FIGHTING FANTASYBOOKS Over13million copiessoldworldwidc!
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PuIffn Books
beneathils monstrousclaws! Fv"1 lhe hSeldrv t onc..veof DrdSon. \ poher.a. to nop 'he cterlLre. A l'Lrdn \e!o ir reeded a he.o rle YOU: VdnJ monstrousadveBa.iesarefanAedaAainstyou, but along the way you may ffnd ancient artefa.h to help you in you quest. Ultimalely, however, only exhao.dinary heroisn will itand againslthe Night D.agon Dde YOLja..epl the quest? Two dice,a p€nciled m eraserare all you need to emba* on this stming adventure,€s compl€tewith its onn elabo.ale combat system and a score she;t !o .ecord you Many ddger, lie aheadand your is anythinsbut cedain. Pohqtul .or.e-ol, enemie,ale idnsedap!,.sl yor it. up ro . ro isl dnd \ oL, ro de.,de w1!h ,oure !o foll;w. wlich o;nse"nd whi.h foes lo fight.The Nisht Drason mustbe sto:ppedr
SteveJacksonand Ian Livingstone present
Keitfi Martin Illustraledby TonyHough
st EJrd$ds SoRCERY 1 THI g]AMUTANN HILLS J TIJEsE!'E{ SERPENTS ,( THt CAOWNOFKNGS KT',{R6- CIT\?ORT OF TMTS ' FIGHnNG FANTASY- Th. THc RIDDLINGRF^WR - F{E Thrilin8 Advs*Uc II|€ Fighling fdt.ry NoEl3 THI TROLLTooTH WARS ChaosInvrde Alansir DEMONSTEATER - CbaddaDatnme R.tums SHADoWMASTER Ch.ddr Dall@ ud D€ath 'flE Aft{G.d Fis[&'g Feky qdd OUIOITHEPrI fGhungfanhyMocleE TITAN ThaF,shtineFutiN World Clmca D. N( EONET!"-A;lnrcdu. r 01,o thc!a oddoi Rol..pldyns BLACXSANDI- More Advacd FiStrtinSFrntasy
Pasdn cd? PurGh
''l.L:E LdJ.n uo F Eulnd Pqm B6b ud. i7 wiiBfib P.n!u3d&Us lr.,,7J Huds ShRr, Nd Yo . Nq Yo* rmla UsA Audnllr, P€nsu 3@r, AudEl! Lu. r,irlswood,vttd Pdslh Boo}5cinrdr Lrd, E ,Al@n AvlnE, Tobnb, oihno C$i4 q' ,P.nsd Bok NZ) Lrd, 4*1F wrlruu lrord, Au(k:id rc, N.w Zerhnd Phsi
n""h Lrd. R4t6.d
Mid.n*& En8hd INTRO
cdmepr6p"rghr a9 skverackrci.ndranLrns*onq ,ee, rlxt ropy'i8hl@ (!ith Mrdh rrr uu$rtq,s copyq$ @ Tdy Housll rFr ^n.dftffid 1. nml n*ht or th. rutls hs ba$ rd.a by Didx lnEm{ onrl Ltd. Bway, suffoll ftn$.d n EnsjlJ by ofy! Ld s' r]6t F{!ts n rb Uirld sbb oI hdo tft hol b dd lubid to th€ ond'tLon th* I shJl not by lry of kadeor othwiL !. l!',, r sold,hird oui, or orh€@is ciEuhicd yith@t ttu putlhhd , pnq.6*d in my Iom ot biidL$ or .owq dh* rhrnthrl in rhxn it is puHkhli :nd withdt : ririlr ddhor hcludiis thr E{dlid l{hs in€c.d o rhr flbigd Flldla
22 EAcKGRouND 24
Beforeembarkingon ihis adventure,you must 6rsl rvorkout your strengLhs andweaknesses. You usedice to delermrneyour iniLialsKrLL,srAMrNA and LUCK scores.On pages22 2j there 1s ar, AdamfureSheef wdlch you may use lo record the details of your adventure On it you will 6nd boxes for recording Y OU T S K ILL, S TA MIN A
You are advrsedeither to recordyour scoreson Lhe .ldaenLure Sheefin pencil or Lo make photocopiesof fhe page for use in future aLtemptsto complelethis adventwe Skill, Stamina and Luck Roll one die. Add 6 lo this numberGo this scorewrll bebetween7 and rz) Roll two dice Add rz to the total rolled (so thrsscore rvillbe betweenr4 and z4) Roll one die. Add 6 to this number(so this scorewill bebetween7 and r.z) ln this adventure,you play the role of a very skilled adventurer whose talenls have been developed through experienceTo reflect lhis, you may Bain eddilionalsKrrr,srAMiNAand/or LUcKas you choose You have two 'points'to spendto adjustthesescores;
for each 'point', you can do one,of three.thingsl indeasesKrLLby 1, increaseLUCKby 1, or mcrease 5rAMINAby 2. You can makeeachchoiceonly once (you can't use both cholcesin order to inseas€ gxltlbv z, for exarnple),nor may yoll ingeas€sxllL or rucx abovea maximumof r: Whenyou havedecided how Lo spendthese two preciouspoinls, record the final numLersfor your srtlr, STAMINAand Lucx in theboxes on the AdoenluteSheet For reasonsthal .will be exPlainedbelow, sxlll, srAMrNAand LUCKscoreschangeconsLanllyduring
Battles You will often ffnd yourself reading paragraphsin the book which instruct you to 6ght a aeahre of some sort. An option to flee may be givery if not - or if you choose to attack the seature anyway - you must resolvethe battleasdescribed below. Fi$t, recordLheopponmt'ssKrLLand srAMrNAscores in the tirst vacanl Monster EncounLerBox on yout Ad,tenlureSheelThe scoresfor eachcreatureare given every time you have an encounter.The sequencefor combatis then: r. Roll two dice for your opponenb.Add ils sKrLL score.This total is the deaturds Attack Skength.
additionscannotraiseany 6coreaboveits lrifitl fiSure, excepton rare occasionswhen you will be instrucbed accordinglyin a particuldParaSraPh and genYour srln scorere{lectsyour swordmanship eral Fishtins expertise lhe hi8her the better' Your .core ."flectsyour generalconstitution.your sr ^vri^
d personyou are. Luck and magic.arefacls of life in the excilingfantasyworld you areaboutto expJore
e. Roll two dice for yourself- Add your ovm srrrr score to the number rolled. This total is vour Attack Strength. j. If your Atta& Strength is higher than Lhatof your opponent,you havewoundedit: proceedto slep4. If your opponent'sAftack Strengthis higher than yours, it has woundedyou: proceedto step 5. If both Attack Strengthsare Lhe same,you have avoided eachother's blows; start the next Attack Round from step r, above. 4. You have wounded your opponent, so subtract 2 points ftom its sr^MrN^ score.(You nay use your t-ucr here to do additionaldamage see below.) Proceedlo step6. 5. Your opponenthas wounded you, so subtract2
points fiom your own srAMlNA score.(Again, you yo* rucr here to reducethe damage -"y,,r" your opponentdoes Loyou - sie below.)Proceed to step6. 6. Make the appropriate change to either your oPPonent's or your own sraMINA score (and to your LUc( scoreif you usediucr seebelow). 7. Begin Lhe next Atlack Round (rePeat stePs 1-6I untilthe srevlra of either conlinues Theseqr.rence you or your opponent has been reducedto zero (death).
Fighting More Than One Creature
otner, If you are told !o fight your enemiesall together, you shoulddeterminethe Atta& Strengthfor all lhe combatants indivrdually each Attack Rolnd Only the
If you are told to fight your enemiesone at a time, you fight them individually - one at a time and in order. You must overcome the first before you fight the second and so on (if you are facedwith more than two enemies). Luck At various timesduring your adventr.:re,eilher in batLles or when you find yourself in a sifuation in which you could be eilher Lucky or Unlucky (details of Lheseare given in the relevantparagraphs),you may call on your LUCKto makeLheoutcomemorefavourable. BuLbewarel Using rucr is a risky business,and if you are Unlucky, theresultscouldbe unfortunateor evendisashous! The procedure for using your lucx is as follows, roll two dice If the numberrolled is lesslhan or equalto your curent LUCKscore,you havebeenLuckyand lhe result will go in your favour. If the number rolled is higher than your currentLUcKscore,you have been Unlu&y and will be penalized. This procedureis lcrown as Testingyour Luck.Eachtime you do this, you must subkact 1 point from your currenlLUc( scorc,whetherthe outcomeis successfu] or unsuccessfr:ll You will soon realizethat, the more you rely on your rucx, themorerisky thiswill become. Using Luck in Battles
have slain him, to reducebheodds againstyou. Having overcomeone enemy,you lhen 6ght any that remain
In certain paragraphsof the book you will be told to TestyourL ck)yo:uwlll thenbe told the consequences
of your being Ludq or Unluclry. However, in battles you alwayshave LheoPtionof usingyour LUCKeither to inflict a more seriouswound on a creatue you have just wor.rndedor to reducethe effeclsof a wound a hasiustinflictedon you. creaLure If you have just wounded an oPPonentyou are fighF ing, you may Testyout Luckas descibed above. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severewound and may sraMINA deductz exlra points from your oPPonent's score(so Lhalyour blow reducesits STAMINAby 4 points,ratherthan the usualz poinls).However,if you are Unlucky, the wound was a merc gftze and you sraMINA must reitore r Point to )our oPPonenl's score(insteadof your blow causingthe usualz points it does only I point of of damageto its STAMINA" oinnagel, If your opponent has just wounded you, you may lesf your Luck lo try to minimize lhis wound. If you are Lucky, you have managedLo avoid the full impact of the blow and may restore 1 Point to your own (msteadof your opponent'sblow causing2 STAMINA points of damage[o your srAMIN,\ it does only r polnt oFdamageiButli you areUnlucky.thenyou have laken a more s€rious blow, and you musL deducL 1 e/r4 sraMrNA point (so that your oPPonmt'sblow causesdamageworth J srAMlNA points rather than the usualz)
Restoring Skill, Stamina and Luck SKiII Your sxrrr scorewill not changevery often during your adventure.Occasionally a paragraphmaygive an hshuction to increaseor deceaseyour SKILLscore. Your srtL scorecannolexceedits .lzifrrzl scoreunless you are specifically instructed to the contrary- You will have the chanceduring this adventure to acquire magic items, includint a Magic Sword, which increase your Altack Strength. ff you acquke two Magjc Swords,you caimot gain bonusesLo your Attack Strength for both of them - you can only use one ar a flmet
TestingYour Skill Sometimesyou will be instructedto Testgout Sleill, This happenswhen you undertakean action which is uncertain of successjhow skilful you are will affect whether you re successfulor not. You Testyow Skill by rolling two dice and adding the scorestogether. If the fotal rolled is lessthanor equalto your sur; you are successftrl.If lhe total rolled is greater than your srrrL, you have failed. The relevantparagraphswill tell you what successand failure meanwhen you Tesl your Skill. However, you do rof have to subkact any poinfs from your sKrrl scorc for Tuting your ShlI m fhis way; this is a crucial dlflerence between Testin2 your Skill and Testingyour Luckt. Quite often, you may face a difficult lask in which
your s(rLL is tested to the ful! for example,you may be inshuded to Test yow 5[111.'adding z to the number rolled. What this meansis that when you roll two dice you must then add z lo the [olal, if you had rolled a 4 and a 3, your modified robl would thus be 9. You then comparethis 6nal total with your s(lLL to discoverthe outcomeof the tesL. Sla.mifi a afid Ptooisio1ls Your sTAMINAscorewill go up and down a lot during your fight enemiesand undertake arduoustasks,As you nearyour goal, youl sraMlN,rt scoremay be dangerouslylow and battlesmay become particularly risky, so be carehrl! Your backpack contains enough Provisions for rz meals.Youmay rest and eat at any time excePtwhen fighting, but you may eal only one meal at a time Eating a meal r€stores 4 9TAMINAPoints- When you eat a meal, add 4 points to your current sraMlNA score and deduct r ftom the Plovisions on your AdoentureSheet.A separateProvisions Remainingbox is provided on yottr Adomturc Sheef for rccotd)ng detailsof Provisions.You have a long way to go, so use your Provisions wiselyl Rememberthat your sTAMINAscor€ may never exceed its lzilial value unless you are specifically inshucted otherwise in a paragraph. There will be times during your adventure when you will be told that you nu.cfeat a meal-When you have to do thrs, deduct r point from your Provisions on yow Nvenhre Sheet,but yot do tt f regain any lost
srevnre for doing this. If you are told to eat a meal but you don't have any Provisions left, you must subhactz pointshom your currentsrrvtli score. During your advenlure, however, you should be able to acquireat leastsomeextra Provisionsto add bothe stoteyou beginwith This will enableyou Lomaintain sT^MrNALhroughoutlhe advenLure.However, you cannolcarrymore lhan 12 Provisionsaf any one timel
Luck Your lucx scorewill alsochangeduringthe advenlure as you Testyour l .t. Additions to your lucK score may also be awarded when you have been especially fortunate; similarly, you may be told to reduceyour Lucr whm you have made an important mistake; details of such events are Siven in the appropriate paragraphs of the book. RememberthaL as with sKrLL and srAMrNAscores,your LucK may neverexceediLs Inilialvalueurlessyou arespeciftcally Loldthis. Apart from TeslitlSyour Luck, you will also be given some opporturities for 'spending' r-ucr. You will be askedwhether you wish to deduct 1 point ftom your current LUCKscorein order to incease your clranceof
usual sTAMINAloss causedby physical harm; ihis varies,dependinghow powerful the Poison is You will be told how much darnageyou will sustainfrom
herbalantidoteswill nof,however,Preventor healthe losscausedby the physinormal2 ponh of STAMINA cal effecLof a weaponstrikrngYou
are about to readyou will be given someextra gold, which you can add to bheinitial amount you aheady Possess). You may find treasure,h the form of Gold Piecesor valuableobjectsand items,along the way; you should record fhese in Lhe Treasurebox on your Aclomlwe Sheef.You may have opporh[ilies for kading treasure for equipmenLhelp and jnformationin Lhisadventure, so be honestabouLkeepingan accuraterecordof how much treasureyou obbainl
I lme
EquiPment You slart your adventurevrilh sorDeequlPmentLhat vou will need for the advenh.rreahead.You have a sword, and you we* leather armour and carry a shield {or prolection.You have a lanLemwhich allowsyou to seein the dark.You haveenoughProvisionsfor rz
nole of vour Gold Piecesin the Treasurebox on your AdoentuieSheef(by the way, in the Background you 18
This advenhre is somethingof a race againsttime. You are not ullder inlense time pressur€,but you can't afford to waste it elthet. On the AdoentureShut there is a Time Track box. At the start of your advenLure, the score here is zero. You will be instructedin appropriateparagraphswhen to add to this number. The higher it gels, fhe harder your final task will be so be carefulwhen you choosewhere to go and what to do during the arduousadvenfurewhich facesyoul
Hints on Play Your joumey will be perilous and you may well fail on your first atlempt. Make notes and draw a map as you explor€ - this map will prove invaluablein later forays in this adventure and it will enable you to progress more rapidly to unexploredregions. 19
Not all areas contain Lreasue or use6J informationl manv contain traps and creatureswhich you will no doubt full fo"l of. You may take wrong tumings
only Lhe paragraphsyou are inshucted to go to Readingother paragraphslessensthe excitementand surpd\eduring pLay.The only true way to success in thisadventureinvolvesminimizingrislqany player no matterhow weakhis or her initial dice-rolls,shouldbe ableto strugglethroughboglory. May the luck of the gods go with you on the advenfureahead- for this one vou mav well needitl
The sreat que5tto defeatthe NiSht Drdgon i' a kuly oerilo'usone.Your final enemyis powerfulfar beyond ihe sxtrr und sr^rrrrr.rrvaluesof meremortaihumans, and vou will need powerful magic to defeat your n"r".i. Th" Night Dragon has many allies,ceatures of evil and drtf,ress;if vou can defeatsome of its most powerful allies, you may have Lhe chance to weakenthe greatDragonitselfbeforeyou evenencoun_ let no oPPorLunity ter it. You shou-ld Passto do sol make no senseif Il will be realizedthat ParagraPhs read in numericalorder''lt is eisentialthat you read
BACKGROUND 'BewareBlacksand!' The words still ring in your ears. This is a city ruled by evil, full of thugs and rogues. Every new moming bringsa slumpedbody in a back alley, its throat cul from ear io ear. Port Blacksand isn'La placeanyonewanLsto stay in for long. You're here becausei man you kusted whisperedthat a greal challengemight be found here for you. You live for adventureand greal deeds,and your friend's expressionLoldyou that this was no tnvial summons. Setting aside your dislike of Bla&sand,you found yourselfsitting in the Hemlocktavem in Clog Street who until late into the night, waiting Fora messenger seemedneverto come.It was long aft€r the witching hour, with the tavem about to close for the ni8ht, when you were finally shown dovvn to the cellars where a mystenous,robed guest was watLing.You drew your sword when you found that a Dark Elf awaitedyou, but the weary way he held up his hand and mumbledthal he was not here to harm you made you draw baclc Now you listento his strangetale He speaksas if he doesno! have much time left to him to deliver il. 'l have come from the far north, From the Dragon A great and terribleenemyis growing even Reaches. more Dowerhi there, and he will come to threalen all Allanslaif he is not overcome.My peopLehave hied, 24
bul we are few in number and we could not even defeatthe Stalkersprotectint the monster.The sands of Limerun low. Only a great hero could hope to overcomethe Night Dragon It is an ancientbehg, more powerful than the Old Ones. The Dragons lhemselveshave said to me Lhateven a mortal Drason -the ,ould not hope to scratch a srngle scale on Ancient'shide.' An AncientDragonlEvena moftal Dragonis a terdfyin8 enemy.How can you possiblyhope to overcome one far more powerful fhan ifs mortal kin? A hr.rman would be destroyed with a singLeflick of such a monsLer's claws, The Dark Elf seesyour thoughts reflecledin your eyes-There would be no hope at all, were it not for buriedmagicwhich the Dragonsknow of They say it could make a warnor powerful far beyond mortal timils, if the right p€rson came lo take the sword, shieldand armour of heroesof legend and face the Night Dragon.I sought for sucha warrior for a long time,yours was the nameI heardmenfionedover and over again.' You are disbelieving,astonishedby what the Dark Elf says.Suddenlyhe coughsviolently and you seeblood stainingthe handkerchief he holdsoverhis mouth. When he canrpeakagairLthereis a terribleurgencyin his voice, 'Listen,human.Dragons themselveshave told me that when the creatureawakens,his shadow ntll lengthen over all the land and his dreams of camageand slaughterwill be a reality.They told me
that the Night DEgon waswithin Death'sarmy in the war of gods, beforetime cameto Titan and brought the mortalracewith it. Canyou imaginehow powerful this horror is becomineas il awakens? Never mind your arch-mages, necroirancers, petty tyrantsand despots. If the Night Dragon reawakens,they will be scatleredlike dust in the wind. As will you ard L Thereare signsalreadyof his stirringfrom Dreamtime; his Stalkershave begun to roam the northem mountains - maraudingrepLilenightmaresthat they are. Fortunatelybheyare still few, and not yet as shong as they will become,elseI wouldnot be here' You notice the heary scarson the Dark EII's arm as he gesluresto emphasizethe point, and your iniLial suspicionof him beginsto evaporate.He conlinues your help. beseeching 'The Dragonssay that they are bound by their own oath to Kilanirax,therr god and creator.Thrs oath forbidsany mortalDragonto offer forceto an Ancient One; should one so much as lift a claw againstan Ancient,it would be stru& down at onceby a deadly c1lrse.Thus they are forced to seek help from others They are surelynot indulgingin hesor deceigin the Conclave,I saw a Dragonof eachtype Gold, Silver, White,Bla
'Go north to the oort of Rentam, and there take a roorn at the RuddeilessGalley tavem. Here - take this silver key and use it to admit yourself to the room there which has been readiedfor you. A messenger will meet you in the tavem and he will tell you how to find the Dragon Conclave.Look, I even give you the len Cold Piecesyou will needto pay for the sea woyage there.' For a moment, the Dark Elf almost gms, albeit painfully. 'Although you could save some gold by taking the coasLroad, of course.Please. I only askyou to traveland Listen' How can you refuse?You take the silver key and the ro Gold Pieces, Ihe Dark Elf gets up and makesto )eave,firsl telling you that you can sleep in this sale hvem tonight. He looks back at you with eyes dulled by pain, aad his handshave a fine tremor you didn't seebefore.'l do noLwant my peopleto die, any more than you wish all the humansin this land to be slaughtered. lf it has cost me my own life to find you, my people will remember me' He tums on his heel,coughinghonibly, and limps out of the cellar. You do not havepleasanf dreamsftusnight . . . Tum lo paragraphr.
A dark moming sky glowers over Port Blacksandand a chill wind blows in from the Sword Coasl.You can head for Lobster l4harf to ffnd a ship bound for Rentam (tum to 3gl, or leave the city by Weaver GateLolal<ethe north coastalroad there(tum to zrz). You may preferlo buy someextra equipmentlirsl (if you wish to do lhis,hrm to 65).
ThewesLwardtrail to the Mist Crypts is very arduous. You can get almostenoughLoeat by scroungingand foraging, but you must supplementthis with two mealsduring Lhelengthy joumey. Add I Loyour Time Track,bul aLlastyou reachyour goal.Tum to 2a. 5 The body is that of a man who has beenrobbed,badly beatenand left for dead.He tries to speakbut you hushhim lo be srlent.He poinfs east,along a tra&, and Besturesfor you to help him. You can leavehim hereand conLinuealong the road (tum to jo4) or you can carry him along the track, looking for help, even bhoughit couldcostyou a lot of trme(tum to 176).
You advance,weapon and shield at the ready, as the monster breathes.You rnust T*t gour Luck.It you are Lrcky, and i{ you also have a Magic Shield, multiply the Shield Number by 5 and tum to that paragraph.If you do nol have a Magic Shield, or if you are Unlucky,you take the Dragon'sbreathdghL on your
body. Searing,dreadfulheatis all round you; deduct6 If you are still alive,tum points from your STAMINA. to:95. 5 mountainPeak. You slandbeforea greaLsnow-caPPed Someintuition leils you that lhis is wherethe armour must lie; perhapsLheDragonscasl some sPelluPon you to guide you to il . . . who can say?The Peakis huge,and you begin to despairof searchingall round it for a way in. However, after some preliminary explorationyou find a statuewhich ponts the way, if you have a viewing ]ens,you can find this sfraight away Otherwise,you mustadd 1 lo your Time Track The statuers that of a sLoneDwarf, carvedout of a blue stone lhat is dearly alien lo these mountains Following the directionhis hand points to, you discover a smallfissurein the rock, leadingdown into Lighting your lantern,you descendand the darkness. \Mich tunnel will you ffnd yourselfat a crossroads. follow? The right-handtunnel? The left-handtunnel? The tunnelstraightahead?
Tum to 19 Tum to j5 Turn to 47
o You confessthat you needall the help you cangeLon your great quest,and LheLoremasternods,PerhaPsa Iittle sadly.'Somany dangersfor a mortal to face.No one,perhaps,hasever facedsucha challengesincethe Godswar itself. Beware a projection of the Night
Dragonrtselfmay wanderin Dreamtimeand threaten you; don't be too greedy in takinS th€ magic there. Well then, 1et us make preparation'He ushersyor.r inlo a sumpLuouslydecoratedlounge with a huge, wonderfullycomJortable couchwhich you sink down on very readilylThe Loremasfer61lsa golden goblet n,ith silvery, sparklingliquid from a silver decanter and bids you drink it 'Drink, sleep,and dream,my L'ravefriend,'hesayssoftly.'Creetthe dreamsand destroythe nlghtmares!' You dnnk, and you fall asleep very swiftly Soon your sensesfeel fully alive and alert, you are astonishedto find thal your body seemsto be only semi-substantial, giowing wiih a silvery huej as you look down, you seethaLyou are lloatingaboveyour physicalbody whichliespeace{ullyon the couch ln your presentstate,you possessall of your armour, tveaponsand equipment,and lhese can all be used normally (if you consumeitems, such as Potions, P.ovisionsand so on, [hesewi]l be lost to you when you wake from your currentDreamtrmestate).Like\vise,any itemsyou tal(efrom Dreamtimewill become real when you awaken,and you may add lhem lo yaw AdDellture SheetIf you are krlled(your sr,rvru,r is reducedto zero or below) during your wanderings in Dreamtime,you will not die but you will instanily return to your physrcalbody and wake up; if this happens,tum to 281 immediately.Now you ddft down,deeperdown . Tum to 20.
r9 7 Your Shieldglows brilliantly and all its magicalenergies flow along your arm and up into your body. Regainup to 10 losLsraMINA points,but the Magic Shieldis gone (andyou losethe bonusto your Attack Strengthit gaveyoLr)Returnto 295 and conlinuethe fight!
a Add z to your Time Track{or following the route to Carnex Whai you Jind hereis surprising and grim. The town is walled,with guardsprowling the battle' ments keeping their crossbowslevelledat any who approach.You advanceslowly, maling for the single closedgate on the easLside of the town. Il opensas you approach, allowing you a glmpse of a prosperous-looking settlementinside the walls. Two guardsdraw swordsas you walk towardsthem,they look uncertarnand one of them challengesyou, demanding to know your name and your PurPos€ln comrnghere.W lyou' Try to bribe the guards? Attack the guardsand fight yoL-rr way in? Try to bluff your way through? Backo(f and look for an altemative way into Camex?
Tum to j58 Tum to 22f Tum to j2 Tum to 135
If you a:e readynow lo 6ght the Night Dragon,you lcrown which paragraphto turn tol Otherwise,if you
have the Magic Armour, Magic Sword and Magrc Shield,and you have not met lhe Loremaster,you should add Lhe Armour Number, Shield Number and Sword Number Logetherand turn to that paragraph If you have tried and failed to obtain either Sword or Shield,but you have the ofher item, hlrn to t8. If you haveneitherSwordnor Shield,tum to 44. ao Therearen'tmany sightsof interestin lsmater,as you tind out during your exhaustivesearchlhrough the place(add r to your Time Track).You do find two oddJooking litlle shops,thor.rgh:lhe FirewaterEmporium,with a window stacked6rll of exotic bottles, and a very drrty and run-down little shop wluch has a woodm sign wrth flakrngpaint on which you caniust makeout the letters,'EVIL' If you want lo enler lhe FirewaterEmporium,tum lo 37 If you want to enter ihe other shop,turn to 2j8 If you don't wish to enter eithel will your Buy somesupplies? LeaveIsmaLer? Relaxin lhe tavemr if you haven't done so before?
T1n to 173 Tum to 258 Turn to:,o7
The thief runs into a cul-desacand is forced to lum ard faceyou, drawing a sword and utlering lhreats. You wouldn'tworry if it wasjust him you had Loface, js a scar-faced but his accomplice cuL-throat built like a
brick outhouseand he's ho)dinghis sword in a way that suggestshe really knows how to use it I[ you decidelo fight this pair turn to 1oa. If you want Lo back off, you can head for Lobster Wharf (turn lo 554) or WeaverGate (tum to zr2) but now you will have no Gold Piecesl€ft| 42.
Yoq grit your teeth and begin your long joumey to the lands guardedby the Frost Ciants. This is an arduous,ba&-breakingmarchindeed;add ro lo your you have a longbow or crossbow, Time Track,unJess which will save tim€ spent huntrnS to supplement your supplies(if you have erther,add only 8 to your Time Track) Finallyyou pitch carnpat a placewhere the trail diverges Comemorning,you can takethe northerlytrail to the if you haven'tbeen there signpostedtown of Ismaher, (hrm before to 3zz), or continueonwardsto the rising peaksof the FroslGianl landsin the east(tum to jj4). a3 In each Attack Round atainst the Chillshadow,you will automaticallylose 1 point of srAMrNAbecauseof the exkeme numbing cold the honor emanates,so you mustdestroylhe oeatureswift]yl
ST A M ] N A 7
If you wsh to breakoff combatat any time and flee, you may do thrs,buf you mustroll one die and drvide the numberroLledby z (roundingfractionsup) This is
the number of blows the Chillshadowwill strike as you run away (eachinllicting 2 points of siaMtNA damageto you). If you are still alrveafter this,tum to 75 If yon win this fight, tutn to j47. 14 Westwardsalong a slone-inlaidpassagewaylie the tombsof dwarvenancestorsand mrnersof old, Lheir boneslard to rest within the stonethey toiled so long andhard to excavate.If you want to exploretne are4 tum to 56j. If you wanLto open someof the tombs, fum to j46. If you prefer to retraceyour footsteps and try someother part of the mine complex,tum to 594 15 Half-wayalong lhis peculiarpassagea pair of Wniths simply emergefrom the walls, their hateful,ghostly forms set upon drainingthe very Jifefrom you You mustfight fhemtogether.
8 8
9 I
lf you are struckat leasbonceby a Wrailh, you must roll one die. lf you roll r-4, you lose I point of sxrr If you win this fight, will you takeone of the descending side-passages (tum to a64) or head towards the pillars and the chamber that lie before you (tum to 592)1
a6 You placebheseedpod at the fool of the glacierand it sprouts into a riot of tangled creepersand vines, allowingyou to clamberup it and ascendsafelyto th€ ro& ledgel Tum to 276
few animalsaround,and even the migratingbirdshigh in the sky are few and far between.Guided by a buming desire to completeyour quest and by an intuition that guidesyou ever onward,you presson through the snow and ice to your destiny. Add 2 to your Time Track.You mustnow eat a meal,unlessyou havea longbow or crossbow,if you have eithet you canpreseweyour Provisionsby hunLinginstead.If you hunt,you do not needto eat a meal,but you mustadd an exLra1 [o your Time Tra& for time spent hunting. After a night's restlesssleepin lhe bitter cold of the far north,you setout oncemore underleaden,snow-fflled skies.If your Nemesrsscor€is 6 or highet rum ro j5J. Ifyour Nemestsscoreis 5 or below,tum to a61
The march away from the mountainsof the Giants lies downhill, so ifs not too wearying on your legs.Add 2 to your Time Track,and you must now eat a meal. You think fondly of th€ Magic Armour you seek; managinglo evadea hungry grizzly bear last night made you realizeyou could certainlydo with lhe protection of ffne armourl You set off on a clear momin& tum to 2r7. 18
You set off into the frozen wastesof the northern Dragon Reaches.Almost nothing grows here; lhere are
At the end of this tunnel a stone door bearinp dwarvenrures you cannoLcomprehend standsslightly ajar.The gleamftom your lantern suggestsa guardroom may lie beyond - you can jusL make ouL tables,
trestle benches,and what may be a wooden chest, all coveredin thick dust and cobwebs.If you want to enler,tum to 585. Olherwrse,you can ba&track and if you havent alreadydone takelhe passageoPPosiLe (tum the one oPPositethe tunnel io 55) or follow so you enteredby (hrm to lz) 20
You stand in a misly chamber with six different
between o and t); add this total to your Time Tlack When you wish to end your advmLuresin Dreamtime by waking, tum to 3r (you may do this only when you ret"m to this chamber!).Now, which of Lhe wrll you follow? passageways The blue passage? The green passage? The while passage? The yellow passage?
Tum to 56 Tum to j18 Tum to 2aB Tum to 292
The grey passage? The blackpassage? The silverpassage?
Tum Lo 95 Tum to 395 Tum lo 45 2A
You gaze up al the forbidding height of an unmislakablemounlainpeak;Lhesunlightglittersoff the streak of fool's gold on its north face.Searchingaround,you quickly find a lLtrnel, leading down into darkness, which provrdesan obvious entrance.If you want Lo set out down this tunnel,turn to 78. If you preler to spendtrmelookingfor anotherentrance,turn to 58 The biscuiLis indeeddelicious,buLiL hasanunfortunale sideeffect. I[ is spiked wiLh a powerful drug, and shortly alter eating it you find that yor-r mind rs dulled and you cannotseemto make your body do what you wish it to do. Soon two black-robedmen enter,they seeyou and,smilingevi y, leadyou away, down inlo a ghasLlysacrificial chamber. Your advenhre endshere.
Travelling along this broken trajl is tncb. Test Vo&r 5h/1.If you are success6i,you negotiateit safely;if you fail,you stumbleseveraltimeson the treacherous, ro&y ground and twist your ankle,losing 2 points from your sreurre Add z Lo your Time Trad<,and you must now eat a meal.It is mid'aftemoonwhen you seea large winged creaturein lhe sky, certainly no bird; your hope, that it may be a Dragon, is rewarded But what a surpriseyou geL- this is a green Dragon,normallya dwellerin forestsor jungles,not rn the cold wastesof the northem landslThe beast lands close by and simply nods his massivehead towardsyou. You clamberon to his backand hold on for dear life as he rises into the sky and flaps imperi oLrslyto a distantpeak,where he landsand deposits you besidea huge cave moulh Slepping off your enormousmount,you seethat the lunnelopensrnto a vast cat€r n the mountain,probablyhalf a kilometre wide.Within the crater,awailingyour descenL down a seeminglyendlessset of chiselledstone steps,is a circleof srx huge adult Dragons- black,white, red, gree& gold and silver You are one of a mere handful oI peoplealive on Titan ever Lohave beeninvited Lo sucha conclavelTum to 49. 24 The mirror explodes as iL strikes a great magical wall of force barring your way. The wall of force rs destroyed,and so is your mirror - but lhe StalkerMage is unharmedand preparesto do battlewith you! Tum to 1o8
25 voicerisesfrom the blanksurface A deep,disembodted of the mirror. 'Hold me by the fumace,'rt commandsl You blanchat the thought,though the flamestherein are coolinS,placrngthe mirror closeby the fumace would exposeyou to intenseh€at.If you obey the mrror, tum to 141 If you wiLlnot, tum lo 5o8 t6 You slandat the foot of the centraltower;a singlesel of stairsleadsupwar{s.A door standsajar to one side oi you, and you can seea scrrbeal his deskscribbling
truck. If you want to take a chanceriding the truck, tum to 97. If you would ratherwalk along the shaIt, add r lo your Time Trackand tum to :59. 28 The stairsdescendfor somedistance;as you go down, the grinding noise is mixed with a dull booming soundand both get louderas you progress.You turn a sharp comer in Lhe staircas€,aad a bony figure sLandsbefore youl Clad in heavy chainmail,fhe Dragon-likehumanoidhas a bare,yellow-bonedreptile'sskulland huge,iron-shodclaws.IL carriesa great shieldwith the designof a skeletaldragon'shead,and in its other clawed hand it holds a cl:rveo sworo, drippingwith poisonlWhen you ffghl the BoneStalker Champio4eachblow it strikeswill inflict an extra 2 pointsoI damagebecauseof the vmom, so you musr slayit swifllyl
BONESTALKER stairsoppositeyou, bul in the mrddleof the room is a black'robedman who turns to faceyou as you enter' You have disturbedhis work, and his faceis furiousas he shoutsat you; then his eyeswide& and you realize he knows that you :re an jnLruderlThe black-robed man swiftly vraveshjs hands,castinga spell.Testyotr you sfrike the wizard and Skill.If you are successful, disrupthis spell;tum to 45.If you fail,h.rrnto 65This mine shaft l€ads to the iron mines,and rusLed metal rails run along the floor bearing an ancient iron
If you win, hrrn Loa68. 29 You arehauledin front of the huse cabinof the Great Jarlhimself;add z to your Time Track.He's a monshous Frost Giant with scarredarms and a missinp left eyej he bristleswith body harr whtch looks ltke fur, and is heavily tattoo€dinto the bargain.Around the throne-likechairon which he sits is a colleclionoI his prized heasures and koohies: the sh.rffedheads of hJge animals and monsters.a pair oF lteel-tipped
lances,a giant crossbowsometwo metreslong, and a with a blue shield lt's unmistakable, white-lacquered chewon and a small blackDraSon detail in the toP left'handcomer This is what you havecomefor, but how areyou going to get it? Of course,you startyour speechwith flatteringcommenlsaboutthe Great|arl's matestyand might, but the wary old Cianl looks at you with hrs one good eye and an exPression on his facewhich grvesnothing away.You must chooseone of two shateSieswith lum: either you can suSEest some kind of tnal 9r challengefo obtain the shield you want so badly (tum to flr if you do this),or you can try some kind of trade or bargainingapproach (tum lo 260 if you try this taclic).
7o You open lhe door and admil the landlord of the tavem, togetherwith two milihamen.You tell them the kuth about what happenedhere, and they seem ready to believeyou. 'Bad sorts, these,'says one o[ the milrLiaas he tums over the body of one of the grey-robedmen with his foot. "We'llhaveto lale you down lo the lailhouseovemight,of course,but sleeping lhereis not ro bad and franklyyou may be safer' Indeed,a night spentin jail meansyou are warm and
well fed - and you evenwin 3 Gold Precesfrom your jailers,playingdice!Gainl LUcxpoint.Tum to rE7. 3r You may wish to wale up, buLyou cannotbe certain of doing sol Roll one die. If you roll 4 or higher,you canawaken;lum to 2E1 If you roll 1 j, you cannotyet wakeup; turh to 20 if thereareany passages you have nol yef explored,obherwise you must conbinuerolling the dre until you roll 4 or highea adding : to your Time Track for eachroll you make.When you finally roll 4 or higher,tum Lo 281. If you wish, you may spendone r-ucxpoinLto add r to the numberrolled.
'l'm a merchantfrom Rentam,'you sayand the guards seeyour bulging backpack'Look I'm down on my luckand I was told that this could be a good placeto try my fortune' Teslyour Luck If you are Lucky, the guardsbelieve your story, but they will demand r Cold Piecefrom you as 'merchant's tax' for enfering.If you are preparedto pay, tum to fjj If you won't or can't pay l Gold Prece,or if you are Unlucky, the guardswill not lel you into the town and they makeit plarnlhat ihey arevery suspicious ofyou Will you; Attack the guardsand fight your way in? Backoff and look for an altemative way into Camex? LeaveCamex and hy elsewhere?
Tum to 2zj Turn to 1j5 Turn to 75
36-3, At the end of this preaselycarvedpassagea simple woodendoor opensinto a great smithy whoseflames and forge passedinto hisborycenturiesago.All is dark ingots and silenLhererSreatanvilsstandlike sentinels, in piles, tools long rusted of iron and sLeelare sLacked hang in their racksas if awaitingLheirlong-loslusers. The smithy is huge; if you want to make a detailed searchof this unpromising place, turn to 357 Otherwise, you can follow the lunel opposite, if you haven'falreadydone so (tum to r9), or go down Lhe passage oppositethe oneyou enteredby (tum to 47). 34 You havebehaveddishonouabty,and the RedWizard protesk as you tie him up, You quretenhim with a gag then take hrs treasure:5 Cold Pieces,a viewing lens,a set of iron keys and somefood (add5 to your Provisions).However,you lose l point of HoNouR. Tum to 3o8.
The body is that of a dark-hairedyoung mat he is bluewith cold and is wearinga simpl€blackrobe with a knotted blackcord tied round lhe waist There is a distinctive taltoo on his left hand which shows a coiled black serpenlwith red glowing eyes (male a note of this lattoo, and of lhis paragraPhnumber).If you havean ice pick and wish to chiPthe body away from the ice, bum to Jz8. If you do not have an ice pick,or you don'bwish to do this,tum to 1u.
36 The Ogre whacksyou acrossthe backwith his dub as you flee;deducL5 points6om your srAMrNANow, if you ran for the red door, tum bo r2j If you ran for the yellow door, tum to 292 unlessyou have already entereda yellow passage;if you have, tum to 146 instead 37 You ask the ea8er,squintingGnomeabout the many potent bot[les of dubiousspirits you see around the shop 'Bestof lhem alJ,sir is Larssen's Firewaler.Five Gold Piecesa bottle,srr,and you'll find no belter in all the north, that's the huth.' Now this is a steeporice. so you hagglewith lhe Cnome.who reluctantlyagrees fo part with this fine ?irit for only 4 Gold Piecesa botlle, as long as you br.ryat leastLevobotLles(you cannotcarry morethan four; if you buy only one,you must pay 5 Gold Piecesfor it) An empty corked bottle will cost you r Gold Piece.After makjngany purchaseyou fancy, you can try the shop with the 'EVIL' sign,if you haven'lyet enteredthere (tum to 25E).Altematively,wili you: Buy some supplies? Relax in the tavems, if you haven'L already done so? Leave Ismater?
Tum to 375 Tum to 2oi Tum to 25t
You fling open the door and your noseis assaulLed by the filthy smell of half-Lannedleathersthat are soaking in reekingOuids.The robed man standswith a bag of coins in one hand and a dagger in the oLher,while a nervous raven-hairedyoung arLisanin a leaLherapron is holding or.rthis handsfor the money.At once,the hardfacedsword-wielderspinsaroundto 6ght you. ASSASSIN
sK tLLg
EachAttack Roun4 the leatherworker will lhrow a pol tull of acid at you while you are fighting Lherobed nan. Roll one die; if you roll a 5 or 6, lhe acid splashes on you and you must lose3 srAMrNApoinLs if you roll a r, the acid hits your opponent(and lle losesJ sraMrNApoints)!If you roll any other numbea theacidmissesyou both I{ you wiry the leatherworker fleesbeforeyou can calchhim, but he leavesthe bag with o Cold Pieces in il. Add r to our \emesisccore. You headshaightfor the docks;tum ' to rol-
39 You head south-easttowards the iry peaks of the lrost Giant Mountainsin the far distanceAdd 4 Lo your Time Track, and you musLnour eat one meal Lo zupplement your foraging. You find yourself at a parting of the ways: the south-eastem tmil continues (if you on towardsthe Frost Giant peaks wish lo lake this path, tum to 534), while a southbound trail heads for the town of Ismater.If you wish fo go lhere, and you havenot doneso before,tum Loj22.
42-43 40
The srnrling wizard is ready to strike you down, so you mustbe sr.rre to overcomehim swlftlyl Remember to deductany srAMrNApoints from his total Lluough blowsyou havealreadyinflicted.
STA M I N A 1 5
If you reducethe Wizard' to 3 or below,he will surrenderand beg for mercy, offering you informa' tion in rewardfor his life but can you possiblyhust him? li you spare$is life. you may risk recervinga sneakspellattacklIf you decideLo sparehim, tum Lo 248 If you decideto slay him, you can do so automatically;tum to 285 4a The Dwals want to know whereyou are going now, and sinceyou don't wanl Lo Sive away the naLureof your questyou rnumblea few words about headrng south to some crypts, or maybe far east Lo explore Giant lands, although you don'l niention the Loremaster.A particularlyancientDwarf sagelooks you up and down and says simply, 'lf you are seeking the sword which was usedby Lhehumanwhose armour you now wear, that does indeed lie below the Mist Crypts.If that is whereyou wish to travel,Hero, we know an undergroundpassagenetwork that will take you there more swiftly and safelythan the hazardous passes of Lhesurfaceworld.'If you want to takeup the offer of a dwarven guide to take you to the Mist Crwts, fum to 115 Altematively,you canleaveSlate Peak and travel overland southwardsto the Mist
Crypls (hrm to 185) or set out eastby south for the landsof the FrostGiants(tum to 64) Beyondthe secreL door liesa smallchamberwith beds, a table and chairs,a hideousmural of an elongated, reptilianskull,and two other ilemswhich interestyou, a smallwooden chestand an iron-banedcell which is lilled with thick, yellow-grey fog. On one charr is a spareseLof grey robes;you may take theseif you rr'ish-You can feel the chill radiating from the foggy cellwhereyou stand;while thereare keyson the table tvhichmay 6t the cell, and you think you can see a murlg/form within it, you feel an auraof evil emanaturgfrom wifhin it. So,wilJyou: Try to open the woodenchest? Tum to 166 Open the cell door? Tum to 91 Leaveand open the other door across Lhelargeroom? Tum to gro Decideit's ijme to get out of Carnex and leavethe town? Tum to 7j 43 You have eniereda smallguardchamberwith n:Ifled olanketson the bed,a woodenchesfundera table,and some curved knives hanging in a rack on fhe wall. fusing from the bed is a black-robedassassin, with a .ial of blue Lqurdraisedto his moulhj)ou surmise :hat he is drinlcng a Potion, so you strikewith your ;feaponto sbophimt Roll Attack Strengthsfor both of ]ou (he has a sKrLLof 10) If you have the higher
Attack Strength,tum bo95; if he hasthe higherAttack Skength,tum Lo7j 44 The Tomeof theReaches showsthal lhe runeshereare waming srgns.Specifically,the runes tell of guards beyondthe doors,and thal a chieftainis buriedsome' wherebeyondthe door bearingthe plaque They also tell you of a nasty spikedlrap on the door whichyou will be able to avoid now thal you have been forewamedl The runeswam any who come here not to offend the spiritsof thoseburiedon the other side of the doors and to show due respeclio the dead The ?omealso informsyou Lhatone of the runesshows that the chieftainburied beyond ruled his clan for thirty years(male a noteof thrs).Now, will you open: The door with the plaqLre? The door oppositelhe one you enteredby? The door oppositethe one with the plaque?
Turn to 21o
s KrtL 9
46 Ii you have a rope, you can Lie one end round fhe top of the well and clamberdown into the mist safely, but you must leave the rope behindyou (crossit off
Turn to 99
Tum Lo511
45 The snarlingblack'robedspellcaster dmws a poisoned kniie to defend himself; the venom is very toxic and, for ihe first lhree Attack Rounds,if he strikes you the poison will rnflicl a:r exha J poinLs of damage to your srAMrNA- Afler three ALtack Rormds, the venom will have dripped from the blade.
If you win, you're still in danger.The door atop the stairsaheado{ you opens and a black-robedAgure peersround the door towardsyou; Lhenhe slamsthe door shut again You must move swiftly now. If you want to flee and leave the town, turn to 75 If you want to ascendthe stairsand gei at the man you,ve just seen,you should do so swiftly; if you wanr ro perform any actions fnst (drinking a Potior! usinS PoisonAntidote, etc.)you must make a list of how many actionsyou'r€ going to take.If you makethree or fewer,tum to aaa If you makefour or more,turn to 126,
your srAMrNATurn to 2or, 4'
Descendthe spiralstaircase? Follow the side-passage? Co down the stepsahead?
Tum Lo 206 Tum to j.1z Tum lo 296
4&'49 48 The door to lhe dark chamber of the Night Dragon
this). Not all may be included as oPtions in the
sco(eof the Night DraSonwhen you Lhe sr.AIv.rrNe encounterit the longeryou have takento get here, the tougherthisbrutewillbel yolu wlll be Now, if you have the Tone of the Reaches able to read the runeson the door before you Turn to the paragraphwith Lhesamenumberas Lhe{irsLpage of the book which tells you about Dragon Runes lf you do not havelhis book,tum to 386. 49 The Dragonsare silentas you clamberdown the stePs and stand before them wiLh your head bowed. The
49 Gold Dragon speaks,his voice booming in this vasl audrtorium.'lL is not often that DragonEldersmeet in this way, human We only meet when a greaLdanger threatensus all We have to tum Lo a human lor help againstthe waling menacewe all face.You have been chosen-'The Gold Dragon pusheshis huge, threemehe head in your direclioD his eyes are red and rheumywith age,but they shinewith expectatron and vigourdespilehrsuntoldyears. The Silver Dragon speaksnext 'Our messengertold you of the Night Dragon?'You nod slowly 'Then all 1'ouneed Lo know is Lhereasonwe have askedyou lo comebeforeus The Ancientwas overcomebefore by human heroes They had powerful magic with rvhich to defeat him. We know where that magic may be found. There is a great sword,hrddenrn Lhe desolateMist Crypts south-westof here The enirance to them lies below a tall mountain with a streakof fool's gold nearits peak.To the north west ies magic amout craftedby the greaLestdwaNen altisansof their age and losL when their dan dis appeared from Tilan. SlatePeakwas their old fortress home Far to Lhe east and south can be found a magic shield, lost among the Jublez - the Frosl Giants,a much tougherracethan most of their kind. All these artefacLshave great power against the Ancient.An exceplionalhero armedand protecledwith ihesecould vanquishhim, shouldhe be encountered before his sleep is wholly ended. You may even prevailwithoul all thesethings - though wilhout at Ieasttwo you would {ind it impossibleto overcome
the Mght Dragon.'Thereis one obviousquestionleft: whereis the Ancient?Tum to 5o9. 5o
Armour, multiply the Armour Number by 4, add the Sword Number,and subtractro to get a total, then tum to the paragraphwith Lhatnumber(add: to your Time Tra& before you do!) If you srill seekeither Armour or Sword,tum fo 2a9. As the greatreptilefallsbeneathlhe hail of yow sword blows, there is a subtlechangein the air, as iI some
Theyknow you haveslainthe monstetyet Lheircurseis not fully lifted.They feelwithin th€irbodiesthat they havemorelife within fiem, theyarenot cused with the somnolence of manycenturies, yet theymustfind some otherheipin retumingthemto fleshlyform.Nevertheless they aregratefulto you, anda pair of artisansmakeoff with yourarmourto repairit in the smithy.Tum to r.52. Looking careh:lly all around and wifh your heart racing,you tum up at the backyard of fhe tavem as
man - you may not know it, but the shadow of lhe Night Dragonand its appallingservartsare upon you now You rhustbe an enemyof the Cult, and for lhat re?sonyou may be a friend.IFyou want ro teammore ol the Nighl Dragonyou mus{headfor Camex.But at a.ll costs beware the ...' Sr_rddenly a wide_headed arrorv is protrudrng from the back of his neck at a
iurn to 26E,
The twisLingpassageslopesgently up and around from the mounLain'score closer Lo the rock face and then ba& inwardsagain Add r to your Time Track. Finally the lengthy passaSeopensinto a cavemous chamber made from the same fibrous and rubbery matedalyou've grown used to in thrs bewrldering mountaincorc.All thereinis black,edgedwith metallic blues,greys and silvery hues,and directly opposile you is a smgle exit Standrngbefore iL is a horror which you know to be the Night Dragon's final servantand has its arms crossedand it appearsquiLeunconcemed at your approach.It slands lhree metrestall, with a human-shaped Lorso,buL its greatDragonJikeheadseemsalmoslLooheavyfor its squatneck Lo support lts elongatedLimbsare heavily muscledand end in greaf clawedhandsalmosthalf a metre across lts tatleredblack-and-srlver robes bear the emblemsof coiledserpenlsand spide/swebswilh skulls at the centre,and as iL moves slightly you are revoltedto seechunksof rolting fleshfall from ils body. 'Come to me, litde one,' it breathesin a ghastly raspingvoice,'l fearyou notl' Will you: Rushat the monster? Use a longbow or crossbow to fire at the ceature? Throw a Magic Minor at the creature(f you haveone!
Tum to a56 Tum to 999 Tum to 24
t4 You havefailedin your bid to gain the Magic Sword which you came seeking,but all may not be lost. Eventua.llyyou ffnd a way out of fhe cavem and crawJ along a narrow sinkhole to the surface.Add z to your Time Track,and you must now eat a meal-If you do not possessboth the Magic Armour and the Magic Shieldyou sought,and you wish LoseLout to find one or other item, tum to j59. If you have both these items,you know the Armour Number and the Shield Number.Multiply LhqArmour Nr;mberby 4 and add that to the ShieldNumber,then tum to Lheparagraph with the samenumberas thaf total, If you have also tiied and failedto obtarnthe Magic Shieldyou sought, you carmoLhope to prevail on your quest and your advenhre endshere.
55 You start from sleepjust after midnightwhen one of the cloakedmen stumblesas he headstowards you You see the knife in his hand gleamingin the pale moonlight, and you grab your sword to defend your-
55 seli Two of the men are awake and ready to fight with their odd, curved blades.You must fight them togethen each Aftack Round, detennine Attack Strengths for all three of you. Only the combatant rvith the highestAttackShengthwill inflict a damaging blow that Attack RoLrnd.After four Attack Ror:nds, the third man will have woken and be ready to join the fray as welll
7 7 6
a 6
If you win, you searchthe bodies You can take 5 Cold Pieces and enough Provisions for four meals trom them,buf you also 6inda stmngemark tattooed on Lhe forearm of each man. The symbol shows a h.venfy+kanded spiders-webpattem with a blackreptilan skull at its centre(makea note of this paragraph as the one whereyou observedthis d€sign).Add 1 to ]our Nernesisscore,then you resumeyour disturbed slumber,tum to 225.
56-54 56 The blue passagepulsateswrlh light as vou glide along it; you feel as if you are walking on alr - and suddinly a door appearsin the passagewaybefore you. You open it and 6nd yourselfstaringinto a great mazeof mirrors.A strong,tall 6gurestePsout befor€ you: it is a reflectionof yowself. The warrior bears down upon you with weapondrawnlYou must fight yourselfttYour opPonent has the same srlr-r and STAMINA scoresas you do, but you havesomeadvanenemyhasno magicalitems, tages.Your mirror'Jmage and he has no LUCKpomts.Finally,you car distract your aller ego during ore Attack Roundof the combat you face, and during that Attack Round you can perform one action - a free hit on your duplicate ideduct2 points from his sreurr,r), drink a Potion, etc.lf you win this combat,fum to ro4 immedrafely. With an efforl you pushopena manholecover to find yourselfin a large,semicircular storeroom;you Suess that you must haveemergedinsidea tower The sLore jusl wooden planks, has nothing of use to you emply sacks,srmpletools and the like. A swift search revealsa secretdoor as the only exit from thrsroom, so you openit to seehrhatliesbeyond Tum fo u5. 5A Searchingthe area round the mountainis time_consuming.Add 1 to your Time Track.If your Nemesis scorers 5 or highet tum to a31)lI lt rs 4 or below, tum to 169
,9 Two speckalfiguresemergefrom Lhewalls and howl at your approachlThey are afraid of your magical light, but lhey also hate you and wish to slay you Tesl yow Ln| addinS 1 to the dice roll for every point that your N€mesisscoreis over Z [f it is Z or beiow, you need not modify the total rolled on the dice).If you areLucky,Lumto fl6. If you areUnlucky, rurnro 15. 6o Beyondthe door lies a hall which almostLakesyour breathaway,suchis its sheersizeand lhe intricacyof its decorationIt must measurea hundredmetreson eachside,with a ceiJ;ngfifteenmetreshigh Standing rvithin the hall are rank upon rank of stone Dwarfs, all sfaring at the far end of the hail, where fhree stone Dwarf chiefbains standon a raiseddais.On the walls hangflagsand pennants,their colourslong dulled by age,and racksof battleaxesA long mural etchedin stone runs along the walls, showing Dwarls at war overcomingtheir hatedenemies,Giantsand Orcs and Coblins You can almosthear echoesof the war cries l'hich must have resoundedfrom thesemighty walls. .{nd, as you look, the Dwarfsbegin to move!Slowly, painfullyslowly,and with a stiffnessbom of centuries ot slumbeathey tum and shufflearound to look at 1ou. One of the chieftainsponderouslystretchesout an arm,and a voiceso deepit seemsto comelrom the core of the world itself booms,'The hour has come The Hero has come to liit our curcer'A raggedcheer risesfrom the hmdredsof stoneDwarfs,who beginto
throng round you It seemsthat your quest must havemany goalsbeforeyou reachjourney'send!Tum Lo159. 6a Yor.rhide yourself at some distancefrom the main track into the town, and wait- Add 2 to your Time Track.Eventuallya grey-robed,ta1l,leanfigurestrides away from Camexalong lhe trail. You can't useyour weapon[o best effect- his robeswill be uselessas a disguisejf you've,chopped them to shredswith a keen-edgedsword. Becauseyou have to pull your you must subtract z from your Atlack pr.rnches, Slrengthduringthisfight! GREY ASSASSIN
sxrll 9
doorsand exits,and your manhasdisappeared. Worse still, when you get back to the E r/im,orrthe Dark Elf is dead.The ship'scaptaintellsyou that he spokeonly a few words beforehe died;'Go north-north-wesr arong the Stormdrake Pass.'Now, will your Buy some extra equipmmt or food? Turn to 2J6 Sellsomefurs,iI you havesometo sell? Tum to 58 LeaveRentamfor StormdrakePass? Turn to ryg
lf you win, you takethe mar's robesand pull themon over your armour.You headfor the main gateswiLh the cowl of ihe robe pulled firmly down over your face,and the guardslet you pasbLumlo jJJ. 6j TryinS to rush Lhewizald, your legs are errsnareo oy a magrcalwhirling bola which wrapsround them and DrinSsyou crashingfo the ground!Deduct 2 points hom your srAMrNA.WhiJeyou are ge ing up and readyingyourself to fighl. the wrzdrd castsanother spell to strengLhen himselftTum to 45 to fight him, but you must add r to his sRrLLand 4 to his STAMINA
62 You spend some fruitless minutes in a warehouse boxesand sacks,there Packedwith crabes,
64 You arealmostfollowingyour own fooLsteps, heading
back the way you camq add 4 to your Time Track and you must now eat a meal.You are backat the fork in the trail once more, so you have a c-hoiceoI where to go. You canheadsouthto Camexif you havenot been there before (tum to 8). AltemaLively,you can continuesouth-east;add z Lo your Time Track and turnto j9.
6S You can buy almost anything from the unscrupulous
merchantsof Port Blacksand,but your most likely purchases may well be: Steelmirror Rope Longbowand arrows Classbottle Spikedbools Icepick Flaskof Iiqueur Keg of beer Viewing lens Carvedrvory polarbear Pobonof srAMrN^ Potrono[ LUcK
3 Gold Pieces r Gold Piece 4 Gold Pieces r Gold Piece 4 Gold Pieces 3 GoJdPieces 3 Gold Pieces 3 Gold Pieces 4 Cold Pieces 4 Gold Pieces 8 Gold Pieces 5 Gold Pieces
The spiked boots will be useful in walking on icy, slippery groun4 and the liqueur is invigoratinS and skengthening(regain4 lost sraMtNA points when you empty the flask) The viewing lens helpsyou to s€e disfant locationsmore clearly when you look throughit, and it also actsas a magnifyingglass.The ivory polar bear just catchesyour eye, you don't kaow whetherit may be or not. The Potion of '-rseful suvrre, when dnmk, allows you to regain lost srAMrNApoints equalto half your Inilial scorelrouno fractionsup) The Potion oI r-ucx,if drun( allowsyou to restorelost LUCKpointsup to half your lnifial score round fraclionsdown) Potions and lioueur can be drunk at any time, except during comba't.When you have decided what to buy, amend yo:r. AdvenLure Sleef accordingly; you rnust keep a minimum of 2 Cold Piecesfor Lhejoumeysto come!Now you must Testyour Luck. If you are Lucky, you get safely to Lobst€rGate if you seeka ship (tum to j54) or to lVeaverGaLeif you're headingfor Rentamby road .tum to zrz). If you areUnlucky,trrm to 77.
56-5, 56 You find a nanow, rocky crevice where the stream rushesto the suface,and you judge that there is just enoughair abovethe water for you to push yourself along on your back.Mercifully, you have not gone many metresbefore lhe passagewidensand you can crawl on all fours.You head onwardsand you soon locale the outtlow of the town sewersby the evilsmellingcunenLwhich flows into the stream You splashalong the sewer aqueductand are about to arriv€at a junctionof sewerswhen you spot a sinuous rvaveheadng through the waler towards you You draw your weapon just as the monsLerbreaks Lhe surface. ILis a many legged,slimy,yellow greenworm, in its skelelalreptilianhead,dripping6lth and ordure, its jaws openwide to savageyou with iLsrazor-sharp, knifelong teelhl
ii the Necroworm bites you even once, you have acquireda diseasefrom its 6lthy bite but this disease rvill tale some while to incubate If you win, when leave Cam€x you will find that yotr IniLial -voLr STAMINAscorels reducedby z porntsuntil you can tmd a curel However,you lind 5 Gold Pieceson a half'eatenbody.Now you headon; LurnLoa95 6y Youtrudgebackup the sLairs, add 1Loyolrr TimeTrack Backat the crossroads, you canopenthe door opposile you,if you haven'Ldoneso before(turnLo66),or make (turnto 1jj). lor thedooropposiLe theenLrance passage
6A at haggling over the experienced You're nol really sellingprice of furs,but you pocket5 Gold Piecesfor Lhethreebeaverskinsyou were given - and you can alwaysusesomeextmmoneylNow, will you: Buy someextra equipmentor food? Tum to 216 Male for the RudderlessGalley tavem, if you haven'l already been Tum to 286 there? LeaveRentam,i{ yor.r'vesLayedlhe Tum to r7E night here? 69 You raceacrossthe snow to aLtackthe evil enslavers of the haplesschainedpeople. You must fight the as Lwoparrsof opponents, grey-robedmen separately and they will not be easy to defeaLsinceLheydraw vicious,senateddagSersto strikeyoul Iirst ACOLYTE PAIR Second ACOLYTEPAIR
9 g
10 a1
If you win, you free the chainedmen and women. They seemdazed,barelyin commandof their senses, but you commandLhemto makeLheirway backsouth and they obey your inslructions.You have saved many souls6om ce arn deathin the lair of the Night Dragon;gain r uorouR pointl Tum bo258. 7o If you wish to, yott can deflectlhe Dragon'sbreaLh
using your Magic Shield, and you will sulfer no damage.However, if you do this now, lhe Shield will nolbe ableto blocka breathattackfrom the realNight Dragonwhen you meetrt, and you must makea note of thjsl If you choosenol to use the Shieldto block the brealh,you must iose 6 STAMINA poinls.Turn to
You sLaggerbackwardsas your final blow slays the gjgantic opponentyou have struggledso long and hard Lo overcomelYou can hadly believeit. You are dazed, wounded and bleeding and faint with shock, and adrenalinis pouring through your body. You sit down wearily with your headin your hands,shaking uncontrollablyAnd lhen you see,wrfh utLerhorror, what is happeningnow The slimy, acidic cocoon round the Dragon's corpse is sliLheringover the gror:ndand wrapprngitself round the Nrght Dragon's skull-headThe red glow in the eye sockeLs, though dim, is begrnningto increasein strengLh. The ghastly thing rssomehowresurrecting itselflThis is too terrible to be true - but it is happening.Now you have a m.rcial choice to make. You can flee LhemounLain;if
75-r4 you do this, Lum to 535. Otherwise,you makewhat preparationsyou can and prepareto deal with what itselfLofighl you agairyturn to 98. everanimaLes
The Chieftain lays his sword first uPon your left shoulder,then on your right, and you feel a surgeof strengthflow from the magicalsword inLoyour body Your musclesstiffen then relax. The effecl of the magic he has grantedyou is thrs:for one, and only one, Attack Round in any combat wilhin lhe Mist have the higherAttack Crypts,you can auLomatically Strenglhand your blow will inJlicta massive6 Points You may of your oPPonentl ofdamageto the STAMINA choosewhen to use lhis awesomepower, but the magic w l be iosl ouLsidethe Mist CryPts,so use it wiselylYou risebeforethe Chieftain,and in a moment of strangeemotion you bow to each other. Gain 1 HoNouR point. Now you return to the anLechamber beyondthe tomb rooms;tum to 552.
73 The assassin drainshis Potion beforeyou can stdkeand becomesinvisiblelIt will now be very difficultfor you Losensewherehe is. You reLreatto the doorway, preventinghim from escapingand raising the alam, but he will fighl you Tum to 93, and you must sut) tractI lrom your Attack Strengthwhenfightinghiml
74 Wilh a Potion of Invisibilityyou could sneakinto Lhe camphere,past the guards,and have somechanceof enteringthe GreatJarl'scabinand stealingthe shield T\e campis nois', too: drunlenGiantsare(arousing the night away,wolveshowl, and,while you won't be silent,you canhope that the cacophonywill help your noclr.rmaliniiltration. Add .z to your Time Track {or lhe wait. However,this is sneaky;it's theft, and not very honourable.You will lose 1 poinl of HoNouRiI you stealthe shjeld If you haven'tenleredlhe camp and wish to do this insteadof making a sneaklheff, you canstill do so by tuming to 29.
75 Otherwise,you make yourselfinvisible as dusk falls
you.are Lucky,you regain r point oF rucKl If you are I ucky.tum to 25o.lf you areUnlucky,fum to too.
retum to Camexevenif you are offeredth€ chanceto do so in laterparagraphs. Now. do you havethe larzr o[ the Rea'hes'l lf you do. yor.rwill hdve noted three
The dark tunnel haistsand Lumsard leadsto a long descendinS flight of carvedstone steps.Strangeand unfamiliarnmes are etchedinto the walls alongside the stairs,and the arr is chilly here.Peeringinlo the disfance, aLleastas far asyour lanlemshedslight, you hnally seea stonelandingwith a door beforeyou in the distance.You set off in that direction and get a tremendoussurpriserA pair of Skeletonsseemalmost to melt out of Lhestoneon eitherside of the passage asyou advancelTheir bonessurlacefrom Lhestoneas if breakinga wave of waterand the yellowedbonesof theseLrndead monstersseemto be rmpregnatedwith bone themselvesYou guess,rightly, that lhey may be much tougher than ordinary skeletons,and you backinLoa comer so thal you can fight Lhemone at a tlme. S K IL L
a 8
9 I
If you win, your troublesmay not yeL be overl The secondStonemelder doesn'Lfall to piecesat your fhal blow; its bonessimply reel backacrossthe room and sinkinlo the stoneof lhe wall, and as you look on in honor they begin to rise agam! Testlon Skill.If yol) are successful,you get to the far door, open it, then closeiL behindyou lo escapefrom lhe Slonemelder, so turn to 3gr. If you fail the test,you w have Lofight the secondStonemelder a .econdtime beforeyou can escaPe
79 It seemsthat few of the ordinary villagers are allowed to leave the village.You have a long waiL;add u Lo your Time Track and you rnust now eat a meal. Eventually a villager with a small cart and a donkey approaches,morosely stumbling along the lrail. You near him, keeping your weapon sheathed to avoid frightening him, and greet him Politely; but ifs dear he'sabsolutelypetrifiedwith fear.'Look,I just want ho find out aboutany seceLway to get into Camex,'you plead,If your Nemesipscoreis 4 or higher,tum to 96. If your Nemesisscoreis J or lower,tum Lo39o
8o You push open the door to an arrnoury chamberand ffnd a single item hanging on the bare stone wall in an otherwise feafurelessroom. It is a shining suit of st€ellink€dchainmailarmour!You canscarcelybelieveyour good fortune at finding so swiflly what you cane to seek- but as you take it from the peg on which it hangs,you seethat it hastwelverentsin it. It is simPly unusableas it is,and somehowyou'regoing to haveto
6r get it repaired.You canonly hope that the answerlies somewherein this dungeon,where you found it. Make a note of Lhe number of rents (call it the Armour Number).Now, you can open the door oppositeyoLr, if you haven't already done so (tum to aro), or go backalong the passageand up the steps(tum to z5r).
8a TheWizard-Wraithdissolvesinto wispsof acridsmoke asyou strikethe final blow. His staffremains,but it is an evil thing and you do nol wish even to touch it However,exploringthe bacl of therockledgereveals6 Gold Pieces- and a beautifll sword which oositivelv qackleswith magicalenergy.This is what you camefor a,nd,as you take it, its balance feels perfect in your hands.Acrossthe hilt andpommelis seta broadbandof finy moonsLones; 60 in all (makea note of the numberof gems;callit theSwordNumber).TheMagicSwordadds 1 to your AttackStrengLh in all combats,but when you fight a Stalkeror the Night Dragon itself, this sword will add a full I points to your Atta& ShengthtYou hold the
bhanan hour, although it seemsmuch longer, you are out oI LheMist CrypLsand sLaringat the setLingsun
broken down and the landlord, accompaniedby lwo militiamen,rushesin. You'vejusf beendiscoveredin a room with four deadbodies, apparentlylooting one of themlIf you decideto Biveyourselfup, tum to 4g. lf you preferlo jump out of the window,tum to ao9
a4 You havegot a few metresup the vine when the Ogre swatsyou to fhe groundwilh a blor.rof his enormous fisL.You lose4 suunrA poinLsbecause of theheaviness o[ the blow; you fall and must now fighl Tum lo roz
to get a toLal; tum to lhe paragraPhwith that number Ifyou sLillseekeitherArmour or Shield,tum to 559 E2
Unfortunately, the acid lhe Stalker-Magewas PrePar-
which makes you scream in agony; deduct 6 Poinls from your srevlr.r,r.If you arestill alive,turn lo 4. Aj You Lake3 Gold Piecesfrom lhe bodiesof the cloal<ed men and are just about to take a Pieceof paper from the inside pocket of one of them when the door is
85 YeLmore leg-wearying marching time is spent travelling into the far high peals of Lhe north-westem Dragon Reaches; add 4 lo your Time Track,and you mu.t now eat anothermeal.If your Nemelisscoreis 4 or highextum to 33o. If it is j or below,Lumto 5 a6 You fling open the door and starllelwo men. one jn grey robes,one in blacL .eatedat a Lable.poring over somepapers.Aided by surprise,you lash oul at the grey-robedman who is near you and wound hjm, he draws a heaqT knrfe to fend off further attacks The black-robed mar rs trying to get to a bell-pu1lrope at the other sideof Lheroom,clearlyhe is going to raise the alarmlYou havea choiceof straLegyhere-You can continueattackingthe grey acolyte,in which casethe black-robedassassinwill not 6ght until you have hlled the gey acolyte.If you preler to attack the assassin,then you must fight )our two enemies
a, together, but this will make it much harder for Lhe asiassinto raiselhe alarm.Chooseyour shategy,then fight your opponenbs. SKIL L
E 9
If you win, how many Attack Roundsdid you needto If you took more than seven slay lhe blackassassin? Attack Rounds,add.2 Lo your Nemesisscore.If you neededsevenor fewer you need nol do this. You'd like to searchhere,and examinethe papers,but dare you risk the Lime? Will you, Leaveand open the door in the Tum to ij3 righLhandpassage? Leaveand descendthe winding slans, Tum to 54o if you haven'tdone so before? Turn to 596 Searchthis room?
a7 You advancewrlh hepidation tlrough the archway, Lo find yourselfin a LombchamberevenbiSgerthan the first. Again there are ranks of tombs here, but your attenlionrs drawn to the great stonethroneat the far end o( the room - and to lhe thing seateduPonit Of
the man'sbody only bonesremait but the great twohandedglittering sword in his bony handsshinesin the light of your iantem and the jewelledne&chain roundhis throat also gleamsand shines.Desprteyour fearyou arecuriousand you move slowly towardsthe enthronedcreatureAs you advance,a red glow sud' denly sparksfrom the sunken,empty eye socketsand ihe undeadthing risesfrom its thronelYou may be able to placatert. If you know how many years Lhe Chieftain n:led hrs dan, multiply Lhatnumber by five and lum to that paragraph lf you don't, and your Nemesjsscoreis 4 or higher,fum to 2o2. I{ you don't know how long he ruled.and your Nemesis\cofe is i or lower, tum to 254.If you wanl to rush and attack the Chieftainanyway,hrn !o zr5.
aa The pyramidalshapeglows with yellow light, and fine tenLacles dse in alarm on its surface.As one, the shadowyformsflit towardsyou then fuseinLoa greaL pool of darkness. If you do not have a Magic Swor4 you cannotfight the ChillshadowHorde and you will be slairy your advenhre ends here If you do have a Magic Sword, you can fight, but the odds are stacked againstyou and you cannoLretreat now. In each Atta& Round, you automaticallylose r sr,c.vrri,{ poinl due to the intense cold radiating frorn the Chrllshadow Horde! CHILLSHADOW HORDE
sKrLL 9
If you wi4 the pyramrdalshapeis pulsingwith brilliant Li8ht,its sizeswellingup! You now havea choice:you
69 can flee and follow the twisting passagewaybelow (tum to 53), take one preparatoryaction suchaseatint a mealor drinking a Potion (if you do this, hrm to rE9), or attackthe shangepyramidimmediately(tum lo ary).
9o ask the cat to use its teleportation power to take you to:
The Sword? The Armour? The Shield?
Tum to zr Tum to 5 Tum to 5r9
9o You ask the Dwarf what he knows about lhe Dragon Reaches,and he looks at you with a glint in his eye. Dangerous lands. The last civilized town there is Ismaler,norlh-eastof Rentam I do havesomeinteresL in an old story aboul the Dragon Reaches,I musf admit. There are legends of a lost dwarf dan below SlatePeak,a gteat Brey mountainfar to the north-
A9 you. You could use The LoremasLer's caL addresses some help looking for the magic you seek.I can lake you whereyou want to go now.' If you have two of the specialmagicalkeasur€syou have been seeking and you feel that you can set off for the Night Dragon's lair skaight away, you may wish to go there now; i( you do, tum to 255.If you decideto makefor a magical heasurewhich you sbill seek - sword, armour or shield - the Loremastergives you an amu.let which you can use just once and it will transport you to a placetwo days'marchsouthof lhe Night Dragon's mountain lair (make a nole that you can do this by tuming lo paragraph289; the amulet can be activated at any time, exc€pt during a combat).So will you now
If you want Lo buy lhe dwawen coir! you must give the Dwarf z Gold Piecesfor it (if you br.ryit, add it to yottr Adodlure Sfuet and record the number of this paragraph next to it). You can now turn in for the night (tum to iZ5), or ask about the grey-cloakedmen (tum to 332) or the areagenerally (tum to g7\ if you haven't aLeady raisedthe subjecl.
9a Opening the cell door is a mistake; you felt the evil wibhin, and now the obscured figure within the cell leaps out at you and fog swirls round yoq numbing and chill. Lose 2 STAMINApoints, and you musl subtractr from your Attack Strenglh in your fight wilh the bizarreenemywhlch has emergedfiom the fogl lAtrite scaledand replilian,the horror has a mutatedform, wiLh grosslyforeshortened hind limbs and elongatedfront limbs ending in shovel-Likedaws, and its body is squalandpowerful. MUTATED WHITE STALKER
If you win, will you: Try to open the chesl here, if you haven'Lyel attemptedthis? Leavehere and open the door oppositeyou? Backtrackand leavethe town of Camex?
Turn to a65 Tum to 3ro Tum to 75
Nevill looks like the kind of fellow who might know almosl anything, lhough you can'L afford Lo give anything away about your quest Will you ask him about: Grey- or black-robedmen? Frosl Glantsto the east? The Dragon Conclave?
Turn to a6o Tum to 129 Turn to 198
9' want to head straight down to the docks (tum to 167) or burst into the roorn and confront the men insiie (hlm to j8P BLACK ASSASSIN
High Priesl alreadyhas Stalkemoul in the wasteland, and we have an assassinat fhe docks.Here,syour money,spy. You have servedus well.' Now, do you
If you wirt' you now seered and silver doors in this roomi rt you want [o .un to one or the ot]rer and trv
96-94 fo flee for your life, tum to g77. If you wish to fight the advancingmonster that remainshere,tum to a85. 95 The frightened man looks at you dosely. 'l was aftaid you might be one of the High kiest's spies,but I dont think you are,' he whines in a scaredvoice. 'There's only one way I knows ol Down by the sheam,east of the town, there'san entranceto the underground waters; the sewersof tl€ town run into it. It would be very difficult, but you might be able to crawl along Lhesheam,into the sewers,and 8et into Camexthat way.' He looks around,fearfulthat someone may be watchinghim 'I musLBo. lf I am lale reLuming,my family wi)l be killed.The grey men,they have them as hmtages, you know. If you makefor Lhe tavems of the town, you'll be watched. Stay away Irom the graveyardson the north-eastside of town; they'll checkyou there,like lhey will if you headfor the northem towers where the High Priest and his men :re Noiv I must leave.'He plods off along the Dath. You decide to make for the stream and the undergroundpassagqtum to 66. 97 Teslyour Skill.II you are successful,you ride Lhetruck rormd the circuit of the old iron mines in safety.If you fail, you oash going around a tight bend and you mustlose2 srAMrNApoints.Tum to 2j9. 96 You may perform four actions before the monster is
ableto act.You cannotget at it to strikewith a hand weapon,its thick cocoonpreventsthis.You may drink any Potion you have, use a charge from a Magic Mirror (if you have one), eat some food (yo! cannot eat more tllan two meals as part of your foul actions) or drink liqueur(if you have any).Two acfionsare of particularnote.If you havea Potion of Invisibilityand wish to drink this, tum to rj5, If you havea longbow or qossbow and wish to shoot at the skull on the grormd, tum to z3o. If neither of theseis among your four actions,tum to 3o599 Pushingopen the door here takesa real effort, sinceit is jammed and swollen within its frame, but it ffnally gives way with a loud
You sufferthe misfortuneof being spotbedby a guard, who seesyour footprintsleadingout acrossa patchof snowright at lhe very edgeof the camp- he can'tsee you, but he knows approximat€lywhereyou are and hc aLtacksl You must slay him quicklybeforehe raises the generalalarm.Fortunately.becauseyou are invi5 ible,he cannotaim his club at you very accuratelyard you may sublract3 from his Attack Strength
If you win, you jusLhave lo hope that the noiseof your battlewmf unnoticedamongthe other soundsof the campat night Tum to r5o aoa must You ffght th€ thief and his thug associate tog€ther. SKIL I
77 8g
If you want to breakoff combatand rwr away af any time, you may do so - leavingall yotr gold in lhe handsof the robbers.Tum lo 354 tf you wanLto go to tobster Wharf or to ztz iI you want to head for Weaver GaLe If you win, you regain your stolen money/and the thief has an exka 4 Gold Piecesjn a leather pouch Tesfyout Luck a1ajnl If you are Lucky, you can leave the sceneand mate for Lobster Wharf (tum lo 554)or WeaverCate(tum to 20) Otherwise, somemilihiamen arrive,so tum to 229.
Forfunatelyfor you, the Ogre isn't very skilful,but he is exceedinglytough: when he hits you, his hearrydub causes j pointsof damageto your sr,lv:rr insteadof the usual.2,so you mustovercomehim swifllyl WOODLAND OGRE
If you win, will you: Climb the vine if you haven'tdone so? Untie the Ogre'ssack? Enter the red kee door? Enierthe yellow passage? ro3
Turn to j48 Turn LoJ75 Tum to r23 Tum Lo292
ao4 The mirrors before you are crackling with sparks of light and a shadowy form is rising up from one of them.To eiLherside o{ you a passagewaysuddenly opensup from the phalanxesof mirrors - one red, one silver. EveryLhingis a roar of confusion and unpredictability as a honific, four-armed,four-faced humanoid stepsouLof a mirror in fronLof you and advanceson youl Will you: Fight the Minor Demon? Fleedown lhe red passage? Fleedown lhe silverpassage?
Tum to 581 Tum to 123 Tum to 146
ao5 The guardsdraw their weaponsat the sight of the corledblackserpentwilh glowing red eyes.'lmpostor!' one of themcriesout. 'None of LheBlackBrotherhood would fail Lo wear his robes here!'You are swiftly surounded by guards and overwhelmed Your adventureendshere. ao6 Nevill hasthe followingusetulitemsfor sale: Potionof srevlNa Pohonof rucr Potronof Invrsibility Bottleof Catstink Vial of smokepowder Tattooing inl and needle PoisonAnLidote PoisonSalve
7 Gold Pieces 4 Gold Pieces 6 Cold Pieces j Gold Pieces 2 Gold Pieces 3 Gold Pieces 1 Gold Pieceperdose g Gold Piecesper vial
The Potion of Invisibility has a self-explanatoryeffect. Evjl-smelling, green,gluey Ca[stinkis a valuab]eitem: it tfuows off your scent any pursuing wolves or dogs; sprayedon the ground,iL confusesthem hopelessly. Smokepowder (Nevill will give you a 0int and taper to makea fusefor it) may be a usefuldecoy.camouflageor obscurement, and who knows when this may be vital to you?The PoisonAntidote canbe useda/f€/ a combatto cureall damageto your srAMrNAdue to poison sufferedin that combat.PoisonSalvecan be smearedon at any time: it negalesall damagecaused by poison duringthe next combat when a poisoned weapon is usedagainstyou Nevill has only one of eachitem, savefor PoisonAnLidoLeand Salve.Make any purchasesyou wish, and a$ust your Adoenlure Sleef accordingly. When you're done, you can chal casually to Nevill to find out whether he knows anythinghelpfulto you (tum to 9z); alternatively, will Shopabthe FirewalerEmporiun? Buy ofher supplies? Relaxat the tavemsoI Ismatecif
Tum lo 37 lr$ to 3r3
you haven'Ldone so? Leave Ismater?
Tom to 2,oJ Tum to 268
Teslyour Luck.If you are Lucky, the gas does not ignite;but if you are Unlucky,a flareeruptsround you hom a pocket of dangerousmethaneano you rose4 sT,4MjNA Points.Turn Lo5ry 108
You close in on Lhe true Hrgh Priest of the Night Dragon'sCuJtof DarknessJ You must subtractr from your Aflack Strengthwhen fighting him; the stench whichexudesfrom his rotting fleshnaus€ates you asiL entersyour nostrilsand Lhroatand makesyour eyes water.For fhe first two Attack Rounds,the Stalker-
pointsfrom this attack(z of thesepoints being caused by a form of poison).Thereafterthe Stalker-Magewill attack with a poisoned shortsword;if he has the higher Attack Skength, you will lose 2 srAMlNA points lrom the weapon below, plus an exfra 2 srAMrNApoinfs due to poison,The poisonwill have evaporatedfrom fhe bladealter lhree AbtackRounds; thereafter,his hits will causeyou to lose only the normal2 sTAMTNA points BONE STALKER-MACE sKrLL1j
If you win, you know thal lhe sin8le exit passage Ieadsto the lair of the NjShl Dragon.If you are ready to go there,tum to 4E. If you wish to spend lime exploring this chamber,tum to rZE.
ao9 you are only living If the P€rsonin the room,you can easilyescapebeforethe door is brokendown; tum to jgz. If Lherearemilitiamenin the room with yorr you mvst Testyout Still, adding z to the number rolled lf you evadethem and jump down you are successful, inLo the back streets,where you evadetheir PUrsuiL But now you're going to be hunted by the milifia, which w l make your quest very difficult in futureTum to jgZ. If you fail, tum to r43.
aao After a wearying crawl you find a trapdoor in the you gently raiseit and peerthrough.You are passage, of passage' looking drrectlydown on to a crossroads
pit hap below: Thrr cor-rldiust be paranoiaon your part, but you camol be surelIf you have a roPe,you may descend safely (but you must leave the roPe behind);tum to 525.lI yo't haveh't,you must Test
your Skll.lf you are successfiJ,you descendsafely; if you fail, you (all and must lose 2 srAMrNApoints. Tum to j23- AJtematively,if you don't want to risk the fall, add 1 to your Time Track and go back to Lhe mainmtrance,tum to 192 raa Tie Great larl gets your drift very qurckly.His eye gleamswilh mischiefandhe leansforwardto scnrtinize you dosely.'Well, runt, I am a giant of honour.Is that not so?'he saysas he turns to his followers.They all murmurin agreement.'I[ amusesme that you seeka challengeto take this shield we have had for so many decades.Not many sho* folk would daret You are brave- stupid,but brave- so I shallaccept.'He rises to his feet, yawns and stretches,then Iazrly picts up his mormous,double-handed stoneaxe.The Greatfarl is probably sevenmetrestall and, quite honestly,he looks as if he could have you for breakfast.Fighting him would be the toughesLfight you haveeverhad in your life. Unfortunately,you don't have Lo fight him. His cabindoor swingsopenand his son and champion shdes in. He is introducid as Bagghurdand,while he looks about as smart as a rock he makes his father
tum to 2o4 If you decideto backdown,tum lo ryo. 472
Backaboadship, you are graciouslygiven somehot
aas-art boiled Greel for lunch. It has the taste and texture of boiled boots flavoured with fish oil, but al least it's hot and nutritious. The misl is beginning to lift and despite the caPtain'sgloom, the shiP arrives at its destinationiustbeforedusk Tum Lo5o4.
aa' Without a Magic sword, yolr cannot harm th€ Chillshadowllts numbing cold freezesyou and you become oaralvzed,You stand, rooted to the sPot, unubletJmove for what seemslike ages.Roll one die, and add the numberrolled Lo your Time Track Then on you . . . Tum to 36a the BoneStalkeradvanc€s at4 'scalmagzapdn. so you make a The signaturer€ads note oithis name he may be someonein a Positionof authority here, and certainly the small tower symbol
below his name suggeststhat he may be found in the northem towers of Camex-Now, will you: Open the cage here, if you havent alreadydone so? Leavethis room and open the door opposite? Leavethe breweryand makefor the Lowers? Backlrackard leavethe towlr of Camex?
Tum lo 9r Tum Lo5ro Turn to J85 Turn to 75
Your dwarven guides lead you along endlessBloomy passages,buf their exceptional {urderground senses alert them to prowling monsters befor. .,r". y." would have detecled lhem. Your feet are sore with marchingfor two days (add + to your Time Track) by the time the DwarG show you a descendinS, greymistedpassageway leadingdown into a fog-occluded chamber.'ThereLe the Mist Crypts,'your guide says grimly. 'May the gods go with you therelWhat you seeklies in Lheir depths; be sure to keep heading downwards.'You makeyour way acrossthe slippery floor of lhe cavdm and, peeringthrough the gloom, you seea door emerging{rom the mistsdirectlyahead of you. Thereis also a side-passage leadingupwards. Ii you c-hoose lo makeyour way upwards,tum to j55. lf you decideto open the door instead,tum ro aj:. aa6 You walk safely along the passageway,although your
aa, Ieet sLickto fhe glutinousmuckon the floor. W l you follow one of the descendrngsidepassages(tum to 164) or presson forwardto the pillarsand chamberin fronl of yoLr(turn fo j92)?
Yotr will neverhave faceda skangerenemythan the magrcalPyramidalCell now in fronLof you. The Cell cannotattackyou physically,but il can (andwilll) use magicalenergyto attack In eachAltack Round,if you have the higher Athck Strentth, you can strike lhe PyramidalCell and disruptits metabolism, so it cannot use magic.I{ it has the higher Attack Strength,il will usethe magicalforceavailableto it to strengthenitself or to attackyou;roll onedieandconsultlhe tablebelow to discoverwhat happens. DIE ROL L
r :
* r to Cell'ssrrrr Cellregains z sraMrNApoints
3 4 i 6
You aredrainedof 1 LUCKpoint You lose2 5TAMIN^points You lose3 srAMrNApoints You lose4 STAMTNA points
It you win" and if you havean HoNouRscoreof 3 or higherard you havea Sphereof Light,add 1lo to the SphereNumberand tum Lo that paragraph.If you do nol havelhe Sphereof Li8ht,or if your HoNoLRis less than 3, you descend and follow the passage below;tum to 55.
Co where? you ark. not ltopping to thinl how odd you look talkingto a cat. To lhe loremasler,of course'fhe cat saysimpaliently. 'Jt'sonly a few hundredkjlometres awiy.,Vour heait sinks at bhe thought of a long distancemarch after your strength-sapping exculsionsin thehillsandmounfains.Howevet the cat jumps inlo your arms,looks into your eyes and puns, 'Quite a srmple spell rea.lly. Lel'sdo it.' Everythingturns into a bluewhite haze roundyou and you feelvery unsteadyindeed.Tr.:rnlo 265. aa9 You don't wale from your sleep.your body is left with its throatcut for the northemwolves to find,and your advenfureendshere.
Oncemore you open the door with easeand you peer into the room beyond.It is a weaponschamber,with stone axes,a couple of shortswords,Lwo swords of larger size (usableby humanslike yourselft),small qossbowsand polearms.However,you can't simply enterandlaker.rhaterer you like.Barringyour way i. a StoneDwarf of bizarreaspecL: his body is coveredin stony spinesand bolh hrsarmshold lenglhsof barbed sLone,rathei like petrifiedspears.As you watch, the stone ftgureje*s shffly into life and beginsto move lhreateninglytowardsyou! If you want to 6ght the StoneDwarf, tum to 282 If you wish to closethis door and go elsewhere, you can do so,you may open the door opposite if you haven'tyet done so (tum Lo 8o),or you canreLumup the steps(tum to 2j2) a2a
The cowardly wizard falls at your feeLand thanksyou. You are disgustedwith the 5rghl,but he gives you what lreasurehe has:7 Gold Pieces,a set of iron keys which, he tells yoq will open lhe door further down thecorndor and somefood (add4 to your Provisions) You bind and gag him, and push his r,'riggling body undera tableout of sight.Turn Lojo8. a2
During the first day at sea,you need lood to keep yourselfwarm againsLthe freezingchill of the north wind; you must eat a meal As dusk begins to fall, there is a commotronon de& as a lookouL yells, 'Greels!Two of 'em on lhe port sidel'You soon find
out whaLa Greel is, when a metre-lhick,white-funed necklungesover Lheport bow and a brutish,eel-like head darLstowards you. The beast opens its blacklippedmouth to displayrows of backward-pointing teethaslongasdaggirs.You mustfightfor your lifel GREEL
STAM I N A 1 5
If you win, turn to 2o8 You feel yourself being suckedalong the Pulsating length of the endlessred passageunlil you find your selJback in the chamberyou first arrivedin Tum Lo
wheeling overheadand an occasionallethargicro& Lizard skittering away Irom your footsteps. A few thickieaved succulents hug the ground tighLly, the only plant Life you can see This is barren terain indeed,br-rtyou feel fortunaleat having avoidedany monstersduring your first day'stravel,and you sleep safely in a small cave.Add z to your Time Tra&, and you must now eat a meal. The following day you sooncometo a fork in lhe trail No*h-no h-west,the trail is hardly perceptibleany longer,pointing to the no{h eastemfork is a badly weatheredwooden sign, where you can just make out what is left of the orj8inalinscriplioniit sayssimply: 1O lS
You cannotdecipherthe lelters in Lhemiddle-If you wanl to head north-eastwards, tum to 5:z If you vr'anL to go to the north north-west,tum to 25.
StormdrakePass,which grows narroweras the peaks margrnbegin to ascendround of the Dragon Reaches ft, is not a well-travelledpath. The only signsof life you see as you trudge along the rocky hack are birds
The town is broadly divided in halt with the bigger housesand those of merchantslo the norLhand the homesof ordinaryJaboure$and a*isans!o Lhesouth. You ffnd a little food shop tucked away in a side sheet;if you wanL to get extra Provisions,you can
buy them at 1 Cold Pieceper meal here.The major features of Camex appear to be Lhe very large arrd a group of three grav€yardsto the north-east, spacious LowersstandinSbehind a curtain wall to the north, some fine gardensio lhe north-wesl, and a large breweryto the south-wesLTherearealso two taverns on LhesouLhsideof town.\Alhere*ill you 8o to now? Tum to 142 The tavems? Tum [o ry5 The gardens? Tum to 2o9 The brewery? Tum fo 58j The towels? Tum to 355 The graveyards?
you (add .z Lo your Time Track); the new steel linlcs showhardly any sign of the old rentsin the armour. You may add r to your AttackStrenglhrn all combats, but when you enter the mountainlair of the Shadow Dragon you may add 3 to your Atlack Strength, thanksto the magicalpropertiesof this armourlGain r LUc( point.Tum to -22o.
You have takentoo longl Grey- and bla& robed men are swarming into Lheroom from downstairs and you are trapped. You are swifLly overwhelmed and taken Your advenfureends to a ghasdychamberof sacriffce. here
The Red Wizard reachesthe end of the passagewhile you watch him leave.As he is abouLLo disappear throughthe door at the baseof the spinalpassage, he trms and yells an oalh at you, and castsa spell!A globe o{ fire flies from his fingers. Iest yout Luck 1I you are Lucky, you are able Lo duck back into his room and avoid the ball of flame, but if you are Unlucky,you are hit by the spelland you musrrose4 srAMrNApointslThm Lheheacherous Wizard is gone Turn to jo8
The Dwals reLum your newly repaired chainmail to
You casuallymention LheFrost Gianls to Nevill and
he grins knowingly. 'Ai, well now, there'san easy way of impressingthem. Neat little trick if one of them gets nasty and you have to accepta challenge. GeLyourselfa botlle of firewaterfrom old Benskens the Gnome, and an empty one spare-Fill the empty one up wlth water - no one'll know in that dark-green bottle - and sealthe cork agarn.Then,if a Grantgets nasty, challengehim to a fight - after you've had a botde of fiewaler each.They never say no to that, you know. Give the Giant the real stuff while yor-r &ink the water. Artually, buy as many botdes as you've got the gold for. If you're headinglhat way, yor.r'llneed all the firewateryou can get.' Now, will you: Ask Nevill aboutgrey- and blackrobed men? Ask Nevill aboutLheDragon Conclave? Leaveand shopat lhe Frrewater Emporium? Shopelsewhere for supplies? Relaxin Ismaterstavems,if you haven'talreadydone so? LeaveIsmater?
Turn to a5o Tum to r98 Tum lo 57 Turn to 373 Tum to zo7 Turn to 268
Standing in front of the door beyond the statue,you shor.rldhave the armour you seekbefore you go any further; if you have the armoul you lnow the Armour Number. Multiply thaL number by five, then tum to the paragraphwith that number If you don'l have the
armou, tum to 2j2 and searchonce more in the upper dungeonlevel. ata To your chagrin you cannot make out the signafure here,so you Learup the nolel Now, will you: Open the cage,if you haven'talready done so? Turn Lo 9r Leavehereand open the door opposite? Tum to 3ro Backtrack and leavethe town of Carnex? Tum to 75 atz Beyondthe door, you walk along a shorr ano very narrow length of cut stone passagewayuntil you come Lo a seconddoor, which you open wiLh ease; steppinginto the chamberbeyond, the door closes silenLlybehind you, and now it rs absolutelyflush wilh the wail You realizehow well designedi secret door it is from inside this roor& and you wonder n'heLheryor: should look for other similar hidden portalswithin the cryptsbeyondtTurn Lo2o1.
Beyondthis plainwoodendoor is a very long passage whichrisesup a gmtle slope,with setsof stepscu[ in it every twenty metres or so. Along the high ceiling run heary stone and metal pipes; despite the solidity of the material they're made from, they seem to pulsateand thob in a slow rhythm.In lhe {ar distance thereappearsto be a spiralstaircase leadingupwards, but there are three door6 beforethal two on your right, one closeand one distant,and one on your left in beLweenYou have a strong feelingthat trying to smashthe pipeswould definitelyraisethe alarm and you don'l want to risk Lhat.So,will you, Open the nearerright-handdoor? Open the left-hand door? Open the further right-hand door? Head for lhe spiral staircas€?
Tum to Tum to Tum to Tum to
389 a8i 299 252
454 You rush the Giant and starlle him with your lirst blow, but lhen he raiseshis axe to fight you You were warned Lhat these Frost Ciants were tougher than most, and now you're about to find out al first handl FROSTGIANT
i: 7Y:;+\f ),": ::-
If you wirL tum to jZ. 455 You retreat a liltle raay and Lry to form a plan for gettin8 into Camex undetectedand bypassingthe
one of the ordinaryvillagers(turn to 79); or SivinguP else(turnto 57o). and going somewhere ' a35 you do not want him lo thaf tell the Dragon You suffer the curse an Oath-breakingbrings, and he looks at you with mingled relie{ and unce*ainty- Gain 1 HoNouRPoint Now whetedo you want to 8o Lo? South-westto ihe sword? North-wes[ to Lhearmour? South-eastto the FrostGian[sand the shield?
Tum to 288 Tum Lo 2a7 Tum lo 59
As you make your way towards the eastem face of the mounLain,a black-cloakedcreatr-:reLwo mekes tall leapsout from behrnd the cover of a large ro& to
wisprof noxious8as at you and foetid.brown-yellow drift out of its fanged mouth! One of the NiSht Dragon'sStalkersis uPonyou, and battling it will be
difficult. During each Attack Round, wheneveryou have a lower Altack StrengfhLhanyour enemy,you mlust Test yout 9kill. lt yott ever fail the bst, the Stalkerbreathesover you and its foul breathweakens you, you will have to subtractz poinls from your Atlack Strengthduring the rest of this combaf,and r point kom your Attack Strengthin the next combat you face. CREENSTALKER
If you win, and you slay the horror, its eyesgazeat you wiLha malignmenaceas iL perishes, asif someone - or somelriag- elsewas still looking at you. Add r to your Nemesisscore.Now you can continueyour searchround the mountain(turn to 169) or reLumLo lhe funnelentranceyou know of and enLerthere(tum b 7a) a'a You follow lhe passagewayto the tum and beyond it towardsa door in lhe distance. Then from behindyou, a great iron-barredportcullis slamsdown from the ceiling,completelyblockingthe pathback Frombefore you comesan ominousbangingat the heavy wooden door, as if somethrngon the Iar side were frying Lo teL outl You strainto lift the portcullis,bul it is very heavy.You can now [ry one of two slrategiesYou can Lry to force the portcullis up by the exerciseof susLained strengLh. If you do this,you areallowedtwo altempls before the door operrs.At eachattempl you must TesLyour Skil, and you need only one successLo escape;but you musLadd 4 to the numberrolled on
the dicel AltemativeJy,you can try a single mighty heave.You get only one such atternpt; you must lesf your Skill, adding r to the mmrber rolled, but the effort is indeed miShty and you pull a muscle(deduct2 points from your sraMINA and you must subtract1 from your Attack Strenglh for lhe nexb combat).I[ you fail,tum to 165.lfyou aresuccessful, the portcldlis opens,you escapeand it doses behind you; Lum to
agony.Deduct5 pointsfrom your sreurre. However, the mino/s bloodstonesare glowing brilliant ruby-red now, and something of the fumacds heat seems to you havebeen&awn inlo thosepulsalinggemstones. may add 2 points to yoln hilial STAMTNA score,and makea nole that when you meet the Nigh! Dragon you may subtract3 from its sr MrNAscorelNow tum to 306.
a82,t42 '
You are beyondthe reacho{ the angryOgre when he triesto swaLyou out of the vine - but now the huge brute hugs the baseof lhe large vine and is trying to shakeyou out of \tl Testyow Skilloncemore,if you are successful,hun to 3i48;but if you farl, fum to a58-
You will leam no[hing of interestin the Lavemsof the town. Local people acfually move away from you, and their tall is very guarded.lf you are wearing grey robes, add r to your Nemesisscore,there ire no robed men in the tavems here! Choosesomewhere els€ to visit, where you have not been before. Will you head fon
'l have an urgent appointmentwith High PrreslScalmagzaprinin person,'you announcewith all the authority you can muster.'The breathof the Andenl will If your be upon you if I am delayedin my businessl' Nemesisscore is 7 or higher, you must Testvour Lrck; if you are Lucky, you are allowed to past so fum to 26. If you are Unlucky,tum to lo5. If yow Nemesis scoreis 6 or below, the guardstremblein Lheirboots and leLyou enterthe centraltowe4 turn to 26 r41 Your hands,arms and face throb wrth pain while you hold the mirror close to the fumace for a few seconds, then you are forced to retreat, biting back a cry of
The gardens? The brewery? The Lowers? The graveyards?
Tum Turn Turn TuIn
Lo 17, to 2o9 to j85 to 5jj
to your Time Track). If you did try to escapethat way, they hold you for five days (add ro to your Time Track).Then they turf you out, Tum to 587.
144 Dragging yourself through the aperture, you have ascended into a domedhemisphere of a chamberwith what looks ljke the starry skiesin Lheheavensabove you, blueand yellow twinklng Lghtscascading from a lhousandstalactitelike growlhs high above Brilliant sparksof light flashfrom one glowingpoint to anoLher, hacing out a vasLsplder'sweb of scintillatingcolour. In the middleof this chamberis a plramidal creaLure, half transparenL and gelatinous,wilh tenLaclesthaL project up into the dome and down into lhe rubbery floor. Round the pyramid {Lit dark, wraith-like shapes that radiate a chill you can feel where you stand.You have no idea how dangerousentry may be, but you sensepowerful magic at work, and a thrill of fear races up your spine If you want to stepforward,tum to 88. It you prefer lo descendand follow lhe twisting passageway below,lum to 5g. 145
You are almostaLthe top of the glaclerwhen a clatter of rockscomesLumblingdown on your headlLose2 sraMrNA points. One heavy stone hits you on Lhe foreheadand dazesyou, you must subtractl from your ALtackStrengthfor Lhecombatyou're abouLLo face.You manage to hang on to Lhe ice and not be swept off by this assault,gain 1 LUCKpoinL.lMren you get to your feet on Lheridge you lace a skeletal aLtackerarmed with a long, barbed polearm weapon with which it has a long reach,makingit difficult to get at. IL managesto wield this with one bony hand while gripping a curved dagger in the other lo attack
you i{ you do manageto get closelIf the Skeleton rolls r7 or higher for its Attack Strength,it will hit you even if you have the higher Attack Shength(if you have, you bolh land blows in the sameAtta& Round),and if you don't TesLyour Skill successfully aJter such a blow you will slip and iall on the ice If you fall, you musl subtract 4 liom your Attack Strengthin the next AttackRound. SKELETON
If you win, tum to 275
145 which You have wanderedinto a maze of passages confuseand disoientaLeyou. Roll one die; if you rol) 4 or 5, you emergefrom the mazesafely;tum to zo If you roll a 6, tum [o 566. If you roll 3 or below,add r to your Trme Track and roll the die again unLil you do roll 4 or higher.If you wish, you can sPenda LUCK point Lo add 1 to the numberrolled on the die; but you can tum lo 355 only if you acfuallyroll a 6 on the die 147 You are almost half-way down the stePswhen a spell
slamsinto your body; a blackweb-patternof magical energydrawn from centuriesof dreamsof destruction and death wraps round yoq cutting into your body and limbs.Your magicalarmourmay saveyou from this; TestyourLuck,addingj to the toLalrolled.If you are Lucky,yow armourabsorbsthe spelll If you are Unlucky,you lose4 pojnts from your sr,lrlrvl arrdr polnt from your sKr!1. You drag yourself onwards down the steps;tum to 27a 144 You rise lo your full height and challenge the Frost Giant championLodrinl a bottle of frewater with you before lhe ffght! The onlookersgasp as one Ciant. You hand Bagghurd the real stuff, and you yourself drarn the water in your own botlle Bagghurd is certainlylooking somewhatcrosseyed aiter he has labouredto finish the drink, and you can deduct 2 from his Atta& Slrength during the coming fight. Return to ao4 and ftght.
149 Your weaponshrivelsin lhe fiery blastof the breath that envelopsyou in a cloud of dreadfulheat and smokelLose6 srAMrNApoints.If you are still alive, You rush your enemy,Lumto 295
Dwarven artisans,slill sLonyand awkward, tale some time to repair the chainmailarmour for you. Add 5 to your Time Trac( but Lheydo a fine job. The chain armour is light and supple,and rt adds r to your Attack Strengthin all combats,exceptaSainstStalkerc and the Night Dragon againstwhom it adds z to your AttackStrengthlTurn to 22o. 455 The FrostGiant leapsto his feeLas you approachand holdshis axe LhreaLeningly abovehis head;buLsome, thing tells you he's mther wary of you and his gestr_re is jusl bluster 'Im looking for the Chieftainof your people,'yousaywith all the ar.rlhority you canmuster.
'Chieflainof thirty years'greatleadership and mighl, I do noL comeLorob your tombs,'you cry out, hoping for the best.Now, what is your Nemesisscore?lf iL is 4 or higher tum to ryj If it is j or lower Lurnto
Pushing open the door to the brewery, a strong smell of hops and malt comesfrom the barrel-filled roorn you enter There is a door to your dght, one to your left, and one in {ront of you. \r'{hich will you oPen? Tum to 245 The door Loyour left? The door before you? Tum to 3,41 The door Loyour right? Tum to 221
'Oh really?'he replies.fihy would LheGreatJarlwant to seeyor4 Shofty?' You both bluster for i whrle, bul what il comesdown to in the end is that this Frost Gianl will take you to the Great Jarl'scamp if you gjve him an appropriate gift. You have to give the Frost Giant 4 Gold Pieces,a botlle of firewaLeror a flaskof liqueuras a bribe.If you arewilling to do this, amend your Adoatture accordingly and tum to r9o. If you don't have 'fuet any of these jLems,or are simply too meanto give this Gianl anything,matters are Soing [o be much more difficult for youi tum to 374.
454 Beyond the half-opendoor is a very strangelaboratory indeed A tall, lean,satumineman in red robestrimmed with black rises from his seaLat a table fflled with glassglobes,reto.ts and pipes,Criss-crossing the wall and ceiling above the table are strang€, tentacle-like growths which pulsate,making the squelchingnoises you heard outside.They run into the walls of the room, and colouredliquidsfrom the alchemicaiglassware are drawn fhrough tubes into these peculiar growths A pile of brokeo reptilianskdls lies on the lar side of Lheroom, and in a huge bell jar a half-dozen reptile brainsIIoaLin black brine. A large fube runs hom this vessel to the largest of the tentacles,which pulsatesconstantlyand dripsglutinousslimeon to Lhe floor. This is peculiar enough,but you have no time [o in the 6ne details; the wizard is readying his attacklTo beginwith, the wizardwill attemptto pull a lever besidehis large work-table,When he wins an AttackRound(hehasa srrrr o[ rr) he will do so,tum to j84. When you win Atlack Rounds,you will inflicL damageon him; if you manageto kill him ouhight withoul his ever having the higherAttack Strengthin ar Atta& Round(hehasa sr^MrNAof 15),tum to 76. 455 your For a secondtime contact has been slain by assassinsl The EIf managesa few words before Lhe poison on the dart kills hirn. 'North-north-west,' he coalcs. 'along StormdrakePass.Frost Giants have - - . Take them firervater,lsmater ..' and then he is dead What will you do now?
Buy someextraequrprlentor food? Turn to 2j6 Sell themfurs,if you havesomelo Turn to 6E sell? Tum to 98 LeaveRentamfor StormdrakePass? a56 of magicalforce,aad il rnto a banrer You run full pelt feels as if you have run straight inlo a rock face Deduct f poinls from your sreuIN,l, and now you lum to 1o8 must TestyourSkill If you are successful, you fail, tum to 568. Ii 457 'Quiet enough,'the Dwarf says as he takesanother north gulp of strongale.'There'sa village,Shamdale, yer get to of lhe woods and not much else before Rentarn.But I have seena FrosLGiant or two to the north east,allhoughI haven'lheardof them attacking You don't want to be hunLersor trapp€rshereabouts. fightingany of them- lhey'reas toughasmy boots lf you've got some Erewaterwith you, though, they'll stupid on it. Drunlards,they are.'If drinl themselves else,you you want to askthe Dwarf aboui someLhing (turn lo 90) or the canaskabout the Dragon Reaches just tum in for men in grey (tum to 337);or you can the nighl and get somesleep(turnto 275) a58 You land heavily in falling off the vine. DeducL 5 points from your sTAMINAand now you are forced to fight the enormousmonstet tum to lol
459 459
You do not interrupt the chieftarnas he explainsthe plighLof his people.They are cursedto live as beings of stone,a GreaLWyrm appearedin their minesand turnedthem Lo stonewith its terrjblepetrilying gaze The Dwarfsbelievelhe Wyrm appearedDecause rney disturbedan ancient evil sleepingfar to the north when their mrnes spread far and wide below the Dragon Reaches.They also believe that you have come to slay ihe Wyrm and lift their curseof ages They seethe Lomannouryou cany, and they ofler !o repairthis if you slay fhe Wyrm. You have a honible sLrspicion that what they call a Wyrm rs rn reality a Basilisk,whrch tums people to sLoneif they meel iLs gaze;but you have no choice You heft your sword and agree to slay Lhe monster Agarn the Dwarfs cheer,and they guide you through the great hall to a descendingpit cagewhich leadsdown Lo the mines The ancientmechanismwhich operaLesit begins to dank, and by some minor rniracleit delivers you safelyLo the deepmines.Add r to your Time Track Opening the barred iron door, you step on ro wer, cold rock and breathein dank air. Water d ps every wherein lhe gloomhere.andthesilence i, asominous as the darlcressyour lantem barely illuminates.You can follow a mine shaftleadingrn one of four direc tions,will you go. North? South? West?
Turn to 27 Turn to 242 Turn to 14 Tum lo 5o2
a6o Nevill's demeanourchangesabruptly; he looks filled with fear,'Wallshave ears,'he hiss€s,'nevermention those men! They come ftom Carnex They brew aie there,so they say, and they do deliver it here, but they're bad, vile, blackheartedscum.Don'l speakof them herel'He ushersyou ouL of hrs shop.Now, will you: Shopat the FirewaterEmporium? Buy some supplies? Relaxin lhe tavems,if you haven't
Twn to j, Tvrr.lo 573
done so? Leave Ismater?
Tum to 2o7 Tum to 268
though four of them are a force to be reckonedwilh. tum to 69. a62
The new day is bitterly cold. You lose z srrurr.r points because of the wind ch:ll as a galewhips across the fiozen plains, unless you have some Firewater. If you have,sippingit will keepyou warm and you need lose no STAMINApoints (sinceyou take a sip only, you do nol have to removethe Firewaterfrom your Adoenlure Sheel)You arenow closingin on lhe moun tain rangeLo the north,and Loyour left you see,some distanceaway, a column of figures heading north. Takingcareto concealyourself,you approachthem to take a closer ]ook. You see that a hundred or so ragged folk, chained together, are being shepherded along by a group of four grey robedmen;periodically the slavesare being slruck wifh cruelwhips by their captors.lf you decide to leave well alone here tum [o a58.If you decideto attackthe grey-robedmen,even
a67 S KIL TE
If you win, will you: Head for the door to your right? Make for the door oppositeyou? Leave the brewery and explore elsewherein Carnex?
Tum fo j41 Tum to 245 Tum to j5j
164 The passages o.rrvearound to join one anotherand descend into a huge,barrenchamberin whicha massive ring of threemetre-fallbonesstandsround the walls. ThoseneatesLyou are blunt, those further aneaoare sharpand tooth-shaped You realizethat this is a kind of modelof a giganticmoulh Exploringthis huge cavem would lakemuchtime;if you wish to searchit, turn to and retrace 549. If you want to go backup the passage your steps,add I Loyour Time Trackand rurn ro 392. a6s
wearinggrey robes,they aresuspicious of you, but you marageLobluffyourwaythrough,gain1 LucKpoin!,but you mustalsoadd 1 to your Nemesisscore.Tum to :6. a66 The keys on the tabledon't fit the chesl and thereare no keys on fhe bodies of the Assassinsyou have slain. Trying to plse open lhe lock on the chest,you must
a6a-a69 a68 By the time you reachthe boltom of the stans the grinding and booming soundsare deafening.Peering round the comer of the stairs with your 6sts over your ears to shut out the sound,you see a bizarre scene.You are sLandingon lhe left-handside of an ovif room which has huge, hery, sLoneprts sunk at eachside,and hammeringup and down rnto Lhem- as if grrndrngsomeLhing at the bottom of the pils - are a parrof stonecylinderswiLhfire blackenedbasesBuming arcsof steamingred liquid fly up from the pils as ihe columnshammerdown, and this liquid looks as ii it could be boiling bloodl Standingin lhe middle of the room is a very powerfi-rlJookingand bewilderingly strangeobject:threemekesLall,the 6gureis madeoul of stoneandi[ looksratherlike a skeletalDragoa with very powerful hind limbs terminating in great clawed blocksof red-veinedblack rock It is standingon its hind legs and metronomicailymoving ils forelegsup and down; the columns rise and fall in unison with its movements. The obvioustoughnessand power of this juggemaut-statue give you pausefor thought.If you wish to attackthe statue,turn to 274. If you wish to dimb backup the slajrsand searchelsewhere, Lurnto 51. a69 You don't find anoLherenhance,but do discovera clump of tleshy, thi&Jeaved plants growing in a small gully. The leaves and roots are fairly tough, bul [hey're nourishing and you may add 3 lo yor-t Provisions.Garn1 LUCKpoint and fum to 78-
ar2-473 470
You respect6:l1ysay that, having seen the awesome might of the Great Jarlls son, he is clearly the mosL powerfulfighter that Titan has ever seenand no one could possibly hope to match him Your flattery saves your skin, but you have backedout of a challengeyou suggested, so you must lose 1 point of HoNouR.The Frost Giantssneerat yolr, and you can'tnow suggest some form of barter. You have to slinl away from their camp and spend the night out in the wilds. Tum to 298.
If your srAMrNAscoreis below 20, you have to pay the full fare of ro Gold Piecesand tum to 122, you mustLravelby land(Llrn to zrz). oLherwise 472
You sland in a bare guard chamber wth a very slrangerising passagewaylo your left. The slope of Lhepassageis very steepand the surfacesof the floor, reiling and wall. are Lnobbled,almoslbony in appear. ance.All the surfacesdrip wilh a thin, slipperyjelly whichwill male climbingvery difficulLand dangerous. If you havea magicalseedpod and you chooseto use it here,you know how many shipesit has,multiply that number by Lwenty and turn to the paragraphwith that number.If you do not have il or do nol wish to useit, Lumto 2o5.
ara lf you have a sraMrNAscoreof 20 or more,the first male looks you over and decides you're a strong fellow, so you can geL passagefor a mere 4 Gold Pieces,if you re preparedto work aboard ship, slaving aLrope-tarringand deck-scrubbing You'll get a bunk to sleepin, but youll haveto provide your own food! If you want to acceptthis offer and can pay, you must double the number of meals which you are told to consurneduring lhe joumey aboard ship; tum to a22.
The glowing red eyes of the undead Chieftain6x themselvesupon you, boring deep into you \r'y'henit speaksin a low, rasping voice, it does noL seem hostile.You are wise to reveremy might, warror. I
ar4 see that you are markedb/ an enemy I have no love for. It is still within my power, warior ro grvc you aid. f you are wo*hy.' The cr€atureraisesits sword wilh a threateninggesture.'I offer you a bargain You must 6ght and overcomeme, and I will guide you within lhis placeand granLyou somepower from this sword althoughit is not the one you comeseeking here. If you aft too craveq begone and teave me to my rest.' Will you accept the challenge to duel with the Chieftain(tum fo 36j) or leave(tum to 5j2)? 474 The Demon is gone and the mirror it emergedfiom is now shattered;but somethinghas been lefl behind Lying at the base of the broken mrrror'shame is a silver Magic Minor with a hundred bloodstoneswinking at you Fom its filigree rim (make a note of the number of Sems as fhe Minor Number). This Magic Mirror is a very valuablefind (8ain 1 LUCKpoint):it car pe orm many functions. It has three charges of magic left inside it, and you may use a charge at any time, exceptduring combat,for one of the lollowing purposes. You may command the Minor either to show your reflecfion as a strong, powerfii warrior (whenyou do this, your srrrr will be restoredto iLs ful|, Initiallevel)or to show you in the best of health {lhi5 will eilher cure any diseaseyou rnay acquireor restore your STAMINAto its lfiilidl value, as you choose).Finally,as long as the Mirror hasat leaslone drarge left, you can commandit to fly at an opponent in combat and explode in a vortex of flying glass and metal shards;if you do this, it will innict 6 points of
ar5-a76 damage to the st^|,rrre of your opponent, but it is then deshoyed. You may do this during any Attack Round, in addition to your normal weapon blow. Iry'henthe Minor has no chargesleft it will be useless, so you must keep a record of the chargesyou have used. Now, there are passageways to be explored. Will it be, The white passage? The red passage? The silverpassage? The yellow passage?
Tum to 218 Tum to 12j Tum to 146 Tum to 292
475 The gardens are pretty and eleganf, but towrsfolk again avoid you. The only noteworthy feature you find is a sluce which appears to drain water away fiom an omamentallily pond, and which you surmise may also lead down into the sewersbelow the town. No one seemsto be aroundwa[chingyou so, if you wanLLogo down into the sewers,tufn [o 195 Alterna trvely, you can explore some part of Camex which you haven'tyet visited.Will this ber The tavems? The brewery? The towers? The graveyards?
Turn Turn Tum Tum
to 42 to 2o9 to j83 to jj5
1rb You have to carry the man for half a dozen kilornetres before a kapper with a sled overtakesyou. The burly
trapperrecognizesthe victim and sayshe comes{rom the vrllageof Shamdale, sevenkilometresfutlheralong The lwo of you unloadfurs and goodsirom Lhesled, put the mjured man on rt, and you help by carrying the bulky furs along lhe road to Shamdale.You deliver the man Lo his family, who make him as comfortableas they can. The weatheris dosing in, nith chill.*leetrngrain driilrngdown from iron-gre1 clouds,and you'll not get to Rentambeforedarknow You ar€ invited to slay rvith the family; they will give you somefurs by way of thanks,as well as hot lood and a comfortablebed for the night Add u to your Time Trackard gain l pojnt of HoNouR.Now tum to 304
the numberscorrespondingto the lettersin his name, multiply lhe total by 3, then lum to that paragraphIf you have a magicalseedpod, mulliply the nurnberof shipesin thepod by.zr, thenlum to that paragrapha78 If you'releavingRentarn,there'sa passwhichyou mus[ find If you know Lhenameof Lhepass,converLiLinto a numberusingthe following code:A = a, B = 2, C = 3 . . Z = z6 Add, the nr.rmberscorresponding to the lettersin the namelogetherthentum lo lhe paragraph w:th Lhatnumber.If you don'Lknow Lhenameof thepass, youmustvisittheRudderless Galleytavem,tum to 285 479 A cone-shapedfog of superfrozen magical cold is headingtowardsyou! If you havea Magic Shieldwith you, you know the Shield Number. Tum to the paragraph with that number If you do not have it, you musl lose 6 srAMlNA points becauseof the intense cold o( the Dragon'sbreathlTum to 211.
Your missileshootsharmlessly away into Lhedistance. The cuning Night Dragon castsa spellaLyou which will af{ectyour Magic Armour, if you have some.You must subtractr {rom the bonuslhis Armour gives Lo your Attack Strenglh,as it developsmetal{atigueand rust.You've got to ffnd a way lo descendl IFyou wish bo climb down the steps,turn lo r47 If you have Winged Boots,you know the nameof the man who wore thembeforeyoq converthis nameinto a number u s i n gth e cod eA = LR= 2, C= j...2= 2 6 .A d d
r8o The statuetakesLhecoin in its hand,looks at il, then ha;rdsil back to you. Il slandsas if aLease.movinS awayfrom the door.Tum to r5o
a81 aEa You rushup the stairsand Lhrowopen the door to Lhe highestchamberof the lower Acrossthe room stands a snaiing High Priest, shroudedin a black miasma of magical energyj one hand holds a scimitar glowing with brilliant, cracklingblue light, the other holds a short,slimwoodenwandwhichglowsfiery andbright You haveno fime to Lakein the hideousdecoraLion of the room, wiLh its mummifiedbodies,skeletal6gues, vast statuesof Dragons and similar honors; yor.r're fighhngfor your life! In eachof the {irst four Altack Rounds,the High Priest will dischargehis cracklingmagicalwand at you. This is in additionto his scimilaratlack.In eachround you rr.ust Testyour 5kill, adding 5 lo the number rolled. If you fail, you will be stru& by a magicalbolt and lose 4 poinbsoI srAMrNA.In addrlion,the evil scimitarthe High Pdestusesinflicts f points of damageto your srAMrNAwith eachsuccessful hit. You are up against a truly tenifying enemy
S K ILL 11
If you win, your Nemesisscoreis reducedby 2 points, for you have slain the High Priest himsel{,and his cult will be too disorganizedto pursue or harassyou (thoughhis Stalkersmay still be prowling the Icefinger Mountains!).Add r to your Time Track You now have a choice,if you want to leave Camex immediately,you'll be ableto gel to safety;turn to 75. If you want Lo stay and explorethis chamberfor treasure,if only brieflt tum to j15.
aEz-aa3 aEz Backon lhe oLherside of lhe portcullis,you oughLto 6nd somewhereto exploremore worthy of your time dead-endyou just walked inLo Lhanthe unpleasaqL (tum to 532) or go to Lhe antechamber You can ba& descendthe stairs to the chamberwilh the well (tum to 376).
a83 The door half-way along the passageoPens into a simple antechamberwiLh a closed door aheadof you and another door, slighdy ajat to your riSht A distinctly disturbing squelching sound is coming from behindthe opendoor.Will you, Tum to 225 Open the door aheadof you? EnterLheroom beyond the half-open Tum Lo 154 door? lusl takea peekround the half-open Tum lo 551 door?
aa4-aA5 a84 You row all day and night and most of the next day, just hoping that your navigationalinsLincLs as to the direcbionof norlh are good. You must eaL2 meals during your joumey, and by Lhe Lime you reach CorpseBay yor.rare frozery exhaustedand feeling stiff all over.You desperalely needrest and hot food! Add 2 to your Time Track and fum to 5o4 a85 The grisly Bone Stalker radiates a ghastly, sickening stench and you must subhact r from your Attack Strengthwhenfighting it. You canreply to the attacks by its raking claws in one oI two ways, you can lighl normally or you can try to direct your blows at the hand whlch holds the amulet you seek.If you decide to takethe latler course,you mustdeduct3 from your Attack Strength,but if you win an Attack Roundyou severthe claw and grab the amulebturn to 269. You can changeyour atbackstrategyin any Attack Round You can also flee this combal at any time and make for one o{ the doors by tlt\ir.g to jz7
sxl!L g
lf youwin,tum to 312. aa6 You Loil and marchthrough lhe rocky hills until you find a safeplaceto sleep.Add 4 to you Time Track and now you must eat a meal. In the moming you 6nd a hack going eastwardsfrorn your path and a dear signpostreading 'CARNEX'. You can delay your.travellingand spendsome time foragrngand hunting here for extra Provisionsif you arevery shortof suppliesEachday you spendhrmting and gathering, roll one die and halve the number rolled (rounding fractions up). This is the number of exka meals you gather after feeding yourself for the day; if you have a longbow or a crogsbow you can add an extra unit of Provisionsto your stockseach day You may spendas many days as you wish doing this,bul you mustadd 2 to your Time Trackfor every day you stay.When you'rereadyto kavel onwards,if you want to make for Camer not having been there before tum to 3a. If you are heading south to get to the Mst Crypts, march on: add 4 to your Time Traclg eat a meal, and tum to zr If you are heading north to get to SlatePeak tum to 85.
a87 You can feel your life-energy being sapped by the mirrot lose 5 srAMrN^points!The bloodstonesglow with a fiery, magicalenergy and a rather unpleasant :rgh come,,from it. Betler.better,'it croons. j have my own fate and desliny,warrior,It is not for you to know what they may be However,in this placemy fate is intertwinedwith yours. Look!'As the mirror falls silent, the pounding stone colurnns cash dol^rn inlo fhe pits and are silent!You may add r point to your s(rLL (both yoLr cment and Inifial score),and. makea note that you may subhactr from the srrn of the NiShl Dragonwhenyou encounteriLlTum to 67
a88 As the Mountain Basilsk tums its€lf to stone, a Srear sigh resonatesthrough the entirc mine complex as the fliJ\e o[ ages is lifted. Your Vagic Minor gain. r chargeas it absorbsthe magicof the Mounlain Basilisl s being.and you gain 2 LUcx points:You relum lo the pil cage,and the Dwarfs haul you backup to the dungeonsabove the mines.They are retumed to their earthly flesh, and they are abuzz with life and energyt
Dwar6 scurry to and fto: some are brinSing food, magically conjured from a huge ston€ comucopia,and lhey give you all you can take (restoreyour Provisions total to its maximum). Artisans hurry away, carrying your armout they head for the emithy, where the forges are alreadybeing rekindled.They apologize that they have no Cia s to roast for a feast,but if you stay a month or two . . . Of couEe you cannot-Tum to at7
a89 Decidewhaf your actionwill be, thm TesfyourSkill.lf you are successful, you geL Lo the pyramidalcreature before it can use i[s magic againstyou. If you are you take too long; a glowing beam of rmsuccessful, magicalenergy flows from the pyramid hto your chest, and you feel a terrible dawing pain clutching at your heartard vitals;lose4 sr^MINA points!Tum to aaz 490
The Frost Giant marchesoff at a good pace,iL'sclear he enjoyswatchingyou haveto half-walkand half run in order to keep up with him. He's soon joined by another Frost Giant, and shortJy before the end of the day you find youself in the encamprnentof the Great
Jarl and about a hundred other Frost Giants. Pitched tenLs,massivewooden cabins,flo&s of livestockand hungry-lookingSnow Wolves abound.You're beginning to wonderwhat you'vewalkedinto. Turn to :9
a9a The Harlequin tests you with puns, conundrums and puzzlesgalore,but youre equal to the task. Oddly enough, he doesn't seem to care that you're using a book to counter his word games.Well, I supposeyou win. Never liked these things anyway,' he says as he takesoff his boots and throws them to you. You now own the Harlequin'sWinged Boots;to be more accu rate,lhey are gliding boots that allow you to descmd safely bhroughlhe air in a gentle glide. The Harlequin snapshis fingersand dismissesyou; the cloud castle vanishesin a yellow hazeand you are back where you started.Tum to 20.
492 As you get close to where the gold lies, you can see rormd the door - and what's beyond it tums to look at you Clothed in ngs, filthy and decrepit, the zombielike horror crouchesover lhe last scraosof the Dwarf il has a-lnostfinishedeating. As the undead thing advances, your stomachheavesas a wave of its repulsivestenchwashesover you. You must subtract .z from your ALta& Strength when fighting lhe Stench Ghoul,so powerfulis its disgustingodour.
If the StenchGhoul hits you threeLimes,tum to j98. If you win, hrm lo 277. 19t You are half way Lowardsthe archway when you are stabbed in the back by an invisible opponent! You must lose z srAMrNApoints, plus 2 more srAMrNA points due Lo poison:yotlr enemy'sblade will inflict this additionaldamagefrom poisonfor the nexLLhree Attack Roundsif he strikes.While you carnot see your assailant, you realizetoo lale lhat he waskeeping watchaLthe door behindyor-rl INVISIBLEASSASSIN
sKrrl 1j
If you win, the limp form of your assassinenemy reappearsas the effects of his Potion of Invisibility wear off. Exploring his room hrms up nothing except a little food (add r to your Provrsions),so you c:m either press on towards the archway (tum to 26l or (tum to joa) retreaL andretumto the mainpassageway
rE -a9a
is also coated with poisorl. so you must lose a further pointslYou fear there may be more traps 4 STAMINA here,retum to 2j4 and choosesomewhereelseLogo, if you wish to leave.Altematively,turn to r1o if you decideto riskiL andpushopenthe door anyway.
future.Tum to 5E7. 495 you ane now sbanding at a cenkal You iudge that intersectronof the sewersbeneath Camex From here, smaller tunnels lead off to the north-wesb, north, north-east and south-west-Follow one of the sewers which you haven'tkied before;in eachcase,you will find yourself at a location in Lhe town after you've pushedup a manholecover and emerged from the sewers,Will you 80: Tum to 1r5 Tum to 57 Turn to 27j Tum fo t85
North'west? North? North-east? South-west? 490
As you try to force open the healry door, a large metalsDikeserinqsout of the wall and jabsyou in the leg. You los€ 2 si,rvrra pointsfiom the spike and it
you pressyourself Sneakingup to the tururelentrance, flat againstLherock faceon one side,sbrainingto h€ar. There is no soundfrom withrn, so you dash forward into the gloom, using your lanlem to see by. The passageway is shorf and leadsaf once into a cavem with a himel directlyoppositeyou. A pair of Skeleton Warriorsin heaq' chainmailbar your way; you can fight thern separatelyin the tunnel. SKIIL
g g
6 6
If you win, you race swiftly through this guard dramberand down the far passageto a crossroads Tum Loj23. a98 Nevill Iooksrathercoldly at you. 'l wouldn't menLion Dragons hereaboutsif I were you,' and he looks aroundfurtively as if expecLing somethingot sorneone to leap out of lhe shadowsat him. He pushesyou towardsthe door of his shop,bul not be[orewhispering, 'lf you're offered help by a Dragon there ifll pensh if you accept.They're all bound by the Oath,
r99F o1
you know.'Then you'reout in the streetand the door ot the shopslamsshut behindyou. Will you now:
Turn to 5z Tum to 55 Tum to rot Tum to ,68
,oa You standin a small,oval-:hapedcavem:its ceilingis obscEed by mist and two doors stand at opposite ends of the roorn where the walls have been cfriselled
The Frosl Giants form a circle round you. Bagghurd's doting gianlesswife oils his skin while he dons hrs hear,lzbattlefurs and readieshis greataxe.The Gianls begin to chant their hero's ruune as you square up againsteachother.You must call on all your ability if you are to have any hope of success herelOf course, you may have a special trick lo help you out (you rnusLhave a boltle of firewaterleft for this trick, of course).If you have,you loow Lhenameof the man who told you about it; tum his nameinto a number, using the followingcode:A = 1, B= 2, C- 3 .. Z = 26 Doublethat numberand tum to the paragraph with the samenumber.Otherwise,fight onl
BAGCHURD If you reduceBagghurd'ssrevrr,r to z porntsor less, he surrendersand you are victoriouslThe Greal Jarl spilsat your feet,Liftsup the shieldand hurlsil at you while his son snivels over [he wormds you have inflictedon him. Tum lo go7 205
Ascendingthis slimy, slippery indine will be very difGcultindeed ]1ou mtst Testyour Skill twice, adding 2 to lhe number rolled each time. Howevet if you have spikedboots, you need not add -z to the dice rolls;if you alsohave an ice pick, you may subtraclr Fom the dice rolls. If you are successful, you ascend the passagewaysafely. II you farl, you slither and fall and musLlose 1 sTAMINApoint bhroughfalling backrvards for some metres You ca Test llofi Skill as
often asyou needin orderto ascend,bu! eachaLtempt you make to climb lhis passagewill add r Lo your Time Track.
turn to the paragraphwith the samenumber.If you don't hav€sucha coin,you will haveto ffght the huge guardian.
When yor.rreach the top, you are standrngin a dant chilly chamberwith spongy walls, and in front of you is a door, of sorts-Il actuallylooks more like a valve, with rubbery flaps which you will have to open thick Above the valve thereis a knot of blue-veined, fibrous tissue which pulses just like the pipes and tmtacles below. You can force open the flap (tum to j52) or plunSe a weapon into the knot of tissue hoping that thrswill damagewhaLev€rprotectionsLhe Nighl Dragonhasin this bizaneplace(tum to 579).
MASSIVE DWARF STATUE sKrlr_ 9 srAMrNA16 lfyou win, hun to 1fo.
Ismater's tavems are much like those anywhere else: rough, none too dean, wrth a dimtele somewhere
After descendingfor some foty metres,the spiral staircaseends at a landint A massivestone statue, resembling a three-meLre-highDwarf with a huge stone axe, stands in fronb of the only door in this chambel it extends a stone hand towards yotr, as if exp€ctingsomekind of token or offering.II you have a dwarven coin, you know the numberof lhe paragraphwhereyou obtainedil. Doublethat numberand
eye,you seethat he is leananddark-hairedand hasa scar on his faceanda LatLoo on oneofhis forearms. Willyou: Go over and challengethe robed man? Tum to r57 Go over and talk to the robed man? Tum to 295 Leaveand buy some zupplies? Tum to j73 Leaveand exploreIsmatet if you haven'tdone so? Tum to 10 LeaveIsmaterand headelsewhere? Turn lo 258
The other monsterhas killed two o{ the sailors,but the huge furred Sea Serpents'corPsesale now being dragged aboard and skinned.The fur is largely ruined from sword and daggerthrusLs,bul the meat can be sold, even though it's as tough as old boots You leave the sailorsto their messy work and get some sleep.Add u to your TimeTrack In the moming,you must eat anothermeal.It's foggy today, with a creepin8sea mist making naviSation drfficult, and one or two ice-{loes go drifting by as you peer into the gloom. One particularfloe. some distanceawa], catcheiyour eye as fhe misl Lhins momentarily;you Lhinkyou can seea dark shapeon the ice, thoughyou cant makeout any deLailstf you want lo ignoreit, h.rrnto 1a2.If you want to ask the captain to let you go over in a rowinS_boatand investlgatelhe object,Lum[o J94 209
The brewerystqprisesyou r/hen you reconnortreit. It looksjust like any ordmarybrewery,excePtlhat many of the grey-robedmenyou havenotrcedspyingaround in Carnexare wanderingin and out of it. It may well be thal more than the productionof fine ale is going on wilhin the place.You wait until most o{ the robed men have disappearedfrom view then you walk through Lhe open gate into the back yard of the brewery A singlegrey robedguardstandsat the back door of the building.If you want to attackhim, tum to
:5r. If you wouldrathertry to bluff your way past, tum lo j54. 2ao
Beyondthe door with the plaqueis a huge chamber with scorcsof slone tombsstretchingout beforeyou In the far dislanceyou think you can just make ouL an archway leading to another chamber;standing besideit area pair of skelelalfigures,cladrn Lomcharnmail and carryingswordsandheavyshieldsWill you: Try examiningsomeof the tombs? Tum to 249 Make for Lhearchway? Tum to 38o Leaveand open Lhedoor opposite,if you haven'talreadydone so? Tum to jla Leaveand open the door to your lelt/ Tum fo 99 2aa
You have to face whaL is only a shadow of your final enemy on this great quesL but as [he huge creature lungesat you with metre-longteeth and claws it is sLillone whichmspiresLerrorin youl DREAM DRAGON
If you wirl a great sigh resoundsround the cavem as the DreamDragon fadesaway into nothingness. Gain 1 LucK point and,because you have destroyeda part of the Night Dragon's strenSth,make a note that when you finally meet the Night Dragon you can subtract1 from ils sKrLLand 2 fiom its STAMTNAI Now you walceup; tum to z8r.
After leaving Port Blacksand{ar behind, days of determined marching bring you to lhe small village of Marzail,jusl over half-waylo Rentam.YoLlmusLeat three mealsIrom your supply of Provisionsduring this time and add 6 to your Time Track. In Marzail, there's an inn wherc you can stay and get hot food and a good bed for bhenight, if you pay z Gold Pieces(you will regain 4 sraMlNA points for this rest) Altemafively,you can sleepoutdoorsfor free(but you regain no STAMTNA pojnLsandyou musl eatanothermeal). In [he moming, you continueyour footslog a]ong ihe coastroad,which conlinuesalongmore undulating L€rain.As you get to the clest of one hill, you hear chantingbelowlPeeringaround6om behindthe cover of a boulder,you see a group of three grey-cloaked men walking sloyr'ly along the road in fronL of you; they are swinging small incense-burnercand chanting as Lheygo. To the east,you canseea plumeof smoke risingfrom Lheedgeof somepinewoods Will you: Approach the grey-cloakedmen? Tum to z5z Malce for the woodland? Tum to 582 Avoid both, detourwestwards,Lhen continue north? T] 2ZE 243
The door has beenlelt ajar.You overhearsnatchesof conversaLion:one man saying to another, '. . berthing today.Stophim and LheIool won't know whereto go.
It must be done'You realizethey are refening to a ship that is aboutto arrive If you decideto checknew arrivalsat the docks,tum to a67 lt you want to go on tum to 94. II you prefer to enter the eavesdropping, shop,tum to 58.
As you advanceon the Chieftain,he raiseslhe point of his great sword levei with your chestand lires a bolt of cracklingmagicalenergyat you! Roll one die and add r; the toLalrs the numberof sraMrNApoints you lose from this attack.Now you musl fight the advancingundeadmonster,hrn lo 254
At the final deathof the Ancient,a Sreatmoan rises from the depthsof the mountainand a warlingsourd flows acrossthe chamberlYou hear rumblingcoming from far below; abrive you, a couple of spearJike sLalaclitesbreak from the ceiling scoresof metres above and narrowly miss you You have time to perform tr{o actions(eatinga meal,drinking liqueur, or quaffinga Potion of Staminaare your best betsl) before you musLrush lo leave the mountain Your questis done,but you still havelo get out alive! You run, like one possessed,through tunnels and pd\( ror|t Fallall roundyou. tentaclesexplode and goutr oi ir"m wallsand thrashaboutmindlessly along lhe pipes from broken spurL steamingliqurd yorl limes; three Slill Drasonspine.You must Tesf time you fuil,you mustroll one die, subtractingr "u.h zero from the numberrolled (to geLa numberbeLween you lose points of srevlr.r,r. the number and l). This is by ro&s, batlered through being sprayedwith acid, and similar misfortunes- and you cannot stoP to recoverlost STAMINAPoints in any way snce the placeis collapsingroundyou! If you arestill alive,tum
You know you are aboui to die, and you cry out for any help from anyone, or anything, which might be awareof what is happeningto you. If you have a Magic Shield,divide the Shield Number by ro and h.rrnto lhe paragraphwith that number.If you do not have this iLem,retum to 295 and fight to the death, thoughit will probablybe your ownl 247
The rest of the day is spent marchrngthrough the ro&y hills beforeyou 6nd a safeplaceto sleepAdd z to your TimeTrackandnow you musLeal a meal. Next moming you soon ffnd a south-westernturn ing hom your path clearlysignposted,'CARNEX'. I you want to makefor Carnex,not having been there already,tum to I If you want to press on northwesLwards, tum to 85. 2a8
You siridealong what lookslike a long, dark tunnel;a point of white light at the end grows largerand larger as you feel yourselfbeing drawn Lowardsit You feel
andyou almostweightlessand distinctlydisorientated, you your Attack until must subkac! 1 from Strength passagewayYou ache to enter a different-coloured take somethingof this warm, wonderful light with ] ou: lhe airy, immensechamberyou are now in seems welcoming and comforhng indeed. You are hardly swprisedat all when you see the ghostly shapesof ftiends and membersof your family emerting from the paler glow at the comers of the room but then the scenechangeslThe people'sfacesare snarlingand filled with, and they rush at you with arms outslretchedio rake you with taloned hands, eagerto tear you limb from limbl You can stay and fight them if you wish (turn to 255),or you can flee towardsa ruby-colouredglow you now seefaintly in the disfance(tum to rz5).
If you havea dwarvencoin and wish to give it to the Dwarf., you know the nr.rmber of the paragraphwhere you FoundLhecoin. TripJethat numberand tum to that paragraph.If you don't have this item, or you don't want to give il to LheDwarfs,tum to 9. 224
On the other srde of th;s door lies a guardroom with hard pallet beds,a tableand a few chairs,and similar spartanfumishings,A grey-robedmar is lying asleep at the far end of bheroom.You seesomefood on the table;if you wish to takeit, turn to 16g. If you prefer to leave, for fear of waking the sleeping guard, you can make for the door opposifethe one here if you haven't done so before (tum to 245) or the one to your right as you emerge(tum to j41).
You decideto get as much distancebeiweenyourself and the Frost Ciants as possibJe, in caselhey Lum hostile You marchlong and hard right through the night and into the followingday Add 2 to your Time Track,and you musteat two mealsduringthisarduous, prolongedexercise.
Usingyour Potioryyou creepup to a pair of Skeleton Warriorguardsin a chamberjusLbeyond the entrance They do not react to your presence,so you move quietlypastand down a passage oppositethe enhance to a cossroads.Tum [o 325.
The next day, you have a choiceof roulesto follow If you wish to make for the town of Ismatet not having been there beiore, turn lo j2, If you are headingwestwardsfor the Sword,turn to 2 li you vrish to strike out north-eastfor LheArmour, tum to 47.
Attackingthe guardsis surcidal.ReinforcemenLs arrive swiftly irom lhe battlementsand you run the risk of being overwhelmed!Teslyout Luck.If you are Lucky, you canrun away,evadingthe chasingguards;hrm Lo 75.1f yoll areUnlucky,they overpoweryou and your adventureendshere!
The Skeletonsatlack and you must fight them together. S K ILL
I 8
6 6
\4lhenyou reducethe sraurN,l of one of theseSkeleton Warriors to zero or below, however, your fighl isn't over. The Skullof eachconlinueslo fightl If rises inlo lhe air from lhe scatteredpile of bonesand fliesal you, the jawbonegapingin a hideousparody of a grin so as to be able lo bite you with greatereffecL!Only when you have destroyed lhe Skulls as well will your 6ehLbe over. S K ILL
4 5
If you win, tum to 87.
In the room you 6nd a gruesomecupboardwhich conLains rows of reptiles'briltle skulls,elongatedlike those of Stalkersyou have seen.From the room to your righL, you glimpse red robes; lhere is clearly
t 2f 23o
someonein there- perhapsa wizard,judging by the you think you saw in hrshand- so flashof glassware you close Lhecupboardquietly. You can wedge the door shut if you like;use an ice Pickfor thrs,or jam a crossbowinto the doorframe(this will ruin the bow, however)Will you now.
archwaywhichopensdirectlyinto anotherchamberA rosy glow comesfrom Lhearchway,and you feel heat emanating fiom there even where you are standing, some twenty meLresaway Will you open the door (tum to 45) or go to the archway(lum lo r9j)?
EnterLheroom contaimngthe red Tum to a54 robed figure? Tum to 351 Peekround the half-opendoor? Leavequielly and exploresomewhere Tum to fo8 226
No one wishesto lalk about the men in 8rey, but somedark,hoodedeyesare watchingyou - Add r to your Nemesrsscore.You have to conlinuelooking for eithera placenamedEndimion(tum to 55:) or a personwith that name(turn lo zzz). Retumingto Lhegrormd,will you: UnLiethe Ogre'ssack if you havm't Tum to J75 done so? Tum to 12j EnLerthe red treedoor? Turn to 292 Enterthe yellow passage? 228
You intonea formulafrom the book,and the runeson the door rn ftont o[ you glow with magicallight then dim; tum Loj88, and you may iSnorethe instructions in that paragraphconcerningsKrLLloss! 230
GeLting in an effective shot against the cocooned creah.rre vrill nol be easy.If you arepreparedto useup two of your actions,one of your shoLswill be successful and you may deducL2 poinLsfrom the srAMrNA scoreof lhe NighLDragon'sskull when it rises.If you are unwilling to do this, retum to 98 If you use up two acLionshere, decide on your other Lwo lf they indr-rdedrinking a Polion of Invisibility, rum ro 25j. Otherwise,tum lo 306.
234-235 234
Fortmately for you, this outside guard is a rnute mable to cry out for help when you atta&! However, his disabilityis compensaLed for by his great shength, and he rvill no! be an easyopponentto overcomeas his shortsword arcsthrough the air at youl
If you wi+ tum to rSr.
You 6nd yourself standing on a frozen plain, staring at a distant range of vast, qaggy mountain peaks-lfou ll know how to get there, trust me,' says the cat. Sest of lu&. Rather you than me, I must sat bul lhen you're the hero and I'm iust a cat, aren't I?' Leaving you with that faintly troublingthoughLthe cat sjmply disappears. Tum to 289. 234 The plaque'srrmes and symbols are indecipherableto you unlessyou havethe Tomeof theReaches.lf you do have this book, tum to the paragraphwiLh the same number as the firsl page which tells you about Ward Runes.If you don't have the boolj you must open a door here;will it be: The door with lhe plaque? The door opposite the one you enteredby? The door oppositethe one with the plaque?
Tum to 196 Tum to 99 Tum ro 5rr
Back in the main passageway,you can take the sidetuming to your left (tum to ji42) or descmd the spiEl staircase(tum to 2o5), or you cirn descendthe stone steps,if you haven'Lalreadydone so (Lom to 295).
'Let us be gon€ now' saysthe cal and the Loremaste/s home vanishesbeforeyou evm have time to say good-
236 This combat will be grim inde€d. Each time you are
shu& by the Wraith Horrde,you mvst Testyolar ikill. If you fail, you will lose I point of addition to the damageto your srAMrNAcausedby the blows; your lost sxrll will retum to you only when you awakenl
STAM I N A 1 4
If you win, the bright glow in this chamberflares so inberuelythat you are forced to close your eyesfor aa instanb r,vhenyou re-open them, you see that a small glass sphere has appearedout of nowhere and is bobbing in mid-air in front of you. Looking at it closely,you seethat it is a multifacetedgem - it has 244 facets, to be exact (make a note of this as th€ SphereNumber).The Sphereof Light will glow gently when you so comnand if you lose yor.r lantern, the Spherewill light your way in dakened places.It also has power against the Night Dragon itself. You will be instructedas to the Sphere'suse when you meet Lhe Ancientl Now, it is tim€ to follow one of lhe passageways which you can see in the distance;will it be: The red passage? The silver passage? The blue passage?
Tum to a2, Tum to q.6 Tum to 56
236 You can buy the following items in Rentarn:
Steelmiror Longbowandanows Rope Glassbottle Spikedboots Ice pick Extra Provisions Flaskof Walrus Oil
4 (JOIdrreces 5 Gold Pieces 1 Gold Piece r Gold Piece 4 Gold Pieces 5 Gold Pieces r Gold Pieceeach z Gold Pieces
When you've completedyour purchases, amendyour .A.doenfure Sheetaccordingly. Now, will you make for the RudderlessGalley tavem, if you haven'Lbeen there before (tum to 2E6), or leave Rentarn,if you've alreadyslept and restedhere (tum to r7E[
You wait in the relative coolnessof the room adiacent to the fumace chamber,and afler a while the surging flameseemsto die down a little; add 1 to your Time Track. If you have a Magic Mirror with you, and if your HoNouR scoreis 2 or higher,divide lhe Mirror Number by 4 and hrm to the paragraph with that number. If you do not have the mirror, or if your HoNouR scoreis 1 or below, kun to ,oE,
258 You push open the creaking green door of the shop wilh some hepidation. There's a confusion of rubbish inside: stuffed animal heads and rugs hang &om the walls, sackso{ gnrbby grain are stackedhaphazardly againstone another,and shelvesarepackedwith glass boLtlescontainingralherdisgustingthingsjn coloured flurds.Il looks,and smells,as if no one hascleanedthe placefor a decadeor two A shufflingsound comes irom behindlhe counter,and a wizened,little, mrddleagedman with lank, greasyhair and a pair of pince nez glassesperchedon top of his huge beaky nose peersanxiouslyup aL you from his perch on a five leggedfootstool.'Erm,Nevill's the name Can I possibly be of some assistance?'You mutter something about his shop sign, still Lrying to take In the contents of this weird shop. 'Ah, erm, yes, well, it's Neoili, thafs my name. Oh yes- Says "evil", does it? Letters flake of[, you know, must get it repaintedsometime.'The Iittle man's demeanoursuddenlychangesto one of 'l've got no time [o spare,young fellow,'he alertness. saystestily.'Cot any gold, eh?Got somethingsmight inter€stan advenhrer like yourselfl'The curiouslittle manbringsout kays of bizarreomamentsaJd rubbish andrummagesin sackfulsof dehitus,but most of what he hasis useless. However,th€reare someexceptions. Tum to ao6. 259 Not greatly refteshedby your sleep this bitterly cold night,you continueyour joumey next moming and aL midday you 6nd yourself on top of a rocky outcrop,
lookingdown af a FrostCiant herdingsomegoalsin a shallowvalley below. The 6-x-cladGlaat standssome six meLrestall, and his stone axe may be crude buL it's probably bigger thar you are. He's sitting with his back to you, eating one of the goats, so you could probably surprisehim wilh a sneakrear atLa& if you want to (tum to r3,4). If you would rather try talking with him, tum to r53. If you want to ignore him and tum to 37r sneakpasthim andon eastwards, 240
The Dragon speakstd you as you wheel through the Light will skies.'The Ancienl has one greal weakness. you ligh! to if can find magical blind and dishaclhim, fling into his face.The greatesLof all magicaltreasr.rres the LoremasLercan guide you to is the MaSic Mirror within the Dreamtime.Make sr.rreyou find this; yor.rr questwill be far harderwithoul it. the Minor calls for sacrificeon your part,do not deny it' Hours pass and the Dragon finally lands at your chosendestinaLionBut just as he doesso, he gives a terrible cough and chokes on his own blood as you slagger away, honified at his convr-:lsions.The Dragon hasbrokenthe Oath by giving you aid,and as a result he is dying This eventwill be sensedfar away. . add 1 Loyour Nemesisscore.Now, which destinatrondid you choose?If you choseLo be taken to the swor4 tum Lo 2a. If you choseLo be takento the armour, tum Lo5. If you choseto be takento the shield,lhe Dragon has takenyou most, but nol all, of the great distanceto it, tum to 5j4.
24\ If you are wearing grey robes, the statueswill not attackyou when you approachLhevaulL tum to 27j II you are not wearing grey robes, the slalueswill raisetheir sLonyweaponsand attackyou - and,by iJlfortune, a black-robedman emergesfrom the vault at this very moment The alarmis mise4 and you have to flee! Trying to escapethe Lown, you must lesf yourLtck. II you are Lu&y, you manageto get away, bLrtyou must roll two dice and total the numbers rolled;this rs the numberof srAMrNApoints you lose from arrow shotsand crossbowbolts fired at you by guardsas you flee.I{ you are strll alive,tum to 75. If you are Unlucky,you will be capturedand sacrified, so your adventureends herel If you have a PoLionof InvisrbiliLy, howevet you canescapeautomaticallyby drinkingit without losing any sr,tvrr,t pornts,turn ro 75.
BewarelThe mine shaft here was an experimental excavationand the pit propshave all but roLtedaway wiLhage.This mine shaltlooksvery hazardous indeed.
t45-244 If you want to tum backand try somewhereelse,add r to your Time Tra& and tum [o 59a. If you want to continuedespitethe obvioushazards,tum to 265. ,45 You have reachedthe heart of the maze,and there are two possible ways out of here Before you is another of the oddly-walled passages;it is brownish-black in colour and rises gradually up, twisting around at the top oI Lhemaze Directly above you is a small aperture in the Lissueof the ceiling,and you can seefaint blue and yellow lights twinkling beyond that hole. If you tum to 55 If want to follow Lhetwisting passageway, you want to ascendto the hole aboveyou, you think you can get mough grip on the walls here to ascend safely;turn to q4
24 You hurl the glowing Sphere at the Night Dngon's eyes, and it reels back from the blinding light with a howl of ragel You gain one ft€e attack on the creahfe, and you may subtracL1 from its Attack Strenglh for [he first five Atla& Roundsof this combat.Retumto 495.
248 t16
,45 You open the door very slightly;insideyou see two grey-robedmen at work over great vats of steaming liqui4 wilh a blacl-robed man supervisin6 them. He soon leaves,setting off down a spiral staircaseat the far side of the room, leaving the grey men to their labour. One of them breaks of( chunks of a biscuity substance and aurnblesit into the vats while the othe. grins. You catch fragmentsof conversation;'Thafll do it . . . the HiSh Priest says this drug is perfect, Lhey'll be slavessoon. . . slavearmy'sneededLomove something . . . in the Lowers,I shouldn't be surprised.'You don't lsrow what they're talkinSabout,but you make a note not Lo eat any biscuitsyou may find and to stay well dear of the beer!Now, will you' Enter this room and attack the men? Enter this room and try to bluff your way through? Try the door oppositethe one you enteredthe breweryby? Try the door oppositeyou, if you haven'Ldone so before?
-[trn to 327 Turn fo 282 Turn to j41 Tum Lo 221
tr'6 On a chill grey day you trudge round the town asking for Endimion and again getting no helpful lsponse; late in the aftemoon you see a grey robed hgure disappearing in tfuough the back door of a leathertanne/s workshop.If you want to follow the man, fum to 215- Otherwise,hhat'sthe end of this day;you can spendthe next one askingfor a person
namedEndimion (tum to 272) or for a place with that name(luln to j52). 247 The door gives way even as you touch it and flies backwards, revealinga yawning abyssof howling cold beyond!Skeletalarmsand clawedhandssprout from the stone walls round yor.r,pushing and dragging you into the ce*ainty of death. TaI yow Skill, adding 3 to the numberrolled on the dice - and, if you fail lhis Lest,youl adventure.ends herelIf you wish, you may spend LUCKpoints to modify the dice roll. You may spendup to 3 pointsof lucr and for eachpoint spent you can subtractr from [he total rolled on the dice (but you must decideto do Lhisbefore you roll the dice!).If you are successful,you extrica[e yourself fiom the trap and flee to the other door here; tum to 326. 271E
You demand that lhe Red Wizrd tell you all he knows, and you may spar€him. Rushinghis words, the tenifiedman saysthat he is in chargeof the Dragonspine,as this level of the mountainis called.He tends the fumace, back down the coridor, and the strange tentaclesand tmdrils in this room, 'They radiate along the prpes,bhroughoutthe DragonspineThe firmace feeds them, and Lhe alchemical pteparations I make here also toughen the Ancimt One. Everything is drawn into Nithtskull above, where the Arcient is. Look, spare me, please,I was brought here as a pdsoner I'm not a servantof evil.' He beginsto sniffle and sob.You don t believehirn for a momenl his lying
eyes never meet yours, although you susp€\ct there's some truth in what he has told you about the mounlain.
beFore.youhave lost 4 points From your srAMlNA thJough its attacks. Lose l point of HoNouR: you're not here to rob tombs! Now the Skeletons in the distanceare marching towards you and you are forced to fight, tum to :24.
You open the door lo the farl'scabinand seeamonga pile of trophies the shield you have come for lacqueredwhite, wilh a blue chevron and a black dragonmolif You grab the shreldand run as fast as you can, but you have one problem. While your Potion preventsGianLsfrom seeingyou, if doesn'l prevent Lheir blood-crazed,slaverrngSnow Wolves hom smellingyou oull If you havesomeCatstink,you canthrow the beastsoff Lhescent;tum to 5o7 If you do not have this, two of them are upon you flght now!You mustfight themtogether S K ILL
88 88
If you win, turn Lo 5oz
The Harlequin'sodd Jestingand riddlingis too difficult for you you are a wardot not an expert on the obso.rreand the triviall You are an8ry at his talmts and challengehim to a fight for the boots.'Ah! A man of violence!'hesmirks 'Know LhatI have the beating of you,' he wams ominouslyas he rises to his fe€t You see that he is lithe, very lean and suppleand, while he doesnt look tough, you guessthat he wrll be very hard to hil If you decidethat you don't wish to fi8ht after all, and you admit defeat,the Harlequin wrll dismissyou and send you back to where you camefrom; tum to zo. If you wrsh to fight, draw your weaponanddo your besbl
s(r!L IJ
If you wi4 you can [ake the bejewelled chain Iiom
If you win, turn Lo5o5. 25t
You nm to catch up with the men, who seemhappy enoughto shareyour companyalong the road.Thiy are pilgrims,they say,headingfor a northem Lemple to Sain leaming. They are quiet, hard faced men and they soonretum to theirdirgelike chanting.However, they share a little food with you at the end of the day's wal( and you'prepare to sleepout under the starsin this strangecompany.Teslyour Luck 1l you are Luclq/,tum to 55 If you are Unlucky. tr_rrnto rr9.
Unfortmately, the Night Dragon can automatically deteclinvisiblecreatureswith its magicalvision.You gain no advantage by drinking this Potioo but you have wastedone action.Decidethe actionot ac ons left open to you. If they includeusing a rongoowor crossbow.hlm to 23o. Otherwise, fum to 506.
it. Searchingthe tombs here might prove to be very dangerousafter this touth fighl, so you leave lhe tomb rooms and refum to Lheantechamber. Tum to 332. 255
The undeadChieftain rises up and advancesupon you. His great sword is a powerful weaporyif he has an Attack Strength of 20 or better in any Attack Round, and if this is higherthanyour Attack Strength,a blow frorn this sword will causeyou to lose j points of sr^MrNAratherthanthe usual2. UNDEAD CHIEFTAIN
even more startled when it starts to talk to you! Killed fh€ High Pdest,hmmm?Not a bad start at all. you
257-258 257 Drawingyour weaporyyou advanceon lhe grey-robed man,bul two heavilybuilt ruffiansstepinto your paLh. 'We don't haveany troublein here,'one of them says as he looks down at you It's easy for him to look down on you, sincehe'sbuilt like an Ogre The enfire tavemis staringat you, and word of your foolhardiness ,. goinS !o get around Add r to yor.rrNemert s.ore As you backaway,the robedman slipsout by a sidedoor and is gone.Lose1 LUCKpoint.Now, will you: Leaveand buy sohe supplies? Tum to 373 Leaveand explorelsmater,if you haven'Ldone so? Turn io ro LeaveIsmaterand headelsewhere? Turn to 268 258 You make camp for the night Add 2 to your Time Track,and you must now eal a meal.You know lhat your fate will soon be upon you, and your sleepis uneasySti)lyou wakeup just beforedawn,and before the sun hasrisenin the sky you standa half-kilometre away from a single tururelmkance beneatha huge mounLainwhich, cunously,is not ice capped,unlike the others here.You simply know this must be the NJght Dragon'slai4 but whaLwill befallyou within, no one can knowl If you have a Potion of Invisibility and wish to useit to get pastthe l ow the name of the personwho sold it to you Converl his nameinto a numberusing the codeA = 1, B-2, C=j . 2=26, then add them together. Tnple that bolaland tum to the paragraphwith that
number.Altematively,you canmale a directapproach to lhe Lunnelenhance(tum to r97) or searcharound in the generalareaof the entrance,althoughthis will be Lime-consuminS (turnto 294). 219 Exploringbheiron mines,roll one die; you may add I to this die roll if you spenda pomt of LUCKto do so. lf you roll a 5 or 6, tum lo 5r7 if you roll any other number,tum Lo59r. 26o You haggleand bargainfor the shield,sayingit nill help you in a quest againsta Breat evil which will oLherwisedestroy the land. That doesn'timpressLhe Great Jarl at all All he wants to l,oow is what you re going to grvehim for the sheld.After muchprolonged haggling, in which he has an advantagesince you have to be deferentialto him, you must offer him the following:ro Gold Pieces,one magicalitem (a Potion of Luck or Staminacounts as a magical itemJand two bottles of fuewater. If you're prepared to give up all theseitemsfor the shield,you must have them all If you do, you know how many degreesproof the firewateris; mulliply that numberby threeand turn to lhe paragraphwith the samenumber.If you don't have all these items to give, or if you aren't prepared to give them up, the Greal Jarl won't Sive you ihe shield.You can try to issuea challenSeif you wirh (iurn lo 111, or leave the camp and try to rhinkup someotherplanfor geLtrngthe 5hield\tum to 294)
Thee grey robedmen are standingin the room and a body lies sJumpedon lhe be4 the window to fhe docks beyond is open. The men have coshesand knives,and they've beenexpecLingyou They are all dark-harred and havean evil glinl in their eyes;as one of them slamsthe door shu! behind yoq you know you'regorngto be lucky to survivethislYou canfight them one at a time in this enclosedspaceas you back into a comerof Lheroom. SKILL
87 88 68
lf you win, you turn over Lhebody on Lhebed; iL is thaf of a Dark Elf, presumablyLhepersonyou were expeclingto meet.His throat has been crushed,and he'sbeyond help Franticallysearchinghis body, you find 3 Gold Piecesand a silverplaqueclutchedin one hand with a singleword hastily cawed inlo it: 'Endimion' Outsidefhe door there'sa commotion;someone is barging on it, askingwhat's been going on Will you: Open the door? Tum to 5o SearchLhebodiesof your attackers? Turn to 83 Leave Lhroughthe open ydndol,r'? Turn to ro9 262, The spiral staircase nses many scores of metres and,
uniortunatelyfor you, it's a trap.You are hali-wayup
lhe sLepswhen they all suddenly rehact, leaving the slairwell as a lelhally slippery helter-skelterride back to the bottom. You tumbleover and ovet baLLerinS yourself against Lhewalls, and land heavily in a crurnpledheapat the foot o[ the stairs.Deducl6 ftom your STAMINA. Just as bad, i( you are still alive you thrnk you can hear a dull booming sound coming from above and slightly to your right, as if aomealarm had beensounded.Add 2 to your Nemesisscore-Choose a door which you have nol yet opened;as you look down the corridorIrom the oppositeend to that you enteredby, will it be:' Tum to 299 Tum Lo 183i Tum to j89
The nearestdoor? The middledoor? The furthestdoor?
253 Before you can force the portcr-rllisopen, the door in the distance splinLersas axe blades smashthrough it, lorce it open. They come and a horde of skeleLons the passage, wielding swords, axes, charging along even halberdsto strile you down! You can fight them as if they were two groupsof monstersin this Passageway, one groupat a time. HORDE FirstSKELETON Second SKELETONHORDE
7 I
aa ao
If you win, you find nothing of value on the skeletons or in their empty guard chamber along the Passage. Thereis nothing [or you to do but force the portcuJlis
open, and it's hard work! Add 1 to your Time Track Eventually you manage to escape,and it's time to exploreelsewhere. Turn to i8r.
'Thereis slillaplaceyou might considergoing Lobefore you assaultthe lair of the Night Dragon himsell The town of Camexlieswestofthe DragonConclave, anda cult of the Night Dragon has risen there The High Priestlives in a great Lowerto the north of the tor-1.n, and hehasusedmagicanddruggedfood and drink to enslave its inhabitants:Someare sacrificedin dread LemDles. olherswillbeu:edLoformLhebasis oianundead armyin the serviceof lhe Dragon.The placeis a den of evil. Thereis a magicalbook there,the Tomeof lhetuaches, whichwill be helpfulto you in the Dragon'slair, for iL containsmuch lore on Lherunesof Draeonkind and the magic lhey contain within them Camei is a oangerous and evil place,but you cor-rldachievemuch good Lhere.' If you decide to malce for Camex, tum to j4j If you prefer Lo challenge the Night Dragon at once, sincea detour to Camex wil-l use up more preciorrs hme, bumto 2jj.
265 Testyour Skll. If you are successh:l, you manageto avoid a minor roof collapse,althoughyou do get hit by somefalling rock; lose z sr^MrN^ points.lf you are unsuccessfr:I,you 8et hammered by a deluge of collapsinSrocksand ore. Roll two dice and add their totals' you lose that rhany sr,{MINA points, plus 1 your swordarmis badly point from your SKILLbecause damagedby a heavy rock landingright on it. Br.rfyou may 6nd your enemyhere roll one die If you roll a r or 2, tuln to 3r.Z (you can subhact 1 from the number rolled on the die if j'ou spenda point of LUCKto do so).If you roll any othernumber,tum to 59r
refieshmmt hasa wonderful effect on you, restoreyour sreurre and r-ucr to their Inilial valueslYou areonly too readyto listento lheblue-robed savanttell you how he may be able to help you Tum to ,95.
You rise from your knees,groAgy and giddy ftom the effects of the powerful magic which has broughl you here.Yourfelinecompanionis siftinSat theothersideof a largestudy,readinga smallleather-bound tome Seated behind a grard mahoganydesk and looking at you quizzicallyisa slim,tall,youngmanwith awell-groomed blackbeardandpiercing,steely-blueeyes.He puts down a hearrycrystalball and looks you over appraisingly.'So, this is the hero come to saveAllansia,'he saysdrily. You'd bettercomewith me.Thisway.'You hardlyhave tim€to takein theclutterofbooks,charts,glowingmagic and Cheelahknowswhat elsein this room beforeyour host hastakenyou by lhe handand guided you through a door to a dining room. The man inkoduces himself as the Loremaster,and he dismissesany qu$tlons you may haveby plyingyouwith food andsparklingspringwa[er whilehe tellsyou why you havebeenbroughlhere.The
25' Peeringcarefirllyround the archway,you are sickened by an awful sight before you: two iron-clad and glowing, skeletal,DragonJike forms are standingin front of a frlnace,heavyshovelsin their hands.Eitra. ordinarily, the fumace looks as if it is sculpted ftom huge, stone-coatedbone, althoueh no normal bone could withstandthe white heat oJ the flameswithin Even more oddly, the ribcageJikefumacewall seems to be pulsing,as if inhalingand exhaling!You don't want to think about what is buming in the fumace and you cant see whal lhe creatureshere use for fuel. They do nof appearto have seenyou, so you can leaveand reium to the mainpassage, if you wish (tum to jo8), or mter andattackthem(hlm to j51).
t6A-27o 268 Add z to your Time Track for time spent in the village. If you have not yet been to the Dragon Conclave,you must do so now; manchoff east-northeastwardsand tum to 23 Otherwis€, you must march on to a locationyou haven'tvisited before;add 2 to your Time Track.Will you joumey: Eastwards to the landsof [he Frost Giants? Tum to 554 North Lhennorth-east to Slate Peak? Tttlr, to ta7 South then west lo the Mist Crt?Ls? Tum Lo t 269 The monsLershrieks in agony as you sever its hand and snatch the amulet! Now you must escapeswiftly. The morster gains a free attack upon your back (lose2 sr^MrNA points) but you get Lo lhe door of your choosing;tum to 5ar.
srAMrN^ points up to one-halfof youJ Inifial srAMrN^ scorc(round fractions up).Tum to 9. 274
You are at the baseof the great stone stept your feet on the hard, bony terrain of the Night Dragon's infemal lair. The Night Dragon's clawed forelimbs wave jerkly as it summonsthe energy for anolher spell Il wreathesitself in dark shadowsand flickering shades,and lhis obscuritywill makeit difficult to see and hif ef{ectively.Unlessyou can counterthis effect by using a Sphereof Light, wheneveryou win an Attack Roundagainstthe Night Dragonyou must roll one extra die; if you roll a O your blow will strike this shadow-magicsurrounding the monstet inflicting no damageto its sr^MrNA! Worse stilL the horror is now about to breathe on you as it dean its rnuors-6lle4 drooling throat! Will you: Standyour ground? Tum to r99 Use a longbow or crossbowand fire al the Dragon? Tum to 49 Throw acid at the Dtagon, iI you have ary? Tum Lo 82 Rush the monster? Tum to 4
2ro A Dwarf chieftain acceptsyour gi{t and says it was minted a cenfury before even he was bom. The Dwarfs are delighted to have it back and in retum they give you a Potion of Stamina.You can drink this at any time (except during a combat), and it will restore lost
You spend a wasted day asking around for a persort with the name of Endimion, but all the people you question shaketheir headsand go about their business and you get nowhere. If you want to spmd another day trying this same shategy, hrm to 246. Alterna-
t r-271
tively, you could try looking (or a placecalledEndimion (turn to 552) or sLartasking questionsaboul the greyrobed men, if you haven't already done so (lum to 215).
Strength oI 2j in any Attack Round (even if this is lower than your AttacJ<Strength), iL will hit yotr, loock you down and stamp on you {or a total of 6 points of damage!
,75 You appear to be alone inside a huge oypt complex. Many small s€ts of steps descend to side-vaults, so that simply exploring the place takes quile a while. Add r [o your Time Track. The only other exit appearsto be a spiral stair.ase leading down lo a lit are h,T,o passageway, but lurking besidethe sLaircase pools of darkness which are certainly not nalural shadows.They hover in th€ air and, as you approach, they seem to eryand slightly in size. Whm you are some 6ve metresar,vay,they rush together instantaneously and form a single. spectral.shadowy form which glid6 towards you; now you can feel the magical cold of the Chillshadow! If yotr have a Magic Sword, bum to 15, If you do not havea Magic Sword,you cannot poinls from its harm this being You lose 6 ETAMINA you to as flee;ifyou survive,tum 75. aLtacks
274 The expressionlesstuggemaut huns to meet you as you race down the stairs and across the chamber.Its enormous 'feeF seernto glide acrossthe room as you approachit and it attacks you with heavy stone ffsts and a combinatron bite and headbutt; whateverit hits you with, you're gojng to get hit hard (you will lose 3 sr^MrN^ points from eachblow of lhis monstrosity). Worse still, if the Stone Jugg€mauthas an Atback
sxrrr fl
lf you win" and if your HoNouR sconeis r or higher, do you have a Magic Mirror? If you have triple the Mirror Number and tum to thal paragraph.If you do not have the Magic Mifior, or if your EoNout score is zero or below, leave and tum to 62. 275 Add z to your Time Track for the day's travel before you turn in for the night. ln the moming, you set off along the northerly coastal road once more. You should make I to Rentam by the end of the day, you hope;bu[ you must eat anothermealnow. After two hoursor so, you spot a body slumpedon the ground in the road aheadof you. It couldbe a trap,so you're wary. Will you invesligabebhe body (tum to J) or makea deLourround il and push on to Rentam(tum to 504)7
276 Across the ledge, a shadowy figure is materializing out of the thick blue misl a wraiLh-form, shrouded in a silvered black cape, half subsLance and half ghost, gripping a black, iron-tipped staffl You can perform two aclionsbeforeit is readyto 6ght you; you cannot harm it until it has fully materialized. Eating a meal, ddnldng a Potio& drawing a charge ftom a Magrc Mitor (if you have one)or using someother magical item, eachcomprisesone action.Decidewhal you're going to do, and then readyyourselffor combaLlThe materiahzed Wizard-Wraithwhich standsbeforeyou is a tenifying opponent.For the first four Altack Rounds, he w l try to shike you with hrs staff.If he has the higher Attack Slrength,he wili discharAea vrcrous eleclricalshockinto you, usingup the magicof his fell weapon"and you must lose4 srn"lrr-n poinls Aiterwards,the WrzardWraith will rend at you with his bony, talon hands, these blows inflicl Lhe usual z poinlsof damageto your srAMrNAWIZARD-WRAITH
If you win, the Wizard-Wraithmay havedrainedsome of your sKrLLIf he struckyou with hrs claws (a hit from hrs staffwill not have this effect),roll one die If you roll 1-4, the chill oI his touchhasdrained1 poinl of SKILLfrom you Tum to 61
You pick up i Gold Piecesfrom the floor, and wifhin the Ghor-rl's lair you find someitems the creaturehas lal(enfrom victims it has slarnand eaLen a tope, an
empty glassbottle, and a botlle of dark reddrshbrown liquid with a tom label on which you can just make out the words, 'Larssen's Firewatet, Brewed in '. Fxtracting the cork arrd sniffing the Isma liquid Lellsyou that it's a very, very poLenlbrand, and if you drink il you 1l ffnd it hard to put one foot in front oi the otherl You take Lhesettems.There'sno other way out of LheChoul's lair, so you retraceyour tuln to 332. sLepsi
2ra Most of the SlalkerMage's apparel,€quiPmenLand the like is evil, fouled with rotting flest! and the chamberitself is pecular, containingmany knobbled and sin ous groh'thsof tissueand Lhickcordsshealhed growth you ffnd in fibrousmalerial.In one cup-shaped a smallquantrtyof a smokingliquid which is clearly acidic.If you havea glassboLtle,you can takesomeof this organic acrd if you wish. However, lim€ spenL here is spent at a cost: when you meet the Night DragorLyou mustadd 1 lo its 5TAMINAscore,sinceif is now beginning to awaken swiitly as you cut a Tum Lo48 swalhethrouShits homeandprotecLorsl
279-r$o 279 Lord Azzur's militia have no real interestin thieves, bul you've certainly causeda rumpus so they escorL you to the Watch-house They delain you for hours, interrogateyou over ard over agairl then extract j Gold Piecesfrom you for wastmgtheir limel Add 1 Lo your Time Track;if you had no money for your bail, they debainyou ovemight and makeyou slop out the cellsin the moming Go you must add an extra 1 to your Time Track).When they releaseyou, you can male for Lobster Wharf (Lum Lo 354) or Weaver Gate (turn to 2a2)
You manage to prise open the lock, and the lirst objectyou grab fiom the chestis a sleeklealherbag. This contains4 Gold Pieces, but it is alsomagicalThis bag can carry weight, up to a cerlainlimit, without weighing you downl Wibh this bag, your normal maximum number of Provisions carried is not lhe
usual 12 but is increasedto 17, since the bag can contain5 units of Provisionsand still be weightless! Gain 1 LucK ooint for this forhmate 6nd. You also 6nd a vial of iattooing ink and a needle here, and a note whichreads:'lncreasethe fr€quencyof the Walch. You must procure further sacrificesso that I can create further Stalkers,we must slay the idiot the Dark Elf messmger recruited in Blaclaand. Obey me, or the breath of the Andent will be sure to fall upon you!' The note bearsa signature which it is very difficult to make out. If you have a viewing lens, tum to 114. If you don't have this, tum to r5r28a
'Well, then,' the Loremastersaysgrimly, 'Lhereis much for you to do yet!' If you have the Magic Shiel4 Magic Armour and Magic Sword you sought, or if you have Lwo of theseand failedto obtain the other, turn to 5o1 If you still seekat leastone of them,tum to 89.
but you may take one if you wish bo, together with some crossbow bolts. You can also take either of the two swonds;one ir a normal sword which is no better
Now, do you want to open the door opposite,if you haven'talreadydone 50 (tum to Oo),or make yor,rr way backup the stonesteps(turn to a5z)?
The StoneDwarf is a dangerousenemy.EachAttack Round,if his Attack StrenSthis three or more points higher than yours, you breakyour weapon skiking the pehified body of your enemy. If you do this, any blow you strikesubsequently can inflicl only 1 point of damaceto the Dwarf 's sraMINA.
sn!! 6
If you win, you can take someweaponswhic-hftay be of use to yor.r.The crossbowslook very frail with age
285 Althou€h the Red Wizard is very evll killing him in cold blood is dishonourable it is an evil act. l-ose r point.Now you Pointof rorroun andgain r Nemesis may searchhis laboratory;hlm to 76.
244-186 zgf
STAM I N A 1 1
If you wi4 you snatchwhat little sleepyour frayed nerveswi)i allow you thisni8ht; tum to :j9. 2E5 You push up the manhole cover and find yourseJfin the backyard o( a brewery. There are a couple of tavems near by, so you could make for them (fum to r42) or enter the open back door of the brewery (tum to 451). 2E5 The sign of the RudderlessGalley swings, creaking,to
you are wearing grey robes, the men let you pass; regain1 point of LUcKlT'utrlto31r. 2E8 A fulJ day's marching brings you to a parting oI the
ways along the trail and here you make camp and rest. Add z to your Time Trach you must now eat a meal.If you now wish to follow a south-wesLerly path leading to the Mist Crypts, add 4. to your Time Track and tum to 2( Altematively, you could take the trail westwards,siSnposLed to Camex,if you haven'tbeen there before (tum to tz). 289 When you have a chance to check lhe contents of your backpack,you fnd that the Loremaster'smagic hasrcplenishedit for you duringyour magicaljoumey here you now have a full supply of Provisions with youl Now you musl to the ffnal,desperately dangerous nemesisyou will haveto face.Tum lo rE.
daws, but you rnay deduct only I point &om your slAMrN . lf you roll 5 ot 6, you are hit by the creafure'spoisonous tail; the blow does no damage, but you lose J points from your srrvru becauseof the poison it iniectsl
If you win, rehm to J9t and continuerolling dice untilyouroll a 6. 294
Cliding down across the cavem, you startle the
defmsive magic well. You now stand some twmLy metresfrom lhe huge monster, and it rcars ibshead to breatheover you What will you do now?Will you:
You haveencounfered one of Lhewanderingguardians of the labyrinth, a vrcious,scaly Imp with a barbedtail and cruellittle clawslThe creatureis not toush,but it movesvery fdstand is hard to hit. If it has the higher Attack Strength in any Attack Round, roll one die. If you roll 14, the Dragon Imp rends you with its
Stand your ground? Use a longbow or crossbow to fire at the Dragon? Throw acid at the Dragon, if you have any? Rush the monster?
Tum to a99 Tum to r49 Tum to 02 Tum to 4
You feel yourself llying along the passageway,and soon you are soaringabovepale clouds,gleamingin the sun, far away from any passage A cloud island lies aheadof you, so you ascendto it and land in a pelumed garden.Drinking the pure spring water here, listening to lhe faint &one of insects, brealhing in Lheheady fragrancesoI flowers and herbs, you don't seelhe Harlequinuntil he sils down on a mossyrock and grins playfully at you. He's dressedin an exLraordinarily odd fashion" in quartered yellow-andJilac pantaloonsand ierkin;and the strangeyoung mdn is fiddling with the shoelacesof a very 6ne pair of heavy, grey, calfskinboots he is wearing 'I think these are whal you want, if you enjoy flying,'he saysas a tiny pair of wings sproutsfrom lhe heelsof the boots.'But you must answermy riddlesfirst!'If you have fhe Tomeol the Reaches, turn to the paragraph with the samenumberas the first page of the chapteron Riddles If you don't have this book, tum Lo25r. 295 Who are you loohng al?' you enquireas you siL down besidethe robed man, staring deep inLo his eyes.If your Nemesrsscore is 4 or hrghet lum !o f57. If it is 3 or below, Lum to 3o3.
294 Add r to your Time Track, but you find a crevice in the rock face a third of a kilometre or so from the main Lunnelentry You wilJ have to squeezealong a
verJrftrrrow passageto explore here. lf you decide to do this, tum to rro; if you think b€tter of it and want to enter by the main tmnel, tum to r97.
are terrible indee4 each will cost you points!
If you win, tum to 7r. If your srAMtNAis reducedto 4 pointsor below,fum Lo2a5. 296
At the boftom of the chiselled stone steDsis a sma.ll landing with a pair of small wooden doory just over a mehe high - clearly Dwarf-sized.If you wanl to open the right-handdoor, tum to r2o. If you preferto open the left-handdoor. tum to 8o. 295
Now you must fight your nemesis,the Ancient and mighty NiSht Dragon. Its Sreatmouth is filled with teelh as long as your foreann, and the mighty power of its clawedlimbs and thrashingtail is evident - rt is a truly appallingenemy to confrontlYou must now add any modifiers to ihs SKILL and sr,/rMrNA to the basic values shown below These are already hlgh, but when you have added the modi. fiers they will be truly terrifying! You may apply fwo final modifying numbers: if you have a Sphere of Light to counteractthe darkless of the Dragon, you know the SphereNumbeq turn !o the paragraph with that number.Additionally,jf yotr have a Magic Sword from the Mist Cry?ts, the Dragon is afraid of this weapon and will automatically lose the ffrst Attack Round while it hesitatesin fear. But its blows
297 You higger a hap in the ches! putrid reeking gas begins to pour our of it fflling your hmgs. You reel back coughingand spluttering,lose2 srAMrNApoints. Now you can either soss the large chamber outside and open the door oppositethe one by which you enteredthe assassins' room (fum to 5ao) or makeyour way backand leave Camex(hrrn to Zj).
2,9&-2,99 298 The shield you seekis inside the larl's cabin.If you wanL to fry some subterfugeto get at it, you must have somethingto aid you. If you have a Potion of Invisibility, you loow the narne of the man you bought it from. Convert his nameinto a number using f h e cod e ,A= L, B=2, C=3... and so o n t o Z = 26. Add, up the numbers corresponding to Lhe letters of his name, and tum to the paragraph with that number. If you do not have this Potioo you cannot hop€ to get p3st the many guards round the camp; if you have not entered the camp before you cando so by marchingup to il now (tum to 29),but if you havealreadybeenin the camp,turn to 50.
Iantem will be of no further use to youl). If you are successfiJ,tum to ry2 If you fail, or if you don'l have an ice pick (or you decidenot to bolher picking lhe lock), you can smash the door down, This will take time atd it will surely raisr the alarm herq if you do thit tum to 522.
The door is locked You can open it in one o{ three ways If you have a set of iron keys,you can simply trnlo& the dooc tum to r7a. If you have an ice pick you may be able to pick the lock here though an ice pick is a crude tool for sucha task. Testyotr Skill; you mustadd 3 to the numberrolledon Lhediceanless you (you useoil to lubricatethe lock may useWalrusOil if you have it; otherwiseuse LantemOil, but then your
The Minor speaks to youl A ghostly, disembodied bass voice comes fiom it. Now you need me' lhe voice says greedily. You need to stop the Blazing Crusher,else the Ancient wiJI grow stronger. Up to now, your quesLhasbeenso strangethat you consider a talking minor may just know what it's talking about! Teed me. I need life energy,just as the Crusherdrinks blood!'If you agee to thit tum to a8Z.If you do not, leaveand Lumlo 67 304
If you have alreadyvisited Camex, tum to 2j5- If you havenot been to that town, t|[n to :6+ 502
Eastwards lies the GreatMine, lhe mosf spaciousand extensiveof all the dwarvendeep tunnels.You stride
cautiouslyalong the winding mine shaft,and as you delvedeeperyou cansmellgasin Lhemine.Evenyour shutLered lanLemmay be a hazard,igniting the gas If you want to dim your lantem, you may be vr.rlnerable to hapsl You mus[ also subtract2 from your ALtack Skengthin combathere,unlessyou have a Sphereof Light. If you want to dim your lantem,turn to 3rri 1f you do not dim it, tum to 1o7.
5o4 You round the coastline of Corpse Bay and arrive in Rentam Add z Lo your Time Track This is a hading outpost where 6i trappersand huntersmix wilh fishermen and, you have no doubt, some Sword Coast pirales.FrosLis forming on the wooden roofs of the lown's warehouses,Lavemsand homes even as you look. Dour faced people are hurrying through lhe cold, to get home to their suppersand bumrng wood tues!Will you: Try to buy someextraequipmentor food? Tum to 2j6 Sell somefurs (if you have any)? Tum to 5a Headstraightfor the Rudderless Galley tavem? Turn to ,i86 505
'Pardonme, I musthavemadea misLal€,'the man says smoothly 'l did not meanto attracLunwantedattention. Allow me to leaveyou in peace.'He geLsup to go. If you want to aLtackhim, lurn to 257 lf you wish to follow him, tum to 344. If you preler !o leL him in the town,will you: leaveand yourselfgo elsewhere Tum to 575 Leaveand buy somesupplies? you Leaveand explore Ismater,if Turn to ro haven'Ldone so? LeaveIsmaLerand headelsewhere? Tum to 268
The Harlequin vanishes- leaving only his bools behrndlYou takethem;theseareWingedBoots,allowing you to glide safelythrough the air, and you will be instrucledrn therruselaLeron. You look aroundfor a way back from the cloud island,unsureas lo how you got here;when you tum around,the Harlequinis behindyou 'You didn't play the game,'hesayssLernly.'Youare a drshonourable wreLchand you deservethe ill-{ortuneI placeupon you!' You must deducLr point from your xoroun and r point of lucr (Iromboth your current nd Initial :Ucr scoresl)and the tricksterdismisses you with a waveof the hand,tum to zo.
306-307 306 The skull of the Night Dragon suddenly sprouls skeletal, spideriike legs and its cocoon falls away as it scutLlesacrossthe cavem floor to atta& you! The skull is a good four metreslong, and its wickedly sharp incisorsare capableof ripping a bloody gash right acrossyour body or legs.Wisps of acid smokense foomthe monstrousskullasrt closesin for lhe kill! NIGHT DRAGON SKULL sxrn er srAMrNA12 If you win, turn to 2r4 507 The Shieldwill add r to your Atlack Strengthin all combats- and il has other magicalqualities,which you will not leamo{ until the dght circumstances arise - sr.rfficeit to say that il may well saveyour life h Lhe Night Dragon'slairl On the backof the Shieldseventy iron rivets have been sunk to hold the {ront part snLrg to the backof the Shield.The numberof rivets is the ShieldNumber,so makea note of this. If you are ready to faceLheNighl Dragon now, you know the numberof LheparagraphLo tum tol Ii you have Magic Shield,Magic Armour and Magic Sword, and you have not yet mel.the Loremaster,add the Shield Number, Armour Number and Sword Number togebherto get a total, then tum to the paragraph wiLhthat number If you haveboLhArmour and Shield and you tried to oblain the SwordbuLfailedLodo so, mLrltiplythe Armour Numberby a and add this to the
Shield Number; tum to the paragraphwith the same number as this total. lf you still seekeither Armour or Sword, tuln to ,19. ,o8 Standingin the main long passage, with your backto you you Lheway camein, can explore somewhereyou haven'tbeenbefore.Will you: Open the ffrst right-hand door? Open the secondright-handdoor? Open the left-handdoor? Make for the spiralsLaircase?
Tum to 589 Tum to 299 Tum to 1E5 Tum to 262
to9 The Black Dragon grins in a way you do iot 6nd enhrely wholesome,he has a hrmgry look about him. The Ancient lies to the north of here. But we do not know where; the Loremasterknows how to 6nd the Ancient's caves We lsrow that, if you find sword, shield and armour, you will find him; we also know that he hasa wanderingservantof shangeaspectwho travels in the IcefingerMountains By great good fortuneyou mighbencounterhim though,from what liltle we know,he will not be what yor.rexpect!' The Dragons give you further information. The Stalkers which serve the Ancient are reptrles,mutaled Dragon hatchlingsstolenand distortedby magic.The Dragons look angry when they speak of these creaturet and they warn you that Stalkersgrow more numerous as time passes!There are also robed mm, acolytes and assassins,who serve the Ancient, and
they hold sway over the town of Camex - beware that place! All this takes time to leam, so add 1 to your Time Track The Condave has told you the essmce of your task now: to find sword, shield and armour,and the Loremastertoo It is time to meet your destinylTum to 378. 3ao A short flight of stone steps lies beyond lhe door; descending Lhem,you cometo a single,narrowpassage which you iudge leads northwards.The passageis desertedand eerily silent, but it is lit by torches buming and cracklingin wall-sconcesevery ren merres or so. At the end of the passageis another flight of steps, this time leading upwards to a trapdoor. You llave a very shong intuition of evil lurking behind this doo4 if you still want to press onwards, lift the trapdoor and tum to 5Z-If you decideto beat a retreat from Camex, fum to 6-
5a\ You peer into another antechambeibeyond the door This room contains the rotted remains of old robes and doaks scatteredabout the 0oor, and you see the
glint of gold coins lying on the ground close to anotherdoor opposite Howevet you can heif some disgusting snarling gmnts and slobberings coming fiom beyond that half-open door! If you want to try to get the gold or frnd out whaf is making those else, noises,tum to 192. If you'd Ether go somewhere rurn ro 552.
The wizard grabsfranticallyat a lever besidehis desk and pulls it - nothing happens!You strike him with your sword. He panics and draws a dagger, rather thanusinghis spells!Gain 1 LUCKpoinL now ffght the wizard!
SKtLt 11
If you reduceLhewizard'ssrAMrN^ to I or below,he wrllsurrenderandbeg for mercy,offeringyou information in exchangefor sparinghis life - our can yt,u possibly trust himZ If you sparehim, you may be risking a sneakspell attacklIf you decidenot to kill hjnr tum to 24E If you decideto slayhim, you cando soautomatically; tum to 285. 3L2
You have the Magic Amulet the nightmare-monster guarded.This protectsyou againstthe sKlll-draining ef{ect certain undeadcreatures(especiallyWraiths) can have on you- Roll one die and add 1 lo Lhe number rolled (unlessyou roll a 6); the total is the numberof chargesin the Magic Amulet.EachLimeyou are told you must lose l point of sKrLLbecause o{ the blow of sucha creature,you canusea chargefrom fhe Amulet to nuJlifythis effect.If you havealreadylost any sKILL points,you can use the Amulet to undo them (using one or more charges,of course!).When the Amulet has no chargesleft, rt will protect you no longer Having taken the magic Amulef, you may leave by the red door (tum to 1r5) or the silverdoor (turn to 1a6l
3t4 You open the door - and yustfarl to takein the scene quickly enough A guard by the side of the door rvhacksyou hard over the headwith a cosh.Deduct-z points from your srAMrNA You are grabbedby the throat and draggedinto the room while you are still slrugglingfor your sword, and now you're in deep troubleJTumto r6L
You grab a handfulo{ items,avordrngthe evil wand and scimitar the HiAh Priest used You may take a Potion of Stamina,which you can drmk at any time Lexcepfduring combats);when drunk, it will restore lost srewrNa pointsequalto half your laifrnlsrevrre up) You caaalso takea book labelled {roundftacLions
Tomeof theRmch*; whlle most of it is gobbledegook !o you, fhere are Lhreesectionson runes which look important (and which you can understand)Make a note of [hese:a chapteron "VVardRunes'starts on page44 of lhe book; a chapteron 'Riddling'startson pale a91,a seclionon 'DragonRunes'startson Page zz9. Finally you snatcha hand6:1of papersfrom the desk and glance tfLrough them briefly. The imPortant notesgive you pausefor thought!The BoneFumace is the essentiallhing for tougheningLheAncient' the Chillshadowsincre4sehis magicalpowers;lhe Blazing Crushermakeshim strong.All are now in place,and his Awakeningcannotnow be slopped. . .' You don't wastetime readingLhepaeansof praiseto the Night Dragon and the insaneevil thaLthe High Priesthas scribbleddown. You've got to get out of here lf you have Winged Boots, you can glide down from the top of the tower and escapethe [ow4 hlm to ?5 (you may also usea Potion of Invisibility,if you haveone, to escapesafely).If you haveneitherilem, you'vegot to run for your life and hope you will be able to elude pursuers You m]'Ist TestVour Luck: if yo]u arc Lucky, tum to 25,bubif you areUnlucky,tum to 16. 3a6 The wizard rummagesthroughhis deskand extractsa handfulof gold and somefood for his plannedjoumey 'Right then,'he saysin a briskvoice.'Nighlskullabove is rousingthe Ancient.He's is wherethe Stalker-Mage the head of the Cult of the Ancient; Lherobed men servehim He used lo be human,but ... well, if you get to seehim, you'll know what I mean-The Powerful
515 magicalwork is done up there- I'm only an underling. If you canrisk it, havel in the dark.Ther€'slesschance of athactingthe aLtentions of the Undeadup there.If you see twinHing blue-and-yellowlights, best ke€p away The Shlker-Magehas the Chillshadows at work [hereand you don't want to meet them.Mind you, if you put a stop to whal lhey're doing,you'd destroy someof the magic the Night Dragon will be able to use It's nol fully readyto wake up yef, buf if you get into its lajr. 'he shudders'Oh, and don't wasteany time going dom aay of the sidepassages up there, they just descendLo Lhejaw simulacrumGreat p)ace to get chewedto piecesor ffnd yourselfin a cloud of fire.I mean,this piaceisn't cdled Nightskullfor nothing. I['s not an exactreplicaof a real skull- but then the Ancient's skull isnt exactly normal, even by Dragon standards.The Stalker-Magers usually some. where around fhe eyes; the Ancient's in th€ upper brain.of course-' The Red Wizard preparesLo hurry off down the passage Lowardsthe exil but canyou trust him not to raisethe alalm?If you decideto let him 8o, tum to u8. If you decideto slayhim, you cando this with a surprisealtack,tum to 283 If you decideto tie him up andgag him, despiteyour agreem€nt, tum to 34.
547 A huge, lumbering, grey-brown lizard, some five mehes in lengLh,is heading straighl towards youl Hissescomefiom its wide mouth,and rts yellow eyes glow in the darlnessLikethose of some wild beast. This is no ordinary Basiliskyou facerLhisis a much larger versiorl a Mountain Basilisk- and it is a truly deadlyfoe! You must decidehow to fight it here If you have a Magic Mirror, you know the Minor Number Double that number,then h-rrnto that paragraph (firstmakinga note of the SKILLand STAMINA of the Mountain Basilisk).Olherwse, you can frghl the Basiliskusing a steel miror and looking away from the monster, or take a chanceand fight normally while looking at your opponenL.If you look righl at the Mounlain Basilisk,you fight normally,buL every Attack Round you must lerf Vout L ck- If you arc Unlucky even once, you y/ill be tumed to stone and your advenLure endshere!If you chooseto look away while fighting,you cannotbe tumed to slone,but you must subtract4 from your Altack Strengthfor lhe duraLionof this combat. If you fighl wrth a steel mirror,you cannolbe petrified,but you must subhact z from your Altack StrengtheveryAttack Rourd The MountainBasiliskwill not be pehifiedby looking into a sLeelmirro! it is so wily and cunningit knows hovr' to avoid sucha falel MOUNTAIN BASILISK If you win, Lumto 51
5rE You The grem passageis damp and moss-coated. you into a emerge walk over heavy, peaty soil until bower where fems, shrubs and flowers grow in a riot of greenery. At the base of the kunk of each of two kees is a door, one red and one yellow, both opm and Ieading to a passagewayof the samecolour. An owl eyes you quizzically from a ttee branch and hoots derisively. You see a huge trailing vine hanging ftom a kee canopy so tall you carmot make out its upper reaches,and al the bop of the vine is a clusterof purple'stripedgreen seedpods. ln the distanceyou canheara boomingsoundwhidr is getting louder,as if something extremely large.wascrashingthrough the woodland. Animals around here are growing skittish and neeinginto the distance.Will you: Run down the red passage? Enter the yellow passage? Climb the vine? Wait and seewhat happens?
,49 'lust out of rangeof my teleporlingabilitiesright now, l'm afraid,'the cat says,'but I canLakeyou mosl of the way there.' With a wave of its paw, Lhecat takesyou to a cold eastemDlain with mounLainsin the near distance-The Jublea the Frost Giants, they're over there,' the cat says somelyhat needlessly. 'I've put something in your backpack to help you out with them.'You look insideit to find fhat you now possess two bottles of Larssen'sFirewatet guaranteed12o degreesproof, which you didn't have before.'Don't drinl it, whateveryou do. One glasscankno& an Orc out. Half a bottle will seeoff a woolly mamrnoth,they say. Just don't drink any of it yourself!' The cat vanishesin a puff of gingery smoke;tum LoJJ4.
Tum to a2j Tum to ,9r Tum to 5E6 Tum to jjg
You plant the seedpod at the bottom of the slippery ncline, and a rioh of vines and creepersexplodes hom the pod, expandingand writhing up the passage. You canclimb thesewith completesafeLyWhen you reach the top, you are standingin a dank chill chamberwith spongy walls, and before you is a door, of sorts.It
3ta-5rt resembles a valve, with Ebrous and rubbery flaps which you need to push open, rather than a door Above the valve is a knot of blue-veined,thick fibrous Lissuewhich pu-lsesjust like the pipes and tentades below. You can force open the gap (tum to 362) or plunge a weapon into the lnot of tissue,hoping that this will damage whatever protections the Night Dragon hasin this bizaEeplace(tum to 529) tra You lose 5 sravrr1r points as you plunge the s?her€ deep into the numbing cold of the dark core of the cell.You almostlaint at the painlvhich shootsup your alms and into your chest,and you reel backwardsin shock as you draw the sphere out again. lts light has nr.rllifiedthe darlness! You gain 1 point of rucr (this inqeasesyour hifial Lucr also).Better still the Night Dragon will be weakened by the deshuction of Lhe magic here, Make a nofe thaL when you meet Lhe Night Dragon,it will not be able to use any magic spells against you lf a later paragraphdirecls you to suffer adverse effects from such a spell you rnay ignore thi6 entirely! Now you must descendand follow the twistingpassageway below;tum to 5! 32t Ismateris a large village nestling in the foothilli of the forbidding northem and eastern mountains; hsdera, fur+rappers, nomadic hillsmm, merchantsand even a handful of barbarian warriorc make il a lively place. You need to sleepand rest (add 2 to your Time Tra&) and you must then eat a meal Next day. you may
conductyour businesshere.You could seekwork if you'revery low on supplies,you couldbuy equipment, explorethe villagefully, or hangaroundin the tavems and inns of the town to seeif you overhearanything of interest.Willyou Look for paid work? Buy some supplies? Explorethe village? Relax in the tavems?
Tum to j97 Tum to j75 Tum lo 10 Tum to 2oZ
AL the cossroads,one passageway leadsback Lo the main tlumel entrance;you stand with your ba& to this one- The passagein fiont of you ends in a door, as
ominousindeed.Will you:
Open lhe door in front of you? Open the door to your right? Go down the winding stai.s?
Tum to 1JJ Tum to E6 Tum tb j4o
324 You are hardly likely to find the armour you seek herel Add r Lo your Tirne Track Even the food in Lhe
your HoNouR scorels 1 or below, turn to 306_ 326
r to lhe numberrolled if you only havea longbow);if you arc success6J, you can strike one wrth an adow before you rush in with your hand weapon (you may deducLz srevrN,r points from the first enemy you face).If you have neither type of bow. you msh your enemiesat once.You must fight both of them together, and in the fint two Attack Roundsthe secondGrey Acolyte will ky Lo hurl a large melal ladle, full of boiling yeasty slime,ov€r youl lf he has lhe highest Attack Strength,you get a facefulof scaldingliquid andyou haveto lose.3srAMrNApoints. SKIL L
I 9
9 9
If you win, you descendthe spiral staircasein order to get closer [o fhe mystery of what lies below the brewery; fum to j47 32E Chipping lhe body out of the ice, you manageto turn it over, and you dig out of the ice a pouchcontarning 4 Gold Piecesand some frozm Provisionsin a bag (add z lo your Provisions).A singlesheetof vellum has wriling on it; il has been renderedillegible by - with the excepbeing soakedin freezingsea-vrater just makeout on one tion of a few words that you can fragmmt of the scroll To your an:rzemmt, you see your o rn name written there, and also the phrase 'town of mex'. You go back to your rowingboat, only to find that the Blqckheai has disappeared into the Lhickeningfogl You yell al the lop of your
voice,hoping they canheatyou. TesfyourLuck.Ityou are Lucky, yor.r'll be picled up; tr.rn to rr:. If you are Unlucky, you'll have to row north in lhis small boal tum to a84. 529 You shatterthe stafuetteon the stone floor - and a howl, which seemsto freeze the very marrow of your bones.comesfiom far, far away. The passagewayis disappearingand you are being suckedinLo a huSe cavem through a Lunnelof screamingwind and fog, You fall heavily as you are fhrown forward inlo the cavem (deduct z points from your srAMrNAl ano beforeyou stands lhe Night Dragon.. or, aLleast, someform of the honor within the Dreamtime It is only a Fojectio& not the real thing, but it is a truly terrifying enemy. Nearly thirty metres long, the sleek blackDragon seemswhole,complete unlikethe halfskeletonstaluetLe - savefor its head,which is a threemetreJong skull. A great rumbling rises from the Dragon'schesLand its mouth opens;it is aboul to breatheon youl Testyotft Skill. If you are successful, you manageto dodgethe Dragon'sbreath;tum to zf. If you fail, tum to ry9.
350 From behind a massiveboulder a black-robed figure some two and a half metres higb leaps out at youl This is no human;it has a great, reptilian head with a massive,fanged moubh, and its four-fingered dawed hands are as sharp as sfeel and as heavy as rock. Snarling and foaming at lhe mouth, the black-skinned Stalkerrushesat youl Tat yout Skill. you fail, it knocks you down ard stampson yoq deductj srAMrNApoints,and subtract z points from your AtbackStrength for Lhefust ALtack Round as you slruggle to your feet If you are successtuI, you may fight normally BLACK STALKER
If you win, you makea fortunale6nd; lhe Stalkerhad just killed a pair of mormtainharesand you disturbed it beforeit couldconsumethem.The meatis suf6crent for three meals(add 3 to your Provisions,and regain 1 LUCKpoint) Tum to 5. 534 Unfortunately, as you stand by the door for a few seconds, moving into positionLo Lalea look round it, a tiny, Imp-like crealure suddenly appearsin the air in front of your face and stabs al you wilh a sharp needlelDeduct r point from your STAMINAThe Imp fleesLosafety,but the door has swrnS open and now you will be forced to fight the dangerous enemy lurkingin the room beyond.Tum to r54.
You standin a bareantechamber with threedoors,not induding the one you c?unein by, which is now at your back. The door to your left bearsa heavy brass plaquewith many signs and synbols; the othersare unmarked. If you wish to study the plaque, and yorl havm't done so before,tum to 2t4 Allemalively,if you now wish to open a door which you have noL previouslyopened,will it be: The left-hand door? The righlhand door? The door in front of you?
Tum to a96 Tum to 5aa Tum to 99
explore fhe town openly, noL losing much time, or you can keep your head down and be much more circumspectin your explorahol lf you want to explore openl, fum to ro5. If you decide to take exka time and be more care6:1,add 2 Lo your Time Track and trlrn to 125.
354 Another weary day is done as you head into the high foothills that border the normtains; add z to yo:ur TimeTrack,andyou mustnow eata meal.Ifyou havea Nemesisscoreof 5 or higher,and your Time Traclcscore is 4Ji or highet tum to 294. Otherwise, tum to 2j9. You flee from the Night Dragon's lair. Who can
Now you re inside Camsg you sensethe duonic fear and tmsion that dominate the place. Everything appearsnormal, but the facesof Lhe folk scurrying hither and thither are tumed away from you, and small knots of grey-robed men sLandnonchalanfly at street corners,watching all who pass by. This is clearly a dangerousplace full of potential enemies.You can
time,but it will dreamits aw6:ldreamsof slaughterand atrocities fhere; before many yean lave passeo,some one else will have to brave the terrorJ of its lair if Allansiais Lobe saved.You havecomeso far,anddone so much good that the exhaustingmarchbad home will bedreadfullydispiritingforyot. Butyouradventure endshere,just shortof the success you sought. 555 You hurl lhe seedpod down on the grourd below; a great vine sproutsup from it and you damberdown
v41o as fast as you can!Testyout Skill,If you are successful, you get down safelyas a bemusedDragon watches yor! unsure how to reacb if you fail, you fail the last ten mekes or so and hit the ground hard, losing f srAMrNApoints.As you take some time getting up, lhe Dragon is ready to attack by spelll Tum to 2Zr-
The Dwarf spits into the wood fire which warmsthe cabin. 'Bewareof them,' he hisses.'The grey 'uns, they're just the srnall fry, but the ones in black robes, they're dangerous.Bad men. Seenone or two in the woods, headingnorthwards.I heard tell they re makin8 for the DragonReaches. Comefrom someplac€northwest of there.Don't you mrx with them.'Now, if you want to ask the Dwarf about something you haven't enquiredabout already,you can ask about the Dragon Reaches(tum to 90) or the area around in general (tum to 152),or you can just Lum in for Lhenight and get somesleep(turn to 275).
53s huge good Ogre a metres tall and carrying a ten { club twice the size ol you, stainps into the dearing and licks his lips when he spots you. Something appearsto be w ggling inside the sack which he dumpson the grourd, and yo, are gornginto that sack as dinner unless you act swiftly. If you decide to nrn for one of fhe tree doon, choose which one then turn to J6. If you wish to climb lhe vine tum to E!..If vou decideto fight the Ogre,tum Loao2.
359 You pushopena carefirllycraftedsecretdoor and find yourselfstandingat the top of anotherflight of stone steps,which leads right back down €ain! If you want to follow these stept hlm to 76. If you'd rather backkackand take the door in the cavem to which yow Suideled you, tum to aj2. Ao If your Nemesisscoreis 7 or higher,tum to ,6. If il is 6 or below,fum to r.6E.
!44-112 341 You are in a dus$ storeroom packed with sack of Bratl empty barrels,vials of yeasts,thids gluey malt extract and the like. There are some ceriunic Pots hene which biscuitysubstance, fflledwith a pleasant-smelling you some, tum to ,r. want fo eal may be nutritious.If If you wish to leave by openmg the door to your right, tum to a45.If you wish to leaveby oPeningthe door to your left, tum Lozzr.
542 is preciselycarve4 and thrsone As before,the passage hasintricatedecorationsand murals.It endsin a Sreat pair of wooden doots, which you push open easily, despiteth€ir six-mekewidLh.Beyondthem liesa great all covered dininehall with massivetablesandbenches, in dust On lhe wall behind the high fablea pair of great Giant shieldsaremountedunderbheheadof a fearsome with canineteeth like tusks;in the distance,doors oPen into the kitch€ns lt will take you a long time to search this great chamberand beyon4 if you want to do tho
345 tum to j24 Altematively, you could retum to the main passageand follow the stepsdown (hrm to 295) or take the descendingspiral staircas€(tun to 206). 345 'Let's Bo,' says the caL,and belore your eyes the Loremasterand his home vanish beforc you even have time Lo say goodbye.As you rub your eyes lo clear your head, you 6nd yourself looking al a walled town wrth trails leading south-westand north-west away from the place.Guardsprowl the baltlementso{ the [owrl their crossbowsleve]led at anyone who approaches. There is a singleclosedgate on the east sideof the town, the only obviouspoint of entry. Might well be another way in there,' the cat says offhandedly. You could ask a local Or try bribing the guards at the gate. Thm agair! you could wait for one of the grey robed murderers, despatch hinr, take his robes and ky to get tfuough that way. Up to you, really. Anyway, that amulet -' th€ cat points with a paw at an amuleLround youl neckwhich you hadn'l realizedyou werewearing '- usethat when you want to be takenlo the Night Dragon.The teleportingwill Ieaveyou a coupleof days'march north to his lair' You can use this amuletat any time, exceptduring a combat to 8el to the Nighl Dragon'slairj note that, when you do this,you shouldturn to paragraph:89. Now, as the cat bids you good luck and farewell then disappearsin a puff oI gingery smoke, you set off towards the gates to seewhat you can see of Camoc The gatesopen and a coupleof armedguardschallenge you. Will you:
Try to bribe the guards to let you in? Tl'trn to j58 Attack the guards and fight your way in? Turn to 2rj Try to bluff your way tfuough? Turn to 5z Back off and searchfor anotha way into Camex? Tum to a55 34 The man slips into the back alleys of Ismaterwith ease and surprising speed,and you soon lose track of himDeducl r point fiom your LUCK Bemoaningyour il[fortune, will you now,' Leaveand buy some supplies? Leaveand exploreIsmat€r,if you luven't done so? Leave Ismaterand go elsewhere?
TUfn to 373 Tum to ro Tum to 268
two Abta& Rounds,the wizard will cast a spell at vou, and you must TcstHI5 ikill (his sKrrl is ir), If he ts successful,he will inflict 4 points of damage to your srAMrNA a6 a ball of drill numbing black-magical energy slamsinto your chest. If he fails, he will lnfi* this damageon the skulls,sincehe aimshis spell awryl You fight the whole group of skulls as if they were one oPPonent.
If you defeat the slc.rlls,you still have to hce the wizard, who is drawing a heara dagger to plunge into youl Tum to 40. 546
STAMTNA pointsand 1 LUCKpoinl. Tum Loj91.
515 A group of reptilian skulls comes flying into the chamberlthey will attack you by biting and batteringThey can prevent you Setting at lhe wizard here, so you are forced to fight them first. In each of the Iirst
347 You descendthe spiral sLaircase and walk as quietly as you can along bhewinding stone passagewaybeneaLh it. You must have travelleda hundredmetresbefore you observea slighlly open door aheadof you. Seeing and hearinSno one,you open the portal and advance inLothe chamberbeyond.However,you almostwish you hadn't when you look around:dark bloodstains splatterlhe wallshereand,in the cornersof the room, sLandsLonestaLuesof a ghastly DragonJikefigure. The statuesof the skeletalDragon radiaLemaliceand haked, and you realizethat you have stumbledon some Lerribleden of evil here There is a single door other than the one you have enteredby, but you haven't time to check it closely!A secretdoor to your nght tlies open and two men rush our ar you Fortunately,your alert sensesallow you to get to the doorwayso that you canfight theseenemiesone at a time. The fust is a grey-robedassassincarrying a curved dagger which is poisoned;if he strikes you dunng the first three Attack Roundsof combat,the Polsonon his weaponwili causeyou to lose -:.extra srAMrNA points in addiLionto the usual weapon damage.After lhree ALtackRounds,the poison will havedrippedoff his weapon In the first Attack Round, the black-robedman will casl a spell and a glowrng cloud of claw shapedblack wisps of smokewrll fly from his hands and plunge into your chest, caustng you €xcruciaLingpain, deduct j points from your STAMINA.Then Lhe black-robedman will draw a sword and fight you if and when you overcomehis fellowl
550'354 SKIL L
6 9
If you win, you can explore behind the seset door your enemies entered by (tum to 4.2) or open th€ other door in this room (tum to 3ro). Altematively, you can decidethat it's time lo leaveCamex;rum !o
and, as you stand aL the far end, a deep rumbling comesfrom below yo1l and Lheenfire cavem sLartsto ffll with smokeand tiny explosionso[ ffretYou remember that many Dragonsbreatheffre,and you're standing in the strangemouth of the mountain . . . You race
points._Youdimb backup the passagewayyou entered by as tast ai you can and male for the far end of lhe odd ductile cavemabovq tum to jgr. 550 Your shield standsfast against the {iery breath of lhe Dngon and absorbsit harnrlessly!Regain I LUcK point. Now you rush the monsteq turn to z9j.
344 You reachthe top o{ the vine safe\ and take two of the seed pods. They are bulky lhings, heavily shiped with sixteen shipes along their melon-shapedmass (makea note of this). Now, if you have slain the Ogre, fum to 227. If you have not done so, fum to ,55. 549 Explorhg the huge bony charnbertums up nothing
35a the guardsbum to faceyou as you approachthem. Each is a two-mehe-tallStaller with red, scaly skin and thick Iimbr and they are powerfi.rlly musded beneaththeir heavy armour. They will strike you with the metal shovels they carry, and you must fight them together.The extremeheaf of the room fatiSresyou, and after four Attack Roundsyou must subtract 1 from your Attack Strength. SKILL
10 10
If you wiry the fumace suddenlyflaresup and the heat herebecomestruly oppressivelWill you now:
352-353 Searchthis chamber? ReheaLinlo the nexl room and wait awhile? Leave,retuming Lo lhe main PassaSeway?
354 Tum to 325 Tum lo 23? Tum lo 3o8
You spenda first fruitless?ay looking for a place with Lhis name. Afler this, for every day that passes,roll one die. When you roll a 5 or 6, tum Lo a67 If yo:r wish, you can increasqthe numberrolled on lhe die by : by spendinga point of LUCK.If you tire of this. you canlry lookingfor a personnamedEndimionltum to 222) or ask queslionsabout the Srey-robedmen,if you haven'lalreadydone this(tum to zz6).
A hideousfigure in tatteredblack robesleaPsout at you from behinda snowdnft.It was obviouslylying in torso,but waiLfor you! It hasa vaguelyhuman-shaped its clawedhandsare as inhumanas its replilianskull.
The eye-socketsof the diseased,yellow-bonedskull are fiery orbs of malice and yoir shr.rdderlo see the rotting piecesof flesh which fall from its skeletalform as lhe monsLeradvances upon you. As you readyyour weapon to fight Lheadvancinghorror, you must subtract 1 lrom your Altack Shength because of the nauseating slench which wafls towards you from its decomposingbody!
I[ youwin,tum to 161
354 LobsterWharf boaststhe scurviesL seamenin all Allansia. Half of lhem look as though Lheironly reasonfor not brawling on the docksideis becauseLhey'retoo drunl to raise their fislst After yolr queries have extractedsome foul oaths and cur.esfrom theseevil brutes, you ffnd oul that the Blnckheartis sailinq for Rentdmwithin the hour. Ite ship'sfirst matetell:-you lhat passagelhere will cost you ro Gold Pieces.If youre preparedto pay that, and you've got the
money, hun to fl. If you can't Pay thaLmuci (or you re too mean),you can try to ha88le (furn to a71) or you can mafte for weaver Gate and take the northem coastroad (tum to zr:).
55t Walking nonchalantly round the edge of the graveyard you see a couPle of Srey- and black robed men maling their way in and out of a partiorlarly large vault. Standingoubide the entranceto it are two sLonestatuesof armouredskeletonsA grisly motif, you thinlc, and you see their headstum very slightly
exploresomeolher areaof Camexwhich you haven't already looked over; will you go to, The tavems? The brewery? The towers? The gardens?
Tum to r42 Tum to 2o9 Tum to 3i65 Tum to 95
t56 The side-passagesoon terminates at a long set of ascendingsteps;you think you @n see a door at the top of them, but you cannot be swe sinceit is a long way off. If you decide to walk up and open the door, tum fo jr9. If you want Lo retum and opm the door on [he lower level at the errd of the cavem, rum r
35' Nob here,'the man saysquietly.'Be oulsidethe back yard of this tavemat midnighttonight.Coie alone.I may be able to heJpyou.' He gets up and leaves.If you want to meet him at this rendezvous.add r to your Time Track and you can meet him by tuming to 52; otherwise,will you: l-eaveand buy some supplies? Leaveand explore Ismater,if you haven'tdone so? LeaveIsmaterand eo elsewhere
Tum to 325 Tum to 10 Tum lo 268
354 The guards look fearfrrlly at each other as you show some gold to thern One looks over his shoulder and mutters,'None of them greyrobesabout. All right then.Cost yer four gold.'You must pay the guardsz Gold PieceseachLobe allowedpast.If youlrereadyto pay them,tum to 333.11yo won't or cant pay ttus much,will you, Attack lhe guardsand fight your way in? Try to bluff your way lhrough? Backoff and look for an altemative way into Camex?
Tum to 22j Tum to j2 Tum to ij5
559 You need rest after your exertrons, so you 6nd a shellered place to sleep. Add 2 to your Time Tradq and you mus[now eat a meal.When you arereadyto set out on your havels again,you can headnorth to where the armour lies (tum to 186) or east to the land of the Giants,where the shield you seekis located (turn to 12) 360 You handover the itemslhe GreatJarlrequestsand in retum takethe shield.Tum to 5o7. 56a You awalen. ssearning with fhe memoriesof a tenible njghtmare. and it takesa long time for your nerves to calrn-Add r to your Time Tmck and tum to 281
562-351 562 Beyond the strange valve-door is a thick-walled duct with walls of the same spongy grey substanceas the door itself The duct is some twenty metres long and, three-quartersof the way along it, a pair of sidepassages slopedownwards.At lhe md of the duct is a seLof sinuous pillars of bristly, rubbery tissue which appearto extend into a distant dramber,although you can't see what may lie therein Irom where you are sLanding.It is very dark and gloomy here, with no natural lighting. If you are using a lantem to lighL your way here, tum [o 1'5.If you are using a Sphereof Light, hlm to 59. If you are willing to risk walking along in the dark, with the footing here treacherous, tum to 1i6 363 The catacombcomplex is laid out inkicately with and exploring it takes a long many sub-chambers, time. Add r to your Tim€ Track and you must now eat a meal.Roll one die; if the numberyou roll is 4 or higher, tum to 5r7 (you may add r to the number rolled on the d1eby spendrnga poinLof LUCKif you wish).II you roll 3 or below,tum Lo391. 364 lf you are wearing grey robes, you can pass by the guard,who doesnot challengeyou. If you don't have grey robes,when you speakhe doesn'Lreply to you; Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you do bluff your way past;tum to 15a If you are Unlucky,he drawsa sho sword Loallackyoui tum to 2Ja.
565 The undeadChieftain risesup and advancesupon you His great sword rs a powerful weapory if he has an AtLa& Strengthof 2rl or betterin any Altack Round, and if lhis is higher thanyour Attack Strength,a blow . frorn this sword will cosl you J points of sr^MINA raLherthanLheusualz UNDEAD CHIEFTAIN
If you reducethe ChiefLain's sTAMINALo 2 or below, he acceptsdefeaLand returnsto Lhisthrone.He summons you to him and says,'You are worthy. I could have done with more like you among my Wardogs.' He shetcheshis sword around in an arc, indicaling the many tombsbeforehim. 'Now hearmel Belowhere,in the blue mists, skulksthe spirit of our clan shamanwizard. His heachery and infamy brought shameand death to us; he came to serve a namelesscult of darkness- one you loo will have lo face.It is he who stalkslhe depthsLhere,and he who blo&s your path lo the sword you seek.To find hrm, jump inlo the welll'HegrinsaLyou;theeffectis unnerving.Theloneof the Chieftain'svoice changes,becomingmore stem. As in life, in deathI am a man of honour.'If a skeletal visagecould give a wry smile,this one just did. 'Lay down yor:r weaponand kneelbeforeme Showme hust.' Now, if you want to kneel before LheChieltain as he raiseshis sword,fum Lo72 If you preferto leaveand you enteredby, tr.rmLo332. retum to the antechamber 566 Somethingvery bizane is happening:you wander inLo
36rs69 a complexconfluence of passages wherehanginghour glassesfilled with multicoloured sandare flowing backwards - the $nd is flowin8 up into the top half from the bottom! You may subtracLr from your Time TracklTum to uo as you wander,romewhafbemused, into the dramberyou fust arrjvedin. 367 All you hlm up during a long searchis a singleGold Piece. You can't lift the ingots, and the tools are useless.Add r to your Time Track. You can now follow the tunnel opposite the one leading to bhe smithy,if you haven'talreadydone so (turn ro r97, or go down the passagefacing the one you mtered by (lum to 47). 564 You shuggleto ffnd a way roundthe banier.rinceyou cannolseeiti by the time you manage!o do this, the Stalker-Magehascasthis spell.A silvery web of glowing magical 6re expands from lus daws and wraps itsell round your armsand chest.Deduct 4 points liom your st.rurv,r, and you must subtractr from your Attack StrenSthwhen Eghting the Stalker-Mage.Tum to roa369 The Dwarf acceptsyour gift with a smileand ushers you indoors. You're soon eating 6ne rabbit stew and quaffin8 dwarven ale, and the Dwarf bellsyou his nafte is Darkflint.He doesn'Lsay why he lives here, and you don't ask For your part, you tell him only that youre malcing(or Renlam.Iys grovrinSlate and, while you don't fear the Dwarf, yorire noL surewhat
The Dragon Reaches? The grey-doaked men? Gmeral information about the area?
Turn to 9o Tum to 537 Tum to rj7
370 [,eavin8 Camex behind yo+ it's time to go elsewherc
North-west to Slate Peak? South-westto the Mist Crypts? Fareastto the landsof lhe FrosL Giants?
Tum to E Tum to 268 Tum to 39
pre-eminmt. As many as a hmdred Frost Giants, together with large 0ocks oI livestock and Snow Wolves, are roaming around. Clearly, any kind of attackwould be suicidal You could try walking into the camp(tum to t9) or circlinglhe perimeter,spyingand tryjng to thinkup \ome indjrectapprorch(tum to 299).
572 The door flies open, and two snake-likeffguresdart ouL from lhe room behind it. They are skeleLal, buL LatLers of scalyskin hang round their skullsand upper vertebraqand Lheirspinesare shod wiLh iron. Their jaw' gapeopen,revealingrazor-sharp incisorteeth as long as your 6ngers,and Lheyriseup and sway before you! Resistingtheir hypnoticswayingwill be difficult Roll one die and add your nolrour score If the total is 6 or below, the strangeswayingof the snakesdulls your mind and makesit hard for you lo act swiftiy and shike effectively, you must sublracL2 fiom your Attack Strengthin this combat.If the lotal is 7 or higher,you areunaffected. You must 6ghLlhe magical Iron Seryenlslogetherhere,and eachhasa venomous bite. For the 6rsl three Altack Rounds,if one of lhe Iron SerpentsbiLesyou, you lose 2 srAMrNApoints throughbeing brLten,and anoLherj srAMrNApoints from the venoml S K ILL
If you win, turn to 172 373 In lhe ordinarytrading-postsof Ismater,you can buy thefollowing. ExLraProvisions Rope Longbowand anows
1 Gold Pieceeach 1 Gold Piece 5 Gold Pieces
574-375 Glassboltle Icepick Flaskof Walrus Oil
r Gold Piece 3 Gold Pieces 3 Gold Pieces 4 Gold Pieces
Other items these simple shops supply are hardly usefrJ to you - thick firs, evil-looking animal traps, harpoonsand the Like.After making any purchasesand adjusting your AdoenlureSheetaccordingly, will you LeaveIsmater? Explore the village, if you haven t done so? if you haven't Relaxin the Lavems, done so?
Tum to 258 Tum to 10 Tum to 2o7
374 A genLle,tinHing voice dses from the gem-sphere. 'We are very dose now I need the essenceleft here Lookl' At a mental urging from Lhemysterious sPhere, you can now make out an inky pool o( darknessat lhe base of the pyramidal cell as the lights begin to fade Intense,manow-freezin8cold is beginningto radiate from this dark core, and the sphere is asking you to plunge ib into Lhat chill. You will suffer considerable darnageif you agreelIf you consenlto LhesPhere's demand,t'rm to 3zr. If you refuse,descendand follow thepassage below;tum to 53.
your facelYou feel {aintly ridiculous,buf the animafs saliva has a soothing; healing effect; regain 4 lost STAMTNA pointsand 1 point of rucx!Now, wrll you: Climb the vine, if you havm't do so? Tum to 348 Enterthe red tree door? Tum to o3 Enterthe yellow passage? Tum lo z9z 376 CareF:lly checking around in Lhebare stone chamber revealsno hidden secretdoors or other exils except the door you enteredby. There is only lhe well, and thi& mist obscr.:resvisibility only a couple of meLres down. You easilyIind a stonelo drop down the well; from the soundit makes,you judge fhal thereis solid ground not too far below - perhaps four or five metresdown- For the tirne being, you need Lo rest here; add -z to your Time Tra& and you must now eat a meal.When you wake up, if you have a rope. you could use it to descendfairly safely, you think If you )ump, it may be a little hazardous.If you decideto tal<eeilheroplioD tum to 46. If you want to backtrack and searchan areayou haven't visited before,you can retum to the antechamber(tum to j32) or tale the passagewayto the lefl al the top of the stairs to this chamber(turn to rjE); male a note of this paragraph ntlmbet however, so Lhat if you need to reLum here you cando so,
A dappled deer escapes{rom the sackand tums to nm off into the forest - but, before she does, she licks
Horibly, youl feet seemto be stuck to the floor! It rs almosl impossibleto run awayl The monsterbehind
3r8-3r9 Jao-A1.
The-tw: Chillshadows mergero form a stronger l1:l q-eature. EdchAttacl Rorrndyou ffght,you wiJl los! r p-ont-otsrevlre bec_ause you are;tanjingwithinthe ot heezinecold that sunounds it" .p"*J ;#!s CHILLSHADOW If you win,tum to 36r.
skrtL g
you it will try to drag you into the Demonic Planes,if you will be the Demon Teslsits Skill successfully, draggedtowards the mirrorl Howevet becauselhjs is you canuseyour willpower Lores$t;you Drearntrme, may then Testyout Skill and, if you are successful,you can resisLthe pril of the Demon. If you fail, however, you wale irffnediately as the Demon dragsyou down; Lumto 35a Also, insteadof shiking LheDemon,you may try lo smash its mirrori this is difficulL because Lhereare so many mirors here If you want to try this in an Atlack Round,.the Minor Demon will automaLicallyshike (you lose z srAMrNApoinls) and you mnst Testyon SkiLI,adding 3 to lhe number rolled. If you are successful,you smash Lhe mirror and the Demon is dravm, shrieking, back into the realns of nighlmaresl MIRROR DEMON
thal. Standing behind you is a Dwarf, he is wearing a chainmail vesL and is lapping lobacco into his briarwood pipe,a two-handedbattleaxehangingfrom one wrisl 'Nosy, aren'tyou?'he saysnonehalantly'I( you want resl and sheltet my adventurousfriend, I'll want somethingin retum' The Dwal rsn't after money,having liLtle use for it. You can stay and talk wllh him if you will give him a Potior; a flask of liqueur, or a smallkeg of bee4 Lumto 369. If you don'l haveary of these,or won'l part with !hem,you'll haveto sleepoutsidetonighl rurn ro 275.
If you wi4 by slaying the Mirror Demon or by banishingit, tum to r74. 342 Skirting round the palh taken by lhe pilgrims, you head eastwardsand enter th€ woodlands Il is very dark below the light excluding evergreensand Lhe ground is bare, save for a lhin carpeling of pine needlesand cones.A hazeof blue wood-smokeleads you to a wooden cabin.A woodcutter,you expect, but you couldn'tbe more wrong As you creepup to the backdoor,pastLhepilesof choppedlogs,someone tapsyou on lhe back and you whirl around,wondering how on Tibananyonecould have surprisedyou like
543 As you approachthe walled Lowers,you can seethat there are severalwell-armed guards al the gate, lheir chainmailarmour gleaming under their loose-fitling grey robes. You have to form some plan in order to enter, Lhegreat central tower clearly seemsyour best beLfor discovery.You could advanceand 6ght your way through;if you wish Lo do this, tum to zo5. If you think you know the nameof the High Priesthere, you couldusethis as a way of getting through.If you do, tum the mans nameinto a numberusine the code
344-5as A = 1 , R=2 , C=3 ... Z= 26 and lurn t o t h e paragraphwith that number. If you have seen battoos on the arms of the robed mery and you have taltooing inl< and a needle, you could mark yourself with a tatloo which youve seen,thenhope that lhis will get you past the guards.If you do, you lnow Lhenumber of lhe paragraphwhere you saw the taLtoo;triPle thal number and tum to lhe paragraPh with the same number If you don t want to - or you can't use any of lheseshategies,Lhm there is no altemativefor you but to leave the tow4 Lo avoid the attention of the suspicious Suardshere)tum to 75. 344 The wizard pulls the levet and a Srindrngsound canbe heardfrom Lheroom outsrdelIf you wedgedthe door thereshut,tum to gr5 Ifyou didnot do this,tum lo 545 345 As you push the door open with your shoulder,Lhe runes glow, then boil into a flare of fire and smoke You jump back,yelling in pain as you survey your blstered skin. Deduct 3 points {rom your sraulre Wors! shll, a searchof the guardroomrevealsnothing buL dust and dirt. The chest conlainsdirty dothes, mostly rotted lo ragsevenin this dry place.The stone axeshereareof no useLoyou beinglong bluntedand designed for dwarven hands, not yotlrs. You have wasledyour time here Backtrack,lhen take the passaBeopposile,if you haven'talreadydone so (tum to jj), or the one opposile lhe hrnnel you entered by (tum to 47)
ja6-3a1 346 The Ogre advanceson youl Testyour Skill. If you are successful,tum lo r39. If you fail, tum to 158. 3E1 You'veonly got on,eleadaboutwhereto go nexL:the silver plaque with the word Tndimion' on it. You are forced Lo spend valuable time here in Rentam trying lo find out what lhis cluemears Eachday you spend here, you must add u to your Time Track. If you are beinghuntedby lhe militia,you musl roll one die each day; if you roll a 6, tum to 194. Also, each day you have Lopay for food; you musf deductr Gold Piece, or r unit o{ Provisions, each day you are in Rentam. If at any time you get desperatelyshort of food you can spend one day doing menial labour in the town and eam enoughto buy 3 Provrsions(but you must add 2 to your Time Track if you do lhis). Now, how will you try lo find oul what this single clue, 'Endirnion',means?Will you: Look for a place called Endimion? Ask around for a person narned Endimion? Try to 6nd out more about Lhe grey-robed men?
Tum to j52 T.' 2r2 Tum to 226
568 388 As the door opens, runes on it glow and drain your vital energies;deduct r poinl from your sKrLL!Now, you are slanding on a rocky ledge above a cavem so vast you cannoteven seeits far walls Leadingdown ftom the rocky ledge is a pair of winding, crumbling sLonestaircases,which descend61ty mehes or so In the middle of Lhe cavem is the Night Dragon itself Your heart sinks as you Lakein its unimaginably huge, hideously warped and evil form. The monster must measurefo y mehes from nose to Lail,and its black, scalyskinshimmerswith metallicblueandsilverthreading. Ils skin seemsLoo tighL for its body in places, while in others iL hangs in uselessfolds; yellowed bones protrude through iLs ribs, wings and here and there along its limbs and tail lts huge head is half skeletal,as is the powerful and lengthy neck of lhe Ancient One Sunomding the horror hangs a thick nelwork of gluey, gelatinousshandsrvhich dlp smokin8 acidon to the cavefloor-An icy-blueglow bumsin theeye-sockels of themonsterwhenit Bazesup at you Thosecold fires look as deep as the DemonicPlanes themselves. The jaw of the gargantuan Ancientslowly dropshalf openand a deepbreathresonaLes round the endlessgloom of lts nighLmarecave. The monster advances a metreor two with a foul squelchingsound comingfrom the cocoonof slimeround its body, but now il is breaking free. If you wish Lo use a longbow or crossbow to fire aLthe Nighl Drcgon, .:urrl.rc a77 Altematively,you needto {ind a way dovrryyou have Lhreechoices.If you wish to go down the sleps,tum to 147. If yo.u have Winged Boots, you know the
nameof the man who wore them before you, convert hjs nameinto a numberusingthe codeA = r' B =.u, . Z=26 Add, the numbers corresPonding C=3 to the leLtersin the name,multiply the total by 3, then tum lo Lhatparagraph.If you have a magicalseed pod, multiply the numberof shipesin the pod by zr then tum to Lhalparagraph. 349 You are hardly surprised to discover the lwo chainmailclad SkeletonWarriors in the bare stone chamberbeyond this'doo4 they are guardinga door opposiLeyou. You leap to attack but they have an They seemto unpleasantmode of atLackthemselves. be madeof too many bones,with a plethoraof ribs and extralimb bones;as you advance,Lheextrabones andfly at you in an arcof battering, detachthemselves lacerafing,bony missiles!Iest yout Luck.If you are Lucky,you duck out of the way of most of the bones and must lose jusL 1 STAMINAPoint lf you are Unlucky,you are hit by severaland have to lose 5 by lhis unusualassaulL, points.DisorientaLed STAMINA you cannot ba& inlo a comer before the Skeleton Warriorsare upon you, and you mustfight themboth together
9 9
a 7
lf you wi& you can eitherreLumto the marncorridor outsideand choosesomewhereelseto go lo (tum to
306) or advanceon the door oppositeyou (tum to 22a). 390
The man will noL meet your gaze. 'I don't know noLhing,I don't. I'm just a farmer Leaveme aloneor I'll shout for the guardsand then you'll be for it' He wandersoff along the trail Warhng for another townsman seemspointless;you'll wastea loLof time waiting and it doesn'tseemas if they want to help much.So, now will you try to ambush one of the grey-robed men (turn to 5r) or give up and leave Camex (tum to 370)7 394 You seeno sign of the monsteryou seekdespiteyour searching;add r Lo your Time Track Retuming to the junctionof the variousmine shafts,choosea direction you havenot takenbe{oreWill you go: North? South? Wesa
Tum lo 27 Tum to 242 Turn to 14 Tum Lo3o2
392 The pillarsreactto your presenc€and move together to form a wall in front of you! You have a strong inluition that cutting lhem to shredswith a sword miSht be fun, but it would cerLainlysummonpowerful guardsyou'd rathernot face.You larow you're close to the Night Dragon now You can force a way
through the wall, but you'll be squeezedand cnrshed at a cost of 4 points from your STAMINA.You can reducethis damageto 1 point if you use oil (lantem oil or Walrus Oil) to coat your body and armour so that you reduce the ftiaion and make it very dif{icult for the ffbrous pillars to grip and compressyour body. Once through, you 6nd yourself in a pecu.liarrnaze of winding, bristin& narrow passageswiLh semitransparent walls made of the same fiblous material Finding a way through the folds and tums of this maze is not straightforward Each attempt you make adds 1 to your Time Track, and you must roll one dre. You may chooseLospenda LUCKpoinLat any time to add r Lo the numberrolled on the die. If you roll a r on any aLtempt, tum lo ugo.lfyou roll z-5, you simply wander around for a while, unable to 6nd an exit. ff you roll a O tum to 2,{3. 595 'Thercis little I canadd to what the Dragon Conclave has already told you. However. I have studied all I could conceming the Night Dragoo and I have oF served his awakening from [he Dreamtime. Indeed, I am a guardianof that time,if you like, my magichas slowed his emergencefrom his ornrnphantasmsand shadows.Now my magic will no longer suffice Lo hold him, not after thes€long centuries.'For a mommt, the man looks old and weary; he may appearyormg, but you realize that he is older than any mortal ever [o have walked Titan's many lands. 'l know that within the straneehidden illusions of Dreahtime there
394 are many magicswhich you could call upon Lo assist you. Because I neversleepor dream- I am a guardian, and Buardians do not rest- I do nol know wherelhe
go seeking.helptherein, you may succeedin the blinl ol an eyelidin Titan'stime - or you may be dreaming [or hours.Do not enlerthe Dredmtimelighlly., If, afterhearingthis,you decidethaLyou would rather rcsumeyou quest at once, fum to r8r If you wish to seekwhatever help you may in the Dreamtime, tum to 6.
595-395 think better of it and row back immediately, tum to aa2.
395 The black passagewayis utterly barren.Your footfalls male no sound as you walk along it; it seemsto absorbsound into itself. Of all the placesyou may havevisitedin this odd realmof dreams,[his one feels more real than any other, oppressively,unpleasantly sLandtwo doors, real At the end of the passageway one red,one silver.If you decideto openthe red door, tum Lo12j If you opt for the silverdoor, tum to 145. Your alLernative standsbetweenLhedoors;on a bare ebony tableyou s€ea statuetteof the Night Dragon, no more than ten centimetrestall It is a skeletal,stark thing sculpted with its bones protruding tluough ribcage and wings, and its head is an elongated, reptilian skull with great incisor teeth and deep,sunken eye-socketsYou could pick up the statuetteand 6nd out whetheryou can extractany magic kom iL (tum to j61), or hurl it to the groundand smashit (tum to 329) 596 The notes refer to work being done in the depthsof the rnountainFrom what you can decipher,a strange devicehas been constructedto pound ouL a rhythm which resonateswith the bones of the Night Dragon, and sornehowthis magically toughem them. You dare not hang around to check the details,so you leave and rcfurn to the qossroads.Tale a route here which you have not followed before. Will you now open the
397-399 door opposite the enkance passage(tum ro r5g1 or descendthe winding stairs(tum to J,aoF 597 You cangel mmial labouringwork haulingbundlesof turs and logs, for a meagrez Gold Piecesa day rplus free food and board). Each day you spend working, you must add z to your Time Track, and time is preciouson your questlWhen you've finishedyour work stint,will you now: Buy somesupplies? Explore the village? Relaxin the tavems?
Tum to 373 Tum to ao Tum Lo2o7
59E The ffnalblow paralyzesyou! Now your opponenthas fresh meat lo feastupon. Your adventureendshere.
399 Your missilespeedsacrossthe chanber and drops harnrlesslyagainst a wall of magical force baring i1s wa_y!EnraSe4 the Slalker-Mage drops his magical delmce and prepdresto casta spellat you. You must move forward! Tesl yow ikill. If you are successfr.rl, tum to roE. If you fail tum to 56t.
You are outsidethe wretchedmountainof the NiSht Dragon, still running for your life, when Lhetop blows cleanoff the peakand a massivepillar of 6ery lava and black smoke boils up into the skyl You fall, winded, over a small rock and SaspdesPeratelyfor air' As you tum round for one final look, a ginger cat appears beside you, licking its paws unconcemedly.'Great fireworkdisplay,'iL says.Cood work. I think an awful lot of people,and no few Dragons,owe you a very preal favourfor that.Arrd whenDraeonsowe favows, I wise man tnows their value.'The outlineof the cal shimmersslighLly and begins to grow n size lt grows and grows and doesn't stoP By the time you have realized that Lhe smoke and rock pouring from the mountainwill cerlainly kill you, no matter how fast you rlm, Lhecat has changedits form into that of an enormousGold Dragon,he picks you up in his front paws so gently it feels like being tickled wrth a feather.Jus! don'Laskme who I am,'the Gold Dragon says stemly. 'Sufficeto say that I do not have to wony about breakingany Oaths - not when I was Lhe one who inventedthem in the first p)ace.Let us be gone.' As the great, majesLicform of lhe mighty Lord of Dragons rises into the heavens,you fall into a weary sleep. When, many hours later, you awaken, you will be gladthat it wasa &earnlessslumber.
Mne Fishnn9Eanl6!
THE TROLLTOOTH WARS st@elackson It tta ed with a ambuh yfhen Balthu Dire's bledlusting Hill Goblins nount tletr raid on th€ Strongm .dawar! little do they r€alir what dEmatic conseque.cesthen actions will hawe For thal .davan cdries Cmnelworl, a hsb lron E6tem Allansia dsti.ed lor none olhd than lhe evil sore.oi, Zhadadan MaEl Wr befween two lorces well-hatched for evil - is soon to eBu€ tvill Balthus Dir€'s chaoli.s or Zhdadm Marls undead prove vF bddn The answ€r is h€re, in lhe fi6t liAhting Fmtasy nov€l
DEMONSTEALER Matc Ga{oigfle Il +rted wrrh a bursla.y Bone a ofr on rl.e bd oI dn im-enf bat a sinister lhief breaks into tie tower of lhe sor@rer Yaztroho Guid€d by long-d€ad voices, he Mnages to nale off wilh an d ci€nt saoll whose *dek .ould spell d@n ad dsttu.tion foi all Chadda Darkme is soon on the trail of the thEf But as lh€ quest grows ewc longer his naggin8 doubts aboul the power of sorcery th into nishtmares The hail leads Ia beyond northem Allmsia to lhe Pi.ate Coast and the lwisting alle'ryays of !.inol! where Ddkmane s be.ome fleshl For ihe thief has uRd rhe ancienl scroll^ightn€rer to suonon oth6 to help him in his sorcerous hsl, Demons who d€ hot boud by the constraink of earlhLy foms who feast on th€ hum spiit A few brav€ conpaions a.conpdy Ddkhme, but will they be €nough - ad in tihe - to stop the lhief from mlo.king the ffnal seoet of Yazhoho s *oln DenarctealeL the second lighlhg Ftutasy novel in a seriesihat beaa with Trg Trcl//drl W,^, holds
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IIGHTINC FANTASY Th€ htrodu.tory R€ledayins Glm St a. leckm Thillhg rdv.ntues oI swoid.nd sorcery cohe to liG in the lighting fantuy Gm€books, whd the readq ir the h.@, with .nd ddo$ in srdr of v lai6. h@.@ d ftedon Now YOU d oqle yd (m Fidting F,nt !y ad@tuG and *nd ytu fria& ofi d hjaeids! In thir d.rly Fitta h.ndb6t tl€rc e hnts on d.vhing onbah, hd3teB to ce hi*3 ad h.ti.r I well 6 two mini-adventuEs.
THE RIDDLINGREAVER St oelo.Ltu FN liAhthg Fantasy episd$ to be played .s 3€petie addtfts or d !t.g€r in an epi.€ntuF, Ttu Rtddlins Rned is tilal ^ worthy oI th. mGt .laring adv.nhftn Hi! mind i, inmtable planr but ths. i! no doubt lbout th. ehaos he to urn€ashon th. world. He fra4 be rtopp.d, d$pite the h.a& of the 16*l A tollownlP ro EiStui"s Fent6!: '1tu Indu.ldV RtL-plaias Cetu, it @nt.l^s in tru.tim and k.Mios e tlEt y@ 6 coi@ up advenhe! Lr yd &i.n& and rad theh on their ndt danAerou! and puzling hission yet,
St@elackson's SORCERYI Your s€arch for the l€e€n la.y Crown oI KinAr take you lo the Shmutanti Hills Alive wth ewil creatues,lawle$ wr'!sg' d,u bloodthmfy nonst€d, the la.d is nddled with tricks and haps waitina {or rhe uwary havellei will you b€ able ro oo$ rhe h ts safely md proceed to the second part oI the or will you perish in the attedpt? 2 Klraft Citvpad of Ttdps As a wdior relying on fo.ce of ams, or a wizdd kained in maAic, you nul brave th€ ldor of a city buill to hap the uwdy You will need all you. wit3 about you to suriv€ the mimaghabl€ hor.os ahead and to makEsdse of th€ .lues which nay lead lo you su..ess or to your dooml
Selen deadly and serpentsspeed ahead of you to wm the evii Ar.hmage of you coning Will you be able to et.h thd
At the end of you long keL you face the unknosn teros oi the MaodA Fo re$ Hidden inside the keep is the Ciown oi Kings lor iI you - the dtimale goal of the 5a.ry1 epic But btrrd have nol defeat€d th€ S€v€n &rp€nh you. arival has bem antici, conplete wfth aI rhe spells y6u wil need, each boof car be phyed either on its own oi as part of the whole epi!
SHADOWMASTER , kn Liunsstm Chaos sialks the wild land! of northem Allmsia Cru€l b.ndik raid the vnlag€s,hnsacllng.nd looting as they go Now thdgh, the atla.tds re in scard of a tr.8u€ Id hor€ vahable thln rold Dnven by lhetr inhuMn ]e.der.lhey 4e .n puliuit of thc k.y1h'l will !r od th€ wcry myri.ri.s of life ad d6th itlelfl 'nF $l@ Yalrotu, for eo lone the sdappoint€d gurrdid of tlE lan& affd Ddtwood Fo6t, mot stand ly by whilc his c(Mtrym6 e pll to rhe sword With Cha.l'L DdloEn! .lo& at hard, Yaztromo emb.*s on a quest to dimve. th€ so|@ of the raids md th€ sinists reason behind them What they discover is that when Chaos rules, nothing can €vs be as it se€hs Fan hid€sfoul. insditv hid* irner older. and ddkre$ lukr deep within the light. C& Yzhomo md Dr*Nne deteat these lusionsto discoverthe real masterof th€ rhrdowt Only shadtum'4d. th. ll,:.ndF€.|.tin8 Fdtasy novel, @ tell youl
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FiehhagF ntae!
DUNGEONEER Malc G@isk .nd Pet.Tanlvn Now yd and yq fiiqds qn oqre yq om tar ay |lwi6! I!.gin. th,l yd e the dft.tq .nd yq tia& e rl,e Gr of hs€. W l you 3.nd thm to b.ttl. w h tk.vilwia,d q r€coR th. Or.gon' ho.ldr TIF .ioic. i6 yous. od D,'s',n4, m.lcs tfF qdHnS wi,ld of f.nt6y roleplayins a@srible in . thoNghlv
BLACKSANDI Mdrc c6cogw
dflA Peb Tantya
ry6 But thc inhntu City of Thieves h .l$ hom ro a6tmr and rdvmtlm b€yond (@Fd The !*ond volun€ in lhe Adv.rced I'ghrint Fanldsvserl$ whicl it.rt€d w*h D,Adkr.