tags 89 parameter zed GET requests 103 parameter zed quer es 131 parameters n URLs 74 parameters n WebMatr x pages 73 creat ng for mage and thumbna 74 parentheses (( )), surround ng cond t ons n f statements 308 password boxes 110 Password.config fi e 215 passwords manag ng MySQL root password 284 requ red for WordPress s te 289 root password for MySQL 283 for SMTP ma server 164 path property, V deo.Med aP ayer 93 paths abso ute and re at ve 77 mage path on server 78 pattern match ng, us ng L KE keyword and w dcards n SQL 127 payments, test bus ness w th PayPa account 239 PayPa 229 250 creat ng a Sandbox account 231 235 creat ng a shopp ng cart 237 creat ng PayPa enab ed Bakery s te 235 custom buttons and funct ona ty 248 Donate button 244 246 exp or ng PayPa Order.cshtm page 241 go ng ve w th your s te 248 n t a z ng PayPa he per 236 runn ng PayPa enab ed Bakery s te 238 sett ng up other types of payments 242 s gn ng up for an account 229 231 s ng e tem purchases, Buy Now button 243 Subscr be button 246 payPa Button object 242 PayPa he pers package, down oad ng 235 PayPa .Profi e. n t a ze( ) method 249 percent s gn (%), w dcard n SQL 127 Persona , Prem er, or Bus ness account, PayPa 229 photo ga er es 20 Photo Ga ery temp ate 23 Photo V ewer 71 PHP app cat ons runn ng on M crosoft Web P atform 18 ed t ng theme fi e n WebMatr x 302 PHP on W ndows web stack 3, 5 programm ng framework n web stack 2 use n WordPress based s te 277 279 us ng w th WebMatr x 281 p aceho der parameters n quer es 131 p ayCount property, V deo.Med aP ayer 93 port numbers, n s te sett ngs 34
POST method, HTTP 31, 103 browser send ng form data to server 60 determ n ng whether page s retr eved by us ng GET or POST 200 form data posted back to or g nat ng page 106 hand ng POST requests 63 65 nspect ng request and response w th F dd er 108 subm tt ng forms 120 posts add ng Facebook comments funct ona ty 304 n WordPress s te 291 293 (paragraph) e ements 55 pract ce fi es for th s book 70 pre oad attr bute, tag 98 Pr mePress theme 294, 302 profi es Facebook, access ng 222 Tw tter, d sp ay ng 159 ProgramData d rectory, de et ng MySQL subd rectory 284 programm ng frameworks 2 programm ng w th WebMatr x 305 312 convert ng var ab e types 306 first programmed page 52 57 foreach oops 311 for oops 309 311 further nformat on on 307 mak ng a page dynam c 57 59 send ng data to the server 60 65 server programm ng 51 spec fy ng data type for var ab es 305 test ng cond t ons w th f and sw tch 307 wh e oops 311 Pub sh button 28, 274 pub sh compat b ty, check ng 275 pub sh ng your s te to the nternet 28 Pub sh Prev ew screen 275 pub sh sett ngs attachment to host ng serv ce ema 272 Pub sh Sett ngs d a og box 273 277 database connect ons 274 sett ngs for PHP and MySQL based app cat on 277
Q query ng data n databases 43 Query( ) method 193 examp e 129 QueryS ng e( ) method 137, 205 query var ab e 129 Qu ckT me MOV fi es 98
R rad o buttons 112 Razor syntax 15, 58 recommendat ons, Facebook 224 Redd t 156
Red rect( ) method 201 ca ng after database updates 206 re at ve paths 77 RenderBody() command 187 Reports workspace 26, 44 48 creat ng a new report 45 deta s v ew of SEO v o at ons report 47 examp e SEO v o at ons report 46 exp or ng and fix ng SEO v o at ons 47 sav ng reports automat ca y 48 Request co ect on max mum ength of tems p aced n 80 parameters n WebMatr x pages 74 Request object, us ng to find va ue of a parameter 204 Requests button, S te workspace r bbon 30 Request.ServerVar ab es co ect on 311 Requests management, S te workspace 30 33 gett ng deta ed nformat on about a request 32 recommendat ons for so v ng request prob ems 32 v ew ng ncom ng requests 31 Request var ab e 63 Res ze And Skew d a og box 72 res z ng mages 69 us ng Web mage he per 83 85 n W ndows Photo V ewer, Pa nt 71 Restart button, S te temp ate r bbon 29 r bbon Databases workspace 40 F es workspace 37 Reports workspace 45 S te workspace 27 30 r ch nternet app cat ons (R As) 37, 51 ro e based authent cat on 25 root password for MySQL 283 enter ng nto Create New Database d a og box sett ngs 287 manag ng 284 Run button runn ng the Bakery s te 10 on S te temp ate r bbon 28
S Sandbox account, PayPa 231 235 AP credent a s 234 s gn ng nto, for test Bakery s te 239 Test Accounts 233 Save Tab e d a og box 125 SDF (SQL Database F e) 39 creat ng 40 Search Eng ne Opt m zat on (SEO) reports 44 48 automat ca y saved by Reports workspace 48 creat ng 45 examp e of 46 exp or ng and fix ng SEO v o at ons 47 search resu ts (Tw tter), d sp ay ng on your s te 160
sites Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL secure sockets v a Te net 164 secur ty ASP.NET Web Pages Adm n strat on 214 den a of serv ce attacks, max mum request ength and 82 prevent ng SQL nject on attacks 131 SELECT command (SQL) 193 most common use 126 se ect ng database record to ed t 205 se ect contro for sts 117 119 chang ng st from drop down to fu y rendered st 118 users se ect ng mu t p e va ues 118 <se ect mu t p e> tags 118 <se ect>tags 117 Se er account, PayPa Sandbox test account 234 send ng ema 163 server address (SMTP) 164 server programm ng 51 66 creat ng a web page 52 57 mak ng a page dynam c 57 59 send ng data to the server 60 65 servers 2 start ng, stopp ng, or restart ng S Express server 29 server s de code exam n ng Defau t.cshtm page 15 runn ng n Bakery webs te 10 server status not ficat ons 29 shared host ng 267 shopp ng carts creat ng 237 exp or ng PayPa Order.cshtm page 241 runn ng PayPa enab ed Bakery s te 238 240 Show H dden cons button 13 S ver ght r ch nternet app cat ons (R As) based on 37 us ng S ver ght v deo 96 s ng e tem purchases, payment for 243 s te adm n strator account for WordPress s te 288 S te From Fo der menu opt on 18 S te From Temp ate d a og box 23 S te From Temp ate menu 9 S te From Temp ate menu opt on 18 S te From Web Ga ery menu opt on 18 S te From Web Ga ery opt on 281 S teLayout.cshtm page (Soc a Bakery s te) 218 fu code 221 s tes add ng a fi e to 68 creat ng and sty ng 173 187 creat ng us ng a temp ate 23 25 creat ng us ng Web App cat on Ga ery 20 23 dep oy ng. See dep oy ng a s te ve s te w th soc a nks 151 new s te opt ons n WebMatr x 282
site settings s te sett ngs 34 36 configur ng s te to use SSL 35 manag ng defau t pages 36 URL str ng and port numbers 34 S te workspace 25, 26 36 find ng web host ng for your s te 267 manag ng s te sett ngs 34 36 remote pub sh ng sett ngs for your s te 273 Requests management 30 33 r bbon 27 30 SMTP (S mp e Ma Transfer Protoco ) 163 server address and port 164 soc a network ng 147 162 add ng Tw tter content to your s te 159 161 render ng Xbox gamecards 161 us ng De c ous 148 150 us ng D gg 151 153 us ng Facebook 154 us ng Goog e Reader 153 us ng Redd t 156 us ng Stumb eUpon 157 us ng Tw tter 158 Soc a P ug ns page (Facebook) 301 sort ng SQL query resu ts 127 spot ght s tes n Host ng Ga ery 272 SQL nject on attacks 131 SQL Server 4 Compact SDF databases 40 use w th ASP.NET web stack 5 SQL Server Compact ASP.NET Web Pages w th 4 creat ng a database us ng WebMatr x 123 126 nsta ed w th WebMatr x 11 no database connect on str ng requ red for 274 SQL (Structured Query Language) 43, 126 DELETE command 142, 209 NSERT command 131, 200 query constructed and passed to QueryS ng e( ) method 137 retr ev ng data from a database 193 test ng quer es w th WebMatr x 127 UPDATE command 138, 206 src attr bute < mg> tags 31, 68 set to srcPath var ab e 75 set to str ngPath var ab e 78 tags 98 srcPath var ab e, creat ng for mage tags 75 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) 35 use by SMTP server 164 stacks. See web stacks Starter S te temp ate creat ng a s te w th 23 25 creat ng database fi e for a s te 40 Start menu, aunch ng WebMatr x 17 Start, Stop, and Restart buttons, S te temp ate r bbon 29 stat c HTML 57 stretchToF t property, V deo.Med aHe per 93
str mgPath var ab e, creat ng for an mage 78 Str ng.Format( ) command 203, 242 str ngs, convert ng to numbers 306 Structured Query Language. See SQL Stumb eUpon 157 <sty e> tags 180 sty ng web s tes 178 subject and message contro s, ema form 170 Subm t button, forms 61 subm tted data from forms, hand ng add data form 199 ed t form data 202 subm t type, nput contro s 199 Subscr be button 242, 246 SUPER med a fi e convers on too 95 SWF fi es 87 convert ng other med a fi e types to 95 sw tch statements 308 system tray, WebMatr x runn ng S Express 13 <system.web> sett ng n Web.config fi e 81
T tab es, database creat ng 41, 191 creat ng w th WebMatr x 123 data entry v ew 125 ed t ng 42 enter ng data us ng WebMatr x 126 Save Tab e d a og box 125 tags, HTML 38, 54 target attr bute,