ ~ o a IX r ~ RABBITS zrs~: Goldstein and Muiioz (196111) and Mulioz and Goldstein (1960, 1961b) administcred CPZ to rabbits in dosrs of 0.5 to 2.0 ing/kg, iv. In the quantitated, parietal EEG. thr, drng increascd thc MEC to 75-82% abovc, control lcvc,l. I-Iowc;vrr, in contrast to tlie action of other agtnts producing a similar rise in the MEC (such as barbiturates), the CV was not significantly afhcted. Fnrther studies ( t o be discussed later) \wrc conducted to evaluate possiblc alphaadrenergic blocking activity of CPZ in relation to the EEG behavior of catccholamint~s,a m~~hrt a mi ncand s, other CNS stimulants. XIII. Analysis of Drug Interactions in Rabbits
Interest in the interaction on the CNS of these two agents centers on their indivicliial ahilitics to induce identical shifts in the EEG pattern to that of hypersynchronization. Nalorphine, however, administered at the peak of the sedating action of morphine, institutes an immediate and complete rcverwl of the latter sedation, as seen by thr shift of EEG hypersynchronization to distinct arousal. The animal remains in this alerted state for 10-20 minutes, after which the EEG gradually resiimcs the initial morphine-in-
duced pattern. The reciprocal of this pheiiornenon does not occur; nor docs nalorphine antagonize its own hypersynchronous effect. The unique features of this interaction promptcd Seevers and \\’oods ( 1953) to postulate the possible existence of competitive antagonism between two drugs liaving similar effects but diffcrent affinities for the same receptor-this. ;I resultant displaceincnt of morphitic~ by nalorphine. Goldstein and Aldunate ( 1060) studied the quantitative EEG chaiigc~s iiidiiced in rabbits b y morphine and nalorphinc, either wparat(3ly or consecutively. A slow continuous injection of morphit ic‘. cBcxting measureablr dosc) I t ~ v c ~ Iof s 0.1 to 2O pmolcdkg, yields ;I l i n c x log-dose-effect relationship l)ctwccn 0.5 and 5.0 pmol(,s/kg. (Thc effect measiiretl was the M E C in siicc imit intervals throughout drug atliiiiiiistrntioii. ) Helon. 0.3 ,pinole/kg changes n.erc not significant; al)ovcx 5.0 ;!tiiolc,s/kg, the MEC did not increase, bcyond 3255%above thv prc~trcatnicnt,control level. With nalorphii-I(%injectcd under similar cotitlitions, a log-dose related incrcwe in MEC was also ol)taincd. I Tom,cver, the lowest eff ective dosc was 10 timcs smallcr thaii that of tnorphinc, the plateau level reached with 0.5 pinolc/kg, aiid tlic, plotted data revealed a sigmoid, rathcr than linear, ciirw. ‘I’lic~sc~facts itiipliccl a difference in mechanism of action I1ctwee11 tlit. two tlriigs. Further, the antidoting of morphine action by nalorphiirc~evicl(~iit1yobeys an “all-or-none” law at a variable, threshold of 1 part nalorphine to 400 parts of morphine or 1 to 600 parts, rcywcti\x~ly.Curiously, nalorphine at the latter, the l o n m dose l c ~ c ~ lprodiicc,s , morphine antagonism proportionatvly longer in duration th;ui that obtaincd at the higher dose level.
R. M o H I ~ I I ~ s E - Q u ~ ~A~ -El R~ ~r ~\ ~~R(o:~o~-x r~ i w~ - ~m s~ r Kiioll and Komlos ( 1951) and SLCTI> ( 1937) reported potentiation of the analgesic effects 0 1 inorpliiiw b y conipoi~iidssiicli a s cholinc and ncostigminc. It sccwied ol intcrcst to cxainiiie tliv statistical significance of this ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~ i o ~and t ~ ~flirther, ~ t t o ~ to i , esplorc othcr coinpoiinds for possibly siinilar action. Thus, C:oldstrin (1960a) designed appropriate cxpcriiwtits on rabbits e q i i i p p d with clironically iinplanted c1cctrotlc.s a i i t l carefully traiiicd for their consistently steady rcspoiisc’s to srdatiw and stitnnlant qcvits. Thv first stcp in this work \\’as to tlvtcrminc- ii dose level of riiorphiire which odd h a w al)soliitc,ly no effect on hie ICE(:
whetlicr administercd ~ n c eor two or three times tlirougllout a 12hour period, thus preduding cumulative action. Such a level, which provided a “base line” for measurement of morphine potentiation, appeared to he 0.05 mg/kg, iv. Similarly, potential potentiating agents were necessarily screened to establish threshold doses which of themselves also had no effect on the cortical electrical activity. Finally, interaction studies were performed to determine the most effective time spacing of tcst drug and morphine injections, this interval being obviously dependent upon tlic mechanism of action of the chemical compoimds involved. By such mcthods, ;I large series of quatcmary ammoniiim compounds of widely differing pharmacological properties, wtsre shown to potentiate or enhance the central action of morphine. These include: atropine methyl bromide, scopolamine methyl bromide, homatropine methyl bromide, methantheline, cl-tubocurarine, decamethonium, succinylcholine, neostigmine, choline, and methacholine. On the other hand, tertiary ammonium analogs of some of these drugs ( atropine, scopolaminc, homatropine, pliysostigmine) and other unrelated tertiary compounds (hexamethonium, mecamylamine, p-erythroidine, phentolamine, ergotamine, and dibenzyline ) were entirely devoid of potentiating properties. This study offers an unbiased confirmation of the Knoll and Komlos hypothesis which views such potentiation as an occupation of morphine receptors by nonspecific, quaternary ammonium compounds in addition to morphine itself, resulting in an additive analgesic effect.
RELATEDCOMPOUNDS As previously mentioned, Goldstein and p\/luiioz ( 1961b) and Mufioz and Goldstein ( 1961b) performed numerous electroencephalographic experinicnt:; on rabbits to determine effects of adrenergic antagonist agents in relation to the reactivity of the adrcnergic system of the brain. (Eithcr curarized rabbits or waking, unrestrained aninials with ‘chronically implanted electrodes were used.) These studies were extended to iiiclude an investigation of adrenergic antagonists and are summarized as follows: 1. Epinephrine and norepinephrine produced significant arousal reactions in only 2OA of the animals. 2. Following prctrcatmcnt with dichloroisoproterenol ( DCI ) , a
heta-adrciicrgic Mocker, cpincplirint~ and norepincphrint. not od\. prodiiccd arousal in UU the aiiinds, Iiiit an arousal of l~olongetl duration. 3. The alpha-adrenergic blockers, chlorproinazine, phenoxybenzamine, and dibenzyline, suppressed the stimulant action of catccholarnines, whether in tlic 20% spontaneous group or following trcatmcnt u i t h DCI. Howevc-r, other blocking agents, such as azapc’tinc, dihydroergotaininc, iuid plitntolainine, failed to inhibit thcx central effects of catecholaniines, even a t doses that did inhibit the peripheral effects of catecliolamiiies. 4. lsoproterenol exerted an EEC; stimulant effect which could be blocked by DCI and by all thc alpha-adrenergic blockers. Following such a block of either alplia- or beta-adrenergic receptors, the effcct of isoproterenol was iiow oiic of sedation. A later study (Goldstein, 1962), showed that LSll ($5to 100 &kg, iv) also blocked the EEG effects of isoprotercwol, in a manner similar to the action of ] X I . On the other Iiaird, its nonhallncinogenic analog, 2-l)roni LSU, produced no blocking cffect even at very high doses. 5. Epincyhrine, but not irorcpirieplirine, evoked an EEG pattcni of Iiypcrsyiiclironizatioii whcm adiniriistered after injection of alplia-l,locl\iiig agents ( characterizcd by their ability to supprtxs the stimulant activity of catecholamil ) . Anothcr condition under which cyinephrine displays a scdativc rather than stimulant effec,t w a s drwril~cdby Drohocki et (12. ( 1056~ ) . The degrcc of scdatioir in rabbits anesthetized with ethyl carlxiinate was increased fol1ov.on of epinephrine. sed and/or prcwwtecl tlic. EEG sedative effects of a varic2ty of agents apparc.ntly iinre1atc.d to the adrenergic system, such as pentobarbital, niorphincs, and nirprobamatc:. I t was ineffectivc against EEG hypersynchronization induced by chlorpromazinr~ or 1~hc.iiozybenzarnine( Goldstc,in rt ul., 1961). 7. The universal stiniiilant cxffects of amphetamine were suppressed b y the same agents which were found to be effective against cat ccholamines. 8. The specificity of the aforc31nc1itioned reactions was emphasized by the inability of eithw alpha- or beta-blocking agellts (or the simultaneous injection o l hoth ) to affect the EEG stilnulant properties of caffeine or pei7tylc.lic,tc’tl-~~~~I[,. These studies, based on statistical criteria of sigliificallce in relation to changing MEC l c ~ ~ ~ (lcorrwponcliiig c. to changing seda-
tion-arousal states), niay be interpreted as evidence for the existence of two adrenergic pathways in the central iicrvous system: one related to the alpha receptors and involved in aroiisal phenoinena, and the other related to the beta rcceptors, intervcning in sedation phenomena. HS L \ s D
As mentioned in the section on histamine, this naturally occurring amine typically exerts an EEG stimulsnt effect. An indirect inechanisin of action, involving release of stimulant cat echolamines by histarninc, has h c w i frequently considered. Ho\vever, sucli a mechanism has lieen refuted by Goldstein et nl. (1964b) i n a study of animals pretreated with chlorpromazine; the latter tlrng had no cffcct on the EEG stiniulant properties of histarninc. On the other hand, prctreatnient with l~romethazine, a centrally acting antihistaminic agent, did abolish the stimulant effect of histamine.
r \ ~ ~ ~ O P I ~ E - ~ I I O L I N E RAGNIDC h R X K E R C : I C
I n rabbits, Goldstein (196011) studicd the effect of atropine on the central action of deanol, a choline precursor which (as previously mentioncd) doc,s influence brain activity. In animals displaying EEG ~iypersynclironizationfollouing pretreatment with deanol!, atropine (1 mg/kg, iv) caused an iinniediatc revcrsal of the lattc'r sedation pattern to one of alertness; the cff ect was quantitatively indicated in the integratcd I wording h y a return to control hlEC lcvc~ls.This alert state persistctd for 12 to 15 minutcs, after which hypersynclironization resumcd. Atropine ( 1 tng/kg) dorw induces a 1iyPcrsyiichronized pattern charactcrized by a shift in tlie st; distribution of energy measurements to a higher level without change in the fiducial limits; in contrast, clranol-indncc,cl hypersynchronizatioii produces a marked widening of the distribution curve. It seemed of interest to dctcrmine whether the EEG sedation following atropine reversal ( arousal ) of the tleanol hypersynchronization was due to resumption of deanol activity or due to an additional atropine effect delayed by the presence of deanol. The problem was resolved by identifying the nature of the distribution curve of measiirenients for thc sedation period in question. It proved to be a tleano'l-typ distribution, implying resiunption of deanol activity.
;In iiiteractiori of choline a i i d dtaiiol was also reported in this study. Pretrc~~tiiiciit oi rabbits with clroline inore than doubled the tinic (latent pcriod) necessary for doanol to reach the peak of its hy1)trsyneliroiiization effect. Another csaiiiple of atropinc interaction coiiceriitd its tendency at \ - c ~ ylo\\, doses (5-10 ,,,g/kg) to iiicluce E E G arousal in coinparisoii to tlic Iiyl~~~rsyiicIaroiii~~ltioir typically effected by larger c1osc.s ( 1 nig/kg). Pretrcatnicnt of tlw rabbits \ ~ i t hclilorproinazinc (1 mg/l\g, iv) completely a1)olished tlic, arousal effect (Beck and Golclstcin, 1964 ) . This jvas vic,\vcd as a 1)ossible indication that thr EEG arousal of very low c1osc.s of atropiiic vwi due to an indirect releasti of catccholainine. Grcwlljcrg ( t (iZ. (1961) s t i i t l i c d t h ( s effect of various stiiiiulant agents on rahhits trcatcd \\.it11 c~tlranolat ;I dose maintaining a blood level of 300 ing X . This conccmtratioii of cthanol produced an EEG pattern of’ deep sedation with a conc.oinitant high in MEC. Amphetamine ( 5 mg/l\g, iv 1, deanol ( 100 nig/lcg, i v ) , carnitinc (100 nig/kg, i v ) , and LSII (5 pg/kg, i v ) reverted the hy1)ersyneIironous activity to :ii~Pro~iiii;it(’I).. prc~-cthanol levels. Under these conditions, EEG aroiisal did not necessarily correspond to bchavioral arousal, although thc a p p i r m t dissociation \\‘as difficult to cbvalriate in tlic rclativc~lycwrstlaiiicd animals. G. H\i13O\’OLEhilC ~ l \ i I ~ ~ CA\(;LIOSIC 1JLoc:I;ms
I ~ ~ : S S I o ~ - . ~ \ I ) AI S~DI ~ i ~ : ~ ~ ( ~ I ~ ~
:is inc~iitioncdprwiously, lrypovol~michypotension, induced in rabbits 1)y draining a volume of blood corresponding to 1%body \wight, cffclcted an EEG pattern of sedation, with a large increase in MEC. Coldstcin and Xluiioz ( 1961a ) p(~forinedsuch expcriments in animals prctreated with various agcwts to deterininc wliethc,r the EEG effect \vas due directly to a cliairgo iir ldood mass, or indirectly due to thc physiological effects of I)lrcding on altrriiatc CNS pathways. Plienosyl>cnzamine ( 1-5 nig/kg, ik.), an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent suppressing the arousal effwt of catecholamines, did not prevent an increase in MEC following hlmding. Phentolamine ( 510 ing/kg), also an alpha-adrcmrgic blocker (which does not,
however, affect the EEG stimulant action of catecholamines) significantly reduced thc scdation due to hypovoleinic hypotension. Similar interaction was demonstrated with DCI ( a beta-adrenergic blocker) and ~ i t hamphetamine. II~wmc ~thonium ( 0.1-1.0 mg/kg, iv) had an inverse eff vct in deepening the level of postbleeding sedation. XIV. Miscellaneous Drug and Placebo Effects
Although it is gent,rally believed that d-tubocurarine does not cross the blood-brain liarrier, and so exerts its apparent central cBects indirectly, Drohocki and Goldstein ( 1956b) analyzed the EEG’s of rabbits unde.r sub1iaralytic doses ( 50-200 +g/kg), ~ h i c h induced relaxation of only the neck and ear muscles. They found that althoiigh the MEC did not differ significantly in the pre- and posttreatment rccordings, thc shape of the statistical distribution of rncasurenients w a s indeed affected b y the drug. In pl;tce of a sharply defincd peak for the class corrcspoiiding to the mean, there occurred at least two a:djoining classcs with idcntical freqncncy of occurrence'.
B. PcKIPL1’ 4
This coiiviilsant agcmt \ w s stridicd by Drohocki and (-;oldstc$n (1956a) in that it afforded an opportunity t o analyzc thc shifts in three apparently continuous, overlapping states of the ccliltral nervous system, namcJy, wakefulness, excitation, and coiivulsions. Following administration of progressively increasing doses of pentylenctc,trazolc, EEG mc~asurementswere' inade for very short time intervals, most often of I-second duration. Ten a n d 30 ing/kg, iv, cffccted a significant decrease in both tlie mean numher of pulses per unit tiinc. and a dwreasc in thc variability. \Vitli doses of 40 nig/kg, iv, the decrease in both parameters \\as still initially evident but then w a s overshadowed in 20 to 30 seconds b y a large increase in energy content associated with the appearance of convulsive activity. In decided contrast to other kiio~vn states of increased MEC, the variability of the EEC: diiring convulsions w a s almost zero. A search for p0s:iibIe continmim or developing trend within the MEC levels iinrnecliately preceding the convnlsive phenomena w a s inconclrisive. That is, the shift n 7 a s so rapid as to o1,scm.e the
possiblcl existence of an e n c ~ g ystat(- iiitcrmcdiate between mere excitation and drug convulsioii. Iliis tiirniiig point, lwtween a sharply delimited pattcrii of tlc~crcxscd IIEC and an abruptly appearing pattern of incrcased RIEC, actiially suggested two individual EEG’s rather tlian thc EEC; of on(: animal.
c. 1-’r,:\ceuo :Is has been frequcmtly o l ) s c w c ~ l ,tlw cbffctts of pharmacologically active drugs (such as stiinrilants. scdatives, antianxiety ageiits) niay oftcii be convincingly rcylicated on surrcptitioiis siilxtitiition of the active agent by a ~~liariiiacolo~ically inert c o m ~ ~ o ~ ior nd placebo (such as lactose or starch ). Tllcrefore, in all qiiantitatcd EEG drug studies performed on human subjects ( a t least in the LTnitcxcl States), admiiiistratioti of placc4)o was includcd. A "triple1)lind” design was routinely applicd. so that neither siibjtbct iior mcdical invcstigator nor t h . tcx,hnic.iaii analyzing EEG records \\7as iiiformrd as to tlw n a t i i u - ot t h c ~ agent ( driig or placebo) adininistc.rcd i n a particiilar stiitly. Iiivcstigations of placebo c,ff-‘czcts\\‘CT(, corrductcd by Goldstein ct a!. ( 1963a), Rfurphrce et nl. ( 1961), Pfcifter et (11. ( 1963), and Pfeiffer (1965). In most sul)jc ’, placc-110 produced no significant change in either the XlEC or t C17.However, in a f c ~ vvolunteers, the EEC: did reveal significant t1c.crr.a or increases in the MEC (as comparcd to preplacebo control , with or without associated changes in the C\’, Such chaiigc~were dctcctablc in EEG sainples tnkcn at various tiines during the usiial 6-hour period of recording. 111contrast to the, EEG cifcbcts of active drugs, placebo effects on the MEC or C\’ seem totdly unrelated. For example, a d c w e a s c d MEC ant1 iiicrc~iscdCV itlviitifird 2, hours aft(-r placebo, inay wcll revc’rse to an incrcmcd X I ISC a i i d tltwcascd C A T 1 hour later. Furthcmiore, the aforc~iiic~iitioiic~tl KEG changes have 1)ecn s1ion.n to be randomly distrilnitcd; tliat is, in a n y single group of at lmst S to 10 volunteers, statistical aiialysis of tlie total EEC; data, incliiding that obtained from placc,l)o-rc.~ictiii~ subjects as wcll as from nonreactors, reveals no signific~aiic.~ in tlie variations of the 15EG parameters considered. XV. Discussion and Conclusions
T h c . v a l w o f thc data ol)tait i c ~ l\\.it11 the integrative method of KEG aiinlysis is ptdiaps lwst j i i d q d I)!, a i i m iiig a sirnple thoiigh
highly relevant question: Does such quantitated data provide more information, or a difererzt kind of information, than that derived from visual inspection of EEG records alone? Indeed, this would aplwar to be the most (critical, if not the only, question to be raised in the present stage o:t‘ development of electroencephalography as applied to neurophysiology aud ncuropliarniacology. That is, in any purportedly quantitative investigation of biological phenomena, popular critcria of scientific soundness, such a s “precision” or “accuracy” or “dynamic range response’ are poorly applicable if not invalid. As emphasized in this review, the direct, intrinsic source of the electroencephalogram is as yet unknown, so that the precise relationship of EEG measurements to the true statc of brain function remains undcfined. It is for this reason that the most acceptable criteria currently employed in this field are those of reproducibility and statistical validation. The application of statistical methodology to measurement of bioelectrical phenomena has thus far been restricted to direct “utilitarian” testing of thc. significance of changes in states; and such tests are indeed applied to thc integrative method. In addition, however, statistical analysis of quantitated electrogenesis may well serve to characterize :a bioelcctrical state in terms of the interrelationship of a poplatioil of cvents comprising this state. For example, such an interrelationship may be estimated by the variability of the EEG, a parameter, though often neglected, potentially suitable as an indicator inore sensitive to change in functional states than reflected by actual levels of over-all activity. Thus, in summary, data obtained from the quantitative integration of the EEG under varied cxperimental conditions have revealed the following hcrcltoforc. unknown or even unsuspectcd findings:
1. A difference 111 thc levc.1 of brain wave variability in normal subjects as compared t o male chronic schizophrmic patielits 2. A correlation h t w e e n thr level of EEG aniplitncle variability and psychological I~ehavioralratings of chronic schizophrcnics; 3. A decrease in EEC. variability, indiiced b y CNS stimulants and hallucinogens in normal subjects, to ‘1 level approacliing that typical of the untreated schimphrenic 4. A concept, derived from aninial studies, that stirnitlation is ;I graded rather than a n “all-oi-none” phenomenon 5. A n incroaw in thc I X G ~ a r i a l ~ i l i t(dmpitc y a decre,tw in the
ovcr-all EEG amplitude) of normal subjects treated with antianxiety agents 6. An aritliinetic typc progrcwioii in the increased level of MEC in animals trcated with aiitiaiisic~tytlrugs. c i . .I gcwinvtric type prognwioii ill tlic MEC changes preceding slecy itr irormal voltintcxc'rs trt,atotl with pentobarbital. 8. A difkrcnce in thc slopt~ of the evolution of the MEC, as well as in the level of the platcau attained, following administration of pcntolxirliital to norinxl su1)jccts and to chronic schizophrenics 9. An indication that pattcmis such as hypersynchronization can correspond to cliff rreiit specific distributions of the values of the elrctrical viiergy levels around their iiicans 10. A practical, reproducible method for evaluating chemical agciits in respect to such spccific factors as onset, peak, and duration of pharmacological action, as \r~.llas determination of tlieir relative potcncies 11. More generally, an instriunc~iit to define the bioclectrical events corresponding to a gi\xm lwha\,ioral state, e.g., by the limits of distribution of nieasuremmts ol)tnined during its occiirrmce; from siich a definition, the possi1)ility to ascertain statistically not only the significance of a chaiigc, h i t also the characteristics of the state evolved by such changc.. ( S(Y Table I11 for a summary of EEG data obtained in human sribj(,cts.) On the basis of these obscrvatioirs one may conclude that the integrative method of EEG analysis pi.ovides both more information and also a tliffcrcnt kind of information than that derived from visual inspcction of EEG recortls alonc. Assuming that intcgratcd 1CFX data reflccts the action of physiological mechanisms of the braiii to n reasonable extent, one could cautiously propose a model of h a i n function derived from such data. Such a model suggests itself in the symmetrical spread of bioelectrical values around thcbir respective means, and in tlic change of spread of such a distrilmtion in relation to varying states, such as arousal or sedation. I I I other words it suggests a homcostatic model. This model of brain fiinctioii ( a t cortical levels) is essentially characterized by the regulating mcchanisms maintaining a state of equilibrium in a constantly chaiiging cmvironment. Stimulation, hypercxcitation, and hallucinatory statcs (spontaneous or drug induced ) would correspond to difl'twnt drgrccs of hi/i'ci,-regulation.
'I'hc clriig valiies listcd correspond i o iii:tsirii;il efi'ect,. of siihjcct,s involved in each stiidy. 'The iiiiniber of iiidividud iiieasrirrinerits from wliicli the iiieaii energy content (AIlN'j :tiid codficient of variation ( C W ) were cstirnnt'ecl w:is most oftcii 50; for t~xniiiple,3 9 0 iiiea,siirmieiits were iised for the calcrdatioii c ~ fthe levels of the 1lPK' xiid C'V in normals iiiider LSD. c The l l E ( ' bvvas tietcwniried by ti:tnsforrii:~tic)iiof direcnt iiitcgrntor data from calihratiori characteristics oxistciit iiiiiiietliatc~ly before the rwordirig of each
* Number
In contrast, drowsiness, sedation, and drug-induced sleep would imply hypo-regulation. Normal \vakefuhiess, then, would be considered an optiinal level of regulating nieclianisms functioning in an intermediate position bctween mechanisms prevailing during excitation and those prevailing during sedation. At first sight, such a model might sc'em to contradict tlie obscrvation that behavior during excitation or in schizophrenia is decidedly more variable than normal. However, it is to be understood that hyper-regulation corrcsponds to loss of function. Theoretically, the extent and precision of responsiveness in a homeostat is directly
related to the variety of its reactive units (Ashby, 1958). Therefore, the correlation of decreased EEG variability with hyper-regulation of brain mechanisms is not, in effect, contradictory to increased behavioral variability. It is quite apparent that the aforementioned considerations involve theoretical constructs without much factual basis. It must also be stressed that the integrative method of EEG analysis reveals merely a small chapter of the electrophysiology of brain function. This type of analysis is obviously restricted in that it applies to only one aspect of the EEG, neglecting such parameters as frequencies, phase relationships, and waveform correlations. However, despite its limitations, it does indeed have value as a practical tool for exploring an intriguing feature of what is perhaps nature’s most fascinating achievement-the brain. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We express a particular debt of gratitude to Dr. Zenon Drohocki, the late Dr. Bruno Minz, Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer, Dr. Harry L. Williams, Dr. James A . Bain, Dr. Henry B. Murphree, Dr. A. Arthur Sugerman, and Miss Elizabeth H. Jenney. The able assistance of hlmes. Diane Leibach, Jenney Stephan, and Martha Hopkins is gratefully acknowledged. The work done in the U. S. A. was supported in part by grants from the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research and the American Medical Association Education and Research Founclation.
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AUTHOR INDEX N u i n l m s in italics refer to page\ listed.
A .4brcu, 13. E., 228, 263 Aht, J. P., 16‘2, 191 Atlcy, W. R., 24, 25, 28, 27, 30, 77. 79, 81, 84, 85, 88, 80, 90, 121. 132, 135 Atlriaii, E. D., 109, 133 i\garioal, 1’. S., 203, 216 Aitkeii, J. T., 43, 69 Ajiiione-Xlnrsnn, C., 63, 72 Akcrt, K., 79, 114, 136 A h - F e s s a r d , D., 43, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61. 62, 63, 6‘6, 67, 68, 69, 69, 70, 72, 7.3 All)crt, K., 144, 191 Altliinatc~, J., 299, 310 Alcuandcr, F., 204, 211, 219 Alcxaiidvr, I. E., 146, 191 Alpern, E. B., 149, 191 Alpcm, H., 162, 192 Altiiian, J., 47, 70 Alvord, E. C., 14, 17, 30, 34 Amawian, \’. E., 25, 30, 46, (31: 70 Ainin, A . I I . , 207, 216 Andersen, P.,26, 30, 84, 88, 89, 125 132 Anderson, F. D., 48, 49, 56, 57, 59. 70 Andcrson, J. A , , 203, 216 Anderson, S. A . , 49, 50, Fjl, 52, 61. 67, 70, 71 Aiidi-6, J., 272, 309 Andy, 0. J., 7, 8, 13, 20, 27, 30. XI, 85, 132 Angaut, P., Fj9, 62, 68, 70 Aiigelcri, I?., 49, 50, 73, 83, 1.3.3 Aiigc~Tiiie, J. E., 13, 17, 20, 27, 28,
\.rliich thl: complcte refflrences :ire
Armt i t i \ , J. C., 6, 30 Ar(111iiii. .4., 78, 79, 85, 88, $10, W,
103, 105, 106, 107,122, 132, 1.35 XI. C., 82, 104, 132 AriAis K a p p c w , C. U., 8, 9, 17, 20, 84, 28, 30, 55, 58, 70, 88, 132 Aririitngc~,S. G., 147, 148, 191 Ariiistroiig, hf. D., 198, 109, 204, 216 Arlloltl, F., 6, 8, 30 Aroiisoil, H., 208, 2 l S h r t l l u l , It, l’,, :39, 70 A h l ) ) . . If’, H., 309, 309 .4stiii. A . \I’., 1.44, 191 Aiild, R. M.,198, 199, 218 Avtxs, E. K., 203, 210 Axt~lrtrd, 210, 216 Aytl, P’. J,, Jr., 208, 216 ‘Ar(Iiiii1i.
B Unilc.y, C. J., 156, 195 BniltAy, P., 10, 20, 22, 33 B;iil(,y, 11. A., 51, 72 I h i i i , J . A , , 285, 311 U i t i t ( x r j w , S., 203, 216 naiin, ‘Y.E., 252, 262 U;lrbeaii, A,, 202, 216 Bt~rd,P., 88, 132 nnrgman, w., 28, 30 U x i - o i i , 11. N., 200, 216 B a ~ i t t l ( ~ S. s , H., 166, 191 Ihrrc,tt: 11. E., 148, 192
I 3 a x 1 , J. A,, 208, 216, 3 1 R H c , a r n , A. G., 201, 216 Bvtiulcy, R. hl., 46, 73
l h ~ k H. , A,, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290. 291, 295, 303, 309, 311
Btguin, M., 228, 261 Bennett, E. L., 155, 158, 159, 187, 191, 191, 195 Ikesford, \V. A., 51, 70 Berger, H., 266, 272, 309 Bergsnian, A,, 205, 216 Berlet, H. H., 204, 206, 210, 212, 216 Bcrnharclt, K. S., 140, 191 Bernsohn, J., 203, 208, 218 Bcrry, C. hl., 49, 56, 57, :TO Bertino, J., 208, 218 Bessman, S. P., 198, 199, 219 Rialy, 11. S., 256, 263 Bickel, II., 199, 216 Biehl, J. P., 213, 216 Bicl, W.C . , 143, 157, 191 Bignami, G., 173, 192 Bishop, G. H., 39, 42, 70, 82, 132 Bishop, M. P., 252, 261 Black, A. I I . , 150, 151, 191 Blackstad, T., 22, 25, 31 Blodgett, H. C., 141, 192 Bloom, W., 172, 194 Bobon, J., 252, 261 Bogdanski, D., 207, 218 Bogdanski, D. IT., 125, 126, 132, 138, 208, 216, 218 Rohdanecky, Z.. 95, OR, 1351, 133, 159, 186, 192 Boldrey, E. B., 67, 7 4 Bolles, R., 142, 182, 195 Bonewell, C. W., 190, I96 Bonnet, V., 94, 133 Bonvallet, hl., 99, 111, 235 Borck, E., 199, 216 Borensteiii, P., 62, 70 Bossier, J. It., 228, 261 Boszornienyi, Z.,209, 216 Boughton, J2. I,., 146, 192 Hovrt, I)., 79, 80, 111, 117, 136, 155. 171, 173, 178, 179, 192, 194, 195 Botvslior, D., 41, 43, 45, 4 6 , 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 59, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 69, 70, 71 Boyajy, L. D., 99, 138 Boyd, J. D., 14, 19, 31 Brack, A., 209, 218
Bradford, I)., 188, lY5 Bradley, P. B., 80, 89, 9.1, 95, 99, 100, 103, 105, 106, 121, 123, 133, 267, 309 Brazier, M. A. B., 89, 134 Brechcr, A,, 199, 216 Breen, H. A,, 184, 192 Bremer, F., 190, 192 Bridger, J. E., 43, 69 Bridgman, P. W.,141, 192 Briggs, M. H., 190, 191, 192 Brinley, F. J., Jr., 85, 91, .I35 Broca, P., 2, 31 Brodal, A . , 27, 43, 53, 56, 57, 66, 70, 74. 77, 133 Brodie, B. B., 207, 216, 218, 219 Brooks, D. C., 106, 133 Brown, 13. H,, 209, 217 Brown, C. \V., 148, 192 Brown, F. C., 205, 217 Brown, H. O., 150, 196 Brown, J. R,,65, 70 Brown, R. H., 204, 212, 214, 218 Bruck, M. ,I.,272, 309 Briicke, F., 85, 88, 90, 91, 96, 98, 101, 102, 103, 106. 111, 123, 124, 133 Bruland, H., 26, 30, 88, 89, 132 Brune, G. G., 199, 203, 204, 206, 208, 210, 211, 217, 219 Bruner, J., 61, 70 Bull, C . , 204, 206, 210, 212, 216 Bumpus, F. hl., 204, 217 Buniatian, 13. C . , 256, 261 Burex, J., 95, 133, 159, 164. 186, 192 Burezod, (I., 159, 164, 186, 192 Burgen, A. S. V., 08, 13.3 Burr, H. S., 15, 31 Burt, G., L57, 178, 179, 1 9 4 Buscaino, G. 4.,203, 217 Buser, P., 61, 62, 70 Buzzard, E. F., 43, 71
C Cadilhac, J., 79, 89, 90, 121, 122, 133, 136, 137 Cajal, S. R. Y., 41, 63, 71, 77, 84. 88, 1.33
C:IIIi(>liii. \V. H.,Jr.. 153, 176, 185, lM, 189, 192, 196 Caiib,.&, Ll. J., 210, 217 Cardo, B . , 186, 192 Cardon, 11'. 1'. V.,208, 210, 218 Cnrlhon. N. J,, 150, 191 Carlswii, A , , 228, 2Fi7, 261 Carltoii, 1'. L., 153, 15.5, 131, lM), 19% Carman, J. B., 63, 71 Carpciitcr, D., 55, 71 Cnrpcmtcr, M. B., 47, 70 Cnrrcxras, hf., 50, 51, 52, 61, 67, 71, 85. 133
Ct.r(iuigliiii, S., 94, 133 in, T. J., 165, 187, 192 Cli;uitll(~r,R., 51, 71 Cluiig:, I I. T., 190, 1.92 Clrassniiig, H., 280, 312 Cliatoniwt, J., 94, 103, 133 Chipiiiaii, L. M.,98, 133 Chiroii, A . E., 121, 136 Cluiiouliovsky, M., 228, 2G1 Clitrkc, W.B., 64, 65, 71 Ck~ghorn,17. A,, 206, 217 C l t ~ l - J. , A . K., 43, 47, 71 Colcx, J. O., 24, 31, 140, 163, 194, 195 Collard, J., 252, 2F1 Collic,r. J., 43, 71 COllill.;, \\.. F., 36, 39, 69, 71 Coiiiiolly, C , J., 19, 31 Cook, E. I]., 202, 220 Cook, L., 140, 187, 192 Coons, E. E., 161, 192 Coopcr, R. XI., 145, 181, 192, 19.3 Corazz:~, R., 89, 133 Coi-coraii, A. C., 209, 219 Coriiing, 11'. C., 167, 192 Cost;,, E,, 123, 126, 127, 133, 137, 207, 208, 216, 217 C h \ i a n , hl. R., GO, 71 Cownn, I\'. hl., 26, 3.3, 63, 71 Cragg, n. C., 26, 3 1 , 88, 89, 13.1 Craig, J. XI., 201, 218 Crawford, Jl. A,, 200, 218
B. B., 207, 216 Crv\,c,liiig, C . H., 203, 220 Croiily-IXllon, J,, 54, $5 Crosby, E. C., 8, 9, 17, 20, 24, 28, 30, 31, 55, 58, 70, 88, 132 CiiII(,i-, I<:,, 1.50, 1Fj2, 193 Ciiitis, I). R., 124, 128, 133, 2.56, 261 C i i r t i s , (;, C., 206, 217 C~;l\vfold, 'l,.
D I h i g i i w d t , E. A , , 98, 103, 138 I l a i t z , IT. hl., 26, 27, 31, 88, 134
Danik, J. J., 252, 261 lhriaii-Smith, I., 64, 65, 66, 71 Das, N. N., 111, 134 1lLi\gll1Jkl, S. R., 111, 134 I)aviclsoii, A. B., 187, 192 Davitlsoii, E. A,, 211, 21'1 I)avis, 11. J., 187, 192 l h \ i s , R., 124, 128, 133 Barair, L., 127, 128, 134 t l e
Dilworth, M., 63, 72 Dingman, W., 165, 168, 191, 192 Dispensa, J., 148, 192 DiStefano, A. O., 204, 217 Divry, P., 252, 261 Doeden, D., 203, 216 Domer, F. R., 126, 127, 128, 134 Domino, E. F., 93, 103, 110, 134, 173, 192, 267, 309 Donhoffer, H., 79, 90, 135 Dony, J. G. H., 224, 228, 262 Dorpat, T. L., 203, 218 Doty, B. A., 163, 171, 192 Doty, L. A., 163, 171, 192 Douglas, W . W., 36, 38, 71 Dresse, A., 257, 258, 261 Drohocki, Z., 271, 272, 273, 276, 278, 279, 280, 288, 291, 295, 297, 301, 304, 309, 310 Droogleever-Fortuyn, J., 63, 71, 77, 134 Duflo, G., 280, 310 Dumont-TyB, D., 60, 61, 70 Dunlop, C. W., 25, 27, 30, 81, 85, 88, 90, 119, 121, 132, 134 Dunsmore, R. H., 24, 33
E Eccles, J. C., 48, 71, 82, 83, 84, 125, 132, 134 Eccles, R. M., 48, 71, 83, 134 Ecker, A., 6, 7, 31 Eddy, N. B., 221, 222, 262 Ederstrom, H. E., 147, 148, 154, 194 Edinger, L., 7, 31, 48, 71, 88, 134 Egyhazi, E., 165, 193 Eichman, P. L., 213, 218 Eidelberg, E., 89, 134 Elissalde, B., 252, 261 Elkes, J., 94, 95, 99, 103, 121, 122, 133, 267, 309 Elliot Smith, G., 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 31, 84, 134 Elmadjian, F., 205, 206, 217 Emley, G., 164, 195 Epstein, W., 148, 192 Erulkar, S. D., 51, 63, 74
Espelien, A. D., 117, 134 Essenberg, J. M., 172, 192 Essman, W. B., 142, 162, 191, 192, 193 Evarts, E. V., 124, 134 Ewing, P. L., 148, 149, 192 Exley, K. A., 117, 134 F
Fabing, H. B., 210, 217 Faulkner, W. R., 201, 218 Favale, E., 58, 71 Feferman, M. E., 43, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 73 Feldberg, W., 97, 134 Feldstein, A., 203, 217 Fellows, E. J., 187, 192, 209, 219 Fessard, A., 41, 60, 69, 71 Fields, P. E., 156, 193 FiflcovB, E., 79, 90, 99, 107, 132, 138 Filimonoff, J. N., 202, 217 Finkelstein, N., 149, 191 Fischer, E., 204, 217 Fisher, R. A., 269, 310 Flanigan, S., 110, 113, 136 Fleming, M. C., 117, 134 Fleury, C., 228, 261 Flexner, J. B., 168, 169, 193 Flexner, L. B., 168, 169, 193 Flynn, J. P., 110, 113, 136 Foerster, O., 48, ' 71 Folling, A., 198, 217 Foltz, E. L., 24, 26, 34 Font di Picart, J., 228, 261 Forbes, 78, 104, 109, 113, 134, 137 Forel, A,, 8, 25, 31 Forest, J., 228, 261 Forgrave, P. R., 114, 137 Formanek, K., 119, 134 Foville, A. L., 3, 7, 31 Fram, D . H., 283, 310 Freedman, D. X., 207, 217 Freeman, H., 203, 217 Freeman, W. J., 1, 31, 78, 81, 134 French, J. D., 104, 107, 110, 134 Frommel, E., 228, 261 Fujimori, B., 80, 90, 91, 138
,'3)2, 303, 304, 305, 309, 310, 3 1 1 , 312
R. C., 170, 193 A , , 208, 218 Gootllrr;nl, L. s., 150, 196 ( h o ( I i \ i i i , J. E., 116, 135 C k ) p i i l m i . C., 213, 217 ( h r t l o i i , (;., 46, -50, .59, G4, 65, 72 ( ; o i t ; i t o \ \ d i . 11. J , , 204, 216 osliii(~,E., 208, 218 o \ ~ t ~ i - ( l l i a i i il, l . , 252, 261 Graiiit, lt., 33, 72, 83, 1 3 5 ~ ~ ~ , l S t ~ E., ~ i I70, l , $9, 135 Gl,l>~.b:, c., 36, 72 G r t B c a i i , I$., 187, 192, 209, 217 Grvvii, J. l l . , 77, 78, 79. 81. 82, 83. 84, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 97, 99,100, 104, 105, 106, 107, 113, 119, 122, 135, 138 <;r. 11. \I7., 26, 27, .31, 36. 57. 72 G1,rst.y, D., 214, 21s Ciit(,kiiiist, R., 163, 193 <;) iirgy, l'., 213, 217 Coiizalt,z,
G G ~ I d u i i t ,J. I I . , 205, 217 C;nwl, O . , 48, 71 cillalllbos,
H., 139, 193
Cnllctti, P., 282, 311 c:~ulgloff, El., 79, 80, 89, 112, 11:3, 12.5. 134 ( h i s e r , S., 8, 25, 31 Gantt, 11'. H., 149, 191 Cnrciii, R., 67, 71 Gardncr, H., 2, 31 Carl-od, A . E,, 197, 217 Gcllholn, E., 80, 89, 137 Gviitr), J . R., 45, 49, 5 0 , 7-1 Gcrartl. R. \fT.. 165, 166, 187, 192, 193 (:cd>tmfF, \ I . A,, 88, 98, 134, 135 Gcrinaiiclt, 13. E., 115, 116, 1.37 Gcrr
H I h g , 11. B., 120, 137 f J : i ~ I i d i ,K. E., 39, 7 2
J. B. S., 269, 311 l l a l i ~ ~ kP., , 165, 192 11;111, c;. E., 116, 135 1 hiiiiltoii, H. C., 144, 193 ITiiiiiiltoii, 1 1'. J., 14, 19, 31 lI;iiiil).ii, L. II., 26, 31, 89, 1.3.3 Hiirilwry, J., 63, 7 2 II;lncock, c. D., 201, 220 IIiirlo\v, I I . F., 150, 19.3 TTarri.;, IT., 200, 216 II,iI-t, IC. \V., 200, 216 rril\(lri>;i(,k,13. J.. 203, 217 ILil(I;int~,
Haviier, N. M., 203, 219 Hawkes, C. II., 57, 72 Hawkins, J. R., 210, 217 fIayclcn, R. N., 17, 30 IInyes, J. R., 156, 196 IIeadlre, C. R., 157, 158, 193 IIrnrst, E.,160, 170, 193 IIcbb, D. O., 190, 193 Heim, R., 209, 218 Hellner, I)., 206, 219 Hendrix, C. E., 81, 85, 90, 132 IIenScy, K., 291, 311 Hcnneman, E., 47, 73 I16on, M., 65, 73 Hermans, B., 221, 222, 224, 228, 262 Herrick, C. J., 10, 32, 40, 41, 43, 47, 55, 72 Hersov, L. A , , 200, 217 Ilerz, A,, 140, 141, 160, 193 Hcwitt, W., 19, 32 Hickmans, E. M., 199, 216 Hiebel, G., 99, 111, 1.35 Hill, A,, 6, 7, 32, 33 Hiniwich, I€.I<., 79, 80, 95. 103, 111, 112, 11.3, 121, 122, 126, 127, 133, 137, 193, 199, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217, 219 lliiiiwich, IV. A,, 146, 1.93, 207, 208, 217 liincs, M., 14, 17, 19, 32 Iris, \If., 4, 7, 19, 34" rIongiallti, 11.. m, 217 IIochstc+ter, F., 14, 15, 10, 32 Hodgkiii, A. L.,36, 72 rroff, E. c., 120, 1,37 IIoffer, A., 210, 217 Hoffman, A. L., 46, 73 Hofman, A., 209, 217, 218 Holmgren, N., 9, 32 Holmqvist, V., 54, 72 IIonzik, C. II., 141, l 9 6 Hooper, J., 61, 74 IIope, J. M., 205, 206, 217 Hopf, M. A,, 282, 311 Hotta, 'I'., 68, 72 IIiibcr, G. C., 8, 9, 17, 20, 24, 28, 30, 5 5 , 58, 70, 88, 132
Hudson, H . D., 103, 134, 267, 309 fiudspeth, TY. J., 180, 181, 182, 193, 194 Hughes, K. R., 144, 145, 19.3 Huguenin, G., 8, 32 Hnkuliara, T., 108, 135 Hiunphrey, T., 28, 31 lIiirrt, C. I<., 38, 39, 44, 72 Miint, E.,183, I93 fIiirst, .'1 L., 201, 218 HLIV~ l'.,, 99,135 IIuxSey, T. H., 3, 7 , 8, 9, 26, 32 Hriyguns, J.. 228. 263 IIydBn, H., 165, 193 Hyman, I., 202, 220
I Iggo, A , , 36, 38, 44, 72 Inibert, LI., 61, 70 Iiigvar, S., 42, 72 Inskip, \V. \I., 203, 208, 21s
J Jabbur, S. J., 46, 72 Jacobsen, C. lc., 1, 32 Jacobsen, S., 25, 32 Jacobson, A. L., 167, 194 Jageneau, A . H. M., 221, 222, 224, 226, 228, 261, 262, 263 Jaincson, D., 204, 211, 210 J;inkowaka, E.. 60, 61, 70 Janssrn, 1'. ,4.J., 221, 222, 224, 226, 228, 250, 25'2, 255, 261, 262, 263 Jarvik, M. E., 142, 162, L64, 166, 168, 189, 191, 192, 193, 195 Jenncy, E. H., 276, 278, 279, 283, 285, 2886, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 297, 305, 310, 31 I , 312 Jepson, J. B., 200, 204, 216, 218 Jcrvis, G. A , , 108, 199, 216, 218 John, E.R., 167, 192 Johnson, R. H., 61, 74 Johnston, J. B., 7, 9, 32, 88, 135 Jones, C. E., 146, 154, 193 Jones, C . P., 213, 218 Jones, h l . R., 148, 154, 1 9 3 Joncs, \V. A , , 21:3, 218
Joye, E., 228, 261 Jukes, M. G. M., 46, 59, 72 Jung, R., 78, 79, 113, 135
K ~ ~ r i i i n d l e rA, . E., 78, 79, 135, 270, 311 Korsett, H., 209, 210, 220 Koskoff, D. Y.. 20, 27, 28, 34 Kr;ift, M. S., 163, 194 Rr.JSS, RL., 181, 192 1 .
Kauda, 13. R., 26, 30, 88, 89, 100, 113, 114, 132, 135 Kahan, I., 210, 217 Ralinn, S., 176, 178, 184, 195 K;akiiiioto, Y., 203, 219 Kalli.n, 13., 17, 3 2 K;iinedn, K., 68, 7% Kmtlel, E. R., 82, 83, 84, 85, 91, 135, 137 Kato, L., 228, 261 Kawakunri, hl., 80, 89, 137 Kelemen, K., 171, 179, 194 Kellerlicr, R. T., 140, 192 Kellog, 1%’. N., 1.57, 158, 193 Kennard, \l. A,, 175, 196 Keiinctly, J. J., 205, 217 Kerr, D. I. B., 43, 47, 5F, 71 Kety, 8 . S., 208, 210, 218 Kidd. C., 49, 74 Killaiii, K. E., 111, 113, 135 L i l h i i , K. F., 111, 113, 135 Liiir, C.: 110, 113, 136 Kiiiil>l(’, D. P., 167, 194 Ling, I\’.,204, 220 Kiirgsl~ury,€3. F., 14, 32 Kingalc.p, C., 6 , 32 Kitto, G. B., 190, 191, 192 KILT, G. D., 208, 218 Klein, N. I\’., Jr., 152, 174, 196 Kleitmr~ir, N., 291, 309 Kliiic, N. S., 208, 216, 218 Klinger, J., 77, 137 Kiiighton, R. S., 51, 72 Knoll. J., 299, 311 Koliel, H., 209, 218 Kohl, !I. H., 204, 206, 210, 212, 216, 317 KOllliSt‘lllllll, o., 54, 7 2 Roiiilos, E., 299, 311 Kopiii, I. J., 203, 218, 257, 262 Korii, I I . , 67, 68, 72
Krc,cli, D., 155, 158, 159, 187, 191,
191, 195 Krieg, W. J. S., 2.3, 24, 27, 32 Krivaiiek, J., 185, 193 Rrivoy, W. A,, 205, 217 Krop, S., 94, 103, 138 K r o p : ~ ,E. L., 210, 217 Kriiger, L., 2, 24, 33, 43, 45, 46, 56, 59, 63, 64, 65, 69, 72 Kiitlo, Y., 203, 219 Kiieliii, A., 121, 137 Kiinclriit, H., 17, 32 Kimtzriian, R., 207, 218, 1-1. G. J. hl., 43, 45, 46, 56, 57, 65, 66, 72, 7.3
L l,,kpr;iverc, T. A. F,, 204, 217 1,;i (;rutta, G., 95, 134 I,;iiiiarche, G., 65, 7 3 I . a i i i I i ( ~ tE. , IT., 104, 109, 134 I .;iiii~iicrs,11. J., 24, 32 l,;iiilwiiI, E. T., 205, 206, 217 l.;iiitlg:rm, S., 64, 65, 72 I,;illg> hf., 151, 191 l , ‘ l l i g ~ ~ r l i i ~ ~ ll ll l.l,, 2.56, 262 I,aiiglois, J. I l . , 65, 73 I.;irsoii, F. C., 214, 218 L,:irson, P. S., 120, I37 I d i l r y , K. S., 28, 32, 1Fj6, 175, 194 l,~illr~, D. I\’., 150, 194 I , ~ I I ( T , E. W., 26, 28, 31, 3.7 1,;111er,J. W., 203, 208, 218 I .avcrty, G., 205, 217 I.CYIC~I, RI. C., 140, 194 I.t&c, C. D., 210, 217 I.eao, A . A. P., 123, 136 I.ear, E., 121, 136 I,cqier, R., 156, 194 I,i~lriiiann, H. E., 252, 262 1 . I + . , 1’. P.> 38, 7.1
Macht, D. I., 140, 172, 194 h4cIlwain, I-I., 146, 194 hlcIntyre, A. K., 38, 39, 44, 72, 73 hlcIsaac, W.l l . , 209, 218 blackensie, D. Y . , 201, 218 hlclardy, T.. 26, 32 E\lacLean, P. D., 2, 24, 32. 77, 98, 110, 113, 115, 120, 121, 136, 207, 218 hlcNamara, 13. P., 94, 103, 1J8 hladarhsz, I.. 79, 90, 1.3.5 Xladsen, h l . C., 161, 19.4 hlagee, K. R., 19, 32 hlagnes, J., 58, 73 hlagoun, 11. Lf’., 58, 73, 7 4 , 78, 104, 107, 110, 134, 136 XIahcr, E., 144, 193 hlallart, A,, 41, 57, GO, 62, 67, 69, 69, 70, 73 hlannan, G., 44, 71 hlantegazzini. P., 125, 136 hlorseillnn, 13. F., 60, 71 llnrshall, J., 67, 7 3 llartinoya. C., GO, 67, 73 hlnruhaslri, J.. 38, 73 Alarx, M. H., 144, 147, 148, 154, I S - 4 \lassion, J., FjO, 6.7, 68, A!), 7.? hlasuda, hl., 2003, 218 hl;itric;ili, 13., 48, 73 hlntsumoto, K., 204, 206, 210, 21’. 216 hlntthews, B. H. C., 109, 1.32 hlatzke, 11. A , , 46, 49, 73 hlnurer, S., U 3 , 194 hlaxwell, D. S., 81, 82, 83, 95, 97. 100, 104, 119, 134, 13.5 M \layer, C., 80, 85, 86, 90, 96, 99, 136 blacchi, G., 49, 50, 7 3 hlehler, \Y. R., 42, 43, 47, 49, 50, 56, kfacci, G., 85, 133 57, 7 3 hlccomas, A., 46, 73 \lt~ndclhall, hl. C., 146, 148, 154, blcConnell, J., 167, 194 194 hIcDonough, F. K., 104, 107, 132 klenkes, J. R., 201, 218 McElroy, \V. D., 144, I96 McCaugh, J. L., 155, 157, 161, 163, hfcrcer, R . D., 201, 218 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, llerrillees, N. C. R., 85, 132 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, hlctcalf, J. S.. 42, 55, 74 Mettler, I?. A., 14, 32, 88, 1.76 189, 192, 194, 195, 196 hlcyer, Xi., 24, 30 hlachne, X., 82, 135
Lelord, G., 59, 62, 68, 73 Lernpi.ri&re, T., 252, 261 Lennox, hl. A,, 24, 33 Leukel, F., 161, 194 Lewis, I;. T., 6, 32 Leyton, G. B., 203, 218 I,hermitte, F., 121, 134 Liberson, W. T., 79. 114, 136 Lic.beskinc1, J., (i2, 70 Lintlncr, A,, 119, 134 Lintlqvist, XI., 228, 257, 261 LissAk, K., 79, 90, 235 Lloyd, I). P. c., 116, 135 Locke, S., 20, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34 I,oel~,C., 58, 71 L@yning, Y., 84, 125, I32 Lohman, A. €1. hl., 2.4, 25, 27, 32 Lollgo, v. c:,, 79, 80, 94, 95, 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, 110, 111, 113, 117, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134, 136, 1’38, 155, 178, 190, 194, 267, 311 Lonsdnle, I),, 201, 218 Loo, 1’. T., 88, 136 I , I I ~ ~ ~ R I IJ,,S , 221, 262 Lorcnte cle N6, R., 77, 84, 1,36 Loughridge, L. I\’., 200, 218 Lowe, I. P., 203, 219 Lubing, H, N., 213, 218 Lucas, J., 208, 219 I,ucomskaja, N. J., 173, 194 Lundbcrg, A,, 48, 49, 54, 55, 71, 72, 73, 83, 134 I,riridberg, U., 206, 220 I,woff, J. M., 228, 261
hleynert, T., 8, 32 \Iichel, F., 64, 65, 72 llicl~elsoi~, \l. J., 160, 18.5 SliIes, \\’. H., 175, 1% hliller, S . E., 156, 161, 192, 195 ~ l i l n r ,hf. I),, 2(10, 218 hli>ikondiy, I\’, I,., 148, 195 Ilinz , 13.- 272, 276, 295, 297, ,301, :304, 310 Alitolna, C., 198, 199, 218 ~ f i z u g u c h i ,K,,38, 73 Slonereifl’, A,, 19$)),220 \loniz, E., 1, 32 \Ioiini(>r, kl., 70, 80, 89, 95, 103, 112. 113, 125, 126, 134, 136 Sloorc., B. hf., 148, 149, 192 Iloorc~,W ,T., 148, 149, 192 Sforill, F,,47, 40, 51, 71, 73, 88, 1.36 \lorison, B. I{., 78. 113, 137 Sloroz, \ I . , 158, 195 llorrc.11, P., 1.59, 185, 19g hlorrison, G, E., 36, 71 Jloruzzi, G., 58, 73, 78, 88, 116, 1:16 hlossiilan, H. \L7., 14, 19, 31 Xlouill@,l’., 228, 2F1 hloiuiitcnstlc, V. B., 47, 48, 51, .52, 58, 59, GO, 67, 68, 73, 7 4 \Iiieller, P. B., 256, 262 S f u e k > r , C. E., 161, 195 Slucnzinger, K. F., 143, 19.5 \liunkvatl, I., 228, 262 hliiiioz, C., 281, 283, 284, 285, 294, 295, 298, 209, 301, 302, :30:3, 305, 310, 311 hlrirpliree, 11. B., 276, 278, 279, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 305, 310, 31 I , 312
N Snchmi;is, \’, T., 200, 218 Nnkajiiiin, I I . , 20.3, 219 Naquet, I<., 116, 136 Nathnn, P. W., 43, 73 Nauta, ll-. J. € I . , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 43, 4<5, 48, 49, 50, 56, 97, 65, 66, 73 Selson, S. D., 291, 295, 311
N(~lsoir,\V., 24, 26, 34
h.~~lIlc’th, A. hl., 200, 218 Sc\sc,lliof, \Ir,, Jr,, 2.52, 261 Xicliolson, A. N., 80, 89, 95, 99, 100. 10:3, 105, 106, 133 Nic.iiic.gecrs, C., 228, 262 Nicailicr, 117. T., 114, 137 S i o l i i c y x s , C. J. E., 221, 224, 226, 228, 262 Nols, I<:., 252, 261 Selrsc,Il, u., 49, 54, 55, ’il, 73 nor to^^, G . , 301, 310 SlllSt~11,17. E., 39, 69, 71
0 Oat(,s, J. A., 20:3, 204, 208, 219 Ol)cwteiner, II., 7, 33 0’13ric~11,C., 146, 147, 148, 154, 196 0I)rist. I\’. D., 163, 194 Okuiioto, T., 203, 219 O ’ K ( , l l ( y . L. I., 146, 195 O’I,c~rly, J. L., 36, 73 OIv)n, H. E., 214, 218 Olsoir, R. N., 19, 31” ( ~ ) l s n w s k i ,J., 65, 7 4 Oinmxke, L., 146, 1 9 5 O’Neill, P. H., 144, 195 Oscarsson, O., 48, 54, 72, 73, 74 Oslilotrd, H., 210, 217, 218 O\\valtlo-Cruz, E., 40, 61, 62, 63, 70, 74 Oti,, L. S., 152, 195 Ovctrton, D. A,, 1*52,195 Owen. R., 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 33
P l’iicI(~l,
Y., 58, 74 H., 204, 207, 209, 217, 218,
l’iIgi,, I.
219 I’agiu>, J., 228, 261 I’aiiics. C. II., 40, 50, 72 l’allie, IV., 38, 75 l’;ilIirr, I. hl., 121, 136 l1~u1ii~cr, E., 38, 73, 75 I h p c z , J. If’,, 1, 33, 207, 218
Part, C. \ I , B., 199, 200, 208, 218
Par&, W., 162, 186, 188, 185’ Parker, C. M., 204, 211, 219 Parmeggiarii, P. L., 89, 133 Passouant, P., 79, 89, 121, 122, 136, 137 Passouant-Fontaiiie, T., 70, 89, 90, 121, 122, 133, 136, 137 Patton, R. A,, 20, 27, 28, 34, 144, 195, 196 Pearlman, C., 162, lG4, 168, 1 9 5 Peckstein, I. A., 172, 19.5 Peignc, F., 252, 261 I’enficld. W.,67, 74 Pcnrose, I,. S., 188, 218 Perl, E. R., 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 67:. 68, 74, 75 Peters, 11, A., 204, 212, 213, 214, 218
1’001, J. I,.,1,:33 Poppctr, K. C., 141, 195 Porter, P. B., 144, 195 Powell, E. \V.,33 ~ o w ~ i ‘r. i , P. s., 26, 27, $31, 33, 51, 6.3, 67, 71, 73. 74, 88, 134 Prcstoii, J. B., 112, 114, 137 Pribram, K. H., 2, 24, 33, 103, 194, 196 I’ricc, J. R I . , 204, 212, 214, 218 Pricii, R. F., 176, 178, 184, 195 t’roht, nr., 19, 33 Prockop, D. J., 207, 216, 219 Proctor, K., 64, 71 Pscheidt, G. R., 133, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 212, 216, 217, 219 Piirpur;i, D. l’., 122, 124, 137
Q Petit, 11.. 41, 73 Pctrinovich, L., 142, 153, 154, 155, 175, 176, 178, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 194, 195, 196 Petsche, I-I., 79, 81, 82, 83. 84. 85, 88, 90, 91, 95, 96, 09, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 119, 123, 133, 135, 137 Pfeiffer, C. C., 276, 278, 2,79, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 302, 303, 305, 30,9, 310, 371, 312 Phillips, C. G., 83, 135 Phillips, G., 64,65, 66, 71 Phillips, H. C., 172, 195 Picard-Ami, I,., 207, 217 Pichot, P., 252, 261 Pick, E. P., 107, 137 Pierre, R., 290, 311 Pilgrim, F. J., 144, l’J5, 196 Pillat, B., 85, 88, 90, 91, 06, 1.33 Pilzccker, A,, 161, 195 Pinchard, A , , 2,52, 261 Poe, C . F., 143, 19,5 roc, E., 143, 195 Poggio, G. F., 47, 48, 51, 58, 59, 60, 68, 74 Pollin, W., 208, 210, 278 Pompeiano, O., Fj8, 73, 74, 82, 132
Qunlsc~l,F.. 48, 54, 72, 74
R i h h , w., 207, 219 Rabinovitch, It. I)., 208, 219 Itaeytiiaekcrs, A,, 221, 222, 22.4, 262 Hahdcrt, E., 228, 263 Hahmanii, H., 172, 185, 19.5 Harnori y CajJ, S., 25, 33 Itandrup, A., 228, 262 Rantlt, C. T., 36, 39, 69, 71 Hanson, S. W., 42, 74 Ray, 0. S., 164, 195 Ilaynaud, G., 228, 262 Reese, H. H., 213, 218 Ileichert, K., 4, 33 Rcmpel, B., 104, 109, 134 Rensch, R., 172, 195 Ikiishaw, 13., 78, 113, 137 Hevol, hl. L., 228, 262 Kevzin, A. M., 125, 137 Rexed, B., 42, 74 Reynolds, W.R., 172, 195 Ricci, G., 88, 89, 119, 138 Richard, P., 67, 72 Richards, A. B., 228, 263 Riegelhaupt, L. M., 203, 219 Rinaldi, F., 79, 80, 93, 9.5, 103. I l l ,
Svliitttller, \V. J., 81, 813, 95, 97, 100, 104, 119, 134, 135 Sclilcsinger, K., 155, 188, 196 S(~liinidt,H., Jr., 146, 196' Schiiritlt-Cinzkcy, J., 278, 26'1 Schucckloth, H. E., 209, 219 Sclrrleider, J., 113, 137 S~,lirniiiin,L. P., 305, 311 Sc,hultz, R. E., 292, 297, 311 Scliwalbe, G., 3, 33 Scarle, L. V., 148, 192 Scecl, 117. A,, 46, 64, 65, 7% Sc~wiail,P. XI., 256, 263 Scaovers, X I . II., 299, 311 Sharpliass, S. K., 162, 168, 1 0 5 Slr;i\v, C. hl., 17, 30 Slraw, C. R., 208, 219 Slinw, K. N . F., 198, 204, 216 Slii:llt~)., W. B., 39, 70 Shcrloc.k, S . , 211, 219 Slrr~rwood, \Y. K., 203, 219 Sliimaiiioto, T., 113, 135 SIiorcx, 1'. A,, 207, 216, 218, 219 Slriwc~rs,hl. J. C., 24, 33 Sir, 1'. G., 43, 74 Sic.gv1. P. S . , 146, 191 Sigg, E. B., 113, 137 Silvcstriiii, B., 99, 100, 120, 136, 137, 155, 178, 194 Silvcttc, H., 120, 137 Siniinoff, R., 45, 46, 64, 72 S Siinoii, P., 228, 261 Singcr, 13. J., 204, 216 Sacco, G., 58, 71 Sjiiqvist, O., 66, 74 Sachs, E., 132, 174, 196 Sailer, S., 79, 80, 93, 95, 96, 90, 100, Sioerdsma, A,, 203, 204, 208, 217, 219, 220 101, 102, 103, 106, 111, 113, Skowroriski, V., 107, 137 121, 122, 123, 133, 137 Siirith, C. E., 190, 196 Sanczuk, St., 221, 222, 224, 26'7 Sriiith, K., 151, 19F Sandler, M., 199, 200, 208, 278 Siiiitli, M. C., 43, 7 3 Sano, I., 203, 219 Sawyer, C. II., 114, 115, 116, 119, Sniitli, 0. A,, 24, 31 Siiiitlr, R. W., 22, 24, 33 137 Sriritli, S. RI., 150, 196 Sawyer, J. L., 209, 217 Sniythies, J . R., 36, 71, 210, 218 SchadB, J. P., 28, 30 Soldugn, J., 203, 219 Schallek, W., 99, 121, 137 Solw, J., 44, 7 2 Schaper, W. K. A,, 228, 263 Schcllekens, K. €1. L., 2221, 224, 276, Solly, S., 3, 6, 33 Solonron, 11. I,., 150, 151, 191. 196 228, 262
112, 113, 121, 122, 126, 1.33, 137 Hioch, L). XlcK., 88, 132 Ritchic, J. M., 36, 38, 71 Roberts, It, B., 168, 169, 193 Itobins, E., 203, 219 Hobinsou, K. S., 199, 216 Robustelli, F., 173, 192, 195 Rocha-Miraiida, C., 61, 62, 70 Rodnight, R., 203, 204, 219 Roinnnowski, W., 95, 103, 136 Rose, J. E., 27, 28, 33, 47, 49, 50, 58, 63, 74, 89, 137 R O S i . i l , I., 48, 74 Roseiizwcig, M. lt., 145, 155, 158, 159, 187, 191, 191, 19.5 Hoss, E. L., 203, 219 ltoss, S., 140, 144, 145, 170, 19Z, 1X3, 195, 196 ltossi, G. l?., 43, 53, 54, 56. S7, 58, 66, 70, 71, 74, 110, 137 Hothhaller, A . B., 99, 125, 137 Rotliscliild, G. El., 165, 187, 192 Rouged, A,, 61, 69, 70 Roxissy, G., 67, 71 Rurkis, V. A,, 36, 71 Hrisscll, J. R., 36, 74 Russell, R. W.,140, 169, 196 Rqall, R. W,, 256, 262 Ryan, H. I ) , , 64, 65, 66, 71
Sourkes, .'l L., 202, 206, 216, 317 Soussen, G., 280, 310, 312 Spaide, J., 204, 206, 210, 212, 216 Spector, S., 207, 219 Spencer, If'. A , , 82, 83, 844 85, 91, 135, 137 Sperti, L., 81, 82, 88, 91, 135 Spivy, D. F., 42, 55, 74 Sporn, hl. B., 165, 168, 19L, 192 Sprehc, 11. J., 252, 261 Sprincr, II., 204, 211, 219 Srikantia. S. C., 213, 217 Stacey, R. S . , 199, 200, 218 Stagncr, R., 150, 193 Stainin, J. S., 163, 196 Starzl, 1'. E., 74, 114, 1:37 Stcfens, li. \'., 63, 71 Stcsincr, 8. E., 211, 219 Steiner, 117, C., 210, 217 Stvll;ir, E., 144, 168, 163, 193, 196 Stc.phan, H., 7, 8, 13, 20, 22, 27, 30, 33, 8.5, 132 Stc~plianachi,L., 203, 217 Stevens, H., 143, 1% Stevens, J. R., 110, 136 Stevenson, J. A. F., 156, 19.; Sticda, L., 8, 25, 3.3 Stolberg, H., 278, 279, 281, 311 Stone, C. P., 144, 195 Stoneckcr, J. S., 203, 218 Stratton, I,. O., 154, 187, 1'96 Stucki, A , , 213, 219 Stunipf, C., 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 8S, 86, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97. 08, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 111, 113, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 12i3, 124, 127, 1 3 3 , 13 I , 7.35, 136, 137 Stiitte, H., 202, 219 Sugerman, A. A,, 276, 278, 279, 281, 289, 290, 297, 305. 311, ,312 Sukhetzkaya, M. P., 56, 74 Sullivan, h4. X., 213, 21{1 Sulscr, F., 207, 216 Summerskill, 1s'. H., Jr,, 211, 219 Sundcrland, S., 2.5, 27, 30, 88, 1.32 S u i i d c ~ r i i i a ~ 1'. i , \\'., 202, 219 Suntay, R., 121. 136
Sweet, A. L , 144, 196 Sweet, WT. II., 48, 7.5 Swett, J. E., 58, 73 Symington, J., 11, 3 3 Szara, St., 209, 216, 219 Szentagothai, J., 54, 74 Szerb, J. C., 299, 312
T T;Khler, hl., 209, 210, 220 Tada, K., 199, 219 Tasaki, I., 38, 73 Taub, A., 64, 7,5 Taylor, C. \f'., 58, 74 Tecleschi, D. €I., 209, 219 Tecleschi, R. E., 209, 219 Terrace, 11. S., 157, 196 Terry, T. L.. 203, 217 Terzian, I I . , 111, 1.17 Trrzuolo, C . A , , 190, 196 Thiessen, I>. I)., 1.5.5, 188, 196 Thistlc,w;iite, D. L., 141, 196 Thomalskc., (;,, 77, 1.37 'I'lrompson, R . , 16:3, 196 Thompson, R . F., 61, 74 Tliompson, 11'. R., 1.55, 193 'I'homson, C . \\'., 176, 177, 180, 181, 182, 188, 193, 194 Tilney, F., 19, 33 Timo-Iaria, C., 60, 71 Tissot, R., 126, 136 Todd, R. B., 3, 33 Tokizanr, T., 80, 89, 114, 116, 119, 137 Tolman, E. C., 141, 196 Toinan, J., 1.50, 196 Torii, S., 90, 91, 138 Torvik, A,, 41, 47, 57, 64, 65, 74 Torirlcntes, T. T., 204, 206, 210, 212, 216 Towe, A. L., 46, 73, 74 Trouche, E., 09, 7 3 Trosler, F., 209, 217 Tnrner, I,. H., 150, 151, 196 Tiirner, W., 4, 33 -rwarog, H. nr., 207, 219 Tyler, F. I{., 199, 216
U Utl(lenberg, N., 48, 74 Udenfrientl, J., 126, 132 Utlrnfritmtl, S., 125, 12G, 138, 198. l%J, 203, 204, 208, 216, 218, 2/51, 220 Udsen, P., 228, 262 Ueki, S., 110, 134 Urbani, hl., 85, 133 Uznian, L. L., 202, 219
vwi Urrgtr, G. P., 79, 80, 111, 117, 1.36, 138 \ ' o i i Bonin, C., 10, 20, 22, 33 \ o i i l!:tileI, C., 82, 8:3, 84, 88, 89, S j l , 92, 119, 138
Kuler, u. s., 206, 219, 220 Koelliker, A,, 8, 25, 33 \ ~ l ) o r l l o e V e , P., 49, 54, 55, 73 V o t i i w , C. L., 26, 33 \'Oil VOII
W \\';1al!ies, T. l',, 203, 220 \\ i~(, 1-1. B., 145, 146, 196, 199,
21 F
\'alcoui-t, A. J , , 204, 219
\'aleiratt*iii, E. S., 23, 26, 27, 32, .3:3 \';ilettr, G., 228, 262 V~IIV;IKI~,F., 27, 33, 41, 47, 57, 7-1 Valverde, J . hl., 204, 206, 210. 212, 216 Van Crevel, H., 36, 74 Van L)aclc, G. H. l'., 221, 224, 228, 262 Van dcr Eyclkcn, C. A . hl., 221, 224"8, 262 \',in tler Hocveu, Th., 199, 220 V ~ I I I dc \Veatcringh, C., 221, 222, 224. 228, 26-7 \';I11 lleter, \\'. c., 127, 133 \'LIII Nuettw, J . hl., 224, 226. 228 262, 263 \ a i i Proosclij-II~Irtzrnra, E. (;.> 22 I 222, 262 w i i Zwirteir, P., 108, 135 Vasclrlcz, A. J . , 204, 217 Vaz Ferrcira, A , , 22, 33 \'era, C. I.., 81, 82, 88, 91, 1.X5 \.crbruggcn, F. J., 224, 226, 262 Vertleaus, c:., 121, 134 Vcrcleaux, I., 121, 134 \'erhaart, \\T. J. C., 43, 48. 7 4 \'erplnnck, \V. S., 156, 196 \ T e r z c a ~ ~ \ol ,. , 104, 107, 110, 1,34 Vesalius, A,, 8, 33 \.cstc>r, J . W.,214, 218 I~illiirPalasi, V., 203, 219 \'iltcr, R. \V., 213, 216 \'oelkcl, 4.,208, 219 \'ogt, \I., 97, 134, 207, 219
\ \ ' , l l l ) t ~ l g ,IT.,
46, 74
\\'alLe1, A . E., 1, 27, 33, 65, 66, 67,
74 ?\ all. 1'. D., 41, 48, 49, 50, 34, 55,
64, 75 \\
99, 137
\\'~irtl,A. A., Jr., 25, 33. 175, 196 \ \ ' ; i r d t ~ i i , C.,
144, 191
\\ iisliizii, Y., 190, 19G
J. C., 256, 2G1 C. J., 213, 220 J . \V., 1, .31 \\';i!iitji., h l . J., Jr., 176, 178, 184, 195 \\'ea\Cr, L. c . , 228, 263 \\ c4,stc,r, K. E., 6.3, 7.5 \\ e t l t l t 4 , G., 38, 73, 7.5 \ \ eitliiimii, H . , 209, 210. -790 \\', I { . , 200. 2-70 \\'eing:arten, hl., lS52, 174, 196 \\'ciss, 11. I]., 146, 19.5 , 'r., 79, 90, 05, $KJ, 107, 132, 1.7.3, 138, 159, 188, 192 \ \ ' t ~ i ~ h i c h I, I . , 12.5, 126, 132, 138, 20:3, 204, 208, 2Z6, 220 \\'cii(lt, R., 68, 72 \\'c~rnc~l, G., 111. 134 \\"woe, li'C., . 94, 10:3, 138 \\'vsthmok, \V. H., 157, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 183, 189, ZY1, 1 9 G \\'hd(m, R . E., 170, 1 9 3 U'hite, J . B., Jr., 205, 217 \l'liitc, J. C., 48, 75, 89, 1.34 \\'hitc., L. E., 14, 17, 22, 2,3, 24. 25, 26, 27, 30, 33, 34 \f'iitkiiis,
\Z,ttwii, \\'atts.
. ~ U ' I I I O H INDEX
\Vhite, K. P., 99, 103, 138 \Vhitehouse, J., 159, 196 \\'hitlock, 11. G., 27, 32, 33, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 67, 68, 74, 7 5 IVhitty, C. 117. hl., 24, 31 \Vickens, 11. D., 143, 157, 191 Wikler, A,, 103, 138, 267, 2'37, 312 Willianis, G., 146, 147, 148, 154, I96 \Villis, T., 3, 29, 34 Wilson, S. A. K., 201, 220 \Vitkovsky, P., 45, 46, 64, 72 \Voodcock, R. T., 99, 134 Woods, L. A., 299, 311 Woody, N. C., 201, 220 Woolf, L. I., 199, 801, 218, 220 Woolley, D. W., 199, 220 Woolsey, C. N., 27, 28, 33, 47, 49, 50, 58, 63, 74, 89,1.37 Woringcr, E., 77, 137 Wouters, M., 221, 222, 224: 262 Wright, S., 269, 312 \\'yers, E., 163, 196
Y Yakovlev, P. I., 14, 17, 20, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34 Yokota, T., 80, 90, 91, 138 Young, M. W., 88, 138 Yoiiniss, J., 163, 193
Z Zabarenko, L. \I., 14.1, 195, 196 Zalnrailson, A. N., 175, 196 %nltsln:lIl, l'.. 203, 204, 208. 21') Zanchetti, A,, 53, 54, 74 Zeller, E. A,, 203, 208, 2118 Ziegler, hl. H., 203, 216 Zieve, L., 148, 196 Zimdahl, \I7. T., 202, 220 Ziminerinnn, I;. T., 144, 143. 196 Zironcloli, A,. 110, 137 Zottcrmaii, Y.,36, 38, 75 Zubck, J. P., 144, 145, 103 Zuckcrkandl, E., 7, 9,20, 34 Zunino, C., 23, 34
B littrbiturates, effect on, Iiippocanipus, 105-107 Icarning, 146-148
l-B~nzyl-2,5-climc.tliylstwtonin Bc.iiwtyzine, effect on EEG, 291 U(~iperido1,structure of, 254 1-1~~~1r~yl-2,5-di1netliylserotonin, efIect on hippocampus, 9 3 13c\tainr, effect on schizophrenia, 211 Br'iin \vaves, popiilation characteristics and, 269270 ( Sce also Electroencey7halograms) 13rdotcnin, cflcct on KEG, 291 Iialliicinogenic properties of, 710 in schizophrenia, 204 Uiityrdictone, effect on EEG, 296 Biitprophenoncs, aromatic substitutions of, 225 with morphine-like potency, 221263 H i i t y q Iprrazine, structure of, 253
Acetophenazine, structure of, 253 Acetylcholine, effect on hippocanilms, 94-9,5, 98, 120 Ahnomycin D, eiiect on learning, Atlrenaline, in schizophrenia, 205 .klrcncrgic agents, elFects on EEG's, 300-303 effects on hippocampus, 99-100 Alcoholism, tryptophan metabolism in, 214 Aluminum hydroxide, topical application t o cercbral cortex, 163 Amine ( s 1, hiogenic, i r i mental illness, 197-220 nietal>olism, in schimphrenia, 20221% y-Aminobutyric acid-glrrtamic acid system, nc~iroleptii~drug cllccts and, 256-260 Amplrt~taininr, eff'rsct mi KEG, 284-285, 308 cxffect on it..iriiing, 148-149 Iicmc&ial, 171-172 nirth-, cl1ei.t on learning, 173 Ancisthtxtics, effect on hippocaml)iis, 104-110 Anisospirol, structure of, 253 Anticholinergic drugs, effect on, hippocampus, 102-104 learning, 159-1 60 Arccolinc, effect on Icarning, 173 Atropine, effrct on EEG, 286-257, 293 effect on hippocampus, 102-1o:j cffect on learning, 159-160, 173 methyl-, effect on lcwning, 160 K-Azagumine, effect on leurning, 165166
C Cafkeine, beiieficial effect on mcmory, 186 c4fcct on EEG, 288, 308 Gilciinn, eifect on learning, 174-175 Carh:ichol, effect on hippocampus, 120 C ~ i t ~ i I ~ ~ ~ i s y - ~ ) r odrugs, duciii~ 228-229, 247 (:;t~ccholamines, c+€cct on EEC, 283, 300-302 in mental illness, 197-220 iirinary, in stress, 216 ( Sve also individual compounds) (htioiis, effect on learning, 174-175 (:(mtriil nervous system, clrugs infliiciicing learning and, 188-189 <:lilopcntliixol, structure of, 253 C:hloitliazepoxide, c.ffc.ct on EEG, 292, 308 I4lc.c.t on learning, IS0 I )eneficial, 174
Clilorpromazinr, activity spectra of, 234, 2,43 catalepsy scores of, 228, 246, 249, 259 effect on EEG, 297-298 tTffect on hippocanrpus, 101, 110112, 114 cfI'ect on Icarning, 157, 171 bcneficial, 170-171 effect on memory, 163 screcning data on, 227, 2,47, 248 Cholinacyltisc, in hippocampus, 9798 Choline, eKect on EEC, 283, 299-300 Cholinergic agents, effect on hippocampus, 94-99, 120-121 Copper, ahnormal metabolism in Wilson's disrase, 202 Curare, cffect on EEC, 304 effect on learning, 149-1151 Cyclohexaminc derivatives, effect on hippocampus, 121 Cycloserine, psycliosis floni, 213
D D(wio1, effclct on EEG, 285--286, 297, 308 Dcoxypyridoxine, cffect on tryptophan metabolism, 214 Depressants, effect on memory, 161163 Dichloroisoproterenol, cflcct on EEG, 284 Dicthyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate, cffect on learning, 173 Diisopropylfluorophos~~li~ite, c4eet on hippocampus, 94-95 Diphenhydramine, effect on EEG, 292-293 Diplienyldiazadamantanol, lwneficial effect on, learning, 178-179 memory, 18L-184, 189 Dissociation effect, in drug inHriences,
151-153 Dropcridol, structure o f , 254
Drug( s ) , cfiect on 1e;iriiing :itit1 nicmory, 139-196 topical application of, effects, 163164 psychotropic, effect on scliizoplireiiia, 208-210
E Elcctroencepliologratii nniplitude analysis, 2675-312 antianxiety drug effect on, 291-294 antidepressant drug eR'ect on, 282289 Iiloocl circulation and, 23 1-282 blood prcssure and, 281 in brain disorders, 879-280 CNS stimiilants' cffects on, 282-28S rlectronic integrator for, 272-2775 after fiicker stirnulation, 280 Iialliicinogc~nicdrug effect on, 28x(-)291 nftcr liypc,rvc,iitil~ttioii,280 iiiethocloloqical basis for, 267-270 placcl1o cnects on, 305 platiinietric method t o r , .'71--277;7 of resting KEG, 275-279 aftcr sorintl stimulation, 280-2S1 undrr modified physiological c011ditions, 280-282 aftcr visual field stimul:itioii, 281 (See also indi\-itlual drugs ) Epilrptics, EEG analysis of, 2778 Epinephrine, effect on EEG, 283 hippocampus, 99 Escrine, vffect on I r i ~ ~ ~ ~ o c ~ i i i94i~iiis, 98, 120 Ethanol, effcct on EEG, 293, 303 Ethyl carbaniate, effect on EL(;, 297 Ethyl ctlwr, c%fiecton hippocampus, 109-110 I':thyl nrcthaii, effect on Iiippocampits, 107-109 componnds, effect on EP:G, 288 Euti-alemniscd reticular system. SCIIsory tlist~rimination in, 53-63
F First cvntrnl synnpse, sensory diccrimiiiation in, 40-44 l~lunnisonc,structurct of, 253 Plnpl1cnazinc, activity spc.ctra of, 2331, 240 catalq"y score\ of, 228, 246, 249
-350 scrccning data onk, 227, 247, 248 structure of, 255 Foriiicate gyruc, of limbic lobc, 6-7
G Clut,umic ;icid, c ( l c ~ t011 leaitling,
H €Ialoperitlitl~~, structure of, 2513 Ildoperitlo~,221-263 activity spectra of, 2%, 238 catalq)s)' SCOYPS of, 228, 246, 249 250 clinical results 011, 250-252 neurolcptic potcmcy of, 225, 247
248 screening data on, 227 structure o f , 253 Hurtnup tliscxse, 200-201, 213, 214 I Icp~ito1rnticul;lr degvneration ( Wilson's disensc ), 201-202 Hewolxirbital, effect on hippocainpils
101, 102 f ~ippocnmpus, drug action on, 77-138 elcctricnl activity of, 78-92 fast t ) p , 89-92 theta rhythm, 78-89 limbic lolic antl, fi sc.iziire-indiiciiig drugs for, 113-1 21 a r p t i ~ mnnd, 85-89 theta rliythm of, 78-89 d r u g eKects on, 92-113 €li.stnminc~,d f c c t on EEG, 283 .i-Flytlros)I~ot~rnte, cfft1ct 011 EKC, 296 5-Hydrozyindolcacetic acid, in schizophrenia, 203
s-7Tydroxytryptaminc, cffcct on hippocainpus, 125-127 S-l Iytlrowytryptoplian, c~kfrcton hippocanipus, 125-127 rffwt on schizophrenia, 208
1 I h g i i i i e , effect on EEG, 288-289 Imiprainine, eRcvt 017 Ieiiri~ing,157 I n l x i r i i errors of mc.tal)olism, 197-202 Ill~loleis ) ,
~tlinormal of, 199-200 v\c,rc.tioii, in schizophrenia, 203-206 I11tlol~~-.3-acrtic acid, in schizophrenia, 703 Intlolt~imincs,in mcwtal illness, 197-
220 Jsoilia/id, psycliotropic e f k t s of, 213214 I ~ ~ ~ EX:, ~ 284~ Is
K K! iiurc,iiiiie me.tal~olism, ps).chotic Iic*hnvior antl, 212-2113
1 I .twiiiisciil s).stcwi, ( i t t l o r s d c,olnmn, 44-47 scvisory discrimination in, 44-52 0 1 spine, 47-52 LtLiiciric, in nicotinic acid dcficieiicy, 213 Lirnliic lohc, c.ommissnres of, 1 1-13 cortex of, 17-19 components of, 20-23 tl c\criptive anatomy of, 19-28 f;isc,iculi of, 33-25 fihfT tracts of, 29 f'ornix of, 13 insula of, 13 morphologic coiicvpt of. 1-34 ontogenetic development of, 14-19 phylogcnetic dcvclopment of, 9-14 proj~ction tracts of, 95-28 ~-hinc~ncepl~alor~ and, 3-4 terminology of, 3-9
Longitudinal fiber tracts, of limber lobe, 8-9 Lysergic acid diethylamide ( LSD ), effect on, cerebral protein metabolism, 12, 15 EEG, 289-291, 308 hippocampus, 93, 121-125, 129, 131
M Maple syrup disease, 201 Memory, drug effects on, 139-196 methodological problems in study of, 151-157 drug facilitation of, 179-188 drug impairment of, 160-169 storage, mechanisms of, 189-191 Mental illness, biogenic aminrs in, 197-220 Meperidine-like 4-piienylpipcridines, 221-263 Meprobamate, effect on EE(.:, 291, 292, 308 Mescaline, effect on EEG, 291 Metabolism, inborn errors of, see Inborn errors of metabolism Methionine, effect on schizophrenia, 210 Methylperidide, structure of, 253 hlethylperidol, neurolcptic potcncy of, 285 structure of, 253 2-Methyl-3-piperidinopyrazine, effect on EEG, 289 Metrazol, effect on hippocampus, 114 Monosodium glutamate, effect on learning, 145 Morphine, compounds potentiating, 300 effect on EEG, 298-299 -like drugs, synthesis ancl tcsting of. 221-263
N Nalorphine, effect on EEG, 298-299 Neostigmine, effect on, EEG, 299-300 hippocampus, 94
Ncuroleptic drugs, basic structure ot, 252 evaluation of, 224-228 future research on, 252-260 Nicotine, beneficial effect on learniiig ancl performance, 172-174 effect on EEG, 287-288 effect on hippocampus, 117-120 Noradrenaline, in schizophrenia, 205 Worcpinephrine, effect 011, EEG, 283 hippoc~ampua,99
0 Orphcnaclrinc:, effect on Ef:G, 293, 308
P Pain, cerebral representation of, 6669 l’allium, of limbic lohe, 4-6 Para peridide, structure of, 253 I’ellagra, neuropsyclriatric symptoms in, 213 tryptophan mctaholism in, 215 l’entobarhital, effect on, EEG, 294-296 hippocampus, 105 lcarning, 146-147, 158-150 Pcmtylcnctetrmole, effect on EEG, 3 0 4 4 0 5 effect on memory, 162, 168-169 Iicneficial, 185 Peripheral nerve system, learning-drug effect on, 153 sensory discrimination in, 37-40 I’crphenazine, activity spectra of, 232, 241 catalcpsy scorcs of, 228, 246, 249, 250 effect on EEG, 297-298 screening data on, 227, 247-248 structure of, 253 l’henobar1,ital. effect on EEG, 293-294, 308
lrippocampus, 105 lcwning, 1 4 6 1 4 8 , 154 I’lienylpyruvic oligophrenia, 198-200 i’hyso~tigniine,effect on, EEG, 287 learning, 154, 1 8 6 1 8 7 L’icrotoxin, beneficial effect on meinory, 184 I’lanaria, memory storage experiments on, 1 G G l G b : l’urphyIi:~, in psychoses, 213 Potassium, effect on learning, 174-175 Potassium chloride, beneficial effcct 0 1 1 Icaming, 174-
175 topical application to cortex, 164 Procaine, effect on hippocampus, 101 l’roclilorperazirie, activity spectra of, 233, 242 catalepsy scores of, 228, 246, 349, 250 screening data on, 227, 247, 248 structure of, 253 Proniazine, activity spectra of, 235, 244 catalepsy scores of, 228, 246, 249, 250 screening data on, 227, 247, 248 Protein synthesis, in brain, drugs affecting, 168-1G9 Psilocin, psychotropic efiects of, 209-210 Psilocybin, effect on EEG, 291 psychotropic effects of, 209-210 I’iiromycin, effect on Icnming, 1(iS169
R Reserpine, ncti\.ity spectra of, 236 catalepsy scores of, 228, 246. 249, 250 effect on brain amincs, 207 c,lFect on hippocampus, 112-1 1 3 screening data on, 227, 247, 24s \tructnie of, 255
Hliinencephalon, limbic lobe and, 3-4 I-lilioniicleic acid, drugs influencing, 164-168 effect on memory storage, 187
S Schizophrenia, aniine metabolism in, 202-212 I X C : analysis in, 279-280, 3 0 6 3 0 9 i n drug therapy, 286, 290, 2952998, 297-298 tr;1ir.;inethylation in, 210-212 tryptophun metabolism in, 204-205, 215 Scopolamine, ell‘ect on hippocampus, W-99, 10% 104 effect on learning, 160 methyl-, effect on learning, 160 Sccolxirbital, effect on, meinory, 186 visud discrimination, 162-163 Scriiyl, effect on hippocampus, 121 Scsrotonin, in brain, 207-208 c,fFect on CNS, 209 in phenylpyruvic oligophrenia, 199200 Sotlium amobarbitnl, effect on hippocampus, 105 Somatosensory discrimination, aniatomopliysiologicnl basis of, 3575 of pain, GG-09 Spiramidc, structure of, 254 Spiropc.rido1, striicture of, 2.54 St rychninc, ctfect on Icarniiig, 155 Iwneficial, 175-178 c.IFcc~ton memory, hic~licial, 180182, 18s)
Theta rhythm, of hippocampus, 78-89 Thiopental, effect on EEC, 296 effect on memory, 161-1(.2 Tliioperazine, structure of, 553 Thioridazinc, activity spectra of, 237, 245 catalepsy scores of, 228, 246, 249 screening data on, 227, 247, 2448 Tranquilizers, effect on hippocornpus,
110-113 Transmethylation, in scliizophrcnia, 2 10-2 12 Tranylcyprnmine, effect on EEC, 289 1,1,3-Tricyano-2-arnino-l-i~ri~pc1~c, effect on learning, 1% Trifluoperazine, striicture of, 253 Trifluperidol, 221-263 activity spectra of, 230, 930 catnlcpsy scores of: 228, 2446, 249, 250 clinical results on, 250-2,58 neuroleptic potency of, 2'5, 247, 248 screcning data on, 227 structure of, 253
'I'rigeminal sj.stem, sensory discrimination in, 63-66 Tropines, effect on EEG, 2 8 6 2 8 7 ( See also Atropine, Scopolamine) 'Tryptaniinc, dimctliylnted, psycliotropic effects of, 209 effects on CNS, 209 cffect on hippocampus, 127-128 in schizophrenia, 204 Tryptophan, effect on schizophrrnia, 210 metabolism of, nl)iiorm,il, 200-201, 210, 212 in itlcoliolism, 814 in schizoplirenia, 204-205 rl-'riibocurarinc, effcct on, EEC., 304 Icnrning, 149-151
U Urcthane, effect o n hippocampus, 101
W Wilson's disease, see Hepatolenticular degeneration