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K 旺'仍旧 4ι
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l kgd f tt g season . 5umme r may offer us such rewards , bu t it is now th at we ca n create , add , change and experimen t 飞明 th ou r plo邸. Auωmn colour is now creeping into my garden and the seedh eads of perennials are dispersing
201 1 The Nlchee Magazine Awards 8 est Niche Lil estyle Consumer Magazine
2010 Garden Media Guild Gardenlng Col umn OIThe Year
We have dedicated this issue to the glory of TREES , wit h features on HOWICK in Nonhumberland (pg 41) , ecologlcal tree planting ideas (pg 93) and a celebratíon o f some of the U K's most ou <stand ing (pg 8 6). A few years ago , I enjoyecl an af<ernoon at Westonb irt , and the Lime Avenue is truly the most incredible tree planting 1 have ever seen. 1 strongly reιommend lhal you Lake lÍ me OUl th is mOnLh and viSiLthe arboreLum closesl lO you. Few o f u s have lhe room for Lhe more g ianL speιunens 111 our gardens, bUl the re i$ no reason why we can'l er甘oy lhem in lheir wo nde rful ma Lu rily a L these ve ry special places.
My new h ome offers \l lews of an ancient p ear orcharcl , and one tree leans o\ler my boundary. These pears ha\le offered us fresh fruit every morning and , WO \\l, do they taste good. 50 we bring you some won clerful PEAR RECIPES (pg 72) , which 1 am sure will be far more successful than the juice 1 tried to make from mine. I think 1 sh ould have added a drop of lemon j uice .. . 01' maybe just stíck to gardening! I am also sending Otlt a plea - in our upcoming we'U be SLaning a new selies on charily and commurlÍly gardening schemes and are keen LO find OUL abouLmore o f them , 50 if you know o f o ne in your area , please get in LOuch LO tell U$ abouLil E町 oy thiS fireιrack凹 o[ a month
Janua rγ iSsue,
Mark Diacono
2009 Garden Media Guild Gardening Column OIThe Year
Tamsin 飞Nesthorpe ,
Jackie Bennett
吧 J e 川肝侃 E四 G …
Garden Media Guild New Garden M ed la Talen t 01 The Year
The English Garden magazine page on Facebook
to see what we get up to this month
Stephanie Mahon
2008 Garden Medla Gulld New Writer Award
Joe Reardon-Smith
On the cover: Toby Buckland's new nursery (ρ'g54) Ph悦。graph: J ason Ingram
EDITOR队L Tel: +44 (0)1 242 2 11 080 Fax: +44 (0)124 2 21 1081 Email:
[email protected] W ebsite: www.th een glishga rdon.coυk Editor T3msin Westhorpo Deputy Editor Clnead M c Ternan A同 Edito r Frances Wallace Productlon Ed ltor/Wrlter Stephanie Mahon Edítoríal Assistant Victoria Kingsbury G a rdens Edlt or Claire M asset Desig n e陌 Karen le Gallez , Claire Hicks
lJ K ADVERTl Srt\ G Tel : +44 (0)1242 211 072 Fax : +44 (0) 1242 255116 Emai l :
[email protected] GroupC omme町ial Di rector Chros Marslon Group Co mmunlcations Manager Lucy Warren.Meeks Group 5ales Manager Jamie Bo lton A c<:ount Man ager Kim Holtham Media Sales Executive Serena Robertson
PRODUCTION Publ ishi ng Production M anager Kevin Shelcott Pr oduction Team Le ader M lkoy Godden
UK SUBSCRIPTIONS To subscribe te l: + 44 (0) 18 58 438840 www.subscrìptionsave.co.u k Head of Di r ect Customer Ma 由 eti n g Fiona Penton.Voak Sen ior Subscription Executi ve Ab igail S阳k t on 5 u b script ion Marketing Execut ive Natalie Medler M ar k eting Designer Janc Henbest
Circulat io n M a nager Rlcl、ard KI由γ M a rketing Dir ector Richard W∞ Iloa ms
M anaging Di附 cto r, Archant Lif estyle M illc r Hogg Managing Editor Robyn Bochclot
The English Garden, Archan t Hou se , Oriel Road , C h e ltenha m , G l o u c e sters h i re GL5 0 l BB S呻 $Crlptlon OtfiCM: UK: Thc El'lglish G8 fd酬, CDS Global. S。叫, cign Pðfk. Ma(kot Harborough" ltìÎcestershi"e lE 16 9日, England. T01: +刷刷 185843插曲 F.x 叫a 刷 18坦 43<1 958. USA: T he 正 n glish Galden, PO Bcx 433068. Palm Coas t. j:l 321 43.3068 Canad.a: The Fnglish Oarðen, 1415 J.3.nette A\lenue. W:怕也锁. ON NSX 171τ.1 叫捕。 998.080ï (::011 freet. Europe and Re.st 0' World: -+ 4 <1阳 18584388"0. On li ne ww叭I ;heenglishgarden 00 ‘'"
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in E咐.nd
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Contents NOVEMBER 10
The Rake Our columnist James Alexander-Sinclair picks his lavourite courses , exhibitions and events lor November 14 Shopping.. . for focal points Key pieces l or great impact 18 National Trust Time to plant and p阳ne at Kingston Lacy 24 Editor's choice: Tape measures Tamsin calculates the merits 01 these garden design essentials 54 Toby's Nursery As he gets ready to open up lor business, Toby commissions his logo and sells plants at a local lestival 93 Ecowatch Anne Gatli considers lhe best trees for wildli fe 106 Library leaves This month's new gardening books review ed 114 Guest speaker $ue Biggs on being RHS director general
Glorious gardens 27
Ll1'\日:\1BυU I{G The love of Piet This Irosty garden is graωdWlth deli臼te
34 41 47
seedheads and gracelul grasses
Sι'υTL,也ND Going global Thousands of rare perennials and
grasses create an autumn spectacle '" this p1anthunter's plot NORTHL \18日RLA吨。 Sylvan sanctuary We 臼lebrate the beguil,ng beauty 01 trees W1 th a \11 M to Howick Hall ιL \IHRIA Nostalgia Up north At the start 01 rose-p恼nting season, we II1 sit one 01 theα),.mtry's most romantic rose gardens
Design 61 63 69
IN (_'υ飞飞'ERSATIυ7、 WITH... Tom Stuart-Smith looks at how to revive mature gardens that have existing elements A GARDEN REBυRN The Iceman cometh Winter arrives early at Bridge Eal, blanketing the garden in a layer 01 snow H I STORI(' FEATt JRES Surprise, surprise After its 18thcentury heyday, is the ha-ha relevant in contemp口rary gardens?
The edible garden 71
Offers & competitions
Mark Diacono Mark 回vours the last of this ye町's harvest and
looks forward to the year ahead. picking seeds and trees for his plot
72 76
COOK YOUR OWN Pears Expert advice on buying, planting,
Christmas gifts For great deals on magazine subscript ions
protecting. training and cooking the most delectable pears
Plant offers Add sparkle to your garden w ith a FREE' scented
& TREATS Backdoor bounty Restored Victorian
kitchen gardens provide a country house hotel with delicious
Plants 9 79
Plant swatch Indoor flowerers to really brighten up the home PLANT FOCUS Berberis This reliable plant deserves more attention than it gets - particularly its
dazzling varieties
Woods with the goods Our pick of the count时's best arboretums in autumn , with
Subscriptions FREE Burgon & Ball Professional Soft Squeeze Shears, worth (25.95, when you subscribe
trails and beautiful trees
Sow and sew Two arts are combined at this lovely cutting garden wi th an embroidery workshop business in Scotland
100 Wonders of Wisley Autumn delights at this iconic garden, and the chance to w in a year's membership of the RH S
winter-flowering shrub - plυs great 0付ers on other winter shrubs
阳6 (1\1(01. .\II~"., ,。键,锄 UII"蝇'也E
charnwood Exceptional British made wood burning stoνes. Permitted for use in smoke contro/ areas. For a brochllre and stockists teiephone 01983 537780 0 1' visit www.charnwood. com
‘ Apple
‘ Brother J ohn'
The unusual pink 01 Ihis Ilamingo Ilower (aboνe
Also known as amaryll惰. the impressive
seductive Ilowers 01 the moth orchid (to.ρ
ω』亡占主《EEω、孟 SE 章。u Z 在主王 山JO J 王军 E 。革古军 t a卢军主 zzq 多 ← 。主、 dSZPZ33EZESEZ
blooms o f this bulb (abo叫 are sure to brighten
righll appear in sprays year-round, lastlng lor
up the windowsill in winter or 厅旧ke an elegant
abo Ul three months each. Its leaves are thick
blooms o f ils relalives. Wilh ilS highly glωsy
centrepiece for a table. Its lily-shaped flowers
and Ileshy, with deli臼tely arching flower Slems
and archrteclural arrow-shaped leaves. il looks
reach 15cm in d咱meter. and are tinged a
Thanks to its tropical origins , it enjoys the
labulous nexl to Ihe IrOlhy delicale 10liage 01 an
dellcate plnk. It has short strap-shaped green
warmth 01 central heating , nnaking .t a popular
leaves, and a stout stem holding several
choice, and is one of the easiest orch.ds to
need a 10101 'r.∞t r∞m二 so go lor a pot Ihat is
heads hlgh. Helght 5Ocm: spread 30cm
grow. Height 1 5ct忏1m; spread 20-45cm
a fairly snug ~t He.ght 60cm spread 3Ocm.
Planted IlVÌ th the neck and shoulders above the
Enjoyir咱 a
AtroplCð肉nt that grows ∞ tree-trunks in Ihe
sun!Ty spot in w.nter and a shaded
sels il apa同 Irom the almOSI garish red
the maidenhair lern. It doesn'l
It prefers a medium 01 自br,ωs Ioam , sand,
surface, this bulb should be kepl in a dark 肉ce
one in the summer, it grows 协st in dayt.me
W1 ld,
andwatered 阴Iy s闵ringly
temperatures 01 19-30o C and 1& 19"C at n咆ht
Once growing , il willlhrive .n full sun and enJOV
Growinor.仙id ∞mpost. watenng ∞Iy
arour咱 theσown .
liberal walenng and a fortnighlly feed Once
in winter, and more Ireely spnng to autυmn.
unU sh∞tsemerge
mould and char.α划,lIVÌths树咀gnum IT咱ss
It enjovs high humidity, bright
oght and a constanl temperature abo咽 1 6"C. ln
Ilowers have I ,nished , redυce w81er, keeping
Propagate by pouing up the snnall plantlets
growth. water freely and lertilise every IWO
il dry when dormanl. Propagate Irom seed
that appear on the flower stem
weeks Propagation IS easiest by division.
News & events In his regular column , James Alexander- Sinclair rakes up the latest happenings in th e garde ning world, and shares his favourite places to v isit
This month, autumn has us held firmly between its shiny teeth . So this seems like the peñect moment to start thinking of suitable garden activities that can be enjoyed with the benefit of central heating and without rain trickling down the back of the neck. Not exclusively, mind
you - 1would not like you losing condition and becoming soft. Besides, a cup of tea earned after a few hours labouring in the cold is a cup of tea that tastes better than the finest champagne. Almost
Living wi l low and garclcn SlrucLUrcs .
飞飞r飞,VT 飞Vclncy ,
队。 rfol k. 12 队 o\'cmbcr , lOam-4pm .
Ttckcts COSl
L斗 5 、
booking íS csscntia
l. For
morc 、 go lO
、叭叭飞'.\\l\\' l. org.uk 10
Woγthy 阴气ηneγs The Best 5mall Garden Award at the Hampton Court Ffower 5how this year was presented to William Ouarmby and the British Heather Growers Associatlon , 10门heir garden 'Heathers in Harmony' (above) 1was Judg,ng this categ四y and 1must admit that when 1 臼W the IItle, my heart sank , becaυse 1 was expect,ng something a bit old lashioned. Th is was based on my preludicωass∞at,on 01 heathers with brown ,附剧m 胆略 1970s SWlrIy patternωωins 1was so wr∞g.ltwas a modern garden, with heathers used as a wonderful
green wall, and we not only gave it a Gold Medal but a speClal award for Most Creawe Garden. Ti me was when heathers were a: over the 肉ω. 切t lashion is fockle and they slipped from 似lPularity. so perhaps it is time lor a resurgence In the popular'ty 01 this relia剧e p1ant? Most are evergreen,町、arrv Ilower in the oepths 01 winter, and youωn sleep on them w ,thout caUSlOg much damage. Jo,n The Heather 50αety (, t accepts members Ir田na over the world) and rece've yearb∞险, bulletins and a 'ree advlce selVlce , www heathersociety org
的Z XE 〈工 ZJOUa主Eg3D h z←〈理』 FUX缸,‘革 ",‘』 革 F ggzω Z』 Eω 飞工山dd飞 〈3 du、 pe山,飞比〈 ,£ 的工区、 F」 wh 。ω 2z 。LE罩,‘ Z E 3"的32 2,飞J 旧 DEZm飞 d。 og3曲E d Z dL回 F Z3u··Z 〈azo-MO 、 gM XUJ吨 d创川剧罩,‘ 的『出〉,0 吨2 。z。E,‘g』 F ω3JJ-MUd 飞 , 也 口zd 飞OOm、 "g3』 F UEOMEd 飞Zh h 的P〉Md 、 rzd「 M ,生《Jωz--m U wOZ吨 d
FRUITFUL FANCY Many of you have more than one fruit tree , and unless you have extraordinary appetites , 1 am willing to bet that (on a good year) they produce more apples and pears than you can comfortably ea t. You could , of cour妃, store them , but how about making apple juice instead? Harrod Horticultural have a range of good-looking fmit pr巴货s (le民) that can convert your windfalls into something delicious. For more infonnation , call 0845 4025300 or visit the website \vww.harroclhorticultural.com
Apply ωithin The 1δte Christopher Lloyd is renowned not jυst for his prolific writings and the extraordinary gardens tha t he maintained and developed at Grea t Dixter in Sussex. He is also well known as an inspiration and guide to many young people who came to Dixter to help and to learn , and since then have gone on to great things all over the world. His legacy is being continυed under the eye of Fergus Garrett, the hugely talented head gardener at Dixter. The Christopher Lloyd Scholarship allows a young gardener to spend a year immersed in the gardens. Not only this. but the Christopher Ll oyd Bursary encourages trainees to expand thei r knowledge through travel As Fergus so wisely says: 'I t is so important to keep broadening your horticultural horizons.' Applications can be made through the website. Just as importa时, they are seeking donations to keep these two great ideas afloa t. www.greatdixte r. co.uk
BUNNY HOPS TO WHICHFORD Bunny Guinn巳ss (she of the six Chelsea Gold medals , Gw由ner号' Question Tí me , various book<; and 巳nviably lon巳d
Historic exhibition Many years ago, I did History of Art for A Levels. One of the things I still remember was an essay about the two great 17thcentury landscape painters, Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain. Between now and 8 January , I will be tootling over to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford for an exhibition called ' Claude Lorrain: The Enchanted Landscape'. Lorrain influenced many of our great landscape gardeners including William Kent and Capability Brown, as they replicated his idealistic landscapes at grand houses like Blenheim Palace, Rousham and Chatsworth. Tel: +44 (0)1865 278002 or visit www.ashmolean.org
upper arms) is giving a talk at 飞月Ihichford POllery in Warwickshire on 19 November Her subjecl is 'Transforming Your Garden' , which see 盯lS lo cover most bases. 1 hav巳 heard Bunny talk bdore , and can assure you that she certainly knows her onions , nol to mention her herbaceous borders Tickels COSl Ll 0 ancl need to be booked in advance. Tel: +44 (0)1608
684416. TH E ENG lI SH GAR OEN 11
llOt qlli le 岳ure what you would call
(hc、 malr rqlllvalent of a Gran d e D am e , But i rT ιlid , lhen lhat
g lvcn [l)八nclrew
Want to line tune your garden skills or learn more about such diverse sυbJects as
Lit le
wüllld b e one of our
grealC,St 阳rdrn photographers. His p lClur,ωhavc adorncd lhe glüssiesl pag凶
treehouse buildlng, vegetable grow1ng, water gardening or deslgn? There is now a way that you can achieve your dream Irom the comlort 01 your ergonomically
。f lllany magazincs and shclvcs of books.
deslgned desk chðlr , My Garden School IS the world's lirst online gardemng school
but hr IS alsl) a \'r巧, lalented artist. There
ollenr、9 inspirational 悔ssons wlth
lippy.top tutors direct to yoor computer. For example,
you can hang onto the golden words 01 deslgn i∞n John Brookes or learn about OC'gan1c gardenlng
Donaldson (who on四 liv创
InaWelsh ∞mmune,
而且 neλhibiLÍon of his painlings and
t记ulplun::> b)' hi豆认'ife Briony at The Gallcrγ ll1 Cork 出 reet. London. It飞飞;11
and you don't get much earth,er than thaU Each ∞urse lasts four w回i<sand g'呻syoo
cckbralc 斗o )'car岳。r creali\'il}' and
v l(l'eo tutor唱IS, the ability to ask qlJ eSl10n s and to chat to your fellow pupils Th e number and var晦ty 01 courses ISαJnstantly belng yωamused
updated,臼 t扣ere will be 臼melh.ng
and educated on a ∞Id winter evening.
to k回p
www.my-garden-school ∞m
wgclhcmcs:>. Thc sho飞νruns from
21 .27 0:l)\' .
Tr l.
+H (0)207 2878408
al Waddesdon Manor with a
shopping district between Bath
• Sunday 27 , leicestershire
special 、Nine
Slart the leslive season with
• Wednesday 2, Gloucestershire
evening begins with a glass 01
Abbey and lhe Roman Baths Huge seleclion 01 stalls selling
Learn how to make classic
'Baron de Rothschild' champagne
umque 9帖, decora tions and 10ω
seasonal French dishes at Thyme
and seasonal canap缸, Iollowedby
www.bathchristmasmarket co ,uk
Gardens, ( 25 , Booking is essential
al SOUlhrop, The day-course costs (185 , To bo口 ky口ur place, Isl: +44
an introdUClion 10 wine by Peter
Tel: +44 (0)1 572
Tompkins, Tickels cost (95
813200 or email
(0)1367850174 ,
Tel: +44 (0)1296 653226
• Saturday 5, Derbyshire
• Wednesday 23 . Sunday 27,
lover's dinner. The
a Christmas wreath workshop Sue Jarvis at Barnsdale
gardens,co , uk Birmingham BBC Good Food
. AII month
speclacular lireworks display,
Show Winler al the NEC with 10P
1, alon9 with Gold
bonlire and live entertalnmen t. For
celebrity chels including Rick Stein,
lickets, lel +44 (0)1246 565430
Great British Bake 011 sessions,
designers, writers,
Worfd Cheese Awards, speciality
phOlographers and
other 9ðrden l oIk
Join Chalsworth
ror a
and greal shopping
• Wednesday 9 • Sunday 13,
Ticket prices start Irom (20.50
wil' be attempting to
and Vl P packages are a四i阳ble
l ondon
Ch riSlmaS Fair at The Buslness Design Centre. For tickets, 明Slt
www 胁和创f仅对show ∞m
WWW,∞un~lV.ngfalr ∞m
• Th ursday 24 November • Sunday 11 December, Bath Th e Bath Chrislmas Markel (rightl, is silualed in the heart 01 the
• Saturday 12, Bucklnghamshlre Start your lestIVeωIsbralions earty
• Friday 25, Surrey The
的 aid
01 'Movember' , which raises
Tree Switch On takes place 8t
moneyto ∞mbal
WakehurSI 阳ce
tesl oCU lar cancer. Al I support and
at 6 1 怕呐
prostate and
Cho.r and cralt ac缸响t,es AdmlSSlon
sponωrs very wel∞me.
is by donation For mO<e delails,
for Th e Bristling Gardeners on
lel +44 (0) 1444 894067
http. lluk, movember.∞m
Thc Classic "Tcn"
The Wisley
Thc Roscmoor
Gabriel Ash sllperior g reenhollses are made in che UK by mascer crafcsmen. Prodllced lIsing only the fìnest \Vestern Red Cedar, we enSllre every detai l fun ctions exactly 臼 ic shou ld . Av剖lable in a range of sizes and scyles CO sll ic any gardcn and endorsed by che RHS , a Gabriel Ash g reenhouse will remain a ching of beauty for years co come
「川呻叫叫 s仙ho 川 圳叫 … Oω W
lhνM 呐m1i1孔旧 ument F arm , F arndon ,
H3 6
Patio Glasshouses
_ 1[ 叩鼠目i~T I
0800 0851 652
Shed Combi
户〉〉 、 〉ga白的 OZZ d 飞-g」 O FU @ah wd-a 。E U 筐 。duhDUEZ飞 L F d ggou曲d-飞 d PMQd曲ωU-比 飞 d LFd。。」 Fdd」 U 「 M wJ hJ a
PAGE Roman garden arch , avallable in
仙 ree
dìfferent wìdth and heìght optlons, as well
as 由e
cholce to ìnstall below or above ground
Prìces start from E206. Tel: 0845 4025300. www.harrodhortìcul阳阳1.∞m 2 Rusty alphabet sign , E30. Tel: +44 (0)1434 634567. www.r配.foundobjects ∞m 3 Be lmont luminar water feature speclally handcrafted in rainbow-∞ loured natural sand目。ne . Available in small (3Ocm diameter), E379; and medium (40cmdiame钮r), E499. Tel:
+44 (0)1732 832299. www .l ngarden.co.uk 4 Star candle holder, E26. Tel: 0844 8580734. www.coxandcox ∞.uk 5 Handmade
sllver wlre robln, E10 each. Tel: +44 (0)1434 634567. www.re-foundobjec臼 com 6 Oak leaf ct呻ir produced ftom wrought Iron and oak. Made to order Tel: +44 (0)1270 5222n.
以刷w .davldfreedmansculpture.co.uk
7 Rusted Iron hexagonal gazebo from E2,555; roof liner from E870; clematls obelisk from
E255. Tel: +44 (0)1730 816881 . www.roominthegarden.com 8 Citronella candles in terracotta p。阳, E8.5O旬r a pack of 12. Tel: 0844 8580734. WWW.∞ xandcox.ωuk
Subscribe by Direct Debit for just f31.99 , saving 330/0, and receive a Burgon & Ball Professional Soft Squeeze Shears Alternatively, you can subscribe for f35.99 by credit/debit card , saving 25% on the cover prlce.
Th ese unique single-handed shears give optimum cutting control for plant shaping and topiary. Made out of Sheffield steel with precision heat treatme时, the shears accommodate razor-sharp blades, meaning soft material is left with no ragged edges . 币1e doubl e-bow handle pa忧ern gives an extra-soft squeeze motion , and the angled blades help form precise curves and straight lines.
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Terms andcondltlons' This is a UKofler only. Details01Direct Debit guarantee avallable on reques t. Please allow 28 days tor delivery 01 your gift. Savings are based on the cover price 01(3.99 per issue. BTlandline calls to 0844 will cost no more than 5p per minute; calls made frommobiles usually cost more For overseas subscription rates. pleasecall +44 (0)1858438840 or visit www subscnptlonsave.co uk Offer ends 16/ 11/2011.
FORMAL FANTASY Kingston Lacy in Dorset is a vast est at e w ith a variety of interesting gardens and landscapes. This month. Head Gardener Andrew Hunt gets to work on the last autumn t asks before w inter arrives PHOTOGRAPHS JASON INGRAM
问 may no 刚川 tb 阳 eaf 川 阳 fl川。刷 10W
place. but it is beautiful nonethelessφ The original 17th-century mansion
was remodelled by Sir Charles Barry in 1835. and looks like a giant dolls' hoυse.lts Italiana te terrace gives on to a grea t sweep 01 impeccable lawn. an immaculate gravel walk. elegant avenues 01 trees and lormal gardens Adorning the space are superb architectural ornaments assembled bya previous owner. William John Bankes. including many stone urns. bronze lions and tortoises. Venetian wellheads and , larther on, a soaring Egyptian obelisk. The parkland is doned with oaks , beeches and other majestic trees , and Red
Devon canle are free to graze, creating a
PLACE Kingston Lacy is located 1. 5
wonderfully pastoral scene . Other highligh ts
m iles west o f W imborne in Dorset
include a restored Vi ctorian l ernery. a large
SIZE 8.500 acres of estate. including 3 2 acres 01 lormal gardens, p lus six
Japanese garden , a secretive Blind Walk . so called because it is hidden Irom view behi nd evergreens . and a Sunk Garden with formal beds. Th e Edwardian Parterre was lald out
acres 01 kitchen garden SOIL Sand. clay and chalk ASPECT South lacing and open SPECIALlSMS Victorian lerne时'. restored Japanese garden. superb architectural
in 1899 l or Henrietta, Walter Bankes' new
trees, Ed飞础rdian pa同erre and lim e avenue
and is still planted every year w ith
grand landscape with ancient
seasonal bedding plants.
WHAT'S IN SEASON In autumn , the glorious foliage 01
Berberisx 0π'awensis f. purpurea 'Superba' (far leffJ changes Irom red to orange to
yellow. Prized lor its Li ly 01 the Valley scent
Mahonia x media 'Charity' (centre)
point in the w inter garden. The ler仔leaved bee仙, Fagus SVI'ν'8tica var.
Äspleniilolia' Uefò, has unusual. deeply cut 10liage that turns gold in autumn . 有咱盯ee can grow to about 15m in heigh t.
昂的军EE 3-UEaa当 ZES
Irom November to Mar伪, making a focal
STEPBYSTEP PLANTING A TREE Tree plenting is best done in autumn , when the soil is still relatively warm end the moisωre levels are high.
0iga ………咱们imes Ihe size 01 the tree's rOOlball. Fork 0呻r Ihe base and sides 01 Ihe hole
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4 川…。fi…nd 阳seOUI lher∞IS. cuning oH any damag创朋回 PoSitJon the tree in I1丽曲ntre 01 伽ehole and back.fill gradually, hrmlng In WI伽 yourf∞I as you go along .
angl怡 e. m、a 伙 king sur咱 e
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a spacer to avoid damage. Add
a rabbit guard and W刮目 inwel
over for gardeneI、 diary ...
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IN THE GARDEN THIS MONTH At the crossroads bet\闹剧
a utumn
and winter. Noven、ber is time for m any important garden tasks • Cover agapanthus. tree fems
and any other tender plants with
Andrew prunes the roses at Kingston
hortlCUltural Ileeω (00 0II\II
lacy in autumn. rather than in spring. This helps avoid wind r∞k damage and also encourages the bulbs that are planted under the roses to come up in early spring. Älways prune a rose stem to an outward-facing bud using clean. sharp secateurs: Andrew explains. 'and remove dead. damaged or diseased wood. Prune stems to about 2-3ft in heigh t. Th e remaining stems should lorm a kind 01 goblet shape: The leaves at the base o( the plant should al50 be removed
straight stems and cut 回伪 one. making a clean. straight cut ac阳ss the base. just
below a leal 时刻。. and a slop,ng cut about 2伽na以用.
Prepare your pot with free-dra ,mng compost
and d ,p the stems .n r∞ting 阳)\III(jer Insert 山e ∞ttJngs. bv a协ut haJf 01 their 1ength • .nto the compost and then water in wel:. Allow the cutMgs to se创e ar划町咀ke 且Jre you keep the 50, mo,剖 • Collect
leav回 to
make leaf mould
f()( the lollowíng spring and summer.
• Plant or move trees. shrubs and hedg,ng while the ∞nditions are 9∞d Avo ,d dOlng 50 1I there is a risk 01 frost • Dig up dahlia tubers once the lirst frosts have killed their top growth AJternatIVely. cover the plants in straw • Plant out hyacint h and tulip bulbs for a sparkling spring display • Mulch trees and borde陌 with manure or wood chip. Andrew uses cow manure Irom the estate.
WINTER COVER These ll\呻。den traditi四、al
boKes are
to Kingston lacy and
were used bv tOO Ba nkes lamily to protect the many garden oma阿、ents
in tOO grounds n咱
boxes are made Irom the w回到d on the estate. It takes the garden staft twoωys to put all the omaments to bed 1,αwlnter
2 2 nlE ENG lI Stl GAROEN
Gift ideas Treat yourself or pamper a friend at www. subscriptionsave.co.uk Choose from 20 great magazines covering a wide range of special interests. Here's just a selection: 丁he Eng/ish Garden, Discover Britain, Sport Dive r, Canal Boat, Photography Monthly, Li ving France... Or maybe you'd like to find out more about your local area with over 20 regional titles to choose from around the country, from Lancashire Li fe to Cornwall Life
Tamsin gets 吐le long and short of garden tape measures
hE P附 M …din 川en now mn has arrived. In junc. I moved 1O a property with an acre that needs 1015 or work. and my de5igner fnend Janine Paltlson ha5 olTered 10 help me come up 飞叽Ih a plan. The house dales back more lhJn 500 years. 50 I am keen 10 creale a very sensmve garden for Ihe seumg. Janme has been
, \l 15 sull a Job ror lWO people. A11hough mOSl manual measures ha\'e a hllle claw on lhe end. lhese are nOl adequale enou且,h lo pull aga insl Even 11' yO Ll don 't a'>l)I陀 to bcmg lhe nexl gold medal designer. mOSl gardeners \\1 111 necd a ldpe measure al some p0 1l11. M四"口ng [0 1' new rencing , workln且 OUl h (l rder Wldlhs and planning ror garden real L1l'eS 3rt: part 0 1' cve ly garden ll1 g yea r. My personal tape measu陀 is a mClal vcrsion lhal 15 deslgned for builder's use. Thes巳 are nOl so appropnate ror ga rd cnc rs as lhey rUSl ve ry q uickly wh en used on damp ground . and 3rc rarcly long enough. They also s nap at you whcn lhey rccoll into the C3se - ouch! The standard length of a dCSlgr田r's tapc mcasurc is 30mJ1 00ft. which fo r mOSl 0 1' US IS more than adeql1ate、 an d it seems that those 飞vith an open casing are more pra Cl1 cal when it comes to cleaning them - measure5 、盯11 500n collect mud and loose leaves. I am rast reahsmg Ihm h.1\1ng a plan of your garden is 50 useful. Knowing the W1 dth of galcs and door openings is handy when you're shoppmg for new realures. Once ]anine has created my plan J( wl l1 be far ea51er ror me to work 0111 coslìngs. Geuìng a quole ror pavmg and lurf 15 Slratghlrorward when you ha\'e the correct measu陀mcnts. The quesllon no\V 岳飞叽11 she and I agree on what Ihe plOl should look hkc1 Tlme 飞响IItell.One 由1I1g IS ror sure: It'S a real lreal 10 havc someone to bounce Ideas off. T
Wi[/101ll1l /1、[(1 .\(<对 /11(111
RIII .I gw c1川、 .. v.ww ‘ tOikWlI bw)'.co.U/1
1 The R 川叫 削 L叫 Tape IS n 伽 metallic and offers feet and metre readings
This model is designed lor Indoor use , but can
garden , it is possibly a li ttle bulky fo r some .
be used oulside il kepl dry. It won'l stand
Priced at (17 96
of up to 30m/100f t. The tape IS housed In a
temperalure fluclualions or being dropped Very
solid casing with a flat handle on the bacl( The
straightfo阳ard tou回- just
wmding mechanism IS a slmp1e metal clip that
laser at the end poinl 01 whal needs measuring
SltS Ilat unûl required It does not have a locl( t。
(tricky to see the laser on a bright day). Ideallor
tum on and point the
prevent the lape Irom being pulled Oul 1preler
small cOU r1yards , but nol SO great lor ground
l he wonding mechanlsms that have a bigger
measurements. Only welghs 180g. Thls is a
rOlal,on as they are more comfy and quicker t。
use. This neal lape measure would Slt well in a
was great lun to use. Batter;es are required
bag 01 bllS and bobs and not gel all tangled up.
Comes with
The end hookωn be pushed into the ground to hold It on place . As wilh all the ol hers, it is easily pulled oul Pnced at (9.72
10 a tape measure and 11
阳 Fh t咱s 优 啊 c叫 30r阿nJ飞 训/川1 ∞ft v
snnal 阴阳n-an岳。ut handle. The tape is meta 飞
so 1 you
he BoseHM25 川 Ran川…s laser lechnology 1口 measure areas up 10 25m
bend 吨,
it will kink. 11 does nol have a
claw at the end and Ihere is no lock. My ∞n臼m
Priced at (84.99.
keep Ihe tape clean. Prioed al (24.27.
Tape 川 longest 01 t he bunch at 50m/1 65tt. It has very clear
an enclosed lape is being able t。
3 The 阳 Open F
The s叫
numbers. an open case and a large rewind 2
and is the sma配|川|咀 es 刽t 01 仙 the group. 1
wouldn't descnbe il as pockel sized, bul nearlyIt'S a neat model. It IS a fully endosed tape Wf仙 a
hand le. There is a diagonal allows you to sit the
measure 口n
the ground for
i咱 s
a bright ye刨川lowt怡ape
has a large handle and a
genero 口us wind~n
handle. which makes it easy 10
(distance, area and volumel. You may have seen
The w idth 01 the tape is the standard
rewind lhe tape al speed. and lor this reason it is
them used by estate agents 10 measure rooms
13mm. It does the trick, bUI il you have a smaller
my EDITOR'5 CHOICE. The markings on the tape seem a little lainter than the ot hers , but it is suHicient. At the end 01 the tape, there is a little hook that will hold it in place to some degree. It
which lor me is essential. Priced at (19.10
STOCKISTS • Th e Bo sch PLR 25 町、ea缸jre 自 a咽ilable
Irom www.arr咀lQn ∞.u~
• AII others are available Irom Ouality Garden Tools online at www.qualìtygardenlools.com Tel: 0800 7832202.
〈LFOZDDZ 』 口U 的U PQg也 的MO《 mZ hUUM Ozoau0 4 U3 Z-
,。 哩。
has an open case that will withstand heavy use. It t 00 uv huOuw pLV eanwnHau du nAU WnuvHuvnAU U nv wknevn wau v ,
Gifts & Gardens
Annuollobellìng is 0 Ihing 01 Ihe post with Alilogs. Simply write on Alìtogs oluminium Iobels wilh AlitOgs or HB pencil. The pencil will reocl with OUf speciolly mode olumlníum tOgs ond become permonenl. AlilOgs lobels con 0150 be punched wilh AilOgs chorocter punches & Jig. Copper, Teok, Bomboo Iobelsore 0恒oovoiloble
Alitags , 32 Bourne Lane, Much Hadhom, Herttordshire SG 10 6ER , UK. Tel 0 1279 842685
Topiory .
Co l. Dog. Plg. etc
Bamboo Cloches
Candle Lantems Cð t , Dog, Pig, Owl, Mouse, Li 2ard, etc
M口de 01 bomboo woven inlo on open dome 口nd 口voiloble in 5 sizes plus 0
lunnel cloche. n、ese ottroclive cloches prolecl plonls & seeding Irom domoge by o nimots, f.∞Ibofls. lighl frosl ond wind-c hill. Aeeceιnewspoper con be used 10 cover Ihe plonls inside Ihe cloches during periods 01 heo"Y frosl -he micro c l'mole inside Ihe cloches promotes growth ond ollows roin Ihrough 10 Ihe plonls.
Teo k Honging
Wooden Doof; lops - Cof, Qwf, e fc
Gronite BolI s 9 Sizes
32 Bourne Lone , Much Hodhom. Herttordshìre SG 10 6ER, UK. Tel 01279 842685
PREVIOUS PAGE Neatly mown lawns and clipped edges frame the 'free-form' plantíng of perennlals and grasses at Altlorenscheuerf、。f THIS PAGE, TOP LEFT Shape and form are vital and key plan恒 include the blue.white stems of Perovskia 'Blue Spíre'. ABOVE LEFTτhe skeletal heads of Tha/ictrum rochebrun;anum. 28
or beds - only a lake that had been du g. But w f pe (O me the garden \Vas set on a south- facing slo pe person al hero face (0 face , let in the most beautiful rolling countryside .' alone spend time working with them. Pau l and Paulme McBride The garden th ey created over th e next 12 years is a combina Li on ()f garden rooms wiL h no t only mel Piel Oud olf, b ut crisp hed ging a nd neally edged and mown also crealed a magical garden in Luxembourg la \V ns . BUl \Vill、in thal fra mework is wha t with hiS assiSla ncι ‘We h ad seen P ie l's bo rders al W isley an d had b een follo \V ing Pau line d esc ribes as ‘ free- form planling' him for some lime: says Pauline , 'sO il was a loose groups o f peren nials and grasses , very dream ιome l rue LO wo rk Wilh h im.' much ins pired by Oudol f. 'We we re given a See n aS one free h and a nd ()f lhe wo rld ‘ s a n u n limiled ‘ We'd seen Piet's borders at Wisley , so J ' ~~ bud eet \V h e n g reatest li vi ng it was a dream to work with him' ,. _'_~~ : . _ . 1 Il came LO tLl e ga rdeners , Piel Oudo lf is a t design ing and th e forefro n t o f th e New Pere n n ia ls pl an ting of this ga rden ,' says Pauli ne. 'It's Move me n t , which has s ha ped the look of won derfu l to have the s trai ght li n e of an ma ny contempo raly garde ns over th e past avenue 0 1' a hedge to d raw you into the decade o r so. His na tu ral is ti c pl anti ng garden . Then you set something 飞啊 Id inside s ty le has inspi red a who le ge ne ratio n of that frame and it becomes exciti ng .' Paul and Pauline busied themselves for three gardeners. For Pau I and Pauline , there was no years plan tíng a cutting garden and an organic do ub t th a t his s tyle \V ou ld p rovide the ins pi ration fo r the three-ac re ga rde n they vegetab le potager. Plantings around the la ke and in the 'four 使asons' garden featllred looser M哈比 creating, wh 阳 tich s 创 ur 段ro 饥und 仇 εd a ú 缸 aη叶louse in 【巾 he Lux 汉 embourg ∞ count【r叮 y咆吼 割 s id 仇 e group ings o f perennials , shrubs and trees (0 s乳【a 制 r民te 时 d , there w:ω nothing 【here - no borde rs reilect the changing 优asons F
as their fiowers , and once saîd , memorably: Then, in 2001 , the owners rεad an an icle ‘Bro飞,vn îs also a colour.' For him , gardening abom Piet Oudolf and suggested that perhaps is abom approaching p lams h olistically they should ask him (0 desîgn a large border ' [f you have beauüfu l plams , !t doesn't mean arou nd the h Ol\se. ‘ [[ was amazîng [ 0 work WiLh him. and h e was so ins piralional: says LhaLyour ga rd en is beau Lifu l. Some Lhing is ωmplele when everylh ing \Vo rks tO gether: Pauline ‘ Il was as though h e had opened u p thiS b ig ne \V sweeLsh op LO us - imroducing us he has previously SLa[ed. While lhe plaming gives plemy ofωlour and LO planLS we had no idea abouL and had never imereSLduring the summer momhs , in winter come aCross lt was a h uge learning curve 、 Th e result was a huge bo rde r th at looks il comes in LO i[S own Il re minds Pau line of Lhe look o f an like a b ig a rm old sep山 photo、 embrac ing Lh e Some 20,OOO plaIts went int o the border, m thbands of house, and this many grown in Oudolfs o\
CENTRE Easily vìewed from the h。ωse, the planting marks the changing seasons Architectural stems and flowerheads make strìkìng shapes ìn the frosts , TOP RIGHT The low sunlíght iII uminates the golden stems of Echlnacea purpurea 'Rubinglow'. ABOVE RIGHT Spìres of Astilbe chlnensis var. taquetii 'Purpurlanze' take on russet shades THE ENG lI SH GAROEN 29
exp lains. Although flauer and 轧叶th milder wim ers th an Luxembourg , ít has a similar heavy clay soil, and man y of the key plams remain the same . As well as the n umerous grasses o ne would eXpeCl. Lhe key !1owering planlS incll1de echinaceas s l1ch as ‘ Rl1b inglow‘ and ‘ Gree n Edge' , as well as aSLi lbe and phlomiS for faruaslic wi l1ler SLrUιlure l nsp ired by Piel O l1 dolf's app roach LO gardening , l he und erpinn ing ethos iS how these plams wo rk WiLh each anOlhe r , l1 sing big, bold groups LO really geLlhe impaCI of a particu lar vllli ety. The Lall sp ikes o f Persicw1a amplexiCllUliS 'S巳ptember Spires' might be pa rtnered 、,vi th the similar coloured but daisy-like Echillaccα ‘ Rubinglow' ilnd a grass such as Deschampsiα ζespitosa, also known as tu fted hai r grass. Another favourite is pin k-flowered Stachys ojjicillalis 'Humme lo' , which is planted with the fragrant and bronze-Ieaved Acωεα simplex 'J ames Com pton' an d t he aüy grass Molinia cαent1ea subsp. anmûinaαa ‘Transparent'. 'We look for comb inations o f plams thilt reverberate against one another: says Pauline. Texture is so importam - textures have to
contrast and work against one another , and the wh ole plaming h as to look loose an d unst rt\ ctured .' But wh ile the planting may be free and ope n , the con fines o f t he bo rde r m l1 SL be sharply defined for the look lO work. Pauline adds. Edges m l1Sl beι111 neatly and the lawns mown regularly lO prov ide lh e neιessa ry COnlras l. Co me a Ul l1 mn , lhe app roach iS hands off. however, with all Lhe seedheads and Slems le fl intaCl for Lhe wi11ler sh ow. ‘ Resist lh e urge tO CUI th ings back - keep thin gs loose a nd u nstructu red : advises Pa111ine. 'll's greal for wildlif,ε . and it iS good p rotection for the p lan ts too. And i t' s so bea utiful when you ge t those won derfu l frosted sεedheads.'
A/t1orenscheuerhof garden il1 L.u.xembo<<咚 !明 new al1 d JS 110 1οl1j{er opeJ1 10 j{arden vJSJ10rs. Pau/ a l1 d PauIJlle ,I;lcBI 旷的 Sussex Prairies is al Morla l1ds Farm, Whealsheaf Road, Hellfie/d, Wes15ussex BN5 9AT. Telω +44 (0) 1273495902. οWJ1ers
Turn over for garden notebook ...
OPPOSπE PAGE, TOP Lush and luxuriant even when rímed with fr因t, Veron;castrum 时'rgínicum 'Fascination' and Mis回nthus sinensís are invaluable for adding 前ructure to 仙e winter landscape. BOTTOM Phlomis ru臼ellana, Nothofagus antarctica, Panicum virgB阳mand echinacea. THIS PAGE, TOP LEFT A firm favourite is Echinops exalta阳s. TOPRIGHT Echinacea purpureB 'Rubinglow' and Notho角gus antarctica. ABOVE RIGHT GrBsses such as Pennisetum alopecuroidesfeature often.
The notebook A lt loren sch e u e rhof in L u xembourg covers three acr es on a south- facing slope . The heavy clay soil is fertile b u t the main c ha ll e n ges lie in the b itterly c o ld winter tem peratures and the high. exp osed p o s it ion
SEEDHEADS Pauline suggests leaving
seedheads on many plants
• Don't be tempted to cut things back as
into autumn and w inter
they lade. It is labour saving and great lor
to see how they evolve.
wildlife to leave them , but the seedheads
Many seedheads add
also add to the look 01 the garden in winter
fantastic structure and
• Make the most of 'veiled ∞l剧r':use
texture to the garden , as
bold colours but soften them by planting
well as providing a
behind grasses, SO you can look through
wonderfullarder for
and glimpse the s盯onger colours.
visiting birds. The best
About a third of the garden is made up 01 diverse grasses,
• Taller plants sometim嗣 work well
such as Sesleria aurumnalis {aboν剑。
at the front 01a border, giving the eye
include inula,
Echinac回 purpurea 'G 旧制
(belo叫 and
They are vital
to the
overalllook and longevity of the design. Their structure and
something to surprise and interest
robustness is what gives the garden its cohesion during
• Be bold. Try different plants and if
the autυmn and winter months. The sound they make as
they don't wOrk, then dig them up and
the wind moves through them adds atmosphere.
move them somewhere else. • Use big plants even in a smaller garden as they add 'oomph' to the planting.
DRIFT PLANTING Plants grow in communities in the w ild rather than in ones and twos , and Paul and Pauline have adopted this style in their planting. They use large drifts 01 individual varieties
create a more natural and dramatic 1∞k (abovel, which they believe also shows olf the best characteristics 01 the plants
CONTACTS PIET OUDOLF'S WORK IN THE UK • The Barn at Bury Court, Bentley, Farnham , Surrey GU 10 5LZ Tel: +44 (0) 7771 663437 www.burvCOU l1barn.com • The Piet Oudolf Border at RHS 队flsley,
Woking , Surrey GU23 60B
Tel: 0845 2609000 www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/w isley
• Sca mpston Hall, Malton,
Y017 8NG. Tel : +44 {0)1944 759111 . www.scampston.co.uk CATCH ING THE 叭II NTER
• Trent ham Gardens, 5tone Road,
As the light changes in winter, the colour seeps away and becomes more subtle and muted.
Trentham, 5toke-on-Tren t. 5taHordshire
5T4 8AX. Tel: +44 (0)1782 646646.
to Pauline, capturing this delicate light requires one to think 01 the garden as a
w hole panorama , with bands 01 shape and
texture ∞ming
plants {aboν'el rather than from smaller combinations.
Irom large sweeping groups of
www. tren tham .∞。 uk
hbbhl fY 比 gardener and lh chances a陀 you 、叶1 fmd a few I11 lnguing booklets,出elr covers bearing a l Jn ocu l Image of an enCh anting walled ga rd e n fill e d Wilh g ianl pe re n l、 la l s , p rod u c li ve g reenh o uses , an orch ard ancl polted pla nlS in nea tly orde l'cd I'ows. Th ese a陀 Lhe a n n ual ιalalogucs of Cally Gardens , and th、e ga 汩rdcn 创 e r、 house tuc ked away in the co rne创r o f the prin、1 t 巧 1 5 home tωo M i胁 由 c h:1圳 cl 川 W l叫c才火 k en叫巾 仇 d en , the plan t h Unlc r and nurserym an w ho almOSl 25 yea rs ago rescued this s l1 pe rb example oC an 18th -century walled garden from dereliction . Thls was previously the kitchen garden of nearby Ca lly House in soulhwcst scαland , and sits amid dense woodland on what was onα a ralsed beach on the edge of the R1Ver Flecl. By November. most of l he l rces have shed their 1ωves and the lalc al1 tumn sunshine picks OUI thc barc stems and decorative seedheads 山al 陀mam once the lush growlh of Sl1 mmer has faded a \Vay The garden is contained wühin 5m-h igh walls o f warm red b rick that wcre handmade on site between 1765 and 1770 , and although the h Ol walls that once bisected ü have gonc (they were l1sed to bring peaches and nectarines to npen ess). the rest 0 1' the garden remains mtact , inclllding the potting sheds. thc mushroom hOllsεand the v1ne hO l1se , \\1th IIS elegant system of wClghted vents. At thls tlme of year. late perenmals are sull nowering in deep borders. bl∞mmg amid vi\'1d alllumn Cohage. Despne the presence of lhe Solway Flrth jllst a few nllles soulh. and lhe prOlcction afforded by lhe hlgh walls , fros<5 are not lIncommon here , crystalhsmg splders‘ webs and lllm mg bemes [0 sparkhngJewels. '] h ad been looking for a walled ga l'den for almos< a decade when ] came lIpon [hls one: says Mlchael. ' ]t came on the market j l1 st 48 hOl1 rs before 1 had [Q leave on a planl-h unting exped ition 10 the An des , 50 ] d ashed over from Northern lrelan d , where [ was Ii ving , 3nc! asked lhe owners not to sell the house tO anyone else ‘
PAGE fie町 Comus alb. 'Sibirica' lights up 仙e bordðr. THIS LEFT A国nthus seedheads em.rge between PO阳,tilla frut翩翩 'Vo lmorini.n.' and Mis臼nthus sinensi巾 'Gr.elllímus', LEFT The 20-year-old beech hedg阴阳 Ip create shelter. BELOW Frost du 5ts the border that runs between th8 Víctorian vinery and th8 19605 Dutçh líght houses. OPPOSITE PAGE Gr8 5$88, sedums and 8 yu出a 怕rlve In‘he gri忧Y 80íl 01 a raised bed PREVIOυS
For more than two decades, lVlichael has scoured the globe searclùng out plants, from Russia ωNew Guinea and from Uganda to South America. 咀1ese tlips were not without their dangers The owners wel古 as good as Lheir word , and when MicMeJ returned , b ringing with h im eighl tOns of plams from h iS previous home in IreJand , he sel abou l cJea ring the brambJes , res tQ ring lhe gJasshouses a nd pUlting a roof on lhe ho use, which had been Slripped o f ilS sJate. From the o Ulsel, MichaeJ's imemion was lO grow exCeptionaJ perenniaJs、 and in particuJar tho优 with s tatuesque propo nion s '1 started out with Graham Stuart 1ho111as's book Perennial Garden Plants , and 1 g rew evelyt hing recommended in it that d idn't appeal in the Blo0111S of Bressingha111 catalo伊巳 Ad rian Blo0111 , owner of Blooms 0 1' Bressingham Ga rden Centre , was amused by this ta le when he visited Cally Gardens earlie r this year to see for hi111self the incredible range of rare and unusual plants that flou ri s h h ere. Many of th ese plan ts are g row n fr0111 seed coll ected on Mic hael 's exped itio ns to some of the world 's most remote and inh osp itable loca
difficulties Slruck h is Ch inese guides ‘ One gu ide feJJ and d isJocaled h iS shouJder and couJdn ‘ l climb OUl of a Sleep vaJJey , SO we had lO find a new rOUle lhrough very rough te rrai n 、 On o ne expedition tO Uganda , MichaeJ was held al gunpoil1l , and on every lrip he isωnscious tMt jeopardy is nεver far away ‘ Allimes , we mighl be 10 days‘ 川!aJk from the neareSI medicaJ pOSl, and in lhal time , a Sim ple cut cOllld Mve tu rned to septicaemia.' Yet , despite the d angers , Michae l's appetite fo r tracki ng d own new plants remains llndimmed , and the garden is filled \\<咱th his discoveries. Hundreds of new rhododendron seedlings grow under shade , the p roducts of his most recent trip to China; and a brilliant red Vitis amurensis clothes part of the walls , a treasure Michael found growing in Russia. Plants here a re encou raged to self seed , setti ng up colonies 01 popping up unexpected ly in the gravel paths a nd a re o nly rei ned in when they threaten to get om of comro l. Al l of them are stlldied cJ osely for signs of new and llnllsllal colours , or forms tha < haven't been seen before. Anothe r reason why MichaeJ concentrates on growing new plams is that many established varieties are Sll问 ect to Plant Breede邸, Rights. This system, which was Jallnched in 1997 , w舱 ' THE ENGlI SH GAROEN 37
LEFT, FROM TOP TO BOTTOM Th. sal.s area of the nur钮ry and the fur四tional glasshou$嗣 with th. garden肘'$ house in the distan四'; Oianells tasmaniCJJ, or Tasmenlan Flax U Iy, has striking purp陆-blue ber币es with a slightly meta lOc tint; th. bl.ached and f.athery stipa foHage catches the sunlight with agapanthus Iruit in tt晴旬.eg.ωnd and the .ed stems of α>rnus 1I lbll'Siblrlca' behind. this hardy , fast -g towing dogwωdis particula.ly .asy to 9'ow 8nd Ioo ks be$t ín 仙 11 sun
designed 10 reward plam breeders for Iheir 51..;11 and e tTons byallowing Ihem 10 c1aim royallies for every plam sold. I1 a ll sounds very reasonable. eve n commendable , bUI Micha eI bel ieves Ihal Ihc syslem has bee n ope n 10 huge a bus es , a n d has caused dHtìculllcs and confusion bOlh for Ihe buyi ng public and the growers , 'Unfortun ale ly , there is abso lute ly no requiremenl to prove Ihat any actual b rceclmg work has taken place ,' he says. ‘ and the pubhc are paying royalt ies for breedmg that , in many cases , has never actua lly hap pened.' For many garclencrs. lhc arrîval of the new Cally Ga rclens catalogue every Novembcr is a long-amiclpaled event. and Ihey spend many happy hours pounng over new addltions and composing their orders Olhe r cuslO mcrs prefcr lO viSll m person, amvmg along a track where signs wam dnvers LO walc h OUl for red squirrels , One visitor wh o amved earlier lhlS ycar had driven all the way from Holland m order 10 add all of Mlchacrs 剑l叽as lO hls collectlon Such a dlSlance IS nOlh ll1 g. however. compared 【。由 lengths !ha t Mlchael hlmself IS prcpa陀d lO go to 111 order to collect the plan臼 111 Ihe flTSt place , and al lhe moment he has hl5 slghlS set on the mOU l1lalns of sOUl hem Elhlopla. '1 have been lhe陀 before、 but pans of lhe reglon are Sllll lI nexplored by bota l1l slS , 50 there may be mllch 51111 10 be found: he explams. Cally Gardens cUSlomers. whose plots are probably already overnowmg Wllh rare specl笛 , had beller slart makmg 5pace for ye < more excepllonal plants ,
Cal 抄 Cαω, 命 dr盹
Ca 创tr 州 hυ 州(I'I'II! 扩F 川 11们P气t削
DG72Dj. ο/'('11 Sq1Crn巾"
, , ,
!' ("'1 Ea u' S II (1 ,由y In!oI Ìl w: +.I'f (0) 1557 815029.
川 cil
Clae laSI S lI nday in
川州.Cαlly!!,urdens.co. 1I11
The notebook Cally Gardens is almost t hree acres in s ize. It faces sou t h/sou t hwest , s loping gentlγ from t he s t ock beds d own to an o rc ha rd . The soil is f ree d raining and has been e nric h ed bγ m ore than 200 yea r s o f c ult ivatio n GO BANANAS Michael grew this banana (Ensere venrricosυm)
from seed that he collected during a plant-hunting
In natural environments,
expedition to Uganda. It is brought into the frost-
every inch is colonised by
free vinery during the winter months (below). This
plants, so it I节akes sense
statement plant can
gro飞N t0 2n、 in
to do the sarr、e in the
garden. Try Acaena microphylla 'Kupferteppich' (rig htl with bronze leaves
and burr-like flowerheads that persist for mont 、s.
BE D IFFERE N T One 01 the simplest ways to make a garden interesting is to seek out more unusual forms 01 co阿飞π、 o n
plants. Perennial
honesty (aboν'e) has
I f y口u
beautiful ovate leaves and
leaf shades, but use late flowers , berries, seedheads
scented lilac flow ers, but
and coloured stems , such as the brilliant crimson 01
are planting for autumn
c口l口町, don't ju剖 rely on
most gardeners grow the
CornU$ alba 'Sibirica'
annual form of the plant
add uplifting hues to the garden late in the season ,
AII of these can help to
TIPS FROM MICHAEL • We have l05t a lot of plants in recent harsh winters, so 1 刻ways take cuttings of evergreen shrubs and of the more tender perennials to ensure that we always have them in the garden.
H Ann A
autυn、n, M川
. Wheny但』由此 thetops 0何 perennials in
pile them over n飞ore tender species
and around the roots of plants such as fuchsias to help protect the町、 from the frost
• Brought on Garden, 12 High Street,
. Don'tet此 down
Kirkcudbright DG6 4JX. www.nts.org.uk
fact, if you cut the tops from delphiniums,
everything though. In
• Botanic Garden, POI'l Logan, Stranraer
DG99ND Tel : +44 {0)1 776 860231
water. Dead stems and seedheads not only
expose hollow stems that w ill fill up w ith
provide protection for the roots, but they can
• C8 stle Kennedy and Gardens, Stair
also look very decorative and be a valuable
Estates, Rephad, Stranraer DG9 8BX
source of food for birds
Tel: +44 {0)1776 702024.
• If a plant is in the wrong place, then make
sure you move it before it gets too large. And
• Threave Garden, Castle Douglas DG7 1RX.
don' t be scared to be ruthless. If a shrub or
Tel: 0844 4932245. www.nts.org.uk
Hee isn' t dOlng its job, then just ditch it ,
Professional landscape services, coupled with unrivalled customer satisfaction over 30 years
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landscapes to suit every garden and gardener, from bespoke individual trees and hedges to prestigious UK projects for designers, architects and property developers. Our tree nursery is a fantastic shop window of specimen t陀es and we are one of the few to stock containerised large t陀es. We offer a thorough design service taking you from the initial idea, to installation and after sale care. Wec陀ate
Iver Stud, Iver, Buckinghamshire SLO 9LA Tel: 01753 652022 Fax: 01753 653007 Email: [email protected] www.pracbrown.co.uk
PREV10US PAGE An entlcìng path winds through azaleas and towerlng rhododendrons In SIIv町wood THIS PAG已 LEFT. TOP TO BOTIOM Rodgc l'$las have textured purple foliage In sprlng Acer mllxlmowicziil a
snakebark maple with pretty leaves; with its heart.shapcd leaves and regular spacing. this Cercid伊hy/lum
from Slchuan is particular1v dellghtful; red.tinged leaves are unfurling on the tips 01 Acer caeslum.
fronl fa♀ade of lhe Hall. Meadows envelop Lhree sides 叩 November a L Nonh umberland of lhe hou ,>e , sp n nkled WiLh snake's head frilill aries HOWlck Hall , somε600 new Lrees and shrubs are planLεd. IL ‘ S a prime lime of and decora Led wllh purple and red Luli ps in sp ring , hke a medieval La peslly. lhe yea r for selLi ng lhem OUl, bUl whaL The garcle n h as a dream)' 、 LÍmeless qualily , the makes Lh ese so s pecial is Lhal lhey have s pell enha nced by lh e 且rea L e mpLy h ou se lhaL was all been grown fro m collected wild seed. As a resu lL, gll lled by a fi rc in 1926. Th 巳 fa mi ly live in t he lhi s developing a rboret u m is o ne o f \Vo r l d、,vide wesl wing , while what was once the ballro0111 is now i mponanc巳, a safe haven fo r conserving pla nts that lhe Ear l Grcy Tca House. From lhis elegan t room , may be th reatened in their n atura l hab it ats. lt is you can loo k through lhe c陀alion of mod emlarge 飞vindows Ollt onto day p lant hunter Lo rd τ'he arbo 1'et lUl1 b a sarp hun' l1 1'0 1' the ga rde n , where a Charles Howick , who C'onS('1飞司 ng thrcat t>l\('d plani约 sp陀ading Adantic cedar has been on 22 plant stands tall above a yew expedilions since 1985 , hedge. l! was LO SlIll the wa忧rat Howick 由at a Chinese oflen [0 remOlC regions of the world. Head gardener Mandann (a bureallcral of Imperial China) blended Roben Jamieson has taken part in s议。f these. 出eepon严noωtea \VJlh bergamot for 由e 2nd Earl Grey , h was Charles' gr百ndparents, the 5th Earl Grey and hls wlfe , who created an informal garden (o contrast who was pnme mmlSter m the 1830s wllh lhe grand Georgran hOl四. Lnßuenced by Wilham The Tea House fllS m perfeclly 飞vüh the elhos al HO\叽ck '节lC c1 ear message we gel from VÍSÍt ors 自由al Robmson's namral planting 筑yle, their love of relaxed planllng was carried on by L.a dy Mary , Charles's everyone appreclalcs lhe lack of commercialism,' says mother, and now by Charles himseU. Flowmg perenmal Charles. For lhls IS a lrue plan臼man‘5 garden , fllll of rare plams, yCl SO anlessly laid Olll lhal it belies lhe borders , Ii nes of lavcnder and agapanthus and selfseeding alpines soften the te口aces that drop below lhe sClenufic imponancc of lhe 飞叽ld collecled perennials E
and trees. The arboretu lTI cove rs 65 aιres and comai11$ 13 ,000 specime ns of 1,800 lax3 , in na lural-looking woodlands lh al represem differεnl geogra phiιal areas. When Roy LanC3Ster pla 11led a Chinese wingnut lree al lhe official opening in 2006. heιompared Howick lO C. S. Le、川正 ficLional land of Namia. ‘Going through the stone gateposts a t the e ntra nce is li ke fi n ding yourself in a m咱ca l world: he said. The key to successfu l establishment is the su mmer heat , and shelter pro叽ded by the valley of the Ho\V; ck Bu rn . '飞νe lost remarkably little last \\.咱nter,' comments Charles , 'though so me big o ld things were brough t dow n b y the m ost sn o \v we ‘ ve had since 194 7 .. Th is has brought n ew opportunities to Sil verwood , a d elightfu l area full of scented g lades among rhodoc\endrons and magnolias , staned by Lorc\ Grey in 1930 tO celebrate his silver wedding The new trees and shrubs
TOP LEFT The simplic忧V of the massed planting of Narcissus 'Seagu ll' lends a serenity to Howick Hall. TOP RIGHT Camellias and rhododendrons thrive in the shelte陪dcalm of Silverwood. RIGHT The woodland floor of Sil四川。od is humus.rich and perfect for prlmroses and erythroniums
LEFT , TOP TO BOTTOM emerging leaves on the Chlnese wingnut , D副总ðte
PreroCllrya stenoptera,
plantød by Roy Lanca 目 er to celebrate the opening of the arboretum; Eupteløa plelosperma from seed 四1 崎cted In Sichuan, Chína; seed 旬r thls Illíclum slmonsií was ∞lIected 9,00创t
up on a Chínc四
11"" fargesíi.
cherry blossoms above 8 flowery mead of tulips sprinklød through meadow grasses. RIGHτA
whlch we re origi n ally de飞吧loped in AUSlralta for lhe eucalyplus. whlch are vul nerablεLO roolballmg Whe l1 lhe leaves fall o ff lhe nu rSεry SLOck , II is lhe Slgnal 10 be且tn planling AUlumn pla l1 ling $UilS lhe Howick s ile beSL As Cha rles expla ins: 'My g randfalher always said lhal if yo u p lant a tree befo re Christmas. yo u expect it to Sll rvive; btlt if you plant in spring. you hope it wi ll survi ve 、 Locatio ns for n ew trees are chosen early so that the sites can be sprayed with glyp hosate il1 AllgllS t. Horse manure is worked into the bottom of a squa re ho le. and leaf mou ld is mixed w ith the backfi l1. '1 don 't like overfeeding: says Cha rles. ‘ as 1 want to avoid soft growth. In Northumberland. slow and gradual is better than f:剧. Newt陀es are thickly mulched 飞叽th bracken that 15 Cll t from moorland in July 创d left
'The expedilions have , fo r Ihe mOSI part. been enormous fun : says Ch arles. 'La ndshdes could be a ùan且er , bUL oLherwlse we usual1 y fell preuy $afe. In Ch m3. we were always accompa ni ed by a n armed po1iceman.' Days tn Ihe fielù wOllld be spenLLrekking tn mounLa ll1 arcas. coll ec Li ng seed . pho tO graph ing. maklng rcco rds and prcssing herba rium specimens. Trips 10 China , India 、 Am 巳 r i ca. Europe a n d the SOllth crn hcmisphcre arc all renected in the themed woodlands back at Ho飞呐ck Hal l. Therc IS a Slrong emphasis on Asiatic trees , as these do parllclllarly wcll here. The 飞vingnut planted by Roy Lancaster is a Ptrrocwyα 写tenoptera, collected by Roben on the banks of the Tumcn River in China. Some of the wmgnuts are startlng 10 nower well , their branches covered m pendulous tresses of pale , 飞叽nged fruits. They stand m the 飞盯ldnower meadows arollnd the Hall , wherc m spnng Ihe slopes are crowded 飞町th snowdrops and daffodlls. It's a perfect example of the blendmg of lhc natural and Ihe sclenúfic that is at Ihe hean of Ihls beaunful place 11
The notebook Howick Hal l' s in forma l gardens and 65-acre arboretum occUPY a wooded dene t ha t runs eastwards down to t h e Nor t humb rian coast. A very w ide range o f trees can be grown in t he n eu t ra l. medium loam soil
Katsura trees. cercidiphyllums,
When w ild collected trees are
Catkins bring delight at one 口f
These lovely pendulous blossoms grow on 8etula
(above), have long been
grown in England , they often
exhibit different characteristics.
Azaleas are well known for their soen t. but rhododendrons can also be fragran t. W ith pink-
at Howick. having
This rare ao町, Acer caesium.
blushed white blooms, the
Howick's grandfather. 'A love
(above) has much whiter bark
Ahododendron 'Princess Alice'
。f cercidiphyllums
in India.
been chosen by l ord runs in the
Lord Howick
the bleakest times of the year.
calcicola (above). 'This is a rare
is a cross between
and difficult little birch to grow:
family: he says. 'Easy to grow,
suspects, is because the light
A. edgeworthii and A.
says Lord How ick, 'which Roy
they have beautiful, heart-
is so m uch stronger there. Not
fragrantissimum. Being a
Lancaster collected in the
shaped leaves that turn
often grown in this country, it
hybrid, this plant is rather
mountainous Yunnan province
golden in autumn and give
is doing well at Howick, and its
hardier than its parents. With
pale. lightly furrowed bark adds
a compact habit and slow
are almost silver before they
another texture to the garden
a wonderful scent of
strawberry or burnt sugar:
staking is less necessary, so long as they
ideal in a container
China. Its young leaves
slowly turn grey-green
CONTACTS RECOMMENDED TREE NURSERIES • Hilliers Nurseries, Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey. Hampshire S051 9PA
are put in a sheltered posit ion
Tel: +44 (0)1794 368733. www.hilliertrees.co.uk
• Shelter is key - so try to avoid planting
• Majestic Trees, Chequers Meadow, Chequers
in an open site. Shrub shelters help w ith
Hill. Flamstead , near St. Albans. Hertfordshire
Al38ET Tel : +44 (0)1582 843881
as they increase summer
heat around the plant
• Make the planting hole square ra ther than
• Ornamental Tree Nurseries, Cobnash.
round. as it is better for root developmen t.
Kingsland, Herefordshire HR6 90Z. Tel: +44
W ith our good soil, we prefer a hole that is
slightly bigger than the size of the pot. On
• Tendercare, Southlands Road , Denham ,
w 叭附.ornamental-trees . co.uk
poorer soils, you may need a larger one.
Uxbridge, M iddlesex UB9 4HD. Tel: +44 {0l 1895
• Make su re that young t rees have no
835544. www. tendercare.co.uk
competition from grass. A thick mulch
of bracken helps to keep the weeds and
grass down.
9EN . Tel: +44 (0l1670 787454. www.eshotl.com
Esh。忧 Hall.
Morpeth, Northumber1and NE65
porches wall trellis planters
catalogue available
01225 85 1577
Nostalgia up north Dalemainh路 one ofthe 曲lest,
most romantic rose g,挝~dens in 也e n01111 of England,出e perfect inspira刽 on and a great way to celebrate 仙e beginning of rose-plan由19 season
withV8闸" .n. 睛peta .nd C'ltmb
h d hg dfDZ Lhcrc is a d iScreel. well-lended gl阻veyard. The II1scriplion5 make it c1ear lhal thiS 15 l he reslll1且 plaιe for ge ne ratio n5 o f mllch-Ioved fa n飞ily d ogs. Therein lies the key 10 Ihis gard en's character and charm. Therc、5 been a hOllse he re si nce medieva l times - added 10 ove r the cen ru ries . it has clllmmaled 111 an arresti ng property 飞盯th a lovcly sandstone Georgian façade. Walking arollnd ilS gravel palhs. particularly i n mldsummer when the extensive collection of old sccmed rose5 is a < it5 height. there is a scnse of n05talgia. and coming home. η1C P陀Sldmg Sptrit ovcr 由is garden is Jane Hascll-McCosh who. 飞明th a blend of romantic scnslbllllle5 and dccp garden knowledge , has SClllpled 11 II1 tO lhe besl rose garden in tl毡 ' THE FNG lI SH GARDEN 47
WJT| J /
TOP LEFT ROSII lC odorllt. 'Pallìda' sc咱mbl8S up th8 pink sandstone 'acade 0' Dalemain Manslon in Cumbr讪. TOP RIGHT Dusky pink 'o lCgloves and hostas make a spring di印 lay beneath 阶 e old fnlit tr88S. BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT RoSll U忧Ie Rambl8r 'Iowera continuously and is wonderfully scented; R. 'Cramoisi Supéri剧r'; R. Rhap四dy in Blue is 伽eclo臼st ∞lour available to a bl睛 r088; 阶. onc.fIowering R. 'Tea Rambler'.
no巾。r Engla.nd. Jane and her hllsband Roben look lhe relnS 20 years ago arter Roberfs mOlher Syl叽a , herselr a greal planlswoman, p岱sed away. The wk was dallnnng. '((飞,vas a garden m mOllmmg: says Jane. 'Because Syl Vla had been 111 for a few years. lhe garden was looking ragged and unkempL We look over knowmgverγlrlLle, bUl \ V1 lh a knowledge lMl Il mUSl relain her love 0 1' planlS‘ Jane lhen had a slroke of lllCk , She mel lhe serendipilOllsly na01ed Rose Harper. a lalemed and inSl ll1 Clivc local a rnalC lIr 且ard el1er. and
employed her 10 help m lhe gardεn. Th ey've worked 10咎由er ever smce ,飞,vresnng Il back from becommg a sad memonal and makrng sure II m刻也ssensε10 飞IISIlOrs BOlh women wanLed beauly and frdgrance . Thεy we re also very keen lO respecl ilS long h i$ lOry but nOl be hldεbOllnd by IL Almosl lhe [l rSI lh ing lhey d ld was lO add more rOses , lraining l hem u p over arches , lhrOllgh lrees and lI P walls The palhs were wldened $0 IWO peo ple ιould walk side by side ralher lhan singly - a lovely LOuch . ,
::-I ow , from mld-J lI ne onwards , Dalemam IS an enchanled place 飞叽lh more lhan 100 dlrferem vanelles of rosεs , 飞川 lh chmbers lI nderplanted wllh shrub roses , so denseJy planled lhey 陀semble woven rabri也 Toamble down lhrollgh lhe rose walk tS a dεlighl and the essence or an Enghsh 伊rden in rnidsummer; e~peclally wo nder[lI l arle r a rain sh ower , when complex scems or lemon, nUlmeg and cinnamon a陀 al lhetr mOSl inLe邸E Jane shudders shghlly when she recalls whal she (.hù in lhe early days. ‘ 1came in like a new
TOP LEFT The part8ITe garden w忧h clipped box and 伽e glassh。υse in tt呻 background. TOP RIGHT A vlew into the glasshouse with a plumbago climbing up the walls. BELOW, LEFτTO RIGHT RO$ll 'Viokttte' is a vigoroos rambler with striking crimson purple bloom配 the perpetual-flowering R. 'White Pet'; R. -Albertine' is weU-known for i帽 fabulous scent; easv-to阳growR. τhe Oueen Elizabeth' will reward you with fIoW8.. from July to Se ptember.
broom eager tO make my mark , and made some awrlll mlstakes. For example , 1 nearly gmbbed Ollt an anωnt apple lree becal四 I dldn't 陀cogmse I(S Importance: Two decades on , she reels her slyle 15 less hasly. She hkes to grow thmgs rrom seed and cUlllngs I"'.Ilh盯 lhan Opl ror lhe tn5lanl grallrlcallon o f new planls brOllghl in rrom olllslde. ThlS melhod or ‘ slow ga民lening' comnbllLes lO the Li meless qual ity or Dalemam. Walk l h rollgh lh e rose garden or alon且s i de lhe hi且h wall lhal's cl l'apecl Wilh climbers on lhe
broad terrace , overlookmg the Cumbnan cOllmryslde , and )[ cOllld be any decade m the pasl 200 years Jane's [amlly are woven mto the rabnc or lhe garden. \Vhen her chlld ren were small , she made a little patch ror lhem wllh planls named a [te r animals , Wilh roxgloves , bea r's breeches (Acanthus spinOSIIS) , hOllnd's lon且lIe (Cynoglο'SSlInt officinale) and Calmml (NfpCtCI catwia) being some of lhe me nagerie. She says she did il W amuse l he m while she gOl stllck inlO the borders. Roberl、5 gl"'.l ndmOlher
Gertrude was [rom Soulh A[nca , and It was she who mlroduced the collec t1 on or agapanthus lhat stlll glows blue m late summer m polS along the pa由s and te rl"'.lces. An earher chatelame called DorOlhea H局ell planled an uncllStmguished hr tree , Abies ccphaloni CCl, al the encl o[ the long bo rder 111 lhe miu-19lh cenlllry - now it's th e la rgest specimen of a Greek [i r in England There a陀 mo陀陀cent add1l1Ons as well. Slip 3way [rom lhe [o rmal iL y o[ l he main garden 311d lhere is a shady meadow neXl lO the river, ..
ABOVEThein旬rmal gravel path framed by wooden pergolas creates a seamingly endless vista through the rose garden. The rose in the fo用ground is t he damask tvpe 'La Ville de Bruxelles'. BELOW LEFT Leucanthemum vulgare (刷.eye daisyl grows by the st用am adjacent to fields. BELOW RIGHT W灿 its gnarled old roots emerging from the ground, the atmospheric stumpery has a surreal quality that adds an extra dimension to the gardens.
ancl for a whole momh from late May , this area is lu minous with hundreds of exo
wamed. She contacted fi.mher educatíon cenrre Newton Rigg College, part of As kham Bryan Colle候, and started a three-year project WiÙ1 the horticultul"al stl.ldentsωmake the snunpery ancl plam il with ferns ancl oLher rullive shacle lovers. The stumps are like organic sculptllres Lhal have slowly evolvecl from the landscape Roses , however , are always at Dalema in、$ hearl. J ane is t rialling rose pelal ancl lemon marma lacle for a n annual galh e r ing o f worldwicle mannalacle makers that she h OSLS in lale February , ancl is alreacly planning LO g row an avenlle o f ‘ Rose ra ie de l' Hay ' , lhe
fragrant , purple- l1 owered rugosa rose often in rose ice-cream, jellies an cl jams. Ask what is her favourite rose , ancl by her 飞叽nce you can tell this is as painful a question as aski ng which o [ her children she prefers Eventllally , however, she concedes. '1 hover bel ween Lhe frOlh iness of ‘ Zéphirine Drouhin' and lhe s im plicily of someth ing like Rosa ‘Ge ranium' , single-<:upped c1 imbing varielies.' usεd
Dalemam M
mo陀 itlfonnatl'侃 , go t(1 、州、,创emaif1.com
The notebook Oalemain gardens cover approximately f ive acr es an d ar e surrounded by a larger es ta te , inclu d ing a farm a nd deer park. P r edominan t ly s o u t h f acing , t h e garden r ar e ly suffers f ro m dro ugh t d ue t he high r ain fall in C umb ria CUTIING IT By dead-heading regularly, head gardener Rose Harper ensures that roses keep flowering as long as possible (belo叫 Many
old roses w ill have a s自cond flush
in the season after their initial early summer flowering.
SHADE BABIES Foxgloves (aboν'el pa同icularly
striking in
the shade of trees, are easy to grow and flower for a long time. PRETIY PO PPIES
They' lI also happily self-
Attractive self-seeders such as the op旧町、 poppy.
seed. In early spring.
Papaν'er somniferum (θboν剖.
you can thin out young
look almost ethereal in
the summer ligh t. The seedheads dry and last in the
seedlings and plant
borders well int口
them in the best spots
w inter. Birds such as goldfinches
also feed on the seeds
for optimum effect
• Cath's Garden Plants An award-w inning family-run nursery specialising in unusual perennials, shrubs, grasses, ferns, herbs and climbers. The Walled Garden, Heaves Hotel. Heaves, Nr
LA8 8EF. Tel: +44 (0)1539 56 1126
• Co pt Howe A tw o-acre plantsman's garden w ith spectacular views of the Langdale Pikes. Chapel Stile, Great Langdale , Ambleside
LA22 也JR.
TRUE B L U E Blue and purple plants such as Meconops店 'Dalemain'
www.ngs.org.uk for open days and further details
• Halecat Nursery Opened in 2011 and run by two young plant enthusiasts, this
right}, Salvia otficinal,侣 'P 四p ura s巳:e ns',
nursery has an interesting and eclectic list. Halecat, Witherslack, Grange Over
Andersoniana Group and nepeta look great in northern
Sands, Cumbria LA11 6R T. Tel: +44 (011539 552946.
Black Knight Group (aboνe Tradesαntia ,
gardens where skies are often g rey. They keep t heir intense colours and appear to glow in t he low light
JANE'S TOP ROSE GARDEN TIPS • Plant barer∞t stock roses in November. They might look like dead twigs, but they establish quicker and bloom better. Order them online from reputable suppliers • Prune back climbers such as R.
odorata 'Pallida' (a.k.a. 'Old Blush China') and 'Madame
Alfred Carrière' after the first flush and t hey' lI produce a second flowering later in the season • Underplant shrub roses with perennials such as lim e-green Euphorbia characias, delicate white violet Viola cornuta Aiba Group or silver-Ieaved plants such as Anemisia ludoviciana. • In spring , add as much organic
ma忧er as
can , either well-(otted horse manure or
compost. to feed the plants, protect from weeds and keep moisture in the soil. • Remember to deadhead. Old roses have a reputation for being fleeting , but regular deadheading w ill help prolong flowering.
cl(ålss t[(C G/aJJíd(eJf7l JEl(eJDf71 (elJfll tts③ I
Fine iron climbing structures forRoses in the best quality available: Hot:dip galvanised and powder coatèd. Exdu-sively at Peter Beales Roses
www.classÎc嗣garden-elements.co.uk Please contact Peter Beales Roses if you wish to receive a catalogue or place an order. Tel: 0845 481 0277 Fax: 01953 456845 [email protected]
Look no further for inspiration and practical ideas for your autumn and winter kitchen garden than the second The Edible Gαγ'den. Order now - you'lllove it! If you e时 oyed the 如st issue of 刀te Edible Garden, you will find yet more dehcious features in 出e next b臼u时ully crafted guide. We bring you amazing photography,。φert writers and tasty and decorative ideas for your productive plo t. Be seduced by our selection of kitchen gardens and make the most of yourα'Ops with storage advice. A guide you'll keep for y回归, inside you w诅 find : •
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B The ymgree时10U优s are 町…Iy 自t to burst Wlth lush
grew ClIt 110wers for Covem Garden Markel - once worked. The letters are in copper-plate. harking back to bananas. and the tomatoes are touching the days befo陀 homogenous computer-genel".m:d foms ù1e roo f. The polytunnel has been deared Ed gets whal we're after al once , hand-draws evetγletler and has become a plant- producing and , inspired by something old. creates somelhing new machi肘.and 出e stock beds are 110weting. We are pret叩 but reassuringly old-fashioned. We love Il much ready lO Sla rl trading . The p roblem is lhal ()u r CO O1 pulers have 阳Il 附5 lhough. We whizz off 阳 I()calion in the walled garden ()f Powde rha01 Castle in logo lO a signwriler we ûnd on lhe imernel , and a week Dev()ndoesn、l allow us lO sell di陀Clωùle publiιand our laler we have il prinled on apro邸. Our sleel ~日19n and lhe online O1ail-order website WOIÙ bεready unlil autumn frame\νork of an old Pashley biιyde lhal Lisa rescued [ro01 a 10ωl 钊咄ge yard. We plan lO take lhe b ike wüh BUl planlS a陀 dynamiιand Lheir shelf-Ii[e in S01all pOlS us lO shows and use lhe baker¥ baskel on lh世 fronllO laSlS only so long 认'e need lO go tO markel. and faSl show 0[[ our Oowers InJune、 J'm invited lO o pen lhe ArlS and The weekend o f lhe People stop to t,αke pictU1'es Qf the ,flowers Crafts Ga rden Festival Coo mbe Trenc hard ψiU切.g from the ωicker bαsket at COO O1 be Trenchal址 Festival arrives. and in vVest Devon festival . and asked if we want to set up Lisa and I 剖'e buzzing、 chatting to gardeners all day and stall for lhe weekend too. It would give us a chance to helping them 、川th their garden queries. Setting up and spread the 飞,vord about the nursery. get fèedback from selling is the fun part - the hard bit is getting everγthing gardeners and sell ωme stock. It wi 11 alωfo(.'Us our minds there in a trailer and a beaten-up old Toyota Hilux. It's a on getting the fundamentals sorted - the logo. signage. bit like moving house \\,司thout the help of a removal van. vehicles. plant labelling. public liability insurance, caniel Carefully packing e四rything in so it ani ves in one pieιe, bags. .. and evely thing else we havelù yet thought of. knowing how m uch to ta ke and not forgetti ng a ll t he The logo is uicky - where do you start? Fortunately. little things you need. such as secateurs. watering cal毡, ou r web日te designer Ed is vely talented . ωwe hand ovel money belt and change. waterpl∞也 (and suntan cream) and a very large thermos of cof!仅刀le Pashley bike 岱 a the job to him. along 、叽th an old tourist guide belonging to my uncle. Among 出,e ochre-tinged pa~巳s is an adven great Sl\Ccess. as people keep stopping to take picmres of [rom the 1890s for a nursely where my grandfuther - wh。 all
PREVlOUS PAGE The now famous Pashley bike. OPPOSITE PAGE. CLOC KW1 SE FROM TOP LEFT Ba nanas grown on the nursery; Toby packages up bareroot perennials; the stock beds in full bloom; propagating stock. ABOVE t正FT Toby keeps on top of the weeding. TOP RIGHT Usa and Toby love their new 1090. ABOVE RIGHT Though eve町。 ne iss。 bu町. plan臼 must 目íII be
watered and cared for
TOP LEFT German ga 付ic. A l1ium senescens. ABOVE LEFTιysimachia ciliota 'Firecracker'.
ABOVE RIGHT Toby plants Verbena bonariensis to encourage aphid-eating hoverflies in to protect nursery stock fro ...、 aphids.
The first day it pours down, bm by the seconc\ day ,
possible anc\ to rackle the aphîc\s we have usec\ plan臼 由at draw ll1. hoverllîes among the rows of bareroOl, such as fenneI anc\ Vcrbena bonariemis . To keep weeds dow咽, generous mulches o[ green 飞.vaste recycled from Exeter Cily Council havεbeen laid on all lhe bec\s、 anc\ have done a great job of locking m moisrure roo. 'vVe are only selecling plants lO sell thal we know lObe gooc\, reliable 飞ioers‘ and make excellent garc\en plants For example , ou r range of roses includes some new nalura!istic PerSian varielies wiLh simple Ilowers and a dark ruby blolch in lheιentre of Lhe perals. They are 111ιredibly robusl: c\ rought tolerant and disease resiSlant , even Lhriv'ing in Lhe welter 'vVeSl Cou11lry , where funga! blackspOl makes roses mO陀 ιhallenging [0 grow Setting up a nursely is no 日11all undertaking and there have been times when J've wondered how we 却'e gomg
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Working with history Tom Stuart-Smith has brought new life to many of our more mature and hist Oli cal gardens_ Andrew Duff from 位le Inchbald School of Design asks how he goes about it in a sensitive way Q Tom , when you are asked to create a garden around an existi ng d esign , what aγe the principles you employ? 1\ The fì rst thing you have to a民ertain is how much of the original d四gn is left. lf it is a vety old landscape , then you can sometimes have several layers of design on one site. Once you have decided which layer or layers you are going to keep , then you need to discover what the original d巳sign intent was. rm designing a garden at 由e moment in a woodland cl巳anng, and we have unearthed an 18th-centuty 段时en that was overgro飞."11 by trees. The lìrst thing 1 have to do is tty to find Otlt what the original design inten c\ed the desígn (Q feellike - only
Q Oneof 出e most difficult problems with reviving a mature garden mωt be the fact are so many existing features. How C\O you ch∞se whiclt ones are kept? A lf the gar c\en is hlStOrical, then we tend to get a h iSwrical Lopographical su["\.吃y. This will give us the d ata needed to make decisions abotlt what tO keep. ln anOLher CO nLexl, we migl川咒 simply \Vorking LOgelher 、盯Lh the cl iem an c\ decid ing belween U$. Sometimes iLhas to do 呐th emoLional ties: ror 以ample, Lhere may be a tree given LO [hεcliem by a nOLher ramily member 认怆 n世d LO be realistic aboul ho \V thiS may arfeCl any new designs. MOSl lhings ωn be moved. Working Wilh a d iem is aboul bJinging an alte ll1 ative to [he table . that 出ere
Q How do you design so that
E DO 季, MZD Z〈E go g z 。如L Eω 《oad b g」 - zoE ‘。L XMa d飞 FZ… E 」 FL OH U的」 芸 《缸。 F
con ti nuity bet\νeen the existing and new? 1\ EveJy item in a matu re garden has a characteJ and we need to be careful that if we remove 址, it could impact on the overall dωign . The last th ing we wa n t to do is start to erode the character of the e双sting space , which is what makes it so special. Any new design should be honest and Jight for the landscap巳 I t has to be continuous - a new layer of design must read with integrity. lt is important to do your research - does what you are choosing lìt in 明白 what's existing , or is the contrast so great
it spoils what was there? Sometimes, on a large si <.e , you cou ld make 1,000 linle inteJventions to the existing rather than add endless modem things saying Tm here'.
Q A lot of older gardens have wonderful spirit of place . Do you use 由is as a1l adva1ltage? And if ùle site doesll't c01lv ey these feeli1lg s , do you thÌlù it is possible to create ùlem? A We tlyωidentify the geJJt!S locí and discover what makes a space different - what gives it that special quality. lt is so easy to destroy 由is by over designi吨。r jtlSt ignoring the existing elements. lf you a陀 reVl叽ng a mature garden , then it ís abot1t sensitíve steps to merge
Q A 10l of your work shows a lremendOu5 resp仅t
lo lhe suπounding coun lryside your choicεof planLS an d lhe slruclurallayou l of a garden? A 飞入/he n you are \Vorking in ga rdens \V iLh beauLi lul surroundings , you cannOI help bUI be inspired by Lhem. Somelimes iLis simply a case of colou r , or it may be a cho ice o f mate Ji a l. Sometimes the shapes 0 1' the fìelds' 阴阳msωn dJive a design , or the shapes of the trees in the distanαωn be repeated within any new p lanting. Sometimes a view can be so strong that you need to add equa l strength in the garden to stop the eye travelling straight out into the 飞rie\v. Howdoωlh臼 a町εcl
TOP RIGHT Tom Stuart-Smíth ìs responsíble for transforn、 ing many gardens; see examples at www.tomstuartsmíth.co.uk CENTRE Tom has deslgned a garden at Broughton Grange, whích features ín our Oecember íssue. RIGHT Hís 2008 RHS Chelsea Flower Show garden. TH E ENGlI SH GAROEN 61
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The Iceman cometh Mid-November sees temperatures plu口rmet and the first snow fall - for Susie and David, it's a case of all hands on deck to ensure 由e garden survives such une}申ected conditions, and prepare for more to come .. PHOTOGRAPHS TOM WHITE WORDS SUSIE W HITE
ABOVE Th e yew domes and the faint outline of the path give structure to the winter garden. BELOW LEFT A faint mist in the valley burns up in the slanting sun, creating a painterly silhouette of the three hawthorns on the haugh. BELOW RIGHT Hakonechloa macra and a frosty line 01 sedums.
ABOVE LEFT A wint町 'hat' for Bñdge Ea l. ABOVE RIGHT 'When icicles hang by the wa ll'. OPPOSITE PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT A little oasis in the snowy garden; over a foot of snow covers the garden furniture; hazel hurdles a陪 picked out in snow patterns; Ammi m再us stems shine in 怡、 e sun.
N wet…阳ld day , a day when the valley
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i s seen through a fiher of b lurred grey and the light goes quickly, by four o'clock There is such heavy ram in the night that the burn sounds like a rrtillracc , fonning a brown chute thaL pounds unde r the footbridge. The w ork LhaL we d id in $umme r has paid off building up Lhe embankmenL Wilh SLone and felling a Lree LhaL narrowed Lhe charmel - and Lhe waler gush es away unimpeded tO meeLLhe main river. How can Lhe m igraling salmo n $utvive $uch 比mpeSluoUS curren时 And whal happens to their eggs when the water can move whole boulders dO\Vllstream? We both feel very sluggish when it com es to gardening, and work 飞,vithout much enthusiasm or energy、 doing w hat we can \vithout walking on the satu rated soi l. 1 plant the glori ously fat bulbs of Madonna lilies in t he bed by t he summerhouse , imagi ning thei r \Vhite trumpets against the pebble grey paint\Vork O thers 1 put in the nal1"OW bed by the telTace wall sοthat \Ve can see them when sitting out here in summer , 1 ùlink that they \VilI be 50 much taller than ollr cat Jack that this is safe; many peo ple don't realise that lily pollen is p oisonolls to ca凶'
, _..:'!,~
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v 飞'‘二 ,、.....
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ABOVE lEFT Susie uses a broom to carefully brush a foot of snow from the yew topiary - though she leaves some on , as the snow helps to insulate them against the hard fros愈s. ABOVE RIGHT Susie is gra臼阳 I for a fulllog store to help keep them warm during the unforeseen early cold spell.
1 have 旧ies in the housε , 1 æke Otlt seedlings next year , bllt its [rosted beallty small leaves in summer. 1 have my fingers surprises and delights me. 1 have decidedωcut the sæmens in case he bmshes against them crossed that next sprin g will see it happily settled in , so [01' now 1 must make sure that it's and then licks his [Ul' down perennials in the shady border, because 500n the weather ntms more tranquil , and this is where the early bulbs 飞.vill emerge, but 1 not damaged by snow have Ie[t plan ts standing elsewhere as allwe wake to lovely autumn momings. A [aim Theωpiary also needs to be kept [ree 01 imporæm cover [01'飞vildli[e mist in the valley bums up in the slanting sun , weight , so 1 brush the yew domes care[ully. c realing a painterly silhouetle o[ the three II is now lale November , and we wake up lO ThiS lime laSL year , there was nOLhing in lhe hawlho n1S on lhe haugh. Wilh calmer days, we s now. Each day il [alls silently overnigh l , ga rden a l all . but now the s ix yew shapes have [rOSlS , SO 1 fieece lhe large agaves lhat 1 building up inch upon inch , unlil everyLhing is anch or th e d esign , giving il a solidily and have in le rracOlla pOlS by lhe pennanence thal is so calming In lhe bo rde rs lhe s n owhouse walL 5maller specimens of th iS dramalic. s piky pla nt are covered shapes of herbage havε The garden is transfonned, its beauty so tucked u p tO bed under a 'tent', a w ild , wi n le r exuberanιe unexpected this ear甘 in\再也\ter alo ng Wilh back- u p pOtS o f 1 clear palches to expose leaves rosemary. flat pans containing and soi l, because insect-eating echeverias . sh rubby penSlemons and othe l birds are 50 vulnerable now covered in p民Sline whiLeness: æbles, ιhairs, We walk up out of the valley , traci ng the borde rI ine plants. Here too T have my trays of 口创Is, wheelban'ows , trees, arches and dl∞pmg d ouble line of flues leading to the Al lendale tarrago n (on Iy the French valiety is worth plants . The ga rden is transforrned , its beauty chim neys. These skyline landmarks mark the growing) and this f¥vOl\lite he rb 1 cut do飞归、 so u nexpected this early in winte r. There are end of the flues that canied lead fumes from and covel 、飞咱th compost. T just need to keep some 飞飞'onderful mom ents - white snow on them a ll going un ti l n ext year , whe n OUI the cream of honesty pods , speckled do <s of the smelting mill way below , and today they greenhouse anives. artemisia heads, the outlined crazy CUI飞'es of are long mounds outlined in the snow. These momings of frost look spark ling and The land is toælly silent , muffled by snow the contorted hazel 。 pretty , the Flower Garden backli t in the early Having transplanted this 6 ft sh rub , T don't and wi thout t h e b i rd so ng of s umm e r , lψt. Ctystals outline the th叭 队,V1stmg stems want to risk it bei ng broken by snow, so T Gardening 飞归 11 be on hold for some while , 1 think. The forecast for tomorrow,由e lìrst day and 110wer heads of Ammi majltS; what a shake its branch巳5 regularly and scoop out the wonderllll plant this 巳 for winter skeletons and build-up from inside íts centre. lt was moved of Decemb町, is an unequivocal ‘atroClOt怡' 、叽th quite a large rootball , but it was s till a surprisingly wind-resistant for an annuaL By leaving ít standing, 1 was hoping for sell~sown Ncxt month: Susic (lcals with nwrc ωld wcathc shock for ít , r巳sulting in sporadic and rather
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SINGLE SNOWDROPS 1:9 per 100 1:40 per 500 1:70 per 100。 OOUBLE SNOWOROPS 1:15 per 100 1:70 per 500 1: 125 per 1000 ELWESII SNOWOROPS 1:17 per 50 C28per10。 ENGLISH BLUEBELLS 1:14 per 100 1:65 per 500 1: 120 por 100。 LARGE FLOWERING CROCUS 1: 8 per 100 1:35 per 500 SPECIE CROCUS RUBY GIANT 1:3.25 per 25 FRITILLARIA MELEAGRIS 1: 15 per 100 BLUE PEARL 1:3 .25 per 25 AL Ll UM GLOBE MASTER E27.50 per 1 。 _ . _二&e二工二1'y 29.25 peo 2兰 AL Ll UM IVORY aUEEN 1: 14 per 25 PRINS CLAUS C3.25 per 25 I R I S 饲 ETICULATA C5 per 50 NARCISSUS TETE E T ETE C15 per 1 0。 FEBUARY GOLO 1:4.75 per 25 TOPOLINO C4.75 per 25 MINNOW 1:4.75 per 25 SUN OISC 1:4.75 per 25 PIP rT 1:4.75 per 25 JACK SNIPE 1:4.75 per 25 RIP VAN WINKLE 1:4.75 per 25 HAWERA 1:4.75 per 25 THALIA E4.75 per 25 PSUEDO NARCISSUS 1: 15 per 50 1:27.50 per 100 PHEASANTS EVE 1: 15 per 50 1:27.50 per 10。 CYCLAMEN ALL 1:5.05 for 3 OR 1:14.90 for 9 SOLD IN 9CM POTS HEDAIFOLl UM COUM MIX PINK H E.DAIFOUUM ALBA COUM WHITE HEDRIFOLl M SILVER LEAF COUM AU."UM 的10... on our w .b.ite or caU tor tre. cata'ogue 剧'皿Jlbs are flow8ring size indudÎr可衍...田1es and c田ne 衍田n cuttiva回dsloclL Ple揭eaød [2.5自 IOwards p&p m剧。阳『回归Iy. 同easecall 帕r cha咱0$ to 311 otl1er 。属llna目相$. CheQUesw帽, Ordef'S please and made payable 10: EUROBULBS. 314 Smeeth Road. Marshland St .J ames. Nr Wisbect、. Cambs PE 唱 48EP Tel: 01945 430009 Fax: 01945 430303
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SURPRISE , SURPRISE Kn OWll for 由eir amusing n剑ne, ha-has were a key element of the British Iandscape movement Claire Masset ponders whether they can play a prut in contempor缸yg缸dens
J扣 〈主 UTLF 飞罩 LJ 、 Fa dLF2 ·" M' U飞 Ug-、 " GodE〕 ZOW恼。L崎 F 3gLF 飞 Z JO dFd 飞Z 之5ξ多响 3aog 」 FZ
harmomsed \V1 lh the lawn wuhm: and lhe can also be fasluoned lnlO au:racuve Jandforms i garden ln 1[5 !U m was to be 5εt free from IlS lhal add drama 10 a scene. In hlS Ga rden of exp\alll1dgd ng 10 less. knowledgeable compamons what a 'ha-ha、 IS. pnm 陀gu\arity, lhat 11 nught asson wuh lhe CosmlC Speculanon. Charles Jencks crea <ed lhe Black I lole Terrace. an degant curved haBut 11‘ s qUlle slmple really: H'S wllder coumry \V! thom: ha ln lhe shape of a wave The ga rden and park\a nd merged inlo one a ditch , Why lh e fllnny name? beauuful pastora\ and pJCnt陀sque scene , i\nd Dcslgner George Ca ner has produced many &cause - as many of you mlght well know for h l~ chents. ‘ In Camhrid且,eshire.l recemly so , as Walpole famously wrote , 'AII nalU l'e lhe ha-ha ∞mö as a ;urprise lO unsuspeCLln且 dcs igncd a series of retained te rraces. wh ich viSltorS. The le nn accu ralcl y desιribes one's was a ga rden .' Although e\le ry l hin且 was gi \l c onlO a landscape 飞叽lh lakes , making in aSLO l1 is h menl al a 、vlcle Lr cnch suddc l1 ly designed LO l()ok natural , It waS actually the e ffeCl a dee p ha-ha belween com ll1g mlO V1CW lhe fo rmal ga rde n and lh e Desig ned lo kc e p Modem ha-has núght not be crealed to keep liveslock OUL, landscape: he explains graZ In且 3 111mals OUl of but their use as 'in训sible' boundruies is still inva1 uablc Tom Stuan-Smilh made the more forml1l areas of elegam use of them when he a garden. lhe ha-ha d侃b dcslgned the famous th ree-tiered te rraced result of a controll ing ha nd , Trees were away with the l1 eed for a fcnce , 311d creates garden al Broughton Grange in Oxfordshire. removed and new ones broughl 111 , vlllages the illusion of openness , Il enables unbroken La ndscape architect and garden his !O rian we陀 lransplanted and rivers diverted in order views from the hOllse and garden to the Todd Longstaffe-Gowan is also a fan , and to crω【e a perfect \~sion of '!13 ture' , FamOllS parkland or cOllntryslde bcyond - something rcfers to Ihem as ‘ sunk fences', a termωed by historic gardens \vith ha-has include Stowe . that English landscape garden deslgners such Ihal Olhcr greal 18th- and early 19th-century Rousham , Burghley and the National Trust's as Charles 8ndgeman ,认'dham Kcnt and landscape designcr , Humphry Repton . Petworth and Chirk Castle (cWo四l ca归bllity 8rown werc keen to crealC , i\ nd whelher you call it a sunk fence , BU! rather than being stuck in a garden Horace Wa1pole , 18th-ccntury man of ha-ha or an mvisible boundary, there's no histoly timewarp. ha-has have 'leapt the fenα lelters and owner of $IrawbcrrγH iI1 . wrote doubl Ihal IhlS device should be pan of any oC the ha ha ' 只 o sooner was IhlS slmple and made their way 1I1!O the 21st cenlury good designer's toolki t. If you want your Modem ha-has might not always be created enchantment made , Ihan levelling. mowing. !O keep lives !O ck Oll!, but thelr use as garden 10 connect wi
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Retlo、、,tl~d for i t!. rich
A surplus of pears Is a wonderful thlng and It is important to store them wel l. These tradîlîonal fruîl storage racks are perfect for 由e job. Great for apples , pears and any other fruit and veg. Th e fruit sits on the slatted drawers that allow free circulalion of air which helps keep the fruit fresh. Remove any spoilt frυ Itfror利 Ihe rack 10 ensure Ihe ,'est do not rot. Best kept in a well venlilated shed , garage. 。υ由 u îl ding , pantry or sÎmilar, somewhere cool and dark is ideal. Racks available in 5 and 10 drawer, already assembled In plne. beech or oak. Stacking trays sold individually 50 ;t depends on the sÎze of your harvest. you can 副 wa ys order more jf you need them
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It's time to pick the last of the fruit, says Mark Diacono, and then head back indoors tρ 吐白ù< about choosing next ye缸'sseeds
A80VE LEFT The vegetable garden at Painswick Roc:。ωGarden -约e 四创 ng for a fruit-training course , 8ELOW LEFT Ripe medla陪 ABOVE R陷 HTNow严s the time to ha阿est quince,
WWWiu川 1由herm 、叽Ille凹I 、 Novemher means OL ozou主 d Od UZ《罩、 ,坠d , a‘ MEa-uuz-30芽,Z 吨DZZO 呐,飞 L E主 d ‘ gL Fg 。也 ugd 飞罩
rm splil bel \Veen harvCSLing l he laSl fru il - the qumce 、 meùlars C learrung how
TI IINK1NG Of GRO飞;VING SOMETHING lNTfR r: ST ING NEXT YEAR? Then look al catalogucs now to gct the best c ho icc. A few l' d like to suggest are Real Sccds (www realseeds.co.uk); O tter Farm Shop (www.otter[ann.co.uk); Thomas Etty (www .l homasetty .co.uk); AssoCJatlon Kokopelh (www.terredesemences.com); and lhe Agro[orestry Research Trust (go <0 协飞飞v.agroforestry.co.uk). And lf you‘ re not alreadya member. Jom the Hemage Seed Llbrary for access to a fme selectlon of old and unusual 、'anenes (see 飞叭叭、飞garden orgaruc.org.lIνhsl). You also ha、'e the chance lO become a Seed Guardlan、 where you help conserve vanetJ es by savmg seed. ,飞叭'ORD 飞飞1TH... 电l-l飞RONHOCKEN明uu
Of fRll1T吨HARE.Nl:T '1 fmù my世lf flilmg up p阳CIOωllllle bou!εsof homenlàde ~Ioe gm , p fS of 立:rumrny apple jam anù damson cheese in November: says Sharon ‘ MllCh of Ill5 maùe from foraged bollnt~飞 Wilh lhe reSl comll1 g from lhe fruilshare.nel pl句eCl lhal J' m mv()lved Wilh - a simple idea lhal pami up people 飞V1th excess fluit 飞.vith those looking for produω. 1 \Vi lJ keep some of these goodies for mc. and others to make special Christmas gl lls for famlly and fliends. '1 ow lhe leavcs arc falling from the trees. 1 q l1l clly plan my prumng. clωn and shaφen scιalcurs. and dlg Ollt the eannuffs , Fruit talalogllcs a陀 dottcd around the house. 、~ll:mg for lhal spa陀 moment 、.\'hen 1ω3 日ick through lhe hSlS of barer<∞ts - 1 have my eye on apple Dog's Snout'. or ‘KeSWlck 臼仙n', and maybe a greengage. medlar or qllIDce. If 0时Y 1 hada blggcr garden. Bllt thc best thmg abollt the onset of wmler IS commg mSlde. warmmg IIp wllh a upple of sloe gm , slouching in the cosy sofa , and thmkmg ahωd to spring and orchJrds fllll of blossom.'
TOP LEFT Pear 'Glou Morceau'. A freestanding example of a linked espalier, creating a hedge or fenced effect in front of 怡、 e orchard house in the walled organic gardens at Audley End. BELOW LEFT Harvested culinary pe肘 'Vi阔rof Wlnkfleld' , whlch can be pìcked from October through to Oecember and wìll also keep for a good whlle prlor to use. RIGHT Jacky serves up slices of pear and almond tart OPPOSITE PAGE Poached pears ìn wlne can be splced up with cloves and cinnamon. Serve warmwithωstard or cold with a dollop of créme fraÎche.
Pears desselt, heritage or c世m剑y varieties, home-gro\l'.'l1 fruits have so much more to offer 由an commercial supe口narket 句rpes
1月刊le出er 由ese
hY hω…… d削y川 …… … 叫 m yb挝lu 陀rlε .bUl 川 Whε n1 ûnd deliciou$ pea剖1巧"s in our Nove 创l丑圳he 凹r [ea planning anε缸d ible garden . it iS essenlial tO maintain a m onlh ly 110w of taSly produιe . While you may be pl uckin g tender , rosy -ch eeked desse rt p ears from midsummer o nwards. more ponly , SubSl311lial va rielies soldier on、 sometimes until December. These are the fo rgotten stalwarts of the winter fruit larder , largely helitage cu linal)' pωrs, rarely available from su permarkets. A de lectable secret for t he edible gardener, they cook a nd sto re we ll , unlike desse rt pears , which last a matter 0 1' days.
In Sh01t, pem's are lik忍 socks - 伽\ey always 旧ed ω come in pairs Deιember surpluses can also be decadently gilded 飞叽th edible gold or silver leaf for gifts , sεasonal decorations or centrep ieces Pears are less common in the garden than a pples. bllt have similar growth habi怡. are simpler to prune. relatively free from pests and disease as well as being more vigorous - though they do prefer a warmer drier spot in slightly acidic free-d raining soil. Some varieties do well in pots. Those grafted on smaller 'Quince C rootstock are best. bllt t hey need to be pnmed
Expert Advice
overzealous growth. Re-pOL annually - Lheyωn stay in Lhεsame pOL ,
but use fresh compOSL AL Audley End O rganic K itchen Garden i n
Essex , Lhe eXlended warmth of Lhe o rcha rd house benentS pots of lalcr-maluring, partiιularly Contine11lal , fruits
Cordon , fan or espalier t raining is
Failure Lo fruil iS always a disappointment, and frOSl is u5ually Lhe
spaces and
culpriL , so prOLeιt by plaming in a frOSl-free posilion , cosseling wall-
extremely productive, as horizonta l
grown crops 飞,vith bJan ket o f fleece if frost th reatens , and move pots
decorative, ideal for
indoors. Pear bJossom is ephemeral and early , appeali ng in March and
stems afford higher yields. I've used a horizontal espalier as an • Buy a bare卜root
April , so don't get caught ou t.
Few pears are self-feltile. Dessert pears ‘Conference二 'Concorde' and
untrained ,
maiden pear in Nov-March
‘ I nvi ncibJe' are exceptions , consequentJy popu lar in sma lJ 0 1' urban
• Plant centrally to selected pre-
gardens. Family trees , with suitable polJination partners grafted onto
wired framework (horizontally arranged
a singJe root stock , present anothe r 'compact' solution . Otherwise ,
25-30cm apart). Keep the graft clear of the ground. Leave 3. 5-4.5m between espaliers to allow horizontal growth. • Cut the stem at the first horizontal wire, just above two buds. • Train the main leader υpwards and
plant addi tional pear trees from t he same polli nation group as you rs ABOVE Mike Thurlow , head gardener at Audlev End. BELOW Jacky pìcks espalier ftuit BOTTOM The walls offer the growing fruìt protectlon
(buy ba 1'e1'oot stock f 1'o m 1'e putable fnlÍt specialist nurseries and
the emergent side shoots outwards , tying them in to straigh t. supporting ωnes.
Growing pears for eating
Cane young , supple shoots in
an upright position to stimulate gro叭tth . adjusting to the required horizontal
' Seckle' is a small , tiny , sweet pear that can be
before stems harden
eaten like bon-bons or dipped in chocolate for special
• Prune back by a third after leaf fall.
con fections. 'Beurre Six', 'Com ice' , 'Concorde' and
t口 a
downward bud. Remove
' Conference' are larger dessert pears , which when cδn
any laterals other than the main arms
ripe need no COOking, and
YEARTWO • Allow the m ain leader to grow to
free recipes. 'Willlam s' , 'Seckle' , and
be used in many hea t-
versatile varieties , as unripe frui t can be used as
the next laleral wire . Cut and train
dessert or culinary pears
'F。时 le'
Culinary pears, in their raw state , are solid as
second tier branches as above • Summer prune all , as before
bricks , but traditionally were grown for slow c口。 king
'Rub off' any fruit on Ihe lower lier to allow plant 10 mature. Prune fruiting
in the perpe\ually burning ove n of Victorian times
spurs 5-10cm long and 20cm apa叶
'Black Worcester' and 'Cadillac' are still available
Heritage culinary pears 'Vica r of Winkfleld飞 from
YEAR THREE • Continue growing and pruning.
nurseries \0 the home fruit grower
bui lding a f ramework over time. A
Their lale cropping makes fresh produce available right through to December, especially as these
three-year-old lower t ier shou ld be
keep for a while
fruiting from the summer onwards
Suppliers &: contacts GARDENS
Tel: +44 (0)1386 554609 wwwwarwickshireac.uk
• Audley End Organic Kitchen Garden , Saffron
• RHS Fruit Group. If you are interested in growing
Walden , Essex CB11 4JF. Tel: +44 (0)1799522842.
fruit and accessing opportunities to attend a wide range
of lectures and workshops, join the Society's FruÎt Group
• Thornhayes Nursery, Cullompton , Devon EX15 2DF.
for (7. For further informa tion, visit www.rhs.org.uk
'Trained Frυit: How to do it' workshop - 8 December,
2-4pm, (12. Tel: +44 (0)1 能4 266746 or see website for
details. www.thornhayes-nursery.co.uk
a nursery at Douglas Farm ,
• Keepers Nursery, Gallants Court, East Farleigh,
Suffolk NR35 2JG. There is also a mail order
Maidstone, Kent M E15 OL巳
website at www.readsnursery.co.uk
+44 (0) 1622 726465.
www.keepers-nursery.co.uk COURSES
Reads 刘ursery
are fruit tree specialists with Fa比on
La ne, Bungay,
• Thompson & Morgan sell a 'fami忡, pear tree for (39.99, grafted with 'Williams飞 'Conference' and
• Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop on 19 Nov at Hanbury
'Comice' varieties - suitable for containers
Hall, near DrOÎtwich , Worcs WR9 7EA, 10am-4pm , (50.
Recine 1 Poacbed pears (pictured 011 pg 73)
Recipe 2 Pear-and walnut winter salad with goats chεese
Serves 3 people - 3 l irm pears
Serves 4 people
- 300ml white or rosé wine
- 1-2 l irm pears
- 50g sugar
- 100gwalnυts
- Squeeze 01 lemon juice
- 1 bunch 01 w ild rocket
- Optional cinnamon sticks. cloves
- Seasonal salad leaves (radicchio. chicory etc) - 150g soft goats cheese
• Peel pea陌. leaving stalks. Rub in lemon juice • Place in a tall pan so they can stand upright.
• Place washed and spin-dried salad leaves
and add wine. sugar and spices
in a serving dish.
• Top up with water until it reaches the pears'
• Thinly slice pears lengthways. discarding
necks. and gently simmer until they are tender
the core. and arrange.
• Remove pears and reserve. Reduce
• Sprinkle with handfuls 01 walnuts and
remaining liquid. pour over pears. and serve
decorate w ith slices of goats cheese. Dress w ith
with cυstard.
olive oil and lemon juice. and season to taste.
Recipe 3 Pear-and almond tart This is an adaptatlon of NIgella lawson's Bakewell Tart wlth fr esh raspberries - It is the best sweet pastry 1 have ever m ade. For the base: - 175g plain flour - 30gg r口 u ndalmonds
- 65g icing sugar - 130g butter -1 egg yolk • Mix together 怡、e dry ingredients belore making a line crumb mix with the butter • Add the egg yolk to bind until it makes a ball 01 pastry. W rap w ith cling l ilm and relrigerate lor 20 minutes • RolI out and line a 100SE铲 base Ilan tin. Pop it back into the Iridge while you make the lilling For the filling: - 3 tablespoons raspberry or damson jam - 3 eggs - 125g ground almonds - 125g melted buner - 125g caster sugar - 15g flaked almonds - 2-3 pears. peeled and quartered • Beat together the sugar and eggs. Stir in the melted butter and the ground almonds. • Spread the base of the Ilan with jam and pour in filling. Arrange the qua叫ered pears and decorate w ith a tiny central pear if you have one. • Sprinkle with chopped almonds and p lace in a prehea ted oven. 200吧. for 3Q-40 minutes.υ叫il golden. Serve warm or chilled.
KSlyhmg Ehzabelhan manor m 3,5∞ acres of velvely grasslands ,
Apan from the lomatoe5 and herbs gro飞m in the ot her glasshouse , m051 fnllt and vegetables are grown organically oUld∞rs 111 raised beds crafted from railway sleepers. i\ rtificial fertilisers are OUI , so plams are nunured \V;rh a combination of well-roued horse muck, leaf mould and com阿led k1l巾n waste. Pests are kept at bay \V;lh the help of colollrflll comp缸uon Ilowers ilke mangolds The r,础。ration of Combe‘'s Io.lchen garden to its fomler splendour is 由e brruncluld of 出E
hoters owner and self-confes货d foodle Ken llum , and ILS head gardener Charhe O-Rellly , who has worked he陀 for nearly 30 y四吉 'The plan [0 res[o陀由e gardens unde阻。陀d all our vallles: says Ken. 'More and more pcople wa l1t [0 ea[ food [ha[‘ s fresh , hlgh qua 1lly and SUSlainably grown. We have bεen lucky 111 h av ll1 g lh e mate rials a nd peopl ε here lO make lhal possible.' Ea ch morning , Charlie meets chef Hadleigh lO d iSC LlSS wh矶、5 neetled in the kilChεn. Then gardencrs gCl pickin~ and ιhefs Stall C陀allllg The l'ιSUllS are i mpre拟ve: beelrOOI rnighl be lurneù into a starter o f beeLrOOl mousse wiLh a goats chcesc ftitter, whi le pumpkins cou ld end Ll p in a delicio us soup or purêed as accompamment to roast ve l1Ison. Chefs and gardeners have an an nual sit down al the slart of the yea r , when they as优ss what has worked well or less well the p陀\~OllS year , and decide what to plant. last y.:ar, for eXll mple, the g声rlic 飞vasa hugeωα邸, so th1S year Hadle1gh is keen to make sure much mo陀 IS plamed. Hadlcigh believes that 40-70% of the Imchen's fruu and \'egetables areωurced from lhc garden. dependmg on the season. The propomon IS growmg all the time ‘ l t's brilliant:
OPPOSITE PAGE, τOP AI fresωdlning 1.. luxurious affaír at Combe House in Devon. BELOW Chefs Hadlelgh Barrett and Stuart Brown. THIS PAGE , CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT One of the elegant bedrooms at the hotel; horses roaft、 free In the extensÎve grounds; home.grown parsnip crisps atop scallops; head gardener Charlie O'Relllv; th8 kitchen garden has been lovinglv d8.ign8d bV owner Ken Hunt and Charl恼;the tw。附maining original glasshouS8. .re in constant use todav , with on8 housìng a magnificer吐 grapevìne and the oth阳 a variety of tomatoes and herbs; a gardoner mowing Co mbe'. apple orchard
he says. 'lf we run Ollt of somethmg, we JlISl rup Ollt and p lC k 11. We、t 快en Olll the陀 、n出 torches befo陀
unusual fnms and vegetables. lasl year , lhe garden 皿ff harvested 11$ 61'Sl crop of Chmt笃e quince , w h1ch are roasted and se凹ed wllh mea凶 orb011ed m
‘If we nm out of some仕ùng, we just rup out and pick it W(.\'ve l>een out thcre 明白 torches before' Planting is planned so that prod l1 ce is available for as mllch of the y'ωras 阴阳ble. ln summer, the gardens are an exuberant riOl of 50ft fruits , salad leaves, garhc , onions, globe artlchokes and cOllrgeues, 、、!hile in alltumn squashes , pumpkl时, qlllncc and raspberries come mto thelr 0、...." Wmtcr bnngs swedes , chard , pu甲le-sprouung broccoli , Jcrusalem 剖tichokes and cabbagc , crowned m FebntalY 飞vith JOYous cnm50n rhubarb , forced under gLant terraCOlla 阳1$ BOlh gardcncrs and chefs are el1Jo严鸣叫,'lng OUl new vaneoes and more
The highlight of the whole plot, though , has to be the garden's gargant l1 an 200-year-old mulbeny tree, whωe fnlilS a陀 tumed into eyecatching 5Orbe lS, jUices and jams 'You Simply can't buy mulberries: exclaims a dehghted Hadleigh. 'This is unique: l' m takmg a Jar of the jam home as a precious memory of a truly spα皿I edible garden. C()m"'~ Hυ1I,~, 已飞:14
Glllls l! alll. :-':..a ,
3AD Td. +44 (0)1401
Hυflilllll, f)♂\',m
540400 仇"111υu
101υ, malrυfI,且01υ 川、响'ω",k/f<Ju,<,,1川。V'l ,((1111
these distinctive tho俨ny m u1ti-season p份份rmers
Reliable αnd undemαnding, sh'tubs αγeαlso t'tUe
PREVlOUS PAGE Berberis 'G 四rgei' offe陌 Sωnted
f1 owers. THIS PAGE,
ABOVE FROM LEFT Berberis kawakamii has vicious thon、s; Berberis zabeliania is not so thornv; the purple fruit of Berberis beaniana. OPPOS町E PAGE, CLOCKWlSE FROM TOP LEFT B. thunbergii; B. gyalaica; B. thunbergii 'Golden Ring'
w pl u ih bi bb n Reliab le a nd undemand ing. these disun ctive th orny sh ru bs are also true multi-season perfon叽ers, as anyone lucky enou gh to have been dazzled by the rare Berberis ‘Georgei、 can vouch . lts arching b ranches hang wiLh pendan tS of pale yellow scentεd flowers in spring , only for the优 tO be utterly outshone by long , abundant clusters of brighl crimson berries later、 in autumn . Li ke other d eciduous ty pes, il also has warm autumn h ues LO ilS leaves , b ut B ‘ Georgei' iS not unique. Berbe ris iS an (}u tslanding g ro u p of evergree n and deιiduo us shntbs, wh ich all comrib ute handsomely tO the autumn and wimer garden sιene They are a huge genus , with more than 450 species in the wild . and almoSl as many h ybrids and cultiva rs. They h ail frOI11 every conti nent except two , and are natural pioneer species , often the fi rst to colon ise an area. Remarkably unfussy abou t where they grow , they will thrive in most soils and are some o f the most obliging , versatile plants in the garden. They are both evergreen and deciduous, 飞飞咱th the colour o f the berries they p roduce gene rally dependent on which one they are -巳vergreen species \Vill usua lly have b lue-blac k fru it , wh ile decid uous berries are l11 ainly red. And all the berries. wha tever the colour. are imp onant food sources [or birds such as wimer thmshes. redwing and fieldfare , making them valuable wildlife plams. Denser species also pro飞咱de useful nesting and roosting places
for small bi rd s such as rob ins and finc hes , and evergreen types offer excellem win ter pro tection Th e shrub 's leaves are also the larval food of many butterfly and moth caterpillars Th e mos t w ell- kn own berb eris h a s tO be th e compact Berberis chunbel纱, favou rite of local authoritíes eve rywhere and loved fo r its brill iant autumn ιOIOU l and bright sιarlel berries. It h as ma ny ch a rming c u lt iva rs. fro m lh e pu r ple Berberis ch un bergii f acropurpU l'ea tO lh e s u btle B. chunbe rgii ‘ Golde n Ring'、 whose pu rple-r仅I leaves appear LO h ave been painstakingly edged 、,vilh gold pe n. BUl if these a re lhe only be rberiS you know , you may be su rpriSed by what the olhers have u p their sleeves. There is a berbe ris for almost every sp ot in the gard e n. At o ne e nd of lhe sιale is lhe tall. rath e r u ngainly B. chitlia (tricky to get ho ld o f but growi ng happi ly at the $ir Harold Hillier Ga rdens in Hampshi re), which at 5m high and 7m wid e is good for on ly the largest ga rdens. but magni 白cen 【 when clothed in its candy-pin k berries and seed capsules. Do飞回1 the othel end is the e lfi n B. x stenophy lla 'Cora llina Compacta'. No more than 50cm high , it is perfect in a con tainer 0 1' as a low , in forrnal hedge. Most berberis , however. are medi um-sized , often 叽gorous shmbs , and the perfect plams for a dilTicu lt Sp Ol. Be aware of their
øre tough, happily p川ting upwith
s,tuat咱ns and
con<Mlons that wωIcI rr咀keother
plants wlther and d ,e They wi tolerate almost any $Oil, exωpt water
logged , includ的9 heavy clay ol
Ire tHl'ainlng CI、alk, and a'en't lussy about pos t咱n, happy 响 sun 0' 剑、ade Decidωυs spec晦SWl do
better in sun , however, lor the best autumn leal tlnts and beories Theyωn handle pollutlon and exposed , wlndy, coastal sites, and are olten used lor roundabouts or central reservatlons. • Once estøbllshed, they cøn prenv much take care 01 themselves and need very little pruning, which IS lust as well with those thorns. 11 you are glowing them as a hedge and wan t to keep it in shape , wear the thickest gloves you have and glve it a light tllm immed咱telyafter
lIowenng but you should know that you w ill lorfei t the berries that year when you do it • They 副Jffer from
few problems, the most
signlfi臼nt being berberis 臼wfly, a recent arr
from Europe First spotted in this ∞untry ln Just 2∞2,
it IS already widespread in England and likely
to be seen in S∞tland and Wales s∞n too. The
cate pdlar-like larvae, white with lìttle black spots and disunctr呻 yellow blotches , areπlOst often 1ωnd
on 8 erlJefls thunberglj and ItsωItivars,
Ihe leaves from May to oct伪er. l∞k
out for the thin , black adult ffles as well, whicl、 can be seen flying ar阳nd ~到ants ln 叩,同 and summer. To avoid t∞ much damage, be vigi'an t.
inspecting plants from spnng onwa ds , and pick 011 any larvae by hand larger infestations 臼n be sprayed 0何 wi th an appropriate insecticide, but don't do this when your plants are flowering,
STOCKISTS • Burncoose Nurseries, Gwenn仰, Redruth. Cornwall TR16 6BJ. Tel: +44 (0)1209860316. www.burncoose .co.uk • Holdenα。ugh Nu陌ery, Holden. Bollonby-Bowland, Clilheroe, Lancashire BB7 4PE. Tel: +44 (0)1200447615. www.holdencloughnursery.co. uk • Th e Place For Plants, Easl Bergholt Place, Suffolk C07 6UP Tel: +44 (0) 1206 299224 、川NW.placeforplanIS.CO. uk
one ofthe γeαδonswhy berb例如加ve such αbundαnt berries is dowηωα quir'ky ttick 的ey pe1作竹n ω enSUt'epoU伽αtion
ABOVE Betberis chitria is very djfficult to buy - ideal for larger gardens as it will grow to 5m x 7m. ABOVE RIGHT Betberis soulieana has berries that are al 仰、。st grape IIke - don't eat them though. B。怡, are easy t。 grow and cope well with exposed sites
wh o h as p ru ned one and e nco un Lered Lhei r viciouS spikes will know. One look aLLhe terrifying Lhorns o n a species $uch as B. zabclillllll is enough to consign the secaleurs LO a d rawer for good Evergree n varietieS bring ιolour and form LO th e 、叽11ler ga rden at a time when iL needs iL the moSt , with Berberis dω willii one of the most va lued. Its dense , Uptight habit and d ark autumn benies, set against its b right prick ly leaves, make it a n asset to the spin e o f a mixed borde r , but it also makes a n e ffective , impenetrable hedge. B. kawakamii has a similar habit , with larger , ho ll y-like leaves, p retty pink fruit and b rutal thorns that would s urely deter any would-be intrude r. The leaves o f the d eciduous berbet 巧 , 111 contrast, play a strong role in au tumn , mming deep , g low ing s had es befo re th ey fal l , the co lou rs o ften beautifully highlighting their berries B. thunbergií cultivars all colour vivid ly , as does B. dictyoph)'仙, its red benies shining among yellow and red leaves. Some berberis however , are grown simply for their fan
B. g)'alaica's chief glor y are iLS almOSL metal1 ic b lue fruiL , dangling in long , 100优 bu nches 、,vhile the spa rse B. soulieall矶、呐 th narrow leaves and clusters ()f g rapelike be盯ies, makes a dramaLiιfealure plan t. One 0 1' Lhe reasons why berberiS have such abunda11l berries is down LO a quirky uick lhey performωen$ure po llination . They have 叽 what is de l ightfu川川 |川I y kno、W 飞.vn as 、 'itrl币itabl怆 es 玩ta 剧mens
a berberis 00、W 飞.ver looking for necta r, and it n、 udges the ba 槌 se of a 5ωωm陇 en , this immediately responds , spri nging towa rds the pistil at th e cent re of th e Oower a nd depositi ng pollen onto the bee , which then ω rries the pol le n to an othe r t1 owe r's st igma , g ua ran teei ng pollination. A profusion o f ben ies follow. lt is at
www.hayloft-plants.co.uk/ EG 1111
g Cl yole V\,u" .s
Eve叩body loves Alstroemeria as they give copious exotic looking blossoms from June to November that last for up to 14 days in a vase! These varieties have bee n specially selected as they are difficult to find and if you do manage to find then they are often quite expensive. Great for cutting and happy in borders and containers. Dead head by pulling the flower's stems gently from the bottom of the plant , the resulting 'wound' then initiates new flowers. Prefers well drained soil in a partly shaded sheltered site. Height and spread 60 .90cm (24. 36").
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To claim yOUI虱 simply send in the fonn below and ' pay 5.4.90 postage. We aISO ha\'e three 0出er amazing \\inter int,凹-est plants on ofJer Ulis 臼sue, 、时ùch 呐lh lheir scenl、 ßow白宫 and ωlourful ste.ms w iJJ make your gardenjust as stunning in 呐nter as in the wanner 挺泊sons
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honey scent emerge agam51 dark green 1ea\'es. T hese 、飞'hl1e, pmknnged 5pldery flowers a陀 follo叽 ed by glossy black berne5 Once 11'5 estabhshed , thl们可刷ule e、'e尽reen needs 四Iγ Itttle mamlenanιe.
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stgna1响 THE FNGlI SH GARDEN 85
飞iVinkworth Hascombe Road , Godalming, Surrey Gυ8
4AD. Tel: +44
(0)1483 208477. www. nationaltrust.org.uk BEST FOR: OOg walkers and stunnlng vlews For a change of scenery on your next outing w ith your pooch. take a trip to the hillside location of 叭linkworth Arboretum in Surrey. This hot.spot was established in the 20th century by Or Will rid Fox, who was passionately interested in the environment and plants, and is now packed w ith 1, 000 diHerent shrubs and trees , many 01 w hich are (are. The azalea walk, w hich leads to the idylliC boathouse overlooking the beautilul lake, is a mass 01 colour at the end 01 April. In autumn , the lusion 01 colours Irom the Japanese , American and Norwegian maples v口u
well worth a look , and il
have plenty 01 time to spare ,
take the circular walk across the wetlands . but don't v口ur
1口rget t口 bring
waterproots , Children's trails
are also available
切ze 创ea of α rbmηtα/
goes back αsfar αs the EmlPtiαnPhanαohs, 'who collected ex:otic trees on their tr'lαvels, and cαγ'edfo'd加m. Across the UK, 'we have α fαbulous selection o} αrbo1'e的, such α.s Wes归nbirt, αnd α visit u ‘ ill o.ffer JjOU the oppmtunitJj ω enjoy some o.t 0111' most α?也oretums
beαut扩'ul ηα tive trees, αlong Open 1 Jan.31
M 町,
dally, 10am-4pm;
1 Aprll.31 October , dally, 10am -5pm; 1 Nov.24 Dec, daily, 10am -4pm; and 26 Dec.31 Dec, daily, 10am-4pm.
withnωre unusuα1 species 悦。t usuαlly
found in this count1y'
Sue Holden, chief executive 。f The Woodlands Trust
Thorp Perrow Be dale,
Yorkshire Dl8 2PR. Tel: +44
(0)1677 425323.
BEST FOR: Family walks, trails and birds Thorp Perrow is a real lami ly aftair, and is set in the stunning Yorkshire Oales , not lar Irom the historic town 01 Bedale. The estate was bought by William Ropner in 1927 and created by his son Colonel Sir Leonard plan ned and plan ted it ,
Le口nard' s
son Sir
John Ropner took over , and now owns and manages the estate , You may be surprised
hear that none of the staft w口rking at Thorp Perrow throughout this time had any previous arboricul tural experience , but their passion and hard work is reflected in the beauty 01 the site. The arboretum has plenty ot walks , trails and glades 10 explore , and is laid oul in sections A to Z. The Milbank Pinelum and Spring Wood will keep you on your toes until tea time. Thorp Perrow is currently home 10 f ive Nationa l Plant Collections including walnuts , ash, laburnum and conlinus , all ot which are held under the
of Plant
Heritage. And il this wasn't enough , t here is a bird 01 prey and mammal centre w here you can meet the creatures and watch regular flying displays Irom eagles , falcons , ha、Nks.
vultures and
0、Nls fro町、 live
continents , as well as visit the Meerkat Island and Wallaby Wood Open mid.February.Mid November, daily , 10am.5pm; Mid November.Mid February , daily, 11am.3pm.
much lik.e humαn enjoy each other's
beings ωul
compαny. Only α feu.llove 归 be αlone.'
Jens Jensen - S毛fUngs
National Memorial Aboretum Croxall Road, Alrewas, Staffordshire OE13 7A R. Tel : +44 (0)1283 792333. 响lWW.thenma.org.uk
BEST FOR: Remembrance Visiting The Na tiona l Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire is so much more tha n just a walk in the woods •
y 口u' lI
come away w ith
a sense of realisa tion and full of pride. The
is a charity run by
and volunteers , pa rt of the British Legion family , who have all worked hard to presen t a centre 01 remembrance
t口 celebrate
who have given their lives or sullered in the seNice of their country. Plan ting began in 1997 with the help 01 grants Irom The National Lottery. The Forestry Commission and The National Forest . The rest 01 the money came I rom thousands 01 donations
The Arboretum Trust
anniversary. The
I rom a w ide variety 01 organisations. Today,
Ca stle Howard, York Y060 70A. Tel: +44
current plant
the arboretum consists 01 150 acres 01
(0)1653 648650. www.kewatch.co.uk
collection in the Ray
wooded parkland and plots w ith well over
BEST FOR: Furniture making and events
Wood boasts rhododendrons, rare
50.000 trees with a story and meaning behind
shrubs and trees. as well as members 01
each one. For example , the
the ericaceae lamily including vaccinium and
Royal Indian Navy plots have trees native to
Army and
The Castle Howard Arboretum Trust makes
gaultheria. The arboretum covers 127 acres
the Himalayas and Southern
a great day out with the arboretum and
01 grassland doned with orchids, herbaceous
Himalayan birch , Kashmir rowan and Bhutan
the woodland garden in Ray Wood to visit
perennials and exotic trees Irom around the
pine. There's also an
Planting originally began in 1975 with an idea
temperate world. You' lI also lind a selection
called The Beat. l unded by every pOlice l orce in
Irom lord Howard and designer James
01 trees that have been specially grown and
the UK; w hile Dawn Redwoods can be l ound
Russell to bring together a collection 01
haNested solely lor making lurniture. A new
on the Ambulance Service plot. As many as 300, 000 people visit each year. including
such as
01 chestnut trees
hardy woody plants in Europe. In 1997, the
20ne called Rotters Zone has recently been
arboretum and woodland garden lormed
created by the Yorkshire Roners and local
service personnel, veterans , students, groups
a charitable trust between Ca stle Howard
volunteers lor ∞mposting and events,
and individuals. They not only walk the trails
and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew to
w hich are held all year.
but also anend some of the 200 events held
protect the
here each yea r. Dona tions are welcome.
01 these collections
belore officially being opened in 1999 to
Open every day from the start of March
to the end of Novemb酬, 10am.5.30pm.
as part of Castle Howard's 300th
Open every day, 9am-5pm , except Christn、 as
trunk or a low-hanging
Th e National Arboretum , Near
branch. A blue label
Gloucestershire GL8 8QS. Tel : +44 (0)1666
indicates 'champion trees' ,
880220. www .forestry.gov.uk
the tallest or the largest 01 their kind in Britain. Excitingly ,
BEST FOR: Volunteers and memberships
there are 82 chan、pions, all 01 M片lich
An autumn scene at W estonb rt is truly
are worthy w inners. Westonbirt thrives on volunteers and aims to expand oppo同unities
breathtaking with its natural display 01 firework
by developing the Westonbirt Project - a series
colours lor visitors to admire. Managed by
01 phases t o create an exciting new welcome
the Forestly CommiSSion , the arboretum is
building and t ree walkway , as we lJ as improve
an historic Vi ctorian landscape w 'lh more than
backstage lacilities and revive the historic
16,0∞ trees (3,0∞ different spec,mens) and
landscape sitυated in the centre 01 the
sh阳bs Irom Britain, Chi闸, No同h Amer阳
arbofetum, which is currently used as a 阳
Japan, Chi地 and other tem阴阳te climales, all
park. Y,ωωnbe∞me a 'friend' by joining thelf
loving!y μanted and cared lor. Slrolling along the
exclusive rr、ember约ip scheme, from whích
17 miles 01 marked paths, you wil encounter
mem悦目阳::eive fantastic benelits and offers
tv咽 ma,n areas
througho川 the~回r.
to explore The Old Artx问tum
andSillcWoω, 80th areas are rr咀ple hot-spots,
but you"
be lucky eno吨h
to 臼e
Open every day. 1 April-30 Nov, weekdays,
beech trees and the cherry collect,伽 in Silk
9am-8pm; weekends 8am-8pm . 1 Oec-31 Mar,
w。ωEach tree has a label hanging Irom the
weekdays, 9am-5pm; weekends, 8am-5pm.
Beautiful gardens ...crafted by professionals Let us help you to improve your view this Autumn!
Consultation - Planning - Design 。川、Igchl! Cigh【 aJv Îc,t' 00 [h~ choi臼 of p1am. (0' 阳't'c:'nîng. (01' obrainîng plann i吨 P.CI'ITl1耐0001 时vÎ wlising gðrden I!x~rts. Wt' Ill îghc Illakt'
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Tree time It' s planting seaso门, so Anne Gatti looks at how our leafy garden friends help the environment and which ones attract the most w ildlife
M aI…nt 叫叫ng
zso d s左王军 EEEg a
number 0 1' insect speci巳s l1sing our trees (see hoverOies , and caterpillars of the handsome to have trees in the garden , and feel 吼叫叭.v.countrysideinfo.co. l1k) are five natives: go ld-and-brown Barred 5allow moth. Field that Oll r plots are only half dl岱sed maples , which are native to England but not oak. willow , birch (silver and downy) , 飞.vithout them. Apart fl飞)m the visual pleasu res hawthorn a nd blackthorn. Oaks hos t an 5cotland or I rela时, can reach 15m , but there impressive 28斗 species (423 if you include is also a dwarf variety ('Nanl1 m') , which , like theygi吨, we know 出at trees are seql1estenng carbon as they grow, and so are invaluab le in mites) , bm if you live in London you might its big b ro th e r , copes with d rough t , soi l prefe r
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PREVIOυS PAGEJane llndsey's 1970$ Alrstream 国 ravan: 目 28ft long , itprovld回 S p8帽 for
her embroldery st\I dio and 8 shop. BElOW, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Alde川ticlcsωtfrom 缸ees further 810ng the va"ey provlde a ru剖k support for sweet p8aS - 8 flow8r with a Io ng growlng 58a四n In many pa吨sof Sçotland. Wlde square netting Is used to SUpp。同 the plants 8S they grow; J8ne and her d8ughter Katie Glenωt 价 ali ct阳m fron、 the garden; 8 SussexcrOS5 çockerel rules the ro05t; whlte EchlnIJC81J 'White Swan' and purple EchinactJIJ purpura/J.
M YPPldm fg
且 p lh Jobs lO grow flowers bUl Cew aClually go on LO make II happen. One who has is Jane Undsεy, who moved Crom scαland¥ large5l CJly lO a smallholdmg m a brealhlakmgly beau LiCul SPOl, on lhe edge oC lhe l.och lomond and The Trossachs National Park. lO Slan Ihe Snapdragon Cutling Ga rden. '1 dr四med of moving lO lhe country, growing cut flowers and se\~ing lhings. and 111 2003 we did just that: laughs Jane , a former curator of British Art at the University of Glasgow. Previously the mother-of-two had tried out her ideas on a piece of land belonging to a friend , selli ng her flowers out the side of he r green Citroen H van at Carmers' markets. It was also 矶山is time that she came up \vith the name for her enterp rise. '1 had a tenible slug problem , and the only thing they d idn't eat were the snapd ragons , which also make great ClI t flowers.' Today. the Snapdragon garden is a patchwork oC muln-coloured blooms - very different tO the dockndden paddock 由at once occllpied 出.e three-qllartersof-an acre site. lts creation has not been withollt j <S challenges, thollgh , most notably from heavy soil prone to welness from the Iugh levels oC rainCal l. Over nme , Jane has lightened lt \vith rock dllst and horse manu陀
In addllion , she g l'O ws her flowers 111 long, narrow ralsed beds, w iL h gl'assy palhways 10 enable blooms 10 be harvesled and recurnng weeds 5uch as docks lO be pulled OUl wllhoUl lhe ground around lhεm beιonllngιompaιled.
Anolher ιhallenge comes Crom Scotland's cooler wcalher and long hours of darkness between autumn and spnng Expenence has taught Jane the annuals and pc陀nmals that cope best \\ith the shoner gro\ving season , and every year she and gardene r Fiona Mclndewer expenment with new species. They take carc , however , to avoid any seeds that are b red in Medllcrranean cou ntries, as they 飞盯 川 often fail to pcrfom飞飞vell 50 far north ‘ Ga rdcmng in Scotland IS d lfferent to England: we can grow 10lS 01 hardy unnuals rea lly well - sweet peas arc 5lill in bloom as late as Se ptember - but half-hardy ann Ll als struggle , un less i t's an exceptional summer, becaU5e lhey do n't get enough time [0 1' blooming Wc also grow perennials and get two crops [rom them lf we CUl lhcm back at the right time. They love our rich 5011 and grow as tall as eight [eet, which means lhal we gel 100S of flo飞vers: Among J3ne's 10p performers are echinacea , lhahclrum , delphmmm, stocks , sun[Jowers , achillea ,
'Ihad α te门‘ibLe slug problem , and lhe onl,lJ lhing tlzey didn't e,αt u 'ere the snapdr,αgons, whicll also make gl -eat cutjlOlærs'
sweel peas, ιalendula , Salvia ncmo osa and Lhe yellow llusLle C('nωUl ca ma Cl(l(cphala. 'Anylhmg lhal lS a waler meadow planl really lhnves he陀. My favoumes indude thahCLrum , bronze fennel and Sllpa gigallua.' Jane¥ ongmalsloιb of planLS we陀 pe阳uuals she had gradually bUlll lI P al home over 使veral y国内, Loge由εr \Vilh some she obta ll1 ed from a nU l'Se ly that \"'3S closing down . Ad\~ce was lhankfully also forthcoming at the beginning - nower supremo 53rah Ra\'en 飞回s generous with her time dunng Snapdragon's early days. Crealing a garden may have been Jane's dream , bllt little did she rea 1ise lhat il would also play :1 signi自cam rol e in the success of anOlher ncw business , making embroidered tcxrilc accessones and homewares. Flowers and the family's bcloved 1970s VW c3mpervan pro叽de much of thc insplratio n fo r l he desìgns , which Jane creates o n he r sC \VlI1 g m3c hi ne inside a 28[t- long AirsLream caravan, WhlCh also hO Llses a small shop. Snapc1 ragon's produClS have been so sucoωsful that 由E company now pro响dcs cmplo严nent for no [ewer than tìve people , along \VJt h Fiona 111 the garden, and sells iLS range through mall order and 300 shops across 由eUK The sewing began as someLhmg to fill in the momhs when thcre was nOlhmg growmg in the garden , bm II soon [O ok ovcr. Nowadays , an lmportant role of the
garden is mspinng the embro dery - 1 u比 my machll1 e hke a skelch pad , oflen 111ω巾。raling new plams lhal 1 havε5时n. WilhoUl 由e garden , lhmgs \Vould be lOO rormulaic and conlnved. 1 hke 10 reneιllhe ιhangll1g 优asons in my work.' On lOp or her SCMng and cUlung garden bllsmes挺s, Jane's ωents as a nower aπangcr are eagerly soughl by wedding couples, ahhough such bookmgs are Slnctly limiled 10 allow stocks of hcr nowers 10 recover , and to ensure mOSl weekends can be spem \Vl lh daughlers Zoe, 14. and Katie , 11 , and her husband Euan. Even though she is hundrcds of miles a飞vay from many of her customcrs, ]ane uses hcr mlemet blog to share developmems in the Snapdragon ga rden. 'It's beam iful here and I' m increchbly lucky. 1 go OLl Learly in the momi ngs to take photos. J'rn aSlou nded by t he number of people who follow thc blog: glven lhe times that people )og on , I' m su陀 many look at 1l whIle lhey're having l ll du JiIl,~ Augusl alld Scrlcrnl,~, <1 11 ,\1υIIduy、,UI> Iυ 3.301'111 J'd 叫 4 (OJ13110tψ0903. fυ, ,川3η】υVl c.' I川 11(0'忖,1>><1 α11ωυ 11 , 且υ tωυ ww ‘\' 坠川川州 阳 11 1<1‘"叩 t
Creating αgα rd.en mαy have been JIαne泣的 'eam, but l ittle did she )'ealise tlzat
it 'I.vould α lso pl叼 α I'Ole in tJze succωso! αnolher new business
BElOW. ClOCKWISE FROM lEFT A water barrel provides a resting pla回 旬ra ∞lou,旬I bunch of sunflowers. croeosmia. Ùl al比怕um and salvia seedheads;ωnflowers
wlth several heads and lateral sho。臼 a 陪 the best varieties 旬 r cut flowers, as they ensure a succession of blooms throughout the season; Jane picks out echlnacea from the garden; seeds and cuttings 8re raised in the polytunnel, partially hidden by beds 。f sweet peas, Crocosm;a 'lucifer', sunflowers. yellow Centaurea macroω'phalaand m阔baywillowhe巾.
HAMILTON .Aωbrother} Glonousω∞ms o( brigt飞t a ( , I!'U 唱I1鸣 yel咀四 col 酬.r on the n?Ver-四 of the PCt.I弘 A stroog. oeIi< i∞sly fru'lY 面苟rance 时th I"Ints of pear. gr部e
ta呻~nf"ll'-O .~ ,Jo4Io恤'111
曲dωt'U'i. ÂJ、 up唱、t. bu如y 岳阳b Wlt l1 attracti、e )'Ol.吨阳unzy ':>10<11、e He Þf 叫什帆船响~g.4x3ft.
rosenes w协OId 010 ro坦 青"6ranc巳缸'町、 ~tror咆町、d perl仅tlyba险x:ed Vefγh甜thy a'ld g咀ablc. A perfea choic.e for 廿1e rrOddIe or back of 协e 以:lf"der; cm 咱~ """ .\ .m ber: 4 次 311民 or 6-8吨 asa d盯也er:
2. GERTRUOE JEKYLL 俨咀 c":.,,ct...
MUNST队,0 T' ~C
IA叫阳回) Be.l山M 民h pink
Imt. rhese
ha晤时1e qloin使毛senùal
WOOO (A. tsbem叫)
UgtltαTYlS∞队Jds gra阳Ily
cn !TlSon biooms. n可穹陌 a stf'Ol1& old rose fragrance ,..., th fruity notes of bIaαben-;; 慎且悦叮Y and d.Jm回凡It (OfrT-S ,) broild,以后hy shrub Wl th a忧rac妇'Je rTIId-gr芭eo1 <>p- ")
e剧e 剧、,
咛 opll' 比岱ep 吨Ivety
OARC盯 BUS 岱 SELL (队 Au 山5叫 de 仅宦臼 orum 叫) R 阿1, d, 耐 crí 忖ímson、 ros俨叫吨 t忱te 创 s wi协 t甘h 仙 a dellk,h'Jlo" 'IY 'ra作的ce.An 制ceptional variety w~ich ßowers freely
Ah「 Wamdint…悦eding, D町叫到in's English Roses combine the delicate charm and wonderful fragrance of the old roses wrth the wlder colour range and repeat-flowering natu陀。f modern roses.
Th ese
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strength and variety of thelr fragrances which include old rose, musk.
fr uity
and tea rose.
and outstandlng hea胁 rnakes them hlghly
versatile in the gar世en - ideal for mlxed borders and cottage gardens, as wel as for mo陀钉飞回1'0α1al rose
and repea lS w吧~llAdml帽d for 比s short,国shy~h.As叩e巾 d曰lCe for plan tAng 响 mlxed bor划ers or formal r。古e beds and for growing In a large pol or conta,n町; 3 x 矶,
S. CHARLOTTE (All~poly) 0哺 of 1卡巳 mosl belul ful yellow Enghsh R~I"S, ~ar' eX'1ui~ile cup.sl .a pP.d flowers wfl l1 a ~trong and deliciωs t臼町、e fn!,rëll'l( e. An altrilcl明 shrub w ,th upward-(acÎr咯胁。omsand cαnOU:>, fr回ht回 fragr加ce .....h.ch deve1。阴 阳nts of 险monar回刨acLc町币r:l. It ;.; 111:芽γhealthy.问ant 的 groups of I~r呻 f~ ml)q rr'1 :rn I叫陆cl
SPECIAL OFFER David Auslin is delighted to 。仔er 陀aders of
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‘ -‘‘ F-‘ II. ‘ ‘I 矗
isley is a garden Lha l o fTers in阳臼四IIωOl由 hεd 曲 i站sι 臼 盯r盯 ε ml】Jn
h gar时 dene 盯ra汕 lly'巳町阻 汪.A E 必I由阳 ou~ 阱 I am in 时 ISp 阴1r陀 εd b 问y lhe
• 内 p lan 附凶山o ∞ ug 阱 .hou 皿la 必 III由 hε one of my fa、'ourlle limes of lhe year IS Wtnler I am oflen shocked and surpnsed when people lell me Ihal they Ihlllk gardens are nOI worth 训siting al Ihis wonderflll tJ me , as Ihere \\-;11 be nOlhing of Imeresl 10 see. How wrong Ihey are! Whlle wJn ler mighl nOI have the volume of floral dLSplays 民en in spli ng and 孔.1mm,er) 飞叶13t It lacks in f1 0wer nllmbers it makes up for in cI mn13 , quahty and scent. The low bllt intense Sllnlight of the winler 1110mhs enhances the mcredible stem and bark colollrs of many trees and shrul施, and lhe sight of Ihese often SIOpS me in my tracks as I walk around the comer by the lakes on Seven Acres , amazed by the paletle of colours be[ore me. In other parts o f lhe garden , 1 jUSl close my eyes and l1l hale the sweel scent o[ the sarcococca (wmter box) , the Sp1C}' fragrance o[ lhe chimonanlhus or , my own personal favourtlc , Ihe CllnlS smell of lhe Mmamehs 。叽Ich haze l), a scent lMl always 陀mindsme of my mOlher makmg I113rmalade. 50 飞回'lIpUp warm and Jom me on a slroll around my belo、古d WLSley on a cnsp day lowards the end of Wlmer , when the lem院rarure IS jUS1:筑amng 10 nse (lf It'S 1∞ frosty and cold , there \VIll be no scenl from
优 s eωaωson 陌 s,
II1 L ereS l.
Al lhls ume of lhe year , lhe colour IInpaCl IS doubled by lhe mlrror effecl of lhe reOωion on lhe waler One of my per~onal favoumes IS COI nus san,s:uinca 'Mldwtnler Fm~', Thls slunnmg culuv哑 has bnghl orange and yeUowωlou回d stems tipped \Vllh rcd DlIe lO lheir dramatic colollring, large clumps of lh阳 produce lhe effecl of names nsmg from lhe ground. Aclo民Iy relaled culrivnr , lhough nOI 50 readily avai1ab怡, is Comuç ~angujI1f{1 'Anny's W inler Orange' , which has even mo陀II1 len民Iy vivid red srems, Wh cn p lanled c10se IOgerher, borh give Ihe impression o f a W1nrer fj re bllrning brigh r1y agamsllhc ollthne of lhe lake. There a陀 al50 Olhcr grOllps of cornllS、 salix and rub LlS planted arollnd lhe lake for 飞回nter srem interesl. Thcy a陀 all planted in 1arge dIil'ts lO provide 11饥prcssivc displays of colour in a patchwork q Lll1t effecl. lf lhese wcre to be planted smgly , the cffeCl \Vould be messy and mudd led Wilh 110 now. In small gardens. 1 would always recommend planung m group岳 。f three as a mmllnum Al Wlsley. we use 臼mω SC/lcca 'Budd's Yellow' lO bnng a bght greeny yellow mlO lhe colour scheme. and CoIll US aJba 'Al leman's Com阳ι1', wlule bell1g a compacl grower , bnngs a bnght umform cardmal red mto the dlsp1ay, The use of members of the ornamental rubus famlly bnngs another contrast of colour, shape and textllre tO lhe landscap巳 Rubus ccxkbur nllmus LS one of lhe most spectaclIlar ,
TOP FIVE WINTER PLANTS • Hamamelis x intern平edia 'Palhda' . c.σnω sangujnea 'Midwinter Fire' • Sarcococca h∞keriana var digyt旧 . A臼( 'White Tigress' • HeUeoo旷'Us Walberton's Roserr咀ry
arching ste盯15 lhal are cove阳l in a wh ite bloom , a nd b rings a ghostly lumino日ty to the garden. One of the foπnsro be found arOllnd the lake, and anorher personal 也vOllrire , is Rubus ccxkbu l1lÏ(lnuS 'Goldcnvalc' , which has lhe ad ded bonlls 0 1' lovely golden ferny fo 1i age in summe r. 1t is also mllc h i臼5 mv剧ve than the true species so IS bellcr sllired to small gardens. In texlllral CO l1 trasl lO 'Goldenvale二 yotlw训 lìnd Rubll~ phocnicolωIUS,
whic h is q ll i <e d iffe re n t in appcarancc. Alrhough it still has rhe red archmg SlemS , they are covered in small thorns , givmg a b Iisùy , almosr haiη1. 1∞k. Wlth shnlbs that are gro飞vn for wmlcr slcm mterest , don't be temp忧d to prune lhcm 1∞ early. Some books and magazmes recommend prurung 由em m February befo陀 lhe sap Sta旧 nsmg , bm 1 wOllld recommend prunmg towards the end of March. Prumng shghlly later will allow y'∞ tO enJOY lhe Slem colour for as longaspωS1bleφAIWLSley,矶:e 仪penmented m出 some groups of plants by prunmg them every 缸。nd year , bm the slerns slaned 10 lose
lh白rωlOllr, and lhey 3re nOw pruned eveη' yeal' lO mall1tall1 1l. A fealllre of 山e \VlI1l盯 garden which 1 feεlis always overlooked IS lhεnaked beauly of dωduolls l阳s. II 峰回syl。但55 below lhese lrees \Vllholll glvmg 山em a second lhought , bUl 1 lI rge you 10 look upwards. You wi11 be nchly rewarded for your efforts. Even al eye le、'cl you \V, 11 see that many decïduous trees have lruly caplÌ\'ating ornamental bark. 1 lìnd r陀es mesmerising and have often been seen hugging the rrllnk of the huge native oak , QUCfCUS robur , Slroking the ornamenra l ba rk of Prunus scrl1l la or the strea ked bark of rhe snake bark maple , There are numerous fo rms of these snake bark maples growing throughout Wisley - one 0 1' lhe most llnp陀ssive being the Acer ‘ White 丁 igress' , whose name perfectly describes the whue suial10m内treaks 由ar areedged 明白 blue on lhe bnght green bark. On a cold 飞,vi11ler's day , lhere IS no finer sight rhan rhe simply Slllnning bark of tlu.s tree , 1 fmd il ll1Credlble rhar there a陀 plants \vi出 lhe smallest. most ll1COnsplClIOtLS Oowers that pr仪luce lhe strongest scem. The sarcococca or \Vl nler box 15 the perfect 仪ample. These srnall e\'e哝吠n shrubs ha飞,'e ony whue spldery Oowers, wluch emu a strong sweer scem. Ir IS lhe male Oowers that prodllce 由e scem, and 111 one of lhe bes < forms for the garden. Swccxcxw hω忧liana \'ar. digyna. 由e amhers a陀 lmged 飞叽th pl灿<.
FAR LEFT The Chlnese P89 0d a offers views over the lake. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT Hamamelis x Intermed巾 'Or8nge Peel'; Sarcoωcca hookeriana var. dlgyna; a change from the spring-flowering type , this 阻 Rhododendron daurlcum 'MI品wlnter', 8 small shrub that thrives in an acid soll; the stunr、Ing Helleborus Walberton's Rosemary is one of the flrst hellebores to flower 8t Wisley,
CLOC KWlSE FROM TOP LEFT Tiliø platyphyllos 'Aurea'; Cornus ølba 'Alleman's Compact' offers the deepest colour stems; Cornu5 amomu m;
Sølix døphnoides; Cornus alba 'Ruby'; Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire; 由e brown stems of Rubusniv,酬15 and 伽at spartdes.
Comu5 sericel!l 'Red Coral'
display of winter stems around the lake, which ωn
be enjoyed from 怡、e Chinese Pagoda
VlSfT WlSL.EY: Ope n eve町 dayex曲ptCh 阳tma5 Day. Monday to Frid ay: l08m -6p m; Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: 9am -6p m RHS Garden Wisl町, Woking , Surrey GU23 6O B. RHS members enter for free. Adults [10.90; childten E3 .90. Group rat.目 are a恼。 8vallable.
For more information, go to www.rhs.org.uk
PLANTS W INTER INTEREST Al W i$ley we have ιlu01p$ of sarcococca plamed aboul 5001 ap3rt , so lhal as you walk lherefore lhough l lO require shelter ; and lhroughoullhe garden. All around the areas of lhrough 阳 woodland. one planl leads you on secondly , beingιlose lO a door allowed 叽Sllor$ lO smell lhe 00飞vers planling lhe air iS $weeLly 挺emed and lhe scent lO anOlhe r. The firSI lO Ilower is al \Vays Hamamel iS x ilJlenηcclia ‘Orange Pee\' in midMOSI ga rde ners no r01ally assoιiate 1$ plιked up long before reaching lhe plaJ1lS rhododendrons with mass spring displays of Confused viS itO r$ can oflen be seen looking December, follow臼i by a procession of yello\Vs. Lheatrical colou r. However, there a陀 a few thal around tO see where lhe $cem is fro01. They oranges ancl reds right through tO February never think to Jook at this small evergl芭en. At this point. a fe\V words of advice: always flowe r duri ng winter, bringi ng splashes of If I were to pick one group of shrubs fO I plant 飞.vinter-Iloweling ShlUbs , and especially 呐bra时, shocking and ll1 uch-needed colour to 110飞.venng 飞叽nter interest , it wouJd probabJy scented ones, at the edge of a bed close to a the garden. A f注voulite rhododendron 1 enjoy path. Otherwi妃. you might lìnd peopJe waJking each yea r is RhododenclrO Il dattricttm ‘ Midhave to be hamamel巧 , the witch hazeJs. The wi nter' , which produces pu rpJe flowe rs on spider-Jike Oowers are mostJy yello口气 although across the beds, drawn by the beauty and the there are orange- and red-flowered fonns , and scent of the 1l0\Vers. 1\t Wisl句, there are often almost leaf1ess stems. lt‘sa 日11all shrub that 、,.i ll are produced from December through to the well-wom tracks through the be巾, and a few th live in acidic soils , and prefers a more open end of Feblualγ. 1 prefer the yello\V-l1 o \Vered squashed pJants , as visito rs can't resist the situation where you can appreciate the pu rpJe flowers during 飞.vmter fo rms , as they stand om better in the landsca pe in Undeme草th many of the the dark winter months and shnlbs and trees ,
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Return this form to: The English Garden RHS Competition, Archant House, Oriel Rd. Cheltent咱'啊. Glos Gl50 1BB Novcmbor 2011. If you aren't a Wl nnerand 叭呻uld likc tO JC洲nth
On sale
Snuggle up with one of these love lγ tomes and then imagine next season's plot and produce , inspired by wha t' s between the covers
E STYLE VINTAGE FLOWERS (Kyle Books, f25) I think it' s fair to say the word 'vintage' w ill divide most couples On the one hand , it will be seen as reassuringly
h 口mely
with a stylish
twist. On the other, the concept of vintage anything w ill simply strike a note of panic that yet more
to spell out the gender divide
Nevertheless, there w ill be many
and an old Renault van. This is
pOlgnant memOfles or connectlons
isn't a criticism . I adore the style
for whom l ondon-based florist Vic
clearly a personal project, for Vic,
w ith trinkets from bygone eras?
and am frankly envious of Vic's
Brotherson' s first book will be a
and the result is a refreshingly
Cynicism aside. perhaps this
ability to gather gorgeous things
anecdotal sourcebook rather than
approach reveals how a florist sees
together to create these vignettes
all: a tastefυ1 yet sun飞ptuous
a 'step-by-step' floristry guide. It' s
the world of flowers and maybe by
But if you're not a florist and
arrangement of hellebores and lilac,
as if she is taking you by the hand
sharing this vision you can find the
struggle to find even five minυtes
which reassυres us that though
and leading you inlO her world;
confidence to see and do things in
to rootle around in that little shop
the word 'vintage' is in the tit悔,
∞0 1,
your own way too. This is a highly
that sells incredibly bea utifu l (but
Vic isn't going 10 rely just on
Rather than spelling out why you
styled book, filled with ideas and
eye-wateringly expensive) retro
beautifully faded roses to drive
should put this flower with that one
inspiration for flower combinations
home the theme. It's not only the
or choose a particular vessel to
and displays. To try and literally
of reach . 1 ren飞alnυndeterred
old nic nacs' are about to enter the house. Regrettab忡, I speak from first-nand experience about the matter, and 1don't think I need
Teassures us that 仇ough 仇eword title, she isn't γ'ely例。 onbøα.utifuJly 1<αdedroses'
cov,例'ωys it α,ll, απd
b切的,ge' 必切 the
quirky and ωptlvatlOg as It IS
then this all seems a bit 0υt
display them , she instead recounts
recreate these arrangen飞ents n飞ay
though , and, aspiring to live t he
a slory about w hy she's created
prove to be frυstrating Ihoυgh
dream, this weekend 1丁1 piCk aVic-
my hands on the book. I'm a sucker
an arrangemen t. However, even for
Part of the reason they look so
inspired bυnch of faded hydrangea
for the subject maner too as, no
an ardent fan such as myself. after
striking is that they are plaωd in
heads and display them p roudly in
doub t in common with countless
120 pages this sta内.s to feel a little
very styled settings. and most of
an old chipped chamber pot 1saw
other o ffice-bound workers, 1
contrived , and makes yoυ
us don't have that go rgeoυs metal
in a charity shop. 1'11 just put it in my
harbour a secret desire to become
reluctantly question whether one
fai rground horse, or the wonderful
study, out of sight of my partne r.
a florist - with my own flower shop
person reallyωn have this many
wonky wire rack bookωse. This
Cinead McTernan, deputy editor
ZQmwU〉 JJUU 匾 。,‘革 '"髦。。" E
style that Vic has chosen that makes me positively twitch to get
出 up=〈筐。WZEMZ」 EU函。‘=-Z 石 E
The front cover says il
The fmnt
Books for planning next year's garden Yluø Wll8L1FE 8tH慌"
(Merrell, f18.95) Val Bourne tackles the
(Fra附属 Lin∞In,
(David & Charles, f12.99)
(TI mber Press, f16.99)
Our emine时,
occupies most gardener5 w hen
The late great Christopher lI oyd's
Bags of plant choices,
planning a border. Texture and
book has been reissued w ith a
planting picks and interesting ideas
shape may be the predominant
new introduction by his head
garden advice book, with tasks,
droυght-hi t spotsδnd
former editor-at-Iarge Jackie Bennett reissues her wildlife
fashion at the momen t, but she
gardener at Great Dixter, Fergus
sustainably minded from the
plants and practical projects for
encourages and advises on vibrant
Garrett. If you haven't read it yet,
American couple that brought
every month to help encourage and
plantings for different situations.
now's your chance
6 …叫吵吵siasm is c his book you' with ‘飞'1Jhat 出啕叽~er
nuture all the little creatures
he has
what life really is likefor a nUTSeryman'
(Right Way, f5.99)
(Timber Press, f25)
Expert gardener and w riter
1first heard 01 Jake Hobson several
Richard Rosenfeld's useful guide
years ago, when admiring a couple
is aimed particu larly at beginners
01 cloud-pruned box in the front
but also
garden of Rosemary Alexander.
advice that even
the more experienced gardener
principal 01 The English Gardening
could try. It provides all the basics
Schoo l. Though not usually a lan 01
in an
and entertaining
topiary, something about these little
way. w ith know-how tips on
poodle-like trees 5et 011 a spark in me, and 1have been lascinated
keeping your soil in perfect shape, planting your trees correctly ,
structural basics. climbers and
criticism is there are very lew
Those two beauties were clipped
to draw opinion. Jake is e川enSlve
shrubs, containers, rotating crops
drawings, making this quite a
by Jake himsetf. and 1was late to
for the kitchen garden, creating
heavy read; 1 can't help but leel a
the pa町y as it seems most knowing
from all over the world, w ith plenty of advice on how to actually do
your own Ilowers. My only
by this a同 01 control ever since
odd. but always evocative and likely his ∞verage
01 stv1es and lorn飞S
a Ilower border and wildlil e
little disappointed by the lack 01
gardeners are aware of his status
gardening - there's even a section
colour insideτhat said, Richard
as the nation's top guy for niwaki
these things, such as creating a
on gardening on the cheap ,
has strong opinions throughout
(Japanese garden treesl - he even
cloud hedge, pleaching a hedge,
suggestlng Iυst the essential tools
and ends his book with 'what they
named his business after the
pollarding and Japanese niwaki
you need. Richard's energy and
never tell yoυ, including what life
discipline. And there is an image of
styles such as lukinaosh i. But
enthusiasm is captured throughout
rea lly is like for a nurseryman.
my two mini inspirations on page
there are also profiles 0 1 gardens,
and even engages the reader
along w ith guidance to make a
43 of his new book - it's like seeing
anecdotes and lots of historical
further by including mini-quizzes,
garden nursery successful. This
old friends. This is just one lovely
and design information. This book
interesting facts about slugs and
book is well worth a read.
photograph in a book lull of pictures
is lascinating , something differen t,
0 1 greenery that is qυite arresting,
and very interesting.
snails as well as explaining how to make pot-pourri for yoυrhome
Victoria Kingsbury, editorial asslstant
intriguing , sometimes
Stephanle Mahon, books editor
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川 tA 月"
Meeting royalty and creating new irútiatives are all in a day's work when you take the top job at the RHS, and Sue Biggs has plenty more pl创15 for the future hen l 叫叫…5 di rector general, 1 knew it was my d rea m job , but 1 d id n't expecl it wo uld be so exci ting , d iverse and inspi ring. Highlights in the ftrst year incI uded showit飞g HM The Queen and HRH P ince AJben around RHS Chelsea Flower Show Críght); seeing our beautiful gardens change over the seasons; meeting some of the thousands of children that we h elp e du cate in th e joys and sk ills 01 growing through our Campaign for Sch ool Gardening; opening an RHS leaming centre in Devon; kicking o [f the fund raising for our new scientific research facility at Wisley; and hostîng the award ceremony for Euro pe ‘ s larges t commu ni ty gardening campa îgn , RHS Britain 111 Bloom !t was also fantastÎC to discover wh at a won clerfu lly passionate team we have at the RHS , full of înspiring, knowleclgeable people. !t's a joy workîng 呐【h ù1em - theîr energy and en thusiasm is infectious, whether ît's gardeners, cura tors , our re taîl s ta f f, the shows ancl member讪ip teams , school advisor宫, Iibrarians , sciemists , support staff. .. the list goes on Hdwev毛 r, ! was a liLLle s urprised by lhe sh yness 0 1' Lhe o rga nisatio n an d a p parem u'nw illingness LO ShO UL abouL wh at we do pespile being a memb盯 [or 18 years , il wasn'[ w
interest in gardens ancl gardenmg. One of our key aims is to be kno飞.vn, loved and tnlsted as the charity for all gardeners We therefore created the 阳 IS Elφenence, an interactive d iSplay LhaL b rings elemenrs of the soclety¥ work LO li[e , from scie nL i Îl c research LO commun iLy and educalion projects. lt was launched aLChelsea and laken LOall our rnajol
空 匠。 主 ωEd3 44〈02〈的主忡,主 ga 电EdEEE
flower s hows - it's a great way for us to engage visitors and show them about our chali ty. And what an amazing show RHS Che lsea was this year. I he buzz dUling build up is incredible , and there is always a real sense of camaraderie. One o f the j ob pe rks has been early mom ings at shows; the scents and sights of hundreds of blooms in the floral marquees and our festival of roses at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show are incred ibly special. British nurseries ancl growers have a challenging
dE Z
until l took on th is role that 1 appreciated the breadth and 臼gnitìcance of our chalitable work. lt became cIear that we needed to communiωte what we do and why to 也r more people. In order to help us become more effective , the RHS was soon streamli ned into seven core divisions , with horticulture at the centre of everything . The RHS is now a unified team , 、,vi th an energe口C new senior management <.eam and a keen as piration to be Illore op en and conficlent , and
IUυas also ftmtastic ω discover what a ω。J1 der仙 II!J passi0l1ate team ωc hlWe at the RHS, full of i~lspiriJ1g, k问owledgeable people'
Lime , WiLh Lo ugh Euro pean co mpe L i L io n 、 and we need lO 5Uppon them. I ce阳inly LOok advan Lage of Lhe go rgeo us plants from ou r exhibiling specialiSl growers、 and SLocked up aL Lhe Hamp tO n and TaLlQ n shows with yet mOI在 gl部优5, 仅hinacea and rosε$ Anothe r pli vilege is wa lking arou nd ou r gardens , such as RHS 飞iVisley, in total silence as the sun is comi ng u p. At the moment , I'm excited about the work we're doing \Vi th Tom Stuart-Smith in our woodland area at Harlow Ca lT. There is so much d iversi ty in the work we do that it's hard to reflect on them all here , but seein g our breath ta king a rt an d book collections lor the lìrst time was hard to beat 认le never sto p th ink ing a bo u t how to tantalise with more honicultural delights. As this goes to press , 、飞吧 ve just launched the lìrst ever National Gardening Week. from 16 <022 April 2012. Ihis initiative is designed to get even more peop le gardening , and to make horticulture a career to be really p roud of, because, as we all know , nothing beats the lifee由ancing j oy of gardens and gardening
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