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Introduction to OperatorTheory and Invariant Subspaces Bernard BEAUZAMY lnstitut de Co/cui Mathematique U. F.R. de Mathematiques Universite de Paris 7 France
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatton Data Bernard, 1949Introduction to operator theory and Invariant subspaces / Bernard Belluzamy. CII. -- (North-Holland uthematlcal lIbrary; v.42) p. Bibliography: p. Includes Index. ISBN 0-444-70521-X (U.S.) 1. Operator theory. 2. InvarIant subspaces. I. TItle. I I. Ser i es. QA329.B44 1966 88-25064 515.7'24--dc19 CIP
As a whole, Operator Theory does not exist yet. We may have satisfactory results for some classes of operators, or handle, in a convenient way, some limited situations, but most of the fundamental problems are still unsolved, and it is even not clear that they are correctly formulated. Among classes which have received special attention during a recent past, the best known are the compact operators and the normal ones, for which some powerful tools are available, such as spectral decompositions. But even for these classes, some simple questions are still open. The most fundamental question in Operator Theory is the Invariant Subspace Problem, which is still unsolved in Hilbert spaces. Most attempts, since the beginning of the century, have been made in the positive direction, that is trying to prove that every operator has a non-trivial Invariant Subspace. An obvious remark is that, in order to succeed, one has first to show that, for every operator, there is a point z , the orbit of which (that is : the set {Tn x ; n E IN}) is not dense in the whole space. Indeed, if every orbit is dense, there is no Invariant Subspace. Unfortunately, this second problem is also still open, and, strangely enough, has not received much attention. Moreover, there are stronger versions of it which are also unsolved. The Invariant Subspace Problem does not appear as the last open question in a well-polished theory. It even seems to me, conversely, that the paths which might lead to its solution have not been traced. Fundamental-and extremely natural- questions, such as the behavior of orbits of a given operator, are considered here for the first time. Even the most indulgent reader will not be able to find in the whole Operator Theory (let's call it this way, for simplicity), a result which approaches, by far, the depth of Dvoretzky's Theorem, about sections of convex bodies, in the Geometry of Banach spaces, or of Carleson's Theorem, about convergence of Fourier series, in Harmonic Analysis. Obviously, the whole field is globally
Introduction late, compared to many others in Analysis (not to mention, of course, other branches of mathematics). To this fact, I can see three possible and complementary explanations. First, a basic understanding of Operator Theory relies on a rather deep knowledge of other areas, such as Fourier Analysis or Analytic Functions. Just to explain what are the Invariant Subspaces of the usual shift requires Beurling's theory of the decomposition of H2 functions into inner and outer parts. This theory is not so old: 40 years only. Other tools, connected with boundary values of analytic functions, are fairly recent, and not well understood. The connection with spectral synthesis seems also to come up. In short, we may say that the analytic tools which are needed are not old, and have not made their way yet. The second reason is that the theory has developed only, so far, into a small number of directions, which might not be the right ones. Emphasis has been laid upon a few constructions which have been religiously considered by their adepts, despite their limited range of applicability. The third one is a strong lack of examples. Besides trivial ones, such as shifts of multiplication operators, very few examples of significant operators are known. Indeed, their construction is quite hard, but, precisely for this reason, it should become a kind of moral necessity for the specialits in the field, just to prove that the abstract results they present are not vacuous. A consequence of this lack of examples is that one never knows what is the range of application of the results which exist. A striking case is that of Lomonossov's Theorem, proving the existence of hyperinvariant subspaces for operators commuting with a compact one (see Chapter IV). This theorem was proved in 1974. Only in 1981 was given an example of an operator to which it does not apply. Meanwhile, dozens of papers had been published, dealing with "extensions" of Lomonossov's Theorem, and these extensions did not carry a single example showing they were not vacuous. The present status of Operator Theory may perhaps be compared to what Geometry of Banach Spaces was twenty years ago, before the creation of numerous examples of "pathological" Banach spaces, and the unified theories which followed. When, some years ago, I wrote a book about Geometry of Banach Spaces, the task did not seem too hard: the theory in itself had reached a nice degree of achievement, but no elementary text-book was available to present it.
The present situation is exactly opposite. First, as I already stated, the theory does not yet exist, and, second, the books to present it are already quite numerous. So, why should I add one more item to a list which is already too long? To such a good question, I can provide only a bad answer : I won't present things in the same manner. Indeed, we will not try to develop the achievements of the theory, we will show the gaps: this spirit is already clear from what we said. Our goal is to be, at the same time, an Introduction to Operator Theory, and a research book. In the present case, these words should not look incompatible. Let's explain them more in detail. Being an Introduction, the book is intended for students. It requires only a basic knowledge of classical Analysis: measure theory, analytic functions, Hilbert spaces, functional Analysis. The book is self-contained, except for a few technical tools, for which precise references are given. Part I takes things at their beginning: finite-dimensional spaces, general spectral theory. But very soon (Chapter III), new material is presented, leading to new directions for research, and open questions are mentioned. Part II concerns compactness and its applications: not only spectral theory for compact operators (with Invariant Subspaces, Lomonossov's Theorem), but also duality between the space of nuclear operators and the space of all operators on a Hilbert space, a result which is very seldom presented. Part III deals with analytic functions, and contains only few new developments. It seemed necessary to us to include HP spaces, Beurling's theory, etc, because they play a central role in Operator Theory. These results are of course presented in many well-known and well-written books, dealing with Fourier Analysis and Analytic functions. But, quite often, these books contain a general theory which is quite deep and goes far beyond what we need here. This is why we have chosen to present a simplified version, operator-oriented. But on this particular topic, what we present is obviously unsufficient : recent advances on the Invariant Subspace Problem seem to rely upon deep properties of analytic functions. Part IV contains Algebra Techniques: Gelfand's Theory, and applications to Normal Operators. Here again, directions for research are indicated. Part V presents dilations and extensions : Nagy-Foias dilation theory, and the author's work about C1-contractions.
Part VI deals with the Invariant Subspace Problem: first, positive results derived from S. Brown's methods. Then, we turn to counter-examples. After P. Enflo's counter- example of an operator with no Invariant Subspaces, further examples were found, by C. Read and the author. C. Read's example was later simplified by himself and then by A.M. Davie j this last version is now quite accessible, and is presented here for the first time. As can be seen from this brief description, a lot of new material is presented, and the level of research is reached, on the Invariant Subspace Problem, both on the positive and the negative directions. Each Chapter ends with some "Complements" which indicate further results, open problems, and give references. To help the reader, we have added exercises and an Index. We also felt free to indicate what are the directions of research which look promising, and, conversely, what are the ones which have, more or less, reached their limits. These opinions are of course strictly personal, but they are motivated by quite a few years of experience ! There are, of course, several aspects of Operator Theory which we do not approach (such as approximation by compact operators) : we had in mind the Invariant Subspace Problem. But we would be glad if the topics presented could attract new people to an area which is quite fascinating and challenging. The notation is rather customary, and is compatible with that of our previous books. A Hilbert space is denoted by H , a Banach space by E or X, an operator by T, and so on. However, in a few occasions, we found the existing terminology improper, confusing, and sometimes misleading. In such cases, we took the liberty to eliminate gothic letters, complicated symbols, in order to be left with the naked ideas. We do not think of the notation as a decoration, but as a mean of communicating the ideas, as simply as possible. A few words about the presentation and the typing. In the bad old days, it was customary to thank our secretaries for their typing, with hypocritical tears in the eyes (see my previous books). Things have changed, and, for once, in the good sense. This book was typeset by the author himself, using Plain TEX. Knuth's learn in its subtleties, but already an elementary knowledge of it allows (as one sees here) an output which is incomparably better than what anyone can produce on a typewriter. Most symbols, commands already
TEX is not easy to
exist in 1EX, and require no further work. The only symbol I had to create myself was" f+ ". I am glad to offer to the mathematical community the definition of such an important feature (with no increase in the price of the book) :
\def\notto{\hbox{$ - \rightarrow- \kern - 1.5em\hbox{/ }$ } } So, if you put this line in your "macro file" (list of definitions), whenever you type " \ notto " , you get
f+ .
Mathematical editing had decreased in typographical quality, many publishers presenting books which were not typeset, but only typewritten, and then reproduced photographically. Let's hope that 'lEX will open a new era. The editor I used was PC- Write, which is, in my opinion, the best of all I tried. It allows to redefine the keyboard (so as to produce, for example, greek letters with one keystroke), to store long sequences of words as "macros", and many other things. The book follows two courses I gave at the University of Paris VII, in 1984/85 and 86/87. The final version was mostly written during the fall 87, when I was Visiting Professor at the Ohio State University, Columbus. I found there nice working facilities, including a good library. Computer equipment, however, was quite unsatisfactory. Fortunately, I was invited, for short periods, by other Universities, where I could produce "hard versions" of my work. I acknowledge the warm hospitality of Kent State University, University of Columbia-Missouri, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, which put at my disposition all the modern equipment I needed, such as computers with hard disks, laser printers, and so on. It is a very pleasant duty to mention all people who helped me, in various ways, to prepare the manuscript: Sylvie Guerre, Valerie Martel, Francoise Piquard, Earl Berkson, Gilles Godefroy, Elias Saab, Many others contributed to specific chapters and are mentioned at proper place. My interest in Operator Theory originally comes from conversations with Per Enflo, who had done in this area a pioneering work which was not fully understood, and from which I could benefit. I am glad to acknowledge an influence which is anyway so obvious that I could not hide it, even if I wanted to.
As G. B. Shaw said, let me now withdraw and lift the curtain. If you find that there is not much behind, please consider at least that I did not paint it with artificial colors.
Paris, december 1987 Bernard Beauzamy
Table of Contents
Introduction Oceano Tex
PART I : GENERAL THEORY. Chapter I : Operators on Finite-Dimensional Spaces.
1. Spectrum of the operator.
2. Minimal Polynomial. 3. The analytic functional calculus. 4. Computing the operator norm on a Hilbert space. Exercises on Chapter I. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter I
17 17
Chapter II : Elementary Spectral Theory.
1. The spectrum of an operator.
2. The analytic functional calculus. 3. The Invariant Subspace Problem. Exercises on Chapter II. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter II.
10 14 15
27 32 35
38 39
Chapter III : The Orbits of a Linear Operator.
O. Introduction.
1. Basic Facts. A. The image of a baIl by a linear operator. B. Baire Property for operators. C. Rolewicz example of an operator with one hypercyclic point D. The regularity of the sequence (11Tn Il)n~o, 2. Operators having an orbit which tends to infinity. A. Exponential growths and related topics. B. Quasi-exponential growths.
43 43 44 45 47 48 48 53
0/ Contents
C. Polynomial Growths. 3. How often can an orbit come back close to 0 ? 4. Operators with irregular orbits. 5. Hypercyclicity. Exercises on Chapter III. Notes and Comments
57 62 66
71 74
Part II : COMPACTNESS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Chapter IV : Spectral Theory for compact operators.
1. Compact operators.
2. Spectral Theory for compact operators. 3. Spectral Theory for Normal Compact operators on Hilbert spaces. 4. Spectral decomposition for compact operators on Hilbert spaces. 5. Invariant Subspace for compact operators. 6. Commutation between compact operators and C 1 operators. Exercises on Chapter IV.
81 84 88 89 91 93
Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter IV
94 95
Chapter V : Topologies on the space of operators.
1. Nuclear operators.
2. The space .c(H) as a dual space. Exercises on Chapter V.
101 115
Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter V.
117 117
Part III : BANACH ALGEBRAS TECHNIQUES. Chapter VI : Banach Algebras.
1. Spectral Theory.
2. Ideals and Homomorphisms. 3. Commutative Banach Algebras.
123 126 128
4. Functional Calculus.
5. C· -algebras.
6. An Invariant Subspace Theorem.
Exercises on Chapter VI.
Notes and Comments.
Table 01 Contents Chapter VII : Normal Operators. 1. Algebra generated by a normal operator. 2. Spectral Measures. 3. Integration with respect to a spectral measure. 4. Spectral Representation of a Normal Operator. 5. The spectrum of a multiplication operator. 6. Hyperinvariant Subspaces for Normal Operators. Exercises on Chapter VII. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter VII.
141 141 143 144 145 153 154 156 157 157
Part IV : ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS. Chapter VIII: Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions.
1. Harmonic and subharmonic functions.
2. Basic facts about Fourier Series. 3. HP Spaces. 4. Jensen's Formula, Jensen's Inequality. 5. Factorization of HP functions : Inner and Outer functions. 6. Factorization of Inner Functions: Blaschke products and. . . 7. The Disk Algebra .A (D) . Exercises on Chapter VIII. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter VIII.
166 169 173 177 179 182 187 188 189
Chapter IX : The Multiplication by ei B on H2 (IT) and £2 (IT) .
1. The multiplication by ei B in H 2 .
2. Szego's Theorem. 3. Multiplication by eie on L 2 (IT ,d6/ 21r ) . 4. Multiplication by x on L 2[0, 1]. Exercises on Chapter IX. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter IX.
195 196
201 204
206 206
PART V : DILATIONS and EXTENSIONS. Chapter X : Minimal Dilation of a Contraction.
1. Construction of the isometric and unitary dilations.
Table of Contents
2. Decompositions of the space )I. Exercises on Chapter X. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter X.
220 227 228 230
Chapter XI : The HCX) Functional Calculus.
1. Construction of the Calculus.
2. The Spectral Theorem for the HCX) functional calculus. 3. The HCX) functional calculus on the algebra generated ... Exercises on Chapter XI. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter XI.
233 239 242 247 248 248
Chapter XII : C.-Contractions.
1. The extension of a C. -contraction. 2. Representing Functions. 3. Functional Representation of Convergent Series. 4. Connections with Nagy-Foias Dilation Theory. 5. The Algebra .It (n) . 6. Two examples. 7. The spectrum of T and the spectrum of f. 8. Invariant subspaces for the C.-contractions. Exercises on Chapter XII. Notes and Comments. Complements on Chapter XII.
250 251 257 260 261 265 273 277 282 286 286
Part VI : INVARIANT SUBSPACES. Chapter XIII: Positive results.
1. When is the HCX) functional calculus isometric? 2. Invariant Subspaces. Exercises on Chapter XIII. Notes and Comments.
291 305
315 315
Chapter XIV : A Counter-Example to the Invariant Subspace Problem. 317 Exercises on Chapter XIV. Notes and Comments
340 344
Index References
Oceano Tex
Elle con temple I'ecran, tout vert dans les tenebres, Ou les chiffres s'aflichant jettent des lueurs d'algebre. Viendra-t-il, Ie chapitre inscrit dans les memoires ? o touches, que vous savez de lugubres histoires ! Combien de mots, de lignes, se sont evanouis, Dans l'aveugle machine a jamais engloutis ! II
Mais Ie menu s'afliche, rassurant, familier, Tiens, dit-elle en souriant, le voici tout entier.
III Sur la table, entasse; l'article et ses progres, Certain, dernontre presque, et probable a peu pres, Attend, bloc annote, qu'on veuille bien l'imprimer Symbole apres symbole, comme Sisyphe son rocher. Ratures, sens perdu, doute, feuillet manquant, Partout la question triple: -Comment? Ou ? Quand? IV
Mais Ie mot, qu'on Ie sache, est un etre vivant, La main de I'auteur vibre et tremble en le frappant. La pagination a 1'infini s 'echappe, A chaque instant lacune, embfiche, chausse-trappe. Faut-il mettre un backslash ou bien une cedille, Au bout du theorerne et de ses codicilles ? Regardons Ie manuel. Ces choses-la sont rudes, II faut pour les comprendre avoir fait ses etudes !
Oceano Tex
v La tache se termine, le dernier mot s'inserit. Elle appelle TEX. 11 vient, suppute, renifle, eerit, Reclame deux dollars avec une parenthese, Accentue, calcule en toute hypothese Le lieu mobile, obseur, capricieux, changeant, Oil se plait la virgule aux nageoires d'a.rgent. Oh cliquetis des phrases, tohu-bohu, rumeur, De I'univers des mots Ie terrible ecumeur ! VI
TEX termine son travail; apres tant de souffrance, Tant de labeur obtient enfin sa recompense. L'imprimante achevant lentement ses devoirs Eclaire tout a. eoup dans ses jambages noirs Le theoreme orne de tous ses corollaires, Eblouissant Shakespeare et ravissant Euler!
Victor Hugo p.e.c. Bernard Beauzamy
Nous imitons, horreur ! la toupie et la boule Dans leur valse et leurs bonds; merne dans nos sommeils La Curiosite nous tourmente et nous roule, Comme un Ange cruel qui fouette des soleils.
This First Part is devoted to a basic study of Operators in general. We start with a Chapter about finite-dimensional spaces, in order to emphasize later the differences with the infinite-dimensional case. We then turn to general Spectral Theory, and finally study the behavior of the iterates of an operator.
Chapter I
Operators on Finite-Dimensional Spaces
1. Spectrum of an operator.
Let E be a finite-dimensional, complex, normed space, and let dim E = d. Let also T be a linear operator from E into itself. First, we observe that T is automatically continuous: indeed, take an algebraic basis (el •...• ed) of E, and write x
O:iei, y
/3iej. Then:
IITx - Tyll
II L)O:j
s, )Tei II
~ K max 100i - /3i I ,
with K
ei ll·
We define the operator norm of T :
IITllop =
Since the unit ball is compact (see for instance B.B. [1]), and since T is continuous, this supremum is actually attained, and is a maximum. We will usually drop the subscript "op", and we just write
We denote by £,(E) the set of linear continuous operators on E, equipped with this norm. When a basis (ell"" ed) is chosen, T can be represented by a matrix
M -- (t·&,J.)&,J .. = I "'0''''' ~ the
i -th column of which is made with the components of T'e, on the basis, that
is Tej = Ei ti,jei' If a vector x is given by its components X = (XI, ... , Xd) on the basis, the vector Tx has M X as components on the same basis. Of course, the matrix depends on the choice of the basis, the operator norm does not.
Chapter I
We are not going here to deal with the theory of matrices, which is a huge theory in itself ; we will instead restrict ourselves to the notions related to our future study of operators on infinite dimensional Banach spaces. The characteristic polynomial of T is the determinant of T - AI
det (T - AI),
for A E ~,
and this polynomial is also the determinant of the matrix M - AI, if M represents T is a given basis. It is easily seen to be independent from the choice of the basis. This determinant is of the form:
It has degree d , and therefore has d complex roots, not necessarily distinct. If A is one of them, det (T - AI) = 0, which means that T -- AI is not invertible. Since the space is finite dimensional, this is equivalent to the fact that T - AI is not injective (or not surjective). Consequently, there exists a vector z , x f:- 0, such that (T - AI)x = 0, or Tx = AX. The vector x is called an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue A. To simplify our notation, we write T - A instead of T - AI. Let now AI, ... , Am be an enumeration of the roots (m ~ d). The set = {AI, ... , Am} is called the spectrum of T. It is a finite subset of the complex plane, consisting of at most d points. It is never empty, but may consist in a single point: the spectrum of the identity is {I}. The spectrum of any projection is {O, I}.
Conversely, given any d points Ai, .. " Ad in the plane, it is easy to see that there is an operator T on ~d with a(T) = {AI, ... ,Ad}' Indeed, let (el,'" ,ed) be the canonical basis of «: d, and define Tej = Ajej. Therefore, the spectrum has a simple structure. This does not mean, however, that all questions in finite-dimensional operator theory are necessarily easy. Among the hardest (and, quite often, with no satisfactory solution), let's mention: precise computations of the operator norm, approximation of a given operator by operators in a given class, and so on.
Finite Dimensional Spaces
2. Minimal Polynomial. Let p(z) = L~
a/czk be a polynomial with complex coefficients. We de-
fine: N
p(T) = LakT/c o
We will show that there is a "smallest" polynomial m, such that m(T) = 0. This polynomial will be called the minimal polynomial of T. For this, let (el,.'" ed) be a basis of E. The vectors el, Tel, ... , Td ex cannot be independent: there exists a linear combination: d
L a;I)T j e
= 0,
that is, by definition (1), a polynomial 81, d081 ~ d, with 81 (T)el = The same way, we find polynomials 82,... , 8d, with:
for all j = 2, ... , d.
Put s = 81.82 ... 8d. Then s(T)ej = 0 for all j 8(T)x = 0 for all x in E.
1, ... , d, and therefore
We have found a polynomial s, such that 8(T) = O. But 8 has to be reduced: its degree may be d 2 , and we will see later that such a polynomial exists with dO s ~ d. We factor 8(A) = a n~1 (A - Ai)Oi , and we may assume a = 1. If a point Ai is not in the spectrum, the corresponding term T - >'i I is invertible, so can be removed from s . Let
(>. - Ada'.
Now, we look at all x's such that (T - >'dlllX = o. If for all of them we also have (T - >'x) 0 l - I X = 0, we replace QI by QI - 1 in u. We start again with al - 1, and so on, until we cannot proceed further. We then pass to Q2, and so on. More precisely, we define, for i = 1, ... ,m (where m is the number of points in a(T), m ~ d) :
Vi = inf {k E IN ; (T - >..)k x = 0, for all x s.t. (T - Ai)k+ 1 x = O}. Then we put: m
II (A - >'ir', i=1
Chapter I
and we have obtained a polynomial m, still satisfying m(T) = O. By construction, all roots Ai of m(A) belong to n(T). Conversely, let AO E n(T), Yo a corresponding eigenvector. Then:
o = m(T)yo
so m(Ao) = 0, and the roots of m(A) are exactly the points of n(T). The polynomial m(T) is called the minimal polynomial of T, for the following reason :
Proposition 2.1. - The polynomial m divides every polynomial p such that p(T) = O.
Proof. - Let p be such a polynomial. First, as we already observed, p must have the points in n(T) as roots; we eliminate the others, and write: m
II (A -
We now show that ai 2' Vi, for i = 1, ... , m. Assume on the contrary that, for instance, at < Vt. Then, by the definition of Vt, there is a point Xl such that:
From (3), we deduce
with q(At)
O. We have TYt
AtYt, so :
which contradicts p(T) = 0 and proves our claim.
Corollary 2.2. - If p , q are two polynomials, we have p(T) only if ever)' Ai E n(T) is a root of p - q of order 2' Vi.
= q(T)
Indeed, this says that p - q is divisible by the minimal polynomial.
if and
Finite Dimensional Spaces
Among all polynomials satisfying p(T) = 0, the most noticeable one is the characteristic polynomial, which we have already defined:
c('\) = det (T - ,\). Theorem 2.3 (Cayley-Hamilton). - The characteristic polynomial satisfies
c(T) = O. Proof. - Elementary linear algebra (see for instance LN. Herstein [1)) allows us to write in a proper basis, the matrix of T in a triangular form:
where '\~, ... ,'\~ are the points of u(T), but this time each of them repeated according to its multiplicity. If (VI,." ,Vd) is this basis, we get: TVI = '\;VI, TV2 =
+ '\~V2'
which means:
(T - '\;)VI = 0, (T - '\~)V2
= al,2vI,
Therefore (T-'\~)VI = 0, (T-'\~)(T-'\~)V2 = 0, ... , (T-'\'l)'" (T-'\d)Vd = O. So the product (T - '\'.) ... (T - '\d) annihilates all the vectors of the basis. Since the ,\i's are the roots of the characteristic polynomial, we get c(T) = O. From Theorem 2.3 and Proposition 2.2 follows obviously that dam ~ d. There are obvious examples in which the minimal polynomial has degree strictly less than the degree of the characteristic polynomial (which is d, the dimension of the space). For example, a projection always satisfies T2 - T = 0, that is
m(,\) =
,\2 - '\.
Chapter I
3. The analytic functional calculus. We have already defined p(T), when p is a polynomial. We now extend this definition to a larger class of functions. Let I be a function from ~ into itself. We say that I belongs to the space 7(T) if there exists a neighborhood V of u(T) on which I is analytic (for an elementary theory of analytic functions, we refer the reader to H. Cartan [1]). We recall that I is said to be analytic on a compact set if it is analytic on some neighborhood of this compact set. The neighborhood does not need to be connected, and depends on the function. Let f E 7(T). For every Ai E u(T), we consider the derivatives f(k)(Ad, k < Vi (there are VI + ... + V m = d such derivatives). Let p be a polynomial such that fUr:) (Ail all k < vi. We then put:
= p(k)(Ai),
for all Ai E o(T),
f(T) = p(T) This definition does not depend on the choice of the polynomial p : if q another one with the same properties, then p(T) = q(T), by Corollary 2.2.
We now list some elementary properties of this definition:
Theorem 3.1. - If a) of
+ (3g
I, g E 7(T),
E 7(T), and (01
(3 E ~ ,
+ (3g)(T)
o/(T) + fJg(T),
b) f.g E J"(T) , and f.g(T) = I(T)g(T) , c) if f(A) = E~ OkAk, then f(T) = E~ ok T k, d) I(T) = 0
u and only if f(k) (Ai) =
0, for all Ai E u(T) , all k < Vi.
The proof is left to the reader. The first quality of the class l(T) is that it contains functions with values o and 1 only, thus allowing us to build projections which commute with T : For every Ai E u(T), let fi('x) defined by: fi('x) = 1 on some neighborhood of Ai, = 0 on some neighborhood of all other Aj'S, j 1= i. We put E, = e, (T) ; this is an operator, with the following properties:
Proposition 3.2. - For i,j
= 1, ... , m,
we have:
E; = Ei ,
b) EiEj = 0, c) I = E~
i 1=
These properties follow immediately from Theorem 3.1.
Finite Dimensional Spaces
For i = 1, ... , m, we call Xi the image of the operator Ei. Then we get the formula: Indeed, by Proposition 3.2, c), every z can be written as x = L~ EiX, and this decomposition is unique by b). Since E; is in fact defined as a polynomial in T, it clearly commutes with it. Therefore: i = 1, . . . ,m, which means that Xi is invariant by T. Also, we have:
(1) Indeed, E;
pi(T), where Pi is a polynomial satisfying: 1~ k
f- i,
Vk, 0 ~ k < Vi .
Therefore, Pi factors as :
pi(A) = q(A)
IT (A - s, t
iii and (A - AiY" Pi(A) is a multiple of the minimal polynomial m, which proves
(1). So we get:
(2) For i
1, ... ,m, we put N,
Lemma 3.3. - For i
= Ker(T - A;') v, , Nt = Ker Ili1i(T - Ai)Vi.
= 1, . . . ,m,
n Nt = {O}.
and qi(A) = nji-i(A - Ai)Vi have no roots in common. By Bezout Identity, there exist polynomials rl (,\), r2 (A), such that :
Proof. - The polynomials Pi(A)
= (A - Ai)v"
which implies:
rI(T)(T - Ai)V, + r2(T)
IT (T iii
from which Lemma 3.3 follows obviously.
Chapter I
We may now prove:
Proposition 3.4. - For i
= Ni .
1, ... ,m, Xi
Proof. - 1) We have seen that (T - Ai)V; Xi
0, thus
2) By Lemma 3.3, the sum of the N, is a direct sum; the sum of the Xi is also direct. Since the latter is E (prop. 3.2, c), so is the former. The proposition follows. The projections Ei, i = 1, ... , m, will also allow us to give an expression of any function I(T), I E :1(T) :
Proposition 3.5. - If I E :1(T) , we may write:
f 't'
i= I k=O
Proof. - We consider the function:
i= I k=O
One checks immediately that, for i
1, ... , m, and k <
and therefore I(T) = g(T), by Theorem 3.1, d). We now study the convergence of a sequence of operators In(T)
Proposition 3.6. - Let (fn)n>O be a sequence of functions in :1(T). Then In(T) converges in operator nor~ if and only if the d sequences (/A k ) ('\i))nE IN I for i = 1, ... ,m, k < Vi, converge in ([: . Proof. - 1) Assume that the d complex sequences converge. Then Proposition 3.5 indicates that In(T) is Cauchy, and therefore converges. 2) Assume that the sequence (fn(T))nEIN converges in f.(E). We know that (T - ,\')VI - I E I fo 0, and therefore we may find z such that (T ,\.)Vl- 1 Elx
0. Let y
= Elx,
= (T
- .Adky, k <
In(T)(T - A.)r y m v,-l (T _ ,\ _)k
i= I k=O
k! '
IAk ) (.Ai)Ei(T -
,\dYy .
= VI
Finite Dimensional Spaces
Since Y = Et{x) , all terms with ii-I are 0, by Proposition 3.2, b). So :
fn(T)Yr =
A)k -k! 1 fAk)(Ad(T -
Ad r ElY·
All terms with k 2: 1 are 0 by the definition of r = Since moreover ElY = Y, we get :
VI -
1, and formula (2).
Since the sequence (In(T)Yr)nEIN converges, this implies that (fn(Ad)nEIN converges. Then we write:
and therefore spectrum.
converges. The same holds for the other points in the
To end this chapter, we give a Cauchy formula for operators:
Proposition 3.7. - Let U be an open set, containing o(T). We assume that the boundary r of U consists in a finite number of simple closed curves, oriented in the direct sense. Then, if f E 1(T) is analytic on we have:
f(T) =
~ 2111"
( f(A)(A - T) -1 o:
Proof. - For A f/- o(T), we set R(z) = 1/(A - z). Then:
R(T) = (.A - T)-1 mV.-l(T_Ai)k k! k! (A _ Ai)k+1 s,
1=1 k=O
m v,-l
i= 1 k=O
(T _ Ai)k (A _ Ad k + 1 e,
and so :
~ 2171"
J(r f(A)(A -
by the usual Cauchy formula, and finally,
= f(T) , and Proposition 3.7 is proved.
Chapter I 4. Computing the operator norm on a Hilbert space.
The formula 1 (1), given as definition of the operator norm, is not suitable for practical purposes. Instead, practical computations are made the following way: Let M be the matrix representing T in some basis. Let M· be its adjoint, that is M· = tAl. Then the matrix M· M is self-adjoint, and, by the results of Chapter IV, Section 3, or Chapter VII, it has real, positive eigenvalues, and one of them, x, satisfies
v>. is the required value of IITII.
Programs do exist to find the eigenvalues of a matrix; however the computations become obviously longer and less precise when the dimension increases.
Finite Dimensional Spaces
Exercises on Chapter I.
Exercise 1. - Show that the following are equivalent: a) ~ L~-I Tie converges, b) ~ T": converges, c) o(T) is contained in fJ and 1I('x) = 1, for all ,\ E o(T), with I,XI = 1. (Hint: consider the sequences of functions fn('x) = ~ L~-I ,\le, gn('x) =
,Xn/n). Exercise 2. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E, and assume that T has a cyclic vector XQ, that is :
Assume moreover that the minimal polynomial of T can be written (with d = dim E) :
Find a basis in which the matrix of T is of the form:
-11 -12
Prove that in this case, the characteristic polynomial of T is equal to the minimal polynomial (up to a change of sign).
Exercise 3. - Let E, dim E = d, and T an operator such that Td = o. Show that there exists a basis (XI,." Xd) of E and k + 1 integers 1 ~ no < nl < ... < nk = d, such that TXi = Xi+l, except if i E {no,nl,"',nk}, in which case TXi = O. l
Exercise 4. - In c:r: n , what is the operator norm of the matrix whose entries are all l's ? Exercise 5. - Let
Find A such that eA.
= M.
Chapter I
Exercise 6. - Let M=
0 0 1) 0 0 0 ( 000
Compute the distance between M and the set of diagonal matrices.
Finite Dimensional Spaces
Notes and Comments. The results of this chapter are mostly reproduced from Dunford-Schwartz [I],vol.1, with a few modifications in the presentation. The reader may consult this book, as well as the book by P. Halmos [l].
Complements on Chapter I. Exercise 4 involves the computation of the operator norm of the matrix, whose entries are all 1’s. In , the result is n . But if, instead of 1, one puts ~ , , ,j ( i ,j = 1,.. . ,n), independent random variables with values fl , then the operator norm is, with great probability, of the order of fi (see Benett Goodman - Newman [ 11), thus dropping considerably. An open problem (communicated by David Larson) : We consider 3 x 3 matrices. Let P be a “diagonal projection”, that is a matrix of the form :
P =
(H 8)
where a , b and c take the values 0 or 1. For any matrix M , let :
sup{ll(l- P)MPII ; P is a diagonal projection}
d ( M ) = inf{ IIM - Dll ; D is a diagonal matrix} Compute :
and then :
sup{K(M) ; M is a non - diagonal 3 x 3 matrix}
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Chapter II
Elementary Spectral Theory
After this brief discussion of Operator Theory on finite-dimensional spaces, we turn to infinite-dimensional ones. Until the end of the book, E will be a complex, infinite-dimensional, separable Banach space. For basic notions about norms, weak topologies (and so on) on Banach spaces, we refer the reader to our book B.B. [11. We denote by T a linear operator on E. We assume T to be continuous, that is : There exists a constant C such that, for all x in E :
IITxl1 < Cllxll· As in Chapter I, we define the norm of T, by the formula:
sup IIxll'S I
This time, unlike in the finite-dimensional case, continuity does not follow automatically from linearity. However, it is not possible to exhibit explicitly non-continuous operators or linear functionals on Banach spaces : to build them, one needs to use the axiom of choice. We observe that on a Banach space, the operator T is continuous if and only if it is weakly continuous: Lemma. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. Then T is continuous from (E,II.II) into itself if and only if it is continuous from (E,o(E, E·)) into itself.
Proof. -- The fact that continuity for the norm implies continuity for the weak topology can be found in B.B. [11, p. 37. Conversely, let's assume that T is continuous from (E,o(E,E·)) into itself. Let B be the closed unit ball of E, and let V be a neighborhood of 0
Chapter II
in (E,u(E,E·)). Then T-IV is a neighborhood of 0 for u(E,E·). But 8 weakly bounded, therefore there exists a .x such that:
This implies that .xv :J T(B), and shows that T(B) is weakly bounded. By Mackey's theorem (see B.B. [I], p. 35) it is also bounded in norm, so T is continuous in norm. Continuity for u(E, E·) can be characterized as follows: for every
€ E E· ,
€ 0 TEE·. Of course, the previous Lemma holds for any operator between two Banach spaces E and F. These preliminaries being settled, we may ask the following question: what remains of the theory presented in Chapter I ? We remember that everything started with the fact that the operator T satisfied a polynomial equation: we found a polynomial p such that p(T) = O. Unfortunately, in infinite dimensional spaces, the construction breaks down already at this early stage. Not every operator satisfies a polynomial equation. For instance, on the space 12(7l)
= {(an)nE7l; an E «;
lanl 2 < +oo}
nE7l equipped with the norm II(an)112 = (LnE'll lanI2) 1/ 2 , the right shift operator, defined by :
(1) does not satisfy any polynomial equation. Indeed, let (e n)nE7l be the canonical basis of 12(7l) : en is the sequence having 1 at the nth place, 0 otherwise (n E 7l). Then Sen = fn+l. Assume that L~ which implies that all Cf.1r; 's are O.
Cf./r;Sk eo = O. We get L~
= 0,
The results of the previous chapter do not hold any longer, and we have to introduce new notions.
Elementary Spectral Thwry
1. The spectrum of an operator.
Definition 1.1 - The resolvent set p(T) is the set of A E
Proposition 1.2. - The resolvent set p(T) is an open subset of the complex plane, and the application A --+ R(A), from p(T) into £(E), is an analytic function in p(T). Remark : Analytic functions, in the elementary theory, usually take their values in
+ A-
T)S(J.L) ::::: (A - T)S(J.L) - J.LS(J.L) J.Lk(.\ - T)-k -
::: L
L J.Lk+l(A - T)-(k+l)
::::: I, and since S(J.L) commutes with .\ + J.L - T, it is its inverse. This proves that p(T) is open, and also that R(A + J.L) is analytic in some neighborhood of J.L ::::: 0 (since it is expandable in power series). We define d(.\)
dist'[X, a(T)) ::::: inf
{IA - A'I ; A' E u(T)}.
Corollary 1.3. - IIR(A)II 2:: I/d(A), for all A E p(T). Proof. - If l/II R(A)II·
we have seen that A + J.L E p(T). So d(A)
This Corollary implies obviously that II R(A) II --+ 00, when d(A) --+ O. Therefore, p(T) is the domain of analyticity of R(.\) : this function cannot be extended analytically on a larger domain.
Chapter II Proposition 1.4. - The spectrum a(T) is non-empty, compact, and contained in the disk {..\ ; 1..\1 < IITII}. Proof. - We set g(..\) = Lk~O Tk /..\k+l. For 1..\1> IITII, this series converges in operator norm, and (..\ - T)g(..\) = I, so g(..\) = R(..\), for 1..\1 > IITII. Assume that the spectrum is empty. Then g(..\) is analytic in the whole plane. But it satisfies Ifg(..\)11 --+ 0, when 1..\1 --+ 00, so, by the maximum modulus principle, we must have g(..\) = 0 for all ..\ E
R(..\) =
L T k / ..\k+
for 1..\1 > IITIf.
We put
max{I..\I; ..\ E a(T)} ,
and r(T) is called the spectral radius of T. The following Proposition gives a way of computing r(T) and extends formula (2) :
Proposition 1.5. - We have: a) r(T) = Iimle---+oo IITk II Ilk
b) if 1..\1 > r(T), R(..\) norm.
= Lk~O
T k / ..\k+ I , this series converging in operator
Proof. - The radius of convergence of the Laurent series Lk~O
Tk / >.k+ I is
I = lim sup IITkllll k. k---+oo
So r(T) = I. All we have to show therefore is that r(T) ~ lim infk---+oo IITIe II Ilk. For this, observe that Tk _..\Ie = (T - ..\)Pk(T), for some polynomial PI.. Therefore, if ..\ E o(T), ..\Ie E a(TIe), for every k ? 0 ; so 1>.11e ~ IITlell, and 1>'1 :S lim infk---+oo IITkllllk. This proves the existence of the limit limk---+oo IITklll/k, and establishes our formula.
Proposition 1.6 (Resolvent Equation). - For ..\,p. E p(T), we have:
R(..\) - R(p.)
= (p. - >.).R(..\).R(p.).
Proof. - We have:
(p. - T)(..\ - T)(R(..\) - R(p.)) from which the result follows.
(p. - ..\) I,
Elementary Spectral Thwry
We also recall :
Proposition 1.7. - If
1, 1- T is invertible.
Proof. - The series I + T + T2
+ ...
is norm convergent, and provides the
required inverse.
Corollary 1.8. - The set of invertible operators is open in £(E). Indeed, let T be invertible, and U,with IlUII < is invertible and also T(I + T-l U) = T + U.
1/IIT- 1 11.
Then I+T-1U
If E" is the dual space of E (see B.B. [1], Part I, Chapter 2), we denote by tT the transpose of the operator T. It acts from E" into itself, and is defined by the equation: for all x E E,
E" .
(see B.B. [II, Part I, Chapter 2, for the elementary properties of this operator).
Proposition 1.9. .- a(T)
= a(tT),
and, if A E p(T), R(A, tTl
Proof. - If A E p(T), R(A, T)(A - T)
= I,
so :
(A - tT)t R(A, T) and therefore A -
= t R(A,T).
is invertible and its inverse is t R(A, T) .
If H is a Hilbert space, equipped with the scalar product (.,.), we define the adjoint of T, denoted by T" , by : (T" x, y)
(x, Ty) ,
for all x, y E H.
If the field of scalars was ill. , we would have T" = field of scalars is cI , and we obtain:
-r. However, for us the
Proposition 1.10. - We have: a(T") = conj(a(T)), where conj(a(T)) is the set {X ; A E a(T)} , and R(A, T)" = R(X,T"). Proof. - If A E p(T), R(A,T)(A - T)
I, so :
which implies the result. Further manipulations of the spectrum will be made later, when we deal with functions of an operator. We now turn to the description of several subsets of a(T).
Chapter II
- op(T) , point spectrum of T, is the set of eigenvalues of T, - oc(T) , continuous spectrum of T, is the set: oc(T)
{A E o(T) ; A- T is injective, non surjective, but has dense range}
- Or (T) , residual spectrum of T, is the set Or (T)
{A E o(T) ; A - T is injective, but does not have dense range}
As it is well-known (see B.B. [11, part I, chap.2, p. 40), a) The image of T is dense in E if and only if sr is injective, b) T is injective if and only if -r has dense range in E*, for the topology a(E*, E). Applying this to A - T, we get:
Proposition 1.11. - We have:
a) ar(T) = ap(tT),
b) ap(T)
ur(tT), with equality if E is reflexive.
The point spectrum ap(T) may be empty. For instance, the right shift S has no eigenvalue. Indeed, assume on the contrary that there is a A E a; and a = (akh E 71 E 12 such that Sa = Aa. Then, for all k E 7l, ak-l = Aak. But IISal12 = Ila112' so IAI = 1, and this contradicts ak --+ 0, when k .~ 00. The same computation shows in this case that ap(fT) is also empty. Therefore, the spectrum reduces to ac(T). The most important subset of a(T) is still to be defined: - aa(T), approximate point spectrum of T, is the set of all A E u(T) such that there exists a sequence (Xn)n~O of points in E, with Ilxnll = 1, for all n, and TX n AXn -+ 0, when n -+ 00. Such a sequence (xn)n>O will be called a sequence of almost t;jgenvectors for A.
Proposition 1.12. - The set aa(T) is a closed subset of a(T) , which contains aa(T) (boundary of a(T)), a p(T) and ac(T). Proof. - To see that aa(T) is closed, we first observe that >. only if there is a 6 > such that, for all x E E,
II (>. -
T)xll ~
fI. aa(T)
if and
Elementary Spectral Theory
Therefore, if IIlI < (), A+ Il €I- aa(T) , and aa(T) is closed. Let's show that the boundary of a(T) is contained in aa' Let
Ao E aa(T) ,
A €I- a(T), IA - Aol < E/2. By Corollary 1.3, II(A-T)-111 ~ l/d(A) ~ 2/E. So, there is a y in E, Ilyll = 1, such that: II(A - T)-I YII ~ 2/E. Put x = (A - T) -1 y/II (A - T) - l yll. Then Ilxll = 1, and
E > O. Choose
II(Ao-T)x-(A-T)xll < E/2,
II (Ao -
T)xll <
2 + II (A - T)xll <
and this proves our claim. Finally, it's clear that a p (T) c aa(T). For ac(T), we observe that if A f/- aa(T), the inequality (3) implies that A - T has closed range and is injective. It cannot have dense range, since A E a(T). Therefore A ¢ ac(T). The following Proposition describes the behaviour of a sequence of almost eigenvectors
with respect to the weak topology.
Proposition 1.13. - Let T be an operator on a reflexive Banach space E, A i- 0 in aa(T), and (xn)n>O a normalized sequence of almost eigenvectors for A. Then, either A is not an eigenvalue, and (xn)n~o tends to 0 weakly, or A is an eigenvalue, and every non-zero weak accumulation point of this sequence is a eigenvector for A. Proof. - Since E is reflexive, there is a subsequence some point z in E. Then: Tx~
- AX~
converging weakly to
in norm
and therefore: But : So, since A i- 0, we obtain Tz = AZ. If, for every subsequence x~. we find z = 0, the sequence (xn)n~O converges weakly to (we are in a compact set: the unit ball for the weak topology, so if every accumulation point is 0, the sequence will converge to 0), or, for some subsequence x~, the point z is not O. In this case, A is an eigenvalue, and z a corresponding eigenvector.
Chapter II
If we are in a Hilbert space and if ..\ is not an eigenvalue, we may assume that the sequence (xn)n~O is orthogonal. Indeed, in a Hilbert space, for any normalized weakly null sequence (xn)n~O' we can find a subsequence (x~) and an orthonormal sequence (Yn)n~O such that Ilx~ - Ynll --+ 0 (this is done the following way: fix an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space. Take a sequence (zn)n>O of vectors with finite support on this basis, such that Ilx n - Zn II --+ 0, and then take a subsequence of the Zn 's, such that the supports are disjoint.) will be also a sequence of almost eigenvectors. So the sequence (Yn)n~O
The most important part of the spectrum is
U a (T)
or(T) and up(T) correspond to eigenvalues for T or
\ op (T) ; the pieces
sr and
may be empty. We will see in Section 3 that, when looking for Invariant Subspaces, one may assume u(T) = U a (T) .
As an illustration of these notions, we now determine the spectrum of the right shift 8 on 12(1L).
Proposition 1.14. - The spectrum of the right shift 8 on 12(1L) is the unit circle C.
Proof. - Since 11811 = 1, we have r( 8) :S 1, and 0(8) C 15. Also, .x - 8 is invertible if and only if 8- 1 ( ..\ - 8) is invertible, or ..\8- 1 - I , which is the case if 1..\1 < 1, by Proposition 1.7. This proves that 0(8) C C (and applies, more generally, to any surjective isometry). We have to show that 0(8) = C. For Y = LkEZ Ykek, we consider the equation: (4) (ei B - 8)x = Y It can be written: e
Xk -
and implies :
But if we choose for instance
= e- i(k-l)B / k , or,
more generally, such that: when k
--+ 00
this is impossible for x E 12 • Therefore, equation (4) cannot be solved for such a Y, and ei B - 8 is not surjective. So 0(8) = oa(8) = oc(S) = C. As we mentioned, the spectrum of a surjective isometry is contained in C. For a non-surjective isometry, we have:
Elementary Spectral Theory
Proposition 1.15. - U T is a non-surjective isometry, u(T)
= D.
Proof. - For all x in E, all A r:t. C, we have:
II(A which implies that au(T)
T)xll 2 11 -
= C, by (3).
Since T is not surjective, u(T) contains
O. These two facts together imply that u(T) = D.
2. The analytic functional calculus.
As in Chapter I, let l(T) be the set of functions I, with complex values, defined and analytic on some neighborhood of u(T) (this neighborhood does not need to be connected, and may depend on the function). We simply say "analytic on u(T)". Let I E :f(T) , and U an open set, containing u(T) , such that the boundary r = au consists in a finite number of rectifiable Jordan curves, oriented in the positive sense. We assume that I is analytic on U. We define:
~ J( r
I(T) =
This definition does not depend on the domain U with the required properties : if we take another U, R(A) is analytic between both boundaries, and we just apply Cauchy's formula. For instance, if
is a circle centered at 0, with radius> r(T), we have:
= ~"Tn 2111'"
I(A) ,Xn+ I
We now turn to elementary properties of this definition.
Proposition 2.1. - For a) a]
+ {3g
I, g E l(T),
E :f(T) , and (al
a, (3 E et , we have:
+ (3g)(T) = al(T) + {3g(T),
b) I.g E :f(T) , and (f.g)(T) = I(T)g(T) , c) if I(A)
then I(T) = L~
this series converging in a neighborhood of u(T),
ak T " .
d) I E :f(tT) , and leT)
= t I(T) .
Proof. - a) is obvious. For b), I.g E :f(T) is clear. Let U I , U2 , be two neighborhoods of u(T), with V I C U2 , and I, 9 be analytic on V 2. Let
Chapter II
l,f 2
be the boundaries of VI, V 2 • Then:
So we get:
= ~
c) For disk {A E we have:
f(A)g(A)R(A)dA = (fg)(T). 1
> 0, small enough, the series
c, IAI ~ r(T) + e}. f(T)
So, if Cr+e
r H
akAk converges uniformly in the is the circle {A E a::; IAI = r(T) + e} , L~
ak Ak R(A)dA
ak (
f;ak I:Ti o
Ak R(A)dA
c r +.
d) is a consequence of Proposition 1.9. A similar proposition holds for adjoints in a Hilbert space:
Elementary Spectral Theory
Proposition 2.2. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. For f E l(T), we define:
f(T)· = fd(T·). Proof. - Clearly, fd is analytic on some neighborhood of u(T·) Then from formula (1) follows:
-.1 { f(>.)R(X,T·)d>'
by Proposition 1.9,
-.1 ( f(>.) R(>., Tr d>' 2171"
f(X)R(>', T·)d>.
= fU(T·). We will now investigate how the spectrum is transformed by a function of the operator. This question is of course of fundamental importance whenever a functional calculus is defined. In the present case, the result is quite satisfactory, and is described by the next theorem:
Theorem 2.3 (Spectral Mapping Theorem). - If f E l(T),
f(o(T)) = u(f(T)), where f(u(T))
{f(>.) ;
x E u(T)}.
Proof. - Let >. E u(T) and define 9 by
f(>.) - f( E)
Then gEl (T), and satisfies :
f(>.) - f( E) Therefore:
(>. - T)g(T)
f(>.) - f(T)
If f(>.) - f(T) was invertible (that is fP.) f/: o(J(T))), let A be its inverse. Then A.g(T) is the inverse of >. - T, so >. ~ u(T). This contradicts our original assumption, so f(>') E o(f(T)) , and f(o(T)) C o(f(T)). Conversely, let's assume that IJ tI. f(u(T)). Then the function h(€) = 1/(f(€) - IJ) is in l(T) and satisfies h(€)(f(€) - IJ) = 1. Therefore:
and IJ
h(T)(f(T) -IJ)
u(f(T)). This proves that f(o(T))
Chapter II
We now study the composition of functions.
Proposition 2.4. - Let I E l(T), g E l(/(T)), and set h h E l(T), and h(T) = g(/(T)) .
Proof. - From the previous theorem, we deduce that h E l(T). Let U be a neighborhood of O'(/(T)) 1 V of O'(T) , as previously, such that g is analytic on U, and I is analytic on V, with I(V) cU. Let's consider the operator:
= ~ 217r
If A ~ I(O'(T)), (A - I(~))-l
( R(~, T) d~. Jay A - I(e)
is analytic on O'(T), and A(A) = (A - f)-I(T).
(A - f(T))A(A)
g(A)R(A, f(T))dA
Jau Jay
and A
R(A, f(T)) .
g(f(T)) =
Jau ~ f ( 2 2111"
= =
g(A) R(~,
T) d~dA
A - f(~)
g(f( ~))R(
~, T)d~
Proposition 2.5. - Let (fn)n~o be a sequence of functions, in l(T), all analytic on the same neighborhood V of O'(T). If (fn)n~o converges to f, uniformly on V, then In(T) converges to I(T) in operator norm. Proof. - Let U be a neighborhood of O'(T) , with In - f uniformly on r, and:
Ifn(A) - f(A)I·IIR(A)lldA
Therefore, IIfn(T) - f(T)11
V, and
when n
r = au.
-+ 00.
Definition. - A point AD E O'(T) is said to be an isolated point of O'(T) if there exists a neighborhood U of A such that Un O'(T) = {AD}. An isolated point Ao of O'(T) is a pole of T if the function A -+ R(A, T) has a pole at Ao. The order of Ao is denoted by IIT(Ao) and is called the order of the pole.
Elementary Spectral Theory
Theorem 2.6 (Minimal Equation). - Let f E l(T). Then f(T) = 0 if and only if f is identically 0 on a neighborhood of u(T) , except maybe at a finite n umber of poles AI,' .. , Am , such that for all j = 1, ... , m I f has a zero of order ~ tiT (Ai ) at Ai. Proof. - Assume first that f has the described properties. Let Cj be a small circle around Ai, positively oriented (j = 1, ... , m). Then :
f(T) =
f f(A)R(A)dA. l., J
Bu t, at Ai
» R (A) has a pole of order tiT (A i)' and f has a zero of order So f(>..)R(A) is analytic on the disk limited by Ci, and f(T) = o. Assume now that f(T) = O. By Theorem 2.3, f(o(T)) = o. Let U be a neighborhood of o(T) on which f is analytic. By a well-known theorem about the zeroes of an analytic function (see H. Cartan [1]), f is identically zero on some neighborhood of any point of o(T) which is not isolated in o(T). Indeed, if A is such a point, if V is a disk around A, with V c U, V contains a sequence of points of o(T) converging to A, and f is identically 0 on V. Let now A E u(T), an isolated point: there is an open disk V c U, with o(T) n V = {A}. We assume that f is not identically 0 on V. We have f(A) = 0 , and so f has a zero of order n at A. So the function gl(e) = (A - e)" / f(e) is analytic on V. Let e be a function identically equal to Ion V and to 0 on a neighborhood of O(T)\{A}. Let g = gl.f Then:
~ tiT (Ai).
(A - T)"e(T) = f(T)g(T)
The Laurent series of R( e) on V can be written : +00
R(E) =
L Am(A - elm
where C is a circle around A, positively oriented. So A_ m + 1 = -(A - T)me(T) = 0, for m ~ n. Then (1) implies that A is a pole of order ~ n, and the Theorem is proved.
Chapter II
We recall that an operator T' is said to commute with T if TT' = T'T. The set of operators which commute with T is called the commutant of T and denoted by {T}'.
Proposition 2.1. - Let T' be an operator which commutes with T and let f E 1"(T). Then T' commutes with f(T). Proof. - By the definition of f(T), it's enough to show that T' commutes with R('\, T), for ,\ E p(T). But this follows from the two equations: (,\ - T)R('\)T'
(,\ - T) T' R ( x)
T' ,
since (,\ - T) is invertible, ,\ E p(T) . 3. The Invariant Subspace Problem.
Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. We say that a subspace F of E is invariant by T if T F c F. Does there exist a closed linear subspace F, invariant by T, besides the trivial ones: F = E and F = {o} ? (In old mathematical papers, the word "stable" was used instead of "invariant". It seems better, but I take the modern terminology.) This question arises naturally from the theory of eigenvectors in finite dimensional spaces: if x is an eigenvector, of course F = {'\x ; ,\ E ~} is such a subspace. But we have seen an easy example of an operator on 12 (1l) with no eigenvalue. So, some other concept has to be substituted for it, and the concept of non-trivial invariant subspace is the broadest and the most natural one (see, however, the concept of Invariant Convex Subset, introduced in Exercise 10, at the end of this Chapter). A stronger concept is that of hyperinvariant subspace: this is a subspace which is also invariant by all operators which commute with T. IT we fix a point x in E and consider the subspace:
we obtain a closed subspace, invariant by T. Such a subspace will be called elementary invariant subspace. If F% is the whole space, the point x is said to be cydic, it is non-cyclic otherwise. Of course, any Invariant Subspace contains an elementary Invariant Subspace, and, in fact, is just the reunion of all the elementary Invariant Subspace that it contains.
Elementary Spectral Theory
A similar concept occurs for the Hyperinvariant Subspaces : instead of just taking the iterates of T, we take all operators commuting with T, and define: G % = span {Ax; A commutes with T} Then G z is an elementary hyperinvariant subspace. In the sequel, we will be looking for non-trivial Invariant Subspaces or Hyperinvariant Subspaces. We will often omit the words "non-trivial", and abbreviate the four words in "Invariant Subspace" or "Hyperinvariant Subspace". The Invariant Subspace problem is still open in Hilbert spaces. Its existence is the background for the whole book, and there is not a single chapter which does not contain a part devoted to it. Let's come back to spectra, and justify the claim we made at the end of Section 1. If up(T) is not empty, T has eigenvectors, and so Invariant Subspaces, as we already said. If ur(T) is not empty, the set:
Imp. - T)
is non-trivial, and is invariant under T. This proves our assertion: if one is looking for Invariant Subspaces, one may assume u(T) = ua(T) \ up(T). One can moreover, in a reflexive space, assume that any sequence of almost eigenvectors converges weakly to 0 (Proposition 1.13). If the spectrum u(T) is not connected, the analytic functional calculus allows us to exhibit Invariant Subspaces :
Theorem 3.1 (F. Riess}, -If u(T) = Ul UU2, where Ul and U2 are disjoint closed sets, then T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces F) and F2 ; moreover:
where TIF denotes the restriction of T to the subspace F.
Proof. - Let U 1 , U 2 be disjoint open sets, containing Ul and U2 respectively. Let el = 1 in U 1 , 0 in U2 , and e2 = 0 in U 1 , 1 in U2 . Then el and e2 are in J"(T), and: edT) + e2(T) = I e~(T)
el(T) ,
So edT) and e2(T) are projections, which commute with T. Their ranges F) and F 2 are the required subspaces : They are closed, non-trivial, and hyperinvariant, by Proposition 2.7.
Chapter 1I To prove the second statement, we observe that, on F 1 , T = TeI{T). So U(Ttl (T)) = g(u(T)) , where g(A) = Atl (A), by Theorem 2.3. But g(u(T)) = Ul. This proves the Theorem.
Remark. - In the above Theorem, under the assumption that the spectrum is not connected, we exhibit two functions el, e2, such that el (T)e2(T) = 0, and none of the operators e 1 (T) or e2 (T) is o. One should not think that the assumption is, by any means, necessary for the conclusion. Indeed, for the right shift S on l2(71), if we define ad8) = l[o,1I'J(8), a2(8) = 1111',211'J(8) and set el = t ia., e2 = eia~, we have eI{S) =I- 0, e2(S) =I- 0 (as we will see in Chapter VII), and eI{S)e2(S) = o. But in this case, e.(S) and t2(S) are defined by other means than the Riesz's functional calculus (see Chapter VII). So the assumption of non-connectedness is linked with the tools we are using, and not with the conclusion.
Elementary Spectral Theory
Exercises on Chapter II. Exercise 1. - Determine itself:
/(t) -
for the operator T from C[O,I) into
g(8) =
fall /(t)dt
Same question if T is considered as an operator on L.[O, 1].
Exercise 2. - Determine itself:
for the operator T from C[O,I) into
g(t) = t/(t)
Same question if T is considered as an operator on L 1 [0, 1) .
Exercise 3. - Show that there exists a polynomial P such that P(T) = 0 if and only if the spectrum of T consists in a finite number of eigenvalues. Exercise 4. - Assume that IITII ~ r' < r , and that / is analytic on the closed disk D(O, r). If moreover I/(A) I ~ R for every A with IAI = r, show that:
II/(T)II ~
rR " r-r Exercise 5. - Let T be an operator, C a set contained in p(T). Set d = dist(C,o(T)). Show that there exists a K ;::: 1 such that: n ;::: 0, A E C.
Exercise 6: Upper semi-continuity of the spectrum. - If An is a family of sets, we define: lim sup An
Let cP be the function on £(E) : 4>(T) = o(T), with values into the subsets of Prove that 4> is upper semi- continuous, that is :
Iimsupo(Tn ) C o(T).
[Hint: Take A E lim sup o(Tn ) . Show first that there exists a sequence An" E o(Tn ,, ) such that AnA: --+ A, then use Cor. 1.8.]
Exercise 7 : The spectrum is not continuous. - Let Sk be the weighted shift on 12 (Z) defined by : Slef n
= SlefD
if n
t= °
k"e n + 1 '
1) Prove that O(Sk) is the unit circle (follow the proof of Proposition 1.13). 2) Prove that the sequence Sk converges to the operator A defined by Af n = f n + l (n:j:. 0), Aeo = 0. 3) Prove that o(A) is the closed unit disk.
Chapter II
Exercise 8. - Assume that the spectrum of T does not intersect the open disk D(O,a). Show that:
and that, inside this disk, the resolvent is given by the formula:
L ,XRT-(n+l)
R('x) = -
Exercise 9. - Let T be an operator such that that the sequence ('L,~ T k ) N is bounded.
~ 1 and 1 ~
u(T). Show
Exercise 10. - Let T be an operator for which there exists M such that: n2:1
Show that for every
< 1,
11(1 -
r) LTRTnll :S M. o
Exercise 11. - a) Let (an)n~o be a sequence of real numbers such that there exists a () > 0 and a C > 1 with :
Show that: . f -anI·lmln n-oo an+l
1 < -. -
b) Let T be an invertible operator on a Banach space E. Assume that there exists C > 1 such that for all x =I- 0 in E, there is a ()(x) > 0 with :
Show that, for every e > 0, there is a n such that :
c) Deduce that:
lle i 8 -
Til > 1 ~
Elementary Spectral Theory
Exercise 12. - Let T be an operator on a reflexive Banach space E, with
and 1 E u(T).
a) Show that, for any A, JJ. such that 1 + A E p(T), 1 + JJ. E p(T) ,
+ 1)(1 - JJ.R(JJ. + 1))
b) Let A Em, 0
< A~
AR(JJ. + 1)(1 - AR(A
+ 1))
1. Sho . that:
IIAR(.\ + 1)11 s
c) Fix x E E. Let (An)n~O be a sequence converging to 0, with 0 < An < 1, such that AnR(A n + l)x converges weakly to some point y. Let JJ., 0 < JJ. ~ 1. Let z be the weak limit of some subsequence of IJ.R(JJ. + I)A nR(An + l)x. Using a), show that z = y. Deduce that :
d) Deduce that Ty = y (write T = -((IJ. + 1) - T)
+ (IJ. + 1)1).
e) Let
E E; lim JJ.R(IJ.
+ l)l' exists for the norm}
Show that, for every A > 0,
IJ.R(IJ. + l)(x + AR(A + l)x)
(use a), exchanging the roles of A and IJ.). Deduce that
x + AR(A + l)x
Deduce that x + y EX, and then that x EX. f) Deduce that, if 1 is not an eigenvalue of T, for all x E E,
AR(A + l)x
A --+
Exercise 13 : Closed Invariant Convex Subset of the Unit Ball. - We investigate the following question: if T is a non-zero contraction (that is IITII ~ 1) on a Banach space, does there exist a closed convex subset C of the unit ball BE, with C t- {O}, C t- BE, and TC c C ? This problem is weaker than the Invariant Subspace problem, but obviously related. Surprinsinglyenough,
Chapter II
it has never been considered. The answer is "yes", and is simple to obtain. We give two proofs. The first one is constructive, and is given now. The second one is posponed until Chapter XIV. a) Solve the problem when T is an isometry, and when r(T) < 1. b) Assume that T is not an isometry, and that r(T) = 1. Take a vector 1, such that:
xo, Ilxoll =
lim IITnxolJ < 1
Show that C is convex, closed, invariant under T and not reduced to {O}. c) Show that C is not the whole unit ball (consider a ..\, 1..\1 = 1, in the spectrum of T, and take a sequence (Xk)k~O of almost eigenvectors for ..\). Observe that C is also different from any ..\8 E , for ..\ E ct, 1..\1 = 1.
Notes and Comments.
Most results in Section 1 can be found in any book dealing with spectral theory j let's mention Dunford-Schwartz [I], vol. I, and H.R. Dowson [I], among others. Proposition 1.14 was pointed out to us by V. Martel. The analytic functional calculus presented in Section 2 is due to F. Riesz. For both sections, our presentation follows Dunford-Schwartz, with minor changes. For weighted shifts and their spectra, an excellent reference is the survey paper by A. Shields [I]. For exercises on Hilbert spaces, the best source is the book by P. Halmos [21. Exercises 6 and 7 come from there. Exercise 12 follows a nice work of R. Emilion [11. Exercise 13 is due to the author.
Elementary Spectral Theory Complements on Chapter II.
There are links between the growth of the sequence liT-nil, n ~ +00 (assuming T to be invertible), and the growth of the resolvent R(A, T), when ,\ approaches the spectrum of T. As an example, we mention the following result, due to A. Atzmon [1] : Proposition. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E, with u(T) C C. If:
a) There exists c > 0, a,O < a < 1, such that:
then: b)
IIR('\, T) II with f3
O(exp( (1 _ 1,\l)p)) ,
= ~ d = 4 PcCt./P. l-Ct. '
Conversely, if b) holds with some constants d > 0, f3 > 0, a) holds with --.f!..- c = 3dCt./P l+P'
Techniques connected with the growth of the resolvent will be used in Part VI, Chapter I, in order to obtain invariant subspaces. Techniques connected with the growth of the backwards iterates will be used in Part V, Chapter III, for the same purpose.
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Chapter III
The Orbits of a Linear Operator
O. Introduction.
The tools most commonly used in Operator Theory are functional calculuses, of which we have already seen an example in the previous Chapter (further ones will be given later). Unfortunately, in order to be applied and produce, for instance, Invariant Subspaces, they require either some special configuration of the spectrum, or the operator to be a contraction (that is IITII ~ 1), or both. Therefore, they can handle only special situations. We introduce now a new concept: the study of the orbits of a linear operator. If y is a point in a Hilbert space H, the orbit of y under the operator T is just the set of the iterates {Tn y ; n E IN}. We do not study each orbit separately. What we do is to find in the space a point y for which the behaviour of the orbit is as good as possible. Indeed, among all points in the space, some may have "regular" orbits, some may have "irregular orbits". By "regular", we mean for instance that the orbit may tend to infinity, or may tend to zero, or may stay inside a ball, or may stay outside a ball. By "irregular" orbits, we mean conversely those which go "up" and "down", that is which satisfy sUPn IITny 11 = +00, inf'., IITnyl1 = O. More irregular orbits are those of hypercyclic points, that is : such an orbit is dense in the whole space. This point of view casts a new light upon several of the deepest questions in Operator Theory j most of them, indeed, can be rephrased as properties of a single orbit. For instance, the Invariant Subspace Problem says: find a point y -# 0, such that the closed linear space spanned by the orbit of y is not the whole space. Indeed, if one is trying to solve the Invariant Subspace Problem in a Hilbert space in the positive direction, that is, to prove that any operator has a nontrivial invariant subspace, a first -and necessary- step in this direction is to prove that for every operator there is a point y, such that its orbit is not
Chapter III dense in the whole space: if already the orbit is dense, so is the linear space it generates! Unfortunately, already this simple question (simple to state) is unsolved in a Hilbert space. In the space iI, conversely, C. Read [5] has constructed an example of an operator such that every point (except of course 0) has a dense orbit. Before that, and using the ideas introduced by P. Enflo to solve the Invariant Subspaces problem in Banach Spaces (see Chapter XIV for a discussion of this question), we could build an operator with a property, called supercyclicity, and very close to hypercyclicity : for every point y, the rays spanned by the orbit (that is {CTn y ; n E IN, C > o} ) are dense in the whole space [9]. The present chapter is mostly concerned by the Hilbert space setting. There, very little is known. The first example of an operator with one hypercyclic point was constructed by S. Rolewicz III (1969). Then, P. Halmos asked the question whether there are operators with a vector space of hypercyclic points [21. This question was solved affirmatively by the author (B. Beauzamy
[121). The study of the regularity of orbits is interesting in itself, independently of the Invariant Subspace Problem. But it is far from being straightforward. Rolewicz's basic example [1] (which is presented here in a slightly improved version) explains why. The operator is very simple (a weighted shift on '2(71)), but there are three different dense sets in the space: - a dense set of hypercyclic vectors: for each of them, the orbit goes everywhere in the space, and thus is extremely irregular, - a dense set of points, the iterates of which tend strongly to 0, - a dense set of points, the iterates of which tend to infinity, exponentially fast. Therefore, to find a point with a regular orbit is not an easy task. But, clearly, if one reduces the operator to a contraction, as Operator Theorists usually do, the problem (and the concept) will completely disappear: all orbits are now restricted to the unit ball, and one looses all information about their behaviour: Did they tend to infinity? Did they oscillate? This explains why the questions we are investigating here (though of a very basic nature) have been overlooked by the specialists in the field. We try here to bring some answers to these fundamental questions, and present positive results. But also, to show the limits of these positive results we present two examples: one of an operator with IITn I --+ +00, but such
Orbits of a Linear Operator
that all orbits come back arbitrarily close to zero, one of an operator such that all orbits oscillate, that is, for all y, sup IIT"YII
= +00, and inf IIT"YII = o.
As we said, the concept we study here is new, and so are the tools we introduce for its study. They refer to a basic understanding of Operator Theory. It's quite surprising that simple results, like Baire Property for Operators (see Section 1, below), though totally elementary, appear here for the first time. These tools are presented in Section 1. The present chapter is organized as follows: - in Section 1, we present Rolewicz's example, together with other basic facts, dealing with the shape of the iterates of a ball under a linear operator. - in Section 2, we give conditions for an operator, in order to have an orbit tending to infinity. These conditions are (of course) upon the growth of the sequence (liT" 11)"~o. For example, we prove that an operator with spectral radius strictly larger than 1 must have a dense set of points, the iterates of which tend to infinity exponentially fast. We prove also that the condition
L I/IIT"II < +00 ensures that
there are orbits tending to infinity. - Section 3 deals with the following question: How often can an orbit come close to 0 ? - Section 4 gives various examples of strange orbits. We show that the condition liT" II ----+ +00 is not sufficient to ensure that there is a point, the orbit of which tends to infinity. We also construct an operator such that for all y, sup IIT"YII = +00, and inf IITR y l1 = o. - Section 5 studies Hypercyclicity. We describe the existence of an hyper-
cyclic point as related to the properties of balls. We give a sufficient condition ensuring that there is a point which is not hypercyclic. 1. Basic Facts.
A. The image of a ball by a linear operator. An important tool for our study will be the consideration of the shape and position of successive iterates (T" B}">o , for a fixed ball B. Indeed, this comes from the following elementary consideration: Our aim is to predict the behaviour of sequences (T"x}">o, and then to find a point x for which this behaviour is as satisfactory as possible. This behaviour, obviously, cannot be determined from the consideration of a finite number of points. On the contrary, if you look at the images of a ball, the operator is totally described by one image of a single ball, no matter how small it is : linearity and continuity
Chapter III make it possible to reconstruct the picture in the whole space. Therefore, it is important to understand well the shape of the images of a ball. Let B be any closed ball in a Banach space. The image T B is a convex set, which is closed if, for instance, the space is reflexive (or the operator T weakly compact). Indeed, T B is then a weakly compact set. This is the case in a Hilbert space. The inverse image T-l B is always a closed convex set. It may be bounded or not. It is bounded if and only if the operator T-l exists as a continuous operator. Let b be the center of B, Tb its image. The image T B is balanced with respect to Tb : Tb + ..\Z is in TB when Tb + z is in TB, for all ..\ E (t, with 1..\1 = 1. The largest distance IITz - Tbll in TB is TIITII, where T is the radius of B. This distance may not be exactly realized, since (even on a Hilbert space) there are operators which do not attain their norm (that is : for which there is a point z, IIxii = 1, with IITxll = sequence of points of norm 1 such that IITxnll -+ SUPn IITb - T(b + rxn)ll.
IITII). But if (x n )n20 is a IITII, this distance d m a x is
The smallest distance IITz - Tbll in TB is T/IIT-lll ; it may be 0 if T- l does not exist as a continuous operator (then we set liT-III = +00). So in this case, the image of a ball has empty interior. Otherwise, it contains a ball. The above considerations apply to T-l B as well. We will always assume T to be injective. So the largest distance inside T-l B , starting from T- l b, is
rIIT-lll, which may be
infinite, and the smallest is
B. Baire Property for operators. Surprisingly enough, Baire Property is always given for spaces, and not for linear operators, though it seems to be its natural setting.
Proposition l.B.l. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E, with dense range. Let (On)n2 0 be a countable family of dense open sets. Then the intersection t-o; is dense.
Proof. - Let y E E, e > O. Since 0 0 is dense, there exists Uo E 00 with Iluo - yll < £/2. Let B o be an open ball, centered at UQ, with radius TO < £/4, and small enough to be contained in 0 0 • The set TO I is dense; therefore we may find that
IITul - uoll < ro/IITII.
E 0
We take a ball Bi , centered at
nT-I Bo such
with radius
Orbits of a Linear Operator
< e / 4 2 , and contained in 0 1 n T-l Bo . Continuing inductively, we construct Uk in O» n T-l Bk-l, a ball Bk centered at Uk, contained in Ok n T-l Bk-l, with radius Tk < c/4 k + 1 , such that IITuk - uk-III < rk/IITllk. So we get, for '1
k,j> 0 :
and therefore, for any fixed k , the sequence (Ti uk+i)i~o is a Cauchy sequence in E, which converges to a point Yk E Bk n Ok. Obviously, Tn Yk = Yk-n, for all n, k with n ~ k . So Yo has an infinite chain of backward iterates. Moreover, by construction, Ily - Yoll < e , and Yk E O«, so tro, contains Yo for all k.
Corollary 1.B.2. - If one takes T = Id, one gets the usual Baire property. Corollary 1.B.3. - Let T be an operator with dense range. Then, there is a dense set of points z which have an infinite chain of backward iterates, that is : for all n > 0, there is Yn such that Tn Yn = z , This follows from Proposition 1.B.1 if we take On = E for every n. Corollary 1.B.3 was obtained by J. Esterle [1], who deduced it from a theorem of Mittag-Leffler. It was observed by Chris Lennard that linearity does not play any role here j Proposition 1.B.1. is true for a sequence of complete metric spaces En and a sequence of continuous operators Tn, Tn acting from En into En-I. C. Rolewicz example of an operator with one hypercyclic point. In 1969, S. Rolewicz [1] constructed the first example of an operator on 12 with one hypercyclic point z, that is, such that the iterates T" z are dense in the whole space. We have slightly modified his construction, so to have a class of examples with various supplementary properties. Let 12 (Z) be the space of square summable complex sequences and let (e n )nEll be, as usually, the canonical basis of this space. The support of x is
the set {k, Xk i- O}. The operator A will be a weighted shift on 12(1l), that is, will be defined by : for k E 1l.
Chapter III
Theorem. - If the weights
= +00,
> 1 for k > 0,
< 1 for k < 0,
the operator A has an hypercyclic point.
Proof. - We observe that the inverse of A is B : 1 --ek+l· Wk+l
From (2) and (1) follow that :
Let now
for all k E 'IL,
for all k E 'IL.
be a dense sequence in l2 ('IL), each
having finite support.
We call k(n) the last integer of this support. For n ~ 0, let r(n) be an integer such that, if r > r(n), we have, for i = 1, ... ,n - 1, r n (5) II A xCi) II < 1/2 , r IIB x(n)
Let p(n) AP(n) Z
= L~ r(i), =
and z
AP(n)-p(l) x(l)
= Lt~
II <
1/2 n .
+ ... + AP(n)-p(k) x(k) + ... + AP(n)-p(n-l) x(n-l) +00
+ x(m) +
BP(m)-p(n) x(m) .
But, for k = 1, ... ,n - 1 : IIAP(n)-p(k) x(k) II +00
So finally:
and since the sequence (x(n»)n~l
is dense, so is (AP(n)Z)n~I'
< 1/2 n
Orbits of a Linear Operator
The difference with Rolewicz's original example (in which the weights Wk were 2 for k ~ 0, otherwise) is that here the operator is invertible, and also that our weights can be computed to allow a growth of IlT"1l as slow as we want: liT" II = log n is possible. Considerations on the rate of growth of the sequence liT" II will be of great importance in our studies.
So this example may have three different dense sets, on which the operator behaves differently : - on z and its iterates (which form a dense set), the orbit is extremely irregular: for each x = T'"' z , the orbit of x is dense. - on the vector space of the canonical basis (points with finitely many non-zero coordinates), one has IIT"xll -+ 0 : this follows from (3). - if the spectral radius of A is strictly greater than 1 (for instance if Wk = 2 for all k ~ 0, as in the original example), our Theorem 2.A.l below asserts that there is a dense set of points such that IIT"xll -+ +00. Our task in the sequel will therefore be to try to find means of separating the good points from the bad ones. D. The regularity of the sequence
(liT" 11)">0'
In the sequel, many of our assumptions will be made upon the behaviour of the sequence (1IT"II)"~o. This sequence has of course the property IITm+"1I ~ IITmll.IITnll, but, despite this fact, it can be quite irregular, as the following example shows. We build an operator with IIT2" II ~ 4 for all n, but
sUPk IITkl1
= +00.
The operator is a weighted shift on 12 (IN) : if [ej ) j ~o is the canonical basis, T is given by Tej = Wjej+l, for J" ~ O. The weights Wj are defined inductively, the following way: Wo = 1 , Then we put:
= 8 , W2 = 1/2. Assume WI, ... , w2" have been defined.
One cheks that, for all easily.
= wI, ... ,W2"+j
n, W2" =
= Wj, for
= 1, ... ,2" -1, and:
1/2.4"-1, and the required properties follow
Chapter III 2. Operators having an orbit which tends to infinity. In this section, we deal with the following question: under what conditions on the operator T does there exist a point y such that:
(1) A necessary condition is of course :
sup IITnll
Conversely, by Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, (2) implies that there is a dense G 6 -set of points y such that :
IITnyl1 = +00
but this is not at all the same as (1) : the orbit of y may go up and down infinitely many times. We will give later examples showing that this phenomenon, indeed, may occur, even if IITnll itself is increasing. To simplify our notation, we put
= IIT n ll .
To answer our question, we will have to distinguish between several types of growth for the sequence Tn. Each case will require different methods and provide results of different nature. The first (simplest and most satisfactory) case in which (1) holds is the case of operators with spectral radius strictly larger than 1. We recall that r = r(T) is the spectral radius of T : r(T) = max{ IAI , AE u(T)}. A. Exponential growths and related topics.
Theorem 2.A.l. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space, with spectral radius r(T) strictly larger than 1. Assume moreover that the circle IAI = r(T) contains a point in u(T) which is not an eigenvalue. Then, for every positive sequence (OJ )j~1 , decreasing to 0, there is, in any ball of radius strictly larger than 0:1, a point y which satisfies :
I Tnyll
2: an r n
for all n 2: 1.
Proof. - A point AE u(T) , with IAI = r(T) which is not an eigenvalue belongs of to the approximate point spectrum of T : there exists a sequence (Xn)n~1 vectors in H satisfying :
= 1,
X n ---+
0 weakly, TX n -
0, when n
Orbits of a Linear Operator From which follows, for all k
1 :
be any positive sequence, decreasing Let now x be any point in H, and (aj)j~l k > 0, and fix E > O. to O. Put 13k = (a~ - a~+1)l/2, We have: lim
IIT(x +
IITxll 2 +
(1 + E)131 X n) I
(1 + E)2r2(a~
> (1 + E)2r2(a~ and so we can find an index nl such that, if Yl = z
- a~)
~ an ,
+ (1 + E)131x n1 ,
Assume now nl < ... < nk-l have been chosen in such a way that, if
we have:
Ilx - Ylil <
(1 + 2E)(a~
- af+1P/2
We now look at Yk-l + (1 + E)13kXn. For i ~ k , we have:
so we can find nk large enough to ensure that, if Yk = Yk-l
+ (1 + E)f3kxnk'
i:::; k, and
Let now Y
Ilx - Ykll < (1 + 2E)(a~ - a%+IP/ 2 . limYk = z + (1 + E) Lk~l 13kxnk . Then we get: r i a'J
Ilx - yll < from which the result follows.
for all
(1 + 2E)al ,
Chapter III
Remark 2.A.2. - The conclusion of Theorem 2.A.l holds, exactly with the same proof, under the following weaker assumption: There is a normalized weakly null sequence (Xn)n~l such that for all k ~ 1, the limit'\k = lim n--++ oo IITkx n II exists and satisfies '\k -+ +00. (*) The point y given by Theorem 2.A.l then satisfies IITkyl1
2: (tk'\k, for all
k. Corollary 2.A.3. - For such an operator, there is a dense set of points y such that the iterates IITnYII grow exponentially fast. Indeed, they grow almost like r n . One may wonder if there are points, the iterates of which grow exactly like r n . This is the case, of course, if there is an eigenvalue ,\ with 1,\1 = r, but we have decided to exclude this obvious case. There are many examples showing that this extreme growth cannot hold in general, and so that our Theorem is best possible. Let us construct one of them, which we will also use in the sequel.
Example 2.A.4. Let
be any increasing sequence of integers, satisfying:
for all k Put Bk = {nk defined by (( fj )j~O
+ 1,.. . ,nk + k}.
We consider a weighted shift on J2(IN), being the canonical basis of 12 (IN)) :
j E IN. with:
fnj+l+k ,
if k ~
j - I
if k > j-1.
Let: j
EE j
+ y',
Orbits of a Linear Operator
with y' supported by (UBk)C, so Ty'
O. Then:
L L O:i,1 2 k enj+l+k,
(L L
IO:i,d 2) 1/ 22 k
s 2 k (E IO:iI 2) 1/2,
and so
kYII/2 k
~ 0, when k ~
+00, for all
y E
H, as we announced.
Theorem 2.A.l admits an extension to reflexive Banach spaces:
Theorem 2.A.5. - Let E be a reflexive Banach space, T being as in Theorem 2.A.l. Let (O:n)n~o be any positive sequence, with En~o O:n < +00. Then, in any ball of radius strictly larger than E O:n, there is a point y which satisfies : for all n
Proof. - We use the following Lemma : Lemma 2.A.6. - IE (xn)n>O is a normalized weakly null sequence in a Banach space E, we have, for all z E E : limsup Ilxn n--++oo
+ zll
max{I/2,ll zll}·
Proof. - One distinguishes between the cases Ilzll ~ 1/2 and Ilzll > 1/2. Further details are left to the reader. Since the space is reflexive, for every A E u(T) with IAI weakly null sequence (xn)n~O such that :
TX n
AX n
0, when n
r, there is a
For x E E, e > 0, we form
Proper choices of nl < ... <
< ... ensure that
IITiYkl1 >
-2) 0: or'
if j
from which the result follows as in Theorem 2.A.l ; details are left to the reader.
Chapter III
Let's come back to the Hilbert space setting.
In Theorem 2.A.1, our
assumption concerns the spectral radius : we gave it this way because it is more striking, but it is too strong. Indeed, what we need is just the fact that IITxnl1 ~
and not the fact that TX n
sup{limsup IITxnl1 ; Ilxnll
O. So we define:
= 1,
0 weakly},
and this quantity (as David Berg pointed out to us ; see Chapter IV, Exercise 10) is just IITlle, norm of T in the Calkin algebra, that is : IITlle
KII, K compact}.
Theorem 2.A.7. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space, satisfying:
L 1/11Tn l ;
< +00.
Let (an)n~O be a sequence with L l/a~ < +00 and IITnll e/ a n for every x E H, every e > 0, there exists a point y with: Ily -
xii <
L l/a~
(1 + e)
+00. Then,
> (1 - e)IITnlle/an ,
for all n
Proof. - Fix x E Hand e > O. For each k , by the definition of a(Tk), and the equality a(Tk) (X~k»)n~o with:
= IITkll e, there is a normalized weakly null sequence
We form:
for a proper choice of
< ... <
< ....
Details are similar to those in the proof of Theorem 2.A.l, and so are left to the reader. There is, however, a significant difference: in Theorem 2.A.1, all iterates T k are large on the points x n j ' j ~ k , Here, Tk is large only on x~:) and not on the following ones. This explains why the estimates we obtain
here are much worse than the previous ones. There is also a substantial difference with the condition introduced in Remark 2.A.2. Indeed, in this remark, only one weakly null sequence (xn)n>O is used, for all iterates of T, whereas in Theorem 2.A.7, each iterate has its own sequence.
Orbits of a Linear Operator
Remark 2.A.8. - Here again, Theorem 2.A.7 holds in a reflexive Banach space,
1/IITn lle < +00.
under the stronger assumption Ln~o
Remark 2.A.9. - If both T and
satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 2.A.l, one can find points y which behave well for both operators simultaneously :
Theorem 2.A.I0. - Assume that both r(T) > 1 and r(T- 1) > 1. Assume moreover that each of the circles IAI = r(T) and IAI = l/r(T-l) contains a point in u(T) which is not an eigenvalue. Then, for every positive sequences (a; )j~ 1, (13;) i ~ 1 , decreasing to 0, there is, in any ball of radi us strictly larger than (a~ + I3?P/2, a point y which satisfies simultaneously:
lITnyl1 > IIT- nYIi
an r(T)n ,
for all n
for all n
Proof. - As in Theorem 2.A.l, we take a weakly null sequence (xn)n~o of almost eigenvectors for A, for T (with IAI = r(T)), and a sequence of almost eigenvectors (x~)n for A' (with IA'I = I/r(T-l)), also for T. Then we form:
for a sequence nl <
< ... <
< .... Details are left to the reader.
Remark 2.A.ll. - In all these statements, the iterates of a given operator, t», are used. But they apply just as well to any family of operators Ts , commuting or not, which satisfy the following property:
There is a weakly null sequence (xn)n>O, of vectors of norm one, and a T > 1, such that IITkxn11 --., r k, when n ~ +00, for all k. B. Quasi-exponential growths. Theorem 2.A.I settles our original question in a very satisfactory way, when the growth of the Tn'S is exponential. But if, for example, Tn ~ evn , or nQ more generally e , (0 < Q < 1), the spectral radius of T is 1, and Theorem 2.A.l does not apply. The weaker condition in Remark 2.A.2 may not apply either, as one sees easily, using examples similar to example 2.A.4 : one adjusts the weights in Bk so that njEB/t Wj = e Vk . Then, for each normalized weakly null sequence (xn)n>O, and each k ~ 0, lITkxnll ~ 1 when n ~ +00. So such a growth requires new techniques, to which we now turn. They hold in any Banach space.
Chapter III
Theorem 2.B.l. - Assume the sequence IITnl1 is increasing and assume there exists a 0
0 such that,Eor all n, m ~ 0 :
Then there is a p
0 and a dense set of points y such that
The proof of this result is divided into several steps. The first one is a quantitative version of the classical Banach-Steinhaus Theorem :
Proposition 2.B.2. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space. Let (nk}k~o be a strictly increasing sequence of integers, with no = 0, and (ck)k>O a sequence of positive real numbers. In any ball of radius 1 which does not intersect the unit ball, there is a point y such that:
(I) Proof of Proposition 2.B.2. Let B o be any ball of radius 1, which does not intersect the unit ball. Then property (1) is satisfied, for k = 0, by any point in B o . Assume we have found B o => ••. => Bk-l, balls of radius rj = 3 1 - j, with centers Yj, such that (1) holds for all x E Bj (j = 0,1, ... ,k -1).
Lemma 2.B.3. - Let B be a ball with center b and radius r . Let C > o. There exists in B a ball B', with radius r /3, such that for all y E B', we have:
3(1 - c)rIlTII·
Proof of Lemma 2.B.3. - Let u, Ilull = 1, be such that IITul1 > (1 - 6/2) IITII. Then:
(1IT(b + 2ru/3}11 + IIT(b - 2ru/3)ID/2 If b' = b ± 2ru/3, we get IITb'll Y = b'+v,
II Tyl1 and clearly B'
c B.
IITb'll -
2r(1 - c/2)II TII/3 .
2r(1 - c/2) IITII/3, and if Ilvll
> r(1 -
r /3,
Orbits of a Linear Operator
So we apply the Lemma to the ball B"-l and find B" ; the point y is
nB". Now, if we start with a ball B o of radius TJ > 0, not intersecting the unit ball, an homothety of factor 1/11 gives us a point y with: for all k
These estimates allow us to compute (in a rather rough way) the moments nit; when the orbit of y goes up. The next result allows us to calculate the moments when it goes down, between two consecutive nk's. By convention, we put IIT- n I = +00 if n > 0 and T is not invertible.
Proposition 2.B.4. - Let (nk)k~O be a strictly increasing sequence of intewith nk < m" < nk+l. A point y satisfying gers, with no = 0, and (mk)"~O' (2) will also satisfy:
(3) Proof. - This is clear: the term II Tn" 11/ IITn" -m" II expresses that we have to "go down" from Tn"y to Trn1: y, and the term IITn1:+111/IIT nk+ 1 - m1:11 that we have to "go up" from Tm" y to Tnk+ 1 y. We now prove Theorem 2.B.1. sumption, we deduce bmn :S brnb n, is submultiplicative, and decreasing we can find a p > 0 such that i; :S
We set bn = 1/(6 log Tn)' From the asfor all m, n ~ 1, so the sequence (bn)n~o to O. From these properties follows that 1/ n P , n ~ 1, or
log Tn > n P /6.
We choose k l / p log k,
for k
Then n"+l -
< [~(k
+ 1) lip log(k + 1) -
k l / p log k
+ 1)(I/P)-llog(k + 1)],
Chapter III
for k > k o , by an easy computation (here [x] is the largest integer smaller than z }. In order to simplify the notation, we set f (:z:) = log 1"1 z I. So : f(nk+d - k log 3 - f(nk+l - nk)
> f ((k + 1P/P log (k + 1)) - k log 3 - f ( ~ (k + 1) ~
log (k
+ 1))
> f ( ~ (k + 1) ~ - 1 log (k + 1)) f ((k + 1)P/4) - k log 3 P
- f(!(k + 1);-llog(k + 1)) P
+ 1)*-llog(k + 1)) 6f((k + 1)~
> f(~(k
- 1) -
+ 1);-llog(k + 1)]P [(k + l)p/4]P -
> 216[~(k 1
> 26(k + 1)[log(k + 1)]P - k log 3
klog3 klog3,
+00 when k
bY(4) ~
Using Proposition 2.BA, we may now compute mYII,
inf IIT mE[nk,nk+l!
and the estimate in the statement of Theorem 2.B.l follows directly from this computation. This Theorem applies, for instance, to the situation IITn II = en" (0 < a: < 1), since then 10g1"mn = 10g1"mlogTn, or to any case \ITnl\ = ecn" (c > 0, 0 < a: < 1). But is does not apply, conversely, if the growth of the sequence (1"n)n>O is just polynomial. We observe that, in the setting of Theorem 2.B.l, we cannot conclude that the sequence IITny11 is increasing. The first term in the right-hand side of Proposition 2.BA is non-zero if T is invertible. It may allow us to conclude that IITnyl1 ~ +00, when n ~ +00 but requires obviously that I\Tn 11/ IIT-n II ~ +00. Let us illustrate this on an example.
Corollary 2.B.5. - Assume that IITkl1 2 k? for some a: > 0, and also that IIT-k II ~ k ft for some fJ < a:. Then there is a dense set of points y with IITky11 ~ +00. Proof. - By Proposition 2.B.4, we get, if nk < mk < nk+l II T
m kYl1
fl 3
1- k nk (nk+l - mk)-ft
fl 3
1- k
nk nk~1
Orbits of a Linear Operator and the result follows if we take nk = 3k~ JOt. C. Polynomial Growths.
The case when the sequence (1ITnll)n~o has only a polynomial growth (for n 2 instance IlT ll -- n ) is not so easy to handle. Two main results can be given. First, in the case when L l/IlTnll < +00, Theorem 2.C.l belows answers our question in a satisfactory way. If we know only that L 1/IIT n Il2 < +00, we have to make an extra assumption, namely that T" is large on a large set. This is studied in Theorem 2.C.5 below. Theorem 2.C.l. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H, such that L l/IIT n ll < +00. Then there is a dense set of points y such that IITnyl1 ~ +00, when n ~ +00. Proof. - Let B be the unit ball, and B' a ball with radius '7 > 0 and center b'. Let M = max{llxll; x E B'}. As before, we put Tn = IITnll. Let (Pn)n~o be an increasing sequence, tending to infinity, such that
'"' L- -e. Tn
< +00.
We will show that there is a ni and a point y in B' with the following property:
(2) This means that for n > nI, Tn y is not in f3nB, or that II T ny11 ~ which implies IITn y 11 ~ +00. Lemma 2.C.2. - For every n ~ 0, for every u E H with IITnul1 convex f3nT-n B is contained in the strip:
1, the
Proofof Lemma 2.C.2. - This is clear, since if x E PnT-n B, then T":x E f3nB, and I{ Tn x , Tnu) I :S
For every n ~ 0, we choose n« with 0 < n« < (iJ;n) 2, and Ilxnll = 1, such that:
Xn ,
Chapter III
Let Un
= xn/IITnxnll, so IITnunl1 = 1, and : n; = {v j I(Tnv,Tnxn)l::; ,on} {v
I( v, T·nTnxn)1
::; ,on}.
and it follows from Lemma 2.C.2 that we have:
,8nT-n BeRn. We will now study the strip R n
We have:
(x n, T·nTnx n) = IITnx n l 12 ~
(1 - '1n)2T~
We write T·nTn x n = AnXn + A~X~, where Ilx~1I = 1 and x~ Xn. Then An = (T·nTn x n, x n) is real and positive, and
is orthogonal to
(6) Since we get: IA~12::;
If vERn, we have :
< ,8nll Tnxnll,
and if v E B' , by (7) :
I( u, A~x~)1
< 2M~
Therefore, we deduce from (6) and (8) that if vERn
n B' :
(1-'1n)2 T~ I(v,x n )! :S ,8nIITnxnll+2M~T~, and by the choice of n« : ,on
I( V,X n )1
Tn (1 - '1nP
(1 - '1nP
4,8n Tn
We now consider the strips:
v, Xn ) 1 < 4,8n}, Tn
and the previous computation shows that, for all n :
s; n B'
n B' ,
and therefore, by (5) :
(,8nT-n B) n B' c
n B' .
We will now show that there is a nl > a and a point y in B' which is not in Un>nl R~. Therefore, this point y is not in ,8nT-n B , for all n > nl, and this will prove our claim.
0/ a
Linear Operator
Choose nl such that ' " /3n 4L--<11,
and put an = 4/3n/Tn. Assume on the contrary that Un>na R~ covers B'. Since B' is weakly compact, and since the R~ are open weak neighborhoods of 0, a finite number of them already cover B'. So, in order to conclude the proof of Theorem 2.C.I, all we need is the following Proposition, which is due to Th. Bang [1]. The presen t proof was shown to us by P. Enflo :
Proposition 2.C.3. - Let B' be a ball with center b' and radius 77 > 0, and Xl, ... , X n be points with IIXj II = 1. Let also aj > 0 with L~ aj < 77. Then the reunion of the strips j = 1, ... ,no
cannot cover B' .
Proof. - We first need a lemma: Lemma 2.C.4. - Let Zl ... Zn be points in a Hilbert space. Let el ... en be the choice of signs which maximizes 1I b' + L ~ e j Zj II. Then, for every i = 1 ... n , we have: n
I(b' + LejZj,zi)1 2:
Il zil1 2 •
Proof of Lemma 2.C.4. - We put
= L~
Yi = Lj,ii ejZj. Then:
and so Re (b'+Yi,eiZi) 2: O. But:
(b' + Yi + eiZi, eiZi ) (b' + Yi, cizd + and therefore :
from which the lemma follows.
IIZi 11 2
Chapter III
We now come back to the proof of Proposition 2.C.3. Let 6 > 0 such that
and ci (i = 1, ... , n) the choice of signs which maximizes n
lib' + (1 + 6) LCjl:tjxjll. I
By Lemma 4, for each i ,
!( b' +
(1 + 6)
L l:tjCjXj, (1 + 6)l:tixi)1
2:: ll:tiI 2 {1 + 6)2 ,
l(b'+(1+6)Ll:tjCjxj,xdl 2:: l:ti(I+6). But y
= b' + (1 + 6) I: l:tjCjXj belongs to B', and for all i = 1 ... n.
This ends the proof of Proposition 2.C.3, and therefore that of Theorem 2.C.1. We now turn to the case when I: I/llTnl1 = +00. Then the discussion is basically upon the size of the set where T" is large. Therefore, in this respect, we introduce the Gelfand numbers cn(T), n > 0 :
x, C
cn(T) = inf{IITlxnll ;
H, codim x; < n}.
Theorem 2.C.5. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H, such that
I: l/ cn(T n)2 <
+00. Then there is a dense set of points y such that IITnyl1 --? any sequence (b n)n2':o such that I: I/b~ < 00 and bnlc2n(T2R) --? 0, for any E: > 0, in any bell of radius E:(I: I/b~P/2, there is a point y with, for a11 j 2:: 1 :
+00. More precisely, for
IIT2 j y li > Proof. - We put
have also I]Tnll
c2j(T 2j)/2b j .
cn(Tn). Then C n -+ +00, and since IITnl1 2:: C n , we +00. Let (b n)n2':o be a sequence of positive numbers, with: C
(1) n
Let Yo E H, E: > O. Set Xo the following properties :
= Yo.
Assume XI, ...
have been chosen with
a) IIXjl1 = 1, for j = 1, ... ,k - 1, b) xo, xl, ... ,Xk-I are mutually orthogonal, c) if Yj
Yo + c:L{ Xl/b" then for j 2"
= 1, ... ,k -
liT 'Yk-III 2:: E: c 2j / 2bj . We now choose
Orbits 0/ a Linear Operator
We consider the set : Xk
= {x, Re(T+ 2jT2jYk_I,X) =0, for j = 1, ... ,k-l, and (Xl, X)
= 0,
for 1 = 0, ... , k - I}.
This set is an intersection of 2k - 1 hyperplanes, so it has codimension < 2k. By assumption, IIT 2klxk II 2 C2k, so we may find a point Xk, Ilxkll = 1, with:
(2) ( X" Xk) = 0, for I = 0, ... , k - I, II T 2kxkli
2 Ck/ 2.
Replacing Xk by -Xk if necessary (which changes nothing to the previous conclusions), we may also assume :
(5) We set Yk = Yk-I + cXk/bk. Since the Xj'S are mutually orthogonal, we get: k
IIYkl1 2 =
+ e L lib; , 1
and if Y = lim Yk = Yo
+ e L~
Xk/bk, this series converges and 00
lIy - Yoll
c(L l/b~
Furthermore, if j IIT
< k,
Ykl1 2 = IIT 2i Yk-I + cT 2i Xk/bk 11 2 = IIT2iYk_11l2
+ 2Re(T·2iT2iYk_I,cxk/bk) + cllT 2i x k/bkl1 2
IIT2iYk_1112 ,
and finally :
IIT 2j Yk l12 >_
e 2 C22i /4b2i :
The same way, we get, using (5) :
(8) so c) holds for j = k. We then get from c) : IIT
2i y
2 cC2j/ 2bi ,
for all J', so Theorem 2.C.5 is proved.
Chapter III
Remark. - The conclusion of Theorem 2.C.1 holds under the more general assumption : 1/C6n{T n )2 < +00,
for some 0 > O. To prove it, one replaces the multiples of 2 (which we used), by a convenient arithmetic progression. We don't know if the condition L; 1/IITn Il2 < +00 is sufficient to ensure that there are orbits tending to infinity. We will see in Section 4 that certainly the condition IITnl1 ---+ +00 does not suffice. 3. How often can an orbit come back close to 0 ?
In several situations, the techniques of Section 2 are unsufficient to ensure that there is a point y such that the iterates Tn y tend to infinity. But they are still good enough to conclude that there is a point y the iterates of which never come back into the unit ball, or, in some cases, come back into it very rarely.
Theorem 3.1. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. We assume that the sequence Tn = IITnl1 is asymptotically increasing, that is : lim inf Tn / Tn n-+oo
Let (xn)n~o
> 1.
= 1 be such that
---+ 1.
If the sequence (Xn)n>O does not tend to zero weakly, there is a point y in H such that: for all n ~ O.
Proof. - We need two Lemmas : Lemma 3.2. - Let (xn)n>O be a sequence in a Hilbert space which is not weakly convergent to O. There exists a a in H, a 0 < 1, and a sequence {nk)k~O of integers, such that: limsup k-+oo
n k
all < o.
Proof of Lemma 3.2. - There is a sequence (nk)k;::::O and a point a in H, a i= 0, such that Xnk ---+ a weakly. If we put Zk = Xnk - a, Zk ---+ 0 weakly, and:
2. IIzk + al1 2 = k-+oo lim IIzkl12 + Ila11 So IIzkll ---+ (1 - IlaI12)l/2. If 0 = (1 - !llaI12)l/2, for k > k o , we get Ilzkll < o < 1, and so IIxnk - all < o. 1 =
Orbits of a Linear Operator Lemma 3.3. - Assume that there is an a
satisfies, for all
i 2: 0
> 0 such that the sequence Tn
lim inf Tn/Tn-; n-oo
> a.
The point a given in Lemma 3.2 satisfies : liminf IITna11 2: a(1 - 6). n-oo
Proof of Lemma 3.3. - We put IITn x n ll IITn"all But, if
= Tn(1 -
> IITn" xnkll -IIT n" (Xnk - a) II
en). Then we have:
(1 - 6)Tn" - ekTn" .
and so
IITi a li 2: ((1 - O)TnA: - ekTn,,)/Tn,,_j . Theorem 3.1 follows from Lemma 3.3, if we take y = xri«, for 1>"1 large enough and 1 large enough. We observe that condition (3) is weaker than condition (1). Theorem 3.1 was stated this way for simplicity. We don't know if any regularity condition is necessary.
A sequence (xn)n>O satisfying (2) will be called a norming sequence for the sequence
IT the set where the Tn's are large has some specific geometric properties, the answer to our problem is simple :
Theorem 3.4. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space, with the following property: there is a point y, Ilyll = 1, and an e > 0 such that if we set: F
= {x; IRe(x,a)1 2: c} ,
and an = sup{IITnxll ; x E F, Ilxll = I}, we have an
+00. Then,
for all
e ny11 IIT 2: a n( -2 -
Proof. - We choose Xn with Ilxnll = 1, Re(xn,y) ~ s , IITnxn11 > (1- ~)O:n. Then, with x = X n , we get lIey - xII ~ ,,/1 - e 2 and therefore: IleTnyli ~
IITnxn11 -IIT n(x n - cy)1l
a n (1 -
-!.n - ~),
Chapter III and so:
as we announced. We now study the case where the sequence (xn)n~O
is weakly null.
Theorem 3.5. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H and assume that there is a norming weakly null sequence (xn)n~O for (Tn)n~o. Then, for any sequence (aJc)k~O' positive with L~ ai = 1, for any e > 0, there is a sequence (nJc)Jc>o such that, in every ball of radius strictly larger than e , we can find a point Y with : for all k ?: 1.
Proof. - Fix Yo in H. Take n 1 large enough so that if n
n1 ,
and so if we set y = Yo ±
ealxn1 ,
we get
Assume now YI, ... , YJc-1 have been defined:
Yo ±
where the sequence j=I, ... ,k-l
Ealx n 1
± ... ±
ElXjX n j ,
for j
= 1, ... ,k -
< ... < nk-I is so lacunary that, for 1 = 1, ... ,j
IIT n ; Yj II ?:
- ... -
eaj(1 -
4~")Tn, - ...
II T n' Y1"II >- ElXl(1 - !4 - ... - !4' - 3!(lX~
~ 4~· 1
if n?: nj ,
)Tn j
+ ... + a~
Orbits of a Linear Operator
We now choose nk large enough to have (a) and (b) for i Yk = Yk-l ± gO:kXnk j by a proper choice of the sign, we get: IITn"Ykll ~
We set
gO:k(1 - 4" - ... - 4 k ) Tn" ,
which is (c). Now, for 1 < k, IITnrykl12
> IITn'Yk_111 2 >
g Ctl
21(gO:k Xn",T·
(1 - 4" - ... - 4')
Tn. -
2 ) Ct, - "31 e (2 Ctk-I + ... + 0:'+1
~ 0:, Tnl ,
0:,) Tnr
So our assumption is satisfied at step k. Let Y = lim Yk IITnr yll ~
g Ctk
we get from (d) :
for I = 1,2, ...
as we announced. We observe that there is quite a substantial difference between the statement of Theorem 3.4 and Proposition I.B.6. Indeed, in the latter, the sequence (nkh>o was arbitrary, and in the former it is not (more precisely, it has to satisfy a certain lacunarity condition : there is a function f such that any sequence satisfying n1l:+1 > f(nk) will suit). Corollary 3.6. - There is a dense set of points Y such that
L II T nYIl / lI T n ll =
Corollary 3.7. - Assume that the sequence Tn is increasing. Then, if nk-I < j ::; nk : .
liT' yll 2: "3 O:k . Proof.-Indeed,IIT;YII > iO:kTn,,/Tn,,-; ~
Therefore, in any ball of size e , we can find points Y the iterates of which will approach 0 arbitrarily slowly. In other words, if for a point x we set
which is the first time the iterates of x enter the ball of radius 1/ k , centered at 0, then: for any ball B(g) of radius e not containing O.
Chapter III
This last statement can be improved:
Theorem 3.8. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H, with r(T) = 1. Assume moreover that Cnu(T) contains a point A which is not an eigenvalue. Then, for any decreasing sequence (a")n~O, positive and tending to 0, for any e > 0, for any Xo, Yo in H, there is a point y with:
Ily - yoll <
(1 + c)al'
IITky - xoll
(1 -
c)ak , for all k
> O.
be a sequence of "almost eigenvectors" for A (c/. Section
Proof. - Let (xn)n~O 2). Then:
for a sequence nl < ... < reader (see Section 2.A).
< ... properly chosen. Details are left to the
Roughly speaking, the difference between a sequence of "almost eigenvectors" and a "norming sequence" is as follows : the eigenvectors allow us to say
that II II ~ 1 for all j 2': k , whereas for the norming sequence, is quite large, but one knows nothing about IITkxnll, n > k.
4. Operators with irregular orbits.
All the operators we have met so far, satisfying IITnl1 --+ +00, have the property that for some y, IITny11 --+ +00. This is the case even for Rolewicz's example (see Section 1). We present here, first, an example of an operator with no such vector. It will be a shift on the space 12(IN) ; as usually, (en)n>O is the canonical basis. A. An operator satisfying arbitrarily close to O.
= \l'log n, such that each orbit comes back
be an increasing sequence of integers, satisfying, for all k 2': 0 :
Let (nk)k~o
Put Bk
liT" II
= ink + 1, ... , nk+d. ui,
We define Tej
{(lOg n) 1/2" , if j E B n 0 ,
= wjej, with: ,
n = 1, 2, ... ;
otherwise .
Wj'S are decreasing from B n to B n + 1 , Tk attains its norm on en .. +l, and it is exactly y'iOik. We now prove that for all y, inf" IIT"YII = o.
Then, since the
Orbits of a Linear Operator Assume conversely that for some D > 0, some
y with lIyll = 1, (1)
for all n. a) We first consider the case when y = Lt~ by the first point in each Bk. Then: Ti
akenk+1 , that is, y is supported
if i > k; if i ~ k.
{O, (y'logk)i/kenk+i+l'
enk+l so
II T i y ll 2 =
L lakI 2(1og k )i /
Set in = en log n, for n ~ 1. We first show that if k 2: in+l (log k)i n / k ~
First, the function x ---+ (log x)A/x (A > 1) is decreasing for x 2: e , and so the maximal value of k ---+ (log k)i n / k for k 2: in+l is for k = in+l . Next, elementary computations show that : ((n
+ 1))
en Jogn-(n+ I) log(n+ I)
1, n
+00 ,
so (3) follows. Assume (1) holds. Then:
lakl 2(log k)in/ k > D,
for all n.
lak/ 2(log k)in/ k
< 2
and thus for n
lakl 2
0, n
no , in+l
lakI 2(logk)in / k > D/2
But (log k)in/ k
< login
= n log n, so in+l
lakl 2 2: D/2, for n 2: no
Now, if we put Sn = :L{::/n lakl 2 , we have (4), since :L l/n log n = +00.
= 1,
and this contradicts
Chapter III b) General case. We write Y = L:k~
Yk , where Yk is supported by Bk
L a,Ti e,
Ti Yk
and 0, { (""log k)i/kei+l,
IITi Yk l12
if j + I 2: k; if i + I < k.
For a fixed j, the largest quantity among the IITi e11l 2 , I E Bk, is (""log k)ijk . So: IITi yk l12 ~ L(Vlogk)i/kIlYkI12 k~i
and we are back to the computation of a).
Remark. - Banach - Steinhaus Theorem says that there is a point Y which satisfies sUPn IITny11 = +00. Let's see where is such a point here. Put:
= n2i~+1'
Lekj/j!+€ i~O
This series converges in 12 , and :
Remark. - As it is presented, the operator is not injective. We can obtain an injective one, with the same properties, the following way: instead of wi = 0, we put wi = 1/2, and we repeat it a number of times sufficiently large; that is, we increase the lacunarity of the sequence (ni )i~o. Remark. - We don't know what exact rate of growth on the IITn II is necessary in order to get the present conclusion. For a weighted shift, the estimates IlTn ll = n€ does not allow the same result: there is always a point y the orbit of which goes to infinity. This point is of the following type: y = L: n -Cl e n lc , for a > 1/2 conveniently chosen. So there is a large gap between the estimates of Section 2 and the present example.
0/ a
Linear Operator
This operator, as well as all the ones we have met so far, has a point which orbit tends to O. So in view of these examples, one might ask the following question : Given an operator T on a Banach space, does one of the following hold: - either there is a point x such that T" X always stays in the unit ball, - or there is a point z , such that Tn x never comes into the unit ball ? The answer to this question is also negative, as the following example shows: B. An operator such that, for every Y
i- 0,
00, infnllTnYl1
Here again, the operator will be a weighted shift on 12(IN) , for
= O.
Tej = wjej,
Let (Pn)n>O, (qn)n>O be two sequences of integers, with :
o = Po < qo < We put B n
= {Pn, .. ' ,qn
< 2pI < ql < ... < v« < 2pn < qn < ...
- I}, B~ = {qn,'" ,Pn+1 - I}
The weights will be constant inside each B n and B~. They are 1/2 in each B~ (n ~ 0), and will be strictly larger than 1 in each B«, They are greater in B n than in B n + I . Set Pn =
IljEB.. Wj, P~
= IljEB~
We require: for n
n ,
for n
< 1 + 1/2 n
for n
So we get, by (2) : IITp..+l- l ep,.11
n l k: -. +00, n - 00
and therefore, for all k , SUPR IITRekl1 = +00. Consequently, for every Y i- 0 : sup IITRYII = +00. n
We now show that inf R IITnyl1 = o. We write y = Yk has support only between Pk and Pk+1 - 1, that is : 1'''+1- 1
u», where each
Chapter III
PA:+1- 1
TP" Yk =
a,W, ••• Wl+ p,. el+ p ,. + 1
To estimate the norm of this vector, we will distinguish several cases : First case: n ~ k. Then the product equal to Pn + 1 < Pk. So, by (3),
WI ••• Wl+ Pn
contains a number of terms
Second case : n > k. Set n = k + j, with j > o. Then, since we know that both products wPA: ••• Wl-l and Wl+ p,.+1 ••• w PH j + 1 - 1 are ~ 1/2, we get
4w p A:
4 (1/2)i+ 1
••• WpA:+l-1WpA:+l ••• wpA:+:I-1 •• ·WpA:+j-1WpA:+j' ••
So we obtain, if n
w PA: +j + l -
IIT PnYk ll 2 <
1''=+1 -1
la11 2 (1 + 1/2 k ) 2
and if n > k, with n = k
: PA:+1- 1
IITPnYkl1 2 <
lat! 2 2- 2 (j -
Ykl12 +
1''=+1 -1
L L k~n
(1 + 1/2 k )2
and each of these two quantities tends to 0 when n claim.
22- 2(n-k-l)
l=pA: --+
+00, which proves our
Remark. - We observe that here the sequence IITnl1 is not increasing. We don't know if a similar phenomenon may occur in the case of an increasing sequence.
Orbits of a Linear Operator
5. Hypercyclicity. We will say that a point y in a Banach space E is hypercyclic for T if the orbit {Tn y ; n ~ O} is dense in the whole space. In Section 1, we saw Rolewicz's example of an operator on 12 with one hypercyclic vector xo. Obviously, the iterates {Tn x o ; n ~ O} are also hypercyclic. But, there are more such vectors :
Lemma 5.1. - The set of hypercyc1ic vectors is a G6. Proof. - Indeed, for x E E, n, k E IN, the set
Az,n,k = {y; IITny - z] <
is open, so is UnAz,n,k. For x we now take (Xi )i~o, a dense sequence in the space (indeed the space has to be separable if we want any vector to be hypercyclic !), and the set of hypercyclic vectors is ni nk UnAz,n,k' Therefore, the set of hypercyclic vectors is uncountable (beside the points Tn x o, n 2: 0, it contains also some accumulation points of this set). However, it needs not contain a vector space, and we have constructed (see the "complements" at the end of the Chapter) an operator on a Hilbert space such that the set of hypercyclic vectors contains a vector space. The fact that the operator has one dense orbit seems to be a property of a single point, but in fact this property is better understood on balls:
Proposition 5.2. - Let T be an operator on a separable Banach space E. Then T has an hypercyc1ic point if and only if :
P (T)
for any balls B,
B', there is a n 2: 0 such that Tn B
n B'
is non-empty. Proof. - We first observe that P(T) has the same meaning, whenever B or B' are open or closed. So here we take them to be open.
1) Assume that Xo is hypercyclic for T. Then there are integers n, n' > n such that T" Xo E B, Tn' Xo E B'. Therefore, Tn' - n B intersects B'. 2) Assume that P(T) holds. The space being separable, let (Bn)n~o be an enumeration of the open balls, with rational radii, centered on a dense countable family. Let B be any open ball. By assumption, there is an index nl such that T':"» B 1 n B is non-empty. Since it is an open set, it must contain some open ball U1 of radius < 1/2. Now, there is an index n2 such that T-n'J B 2 n U 1 is non-empty, so it contains
Chapter III
an open ball U2 of radius < 1/4, and so on. The intersection nnUn contains a single point x, and Tn/r. x E B" for all k, so x is hypercyclic.
Corollary 5.3. - Assume T to be invertible. Then T has an hypercyclic point if and only if T- 1 has an hypercyclic point. Proof. - Property P (T) is obviously equivalent to property P (T-l ) . Corollary 5.4. - Assume that T is invertible and has one hypercyclic point. Then there is a dense G6 of points y which are hypercyclic both for T and T-l, that is: {Tn y j n ~ o} is dense; {T-n y j n ~ o} is also dense. This situation occurs, for instance, for the modified Rolewicz's example, we presented in Section 1. In this case (if we choose the weights correctly: say wi = 2 for j > 0, wi = 1/2 for i < 0), we get a situation which is 1 • Both have spectral radius 2, so there are totally "symmetric" for T and points y such that both IITn y li and IIT-nYIi grow up exponentially fast (by Theorem 2.8), and there are points y' such that both {Tn y' ; n ~ o} and {T-n y' j n ~ O} are dense in the whole space.
So we see that the iterates of a given ball may intersect any other given ball. But if they don't too often, there is in the first a point, the iterates of which never enter the second:
Theorem 5.5. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E and (n,,),,>o be an increasing sequence of integers such that: inf "~o
II Tn/r.1I
> 0
Assume there exists two balls B(b, r), B'(b', r'), with B not containing 0, r' = 6, such that : rnBnB' = 0 except maybe for n E {n"
~ O}.
Then there is in B a point y such that
Tn y never belongs to the ball B" with center b', radius r' /2. Proof. - We put B o = B. Assume that we have built balls B" C ... C Bi C B, with radius = 1/3", such that:
Ti B m n B"
= 0, if j < n m +l ,
= 0, ... ,k.
We now look at Tnlc+ 1 B" : this set may intersect B". We will construct B,,+ 1.
Orbits Let e < 1/4, and let
0/ a Linear Operator
Uk+l =
1, such that:
Therefore one of the two points Tnk+ 1 Vk+l or Tnk+l Wk+l is at distance from b' at least (1 - e)~rkIITnlt+l II. Say it's the first one. If !lull < rk+l = 1/3k+ 1 , we obtain:
IITnlt+l (Vk+l + u)
- b'll
IITnk+1 Vk+l -
((1 - e) 3 k2+ 1
3 k:
b'll -IIT n k+ 1 11/3k+ 1 -
3 k1+1 )IIT
(1 - 2e) IITnlt+J II
and Bk+l is the ball of center Vk+l, radius we get that Tn y never comes into E".
~ s/2
Let y E
From (1)
Unfortunately, we don't know of any concrete situations where Theorem 5.5 can be applied.
Chapter III
Exercises on Chapter III
Exercise 1. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. Assume that it satisfies Ln?:o 1/IITn112 < +00 I and that there exists an orthonormal sequence (xn)n?:O of points in H, such that: n 2: 0. Prove that there is a point y such that IITn y ll -
Exercise 2. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. We assume that there exists a ball B(O, r) and a sequence (xn)n>O I with IIx nll = 1, such that: a) Ln?:o 1/IIT nxnll < +00 b) for every point z in B(O, r), every n 2: 0, every j = 1, ... , n - 1, I
Prove that there is a point y such that IITny11 -
Exercise 3. - State and prove Proposition 2.B.2 for a family Tn of operators, instead of the iterates of a single one. Exercise 4. (This exercise uses some material from Chapter XIII) - Let T be and Xo in a contraction on a Hilbert space, such that u(T) :J C. Let e > H I with IIxoll = 1. Let (In)n?:o be any family of polynomials such that:
° I
1/11 1n(T)1l 2 <
n?:O We want to show that inside each ball of radius r I with : r > e
(L 1/11 1n(T)11 2)1/ 2 , n?:O
there is a point y such that, for all n 2: 1,
a) Show that, for every n 2: 0, there exists a weakly null sequence (X~)k, such that:
Orbits of a Linear Operator
(Choose An, with 1.1, Chapter XIII.)
IAnl =
1, such that In(A n)
= IIInll oo , and use Proposition
b) Put "t« = Illn(T)II, and consider:
xoll < e},
Cn = {y; Illn(T)y Take TJ > 0, e < p < (1 + TJ)e, and consider: p 1 Yo + - X'. 11
Show that for and set:
large enough, this point is not in C1. Fix such ai,
ii ,
-P x·111
Yl = Yo +
c) Consider : Yl
Show that for
+ 12 -P
large enough, this point is neither in C1 nor in C2 • Set: p 2 Y2
Xh .
d) Repeat the argument, and take y = lim Yn' Show that Y is in none of the Cn 's. Show moreover that the sequence in may be chosen so that :
Ily - Yol1 2 <
+ TJ)p2
and conclude.
Notes and Comments
One may wonder if there are operators, on Hilbert spaces, such that all the points (except 0) are hypercyclic. As we said in the Introduction, an operator with a slightly weaker property was initially constructed by the author on a Banach space (for every X =1= 0, the set {CTn x ; C > 0, n 2: o} was dense; (B. Beauzamy [9]), and an operator with all vectors hypercyclic was recently constructed by C. Read (C. Read [5]) on II and related spaces (see Chapter XIV for a discussion of these matters). The present chapter brings several restrictions upon the existence of such an operator on a Hilbert space, saying that the iterates IITn II cannot increase too quickly: of course, a point with IITnyl1 ~ +00 cannot be hypercyclic.
Chapter III
These restrictions can be compared with an old result of J. Wermer [1] if u(T) contains more than a point and if LnE1llog IIT nll/(l + n 2 ) < +00, then T has non-trivial invariant subspaces, and therefore some non-hypercyclic points. Wermer's condition says, roughly speaking, that IIT n l1 and liT-nil don't increase too fast. However, there is a large gap between Wermer's result (besides the fact that it also uses T-l), and the results presented here, so we certainly cannot conclude that there is no operator on a Hilbert space with all orbits dense. On the contrary, an operator which is rather close to having this property has recently been constructed by the author (B. Beauzamy [12]) : it has an hypercyclic vector Xo, and for every polynomial p with complex coefficients, p(T)xo is also hypercyclic.
Singuliere fortune oii le but se deplace, Et, rr'etant nulle part, peut etre n'imparte au ! OU l'Homme, dont jamais I'esperance n'est lasse, Pour trouver Ie repos court toujours comme un fou !
In this Second Part, we leave the general frame in order to concentrate on compactness. First, compact operators for themselves, then, on a Hilbert space, the space of nuclear operators, which appear to be the predual of the space £(H). This duality is studied in detail, since it allows us to describe interesting topologies on £(H).
Chapter IV
Spectral Theory for compact operators
1. Compact operators.
Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. We say that T is compact if the image T(BE) of the closed unit ball of E is relatively compact in E : that is T(BE) is compact in E, for the norm. This is obviously equivalent to the following statement: for every sequence (Xn)n~O, bounded in E, we can find a subsequence (x~)n~O such that (Tx~)n>o converges. Let's observe that if E is reflexive (and, in particular, for a Hilbert space), T(BE) is closed. Indeed, BE is weakly compact, T is weakly continuous, so T(BE) is weakly compact, and therefore closed in norm (see B.B. [1], pp. 37 and 49). So we see that on a reflexive space, T is compact if and only if T(BE) is compact. If E is infinite - dimensional, a compact operator cannot be surjective. Indeed, let's assume that T is surjective. Then it's an open mapping (B.B. [1], p. 13), which means that it transforms an open set into an open set. SO T(B E) is open, and relatively compact. By F. Riesz theorem (see B.B. [1], p. 17), this implies that E has finite dimension. As a special case, we see that the identity is never compact when the dimension of E is infinite. This argument can be immediately extended to the following:
Proposition 1.1. - Let T be a compact operator, with closed range. Then this range is finite-dimensional. The image of a compact operator may be dense in the whole space, and therefore be infinite-dimensional. This is the case, for instance, of the operator on 12 (IN) defined by : K(xn)n~O
= (xn/(n +
(The fact that this operator is compact is a consequence of b) in Proposition 1.2, below.)
Chapter IV But conversely, any finite rank operator is compact.
Proposition 1.2. - a) If T is compact, and U I , U2 are any operators, U 1TU2 is compact. is a sequence of compact operators, converging in norm to b) H (Tn)n~o an operator T, T is also compact.
Proof. - a) is obvious. For b), we use a diagonal procedure: let (xkh~o be a bounded sequence in E. First, we extract a subsequence xii) such that T1xi l ) converges in E, then, from xii) , a subsequence xi2 ) such that T2xi2 ) converges in E, and so on. Put Yj = x;il, the "diagonal" subsequence. Then (TkYj),. converges for all k's, and so (Ty,.),. converges, which proves that T is compact. Another proof is as follows: given e > 0, we choose n such that IITTnll < «n, and then we cover Tn(BE) by a finite number of balls of radius c/2. The balls with same centers and radius e will cover T(BE).
If K (E) is the vector space of all compact operators from E into itself, Proposition 1.2 can be summarized as follows: K (E) is a closed two-sided ideal of .c(E). Remark 1.3. - On a Hilbert space, every compact operator is the limit of a sequence of finite rank operators.
Indeed, let T be compact, e > 0, and (Xl,." I x n ) be points such that the reunion of the balls B(Xil c) covers T(BH) . Let F = span {Xl, ... ,x n } , P the orthogonal projection onto F. Then, for x E BH,
IITx - PTxl1 = so
liT -
inf IITx -
yll < C,
PTII ~ c.
Proposition 1.4. - The operator T is compact (from E into itself) if and only if rr is compact (from E* into itself). Proof. - a) Assume T to be compact. Let in the unit ball of E*. Then:
Ifn(Y) - fn(z)1 ::;
Ily - zll,
be a sequence of elements
for all Y, z EE,
and so this sequence is equicontinuous on BE. Let's consider it as a sequence of functions on the compact K = T(BE) : it is bounded and equicontinuous.
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
By Arzela-Ascoli theorem, a subsequence some function g. This can be written :
converges uniformly on K, to
.- g(Tx),
uniformly for x E BE, or :
converges in E*, and "T is compact. so (tT f~)n>o b) Conversely, assume that -r is compact. By a), »r is compact from EU into itself. So ttTBE•• is relatively compact in EU. But ttTIE = T, and the norm induced by EU on E is the norm of E (see B.B. [11, p.25). So T( BE) is relatively compact in E* * , and therefore in E. 2. Spectral Theory for compact operators. We now study the operator A - T, T compact.
Theorem 2.1. - Let T be compact and A i= O. Then: a) For every n 2: 1, K er (A - T)n is finite-dimensional,
b) For every n 2: 1, the image of (A - T)n is closed,
c) There is a n 2: 1 such that, for all k 2: 0, 1m (A - T)n = 1m (A - Tt+ k . Proof. - a) We write:
(A - T)n = AnI - An-IT + ... + (_l)nT n = AnI
where A is compact. Let Fn = Ker(A - T)n. On Fn , we get I
= -lA
so the identity of F n is compact, and F n is finite-dimensional. b) We first consider the case n = 1. By a), there is a closed subspace M 1 in E, such that E = M 1 EEl F 1 , and
Im(A - T) We need a lemma :
Chapter IV
Lemma 2.2. - Let A =j:. 0, M 1 a closed subspace of E, with M 1 n Ker (A T) = {O}. Then the restriction of (A - T) to M 1 is an isomorphism, and (A - T)M1 is closed. Proof of Lemma 2 2. ~ Let's consider the restriction of (A - T) to M 1 , denoted by (A - T)IM 1 • This operator is injective, let's show that the inverse in is continuous. If this was not the case, we could find a sequence (xn)n~O M 1 , with Ilxnll = 1, and (A - T)x n --. O. But (xn)n~O has a subsequence x~ such that Tx~ converges to some point y, and AX~ - y --. 0, so x~ converges to u/ A, with y/ A =j:. 0, and Ay = Ty : a contradiction. So (A - T)IM 1 is an isomorphism from M 1 onto its image (A - T)M 1 , which is therefore closed. The Lemma is proved. This proves b) for n = 1 j for n 2: 1, we repeat the argument by induction, considering T on 1m (oX - T)n-l .
3) Let's assume that, on the contrary, the sequence of subspaces
is strictly decreasing. We need a small lemma :
Lemma 2.3. - Let G be a proper subspace of E Ilzll = 1 , such that liz - yll 2: 1/2, for all y E G. Proof of Lemma 2.3. - Let g E E*, Ilzll = 1 , such that g(z) 2: 1/2.
Ilgll =
there is a point z E E,
1 , 9 = 0 on G, and choose z,
We return to the proof of 3). For every n 2: 1, take Zn E G n, Ilznll = 1, such that IlZn - ylI ~ 1/2, for all y E G n+1 . So Ilzn ~ zmll ~ 1/2, for n =j:. m. We have also (oX - T)G n = G n + 1 • For k > 0, we set : 1
Zn,k = Zn - Zn+k - >:(A - T)(zn - Zn+k).
We have Zn - Zn+k E G n , so (A- T)(zn ~ Zn+k) E G n + 1 , and Zn+k E G n+ 1 . So Ilzn,kll 2: 1/2. But AZn,k = TZ n - TZn+k' and, though the sequence (zn)n~O is bounded, no subsequence of (Tzn)n>o may be convergent. This contradicts the compactness of T and proves our claim.
Theorem 2.4 (Spectral Decomposition of Compact Operators). - The spectrum of a compact operator is either finite, or consists of a sequence tending to O. The point 0 is always in u(T).
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
Every A E u(T), with A f. 0, is an eigenvalue of T, the corresponding subspace, F>., is finite-dimensional.
Proof. - We first show that every A =1= 0 in the spectrum is an eigenvalue. To see this, it's enough to show that if A - T is injective, it is also surjective. By Theorem 2.1, c), there is an n > 0 such that 1m (,\ - T)n = 1m (A T)n+l. Let Y E E. We can find x such that:
which means
(A - T)n(y - (A - T)x)
= 0,
and this implies Y = (,\ - T)x, since A - T is injective. Now, a single argument will show at once that o(T) is either finite or countable (and, in the latter case, made of a sequence converging to 0), and that F>. (A f. 0) is finite-dimensional. All we have to show is that, for all 6 > 0, there is only a finite number of independent vectors which are eigenvectors for some eigenvalue A, IAI 2: 6. Assume the converse. For some 6 > 0, we may find a sequence (An)n>O of eigenvalues, fJ < IAn I :S IITII, and, for each n , an eigenvector x n , the family (xn)n~O being independent (that is : any finite subfamily is independent). Let En be the (closed) subspace spanned by Xl, ••• , x n. Since the Xi'S are eigenvectors, TEn C En, (>t.n - T)E n C E n- l . Since E n- l is strictly contained in En, by Lemma 2.3 we can find a point
Yn E En IIYnl1 = 1 , llYn -
2: 1/2, for all x E E n- l 1
zn,m = Yn - An TYn + Am TYm
For n
E E n- l
> m, put:
and so
IIT(Yn) - T(Ym)1I = llYn - Zn,mll 2: 1/2. An Am But IIYn/Anll < 1/6, and the bounded sequence Yn/An has no subsequence such that TYn/ An converges: this contradiction proves the Theorem.
1. We have seen (Chapter II) that T and have the same spectrum, and that if one is compact, so is the other. Therefore, if A -# 0 is an eigenvalue for T, it is also an eigenvalue for and conversely.
(This is not true in general for non-compact operators: T may have eigenvalues, and tT none.)
Chapter IV
2. We have seen that 0 E u(T). But 0 does not need to be an eigenvalue, which means that T may be injective, though compact. This is the case of the operator K described at the beginning of this chapter. More generally, for a sequence (an)n~O -+ 0, let's consider the operator:
This operator is compact, and all the an's are eigenvalues. If all an's are the operator is injective.
3. A compact operator may have no eigenvalue, and, in this case, its spectrum reduces to {O}. As an example of this situation, let's consider the weighted shift on h(IN) :
n E IN, with W n -+ O. This operator is compact, since it is the compose of en -+ wne n, and of the usual shift. Since all the elements of the image of T" have their first k coordinates equal to 0, T has no eigenvalue .\ i- O. It is injective if all wn's are i- O. The spectral radius of T is 0, since there is no eigenvalue.
Definition. - An operator T with u(T) = {O} is called quasi-nilpotent. For a compact, quasi-nilpotent operator, Theorem 2.4 gives no information at all, and therefore should not be considered as a satisfactory description. We will come back on this later, but first, for a special class of compact operators on Hilbert spaces, we will obtain more precise information. 3. Spectral Theory for Normal Compact operators on Hilbert spaces. In this Section, the space is a (complex, infinite-dimensional) Hilbert space H. An operator T on it is said to be normal if it commutes with its adjoint:
We will study normal operators in detail later (Chapter VII). However, we need here a simple Proposition:
Proposition 3.1. - Let T be a normal operator. Then:
a) Ker T
= Ker T" ,
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
b) If F>. (T) is the set of eigenvectors for T, corresponding to the eigenvalue A, then F>.(T) = FX(T*). For A f u , F>.(T) and F#l(T) are orthogonal.
Proof. - a) T and T* commute, so K er T is invariant by T*, and the restrictions of T and T* are still adjoints. But inside K er T, T = 0, so T* = o. This proves that K er T c K er T*. Since T* * = T, the reverse inclusion follows. b) We apply the a) to A - T, X- T*. Now, if A f u , for x E F>.(T), y E F#l(T) , we have: A(X, y) = (Tx, y) = (x, T* y) = Il(X, y),
so (x, y) =
Theorem 3.2 (Spectral Decomposition for Normal Compact Operators). - Let T be a normal compact operator on a Hilbert space H. Then: a) There exists at least one eigenvalue A, with
b) The space H can be decomposed into: H = ffi>'El1 p(T)F>. .
For the associated decomposition, x = (X>.hEl1 p (T ) , we have: Tx = (..\X>.hEO"p(T) , T*x = (XX>.hEO"p(T) .
Conversely, any operator defined by such a formula is normal compact.
Proof. - We may assume that IITII = 1. Let (Xn)n~O Ilxnll = 1 , IITxnl1 ---. IITII. Then:
(T*Tx n , x n )
1 =
be a sequence with
lIT11 2,
which implies the formula:
(1) Set
= T*T. Then
is self-adjoint (that is:
Iluxn- xnl12 = IIuxnl1 2So 1 belongs to ua(u), and, since But, for n ~ 1,
so: lim n
IITnll l / n =
2(ux n,x n )
Ilull =
+ IIx nl1 2 -.
0, n ---.
1 , this implies r(u) = 1.
lim II(T*T)nlll/2n n
and r(T) = 1. We have therefore obtained the following:
Chapter IV
Lemma 3.3. ~ For any normal operator, r(T) =
Now, since moreover T is compact, by Theorem 2.4, there must be an eigenvalue A, IAI = r(T) , and a) is proved. For b), we observe that each F>.. is invariant by T and T+. Let's put
the sum being direct by Proposition 3.1. Then F is invariant by T and T+. Let Flo be its orthogonal: it is also invariant. If Flo was not reduced to {O}, the restriction of T to it would have an eigenvalue, which would contradict the definition of F. If x = (X>..hEC7 p ( T ) , we clearly get Tx be an operator of the form :
= (Ax>..hEC7 p ( T ) . Conversely, let T
where A is a sequence converging to O. One checks immediately that T+ can be written: and so T is normal. Let's check it is compact. Let e > O. We decompose A into Al U A2, where:
and we set: UI
(AX>")AEA 1 ,
Then T = UI + U2, U2 has finite rank since A2 is finite, and each subspace corresponding to A E A2 has finite dimension. Moreover, I!ulil < e. So T is the limit, in operator norm, of a sequence of operators with finite rank. Therefore, T is compact (Proposition 1.2, b)). So, for any normal compact operator T on a Hilbert space, we can write a spectral decomposition :
Tx =
L An(z, en)en,
where An are the eigenvalues of T (not necessarily distinct), and (en)n~o Hilbertian basis, each en being an eigenvector for the corresponding An.
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
This will allow us to write a spectral decomposition also for compact, nonnormal operators on Hilbert spaces. But first, we need a few tools, which will also be used in the next chapter. Let T be a compact operator on H, and set, as before, u a compact, self-adjoint operator, which is positive, namely:
(ux, x)
= T* T. This is
\Ix E H.
~ 0 ,
Lemma 3.4. - A positive, compact, self-adjoint operator on H has a square root: there is an operator v on H which is also positive, compact, self-adjoint and satisfies:
II vxl1 2
(ux, x) ,
\Ix E H,
Proof. - We write the spectral decomposition of u given by Theorem 3.2 :
ux = LAn(x,en)en, n~O
where An are the eigenvalues of u , and (en)n~O a Hilbertian basis, each en being an eigenvector for the corresponding An. Since (ue n, en) = An, the An's are real positive. Set:
vx =
A(x,en)e n,
then obviously this operator is compact, positive, self-adjoint and satisfies v 2 u. Moreover :
IIvxl1 2 =
L[A(x,e n )]2 n~O
L Anl(x , en)1
(ux, x) =
(L An(x, en)en, L (x, em)e m) n~O
An l(x , en )1
Ilvll = sUPn{VX:}, by
Lemma 3.3 again, and so
Ilvll = M.
Chapter IV
To simplify our notation, we write ITI instead of y'T*T. Let M be a closed subspace of H. An operator V is called a partial isometry from M onto V (M) if I[V xl[ = lIxll, for x EM, and V x = 0 for x E M.L. This definition implies that V(M) is closed.
Lemma 3.5. -Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. There is a partial isometry V from (K er T).L to 1m T, such that:
ITI = V*T.
Proof. - For S E £(H), one has, for all x E H, IlSxll 2 = (S* Sx, x), and thus: KerS*S = KerS, 1mS*S = (KerS*S).L = (KerS).L
Applying this to S
= 1mS*.
= T, and then to S = ITI, we get : Ker T
KerT*T = Ker ITI,
1m T* = 1m T*T = 1m ITI. But, for x E H :
Thus the application V defined on Im T by VITlx = Tx extends to an isom-----.L etry of Irn ITI. We take also V = 0 on 1m ITI ,so we get a partial isometry, with VITI = T. From this, we deduce T* = ITIV*, T*T = ITIV*T, ITI 2 = ITIV*T, so V*T = ITI on (Ker ITI).L = (Ker T).L. Since V*T = ITI also on K er T, the second formula is established. 4. Spectral decomposition for compact operators on Hilbert spaces.
Theorem 4.1. - Let T be a compact operator on a Hilbert space H. Then, for all x in H, we can write a decomposition: Tx
L An(x,xn)Yn, n~O
where (An)n~o is the sequence of eigenvalues of y'T*T, (xn)n~O an orthonormal sequence of corresponding eigenvectors, and (Yn)n~O an orthonormal sequence of eigenvectors for TT* .
Proof. - By Theorem 3.2, ITlx
L An(x, xn)X n, n~O
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
where (An)n~o is the sequence of eigenvalues of ITI, (xn)n~O an orthonormal sequence of corresponding eigenvectors. By Lemma 3.5, T = VITI, so
An(X,Xn)VX n .
Set Yn = Vx n. Then the sequence (Yn)n~O is orthonormal in H, since V is an isometry on 1m ITI. The Yn's are eigenvectors for TT'" , since:
TT '" Yn
TT '" V Xn
V IT 12 Xn
2 AnV Xn
2 AnYn ,
and this proves the Theorem. It's quite interesting to compare spectral decompositions obtained for normal compact operators (Theorem 3.1) and for compact ones (Theorems 2.4 and 4.1). The first one may be regarded as satisfactory: the space is decomposed into parts, on which the operator is represented by a multiplication. The second one is not: despite the "similarity" (at first glance) between Theorem 3.2 and Theorem 4.1, the latter does not provide any information which can be easily used. It even does not ensure the existence of Invariant Subspaces. We now turn to this question. 5. Invariant Subspaces for Compact Operators.
We come back to the case of a compact operator T on a Banach space E.
Theorem 5.1 (Lomonossov). - Every non-zero compact operator has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Proof. - We may of course assume (as we already said in Chapter II, 1), that T has no eigenvalue. Take a point Xl such that TXI i= a and take Xo = AXI, for A large enough, to get : inf{IITxll ; x E B(xo, I)} > O. We just write B for B(xo, 1). Let A = {T}' be the algebra of all operators which commute with T. We will show that there is a point Yo E E, Yo i= 0, such that :
IIT'yo - xoll 2: 1,
'tiT' EA.
This implies the Theorem: let F = span{T'yo ; T' E A}. Then F is an Hyperinvariant Subspace for T, and, since it does not intersect the interior of B, it cannot be the whole space.
Chapter IV
To prove (1), assume conversely that:
vv i- 0, 3T' E A, with IIT'y -
xoll <
Since T B is compact, we can find a finite number of operators, T:, . . . ,T~ E A, such that, for all y E T B, there exists an i (1 :::; i < n) with IIT/y - xoll < l. Set I(t) = 1- t if O:S: t :s: 1,0 if not, and let W : TB ~ E defined by:
w(y) = L:~ 2:~
I(IIT/y - xolDT/y I(IIT/y - xoll)
This is a continuous function on the compact T B, so its image is compact. This image is a convex combination of those of the Tty which belong to the ball B, therefore it is contained in this ball. So W0 T is a continuous function from B onto a relatively compact subset contained in B. Set K = conv!W 0 T(B)] (where "conv" is the convex hull). Then K is convex compact, and W 0 T is continuous from K into K, and so has a fixed point z , by Schauder's fixed point Theorem (see for instance Dunford-Schwartz [1], vol. I, p. 456). This implies: n
CtjTITX = x, 1
f(IIT/Tx -
2:j=1 f(IITJTx - xolD We now look at the set : n
= {z
E E; LCtiT/Tz
= z}.
This is a vector subspace, not reduced to {O} since it contains x, and of finite dimension since 2:~ CtjTIT is compact, and invariant by T. So T has an eigenvalue, which contradicts our assumption, and proves (1).
Remark. - As pointed out by V. I. Lomonossov himself (Lomonossov [1]), an immediate extension of this technique provides the following result: Theorem 5.2 [Lomonossov}, - If T is not a multiple of the identity and if it commutes with a non-zero compact operator K, T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Proof. - In the previous argument, just replace T B by K B, and G becomes n G =
T by
{z E E; LCtjTIKz = z}, 1
which is still invariant under T, since T commutes with K and the T/ 's.
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
This Theorem shows that every operator T which commutes with an operator T' (T' #- I) which commutes with a compact operator K (K #- 0) has Invariant Subspaces. The question comes naturally to know whether there are operators T which are not of this type. In other words, does Theorem 5.2 solve the Invariant Subspace problem? We know now that this cannot be true in general, since P. Enflo solved it negatively (P.EnRo [1]), but it was a natural question at that time. Moreover, we don't know at all how large is the class of operators to which Lomonossov's Theorem applies. In 1980 Hadvin Nordgren - Radjavi - Rosenthal [1] produced an example of an operator T to which the Theorem does not apply, that is which is not in the "bicommutant" of the compact operators. This operator is a weighted shift on 12 i we refer the reader to [1]. We wish to emphasize, however, that there is no satisfactory description of the bicommutant of compact operators. Though C 1 operators will be introduced much later, we insert the next paragraph here, to show that the commutant of the compact operators is indeed quite small ; this is intended as an illustration of our previous words. 6. Commutation between compact operators and C1 operators. The aim of this paragraph is to show that the condition "T commutes with a compact operator" is a very strong one. Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. We say that T is a contraction if IITII ~ 1. We say that T belongs to the class C 1 if it is a contraction and moreover: 'r/x =j:. 0 E E , n -+ +00. This is of course the case of an isometry, but we will see many more examples later.
Theorem 6.1. - Let T be a C 1 contraction, commuting with a compact operator K =j:. 0, on a Banach space E. There exists a closed subspace FeE, such that TIF is a surjective strictly increasing, isometry, and there exists a sequence of integers (mk)k~O, such that, for all x in F k
Proof. - Since T K = KT, T" K = KTn, for n E IN. Let (Xm)m>O be a dense sequence in E. For every m E IN, there exists a sequence (nim))k~O' stricly increasing, such that :
Chapter IV
exists, in norm, in E. By a diagonal procedure, we can find a sequence (nk)k~O such that limk_oo KTn"x m exists, for all m. This implies that Iimk_oo KTn" x exists, for all x in E. Obviously, we may moreover assume that the sequence (nk+l - nk) is strictly increasing. For every x E E , set : Ax =
lim Tn"Kx.
Then A is compact, since ABE C KBE, and it commutes with T and K. Since T is C 1 , we have Ax = 0 if and only if K x = 0, and so K er A = K er K. We write:
and, with mk = nk+l - nk, mk is strictly increasing and: "IxE E.
Let F = ImA. So F i- {O}, since Ker A = Ker K and K i- O. Then Tm" y ---+ y, for all y in F, and the image of T is dense in F. It is an isometry, since:
This proves that T is surjective. Obviously, if K er K has finite dimension, F has infinite dimension. On a Hilbert space, as pointed out by C. Foiaa, we can easily go further and prove that both K and T have eigenvalues, and common eigenvectors. Indeed, on the space F just exhibited, T is a surjective isometry, and therefore T- 1 = T* (on F ) (see Chapter VII). Since K commutes with T, it also commutes with T-l. So KT* = T* K , and TK* = K*T. Therefore, TK*K = K*KT. But K*K is a compact normal operator on F, and so, by Theorem 3.2, we have a decomposition: F = ffiF>.,
where F>. is the space corresponding to the eigenvalue A, for K* K. Each F>. (except maybe Fo) is finite dimensional, and is invariant for T. So the restriction TIF~ has eigenvectors: each of them is an eigenvector both for T and K. The same result is true in general on a Banach space: T and K have eigenvalues and common eigenvectors, but is harder to prove. We refer the reader to H. Lemberg [1].
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
Exercises on Chapter IV.
Exercise 1. - Let T be an operator such that, for some n ~ 1, T" is compact. Prove that u(T) is finite or consists in a sequence of points converging to 0, and that each point in u(T) which is not 0 is an eigenvalue. Give an example of an operator T which is not compact, and such that T" is compact and not zero, for some n 2: 1. Exercise 2. - On 12(IN), let T be defined by Ten Find the spectral decomposition of T+T, TT+ .
en+l, for n ~ O.
Exercise 3. - Let A --+ T(A) be an analytic function, defined on a domain n c e ,with values in £(H). We assume that T(A) is compact for all A E 0, and that 0 is connected. Prove that either 1- T(A) is invertible for no A En, or that it is invertible for every A En, except maybe at a finite number of (isolated) points. Exercise 4. - Let T be an operator such that u(T) C D, and such that for some n ~ 1, there is a compact operator K, with IITn - KII < 1. Show that every A E u(T) with lAin> IITn - KII is an isolated point, and that the corresponding projection has finite rank (Hint: reduce to the case n = 1). Exercise 5. - Let (zn)n>O be a sequence of complex numbers tending to O. Show that there is a compact operator, defined on some Banach space, the spectrum of which is this sequence. Exercise 6. - For z , y in [0,1], let K(x,y) be the operator on L 2 [0, 11 defined by :
if x ~
0 if x < y. Let T
Show that this operator is compact and quasi-nilpotent.
Exercise 7. - Show that any operator given by the previous formula, from a function K(x,y) in L oo([O,II.[O,I]), is compact on L 2 • Give an example of a compact operator on L 2 which is not obtained this way. Exercise 8. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. Show that T is compact if and only if TX n --+ 0 when X n --+ 0 weakly, or equivalently, if and only if (Tx n , x n ) --+ 0 when X n --+ 0 weakly. Study the case of Banach spaces.
Chapter IV
Exercise 9. - Let T be compact, self-adjoint on H, and A1 ~ A2 ~ ... the sequence of positive eigenvalues, repeated according to their multiplicity. Show that, if l'n is the set of n dimensional subspaces of H :
. (Tx,x)
= max min -(--)-
Exercise 10. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H _ We recall that the essential norm of T, or norm in the Calkin Algebra is defined by : IITlle = inf{IIT + KII ; K compact}. We want to establish the formula: lITlle = sup{limsup IITxnll ;
Ilx n ll
= I,
X n ----t
0 weakly}.
a) Let's call IITllw the right-hand side of (1). Show that:
b) Let (en)n~o be the canonical basis of 12 , P n the orthogonal projection onto the span of eo, __ . ,en. Fix e > o. Construct by induction a sequence (Xj )j~O of points in 12 and a sequence (nj )j~O of integers, with the following properties : 1) IIXjll
= 1, for all i 2: 0,
= »s . for
3) lIT(I - P n j _ 1 )Xj II ~
IIT(I - Pn i -
1 )
i 2:
II - e .
Show that, for all i, IITYil1 ~ IITlle - c. Put zi = Yj IIIYj II· Show that Zj ----t 0 weakly, and that lim sup IITzj II ~ IITlie - c. Deduce that IITllw ~ IITlle. Put
(I -
Notes and Comments.
The first and second paragraphs appear in any book dealing with compact operators. See for instance Dunford-Schwartz [1], Gohberg-Goldberg [1]-
Spectral Theory for Compact Operators
Section 3 follows the presentation of L. Schwartz [1], as well as the beginning of section 4. Theorem 4.1 follows the presentation of A. Pietsch [1] or H. Konig [1]. Section 5 follows the original presentation of V. I. Lomonossov [1]. His work received many extensions ; it's hard to know whether they have some substance or not, because the authors do not provide a single example of an operator to which their techniques apply, and which was not already covered by previous results. Therefore, we omit the references. Section 6 is due to the author [61.
Complements on Chapter IV :
1. The Calkin Algebra. The Calkin Algebra is the quotient of £(H)by K(H),
endowed with the quotient norm. The essential spectrum of T is its spectrum in this algebra. An operator T is said to be quasi-triangular if there exists a sequence (Pn)n>O of projections of finite rank, satisfying Pnx --+ x, when n --+ 00, and IIPnTPn - TPnl1
The next Theorem, due to Apostol-Foias-Voiculescu [1], describes the operators which are limits of a sequence of nilpotent operators.
Theorem. - Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. There is a sequence of nilpotent operators converging to T in operator norm if and only if the following three conditions are simultaneously satisfied :
a) T and T'" are both quasi-triangular, b)u(T) and
U ess (T)
are connected,
c) 0 E uess(T). 2. Approximation by compact operators. We consider the problem of approximating a given, non-compact operator by compact ones. The following theory was developed by David Berg [1], and then, in a larger frame, by Axler-Berg-Jewell-Shields [1]. We consider the following property of a Banach space X
Chapter IV
(P) For each T E £(X), each sequence (An)n>o in .c(X), such that, for all x EX, all eE X·, Anx --+ 0 and tAn e--+ 0, the following holds : For every e > 0, there is a N such that:
Theorem. - Let X be a Banach space satisfying (P), and let T be a noncompact operator on X. Let Tn be a sequence of compact operators such that: T;» --+ Tx, for all x E X for all
Then there exists a sequence Lan = 1 and : where K
of positive real numbers such that
liT - Kil
e E X·
= LanTn.
Moreover (though this result is not explicitly stated), the proof shows that, for every '1 > 0, the operator K may be chosen such that IITK - KTII < '1. The class of Banach spaces satisfying (P) has not received any satisfactory description, but it contains at least the I p spaces, 1 < P < 00. Conversely, it was proved by Benyamini - Lin [1] that in L p (1 < P < 00 1 P ::f- 2), there exists an operator without best compact approximant.
Chapter V
Topologies on the space of Operators
So far, we have seen only one topology on £(E), namely the topology of the norm. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce several others, which will be used later. We restrict ourselves to the Hilbert space setting; the extension to the Banach case is discussed in the "Complements" at the end of this chapter. An essential tool for this study is the following fact: the space £(H) is a dual space, namely the dual of the space of nuclear operators, which we now introduce. 1. Nuclear operators. Let H be a Hilbert space. An operator N on H will be called nuclear if in H, with Ilznll of complex numbers, with
there exist two sequences, (Zn)n~O, for all n, and a sequence (A.n)n~o such that, for all x in H,
= 1, Ilfnll = 1
Ln IAnl
this series being convergent in H. We then define:
\I N Il JJ
where the infimum runs over all representations of the type (1). The quantity
is the nuclear norm of N.
Remark. - This definition makes sense for an operator between two Hilbert spaces, and, more generally, for an operator between two Banach spaces E and F. The sequence (fn)n~o should be taken in E· , and (zn)n~O in F. Obviously,
Chapter V
A finite rank operator is nuclear, and, if U, V are any operators, N being nuclear, U NV is nuclear, and:
Easy computations show that N is nuclear if and only if N· is nuclear, and that:
liN· II .w
Let now (edi>O be an Hilbertian basis of H. If N is nuclear,
I: I I: An(ei,zn)(fn,ei)1 < L IAnl L l(ei,Zn)(fn,ei)1 nEIN iEIN < L IAnl( I: l(ei,Zn)1 2) 1/ 2( L iEIN nEIN
l(fn,ei)1 2)1/ 2
L (Nei,ei) iEIN
L u; ei)ei), zn) iEIN
This shows that these two sums are independent both of the choice of the basis and of the choice of the sequences (An)n~O, (fn)n~O, (zn)n~O. Their common value is called the trace of N, written tr N. We obtain the formulae : (eik:~o
Itr NI :::; IINII.w
(4) (5)
tr (UN) = tr (NU) , if N is nuclear and U is any operator.
Topohgies on the Space of Operators
Let z 8 y denote the rank-one operator :
Then one checks easily that :
Due to the existence of the trace, the nuclear operators are sometimes called “Traceclass operators” (notation T C ). Other notations are C1 (referring to the Schatten classes Cp), L 1( H ) , and a few more. The space of nuclear operators is obviously separable : any operator which can be written : n
can be approximated, in nuclear norm, by operators of the form :
where the A), are complex numbers with real and imaginary parts both rational, and the points e), and f; are chosen among a dense sequence in the space.
A nuclear operator is the limit, in operator norm, of a sequence of finite rank operators, and therefore is compact. Conversely, a compact operator does not need to be nuclear : the operator on 12( IN) :
is compact, non-nuclear. If N is normal and compact, it is nuclear if and only if there exists a basis (ei);?o of eigenvectors, such that the corresponding eigenvalues A, satisfy C [ A i l < 00, and thus [A;/ = I I N ~ ~ u .
There are of course nuclear operators which are not normal. A nuclear operator may have no eigenvalue : the weighted shift on /2( IN) :
is nuclear, and has no eigenvalue.
Chapter V
There is, however, a convenient way of bringing the theory back to normal operators: replace N by VN· N. We have explained the construction of the square root of a positive, self-adjoint, compact operator in the previous Chapter, Section 3. To simplify our notation, we write INI instead of VN· N. We gather here the properties of this operator.
Proposition 1.1. - Let N be a nuclear operator. The operator
a) IllNlxll b)
liNxII , for all x in H, There is an operator V, IIVII = 1,
satisfies :
N =
such that:
= V·N,
Proof. - a) and b) have already been proven. To show c), we come back to the spectral decomposition for INI, and we get tr INI = L ~ = IINII..v, since ~~O.Now:
IIV· NII..v ::; IIV·II·IINII..v < IINlI..v,
and our Proposition is proved. To reduce further to the positive self-adjoint operators, we need the following Lemma:
Lemma 1.2. - Every nuclear operator is a linear combination of 2 nuclear self-adjoint operators. Every nuclear self-adjoint operator is the difference of 2 nuclear, positive, self-adjoint operators. Proof. - We write
N = and each of the two operators
+ N· 2
N +;'N°
.N - N· 2i
is self-adjoint.
Let now N be any self-adjoint, nuclear operator, H = €BF>. its spectral decomposition: N(x>.) = Ax>., x>. E F>.. We know that all A's are real. Put:
H 2 = ED>.
. ,
and define N 1 by N 1 = NIH 1 on HI, = 0 on H 2, and N 2 = -NIH 2 on H2, = 0 on HI. Then N 1 , N 2 are nuclear, self-adjoint, positive, and N = N 1 -N2.
Topologies on the Space of Operators
2. The space £(H) as a dual space. We are going to prove the following result :
Theorem 2.1. - The space .c(H) can be identified with the dual of the space J/(H) of nuclear operators, in the duality: (T, N) -+ tr (NT),
where T is in .c(H), N in JI(H).
For the proof, we require several lemmas :
Lemma 2.2. - If N is a nuclear operator,
= sup{ltr (UN)I
U E .c(H),
:S I}.
Proof of Lemma 2.2. - First,
Itr(UN)1 S Next, taking U
= V·
given by Proposition 1.1 b), we get:
Itr (UN)[
Itr (V· N)I =
tr INI
by Proposition 1.1, c), and this proves Lemma 2.2. We now introduce the weak topology on .c(H). For general facts about weak topologies on Banach spaces, we refer the reader to B.B. [1], Part I, Chapter 2. The weak topology on .c(H) is defined by the family of semi-norms Pz,y, x,y in H :
Pz,y(T) = I(Tx, y)l· An elementary neighborhood of 0 is of the form:
where Xl, ..• , X n , YI, ... , Yn are points in Hand e > O. A net (T a ) converges to T weakly if and only if for all z , Y in H,
(TaX, y)
(Tx, y).
Chapter V
Lemma 2.3. - The closed unit ball of £'(H) is compact for the weak topology. Proof of Lemma 2.3. - Let B = BH be the closed unit ball of H. It is compact for the weak topology on H (Alaoglu's Theorem, see B.B. [I], p. 40). Therefore the product BB is compact for the product topology (Tychonoff"s Theorem). For T in £'(H) , with IITII = 1, we consider the application:
A : T
(TX)ZE8 E BB .
Obviously, A is injective from B£ (H) into B B , and is an homeomorphism if B£(H) is endowed with the weak topology. Let's show that the image of A is closed. Let (TQ ) be a net in B£(H), such thatA(T --+ t/J E BB, with t/J = (t/Jz)zEB. Clearly, t/J is linear. Write t/J(x) instead of t/Jz, and define T by TO = 0, Tx = IIxll.t/J(x/llxll) if z =1= o. Then AT = t/J. So ImA is closed, therefore compact, and B£(H) is compact for the weak topology. We write now £, for £,(H). Let £...... be the set of linear functionals on L, which are continuous for the weak topology. We define, for all x, y in H : Q )
Wz,y (T)
(Tx, y) .
Due to the definition of neighborhoods (1), an element only if it can be represented as a finite sum:
e is in .c", if and
LWZi,Yi ,
for some points x}, ... , x n , Yl, ... ,Yn in H. We also consider £. , which is just the dual of L; equipped with the dual norm: II/II =
sup If(T) I ,
if / E
The inclusion L . . . c L" holds. Indeed, if z , Y E H, we have:
= I(Tx,Y)1 < II x ll· IIYII·IIT II,
which proves that Wz,y E L" , and that
We can consider the closure of £'" in L" for the norm (3) ; we get a Banach space £ •. We will show that £ can be identified to the dual of £., and that L; can be identified with JI(H).
Topologies on the Space oj Operators
The first part follows from :
Lemma 2.4. - £(H) can be identified to the dual of the Banach space £ •. Proof of Lemma 2.4. - We first consider £ ..... as equipped with the weak topology 0(£"", £), topology of pointwise convergence on elements of L, Then £ is the dual of £ ..... , 0(£ ..... , £). Indeed, this is a special case of a general statement in Functional Analysis: if E and F are topological vector spaces in duality, the dual of F equipped with o(F, E) is E (see B.B. [1], pp. 24-27, or Bourbaki [1]). Here, E = £(H), equipped with the weak topology, and its dual is £"". So £ is the dual of £ ..... equipped with 0(£"" £), and the unit ball of £ is compact for this topology. The identity mapping:
(8.c,0(£, £"'))
(8.c, weak topology)
is continuous, since the linear functionals T ---t (Tx, y) (for z , y III H) are weakly continuous. Therefore, the inverse mapping is also continuous, and both topologies are identical, which proves our claim. Now, the dual of £'" endowed with 0(£"", £) is the same as the dual of L; endowed with 0(£., £), or the dual of L; endowed with the norm. This proves the Lemma.
Lemma 2.5. - Let (Xi)i~O,
II xil1
be two sequences with:
(ydi~O 2
IIYil1 2
L: WZi,Yi (T)
For every T E £(H), the series then ¢ E £ •. Proof of Lemma 2.5. - Put n<m:
= L:~
converges. If ¢ =
L: WXi,Yi (T),
E L ...... Moreover, if
I(In - Im)(T) I
n+l m
:s; IITII(L IlxiI12)1/2.(L IIYiI1 2)1/2 . So we get:
Il/n - 111.c.
1(ln - J)(T)I
sup IITII::;1
) 1/2 ) 1/2 (m II xil12 . L IIYil1 2
0, when n, m
--+ 00.
Chapter V
is a Cauchy sequence in £'., and its limit 4> is in l •.
So the sequence (fn)n~o
We now turn to the proof of Theorem 2.1. Let N be a nuclear operator. We consider the application:
4>N(T) = tr(NT),
and we show that
tr (NT) = tr (N 1 / 2T N 1/ 2 )
L (N
1 2T N 1 / 2 ei , ei) /
= Nl/2 ei .
But then:
= tr N
and our claim follows from Lemma 2.5. On L«, we can define a norm, the norm of uniform convergence on the ball of £(H), that is, if E L; :
T E £(H),
and from Lemma 2.4 follows that £'(H) is also the dual of £. equipped with this norm. We now consider the application:
it> : )I (H) ---. defined by it>(N)
= 4>N, where
is given by formula (4).
Topologies on the Space 0/ Operators
Lemma 2.6. - 4.> is a surjective isometry from ),/(H) equipped with its norm onto L; equipped with the norm (5). Proof of Lemma 2.6. - Indeed, we have, for N E ),/ (H)
sup{\tr (NT)I
T E £(H),
by Lemma 2.2, and this proves that 4.> is an isometry. Let's now show that it is surjective. All we have to show is that the image of ~ is dense in L; : the image of an isometry is always closed. Also, since this image is a vector subspace, it is dense in £. for the norm defined by formula (5) if and only if it is dense for the weak topology o(£.,£(H)) (B.B. [1], p. 34). Assume on the contrary that 4.>()'/) is not dense in L; for 0(£., £(H)). Since (again) it is a vector subspace, it must be contained in a closed hyperplane: there exists U i- 0 in £(H) such that, for every N in )I, ¢N(U) = o. We show that this is impossible. Since U i- 0, lUI i- O. Let Zl, ... ,Zn, with Ilzill = 1, mutually orthogonal, such that IU I i- 0 on F = span {Zl' ... , zn}, and let P be the orthogonal projection onto F. Then IUIP i- 0 on F, and \UIP = 0 on FJ... If x E H , we have:
(Px, x) and so P is a positive operator. Let N = PV·, where V· is given by Proposition 1.1, b), and satisfies lUI = V·U. We have:
¢N(U) = tr (NU) = tr (PV·U) = tr (PIUI) = tr (IUIP)
since IUIP is a positive non-zero operator. Since P is nuclear (as any finiterank operator), we get a contradiction, which proves our Lemma. We now finish the proof of Theorem 2.1 : 4.> is a surjective isometry, so we can use it to identify £(H) with the dual of ),/ (H), since it was the dual of L«, by Lemma 2.4. This proves our Theorem. From this Theorem follows that T
II T II t:(H)
N E ),/(H),
Chapter V
are two equivalent norms on £(H). But we can show now that they are equal. Indeed, put E = JI(H), with its norm, E· the dual space, which is £(H), endowed with the norm IITII = sup{ltr (NT)I i N E J/(H), IINII.w ~ I}, and E;, the space £(H) with the usual operator norm. The dual norm of Ei is IINII(E;). = sup{ltr (NT)! i T E £(H), 11TIIop ~ I}, and this norm induces a norm on E by the same formula, the dual of which is Ei. But by Lemma 2.2, this induced norm is exactly the nuclear norm; therefore Ei = E+, and we obtain the formula: IITllop = sup{ltr (NT)j ; N E JI(H), IINII.w
< I}.
This may look like a complicated proof for a formula which is obvious anyway. Indeed, let's give a direct proof of it. One one hand, if IINII.w
< 1,
jtr (NT)l
On the other hand, take e > O. We can find x E H, Ilxll = 1, with IITxl1 > (1 - e) IITII, and then y, with Ilyll = 1, such that (Tx, y) = IITxll. Consider now the rank one operator x 0 y. It is nuclear, and has nuclear norm at most 1. Furthermore, To (x 0 y) = Tx 0 y , so by formula (8), Section1 : tr (T
(x 0 y)) = tr (Tx 0 y)
(Tx, y) > (1 - c) IITII,
and our formula is proved. From now on, we make the (isometric) identification corresponding to and we just say that £(H) "is" the dual of JI(H).
Since £(H) is a dual, it has a weak-* topology, namely a(£(H), J/(H)), which we now describe. We call ultraweak topology on £(H) the topology defined by the family of semi-norms :
(6) where (x,k2:0, (yil,~o
are two sequences of points in H, satisfying:
Topologies on the Space of Operators
Theorem 2.7. - The topology G(£(H), N(H)) coincides with the ultraweak topology.
Proof. - 1) Let be a linear functional on £(H), continuous with respect to the semi-norms (6). Then, there are sequences (Xdi~O, (Yi)i~O' satisfying (7), such that:
I€(T)I ~ P(Xi),(Yi)(T) , for T E £(H). By Lemma 2.5, € belongs to L«, which means that € is continuous for G(£(H), N(H)). 2) Conversely, we wish now to show that the elements of
£. are continuous
for the ultraweak topology. We start with elements of £"".
Lemma 2.8. - IE € E £"", there exists n eI, ... ,en, e~, ... , e~
1, and two orthonormal sequences
in H, a sequence of positive real numbers AI, ... , An,
such that
L AiWei.< .
Proof of Lemma 2.8. - We know by (2) that
€ can
be written:
€ =
x i • yi
for some finite sequences xl, ... , X p i YI, ... , Yp in H. Consider two families (Xi)i~q, (y;k~q, such that the applications: p
It : Y ~ L(Y, Yi)Xi 1 q
h :
Y ~
L(y,y;·)x~. I
are equal. Let's put = 2:1 Wx'_.y'.. J J If u., v are in H, with the rank 1 mapping u. ® v, we get :
€' (u ® v) =
L (u ® v (xj), y;. ) i
L (xi, v) (u, y;.) i
= (v, L (u, yj)xi) i = (v,h(u)) = (v, It (u)) =
Chapter V
by a similar argument. So € = €' on all rank one operators, and therefore on all finite rank operators. But if P is the orthogonal projection onto
obviously €(TP)
= €(T) , €,(TP)
= €,(T) , so €(T) = €,(T) for every T E
£(H). Now, we consider the operator: p
L(Y,Yi)Xi I
and write U = V lUI (Proposition 1.1). lUI is positive, self-adjoint, has finite rank, so there is an orthonormal basis el, ... ,en, made of eigenvectors, associated to the eigenvalues AI, ... , An, with Ai ~ o. Therefore:
i = 1, .. . ,n, n
Uy =
Ai(Y, ei)e~
with e~ = Vei. The sequence (e~) on ImlUI), and
is orthonormal (because V is an isometry n
L Ai(y,ei)e~
€ = L~=l
AiW e i .<' and the Lemma is proved.
We prove now the second part of Theorem 2.7. Let 4> E £" : we wish to show that it is ultraweakly continuous. We may assume 114>11 ::; 1. We write
4> = L.k>O 4>k, with 4>k E £"", II4>k II < 1/2 k , for k >
By Lemma 2.8, each
¢>k can be written : nk
L A~k)w
4>k =
elk) ,/(k)
where for each k > 0, (e~k))i' (flk))i are two orthonormal sequences. Let's k show that L.~===l A~k) ::; 1/2 , for k > o. Indeed, let u, be the operator defined by :
U e~k) J
f~k) J'
i = 1, ... , nk
Topologies on the Space of Operators
on span{e~k)
; i ~ nk}, and 0 on the orthogonal. Then IIUkl1 = 1, tPk(Uk) =
Now, we can write :
with "It
i=1 "It
1/2 fi(k)
Therefore: "It
L L Ij().~k») 00
11 2
k=l i=l 00
< L1/2 k,
LL).~k) k=l i=l
and the same for E~ tinuous.
IIYkI1 2 ,
and we have proved that ¢ is ultraweakly con-
Important Remark. - The ultraweak topology is stronger than the weak topology. Indeed, let To. be a net, converging to T for the ultraweak topology. This means that for every semi-norm P(z,.),(y;), P(zil,(y;) (To.
- T)
But if we take the families (xd, (Yi) reduced to a single element, x, Y respectively, we get that for all x, Y in H,
((To. - T)x, y)
which means that To. -+ T weakly. The terminology "weak" and "ultraweak" is confusing, and therefore is rather bad. It's now commonly adopted, so we have used it here, but something like "pointwise-weak" (to recall the action on the points of H), and "nuclearweak" (to recall the duality with JI) would probably have been better.
Chapter V
Proposition 2.9. - On the bounded subsets of £(H), the weak and ultraweak topologies coincide. Proof. - Of course, we need only to consider balls, and, in fact, the unit ball. The unit ball of £(H) is compact for 0(£, N) (since £ is the dual of N), and it is also compact for the weak topology (lemma 2.3). Since these topologies are comparable (remark above), they are identical on the balls. We now turn to strong topologies. We say that a net To converges to T strongly if, for every x in H, Tax ---. Tx. In other words, this is the topology of pointwise convergence on elements of H. It is defined by the family of semi-norms :
Px(T) =
xE H,
and a fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0 is :
where z i ,
•.• , X
are points in H, and e >
We say that a net To converges to T ultrastrongly if, for every sequence of elements in H with
L IIxil12 < 00,
In other words, this topology is defined by the family of semi-norms :
P(xd(T) =
L II TxiI1 2, i
(8) A fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0 is :
where e
> 0 and (X{)i~O
are sequences satisfying (8), for j
= 1, ... ,n.
This time, the terminology goes in the right direction: the ultrastrong topology is stronger than the strong topology.
Topologies on the Space of Operators
Proposition 2.10. - On the bounded subsets of £(H), the strong and ultrastrong topologies coincide. Proof. - Let W be a neighborhood of 0 for the ultra-strong topology. There exists e > 0 and a sequence (Xi)i~O, satisfying (8)' such that: {T E £(H) i
L IITxil12 < e}
C W.
Let i o be such that strong topology :
Li>io IIxill2 < e/2, and
V = {T E .c(H) ; Then, if T E V
n B(H),
IITxill <
V the neighborhood of 0, for the
Ve/(2io) , i = 1. .. , i o }.
T is in W, and our Proposition is proved.
Since the reader might be ultra-tired of these notions, we summarize the results. We have introduced the following topologies: 1. Norm topology in
T if IITn -
.c (H) : Til -+ o.
2. Ultra-Strong topology : Defined by the family of semi-norms:
E II xil1 2 <
P(z;) (T)
Li IITxiI12,
A net TOt converges to T ultra-strongly if, for every sequence elements in H with L IIxil12 < 00,
3. Strong topology:
Defined by the family of semi-norms: pz(T) = IITxll, where x E H. A net TOt converges to T strongly if, for every x in H, I (TOt - T)xll -+ O. 4. Ultraweak topology: Defined by the family of semi-norms:
where L: II xil1 2< 00, L: IIYil1 2 < 00. A net TOt converges to T ultraweakly if, for all such sequences (Xi), (yd
L I(TOt - T)Xi,Yi)1 i
Chapter V
5. Weak topology
](Tx,Y)I, where z , Y
Defined by the family of semi-norms: Pz,II(T} are points in H. A net TOt converges to T weakly if :
((TOt - T)x, y)
for all z , Y in H.
1) is stronger than 2), 2} than 3), 3) than 4), 4) than 5). 2) and 3) coincide on balls, 4) and 5) also coincide on balls. We finally turn to the description of the linear functionals, continuous for these various topologies.
Theorem 2.11. - Let M be an ultraweakly closed subspace of .c(H), M· its dual, 8 M its unit ball, ¢ a linear functional on M.
1) The following conditions are equivalent: a) ¢ is weakly continuous, b) ¢ is strongly continuous, c) ¢ can be written as a finite sum ¢ = E~
WZi,Yi •
2) The following conditions are equivalent:
a) ¢ is ultraweakly continuous, b) ¢ is ultra-strongly continuous, c) ¢ can be written as an infinite sum ¢ = E~ 00,
E IIYil1
Wxi,y, ,
E II xil1 2 <
d) the restriction of ¢ to 8M is ultraweakly continuous,
e) the restriction of ¢ to 8M is weakly continuous, f) the restriction of ¢ to 8M is ultra-strongly continuous,
g) the restriction of ¢ to 8 M is strongly continuous. Proof. - 1) Clearly, c) implies a), which implies b). We prove that b) implies
c). The strong topology on .c(H) is the topology of pointwise convergence on H : TOt --+ T if, for every z , TOtx --+ Tx. If we identify (as we already did) T with the collection (TxhEH' £(H) appears as a closed linear subspace of H H , each H being equipped with the norm, and the product with the product topology. By Hahn-Banach Theorem, each ¢ on £(H), strongly continuous,
Topologies on the Space of Operators
can be extended to a linear functional on HH, continuous for this topology. But, by definition of the product topology, every 4> in (HH). is a finite sum of functionals of the form u 0 f r. , where f r. (T) = T z , and u is a linear functional on H, that is u(z) = (z, y), for some y in H. Therefore, there are vectors Xx, ••• , x n , Yx, ... , Yn in H, such that: n
L Wr.;
4>(T) = LUiOfr.;(T) = L(Txi,Yi) 1
,Yi (T).
2) Clearly, c) implies a), which implies b). We now prove that b) implies
c). Let 4> be an ultra-strongly continuous functional. Therefore, there exists with 2: IIxil12 < 00, such that: a sequence (xik::~:o, 00
14>(T) I ~
(L I T x iI12) 1/ 2 ,
i=O We consider the Hilbert space 12(H) = {(Zi)i~O 00 } , equipped with the norm :
E H 'Vi,
Then the sequence x = (Xdi>O is an element of 12(H). Let on 12(H) defined by T((zi)i~o) = (TZi)i~O. Then:
14>(T) I ~
(2: IlziI12)l/2 <
be the operator
Thus 4> extends on 12 (H) to a functional still satisfying:
We come back to the identification (here for 1') : l' --+ (Tz)zEH' where iI is equipped with the norm. The previous formula shows that 4> can be identified to a linear functional on it , continuous for the norm: therefore, there exists an element y in it , such that:
(Tx, jj) H '
L(Txi,Yi), o
Chapter V
which proves c). The fact that d) and e) are equivalent follows from Proposition 2.9, the fact that f) and g) are equivalent follows from Proposition 2.10. Clearly, a) implies d) which implies f). To show that f) implies b), we observe that if the restriction 4>ISM is ultra-strongly continuous, condition (1) above holds for T E BM, and therefore for all T EM: so 4> is ultra-strongly continuous on M.
Proposition 2.12. - Let M be an ultraweakly closed subspace of £(H) and 1. M its pre-annihilator (or pre-orthogonal), that is :
{N E J/(H)
tr (NT)
= 0,
for all T EM}.
Then the dual of the quotient J/(H)j1. M is M, and the weak topology u(M, JI j 1. M) is the topology induced on M by u(.c, J/).
Proof. - This is a general result in Functional Analysis: since M is closed in = (1. M)1. , and this result can be found in B.B. [1], Proposition
0(£, JI), M 3, p. 43.
In Part VI, we will apply the results of this chapter to the subalgebra of .c(H) generated by a single operator.
Topologies on the Space
0/ Operators
Exerclaes on Chapter V.
Exereise 1. - Let (en)n>O be the canonical basis of '2(1N), and Un be the operator defined by :
= (x, en)eo .
U« (x) a) Prove that
is given by : U~
(x) = (x, eo)en ,
that the sequence (Un)n~O tends to 0 ultra-strongly, that the sequence U~ does not tend to 0 strongly, and that Un does not tend to 0 in norm. b) Deduce from a) that the norm topology is strictly stronger than the ultra-strong topology. c) Deduce from a) that the mapping T -+- T· is not continuous for the strong topology, nor for the ultra-strong topology. d) Show that the sequence U~ tends to 0 weakly. Deduce that the strong topology is strictly stronger than the ultraweak topology (and than the weak topology).
Exercise 2. - Let W be a neighborhood of 0 in £(H), for the ultra-strong topology. Show that there is a point z such that : sup
IITzll = +00.
(Hint: assume the converse, apply Banach-Steinhaus theorem and use exercise 1, b), to get a contradiction.)
Exercise 3. - Let (en)n~O be the canonical basis of 12(IN) , and Pn be the orthogonal projection onto F n = {Aen ; A E et}. Let Tm,n = Pm + mPn. a) Let (Xi)i>O be a sequence of points in H = '2(1N), with L IIxil12 < 00, and c > o. Show that one can choose m and then n large enough so that :
m ,n X i 11
< e.
Deduce that the set .M = {Tm,n; m, n E IN} has 0 as an accumulation point, for the ultra-strong topology. (nkh~o be two increasing sequences of integers. Show b) Let (mk)k~O, that there exist x, y, such that (T mA: ,nA: x, y) does not tend to O. Deduce that no sequence (TrnA: ,nA:)k in .M converges weakly to o. c) Deduce from a), b) that £(H) is not metrizable for any of the weak, ultraweak, strong, ultra-strong topologies.
Chapter V
Exercise 4. - a) Let N be a finite rank operator, P the projection onto ImN. Show that: sup Itr (UPN)! = IINIIJI . 11U1I~1
Deduce that:
Itr (KN)I
sup K compact, IIKII$1
b) Deduce the same formula for any N nuclear. c) Show that the dual of K (H) can be identified to )I (H), by means of the duality (K, N) ~ tr (K N).
Exercise 5. - Let Pn be the orthogonal projection, in l2(IN), on {Afn ; A E ~} . Show that, for any bounded sequence of scalars (an)n~o, the series L anPn converges for the strong operator topology, to an operator U, and that:
sup lanl· n
Deduce that t.(H) , equipped with its norm, contains a subspace isometric to loo(IN) (see B.B. [1], p. 107 for the terminology). Deduce that t. (H) is not a separable Banach space.
Exercise 6. -a) Let Bt. the unit ball of t.(H). Show that the application (U,T) ~ UT is continuous from Bt. x t.(H) into t.(H) , when they are both equipped with the strong topology. b) Deduce that the composition of operators is separately continuous for the strong topology. and (Tk)k~o of operators, which c) Deduce that for all sequences (UJc)k~O are strongly convergent to U and T, the sequence (UkTk) converges strongly to UT. Exercise 7. - We now show that on the product t. (H) x t. (H) , the composition of operators is not continuous for the strong topologies. Let z , Y be two points in H, with norm 1, and:
= {T E t.(H) ; I(Tx,Y)1 ::; I}.
Let also xl, ... , x n be a finite sequence of points in H, and
W = {T E t.(H) ;
IITxil1 ::;
We will find U and T in W such that TU
1, i
= 1, ... ,n}.
V : this will prove the assertion.
Topologies on the Space 01 Operators
a) Using exercise 2, show that there is a point z E H, that: sup
IIzl1 =
1 , such
b) Construct U E W , such that U x = AZ for some ..\ > c) Choose R E W such that IIRUxl! > 1. d) Construct an operator U', IIU'I! ~ 1, such that:
(U'RUx, y) ~ 1.
e) Put T = U' R and conclude.
Exercise 8. - We equip £(H) with the weak topology. Show that the mappings T -+ T·, T -+ UT, T -+ TU (U fixed) are continuous.
Notes and Comments :
We have followed the presentation of J. Dixmier [1], with a few notational changes. We are greatly indebted to Francoise Piquard and Gilles Godefroy for their help in writing the Banach space version, which now follows.
Complements on Chapter V :
A. The space £(E) as a dual space. Let E be a Banch space, with dual E·. We consider the rank-one operators: for x in E, z" in E· , and z in E. On the space l(E·), we put the topology of point-wise convergence on the rank-one operators:
T if and only if «(Ta
T)x·, x)
Chapter V
Then the unit ball B.c(E-) is compact for this topology. So .c(E*) is the dual of some space Z, which we now describe. First, we observe that by a computation analogous to the one we did for the proof of Theorem 2.1,
sup{tr (T
x ® x*) ; x E E,
E E*,
lIxll.llx*11 = I}.
Hence, by Hahn-Banach Theorem,
Bz = conv {x ®
i x E E,
E E*,
Ilxll.llx*11 =
where the closure is taken for the norm of Z. Formally, this norm is given from the duality with £(E*), but it can be expressed more explicitly. The set of linear combinations of rank-one operators x ® z" is called the algebraic tensor product of E and E* , and denoted by E ® E*. On this space, the norm is by definition the gauge functional of the unit ball, that is the gauge of:
conv {x ®
z" ; x E E, z"
E E*,
= I},
that is : Since the algebraic tensor product E ® E* is dense in Z, every u in Z can be written: 00
n '
where, for all n, Un is in E ® E* and satisfies U can be written:
= I/2 n. This shows that
Ilxnll·l x~1I
Formula (I) means that : 00
L(x~,Txn), 1
and moreover :
The space Z is called the projective completed tensor product of E and E* , and is denoted by E ®'Ir E* or E®E*.
Topologies on the Space 01 Operators
One checks directly that the duality is given by the trace: this comes from formula (7), Section 2, for rank-one operators. One also has (LindenstraussTzafriri [I], vol. 1, p. 31) :
Proposition. - On £(E), let TK be the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets of E. Then the dual of £(E) is a quotient of the space E®E*.
B. The Approximation Property.
Definition. - We say that E has the Approximation Property if the set of finite rank operators is dense in £ (E) for TK . The following Theorem, due to A. Grothendieck [I], shows the links between the Approximation Property and the approximation by compact operators:
Theorem. - 1) Let X be a Banach space. The following are equivalent:
a) X has the Approximation Property, b) For every Banach space Y, the finite rank operators are dense in the space £(Y, X), for the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets,
c) For every Banach space Y, the finite rank operators are dense in the space £(X, Y), for the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets,
d) For every Banach space Y, every compact operator in £ (Y, X), every c > 0, there exists a finite rank operator T I in £(Y,X), with
liT - Till < c.
2) If X* has the Approximation Property, d) holds also when the roles of X and Yare reversed. We have a mapping j from E®E* into £ (E), defined by : 00
T(x) =
L x~(x)
Xn .
The image of this mapping is the space of nuclear operators on E.
Proposition. - The mapping j is injective if and only if E has the Approximation Property.
When it is the case, j(E®E*) is identified to the predual of £(E*), and we have a duality between the nuclear operators on E and the space £(E*).
Chapter V
We refer the reader to Lindenstrauss-Tzafriri [I] (vol.1, p. 31 and seq.) and to A. Grothendieck [I] for a detailed presentation of these matters. Further results concerning the space of compact operators and its duals can be found in G. Godefroy-P. Saphar [I]. A very important fact should also be noted: A. Szankowski [1] proved that the whole space £(H) does not have the Approximation Property. This is the first "natural" example of a space without the Approximation Property. The consequences of this fact upon Operator Theory have never been investigated, but obviously they should exist. C. Strong and Uniform Convergences. In general, quite obviously, a sequence of operators may converge strongly without converging in operator norm. However, on the space L oo , the following result holds (due to Thierry Coulhon [1]) :
Theorem. - Let Tn be a sequence of operators on L oo , with Tn -----+ I strongly, then Tn - t I in operator norm.
IITnll = 1.
A result of a similar nature holds for a class of operators defined on £ (H) : A mapping
is a positive operator. The following result was obtained by Th. Coulhon-Y. Raynaud [I] :
Theorem. - Let
Notre arne est un trois-mats eherchant son !carie; Une voix retentit sur le pont: "Ouvre l'oeil !" Une voix de la hune, ardente et folie, erie: "Amour...gloire ...bonheur!" Enfer! e'est un ecueil !
In this Third Part, we introduce the reader to elementary Banach algebra techniques. First, from a general point of view: Gelfand's Theory and its consequences. Then, we turn to Operator Algebras: the algebra generated by a single operator, and the C· -algebra generated by a normal operator and its adjoint.
Chapter VI
Banach Algebras
In this chapter, we give some outline of Gelfand's theory about Banach algebras. We then show how to apply it to the algebra generated in £(H) by a single operator, in order to deduce some representation theorems and Invariant Subspaces. In the next Chapter, we will apply the C· -algebra techniques to normal operators. 1. Spectral Theory.
A Banach Algebra A is a complex Banach space, equipped with a multiplication (x, y) ---+ xy, from A x A into A, satisfying the following properties, for all x, y, z E A, all A E ~ :
a) (xy)z = x(yz), b) x(y+z) = xy+xz, (y+z)x
c) A(XY) = (AX)Y = X(AY) , d) Ilxyll ~ Ilxl/·llyll. If moreover xy = yx, the algebra is said to be commutative. If there is a unit for the multiplication, that is an element denoted by 1, such that: x.l = l.x = x, for all x E A, the algebra is said to be unitary. A sub-algebra B is a vector subspace, which is stable for the multiplication: if x, y E B, xy E B. A sub-algebra B of A is called an ideal if it satisfies the following property : For all x E A, all y E B, xy E Band yx E B.
Examples: a) The space C(X) of continuous functions on a compact set X, with complex values, is a commutative algebra with unit, the multiplication being pointwise multiplication of functions. b) The space Ll~), equipped with the convolution of functions, is a commutative algebra, with no unit.
Chapter VI c) The space £(E) of all operators on a Banach space E is an algebra, for the composition of operators. This algebra has a unit (the identity), but is not commutative. The set K (E) of all compact operators is an ideal of £, (E) . In this Chapter, we consider only algebras with unit. The next propositions are extensions to this larger frame of results which were proved in Part I, Chapter II, for £(E). The proofs are identical and are left to the reader. Instead of )'.1, we just write A, as we already did for operators.
Proposition 1.1. - If Ilxll < 1, 1 + x is invertible. The set of invertible elements is open in A, and, on this open set, the mapping x - X-I is continuous.
IT x E A, the resolvent set p(x) is :
p(x) = {). E cE ; ). - x is invertible}. The spectrum u(x) of x is the complement of p(x) in cE •
Proposition 1.2. - For x E A, u(x) is a non-empty compact subset of cE . The mapping). - (). - X)-l is analytic on p(x). The spectral radius of x is :
r(x) = sup{I).1 ; ). E u(x)}, it satisfies :
r(x) =
lim Ilxnll 1jn. n---+oo
Theorem 1.3 (Gelfand-Mazur). - Let A be a Banach algebra with unit, such that every non-zero element in A is invertible. Then A is isometric to cE • Proof. - Since the spectrum of each element is non-empty, for each x E A, there is a ). E o(x) such that ). - x is not invertible. The assumption implies x =)., and A is the set of multiples of 1. Since 11).11 = 1).1 = 1, this correspondence is an isometry. Definition. - Divisors of 0: An element x in A is called a divisor of 0 if there exist two sequences (zn)n"2:0, (z~)n;: >:O, for all n, such that : XZ n
of elements of A, with
z~ x -
n - + 00.
For instance, I(t) = t is a divisor of 0 in C([O, 1]).
= Ilz~
II =
Banach Algebras
Proposition 1.4. - Every point in the boundary elements in A is a divisor of O.
the group of invertible
Remark: Such a point is not itself in G, since G is open. Proof. - There exists a sequence X;I X
G, since
E G and x 1
:s: XZ
The same way,
ZnX ----t
o. Set
which implies 1/llx~III-Jo
in G, with X n -Jo z , We know that G. So, by Proposition 1.1,
= x;I/llx~lll.
n = (x - xn)zn + 1/llx~111
Ilznll = 1, and
-Jo o.
0, and the Proposition is proved.
Let now B be a closed subalgebra of A, containing 1. For x E B, we distinguish between: UB (x), spectrum of x considered as an element of B, and 0' A (z}, spectrum of x considered as an element of A. The comparison is as follows:
Theorem 1.5. - Let B be a closed subalgebra of A, containing 1. For every x E B, 0' A(x) e UB (x), and the boundary aUB (x) is contained in auA(x). Proof. - The first assertion is clear. For the second, let A E aUB (x). Then A- x is in aG B , boundary of the invertible elements in B. So A- x is a divisor of 0 in B, therefore in A. This implies that A- x is not invertible in A, and so A E UA(x). But A E aUB (x), and so there exists a sequence (An)n~O, An -----+ A, An E PB(x). Then An EPA(X), so A E auA(x) . We observe, however, that UA(X) and UB(X) need not be the same. As an example, consider the right shift S on 12(7L), and let 8 be the closed su balgebra of (H) generated by S, that is the closure in (H) of finite sums Lk~O Clk Sk. Trivial computations show that S-1 is not in this algebra, so o E UB (S). From Theorem 1.5 follows that UB (S) = D, though 0' C(H) (S) =
Corollary 1.6. - IE PA(X) is connected, UA(X) = UB(X). Indeed, Us (x)\u A(x) is open, by Theorem 1.5 (and equal to PA (x)nUB (x)), and: which is the reunion of two disjoint open sets. An application of this Corollary is the following : if we have an operator T on H, and if we know that u(T) elR, then, in order to determine u(T) , we may work in any subalgebra of £(H) containing T and I.
Chapter VI
2. Ideals and Homomorphisms. Let 1 be an ideal in A, the quotient space Allis an algebra, where the multiplication is defined by multiplication of elements in each class. If x is the class of z , we also recall that the quotient norm is : IIzll
inf{llxli j x EX}.
The quotient mapping q, defined by :
q(x) = ±,
x E A,
from A into All, is an homomorphism. One checks easily that if 1 is closed, the quotient AlI is complete, therefore a Banach algebra, and that it has a unit, as soon as A does. An ideal 1 is said to be proper if 1 ¥= A. A proper ideal is said to be maximal if, for every proper ideal 1', the inclusion 1 c l' implies 1 = l' (in other words, there is no proper ideal which is strictly bigger). A proper ideal cannot contain any invertible element: otherwise, it would contain 1, and therefore the whole algebra.
Proposition 2.1. - Every maximal ideal is closed. contained in some maximal ideal.
Every proper ideal is
Proof. - Let 1 be a maximal ideal. The closure I is also an ideal, containing 1. But, since 1 does not contain any invertible element, it does not intersect the open ball {x E A jill - z II < I}, and neither does I. This proves that I is proper, and maximality implies 1 = I. Let now 1 be a proper ideal. We consider the family of all proper ideals which contain 1, ordered by inclusion. This set is inductive: if (Ii) is a subfamily which is totally ordered, the reunion uili is a proper ideal (since, again, none of them intersects the ball {z E A j 111 - z] < I}), which is a majorant for 1. Therefore, by Zorn's axiom (see for instance B.B. [1], p. 20), there are maximal elements: they are maximal ideals containing 1.
Example. - In the algebra C ([0,1]), the set of functions which vanish on a prescribed set A C [0, 1] is a closed ideal:
= {f
E C([O, 1]) ; f(t)
= 0,
Vt E A}.
A maximal ideal is obtained when A is reduced to a single point: F{a}
{f E C([O, 1])
f(a) = O}.
Banach Algebras
An homomorphism mapping satisfying :
between two Banach Algebras A and B is a linear
t/J(xy) = t/J(x)t/J(y) ,
for all x, yEA
The multiplicativity property provides automatic continuity:
Proposition 2.2. - Every homomorphism t/J from A into G:: is continuous, and if t/J :j:. 0, then t/J(1) = 1, Iit/JII = 1 , and t/J(x) E u(x) , for all x EA. Proof. - a) The kernel K er t/J is an ideal in A. Since it is an hyperplane, this ideal is maximal, therefore closed, by Proposition 2.1. b) Let x, Ilxli = 1 . Then:
so It/J(x) I ::; 11t/J111/n. Letting n ~ +00, we get It/J(x) I ::; 1, so IIt/JII < 1. But if 1/; :j:. 0, there is a point x such that t/J(x) :j:. 0. Then t/J(x) = t/J(l).t/J(x), and 1/;(1) = 1. This proves also that IIt/JII = 1. c) For x E A, t/J(x) - x E K er 1/;, which is a proper ideal, and therefore contains no invertible elements. So t/J(x) E u(x). A non-zero homomorphism from A into
(V is
called a character. The spec-
trum of A, denoted by X(A), is the set of all characters on A. It is of course a
subset of A*, the dual of A. We put on A* the topology u(A*, A), that is the topology of pointwise convergence on elements of A. The theory which follows should remind the reader about similar results in Banach spaces: one shows that the unit ball of E* is weakly compact, and one considers the space E as a closed subspace of E**, identifying each x to the functional on E* : € ~ €(x) (see B.B. [11, Part I, chap. II, Sections 2, 3).
Proposition 2.3. - As a subset of the unit ball of A*, endowed with the topology u(A*, A), the spectrum X(A) is compact. Proof. - All we have to show is of course that x(A) is closed for u(A*, A). Let € E BA- , be an accumulation point of x(A) for u(A*, A). We know that, for all z , y in A, all e > 0, the set : VZ,Y;l:
= {" E A* ; I€(x) - ,,(x)1
< e , I€(y) - ,,(y) I < s , I€(xy) - " (xy) I < s}
is a neighborhood of € for u(A*, A). Since € is an accumulation point of X(A), this neighborhood contains a character f/J. But since:
€(xy) - €(x)E(Y) = E(xy) - fjJ(xy) + t/J(x)(fjJ(y) - €(y))
+ (t/J(x)
- €(x))€(y),
Chapter VI
this implies :
+ ItP(x) I + I€(y) I) ~ e(1 + IIxll + Ilyll)· E: > 0, we get €(xy) = €(x)€(y). The same way,
I€(xy) - €(x)€(y)I
~ e(1
Since this is true for every obtain €(I) = 1. So € is in X(A), and our Proposition is proved. For x in A, we define its Gelfand's Transform
x from A into C(x(A)). The correspondence x
II x llC(x(A»
{tP --+ tP(x)},
x is called the Gelfand's morphism. .If = {x; x
We have:
x by
We put:
E A}.
sup{lx(tP)1 i tP E x(A)} sup{ltP(x)1 ; 1/J E x(A)}
< r(x)
by Proposition 2.2
< Ilxll and this last formula proves that the application x
x is continuous, from A
into C(X(A))So far, we have not exhibited any non-trivial ideals or characters, and in some cases there are none (see exercises). But further information can be obtained for the case of a commutative Banach algebra, to which we now turn. Though the whole algebra f,(H) is not commutative, commutative Banach algebras come naturally when one looks at the algebra generated by a single operator and identity, or by I, T and T'" in the case of a normal operator. 3. Commutative Banach Algebras.
Theorem 3.1. - Let A be a commutative Banach algebra. For every x in A,
u(x) = {x(tP) ; tP E x(A)}, and therefore
r(x) = sup{x(tP)
E x(A)}
II xllc(x(A»-
Proof. - IT A E u(x), x' = A - x is contained in a proper ideal, namely:
Ax' = {ux';
u E
This is an ideal, since A is commutative, and it does not contain I, otherwise x' would be invertible. This ideal is contained in a maximal ideal M. We now show that M is the kernel of some character.
Banach Algebras
Lemma 3.2. - An ideal is maximal if and only if it is the kernel of some character. Proof. - We have already seen that the kernel of a character was a maximal ideal. Conversely, let .M be a maximal ideal. Then the quotient AIM is a Banach algebra; let q be the quotient map. If some proper ideal I was contained in AIM, q-l(I) would be a proper ideal, containing M, with q-l(I) i- M. This is impossible, since M is maximal. So AI M contains no non-trivial ideal. Thus, every element is invertible (if an element x is not invertible, Ax' is a proper ideal), and by Theorem 1.3, AI.M is isometric to ~. Let 4> be the isometry from AI.M onto 0 q is a character on A with K er t/J = M.
The Radical of A, denoted by Rad(A), is the intersection of all maximal ideals contained in A. The algebra is said to be semi-simple if Rad(A) = {O}. By Theorem 3.1, we have: Corollary 3.3. - The following statements are equivalent:
a) x E Rad(A) , b) z E n,pEX(A){Y ; t/J(Y)
c) X(t/J) = 0, for all t/J E X ( A),
d) r(x) = 0, e) lim IIx nll l / n
= o.
Theorem 3.4. - Let A be a commutative Banach algebra. morphism x ~ x has the following properties :
a) i(t/J)
= 1,
The Gelfand's
for all t/J E x(A) ,
b) A contains the constant functions, and separates points in A : that is, for all x and Y in A, there is a t/J in A, with t/1(x) i- t/J(y) .
x is invertible in
IIxllc(x(A» =
C(x(A)) if and only if x is invertible in A.
lim IlxnIl 1/ n,
e) Gelfand's morphism is bijective from A onto semi-simple.
A if and
only if A is
Proof. - a) follows from Proposition 2.2, since for every character, t/1(I) = 1.
b) We have A(t/J) = t/1(oX) = oX, and therefore A contains the constant functions. Moreover, if for every z E A, x(t/Jd = X(t/12), t/Jdx) = tP2(X) , and so
Chapter VI
c) % is invertible in C(x(A)) if and only if %(1/1) 1= 0, for all 1/1 in X(A). This is equivalent to 0 fI. 0' (x) , by Theorem 3.1, or to x invertible in A. d) This computation was made during the proof of Proposition 2.2, b). e) The mapping x --+ is injective if and only if Rad(A) = {O}.
We now apply this theory to the subalgebra of £(H) generated by a single operator. Let T be an operator on a Hilbert space H. Let's consider M, the largest commutative subset of £(H) containing T. The existence of M is ensured by Zorn's axiom. Of course, M contains I ,T, T2 ... , and R(A, T) for A E p(T). Moreover, M is an algebra: if AI, A 2 are in M, so are Al + A 2 , A IA 2 , and M is closed in operator norm. IT an operator A is in M, it commutes with every M in M. IT A is invertible in £(H), its inverse also commutes with every M in M, which proves that A-I is also in M. This shows that for every A in M, O'(A) is the same in £(H) and in M. If T is a normal operator, .M also contains T+ .
We may apply Gelfand's Theory to .M, which is a commutative Banach algebra, and we obtain:
Proposition 3.5. - We have:
O'(T) = {T(1/1)
1/1 E x(M)}.
In other words, for every A E X(.M), there is a character 'r/J of the algebra
.M such that : 1/1(T)
The proof is an obvious consequence of Theorem 3.1 and of the fact that:
O'M(T) = O'(T). This Proposition will be used later (Chapter XIII) in order to show that some functions of an operator are not O. Indeed, if f(T) E .M,
1/1(f(T)) = f(t/J(T)) = f(A), and if we can choose A such that f(A) =I- 0, we obtain that f(T) is non-zero.
Banach Algebras
4. Functional Calculus. Let A be a commutative Banach algebra with unit. Let x E A, and 1 (x) be the set of functions which are analytic on o(x). For f E 1(x) , we define:
f(x) =
~ f 2,,1'"
f(A)(A - x)-ldA,
where r is a curve around o(x) contained in the set of analyticity of f, and positively oriented. The properties of this functional calculus are the same as for the functional calculus described in Part I, Chap. II, 2 ; one gets, for instance:
f(o(x)) = o(f(x)). 5. C*-algebras. A mapping x --+ x" from A into itself, is an involution if, for every x, y in A, every A in «:,
(x*)* = x,
(x + y)* = z"
+ v' ,
(AX)* = Xx*, (xy)*
A C· -algebra is an algebra equipped with an involution, such that:
(1) We observe that 1· = 1.
Examples. - £(H) and K (H) are non-commutative C· -algebras, the involution being T --+ T* , the adjoint of T. - H X is a compact topological space, the space C(X) of continuous functions on X is a commutative C· -algebra, the involution being f --+ 7. In a C* -algebra, an element x is said to be normal if xx* = x" x, self-
adjoint if z"
= x.
Proposition 5.1. - Let A be a commutative C· -algebra. Then:
a) IIx*1I
Ilxll, for all
x E A,
b) x* is invertible if and only if x is,
d) If x is normal,
IIxl12 = Ilx 211,
e) u(x*) = conj(o(x)) ,
r(x) =
Chapter VI
where conj(n(x)) denotes {X; A E n(x)}.
Proof. - a) We have, by (1) :
and therefore
IIxll ::; Ilx*II, and the converse inequality follows,
replacing x by
z" . b) If x is invertible, xx- 1 = 1, so (x-1)*x* = l.
IIx 211 2 = II(x 2)*x211 = II(x*px211 II(x*x)*(x*x)11 = IIx*x11 = IIxll 4 , and so c) IT x is normal,
for n = 2 k , k = 1,2, ... , which implies Ilxnll 1/ n = Ilxll, and r(x) = d) and e) have the same proof as in Part I, Chapter II.
Thus, by c), we have a new proof of Theorem 3.2, Chapter IV : a normal compact operator has an eigenvalue A with IAI = IITII. Indeed, we see here that for a normal operator, r(T) = IITII, so there is a point A E n(T) , with IAI = 11TH. But for a compact operator, such a A must be an eigenvalue, by Theorem 2.4, Chapter IV. H A, Bare C* -algebras, an homomorphism 4J is a "
Theorem 5.2 (Gelfand-Naimark). - Let A be a commutative C* -algebra. The mapping x --+ i is an *-isometry From A onto C(x(A)). Proof. - We have seen that r(x) = Ilxll, for every normal z , therefore for every x in a commutative algebra. In such an algebra, by Theorem 3.1, r(x) = lIillC(x(A». Therefore, the application x --+ x is an isometry. We now show that for any character 'f/J, 'f/J(x+) = 'f/J(x). We need a lemma: Lemma 5.3. - IF x is selF-adjoint, n(x) eIR. Proof of Lemma 5.3. - We first observe that for x self-adjoint, for all yEA, all A E a:: ,
11('\ - x)YII = II(X - x)yll,
Banach Algebras
11(.\ - x)y11 2
11((.\ - x)yt(.\ -
Ily·(X -
x)(.\ - x)yll
= lIy·(.\ -
x)(X - x)yJl
II((X - x)y)· (X - x)yll
= II(X- x)yI12. Now, if .\ E 8o(x) , there is a sequence (Zn)n~O, Ilznll = 1, such that (.\x)zn ~ 0, which implies (X - x)zn ~ 0, and .\ = X. For x E A, we put u = (x+x·)/2, v = (x-x·)/2i. Then x = u+iv, z" =u-iv,and u, v are self-adjoint. So tP(u) , tP(v) are real, by Proposition 5.1, e). Therefore,
= f/J(u) + if/J(v) = f/J(u) - if/J(v)
= f/J(x·).
Finally, we have to show that Gelfand's morphism is surjective. We have seen (Theorem 3.4) that A is a subalgebra of C(x(A)) which separates the points in A, is stable by taking conjugates, and contains the constant functions. Therefore, by Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, A is dense in C(x(A)). But J. is closed, being the image of an isometry, as we just showed. Thus A = C(X(A)) , and Theorem 5.2 is proved.
It can be shown that any C· -algebra (non necessarily commutative) is *isometric to some closed C· -subalgebra of £(H) (see for instance S. Sakai [1]). Theorem 5.4. - Let A be a commutative C· -algebra. We assume that A is generated by a single element a and its adjoint a· : this means that the finite sums 1: cxk"aka·' are dense in A. Then
a is an
homeomorphism from X(A) onto o(a).
Proof. - We know that a is continuous from X(A) onto o(a). If tPl, tP2 E X(A) satisfy ti(1/JI) = a(tP2), then tPda) = tP2(a), tPI(a·) = tP2(a·), and tPl, tP2 coincide on the whole algebra. This proves that a is injective. We know it is surjective, by Theorem 3.1. Since x(A) is compact, a is an homeomorphism. Proposition 5.5. Let A be a C· -algebra, B be a sub-C" -algebra. An element x E B is invertible in B if and only if it is invertible in A' Consequently, for x E B, 0 A (x) = 0 B (x) . Proof. - An element which is invertible in B is also invertible in A. Conversely, if x E B and X-I exists in A, z" is invertible in A, so x·x is invertible in A.
Chapter VI
But O'A(X·X) eIR, since x·x is self-adjoint. So, by Corollary 1.6, O'A(X·X) C Us (x·x). Therefore 0 fI. O's(x·x), (X·X)-l E B. But 1 = (X·X)-lx·x, X-I =
(x·X)-lx· E B. If one takes A- x instead of z , one gets
= Us (x), as we announced.
6. An Invariant Subspace Theorem.
In this Section, we show how the Banach Algebra techniques can be applied to Operator Theory, in order to find Invariant Subspaces.
Theorem 6.1. - Let E be a Banach space, T an operator on it, with:
liT - III
< 1/4.
T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces.
Remark. - The assumptions are given in their simplest form, which is not the optimal one. They essentially mean that the product T(T - I) has a norm which is substantially smaller than the product of norms IITII·/IT - III. The practical advantage of such an assumption is obvious: it is easy to check, much easier than any assumption on the spectrum, the resolvent, or the rate of growth of the iterates. Proof. - We consider the series : I +
(- 1)n . -1. 1 (- - 1) .. ' (1- -
+ 1)( -4T 2 + 4T )n .
This series converges in operator norm. To see this, we observe that, on one hand,
I -
4T + 4TII < 1, 2
and, on the other hand, that the coefficients have modulus < 1. Indeed, the product! . (! - 1) ... n + 1) is made of n terms, all of them < 0 except the first one. This product is of the sign of (-1) n-l. So, for n ~ 1,
(! -
(-I)n .!.(~-l) n!
... (~-n+l)1 2
(_l)n-l .~'(~-I) n!
~ . 2 - 3/2
and all terms are
< 1.
... (!-n+l) 2
k - 3/2 k
n - 3/2
Banach Algebras
Since the series converges in operator norm, let U be its sum. Of course, U commutes with T. Then :
U- I =
(-:l" .~.
+ 1)(-4T 2 + 4T)",
- n + 1)11- 4T 2 + 4TII".
III -< ~ L-
.!. (! 2 2
(-1)" n!
1) ... (!
But elementary computations (using Taylor coefficients) show that for 0 1,
1 + ~ (-1)" . ! L- n! 2
.(! 2
1) ... (!
- n + l)t"
(-1)" 1 1 1 - - 1)··· (- - n n! 2 2 2
+ l)t "
l-vI=t <
With t =
II -
+ 4TII,
we get by (1) :
But, by formulae (1) and (3) :
I - (-4T 2 + 4T)
which implies:
(U - 1+ 2T)(U + I - 2T) = O. We observe now that the operator (U U
+ I - 2T) is not zero. Indeed, if
+ 1- 2T
= 0,
U - I = 2(T - I). But this is impossible, since liT - III ~ 1/2, and So there is a point x =j:. 0 such that :
(U - I
+ 2T)x
IIU - III < l.
Set Xl = (U - 1+ 2T)x, and consider F = K er (U - 1+ 2T). This is a closed linear subspace of E, invariant by any operator which commutes with T, and F =j:. O. Moreover, F :f E, since U - I + 2T is not identically zero. Indeed,
IIU - III < 1, and 112TII
This proves the Theorem.
Chapter VI
Remark. - There are obvious examples of operators satisfying our assumptions : first, any projection P with IIPI1 ~ 1/2 and liP - III ~ 1/2 (but a projection has obvious invariant subspaces, anyway), also any operator of the form P + W, where P is an orthogonal projection on a Hilbert space, and IIWII < 1/12. In this construction, Banach Algebra techniques come the following way: they allow us to exhibit U as (formally) I - J I - T.
Banach Algebras
Exercises on Chapter VI.
Exerc ise 1. - a) Let K(H) be the space of compact operators on H , and I be a closed ideal of K(H). Show that I contains a rank-one projection; deduce that I = K(H). b) Assume now that I is a closed ideal, but not contained in K(H). Show that I contains the projection onto some infinite dimensional closed subspace. Deduce that I = £(H). c) What are the closed ideals of £(H)? What are the characters in £(H)? (see also Exercise 10 below.)
- Let E = {I E C([O, 1]), I' E C([O,l])}, with the norm 11II1 = 11/1100 + 111'1100' Show that E is a Banachalgebra, for the usual multiplication of functions, and that Gelfand's transformation is neither isometric, nor surjective. Show that the closed ideals in E are not the intersection of maximal ideals containing them. Exercise 2.
Exercise 3. - Let E be the space of functions I on [0, i}, of class the norm:
11111 =
i: 1/(~,(t)
tElo,l] k=O
I. .
Show that E is a Banach algebra for the usual operations. Find the maximal ideals.
Exercise 4. - a) Let 1t{7L) = {(a n )nE7L ;
if a
= (a n )nE7L '
L lanl < co}, with the norm:
We define the multiplication by a.b
= c , with: (1)
Show that the set of maximal ideals is homeomorphic to the Torus II. b) Let:
{/=Lc]'e ii 8
Chapter VI
with the norm:
L leil·
Show that A(Il) is isometric to I.(Z)' and that it is an algebra for pointwise multiplication of functions. Deduce from a) that the spectrum x(A(n)) is Il , and that the Gelfand's transform of each function f is f itself. Show that u(J) is the image of f. Deduce that if f E A(Il), and f((J) i 0 for all (J, then 1/ f is also in A(n) (Wiener-Levy Theorem).
Exercise 5. - Show that if A is a commutative Banach algebra, the function x --+ r(x) (spectral radius of x) is continuous. Exercise 6. - In 11 (IN) , we define the multiplication by a.b = c, with
a) Show that 11 is a commutative Banach algebra with no unit. b) Show that there is a bijective correspondence between the closed ideals and the subsets of IN. c) Show that there is a bijective correspondence between the maximal ideals and the integers. d) Characterize the subalgebras of II .
Exercise 7. - Let A = co(IN) , with the usual multiplication of sequences, and let I be the set of sequences with only a finite number of non-zero terms. Show that I is an ideal, dense in A, and that I is contained in no maximal ideal. Exercise 8. - Let A = lp( IN), 1 :::; p < 00, equipped with the usual termwise product. a) Show that if a, b are in A, a.b E I p / 2 • Deduce that A is a Banach algebra, and that A2 is an ideal of A, dense in A. b) Show that A2 is contained in a maximal ideal. c) Describe the Gelfand's transformation, and show that it is injective, that it has dense range but that this range is not closed. Exercise 9. - Let A = L 1 ([0,1]) , with the multiplication:
(f.g)(x) =
fax f(x -
Banach Algebras
a) Show that .A is a commutative Banach algebra. b) Let w be the constant function: w(x) = 1, for all x E [0,1]. Compute the n-th power w n of w in .A, deduce that A is the closed algebra generated by w, that the spectral radius of w is 0, and that 0 is the only character on .A. Exercise 10. - The only closed ideal of £(H) is K (H) (this exercise uses some material from Chapter VII). a) Let t/J be character on £(H). Show that for any projection P, t/J(P)
b) Show that for any projection of finite rank, t/J(P) = 0, and for any projection of infinite rank, t/J(P) = 1.
Jo+ oo
c) Let A be a normal positive operator, and A = >"dE). be its spectral decomposition (see Chapter VII). Then, for any >"0 > 0,
( A
B means that A - B is a positive operator.)
Show that:
d) Assume that 1/J(A) = 0. Deduce that 1/J(E(>..o)) = 0, so E(>..o) has finite rank. Deduce that, for every >"0,
IIB).o II < >"0
and C).o has finite rank. Deduce that A is compact.
e) Let A be any operator with 1/J(A) = 0. Writing A = UIAI (Chapter IV, Lemma 3.5), deduce that A is compact. f) Deduce that K ert/J = K (H) . Exercise 11. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. For>" E p(T), we denote by A(>") the algebra generated by I, T, (>.. - T)~l , closed in £(E). a) Let>.. E p(T). Show that for any J.L close enough to >.., A(>" + J.L) c A(>"). b) Show that A(>"
+ J.L)
= A(>") (consider the segment between>"
+ J.L
>") . c) Deduce that A(>") is constant in each connected component of p(T).
Chapter VI
d) Consider the right shift on 12 (71) . Show that A(O) is isometric to IAI > 1, is isometric to H?" (see Chapter VIII).
Loo{IT) and that A(A), for
Notes and Comments :
For further developments, the reader may consult for instance Sakai [1] or Kadison-Ringrose [11. Many examples of applications of Banach Algebra techniques to Operator Theory can be found in the excellent book by R. G. Douglas [1]. The Theorem in Section 6 is due to the author (unpublished). However, it is a mere rephrasing (in the language of Operator Theory and Invariant Subspaces) of an idea of J. Esterle [2]. Exercises 1 to 9 were indicated to us by G. Bourdaud. Exercise 10 gives a simple proof of the fact that £(ll) has no other closed ideal than K(H). It was communicated to us by Thierry Coulhon and Yves Raynaud.
Chapter VII
Normal Operators
1. Algebra generated by a normal operator.
Let H be an infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, T a normal operator on it : T and T· commute. We call AT,T. the closed subalgebra of l(H) generated by T and T+ : it is the closure, for the operator norm, of all finite sums E ak,lTkT· l . This algebra is a commutative C+ -algebra, which we call C· -alqebra generated by T. We also recall that, for a normal operator T, r(T) = IITII (Chapter VI, Proposition 5.1).
Theorem 1.1. - Let T be a normal operator. The Gelfand's morphism is an *- isometry from AT,T. onto C(o(T)). The image of the operator T by this application is the identity function f(A) = A, A E o(T). If f) : C(o(T)) ----+ AT,T" is the inverse of this morphism, of the analytic functional calculus (defined for f E T(T)).
is an extension
Proof. - Applying Theorem VI.5.2 (Gelfand-Naimark), we see that Gelfand's morphism G is an *-isometry from AT,T· onto C(X(AT,T")) : if p(x, y) is a polynomial in two variables,
G :
{4> E X(AT,T" )
p(4J(T), 4J(T+ ))},
with 4>(T+) = 4>(T) . By Proposition VI.5.5, the spectrum of T is the same in £(H) and AT,T" . By Theorem VI.5.4, t is an homeomorphism from X(AT,T·) onto u(T). Using this homeomorphism, we can identify these two sets, namely replace :
{A E o(T)
and we know that this last set is dense in C(o(T)). Considering G on the whole algebra AT,T- (and not only on polynomials), we get an *-isometry : G : AT,T.
Chapter VII The image of T is the function {¢ ---+ ¢(T)} , which has been replaced, in our identification, by the function {-X ---+ -X}, -X E u(T). Let ~ be the inverse mapping of G, from C(u(T)) onto AT,T. : to each I E C(u(T)) we associate an operator I(T) in the algebra AT,T· . Of course, if I = p is a polynomial, we get the usual p(T). Now, if I is analytic on u(T), we write:
I(T) =
( f(-X)(-X - T)-ld-X. 2~1r Jr By Proposition VI.5.5, we know that if -X E p(T), (-X - T)-l E AT,T•. Therefore, the whole integral is in AT,T•. Finally, since ~ = c:», we get:
E C(u(T)),
(f(T)r = J(T*), by the *-properties of G. This new functional calculus is much more general than the one we defined in Chapter II : f needs only to be continuous on u(T), instead of being analytic on a neighborhood of u(T). We immediately give an application of this new functional calculus : Proposition 1.2. - A positive self-adjoint operator T has a square root: there is a positive self-adjoint operator U satisfying U 2 = T. Proof. - We know that since T is self-adjoint, u(T) cIR (Proposition V.5.3). Since T is positive, a(T) cIR+ (since every -X E u(T) is in aa(T) , there is a normalized sequence (xn)n~O such that TX n - -Xx n ---+ 0, so (Tx n, x n) ---+ -X, and the numbers (Txn,x n) are positive). We consider the function f : -X ---+ -X 1/4 on u(T) : it is continuous on IR+. Set Y = I(T). Then y* = f(T)* = J(T*) = f(T), since f is real and T self-adjoint. So Y is self-adjoint. Set U = v>. Then U is self-adjoint, and positive, since:
(UX,X) Finally, U2
= y 4 = T.
(y 2x , x )
Indeed, set g(-X)
= -X 4 •
= IIYxI1 2 •
Then go f(-X)
= -X
on u(T), so
g(Y) = T. The formulas proved in Chapter II, Section 2 (Proposition I, 2, Theorem 3, Proposition 4) are still valid here. But there is no need to discuss them now, since we are going to extend this new functional calculus further.
Normal Operators
2. Spectral Measures. We begin with some general considerations about vector valued integration ; in the next Section, we will apply them to the case of normal operators. Let Ii. be a locally compact space. A spectral measure E is a function defined on the Borel subsets of Ii. , with values in £(H) satisfying: a) for every Borel subset 6 b) E(0)
ti., E(6) is a self-adjoint projection in H,
= 0, E(ti.) = I,
c) for all z , y in E, if we define E z ,1I by :
E Z'1I(6) = (E(6)x, y), we obtain a regular measure on ti., equipped with the Borel a- algebra. (We recall that a measure JJ. is said to be regular if for all Borel subsets:
inf{JJ.(O) ; 0 open containing A} sup{JJ.(K) ; Kcompact contained inA}.)
d) IT 61 , 62 are two Borel subsets of Ii. , with 61 n 62
= 0, then:
This last property implies :
E(6) = E(6)2
E(6t E(6).
E z,z(6)
and for every x in H, Ez,z is therefore a positive measure on Ii. , of total mass:
Chapter VII 3. Integration with respect to a spectral measure. We now develop an integration theory with respect to a spectral measure. By many respects, it is analogous to the usual integration theory. We first consider step-junctions : n
f =
Ci 16. ,
where Cl, ••• , Cn are complex numbers, 61 , ••• ,6,., Borel subsets of ~, and 16 is the characteristic function of 6 : it has value 1 in 6, 0 outside. Then, by definition, the integral of f with respect to E will be the operator:
/ IdE
= /
For z , y in H, we get : n
((/ fdE)x, y)
L ci(E(6i)X, y) I::::: 1
L Ci Ez,y(6i) 1:::::1
/ fdEz,y. Therefore,
1((/ fdE)x,x)1 And thus, sup IIzll~1
1((/ fdE)x,x)1 ~
sup If(t)l· t
and so sup
1((/ IfldE)x, y) I < sup If(t) I, t
which means that:
II/ IfldEl1 ~ s~p If(t)l·
Normal Operators Applying (1) to
instead of
III, we get also:
11/ IdEIl
~ s~p
We call 800 (.6.) the algebra of bounded Borel functions on .6., equipped with the norm
11/1100 = Step functions are dense in BOO(~). of fIdE to functions I E Boo (~),
sup tEA
Therefore, we may extend the definition by posing :
/ IdE =
where (In)n~o is a sequence of step-functions, converging to I in BOO(~). This definition does not depend on the sequence (/n)n~o, This way, we get (2) and (3) for IE BOO(.6.) , and
x,y E
4. Spectral Representation of a Normal Operator. We now use spectral measures to extend the functional calculus exhibited in Section 1. We first come back to the general setting of a commutative C·algebra, and then we apply the result to the algebra generated by a single normal operator.
Theorem 4.1. - Let if be a commutative C· -algebra contained in £(H), and let ~ = X(A). There exists a unique spectral measure E on ~ such that:
/A iue ,
U =
'rf U E A.
Moreover: a) The *-isometry
fA ius, from
an *-homomorphism :
onto A can be extended as
from BOO(.6.) into £(H), with:
~ 11/1100,
Chapter VII b) For every Borel subset fJ c
every U in A, U and E(fJ) commute.
c) An operator V in £(H) commutes with all U in A if and only i6t commutes with all the projections E(fJ) , fJ E ~. Proof. - We know (Theorem 5.2, Chap. VI) that the application U ~ U is an *-isometry from C(~) onto A. Therefore, for all x, y in H, the inequality :
I(Ux,y)1 <
shows that the mapping :
is a continuous linear functional on C(~), space of the continuous functions on the compact set ~, with norm::; Ilxll.llyll. By F. Riesz Representation Theorem (see Rudin [1]), there exists a regular Borel measure on ~, J.Lx,y, such that:
(Ux,y) = /Ud J1 X,y,
(2) For every
/ UdJ1(u,y
= (U(Qx),y) = Q(Ux,y) =
But since the mapping U ~ in Boo(~),
U is surjective, we
/ /dJ1(u,y = which implies that J1a:r;,y Fix now / E Boo (~).
Q /
Q /
UdJ1x,1I .
get that for every function /
/dJ1x,y ,
QJ1:r;,y. The same way, we show that J1:r;,ay
= iiJ.L:r;,II'
The application :
(x, y)
/ /dJ.L:r;,1I
is linear in z , antilinear in y, and continuous, since:
1/ /dJ.L:r;.!l1 < 11/lloo·lIxll·llyll· Therefore, there exists an operator U/ in l (H) such that :
(U/x,y) = / /dJ1:r;,y
x,y E H.
This makes sense for every / E Boo (~). But if / E C(.6.), / = U for some U E A, and therefore U/ = U. This shows that the mapping f ~ U/ is an extension of . , inverse of Gelfand's morphism, from C(.6.) onto A. Let's call it
Clearly • is linear, and we now show that it is multiplicative.
Normal Operators Let VI, V in A. Then
Vl V = @ , and so, for
I Vl VdILz,y = and consequently, for any
(VI V x, y)
x, y in H,
= I Vl dILv Z,JI
E C(~),
I I dILv z,y
This implies that the two regular Borel measures V dIJ-z,y and dIJ-Vz,y are equal, and so equation (3) holds also for every I E BOO(~). For y E H, I E BOO(~), we put z = Uj(y). Then, for any V in A,
II VdIJ-Z'71 = IldILVZ'71 = = (Vx,z) and this implies, for
I, 9
I VdIJ-z,z ,
I I gdILz,y
I gdIJ-z,z .
Therefore, (Ugx,z)
and finally,
(4) which shows that
preserves multiplication: it is an algebra homomorphism.
We now show that it preserves involution. First, we take U E A, such that fJ takes its values inIR, Then U is self-adjoint, since Gelfand's morphism preserves involution, Thus,
I fJ
dIJ-z,7I =
I fJ
(Uz, y)
dfiy,z ,
which shows that : IJ-z,y
Now, for
E BOO(~),
fiy,z .
Chapter VII
which shows that
Finally, we have:
by formula (2), and so :
(7) We now define the spectral measure announced in the statement of the Theorem. For every Borel subset 0 C ~, we set :
Since 16 takes only real values, U 1" is self-adjoint (formula (6)). Since 1~ = 16, E(0)2 = E(6) (formula (4)), and E(6) is a projection. If 0 = 0,16 = 0, and E(6) = O. If 6 =~, 16 = 1, and E(6) = I. Ifx,yEH,
(E(6)x, y)
115d#LZ,y = #Lz,y(O),
which shows that Ez,y is a regular Borel measure on
If 61 , 62 are two Borel subsets of 6., 151n62 = 151.152, which implies:
If 01, 02 are disjoint, 151u6 2 = 151 + 152, and therefore:
Therefore E is a spectral measure on 6.. If
Boo (6.), x, y E H , then : ((lldE)X,y)
= 1 IdEz,y = Ild#LZ,y =
Consequently, formulae (4), (6), (7) show that I ~ preserves involution, and is continuous.
is multiplicative,
Normal Operators b) is of course a special case of c). Let V be an operator which commutes with all U in A. Then V commutes with all E(e5). Conversely, if V commutes with all E(e5) , we get, for any z , y E H :
I with z
= V·y,
UdEz". ,
and so :
Finally, the spectral measure is obviously unique. If E' was another one, with U
I and so EZ,JI
UdEz"JI = A
I iJdE~'JI
UdEz,JI '
for all iJ,
for all x t Y E H. This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.1.
We now come back to the setting of Section 1. T is a normal operator, A = AT,T- is the algebra generated by T and T·, A = u(T) = X(AT,T- ), and t is the identity function. Therefore, Theorem 4.1 gives now:
Theorem 4.2. - Let T be a normal operator. There exists a unique spectral measure E on u(T) , such that:
T =
With this measure, we define, for I E BOO (u(T)) ,
This application extends the functional celculus, previously defined for I E l(T) , and then for I E C(u(T)). We now list some properties of this functional calculus:
Theorem 4.3. - Let T be a normal operator. We have:
a) If 11,12 E BOO(u(T)) , a,f3 E
(all + f3h)(T) = ah(T) + f3h(T),
Chapter VII
b) (/(T))*
!(T*), for IE BOO (u(T)) ,
II/(T)II < 11/1100' for I E Boo(u(T))' d) 11/(T)xI1 2 = JU(T) 1J1 2 dE z ,z , x E H, IE Boo(u(T)) ,
e) If U commutes with T and T* , it commutes with all operators I(T),
I E Boo(u(T)) , f) If In, I E 8 OO (u (T )), and if In converges to I uniformly on u(T)' then In(T) -+ I(T), in operator norm. If In(x) converges to I(x), Vx E u(T) , then In(T) ---+ I(T) for the strong operator topology. Proof. - a) to e) are just rephrasing of Theorem 4.2, f) follows from c) and
d). Remark. - One can show that if U commutes with T, it commutes with T· (Fuglede's Theorem, see Douglas [1] and Exercise 7). The spectral measure E is called a resolution of Identity. Indeed,
I = E(o(T)) =
fIdE. JU(T)
We have seen that the mapping I ---+ I(T) transformed characteristic functions into projections. Since step functions are dense in 8 OO (u (T )), we see that every normal operator is the limit (in operator norm), of a sequence of linear combinations of projections.
L2 •
The simplest example of normal operator is a multiplication operator on Fix a function 4> in L oo and consider the mapping: M~:
Then M; = Mj"
is normal. We will show that, conversely, every
normal operator can be represented this way. We say that a point z E H is cyclic for (T, T·) if the set {U z; U E is dense in H. This means also that the set of finite combinations is dense in H.
ak,ITkT· 1z
Theorem 4.4. - Let T be a normal operator. We assume that there is a point z E H which is cyclic for (T, T·). Then, there is a positive regular Borel measure J.L on u(T), and a unitary transformation A from H onto L 2 (u (T ), J,L ), such that for every g E L 2 (o(T ), J.L),
A E o(T).
Normal Operators
If 1 E BOO(u(T))' and if I(T) is the previously defined operator, then:
where MJ is the multiplication by
on L 2 (u(T ),Il ) .
Proof. - Let E be the spectral measure given by Theorem 4.2. Put Il Then, for 1 E BOO(u(T)),
(/(T)z, z) = Let H o = {/(T)z ;
1 E 8°O(u(T))}.
{/(T)z; 1 E C(u(T))} = {Uz; U E AT,T·},
and since z is cyclic for (T,T·), H o is dense in H. We define A o , from H o into L 2 (u(T ),Il ) , by :
Ao(J(T)z) = 1 , If I(T)z
= g(T)z, then: o
11(1 -
g)(T)zI12 =
If - gl2dEz ,z ,
which shows that A o is well-defined. It is an isometry, which can be extended into an isometry A from H into L 2 (u(T ),Il )' The image is the closure of BOO(u(T)) in L2 (u(T), Ill, which is L 2 (u(T ),Il) : the operator A is surjective. If g E B00 (u(T)) ,
fg ,
which shows that:
and our Theorem is proved. If there is no vector cyclic for (T, T·), one may split the space H into pieces in which there are such vectors, and one gets:
Chapter VII
Theorem 4.5. - Let T be a normal operator. There is a locally compact metric space X, with a Borel a -algebra T, a regular positive measure IL on T, a bounded continuous function h from X into (C, a unitary transformation A, from H onto L 2(X, T ,IL), such that:
We won't use this result in the sequel, and we refer the reader to DunfordSchwartz [I} for its proof. We now turn to the study of a simple example:
Example. - The operator M of multiplication by ei 8 on L 2 (TI, dO/ 21r ) (we just write M instead of M e i8).
Proposition 4.6. - The spectral measure E oE M is defined by :
where MIll is the multiplication by 16, characteristic function of 6, Borel subset oE TI, in the space L 2(TI,dO/21r).
Proof. - First, this operator is the same as the right shift on 12(71) , if we identify a function in L 2 (TI, dO /211") with its Fourier series. Therefore, its spectrum is the unit circle (see Chapter II). Now, let 9 E L oo (TI , dO/ 21r ) . The operator g(M) is the operator of multiplication by g, on L 2 (TI, dO /21r). Therefore: Mg = and if we take 9
= 16,
we get the Proposition.
The scalar spectral measures E f,f are given by :
and more generally, for 9 E Boo (IT),
which gives : E
dO . 21r
The invariant subspaces of this operator will be studied in Chapter IX.
Normal Operators
Remark 4.7. - An operator T satisfying, for every x E H :
IITxl1 = liT· xII , is normal.
Proof. - We write:
IIT*x1l2 = (x,TT*x) ,
and, with B, = T*T, B 2 = TT* , we get:
But B l
B 2 is self-adjoint, and:
B 2 11 =
B 2 )x,x)1
This remark applies to a surjective isometry, for instance the right shift on
l2(7.1). But it does not apply to an isometry which is not surjective: for instance, the right shift on l2(IN) is not a normal operator. 5. The spectrum of a multiplication operator. Let q, be a function in L oo ([0, 1], dt), and let M rfJ be the operator of multiplication by q, on L 2([0, I],dt). As we already said, this is a normal operator. We now describe its spectrum. Assume first q, to be continuous. Then A - MrfJ is invertible if and only if A - q, is an invertible function in L oo ([0,1], dt) , which means that A - r:/> does not take the value 0. So we get immediately that o(Mr/Jo) = q,([0, 1]). If q, is in Loo([O,I],dt) but not necessarily continuous, things are not so easy. Indeed, q, is only defined a.e., though l1(MrfJ) is a well-defined set. So, we introduce a new notion, the essential range of r:/>, denoted by RrfJ :
{A E e
W, neighborhood of A, p(q,-l (V)) > O},
where P is the Lebesgue measure on [0,1]. Then we get:
Chapter VII
Theorem 5.1. - u(M¢)
Proof. - 1) Let A E R¢. Let Vn be the disk, centered at A, with radius lin, and let Un = ¢-I(Vn). Choose functions In in L 2([0,1]), with II In II = 1, and In = on U~ : this is possible since P(U n ) > 0. Then:
II(A - ¢)/nl ~
= / IA - ¢(t)121In(t)1 2dt =
1 IA -
¢(t) 121In(t)1 2dt
~ supesstEunlA - ¢(t) 12 < I/n 2
by the choice of Un. So A - ¢ is invertible.
2) Conversely, let A f/; R¢. There exists a neighborhood V of A which satisfies P(¢-I(V)) = 0. Therefore, there exists an e > such that IIA¢lloo ~ e. So 11 (A - ¢) is in L oo , and is the required inverse for A - M¢.
6. Hyperinvariant Subspaces for Normal Operators. Theorem 4.2 gives obviously that every normal operator has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Indeed, u(T) is not reduced to a single point: if u(T) = {a}, C(u(T)) is (C, so AT,T. is (C, which implies H = (C , contradicting our original assumption according to which H was infinite-dimensional (another argument is : if u(T) = {a}, r(T - a) = 0, so liT - all = 0). Therefore, we can find two disjoint Borel subsets 61 and 62 , with:
Put PI = E(c5d, P2 = E(c52) . Then PI, P2 are two projections, and F I = K er PI is the required Hyperinvariant Subspace. It is hyper invariant by Theorem 4.3, e). We observe, however, that the restriction of a normal operator to an Invariant Subspace is not a normal operator in general (we have already met the easy example of the right shift on 12(IN), restriction to 12(IN) of the right shift on 12(1L)). The reason is that the adjoint of TIF is not T*IF in general, unless F is itself invariant by T* : indeed, this adjoint is P(T*IF), where P is the orthogonal projection onto F. Such an operator: restriction of a normal operator to one of its invariant subspaces, is called subnormal. The question of the existence of Invariant Subspaces for subnormal operators remained open for a long time. Though one
Normal Operators
may think that the techniques developed in this chapter give strong information on the operator, they are unsufficient to solve this problem, which was settled only recently (1978) by Scott Brown [1], who gave a positive answer. His approach does not rely at all on Spectral Measures j it will be presented (in a slighly different context), in Chapter XIII. The question of existence of Hyperinvariant Subspaces for subnormal operators remains open. Another class, which is also an extension of normality, has received a positive solution to the Invariant Subspace problem. We say that an operator T is hyponormal if the commutant T·T - TT· is a positive operator. This is of course the case of any normal or subnormal operator. Very recently (1987), S. Brown [2] has shown that every hyponormal operator has Invariant Subspaces.
Chapter VII
Exercises on Chapter VII.
Exercise 1. - Let T be a normal operator on H, and E be its spectral measure. Show that A is an eigenvalue of T if and only if E ({A}) -I- O. If .\ is an eigenvalue, show that E({.\}) is the orthogonal projection onto Ker (A-T). Exercise 2. - Let T be normal, and put ITI = VT*T. Let V be such that T = VITI (cf. Chapter IV, Lemma 3.5). Show that there exists ¢, Borel function on o(T) , such that V = ¢(T). Deduce that V and ITI commute. Exercise 3. - Define T, from L 2 l1R) into itself, by : T f(t)
= f(t + 1).
Show that T is normal and find its spectral decomposition.
Exercise 4. - Let A be a self-adjoint operator. Show that: for all t EIR.
Exercise 5. - Show that for a normal operator, o(T) = oa(T). Exercise 6. Let T be a normal operator. Show that T is unitary (resp. selfadjoint) (reap. positive) if and only if o(T) C C (resp. o(T) C IR), (resp. o(T) cIR+ ). Exercise 7. - (Fuglede's Theorem). Let T be a normal operator, and A commuting with T. a) We put U = (T + T*)/2, V = (T - T*)/2i. Show that U and V are self-adjoint and that, for any A E ~ ,
b) Deduce that:
c) Show that AT* - AT can be written as iW>., where W>. is self-adjoint. Show that:
Normal Operators
Ded uce that :
d) Consider the mapping:
eAT- Ae- AT- .
Show that this is a bounded entire function, with values in £(H). Deduce from Liouville's Theorem that it is constant, and conclude that: eAT- A = Ae>.T-.
e) Deduce that T+ A
= AT+
(Fuglede's Theorem).
Notes and Comments.
Our presentation can be found in many sources. Further information can be found in Dunford-Schwartz [1], J. Conway [1], and many others. A detailed study of essential ranges and multiplication operators, as well as generalizations (Toeplitz operators) can be found in the book of R. G. Douglas [1]. For vector valued integration, the canonical reference is Diestel-Uhl [11. Exercises 1 to 4 come from the book by J. Conway [11. Exercise 7 (a short proof of Fuglede's Theorem) is due to M. Rosenblum and is reproduced from H.R. Dowson [11.
Complements on Chapter VII.
As it is written in the above pages, the previous theory of spectral decompositions for normal operators does not make sense in a Banach space, since T and T+ do not operate on the same space, and so we cannot wonder whether they commute or not. However, spectral decompositions do make sense, and it is a legitimate question to ask in which Banach spaces and for what operators they hold.
Chapter VII
A nice theory in this direction has been built recently by E. Berkson, T .A. Gillespie, P. Muhly [1], [2], for invertible operators with bounded iterates :
After equivalent renorming, such an operator becomes a surjective isometry. It's quite natural to investigate first surjective isometries, since they are normal in Hilbert spaces and make sense in Banach spaces. Moreover, one knows (Proposition 1.12, Chapter II), that the spectrum of an isometry is always contained in the unit circle. Let X be a Banach space. A spectral family of projections is an application
t E IR
E (t) E
.c (X) ,
where E(t) is a projection from X into itself, satisfying the following properties :
a) SUPtaR IIE(t) II < 00, b) E(s)E(t)
= E(t)E(s) = E(s), if s :S t.
c) For each to in IR, E(t) is right continuous at t = to, for the strong operator topology, and has a left limit for this topology. This left limit is denoted by E(t d) E(t)
o)' I, when
t --+ +00, and
0, when t
In the sequel, the above family will be concentrated on [0,211"1, which means that: for t :S 0, E(t) = 0 ,
=I ,
for t
An operator U is said to be trigonometrically well bounded if it can be written:
u =
where E(.) is a spectral family of projections concentrated on [0,211"]. Such an operator admits a BV -functional calculus, where BV is the algebra of functions with bounded variation on the Torus. If we denote by L~ a summation with n t- 0, their theorem says:
Normal Operators
Theorem (E. Berkson, T.A. Gillespie, P. Muhly). - Let X be a reflexive Banach space, U an operator on it with bounded iterates. The following properties are equivalent:
a) U is trigonometrically well bounded, b) sup II N,t
L' -en
m t
U"1I <
c) for every t E [0, 21r],
converges strongly to an operator B(t), and : sup IfB(t)11
They prove also that, under the previous assumptions, there is an operator A, with u(A) C [0,21r], such that U = ei A • The second result, very important in the theory, is as follows: if the space X is a D.M.D. space, every operator U with bounded iterates is trigonometrically well bounded. The D.M.D. spaces are defined by the fact that differences of martingales form an inconditional basic sequence in L 2(X) (see D. Burkholder [1]). There are other definitions, in terms of the Hilbert transform (see D. Burholder [1], J. Bourgain [1]). As examples of these spaces, one finds the classical L p spaces (1 < P < +(0). Therefore, one gets for surjective isometries on L p spaces a theory of spectral decomposition which extends that of unitary operators on Hilbert spaces. A point which should be emphasized is that the notion of "spectral family of projections" is weaker than that of "spectral measure" (additivity disappears). Therefore, it can handle more operators, and in particular some translation operators on Lp(G) (p t=- 2, G locally compact abelian group), which arise naturally in Harmonic Analysis and are not spectral in Dunford's sense (see H. Benzinger, E. Berkson, T.A. Gillespie [1]).
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Chaque Ilot signale par I'homme de vigie Est un Eldorado promis par Ie Destin ; L'Imagination qui dresse son orgie Ne trouve qu'un recif aux clartes du matin.
The purpose of this Fourth Part is to give a complete description of the invariant subspaces of the right shift on 12(IN) and 12(Z). Quite obviously, this operator has Invariant Subspaces, but to describe all of them is not easy at all. We will consider the operator as acting on the Hardy space H2 or on L 2 (II) . The first one is a space of analytic functions, and the description of the Invariant Subspaces of our operator requires the Beurling decomposition of these functions into inner and outer parts. This decomposition, together with its corollaries: Jensen's Inequality, Szego's Theorem, is of course of independent interest.
Chapter VIII
Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions
First, we recall our notation: D is the open disk {A E
Let n be an open set in the plane. A function u , defined in in ill. , is said to be subharmonic if : a)
n, with values
-00 ::; u(z) < +00, for all zEn,
b) u is upper semi-continuous on n, that is : if X n ~ x, u(x) 2: limsuPn_oo u(x n ) . Equivalently, this property can be described by the fact that for every a EIR, the set {x ; u(x) < a} is open. c) If the closed disk D(a, r) is contained in n,
u(a) <
+71" /
u(a + rei 8 ) -
d) No integral in (1) is ~oo.
remarks. - 1) If u is continuous, a), b), d) are satisfied. 2) Properties a) and b) imply that u is bounded from above on every compact Ken. Indeed, if we set K n = {z E K j u(z) ~ n}, K n is compact, and, by a), one of the Kn's must be empty. So, every integral in (I) is < +00. 3) The meaning of Condition c) is that the value of u at the center of a circle is smaller than the mean of the values on this circle. A function u is said to be harmonic if the equality holds in (1), for all a, r , such that D(a, r) en.
Lemma 1.1. - If u is subharmonic in onIR then 4> 0 u is subharmonic.
and 4> monotone, increasing, convex
Proof. - Since 4> is increasing, convex, it is continuous on IR. Therefore, 4> 0 u
Chapter VIII
is upper semi-continuous. Moreover, if D(a, r) c ~
we get:
since ~ is convex and dO /21r is a positive measure on [-1r, 1r 1, of total mass 1.
Proposition 1.2. - Let I be holomorphic in continuous in n, for 1 ~ p < 00.
is upper semi-
Proof. - By virtue of Lemma 1.1, all we have to do is to show the result for p = 1. But:
I/(a + rei 9)1-
In the sequel, rRl and of the complex function I.
Proposition 1.3. - If
I(a + reiO)
are respectively the real and imaginary parts
is holomorphic in
n, rRl
are harmonic.
Proof. - We write once more the equality :
I(a), and take real and imaginary parts.
Proposition 1.4. - Let u be a continuous subharmonic function in n, K a compact contained in n, h a real continuous function on K, harmonic in KO, such that u(z) ~ h(z), if z E 8K. Then u(z) ~ h(z), z E K. Proof. - Put Ul = u - h. Then Ul is subharmonic in KO. Let's assume that for some z E KO, uI(z) > O. Since Ul is continuous on K, it attains its maximum, m, on K, and since Ul ~ 0 on 8K, the set: A
E K i uI(z)
= m}
is a compact subset of KO. Let Zo be a boundary point of A. Since Zo E KO , one can find an r > 0 such that the closed disk D(zo~ r) is also contained in KO. But some arc of 8D(zo~ r) is contained in AC. Therefore, Ul(ZO)
= m ~
and this contradicts the fact that
+W" -W"
+ reI)
is subharmonic in KO.
Analytic Functions
Lemma 1.5. - Let C; be the circle of center 0, radius r , 0 < r < 1, and f a continuous function on Cr , with real values. There exists a function g, harmonic in D(O, r), with g = f on Cr.
Proof. - We define the Poisson Kernel: This is the family of functions Pr(O), O::;r
1 - 2r cos 0 + r 2
(1) '
and one checks immediately that if z = re i 8 ,
Pr(O - t) =
eit ~(-.t-)
e' - z
We recall moreover that the family (Pr)r is an approximate unit in the space Lp(II, dO /211"), when 1 ::; p < 00. This means that if f E Lp(ll, dO /211")'
f * P;
r ~ 1- ,
in Lp(ll, dO/211"). This property is an easy consequence of the following elementary facts about the Poisson Kernel:
Pr(O) and
0, 0::; r
Pr(O) -
for all e
> o.
The reader may find a proof of these facts in any book dealing with Harmonic Analysis (see for instance Hoffman [11, Katznelson [11, etc). However, in Proposition 2.2 below, we will prove a stronger fact, namely that the convergence in (3) holds almost everywhere (in short: a.e.). Now, to prove our Lemma, we put, for r' < r, z
= r' ei 8 ,
Chapter VIII
with, for n E 1L Cn
e- I n f(re l
dt 21r
) -
Since f is in L 2 , the series E~oo cne i n 8 is convergent, and, taking r' get g(re i 8 ) = f(re i D) , so f = 9 on Cr. Moreover, by the properties of the Poisson Kernel,
= r , we
and 9 is the real part of an holomorphic function, and so is harmonic in D(O,r).
Proposition 1.6. - If u is a continuous, subharmonic function in D, and if:
is the mean value of u on C«, then m(r) is an increasing function of r , T
Proof. - Let rl < T2. Let h, given by Lemma 1.5, the continuous function on D(O,T2), equal to u on Cr 2 , and harmonic in D(O,T2)' Then, by Proposition 1.4, u ~ h in D(O, T2)' Therefore,
h(O) and our Proposition is proved. 2. Basic facts about Fourier Series. In this paragraph, we recall a few basic facts about Fourier series. Any function f E Lt{II, d8/21r) (and, a fortiori, in Lp(II, d8/21r) has a Fourier series:
(1) where:
The coefficients
tend to
±oo (Riemann-Lebesgue). We put
Analytic Functions
11/1100 =
sup essl/(eiB)I. BE"
We define the partial sums of the Fourier series :
sn(/) =
ij B
and the Cesaro averages of these partial sums : 1 Un
= -
L sk(/). 0
The following Theorem can be found for instance in Hoffman [11 : Theorem 2.1. - a) The function 1 is in Lp(II), 1 < p < the sequence (un)n~O is bounded in L p •
if and only if
b) The function verges in L 1 •
is in L 1 (II) if and only jf the sequence (un)n~o
c) The function verges uniformly.
is continuous if and only if the sequence (un)n>O con-
d) The function 1 is in Loo(II) if and only jf the sequence (un)n~O converges to 1 in the topology u(L oo , LI). This last fact implies that (un)n~O is bounded in L oo . For l(e i O) E LI(II,dO/211'), we define:
l(re i O)
(Pr * l)(fJ)
= IW"
Pr(O - t)/(e i t )!!:!.- . 2~
Then: Proposition 2.2. - For almost every 8, when r Proof. - Fix fJ Ell. We have:
g(t) =
l(e i 8 )
dO -
1- .
Chapter VIII
A =
2~ [Pr(O - t)(g(t) - tf(ei8))n~~ll"
= ~ (Pr(9 - 1I")(g(1I") - 11" f(e i8)) - Pr(O + 1I")(g(-11") + 11" f(e i8»)) 211"
2~ (Pr(O - 1I")g(1I")) - Pr(O - 1I")f(ei8) ,
= 11".
and this last quantity tends to when r ~ 1- , except if 0 that for every 0 "f:. 0, Pr(9) ~ 0, when r ~ 1- .) Let now
For 6
> 0, we set :
1It- 81>6
P:(9 - t)(g(t) - tf(ei8)) dt , 211"
P:(9 - t)(g(t) - tf(ei8» dt .
t - 8 15: 6
(We recall
Irl > 6 > 0, a
direct computation shows that:
IP r' (r ) I ~
2r(1 - r (1 _ 2r cos 6
when r
and this quantity tends to For
2 )
+ r 2 )2 ,
1- . Therefore,
0, when r
we write :
11'15: 0
dr P:(T)(g(O - r) - (9 - r)f(e i8)) 2 . 11"
But P:(T) is an odd function, since P; is even. Therefore,
(O P:(T)(g(O _ r) _ (8 _ T)f(ei8)) dr
P:(T)(g(9 - r) - (8 - r)f(e'
(O P:(r)(g(9 + r) _ g(8 _ r) _ 2r f(ei8)) dr
= (O P'(T)T(g(8 + T) - g(8 - T) _ f(e i8)) dT .
1- .
A nalytic Functions But :
g(O + r) - g(O - r) = 2r
f.8+t 8-t
1 ~.
f(e i 8 ) ,
f E LI(II,dB/21r). Therefore, for every
when T -+ 0, for almost every 0, since e > 0, if 6 is small enough, we have:
and then we let r
f(e i t ) dt
This proves our Proposition.
The convolution with the Poisson Kernel can be extended to measures : Proposition 2.3. - Let JL be a finite Baire measure on the unit circle, and define:
f(re i . ) Then
f is harmonic in the open disk dJLr =
P,(O - t)d!,(t) .
and the measures :
f(re l
) -
converge to JL in the weak-* topology of measures, when r
-+ 1- .
The proof of Harmonicity is as in Lemma 1.5 above, and if 9 is a continuous function, one checks immediately (using the fact that the Poisson Kernel is an approximate unit) that:
when r
-+ 1- .
3. HP Spaces. For p, 1 ~ P ~ 00, we denote by HP (II) the space of (equivalence classes) of functions f(e i 8 ) in Lp(II,dO/2~), whose Fourier coefficients cn(J) are 0 for n < 0. In other words,
(1) For f(e i8 ) E HP, we define:
f(z) =
cnz n
Since (Cn)n>O D.
0, this series defines an analytic function inside the open disk
Chapter VIII
The reader will observe that we keep the same notation (/) for the function defined on C and its analytic continuation inside the disk. For p, 1 < p :S
We now set, for 1 :S p <
we have:
0 :S r < 1 :
(3) and from Proposition 1.2 and Proposition 1.6 follows that for given p, /, M p ( / , r) is an increasing function of r, 0 :S r < 1. Moreover, if z = re i 8 ,
and we have seen that /
* P;
M p ( / , r)
in L p , when r
--+ /
Finally, we can write, for 1 :S p <
when r
1- . This implies:
1- .
00 :
(4) This is also true for p =
by the maximum modulus principle for analytic functions. On HP, we put the norm induced by L p • Clearly, HP is a closed linear subspace of L p , since for each n, the mapping / --+ cn ( /) is continuous
(Icn (/ )! :S
We also observe that for p ~ 1, Hoo c HP C HI C £1. Formula (2) above allows us to extend /(e i 8 ) as an analytic function /(z) inside the unit disk. Conversely, one can recapture /(e i 8 ) from /(z) :
A naif/tic Functions
Proposition 3.1. - Let IE HP. For almost every fJ, when r
1- .
This is indeed a trivial consequence of Proposition 2.1, stated for functions in L 1 . This convergence is called radial, since re i 8 moves along a radius, when r -+ 1-. In fact, one can show that this convergence holds non-tangentially: in any angular sector centered at fJ, which does not contain the tangent at fJ to the circle (see for instance W. Rudin [1], p. 243). Before continuing our study, we list a few easy facts about HI, H2, H?".
Proposition 3.2. - If I E HI and l(e i 9 ) EIR a.e., then I is constant: there is a a Em. such that l(e i 9 ) = a a.e. Proof. - By definition, for n > 0,
Taking conjugates,
e- m I(e' ) -
= o.
Therefore, I has all Fourier coefficients equal to 0, except co(f) : this shows that I = co(f) a.e .. One could also say that I(z) is analytic and real-valued, therefore constant.
Corollary 3.3. - If both
are in HI,
is constant.
Indeed, (I + /)/2 and (I - i1)/2i are both in HI, and are real-valued. Therefore, they are constant, by the previous Proposition, and their sum is
(1 - i)I/2. Proposition 3.4. - The space H2 is a Hilbert space. If
g(ei 8 )
g are in H2 , and :
d n ei n 9
we have:
(L Ic n~O
(f,g) =
dO 271"
I(e' )g(e' ) -
Proof. - This is obvious on the definitions.
2)1/ 2 ,
Chapter VIII
Notation : To avoid ambiguity, we distinguish between:
L:=o a"z", P : the set of trigonometric polynomials L:=-M a"zn.
P+ : the set of polynomials
Proposition 3.5. - Let 4> in Loo(TI). The space H2 is invariant by the multiplication by 4> (denoted by M4J) if and only if 4> is in HOO. Proof. - a) Assume that M",(H2) HOO. b) Conversely, if a polynomial,
4> E H?", M",(P+) C H2 : '11" /
for n
C H2.
e- l n 4>(e l )p(e l
4>.1 E H2,
4> E H2 n L oo =
indeed, if p(z)
= L~
akz k is
= 0,
< O. But P+ is dense in H2 for its norm, so M",H2
Corollary 3.6. - H'" is a Banach algebra. Indeed, if 4>, '¢ are in H?",
so 4>'¢ E HOO . As a Corollary to Proposition 3.1 above, we give the following:
Theorem 3.'1 (F. and M. Riesz). - H JI. is a complex measure on Il , and if :
.in"dIL(8) = 0,
for n = 1,2, ... ,
then JL is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure: there is a function f in HI such that:
f dO . 2~
Proof. - For zED, we define :
= /'11" _'II"
1 - ze- l t
Pr(O - t) =
LTlnlein(fJ-t) , -00
Analytic Functions we have also :
f(z) =
Pr(9 - t)dl'(t) .
is in HI. But then we have: -·8 I(re' ) =
dt . 211"
Pr(S - t)/(t) -
and the conclusion now follows if we compare (I) and (2) and apply Proposition
2.3. 4. Jensen's Formula. Jensen's Inequality.
The following Proposition gives a useful example of an harmonic function: Proposition 4.1. - Let n be a simply connected domain, and assume that I is analytic in n and does not vanish in this region. Then there is a function F analytic in n, such that eF = I. As a corollary, log I/(z)1 is harmonic in n. Proof. - Fix Zo in
n and put: F(z)
l I(~)d~
where r is any path from Zo to z, contained in n. Then F is analytic in n, and F'(z) = I(z), z E o. Since I does not vanish in n, I' /I is analytic in n, and we can apply this to f' / I instead of I : we get a function F, such that F' = 1'/1. We can add a constant to F, so eF(zo) = I(zo). Put h = le- F : then h' = 0, and h(zo) = I, so h is identically equal to I, and I = eF • Take now 9 = ~F. Then 9 is harmonic, III = eg , and log III = g. Proposition 4.2. - J~1r
log 11
ei81dS /21r =
Proof. - Let n = {z ; ~z < I}. Since n is simply connected, and 1 - z f. 0 in n, there is a F analytic in n, such that eF(z) = 1- z, and F(O) = O. Since ~(I - z) > 0 in n, we have, for zEn,
UlF(z) = log 11 For small 6 > 0, let
- zl ,
< 11"/2.
be the path :
f(t) =
6~ t
211" - 6,
Chapter VIII and 1 the circular arc whose center is at 1, and passes from ei 5 to e- i 5 within the unit disk. Then :
27f -6 log 11 - et81_ . dO =
1 a
dz z
1 !R-.-
F(z)-, Z
by Cauchy's Theorem, and since F(O) = O. But the last integral is smaller than Co log 1/0, where C is a constant, since the length of 1 is smaller than 1rO. Letting 0 -+ 0, this gives the result.
Theorem 4.3 (Jensen's Formula). - Let n = D(O,R) , 1 be analytic in n, with 1(0) -I- O. Let 0 < r < R, and al,"" aN be the zeros of 1 in D(O, r), listed according to their multiplicity. Then:
ITN -) r I
n=l an
log I/(re i 8)1- . 21r
Proof. - We order the roots so that aIt ... , am are in D(O, r), lam+ll ···laNI = r . Put m
I( ) z
II r(an-z) r - anz II
so g(z) is analytic on some disk D(O, r + E:), E: > 0, and has no zero in this disk. Therefore, by Proposition 4.1, log Ig(z)I is harmonic in this disk, which implies: dO log Ig(rei 8 ) I- = log Ig(O) I .
1-7f 7("
But g(O)
1(0) n~
I:nl . To obtain the formula, we observe finally that:
Indeed, each term r2 -
r(a n
iinz - z) ,
has modulus 1, and for n > m, each term
by Lemma 4.2.
Analytic Functions
Corollary 4.4 (Jensen's Inequality). - If / E HI and /(0) =I 0,
"1 _,,"
dO log 1/(eSo)l- ~ 21r
log 1/(0)1.
Proof. - We cannot take immediately r = 1 in the previous theorem, since is not analytic in a larger disk D(O, R), with R > 1. For any r, 0 < r < 1, by Jensen's Formula:
"1 1"
Fix e >
dO log I/(reSo)l- ~
log 1/(0)1.
o. A fortiori,
dO log(l/(reSO)1 + c) > log 1/(0)1. 21r
When r - 1-,
a.e. and in L I
dO (log(l/(eSo)1 + c) ~
log 1/(0)1.
Now, when c - 0, the sequence log(l/(eSO)1
+ c)
is decreasing, and thus:
Corollary 4.5. - For every function / in HI, not identically 0, the function log 1/( fSO) I is integrable. Proof. - First, we observe that:
and so all we have to show is that:
dO log I/(eSo) I > 21r
IT 1(0) =I 0, this follows from Corollary 4.4. IT 1(0) zng(z), with g(O) =I 0, and apply the Theorem to g.
0, we write I(z)
Chapter VIII
We observe that, as stated here, Jensen's inequality is a discontinuous estimate, in the following sense : assume that we have a sequence of functions (In)n~o, with In(O) --+ 0, and In --+ I (say: uniformly on II). Then, for each n, we apply Jensen's inequality to In, thus getting estimates which become worse and worse, when n --+ 00, since log I/n(O)1 --+ -00, though at the limit we apply Jensen's inequality to g = 1/zlc. This phenomenon is partly due to the fact that Jensen's inequality takes into account only the first coefficient of the Taylor expansion of I. A stronger version, taking into account a prescribed number k of coefficients in this Taylor expansion has been obtained by P. Enflo and the author (see the "Complements", at the end of this Chapter, in which the general problem of continuity of the functional :
will also be studied).
Corollary 4.6. - If a function I in HI is not identically 0, it cannot vanish identically on a set of positive measure. Indeed, since log III is integrable, the measure of the set where it takes the value -00 must be O. From Jensen's inequality, we deduce the following one, which can be interpreted as a similar inequality, involving the measure Pr(t - O)dO /21r instead of the measure dO /21r :
Proposition 4.7. - For any function
I E HI, for 0 ~ r < 1, t E II,
"0 dO log I/(e' )IPr(t - 0) ~ 21r
. log I/(re't)l.
Proof. - Fix zo, Zo = rei! , and apply Jensen's inequality to the function:
4>(z) = I( z +
:0 ).
1 + zoz
We get:
log 14>(f
~ log 14>(0)1 = log If(zo) I·
Let A be the left-hand side of the above equation. Observing that (f i O+z)/(l +
A nalytic Functions
ze i 8 ) has modulus 1, we get, after a change of variables :
! !
I I/( i8)1 e 1 - ,. _~ og e -zoe 2i8 + (1 + ,.2)e i8 ~ i8 1 _,.2 dB log I/(e )1 .812 _~ 11 - Zoe' 21r
L _~
dO 21r
log I/(ei 8 )IPr (t - 0) -dO , 21r
as we announced. 5. Factorization of HP functions: Inner and Outer functions.
We recall our terminology: l(e i 8 ) is the value of the function on the unit circle, obtained as a radial limit a.e., and I(z) is the value inside the unit disk. An inner function is a function m in H?", satisfying Im(ei8)1 = 1 a.e., and thus Im(z)1 ~ 1 for every zED, since the numbers Moo(m,r) are increasing with v (see Section 1). For instance, m(e i 8 ) = fin8 (n ~ 0) is an inner function. We will see other examples later, with Blaschke products and singular functions. An outer function F is a function in HI such that:
F(z) = where
~ _~
eit + -.-t-
z dt k(t) - , e' - z 21r
is a complex number of modulus 1, and k(t) a real integrable function.
The meaning of formula (1) is not clear at this point. The following Proposition clarifies the links between k and F :
Proposition 5.1. - For a function F in HI,
k(O) = log IF(e i 8 )I , Proof. - For z
= re i8 , we decompose:
where Pv , Qr are real: P; is the Poisson Kernel and Qr the conjugate Kernel:
Q (0) _ r
2,. sin 8 1 - 2r cos 9 + ,.2
Chapter VIII
Therefore, (1) can be written, for z
F(z) =
= rei 8 ,
exp(P,. * k + iQ,.
* k).
So we get:
IF(z) 1
exp(P,. * k) .
Since k E £1, P,. * k -----. k a.e., when r -----. 1- (see Section 2). Since also F(re i 8 ) -----. F(e i 8 ) (Proposition 3.1), our Proposition is proved. We observe that by formula (1), F cannot vanish inside the open unit disk.
Proposition 5.2. ~ Let F be a function in H 1 , not identically O. The following are equivalent: a) F is an outer function,
b) 1£ 1 is a function in H1 such that I/(e i8)1= IF(ei8)1 a.e., then:
I/(z) I,
c) log IF(O)I
\jz E D,
I '" '" + 1
Proof. - 1) a) implies b). Let F be outer, and IF(ei8)\ on II. Then by Proposition 5.1,
log IF(ei8)1- . 27r
in H1 such that I/(e i8)1=
ei8 z . dO -'-8- log I/(e'8)1 - .
_'" e' - z
By formula (2) above, with k replaced by log 1/(ei8)1, log IF(re i8)1 =
f'" P,.(O - t) log 1/(eit)1 dt .
Now, by Proposition 4.7, the right-hand side is larger than log I/(re i8)1. This proves our claim. 2) b) implies a). We consider the outer function: G(z) =
eit + z
_'" e' - z
. dt IF(ed)l- . 27r
Since F is integrable, G is in HI, and:
Therefore, lG(z)1 ;::: IF(z) 1 in D, by b). Using again the fact that G cannot vanish in D, we find that F / G is analytic in D, has modulus 1 on C, and modulus ~ 1 in D : this is possible only if F /G is constant, and this constant must be of modulus 1. This proves that F is an outer function.
A nalytic Functions
3) a) implies c) is obvious on the definition of an outer function. 4) c) implies a). We define G as above. Then ]FI/IGI ~ 1 in D, = 1 on C, and IF(O) I/IG(O) I = 1. Therefore, F /G is constant. We now turn to a first decomposition of functions in HI
Proposition 5.3. - Let f be a function in HI, non identically O. Then f can be factored into m.F', where m is inner and F an outer function. This factorization is unique, up to a constant of modulus 1. Proof. - We put :
eit + z "t dt eit _ z log If(e' )1 211" •
This is an outer function. Put now:
f(z) m(z) = F(z) , one obtains a function analytic in the open disk, and Im(eit)1 = 1, by Proposition 5.1. Therefore, m is an inner function. If f = mlFl is another decomposition, IFI = IFll, so IF(z)1 = IFt{z) I in D by Proposition 5.2, and F = KFl , for some KE ~ ,with IKI = 1. 6. Factorization of Inner Functions: Blaschke products. Singular Functions.
In this paragraph, we study inner functions and get for them further factorizations.
Theorem 6.1. - Let
be a sequence of complex numbers, with
Then the infinite product:
converges uniformly on each disk Izi ~ r < 1. Each an is a zero of B(z), with multiplicity equal to the number of times it is repeated in the sequence, and B(z) has no other zero in D. Finally, IB(z)1 < 1 in D, and IB(ei 8)1 = 1 a.e.
Proof. - Put ; bn
Ian I an - z an 1 - iinz
Chapter VI/I
180 Fix r < 1. For
Izl < r,
which shows that B(z) converges uniformly in the disk of radius r, and that B(z) is analytic in D(O, r}. Furthermore, each an is a zero of B with correct multiplicity, and B(z) =I- 0 otherwise. That IB(z) I < 1 if Izi < 1 is obvious, since it is true for partial products. The radial limit B(e i8) therefore exists a.e., and IB(e i 8 )1 ~ 1. It remains to show that IB(ei8)1 = 1 a.e. But for any function f in the monotonicity of M, (r, J) (Section 3, formula (4» gives :
We apply this to B~ = B/B n, and we observe that Ibk(e i8)1 lB n (ei8)1= 1 a.e., thus:
1 a.e., so
dfJ 21r
111" IB~(eio)1 _,,"
dO = 21r
IB(eiO)1 dO .
But Bn(z) --+ B(z) uniformly on {lzl = r}, so B~ --+ 1 uniformly on this circle. This implies that f~,,"IB( ei8)IdfJ /21r ~ 1, and since IB(ei8)I ~ 1, we get i8 IB(e )1= 1 a.e. A function of the form :
with Ln(1 - Ian I) < 00, is called a Blaschke product. M is a positive integer, the set of an's may be infinite, finite or empty.
Proposition 6.2. - Let m be an inner function. Then the zeros an of m inside the open disk D satisfy Ln(1 - Ian I) < 00. Proof. Dividing if necessary by a power of z, we may assume m(O) =I- O. Let laol ~ latl ~ ... be the enumeration of the zeros of m inside the unit disk. Fix an integer N and choose r, with IaN I ~ r < 1. By Jensen's Formula,
" I
log Im(re
iO) I -~
~ log Im(O) I +
L log -anrII ' 0
Analytic Functions
which implies : N
2:o IOg -anr s 1
Letting r
1- , we get : N 1 Llog-,-, < C, o an
with C = - log Im(O) I. But for 0 < x < 1, log l~:t
2: z . So we obtain:
and the series converges.
Theorem 6.3. - Every inner function m can be factored as m = B.G, where B is a Blaschke product and G is an inner function with no zero in the open disk. Proof. - We may assume that m has infinitely many zeros an, otherwise this is trivial. Dividing by zM if necessary, we may also assume that m(O) =f O. Put, as before, bn (z )
= -lanl
an -_ z , B(z ) an 1 - anz
= n°O bn () z
We know that this product converges, by Proposition 6.2 and Theorem 6.1. Put B n = n~bk, 9n = mlBn. For fixed n, e , IBn(z)1 > 1 ~ e, if ]zl is sufficiently close to 1. Therefore,
s~p Ign(re
i 8)1
1_ c '
and by monotonicity, this holds for all r < 1. So, letting e -+ 0, we get:
But gn -+ G has no zeros.
= m] B,
uniformly on each circle
Izl = r ,
So G is in H'" and
Chapter VIII
11], Duren [1]) that the function G, inner
It can be shown (cf. Hoffman
with no zeros inside the disk, can be written under the form :
G(z) = exp
ei8 -.-8-
_'" e' - z
dJl(6) ,
where Jl is a positive measure, singular with respect to Lebesgue measure. Such a function is called a singular inner function. The simplest example (obtained with the Dirac measure at 6 = 0) is the function:
z+l G(z) = exp - - . z-l 7. The Disk Algebra A(D). The Disk Algebra A(D) is the space of functions which are analytic inside the open disk D and continuous on the closed disk D : therefore, it is C(TI) n BOO , equipped with the norm :
IIflloo =
sup 8En
1/(ei 8 )f =
1/(z)1 .
This is of course a separable Banach space: the polynomials P+ are dense for the norm. This Banach space has an interesting property, connected with the extension of functions defined on a compact of 0 measure. This property will be used, in an Operator Theory context, in the next Part.
Theorem 7.1 (Fatou). - Let K be a compact in TI, with 0 Lebesgue measure. There exists a function 4> in A(D), such that:
Remark. - By virtue of Corollary 4.6, K must be of measure 0 for such a function to exist.
Proof. - Since K is compact, I1\K is the reunion of a countable family (In)n~o of open intervals, pairwise disjoint. Let en = P(In). For every n, let Yn be a positive function, of class Cion In, satisfying Yn < lie, Yn = 0 at the end-points of In, and:
A nalytic Functions
We put y = 0 on K, Y = Yn on In. The function y has the following properties : - 0 ~
- K
Y ~
= {O j y(O) = O},
- y is of class Cion IT\K and continuous on IT,
- log y is integrable. Put now w = log y. Then w satisfies : a) w = -00 on K, and if dist(O, K) --+ 0, w(8) --+ -00, b) w ~ -Ion IT, c) w is continuous on IT and of class Cion IT\K, d) w is integrable. We now set:
h(z) = =
'l " _'II"
eiB _
z w(O) 271"
(Pr * w)(O) + i(Qr * w)(O) ,
if z = re i O , where P; is the Poisson Kernel and Qr the conjugate Kernel (see Section 2). Since P; ~ 0, from b) follows that rRh :os: -1 in D. Set ur(O) = (Pr * w)(O) ; then U r --+ w, when r --+ 1- , uniformly on IT, since w is continuous. We now show that, since w is Cion IT\K, the functions v r (8) = (Qr * w)(O) converge uniformly on every closed interval contained in IT\K. This will imply that h(ei O) is continuous on IT\K.
Lemma 7.2. - If w is of class Cion a closed interval 10 - 00 1 ~ a, on this interval, V r converges uniformly to :
v (0) = _
(0 + t) - w (0 - t) dt 2tan(t/2)
Proof. - Take 00 = O. The function
w(O + t) - w(O - t) 2 tan(tI2)
is integrable on 1= {t ; 0 ~ t ~ min(O + a, a - O)}, and:
vr(O) - v(O)
I'll" cPB(t)(l- 2rsinttan(t/2)) dt -ll" 1 - 2r cos t + r 271"
,I .
r) 2
eP B(t)
(1 1 _ 2r cos t
+ r2
dt 21r .
Chapter VIII
And one checks for the Kernel gr(t)
(1 - r)2
1 - 2rcost + r 2
the following properties: 0 < gr (t) < 1, and gr (t)
0, r
1- , except for
t = O. The Lemma follows by a computation similar to the one made for the
Poisson Kernel (Proposition 3.1). We now come back to the proof of the Theorem. We set 9 = 1/h. Then, since h does not vanish in D, 9 is analytic in D, continuous in D, by Lemma 7.2, and the zeros of 9 on C are exactly the points of K. This proves our Theorem. We observe that ~g < 0 on D\K.
Corollary '1.3. - Let K a compact contained in the unit circle, with 0 Lebesgue measure. There is a function ¢ in A(D), with ¢(z) = 1 for every z E K, and I¢(z) I < 1 if z E D\K. Proof. - We take ¢ = erJ , where 9 is given by the previous theorem. Theorem 7.4 (Rudin, Carleson). - Let K a compact contained in the unit circle, with 0 Lebesgue measure, and let / be a continuous function on K, with complex values. There exists a function F in A(D), such that the restriction of F to K is f, and such that : IIFlloo = sup 1/(z)l· zEK
Proof. - Let ¢ be the function given by Corollary 7.3. For every h in A(D), we have:
Write ¢nh
= h + v«, where v«
is in A(D) and
v« = 0
on K. We get:
inf{llh + -rP1100 ; -rP E A(D), tP = 0 on K} inf II h n
+ tPlloo
inf II¢nhll n
lim II¢nhll n
sup Ih(z)l. zEK
But conversely, for every -rP in A(D), with .,p = 0 on K : Ilh + t/Jlloo
sup Ih(z) + tP(z) I > sup Ih(z) + ,p(z)[ zEC
sup Ih(z)l, zEK
Analytic Functions
and so : inf{llh +
1/11100 ; 1/1 E A(D), 1/1 = 0 on K} = sup Ih(z)l.
Call AK the set of restrictions to K of functions in A(D), equipped with the norm induced by C(K), and call S the subspace of A(D) consisting of functions 1/1, 1/1 = 0 on K. Finally, let R be the restriction operator, from A(D) into C(K). Formula (1) means exactly that for every h in A(D), IlhIIA(D)/s
IIRhllC(K) .
This means that R is an isometry from the Banach space A(D)/ S, into C(K), and therefore has closed range in C(K). The restriction operator from A(D) into C(K) has obviously the same range. We now show that this range is dense in C(K) : the restriction operator from A(D) into C(K)will therefore be surjective. Assume not. Since the range is a vector space, it is contained in a closed hyperplane: there exists a measure J.I. on K such that :
VI E A(D).
/ R(f)dJ.l. = 0,
By Hahn-Banach Theorem, J.I. may be extended to a measure on C(II) , also denoted by It. Therefore :
/ 1 lK In particular taking
1 = ei n 8 , / e
= 0,
n ~ 0,
VI E A(D).
we find:
lK dlt = 0,
By the F. and M. Riesz Theorem (Theorem 3.7), this implies that l KdJ.l. is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. But since P(K) = 0, this implies It = 0, and the image of R is dense. So, R, from A(D)/S onto C(K) is a surjective isometry. This does not quite finish the proof of our theorem: given I in C(K), we want to find F in
A(D) with IIFlloo
= 11/1100'
We may of course assume that 11/1100 = 1. The fact that R is a surjective isometry implies that there are functions ¢ E A(D) and 1/1 E S, with:
= 1 on
14>1 < 1 on D\K,
Chapter VIII
,p Put 9
= 0 on K,
= > + ,p. We have Igi ~ 0
There is an Cl such that:
II> + ,plloo ~
1 on K, Igl ~ 2 on C. Let 0
= {z E
be the set:
C ; Ig(z)! < 1 + 4"}'
> 0 such that I>I < 1 - Cion Oi, so we can find an rnl in IN on O~ .
On 0
we get :
For k = 1,2, ... , let: 1
= {zEC; Ig(z)1 < 1+ 4k } '
Then the Ok'S are decreasing and contain K. Assume ml been chosen so that : !j>m1gl + ... 2
+ _1_ >mk- 1g l < k 1I 2 -
~k 2
< ... <
on 0k-l ,
and on Ok-l :
21> m1gl +
1 ... + 2k_ll4>mk-lgl
< (2 + ... + < 1-
Using the fact that there is an ck a rnk such that:
4k- 1 )
1 2k •
> 0 such that I> I < 1 - Ck on Ok we find
~1>mlgl+"'+2~I4>mkgl and on
2 k - 1)(1
Finally, the function:
F is in A(D) and satisfies :
and IIFlloo ~ 1. This finishes the proof of the Theorem.
Analytic Functions
Exercises on Chapter VIII.
Exercise 1. - Show that the function I(z)
zn In is not in HOO.
Exercise 2. - Show that if 1 is harmonic and z/(z) is harmonic, 1 is analytic. Exercise 3. - Let 1 in HI. Show that there exist g, h in H2 such that
Exercise 4. - Let h be a positive integrable function on IT. A necessary and sufficient condition in order that h = 1/1 2 , for some function f in H2 is that J logh > -00. Exercise 5. - Let 1 E L p , 1 < P < 9 (z) =
~ 2&71'"
and: (
1(A) dA .
Jc >. -
Is 9 in HP ?
Exercise 6 (Hardy). - Let 1 E HI, I(z) = En~o
(Hint: first assume that
an 11"
/ -11"
In the general case, write
.!.Ianl ~
anz n. Show that:
71'"·11/111 .
~ 0 for all
n, and use the formula:
dO 1 (71'" - 0) sin(nO) = -. 271'" n
gh, with g, h in H2 (see exercise 3), with:
where B is the Blaschke product of the zeros of f.)
Exercise 7. - Let F be an outer function in HI. Assume that 1 is in HI, and that f IF is in L 1 • Show that f IF is in HI. Show that this property characterizes outer functions. Exercise 8. - Let 1 in HI. Show that a) or b) imply that function: a) 1I f is in HI, b) ~f(z) > 0, in D. If f is inner, show that 1 + f is outer.
is an outer
Chapter VIII
Exercise 9. - Let HJ be the subspace of HI consisting of functions 1(0) = O. Show that H'" can be identified to the dual of L 1 / HJ. Show that P+ is dense in HOO for u( HCXJ , L 1 / HJ). Exercise 10. - Let I be analytic in the open disk. Prove that product if and only if :
I is a Blaschke
a) I/(z)1 ~ 1 in D,
b) lim
log I/(re lo)1- = 2w
Exercise 11 (Maximal ideals of A(D)). - Let lo(z) be the identity function: lo(z) = z . Let t/J be a character on A(D). Let 0: = t/J(/o). Show that for every polynomial p, t/J(p) = p(o:). Deduce the same relation for every function I in A(D). Deduce that the maximal ideals are of the form I a t;
= {I
A(D) ; 1(0:)
Notes and Comments.
Our presentation is a mixture between many authors. For further information the reader should consult one of the excellent books which deal with HP spaces: Hoffman (11, Garnett (1], Duren 11], Rudin [1]. The exercises also come from these books, except Exercise 11, which was communicated to us by Richard Aron.
Analytic Functions
Complements on Chapter VIII :
One may study the continuity of the decomposition:
f = B·S·F
which we have found during the previous sections. The function f is in HI, B is the Blaschke product made with its zeros, S is a singular function and F an outer function in HI. So the question is : if a sequence (In)n~o converges to I in HI, what about the corresponding terms B n , S«, F n ? Do they converge to the terms B, S, F respectively ? The answer is "no" in general. Indeed, if:
l+z S(z) = exp - - , l-z this is a singular function, as we have already seen. But if we set Sr(z) = S(rz) , o < r < 1, we get a sequence of functions in HI, which converges to S in HI. These functions are outer (to see this, one checks easily that they give an equality in Jensen's inequality, so we apply Proposition 5.2). The following theorem was obtained by L. Bonvalot [1] :
Theorem 1. - The decomposition (1) is continuous at every function has no non-trivial singular factor S.
Since this decomposition is obtained by means of Jensen's Inequality, its continuity is related to that of the "Jensen's Functional" :
J(f) =
Ill"-ll" log I/(ei9)1 21("dO .
(the quantity exp J(J) is known as Mahler's measure, and it is used in Number Theory.) The continuity of Jensen's Functional has been studied by the same author, and the result is similar:
Theorem 2. - Jensen's Functional is continuous on HI at every function which has no non-trivial singular factor in the decomposition (1). n
When I is a polynomial of degree n 1 say I = p = Eo a; z1 , estimates on J(/) have been intensively studied by many authors. For instance, Kurt Mahler [1] proved that : logLla;1 > J(J) > logLla;l-nlog2.
Chapter VIII
(see also Arestov [1], Beller [1], Beller-Newman [1] Kurt Mahler [2] for other aspects of these estimates.) Recently, P. Enflo and the present author (B. Beauzamy- P. Enflo [1]) studied Jensen's Inequality for polynomials (or HI functions) satisfying: Ie
Llajl ~
dLlajl. j?:.O
We say that a polynomial satisfying (2) has concentration d at degree k. For such a polynomial, P. Enflo and the author proved that there is a constant C(d, k) such that:
Ip(e dO ~ C(d,k). Lj?:.o laj I 271"
Numerical estimates where computed by the present author [13] for C(d, k) it is the largest value (for t > 1) of the function:
f d,k (t)
t. log -(t---l-)-((-:-~- -:~-)
Let C(d, k) be the best constant satisfying (3) ; the precise value of C(d, k) is unknown. However, it was shown in [13] that, for d = 1/2,
-2k log 2 ,
and that, asymptotically, when k --. +00,
C(d, k)
The precise value of C(d, k) has been computed by A. K. Rigler, S. Y. Trimble, R. S. Varga [1] for the class of Hurwitz polynomials: these polynomials have real positive coefficients, and their roots are either real negative, or pairwise conjugate, with negative real part. For this class, the best constant they find (in the case d = 1/2) is -2k log 2, the upper bound in (5), and it is obtained for the polynomial (z + 1)2k /2 21e • The problem is also solved for other values of d and the extremal polynomials are given; we refer the reader to the above mentioned paper for an exposition of the complete results.
Chapter IX.
The Multiplication by ei 9 on H2(ll) and L 2(ll ) .
We consider in this Chapter the operator M of multiplication by ei 9 : f ---+ ei 9 f . Clearly, this operator is an isometry, both on H2 and on £2. The difference is that it is surjective in £2, and not in H 2 • IT we identify each function in L 2 with the sequence of Fourier coefficients:
/ =
ei k9
(c1ch E z
1cEZ the operator M becomes the right shift on , 2 (1l ) : indeed, (c1chEZ is replaced by (ck-dkEZ when / is replaced by ei 9 f. The same holds on H2
ei 1c9
(ckh E IN '
1cEIN and: S : (co, Cl, C2, ..• )
(0, co, Cl, C2,' •• ),
is the right shift on ' 2(IN). In both cases, we use the words "right shift" to indicate that this operator pushes to the right. Some people use "bilateral shift" to designate the shift on 12(1l). We find this terminology quite confusing: it is not the operator which is "bilateral", it is the space !
The operators M or S have obvious invariant subspaces. In ' 2 (IN), the sets:
are clearly closed and invariant for S. The definition of Fn also makes sense in 12(1l). However, if we look at M on £2 [Il}, we see immediately another type of Invariant Subspace: Fix a
Chapter IX
measurable subset A elI, with 0 < peA) < 1 (P(A) is the Lebesgue measure of A), and consider :
This is a closed subspace of L2(II,d6/21r}, invariant by M, not equal to {a} since peA) > 0, and not equal to the whole space since peA) < 1. Let's call Invariant Subspaces of the form F n "of type 1"', and of the form G A "of type II" (we will give precise definitions later). We already see that the Invariant Subspaces depend on the frame: in H2 and L 2 the situation does not look the same : only type I seems to exist in H2, and both types exist in L 2 • We now investigate this question more in detail. 1. The multiplication by ei O in H2 .
Theorem 1.1. - Let F be a closed subspace of H2, F M. There exists an inner function m such that :
{O}, invariant by
(1) Conversely, any subspace of this form is closed and invariant for M.
Proof. - Obviously, a subspace F given by (1) is invariant for M. It is also closed, because the multiplication by an inner function m is an isometry from H2 into itself (since Im(eiO)1 = 1 a.e.) and the image of an isometry is always closed. Let now F be a closed subspace, invariant by M. If all functions f(z), EM, vanish at 0, we may write, for some k > 0, F = zk Fa, where Fa is invariant, and contains a function f which does not vanish at o. This way, we need only to consider the case when F contains such a function, say fa. We denote by 9 the orthogonal projection of the constant function 1 onto F. This means :
where 9 E F, 1 - 9 E FJ.... The function 1 is not in FJ..., since:
Therefore, 9
f:. o.
We will show that
is constant on II.
Multiplication by ei8
Igl 2 nt-O, But
takes only real values. Taking conjugates, we get, for all n E 1l,
'8 2 dO Ig(e')1 -
= 0,
which implies that Igi is constant : there is a A E
Ig(e i 8)1
such that :
A a.e.
We deduce that Ig(z)1 ~ A in D, and g/A is an inner function. Let's show that F = g.H2. First, we observe that, since 9 E F and F is invariant, the functions g, e i8 g, e 2i8 g, . . . , are a 11·In F ,an d so are th e fi rnit e sums '" L..,..k~O a/ce ik8 g, tha t is the products p.g by polynomials. Let now f be in H 2 , and (Jn) n~O be a sequence of polynomials in P+ , converging to f in H2 (for instance the partial sums of the Fourier series). Then, since 9 is in H?", ot« --+ gf in H2. Therefore, gf E F and gH2 C F. Assume this inclusion to be strict. Then, there exists a function f in F, f .1 9 H2. In particular, for n 2:: 0,
! L
. dO e- 1n8fg - = 0.
But 1 - 9 .1 ein 8 f , since 1 - 9 .1 F :::> ein8F. So, for n e i n 8 (1 -
g)f -dO
! So:
l '" ein8f -dO -ll'"
2:: 0,
!ll'" ein8f-gdO- . 21r
l '" e,.n 8f g -dO ! -ll'" 2,..-
and by (2) we get that this equality holds for every n E ~.
This proves that fg = 0. Since Igi = A t- a.e., we must have f = a.e., and F = gH2. As we already said, we get an inner function if we replace 9 by m
= g/A.
Chapter IX
Corollary 1.2 (Benrling's Theorem) - Let f be in H2. The vector space spanned by functions ei n 8f , n ~ 0, is dense in H2 if and only if f is an outer function. Proof. - We put
{ f, ei8f , e2i9f , ... } span
Clearly, Ff is invariant by M. a) Assume Ff = H2. We write the decomposition:
f = m.F, into inner and outer parts. Then :
which implies that m is constant, and that f is outer. b) Assume f to be outer. Since Ff is a closed invariant subspace for M, by Theorem 1.1, there is an inner function m such that :
This implies in particular that there is a function h in H2 such that :
f We write h
= hi.ho, where
hi is inner, and h o is outer. Then:
and mh, is inner. Since f itself is outer, the uniqueness of the decomposition into inner and outer parts implies that mk; is constant, which in turn implies that both m and hi are constant. Therefore, F] = H 2 • We observe that the above proof gives in fact the more precise result:
Corollary 1.3. - If f is a function in H2, and f = / is its decomposition into inner and outer parts, we have:
Multiplication by ei 8
2. Szego's Theorem. We now derive Szego's Theorem from Beurling's Theory. There are, however, direct proofs (see Hoffman [1]). Let A0 be the subspace of A(D) consisting of the functions / which satisfy /(0) = O.
Theorem 2.1 [Ssegd]. - Let h be a real positive integrable function on II. Then: dO (1) inf 11 - g(e18 )12 h(O) -dO = exp log h(O) - . gEAo
j lf
Proof. - Assume first that log h is integrable, that is J~lf log h dO/211" > Put: 1 ei 8 + z . dO G(z) = exp -'-8log h(eI 8 ) - • l
Then G is an outer function,
and G 2(0)
= exp
log h(O) -dO . 27r
If 9 E Ao, we have:
But the Oth Fourier coefficient of (1- g)G is G (0) (since / (0) = 0). Therefore:
This proves one inequality in (1). Conversely, since G is outer, by Beurling's Theorem, there are polynomials Pn(z) such that PnG converges to the constant function G(O) in H2. Then Pn(O)G(O) --+ G(O) =j:. 0, and Pn(O) --+ 1. We can assume Pn(O) = 1. Thus we can write Pn = 1 - gn, and gn is in Ao . But then:
which proves the converse inequality.
Chapter IX
Now, if we assume f~ff logh(e i 8 )d8/ 21r = - 00, we observe that for every e > 0, log(h + e) is integrable, and by the preceding computations, ~
= exp
+ E:) - •
When e
11 - g(e ' 8 )12(h(8) + e) -211" 211"
0, this last expression tends to 0, and we get :
Corollary 2.2. - Let / be in L 2 (TI, d8/211"). Then
jf and only jf:
log 1/(ei8)1
This follows immediately from Szegd's Theorem, applied to h =
1/1 2 •
3. Multiplication by ei B on L 2 (TI, d8/ 21r ) . Let now J.L be a positive Borel measure on TI. The operator M : / ~ eie/ is a surjective isometry from L 2 (TI, dJ.L) onto itself. As we already said at the beginning of this Chapter, in the case where J.L is the Lebesgue measure, M can be identified to the right shift on 12(1L). We now describe its Invariant Subspaces.
Proposition 3.1. - A closed subspace F contained in L 2 (#-, ) satisfies MF = F if and only if there exists a measurable subset A C TI, such that: F = {/ E L 2
0 c.e. on A C }
Proof. - Set L 2(A) = {/ E L 2 j /(8) = 0 a.e. on A C } . Clearly, L 2(A) is closed, and ML 2(A) =L 2(A). Conversely, let F be a closed subspace of L 2 (#-, ), and assume ei BF = F. Then also e- i BF = F, and, more generally, einB F = F, \In E 1L. We first study the case when F is generated by a single function [; For / E L 2 (#-, ), we set: Ff = span {e in8/
n E
Multiplication by ei B
where the closure is taken in L 2 (IL) . By Stone- Weierstrasa Theorem, every function gEe (II) is the uniform limit of trigonometric polynomials, that is of finite sums L~K ateik8. Therefore, for every function 9 E C(II), 9 I E Ff. Let h be a function in Fj. Then:
for all 9 E C(II),
= 0,
and {h E L 1 (IL). So Ih = 0 a.e., and Ih = O. Let B = {8 j 1(8) = O}. Then all functions in Ff are 0 a.e. on B. Conversely, if tP = 0 a.e. on B, and h is orthogonal to F, tPh = 0, by what we just proved. Therefore, tP E F.L.L = F, and Ff = L2(A) , with A = BC. The Proposition is therefore proved for Fj . We now turn to the general case: F satisfies M F = F. Let (In)n>o be a dense sequence of functions in F. For each n, let :
An = {O
fn(O) f O}.
with A
= UA n .
Proposition 3.2. - A closed subspace F
L 2(II, IL) satisfies :
if and only if there exists a Borel function tP such that:
(1) Proof. - a) If ¢ satisfies (1), ei B¢ H 2 C H2, so F is invariant by M, and:
b) Conversely, assume that F satisfies nn~oein8 F = {O}. If G c F is a closed subspace, we denote by F e G the orthogonal complement of G in F. So we put:
Chapter IX
Then, for n
and therefore : '\J7n~Oe
in8L C
e (EBn~oein8L)
= {O},
= nn~oein8F
which means :
Let 4> be any function in L, with 114>112
4> ..1 Therefore,
in 8
1. We get, for n ~ 1
[1r 14>1 2
e i n 8 dJ,t
Taking conjugates, we obtain the same equality, this time for all n E Z, n =j:. O. This implies that the measure 14>1 2 dJ,t has all Fourier coefficients equal to 0, except the Oth, which is 1. So we get:
(2) The space L has dimension 1 : assume that there is a function 4>' in L with 4>' ..1 4>, in L 2 ( ,.,.) . Since 4> ..L e i n 8 4>' , for n > 0, we get:
[~~ t/>~'e-'n8dll
> 0,
0 ,
and since 4>' ..1 e i n 84> , for n > 0, we get :
[~~ t/>'~e-'nodll
Taking conjugates,
[~~ t/>~'' n8dll
n > O.
Using finally the fact that 4> ..1 4>' , we obtain from (3) and (4) :
!_~~ t/>~'
n E :1:,
which means that 4>4>',.,. = 0, or 4>'14>1 2 ,.,. = O. But 14>12d,.,. = ~:, so 4>' = 0 a.e. L, each element f in F can be written : Since F = EBn~oein8
4> ,
L lanl 2 < 00.
So F
= 4>.H 2 ,
and our Proposition is proved.
Multiplication by ei 8
This Proposition can be strenghtened :
Proposition 3.3. - If M F c F and M F ¢ such that:
Proof. - As previously, we set L
i- F, there exists a Borel function
= F e ei 8 F.
L EB ei 8 L EB e2i 8 L EB ••• ,
and L o = FeG. The operator M is surjective on L o : if we take a function h in L o such that h ...L ML o , Mh EMF, so h ...L Mh, and thus h E L. Therefore, h E L o n L implies h = O. From Proposition 3.1, we deduce that there is a Borel subset A C II such that L o = L 2(A). We now take ¢ E L, and we repeat on G the proof of Proposition 3.2 : we find J¢1 2 dJ,t = dO/21r. But ei n 8 ¢ ...L 1A.¢, since Lo...L ei n 8 L , for n> 0, and 1A4> E L o = L 2(A). This means:
[ffff e
1A 1¢1 2 dJ,t
dO 1A = 0,
n> O.
n> O.
Taking conjugates, we get that, for every n E 7l, n
ei n 8 1 -dO = 0 A
=f. 0,
which means that 1A is constant. This is possible only if A has measure 0, and we are back to the previous case.
Proposition 3.4. - Let I E L 2(II,dO/21r). The functions ei n 8 1, n > 0, generate L 2 if and only if we have simultaneously:
a) P{O ; 1(0) = o) = 0, b) f~ff
log 1/(0)IdO /211" =
Proof. - As before, we set :
Chapter IX
1) Assume first F, = L2. Then, by Proposition 3.1, a) holds. We now show that: inf jW" 11 _ (ale itl + ... + akeik8)121f12 dO = O. (1) kjah···,ak
Lemma 3.5. - Let I E L 2 , such that P{9 ; 1(9) functions ei n 8 I, n ~ 0, generate L 2 if and only if :
= o.
Then the
- { ei8,e 2i8 , . .. } , 1 E span
in the space L 2(II, 1/1 2 d9/ 27r) .
Proof of Lemma 3.5. - Assume first that the functions ein8I, n ~ 0, generate L 2 . For every E > 0, we can find a finite sequence of scalars ao, ... , ak , such that: W" "8 ~ " "8 2 d9 [e-' I - L" aje" II -W" 27r j=o
and so,
which means that : - { ei8,e 2i8, ... } , span 1 E -
in the space L 2(II, 1/1 2d9/ 27r) . Conversely, one checks immediately that, if this holds, also e- i 8 , e- 2i8, ... , belong to span{ei8,e2i8, ...}, in the space L 2 (II,1/ 12d9/27r). Therefore, in this space: span {e in8 ; n ~ I}
span {e in8 ; n E 1l}.
This equality implies that in the space L 2 (II, dO /27r), span {e in8I
n ~ I} = span {e in8I
By Proposition 3.1, this last space is L 2 , since Lemma and therefore (1).
n E :IL}.
satisfies a). This proves the
By Szegd's Theorem (Section 2), we have: inf gEA o
L -W"
and this means that f~1r
11 -
gl21/1 2-d9 = 27r
log I/ld9/27r =
L -W"
log 1/1 2 -dO ,
2) Conversely, let's assume that a) and b) hold. Once again, by Szegd's Theorem, (I) is satisfied, and by Lemma 3.5, we get F] = L2.
Multiplication by ei fJ 4. Multiplication by x on L 2[O,I].
We now turn to the study of the multiplication by x on the space L 2[O,I]. Obviously, if A is a measurable subset of [0,1], and if we set, as before,
we obtain a closed invariant subspace of Mr. in L2[0,1]. It is non-trivial if and only if < P(A) < 1 (of course, P is now the Lebesgue measure on 10,1]).
Conversely, we have:
Proposition 4.1. - Any closed subspace of L 2[0, 1], invariant for Mr., is of the form L 2(A), for some measurable set A C [0,1]. Proof. - Let F c 10,IJ with Mr.F C F. We may of course assume that F is not the whole space. Take a function f E F, f 1= 0. First, we consider:
Since Ff is not the whole space, there is a function 9 in L 2[0, 1], 9 =f. 0, with 9 1.. Ff. Therefore,
x· f(x)g(x)dx
This implies that for every polynomial p,
Since polynomials are dense in L 2 [0, I], we get:
° a,e. = ° a.e. on
f(x)g(x) =
AC , < P(A) < 1, and Set A = {x ; I(x) 1= O}. Then f Ff C L 2(A). If this inclusion was strict, we could find a function h in L 2(A), h 1.. Ff. 1 Then, as before, we would have f0 pfhdx = 0, for every polynomial p, which implies I.h = o. So I would be 0 on the set where h is =f. 0, which is a subset of A of positive measure. This contradicts the definition of A, and proves our assertion for F]: For F itself, we do as in the proof of Proposition 3.1 : we take a dense sequence (/n)n:;:::o in F, and we obtain F = L 2(A), where A = uA n , each An being the set {In 1= O}.
Chapter IX
Corollary 4.2. - For every function
where A = {x ; I(x)
in L 2[0, 1],
i- O}.
Corollary 4.3. - For every polynomial p,
Therefore, the operator M z on L 2[0, 1] has an interesting property, in terms of cyclic vectors. There is a cyclic vector 10 (namely the polynomial 1) such that for every polynomial p, p(Mz)/o is also cyclic. Let's understand what this means for the functional calculuses and the Invariant Subspace problem. We have seen (Proposition 4.1) that the non-cyclic elements were the functions 1 with non-trivial support: P({/(x) = O}) > 0. We may wonder: starting with a cyclic element, like 10 = 1, how can we get to a non-cyclic one, 1, using a functional calculus ? This question makes sense in general (that is : not only for this operator), and is precisely at the origin of the attempts to use functional calculuses to solve the Invariant Subspace Problem: given an operator T, we start with a cyclic point xo, and we try to find a function 1 such that I(T) is well-defined and I(T)xo is non-cyclic. Such attempts will be described in the next chapters. Here, the answer is fairly easy to give: if f is a polynomial, I(Mz ) 1 = f will still be cyclic, and the same remains true if f is in the Disk Algebra or in H?? . The HOO functional calculus has not been introduced yet (see Chapter XI), so let's accept temporarily the following fact (which is easy to admit) : for 1 E H?", the operator I(Mz ) is the multiplication by f(x) on [0, 1[. Of course, since f is analytic on a neighborhood of the segment [0,11, we get that 1 still satisfies P({/(x) = O}) = 0. If we want to get to a non-cyclic function, we have to take 1 in L oo , vanishing on a set of positive measure on [0,1]. In the present case, f(Mz ) makes sense when f E L oo ' because the operator M z is normal, and u(Mz ) = 10,11 (see Chapter VII, Section 5), and f is bounded on u(Mz ) . But such a functional calculus, admitting functions which are not analytic, just bounded on u(T), does not exist for other classes than normal operators. This is why, in my opinion, the idea of solving the Invariant Subspace Problem by means of a functional calculus does not look very promising.
Multiplication by ei 8
We have studied in detail three operators: multiplication by ei 8 on H2, and on L 2 , and multiplication by x on L 2[0,1]. We observe that, quite interestingly, the types of Invariant Subspaces encountered are quite different. The first one has Invariant Subspaces of type m.H2, the second one has Invariant Subspaces of type m.H2 and L 2(A), and the third one, of type L 2(A) only. All separable Hilbert spaces are of course isometric, and these three operators look "more or less" the same. But their Invariant Subspaces are quite different conceptually. This indicate that the type of Invariant Subspaces (and therefore the means which are used to find them) must heavily depend on the underlying space and on the specific representation of the operator. This also casts some doubts upon the possible success of methods like Banach Algebra methods, which do not use the structure of the underlying Hilbert space. They may be quite suitable for some classes of operators, under some specific assumptions (we have met such a situation in Chapter VI, Section 6), but I don't see how they could handle the whole problem. All this explains why the solution of the Invariant Subspace Problem is not easy: we have to find general means of exhibiting Invariant Subspaces of various natures. One can imagine that a given method may produce Invariant Subspaces of one type, for some class of operators, but it does not look simple to find a method which would work in all cases. Moreover, the three examples we have studied are very trivial ones : they are just multiplication operators. But if things look already bad at such an early stage, the future does not look very promising !
Chapter IX
Exercises on Chapter IX
Exercise 1. - Let H be a Hilbert space, 12 (IN, H) the space
Let S be the right shift on 12 (IN, H) , and let G be a closed invariant subspace of S in this space. Show that there is a Hilbert space HI and a function F, defined on D, with values in £(H1,H), such that: a) F is analytic on D and if zED, IIF(z)11 ~ 1, b) F(e i 8 ) is defined a.e. and is an isometry, c) the subspace G is of the form F.l2(IN, HI).
Exercise 2. - Let / be in H?", Show that 1, I, /2, ... form an orthonormal basis of H2 if and only if I(z) = Az, for some A, IAI = 1. Exercise 3. - Let F be the subspace of H2 : F
{I E H 2 i there is N(J) such that TI n ~ N(J) , /(1 - l/n 2 )
= a}.
Determine the closure of F in H2.
Exercise 4. - Show that the functions {e i n 8 I ; n ~ o) span L 2(Il) if and only if the functions {ei n 8lin ~ o} span L 2(Il). Exercise 5. - Let m be a non-constant inner function, M m the operator of multiplication by m on H2. a) Show that M m is a c.n.u, isometry (see definition of c.n.u. in the next chapter). b) Show that M m is unitarily equivalent to the multiplication by ei 8 if and only if there exist A, IA\ = 1, and a, [o] < 1, such that: m () z =
A z-a 1- ii:z '
zE D.
Exercise 6. - Let 4>, t/J be in L oo , with 14>1 = t/JI 1 a.e. 4>.H2 = t/J.H2 if and only if 4> = At/J, for some A, IAI = 1.
Show that
Multiplication by ei 8 Exercise 7.
be an outer function. For A > 0, set :
min(A, -log lJ(e i 8 )I) .
1) Let IA be the outer function such that log IIAI = UA and IA(O)/(O) > O. Prove that IIA I ~ eA , and that UA (ei B) + log I/(e i 8 ) I s O.
2) Show that IluA+logl/llll--+O,when A--+ +oo,andthat IA(O)I(O)--+ 1.
3) Choose a sequence (An)n>o, increasing fast enough, so that:
L (1 -
IAJO)I(O)) <
Let In
= I An
be the corresponding functions. Show that:
L III - In.f112
4) Deduce from 1) that:
I/n(z).I(z)1 < 1,
and from 3) that:
In(e i 8).f(e i 8 ) --+ 1,
n --+
Compare with Beurling's Theorem (Corollary 1.2).
Exercise 8. - Prove that the set of cyclic vectors, for the right shift on '2(Z) is dense in this space. Exercise 9. - The set of cyclic vectors for the right shift on 12(IN) is not dense. We will show that no sequence of outer functions can converge in H2 to
= z. Assume that a sequence (In)n~O a) Show that In(O) --+ /(0) =
of outer functions converges to
b) Show that : 71" / -'If
dO log Iln(ei 8 )1~ 21r
(Use the Theorem 2, in the "Complements" of Chapter VIII.) c) Obtain a contradiction and conclude. This applies as well to any Blaschke product. Conversely, singular functions are limits of sequences of outer functions : if I is singular, I (r z) , o < r < 1, is outer.
Chapter IX
Exercise 10 (Szego's Theorem, general case). - Let JI. be a positive measure on n, Jl.a. and Jl.a its absolutely continuous and singular parts, with respect to Lebesgue measure. Show that: inf gEA o
{II - fl 2 d Jl. in
= inf {II - fl 2 d Jl.a. gEA o
(If F is the projection of 1 onto Ao , closure in L 2 (JI. ), then Exercise 11. - Let a We define d = a * b by : dn
= (akhEz
be in co(71), b
aibn-i ,
1- F = 0, Jl.a-a.e.)
= (bi)iEZ
be in ld71).
n E '/l.
iE'll Then (dn ) is in co('ll). Show that a is cyclic for the right shift S on co(71) if and only if, for every b E ld71) , d has infinitely many non-zero coefficients di'
i < o.
Notes and Comments:
Our presentation is a mixture between several authors. For further acquaintance, we recommend our usual references: Hoffman [1], Garnett [I], Duren [1], Douglas [1], Rudin [1]. Exercise 7 is taken from Garnett [1].
Complements on Chapter IX
1. Approximation of a non-cyclic vector of S on
12(IN) by cyclic ones.
These results are closely related to the approach to the Invariant Subspace problem described in Chapter XIV. Take /(z) = exp((z + l)j(z - 1)). This is a singular inner function, and /r(z) = /(TZ) , 0 < r < 1, are outer functions (as easily checked), which converge to / a.e. and in L 2 , when circle.
T -+
1-. They do not vanish on the unit
Multiplication by ei B
Take a sequence (Fn)n>o of outer functions with:
111/Fnll oo
cannot be bounded. Indeed, if:
But: 1-
f / r; ,
and this implies that : 1 E span {f, z[, z2 t,
.. .},
and since 1 is cyclic for S in 12(IN), 1 would be cyclic. This is not true. So we have the following quantitative problem: How fast does Ill/Fnil oo ---+ +00 ? The following theorem is due to L. Kahanpaa [1] :
Theorem. - There is a C > 0 such that, for every e > 0, every outer function F with:
There is a function F satisfying (1) and such that:
General results, concerning the approximation of non-cyclic elements by cyclic ones for a given contraction operator were obtained by Rene Martel [1].
Chapter IX
2. Convolution operators. We have studied multiplication operators on HP spaces (and further work will be done in Chapter XII), we may consider similar questions for convolution operators. In what space should a distribution T be taken so that the operator:
(1) is continuous from HP into itself? H we write Fourier expansions :
f =
(1) means that (tna n) is the sequence of Fourier coefficients of an HP function. For this reason, the required space is called the space of multipliers of 1 BP, and is denoted by M 1 HP (people often speak about "multipliers of HP ", in short). In H2, one sees immediately that a necessary and sufficient condition for T to be in M1 H2 is that the sequence (t n ) should be bounded. On L 1 , defining M1 L 1 the same way, one checks easily that T is in M 1 L 1 if and only if T is a measure on II. On HI, things are not so simple, and no complete description is known. We now describe a space, introduced by N. Varopoulos, which was thought for some time to be a reasonable candidate for M 1 HI. First, we consider the space (see the "Complements" at the end of Chapter
V) Its dual Vo• is the space of all operators from Co into 11, equipped with the operator norm. Let V be the bidual of Vo ; it is a dense subspace of 1(X){IN x IN). Now we define: JlV
{c = (Ci,k)i,kEIN ;
Set m n = Ci,k when i +k to the sequence (m n ) .
E V , Ci,k
= Ci',k' if i + k = i' + k'}
; we can identify the double sequence (Cj,k)j,kEIN
Multiplication by eiO
Let now .M be the space of measures on II, 1'.M the set of Fourier transforms. We finally introduce : 1'M(IN)
{(an)n;?:O; there is a measure JJ , such that ,l(n)
= an
, 'Vn ~ a},
equipped with the quotient norm:
Then, 1.M(IN) is contained in )IV. Indeed, let JJ be a measure. It defines a continuous linear functional on Vo• (and thus an element of V) by means of the formula: (ai,k)i,kEIN
f " (7"""""L..: _,,"
"0 e''U )dJJ(8) ai,k e'1
(an operator from Co into 11 is here represented by its matrix (ai,k)j,kEIN)' E 12, b =
Also, JlV is contained in M1 HI. Indeed, if a = (an)n~o (bn)n>o E 12, we set: n
(a * b)n = L an-kbk , k=O which is the sequence of Fourier coefficients of the function f 9 ,
= Lane
9 = Lbne n;?:O
Define T, from 12 ® 12 into l'HI, by : a®b
* b.
The operator T is surjective and has norm 1, if the norm on 1 H I is defined by the formula :
IlaiiTHl = IlfllHl. Then if 0: = (O:j,k) E '2®'2, and fJ = (fJi,k) E co®co, the (fJi,kO:i,k) and is in '2®'2, and this remains true if fJ is in V.
product fJo: is
If fJ E JlV and (m n ) is associated with it, one checks that:
and this shows that (mn ) is in M1 HI, with norm K I!fJIINv. Both inclusions 1.M(IN) c JlV c M1'H I are strict. This was proved by G. Bennett [1] for the first, and by Francoise Lust-Piquard [1] for the second.
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o Ie pauvre amoureux des
pays chimeriques ! Faut-il le mettre aux fers, le jeter a. la mer, Ce matelot ivrogne, inventeur d' Ameriques Dont le mirage rend le gouffre plus amer ?
In this Fifth Part, we have gathered results inspired by the following idea: instead of studying the original operator T defined on a Hilbert space H, one builds a bigger Hilbert space }I, and an isometry f on it, which "extends" T in some sense. If the links between T and f are strong enough, one can derive interesting informations for T from well-known facts about isometries. If the new space }I contains H as a closed subspace, such a construction is called a dilation, and if it contains it as a dense subspace, the construction is an extension.
Chapter X
Minimal Dilation of a Contraction
Let H be a Hilbert space, and T a contraction on it, that is an operator satisfying
~ 1.
As previously, we denote by T· the adjoint of T. Since is also a contraction.
Let's first give or recall a few definitions : a) T is an isometry if IITxl1 = equivalent to T· T = I , or to :
for all x in H. This property is
for all z , y in H. b) T is unitary if it is a surjective isometry. This is equivalent to the fact that both T· T = I and TT· = I. As a special case, a unitary operator is normal. c) A closed linear subspace F is called reducing for T if T F = F. d) T is said to be completely non-unitary (in short: c.n.u.] if there is no reducing subspace F such that TIF is unitary. . 1. Construction of the isometric and unitary dilations.
The following Proposition, valid for isometries only, provides a decomposition of the space into two parts: one on which T is surjective, and the other on which T is c.n.u.
Proposition 1.1 (Wold's Decomposition). - Let T be an isometry. Set
Then H = H o E:B HI, and moreover: a) The space H 0 is reducing for T,
Chapter X
b) The space HI is invariant for T, reducing for T·, and Tln 1 is c.n.u. Of course H o or HI may be {o}. Proof. - Set L = (1m T).L = H e T H (we recall that this notation means that L is the orthogonal complement of T H). Then : HI
since (ImT).L Therefore:
KerT· (see B.B. !1], p. 39). But TnL 1.. TmL, if n
(2) From this, we deduce that, when n
-+ 00,
HI = HeHo.
Now, we observe that THo = H o, so T is unitary on H o. The fact that T HI c HI is obvious from formula (1). It implies T·T HI c T· HI, and since T·T = I, Let y E HI. Then, for x E H o ,
(T·y, x)
= (y, Tx) =
so T·y E HI, and T· HI C HI. So finally HI is reducing for T· . Clearly, Tln 1 is c.n.u. : if there is a subspace F C HI with TF = F, then F C H«. This implies that F = {O}, and our Proposition is proved.
Corollary 1.2. - Let T be an isometry on H. There exists a Hilbert space H as a closed subspace, and a unitary operator l' on it, such that Tin = T.
it , containing
We then say that T may be extended into a unitary operator.
Proof. - We will use the previous decomposition of H. On H o , T is already unitary, so we care only about HIOn HI, we consider once again :
We denote by l2(71,L) (or (TI Lh, see B.B. [1] p. 102), the space:
l2(71, L) = {(x n )nE71 ; X n E L 'tin,
L nE71
IIxnl1 2 < oo},
Minimal Dilation equipped with the norm:
I (x n ) 1I1~
Ilx nl1 2 ) 1/2.
nE?L Take now HI = 12(Z,L). This is a Hilbert space, and HI can be identified to a closed subspace of HI. Indeed, by formula (1) above, every point h in HI can be written:
E L for all k
0, and : 00
(2::: IIT kx kI12) 1/ 2 (L Il xkI12P / 2.
To h , we associate the po in t in
if 1
where we underline the Oth coordinate. We get: 00
(L Il xkI1 2)1/ 2, o
and the mapping h ---t it is an isometry. The point Th becomes (... ,0, Q, xo, x}, ... ). If S is the right shift on l2(?L, L), that is :
S is a unitary operator and T = SIH 1 • To construct iI and i , we finally take ti«, S on HI.
= Hi, EEl
HI, and T is T on
Let now H, )/ be two Hilbert spaces, H being a closed subspace of )/. Let T be an operator on H, and U an operator on )/. We say that T is the projection of U, and we write T = Pr (U) if T = PU, where P is the orthogonal projection of )/ onto H. This is clearly equivalent to :
(Tx,y) = (Ux,y) ,
E )/, Y E H.
We also say that the couple ()/, U) is a dilation of the couple (H, T) if: for all n
We say that this dilation is isometric if U is an isometry, and that it is unitary if U is unitary.
Chapter X
An isometric dilation is said to be minimal if : )I
= span
An unitary dilation is said to be minimal if :
This terminology is justified the following way: for an isometry (not invertible), we are interested in the images T"(H), n ~ 0, and the smallest dilation should contain only these spaces, therefore is the closed linear space they generate. For a surjective isometry, we are interested in the images T"(H), for n E 1l.
Proposition 1.3. - Let T be a contraction on H. There exists a minimal isometric dilation (U 1 , )lI) of (H, T). If P is the orthogonal projection from )11 onto HI, we have: TP = PU 1
and H is invariant for
Ui .
We consider the space '2( IN, H), defined as above:
equipped with the norm :
Then H can be embedded in l2(IN,H) by x We consider the operator :
(x,O,O, ... ).
which is self-adjoint and positive: (V x, x) ~ 0, for all x E H. By Chapter VII, Proposition 1.2, it has a square root, D, which is also positive, self-adjoint, and satisfies, for every x E H :
IITxll2 +
(Tx, Tx) + (Dx, Dx) = (T*Tx,x) + (D 2x,x) =
= (x, x)
Minimal Dilation IT i: = (Xn)n~O,
we now define:
and we get, by (1) :
II U l xllr2 ( H )
Il T x o1l 2 + II Dxoll2 +
L Ilx,1I ,~
= II xol1 + L Ilx,11 2
Il xl r ( H ) 2
which proves that U 1 is an isometry. Let P be defined as the projection from 12(IN, H) onto its Oth coordinate: this is a projection from 12(IN,H) onto H. We identify x with (x,D, ...). Then, for x E H, n ~ 0,
which proves that (12(IN, H), Ud is an isometric dilation. This dilation does not need to be minimal, since 12( IN, H) is too big a space in general. So we have to restrict it. We simply put:
which is a closed subspace of '2(lN, H). Clearly, U1 operates from }II onto itself, and the couple (}II, Ut) is the required minimal isometric dilation. The projection P from }II onto H is of course the restriction to }II of the projection from 12(lN, H) onto H. So we get, for every z E H, every n ~ 0,
which shows that, on }II, TP
PU 1
IT x E H, z E }II, we have: (T* z, z)
(T* z , pz)
(x, T pz)
(x, PU1z) = (x, U1z)
(U; z, z),
which proves that Ui = T* on H, and this implies of course that H is invariant under U;. One checks easily that :
This finishes the proof of our Proposition.
Chapter X
Corollary 1.4. - For every x, y in H, every n, m
and if n
0, if n
From this Corollary follows obviously that the scalar products (Uix, Urny) do not depend on the construction of (Nb Ud. So, if (NL UD is another minimal dilation of (H, T) 7 there exists a surjective isometry A, from Nl onto i/ { 7 such that :
In this sense, the minimal isometric dilation is unique. We will now extend it further into a unitary dilation.
Proposition 1.5. - Let T be a contraction on H. There exists a minimal unitary dilation (JI 7 U) of (H, T). Proof. - We take (i/hUd given by Proposition 1.3. We extend (i/l,Ud into (Jl1 7 Ud by Corollary 1.2. We then take U = and:
Corollary 1.6. - For every x, y in H, every n, m (Unx, Umy)
= (Tm-nx,y)
= (x, Tm-ny) ,
0, we have:
Once again, this implies that the minimal unitary dilation is unique in the sense that, if (N', U ') is another one, there is a surjective isometry A from )I onto )II, such that : U'A = AU. In the sequel of this Chapter, we will refer to U as "the" minimal unitary dilation of T (in short: m.u.d.), and we write simply U = UT. The following properties are obvious: - If T is unitary, UT = T, - If T
= T' e Til,
= Ut EB U!J.,
- If T is an isometry and T = To then
= To EB UTI'
e T1
is the Wold decomposition of T,
Minimal Dilation
Though the above construction is quite elementary and involves no deep tool, it allows us to give a very elegant proof of Von Neumann's Inequality, which, in its original form, was not so easily obtained.
Proposition 1.7 (Von Neumann's Inequality). - For every contraction T on H and every polynomial p, IIp(T) II ~
max Ip(z) I·
Proof. - Let (JI, U) be the m.u.d. of (H, T). We have peT) = Pp(U), so IIp(T)11 ~ IIp(U)lI· But since U is unitary, we have, by Chapter VII, theorem 4.3, c),
max{lp(z)I ; z E u(U)} ~
max Ip(z)l.
We can now come back to the general study of (JI,U) :
Proposition 1.8. - Let (JI, U) be the m.u.d. of (H, T). Every eigenvalue of T of modulus 1 is an eigenvalue of U, and conversely. The corresponding eigenvectors are the same for both operators. Proof. - a) First, we have, for x E H, if IAI = 1 :
IlUx - AxII 2
= IIUx[l2 = 211xIl
= 2~(Ax
AX) + [IxII 2
- Tx, AX)
~ 211AX -
and this implies UX = AX if Tx = AX.
b ) Conversely, let's assume that U = AX, IA1 = 1, for some E }I. It's clear on the construction made in Corollary 1.2 that U on jj I has no eigenvector, so x must be in H o . Therefore, if U I is the isometric dilation of
T, we have Uli
AX. With, as before, X
(xn)n>O' we deduce from this
and for n
L IIxn l 2 < 00, = X2 = ... =
from which we get, since
Tx« = AXo,
Dxo =
This last property follows from the previous, since (I - T·T)xo = O. Indeed,
Chapter X
Lemma 1.9. - If T is a contraction and Xo is an eigenvector of T for the eigenvalue A, IAI = 1, Xo is also an eigenvector of T· , for the eigenvalue X. J
Ilxoll = 1. Then: I(T'*xo,xo)1 = l(xo, Txo)1 =
Proof of Lemma 1.9. - Assume
which implies that T'* Xo is proportional to Xo : T'* Xo
(T'* xo, xo)
(xo, Txo)
= axo.
But then:
= X,
which proves our Lemma. Coming back to the Proposition, we see finally that UX = Ax implies x = (xo,O, ...), and Txo = AXo, and our Proposition is proved. 2. Decompositions of the space )( . We now study the decomposition of )I into a Hilbert sum of pairwise orthogonal subspaces. When we write an expression like: )I
= ... EEl L_ n EEl L- n+ l
we mean that every
x in
EEl ••• EEl L o EEl L 1 EEl· •• EEl L n EEl •••
has a decomposition
x =
where Xlc is in Llc for all k E Z. The LIc's are pairwise orthogonal, and therefore, IIxII II xlc1l 2P / 2.
We now set
(U - T)( H) ,
where the closures are taken in
(U'* - T'*)(H) ,
Proposition 2.1. - For every m, n E IN, U'" L is orthogonal to U" L, and U": L'* is orthogonal to U" L'* . The space )( can be decomposed into: )I
= .'. EEl u,*nL '* EEl ••• EEl U'* L'* EEl L· EEl HEEl L EEl UL EEl ••• EEl UnL EEl ...
Proof. - a) We only need to show that U" L .1 L, for n 2: 1, and the same for L'*. But, for x, y E H,
(Un(U - T)x,(U - T)y)
= iU?», y) - (Un- 1 Tx, y) - (Un+ 1 x, Ty) + (UnTx, Ty) = (Tnx,y) - (Tnx,y) - (T n+ 1x,Ty) + (T n+ 1x,Ty) =0 and the same for (u·n (U'* - T'*)x, (U'* - T'*)y).
Minimal Dilation
b) Let's show first that all terms in the decomposition are orthogonal. We still have to show that:
U"L 1. H ,
But one checks immediately that, for n, m
~ 0,
z , Y E H,
(U"(U - T)x, y) = 0,
(U+m(U+ - T+)x,y)
which implies our claim. Let's now call )I' the expansion, and let's show that N = )I'. First, we observe that:
(1) Indeed, to prove (1), it's enough to see that:
U(U+ - T+)H
UH = U (B (U - T)H.
But if:
x with
x', z" E
x' + (U - T)x",
H, then:
T+x' + (I - T+T)x" ,
x' - Tx" .
x' = TXl
+ (I -
TT")X2 ,
and this proves (2). Using (1), we get that UN ' = N'. But )II contains H, and U is the minimal unitary dilation, so N' = )I, and our Proposition is proved.
Chapter X We now put:
Proposition 2.2. - Let Ho denote the largest subspace of H on which T is unitary (cf Proposition 1.1). Then:
Consequently, if T is c.n.u.,
Proof. - Set Hb = span {M,M-}.L. Let z E and M-. Thus x 1- un L, x .1 U:" L-, for n
Hb. Then x is orthogonal to M ~ o. So x E H, by Proposition
But also x 1- U- L, and so :
which implies (Ux,Tx) = Ilx11 2 • This formula proves that Ux and Tx are proportional, and therefore U x = Tx for all x E H . Since Hb is invariant by U, it is also invariant by T. The formula T = UIHIo shows moreover that T is an isometry on Hb. Furthermore, T is surjective on Hb. Indeed, take x E Hb, and y = U· x. Then y E Hb, and Ty = z , So Hb c Hn , the largest subspace on which T is unitary. b) Conversely, if x E H o , U":» = Tn x , for n ~ 0, and U":x = T'":":»; for n:S o. So U":z E H, for all n E 'fl. Thus unx.l L, z L U-nL, so z E M. the same way, we show that x E M-. Thus x E Hb, and our Proposition is proved. We observe the formula: Ho
= span {M,M·}l=
nn>O (Ker (I - T·T)T n- 1 ) n (Ker (I - TT-)T· n- 1 ) .
The spaces M, M· are reducing subspaces for U, and therefore the spaces:
R.. = )leM are also reducing for U. We set:
R = UL~
R. = UIR••
The operator R is called the residual part of U, and R. the *-residual part. They are unitary operators.
Minimal Dilation
We also denote by PR., PR. the orthogonal projections from
onto R.,
R. •. Proposition 2.3. - For every x in
lim unT·nx ,
the following limits exist in
lim u-nTnx.
Proof. - We only prove the second relation, the first one being similar. Since T is a contraction, the sequence IITnxlln~o is decreasing, therefore convergent. So, if 0 ~ m ~ n,
lIu-nTnxIl2+llu-mTmxIl2 - 2!R(u- nTnx, u-mTmx), which proves that limit. In order to x-yEM. The first fact H .L u m + n L. For
(u-nTnx)n>o is a Cauchy sequence in }I. Let's call y its show that y = PR. x, we have to show that y .L M, and is clear, since u-nTn x .L U'" L, for n the second, we write ;
-m, because
and this expression is in M. This proves our Proposition. IT T is not unitary, Land L. are not {O}, and ;
are reducing subspaces for U. On them, U acts like the right shift on 12 (Z,)/) ;
x = (xn)nEZ' with
X n E U" L for all n, then Uii: = (xn-d. We may write }I = M EB R.., and on M, U acts like the right shift. This means just, in fact, that for z EM, Ule x .L z , for all k ~ O. IT, instead of the whole space, we start with a point x E H and set
M(x) = span {Unx i n E Z}, we can do the same reasoning. Put
M_(x) = span {Unx ; n
Then M+ (x) nM_ (x) c H, and if T is c.n.u., one of them, say M+ (x), cannot reduce T. IT we take F = M+ (x) e U M + (x) , we get F =I- {O}, and U IeF .L F, for all k > O. So we have obtained ;
Chapter X
Proposition 2.4. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction on H, and let (JI, U) be its minimal unitary dilation. For any x E H , set
M(x) = span {U"x ; n
E Z}.
In M(x), there exists a point a such that una is orthogonal to a, for all nEZ,ni=0.
Proof. - By what we just said, this is indeed satisfied for any a in M or M •. We are now going to study the spectral measure E of U. We recall that E BOO (II) , any z ,
o(U) C C, since U is unitary. By Chapter VII, for any f y E JI, (f(U)x, y)
IIf(U)xIl 2
In fdEz,J/(B), = In IfI dE z(B). =
Theorem 2.5 (Nagy-Folas}. - If T is c.n.u., the spectral measure E of its minimal unitary dilation U is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure on II, and so are the scalar spectral measures Ez,z, for x in H. Proof. - Take any a given by Proposition 2.4. Then:
and since (U"a,a)
° if n i= °and = lIal1
For every measurable subset 0
IIE(6)aI1 2 =
en, we get
(E(o)a, a)
for n
= 0, we obtain:
= IIal1 2 P(6),
where P is, as before, the normalized Lebesgue measure on II. If P(o) = 0, E(o)a = 0, and since E(o) commutes with Ur , E(6)un a = 0, for all n E 'lL, and so E(o)x = 0, for all x in M or M., and therefore on JI , by Proposition 2.2. Conversely, let 0 be such that E(6) = 0. We have E(o)a = 0, and by (1), P(6) = 0. Therefore, E is equivalent to the Lebesgue measure: for every measurable set 6, E(o) = if and only if P(O) = 0.
Minimal Dilation
Let's now turn to the scalar spectral measures E,;,,;, x E H. Of course, if P(6) = 0, E,;,,;(c5) = 0, since E(6) = O. Conversely, let x E H, 6 en, such that E,;,,;(6) = O. This implies :
since 16(U) is a self-adjoint projection. So 0 = 1116(U)xll = IIE(c5)xll, and E(6)x = O. This relation holds, a fortiori, for any point a in M(x). Applying it to the point a given by Proposition 2.4, we get, by formula (I), P(6) = 0, and this proves the Theorem. We will see a direct proof of this result in Chapter XII. Take any point a given by Proposition 2.4. Write N = M(a) EB N'. Then, as we already saw, on M(a) U acts like the right shift. Therefore,
o(U) :) O(UIM(ll)) = C. But since U is unitary, o(U)
C. So we get:
Proposition 2.6. - If T is c.n.u., o(U) = C. We now come back to the scalar spectral measures E,;,,;. By Radon Nikodym's Theorem, they have a density with respect to Lebesgue measure: there exists a positive function f,; in L 1 [Il, d8/27r), such that:
The following result strengthens Proposition 2.6 :
Proposition 2.'1. - For every x =I 0 in H, log f,; is integrable. Proof. - For every polynomial p, we have:
Assume the conclusion to be false. Then, since flogf,; rem implies : inf Ilx - p(U)xll = 0, p,p(O)=o
which means:
= -00, Szego's
Chapter X
The same way,
These equalities show that both M+(x} and M_(x} reduce U, therefore the subspace M+ (x) n M_ (x) C H reduces T, which contradicts the assumption according to which T is c.n. u. and proves the Theorem.
Minimal Dilation
Exercises on Chapter X.
Exercise 1. - Let T be an isometry on a Hilbert space H. Show that the following three properties are equivalent : a) T is c.n.u., b) For no point x in H, there exists a sequence (Xk)k~O z for all k,
such that Tk xk =
c) There exists a Hilbert space HI such that T is unitarily equivalent to the right shift on 12(IN,HI)o
Exercise 2. - An isometry U on H is said to be pure if The multiplicity of U is dim K er U· .
= {a}.
a) Show that a pure isometry of multiplicity 1 is unitarily equivalent to the multiplication by ei tJ on H2. b) Show that a pure isometry of multiplicity N is unitarily equivalent to the sum
Ear Me's
Ear H
Exercise 3. - For a E
Exercise 4. - Show that M(L) = H if and only if T" M(L·) = H if and only if T'": - t 0 strongly.
0 strongly, and that
Exercise 5. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction. Suppose that the intersection o(T) n C has Lebesgue measure O. Prove that H = M(L) = M(L·) Conclude that both sequences T" and T"": converge to 0 strongly. 0
Exercise 6. - For a polynomial p = Li>o ai zi , put a contraction on 11 (IN) ; show that :
= Li lai I. Let T be
IIp(T) II < Ipll' and that this trivial inequality is best possible on 11. (About extensions of Von Neumann Inequality, see "Complements" below.)
Chapter X
Exercise 7. - A result about convergence in norm of the sequence in L p •
to 0,
We say that an operator T on L p (or, more generally, on a Banach lattice) is positive if for every positive function f, T f is also a positive function. We set, for n ~ 1, An = (I + T + ... + Tn-l )/n. We assume that there is an> 1 such that II An II < 1, and that T is a contraction. We want to show that the sequence IITkll tends to 0, exponentially fast. 1) Show that I - An is invertible, and that its inverse B is a positive operator. 2) Set: C
.!:.((n-l)I+(n-2)T+ ... +T n- 1 ) n
Prove that I - An = (I - T)C. 3) Set D = BC. Show that D is positive, and that it is the inverse of
I-T. 4) Prove that for all m, D(I - Tm+l) = 1+ T
+ ... + T m,
and that
D(I - Tm+l). (the statement D
D' means that D - D' is positive.)
5) Deduce that D + DT + .,. + DTm -:; D2. 6) Show that the sequence DTm is decreasing, and deduce that:
mT m -:; mlrl?" -:; D + DT + ... + DT m . 7) Deduce that a {) < 1 such that :
IlTm ll -:; IID2 11/m, for
m. k
Deduce that the sequence
Fix mo, show that there is
tends to 0 exponentially fast.
8) Give an example showing that the result is false if the positivity assumption is removed.
Notes and Comments:
All results presented in this Chapter can be found in Nagy-Foias [1]. We have simplified the presentation and the notations. Exercises 1 to 6 also comes
Minimal Dilation
from Nagy-Foia., [11. Exercise 7 is a presentation of a nice result of A. Brunei and L. Sucheston [11.
Chapter X
Complements on Chapter X :
1. Von Neumann Inequality. We have met (Proposition 1.7) Von Neumann's Inequality:
max Ip(z)1
for any contraction T on a Hilbert space and any polynomial p. Two questions can be asked: if (1) holds for every contraction on a space E, must E be (isometric to ) a Hilbert space? and does (1) characterize contractions? For the first question, the answer is yes. The next theorem is due to C. Foiaa [11:
Theorem. - 1£ (l) holds for every contraction on a Banach space E, E is isometric to a Hilbert space. Proof. - Take y in E, lIyll = 1, and Xo in E·, with the rank-one operator T'x = xQ(x)y. Then IITII = 1. Fix consider:
IIxoll = 1. Consider a, with lal < 1 and
Then IBa(A) I = 1 (see Chapter VIII, Section 6). By (1), for all x E E,
Replacing x by (1 ~ aT)x, we get:
II (T ~ a)xll < II (1 -
that is :
The point z being fixed, we choose Then:
for all
z, y E E, a E
xo, with Ilxan = 1, such that xQ(x) = 1.
lal < 1,
and also, obviously, for any
a E
Minimal Dilation
Changing x into y, a into -0:, we obtain:
II v -
ax II =
II x - o:yll·
Take now a real 2: 1. Then :
Ilax - yll
Ilx - ayJl 1
2(llax - yl! + Ilx - ayll a a+y 1 II > Ii - +- 1x - -
2: 2:
-2-!Ix - yll IIx - yll
This implies that the radial projection: x
is a contraction. This property characterizes Hilbert spaces( De FigueiredoKarlovitz [1]). To consider the second question, we must first rephrase (1). Say that T is similar to a contraction if there exists an invertible operator U such that T I = U-ITU is a contraction. If T is similar to a contraction, (1) implies:
max Ip(z)I·
with K = IIUII.IIU-III. The question is now: if T is an operator on a Hilbert space such that (2) holds for any polynomial p, is T similar to a contraction? This question, due to P. Halmos, has been studied extensively, but is still open. An interesting result is due to V. Paulsen [11 : the conclusion holds under a slightly stronger assumption on T. We also mention a quantitative result of J. Bourgain [11 in this direction. IT T is defined on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space H, with dim H = n, and if T satisfies (2), there exists an operator U such that U-ITU is a contraction, and:
Chapter X
2. Dilations of positive operators on L p • The construction presented in this chapter applies only to Hilbert spaces. On L p spaces ( 1 ~ p < 00), a theory due to M. Akcoglu - L. Sucheston [11, [2] provides a dilation theory for positive contractions. An operator T on L p is positive if, for every function / which is positive, T / is also positive (this word has therefore a meaning here which is different from the one attributed to it in Chapter IV ; see also Exercise 7). A contraction, as before, satisfies IITII ~ 1. Theorem. - Let L be a L p space ( 1 ~ p < 00), and let T be a positive contraction on it. There exists another L p space B, a positive invertible isometry Q, from B into itself, a positive isometric embedding D of L into B, a positive projection P from B into itself, such that, for all n E IN
DT" = PQ"D. Moreover, the projection P can be chosen so that P(B) = D(L). If T is not a contraction, a similar result holds under some domination
conditions; see M. Akcoglu, L. Sucheston [2]. The proofs of these results rely on techniques which are quite different from those presented here for the L 2 case, and are much harder.
Chapter XI
The HOO Functional Calculus
1. Construction of the Calculus.
The construction of the minimal dilation, which we explained in the previous Chapter, will now allow us to construct an H'" functional calculus for contractions on a Hilbert space. So, as before, let H be a Hilbert space, T a contraction on H. Throughout this Chapter, we assume T to be completely non-unitary, which, as we recall, means that there is no subspace F with T F = F and the restriction TIF being unitary. Let now 4> in H?" (II). We will give a meaning to the operator 4>(T). For this, we first write the Fourier series of 4> :
4>(e i B) =
ei k B
and, for 0 <
< 1, we set : (2)
So we may define :
4>r (T)
ak Tk T k ,
and this series converges in
.c (H) .
Proposition 1.1. - For every x in H, the limit lim 4>r(T)x
exists in H. The operator 4>(T) th us defined satisfies :
< 114>1\00'
Chapter Xl
Proof. - Let ()I, U) be the m.u.d. of (H, T). We first show that the limit lim,...... l - 4>r (U) x exists in )I. Since 4> E Hoo, it is bounded on the unit circle, and 4>(U) can be defined by means of the integral (see Chapter VII, Theorem 4.2) :
¢(U) = /.
where E is the spectral measure of U. satisfies:
¢dE , By Theorem 4.3, Chapter VII, it
/ 1¢(e i 8 )
4>r(e i 8 )12 dE x, x(8)
/ 14>(e i 8 )
¢r(ei 8 )12 /%(8) :: '
since the measures Ez,z are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure (see Chapter X, Theorem 2.5). Of course, the function /z is in £1. Furthermore, we know that 4>r -. 4> a.e, (Chapter VIII, Section 2), and that i8
sup l¢r(e )1 r,8
(Chapter VIII, Section 1). From Lebesgue's Theorem, we deduce that, in )I,
¢r(U)x - 4>(U)x -. 0, and that:
We observe that the convergence obtained is a strong convergence, not a convergence in operator norm. Since T = PU, we get:
(6) and this implies that 4>r(T)x converges, when r -. 1- , to a limit in H. We denote this limit by 4>(T)x, and from (5) and (6) we get:
¢(T)x = P¢(U)x, and
II¢(T) II < 114>1100, as we announced.
HOO Functional Calculus
We now determine the adjoint of the operator ¢'(T). If ¢' E H oo, we denote by ¢'d the function defined by (see Chapter II, Proposition 2.2) :
A ED. This function is in H?", and if ¢'(eiB) = Ek~O akeiU , the Taylor series of ¢'d is : ¢'d(ei 8 ) = (ik eik8 .
Proposition 1.2. - The adjoint of ¢'(T) is given by :
Proof. - First, quite obviously, if T is c.n.u., so is T·. For r < 1, one checks immediately that :
When r ---+ 1- , the right-hand side converges, at every point z , to ¢'d(T'")x, and the left-hand side, to ¢'(T)'" z . This proves our Proposition. The mapping ¢' phism:
¢'(T) , from H'" into £ (H), is an algebra homomor-
(4)?/J)(T) = ¢(T).p(T) ,
t/>,?/J E H oo
It defines a functional calculus. Obviously, if t/> is a polynomial, ¢'(T) coincides with the usual definition.
If 4>
= Lk~O
akeik8,with L lak 1<
then t/>(T) = Lk~O
akT k .
Finally, if T is normal, we also get:
¢'dE ,
where E is the spectral measure of T. In short, the Hoo functional calculus coincides with the previously known ones when both make sense. We now study the continuity properties of the H'" functional calculus.
Theorem 1.3. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction. Then:
a) If ¢'n
¢' in H?", then ¢'n(T)
b) If sup., II4>nlloo < 00 and ¢'n strongly and ultrastrongly.
---+ ---+
¢'(T) in £(H). ¢' a.e. on C, then t/>n(T)
Chapter XI
c) If
by Lebesgue Theorem. This proves b). For c), we have the same way, for every z , y in H, when n
--+ 00,
and our Proposition is proved. Let AT be the subalgebra of £(H) generated by T and I : this is the space of polynomials p(T) , pEP+ .
Corollary 1.4. - For every ,p in H?", the operator
Proposition 1.5. - Let v in H?", with Ivl < 1 in D. If T is c.n.u., so is
v(T), and, for every
u E H?",
Proof. - We consider the following transformation of the complex plane (Moebius transformation) :
Ba(z) = --_-, 1- az
where a is a fixed point in D. We already met this transformation in Chapter VIII. Then IBa(z)1 = 1 if and only if operator on H, the operator V
1. Therefore, if U is a unitary
V = (U - a)(I -liU)-l is unitary, and conversely. V is called the Cayley Transform of U.
H'" Functional Calculus Here, we take v E HOO with
Ivl < 1 =
on D. Thus
Iv(o)l < 1, and we set:
v(z) - v(O) , 1 -v(O)v(z)
which is a function in H?", satisfying Iw(z)1 < 1 on D. Therefore w(T) is a contraction. Set T' = v(T). Let H o be the space where T' is unitary. From what we said follows that Ho is also the space where w(T) is unitary, since w(T) is the Cayley transform of T'. We now show that T itself has to be unitary on H«. By Schwarz Lemma (see Cartan [1]), since w(O) = 0 and Iw(z)j < 1 on D, we can find a function a, analytic in D, such that w(z) = za(z), and lal ~ 1 on D. So a(T) is a contraction and :
For x E Howe get :
Ilxll =
IIw(T)xll = lI T a (T )x ll ~
which proves that T is an isometry on H o . Formula (1) implies that T is surjective on H o , since w(T) is. So TIHo is unitary, which implies H o = {O}, since we assumed T to be c.n.u. We have proved that v(T) was c.n.u. So w(v(T)) makes sense. For every polynomial p , we get :
For w E H?", let Pn be a sequence of polynomials converging to w for o(L oo , L.) (for example the Cesaro means of the Fourier series of w, see Chapter VIII, Section 2). Then, by Theorem 1.3, c), Pn(T') converges to w(T'} weakly. But also Pn ov converges to wov in o(L oo , Ld, so Pn ov(T) ~ wov(T) weakly. Therefore, w(T') = w 0 v(T). The outer functions playa special role in this functional calculus:
Proposition 1.6. Let T be a c.n.u. contraction, and F be an outer function, in HOO. The operator F(T} is injective and has dense range. Proof. - Let z be such that F(T)x =
(Tn F(T)x, x) =
For n
ur: F(U)x, x)
0, we have:
!W" ei n S F(e i S )/ %(8) dO . -W" 21r
Chapter XI
This implies that the function G = F.fz is in HJ, the subspace of Hl consisting of functions which vanish at O. We set:
eit + z -'-t-
e' - z
so H is an outer function, and lH(ei8)1 Proposition 5.1).
dt log fz(t) 2.... ' II
= Ifz(tJ)l, a.e. (see Chapter VIII,
Set G = Gi.Go, where G, is inner and Go outer. Then IHI = IGI/IFI on C. The two functions FH and Go are outer, and, on the unit circle: IFHI =
lFI·lfzl = IGI = IGol,
so they are equal in the unit disk (up to a constant of modulus 1), by Chapter VIII, Proposition 5.2. So F H = Go. This implies that: G F
Go . G" = H. G," F '
is in n» . So we see that fz is in u>. But fz is real valued, so, by Chapter VIII, Proposition 3.2, must be constant, that is fz = C, a.e. We deduce from the fact that G was in HJ that C . F is in HJ, meaning that C> F(O) = O. Since an outer function never vanishes inside the unit disk, C = 0, and fz = 0 a.e. But:
and so z =
Let's show finally that F(T) has dense range. The operator T* is c.n.u. and F" is also outer (check on the definition) and in Boo. So F"(T*) = F(T)* is injective, and F(T) has dense range. Conversely, we have: Proposition 1.6. - For every function u which is not outer, there exists a completely non-unitary contraction T on a Hilbert space, such that u(T) = O. Proof. - We decompose u = m.F, with m inner, non constant, and we build T such that m(T) = O. We know (cf. Chapter VIII) that m.H2 is strictly contained in H2. Set H = H2 e m.H2 : this will be the required Hilbert space. Let M be the multiplication by z, on H2. One checks easily that the adjoint M* is given by : M*f
- (f(z) - f(O)) , z
HOD Functional Calculus
which implies that M?" f ----t 0 when n ----t 00, for every function f in H2. The space m.H2 is invariant by M, so H is invariant by M*. We put:
We obtain a contraction T on H, with T':" = M*nI H n ----t 00. This implies that M and Tare c.n.u.
0, strongly, when
By definition, if P is the projection of H2 onto H T
for n
1. Therefore, for every w in HOD,
w(T) = P(w(M)IH)'
But we know that w(M) is the operator of multiplication by w on H2. In particular, for f in H, we have:
But m.] is in m.H 2 , so P(m.J)
= 0, and
this implies m(T)
= O.
2. The Spectral Theorem for the HOD functional calculus. For the analytic functional calculus, we met (Chapter II, Theorem 2.3), the theorem : f(u(T)) = a(f(T)),
f is analytic on a(T).
We are now dealing with contractions, so a(T) c D. But f is not analytic on a neighborhood of D, only inside D. So formula (1) does not make perfect sense: if u(T) n C is not empty, how should f(a(T) n C) be understood? The function I is only defined a.e. on C, by means of a radial limit. So the left-hand side of (1) is not well defined, though the right-hand side is. For points inside the open disk, there is no difficulty:
Chapter XI
Proposition 2.1. - Let Then:
be a function in Hoo, and T a c.n. u. contraction.
f(o(T) n D)
Proof. - Set, for -X ED:
g(JL) = {(f(JL) - f(>..))/(I-£ - -X) /'(-X)
if JL E D\{A} if JL = -X
Then g is in HCXJ. Moreover,
g(T)(T - A) = (T - A)g(T) = f(T) - /(A). So, if A E o(T), A - T is not invertible, and /(T) - f(A) is not invertible either. This proves our claim. If / is in A(D), formula (2) can be extended to :
More precisely, we have :
Theorem 2.2. - Let T be a c.n.u, contraction with spectral radius 1, and let A E o(T), with [AI = 1. Assume that / E H'" is continuous at A, that is :
f(A) =
exists. Then o(/(T)) contains I(-X). Proof. - Replacing T by T / A, we may assume A = 1, for simplicity. Put h(z) = I(z) - 1(1). Then h(l) = 0, and: lim
We consider the following sequence of functions:
Izi :S 1,
(1 - z)l/n ,
n ~ 1,
with, for instance, arg un(z) E
- '11'" 11"] ,.
2n 2n
We have un(l ) = 0, llu nlloo :S 2, and un(z) subset of D\l (2).
1, uniformly on every compact
H OO Functional Calculus Lemma 2.3. - If the function h in H'" satisfies (1), then: when n
-+ 00.
Proof. - Let e > 0 be given. By (1), we can find a such that the neighborhood of 1 : VIl = {z; zED, Iz - 11 < a} has the property: if z E VIl , then Ih(z)1 < g. Since radial limits exist a.e., we also get that if Iz - 11 < a , and Iz I :s: 1.
Ih (z) I < e , Put CIl
= C n {Iz -11 < a}, and sup Iun(z)h(z) -
= C\C Il . h(z) I -+ 0, C~
Then, on C~, when n
-+ 00 ,
by property (2) of the sequence (un)n~o, So, we can find no such that, for n
Iun(z)h(z) - h(z) I < e ,
no, n 2:: no, z E C~ .
On CIl , we have, by (3) : sup lun(z)h(z) - h(z)1 < 3g, zEC ..
Ilunh - hll < 4g, for
n 2:: no, and this proves the Lemma.
The properties of the HOO functional calculus (Proposition 1.1) imply:
h(T)un(T) - h(T)
in £(H).
We observe that un(T) - I cannot tend to 0 in £(H). Otherwise, for n large enough, un(T) would be invertible and so would be un(T)n = 1- T. But we have assumed 1 E o(T). Therefore, h(T) cannot be invertible, which means that f(T) - f(l) is not invertible, so f(l) E o(f(T)). The converse formula:
is false in general: there are examples with o(f(T)) = D, and oCT) reduced to a point. See Foias, Nagy, Pearcy [1], and J. Esterle [11. To finish this Section, we wish to point out that if the spectral radius reT) is strictly smaller than one, the analytic functional calculus should be preferred to the HOO functional calculus. Indeed, it allows us to consider functions which are analytic on a neighborhood of {izi :s: r(T)} , a class which is much larger than HOO.
Chapter XI 3. The HOO functional calculus on an algebra generated by a single operator. Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. We have already met AT, the algebra generated by T in £ (H) : this is just the set of finite sums E,,~o a"T" . We consider now AT, closure of AT in £(B) for the ultraweak topology. Then we know (Chapter V, Proposition 2.12) that AT is a dual space, namely the dual of the quotient of the nuclear operators, JJ (H), by .1 AT, the pre-orthogonal of AT, that is : .1 AT
= {N E JJ(H) ; tr(Np(T)) = 0, for every polynomial p}
Since the trace is linear, we have also: .1 AT
= {N
E JJ(H) ; tr(NT")
0, for all k ~ a}.
To simplify our notation, we just put:
and AT is the dual of JJT. There is a weak topology on AT, which is o(AT, JlT), and, by Proposition 2.12, Chapter V, this topology is the trace on AT of o(£(H), JJ(H)). We observe that JJT' being a quotient of a separable space, is itself separable. So the balls of AT are metrizable for the weak topology (B.B. 11], p.
57). The algebra AT will be called ultraweakly dosed algebra generated by T. It contains the closure of AT in operator norm, and is contained in the closure of AT for the weak topology of £ (H) . The behavior of the HOO functional calculus with respect to this algebra is given by the following theorem :
Theorem 3.1. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction on B and let AT be the ultraweakly closed algebra generated by T. Then: a) If (hn)n~o is a bounded sequence in Boo, converging to 0 at every point of the open disk D, hn(T) converges to 0 in AT for O(AT' JJT). H the convergence is uniform in D, then hn(T) converges to 0 in operator norm.
b) H (hn)n>o is a bounded sequence in Boo, converging to 0 a.e. on C, then hn(T) converges to 0 for the ultrastrong topology.
H'" Functional Calculu8
c) The mapping \If : h
h(T) is continuous from HOO u(HOO, L 1/ HJ)
into AT, U(AT' )IT).
d) H \If is an isometry, \If is also an homeomorphism for the above weak topologies.
Proof. - a) Since the sequence (hn)n~o is bounded in Hoo, (hn(T» is bounded in l(H). Since weak and ultraweak topologies coincide on bounded subsets of l(H) (Proposition 2.9, Chapter V), we just need to show that hn(T) --+ 0 weakly, that is :
(hn (T)x, y)
for all x,y E H.
(hn(U)x, y)
for all x,y E H.
This follows from :
But since T is c.n.u. :
(hn(U)x, y)
= /
"hn (e )fz,JI(e
"8 )
dO -2 '
where 12:,11 is in L 1 (see Chapter IX). Since h n (z) --+ 0, for all zED, this convergence is uniform in any disk of radius r < 1. We deduce that the derivatives h', h", ... , satisfy : for all k E IN. From this follows obviously by induction that for every k coefficient of h n , hn(k), satisfies : n
0, the k-th Fourier
--+ 00.
Consequently, for any polynomial p,
But polynomials are dense in L 1 , and the sequence (hn)n~o L oo. Therefore, for every 1 in L 1 ,
is bounded in
Chapter XI
and this implies our claim. The second part of a) is just Theorem 1.3, a). b) was proved in Theorem 1.3, b). c) We need to show that if h n --+ 0 for u( HOO , Ltl H J), then h n (T) --+ 0 weakly. But the assumption implies that for every k ~ 0, hn(k) --+ 0, when n --+ 00, and we proceed as in the proof of a). If
Indeed, let (Pn)n~o be a sequence of polynomials, bounded in L oo and converging to
£(H), and \II is surjective from HOO onto L. Moreover, L
Lemma 3.2. - A subspace L of a dual E· is u(E*, E) closed if and only if L n BE- is u(E·, E) closed.
Proof. - The reader may consult S. Banach [1] or Bourbaki [11 for more general versions of this result. However, we include a proof, which follows rather closely Banach's original ideas ([11, pp. 121-125). It's enough to show that for any 10 f/:. L, there exists x E E with lo(x) = 1 and I(x) = for all I E L ( a subspace L with this property is called regularly closed in Banach's terminology). Indeed, if L is not u(E·, E) closed, take 10 E F, 10 f/:. F. With the above point z , the neighborhood of fo
{g; Ig(x) - 10(x)1 < 1/2}
should intersect L : a contradiction. So, let 10 rf:. L, with 11/011 = 1. Of course, 10 rf:. nB L, for any n ~ 0. Since nBL is compact, we can strictly separate fo and nBL : there is a point X n in E, with Ilxnll = 1, and reals an > 0, en > 0, such that:
(1) for all
E nB L •
BOO Functional Calculus Next, we observe that :
(3) Indeed, assume not. Then, there is a sequence (In)n~o, with In E nBL for all n, such that In --+ 10 in E"'. But the In's are bounded in norm, so all of them belong to a given nOBL. We have:
Il/n - loll
2:: H/n - lo)(x noI > e no ,
a contradiction. Let e = inf n distE.(/o,nBL). Let: e
2BE. + nBL ,
n 2:: O.
This is a compact set, for u(E"', E), which does not contain 10, by (3). So there is a point Yn in E, llYn II = 1, and a real Pn > 0, such that:
10(Yn) > Pn e
1 + nl(Yn)1 < Pn , 9 E BE·, IE BL, n 2:: o. 2g(Yn) From (5), taking f = 0, 9 such that g(Yn) = 1, we deduce:
e; and from (4),
IPnl < 1.
2:: ~,
From (5), we also deduce:
I!(Yn) I
Pn .
n Extracting a subsequence from the Yn's if necessary (we keep the same notation), we can assume that there is a I such that: and I 2:: e/2 .
We consider: This is a vector subspace of Co, by (7). In the space (c) of convergent sequences, condition (8) implies that the distance of the sequence (/0 (Yn))n to G is 2:: e/2. The dual of (c) is 11, so there is a sequence of complex numbers (Cn ) such that:
LICnl < 00, n
LCnl(Yn) = 0,
BL ,
L Cnlo(Yn) =1. n
Take z =
Ln CnYn
: this is the required point, and our Lemma is proved.
2.. 6
Chapter XI
Here, since \If is an isometry, L n Bl(H) is the image of the ball of Hoo, which is u(L oo , Ld compact. Therefore, B,f(H) is u(£(H), J/ (H)) compact, and therefore closed. By Lemma 3.2, L itself is closed for u(!(H), J/(H)). This proves that L = AT, and that \If is surjective. But then, 'If is an injective and continuous map from the compact BHao, equipped with u(L oo,L 1 ) , onto &:AT' equipped with u(AT,J/T). Therefore, 'Ill in an homeomorphism between these two spaces, equipped with their weak topologies, and our Theorem is proved.
H'" Functional Calculus
Exercises on Chapter XI.
Exercise 1. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction on H t and let h in Boo be a non-zero function. Show that for every x in H such that h(T)x = 0, we have Tn x --+ 0 when n --+ 00. Exercise 2. - Let B a be the inner function:
Ba(z) =
z-a 1- az
Construct an operator T such that Ba(T)
lal < 1. = O.
Exercise 3. - (Mean ergodic Theorem). Let T be a contraction on a Hilbert space. Prove that the Cesaaro averages ~ L~-l Tk converge strongly in H, when n --+ 00. Exercise 4. - Let T be an invertible isometry on a Banach space E. Let
A(II) be the algebra of absolutely convergent Fourier series: / is in A(II) if / = L:~oo ci ei j 8 , with L:~oo ICil < 00. Show that f(T) can be defined by means of a normally convergent series, and that the usual properties of a functional calculus hold.
Exercise 5. - Let 8 be the right shift on 12(Z) and (Pn)n~O
be a sequence
of polynomials. a) Show that Pn(8)
0 in £(12 ) if and only if Pn --+ 0 in L oo(I1).
b) Show that Pn(8) --+ 0 strongly if and only if (Pn)n>O is bounded in L oo (Il) and Pn --+ 0 in L 2 (II) . c) Show that Pn (8) --+ 0 weakly if and only if (Pn)n~O is bounded in L oo (II) and, for every j 2:: 0, the j th coefficient of Pn --+ 0 when n --+ 00.
Exercise 6. - Let 8 be the right shift on 12(Z), To every element of the algebra generated by 8 t that is to every finite sum Lk>O akSk, we associate the polynomial Lk~O
akz k•
a) Show that the closure of As for the operator norm can be identified to the algebra A(D) . b) Show that the closure of As for the strong topology can be identified to Hoo. c) Show that the closure of As for the weak topology can also be identified to BOO.
Chapter XI
Exercise 7. - Let S be the right shift on 12 (1L). To every element of the algebra generated by S and S-1 t that is to every finite sum E:=-M alcS k , we associate the trigonometric polynomial E~=-M alczlc. a) Show that the closure of the algebra AS,S-l generated by Sand S-I, for the operator norm, can be identified to C(IT) . b) Show that the closure of to L CXJ •
c) Show that the closure of identified to L CXJ •
for the strong topology can be identified
for the weak topology can also be
Notes and Comments: Section 1 comes from Nagy-Foias [1]. In Section [1] ; our proof follows J. Esterle [2]. 2, Theorem 2.2 is due to Foi~-Mlak
Complements on Chapter XI :
On the algebra generated by the right shift S, the weak and ultraweak topologies coincide. This property holds for a large class of operators, as described by Bercovici-Foiac-Pearcy [1]. A first example of an operator for which this property does not hold was built by D. Westwood [1]. Another was built by G. Cassier [11. Cassier's example has some interesting properties. Let T be the operator. Then the algebra AT is equal to the commutant {T}/, and also to the bicommutant {T}". Moreover, there is a nuclear operator A with the property that no finite rank operator B satisfies : tr (AU)
for all BEAT .
Chapter XII
Let E be a Banach space, and T a contraction on E. We say that T is a C 1-contraction if : For every x =j:. 0 in E, T" 0, when n ---l' +00. This is obviously the case for isometries. Here are two other examples:
Example 1. - On l2(lL), the weighted right shift : n E 'IL, is a contraction if
~ 1,
for all n E Z. It is a C 1- contraction if:
f+ 0,
and Wk =I 0, for every k E 7L. For instance, for n ~ 0 gives a C 1-contraction.
= 1/4 for n
< 0 and
= 1
Example 2. - On the Hardy space J[2, the multiplication operator MtjJ, by a function 4> in Hoo, is a contraction as soon as 114>1100 ~ 1. It is a C 1-contraction when: P{O ; 14>(e i 8)1 = 1} > O. Indeed, put A
= {O; 14>( ei8) 1= 1}. 11 M ;
Then, for
1 =I 0,
(/11" l4>n(ei8)/(eiO) 12 -11" ~ I/(eiO)1 2 dO)I/2
dO) 1/2 2~
> 0, since we know that a non-zero function in H 2 cannot vanish identically on a set of positive measure. In both examples above, the operator is c.n.u. except if n E 7L in the first case, or if 4> is identically 1, in the second.
These examples will be studied in great detail in Section 6.
= 1, for all
Ghapter XII
1. The extension of a Gt-contraction.
In order to study T, CI-contraction on E, we will build a new space and extend T as an isometry on it. However, e here contains E as a dense subspace: this is quite different from the situation we encountered when we constructed the unitary dilation. The connections between both constructions will be studied in Section 3. We define a new norm on E, denoted by ~.~,
by the formula:
This is a norm because T is a GI-contraction. Obviously, for x E E,
(1) and
s Ilxll·
We denote by E the completion of E for the norm [. ~. The operator T can be extended, by formula (1), into an isometry from into itself, denoted by
T. From formula (2) follows that the canonical embedding from E into con tinuous and has norm 1. If E is a Hilbert space, so is
e, with the scalar product (for
e is
z , y E E),
(3) The limit on the right-hand side exists, since (Tm x, Tmy) is the sum of four quantities, decreasing with m : IITm(x ± y)lI, IITm(x ± iy)ll· One easily sees under what conditions the norms 11.11 and ~.~ lent:
are equiva-
Proposition 1.1. - The norms 11.11 and ~.~ are equivalent if and only if there exists on E a norm 11.111, equivalent to 11.11, for which T is an isometry. Proof. -a) Assume first that ~.~ is equivalent to 11.11 Then just take 11·111 since for ~.~, T is an isometry. b) Assume that there exists a norm 11.111, with :
ell·III ~
11·11 ~ GII·III .
= ~.~,
C I -coniraetions Then, for all x in E,
cllxlll >
C Ilxll·
So: ~x~
which implies that ~.~
c C IIxll,
and 11.11 are equivalent.
Therefore, in general (that is : except if T is an isometry for some equivalent norm on E), and E do not coincide. E is not a closed subspace of but a dense subspace. We now study the question: when is T surjective ? on
Proposition 1.2. is a surjective isometry on of T is dense in E for the norm [. ~ .
e if and only if the image t is dense e. is a dense subspace of e,
Proof. - 1) Assume first 1m T to be dense in E for ~.~. Then Irn and since it is closed (T being an isometry), we get 1m f = in
2) If f is a surjective isometry, T(E) = 1m T which means that Im T is dense in E for ~.~.
Corollary 1.3. - If T has dense range in E (for the original norm of E), is a surjective isometry. Indeed, a fortiori, this image is dense for
2. Representing Functions.
In this Section and the next ones, we assume E to be a Hilbert space, and T to be a Cl-contraction, with dense range. The assumption "T has dense range" is a natural one when one is looking for Invariant Subspaces or Hyperinvariant Subspaces, since the closure of the image is hyperinvariant by T.
Being a surjective isometry, f is therefore normal. We denote by J-Lx,1I the scalar spectral measures (see Chapter VII), for z , y E So we may write, for i , g in BOO(II),
(1) As a special case, this holds for
g in
Chapter XII
Let's compute the Fourier coefficients of JJz,,,. For k E 'Il, we have:
(2) Put simply CA:(x,y) = [T-kx,y]. If x, Y E l ,we can write:
CA:(x,y) = lim (Tm-A: x, Tmy). n-oo
We now show:
Proposition 2.1. - If T is c.n.u., the measures JJz,y, for x , y E l, are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Proof. - We could deduce this from the results of Chapter X and the connections with the m.u.d. which we will study in Section 3. However, we prefer to give a direct proof. First, we observe that :
4(CA:(x + y,x + Y)-Ck(X - y,x - y)+ + iCk(X + iy, x + iy) - iCk(X - iy, x - iy)X-4)
So we need only to establish the result for the measures J.Lz,z, which we just denote by JJz. We have to do it for every x E l , but we start with the case
xEE (x#O). Assume that, for some x E E, J.Lz is not absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Then there is a compact K c TI, with P(K) = 0, and
J.Lz(K) >
By Fatou's Theorem (see Chapter VIII, Section 7), there is a function h in A(D), with h = 1 on K, and Ihl < 1 on D \ K. By the HOO functional calculus, h(T) can be defined. We consider the sequence (hn(T)x)n~o. This is a bounded sequence, since :
So there exists a subsequence h n " (T)x which converges weakly in E to a point z in E. Since the canonical injection from E into l is continuous, it is also weakly continuous, and this sequence also converges weakly to z in l .
C 1 -eoniractions For any g in A(D), we have, by (1) : lim [h nk (T)x,g(T)x]
lim k--+oo
111" hnk(eiB)g(eiB)d#lz (8) -II"
IK g(ei8)d#lz(8) . In particular, {z, xl = IJ,z(K) > 0, and so z 1= o. Using now the Rudin-Carleson Theorem (Chapter VIII, Section 7), we take a function ¢, with ¢(e iB) = e- i8 , for 8 E K, and 114>1100 ~ 1. We are going to show that T¢(T)z have:
= z.
Indeed, for every g in A(D), we
[(T4>(T) - I)z,g(T)xl = lim [h nk(T)(T4>(T) - I)x,g(T)x] k--+oo
lim k--+oo
111" (ei8¢(ei8) -
1) h nk (ei8) g(e i8) dlJ,z(tJ)
IK (eiB4>(eiB) -
1) g(ei8) dlJ,z (6)
= 0, by the definition of ¢. So we obtain, for every k
0 :
[(T¢(T) - I)z, (T¢(T) - I)hnkx] and, letting k
-+ 00,
II (T¢(T)
- I)zll
as we announced. Set V = 4>(T). Then V is a contraction on E, which commutes with T. For every finite sequence of complex numbers, (ak)k>o, we have:
(5) and thus:
IIT(L akTkz)11 k~O
This proves that T is an isometry on
Furthermore, T is surjective on Fz , since ¢(T)z E Fz , and z = T¢(T)z. This contradicts the fact that T is c.n.u., and proves our claim, when x E E.
Chapter XII
Since the measure "'z, x E E, is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure, the series LkEZ ck(x)e i k8 is the Fourier series of an integrable function, which we denote by Az (B), and this function is the density of J.'z with respect to Lebesgue measure. So formula (1) can be written:
- - =I
[f(T)x, g(T)x]
dB , i 8)A f(e'°8)g(e z(B) -
for x E E, f, 9 in Boo [Il] . We deduce from (4) :
(7) The functions Az are real valued, and more precisely positive, but the functions >'z,y are not real valued in general. To finish the proof of Proposition 2.1, we now take z E e. Since E is dense in we can find a sequence (xn.)n~O of points in E with X n --+ Z in We have, for every 9 in Loo(ll) :
In particular, for every Borel subset A ell,
If P(A) = 0, then J.'zJA) = 0, so "'z(A) = 0. This proves that J.'z is also absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Its density, denoted by >'%(8), has the Ck(Z) for Fourier coefficients, and:
L ck(z)e i k8 . kEZ
Our Proposition is proved; formula (6) extends without modifications to the case where z , y E e. From now on, we assume T to be c.n.u. We now investigate the transformation formulae for the functions >'z,II' x, YE
Proposition 2.2. - Let f, 9 be in L oo (ll , d8/ 271" ) , and z , y E x' = f(T)x, y' = g(T)y. Then:
We set
C 1 -eontractions Proof. - We compute the kth Fourier coefficient of
" f = =
dB 27r
[1'-kx',y'j = !1'- k/(1')x, g(1')yJ
L:' -W'
e- 1k 8 / g A
and this is the k th Fourier coefficient of
_dO11'" 2
by formula (1),
/g Az ,1I.
We observe that, since l' is a surjective isometry, 00(1') c C (Chapter II, Proposition 1.13). We have: Corollary 2.3. - All functions AZ ' 1I' x, Y E l , are 0 a.e. if eie
t. 00(1').
Proof. - Let / E Loo(II) , with /(e i 8 ) = 1 on 00(1'), and 0 on the complement. We know that /(1') = I (Chapter VII, Theorem 4.2). Applying Proposition 2.2 with 9 = /, x' = z , y' = y, we get :
which proves the claim. Proposition 2.4. - The spectrum of l' has positive measure, and :
oo(T) n C.
Proof. - The first part follows obviously from the previous Corollary : for every x E l,
Az dfJ
imply that if x =F 0, Az is not identically o. This shows that 00(1') has positive measure. For the second part, we already observed that 00(1') C C. Let now A E ~ , A t. oo(T). Then A- T has an inverse, R(A, T). Since R(A, T) and T commute, we get, for m E IN, z E E,
Chapter XII
This shows that R(A, T) is continuous on E for the norm extended to into an operator which satisfies :
So it can be
OR(A, TH < IIR(A, T) II, and:
(A -
T)Rp., T)
R(A,T)(A - T)
which shows that A i 0(1').
Remark 2.5. - During the above proof, we made the following observation: if an operator A from E into E commutes with T, it can be extended into an operator .A, from into satisfying :
We also observe that the previous Proposition implies quite obviously that for any c.n.u. Cl-contraction, the set o(T) n C has positive measure. The function Az will be called "representing function" of the operator T at the point x. We now study several applications of these functions. The first one is an Invariant Subspaces Theorem, obtained by means of an estimate of the distance between a point and the space generated by its iterates.
Proposition 2.6.
eXP!IOg A%(O) dO 21r
Let x E E. We have:
inf {disfE(Tmx,span {T m+ 1x,T m+ 2x, .. .})} 2. (a) m~O
When T is invertible, this last quantity is equal to : inf {distE(Tmx,span{Tm-Ix,Tm-2x, ... })}2,
and both infima may be taken for mE'll.
Proof. - For every polynomial p(T) = Lk~O inf IITm(x - p(T)x) 11 2 m~O
= Ox =
akTk, we can write:
p(T)x0 2
j'" 11 _~
p(e i 8 )12 Az(6) d6 . 21r
If now we take the infimum of both sides upon all polynomials, we get a), by Szegd's Theorem (Chapter IX, Theorem 2.1). If T is invertible, we consider the polynomials q(T) = Lk$O bkTk, and we obtain b). The fact that the infimum may be taken for mE'll comes from the following observation: since T is a contraction, the infimum is actually a limit, when m ~ 00.
C t -contractions
Corollary 2.7. - If T is invertible, log Az is integrable if and only if:
and this occurs if and only jf :
By means of the functions Az , we obtain a kind of formalization (or generalization), valid for the Cl-contractions, of the description of the Invariant Subspaces of the right shift on 12(Z) (see Chapter IX). Indeed, we see:
Theorem 2.8. - Let T be a c.n.u. C l -contraction, and let Az be the representing functions. If for some x E E, log Az is integrable, the operator T has Invariant Subspaces. This condition is obviously satisfied for the right shift, with, for example, x = el, and Az = 1. The Invariant Subspaces we obtain correspond to the Invariant Subspaces of type F n (or, more generally, of m.H2) we saw in Chapter IX, Section 1. The condition
is the abstract generalization of their definition (by "abstract" , we mean "valid for a larger class of operators"). However, it should be pointed out that the tools used to obtain this generalization are the same, namely Szego's Theorem, and no new concept has been introduced. What we proved in fact is that Szego's Theorem has a wider range of application than we originally mentioned. We will see later the corresponding generalization for the second type of Invariant Subspaces of the usual shift: the type L 2(A)' and we will come back to the meaning of both results. We now turn to a second application of the representing functions : the construction of a functional calculus, for convergent series. 3. Functional Representation of Convergent Series. In this Section, we assume T to be invertible and c.n.u. A functional calculus, as we met several times in the previous Chapters,
allows us to give a meaning to the operator f(T) , when f is taken in some class of functions. For instance, if we have a Fourier series, EkEZ akeik8, in
Chapter XII
some cases we can give a meaning to the operator E akTk. In this Section, we consider the inverse problem: a convergent series E akTkxo being given, what can we say about the properties of the "function" defined (formally) by the Fourier series EkEZ ake ik8 ? The following Proposition answers this question:
Proposition 3.1. - Let Xo E E, with Xo =1= O. Let
L akTkxo kEZ be a convergent series in E, with sum z . The Fourier series
L ake kEZ
defines a function 4J in the space £2 [Il, ..\zo dB /21r) , in the following sense: the partial sums E~N ake ik8 converge in this space, when M, N - 00. This function 4J satisfies moreover:
Proof. - First, we observe that akTkxo - 0, when Ikl- 00. Since IITkxoll ~ 1 for k < 0 and lITkxol1 -f+ 0 when k --+ +00, we get in both cases that ak - 0 when Ikl - 00. The Fourier series EkEZ a"e ik8 therefore defines a distribution on Il , and more precisely a pseudo-fundion. We refer the reader to J.P. Kahane 11] for this concept, which we are not going to use here. For m, N E IN, we set : M
LakTkxo, -N M
4JM,N(B) = Since the series (1) converges, XM,N therefore in t . But: M
= ~Lakfkxo-N ~
ik8 L a"e . -N -+ s:
in E, when M, N
--+ 00,
Lakfkxo~2 -N' 2
_~ I4JM,N(B) - 4JM',N' (B) 1 ..\ zo (B) 21r '
which shows that (4JM,N) is a Cauchy sequence in L2(..\ z odB /27r), and therefore proves our first claim.
C 1 -eoniractions
1 E L oo (II) , we have
Furthermore, for every function
1/(0)12 14>M,N(0) 12 .\%0 (0) dO 211"
(1/(8)1'1<1>(8)1' x•• (8) :: ' and this proves our Proposition. We observe that we don't need the convergence of the series (1) to be in E, but only in C, which is strictly weaker. We even don't need this convergence to hold in the usual sense: if the series is Abel summable (and Abel summabiiity is weaker than convergence of partial sums), the same result holds :
Proposition 3.2. - Let o < r < 1, the series :
E l, with
=F O. Assume that for every r,
are convergent, and Jet's denote their sums by X,.. If, when r ----4c 1-, x,. ----4c x in l, then the Fourier series (2) defines a function in L 2 (.\%0 dO /211"), in the following way : if we set, for 0 < r < 1,
L akrlkleik8 , kEZ,
there exists a function 4> in L 2 (.\:1:0 dO /211") such that :
when r
from which the first claim follows. The second is established as in the previous Proposition, replacing 4>M,N by 4>,..
Chapter XII
4. Connections with Nagy-Foi as Dilation Theory. From T, c.n.u. contraction on H, we can build the minimal unitary dilation (J/, U) , as we explained in Chapter X. The connections between f on and ()I, U) are as follows :
Proposition 4.1. - For z , y E E, the numbers Ck(X, y) are the Fourier coefficients of the scalar spectral measure of the operator R., *-residual part of (J/, U). Proof. - It relies on a way of building the m.u.d. slightly different from the one presented in Chapter X. We only give the outlines and refer to M. Rome [11 and B. Beauzamy, M. Rome [11 for details. Let N be the closed subspace of 11 (1l, H) generated by sequences of the form (... ,0, -Ty,y, ...) ,
yE H,
and let ZH be the quotient of 11(Z,H) by N. If (YkhE 71 is in 11(1l,H), and fj is its class in Z H ,
The space Z H is a Hilbert space, for the scalar product :
H can be identified to a closed subspace of 1.(1l, H) by means of
u(x) =
where the Oth coordinate is underlined. Let u be the quotient operator, and 8 be the right shift on It (71, H), S the quotient operator. Then:
uT Set D
= (I
- T·TP/2, D = ImD, K l
s «.
= 12(1l, D),
= K;
ffi zH, and put:
4>(y) = (oo.,0,Dy,DTy,DT 2Y,oo.)ffiU(Y). Then 4> is an isometry. Define V on K by V
= 8- 1 on
Ks , S on Z H. Then:
Cl -eoniractions
for all Yl, Y2 E H , all n E IN. V is a unitary dilation of T, and one checks it is minimal. To identify the *-residual part of the dilation, we put: L = (V
4> - 4> 0 T)( H) ,
M = span{V n L; n E 7L}, and we know that R. = K eM. Here, M restriction R. = V Ifl.. is here S on Z H .
= K 1,
and so R.
H. The
Finally, one obtains: Proposition 4.2. - If T has dense range, the injection extends to an isometry from onto Z H. Moreover,
from H into Z H
5. The Algebra A (11) . In order to continue our study of the C1-contractions, we need a few properties of the algebra of functions with absolutely sumrnable Fourier series. We denote by A(11) the algebra of functions on 11, the Fourier series of which is absolutely convergent:
ak eikB,
and A(11) is an algebra for the usual pointwise multiplication of functions. The reader is advised to carefully distinguish between A(I1) and A(D), the disk algebra, studied in Chapter VIII. Due to the definition of the norm, A(11) is isometric to the Banach space by the correspondence I -4 (akhEz. We refer the reader to J.P. Kahane [1] for a detailed study of A(I1).
Functions in A(11) are obviously continuous, since they are uniforn limits of the partial sums of the Fourier series. We say that a function I in A(11) has strict support if its support (which is the closure of the set {8 ; 1(8) 1= O}) is a strict subset of 11 (this terminology is not extremely good, but it is better, anyway, than the one we used in some papers, with "compact" support. Since 11 itself is compact, every support has to be compact !).
Chapter XII
Therefore, a function with strict support will vanish identically on some interval of II. There is a restriction on the rate of decrease of the Fourier coefficients (when k -+ ±oo), in order that the function f may have strict support. These coefficients cannot decrease too quickly, when Ikj -+ 00. For instance, if lakI ~ 1/2 k , for k ~ 0, the function
will be analytic in the corona {1/2 < Izl < I}, continuous and therefore integrable on the unit circle. We have not seen, for the corona, any theory like the one developed in Chapter VIn for HI, but the same result holds: such a function cannot vanish on a set of positive measure of C without being identically zero. The way of proving this is as follows: we cover the corona by two simply connected sets DI and D 2 , the first one has in its boundary {Izl = 1 j I arg zl ~ 1r /2} and {lzl = 1/2 j I arg zl ~ 'If /2}, the second one {je] = 1 j [arg zl ~ 1r/2} and {izi = 1/2 j [arg zl >-: 'If/2}. We then make a conformal mapping to transform D 1 into the unit disk. This way, we see that the function f cannot vanish on a set of positive measure of the half-circle {izi = 1 ; Iarg zl ~ 'If/2}, and we repeat the argument for the second half. We now consider the sub-algebras of A(II) of the following form:
Ap = {f E A(II) ; f =
laklpk < oo},
where P = (Pk) satisfies: Pn ~
Pm+n ~
for all m,n E IN.
Such algebras are called Beurling Algebras. For them, a necessary and sufficient condition is known, concerning the weights (Pk), in order that Ap contains functions with strict support. If this is the case, the algebra is said to be non-Quasi-analytic (the converse, quasianalytic, refers to the above property of analytic functions: they cannot vanish on a set of positive measure without being identically zero). This condition comes from Paley-Wiener theorem, concerning the Fourier transform of functions with compact support. It can be expressed the following way:
C 1 -eontractions
Theorem 5.1. - Let Ap be a Beurling Algebra in A(JI). It contains functions with strict support if and only if : logPn L l+n nE'll
The reader is referred to Y. Domar this result.
Y. Katznelson [1] for a proof of
H we forget about the condition Pm+n ~ Pm.Pn, the class Ap is not an algebra anymore. However, similar results hold, though more technical. The chief reference is Beurling-Malliavin 111, which is not easy to read. The following Lemma, due to A. Atzmon {ll, establishes a connection with the present situation.
Lemma 5.2. - Let (Pn)nE'll be a sequence of numbers with: 1) Pn ~ 1, for all n E Z,
logPn l+n 2
3) there exists a constan t C > 0 such that Pn+ 1 ~ C Pn, for all n E Z, Then, for every arc in Ap ,
r = [60,6 1 ] ,
= LkEZ ake'ke,
0 ~ 60 < 6 1 ~ 271'", there is a function with support contained in r, satisfying:
Proof. - Let /3n = log Pn, n E 7l, and consider the piecewise linear function > onffi, satisfying >(n) = f3n for all n. Condition 2) implies : 00 / -00
>(x) dx <
1 + x2
and condition 3) implies that for any t inIR, sup 14>(t + x) - >(x) I
Therefore, it follows from Beurling-Malliavin [1], Theorem 1, that there exists a continuous, non identically 0 function 9 on ffi, with support contained in [60 10 1 ] , the Fourier transform 9 of which satisfies :
Ig(zllezp(q,(z))dz <
Chapter XII Using the fact that:
{ L
Ig(n - tllexp(?(n - t))dt =
[0 Ig(xllexp(?(x))dx ,
we deduce from (3), using Fubini's theorem, that for some a, 0 < a < 1,
Ig(n - a)lexp(cP(n - a)) <
nE'll From (2) and the definition of cP follows that there exists ad> 0 such that: (jn = cP(n) ~
and therefore, by (5) :
cP(n - a) + d
for all n E 'lL,
Ig(n - a) IPn <
We define
fEe (TI) by : t E TI.
f has the required properties. Indeed, ..
1 21["
f(n) = -g(n - a)
n E
and therefore :
E nE'lL
li(n)IPn = ~ 21["
19(n - a)IPn <
Moreover, by construction, f is not identically 0 and is supported by the arc [80,8 1 1. This proves the Lemma. ing
A sequence (Pn)nE'lL satisfying the above conditions is often called a Beurlsequence. Any sequence of the form Pn = e1nlQ, for 0 < a < 1, is a Beurling
sequence. For us, the condition 3) in the above Lemma will automatically be satisfied, because we will take Pn = IITnxll, for some given point x. It seems unknown, however, if the Lemma holds without this (weak) regularity condition. We need two more results concerning the algebra .A (TI). For both results, detailed proofs and further comments can be found in J.P. Kahane [11, which is the chief reference for this algebra.
C I -coniroctions
Theorem 5.3 (Wiener-Ditkin). - Let I in A(ll) with 1(0) = O. There is a sequence (/n)n~o of functions in A(ll), converging to f in A(ll) , each of them being identically 0 on some neighborhood of O. Proof. - For e > 0, set 6.~ = sup(O, l-Itl/£)' for It I < 7r, and V~ = 6.2~ Then V~ = 1 on 1-£,£1,0 on the complement of [-2£,2£1, and IIV~IIA One checks that (1 - V~)I -+ I, in A(ll) , when e --+ O. Theorem 5.4 (Wiener-Levy). - If f E A(ll) and 0, then 1/1 is in A(ll).
- 6.~. ~ 3.
I does not take the value
Proof. - The proof uses Gelfand's transformation, and was given in Exercise 4, Chapter VI. Before continuing the general study of Cl-contractions, we now develop two examples, which are quite characteristic and will motivate further results. 6. Two examples. A. A weighted shift on 12('Il). On
h ('Ill, we consider the weighted shift
S defined by : n E
with sn x
W n = 1 for n ~ 0, and W n = 1/4 for n < O. Clearly, for every z =I- 0, 1+ 0, when n -+ +00, and IISII = 1. This operator is a Cl-contraction.
Furthermore, for every x =I- 0, we have: for all n E IN, with:
(L 41 I
C(x) =
IXkI 2 ) 1/ 2 >
This property obviously implies that there is no subspace where S is unitary, so S is c.n.u. Let's now determine what are Sand t . If x =
xne n, easy computations show that, for k ~ 0, Sk X
Xn-kWn-kWn-k+I·· .Wn-Ien ,
and if Y = LYnfn
Xn-m-kWn-m-k··· Wn-lYn-mWn-m •.. Wn-l
Chapter XlI
If we set n = n' + m :
(s m+kX , smy) =
~ Xn'-kWn'-k··· L..J
Wn'+m-lYn'Wn, ... Wn'+m-l
nEZ If k ~ 0, when m --. ~ Xn'-kYn' L..J n'~k
(sm+k x, smy) has the limit:
~ L..J
/4 k - n ' +
~ Xn'-kYn' - /4 L..J
k - 2n '
And with the notation of Section 2,
We set xk
= Xk
for k ~ 0,
= 4kxk
for k < 0, and consider the function:
¢(e i 8 )
iE'lL Then >(fJ
= 1¢1 2 =
L xjxteiU-I)8 , ;,1
and the kth Fourier coefficient of ¢(fJ is that:
LI Xt+kXt,
that is Ck(X). So we see
(2) The same way, we obtain that if
ii 8
iE'lL with yj = Yi for j ~ 0, and 4;y; for j < 0,
The function ¢(z) = L;EZ a;z; is analytic in the corona {1/4 < Izi < I}, and ¢(e i 8 ) is in L 2(TI,dO/2?r). By the argument we explained in the previous section (bringing the problem back to the unit disk by conformal maps), we see that: log 1¢(e i 8 ) 1-dO > -00. -'If 2?r
C 1 -contractions
This implies by (2) that:
log Az
Applying Corollary 2.7, we see that, for every x
t= 0,
which means that no point belongs to the closed linear span of its iterates. The operator has no cyclic vector : for every x t= 0,
span{x,Tx, ...},
and therefore has a lot of Invariant Subspaces, B. A Multiplication Operator on H2(II). Let K be a simply connected subset of the closed unit disk, with nonempty interior, not containing 0, and such that the boundary r of K contains an interval of the unit disk. Let 4> be a conformal map from D onto K O • Let's assume furthermore that r is regular enough, so that cP extends to an homeomorphism from D onto K (this assumption is for simplicity i it is not essential). The function cP is in H?", and, more precisely, in A(D). It satisfies of course 114>1100 = 1. Let's call :
and I'
= 4>(1).
We consider the operator M~ of multiplication by cP, from H2 into itself. This is obviously a contraction. For any function f E H2, not identically 0,
which shows that
11M; /11 f+
Since K does not contain 0, M~ The function 1/4> is also in A(D) .
is a C 1 - contraction. is invertible, and its inverse is
Chapter XII
For some 0: > 0, we can find an interval /2 where 1¢(ei8)1 < 1 - 0:. Therefore, for n 2 0,
I Minl ~
/k·)12 ::
2 (_I_)2n /, I/(ei8)12 dO 1 - 0:
> (_I_)2n 0 -
where 0 = 0(/)
1/1 2 dO/ 211" > O. So we get:
Lemma 6.B.l. - For every
I in H 2 , there are
6 > 0, C > 1, such that:
for all n 2
This proves that for every l . the increase of the sequence IIMin III is exponential. Here again, the operator must be c.n.u. We know moreover (cf. Chapter VII) that the spectrum of M¢ is K. This operator has some very interesting properties which cast some light on the range of application of theories like unitary dilations. In order to develop them, we need two results about approximation of continuous functions by polynomials: Runge's Theorem and Mergelya s Theorem (the second is stronger than the first). The reader will find these two results in W. Rudin [I], p. 271 and p. 390.
Runge's Theorem. - Let K be a compact in the plane, with connected complement. Let f be a function analytic on a neighborhood of K. Then there is a sequence of polynomials converging to f uniformly on K. Mergelyan's Theorem. - Let K be a compact in the plane, with connected complement. Let f be a function continuous on K, analytic in KO. Then there is a sequence of polynomials converging to f uniformly on K. Proposition 6.B.2. - For every
f in H2,
E span{MtPI,M~f,
Proof. - Let VI be a neighborhood of K, V2 a neighborhood of 0, with VI n V2 = 0, and let g = 1 on VI, 0 on V 2 • This function is analytic on
C 1 -coniractions
a neighborhood of K U {O}, and, by Runge's Theorem, can be uniformly approximated by polynomials : for every e > 0, we can find a polynomial p(z) with: 11 - p(z)1 < E:/2, zE K. Ip(O)1 < ~/2, Replacing p by p - p(O) , we obtain:
11 -
Ip(O)1 = 0, We write p(z)
= Lk~l
p( z) I < e ,
akz k. So we get, for every 8 ElI,
11 -
L ak
and, for every function f in H 2
which shows that: di st
(f, span {M~ I, MJ I, ... }) <
and proves our Proposition. The situation, in this respect, is therefore radically different from what we saw in example A, where no point (except 0) was in the closed linear span of its iterates. In Section 3, we investigated convergent series, involving the iterates of T. One may wonder: What is the difference between being the sum of a series Lk~l akT k and being in span {x, Tx, ... } ? The first is formally stronger than the second. Our present example shows that the difference is essential.
Proposition 6.B.3. - Except if f = 0, there is no series Lk~l convergent in H2, with / as its sum.
Proof. - Assume conversely that:
(1) Then
Chapter XII
when n
Since the series (1) converges in H2, we have: 00
L ak4>k(re
i 8)f(rei 8
) --+
f(e i 8 )
a.e ,
when r
1- .
Since f(e i 8 ) =j:. 0 a.e., this implies : 00
L ak4>k(re
) --+
a.e. ,
when r
1- .
Set ¢(z) = ~~ akzk, for z E K. Then the property (2) shows that ¢ is in HOO(K) , this space being defined in a way similar to the usual HOO : the "radial" limits exist a.e, and are bounded. But then ¢ = 1 a.e. on r = 8K, and one sees that this is impossible, the same way as we did for H?", For further study of this operator, we need two Lemmas :
Lemma 6.B.4. - Every continuous function on I is the uniform limit, in I, of elements of F = span {I, 4>, 4>2 ...}. Proof. - Let I be continuous on I. We know that 4> is bijective from I onto I' c C, and so f 04>-1 is continuous on I'. Since I' is not the whole unit circle, we may, by Runge's theorem, find for every e > 0 a polynomial
= ~k~O
qkzk , such that
1/0 4>-I(z) - q(z)1 <
s ,
for all z
« r.
Therefore, for all z E I,
lJ(z) -
L qk4>k(Z) I
I/(z) - q(4)(z)) I < e,
which proves the Lemma. We recall that L 2 (I) is the subspace of L 2 (II) made of the functions which are 0 a.e. on the complement of I. We obtain immediately:
Corollary 6.B.5. - The vector space F is dense in the space L 2(I). Indeed, from the Lemma follows that the closure of F in this space contains all trigonometric polynomials.
C I -contraetions
Lemma 6.B.6. - Let 9 in L 2(I) and
H a function h E L 2 (1) is orthogonal to Ff/' it satisfies h.g = 0 a.e.
Proof. - The assumption of orthogonality means that, for all k E IN,
Put f = g.h. Then f E LdI), and, in the duality (L I (I), L(X)(I)), is orthogonal to F. By Lemma 5.B.4, it is orthogonal to every continuous function on I , so is 0 a.e, This proves the Lemma.
Corollary 6.B.7. - Let 9 E L 2(I) and let A C I be the set where 9 Then the closure of Ff/ in L 2(I) is L 2(A).
i= O.
Proof. - By the previous Lemma, we see that every element of Fg , and therefore of Ff/' is in L 2(A). Assume that the inclusion of Ff/ in L 2(A) was strict. Then we could find hI in L 2 (A), hI E F/ ' and not identically o. But then g.h I = 0 by Lemma 6.B.6, which is contradictory. As a special case, we see that if 9
Proposition 6.B.8. - For every f
0 a.e. on 1 , Ff/ is dense in £2 (I) .
9 E H2,
Proof. - We have:
by the previous Corollary, 9 being
0 a.e,
This Proposition shows that, if Ff/ is the closure of Fg in H2, for every / E H2 , the iterates M~f, M~f, ... get closer and closer to Fg • Of course, f itself does not need to be in F g •
Chapter XII
The space and the operator T for this example are now easy to find : Corollary 6.B.5 shows that e is L 2(I) , and M~ id the multiplication by ~ on I, which is indeed a unitary operator. We denote it simply by M •. It is quite easy to find the Invariant Subspaces of M~ on L 2(I)
Proposition 6.B.9. - If F is an Invariant Subspace of M~ on L 2(1), there exists a Borel subset A c I, with P(A) > 0, P(I \ A) > 0, such that:
Proof. - We may find a family (gi), finite or countable, such that F is the closed su bspace (closed in L 2 (I) ) generated by the sets Ffli • Let Ai = {gi 1= O} . So F is the space generated by the spaces L 2(Ai), and therefore is L2(UiAi), and our Proposition is proved. We deduce:
Corollary 6.B.IO. - If F is an Invariant Subspace of Fn H2 = {O}.
on L 2 (I} , then
This Corollary means that no Invariant Subspace of M~ is produced by its unitary extension M~. Since M~ is related to the dilation theory, we see an example, no invariant subspace of which comes from its unitary dilation. We now determine the Invariant Subspaces of M~
in H2.
Proposition 6.B.ll. - Every Invariant Subspace of M~ in H2 is of the form m.H2, where m is an inner function. Proof. - A subspace of the form m.H2 is clearly invariant. Let's show the converse.
Lemma 6.B.12. - Every function f in the disk algebra A(D) is the uniform ...}. limit of elements of F = span{I,~,~2, Proof of Lemma 6.B.12. - The function f 0 ~~I is continuous on K, analytic on KO. By Mergelyan's Theorem, for every e > 0, there is a polynomial p such that, for all u E K,
If 0 ~
- I ( u)
- p(u) I < c.
So, for every zED,
If(z) - p(4)(z)) I < s , which proves the Lemma.
C 1 -eontractions
Lemma 6.B.13. - For every outer function dense in H2.
F] = span {I, 4>1, 4>2 I, ...} is
Proof. - By the previous Lemma, the closure Ff in H2 contains all functions f.h, for h in A(D), and, in particular, all functions zn I, for n ~ O. But these functions span H2 when I is outer (Beurling's Theorem, Chapter IX, Corollary 1.2), and this proves our Lemma. Let now 9 be a function in H2, 9 = m.] its decomposition into inner and outer parts. By Lemma 6.B.13, Fg = m.H2. This subspace is also invariant by u,», Finally, let G be any Invariant Subspace for Mq, on H2. From what we just said follows that G is also invariant by Mei' , so is of the form m.H2, by Chapter IX, Section 1. Our proof is complete. In this example, our operator is indeed a function of the usual shift Mq, = 4>(Me ifl ) . It is not surprising therefore that they should have the same Invariant Subspaces. 7. The spectrum of T and the spectrum of
We have already seen that o(T) C C n o(T). We now study this inclusion more closely. We assume that T is invertible.
Proposition 7.1. - Let A E «: with IAI = 1, and A A - T contains all points x such that:
L k~O
log lI T - k xll < 1 + k2
fI. o(T). The image
Proof. - We may assume ,\ = 1 (just replace T by T / A). For a function 4>, of class Cion IT, we define q (0) by : 4>(0) - 4>(0) = (t i9 - l)q(O).
Let 4> = LkEZ akeik9, q = LjEZ bje ij 9 be the Fourier series. One checks immediately the following relations between the Fourier coefficients of q and those of 4> : if j ~ 0, bj I>j
~Lal l~j
if j < O.
Chapter XII
Take x E E,
II xii
= 1, and put:
Then the sequence (ukhez is decreasing for k < 0, increasing for k ~ 0, and satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 5.2. Let's define (ukhez, by uk = Ikluk, k E 1L. Again, (uk) satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 5.2.
Lemma 1.2. - If Ekez lakluk <
E;eZ IbjlUj < 00.
Proof. - We have:
Llbilu; = LLlad u; ;~o
lall uo + la21(uo + Ul) + ... + lakl(uo + ... + uk-I) + ...
L klakluk
and, the same way:
LLlallUj ;
la-llu-l + ... + la-kl(u-l + ... + U-k)
s L
kla-klu-k <
+ ...
and our Lemma is proved. Since 1 rt. u(1'), we can find an arc r = [80,6 1 ] contained in u(1')c. By Lemma 5.2, there is a function 4> E A(TI) with support in r, such that LkeZ lak IU k < 00. We may assume moreover that q.(0) = -1. This function is of class C 1 • The function q defined by (1) satisfies, by Lemma 7.2,
L Ib;lo;
and so the series get:
E i e 1L bjT;
converges in E. Let y be its sum. On C, we
4>(1') + I But q.(1')
= 0, since
supp 4>
c u(1')c. I
(1' - I)q(1'). So :
= (1' - I)q(T).
C 1 -eontraetions
This implies :
(1' - I)q(1')x.
But since the series LjEZ bjTi converges in E, we have:
y E E,
and so : x
= (1' - I)y = (T - I) y,
which shows that s: is in the image of T - I, and proves our Proposition. Corollary 7.3. - IE, For every x E E,
= o(T) n C .
Indeed, for every A with IAI = 1, A - T is surjective by Proposition 7.1, therefore invertible. We now produce an example showing that the inclusion:
0(1') C o(T) n C can be strict. This example is a modification of example B in the previous Section. First, assume that the compact K, still simply connected, has the following property: 8K n C consists in a interval I' and an isolated point a'. Let, as before, 4> be a conformal map from D onto KO. Let 1= 4>-1(1'). Computations similar to those we made in Section 6 show that here again = L 2 (I) , o(M
This simple modification may give the impression that the difference between the two sets, (o(T) n C) \ 0(1') must be of measure o. This is false, as we now show. be a Let I', J' be two disjoint closed intervals in C, and let (a~)n~o dense sequence in J'. For every n, let K n be a simply connected compact, not containing 0, and such that 8 K n n C = I' u{a~}. We may moreover assume that 8Kn is regular: a rectifiable Jordan curve. In short, each K n is of the type just discussed.
Chapter XII
Let 4Jn a conformal map from D onto K~. We put an = 4J;I(a~), 4J;I(I~). Of course, an ¢ In. Let En be the space H2, Tn be the operator M fln , and put:
(f Il/nl ~Jl/2
En) = j In E En for all n, o 2 0 which is obviously a Hilbert space. On E, we define T by : E
< oo},
Since each Tn is a contraction, obviously T is a contraction. This operator is C 1 • Indeed, if F
= (In)n , IITmFII~
L > L /,
14J:' In(e
In(e i 9 )12 dO > 211"
The spectrum of each Tn is K«, The spectrum of T is uKn . Indeed, u(T) contains each K n , so it contains uKn . Conversely, if A ~ uKn , there is a 6 > 0 such that l4Jn(z) - AI > 6, for all z E D, and all n ~ 0, and the inverse of A - T is the multiplication operator, on En, by 1/(A - 4Jn). Therefore,
u(T) n C We now describe
T and
J' .
! .
Lemma 7.4. - The space ! is
t Proof. - For F = (In)n~o,
(I.) ) •
we have:
liT: Inll~
~~ooL n
by Lebesgue Theorem
from which the Lemma follows.
C 1 -eontractions
f is the multiplication by tPn in each L2 (In)' Precisely, if F E (n~ L 2(In )h t then TF = (tPnfn)n. Finally, we see that 0"(1') = I'. Indeed, a) O"(T) c r . HAt. lit with IAI = 1, and if ei S E In, then IA-4>n(e i S) / ~ = dist(A,I'), so: The operator
= (fn)n~O,
and A b)
is surjective. Since it is clearly injective, our claim follows.
:J I'. Indeed, this is the case, since
contains each O"(Mq,n) =
I'. This way, we see that 0"(1') n C contains I' and J' , though 0"(1') is reduced to I'. We observe that we are allowed to take as lithe complement arc of J' , though they have the same end-points. We need just to avoid to take these end-points among the (a~). For the operator T obtained this way, we will get
aCT) :J C, aCT) = I'. The sets that are spectra of C1-contractions have been determined by L. Kerchy [1]. 8. An Invariant Subspace Theorem for the C,-contractions. We are going to prove the following result, due to the author [31 :
Theorem 8.1. - Let E be a Banach space, T a C 1 , invertible contraction which is not a multiple of the identity. We assume that there exists a point x¥-O such that :
(1) Then T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces.
Remark. - The invertibility assumption is not essential, and condition (1) may be replaced by an assumption on a chain of approximate inverses of a single point. See [3].
Proof. - We may assume that T has no eigenvalue. Indeed, if A is an eigenvalue, the space K ere A - T) is closed, invariant under every operator which commutes with T, and is not the whole space since T is not a multiple of the identity.
Chapter XlI
The point x being given by (I), we put Ok = IIT-I k lx ll ~ for k E 1l. This sequence obvioulsy satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 5.2. Therefore, for every arc r = [8o~81] ~ there exists a function tP~ with support in r ~ with, if
lej 10j <
We may of course assume that ¢ takes only real and positive values. Set TO¢(t) = ¢(t - 8). There is an angle 8 small enough so that the functions ¢~ TO¢ ~ T20¢ ~ ... , TNO¢ satisfy, if N is large enough: N
LTkO¢(t) > 0 k=O
for all t E TI.
Set u = 2:.:=0 TkOtP(t). All these functions are in A(IT), and u does not vanish I/u is also in A(TI). on TI, so, by Wiener-Levy Theorem (Theorem 5.2)~ The operator u(T) is well-defined, by a norm-convergent series, since u E A(TI) (recall that T is a surjective isometry). Moreover, it is invertible, and its inverse is (l/u)(T). Therefore, it is injective, and in particular, u(T)x i= O. Thus, for some k ~ 0 ::; k
s N,
This construction can be realized for every arc r. Let's take successively r N = [0, 27r / N] ~ for N = 1, 2, ... , and let's denote by tPN,kN the function obtained (or one of them) by the previous construction: this is a translate of 4> N ~ which satisfies : The supports of ¢N,k N have a width which tends to O. Let a = eiOo be an accumulation point of the middles of these supports. By construction, this means that, for every V, neighborhood of a, there is a function ¢N,kN' for N large enough, the support of which is entirely contained in V. We now consider the function 10(8) = ei 8 - ei 80 • It vanishes at 8 = 80 . By Wiener-Ditkin's Theorem (Theorem 5.3)~ there exists a sequence of functions (fn)n"2:0 in A(ll), convergent to 10 in A(ll), and each In is identically 0 on some neighborhood of 80 •
C t -eontractions
Since [«
fo in A(TI) , we get: IIfn(T) - fo(T)
fo(T)x since
~Tx - ei8ox~
lim IITm(Tx - ei 8o x)1 1= m~oo
with y = Tx - ei 90x, and y =I 0 since T has no eigenvector. Since moreover T is C t , we see that limm~oo IITmy11 > o. By (3), we may find no such that jno(T)x =I o. Put simply f = fno' for no chosen this way. The function j is identically 0 on some neighborhood Vo of (Jo. Choose No large enough so that <jJ = <jJNo,kNo has support in Vo. The functions f and <jJ are therefore disjointly supported. They both are in A (II) , satisfy f(f)x =I 0, <jJ(T)x =I 0, and <jJ moreover satisfies (2). Since the functions are disjointly supported, we have j(T)<jJ(f) = o. Set z = <jJ(f)x. Then we know that z =I 0, j(f)z = 0 (4).
Lemma 8.2.
The point z is in E.
Proof. - We consider the series EkEZ ckTkx. It converges in E, by (2). Let z' be its sum : then z' E E. The series converges also in <jJ(f)x = z, so z' = z is in E. This proves the Lemma. We now consider :
F = {y E E
j(f)y = o}
e, and its sum is
En Kerj(T).
This is a closed subspace of E. Indeed, if Yn --+ y, Yn E F and Y E E, then Yn --+ Y in and f(T)Yn = 0, so f(f)y = o. This subspace is invariant by T, and, more generally, by any operator U which commutes with T. Indeed, as we already observed, U can be extended into an operator U, which commutes with i , therefore with j(f). So :
= 0,
and U y is in E. The subspace F is not reduced to {O}, since it contains z, by (4) and Lemma 8.2. It is not the whole space, since f(f)x =I o. This proves our theorem.
Chapter XII
We see that we don't need the invertibility of T. All what is needed is that, for some point x , there is a sequence (xn)n>O of points in E, with:
T" X n
logllxnll < 1 + n2
n ~ 0,
We obtain:
Corollary 8.3 (Colojoara - Foiag}, - If E is reflexive and if both T and T* are C 1 -contractions, then T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Proof. - We are going to show that there are points z with a bounded sequence X n satisfying (1) and (2). Take € in E*, with II€II = 1. Then Ilr*n€11 o. Put 6 = lim IIT*n€ll. Take Yn E E, llYn II = 1, such that T*n €(Yn) = IIT*nell. Then €(Tn yn) = IIT*nell ~ 6. So the sequence Tn Yn does not tend to 0 weakly. Some subsequence Tnle Ynle has a weak limit x =j:. O. Fix m =j:. O. The sequence (Tn le -mYnle)k is bounded, has a weak accumulation point X m . But then TmTnle -m Ynle has Tm x m as accumulation point, so Tm x m = z , Since Ilxm II = 1 , our Corollary is proved.
In the course of this Chapter, we have met two Invariant Subspaces Theorems for the C 1 - contractions. The last one (Theorem 8.1) applies when the backward iterates do not grow too fast, and, if one applies it to the usual right shift on 12(1l) , gives subspaces of the type L 2(A) = {f j / = 0 on A C } . The first one (Theorem 2.8) shows that if log >':Z: is integrable, the point x does not belong to the closed linear span of its iterates, which is formally analogous ; ak = to the Invariant Subspaces, for the right shift, of type Fn = {(ak)k~o o for k < n} (corresponding in fact to m.H 2 ) . So we have found for C 1 contractions a formal description of both types of Invariant Subspaces of the right shift on 12(1l). Unfortunately, the conjonction of both types does not provide an answer to the question : does every C 1 - contraction have Invariant Subspaces ? Indeed, Theorem 8.1 does not apply if the backward iterates of each point grow too fast (and moreover we proved in [31 that the condition given on backward iterates was best possible to obtain this type of Invariant Subspaces). In order to be able to apply Theorem 2.8, we need log >':Z: to be integrable for some x . But the functions >':Z: are supported by a(T) (Corollary 2.3) and therefore the statement requires a(T) = C. But the example 6.B has backward iterates exponentially growing, for every point, and a(T) is a proper
C 1 -contractions
interval of C. So none of the results apply to it. As we said, this example has Invariant Subspaces for a trivial reason : it is just a function of the usual shift: M; = 4> (Mei' ). But how to recognize in general that an operator is a function of a given one? Moreover, we now observe a clear weakness in the above results: the assumptions are not invariant if T is replaced by a function f(T) , though the conclusion is. For instance, T may have slowly increasing backward iterates, and f(T) quickly increasing ones. So these results should by no means be considered as satisfactory.
Chapter XII
Exercises on Chapter XII.
Exercise 1. - Let T be a C1-contraction, and U be an operator such that: Unx - Tnx
for all x in E. Show that U = T .
Exercise 2. - Let T be a C1-contraction on a Hilbert space. Assume that T· is also a C1-contraction. Show that there exists a unitary operator U, and operators 8 1, 8 2 , continuous, injective, with dense range, such that:
Exercise 3. - Let T be a C 1-contraction on a Hilbert space E. Let defined as in Section 1.
i , e be
1) Show that the formula (Ax, y) = [z, yj,
e into
for x, y in E defines an operator A from adjoint, and has dense range F. Show that: F =
{x E E
; sup
E which is injective, self-
IIT·- n xll < oo}.
2) Can you give a meaning to these properties if E is only a Banach space ? 3) Determine the operator A in the special case of the operator Mq, on H 2 which was studied in Section 6.B. 4) We come back to the case where E is a Hilbert space. For x E F (defined in 1)), let LkE71 akT·-kx a series, convergent in E, with sum z. If z = 0, what can be said about the Fourier series LkE7[, akeik8 ?
Exercise 4. - Let A E u(1'). We want to show that there exists a sequence (xn)n~O of points in E, with Ilxnll --+ 1, ~Xn~ --+ 1, II(A - T)xnll --+ 0, ~(A
a) Show that there exists a sequence (Zn)n~O
~ Zn~ = 1,
~ (A - f) Zn ~
of points in E such that: --+
C 1 -contractions
b) Show that there exists a sequence (kn)n~o with k~ ~ k n for all n, every sequence (k~)
of integers, such that, for
c) Show that there exists a sequence (hn)n>o of integers, such that, for every sequence (h~) with h~ ~ h n for all n,
d) Put properties.
Show that
TU" Zn has the required
Exercise 5. - Let T be a C.-contraction on a Hilbert space E. We assume that T has a cyclic vector Xo ; let /0 be the representing function for this point, and let Jl.o = /0 dO /21r . Let m
1. We assume that Xo is cyclic for T'":
1) Prove that there exists a set Am C II, with Jl.o(A m) = 1, and a sequence (Pn)n~O
of polynomials, with: n
2) Let Bk = Am
--+ 00,
n [2k1rJm,2(k + 1}1r/m[, B ,k
0 E Am .
0 ~ k
< m, and
= {2k1r 0- ; 0 E Bk } m
Show that the sets B k are pairwise disjoint; deduce that P(A m } ~ l/m, where P is the Lebesgue measure.
3) Show that this is impossible for m large enough. Deduce that there exists a N such that TN has no cyclic vector. 4) Is the integer N universal? In other words, is there a N which fits all C 1 -contractions?
5) Find N in the case of the operator M fJ , Section 5.B. Exercise 6. of 8 2 ?
Let 8 be the right shift on 12(7L). What are the cyclic vectors
Chapter XII
Exercise 7. - Assumme T to be invertible, and satisfying : " logiiTRII LJ -1----=..:+-n-2~ nE?L
< 00.
Put Pn = IITnll, n E ?L, and let Ap be the corresponding Beurling algebra. We want to show that for every lEAp, l(a(T)) c a(I(T)) . a) Show that a(T) c C. b) let I = Lj aje ij fJ E Ap , and put, for N ~ 0, PN Let .\ = ei80 E a(T). Define s» by :
PN(e i8) _ PN(e i8o)
= L:!N aje ij fJ.
(ei8 _ ei8o)qN(ei8).
Show that qN E Ap , and that:
(e i8 _ ei8o)qN(ei8) ~
l(e i8) - l(e i8o) ,
when N
--+ 00.
c) Deduce that: (.\ - T)qN(T) ~
f(.\) - I(T)
in £(E). Deduce that f(.\) E a(I(T)).
Exercise 8. - Let
be the multiplication operator studied in Section 6.
a) Show that the closure in operator norm of the algebra AM. can be identified to the space A(K) of functions which are continuous on K, analytic in KO. b) Show that the closure of this algebra for the strong operator topology or for the weak topology can be identified to BOO : every operator in these algebras is of the form :
t/J 4> I,
for some function t/J E BOO .
Exercise 9. - Let T be a CI-contraction on a reflexive Banach space E. We assume that there exists a bounded sequence (Xj)j;::-o such that Tj Xj --h 0 weakly. a sequence of a) Show that there exists a sequence of integers (nk)J.:~O' positive numbers (o.j), with, for all k ~ 0, L::~ll (}:j = I, and a point z in E, with z i= 0, such that: --+
in norm, when k
C 1 -coniraciions
b) Deduce that there is a bounded sequence (Yk)k~O that: in norm, when k --+
of points in E, such
c) Using Theorem 8.1 and Corollary 8.3, show that T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces.
Exercise 10. - Let T be a C 1 -cont ract ion on a Banach space E. We assume that there exists a point Xo in E, and E: > 0, fJ > 0, such that :
We want to show that if T has no eigenvector, and if a series converges in E :
L "IkT-kxo
then all "Ik'S are O. a) Show that there exists a C
> 0 such that: for all k
b) Let g = ECkeik8 E A(JI). For m ~ 0, we set:
tPm(g) =
ckT lc+ m,
Let 4>(8) = Ek~O"lke-ik8.
Show that tPm(4))XO
0, when m
c) Let f(z) = Ek~O "Ikzk. Deduce from a) that this function is analytic in the disk D(O,l + g). Assume that f is not identically O. Show that it can be factored : L
f(z) =
II (z -
where ZI ••• ZL are the zeros of f on the unit circle, repeated according to their multiplicity, and h a function with no zero on the unit circle. d) Deduce that 1/h(e- i8) is in the algebra A(JI). Put hi = 1/ h(e- i8),
L = Il,=l (ea'8 - Zl).
e) Show that if u, v are in A(JI), and if tPm(u)XO then tPm (uv )xo --+ O. f) Deduce that tPm(4)' hi) eigenvec tor.
O. Show that if tPm(B)
0 when m --+
0, then T has an
Chapter XII
Notes and Comments.
Results of Sections 1, 2 are due to M. Rome and the author [I] j the proof of Proposition 2.1 was communicated to us by A. Atzmon. Section 3 is due to M. Rome [I]. Section 4 is due to M. Rome and the author [I]. Section 5 : For further results about non-quasi-analytic classes, see Y. Domar [1], Beurling - Malliavin [1], J.P. Kahane [1], Y. Katznelson [1]. Lemma 5.2 is in A. Atzmon [2]. Section 6 is due to the author [5], [8]. Section 7, Proposition 7.1 is due to M. Rome and the author [I]. The rest of the Section is due to the author- [8]. Section 8 is due to the author [3]. Exercise 4 is due to the author [7]. Exercise 5 comes from Nagy - Foias [2]. Exercise 7 is due to A. Atzmon [1]. Exercise 9 is due to the author, and so is exercise 10 [2\.
Complements on Chapter XII.
1) The Theorem of Section 8 was extended by A.Atzmon [4], who gave results containing both this theorem and Wermer's Theorem mentioned in Chapter III. One of them is as follows :
Theorem. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. Assume there exist sequences (x n )nE1l in E and (Yn)nE1l in E·, such that, for all n :
Assume moreover that there exists a Beurling sequence (Pn) such that: for all n E 1l,
and that there is an integer k such that:
C l -eontraetions
Then either T is a multiple of identity or it has Hyperinvariant Subspaces.
A similar result holds if the roles of X n and lin are reversed, but it's unknown if we can omit condition b), that is, assume only : log IIT"xoll L 1+ k kEZ 2
for some point
< 00,
in E.
2) There are links between the cyclic vectors for the usual shift on co(Z) and the Invariant Subspaces for the Cl-contractions (see B. Beauzamy [4]). Let H be a Hilbert space and T be an invertible Cl-contraction on H. Let A be the operator defined by the formula (see exercise 3) :
f = L"EZ Ckt~ik8
A(II). As in exercise 10 above, for m ~ 0, we set:
tPm (I)
clcTIc+ m •
Proposition. - At least one of the following holds:
a) There exists a function f in A(II), not identically 0, which satisfies tPm(J)x --+ 0, when m --+ +00, for all x E H (we say that T satisfies an asymptotic functional equation).
b) For every z , Y in H, the sequence ((ATlcx,Y)hEZ is in co(Z) and is cyclic in this space for the right shift. c) T has Invariant Subspaces.
The case a) is excluded if the set of the zeros of the function f is a set of harmonic synthesis of type Z A+ (the reader is referred to [4) for the definitions).
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Tel Ie vieux vagabond, pietinant dans Ia boue, Reve, Ie nez en l'air, de brillants paradis j Son oeil ensorcele decouvre une Capoue Partout oil la chandelle illumine un taudis. Charles Baudelaire ("Le Voyage").
During the course of the previous chapters, we have encountered many results about the Invariant Subspace problem, for various classes of operators. We will now study this problem specifically, and, during this Sixth Part, give two recent results: a positive one, for contractions on a Hilbert space, and a negative one: an example of an operator on the space ll, with no Invariant Subspaces.
Chapter XIII
Positive results
In this Chapter, we consider T, c.n.u. contraction on a Hilbert space. We have seen in Chapter XI how the HOO functional calculus was defined. In a first Section, we are going to investigate the following question: When is this functional calculus isometric ? 1. When is the HOO functional calculus isometric?
To say that the functional calculus is isometric means that:
114>(T) II = 114>1100
,¢ E
To say that it is isomorphic means that there exists a constant 0 such that:
First, we study this problem for ¢ E A(D), the disk algebra.
Proposition 1.1. - Let T be a c.n.u. contraction on a Hilbert space. The functional calculus is isometric on A(D) if and only if the spectrum of T contains the unit circle. Proof. - We know that the inequality :
always holds, by Chapter XI, Proposition 1.1. So we study the converse inequality. a) Let's assume that u(T) contains C. Then every point A of C is in ao(T), so in ol1(T). Therefore, there is a sequence (xn)n~O, IIxnll = 1, such that TX n - AXn --+ O. Take now ¢ in A(D) with II¢II 00 , and A E C such that
I¢(A)1 = 1. Then, with the above sequence
Chapter XIII
which implies :
114>(T)X n II
14>(A) I =
and so :
114>(T) II
b) Assume conversely that u(T) does not contain some point >'0 E C. Then some arc r around Ao is in p(T). We may of course assume (for simplicity) that Ao = 1. So I - T is invertible, and so is I - rT , for r close enough to 1. Moreover, there exist 0 < ro < 1 and C such that : r
ro .
This means: r
ro .
Consider the function :
which is in A(D). Then
II4>r 1100 =
C, though:
1_ r
which proves that the functional calculus is not isometric (and, more precisely, is not isomorphic). We now turn to the study of the same question for the HOO functional calculus. The Theorem we now prove is due to C. Apostol [11. The answer provided is not as satisfactory as in Proposition 1.1, but it says that, for a contraction the spectrum of which contains C, we can always assume the functional calculus to be isometric if we are looking for Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Theorem 1.2 (C. Apostol). - Let T be a contraction on a Hilbert space, such that u(T) contains the unit circle. If the H'" functional calculus is not isometric, the operator has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Proof. - First, we observe that, by Chapter XI, Proposition 1.2, this functional calculus is isometric for T if and only if it is for T*. Furthermore, we know that if both T and T* are Cl-contractions, they both have Hyperinvariant Subspaces, by Chapter XII, Corollary 8.3. Therefore, we can assume that one of them is not a CI-contraction. Next, we observe that if F is an Hyperinvariant
Positive Results
Subspace for T, Flo is an Hyperinvariant Subspace for T·. So we can assume that T, rather than T·, is not Ct. This means that:
= {z ; T" X
0, n -. +oo}
is not {o}. But this set is a closed hyperinvariant subspace for T, so it must be the whole space, otherwise our problem is solved. In other words, we may assume: Tnx -. 0, n -. +00 , for all x E H. A contraction satisfying this property will be called a Co-contraction. It is convenient to represent such an operator by means of a left shift on the space 12(IN,H) (in short: 12(H)). We recall that:
Proposition 1.3. - Let H be a Hilbert space, and T be a C o - contraction on it. Let S be the right shift on 12(H) :
There exists a subspace X of 12(H), invariant by the adjoint S· of S, and a surjective isometry V from H onto X, such that: T = V-I (S·lx)V.
Proof. - As we already did in Chapter X, we introduce: D
= JI-T*T,
which is positive, self-adjoint, and satisfies (see Chapter X, Proposition 1.3) :
from which follows clearly: 00
We set:
(Dx,DTx,DT 2x, ...),
Chapter XIII which is, by (1), an isometry from H into '2(H). It satisfies :
on H.
From this formula follows that the image of V is invariant under S* in 12(H). Set X = 1m V. This is a closed subspace of 12(H) and V is a surjective isometry from H onto X. Moreover, (2) indicates that:
(3) and our Proposition is proved. To simplify the notation, we write A
= S*'x.
We observe that, instead of 12(IN, H), we might have taken l2 (IN, F) , with F = ImD. The Proposition can be rephrased as follows: any Co-contraction on a Hilbert space is unitarily equivalent to the restriction of a left shift to one of its invariant subspaces. But the reader should not expect us to deduce from this result that any Co-contraction has Invariant Subspaces (this is unknown). The shift involved here is not the usual left shift on l2 (IN) : it is a shift on a product space l2 (IN, H) (some people say: a. shift of infinite multiplicity, but we will avoid this terminology). There is no deep statement behind Proposition 1.3 (and we have seen how easy the proof was), but this representation of the operator will be convenient for what follows. For any A,
1, we define:
which is a subspace of '2(H) : it is the space of sequences (xn)n~O such that: Xn
Of course, E). is {O} if
= Anxo, ~
for all n
in l2(H)
We also denote by P). the orthogonal projection from '2(H) onto E)., and, finally, P the orthogonal projection from '2(H) onto X. We first state a few easy consequences of the definitions.
Positive Results
Lemma 1.4. - For any A in D, the operator
UI = (A - S*)(X - S) is invertible, and :
If we set:
(X - S) ((A - S*)(X - S)) - I
then we have:
(A - S*)U(A) = I, U(A)(A - S*)
I-P>. , 1
IIU(A)J1 ~
(2) (3)
1 - IAI .
Proof. - For our first claim, we observe that:
(A - S*)(X - S)
IAI 2 - XS* - AS + S*S = (1 + IAI 2) - XS* - AS =
= (1 + IAI 2 )( /
U2 ) ,
We deduce:
I!Utl1l = (1 + IAI 2)-III(/ - U2 )- 11 1
< (1+IAI 2 ) -
1 1 ~ IIU2 11
- (1 - IAI)2' as we announced. The relation (1) is obvious on the definition. For (2), we observe that U(A)(A - S*) is a projection. Indeed, U(A)(A - S*)U(A)(A - S*) = U(A)(A - S*),
Chapter XIII
by (1), and from the definition of U(,\) follows that:
So U(,\)(,X - S·) is the orthogonal projection onto (Ker (,X - S·)).1, and (2) follows. For (3), we write:
(X - S)U1 1 ,
U(..\) and, for all x in 12 (H), IIU(..\)xI1 2
= (U('x)· U(..\)x, x) = (U1 1 (..\ - S·)(X = (U 1 1 x , x ),
- S)U1 1 x, x)
So: IIU(..\)xI1
(1 _1 ,\1 )2 l1 x I12 ,
which implies (3) and finishes the proof of the Lemma.
Lemma 1.5. - For every ..\ E D, IIPP,,112 ~
l-IIU(..\)1I2 inf{II(..\ - A)x1l 2 i x EX, IIxll = I}.
Proof. - The projections P and P A are positive and self-adjoint, and so is their product. We have:
IIpPA Il =
sup I(PP"x,x)1
11:1:11=1 sup
I (x,
P"Px) 1
Therefore, IIPP" II = IIP"PII
= 1-
i x E
X, Ilxll
inf{II(I - P,,)xI1
= I}
x E X, Ilxll 2
= I}
A)x1l i x E X, lIxll = I} 2 2 ~ 1 - IIU(..\)11 inf{Il(..\ - A)x11 ; x E X, Ilxll = I},
= 1 - inf{IIU(..\)(..\ -
as we announced.
Positive Results For a, 0
< a < 1, we put :
and: 1
Za = (D n u(T)) U (D n {A E p(T) ; all(A - T)-lll ~ l-IAI})' We have:
Proposition 1.6. - Let T be a Co-contraction. Then, for any a, 0 < a < 1, the set r a is contained in Za. Proof. - Take A in Za. Then : - either A E u(T)
n D.
inf{II(A - A)-lxll ; x EX, Ilxll = I}
and by Lemma 1.5,
- or oX E p(A), and then: inf{IIP - A)-lxll ; x EX, IIxll = I}
and by Lemma 1.5, IIPPAI!2 ~ 1 -IIU(A)11 2 a2 (1 -IAI)2 ~ 1 - a2
by Lemma 1.4, 3), and the result follows. A subset G of the open disk D is said to be dominating (for the HOO
functions) if, for any ¢ in H?", sup{I¢(z)1 ; z E G} = lI¢lIoo. This is obviously the case for any corona {a < Izl < I}, with 0 < a < 1, since we know that the numbers
sup{I¢(z)1 ; Izl = r}
are increasing with r (Chapter VIII, Section 3).
Chapter XIII
A set G is dominating if and only if almost every point in C is the nontangential limit of a sequence of points in G.
Proposition 1.7. - Let T be a Co -contraction, such that u(T) contains the unit circle. If, for some a, 0 < a < 1, the set Za is not dominating, the operator T has Hyperinvariant Subspaces. Proof. - If Za is not dominating, some subset C1 of the unit circle, of stricly positive Lebesgue measure, has the following property: for every 8 in C1, ts is not in Za if t < 1 is close enough to 1 : this means indeed that 8 is not the radial limit of points in Za. More formally, for every 1, ts i Za. Set
Eel, there exists
R, = {t8;
E: a
E: a
> 0 such that, if
< t < I}.
But D \ Za has at most countably many connected components. For one of them, say G, we can find 4 points, 81, 82, 83, 84 in C such that the 4 open segments R 1 , R 2 , R 3 , R 4 are all in G. We connect 81 to 82 outside D and connect R 1 to R 2 inside D. We obtain a closed L curve such that :
(1) and L n D c G. The same way, we connect 83 to 8", and R 3 to R 4 , and we obtain L'. The domains limited by both curves are disjoint. If A E G, then A E p(T), and: 1
< 1-
We now consider the integrals :
B' =
~ f 2&1r
(A - 83)(A - 84)(A - T)-ldA .
From properties (1) and (2) follows that these integrals are well-defined, and norm-convergent. Computations exactly similar to those made in Chapter II, Proposition 3.1, b) (using the resolvent equation and the fact that the domains bounded by Land L' are disjoint) show that B B' = O.
Positive Results
Moreover, since inside Land L' there are points of the unit circle, and since a(T) contains C, neither B nor B' is O. Let's explain this: take any s in the open arc ]SI,82[' This point is in the spectrum of T. By Gelfand's Theory (Chapter VI, Proposition 3.5), there is a character t/J on }r{, maximal commutative algebra generated by T, such that t/J(T) = 8. Of course, a fortiori, t/J is a character on .AT' We consider :
t/J(B) =
/, (). - 8d(). - 82)(). - t/J(T))-ld>' L
= (t/J(T) - 81)(t/J(T) - 82) = (s - sd(s -
S2) i- 0,
and this proves our claim. Obviously, B commutes with every operator which commutes with T, so K er B is the required Hyperinvariant Subspace, and our Proposition is proved. So, if T has no Hyperinvariant Subspaces, for every a, 0 < a < 1, Za is dominating. Since Za era (Proposition 1.6), we see that r a is also dominating. From this assumption, we are now going to show that the H OCI functional calculus is isometric. We recall our notation from Chapter XI : AT is the ultraweakly closed algebra generated by T j this algebra is the dual of JlT = JI(H)jJ. AT, in the duality: (U,N) ~
tr (UN) ,
If K is a set in a Banach space, we denote by aconv(K) the absolutely convex hull of K, that is the set of all finite sums L Ctiki, where Cti E a:: , k; E K, and L: ICti I :s; 1. The closure of this set is denoted by aconv(K). We also recall that x ® y is the rank-one operator:
x ® y (z) = (z, y)x ,
For the operator S" , the H OCI functional calculus is isometric:
1I¢(S")l1 = 1I¢1I0C1' The mapping \II, ¢ ~ ¢(S") is therefore weakly continuous, from the space HOCI, equipped with U(HOCI, LI/ HJ) onto As-, u(As-, Jls-) (Chapter XI, Theorem 3.1, d)).
Chapter XIII
For every .\ ED, the "evaluation" map
is continuous on Hoo for o(Hoo, Ltl HJ) (Chapter XI, Theorem 3.1, a)). So its compose with tw-I is a linear functional on As- ~ continuous for o(As-, Jls-). Therefore, this linear functional is given by an element of Ns«, which we denote by C>.. We have obtained:
Lemma 1.8. - For the operator S· (or, more generally, for any contraction for which the functional calculus is isometric), for every .\ ED, there exists an element C'A in Jls-, such that:
4>(.\), [or every function ¢ E H?" . The set of the C'A, .\ Era is large enough to generate the unit ball of
Jls- : Lemma 1.9. -If
is dominating,
Proof. - For every ¢ E HOO , we have:
II¢lIoo sup 14>(.\)1 'AED
sup 14>(.\) I 'AEr ..
The set aeonv { C>. j .\ Era} is therefore a convex su bset of BMs _ which norms all elements of As-. The equality follows from Hahn-Banach Theorem.
Lemma 1.10. - Let NEB Ms -
dist Ms - (N, aeonv(Bx
Proof. - Let e > 0 be given. C>'I' .. ' ,C'A ... , such that:
< a.
By Lemma 1.9, we can find al, ... , am,
liN -
EaiC>'iIlMs 1
Positive Results Since Ai E fa for i
So there is a point
= 1, ... ,m, we have:
in '2(H), with:
Therefore, ei can be written :
for some Xi E H, We set:
Ilxil! = 1. m
= liN -
L Qi(Pei ® Pei)l!)/s•. 1
A =
liN -
L Oi(Pei e ei) II )Is-. 1
Indeed, for every 4> E H'" ,
tr (4)(S·)(Pei ® Pei)) = (4)(S·)Pei, Pei) =
(4)(S·)Pei, ei),
because X is an invariant subspace for S· : Pe, is in X, so 4>(S·)Pei is in X also. So we obtain :
A ~
liN -
L oiC,\;II)ls_ + ilL Oi(C,\; -
Pei ® fi)ll)ls_
Lemma 1.11. - In Jls-, i = 1, ... ,m.
Proof of Lemma 11. - We have, for every function 4> E HOO :
Chapter XIII
All we have to show is therefore :
and it's enough to show it for ¢(z) = zn, n ;::: O. By the definition (1) of ei, since S· is the left shift, S'":«, f, -_
2 j (I-I\'1 \ n X". A, ) l 2 ( Ai
\n+l. Ai X" • . •) ,
and therefore,
(S·n fi , fi)
= (1 -1'xiI 2 ) L (,X?+k Xi , 'x~Xi) k~O
(1 - ]'xiI
L l'xil
and this proves Lemma 1.11. We come back to the proof of Lemma 1.10. We have, by the above Lemma: m
< liN - LaiC).; II Jl s • + II I
L ai (ei -
e fill Jl s •
< E: + L
lailll(I - P)eill
+ a,
This proves Lemma 1.10. To simplify the notation, we put, in )/s·
Lemma 1.12. - For every n ;::: 1, there exists N I , ... , N« in )/s·, with: k = l, ... ,n,
Positive Results such that:
liN -
LNkIINs. ~ an . 1
Proof. - We prove the result by induction on n. For n = 1, this is Lemma 1.10. Assume the result has been proven for n = m. Let Nk E a k - 1 B, k = 1, ... , m. By Lemma 1.10,
So there exists N m + 1 in IlN -
E;' Nkll.w s • B such that:
NkllJl s· < alIN- LNkll)ls.,
and this proves the Lemma. We can now state :
Proposition 1.13. - Let a, 0 < a < 1, and T be a C o - contraction. If is dominating, then: 1
8)1s. c - - aconv(8x I-a
8x) .
Proof. - Let N E 8)1s.' By Lemma 1.12, for every n 2: 1, there are N1, ... ,Nn , with Nk E ak-1B, such that: n
liN - L Nkll.v s•
< an ,
ak-l ,
k = 1, ... ,n.
So: 1
< I-a' and: n
Letting n -.
1_ 8 , I a
we get that : I
N E -1-8,
which proves the Proposition.
Chapter XIII
Lemma 1.14. - Let
0 < a < 1. H 1
4conv(B x 18> Bx) ,
for every 4> E Hoo, 114>(T)lI
Proof. - Let
4> E H?".
(1 - a) 114>1100'
We know that:
Using the duality between As- and )ls-, we deduce that for every e > 0, there is a N in B)I,. such that:
Using the assumption, we can find n ~ 1, aiJ ... , an in
tr But:
(1 ~
ni (Xi e Yi)4>(S.)) > 114>1100 -
~ 1,
= tr (4)(S*)x.: 18> Y.:)
tr ((x.: 18> Yi) 4>(S*»
= (4)(S*)x.:, Y.:)
= (4)(A)x.:, Yi) , since the points x.:, So we obtain :
are in X.
114>1100 -
1 e < 1_ a
lailll4>(A)II·ll xiH·IIYill
< 1 ~ a 114>(A)1I , and the Lemma follows. We can now prove the Theorem. As we already said, we can restrict ourselves to the case where T is a Co-contraction. Assume that T has no Hyperinvariant Subspaces. By Proposition 1.7, Za is dominating for every a, o < a < 1, and so is r a' By Proposition 1.13 and Lemma 1.14, for every 4> E Hoo,
114>(A)1I = 114>(T) II
(1 -
and so:
114>(T)II and the Theorem is proved.
a)II4>lloo ,
Positive Results
2. Invariant Subspaces. We are now going to prove:
Theorem 2.1. - Let T be a Co-contraction on a Hilbert space H. If for every a, 0 < a < 1, the set Z~ of points ..\ E D such that there exists a normalized weakly null sequence (zi")),,~o with:
is dominating, T has Invariant Subspaces.
Proof. - We use the notations of Section 1. The Theorem will be proved if we can find two points z , y in H such that: Co
Indeed, for every h E HOC) ,
h(O) = (h(T)x, y). Taking first h = 1, we see that (z, y) = 1, so x and y are non-zero. Furthermore, taking h(z) = zk, k ~ 1, we obtain (Tkx,y) = 0, so span {Tx, T 2x, ... } is orthogonal to y and is the required Invariant Subspace. To obtain x and y, it is clearly enough to use an approximation procedure:
Lemma 2.2. - If there exist two sequences x" ® y"
Ilx" - x"+lll < IIY" - y,,+Ii1 <
in H such that:
in JlT
for all n E IN
for all n E IN,
then one can find x and y satisfying (lJ.
Proof of Lemma 2.2. - Conditions (3), (4) ensure that the sequences (Y,,),,~o are Cauchy in H. Let x, y be their limits. Then:
IIx" ® y" -
~ ~
IIx" ® y" - x ® yllJl Ilx" ® (y" - y)IIJI + II (x" ~ x) ® yllJl Ilx"II·IIY" - yll + Ilx" - xll·IIYII,
and this last quantity tends to 0 when n
This shows that x ® Y = Co.
Chapter XIII
We now turn to the construction of the sequences (xn)n>O - and (Yn)n>O. We start with Xo = Yo = o. Assume that we have built the sequences Xo, ... , Xn-l, Yo, ... ,Yn-l, such that: IIXk - xk-ll! ~ I/2 k
IIYk - Yk-lll ~ I/2 lIXk @Yk
COllJlT ~ I/4 +
k = 1,
,n - 1
k = 1,
k = 0, ... ,n - 1.
We wish to build Xn, Yn satisfying (5), (6), (7) for k We know that :
We want to build
= Xn-l + Un,
= n.
= Yn-l + V n , such that:
Ilunl! < I/2
llvn II < I/2 n II(xn -
+ un)
We write e instead of 1/4
@ ,
n 1 (Yn-l + v n ) - ColIJlT < 1/4 +
and u, v instead of Un,
Lemma 2.3. - For every a, 0
Vn .
< a < 1,
Proof. - This is Lemma 1.9 above, with S· .
instead of
r a, and
T instead of
Let now fJ > o. For every a > 0, by Lemma 2.3 applied to e BJl T , we can find a finite sum L~ aiC>.. , with Ai E Z~ for all i, such that: N
II LaiC>.. - (Xn-l ® Yn~l
- CO}lIJiT < fJ
and: N
Llail < c.
We now have to compare the norms of such quantities in )IT and )Is·. We recall that V is the embedding of H into 12(H) :
(Dx,DTx,DT 2x, .. .).
Positive Resu.lts
Lemma 2.4. - For any finite sum
II x ® y -
L aiCAJ..vT
aiG Ai, every points x, y in H, IlVx
e Vy -
L aiGAJ..v
S ••
Proof of Lemma 2.4. - For every function h in Hoo, tr (h(T)(x ® y -
L aiCAJ)
= (h(T)x, y) -
L aih(.Ai) L aih(Ai)
= (Vh(T)x, VY)h(H) -
= (h(S*)Vx, VY)'2(H)
= tr
L aih(Ai)
(h(S*)(Vx®Vy- LaiGAJ),
IIhll oo = 1, we
and if we take the supremum of both sides upon h in H'" with obtain the Lemma.
,AN are now given by (12) and (13):
The numbers N, a1, ... ,aN,A1 they depend upon a, 11. For i = 1 PiP: = -ai. We set:
, N, we choose
such that
L Piztd
1 V
and we will show that if a, 11 are small enough, and if III < ... < liN are conveniently chosen, the points u and v satisfy our requirements (9), (10), (11). To simplify our notation, we put:
(X n-1
+ u) ® (Yn-1 + v).
We want to compute IIA - Coll..vT ; according to Lemma 2.4, we can compute instead IIA - Goll.N s • . We write an expansion: N
A - Go
= X n-1 ® Yn-1
Co +
L PiP: (ztd ® zl7 ») i
i=l N
+ x ® LfJj zi;;)
i=1 N
+ LfJi zti )
+ LJ ~ p.fJ-~
e z(v;) A;'
and we will take care of each line separately.
Chapter XIII
) is "close" (by definition) to being an eigenvector for T (or First, each V ) , for S·). So it is convenient to consider a point in 12(H) which is really an eigenvector for S·, for the eigenvalue A :
Lemma 2.5. - Let A E D, 0 < a < 1, and that:
Then, there exists
Furthermore, if v~
IlzA11 =
E H, with
II (A - T)ZAII < a(1 - lAD· K er (A - S*) c 12(H) such that ileA I
eA E
VzAl1 < v'2a.
~ 0 weakly in H, so does
1, such
= 1 and
IleA -
in '2(H), when
Proof of Lemma 2.5. - We observe that :
(16) Indeed,
II (S·
- A)V ZA I = IIVTz A
a(1 -
ll(I ~ AS·)-lll ~
IAI + IAI 2 + ... =
We set:
This is an isometry, and:
We need a sub-lemma: Lemma 2.6. - Let U be an isometry on a Hilbert space H. For every x in H,
= IIU·xll.
Proof of Lemma 2.6. - We know that U· = ir:' on 1m U and U· = 0 on (1m U)l. = K er U*. We decompose: Xl
and we have:
E ImU,
E (ImU)l. ,
Positive Results
So we obtain:
Ilx - yll = dist (x, K er U·).
Conversely, let y E K er U· , with
and this proves Lemma 2.6. We come back to the proof of Lemma 2.5. We have :
Ker U"
Ker (S· - A),
since (I - AS·) -1 is invertible. IT we denote (as we already did in Section 1) by P>. the orthogonal projection from 12(H) onto Ker (A - S·), we deduce from Lemma 2.6 : IIp>.Vz -
Vzll = IIU·zll <
and we take: P>.Vz>.
IIP>.Vz>.1I This proves Lemma 2.5. In the terms (a), (b), (c), (d) appearing in the decomposition of A - Co, d instead of d , and then the we consider the corresponding terms with differences.
Lemma 2.7. - The term (a) has a norm in Proof of Lemma 2.7. - In
at most
fJ +
we write: N
(a) = VXn-l ® VYn-l - Co -
L aiei:» ® ei:d i=l
+ '" (e(lId L....J 0:'' > 'i
® e(II.-) - V Z(lIo} ® V z(lId) . Ai
Let (a') be the first line, (a") the second. By Lemma 1.11,
Chapter XIII
So (a') can be rewritten : N
~ Y"-l - Co -
aiC).i ,
which implies by (12) that II (a') liNT < ,.,. For (a"), we write simply : N
L laililetil e (etd - V ztd ) IIN
II (a") IINs • ~
i=l N
L lailll(ei:d -
~ VztdllN s •
~ 2V2ea, by the same computation as in the proof of Lemma 2.2. We now turn to the term (b) :
Lemma 2.8. - There is an infinite subset IN 1 of IN , such that if VI < ... < VN are in IN 1, the term (b) has norm in )IT at most n + 4,.,y'€ (1 + ,.,). Proofof Lemma 2.8. - For every V1 < ... < with Ilh v1,...,vNlloo ~ 1, such that:
there is a function hV1, ...,VN ,
IIx ~
L /3jzl;;) liNT
(h Vl ,...,VN (T)x,
L /3jzl;;)) .
We can find an infinite subset of IN, IN'l' such that, if IN~ , the limit of h V 1 , ••• ,VN exists weakly in H?", when Let h o be this limit. We have:
< <
< VN are in < VN ---+ 00.
L /3j zt ; ))
,=1 when
< ... <
VN ---+ 00,
since each sequence zi~;)
is weakly null. Set:
g = hV1,...,VN - ho .
Choose K such that IITK xII < ,." and write the Taylor series of g :
Positive Results where VI VI
< <
is a polynomial of degree at most K - 1. Since 9 -+ 0 weakly when < VN E IN~ -+ 00, IlpKlloo -+ O. We choose IN~ C IN~ such that if
< VN
E IN~,
Since IIglloo ~ we have:
IIPKlloo < '7 < 1. Il h ... 1100 + IIholl oo lt .......N
~ 2, this implies
IIIKlloo ~ 3. Now,
L fJjzt ») = (PK (T)x, L Pjzt ») j
+ (/K(T}T K x, LPjzi;j»), ;=1 and: N
I(PK(T}x, LPjztj»)1 <
IlpKlloo ·11 LPjzi;j)ll,
1(/K(T}TKx, LPjzi;j»)1
< II/Klloo' IITKxll'
II L Pj zt
j )II·
To achieve the proof, we observe that, the sequences (zi~j)} being weakly null, J we can extract further subsequences which are almost orthogonal. This means that we can find IN 1 C IN"}, such that if VI < ... < VN are in IN1, N
IILP;zi;j)1I < (1+'1)(LIP;1 2)1/ 2 s ~(I+'7). This proves Lemma 2.8. The estimate of (c) is simpler : Lemma 2.9. - There is an infinite subset IN 2 C IN 1 such that if VI VN
are in
IN 2, the term (c) has norm in
at most
'7 + (I + '1) ~
Proof of Lemma 2.9. - We write: N
L fJ.ei~d
® Vy
® Vy
i=1 N
L P.(Vztd • =1
e Vy
< ... < a IIyll.
Chapter XIII
Let (e') be the term on the first line, (e") the term on the second. We have, for some function s e Boo, IIhll oo = 1, N
1I(!=')IINs* = (h(S*), EPiei:') 0
,=1 N
E P,h(Ai)(ei:
) ,
Vy) .
• =1
Since the sequences (ei~»)v < ... < VN are in IN~,
--+ 0 weakly, we can find IN~ for every i :
c INI such that if
So we obtain : N
• =1
lI(e')IIJls * < (EIPiI 2)1/2'(E71 2/ 4i)I/2 < 71 . For (e") , we write: N
II(e")IINs *
s II EPi(Vzi~d
- ei~d)II'lIVYII
1=1 N
(1 + 71)
(E IP.1 211 Vzt o> - el:
11 2 ) 1/ 2
if the sequence
< ... < VN is chosen in IN2
C IN~,
and therefore :
To finish, we have to compute the norm of (d). The computations are similar to the previous ones. Lemma 2.10. - There is a subset IN3 c IN2 such that if VI < ... < in IN3, the term (d) has norm in )IT at most 71 + (1 + tJ) 2 e y'2 a .
Proof of Lemma 2.10. - We write, in
)ls* :
Positive Results and call (d') the first line, (d") the second. For (d'), we find h in HOD, with lIhll oo
II (d') II .vs • =
= 1, such that:
L fJiPih(.xi){ei~o),
V z1;;»),
and we find a subset IN~
of IN2 such that if
< ... < VN are in IN;,
if i,j= 1, ... ,N,with ifj. We get:
L IPillfJil/4i+i
II(d')II.vs • s
< " ,
and for (d") N
II(d")II.vs • s I LfJi(Vzto) - ei';il)ll·lI LfJ'jVzi;i)1I i=1
~ (1 +,,) if
(L IPi1 211 Vzt a> - e1:;) 11 2)1/ 2 (1 +,,) (L IPiI 2) 1/ 2 ,
< ... < VN belong to a subset INa of
and our Lemma is proved. We now choose We observe also that:
So we get:
and" small enough to get (11).
Ilull s
(1 +
")(L IPiI 2)1/ 2
= 1/21'6,
if " is small enough and 2.1.
< ... < V N lacunary enough. This proves Theorem
Corollary 2.11. - Let T be a contraction on a Hilbert space such that u(T) is dominating. Then T has Invariant Subspaces.
Proof. - We may assume that T is Co (see Section 1), that u(T) = ua(T) , and that any sequence of almost eigenvectors is weakly null (see Chapter II). v Fix a, 0 < a < 1, and take .x E ua(T) with l.xl > a. A sequence (z1 » 11 sa tisfying : when n --+ 00, satisfies a fortiori the condition defining
and we can apply Theorem 2.1.
Chapter XIII
Remark. -If ). E Za (defined in Section 1) and is not in O'(T) , we know that:
(1) So there is a point y,
Set x Then
Ilyll =
1, such that:
= ().-T)-ly, so ().-T)x = y, IIxll > l/a(I-I).I). Set finally z = x/llxll.
= 1, and :
II(). - T)zll
lIyll < = ~
a (1 - 1).1)·
Assume that the spectrum of T contains the unit circle. By Section 1, if we are looking for Invariant Subspaces, we may assume that for every a, the set of ). 's satisfying (1) is dominating. This ensures that there exists a z satisfying (2). But Theorem 2.1 requires not only a point z, but a weakly null sequence. So we cannot conclude immediately from these arguments that any operator with spectrum containing the unit circle has Invariant Subspaces. However, this is true, and was proved by S. Brown - B. Chevreau - C. Pearcy [2] by some refinements of the techniques presented here. The question of the existence of Hyperinvariant Subspaces for such operators is still open.
Positive Results
Exercises on Chapter XIII.
Exercise 1. - Let T be a Co-contraction on H and let U be its minimal unitary dilation. Show that, for every x, y in H,
Exercise 2. - Let that:
as in Lemma 2.5, and
IIPsn f ). 112 >
given by this Lemma. Prove 1 - 2a 2
Exercise 3. - Prove that for any x in H, the function :
is weakly sequentially continuous from H into )Is· (that is : if a sequence (Yn)n~O converges weakly in H to a point y, the sequence x ® Yn converges weakly in )Is. to x ® y). Exercise 4. - Show that in
)Is. :
v x ® Vy = x ® Py ,
x,yE H.
Exercise 5. - Assume that (xn)n>O is a sequence of points in H such that 0 in )IT, for all y in H. Show that V X n ® Z ~ 0, for every z in
Xn ® y ~
l2(H) . Exercise 6. - Let T be a contraction with dominating spectrum. Let A E o(T) n D, and let (xn)n~O be a weakly null sequence such that (A - T)x n ~ o. Show that X n ® y ~ 0, in )IT, for any y E H.
Notes and Comments:
The basic ideas developed in this Chapter come from Scott Brown's work [1], [2], [3]. Theorem 1.2 is due to C. Apostol [II. Corollary 2.11 appears in S. Brown - B. Chevreau - C. Pearcy [1], and the result mentioned in the Remark in S. Brown - B. Chevreau - C. Pearcy [2].
Chapter XIII
Our terminology differs slightly from the one adopted by some authors : they call "Co-contraction" a contraction T such that there is a function / in HOO with f(T) = o. In Nagy-Foiaa's terminology, an operator satisfying Tn x ~ 0, when n ~ 00 is called Co. (Coo if the adjoint has the same property, CO,I if the adjoint is a CI-contraction). Here, we don't use the adjoint at all, so we could simplify the terminology. Moreover, the use of Co to indicate that the operator is annihilated by an analytic function does not sound quite natural. The most natural question suggested by this work is : does any operator with r(T) = IITII have Invariant Subspaces? This question was stated long ago. We will also mention it at the end of next Chapter, since the results presented there also support this conjecture.
Chapter XIV
A Counter-Example to the Invariant Subspace Problem in Banach Spaces
The major progress in Modern Operator Theory is obviously P. Enflo's counter-example to the Invariant Subspace problem in Banach spaces (P. Enflo [1]), which opened new lines of thought. The very idea of building an example of an operator enjoying given properties was new in this field, and no previous attempt had ever been made to solve the Invariant Subspace problem in the negative direction. The ideas introduced in Enflo [1] had many applications, including to the positive direction on Hilbert spaces. Two other examples followed the lines initiated by P. Enflo: C. Read
[1] and the present author (B. Beauzamy [9]), the latter enjoying a stronger property, called "supercyclicity". C. Read's example was later strenghtened and simplified by himself (C. Read [2], [3]), so as to produce an operator on II with no Invariant Subspaces (See the "Notes and Comments" at the end of the Chapter for historical comments). C. Read's latest example was then simplified by A.M. Davie [unpublished], who communicated it to us. Though this construction is not the strongest (it does not possess any property like supercyclicity or hypercyclicity), it is by far the simplest, and we present it here. It produces a very elementary example of an operator on II with no Invariant Subspace. In the "Complements" at the end of this Chapter, we refer to more sophisticated examples and consider the problem in Hilbert spaces. Before turning to the construction of the example, we start with a few basic observations. Let T be an operator on a Banach space E. 1) To say that the operator T has no Invariant Subspaces is obviously equivalent to the fact that every non-zero point is cyclic. Indeed, if x is non-cyclic,
is a non-trivial Invariant Subspace.
Chapter XIV
Conversely, if T has a non-trivial Invariant Subspace, F, taking x E F, we see that Fr. C F, so x is not cyclic. are linearly 2) Take a cyclic point Xo for T. Then the iterates (Tkxoh:~o independent (since the space is infinite dimensional). Consider a finite sum Lk>O akTkxo. To such a sum, associate the polynomial p(z) = Lk>O akzk (thi; is well defined, by what we just said). On the space P+ of polynomials, pu t the norm : IIpll = II ak z k II·
Then the completion of P+ under this norm is a Banach space, which is obviously isometric to E, since the finite sums Lk~O akTlexO were dense. We keep for it the notation E. Moreover, to the sum :
we associate the polynomial :
L k~O
z(L a/czle) . k~O
In other terms, T becomes the multiplication by z on the space P+, equipped with the norm 11.11. This can be expressed as follows:
Lemma. - Every operator with a cyclic vector can be represented as the multiplication by z on the completion of the polynomials in z , under some norm.
There is obviously nothing deep in this Lemma : it is a mere rephrasing of the original situation. But we understand that there is no restriction of generality if we try to find T as the multiplication by z on a space of polynomials. Moreover, it allows us to simplify the notations: if Xo is a cyclic point, and if p, I are polynomials, instead of p(T)xo we just write p , and instead of l(T)p(T)xo, we write l.p. The norm coming from the operator norm is written as lI'llop, that is : II l 1i op = IIl(T) II· 3) Under this representation, the point Xo becomes the polynomial 1, which is cyclic in E for the multiplication by z (by definition). To say that any point x in E is cyclic means that:
A Counter-Example
To obtain this property, since 1 itself is cyclic, it is enough to ensure that 1 E span {x, zx, z2x, .. .}.
This can be written: For every e > 0, there exists a polynomial I such that :
III x-III < c.
(In the original space, and with the original notation, this property would be written: 1I/(T)x - xoll < c.)
4) In order to produce an operator with no Invariant Subspace, we have to satisfy (1) for every non-zero x, and not just for polynomials. Indeed, satisfying it just for polynomials would ensure them to be cyclic : we would have a dense set of cyclic vectors. But this is by no means uncommon: many operators do have a dense set of cyclic vectors, such as the right shift of 12(71) (see Chapter IX, Exercise 8), or even of hypercyclic vectors (see Chapter III), and they still have Invariant Subspaces. H all polynomials are cyclic, take x E E, and a sequence (Pn)n~O of polynomials converging to x in E. Then, for every e > 0, there is a polynomial In such that:
II/nPn -
111 < c.
If we have
suPll/nllop <
then: II/nx -
< Il/nx -
+ II/nPn -
~ Il/nli op ·llx - Pnll + IllnPn ~
s ,
for n large enough, and this shows that x itself will be cyclic. So the problem of constructing an operator with no Invariant Subspaces requires the following two steps : a) build a norm on the space of polynomials such that every polynomial is cyclic for the multiplication by z, that is : For every e > 0, there exists a polynomial I such that : II/p
-111 <
e ,
b) Ensure that for every x in the completed space, for every c > 0, there is a sequence of polynomials (Pn)n>O, Pn --+ x, with bounded operator norms.
Chapter XIV
5) There is certainly no uniqueness in the choice of the I's satisfying (2). Indeed, if by some II we can move p close to some XI, that is
then XI close to some X2 by 12 , ••• , Xn-I close to X n by In, and finally X n close to 1 by 'n+l, then the product In+l.ln ... 1t will move p close to 1, within C if CI, ••• Cn+1 were chosen small enough. Moreover, this product is likely to have considerable operator-norm. Fix now C > O. Say that I "acts on p" if it satisfies (2) and if moreover it has small operator norm, that is for instance : 1I'l1op ~
inf{II"lIop i I' satisfies (2)} + 1.
In what set around p can we expect the operator norms of the I's acting on this set to remain uniformly bounded? The best would of course be the whole unit sphere. However, this is not possible: this would contradict the fact that the spectrum of T is non-empty (see Exercise 3 below). So we cannot expect to find a constant C such that 1111lop ~ C, for all l's acting on the unit sphere. Therefore, we have to bound the norm 1I.lIop "locally", that is near each point z , with a bound depending on x. The type of the set, containing z , on which Illliop is bounded will determine the structure of the construction. It is a neighborhood of x in P. Enfto [11, B. Beauzamy [91, but on the present construction, it is computed using the coordinates on some finite-dimensional subspaces. So far, we have given only statements which were either trivial or too vague, but were required to explain on what lines an example can be found. We now turn to the construction itself. Theorem. - There exists an operator on
with no Invariant Subspace.
Proof. - We first recall or introduce some notation.
Let, as before, P+ be the set of polynomials with complex coefficients. For 0, let Pn be the set of polynomials with degree ~ n. If p
= E;~o
a;z; , we put: Ipl
Lla;l. ;~o
This is the 11 norm, which we denoted by Ipll. For simplicity, we drop the subscript 1.
A Counter-Example Moreover, for n
0, we put: n
E ajz j
;=0 and val(p)
= min{j
; aj -1O}. This is the valuation of p.
Lemma 1. - Let n ~ 0, E:, s, M > o. There exists K > 0 such that, for every m, 0 ~ m ~ n, every polynomial 9 E P«, satisfying Igi ~ M and IPm(g)1 ~ s, there exists q E P«, with:
~ K.
Remark. - The reader will observe that the assumptions on 9 are of "concentration at low degrees", as we discussed at the end of Chapter VIII.
= 0, ... , n, we set
Proof. - For m
Om =
{p E
Pn ;
M and IPm(p) I ~
This is a compact subset of Pn • For 9 E Om, we write the Euclidean division of zm by g, according to increasing powers of z : zm
with val(r)
> n. So we get: zm - r ,
Therefore, there exists an open neighborhood U of 9 in Pn , such that, if g'E U,
We cover Om by U lJ • • • , UK.,. , corresponding to polynomials glJ ... ,gK... , and, for k = 1, ... ,Km , if 9 E Uk, we have
Finally, we take:
K and our Lemma is proved.
max max m
Iqkl ,
Chapter XIV
Let now (an)n~o and (bn)n~o with ao = bo = I, and :
Let (Vn)n~-I
be two sequences of positive real numbers,
< bl < ... < an < bn < -..
be a sequence of positive real numbers, defined by : V-I
(n - I)(an + bn )
of P+ as follows:
We define a basis (/n)n~o
10 = I, -If n 2: 2 and 1
n - I, or n = r
if ran ~ k ~ ran +
= I,
Vn-r-I ,
if (r - I)a n + V n- r < k < ran,
-If n 2: 2 and 1
Zk-I1.. ),
21(r- t )11.. -kllb..-
n - I,
if r(a n + bn) < k ~ (n - I)a n + rbn , if (n - I)a n + (r - I)b n < k < r(a n + hn) , We also define formula (d) with n
an_r(Zk -
he = lie
zk - bn zle-bn
= 21(r- i >b..-kl/nl1.. zA: , (d)
by formula (c) with n = 1 when k = al < k < al + hi-
+ bl
and by
= 1 when
For fixed n 2: I, we have defined fie for V n-l < k ~ V n . Indeed, the sequence (b), (a), (b), (a), _.. allows us to go from V n-l to (n - I)a n : V n-l -+
an +V n-2
2a n
2a n +V n-3
-+ ... -+
(n-I)a n
(n-I)a n
Then the sequence (d), (c), (d), (c), ... allows us to go from (n - I)a n to (n - I)(an + bn ) = V n :
(n - I)a n -+
an + bn
(n - l)a n + 2hn
(n - l)a n + bn
2(a n + hn)
(n - I)(a n + bn)
(n - I)(a n + hn) .
In the first case, to ensure that the numbers involved are in the right order, we
(r - I)a n + V n- r < ran,
A Oounter-Ezampl« which means V n -
an, that is :
(n - 2)(a n -
+ bn-d < an ,
In the second, we need:
(n - 1)4n
+ (r -
l)b n < r(a n
+ bn),
or (n - r - 1)an < bn, that is :
(n - 2)an < bn ,
n 2: 1.
We see that for every k 2:: 0, he is of degree k: Therefore 10, Ii.. .. lie span Pk. We define a norm on P+ by the formula:
II Laklkll
for any finite sequence of complex numbers (ak)k~o, Let X be the completion of P+ for this norm. The space X is a Banach space, which is obviously isometric to 11. Let T be the multiplication by z . We will show that T is a continuous operator on X with no Invariant Subspaces. First, we establish a few consequences of the definitions: - If 1 ~ r ~ n - 1 and ran ~ k ~ ran + V n - r-l, by (a) : 1
---Ik-a n
--Ik' a n
a n - r +l
and therefore :
Ilzk - zk-ranll
an -
+ r
a n - r +l
+ ... + -
2/a n- r
4 n-l
- The same way, from (c), we deduce that, if r(a n + bn) ~ k ~ (n - 1)a n + rb n 1
(2) Lemma 2. - If the sequences k 2:: 0,
grow fast enough, for every
We postpone the proof of this Lemma. So (admitting Lemma 2), T is a continuous operator on X, with IITII ~ 2.
Chapter XIV
In the course of the proof of Lemma 2, we will moreover obtain the following estimates, which we admit temporarily:
lI T f ro + v :5 1Ia n - r II T f r4 - dl :5 1la n , liT/r(On +bn)-lll :5 l/b n . n - r-all
For m > 1, we define : Om
= {k E
IN i 3n > m , (n - m)a n :5 k :5 (n - m)a n
Un>m [(n - m)a n
(n - m)a n
+ vm-d
+ vm-t].
Lemma 3. -If the sequences (an)n~o, (bn)n~o grow fast enough, for m > 2, k ;» (m - l)a m and bm + am :5 s :5 bm + (m - l)a m, we have: -H k
liT- t, II :5 -IE k E Om, decomposing k = (n - m)a n
+ i,
liT- fA: + a mz +-II j
with 0:5 i :5 Vm-l, :5 1.
We also postpone the proof of this technical Lemma. For m > 2, we define a linear mapping Qm, from P+ into QmfA:
f A: 0 { -amzj
if 0 :5 k :5 (m - l)a m , if k > (m - l)a m , k tI- Om , if k E Om , k = (n - m)a n + i
P(m-l)a m
by :
, j :5 Vm-l
n > m, so k ~ an > (m - l)am.)
(we observe that if k E Om, k ~ (n - m)a n
Corollary of Lemma 3. - IE m > 2, bm 9 E P+, then:
+ am
:5 bm
+ (m -
l)a m and
(6) Proof. - We first show the result for 9 = fk. - If k :5 (m - l)a m, Qmfk = fA:, and the left-hand side of (6) is O. - If k ~ (m - l)a m, k rI- Om, Qmfk = 0, and, by Lemma 3 : ~~T-
fA:" :5 4"Jk ~ = 4.
- If k 2:: (m -l)a m , k E Om, Qmfk = -amzj T-Qmfk
= -amz j +-,
and the left-hand side of (6) is, by Lemma 3 :
liT- t. + amzi +-II :5 1, which proves the Corollary when 9 = fk. To obtain it for every show that Qm is continuous on X.
g, we have to
A Counter-Example We recall that
- For
~ Vm-
1 < (m - l)a m < V m , by (Cd.
1, the sequence
uses only a1, ... , a m-1 , b1, ... , bm- 1.
- For V m - 1 < i ~ (m-l)a m, we are in the situation to apply consecutively (b) and (a), and Ii is given by these formulas. But (a) uses a m - 2 , a m-1, am, and (b) uses am, bm- 1 . Therefore, there exists a constant C m a1,bl, ... ,am-1,bm - 1,a m , such that
- For
V m-1,
depending only on the numbers
i=O, ... ,(m-l)am •
~ Cm,for
zi is computed using
- For V m-1 < i ~ (m - l)a m does not appear. So :
h, ... , Ii, and so
zi is computed using
h, ... , Ii,
and bm
and Qm is continuous on X, which proves (6). Moreover, we get:
and therefore : gE X.
Lemma 4. - Let g EX, with Ilgll = 1. We assume that for some m > 2, some r, 1 ~ r ~ m - 2, we have:
Then there is a polynomial
such that :
11cp(T)g -
31 a m - r - 1
Proof of Lemma 4. - Let h = Qmg, so Ihl ~ em. Applying Lemma 1, we find K = K(I/(a mCm ) , l/a m , C m , (m - 2)am ) , and a polynomial q in P(m-2)a m
such that:
Chapter XIV
Set f/J
= ZBm q.
Then f/J E
P(m-l)B m ,
l ) Bm (f/Jh)
z(r+l)B m
and therefore :
II P (m Set rp
= _1
l/a m
f/J =
zb m
II <
_zBm+b m bm
From c), we deduce that if : r(a m
+ bm )
1 k II-z
< (m - l)a m + rb m
zk-b m
1 bm
If we put k' = k - bm , we have am ~
(m - 1lam ,
k' ~
II z k'
- -1z k' +bm
Let's put: A
II P (m - l ) Bm+bm (rph)
= IIP(m-l)a m+bm(b
P(m-l)a m(tbh)
zbmtbh) -
If we write:
tbh =
P(m-l)a m(f/Jh)!I.
L li zi , i?O
since val(1/J) ~ am, we deduce from (8) :
(9) if we choose bm large enough.
A Counter-Example Furthermore, denoting by dO the degree, we have:
if we choose bm large enough. So (d) gives :
Ilcph -
P(m-l)a...+b ... (cp
h) II ~
2(2(m-l)0 ... - i b_)/ma ...
2(2(m-l)0_-i b_)/mo_
KC m bm
< I/am
again if bm is large enough. Moreover, since
cp can be written: (m-I)a... +b ...
A_z- ,
o... +b...
and since Iql ~ K, we have We also have:
K/b m
and by (6) :
Il r - g -
IIA_z-g -
r-Qmgll A_z·hll
~ ~
411gll, 4IA_lllgll, 4K < I/a m bm
if bm is large enough. This means :
By (I), if 1 ~
r ~ n -
ran ~ k ~ ran
+ Vn-,.-I,
Chapter XIV
and since r we get:
~ 1'1 -
2, replacing n by m and r by r
in the above estimates,
(12) Finally,
IIIp(T)g - 111 ~
IIIp(T)g - cphll
+ IIcph -
II P ( m - l )a m + b... (lph)
+ IIP(m-l)am (1/Jh) -
P(m-l)a".+b". (lph)
P(m-l)a m (1/Jh) II
z(r+l)a m
II + lIz(r+l)a... - 111
1 111 2 < -+-+-+-+--am am am am am - r - l < 3/am - r - l , by (11), (10), (9), (7) and (12), and this proves Lemma 4. We now prove the Theorem. We want to show that, for every e there is a polynomial cp such that :
> 0, for every
9 E X with
= 1,
IIIp(T)g-III < c. So, we fix e > o. Let k > 1 such that I/alr, < c/3. By Lemma 4, we need only to find r ~ 1 and m, with
m ~ such that:
Indeed, then r ~ m - 2, and 3/am - r - l ~ 3/a1c < c. Let us assume conversely that for every r, every m with m - r - 1 we have:
(13) We will obtain a contradiction. For each m, we can find D m such that:
0, depending only on
if 0 ~ Now, we write : 00
LCLi/i, k=O
~ Vm •
aI, b1 , ...
,am, bm ,
A Counter-Example with
E;:o lail = 1, and for
> 1, we can write:
(n-l)a ..
fJn,i zi
We have also, for n > 2
\1.. -1
with: -an
m>n So we obtain : (n-l)a..
\1 .. -1
From (13), (14), (15), we deduce that if r
1 and m - r - 1
~ k,
ra ...
;=\1... -1
IfJm,i1 <
l/ a m
If ram + Vm- r-2 < j ~ ram + Vm- r-l, we are inside the range of application of formula (a) for the definition of 1;. So we get :
and applying (16) with r replaced by r+l, we obtain that, if r ~ 1, m-r-2 ~ k,
jail <
Combining this with (14), we get, for n
~ k
V.. -1
+ 2,
\1.. -1
lla m m>n < 2la n +l .
Chapter XIV
Taking now r
= 1 in
(13), we obtain, for n 2:: k + 2 : IPQIl(Qng)1
s -.!... an
and we deduce from (15) :
L IPn,; + An,;1 ;=0
from which follows, by (18), that :
Now, we observe that if Vn-l < i ~ (n - l)a n , we are in the range of application of formulas (a) and (b) for f;, and I; has no term zi, with Vn~2 < i ~ Vn-l. Thus: tln-l
a; I; -
{3n,; z; E
tlj=n-'J+ 1
So: tln-l
< 2D n _t/an <1/~,
if an has been chosen large enough. We take m = n - 1 and obtain, when m 2:: k + 1 tI...
lail <
I/Jam+ l
Using (20) in (14), we find, when n 2:: k + 1 : tln-l
2: IAn,il s an 2: 2: lai+(m-n)Q...
m>n i=O tI...
~ an
2: 2:
A Counter-Example
and, using (19), for n
~ k
+2 : Vn-l
IPn,il <
that is : (21) and from (20), we get: (n-l)a n
L and noting that if
V n-l
(n - l)a n
we conclude that : (n-l)a n
IPv n -
1 (
aj/j)1 < an-dan.
Combining this with (21), we obtain, for n
~ k
+ 2,
This implies: tJn-l
lajl ~ D n - 1 -(a n - l + 2) , an
and this tends to 0, when n -+ 00. We obtain a contradiction with the assumption 2:~ lajl = 1, and this proves the Theorem. We still have to prove Lemmas 2 and 3.
Proof of Lemma 2. - We look separately, for k , at the cases (a), (b), (c), (d).
a) ran Then:
~ k ~ ran
+ Vn-r-l.
Chapter XIV
- If k = ran
+ Vn-r-l,
we deduce from (b) :
and using (1) and (b) : Ilzk+1-Onll
= < <
Ilz(r-l)On+Vn-r-l+11l 2
an-r-l 2 an-r-l
+ 2(1+vn-r-l-tOn-r)/bn-r-l
and therefore, liTfron+vn-r-l
if the sequences (an) and (6 n ) increase fast enough. So we get:
b) (r - l)a n Then:
+ V n - r < k < ran_
- If k < ran - 1,
- If k = ran - 1,
IlzrOn II ~
if an is large enough.
an -
by (1). r
A Counter-Example
c) r(a n + bn )
~ k ~
(n - l)a n + rb n
- If k < (n - 1) an + rb n , T I k = I k + 1 ,so II T I k II - If k = (n - l)a n + rb«, by (d) :
(1 + bn )
= 1.
2((n-l)a n+l-i bn)/na ..
if bn is large enough. d) (n - l)a n + (r - l)b n < k < r(a n + bn ) Then:
- If k < r (an + bn ) - 1,
- If k
= r (an + bn) -
and, by (2) :
IIzr(a.. +b II n )
Ilzra II
~ 2b~-1
~ 2b~-1
+ - - +1,
an -
and so, if b« is large enough,
liT /k II < This proves Lemma 2.
I/b n
Chapter XIV
Proof of Lemma 3. Here again, we consider the same cases :
a) ran
~ k ~ ran
+ Vn-r-l
Since k > (m-l)a m , we have n > m. We distinguish between three sub-cases: 1) r
=n -
m (that is k E Om).
+ i, with 0
Then we write k = ran
bm < j
Vm-l, and
+ (m - l)a m + bm <
2bm < an .
So ran
+ Vm-l <
+s <
+ l)a n
and, by (b) : II zA:+tI II = ~
2(j+tI~tan)/bn-l 2(2bm~tan)/bn-l
< l/a n
if an is large enough. Also, since : j
2bm <
Vm ,
we have by (1) : IlzA:+s-an - z;+tllI ~ 2/a m+l liT"'fA:
+ a mz;+"'11
~ a m llz A:+ "' lI ~
1 (-
+ amllzk+",-a n - z;+tllI
2 +--) am+l
2) r>n-m. Then s
> bm > V n ran
r ,
and therefore:
+ Vn-r-l <
(r - l)a n
+s <
+ l)a n
+ V n- r < k + s - an < ran,
A Counter-Example
+ j t with 0
and if we write k = ran
~ j ~
Vn-r-l, we get, by (b) :
Ilz k +. !! = IIzk +. - a"ll = 2(;+.- t a n )/ 6.. -1 ~
since: j
+ (m -
l)a m
+ 6m
+ (m -
l)a m
+ 6m <
Vn-r-l, and we get:
if an is large enough. 3)r
i + s ~ Vn-r-l, T· /k = - H i + S > Vn-r-l ,
- If
"c+., liT· /kll =
and thus:
by (3)
< 2.ja n -
jan -
< 1, if a n -
is taken large enough.
b) (r - l)a n + V n -
< ran'
Here again, n > m. - H k + s < ran, T. /k
= 2((r-t )a .. -k)/6 = 2./ 6n -
and therefore :
since s
s 26m •
/k+. ,
n - 1
Chapter XIV - If k
T'"],k -liT" fkll ~
2(ra n - l - k)/ bn-
Tk+a-ran Tfran-I,
2 a/ bn- 1 2k+a-ran jan,
by (4) and Lemma 2
~ 4.2 jan
s 4.2 2bm jan
if an is taken large enough.
c) r(a n Then:
+ bn ) ~
k ~ (n - I)an
T" fk = We have n
+ rb«,
zk+a -
zk+a-b n
m. We consider first the case :
I) n = m. Then: and so :
k - If k
(n - I)a n
+ s ~ (r + I) (an + bn ) . + (r + I)b n (which implies
- If k + s > (n - I)a n - if r < n - 2 :
+ (r + I)b n ,
n - 2),
= 1. k + 8 < (r + 2)(a n + bn ) , we have:
Ilzk+all = 2(k+a-(r+!)b n)/nan ::; 2(2(n-l)a n
- if r
!bn)/nan .
n- 2 :
IIz k + all = 2(k+B- !an+I )/b n 2(b n+2(n-l)a n -!an+ al/b n .
and the same way, if r < n - I,
and if r
=n -
I, Ilzk+a-b n
= 2(k+a-b n- !an+d/bn ::; 2(2(n-l)a n-!a n+d/ bn ,
and we get IITa /kll ~ I in all cases, choosing bn
an+l large enough.
A Counter-Example
2) We now consider the case n > m. - If k
(n - 1)an + rb n
- If k + s > (n - 1)an + rb n , - if r < n - 1, we have k + s < (r
IIz k+ 6 11
+ 1)(an + bn ) ,
= 2«k+6)-(r+!)b.. )/na.. 2«n-l)a.. +2b m
!b.. )/na n
~ l/b~
and the same estimate holds for IIz k +6 - b.. II. - if r = n - 1, we have the same estimate for
Ilz k+611 = 2(k+6-!a ~
2(v.. +bm-
Ilzk +6- bn II, and
+ 1 )/b ..
i a .. +d/ b..
and we get:
/kll ~ l.
d) (n - 1)an + (r - 1)bn < k < r(a n + bn ) . Then:
T 6/ k =
2((r-i )b.. -k)/na.. Zk+6.
The hypothesis k > (m-1)a m again implies n 2:: m, and we consider separately the cases n = m and n > m.
1) n = m. Since s > bn , k + s > (n - 1)an + rb n • We distinguish between four different subcases :
a) k + s > (n - 1)(an + bn ) •
II Z k + 611 = 2(k+6- !a..+d/bn ~ 2(nb.. -!a .. +d/ b.. ,
~ 2bn/an+(nbn-!an+d/bn ~
is large enough.
Chapter XIV
{l) k + 8 < (r + 1) (an + bn ) , r < n - 1. Then:
8 -
bn ~ (n - 1) an .
'"Y) (r + 1)(a n + bn) ~ k + Then, by (2) :
~ (n - 1)a n
+ (r +
1)b n, with r
But k + s - bn (r + 1) ~ (n - l)a n , and so Ilzk+"-b..(r+l) II is bounded by a constant which depends only on an, and :
if bn is large enough. Furthermore, k
> (r + 1)(an + bn)
and thus:
liT" fkll
- s
rb n - nan ,
~ 2(r-!)b..-k)/na..
< -
2(na ..-!b..)/na.. br+ 2
if bn is large enough.
6) k + s > (n - l)a n + (r + l)b n with r < n - 2. Since 8 < 2b n, we have k + 8 < (r + 2)(a n + bn) I and so : I
IIz k+"11 = 2(k+.-(r+!)b..)/na.. ~
if bn is large enough.
2(k+(n-l)a..-(r+!)b..)/na.. ,
A Counter-Example
2) n> m. - IT k
+8 <
r(a n
+ bn ) , Z A:+-
-- 2(A:+_-(r-t»/nIlB! 11:+.
T- IA:
= 2-/ nIlB fA:+_
liT- h;1I = 2-/
n llft
:::; 22b... /nIlB
since m < n,
:::; 2 ,
for b« large enough. - IT k + 8 ?: r(a n + bn ), then, using the fact that that, by (5),
IITII :::;
2, and the fact
we get:
liT- IA:II
::; 2- Ibn
s 2 2bm Ibn :::; 1,
if bn is large enough, since m < n. This finishes the proof of Lemma 3, and achieves the construction. The most noticeable difference between the present construction and the one given by P. EnOo [I] or the author [I] is that here the norm is defined at once, and not by an induction procedure. Moreover, the expression is rather simple, since each fA: depends only on two zi at most (in this respect, one cannot expect simpler !). But otherwise, most of the main features of the construction : the use of the 11 norm, concentration at low degrees for polynomials, use of very fast growing sequences, defined inductively, were already present in P. Enlio [11. So far, all existing examples of an operator with no Invariant Subspaces are built on a space which contains 11. It is unknown whether this condition is required or not. The only thing which is clear is that the "type of uniformity" used by P.Enflo or the author cannot be achieved in a Hilbert space. But this is only a technical remark. Also, all examples so far, for which the spectrum has been computed (C. Read II], B. Beauzamy [9]) satisfy :
r(T) <
This supports the conjecture according to which an operator with r(T) might have Invariant Subspaces.
Chapter XIV
Exercises on Chapter XIV.
Exercise 1. - Let T be an operator on a Banach space E, with a cyclic point Xo. Prove that T has no Invariant Subspaces if and only if : (PI) - For every e > 0, there exists a countable family of open balls (Bm)m~o, such that uBm = E \ {O}, and a family (Cm)m~O of positive reals, of points in E \ {O}, dense in E, there such that for every sequence (Yk)k~O exists, for each k ~ 0, a polynomial I Ie with :
and, if Yle E B m
Exercise 2. - Let T be as before. Prove that T has no Invariant Subspaces if and only if : (P 2) - For every e > 0, every family (Yk)Ie~O of points in E \ {O}, dense in E, there exists a family (B:")m~o of open balls, all centered on points Y;, such that uBm = E \ {O}, a family (Cm)m~O of positive reals, such that if Y; E B k, there is a polynomial ';,k with:
Exercise 3. ~ Let Xo be a cyclic point for T. Let oX E O'a(T), and (Yn)n>O, llYn II = 1, be a sequence of corresponding almost eigenvectors, that is (see Chapter II) : n -+ 00. Take: e
Assume that there is, for every n
IITxo - oXxoll IAI + IITII . ~
0, a polynomial
Show that: sup IIln(T) lIop n~O
00 •
'n such that:
94 1
A Counter-Example (Hint: Assume the converse, and write: II Ax o - Txol! ~ IIAxo - AI,,{T)Ynll
1I'"{T)(Ay,, - Ty,,)11
+ 1I'"(T)Ty,, - Txoll·) Deduce that if T has no Invariant Subspaces, that is if for every z , Ilxll = 1, every e > 0, there is a polynomial lz such that:
then: sup z,lIzll=1
II/ z (T )lI op = +00.
Exercise 4. - Dependence upon e of the Invariant Subspace property. To say that T has no Invariant Subspaces means: For every e > 0, for every x, y, with IIxli polynomial I such that :
II/(T)X -
yll <
= 1,
lIyll = 1, there exists a
One may wonder: is it enough to have this property for some s , 0 < e < 1 ? The answer is "Yes" in a Hilbert space: Assume that there exists a a, 0 < a < 1, such that for every z , y, with Ilxll = 1, Ilyll = 1, there exists a polynomial I such that:
III(T)x - yll < a. 1) Let z , y, with Ilxll
= 1,
IlylI = 1. Let 11 be a polynomial, such that:
Set Zl = IdT)x. We may assume: !Iy-zlll !Iy-zlil
=a, = inf{lly-Azlll;
A Effi}.
Set: Yl = 2y - Zl, y~
z'1 Show that: Ily - y~1I
VI + 3a
2 -
Chapter XIV
2) Let 12 be a polynomial such that:
= 12 (T )x . Show
3) Set:
Show that:
III(T)x -
al .
4) Define ind uctively an by :
Prove that the sequence an tends to 0 and conclude. 5) Study the same question in uniformly convex Banach spaces. 6) Conversely, in 11, take y
= el, and assume that
= el
- ae2. Then
Assume: Z2
Show that
IIz2 -
= a,
+ ae2 _ a (e 1 + e2) . 1+a 2
and that:
II Z1 + Z2 2
so the above procedure fails.
Exercise 5. - Let H be a Hilbert space. Assume that there is an operator T on H with no Invariant Subspaces. We want to show that for every xo, every x in H, there is an operator A in AT such that II Ax - Xo II ~ s , and such that: IIAII = min{IIBII j IIBx - xoll ~ e, BEAT}.
A Counter-Example
Moreover, A satisfies
II Ax -
II = e and is unique.
a) Consider the set :
C = {I E P+ ; II/(T)x - xoll ~ e}, and let m = inf{lllll ; I E C}. Let (In) be a sequence in C with, for all n, Il/nli ~ m + lin. Show that there is a subsequence of (In) which converges for the ultraweak topology, to an element A E AT, and that IIAx - xoll ~ e , IIAII = m. b) Let I be a polynomial such that Ill(T)x - xoll < e. Show that there exists a polynomial I' such that :
1I/'(T) II ~ II/(T)II, and:
1I/'(T)x ~ xoll
Deduce that IIAx - xoll = e. c) Assume that Al and A 2 satisfy the conclusion, with Al sider the operator (AI + A2)/2, and get a contradiction.
=1= A2.
Exercise 6. - Invariant subspaces and Ergodic Theory.
Let T be a contraction on a Banach space, with no Invariant Subspaces. We show that for every z , I n-I
;; LTJ x
in norm, when n
- t 00.
a) Show that for every e > 0, every z , there exists a polynomial I such that:
II/(T)(T - I)x -
xii <
b) Fix e > 0, x E E. Take I given by a). Show that:
~ II/(T)(T _ I)x _ xii + 11/(T)1111 x - Tn x II.
II x + ... + Tn-Ix II n
(Hint: introduce the term I(T)(T - 1) :t+T:t+.~±Tn-l:t
c) Deduce that, for n large enough, 11
+ ... + Tn-Ix n
< 2e.
Chapter XIV
d) Deduce that if T is a contraction on a Banach space, such that there are points x, Xo and ex < 1 such that, for all n, IITAx - xoll < ex, then T has Invariant Subspaces. (This is clear from Exercise 9, Chapter XII, when E is reflexive, but does not follow otherwise.)
Exercise 7. - Closed invariant convex subset of the unit ball (see also Chapter II). Let T be a non-zero contraction on a Banach space. We want to show that there is a closed convex subset C of the unit ball, with C =j:. 8, C =j:. 0, such that TC C C. a) Show that if T has no convex invariant set, for any x E B, with
= 8. z, y in E
Ilxll =
conv{x,Tx,T 2x, ... }
b) Deduce that for every E: > 0, every there exists a polynomial I = L:j~O aj zj , with that: 1I (T )x - yll < g.
with ~ 0 and
IIxii = lIyll = 1, L: aj = 1, such
c) Use Exercise 3 above to obtain a contradiction.
Notes and Comments:
Before the Banach spaces examples were found, A. Atzmon [2] produced an example of an operator on a nuclear Frechet space with no Invariant Subspaces. This example relies on properties of some spaces of analytic functions, and is quite interesting. There is no link, however, between his approach and the one which was used later in the Banach space case. P. Enflo's paper [1] was submitted to Acta Mathematica in february 1981. The paper was not well-written, and was quite complicated and not easy to understand, so refereeing took some time, as well as the minor changes which were made, so the paper was definitely accepted in 85, and appeared in 87. Using the ideas of P. Enflo [1), but simplifying and strengthening them, the present author also produced a Banach space example B. Beauzamy [9). This example had a stronger property, called 8upercyclicity : for every x =j:. 0, the set {CTn x ; C > 0 , n E IN} was dense in the whole space.
A Counter-Example This example was presented at the Functional Analysis Seminar, University of Paris VI - Paris VII, in february 84. It appeared in Integral Equations and Operator Theory in june 85. At the same time, C. Read also produced a counter-example (C. Read [1]). His paper benefitted of quick refereeing and "jumped over" the waiting line for publication in the Bulletin 01 the London Mathematical SocietU, so it appeared in july 84. Similar facilities were also offered, by the editors of this Journal, to the present author, who declined. To give such precision in uncommon, and would be of no interest, if C. Read had not, several times, unelegantly and unsuccessfully, tried to claim priority towards the solution of the problem. This behavior might be condemned with stronger words, but we remember we are presently writing for posterity. We have insisted upon several ideas introduced by P. Enflo, and which were used in all later counter-examples. But we would not like to give the impression that the other counter-examples are trivial modifications of his. C. Read's example on II (C. Read [3]), presented here in a simplified version is a major achievement in the theory (I am glad to point this out, despite the previous paragraph), and his latest result of an operator in 11 with all orbits dense (all points hypercyclic) is the "state of the art" in the Banach space setting. In the frame of Hilbert spaces, things are not so advanced. The operator which is "closest" to a counter-example" is the one built by the present author [12] : it has one hypercyclic point %0, and for every polynomial p with complex coefficients, p(T)xo is also hypercyclic. Therefore, the operator has a vector space of hypercyclic points (thus solving a question raised by P. Halmos [2]), but it may still have points which are not cyclic at all, thus having Invariant Subspaces. In my opinion, though being the "closest", this operator is still quite "far" from having no Invariant Subspaces, so far, even, that I have no idea whether such a counter-example exists or not. IT one compares the positive results of the previous chapter and the negative ones of this one, one sees the very large gap in between, and one understands better, perhaps, the opinion stated in the introduction about the state of development of the theory. A lot is still to be done, on a problem which is rather challenging, if not rewarding.
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absolutely convex hull algebraic tensor product almost eigenvectors approximate unit approximation property
118 24 165 119
Beurling Algebras Beurling sequence Blaschke product
262 264 180
Calkin Algebra Cayley Transform Cesaro averages of the partial sums character (in an algebra) characteristic polynomial commutative algebra commuting with T (operator) compact completely non-unitary operator concentration d at degree k contraction convolution operators cyclic for (T, T*) cyclic point C* -algebra generated by a normal operator Co-contraction
95 236 167 127 6 123 32 79 213
dilation of an operator divisor of 0 dominating
212 124 297
eigenvalue eigenvector elementary hyperinvariant subspace elementary invariant subspace essential norm
6 6 33 33 94
91 208 150
32 141 293
essential range essential spectrum extension into a unitary operator
153 95 214
finite support (vector with)
Gelfand's Transform
harmonic function hypercyclic point hyperinvariant subspace hyponormal operator
163 71 32 155
ideal inner function Invariant Subspace Invariant Convex subset involution isolated point of the spectrum isometric dilation isometry
123 177 32 32 131 30 215 213
Jensen's functional
Mahler's measure maximal ideal minimal isometric dilation minimal unitary dilation minimal polynomial multiplicity of an isometry multipliers
189 126 216 216 7 227 208
non-quasi-analytic algebra non-tangential convergence normal element in an algebra normal operator norming sequence nuclear norm nuclear operator nuclear operators on a Banach space
262 171 131 84 63 97 97 119
ou ter function
partial isometry partial sums of a Fourier series Poisson Kernel pole of an operator positive operator on H positive operator on L p projection of an operator projective completed tensor product proper ideal pseudo-function pure isometry
167 165 30 86
228 215 118
126 258 227
quasi-nilpotent operator quasi-triangular
84 95
radial convergence radical (of an algebra) reducing subspace regular measure regularly closed subspace residual part of a dilation resolution of Identity resolvent of an operator resolvent set of an operator resolvent set (in an algebra) right shift operator
171 129 213 143 244 222 150 21 21 124 20
Schwarz map self-adjoint element in an algebra semi-simple algebra similar to a contraction (operator) singular inner function spectral family of projections spectral measure spectral radius (in an algebra) spectral radius of T spectrum of an operator spectrum (in an algebra) spectrum (of an algebra) spectrum in a finite dimensional space
120 131 129 231 182 158 143 124 22 21 124 127 6
*-homomorphism *-residual part of a dilation step-functions strict support (function with) strong topologies sub-algebra subharmonic function subnormal operator supercyclicity support of a finite sequence
132 222 144 261 110 123 163 154 344 45
trace of an operator trigonometrically well bounded operator
98 158
ultrastrong topology ultraweak topology ultraweakly closed algebra unit in an algebra unitary dilation unitary operator unitary algebra
110 106 242 123 211 209 123
valuation of a polynomial
weak topology weighted shift
101 84
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