Levels of Energy
Frederick E . Dodson
Table of Contents
You r Relationsh i p to I nfi n ity
1 The Sca le of Ene...
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Levels of Energy
Frederick E . Dodson
Table of Contents
You r Relationsh i p to I nfi n ity
1 The Sca le of Energy Levels 2 Applications of the Sca l e 3
The Levels o f Energy i n Deta i l
4 E n l ig htenment 5 Measuring Levels of En ergy Acknowledgements
Th is book is a bout Levels-of-En ergy. I wou l d l i ke to tha n k a l l who have descri bed such levels before m e . These include : Th e a n cient Tamas-Rajas-Sattva-Moksha M odel of H i n d u ism . The Emotional Tone Scale of va rious New-Age cu lts . The Planes of Existence of Theosophy Th e Hierarchy of Human Needs by Abra h a m Maslow Th e Bovis-Scale by And re Bovis. The Emotional-Guidance-Scale by Abra h a m-Hicks Th e Levels of Emotions by Lester Levenson Th e Spiral Dynamics Chart by Don Beck The Map of Consciousness by David Hawki ns Th is book i n cludes information lea rned from these previous works, adding the a uthors own exp lorati ons and discoveries .
Declaration of I ntent
God is both the Source of Infi n ity a nd Infin ity itself, both the Most H i g h a n d Supreme Creator and the enti rety of Creation . I revere the Most H i g h and ded i cate th is book to the wel l being of h u m a n ity. It is my I ntention that th i s book u pl ifts and strengthens a l l who read it. Disclaimer
The i nform ati on presented is truth as I understa n d it. It is n ot a substitute for you r own sense of truth , your own research and your own u n iq u e viewpo i nt. As a h u m a n bei ng, the a uthor is prone to error. Th erefore, ta ke th is book as a tool for deeper d iscovery, not for the d iscovery itself. As you e m ba rk on th is journey be ca l m a n d ki nd to you rself a nd others to the best of you r a b i l ity.
You r Relationship to I nfi nity
Infi n ity is Everyth i n g , therefore it is my only point of reference . My rel ationship to it is i m mersed i n everyth ing I a m a nd do in eve ryday l ife . I nfin ity i s Absol ute. I t is the o n ly th ing not su bject to relativity. There is no worldly a uthority. I a m a nswerable and accou ntable to the most High on ly. The S u p reme Creator of U n i verses is both the Source of Infi n ity and is everyth i n g "with i n " it. Th is is not some attitude lea rned in books or from teachers but one cu ltivated th roug h Med itation, Contemplation a n d u n bending, ete rn a l ly focussed dedication a n d devotion to the highest truth no matter whether that h ig h est truth agrees with my or any oth ers opinion or not . You ca n a rrive a t t h e hig hest truth o f truths by com b i n i n g the power of you r own Intention with Devotion to the Divine as yo u u ndersta nd it. Th i s ca n but does not have to be related to a ny rel ig ious or spiritual path . You have th is in herent a b i l ity.
Infi n ity i s . Peri od . Anyth ing after the " is" is not Infi n i ty but a n a spect of it. One such aspect is that endless expa nse of m u lti ple U n i verses and D i mensions. In such an awesome context u p-down, left- rig ht, s m a l l big, me-other, i m po rta nt- u n i m porta nt, past-future is h i l a ri ously a rtificial and relative con cepts. What is " b i g "? H ow "big" is Planet Earth com pa red to the H u ma n Body? How "big" is Planet Earth com pa red to the Ga laxy? What is true depends on Context. The only a bsol ute is Existe nce itself. Gods project is so - Jge that it's easy to "get lost" in it - which is why -- 1 --
one fixed point of reference, one-a bsol ute and un m ovi ng, etern a l l y rel iable point of o rie ntation a nd g u idance rem a i n s . I someti mes symbol ize this Absolute as a light s h i n i n g etern a l ly. The p ri m e aspect of the M ost High is rad i a nt Love . Th i s Love is a n en ergy s o profound a n d intense that it h a s the power t o create a l l o f these worlds and sou ls. To some all of th is may sou nd mystica l but it's actua l ly q u ite practica l . When a "prob l e m " a ppears i n d a i ly l ife, I contrast it with I nfi n i ty. What is my "prob l e m " com pa red t o I nfi n ity? In moments I recogn ize t h e true depth a nd height of l ife as compared to my "problem" I ca n 't help but break out i n laug hter. Put i nto proper perspective my "personal issues" a re noth ing but a tiny dot of i n sign ificance and I move on with rel ief. In the presence of th is Force that creates U n iverses, no " p roblem" ca n persist. In l ig ht of the outra geous abu nda nce, prospe rity and bea uty of I nfi n ity a l l ea rthly importances, g a i n s and pains pa le. Infi n ity is all that was, is a n d ever wi l l be. It is one, und ivided . Some say Infi n ity is "everyth ing a n d noth i n g ". S o m e descri be it as a vast noth ing ness. But that is actua l ly a l ready one split too ma ny. Si nce "noth i n g " is also someth ing, namely a bu nch of "noth ingn ess", one ca n on ly say that I nfi n ity is Everything . Pe ri od . The oneness of all, a long with the excla mation "Period!" sup ports the m i nd i n not getting lost i n all ki nds of abstractions a n d secondary considerations. The sa me goes for anything else. Many spea k of " Lig ht" and " D a rkness" but as there is o n ly one, there is o n ly rad ia nt Light. " Da rkn ess" as a thing does not -- 2 --
exist. One ca nnot "shine darkness into a roo m " or tu rn on a "da rkn ess-switch ". " Darkness" is merely a lower g rad ient of light on a sca le, but it is sti l l Lig ht, even if to you r eyes it sometimes a ppears as if there is none. All "with i n " Infi n ity always changes. Infinity itself is the o n ly th i n g that never chan ges, it j ust is. The m o re you refer to that wh ich is uncha n g i n g , the more you refer to absolute truth , as opposed to cha n g i ng truth and relative truth . I n th is sense the ocea n is " m o re rea l " th an its single waves . I nfi n ity is the a bsol ute of mathe matics, physics, p h i l osophy, rel i g ion, psychology and spi ritual ity. But i n this book I wou l d l i ke to advertise i t a s p racti ca lly usefu l on a very rea l, person a l a nd d ay-to-day leve l . I n fact I attri bute the entirety of my worl d ly success and i n ner happi ness to it. I have long ago g iven u p trying t o be smarter t h a n it. I t teaches me h u m i l ity. Why? Beca use conta i n ed with i n it is the creative force that has taken care of tri l lions of l ives . It teaches me that i n o rder to expand I ca n be m o re l i ke it. Th at would mean to stop focussi ng on that ti ny dot with i n the circle a n d become aware o f more . I t teaches me that a nyth i ng one ca n i ma g ine has some form of existen ce somewhere . It teaches me that every g ra i n o f sa nd conta i n s I nfi n ity a n d th at, from a nother viewpoi n t, a n enti re U n i verse has the size of a g ra i n of sa n d . It teaches me that, in a hologra p h i c sense, when I have a problem with one little thing, i n that mo ment i n time, I have a problem with everything and when I have love for one little thing, i n that moment I have lo ve for everything.
It teaches me that, as a n aspect of Infinity, there a re thousa nds of th i n gs I cou l d be doing today, thousands of paths I could be ta ki ng i n any g i ven moment, tri l l ions of th ings I cou l d be seeing, thinking, heari n g , choosi n g . -- 3 --
You a re a u n ique viewpoint of I nfi n ity a n d in th is way con nected to al l-that-is forever. So from a l l -that-is, choose wisely what you wish to dedicate you rself to . As a h u m a n stro l l i n g through the S u perma rket of the U n iverse you probably won 't ch oose every item i n every aisle. That m ig ht b e overwhel m i n g . And you pro ba b ly won 't be choosing " n oth i ng " lest someon e choose for you . And even " n o choice" is a choice. So it see ms that as a h u m a n you have a choice a bout everyth i n g except choice itself - that is the o n ly th ing you ca n not switch off. U ndersta nd that choice is a matter of intent/decision not a matter of desi re, i n the sense of long i ng or need i ness. When yo u desi re someth ing you a re i m plying a lack, i m plying Infi n ity is lacki n g , i m plying that the thing desired is not ava i l a b l e in th e I nfi n i te Su perma rket. Pa radoxica l ly, desire separates us from that wh ich we desi re . Choice is not a m atter of resisti n g something either. When you resist someth ing you a re focussi ng on it a nd thereby g iving it more i m porta n ce a nd rea l i ty tha n you wou l d l i ke to . Paradoxica l l y, resista nce d raws towa rds us the th i ngs we do not desire . If in the S uperma rket you a re busy fighti ng the butcher a n d h is meat you are where yo u say you don't want to be: At the butch er, butcheri ng yo urself. Th e comedy of l ife i s not g etti ng what we wa nt but instead getti n g what we don 't want. Relief from sufferi ng comes from relaxing Desire on the one end and Resista n ce on the other end, Relaxing both Attach ment a n d Aversion (wh ich a re actua l l y two sides of the sa me coin . Having a n aversion towa rds one th i n g equa ls havi ng a des i re towa rds an oth er th i n g a n d vice-versa ) . Rather tha n strongly desi ri ng someth i n g one then merely chooses to focus on a
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specific rea l ity (that aspect of Infi n ity) . Rather tha n resisti ng someth i n g o n e then merely chooses to stop focussing on a specific rea lity (that aspect of Infi n ity) . So relax. Sea rch for a better l ife i m p l i es a l ife insufficient, attracts more of a life i nsufficient. Relax the wants a n d not-wa nts, at least just a l ittle and be at pea ce with l ife as it is. Also ask you rself: What is my Relationship with Infinity?
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The Sca le of Energy Levels
As everyth i ng is Infin ity everyth ing is al so Energy. The physica l universe with its space and ti me, its objects, its nature, its people, its pla nets, its u n i verses is energy. The non -physica l u n iverse of thoug ht, emotio n , spirit a nd va rious pla nes is energy. That one energy manifests spectra l ly in m a ny d ifferent forms, sha pes, q u a l ities, rad iations, densities. An a na logy : Steam, Water and Ice a re one th i n g manifesti ng i n different q u a l ities. The prem ise of th is boo k is that there a re clea rly defina ble, perceivable and achieva b l e qual ities or "levels" o f energy and that each level corresponds with . . . •
specific states o f m i n d a n d emotion
specific words, behaviours a nd actions
specific surro u nd i ngs, environments, o bjects and places
specific q u a l ities, moods a n d i ntentions
specific methods of " m oving u pward "
a nd specific m odes of perception a n d truth
These a re a lso levels of consciousness, of emotion or levels of "vibration ". Everyth i n g that exists g ives off a certa i n rad i ation that can be defi ned on a sca le a n d i n comparison to other items. Depen d i n g on where o n the sca l e you a re a nd what your i ntentions a re someth ing wi l l then be a "bad vibe" or a "g ood vibe" for you . What som eth i ng is, is a bsol ute . What someth ing is to and for you is relative. Exa m pl e : For one person a fit of a n ger is a brea kth rough w h i l e for another person it's a relapse. Th e fact that it has a -- 6 --
different m ea n i n g a n d usefu lness for each individual does not m ea n that anger is not genera l l y a certa in d i sti nct level of energy as com pared to others . I n genera l , the lower ones emotional state o n the sca le, the less energy is ava i la ble and the more d istorted perception and the wea ker ones a b i l ity to feel , th i n k, act, create is. The h ig her ones emotional state on the sca le the more i n n e r reso u rces one has. The energy you rad iate is the rea l ity you get back. You experience the world not as it i s, but as you are. Th is sca le is designed to benefit i n m a ny ways. With it you will be able to determ i n e which state you a re in a n d which step of the latter to ta ke next. It w i l l eventu a l ly become easier for y o u t o support your fel l ow h u ma ns as wel l . You will a lso be a b le to q u ickly identify the energy-qual ity of va rious places, people, o bjects, foods, movies, m usic, books and even societies and cou ntries. Overa l l , l ife w i l l sta rt m a ki n g sense i n a deeper way.
Th e sca l e a l lows for spectral-perception rather tha n conventional d u a l perception . D u a l - percepti on says "X is good, Y is bad". Spectra l - Percepti on a l lows for more tha n two items, it a l l ows for dozens or even h u n d reds. Good/Bad then becomes dependent on context and on where one is on the overa l l sca l e . To u n dersta nd th is and a lso g rasp how neither the popu l a r p h i l osophies of Absol utism nor Relativism a re fu lly va l i d , i m a g i n e a Th ermom eter. It measures H ot and Co ld . But these a re not actua l ly "opposites" a n d neither a re there o n ly two factors . In fact, "cold" does not even exist - there a re only differe nt g rad ients of Hot. Very H ot a n d Less H ot. Th ere is o n ly one th ing and the lower on th e sca le, the colder it is. And whether one point of the Th ermometer is "hot" or "cold" does depend on which point of the sca le one is l ooki ng or m oving fro m . I n t h i s sense even a so-cal led " h i g h " level m i ght be very -- 7 --
detri menta l for someone, an overwhel m , as i n pouring a damn over a plant i n a n attem pt to "water" it. Th e fri dge w i l l be too cold for you but just right to store meat. The often wi l l be h ot to yo u but j ust right to coo k that meat. The Absol utist says : "Th is is good, that is bad, u n iversa lly. Period" Th e Relativist says : " N othing is good or bad . It's on ly you r opinion that this is bad". Th e rel ig ious or pol itica l Absol utist i s co rrect i n understa nd i n g that there i s that which i s closer to The Light and that which is fu rther away from The Light. His error comes i n only seeing two th i n gs without spectra l d i scern ment. The error that usually fol lows is that he judges people who a re elsewh ere on the sca le as "lower" a n d h i mself as "m ora l ly superi or". Th e academ ic, p h i losoph ica l or pol itica l Re lativist is correct in understa n d i n g that good/bad is a m atter of perspective . He is i ncorrect in t h i n king "everyth ing is the sa me" or that it does not matter whether one moves towa rd The Light or away from it. If a bused h is sta nce becomes Mora l Relativi sm, which then says : "One mans terrorist is a n other mans freedo m fig hte r". While this statement is correct, it fa i l s to point out that the terrorists energy-level on the sca le is lower tha n that of a person who ki lls in self-defence and much lower than a person who never kills. Before I go one word fu rther, ta ke a look at the short version of the sca le for you rself. I use a n a rb itra ry sca le from 1 - 1 000 for p ragmatic purposes, a lthough I cou ld h ave a lso used a spira l , concentri c circles, a 1 1 0 sca le o r a nyth ing else for that matter.
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H i g h levels of E nergy
1 000 Infi n ity / Divin ity 700 Oneness, N o n - D u a l ity, Vast Awa reness 600 Bliss, Peace, Sere n ity, Lightness 570 Ecstasy, Exa ltation 550 U ncond ition a l Love 540 H u m o r, Happi ness 530 Love, I ntuition, Appreciati on 5 1 0 Power, I n itiative, I nteg rity 5 0 5 Bea uty, Creativity, Imag ination 475 J oy, Creativity M i d l evels of Energy
450 400 320 275 200
Inte l l i g ence, Knowledge, Reason Accepta nce, I nterest, Attention , Neutra l ity W i l l i n g ness, Kindness, Opti m ism, Activity Cou rage, Relaxation, Eagerness, Fu n Contentment, Routi ne, Fu n ctionality, Boredom
Low levels of E n e rgy
1 90 Pride, Su periority, Arroga n ce 1 80 Antagonism, C riticism , D iscontent, Com p l a i nt, Blame 1 60 Anger, Dom i n ation, Agg ression, Cold ness 1 20 Cravi ng, Need, Com p u lsion, U nfu lfi l led Desire 1 0 0 Fea r, Worry, Shyness, I nferiority, Pa ra noia 80 Grief, Sorrow, Self- Pity 50 Apathy, Despa i r, Depression, H opelessness 30 G u i lt, Sha me, Psychosis, H u m i liation, Hatred The sca le represents a way of relating to the world, a method of structu red a n d d iscern i ng th i n ki n g . When the m i n d understa nds what is g o i ng on and can categorize events, its confusion ca l m s and attention that was previously scattered a nd preoccupied is freed fo r more i m porta nt matters . N ot only w i l l learn i ng the sca le a l low you to view h u ma n behaviour and a l l of l ife i n a new l i g ht but enable yo u to m a ke surprisingly accurate pred ictions about patterns in l ife . If you know -- 9 --
the energy-field of someth ing you al so know what ca n norm a l ly be expected from that energy-field . Then rather than being con d e m n i n g a nd i nd i g n a nt a bout va rious events you wi l l be able to view them with more com passion and even know how to best approach them . Energy tends to attract l i ke energy, just as b i rds of a feather flock together. Socia l sciences don't norm a l ly use meta physica l term i n ol ogy such as "attractor energy field s"; they w i l l use other words to descri be the sa me truths, such as "The Bro ken Window Principle", by wh ich a bad n e i g h bo u rhood i n town w i l l l i kely attract more o f t h e sa me events, actions a n d people . A b u i l d i n g with bro ken win dows is more l i kely to attract malcontents h a ng i ng a ro u nd there than a newly renovated b u i l d i n g . While socia l sciences try to use a l l ki nds of theories to explain why this is so, essentially it is the energy-field of the genera l a rea that would attract both a broken window a n d the acco m panying malcontent. To stereotype people comes from being awa re of these energy-field relations but being judgementa l a nd patron izing a bout the whole matter. The energy-field you radiate w i l l a l low you to "tune i n " to certa i n rea l ities. I t is not rea l l y that you "create" rea l ity just l i ke a Television set does not "create" the cha n nels it receives. It is more that you tune-i nto a freq uency by. . . a ) Knowing the q u a l ities a n d attri butes o f that freq uency and b) By focus of attention a n d intention towa rds that rea l ity All rea l ities a re already created i n Infi n ity. You don't "create" a ny of them and th i n ki n g you do is merely a mega l o m a n iac delusion of the Ego, sold to you i n the -- 10 --
"meta physica l " section of a bookstore . Instead you choose from the tri l l ions of options a l ready created what to tune i nto a n d what to retrieve attention from . States of m i nd , emotion a nd body a re therefore a gauge for where you sta nd, what co uld be i m p roved and how it cou l d be i m p roved . The sca le of energy is not widely kn own beca use h u m a n ities own level of energy has been too dense to perceive it. It is not poss i b le to see, hea r or feel someth i n g that is out of ra nge for you . This m a kes it appea r as if such i nformation as been kept secret. Ones own perceptual fi lters keep more "secret" than any i ntel l igence agency ever cou l d . In rea l ity noth i n g is u n knowa b l e . One reason h u m a n ity has kept the sca le of energy secret from itself is beca use there is some potentia l for m isa pplication . Th is specific type of sca le-th i n ki n g ori g i nated in the a n cient H i n d u belief system . Its m isuse has led to the creation of the rather rigid caste-system which m a kes it d ifficult for those "l ower" to progress upwa rds. In modern ti mes the sca le has a lso been m isused by a n u m ber of cu lts as a means of elitist seg regation a n d m a n i p u lation . For readers of this book it is meant to be used as a model of orientation . Readers with some spiritu a l sophistication w i l l know that "what you p u t o u t is what you get back", that you a re accountable for every of you r words a nd deeds and that m a n i p u lation of others automatica l ly i m p l ies that you w i l l be m a n i p u lated too . S i m p l y put, you use the sca l e not to wrong people o r prove them wrong or put them down, but to uplift, i n spire, em power. I even recom mend you do not ta l k about the sca le m uch a t a l l but merely read the energy-fields of the va rious p laces, beliefs, people, etc. Ta l ki n g about the sca le is s i m i l a r to ta l king about a m ovie while the m ovie is ru n n i n g . It d istracts you from the enj oyment of the movi e . From a m o re expa nded viewpoint, a h i g h er-point o n the sca le, the l i n ea r nature of t h e sca le is -- 11 --
mea n i ng less. The sca le is therefore a tool that is usefu l for people below that point on the sca le - wh ich includes m ost h u m a n s l iving on ea rth . From th at expa nded viewpoint level 0 a nd level 600 a re rig h t beside each other. From a n a i rplane Long Beach a n d Los Angeles a re rig ht beside each other, but on the gro u n d it m ay ta ke hours to wade yourself through the traffic to get there . Seen from a sate l l ite circl ing i n Orbit Long Beach a n d Los Angeles a re nearly identica l . For the d u a l istic m i nd sca les a utomatica lly mean "good and bad", desp ite my repeated requests not to use it this way. In order to relax this tendency just a l ittle bit you m i g ht perhaps wa nt to use words such as "appropriate" and " i n a p propriate" i n stead . For a politici a n level 700 ( B l i ss) is inappropriate, fo r parenting a child 400 ( Intellectua lism) is inappropri ate . If a sou l i nca rnates with the i ntention to experience suffering i n order to " ba l a nce out ka rma " o r a ny other such u n d erta ki n g , then tryi ng to get that sou l to " m ove above level 200" would i n fact be inappropriate . If e n l i g htenment is you r goal dabbl i ng below level 200 is d i scou raged. There is a fi ne difference between D iscern ment a nd Judgementa l - ism . Many who h ave been bra i n washed by rel igious a n d new-age thought learn " i t is not good t o j udge" a n d t h i s is often m i staken with b e i n g non-discern i n g . But Discern ment is an i m porta nt asset i n l ife . To label a ny point of the Thermometer as "bad" a n d actively resist it w i l l do noth i n g more th a n pull you i nto the energy fie ld you say you don't want. But to merely discern between "hot" and "cold" is no j ud gement. Appreciate that everyth ing has its rig htfu l place i n I nfi n ity. Before going on with read i n g , ta ke another look at the sca l e . You may pick up you r own i nsights before I share m i n e .
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2 Appl ications of the Scale
Wel lbei ng is the sta rting poi nt, not the Goa l
Everyth i n g we do i n l ife we do to i m prove o u r state . Th is a pp l i es to every sentient bei n g . The essenti a l desi re to move i n the d i rection o f wel l - being a n d avoid fee l i n g bad is what motivates a l l action, all deSi re, a l l resista nce, a l l pla ns, a n d a l l worries. Why do you go to work? "To m a ke money". Why do you want to m a ke money? " For surviva l " wou l d be a com mon answer. In th is case going to work wou ld be d riven on the one hand by fear of non-surviva l a n d desire to survive . Sometimes we m a ke choices that "feel bad" or a re detri mental to o u r surviva l . Th is seems to contradict the idea of everyth i n g being m otivated by a d rive to feel better. But it i s no contradiction : When we m a ke choices that a re no good then o n ly beca use we believe the a l ternative would be even worse. So smoking cigarettes may be h a rmfu l to ones health, but there is the u nderlying bel ief that not smoking cigarettes feels worse th a n smoking them . Or we may rem a i n in a relationsh i p that is painfu l , beca u se the pain of leavi ng feels worse than stayi n g . We sometimes choose the " lesser evi l ", or what is perceived as such . Therefore even "bad" behavi o u rs a re m otivated by the desire to feel better. .. o r what we think w i l l m a ke us feel better. The shortcut to fu lfi l ment is to g rad u a l l y let go of "reason s" a n d "cond itions" that have to be met before being happy and aim directly for the feeling you would like to have . In my experi ence i m provi ng you r general state is a n a i m that is more i m porta nt than a l m ost a ny oth er a i m in life . By putting a genera l sense of we l l being o n fi rst place i n you r i n ner priority-l ist you become in dependent of a l l the conditions that "have to" be met before being happy. And by beco m i n g i n dependent of a l l these things, people, objects . . . they -- 13 --
become easier to have . Wel l -being is not necessa ri ly the goal but the prereq uisite for reach i ng various goals, the basis from wh ich all oth er things flow more easi ly. If you th i n k you u ndersta nd what was just sa i d , th i n k aga i n . Merely rea d i n g som eth i n g a n d ag ree i ng with it is of l ittle use . A part of you will sti l l be wh ispering to you rself: " When 1 find a partner, 1 will feel better" " When 1 make more money, 1 will feel better" "When the weekend comes, 1 will feel better" "1 feel better after drinking coffee "
"After reading this book, 1 will feel better" " When 1 find God, 1 will feel better"
When waiti n g for outside ci rcu msta nces to change you , rather tha n recog nizing happi ness with i n , you a re a puppet of the world . If you com e to a n ATM machine and you r e m otional state changes from O K to ... worse ... that i n d icates that the ATM mach i nes contents a re controlling you, which is a fa r cry from you contro l l i ng it a n d its contents . Do you want to be contro l led by a machi ne? Do you have money, or does money have you?
H u m a n s have created B i l l ions of such dependencies . Need i n g a l l ki nds of things to ha ppen before you ca n be ha ppy is a certa i n way of not m oving u p the sca le. A shortcut to i m p rovi ng you r situation is to defi n e a general sense of well-being as a top priority (with the exception of E n l ig htenment a nd Divin ity itself which is the top priority and a lso beyond the d u a l ity of wel l being vs. non-wel l - be i ng ) . Practice feeling a l right today rather than p rojecting happi ness i nto some future that never rea l l y comes. Life is ta ki ng place today. Can you feel the Today-ness of Life?
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With j ust a l ittle bit of awaren ess you ca n tend to yo u r wel l - being before ta king action o n someth i n g , before pla n n i ng , before m a ki n g a decisi on, before d ri n king that cup of coffee, before tu rn i ng on the i nternet to distract you rself. And if you feel a l right a nd ca l m beforehand you r actions a n d decisions w i l l b e m o re fru itfu l . Maki n g decisions in a state of emotional tu rmo i l is a reci pe fo r long -term sufferi n g . If you operate from a "I don't need coffee to feel better" the coffee you do d ri n k w i l l ta ste better. Th e taste of the coffee w i l l not come from you r menta l projection but from the coffee itself. You ca n derive sustenance, peace and joy from with i n in a matter of m i n utes by merely ta ki ng a short time-out once in awhi le, throughout the day. Th e d ictu m of the world-self (world-self is my term for what othe r a uthors ca l l "Ego") is " to get". Th at i s the only thing it is i nterested i n . To get. That is understa nda ble beca use it is dependent on en ergy for s u rviva l . The lower yo u r point on the sca le, the stronger the need to get is. In a state below Level 200 on the sca l e one is a l most consta ntly lacking someth i n g and need i ng someth ing or other i n o rder to feel at ease . So to get, to ta ke, to acq u i re, to ach ieve, to acco m p lish, to strateg ize on how-to-get is h u man ities m a i n preoccu pati o n . Merely "fee l i n g fi ne" i ndependent of what you get or do not get w i l l move you r overa l l energy up the sca l e . There is a l ot of power i n releasing need i ness. Effort and Effortlessness
Positive states do not req u i re effort, h a rd work, a long cl i m b, havi ng to "deserve" on a menta l and emotional leve l . They a re native to you . Only negative states req u i re ongoing menta l effort. I m a g i n e a floating cork. Push i ng it down under wate r ta kes effort. Let it go a n d will p o p back u p effortlessly. Having it float a b ove water is m o re a m atter of a l l owing it to than have -- 15 --
push i n g it to . But what a bout the " n o p a i n , no g a i n " dogma we are a l l brought up to bel ieve? Wel l , it does not a p ply to the menta l and emoti onal rea l m , it only a p p l ies to the physical world . So h a rd work, d isci p l i ne, b u i l d i n g ones body, investi ng time in ones stud ies, overcom i n g obstacles - physica l effort - has its merits a n d resu lts and ca n i n this way facil itate states of i n ner sati sfaction . So here ag a i n it is helpfu l to discern which doma i n we a re ta l king a bout. Inner ca l m and effortlessness cou p led with outer effort o r activity is a wonderfu l m i x . A part of being a success in l ife is not to mix levels. A path to fa i l u re is to be tense on the i nside and lax on the outside. Emoti o n a l ly, if you want to feel ca lmer a n d thereby strong, not more but less is req u i red . So rather tha n "doing someth i n g " " i n order to feel better", do less . Let go, release, relax. 80% of a l l p roducts sold i n the self hel p/new-age ma rket invo lve so me form of relaxing, re- packaged as some specia l " m eth od" for spi ritual advancement. If you knew how to relax the body and m i nd, you cou l d save you rself a l ot of ti me a n d money. I persona l ly know q u ite a n u m ber of costly menta l a n d spiritual cou rses that use a l l k i n d s o f teach ings, methods, tools where the net resu lt is merely "to be i n a ca l m i n ner state" o r "to have peace o f m i n d ". And th e crowds a re enth usiastic a bout d ishing out thousa nds of dollars for that th i n ki ng peace of m i n d comes fro m th ose tools. Ta ke a deep breathe . Rig ht now, w h i l e read i n g . Have you r out- b reath be longer than you r i n - b reath . Let the i n -breath flow th rough your nose, for the out-breath open you r m outh . Let the out- breath be acco m pa n i ed by the sound of " Haaaaaaaaa". On the i n - b reath welcome everyth ing you a re perceivi ng, fee l i n g , seeing, hearing i n you r i m medi ate fi eld o f perceptio n , i n yo u r i m medi ate here a nd now. J ust give u p any resista nce or tension a n d welcome what-is as-it-is. Let it be O K . And on the out-breath let it a l l go, release it a l l , relax a l l , stop focuss i ng on a l l . And on the i n -- 16 --
breathe focus on what- is and we lcome it a l l . And on the longer out-breathe just stop focussing on it a l l , drop it a l l . Repeat th is at least 1 0 ti mes before read i n g on . Do you feel the difference? You 've j ust i m proved you r state on the sca le i n the here a nd now, not b y doing more, but by relaxing . You r wel l - being th us i m p roved, you r doing, you r prod uctivity i m p roves. Please ta ke note how re latively easy it was to i m prove you r state . Don't let a nyone sell you the bel ief that i m provi ng you r state req u i res a special prog ra m or l ots of money. Essenti a l l y, both effort and effortlessness a re i m po rta nt. To be wi l l i n g to both relax fu lly a n d work fu l ly. Those who have not mastered th is t h i n k about worki n g when they a re trying to relax a n d th i n k a bout relaxing when they a re trying to work. But rather than spen d i n g your life on a g u i l t tri p, a l l ow you rself to be com pletely lazy and at ease with it. In th is way you w i l l a lso a l low you rself to be com pletely p roductive and i n d ustrious and be at ease with that. Th e fol lowi ng exercise w i l l demonstrate how we have aversions towa rd both effort a n d effortlessness a n d w i l l help t o release some t h e energ ies stuck t o it. Menta l l y stay with each item for 1 0 to 60 seconds : 1. I m a g i n e investi n g a lot of effort i nto someth ing or worki ng h a rd . As best you can be OK with that i mage, relax with that image. 2 . I m a g i ne relaxing, non-doing a n d effortlessness . A s best y o u ca n be-OK with that i mage, relax with that i mage. 3. And a g a i n i magine effort a n d as best you can release your aversion or resista nce towa rds it. Al low you rself to i m a g i n e effort a nd actually enj oy it. 4 . And again i m agine effortlessness, laziness, and vacati o n -ism and as best you ca n release you r aversion or resista nce towa rds it. Allow you rself to actua l l y enjoy it. -- 17 --
And again the effort side.
And again the effortless side.
Be O K with both .
I n doing th is yo u h ave released at least some "emoti o n a l charge" and have actu a l ly moved u p the sca le on that particular subject. Be- Do-Have
Levels below 200 a re focussed on " Having". All of life i nvolves a nd surrounds what someone has a n d ca n get. Levels 200-450 revolve a ro u nd " Do i n g ". All th is " Doing" is what built civi l ization as we know it. On levels 450-600 the persons focus is on "Being". It is not i m portant what one owns ( h as), what one does (profession) but who one is ( perso na l ity, energy-field ) . Lower- level consciousness th i n ks that the best method to ach ieve som eth ing is Do-H ave-Be. "If I workout (do), then I have m uscles ( h ave) a nd then I'm respecta ble ( Be ) ". A m uch easier l ife begins with Being and then letting the actions natu ra l l y come from that Bei n g which w i l l eventually result in Havi n g (this is descri bed in deta i l i n my book " Pa ra l lel U n i verses of Self") The sca le reflects n atura l sequences of h u m a n emotion
In the evol utionary unfold i ng of consciousness, o u r person a l i ty, spiritual g rowth or a hea l i ng process as facil itated through life experie nces, thera py, coach i n g , successes, recovery or favou rable Ci rcumsta nces, the sca le shows th e genera l seq uence of states a h u m a n norm a l l y goes throug h . The sa me i s true for de-- 18 --
evol utionary processes i n a l i feti m e of h a rdsh i p . There a re exceptions to this seq uence i n that some w i l l "skip" ce rta i n levels, o n l y tem po ra rily experi ence change, have backslides a n d other va riations outside of the l i near. From a higher-real ity- perspective (600+) one ca n go to heaven or hell with i n seconds. For most of us though, the respective states i n vicin ity of each othe r a re m uch easier to experience than those fu rther away. On a n energy-level of Pride ( 1 90) it i s m uch easier to sl i p down into Anger ( 1 60) than it would be to go into Depression ( 1 00) or ascend to Enthusiasm (380 ) . U ndersta n d i n g the sca le usually i ncreases you r tolerance of others a l ong with you r a b i l ity to help them , should help be des i red . So whether Anger i nd i cates betterm ent or not depends on which level a person was before. If the person i n question was depressed or fea rfu l and now experiences bouts of a nger or tem per ta ntru ms, th is is actua l ly an ind icator of his state i m proving rath er th a n decl i n i n g . If he was i n a state of genera l content and OK-ness, then a nger wou l d i n d icate a decl i n e i n his state . Conventional "wisd o m " holds that Anger (as a n exa m ple) is "not good", that th is fi re needs to be put out with cool water. What often happens in this case is that the "ca ri n g " spouse or therapist has the person suppress the anger. .. thus movi ng the person back down the sca le i nto fea r, sad ness, a pathy. . . until someday he rises back u p to anger and is pushed down yet aga i n . N ext ti m e you see someone who i s in a state of emoti onal u pheava l , do not necessa ri ly assu m e that they have moved "down" - u n less of cou rse they a re norma l l y the jovial energy-leve l . I n fact, as a genera l note, presu m e less a n d perce ive more . What is true or not d epends stri ctly on the here a n d - n ow situation rather th an on some previously lea rned Form u la .
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Every l evel experiences a diffe rent world
Every energy- level experiences a d ifferent "felt truth ", perception of rea l ity, life results and intensities of experience. From which va ntage point you view l i fe, determ ines what you notice a nd do not noti ce. The fe lt "vi bration" you reside in effects yo u r th i n ki n g , doing, spea king a n d ultimately what surround ings a n d circu msta nces you fi nd you rself i n . Every level of energy a lso corresponds with everyth i n g else that matches it: Certa i n social org a n isms, col l oq u ia l isms, i ntentio ns, hob bies, l ocations, prob lems, d ra mas, n eeds, objects, form s of enterta i n ment, prod ucts, teach ings, infrastructures, buildi ngs, inte ntions, etc. Th is would be usefu l for the world in addressing people and nations according to where they sta nd rather than tryi ng to i ntrod uce systems that a re not a m atch to the respective rea l ity. Fo r exa m ple, ta l king a bout democracy (420) to a cou ntry that is experiencing hopelessness ( 50) is a d i plomatic fol l y. People on the bri n k of sta rvation do not want to ta l k about Democracy they want to ta l k a bout getting food q u ickly. My own experiences i n teaching a re a good exa m p l e . I have conducted more than a thousa nd sem i na rs a nd workshops with groups resid i ng on every pOi n t of the sca l e . The a b i l ity to work with very d ifferent types of people is l i n ked with the a b i l ity to sh ift ones own energy. I would not i ntroduce level 600 teach i ngs to a level 400 g ro u p or level 400 teach i ngs to a level 50 g roup. I n sh ifti ng my state different demea nour, cloth i ng , voca bulary is used . While I do teach the same th i ngs to every g roup, I teach it i n a rad ica l l y different m a n n e r.
Teaching a Level 70 G roup -- 20 --
I was asked to hold a workshop on success for a g roup of welfare reci pients who had been out of a job fo r yea rs . U po n enteri ng the room, I recog n ized this as a Level 70- 1 1 0 g ro u p, in apathy, depression, hopelessness, self-pity, fea r. And the th ings that usually accompany such a space were presen t : Ta ki ng a n a rray of d rugs "ag a i n st" depression, exha usted and em pty eyes, slow speech and a d ifficulty to focus, a tota l lack of perspective or l ife pu rpose . Some of the people wore cloth i n g th at was in a state of neg lect, as was the sem i n a r room itself which featured shabby fu rn iture, a bro ken coffee machine a n d paint cru m b l i ng off the wa lls. Having " been there" myself and havi ng moved beyond it gave me sufficient authority to assist them . In motivational cou rses work on "life goals" a n d "action steps" a re expected . I would not be doing that here though, n o matter what I had been booked for. The issue of "l ife goals" a n d "action steps" is for people residing on l evels 1 60 upwa rds. If I were to introd uce those types of tea chings to this g ro u p it would resu l t i n ... noth i ng m uch. They m ig ht be a b l e to state some goa l s but no action would fol l ow. Apathy lacks the energy to act. I i n stead worked with bottled u p e moti ons of sad ness and fea r, with practici ng self-expression, with physi cal touch ( h ugs), with pati ently l istening to thei r victi m - stories a n d so forth . Eventu a l ly I ca rried them up to level 1 80 (Antagonism, Pride, Com p l a i nt) by letti ng them b itch and moan a bout l ife, the i r former bosses, the ma rket situation, etc. I used m a ny "confession a l " type techniq u es and paths of e motional catha rsis and confrontation . The workshop was a success and a l l partiCipa nts experie nced rel ief. O n e partiCipant said: " I expected more of th is motivational cra p a bout goals a n d stuff. I'm g lad it tu rn ed out d ifferently. I feel g reat ! " These levels do reg a rd goals as " m otivational crap", bless the i r hearts . Teaching a Level 300 Group -- 21 --
Another "success a nd motivational workshop" addressed a level 2 7 5;.3 1 0 g roup with all their level 300 d reams, level 300 busi ness-attire , orderl i ness and conservatism . I was boo ked by a com pa ny to do a weekend-co u rse with i n the company roo ms. U n l i ke level 50 I would not be using any e moti o n a l confrontation tech n i q ues . N either could I a l low myself to apply level 500 u pwards ta l k of Infi n ite Consciousness and mystica l Exa ltation . They wou l d have fi red m e on t h e spot. Th is w a s t h e right level to ta l k "goa ls a nd action steps" (whereas in the SODs I would ta l k a bout letting go of goals) . Havi ng the Cou rage ( 3 1 0 ) to p u rsue the i r goals was the "next step" for them. A successfu l workshop was the resu lt of worki ng on rej uvenati ng passion, rem oving dou bts and roadbl ocks to their goals a n d m a i nta i n ing focus after the Cou rse . "Good th i n g th is was n ot one them touchy-feely new-age cou rses" one participant sa id . "I l i ked how prag matiC and down-to-ea rth this was". Tea c h i ng a Level 450 gro u p Th is was a g roup o f perfo rm ers - actors a n d dancers that wou l d become bored had I addressed them wit Level 300 "goals processes". They l onged for the more Etheric. We m editated . We discussed U n conditi o n a l Love . We played g a m es a bout Sh ifti ng-Identities. And again the Cou rse was a success . "Awesom e ! I feel so much more a l i ve after this Workshop !" Above a certa i n level, feel ing energy is more i m porta nt than col l ecti ng data . Every level experi ences a d ifferent worl d . Th is a p p l i es to so m u ch more tha n tea ch i n g . Once you get o n ly a rou g h handle on how the sca le works, you r effectiveness w i l l skyrocket.
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You r Tem pora ry and your Habitua l State
Each person has a u n ique gen era l experience of l ife which I ca l l " basic vi be" or "ha b itua l e m otion ", "chronic state" or " basic energy leve l " throughout the book. Th i s is the state yo u a re in m ost often . Some a re awa re of their basic leve l , some a re not. From th is m i d -point you have a range, mea n i n g a n average high a n d average low. So if you r basic level is 1 9 5 ( M onotonous Discontent) the hig hest y o u a re l i kely to experience u nder norm a l circumstances l i es a ro u n d 380 ( Reason, Relaxation, Success) and the lowest i s a round 8 0 (Sorrow, Self-Pity) . At 1 9 5 you are u n l i kely to experience a pathy (50) or B l iss ( 590 ) . You could go decades without ever being depressed a n d without ever touching sweet ecstasy. If your chro n ic level is 30 (Sha me, G u i lt) it w i l l prove difficult to experience a nyth ing a bove 220 (Satisfacti o n ) but be easier to ascend to nea rby 50 (Apathy) or 80 (Sorrow, Reg ret). If your h a b itua l level is 540 ( Love), it w i l l be a ra re occu rrence for yo u to ever s i n k below 275 (Co u rage, Action, Abi l ity) . The sca le g i ves you a g ood idea of what to rea l isti ca l ly expect a n d what i s out of ra nge at cu rrent. Grasping for what is out of ra nge is usua lly more h u rtfu l th a n ta king t h e sta i rs step by step. That would b e si m i la r to trying to j u m p on a tra i n that is movi ng too fast. Not en l ig hten ment would be th e resu lt, but bruises. You r basic energy level is com posed of past experiences (th oughts a nd fee lings "frozen in ti me" a n d stored in your body a n d/or sou l ) , yo u r own bel iefs, core-beliefs and attitudes, you r current focus of attention, yo u r open and h idden intentions a n d w h a t y o u genera l ly say a n d do m ost o f t h e ti m e . The people you spend ti me with, your environ ment, what you eat a nd d ri n k a nd how you ca re fo r yo u r body also play a role in you r basic en ergy a l beit a smal ler one. You r reg u la r envi ron ment is more a n indicator of you r state th a n the ca use of it. -- 23 --
You r temporary state does n ot exist fo r more tha n min utes, hours or days i n ti m e . You m ig ht go on vacation and feel a tem pora ry rel i ef. But some of yo u r low feel i ngs accompany you t o that fo reign co untry. In fact, if you relax properly there, your rea l state wi l l emerge a n d i t m ay not be what you hoped i t is. O r you will rea l ize that when a l l d istractions a re gone you a re in better shape than you th ought you were . Beca use we expose o u rselves to a rtificia l u p pers and downers it is not a l ways clear what our state rea l ly is. People ta ke d rugs i n order to gain rel ief from the heaviness of l ower states . But these very tem pora ry expe riences do not resu lt i n any u pward m ovement on the sca le. More l i kely d rug consumption l owers ones overa l l state because of the shock of d i screpancy between the h i g h a n d the actua l state . Speed ing u p from level 5 0 to level 570 b y using d rugs such as "ecstasy" is no path to enlig htenment, q u ite the contra ry. A tem pora ry h i g h may also be in itiated when someth i ng new comes up. But if you have not shifted your ha b itua l v i b ration, the new wi l l fa de q u ickly. Ta ke the new car for exa m pl e : In the first days you a re upl ifted by havi ng it. After a few weeks its j ust a nother car. If you want to know where you rea lly a re on the sca le simply look at how yo u feel most of the time. Since you a re read i n g th is book I ca n say with a fa i r deg ree of certa i nty that you a re somewh ere between 1 3 5 a n d 570 beca use neither lower n o r h i g her states would be interested in this book or even notice it. That's right, they would not perceive the existence of the book even if it were in front of the i r nose. I mea n that l itera lly. If you become silent for awhile and do noth ing to d istract yo u rse lf, if you s i m ply " h a n g a ro u n d " l i ke you m ig ht do on a vacation or when trave l l i n g by plane or tra i n , you r basic v i b rati on usua l ly emerges more clea rly. It is what's left when d i stracti ons a re removed . -- 24 --
Socia l Mask Identities
Each of us wea rs "socia l mask Identities" to some extent. Th is is a state we pretend to have for social occasions or to a p pear "a greea ble" to a g roup of people. If m ostly means feig n i n g a hig her state, i n some cases loweri ng ones state i n order to adapt. We use roles a n d masks to look good i n front of others, to get approva l and attention and to avoid d isapprova l . If you a re chronica l l y stuck at 80 (grief), you would proba b ly not express that when going to a pa rty. You 'd put on a 350 (at ease) mask for that time. If that's too difficult to m a i nta i n , you m i g ht at least try 200 ( boredj neutra l ) . It a lso wo rks the other way : When I was a tee nager I would p retend to be "d own a nd out" so that I cou ld h a ng-out with a g roup of schoolya rd ruffi a ns who were run n i ng the show, who were " i n charge of th ing s". I nwardly glea m i n g I d a re not show my joy to the g ro u p . "Yea h , l ife sucks" I l ied . "That teacher sucks". "Th e p ri n cipal sucks". " Everyth ing sucks". Were I to express otherwise they'd beg i n fee l i n g a l ienated an kick me out of their clique. Assu m i n g mask energies now a n d then is an a ct of cou rtesy and entirely a l rig ht. But doing it too often is a path to fa i l u re i n l ife . It req u i res effort to u p keep states one does not rea l l y have . Once the energy is exhausted , body a i l ments a rise or the act no longer looks convi ncing a n d e m ba rrasses those a ro u n d us. The d ifference between a fa ke or tem pora ry high vibe and a true basic h i g h energy field is the conviction a nd natura l ness with which it is rad i ated . Therefore, admitting to you r low state is more en ergetic a n d u psca le t h a n trying t o cover- it u p with someth i n g else. You can save an enormous a mo u nt of time a n d energy (wh ich is then freed up for other th ings) by releasi ng the need for approval fro m others . The tendency to be needy of oth ers approva l, attention, confi rmation, va l idation com es from a ti me i n which the child -- 25 --
thoug ht it was a matter of surviva l . So it did that which seemed to ca use parents approva l and avoided that wh ich seemed to ca use parents d isa pprova l . Rebel l ious ch i l d ren do just the opposite, when they t ry to provoke d isapprova l . Both behaviours a re n o longer needed i n a d u lt life a n d yet many sti l l use them as if they were helpless ch i l d re n . Releasing the Need for Approva l
A helpfu l exerci se in th is reg a rd is to l ist everyth i n g you have d o n e recently o r on t h e last weeks a n d months or throug hout a l ifeti me i n order t o g a i n approva l or avoid d isa pprova l from others - spouses, ch i l d ren, pa rents, su periors, colleagues, th e publ ic, etc. You wi l l notice that while it is a l ri g ht to get appla use and a ppreci ation, it is the need for it that is detri menta l . I n fact the need for it will create an en ergy field i n which you h a rd ly ever receive real approva l . a ) M enta l ly Focus o n a n item from the l ist. Welcome whatever thoug hts, sensations, feel ings, memories "Tlight be associated with that. :J) Notice how the wanting approva l creates a lack. :) Ask yourself: Fo r n ow, could I let go of wa nti ng approva l for th is? d) And release you r focus from the wanting . And then ielease you r focus from the whole item . Simply repeat this process for each item on you r l ist. It will free up severa l layers of stu ckness, even some you may not be aware of. By merely doing this exercise you a lso com m it the idea to memory a n d will no longer be that strongly of a pa wn in other people 's games.
-- 26 --
Tem po rari ly Stuck vs. C h ro nica l ly Stuck
A person goes through each and every state severa l times with i n a lifetime, sometimes even through severa l a Day. That is the natu re of the game the sou l i s here to p lay. From the Souls perspective, the lower states a re not u ndesi ra b l e but simply training grounds to experience certa in viewpoi nts-of-Infi n ity, develop a com passion for them a n d move beyond . The "pro bl e ms" a re not the states themselves. Low states a re often even a very appropriate response to certa i n events. Seeing a c h i l d bei ng shot on the 8 o'clock News and getti ng a n g ry or depressed over it is a very natural and appropriate response . The hea ler who wou l d aim to "help" you "get rid of" that response is the one who is wrong . Yo u wou l d not want to be overj oyed at the m u rder of a c h i l d , wou l d you? The "problem" is not the state but being chron ica l ly stuck in one state o ver a longer period of time. Spen d i n g th ree days i n a certa i n state sta rts accu m u lati ng certa i n rea l ities i nto your life which match that state . Spen d i ng three wee ks in the sa me state, m a kes it you r new basic level of energy and g rounds it m a ki ng it a bit more cha l lenging to leave it aga i n . One reason I mention this is so that you don't start getting pa ra noid a bout bei ng in " l ower states" or being surro un ded by people i n them . If you fi nd you rself in a very low mood there is noth i ng to worry a bout: You have a few weeks time before it gets sticky and sta rts m a n ifesting as negative events. Of cou rse low energy a l ready m a n i fests on the very day you rad iate it, but not yet to the l ife-ch a n g i n g extent it does with several weeks of that. You don't have to wait for some rem ote "Judgement Day" i n some afterl ife rea l m beca use "J udgement Day" is every day. If yo u sta rt out you r day i n a certa i n way i t w i l l probably conti n ue on that stream of momentu m th rough out the rest of the day. You treat your spouse ca relessly i n the m orni n g . Later on the hig hway a nother ca r d river treats you ca relessly by cutting in front of you . You shout at h i m . -- 27 --
At work, your boss shouts at you . Or you treat you r spouse lovi ngly i n the morn i n g . Later on the h i g hway somebody g i ves you ri ght of way. You tha n k them . Arriving at work yo u r boss tha n ks you fo r someth i n g . What goes a ro u nd co mes a round . Li ke energy attracts l i ke energy. Insta nt Ka rma . Nobody i s exem pt from this, except fo r people who habitu a l ly rad iate above level 600. Above that level it is not at all the energy-fields having a n effect on them but them havi ng an effect on the energy-fiel d . That is why their mere presence is u p l ifti ng and hea l i ng to a l l who a re nea rby, n o matter whether they wa nt to be uplifted or not . . Between levels 200 and 599 it is the field that affects me a nd me who sometimes affects the field . Be low 200 I a m m ostly at the effect of the preva lent energy-field of my su rrou ndi ngs. If you rea l l y a re ch ron ica l ly stuck on a certa i n level there is noth i n g to worry about: The book you a re cu rrently rea d i n g i s designed to help you m ove upwards a uthentica l l y a n d clean ly. Further Down and Up the Scale
A longer version of th is sca le prog resses to h igher levels (celestia l and spiritu a l rea l ms) and decli nes to lower levels ( psych otic, lower astra l a n d demonic real ms) . The short version you see here m i rrors the states of consciousness com m o n on this planet; these are prioritized . We w i l l touch o n ly briefly on l ower states beca use they a re not someth i ng you want to be focussing on fo r too long a nd h ig her states a re not someth i ng rea l l y com p rehensible to the world -self. The ea rthly body is not desig ned to experience l ower a n d h igher states. I t wou l d d ie before d rifti ng bel ow zero and d isappear before floati ng u p beyond 1 000 . For every level on the sca le a few words were chosen that represent the state as exa m p les though I cou l d have l i sted m a n y more emotions a n d events synonymously or i n supplement. I a l so co u l d have -- 28 --
l i sted other th i ngs than emotions. I could h ave l i sted movies, ca rs, celebrities, people or anyth ing else representative of those respective rea l ities. Releasing and Scaling States of Mind a n d
E motion
Suppressing a state over ti me ( Resista nce) locks it in
place and will eventually d rag you r basic level down the sca l e . Expressing a state over ti me, rather th a n suppressing it, w i l l not d rag yo u down the sca le - but it won't ta ke you u p either beca use yo ur m a i nta i n ed focus on the state (verbally expressed focus i n th i s case) keeps you there . Expressing you r Th oug hts a n d Emotio n s i s better tha n Suppress i ng them b u t neither is as good as Releasing them . A state that is wi l l i n g ly accepted, wel comed, owned and a pp reciated as a message from the soul a n d then s i m ply rel ea sed ( by g ivi ng u p i n n e r cl utch ing and resista nce) w i l l free the energy and lead you u p to the next h ig her state on the sca le. " Releasing" an emotion ca n sometimes be as simple as b reath i n g it in lovi ngly a n d letti ng it go on th e out-breath . Another way to c l i m b the sca le is n ot by releasi ng the u nwa nted state but by focussing on the next h ig her one, by " beati ng the dru m " of the next level on the sca l e . Repeated ly suppressi n g or denyi n g u pco m i n g a nger ( 1 60), perh a ps i n order to avoid disa pprova l, will turn into a stiff sort of coldness ( 1 50) a n d eventua l ly strange com p u lsions ( 1 30) such as twitc h i n g , addiction to sweets, add iction to sex o r someth ing other. If that anger is co m pletely owned as i n "I fu l l y acknowledge that I am sick and ti red of th is and wont shut u p a bout it a nymore ! Th is is someth i n g I defi n itely do n ot want in my l ife a nymore ! " you wi l l notice that th e anger ca n n ot be u p held for more th a n a few m i n utes at most and yo u w i l l not s i n k lower but actua lly m ove u p to 1 70 (Co m p l a i nt) or 1 90-200 ( Boredom, Contentment) .
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Merely g iving yourself perm ission to feel what you a re feeling ma kes it easier to release. I n some case one doesn 't even consciously have to "let go" beca use its so d ifficult to susta i n . Emoti o n a l a n d menta l phenomena a re noth i ng but energy flowing through consciousness. Th ey o n ly accu m u late and sta rt "spi n n i n g " a n d feel ing "bad" when we resist o r hold on to them . Fu l ly enjoying that a n ger may turn it i nto l a u ghter or the rea l ization that strong a nger is a n ind icator of a strong Desire, thus sh ifting atte ntion to the m ore positive ("Desire" here is not used i n the sense of the level 1 25 cravi ng, but in the sense of the 275 goa l orientati on) . That Eagerness to Act ( 27 5 ) for the Positive may then turn into genuine Interest i n Ach ievement ( 3 50) a n d Enth usiasm ( 3 80 ) . Th e reason wi l l i ngly experi encing an emotion frees you from it is beca use it is merely the resi sta nce ca using you to focus on it. La bel ling it as "bad" binds a n d feeds it. Everything " negative" actu a l ly ca rri es with it the message that either some intenti on/belief you hold or some action you plan to ca rry out or som e en ergy-field you a re nea r is not good for you . By suppressing the feel i n g you do not "get the message" and conti n u e with the detri m enta l behaviour. I n th is way a h u m a n descends to increasingly l ower levels u nti l he fi n a l l y gets the message. To acknowledge what-is b l u ntly ca n free you fro m it insta ntly. For a moment, welcome a nd fu l l y accept whatever you are fee l i ng right now. Si m ply ta ke a moment to notice what you a re feel i n g . Breathe it i n . Acknowledge it as it-is. Rel ease any sort of aversion or resista nce towards it, o r if it's a pleasant state, release a ny soft of attach ment a n d holding on to it. Be-with-what- is. It does not ta ke more tha n 5 to 30 seconds to do th is. If done correctly, you w i l l notice an i nsta nt sense of rel ief, no m atte r in wh ich state yo u were .
-- 30 --
A good exa m ple of how energy works ca n be seen in Ti red ness. Remembe r the last time you felt exh a usted a n d d i d not want to a l low you rself to . In rare cases you may have been able to focus on a h i g her state or "sn a p out of it". But in m ost cases, fig hti ng ti red ness creates more ti red ness . One gets more heavy. M aybe headache a rises ( headache often bei ng the result of two confl i cting i ntentions) . Soon you a re feeling rea lly down . What wou ld have h a ppened had you welcomed the ti red ness, fu l ly a l lowed it to run its course? Had you sim ply q u it what you were doing, retreated to the sofa and l ied down for a few m i n utes? Wel l , either you 'd have fa l len asleep and later awa kened well rested and refreshed or it wou l d have " m i raculously" va n ished with i n m i n utes and not retu rned for the rem a inder of the day. When you n otice you cant beat the en ergy then fol low yo u r feel i ngs, g ive i nto them . So when you a re ti red it means rest for a moment. When you a re wide awa ke at means be active . If you s i m ply a l low you rself to feel what you a re fee l i n g when you a re fee l i ng it a n d to not feel what you a re not fee l i ng when you a re not fee l i n g it, l i fe becomes s i m ple. You 're tired, so you l ie down . If you a re sad you cry. If you a re fea rfu l be fearfu l . That is how s i m ple it a l l is. As you let an energy ru n its cou rse it wont take more than a few m i n utes u ntil you r m i n d asks "OK, n o w what?" - mea n i n g the p a i n h a s neutra l ized . Allowing a sensation to flow th rough you r body without resista nce - without wanti ng to get rid of it, solve it, h a n d l e it, fig u re it out, u ndersta nd it, ana lyze it, hold on to it, a l lows it to flow - and thereby m ove on and out of yo u r energy-fiel d . If you remember o n ly one th i ng from th is book, let it be th i s : Resisting something does not solve it, it feeds it. Water naturally reaches its goal because it resists nothing.
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Practicing the next hig her state
The genera l pu rpose of the sca le is to show you which level is the next and to i l l u strate how it is not advisa ble to a i m m u ch h i g her than wh ere you currently a re . Do not try getti ng on a ca rousel ride that i s spin n i ng too fast. Th e results wou l d disappo i nt, even i njure . To a i m much h igher than ones current stage is one of the m a i n ca uses of stu ck- ness i n l ife . Livi ng natu ra l ly, ta ki ng each day as it com es, getti ng just a l ittle b it better each d ay is mostly more effective than ta king that "quantum leap". M a rketi ng schemes of the "spiritu a l " scene will m a ke it look as if m a ki n g that " h u g e step", t h e "fi n a l breakth ro u g h " a n d that "tota l tra nsformation" is someth i n g attractive or even feasi ble. For a nyone vi brati n g under 600 it is not a n d "get e n l i g hten m ent q u ick" - schemes a re for the g u l l i b l e crowds on ly. The o n ly ti me "Aim for the sta rs a n d you'll rea ch the moo n " is appl ica ble is i n situations of strong i n ner bel ief, when yo u feel i nvinci ble and rea dy to go. Such states a re norm a l ly not expe rienced below 350, so make sure you a re i n a good state when going for the "big poi nts" i n l ife. If you feel the strength then you r i ntention is sure to come true, whether its healing a n a i l ment or havi ng a professional b rea kth roug h . But i n any " n orm a l " context (0-600 a n d especia l ly below 350) always a i m one o r two steps h ig her on ly. Th at would be a j u m p from 1 20 (fear) too 1 60 ( a n ger) for exa m p l e . That would i m med iately red i rect you r energy from being a persecuted poor l ittle victim to being the attacker that wont ta ke a ny nonsense. That step works and it works wel l . Lets try this out: Th i n k of someth ing you d read or fea r (If you cant fi nd a nyth i n g , then disreg a rd th is. You don't have to descend just so you ca n do the exercise) . Welcome that fee l i n g fu lly. Al low it. Perh a ps ask you rself: -- 32 --
What thought or action ca uses that feel ing? And what thought or acti on wou l d I l i ke to ta ke i n stead? Ponder. Then rel ease yo u r focus from those thoug hts . An d focus on a nger. Either th i n k of someth i ng that m a kes you rea l ly a n g ry or p u rposefu lly generate anger at the th ing that was causing fea r. Beat the d ru m of it by thinking a bout it or ta l ki ng a bout it. "Those d u m b idiots, I a m s o d a m n sick a n d tired o f those wan na - be d u mbasses". Get into the a nger-state way beyond the mere words on th is page. Do you feel how that has sign ificantly more energy tha n fea r? How there is more of a n a b i l ity actua l ly act? Do you feel how a nger has sign ifica ntly more energy than fear? M o re a b i l ity to act? At 2 1 0 (Sta b i l i ty, Functi onality) you ca n ascend by cu ltivati ng 275 (Courage) or 350 ( Kindness) . So rather than merely "getti ng by" you 'd spa rk a passion, try out someth ing new or expa nd you r attention to concerns beyond th ose of only yourself. If you were a round 400 ( Knowledge) the next l ife ch a l l enge would be 475 (Creativity) or 510 ( Love ) . When a i m i n g to u pl ift others neither ta ke i n too h i g h of a state nor the sa m e . I m a g i n e someone chatti ng away in self-pity a n d the person's g i rlfriend ch i m i n g in with some more pity. By m atch i n g energy the g i rlfriend is trying to express com passion but neither of th em w i l l move upwa rds. Com passion ( 3 5 0 ) is someth i ng enti rely diffe rent tha n Pity (90 ) . So in helping someone cl i m b the sta irs you sta nd neither on the sa me step nor th ree steps h igher. This does not mean you have to l ower you rself i n order to com m u n i cate. Instead , te m pora rily "fa ke" or "project" a l ower state without lowering you rself overa l l . Someone who is i n 5 0 (a pathy) w i l l not natura l ly respond t o yo u r attem pt to enthuse ( 3 00) . And if h e does respond he wont do it -- 33 --
in any way you hoped he wou l d . If i n stead you help him feel suppressed sorrow (80) you have ta ken h i m u p 20 poi nts which i s a major i m p rovement. I t could mea n the difference between life and death . To get lower m oods u p to 1 70 you sta rt bla m i ng other people for his situation . " But isn't b l a m i n g oth ers for ones rea l ity a bad th i n g ? Isn't bei n g j udgementa l of others bad?" Not if you a re feeling below 1 7 0 . How l o n g does i t ta ke to move u p the sca le? That depends on whether a state i s a tem porary or habitu a l . With tem po ra ry levels severa l steps ca n be taken with i n mere m i n utes, hours or days. With a chro n ic level it ca n take weeks, months a nd even years to move upwa rds just 2 0 - 1 0 0 pOi nts . Many who take u p spiritu a l tra i n i ng , yoga classes, medica l treatment, coach i n g , etc. bel ieve "everyth i n g h a s cha nged " when they move up th e sca le ra pidly o n ly to be d isappOi nted later on when they real ize it was o n ly tempora ry. So its good to know that if spiritu a l tra i n i ng takes you u p 200 points tem pora rily that w i l l be at least 20 pOi nts on you r chro n i c leve l . But here, even a movement of j ust a few pOi nts upwa rds ca n have enormous conseq uences on you r experience of rea l ity. It ca n render everyth ing you held to be true a n d dea r to you , u ntrue and m e a n i n g l ess . It ca n m a ke you th i n k you received a new set of eyes th rough wh ich t o see th ings. Merely rea d i n g the i nfo rmation prese nted i n this book m a kes u pwa rd prog ression more l i kely. Below 200 " m oving u pwa rds" req u i res outside h e l p . From 200-500 moving u pwa rds is a matter o f person a l inte nt a nd w i l l power. Above 5 0 0 it ta kes less effo rt to move u pwa rds. Moving u pwa rds is then m o re of a natura l -pu l l than a d e l iberate act. No-free-Wi l l, free-Wi l l, Divi ne Wi l l
Beca use th i ngs are seen d u a l l y rather tha n spectra l ly, hundreds of fa l se d ichotom ies preoccupy the worl d . -- 34 --
One such i s whether free w i l l exists or not. Below level 200 free w i l l and choice a re l i m ited . The l ower down the sca le, the less choice there is. Levels 200 -540 a re the Dom ains of Free-Wil l . Pe rson a l W i l l , Personal Responsi b i l i ty, Freed o m of Choice a re practiced . From 200- 340 rea l ities a re created by a m i xture of free w i l l and h a rd work. From 340-499 less work is req u i red . 500- 540 often merely req u i re a choice or a n intention to have preferred outcomes m a n ifest. From 500 a n d even more 5 4 0 onwa rd , personal w i l l is g ra d ua l ly surrendered to a n d rep laced by Divine W i l l . Events a re then left u p to "The U n iverse", God, "The Fie l d ". (Th is is so meth i n g d ifferent than the fata l ism of 50 (a pathy) as wi l l becom e clear later) . Recog nizing Low, Mid a nd H ig h
Lea rn i ng the sca le w i l l deepen you r a ppreciation of and humour towa rds life as lower-levels a re often com ica l - as i n a theatre play - from h i g her perspectives. These higher perspectives view suffering as i l l usory (which is why they a re able to heal it i n self a n d others ra pidly). If th is sca le were red uced to two m a i ns states only l ove a nd fea r would rema i n . Al l states a re mod ifications or va riations of the two . All below 200 is based on fea r/resista nce, sucking life energy, poi nti ng i n the d i rection of decay a n d death . Al l a b ove 200 a re based on Love/Joy, g iving l ife energy lea d i n g towa rds abu nda nce a nd l ife . 200 is the tipping-point at wh ich the negative becomes positive . 0 - 1 99 a re low-energy worlds a n d have the fol l owing tra its and g iveaways : An ind ivi d u a l is more reactive than i n itiative, more victi m of circu msta nces tha n their ca use, more pa n-determ i n ed than self-determ i n ed , more preoccupied with t h e past t h a n t h e future or present. The individual is u naware of self, even more u nawa re of oth ers. If, for exa m p le, you a re a ware of you r own a pathy ( 5 0 ) it is u n l i kely that you a re -- 35 --
chron ica l l y stuck on that level, beca use that leve l wou ld not even be aware of h i s pred ica m ent. Th erefore the process of becoming awa re of the levels of energy, frees one from them to some extent. States 200 -499 a re the m iddle-energy worlds with a mixtu re of love and fea r. Here the i nd ivid u a l is someti mes pro-active, sometimes re-active, someti mes ca use of the games played , someti mes their pawn . Wh i le l ower states a re concerned with the past, m i d -states a re p reoccupied with the future a n d h i g h e r states a re mostly aware o f t h e present. Here the i ndividual is aware of self but not very aware of others . One cou l d say that the ch a l lenge of lower levels is to master self, the challenge of m i d -states is to m aster self-a nd others, the cha l lenge of h i g h states is to master self, others a nd the world, a n d the cha l lenge of very h i g h states is to go beyond self, others a nd the worl d to merge with Infi n ity. States 400-600 are the h ig her worlds in which the indivi d u a l is m ostly successfu l , ha ppy and l iving l ife i n natura l ba lance. Ba la nce in th is case mea n i ng that the categories of profess ion, relationsh ip, health/body, hobbies/i nterests and spi ritua l i ty a re g iven a fa i rly eq ual a m ount of time rather than o n ly one domi nati ng ones entire l ife as is typica l of m i d - levels. The individ u a l is very awa re of self a n d very aware of others . . . actua l ly interested in someth i ng oth er tha n hi mself. Attention no longer ci rcles a round ones forehead a n d body day in day out, but expands to oth er topics a n d rea l ities of the world . At this very moment there a re tri l l i ons of th ings you cou l d be investi ng attention i n . And yet, most people keep their attention stuck to the i r own i m mediate cravings a nd tiny circle of being they ca l l "my life". Wo rlds above 600 a re spiritual a reas which l ie beyond dual or l i n ea r viewpoi nts. Th e ind ividual slowly becomes aware of self-as-all. You a re not the body. You a re not you r m i n d . You can observe th ese th i n gs -- 36 --
and what you ca n o bserve from a n outside viewpo i nt you ca nnot " be". If you a re not the body- m i n d , then what a re you ? At level 600 the typical answer m ig ht be "I a m awa reness". . . not o n ly as a concept o r nice idea but as a n actu a l experience of the worl d . Not being fixed to any one position of body, m i nd or opinion, all bodies, m i n d s a nd opin ions are perceived . From 800 u pwa rds everything written in th i s book sounds nonsensical Th is book is written for a certa i n ra nge o f consciousness only. Below 1 30 o n e w i l l not get ones hand on it and even then one wou l d struggle to com p rehend it. As 1 30-energy is cravi n g , com p u lsive, addictive he w i l l atte m pt t o use t h i s book as some kind of magic that w i l l "fix it" fo r h i m . Th is is not l i kely to succeed, as n ot a book is a sou rce of energy but the self/consciousness (what one ma kes of a book) . A 190- person is l i kely to detect some of the "fa l l a cies" of this book which a re actua l l y truths of another level a nd not "fa l lacies". Nevertheless I have included inform ation that wi l l be of use even to the 500s. Above 650 one does not norm a l ly read books beca use Kno wing comes from th e fiel d , the u n iverse . I nte l l ectu a l knowledge is then noth i n g more tha n a distraction from the d i rect perception of truth . Earth l y sca les a nd categories become i rrel eva nt. Above energy- level 700 the enti re sca le is a tiny dot. As fa r as the 700-person is concerned, there is not m uch difference between level 50 a nd 500 . Aga i n , seen from the perspective of an astrona ut, San Fra n cisco a nd Los Angeles a re not fa r from each other. Seen from the ground they do appear to be separate. Th e habitua l energy leve l you a re in not only attracts what you experience as "rea l ", which people a nd cha lle nges you meet . I believe I ca n ded u ce from it you r fi nancial i n come, you r choice of spouse, the state of you r person a l belongi ngs, you r hobbies and interests. If yo u a re a footba l l -fa n I m ig ht even be able to say which tea m you suppo rt. I cou l d tel l yo u with accu racy which co untries yo u w i l l never l ive i n . If -- 37 --
enter you r home I would i m med iately recogn ize what your energy- level has been, is a nd w i l l be in the near =utu re . Th is may sou nd l i ke stereotyping, but it is not based on prej u d ice rather on seeing energy - an abil ity wh ich you too have . I
Energy-Sca les of Other Schools
For those fa m il ia r w ith some of the other sca les of energy I w i l l bri efly go into how my sca le corresponds to those systems, a d d i n g the n u m be rs of my 1 - 1 000 sca le beside the respective levels. The Theosophists have the fol l owing leve l s : Physical P l a n e 0 - 1 000 Lower Astra l Plane 0 - 1 60 \1id Astra l Plane 1 60-275 Higher Astra l Plane 275-475 The M enta l Plane 475-600 The Buddic Plane 600- 740 The Atm i c Plane 740 + In H i n d u ism , the states a re as fol lows : Ta mas 0- 199 Raj as 200-380 High Rajas 3 80 -499 Sattva 500-600 Moksha 600 +
-- 38 --
I n the work of Lester Levenson ( Releasing) a nd Hale Dwoski n (Th e Sedona Method ) , the levels a re as fol lows : Apathy 50 G rief 80 Fear 1 00 Lust 1 20 Anger 1 60 Pri de 1 9 0 Co urage 275 Accepta n ce 400 Peace 475+ For readers fa m i l i a r with the work of D r. David Hawki n s : Hawkins a lso uses a 1 - 1 000 sca le a nd m a ny of h i s concl usions a re si m i la r to m i n e . The m a i n difference between my work a n d that o f Dr. Hawkins is the method by which the levels of energy a re measu red . I do not use m uscle-testi n g for level measurement a n d do not bel i eve in the a bsol ute u n iversa l ity of ki nesiology. In my experi ence the resu lts of m uscl e-testing a re often di storted by the beliefs/expectations and en ergy-levels of the tester. Th us each level w i l l get d ifferent resu lts . It is my observation that D r. Hawkins has a rrived at his levels throug h means of which he and his fol lowers a re not aware of ( rather tha n th roug h m uscle-testing a lone) . More on the measurement of energy-l evels later. For readers fa m i l i a r with the work of Don Beck a n d Ken W i l be r : The i r "Sp i ra l Dyn a m ics" is a lso h i g h ly l u cid and recom mended for all read e rs, just l i ke Hawki n s " M ap o f Co nsciou sness". But their work too should be -- 39 --
�ad with d i scern ment. Fran kly, Spira l Dyn a m ics is ... -itten with a pol itica l left-wi ng slant and Hawkins " ltes with a pol itica l rig ht-wi ng slant. Th is somewhat ::: i ou rs works of otherwise pristi ne cla rity. users of the Bovis-sca le, below 6500 on that sca l e : .: measu rement i s bel ow 200 on m i ne . Please note :- a t I am not sufficiently fa m i l i a r with Dowsi ng to pass � _ dgement on its truth or lack th ereof but have been ==te to verify some of its resu lts with my own means : := f'Tleas u rement. =-:r
rea ders intimately fa m i l ia r with one of th ese or :'� er sca les please note that sli ght d ifferen ces and : n ations of my work to others does not mean that ' : re is true and the other is not". S l ight va riations :::'"'1e from the fact that the a uthor is a different -essenger, a d ifferent viewpoint-of-Infi n ity tha n other -esseng ers . In general a l most all the sca les of many : =erent schools have o bserved , measured a n d �perienced t h e s a m e spiritu a l truths . Sma l l va riances = '"e merely i n deta ils. =-: ,... •
:.:ntrary to oth er a uthors and teachers of th is a nd :; ....., ilar sca les, I do not cla i m to be e n l i g htened or to : ..m special a bi l ities or secret knowledge, etc. Fact is :- at the mere act of w riti ng a book is h ig h ly u n l i kely =::J-ove the level 550 . I n order to write a book (and =speci a l ly one l i ke this) one should not be b l i ssed-out :.: ones m in d , unable to focus on worldly interests . j'l nti ng a book such as th is req u i res a state of 300= 2 0 . W h i le I have experienced states 600+ throughout - y life (to be descri bed l ater) , my habitua l " basic • be" is cu rrently a round 475- 5 1 0 . That means there : -e ma ny, m a ny people and teachers very m uch " m o re �"' I i ghtened" tha n m e . But not a l l of them a re -terested i n writi ng a book of th is natu re. Th is has to ::J with the fact that the world of the w ritten word a nd :- e study of that written word l ies i n the 400s. -- 40 --
A shorter version of the Sca l e
A shorter version I often use in Lectures differentiates the fol lowi n g levels : 0-200 : The World of M is-emotion 200-300 : The World of Wo rk & Relaxation 300-400 : The World of Prod uctivity, Good w i l l a n d Prosperity 400-500 : The World of M i n d , I ntel lect, I m a g i nation, Invention 500-600 : The World of Love, Bea uty a n d H i g h Energy 600-800 The Worl ds of E n l i g hten m ent 800- 1 000 Divine Rea l m s H a lf-joki ngly I so meti mes a l so refer to t h e levels i n even more o f a short-hand, b y what someone wou l d wea r: 50: Ra gs 2 1 0 : Casual Wea r 320 : S u it 420 : Luxury S u it 500 : Casua l Wea r 600 : Rags Th e d ifference between the rags of the 50 (a pathy) a nd those of a 600 (en l i g htenment) a re that the rags of the 50 a re d i rty.
-- 41 --
much as th is is sa id i n jest it a lso reflects a rea l :end ency of worldliness movi ng u pwa rds fro m 0 to 420 ::1d then movi ng back downwa rds from 420 to 600. ne non -world l i n ess of the 50 touches hell whereas in :rle 600s it touches heaven . The classical C h ristian dea of heaven-hell a re a s i m p l ified very-short-hand ... ndersta nding of the sca le. Rel ig ions often add heavy joses of fea r- m ongeri n g , judgementa l -ism a nd :ual istic-d iscri m i nation ( rather tha n spectra l J€rceptio n ) to the idea . .;s
Worki ng with the Levels of Energy
ne hi gher you r basic leve l , the q u icker yo u move out :>f temporary lows . Th e lower you r basic vi be, the ilore work and repetition you need to ascend . Its as simple as that. The more actual power you h ave, the ess force is req u i re d . R.esea rch ind icates that yo u were a l ready born with a :erta i n level of energy, i m p lying that you exi sted long oefore you were born i nto th is l ife . The rest of you r nasic leve l of formed i n you r child hood . Apa rt from that you have a "days form ". You a lso have person a l ity-clusters or "parts-of-me" which reside on different levels. I will share methods that a i m at freeing those frozen parts with i n you . I have never met a person that has not at least a l ittl e bit of h i m or herself on each level of the sca l e . One m i g h t be i n apathy concern ing the state of the world, i n anger ove r the neigh bou rs and i n enth usiasm reg a rd i n g the job . Th is would pa i n out at a n average of 220. I w i l l also share methods that a i m a t accessing the parts of you that a re a l ready on hig her l evels, i ncl u d i n g the so ca l l ed " h ig her self" a bove 540 . On a basic level a bove 500, thera py, coach i ng , en ergy work, or the methods I share with you a re not req u i red . The stream of life takes care of everything. Co nsciousness u nfolds a l l by itself, natu ra l ly, without -- 42 --
the need fo r intervention by a nyone. Teachers and methods a re su perfl u ous. Devotion to the most high is the only thing of i m porta nce. Between 499 a n d 200 some type of processi ng in the a reas of spiritu a l ity, meditation, menta l tra i n i ng , co nscious l iving a re helpfu l . Betwee n levels 200 a n d 120 therapeutic work, study of self and l i fe and lovi ng care a re helpfu l . Between 120 and 5 0 med ica l a n d soci a l su pervision and support a re helpfu l . Below 50 the pol ice w i l l be of assista nce. An interesting process for learn i ng a bout the sca le is to go th roug h each of the states of consciousness in Med itation . . . from the very bottom to the very top . Another way to do th is wou ld be to m odel or act- l i ke each of the levels. Here you 'd be m i m icking each state from bottom to top with you r ta l k, body postu re, gestures, th oughts, fee l i ngs. Once you have coaxed yourself i nto rea l ly fee l i n g a nd being a state you would prog ress to the next one. Th is process ca n free severa l layers of l i m itation and offset a n experience of i ntel lectual a n d spiritua l re newa l ( n ote : In th is specific exercise, states 0 - 1 7 0 a re to be mocked , not physica l l y ca rried-out-in -real ity) . Th is book e m u l ates the journey the bottom to the top . To Demon ize a n d Ideal ize vs. Truth a nd Rea l ity
Some things a re exactly as they seem a n d some th ings a re not at a l l as they seem . Th rough familiarity with the en ergy- levels you w i l l be a ble to tel l i n which energy-range things a re . You will see a certa in a rea on TV news and know whether the trou bled a rea is 160ish or SO-ish . You wi l l see a book i n the boo kstore and often spontaneously sense whether it is a book that is hel pfu l for yo u or not ( a nd sometimes a 300-ish book may be more helpfu l for a cu rrent l ife phase tha n a 600-level book) . You w i l l receive a business proposa l and feel whether the person extend i ng the offer is a person of i nteg rity (above 200) or not. -- 43 --
ne only way to distort ones i m mediate sensing of the :ruth is by indoctri n ation . Th rough various "Tlanipu lation tech n iq ues h u m a ns a re brainwashed to je l i eve that someth i n g is different from what they feel t is. And if you buy into it, you rea l ly do sta rt fee l i ng a :h ing differently th a n it actu a l l y is. Anyth ing ca n be :Jresented to a ppea r different tha n it is. The most ntense methods of indoctri nation a re to Demonize and : 0 Idealize . To demon ize means to m a ke someth i ng ook m uch worse th a n it is a n d to idea l ize or g lamorize "'1ea ns to m a ke someth i n g look m uch better than it is. l. good exa m p l e of Demonization is U . S . pol ities, ",here " l i bera ls" and "conservatives" try to pa i nt each Jther in the worst l ig ht possi b l e . Al l Republ icans a re :hen portrayed as b i b l e-th u m ping warmongers and ntolera nt n ut jobs, w h i l e Democrats a re then :>ertrayed as Com m u n i st pa nsies and i m mora l :ri m i n a ls . Of course neither of th ose portraya l s has anyth ing to do with rea l ity. I n actua l ly seeing "li bera ls" and "conservatives" u p close one notices they just -orm a l people l i ke you and me. t/here ever you see extreme polarization you ca n tel l :hat you a re not dea l ing with rea l ity but with :Jrojection (of either Demonization or Ideal ization ) . If you want to check whether you have been indoctri n ated , notice how you react to d i sa g reement with you r wo rldviews. The stronger you r emotiona l reaction to d i sagreement, the more l i kely it i s that your views a re the result of indoctri nation rather tha n education.
So if, while read i ng this book, you a re outraged or shocked by someth i n g I say or go i nto anger, h u rt or ridicule mode, it is not my inform ation that is fa lse, it is you rs . If however your disagreement i s from a "hig her place", mea n ing you feel neutra l , h u morous or accepti ng, then it is probably me who is i n error. I just gave you a method to tel l truth from fa lsehood, -- 44 --
by the way. And I a lso adm itted that I may be i n error on va rious th i ngs. Any a uthor who cl a i m s he is without error is a l i a r, fra n kly. The h u m a n doma i n has error b u i lt into it. To know that the h u m a n m i nd is prone to d i stortion a n d m ispe rception a l lows for more compassion - towa rd you r fel low h u m a n beings, towa rd me the author and especi a l ly towa rd you rself. H owever, the u pside of a l l this is that the h ig her you go in consciousness, the more clea rly you ca n see. Domi nated by the lower emotions such as fea r, a nger, craving the a b i l ity to detect truth is a l m ost im possible beca use you a re operating from extreme bias. Idea l i zation in the form of G l a morization ca n be fou n d i n t h e Hol lywood -Rea l i ty i n w h i c h sta rl ets, actors a n d singers a re often g iven more i m porta nce and g l itz tha n they have. Oftenti m es they a re g l a m o rized b y us a n d o u r need for heroes and in some cases they g la morize themselves. M eeti ng one of your "su perstars" l ive, i n rea l l ife a nd seeing how he or s h e too uses the restroom, has bouts of depression or is a bori n g i n socia lizing ca n b e a shock to th ose w h o p rojected too m u ch g l a mo u r. G l a m orization a lso ru ns ra m pa nt i n the field of S p i ritu a l ity where people whose energy level m i g ht measu re the sa me as that of a n ord i n a ry pickpocket a re revered as "en l ightened". Once you a re a ble to view from a fa i rly l a bel-less a n d projection-less space you will be a ble to see things as they a re rather than as they seem . "I don't feel good a bout ta ki ng on th is job. Am I the one projecti ng negativity through my beliefs o r is th is job a n actua l negative energy field?" Th is is a n i m porta nt q u estion th at has come u p i n m a ny variations. Whether the negativity is co m i n g from ones own i n n e r pro g ra m m i ng (indoctri nated beliefs) or from the l ow level of the thing itself ca n be determ i n ed by relaxing fu l ly, letting go of everything one su pposed ly -- 45 --
ows" a bout the th ing a nd then looking at it a g a i n � m that fa i rly neutra l state . Does t h e negative -=eling rem a i n ? If so, then it is the thing itself that is - - a lower energy-field than is good for you . Does the -egative feeling disappear? Then it is not the th i ng ::- at is negative but o n l y your thinking a bout it. • ...
V::lst of your i n doctri n ation is p robably in reg a rds to :d itics, rel i g i o n , spiritu a l ity, money, sex, love and -ea lth . So if I say th ings with i n this book that do not -atch your preconceptions, please ta ke a m i n ute to ,:o k with i n or fro m a fresh perspective before : smissing what is sa i d . Someti mes truth hurts. If you ="'d out that the sp i ritu a l path you have been fol l owing 5 - ce 1 0 yea rs is the cult of a m ad m a n . . . that would - ...: rt, wou l d n't it? And if you fo und out that the :rganization you have been fighting since decades is �:tua l ly benevolent, that would h u rt, wou l d n 't it? But : ::m l y h u rts for a short ti m e . I n the long ri m being =nfronted with truth strengthens a n d empowers you :eyond your wi ldest d reams. N ow th is is not to say ::-at eve ryth ing I say is true. It is merely to say that ::-is book is to be read with an open m i nd . Open m i nd -eans that you a re neither a yea-sayer nor a -aysayer but s i m ply check, i n rea l - l ife, whether the .... formation provided is a pplica ble or not . .!.noth er way to determ ine whether so meth ing is tru e not, is to check whether it works. If someth i ng -eq uires a lot of effort, com plexity or expl a i n ing before : wo rks then it is an a rtificia l l y constructed rea l ity a n d "'ot a n atura l a n d self-evident reality. Truth i s always -=a i rly simply a n d self-explanatory. There is no lengthy sales-p itch needed to point out tha t the tree is a tree :hat g rows of its own . : ,�
Yea-sayers a n d Nay-sayers a re no friends of truth . Both to embrace everything or to reject everyth i ng of a certa i n sou rce is a sign of i m matu rity. Lea rn ing to : i scern and fro m that create ones own a n swers is a -- 46 --
part of g rowing u p spiritu a l ly. So go fo rth and be not judgementa l but discern i ng, not na'ive but optim istic.
-- 47 --
3 The Levels of E nergy i n Deta i l
n e deta iled level descri ptions that fol l ow w i l l a l l ow , Q U to recogn ize them later i n l ife with in yo u rself a n d :Jthers. The fru its o f t h i s w i l l be i n crea sed =ffectiveness, rel ief a n d elevation . W h i l e read i n g , you ""lay recogn ize yourself in every one of the states. -n at's beca use the sou l has lived m i l l ions of lives and ::.asked i n every state i m ag i nable a n d a lso beca use you -ave it a l l with i n you . You ca n ascerta i n your basic evel by looking at what's left when a l l d i stractions :ease or what descriptions you have the m ost in :om m on w ith . The fol l owing descri ptions have been exaggerated a bit to m a ke them more easi ly -ecog niza b l e . Nobody is ever p u rely i n one single state jut rather in the vicinity of certa i n frequencies. As it is possible for a nyone to gain rel ief from their energy levels with i n m i n utes, hours, days or at m ost Neeks, do not ta ke the l ower levels too m u ch to heart. Once you lea rn how to snap out of them , you wi l l experience them with more Humor, the most usefu l virtues. It is only the supposed seriousness atta ched th at m a kes it appea r as if lower levels have any power. Th is power is an i l l usion that could be overcome fa i rly qu ickly. 20 Sha me, Denial, Debasement, Psychosis
In th is very- low-state you achieve next to noth i ng . Some typ ica l thought-stre a m s : I wa nt to hide. I'm afra id my secrets wi l l be revealed . I do not want to be seen . Stop looki n g at me. They m i g ht fi nd out a bout me. The world is u n real, b l u rry, foggy, i n scruta ble. I'l l act l i ke I'm stu pid or dead i n order t o avo i d oth ers and the da ngers l u rki n g at every corner. I did someth i ng I ca n not be forg iven fo r and I a m deeply asha med . I suppress memories and events i n such deep l ayers of the su bconscious that I don't even know that I do not -- 48 --
know a bout them . If I keep u p my d e n i a l I a m w i l l i n g t o sink l ower i n to psychosis. Life is a n i g htmare . Th ings a re beg i n n ing t o fade away. I wa nt t o d i e . I want to p u n ish a n d inj u re myself. I th i n k a demonic force has ta ken control of m e . Someone once wrote t o me offeri ng t o be m y coach i n g -client. I refused on account o f t h e fact that I a m not q u a l ified to handle levels 0-30. But I was able to conta ct a social worker that cou ld help h i m . In h i s email t o me he sta rted o u t by descri b i n g that ever since he had ta ken a "bad meth tri p" he was seei ng a l l kinds o f stra nge g ri m a ces, first ap pea ri ng i n h i s d reams, then a ppea ri ng i n wa ki ng l ife . "I w a s wa l ki n g down t h e street a n d I had t h i s h a l l u ci nation that a n evi l b e i n g w a s tearing u p o n t h e sky a n d sta ri ng down at me. H e wa nts to ki l l me." His ema i l went on to say that he is the rei nca rnati on of Jesus and that he "rea l ly is not crazy". H e reported that is teeth were fa l l i n g o ut thoug h . He referred to hi mself as being "a rea l meth head". Some D rugs d o m a ke the body/ m i n d more suscepti ble to lower-astra l i nfl uence . My u ndersta n d i n g that t h i s is t h e ta l k o f a level 0 - 3 0 person was confi rmed fu rther down when he reported that he had slit h is wrists in a suicide attem pt. I had rea d enough and had the acq u a i nta nce of m i ne (the soci a l worker) give h i m a phone ca l l . From there he went on to get thera py. The reason people chronica l l y stuck below 50 a re prone to cri me is beca u se they a re beyond ca ri ng ( 5 0 is a pathy) a n d derive energy from acts that a re harmfu l to l ife . At a ny other point on the sca l e, harmfu l acts weaken yo u . Below 50 harmfu l acts g i ve the a ppeara nce of "strength e n i n g " you . It l ater turned out that th is person had i ndeed "g iven up in l ife" two yea rs ago when he lost his job and g i rlfriend . He then found "relief" in h a rd d rugs. To acq u i re Speed, H eroi n , Crack and whatnot he eventu a l ly descended i nto cri m e . For these cri mes he felt Shame - h i s descent to en ergy-rea l m 3 0 . He then wanted to debase hi mself -- 49 --
cutti ng his wrists - level 2 5 .
n is level is sometimes accompan ied b y odd - a l l u ci n atory experiences. Some m i sta ke th ese Jaranorm a l events with "adva n ced spiritu a l ity". Clin ica l Jsychiatry ca l l s them crazy, Rel igion ca l l s them jemon ica l ly possessed . I n th e i r own way, psych iatry 3nd rel i g ion a re correct i n the i r d iagnoses of th is state . Those who la bel these states "spiritu a l ly 3dva nced" a re incorrect. In my own term i n ology these states a re the access of "Iower-astra l - re a l ms". Helping the 30 is problematic beca u se those that a re close enough to access the person ( a pathy, g rief, fea r, lust) don't have the energy or interest to help. Th e 3 0 field is best left t o professiona l s . Norm a l l y the body dies from neglect, infection a n d disease. In the ra re case death does not h a ppen, there is the possi bil ity of desce n d i ng to the m i n us-levels wh i le sti l l occupying a body. What h a p pens when one descends that low ca n be seen i n cou ntless horror-fi l m s . S uch movies a re, unfortunately, not entirely fictitious, they a re memories of m i n us- reg ions. On the m i n us-sca l e (which w i l l n ot b e m u ch discussed in t h i s book and I also recom mend you not to investigate ) , the more evi l one is, the m o re energy is derived . It is a reversa l of the reg u l a r sca le. H owever, cu rrently there is not a sing le em bod i ed person in m i n u s living on pla net earth . Li kewise there is cu rrently not a single em bod ied person a bove level 900 l iving on earth at this time. The reason for th is is that mass consci ousness cu rrently averages level 200 wh ich is too high for any m i n us- level to survive and too low for any 900+ being to comforta bly want to stay. Whenever below-O a n d a bove SOO -states a re experienced th is therefore ofte n ha ppens w h i l e the body/ m i n is sleeping a n d consciousness travels a ro u nd in oth er D i mensions. . . .
Methods of hea l ing th i s level involve confession, -- 50 --
revea l i ng ones h idden intenti ons a n d secrets, m a king a mends, re-esta blishing contact to the i n n ocent child with i n a nd that Chi lds fea r, re-esta b l ishing contact to oth er peopl e . Those chro n ica l l y stuck here w i l l need the assista n ce of soci a l wo rkers, doctors, priests and probation officers to get back on their feet. Their state is down to a poi n t that they have no rea l d rive of th e i r own a n d have t o feed on other peoples energy o r d i sca rnate parasites. These energy-forms a re cal led "demons" in Rel i g ion and "entities" in spiritu a l psychiatry. The 0-30 rea l m resem b les a d a rk fa i ry ta le, a m us h room - i nfused nig htm a re . A sponta neous qu ick hea l ing could come from noth ing other tha n a hyper celestial 800+ level, so prayer is i ndeed helpfu l here . I f h e l p i s not forthcom ing, death w i l l follow. Here o n e h a s a "psych ic co nn ection" t o the "lower-astra l ". The afterlife employs m a ny angelic "clea n - u p-crews" atte m pting to help those who d ie at th is leve l , but sometimes it proves d ifficult beca use they a re u n responsive to hel p . There is the p a ra noia that anyone attem pti ng to help is "evi l ". There is an a rray of l iterature cla i m i n g that the Light one sees at Near Death- Experiences is a "conspiracy" a nd that one shou ld "stay away from it". Th is is a fa lseh ood based u pon super- para n oid- leve l - 30-th i n ki n g . My m o m once h a d a g i rlfri end visit her, of w h i ch I knew she would die with in days of her visit, not of natu ra l causes but on acco u nt of her energy-level . I was o n ly 1 5 yea rs old, but reading energy- levels had a lways been natura l to m e . Her ta l k was ki n d of "stra nge", she would not look stra i g ht at me, her eyes were bleak a n d yel low- ish, a n d she gave off a stench that often acco m pa n ies th ose who's so ul a re in the process of leaving the body to the lower-astra l . After she went home from one visit, I told my mother "I don't th i n k she is doing wel l ." And s u re enough she died a few days later. My m other, being of weak en ergy herself was in shock b ut it was no su rprise to me. Why did I not i ntervene? Beca use my p rophecy of -- 51 --
:leath wou l d do more h a rm tha n good, eventu a l ly having them place the blame for the i nevita b l e on m e . Death o f t h e body ca n ha ppen from a ny point on the sca le, but on 0-30 its even difficult to stay a l ive over a longer period of time. It turned out that th is gi rlfriend had been consu m i ng a wide a rray of d rugs wh ich eventua l l y "sta b i l ize" one on the level of apathy ( 50 ) . Previously she h a d been i n a bout pity (80) for people on levels 0-30, thereby g radually being sucked down by just that. When para m ed i cs a rrived at the scene Uley d iscovered that her apartment was in a worse state of decay than she had ever a d m itted towa rds friends or fa m i ly. As is typica l for the level, she had mvered - u p the rea l state of things. I wont go i nto deta i l on what they found, but a n i n d u stria l clea n - u p crew h a d to b e employed in order t o have any cha nce ID rent out the apartment to someone else . Does energy l i ke that l i nger in an a pa rtment after som eon e has died? Of cou rse it does. Not m uch, but it is sti l l lhere . And i t w i l l attract a tenant that i s not o n the lleig ht of th i ngs either. levels 0 - 1 9 9 a re more p rone to acts of cri me, aatura lly, beca use a l l cri me is based on mis-emoti on .. distortion of perceptio n . But the form that acts of Dime ta ke on at a 0-50 energy a re m o re horrific tha n anple m u rder. Seri a l child ki l l ers, pedophile sad ists, -relig ious" p u b l i c behead ings, a re cri mes that i nvolve lfumilia tio n and Desecration , wh ich a re aspects of 0SO.
lhose who only have a few pockets of sha m e ca n DV'ercome th ese by admitting to them and then releasing. So you cou l d , for exa m ple, write a -mnfessional" of a l l the th i ngs you a re asha med of, mnfront a l l of your sins and then consciously look at Ihe piece of paper, forg i ve you rself, a l l ow a few h o u rs fJI tea rs, of rea l , a uthentic crying and then ritualistically b u rn the piece of paper. Or you cou l d see k consu ltation with a rel i g ious priest who w i l l -eceive you r confession . I n a ny case t h i s energy is -- 52 --
beyond repa i r through more conventional approaches. You w i l l need to do a moral inventory. Do you r best to release th ose pockets of sha me - they d rag down you r overa l l leve l . If you feel sha m e beca use you have tra nsg ressed the borders o f what is lawfu l a n d respectful towa rds yo u r fel low h u m a n s - in other words, if yo u have co m m itted a cri me - then add making amends to your confession l ist. Th is yo u do by writing down or voicing how you could m a ke u p fo r you r tra nsgression a n d then by going a head and making up for it. That is the best way to re lease energy stuck on th is l eve l . If for some reason it is not via ble to m a ke up for someth ing d i rectly towa rd s the people you h u rt, then do someth ing to m a ke u p towards the u n iverse, towa rds l ife i n genera l . Th is would be a ritua l istic act that is done with the specifi ed intent to m a ke up, to m a ke g ood, to leave the rotten beh ind . Th is cou l d be socia l work you do to give back to society or cha rity you i n vest into or a nyth i n g else you r bel ief-system accepts as a n a mends. You know you have "paid you r d ue" when you feel relief concern i n g you r tra nsgression . I n fact, th is is probably one of the only levels i n which a fa natic rel ig i ous zea lot cou l d offer a helping h a n d . Doomsday or fi re & bri mstone zealots a re at a n energy-level 1 00 (fea r) a n d a re equ ipped to help level 3 0 . One would m ove up fro m the level of Da m nation (30) to mere Punishment ( 1 00 ) . The extent of i m p rovement from 30 to 1 0 0 w o u l d be l i ke movi ng from t h e bitter ruth lessn ess of the icy wind i n the Anta rctica to the col d Fi n l a n d . Many methods o f recovery prove slow on th is leve l . Prayer speeds u p prog ress below 200 . A p rayer ( l oosely inspired by 1 2 -step-groups) that w i l l heal some pockets of very- l ow-energ y : "I admit that I don 't have the power to solve this myself. Only a power greater than me can restore my health and sanity. I surrender my life and self to the -- 53 --
most High as I understand the Most High. I am willing to treat all of life, including myself, with compassion and kindness. I am willing to ask forgiveness for all the times in which I treated others or myself unkindly. I am willing to admit to all acts that were motivated by guilt, apathy, grief, fear, anger and pride. I am willing to ask forgiveness for these acts. I humbly now before the most high and ask for help. I thank the most High for showing me that help is already underway".
Crime equals a ta ki ng -away-fro m - l ife, a taking -away from soci ety. It leaves an energetic gap or vacu u m that must eventua l l y b e bala nced out b y good deeds unless you wish to rema i n stuck. When you do someth i n g you deem va l u able to the world, an act of goodwi l l , som eth i n g you can be proud of, you heal these wou nds. A prison -system that d oes not a l low aiminals to m a ke up, to g ive back to society, is a failed prison-system . A prison system that g ives inmates the opportun ity to wo rk, to be of assista nce, ID contri bute is an enlig htened prison syste m . There is no merit at all in havi ng i n mates sit a round doing noth ing a l l day w h i le costing taxpayer money. It is through work (hard work that is usefu l to society measures at 1 80-2 1 0 ) a prisoner may fin d l iberatio n . How long to m a ke a m ends? That i s u p to you . U nti l you ca n tru ly forg ive you rself fo r what you have done and move on i n peace. Depending on the severity of you r cri me, that ca n mean days, weeks or even months of work toward a just ca use. ICee p i n m i nd that th ere a re a lso a n u m ber of sha me pockets that a re i ndoctri nated , that a re not natura l causes of sha me a nd g u i lt. Having g rown u p i n this society m ost of us ca rry these pockets of shame around with us without need i n g to . Sexua l ity is an area that i s i n g ra i ned with u n necessa ry shame as prescri bed by rel i g ious sexoph obes ( 1 00 - 1 70 ) and � otights. -- 54 --
Lets take mastu rbation as a n exa m p l e . Being asha med to masturbate actually ca uses an excess of mastu rbation beca use - everything that is s u ppressed , tends to stick. Of cou rse th is type of suppression may a lso ca use a specia l kind of joy - the joy of doing someth i n g "forbidden", but there is a m uch h ig her level of joy to be derived by releasing some of that. Believe it or not, some peoples heads will go red if you even mention the topiC. That's how m uch e m otiona l cha rge is stu ck on it. Ones head going red as one reads of masturbation would be indicative of a strong pocket of shame that ca n be released . Th e p u rita n bigots face goes red beca use he conta i ns a lot of 1 00en ergy and ca n not handle statements from any level a bove h is. When you see someone seem i ng ly insane wa l k the streets and com pulsively spout obscen ities yo u a re observing a person under the control of foreig n-entity. Th is is not just some derelict i l l ness, th is is actual level - 1 5 -energy.The h ig her on the sca le, the more you a re Source, the lower the less you a re Source of you r rea l i ty. Those w h o no longer have their body movements or speech u nder any sort of control, a re at the lowest end of the ea rth ly scale. What you are seeing is a form of possession, even if conventional psychology strugg les with recog nizing that. Locki ng them u p in a n a syl u m a nd a d m i n istering pills is a solution for now, but it is a fa r from the ideal approach, wh ich would involve the spiritu a l . Conventiona l psych i atry a n d med icine have va rious names for it, "Tou rette Synd rome", bei ng one of them . They say th at the ca uses a re u n known and that it may have someth ing to do with ge neti cs . But actua l ly i nvolu ntary tics a re a typica l tra it of 0-30energy and have been classified thousands of yea rs ago ( a long with the remed ies) in fa r-ea stern rel igious l iteratu re, long before the term "Tou rettes Syn d rome" ca me up. Its o n ly a matter of ti me before conventional wisdom catches up. Anyway, that street-spouter has suppressed m is-emotions to an extreme and sinks -- 55 --
Jelow 30, loosing a l l j u risdiction over speech and Ilotor fu ncti ons. Th is is a ra re event, but it 1evertheless wa rns yo u of what one becomes when ::me represses l ife too strongly. A group-exercise that could actua l ly free u p major :Jockets of sha me i nvo lves a d m itti ng what one is asha med of in front of a group in which one feels safe to do so, a g ro u p that is not terri bly j udgementa l . rlowever, people w h o overdo "shame-transformatio n " exe rcises b y d isplaying them i n front o f people w h o d o not want t o see them a re not practici ng l i beration but '"ebellion . If for exa m ple you a re a homosexual and l O U stage you r com i ng -out a m ong you r close friends, after yea rs of secrecy, then you will ascend energy Nise . But if you go i nto adolescent rebe l l ion by dressing u p in p i n k, going to Sunday Service of a ch urch a nd sporti ng you r pen i s i n front of the crowd , you a re not practici ng l i beration but reSista nce/rebel lion, motivated by hatred of those you th ink a re the "oppressors" - i n which case you will descend. So again it is neither about Suppressing nor Expressing ones issue but about Releasing, so that it no longer occu pies ones field of attention . The activity ju st descri bed would do noth i n g to release, it wou l d only i nfla m e others a n d lead t o a never ending spira l of m utua l aggravatio n . I t is especially i m po rtant for Teenagers to be able to d i scern between Liberation and Rebellion . Th e world-self ( Ego) l i kes to p retend it is not responsible for its rea l ity a n d i n stead "oppressed " by some ki nd of "a uthority" and must beco me " l i berated " fro m it. Worki ng with low-energy-Ievels of all kinds req u i res seasoned m i nds, wa rri or-spi rits, toug h love . Rose co loured -glasses, new-age-ism or do-gooder-ism will do noth ing to address a nd a l levi ate l ower levels of consci ousness. The decency of the level-250 person does not prevent the 1 60 dictator from a m i lita ry attack. The " a l l is beautifu l " attitude of the 530- person does noth i ng too address the h a rsh rea l ities of the 0-- 56 --
1 2 0 person . The "rea lity is a n i l l usion" of the 650person does noth i n g to help the 80 person get e m p l oyement. For who is rea l ity a n i l l usion? Its a n i l l usion for the consci ousness fi lled with 650-level energy but it certa i n ly is not for those below. I n rel ationsh i ps, problems tend to a rise where too m a ny secrets a re kept in da rk, cl osed -off parts of oneself. Th is most com mo n ly rega rds fa nta sies a bout other men and women but can a lso refer to not tel l i n g you r spouse a bout i m porta nt aspects o f you r past, you r fa m i ly, your situation . Th is is ra rely done out of respect of othe rs (thou g h some secrets or "wh ite l ies" certa i n ly a re of h ig her i n tention than shame) . M a ny long for a relationsh i p when they a re single and then long for "freedo m " when they a re in a relati onsh i p . Th is comes from t h e unwi l l i ng ness t o b e content a n d ha ppy with-what-is, here-and -now. I f too m a ny such secret desi res accu m u late, one beg i n s to d rift downwa rd s . M ost of these desires would q u ickly become u ndesi ra ble if they were rea d i ly ava i l a b l e . So how you ca n fi nd out whether a des i re is someth i n g you r h i g her-self l o n g s for or merely a nother affi rmation of lack by the worl d-self is to i m a g i n e a l ready having it i n a bu n d a nce . I f h a v i n g it i n a b u n d a nce q u ickly gets boring or even a n n oying, i t i s not a g o a l o f the h e a rt a n d ca n b e d ism issed . I a m not reco m m e n d i n g that you tel l you r spouse you a re i nterested in someone else every time the thought stri kes you r fa ncy. But not even being a b le to joke a bout such options at a l l a n d ever, is what eventu a l ly leads to a break of trust and com m u n i cation turn i ng sta l e . Two people who l ove each oth er need not h ave a long l ist of Ta boo-topics they a re not a l lowed to enterta i n . Expressing them does not mea n you w i l l act on them . Suppressi ng them m a kes it more l i kely that one w i l l act on them - in secret. Fol lowed by shame. If you fi nd you rself u n w i l l i n g to express certa i n th i n gs to you r partner, the least you ca n do is a d m it them towa rds yourself fu l l y. This will lessen the emotio n a l -- 57 --
cha rge a n d free u p some energy that had been wa sted by keep i n g secrets . Keeping secrets does cost a lot of energy. And it is based on the m i sta ken bel ief that it is even possi ble to keep secrets. Eve ry single thought one th i n ks is recorded forever i n Infi n i ty a nd accessible by anyo ne at a nyti m e . I n rea l ity there a re no secrets . There a re only things that a ppea r to be "secret" beca use one fi lters them out of perception . As a ru le of the th u m b , if th ings sta rt getti n g too seri ous, too heavy i n you r su rrou ndings it is beca use people are being less a nd less open . J oy a nd H u mor flow if that which is norma lly resisted ca n be relaxed a n d open ly seen for w h a t it is - m uch ado a bout noth ing . The fol l owing is a l i st of q u estions a therapist m i g h t ask i n order t o access pockets of s h a m e . I f you wa nt, you ca n create you r own l ist of items with your answers to these q uestions. O n ce felt, you ca n release the energy by welco m i n g it, fee l i n g it fu l l y and then letting go of you r focus on the out- breathe. Do not spend too m uch ti me focussed on this level but just enough to feel-yo u r-way-th rough the bottled u p sha m e . Processing each item o n your l ist is a m atter of 30- 1 20 seconds. If you a l l ow energy to flow th roug h th e body u n restri cted , it w i l l d i sso lve a n d free u p some pockets . When dea l i ng with 0-30 energy m uscles someti mes contract. Someti mes Goosebumps a re involved . In order to release, relax and open u p . Let the un pleasant vibe move throu g h - that is the o n ly way it w i l l move out. If you prefer not to create a l ist and m a ke an exercise out of th is, then you ca n handle pockets of shame a n d g u i lt as they arise. Someth ing comes u p, a n d yo u process it as it comes u p . Th e w h o l e idea o f t h i s sca le is a l so t o g a i n flex i b i l ity i n terms o f sh ifti ng states rather t h a n being h a b itua l ly stuck i n the sa me state a l l the time. " H i g her vi be" people have no problem or fea r of tem pora rily d iving lower. It's the re l u cta n ce or fea r of lower vi brations that g ive them the i r power. Deli berately going l ow is very d ifferent tha n i n advertently fa l l i ng i nto it. Please -- 58 --
note that the respective questions i n each level a re exa m ples . Ad d you r own if you feel l i ke it. What a re you asha med of a bout you rself? What a re you ashamed a bout concern i n g you r body? What do you wish you wou l d n 't have done? What a re you very emba rrassed a bout? What ca n you not forg ive you rself for? What a re you trying to h ide? What is your m ost evi l, i nsa ne or nig htm a rish thoug ht/ vision? What h ave you a l ways wa nted to do but been ashamed to do it? Who hates you ? W h y is life evi l ? Do you have fa ntasies o r n ig htmares i nvolving deca pacitati ng or tortu ri ng people or a n i ma ls? Do you have n i g htmarish visions reg a rding b lood, gore, d i seases, insects, viruses, b ruta l ity? The last two q u estions a d d ress pa rts below shame (020). If those open someth ing u p that is "too m uch" for you to ha ndle rig ht now, igno re th em . They w i l l natura l ly clea r u p a s you r level o f co nsciousn ess ri ses . Most often such levels a re processed while you a re sleep i n g . The pu rpose of ni ghtmares is to clean u p energy- levels too pa i nfu l t o confront i n wa ki ng l ife . S o just i n case you wondered w h y you had a d ream in which yo u chopped off peoples heads, it may have someth i n g to do with a n increase i n consciousness. I n one of my " money-se m i n a rs" I had a student who conti n u a l ly fa i led at m a king a n y money. By mere coi n cidence I fou nd out that he does not have a bank accou n t ! "Why don't you have a b a n k-accou nt?" I asked . " I 'm a l ready 29 yea rs old a n d I a m em ba rrassed b y the fact that at th is a g e I sti l l don't have a bank account a n d don't know how to operate one. So I am asha med of going into the ba n k and revea l i n g that a bout myself" So h i s shame of not -- 59 --
-aving a b a n k-accou nt.. .was perpetuati ng h i s not �aving a ba n k-acco u nt ! . (Yo u 'd be a mazed at the stra nge problems people create when they harbour :lockets of l ow energy) .
�ckets of shame a re one of the m a i n causes of :love rty. I n 1 9 74 the Portug uese left the state of �ngola a n d gave back the l a n d to its people. �m azing ly, the bu i l d i ngs, ca rs, facil ities a n d luxury l eft ::>ehind were not touched by the i ndigenous i nha b ita nts :Jf Ang ola for years ! I nstead they remai ned i n their slums, a lthough m i l l ions of Portug uese had a ba ndoned :heir riches for good . Why? Beca use they were ashamed to ta ke it. Although the Portuguese had Doted, ra ped , explo ited a n d pil laged thei r cou ntry for 1undreds of yea rs, the i n digenous had not ascended to :he level of Revenge ( 1 60) . That's why, if you see angry, rioting or looti ng crowds i n Afri ca , u ndersta nd that you a re, i n most cases, seeing a n a wakening, not a downfa l l . U nfortun ately, when riots beg i n , m i l ita ry '=orces usu a l l y a rrive to shoot the populace right back O nto subm ission and a pathy. That is the tragedy of lower states : They a re in a vicious cycle from which one ra rely emerges without proper schooling on how energy works. One pa rt of prosperity i nvolves giving gen erously. But the other side of the coi n (and you need both sides in order to own the coi n ) involves being w i l l i n g to receive a nd take. The supposed pol iteness many d isplay in rega rds to receiving/ta king is a fa lse one based on indoctrinated pockets of sh a m e . As for the g uy w h o w a s too ashamed to o p e n a b a n k account: At l u nch brea k I went outside with h i m , a n d sa id w e were g o i n g for a wa l k . I took h i m stra i g ht to the bank and told h i m that th is is h i s cha n ce to b reak through a part of h i s poverty-cycle . He was terrified . And h i m being terrified was good beca use it meant :hat on this subject he had ascended fro m Shame (30) -- 60 --
to Fea r ( 1 00) . H e went throug h with it. The s i m ple proced u re of opening a bank-account cha nged his l ife . As rid i cu lous as many readers think it is to be asha med of going to a bank, th is one sma l l exa m p l e h o l d s a key for a l l t h e poor a n d needy and for a l l third world- nations. The a pathy i n Africa is conn ected to dehyd ration, lack of water and the sun beati ng down relentlessly. The cli mate is somewhat i nappropriate for the h u m a n -body. Groups of sou ls who i nca rnate as Afri ca ns know this a nd choose to do so to go th rough a n u m ber of ka rm i c lesson s . The preva lent energy- l evel of Africa was attractive to Col o n i a l ists ( l evel 1 70) who cou l d o n ly gain more en ergy by push ing others down, enslaving them . Wa r, use of weapons a n d genocide a re a level 1 60 "awa ke n i ng " wh ich ra pid ly move a n entire nation out of apathy. Of course there a re more co nstructive ways to express ra ge and a nger tha n ki l l ing people, methods that have yet to be learned. And the way wars a re waged in Africa they do noth i ng to a l low the nations to ascend, but provide o n ly that "te m pora ry rush". If you 're i n deep, chronic apathy and have been for decades, h o l d i ng a g u n is the hig hest of rushes. Before that you were nobody, suddenly yo u a re somebody. To intensify you r u n dersta n d i n g of its menta lity, here's a level -20 joke : What's better tha n ten babies i n one bucket? Answer: One baby in ten buckets . Many peoples bod ies go wea k when heari ng jokes l i ke this . . . even if they l a u g h . You r body going wea k is a n i nd icator o f l o w energy level . Fortu nately t h e bod ies of most people recu perate only seconds after hearing such a joke . It is the consta nt bomba rd ment with l ow energy (such as l ow-energy-enterta in ment) that eventu a l ly coaxes someone i nto descen d i n g . If you laugh or feel enterta i n ed by this type of degraded -- 61 --
energy, parts of you certa i n ly reside here . If you feel fri ghtened by it you reside even lower. If you had no specific i n ner response to the jokes tol d , you a re cu rrently (tod ay) resid i n g somewhere in the m id- upper range. The "sense of h u m our" on th i s energy-gradient ofte n involves slaug hter, m u rder, violent i magery a nd h u m i l iation . If you a re i nterested i n seeing a level 30S O movie, watch "Pulp Fiction" by Quentin Ta ra nti no, which vibrates at just that level . The movie is a l l about humi liating people, merci less a n d i nsa ne violence beyond a ny ca re . It a lso m a kes m u rder look l i ke a n attractive and fu n th ing t o do. The fact that P u l p Fiction was o n e o f t h e most pop u l a r m ovies of a l l time, says a l ot a bout the cu rrent state of mass consciousness. Don't get me wrong, I am not mora l istic towa rds such rea l ities. Th is m ovie has its place a n d in depicti ng th is consciousness-gradient accurately it is a bri l l ia nt work of a rt. It has the potentia l to teach why a so u l m ig ht fi nd it fu nny to descend to such l ows. I offer no j udgemental rel igious viewpoint. But neither a m I naively buying into the rea l ity it sel l s but rem a i n d iscern ing enough to know what too m uch of this type of enterta i n ment w i l l do to my overa l l energy-field . A few yea rs ago, parents asked me to help the m with their teenager whose school g rades had d ropped a nd who was behaving erratica lly. At fi rst I told them Id prefer not to work with their son but with the them, that they should leave their chi ld a lone and let h i m develop on h i s own accord . I h a d misperceived the situation however, beca use to " l eave the kid a l one" is the right method if that kid is i n the 1 00s, but not the appropri ate method for a kid d rown ing i n level-3D energy. After lea rn i ng that he pl ayed video-ga mes most of the time, I asked h i m to show me "the most twisted game" he has, acti ng as if I'm just as enth usiastic as he was a bout it. He showed me a �game" which i n vo lves ki l l i n g blacks, homosexu als and -- 62 --
pol i ce officers, chopping u p their body pa rts and then u ri n ating on them . At that moment I was aware that I a m dea li ng with below- 1 0 0 rea l ms and no coe rcion or ed ucation wo u ld change h is attitude. Below- 1 00s a re good at justification . "Its only a video-g a m e . Its not l i ke I wa n n a do that for rea l . And someti mes it just feels good to shoot a nigger". And : " Noth i n g is good or bad . If I use it to vent so that I don't do it i n rea l l ife, then its someth i n g good ! ". The a b use of relativity or m ista king d i scern ment with judgement is a h a l l ma rk of lower consciousness . My approach was not to address h i m d i rectly, but i nstead to address his parents . I asked th em to i m pl ement m usic, paintings, behaviour and places of h igher energy. I tol d them that if they would spread higher-vi bes in their household, the i r son wou ld eventua l ly loose i nterest in low-level -activities. It is true that violent movies and ga mes ca n be used to "vent" and expe rience a tem pora ry release . However, conti n ued use o f such med ia leads t o the exa ct opposite . Th is is beca use what you focus on long enough , you become. Sure enoug h , without havi n g to say a word to the i r son, without condem n i n g or punishing h is behaviour, they succeeded i n ra ising the households energy-field, by wh ich the son eventu a l ly lost i nterest i n the games a n d rose to a sta ble 1 60 (an ger) - a state from wh ich fu rther meas u res to rise to 1 9 0 (pride) cou ld be taken . Knowledge of energy states a l lows one to i m plement hea l i n g without even having to address "causes " or work on the subject specifically. It is not so m uch that violent video-ga mes
"cause" vio lence . Th ey a re merely a reflection or a n aspect of overa l l l ow-energy fields. Th ey a re a p rop, a symptom, not a cause. Every level of en ergy has its own spiritu a l ity, even 01 0 0 . For a good sa m p l i n g of th is levels spiritua lity look at what happens in Tri b a l i st Possession - Rituals. The eyes of the possessed role up into their head, leaving the eye-sockets com pletely a nd the person in a state of Zom b ification . Watch their dance as they bathe i n -- 63 --
dirt a n d m ud a nd l i sten to the yel p i n g of the astra l entities that h ave ta ken control a nd a re ecstatic to have the chance to rise u p to level 30 tem pora ri ly. Pol itica lly correct new-agers w i l l i nsist that they a re "not demon ica l ly possessed but merely experie ncing a state of tra nce as they go to h i g her a nd h igher leve ls of consciousness" but th is is j ust nonsense as the Practitioners themse l ves w i l l tel l you with a g leefu l l y wicked laug h . I t is no coincidence that a reas that practice this type of "Spiritu a l ity" have some of the highest m u rder rates in the world . That is a n expected side-effect of accessing l ower-astra l rea l m s . Why? Beca use the more i n sa ne one is in hell, the h i gher one rises in the h iera rchy. sure Ch ristians w i l l be very i nterested to hear that seem to be confi rm i n g some of their bel i efs . But contra ry to those beliefs, I don't actua l ly see that levels 0-30 have any power over th ose a bove 1 70 . They a re weak a n d n oth ing to b e para noid a bout (un l ess you i nvite such energ ies i nto you r l ife through susta i ned effort) . And contra ry to Ch risti a n bel ief I don't bel i eve there is "one hel l " a n d "etern a l da m nation". There a re a n i nfi n ite n u m ber o f levels o n th e Thermometer. I have experienced m i n us-levels and if you th i n k levels 0-30 a re horrifying, you ain 't seen nothing yet. " Etern a l Dam nation" and "going to hel l forever" is actua l ly a m isi nterpretation . At a n ultra-dense level o f a round m i n u s 3 0 0 suffering a n d despa i r become o bject- less, spaceless a n d timeless . One enters a ti meless and pitch -black d i mension of sufferi n g . And i n th is D i m ension hell a ppea rs as if its forever, eterna l , with no hope of ever return ing to relief. So it is not that Dam nation is "forever" but that this level of energy is in a doma i n outside of l i nea r, earthly ti m e . I'm
End i ng u p i n such rea lms is a ra re occu rrence for "' u ma ns. The l i keli hood of you ending up there, is -- 64 --
actu a l ly at around 0% (despite fea r- m ongeri n g re l i g i o us-figures te l l i n g y o u oth erwise ) . So lets move on to levels more releva nt to h u m a n ity. 30 G u i lt, H u m i l iation, H atred
Th is is p a rt of the sa me energy-field as 0-30 but a s l i g ht step rem oved . I n it I feel g u i lty a nd a m consta ntly trying to m a ke a m ends towa rd others, putti ng myself l ower than the m , trying to h ide m i sta kes and reciprocate for my errors or fa ncied errors . M y rea l ity revolves around pun ish me nt, being pun ished, punishing others, self-punishment. Spen d i n g too m uch ti me o n th i s level cou l d l e a d t o cheati ng, stea l i ng a n d l a rger cri mes i n a n atte m pt to confi rm the g u i lt and ci rcu mvent "the system " I am hiding from . Hea l ing p roves d ifficult on ch ron ic below- 1 00 levels. Provid i n g sta b i l ity a n d secu rity is essential for its recove ry. Forg iving people who reside here i s essenti a l . Som e hea l i ng is achieved i n m a ki n g a mends for ones perceived tra nsg ressions rather th a n "trying to". Once a m ends a re m a de it is necessa ry to let go and no longer berate oneself for bad deeds done. Rea l a mends a re made once, not a g a i n a n d agai n . You d o not a l low society t o enslave you just beca use wrong has been done. To get an i m pression of th is level, imagine someone knee l i n g in front of you cryi n g , desperately c l i n g i n g to you r legs, beg g i n g forgiveness. I n Hollywood - M ovies th is is the person who is just a bout to get shot. Th is is a begga rly state, bereft of any Pri de ( 1 90 ) . The best way to h a nd le these people is to i ndeed forg ive a n d offer some assista n ce . A good exa m ple o f the sta ges o f m a king a mends ca n be seen i n the va rious l evels of attitude of Germans towa rds J ews a n d Isra e l . For 50 years it was a p p ropriate to m a ke a m ends for the m ass-g enocide -- 65 --
ca used by Nazi -Germa ny. M a ki n g amends was a mea ns of b a l ancing the energy back to its natura l state, paying ka rm ic debt. These a mends were mostly fi na nci a l but they cou l d have been in the form of hel p to resolve the Isra e l i - Pa l esti n i a n crisis a s wel l . N ow, 50 years l ater, some feel that Germa ny has made enough amends. Some a re sti l l i n shame and feel that every time the Holoca ust comes u p a s a topic. Those who have released m ove u p to anger ( 1 60) a n d criti cise Israel for conti n u i ng to ask money. Those who get stuck on 1 60 - 1 99 beco m e what is termed anti Sem ites . M ost however have a l ready moved u p to 200, 300 and are no longer preoccupied with the su bject. They view a l l cultures and l ifeforms beyond ·superior" and " i nferior" l a bels. H u m i l i ation i s a n ind icato r of 30-50 vibe. Both the H u m i l iato r a nd the begga rly victim of H u m i l iation reside on th is leve l . Some of the "recreation a l " a n d ·Ieisure" a ctivities on th is level a re d o g fig hti n g , animal tortu re, org a n ized d rug traffi cki ng, traffi cki ng underaged women for prostitutio n . It is the barb a ric mindset of H u ns and Mongols going across the l a nds staug htering everyth ing i n sig ht, the m indset of the ·Catholic" Inq uisition, the m i ndset of suicide bombers and "Islamic"-J ihad terrorists one can not reason with .
get a feel for the overa l l a m bience a n d arch itectu re the 30s-50s, i m agine Josef- Mengeles La boratori es. Or a tortu re cham ber beneath Bag hda d . Or a meth -Iab in some Detroit suburb . If you rea l ly want to "d ive into" th i s vi be visit the inner-city neig hbourhoods of troubled a reas. Places below the poverty l i ne, below apathy. Places of Disease and Decay. Places i n wh ich you can get ki l led by the mere sti ng of a fly. I do not recom mend you vacation at any of these places u n less you a re a saint ( 5 70) or hig her. If you do, get a vaccine (200) or ta ke a g u n (200 ) . To of
-- 66 --
SO Apathy, Hopelessness, Depression,
In th is state g rey a n d bleak I have no interests, no d rive, no i m p u lse, no reacti on, no responsi b i l ity, no hope, no perspective, no goa ls, no love, no feel ings. Key-word s : Jaded . Blu nt. Indifferent. Mea n i ng l ess. I nert. Leth arg i c . Heavy. No d rive to a ct. Th is person has actually a l ready g iven u p . If in desperation she was wa i l ing a n d crying a n d shouti ng a ro u n d , she i s passed that n ow . . . she is below that now. She hard ly ta l ks and h a rd l y l istens. Her cloth i ng , h e r car, h e r a p a rtment and her belong i ngs a re in a state of neglect. The type of i n d ifference d isplayed here is a negative i n d ifference, as opposed to the positive i ndiffere nce of equ a n i m ity seen on h ig her levels. Typica l p h rases you will hear frequently are "I ca n 't" "It's just not possi ble" "I don't ca re", "I don't g ive a da m n " "Who cares? " "Noth i n g matters" "It doesn't matter" "Its dead" "Dea d " is used in contexts such as "the economy is dead ", "stop beati ng a dead horse", "my car d ied", "I m i ssed the dea d l i ne", "that person is dead i n my eyes". There wi l l be m a ny referra ls to th ings be i n g over, hopeless, done, u n redeem a b l e . Someti mes t h e chro n i c 50 energy tries to pass off h is apathy as "co ntentment" or "eq ua n i m ity". Some a ctu a l l y fa l l for this cha rade. But e q u a n i m ity is a peacefu l and positive state, wh ile the disi nterest of the a pathetic person is negative a n d i nvolvi ng words such as "going down h i l l " and "down the d ra i n " and " it's a l l fa l l i ng to pieces" a n d whatnot. Lea rn ing t h e levels of consciousness you w i l l soon notice the d ifference . -- 67 --
I l i ke to te l l the story of a n "ascended master" I witnessed who was on the a pathy-plhane. H i s apathetic students thought he was enlightened, but va rious cl ues gave h i m away. When sitting a ro u nd in "peace a nd s i l ence", that peace was heavy, not meditative . The eyes were d u l l not sh i n i n g . Cockroaches were crawl i n g a round the wa l l s o f h i s "ash ra m ". Where a n e n l ig htened master m i ght spea k of Oneness i n a soft, vibra nt VOice, referri ng to the un ity of the diversity of a l l Bein g , this one said "We're a l l the sa m e . Noth i n g matters" fol l owed by a smokers cou g h . H i s crowd never sm i led . My suspicions were confi rmed when ta l ki ng to one of h i s students. "So how long have you been at th is place?" " U h , wel l , I don't know". I Don 't Kno w a nd I cant, spoken i n slow and slurred speech a re the l ife- m ottos of the 50energy. "What is time, after all?" the guy added . From his depressed tone you could tel l he was not referri ng the state of Timeless Bliss at level 600. "I g uess its about 3 yea rs now" he fi n a l ly added . "Wow, that's a long ti m e . So what h ave you been doing the last th ree yea rs?" I i n q u i red . Th e g uys eyes were dead . N o spark of hope or joy in them . It just so ha ppened that he had no rea l concept of doing, m a ki n g h is state a perfect cou nterfeit of levels 600+ .These people had retreated from the worl d ; they d i d not a ppear to be interested i n anything. They had stopped learn i n g , stopped q uestion i n g , stopped worki ng long ago. M ost of the times they l i e around i n shabby wood- bed rooms l i sten i n g to tapes of the "master" sq u a b b l i n g inane "truths". Th e other ti mes they wo u ld s i t in the -masters g a rden" l i ke pensioners ready to croa k. I could have g uessed their 50-ish rea l ity from the broch u res ha nded to me two blocks down the street. The a rtwork was cheesy, featu ri ng the head of the -ascended master" l ooking l i ke a cheap i m itation of Jesus, and a bleachy-yel l ow ri ng a ro u nd his hea d . Th is is all q uite a mazing a n d I mention it here beca use one ca n ta ke spiritua l truths and indeed d rag them all the Nay down to lower l evels. One ca n pretend to be -- 68 --
someth i n g one is not. Th is is not unco m m on at level 50 beca use a pathy disgu ises emotions. The tra g i c wai l i n g o f a level 80-g rief person cou l d never be m istaken for a cal m spiritual teacher, b u t level 50 cou l d p u l l it off. Counse l , Thera py o r Coaching often prove futi le for th e chro n ic 50 state . Touch may help, but they don't want to be touched . Picture the teenager experiencing a bout of a pathy, l ocki ng herself i nto her room and p u l l i ng down the shades. Mom goes i n to console her a n d offer assista n ce but she shrieks away. " Do n 't touch m e ! ". Its d ifficu lt to stay in apathy when l oving touch i s appl ied . But to them that to uch does not feel l i ke love, it feels l i ke someth ing desp icable - i nsects crawl i ng up ones ski n . Conta ct to the outside world wou l d help but they do not want to meet a nyo ne (except for those cultists just mentioned who would be ha ppy for someone to join them i n their bland form of silent sufferi n g ) . Sunsh i n e wou l d help, but they prefer da rkened rooms. Clea n i n g wo uld help but they cant sum mon the energy to clean u p their su rrou n d i n gs. Trash b u i lds up. Don't con de m n them fo r it. Trying to clean up on level 50 feels l i ke an i m possibly h uge task. The whole body is heavy, head blurry and the m i n d thick. S i m ple tasks, s u c h a s ta king o u t trash feels l i ke having to wa l k th rough a dense swa m p fu l l of snakes. A swa m p that ca n suck you down if you move too m uch. Con necti ng them to the i r suppressed sa d ness (80) wou l d be helpfu l . . . but havi ng a l ready given up they m i g ht not respon d . Are you fee l i n g how almost hopeless it is to help the hopeless? "What?" is a response the ch ro n ic 50 w i l l often voice; menta l p rocessi ng is sl ower. If you know a person who consta ntly feels the need to over-explain and over em phasize th i ngs as if yo u 're stu pid, you know this person has been spen d i n g a lot of ti me trying to ta l k to 50-ish- menta l ities.
-- 69 --
Th ose who spend too m uch ti me here w i l l soon fi nd themselves l oosi n g their jobs a nd maybe even th e i r homes. QUite a n u m ber o f homeless people vibrate at this frequency. Look i nto their eyes and notice how they have lost hope . The u n iverse is actu ally so abund a nt with energy that its extremely h a rd to get down to that level of sq ualor. I n th is stra nge sense one cou l d say that these people are very strong souls, considering they can resist the steady strea m of abundance flowing throughout. These pla nes often crave for h a rd d rugs and h a rd alcohol for te mpora ry rel ief on the sca le. You can imagine the severe heaviness of his rea l ity if whiskey offe red " relief, at last!" The only th ing whiskey does to levels a b ove 200 is - create heavi ness ! Drug addiction comes a bout if one sta rts believing that th is is the o n ly way to experience relief a n d that rea l ity is indeed as blea k as perceived . The Kind-Hea rted who attem pt to donate money to a 50s-reg ion be warned. An energy-field can not attract anyth ing d ifferent than what it is. I once created a package of school-materi a l worth $5000 Dollars to send to a newly b u i l t school i n Sierra Lon e . I was excited about the p rospect of helping a school in a war-torn reg ion where c h i l d ren a re more l i kely to handle a machine-gun than a pen. My package never arrived at its desti nation . Frustrated at the loss but not giving up, I prepa red a nother package of s i m i la r va l ue, this time using a speci a l courier service to m a ke very sure it a rrives at the schoo l . The package did a rrive safely, the resident teacher was g ratefu l for the gift but then the enti rety of the materi a l - pens paper, pictu re books, crayons - was stolen out of the school build ing . It b roke my hea rt. Sen d i n g goods or money to a 50-energy is l i ke throwing it into a fireplace . The desperation of the 70s energy i s so intense that he w i l l do anyth i n g not t o fa l l t o 50 a n d below. Theft of "'"1aterial goods keeps h i m from sinki n g l ower. So its -- 70 --
n ot that th ese cri m inals a re "bad" or "evi l " or "hea rtless" - we wou l d probably do the very sa me th ings i n order to avoid the living hell below 70. S ierra Lone is ravaged by hoards of 70s. I fi n a l l y got wise a n d i nstead donated money to a g roup of soci a l l y conscious a n d active rap m usic a rtists there. They wou l d know best what to do with it. One reason a pathy often stays in a pathy is beca use feelings such as deep g rief (80) a n d rage ( 1 55 ) ap pear more pai nfu l tha n it - a lthough they a re higher states. You 're on 50 and rise to 1 66 by going into mad rage . . . b u t this is pushed back down beca use of its supposed i n a ppropriateness a nd beca use violence causes harm to others . Some cou ntries cu rrently reside i n 50s energy as a whole. These req u i re specia l dipl omatic ca re beca use, once they rise to 1 60 they wi l l become dangerous to the rest of society. In their ra ge they w i l l want t o attack other nations. S o rather th an push i n g them back into u n movi ng resig n ation, a g reat a m o u nt of d i p l o macy i n face of their a nger is i n order. Otherwise they go from a nger back to a pathy rou n d a n d rou n d without t h e col lective hea l i ng process being completed . The type of diplom acy req u i red is one that is at least rud i m enta ri ly awa re of different levels of understa n d i n g , different levels of va l u e . Th e reason why d i plomacy fa ils more often than not is because of i g nora n ce of the va rious real ity- levels. Th e best exa m ple of leve l - 50 nation is North Korea of the ea rly 2 1 st Centu ry. Here you h ave an entire nation in apathy, i m p risoned by a tota l ita ria n system resid i n g 80 poi nts hig her (fear a nd a nger) . You ca n o n l y ru l e level 50 from levels h ig her tha n i t . A n d in order to m a i nta i n you r rule, you have to invest effort to keep the pop u lace down there . North Koreans a re not a l lowed to travel a b road, do not have proper i nternet access, do n ot learn of other co untries and rea l ities, do not have a choice i n who leads the m , h a rd ly have a ny food . Al l these a re typica l tra its of that energy-field . -- 71 --
.!.n d where you see level 50 you w i l l a lways see a leve l 50- 160 person "lead i n g " the m . 1 60 has no :o mpetence over anyone but those in despa i r. Some sum mon the w i l l power to do someth i n g a bout it, esca pe, to stage a protest or atte nd forb idden �eetings. Then they come u p agai nst 1 00, the fea r of : u n ish ment, which w i l l have some q u ickly shri n k back : ::> 50. Some w i l l confront the i r fea r a nd move beyond :, ta king a ru n th ro u g h the ice-co ld river at a northern Xlrder of Korea u p i nto C h i na . If they a re n ot ca refu l :ney w i l l be ca ught by Chinese a uthorities ( 1 60-240) ::nd sent back - where a bl ood a n d bones prison ca m p :40) awa its the m . O r maybe they w i l l be caught by :h i n ese Mafi a - l i ke ga ngs (80- 1 60) to be exploited a nd 3bused . If they a re l ucky they w i l l be fou n d by a n d "'erded into Churches ru n by Ch ristia n M issionaries : 1 80-320) . If they a re very l ucky the refugees w i l l 3ctually m a ke i t to So uth Korea ( 4 1 0 ) , be l ovingly --ece ived ( 3 50) and even ma nage to open their own sma l l busi ness ( 340) . But 50s-energy being as nsidious a n d sticky as it is, most w i l l be overwhel med ::>y the fea r ( 1 00) before they ever m a ke it that fa r. It is i nteresti ng to observe world pol itics a n d econom ics from t h e energy-perspective . It a lso someti mes d i sconcerting to see the m i sta kes made Nh i l e being aware of how clea n l y th ings cou l d have Jeen hand led with just a l ittle bit of u ndersta n d i n g of :he different realities at hand . :::>
\lorth Koreas th reats of using bom bs, its machismo and fea r-mongeri n g a re typica l of nations trying to ascend from a pathy. Using widespread force ( 1 60) agai nst the cou ntry wou l d not g a i n m uch than si n k them back into a pathy for a few more h u n d red yea rs. Wel l -org a n ized a n d extremely delicate methods of diplomacy a n d international focus wou ld a l l ow North Koreas leadership to ascend to 190 ( Pride, Antagonism) without " loosing fa ce" (a con cern of a l l level 1 60s . . . w h i c h is p recisely w h y they s o often m a ke -- 72 --
fools of themselves, fro m our perspective) . The world m ust understa nd that a 1 60 has no rea l power. .. except in bombs a n d wea pons. But on lower levels than 1 60 not even these bombs work ve ry we l l . The leader of North Korea will not use bombs if a l lowed to ascend to the sweet rel ief of 1 9 0 . To get h i m up there the d i plo matic politician wo u ld do wel l to pra i se the "greatness" of his co untry and the "bri l l ia nce" of h i s m i nd . . . or, if hyperbole is n o t p refe rred, a t least a cknowledge h i s va l i d ity. Th is would cause h i m to swell i n pride a n d loosen u p a bit, ascending to the boredom of a 190 . I n th i s state he wou ld g ive h i s people some leeway and settle a few disputes with neighbo u ri ng South Korea . At level 200 his system would beg i n to cru m ble a n d tu rn i n to a Democracy ( 250-420) a n d em brace various fo rms o f Capita l ism ( 1 60-490) . A word of ca ution : Th e u ndeveloped co u ntry is not " i n a ppropriate" as in som eth i n g to look down on in a n el itist ( 1 90) or racist ( 1 00) way. Life wo rks throu gh contrast. You wou l d not know what you prefer if there was no exa mple of what you do not prefer. Such rea l ities serve as exa m ples for oth ers to exercise their free will a n d be something other than that. Alth ough I keep using the term "l ower levels" th is i s not meant i n a d e n i g rati ng sense . N o rth Korea for exa mple is not "worse" i n a n a bsol ute sense, but sim ply different. Desiring for the whole world to be the sa me or to a g ree to a certa i n (western ) sta n dard is desi ri n g to suppress the diversity a soul longs for. Sta ndard i zation and " m a ki n g everyth i n g the sa me" is counter productive . The sou l celebrates d ifferences, rather than usi ng them to justify hatred . Consider that before you sta rt to "free the world" from lower states as some cu lts a n d politiCians a re trying . The energy that tries to m a ke other cou ntries "the same" is no different tha n the energy-level of North Korea that tries to m a ke its populace "eq u a l " by suppressing i ndividual ity.
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That sa i d , j ust beca use a co u ntry is of a 50 energy field does not mea n that a l l of its people a re . It is very possi ble to rest i n higher levels of energy no matter the envi ron ment. It is a d m itted ly easier to be 200 in a 200 environ ment, but the ski l led can m a i nta in their level of energy anywhere, provided they a re able to retreat i nto natu re for i n sta nce (someth i ng h a rd l y possi ble in a priso n , w h i c h is w h y cultivati ng energy there is even more of a challenge ) . When I travel to cou ntries that a re of sign ifica ntly l ower energy- levels I ca n m a i nta i n my own level easily for about a week. Staying there a ny l onger would result in a slight d rop in my own energy. One exa m p le is Egypt, m a ny parts of which reside i n the 50s (its Govern ment however, happens to be i n the 300s) . My level at that ti me was 350 ( neutra l ity, i nterest, attenti o n ) , so it was sti l l possi ble for m e to get su cked in b y lower fiel ds. H a d I stayed at the bea utifu l 4-sta r beach resort (300) it would have been no problem to m a i nta i n my state but I freq uently ventu red out into the "rea l culture" there . Th e fi rst day was fi ne, b u t after awhile the heat sta rted getting to me and I performed no practice to keep my state u p . Soon I sta rted getti n g i rate with the Ara bs . Getting i rate about other cultures is 1 90-ish behaviour. The more I complai ned about them, the more I synced in to 190 which is the fi rst level i n which l ess energy i s ava i la b le to move u pwards. 190 bri ngs with it exhaustion, frustration, d iscontent. I started eati ng out at level 1 90 resta u ra nts such as Burger King - which serve to m a g n ify the 190-energy. Al l this eventually turned i nto 1 60 (anger) . I was consta ntly su rrou nded by people beg g i n g me for money a n d the a nger was mounti n g . A week later I bega n having fa ntasies of going to town a nd purchasing d rugs, someth i n g presu mably forbidden i n the Isla m i c country. Th is was a clea r i n d icator that I was beg i n n in g to m ove to the v i b ratory l evel of 1 2 5 which would seek a higher state with d rugs o r sex. Th is was fasci nati ng to me beca use back home I had never been interested i n drugs. But surrou nded by 50-- 74 --
ish apathy, level 1 2 5 ( l ust, craving, need i n ess) sudden ly beca me a ppea l i n g . I caught myself before I went to town seeking "fu lfi l ment" a n d retreated back to the beach hotel to get some rest. The "fu lfi l ment" one gets from 1 25-stages is never satisfyi n g . Lyi n g at the beach, my state q u ickly went back up to 200 (boredom) and 275 ( a ctivity) and 350 ( learn i ng , interest, com m u n ication ) a n d I wondered h o w I co uld ever s i n k down to that level of frustration . Then, before ventu ri n g out into Egypt again I made sure to plan to visit places of h ig h energy. The Pyra m ids, 5 3 0 . A mosq ue decorated b y a mazing a rtwork, 5 0 5 . The beach at sunrise, accompan ied by the morn i ng cha nts of the M u sl i m , 520. So yes, even in cou ntries of lower vibration there a re plenty opportu n ities to fi nd sacredness a n d bea uty. In the 50s the senses a re d u l led which is why the enterta i n ment soug ht must be extreme without req u i ri n g any menta l work from the person involved . Music is genera l ly not a ppreci ated . And if a ny sort of music generates a n emotional response it wo uld have to be very loud, h a rd , d isto rted . " M usic" styles such as " Death Meta l " or ultra - h a rdcore-techno come to m i n d . I n a pathy not even the most g ruesome blood-and gore movies evoke m uch of a response. "That a i n 't no horror-fl ick. I 've seen worse " wou l d be the typica l no hum comment. Of cou rse horro r-m ovies a re sought in order to ra ise the level to 1 00 (fear) but ra ising the apathy person is a l ways a bit of a cha l lenge, no matter how b ruta l th i n gs get. O n ly the m ost vile i m a g es m i g ht g a rner a reaction . . . but those i mages wou l d not be com i ng from 1 00 (fear) but from 30 ( h u m i liation, hatred ) to 20 (demon ic) . Th is is actu a l l y where the "secret" of school-shooti ngs and a mok-runs lies. The boy is overwhelmed with fea r. Suppressing it he moves down to a pathy. H e tries to get out of a pathy by playing u ltra -violent video-g a m es a l l day, which move h i m d own to 30, a place in which -- 75 --
he beco mes susce ptible to entity-possession . Once the entity has ta ken over it ca n go out and conduct a ki l l ing -spree using the energy of its host ( a level 1 0 entity a lone would not b e ca pable o f going on a k i l l i n g spree without some level 30- 1 60 j u i ce from t h e h u m a n host) . It's o d d t o observe h ow neither pol ice officers nor ed u cators seem to have a clue a bout how such shooti ngs happen, let a l one be able to prevent them . Outlawing violent ga mes would not prevent the m . Violent g a mes a re not the cause b u t a n ind icator of ones en ergy-leve l . The cause is the general energy field. And descent i nto that energy-field beg ins, when a person goes out of com m u n ication with h i s environ ment. If there is a teen that goes for m onths without ta lking m u ch , without m uch eye-conta ct to pa rents and schooltea chers, it wou l d be h i g h time to have a chat with h i m . There a re m a ny d ifferent ki nds o f 50s q u a l ities a n d to someone unfa m i l i a r with rea d i n g the energ ies, many of these people and places will seem to be entirely unrelated . What does the fa ke-g u ru have to do with the death- meta l-fa n or the beggar? It is an i n ner level of fee l i n g , or in the case of 50, non-feeling. And there are those where you wou ld h a rd l y recog n ize it by su rface a p pea ra n ces . Don't judge a book by its cover. I myself have spent some time, sometimes entire weeks, i n a pathy (oth erwise I m ight not be able to recog n ize it i n others - it ta kes one to know one ! ) . Luckily I a m a good actor so nobody could rea l ly tel l . I masked it. Th is was a phase i n my l ife when I thought I had a l ready achieved everyth ing one can achieve . That was followed by the bel ief that there is noth ing more to do. Rather than tra nscending the state I slowly, h a rd ly noticea bly fel l down into a pathy. It started by com p l a i n i n g a bout the world, viewing everyone as dumb ( 1 70 ) . Then it went down to sadness of nobody understa n d i n g me (80) a n d fi n a l l y I "settled " into 5 0 . I was i n den i a l of it myself for some -- 76 --
ti m e . I would not answer e m a i l s fro m potential customers. I wou l d not answer the phone. None of it interested m e . I del u ded myself i nto thinki n g that I had fou n d peace ! But this sort of "peace" is o n ly a sort of ti red ness with life . It is the type of "peace" I got from renti ng severa l videos, ordering pizza and beer a n d then crashing out on the couch the entire weekend, my belly g rowi ng bigger than my d i rty white t-sh i rt. The denial of the state was the main reason I was not getting out. My acti ng -ski l l s were so good that I cou l d cond uct an entire seminar on success in that state . I could only do that once though, energy does not last longer than that on 5 0 . That is a lso why it is easy for me to spot a l i a r it takes one to kno w one. It is h u mans inherent i n nocence that m a kes them easy prey for con- men . H u m a n s a re na'ive a n d ca n be made to believe a l m ost a nyth i n g . But even if their m i nds d id not know, the soul always kno ws. The sou l feels. Th ere is no poi nt in hiding a nyth i n g from the sou l . -
M y own p hase of a pathy lasted for about half a yea r before I went th rough a pai nfu l process of moving back u p to my native state . I had betrayed myself and others d u ring that time a n d d id my best to m a ke a mends towa rds th ose I had betrayed . Bei ng accounta ble for my thoug hts and actions there is no need for forg iveness from outside so u rces, nor a re other peop les judgements of any i m porta nce. Energy itself "j u dges" me as I get back what I put out. I n this sense "Judgement Day" is every day. Getti ng i nto an i nd ig na nt fit about the wrongs of other people and society is merely a n a rcissistic g a me one plays with oneself at the energy-level of 1 6 0 . I h a d never been i n such a l ow state i n waking l ife, but looking back I m ust say it was worth what I lea rned . Without h aving experienced near-hell myse lf I'd be b l i n d to it, u nable to detect fa ke-enlightenment, una ble to help others move u pward fro m depression -- 77 --
and wou l d not even know that merely clea ning up ones surro u n d i n g s ca n b re a k u p pockets of apathy. One way to heal 50s energy is to address suppressed sad ness . Get a person who has "given u p " to cry and you have hel ped him a g reat dea l . Tou ch is helpfu l . Spending ti me outd oors i s good . Trees, leaves, g rass, green , s u n , wate r, ocea n , beach a l l have beneficial effects on someone stu ck i n 50s, provided the c l imate is moderate . Tropica l a nd Su btropical climates a nd a ri d dese rts where the sun beats down ruthlessly a l l day, are not benefici a l in hea l i n g a pathy. Arid ness fa ci l itates a below 200 energy-field, as do creatu res such as dea dly spiders, deadly sna kes, etc . Societi es glamorization of "tropica l parad i se" is j u st that, a glamori zation of what is not necessa ri ly so. Ad d ressi ng ones fea rs ( 1 00 ) , cravi ngs and needs is helpfu l for liberation from the 50s-90s. In fact, g et the a pathy person to desire someth i n g , anyth ing at a l l, and you have l i berated h i m . The Television set is the m a i n tool that has elevated B i l l ions up to the 200s. Clea n i n g u p your l iving space w i l l get you o u t o f pockets of a pathy; not clea n i n g up i s in and of itse lf d ue to a pathy. The attention a nd care of doctors is a lso helpfu l . Some become sick for no other reason tha n desperately need i n g some attention . Some d ie of loneli ness ( 1 1 5 ) . Those who want to move out pockets of a pathy more rapidly can a pply some d i scipl i ne, such a s d isci pline i n spo rts or physi ca l exercise . Disci pline i n sports is a level 275 tra it. If you can u phold such a d isci p l i n e over longer periods of time, you w i l l have w i ped out m ost of you r below- level- 200 states . N ote that we a re ta l ki n g about those with pockets o f a pathy now. For th ose i n a ch ronic state of a pathy the offe r to do sports is out of the question . Another g ood thi n g for those with pockets of apathy i s to get i n tou ch with the tu rn i ng pOi nts i n you r l ife when you gave u p a few more of you r d rea m s . What :Joi nts i n ti me, what eve nts led you to g ive u p hope? -- 78 --
When did you a l l ow you rself to g ive u p another piece of you rself? What a re the goals and l oves you lost? What m a kes you say "I just don't g i ve a d a m n anymore?" Another good place to look for d issolving pockets of a pathy a re events that ca used shock. If for exa mple you 've had a car accident, you may sti l l have som e frozen - u p thoug ht-fo rm s associated with that experience . I n th is case it is recom mended to rel ive the i ncident from poi n t A (when it bega n) to point B (when it ended ) . You l et the A to B seq uence ru n th ro u g h you r m i n d a few ti mes, a l lowing the emotional cha rge to come u p . You ru n A to B a few m o re ti mes; the repetition desensitizes the whole issue beca use you a re now confronting rather than repressing . Then, once you a re fa i rly "OK" with the s u bject, you a lter the movie . Let it run backwa rds. Let it ru n i n dou ble speed . Add com ica l elements to it. Doing th is ta kes the sti ng out of it, adding some H u mo r. Th is is l i ke putti ng scratches i n to a reco rd so that the record never plays the sa m e way aga i n . While doing th i s m ay seem disrespectfu l to such a n " i m porta nt" event, understa nd that it is the very i m portance a n d gri m seriousness you assi g n to i t that m a kes the tra u m atic event stick to your energy-body for a l ifet i m e . Love and H u mour u n -stick energy and a re especia l ly usefu l when dea l i n g with Tra u m a and Shock. Th e 50s-70s can be met i n a ny profession and wa ke of l ife . The two states a pathy is most often m i staken w ith a re Boredom ( 1 95-2 1 5 ) a n d Peace ( 600 ) . The level of Peace is eas i l y d iscerna ble if you know th is. Level 600 says "Its all the sa me" with a smile of gentleness. Level 200 says "Its a l l the same" with a neutral expression . And level 2 says "Its all the sa me" with a frown . Another ana logy i nvolving a Li mousi n e : Level 5 0 : I don't care a bout that Li mousine Level 1 25 : I desperately want that Limousine -- 79 --
-.eve I -.eve I -.eve I -.eve I
275 : 420 : 500 : 575 :
Lets rent a Li mousine I ride in a Li mousine That Li mousine over there is beautifu l I 'm not i nterested i n Li mousi nes
ne 50 state sees th i ngs, actions, motivati ons etc. "'"lerely as "th ings", as part of the u n chang i n g and ..mcha ngeable envi ronment. Showing a person in 3pathy that one does i ndeed have some sort of :ontrol, free wi l l a n d a b i l ity to m a ke decisions and :noices can be helpfu l . Some q u estions to help you ;jet into the state" in order to release possible pockets . ou may be h a rbouri n g : •
"'hat a re things you don't g ive a d a m n about? "'hat a re things that don't matter at a l l ? Nhy does noth i ng matter? :.s there someth i ng you j ust can't do a nyth ing about? ""hat th ings a re hopeless? .vhy a re you even trying? Nhy is l ife mea n i n g less? Nhy can noth ing be changed ? �so bewa re of apathy maski ng as va rious religious :nd p h i losophical strea m s . India is a good exa m ple :eca use it conta ins the h ig hest a n d the lowest the .... orl d has to offer. There one ca n find both the - i h i l istic and fata l ist ( 50s) as wel l as the devotional : 500s) i n the sa me scri pture or schoo l . One can fi n d "'"lantras th at measu re a t 6 0 a n d those that measu re 3t 600 . One ca n lea rn the Yoga of the 200s or the 'og a of the 700s. "I don't care a bout a nyth ing :>eca use I ca n always m a ke it in the next l ife" - th is 3ttitude is a reci pe for poverty and decay. I n )owntown I n d i a it s m e l l s o f rotten eggs a n d burnt -J bber. " By karma I am accounta ble for what I d o in :his life" - th i s attitude is a recipe for prosperity a nd ;jrowth . In ru ra l India it smells of fresh roses a nd tea . ne same goes for a l l other strea ms of esoteric study, -- 80 --
no m atter what their co u ntry of orig i n . N otice how a book or teacher or p rogra m feels, reg a rd less of how i nteresti ng the words sound or not. Sometimes yo u w i l l fi nd more of va l u e i n someth ing that does not "look good" at fi rst sight than something that supposedly "looks just rig ht". With the exception of some decayed a n d neg lected i n ner-city ghettos, the western world does not feature any l a rger 50s a reas. The u nemployment rate i n the 50s is at 75 percent. From th is one can gather that getti n g employment is a matter of overcoming a pathetic inertia or of movi ng away from a neighbourhood i n which such a n atmosph ere preva i l s . In western society a pathy is usually t h e resu lt o f the bel ief that one has fa iled or that it is pointless to strive for someth ing better. If I had to m a n i p u late yo u i n to a pathy I wou l d fi rst present goals that are way above you r current leve l of energy (practica l ly u n ach ieva ble) and then I wou l d supply tools for goal -ach ievement that don't work properly. No matter how h a rd you try, you 'd a l ways fa l l short of ach ievement. Yea rs of th is wou l d eventu a l l y g round you in deep apathy. The opposite of that is to define sm a l l goals or chunk down you r big goals i nto s m a l l steps, steps that you ca n actually achieve that b u i ld your confidence a n d zest for l ife . Apathy ca n a lso resu lt from sh utti ng off fee l i n g , sh utting off l ove - t h e love o f others, t h e l ove of self. One way to shut off l ove is by rejecti ng it when it is extended, by looking away, by ridicu l i n g it or attempting to inj u re or h u rt the person exte n d i ng that love . Another way is to not let it in by ten sing body m u scles and g ritti ng ones teeth . For a m oment, simply place you r left hand on you r heart- region a n you r ri g ht-hand on you r forehead . Extend tenderness, patience a nd to lerance towa rd yourself. Notice how m uch pressu re you have been -- 81 --
Jutti ng on you rself, p ressure to achieve, pressu re to nave, p ress u re to do, p ressu re to be - a n d relax that for now. Forg ive you rself fo r that. Stop putting pressu re on you rself. I nstead rad iate love a nd understa n d i n g toward you rself. Now that was a level 520 exercise . When h a n d l i n g apathy o n e either a pproaches i t from t h e adjo i n i ng levels 70- 100 or one goes a l l the way up to 520 beca use no power less than l ove is able to have a ny effect on the very- l ow-energy. The power of love, wh ich beg i n s at a round 500 does have the ca pacity to break through 70% of a l l if your " p roblems", the power of consciousness easily ta kes ca re of 85% of a l l of you r "problems" a nd the power of Divin ity ta kes ca re of 1 00 % of a l l of ones "prob lems" . 80 Sorrow, G rief, Self- Pity, Depression, Pity
person chron i ca l l y stuck i n the 80s is often ti red, unm otivated or preoccupied with self-loath i n g . Some experience reg u l a r bouts of cryi n g . Crying is a n atu ral way of releasing stuck energy but for the level 80 even fairly harm l ess events ca use tea rs. Here cry i ng is not rea lly a release but a perpetuation of a rtificial d ra m a . Tel l i n g l ies a n d creating d ra m a where there formerly was none is a specialty of the chro n i c 80s. Stuck here, this person often spea ks in a pess i m istic or w h i ny tone and needs a long tim e to get th i n gs done. J ust l i ke with the a pathy- person there a re often time lags i n responding t o ch a l lenges, q u estions or e m a i l s that a re due to noth i n g other than lack of vital ity. This m i ndset creates problems i n order to g a i n pity from others. Some outlets of the yel l ow p ress prey on SO-ish customers (which m a ke u p m a ny millions per distri bution a rea) by choosing the most sickening, dish earte n i n g victi m-stories they can fi n d . M i nd you, there a re m i l l i ons of stories to ch oose from every day, but the "poor me" stories seem to receive the most attention by a certa i n class of newspaper. A
-- 82 --
"Dog fl ushed d own the toi let". "I lost my job, now I a m eati ng from trash -cans" "Mother sexually a buses ba b ies and then lets them d ie i n the freezer" - such a re the types of head l i nes that w i l l attract the 80s. Not that these stories a re not utterly ho rrific and worthy of the news. But this energy-level will (often secretly) revel i n them not in order to discuss solutions for societies problems but to justify feel i ngs of pity and hopelessness. The stories featu re 80s problems, written by 80s moods for 80s peo ple. Of a l l the th ings happening in the world, o f the b i l l ions of thi ngs one co uld invest attention i n , they choose th ese items as "th e m ost i m po rtant". They don't care about giving a i rtime to the m a ny Heroes of everyday l ife a ro u nd the globe. They don't ca re about d i recting the spotl i g ht at positive projects that m a ke our world a better pl ace. Th ey don't ca re a bout putti ng the piece of negative news i nto a l a rger context so that we may understa nd how the negativity comes to be. Although they som eti mes pretend to be "ideal istic" a n d "hel ping the oppressed", a l l they ca re a bout is fi n d i n g the most g ruesom e exa m p les of savagery in o rder to j ustify their be lief that the world is a terri ble place o r i n o rder to vi lify some g roup, corporation or public person . The 80s vibration i s easily overwhelmed by outside i nfl uences. Leve l 1 60 tyra nts count on the wea knesses of lower levels a n d use them for the i r own a i ms at Domi nation . Someti mes the a pathy ( 5 0 ) person is so lost in l i stlessn ess and i nertia that the level 1 60 d i ctator will address level 80 and 1 0 0 (fea r) people to get d i rty jobs done. Level 80 w i l l not work out of joy but i n o rder to avoid pun ish ment a n d d isa pprova l . Many a re sti l l i n g rief yea rs after a l oved o n e has passed away - as op posed to the natu ra l few months span it ta kes to overcome that kind of g rief. Th ere was once a wom a n i n mourn i n g i n one of my cou rses. I shared com passion and lent support. U ntil I -- 83 --
""ound out that her h usband had d ied a decade ago ! -iavi ng fou n d that out I took on a m o re stri ct tone : 170) to break the hypnosis. On 80 there is a strong ::Jreoccupation with the past. Someone going on and on of how everyth ing was so m uch better " back then " ,5 ped d l i n g least som e pockets of 80-energy. Tea rs :ome easi ly. Self-do u bt is i ncited by the sl i g htest question i n g . "Why do th i ngs l i ke th i s a l ways happen to -ne?" would be the 80s slog a n . They have the :en dency to be subm issive, su bord i nate a n d g rove l l i ng :owa rd others . And that is not a pleasant sight. Even ess pleasa nt is a violent 1 60 h usband ta king adva ntage of a level 80 wom a n . N o matter how abusive he is, she w i l l not leave h i m beca use she is afra id to . I n order to have the energy to leave she Nou ld at least have to be at Des i re ( 1 25 ) . Victi m -menta l ities suck s o m u ch attention from thei r surroundi ngs that one is tem pted to just push them oack i nto a pathy where they will just shut up . "Shut ..Ip woma n ! " says the 1 60-macho. Knowi ng th is sca le and its i m p l ications you w i l l hopefu l ly avoid this temptation a nd treat you r fel low 80- persons with compassion . Th i s level w i l l try to pass pity as compassion . They w i l l want pity for their b a d situation b u t a lso go o u t of their way, yes even castrate themse lves so that they can be "of service" to other people they pity. But i n rad iating the energy of pity ( rather tha n strength ) they are not actua l ly helping a nyon e . Compassion comes Tom love ( 540) a n d the i n tention to em power (350) someone. Pity com es from the bel ief that a situation ca nt be hel ped . Practicing "selfless service" from the 500s looks very different tha n practici ng it from the 80s . In the 80s "selfless service" equals self-neg lect, in the 500s it is u nderstood that I ca n serve others best if I a m in good shape myself. The reason th is level i s so desperate is beca use they are clinging on to energy, sensing that if they fa i l they -- 84 --
w i l l si n k to 70, 60, 50 a nd loose touch with life . I have refused to conduct coaching services with h a bitual 80s beca use my tech n i q ues do not work for them . La ck attracts more lack. And if someone is using my methods from lack, the resu lts of practicing them w i l l b e . . . more lack. I i nstead send them t o the respective thera pists or s i m ply tel l them I ca n n ot help them at this time. There is a tendency here to fi lter a l l incom ing information to the negative . S o whatever you say, even if its good news, it may be twisted to mean someth i n g bad . An ex- g i rlfriend of m i ne had a lot of 80-energy about her. I had attracted her i nto my life beca use my own i n secu rities paled in com pa rison to hers . We sometimes choose partners who are weaker beca use we feel weak o u rselves . Her mother would have a l u m p i n her th roat. She tra nsl ated this as her m other having ca ncer. It later tu rned out she did not. She had a n infectious co ld in her vag i n a . She tra nslated th is to mean that we both had AI DS a n d needed to do a n AI DS-test im med iate ly. I t turned o u t w e did n o t have AI DS. Living with level 80 energy ca n be somewhat time-consu m i n g . Fortu nately she later ascended to 200 as a result of a career pro motion a n d su bseq uent trave l l i n g . When someone has to be responsi ble in a job or travel a round a nd com m u n i cate with m a ny people they often snap out of 80-ish energy by sheer necessity. One ca n not m a i nta in a reg u la r job or any meani ngfu l friendship as a cry- ba by. Fra n kly, nobody actua lly ca res a bout you r victim -stories . Those who pretend to ca re only do so in order to feed the i r own . Th is, of cou rse, d oes not mean you ca n not seek help or a re not a l lowed to show wea kness. Showi ng wea kness a nd see king help (or provid i ng help) a re in and of themselves not indicative of 80s-energy and to say that they a re is a d istortio n . But the 80s-person , does noth i ng other tha n spend h e r l ife being a victim and looking for other victi m s .
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Level 80 is certa i n l y prefera ble to 50 - at least someth i n g is being felt whereas in 50 a l m ost noth i n g is felt. I f a ny action is ta ken a t a l l then it is mostly to appease a n d " m a ke a good i m p ression". Concern over "what others th i n k" is pop ular here . The 80s a re worried what others th i n k a bout them, i nclud i n g com p lete id iots. Th ey don't know that below- 3 1 0 levels don't rea l l y care a bout them . The 1 65 chol eric merely wa nts to boss the 80s-employee a rou nd because he does not have the energy to exercise power over any level a bove h i m . Hea l i ng th i s energy may invo lve releasing ones past, psychoan alysis, sh ock- a n d tra u m a h a n d l i n g , fea r confrontation, new su rro u n d i ngs, new friends, ca re and attention (the i r whole masq uerade is performed i n the m ista ken belief that they a re not getting attenti o n ; th eir a i l m ent i s actu a l ly a n i n a b i l ity to g i ve attention to themselves), conventional thera py, a n d beco m i n g awa re o f what is and is n ot i m portant t o oneself. It is easier to p rogress from 80 to 100 than from levels below beca use just a l ittle more energy is ava i lable. With g reat exertion the 80 ca n also create gen u i ne a nger ( 1 60) once in awhile (wh ich is then often celebrated in tri u m p ha nt gl ee) . For those with m i nor 80s pockets crying is a good release. If you a l l ow yourself to cry and cry and cry until tea rs are no more you w i l l eventu a l ly reach a point where you say "OK, what's next? " Th is means you have released, will feel somewhat l ighter and be ready to move on to someth ing new, perh a ps someth i n g more constructive . One way to m ove from 80 to 1 2 5 is by deli berately putti n g yourself i nto cha l lenging situations you were afra id of. Th is compels you to move to 100 (fea r) i n order to do the task a n d to 1 2 5 ( beyond fea r) after the task is completed and you see it was noth i n g to be afra id of. An 80s-energy may be afra i d of the most -- 86 --
s i m ple things such as ta l king to neigh bours or rid i n g a bike . I know it's hard to i ma g i n e for some, but th at's level 80 a n d there a re many m i l l ions of people i n th is state . By su ppressing th is fea r one sinks from 1 00 to 80 in the fi rst pl ace . So by going out into life a nd actu a l ly confronting these th i ngs, one ra pidly moves up for good . You may sti l l feel the shyness that one feels in 1 00, but you will no longer be the completely powerless victim you were in the 80s. A repetition of such a cts, especially the "going out there a n d getting i n touch with the worl d " will eventually tra nsform a l l pockets of 80 . U n less its your basic ha bitu a l state, its fa i rly easy to leave beca use rema i n i n g in it req u i res that you close you rself off towa rd to other people a nd the here-now. O n ce back i n the present mo ment, the 80-energy col l a pses u nder the intensity of rea lity. "Getting in tou ch with others" does however not mean getting i n touch with oth er 80-energies. That wo u l d only l e a d t o a m u t u a l confi rmation o f ones stuckn ess . Another com m on tra it of this leve l , especi a l l y the 90s is to act l i ke a l ittle kid that won't get his way. Therefore to "toughen up", "get rea l " and "stop being a sissy" is a path to leaving the 80s . The 80s person is often in an i nfa nti le state where he th i n ks he needs to cry or shout i n order to get h i s way. But that's not how the world works . So "grow u p ! " m ig ht be the appropriate motto extended towa rds h i m . Th e brute toug h ness of the 1 60 feels l i ke l i beration from here . 80s a re forever wa iti ng for some kind of leader to help them out of their m i sery a n d a re perfect b a it for fascist and com m u n ist tota l ita ria ns. An exa mple of cou ntries that have ascended from level col lective 80 en erg ies a re former co m m u n ist cou ntri es such as Russia, Kazhasta n , U kra ine, Estonia, Litua n i a , Poland, etc . I n the ea rly 9 0s I once experienced a wonderfu l shift from leve l 5 0 (a pathy) to level 8 0 (victi m h ood ) trave l l i n g by plane from Egypt to Pola n d . Even 80 is a h uge re l ief to 5 0 . I n Egypt I had witn essed the depths of a pathy : Trash bei n g thrown into the river and -- 87 --
:eople then bath ing i n that sa me river. M i l l ions of :eople sitti ng on the streets staring off out into -(Jth i n g . Even c h i l d ren who did not even have th e � i ri t to beg anymore . The n , land ing in Po land :,. eryth ing suddenly looked clea ner, more modern, - ore refresh i n g . Th is was a n odd sensation si nce, on :- earl ier occasion, when trave l l i n g fro m western =-..,; rope, which resides in the 300s Po land was heavy : - d blea k in com pa riso n . The polish have had q u ite a - story of victi m hood . M ore recently they were fi rst :', e rrun and victi m ized by Nazi Germa ny, then they ""ere overru n and victim ized by Soviet Russi a . The i r :,- , y hope a nd rel ief was the Catholic Church . The :c i ish have decided that they've had enou g h of being : .' ictim and have, i n recent yea rs, ra pidly prog ressed -= th e sca le. W h i l e there a re sti l l rem n a nts of 80s =-ergy in the shabby and neg lected infrastructu re, the ;-ey buildings and the tendency to a "poor me" a n d ' -;ea n , m e a n world" syndrome sti l l i n its population, :-€ Pol ish economy is one of the fastest g rowing i n the IIQrld and they will soon have sta b i l ized somewhere in :-€ 300s , synchron izing with Western Europe a n d :ema ps even surpassing it someday. The s a m e ca n be � d of the Czech Rep u b l i c, Croatia, Estonia a n d to �,.,.,e extent, the U kra i n e . :: s n o surp rise that cu rrent and fo rmer co m m u n ist = J ntries a re i n low-energy-fields as M a rxism is a 50� ?J radia nce . Some read ers m i g ht protest si nce the . :ommun i st Man ifesto " is co nsidered one of the ; -eatest a n d i ntel lectua l ly su perior literary works of all -: ....., e. However, a review of the book from a n energyE .'el perspective w i l l not only revea l that it p rojects -erred, fea r, revenge a n d a pathy on every page but :-at the p h i l osophy itself is responsi ble for the poverty, -ass-sta rvation a n d violence fou n d i n a l l cou ntries �'J n ded on it. Th is is contra ry to the cla i m s that ' :ommun ism has been a bused a n d d istorted by these "'?� i mes" a n d that it "actu a l ly has h i g h ideals". Lets := <e only one M a rx q uote : -- 88 --
"Workers of the World Unite! You have nothing to loose but your chains! "
Th is fa mous d i ctu m is in itself a g ross d i stortion of rea l i ty in that it i m p l ies that workers a re victims of exploitation rather th an reg u l a r people who applied for the job of their own free w i l l a nd accord and got the job. So rather tha n the employer doing them a favou r b y provid i n g employment, t h e employer is demonized as p utti ng the worker into "ch a i n s". Hence yo u'l l have neo- Marxists ra m b l e on a bout child labor i n th i rd world cou ntries a n d how those poor people in sweat shops a re being expl oited by the big bad boog iema n . There is no doubt that such expl oitation exists, but it has absol utely noth i n g to do with th e business norm of the western world . Neo- a nd Cu ltura l M a rxism perSist i n the fa r-left-wing that has created "pol itica l correctness" i n order to pu n ish you every time someone feels "offended" by someth ing or other. Th is is a conti n uation of vict i m mental ity a nd i ntends t o m a ke m i no rity-groups look l i ke i n sufficient id i ots rather than strong a n d proud people. Mexica ns, Blacks, M uslims a re neither " m i n ority g roups" (Islam is the biggest and fasted g rowing Rel ig ion i n the wo rl d ) nor does it help them to l a bel them as "wea k victim s". U n beknownst to most, it is the la bel "victi m " itself that wea kens them. The level 80 person l i kes to refer to th ings that a re lost a nd can not be regai ned, so-ca l led " m issed opportu n ities". On a deeper level its actu a l ly about in ner loss of parts of oneself, parts you have a l ienated yo u rself from . Soul recovery and red iscovery of those other parts of you is a worthwhile goal of this state . The fo l l owing questions help to bri ng u p pockets of so rrow, g rief and pity you m ay be harbo u ri n g . What do you rem e m ber that you have l ost? -- 89 --
What is someth i ng sad? What's m issi ng i n you r l ife? When is the last ti me you laug hed, da nced, sung? What or who should be here but is not? Who have you lost? What opportun ity h ave you m i ssed? Who or what do you feel sorry for? Who do you pity? What a bout you rself do you pity? Who w i l l not m a ke it by h i mself? Who needs you r help? What a re the most terri ble i nj u stices ha ppening i n the world? Who is being exploited ? Who is the oppressor? What a re you a victi m of? In which way a re rich people evi l? What a re you offended by? Who do you "need" h ugs fro m ? Why do you believe the Govern ment should provide everyth i n g you need? Who or what a re you using as a mom my and daddy replacement? 80 rea l ly is the world of the w h i ny. Countless pol itica l activist g roups who pretend to be involved i n l i beration actua lly reside here, m a ki ng a nyth ing they govern bleak and poor. These p h i losoph ies orig i na l ly ca me about as a protest towa rd levels 20 0 - 3 5 0 . But rather than tra nscend i n g these and moving beyond th em, their resistance pushed them below 200 . In p roperty less Com m u nism there is noth i n g to ach ieve ( 300), noth ing to g a i n ( 1 70), noth i ng to own, noth ing to be proud ( 1 90) of. There is only a worki ng -class that th i n ks it's the height of i ntel l igence to work. An analogy : Rather tha n teaching people how to fish, they are g iven fish for free . Soon they demand fi sh for free. Soon the cou n try runs out of fish a nd the people h ave lost their a b i l ity to fish for themselves . They have become wea k. Then th ey both crave fish a n d suppress th eir cravi ng beca use its not pol itica l ly correct. By now -- 90 --
they are down to level 1 2 5 . Their craving does n ot get met and th i ngs beco m e hopeless. Soon they are on 50. Pa rts of " m odern pol itica l thou g ht" a re based on th is level of consciou sness, a lth ough its effects have been blata ntly obvious. Soci a l ism of the 80s is n ot to be co nfused with socia l democracy such as that of Sca n d i navia or Centra l E u rope, which resides on a sign ifica ntly higher level of conscio usness (420 ) . Neither i s i t t o b e m i sta ken with a cts o f cha rity for the poor and selfl ess-service ( 5 20 ) . It is interesti ng to note that m e n w h o " h it rock bottom " often descend to 50 (a pathy) w h i l e wo men tend to hit 80 ( g rief) . Th is may have someth ing to do with the indoctrinated idea that it is not "coo l" for men to be whi ny. The a b used woman, the beaten wo m a n , the one w h o is bei n g forced i n to subm ission b y h e r "beloved " one, the ra pe victim, the poor-me who appea rs on afternoon TV la menting her sad state their being a victim may el evate them a bove 0-70 but it does noth ing to help them i nto states of em powerment. Fee l i n g a n ger ( 1 60) at the men who abused ( 1 60) them is m uch more honest a nd energetic than feeling sma l l a n d beaten (80) or afra id ( 1 00) to chal lenge rea l ity. A wom a n who stri kes back ( 1 60 ) is better th a n a women who "accepts" oppression . This would be a d i stortion, a cou nterfeit 350- l i ke Accepta nce . A woman who s i m ply leaves (200) is in even better shape sti l l . Please note that i n a l l case of cri me both the Perpetrator and the Victi m radiate l ow energy (fear, worry, a nxiety, sha me, hatred, a pathy, etc . ) O u r cu rrent society is based on t h e M o d e l that o n ly the Perpetrato r is in a state of negative energy. W h i l e in a l i nea r-context (0-499) it is correct that the Perpetrator shou ld bea r the Pun ishment of the Law as the pro active side of a cri me, it is not enti rely correct that the victim "has nothing to do with it". As the passive side of the cri me and seen from a n energy-perspective, the -- 91 --
victi m can only experience that which he or she attracts energetica l ly. If there were no energetic propensity within the victi m , n oth i n g would have ha ppened . Apathy m ay lead to being ca rel ess enough to leave the housedoor open in a bad neigh bourhood , inviting cri m i na l s of which it is known that they wont hesitate to enter. Fea r m ig ht be "smel led " by the nig htsta l ker who seizes the opportu nity to com m it a cri me agai nst someone energy- less. Whatever the case may be, you ca n avoid beco m i n g a victim by vi brating at a h i g her energy-level and by not buying i n to th e na"ive g l a m orization that levels 1 0 0 - 1 7 0 a re 'friendly". J ust beca use the Cobra is bea utiful does not mea n her b ite w i l l not ki l l you . N ot beca use the Cobra is "evil" but beca use its i n the natu re of a 95-energy to defend itself in that way or have l u nch i n that way. If you leave your h a nd bag open i n a below-200 neighbourh ood don't be su rprised if you a re the -Victim" of theft. You r wal let will be stolen, not because the th ief i s "a bad person " but because for the 90s-person a l ity its empowering to do so. A have ( 1 60) is better th an a not-h ave ( 5 0 ) . Some 80s w i l l try t o provoke 1 60 (violence) behaviou rs i n others . It ta kes some awa reness and energy not to fal l for this charade. Imagine a wom a n lIh o is sta g i n g some hysterica l d ra m a o f being lictim ized , to such a screech ing extent that the m a n lee l s tem pted to s l a p her. Someti mes, if there i s too InUch frenzy, a sla p m ay even be ap propriate . Nevertheless that slap is a fa r cry from the ca l m of level 2 1 0 who wou l d s i m ply leave the room or the 340 who has h i g h -tolera n ce l evels. For me it has a l ways been rather u n p leasant to spend time with those who a re g ri eving the death of a fa m ily mem ber. W h i le it is fa irly natu ra l to g rieve the l oss of a loved one (at least natural in the m id-ra nge of :onsciousn ess th is pla net is i n ) , I hold some 500+ �erg ies with i n me - and from these va ntage pOi nts -- 92 --
its i m poss i b l e to ta ke "death" seriously. I have travelled out-of- body m a ny ti mes, therefore the death of the body does n ot mea n m uch to m e . If a nyth i n g , death i s a ca use for celebration not mourn i n g . I a lso know how the sad n ess itself is what is keeping people from being able to co m m u n icate with those who d ied . Most people who d i e of natu ral ca uses m ove u p the sca le by 1 00-200 pOi nts a utomatica lly, as a side-effect of being of the body (the body i s a c l u m sy energy that averages at a round 200 ) . The 80- person is often i ncom pati ble with h i g h er energ ies and com m u n ication with the "decea sed " fa m i ly member becomes i m possi ble (the o n ly "deceased " the 80s com m u n i cate with a re astra l -tricksters ) . I ma g i n e a j oyfu l 500energy hovering a bove the crowd at the cemetery saying "hello there ! I a m sti l l here ! I exist ! " - but a l l being s o intently focused o n grief a n d loss that they just don't notice h i m . That d isca rnate sou l soon looses i nterest i n the sad sight a n d move to m o re pleasant rea l m s . Loss o f t h e body is always a rel ief (death is n o t felt by the way, beca use one never was the body in the fi rst place) a n d usua l ly sh oots consciousness u p 100-200 pOi nts . So if you die on level 400 ( Knowledge) you will be i n a 500-level afterl ife . If you d i e at level 2 5 you m ig ht be at 1 2 5 (craving, l ust) , the lower-astra l rea l m s of th e afterl ife. Death not being a n issue for me, do I endorse su icide? No, not at a l l . The attem pt to esca pe sufferi ng by su icide does noth i n g to rel i eve it. You ta ke yo u r " basic vibe" with you to the other side. The death -wish of the level 0-80 is very d ifferent fro m the "permission to leave the world if you want" experienced at 580-650.
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1 00 Fea r, Worry, Shyness, Pan ic, Inferiority
In th is fi eld of energy everyth ing ap pea rs dangerous and preca ution a ry measu res become essenti a l . Th e mod ern 1 00-energy ta kes out too many insura nces, th i n king safety ca n somehow be boug ht. He tries to antici pate every possible risk before ta king acti on . Quick action is on ly ta ken when escaping from some perceived danger. Everyth ing is u ncerta i n . The 1 0 0 is nervous, tense, skeptica l , suspicious, u n d u ly para noid . Si nce she is afra id to open ly show her antagonism, backbiti ng is high on the agenda. Women on 1 0 0 will often be covert sou rce of trouble and i ntri g u e . Men on 1 00 , the cowa rds that they a re, w i l l not tel l you their opinion to you r face (except on anonymous i nternet-foru ms) . Ta l ki ng badly behind peoples backs is one way to get her d a i ly dose of energy. Here one is only able to work in a con centrated way if com m a n ded to do so with a th reat of repercussions. As such this energy is the perfect corporate slave ( but it is n ot the boss enslavi ng h i m , its h is own fea rs) . If there is no impending threat h is attention i s scattered . Th is makes him seem a bsent-m inded , una ble to relax and focus. Th e 100 seeks protection, avoids new and unusual thi ngs, i nformation a nd people. While at levels 1 25 - 1 9 9 a person lives the motto "I am good, you a re bad", the level 80- 1 00 l i ves "I a m bad, you a re good" (for 0-50 its "I a m bad, you a re bad " and for levels 200-500 its "I a m good, you a re good") . On a world -sca le the m ajority can be fou n d somewhere between 1 0 0 and 300 . O n ly 50 yea rs a g o i t was 80-250 a nd in t h e middle ages 0 - 1 9 0 . A large pa rt of the m iddle ages were indeed "dark" i n that the hig hest levels of consciousness did not even reach the M id-Area . The ru l i ng class were the d o m i n a nts a n bigots at 1 60 a n d their serva nts i n the fea rfu l 1 00s. Most of the " m echan ics" of soci ety sti l l ru n on fea r -- 94 --
beca use mass-consciousness sti l l has a large chunk there . For readers who never felt q u ite at home on pla net ea rth , one reason may be beca use its en ergy level is actua l ly pretty low or "sti l l in development". At the time this book was written ( i n the yea r 2009) 30% of the m ass- media offeri ng was fea r-based a n d a nother 4 0 % w a s based on cravi ng/desi re ( 1 2 5 ) , a n ger ( 1 60) a n d pride ( 1 90) . I n accordance with the p redomi nant energy-field, m ass- media helps to keep society in fea r by presenting news to be afra id of on a reg u l a r basis . And once that news dies down, the next piece of bad news is presented . And th is is not merely some conspiracy perpetuated by the ru l i n g el ite, it is someth ing desired and requested by the populace . It is no acci dent that stories of sh ock and fea r sell the most news. It is no accident that m ovies i nvolving disaster a nd tragedy sel l the most. Th is l evel of energy wants that. When a pande m i c or a n economic crisis or a terro r attack h i ts t h e news, its doom a nd g loom a l l the way. "Are we l iving in the end tim es?" "Will a l l life be destroyed?" "Are they spraying chemtra i l s th rough the a i r that m a ke us doci le?" What is ignored is that news of i m pending doom was a lso broadcast one yea r ago, i n a nother version, a n d two yea rs a g o , and 20 yea rs a g o , a n d 50 yea rs ago . . . its always t h e s a m e pattern , but stra ngely e n o u g h the downfa l l of civ i l ization a l ways fa i l s to co me to pass ( it would o n l y have a cha nce to co me to pass if society as a whole averaged on level 1 00, which it does not. It cu rrently averages 200) . While the type of spiritu a l ity fou nd i n a pathy ( 5 0) is a kind of d u l l fata l ism, the spi ritu a l ity fou nd on 1 00 is about end-times-cu lts, extremi st-fu nda menta l ist Religion, very paranoid consp i racy-theorists. That which predicts either the end-times (Armageddon) or the com i ng of a New Ag e is com pletely fa l lacious. The -- 95 --
20 1 2-i dea was created by people tri pped out on psychede l ic d rugs (access to l ower- a nd m i d -astra l rea l m s) and from there concluding that the M aya ns had some type of specia l knowledg e . But what type of speci a l knowl edge cou l d a people who sacrificed ch i ld ren and ri pped out the hearts of you ng vi rgins with the i r bare h a nds, hold? The Mayans resided on 10- 1 2 5 level energy, the psychedelic 2 0 1 2-tri p psters reside at a round 1 2 0 . No half-sophisticated spiritu a l teach ing views t h e Futu re as fixed . Most prophecy i s therefore nonsensica l . A n d i n the ra re cases that proph ecy is based on pre-cog nition, the mere act of predicti ng it can a l ready cha nge it - that is, q u icken its occu rrence, or prevent it. A hal l m a rk of leve l - l 00-consciousness is to ta ke good people and good organizations, a nd demon ize them, as exempl ified by the fol lowing ep isode : I had attended a b i rthday-party after wh ich I gave a woman who i ntroduced herself as "Chri stian" a ride home, because it was d a rk and ra i ny outside. As is typica l for the 1 00 she had those unsteady, suspicious eyes that were never at rest. I cou l d sense the 1 00vibe from the onset, cou l d sense that she would be just the kind of person who sees Sata n conspiring against her person a l ly all a ro u n d . The car-radio played the 1985 song " Brothers in Arms" by a band ca lled Dire Stra its a n d sure enough she said : "Th at's a Masonic sym bol". "What is?" I asked, thinking oh no, here we go again . "That song, brothers i n a rm s . Brothers refers to Freemasons and the way they sta nd beside each other, arm in a rm to i nvoke Sata n ". was trying to be pol ite by pointi ng out that "Arms" also refers to weapons i n this song, if yo u listen closely. But she wou l d not have any of it a n d d id not respond, tu rned her head away in disgust and sta red out i nto the ni g ht. In th is moment I had become one I
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of the "clueless sheeple" and she was probably t h i n ki ng "th is guy has no idea of what's rea l ly going on in the worl d ". E m b a rrassingly she is not the o n ly one not to have a fi rm g rasp on rea l ity. A l ot of people, also those vibrati ng above 200 wou l d suspect that "the Freemasons" a re somehow i nvolved in a n evi l plot of world domi nation - beca use they have been indoctrinated by fea r-l iterature . Such l iterature is written in a way that it ta kes actu al facts fro m here and there and then exaggerates that factua l information w h i l e fi l l ing i n the u n knowns with imag inati o n .
At 1 00 everyth i n g is fi ltered through fea r-lenses. The idea of Freemasons sta n d i n g a rm in a rm to i nvoke Sata n is l u d i crous and the idea of the song being about that even more so. After a few m i n utes I noticed that she was whispering someth ing to herself. Listening cl osely she kept repeating "The Lord is my sheph erd , the lord is my sheph erd , the lord is my shepherd " l i ke a bro ken record . Th en it got tru ly biza rre . " Let me out please. I sense a d a rk force within you". Q u ite impol ite one wou l d th i n k, consideri ng that it was I that was concerned about her wa l king home in the d a rk. I stopped the ca r and she got out without a word . She did not wa l k down the sidewa l k but q u ickly ti ptoed down it as if ru n n i ng away fro m me. She must have thought I a m rea lly, rea lly evi l not to agree with her a ngst a bout a h a rm less rad i o son g . I was rel u ctant to let her out a lone in the da rk, beca use fea r- people attract attack. Dogs that smell fea r in people a re most l i kely to attack a n d the sa me goes for i l l - i ntended h u m a ns. The delusional conspiracy-theorists who see " Freemason ry as the root of a l l evi l " reside on energy leve l - 1 0 0 . Freemason ry is an anachronistic boring i n stitution parts of which osci l l ate between 190 ( p ride, -- 97 --
sometimes deceit), 200 (boredom, fu ncti o n a l i ty) a nd ';00 ( i nteg rity, reaso n , cha rity) a n d 520 (spiritu a l ity, _ove of m a n kind ) . Its cu rrent average is somewh ere i n :he 400s. M o re tha n o n e h u n d red yea rs ago i t was in :he SODs, i n stituti ng va l u es such as integ rity, honesty, Jprig htness i nto soci ety a n d even havi ng a hand at :reati ng the America n Constituti on (a long with the :Jrecepts of N ative America ns) . Freemasonry is neither ' a path to e n l i g hten ment" as they them selves c l a i m , "' o r t h e " root of a l l evi l " as t h e paranoid says . Fra n kly t does not m atter what "i nform ation" yo u have or Nhether you agree or d isagree. Opinion does not -.,atter, on ly experience m atters . And if you have not expe rienced someth ing for yourself, you do not know :he truth a bout it. S i m i la r can be said of h u n d reds of :Jth er org a n izati ons that a re publ icly vil ified as "evi l ". 3ase you r knowledge not on "i nformation" fi rst, b ut on ntu itive sensing of energy. Of cou rse the 1 00-person is noticea bly m o re pleasant :0 be around with tha n those below. Bei n g too shy to advertise for attention they w i l l often rem a i n i n the ::>ackg ro u n d . Driven by fea r they usually have more energy to get th ings done tha n levels below. Jnfortun ately their fea r-driven acti ons end up in more :Jroblems need ing to be ta ken ca re of. Acti ng from fea r Ni l ! create more situations to fea r. The g ra nd ."anipulators of levels 1 25- 190 try to m a ke use of the 'lea r-pa n i c workd rive of the 1 00s. Th i s i s how :riminals and d o m i n a nts of the h i g h 1 00s sol i cit help oy recru iting at level 1 0 0 . Th e 100- ish citizen is ofte n faced with a decision oetween two bads, bel i eving she has to do someth i n g bad in order t o avo i d someth ing worse. Th i s w i l l lead to destructive behaviours in o rder to avoid what is oerceived as even more destructive. Th e whole world view is that the u n iverse is an u nfriendly and evil place and that she is a mere tool of the forces . The very height of 1 0 0 is when he gets enraged ( 1 65) a n d ndignant ( 1 5 5 ) by t h e evils o f society. -- 98 --
The reactive-ness on this level is stu n n i n g to onlookers . When yo u fi nd you rself in a pocket of fea r, notice how your perception d istorts . You l eave the house. "Did I tu rn the oven off? Better go back a n d check ! ". You go back check, and then l eave the house and see green tra sh boxes outside. "What's i n those trashcans? I 've never seen them before . Are they for d u m p i n g biolog ica l weapons? Who is that personnel h a n d l i n g them ? I've never seen those people. Are they u p to no good?". You d rive to work. "What w i l l my boss t h i n k of me? What should I do so that he th i n ks better of me? Did I actua l ly turn off the oven? I better d rive very, very ca refu l ly, the roads here a re dangerou s". W h i l e in a pathy a nd g rief, the thought processes is fa i rly slow a nd d u l led, 100 has the m i nd ru n n i n g w i l d m ost of the time. Beca use of their reactive-ness they ca n easily be m a n i pulated . Th is is a m using beca use they are the most afra id of being m a n i pu lated . Those paran oids afraid of being su ckered you can sucker the best. Tel l h i m you 're a Freemason who slaug hters goats a nd d ri n ks their blood a n d he w i l l not only believe it but write a whole article about it. As a boss, you tel l them to do someth i ng a nd they'l l do it. If you fi nd yourself making u nfa i r use of th is, you a re l i kely operati ng from a 1 2 5 - 1 60 state . A tellta le sign of a the 1 0 0 is that she leads her life accord i ng to urgencies dictated by others a nd circu m sta nces rather tha n what is i m porta nt to her heart and sou l . "Yes, but I m ust fu lfi l these tasks b y noon ! M y boss sa id so ! If I don't do it I'l l loose my job ! " I have let myself b e d ragged down to Frustration ( 195) when conversing with the 1 0 0 :
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"Do you enjoy you r job?" 100 : "It's not a bout enjoying the job, I have to m a ke a living, I have to survive ! I'm l ucky to have gotten th is job ! " "Yes. S o you don't work beca use you l i ke it, you work fo r survival?" 100 : "In these ti mes of crisis, its all a bout S u rviva l . My sister- i n - law had a ca r-accident a few yea rs ago a n d she is o u t o f a j o b since then . She w a s u n p repared a n d had n 't saved any money for that event." (The 100 w i l l a lways d rag u p exa m ples to confirm how dangerous everyth i n g is) "'The thing is that if you do a job yo u don't l i ke, it is l i kely that you will get results that you don't l i ke . Li ke energy attracts l i ke energy" 100. "I don't bel ieve in that ki nd of stuff. There's a fl u going a round cu rrently. You cant te l l me that everyone who has ca u g ht this flew attracted it." On TV a co m m ercial for fl u-med icine appears . The fea r-person w i l l be the fi rst to buy into it, get sick and purchase the med ici n e . The 100 i s good prey for the advertising industry. In fact, should the popu lace overcome fea r we'l l h ave to th i n k of new ways to keep the economy ru n n i n g . These en ergies a re not m a king the world a better place, especially in terms of the med i a . M uch of m ass med ia as we l l as so-ca l led "alternative" media is fea r (100), l u st ( 1 25 ) a n d a nger ( 1 60) based . Check out the reports i n newspa pers, on TV and i n the internet and you wi l l see that there is a lot of intention to sow fea r and the feeling of being a victim of a chaoti c a nd evi l worl d . Rea d i ng too many such "news" pieces tends : 0 weaken ones state . Although the world is -- 100 --
experiencing more prosperity and advancement than ever before i n h i story and a lthough its level of consciousness is increasing, a n d although the i nternet has provided g lobal i nsta nt co m m u n i cation a n d free exchange of informatio n , a nd a ltho u g h modern medicine has gotten rid of many thousands of i l l nesses that s i m ply do not exist a nymore, m uch of the fea r energy is sti l l pred icting doom a n d g loom . You fi n d th is energy-level i n ta bloid journ a l i s m (th i n k U . K. yel l ow-press), "anti -esta bl ishment journ a l i s m ", raci a l a n d cu ltu ra l hate-speech , pol itica l propaga nda, rel ig ious propaganda a n d the ever popu lar "consp i ra cy theory" scene which is g rowing with the help of the I nternet. A staggeri ng 65% of all i nformation in Internet- Blogs measures at energ ies 1 00 - 1 90 ( below truth ) . Th is level lacks journ a l istic i nteg rity a n d seeks to ca use d ivides between certa i n g ro u ps, emotion a l u p heava l , u nfou nded a nxiety. If you exa m i ne messages of i m pen d i n g doom a nd prophecy of d isaster, death , downfa l l , tota l ita rian tyra n ny, etc. as publ ished i n the last 1 00 yea rs, you w i l l fi nd that not a single one of them came true, w h i le d isasters that were not predicted by the doomsayers (such as the 9/ 1 1 attacks on the WTC) did happen . The d eeper seated psycholog ica l issues fro m which this type of writing a rises a re : N a rcissism (They a re out to get me ! ) , Broken Trust i n Ch i ld hood (Authorities ca nt be trusted ! ) , Mega l o m a n ia / Messi a n i c Delusions ( I have fou n d the truth nobody else ca n see ! I w i l l awa ken the world ! ) , La ck of Personal Responsibil ity (Its their fa ult that my l ife sucks ! ) . Resea rch and Journ a l ism fuelled not b y fea r and h atred b ut by curiosity and awareness measu res m uch higher and leads to em powerment, creativity, knowledge. Paths to Hea l i ng a n d Ascending level fou r i nclude -- 101 --
relaxation and even more relaxation a n d then m o re sti l l . Massages (240 ) , Sau nas (290), ta n n i n g booths and Spas ( 3 20) a re good p l aces for the 1 00 to regenerate a nd m ove h ig her. The 1 00 is m issi ng the Element of Fire (Anger at 1 60) . Th e co lours red , yel l ow, ora nge a n d a ny type o f l i g ht, ca m pfi re, su nshine wi l l i m p rove h i s state . The chro n ic 1 00 wo u ld do good to confront suppressed a nger a n d exp ress that anger. Criticism a n d Blame ( 1 80) of things in the world in genera l , attacki ng others a re a l l "negative" from a h i g her perspective but q u ite hel pfu l from a 1 0 0 perspective . Sta b i l ity a n d Order ( 2 0 0 ) a re helpfu l . "I always feel so rel i eved when I do housework" - that's the voice of the 1 0 0 - 1 9 0 discoveri ng the power of 200. Rebellion a n d Reg a i n i n g Pride ( 1 90) a re helpfu l . If those levels are too h i g h up, the 1 0 0 ca n beg i n with "toughening up" to 1 6 0 . Th is m ig ht i nvolve partiCipation in some surviva l tra i n ing or join i n g the m i l ita ry or the boy scouts or some ki nd of physica l tra i n i ng ( 1 8 0 + ) . Th ose preoccupied with body- b u i lding and muscle-toning a re usually level 1 25 -220 people the people the 1 00 is i n awe of. Th ese th i ngs a lso a pply for mere pockets of fea r. Most humans on th is pla net sti l l do have fea r-pockets, otherwise the whole system wou l d cru m ble. The idea here is to sh ift from the subm issive a n d reactive wimpish sissy to the atta cki ng a n d rebel l ious to ugh g uy ( 1 60 ) . Some of the wake-up cal l s : Enou gh i s enoug h ! I a m not going to let them b u l l y m e anymore ! Who d o they th i n k they a re ! Those d a m n government authorities w i l l n o longer push me down ! I am not putti ng u p with it!
Next time you hear someone whine a n d co m p l a i n , keep i n m i nd he m ight o n ly be t ry i n g t o elevate himself from lower states . Try it you rse lf the next time -- 102 --
you a re ti m id or worried : Go to 1 60 by d i recting hot, fiery rage at what you were afra id of. The fea r w i l l va n ish with i n seconds. A n emotion that c a n enslave one fo r yea rs, ca n be d isappear with i n second s . That's how i l l u sory fea r is. It is noth i n g but a n energy-field i n the body that can not b e u pheld under close scrutiny or by sh ifti n g attention to a nger. If you a re not a habitua l 1 00 person , then fea r is a lso of service to yo u in that it sho ws you wh ich thoug hts, i ntenti ons, plans, actions or surroundings a re no good for you . It is the sou ls way to say " Wait. Don 't go in that direction ". I n this a l ternative sense, fea r should be appreciated as a guidance system . Here you a re meant to cease a l l actio n , retreat, sit down, ta ke a break a n d l ook with i n a n d fi nd out wh ich d i rection is better, u nti l you feel at ease aga i n . When you feel fea r, honour it as a n avigational tool rath er than n u m b i n g it back down i nto a pathy. Natural fear is q u ite different tha n fea r as a chronic
energy-level . It a rises to te l l you to retreat or go somewhere else . You see a g i a nt snake sl ithering up you r bed a n d feel fear? That feel i ng is a n ind icator that it is time to leave the room a n d ca l l up a special ist to get rid of the venomous creatu re . Only a fool would try to be a l l tough a n d "use the opportun ity to confront my fea rs". Confronting -fear is only usefu l when you feel the energy without there being a ny natu ral cause for it. That cobra is a natura l ca use, genetica l ly i n h erent in every h u m a n interested in survival ( of cou rse it a lso has to do with the fact that the consciousness-level of a poisonous snake is 95 i l l i ntent) . The snake a t 9 5 ca n only survive in a n a rea that supports that energy-level . Therefore, if you ha ppen u pon such a snake you know that its ti me to get you r own v i b ratory leve l back u p to speed . I n terms of com m u n ication with a nd i nterest i n other people, levels 0 - 1 20 aVOid, 1 20- 199 attem pt to d o m i nate and 200-3 1 0 a re not m uch i n terested i n -
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:Clers . The health of 0 - 1 25s is usua l ly poor a n d :speci ally t h e 1 0 0 is more prone to, i l l nesses, :.:cidents a n d tra gedies. Perception a n d Memory a re :oor a nd selective . Th e 1 0 0 w i l l usua l l y not re member :-e lyrics of a n ice piece of m usic but will remember :- e bad news seen on TV very clearly. \,lost of what the 100 " knows" has been indoctri nated :- :0 h is g u l l i ble m i n d . If someone disagrees with h i s ' <nowledge" he either feels u nsafe or gets a n g ry. O u r :...-nooling system is based a round fea r o f punish m ent : 00) and the prom ise of reward ( 1 25 ) for behavi ng as :-e consensus wants. Here on 100 you have you r :. oical yea -sayer w h i l e on 1 25 - 1 90 you have your :. pical nay-sayer. Systems that a pply ca rrot-and -stick -eth od ology (and this i n cl udes m a ny schools and :d1er "ed u cation a l " places) a re desig ned to get :::m sciousness stuck between the two . "at havi ng enough energy t o t h i n k for h i mself the 1 0 0 s waiting for someone t o tel l h i m what t o do, where to ;'::l, what to th i n k. He asks : -What does one say when a pproach i ng a person of the :ther sex?" --;ow does one go about solving th is?" : respond : "What do you mea n what does "one" say or :o? That depends on your mood or what you wa nt to
" 5aY ·
Wany 1 00s a re terrified of acti ng outside of the n o rm , th ere is a search for what "one" does i n a n y g iven sotuatio n . The idea of "want" ( beg ins at 1 25 ) is a lso _nd eveloped . He seeks a "strong l eader" a n d is a � i lling pawn in any dictatorship or for a nyone who can :rovide some d i rection . Fea r of the u n known i nvolves -ot looking, not confronti n g , ru n n i n g away. 1 00s do -at rea lize that by facing someth i ng, by l ooking it s:raight i n the eye, the fea r j u st dissi pates . The aim of 50
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th is state is to confront, lea rn and a l l ow more domina n ce a n d a uthority with i n . Q uesti ons for fi n d i ng pockets of fear with i n : What should not h a ppen? What a re you trying to avoid? What wo uld be the worst th ing that cou ld happen? And what would be worse than that? Is someth ing threatening you ? What m u stn't happen under any ci rcumsta nces? Is someone or someth ing fo l lowi n g you ? Is someone o u t t o get you ? What a re the secret evi ls of the world? How do you feel i n the da rk? What do you n eed i nsurance for? Is there so meth i n g hidden i n you r l ife? What is your relationship to the u n known? How do you feel a bout the para norm a l ? Is there someth i ng that m ustn 't fi nd o u t a bout you? What is sca ry or frighte n i n g to you? What don't you want to see? What forces a re contro l l i n g you ? What's going on "beh i nd the curta i n "? From who a re you expecti ng g u ida nce and answers? What's the worst thing that co u l d happen? And then ? And then? And then? (As you conti n u e aski ng the "and then " q uestio n , the specific pocket of fea r eventu a l ly u n ravels) Those most responsi ble for perpetuati ng fea r a re th e tyra nts a n d d o m i n a nts of level 80-20 0 . One method to loose the fea r is to become j ust as crazy a nd tyra n n i ca l as the 1 60 . Not to the extent of actu a l ly com m itti ng a ha rmfu l act, but enough to sca re the tyrant. While the 1 60 i s the most da ngerous person on a -- 105 --
lisible, physical plane the level 1 0 0 person is more ::langerous overa l l beca use he w i l l destroy things in secret. The 1 60 will openly ca l l for the destruction of an other cou ntry, w h i l e the 1 0 0 wi l l be schem ing fo r :hat cou ntries dem ise i n the backgro u n d . Advertising ' western va l u es" such as democracy, integ rity etc . to a evel 1 00 - 1 9 0 country is a waste of time, emba rrassi ng even . On 1 00 they need to see a n mmed iate benefit t o ca l m their level 1 2 5 cravings. O n 2 60 they need t o see a n i m m edi ate confi rm ation of j'Jeir pride ( 1 90) in order to ca l m down . I'd l i ke to stress the i m porta n ce of enlightened diplomacy for the �tu re of h u m a nity. =ear ca n u ltim ately be traced back to fea r of death a nd :on-surviva l , or more deeply fea r of non -existence. Such a rises from a mix of genetic prog ra m m i n g :An i m a l s need i t i n order t o know w h a t i s n o good for :heir surviva l) a n d in doctri nation by the atheist Norldview that there is no afterl ife a nd everyth ing is -.,eaning less ( 5 0 a pathy) and the Christia n worldview ::hat you will b u rn i n hell forever i f you do someth i n g I'ITo ng (40 g u i lt) . "ou will be i nterested to d iscover that those most :fra id of deception can be q u ite deceptive themselves . !., logical consequence of manipulating others is the
:€l ief in the rea lity of m a n i p u l atio n . And m a n i p u lation and deception do ha ppen every day on th is planet. =xcept, they do not happen to energy-l evels that a re Jut of ra nge of deception, they ha ppen to levels below 200 who consta ntly expect to be deceived . Do not ::nter i nto a busi ness agreement with a 1 0 0 type. They "i i l l not honour it. And be skeptical of peop l e who see jishonesty everywhere a n d a l l the ti me - they a re j ishonest them selves. I repeat: It takes one to kno w Jne.
Nhile the m i d -range does not experience that m u ch =ea r, it is pretty m uch wi ped out at a round level 600, " , hen one confronts that last rem a i n i ng fear of death -- 106 --
and moves beyond it. The spirituality of the 1 00 to 199 is a ctually n ot spiritu a l ity but astral- ism . Why? Beca use it accesses the astra l rather than the spiritu a l . Spiritual and Celestial Rea l m s beg in at energy-levels 500 + . Th e differen ce between the "Astra l Circus" and Spiritua l Rea l m s d oes not seem to be apparent to the m ajority of people d a b b l i n g in " m eta physics" a n d "new age" . Th ose who access astra l - rea l m s for the i r IIspiritua l i tyll and IIsupernatu ra l a b i l itiesll feature an a rray of g i m m icky prod u cts, self- i m po rta nce, and questionable meth ods that lack any demonstra b le cred i b i l ity. Astra l ism i s more a form o f enterta i n ment not true dedication to the spiritu a l . About 99% of lIesoteric fa i rsll with their psych ic readers, pseudo-divination, med i u mship, o u ija boa rds, U FO-Cults, a re easily recog nizable as deriving either from either con manship or the astra l . A few exa m ples : * Psychic a b i l ities a re not actua l ly a b i l ities of oneself but g ra n ted by the i m perso n a l "field", the U n i verse. But they ca n a lso be staged by d isca rnate-entities in astra l - regions. Astra l -fields a re fu l l of d isem bod ied tricksters who's i ntent i s to fool h u m a n s or si phon off energy. Any psychic who takes person a l cred it for his su pern atu ral a b i l ities is either a fraud or under the i nfl uence of d iscn a nate-il l usion ists. * D ivi nation, such as aski ng a pend u l u m questions, ca n be done astra l ly or spiritually. When done spiritual ly, it is u nderstood that the aski ng-session m ust be dedicated to the IIm ost h ig h ll, lithe h i g h est truth ll, IIfor the good of h u m a n ityll or IIGodll . Fa i l i ng to do so, w i l l q u ickly attract astra l s who m a n i p u late the answers . So one would for exa mple say: III n the n a me of the h i g h est good, do I have perm ission to ask th is q u estion ?lI . Spiritual ity in cludes a sense of h u m i l ity
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never fou n d in astra l-practice. It is also u nderstood that the m i nd is i n herently biased, and an effo rt is made to clea r the m i n d of a" bias before aski ng a question . Otherwise the a n swers w i " o n ly be confi rm i n g ones own bel iefs . It is best not to ask any questions concern ing oneself u n less the a nswers ca n be confi rmed by other people present. Spiritu a l Practice p refers va l idation b y n u m erous sources . Astra l-practice does not ca re whether someth i ng is verified or not. It is a l so u nderstood that one ca n not ask q u estions about the future, beca use the futu re is not fixed , but u nfo l d i n g and cha n g i ng d i rection from moment to moment. The veneer of exclusivity, speci a l ness or superiority is usually astra "y- based . The " I ndigo C h i l d ren" phenomenon is a n astra l - phenomenon not a spiritual one. When someone says that he is i n contact w ith "The Asce nded Masters of the Ashtar Com ma n d who wi" pick us a " u p i n U FOs soo n " , he is deal i n g with astra l - m a n i pulation a n d/or a del usional bel ief-system . *
* Some a re ski l l ed i n the a rt of using astra l -en ergy to ind uce a wide variety of a ltered states, hypnotic trance, euphoria a nd being "spaced -out" . They then sel l these a b i l ities at a very steep price a nd with the label of them being "spi ritua l " . M a ny things sold at an exaggerated price and i nvolvi ng va rious " levels of i n itiation" a nd "secret a ncient mysteries" a re either sca ms or products of astra l-ism .
* Astra l -entities have very l ittle en ergy of the i r own . They do not have the power to harm yo u . With one exception : When you rad i ate fea r or hatred . Rad iati ng fea r opens you r chakra - portals to the astra l -fields and gives that which is fea red some a mou nt of power over you . G host-Hau ntings a re either attem pts by astra l entities t o i nd uce fea r, or resid u a l energy of a deceased sp i rit stuck i n the astra l -afte rl ife .
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An oth er tel l -ta le sign of one who is being used by astra l-forces is if he does not know m u ch a bout a nyth i n g else (sports, cu ltures, l iteratu re, lang u ages, world events, m ovies, m usic, etc . ) tha n his bizza re teachi ngs, does not know m uch a bout a nyth ing else than his od dba l l cult a nd then ca lls h i m self "enlig htened ", "superi or" or "in the know " . *
* Yet a n other tel l -ta le s i g n a re exaggerated pro m i ses of what can be atta in ed . "Get rich q u i ck ! " , "Cosm ic Consciousness i n 5 days", " U lti mate Power", and so forth . Sad ly, m i l l ions of people sti l l fa l l for th is nonsense every day.
Spiritual states ca n be d i scerned by h ow one feels and what one experi ences afte r ded i cation to spiritu a l p ri n ci ples a n d p ra ctices such as meditation, concentration, contemplation, prayer, kind ness, heightening ones "vibe", sh ifti ng ones belief-systems, energy-therapy, l ucid d rea m i n g , emoti onal work, Zen, etc. Spiritu a l ity is usu a l l y stra ightforward (non mysterious), si m ple, non-excl usive, ava i lable for free or with workshops/books/CDs at a reasonable price, and usu a l ly does not req u i re sal es-pitches, sa les ploys, push i ng-to- buy or "sign u p " . Spiritual ities Focus is on g radual a n d patient self i m p rovement a n d relief of the worlds suffering . Astra l -teachi ngs a re focu ssed on the i m medi ate g ratification of desperate need i ness . After the body d ies, one fi nds oneself on of m i l l ions of astra l - pla nes or i n the spiritual -celestia l heig hts . Th is is dependent on ones state of energy. If you ch ro n ica l ly vibrate below 300 you w i l l end up on the astra l after death a nd you wi l l need the help of soul g u ides to ascend . It is therefore a spiritua l fa lseh ood to say that "everybody gets to heaven". Dying at levels 0-299 w i l l m ost l i kely set you up for choosing to -- 109 --
-einca rnate because you m i ssed the lesson a nd ::urpose of com i n g here . One of the lesso ns a nd : iJ rposes of l ife is to cultivate joy and love i n d ifficult jrcu msta n ces. nere a re m a ny popu l a r "new age" concepts at 1 0 0 . Jne o f them is the "Alien Abd ucti on" experience, in Nhich people actua l ly th i n k th ey a re being abducted by extraterrestrials a n d being operated on against their Ni l i . Energy-level research has concl uded that this is -at th e case. Th is does not mean that extraterrestrials : 0 not exist - they certa i n l y do, but the entities ""'volved in "Abd u ctions" a re not actu a l ly extraterrestria l s . The beings pop u l a rized as "grey :li ens" a re what I would ca l l "spectral beings" who :.me i nto this di mension from a place that is si m i l a r to :ne lower-astra l . They a re attracted by fea r-energ ies :& the "abductees". They may pose as " ETs" or as ';; e nd ly, but they a re n ot. The best th i n g to do with :"" e m is to revoke a ny attention or i nterest in them :nd ra ise ones own vibration as not to fa l l into thei r strange ga mes. The com m a n d " i n the n a me o f the .... ost high, be gone ! " is efficient to save yourself "'"": o nths or even yea rs of tra u m atic "alien abduction" :xperiences a long with physical bru i ses a n d sca rs, Neird l iterature, pai nfu l reg ression sessions, etc. The energy- level of 1 0 0 is so wea k that one single :ommand spoken from a 500+ level can heal it all in :n
.!,nother aspect of 1 00s-energy is that of fa lse h u m i l ity, s."yness a n d na ivety. True h u m i l ity is to know a n d to �I that I nfi n ity is Divi ne a nd so m uch g reater than a 51 ngle "me" i n the worl d . True h u m i l ity reveres God :nd is kind to a l l l iving things. It rejects pride, : rroga nce, superiority and selfish ness . Fa lse H u m i l ity Shows s i m i l a r tra its, but the motivation beh ind them is :ifferent. It is not awe of I nfin ity that sparks the i r - u m i l ity b u t Cowardice . -- 110 --
Once i n Southern India I had a ayu rvedic doctor over a prolonged period of time. Sup posed ly he was practici n g rel ig ious " h u m bleness" in that he sent h i s entire i ncome t o h i s fa m i ly. Everyth ing I gave h i m for h i s services was put into an envelope and sent off. "What a bout food a n d clothes for you rself?" I asked h i m . He shrugged u n happi ly. His fa lse h u m i l ity went on that he d a re not tel l me stra ig ht to my face when I was having a wrong body postu re d u ri ng massages or eati ng foods not a l i g ned with the treatment. It needed a secon d physician to correct me. His voice and demea nour were a lways ti m i d . He treated h i mself as if he d i d n 't deserve a th i n g . I asked h i m if he was ma rried . Not entirely u nexpected ly he rep l ied that he'd l i ke to be ma rried but had not fou n d a nyone yet. He was 3 3 a nd i n India most a re a l ready m a rried by 25. I rea l i zed he was m uch too shy ("h u m b le") to ever approach a ny fem a l e . H i m having provided fa nta stic treatment I decided to pay someth i n g back by ta king him out in the evening for a ma n-to-man ta l k . "You h ave to toug hen the fu ck u p " I told h i m . He was shocked that I used the f-word . "You don't have to use the word , but if that i s enough to shock yo u , you 're in an a bysmal state . . . a n d stop ca l l i ng me "Sir" . British Col o n i a l ism stopped more tha n a h u n d red yea rs ago". I ta u g ht h i m body- posture, eye-contact, extroverted attention a n d conversational ease / norma lcy - a l l that is needed for a fl i rtatious time. I hope he heeded some of the advice . Beca use dati n g someone w h i l e in a l OOs-field ca n become extremely awkward .
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1 25 Cravi ng, Needi ness, Add iction, Co mpu lsion,
Unfu lfi lled Desi re, Lon g i ng, O bsession
n is fi eld of energy is i m mersed in wanti ng, need i n g , :ravi ng, getting, ta king . Th is natu ra l l y leads t o a lack Jf money and resou rces beca use the focus is on "I �on't have. G ive me" rather than on already having. ne persons time is d ra i ned by activities designed to �et th ings he does not rea l ly need for prices he cant -ea lly afford . Th ings that a re neither i m porta nt nor Jrgent a re g iven exaggerated cred ence. Someti mes the 1 2 5 wi l l a ppear col d , void of feel i ngs, �ozen or odd ly selfish, especi a l ly when one of h i s :ravings a re n o t met. H i s insatia ble a p petite serves to :over up i n ner em pti ness. Not havi ng found fu lfi l ment Nith i n he becomes dependent on things "out there" ncluding sex, television, drugs, flashy l i g hts, p layi ng a rcades, foods, d ri n ks, possessions and whatever else �e th i n ks is lacki n g . His tragedy is that even if he does eventua l l y "get" that th ing he sti l l feels l ack. "I cant get no satisfaction" is his hym n . H e is a pu ppet of the Norl d and his own need i n ess. Imagine someone trying to get a 3-d i mensional coi n oy prod ucing a b u nch o f 2 - d i mensional ( paper) ;Jictures of coi ns. No m atter how many of th ose 2 - D :oi ns he stacks up, h e will never get a rea l coi n . That �s the d i s m a l state of the 1 2 5 . Of a l l levels o n t h e sca le h e is the easiest to sca m . This i s q u ite i ronic beca use h e l oves m a n i pulating people h i mself to get what he needs . Levels 0 - 1 00 a re also easy to con beca use they a re needy but they a re too afra id to com m it to a nyth i n g or m a ke p u rchases based on coercion . Sel l i n g someth i ng to a 1 25 though is easy because he is not shy a n d wi l l i n g to pay hard cash if someone pro m ises fu lfi l ment of one of h i s unmet desires.
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Drug a d d i ction, o bsession with sex a n d h a rdcore pornog ra p hy, j u n k foods a nd extreme obesity, obsessive shopp ing, b u rned-out m i l l ionaires who have a m assed everyth i ng a nd feel more em pty tha n ever these a re some of the th ings that fa l l into the 1 2 5 field . Th is i s a ctu a l ly the fi rst energy level where there is money to be made a n d someti mes q u ite a l ot. Th is comes from the m i sta ken belief of the 1 25 that money is the a n swer to a l l of l ifes q u estions. I n 1 2 5 the m oney is never rea l ly enj oyed and often ra p i d ly lost aga i n . Riches can not be conta i ned by g reedy hands. The 1 25s g reed forever longs fo r more a nd m o re a nd more . Having 2 luxury ca rs a n d des i ring 5 m o re i ndicates a stro ng pocket of 1 2 5 . . . where the person has no creative idea what to do with the money oth er than waste it on m eta l a n d other su perficial ities. Th e less is experienced inside (creativity, feel i ngs, energy, thoug hts) the m o re sti m u l i is needed from outside to fee l anyth i n g at a l l . Afra id of l oosing h i s "fee l i n g " a l l types of actions a re u nderta ken . H i s tactile and emotional senses d u l led he might no longer be a roused by norm a l sex but req u i re more extreme measures to feel a little trickle of joy. Th is i s where sexual deviations, perversions a n d a lso sexual cri mes such as Paedop h i l i a a n d Ra pe reside. The less energy is ava i l a ble, the more is needed in order to "feel someth i n g ". Paedoph i l i a is only practiced by those who chronically vi brate at 1 2 5 and h ave some 30-40 (d esecration of i n n ocence) m ixed in with that. And if it's not the pedophile who "j ust cant help" des i ri n g , then its ra pe, bestia l i ty or other th ings he or s h e "j ust ca nt do a nyth i ng a bout". Condem nation is no sol ution to sexua l crime, ra ising societies genera l level of energy is. What motivates cri me depends on the level of conscio usness. The 0-80 m u rders out of p u re desperation or h atred . Th e 1 00-energy m u rders out of fea r. And a level 1 2 5 m u rderer can feel satisfaction i n the process . Level 1 60 m u rders i n rag e . The 1 9 0 -- 113 --
,·. ould not com m it m u rder i n person but cou l d be :ersuaded to have someone else m u rder for h i m if a at of money is at sta ke . M u rder is out of the q uestion at 200, even thoug h the 200 m ig ht ponder it in ti mes Jf Frustration . That which is detri menta l to l ife is -arely practiced a b ove 200 . The 1 1 5- 1 70 field p refers flashy enterta i n m ent. Below :hat level you want enterta i n ment that is dark, �Ioomy, b ruta l . From 1 70 to 400 you have mainstrea m enterta i n ment. Those who have an aversion agai nst 'Tlainstrea m have that aversion beca use they a re too 1igh or low in consciousness to a p p reciate it. Both the 'saint and sinner" have th eir d is l i ke of norm a ltons i n com mon . M a ny 1 25 ca n b e fou n d i n Pu bs, Ba rs, l oca l �stiva l s, d ri n ki n g ha lls, red l i g ht d istricts, neon - l i g ht diners, g a m b l i n g h a l l s . The more outside sti m ulation, the better. What would be perceived as too b right a n d noisy by anyone else i s just rig ht for h i m . Las Vegas was founded by and for the 1 25 -energy. Of cou rse the artificial light loved by the 1 2 5 does not come close to the l ight of the sun and even less close to the l ig ht of Spirit. Counterfeits of physica l bea uty (the sun) a n d spiritual beauty (Th e Rays o f a n Angel) can a l ways b e found below 2 0 0 . Mora l condem nation o f th is energy level is n o t helpfu l as it only deepens h i s hate of society i n a l l its "disgusti ng correctness". The 1 2 5 hates decent, clean and successfu l conservative m i d d le-class. Not being able to achieve that leve l of energy ( 3 1 0 ) he sta rts to imagine them as bori n g , uptight, stiff a nd h i mself as easygoing, hip, open - m i nded . H owever, true easygoing-ness is a tra it of 275, not 1 2 5 . Beneath the "be coo l, be easy" act is a very exh a usted i n divid ual without exceptio n . Society h a s a way of generating need fo r somethi n g wh ile at t h e same t i m e placi ng a taboo on that need . You wi l l fi nd this with sex and d rugs especi a l ly. On the -- 114 --
one hand Ca n n abis ( mea suring between 1 80-240, depend ing on q u a l ity) creates rel i ef for the 1 2 5 state, on the other h a nd its outlawed . Th is d o u b le-bind of desi re/resista nce causes one to get stuck in 1 2 5 energies. O n t h e o n e h a n d sex is natura l , sex is fu n , on t h e other h a nd va ri ous societies frown o n exp ressing a n d exploring i t . Amb iva l ence creates a stuckness of energy on a subject. On a sOciety- level laws must be l i bera l ized a l ittle bit - b ut not too m uch as this would have adverse effects. It wo uld remove at least one side of the eq uation ( resista nce/fear), the other side (craving) could then be released through educati o n . The sad story o f the 1 2 5 is that a l l other aspects of l ife, especially other people, a re ignored in favou r of a rtifici a l l y ind uced cravings. The basic attitude is that life is boring, others a re boring and that joy ca n only be fou n d somewhere out there, in the extremes. He has sign ifica ntly more energy and resou rces tha n those below beca use he is d riven by desire, which has been strong enough to d rive enti re civil izations throug hout H istory. If he does go into action th is is not based on the Souls inspiration, but motivated by the inner g a p . Th is w i l l at least compel h i m to "work on himself" a l ittle bit. Ra rely a re a ny of h i s des i res rea l ly fu lfi l l ed without going through severa l ordeals, tragedies, dishonesties and extremely h a rd work. Someti mes a 1 2 5 a ppea rs in one of my workshops . He is only attending the Cou rse in order to get someth i ng outsi de of hi mself to " m a n ifest" through so me kind of magic. He is not aware of the magic with in h i mself and that l ife does not ha ppen to him but through him . So the energy level has at l east led them to my Workshop, even if the i r motivati on is somewhat misgu ided and their resu lts w i l l never be satisfactory. Someday they w i l l wa ke up a nd rea l i ze that only a fool wa its for the world to m a ke h i m happy a nd that h is -- 115 --
goa\s are not rea\\v h is goa\s b u t those prescribed by the med ia or th ose set as a cond itioned response or rebel l ion towards th e status q u o . The u n derlying reason he is so u n ha ppy is beca use h is goals have noth ing to do with who he rea l ly is. Some hea l i ng cou l d come natu ra l ly by letting th is person fu lfil his cravings a l ready and then rea l izing that he is still not happy. Th is is enough for some to move on to h igher levels. Havi n g a B u d d h ist say " let go of you r desires" is not the appropriate tea ching for 1 2 5 . Others use the fulfi l m en t of cravi ngs as a reason to move down the scale. "It did n ot m a ke me happy, so what's the pOint in doing a nything" (a pathy) . On h is 'Horst days he w i l l feel sorrow a n d sad n ess, on h is b est days he w i l l feel pride a n d a rroga nce . If you catch a 125 at a point i n l ife when noth i ng he has achieved seems to matter, rem ind h i m of i n ner q u a l ities a n d val ues a nd o f h i s relationsh i p t o other people, other hob bies, other i nterests i n life. Another path to healing is for him to learn to feel . To lea rn to state desires freely without having the pressure of expectation attached to each of them . "I must h ave sex tonight with Susa n " is a 1 2 5-statement, especia l ly if it does not come true. As the m i nd becomes progressively softer and m o re a l lowing, the statem ent becomes less specific and h a rd -edged and more genera l . "I wa nt to have sex ton ight" m a kes the 1 2 5s success more l i kely. "I wa nt to have sex soo n " even m o re so. And "wou l d n 't it be n i ce to h ave sex these d ays?" would be the sa me statement ta ken to level 2 7 5 . H is next step would b e to lea rn to l i ke someth ing without craving it. Li king sex, not need ing it. Li ki n g money, not need i ng i t . Preferri ng chocol ate, not need ing it. M ost of society sti l l ru ns on words such as "must", "shou l d ", " need " rather th an the i r softer eq uiva lents . Goa l planning is helpfu l at th is stage. H i s whole l ife being a sort o f rebe l l ion "against the syste m " and the "boring worl d ", showing h i m how h i s -- 116 --
a ntagonism against the world is u ltim ately self destructive, wi l l hel p . Many who have wa nted to change "th is evil world" end up at 1 2 5 , overwhel med and b u rned-out. Burned-out because its i m possi b l e to change a whole world without cha n g i ng on eself. The 1 2 5 has severa l fixations a n d instances of stuck attention . Releasing th ose wi l l be helpfu l . Allowi ng h i m t o see that the joy he projects onto certa i n th ings happening, orig inate with i n hi mself a n d that he will be more easily a ble to fi n a l ly "get" those th ings if he stops ru n n i n g after them a n d l ets them run after him . Th e sa me con cepts a pply to pockets of cravi n g . We a re g ra d u a l l y enteri ng the en ergy fi elds that a re i n sync with readers of th is book so m ore of what is said wi l l apply to you or seem fa m i l i a r. About 2% of the readers of th is book w i l l actua l ly be chronic 1 2 5s. The chances of l ower energ ies getting a hold of this book is close to zero beca use 500 is u n perceivable there . These fi rst cha pters a re deliberately written i n a lower state ( 1 90350) beca use I ca n not accurately descri be lower levels without loweri ng my own vibration . Were I to reside higher, none of this would be of i n terest to me. As this book prog resses I will progress with it. I deli berately chan ged locations w h i l e writing this book in order to stay tru e to the vibe of each of the books parts, so that I cou ld convey them . The fi rst part of this book was written in Varka la, South India . Th e second was written in Berchtesgaden, Germa ny. Th e third part was written in Queenstow n , New Zea l a n d . All three areas a re of a mazing bea uty and yet the first vibrates at 270, the second at 370 and the th ird at 470. I n order to address certa i n readers and rea l ities properly, one has to level with them . I cou l d not have tra n smitted levels 600- 1 000 if I were n 't at least in a 470-fiel d . And I could not have tra nsmitted 0-200 if I were not below 300 . U nfu lfi l led Desi res, Empti ness, Ad diction, h i dden a nger at the world is what this leve l is about. It a lso i nvo lves -- 117 --
: ""ojected hate" wh ich is secretly despisi ng others for :- ! ngs they never sa id or d i d . The 1 2 5 co u ld learn to :: ..::e responsi b i l ity for h i s projections. "Th is is my :-ought that I a m projecting a bout this person . It i s -ot the person the way he/she rea l l y i s . " He cou l d ea rn to fi nd va l ues n ot o n ly i n outside "valua bl es" b u t "'lth i n . What is a s m i l e worth? What is t h e cost o f a Sl1 i le? H ow do you feel when someone sm i l es at you? ..!., ! 125 you want to reject it, i g nore it. Why? Beca use .�u'd rea l ize that happiness is for free and that wou l d :rea k y o u r game. Restori ng h onest com m u n icatio n '1es with others is a l s o a path t o ascension from here . : = o n e were t o stop lyi n g , cheati n g , h i d i n g it would b e :lfficult t o ma i nta i n 1 25 . "!"ctually its n ot Desire that is a path t o ach i evement :ut W i l l i n g ness ( 3 50) . "Wa nti n g " someth i ng achieves -oth i n g . It only affi rms lack. The m oment you des i re someth i n g you a re sayi n g "I don't have it" . So i n stead :f developing a feel i ng of l o n g i n g for someth i n g , I -ecommend you develop a fee l i ng of Willingness to -ave it. You may wa nt this a n d that, everyone wants someth i n g or other - but a re you Willing to have it? .\re you w i l l i n g to com m it to it, to love it, to decide for "C, to embrace it? That's how a new reality i s created . :t is n ot created by mere wanti ng-ness. Feel the jifference between "I want (fi l l in the blank)" a n d "I ::m w i l l i n g to h ave (fi l l in the B l a n k) " . Nomen sometimes express this level a s a n icy :oldness that is somehow stuck between a nger ( 1 60) 3nd fea r ( 1 00) b ut wi l l express neither of the two . You :a n feel her teeth gritting and that she is wa iti ng for ,ou to fi n a l l y leave the room so that she ca n get back :0 whatever o bsession she is fol lowing - and besides she cant sta n d the presence of oth ers, m u ch less =riendly peo p l e . No matter h ow m u ch m a ke- u p she Duts on she w i l l fi nd it difficult to mask her resentment. 160 is anger, 1 55 is ra ge but 140, which is sti l l i nterm ixed with the fea r of level 1 00 , does n ot :jare express that rag e . So this is a bom b waiting to expl ode, wa iti ng to ri p the h a i r out of another wom a n -- 118 --
i n a bar-fig ht. Exha ustion leads to her having ri ngs u nder her eyes and aging more q u ickly than others . W h i l e level 80 is t h e level o f the a bused a n d victi m i zed wom a n , l evel 1 30 is th e level of the ruth l ess wom a n w h o i s , i n that sense, m uch more dangerous t o her fel l ow h u mans. I once knew a ma nager who was ca ught on th i s level a n d kept sa bota g i n g h i s own success without even rea l izing it. He had h is d a i l y dose of coca ine a n d was freq uently seen with prostitutes . . . but he was never actua l ly seen s m i l i n g . The p rostitutes he hung a round with were 80-ish en ergies . . . needy and desperate women who had lost everyth ing a n d were dependent on h i s favours . H i s in ner resentment of society a n d others w a s never really expressed b u t one could sense it boi l i n g rig ht beneath the s u rfa ce . Col leag ues that cou l d have supported h is com pany a nd p u l l it out of the red , he betrayed for no apparent reason at a l l . He eventu a l l y lost h i s business and descended into crime (cri me that he had a l ready been cu ltivati ng i n the compa ny. In fact, p rior to h is below-200 activities the company was a big success) . S i nce a few yea rs he is in priso n . Although there a re not t h e o n ly things the 1 25s a re a bout, I mentioned sex a n d d rugs so often beca use they offer good exa mples how 1 25 works . Sex as such is not a below-200 activity. The act itself measu res at 2 7 5 . It is the preoccupation with sex that measu res at 1 2 5 , whereas sex com b i ned with loving devotion measures i n the 300s a nd 400s. If not sex and d rugs 1 25ers w i l l get the i r fix from other th i n gs a n d they w i l l go th rough a lot to get it. The O bese who crave for th e i r next hit of Soda and H a m b u rger. They w i l l ra rely assume responsi b i l ity for their behaviour but claim that their genetic constitution is to blame or their moms good food is to b l a m e or TV-ads a re to b l a m e . Before b l a m i n g -- 119 --
everyth i ng on genes beca m e popu l a r they bla med it on food conta i n ing too m uch fa t - excuses that a re unfo rtu nately confi rm ed by politica l l y correct "sci entific stu d ies" that seek to portray eve ryone as a vict i m rather t h a n t h e powerfu l rea l ity-creators t h a t w e a re . Wh i l e b l a m i n g fats they often fa i l to mention that i t is them choosing the food and plenty of it. If genetiCS were responsi ble fo r their obesity then why is it that mass-obesity is a m odern p roblem that did not exist 100 years ago? Or why is it that hard ly a ny prison inm ate is o bese? If its genetic, rather th a n having to do with food and menta l -self-progra m m i n g , surely there would be more o bese people i n pri so n ? Then he usua l ly back-pedals and says -We l l , genetiCS only means that you have a propensity for overwe ig ht, I sti l l have to watch out what I eat. . . " I n sayi ng so she has fi n a l ly ta ken at least a l ittle bit of responsi b i l ity. Actua lly the 1 2 5-energy of cravi ng for food is not as strong as people th i n k. Before giving in to bei ng -hungry" and "need i ng to eat", ta ke a moment to exa m i ne that energy i n the body you ca l l " h u nger". Gently focus on it, gently b reathe with it, release you r resi sta nce . That a lone w i l l decrease the feeling of hunger a n d you wont have to g i ve in to that cravi ng immediately. Postpone you r l u nch a l ittle, rega i n some control over you rself - you a re not a sl ave to that aavi n g . Later, when you have forgotten that you a re �ungry", eat. Eat when you a re not that h u n g ry or not hungry at a l l . In th is way you w i l l not only natu ra l ly eat less but also break the Pavlovian conditioning of
having to eat eve ry ti me the 1 2 5-energy says so. You will a lso fi nd that the h u nger then does not com e from the cond itioned reflex but from the del icious taste of the food itself. I know that sou nds strange, but g i ve it a try. Th i n ki n g that 125 is overpoweri ng is a n i l l u sion . :: is only "overpowering" for the habitual 1 25-energy, -- 120 --
the one fo r whom noth i n g else matters when a craving needs to be met. Th is is why chronic 1 2 5s ca n have psychopath ic tendencies. " I 'd ki l l for a pi ece of chocolate" then becomes q u ite l itera l . The fea rfu l 1 00 is concerned about how "da ngerous" the world is beca use he sees a l ot of those energ ies rig ht nea r h i m - the 1 2 5 t o 160. You access pockets of 1 2 5 by menta l ly focussing on the m , emotiona l l y em bracing them a n d then releasing you r attention from th e m . These q u estions are meant to help you focus : What should someone not have done to you? What do you crave? What a re you addicted to? Why a re you add icted to that? Who do you hate without openly a d m itti ng it? What have you been wa nti ng for long time now, without getti ng it? What m ust you have? What is needed? What su bsta nces do you need to ta ke in order to feel relief? Who wou l d you l i ke to h u rt bad ly? Why a re you exh a u sted ? What do you long for? What do you need more than anyth ing? What m ust you h ave? Th e fields of 1 0 0 - 1 9 9 a re favo u rite ta rgets for m a rketi n g . Even a dvertisement that is obviously dishonest wo uld seem co m pe l l i n g to the 1 2 5er. Have you ever wondered how a dvertisers cou l d expect that constant repetition of the i r com mercia l s to have any effect at all? To h ig her levels they a re just a n noyi n g . B u t to the 100- 1 50 they work wel l . The "spiritu a l ity" of the 1 2 5 is often m i sg u ided beca use he fa l ls for sca ms such as "Discover the Ancient mystic secrets . S i g n up to our prog ra m now, for only $500". -- 121 --
- : 25s u ndersta n d i n g of leisure a n d sports is very :. =erent from that of h i g h er levels of consci o usness . I -� .'e not met one 1 2 5 who is physica l ly fit and capa ble � sports. Therefore he often rem a i n s a spectator of 5:crts rather than the i r pa rtici pant. That's why :'- isical exercise can e levate h is consciousness . -'-':ortu nately the sports he is a spectato r of ofte n -. olve violence o r cruelty towa rd a n i m a ls (chicken =r;"'ts, dog h u ntin g , d uck shooti n g , boxi ng, wei g ht -_ ng, wrestling, kickboxing etc. ) . "Extreme sports" in "-ich people a re i nj u red for life or even ki l led a re a lso = h is l i ki n g . Having a fixation on body b u i ld i n g comes - at energy l evel 1 70 - the 1 2 5 can only look at it i n =, ... e. Those w h o enjoy exercisi ng i n the g y m can -ostly be found between 1 60 a n 2 7 5 . A bodyb u i l der of :-ese levels has the tendency to obsess over body :'_ i lding and m a ke it the m a i n a rea of h is l ife . On the :f'1ght side at least he is channe l l i n g his violence into -n ng weig hts . 1 70-260s a lso enjoy ca r ra cing a n d :cwl i n g . American footba l l fa ns usua l ly reside i n a : 70- 350 zon e . Those who m a i n ly watch the "big ;.ames" such as the S u per Bowl, go u p to level 500 . -ip ica l for low 200s a re m o u nta i n c l i m b i n g a n d h i ki n g . -{pi ca l for 300s a re tennis a nd swi m m i n g . -.evels 300 -440 enjoy soccer, baseba l l , basketba l l , :ycl i ng, board-ga mes, chess, certa i n types of d a ncing, ;olf, certa i n m a rti a l a rts, ru n n i n g , playi n g . The mere spectator is usu a l l y a few energy-ru ngs l ower tha n the actual participant. Physica l movement and sports is a :rait of th e m id-ra nge of energy a n d l ower levels can -,d eed ascend th rough p hysica l m ovement and :ompetitive sports . Being i nert, heavy, u n movi n g , d u l l 5 a trait o f the below-200-energies. Th e habitual soccer spectator is usually at 200-300 while the pl ayer -equires at least l evel 300 to play properly. The :Jrofessional soccer player ca n be fou n d a l l the way u p :0 440, t h e supersta r-soccer player a t 500 . The sa me �oes for basketba l l . But the reason especially soccer
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measu res th is high i n energy is beca use it teaches goal-ori entation, tea m-dyn a m i cs, focus and tactics and elicits excitement a n d enth usiasm on a worldwide basis ... more than m a ny pol iticians a nd rel ig ious leaders can ever hope to accompl ish . The un ifying energy of the soccer world cu p has had a benefici a l effect on m ass-consciousness . Wh i le s i m i l a r c a n b e sa id of basketba l l a n d t o some extent even American football, these sports a re mostly a ppreciated in North America a n d not the rest of the world . American Footba l l i s m uch more violently i nj u rio us than soccer which is why it does not measure q u ite as hig h . Levels 400-500 enjoy dancing, b a l let, sports that i nvolve a rtistic expression and watersports such as diving and windsurfing . The reason win dsurfi ng, fo r exa m ple, did not exist before the 1 980s is beca use the m ass-consciousness co u l d not conceive of it before that ti m e . Windsurfi n g appl ies going with the wind and water in a mix of you r own w i l l and the w i l l of nature, thereby accu rately tra i n i ng a b i l ities co m m on in the 400s. As the level of planeta ry energy further ascends in the next decades, you will see many other types of new sports not conceived of before . But th is is a l l fa r away for the 1 2 5 who holds sports and leisure activities i n a mix of awe and d isg ust. He has some energy ava i la b le th ough and could chan nel energy differently. Properly channelled, his desire may act as a cata lyst to ascend to h ig her levels i n the understa n d i n g that only in a nother level of energy can , those desires be met. "If you want to ach i eve your goals, you w i l l have to move to another level of consciousness" I tel l the m . Of cou rse, by the ti me th reach the level where they could easily m a ke their , , d rea m of l ux u ry or sexu a l adventu re come tru e, they are often no longer i nterested i n it. Pornogra phy is a n i nvention of the 1 2 5 - menta l ity, so lets ta ke a look at it. It is not that it's "mora l ly wrong' as u ptig hts ( 1 00) preach . The "ch u rch" having
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:ondem ned free expression of sexua l ity fo r ce ntu ries is ...·hat led to its degradation i n the first pl ace. The :Jroblem with pornography is that it is used in the assu m ption that sex is difficult to get in rea l i ty or somehow com p l i cated to do in rea l l ife . You w i l l hard ly see any porn-addict who ever had a fu lfi l l i n g sex-life �r rea l . So he uses pornography as a substitute . But Hatching a porn-fl ick is noth i n g at a l l l i ke the real experience of sex . H ow does one feel looki n g at a :elevision or com puter screen? A bit d ifferent than one Nou ld feel touching a rea l , breathi n g h u man being . Of :ou rse there is some energy com i n g from the a rousa l :>f the a ctors a n d some energy com i ng from the �astu rbators i ma g i n ation, b ut it pales i n comparison : 0 the rea l th i n g . As watch i ng porn becomes h a bitual :)ve r time, ones senses a re d u l led a nd the cravi ng ncreases. With the craving i n creasing, the l i ke l i hood :>f ever getting the rea l thing decreases - beca use a-aving creates lack. And the energy of lack keeps the th ings you want away from you . A porn addict going to a disco trying to chat u p women w i l l notice that a l l Nomen a re m oving away from h i m , getting gooseb u m ps when he i s a rou n d . "Yu ck. Lets go somewhere else . Lets get away from th is creep" wi l l be the tone . Th ey may not know wh at's creepy a bout that guy, but they will feel the gap of non-fulfi l m ent rad iating a nd natura l ly shy away from it. So that's the energy result of porn -add ictio n . Pornography is becoming one of the most popu l a r pastimes on th is planet. As of 2009 a staggering 60% of the America n popu lation a d m its to watch i ng porn on the i nternet reg u l a rly. And as of 2009 most of it can be viewed for free. The greed of the popu lace has created the opportun ity to h ave a l l of it fo r free, as often as you like. As porn - p rod uction comes from a level - 1 2 5 - 1 9 0 energy, most o f i t w i l l be aston ish ingly u ncreative, u n l i ke a nyth ing you wou l d enjoy i n rea l l ife . Don 't expect to get a ny interesti ng backd rop, storyline or va riation or even at l east some different type of sex fro m porn-prod ucers . On 1 2 5 one easily beco mes -- 124 --
addicted to porn . On lower levels than 1 2 5 one seeks out more deg raded va riations of it. On 1 60-190 it is often con nected to dom i n a nce and forci ng others i nto subm issi o n . On level 200 porn is viewed out of boredom a n d ofte n i n secret ( level 200 hosts a lot of h usbands who a re bored by their ma rriages a nd seek adventu re in porn ) . Level 275 uses porn as i nspiration to "go out a nd get some". The level 275 person often watches it with oth ers or with the person he or she is trying to sed uce . Level 275 porn a lso often features a more h u m a n e treatment of women th a n l ower levels. The "erotica " type of fi l m is more su ita ble to 2 7 5 . Levels a bove 2 7 5 have less interest in pornog ra p hy, with only a few exceptions, they prefer the rea l th ing . Beyond 3 5 0 is the level of " h ig h -energy-sex". The oth er reason pornogra p hy only measures at 1 2 5 is because a sacred a ct is being desecrated . Inti m a cy is replaced by ca mera men a nd lig hti ng assista nts sta nd i ng a round the act. Love and a ppreci ation of your fel low h u m a n being is replaced by the use of the mere body as a n object of lust which is of no i nterest whatsoever once the user has cli maxed . Pornogra p hy would a lso be of h ig her energy if both the intent of the producers a nd the en ergy- level of the performers were h ig her. The m a i n problem is rea l l y the i ntent of the prod ucer wh ich is not "to serve my custo m ers" but rather " m i l k them for money" a nd the intent of the actors wh ich is often not " have a fu lfi l l i ng experience" but "get it over with". If its only pockets of 1 25 yo u have, these w i l l g ra d u a l ly d isappear over ti me as you matu re a n d lea rn the material of this book. Merely lea rn i n g that desire does not create rea lity but a lack of that rea lity is enough to blow away big chunks of 1 2 5 . I wou ld now l i ke to share th ree processes that w i l l actua l ly ha ndle a few o f your 1 2 5-energies. U s e the processes as Med itations or Contemplations where you choose an item to focus on and then ru n it th rough the q u estions/commands. Do not beg i n with strong -- 125 --
::':1 ictions or sexua l/relationsh i p attach m ents - such -S...J es are best left to a time you feel co mforta ble with -s 71g tech n iq ues as fol lows or with the help of =cd itional tools. Stay with each q u estion/co m m a n d for : :0 30 seconds, as seems rig ht for you . 1. Feel the Fee l i n g Fully
=:cus you r attention, for a moment, on a n u nfu lfi l led :esi re you have . 'lew, rather than condemn ing you rself for havi ng that :r �eeling judgementa l beca use the author of this book x d cravi ng is " l ow energy", e m b race that desi re . J.,. o w yourself t o have that fu l l y. =. e n tolerate and love yourself for havi n g that cravi n g . �.:ther than giving i nto it, for n o w embrace the feel i n g -: craving itself, as it a ppears i n the body. J.. .-d rather than focusing on the story that creates the ::eYi ng, sh ift you r attention to the energy of desiring 13elf. ='ien rem ove the la bel "desire" a n d just relax with that �Iing itself, without any label . · :J-U wi l l notice that it su bsides. Why? Because craving :quires a bu n ch of made-up menta l stories of th ings . � u su pposed ly lack. 2. The H a ppi ness a l ready with i n you
: recom mend you do th is process on each a n d every :esi re or goal you have . Rest, close your eyes if you " ant and stay with each of the fol lowi n g items :Etween 5 and 3 0 seconds. =OCus on someth ing you thi n k will m a ke you h a ppy \otice and feel the lack i n herent in that :auld you , for now, let go of th i n king that that wi l l �ake you happy? :ould you let go of focussi ng on the item itself, for -ow? :auld you al low you rself to feel the peace a n d -appi ness a l ready with i n you , rig ht now? :0
not rem a i n with any of the items for more than 30 -- 126 --
seconds. Move on to the next desi re yo u'd l i ke to process . And simply ru n th rough the steps to the best of your c u rrent u ndersta n d i n g . If your way of doing this process ch a nges over time, that's fin e . There a re different ways to do it, but no wrong way to do it if the genera l observations a re made in that order. I recommen d you h a n d le at least 5 desires per session and even repeat the process with o n ly one desire a few ti mes, especially if a certa i n desire a ppea rs to keep forcing itself i nto yo u r awa reness throug hout the day. The a i m of the process is to teach the body/ m i nd that the relaxation it th ought is i n the future can be experienced rig ht now. 3. From Desire to Bel ief
If you wa nt to do the above exercise and this one more rigorously, m a ke a l ist of you r desires to ru n th rough the process. Focus on someth ing you Desire Notice the separati on between the Observer/Desi rer and the Goa l Just for now, g ive u p desiring that. J ust relax ( DeSi re m a n ifests as a slig ht tension i n the body, that is w hat you relax) . N ow once aga i n focus on the item but this ti me merge with it, as if it is a l ready fu lfi l l ed, as if it has a l ready come true, so that you a re not the outside observer but the experiencer of that rea l i ty Rest with that; let go of asking when, how and from where it wi l l ha ppen beca use with i n it has already ha ppened Th ese tech n i q ues offer you some of the m ost i m po rta nt ones in the book, beca use they not o n ly tra nsform 1 2 5-en ergy into positive vi bes, but a lso m a ke it more l i kely that you achieve the goals you have been worki n g to ach ieve . There is no goa l ach ievement o f a n y kind without your inner u n iverse, you r energy being a l i g ned with that goa l , being wholehea rted ly w i l l i n g to experience it a n d bel ieve in its rea l ity. Des i re o n ly breeds Frustration . If you t h i n k -- 127 --
ca n only stay focussed on your goals if yo u have Jesire a s a m otivato r, th i n k a g a i n , a nd try Intention nstea d . taU
160 Anger, Dom i n ation, Agg ression, Violence, Rage, Revenge
With outbreaks of anger ( 1 60) and Violence ( 1 5 0) th is evel controls those below. Th is is you r choleric, you r do m i n a nt, yo u r tyra nt, you r control frea k. He is m uch :nore a ble to act, control and work than lower levels, :>ut often in destructive ways. Com p a red to the 80s h i s self-confidence is rad i a nt, compared t o t h e 3 0 0 s h e has n o n e . 160 is a shifting point for those com i ng from below; for them it feels l i ke freedo m , l i ke b rea ki ng ioose from all constra i nts. H ence a nger-therapy a n d violent sports . Hence war. Lower levels a re liberated from d u l l ness a n d victim hood . Armed forces a n d mil ita ry conquer and beat l ower l evels b u t n o t only i n the sense o f having more powe r t h a n them ( a genera l ru l e of the sca le i s that i n com petiti on h igher energy a lways beats lower) , but by the excitement and energy it generates . Wa rmongeri n g does wea ken the 170s, 1 80s, 200s, but it empowers those that were i n apathy. Know i n g this we ca n see the world with more compassion a n d tolera nce, we see that some of this "negative" energy is needed for the elevation of the sorry m asses d rifting through a pathy-hel l . No offence to the pacifists, but the macho-a g g ression of the U S Marines a l ong with some o f the rag i n g l u natics of mil ita ry Africa or the a n g ry ra nts of the rel i g ious fa natic serve to elevate the depressed and repa i r lower levels with i n mass-consciousness. An a n g ry ra nt is j ust what those stuck on sha me, g u i lt and a pathy need . Th e 160 l i kes ta l ki n g a bout power, superiority, destruction, wea pons, battl es. " I a m rig ht, others a re wrong" is the slog a n . She ta kes bad news seri ously and fi lters out most of the good news - except if that news some how perta ins to her own victory over -- 128 --
others . She wants to domi nate and oppress a n d uses threats of pu n ishment a n d violence to do so . On bad days she wi l l a lso resort to physical aggressi on . World Wa r II was a d i splay of how destructive th i s energy field ca n become when it g a i n s momentu m . WWII was one g iga ntic 160-fest. For society it wou l d therefore be i m portant to ch annel this en ergy into constru ctive d i rections or hyd rate the fi re of rage with the el ement of water before it tu rns i nto m a n i c destruction spree. Where there is a n abundance o f water you will genera l ly fi nd less violence . Ta ke a ny beach town or island and check thei r statistics on tensions and fighting as com pa red to i n l and reg ions. Even though they a re at the Med iterra nean Israel and Pa lestine a re no exceptions. Th eir l a n d is a rid and they have been having a water crisis for as long as they've been wag i ng wa r. Lack of water a n d heat a re not the "ca use" of the outbrea k of violence but, a g a i n , just an other sym ptom of a certa in energy-field . But change only one of the p uzzle-pieces of that field a n d other aspects of it natu ra l ly fol low. Th is is someth i n g not q u ite yet understood by l i near consciousness that domi nates our politicia ns a n d scientists . Th e moment those wag i n g wa r actua l ly prefer peace, these things a nd m a ny others w i l l be come to light. Men who habitua l ly beat women a re chron ica l ly stu ck at 1 60 . A wom a n who is a lso at 160 would h it back with force, u n less he ma nages to beat her down into fea r with the most forcefu l means. Ra ising ones voice reg u l a rly and wa l ki ng a round utterly convi nced of ones own rig htness is a giveaway of 160-energy. Despite th eir a ppeara nce of strength , levels bel ow 2 5 0 do n o t really h ave strength i n a ny u n iversa l sense. Th ey believe force achieves more tha n true power but all it does is destroy. Force creates a counter-force . -- 129 --
Th eir actions create reta l i ation . In the end noth ing is ga ined . True power is someth i n g d ifferent. Neither is there p u b l i c d isplay of a uthority a sign of "true power". Th at would do noth i ng other than make them a targ et. Anyone who knows the fi rst thing about true power stays out of the spotlight. If you a re a 200 person the 160 w i l l actually feel i n secure i n your mere presence, even if he doesn't show it but conti n u es to swing his sword . If, while attacked by h i m , you rema i n on you r level rather tha n fa l l ing to fea r ( 1 00 ) , h i s body will sta rt to go wea k. Th is means either h i s knees beg i n to tremble or he l ooses h i s com posu re or h i s a nger tri ckles out into mere a ntagonism ( 1 8 5 ) . The secret of the 1 60 beati ng you is to get you to buy into fea r, get you to believe there is a n a ctu a l threat. Otherwise he wont be able to h u rt you . If a 1 60 is holding a gun at you, there a re two poss i b i l ities. Either d uck/ru n or deve lop a 500+ en ergy-field, wh ich w i l l g u a ra ntee your safety in this l ife or the afterl ife . It is extremely difficult to shoot a 500+ radia nce of p u re l ove . Ones arms go wea k, shooti ng becomes awkward , one misses the target. But even if you achieve to shoot the 500, you have just hel ped h i m enter celestia l rea l m s . Th is i s the tech n i q u e G h a n d i used when facing British Troops who were ready to shoot h i m and brea k h i s protest. H a d G h a n d i ta ken their machismo seriously and fa llen into fea r ( 1 00) or cou nter-ag g ression ( 1 60) the sa me thing that happens i n a l m ost all a rmed confl i cts would have happened : M a ny deaths, no rea l victory for a ny of the sides. I nstead he m a i ntai ned the consciousness-level of non-resistance (600) and the so ldiers were unable to even press the triggers in their guns! But good l u ck tryi ng to convi nce the tra i ned sold ier of that. "What, we're just sup posed to sit here and love the enemy? You m ust be kidd i n g ". Note that they were physica l ly a n d menta l ly unable to <:ill h i m . Th is is true power and fa r removed from the si l ly machismo of the 1 60 energy that believes it can -- 130 --
have a nything with b rute force . 600 knows that it is not the ego that has power, b ut the u n iverse . Th e u n iverse has the power to create a n enti re g a laxy, planets, mou nta i ns, trees. Compare that to th e infa nti le ra m bl i ngs of a 1 6 0 . The tyra nt doesn't sta nd a chance . Level 1 00-a nti-esta b l ishment-theorist who th i n k the tyra nt actua l ly has "power" and " ru les the world" only sees it that way from a 1 00-rea l ity. Lea rn what true power (as opposed to b rute force) is. Th en noth i n g ca n h a rm you . Rad iating at 550 (U nconditional Love) a nd a bove, you r problems va n ish and you become u n b reaka ble. Its easy to be u n b rea ka ble beca use you no longer identify you rself with the body, you clearly experience you rself as a sou l , so no matter what "violence" comes down u pon you, its meani ngless. Stone me, sta b me, n a i l me to a cross - above 670 its not even felt as a physica l sensation . If you rad iate at 500+ w h i l e others rad iate a t 1 60 and a bomb expl odes in you r m idst, you wi l l be the only one not h u rt by that bom b . That is no exa ggerati on . Don't bel ieve it? That's because you have not experi enced the awesome po wer of levels a bove 500. You r scepticism is of 1 70-220 energ ies. The only "power" this level therefore has is over dead matter, physica l objects a n d h u m a n bod ies. It never comes close to h u rting the spirit that a l lows for a l l bod i es a nd objects to a rise from the infi n ite fi eld of consciousness. Its p u rest M a n ifestation in rece nt H isto ry (and by recent I mea n in the last 1 0 000 yea rs) was Nazi Germa ny. Some of its later warti m e energ ies measu re as low as 30 (Violence for the sa ke of Violence rather than for the sa ke of Victo ry o r Defense ) . Its highest leve l was the Cou rage a nd Bravery of 280. Most often it represented nationalistic 1 9 5 , concerned with pride and ra n k and 160 concerned conq uering others. If you have been ave raging below 1 50 for some -- 131 --
amou nt of time then don't seek a hea l i n g from a n ger, nstead try cultivati ng it. Reassert you r su periority a nd dom i n a nce before movi ng on to l i g hter pla nes. Th en, when you a re sufficiently dom i n a nt, focus o n 1 80 by tra nsform ing a nger into mere com p l a i nt. An exa m ple of positive tra nsformation over ti me . . . -Th ose d a m n Russia n s ! " ( 1 60) to --I don't l i ke Russians too m uch" ( 1 80) to --I'm not interested i n Russi a ns" ( 1 90) to --Russians? Who ca res?" (200) to --Russians a re O K" (220) . -Russians a re Interesti n g " (280) "'Russia is Amazi n g " ( 3 20) Another way to hand le pockets of a nger is by rea l izing how it expresses powerlessness rather tha n power. It i ndicates that whatever is ha ppening is someth ing you absolutely do not want. So when experienci n g rage, use that as an opportu n ity. Let it a l l out (without hurti ng others, use a p i l low or punching bag or get on a bike and ride it off) and then, after that, consi der how your anger is i n d i cative of a strong desire a n d at the sa me ti me i nd i cative of you focussi ng in the opposite d i recti on of the fu lfi l ment of that desi re (si m i l a r to 1 25, you a re focussed on lack rather tha n having ) . When i n rage you more than ever know what you don't wa nt, it therefore fol l ows that you then a l so more than ever know what you do wa nt. It is in this way that rage ca n be turned into someth i ng positive . "What I a m d isgusted with is . . . ", "And what I prefer i nstead is . . . " In rephrasing you r a nger into someth i n g usefu l t h e stron g current is uti l ized fo r the e n l iven ment of a specific topic. Reg a rd i n g that topic the a nger wi l l probably never retu rn beca use the energy is now flowing u pwa rds. The h igher one goes the easier it a ctua l l y is to overcome mis-emotio n . Many o n ly h a rbour bad feel i ngs fo r more than a few min utes beca use they don't know how easy it is to just let go of them . -- 132 --
When you encounter a n other perso n i n the m idst of red hot b u rn i ng 1 5 5, try to m a inta i n a completely neutra l sta n ce or give h i m the rig ht-of-way without p i l i n g u p a ny extra resista nce fro m you r side. There is a l ready enough resista nce in the roo m , so te l l h i m "Yes, you 're rig ht ! ". Not "Oh I a m so sorry, you a re so rig ht" which wou l d be SO-ish g rove l l i n g , but s i m ply a neutra l affi rmation of h i s rig htness . Th is is one way to have h i s anger tri ckle out with i n seconds. 160s a re so i n secu re that they a re in consta nt need of acknowledgement. Offer that attention and they ca l m down l i ke c h i ld ren who h a d a tem per ta ntrum a n d got their way. Questions for getting i n touch with a n g e r : Who is a n e v i l person? Who wou l d you let die if you cou l d get away with it without being ca ug ht? Who wou l d you wa nt to h u rt? What do you want to destroy? Why does destruction feel good someti mes? Who is utterly stu pid? Why a re these people so stu pid? What a re some m i sta kes you made? What d o you reg ret? What would you l i ke to m a ke a m ends for? What do you a ctu a l ly des i re? What a re you r goa ls? What do you want instead of the bad th i ngs? What overwhel ms, frustrates and stresses you out? Who needs to be hit h a rd ? What do you want revenge for? What enrages yo u? What wrongs need to be revenged? What enemy needs to be wi ped out co m pletely?
For a m i n ute or two, a l low you rself to i m a g i n e what you would l i ke to do to someone you hate. Play it out.
-- 133 --
. 5.Ja lizing violence w i l l not m a ke you m o re prone to it : _: al low you to vent and free the energy. Punch :-em . Shoot them . Stick their eyeballs to a ca r a n d ::-3 g their body a l o n g the ta r. Slap th em . Are y o u shy :; visualizing these th i ngs? Do you want to keep you r :rger bottled u p with i n so that i t b reaks out in rea l ity �,.., e day? Looking at th is for a few m i nutes creates :- lef, not tension . You a re letti ng what wants to be =icyed out, play out, without having to resort to the :r vsica l acts . �- !'"e lati onship q u a rrels, understa nd that your a n g ry :.c otner is actua l ly the one i n a state of wea kness . --ere a re pa rts of herself she does not wa nt to see =-d there a re u nfu lfi l led desi res . S h e may ach ieve :r:gging you down to anger so that you lash out at - e--. Try not to g ive i nto that, stay ca l m . You w i l l notice :-at you r ca l m ( 2 20) elevates her, even if o n ly s l ig htly. :f :ourse, she may a lso be angry beca use you have :isn layed a pathy, i n which case her anger is justified . -.:: t5 say for exa m ple that i n the household you :ls.p lay a pathy regard i n g her belongings. She bought a -ell blouse and you have tooth paste d ri pp i ng over it :.:r-a use you did not close the ca p a nd just d ropped :-e tu be on her blouse. In th is case her a nger i s =-j rely appropriate a n d if she ca n get you r a pathy to -=- "'j! into a n ger (and perhaps later to responsi b i l ity) :;- e has done you a g reat service.
' :'''' actua l l y a l ready know everyth i n g written i n this :co k . Th e soul is intim ately fa m i l i a r with the levels of =ergy and w i l l recogn ize most of what is written here . ' :,j 'd need a specia l below-200-l evel-of-stu pid ity not := �mem ber exa m ples from your life i n which the =ergy- Ievels were at play. Th is book is therefore not � much ed ucation but m o re rea ssu ra n ce of the part of . ':\.J co nn ected to the soul rather than the pa rt of you :-at has been i n doctri nated with m i nd-stuff. . : - also a l ready know exactly how yo u descend i n to -- 134 --
anger i n you r man-wom a n relati onsh ips. Look back at some i nsta nces i n yo u r life . What ha ppened before anger happened? It usua l l y sta rted with boredom ( 1 9 5 ) , did it not? Someti mes there was ti red ness, frustration ( 1 90) a n d b roken pride ( 1 85) involved . Or you felt overworked, overstressed and overwhelmed ( 1 80 ) . S i n ki n g l ower, an a rg u ment ( 1 75) eru pted . U n less the two of yo u ca ught you rself before sinking lower, the a rg u ment then devolved to b l a m e ( 1 70 ) , l isting severa l past u psets a n d down t o rea l anger ( 1 60) a n d maybe viole nce ( 1 5 5) - and that's where th ings happen one feels sorry for l ater o n . U n dersta n d i n g th e sca le you then a l so u n dersta n d how violence i n teenagers starts : They were bo red ( 2 1 0 ) . What should we do today? G o catch a m ovie? Have a dri n k? I don't know. Lets hang out at this park bench for awh i l e . And then ca m e more bored om ( 1 90) . And then bad -ta l ki ng others ( 1 70 ) , m ixed with some machismo ( 1 6 5 ) . And then the descent into violence ( 1 5 5 ) . Th en, to overcome the shame of using violence agai nst ones fel low h u m a n bei ngs, perh a ps there is d rug a b use ( 1 2 5 ) . And then perhaps fea r of the police ( 1 00) . If you a re not norm a lly a choleric or a n a nger person and you a re experiencing it more freq uently, then its time for yo u to get some rest. Go on vacation . Or at least ta ke a n a p . J ust above anger, at 1 7 0 you fi nd exha u stion, frustration, distress a n d pa i n . I s that tootha che bugging you? At 1 6 5 you can rea lly feel the pa i n . At 0 - 1 0 0 you don't feel m uch, the pain is d u l led . You ca n pop a p i l l a nd n u m b the pa i n , but once the effect of the pain -killer su bsides, you'll be rig ht back to 1 6 5 ( u n less the pain was one that would have su bsided over time anyway ) . So does it keep bugging you ? And keep bugging you? You w i l l soon get very angry. Someth ing that keeps nag g i n g and nagg ing and nagging ( 1 65) soon has you exp lode at 1 6 0 . -- 135 --
Is you r attention scattered beca u se everyone wa nts something from you ? You r boss expects the docu ment by ten . Yo u r spouse ca l l s " Do n 't forget the flowers for gra nd m a ! ". A kid is crying nea rby. The ri ng of the three d ifferent telephones su rrou n d i n g you . You r colleague needs hel p . Today you a lso got a b i l l that seems too h i g h . You a re cu rrently at 1 70, frustrati on and overwhe l m and could very easily slip i nto a n ger. Get organ ized . Stop need i n g to fu lfi l everyones expectations. Ta ke a brea k. Go out and get a l ife for a few hours . Ta ke a wa l k. Lie down . Watch a movie. Get back u p to the 200s ! J ust l i ke with 1 60, you a re very awa re of what you do not want, now become aware of what you do want. Stop letting others ru n you r l ife . The overwhelm of a 1 6 5 is not to be m i sta ken with that of a 1 00 for which everything i s overwhe l m i n g . Th e 1 6 5 is you r stressed -out employee w h o feels everyone is loa d i n g everyth ing on h i s shoul ders which is why that is exactly what ha ppens to h i m . He is known to use a n excessive a mount of coffee a n d dga rettes to stay on top of th ings. Spend ing too m uch time in boredo m (200 ) , scattered atte ntion ( 1 9 0 . ) a n d overwhelm ( 1 65) w i l l eventua l ly cause a descent i nto anger. Th is can be observed i n any a rea o f l ife ... i n corporate l ife, i n i nternational relations, i n fa m i l ies. Repeated ly trying to achieve someth ing a n d not achieving it, a lthough you know it can be done, w i l l a lso lead to Frustration ( 1 65) and then anger ( 1 60) . Frustration is a h ig her level of awareness because you know something can be d one, you know someth i n g ca n be achieved, but it just does not happen, whereas a level 100- 1 25 wa nts th ings but does not see how they ca n be ach i eved . Ach ievement happens at 200+ levels. Th i s is why the 1 70 is so fru strated : H e ca n get a sense of what life is like in the 200s but he is not q u ite there . He works, and works, :nd works a n d works and it sti l l does not happen . 1 65-
-- 136 --
1 80 a re some of the hardest workers on the pl an et. But th eir work la cks vision, organ ization, intentio n , foresig ht, creativity a nd th is is w h y they need s o m uch more effort to get someth i n g done. Some sports tea ms operate on 1 6 5 i n order to win a game. Th eir a nger w i l l be used to insti l l fear a n d a pathy i n t h e opponent. B u t if a tea m comes a long that is operating on Cou rage (275) or W i l l i ng n ess ( 3 1 0) then the a nger-tea m is using the wrong strategy a n d w i l l loose. Have you ever wondered why 80% of a l l movies i nvolve vio lence or someone using a g u n to th reaten a n d ki l l others? Al most a l l popu l a r movies conta i n elements o f violence ( 1 5 5 ) , glamour ( 1 90) a n d norm al dia logue (220) . Th is is beca use m uch of the world sti l l reside o n a level of consciousness i n which th is i s des i red . N o body w i l l a d m it that they a re eag er to see m u rder a n d m ayhem , but they wi l l g l ad ly pay for a m ovie ticket or com p uter game to feel the "excitem ent" of death and destruction . On the bright side all th is negative prog ra m m ing helps civil ization rise a bove the even more negative of 0 - 1 50 . It a l lows m i l lions to vent their frustration without actua l l y having t o go out and behave l i ke a n a n i mal . O f cou rse a n d as a l ready mentioned, overd o i ng the prog ra m m i n g does not rel ease violent tendencies but prom otes them . More tha n one violent movie a week is a l rea dy too m uch for the i m p ressionable m i nd , i n my experience. Let a kid ki l l i n a virtua l rea l ity every day and he w i l l become desensitized - progra m med to ki l l . Whether someth i n g is good to blow of steam or u n helpfu l i n that it prog ra m s the person , depends on the freq uency with which one looks at it. The body m i nd ca n withsta nd occasional i m ages of violence . But the onsla u g ht of it eventu a l ly programs the body-mind to th i n k that this is appropriate behaviour. Exten ded focus on it creates it as a rea l i ty for that person .
-- 137 --
So with Bi l l ions being i nvested i nto violent movies .,obody need be surprised at the i n sta nces of war i n the worl d . The correlation is obvious a lthough nobody ca res to a d m it it. 180 Antagonism, Complai nt, " Being Rig ht", Contra rian, Discontent
The chronic 180 is dog matic and bossy. Wh ere the 1 5 5 expresses viol ence physica l ly, the 1 8 0 expresses it verba l ly. The p u re 1 80 is dismissive of oth ers rea l ities. �or him it is never a bout putting h i mself i nto a nother ;:>ersons place but always a bout putti ng others i n their place. Oftenti mes he feels the need to convince others of "the truth". There is a strong d rive to eva ngel ize and be p reachy, to consta ntly defend a n d reassert ones viewpoint. He frequently expresses doubt. Everywhere you go with h i m , he'l l com p l a i n a bout one th ing or a noth er. He is never sati sfied with you , l ife or n i mself. Lower levels use self-blame but the 1 80 b l a m es others, n o matter whether they are i n energy-fields above or below. 0 - 1 5 0 a re m ostly afra i d to openly ta l k bad ly about others, but the 1 80 very blata ntly a n d often a n noyi n g ly shoves it i nto peoples faces . He has the openness a n d fra n kness of h ig her levels m i xed with the negativity of l ower levels a nd he is q u ite outspoken i n h i s contra rian attitude. -Waiter! What do you get paid for anyway? This coffee is terrible! Bring me a better one ! " --Couldn 't you have been more polite to him ?" asks his
wife . --If that spic wan ts to work in our good country, then he should at least do his job properly! " --aut that's n o reason to shout around here " -- 138 --
" What's wrong with you woman ? Afraid to look bad in front of others again ? I don 't give a damn what others think. And could we please change sides, the sun is blinding me, giving me a migraine headache!" "But you said you wanted to come here to get some sun " "Yes, but its too hot" "Back home you said its too cold" "Do you want to sit here and argue all day, woman ? I've got better things to do. That damn employee of mine couldn 't even prepare the files properly. If you want to get something done you have to do it yourself! "
A few m i n utes and a fresh, warm , delicious cup of coffee later. . . "Ah, look at them damn teenagers hanging around the fountain. No future, them " "But I'm lo ving the architecture. And I like the cafe too " "Yeah, whatever".
U nder the pretence of "being honest" or "ca l l ing a spade a spade" the 180 spreads verbal m a n u re everywhere he goes. Bei n g b l u nt, fra n k, open a n d honest is a tra it o f 300+ people, but its somewhat different th a n the 180s practice . Sti l l in many respects bei n g with h i m is more pleasant tha n being with the h idden a ntagon ism of the 1 2 5 . Th e 1 2 5 w i l l smile at you while pla n n i ng you r dem ise behind your back. Not so with the 1 8 0 . If he does not l i ke it, he w i l l say so. It is fasci nati n g how d ifficult it is for h i m to offer a ny -- 139 --
: 'C ise. All of h i s "honesty" a lways involves :atronization, vil ification, demon izatio n . Th is is the -ealm of a n g ry pol itical ta l k-ra d i o . After one hour of :'1gry ra nti ng he'l l say "At least I a m being honest ! " Jne reason for h i s behaviour is h i s awa reness of a l l :- e fa kery that ta kes place at lower levels. To com bat :-e veneer of fa lse pol iteness, pol itical correctness and s,."' y tim id ity he is often tactless, ind iscreet and ;enera l ly just an a n n oying person to be a round . :om pl a i n i n g about th ings provides the energy th is ::€rson needs to rise a bove 0 - 1 7 0 . Of cou rse he would -ot step down so l ow as to actua l ly h u rt you : hysical ly. He says th is with pride a ltho u g h some of -is psychologica l a b use ca n be just as h u rtfu l . iV hen you see a crowd of people pretending to hold :.-1eir "pea cefu l " p rotest i nvolvi n g va ndalism, tea r-gas, :emonstrator-bruta l ity and pol i ce-bruta l ity, you a re :ealing with a n entire 1 80-level g roup. Sometimes :olice officers a re conta m i nated by the vibe a n d s i n k :own t o join in with the 1 80 v i b e . H ig her level protests :0 not protest against but for someth i n g . As 180:nergy lacks inte l l igence he w i l l not g rasp the :::l ifference between demonstrati ng for peace i n stead of :nti-war. Focus on the u nwanted merely creates more Jf the u nwanted . Su bconsciously such people a re not =ctually i nterested in g lobal peace . They a re i nterested :"1 ca usi n g a ri ot, venti ng a nger at perceived "enem ies" :nd com p l a i n i n g a bout "the system ". Afterwards they :a n go home and preten d to have "ta ken actio n " for a �etter worl d . If they were rea l ly interested i n world mprovement they would a ctua l ly be more peacefu l ::hemselves rather than shouti ng u p the balcony of some govern ment officia l . The best way to m a ke the ....orld a better place is by going up the scale you rself, 'lot by being a n g ry and fig hti ng (feed i ng ! ) the Jnwa nted . If you insist on ta king part in activism =.nyway, then i n vest you r energy into some benign -- 140 --
movement that focuses at least 7 5 % of its energy on what is wanted rather than on the u nwa nted . Rea d i n g a brochure o f a ny g iven org a n ization is enough to determ ine where the energy is flowi n g . Co m pa re th ese two : "We a re a n organ izati on dedicated to the re forestation of the Amazonian rai nforest a nd fa i r trade for coffee bea n s . We m a ke sure all the profit for coffee goes to the Amazo n i a n s themselves . . " ,
"We a re a non-profit organ ization . Our goal is to bring down those who ruth lessly de-forest the Amazo n i a n Ra i nforest. For th is p u rpose w e stage severa l ra l l ies a month in . . " ,
Th e m ost i m porta nt th ing for the 180 to lea rn i s : Invest more energy i nto the goa l than i nto the problem . The police know that among the protest crowd there a re a ctua l ly i ndividuals who take part i n any protest ra l ly - no matter the topic! It's often not about some specifi c va lue being honoured but a bout ca using a fuss in genera l . That's why so m a ny " peace demonstrations" a re som e of the most u n peacefu l events a round . It was a bit ca l m er when the h i ppie m ovement (235) sta rted, but those days a re no longer a round a n d the whole idea l ism of world-peace has been hijacked by the sa me old 1 80s who twist a positive a i m i nto some ki nd of h ate-a uthority movement. The so ca l l ed "Skeptic" or rather Pseudoskeptic a lso averages at a ro u nd 1 8 0 . These " S kepti cs" a re not at a l l skeptica l of material ist reductionism . They cla i m to be skeptica l of "the Pa ra n orma l " but they a re outright hosti le towards it i n their rid icule and scoffi ng . The " S keptic" is a Demagogue who has the com pu lsion to go a ro u n d offeri n g contra ry opinion a nd sly rheto ri c to everyth i n g a nd a nyth i ng sou n d i n g rem otely spiritua l or h i nti ng at unseen energ ies. Th is book w i l l certa i n l y be -- 141 --
apart i n many d ifferent ways once it fa l ls i nto the -ands of the "Skepti c". H e m i sta kes his i n cessa nt :·:J u bt and l ooking for con -men as a "scientific sta nce", : ..it the true scientist d oes not reside i n the 1 80s, -=ther in the 400s. Anything below 200 is the rea l m of :.-e menta l l y dense, the stu pid . One ca n n ot be " a " 3<eptic" but rather that one is Skeptical towa rd some ::- mgs and Trusting/Believing towards others. When s.:lmeone tel ls m e to jump off the balcony a nd I 'l l be =:Jle to fly, I a m skeptica l . Does that m a ke me "a 3<eptic"? N ot h a rd l y. It m a kes me a person who has :::J m mon sense . :: "11
Soiritual Discernment is to know what i s va l i d a n d
"nat i s not, what is a sca m , what i s sincere. The 1 8 0 ' S keptic" h a s no Discernment, he says "Th is is a l l -ogwash". H e attracts a lot of hogwash that h e ca n :riticize into h i s life accord ing to that bel ief, accord ing ::J what he prog ra m med h i s attention to look for. He ", I I I m iss the works of spiritua l bea uty a nd will h appen _pon the works of sca m - a rtists and p resent these ",orks as "deb u n ked". My own l ifes work, ded icated -esearch, loving d evotion to expl ori ng rea l ities is :'sm issed as "new age b rabble" in the b l i n k of an eye . 50 the 1 8 0 does have enough energy to be awa re of :<:loks such as th is, but not yet enough to recog n ize ::ositive intent. In h i s eyes the Tora h a n d the 3hagavad-Gita , two of the g reatest spiritual ""1asterpieces of all ti me a re n o d ifferent than the snake o i l -peddler a nd street-corner pa l m ist. ne "Skeptic" of 1 80 has a lso contri b uted a g reat �mount to modern societies b l i n d n ess towa rd lower �stra l - realms, which in h i s view "don't exist". He is :orrect in ca l l i n g out the i r ha rmfu l ness but he can not see why they a re h a rmfu l . Th e Skeptic says " Demons? "' 0 such th i ng exists". The C h ristia n says " De mons? Those a re rea l l y evi l ". Both the fea rfu l a n d rid iculing sta nce, fa i l to h a n d le the problem of astral -entities. ,Iou w i l l have the rel ig ious nutjob one the one side, -- 142 --
demonizing the 30-energy and the "Skeptic" on the other side scoffi ng at the 30-energy so that the truth of the m atter ( n a m e ly that the level-30-energy req u i res u rgent help) never comes to l ight. "The Skeptics D ictiona ry", which I ha ppen to have read in its entirety in order to understa nd the 1 80viewpoi nt, is a classic exa m ple of this levels a rroga n ce that oozes contem pt for a ny rea l ity different from the most fu nctional and reducti on ist "n uts and bolts". It's the type of " D ictionary" that comes about when the level of consciou sness of a mechanic is appl ied to the world of Science . The 1 80 wishes to d rag everyone down to a level bereft of creativity, beauty, n o n - l i near thought, specu lation, extra polation . I n reality what one is skeptica l towa rds a n d what one is trusting of va ries fro m person to person . There is no such th i n g as u n iversa l Skepticism . I am skeptica l of Skeptics. The scientific method they keep h a rping on a bout is meant to be a ppl ied to the d iscovery of new th i ngs, n ot to stifle specu lation . Everything below 200 tu rns out to be pretty i l l usory when exa m i ned more closely. The 1 80s d issatisfaction with l ife arises from the suppression of Boredom (200) and being fed - u p with the conservative l ifestyle of the 200 -400 . So a g a i n , rather t h a n tra nscending "the system " or "the status q uo" by movi ng beyond the 200-300s, he pushes h i mself down below 200, below the l evel of orderly society a nd integra l behaviour. Pol itica l ly a nti conservative people often push them se lves below those they oppose without even rea l izing it. So you w i l l have conservatives in every cou ntry, preaching their p red icta ble 300s- mix of "traditional va l ues", "fi nancial sta b i l i ty", "law a n d order" a n d other th ings that a re the backbone of civi l ization, and then you will have those p rotesters who a re sick of what they perceive as "restri ctive", " i ntolera nt" a nd " rigid" belief-- 143 --
::ems. But in fig hting the 300s, i n Resista nce, they - : Ie d ow n , not u p . In Accepta nce of the "System" :- e y wou ld move up, beyond it. Down at 1 80 one has ? · e n less energy to change a nyth i n g . Th is is why so -� ny left-wing org a n izations, social ist- movem ents, ;:-:-en-movements a re so i n effective in creati ng lasti ng ::-2nge. 70% of a l l soci a l ist- movements measure :e ow 200. O n ly 1 % measures a bove 550, the level of -:versal love, the level orig i n a l ly envisioned by the - =pies of the 1 960s and soci a l i sts of the 1 940s. Wel l-eaning do-gooderism does not tra nscend the 200s if : s based on resista nce . Li bera l - m i nded people on the :;:T'1er hand, who a re not in an a nti - m ode, trying to =.; ht conservatives as "fascists" wi l l have no problem - oving u p to 200s-500s. S i m i l a r ca n be sa id of the -ght-wing that cultivates va l u es such as u prig htness, -o nor, va lor, strength, self- responsi b i l ity - i n stea d of I'II asti ng their energy on vil ifying "the other side", I'I h ich pushes them down to 1 8 0 as well Crig ht-wing :a l k-radio ra rel y goes over 180). So b oth the _Itraconservative and the left-winger a re more s i m i l a r energ ies tha n they rea l ize. W h a t t h e rig ht-wi ng needs :0 lea rn is that attack creates cou nter-atta ck. nerefo re, intern atio n a l d i plomacy i s better tha n :ttack and m a ch ismo. What the left-wi ng h a s to learn 5 that d i plomacy has to be a l i g ned to the level one is :a l ki ng too rather than na ively assu me that 0- 1 70 :>€op le a re ben i g n . In the U . S . The Li berta ri a n Pa rty attem pts to com bine the best q u a l ities of the left a n d �ght w i n g , bei ng fisca lly conservative and socially : i bera l . Th is wo uld be a 4 1 0 sta nce, one more a l i g ned ,'lith our futu re . �.
For most of the readers w h o have attracted the information i n th is book, 180 is th e l owest they get. A sma l l part of the readership is a ble to sink l ower a n d another sma l l pa rt o f the readership w i l l never s i n k th is l ow. I f t h i s is the lowest you get that's a pretty good sign a n d we cou l d say that you r average basic energy freq uency is a bove that of the genera l -- 144 --
population of the worl d . 1 80 is t h e level o f rel ig ious zea lots a n d dog matic i deolog ists . For those who ca n see levels of energy a contra ri a n conversati on between an eva ngelical Ch ristia n and a sta u nch atheist ca n be very a m using . . . beca use they both operate on the very same level while th i n ki n g they a re "tota l ly d ifferent" from each other. Atheism and denial of h igher rea l ities is a tra it of 180 beca use it rea l izes the stu pidity of l ower- level idol-worship but den ies the spiritu a l rea l ities o f 500 + . Peo ple w h o ceaselessly d iscuss th ings such as "Creation vs . Evol ution" a re usually level 1 80s; they lack the i ntellectu al ca pabil ity to see that both a re eas i ly co m pati b l e . Evo l ution can easily be a too l of Creation . In oth er words, both the sta unch Darwin ist a n d the rel ig ious fu nda menta l ist a re simply dumb peo ple. It is lack of energy that creates d u m bness. Lack of energy m a kes the m i n d specific, con crete, l itera l so that everything is seen a nd taken in a l i n ea r and "either / or" fa sh ion . The 180 ca n i m prove h is or her energy by learn i n g the fol l ow i ng th ings (that a re self-evident to those with more energy) : "I can be right without wronging others ". "I can respect others belief-systems and opinions". "I admit I am completely unsatisfied with my life and that's why I am bitching and complaining about the go vernment or other people. I need to get a life ". "I can like apples without hating oranges ".
The fascinating th ing is how convi nced 1 80s a re of th eir opin ions even if they ca n be seen as blata ntly wrong by m ost other people. Its someti m es embarrassing to watch. Many "discussion foru ms" of the i nternet a re fou n ded on 1 80 energy, beca use "d iscussion" is a favou rite pastime of in th is rea l m . -- 145 --
-iowever, they do not engage i n d iscussion i n order to earn or com m u n i cate or get to know peo ple, they engage in d i scussion in order to be preachy, convince :Jthers of someth i n g , d rive a n agenda or m a ke someth ing or someone or other wrong . That's the type :Jf "d iscussion" they a re looking fo r. Polarization is the :::>o p ular pastime here . Everyth i n g is either black or Nh ite, so or not so, g ood or bad . The 1 80s strict :>osition b l inds h i m to a l l other possi b i l ities and m a kes "" i m the m ost ignora nt person on the pla net. And j'J roughout a l l that he th i n ks he is the smartest. you enco u nter a 1 80 frequently u se "You a re rig ht". �ckn owledge h i m . Rem i nd h i m of h i s successes . Offer :>raise. If you let you rself i n on a d iscussion of who is "ight and wrong, bewa re that he w i l l never give in and 3d m it you a re right. The d iscussion cou l d go on for fea rs . Have h i m get to know "worki ng i n a tea m ". -iave the protest-type release his prejud ice towa rd the :nidd le-class. When a 1 80-vi be gets on your nerves, --emember that he is actua l l y wea ker then he a p pears. Show some com passio n . :f
=O r those with pockets o f a ntagonism : Sta rt paying :nore attention to what fl ows from you towa rds others than what flows from the worl d to you . What others say, do, feel , th i n k is l ess releva nt than what you say, :::1 0 , feel , th i n k. By sh ifting you r focus i n th is way you Nill solve every communication and relationship issue. That's a prom ise . Why? Beca use you get back what you first rad iate . Paying attention to what others radi ate is l i ke o n ly paying attention to the reflection rather than the so u rce . First you smile and then the m i rror sm iles. The 1 80 person does not u ndersta nd thiS, but you do. Let go of the pa ra d i g m that is concerned with "the da m n Arabs", "the damn Jews", "the d a m n Americans", the d a m n French ", "the d a m n Brits", "the da m n Scots", �the d a m n teenagers", "the d a m n elderly", "the damn -- 146 --
govern ment" etc. That's all 1 80-ta l k a n d not worthy of you r time. And that is the giveaway that you a re dea l ing with a 180 : General izations. "The" Christia ns, "The" H omosexuals, "Th e" Jews", "The" M us l i m s, "The" truth . But there a re no such th i ngs as absol utes i n rea l ity. . . except for the absolute of I nfi n ity. If you see a 1 80 conversation, steer clear fro m it. They w i l l not be getting a nywhere a nyti me soon . Below 200 the world is split i nto "here" a n d "there" or " m e" vs . "them ". That means that one never feels whole, com plete, fi n ished, satisfi ed beca use there is always a nother "there" to a rrive at, get, ach ieve, acco m p l ish, acq u i re, go to before one can be at peace. The passage of ti me is seen as going from incomplete to complete . In other words, the "now " moment is always i nco m plete and th ings a re "prog ressi ng towa rds" completeness without ever rea ching it. I n the n o n - l i near para d i g m of the 500+ energy-fiel ds, everyth i n g is always com plete and one merely goes from one state of completeness to a nother state of com pleteness. So if I am in the m iddle of eati ng a nd the doorbel l ri ngs I can q u it eati n g im med iately without feel i n g a l oss. Eati ng food was one ki nd of completeness a nd the person at the door is a nother type of com pleteness - so there is no dread in open ing the door but rather a looki ng-forward-to-it. If I a m in the m i d d l e of sex a nd the phone ri ngs it is n ot that the sex is incomplete . The sex was g reat AN D the phone ca l l is g reat. If I reach my goal it is g reat and if I don't it is also g reat beca use I w i l l have time for other th ings I l i ke . At below 200 however, a nd especia l l y at 1 80 , everyth i ng is incomp lete . Sex was problemati c, there was someth ing wrong w ith the food, the fri end at the door was i nterru pti ng my l u nch, the phone-call ca rried bad news, etc. The i n n e r world of 1 80- 1 90 i nvolves holding on to past successes when noth ing new comes u p . Its a bout "fighting the system " a n d genera l d issatisfa ction . The -- 147 --
:im here is to fi nd worthw h i l e th i ngs to do with ones :fe. Some q u estions to get in touch with you r own .\ntagon ism : Nho's fa u lt is the situation you 're i n ? Nho is t o b l a me? Nho are the idiots? "'ho is wrong? Nho is l ower tha n you? =Or which parts of you r l ife a re oth ers responsible? Nhat exhausts, frustrates and i rritates you? "'hat do you protest? \oth ing is g a i ned by wronging oth ers. Noth i n g is ;a ined by w i n n i n g a n a rg u ment. Noth i n g is gai ned by :va ngelizing the world to your "truth ". If you keep -aving to convince others its beca u se you 're not :ctually co nvinced you rself. In a relati onsh i p-q u a rrel :s k you rself: Do I have the i ntention to l i ve a loving ::nd harmonious l ife with this person or to be rig ht? Do : want to be ha ppy or be rig ht? True power involves ;iving others the right of way. Need ing to be "right" ::bout some particu lar viewpoint is actua l ly a sign of XJwerlessness. Below 600 a n d even more below 200 -oth ing is rea lly true at a l l . Its all i l l usory. So whatever .ou th i n k you "know" that others "don't know", you .... i l l eventu a l ly lea rn that you were not as " right" as .au thought. Seek fi rst to understa nd before seeking :.:> be understood . Stiffly defending one position over ::nd over m a kes you inflexible as wood . Wood ca n :rea k. Also, excessively pushing one position for a ong ti me can eventu a l ly lead the pend u l u m to swing : ::> its oppOSite. Have you have noticed some people ...·ho we re defending one thing for yea rs and then :...Jddenly go in the opposite d i recti on?
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Sh ifting Viewpoi nts Exercise
Th is is an exercise for shifting rig i d 1 80s-energ ies. It is a list of q u estions you sim ply answer for you rself. What is som eth i ng d i s l i ke? What is som eth i ng l i ke? What is someth i ng others? What is someth i ng fo r oth ers? What is som eth i ng oth ers? What is som eth ing oth ers? What is someth i n g wanted? What is som eth ing then l i ked?
you once l i ked that you now you once disl i ked that you now that is true for you and true for that is not true fo r you a n d not tru e that is true for you and not true fo r that is not true for you a nd true for you l i ked , got a nd then no longer you d i d n 't want, a nd then got and
You beg i n hea l i n g you r 180-energ ies once you relax rig id positio n s a n d fixed, u n movi ng viewpoi nts . The mo ment you define yourself as smart, this automatica l l y creates the pola rity of stu p i d . So defi n i ng yo u rsel f as smart too freq uently w i l l m a ke you pe rceive eve ryth i n g that is not-that. You 'l l be s u rrou nded by id iots yo u have to ed ucate . If you a re going to defi ne you rself as smart that's fi ne, but don't be fa natic a bout it. Perception below 200 is co ncrete, l itera l , specific in both spatia l perception a n d menta l processi n g . A 1 80 wi l l enter a room a n d usually zoom i n on someth i ng specific. A 1 00 w i l l enter a room a n d look for potential dang er. A 300 wi l l enter a room neutra l as a camera, and wi l l therefore perceive m o re . A ca m e ra is not control led by desi res and aversions but merely ta kes the whole pictu re as it presents itse lf, without bias. -- 149 --
Beca use of th is it sees m u ch more than fi ltered and zoomed focus. The 500 wi l l be aware of the "ge nera l ambience" of t h e room, of its energy-level rather tha n :he specifics. It m i g ht later zoom in on va rious ::1eta ils, but the fi rst th i n g it perceives is the context :the whole room and its energy-field) rather tha n :ontent (the bod ies a n d objects ) . One way to get a 1 80 i nto a n a bove-300-field, at least :empora rily, is to have h i m n otice someth ing i n h is surrou n d i ngs he hasn't noticed before . Bei n g '1arcissistic to t h e extreme t h e below-200 does not :::>e rceive so m u ch his s u rround ings but more h i s own min d-ta l k a nd his preconcepti ons about the surroundi ngs. So getting h i m to notice som eth i n g he r,as not noticed yet is even one step h i g her tha n merely noticing ones surro u n d i n gs a n d a q u ick fix for any 1 7 0 - 1 9 0 preoccu pati o n . Th e world a lso looks more flat/bland here . Above 300 :h ings beg i n to look m o re three-d i mensiona l . At 500 :he world has even more depth and d i mension Nhereas over 600 it is awesom e and mysterious i n its spatia l ity. For the 1 8 0 a can of coke is just a can of coke and it is tota l l y i rrel eva nt. The 300 notices the quai ntness a nd pop-cu lture-l i keness with i n the ca n of coke, enjoying the fresh ness associated with it. The 100 is afra i d that its contents w i l l poison h i m . For the 500 everyth ing looks bea utifu l a nd i nteresting, even the ca n of Coke .
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1 90 Pride, Arroga nce, Su periority, Na rcissism
Just l i ke a l l other levels below 200, the main focus here is on the past. Not on what is happe n i n g or what w i l l ha ppen, but on what did happen . This is how below-200 people m a ke the past repeat itself, m a ke si m i la r th i ngs ha ppen over a nd over a n d over and over aga i n . Each day they live w i l l look nearly id entical to the one before, with s i m i l a r m ishaps, i l l nesses, troubles reoccu rri ng in thousands of va ri ations. If you had the opportun ity to watch other peoples l ives, not as some exciti ng movie plot, but as those l ives rea l l y a re, you'd become e n l ightened t o h o w focus-of attention creates rea l i ty a n d how rea l ity creates focus of-attenti o n . You 'd be shocked , fasci nated , a m used at how repetitive peop les m i nds a re . The 1 9 0 l ooks down a t others . " I have achieved someth ing, a n d you haven 't". Some parts of the worlds ru l i n g el ite sti l l reside on this level and view everyone as scum . With the passi ng of the m i l l en n i u m and a rise in m ass-consciousness, they a re not q u ite at 1 60 anymore, where they wou l d com m it mass-genocide, so that's become u n l i kely. But there is sti l l some rea l a rroga nce u p in h i g h pl aces. Other parts o f the ru l i ng el ite a re usually fou nd in the 400s, some in the 500s (without the 500s this world wou l d be destroyed by now) . Th e 1 9 0 i s proud of having ascended above the " d i rty, stu pid, l i ttle" lower levels. The reason I do not l i ke giving the en ergy-sca le to a 1 90 is beca u se they m isuse it to fu rther their conte m pt of "lower" people. Th is is the level you will fi nd the ra cist, the tight l i pped, the snobbish, the with d rawn, the extreme national istic and th ose who a re proud of achievements from days long past. They hold on to achieve ments that ha ppened a long time ago . . . without ach i evi ng a nyth ing new - which is why they hold on to the past. Th e 1 90 comes from a l l wa kes of l ife a nd a l l income classes of course . . . b ut you wi l l fi nd a n a bove average -- 151 --
::-ount of wea lthy people here . Why? Beca use the wea lthy ra re ly sink below 1 9 0 . Th is is the "hel l " of the IlEalthy. It is not q u ite possi ble to beco m e and stay �Ithy with less energy ava i la b le than th i s . Then lllhat about the level 1 2 5 craver? Yes, they ca n llemme m i l l ionaires . . . but only tem pora ri l y and with edTeme exertion or cri m i n a l means. The u n ha pp i ly .ealthy who have noth i n g better to do then to look *-wn on others get stuck here . I n th eir monotonous IIDredom they a re open for intri g ues, p l ots a nd IIII1s p i racy. When you visit the mansion of a wea lthy 1 90 you w i l l Imtice a d i sti nct v i b ratory d iffe rence to the homes of .-her wea lthy people. Someth i n g " h eavy i n the a i r", a ...d of mon otonous d rone not q u ite hea rd , and a mmplete stiffness of cond uct. They don't have a sense ,. humour, except in spitefu l ness . The i r laugh is a fa lse ale (except for the i r laug hter at others sufferi ng) . -rlaug hter! Sit stra i g ht ! Don't smile while eating ! ". '"life is very serious" is a motto of this l eve l . W h i l e lt1e y have risen above l ower strata the problem is that their antagon ism towards the lower keeps them stuck ., a frequency that never qu ite rises above the tipping point to happi ness (wh ich is 200 ) . If you want a defin ition of very, very, very strict you 'l l fi n d it i n those dlronica l ly overflowing with 1 90-energy. The severely racist "Caste"-System of I n d i a , is 1 9 0 . I n H i n d i it is n o t ca l led "Caste" it i s ca l l ed Va rna, which translates as Colour. The population is seg regated by COlour, the da rker one is, the lower ones position on the scale. The Priestly-Caste is reserved for the most ig ht-ski n ned . S i n ce the rea l ity you radiate to the It'orld is the rea l ity you get back, it was only appropriate and q u ite h i l a rious that an even w h iter �ce arrived in I n d i a in the Form of the British, suddenly m a ki n g the ru l i n g el ite of India second class :itizens. I mention th is because m a ny of the spiritual J ri n ci pl es of this book, includ i ng the th i n king in -- 152 --
energy- levels origi nates i n a n cient Ved ic l iteratu re . That however does not m e a n that everything that comes from H i n d u i s m , the Vedas a nd India is good . When sca l e-th i n ki n g is m isa ppl ied it leads to syste ms such as the Castes. Th is practice, mixed with va rious fata l i st m i s i nterpretations of the Vedas is the m a i n reason for Ind ias relatively low energy-field (50-275) . So on the one hand some of the most i m porta nt teach ings of our Cos m ic H istory and Destiny orig i nate i n India a n d on the other hand India w i l l need the help of the West ( N o rth America, E u rope, Austra l ia , New Zea land) to retu rn to its old days of G l ory. So what is Race then, fro m a n en ergy-l evel perspective? Wel l , it is neither what the politica l ly correct "anti-racist" says, nor what the m outh -foa ming hatemongering racist says. Position 1 : We a re a l l the sa me ( 1 05) Position 2: We a re a l l different a n d that's bad ( 1 90) Position 3 : We a re all d ifferent a n d that's good ( 275) The "pol itica l ly correct" promote Position 1, the Racist sees from Position 2 a n d for the energy-field a bove 200 Position 3 is obvious. Diversity is appreciated, even sought. When the a bove 200 person travels abroad he does not wa nt to see the sa me fast-food cha i ns and stores he sees at home, he wants to see someth i n g different, someth ing u n i q u e to the cu lture he is i n . Neither does he want the people i n that foreign cou ntry to be the sa me as him or have s i m i lar ru l es a nd codes of cond uct. He respects their u n iq ue way of being . He a lso respects the i r laws a n d tra d itions. So if for exa m ple he is Qata r a n d n u d ity at the beach is frowned upon, he w i l l respect that a n d refra i n fro m exposing h i s body. I f h e is n o t i n Qata r but i n Den m a rk, where nud ity at the beach i s -- 153 --
:elebrated he w i l l a l so respect that a nd not try to get people to cover themselves there . Level-of-Consciousness a n d Leve l-of-I ntell igence d o not i n herently have a nyth ing t o do with skin-colour but many sou ls i nca rnate as da rker ski n-co l o u rs beca use on ea rth in this ti me and age da rker skin is associated with more problems, cha l lenges, poverty, lower-ra n k. In India blacks a re seen as s u b h u m a n . The enti rety of Africa is below energy- level 200. So a soul that wa nts to go through some very tou g h tra i n ing w i l l incarnate as black. It m a kes m u ch more of a hero-story when a black m a n becomes U S President than a wh ite m a n . That m a ns S o u l w i l l b e one of the most celebrated i n afterl ife-rea l m s . S o w h i le those o f d a rker s k i n ca n easi ly be any energy- level, in Africa and South America there is a tendency for g ro u p - i ncarnations of souls i nto p redomina ntly black a reas in order to experience m o re trou ble a n d hence some ka rmic llenefit. th ing the neo- M a rxist does n ot a l l ow one to ta l k iIbout i s how every race i s a ctua l ly better than others .. specific a reas and i n genera l . Beca use of Marxist -we're a l l the same" p h i losophy it is d ifficult to acknowledge the g reatness of va rious races . From III!Iac h ing l a n g u ages i n my 20s I know that each race processes i nformation differently a n d therefore lII!Iq u i res different methods to learn effectively. I ca n Illest teach Africans a lang uage th rough sound, th rough lie ear, th rough a u d itory sti m u lation . Lea rn ing materi a ls should be pleasi ng to the eye rather tha n the purely fu nctional we a re u sed to from schools. Furthermore, sitti ng a round i n h a rd cha i rs a l l day isn't !JDing to do it. Africans learn best with playfu l ness and IDOvement. Chi nese on the other hand, don't req u i re i1I1y m usic, colour a n d playfu l ness, they learn best .men I act out va rious voca b u l a ry while they repeat :--e m . People of Centra l E u rope w i l l ra rely learn .. · thout a structu red plan that sh ows them what they One
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w i l l learn , have learned and a re lea rn i ng today. So cl a i m i ng that a l l races are the "sa m e" a nd we sh ould not di scern actu a l ly cri pples o u r appreciati on and competence i n i ntercultura l relations. It a l so cripples o u r enjoyment of l ife . And even if it sounds l i ke I a m using cl iches, I don't wa nt m y cook t o b e Engl ish I want h i m to be Ita l i a n . I don't want my b a n ker to be Brasi l i a n , I wont h i m to be a Jew. I don't want my car to be from Ru ssia, I wa nt it to be from Germa ny. I don't wa nt my wife to be German though, I wa nt her to be Ru ssian, Pol ish or Czech . Neither do I want my dance m usic to be German, I 'd prefer it to be J a m a i ca n . Given the choice of America n food a nd Arab food , I'll ta ke the Arab food . But I wo u ld prefer my house to be b u i l t i n North America rather than the Ara b i a n deserts . For s p i ritu a l G u i d a nce I wont ask the Chinese Govern ment but the Ti beta n head . For doing Busi ness I wont ask the Dalai La ma but the Chinese Govern ment. So yo u see, d i versity in race and cu ltu re is a bea utifu l thing . N ot everyone has to be the sa me a n d not everyone has to live by "western sta ndards". " Ma king Sa me" a nd " D isrespecti ng D ifferences" a re the two m a i n problems in international relations. Respecti ng D ifferences is the Solution to every internationa l p roblem . Th e 1 90 ascends by fi nding interest i n other topics and peopl e . Lig hten u p . S m i l e . Show some ki nd ness. Pay attention . Less work a nd more play. Sever con nections to g ro u ps and people that a re in com p l a i nt-mode. Si nce the 190 has sign ifica ntly more energy than 01 80 , they a re more l i kely to d rag h ig h er levels down i nto the i r web of intrig ue. Often the pro m ise of m oney for worki ng for th em, b l i nds the 200-450 person , ca using h i m t o descend . Th is is where the ideas of "sel l i ng ones sou l to the devi l " and " beco m i n g a sel l out" come from . 1 90-energy a lways i nvo lves m a ki ng -- 155 --
money for someth i n g you don't actua l l y want to do. 190 is the pla nner of bad deeds, 0 - 1 60 the executer. Of genera l interest : When you see two sides i n confl ict, they a re usually of the sa me energy level, no matter how d iffe rent they a ppear. The reason for this is that d ifferi n g energy-l evels usu a l ly do not meet up for com petitio n , and when they do, the h igher-level q u ickly con q u ers the lower. Those fig hts that go on fo r decades a re those between energetic eq u a l s . The h igher y o u a re on t h e sca le, t h e more easy it is to acq u i re fi na ncial a n d materi a l wea lth . Oddly, you w i l l often fi nd more wea lth on 1 9 0 tha n h ig her, beca use those above a re j ust not that interested in it. Exceptions a re the 360-420 fields who love luxury, roya lty and expensive high-tech gadgets as we l l . At 190 you fi nd a lot of d isplay of wealth w h i l e at 380 you 'l l fi nd m uch of the actual money - a n d a lso other forms of wea lth such as ti me and happi ness (which the 190 d oes not consider wealth ) . Th e snobb ish 1 90 person i s p reoccupied with showing others what he has achieved . He is not playi ng polo beca use he enjoys it but beca use other wea lthy people ca n be met there . H e is not d riving a Ferra ri beca use he l i kes it, but so that others wi l l see . She i s not marrying the rich man beca use she loves h i m, but so that she is safe . Buyi ng the Luis Vu itton bag does n ot m a ke her ha ppy, she just does it because she th i n ks that's what one does with money. Women who th i n k they need severa l face-lifts i n order to b e accepted by others reside s q u a rely at 1 9 0 . Ra p-arti sts who have seen hard times before su cceed ing fi nancial ly, someti mes get stu ck on 1 90 by th i n king it is i m porta nt to p resent themselves with balls of cash, gold chai ns, Gucci suits and Mercedes in order to be accepted by society or th e i r "homies". Th e 1 9 0 is awa re of h igher states a nd can feigns them, or th i n ks they ca n be bought with money. Travel l i n g to -- 156 --
D u ba i , for exa m p le, you wi l l see that with the i r o i l money they a re i n vesti ng in i ncred ibly l uxurious a n d futu ristic a rch itectu re . . . t h e type o f a rch itecture expected from 3S0-420-energy-fields. But you w i l l a lso notice that this exaggerated d isplay of wea lth partially stems from the 1 9 0 i n secu rity and that the emotional poverty there can not be enti rely covered - u p by money. An acq u a i nta nce of m i ne got a rrested fo r kissi ng someone in p u b l i c . It was o n ly a good bye-kiss. The pol ice spru ng to action and a rrested her. That type of emotion a l poverty a n d strictness ca n only a rise from below l evel 200 . Try vacation ing there for two weeks, l i ke I have, a n d n otice how you fee l . You w i l l feel the dissatisfaction i n the a i r. How m a ny more shops with fa ncy shoes do you need? H ow a bout a smile and a hug for once? When you see l uxury without a h u ma n touch y o u a re often dea l i ng with 190. A s such, D u b a i is a n exa m ple o f Idea l iz i n g/Gl a m orizing, where what someth i n g looks l i ke is not what it is. On the other hand, i ntrod ucing l evel 400 a rch itecture w i l l do someth i n g to g ra d u a l ly i ncrease the overa l l vibration of the pl ace, which was a rid 50-level desert- land for thousands of yea rs previous. Those level 190s who do not fi nd themselves fi na nci a l l y well-off or i n a rroga n ce a re freq uently found i n the loner-identity i n stead . You know that g uy who d resses odd ly, is never seen with other people and fo l lows eccentri c hobbies? That's a nother type of 190 . 190 has a monotony a bout it that m a kes those hobb ies rea l ly odd . Th i n k "collecti ng dead bugs". Tra d i n g baseba l l ca rds (as a n a d u lt) . Collecti ng Rom a n i a n i ndependent fi l m s of the ea rly 60s (and the ea rly 60s o n ly ! ) . When I was a kid I had th is friend who collected beer ca ps. That was a clear 190 g iveaway. He wou ld spend all afternoon i n the park looki ng for beer caps people who were drinking beer i n the park h a d th rown away. And then he'd show me h i s coll ection . "Uh . . . coo l " I wou l d utter, n o t knowi n g what -- 157 --
else to say. Passively sitti ng in a school-room wou l d often d rag me down to the m onotonous d rone of th is strata . Sta ri ng at a fly on the wa l l . What will I do next? Why? Sta ri n g at an a nt- h i l l . W h y do ants exist? Scri b b l i n g nonsense onto a piece of paper u nder the school desk. Nearly fa l l i ng asleep of boredo m . That's a l l rea l i ty 190-rea lity. Wa iting i n a doctors office that is bereft of magazi nes, pla nts or pictures. Welcome to 1 90 zon e . D i n i n g at a place where the father dema nds si lence of a l l after a fight. Feel how the cling of the spoons a n d forks does not d a re i nterru pt the heavi ness of the atmosphere . That's 1 9 0 . Someone cracks a joke. The father sta res at h i m i n disgust. La ug hter is suppressed . Life is serious. Ch i l d ren at a boa rd i n g schoo l . Extreme d isci pline req u i red . To order! Stand stra ig ht ! Sit sti l l ! Stop drea m i ng ! Work h a rd to m a ke a l ivi n g ! Of Course Disci pline is a lso a q u a l ity of the 300s, but that type of d isci p l i ne is of my own free w i l l a nd accord , an expression of fi rm ness and awa reness, not som eth ing that has to be enforced by some u ptight tyrant. Those with tempora ry pockets of 190 experience it a ittl e differently, as Frustration, Overwhelm and Stress . The solution is of cou rse, getti ng org a n ized, m a ki n g priority- l ists and getti ng some vacation . I n vacation i n g yo u regain you r content/boredom ( 2 1 0 ) a n d creativity (275 + ) . That is, if you do not ch oose a vacati on desti nation that is itself 190. Imagine i n overcrowded beach fu l l of trash , shabby Del is, ru ndown "souven ir" shops and lots of racket a nd noise . There's you r 1 70190 destination, a beach fu l l of m a l contents of a l l creeds a n d ages. Choose a t least a 240 desti nation wh ich has hotels that a re a bit cleaner and just a bit more remote . �uestions to access pockets of 1 90-energ y :
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When have you tried to m a ke others look bad? When have you bought items that don't rea l ly interest you, just to m a ke a n i m p ression? What have you achieved that m a kes yo u better than oth ers? Who a re the scu m ? W h o a re y o u better th a n ? Who wo u l d y o u l i ke t o show that they a re i nferi or? Do you want to get back at the neighbours? What past successes a re you h o l d i n g on to . . . at the expense of new i nterests today? What mem bership in a g ro u p or m ovement m a kes you su perior to others? What certificate on the wa l l a re you proud of? Who does not deserve you r attention? I n wh ich way a re other people s u b h u m a n ? W h a t exh a u sts a n d overwhelms you? What ca uses stress? What a re some of the most bori ng situations you have ever been i n ? Levels 1 6 0 to 475 h ave the strongest sense o f self. 1 9 0 is a bout noth ing other tha n the self a nd how that self is m o re i m porta nt, more deserving, more i nte l l igent, more right than others . When you see th rough th is from a higher level perspective, the n a rcissistic self- i m porta n ce becomes h i l a rious. The powerlessness of it is a m azi n g . Th is is a lso the last space on the sca l e in which a h u ma n wou ld be w i l l i n g to com m it acts of cri m e towa rd fel l ow h u m a ns. Above 200 there is a n i n herent sense of i nteg rity and decency that is n ot native to the a n i m a l-self but to the soul -self. Of cou rse th is is not to say that the 200-499 ca n n ot sometimes descend to 1 9 0 i n order to " p u l l a q u i ck one". But it beco m es less l i kely. The 1 90 ca n be deceptive . He senses the h ig her level energies. On h is best days he is a ble to m ove in and breathe in th ose fields. And then he is able to descend to levels below that of integ rity a nd devise -- 159 --
schemes that a re ha rmfu l to soci ety. I n th is way the 190 can be one of the most dangerous people a round beca u se he has a sign ifica nt a mount of energy but not enou g h basic ki ndness. What 1 90 is rea l ly a bout is to acq u i re and to look good in front of others. From bottom to top, here a re some of the attitudes as they rega rd acq u isition of things : Level Level Level Level Leve l Level Level Leve l
50 : "1 need" 1 00 : "1 must, 1 should" 1 25 : "1 want" 1 90 : "1 want & 1 do" 200- 340 : "1 do" 340-475 : "1 already have " 475- 540 : " 1 like" 540 -600 : "1 am"
Th e 1 90s a re the ru l ers of the low-energy-rea l m s, the bosses- i n - hell so to spea k. They have th e most energy and knowledge but their i ntel l igence lacks g reater context and care for a nyone else but themselves. Of cou rse some a mount of selfish ness is req u i red to even reach 1 9 0 . Without ta king ca re of ones own energy level, ones own destiny a n d applying ones own willpo wer, no ascension on the sca l e is possi ble. But the 190 th i n ks that the self is the only factor in ascending , rather tha n one of m a ny factors. The 1 9 0 th i n ks he is h igher t h a n God , g reater tha n Infi n i te Creation itself when i n rea lity is merely a n aspect, a pa rt, a viewpoi nt of I nfin ity. The sou l is indeed g reat and m u ch b i gger tha n many suspect, but it is not great enough to be separate from others and n atu re itself. From th i s fa lse sense of su periority a rises Pride . And t h i s Pride actua l ly m a kes t h e 1 9 0 com pa ratively wea k beca use the support of the I nfi n ite, the support of God is never u sed . Fran kly, it is weakening to serve only others, to serve only the world a n d even more weakening to serve others from a feel i n g of pity. Those a re level 80 - 1 1 0 -- 160 --
behavi o u rs . But it is al so weakening to serve o n ly on eself, which is a 190 behavio u r. The 300-500 serves oth ers a nd self. The 500-700 serves self, others a nd God . Th e S p i ritu a l ity here is the refore connected to ones own su periority, ones own " h ig h er status", ones own fa me, ones own perceived g randness - wh ich is rid iculously sma l l compared to the g reatness of Infi nity. You wi l l fi nd a n u m ber of spiritu a l and rel ig ious cu lts at 190. The type of cu lts people join in order to feel better than all the i d i ots who a re not a member. The most fa mous is Scientol ogy. It is interesting that Scientologys energy-freq uency only measures at 1 90 as its fou n der L. Ron H u bba rds level of consciousness measures at a fa i rly h i g h 490 . H e w a s o n e o f the fi rst people t o m a ke t h e sca le-of energy-levels, ca lled "Emotional Tone Sca le" i n Scientol ogy, for a p u b l i c aud ience . Interesti ngly the m a i n sca le used in Scientology o n ly goes from Apathy ( 5 0) up to Enth u siasm ( 390) altho ugh H u bbard h i mself was awa re of m a ny h i g her levels than that as evidenced by more "secret u pper leve l " writi ngs of h i s . I t a ppea rs that H u bbards level o f energy fel l sign ifica ntly in t h e 1 9 70s a n d with i t the q ua l ity of Scientology. With h i s death or d isa ppea ra n ce in the ea rly 80s what rem a i n s of Sciento l ogy is noth i n g oth er than a tota l ita ri a n cult fu l l of pa rrots. As is typ ica l of such Organ izations, the fo u nder is interesting, but the fol l owers a re not. H ubbard ca n be credited w ith ta king co m plex H i n d u and Buddh ist Scri ptu res a nd turn i n g them i nto simpl ified processes a n d med itative tra i n i n g "dri l ls". Beca use o f th is, severa l other movements, methods and org a n izations, not d i rectly con nected to Scientol ogy, and so me of them actu a l l y helpfu l , were fou n ded . Th e reason H u bbard never made it q u ite a bove 500 is beca u se h is material la cked love a n d a ny teach ings on love as well as respect towa rds a Creato r/God/Sou rce . This is probably d u e to h i s rebellious streak wh ich he sha red with Aleister -- 161 --
Crowley, one of h i s teachers a n d friends. Anyone enteri ng a Scientology-House nowadays will feel its 190-energy. Everyth i ng below 200 is in a state of Decay a n d at 1 9 0 it is slow Decay. You w i l l notice that SCientologists ca nt sell worth a d a m n a lthough they take plenty of " co m m u n ication"-co u rses . You w i l l noti ce that the m ateri a l is hope lessly outdated a n d that noth ing new h a s co me up since H u bbard passed away. You w i l l n oti ce that some parts operate way below 1 9 0 and that only a few parts (those properly tra i ned and read or measuri ng h i g h from b i rth ) operate i n the 200s and 300s. I n any case, at 1 9 0 it is not a place to get e n l ightened or lea rn a nyth i n g importa nt. In fa ct, one reason for writi ng this book was to ta ke the sca le away from the context of biased cu lts a n d pol itical movements and present it in a more u nfi ltered manner a n d sti l l keep it readable for a l l . 190 i s a lso the level of parts o f Hol lywood a n d the mass-med ia in genera l - especi a l l y th ose parts that make money off hatred, fea r, paranoia, shame, g u i lt, rage, l u st, desi re . There is a lot of money to be m ade by ta rgeti ng lower emotions and the 1 90s do it routi nely, as a Bi l l ion-Dollar business . The d a rk side of th is is that such i m ages a re prog ra m med into mass consciousness i n cessa ntly and ruth lessly. Any g i ven TV- Prog ra m me or M ovie conta i n s dozens of negative bel iefs- per- m i n ute and the i n nocent-eyed d u mbbells are just l etti ng it all i n . The brig ht side of this i s that cou ntries below 1 00 a re, overa l l asce n d i n g to a bove 100 beca use of TV- Prog ra m m i n g . In Ch i na, B i l l ions were prog ra m med up to Desire ( 1 2 5 ) by TV a n d many have now j u m ped all the way u p to a level where those Desi res can actua lly be fu lfi lled ( 3 2 5 ) . Also, as si nister as the medias agenda is, the media is not "causing" this a n d m uch less involved i n some plot to destroy morals or some consp i ra cy to prog ra m the -- 162 --
masses . Th is type of progra m m i ng is req uested by the masses. They w i l l i n g ly a nd gladly pay to go see it. 200 Boredom, Contentment, Laziness, Functionality, Routine
From a soci eta l perspective this is the level of Functional ity. The machi nes a re worki ng properly due to 200-energy. Th e waitress is not rea lly smiling, but she i s doing her job the way she is expected to. 200s never exceed expectations but at least they fu lfi l them . 200s is the energy-level of a gas-statio n . There is noth i n g person a l or h u m a n a bout a gas-station, but at least you know what to expect, at least its rel iable i n its functional ity. 200-220 i s a lso the energy level of very h a rd work - w h i ch is the backbone of m odern society. Without the hard la bour of the steelworkers, for i n sta nce, o u r western world would not look as good as it does. We owe this a l l to the l a bou r of 200-220 people. These are the heroes of everyd ay life the media never mentions. Hard work is a l i berator from levels 0 - 1 99 . Not magic.
Not goals. N ot visua l ization . Not wi n n i ng the lottery. Rea l, down -to-ea rth , honest h a rd work. It does not get you u p i nto the 400s and 500s, but it does eventu a l ly get you out of a l l the lower levels. H a rd work i n service o f " Ki n g a n d Cou ntry" moves you up to 240 . Emotional ly, 1 90 is boredom m ixed with su btle discontent a nd 200 is boredom m i xed with su btle contentment. 200 is true i nd ifference. 200 is also true neutra l . A g u n , for exa m ple, measures at 200 . That mea ns it could be used for benevolent or m a levolent pu rpose just l i ke a knife can be used to cut bread or ki l l . The ea rth itself a nd the h u m a n body measure at 200, i n d icati ng that they could go either way (up or dow n ) . Beca use the Body measures at 200, the mind, which measu res at 400 actua l l y has the ca pabi l ity to heal the body. But the body i s al so in the ra nge of -- 163 --
energy th at can be negatively affected by lower frequencies. Most Foods a re i n the 200s. Ind ustri a l ly-packaged food you fi nd at a gas-station measu re at 1 80- 1 99, which is why m a ny will not exactly feel a n en ergy-boost after eati ng them . Fast-food measures at a round 1 9 5-205, which is neither especially h a rmfu l nor especially nutritious. Homemade-Food measures at 220-240 . Homemade-Food that is b lessed or made with lovi n g ca re measures a bove 240 a n d actua l ly h a s a positive effect. Anyth i ng that measures a bove 200 is not actua l ly harmfu l . Later when you lea rn to meas u re levels for you rself a n d someth ing measures at 200, its OK, fi ne, safe, etc. There is noth ing to worry about from 200s people, concepts, foods, places, ideas. Energ ies of 100- 1 99 can be neutra l ized by the power of positive intenti on o r positive bel i ef. But with energ ies below 100 a re so slow that the m i n d has difficu lties creating someth i n g positive to neutra l ize them . These energ ies are best avoided a ltogether, u n less you a re someone very adept a t focussing positive energy. While the 200s a re not h a rmfu l , their helpfu l ness i s somewhat limited . With positive personal i ntention, the 200s ca n be revved u p to be 300-ish . So if you a re using homeopath ic treatment, that treatment in and of itself does not have as m uch energy as many th i n k it does. Homeopathy is o n ly at a round 220, which tra ns lates as "slig htly positive". So the rest of the "amazing effects" of it com e from person a l i n tention/belief or what others wou ld ca{{ placebo-effect. The low 200s (200-250) a re the reality of "OK- ness". If people ask me i n Cou rses whether they should stop engaging in 200s a ctivities, I say, "200s activities a re OK. There is no need to renou n ce or a ba ndon them . Even if you are a i m in g for e n l i g hten ment-states of the 600s and 700s, the 200s a re not parti c u l a rly ha rmfu l -- 164 --
but may then merely be seen as distra ctions". While 200-220 represents hard-work, 220-250 often displays laziness (having ascended from the h a rd worki ng 2 1 0- real ity) . O n a personal level t h i s energy is l ooking for enterta i n ment. He spends a lot of time in front of the TV a n d I nternet. The 19 50s to 1 999 saw the rise of Television which el evated m asses of people to 200. Without TV, society as a whole would sti l l be below 200. 200 being a relatively passive level a nd the I nternet being m o re interactive a nd creative, the I nternet is hig her up the sca l e tha n TV (I a m referri ng to the I nternet as a tool , not to its content) . By the ti me th is book is publ ished TV may be a th i n g of the past a l ready. So Television measures at a round 2 1 0 a n d I nternet ( a s a too l ) a t a round 260 . Someti mes there is a gap between the wea lthy type of 1 9 0 a n d the often modest fi n a ncia l state of the 200 . If you witness th is ( it is not a rule, but ca n often be observed ) , that is beca use some 200s a re sati sfied with th i ngs as they a re . While the 200-220 is a h a rd worker, the 220-250 person is able to act but ra rely i n a co nsistent or focused way. H e ca n p roject i nterest and attention occasional ly. The 220-260 is very often (but not always) your typica l " lazy person ". Th is laziness has the adva ntage of him getti ng enough rest to ascend a bove pockets of 1 70- 190 (rest being the key to releasing low energy) but it has the disadva ntage of h i m being u n p rod uctive and difficult to get out of bed . The 220 a l lows for other viewpoi nts a n d belief-systems than h i s own . He/She also likes having small-talk that leads nowhere. Th is is sometimes a n a n noya n ce to 300+ "go getters" and "doers" and ca n even d rag them down if they a l low it. You will fi nd the 200s spen d i ng hours o n l i n e chatti ng to people - and the chatter not resu lti ng in a l l too m u ch . I n genera l he is -- 165 --
neither a pp rovi ng nor disapprovi n g . He has a sense of humour a n d often does not need support from others (levels 0 - 1 99 are dependent on others energy for survival) . Clothes a nd person a l belong i n gs are sometimes slightly neglected . Th is is so meth i ng the 190 wou l d never a l low . . . the ca r is u n clea n??? Oh my God, what if my neighbours see that! But the 220 person would often say "Oh, I'm O K with th at". How ca n one discern th is from the level 50 apathy? Wel l, in the presen ce of a 2 20 you genera l ly feel al rig ht beca use he rad iates a genera l , if u nderstated , satisfaction with l ife . "Everything is alright". Some readers who were worried they were in a pathy, are actu a l ly i n 220 . If you l ive i n North America or Europe and you go with the " m a i n strea m ", by doing what everyone else does, you will eventually stabilize on energy level 220. Why? Beca u se civi l i zation of the
yea r 2009 averages at th is tipping point since a few years . I n the 1990s of ea rth time the worl d averaged 200s for the first ti me i n more tha n 1 0 000 yea rs . Before that, the world averaged below the point of positive energy. ( H istory Lessons i n school have mostly been stud ies of l ow-energy stu pid ity th roughout the ages) .Th is is good news beca u se from 200 onward the destru ction of h u m an ity is u n l i kely, whereas 1 60 cou p l ed with wea pons of mass destruction m a kes the obliteration of h u m a n ity not only l i kely but certa i n . For 1 0 000 yea rs, civi lization stea d i ly descended . The oldest b u i l d i ngs of Egypt - the G i za Pyra m ids a n d the Sp hinx - rep resented the hig hest leve l possible at th at tim e . The Pyra m ids were well above energy level 500, beca use they were b ui lt by an other civi l i zation of another ti me, and n ot from the Egyptians as m odern schooling teaches. A l l l ater pyra m ids were mediocre i n com pa ri so n . Then came the Greeks of the 400s, then the Roma n s of level 1 70s- 300s a n d then the world fel l -- 166 --
i nto the d a rkness of 0 - 1 60 . In the m id d le ages you could wa l k a round the streets of London and see cut off heads hanging on poles as decoration, accompan ied by a horri ble stench . Th is wou l d be your level 30 a m bience. Pace o n ly sta rti ng picki n g u p aga i n from the 1 6th Century onwa rd . By the 19 th Century the world averaged 1 50, the I nd ustri a l Revol ution ( 360) p u l l ed it all up to that leve l . World Wa r II represented a mass-tra nsformation to 1 60 fol l owed by tra nscendence to a n overa l l 190 after 1 60 was defeated . Around 1989 we averaged 200 for the fi rst time i n a long ti m e . That is why th ings have been speed i n g up recently. How d i d th is h i storica l change come a bout? Some cla i m it was created by a " H a rmonic Convergence", by World- Prayer and Med itatio n . While those a re certa i n ly helpfu l to the energy-field of mass-consciousness, the biggest factors were the inventions of Science such as ce rta i n M ed i ci nes, Rad io, Television, I nternet, etc. I t i s Tech nology that created the new-age, not new-age m u m bo-j u m b o . But Tech nol ogy is not "opposed " to Spiritu a l ity. It has the d istinct energy-level of 300 a n d 4 0 0 wh ich is sufficient t o help civi l izations m ove upwa rds.
An average of 220 means that the low pOi nts of ea rth a re at 5 0 . You w i l l fi nd m uch of 50 a nd occasiona l ly even 30 in Africa , although m u ch of the conti nent has a l ready ascended to hig her places. And to m a ke s u re there is no m isundersta n d i n g , I repeat that th i s has noth i ng to do with race/col o u r a nd everyth ing to do with g roup-ka rm a - sou l s who, for energy-bala ncing wish to i n ca rnate into difficult ci rcu msta nces . The M u sl i m world experi enced fl uctu ations and a descent from 420 in the m iddle ages to 80 and is cu rrently on the u prise aga i n , d ragged a long by the i m p rovement i n mass-consciousness. At 80- 190 Arab a nd Persian a reas a re somewhat h i g her than Africa . Next up a re the form erly com m u n ist co untries a nd South America -- 167 --
at 1 20 - 2 5 0 . Next on the sca le a re North America and Europe . The cou ntries with the cu rrently (yea r 2 0 1 0 ) highest level o f energy a re, in th is order: Switzerla n d (450) Canada (420 ) The Netherlands (420) New Zea land (420) Singa pore (410) These fig u res a re in fl uctuation a nd subject to slight change on a yea r-to-year basis. They a re very u n l i kely to m a ke j u m ps to the 300s or 500s in the next severa l decades h owever. Interestingly, the U . S . fel l from 440 to 400 after the 9/ 1 1 attacks, j ust l i ke it descended from 425 to 405 after the J FK-Assassi nati o n . So America osc i l lates between 405 a n d 440 . It is not the cou ntry of " h ighest energy" or "hig hest consciousness level" as other a uthors who use the energy-sca le cla i m , but its at l east u p there with the h ig hest. The Netherlands h i g h energy is d u e to a l l the water it is surrounded by a n d swa m ped with, the cou ntries sm a l l ness ( ma ki n g it easier to ma nage) a nd its poliCies on person a l freedoms which foster self- respon s i b i l ity. Switzerla nds energy-level is d u e to its i nternatio n a l neutra l ity, loca lized pol itiCS, its natu ra l bea uty and the peace and prosperity of its citizens. The USA meas u res high tha n ks to its Constitutio n . As long as the U S governs accord i ng to it, i t w i l l b e a b l e t o m a i nta i n its leve l . Th e fu rther away it steers from it, the m o re it drops in pOints. Canada and Sca n d i navia a re u p there due to tra nq u i l l ity i n climate, natu re, th eir politics a n d the attitudes o f their people. Singapore, oddly enough, is the only sem i - D ictatorship (with the exception of Burm a , 3 20) measured to be ben i g n . Dictatorsh ips a re usually a round 1 0 0 - 1 6 0 . Th is does not necessarily m e a n that you wi l l fi nd the highest energy vil lages or single l ocations here . There are specific places that reach u p a l l the way to 799 . -- 168 --
Any l ocation a bove 800 is not a location on ea rth (agai n , despite w hat various authors say. I wi l l refra i n from spe l l i n g o u t these "va rious a uthors" names o ut of respect. Let it be enough to say that there a re m a ny using the energy-sca le and there will be many m o re to come that do not ta ke u n b iased meas u rement a n d reporting that serio usly. ) In genera l , w h e n you fi nd p u re bea uty a n d tra n q u i l l ity yo u a re u s u a l ly i n h i g her fields. When you fi nd the m ajority of the cou ntry living i n well-to-do circumsta nces, relative safety and prosperity, you a re a bove 300 . Mass consciousness averages at 220 a n d in accordance with that you w i l l fi nd m ost people i n a cycle of worki ng for a corporation, payi ng off b i l l s, consumerism, being hyp notized by m ass- med ia screens, bei ng genera l ly satisfied but not doing or ach ievi n g m uch of their own . When the hypnotic effect of the m ass-med ia is spread through l ower-vi be cou ntries, these too w i l l be elevated to 200. That is why cou ntries such as North Korea have restricted access to the Internet. A level 200+ med i u m can not be introd uced to a level 80 society without severe conseq uences for the rulers. If you i n h a b it the 300s, the 200s-lifestyle seems u n satisfying a nd l i m ited . On th is level of awareness ideas of "what to do" ra rely transcend going out to eat, watch ing a m ovie, going shopp i n g , going to work. I u sed to work as an Engl ish-Teacher for corporation s . In t h i s position I met thousa nds o f people on th is level of conscio usness. I had to red u ce the bandwidth of my conversation i n order to relate to them . "What ki nd of m u sic do you l i sten to?" I would ask. "I don't rea l l y l i sten to a ny specific kind of m usic. Wh atever ru ns on the rad i o". "Oh, O K . N ot a m u sic lover th en . So what a re you r favou rite movies?" "Oh, I have no specific favourite movies. I watch -- 169 --
whatever they a re cu rrently show i n g . 1 l i ke action , comedy, adventu re and rom a nce" "H m m m , a l right. So what a re you r hobb ies?" "I don't rea l l y have time fo r hobb ies. 1 work a lot" Time is a rea l issue w ith 200s-300s. "I don't have time" is one of their slogans. "So do you l i ke you r job?" (These are the m u ndane a n d rather d u l l q u estions 1 wou ld be aski ng fo r the pu rpose of teaching Engl ish . . . but to the level 2 0 0 person this is how real con versations go) "Yes, 1 l i ke my job" "What a re you going to do ton i g ht?" "I th i n k 1 will have some d i nner over at the resta u rant, and then have a d ri n k at the Hotel Bar" Never expect the s u rprisi n g , cha llenging, mystica l , rad ica l , stra nge, cou rageous, outrageous from th is energy-field . The reason they a re u n m oving is beca use they feel safe here . And from a n energetic perspective one is safe here . One cou l d spend the rest of l ife i n the 200s and no harm wou l d come. The biggest event might be going on vacati on to a nother continent. Or getti ng his baseba l l cap signed by a su persta r! Looking up to idols is com m o n at 200. Not having enoug h energy to create their own l ife, they watch other peoples l ives playi ng out on TV. The 210 wom a n does not fi nd herself, she fi nds some Top model she either admires from a dista nce but feels sepa rate from , or attem pts to i m itate . The 2 1 0 man a d m i res Ja mes Bond who can supposed ly ca n do all the th ings he hi mself cant. Movie-makers w i l l be able to milk H ero fi l m s for a lot of m oney as long as the m ajority rests in the 200s. Levels 275-310 (Cou rage) a lso watches movies l i ke th is, but with a b it less of a separation and more of a n inspiration fo r h i s own action . So the level 220 watches a n Action - Hera- m ovie, leaves the theatre and th i n ks "Oh how 1 wish . But that w i l l never happen -- 170 --
for me". Level 3 0 5 co mes out of the m ovie a nd signs u p for a motorbi ke-race or books a fl i g ht to some exotic desti nation . If you a re 300 + , spending ti m e with a 200 w i l l not be detri menta l to you . But it wont be particularly helpfu l either. The relationship w i l l j ust trickle a long without any major u ps or downs. If yo u a re a lower energy person who has j u st come out of major difficu lties, the level 220 w i l l be soothing to you . The best spouse for 200 is a nother 200 . They'l l j ust l i ve the i r l ittl e u n i m porta nt l ives i n relative h a rmony u ntil they g row old and d i e . Welcome to S u b u rb i a . M eet the Normaltons . Accessing you r own pockets of 200 (wh ich you, as a rea der of th is book, certainly have) ca n be faci l itated with the fol lowing q u esti on s : What a re you not interested i n ? With who's l ife do you have noth ing t o do? What do you n ot have time for? What is stressfu l? What is frustrati ng? What's on TV? What a re yo u not in the m ood for? What's for d i n ner? What a re you r neighbo u rs doing? What ki nd of dogs do you prefer? What's cu rrently on the news? What sports statistics do you know about? Why is time short? What is the latest gossip? What h ave the celebrities been up to? From the 200s onwa rd it is not hea l i n g that is req u i red but one can ascend a n d prog ress by ones personal will ( below 200 the help of others is needed, a b ove 600 its up to Gods w i l l ) . O n e way for the 200s to progress is that he fi nds out h i s lifes purpose and dedicates h i m self to it. Now if you 're saying "How should I know what my l ifes purpose is???" you have not yet reached -- 171 --
a 200s- level in which it sh ould be obvious what thi ngs you a re best a nd most ta lented at. She is i nvolved in all ki nds of poi ntl ess d i straction a nd enterta i n ment beca use basic purposes, values and goals are m issi n g . Th is is the sense i n which too m uch contentment, wh ich is l i ke a d rug in the 200s, ca n m a ke one co mplacent. And beco m i n g too com p lacent can have you eventu a l l y descend down the sca l e . Unfortu nately t h e 220-250 only acts with determ ination when his job or relationship a re i n danger. The co m pa ny is layi ng people off? Al rig ht, time to rea l l y focus a n d do a good job ! She is thinking about leavi ng me? Al rig ht, ti me to get my act together! The 220 energy does have a b i l ities but ra rely uses them . Its a l most a wasted l ife, wasti ng ones god g ive n ta le nts. "Why should I change anyth ing? Everything is j u st fi ne" he w i l l say. So learn ing some disci p l i ne is a path to progress . Generating m o re income to become less dependent on corporations a n d jobs is a way t o ascend . Rather t h a n ded icating yourself to a rtificial goals a nd id ols, fi nd out what you r soul l i kes. When you r l ife i s over a n d y o u have you r date with Infi n ity, w i l l i t have mattered who some pop sta r was going out with? No? Then why a re you fol l owing such sto ries? Beca use pOintless enterta i n ment without serious purpose is so re laxi ng? OK, fa i r enou g h . But don't let it get out of h a nd . Wasti n g l ess money on th ings not needed is a step upwa rd for the 200s. The 245 often h a s an a pa rtment stuffed fu l l w ith su perfluous items. Fi nd ing a life of purpose and direction is good .
She spends a l ot of tim e p u rchasing and down loading enti re Television -Series, Soap-Operas, Movies, Books and even more time readi ng a n d watching them . Th is means that l ife is mostly ta ki n g place i n her head. But what experiences does she have to ca l l her own? Th e wa l k to the g rocery store to get some snacks to eat a long w ith the next movie. Is that rea l l y a l l l ife has to -- 172 --
offer? Is l ife so m u ndane that it is so m uch more satisfying to look at it in made-up stories and m ovies? Or cou l d you write a better script for your own life? A tech n i q u e I typica l l y prescri be to the 200s is ca l led Scripting i n which I ask them to write ela borate movie scri pts of what they would l i ke their l ives to be. I have them write entire movie-scenes of their ideal l ife, a long with dia log ues, locati ons, perspectives in a m ix of rea l ism a n d d rea m i n g . M ixing rea l istic a nd wishfu l i m a ges tra i ns the m i n d to believe that h ig her a n d more cou rageous th ings a re possible t h a n i t formerly thought. The Scri pti n g tech n i q u e tra i ns Imagi n ation, Focus, Cou rage - three things the 200s a re lacki n g . The Scri pting Techniq ue, if you'd l i ke t o try i t out, i s good a l l the way u p t o the low 500s. W h e n d o i n g it, focus on your p referred rea l ities in a playfu l a n d fu n way, without expectation of them havi n g to m a n i fest or come true the way you write them . If you ca n write without that secondary ego-m i n ded agenda, but with a l ight a n d playfu l touch, some of it actually w i l l come tru e . Why? Beca use what one holds in m i n d without desi re and resista nce, tends to manifest as reality. C h i l d ren often get i m patient with th is level because m a ny parents of the cu rrent "western civi l ization" a re 200-275 which m a kes them slow and cozy. The g ra n d m other who spends the morn i n g m a ki n g brea kfast for t h e kids, and then, right after brea kfast plans l u nch, a n d then coffee a n d ca ke in the afternoon and then a h uge d i n ner, is a 250-gra n d m a who is p u l l i n g the energetic kids visiting her, d own . The kids want to go out and play, they want action and adventure (300), they want to lea rn (400) . They don't want to stuff themselves with food a l l day. The 340 g ra n d m a w i l l however ba ke her bread with l oving care and treat the kids with H u m o r a nd Ki n d ness, which w i l l heig hten their energy rather t h a n p u l l them down . The 220 g ra nd ma w i l l put too m uch food on the ta ble beca use the 200s a re preoccu pied with food . Wa l ki n g a round shopping centers, pedestria n shopping -- 173 --
zones, boutiq ues, stores, equals wa l ki ng a round the 200s-zone. Booki n g a vacation the way everyone else books a vacation is in the 200s-zon e . Not too m uch excitement or inspiration to go a rou n d . A 220 w h o visits one of my sem i n a rs w i l l say --No skyrockets going off for me yetf� no matter h ow
much fu n i s had . The 1 80 w i l l say --No skyrockets going off for me yet and that proves that all this is a bunch of hogwash ".
Th e 250 w i l l say "No Skyrockets going off for me yet, but JIll try to do better"
The reason the 250 ta l ks l i ke this is beca use he is waiting for someth i n g to happe n . He th i n ks that someth i n g outside of h i mself wi l l come to enterta i n h i m . For the 200s I a m noth i n g other than a sou rce of enterta i n ment. The 200s wi l l often not use my teachings to g row but to kill a few hours of time and have someth ing to do. Afterwa rds he w i l l disca rd this book and look fo r the next "cool book". The 200s who becomes spiritu a l does not do so seeki ng truth , but seeking someth ing trendy to do. "Others are doing it, 50
I thought JId try it outf�
200 is neutra l , not to be m i sta ken with the menta l emotion a l Neutra l ity o f the 3 5 0 . What is meant by "n eutra l " on 200 is that it is neither ha rmful nor helpfu l but merely a thing of fu nctio n . You r com p uter is 200. It is a n item that needs to work rel i a bly, noth i ng m o re . What you use it fo r ca n be good or less good . It has no i n herent emotional q u a l ity or emotiona l i ntenti o n . Softwa re is made with a n emotional intention and w i l l therefore n ot measure a t 200 b u t somewhat hig her. Keep i n m i nd that we a re descri b i ng the pure 200-275, -- 174 --
whereas m ost people w i l l not be purely of th i s energy field but have more or less pockets of it. These pockets a re usefu l when wanting to get out of lower states . Feel i ng fea r, craving, a nger or overwhel m ? S i m ply relax. Get a good movie. Lazy a round a t the beach. There you g o . That pocket is healed. The 200s actua l ly feature th ree very d i sti n ct energy field s : 200-2 1 0 i s the rea l m of H a rd-Work 2 1 0-250 the rea l m of "OK- ness" a n d Laziness 250-270 is the rea l m of Conservativism, Sta b i l ity a n d Orderl i ness. The 250-270 leads a n orderly l ife with a m ostly sta ble fi nancial income. At this level there is a bel ief in authority, a belief in proper structu res of SOci ety, a bel i ef i n science as the pri m e a uthority on rea l ity a n d a placement of va lue o n fa m i l y, good cloth i n g , clea n l i ness a n d overview. Fro m a h i g her energy perspective th is person is the petty sq u a re . But from the below-200 perspective this is a savio u r, the source of comfort a n d th e end of problems. Th e 2 5 0 is a b l e to ta ke action and achieve . He i s l i m ited i n I mag ination a n d has difficulty th i n king outside the box. He a cknowledges the existence of other viewpoi nts as h i s own w h i l e rem a i n i n g skeptica l outside of h i s rea l m of u n dersta n d i n g . He needs p roof of th i ngs before com m itti ng to them and risk assessments before acti ng on th ings. "I'll believe it when I see it" - th is attitude slows him down beca use he w i l l not do a nyth ing before its merits a re blata ntly in front of h i s nose . In th is sense a bit more intu ition and trust wou l d do him good . Cha nge comes slowly. An opening to new projects, ideas a n d circumsta n ces comes slowly. He feels strengthened by i ntellectual reason i ng a n d con n ections, networks and contacts to others . His biggest challenge is m a king it to 27 5 (Co u rag e ) . -- 175 --
Shou ld you, dea r rea der, fi nd you rself somewh ere at 0-199 it ca n be very helpfu l and hea lthy for you to a i m at the l ife of the decent s u b u rb a n conservative : Clea n u p you r place, bring your house in order, get a job, pay you r b i l ls on time, be punctu a l , stay true to you r word , d ress p roperly, be d isci plined. H ave y o u ever experienced that clea ri ng you r desk a n d room from clutter m a kes you feel better? That's beca use level 250 a cti ons clea r the lower level pockets . The 250 believes that rea l ity is created through action, th rough stu dy, th rough work a n d d i l igence. And if you vibrate below 250, tha n th is is true fo r you . Many parents a re on 2 5 0- 3 1 0 beca use being a good parent req u i res one to ascend to at l east that leve l . Accordi ngly they will n ot tire o f reaffi rm i ng the i mporta nce of "good ed ucation", "getti n g a col l ege degree" and " h a rd work". So get off your lazy butt a n d get t o work! That's h o w t o ascend from lower levels. Surprised ? M a ny associate spiritu a l e n l ig hten ment with someth i n g q u ite d ifferent tha n that. But if you have no sta ble platform from wh ich to l ift off, your fl ight wi l l not go wel l . Getting a proper j o b ( 2 5 0 ) is then more spiritu a l than going to a fortune teller o r psychic reader ( 1 00) . Clean ing u p your place (260) is more spi ritua l than using ta rot ca rds ( 1 2 5 ) to determ i n e you r desti ny. But if you've a l ready mastered the m i d 200s, a n d a re already ta ken ca re of fi na ncia l ly and already h ave
good fa m i ly-ties or a good circle of friends or some sort of dedicated profess ion, then its ti me to ascend to a l ife of even more fu lfi l ment. 250 h a s much i n com m o n with 220 except that he is a bit m o re focused, more tidy, more sta ble a n d less l azy. The obsession with tidi ness is someti mes a bit a nnoying but an u n derstandable path of m oving beyond 0- 1 9 9 . I once cond ucted sem i n a rs in the
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rooms of a n a l m ost pure 2 5 0 . N ot a s i n g l e d a y went by when he wou l d not a p pear in his office ea rly in the morn i n g . He wou ld not brea k his routi ne. N ot a single day went by were he would not be clea n ly shaven a nd d ressed i n straight business attire . Not once did he enter h is office i n ten n is-shoes or a t-s h i rt. When I would m a ke coffee fo r my sem i n a r participants, he would come i n after me and m a ke sure the kitchen is spotless . Not a d rop of water a nywhere, not the slightest speck of coffee. D ishes had to be washed i m mediately. H i s m a i n hobby was mounta i n -cl i m b i n g . Th at's a typica l level 260 activity, o bviously the h i g h poi n t o f h i s l ife . H i s wife too was fi rm ly rooted i n 260., you r typica l midd le-class-comforta ble, n ever q u estioning l ife, never q uestion ing her h usband . . . simply d o i n g l i ke he does : Keep th i ngs tidy. Work h a rd . M a ke a living ! The a mount of strict ro uti ne was baffl i ng to m e . Wou l d he ever ta ke another road home after work o r forever d rive on the sa me road? Wou l d he ever d ri n k a nyth ing other t h a n tea at exactly 3 p m ? When I m a d e too m uch noise i n my cou rse h e got nervou s . "Is everyth ing O K i n there?" "Yes ! " I responded " I 'm just havi ng some fun ! ". Fu n - difficult to g rasp for the 2 5 0 . Fun a n d outrageousness m a kes the 2 50 shy. What w i l l the neighbours th i n k? Th e 250 sti l l has a l ittle bit of that 190 vi be that needs to look good in front of oth ers . For t h e 1 00 science is a conspiracy t o suppress inform ation . For the 190 science is a tool with which one can rid icule a nd deb u n k people. For the 250 science is usually someth ing revered . The 250 is defi n itely n ot a scientific-th i n ker but a bel iever in science . The 400 is the actua l student of science and the 420 the scientist, the 450 the renegade scientist and the 470 th e g e n i u s scientist. In Busi ness the 250 is ra rely hi mself a n entrepreneur but works fo r one. And if he ever is a business person he ra rely leaves the confi nes of safety. Safety is -- 177 --
everything at th i s energy leve l . Th is is the level that demands and creates a pol ice force, law and order, recog nizable routi nes. If there were no 25 0-energy in society you 'd h ave been rob bed, ra ped a n d killed by someone or other long ago. Th is is the level that creates a police force, law a n d order, recog n izable routi nes . Th e en ergy-field m a kes you r l iving place safe . I l ived in a place with lots of 250-energy. (the place overa l l was 400, a l evel that req u i res a strong 2 50 -vibe as a basis) . It has a cri me rate of a l m ost zero . Fields, houses, fa rms, streets, street-signs i n perfect order. I took many long wa l ks at night there without a worry i n the worl d . And while it was clea n , safe a n d m a n ageable, there was this a l l pervasive boredo m . I f you went wa l king after 9 o'clock, a l l the l ig hts were a l ready off a n d the town was aslee p . After a l l , they had to get up early next morn ing to work. Sometimes I longed for some of the level 180 chaos of South America . N ot a single cafe open for busi ness . N obody sitti ng outside partyi n g l i ke in Ita ly. N o b a rbecues or l ate night baseba l l -flood l i g hts l i ke i n North America . Noth i n g . Si lence . Sleep. In its own way, level 250 - 3 1 0 is fast a sleep. Having a h ouse and a fa m i l y is the h igh est goa l . Noth i n g is q uestioned . No l iberation sought. N ot the slig htest i n kl i n g of the mysterious or magica l in the air beca use everyt h i n g is predicta ble. Livi ng there, if you did a nythi ng different th an the ru les prescri bed (there were ru les for everyth i n g includ i n g at what time you a re a l l owed to use a vacu u m clea ner and h ow big a ba lcony i s al lowed t o be and what colour ho uses i n certa i n a reas had to be p a i nted ) you stuck out l i ke a sore th u m b . I once h a d to pa rk my ca r i n a d riveway out of wh ich my nei g h bour gets out at exactly 8: 1 5 every morn i n g (never ea rl ier, never later) . I h a d t o p a r k it there beca use a certa i n garage i s no longer accessible at exactly 12 p . m . and I had come home later. I was sleeping when he ra ng my doorbel l . I a pologized , te l l i ng h i m I had been home later la st n i ght. He sa id : -- 178 --
"Why does one have to come home that l ate a nyway?" got into his ca r and d rove off. He was very nervous a bout th ings being d ifferent that morn i n g than they usua l l y were . Can yo u bel ieve it? Welcome to the Orwe l l i a n 250 parad ise of tota l order and contro l . A wea kness here is t h e i n a b i l ity t o d e a l with brea k of routi nes. There is the worry (the 200s ca n sti l l be accessed by worry at 100) th is m i g ht ca use them to descend to the chaotic hell of l ower levels. It cou l d be ca used by someth i n g as silly as a ca r pa rked somewhere other than it usua lly is or you sponta neously deciding to travel somewhere a nd thereby wrecking havoc i n a 250 spouse who has been used to you being a home- body. "What? But where would you go? Travel where???" she asks. "Don't worry, I just feel l i ke being on the roa d over the wee kend" you say. "Yes, but you 've never done that before, so why now?" she a s ks "J ust for fu n , I 'l l be back i n a few days" you say. By now she is seriously concerned . She is concerned beca use she is a 250. And if you a re a 250 too it is l i kely you wont ta ke the tri p beca use ulti m ately you 'll be concerned a bo ut it as wel l . 250 wa nts security, a n d money, h e wa nts to be alright. Th e a i m here would be to fi nd the cou rage and focus to do new things. To red i scover you r enthusiasm . To let off of too m uch work ("I have to work to feel safe"), too m uch I nternet-Surfi n g a n d i nvesting more attention i nto your d rea m s . Another way to prog ress wou l d be to consider paths of passive income having money work for you rather th a n you for it. The 250 en ergy usua l ly sti l l l ives in the m i sta ken belief that one a bsol utely must work hard to receive money. Some q u estions to a ccess th is level of energy from both lower and h igher levels: -
-- 179 --
What is rig ht l ivel i h ood? Why don't you have m uch time? What a re som e th ings on your to-do-list Why is o rder important? What i s the result of h a rd work? Why are s i ncerity a n d honesty i m porta nt? What a re the ben efits of be\ng ratio n a l ? Th e wea kness o f a wom a n in t h e 200s is t o be preoccup ied with shopping a n d food . A wea kness of the woman i n the 300s is to be preoccu pied with l Uxu ry and politics . A wea kness of the woma n in the 400s is to be preoccu p ied with books and knowledge. On any of the levels of energy, such women wou l d do good beco m i ng awa re of other thi ngs. The i ntel lectual 4GGs bookworm wou)cJ actually d o g ood m eetin g some fri ends o r fa mily (300 s) or oe\l e\op\n9 on \ntet:est (n arts ( 500s) or good food ( 200s) . So you see that above 200, going "down " is not a l ways a descent but qu ite necessa ry for l ife bala nce . The wea kness of the 200s o n a society- level is their na'ive outlook i n reg a rds to what is going on i n the worl d . The 200s wi l l sometimes simply ta ke whatever the 8 o'clock news tel ls them, at face va lue. Th is ch i l d l i ke trust d rives below-200 people crazy, beca use they, just l i ke the 400s u pwa rds, see the deceit. The contentment of the 200s ma kes them b l ind to manipu lation . Th is i n nocence is a lso pro blematic in rega rds to diplom acy and i nternati o n a l relations. Just beca use I a m a tru stworthy person does not automatica l ly mean that others a re . Com pa n i es a n d Govern ments resi d i ng bel ow 2 0 0 ca nn ot be trusted . Th e 250 ca n be conned by 1 5 0- 190 energies, beca use he does n ot q u ickly suspect fo u l play ( l i ke the 100 who expects fou l play a l l the ti me a n d the 1 8 0 who practices fou l play ) . In order fo r the 1 9 0 to m a n i pu late the 250 he has to wea ken h i m a n d a ccess h i s rema i n i n g pockets o f frustration, boredom and fea r. Th e low point of the 250 is 100 (fear) and the h i g h point is 4 7 5 ( I m a g i nati on) . -- 180 --
H a lf of h u ma n ity has yet to ascend to the 200s, so 250 ca rries a lot of i m po rta nce for o u r pla net. In the 200s you fi nd shop clerks, m id-level employees, servicemen, ba kers and butchers. Ta ke a wa l k throug h any downtown a rea, tra i n -stati on o r a i rport a n d you a re right there in the energy-field of the 200s. At 205 there is not m uch friend l i n ess but 250 is the beg i n n ing of h u m a n ness a nd ca re . 205 is a gas-station but 240 is a Sta rb ucks and 270 is a q u a i n t fa m i ly-ru n cookie shop. 210 is the waitress who does her job right but does not sm i l e, at 240 she s m i les and at 270 she actua l ly m a kes friendly conversation a n d means what she says . As one p rog resses up the 200s th ings get i ncreasingly h u m a n . A U n iversity norm a l l y ca rries a n en ergy frequency of 400+ but the students dorm with its u ni q ue h u m a n ness is a round 270. A truck is 200 but add the d rivers hand-pai nted a rtwork to it and the truck goes up to 250 + . I h ave a Co u rse Room without anyth i n g in i t but fl uorescent l ig hts and a neutra l carpet. I'm cu rrently at a round 200, although tu rn ing on that a rtificia l l ig ht m ig ht d rag the room down to 1 9 0 . So I put a la m p that rad iates softer and warmer l ight i n a nd a fl i pchart with some ma rkers a n d a lso some chairs . I m easure the rooms vibration a n d it is now at 2 1 0 . It fu n cti ona l ly has that which it needs. I add some plants . These a re very n ice pla nts I boug ht, wh ich bring the room up to 220 (the ones from at home wou ld have brought it u p to 240) . I h a ng up some very h i g h-energy a rtwo rk and the roo m j u m ps to 280 . Students w i l l now feel sign ifica ntly better here . If they come here tired, they w i l l wa ke u p by th e power of the rooms energy. They wont be d ragged down the way they wou l d with a 190-room . I excha nge the a rtwork with very- h i g h -en ergy 505 pi eces. Th is boosts the rooms overa l l energy to a measured 3 5 0 . Th at's pretty h i g h for a room a nd I'll leave it at that.
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Su rprising ly, m a ny people who have a lot of 200 in them don't even know what Passive Income i s . Passive Income is money you m a ke, that you a re not working fo r anymore . If fo r exa m ple you ha ppened to buy a piece of real estate and a re renting the rooms out, you are getting mo ney from you r tenant every m onth without actu a l ly worki ng for it that m u ch . The 18 books I wrote a re m a ki ng money for m e . In fa ct I could q u i t worki n g entirely a n d would be wel l fed for the rest of my l ife due to my book-cheq ues. The importa nce of not ha ving to work, not being forced to work fo r survival is that it frees up a l ot of negative energy (especially fea r and worry) so that you ca n place attention on m o re i m portant th i ngs tha n money. Money is ta ken care of so that you ca n fi n a l l y focus on the th ings you like . I myself generate passive i ncome, but not to a n excessive, greedy deg ree, not i n a n attach m ent-to-money itself. Exaggerati ng the importa nce of money is a tra it of the 1 2 5 and 1 9 0 . In order to ascend to the 300s it is beneficia l to replace hard work with creative work or work you l i ke, work that match es yo u r souls mission on earth a n d to be of sound fi nanci a l stab i l ity. Yo u w i l l see that merely ta king on 300-ish cha racter-tra its will increase your i ncom e . That means that merely bei ng in a certa i n energy-field attracts t h e other things associated with that field into ones l ife . But you w i l l do good to at l ea st study some of the basics of h ow to h ave money work fo r you rather th a n you bei ng its slave . A book which I have recom m ended h u n d reds of times i n th i s rega rd is "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosa ky. Since what is termed " Hol lywood" has sha ped world consci ousness i n sign ifica nt ways over the last decades, and as the America n Film Ind ustry cu rrently measu res in the 200s it is only appropriate to say a few words a bout it here . I n m a n y ways a movie m i m ics t h e w a y the m i nd, consciousness a n d rea l ity a re created . The world is l i ke -- 182 --
a five-d i mensional-version of a movie (for more on this see my previous book "Pa ra l lel U n i verses of Self". M ovies a re tra nsm itte rs of energy-fields. What the worl d does not q u ite u ndersta nd is that fo r consciousness there is o n ly barely a d ifference between " rea l ity" and a m ovie. Or to put it more precisely - what you focus on you beg i n to vibrate with and you eventu a l l y become. So whether you see a car pa rked rig ht there in front of you in rea l l ife or a ca r pa rked i n a movie on a screen or a car pa rked i n a picture of a magazine or a ca r pa rked i n your m i nds eye by visua l ization - the essenti a l energy vibration of a norm a l car (220) wi l l be felt by you r body a n d m i n d . Beca use o f certa i n belief-systems w e h o l d , the rea l life-car w i l l be experienced more strongly t h a n the m ovie-ca r, but its sti l l essentia l l y the sa me vi bration, the essentia l ly sa me energetic i nformation. So visualizing d riving a ca r 1 0 ti mes is a bout the sa me as actua l ly d riving it, as fa r as consciousn ess/body/ m i n d a re concerned . Th is l ittle piece of i nformation a lone wi l l have you be more m i ndfu l of what m ovies you watch from now on, of what energies you l et into your l ife . And that does not only go for m ovies but any type of enterta i n ment. Anyth i ng is su bject to levels of energy. The two reasons Hollywood o n ly measures in the 200s cu rrently (as op posed to the 400s a nd 500s decades ago) is twofold . First of a l l , the m ovie i n d u stry i s i n decl i n e d ue to the I nternet a n d Fileshari n g Revol ution (the practice of Fi lesha ri n g as it is carried out in the yea r 2009 measures at a d ishonest and detri mental 1 9 0 but is a lso d i rectly l i n ked to previous dishonest 1 9 0- ish pricings of the fi l m and m usic i n d ustry) . Secondly m ore tha n 70% of a l l movies conta i n below200-imagery a nd concepts fo r th eir own sake . For exa m ple, violence ( 1 60) is glorified for its own sa ke rather tha n being a needed d ra matic part of the na rrative. Hol lywood cu rrently churns out more Ho rror/Gore (0 - 1 1 0 ) movies than ever before i n -- 183 --
H istory, focussing a n u n d ue a m ount of attention on /ow-vib ra tion-ente rtai nment. Horror- movies, which a re amusing ( n ot sca ry at a l l ) from 390 u pwards (who a re mostly u naffected by the negative vibe) i n doctrinate m i l l ions of teenagers i nto associati ng the spiritua l (para n orma l ) with evi l - a n evi l that is m uch portrayed as more powerfu l in the movies than it is in rea l ity. Even though its supposed ly "fu n " to watch , some people rem a in tra umatized for l ife, w ithout even being fu lly aware of it. They'l l have a bad feel i ng being a l one at home or havi ng someone wa l k b e h i n d them on a sidewa lk at night or stepping into the shower a n d see ing some i nsect there or wa l king th rough a pa rki ng garage at night, or ta ki ng a wa l k in the woods - and wont even rea l ize that thei r bad feel i n g was programmed into them by some vivid sca re-image they saw long ago. Above a certa i n level of consciousness or with ce rta i n positive-beliefs i n place (such as " I a m aware of these movies energy-levels. I am no l onger subject to the i r negativity, I can m a i nta i n my state effortlessly.") th is prog ra mm i n g becomes neutra l ized . It is those unaware that a re most affected . Movies of a below 1 00 vibration ca n d rag down people from 1 00-350 . M ovies of a 1 00 - 1 9 0 vi bration can d rag down people from 200-450. A single low-vi be movie is too wea k to d rag one down. Th e body is attacked by it but q u ickly regenerates after the fi l m is over. It is the consta n t repetition o f certa i n themes wh ich h a s an accu m u lative negative effect on mass-consciousness. The m a i n p roblem with H o l l ywood is l ack of respect, arroga nce, not assu m i n g responsi b i l ity for what they put out i nto the world . The idea of "It's just a movie" i s just so much nonsense and the fil m m a kers actu a l l y know that it is. Power cou pled with a rrog ance leads to deca y a n d th is is why the entire Region of Greater Los Angeles resides i n a 200s energy-field - lower tha n the U S average of the 400s. Anyone who ca n feel th is m oves a wa y from the place, p e rhaps even to n orthern -- 184 --
Ca l iforn ia wh ich measures at a n u n usua l ly h i g h 420 (the l u re of Ca l iforn i a is this contrast in energy) . Th e rest of thei r movies a re mostly 200s and 300s . 200s a re movies that a re fa i rly good vibe but they h ave a m ass-produced or produced-by-form u l a feel to them . 300s movies a re good m ovies wh ich may conta i n below-200 ele ments that a re necessa ry for the overa l l story l i n e . I want to m a ke it clea r here that even if it sou nds l i ke it, below 200 is not " bad" or "evi l " but s i m ply has certa i n effects and conseq uences one needs to be aware of to ta ke responsi bil ity for ones l ife . Its fi ne that you i m merse you rself in 80s energy for weeks, there is noth ing "bad" a bout it, j u st know the conseq uences. I n fact, there a re a n u m ber of below-200-movies which a re artistic masterpieces a nd h ig h ly reco m mended . The most successfu l i ndependent-fi l m of the 20 th Centu ry was "Pu l p Fiction" b y Quentin Ta ra n ti n o . The m ovie itself measu res at energy-level 40 . Th is is no surprise beca use m ovies a re measured by exactly that which they portray a nd this one portrays slaug hteri ng people by the dozens as someth ing h u m orous or a m using . And nevertheless, I 've enjoyed the m ovie, beca use its d i a log ues a re hilarious a n d it teaches you a l ot a bout the a m bi ence of that specific sem i -a p athetic energy leve l . Of course the negative effect of the movie is lessened by kno wing of what energy- l evel it is and not being surprised if one feels a bit lower afterwa rd s . A movie ca n a ppea r to be a nyth i ng but you know what it rea l l y i s by the way you feel afterward s . So n otice those first few m i n utes after leaving the movie theatre-cha i rs, n otice you r state and you'll know exactly where a m ovie sta nds. So while I've enjoyed some below-200 enterta i n ment here a n d there, I w i l l n o t m a ke a habit o f it. Th i s knowledge has positive i m p lications too, of cou rse. If you r tem pora ry state is below 1 50 you ca n get out of it with most m ovies (as most of them measure a bove 1 50 ) . Watch i ng severa l 300s-movies -- 185 --
can actu a l ly m a ke you more successfu l i n life, on the job and in relati onsh i ps . Watch ing 400s movies ca n make you smarter and sOOs movies ca n b ri ng tea rs of joy to your eyes, w h i l e 600 m ovies ca n leave yo u i n a state of silent a mazement and in ner awe fo r hours . You w i l l learn how to measure what exactly a movie is and is not later. The 200s a re not only the field of m a instrea m cinematography but a lso m a i nstrea m music. Th at incl udes Pop, Rock, R&B, Disco, Hip Hop. More sop h i sti cated va ri ations of these styles (J azz, House, Ambient, Reggae) often measure i n the 300s. It shou ld com e as no surprise that Va riations such as .... Gangsta Ra p" measure below 200. What m a kes such music measure low a re the lyrics a n d the sound but more i m porta ntly the i ntent beh ind m a ki n g the m usic. So-cal led "eth nica l " m usic or the fo l klore m usic of va ri ous cou ntries mostly measures above 200 beca use of its ben ign i ntent to express joy, dance or spea k spi ritual pra ise a n d classical m usic is mostly i n the 400s to s OOs, beca use of the intense dedication that went i nto the creation of th ose pieces of h i g h bea uty. Anyone who does not appreciate at least some form of classica l m usic has not touched the 400s or is seriously bra i nwashed . Cl assical m usic is a mong the only type that wi l l not be a n noying or a d i sturba nce no matter what the occasion . Va rious celestia l , rel i g ious, chanting a nd sp i ritu a l m usic is in the sOOs to 600s (whereas what is sold as " New Age" in stores i s m ostly bland below-200 sou n d ) . If you have an aversion towa rds sa cral m usic, it/s the pa rts of you below 200 that have that aversion . Likewise, if you have a n addicti on towa rds sweets Ws t h e 1 2s - i n -you that has that addiction, not the rea l yo u . If you have an affi n ity for spiritual teachi n gs, that's the sou l i n you, the rea l you . Fi n d that rea l you a n d fi nd o u t what that rea l you rea l ly l i kes. h
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275 Cou ra ge, Relaxation, Eagerness, Fu n
Th is level of energy experiences a fa i rly positive outlook on life . He tests h i s co u rage i n sports, with members of the preferred sex (the fl i rt a rtist l ives in the h i g h 200s) , on the job (the a m bitious employee) . The 275 is a l ways on the verge of " brea king loose" and "brea ki ng free". Especi a l l y those who have spent too m uch time as a corporate slave on levels 1 70-270 beg i n longing fo r the freedoms of the 300s. Li ke a l l energ ies a bove 200, the orientati on i s u pward s . H e wa nts to "esca pe i t a l l ", d reams of adventure i n foreign countries, fo reign affa i rs, meeti ng new people. Th is energy level is m o re open to the new a nd looking for the u n i q u e . It is the state of consciousness the average joe has who's m i nd is in the p rocess of expa n d i n g . It i s a lso what m a ny 500s d rop down to at their worst. This level is stuck "on the verge" of acti ng rather tha n actu a l l y m oving forwa rd with his/her d rea ms. Often enough those a d ventu res i n foreign co u ntries stay mere d rea m s . If they do not act on their joy over a longer period of time they w i l l eventually drop back down to the med iocre rea l ity of the m i d -200s. Th is leve ls tastes i n enterta i n ment ( m usic, a rts, cinema, theatre, cu ltu re, etc . ) a re just a l ittle bit more refi ned, specific a n d choosy then the vague " I 'l l just go with what a l l the others a re doing" - attitude of the 2 3 0 . Here you'll have the one who is a specia l ist in wine or a co l l ector of fi ne foods, or who goes out of his way to get a very specific piece of m u sic or who wi l l be ch oosy a bout what movie to go watch. One of h i s wea kness is to tend to cheat on h i s spouse a nd l ie a bout it. There a re th ree reasons for th i s : One is the restra int of 200s to openly decl a re what they want, the second is that the 275 will sometimes su bstitute less fo r what he rea l ly wa nts (he wa nts a d ivorce but will su bstitute an affa i r for it) and the th ird -- 187 --
reason is as fol lows : The act of sex measures at 290 . That means many th ings. It mea n s that the 250-340 will have a n a bove average sex-drive. It expla i n s why, for levels 0-250 sex is the highest good . And it tea ches readers who want to have m o re of a sex-l ife themselves that they will have to move up or down to 290 in th is regard . Visiti ng a sex-shop for exa m ple is not a way to a l i g n with 2 9 0 as the sex-shops energy measu res at a ro u n d 1 3 0 (unfulfi l led desi re) . Western ized Yoga-Co u rses (" Power Yoga") measure at a round 290, so the single man or wom a n seeking sex should pa rtake i n in ner city Yoga-cl asses rather than visit a sex-sho p . H u n a Cou rses (western ized Hawa i i a n Shamanism) a long with their Hawa iian massages measure at 290, so the l i kelihood you fi n d i n g you r sexual affa i r there i s h ig her than i n a l i b ra ry (400s) . Th is i s a n exa m p le of the practica l ity of knowi ng energy-levels i n every day l ife . It is l i ke knowing a deep secret most seem to be unaware of (wh ich is why it is dangerous to g i ve the sca le to the i m mature - they will use it to i nflate their ego a nd a b use their newly fou n d adva ntage) . I n the case of sex you see that the h i g h 200s is not "worse" than the 400s. I can th i n k of m a ny reasons how havi ng sex (290) is more pleasurable tha n visiti n g a libra ry (405 ) . And th is m a kes a lot of sense i n the overa l l context as wel l : 200 is the energy-level of the body and 290 the body's " h i g h "-experience. An orgasm itself measures at 570. It is the one, very short moment in which most people catch a g l i m pse of 570 . Sex i nterm ixed with genuine love toward ones partner often measures somewhere i n the 300s although in exceptional cases high-vibe sex ca n be performed in the 500s. C h i l d b i rth measu res at 600. Sex without l ove or enjoyme nt, as a mere mech a n i ca l act, measures i n the low 200s. Ra pe measures at 3 0 , ch i l d ra pe a t a n i ncred i b ly low 1 5 beca use o f its demonic intent. There is a lot of d i scussion about how -- 188 --
to p u n ish or n ot pun ish ra pists but a nyone who ca n see energy a lso sees that ra pists a lso punish themselves plenty by i m m ersi ng themselves i n the 30s. The 30s attract a l l kinds of u n pleasa nt a stra l parasites that a re rather d ifficult t o shake off the energy-body. The type of sex that is preoccup ied with h u m i l i ation , s u bm i ssion, d o m i n a n ce, etc. measu res below 200 and wi l l , over ti me, have a detri mental effect on the psyche and sou l of the practitioner. Swi nger-Cl u bs as they exist on o u r planet a re l ocated in negative below-200-energy fields due to the inte n tions a n d bel ief-system s of the va rious people i nvolved in such ven ues. Sex that focuses n ot only on the l ocal ized body but the actua l person a , the actu a l perso n a l ity or spirit of who you a re having sex with, a l m ost a lways measu res a bove 300. The gentle ca ress of the forehead, the looki n g in your partners eye, the h u mo u r and laug hter shared that even i n g , a l l th ose a re i n d icative of a bove 275 h u m a n ness a n d m a ke sex m uch more i ntense and enjoya ble rather tha n a l l stiff and serious and a ssociated with g u i lt and shame (30), i n adequacy ( 1 00 ) , need ing to domi nate ( 1 60 ) , con cern over ones performa nce ( 1 90) or a mere routi ne mecha nical a ct (200) . Th e 275s orig i n a l d ream may h ave been to b u i ld a house ( h i g h 200s a re often good do-it-yo u rself b u i lders) i n the Pacific, but then he is "a lso OK with just going on vacation there for a few weeks". Orig i n a l ly the 275 wanted to ru n the big M a rathon i n N .Y., but he i s later "a l so O K with just ru n n i n g the loca l town M a ra th o n ". H e has high d reams ( beca use of h i s access t o the 3 0 0 s a nd 400s) but then settles for less. Th at is his l ife-story. Some 275s come a cross as su perfici a l , placing more emphasis on going to the gym a nd less on read i n g books. U n a ble t o generate m u ch excitement with i n -- 189 --
himself the ri ght set of ci rcu msta nces m ust a rrive for him to get h i s boost. Of cou rse this is worlds a pa rt from the 1 2 5 person who gets a rush th rough destructive means. The 275 gets h i s biggest ru shes th rough sex, th roug h risky sports a nd through perform i ng better than h i s colleagues. Th is level ca n be sta b i l ized by doing sports, movi ng ones body, trave l l i n g , fl i rting . But i n order to progress, she needs to develop some new ski l l s . Why not learn a new lang uage? Why not learn how to play the g u ita r? Why not try to enjoy times with you r fa m i l y a g a i n rather t h a n a l ways th i n ki n g y o u need t o " b reak free"? And if you conti n ue to do so, why not separate from you r spouse? Having been in a Relationship with a 290, I'l l descri be her perfect day here : Wake u p i n the morn i n g a nd req uest sex. Ta ke a shower. M a ke a healthy-food fru it-yog u rt b rea kfast (275-3 1 0 women a re forever on d iet or concerned about their looks without ever actu a l ly achieving that idea l they th i n k they need ) . Do some work-out or get on a b i ke and out into nature . Come home and do some work for the boss (even though it's the wee kend - they a re a m b itious to move u p i n the h iera rchy of the com pany). Watch some soap opera on TV (they sti l l have a lot of the 200s in th e m ) . Even if thei r boyfriend is present, they'l l watch it. They don't have m u ch consideration for or interest in others . Th e 200s a re just as egoistic as the 1 25s with the difference that the 200s actua l l y fu lfi ls some of th e i r wa nts and have more healthy ones. If the boyfri end leaves her house, she m i g ht go online a nd chat-up some other g uy. Either that or she'l l work some m ore . Or do some more workout. Or sta nd in front the m i rror for hours . Or do some house chores a n d r u n errands. America a nd E u ropes obsession with fitness, we l l ness and health-foods is a te l lta le-si g n of g reat masses of -- 190 --
peop le g ra d u a l ly ascending to 300. Th e idea of ach ievement req u i ri ng g reat effort a n d a m b ition is sti l l pretty i n g ra i ned on this leve l . I f you wish to experience nearly pure 275, visit a sports club or ta ke part in the yacht-pa rty, or visit a party-isla n d . I f you 've ever been t o I biza d u ring t h e non-tou rist times, you get the pure 275 vibe. D u ri n g tou rist-ti mes it descends down to 1 70-220. In non -tou rist times only the hedon istic 275 -class come to visit. M a ny Hol id ay- Resorts constru cted of noth i n g other than th i s energy-fiel d . That is beca use its where 1 70s250s go to get away from their habitual tone. If these resorts were created h i g her than 3 50 the people cou ldn't relate to the m . 275-3 1 0 is just the rig ht vacati o n i n g atmosphere for the m asses. If you have noticed how m a ny 4-sta r Resorts look s i m ilar to a l l other 4-sta r Desti nations, th i s is why. You have the ocea n , which a l ways g i ves off a sta ble level 5 1 5 (tra n q u i l ) to bala nce o ut a l l the 1 90-260-ish tou rists. Th en you have the orderl i n ess of th e H otel itself, sem i friendly staff (se m i -frien d l i ness being 220), always a few shopping opportu n ities and h a i rd ressers . And then of cou rse, for someone who has a l ready evolved to 300 a l ittle you h ave the typical sporti ng activities they ca n book right there at the Hotel Desk - Waterski ing (320), Windsurfi ng (420), Boa rdsu rfing (380), Diving ( 3 90) a nd so forth . Predicta bly most 1 60- 1 90s wi l l choose to dine i n the H otel, they pa id a l l -i ncl usive after a l l , and the so very "adventu rous" 200s will sometimes " D i ne Out". The 300 m ig ht actu a l l y try to fi nd loca l specia lty foods. He has enough energy to actually seek out the more sophisticated or u n i q u e . After a day fu l l of "activities" the 200s a re j u st too ti red to go out and look for someth i n g . "An d besides ", says the 220, "everyone else is eating i n the H otel , so it must be good" At the H otel beach you'll see the 1 60 - 1 90 couples -- 191 --
someti mes a rg u i n g . But si nce they're on vacation, that will be ra re . Enough a l cohol and heavy foods w i l l get the read - headed, overweight 1 60 husband to fi nd h i s ki nd of ca l m . Sometimes y o u w i l l find below- 1 60 people that do not seem to "fit" i nto the energy field and who themselves feel u n comforta ble there - bless their hea rts . The level 1 90 w i l l try to cla i m a part of the beach a long with sunch a i rs for h i m self and w i l l rega rd oth er g u ests with disgust o r ca l l them "p lebs" (all the w h i le h i m being part of the pleb-scenari o ) . The level 200s will lie a round all day, ta ke a swi m , or read a book. The 250s will behave themselves, enjoy the sunset, a n d do n i ce a n d orderly things. The 275 w i l l read special ized books, go for a m uch l onger swi m o r even wi ndsurf or d ive and a l so b e somewhat restless at the beach . Maybe he'll have ta ken h i s note book with h i m so that he ca n "get some i m porta nt work done". Bl ess their hearts . Th e 275 will freq uently be looking i n the d i rection the preferred sex ... whether in th e a i rplane, in the H otel or i n N i g htlife . W h i le the 1 2 5 and 1 60 have to b u l l y people i nto sex, t h e 275 h a s no problems getti ng l a id . He does have issues w ith com m itment and long -term relationships thou gh (as opposed to both 2 50 a n d 3 1 0 , w h o a re good for m a rriage) . In the a i rplane you recog n ize h i m i n that he often wears b ri g hter a n d so meti mes even m o re stylish clothes than the bland 2 50s sitting beside h i m . Th e pure 250 w i l l be OK with a $40 Dol lar Shirt. The 1 9 0 w i l l be O K with a n $ 9 0 Dollar m uscle sh i rt or a shiny s i l k su it. The 1 60 w i l l look rather g rey or neutra l . The 275 is l i kely to be wea ring a $ 1 2 5 D o l l a r sh i rt . The d istin ct 380 is l i kely to be wea ri ng an expensive su it, the 420 an even more expensive su it. Above 420 tastes u s u a l ly go back down to more normal . Of cou rse these a re genera l izations, but they g ive you a n idea of how even sma l l deta i l s ca n revea l ones overa l l energy or current l ife-phase. Nevertheless, do not ta ke -- 192 --
these hi nts too much to hea rt. You ca n a lso fi nd a sem i-en l i g htened 570 wea ri ng level 50 rags a nd a level 1 40 d rug-pusher wea ri ng a level 400 s u it. I n fact, m a ny below-200s wea r a s u i t a n d t i e beca use they wa nt to be m i sta ken for trustworthy 300s. The 275 is the party a n i m a l , the joker, the one who pretends to be ca refree, the sl i m and lean sportsma n . I f they rema i n here th rou g hout l ife they usua l l y s l i p d o w n t o t h e l ow 200s in old age. After death they w i l l fin d themselves i n t h e m i d -astra l - rea l m . If you wish to ascend to 275 or at least experience some pockets of 275 in add ition to any other lower or h i g her levels you may have, then get some Courage. If you a re a l ready at 275 a n d feel you r life is superficial and that "there m ust be more", its ti me to move on to 3 1 0 a n d a bove . Around 1 9 88 a n interesting phenomena occu rred . Al l of a sudden m i l lions of teens sta rted d a ncing to hyped - u p electronic m usic a n d ta king ecsta sy- p i l l s . Th is coi ncided with h u m a n ities overa l l shift t o level 200 a nd a l l owed them (teenagers often have more tha n g rown u ps, u n less they get deceived by rebe l l i on , boredom, resista nce, etc. ) t o live t h e hedonistic l ife of a 2 7 5 . The whole " house pa rty" a n d "acid-house" a n d "rave party" scene o f Europe i n t h e l ate eig hties was infused with pure level 270- i n ess . The ecstasy-d rug hel ped to tempora ri ly elevate the kids to l evels a bove 500 (with the negative side-effect of d ragg i ng them down to 100 in the aftermath ) . It is a l ways interesti ng to exa m i ne societies trends from a n energy- level perspective. The hype o n l y lasted a bout 3 yea rs, a s the 1 40-ish v i be o f t h e d rug-dea lers i nvaded t h e scene and d ragged it down. In 1 989 you wou l d have excited kids in nocently partying . In 1992 you had shadowy types contro l l ing the scene, roughening up the youth . Th e type of hedon i sm that says "do whatever you want" is 2 7 5 . Hed o n i sm tu rn ed fo u l , without a ny sense -- 193 --
responsi b i l ity or integ rity, measures at 170- 1 9 0 .
I n the 200s a h u m a n becomes relaxed , h onest, helpfu l , open, sensible a n d tolera nt. As energy reaches the 300s it beg ins extending kindness to others than only oneself. W h i l e the 275 is kind to others he sti l l has ple nty of eg o-centric tendencies a n d the 3 1 0 is more mod est, more fi rm , more supportive . As one passes 300 one becomes more responsible a nd disci p l i ned . Someone a bove 300 norma l ly does not req u i re " m otivation" from externa l sources, he is self motivati n g . At 300 you wi l l fi nd a turn ing point in attitude towa rds acq u isitions : Rather than looking . . . to get, to take, to acquire, you value, appreciate, like.
"I need money" becomes "I l i ke money". Th is is the essentia l reason why 300s have less moneta ry difficu lties than lower levels. They do not rad i ate lack every day. Time is not see n as a p roblem, as the 200s see it, but as an opportu n i ty. Th e 1 70 says "I'm i n a rush ! I'm rea l l y u nder ti me pressu re ! I just don't h ave the t i m e ! ". The 250 says : "I don't h ave m uch time." The 300 does not often th i n k about ti m e . H e is not in a rush and nevertheless he " keeps on m ovi n g ". The 300s are the most productive people on the planet. At 300- 3 1 0 one fi nds ca l m and cla rity. One fi nds deliberate choice and a ction . One fi nds the considerate and protective mother who has done m o re for civi lization than a l l levels below. The 300- person is ava i l a ble. If you have been trying to co nta ct a business- partner and ca nt reach h i m for weeks it is not beca use he is especially busy but beca use h i s consciousness is currently residing either below 2 7 5 or, less l i kely, a bove 540 . Bel ow that level there is less ca re a bout bei n g ava i l a ble, acco u nta ble, etc.
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300s a re everyth i n g the below 200s rebel agai nst : Th ey a re friend ly, co rd i a l , decent, dependa ble, idea listic, h u m ble, h u m a n e, honourable, genuine, m atu re, patient, respectfu l and respecta ble. If you , d e a r reader, w i s h t o go h i gher in energy, do not skip the q u a l ities but cu ltivate th e m . They a re req u i red intermediates on your path to e n l i g hten m ent. One exercise to u p l ift you rself is to ta ke one of the character tra its mentioned, and practice it for awhi le, u ntil its second natu re, u ntil it feels natura l to you to be ava i lable or cord i a l or patient or g e n u i n e . Another exercise t h a t w o u l d tra i n you into the 300s would be to write down or ta ke note of things you a pp reciate, th i ngs you cou l d say "yes" to . The average h u m a n wa l ks a round town on ra ndom attenti on, scattered, a n d often ta ki ng note of that wh ich is u na ppreciated . The opposite of that would be wa l king a round i n the fol lowing m a n ner: I l i ke the suit that person over there is weari n g . That's a beautifu l b u i l d i n g over there The roof of it is especia lly stu n n i n g I l i ke th is type o f temperature What I l i ke about this street is a l l the q ua i nt shops Do you smell that? That smells fa ntastic ! Don't do th is as some routi ne tech n i q ue or forced happi ness. Do it when you feel l i ke it a n d when you rea l l y do l i ke the th i ngs you a re perceiving .
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The Spi ritu a l ity of the 200s a nd 300s
More than 85% of a l l books in the meta physics section are actua l ly written from below the level of the authentic energy of spiritual ity (500) . Peo ple go to that book section looki n g for spirit but a re fooled by appea ra nces . That does not mea n that the leve l is not usefu l - a nyth i n g a bove 200 is. If it is ti me for you to get physical flexi b i l ity you'd be wel l advised to look into the 200s a nd nowhere else. A good mind and sou l are housed i n a body that i s physica l l y fit, so i n a sense the m id-levels a re necessa ry stepping ston es to higher levels. Hence Pi lates (220), Aerob ics (230), Hatha Yoga (320) . Hatha Yoga w i l l strengthen your body a nd health 1 20 pOi nts h ig her than the body (200) wou l d even need, but if you become obsessed with this specific type of yoga you a re ta ki ng body more seriously tha n m i nd (450) and sou l (500 + ) . And if you wish to get inspiration for some busi ness project you m i g ht be better of at 395 than level 700. I n d i a n sage Ra mana M a h a rs h i ( 720) w i l l do noth i ng for you , but motivational spea ker Tony Robbins (form erly 3 9 5 , cu rrently 440 ) certa i n l y w i l l . So while not stri ctly "spi ritu a l ", studyi ng below-500 paths m a kes a lot of sen se for worldly pu rposes . You don't study a m a p of Austra l ia if you a re in Ca nada . There a re hybrid teachings as wel l , where va rious pa rts of a book m easu re on va rious levels, as well as authors who rad iate high but wrote low or those who radiate l ow and wrote h i g h . Any va riation that can exist, does exist. The more advanced you get the more you will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Th i n gs get dangerous when h i g h levels of doctri ne a re m i xed with low levels, such as is the case with the Bible a nd the Kora n where you have level gOO-teachi ngs m i xed with level-90. So you get someone to fa l l i n love with a path before introd uci ng th ings that would otherwise not be accepted if presented sepa rately from the q u a l ity- materi a l . That's -- 196 --
i ndoctri nation 1 0 1 . I should a lso mention that while its good to get a broad overview a nd gather severa l d ifferent, even confl icti ng viewpoi nts (advanced students h ave no p roblem with different levels of truth , wh ich a re i n that sense not "contradictory"), do not treat spiritu a l ity l i ke a n enterta i n m ent a nd shopping tou r where you hop from one path to a nother. If you only fol low a n d practice o n e single pri n ci p le for m a n y m onths, i n depth you w i l l m a ke a b igger leap in energy-l evel tha n if you read 1 0 books . I f I've measu red someth i n g you rea l l y l i ke a t a l ower level than you thought it was, then verify for you rself (once you lea rn h ow to meas u re) . D i s i l l usionment is fine beca use it p uts yo u more closely i n touch with rea l ity - eventually m a king it easier to actu a l l y change rea l ity (you ca n not ch a nge rea l ity if you don't even know what rea l ity is) . M ost of my fi nd ings m atch those of other researchers . About 1 5 % of my n u m bers do not m atch those of other energy-sca le users . Th is is d u e to error on my part or the i r part, I don't know wh ich . What I do know is that an a l i g n ment of 85% with other a uthors of comparative spiritu a l ity is pretty good for earth ly sta ndards. 100% truth cou ld only be expected from a level 1000 spea ker, m i nd you . In presenti ng the fol lowi ng n u m bers I have not i ncl u ded any spiritua l path that I myself have not experienced person a l ly or at least studied thoro u g h ly. If some of the n u m bers come as a surprise to you also know that "by the i r fru its ye sha l l know them". S i m ply look at what becomes of those who dedicate them selves to a particular path . There a re a uthors of levels-of-consci ousness books who routinely meas u re the level of th ings they have not person a l l y experienced . That means they w i l l not measu re what someth ing actually is, but what they th i n k it is. The energy-level of the thought is measu red a n d if that thou g ht is bi ased, a g a i nst or in -- 197 --
favour of someth i n g the results w i l l not be correct.
I've had to let other peop le confi rm some of my resu lts beca use I've noticed my own tendency to try to d istort according to my own bias. I did not wa nt H u n a a n d Hatha Yoga t o measure as l ow a s 290 a n d 320 b u t a las they d i d . I f t h e m isuse o f Yoga as a western ized "physica l exercise" is removed a n d it i s p racticed the way it was orig i n a l l y i nten ded, it ju m ps to 440 . But the way it is used nowadays is for Am erican a nd E u ropea n women to work on their "weig ht l oss" i n order to be able to cater to some Hol lywood -esq ue I l lusion . That is why Hatha Yog a cu rrently resides below 3 5 0 . Sometimes it ta kes some research to u n cover why someth i n g measures at the frequency it does. Havi ng let go of my need to have certa i n teach i ngs measure a certa i n way, a l l I can say is that "the energy is what it is" and there is no m o re judgemental va l u e whatsoever o n my part. Everyth i ng has its place . A n d now that I've pondered s o m e o f t h e results I got, they actu a l ly do m a ke sense, no m atter what my g u l lible mind previously thoug ht. The packa g i n g of a prod u ct or the advertising a bout it ra rely reflects what you wil l actually get beneath a l l the shiny wra pp i ng . One i nteresti n g d iscovery d u ri n g writi n g this book was that every Rel i g ion is actua l ly practiced on every level of the Sca l e . You can fi nd Isl a m at a psychotic level 20 i n the form of a suicide bom ber, in the form of a mel l ow l evel 245 as you r reg ular Sun n i M u s l i m , at 480 in the form of Isl a m i c Art, at level 680 of Sufism and even i n the 900s. You can fi nd Chri stian ity i n the Catholic Inqu isition at level 30, th e para noid end-times fu ndamenta l ist at 1 00, you r reg u l a r Protestant i n the 200s, you r smartly d ressed Mo rm on at 400, you r h uge Catholic Cathed ral i n the 500s, your Christi a n M ysti c at 620 and Jesus h i mself at 1000 . The sa me a pp l ies to every other Rel i g ion . The m ost popu lar spiritu a l movement of the yea rs 2000-20 1 0 surrou nds movies such as "Th e Secret" -- 198 --
and the widely popu l a r "law of attraction". D u e to popu l a r demand I wi l l now write a few paragra phs on that. Many readers w i l l not believe that the m ovie o n ly m a kes it to 220, which is "way below spiritu a l ". Perso n a l ly I had guessed it to be in the 300s. It is also interesti n g to know that the ori g i n a l version of the movie d id measure at least 3 1 0 . Why th is l ow then? Beca use i t turns revered a n d sacred spiritu a l i n stru ctions i nto a fast-food -style g reed and g a i n game, cateri ng to a 125 (u nfu lfi l led desire, fa lse promises) crowd - the type of crowd that has not reached the intellectua l level of question ing why they want what they "want". M ovies a n d books of the "you can h ave everything you wa nt" type a re s i m p l i stic to the point of d ishonesty. Both "get" a nd "wa nt" a re fa i rly la ck- based m otivations. Had "The Secret" at least ta ught that one ca n have what one is energetica lly aligned with, it m i g ht have made it u p to the 300s. Rather than wis h i n g for someth ing to happen, I recom mend you act-as-if som eth i n g has already ha ppened . That will m a ke its energetic attraction more l i kely than if you merely go a ro u nd naively wish i n g someth i n g that you th i n k is n ot rea l should become rea l . As reported b y a n acq u a i nta n ce who was i nvolved i n t h e movie, the word "vi b ration" was om itted from i t i n order to m a ke i t more a ppea l i ng to a broader aud ience. D istorti ng truth to m a ke it more d igesti ble for the m ajority i s certa i n l y not 300+ behaviour, and that is one reason for the d rop i n energy. Two of the movies teach ers that measure a b it hig her i n energy, Esther H i cks ( 390-5 1 0 ) a nd Neale Don a l d Wa lsh (475 ) were rem oved from a later version o f t h e movi e . Removing h ig her v i brations actu a l ly boosted t h e DVD a n d book sa les. (Attention a l l Ma rketers rea d i ng this book: If you want to sel l you r product, ta rget the rig ht level-of-energy, i n stead of genera l ly trying to " m a ke the ca m pa i g n h ig her energy") . Of Cou rse energy 220 -- 199 --
sti l l a level that can be hel pfu l to the m ajori ty of :.Jrrent civil ization . In that sense the m a kers of "The Secret" h ave done H u m a n ity a favor - but maybe not '; the sense they thou ght they d id . s
�art from being of the new-age " m a i n strea m ", 1 70250 is a lso the l ocation of "fa l len angels" - tea chers and org a n izations that were of h i g h ca l i b re and then jropped because of the fa me-tra p, the popu larity-tra p, ::he pride-trap, the money-tra p and the boredo m -tra p . The boredom -tra p I had fa llen i nto myself, conducting spiritua l courses on a near weekly basis fo r 5 yea rs . I .,ad to q u it cond ucti ng cou rses for awh i le beca use it was beco m i ng a ro uti ne, spiritu a l practices were becom ing g i m m icks, had lost th e i r ju ice, had become hollow. L Ron H u bbards d rug a buse, ego-power-tri ps and other tra nsg ressions eventua l ly saw h i m p l u m met all the way from 490 to 1 9 0 . Beca use the entire SCientology org a n ization measures at 1 90 corru ption and preoccu pati on with power, titles a n d ri pping people off of m oney ca n be expected (a loose spin -off organ ization cal led " Free Zone" is at 3 0 5 as a whole) . Th e pop u l a r America n cha n ne l l i n g med i u m JZ Knight (Ramtha) measu res 190 after measuri n g i n the h i g h 400s i n h e r early days. Th is ca n easily b e felt i n the tone of compassion and i ntel l i g ence of her early ta l ks and the tone of a rrogance a nd boredom i n recent times. Cha n n e l l i n g as a whole can be done from l ower astra l - levels (0- 1 60 ) , m i d -astra l -Ievels and h i g her astra l - levels ( 3 9 5 - 5 1 0 ) . Chan nel l i ng usua l ly does not occu r from Spiritua l ( 5 0 0 + ) rea l ms except in the form of Auto matic Writi ng or d ivine Inspiratio n . M ost cha n n elling is therefore not especi a l l y spi ritu a l , but com i n g from h ig her-astral it ca n be fa i rly evolved, i nformative and even tra nsformative . One of the hig hest channeli ngs to date is Jane Roberts Seth , who's teach ings a re of a 490 q u a l i ty, that is, intel lectua l ly sophisticated a n d at the same ti me touch i n g and successfu l ly exp l a i n i ng m u ltidi mensional -- 200 --
( 5 0 0 + ) rea l ities. Deepak Chopra is pop u l a r fo r synchro n izing Vedic medici n e a nd spi ritual ity with western science a nd popu l a rizing the whole th i n g . Most of h i s books a re written from a 460 energy which knows about h igher rea l m s without necessa ri l y havi ng experienced them all that m uch . 460 is integ rity, high enthusiasm, i nspiration, h i g h com petence, i ntel ligence . Somewhere a l ong the way Chopra d ropped to 1 70 a nd cu rrently resides at a disappointi n g 280, a lthough some of h i s older books sti l l rad iate in t h e 5 0 0 s . Th is is n o state that wi l l teach you a nyth ing tru ly spiritual a n d it rem a i ns to be seen whether he reg a i n s his strength . In case you happen to be read ing th is book, D r. Chopra , no offence. We've a ll h a d our u ps and down s . The most com mon reason for these level-drops a re states of true power havi ng "gone to the head", turn i ng into a n Agg ra n d izement of the worl d -self. Th is is why it is reco m m ended that you not ta ke person a l credit for you r new powers (that a re natura l side effects of the 500s) but tha n k God for the m . Teachers a n d org a n izations mentioned here ca n go back u p . Sometimes o n ly slight adjustm ents a re a l l that is needed for the ch ange. But 9 times out of 1 0 those adj ustments i nvolve not ta ki ng oneself so d a m n seriously. Krishna m u rti ta u g ht from a very adva nced 5 1 5 viewpoint a nd then d ropped to a mediocre 230 before he died . If you a re a Krish n a m u rti fol l ower a n d want to know why, do you r resea rch . Most of his ea rl i er a nd m i d -term audio-reco rd ings however, can sti l l be l istened to with good resu lts. Werner E rh a rd , creator of EST ( Erha rd Sem i n a r Tra i n i ngs) which was h i g h ly i nfl uential i n inspiring h u n d reds of other Sem i n a rs a n d Tra i n i ngs was the prototype of 400s Spiritua l ity wh ere everyth i ng is -- 201 --
addressed a s "Ca use a n d Effect". E rh a rd sta rted out at 400 a n d l ater d ropped to 205. Its cu rrent i nca rnation ( La n d m a rk Education) measures at 3 3 0 . I t is n o t too u ncom mon for t h e 400s a nd 500s to ta ke a fa l l when the Ego emerges as the "Source" of the blessings experi enced . What is less com m o n and even surprising is the drop of the I nd i a n Teacher-Sage Osho from 650 to 1 9 5 . Th is exp l a i n s why h is students were left i n a somewhat desolate state when their G u ru d ied in the early 90s. W h i l e 650 is i ndeed a state of Enlig htenment, there is sti l l some Ego-residual at play. Contra ry to the cla i m s of countless tea chers, the Ego never q u ite leaves a s long as one is focussed on ea rth ly l ife through a body. Fro m 700 onwa rd however, the ego, w h i l e sti l l existing, is mostly stu n ned si lent. These exa m ples will suffice to pOint out how even "big na mes" or perhaps especi a l ly the b i g ones a re vu l n era b le to te m ptation a n d deceit. Level 190-290 is the rea l m of the atheist and ag nostic (the ag nostic measures a bit h i g her as having no position is more i ntel l igent than having the fixed position "There is no Creator/Source") . Much of that wh ich is l a be l l ed a s "occult a rts" a nd "occult sciences" measures at 100-290 . "Black Magic Spells" is 1 00, "Wh ite Magic Spells" 1 3 0, " Mag ick" Al eister Crowley style is all the way "up" there at 1 9 0 to 2 5 0 , so-ca l led "Chaos Mag ick" has the consciousness and i ntel lect level of 190-265, as do orders such as "The Golden Dawn " and "OTO" (a ntagonism and "being speci a l " measure at 1 9 0 ) . The "hermetic sciences" descri bed i n books such as "The Kyb a l i o n " measu re i n the h i g h 400s, certa i n va riations of the Ka b b a l l a h a n d books such as Th e Zoha r measure aston ish ingly h i g h , a pprox. 4 1 0 ( math a n d intellectu a l i s m ) t o 6 7 0 (Il l u m i nation ) .
-- 202 --
I n the low 200s you ca n fi nd thousa nds over thousa nds of sem i - i nspiring but less than effective "spiritu a l " l iterature such as that of N ostra d a m u s ( 2 0 5 ) , books on U FOs a nd A l i e n s (books on "Ancient Astrona uts" a re of a s l i g htly h i g her truth of 425 as we actua l ly did, in certa i n respects, receive "visitors from other planets" a very long ti me ago. M odern day " U FO Abd uctions" a re noth ing but l ower-astra l phenomena thou g h ) . Sem i -effective practices such as Tra nscendental Med itation ( 2 1 0 ) , Qi Gong (205) and Rei ki (240) reside here . You will fi nd plenty of bored (200) housewives m a ki n g p rogress with it. Not that hea l i ng ha nds energy work is inva l i d , but do you rea lly need " i n itiation degrees", mysti ca l voca b u l a ry and costly cou rses for lea rn i ng someth i n g entirely natura l ? What Rei ki teaches can actu a l ly be ta ught with i n a n hour or two and does not ca l l for all the su rrou n d i n g mystery mongeri n g . Qi G o n g a n d s i m i l a r p ractices, d e a l with the m a n i pu lation of energy. Anyti me you encounter energy need i n g to be forced and m a n i p u l ated, you a re ta l ki ng about teachi ngs below 500. Certa i n types of Pra naya m a Breath i n g , which involves control led a n d forced breath ing, measures i n t h e 200s - they wi l l give you power over the 0 - 1 90s, but that's j ust a bout it. Exertion and Force ca n lead to altered states a n d pa ra norm a l perception, b u t th ey do noth i n g for ones com m union with The Field. Th e once h i g h l y popu l a r Tra n scen denta l M editation m i g ht measure h i g h er if it did not include fa lse pro m i ses a n d publ icity stu nts such as "levitati ng to fly over New York City". The reason TM is no longer as popu lar a s it was at the time of the Beatles, is beca use it has dawned on us that the prog ress orig i n a l l y pro m i sed , w a s n o t delivered . A n d even i f levitation does come to pass for 5 seconds or so were these 5 -
-- 203 --
seconds worth 20 years of training ? 200s spi ritua l ity
s, as wel l - mea n i ng as it is, often a waste of ti m e . And th is is congruent with the level 200 person w h o l i kes wasti n g ti me on enterta i n ment rather than studying en lig hten ment. Here's a rea l secret - the reaso n the 200 reads so m a ny books on "S piritu a l Awa ken i n g " and " M a n ifesti ng you r Desires" is because he is too lazy to com m it to any of his goals. In the 200s you will a lso fi nd spiritu a l l iterature that mista kes bored om with i n ner peace of mind : India is fu l l of such personas; M eher Baba, Sri Ka ru may, Sri Guruj i j u st to n a m e a few exa m ples. A western exa m p l e would be Peter Ouspensky at level 275 a n d h i s teacher G u rd ijeff a t 275-350. Martia l a rts practiced for the p u rpose of Violence is at 160, for the pu rpose of awa reness its at 260. Ta i C h i i s 3 3 0 a n d certa i n l y helpfu l fo r popul ations below. Ayurveda comes in m a ny va riations but it usually measu res between 290 ( body-orientatio n ) to 425 (hea l i n g ) , depen d i n g on wh ich school and q u a l ity level treatment is ta ken at. The tou rist-versions that seek to make a fast buck certa i n ly vi brate l ower by virtue of the i ntention . Intention acts as a carrier- wave of information , I ntenti on sets the leve l . I n the 300s o n e fi nds a lot o f the "You Create you r own Rea l ity" and "You c a n reach a l l o f you r goals" type of stuff, a l beit of a bit h ig h er q u a l ity than the " M a n ifest you r Desires" of the 1 25-280. I wrote my book " Pa ra l lel U n iverses of Self" i n order to present a l evel 50S-version of such teach i ngs. I have been recom mending the teach ings of Abra h a m - H i cks a n d specifica l ly t h e book "Ask a n d it is G iven " ( 3 9 5 ) since yea rs . "But if its only 395, w h y have you been reco m m e n d i ng it?" some ask m e . The question is indicative of a conti n ued misundersta n d i ng of how the sca le works . -- 204 --
" H igher energy" is not necessari l y " better". 395 is j u st perfect for the majority of cu rrent civi l ization . The Abra h a m H icks books ba it people on the level of Des i re ( 1 25 ) a n d l ift them up into the 200s. And they tea ch the 300s a th i n g or two a bout the power of Intention . Some of the i r teachings measure at 540 . Level 345 is the curre nt level of Freemasonry. Its ori g i n a l idea ls a n d visions measure at 5 1 0 a n d some of that energy a n d power can sti l l be fou nd there, but the rea l ity of its c u rrent day practice is a bit lower. Com m u n i ty, Cha rity, Fa m i ly, Friendsh i p a re sti l l i m porta nt to Masons though a nd those a re 300s q u a l ities. I n order to rega i n the 500s the Masonic ideals of Benevolence, Tolera n ce, Bea uty etc. wou ld have to be reemphasized . M ost Freem asons a re of u p right (3 00s) , decent ( 300s) a n d hel pful i ntention, no m atter what slanderous leve l - l 00 internet-sites say about the m . O bviously some o n ly join beca use they a re curious as to a l l the conspiracy-theori es w h i l e others join for "business a n d networki ng p u rposes". Such non-ideal istic i ntentions have d ragged Freemasonry down to the 300s over time. In modern society they ap pear a nachron istic and u n less some type of mysti cal reviva l or reform ta kes place, mem bership w i l l conti n u e to dwindle. "Going to get a M assage" is a body-oriented activity at 1 25 to 305, depen d i n g on I ntentio n . I nterm ixes with sexu a l desi re rather tha n gentle ca re, a s offered i n sex parlours is a lways below 200 . The projection of Cravi ng onto a body is neither hea lthy for the M assag i st nor the ReCipient, beca use that Craving is the op posite of fu lfi l ment and a lso worships mere meat rather than spirit. Prostitutes who expose themselves to th is type of energy too long eventua l ly decl i n e i n hea lth . So w h e n g iving or receiving massage, try to let go of wanti ng to control or of needi ness, j ust breathe it in a nd then out, a n d repl ace those with gen u ine ca re for the person i nvolved . In this way, m assage has a -- 205 --
benefi cial effect. Conventional Relaxation Massages as offered in vari ous spas a nd wel l n ess clubs a re of 1 80 to 290 energy a n d ca n therefore help to re lease pockets of low emotion . Some massag i sts at th ose locations operate at mere Functional ity, especially when havi ng to massage one body after a noth er all day and a lso service customers they would not otherwise to uch . Th is is what m a kes their m assages of l ower-tha n -240energy. You probably rem e m ber times you felt rea l l y good ( 3 00s) a n d you did n o t w a n t t o be massaged b y others. Some med ical a n d spiritu a l Massages or those conventional ones conducted with love a nd ca re ca n ca rry massage a l l the way u p i nto the 300s. I once received a fou r-hand Hawa i i a n Lom i Lom i Massage that had the effect of d isi nteg rati ng thoug ht-forms that were stuck i n the body. I felt com p l etely transformed thereafter a nd never experienced a certa i n p roblems aga i n . That was a ra re case i n which the method (290) and the Intention of the M a ssag ist (5 1 5) worked tog ether to create actua l hea l i ng (40 5 ) . Th e whole Psychedelic-Cu ltu re m ovement o f the late 60s an ea rly 70s vibrates lower than m a ny assume (30 - 305 ) . The "peace, love a n d h a rmony" of the H ippie is often not the 500s-type-of-peace, but the 200s va riatio n . The American G u ru Ra m Das measures at 305, m i n us his cons u m ption of H a l l u ci nogenic d rugs he wou l d be i n the 500s. Ti mothy Lea ry was at 190 to 245, Robert Anton Wi lson, a n ag nostic- psyched elic author of generation-defi n i n g books such as "Cos m ic Trigger" a n "I1 l u m i natus" ca n be fou n d at 270 to 345 . Ag nostics rad iate h ig her th a n Atheists beca use they have " n o position" i n stea d of an anti- position . Sti l l the "no positio n " fa l ls short of the l ove, ca re a nd dedication of h i g her levels. Pop u l a r 20 th and 2 1st Century thought loves the " N o Position" spirituality and holds it as one of the hig hest attitudes one ca n have, but fra n kly, there is h ig her. The intellectu al "no -- 206 --
position" ( 345) is qu ite d ifferent than the experienti a l state beyond a l l positions (600 ) . With t h e "I have no position either way" attitude the a g n ostic, as "open m i n ded " as he is, sti l l displays some u nawareness. " N ot knowi n g " whether a Supreme Creative Source of Life exists is a result of m i d - level b l i n d ness . At consciousness level 500 there is absol ute no q uestion whether the Creator exists or not and that Creation is glorious.
The 300s a re the level of so-ca l led N LP-Co u rses . " N eu ro l i n g u istic Progra m m i n g ", as fou nded by John G rinder a n d Rich a rd Sa n d ler, o riginated i n the 400s, which a re levels of h i g h reason and a b i l ity. The level has d ropped somewhat as a conseq uence of poorly or cheaply held sem i n a rs by unskil led Tra i ners, a n d the i r focus on some o f t h e more q uestiona ble aspects of N LP. The idea of m a n i p u lating people with N LP measu res at 1 8 5 . The idea of fol lowing peoples eye movements to fi nd out "truth " measures at 205 ( not terri bly effective ) . The idea of studying what successfu l people do in order to lea rn from them a n d , i n th e beg i n n i ng even I m itate them measu res a t 390, wh ich means that th is concept works. The idea of cha n g i ng ones bel ief-system in order to cha nge ones experience measures at 530, and N LP-esq ue Visual i sation-Techniq ues measure at 390- 5 0 5 . Teachings i nvolving " Refra m i n g " ( Re-Contextua l ization of Rea l ities) comes in at a round 490, which m a kes it q u ite usefu l . With h o l d i n g the fact that some of N LPs "discoveries" a re actua l l y derived from ancient Eastern Philosophies measures at a d ishonest 1 9 0 . Th is hodge podge of Techniq ues then comes i n at a ro u nd 345 in some of the higher-q u a l ity Workshops. Richard Sa n d lers level of energy began at 470, tem pora ri ly d ropped to 1 25 when he went i nto a l coholism and violence a n d got j a i led, and is cu rrently at 305. His Sem i n a rs of the ea rly 2000s, were a l most entirely i m a g i n ation- based, which is a g iveaway of 300s teachings. Joh n G ri n ders energy- l evel is cu rrently at -- 207 --
360 . Of co u rse these fig u res a re a lways subj ect to change for better or worse . The n u m bers of this book measure the cu rrent state as of the yea rs 20 1 0 -20 1 1 on ly. However, N LP phi losophy is essentia l ly 300s and 400s and u n l i kely to ever change. Should its tea chers prog ress beyond the 400s they w i l l s i m ply l oose interest in it and move on . Motivational Spea ker a n d Coa ch Anthony Robbins va ri ations of N LP measures 390 to 460 a nd Tony Robbins h i mself at 530 . Th is d i screpa ncy indicates that Robbins h i mself is proba bly not entirely satisfied with his own teach i n g s . His mass-co u rses wh ere he p u m ps up sta d i u m crowds are wel l- mea n i n g but not very effective for any other one than the 200s. H i s a u d i o a n d b o o k materials and private consu ltations measure higher tha n h i s l a rge-crowd S e m i n a rs. H owever, the reason he i s a ble to fil l an Arena with people, the reason he has reached m a ny M i l l ions more tha n other N LP-type Coaches is beca use of his 530 energy. When crowds get very excited when someone a ppea rs on stage, that person on stage is usua l ly (at least for that moment) a bove 500. Beca use N LP is based on a mech a n istic ca use-and-effect para d i g m , it ra rely su rpasses the 400s. Al most a l l copies of Anthony Robbins, especia l ly m a ny of the E u rope-based "motivational tra iners" measure at 1 60-290. Copies generally measure lower th a n their orig i n a l . If you use the N LP-tech n iq u e of imitati ng a person , it is not enough to j u st copy what that person does a nd says, one has to feel the energy-field of that person a n d a lso add ones own energy-field i n to th e m ix . M erely copying is a low 200s trait. Teach ers who don't cite the actua l Sources of their teach i ngs a re doi ng their audience a disservice . Their motivation for doing so, is so that the i r Ego ca n ta ke credit ( 190) for the Information g iven . (Th is is someth i n g that bothered me g reatly while reading the level-of-energy resea rchers cited in the open i n g . Why -- 208 --
a re these researchers pretending that they i nvented the sca le-of-energy?) . Reb i rth i n g is a method of the low 300s, but I 've a lso seen it appl ied in routi ne- l i ke 2 1 0 fash ion . So ca l led " Holotropic Breath i ng " is a 1 90-285 method which can ind uce astra l - phenomena . Why th is l ow? Beca use m ost "techniq ues" that seek to m a n i pu late en ergy rather than receive/a l low a re based on a consciousness that feels separate from the whole. Without feeling sepa rate in the fi rst pl ace, there wou l d be n o need to m a n i p u l ate o neself to " become more whole". Th i s is not to i m pu g n the work of Sta n islav G rof which does someti mes rea ch the h i g h 300s. Some Ch ristia n Energy- M easu rements : M ethodist Preacher John Wesley measu res at 3 1 0 a n d h i s followers i n t h e 1 8 0 - 3 1 0 ra nge. Seven-Day-Adventists measure at 1 7 0 . Pentecosta ls meas u re at 100-250, the "Cha rismatic" M ove ment at 330, black gospel singing at an i n cred ibly high 540 . Protesta ntism can be fou n d at a nywhere from 170 to 450 . Catho l icism has a n even wider span of 80 to 5 70 . The cath o l i c priest preoccu pied with shame a n d g u ilt that is eventu a l l y projected as th ings such as paedoph i l i a , cu ltivates level 40 energy. Pope John Pa u l II, who was, a mong other th i ngs, concerned with peacefu l dia logue between rel i g i ons, demonstrates levels in the 500s, h i mself rad iati ng at a very strong 570 . C h risti a n Mystics and S a i nts usua l ly measure at a ro u n d 580640 . The act of C h risti a n Com m u n ion measu res at an extrem ely high 650 . Why th is is so, I don't know. Catholic Mass ca n measure at the m onotonous 200 as wel l as the exa lted 540 . Th e I n q u i sition measured below 1 0 0 . Mother Theresa exited ea rth at 670. QUite many known scie nce-fiction a uthors l i n ger in the 300s. Arth u r C . Cla rke (370), Isaac Asi m ov (40 5 ) , Ray Bra d b u ry ( 3 2 0 ) , Ph i l l i p K. Dick ( 1 25-490), Science Fiction M ovies usua l ly measure between 100 and 490 . -- 209 --
The hig h-energy- Ievel of science-fiction comes fro m its visionary a n d creative thought- processes, its expa nsive view of the whole. The low-energy- Ievel of sci-fi comes from its dystopian paranoia . Th is is why both George Orwel l and Aldous H uxley, despite being so me of the most popu l a r a uthors i n H isto ry, do not surpass the 300s. The books "Brave New Worl d " and " 1 984" a re i n the m i d 300s. Had they added messages of hope, that level co uld h ave been h i g her. Some science-fiction a lso measu res m uch h i g her, especia l l y that which util izes meta physica l concepts . The Sci-Fi classic "Sta r M a ker" by O laf Sta pledon, for exa m ple, measures at 720, which is m i n d -bogg l i ng ly high for mere Science-Fiction . The act of writing Science Fiction measures at 500 - 535, a n act of h i g h creativity. Actua l ly u s i n g "Imaginatio n " is the act of cha n ne l l i n g Inform ation from other Pla nets and Dimensions. While it may not a pply to our worl d , it does exist in one world or a nother. The idea or con cept that there a re ma ny, many other worlds out there, measures at 1 000 (a bsol ute truth ) . As mentioned, so-ca lled " H u n a " Cou rses o r new-age stylized " S h a m a n i s m " is at a round 290. Max Freedom Lon g , ori g i n ator of va rious i nterp retations of "Polynesia n Magic" is at 405, Serge Ka h i l i King a uthor of Bestsel lers such as "The U rban Shaman" and "Instant Hea l i ng " is a lso at 405 . The reason H u n a o n ly comes out at 290 is beca use of hoards of u nski l led "teachers" a re offeri n g these supposed ly "ancient secrets". The i r ma rketi ng caters to the 275 -adventurist type. Side-notes n ot only relating to H u n a : H u l a Dance in a ritua l istic context is 345, in a tou rist- hotel context 260 . Hawa i i a n Ped a l Steel Gu ita r is 540 on accou nt of its sounds intense beauty. Mod ern day Hawa i i itself i s 380 . However, the enti re new-a ge-ization of native America n a n d sha m a n i c Trad itions usua l ly comes i n -- 210 --
be/ow 300 . Its exploitati on fo r moneta ry g a i n is
o bviously below 200, while a uthentic n ative American teachi ngs measure in the adva n ced 500s and even 600s. There is no l i m it to the type of spiritu a l path s a n d p ractices I cou l d featu re h ere . B u t I i nclude o n ly those I know a lot a bout. An d the h i nts given should be more tha n enough to determ i n e the energy- levels of sch ools not mentioned here . No teaching in the 200s or 300s is actua l ly "spiritu a l " (if a nyth i n g its M id Astra l ) but either Body-Oriented (200s) or Success a n d Busi ness (300s) oriented . 3 20 W i l l i n g n ess, Eagerness, O ptim ism, Activity, Ki nd ness
At energy level 320 true i n ner Positivity beg i n s . Not the fake sm ile, not the effortfu l "positive th i n ki n g " of someone who feels down, but true positive Intent towa rds oneself, oth ers and the world . The h ig her version of Des i re is W i l l i n g ness. You say you want someth i n g , but a re you rea l l y Willing to com m it to it? It will o n ly come true if you a re tru ly W i l l i n g to experience it. You say you don't want someth i n g a nymore, but then I ask you , a re you W i l l i n g to stop focussing on it? Once you a re no longer W i l l i n g to accept and i n vite a certa i n Rea l ity by i nvesting you r focus i nto it, it will stop h a ppen i n g to you . Ego-ism is stron g at 320 but behaves d ifferently tha n at other levels. Th is is not the self-centered para n oia of 1 00 , not the N a rcissism of 190 a n d the Consumerism of 2 5 0 . It is the self-confidence of one -- 211 --
who needs nobodies approva l . He kn ows he ca n only give energy to the world if he has enough of it h i m self. So he sees to it that he has enough for h i mself fi rst. Th is type of egoism is what a l lows h i m to b reak free of victi m h ood (80), havi n g to be l i ke oth ers (220), and not ta king action for being a fraid to offend someone (1 10) . A sca le of Egoism 0 - 1 50 1 50 320 500 600 -
Preoccupied with Il lusions 320 Focus on Self 500 Focus on Self and Others 600 Focus on the World 700 U n iversa l Bei ng
Th e 320 is an open m i nded person , a n extrovert who expresses a " Lets g o ! ", " Lets do it!" attitude a long with an "I'm O K, you 're OK" in h u m a n relations. I n a professiona l envi ron ment she is lively, able to work i n a tea m a nd wi l l i ng t o b e prod u ctive on a d a i ly basi s . I n a h o m e envi ron ment s h e is a good parent, k i n d to ch i l d ren, a n im a l s a n d the e lderly a n d a responsi ble househo lder. The 320 i s often i n good menta l a n d physica l sha pe . She ca n easily d i scern between fact and fictio n . She looks for d i fferent viewpoi nts a n d ways to change her rea l ity a n d can processes that cha nge m ore easily than l ower l evels. Th is is the level where a "Yes ! " to life beg ins. The 275, while a lso sayi n g "Yes ! " to l ife, says it with j u st a bit less opti m ism . The 220 does n ot say "Yes", he says " Life is OK". Kind ness a n d Ca re beg i n i n the 300s. When i s the last time you have ca red a bout a nyth i ng other than you rself? A spouse? O r an a n i m a l ? Or a child? Or a compa ny? O r a cou ntry? Or a project bigger than you rself? If you don't remem ber the last time that was, you a re in a below-300-energy state . In order to ascend to 300, see if there is someth i n g other than -- 212 --
you rself i n the worl d , and provide loving ca re to it. H ow a bout co nducting a ra ndom act of Ki nd ness? How a bout, when you a re paying parking fees at some bea ch, pay for the g uy who is d riving i n rig ht behind you ? J u st for fu n , you know? J u st to be n ice . Why not hold the door open for someone today? Why not i n q u i re h ow that m a n at the pastryshop is doing? Instead of just going in there every morn i n g a nd ordering you r stuff (200 ) , why not ask h i m how he is doing (250) and expressing rea l ca re ( 3 1 0) ? Ca re and Kind ness i m med iately shift energy u p into the 300s. 330 i s the level of worl d ly success. Focus is not on that which is u n i m porta nt and not too m uch on that which others la bel as " u rgent", but that which is i m porta nt to oneself. Success is a natu ra l consequence of m a king pri orities, a n d havi ng the w i l l power to follow th rou g h . I t wou ld b e s o m uch easier to watch a n other TV Show, but an i nsta nt of decisiveness has you work on the project i n stead . Prioritizi n g in th is way a g a i n and a g a i n and a g a i n is ca l led Discipline a n d is t h e m a i n "secret" of Success. So when d isci plined action is taken, a nd that action is a l i g ned with i nner belief i n success, you w i l l succeed with w hatever you set out to d o . The 340 rad i ates energy w h i c h u p l ifts others t h a t a re merely i n h i s presence . Some of those rel ig ious teach ings that say "not to be selfish" someti mes suppress the 3 1 0s zest for l ife . Bei ng ki nd a nd considerate towa rd others is a lso a 300s-abil ity a nd Relig ion is correct to teach it. But it is not helpfu l to serve others at the detri ment of oneself. The stewa rdess in the plane says that in case of emergencies I a m to first put the oxygen mask on myself before I help others with the oxygen mask. Without a ny air to b reathe for myself I will not be a ble to help a nyon e . And so the 3 1 0- 380 person does not mis-interpret "selfless service" to mea n neg lecti n g the self. Self-neglect is actually an energy-level 80 tra it, not a pious one. True spiritual ity serves the world and the self, not o n l y one of the two . Why? Beca use th e -- 213 --
self is part of that worl d . At 3 1 0 there is sti l l the rea l possi b i l ity of being d ragged down by slugg ish forces, a lth ough it takes much more to b reak the his spirit. A spirit beco mes u n b rea ka ble at 540 + . W h i l e h is egoism helps h i m stay above the crowd, appreciation of a n d i nvo lvement of others w i l l help h i m asce nd rather than succu m b to the downside of the 300s. Th is Downside is addiction to success, by w h i ch one becomes stuck on this energy-field . 350-380s a re some of the most ri d icu lously rich people a rou n d . The a rch etype of a 380 would be rea l-estate supersta r Do n a l d Tru m p . Tru m p displ ays severa l tra its of the a rrog a nt 1 90 for show but in essence he measures and operates at 380 . In o rder to be fa i rly su ccessfu l in a ny a rea one would at least need occasional h i ts of th is energy. Without that it is d i fficult to m a i nta in a ny flow. Note that not o n ly l ow leve ls but a lso very h i g h levels are a h i n d ra n ce to success . Anything below 180 and anything a bove 570 i n h i bits cash flow and ca reer adva ncement. 570 is a powerfu l state no doubt, but i n this exa lted state one looses i nterest fo r worldly success . Expe rienci ng Samadhi and Divine Light one co u l d n 't ca re less about ru n n i n g a Busi ness o r writing up I nvoices. Th is being a m id-leve l -energy, action is seen as the basis of rea l ity and the key to power. Some become overworked (205) and b u rn out ( 1 90) if they don't get some rest. I n the 200s th is action a ppears difficult, i n the 300s i t appears easier a n d i n the h i g h 300s creativity and delegation of ta sks reduces the workload and h i g h - perform a n ce and excel lence no longer feel l i ke chores . -- 214 --
I n a world that averages i n the 200s, the 300s a re a good place to be as it wi l l put a nyone who ca res to occupy its tra its above the majo rity. For m a ny it is indeed th eir high poi n t i n l ife and will suffice to go th rough a l l ea rthly experience a sou l norma l l y i ntends to go through d u ri n g a n inca rnation . If the journey were to end here it wou l d be a ha ppy end . Th e opti m ism of the 320 a n n oys the Antagon ist of 1 9 0 . Beca use of the relati ve vici n i ty of the energ ies, the 1 9 0 can sti l l effect h i m through secretive means, especially if the 320 i s having a rea l l y bad day. The 1 60 h a rd ly has any access to h i m , except with extreme exe rtion a n d pro longed sche m i n g . Anyth ing below 160 w i l l not be a ble to harm the en ergy that is rad i ating at 3 2 0 . 330 i s t h e l east that i s req u i red t o ru n a com pa ny. 390 should be the very least req u i red to ru n a cou ntry. U n fo rtu n ately some nations have leaders that don't q u ite m a ke it u p to that place a n d the results for the populace a re a l ways u n pleasant. The energy-level of U . S . Presidents since the late 70s : J i m my Carter 405 Ron a l d Reagan 470 George H . W. Bush 4 1 0 Bill C l i nton 450 George W. Bush 4 1 0 Ba rack O ba m a 420 If you a re not tra i ned at sensing en ergy some of these n u m bers may be a su rpri se to you . But the leaders of a crowd always have to be at least slightly above that crowd . They would not be voted or even able to lead i n oth erwise. From these measu rements you ca n a l s o see that those who vil ify the U . S . Presidency or one of the two sides ( Democrat o r Rep u bl ica n) a re m ista ke n . The U . S . Presidency requires 400-ish energy. It should not be SOO- ish o r 300-ish but 400-ish, based on Reaso n ,
-- 215 --
Knowledge, Wisdom a n d Science. Carter and the G . W. Bush j ust b a rely had enough energy to lead the US. Both req u i red the help of m a ny oth er 400s a n d some 500s a round them to survive. A tel lta le sign that Bush was 4 1 0 a nd not 470 is that he based too much of h i s Presidency on "The Wa r on Terrorism". If you focus people on dangers rather tha n visions, on enem ies rather tha n friends tha t is a sign of a bit l ess energy ava i l a b l e . H i s lower vibe is con nected to him being in his fathers shadow. However, the hate-Bush-movement that g ave th i s President extremely h i g h d i sa pprova l-rati ngs is w rong in seeing i n him the root of all evil i n the ea rly 2000s. Bush is a wonderfu l exa m ple of how som eone is demonized to a n extent that peop l e don't see the truth of who he is. Reag a n on the othe r hand, measures higher than both the Bushes. Reg a rdless of how h ated he is by l efti st m a l contents of 1 70, it was h is spiritu a l power that facilitated the cru m bl i n g of borders between east and west a few yea rs later - which was a gigantic l eap in m ass-consciousness a n d a nother factor in earth reacti ng the 200 level . As of th is writing Barack Obama had a level 1 0 pOi nts h ig he r than Bush a n d it remains to be seen whether he can m a i nta i n his energy o r be d ragged down by mass-consciousness. Reg a rd less of how hated he is by rig htist- ma lcontents ( 1 90) the man has the appropriate level to fac i l itate change to the positive . Of cou rse many othe r th i ngs m u st be factored in rega rds to global change, but the 400s a re a good level to work som e infl uence. The 40 0s a re a lso a reas the 300s can look up to lea rn from . The 300 does not have to be to ld to act, coerced to act, persuaded to act, begged to act. He acts on h i s own i n itiative, h i s own wi l l and accord . I f someth ing needs to be done he'l l often lead the way. H is means of prog ress would be to achieve the sa me results with a bit less effort . Its not exactly a sig n of -- 216 --
power when someone has to work 24/7 i n order to be at the top. The more true power someone has the less effort cha nges ta kes. The truly powerful ca n create cha nge with the tip of a fi nger. Questions that get i n touch with the 300s : What have you ach ieved ? What accompl ish ments a re you proud of? What's g ood a bout sports? What do yo u l i ke a bout the outdoors? What do you do in you r free time? What a re you r p riorities? What a re some adventu res you 've been on? What would you l i ke to do j ust for fu n? What else would be fu n ? W h a t do you have the cou rage t o do? What do you d o for you r hea lth and fitness? What kind ness have you extended to othe rs? Questions to get you i n touch with the h i g h 300s : What state-of-the-art tech nologies a re you i nterested in? What ra ndom-act-of-kindness have you extended t o a fel low h u m a n being l ately? What is h i g h-success? What a re some high-end o bjects a nd place you l i ke? What is the lead i ng-edge? What a re some world-cl ass prod u cts? What p h i la nthropies do you l i ke? What have you created , produced, made, a uthored, designed? Do you l i ke silver, gold a nd plati n u m ? For those i n terested i n success I repeat i t once more : The Willingness of the 300s i s someth ing entirely different tha n the Wanting of below 200 . You ca n wa nt a l l ki nds of thi ngs, that does n ot mean they a re going to ha p pen . I n fact, m i l l ions of people "want" one th i n g or a n other. The dictu m "You ca n have a nyth ing that you want" is fal se . Look at a goal you'd l i ke to ach ieve i n l ife . Ask yourself : -- 217 --
-Am I wi l l i n g to com m it myself to that goal wholeheartedly?"
Now you h ave Willingness, as opposed to Wa nting ness. O n e has to be W i l l i n g to be the person and do the th i ngs it ta kes to energetica l ly correspond with that goal (see my book " Pa ra l lel U n i verses of Self") . Any topic could be used to measu re an energy-leve l . Ta king sexua l ity a s a ga uge, levels 0 - 1 2 5 are interested in extreme d istortion, perversion, bruta l ity and cruelty when it comes to sex. The reason fo r this is that it req u i res m uch more sti m u l i to feel anyth ing at a l l at these levels. This is no j udgement or den igration of that behaviou r. Its merely the i n sight that there is less l ig ht at the bottom of the sca le, less energy. So en ergy needs to be a cq u i red by m o re extreme mea n s . 1 25 - 1 90s perceive sexua l ity a s a dom i n a nce and subm ission g a me, they themselves prefera bly being the d o m i n a nts a nd o n ly someti mes the subm issive. Fa ntasies rega rd i n g h u m i l iation and debasem ent of others a re not unco m m on (the fea rfu l 100 is less l i kely to com m it actua l physical ra pe beca use he is afra id to. That is left to 0-99 a n d 1 2 5 160 . The sexua l ity o f t h e 200s h a s s o m e deference and restra i nt to it not found i n l ower levels. H owever, mastu rbation i s q u ite com mon i n the 200s, the rea l m of distraction a n d rel axation . Level 2 5 0 relationsh i ps often lack a sex- l ife. Th is is d ue to m a ny factors, some of them being overwork and others being Pu rita n i s m . The restra int o f t h e 250 is a ba ndoned at 2 7 5 w h o is proba bly the most sexua l being of all levels on the sca le. Th is is beca use 275 has broken free of the fea r energ ies of 1 00 but sti l l holds the l ustfu l cravings of 125, which often m a n ifest as sexual passi o n . I n the sexua l ity of levels 300 a nd a b ove elements of gentleness, ki nd ness, tenderness a re added, g iving the sexua l experience an enti rely new d i mensi o n . Above 540 the i nterest in sexu a l ity often fades, not on mora l g rounds, but beca use i nte rest i n the physical -- 218 --
body genera l l y decl ines. Looking at m usic you will fi nd most of the "top bestsel l i ng a l b u m s of a l l time" to be in a ra nge of 1 70350, w h i le the pop-sta rs themselves w i l l sometimes measure h i g her. The one-hit-wonder is mostly based on expl oitation of certa i n h it-form u l as by prod ucers not i nterested i n a rt at a l l . H i t Form u las lack the element of Excitement (340) and therefore don't do much to upl ift the sou l . The m aj ority of pop-and rock gro u ps reside a round 290, the more refi ned pop, rock, electron ica, jazz, country, new age, classica l , reggae, house, world m usic swi ng out i n the 300s. M a ki n g m u s i c is itself a n activity resident i n the rea l m o f 475590 - which is why musicians often measure h ig her energy and have to go into h igher states w h i l e com posing . O f cou rse there is also m u s i c coming from the very bottom a n d the very top of the sca le. Liste n i ng to music from en ergy-level 500+ can have a n i m mediate transformative effect on the listener. Repeated exposu re to 500+ music w i l l hea l . 3 50-420 i s the energy of the i nd ustri a l revol ution, free enterprise, busi ness a n d capita l i s m . Its power has benefited everyone on th is pla net. The M a rxist, a nti ca pita list, corporati on-hater is wea ri ng clothes produced by bUSiness, wa l ki n g on pavement produced by bUSi ness, using medicine p roduced by bUSiness, using i nternet ven ues prod u ced by business. Almost everything we a re su rrou nded by a nd depend upon for survival was prod uced by busi ness. Otherwise we'd be living i n a cave a n d die an ea rly age of one i l l ness or the other. But rather than giving business a nd i n d u striousness the gratitude a n d respect it deserves, large parts of society vi l ify it. Th is shows the l evel of insan ity a nd d i stortion sti l l preva lent in the world . Contra ry to popular opinion, m a ny corporations ru n on the Goodwill req u i red for level 3 5 0 . Without it, long term success would be nearly i m possi ble. Those "evil corporati ons" and "exp loitative capita l i sts who ru n sweatsh ops of ch i l d labour" ( 1 30) a re i n the m i n o rity -- 219 --
among b usi ness people, not the majority. Rea l i ty distortion, such as that injected by the fa r- left ( 1 3 0 ) take a s m a l l seg ment o f society a n d i n fl ate it to look as if the m ajority of a certai n group is evil. It then exaggerates a n d sensati onal izes those evi l s u ntil the view is that any successful business person is an "evil capita l i st". The Downside of the h i g h 300s is the menta l ity that progress, technol ogy and l u xury a re the height of h u m a n adva n cement. There is so m uch more out there (400 for exa m p l e ) but the 380 defi n es a l l of l ife as a ga me of pol itics, mon ey, power, com petition, inventi on . Materia l wealth and prosperity a re best ta rgeted at 340-380 . For the longest time, a customer of m i n e was attempti ng t o create worldly success with h i s level 450 offerings. Level 450 offeri n gs a re h i g h l y i ntel lectua l a n d special ized . Mass-consciousness resides on levels below that, so who exactly was he hoping to reach with h i s 450 m ateri a l a nd h i s 450 advertising ca m pa i g n ? You ca nt reach a target g ro u p i n the 200s and 3 0 0 s with 4 50s i mages a n d voca b u l a ry. Despite best intentions, h i s products flopped . Proper m a rketi ng therefore targets the g ro u p that m atch es t h e energy level o f the p roduct. I f you sell violent m ovies, the advertisi n g h a s to be of a low en ergy-level a s we l l . " H igh energy" does not necessa ri ly e q u a l more cashflow, as many new-age g u rus fa l sely teach . The most money is to be made by addressing the masses . I n Europe a nd America that mea ns offeri n g p rod ucts which a re attractive to the 200s. The a mo u nt of money wasted for i neffective advertis i ng is enorm ous. And a l l that beca use people have not lea rned to read levels of en ergy and their acco m pa nying social org a n is m s . To hel p y o u d iscern between low 200s, high 200s, low 300s and h i g h 300s energies, lets look at va rious -- 220 --
places, prod u cts a nd o bjects i n regards to the i r measured energy- leve ls. Ta ki n g the bus would be a round 200, d riving you r own car a round 220, d riving a car on Germ a n H i g hways wou ld be 3 1 5 . Why? Beca use German H ig hways a re b u i lt with 300- ish profession a l i s m . You know German H ig hways a re of h i g her en ergy tha n a ny other hig hway by l ooking at the stats as wel l : Often there a re no speed restri ctions and yet less accidents. H ow can that be? Its beca use of the 300-ish energy-field . American H ig h ways, on the other h a n d , a re in the mid 200s. Ri d i n g in a Li m o i s 380 . 380 i s the level of Excellence. 390 would be flying a stea lth-a i rcraft conta i n i ng state of-the-art-tech nology. Flyi n g in a space-shuttle would be 470-experience . Ai rports norm a l l y measure a t 2 50 + . We l i ke them beca use th ey a re fa i rly neutra l but a lso because they pro m ise adventurous travel (275) a n d h a rbour m a ny different cultures i n one place (43 0 ) . The i r strict neutra l ity is a 200 tra it. Futu ristic a i rports that i n cl ude a rch itectura l bea uty ( 5 1 0) , S pas (290) and luxury shops (290) w i l l measure higher than 2 5 0 . Fed e ra l B u i l d i ngs, Authoriti es, S u bways, Pu b l ic Offices etc. usually m easure in the l ow 200s. You can tel l by the p u re-fu nctionality aspect, by the lack of h u m a n addition . Pa i n t a g ray b u i ld i ng or p u t up some pla nts, and the energy- level goes u p . Federa l B u i l d i ngs in a state of neg lect fa l l below-200. A p u rely fu n cti o n a l m otel w i l l be at a round 220 while a fa m i ly-ru n - m otel with i n d ivid u a l tra its wi l l be at a round 260 . I n the low 300s you wi l l fi nd more fa ncy Govern ment B u i l d i ngs, Pa rks, Playgro u nds, Circuses, Golf Cou rses, M o n u ments, va rious Tou rist Destinations such as the Rom a n Col iseum, the Ya n kees Sta d i u m or the Wa l l of Ch i n a . At energy leve l 3 5 0 you w i l l fin d a Cru ise-S h i p . You c a n tel l that these a re hig her-energy l ocations by -- 221 --
the way that you feel when you a re there . It feels d ifferent to be on a cru ise-s h i p or to see a cru ise-sh i p and the tech n i cal a n d mech a n ical excel l ence i t represents than to b e in a Public Offi ce o r Fa st- Food outlet of 220. Sports events such as the Olymp ics, Footba l l -Games, etc. a re in the m i d 300s. Actually participati ng in those big events as a professi onal sportsperson usually measures a bove 390 (the energy you occu py if you want to be in pro-sports) . The sports tea m with the lower-energy w i l l loose . After knowing a bit a bout certa i n tea ms a n d leag ues one ca n pred ict who w i l l w i n a n d who w i l l loose th ings. Does th is mea n one should sta rt g a m b l i n g ? N ot rea l l y, as g a m b l i n g is a below-200-field, derived not by the a ct of g a m b l i n g b u t b y its socia l envi ronment. B y the t i m e yo u a re in the 500s (th e state from which energy is easily rea d ) you wont ca re a bout u s i n g it for moneta ry g a i n that much. Howeve r, only someone very dense would be unable to pred ict the genera l outcom e of 75% of a l l games. What m a kes i nteresti ng ga mes interesti ng i s that that outcom e ca n not s o easily be predicted . I f you ca n not read energy, you c a n at l east read the fru its of that energy - the state of the players, their body l a n g uage, the attitude of the tea m coaches, their statements i n the press prior to the g a me, the state of the club b u i l d i n gs, the supportiveness of the i r fa ns. There is an energy- level to a l l of that. Prod u cts that a re p rod uced with positi ve i n tent or a human -touch or th ose that have acc u m u lated a lot of mea n i ng for society a n d pop-cu ltu re often measu re i n the h i g h 200s a n d low 300s. The prod ucts themselves are mostly neutra l (200) but once they g a i n a n amount of m a ss-attention , their energy (and thereby a lso their effect) increases . M a ny would be surpri sed to lea rn that Coca-Cola itse lf measures at 255 a n d is therefore not at a l l u n hea lthy. Marl boro Cigarettes, beca use of the i ntent of the prod ucer, mea s u re at 1 60 . -- 222 --
The i ntent i s to add chem icals that w i l l get people addicted and thi s d isplays a disrespect of h u m a n ity. Swi m m i ng i n a pool is a 3 1 0 activity. Swi m m i ng at a l a ke of bea utifu l scenery or the ocea n goes up i nto the 400s . Drowning in a swa m p would be 1 0 . If you fi nd you rself i n a 4-star- Hotel i n Lhasa, Tibet rea d i n g Newsweek and l isten i n g to Bud d h ist Horns, you a re squarely i n a 3 1 5 rea l ity beca use all fou r th ings just listed a re measured at that leve l . I f you fi nd yourself crossing the Engl ish Chan nel i n a q u a i n t Ferry on your way to a Psychiatric Hospita l i n London where you w i l l d isplay a rt by D a l i a n d Picasso a n d read some N a poleon H i l l a n d then Tol kien, you a re steeped i n 3 30 energy as a l l five things l i sted a re at that level . If you ta ke a n aspiri n to soothe you r headache a nd then proceed to the p u b l i c Pa rk to read the Fi na nci a l Ti m es or t h e Wa l l Street Journal a nd there a n a rticle on the Hologra p h i c U n iverse Theory, you a re sq u a rely at energy-level 380 . Why do these things measu re a round 380 a nd not more or l ess? I don't know. I merely go with the measu rement resu lts, wh ich a re what they a re . I do th i n k its interesti ng that aspiri n measu res at 380. I had always, assu med its i n the low 200s ( neutra l ) or even below that ( not rea l l y hea lthy) . I m ust say 380 is a su rprise a n d got me th i n ki n g a bout the reason that m i g ht be. M i g ht it be beca use it has hel ped soothe the sufferi n g of B i l l i ons? That m ig ht be. But why does the Hologra p h i c U n i verse Theory not measure more than 380? I always thought that one to be as high up as 700! But my bias is i rreleva nt. Th ings a re what they a re a n d my own opin ions do not cou nt. Maybe its on ly 380 because it lacks the recogn ition of Consciousness as the Field i n wh ich everyth ing a ri ses.
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J u st for fu n , lets look at the attitude towa rd Extraterrestri a l Life from the different levels of consciousness, as it i s a popu l a r idea of our ti mes. As a l ready mentioned, the " a l ien-a bduction phenomenon" is a n astra l -phenomenon con nected to sleep para lys is and entities (rather tha n "Gray Al iens") who exist not on our physical plane but on a nother one. The entities a re not our "space brothers" come to save us b u t spectra l beings who tu ne i n a nd o u t o f va ri ous d i m ensions. Th is is noticea ble in that a l most all "U FO Abduction reports" ta ke place at n i g ht i n peoples bedrooms or i n states of ha lf-sleep and tra nce . The energy- level of these entities is only 1 00 which means they can only a ppear when one is i n a state of fea r. Th is is why those studying " U FO logy" a n d "Gray Aliens" a re slig htly Delusional, progra m med by a Hol lywood-esq ue agen d a . Th e idea that Extraterrestria l Life does not exist o r interest i n i t is a waste o f ti me is a n attitude o f the 1 7 0 . The na'ive idea of friendly Space Brothers visiting us in the i r space-sh i ps, as envisioned i n 1 950s movies, is a n attitude of the 200s. Th i s attitude usu a l l y m i sses i n terd i mensional and spectra l rea l ities, seeing the whole th i n g as going from pla net to pla net in a p hysica l U n iverse . Th e 300s offer a more sophisticated view a n d th is is why a lot of science-fi ction i s written from here . If one has a n interest in Extraterrestria l Life, then it i s seen as diverse, as possibly m a ny d ifferent races a n d creeds " o u t there " s o m e nice, s o m e n o t s o n ice . In the 400s it i s u nderstood that any such ETs, should they exist, a re not actu a l ly visiting us at cu rrent. Energy-m easurement-techniq ues revea l that the " U FOs" or silver-d iscs seen flying i n the sky a re not actually a l ien craft but property of the Govern ment. Th e i n terest i n Extraterrestria l Life is expressed by hard science such as looking for water on Mars, The D ra ke Eq uation which postu lates a U n iverse teeming -- 224 --
with Life and other " d own -to-ea rth" i deas. In the h i g h 400s those interested i n ETs a re fasci nated by the idea of m a ny d iffe rent worlds, m a ny different rea l ities, many d ifferent adventu res the sou l can m a ke . There a ri ses the awa reness that a sou l ca n possibly i n ca rn ate onto oth er planets and that this i s t h e reg u l a r w a y o f visiting other worlds ( a s opposed to some b u l ky spacesh i p flying there ) . There is a n awa reness that the i d e a o f Extraterrestrials is important in the sense that h u ma n ity will someday no l onger be earth -centric and d ivided but expa nd the i r awareness beyond t h e i r sma l l d o t i n t h e U n iverse. In the l ow 500s there is an u n dersta n d i ng that " Extraterrestria l " is a mislea d i n g term , that d ifferent types of beings i n stead exist on many d ifferent types of pla nes, many of them not at a l l physica l . In the h i g h 500s i nterest i n mere ETs decl i nes (if it ever was there), as one perceives va rious celestial di mensions and beyo n d . U n iverse turns i n to M u lti-verse . At 600+ va rious d i mensions ca n be experienced and a ccessed , if there is any i nterest to do so. The 200s represent cu rrent m a i nstrea m society, the 300s rep resent mai nstrea m society at its best . You 'l l fi nd Boy Scouts a nd G i rl Scouts in the h i g h 300s, you'll fi nd professional people here, you 'l l fi nd the Rota ry Club, the Knig hts of Col u m bus, the Red Cross here . 300s P ractice
The fol l owing character-tra its w i l l help you strengthen your 300s energy, help you deepen your a b i l ity to experience worl d ly success, help you develop a sta ble platform from which to ascend to h i g her rea l m s . H ig h energy level s ( 5 5 0 + ) a re more easily experienced if there is some 300s sta b i l ity i n yo u r energy-fi e l d . The exercise is to ta ke one of the following tra its a n d cu ltivate i t . A n d then t o ta ke t h e next trait, a n d cultivate i t a n d t o conti nue d o i n g s o u ntil y o u feel t h e power o f t h e 3 00s a n d a re a lso attra cting other type of -- 225 --
results into your l ife . Ki nd, Wa rm , Cord i a l , Helpfu l D i l igent, Persistent, Disci pl ined, Focussed Fi rm , U prig ht, Del i berate Flexible, Ba la nced Sensible, Reasonab le, M atu re Pleasa nt, Easy-Going, Tolerant Open, Honest, Gen u i ne, Norm a l Ca l m , Relaxed, Content, Patient Trusting, Forgiving, Fa ithfu l Opti m i stic, Hopefu l Ap preciative, Considerate, Generous Decent, Dependable, Rel iable Respecting, H u m ble, M odest H u morous, Lig hthearted Eth ica l , Fa i r, Loya l Happy, Healthy, Glad Ta king o n ly one of these tra its and practicing it will improve you r 30 0s-vi b ration a n d bri ng with it everything that is norm a l ly associated with th is energy-field . That is one of the "secrets" of using th i s sca le i f y o u wi l l . You n o longer strictly go b y norm a l ca use-a n d -effect sequences such as " If I write a good application, I w i l l get th is job- interview". Of cou rse writing that a ppl ication is also a factor a n d it m ight only be written wel l if you a re i n the 300s. But there are other factors at play too, a n d merely being i n a 300s-field is the m ost i m porta nt of them a l l for th is purpose .
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400 Neutral ity, Accepta nce, I nterest, Attention, Concentratio n .
The person o f t h i s energy-fi eld i s versatile, w i l l i n g to learn , more la i d back than the hyperactive 3 5 0 . The 350 l i kes ta l ki n g a n d the 400 w i l l a lso l isten attentively. The 400 a lso ta l ks about other rea lities than h i s own a n d is actua l l y a ble to sh ift h is viewpoi nt, to put h imself into the shoes of others . From th is a b i l i ty, u ndersta n d i n g , compassion a n d tolera n ce a rise. The 4 0 0 does not need t o b e i n doctri nated with slogans o f tolera nce, tolera nce i s natu ra l t o h i m . The 4 0 0 is usua l ly com petent in more than one field while the 300 usua lly has enough energy for one job o n l y. For the 400 person what is true or not true very much d epends on Context. The 400 w i l l always weigh things thusly i n conversation . "From which viewpoint is that true?" is a typica l 400statement. The 400 l i kes to com m u n icate and ca n th i n k q u ickly, creatively a n d on va rious levels. H e can assume responsi b i l ity to a certa i n deg ree and lead others . The 350 is not necessa ri ly a leader of others except i n sma l l teams, compan ies or i n times o f crisis a n d i n con n ection with materia l g a i n . At 0 - 1 60 g roup consensus i s achieved by overpoweri n g and dom i nati ng the wea ker side. S u rviva l of the fittest. An i m a l ki n g d o m . I a m rig ht, you a re w rong . I have stronger weapons, so I am in the rig ht . Or by forci ng everyone to be the sa me rather than h aving u n ity with i n d i versity. At 1 70-400 g rou p-consen us is achieved by rational discussion . Th is ends up as one person being "right" and the other person being "wro n g ". Th i s i s where a n i m a l consciousness ( below 200) becom es i ntellectual consciousness (200-499), which has brought us d e mocracy, tech nologica l prog ress and -- 227 --
confl ict resol utions by less savage means. Above 400 consensus is achieved by m utual respect and desp ite d ifferences. Differences a re not a ca use of frustration but h u m o u r a n d fi nding a "th i rd way" wh ich tra nscends both sides. Disa g reei n g Pa rtners i n the 400s th i n k their a rg u ment is fu n ny. Pa rtners who have a disagreem ent at 1 9 0 th i n k its frustrati ng and secretly plan to "get back" at the oth er. Having a disa g reement at 1 5 5 ca n lead to more serious conseq uences such as physical i nj u ry. On a society- level the "neutra l pa rty" is often the m ost powerfu l or u naffl icted and often the one most fit to act as a mediator i n confl ict. Switzerland is a good exa m ple of th is. W h i l e World Wa r II raged a ro u n d them they rem a i n ed unaffected by it beca use t h e their entire society mai nta ined a fa i rly neutra l 400 sta nce. Th ey were exempt from sufferi ng . Switzerl and of WWII is a good exa m ple of how occupyi n g a h i g h state of energy m a kes o n e i m m u ne to negativity. Th e confl i ct between Israel a n d Pa lestine ca lls for a neutra l th i rd pa rty. From a n energy-perspective it is ha rd to get out of cycles of hatred that h ave conti n ued that long . Both sides, neither of them j u st, d ra g each oth er down . The only path to peace is by sepa rati ng the two q u a rrel l i n g factions . Israel must g rant Pa lestinians their own nation a nd sovereignty. Th is way they ca n no longer play the victi m and blame Israel for their ills. Once that is done, Israel ought to offer money to p u rchase fu rther l a nd a nd g a i n resou rces such as water. M oney w i l l spea k louder than m i l ita ry m i g ht. Israel has enough mo ney to convi nce others to g i ve them land . Why they have not ta ken th is approach yet rem a i n s a mystery to the on looker. These cha nges m ust be facil itated by tru ly neutra l pa rties. Neither the U . S . n o r Ara b nations are tru l y neutra l . B u t ti mes a re changi ng ra pidly and maybe by the time th is book is publ ished the g a meboa rd m ay have once a g a i n changed . The mediating pa rty i n -- 228 --
Israel should be no h ig her than 450 beca use a nyth i n g a bove it ca n n ot m a ke a ny sense o f t h e confl ict. For a 460 for exa m ple it looks so stu pid its not even worthy of consideration . A sOO- perso n wi l l not get the job done but avoid the reg ion altogether. You need a 380450 com m ittee to create l asti ng peace and p rosperity i n the m iddle east, beca use on the i r l evel of consciousness they do not actua l l y wa nt peace (and would have to be ta ken to the 200s for peace to beco me an attractive option ) . Beca use there i s not m uch tension o r ta ki ng i n extrem e positions at 400, n o resistance i s b u i lt u p and the pen d u l u m of l ife m a kes no rad ica l swi ngs agai nst one. This level is out of h a rms way while the rest of the world is at the mercy of a pend u l u m that swi ngs back a n d forth to stri ke the u n prepared . By resisting noth i n g , noth i ng resists you . Some settle i nto th is level after a series of extended Vacations or M ed itation retreats . 320-380 addresses the a b i l ity to-do, the 400 also cu ltivates not-to-d o . Ach ievement is not a q u estion o f work a l one. Relaxing i n a w h i rlpool-spa one gains ideas on how to s i m p l ify certa i n work processes to achieve more with less m a n power. With increased power, the effort it ta kes to move th i ngs decreases . The 300 needs to work h a rd to get rockets started , a l l the 400 needs is the p ush of a butto n . Tha n ks to Bi l l Gates at 470 the whole world can now a ccess a l l information at the push of a button . Prior to that one had to go to the l i b ra ry, check out heavy books a n d even then a l ot of information was just not ava i lable. At 400 you sense that you can also "attract" the goods of l ife simply by what you a re, what you radiate . It is here th at pri orities sh ift from Doing to Bei n g , that physica l activity is g rad u a l l y replaced by menta l activity. T h e 400 does not want to have more, l i ke the bel ow-200s do, he d oes not want to do m o re, l i ke the 200s-399s, he wa nts to Be more and Experience more . H i s actions come from who he -- 229 --
is, rather tha n who he i s com i ng from h i s actions. The 305 will say "If I study a l ot, I can beco m e a lawyer someday" The 400 will say "I feel I am a lawyer, that is my ca l l i n g ." Th ere is no "from doing to being" p rog ression i n h i s m i n d , he sta rts o u t at t h e end . "Beg i n n i n g with the End in M i n d " is rad ica l ly more effective tha n beg i n n i ng with a sense of lack . The 200s a re the rea l m of the p hysical world a n d the body and the 400s a re the world of the m i nd a nd intel lect. It is u nderstood that 5 m i n utes of focussed thought can be more fru itfu l tha n 5 hours of h a rd work . One s m i l e towa rds a customer can create more reven ue than 1 0 phone ca l ls to customers . Th is is h ow the 400s have more power tha n the 300s. Th e 300s involve Business and the 400s Science . Busi ness has changed the shape of the world, but Science has changed it even more. Busi ness and Industry ca n only operate smooth ly because of the i nventions of SCience. Without science there is no d ri l l i n g for o i l , no matter how good the business people a re . In yo ur perso n a l l ife, o n e way t o access the 400s is b y not assi g n i n g too m uch i m porta n ce to a nyth i n g , especially t h e artificial importances created by society. You w i l l ra rely see a 400-person sit i n some mediocre m ovie m u nching on popco rn . The 400 l i ves not by a to-do l i st but by a n inner prio rity- l ist. Self- i m porta nce is also red u ced at this stage. 80 - 1 25 w i l l be backbiti n g a bout others or trying t o appease them . 1 60- 1 9 0 w i l l b e th i n ki ng they a re the center o f the worl d . 200- 3 1 0 w i l l scatter attention . The 400 w i l l focus o n what i s rea l ly most i m porta nt to self a nd the worl d . 400s a re what w e ca l l "strong persona l iti es" in society. People we ta ke as exa m ples of integ rity a nd good conduct. People to look up to . Leg itimate Auth ority (as -- 230 --
opposed to Authorita ri a n ism ) . The degree of the m i nds rea ctive- ness i s g reatly red uced . While the 80-250 reacts to everyth i n g a n d a nyth i n g , the 400 o n l y rea cts to th ings that concern h i m i n h i s i m mediate su rrou ndi ngs. And there is a tendency not to react to negativity at a l l . The 190 has a good news filter w h i l e the 3 1 0 -450 has a l ittle bit of a bad news fi lter. H ig her leve l s have no fi lters at a l l . I t i s nice to be a round a 400 beca use they a re actu a l ly l i stening . Th ey a re p resent. They a re there . U n less you sta rt ta l king a bout th ings that a re h ig h ly i rrelevant, they w i l l be there for you a n d listen ca refu l ly. The i r speech is clea r a nd u n a m big uous. O n ly u n der stressfu l cond itions a n d d u ress w i l l they sink down to the b l i n d Acti on- ism o f 300 or t h e inflexi b i l i ty o f 220. Another way to sta b i l ize in this rea l i ty is by p racticing attention or con centration ... a s is done in m a rti a l a rts or va rious menta l/spiritua l disci p l i nes. If I asked a 400 to focus on one spot or one object for severa l m i n utes she'd h ave no problem doing it. The 220 m ig ht get bored doing it. The l evel 190 would try too h a rd . H e cou l d d o it, but only with effort. The level 4 0 0 wou l d do it without effort . . . by s i m p l y perceiving/receivi n g w h a t is there . The 1 25 on the other hand would have rea l difficulty focussing . And the 1 0 0 could p robably not d o it beca use his m i nd is too preoccu pied . Th is is one of the hig hest vibrations most ca n ever hope to turn i nto a h a bitu a l one a nd being here feels l i ke a h uge rel i ef com pa red to the struggle a nd confusion below. 400 is we l l beyond the tipping pOint and m u ch less tou ched by the slower freq uencies than the 300s sti l l a re . That's why l ower- level-energies mocki ngly refer to the 400s as sitti n g i n "Ivory Towers". She rad i ates n atura l authority that need not be g a i ned, affi rmed, held onto or confi rmed by others ( i n -- 231 --
contrast to the a u thorita ri a nism of lower levels) . Beca use of the speed with wh ich society is accelerati n g , it should not ta ke a n oth er 1 0 000 yea rs before 400 is achieved a s a n average fo r the whole world but only a few h u n d red more. Th is level does not necessa ri ly feel the u rge to m a ke prog ress or move u p the sca l e . Should he nevertheless wish to progress he can do so with creative work, meditation, lea rn i n g the various a rts a n d sciences of life a n d m oving from mere i nterest in l ife to love of life .
His a b i l ity to con centrate i nterest, m a kes h i m a q u ick learner. Therefore he is interested i n learn i n g lang uages, sciences, differe nt types of cu ltures, methods of busi ness, po l itics, how to p rod uce a nd m a ke th ings, etc . Lower level s ca n o n ly m a i nta i n interest i f the outside sti m u l i is intense enoug h . They would need a rea l ly good book or movie to rem a i n focused . But the 400 c a n generate th is state a t w i l l a n d project i t onto anyth i n g . Th is entire book for exa m ple, was written i n a record ti me of 1 00 hours (spread over wee ks ) . I cou l d only do that beca use I used my pockets of 400 . Were I to use 300s I'd be too i m patient to keep focu s in that way and writing the book wo uld ta ke not a few months but a yea r a nd o n ly with the hel p of foods or coffee . Beca use of my 400-energies I a m a ble to focus on th is book without neg lect to the rest of my l ife . I'm involved i n a fru itful relationsh i p, I a m producing music i n my stu d i o on a nea r d a i ly basis, I a m receivi n g people a t home for coach ing a nd a m involved i n va rious sports activities - a l l o n the sa me day. But none of it feels l i ke work beca use it is enjoya ble, beca use at 400 one ra rely does a nyth ing that does not i nterest one. At 200 one cou ld probably only choose one of th ese activities on a ny g iven day. -- 232 --
What i nterests you? What d o you want to fi nd out about? What is a re the benefits of neutra l ity? Do you l i ke pol itics, rel i g ion, science? Suppose you just observe things as they a re? Can you focus you r attention on someth i n g ? W h a t a re others viewpoi nts you fi nd i nteresti ng? What is i nteresti n g ? What is sooth i n g ? What a re s o m e q u iet a nd ca l m places you know of? Despite the h i g h level of focus, the low 400s lack emoti o n a l h ig h s gai ned through appreciation, love, i m a g ination wh ich a re to be fou n d in the h i g h 400s and 500s. The wea kness of the low 400s is Relativism and Postmodern ism . The "I'm OK, you 're OK" and "Al l viewpoi nts a re eq u a l " attitude, as pleasant a nd open m i nded as it is, ca n prevent one from ta king higher responsi b i l ities, going i nto s u bjects i n depth or perceiving Divine Absol utes. A lot of p h i l osophers a n d th i n kers a re in the 400s. Flexible thought is h i g h ly advanced com pa red to the l itera l , concrete, black/wh ite th i n ki n g of l ower rea l m s . The 400s perceive m a ny levels o f truth a n d rea l ity, many contexts and a ngles. Moving u pwards however, beyond mere Knowledge, a n d col l ecti ng informati o n , w e fi nd creativity. In the h i g h 300s and low 400s we fi nd the H u m a n ist, the EXistenti a l i st, the I ntel lectu a l , the PositiVist, the Traditional Libera l , the Neoconservative, MathematiCS, the Freeth i n ker, Altru ism, Tra nscend enta l i s m , Phenomenalism, O bjectivism, Solipsism, Eth ics, Behaviourism and h u n d reds of other phi losophica l "ism s". As m uch of a difference the worl d sees between a l l of these p h i losop hies, they a re a l l based on h i g h level i ntel lectu a l processing . From a spiritu a l perspective o n e sees that they a l l employ the mind to its h i g h est a b i l ities. Beca use leaders expose themselves to these tea chi ngs, they shape society. -- 233 --
:n the h i g h 300s a n d low 400s we fi nd the h ig h -ca l i ber �ournalist, not the yel low-press Journ a l i st of level 1 0 0 . Ne fi nd t h e precise journ a l ism one wou l d expect from :he D iscovery Channel, Washi ngton Post, National Geog raphic a n d countless others . At 450 we fi nd the Encyclopedia Britta n i ca (Wi kiped ia is cu rrently at 385 Deca use its s u bject to m is- and d isi nformation ) .
Whether you go to your local C h u rch, to a n Acupunctu rist, u p the E m p i re State B u i l d i n g , i n to a Li mousine, into a large Public Li bra ry, or to a Fa mous Castle or a National Pa rk - a l l if it is a 400s energy field and wi l l affect you r state positively. Of cou rse, if you feel especi a l l y uncomfortable at any of the locations j ust mentioned, you m ig ht want to let go of the below-200s pockets you sti l l h a rbou r. Some typ ica l writer-na mes of the 400s : Roger Baco n , w h o w e c a n ascri be the creati on o f "The Sci entific Method" to. Dale Carnegie a nd Norm a n Vi ncent Peale, whose " Positive Th i n ki n g " messages hel ped M i l l ions. Bi l l Bryson , who has written some very fu n ny and insightfu l travel books, Bestsel lers such as Tom Cla ncy and Cl ive C ussler, Ja mes J oyce, Carl Sag a n who pop u l a rized natu ra l sciences for M i l l ions, George Bern h a rd Shaw and countl ess others. The power of the 400s infl uences M i l lions. Playi ng Ch ess is a n activity of the low 400s. You learn focus, strategy, ca l m , pred iction, t h i n ki ng from a va riety of a n g les. Playing soccer is a n activity of the low 400s. You learn team -play, goal-orienta tion, disci p l ine, strength, focus, body language. Medici ne, both Holistic a n d Genera l a re a t a n ave rage of a round 440 . Both h ave the i ntention to hea l , both are fai rly l i n ear or ca use-effect based (eve ryth i ng -- 234 --
below 500 is part of the l i near para d i g m ) and both conta i n knowledge derived fro m study, both represent the energy of expertise. The high 300s and low 400s a re the Doma i n of the expert. J u st as we owe m u ch g ratitude to the worker of the low 200s, the employee of the low 300s, the manager of the h i g h 300s we owe m uch to the expertise of the low 400s. I n d ividuals below 200 d o noth i n g but rid i cu l e a n d slander those w h o work (200s and 300s) a n d those who study (400s) a n d those who create ( h igh 400s) . The way Rel ig ion is pra cticed i n the 400s is com pl etely different from that of other levels. Here you will fin d t h e H i n d u who i s protective o f Chri stia ns a n d M u s l i m s bei ng able t o worsh i p i n h i s country. Here you fin d the m e m ber of the Baha i - Religion who preaches respect all Fa iths ( rather than the below-200 person who hates a l l Rel i g i on ) . You a lso fi n d the M ormon who stud ies other Rel i g ions. Believi ng someth ing without havi n g to have oth ers bel i eve it too or do it too or worship it too is a 3 5 0 + tra it. Below that there is a lways the tendency to want to proselytize . But the more energy you have, the l ess there is the need to convince or change others . I n fact, th ey will want to cha nge vol u nta ri ly and heed you r every word beca use of the energy-field you rad iate . Th i s of cou rse m a kes high energy dangerous - you say som eth i n g , people believe it. This is why only th e very responsi b le and h u m a n e even m a ke it up to the 400s. It's a natu ra l safeg u a rd agai nst abuse. The very ra re i n sta nces i n wh ich a m u ltiple personal ity rad iated 400s-500s a n d ta ught below-200-teach ings is what created the worlds problems. N egative energy is not a problem, the problem is u nawa reness of negative energy. Th e NASA, ESA and s i m i l a r space p rogra m s measure i n the low 400s. They a re i nvolved i n h i g h tech nology and g reat pioneering feats . The enormity of their projects l ifts them u p out of the h i g h 300s. Usua l l y the -- 235 --
invention of new tech nology h appens i n the 400s, its implementation i n the 300s a n d its mass- p rod uction i n the 200s (and its a b use in the 1 00s) . The big sports events that generate lots of mass energy a re in the 400s. Th at i n cludes the S u perbowl , Rosebowl , N BA Fi na ls, The Footba l l (Soccer) World Cup, the Cham pions Lea gue ( Eu ropea n Soccer) , Wimbledon, the US Open and si m i l a r. The Olym pics makes it up to 360 but not h ig her. Why? Beca use it does not produce q u ite as m uch excitement. Its ath letes do measu re i n the 400 a n d 500s thoug h . That mea ns merely watching athletes perform at very h i g h levels ca n ra i se you r energy m o re tha n a C a n o f Coke, a book on " M a n ifesting your Desires" and a paycheque together. That's rig ht, watch i n g the fi nals of a worldwide sports event w i l l do more for you r prosperity a n d en l ig htenment than m a ny th ings norm a l l y associated with the two . If you wish to enter a l ow-400s field you can a lso g o visit a U n iversity with a b i g n a m e or a n y b u i l d i n g i n you r town that h a s some g lorious H i story or adva n cement of knowledge as its theme. If you a re open to it, you w i l l feel a boost of energy or inspiration there . I n fact, try it out sometime - if you have a headache ( 1 70) or a re fee l i n g down a n d o ut or exhausted ( 1 70), enter a cha pel or com m u n ity church or go to a U n i versity o r Public Li bra ry or to a Footb a l l Ga m e or Soccer Game and s i m ply s i t there for some tim e . Pockets below 200 will l i kely d isappear. "'Do u nto others has yo u wou l d have them do u nto you " is a concept of the 400s which is u n heard of below 200 .
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Spi ritua l ity i n the 4005
I n the 400s one has some ca pabil ity for spiritua l discern ment a n d ca n read some teach i ng without ta ki n g a l l of it as va l id o r i nva l i d but rather cherry picki ng that wh ich is good . The h i g h ly infl uentia l modern mystic Carlos Casta neda is a good exa m ple where such d i scern ment is necessa ry. Casta n eda is not o n ly a n enigma to the p u b l i c but a lso to en ergy-level -measu rement. At different pOi nts in h i s l ife he h a s measured at 50 (a pathy), 1 60 ( rage), 2 1 0 (bored o m ) , 475 (Creativity), 600 ( E n l i g hte n ment) . W h i l e tem pora ry ju mps on the sca l e a re norm a l , we a re ta l king about j u m ps i n h i s habitual vibration . That is an anomaly and probably indicative of an adva n ced sou l . Some of h is works w i l l therefore have a negative a n d some a positive effect on the reader. After havi n g measu red Casta neda I rem i n isced on some o f h i s books I read as a teenager a nd I do reca l l some o f h i s messages p l u n g i n g me into depression a n d a nxiety, while others remai ned empoweri ng for a long ti m e after rea d i n g . Considering t h e 50-600 range, his average day-to-day life level would be a ro u nd 40 0 . Th e d i screpa ncies in his level of consciousness would also fit pretty wel l with the repo rts of th ose who were a round h i m i n h i s early a n d late d ays, descri bi n g su rprising m ood-swi ngs between suicidal te ndencies on the one hand, and sa i ntl i n ess on the other. H i s descri ption of I nfi nity being "a stone-cold and merci less vastness" is a low level descri ption of the buddhic "void". His views on pregna ncy and women also meas u re below 200. H i s views on t h e past, t h e inertia o f self- i m porta nce a nd a few of his m ethods on ca l m i n g the m i nd a n d usi ng attention m easure a re all 400s, 500s a n d 600s teach ings. Despite the inhere nt power i n Casta nedas books, the level -discrepancy m a ke it an u nwholesome path to fol low. -- 237 --
The i n fl uence of Neo- H i n d u cults and the America n ization of spiritu a l pri nci pl es in the form of "La rge G roup Tra i n i ngs" a n d "Workshops" and the endless spin-offs of such g roups re m a i ns enormous. Once they know a few secrets of how energy works sly Busi ness people use these secrets to have someth ing to sel l to the u nawa re . A pri m e exa m ple of such p ractice would b e a pecu l i a r movement sta rted i n the late 1 980s cal led "The Avata r Co urse" by ed ucational psych olog ist H a rry Pa l mer. Th is Cou rse su pposed ly leads to E n l ighten m ent i n 9 days at a price of a few thousa n d d o l l a rs . It measures at 450 overa l l . Havi n g done the Cou rse and a lso the "higher level" courses myself I have a pretty good idea of it not measuri n g at " 1 000 a n d a bove" as many internet trolls cla i m . Neither does it measu re at 245 or 1 2 5 as critics say. The Cou rses d i shonest advertisement is obviously 1 90 ( idea l ization, fa lse prom ise, a rrogance) . The Busi ness Practices of the Avata r Cou rse measure at 200-260 . Th e book " Living Del i berately" by the founder measu res at 420 . The book " Resurfacing" measures at a very potent 460 . The "Basic Cou rse" measu res at 490. The "Masters Cou rse" is 5 1 0 . The "Professional Course" measu res at a n a m azing 580 . The " Wizards Cou rse" (which is supposed to be h ig her th a n the Professional Course) measu res at a respecta ble 5 2 0 . None of these Co u rses vibrate at t h e level of en l i ghtenment (600 ) . They a re em poweri ng but they do not create " E n l ig hten ment i n 9 days". The results themselves pan out at 400 a n d some of th e 190-ish aspects tend to m a ke "followers" a n d "true believers" who w i l l fanatica l ly deny this. The " keep the tech n i q ues secret" pol icy while om itting that m ost of the tech n i ques a re based on things invented by oth ers, measures at 1 9 0 . The experience of using consciousness-techniq ues in large-group contexts measures i n the 500s. Many of the " M asters" of the -- 238 --
cou rse do not q u ite l ive up to the h i g h levels of energy req u i red for some of the processes. The Cou rse wo uld be of a h ig her level if it i ncl uded the concept of Divin ity a n d Allowing a n d "The Field " rather than basi ng most things on the wi l l of the world -self/ego . Th i s Cou rse a n d others l i ke it is beneficial to the majority of h u m a n ity and su ccessfu l in b u i l d i n g a b ridge between 190 a nd 400, but it is not what it cou ld h ave bee n . Th is Course and m any s i m i l a r cou rses are m a i n ly visited as a m e a n s t o "get hig h without Drugs", e . g . to experience a ltered states a n d g roup-energy. W h i l e a ltered states have some merit, spiritu a l en l ig htenment is not rea l ly a q u estion of visiti ng a workshop. Spiritual e n l i g hten ment is a l ifelong p rocess which factors i n a l l of l ife, not just the period of a sem i n a r. Pem a Chodron ( b u i lder of the fi rst Buddh ist Monastery on the American Continent) measures at 400 . Th ich Naht H a h n , a Vietnamese Buddhist tu rned a uthor-for westerners, m easures at 400 . It is not u ncom mon for stud ied Buddh ists to pan out at th is leve l , especi a l l y w h e n study o f scripture becomes more important than experience . There a re variations of Budd h i s m which meas u re sign ificantly h igher w h i ch we will address in Deta i l later o n . The N ew Testa ment measures a t 425, ta king out J esus words only it measures up i n the 700s. Ta ki ng the Book of Revelation o n ly one gets an energy measurement of about 75, the level of a Delusio n a l Pa ra no i d . J u n g i a n - Psychology m easures at 450 - 5 2 0 . Freudian Psychology m easures at 410 - 490 . What th i s means is that both h a rdly surpass the level of the intel lect on to spiritua l rea l ms . But what it a lso means i s that m odern Psychology has more en ergetiC i nteg rity tha n those who badmouth it th i n k. So-ca l l ed "new-agers" a re not as su peri o r or educated as they th i n k they a re . If you -- 239 --
asked a 200-ish "new-ager" or a 140-ish " pa g a n " or a 190-ish self-appoi nted "mystic" which of h i s co ncepts are deri ved from e . G . J u ng or Freud, he w i l l not know. Without them we m ight sti l l th i n k that we ca n explore the m i nd through Lobotomy or that we ca n m a ke psychologica l prog ress without fa cing o u r i n ner shadows. Overco m i n g Psychological Projection an Den i a l means overcom i n g the below-200 worlds. Ever since Freud a n d Jung h i g h l ighted Projection, society knows that when someone i n su lts a n other it often tells us more a bout the attacker tha n a bout the Person bei ng atta cked . I f more people understood how it works they would be less offended when someone attacked, and become more tolerant human beings.
Ask that "new-ager" what col lege deg rees he has, what classica l music a rtists he l istens to, how many languages he speaks, how m a ny cultures he has experienced, or what kind of sports he has mastered , you often wont get m uch of a n a nswer. " New-Age ism" often displays the path of the lazy person who wants to be "su perior" without having lea rned or mastered m uch of a nyth i n g properly. Challenge one of these new-agers with su pposed ly superior paranormal powers to a game of chess or a b i ke race or a nyth ing else that req u i res refi ned ski l l . You w i l l discover that t h e superpowers they p a i d thousands of dol l a rs to acq u i re do not a m ou nt to a nyth i n g . N ot to mention that 90% of new-age literatu re conta i ns noth i ng not already written about i n H i n d u a nd Buddh ist scri ptu re a long, long time ago. Th e I nfl uential theosoph ist Al ice Bai ley measured at 420, Lead beater at 440 and Madame Blavastky at 390. Some of Th eosophy has accurate descri ptions of levels-of-energy, but a l l i n a l l Theosophy, which is a lso derived from H i n d u ism and Buddhism is m o re intel l ectual th a n experienti a l . Nevertheless i n our -- 240 --
tim es they may h ave been the very fi rst source to descri be the energy-levels. For this they deserve some cred it. Author, P h i l osopher and one of the originators of the " Person a l Development M ovement", Vernon H owa rd, measu res at 440 . Charles Fi l l more, founder of the U n ity Ch u rch a n d p roponent of the " New Thought M ovement", measures at 490 . "The Science of M i n d " by Ernest Holmes, a sign ifica nt instigator of t h e " N ew Thought" a n d " Positive Th i n ki n g " Pa radigm measures at 490 . 520 i s the highest the "You create you r own Rea l ity" crowd goes. Above that it beg i ns to dawn on you that it is not you who creates Rea l ity but Divi n ity. The idea of "Real ity Creatio n " is sti l l fi rm ly rooted with i n the ca use-a n d-effect parad i g m of below 500 . Apa rt from the severa l internet-sca ms a nd pseudo l i n eages, Rosicrucianism such as represented by AMORC measures at a ro u nd 405. The I-Ching is at 420 . We i Wu Wei p h i losophy measu res at 440 . Taoism has a ra nge of 460 to 590 (the Tao Te Ching itself measuring at 6 1 0) . Ancient G reek Phi losophers a l l measu re between 420 and 490, with the exception of Socrates at 540 and Ploti n u s at 60 5 . Quoti n g them rig ht here is a good means of getting into the 400s rea l m o u rselves. Of Course Greek Phi losophy is so m uch more tha n a collection of one-liners, the fol lowing a re merely sa m ples of 400s-thoug hts .
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"A friend to all is a friend to non e " "It is the mark o f a n educated mind to b e able to entertain a thought without accepting it". "Education is an ornamen t in prosperity and a refuge in adversity" "AII paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind"
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act righ tly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. " "It is best to rise from life as from a banquet, neither thirsty nor drunken. "
"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child a t play. " "You cannot step into the same river twice " 'To do the same thing over and over again is not only boredom : it is to be controlled by rather than to control what you do ".
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is figh ting a hard battle " "Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. " -- 242 --
"Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another. " "Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet. " "Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments. " "Excess of liberty, whether it lies in state or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery". "He was a wise man who in vented beer. " "He who is not a good servant will not be a good master. " "Ho w can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are a wake, and talking to one another in the waking state ?"
"Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel" "To find yourself, think for yourself" "Be as you wish to seem " "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us ".
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"The hour of departure has arrived and we go our ways; I to die, and you to live. Which is better? Only God kno ws. " "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers. " "An unexamined life is not worth living " "The end of life is to be like God, and the soul following God will be like Him. "
The 200s a n d 300s w i l l q uote Socrates without having any rea l idea what is bei n g ta l ked a bout, as i n "I know that I know noth i n g ! " What that means can only be properly g rasped in the 500s. I wou l d bet good m oney that 90% of those voicing the wel l - known slogan h ave never deeply considered it. By deeply I mean in many days of Contemplation .
Many writers on eastern mysticism a nd h igher co nsciou sness who com b i ne those teach i ngs with western i ntel lectu a l i sm measu re in the h i g h 400s. Good exa m ples of th is a re Ala n Watts, M o rgan Scott Peck, Hazrat Khan ( 5 0 5 ) , J oseph Ca mpbel l . It's a good th ing to m a ke mysticism more u nderstandable to the 200s-400s. But contrary to popu lar thought it by no mea n s elevates the teach ings themselves . Its only western a rrogance saying that. A n u m ber of neo-adva ita teachers cla i m ing to be "en l i g htened", such as the American teacher Ga ngaj i and H L Poonj a , measure i n the h i g h 400s. The h i g h 400s m e a n they a re very good teachers, b u t they a re fa r from bei ng "en l ig htened" in a ny spi ritu a l sense. Th e h i g h 400s a re able to touch 600 once in awhile, wh ich is why they a re a ble to ta l k a bout en l i g htenment, but they do not rea l l y radiate that very, very h i g h energy. The h i g h 400s a re at least -- 244 --
sign ifica ntly more co m petent than the Gurus of the 200s. Th e Releasing Technique by Lester Levenson measures at 460, m ea n i n g it is h i g h l y benefici a l to most of the worl d . Levenson passed away in the 1 990s and h is work is being conti n ued by others, such as La rry Cra n e who's o w n version of "Th e Releasing M ethod" measures at 390, sign ificantly l ower than the o rig i n a l b u t sti l l h i g h enough to b e o f service to m a n ki n d . La rry Crane adopted the lower-level aspects of Levenson , a mong them the "Get Rich throug h Releasi n g " scheme a n d a h a rsh style of "attacking the ego" in h i s Sem i n a rs. "The Sedona M ethod" by H a le Dwoski n , a nother va riation on Levensons orig i n a l work, a ctu a l l y measures h ig h er t h a n that o f h i s teacher. "Th e Basic Workbook" of the M ethod m a kes it up to 370 . "The Basic Cou rse" wh ich is a n a U d io-progra m measures at 480 a place where deep relaxation not only of the body but of the mind itself, a re possi ble. Th is a g a i n , helps heightened cla rity a nd i ntel l igence. The " Ho l istic Releasi n g " part of the Sedona-Method measures at 550 a nd "The Fifth Way" of Releasing ta ught in adva n ced cou rses measures at 630, wh ich is one of the h i g h est measurements I've ever gotten on America n "Workshop"-type p rogra m s . So theres a prog ra m a l m ost a nyone ca n take a n d m a ke good prog ress with .
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450-475 Inte l l igence, Knowledge, Reaso n, Cla rity
420-475 is the Domain of the scientist, the exp lorer, the resea rcher, the rena issa nce men, the inventor, the renegade pioneers and the scientific geni us. Another aspect of the h i g h 400s and l ow sOOs a re "sta rs " who have ad m i rers, fol l owers a nd fa ns i n the 1 00s to 300s. Because energy is somewhat exponential, the 1 0 0 pOi nt j u m p from 300 t o 4 0 0 is l a rger t h a n that from 0 to 300 a nd 450-475 is a l a rger j u m p than 400-450. M ichael Jackson measured in the sOOs in the 1 980s but at a d isconcerti ng 1 1 0 i n the yea r 2009. Th i s is why he preferred to die rather tha n face a co meback through the concerts he had sched uled. His moments of sOO-energy in the 80s were enough to ca rry h i m on for awh i l e, despite a ba ndoning sOO-l i ke-pri n ciples and enough to m a ke h i m the m ost listened to singer of a l l time. Fol lowers a re not as rad i a nt as the leader they l ook u p to in awe beca use they a re not creati ng their o wn path but following that of a nother. Th is way they certa i n ly do not become rad iant themselves . "Supersta rs" of Fi l m , M usic and Arts a re a l l in the 400s and sOOs for at least short periods of ti me, otherwise there would be no fa me. U n less there is some effort i nvested n ot to be known , 400s-energy often leads to being a p u b l i c fig u re. Many keep the i r fa me even i f they d rop down to below 200 in the meanti m e - that's how powerfu l the mid a n d h i g h 400s a re - j ust a spark of this energy ca n have long -lasting conseq uences. The "one hit wonders" a nd one-movie- m i racles (which a re in the majority) a re those who m a ke it up to the h i g h 300s for a short period . Th is is a lso the case with spiritua l teachers who ca u g ht a whiff of h i g h energy a n d then drop to below 200 and conti n u e to have a loya l fol lowing a nyway. Th e h i g h 400s a re made known by energyless crowds -- 246 --
who someti mes have so l ittle of their own that merely seeing a 400 on TV w i l l ena ble them to extract some of it to survive a n other day - as sad as th is sounds. Th e m enta l ity i n wh ich ce leb rity- magazi nes a n d blog gossi p a re of i m porta nce is 1 1 0-3 1 0 . Below 200 one views the celebrity as a God, the 270 tries to i m itate the celebrity and the 300 checks magazi nes out after a hard -days work in order to relax. In other word , the h a rd days work (200) needs ba l a ncing with 400-ish people so that the 300 ca n feel at ease. The a path etic 50s cou l d n 't ca re less about ce lebrities. The 1 2 0 feels desperately sepa rate from "them way up there" a nd th i n ks it wou l d be fa ntastic to be one. The 1 90 is l ooking for gossip that p uts a celebrity in a worse l ight than h i m self. The 220 is s i m p ly bored a n d l ooking for "some distraction ". Th e 270 teenager hangs up posters of them as role-m odels. Busi ness People (380) a n d Scientists (430) com p l a i n that Celebrities (460) and Sportssta rs (460) get so m uch attention a lthough th e i r contri butions to society a re " less i m porta nt", but a s i m ple energy-read i ng reveals someth i n g different. It revea ls that 460 does indeed have even more i m pact on society th a n 440. And besides, there a re a lso fa mous Ind ustrialists and Scientists that measu re in the h i g h 400s a n d even 500s. So m a ny artists a re here beca use this is the h i g h - point of creativity (Creativity sta rts in the m i d 300s ) . Its n ot that most 400s a re fa mous but m o re t h a t i n order to b e fa mous spa rks of 400 m u st shine o n you . Less en ergy is of no i nterest to the movie prod ucer or music agent. Those who can not cope with the m ass attention a n d the spotl ight do n ot vibrate in the 400s. If that is the case they either retreat (one-h it-wonder) or sta rt ta ki n g d rugs or sta rt going crazy a ltogether. Its j u st too m u ch for the m . Si nce the Beatles a n d their single mem bers were able to m a i nta i n m ass-attention for many decades, its safe to assume that th e i r en ergy-level was at least 460. -- 247 --
Apa rt fro m sta rdom, h i g h - perform a n ce sports, entrepreneurship and pol itics there is a lso the "norm a l " 400. He wa nts to lea rn and contri bute what he has learned to the world. H is interest is n o longer centered a round self but expands to the pla net as a whole. If he catches a col d or someone cuts i n fro nt of h i m in traffic, that's i rrelevant. What's releva nt a re soci a l and tech nologica l issues is solved for the world. She knows about a myriad of d ifferent topics. As a ch i l d she w i l l someti mes ta l k more q u ickly th a n she ca n catch her breathe . M o re ch i l d ren tha n a d ul ts a re i n the 400s beca use they have n ot yet been exposed to mass-med ia- prog ra m m i ng and the co ld cynicism of the worl d . Knowledge is t h e m a i n focus o f t h e 400s. From 4 5 0 upwa rd there is no more big concern w ith Busi ness (3 30-450) but with the N atu re of Rea l ity. Consequently the enti rety of Qua ntu m M echa n ics a n d a l l of its proponents (Werner He isen berg , Niels Boh r, David Boh m etc) operated on this leve l . Qua ntu m Physics is sti l l based on l i near-th i n king but the closer it gets to 500, the more non-li near it becomes. Al bert Ei nste i n (460) is more Newto n i a n tha n David Boh m ( 49 0 ) . As mentioned many ti mes 5 0 0 is a critica l level. J ust l i ke 200 m a rks the shift from negative energy to positive energy, 500 m a rks the leap from l i near ca use and-effect rea l ity to n o n - l inear rea l ity. I n l i near rea l ity you have one piece of matter being the ca use of another piece of m atter: I sh oot an a rrow at an apple, the apple h is h it and fa l ls down a nd squashes a n a nt. The l i nea r m i n d then says "The shooti ng of the a rrow ca used the apple to fa l l . " Or "Because I shot an a rrow, the a nt i s now dead". It's va l i d a n d worka ble to see th ings th is way below 500, but its not rea l ly what's going on. For the a rrow to ca use the a p ple to fa l l there
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a re a ctu a l ly thousa nds of Ca uses. What caused the apple to be there in the fi rst pl ace? What ca used the a rrow to be b u i lt? What ca used the Bug to be at that spot? So there a re an i nfi n ite a m ount of "Causes". N o n - l i near u ndersta n d i n g does not see A - B - C as a l i nea r progression, but the i nvisible, non-man ifest ABC as one energy-field that a ppea rs to m a n ifest as a seq uence i n the physical u n iverse. I 've explai ned this and its use i n daily life i n Deta i l i n my previous book " Pa ra l lel U n iverses of Self". In a ny case, when you q u it being p reoccu pied with wro n g i n g the neighbours a nd you r i nterest expands to more su bstantial q u esti ons, you beg i n movi ng u p the sca l e a nd the h ig h 400s a re the h i g hest worlds of i ntel lect. As beneficial a nd powerfu l as this level is it ca n be a block to hig her levels sti l l . Its Downside of is i n over-i ntellectual izing, excessive-th i n ki n g , com pulsive a n a lysis. Such a re the roadblocks to spiritu a l ity ( 5 70), l ove (5 20) and creativity (490). Wa nti ng to u ndersta nd the "ca use" of everythi n g a n d explore it i n Deta i l ( rather tha n sensing t h e genera l energy-field o f someth i n g ) ca n easily get you b u ried in a m ounta i n of books, notes, websites, contra d ictory data, meetings, conferences - a n d in th i s way loose con n ection to spirit a nd more su btle i nspiration. Someone chron ica l ly stuck i n the 400s sees a bookstore as h i s shrine. Everyone wa nts to m a ke things better but the 450s choice of profession usua l l y does m a ke th i ngs better. It is my g uess that if it were n 't for the 400s of ou r worl d , h u m a n ity wou ld h ave been exti nct long ago. Th e 400s m a ke up for and bala nce out the majority of the world vi brati ng below 200. The energy of one person at 470 ba lances 1 00 people at 1 50. Sometimes i nventions made here a re a bused by th ose below the i n teg rity-level (200) for destructive means rather than what was orig i na l ly i ntended. Anyth i ng can be used for destruction as we l l as creation. Ta ke the -- 249 --
atom bomb for exa m p le. The 1 90 wo u ld be too dense to invent it but he does have enough en ergy to access the level 400 person (if he tempora ri ly goes 250, which he ca n ) a nd ta ke the invention down to 190 use. Th is is the actu a l reason the west is afra id of certa i n tech nolog ies getti ng i n to the hands of developing cou ntries. Beca use of the wide g a p i n energy this is ra re b u t it does sometimes ha ppen. Th is is why some of the things the 400s a re th i n king a n d doi ng a re kept secret t o t h e p u b l i c. If the e g o gets its hands on certa i n technologies it w i l l destroy h u m a n ity. The 1 9 0 sa lesman who visits the level 450 scientist has to expend a lot of energy to h ide his bad or exploitative i ntentions. He has to p ush h i mself to level 270 by d ressi n g up nicely, shaving and practici ng h i s best mood . I f he fa lters t h e 4 5 0 w i l l get suspicious. "Hi, my name is Sm ith . I would be i nterested in fu n d i n g you r research". M r. S m ith w i l l never understa nd how th i s scientist com es by h i s concl usions, but b e i n g a 1 9 0 h e w i l l a lways und ersta nd how to m a ke money out of it or how to use it to domi nate others. The 1 90 is the perfect sa lesma n , and 450 lacks those ski lls - it is not i n h i s natu re to try to convi n ce peop l e of th i ngs. A person who is stuck between 420 and 475 is often underweight o r a p pe a rs a bsent- m in ded a n d " a i r headed ". Th is is beca use he l acks g rounded ness a n d care for the body as a l l focus i s p u t on m i n d a n d the world b ut not self or wha t is deemed "mundane". At 500 thi s b ecomes better beca use there is some loving ca re for l i fe a dded to the jou rneys of the m i n d . But a pure 450 is your typical gawky scientist with glasses . The " mad -scientist" who is a lways a bsent- mi nded a n d scruffy a lso h a s s o m e belo w-200 portions mixed in. Some so-ca l led "spiritu a l " people who skip this level of com m o n sense and reaso n i n g w i l l have a difficult ti me rema i n i n g i n their h i g h sta te . The h ea lthy rati o n a l ism, understa n d i n g of h u m a n nature a nd the d iversity of interest of the 400s save one from the q uacks a nd -- 250 --
charlata ns who th i n k they a re " e n l ig htened" just beca use th ey've experienced some 600+ states by chance or th rou g h excessive med itation . H igher levels a re non-physica l, etherea l, non-dual but they should not be atta ined by skipping the 400s. Be open - m i nded but not so open - m i nded that you r bra i n fa l l s out. There a re m a ny "teachers" w h o a re a b l e to i m itate a n d feign 600+ states beca use they have tem pora ri ly assumed them. How to spot a spiritu a l teacher w h o i s u p there a t cu rrent: When you r emoti o n a l state i n sta ntly shifts i n h is presen ce . I f i t does not, h e is not u p there . H e m ight sti l l be a ble to tel l you a th i n g or two a bout it, but he does n ot represent that extent of l i beratio n . You ca n o n ly learn from a teacher what th is teacher has experienced h i m self. Beca use that teacher has experienced it herself, she is certa i n of its rea l ity. Th is certainty is energetical ly tra nsferred to the student. If someone i s only p retending t o have experienced someth i n g or h a s o n l y g rasped it i ntellectual ly, he ca n not teach it, students ca n not learn it from h i m . Th e 4 5 0 i s also the pioneer explorer w h o wants to d iscover som eth ing not di scovered before, see, hear, perceive, fee l someth i n g not perceived before, share someth ing n ot shared before . His m otivations for doing so a re sometimes altru istic and sometimes for sheer person a l cu riosity. Prog ress to the SODs i s ach ieved by a n even deeper sense of ca re and kind ness, an i ncrease in creativity, a cal m i n g of thought a n d preferri ng joy to knowledge, context to content and awareness to u nawareness. Every h u m a n being has each level somewhere with i n the m , s o you too have some 450 with in you . To access these, here a re some q u estions you can ponder: What What What What
is someth ing you know a bout? is some factua l knowledge you have acq u i red? is certa i n ? a re you a n expert i n ? -- 251 --
What th i ngs ca n you pred ict beca use of yo u r expe rtise? What is a fascinating subject you'd l i ke to learn? Why is learn i n g a nd knowledge so i m porta nt? What is someth i ng only you ca n d iscover? What is someth ing only you know? What is something only you ca n contri b ute to the world? The h i gher we go i n the sca le, the m o re em phasis is pl aced on being d ifferent, being u n iq ue, on individ u a l ism, u ntil that concept too is d rop ped at around 570 and Oneness pervades. Some l ower levels try to copy that oneness- perception but it d oes not work before one has developed ones o wn unique energy-signature . The u n iq ueness of the 300-570 people does not mean they a re egotisti c. The 450 is more i nterested in hel p i ng the world tha n h i m self. But he does have an ego a nd sti l l wants appla use for h i s work. Presidents and Scientists a re good from 420490 . If they ra ise their consciousness too m uch they are no longer g ood for the job beca use they d o n 't ta ke study of the m ateri a l worl d seriously. If a genius fa i l s in life its either beca use he i s not happy enough (below 400s) o r too ha ppy ( 500s) . For most people on the pla net this is the highest it gets . It is the height of intellectua l co nsciousness, a nd those who have become i m me rsed i n i ntel l ectu a l ism and menta l ization don't actua l ly believe there is a higher state . The very 470-n ess is the obstru ction to higher worlds beca use it bel ieves that it is the pinnacle of achievement. As the leve l of mass-consciousness rises, worldviews below 200 a re beco m i n g less a n d less accepta ble. Disrespect towa rd other cu ltu res ( 1 90) becomes unacceptable. Pol l uti ng the envi ronment ( 1 90) becomes unaccepta ble as the G reen - M ovement (250) gains momentu m. Left- a n d Right-W ing ve rba l wa rfa re -- 252 --
w i l l no longer be en vog ue i n 20 yea rs from n ow. Wa r w i l l no longer be accepta ble once the overa l l l evel of m ass consciousness reaches 420 (that m ight ta ke a nother 200 yea rs). Lack and poverty w i l l no longer be seen as a virtue. Shopping a nd consu m i n g goods (200s) w i l l no longer be m a n ki nds m a i n pasti m e (200s) or m a i n futu re g o a l ( 1 00s). A lot of class ica l m usic measures at 450+ which is why merely l i stening to classical m usic consciously or i n the backg round ca n ra ise your days vibration should it be below 400. With a heightening of your own v i b ration you w i l l no longer enj oy or even accept blaring rad io m usic out of med iocre ca r-sou n d -systems, your taste w i l l become m o re refi ned. Su bway systems a round the world h ave beg u n playi n g classica l m usic at their ra i lway stations in order to decrease violence - and it works, as is statisti ca lly proven. Th is is no su rprise as any 450 q u ickly blows out any pockets of 1 55 . Applying the so-ca l led " M oza rt Effect" t o schools, learn i ng , ch i l d ren w i l l be beneficial in i ncreasing peoples inte l l igence. Th i s is j ust a nother exa m ple of how focussing on one aspect of an energy-field, brings forth its other aspects a utom atica l l y. Some of the Phi losoph i es, M ovements and "Isms" fou nd at a ro u n d 450-475 a re Phila nthropy, E m p i ricism, Ratio n a l ism, Scholasticism, Epistemology, Meta physics, O ntology, Theology. Some na me-dropping of i n d ivid uals meas u ri n g between 4 5 0 and 485 : Aristotle, Roger Bacon, Emerson, Edmund H u sserl , Ernst Mach, Plato, Bertra n d Russel , Sa lvador Da l i , Va n Gog h , And rew Carnegie, Joe DiMaggio, Cristiano Ron a ldo, Gra h a m H a n cock, Erich von Da n i ken, J a n e Roberts (Seth Books ) , Al exander Gra h a m Bel l , DeKoo n i n g , El isa beth Ku bler Ross, Dostoyevsky, c . s . Lewis, Jack Ben ny, Bru ce Lee, Florence N i g htingga l e, Eisen hower, Wright Broth ers, Eleanor Roosvelt, Ru pert -- 253 --
Shel d ra ke . Of course m a n y h u n d reds more cou l d b e na med b u t in the space here a sa m p l i n g of names from very diverse fields should suffi ce . Some w i l l be repulsed at n a m i ng soccer sta r Ronaldo or "pseu do-scientist" Da n i ken i n the sa me breathe a s Aristotle and Da l i . Energy measurement does not ca re about reputation a n d names but on ly a bout consciousness and its overa l l impa ct. N o t h u mans measure truth , universa l consciousn ess does. Si nce we a re at the level of Science here what fo((ows are some of the measurements of scientific theories. With such, the energy-level a lso measures the level of truth . So if a ny scientific theory measures below 200 it is either flawed or u ntrue a ltogether. "Global Wa rm ing Theory" that identifi es m a n as the cause of G l o b a l Warm ing rather tha n a m ix of natu ra l Cosmic a nd Earth ly events, measu res a t 2 1 0 which mea ns it is not exactly flawed but a lso not particu l a rly enl ightening or h e lpfu l the way it i s currentlly understood . Stem Cell Research measures at a round 2 1 0 which means that it is yet u ndecided whether it w i l l go into negative or positive d i rections. The Pharmaceutica l I nd u stry as a whole is i n the 200s which means that it is "alrig ht" but n oth i n g m ore . Si nce it dea l s i n terms of med ical science, which is a 400s reality, one can only assume that th is Industry is dragged down by distortion of sci entific-data for ma rketing a n d d rug-pushing pu rposes. On the other hand it is not nea rly as "evi l " as the spiritu a l para n oids ( 1 00) cla i m . Creationism as advocated b y Ch ristian activists measures at 260, I ntel l igent Design measu res at 450 and Evo l ution Theory measures at 440 . Com b i n i n g Evol ution Theory with the idea o f I ntel l igent Desig n i s -- 254 --
of 460- intel ligence . Th e idea of "survival of the fittest" measures at 220, the level that bel ieves just that. That p retty m uch ends the "Creation ism vs. Evo l ution Theory" Debate that ta kes place i n the high 1 00s. Science i nvolved i n furtheri n g Tech n o l ogy that ca n be used for moneta ry profit a n d m i l i ta ry m ig ht measures i n the 300s. H ospita ls average 190-230, speci al ized Hospita l s such as N e u rological and Psych i atric Wa rds measure i n the 300s. It is not true that Psych iatry is an enemy of m a nkind, as portrayed by certa i n strea ms of political p ropaganda . S i m p l istic Science a nd Po pular Science measu res i n the 300s. Oriental Medicine measures between 380 and 450, wh ich is a good level of effectiveness but not "m uch h igher tha n western medicine" as so m a ny cla i m . Th e Black H o le Theory measures a t 455, m ea n i n g i t is tru e . S i m i l a r levels (450 - 475) a re measu red for Chaos Theory, the D i rac Equations, the Hei senberg U ncerta i nty Principle, the Theory of Morph i c Resonance, Bi ofield Theory, I nflati on Theory ( post Big Bang), M-Theory, S-M atrix Theory, Collective U nconscious (J u n g ) , Astronomy, Su bpa rticle Physics, E = mc2, DNA Resea rch , Energy Medicine, Charles Darw i n , Th omas Ediso n , S i g m u n d Freud, Buckmi nster Fu l ler, Max Planck a nd N i kola Tesl a . Some locations that measure i n the h ig h 400s : The Eiffel Tower. You ca n feel its very presence nea rby shift you r mood . Its stu n n i ng bea uty has inspired M i l l ions into roma ntic love . Roma ntic Love itself is a n aspect of h ig her consciousness that did not exist until a few h u n d red yea rs ago. An i m a l Consciousness knows no roma ntic l ove . A Space Sh uttle i n Orbit measu res i n the h i g h 400s, as a sym bol o f h u m an ities h ighest ach ievement to date, movi ng upwa rd beyond the clouds, pioneeri ng i nto new worlds. For a l l who th i n k -- 255 --
that investi ng in NASA is a waste of ti me : It is what NASA represents ( movi ng beyond previous l i m itations) that m a kes it i m porta nt to the g rowth of mass consciousness . Allocati ng more Budget to Space Travel tha n the M i l ita ry would be a sign of civi l ization movi ng from a n overa l l 200 to a n overa l l 300. The Oxford U n ion measures i n the h i g h 400s, as the Debates happening there a re the height of intel lectua l so ph istication . Th e U . S . Supreme Cou rt is 490 without that level of energy it could not discern rig ht from wro n g . C h u rches and M osq ues usua lly m easure between 270 ( M odern i st, M i n i m a l ist a n d Evangelica l ) to 490 . The mere act o f being a place o f Worship of the Most H ig h , of I nfi n ity, p u l l s the fie l d u p to the h i g h 400s. Cou p led with fi ne a rt, stonework, Gol d , etc. a ch u rch reaches the 500s. Synagogues, being more ra re th a n Churches and Mosq ues, usua l ly never measu re below the 400s. Th e pecu l i a r way in which modern Syna gog ues a re b u i lt has them measure at 460 to 600. 475 - 505 loy, Creativity
The more rea l you get, the more u n real things get. At 50 (a pathy, depression) everyth ing seems fuzzy and illusionary. We sta rt getti ng this i m p ression a g a i n at 500 but i n a radica l ly different way. If you a re overjoyed a n d fu l l of enth usiasm for a project, th is does not indicate that you are level 475 as a habitua l vibration . It means you a re tem pora ri ly pea king here. J oy beg i n s to be felt at 275 . But to be here as a basic vibe, is m uch d ifferent than short phases . Energy is rush i ng through you r body and especia l ly sol a r- plexus, spine and hands all the time. After awhile it is no longer noti ced as m uch, it becomes norm a l . Th is is why th ose who a re i n some state of ecstasy a n d keep saying "wow ! This is awesom e ! U n bel ieva b l e ! Wooooow ! " a re not people Nho a re in the 500s. They a re th ose who are in the -- 256 --
200s and 300s habitu a l ly wh ich is why they a re stu n ned at the energy ava i l a ble. 475 - 500 is a somewhat d istinct state on the sca l es the prog ression . Those who have a 4 50 habit ra rely leave it d u ri n g a l ifeti me beca use they th i n k they h ave reached the height of h u m a n potentia l . Some skip the low 400s knowing that the i nte ll ect ca n be an obstruction to the spiritu a l . I 'd recom mend taking at least a l ittl e bit of the m i d 400s with you u pwards for reasons a l ready explained. The 400s are a bout the m i n d and m ech a n i cs of rea l ity, 475 to 550 is a bout the Experience and the Experiencer of Reality. The 450 " knows" everyth ing a bout the river, but the 500 j u m ps into it and the 550 d i ves i nto it. Knowledge, even h i g h knowledge is not e n o u g h for the 500. H i s joy mostly goes u nnoticed by those below 200 a n d ca n be a n noyi ng to those at 200-45 0 . The fol l owing excerpts a re ta ken fro m my "Strea m of Life" Ana logy fi rst publ i shed 2006 i n my e-book " I l l u m i nation ". They provide a sense of the attitude that beg i ns to a ri se in the very h i g h 400s. Life is a stream. This stream always flo ws, whether you like it or not. Resist the flow and it o verwhelms you. Swim with it and you can use it to your advantage. It was already flowing before you arrived into it. It always reaches the destination its meant to reach. This stream diverges into several different streams and converges from several different streams. Each stream represents a different reality. You are sitting in a boat that is flo wing with the stream. You have been given oars to paddle. With these oars you can try to go against the stream or paddle quicker with the stream. None of these two are necessary to reach the destination that is perfect and natural for you. Merely and merrily sitting in the boat will suffice for you to arrive exactly where life has ordained. -- 257 --
Paddling against the stream (upstream) is what most people call Iife". This type of resistance and struggle " is a complete waste of energy and does not lead you to your most ideal and natural and happy destination. Instead it slows your progress to what is good and natural for you. If it has any benefit at all, then that is that it makes you stronger. The only reason someone would paddle upstream is because he does not trust that the river is taking him to the right places efficiently. He has lost his basic trust in life and feels the need to paddle elsewhere. Another reason for paddling upstream could be because he was taught that resistance will solve problems. This person will exert himself until he becomes so exhausted he gives in to the natural stream again. Many people believe that where the stream is taking them is not to their liking and that life must be struggle. But most are somewhere in between. While they go with the flow sometimes, they brake a lot with their oars because they don 't want to go too fast. Going too fast they think they'd be unable to enjoy their current surroundings or that they would crash into a stone sticking out of the water. Going with the stream does not necessarily mean going with the mainstream, with the stream everyone else is going. There are many streams and many other side streams of side-streams which diverge from and converge into each other. Going with the stream (downstream) means teaming up " with the life force " that is more po werful and efficient than what you could do on your own. It means to make use of the strong current already there, already a vailable, already accessible. From where you currently stand as the "normal human being" there are various alternatives to the half-crazed and hysterical upstream paddling widely practiced by society. People who use these "alternatives " (which are not really alternative but -- 258 --
actually norma!), are called "shamans'� "wizards '� "magic people '� "po werful people ". This is rather funny because its actually the other way around. Those who go with the stream are actually those who are behaving naturally. Those who experience "miracle" after miracle are actually experiencing a normal part of life, while those who try paddling or even swimming upstream all the time are actually abnormal. One could go as far as to say that it is they who are the shamans or outcasts because they are exerting an unbelievable amount of energy. Understanding this analogy you know that leading a good life does not cost any energy at all. You don 't have to deserve it, make it, reach it, fulfill it, achieve it, create it. It is a given. A birthright. Normal. It actually happens by itself when you are your most natural self. You don 't believe that? Then you are one of the crazies. But that's alright, most people are. You have been taught that "action is wha t moves mountains" and "no pain, no gain ". Contrast this belief by looking around you. Look a t the trees. The stars. The mountains. Look at whatever you see outside of your window. The sun. The grass. The leaves. The sand. Has any of this come about by your taking action ? Take a minute to look around at all the things that already exist without you having needed to do anything. Will you admit that almost everything that exists and is happening, just happened, without any deliberate involvement or work required from you ? Face the obvious. If I asked you to create a plant" " would you start trying to glue and paste sticks and leaves together (work/effort) or simply put a seed into the ground and let the force take care of it? There is some type of force creating all of this, isn 't there ? It doesn 't matter whether you view it scientifically (evolution, big bang) or religiously (God) or spiritually -- 259 --
(the universe, the field). You can witness a force creating all manners of things with ease, beauty and elegance. How much effort would you have to exert in order to achieve only one single structure that this force produces by the trillions? Do you think that if you learned more about this force, more about this source that would be more worth while than anything else ? Would that make sense ? Could you then perhaps team up " with this source/force to " make your life a bit easier? If this source can create entire galaxies it shouldn 't ha ve a problem creating the comparatively minor stuff on your personal wish-list, should it? The "stream " we have been talking about is an energy-stream, not visible with the eyes but feel able with the inner sense. Feeling at ease is an indicator that you are going with the stream. Feeling at dis ease is an indicator of going against the stream , Lets now look at the different alternatives you have to the "fight of life", One option would be to let go of your oars. This would mean letting go of all control and resistance. What happens? Your life speeds up and you arrival at good for-you destina tions is quicker. It is not you "creating" anything anymore, it is not you "doing " anything "in order to achieve something " anymore, it is full surrender and trust in the life force, in God, in the universe. On a daily life basis this would mean that you trash your plans, trash your goal-lists, trash your to-do-lists, quit "trying to get" and generally just look at what feels good and right from day to day. While feeling good you would kno w that you are flowing downstream (with the stream) and when feeling bad you kno w that you are paddling upstream (against the stream) again, and so you let go of the oars again (interesting isn 't it? You let go of the oars but they are still hanging at the side of the boat, ready to be picked up anytime again! Nothing is ever lost). You would not -- 260 --
use the feeling bad as a cause to paddle e ven harder (this is the most typical mistake the h uman makes) but as a cause to re-align with the stream, a cause to relax again. For some, the thought of complete surrender is frigh tening. What these people don 't understand is the paradox that loss of all control is full control. To the mind this is a contradiction. Therefore I will not argue with you here. If allo wing yourself to be washed a way by the stream ofjoy, straight to where you belong in the nature of things is too frightening for you, you don 't have to let go of the oars entirely. But you could at least loosen your grip on them a little bit, no? You hold them so tight that your knuckles turn white. More waste of energy. Let go of them for a minute. Take a deep breathe and relax. You see ? The oars are still there. And as you are lying around somewhere or sitting while reading this, you are not in a wild stream anyway, but currently floating down a gentle river. You don 't h a ve to hold on tha t tight. If you don 't want to let g o o f the oars and follow the paths of least resistance and highest simplicity (the more simple and native and natural something is the more real and therefore effective it is) then you might at least stop paddling upstream. You don 't stand a chance. You think you can beat the flo w of things you will be disillusioned. Some people are megalomaniacs who actually think that life means getting to ones destination despite swimming upstream. Others think it means building new artificial rivers. . . which might be possible with extreme exertion but is not even necessary to arrive at what is good for you. Where do the rivers of life open out in to ? They flo w directly into the vast ocean. In this analogy that would be the "sea of consciousness " or "ocean of energy'� what mystics call "enlightenment". But why do some wizards not actively seek out enlightenment? Because they kno w that's where they come from and that's -- 261 --
where they will float back to naturally. This is why I do not teach "enlightenment". Trying to "achieve " these things presupposes separation from tha t ocean. It presupposes that this is not your native state/ not where you come from and not where you are going anyway/ no matter what you do. To me the countless books and retreats and gurus preaching enlightenment are superfluous. Why strive for something that is going to happen anyway? The only reason millions of people in history have been striving to be elsewhere or something else is out of the presupposition that the way things are/ the way this planet was created is somehow "wrong " and that the natural order and harmony of things is somehow "disturbed//. And so they start struggling upstream again. However, it is not "things " or "the universe// that is at fault. It is one /s o wn view of things and behaviour (trying to swim upstream in order to arrive at some goal) that feels bad. And thank goodness this behaviour is designed to feel bad. . . without the bad feeling we wouldn 't kno w wrong from right, effective from ineffective/ life nurturing from life stifling. What you have been reading up to now is only a nice sounding analogy about rivers, boats and oceans, right? Wrong. This metaphoric analogy is filled with very practical everyday down -to-earth usefulness. Getting out of the boat to the side of the river and watching the stream go by is like taking a break or meditation. You are watching the stream of life pass by but not taking part in it. This type of meditation allows you to consider your trip up to now, to determine which streams you would like to go do wn next (possibility of divergence). "Observation from outside // allows you to gain perspective rather than be caught up in the automatism of it all. It also allo ws you to take the desperately needed break from upstream behaviour. When you get back into the stream (finish meditation) it is more probable that you will then be flo wing with the stream rather than -- 262 --
against it. Why? Because you 've taken that time out to see in which direction the stream is actually flo wing. The two helpful modes are therefore swimming with the stream or taking a break at the riverside. It is not helpful to fight against it. And it is not helpful to try to take a short-cut to another stream (another reality) by carrying your boat across land. That would be more waste of time and energy. Nevertheless its how many people beha ve. They have to "reach a goa/" at once. In their impatience they drag the boat out of the river and try to find that stream on their o wn. Would they have stayed in the boat they would ha ve come upon a crossing point naturally. And at this crossing point they could decide to switch life-streams, switch realities. . . effortlessly and naturally. Of course we can also see that arriving at a crossroads and not deciding will get us stuck in the middle land protruding in front of us. One who has trouble deciding which stream to go down is caught in the illusion that one stream is somehow "worse " than the other. They are, however, both water. They are both life energy. And they will both lead to good destinations. The only path leading to troublesome destinations are swimming or rowing backwards (against the stream) - through which you are exhausted and the scenery around you starts looking bleak and dangerous - or lea ving the stream into the wilderness without a map. There are a lot of "lost" people wandering around out there. But sooner or later they too will come upon a stream and be given another choice to get back in. So in a sense, not even the two "bad" options are really "bad". . . they are simply other experiences. The point of this analogy is not to define what's good or bad, but to tell you: If you are interested, there 's an easier way to go about life. As most souls are not interested in the easier way but more interested in drama and struggle, this "with the stream " path will give you a sort of "advantage " o ver your fellow human beings by which you appear -- 263 --
"magical" to them. I say this because the mind loves to calculate its "advantagesN before actually applying something. The soul couldn 't care less about "being better than othersN though. Nevertheless, a life of flo w does have its incentives for the mind also. In contemplating the stream analogy there are thousands of things your mind can derive from it, of which I will only name a dozen or so. You can let the waters and winds lead you naturally. If you wish to change stream, only a little bit of steering is necessary. This "little bit of steering " is not hard work. Its only an alignment of attention and intention with preferred streams) . Writing intention-lists on a regular basis is actually the process of steering your boat in the general direction you prefer. Making sure you are in a good state and feeling well is not to steer but to make sure you are flowing with the stream rather than against it. So first make sure you are well, and then state your intentions and decisions. Why do I recommend you trash your to-do-lists, goal-lists and weekly-plans and diaries? Because the "goal listN is focused on a stream not presen t in the here and now. Steering according to another stream would make your navigation look a wkward "Goal-lists " are based upon "I have to do X and X and X, and then I can be at that riverN (as if you were not already right inside the stream of life). However, as you see in the analogy, you don 't have to do anything to con tinue progressing down the river. You don 't have to lea ve the river or struggle. Same with to-do lists. And diaries address what has happened before you arrived at this point at the river. . . which is irrelevant to today. In fact, being focused on the past will make your navigation look even more a wkward If you are at a relaxed and silent part of the river and you are steering as if you were in the rocky area you were a month ago, this slo ws your progress and can even make your boat keel o ver.
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The prime block to progress is making all of this too complicated and assigning too much importance to certain things. Assigning too much significance to various e vents such as rocks protruding from the water or e vents a t the riverside, diverts your a ttention and makes calm na vigation along the stream difficult. Assign too much importance / relevance to something negative and you feel yourself tense up and navigate improperly. Assign too much importance / relevance to something positive and the same thing happens. You become tense and unable to act. A beautiful mermaid pops up out of the river in the near distance. Beautiful yes, enjoyable yes. But if you project too much importance you will loose your calm and attention and that will cause a boat wreck. Same thing for an ugly alligator swimming through the river. It is the assignment-of-importance towards that alligator that focuses you on it. So instead of steering clear of the alligator you mo ve towards it. That's just the opposite of what you wanted! But you cant stop thinking of tha t alligator over there. You resist it, fight it. .. and all the while you move closer. It is therefore wise and wizardly to "manage your importances" or the meaning you give certain things. The attitude is: If there is something on your trip along the stream of life that is not to your liking . . . it is very unimportant. Not significant. Not relevant to who you are. You see, you are not suppressing or ignoring it. You are simply not giving it any power o ver you. Yes, there 's an alligator swimming over there. But if I don 't give him attention, he will not give me attention. Deep in your heart you kno w this to be true. You knew it even better as a child. Remember playing hide-and seek as a child and not being found by the others once you stopped giving them attention ? And if there 's something on your trip along the stream of life that is to your liking . . . it is importan t. But it is not very important. Its only important. If it is very important -- 265 --
you become slave to it. Maybe we should even drop the word "important" and replace it with the even more neutral "interesting ". If you want to have something try also being OK without it. This type of non-neediness will make it so much easier to have it. You also kno w this to be true, perhaps from adventures with the preferred sex. Assigning too m uch importance to your desires builds up pressure and expectation . . . two things that actually separate you from what you want. The wizard does not wish for, need, cra ve. . . the wizard only intends. And intending is as easy as taking the tiny action of steering the boat to the left or to the right. Let me demonstrate this: Please raise your arm up into the air. That was intention. Now sit there and only "wish " to raise your arm up in the air. Or "need" to raise your arm up into the air. Or have the "goal" to raise your arm up into the air. You see ? Nothing happens. Pure intention has no expectation attached to it. Has no doubts attached to it. If there are any doubts whatsoever about something, then that something is not an intention but only a wish. A wish has no power. Did you have any "doubts " about raising your arm ? Not really. If you had any doubts that you could raise your arm you wouldn 't be able to raise it. Doubts only arise when you start wanting things that are not within reach or start focusing on the how, when, where of a "goar'. This is why I teach to either "begin at the end" (as if the goal where already achieved) or place your intention on closer and more reachable things, or else write your intention -lists without any result-expectation whatsoever (in a playful manner). All of this is closer to pure intention. How to "create " a reality? That's simple: When you visualize and identify with and feel the reality of something within (as if it has already come true) what happens in context of our analogy is the following: -- 266 --
Your body starts making the right moves with the steering device of the boat or the paddles automatically. Your conscious mind doesn 't really kno w what's going on or why your hand suddenly twitched which caused the boat to diverge to the left lane and into another river. But it just happened because there is a "pull" to that destination. Why? Because your soul and mind are already at that destination. Its only your physical body that requires a time-span, and it is thus pulled in that general direction. How long will it take to get there ? As long as you have already aligned with fulfilment- within and are happy with that reality (believe in it), it doesn 't really matter how long it will take. Asking "ho w long will it take " is presupposing that its not already real anyway. Its an expression of distrust towards your inner power and belief. Whate ver you desire, it is yours once you claim it (intend it) within. And as it is yours to keep forever, it becomes totally irrelevant when it comes, when it happens, how it happens, from where it comes, etc. Instead, enjoy the scenery as you float along the river. The river is taking you there automatically and naturally. Enjoy the scenery, whether it appears to be related to your desires or not. The inner merging with a new reality in this way also causes your body to notice things it wouldn 't have noticed before. This is why this specific visualization exercise works so rapidly. "Omens" and "signs " and "coincidences" appear, showing you which streams to choose. These "omens " are mostly "omens " of stepping stones towards the final destinations and not indicators of the final destination itself. Often there are several stations you arrive at before the intended reality becomes manifest. Its all a matter of how comfortable you are with a chosen reality. Once the chosen reality becomes very comfortable, familiar, kno wn . . . it can fall right into your lap. My job is to visualize, feel and embody. Life will do the rest. The -- 267 --
river will do the rest. Navigating the stream of life is strictly speaking neither control nor total loss of control. It is soft control. With total control you will not move anywhere on the river but only make your life miserable. With absolutely no control you will move quickly, but there is no telling where you will end up (except that it will not be too bad of a place as all rivers lead to enligh tenment) . I recommend exercising just a little bit of control, a soft touch to the general direction of the boat. The only thing more important than this slight steering is staying in alignment with the stream, floating downstream. The way to do this is to bring yourself back into alignment with the stream when you notice you are out of alignment. What helps you to notice if you are in or out of alignment is your internal navigation system : Emotions, Feelings, State, Mood. The many psychological, spiritual, motivational books that are telling you to "get rid of" a bad feeling or "overcome it" are wrong. Well, not entirely wrong, but they only understand half the equation : The bad feeling is very, very, very, very, very welcome because it is showing you tha t you are out of alignment with the stream and are putting extreme brakes on your path to fulfilment. Without this low down feeling you 'd be even more lost. In other words, you don 't want to feel good about jumping into the alligators throat. This beha viour is in misalignment with the stream. So when that fearful or angry or depressed or sad feeling arises it serves you as an indicator to remind you to get back into alignment with the ever-flowing stream of goodness. It is an indicator that you have turned your boat around and are now paddling against the stream. That's why it feels so bad. Extremely bad feelings are an indicator that you are not only paddling against the stream of life (the stream is essentially positive energy. There is no duality of "bad and good energy, there is only one -- 268 --
energy and that's the stream) but have gotten caugh t up in a swamp-like part or a sinister suction - whirl of the river. And. . . as you kno w. . . the more you struggle within that part of the river, the more it drags you in. The way to get back into alignment with the stream is either to relax completely or to choose thoughts or intentions or activities or surroundings that currently feel a little bit better to you. Mis-emotion is an indicator of either some thought or some plan or some surrounding or some person or some intention not being in alignment with the stream note: also some so-called "positive " thoughts are in misalignment with the stream). The solution is to deliberately find the thought or action or surrounding that feels better. Example: Does it feel bad to give up a project? Alright. Either your thoughts about giving up the project or the your planned actions (giving it up) must be changed. So you 'd either not give up the project (and if that feels better you 've found re-alignment with the stream) or you 'd make a list of thoughts that feel better until you find one that really does feel right. And if the thought "Giving up the project will open me up to new possibilities " does not give you relief, continue the list until you find a thought that does. Its really as simple as that. Do that and you 're back on the stream for a while. Flow, look, enjoy, navigate . . . until you come upon the next block causing you to turn your boat in the wrong direction. With some practice, in time, you will no longer be turning your boat around every time something looking slightly troublesome comes up. That's why people start going upstream in the first place: They see rocks coming up in the river. Rather than na vigating around the rocks or speeding up to jump o ver them . . . with self-confidence and joy! . . . they turn around and struggle upstream. In full Self-confidence and expertise however, you see that you will confront the rocks either way. . . whether you waste energy by going upstream and then crash into the rocks or whether -- 269 --
you go for them right now. . . and put them behind you. If you go for them right now, you will have the energy to jump over them or navigate around them. Nobody is forcing you too choose very fast streams. Nobody is forcing you to put on no paddle brakes on those fast streams. You can choose more calm waters and you can choose to put in a few brakes. Following the context of this analogy you can see the danger of going at extreme speeds. Extreme speeds are best left to expert-wizards. In other words, if you are a beginner at and you are practicing energy- work like crazy on a daily basis, your boat speeds up. Not being accustomed with the various parameters of navigation and the life stream you can crash into rock or land. Had you gone a bit slower, the crash wouldn 't hurt you. You'd be back into the stream again within minutes. Ha ving gone much too quick, because your ego is impatient to finally "prove " his worth and "get" the money or whatever it is, the crash could injure you and the boat. Or in other words: If your state/mood is 250, you don 't get into a wild 390 river. Instead you choose a level 260 stream. So go easy on yourself. Never give anything too much importance (in any case, define your importances yourself) and keep guiding your attention to the beautiful, the enjoyable and the simple. The stream analogy does contain everything required for a happy and effective life. But you can also extrapolate the metaphor to find out more. A metaphorical story is a tool from which you can gain answers to many different things.
At 475 one no longer ru ns a l ife that is not ones own . U p to th is point a l l things came a bout b y ones own effort. At 475 one awakens to the force that creates the worlds. So the emphasis shifts from doing to being. And when one is being rea l , bei n g tru ly oneself rather than what is prescri bed by society, one a ppears ' m agica l ". Th is is why some people who reside here -- 270 --
a re "madly successfu l " or "extremely lucky" in the eyes of the worl d . Not that this success is of much i nterest here . The 475 fo llows his Bl iss. It is easy to get this person to sm i le and la u g h . The 500 is m o re natu ra l , more sponta neous a nd to lower levels may even a ppea r " na'i ve" or "ch i l d ish ". But he is not being child-ish, rather ch i l d - l i ke . Chal l enges a rising a re easily met. I once too k a wa l k u p a mounta i n with a 50, 190, 290 a nd a 500. I myself was feel i ng q u ite 400 at the time. We wal ked throu g h some bush es and a l l ca u g ht sti n g i n g nettles. The 190 felt the p a i n the m ost a n d 1 60 to 190 i s i ndeed the m ost associated with pai n . The l evel 50 person of a pathy did not feel any sensation at all. The 1 90 woman sa id to h i m : " Boy, you 're toug h . You did not even notice that we got stu ng, a lthoug h you r whole leg is fu l l of rashes ! ". J u st l i ke the 50, the 500 g uy did not feel any sti ng or pa i n at all . . . with the d ifference that he did not even have a ny rashes! We had a l l wal ked th rough the same terra i n , with the 5 0 havi ng the m ost rashes but not feel ing a nyth i n g , the 190 havi ng rashes a n d consta ntly fee l i n g it, scratching it and com p l a i n i n g a bout it (she went on a bout it even hours later at l u n ch ) , a nd the 500 not m ention i n g it at a l l a n d neither having a single red spot on h i s legs. The 290 hand led it with " B u m mer!" and a few scratches a nd "we'll have to watch out for that next time ! " a n d that was that. Myself, I felt the sti n g , b ut only for a few m in utes a n d that was that. I've had q u ite a n u m ber of experiences wh ich demonstrate the power of h i g h energy-fields, including a car accident i n which I emerged without a bru i se whi le the rest i n the passengers had to be hospitalized . Hea l i n g ha ppens q u ickly in these energy-fields. It is difficult to m a i nta i n a col d or fl u for more than a day when the body is fi l led with joy. Very d ifficult i ndeed . Adverse events a re a ra rity. And if they do ha ppen they a re not felt as adverse events but as i nteresting -- 271 --
phenomena or chal lenges which can easily be overcome. There i s practica lly no poverty, u ne m p loym ent or uncerta i nty a bove 475 . Those a re all preoccupations of an i l l usory world, not rea l i ty. Riches do come to the 475 , but he h i mself has not m u ch i n terest i n those ri ches . They a re seen as part of the normal abund ance all a round rather tha n " h is" o bjects that he needs to "hold on to". Any preoccu pation with "getting money" is a tel lta le sign of someth i n g other tha n th is level . If you, as a reader, feel a n n oyed by or envious of 50 Os or deem such q u a l ities u n ach ieva b le, you a re cu rrently most l i kely in the 200s ra nge. If none of these levels make any sense to you at a l l , you're in the 1 00s ra nge. If you feel i nspired by and rem i nded of the 500 state you a re pro ba bly d rifting a round 300-400 energy. And if you feel fa m i l ia r with or neutral a bout what is being written here you m i g ht a l ready be 475 or h ig her. If you a re trying to ta l k yourself i nto being here or a re concerned a bout bei ng "lower" equati n g that with "worse", y o u a re defi n itely n ot a 475 . Th is level is not worried about bei n g better o r worse tha n anyth i n g . The 475 wa nts to b e h i m a n d herself. You r house burns d own . On levels 0 - 1 80 you a re say ing "OK, that's it. M y l ife is over with . I lost". On levels 1 80-450 you ' re sayi ng : "OK. Tou g h l u ck. But I'l l get back up aga i n . I 'l l m a ke it!". O n level 475 you a re sayi ng : "We l l that's fantastic ! Now th at th is o l d piece o f cra p h a s burned down someth ing m uch better can come i n ! ". When confronted with challenge, he "Bri n g it o n ! " H e enjoys it. Life is a game that wa nts to be learned and then played with ski l l . Th is self-confid ence rad i ates towa rds people a round you and has the power to heal those them without either them or you being q u ite awa re of it. Questions to access some of the state with i n you : -- 272 --
What m a kes you enthusi astic? Who do you a d m i re? What a re th i ngs you l i ke? What a re you looking forward to? What wou l d you not m i n d experiencing? What do you have positive expectations a bout? What do you l i ke a bout you rself? Do you enjoy turn i ng problems i n to opportu n i ties? What do you l i ke about oth ers? What a re some n ice th ings in l ife? What good th ing do you sense w i l l happen yet i n you r l ife ? What do you create? Since positive-expectation is the norm at 475, some lower levels slig htly rise in vibratory freq uency when they have someth ing to look forwa rd to. The 250 may tem pora ri l y rise to 275 sta n d i ng at the a i rport rea dy to leave to a n icer place, or when she gets a new job, or bought a new car, or a fu n party is scheduled for l ater today. The l evel 475 does not need a l l of these "th ings to look forward to" beca use she sees m a ny things as joyous a nd thus has m a ny joyous events h a ppen. If you r l ife is fa irly u n eventfu l , you w i l l love the h i g h 400s - things ha ppen a l l the time. Some spiritual tech n i q ues ca n create tem pora ry 490 states . But if these states are too h ig h people w i l l put brea ks on them or abandon the i r spiritu a l practice beca use there a re so m a ny th i ngs happen i ng to them i n their l ife and it overwhelms them . If one is not ready or tra i ned or prepa red for the energy one w i l l turn it off. O n e o f t h e m a i n reasons not every h u m a n v i b rates here is beca use it is n o t des i red . In fact, i t ca n sometimes be stressfu l t o t h e body (200 ) . 200s-440s a re sti l l i n the sphere of i nfluence of the 1 50 - 1 95 schemers who seek to d rag them down . The 480 is no longer i n that sphere of infl uence, he ca n n ot
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be d ragged down or negatively affected, except if he hi mself m a kes a conscious choice to l ower his leve l . While 440 h a s someth ing a i r-headed a n d a lso mascu l i n e a bout it, level 500 is more g rounded a n d also m ore fem i n i n e . M e n someti mes suppress level 500 energies beca use they a re wa ry of how a l l the exu bera nt joy a nd excitement wou l d m a ke them look in public. Men who a re afra id of the i r fem i n ine power are not even close to 500 a nyway though . I nteg rating fem i n i n e energy does not m a ke a man "homosexua l ", which is determ i ned by other factors entirely. The awe and a mazement one wa l ks a ro u n d with here a re neither child ish nor pa nsy- l i ke . The a ma zement can also be experienced si lently, without even showing it. Some people ca n even hide it to some extent. . . although one does see the g low i n their eyes. Lower energies attem pt m a ny th ings to copy th is state . Some ta ke d rugs such as " Ecstasy" ( M DMA) which ca n prod uce an a l most convincing copy of the 500s. The p roblem is that its on ly a copy put over an existing state which can even be sensed in the background while on the d ru g . The true vibration of a drug l i ke Ecstasy is actua l ly 1 25 a n d wi l l , after the i n itial high su bsides, d rag you down there . Heroi n ca n prod u ce the Euphoric Bl iss of levels 570-595 . . . m uch h ig her th a n M D MA, b ut the true colours of Hero i n a n d those w h o use it a re a n extremely l ow level of 20-30 i n wh ich it is a surprise one even survives . That is why you see so m u ch sufferi n g in Hero i n users . But if you th i n k Hero i n is the worst, Meth m easu res at a n a l l time low of 1 5 . The true level of Ca n nabis i s 1 9 5 . That is not at all high, but not especia l l y low either. As such, Ca n nabis will elevate lower states a nd can even be used as med ici ne by a l ot of people who vibrate at 0190, but it w i l l be detri menta l to h igher states a n d d rag them down . Th is is why t h e d i scussion o f whether its g ood or bad i s nonsensica l . It depends on where you are . The fu nction of LS D (which ca n come i n many -- 274 --
different q u a l ities on the sca le) is to magn ify your energy m a n ifold . . . wheth er you r body a nd m i nd a re ready for it or not. It alters brai n-chemistry so that spectra l - and astra l - perception become possi ble. J u st l i ke a ny other artifi cia l state a lteri ng su bsta nce, I do not recom mend it. Bei n g at 475+ as a h a bitu a l state is ra re . Many who th i n k they a re here d ue to my descri ption of the level, are actually 400s who occasiona l ly rise u p to 500, especia l ly for certa i n occasions. Phases of 500 a re accessible to the 300s as wel l . J oy i s even accessi ble to the 200s a n d 1 00s, a l beit more seldom . The 1 50 wou l d have to hold a newborn child i n h i s hand i n order to tem pora ri ly shift u p to 500. For the 250 it wou l d be enough to see that newborn on TV. The 350 would only h ave to hear a bout a newborn to feel that s l i g ht shift in Emotion, and the 475 is a l most perm a nently i n a space of Appreciation . The q u ickest path to you r sou l s tru e destiny, to what you r sou l i n tended before com i n g here (as opposed to the plans the world has laid out for you ) is by fol l owing you r joy. O n a practical day to day level th is means that you ta ke occasional time-outs to assess you r situation (what you a re doing ) a n d then sense what you would most enjoy doing today and what is at the sa m e time possi ble a nd i nteg ra l , and then going a head and doing it rega rd less of what your m i n d or other peop le th i n k of it, reg a rd less of whether it seems to be "reasonable" ( 2 5 5 ) or not. Th en you wou ld fol l ow that interest u ntil it is fu l l y experienced . But rather tha n conti n u i ng with t h e sa me activity or point o f focus, you wou l d then reassess you r situation a g a i n a nd check what feels best now. To conti nue on the sa me path just because it felt good last wee k is aga i n the level 200-300s l i n ea r m i nd interferi n g . Having fol l owed the last joyfu l a ctivity has brought you to a new place from which someth ing else (or the sa me th ing) w i l l feel best. In th is sense one thing leads to another a nd -- 275 --
what seemed yo u r l ifes purpose may lead to someth i n g else that is even more i n sync with the p l a r your sou l h a s l a i d out. That's rea l ly how simple it would be not o n l y to m a i nta i n a h ig her-energy-flow but a lso to experience effortless hea lth , fi na nci a l -we l l being a n d perfect relati onsh ips. The o n l y thing blocki ng it is all the "reasons" the low- level -self offe rs why its not via ble, possible or good to do that which is . . . good . If you do not sta b i l ize SOD-energy by fo l lowi n g you r i n ner emotiona l navigation system , no tools, tech n i q ues, methods, meditations, books, p rogra m s, teachers, certificates, credentia l s i n the world ca n m a ke u p for the energy wasted . Fol low you r Bliss: It is a s s i m ple as that. Let th is be a rem i nder that it is the lower levels that a re rea l ly difficult to m a i nta i n, not the h ig h er ones. 500 is the turn i n g pO int from l i nea r to non-li near, from intellect to sou l , from kn owledge to l ove . 505 Appreciation, Creativity, Bea uty, Imagination
The SODs a re very- h i g h -elation and no more tha n 1 % of earths pop u l ation a re perm a nent residents here . A five-point adva nce i n the SODs is as m uch as a 2 5 point advance i n t h e 400s and a 50 point advance i n the 300s. Th is energy-field emanates appreciation of all of l ife, gen u i ne ca re for others (which arises natu ra l ly), enjoyment of simple things ( recogn izing the small in the big a nd the big i n the small), overco m i n g problems with i n m i n utes ( rather tha n the hours 3 1 0 needs and the weeks a 1 25 needs and the yea rs a 50 needs to overcome or forg ive someth i n g ) , g ratitude for the gifts life offers, the complete a nd tota l accepta nce of things a s they are (which facil itates the a b i l ity to change them ) , and awe at the bea uty of l ife . The 505 does not fig ht a n yth i ng but flows with com p lete trust in the -- 276 --
processes of l ife . Force is not used to achieve a nyth i n g , no resista nce is offered to what ha ppens which is why bad th i ngs do not ha ppen . The depth of g ratitude of having been g iven the gift of l ife creates moments of energy intensity u n kn own to those below 500 . Stu n n i n g bea uty is what the 505 perceives, therefore stu n n i n g bea uty is what the she becomes. When I th i n k of a l l the m a ke-up a 1 8 0 woman has to put on and then sti l l does not shine - what she is m issi ng is the bea uty w h i ch comes from with i n , which comes from energy. Or a l l the sportive ordeals the 290- m a n h a s t o go th rough i n order t o "get i nto shape". At 5 0 5 he cares n o t a bout his s h a p e . He lets his body do what it does it tu rn s out to be fine as it is. 505 i ncl udes a l l the positive q u a l ities of the 400s, there is not that much interest in the i ntel l ect and its " i nform ation society". I ntuition , "Sensi n g " and I magi nation- that which comes d i rectly from the sou l , is given more cred ence than that wh ich comes from the world . The 500s w i l l recog n ize a n d perceive events i n a different way than a l l other levels below. Th is i s not too easy to express in words, but could be descri bed as a synchro n icity-m atrix. The 5 0 5 is wa l ki n g down the street and b i ke-riders pass h i m by. For a l l levels bel ow, these a re "j ust b i ke-riders" and have no sign ifica nce or mea n i ng beyond the fact that they s i m ply be ha ppen ing to ride their b i kes a round . For the 505 its different. N oth i ng ha ppens "coi ncidenta l ly", noth i n g is meaning less, everyth i n g is a m i racle a n d happens for a specific reason . Everyth i n g that ha ppens a round h i m is a reflection of who he/she is being at that m o ment in ti m e . Th i s sort of heig htened appreciati on for the b i ke-riders w i l l a l l ow h i m to n otice th ings others w i l l n ot. One of the b i ke-riders is a ctua l ly weari n g the t-sh i rt a dverti Sing fo r a loca l sush i resta u ra nt. H ow convenient - you were asking yourself th is morn i ng whether sush i is to be had in th is town . Th e b i ke riders go there way, b ut for you they a re the -- 277 --
manifestation of a thought you had ea rlier today. Looking a round you r cu rrent su rrou ndi ngs a n d asking you rself "What message do these surroundings bea r for me ri g ht at this moment?" is tou ch i n g 500s consciousness that u nderstands that the world is a reflection of the contents of your m i n d . Leve ls u nder 5 0 0 have a d i sto rted sense of how th e unive rse a nd rea l ity works . They ta ke the present moment for g ra nted , thinki n g that som eth ing more interesting is a l ways somewh ere i n the past o r futu re, that rel ief, a nswers, fu n a re yet to come . . . but certa i n ly not here a nd now. The 505 has a n intensified sense of the here a nd now and ca n detect patterns, ten dencies and information that n o body else ca n . He can sense what is going to ha ppen a few seconds before it ha ppens beca use he is witness to the beautifu l unfolding of the universe as it happens, rather tha n after it has unfolded . He is m o re a l igned with context than content. Th is ca n m a n i fest as a s i m ple " kn owi ng" of having to ta ke the next street left rather than turn rig ht as the G PS-system tel ls h i m too . And it w i l l turn out that turn i n g ri ght one ru ns into a traffic-jam or construction site not reg istered by the GPS. H ow did he know th at? Wel l , he's less identified with the inner control -freak, the mind, a nd more identified with "the field" that has a better overview over th ings the way they rea l l y a re . "The field" kno ws that ta ki ng a left tu rn with the car is better. Rig ht before the m i n d exp resses some com ment, some thought, some label, some q u estion, it is a n em pty space. Right now, i f you w i l l , n otice t h e em pty space that yo u a re prior to thought. Any thought that comes u p, stop it i n m id-sentence so that - . See how i t works? You are not forced t o th i n k a nyth i n g . A n d that "em pty" space is sign ifica ntly more vast a n d i ntel l igent tha n the b a b b l i n g ego we ca l l "the m i nd ".
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Of cou rse, the spiritua l tea cher of the 50 Os, who is teaching h i s students of 250 how "si m ple a n d easy" everyth i ng is, is barking u p the wrong tree. M a ny such teachers, desp ite their advanced state, a re not aware of energy- level d isti n ctions. "What is he tal ki n g a bout easy a n d simple? Not in my l ife ! " The Love of 5 5 0 i s u nconditional, that of 505 i s not. At 505 a pp reciation i s d i rected at certa i n things but not others . If you a re not up at the level of U nconditional Love natu ra l ly, I don't recom mend you try to force it but do as the 505 does - d i rect your attention to what you a l ready love i n the first place i n stead of trying to l ove things you do not. Doing so is merely a strategy of the Ego that wants to m i m ic h igher states he has hea rd a bout. But consciousness is not stu pid and will not fa l l for the charade. Trying to be a 550 when you 're not w i l l o n ly create hardsh i p . So sho u l d you l ove thy enemy? If you ca n fi n e . But if you cant beca use you a re just not there, then how a bout deepen i n g your love to someone or someth i n g you already l ove? M a ke it easy on you rself. Non-Resista nce and letting go of menta l h a rdship i s the path of the 500s. 505 is a bout Gratitude, H a rm ony, Appreci ation, a bout Creativity and I m a g i nation, the level of good actors, a rtists, m usicians, d a n cers, performers. If you have ever seen the l i ve performances such as Ci rce Du Sol e i l , Shaol i n - Mo n ks, Riverdance or other mesmerizi ng a cts, you a re dea l i n g with people who had to be at l east 5 1 0 in order to act in that way. Some of the th ings these perform e rs do a re indeed " i m possi ble" to l owe r levels. Of cou rse extreme ath leti c performances ca n also be had from level 290, g iven enough d isci p l i n e and repetition but there a re differences i n a rtistic q u a l ity a n d energetic va l u e . The "mass-perform a n ces" of tota l ita ri a n reg i m es or b ruta l blood-and-g uts sports are perform ed by a n d performed for a low- level aud ience . Viewing t h e m w i l l "elevate" y o u t o l evel 2 9 0 i f y o u a re below that. M a ny other h i g h - perfo rmance sports do req u i re at l east level -- 279 --
290. The focus a professional golf pl ayer, a ski-j u m per or a professional soccer player have to exert propel them to level 390 and a bove . But when it com es to acts in wh ich the a udie nce gasps in d isbelief, it is a 500+ show. M ovie-sta rs who win Osca rs or Musicians who fil l enti re Sta d i u m s with raving fa ns occupy the SODs. On lower levels you ca nt really enth use l a rge masses of people in that way. A m ovie that causes tea rs in a person who is not known for cryi ng p robably conta ins elements of 500. Despite their perceived "Cheesi ness" to society, m ovies such as Tita n ic, Avata r (both by Ja mes Ca meron who averages at 49 0 ) , Out of Africa , Gone with the Wind, The Colour Purple etc. conta in such vi b rations. Any person on a ny level who witnesses and a d m i res something beautifu l w i l l , d u ring that time, be i n the SODs. Th is can ha ppen with a bea utifu l piece of m usic, a piece of art, a movie, a la ndscape, a sunset, or a person of the preferred sex . Th is is why men sta re at beautifu l women - it ra ises their energy leve l . If men do this com pu lsively it mea ns they do not have m uch energy of their own (below 290 ) . A 190 who sees bea uty w i l l be elevated to 200 d u ring that time, which he w i l l feel as a ca l m i n g feeling . A 2 5 0 w i l l be el evated t o 290 wh ich h e w i l l feel as energizi n g . A 1 2 5 wi l l turn bea uty into an attach ment or addicti o n . H e i s then no longer viewing the i ntri nsic bea uty of a thing but h is own concept/projection of it. A l ittle h i g her, at 570, everything appea rs so stu nn i ng ly bea utifu l that one cou ld a l m ost brea k out in tea rs over a s i m ple lawn or house. If you , as a men or wom a n , "dress u p n i ce" you a re actua lly elevating the level of mass consciousness. Th e 505 is able to convert imagi nation into p hysical rea l ity with rel ative ease, receive/cha n nel ideas "from noth ing", i nspire, associ ate b ri l l i a ntly a nd prod uce things of benefit to society. Th is level of consciousness is not m u ch concerned with the world a n d its up and down, left a n d rig ht frenzies. An a na logy: There is a -- 280 --
tra i n on a tra i n -tra ck going in the wrong d i rectio n , heading for disaster. The low energy crowds w i l l be sitti ng on either the left or the rig ht side of the tra i n , fig hting over wh ich s i d e is "right" or " better". Th is is a t a 1 8 0 . The 200s w i l l try t o m a ke thei r ride worthw h i l e a n d maybe retreat t o t h e d i n i ng ca b i n . The 300s w i l l ta ke lead o f t h e tra i n a nd ri de i t . The 400s w i l l warn that the tra i n is going in the wrong d i rection a n d petition for a change i n that d i rection a nd even ach ieve a fu l l -stop a n d tu rn a ro u nd or d iversion to a nother track. But the 500 is the one that w i l l h ave new tracks laid out. These a re tracks that were not there before . A sca le o f personal Rea l ity Creation : The 200 creates rea lity through h a rd p hysical work. The 300 creates rea lity through h a rd menta l work. The 400 creates rea lity through menta l work. The 500 creates rea l ity th rough Intenti o n . The 6 0 0 lets God create rea l ity. The 5 0 5 chan nels art, bea uty, a rchitectu re, i mages, sou nds and feeli ngs from the h i g her rea l m s i nto p hysical rea l m s . Questions to help touch th is rea l m : What bea utifu l th i ng have yo u seen? What bea utifu l thing have you heard ? What bea utifu l th i n g have yo u felt? What bea utifu l things ca n you remem ber? What creative th ings do you do? What have you created d u ring you r l ife? What bea utifu l th i n g ca n you i m agi ne? What a re some new ideas you h ave? What m usic b rings tea rs to you r eyes? What artistic ski l l s have you cu ltivated? If you want to do someth ing beneficial for ra ising you r childre n , then expose them to the a rts, m usic, pictu res of the SOOs. Th is increases their energy and w i l l m a ke l ow behaviou r h ig h l y u n l i kely. The 5 0 5 ascends to 5 1 0 when she accepts power a n d is ready t o i nvest it i n t h e betterment o f the whole. -- 281 --
The Spi ritu a lity of 475-550
Spirituality in the tru e sense of the word actu a l ly
beg i n s at 475. I n non- physica l rea l ms, a nyth i ng bel ow that is actu a l ly astra l , not celestia l . Here we fi nd spi ritu a l pathways a nd teachers most people have never even hea rd of, fo r the precise reason that they vibrate at a frequency h i gher tha n h u m a n ki n d ca n perce ive. Fu rthermore, m a ny 500s a n d a bove don't actua l ly fol low specific pathways o r teachers beca use the i r o w n l ives a re sufficient exa m ples of spirit. From 550 u pwa rds, no spiritu a l teaching, method or path is req u i red beca use spiritua l prog ress becomes a natura l pul l . The a mo u nt of energy ava i la ble is enough to determ i n e wh ich ways to go. The i n ner coach is enough, no outside coach needed . Therefore, 475-550 teachers a re adeq uate for the 300s a n d 400s to move u pwa rds and 550-650 teachers a re adeq uate fo r the low 500s, w h i le people above 550 don't rea l ly need anyone else tel l i ng them what the nature of rea lity is. 500 is the fi rst level beyond m i nd , the fi rst level of l ove which beco m es increasingly un cond itional as one moves u pwards. Th is is rea l spiritual energy as opposed to the g i m m icks of "paranormal states" at l ower levels. At 5 0 5 you have the idea of you r thoug hts, what you believe a n d i ntend creating rea l ity. What you hold i n m i n d comes to b e . Working with dissolving negative thoug ht-fo rms and creating positive ones is a typica l activity here . Accord in g ly m uch o f the " N ew Thoug ht" movement measures in the h ig h 400s. Reality Creation practiced i n th is way (by pure Intenti o n ) is a bit too h i g h to be worka ble for most, wh ich is why there a re " l ower versions" of it. For most people it just won't work that they visua l ize someth i n g , such as a bea utifu l house at the l a ke, and then have it m a n ifest as rea l ity. The 200s a n d 300s would have to hold it i n
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m i nd a bit l onger a nd add some rea l - l ife action to their I ntention . The 400s wou l d have to add the feel i n g of Love to their Visua l izati o n . It is o n ly the 5 00s where it is enough to hold an Intention in the m i nds eye a nd have it eventua l ly m a n ifest that way. Accord i ng l y, the whole " New Thoug ht" movement including Florcence Govel S h i n n , N a poleon H i l l ("Th i n k and Grow Rich ") , U n ity, Science of M i n d , Ja mes Allen a n d co untless of oth er "Yo u r thoug hts create rea l i ty" people a re between 450 a n d 5 1 0 . The idea o f Energy being the basis of rea l ity i s only accepted a bove 475. Below that level the idea i s consid ered " Esotericism " or " M eta physica l ". However, the idea of everyth ing being Energy ca n be found in every a n d any Cu lture a n d i n cou ntless concepts a round the world, some of which a re : M orph i c Fields (Sheldra ke) Reca pitu lation Theory Orgone ( W i l h e l m Reich) Prana Ch i Vita l ism Odic Force L- Field Somatic Psychology Body Psychology Bioenergy Rolfi ng Biofields Rad iesthesia Rad ion ics Acu puncture Doshas (Ayu rveda ) Kunda l i n i Psychogeogra p hy Electroconvulsive Therapy Rad io biol ogy Holy Spirit -- 283 --
Ka ( Egyptia n ) Mana ( H awa i i a n ) Ether . . . and m a ny others . The i dea o f "Energy Fields" being t h e Source o f events rather than specific ca uses is an idea of 5 0 5 . Th e idea of Prayer for Hea l i ng or Visua lizati on for Hea l i n g is a 490 activity. You can not heal anyone agai nst the i r w i l l , but if they a re open t o it, then 4 9 0 ca n h e a l them . A "place of power" is any place th at measures a certa i n a m o u nt of Bovis U n its (a term Dowsers use to measure energy- levels), any place that radiates above 500 . It is entirely true that merely being at, near or with i n such places has a hea l i n g effect. Almost a l l Great Cathedra l s (Westm i n ster Abbey, Chartres, etc) measure a bove 500, some above 600 . The Egyptia n Pyra m ids, the S p h i n x and the structu res i n Abydos, Luxor and elsewh ere measure over 500 . Th is energy field i ncludes wel l - known H i n d u Tem ples, Jewish Tem ples, Orthodox Churches, Coptic C h u rches, S h i nto Shri nes a n d Mosq ues or a nyth ing else b u i lt with love and dedication . Mecca , Lou rdes a nd Machu Picchu a re a l l locations of the low 500s. If the locations a re not of spiritual intent they'd have to be of i n tense bea uty i n order to m a ke it to the 500s. The Craftsmanship invested into the Louvre M useu m as well as the a rt it conta i n s lets it measu re at 520 for exa m ple. An overview of the Yoga s : Hatha Yoga : 390 Hatha Yoga is the Yoga of physica l exercise, stretch i n g , breath i n g and body awareness. Used as a form of mere "workout" by westerne rs it measures 290 . Used to its fu l l est spiritu a l extent it achieves the h i g h 300s. -- 284 --
Kriya Yoga : 405 A modern extension or va riation of Hatha Yoga , Kriya Yoga offers va rious specia l ized tech n iq ues to " speed up Enlig htenment". As enlig htenment can not be "sped u p " artificia l ly, th is particu la r form of m a n i p u lating energy measu res at 405 only. Kunda l i n i Yoga : 5 1 0 Also a n exten sion of Hatha Yoga, Ku n d a l i n i Yoga adds Energy, Cha kra -Awaren ess, Visu a l ization and Breath ing techniq ues to the m ix . It will get you somewhere, spi ritua l ly. Using it with the i ntention of g a i n i ng personal power can have un pleasa nt side effects . Use with h u m i l ity and respect on ly. Ka rma Yoga : 520 Ka rma Yoga is theYoga of Selfless Service, g iving without gain, work without resista nce. Be of service to self, others a n d the world . When worki n g , release you r attention from futu re g a i n a n d focus on enjoying you r work i n the now, in the tod ay. J n a n a Yoga : 790 Jnana Yoga is the "Yoga of Knowledge a n d Wisdom " which surpasses even the pea k-state of 700 . It teaches to d iscern between that which is Absol ute (God ) a n d that which is Relative ( Everyth ing Else ) , Releasing Attachment from that w h i c h is Rel ative, Cha n g i n g , n ot Abso l ute a n d intensify Focus on that which is Infi n ite a nd Forever. 800 is the level a bove which no verb a l or w ritten teaching exists, so this is a bout the hig hest it gets i n rega rds to scri ptu ra l energy. Bhakti Yog a : 800 Bhakti is the Yoga of single-focussed Love a n d -- 285 --
Devotion to the Most H i g h . Ti beta n Buddh ism with a l l its Ma ntras, Cha nts, Ritu als and Focus on Bea uty is at a ro u nd 5 0 5 . Oth er Forms of Budd h ism measure h i g h er, some of them too h i g h to be of use in everyday l ife . Lhasa has meanw h i l e fa l len to the h i g h 200s (due to trou b les and u p heaval with China) and the D a l a i La ma hi mself measu res at 570, a level of en ergy he has g rown i nto . Pa d masam bava , who i s sa id to have fi rst tra nsmitted ta ntric Buddhism to Ti bet, results at 520 . Tibeta n La ma Tenzin Gya ltsen who sing le-handed ly d isseminated Buddh ism a l l over the Asia n continent in the 1 9 th centu ry, measures at 540 . Ta ntric Buddhism measures at 5 1 5, a n d "Ta ntra " the way i t i s practiced b y westerners i n va rious Workshops a n d Sex-Retreats measures between 1 25 and 290 . Pope John Pa u l I I was of i m mense spiritua l power, measuri ng at a n average of 580. Pope Benedict cu rrently measures at 5 60 (this is s u bject to change) wh ich is a lso q u ite co m mendable. 500 is the least someone should have to lead rel igious I nstitutions. Cathol icism as such cu rrently rad iates i n the 400s. Th e Rom a n Catholic churchs a l l time high was before WWII where it measured as fa r up as the 500s, its a l l ti me low was d u ri n g the I n q u isition where it ch ron ica l l y measured below 1 0 0 . There a re some Catho l i cs who measure close to E n l i g hten ment - at 590 we fi nd Catholic monk Thomas Merton ( + 1 968) who was a poet, soci a l activist and proponent of comparative rel i g ion . Merton wrote more than 70 books on spi ritu a l ity and pioneered d ia l ogue with Asi a n spiritual fig u res such as the Ze n - M o n k D.T. Suzuki a n d the Dalai La m a . John Ca lvi n , a French theolog ian of the m id d le ages measured at 480 . Movem ents th at fol l owed h is teach ings, such as Presbyterian and other reformed churches do not measure qu ite that hig h . Purita n ism, from wh ich we have the suppression of sexua l ity in N o rth America, is 1 7 0 . Calvins teach i ngs -- 286 --
that gave rise to ca pita l i s m , individual ism a n d representative democracy measu re i n t h e 400s. Martin Luther, who changed the course of western civi l ization by i n stituting the Protesta nt reformatio n , measu res at 480, Protesta ntism overa l l at 450. What Protesta ntism has become in the US is l owe r in vibration . The more d ivi sive, a ntagon istic and paranoid a Ch ristia n Com m u n ity, the more focussed it is o n G u i lt, Shame a n d Bl a me, the lower it rad i ates . The more it is focussed o n Love, Selfless Service, Prayer and Devotio n , J oy a n d Brotherhood , the higher it rad iates . J oseph S m ith , founder of M ormonism m easu res at 5 1 0 a n d h i s fol l owers a re i n the 400s which supports the usual virtues of goodwi l l , decency and ki ndess while at the sa me ti me being sign ifica ntly more tolera nt than many other strea m s . Indian mystic Pa ra m ha nsa Yogananda, personally responsible for i ntrod ucing m i l l ions of westerners to Med itati on, Yoga a nd the Bhagavad-G ita a n d a uthor of h ig h l y i nfl uential books such as "Autobiogra phy of a Yog i " measures at 530 . Lao Tzu , the master h i mself measures at 520, a n d h i s "Tao Te Ch i n g " oscillates i n the 600s. Th e infl u ence of the Tao Te Ching throug hout H i story has been enormous. From it people have lea rned that. . . force creates cou nterforce, the more one sea rches to understan d the less one knows polarity a n d contrast helps us to u ndersta nd the U n iverse when we l ose o u r true va lues we supplant them with i nferior va l u es which we preten d a re o u r true ones - a mong a few thousand other p ieces of wisd o m . Someday h u ma n ity m i g ht actua l ly ta ke those -- 287 --
pi eces of advice . . . . The h i g h est level of l iteratu re received by "ch a n n e l l i n g " or " a utomatic writi n g " is at a round 560 beca use a b ove that level one need not chan nel i nformation "from a higher source" - one is that h i g her source . The popu l a r "Conversation with God " book series by Neale Donald Wa lsh measures at a round 490, wh ich is sufficient to u p l ift most of h u m a n ity. "A Cou rse i n M i racles" measures at 5 1 0 overa l l . Bei ng exposed to l iterature l i ke th is cha nges you if you a re you rself rad iating between 3 5 0 a n d 500. A n u m ber of prayers a n d m a ntra s create 500s-energy. Gregori a n Cha nts, Chora l Cha nts, Sacred Song, a l l of it is in the 500s. The o n ly way for norm a l pop- music to reach the 500s is for it to be of exceptio n a l bea uty a n d q u a l ity or for it t o b e ded i cated t o a spi ritua l i ntention ( exa m ples of 500s pop m usic wou ld be the I rish singer Enya and the British a rtist Lisa Gerra rd ) . S i n g i n g from the Kora n , cha nti ng from Buddh ist Texts, such as the Lotus Sutra, reciting H i ndu mantras repeated ly usually measures i n the 500s to the 600s and ca n m a ke the Practitioner q u ite h i g h , at least tem po ra ri l y. H i n d u "Japa" pra ctice is 520, praying the Rosary 540, Jesus Prayer 590, the Prayer of Ja bez 370, chanting Shanti, Shanti, Sha nti is 505, the Lords Prayer is a m a m azing 650 a n d cha nti ng O M measures at an i ncred i b l e 820. So does that mea n you w i l l get en l ig htened if you chant O M ? Wel l , a bove 5 1 0 yo u r state or path t o E n l i g hten ment is no longer governed by you r person a l wi l l , so fra n kly, there is no saying whether you w i l l get e n l i g htened or not. C h a nting the long "Oooooooooooooooooom " w i l l i m p rove you r state however, no m atter at which time, in which context and from which level it is practi ced . I recom mend not exaggerating its use as su m m o n i ng too m u ch energy ca n have va ri ous unforeseen conseq uences. Using 500s energy is fa i rly safe, but anyth ing a b ove 600 -- 288 --
shou ld be approached with some reverence. Not everyth i n g in the 500s ca rri es the label " spiritu a l " or " re l i g ious". There are plenty of th i ngs that, to the u n i nitiated , h ave noth i n g to do with spiritu a l i ty or energy. It is by the i r measuring in the 500s that they do have spi ritu a l energy tho ugh . Atte n d i n g " M ethod Acti n g " class ( Lee Strassberg ) wou ld be a 505 activity. Attending a Mason ic I n itiation that has been prepared with some forethoug ht, wou ld be a 5 1 0 activity. Going to watch a h i g h - performance M usical would be a n even i n g spent a t a round 505, a n eve n i ng w e l l spent i ndeed . Christmas Eve measures at 540, the energy of "Ch ristmas Spirit". People know someth i n g is "in the a i r" but they cant q u ite put their fi nger on it. Tha n ksg ivi n g wou ld be 5 1 5 . Watch ing Opra h Winfrey usu a l ly goes between 3 10 a n d 5 3 0 . Beethoven, Moza rt, Chopin, Tschai kovsky a n d Pag a n i n i m a ke it up to 505 at the i r pri m e . O n e h i g h -vibe Pol itician was Winston Church i l l w h o we have the ending of World Wa r II to tha n k for. His energy range went all the way u p to 5 1 0 . The Fal l i ng of the Berl i n Wa l l was tha n ks to 500s-energy, and especia l ly the efforts of a 505-Gorbachev. N elson Mandela was a ble to sing le-handedly i nspire not M i l l ions but B i l lions because he rad iated at 5 0 5 . W i l l i a m Shakespea re works a re 505 and although not "spiritu a l " they too conta i n a power that w i l l cha nge the heart and soul of those watch i n g h is plays . It was works such as his that pushed h u ma n ity out of the dark ages. Med itation-Techniq ues too n u merous to count a re in the 500s a n d 600s. Above 400 a n d u p to 620, Med itation is beneficia l . Beyond that its not rea lly necessa ry. Spiritual Contem plation is 520 . Almost a l l the Creative Arts a re in the l ow 500s. Authentic N ative America n Spiritual ity was practiced in -- 289 --
the 500s. Its modern new-age- ized versions don't qu ite m a ke it that h i g h (with a few exceptions; use discern ment) . Gnosticism, Hermeticism a n d certa i n forms of Occu lt Resea rch such as the type conducted by M a n ly P. H a l l , An n i e Besa nt, Leadbeater, Fra nz Ba rdon, Rudolf, Steiner, boo ks such as " Kyba l i o n " a n d the works of people l i ke Ro bert A. Monroe m a ke it a l l the way up to 5 0 5 . Robert Monroe was an a uthor a n d tea cher of Out of-Body-Trave l , creator of Hem i-Sync a u d io-tech nology and Fou n der of the Monroe Institute which has ta u g ht many thousa nds how to leave the i r body. Such i s the a b i l ity of a single 500- perso n . Monroe was aware of the lower astra l (0-200) a n d the m i d a n d h igher astra l (200-500), b u t he h i mself a lso touched the celestia l ( 5 00 + ) . The near-death -experience itself m easu res at 5 1 5 . If you die at a bove 500 you w i l l not fi nd yo u rself in the astra l -rea lms a n d sou l -waiti ng - h a l ls a n d sou l gro u p a reas ( m ore Information on th is i n my e-book " I l l u m i n atio n ") and neither will it be recom mended you rei nca rnate in o rder to lea rn more . Instead you w i l l have "passed the exa m " a nd go stra ig ht t o celesti a l heavens or b e offered to i n ca rnate to other planets o r d i m ensions. A few Asi a n na mes of the low 500s include : Gra n t S a h i b Ad i , the first teacher of the S i kh Rel i g ion . Of Cou rse modern day fol lowers who q u it cutti ng their hair and wa l k a round with sa bres a re m i sta king rel i g ious ritu a l with spiritu a l truth . Th is, u nfo rtu nately, ha ppens with m a ny Relig ions. Th ey a re ta ken by below-200 consciousness wh ich is concrete a nd l itera l and spiritu a l practices become strict and rig i d ru les. Whether one cuts ones h a i r or not is com p l etely i rrel evant to E n l ighten ment. Rin poche Dzog ch en, the head of one of Ti bets m ost known monasteries. -- 290 --
Bhagava n N itya nanda, a n early 20 th centu ry Yog i from Southwest I n d i a . Buddh ist sage Pad masambhava Jetsu n m a Tenzin Pa l mo, an enl ig htenen fem a l e Sage Sri Yu kteswa r, a nother one of Yoga na ndas tea chers and a bel iever i n the Bhagavad-G ita a n d the Bible. There a re many, m a ny more, especi a l l y i n Buddh ist and H i n d u a reas beca use these Rel ig ions cU ltivate h ig her levels of energy. What fol lows a re the average energy- measurements of some of a few " rich people". One can become rich on a ny point i n the sca le. But below 200 one can only become rich by sacrificing someth i n g else . Success and Money a re then sacrifi cied for ones health, for exa m ple. Below 1 0 0 more has to be sacrificied for money - which is where "sell you r soul to the Devi l " ideas come fro m . M a ny rich people a re, however, "way up there", especia lly in more recent times ( post WWII, which sh ifted Planeta ry Consciousness). Bill Gates 5 0 5 Warren Buffett 4 1 5 La ks h m i M itta l 5 1 0 Ka rl & Theo Albrecht 445 Carlos Sl i m 380 M u kesh Am b a n i 450 Ama n cio O rtega 520 The Wa lton Fa m i ly 4 1 0 These n u m bers a re su bject to change. Especia l l y h i g h energy Consciousness tends to sh ift more q u ickly then the below- 300s. Th ere a re h u n d reds of specific activities that wi l l generate a 500s-energy l evel for the D u ration of the respective exercise . Some of these a re : -- 291 --
Focussing on a n O bject for more th a n 1 0 m i n utes Visiti ng a H i g h - Energy Area ("Places of Power") "Wa l ki ng the La byri nth " in a contemplative m i n dset Saying the Rosary Looki ng at someth ing Bea utifu l Releasi n g Thoughts a n d Emotions Ved ic Chanting Vi sualizing H i g h Bea uty All Creative Arts S i n g i ng Ba l let Dancing H igh-performance Wi ndsurfing, Ski i n g , Snowboa rd i ng a n d si m i la r Helping ch i l d ren of th i rd-worl d - regions Lea rn i n g a ski l l that req u i res intense concentration , love a n d dedication Med itation 5 10 Power, I nitiative, Responsi b i lity
Fro m a m id-range perspective d ifferences between the va rious levels of the 5 00s a re n ot apparent. But they a re th ere and on a person a l level a step fro m 505 to 5 1 5 is a h uge one, equ iva l ent of a 350 to 400 j u m p . There a re th ose w h o co nsume what is created a nd those who create what is consu med ( 3 80 + ) . The 5 1 0 is the height of the creato r-type who reacts not to the world but has the worl d react to h i m , who never waits for the rig ht circu msta nces but m a kes them . Th is energy-field is actually the height of the Ego before it
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recedes a n d then a l m ost d i sappears at 600. It represents i n itiative, to sta rt, to beg i n , to m a ke new, to create, to lead the way. It is a n energy-field 400s d raw upon in order to lead a nd g u ide. Th is is d ifferent than the m acho act of 1 6 0 . The 5 1 0 feels no fea r and is w i l l ing to assume responsibil ity on a grand scale . Beca use he has control over h i m self he has control over others a nd over va rious events of l ife . He does not want control l i ke the 1 60 d oes, he has it. If you wish to co ntrol th ings, fi rst control yo u rself. Oftenti mes the 5 1 0 is i nfl uenti a l but even more often he prefers anonymity over outer power, fa me a n d wea lth . T h e 190 shows his wea lth, t h e 5 1 0 keeps h i s wealth secret. He is not concerned with t h e past (01 99) or the futu re (200-499) but with the now a n d if any change is underta ken , it is u nderta ken today, not tomorrow. There is no sense of "waiti n g " fo r someth i n g but p u re and raw i n itiative dri ven by divine inspiration . There i s no sense of l i near time. Linear th i n king ends at 499 . Th i s is the pure "I decide", "I create" which is done to its fu l lest. Above th is level the "I" is g ra d u a l l y replaced by Divin ity. He has m astered the a rt of p u re i ntention . H i s word is the l aw. He says X a n d X is. When he i ntends someth i n g there is no expectation or " h ow", "when" and "from where" someth ing wi l l come to pass . His i ntenti on is at the sa me time its fu lfi l ment. As such he is ca refu l of what he says and does not say. he can discern between truth and fa l sehood easi ly. Th i s discern ment is not based on t h e ind octri nated mora l s o f l ower levels but on natu ra l eth i cs, on seei ng the bigger picture . It's not that easy t o fin d a pure 5 1 0 beca use there a re not m a ny on the planet who occupy th is energy- level and if they do, they often avo id the p u b l i c . Others do not stay here long but either descend to l evel s that a re more in touch with mass-consciousness - i n order to rel ate to the world - or move on to h igher, even less dense fields. W h i l e he does have the power to -- 293 --
man ifest h i s i ntentions at w i l l , th is is not h is main interest. You too wi l l see that once you have the a b i l ity to have anyth i n g , you don't really care to have it anymore. He is of help to some as a neutra l observer, a judge, someone to turn a round a d i saster, som eone who is i n vo lved i n secret p rojects i nvolving h u m a n ity, someone involved i n h igh- level pol ities a n d economy, or one lea d i n g the life of a herm it. I n some cases he is simply you r everyd ay normal person who d oes not even use h is a b i l ities to the fu l lest but s i m p l y goes a round enjoying norm a l l ife, only risi n g to the occasion when called u pon by h i s sou l s wi l l . Accessing you r own pockets of 5 1 0 : What i s i n itiative? What is effortless to you ? I n wh ich a reas h ave you experienced power? What a re you 100% in control of? What a re some th ings that you decided that then ca me to be? What is you r sphere of i nfl uence? What a re some th ings you could actua l ly achieve with i n the next weeks? In the most cases this is a tra nsitory level whi ch one tem pora rily occupies i n order to get someth ing done or created . The 570 m i g ht be b l issing out on some mounta i n top and then descend to 5 1 0 when someth i n g worldly has to be done properly. The 470 m ig ht be doing research on something and then tem pora ri ly rise to 5 1 0 in order to get h i s resea rch fu nded . 5 1 0 is more of a fi l l i n g -station than a place to stay. Every level is its own para d i g m with its own laws, ru les and attitudes. 450 is the level of natura l sciences and that science ca n not be appl ied to level s above it. That would be l i ke trying to measure the power of m usic with a thermometer - it's the wrong tool . It therefore m a kes n o sense to try to want to g rasp, prove or -- 294 --
understa n d the 500s with the m i ndset a nd tools of a 400 . Wel l aware that most of the read ers of th is book reside on a ha bitua l vibrati on below 500 I a m menti o n i n g this s o that you know that you m ig ht not q u ite yet com prehend what these levels a re actua l l y a bout. They m ay a ppea r glamorous t o mid -levels, but g l a m o u r is a p rojection of the below- 200s. G l a m o u r, such as that of Ja mes Bond for exa m ple, s m a rtly d ressed , fa ncy ca r, su rrou nded by beautifu l women, overcom i n g all v i l l a i n s is the act of projecting power outside of oneself onto med iocre rea l ities, rather tha n sensing the power of I nfi n ity with i n . Ja mes Bonds Aston M a rtin wi l l do noth ing for you . It's a n i ce toy to have, but just l i ke any other toy, it w i l l eventu a l ly get bori n g . As such , the glamour of 190 has the power to i n spire a n d u pl ift civil izations below. They watch a Ja mes Bond m ovie a nd the i r energy frequency rate i ncreases . 1 2 5 is the level of l u st, of u nfulfi l led desi re . Its th is level i n w h i c h g la mou r is ta ken the most seriously. At 1 90 that g l a m o u r is actually experienced to some extent, but its q u ite u nfu lfi l l i n g . After a l l , what is the point of having 20 cars? What for? What is the point of own i ng the most expen sive jewel in the world? Its just a piece of stone. 290 is more i nterested in being g l a morous th a n accu m u lating g la m o u r. 510 has no interest i n g l a m o u r but it i s these people that l ower levels t h i n k a re "glamorous". They a p pear mysterious, l u m i n ous, fa ntastiC, m a g i ca l to those not here. 530 Love, Intuition, Appreciation
Th is is a very h i g h space where you need not find th ings to love i n order to increase your energy-leve l , beca use y o u are l ove itself. Appreci ation of everyth i ng i s present on a daily basis a n d often u nconditiona l . At 530 one a lso experience a strong sh ift in perception : At 0-200 it is d ifficult to focus beca use attention is scattered a n d not self-determ in ed .
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At 200- 500 one deli berately focuses attention on specifi c rea l ities in order to get th ings done or to experi ence that wh ich one focuses o n . At 5 3 0 + attention or observation is n o t focused anywhere in specific beca use awa reness is ever present. Th is wou ld be s i m i l a r to sight not being only out of the front of you r eyes but 360 a round you , or not being awa re of one object i n the roo m but the genera l amb ience of t h e enti re room . 530s a re very aware of what is happen i ng - both nea rby and fa r away. Its i m possi ble to hide anyth i n g from a 530 i n case you were attempting t o do s o . They have those sensors that m iss noth i ng . Lower energies try to i m itate the 530 -state by "fa l l i ng i n love" with someon e . Love-with -cond iti ons or love attached-to-an-object is only tem pora ry, a preview of 530, beca use it is dependent on circu msta nces. When "in l ove" you experience a l ittle bit of it for three to six weeks a nd only when the perso n you a re i n l ove with, is aro u nd . Energy ru ns through you r body and you a re w i l l i n g to surrender to you r partner fu l ly, to loose you r self i n that love. Wel l , that is what 5 30 i s l i ke a l l a l most a l l the time a n d i n rega rds to a nyone a nd a nyth ing ! 530 is a wa rm glow of love a n d su rrender, a vivid fi re, a n ongoing i n ner cl i max that gets stronger and stronger as one moves towa rd the Ecstasy of 570 . Sometim es, when you hold you r relati onsh i p or marriage pa rtner i n the focus of you r vision in u ncon d ition a l a ppreciation, you touch pockets of th is energy-field . Pure 5 3 0 is h a rd ly experienced by a nyone cu rrently a l ive on this pla net. Cop ies and tem pora ry pockets of 530 is what some have . One is i m m e rsed in goodwi l l , i m mersed i n en ergy. H e r presence does have a n -- 296 --
i m mediate hea l i ng effect on anybody nea r her. If you hea r some spiritual g u ru or teacher or see h i m or a re near h i m and your state noticeably shifts, then that teacher is a 530 . Spo nta neous hea l i n g and " m i racle" is not u n usual here beca use one recogn izes " m i racles" as the norm , not the exceptio n . The popsta r craze that some teens experience is d u e t o the fact that some sta rs c a n tem pora ri ly ta ke sh ift here while getti ng m ass-attention . It is the love of thousa nds that helps them shift i n to the 500s. A s i m i l a r th i n g can ha ppen to spiritu a l teachers who tra nsfer energy to the i r d isci ples ( but agai n : Most so ca l led "Gurus" a re nowhere near h i g her levels). Of cou rse, since the crazed teenagers have not fou nd the sou rce with i n themselves th i s " h i g h " is short-l ived . It lasts a bout as long as the concert does, with trickl es of resi d u a l memory lasti ng a week or two. Of course if that person recal l s the concert a few yea rs later, a few d rops of energy ca n sti l l be retrieved . Med itating on the memory of someth i n g energetic is one of the q u ickest ways to i m p rove ones energy-state . Should you ever wish to touch some 5 3 0 g ive u p you r strategizing, calcu lating a n d desperately needy m i n d and instead fol low i ntu ition and t h e i m m ediate sensing of th i ngs. This wi l l m a ke ascension to the 500smore probable - a level fro m which 5 3 0 w i l l natu ra l l y be touched n ow a nd the n . Side-effects of 5 3 0 states a re "para norm a l " perception and states of vivid l ucid ity while waking and d rea m i n g , b u t these " Pa ra norm a l " perceptions a re n o t considered very i m porta nt on th i s leve l . So a g a i n , by the time you ga i n magica l a b i l ities such as out-of-body-travel , clairvoya nce, remote view i n g , d i mension a l shifting, sha pesh ifti ng, etc. you no longer ca re a bout them . You care a bout even more Divine rea l m s . I n fact, " Remote View i n g ", an a b i l ity revered by the 1 00s a nd 200s, is noth ing m o re tha n the act of placing attention -- 297 --
somewh ere, letting go of imag ination, a nd receivi ng the information that you r "attention-particles" return back to you . The only d ifference to norm a l see i ng is that what is seen is somewhere else than you r cu rrent surroundings. I n the u n dersta n d i ng that awa reness never was l i m ited to the body or bra i n , th is co mes natura l ly. Ti me g ra d ua l ly beg i n s to dissolve here . It becomes ma llea b l e . Cause-an d -effect g ra d u a l ly beg i n to loose their a bsol ute rea l ity. Aftera l l , I nfin ity is no cause effect, but s i m p ly Is- ness. If it had a cause it wou ld be fi n ite . 500 is the high point of the intel l ect. 520 is the high point of the ego. At 5 3 0 the ego is i n the process of recl i n i ng beca use love and a ppreciation feel so m u ch better than the consta nt th i n ki ng- ness previously know n . J oy ( 500s) feels so much better than study (400s) . Th ings to ponder for touch ing 5 3 0 : What were some moments of l ove i n your l ife? What d o you deeply l ove? What do you deeply a ppreciate? What is sacred to you ? What is specia l a n d u n i q ue? What is the best th i n g that has ever happened to you? What is a m i racle you have seen yourself or hea rd about? What is evidence of the worki ngs of a h igher force/so u rce? What a re some exa m ples of the abu nda nce of the u n iverse? What is exh i la rati n g ? What a re some o f t h e best th i ngs that exist? What is a moment you felt an i ntu itive h u n ch that turned out to be right? 500-520 gai ned power, 530 s u rrenders even that power. It is tem pti n g to th i n k that 520 is the height of h u m a n potentia l . But here one recog n i zes that there is a n even g reater power. Th at power is the power of the -- 298 --
Field, of the U n i verse, of God , of Source, of Infin ity. On 450-520 one com m u n icates with ones H ig her Self, on 530 one is the H i g her self. I l l n ess, Disease a n d Pa i n a re a rarity from 500 u pwa rd s . From 5 3 0 u pwards a new type of pain may occasiona l ly a rise, especi a l ly if you r body- m i n d sti l l conta i n pockets o f l ower energy. Th is new type o f p a i n i s the body- m i n d that i s overwhelmed by too m uch energy. The body a n d m i n d were not desig ned to let more energy tha n 600 flow th rough a nd even 500s a re sometimes too much . Th is is why some, who a re not entirely "clea n " as fa r as pockets below 200 go, w i l l have so-ca l l ed " Ku n d a l i n i Experiences", i . e . m uscle jerki n g , identity-crisis, para normal perception etc. A 5 3 0 ca n usua l ly handle them thoug h and if resista nce rel eased, they pass fa i rly q u ickly. If they ca n not be handled , one can always d rop back to low 500s which a re a l ready sufficient for a very, very happy life on earth . In my experience ascending a bove 600 is n ot even necessary for a wholeso me existence on earth and as a sou l . 540 Happi ness, H u mor, Bl iss
Th is is the energy-field where H u mour ori g i nates . When lower levels experience H u mor, they a re ch a n ne l l i n g it from 540 . Th i s is the p u re Lig htness of bei n g . Col o u rs a re perceived as m o re i ntense. The world is perceived more deeply a n d more three di mensional ly. Sounds a re more i nteresti n g , a l most touchable. O bjects seem to have a s h i m m eri ng g l ow about the m . You a l m ost see the world as energy. Most of us w i l l o n ly experience th i s tem pora ri ly - if ever. Th is is the stage you wou l d stop ta ki ng any of what I am writing seriously. Any form of l i m itation or concept sou nds laughably a bsu rd and can be the ca use of la ughter. Inform ation is seen as mea n i ng less beca use a l l is a l ready kn ow n . Evo lution a n d l i near -- 299 --
prog ression a re a n I l lusion . Rushes of energy and b l iss ca n be felt th roughout the body reg u l a rly. Dua l ities slowly but s u rely d isi nteg rate . The h igher we cl i m b on the sca le, the less there actu a l ly is to write about the respective state. I n fact, every word uttered is a l i e . The Is-ness o f what-is, is obvious as i t i s . There is not much left to say. What is fu n ny a bout l ife? What is fu n ny a bout you rself? What is sere n ity? What is peace? When do you feel at peace? When do you feel com pletely ha ppy? Is a l l wel l ? Ones love i s mea nw h i l e s o i ntense that everyth ing i s seen a s beautifu l , perfect, o f i nterest. N oth ing u n i nteresti n g or not worthy of attention exists . You cou l d be sta ri ng at the wh ite wa l l a n d th e th i n gs you see there wou l d be the most fasci nating th i ngs you have ever see n . There is no longer the expectation that the outside world ca n "enterta i n " you beca use the energy a l l comes from with i n . The Spi ritua lity of Levels 550-700
550 is the level of Sa lvation as ta ught in Chri sti a n ity. Th e actu a l reason Jesus Ch rist ca me to p l a net ea rth is beca use humans were not capa ble of ach ieving e n l i g hten ment (600) a s taught by Bud d h a . And so Jesus acted as an i ntermed i ate who would vouch for the sou ls that had died a nd help them a scend from there onwa rd . There a re special afterl ife p roced u res for those who d i e at 5 5 0 . One cou l d say that these sou l s a re "saved" in a Ch ristian sense . I n deed prayer and devotion to Jesus as the Lord is a 550 activity. And 550 i s i ndeed a place to be for entry to heaven . Al l below 500 a re not g ra nted perm ission to enter. -- 300 --
Below 1 00 is w hat is considered " H e l l " i n Christia n ity. Chri stian ities errors a re i n th i n ki n g that Hell is "etern a l ", i n th i n king there a re o n ly th ese two places in the after l ife - Heaven a nd Hell, when in fact there a re Tri l l ions of places - a n d thinki n g that other paths a re "wro n g " as com p a red to their own . From Christia n Sa lvation b e i n g at 550 w e ca n see that Christia n ity is not as "evi l " as many see it, but neither is it the "only and only truth " as they themselves see it. Some Ch ristia n people a nd books that measure in the 500s incl ude M a rti n Luther ( fou nder of Protesta nti s m ) , Pope John Pa u l II, Pope Bened ict, Father Pio, Saint Augusti ne, Sa i nt Patrick. Excl u d i n g the 30% of the Kora n which prom ote below200 behavi o u r, it too m easures in the spiritu a l l y powerfu l 5 0 0 s . I s l a m as it w a s mea nt t o be p racticed · flo u ri shed i n the m i dd l e ages while the rest of the world was l iving in a state of Darkness . It spawned a rt, culture, spiritu a l g rowth . Today it man ifests as below- 1 00 J i hadism, 200-ish Mediocrity 400-ish I nteg rity and even 700-ish Mysticism . The d i fferent types of J udaism a re not as rad ica l l y different as they l i ke t o portray themselves. A l l represent a fa i rly sophisticated level o f spiritua l ity. O rthodox J ud a ism measures at 5 2 5 and w h i l e a l l the strict ru les su rrou n d i n g it a ppea r absurd a n d u n n ecessa ry t o us outsiders, t h e d isci p l i ne wi l l focus them into a very certa i n and disti nct rea lity in the afterl ife . Both Conservative, Reform a n d Reconstruction ist J uda ism measu re a t a round 5 50 , M essianic Juda ism i s 5 6 0 , Hasidic Juda ism is 605, The Tora h 550, the Ta l m ud 590 . Ka bbalah measures at 630 a n d the Zoh a r at 700. M a ny Hymns, N ational Hymns a n d World-Fa mous Songs measure in the 500s. "Si lent N i g ht" is a Song of 5 50-energy as a re Amazing Grace a n d J oy to the World ; they a l l have the powe r to hea l and to w i pe out -- 301 --
below-200 energy from the m oment they are sung . Artists i n the 500s include our most bri l l i a nt comed ians (sta nd - u p comed i a n s usua l ly cha n nel 500s energy without which it wou l d be difficult to m a ke crowds l a u g h at a l most everyth ing they say) . M ost of the big pai nters that h ave touched M i l l ions m a ke it up to the 400s ( Kl i mt, va n Gog h , Ru bens) an 500s ( Rem bran dt, Da Vinci, M ichelangel o ) . M a ny m usici a n s often borrow from 500s energies i n order to work their a rt. Many thousa n d s a l so rad iate at 500 ha b itua l ly. Lou i s Armstrong, for exa mple, ca n seen t o be i n a nea r consta nt state of Ecstasy ( 570) when he performs a n d a state o f Appreciati on (530) w h i le n o t perform i n g . Moza rt ca n b e felt to be i n that state a s wel l . Places of Power a re often settings that a re dedicated to higher p rinciples, to the U n iverse, or to the Su preme Creator. In the 500s you will find Stonehenge, the Pieta , the Wa i l i ng Wa l l i n Jeru sa lem, the entirety of Angkor Watt, the Vatica n . M erely wa l ki n g a round at these places can have a tra nsformative effect on you r m i nd , body or sou l . If you a re open to it an aware of the energy-fields you ca n use such fields for positive p u rposes. In the 600s you have the Notre Dame, Chartres, Westm i n ster Abbey, Taj M a h a l , the Basi l ica of St Peter a n d a few others . H ow do you know you a re dea l i ng with structu res in the 600s? You r m i nd is stu nned to silence i n the i r Presence . They attract crowds sta ri ng at them in awe . If you fa i l to fee l any Reverence for such structu res I'd recom mend clea nsing your body a n d m i nd from below-200-vi bes. Contra ry to the cla i m s of some resea rchers, there a re no earthly structures a bove 700. Of interest to some a re the Docu ments on wh ich the fou n d i n g of America and its subseq uent success a re based : The Gettysburg Add ress by Abra h a m Linco l n , -- 302 --
one of the m ost fa mous speeches of a l l ti me, beg i ns with "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal." The entire speech
meas u res at 500. The US B i l l of Rig hts measures at 5 1 0, the Declaration of I n dependence at 540 and the US Constitution itself at 590, one of the h i g hest a written docu ment ca n reach . The reason there a re no written Docu ments a bove level 600 i s beca use the faculty of writi ng and read i ng itself i s a 400-rea l m Rea l ity. I a m aware that t h i s contradicts what other Sca le-Resea rchers and Authors say, but thats s i m ply the way I perceive a nd measu re it. An activity you can do to align with energy level 200 is go to a Fast- Food - Resta u rant. For high 200s you can go watch a m ovie. For the 300s you ca n ta ke a cru ise along the Riviera in a fa ncy ca r. For the 400s you ca n go to the Opera . But what activities a re there that wi l l s u m mon 500s a nd 600s energy? Ta king part in a n a uthentic Native America n Sweat Lodge Ceremony is 560. Attending a Mason ic I n itiation is 5 0 5 . The Prayerfu l H a n d Clasp w h i l e Su rrenderi ng your enti re Existence to The Most High is 540 . Attending a ch i l d - b i rth is 600 . Pa i nting is a 500s activity as is Com posing M usic ( however, Composing Music with a Softwa re-Seq uencer is more of a 400s activity, even tho u g h one can chan nel i nspiration from the 500s a n d 600s) . Levels 475-530 concern my power, my w i l l , my creation of rea l ity. At 540 ones will is surrendered to Source, to Divine w i l l , Divine power. From that pOint forwa rd , person a l w i l l a n d d ivine w i l l work in U n ison . One m a kes choices a n d decisions but asks for g u idance . One m oves fo rwa rd with w i l l power, but h u m i l ity is added . One has intentions, but it is -- 303 --
understood that not the world-self creates any of that, it is Infi n ity that creates it. M u ch of Buddh ist a n d H i nd u Chanting happen from 500 and 600 rea l m s . C h ristia n Com m u n ion is 5 70 . The h ig h est chant is sou nd i n g a long, resonant " O M " ( n ot AU M but O M ) . Th is is stronger tha n merely saying "OM" or using it i n connection with Om Mane Padme H u m (590), Om N a m a Sh ivaya (590). Sounding O M is a n 7 50s a ctivity. Why? Beca use the sound of O M represents t h e Source o f a l l -that-is. Sou n d i n g it once i n awhile w i l l have i nteresting effects on your l ife, m a ny of them su btle, some not so subtle . In H i nduism, S i kh ism, J a i n ism a n d Budd hism, the sym bol O M l ooks l i ke th i s :
Th is is derived from a n older ta ntric symbol that conta i ns a cross, a h a lf-m oon and a ci rcl e :
Th ese are rep resentative of t h e three m a i n stream s of -- 304 --
rel i g ious energy i n the wo rld. The cross is represen tative of Ch ristianity a nd the writi ng, lang uage a n d m usic of the western world is indeed cross-l i ke, stra i g ht a nd l i nea r (th is stream a lso i n cl udes Judaism ) . The circle is representative of H i n d uism a nd i ndeed the written letters of H i n d u l a ng uages a re circu lar, as is the spoken l a ng uage a n d the m u sic. The h a lf-moon represents M us l i m rel ig i on a n d Persian and Arabic w riting a n d m usic a re i n deed fu l l of h a lf-circles. To com pa re the letteri ng of the th ree streams of energ y : E n g l ish : LETTE RS Ara b i c : �..,>&-ll Ma l aya la m :
i •
Th e non - H i n d u Asian La ng uages and Buddhism feature a m i xture of a l l th ree. Some S p i ritual teachers of the H i g h 500s : Ra m Chandra , Dalai La m a , Confucius, Gopi Krishna, Pa ra m h a nsa Yogananda, Rosh i Suzuki, Ch uang Tzu , Ru hyat o f O m a r Khayya m . If you a re n o t fa m i l iar with them, l ook them u p in the I nternet. Some sort of basic fa m i l i a rity with h i g h -energy teachers is "req u i red learn i n g " for you r own spiritu a l m atu ration . Some Spiritu a l Teachers of the 600 s : M u kta nanda, Ra mesh Balseka r, Meister Eckh a rt, Saint Theresa of Avi l a , St. Pa u l , M oh a m med, Ra bbi M oses de Leon , S h a n ka ra , N isa rgadatte M a h a raj , Ra mana M a h a rs h i , Bod h i d h a rm a , Dagen, H u a n g Po, Abra h a m , M oses . Some scri ptures of the h i g h 500s i nclude the Book of Kells, the Tibeta n Book of the Dead, Veda nta Scri ptu res . Scri ptu res of the low 600s include Avh inavagupta, M i d rath , Mishneh, Kash m i r Sa ivisn ism, -- 305 --
Th e Gospel of St Luke, Scriptu res referri ng to Satori , Scri ptu res referri ng to Sufism . The Ch risti a n N i cene Creed measures at 650 . The Vij na n a Bha i rava measures at 620. There a re m a ny, m a ny more but th is should serve as exa m ples of what q ua l ity is to be expected at these levels. All Va riations of Buddh ism (Zen, H i naya n a , M a h aya n a ) measu re in the 600s. Large parts of H i n d u ism (Rig-Ved a, Ra maya na, U pa n ishads, Bhagavad-G ita ) measu re i n the 600s. For the average h u m a n a d ifference between 590 a n d 750 d oes not rea l l y m atter. Both a re o f significa nt spiritu a l power. In fact, the 590 energy may be more effective fo r m ost people tha n the 7 5 0 . As mentioned earlier there a re no scri ptura l texts beyond the 700s, despite the rid iculous cla i ms by some a uthors that their boo ks measure hig her ( a cla i m obviously spu rred by the Egos self-aggra ndizement and attitude that the energy-levels constitute some sort of ra n ki ng ) . Th e reason th is is so i s beca use the written word is a Menta l -ization and that natu ra l ly places it to 400rea l m s . The l ove and i ntel l igence with which someth i n g is written ca n then take that energy all the u p to 700, but no higher. This i s why it is very d ifficult to put 700+ experiences i nto words that ca n be understood .
-- 306 --
570 Ecstasy, Exa ltation
Th is is the level of Ecstasy reached by mystica l practice, prayer, med itation, chanti n g . , repetitive exercise, Devotion to God , h ig her Lucid Drea m i n g , angelic Tra nce, devotional Dance . 570 is a s h i n i n g l ig ht of i m mense strength a n d beauty. It is so intense that the body someti mes becomes tem po ra ri ly i n ca pacitated . To outsiders this state can look l i ke a form of mad ness. It ca n be reached by people who habitua l ly vi b rate 500 onwa rds th roug h single pOi nted ness. That ca n mean repeated singing a nd cha nti n g , repeated prayer or ma ntra , repeated affi rmation or menta l focus on one spot. If you ask " H ow do I know if I have reached th is?" you certa i n l y have n o t experienced 570 yet. The state is i m mediately recogn ized when it comes on . Not all who ascend from the 500s to the 600s m a ke a stop at 570, it is skipped by som e beca use it ca n be a d i straction to a ctua l Enlig htenment at 600. 6 0 0 Peace, Bliss, Seren ity
What is called Satori , Moksha , Li beration , E n l i g hten m ent i n Eastern Trad ition, begins at 600 . Contra ry to the Ecstasy of 570, 600 is deeply tra n q u i l . Life is Lig htness, Blessedness, Peace of M i n d , Beatifi c . Many w h o fol l ow so me spi ritual path a i m at th is place but few experience it for longer periods of ti m e . It is safe to say that there a re cu rrently no more than 1 0 0 people on e a rt h a bove 600 . One ca n touch the 600s in the context of Med itation, but the energy is usually only p resent d uri ng that M ed itation a nd not before or after. One reason that not many a re here is beca use the ea rths energy-field is 200 a n d 600 is s i m ply not of-ea rth . That's why, when vi brati ng here m a ny don't stay on ea rth fo r too long unless they deli berately a nd with a n effo rt of the person a l w i l l (or wh at's l eft of it), re-connect with l ower levels. Those who do stay on earth experience deep and expa nsive wideness even in -- 307 --
chaotic a nd loud circu msta nces. Contra ry to the crazed exa lted state of the 570, the 600 is usua l l y fu l l y present, awa re and ca l m . The depth of tra n q u i l l ity i s beyond any sort of conventional rel axation, tra nce state or deep M ed itation . . . it is the tra n q u i l l ity of oneness with Infin ity. The sta rry nig htsky is a rem i nder of the 600s. Looking out i nto the vast ocea n is a rem i nder of the 600s . In the h i g h 500s there is a n O bserver and that which is O bserved . For exa m p le, there is a "Me" who i s Prayi ng to a G o d . There i s s u bject a nd Object. Th is d u a l ity beg i n s to d i ssolve i n the 600s. If you meditate on observing you r strea m-of-thoug hts for an hour w h i le red ucing you r reaction/respon se a nd merely becom ing the pure O bserver, you w i l l touch upon the h i g h 500s a nd even 600 . But if you notice that that which is bei ng o bserved a nd the O bserver a re part of the sa me story, part of the sa me memory, part of the sa me energy, you have made a j u m p to 650 . Without an o bserver there is noth i n g to be observed . Therefore, that which is observed req u i res an observer i n order to exist as fa r as you 're concerned . Therefore the observer and the observed are both p a rt of the sa me "field of energy", a re the sa me thi n g . Put differentl y : I f you do n o t use you r memory, who a re you? If you do n ot use you r memory, ca n you fi nd th i s " m e" that you th i n k you a re? Contemplate th i s before rea d i n g o n . And if you a re n ot th is "me" that i s merely a memory, merely a thoug ht, what a re you?
-- 308 --
Are you p u re awareness? And ca n you see you rself as p u re awareness? But if you can observe you rself as p u re awa reness, you ca nnot be pure awa reness either. So if you a re not that either, what a re you then? Such a re the Contem plations and M ed itations con d ucive of reaching the 600s. They a re n ot a n Ana lysis (400s) but merely a n observation o f that-which-is a nd the i ntention t o fi nd out "What am 1 7 " In the 600s you a re n ot "an O bserver", you a re O bserving- ness itself, you are Awa reness. 700 Non-Duality, Oneness, Void
The void is a n infi n i te space that a ppears as " N oth ingness" to a h u m a n m i n d . It is a level of consciousness or energy that m a ny m ista ken with "The U ltimate Enlig htenment", beca use it is indescribably vast. Its an i nfi n ite space which one is. One is not "in" that space, one "is" it. There is noth ing at all there a n d yet it is the co ntext i n wh ich all th ings a ppea r. There is no mind, no self, no thoug ht, no desire, no attachment, no p u rpose, no emotion but only vastness, o n ly awareness. As i ncred i bly vivid a n d rich th is " N othing ness" is (wh ich is n o t noth i ngness at a l l ) , there is rea l ly not m u ch to say about it, except that it is is-ness, existen ce, being-ness in its pure form . But it is not "the ulti mate state", despite its appeara nce. Imagine you a re turn i ng a rad io d i a l a round a nd it picks u p va rious stations, va rious realities. I n between the stations, in between the rea l ities there is static, a sort of " Noth i ngness". But this static is not o n ly i n -- 309 --
between the stations but i n the backgro u nd of a l l the stations. I n fact, it i s the si lence from which a l l stations a rise . Anoth er exa mple : You cou ld not hea r the bird ch i rp i ng if it were not for the backg round of silence . If everyth ing were noise, you cou l d n ot here anything i n specific. S o you need a l ot o f " n oth i n g ness" to perceive any "som eth ingness". The Voi d is that which i s ever present before, d u ri n g , after, i n front of, behind every creation . As consciousness expa nds of its own a ccord p u re non d u a l bei ng-ness, p u re o bserving- ness, p u re u n i versal and cosmic floating-ness is what a rises. The world has not created the voca b u l a ry to descri be states a b ove 700 which is why these sections a re l i ke trying to descri be rocket science with a ncient latin voca b u l a ry. M aybe you ca n get a felt sense of it with the fol lowing descriptions : As you sit there notice what you hear. And notice how hearing ha ppens a l l by itself. There is no "I" o r "I hear" req u i red for hea ring to happen. The re i s no thought o r intention req u i red for heari n g to happen. N o effort req u i red . Hea ri n g is a g iven . So for a moment, let go of the I hear" o r the th i n king-a bout " hearing or the wanti ng-to-hea r a nd be hearing itself. N otice th at no "I" is req u i red for hea ri n g . Be the hearing and what is heard. Rest there for a few m i n utes. You will notice that there is no " m e" that is sepa rate from the U n iverse . That "me" is a n I l l usion . Th en, try the sa m e fo r looki n g , seeing o r observing . Perception here a l so happens a l l by itself, without a goa l , intention o r effort req u i red . D isrega rd the "I see " for a moment and be what is seen and be seeing itself. At level 1 2 - 1 6 you a re a n observer, at 1 7 you are the observing if that l i n g u istica l l y m a kes any sense. The sepa ration between " m e" and I nfi n ity sta rts d isa ppea ri n g . -
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Non- D u a l ity means that a l l is experienced as O N E . Hot-a nd-Cold, Light-and- Da rk, Up-and- Down, Left a n d - Right a re not sepa rate items but the sa me th i ng . Actu a l l y there i s n o such th ing a s da rkness, there is only l ig ht and the a bsence of l i ght. Li kewise, you o n l y have a lig ht-switch but not a da rkness-switch . I s t h i s m a ki n g sense? In Infi n ity t h e concepts o f u p a n d down , left a n d rig ht, hig her and l ower d o n ot exist. In fact, a l ready beg i n n i n g at 500 yo u notice how the levels of th is sca le, espec i a l ly 0-499 a re " a l l nearly the sa m e leve l " when com pa red to a broader context. Th is is why the sca le is i rrelevant on th is l evel of bein g . Levels 700- 1 000 a re places and states norm a l l y experienced as a sou l for exa m pl e i n pre-life a n d afterl ife rea l m s . Strictly spea ki ng they a re n o t "above" other levels but encircling the m . Imagine severa l concentric circles a n d th is sca l e of "levels of energy" representi ng the q u a l ity of the i n nermost ci rcle or density. The i n nermost ci rcle then conta i n s the l i near thought i n which such a sca le ca n be show n . The outer ci rcles a re other d i m e nsions and conta i n beings a n d events beyond t h e concerns o f t h e inca rnate h u m a n . S o the i n nerm ost ci rcle is conta i ned i n the outer circles but not vice-versa . Above 900 is "the" field, not " a " field but that field from which a l l other fields a rise. Shape, Actio n , Movement, Emotion, Thoug ht, I ntention a re formed here . Play, Fu n , Bea uty, Eth ics, Truth, Consciousness, Individual ity, Identity and the p hysical U n iverse a re created from this leve l . A soul rad iating at 900 experiences M u lti - D i m ensional ity, Pa ra l lel U n iverses a nd the O m n i verse as a whole. Dua l ity a n d Pola rity a re o n ly tools, not rea l ities here . Concepts that measure i n the 900s a re : Jesus C h rist, Budd h a , Krishna, Zoroaster. I do not know what is a bove 1 000 and my conscious m i n d only has the vag uest i m pression of it. It is a bout -- 311 --
God, Creator, The Alm ig hty, Ru ler of the U n iverse, M a ker of H eaven a nd Ea rth, The Grand Arch itect of the U n iverse, M a ker of a l l th ings visible and invisible, Om n i potent, O m n i p resent, The S u p reme, The Supreme Bei n g , Source of a l l Life a n d Existence, Sou rce of a l l that i s, The Holy Spirit, Al l a h , An, S h iva, Vis h n u , Bra h ma, Ishvara , Ra m a , Krishna, C h ri st, Ch rist Consciousness, Purusha, Self, Atma n , Infi n ity. Th is com p letes th e basic Sca le of Energy. You now have more than enough i nform ati on to process . Once learn i ng a bout energy-levels, it ca n ta ke a lifetime for the m i nd to grasp the enormity of it all, but that ha ppens a l l by itself once the genera l levels are understood . That means knowing the sca le a lone w i l l heig hten you r awa reness a n d faci l itate you r spiritu a l g rowth, without a ny specific practice o r exercise req u i red. You may extrapol ate this knowledge to a l l ki nds of th i ngs i f i t contri b utes t o you r com passion towa rd others and you r enjoyment of l i fe .
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4 E n l i g hten ment
My g rasp on the s u bject of Enlightenment is not beca use I am e n l i g htened myself, but have experienced glimpses of it, as i t i s u n de rstood i n Eastern a n d Western Mysticism, a t va rious ti mes th roughout l ife .
At the age of 1 4 I went i nto a state of i ndescri b a b le vivid ness, which la sted for several days before I "ca m e back down " . Th is state w a s without any sense of l i m itatio n , a ny sense of self, any sense of need . It was i ntensely energetic and b l issfu l . H owever, I was u nable to fu nctio n as a norm a l human beca use I la cked noth i n g . I d id not feel the desi re to eat, to go somewhere, to d o som eth ing, to learn a nyth i n g , beca use I felt infi n ite - awa re o f everyth i n g at the sa me time. So what I m ostly did was sit a rou nd in my roo m starin g at thi ngs in awe. Even the m ost m u ndane objects had a s h i m m e r to the m , everyth ing looked flu i d and shiny. The world was n ot one of ha rd objects fixed at a certa i n l ocatio n , but of flowi ng conti n u u m . J ust sitti ng there sta ring at the world was the m ost a mazi ng experience . After a few days my sense of a d i sti nct "self" l i vi n g "in the worl d" reassembled so that I cou l d fu n ction as a h u m a n . Prior to that there was the sense that I cou ld leave h u ma n existence a n d just l et go of the body a n d " l ife", a n d that it wou l d not mea n too m uch if I d i d . The " Life" we a l l ta ke so very seriously felt l i ke one h u ge comedy show. With the retu rn to a "norm a l state" the rushes of en ergy a n d ecstasy that had been cou rsing th rough the body a lso disappeared and I was my "norm a l " self aga i n . It would a lways be a few yea rs before fu rther " g l i m pses" i nto states of hyperrea l ity a n d superconsciousness would occur. Its as if I d always be g iven just enough "experientia ls" to a ppreciate this State and ta l k a bout it later on but not q u ite enough to -- 313 --
be l i berated from the h u m a n condition . There is a lways the sense that if too m uch energy flows through the body, the body w i l l j ust d i e off a n d consciousness wou ld j ust fade out into Infi n ity. At the age of 22 there were va rious paranorm a l events such as out-of- body travel, cla i rvoya nce, and spontaneous hea l ings. M a ny of these para n orm a l a b i l ities never returned aga i n . Th ere was the rea l ization that these a b i l ities a re not " my" a b i l ities but the a b i l ities of the overa l l energy-field that was merely using my body- m i n d for va ri ous m i racu lous occu rrences. Ta ki n g person a l cred it for su pernatura l ski l l s wo uld b e i n a pprop riate . At 22 I a lso had w h a t I would later learn a re " Kun d a l i n i " surges o r awa ken i ng s . Th is basica l ly meant that en ergy s u rged th rough the body and made it jerk and j u m p invol unta ri ly. At o n e o f these times my body, lying in bed, j u m ped u p so h igh it h it the cei l i n g of the room and stu n ned my g i rlfriend who demanded to know : "What is going on with you ?" N ot being that literate i n spiritu a l matters I had no cl ue what exactly went on with me but knew it m ust have someth i n g to do with a l l the med itation practices I was trying out. Then aga i n , m a ny yea rs of noth i n g as I just lea d the m u ndane l i fe everyone else lives. It's rather d isappointing to l ive th at norm a l l ife after knowing a state of experience that is thousa nds of ti mes as i ntense and rea l . I n com parison to the state th is so ca l led " real ity" pales, s i m i l a r to how a 2 - Di m ensional d rawn pictu re of a tree pa les i n com pa rison to a real tree . There's j u st not as m u ch " rea lness" to it. M a ny yea rs later, at the age of 27, and then even later at 33 I had fu rther experience of these states wh ich a re known u nder a l l kinds of na mes a n d categories i n spiritu a l teach ings o f the east b u t less known i n the west. It was tha n ks to eastern l iteratu re that I was a ble to put some of these experi ences i nto some perspective . From these experiences there a re m a ny -- 314 --
th ings I d o not know, but there a re a lso some th i n gs I ca n say with certa i nty. There a re d ifferent types/q u a l ities/stages of enlightenment. So when someone is referri ng to THE e n l i g hten m ent he is most ofte n referri ng to o n e of the va rious stag es of e n l i g hten ment. One stage feels l i ke u nconditional love . Another feels l i ke b l iss. Yet a n other feels l i ke i nfin ite nothi ng n ess. Another is kind of celestia l . And a nother is non-d u a l isti c. *
* Another certa i nty is that anyone who claims "I a m e n l i g htened" is n ot. The reason for th is is that the self, the "I a m " ca n n ot experience e n l i ghten ment beca use e n l i g hten ment is a state of concept-less, i nfin ite and eterna l oneness without any sense of a sepa rate "self" .
One ca n not "ach i eve" e n l i g hten ment i n some sort of p rog ression, acq u isition, because enlig htenment a l ready is. Th is is kind of h a rd to expla i n . An a na logy : A d rop of water i n the ocea n ca n not "achieve" beco m i n g the ocea n ; it can not "ach ieve" beco m i n g water, beca use it a l ready is. Therefore a ny "self" that is attem pti ng to "ach ieve" e n l i g htenment is merely playi ng a game and not l i kely to experience, no matter how m a ny yea rs of med itation he does, how m a ny teachers a re visited, how many books a re stud ied, how m a ny techn i q ues a re pra cti ced . *
G l i m pses of these super- real states (as I ca l l them, beca use they a re outrageously beautifu l ) a re actu a l l y easier t o experience tha n most suspect. I a m not q u a l ified to teach how to be these states permanently beca use that has not been my own experience, but I ca n share insig hts on getting a taste of them .
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5 Measu ring Levels of E n e rgy
The m a i n mea ns of knowing the energy-level of anyth i n g is familiarity with the sca le. It is easy to te l l what someth i n g i s i n genera l . I know there is noth i n g outside of 1 - 1 0 00 o n pla net ea rth so that na rrows the scope. I know that anyth ing a b ove 600 i s very ra re so that na rrows it down even more . I know that 0 - 1 00 is t h e h e l l i s h , 1 00 - 1 99 a re l ow and a n i ma l istic emotions, the 200s Fun ction a nd Physical ity, 300s Success and Prod uctivity, 400s Intel lectu a l , 500s J oy and Love, 600s Peace and Bliss. From th is a lone a ny rea der cou l d i m m ed i ately place anyth i n g i nto a genera l 1 00s- bracket. Discern i n g between 700, 8 0 0 and 9 0 0 wou l d perhaps req u i re more spiritu a l ed u cation a n d experience. Th ose who a re not fa m i l i a r with any such sca le, ca n sti l l pe rceive what is closer to the Lig ht a n d fu rther away from it on our Thermometer of energy. Anyone ca n tel l hot from cold u nder norm a l circu msta n ces. What is not of Love and Peace i s not of God, it does not ta ke a genius to rea l ize that. The o n ly people who have diffi cu lties d i scern i n g between what is benefici a l to h u m a n ity a nd what is not, a re th ose vi brating below 200, those who have strayed away from truth, rea lity, worka b i l ity, positive intentio n . Use you r com mo n sense a n d your intuition . You perceive even more truth , goodness a n d rea l i ty (which a re Synonymous, i n my view) when you a re i n a fa i rly re laxed or neutra l state . It is o n l y Demonization and Idealization that distort perceptio n .
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Th rough h eavy-d uty indoctri nation a n d m a n i p u lation tech n i q ues I ca n m a ke the bad l ook g ood a nd the good look bad . Some exa m ples . . . Ideal ization : "The I RS is a sincere outfit" Truth : The I RS is not rea lly i nterested in you Idea l i zation : "Iced-Coffee-Powder is made with Prem i u m Coffee" Truth : There i s no rea l Coffee in there Idea l ization : " D MT is the Spirit Drug with which you ca n Travel to other D i mensions" Truth : Its only Astral-Circus. Idea l ization : "Angel i n a Jolie is a n Angel sent from a bove" Truth : Jolie is a h u m a n with norma l u ps a n d d owns. Ideal ization : "Th is book is the most bri l l iant ever written ". Truth : Its o n l y one way of seeing th i ngs. Demon ization : "9/ 1 1 was a n Inside Job" Truth : 9/ 1 1 was reflective of I ncom petence with i n va rious Government Agencies Demon ization : "Democrats/li berals a re Com m u n i sts" Truth : They a re mostly just norm a l people who desire Freedo m . Demon ization : " Repu b l ica ns/Conservatives a re Fascists" Truth : "They a re m ostly j ust norm a l people who desi re Freedom . Demon izati o n : Catholics a re Pedophi les Truth : They a re m ostly normal people. Demonization : " Homosexuals a re menta l ly I I I " Truth : They a re mostly just norm a l people -- 317 --
The way to stop d i storting and perceive rea l ity as it is, is to g i ve up a l l expectation, want, aversion, judgement and intention i n that moment a n d s i m ply look or perceive without a ny of those fi lters . Loo k at some object i n you r surro u n d i ngs. G ive u p a l l fi lters a n d effort a nd concentration a n d merely "receive" what i s there . Wh atever sense or fee l i n g co mes u p natu ra l ly w h e n y o u do n o t spin stories o r l a bels a bout it, is what is true. S o m e people n atura l ly have this "open" way of seei ng th ings from b i rth, oth ers can learn it. An oth er method to a l low perception to open is to look at a th i n g or a thought or a person or a event and te l l yo u rself one of the fol lowing attitudes. "I don't know a nyth i n g a bout this" "I don't u ndersta nd this" "I don't know what th is means" "I let H igher-Self revea l its deeper mea n i n g " " I let G o d revea l t h e truth a bout this" "I let go of trying to fig u re th i s out" "Show me how to see this differently" Practicing to see things open ly, even childl i ke (as if you a re seeing them for the fi rst time) once in awh i l e will open you r perception of truth . On a leve l of consciousness a bove 800 you perceive everything as en ergy not only i nward l y but a lso visua l ly (th ings have a shim mer a ro u n d them or are no longer seen as solid o bjects but fl uid energy) . Once you know you a re perceiving th ings-as-they a re, or at least as th ey-a re on your level of consciou sness, you ca n beg i n asking you rself. . . "Is th i s a bove
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"Is this below
"Is this a bove 350? Above 3 8 5? Above 380? Is it at 380?" The a nswer i s sensed i n you r cha kras, often i n the solar- plexus reg ion or the u p per chest or foreh ead . The further away you a re from the mark, the more "off" your energy-sensors wi l l feel . It i s actually even better to m a ke statements than ask q u estions beca use you r energy-sensors (wh ich the cha kras a re ) , o n ly respond to someth ing true and fa i l t o respond t o someth ing u ntru e . So i f you say "Th i s is above 200" a n d you feel noth ing or feel down, then the statement is wrong a n d you can conti n u e with "Th i s is below 200", "Th is is below 1 50", etc. When you say "Th is is at 140" a nd that "feels rig ht" and no i nner objection a ri ses sponta n eously, you have you r a nswer. To review - th e com b i nation of fa m i l iarity with the sca le, open/free perception without filters (as a ca mera would perceive a scene, not as a biased h u m a n would), and aski ng or m a ki n g statements and fee l i n g the answers as j u st descri bed, wi l l m a ke it possible for you to determ i ne th e energy l evel of a nyth ing a nd everyth i n g . For g ood measu re a n d as the icing on the cake w e w i l l a d d muscle-testi ng to those three items. M u scle testing is based on the fact that you r body doesn't lie, that your m u scles go wea k when confronted with fa l sehood and rem a i n strong when confronted with truth . If you don't know what m u scle-testing a n d especia l ly solo- m u scle-testing i s, I recom mend you read u p on kinesiology before applying th is to levels of energy. Th is book is not the place to teach its basics. M u scle-testing levels of energy works the same as the state ment- m ethod just outl i n e except that rather tha n a n emotional response yo u a re feeling for a n -- 319 --
i m med iate and spontaneous m uscle response . You for exa m ple say "Th is bottle of coke m easures a bove 200" a n d then press down on you r i nd ex fi nger with yo u r m i d d le-fi nger w h i l e trying t o resist t h e push. I f the i ndex fi nger stays strong, the statement is correct, if the muscle goes weak the statem ent is i n correct. If it stays strong you wou ld conti n u e with "Th is bottle of coke measures a bove 2 50 ", and continue in th is way until you r m uscle goes wea k. Keep in m i nd that if you a re biased or hold strong bel i efs a bout a subject, you w i l l get d ifferent resu lts than someone who is neutra l on i t and merely intend ing to fin d out the n a ked, u nva rn ished truth . For Coca -Cola the average measurement testers get is between 220 and 305, btw. If you did not get a resu lt i n that ra nge you a re not i n touch with bias- less perception or you a re on a level of consciousness i n which m uscle-testing does not work (that would be below 200 a n d a bove 600 where one no longer goes wea k on a nyth ing ) . And fi n a l ly, for nea r-perfect resu lts you can form research-groups with other people i n order to get you r resu lts confi rmed by additional sou rces . J u st l i ke its not possible to lea rn a l a n g uage entirely on you r own, th is type of resea rch ca n not be done over longer peri ods of time without any corroboration, support and scrutiny from oth ers. All by you rself you ca n m a ke a nyth i n g to be "true". It i s only w hen certa i n resu lts ca n a l so be experienced by others that you r confidence i n rea d i n g energy i ncrea ses. Also note that you w i l l need to teach your body a nd m i nd one system , one sca le of th i n king . I reco m mend you use 1 -000 since that was used in th i s book, but of course you could a lso use a sca le of 1 - 1 0 or 1 - 100 000 or anyth ing else for that matter. One of the most reward i n g resu lts of lea rn i n g the sca le of en ergy is that life begins to m a ke sense in deeper ways and you beg i n to see th ings d ifferently than ever -- 320 --
before . The sca le in th is book is meant to g ive the entirety of your energy, including lower pockets, a boost to 475 a level from wh ich life rea l ly sta rts getti ng i n teresting . -
Enjoy the Ride ! Frederick Dodson 2009 The a uthor ca n be reached at eterna locea n ic@gma i l . com . The authors websites a re : www.oceanofsilence . com www. excel lencecoach . biz Discl a i m e r : N o n e o f what is written in t h i s book is a su bstitute for com m o n sense, your o w n intu ition, or conventional medical assista nce. T h e a uthor is not responsible for actions derived from the books contents.
Final N ote: Do not turn the contents of this Book into
a Bel ief-System , "Absol ute Truth" or some ki n d of Cult. Th is book is only one way of seei ng th ings. Once you a re fin ished seeing the world Dual istica lly, you can see it Spectrally for a w h i l e . Th en, one day, when you a re fi n ished seei ng it Spectra l ly, you let go of that too a n d see i t from t h e Eyes o f I nfi n ity.
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