Measure Theory and Integration Michael E. Taylor
Graduate Studies in Mathematics Volume 76
Editorial Board David Cox 'Walter Craig Nikolai h'anov Steven G Krantz David Salt man (Chair) 2000 MathfJnatu;s S1tblH t Cla'istfication Primary 28 -01
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tay lor, i\Iichael Eugene 1946 Measure theory and integration / i\Iichael E Taylor p em - (Graduat() studiE's in mathpmatics. ISSN 106>-7'119 . \ 76) Includes bihliographical referencE's ISBN-13 978-0-8218-4180-8 1 ME'asure theory 2 Riemann integrals '3 ConvergE'n( (' Probabilit iE'S II Series QA312 T'387 2006 515' 12 dc22
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Chapter 1.
The Riemann Integral
Chapter 2.
Lebesgue Mea&urc on the Line
Chapter 3.
Integration on Mea&ure Spaces
Chapter 4.
LP Space&
Chapter 5.
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Chapter 6
Product Measures
Chapter 7.
Lebesgue l\leasure on
Chapter 8.
Signed l\leat>ures and Complex l\:lea&ures
Chapter 9.
LP Space&, II
and on Manifolds
Chapter 10.
Sobolev Spaces
Chapter 11.
Maximal Functions and A.E Phenomena
Chapter 12.
Hausdorff's r-Diment>ionall\leasures
Chapter 13.
Radon Measures
Chapter 14.
Ergodic Theory
Chapter 15.
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Chapter 16
\Viener Measure and Brownian Motion
Chapter 17.
Conditional Expectation and
Appendix A Metric SpacE's, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Appendix B Derivatives. Diffeomorphismt., and l\lanifoldt.
Appendix C. ThL' \Vhitney Extent.ion ThL'orem
Appendix D. The l\larcinkiE'\vicz Interpolation Th('Orem
Appendix E. Sard's Theorem
Appendix F A Change of Variable Th{'OIem for I\lany-to-one l\laps
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Formb
Appendix H. Change of Variables Revisitpd
Appendix I The Gaut.s-Green Formula on Lipt.chitz Domains
Symbol Index
Subject Index
This monograph is ba::;ed on a one-semester course on measure theory, which I have taught several times. The prerequisite for the course is an introductory analysis course, covering such matters as metric spaces, uniform convergence of functions, the contraction mapping principle, and aspects of multi-variable calculus, including the inverse function theorem. For the convenience of the reader, some of this material is briefly treated in some appendices. The core topic f0r the course treated here is the theory of measure and integration, associated especially with the work of H. Lebesgue, though of course many other mathematicians have contributed to this central subject. We mention particularly E. Borel, 1\1. Riesz, J. Radon, 1\'1. Frechet, G. Fubini, C. Caratheodory, F Hausdorff, and A. Besicovitch. among the classical founders. \Ve begin with an introductory chapter on the Riemann integral, for functions defined on an interval [(1, b] in JR We devdop some of tll(' proper ties of thc Riemann integral, including a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. \Ve see that while continuouf> functiont> are Riemann integrable, f>ome very reasonable-looking functiont> are not. In Chapter 2 we construct Lebesgue measure on JR. We emphasize that the key difference between Lebesgue meat>ure of S c JR and the "content" of S, arising from the Riemann integraL is that the content is approximated by taking finite coverings of S by intervab, while the Lebesgue measure is approximated by taking countable (perhaps infinite) cover ings of S by intervals. In Chapter 3 we define the Lebct>gue integral and establish t>ome basiC' properties, such at> the Monotone Convergence Theorem and the Lebesgue
Dominated Convergence Theorem We integrate mea::mrable function:" defined on general measure :"paceb. Though at t hi~ point we have only con::;tructed LebeE>gue mea::;ure on JR, the ha::;ic theon" of integration i:" not mOle complicated on general meabure bpace~, and purbuing it help:" dar ify what orlt' :"hould do to conE>truct more general llW(l::;UlC'i III Chapter -1 we introduce LP bpaces, con~i~ting of measurable funetiollb f buch that ItiP i:" integrable or, more precibdy. of equivalence cla::;bPb of ::;11ch function::;, \vherC' we ba:v fr "-' h provided thet'e functionb differ only on a ::;et of mea~ure /'ero. If f1 i::; c1 meabure on a space X. we btudv LP(X, f.1) ab a Banach bpace for 1 ::; p ::; ex, and in particular we ~tudv L2(X, f1) a::; a Hilt)('rt :"pacC'. We develop borne Hilbert :"pacp tlworv aud apply it to Pbtablibh the RadonNikodym Theorem. comparing two mea::;ures f.1 and 1/ whcn 1/ ib "ab:"olutcl:v continuou::;" \vith respcct to f.1 COllbtructing meabure::; other than Lebc::;gup llleasUH' on JR i::; an important part of measure theory, and we begin thi::; ta:"k in Chapter 5. giving borne woeful general methods, e::;pecially elm' to Caratheodorv, for making ::;uch construction:", establishing that tllPY arC' mectsureb, and idelltif~ ing certain types of sets as llwasurable Thc firE>t concrete applicatioll of thib is made in Chaptcr 6, in the conbtruction of thC' "product Illeabure' on X x y, when X has a meabure f.1 and Y hab the meabure v. The integral with respect to the product lllcasure I)' x v ib comparcd to "iterated integrab:' in theoremE> of Fubini and TOllelli
In Chaptn 7 \ve (onstruct Ld)ebgue measure on JRfl for n > 1, as a product meabure. 'Ye btudy how the Lebpsgue illtegrdl Oll JRn tra,ntoforrn~ under an invertiblc linear transformation on JRn and, mOlt' gencrally. under a C 1 diffeornorphibm. \Ve go a bit furthe'r, considering trdn:"formatioll via a Lipbchitz hOllH'omorphibIrL "nd we establibh a, leblllt uudC'r the hypotlH'si::; that the transfor mation is diffncntiable cllmo::;t evn:vw her e. a proper ty that will be studied further in Chapter 11. We extend the' tocope of thc ndimensional integral in another dire( tion, cou::;tr uet ing burfacT measure on an n-dimcllsional surface 1H in JR m . Thb is dOlW in terms of the Riemann metric tenbor induced on lo.J. \\Te go furthpI (1nd ditoCUbb integration on mOl c general Riemannian manifolds Thib central chapter containb a lc1rgel num[wr of exerciscto than the other b. dividpd into beveral bets of exercibeb. After the first toet. of a nature par dUd to exercise set::; for other chapter~. thcn' ib a sC't relating the Riemann and Lpbebgue integrab on JR n , pxtending the previOll~ dbcu%ioll of the rclationbhip between the material of Chaptpr 1 and that of Chapter'; 2 3, an exercise :,;et on determinant~, and an exercise set on row reduction on matrix prodllCtb, providing linear algC'bra background for thp proof of the change of variable formula There i'i also an exercibl' bet
on the' conncctivity of Gl (n, JR) and a set groupf-l
integration on certain matrix
In Chapter 8 \vC' di~cuf-lf-l "signed llleitSUrE>f-l," which dificr from thc mcasures conf-lidered up to th,tt poillt onlv in that they can take negativc as well ,1:' pOf-litive values The kC'v rc~ult established tlwrc i:, thc Hahn decomposition, 1/ = 1/+ - 1/- for it ~igned meaS11lC' 1/, on X, where 1/+ and //- arc positive measurC':" with di:,joint f-lupport:, This allows u~ to cxtend the Radon-Kikoclvrn Theorem to the caf-le of a signed measure 1/. absolutely continu()u:, with rC'~pect to a (positive) mea:,ure 11 \Ve con:,ider a further extent:>ion. to complex meat:>UIes, though this b completelY routine, In ChaptcI 9 \ve again take up the study of LP space:, and pur:,ue it a bit further. \Ye identify the dual of the Bandch :-,pace LP(X. !1) with Lq(X, /1), where 1 :::; p < ex and lip + llq = 1. making u:,t' of the Radon-~ikodym Tht'orem for signed meat:>UI('S a:, a tool in the delllonstration, \Ve study some integral operator:' induding convolutioll operatort:>, amongst others, anel derive operator bounds on LP :,pacef->, \Ve cont:>ider the Fouricr transform :F and prove that :F is
Chapter 10 discusses Sobolpv f->paces. Hk P(JR rt ) conf-listing of functions whose derivatives of order :::; k defin('d in a :,uitable weak sen:,t" belong to LP(JR rt ) Certain Sobokv ~pacC':-, are shown to ('on~ist C'ntirply of bounded cOIltinuOUf-> functions, evpn HOlder cOlltinuous. on JR rt , Thif-l subject is of grt'at u'oe in the study of partial diffeH'ntial eCjuations, though :,uch applicatiollf-> are not made here, The most significant application we In,lke of SobolE'v sIMce theory in thef->e note:, appears ill the followillg chapter, \Ve mention t hdt in Chapter 10 u'r 1ain rc:-,ults on the v,,'pak df'rivatiw dcppncl on thE' Fundamental Th('orem of Calculu:-, for the Riemann intPgraL it is for this rea~on that we included a proof of t his result in Chapter l. Chaptel 11 deab with variou:-, results in the arpa of ahno:,t-everywhert' cOllvergencC', The ba:-,ic rt"mlt. called Lebesgue:-, differentiation t heorpm, is that a functioll f E J) (JR rl ) i:, e(jlMl for .=tlmof-lt .=tll .r, E JRn to the limit of it:-, aver age:, over balb of radiu:, r, centered at J, as r --+ 0, LJ nder a slightly :,trollger (ondition on .1', we :-,ay .1' is ct Lpbe:,glH.' point for .f, more generally thert' i:-, the notion of dll LP-Lc])('sglle point, and one :-,hows that if j E LP (JRII), then almost (,VCIY r E JRH i:-, dn LP -Lebe:,gue point for f, provided 1 :::; p < J0 We u~e tlt(' Hardy-Littlewood maximal function as a tool to e:,lablish the:-,e re:,ultf-l This area ,tlso reqllire:-' a "covering lemma," allowing one to :-,t:'lect from a colll'eLion of set~ coverillg S a sub collection wit h d('sirablt:' propertie:,
Another important result e8tahli8hed ill Chaptel 11 j" Radema,cher '" Theorem that <1 Lip8chitz fUllction on JRn i') differentiable [tlmo'ot eV(,lv,vh('l(' \V(' get thi::, d,8 a corollar:v of the strongel re" ult 11w t if f E H 1 P (JR fI ) and p> TI (01 p = n = 1), then .f i8 differentidbk almo"t evelywhere: in fact. f b differentiable at every LP-Lelw,)gue point of the weak derivative Vf ,,\lith thi" re8ult we um complete the delllOll8tratioll of thc lC'8Ult froUl Chdptel 7 thd,t the Chd,llge of variahle fornmLl for tIl(' intpgral cxtend'o to Lip8chitz homeomorphislll,) ;"Iaking u,)p of Rademachn'" Them CIll. wc 8110\\ that a Lip::,chitz function can bp etlteH'd off a 81I1all ')et to ,"iPld et ('1 function Thc"p results alC impoltant ill the study of Lip8chit6 'ourfacc:-, in JR" The covering lelllma WC' U8(, fOl t hc re,)lllt8 of Chaptel 11 mentioned abovp is \Veiner'8 Coveling Lelllllla \Ve abo di8cu'o'o COWl iug ICllllll(\8 of Vit ali etnel of Besicovitch and show how ll('"i( ovitdl''o rl'')ult kad8 to Pxtplhions of t hc Lebesgue diffel cntiation t heOl ('m In Chaptel 12 we con:"tl1lct 1'-dimeu')ionai Hc\u')dorff nW,l,,111C H' . on a separablc metlic "pace X. for dnv r E [0. ')C) In C(-I8e S i" a Bm el set in JRI!. one has Hn(s) = £11 Lebe:"guc llletlSme thi') i:-, lloi a stlelightfor\\"cud consequence of the dcfinition (unles,) TI = 1) alld ib proof leqnirc" SOUle effort. In parti(111d,r. the plOof require'"> a cO'l,'Clillg lemma \Ye C'xtend this analysis to show that n-dimensional HausdOlff mp
hnl ill Chaptel 11 an' invaluable he'll' These plO\"idp l)dsic ll''oulh in W'ometIic nll'd:-'llIe theory' Therp b a gH'at deal mOlP to g<'omctrie lllP[h11lC theOlY which ha'o been devPlop('d a'o (t tool in tIlt' study of minimal ,)lllhw(''o (llllong')t ot hpr appliC'ettiol1f> A good o\'PlVicw C
\Vhilp th(' arc wild set'>. gennclllE' for c\ [Mdb]. [Fal]
bulk of Chapter 12 deals with H' when I i8 an intE'gn, t hpI(' SOlllt' of innedibk hpauty (,Cllh'd "fIdl tell'o,' for which H' is vaJu(' r rt Z \Ve tonch t hi') ouly hI iefi," one ('an COlhUlt [Ed]. and [PRJ tor mOll' material ou ira( t,tb.
In Chapter 1:3 \\'l' '>how how a pO'oitiVl' liuear functional on C(X). the "Pd.C'c of cOlltinuou" functioll'o on X. givP') r i'oc to [t (pof>itive) lllPac,Ul(' on X. when X if> (1 compact lllPtric ')pa(e, and how a bounded lincar hmctiOlMI on C(X) gives ri'>t, to a '>igned 1ll('a'oUl(' on X. Out of thi') com(' compactm',,:" rpsult~ for bounded 8ch of lllea'iUrp'o Thp'op H'"ult:-. exteud to tIl(' (d,)P where X if:> a genpr al compact HausdOl H "pace tlPatrnenh of thi') (all ht, found in :"('VCT (11 plan':-,. including [Fol] and [Ru] Thc argumcut i'"> ')oDlewhat '">impll'I
when X i8 metrizablc; in particular, we can appeal to 5 for a lot of the technical work
from Chapter
14-17 explore connections between mea&ure theory and probability theory The ba~ic connection is that 8 probability measure is a positive nlPa&ure of total ma8~ 1 Chapter 14 treats ergodic theory, which deals with 8tatistical propertie~ of iterate8 of a mea~Ule-preserving map cp on a probability space (X. J, It). In particular, one studies the map T f (x) = f (cp( x)) on £P space8 and the means Alef = (11k) TJ f(.r). l\1ean ergodic theorern8 and Birkhoff"s Ergodic Theorem treat £P- norrn behavior and pointwi8e a e behavior of Akf(.r), tending to a limit Pf(x) as k ----+ 00 Ergodic transformations are those for which such limits are con&tant. Knowing that certain transformation8 are ergodic can provide valuable information, as we will see
Chapter 15 discu~f,e~ some of the fundamental result& of probability theory, dealing with random variable~ (i e., measurable functions) on a probability ~pace. The~e rc&ults indllde weak and ~tlOng laws of large numbers, whose ba8ic mes~age is that means of a large number of independent random variables of the same type (i.e., with the same probability distribution) tend to constant limit&. with probability one. \Ve approach the strong law via Birkhoff's Ergodic Theorem. We abo treat the Central Limit Theorem. giving conditions under which such means have approximately Gaussian pr obabilit;v distributions In Chapter 16, we construct \Viener meaf,ure on the set of continuous paths in ]Rn, describing the probabilistic behavior of a particle undergoing Brownian motion \Ve begin with a probability measure TV on a countable product '13 of ('olllpactincations of ]Rn, first defining a po~itive linear functional on C('13) and tllPn getting the lIlea~Ule via the re8ult~ of Chapter 13. The index set fOI the ("ounta,ble product i~ Q+. the ~et of rational numbers ~ O. The spc1ce of eontinuous paths i~ naturally identified with a subset '130, 8hoWll to bf::' <1 Bord 8ubset of '13, of TV-measure one. To illu&trate how fULzy Brownian paths are, we show that when n ~ 2, almost all paths have Hausdorff dimension 2 There is a f1llt her structure a~~ociated with \Viener mea~ure on path space. namelv a filtered family of (I-algebras. Certain familie~ of functions ft on '130 an' "martingalcf,:' ie, ft i-, obtained from f s by taking the "conditional expeetdtioll," when t < ~ Thi-, i-, discu")seci in Chapter 17. We define martingalcf, more generally, prove the l\lartingale l\laxirnal Inequality, and apply this to a Humber of conveI genc(' ref,ults for martingales, obtaining both a variant of the Lebesgue diffpIentiatiou tlworpm and anothpr proof of
the strong law of large numbers. We abo producf' ::,evf'ral martingales as::,odated with Brownian motion and applv the martingale maximal iIlf'qualitv to these Thi::, book ha::, tlf'verl-tl appendices. :::.ome providing background materiaL d::' mentioned above. and othen, providing ::,upplementary material. Appendix A contain::, ::'OIrle ba,::,ic material on metric space::,. topological ::,paces. and compactne::,s In particular. we prove the Stoue-Weier::,tra::,::, Theorem. which give::, a very useful ::,ufficient condition for a set A of continuou::, functions on a compact ::,pace X to be df'nse in thf' ::,pace of all continuous functions C(X). Thi::, rf':::.ult is u::,ed in a number of place::,. including Chapten, 4, 6. and 16. In Appt'ndix B we give some basic result::, in multi-variablE- differential calculus. including the Inver::,e Function Theorem. thf' nature of a diffeornorphi::,m. and the concept of c1 manifold. Thi::, material is useful for appreciating change of variable formula:::. for intcgral::, and abo the results on integration on surface::, and more general manifolds in Chapter::' 7 and 12 Appendix C is devoted to the Whitney Extension Theorem. nf'eded for the approximation theorem for Lipschitz function::, in Chapter 11 Appendix D treats the l\Iardnkiewicz Interpolation Thf'o[(:'Ill. giving LP e::,timates on a,n operator tlatisfying "weak type" estimates on Lq and V', with q < p < 1'. Appendix E discusses Sard'::, Theorem, that the set of critical value:::. of a C 1 map F : ]Rrl ---+ ]R1I has mea::'Ule zero. This re::,ult is applied in Appendix F, to help prove a change of variable theorem for a C l map of ]Rrl not aSbUllled to be a diffeomorphi::,m In Appendix G we discu::,s the elements of the theory of differentidl forms and their integration These results have man:\, applicationb to problems in differential equation::,. differential geometry. and topolo?,y A key result is a ?,eneral Gau::,::,-Green-Stoke::. formula. To illustrate the power of thib formula, we show how it leads to a bhort proof of the famous BromveI Fixed-Point Theorem In Appendix H we apply the diffE'rential form results to obtain another approach to the change of variable formula, a modification of an approach put forward by P Lax [La]. Finally in Appendix I we extend the Gau::,::,-Grccn-Stokc::, formula from the ::,etting of ::,moothly bounded domain::. con::.idered in Appendix G to the setting of Lip::,chitz domain::, There are beveral way::, to use thb monograph in a eour::,e Chapterb 1 4 provide a quick introduction to the babic::, of Lebesgue integration. I haY(' used this material at the end of analy::,is course::, that precede a full-blown course in meabure theory. For a one quarter courbe on measure theory, Chapter::, 1--9 would provide a solid background in the subject For a semester course, one could deepen this background with a selection of material from Chapters 10 17 and the appendic('::'
Each of the seventeen chapters in this monograph end::. with a set of exercises. These form an integral part of our pre::.entation, and thinking about them should sharpen the reader's understanding of the material. On occasion. the results of some of tlw exercises arc used in the development of sub::.equent rnaterial. ACKNOWLEDGI\IENTS Thanks to my frimuggestions for improvements. During the course of writing this book, my H'seardl ha:" been supported by ~SF grants, including most recently NSF Grant #0456861
11ichael E. Taylor
Chapter 1
The Riemann Integral
The Riemann integral is a fundamental part of calculus and an essential precursor to the Lebesgue integral. In this chapter we define the Riemann integral of a bounded function on an interval I = [a, bj on the real line. To do this, we partition I into smaller intervals. A partition P of I is a finite collection of subintervals {Jk : 0 ~ k ~ N}, disjoint except for their endpoints, whose union is I. We can order the Jk so that Jk = [Xk' Xk+l], where (1.1)
Xo <
< ... < XN < XN+l,
Xo = a, XN+l = b.
We call the points Xk the endpoints of P. We set maxsize (P) = max £(Jk) ,
0-5.k-5.N minsize (P) = min £(Jk). 0-5. k-5. N
We then set
Ip(f) = LSup j(X) £(Jk) , k
Ip(f) =
Liyf j(X)£(Jk)· k
Note that Ip(f) ~ Ip(f). These quantities should approximate the Riemann integral of j, if the partition P is sufficiently "fine." To be more precise, if P and Q are two partitions of I, we say P refines Q, and we write P >- Q, if P is formed by partitioning each interval in Q. Equivalently, P >- Q if and only if all the endpoints of Q are also endpoints
The Riemann Integ! al
of P It b f'asy to ::,ee that any two partition::, have a common refinement: ju::,t take the union of their endpoint::, to form a Hew partition Note abo that
Consequentlv. if PJ are any hvo partition::, and Q is a commOll refinement. we have
(1 5) ~ow.
f . 1 ----*
lR i" bounded, the following quantitie::, are \vell
1(1) =
(1 6)
I(f) =
L,.,( f).
where II(I) if> the set of all partitiolls of I CIE'arly, hy (1 5), I(f) :; 1U) We then say that f i::, Rl,errwnn mtegrable provided 1(f) = IU), and in such a ca::,e, we set
f(x) dx = 1(f) = I(f).
\VE' will denotE' the ::,et of RiE'lll(1ull integrable functiou::, on I by R(I). \Ve deri\'(' some basic plOpertie::' of the Riemann integral
Proposition 1.1. If f, q E R(I). then (1 tl)
+ q) d.r
Proof. If
f +9
.I f
E R(Ji. and
9 dx.
i::, any ,-;ubinter val of I, then "up (f J,
+ g)
:; sup h
f + ::,up g, h
so, for any pcutition P, we have 1p(f + g) :; 1p(f) + 1p(g) Also, using common refinemt'nb, we can simv'uanfO'U5ly applOximatc 1(f) and 1(g) by 1,., (f) and 1p (g) Thus the chdn1cterizdtion (1.6) implies 1(f + g) :; 1(f) + 1(g). A par allel argument implies IU + (}) 2: IU) + 1(g), and the propo::,ition follow::, Next, th('I{' is a fair supply of Hit'mann integrable funetions
The Riemann Integral
Proposition 1.2. If f is continuous on I, then f is Rwmann integrable. Proof. Any continuous function on a compact interval is uniformly continuou~; let w( 0) be a modulu~ of continuity for f, 50
Ix - YI :S 0 ===?
If(x) - f(y)1 :S w(15).
0 as b ---+ O.
Then maxsize (P) :S 0 ===? Jp(J) - Ip(J) :S w(b) . £(1),
(1.10) which
the proposition.
Thi~ argument, showing that evelY continuous function is Riemann integrable, abo provide& a ('litE'lion on a partition P guaranteeing that Jp(J) and Ip(J) are close to JI f dx, when f i~ ,ontinuou5 The following i5 a useful exten~ion. Let f E R(1). take E > O. and let Po be a partition such that
J Po (J) - E:S
d;r :S I po (J)
+ E.
AI = sup If(£)I.
0 = minsize(Po)·
Proposition 1.3. Under the satisfvmq
above, if P zs any partitwn of I
(1 13) then
-Jp(J) -
J' f d.r :S Ip(J) +
El :S.
wdh El =
2Af + T£(I)·
Proof. Consider on the one hand tho~E' intE'rvals in P that are containec in intervals in Po. and on the other hand those intervab in P that are no contained in intE'rvab in Po (who~e lE'ngth~ ~um to :S f(1)/k). Let PI be tll( minimal common refinement of P and Po. \Ve obtain
The following corollary is sometimes called Darboux's Theorem.
The Riemann Integral
Corollary 1.4. Let P v be an'lj sequence of partitions of I into v intervals J vb 1::::: k ::::: v, such that
and let C,vk be any choice of onf' pond PI/' Then. whrneucr f E R(1), (1.15 )
/ f(r) dx =
each mterval J vk of the partitwn
f(~l/k) f(Jvk)
The S11m on the right side of (1.15) is called a Riemann sum. One should be \varned that, Ollce such a specific choice of P v and ~vk has been made. the limit on the right side of (1.15) might exist for a bounded function f that is not Riemann integrable This and other phenomena arc illustrated by the following example of a function which is not Riemann integrable For :t E 1, set
17(,1:) = 0 if x tI- Q,
1 if x E Q,
where Q is the of ratwnal numbert. Now ever:v interval J c I of positive length containt. pointt. in Q and points not in Q, t.o for any partition P of I we haw /p(19) = f(J) and Ip(19) = 0, and hence
(1 17)
I( J) = O.
= f(1),
Note thclt, if P v i~ a partition of I into v equal flubintervals, thell we could pick each ~lJh to be rational, in which case the limit on the right side of (1 15) would be f(1). or we could pick each ~vk to be irrational, in which case thifl limit would be zeIO. Alternatively, we could pick half of them to be rational and half to be irrationaL and the limit would be €(I) /2 Let .fA E: R(l) be a uniformly bounded, monotonically increasing t.equen((' of functioll~ TheIl there is a bounded function f on I such that, as k ----7 x"
fk(X) /' j (x),
(1 18)
It would be det.irable to conclude that
/ h,(x) d" I
Vx E I
is integrable and
f(x) dx.
The Riemann Integral
A shortcoming of the Riemann integral is that such a limit might not belong to R( 1). For example, since I n Q is countable, let I n Q = {cr, C2, C3, .. }, and let
(1 20)
'I9k(X) = 1 if x E {cJ' . ,Ck},
It is easy to see that I(79 k)
0 otherwise.
= J('I9t.,) = 0, so each '19k
R(I). But, as k
---> 00,
(1 21) defined by (1.16), which is not in R(I) The Lebesgue theory of integration remedies this defect If fk are Lebesgue integrable, and if one uses in (1 19) the Lebe~gue integral (which coincides with the Riemann integral for function~ in R(I)), then (1.18) =:::;. (119) This is known as the Monotone Convergence Theorem, and it will be seen to be a central result in the Lebesgue theory. Associated to the Riemann integral is a notion of ~ize of a set S, called content. If S is a subset of I, define the "characteristic function"
if xES, 0 if x
rt s.
We define "upper content" cont+ and "lower content" cont- by (1.23) We say S "has content," or "b contented" if these quantitie~ are equal, which happens if and only if XS E R(I). in which case the common value of cont+ (S) and cont - (S) is
(1 24)
m(S) =
xs(.r) dx
easy to see that N
cont+(S) = inf{I::f(,h): S C ,f} U . U
where ,h are intervals. Here, we require S to be in the union of a jmit, collection of intervals. The key to the comMuction of Lebesgue mea~ure b to cover a set S b~ a countable (either finite or mfinite) ~et of intervals. The outer measure 0 ScI will be defined by
(1 26)
= inf{I::f(Jk ) k2>: 1
U ,ft.,} k2>:l
The Riemann Integral
Here {Jd is a finite or coulltably infinite collection of intervals. Clearly (1.27)
S cont+(S).
Note that. if S = InQ. thm xs = 19. definC'd bv (1.16) In this case it i::, easy to see that C'Ont+(S) = tel). but m*(S) = O. Zero is the 'right" lll('asure of this set \Ve develop a few morc properties of tIlt' Riemdnu integral. It is useful to note that f d.r: is additive in I. in the following sense
Proposition 1.5. If a < b < c. f . [a. then
1 E n([a, eJ)
( 1.28)
!l =
n([a. bJ) and 12
fl [0.1»' h E
rl [b rl
nOb. c]).
thzs holds.
/" ib 11 [(' h 1 dx =
. a
• a
d:r: .
• Ii
Proof. Since any partition of [a. r] has a refinement for which b is an endpoint. we may as well consider a partition P = PI U P2. where PI is a partition of [a. bJ and P2 it; a pcutition of [b, f'j. Then
(130) so
(1 :31) Since both terms ill braces in (131) are;::: O. w(' have equivalence in (1.28) Then (1 29) follows from (1.:30) upon taking sufhciently fine pclrtitions. Let I = [a. bJ If 1 E n(I). then can consider the function
q(x) =
(1.32) If a S
n([a ..r]) for
l(t) dt.
S b, thell g(xI) - g(xo) =
• Xo
f(t) dt,
The Riemann Integral
so, if If I :S it!, (1.34)
Ig(xd - g(xo)1 :S Mlxl - xol·
In other words, if
E R(I), thE'n 9 is Lipschitz continuou~ on I.
To fini:"h thi& section, we want to relate the integral and the derivative. Recall from elementary calculm, that a function 9 : (a, b) -+ lR is said to be differentiablE' at :r E (a, b) provided there exists the limit 1
lim -, [g(x
+ h) -
g(x)] = g'(x).
When ~uch a limit exists, g' (x), abo denoted dg / dx, i~ called the derivative of 9 at x Clearly q is continuou& wherever it is differentiable The next re&ult is part of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Theorem 1.6. If f E C([a, b]), then the functwn g, defined by (1.32). is differentwble at each point x E (a, b), and
g'(x) = f(:r).
Proof. Parallel to (1.33), we have, for h > 0, 1
h [g(:1: + h)
f b
- g(x)] =
1 fT+h
h .Ix
f(t) dt.
at x, then, for any E > O. there exi~ts 8 > such that If(t) - f(:r)1 :S E whenever It - xl :S O. Thw, the right side of (1.37) is within E of f(x) whenever h E (0,8] Thus the det>ired limit exists as h '\, O. A similar argument treats h / O.
The next result is the rest of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Theorem 1.7. If G is differentiable and G' (x) ~s contmuous on [a, b], then
G'(t) dt = G(b) - G(a).
Proof. Con&ider the function
g(x) =
(1.39) We have 9
C([a, b]), g(a)
G'(t) dt.
= 0, and, by Theorem 1.6,
= G'(x),
V:r E (a,b).
Thus f(x) (140)
TIle Riemann Integral
= g(x) - G(x) is continuou::, on [a, bj, and f'(x) = 0,
V T E (a, b).
vVe claim that (1.40) implies f i::, cunstant on [a. bj. Granted this, since f(a) = g(a) - G(a) = -G(a), we have f(x) = -G(a) for all x E [a, bj. so the illtegral (1 39) is equal to G(x) - G(a) for all T E [a, b]. Taking :r = b yield::, (1 38)
The fact that (1 40) implies i::, con:-:.tant on [a, bj is a cOllsequence of the following rE"mlt, the 1\lean Value Theorem Theorem 1.8. Let f [a. d] -+ lR be contmuOU'3. and assume twble on (a. (3). Then:3 ~ E (a. d) such that (1 41)
f 'is
f'(~) = feB) - f(a) c:i-a
Proof. Replacing f(J) by = f(.r) - /'l(:r; - a). whNe /'l is the right side of (1.41), we can a::,::,ume without lo::,s of generality that f(a) = f(3) Then we claim that f'(~) = 0 for ::,ome c: E (a,.3) Indeed, since [a, f:I] is compact, f mu::,t as::,ume a maximum and a minimum on [a, 3] If f(a) = f(8), one of these mu::,t be assumed at an interior point. C:. at which f' clearly vani::,hes We now show that (1 AO) implies f is constant on [a. b]. If not, :3 (3 E (a. b] ::,uch that fed) #- f(a). Then ju::,t apply Theorem 1 8 to f on [a, 8]. This completes the pr oof of Theorem 1.7 \Ve mention ::,om(' useful notation If a function G i::, differentiable on (a b) and G' i::, continuou::, on (a, b). we .,ay G is a C 1 function, a,nd we write G E C 1 ((a. b)) Inductiwly, we say G E C k ((a. b)) provided G' E C k - t ((a. b)) Similarly define C le ([u, b]) Note that the hypothesis of Theorem 1 7 is that G E C 1 ([a, bJ). Finally. we mention that there ar e more gener al ver::,iOll::' of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculu::, involving the Riemann integal: see for example [BS] Since t h{' R iernann integr <11 is not our main focus here, W{' have been content to present the simpler results above (See, however, Exercise 14 below) Our main motivation for taking the ::,pace to present these results (which the reader might reasonably be presumed to have St'en b{'fore) is provided by their role in the study of weak derivatives, in Chapter 10. Furthermore, we pre:-,ent ('xten.,ion::, of Theorems 1.6 -1.7, involving the Lebesgue integr aI, in ChaptN 11, particularly in PIOposition::' 11.11 -11.12
The Riemann Integral
Exercises 1 Show that, if
R(I) and
f ttmforrnlyon I.
sup Jfk(J,) - f(x)J
0 as k
i e.,
R(I), and (1 19) holds.
2 Ei'ltablish the following "monotone convergence thl'orem" for the Rie-
mann integral Ahsume fk and fare continuou& on I Then (118) => (119). Hint. Show that fA ----+ f uniformlv on I, under these hypothe&('s. (This result if> known a& Dini\, Theorem.)
3 If InQ =
3h in the construction of (120), set
8(x) =
Show tll
1 if x = k o if x E
1\ Q.
8 E R(I) and compute 11 8(x) dx o
f is bounded on I = [a. b] and contin'uoUb on I = (a, b) Show that f E R(I) and that 11 f( r) dx is iudependent of the value') of f at x = a and x = b
-1 AS1>ume
5. Let Pl/ be a "leqU('llce of pal titiollS of I t:>atbfying the hypothehes of Corollarv 1 -1 Show that. ,vhen f : I ----+ lR b bounded. (1.42)
lim I p,,(J) = I(f) and
lim L" (f) = I(f)
6. Let C(I) denote the het of continuous real-valued functionh on I Show that, fO! any hounded function f I - R (1.43)
I(f) = inf
{J I
Similarly characterize I (f).
gdx q
~ f,
q E C(I)}.
The Riemann Integral
7. Let e > 0 and let f : lac, be] ---> lR be' Riemann integrable. Working directly with the definition of integral, show that
11bc f(x) dx.
f(cx) dx = -
l\Iore gC'llerally, show that
f (ex + d) dx = -
f (x) dx.
8 Let f : I x S ---> lR be continuout), wll('re I = [a, b] and S c lRn. Take rp(y) = f(x, y) dx. Show that ..p is continuom, on S Hint If fj . I ---> lR are continuollb and Ifl (x) - 12 (x) I ::; J on I, then
1/ h
d.c - /
9 With
12 dxl
::; f(I)J.
ab in Exercibe 8, t)uppObe g]
lR ctle continuous and
a ::; go(y) < gl (y) ::; b. Take' ..p(y) = I;\~) f(x, y) dx. Show that cp is continuous on S Hint l\Iake a change of variables, linear in y. to reduce thib to Exercise 8. 10. Let cp . [a, b] ---> [A, B] be C 1 on a neighborhood J of [a, bj, with cp'(x) > 0 for all:t: E [a,b]. Abbumc cp(a) = A, ..p(b) = B Show that the identity 'B ./ A
f(y) dy =
lb a
f(rp(t))cp'(t) dt.
for any f E C( J), follows from the chain rule and the Fundamental Theorem of Cakulub. Hmt Replace b by x, B by cp(x), and differentiate Note that this result contains that of Exercise 7. Try to ebtablish (1 44) directly by working with the definition of the integral as a limit of Riemann t)ums. 11 Show that, if (145)
f and
9 are CIon a neighborhood of [a, b], then
f(s)g'(s) ds
J'(s)g(s) ds
[f(b)g(b) - J(o,)g(o,)].
Thb tranbf()rmation of integrals ib called "integration by parts."
The Riemann Integral
12. Let f : (a, b) for x E (a, b)
-+ ~
be a Ck+J-function, and take y E (a, b). Show that
f(x) = fey)
+ f'(y)(x
+ .. +
+ f"~y) (x _
- y)
f(k)(y) k!
(.L - y)
+ Rk(X,y),
where (1.47)
1 Rdx,y) = k'
/x (.r -
• !J
This is Taylor'b formula with remainder. Hmt. Apply a/ay to both sides of (1.46). The left side become:'. 0 and there is conbiderable cancellation on the right side, yielding (148) Integrating then give:'. (1.47). Note that a reformulation of (1 47) if, (1.49)
)k+l [1
Rk(X, y) = ~ - y )' k + 1 ..
f(k+l) (y
+ (1 -
t1/(k+l»)(X - y)) dt.
13. Suppo:'.e [a, b] is covered by open intervals lA, 1 ::; k ::; N, of length f(lk). Show that N
b - a ::;
I:>(Jk). k=]
Hint. Show that 1:k Xh (x) ~ X[a b](X) and deduce consequences for the Riemann integrals of thebe' function:'.. Alternatwe Try an induction on N. 14. Extend Theorem 1.7 to the ca:'.e where G i:'. differentiable and G' is Riemann integrable on [a, b]. Hint. U:'.e
n-l [
k ] )-G(a+(b-a);:;:)
Chapter 2
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
In this chapter we discuss the concept of Lebesgue measure of subsets of the real line R It is convenient to begin with a discussion of the measure of subsets of a bounded interval. If S is a subset of an interval I = [a, bJ, then, as indicated in Chapter 1, we define the outer measure of S by
= inf{I.:£(Jk) k~O
U Jk},
Jk intervals.
It is easy to see that the result is not affected if one insists that all the intervals Jk be open in I or that they all be closed (or half-open, etc.). We can let Jk be intervals in lR, or we can require Jk C I. In particular, if o C (a, b) is open, then 0 is a disjoint union of a countable collection of open intervals Ok, and (see Exercise 1 at the end of this chapter)
(2.2) Furthermore, for any S (2.3)
(a, b),
= inf{m*(O): 0::)
S, 0 open}.
Replacing I by a slightly larger interval, we see that (2.3) holds for any ScI. Obviously the outer measure of a single point pEl is zero. Under the most liberal allowance for intervals in (2.1), p itself is an interval, of length
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
zero. If we im,ist on open intervals, then let JEe be an interval of length E centered at p. ]\lore generally, if C = {C1, C2, C3, .. } is a countable ~ub~et of I, write C C U Jk(E), where Jk(E) is an open interval of length 2-- k E, centered at Ck. Thufol m * (C) ::; I: 2- k E = E, ~() (2.4)
N"ote that, if {J u { J lk ' hk . k 2: O} is a
I countable ===?
m* (C)
k 2: O} covers 51 and {J2 1. of S 1 U S 2, ~o
= 0 •
k 2: 2} cowrs 52, then
(2 5) Thb ~ubadditivity proper ty i~ foIhared by upper content, defined in Chapter L but outer measure i~ distinguished from upper content by also having the property of countable 8ubaddztimty'
Proposition 2.1. If {Sj : j 2: O} is a countable fam/h; of subsets of I, then (2.6)
m*(USj) ::; )
L m *(5
j )
Proof. Pick E > 0 Each S) has a countable cover {J)k k 2: O}, by intervab, ~uch that m*(S)) 2: I:k[(J)k) - 2- f E Then {J)k . ],k 2: O} is a countable cover of U) S) b:v intervab, foIO m*(US,) ::; I:m*(5j ) + 2E, for all E > 0 Letting E "" 0, we get (2.6) Our main goal in thi~ foIe'ction i:-, to produce a large dass (call it £) of sub~ets of I with the property that m* i~ "countably additive" on £, in the sense that if S) E £ is a countable collection of mutually disjoint sets (indexed by j E Z+), thE'n
m*(U 5J ) = Lm*(5)) ):::: I
j:::: 1
\Ve 'will pursue thi~ in Mta,ges, ~howing first that ~uch an identity hold~ when Sl = K i~ compact and S2 = I \ K. In preparation for this, we take' a closer look at the outer measur e of a compact ~et K C I. Since any OPC'Il cover of K has a finite sub cover , we can :-,ay that N
K compact ===? m*(K)
= inf{I:f(,h) : K k=1
U 'h}, k=l
where ,h an' open intervals (which we are freE' to close up) This coincides with tll(' defmition of upper content given in Chapter 1. It implie~ that,
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
given E > 0, one can pick a finite collection of disjoint open intervals {Jk : 1 ~ k ~ N} such that 0 = Uk Jk ~ K and such that we have N
(2 8)
m*(K) ~ m*(O)
Lf(Jk) ~ m*(K) +E. k=1
The following rehult is
Lemma 2.2. Gwen
> O. 'We can con8tr'uct 0 =
than (2.8)
m*(O \ K) ~
Uf=l Jk
~ K such that
Proof. Start with the 0 described above. Then O\K = A b open, so write A = Uk>l Ak. a countable disjoint union of open intervals. To achieve (2.9), we need-to arrange that Lk>l £(AhJ ~ E, at lea~t after possibly shrinking
To do t hi::" pick Al large enough that
L teAk) ~ ~
We want to replace 0 by O\UA\~l Ar, which should ::,till be a cover of K by a finite number of open intervals It would be tempting to take At = Ak, but note that the endpoint~ of Ak might belong to K. In::,tead, let C Ak be a doc,ed interval with the ~ame center as Ak, such that leAr) 2 f(A",) -E/2M. With the new 0 we have the lemma.
Using Lemma 2.2, we can establi::,h the following important result, advertised above Proposition 2.3. If K
(2 10)
c I zs compact. then m*(K)
+ m*(I \
K) = f(I).
Proof. To begin, we note that if (') = U~=l ,h is a cover of K sati::,fying the C'onciitiont-. of Lemma 2.2, then 1\0 is a fmite dihjoint union of intervals, V ,,",v f(J') ,say • 1\0 = U)=1 J' )' and dearly . m*(I \ 0) = 0)=1 ) ' so '
(2.11) Furthermore, 1\ K (2 12)
+ m*(I \
= (I \ 0) U (0 \ K), so by (2.5) and (2.9), m*(I \ K) ~ m*(I \ 0)
+ E.
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
It follows that
+ m*(I \
K) :::; m*(O)
+ m*(I \
= C(l)
+ £,
for all £ > 0, which implies that the left side of (2.10) is :::; C(l). The reverse inequality is automatic from the subadditivity property (25). The addztzvity property, that m*(81 U 8 2 ) = m*(81 ) + m*(82) when 8 1 and 8 2 are disjoint, just verified for 8[ = K compact and 82 = 1\ K, does not hold for all disjoint sets 8 J , though it holds for the "measurable" ones, as we will see below. At this point we record three easy cases of additivity. Lemma 2.4. If 0 1 and O 2 are two diSjoint open sets, then
If 8 1 ,82
I and
(2.15) then (2.16)
Furthermore, if K j , 1 :::; J :::; N, is a finite collection of mutually disJoznt compact subsets of I, then (2.17)
(U KJ) = L
m*(KJ ).
Proof. The identity (2.14) is immediate from (22). To establish (2.16), given 0> 0, pick an open set 0 => 8 1 u82 such that m*(O) :::; m*(81 u82 )+0 Note that each open set
OJ = 0
{x. dist(x,8J ) < ~}
contains 8 j We see that 0 1 n O 2 = (/), so (2.14) applies. Thus
+ m*(82) :::; m*(Or) + m*(02) = m*(Ol U O 2 ) :::; m*(81 U 8 2 ) + 0, for all 0 > 0. Thus m*(8r) + m*(82 ) :::; m*(81 U 8 2 ), when (2.15) holds The m*(81 )
reverse inequality follows from (2.5), so we have (2.16) Finally, to establish (2.17), it suffices to treat the case N = 2, but two disjoint compact sets 8 j = K J necessarily satisfy (2 15), so the lemma is proved. Granted this result, we can establish the important property of countable additivzty of m* on disjoint compact sets.
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
Proposition 2.5. If Kj, j 2: 1, is a countable collection of mutually disjoint compact sets in I, then
(U KJ) = L j~l
Proof. The left side of (2 17) is ::; the left side of (2.18) for all N, while the right side of (2.17) converges to the right &ide of (2.18). Hence the left side of (2.18) is 2: the right side. The reverse inequality follows from (26).
We now define mner measure. if ScI, we set
m*(S) = £(1) - m*(1 \ S).
By (2.5), m*(S) ::; m*(S) for all S Using the characterization (2.3) of outer measure together with Proposition 2 3, we have (220)
= sup
K c S, K compact}.
Definition. SCI is measurable if and only ifm*(S)
= m*(S).
If S is measurable, we set
m(S) = m*(S) = m*(S).
Clearly, by (2.19), ScI is measurable if and only if I \ S is measurable. In view of (2.20), we see that any compact K C I is measurable. Hence any open (] C I is measurable. One useful measurability result follows easily from Proposition 2.5: Proposition 2.6. If K j , j 2: 1, is a countable collectwn of mutually disJomt compact snbsets of I, then L = UJ~l K J is mea:mrable, and
m(L) =
L m(Kj ). J~l
Proof. Since
Uf=l K j
= LN C L for all N
m*(L) 2:
m(U KJ) = L
we have
m(KJ ).
Hence m*(L) 2: =J~l m(Kj). In view of (2.18) and the inequality m*(L) ::; m*(L), we have the proposition. In general, in counterpoint to countable subadditivity of outer measure, we have countable superadditivity of inner measure:
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
Proposition 2.7. Let Sk C I be a countable family of mutually d~sJomt 'iets. Then
m*(U Sk)
Lm*(SA)' 1,,2J
Proof. Pick E > D. then pick Kk C SA. compact, :"uch that m(Kk) > m*(Sd - 2- k E Then UA21 K" = L C Uk2 1 SI.. and. by Proposition 2.6,
= m*(L) = L m(Kd· k21
Since m*(L):S; m*(S). when'S m*(S) ~ L for all
= USA. we have m(K,,) ~
m*(Sk) -
> 0, yielding (2.23).
We have the follvwing important conclu:"ion. extending
Theorem 2.8. If SA· k ~ 1, 't.'> a co1tntable famibJ of mutuall:1J d1s]ow,t mea5'urable )ubset5 of I, then S = Ul. 2 1 fh is measurable. and
rn(S) =
Proof. U~ing Propo:"ition 2.1 and PlOpo&itiou 27, we have
and since
m* (S) :s; m *(S). we haw' m *(S) = m *(S) and the identity (2 24).
The identity (2 24) a:"selts countable additimty of m and is at the heart of Lebe:"gue med,:"ure t heOlY \Ve will derive :"ome further sufficient coudition~ for a :"et to be measurable. The following criterion for meafmrability is u~eful. Lemma 2.9. A set SCI ~s rnearmrable if and only if, for each 6> 0, there exist a compact K and an open 0 such that K eSc 0 and rn( 0 \ K) < 6.
Since both K (compact) and 0 \ K (open) are measurable, we have m( 0) - rn( K) = m( 0 \ K) by Theorem 2.8, so the proof of Lemma 2.9 if> &traightforward. Here is an application
Lebesgue ]\![easure on the Line
Proposition 2.10. If 51 and 52 are meas'Urable <;'Ubsets of I, the following aTe al50 mea:mrable.
Proof. Given I) > 0, tclke K J compact O} open. ~o that K j C 5 J C OJ and m(OJ \ K J ) < 1)/2. Then K = Kl U K2 i'o compact, 0 = 0 1 U O 2 is open, K C 51 U 52 C 0, and 0 \ K C (0 1 \ KJ) U (0 2 \ K 2). so &ubadditivity implies m(O \ K) < I) This show~ that 51 U 52 is mea~urable.
'liVe kIlO"\" that SJ is mea~Ulahle ¢:} 1\ 5 J i~ measurable. so, bv the last drgUIrlent. (I \ SJ) U (I \ 52) = 1\ (SI n 52) i~ m(:'asurable. hence SI n 52 i~ measurable. Finally. SI \ !:h There
a more
n (I \ !::h), so thi-, is measurable
countable counterpart.
Theorem 2.11. If 5 J • .7 2': L 1S a countable collection ofrnea'iurable subsets of I. the jollowtTIg aTe measnrable-
U Sj.
n S~
Proof. To treat U = Uj~l SJ If:'t S; = Uj=1 5J which is measurable by Propo;,ition 2 10. Then S; C 5~ C . and U = Uj 2: 1 5;. ::"Jow let TJ = 5~ = S[ and TJ = Sj \ S~_1 for J 2': 2, abo measurable by Proposition 2.10 Thus U = UJ~1 TJ Since the 1~ are mutually dzs.7omt we can apply Theorem 2.8, to conclude that U is measurdbk. Finallv. nJ~1 5 J is the complement in I of UJ ~ J (I \ SJ)' ':)0 thc t heorelll is provpd
A nonempty family J of subspt:-, of ~onl(' set X i~ called a O"-algebra if it i;, dosed under the fOllIlatioll of countable unions, countable intcrtlectioIls, and complement'> Thus we tlPt' that the family £ of meatlur
Proposition 2.12. A bet SCI
Lebesgue ]\Jeasure on the Line
measurable if and only 'if. for all Y C I
(measlLTable m riot).
n S) + m*(Y \
Proof. SilH (' the validit, of (2 27) for Y =- I \\'a~ the definition of mea::,urability. via (2 19). it remains only to show that (2 27) hold~ whenever S i::, measurable Of com::,e we alway::, have m"'(Y) ~ m*(Y n S) + m*(Y \ S) ~O\V take ~ > 0 and pick d11 open ::,et 0:::) Y such that m(O) ~ m*(Y) + E. \Ye kno\\" that 0 n S a,nd 0 \ 8 are measurable if 8 i~. and thm, 111(0)
n S) + m(O \
2: m*(Y n S)
+ m*(Y \
Hewt' m*(YnS)+m*(Y\S) ~ rn*(Y)+E for all E >
() dnd
(2.27) follow:,
\Ye now di:"cus::, L('hp::,gn(' IlleaSUle OIl the linf'. \vhi<:'h is very much like that Oil it honnded intel yaI. except that now 'lOIlle sets call have IIleasure +x Let u::, parti tion I!{ int 0 a count ethIc :,('t of bounded iut ('r vaIs (of positive lmgth) (2.28)
two diffcrcnt int('IWl.b CMI inter.,e( t at most elt O1W point. \Ve ::'<1) a. subset ScI!{ i:, m('a~Ul cl.bJe if d.lld only if 8 n h i::, mea'lur,lble. for all k If thi::, hold., \w then ::,ct
mrS) =
L rl/(S n Id k
1\ote that po::,:"ihh' (I/(S) = +x, for example I!{ is me
\Ve lllcntioll that (2.1) could ::,till be u:,cd has. for all 8 C 1Ft
(2 :30)
rn*(S) =
defIne outer mC
rn*(S' n Id
" Abo, (220) could be u:,cd to define inrl('r mea:,ure. Fur thpr more, p1'Ov'lded 1n*(8) < 'X.!. th('n 8 C I!{ i:, IIlc'a.surabk {:} m*(S') = m*(8) HoweV('r,
Lebesgue Measure on the Line
if m*(S) = 00, then certainly m*(S) = 00, but S might possibly not be measurable. There is also a natural Lebe1>gue mea&ure on the circle 1I', which can be identified with lRjZ. In fact, we have a natural 1-1 correspondence between 1I' and I = [0, 1], with and 1 identified, and Lebesgue measure on 1I' is simply the same as that on I. We note that 1I' is a group, and it acts on itself in a measure-preserving fashion. That is, if S c 1I' and a E 1I', we can form Sex. = S + a = {x + 0: : XES}, where "+" denote1> addition mod 1, and
(2.31) for all a, (3 E 1I'. We end this section with a standard example of a subset S of I = [0, 1] that is not measurable. Actually, it is convenient to construct S as a subset of 1I'. As noted above, 1I' i& a group It has a subgroup .0 = QjZ, acting on 1I' as a countable family of measure-preserving transformations. We form S by picking one element from each orbit of .0 in 1I'. Doing this requires the "axiom of choice:' Now, for each a E .0, consider Sex. = S + 0' = {x + a : XES}, as in the previous paragraph. Note that (2.32)
U Sex. = 1I',
-I- (1 E .0 =? Sa. rl Sf3 = 0.
Also (2.31) holds, for all a, (3 E D. Now respective applications of countable &ubadditivity of m* and countable &upcradditivity of m* to 1I' = Uex. Sex. yield 1 ::; Lex. m*(Sex.) and 1 :2 L m*(Sex.). Hence
(2.33) Thu1> none of the 1>ets Sex. are measurable.
Exercises 1 In order to e&tabli&h the identity (2 2), start by demon&trating the following.
Claim. If J is a bounded interval and {Jk . k :2 I} a countable cover of J by intervals, (234)
L k2:1
£(Jk ) :2 £(J).
Lebesgue MeasUIe on the Line
Hmt. Reduce to the ccu.,e where J i~ cl09Cd and .fA are open Con~llit of Chapter l. From here finish the proof of (2 2). Hznt. The definition (21) cit'ady ?,ives m*(O) ~ 'Lt(OA)' For th(' conwr~(' inequality. fix ~ > 0 and pick a finite number of clo~ed iutervab J" C OA, 1 ~ k:; N, ~uch that 2:1~ I(,h) 2: 2:f(O,,) -~. Then :,how rv that m*(O) 2: m*(U h ,h) = 2:~ I(JA) Exerci~e 1~3
2 If 5 J is an mcreasmg ~('quence of lllclbUlablc S2 c S" C . and S = UJ21 Sj. ~how that (2 ;)5)
m(5 J )
m(5). a~.J
of I. ie, S\ C
---> x,.
Hint. Examine the proof of Theorem 2 1l.
3 If 5 J ii'> a deCT'fasmg i'>equence of mea~urable <";ubt>ets of I. i.e .. 51 ::::) S2 ::::) S3 ::::) . and S = n)21 5 j • show that (2.36)
m(5j ) ~ m(5). a::,.J
---> x,.
4 If S; is an increa::,ing ::,equenee of mea::,urable f>ubf>eb of JR. with union 5. ::,how that (235) continues to hold. If SJ it, a decreasing ~equence of mea~urable WbbCtt, of R with inter~cction 5 ::,how that (2 :36) hold~. provzded m(5j ) < ex, for ~ome.J Give a countcIexample to (2 :36) 'when this provision does llot hold.
5 Show that a llonemptv family J of
::,ub~f't::, of X \\ hich i::, clo::,ed undel countablf' uuion:" and complemf'nb is automatically do~ecl undeI couutable int('r~eetiom; and lWllce i'i a a-algdml
6 A nOllempty family J of ~ubsets of X b (,ed llllcin countable unions and under dtfferences (i e . 5 J E J ::::} Sl \ 5'2 E J). Sho"" that a IY-rillg is abo clo~ed under countable inter-;ections. Show that ~uch a a-ring J is a IY-algebra if and only if X E J 7. Show t hat ('very lIlea~urable bet X c JR with pos1,hve measure contains a non measurable sub::,pt,. lInd If X c I. cOllbider Xn5", with So: ab in (2.:31)- (2.3:3) Show that rn*(X n 5,,) = 0 for all (\;, while m*(X n Sn) > 0 for somt-' n ~
FOlm the C,wtor middle third set a..., follows. Let Ko = [0,1] Form K[ by removing the open interval in the middle of K(), of length 1/3 Then T<, ('()n"ist~ of two intcrvab, each of length 1/:3 Next. lemove from
Lebesgue lvleasure on the Line
each of the intervals making up Kl the open interval in the middle', of length 1/32 , to get K2 Continue thi~ process. Thus Kv is a union of 2 V di;"joint clo;"ed intervab, each of length :~-v Then
and K =
nv K
i;" the Cantor middle third set. Show that m(K) = O.
9. tlodify the con;"tructioll in Exercise 8 a~ follows. Let Lo = [0, 1]. Form L1 by removing the open interval in the middle of Lo of length 1/5. Next, remove frOIn each of the intervab making up L1 the open intervals in the middle. of length 1/52 • to get L 2 • Continue thi~ proces;" Thus Lv is obtained from [0.1] by omitting one open interval of lmgth 1/5, two of length 1/52 , and so on, up to omitting 2 v - 1 open intervab of length 5- v . Then Lo => L1 => L2 => .. ~ L, where L = Lv is a compact set. Show that m(L) > 0.
10. With K and L a~ in Exercise;" 8-9. bhow that there is a homeomorphism F : [0. 1] ----+ [0. 1] buch that F(L)
In Exercibes 11-12. let X be a non empty ;"et and C a nonempty collection of subbets of X. 11 Show that the collection of (j-algehra,b of ~ub~etf:, of X that contain C is nonempty Hint. Con~ider the set of all subsets of X. 12 If {Fe< (x E A} i~ trlP collection of all (j-algebras of ;"ubsetb of X that ('ontain C. bhow that nF,,=F uEA
is a (j-algebra of ~ubset;" of X, containing C, and i~ in fdct the smallest such (j-algebra One says F i~ the (j-algebra generated by C and write;"
= (j(C)
Lebesgue MeasUIe on the Line
Hmt. RC'duce to the case wheIC' J is (lased and J, are open. ConE>ult Exercibe 1:3 of Chapte-r 1 From helP finibh the proof of (2.2). Hmt. The- dehnition (2.1) clearly p,iVC'b m*(O) :S 2:f(Ch) FOI the ('onveIbe inequality, fix E > 0 and pick a, finite- number of dosed intervals N JI., COl." 1 :S k :S 1\/, b1.1('h that 2:1 f(J1.) :::::: 2:f(O,,..) - E ThC'n bhow that rn*(O) 2: m*(UI., JI.,) = 2:~'i f(,h)
2. If SJ ib an merea,si ny bequencT of mew,urablp subsetb of I, I.e , SIC S2 C 3;{ C . ,mel 3 = Uj2J Sf' "how that
(2.35) Hmt Examine the proof of TheOIem 2 11.
:3. If Sj ib a deCTeam.g bequence of measurable subsetb of I. i.t' . 3\ ::J 32 ::J S3 ::J. '. a,nd S = j 2:1 S3' bhow that
m(Sj) "" m(S), ab J
-+ ::xJ
4 If SJ is an increasinp, bequence of meaburablp ,>ubbets of JR, with union S show that (2 35) continueb to hold If 3 J ib a (iPneasing sequence of measurable bubbets of R with intelbPction 3, bhow th'lt (236) holdb. pro'U~ded m(3J ) < ex, fOI bOUle J Give a counterexample to (2 ;)6) when this provision does not hold
5 Show that ,1 nOIl('mpt~ Lunily ~ of bubbPt:, of X which i'> dosed undeI countabk union'> and complementb is automatically dosed under countahl~' iutelbection'> and hence is a a-algebIa 6. A nonempty family ~ of bubsC't<; of X is cdUed a a-ling if it is dosed uuder countable unionb and under d'tiferenrcs (i e .. 5 J E ~ ~ S[ \!:h E ~) S11m\' that a a-ring ib also dObed under conntable intelbections Show tha,t buch a a--ring ~ jb a a-algebra, jf and only if X E ~ 7 Show that every measurable set X C JR with p(Hdwf measure contains a non lHPasUl3ble ~UbbE't. Hmt. If X C /, conbider X nSOCl with So; ab in (2.31)-(233) Show that rn*(X n Sn) = 0 fO! all 0:, while m*(X n So,) > 0 for ,>omc Q ~
Form tht, Cantol middle third set a~ follows. Let Ko = [0,1]. Form Kl by removing the open interval in the middle of Ko, of kngth 1/3 Then Kl eom,istb of two intervals, each of length 1/3. Next, rC'move from
Lebesgue :Measure on the Line
each of the intervals making up Kl the open interval in the middle, of length 1/32 , to get K 2. Continue thib procebiS. ThuiS K // is a union of 2// di:,;joint closed intervals each of length 3-//. Then
and K
= nil KI/
ib the Cantor middle third set Show that
m(K) = 0 9 1Iodify the conbtruction in Exercise 8 ab follow:,; Let Lo = [0, 1]. Form L1 by removing the open interval in the middle of Lo of length 1/5. Next, remoVE' from each of the intervab making up L1 the open intervals in t he middle, of length 1/5 2 , to get L 2 . Continue thib procesb Thus L// ib obtained from [0,1] by omitting one open interval of length 1/5, two of length 1/52 , and bO on, up to omitting 2//- 1 open intervab of length 5-// Then Lo ~ L1 ~ L2 ~ .. ~ L, whE?re L = L// is a compact bet. Show that m(L) > O.
10 With K and L as in Exerciseb 8 -9. show that there ib a homeomorphism F . [0,1] ----> [0,1] such that F(L)
= K.
In Exercibes 11 12, let X be a nonnnpty set and C a nonempty collection of subsctb of X 11 Show that the' collection of
ib a (I-algebra of bubbetb of X, containing C, and ib in fact the smallest such (j-algebra One baYb Fib the
Chapter 3
Integration on Measure Spaces
In this chapter we introduce the general notion of a measure on a space X, define the class of measurable functions, and define thE' integral, first on a class of positive "simple functions," thE'n on general positive, measurable functions, and finally on measurable, integrable functions. We establish several key results about integrals of limits of sequences of functions. It is useful to select the crucial features of Lebesgue measure, as developed in Chapter 2, and apply them to more general situations; this leads to the notion of a "measure space" To define this, we start with a set X and a cr-algebra ~ of subsets. As in Chapter 2, this means ~ is a nonempty family of subsets of X, closed under countable unionE> and under complements, and hence also under countable intersections. We call (X,~) a measurable space. Note that, if S E ~, then X \ S E ~, so X = S u (X \ S) E ~, and hence XC = 0 E~. A measure p, on ing two conditions
(3.1) (32)
is a function p,
~ -->
[0,00] satisfying the follow-
p,(0) = 0, SJ E
~ disjoint, countable
p,(U Sj) = j
L p,(SJ). J
We call (X,~, p,) a measure space. It is easy to verify that p, automatically has the following four additional properties·
It(US,) ::; I:>t(5
J ),
5 j E J, 51 C 52 C 53 c· .
and. prom,drd /-1 (S,) < (3.6)
Integration on J.\,leasurc Spaces
/l(5)) /
M(5J ) '\./t(n5j)
for some 1,
S, E J, /:>\ ~ 52 ~ 53 ~ ..
Propert~· (3.3) is ("RIled monotomcity, and property (3.4) is called coulltable 1>ubadditivity. the contrast with countable adddwit1.j in (:32) is that in (3.4) the 1>et1> 5 J need not 1)(' di1>joint.
To prove (3.3), note that, if 51 c 52. then Y = S2 \SI = 52n(X\51) E J, and 52 = 51 U Y i1> a dit-,joint union, hmce, by (:3.2), M(52) = /-1(Sl) + 11,(Y), a sum of tprms that arp 2: O. \VI:' leaw the proofh of (3 4)-(3 G) as pXPHit-,efo. Comparp EXPlcise1> 2 and 3 in Chapter 2 So far WI:' have ab examplp& of measure spaces X = [0, b] and X = JR. with J either the da1>s of Lpbesgup rnpasurable 1>ubspts of X or tIl(' dah& of Borpl subspts of X and = Lpbl:'sgup Inpahure. l\Iore gpnprallv. \ve ("QuId let X bl:' any Lpbe1>gup rnea1>urable subspt of JR \Ve will stud~' fm dlPr ("Ollhtruction1> of measures in Chapters 5-7 and Chapterh 12-14.
::'-Jow wp look at thp i1>buP of integrating d, function.r X ----'> R \vhpn (X. J, M) is a mpaWIP space. \Ve firfot define \vhat it mpans for .r to be measurable. TIll:' m01>t lilwral-sounding chaH\,cterization is that .r- I (J) c X belong& to J for pwry opt'n interval J c JR If thih property holds. it ih .=tn I (5) E J for t'vPr~' Borel set S C R (Proof: automatic consequence thclt The collection of subseth S C JR such that .r- I (5) E J i1> d, o--algebra If it contains all opm intPrvals, thPIl it contain1> all Borel hubsets of JR) \Vp rpgard this latter charaetl:'rization as the definition of measurability To prnpha&ize tIlP role of J WP sOInptimes say .r is J-mpafourable.
Note that. if X ib a topological space and 23 is thp o--algebra of Bord sets in X. i (' , the bmallpst o--algpbra containing the closed sub1>et1> of X, then any continuoub X ----'> JR is 23-meaburable By the ddinitioll . .r . JR ----'> JR is Lebt'1>gue meaburabk provided .r- I (5) E ,.c for ewry S E 23, whele 23 if> the clasb of Borel sct1> in JR and ,.c is the dahh of Lelwsgue llleaburabll:' hubseth of JR Recall that 23 c,.c We notl:'. however, that it doeb not follow that .r-I(S) E ,.C for all 5 E ,.C Indeed, there exist cont~nuou'i .r : JR ----'> JR and 5 E ,.C such that .r- I (5) t/:,.C (See Exercise 21 )
\Ve can abo define .r : X ----'> [-c:x:", 00] to be J-mea1>urable provided (S) E J for all Borel sets 5 in [-c:x:", c:x:,,].
It i& valuable to know that certain basic operationh pre&prvl:' meahl1rability. For example, we have the following
Integration on Measure Spaces
Proposition 3.1. If fJ : X
IR are J-rneasumble, so are
II + 12
= f1 + 12, then
Proof. Let J be an open interval in IR. If 9
whpre 0 = {(x,y) E IR2 x + y E J}. Now we can write 0 a& a countable disjoint union of rectangles, of the form Ok = h x I~ (where the intervals h,I~ are open) Then
= UUl1(h) n f21(1£)] k
is cleMly an element of J, provided fl and f2 are J-mea:"urable. The measurability of hh i:" proved &imilarly
3.1. The argument used above to prove Proposition 3.1 readily extends to the following more general betting A&sume fJ : X -+ IR are Jmeasurable, for j = 1, . ,n, and that : IRn -+ IR i& continuous, and define g: X -+ IR by g(.r) = (h(x), ,fn(x)), REMARK
Then 9 is J-mea&urable The following result on measurability of SUP&, infs, etc., will be very valuable Proposition 3.2. If fj are J-rneas1Lmble, for} E Z+. then
= sup fJ(.r).
9Ax) = inf fJ(.r), J
g)(.r) = lim&up f~(.r),
= liminf ./j(x) )
are all J-rneasumble functions. fmm X to [-CXJ, +oc]. If g(x) e:ctsts for' all x E X, then 9 i'i J-rneasuTable
= lim
Proof. Here the a-algebra of Borel &pts in [-oc, +00] is generated by intervals, either of the form (a, +00] or of the form [-00, a). Note that
(3 10)
91 1((a, 00])
Uf j~I
((a, 00]),
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
so the measurability of 91 follows That of 92 is similar. Now (3.11)
so measurability of 93 follows, and measurability of 94 is ~imilar. Finally, if 9(X) = lim fJ(x) exists everywhere, then 93 = 94 = 9, so we have measurability of 9. If (X,~, f.1) is a measure space and S X8, defined as in (1.22) by
(312) is
X8(X) = 1 if .r E S.
then the characteristic function
0 if x E X \ S.
as is any finite linear combination N
cp(x) =
L ajX8) (x),
1Ft SJ E ~.
Such a function is called a simple function. The sets Sj in (3 13) can overlap It is convenient to rewIite (3 13) using, characteristic functions of disjoint sets. We can do this a,.'l follows. For each subset (J C {I, .. 1 N}, let (314)
(n S}) n (n Sj), JEer
Sj = X
Then the sets Ser art' mutually disjoint, and for each j E {L .. , N}, we have (3.15)
Furthermore, if
LL j=l er3j
aJxso (x) =
aerXs" (x),
where tilT = LjEer (fj. Let us denote by 6+(X) the class of simple functions that are 2: 0 on X It follows from (3.16) that such functions can be put in the form (3.13) with a J 2': O. It also follow~ from (3.16) that 6+(X) is the class of ~-measurable functions with range in a finite subset of [0,00).
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
Given rp E (5+(X), we define the integral
(3.17) This quantity is possibly +00, if /1,(S)) = 00 for some S). However, if a) then by convention we take ajfJ(S)) = 0 whether or not fJ(S)) is finite.
= 0,
Note that by (3.16)
(3.18) ) u3j
Note also that if the set of nonzero values taken on by rp is {b 1 , ... , bM}, then M
(3 19)
= I:>kXTk (x),
= {x
EX: rp(x)
= bd.
Each Tk is a union of sets Su in (3.16), and each corresponding coefficient au is equal to bk. It follows that
rp dfJ
L aufJ(Su) = L bkfJ(Tk) ,
the first identity by (3.18) and the second by additivity of fJ. This identity shows that J rp dfJ i:, well defined, independently of the particular representation of rp in (3.13) If rp. 'I/; E
(5 + (X).
one al&o veri fie:, immediately that
(3.21) and
(322) The following is also easy, though worthy of the status of a lemma. Lemma 3.3. If rp E (5+(X), then
XA rpdfJ
a measure on
Integration on l\!easure Spaces
Here, the last identity is a definition of fA'P dJL. Note that if 'P is given by (313), then N
>'(A) = 2:a,p(A n Sj).
The proof of Lemma :3.3 is an exercise Now let M+(X) denote the set of all measurablf' functions [0, ooJ. For .f E M+(X), we define the integral (3.25)
dJL = sup
'PriJL' 0::; 'P::;
.t . X
'P E e+(X)}.
This is somewhat analogous to the definition of the lower Riemann integral 1(1). One difference is that the quantity defined by (3.25) might be 00. Our hypothesis that f is measurable makes it unnecessary to introduce also an analogue of the upper integral That (3.25) agrees with (3.17) for f = y E e+(X) follows from (3.22). Note that, for any f E M+(X), we can find a sequence (3.26) For example, set 'PJ(:r) = k/2J on {x EX: k2-) ::; f(x) < (k + 1)2- j } if k < j . 2}, and set y)(x) = ) on {.r EX: J ::; f(x)}. If K < ex and 0::; f(:r) ::; K on SeX, then 'PJ ----) f uniformly on S, as J ----) x. When (3.26) holds. one should expect .f YJ dp to converge to .f f dp. That this b true is a special case of the following central result, knmvn as the Monotone Convergence Theorem. Theorem 3.4. If.t) E M+(X) and .tj / , then fJ / (:~
M+(X), and
Proof. Given that fJ(x) /, the limit certainly exists for each x, though it might be +x The measurability of the limit f followb fwm Proposition 3.2. Clearly J fn dl'" ::; .f f dJL for all n, and f in dJL is increasing. so
To get it, take c\' E (0.1). Let 'P E e+(X), 'P ::; f Let En = {x EX· fn(:r) 2: o:'P(x)}, Then {En} is an increasing sequence of measurabk sets w hose union is X, and (3.28)
f n dp2:
Ji En
= o:>.(En).
Integration on Measure Spaces
where' >.(En) is as in (3.23). By Lemma 3.3, together with the property (35), we have
lim.f i.p dl1, =
'P dj.l.
Hence (328) implies
\Ve next establish an additivity result Proposition 3.5. Iffn E M+(X)
a countable sequence and f = L:n~l fn,
then (330)
Proof. First coIlf:>ider the CabE' f = fl + h. As in (3.26), take ipnJ E e;+(X) f:>uch that i.pnj / ' f n as j ........ ex; Then ip J) + i.p2) / ' h + h, so, by the :!\Ionotone Convergence Theorem together with (3.21), we have
+ h) dj.l =
= lim =
+ ip2)) dj.l
fl dt),
+ lim
'P2) dt),
By induction,
I (2: In) N
(:3 :32)
= 2: n=I
fn rij.l,
given fn E M+(X). for any N < oc, and applying the l\Ionotone Convergenc(' TheOIem again yields (3.30) The nt'xt result ib known as Fatou's Lemma. Proposition 3.6. If fn E M+(X), then
(3.:3:3 )
(lim inf
In) dj.l
::; lim inf
fn dj.l
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
Proof. For each k E Z+, j 2 k
fn :s; /j, so
(3.34) Of course, infn>k fn / lim inf fn as k -----* 00. Thus, letting k and applying the Monotone Convergence Theorem, we have
-----* 00
in (3.25)
lim! (inf fn) dJ.L :s; lim inf! fj dJ.L, ! (lim inf fn) dJ.L = k-+oo n2:k
which gives (3.33). We now tackle the definition of f f dJ.L when f(x) is not necessarily 20 everywhere. For a general measurable function f : X -----* JR, we can write f = f+ - f-, where f+(x) = f(x) when f(x) 2 0, f+(x) = 0 otherwise, and f-(x) = - f(x) where f(x) :s; 0, f-(x) = 0 otherwise. Thus f+, f- E M+(X). We define the integral
(3.36) provided at least one of the terms on the right is finite. If they are both finite or, equivalently, if
! lfl
(3.37) we say
dJ.L <
is mtegrable and write
(3.38) For short, we might write
E £1(X) or simply
E £1.
The following basic result is parallel in statement, though not in proof, to Proposition 1.1. Proposition 3.7. The set £1(X,J.L) is a linear space, and the map
(3.39) is a linear map.
integration on Measure Spaces
Proof. From Ih + 121::::; Ihl + 112[, it easily follows that h E £J(X,J-t) =? h + 12 E C 1 (X, J-t). Also, clearly aj E ~ =? ajh E C1(X, J-t) in this case. Let us establish that, if h E C 1 (X, J-t), then
rt -
Indeed, if 9 = h + 12, then g+ - g- = fl g- + It + ft· Hence, by Proposition 3.5,
(3.41) =
+ fl + f 2 ) dJ-t =
+ ft + ft) dJ-t =
+ ft -
g+ dJ-t g- dJ-t
f2' so g+ + fl
J +J
fl dJ-t ft dJ-t
+ f2
J +J +
f2 dJ-t ft dJ-t.
Equating the right sides, we get (340). The other ingredient in linearity, (342)
af dJ-t = a
f dJ-t, for f E C1(X, J-t), a E
is easy. We can also integrate a complex-valued function. If f : X ---+ te, write f = h + ih where fj are real valued. We say f is measurable if hand 12 are both measurable. If iI, 12 E C1(X, J-t), we set (3.43)
J Jh f dJ-t
Often, we use the same notation, C1(X, J-t), to denote the set of such complexvalued integrable functions. The rest of the results of this section will deal specifically with real-valued functions, but the reader should be able to formulate extensions to complex-valued functions The next result is known as the Dominated Convergence Theorem. Theorem 3.8. Let fn E C1(X, p,), for n E
Suppose f : X
for all x E X, and suppose that there is a functwn 9 satisfying (3.45) Then (3.46)
9 E C 1 (X,J-t),
Ifnl:S g, for all n.
---+ ~
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
Proof. We know f is mt>af:,urable; of course then if I ::; 9 =} f E £} Now if 9 satisfies (345), then 9 + fn 2: O. Thu:", by Fatou's Lemma and (3.40),
q dp
.I f
+ f) dp
::; lim inf
+ In) dp
+ lim inf
In dfJ·
and hence
.I .t
dll ::; lim inf
n dll.
whenever the hypothese:" of Theolem 38 hold Then the :"ame argument applie~ with fn replaced by - In, so.f (-f) dll::; liminf J(-fn) dlL or. equivalently,
dJl 2: lim
~up.l fn dll.
The inequalities (348) (3.49) yield (3.46) The next result is known a~ Egoroff's Theorem. It hac, many uses, including an alternative approach to the proof of the Dominated Convergence Theorem (explored in some of the exercises below).
Proposition 3.9. Let (X, J. p) be a mea91pre 5pace 9/1,ch that 11(X) < :)0 Assume fJ are J-m,ea5UTable and f,(:l') -----> f(J;) faT all .1: E X Then, gwen any 8 > O. there eX1<;t.s B E J .such that (350)
Proof. For
/l(B) ::; 8 and fj E
> 0, FnE
f umformllJ on X \ B.
n E Z+, set
= {.r
for some J 2: n, IfJ(:I:) - I(x)l2: E}
Note that each 'ie't FnE belong& to J The' hypothesi& implie& for each E > 0, so /1(FnE ) -----> 0 as n -----> rx., In paltie-ular, given any 8 such that
> 0, if we
2- k ,
= 0.
there exist~ n
= n(k)
Integration on Measure Spaces
Let B
= Uk 2':1 F n (k),2-k,
B E J. We ~ee that IL(B) ::; () and
x tic B, J 2': n(k)
If)(x) - f(x)1 < 2- k .
This establishes (350). "Ve mention a point which is quite simple but important for applications. Namely. in all the convergeuce theorcms established aboVE'. thc hypothesis that a ~equC'nce of mea~urablc function~ fj converges for all :£ E X can be weakened to the hypothe~is thclt IJ converges ai-most everywhere, i.e., fJ converges for all x E XI. where Xl C X is a measurable subset such that fL(X \ Xd = 0 The proof is ea~y. just restrict attention to the measure spacE' (X 1 ,, where JI = {S E J' S c Xd = {S n Xl: S E J} and JL I i~ J1 restricted to J 1· To close this chapter. we relate the Riemann integral, considered in Chapter 1. to the Lebe~gue integraL which is the integral defined in this chapter whC'n fL i~ Lebe~gue measure The theory of the Lebesgue integral allows us to specify preci~ely which bounded functions on an interval I = [a, b] are Riemalln integrable. Indeed. let ..p : 1-+ lR be a bounded function, and recall the dehnitioll (1.;))-(1 6) ofl(
~ 1(
On the otll('r hand. (~)
./ 9, dx /I(
f · "'>
j' > -
~ '/-'.
(I). / ':J
9 <_
{(c r '•
where f and 9 are bounded and meac;umble. and by the ~Jonotone Convergence Theorem, together with (:3.54), we have
is Riemann integrable if and only if I (f - g) dx = O. hence if and only if f(:r) = g(x) for almost all x E I. (See Exercbe 4 below.) On the other hane!. if E is the collection of endpoints of all the intervab in the partitions P J (a countable set, hence of Lebesgue measure zero), we have Con~equently rp
V x tic E,
I(x) = g(x) ~ rp is continuous at x
Thus we have the following proposition
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
Proposition 3.10. If
and only if the set of points x E I at which
Exercises 1 Suppose J is an algebra of sub~ets of X. Show that provided it is closed under countable disjoint unions.
J is a O"-algebra,
2. Establish the properties (3.3)-(3.6) of a measure. 3. Prove Lemma 33. Hznt. Show that, if f.L1, ... , f.LN are measures on X and aJ E [0,(0), then A = a1f.L1
+ ... + aNf.LN
is a measure Also show that, if f.L is a measure on X and E J measurable, then
X are
(3.58) are measures 4. Let (X,J,/-l) be a measure space and (3.59)
f =
0 f.L-a.E'
To ~ay that f = 0 f.L-a e
O}, /-leN) =
E M+(X) Show that df.L
is to say that, for
N = {x
f(x) f
5 A measure /-l on (X, M) is said to be complete provided
A E M, /-leA) = 0, SeA Suppo~e /-l
S E M, and f.L(8) =
is a measure on (X, J) that is not complete. Show that
{E U 8: E E J, 8 c FE J, f.L(F) = O}
is a O"-algebra, that there is a unique measure Ii on (X, J) such that J.L on J, and that Ii is complete We call Ii the completion of J.L.
Ii =
Integration on Measure Spaces
6. Let fJ, be a measure on (X, J'), as above, and /i its completion, on (X, J). If f : X ---> lR is J-measurable, show that there exists fo that is J'measurable, such that fo = f outside a set of /i-measure zero. Hint. First treat the case of simple functions, then positive functions, via the approximation (3.26). 7. Let
M+(X) and set, for A >"(A) =
fdfJ, =
Show that >.. is a measure. Hint Use the Monotone Convergence Theorem. Note that this result is much stronger than Lemma 3.3.
8 Let f E .cJ(X,fJ,) be given. Show that, for every such that (3.62)
S E J', fJ,(S) <
(j ===?
[fl dfJ, <
> 0, there is a
Hint. Pick cp E 6+(X) such that 0 ::; cp ::; Iff and c/2. Then A = sup cp < 00, so pick (j < c/2A.
J cp dfJ, 2 J If I dfJ, -
9. Give an alternative proof of the Dominated Convergence Theorem, de-ducing it from Egoroff's Theorem and the result of Exercise 8, rather than from Fatou's Lemma. Hznt. Given Ifni::; 9 E .cJ(X,j1), fn ---> f, c > 0, pick a measurable set Y C X such that
fJ,(Y) <
gdfJ, < c,
and pick a measurable S C Y, such that fJ,(S) < c and fn on Y\ S. 10. Let /j be measurable functions on (X, J', fJ,). We say /j provided fJ,(Eje:) ---> 0 as j ---> 00, for each E > 0, where
f uniformly
f in measure
Ejc = {x EX: [/j(x) - f(x)[ > c}. Show that, if fJ everywhere.
f in measure, then some subsequence /jv
f almost
3. Integration on Measure Space6
11. Show that the Dominated Convergence Theorem continues to hold if the hypothesis (3.44) that fn ---4 f pointwise is changed to fn ---4 f in measure. 12. Let (X,'J,f-L) be a measure space and assume f-L(X) < 00 Let M(X,'J) denote the space of measurable functions and let Af(X, 'J, I.L) denote the set of equivalence clasbes of measurable functions, where
f For measurable (3.64)
f(x) = g(:1:), f-L-a e.
and g, set
d(f,g) =
J + if _ gl [f-g[
Show that this is a distanC'e function, making Af(X, 'J, f-L) a metriC' bpaC'e. and that fn ---4 f in this metric if and only if fn ---4 f in measure, as defined in Exercise 10. 13. Show that, if f-L(X) < 00, then fn ---4 f, f-L-a.e. implies fn ---4 f measure. Give a counterexample for X = Z, with counting measure
In Exercises 14-18, we deal with Lebebgue measure on the line lR or on an interval I = [a,b]. A set S c lR is called an Fa set if S = UJ_ >1 FJ , FJ closed. S is called a G(j &et if S = nJ~l G j , G j open 14. If 0 c I ib open, show that there exist fj E C(I) such that 0 :S fj(x) /' xo(x) for all x E I. If K c I is closed, show that there' exist fJ E C(I) such that 1 2 fJ(x) ~ XK(X) for all x E I. 15. If S is an Fa set or a G(j set, show that there exi&t fJ E C(I) &uch that O:S fJ :S 1 and fJ(x) ---4 xs(x) for almost all x E I. Hint Tackle the question of convergence in mea&ure. 16. Let ScI be Lebesgue measurable. Show that there exist& an Fa set So and a G(j set S1 such that So eSc S1 and m(S1 \ So) = O. Deduce that there exist fJ E C(I) such that 0 :S fJ :S 1 and fj ---4 xs almost everywhere.
3. Integration on Measure Spaces 17. Let 1 E Cl(I,dx). Show that there exist fJ E C(I) 5uch that almost everywhere. Hint First approximate 1 by simple functions, as in (3.26).
18. Given 1 E Cl(I, dx) and 0 > 0, show that there is a Lebesgue measurable ScI such that m(S) < 0 and 111\S is continuous. Hint. Apply Egoroff's Theorem to the results of Exercise 17. This result is known as LUbin's Theorem 19. If (X, -J', f-L) is a measure space and that there exist Aj E -J' such that
[0,00] is measurable, show
(3.65) Hint. Set Al
= {x
EX: 1(x)
2: 1} and, inductively, for k 2: 2,
20. Let (X,-J',J-l) be a mea5ure space. Given
1 E M+(X),
t E (0,00), set
(3.66) Show that (3.67)
Then use (3.26) and the l\lonotone Convergence Theorem. Show that, if i.{JJ / 1, then, for each
Hint. First verify this for simple functions
tE(O,oo), S
to deduce that JW
c ... /
21. Let P : [0,1] ----+ [0,1] be the homeomorphism described in Exercise 10 of Chapter 2, satisfying P(L) = K,
m(L) > 0,
m(K) = 0.
Show that there is a subset S C K 5uch that p-l(S) is not Lebesgue measurable.
3. Integration on Measure Spaces
Hint. Apply Exercise 7 of Chapter 2 to X
22. Let Un be measurable functions on (X,:J, f-L) Assume
U pointwise,
~ 0,
j Un df-L
j U df-L <
Prove that
jlu-unldf-L-----+ O. Hint Write
IU - unl = 2(u - u n)+ - (u - un) and apply the Dominated Convergence Theorem to the first term on the right side. 23 Below we display the "guts" (though not the skeleton or the flesh) of the derivation of Fatou's Lemma and the Dominated Convergence Theorem (DCT) from the Monotone Convergence Theorem (MCT), as done in the proofs of Proposition 3.6 and Theorem 3 8. Familiarize yourself with the details of these arguments, to the point where you can look at the material displayed below and see the entire argument.
j liminf fndf-L = lim j(inf fn)df-L:S liminfjfjdf-L, k~oo
j (g
+ f) df-L :S lim inf j
+ fn) df-L =
T Fatou (analOgue for fn replaced by - fn).
j 9 df-L + lim inf j fn df-L
LP Spaces
Let (X, f-L) be a measure space. As in Chapter 3, we say a measurable function f belongs to £ 1 (X, f-L) provided
[[fIlL1 =
[f(x)[ df-L(x) <
Elements of L 1 (X, f-L) consist of equivalence classes of elements of £ 1 (X, f-L), where we say
rv ]
f(x) = ](x) for f-L-almost every x.
With a slight abuse of notation, we denote by f both a measurable function in £l(X,f-L) and its equivalence class in Ll(X,f-L)' Also we say f, defined only almost everywhere on X, belongs to L1 (X, f-L), if there exists] E £1 (X, f-L), equal f-L-almost everywhere to f. The quantity [[fl[p defined by (4.1) is called the L1 norm of fIn general, a normed linear ~pace is a vector space equipped with a positive function IIv[1 having the properties
[[av[[ = la[ . Ilvll, for v (4.3)
IIv +wll
V, a E C (or JR.),
+ [[wll,
!lv[[ > 0, unless v =
The second of these conditions is called the triangle inequality. Given a norm on V, setting d( u, v) = II u - v II defines a distance function on V, making it a metric space. It is easy to see that £l(X,f-L) is a vector space and that IIflip satisfies the first two conditions in (4.3). However, [If[[Ll = 0 if and only if f = 0
LP Spaces
almost everywhere. (Recall Exerci&e 4 of Chapter 3.) That is the reason we define L1 (X, fJ,) to consist of equivalence classes defined by (4.2), so L1 (X, fJ,) becomes a normed linear space. Generally speaking, a sequence (v]) in a normed linear space is said to be a Cauchy ~equence if [Iv] - 11k II ----+ 0 as ], k ----+ 00. If every Cauchy sequence ha~ a limit in V, then V is said to be complete, a complete normed linear space is called a Banach space. Theorem 4.1. L1 (X, /1,) is a Banach space.
The proof of completeness of L 1 (X, fJ,) makes use of the following two lemma~, which are essentially re~tatements of the Uonotone Convergence Theorem and the Dominated Convergence Theorem, respectively Lemma 4.2. If fj E £l(X,/L), 0 ::; hex) ::; h(x)::; ", and IlfJllu ::; C < 00, then lim fJ(x) = f(x), with f E L1(X,/L) and Ilfj - fllu ----+ 0 a5 J-'OO
----+ 00.
Proof. We know that f E M+(X). The Monotone Convergence Theorem implies J fJ dfJ, /' J f dfJ, Thus J f d/L ::; C. Since Ilf) - fliLl = J f d/L fj d/L in this case, the lemma follows.
Lemma 4.3. If fj E £l(X,fJ,),limf](x)
= f(x) /L-a.e., and
~f there is an
£l(X'/L) such that If)(x)1 ::; F(x) 11,-a.e., for all j, then f and Ilfj - fliLl ----+ O.
Proof. Apply the Dominated Convergence Theorem to 9j a.e. Note that 19) I ::; 2F.
= IfJ - fl
To show L1(X,/L) b complete, suppose (In) is Cauchy in L1. Passing to a subsequence, we can assume Ilfn+l - fnllLl ::; 2- n . Consider the infinite series 00
+ L[Jn+1(X) -
N ow the partial sums are dominated by m
Ih(x)1 + L Ifn+1(x) - fn(x)1 = Ih(x)1 + Gm(x), n=l
and since 0 ::; G 1 ::; G2 ::; ... and llGmll v ::; E2- n ::; 1, we deduce from Lemma 4.2 that G m / ' G fJ,-a.e. and in Ll-norm. Hence the infinite series
4. LP Spaces
(4.4) is convergent a.e., to a limit f(x), and via Lemma 4.3 we deduce that fn ---+ f in L1-norm. This proves completeness. Continuing with a description of LP spaces, we define Loo(X, J1,) to consist of bounded measurable functions, L 00 (X, J1,) to consist of equivalence classes of such functions, via (42), and we define Ilfll£<>o to be the smallest sup of J", f. It i8 easy to show that Loo(X, J1,) is a Banach space. For p E (1. 00 ), we dt'fine LP (X, J1,) to com,ist of measurable functions f such that [/II(x)IP dJ1,(x)]
x is finitt'. LP (X, It) consists of equivalence classes, via (4.2), and the LP- norm IIIIILP is given by (4.6). This time it takes a little work to verify the triangle inequality. That thi& holds is the content of Minkowski's inequality:
111+ gilLP :S
+ IlglluJ.
One neat way to t'stablish this is by the following characterization of the LP-norm. Suppose p and q are related by
1 p
We claim that, if
1 q
LP(X, JL),
= ~up{IIIhll[) : h E Lq(X,J1,),
= 1}.
We can apply (4.9) to 1+ g, which belongs to LP(X, J1,) if I and 9 do, since II + glP :S 2P (IIIP + IgIP) Given this, (4.7) follows easily from the inequality II (f + g)hllv :S IIIhllLl + IIghllv· The identity (4.9) can be regarded as two inequalitit's The ":S" part can be proved by choosing h(x) to be an appropriate multiple Clf(x)IP-l. We leave this as an exercise. The convt'r&e inequality, "2':," is a consequence of Holder's mequality: 1 p
1 q
Holder's inequality can be proved via the following inequality for positive numbers:
ab < - -p
+ -q
for a, b > 0,
LP Spaces
assuming that p E (1, (0) and (4.8) holds. In fact, we claim that, given a,b > 0, 1jp+ 1jq = 1, aP p
'P(t) = - tP + - C q
inf 'P(t) = ab,
which implies (4.11) since the right side of (4.11) is 'P(1). As for (4 12), note that 'P( t) ---> (X) as t "" 0 and as t / ' 00, and the unique critical point occurs for aPtP = bqe q, i.e., for t = blip ja l / q, giving the desired conclusion. Applying (4.11) to the integrand in (4.10) gives
1 If(x)g(x)1 dJL(x) :::; -llfll~p
+ -llglllq· q
This looks weaker than (4.10), but now replace f by tf and g by elg, so that the left side of (4.13) is dominated by (4.14) for all t > O. Another application of (4.12) then gives Holder's inequality. Consequently (4.6) defines a norm on LP(X,{L) Completeness follows as in the p = 1 case discussed above. In detail, given Un) Cauchy in LP(X, {L), we can pass to the case Ilfn+l fnllLP :::; 2- n and define Gm as in (4.5). We have IIGmllLP :::; 1, and hence (via the Monotone Convergence Theorem) deduce that G m / ' G, {L-a.e , and in LP-norm Hence the series (4.4) converges, {L-a.e., to a limit f (x). Since If - fm+11 :::; G - G m , we have by the Dominated Convergence Theorem that
if - fm+ll P d{L:::;
as m
---> 00.
(G - Gm)P d{L
Hence LP(X, {L) is complete To summarize, we have
Theorem 4.4. For p E [1, (0), LP( X, {L), with norm given by (4.6), is a Banach space
It is frequently useful to show that a certain linear subspace L of a Banach space V is dense. We give an important case of this here; C(X) denotes the space of continuous functions on X Proposition 4.5. If {L is a finite Borel measure on a compact metric space X, then C(X) is dense in LP(X, JL) for each p E [1, (0).
LP Spaces
Proof. First, let K be any compact subset of X. The functions
fK,n(X) = [1
dist(x, K)] -1 E C(X)
are all ::; 1 and decrease monotonically to the characteristic function XK equal to 1 on K, 0 on X \ K. The Monotone Convergence Theorem gives fK,n ----+ XK in LP(X, J-L) for 1 ::; p < 00. Now let A c X be any measurable set. Any Borel measure on a compact metric space is regular, i.e., (416)
J-L(A) = sup{J-L(K) . K
c A, K compact}.
In case X = I = [a, b] and J-L = m is Lebesgue measure, this follows from (2.20) together with the consequence of Theorem 2.11, that all Borel sets in I are Lebesgue measurable. The general case follows from results that will be established in the next chapter; see (5.60). Thus there exists an increasing sequence K j of compact subsets of A such that J-L(A \ Uj K j ) = O. Again, the Monotone Convergence Theorem implies XK J ----+ XA in LP(X, J-L) for 1 ::; p < 00. Thus all simple functions on X are in the closure of C(X) in LP(X, J-L) for p E [1,00). Construction of LP(X, J-L) directly shows that each f E LP(X, J-L) is a norm limit of simple functions, so the result is proved. Using a cut-off, we can easily deduce the following. Let Coo(I~) denote the space of continuous functions on ~ with compact support. Corollary 4.6. For 1 ::; p
< 00, the space
is dense in
The case L'2(X'll) is special. In addition to the L 2 -norm, there is an mner product, defined by (4.17)
(j, g)u =
f(x)g(x) dJ-L(x).
This makes L'2(X, J-L) into a Hzlbert space. It is worthwhile to consider the general notion of Hilbert space in some detail. We devote the next few pages to this and then return to the specific consideration of L2(X, J-L). Generally, a Hilbert space H is a complete inner product space. That is to say, first the space H is a linear space provided with an inner product, denoted (u, v), for u and v in H, satisfying the following defining conditions:
(aul (4.18)
+ U2,V) = a(ul'v) + (U2,V), (u,v) = (v,u), (u, u) > 0 unless u = 0
LP Spaces
To such an inner product there is assigned a norm, denoted by
Ilull = V(u,u)
To establish that the triangle inequality holds for Ilu + vii, we can expand jju + vl1 2 = (u + V,u + v) and deduce that this is ::; [[lull + Ilvll]2, as a consequence of Cauchy's inequahty: (4.20)
l(u,v)l::; Ilull·llvll,
a result that can be proved as follows. The fact that (u - v, u - v) 2': 0 implies 2 Re (u, v) ::; Ilul1 2 + Ilv11 2 ; replacing u by eiBu with eiB chosen so that eiB (u, v) is real and positive, we get (4.21) Now in (4.21) we can replace u by tu and v by C 1 v to get (4.22) Minimizing over t gives (4.20). This establishes Cauchy's inequality, so we can deduce the triangle inequality. Thus (4.19) defineb a norm on H. Note the parallel between this argument and the proof of (4.7), via (4.10). The completeness hypothesis on H is that, with thib norm, H is a Banach bpace. The nice properties of Hilbert spaces arise from their similarity with familiar Euclidean bpace, so a great deal of geometrical intuition ib available. For example, we say u and 'V are orthogonal and write u .1 v, provided (u, v) = O. Note that the Pythagorean Theorem holds on a general Hilbert space: (4.23) Thib follows directly from expanding (u
+ v, u + v).
Another useful identity is the following, called the "parallelogram law," valid for all u, v E H (4.24) This also follows directly by expanding (u+v, u+v)+ (u-v, u-v), observing some cancellations. One important application of this simple identity is to the following existence re&ult. Let K be any closed, convex subset of H. Convexity implies x, y E K ::::} (x + y)J2 E K. Given x E H, we define the distance from x to K to be (4.25)
d(x, K)
= inf {llx - yll : y
E K}.
LP Spaces
Proposition 4.7. If K cHis a nonempty, closed. convex set in a Hilbert space H and if x E H, then there ~s a unique z E K such that d(x, K) =
Ilx - zll· Proof. We can pick Yn E K such that Ilx - Y'lii ---+ d = d(x, K). It will suffice to show that (Yn) mw"t be a Cauchy sequence Use (4.24) with u = Ym - x, 'U = X - Yn, to get
Since K b convex, (Yn
+ Ym)/2
lim sup llYn
E K, so
ilx -
- Ymll'2 :s 2d'2 + 2d'2 -
+ Ym)/211 2': d. 4d'2
:s 0,
which implies convergence. In particular, this result applies when K i& a closed linear subspace of H. In this case, for x E H, denote by PKX the point in K closest to x. We have (426) We claim that x - PK x belongs to the closed linear space K J.., called the orthogonal complement of K, defined by (4.27)
K J..
= {u
E H . (u, v)
= 0 for all 'U
E K}.
Indeed, take any v E K. Then ~(t) = =
Ilx Ilx -
+ t'Oll'2 2 PKxii + 2t PKx
Re (x - PKX, v)
+ t '2 11'011 '2
is minimal at t = 0, so ~'(O) = 0, i.e., Re (x - PKX, '/') = 0, for all v E K. Replacing v by iv shows that (x - PKX, v) al&o has vanishing imaginary part for any v E K, so our claim i& established The decomposition (4.26) gives (4.28) with Xl = PKx, X2 = X - PKX. Clearly such a decomposition is unique. This implies that H is an orthogonal direct sum of K and K J..; we write (429)
£P Spaces
From this it is clear that (430) that (4.31) and that P K and PKl.. are lmear maps on H. We call PK the orthogonal projection of H on K. Note that PKx is uniquely charac-terized by the condition (4.32)
PKX E K, (PKX, v)
(x, v) for all v E K
We remark that if K is a linear subspace of H that is not closed, then K ~ coincides with K~, and (4.30) becomes (K ~ ) ~ = K. Using the orthogonal projection discussed above, we can establish the following result. Proposition 4.8. If H is a Hilbert space and
f) for
C %s a continuous
all u E H.
Proof. Consider K = Ker
We note that the correspondence
gives a conjugate linear isomor-
where H' denotes the space of all continuous linear maps
Recall that our interest in Hilbert spaces arises from our interest L2(X, /-L). Let us record the content of Proposition 4.8 in that case.
4. £P Spaces
Corollary 4.9. If
C is a continuous linear map, there exists
a unique f E L2(X,J-L) such that (4.35)
u(x)f(x) dJ-L(x) ,
Vu E L2(X,J-L).
We can use orthogonal projection operators to construct an orthonormal basis of a Hilbert space H. Let us assume H is separable, i.e., H has a countable dense subset S = {Vj : j 2: I}. See the exercises for results on separability. In such a case, pick a countable subset {Wj : J 2: I} of S such that each Wk is linearly independent of {w J : J < k} and such that the linear span of {Wj} is dense in H Let Lk = span {Wj : 1 ::; j ::; k}. We define an orthonormal set {uJ : j 2: I} inductively, as follows. Set U1 = wl/llw111. Suppose you have {uJ . 1 ::; j ::; k}, an orthonormal basis of Lk. Then set
(4.36) where Pk is the orthogonal projection onto L k . One does not need the construction involving Proposition 4.7 to get Pk here. We can simply set k
Pkf = ~(J,uJ)Uj.
The set {Uj : j 2: I} so constructed is orthonormal, i.e., (Uk, ue) = (he. Also its linear span is dense in H, since the linear span coincides with that of {Wj:j2: 1}. We claim that, for each that
E H,
as k
~ 00.
To see this, note
IIfl12 = IJPkfl1 2+ Ilf - Pkfl1 2 2: IJPkfl12 = ~ I(J, uj)12. j=l
We also see that, if n 2: k, then IJPnf - Pk f 112 = I:k<j:::;n I(J, Uj and hence that (PkJ) is a Cauchy sequence in H, for each f. We claim that the limit is equal to f, hence that
f = L(J, Uj)Uj. J
Indeed, we now know that the right side of (4.39) defines an element of H; call it g. Then, f - 9 has inner product 0 with each u J ' hence with all
elements of the linear span of {Uj}, hence with all elements of the closure, i.e., with all elements of H, so f - 9 = O. In the case H = L2(1, Tn), with I = [-1f,1f] and Tn = dx/21f, an orthonormal basis is given by (440) See the exercises for a proof of this. In such a casE', (4.39) is the expansion of a function in a Fourier series. We use Corollary 4.9 to prove an important result known as the RadonTheorem. Let f.L and v be two finite measures on (X, J). Let
a = f.L
+ 2v,
W = 2f.L + v.
On the Hilbert space H = L2(X, a), consider the linear functional cp : H C given by
cpU) =
f(x) dW(x).
Note that IcpU)1 :s: 2 f If I da :s: 2va(X)llfIIL2(x,Lt). By Corollary 4.9, there exists 9 E £2(X, a) such that, for any f E £2(X, (Ie) = £2(X, f.L) n £2(X, v), (4.43)
f(x) dw(x)
f(x)g(x) da(x).
In particular, this holds for any bounded measurable tity is equivalent to
f(2g - 1) dv =
Note that thit. iden-
f(2 - g) df.L,
for all f E £2(X, a). If we let f be the characteristic function of SIR = {x E X . g(x) < 1/2 - 1/t'} or of S2£ = {x EX: g(x) > 2 + l/C}, we see that f.L(SJ£) = v(SJc) = O. As a consequence, we can arrange that 1/2 :s: g(x) :s: 2, for all x E X We also see that Z = {x EX: g(x) = 1/2} must have f.L-measure zero. (Similarly, {x: g(x) = 2} has v-measure zero.) Also, (4.44) holds for all f E M+(X), by the Monotone Convergence Theorem We say that v is absolutely continuous with respect to f.L and write v < < f.L, provided (445)
= 0 ====} v(S) = O.
LP Spaces
In such a case, we see that Z = {x EX: g(x) = 1/2} has v-measure zero. Given FE M+(X), we can set (4.46)
F(x) f(x) = 2g(x) - l'
h(x) = 2 - g(x) 2g(a:) - 1
and apply (4.44) to get (4.47)
F(x) dv(x) =
F(x)h(x) dp,(x)
for all positive measurable F Note that taking F = 1 gives h E Ll(X, p,). The result we have just obtained is known as the Radon-Nikodym Theorem. We record a formal statement Theorem 4.10. Let p, and v be two fimte measures on (X, ~). If v is absolutely continuous wzth respect to p" then (4.47) holds for some nonnegative hE L1 (X, p,) and every positive measurable F.
We mention that (4 47) abo holds for every bounded measurable F. H we do not assume that v < <
we can still consider
h(x) = 2 - g(x) 2g(x)-1
if g(x)
i- 2'1
if g(x) =
and we have (4.49)
F dv
for any positive measurable F, where (4.50)
Y = X \ Z =
{x EX. g(x) i-l}.
Recall that p,(X \ Y) = O. We can define the mea&ure A on (X,~) by (4.51)
= v(Y n E).
Then we have (4.52)
.I X
.I x
IJ' Spaces
for all positive measurable F. Write
= v(E \ Y) = v(E n Z),
= A + p.
Now the measure A i& supported on Y, i.e., A(X \ Y) = O. Similarly, p is supported on Z. Thu!'> A and p have disjoint supports. Generally, two measures with disjoint supports are said to be mutually smgular. When two measures A and p are mutually singular, we write A .1. p. We have the following result, known as the Lebesgue decomposition of v with respect to J-L. Theorem 4.11. If J-L and v are finite measures on (X, ~), then we can wnte
This decomposztion
= A + p,
A < < J-L,
p ..1
Proof. The measure& A and p are given by (4.51) and (452). The fact that A < < J-L i& contained in (4.52). As we have noted, J-L(X \ Y) = 0, so J-L is supported on y, which is disjoint from Z, on which p is supported, hence p .1. J-L.
If also A and pare mea!'>ures such that v = A + p, A < < J-L, p ..1 I)', we have Z E ~ such that p is supported on Z and J-L(i) = 0. Now J-L(ZUZ) = 0. so A(Z U Z) = 0 and ~(Z U Z) = 0, and, for E E M,
A(E) = A(E \ Z) = v(E \ (Z U Z)), ~(E) = ~(E \ Z) = v(E \ (Z U Z)) This give!'> uniqueness. We say a measure J-L on (X,~) i& (T-finite if we can write X as a countable union UJ~l Xj where Xj E ~ and J-L(Xj ) < 00. A paradigm case is Lebe&gue measure on X = ITt There are routine extensions of Theorems 4.10-4.11 to the case where I)' and v are (T-finite measureh, which we leave to the reader.
Exercises 1. Let V and W be normed linear &paces. Suppose we have linear trans-
LP Spaces
with C independent of j. (We say {Tj } is uniformly bounded.) Suppose also T : V --7 W satisfies this bound. Let L be a dense subspace of V. Then show that (4.57)
Tv, V vEL
Tv, V v E V.
2. Define
Ts : LP(lR)
= f(x - s).
Show that, for p E [1,00), (4.59)
f E LP(lR)
f in LP- norm, as [,
Hint. Apply Exercise 1, with V = W = LP(lR) , L Corollary 4.6. Note that IITsfliLl' = IlfllLl'.
= Coo(lR),
as in
One says a metric space is separable if it has a countable dense subset. 3. If I = [a, b] C lR and a :S a < ;3 :S b, define
dist( x,I \ [a,;3]).
Show that the linear span over Q of {'Pa;3 : a,;3 E QnI} is dense in C(I), and deduce that C(1) i& separable. From the denseness and continuity of the inclusion L: C(l) ~ LP(I), prove that £P(l) is separable, for 1 :S p < 00. Then prove that LP(lR) is separable, for 1 :S p < 00. 4 Let X be a compact metric space; X has a countable dense subset {Zj : j ;::=: I}. Given 0 < p < (diam X)/2, set
dist (x, X \ Bp(zj))
Show that the algebra generated by {1,Uj,p : j E Z+, P E Q+} and 1 is dense in C(X) and deduce that C(X) is separable Conclude, from Proposition 4.5, that VeX, fJ) i& separable, for p E [1,00), if f.L is a finite measure on the CT-algebra of Borel sets in X. 5. Let {Uj : j ;::=: I} be a countable orthonormal set in a Hilbert space H. Show that 00
~(f,Uj)Uj = Pvf, j=l
4. LP Spaces
where V is the closure of the linear span of {11,j}. The Stonc-Weierl:>tra&s Theorem states that, if X is a compact Hausdorff space and A an algcbra of functions in C]R(X) (the space of real-valued continuoul:> functions on X), such that 1 E A, and if A has the property of &eparating points, i.e., for any two distinct p, q E X, there cxists f E A such that f(p) i= f(q). then A i& dense in C]R(X). If A is an algebra in Cc(X) with these propeltie~, plus the property that f E A =} J E A, then A is dense in Cc(X). A proof is given in Appendix A. 6. Use the Stone-Weierstras~ TheOlem to show that, if ek(:c) = eikx , as in (4.40), then the linear span E of {ek : k E Z} is dense in C(Sl), where Sl = JR/27rZ; hence E is dense in LP(SI,dx/27r), for p E [1,00). Hence {ell: k E Z} is an orthonormal basis of L'2(Sl,dx/27r)
7. For f,11, E Crr(JR), the space of smooth in JR, set Kf11,(x) = f
* 11,(x) =
with compact support
f(y)11,(x - y) dy
Show that, for 1 ::; p < 00, K f has a unique bounded exten&ion: (4.62) The operation in (461) il:> called convolutwn. H~nt. For f, 'U E Co(JR), if f il:> ~upported in [a, b], show that
* 11,(x) = n-+oo lim
- a n
f(Lb n
+ (1 -
L)a) TJ'U,(X), n
where Tj11,(X) = 11,(x - Jb/n - (1 - J/n)a) U&e the triangle inequality (4.7) to estimate norml:>. 8. Show that there is a unique extenl:>ion from f E Co(JR) to fELl (JR) of Kf11" with (462) continuing to hold, giving a continuou& linear map K : L1(JR) --+ £(LP(JR»). 9 Let fJ be a sequence of nonnegative functions in L1 (JR) such that (4.63)
/ fJ dx = 1,
supp fJ
JR . Ixl < Ijj}
Show that, for 1 ::; p < 00, (4.64)
11, E LP (JR)
* 11, --+ 11, in
LP norm, as J
LP Spaces
Derive the same conclusion, upon weakening the second hypothesis in (4.63) to
= (3j(c;)
fJ dx
1 as
J -+ 00,
V c; >
Ixl<€ Hmt. First verify the ('onclusion for
E Co(JR). Then use Exercise 1.
10. Given fELl (SI), 0 < r < 1, define 00
Prf(O) =
f(n) =
~ r27f f(O)e- inB dO. 27r
Show that (4.66)
Prf(O) = Pr
* f(O) = -1 127f P, (0 27r
cp)f(cp) dcp,
where 00
1 r2 P, (0) = '"' rlnleinB = 2· ~ 1 - 2r cos 0 + r n=-oo
Show that (4.68) 11 If f E U(Sl), 1 ::; P <
27r 00,
Pr f
l27f Pr(O) dO = l. .0
~how that -+
as r /
in LP- norm. If f E C(Sl), show that you have uniform convergence in (4.69). Thif> if> known as Abel ('onvergence of Fourier series. Hint. Use a variant of the analy~is needed for Exercbe 9 12. Show that Exercises 10-11 providE' an alternative proof of the conclusion of Exercise 6, that the linear span of ek (0) = eikB , k E Z, is dense in C(Sl) and in LP(SI), for 1 ::; P < 00, and hence that {ek : k E Z} is an orthonormal basis of L2(SI,dO/27r). 13. Suppose (X,~, Ji) is the completion of (X,~, M) and LP (X, Ji) are identicaL
Show that LP(X, M)
4. V Spaces
Hint. Consult Exercise 6 of Chapter 3.
14. Show that if (4.70)
E V(X, J-L) and p E [1,(0), then, for ,\ E (0,00), J-L( {x EX:
If(x)J > ,\}) ::;
,\-P IIfll~r
Deduce that if fk ~ 0 in LP-norm, for some p E [1, (0), then !k ~ 0 in measure, as defined in Exercise 10 of Chapter 3. Hint. Denote the set being measured in (4.70) by EA and note that Jfl P dJ-L ~ '\PJ-L(EA). The inequality (4.70) is called Tchebychev's inequality.
Chapter 5
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Recall how our construction of Lebesgue measure in Chapter 2 proceeded from an initial notion of the size of a very restricted class of subsets of lR, the intervals. Using this notion, we defined an "outer measure" by the process (2.1) and proceeded from there to obtain a measure. In general, an outer measure on a set X is a function /-L* : P(X) satisfying the following three conditions:
/-L*(f/J) = 0,
c B
X countable
/-L*(A) ::; /-L*(B),
/-L*(UAj) ::; L/-L*(Aj). j
Recall that P(X) is the collection of all subsets of X. Parallel to (2.1), here is a way to construct outer measures. Let £ be some family of subsets of X, such that f/J E £ and X = Uj :2:1 Xj for some countable collection Xj E £. Suppose you have a function
(5.4) For any SeX, set
p: £
p(f/J) = 0.
/-L*(S) = inf {LP(Ej ) : E j E £, S
Here {Ej
is a countable cover of S by sets in £.
j }.
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Proposition 5.1. Under the hypotheses above. J-L*, defined by (5.5), is an outer measure. Proof. Property (5.1) follow~ from p(f/J) = 0 and (5.2) from the fact that, when A c B, any countable cover of B by elements of E i& also a cover of A. The proof of (5.3) works the 8ame way a& the proof of Proposition 2.1; each Aj has a countable cover {Ejk : k 2: 1} by elements of E, &uch that J-L*(AJ ) 2: I.:k p(EJk) - 2- J E. Then {Ejk : ), k 2: 1} i~ a countable cover of Uy Aj by element8 of E, and WE' obtain (5.3) in the limit a8 E -----> O.
If we have an outer mea8ure J-L*, then, as sugge:;,ted when we 8tated Proposition 2.12, we ~a:v that a 8et A c X i8 J-L* -measurablE' if and only if (5.6)
= J-L*(Y n A) + J-L*(Y \ A).
c X.
(By (5.3), :S alwaY8 holds, 80 the condition to check is 2:.) DenotE' by M the class of J-L* -mea~urable sub8et8 of X The following. re~ult is known a.'> Caratheodory's Theorem. Theorem 5.2. If J-L* ts an outer measv,re on X, then the class M of J-L*measurable sets is a (J-algebra, and the restriction of J-L* to M is a measv,re. Proof. Clearly 0 E M. Also, if A E M, then, for all Y c X, YnAc = Y\A and Y \ AC = Y n A, so M i8 cl08ed under complement8.
Next, supp08e A J E M. We want to 8how that (5.6) holds with A = Al U A 2. Since J-L* is :;,ubadditive, it ~uffice:;, to e~tabli8h that
for all Y c X. Note that Al U A2 = A1 U (A2 n AI) i~ a di~joint union We see that the right :;,ide of (5.7) is
+ J-L*(Y n A2 n AJ:) + J-L*(Y n Al n A 2) = /-L*(Y n A l ) + J-L*(Y n AI) :S J-L*(Y n Ad
=/-L*(Y), where the la&t two identitie8 U8e A2 E M and Al E M, re&pedively Thi:;, yield8 (5.7) and ~how8 that M i8 an algebra, i e., M i8 closed under complement8 and finite union8. We next check additivity when A l , A2 E M are disjoint Indeed, if we 8et Y = Al U A 2 , A = Al in (5.6), we get
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Inductively, we have, for Aj EM, disjoint, (5.10) Taking N /
(U AJ) = L:tL*(AJ).
()() and using monotonicity of tL* yield tL*(U AJ) :::: L:tL*(AJ), j~l
and ~ince the reversE' inequality holds by (53), we have for a countable family A), (5 11)
(U Aj) = L j~[
A J EM, disjoint.
Compare the proof of Proposition 2.7, leading to Theorem 2.8 To finbh the proof of Theorem 5.2, we need to show that, if A J E M is a countable disjoint family, then A = UJ~l A J is tL* -measurable. Let En = Uj:S:n A J • The mea~urability of An implies tL*(Y
n En) = tL*(Y n En nAn) + tL*(Y n En n A~) = tL*(Y nAn) + tL*(Y n En-I),
for any Y C X. Inductively, we obtain n
n En)
= LIL*(Y
n AJ )
We know M is an algebra.
En E M, and hence, using (5.12), we have
: : L: tL*(Y n Aj) + Il*(Y n A
the last inequality holding because En C A. Taking n
--+ 00,
:::: tL*(U(YnA J )) +tL*(YnAr) j~l
= tL*(Y n A) + IL*(Y n A
we have
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Thus A E M, and Theorem 5.2 is proved. While the construction (5.4)-(55) is very general, you need extra structure to relate /-L* (S) to p( S) when S E [.. The following is a convenient setting. Let A be an algebra of subsetI', of X, i.e, a nonempty collection of subsets of X, closed under finite unions and under complements, hence under finite intersections. A function /-Lo : A ---+ [0,00] is called a premeasure if it satisfie& the following two conditions:
/-Lo(0) = 0,
(515) (5.16) SJ
A countable, disjoint, USj = SEA ~ /-Lo(S) = L/-Lo(SJ)' j
As an example, let X = I = [a, b], and let A consist of fimte unions of intervals (open, closed, or half-open) in I If S = Uf=l Jk is a disjoint union of intervals, take /-Lo(S) = I:f=l £(Jk), so /-Lo is the restriction of Lebesgue (outer) measure to A. In this case, (5.16) can be demonstrated by an argument similar to that needed for Exercise 1 in Chapter 2.
If /-Lo is a premeasure on A, it induces an outer measure on X via the construction (5.4)-(5.5), i.e.,
= inf
{ L /-Lo(Aj) . Aj E A, E J~O
UAj} J~O
Proposition 5.3. If /-Lo is a premeasure on A and /-L* ~s defined by (5.17). then
SEA ~ /-L*(S) = /-Lo(S),
and every set in A is /-L* -measurable. Proof. To prove (5.18), first note that /-L*(S) ::; /-Lo(S) for SEA ~ince S covers itself. Suppose SEA, and S C Uj~l A J, A J E A Then let Bn = S n (An \ UJ
L/-Lo(BJ)::; L/-Lo(Aj ). j~l
It follows that /-Lo(S) ::; /-L*(S). This proves (5.18).
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
To prove that each A E A is J.L* -measurable, if Y c X and c > 0, there is a sequence {Bj : j 2: 1} c A with Y c Uj 2:1 B J and LJ.Lo(Bj) ::; J.L*(Y) +c. Since J.Lo is additive on A, J.L*(Y) + c 2: ~ J.Lo(Bj n A) + ~ J.Lo(BJ n A C ) (5.20)
2: IL*(Y n A) + J.L*(Y n A'), the latter inequality holding, e.g, because {BJ n A : j 2: I} is a cover of Y n A by elements of A Taking c ~ 0, we obtain (5.6), so any A E A is J.L* -measurable. When we combine the last result with Theorem 5.2, we obtain an extension of the premeasure J.Lo to a measure. Theorem 5.4. Let A C P(X) be an algebra, J.Lo a pr-emeasure on A, and M = a(A) the a-algebra generated by A. Then ther-e exists a measur-e J.L on M whose r-estr-iction to A ~s J.Lo, namely J.L* wher-e J.L* zs given by (5.17).
Proof. In fact, the class of J.L* -measurable sets is a a-algebra containing A; hence it contains a(A). There is nothing more to prove.
We next examine the extent to which the extension J.L of J.Lo to a(A) is unique. Suppose 1/ is a measure on M = a(A), which also agrees with J.Lo on A If E E M and E C Uj 2:1 A J , A J E A, then (521)
I/(E) ::;
I:: I/(Aj) = I:: J.Lo(A j2:1
J ),
so, by the construction (5.17) of J.L*, (5.22)
I/(E) ::; J.L(E),
VE E a(A).
Also. by the property (3.5),
B j E A, B J /
B ~ I/(B) = lim I/(Bn) = lim J.L(Bn) = J.L(B). n---+oo
Suppose now that E E M and J.L( E) < 00 Fix c > O. Then we can choose the cover A J in (5.17) such that LIL(A j ) < J.L(E) + c. Hence, with Bn =
UAj /
B =
we have J.L(B) < J.L(E)+c, so J.L(B\E) < c, and hence, by (5.22), I/(B\E) < c. Meanwhile, by (5.23), I/(B) = J.L(B), so
J.L(E) ::; J.L(B)
= I/(B) = I/(E) + I/(B \ E) ::; I/(E) + c.
Taking c ~ 0 gives J.L(E) ::; I/(E), as long as J.L(E) < (5.22), this yields the following.
In concert with
Tbe Caratbeodory Construction of Measures
Proposition 5.5. Let A be an algebra of subsets of X, generating the 0"algebra M = O"(A). Let t-to be a premeasure on A, and let J.i be the measure on M gwen by Theorem 5·4, extendinq t-to· If v is another measure on M whzch agrees unth t-to on A, then for all S E M, v(S) ::; t-t(S), and /1,(5)
00 ===}
Furthermore. zf there is a countable family A J such that
U Aj ,
then t-t(S)
= v(S)
for all S E M.
Proof. The implication (5.25) was established above. If (5.26) holds, we can assume the Aj are disjoint. If 5 EM, we have the disjoint union 5 = US)' 5) = 5 n A). By (5.25), J1,(Sj) = v(Sj), and then peS) = v(S) follows by countable additivity.
If (5.26) holds, we bay (X, M, t-t) is a O"-finite measure space. See Exercbe 15 for another proof of Proposition 5.5. If Theorem 5 4 is applied to the example mentioned after (5.16), it yields the fact that finite unions of intervals in I = [a, b] are Lebesgue measurable and hence so are sets in the O"-algebra O"(A) generated by this algebra of subsets of I. In particular, all open sets in I are measurable, since they are countable unions of open intervals. Hence all closed sets in I are measurable Of course, this recaptures results obtained in Chapter 2.
Recall that, in our treatment of Lebesgue measure on an interval, we gave a definition of measurability different from (5.6) and then showed in Proposition 2.12 that the definition of measurability given there implied (56). We now give a result in counterpoint to Proposition 2 12. Proposition 5.6. Suppose we are gwen an algebra A of subsets of X and a premeasure t-to on A, with associated outer measure t-t*, defined by (5 17). Assume Z C X is t-t*-measurable and t-t*(Z) < 00. Then a set S C Z is t-t* -measurable zf and only if
+ J1,*(Z \
= t-t*(Z).
Proof. We need to show that, if (5.27) holds, then, for any Y C X,
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Only the "~" part needs to be established, so we can assume {L*(Y) < 00. Write Y = Yo U Y1 , a disjoint union, where Yo = Y n Z, Yl = Y n Using the measurability of Z, we have
(5.29) and
provided S
c Z. while
(531) Consequently it suffices to prove (5.28) for Y = Yo, i e., for Y we bring in a lemma
Z. For that,
Lemma 5.7. Let {L* arise from a pTemeasure on an algebra A. Let Aa conszst of countable unions of sets zn A. Then
inf{{L*(E) : E E A a , SeE}.
Proof. We leave thi& to the reader; see Exercise 3 at the end of this chapter.
We continue' the proof of Proposition 5 6. Given E > 0, there exists A E Aa such that A ::J Y and {L*(A) ::;: {L*(Y) + E. Set A = An Z Then A E M (the (J-algebra of It*-measurable ~ets), A ::J Y (if Y c Z), and It*(A) ::;: {L*(Y) + E. We claim that
(5.33) Suppose this is known Then we have (5.34) for all E > 0. In the limit E -+ 0, we obtain the ~ part of (5.28), and the problem is solved. Thus it remains to establish (5.32), given A E M, A c Z, {L*(Z) < 00, and given the hypothesis (5.27). Using the measurability of A, we have (535)
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Now the left side of (5.35) is equal to J1,*(S) + J1,*(Z \ S), by hypothesis. By subadditivity of outer measure, the right side of (5.35) is
n S) + {t*(A n SC) + J1,* ((Z \ A) n S) + J1,* ((Z \ A) n SC) = {t*(S n A) + J1,*((Z \ S) n A) + J1,*(S \ A) + {t*((Z \ S) \ A) = {t*(S) + {t*(Z \ S), ~ {t*(A
the last identity following by grouping together the odd terms and the even terms on the second line of (536) and using measurability of A Since the bottom line of (5.36) is equal to the left side of (5.35), the ~ in (5.36) must be equality. That inequality arose from the sum of two inequalities, and so both of them must be equalities. One of them is the desired result (5.33). This finishes the proof of Proposition 5 6. We next describe an important class of outer measures on metric spaces, for which all open sets and all closed sets can be shown to be measurable. This result will play an important role in Chapter 12, on Hausdorff measures, and in Chapter 13, on Radon measures. Let X be a metric space, with distance function d(x, V). An outer measure J1,* on X is called a metric outer measure provided (5.37)
p(Sl,S2) = inf {d(Xl,X2): Xj =::::}
J1,*(Sl U S2) = {t*(Sl)
Sj} > 0
+ {t*(S2).
Note that the part (2.15)-(2.16) of Lemma 2.4 is the statement that Lebesgue outer measure is a metric outer measure on I = [a, b]. The following is another result of Caratheodory: Proposition 5.8. If {t* zs a metric outer measure on a metnc space X, then every closed subset of X is {t* -measurable. Proof. We must show that if Fe X is closed and Y C X satisfies J1,*(Y) < then
+ J1,*(Y \
Bn = {x E Y \ F : p(x, F) ::::
{t*(Y) :::: J1,*(Y n F)
Note that Bn / (5.39)
Y \ F. Also p(Bn, F) ::::
so, by (5.37),
'1 'he Caratbeodory Construction of Measures
Thus it will suffice to show that (5.40) Let C n = Bn+l \ Bn. Note that
Hence, for any N, one obtains inductively (using (5.37)) that N
L M*(C
2J )
= M*
(U C
2j )
:s: M*(Y),
LM*(C2J +l) = M*(U C2j+l) and consequently (5.42)
:s: M*(Y),
I:j 2:1 M*(CJ ) < 00
Now countable subadditivity implies
M*(Y \ F)
:s: M*(Bn) + L
so as n
-> 00,
the last sum tends to zero, and we obtain
(5.43) the last inequality by monotonicity. This implies (5.40) and finishes the proof. As one may have noticed, at several points in this chapter and previous chapters, we have considered a class of sets with certain desirable properties and have wanted to prove it was a o--algebra. The following result, called the Monotone Class Lemma, sometimes furnishes a convenient tool for doing this. We define a monotone class on a set X to be a collection C c P(X) having the properties (5.44)
Ej E C, E J
E E C,
Ej E C, E J
E E C.
The smallest monotone class containing a collection [; monotone class generated by [;.
c P(X) is called the
Proposition 5.9. If A is an algebra of subsets of X and C is the monotone class generated by A, then C = dA).
The Caratheodory Construction of MeasUIes
Proof. Clearly C C o-(A) We will show that C is a o--algebra. If E E C, let
C(E)={FEC'E\F, F\E, EnFEC}.
Clearly 0, E E C(E), and C(E) is eahily verified to be a monotone class. Also, E E C(F) {:} F E C(E) Since A is an algebra, we have
E, FE A===} F
In other words, if E E A, then A C C(E), hence C C C(E). Thus, if FE C, then FE C(E) for all E E A. Thih implies E E C(F),
(547) Thus A (5.48)
\I E E A. FE C.
c C(F) and hence C C C(F), for all F
C. In other words,
E, F E C ===} E \ F, E n F E C.
Since X E A c C, it follows that C is an algebra of sets. We finally note that C must be a o--algebra. Indeed, if E j E C, thE'n FJ = Un~j E J E C, and (5.44) implies Fj /' F = Uj~l E J E C. This finishes the proof. ThE' proof of Proposition 6.2 in the next chapter will provide a nice application of the Monotone Class Lemma.
Exercises 1. Let I = [a, b] and let A be the algc'brcl of subsets of I consisting of finite unions of intervals, as in the example after (5.16). Let lR be a monotonically increasing function, i.e., assume that x < y ::::}
with the convention that lR+ as follow~. If 5 = U~=l .h is a union of mutually disjoint intervals, set 1),0(5) = I:~=l f-lO(Jk), where f-lO is defined on a single interval J C I as follows:
J),o([x,yJ) =
f-lo([x,y») =
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Also, set fJ,o(0) = O. Show that fJ,o is a premeasure. The measure then produced via Theorem 5.4 is called "Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure." Hmt. Say J is a closed interval and J = Uk>l ,h, with disjoint intervals J",. First show that L~=l fJ,O(Jk) ::; fJ,0(1) for each m, so fJ,o(J) 2': Lk>l fJ,O(Jk). For the reVE'rse inequality, one can argue as follows. Pick c >-0 Say the endpoints of Jk are ak and bj, so (ak' bk ) C Jk C [ak, bkJ. If ak E Jk, pick Uk < ak such that 0 ::; 'iJ-(ak) - 'iJ+(Uk) < c2- k . If 0,,,, Jk, let Uk = ak· Make an appropriate analogous choice of bk, and let Jk = (Uk, bk) Note that I-Io(1k) < fJ,O(Jk) + c2- k +1. Now J C Uk21 Jk, and this is an open cover. Take a finite subcover.
For Exercises 2 6, suppo~e we are given an algebra A of subsets of X and a premeasure tlo on A, with associated outer measure fJ,*) defined by (5.17). Let ACT consist of countable unions of sets in A. 2 Show that
fJ,*(E) = sup {Po(A) A E A, ACE}.
3 Show that
8 eX==? p*(5)
= inf {ri*(E) : E
ACT' 5
4. Let A8 C'onsbt of countable intersections of sets in A, and set (5 G3) Show that /),*(5) ::; p*(5). If 11,*(5) < 00. show that 5 i~ p*-measurable if and only if /1,*(8) = p*(5). Hmt. Show that, if 8 C Z E Aa. /1*(Z) < 00, then p*(Z) = p*(5) + p*(Z \ 5). Then use Proposition 5.6.
5. Given 8 C X, show that there exist 50 E
and 51 E
such that
(554) Show that, if p*(5) < 00, then 5 is /h*-mea~urable if and only if p(51 \ 50) = O. Here, p is the measure on o-(A) given by Theorem 54. 6. Let fJ,# be the outer measure on X obtained via (5.17), with (A, po) replaced by (o-(A),fJ,). Equivalently,
fJ,#(5) = inf {fJ,(A) : 5 CAE o-(A)}.
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
Clearly f.L#(S) ::; f.L*(S) for all SeX. Show that f.L# = f.L* Hint. If SeA E (T(A), show that, for any E > 0, there exists BEAu such that A C Band f.L(B) ::; f.L(A) + E 7. If f.L* is an outer measure on X, then clearly (556) If f.L * arises from a premeasure, via (5 17), bhow that M = f.L * (S). Hmt. First note that An E cr(A), An /' A ==? f.L*(An) /' f.L*(A). Then show that, for any E > 0, there exist Zn E (T(A) such that Zn =:> Sn, Zn /" and f.L*(Zn) = f.L*(Sn). l\lake use of (5.54).
8. As in Exercbe 5 of Chapter 3, a measure f.L on (X, M) ib said to be c-omplete provided (557)
A E M, f.L(A) = 0, SeA
S E M, and f.L(S) =
Show that the measureb provided by Theorem 5 2, from outer mea&ures, are all complete. In particular, Lebesgue measure i& complete. 9 If f.L is a measure on (X, J) that is not complete, form the outer measure 11* by (517), with A replaced by J Let M be the (T-algebra of f.L*measurable setb Show that Theorem 5.2 produc-es a measure 7i on (X, M) which is complete and buch that J eM and 7i = f.L on J Show that M = J, given by Exercise 5 of Chapter 3, and that 7i coincides with the measure produced there, the "completion" of 11.
In Exercbes 10-14, suppose X is a compact metric space, 113 the (Talgebra of Borel subsetb of X, and f.L a finite measure on (X,Q3). Construct the outer measure It* via (5.17), with A replaced by 113. (Note that Propobition 5 3 applies in this case.) 10. Show that f.L* must be a metric outer measure. Hmt If SI, S2 satisfy (537), construct compact K C X such that S1 eKe X \ S2. Apply (5.6) with A = K, Y = Sl U S2. 11 We know that 113 = (T(A) where A is the algebra generated by the compact sets in X. Show that A consists of sets of the form N£
un··· u n E
0:£=1 {3£= 1
0:1 =1 {31 =1
a {3,
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
where each
is either open or closed.
EOI.{3 C X
12. Show that (5.59)
j.t*(S) = inf {j.t*(0) : S C 0, 0 open}.
Hint By Exercise 6, 11*(S) is given by (552) or, equivalently, by (5.17) (with some changes in notation) Show that, given A J E A, £ > 0, there exist open sets OJ such that A J C OJ and j.t(Oj) :s: j.t(Aj) + 2- j £. It suffices to make such a construction for each EOI.{3 in (5.58), and we need worry only about the case when EOI.{3 is compact; i.e., we need to verify (5.59) when S is compact. For this, keep in mind that X is a metric space. 13. Show that (5.60)
S E 23
11( S)
= sup
{j.t( K) : K C S, K compact}.
14 If f E £1 (X, j.t) and £ > 0, show that there exists a compact K C X such that j.t( X \ K) < £ and f IK is continuous. Hmt. Using Proposition 45 (or otherwise), produce fv E C(X) such that fv ----7 f, j.t-a.e. Then use Egoroff's Theorem. Then use (5.60). This result is Lusin's Theorem. A special case was stated in Exercise 16 of Chapter 3. 15. Use the Monotone Cla~~ Lemma to give another proof of Proposition 5.5. Furthermore, establish the following variant of Proposition 5.5 Proposition 5.5A. Let A be an algebra of subsets of X, generating the a-algebra M = a(A). Let j.t and v be measures on M. Assume there
exist AJ such that X
A J E A,
j.t(AJ ) <
If j.t = v on A, then j.t = v on M. How do these two propositions differ? 16. Suppose £ is a collection of subsets of X having the following properties: (1) The intersection of any two elements of £ belongs to £ (2) The collection of finite disjoint unions of elements of £ is an algebra
ji,b :
The Caratheodory Construction of Measures
E --> [0, 001 satisfy
(a) /Lb(0) = 0,
(b) E j E E countable, disjoint, Uj E j = E E E::::} /Lb(E) = 'L- j /Lb(EJ ) Show that /Lb extends to a premeasure /Lo on A, satisfying K
, ... ,
EK E E disjoint ::::} ILo(El u· . u EK)
/Lb(Ej ).
Show that if
is defined by (5.17), then also, for E eX,
= inf{I:: /Lb(Aj) : A J j~
E, E c
J }.
Hint. Start with uniqueness; if also F l , ... , FL E E are disjoint and U~'=l Fc = U~l Ek, write this set as Uk,e(Ek n Fe) to show ILO is well defined. Note. An example is X = [0,1]' E = the collection of intervals in [0,1]' /Lb(J) = t(J), the length. Another family of examples arises at the beginning of Chapter 6.
17. Suppose E is a collection of subsets of X satisfying property (1) Exercise 16 and also satisfying (2') E E E ::::} X \ E is a finite disjoint union of elements of E. Show that E satisfies property (2) in Exercise 16
Chapter 6
Product Measures
If (X, M, ft) and (Y,N, v) are measure spaces, we construct a a-algebra M ® N of subsets of X x Y and a product measure ft x v on M ® N, as
follows. We say that a rectangle is a set of the form A x E c X x Y, with A E M, E EN. We define M ®N to be the a-algebra generated by the collection R of rectangles. Note that
(A x E)n(B x F) (A x E) U (B x F)
= (AnB) x (EnF), = A x (E \ F) U (A U B) x (E n F) U
B x (F\E),
the latter decomposition being a disjoint union of rectangles. Also,
(62) Hence the collection of finite disjoint unions of rectangles is an algebra, which we denote M f2J.N, and M ®N is the a-algebra generated by M f2J.N. We define the set function
7r . M
f2J. N ---+
[0,00] by
EJ ))
L ft(Aj)v(Ej), j=l
when the rectangles R j = A J x E j are disjoint. We claim on M f2J. N. We need to check that (6.4)
7r is a premeasure
= Lft(AJ)v(Ej ) j2:1
when A x E is a countable disjoint union of rectangles Aj x E j . Establishing (6.4) will also show that (6.3) is well defined for an element of M f2J. N
Product Measures
which has several different representations as disjoint unions of rectangles. To prove (6.4), write
XA(X)xE(Y) = XAXE(X,y) = LXAjXEj(X,y) = LXAj(X)xEj(Y) j2:1
Integrating with respect to x and applying Proposition 3 5 yield
M(A)XE(Y) = L
XEj (y)
(6.6) =
XAj(X) dM(X)
Integrating this with respect to Y and using a parallel argument, we get (6.4). We mention that this setup is a special case of that treated in Exercise 16 of Chapter 5. Here [; = n, the collection of rectangles. and A = M ~ N. Using the construction (5.17), we obtain Note that, for SeX X Y,
(6.7) 7l"*(S)
= inf{L M(Ak)V(Ek) : Ak
outer measure
EM, Ek EN, S
on X x Y
U (AkX Ek) } k2:1
By Theorem 5.4, the re~triction of 7l"* to M ®N is a measure, extending the pre measure on M ~ N defined above. We call this measure on M ® N the prod uct measure M x v We note that, if M and v are a-finitc, so is M x v, and, by Proposition 5.5, in this case M x v is the umque measure on M ® N with the property that (IL x v)(A x E) = M(A)v(E), A E M, E EN. If f is a measurablc function on (X x Y, M ® N), we want to see when the iterated mtegral
.f[.f f(x,y)dv(y)] dM(X)
is well defined and equal to the "product integral" of f with respect to the product measure 11, x v To begin, we define the x-section fx and y-section fY of a function f on X x Y by
r(x) = f(x, y).
Related concepts are those of the x-section Ex and y-section EY of a set E c X x Y, defined by (6.10)
Note that (6.11)
Ex = {y E Y : (x, y) E E},
= {x EX: (x, y)
E E}.
Product Measures
Lemma 6.1. If E E M®N, then Ex EN for all x E X and EY EM for all y E Y. More generally, if f is M ®N-measurable, then fx ~s N-measurable for all x E X and fY is M -measurable for all y E Y. Proof. Let
F = {E c X x Y
Ex E N for all x and EY E M for all y}.
Then every rectangle is certainly in F Furthermore,
(U EJ).r = U (EJ)x' j?:l
and (Exr
= (EC)x'
Thus F is a cr-algebra, 50 F::J M ® N. Since (jx)-l(S) the lemma follows.
= (j-l(S))x and (jyr1(S) = (j-l(S))Y, the rest of
The next result i5 a basic special case of the forthcoming Theorem 6.3, when f i5 a characteristic function. Proposition 6.2. Assume l.l and v are cr-finite. and take E E M ® N.
Then, cp(x) = v(Ex) and 1.f;(y) = p,(EY) are measurable,
and (6.13)
(Jt x v)(E) =
v(Ex) dJ.l(x)
p,(EY) dv(y).
Proof. First we assume l.l and v are finite. Let C consist of sets E E M rg;N
such that (6.12) and (6.13) hold, our goal if:> to prove that C = M ®N. We will do this by applying the l\lonotone Cla58 Lemma, Propof:>ition 5.9. Thus, to start, we see that rectanglef:> A x B clearly belong to C, and so do finite disjoint union5 of rectangles, f:>0 M rgj N c C It remains to show that C is a monotone clasf:> Let E j E C, E J / E. Then Ej / EY, so 'Ij}J(Y) = 1.l(E%) / 'tj;(y) = J.l(EY), and the Monotone Convergence Theorem implies (6.14)
p,(EY) dv(y) = lim
'ljJj(Y) dv(y)
= lim (p,xv)(EJ ) = (p,xv)(E).
Similarly we obain the other identity in (6.13), 50 E E C. On the other hand, if Ej E C and E J ~ E, then EY ~ EY, and hence 'ljJj(Y) ~ 'IjJ(y), provided p, is finite. As long as v is also finite, we can apply
Product Measures
the Dominated Convergence Theorem and again get (6.14). Similarly we get the rest of (6.12)-(6.13) for such E, so C has been shown to be a monotone dass, and the proposition is proved, at least for finite measures JI and v. The extem,ion to the CT-finite case is routine. The next two results, known as Tonelli's Theorem and Fubini's Theorem, respectively, are the major result::, of thb chapteI Theorem 6.3. Assume (X, M. jJ,) and (Y,N, v) are CT-finite measure spaces. If f E M+(X x Y), then the funetzons
g(x) =
fx dv,
fY dJI
are measurable, hence elements of M+(X) and M+(Y). r'espectwel1j. and
f(x, y) d(II x v)
g(x) dJL(x)
hey) dv(y).
Proof. Take a sequence of simple functions fj E 6+(X x Y), fj /' f, such as comMucted in (:320). The results above, for f replaced by fj, are immediate from Proposition 6.2 and additivity of the illtegraL Note that, for each x E X, fJX /' fx and, for each y E y, fi /' p. Thus, with obvious notation, gj /' 9 and h J / ' h, by the l\Ionotone Convergence Theorem. Then (6.16) also follows by the l\Ionotone Convergence Theorem Theorem 6.4. Let X and Y be as m Theorem 6.S. If j E £1 (X X Y, II x v), then
fI E £1 (Y.v) for JL-a e. x E X.
E £1 (X. 11) for v-a.e. y E y,
so g and h, given by (6 15), are defined almost everywhere. We have
(6 18) and (6 16) holds
Proof. If we write f = f+ - f- with f± E M+(X x Y)n£l(X x Y,II x v), then Theorem 6.3 applies to f+ and to f-, yielding g± E M+ (X) and h± E M+(Y) such that
f±(x, y) d(JL x v)
g± dJL
h± dv
Product Measures
The finiteness of the first integral in (6.19) implies that g± and h± are finite a.e. and belong to L1 (X, J.t) and L1 (Y, 1/). respectively. Thus 9 = g+ - gand h = h+ - h- satisfy (6.18), and (6.16) also follows from (6.19). Let us write (616) in thE' form /
f(x, y) d(ll, x 1/) = / [ / f(x. y) dl/(Y)] dp,(x)
= / [/ f(x. y) dtt(x)]
The first intq!;ral is called a produ("t integral and the other two quantities in the triple identitv (620) are called iterated integrals It is u~eful to have ~ome sufficient ("onditionfl for a function 9 . X x Y to be M ®N-measurable Clearly if 7fx : X x Y --t X and 7fy : X x Y are the standard projectionfl. then (621)
f :X 9 :Y
--4 --4
lR M-measurable
f 0 7fx M ® N-measurable,
go 7fy M ® N-measurable
--t --t
lR Y
Also, by Propo~ition 3.1, the algebra 2l ("onsbting of finite sums of products of functions of the type (6.21) are M ® }J-measurable. Also recall that pointwifle limit~ of measurablE' functiom, are measurable. Using these facts together with the StonE'-\Veierstra~s Theorem. we ("an prove the following: Proposition 6.5. Let X and Y be compact Hausdorff spaces and Il3x, ll3y their (J -algebras of Borel sets. Then an'/) contmuous f : X x Y --4 lR is 23 x ® 'By -measurable Proof. The observation~ above imply that f is Il3x ® ll3 y -measurable if f belongs to the algebra C of finite ~um~ of fun("tions of the form g(x)h(y), with 9 and h continuou~. Abo, f is 'B x ® ll3y-mea~urable if f belongs to the clo~ure C of C in C(X x Y). However, the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem implies C = C(X x Y), so we have the re~mlt. If X and Yare compact metric
we ("an
Proposition 6.6. If X and Yare compact metric spaces, then any compact K c X x Y belongs to 'Bx ® ll3y. Hence
Il3x x Y = 'Bx ® 'By
Product Measures
Proof. In this case, X x Y is a metric space, and, if we denote its distance function by d, then
'lJK(Z) = d(z, K)
is a continuous function on X x Y such that K = {z E X x Y . 'lJK(Z) = O}. According to Proposition 6.5, 'IJ K is SB X ® SBy-measurable, &0 each compact K c X x Y belongs to SBx ® SBy. Thi& implies SBxxy C SBx ® SBy. For the reverse containment, we argue as follows Let Ax = {A eX' A x E E SBxxy, Vcompact E
c Y}.
Then Ax is a cr-algebra, containing all compact A eX, so Ax Hence A E SBx, E c Y compact ====? A x E E SBxxy
SB x.
Now, let £y
= {E c Y : A
x E E SBxxy, V A E SBx}
We see that £y is a cr-algebra, containing all compact E ment above, so £y ~ SBy. Hence A E SBx, E E SBy
Y, by the argu-
A x E E SBxxy.
It follows that SB x x Y ~ SB x ® SBy. Note that this latter containment holds whenever X and Yare compact Hausdorff 8paces; we do not need them to
be metric spaces. The following i& an immediate consequence of Propo8ition 6.6. Corollary 6.7. If X and Yare cr-compact metric spaces. then (6.22) holds
The product measure space (X x Y, M ® N, ft x v) is almost never complete, but one can construct its completion (X x Y, M ® N, ft x v) via the proces& (3.44). The following i~ a version of the Fubini-Tonelli Theorem for M ® N-measurable function8. Proposition 6.8. Assume (X, M, ft) and (Y,N, v) are complete, cr-finite measure spaces. Let f : X x Y -----t lR be M ® N -measurable and satisfy
(a) f 2: 0
(b) f
£: 1 (X
Y, M ® N)
Then fx is N-measurable . .tor t--t-a.e. x,
fY zs M-measurable, for v-a.e. y.
In case (b), fx and fY are integrable for a e. x (resp., a.e. y). Also, g and h, defined a.e by (6.15), are measurable, and in case (b), integrable, and (6.25)
f d(t--t x v)
g(x) dt--t(x)
h(Y) dv(y).
Product Measures
Proof. Using Exercise 6 of Chapter 3, write f = fo + !I, where fo is M 0Nmeasurable and satisfies either (a) or (b), while !I = 0, f.1 x v-a.e. Theorems 6.3-6.4 apply to fo, so it suffices to show that
!Ix = 0 v-a.e.,
for f.1-a .e x,
= 0 f.1-a.e., for v-a.e.
As in the proof of Theorems 6.3 6.4, it suffices to show that, for E E M 0 (f.1 x v)(E)
= 0 =?
= 0 for f.1-ae. x and f.1(EY) = 0 for v-a.e. v(Ex)
Now E c F with (f.1 x v)(F) = 0; hence Ex C Fx and EY is a consequence of the statement that, for F E M 0 N, (f.1 x v)(F)
= 0 =? v(Fx) = 0 for f.1-a.e. x and f.1(FY) = 0 for v-a e
FY. Thus (6.27)
This in turn follows from (6.12)-(6.13), together with (3.59), so the proposition is proved. One can also consider products of K measure spaces (Xj ,Mj ,f.1j), constructing a (I-algebra ~ = Ml 0 ... 0 MK of subsets of Z = TI~l X j , generated by rectangles of the form R = Al X ... x AK, A J E M J. The product measure v = f.11 X ... x f.1K satisfies (6.29) K
= inf {Lf.11(Aj1 )· f.1K(Aj K) : AJk
Mk, S C
U(II A jk ) }, j2':l k=l
for S E ~. Analogues of the results discussed above follow without difficulty; we leave the details to the reader. There is also a notion of product measure for a countable infinite product of measure spaces, (Xj , M J , f.1j), j E Z+, provided f.1j(XJ ) = 1 for all j, i.e, each f.1J is a probability measure. Then one takes rectangles of the form (6.30)
R =
II A j ,
Aj E Mj,
A J = Xj except for finitely many j,
and ~ is the (I-algebra generated by such sets. The product measure v is a probability measure on Z = TI j 2':l X j , satisfying
= inf
{L: II f.1k(A jk ) : II Ajk E n, S c U(II A jk ) }, j2':l k2':l
j2':l k2':l
Product Measures
for S E ~, where R denotes the class of rectangles of the form (630). Note that, for each "infinite product" Ih>l/1k(A j k) in (6.31), all but finitely many factors are 1 The proof that :"etting vCR) = I1J 2':l/1j(A J ), for sets R as in (6.30), yields a premeasure on the algebra of finite disjoint unions of such sets can be given parallel to the argument involving (6.5)-(66). Thus, buppobe A J E M j, Ej£ E M J' and we have a countable disjoint union Al
X k+ 1
U Elf x
.. x EfC(f),f
X XfC(£)H
x .
so XAr(xd· 'XAk(Xk)
= LXEl£(X1)"
One can integrate, first over Xl, then over X2, etc., obtaining, at the kth step, /11(A 1 )
/1k(A k )
= LMl(Elf)' . /1k(Ek£)XEk+l f(XkH)'"
Continue to integrate over X k + 1 , etc Any given term in the sum above will stabilize eventually, and we obtain
MI(AI) .. /1k(A k )
= Lf1l(Elf)
.. /1K(£) (EfC(f),f) ,
as desired. With a little more effort, one can define a product measure on an uncountable product of probability spaces. For a treatment of thi:", we refer to
Exercises Let A and B be algebras of bubbets of X and Y, respectively, and let /10 and Vo be pre measures on these algebras, giving rise to measures /1 and v, on M = (l(A) and N = (l(B), respectively. Let us denote by A ~ B the algebra of :"ubbets of X x Y generated by rectangles of the form (6.32)
x E,
A E A, E E B.
1 UU U{;L
1. Show that A IZl B consists of finite disjoint unions of rectangles of the form (6.32).
2 Show that o-(A IZl B) = M ® N. Hint. Show that o-(AIZlB) :) MIZlN, the latter being the algebra defined after (6.2). 3. Define a set function N
fO .
[O,ooJ by N
fo(U(A j x E J )) = LMO(A.J)vo(Ej ), J=1
when the rectangles R j = AJ x BJ E A IZI B are disjoint. Show that is a well-defined premeasure on A IZI B.
4. Show that the measure') on o-(AIZIB) obtained from 'Yo via Theorem 5.4 coincides with the product measure f.L x v, provided f.L and v are (T-finite. Consequently, for S E M ® N,
(f.L x v)(S) = inf { L t-to(Aj)vo(Ej) . A J E A B) E B, S
More generally, for any SeX x Y, the outer measure the right side of (6.33). (Compare (6.7) )
x Ej
(S) is given by
In ExerciE>es 5-6, aSf>urne (X, M, II,) and (Y,N, v) are o--finite measure spaces 5 Let Sn con&i&t of simple functions on (X x Y, M ® N) of the form f = I:~:1 aJXRJ , where each Rj is a rectangle, Rj = A) XE J , A J E M, E j E N, such that (f.L x v)(Ry) < 00. Show that Sn is dense in LP(X x Y,M ®N), for 1::; p < 00. 6. If {uJ • j 2: I} is an orthonormal basis of L 2(X,p,) and {Vk : k 2: I} if> an orthonormal basis of L2(y, v), show that {'UJ(X)Vk(Y) . j, k 2: I} is an orthonormal basiE> of the Hilbert space L 2 (X X Y, f.L xv) Hint. Show that the closure of the linear span of thi& orthonormal set contains Sn.
Product Measures
In Exercises 7-10, let 00
We put on each factor {O, I} the probability measure assigning the measure ~ to {O} and to {I} On Z we put the product iT-alge bra and the product measure, which we denote p. Given a = (aI, a2, a3, .. ), define 00
P: Z
P(a) =
I: ak2-k k=l
Thus P(a) is a number with dyadic expansion 0.ala2a3···.
7. Show that P is measurable Hint. Let a dyadic interval be one with endpoints of the form m2-€ and (m + 1)2-£, with m, f E Z+, m + 1 ::; 2£; a dyadic interval mayor may not contain its endpoints. Show that the iT-algebra generated by the collection of dyadic intervals in I is equal to the Borel iT-algebra 'B 8. Show that P is onto Show that P-1(x) consists of one point unless x has a finite dyadic expansion, in which case p- 1 (x) consists of 2 points. Hint. L~21 2- k = 2- 1
9. Show that S E 'B =? p(p-l(S)) = m(S), where m is Lebesgue measue on I. Hmt. Start with S E Ao, the algebra of finite (disjoint) unions of dyadic intervals. 10. Show that you can take a set Zo C Z of measure zero such that P : Z \ Zo ---+ I is one-to-one and onto and measure preserving. 11 For this exercise, make a slight change of notation; set ex)
Z=II{0,2}. k=l
We use the same sort of product measure as before. Consider the map G . Z ---+ [0, 1] given by 00
= Lak3-k. k=l
Product Measures
Show that C is a homeomorphism of Z onto the Cantor middle third set K. Show that the measure /1K on [0,1], given by /1K(S) = /1(C-I(S)), coincides with the Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure on [0, 1J given by Exercise 1 of Chapter 5, using the following function cpo On the middle third of [0,1], set cp = 1/2. On the middle third sets of the two intervals remaining, set cp = 1/4 and 3/4, respectively. Continue in the appropriate fashion, to define a continuous monotone function cp : [0, 1J -+ [0, 1J.
12. Let (X,J,/1) be a meabure space and let j ' X Consider the set U Show that U E that
= ((x,t) E X
[0,00) be measurable.
x [0,00): j(x) < t}.
J 0113, where 113 is the class of Borel subsets of lR, and (/1 x
m)(U) =
j d/1,
x where m denotes Lebesgue measure on R Compare this result with Exercise 18 of Chapter 3. Hint. First verify this for simple functions, and then consider simple Cpj / ' j, as in (3.26) As an alternative, what can you deduce from Proposition 6.27 13 Here is a variant of Exercise 6. For j E N, let (Xj ,MJ ,/1j) be measure spaces satisfying /1J (XJ ) = 1. Form the infinite product measure space (Z, J, v) as in (6.30)-(6.31), with Z = IT j :2:1 X j . Suppose that for each J E N, {llJk . kEN} is an orthonormal basis of L2(Xj,/1j) and lljl = 1 Consider the collection offunctions on Z, 00
va(z) =
II llkak (Xk),
Z = (Xl, X2, X3, .. ),
where Q = (QI' Q2, Q3,·· ) runs over the set A of elements of IT~l N such that Qk =I- 1 for only finitely many k. Show that {Va:
is an orthonormal basis of L2(Z, v). Hint. For the denseness of the linear span, consult the hint for Exercise 6.
Chapter 7
Lebesgue Measure on ~n and on Manifolds
We constructed Lebm;gue measure on ]R in Chapter 2. The (I-algebra £1 of Lebesgue measurable subsets of]R contains the (I-algebra ~1 of Borel subsets of R The product construction of Chapter 6 applies to ]Rn = ]R x ... x R We have the (I-algebra
(7.1) which, by Corollary 6.7, is the (I-algebra of Borel subsets of ]Rn. We have the larger (I-algebra £1 Q9 .• Q9 £1. As indicated in Chapter 6, the product mea8ure rn x· . x rn (which we will also denote rn) is not complete on this product (I-algebra. Let (]Rn, £n, rn) denote the completion We will also denote the extended meat>ure rn on £n simply by rn. It is easy to &how that thi8 measure space is also the completion of (]Rn, ~n, rn). Frequently, we will omit the subt>cripts from simply ~ and £. respectively.
denoting them
Recall that ~ 1 is the (I-algebra generated by the algebra Al of finite (disjoint) unions of intervals. It follow8 that ~n i8 the (I -algebra generated by the algebra Al ~ . ~ AI, consisting of finite (disjoint) unions of sets in ]Rn which are products of intervals; we call such sets cells. Products of intervals of identical length will be called cubes. It is often convenient to use the formula (6.33) specialized to Lebesgue measure.
= inf {L: rn(Qj) . QJ j~I
cells, S c
U QJ }, J~l
Lebesgue Measure on ~n and on Manifolds
for S E IB, where, for a cell Q,
(73) In fact, (7.2) hold:;, for all S (7.4)
£, since (via Exercise 9 of Chapter 5) we have
= inf {rn(E) : E
E IB, E :::) S},
for S E £.
Now ~n has an important structure in addition to its product structure, namely a linear structure The next re:;,ult shows how the measure of a Borel set changes under a linear tramJormation and, more generally, how the Lebesgue integral on ~n behaves under such a transformation. Here, Gl(n,JR.) denoteb the group of invertible linear transformations on JR.n, and det A denotes the determinant of A Proposition 7.1. If A E Gl(n, JR.). and %f f E M+(JR.n) or f E £1 (JR.n,dx), then
f(:r) dx
= Idet AI
f(Ax) dx.
Proof. Let 9 be the set of elements A E GI(n,JR.) for which (7.5) is true. Clearly I E g. U:sing det A-I = (det A)-I and det AB = (det A)(det B), it is ea:;,y to show that 9 is a subgroup of Gl(n, JR.). Thus, to prove the propo:;,itioll, it suffices to show that 9 contains all clements of the following three fOllllS. since it is an exerci:;,e in linear algebra to show that these elernmts generate Gl(n,JR.) Here, {ej : 1 ::; j ::; n} denotes the standard ba:;,is of JR.n and (j a permutation of {L. ,n}.
A 1 ej = ea ()), A 2 ej = c)e J ,
A 3e l
= ('1 + C(;2,
i- 0, A 3 (') = c, for J 2: 2
For the cabe A = Al we can work directly If f = XR ib the characteribtic function of a rectangle El x ... x En. the re:;,ult is obvious By the con:;,truction of product meawre the identity (75) then holds for Xs, the characteristic function of a Borel set Then (7.5) follows for f E S+(JR.n ), by additivity, and for f E M+(JR. n ), by (3.25). A similar argument shows that (7.5) holds for transformations of the form A 2 . In such a case, a cell of size f(h), .. ,f(In) is mapped by A2 to a cdl of size !cllf(h), ... , !cnlf(In) , bO it:;, measure is mUltiplied by leI ... cnl = Idet A21· Thus, (75) ho1d& for f = Xs, S E IB, by (7.2)-(7.3), and hmce, as before, for morE' general f
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
We will show that (7.5) holds for each of the transformations of the type
A 3 , using the Fubini-Tonelli Theorem. We note that the identity
f(x) dx
+ c) dx,
is elementary. To keep the formulas short, take n we have
J[J = J[J
+ CX2, X2) dx =
= 2. For the ca:;,e A = A 3 ,
+ CX2, X2) dX1]
f(xl, X2) dXl] dX2,
the second identity by (7.7) Again we get (7.5). It is clear how to extend the analysis of As to n 2: 3, so the proposition is proved.
REMARK 1. One consequence of Propoi:>ition 7 1 is the invariance of Lebesgue measure under rotations. REMARK 2. At the end of this chapter there are exercise sets on determinants and on row reduction, deriving the rei:>ults on matrices used in the proof of Proposition 7.1.
Proposition 7 1 generalizE's to a change of variables formula, which we establish nE'xt, an E'xtE'n&ion to Lebesgue measure of one of the fundamental results of multi-variable calculus. Let F : 0 ---+ n be a C 1 diffeomorphism, where 0 and 0 are open in lRn. Let G = F- 1 , and form the absolute values of the Jacobian dE'terminants:
J(X) = Idet DF(x)1,
K(y) = Idet DG(y)[.
Theorem 7.2. Let F . 0 ---+ 0 be a C l dtfJeomorphism. If either u E M+(O) or u E .c1(O,dx), then
u(x) dx
u(F(x) )J(x) dx.
Proof. Take a Borel set Sec O. Fix family of cells {Q j} such that
> 0, and cover S with a countable
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
Subdividing each of the cells if necessary, we can assume that, if center of Qj and Yj = F(xj),
is the
(712) and
(7.13) where we set Q~ that
= Qj -
centered at 0. From Prop05ition 7.1, we deduce
(7.14) It follows that
E --->
0, we have rn(S) 2:
J K(Y)xF(S)(Y) dy or, equivalently,
cp(x)dx 2:
= XS. By additivity, we have (7.16) for any cp E e+(K), any compact K c O. The l\Ionotone Convergence Theorem then gives (7.16) f01 any cp E M+(O). Setting cp(x) = 'l/J(x)J(x), we have .r~')(x)J(x) dx 2: J IjJ(G(y)) dy or, equivalently, setting v(y) = 'Ip( G(y)), for cp
1'(Y) dy:S;
v(F(x))J(x) dx,
for all v E M+(n). Reversing the roles of 0 and 0, we hence have (7.10), for U E M+(O), from which the identity for u E £J(O,dx) follows. There are various more refined change of variables formular" some of which we will discuss below. First, we apply the results obtained so far to show how to integrate functions on a Riemannian manifold, i.e., a smooth manifold equipped with a metric tensor. Background material on manifoldr, and metric tensors is given in Appendix B.
Lebesgue Measure on lRn and on Manifolds
Let M be a C 1 manifold of dimension n. A continuous metric tensor on M gives a continuous inner product on tangent vectors to M. In a local coordinate system (Xl, ... , x n ), idcnti(ying an open subset of M with an open set 0 C lRn , the metric tensor is given by a positive definite n x n matrix G(x) = (g)k(X)), and the inner product of vectors U and V is given by (718)
(U, V) = U· G(x)V
L9)k(X)U)(X)Vk(X), ),k
where U = 2::) uj(x)ej, V = 2::k vk(x)ek, and {el,' ., en} is the standard ba8i8 of }Rn. If we change coordinates by a C 1 diffeomorphism F : 0 ----'> 0, the metric tensor H(y) = (hJk(Y)) in the coordinate system y = F(x) is related to G (.r) by (7.19)
at y
DF(x)U H(y)DF(x)V = (U, V) = U . G(x)V,
= F(x), i.e., G(x) = DF(x)t H(y)DF(x),
Now, for a Borel measurable function the integral is given by (7.21)
udV =
8upported on a coordinate patch,
g(x) = dctG(x).
(One often use~ dS instead of dV when dim Ai = 2 or when one is integrating over the boundary of a manifold of dimension (n + 1).) To see that (7.21) is well defined, note that under the change of coordinates y = F(x) we have by (7.20) that det G(x) = (det DF(x))2 det H(y). Hence
Vh = I det DFI- 1 J9,
h = det H.
so, by (7.10),
u(y)Vhdy =
(7.23) =
u(F(x)) I det DFI- 1 J91 det DFI dx
Lebesgue Measure on ]Rn and on Manifolds
More generally f M U dV is defined by writing u as a sum of terms supported on coordinate charts. We see that we have a well-defined measure on the (I-algebra of Borel subsets of a C 1 manifold with a CO metric tensor. In case M is an n-dimensional submanifold of]Rm and a local coordinate chart arises via a C 1 map
(7.24) using the dot product on ]Rm. An example is the graph of a real-valued C 1 function u on 0 C ]RTi. If M i& the graph of z = u(x), then At is an n-dimensional C 1 manifold in ]Rn+ 1 . The map
(7.25) If u i& C 1 , we see that the metric tensor is ('0 To calculate 9 = Idet(gJk) I at a given point Xo E n, if V'u(xo) i= 0, rotate coordinates so V'u(xo) is parallel to the xl-axis. We get
(7.26) In particular, the n-dimensional measure of the surface !vI is given by
V(M) =
Vfjdx =
dV =
lV'u(x) 12) 1/2 dx.
J(1 +
Particularly important examples of Riemannian manifolds are the unit &pheres sn-1 in ]Rn,
sn-l = {x E]Rn : Ixl = I}. In ca&e n = 2, we have S1, the unit circle. Since the time of the ancient Greek geometers, the length of the unit circle has been used to define 11"; 11" = half the length of S1. Spherical polar coordinate& on ]Rn are defined in terms of a smooth diffeomorphism
R: (0, (0)
\ 0,
R(r,w) = rw.
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
Let (hem) denote the metric tensor on sn-l (induced from its inclusion in ]Rn) with respect to some coordinate chart cp : 0 cUe sn-l Then, with respect to the coordinate chart cp : (0,00) x 0 --> U C ]Rn given by cp(r, y) = rcp(y), the Euclidean metric tensor can be written
(f'Jd =
(Compare (724).) To see that the' blank terms vanish, i e., orCP . ox] cp = 0, note that cp(x) cp(x) == 1 ::::} o;rJcp(.r) cp(:r) = 0 Now (7.28) yields (729) We therefore have the following ret>ult for integrating a function in spherical polar coordinates Let us denote by dS the measure on sn-l produced via its Riemannian metric. Proposition 7.3. If f E M+(Il{rt) or f E £l(JRn,dx), then
J [foOO
f(x) dx =
f(rw)r n - 1 dT] dS(w).
See the exercises for applications of Proposition 7.3.
We return to the change of variable formula (7.10), approaching it from another point of view. which yields more general results. In fact, we start with a very general t>etting. Let (0, J', M) and (n, lB, v) be measure spaces and F : 0 --> n a measurable map, i e., S E lB ::::} p-l (S) E J'. If u : n --> R if> measurable and 2: 0, we have
u(F(x)) dM(X) =
U(T) dll F- I(;r),
where, for S E lB, (732) Now, if we have the property
v(S) = 0
M(p-l(S)) = 0,
we can apply the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, Theorem 4.10, to conclude that there is a lB-measurable function J F-l 2: 0 t>uc-h that (7.34)
u(F(x)) dM(X) =
u(X)JF-l (.r) dV(x).
Now we specialize to 0, [2 open in Rn, J', lB the Borel setf> , M = v = Lebesgue measure. ASf>ume P : 0 --> n is continuous, hence' measurable. Suppose P is one-to-one and onto. The property (7.33) certainly holdf> if p-l is Lipf>chitz. If we interchange the roles of 0 and n and of P and p-l, we have the following.
7. Lebesgue Measure on
Proposition 7.4. Let F : 0
and on ]Hanifolds
0 be both a Lipschitz map and a homeomorphism. There exists a Borel function JF ~ 0 such that, for any u E M+(O), -+
u(x)dx =
In Theorem 7.2, this result was established for a C 1 diffeomorphism F, and the factor JF(X) was identified with the abbolute value of the Jacobian determinant:
JF(X) = [detDF(x)[.
We will now establish this identity for a larger dass of maps F Note that, if Q ib a cell in 0, then (7.37)
m(F(Q)) =
XF(Q)(x)dx =
Let us assume that 0 is bounded, so m(O) < Extend JF to be 0 on ~n \ 0. For c > 0, set (7.38)
Jc:(x) =
JF(Y) dy =
and hence JF E L1(0,dx).
'Pc: (x - y)JF(Y) dy,
where Qc: is the cube of edge c, centered at x, so 'Pc:(x) have
= c-nXQe;(O)(x). We
(7.39) See Exercise 10 in the first exercise set below. Consequently, by Exercise 11 of Chapter 3, there is a sequence Cv -+ 0 such that
(7.40) Consequently, by (7.37), we have
m(F(Qc:(x))) m(Qc:(x))
JF(X) for a.e. x E 0,
= Cv
We next establish a lemma which will take the place of (7.14) in our extension of the range of validity of (7.10).
Lebesgue Measure on IR n and on Manifolds
Lemma 7.5. If F : 0 Xo E 0, then
is a homeomorphism that is differentiable at
Proof. First absume DF(xo) is invertible. Composing F with a linear tranbformation (and recalling Proposition 71), we can assume DF(xo) = I Thus
+ y) = F(xo) + y + R(y),
Fix 6 E (0,1/2). and pkk EO so small that as in (7.13), we have, for E ::; EO,
IR(y)1 = o(IYI).
Iyl ::;
EO ::::::}
IR(y)1 ::;
(7.44) Hence
(7.45) This implie& that the lim sup of the left side of (7.42) is ::; \det DF(xo)1 in this case. We now need to establish the reverse inequality for the lim inf. This is not hard, if one uses borne fundamental results from topology. The same reasoning that gives (744) &hows that the boundary 8Qc(xo) of Qc(xo) is mapped by F onto a set I;, contained in o
C = {x E 0
dist(x,8Qc(xo))::; &} = Q(l+o)c(xo) \ Q(l-o)c(xo).
Furthermore, for each T E [0,1]' we can define FT(xo+Y) = f(xo)+Y+TR(y), and each map FT maps 8Qc('£0) into C Recall that F is assumed to be a o
homeomorphibm. Thus, by degree theory, F(Qc(xo)) contains a point Xl if and only if the map FI&Qe(xo) has degree 1 about Xl. However, the maps o
FT [aQc(xo) all have the same degree about any point Xl E Q(1-o)c(xo), for T E [0,1], so we see that FlaQc(xol has degree 1 about each such point, since Fo obviously has this property. Thus we conclude that (7.47)
hence (7.48)
Lebesgue Measure on 1R.n and on Manifolds
This establishes the lemma when DF(xo) is invertible. It remains to treat the case when det DF(xo)
= 0, i.e., A = DF(xo) is
not invertible. In this case, we have
+ y) =
+ Ay + R(y),
Consequently, if we fix 0 > 0 and pick olyl, we have
F(Qc:(xo)) C {x E 1R.n
= o(IYI)·
so small that Iyl ::;
IR(y)1 ::;
dist(x - F(xo), AQc:(O)) ::; EO},
for E ::; EO. Now AQc:(O) is contained in a set {x E V Ixl::; KE}, where V = R(A) is a linear subspace of 1R.n of dimension::; n - 1. Hence, in this case,
(7.51) so the lim sup of the left side of (7 42) is ::; K 0 in this case. Letting 0 we finish the proof.
Using (7.41), we see that, if F : 0 ---+ n is as in Proposition 7.4 and if also F is differentiable for almost all x E 0, then the identity (7.36) holds for almost all x. We have the following extension of Theorem 7.2. Proposition 7.6. If F : 0 ---+ n is both a Lzpsch%tz map and a homeomorphism and zf F zs differentiable for almost all x E 0, then the conclusion of Theorem 7 2 holds It is a result of Rademacher that every Lipschitz function on 0 it:> differentiable almost everywhere. We will prove this in Chapter 11. To end this chapter, we show that Lebesgue measure on ]Rn is uniquely characterized by translation invariance, together with a simple finiteness condition. Proposition 7.7. Let). be a measure on ~n. Assume that). is translatwn invariant:
8 E
~n ===?
),(8) = ),(8 + y),
Also assume there exists a bounded open U
(7.53) Then).
0< )'(U)
C ]Rn
such that
= crn for some constant c > 0, where rn is Lebesgue measure on ]Rn.
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
Proof. Let 8 be any bounded Borel set in ]Rn. By (7.52), for each y E ]Rn,
xs(x) d'\{x) =
xs{x - y) d'\(x).
Integrate this identity over a ball B with respect to dm(y). Since'\ is finite, one can apply Fubini's Theorem to write (7.55)
~ J~ xs (x - y) dm(Y)]
Now m(8) = 0 => the right side of (7.55) is zero, so ,\ «m Hence by the Radon-Nikodym Theorem we have f E M+(]Rn) such that
'\(8) =
f(x) dm(x),
V 8 E \)3n,
s and translation invariance (7.52) implies (7.57)
+ y) dm(x) =
f(x) dm(x),
s Note that (7.53) implies Iu f dm <
Vy E ]Rn, 8 E \)3n.
is integrable on bounded subsets
of ]Rn. Consider the positive number
>'(U) = m(U) 1 c = m(U)
1 f(x) dm(x) = m(U)
+ y) dm(x).
If we write (7.56)-(7.57) as >'(8) = f(x + y) dm(x) and integrate over U with respect to dm(y), we have by Fubini's Theorem that, for each 8 E \)3n, (7.59)
m(U)>'(8) =
+ y) dm(y) dm(x) = cm(U)m(8),
the last identity by (7.58). This proves that>. = cm.
Exercises 1. Let a
= I~ e- x2 dx. This is called a Gaussian integral. Show that an =
e- 1x12 dx.
IR n
Lebesgue Measure on
2. Show that a 2 = 27r
fa= e-
and on Manifolds
r dr = 7r.
Hint. Apply Proposition 7.3 and use the fact that 27r is defined to be the length of Sl.
3. Let An denote the n-dimensional measure of the unit sphere sn. Show that
and show that 27rn/2
An - 1 =
f(~) ,
where f(z) e-ss z - 1 ds, for z > O. The function f(z) is called Euler's gamma function. Hint. Apply Proposition 7.3. 4. Show that zf(z) = f(z + 1). Hint. Integrate by parts. 5 Show that r(1)
1 and f(1/2)
6. Let B n be the unit ball in
Hint. Apply (7.30) to
f =
7r 1 / 2 . Deduce that, for k E Z+,
B n = {x E ~n .
Ixl <
I}. Show that
7. Show that the arc of the circle lying above 0 ::; x ::; 1/2 has 1/12 the length of the entire circle Sl. Hint. Find the equilateral triangles in Figure 7.l. 8. Deduce from (7.26) that (7.61)
"6 = Jo
Vf=X2 = n=O L 2n + 1:2
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
Figure 7.1
where ao = L an+l = an (2n + 1)/(2n + 2). Show that
U sing a calculator, sum the series over 0 :S n :S 20 to approximate 13 digits after the decimal point.
9. Consider a 2D surface !vI C IR3 , with a coordinate chart 'P : 0 M. For integrable f : AI -+ IR supported on U, show that
Jf M
U c
'P(x) 10j'P x 02'P1 dXl d X2.
Hint. Apply (7.21). Note that 2 2 2 01'P' 01'P 01'P' 02'P) 9 = det ( 02'P 01'P 02'P' 02'P = 101'P1 102'P1 - (01'P' 02'P) .
Use lu x vi = lui' Ivl . I sinOI and u . v = lui' Ivl cosO to show that ju x vl 2 = juj2jvl 2 - (u . v?, and hence 9 = 101'P x 02'Pj2.
Lebesgue Measure on JRn and on Manifolds
Exercises 10-11 extend the results of Exercises 7-8 of Chapter 4 to JR n .
KfU(X) = f
Show that, for 1 :::; p <
* u(x)
f(y)u(x - y) dy.
(7.63) Show that there is a unique extension from f E CO'(JRn) to f E L1(JR n ) of Kfu, with (763) continuing to hold, giving a continuous linear map K : L1(JRn ) ----+ £(LP(JR n )). The operator (7.62) is called convolution. 11. Let fJ be a sequence of nonnegative functions in Ll(JRn ) such that
fJ dx = 1,
Show that, for 1 :::; p < (7.65)
suppfJ C {x E JRn: Ixl < 1/J}. 00,
LP(JRn ) ===} fj
* u ----+ u
in LP norm, as J
----+ 00.
Hint. See the hint for Exercise 9 of Chapter 4. The sequence (fJ) is called an approxzmate identzty. 12. Given f E £1 (JR n , dx) and 6 > 0, show that there is a Lebesgue measurable S C ~n such that m(S) < 6 and such that f[lRn\s is continuous. This is Lusin's Theorem for ll~n; compare Exercise 16 of Chapter 3 and Exercise 14 of Chapter 5. 13. Let u be a C 1 function on JRn with compact support, we write u E CJ(JRn) Show that, for 1 :::; j :::; n,
J (x) dx = 0.
lR n
lR n
-v(x) dx. aXj
lR n
Lebesgue Measure on
Hint. If, say, j
/ IR,,-l
a.nd on Ma.nifolds
1, write the left side of (7.66) as the iterated integral
( / :X~ (Xl, . . , Xn) dXl) dX2"
Use the fact that the inner Lebesgue integral coincides with the Riemann integral, in combination with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, as established in Chapter 1 14. Consult a topology text for material about degree theory, used to establish (7.47). Sufficient material can be found in [Dug] or [Spa].
Exercises relating the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals on
Let R = h x . x In be a ('ell in ~n, with Iv = [a v , bv ] intervals in R The notion of the Riemann integral of a bounded function J : R --+ ~ is defined similarly to the one-dimensional case treated in Chapter 1. If one has a partition of each Iv into J vl U .. U Jv,N(v), then a partition P of R consists of the cell::;
(768) where 0
N(v). Each cell has n-dimensional volume
(769) Then we set
LW! J(x)V{R
a ).
Note that 11'(1) ~ 11'(1). As in Chapter 1, we pass to limits via finer partition&. To be precise, if P and Q are two partitions of R, we say P refines Q and write P >- Q, if each partition of each interval factor Iv of R involved in the definition of Q is further refined in order to produce the partitions of the factor& Iv, u&ed to define P, via (7.68). It is an exercise to show that any two partitions of R have a common refinement. Note also that, as in (1.4),
(771) Consequently, if Pj are any two partitions of R and Q is a common refinement, we have
Lebesgue Measure on lRn and on Manifolds
Now, whenever defined:
1 : R ---+ lR is
bounded, the following quantities are well
7p (1) ,
1(1) = sup
1p(1) ,
where ll(R) is the set of all partitiont; of R, as defined above. Clearly, by (7.72), 1(1) ::; 7(1). We then say that 1 it; Riemann integrable (on R) provided 7(1) = 1(1), and in such a case, we write 1 E R(R) and bet
= 7(1) = 1(1).
The following exercises deal with the Riemann integral and its relation to the Lebesgue integraL 1. Show that
1 E C(R)
j E R(R)
2. Show that j, 9 E R(R) =? j + 9 E R(R) and 1(1 + g) Hint Consult the proof of Proposition 1.1. 3. Show that
1,g E R(R)
= 1(1) + 1(g)
19 E R(R)
4 Given a partition P of R, define maxsize (P) Extend Corollary 1.4 and (1.42) to the multi-diment;ional case. 5. Extend the proof of Propot;ition 3.10 to the following result.
Proposition 7.S. Let R be a cell in JR n , and let cp : R ---+ JR be bounded. Then cp it; Riemann integrable if and only if the set of pointt; x E R at which i.p is discontinuous has Lebet;gue measure zero. If thit; condition holdt;, then the Riemann integral and the Lebesgue integral of i.p coincide. 6. For a bounded set S
c JR n ,
with characterit;tic function Xs, set
as in (1.23), and define S to "have content" if and only if cont+(S) = cont - (S) Show that S hab content if and only if the set of boundary points of S hat; Lebesgue measure zero.
Lebesgue Measure on IRn and on Manifolds
When doing Exercises 7-8, look back at Exercises 10-14 of Chapter 5. 7. If 0
c JRn is open and bounded, show that its Lebesgue measure is given
by m(O) = cont-(O). If K
c JRn is compact, show that its Lebesgue measure is given by m(K)
= cont+(K).
8. If S c JRn is a bounded set, show that its Lebe8gue outer measure is given by m*(S) = inf {m(O) . S C 0, open}.
Remove the hypothesis that S be bounded. Exercises on determinants
Let M (n, JR) denote the space of n x n real matrices. These exercises investigate the existence, uniqueness, and basic properties of the determinant, det : M(n,JR)
which will be uniquely specified as a function 1J . }\,f(n, JR)
JR satisfying
(a) 1J is linear in each column a) of A, (b) 1J(A) = -1J(A) if A i8 obtained from A by interchanging two columns, (c) 1J(I) = 1. 1 Let A = (al .... ,(J,n), where a) are column vectors; aj = (al), ... ,anj)t. Show that, if (a) holds, we have the expan8ion detA= La)1 det(ej,a2, ... ,an ) )
= .. =
ajll' . a)"n det (e Jl , e12 ,···, ej,,),
L Jr,
where {el' .. , en} is the standard basis of JR n,. 2. Show that, if (b) and (c) also hold, then (7.77)
det A
L o-ESn
(sgn a-)
ao-(l)1 ao-(2)2
. ao-(n)n,
7. Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
where Sn is the set of permutations of {1, ... ,n} and (7.78)
sgn a = det (e u(l),
. .. ,
eu(n») = ±l.
To define sgn a, the "sign" of a permutation a, we note that every permutation a can be written as a product of transpositions: a = 'T1 ••. 'Tv, where a transposition of {1, ... ,n} interchanges two elements and leaves the rest fixed. We say sgn a = 1 if v is even and sgn a = -1 if v is odd. It is necessary to show that sgn a is independent of the choice of such a product representation. (Referring to (7.78) begs the question until we know that det is well defined.) 3. Let a E Sn act on a function of n variables by (7.79) Let P be the polynomial (7.80)
P(X1, ... , xn)
(Xj - Xk).
Show that (7.81)
(aP)(x) = (sgn a) P(x)
and that this implies that sgn a is well defined. 4. Deduce that there is a unique determinant satisfying (a)-(c) and that it is given by (7.77). If (c) is replaced by 'I9(I) = r, show that 'I9(A) = r det A. 5. Show that, if (a)-(c) hold, it follows that (d) 'I9(A) = 'I9(A) if A is obtained from A by adding cal to ak, for some C E JR, where aI, ... ,an are the columns of A. 6. Show that (7.82)
Hint. For fixed A
det(AB) = (detA)(detB).
M(n,JR), apply Exercise 4 to 'l9 1(B) = det (AB). Note that if we represent B by its columns, as B = (bI, ... , bn ), then AB = (Ab1, ... , Abn ). To verify rule (b) for 'l91(B), note that if B = E
Lebesgue Measure on IRn and on Manifolds
(bu(l), ... , bu(n») is obtained from B by permuting its columns, then AB has columns (Abu(l), ... ' Abu(n»), obtained by permuting the columns of
AB. 7. Show that (7.77) implies detA = detA t ,
where At denotes the transpose of A, i.e., A = (ajk) =? At = (akj). Conclude that one can replace columns by rows in the characterization (a)-(d) of determinants. Hint. au(j)j = a£T(£) with £ = (T(j), T = (T-I. Also, sgn (T = sgn T. 8. Show that
(7.84) det
a12 a22
a21n n
= det
r 0 : 0
0 a22 an2
a2n o)
= detA l1
Hint. Do the first identity using (d), from Exercise 5. Then exploit uniqueness for det on M(n - 1, JR). . 1
9. Deduce that det(ej,a2, ... ,an ) = (-l)J- detA 1j where A kj is formed by deleting the kth column and the jth row from A.
10. Deduce from the first sum in (7.76) that n
. 1
det A = L..,..( -l)J- ajl det A 1j . j=l
More generally, for any k E {I, ... , n}, n
detA = L(-l)j-k ajk detA kj . j=l
This is called an expansion of det A by minors, down the kth column. 11. Let Ckj = (-l)j-k det Akj. Show that n
L j=l
aj£Ckj = 0,
if £ -=f k.
Lebesgue Measure on lRn and on Manifolds
Deduce that C = (Cjk) satisfies
Hint. Reason as in Exercises 8-10 that the left side of (7.87) is equal to
with ae in the kth column as well as in the £th column. The identity (7.88) is known as Cramer's formula. 12. Show that
au ln
a2n ) a
det (
aU a 22 ... ann·
Hint. Use (7.84) and induction.
Exercises on row reduction and matrix products We consider the following three types of row operations on an n x n matrix A = (ajk). If (T is a permutation of {1, ... ,n}, let
(Cl' ... , Cj)
Finally, if
and all
E lR and f.-t
i- v,
are nonzero, set
We relate these operations to left multiplication by matrices PO" Me, and Ej.lvc, defined by the following actions on the standard basis {el' ... ,en} of lR n : (7.90) and (7.91)
Lebesgue Measure o~"lRn'and on Manifolds
1. Show that
and that det Pu
3. Show that, if /.L
sgn a,
det Me
v, then EJ-Lve
= q ...
det EJ-Lve
= 1.
= p;;1 E 21e Pu, for some permutation a.
4. If B = Pu(A) and C = /.Le(B), show that A = PuMeC. Generalize this to other cases where a matrix C is obtained from a matrix A via a sequence of row operations. 5. If A is an invertible, real n x n matrix (i.e., A E Cl(n, JR.)), then the rows of A form a basis of JR. n . Use this to show that A can be transformed to the identity matrix via a sequence of row operations. Deduce that any A E Cl(n, JR.) can be written as a finite product of matrices of the form Pu , Me and EJ-Lve, hence as a finite product of matrices of the form listed in (7.6). Further exercises on Cl(n, JR.)
The set Cl(n, JR.) is the subset of the space M(n, JR.) of n x n real matrices consisting of invertible matrices, where we say A E M(n, JR.) is invertible if and only if there exists B E M(n, JR.) such that AB = BA = I. (Then we write A-I = B.) 1. Show that (7.92)
Cl(n, JR.) = {A
M(n, JR.) : det A
i= O}.
Hint. Use (7.82) and (7.88).
2. Show that (7.93)
Cl(n, JR.) is open in M(n, JR.).
Hint. Use Exercise 1.
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
Note that Gl(n,~) = Gl+(n,~) U GL(n, ~), where Gl±(n,~)
= {A
E M(n,~) :
± det A> O}.
The goal of the next six exercises is to show that
(7.95) 3. Show that (7.95) is a consequence of the following three assertions, regarding the matrices Ep,ve, Me, and P a , defined by (7.90)-(7.91): (a) There is a path from 1 to Ep,ve in Gl+(n, ~). (b) If el ... en > 0, there is a path from 1 to Me in Gl+(n, ~). (e) If sgnO" > 0, there is a path from 1 to Pa in Gl+(n,~). Hint. Use Exercise 5 from the previous exercise set. 4. Show that assertion (a) of Exercise 3 holds. Hint. Evaluate det Ep,v(te). 5. Show that assertion (b) of Exercise 3 holds. Hint. Reduce to the case where each ej = ±1. The number of -l's is even. There is a path from 1 to -1 in Gl+(2,~) given by (
That is, -1 E
- sin t )
sin t
cos t
0::; t ::;
is a rotation by
6. Reduce the proof of assertion (c) in Exercise 3 to the following assertion: There is a path from 1 to PaT in Gl+(n, JR) whenever positions in Sn.
are trans-
In turn, reduce the proof of this assertion to the following two assertions: (a) There is a path from
to A =
G ~) 0 0 1
in Gl+(3, JR).
(b) There is a path from
1 0
0 1
in Gl+(4, JR).
Lebesgue Measure on
jRn and
on NlamtOlQS
7. Prove assertion (a) of Exercise 6. Hint. Show that A is a rotation by
/3 about the axis through (1,1, l)t.
8. Prove assertion (b) of Exercise 6. Hint. Show that B is the identity on the linear span of (1,1,0, O)t and (0,0,1, l)t and that it is rotation by 1T on the 2D orthogonal complement of this space.
Exercises on matrix integrals Let M(n, JR.) denote the space of n x n real matrices, M(n, C) the space of n x n complex matrices. Set
M(n, JR.) : A* A
{A E M(n,C): A*A
I}, I},
where Also set
SO(n) SU(n)
(7.98) (7.99)
= =
{A E O(n) : detA {A E U(n) : detA
1. Use Proposition B.7 from Appendix B to show that each of the four ma-
trix groups (7.96)-(7.99) is a smooth, compact submanifold of M(n, JR.) or M(n, C). 2. For each group G of the form (7.96)-(7.99), define, for 9 E G,
Rg, Lg : G
Show that, for each 9 E G, Rg and Lg preserve the metric tensor on G induced from M(n, JR.) or M(n, C). Hint. Show that R g, Lg : M (n, IF) ---7 M (n, IF) are isometries, with IF = JR. or C, as appropriate. 3. Let dV denote the volume element on G associated to the metric tensor discussed above, via (7.21). Show that for each J E Ll(G, dV), (7.100)
J(x) dV(x) =
J(gx) dV(x)
J(xg) dV(x),
Lebesgue Measure on
and on Manifolds
We set dg = V(G)-l dV and call this Haar measure on G.
4. Show that
f(g-l) dg
f(g) dg.
5. Let V be a finite-dimensional Hilbert space and assume 7r : G -----+ GI(V) is a continuous homomorphism such that 7r(g) : V -----+ V is unitary for each g E G. (One says 7r is a unitary representation of G on V.) For v E V, set
Pv =
7r(g)v dg.
Show that P is the orthogonal projection of V onto
Hint. Show that 7r(g)v = v V g
p 2v =
V: 7r(g)v
Pv = v,
7r(h)Pv dh = Pv,
v, Vg
7r(h)Pv = Pv, P*v =
V hE G,
7r(g-l)v dg
= Pv.
6. Also let ,\ be a unitary representation of G on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space W. Give £(W, V) the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, (A, B) = Tr B* A, and define a unitary representation v of G on £(W, V) by v(g)A = 7r(g)A,\(g-l). Define
Q : £(W, V) QA =
Show that
£(W, V) by
v(g)Adg =
7r(g)A,\(g-l) dg.
Q is the orthogonal projection of £(W, V) onto
I(7r,'\) = {A E £(W, V) : 7r(g)A = A'\(g), Vg E G}. 7. Assume the representations 7r and ,\ are irreducible, i.e., V and W have no nontrivial G-invariant linear subspaces. Schur's Lemma (cf. [TIl, Appendix B, §§7-8) implies that I(7r,'\) is either zero- or one-dimensional. Using Exercise 6, what can you conclude about
7rij(g)'\kC(g) dg?
Here 7rij (g) are the matrix entries of 7r (g) in an orthonormal basis of V, and ,\k£(g) are similarly defined. The resulting formulas are called the Weyl orthogonality relations.
Chapter 8
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
As opposed to the measures we have considered so far, a signed measure is allowed to take on both positive and negative values. To be precise, if M is a IT-algebra of subsets of X, a signed measure von M is a function
allowed to assume at most one of the values ±oo and satisfying
v(0) = 0
(S.2) and (S.3)
Ej EM disjoint sequence ===> v(UEj ) = 2:v(Ej), j
the series L: j v(Ej) being absolutely convergent. A signed measure taking values in [0,00] is what we have dealt with in Chapters 2-7; sometimes we call this a positive measure. If /11 and /12 are positive measures and one of them is finite, then /11 - /12 is a signed measure. The following result is easy to prove but useful. Proposition 8.1. If v is a signed measure on (X, M), then for a sequence
} C
M, Ej /
E ===> v(E)
lim v(Ej), J->OO
and (S.5)
E j ". E, v(Ed finite ===> v(E) = lim v(Ej ). J->OO
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
Proof. Exercise. If v is a signed measure on (X, M) and E E M, we say v is E-positive if v(F) 2: 0 for every F E M, FeE. Similarly we say v is E-negative if v(F) :S 0 for every such F. We say v is null on E if v(F) = 0 for all such F. Note that, if Pj is a sequence of sets in M, then
v Pj-positive
v P-positive, for P =
UPj. j
To see this, let Qn = Pn \ Uj:Sn-l Pj. Then Qn C Pn , so v is Qn-positive. Now, if FeU Pj, then v(F) = 2: v(F n Qn) 2: 0, as desired. The following key result is known as the Hahn Decomposition Theorem.
Theorem 8.2. If v is a signed measure on (X, M), then there exist P, N E = X, P n N = 0.
M such that v is P-positive and N -negative and PUN Let us assume that v does not take on the value be proved via the following:
The theorem can
Lemma 8.3. If v(A) > -00, then there exists a measurable PeA such that v is P-positive and v(P) 2: v(A). Given Lemma 8.3, we can prove Theorem 8.2 as follows. Let
s = sup {v(A) : A EM}. By (8.2), s 2: 0. Take Aj EM such that v(Aj) / s, v(Aj) > -00. By the lemma, v is Pj-positive on a sequence of sets Pj C A j , such that v(Pj ) -----) s. Set P = U Pj. By (8.6), v is P-positive. Then we deduce that v(P) = s. In particular, under our hypothesis, s < 00. Set N = X \ P. We claim that v is N-negative. If not, there is a measurable SeN with v(S) > 0, and then v(PUS) = s+v(S) > s, which is not possible. Thus we have the desired partition of X into P and N. To prove Lemma 8.3, it is convenient to start with a weaker result:
Lemma 8.4. If v(A) > -00, then for all c > 0, there exist measurable Be A such that v(B) 2: v(A) and v(E) 2: -c, for all measurable E C B. We show how Lemma 8.4 yields Lemma 8.3. We define a sequence of sets Aj EM inductively. Let Al = A. Given Aj, j :S n-l, take An C A n- 1 such that v(An) 2: v(An-d and v(E) 2: -lin, for all measurable E cAn. Lemma 8.4 says you can do this. Then let P = Aj. Clearly v is P-positive,
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
and (8.5) implies that I/(P) = liml/(Aj) ~ I/(A).
It remains to prove Lemma 8.4. We use a proof by contradiction. If Lemma 8.4 is false, then (considering B = A), we see that, for some E > 0, there is a measurable El C A such that I/(El) -E. Thus I/(A \ E l ) ~ I/(A) + E. Next, considering B = A \ E l , we have a measurable E2 C A \ El such that I/(E2):S -E, so I/(A\(El nE2)) ~ I/(A)+2E. Continue, producing a disjoint sequence of measurable E j C A with I/(Ej) -E. Then Aj = A \ (El U· .. U E j ) has I/(Aj) 2: I/(A) + jE, and hence, by (8.5), we must have
Aj "" F,
= +00.
But we are working under the hypothesis that 1/ does not take on the value +00, so this gives a contradiction, and the proof is complete.
We call the pair P, N produced by Theorem 8.2 a "Hahn partition" for It is essentially unique, as the following result shows.
Proposition 8.5. If 1/, P and N are as in Theorem 8.2 and if also P, N is a Hahn partition for 1/, then 1/ is null on P /:;
P= N
N = (P n N) U (N n P).
Proof. Let E E M, E c P /:; P. Write E = EoUEl, a disjoint union, where we take Eo = En (P n N), El = En (N n P). Then I/(E) = I/(Eo) + I/(El)' But each I/(Ej) is simultaneously 2: and 0, so we have I/(Ej) = 0.
If 1/ is a signed measure on (X, M) and we have a Hahn partition of X into PUN, we define two positive measures 1/+ and 1/_ by
I/(P n E),
= -I/(N n E),
for E E M. We have
(8.8) Now 1/+ is supported on P, i.e., on N, so
is null on X \ P. Similarly
is supported
have disjoint supports.
This is called the Hahn decomposition of the signed measure 1/. By Proposition 8.5, it is unique. We can also form the positive measure
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
called the total variation measure of v. Given a signed measure v, we can define J f dv for a suitable class of measurable functions f· We can use the Hahn decomposition (8.8) to do this, setting (8.11) when v satisfies (8.8). In particular this is well defined for
E Ll(X,
Let f-l be a positive measure on (X, M). We say that a signed measure von (X, M) is absolutely continuous with respect to f-l (and write v < < f-l) provided that, for E E M, (8.12)
= 0 ==?
This definition was made in (4.45) in the case when v is also a positive measure. It is useful to have the following. Proposition 8.6. If f-l is a positive measure and v a signed measure on (X, M), with Hahn decomposition (8.8), then (8.13)
v «f-l
f-l and v_
Proof. If E E M and f-l(E) = 0, then f-l(E n P) = f-l(E v+(E) = veE n P) = 0 and v_(E) = -veE n N) = O.
n N)
0, so
We can therefore apply Theorem 4.10 to v+ and v_ to obtain the following extension of the Radon-Nikodym Theorem. Theorem 8.1. Let f-l be a positive finite measure and v a finite signed measure on (X, M), such that v < < f-l. Then there exists h E c8x, f-l) such that
x for all F E .cl(X,
Proof. Note that v+(X) = v(P) < 00 and v_eX) = -v(N) < 00. Apply Theorem 4.10 to v±, obtaining h± E .cl(X, f-l), and let h = h+ - h_. The only difference between (4.47) and (8.14) is that this time h need not be ~ o.
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
It is also useful to consider the concept of a complex measure on (X, M), which is defined to be a function
p :
p(0) = 0
(8.16) and (8.17)
E EM disjoint sequence j
j )
j ).
In this case, we do not allow p to assume any "infinite" values. It is clear that we can set
vo(S) = Re p(S),
(S) = 1m p(S),
and Vj are signed measures, which do not take on either value. We have
as a
+ iVl (S),
and we can define
F dp =
F dvo
F dVl,
where in turn dVj are defined as in (8.11). There is an obvious extension of the Radon-Nikodym Theorem: if p, is a finite positive measure and v a complex measure on (X,M), such that v « 11" then (8.14) continues to hold for some complex-valued h.
Exercises 1. 'Write down a proof of Proposition 8.1. In Exercises 2-3, let p, and v be finite positive measures on (X, J). For [0,(0), set i.pT = V - T p,. For each such T, i.pT is a signed measure.
Signed Measures and Complex Measures
2. Show that there exists a family P T and a family NT of elements of J such that Po = X, for each T E [0,00), PTlNT is a partition of X,
T2 =====?
PT2 ,
and <(JT
is PT-positive and NT-negative, V T E [0,00).
Hint. To get the nesting property, make a preliminary Hahn decomposition
Pa, Na
= Q n [0,00), and set
for a E Q+
PT = 3. For each k E Z+
= {O, 1,2, ... },
+ a E Q ,a:S T}. set
hk(X) = sup {T E Tk ·Z+: x E PT
h E M+(X) and
Show that hk /
= h/1- + p,
p -1 /1-,
obtaining another proof of the Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym Theorems 4.104.11. 4. Suppose /1-1 and /1-2 are finite positive measures on (X, M), and form the signed measure v = /1-1 - /1-2. Show that Ivl(E) :S /1-1 (E)
+ /1-2 (E) ,
Hint. First look at E c P and E c N, with P and N as in Theorem 8.2. 5. Take v as in Exercise 4. With fELl (X, /1-1 + /1-2)'
f dv =
Hint. v+
+ /1-2
J f dv
f d/1-1 -
defined by (8.11), show that for
f d/1-2.
+ /1-1.
6. Let 9J1:(X, J) denote the set of finite signed measures on (X, J). Show that this is a linear space and, in fact, a Banach space, with norm (8.21)
= Ivl(X).
7. Suppose Vj are finite signed measures on (Xj, Jj). Show that VI x V2 is a well-defined, finite signed measure on (Xl x X2, J1 0 J2), and Ilvl x v211
8. Let E be a Banach space. Define the notion of an E-valued measure on (X, M), and develop some basic properties.
Chapter 9
LP Spaces, II
In Chapter 4 we defined £P spaces and studied some of their basic properties as Banach spaces. We also studied special properties of L2 spaces, as Hilbert spaces. In particular, we characterized continuous linear functionals 'P : L2(X, p,) -+
w :V
(w : V -+ lR if V is a real vector space). Elements w E V' are called linear functionals on V. Sometimes one finds the following notation for the action of w E V' on v E V : (9.2)
(v,w) = w(v).
If V has norm II II, the condition for the map (9.1) to be continuous is the following: the set ofv E V such that Iw(v)1 ::::; 1 must be a neighborhood of 0 E V. Thus this set must contain a ball BR = {v E V : Ilvll ::::; R}, for some R > O. With C = 1/ R, it follows that w must satisfy
Iw(v)1 ::::; Cllvll
9. V Spaces, II
for some C < 00. The infimum of the C's for which this holds is defined to be Ilwll; equivalently, (9.4)
Ilwll = sup{lw(v)1 : Ilvll :S 1}.
It is easy to verify that V', with this norm, is also a Banach space. As shown in Chapter 4, if H is a Hilbert space, the inner product produces a conjugate linear isomorphism of H' with H; see (4.34). In particular, as noted in Corollary 4.9, L2(X, j.,l) is its own dual. We next identify the dual of LP(X, j.,l), for general p E [1,00), using the Radon-Nikodym Theorem. Proposition 9.1. Let (X, j.,l) be a (T-finite measure space. Let 1 :S p < 00. Then the dual space LP(X, j.,l)', with norm given by (9.4), is naturally isomorphic to Lq(X, j.,l), with l/p + l/q = l.
Note that Holder's inequality and its refinement (4.9) show that there is a natural inclusion i : Lq(X, j.,l) --+ V(X, j.,l)', which is an isometry. It remains to show that i is surjective. We give a proof in the case when j.,l(X) is finite, from which the general case is easily deduced. If w E LP(X, j.,l)', define a set function 1/ on measurable sets E c X by l/(E) = (XE, w), where XE is the characteristic function of E; 1/ is readily verified to be countably additive, as long as p < 00. Thus 1/ is a complex measure. We have
dl/ = (j,w),
first for f = XE, then for simple f. Furthermore, 1/ annihilates sets of j.,lmeasure zero, so the Radon-Nikodym Theorem, in the form of Theorem 8.7, implies
for some measurable function w. We hence have (9.5)
(j,w) =
for simple f. A variant of the proof of (4.9) gives w E U(X,j.,l), IlwllLq Ilwll, and (9.5) holds for all f E V(X, j.,l). We mention that countable additivity of 1/ fails for p = 00; in fact LOO (X, j.,l)' is identified with the space of finitely additive bounded set functions on the (T-algebra of j.,l-measurable sets that annihilate sets of j.,l-measure zero; see [Yo] for a proof. Given a Banach space V, since V' is a Banach space, one can construct its dual, V". Note that the action (9.2) produces a natural linear map
/'\, : V
LP Spaces, II
and it is obvious that 1I~(v)11 ::; Ilvll. In fact, 11~(v)11 = Ilvll, i.e., ~ is an isometry. More precisely, for any v E V, there exists w E V', Ilwll = 1, such that w(v) = Ilvll. One can check directly that this property holds when V = LP(X, /-l), for a O"-finite measure space, with 1 ::; p < 00. More generally, this property is a consequence of the Hahn-Banach Theorem; see, e.g., Chapter 3 of [RS] or §4 in Appendix A of [TI]. Sometimes ~ in (9.6) is surjective, so it gives an isometric isomorphism of V with V". In this case we say V is reflexive. Clearly any Hilbert space is reflexive. Also, in view of Proposition 9.1, we see that LP(X, /-l) is reflexive provided 1 < p < 00. On the other hand, Ll (X, /-l) is not reflexive; VXJ(X, /-l)' is strictly larger than Ll (X, /-l), except for the trivial cases where Ll(X, /-l) is finite dimensional. One of the values of identifying a certain Banach space Y as the dual V' of another Banach space V is the use of the "weak* topology" on V', in which a neighborhood basis of an element w E V' consists of sets of the form
In particular, for a sequence Wv E V', we say Wv -----> W in the weak* topology provided (v, w v ) -----> (v, w) for each v E V We have the following important result called Alaoglu's Theorem:
Proposition 9.2. If V is a Banach space, then the closed unit ball B is compact in the weak* topology.
This result is readily deduced from the following fundamental result in topology:
Tychonov's Theorem. If {Xa : ex E A} is any family of compact Hausdorff spaces, then the Cartesian product TIaEA X a , with the product topology, is a compact Hausdorff space. For a proof of Tychonov's Theorem, see [Dug] or [RS]. To see how this yields Proposition 9.2, note that B E V' above, with the weak* topology, is homeomorphic to a closed subset of the Cartesian product TI{Xv : v E V}, where Xv = {z E C : Izl ::; Ilvll} and ~ : B -----> TI Xv is given by ~(w) = {w(v) : v E V}. If V is separable, we can say a little more. Let {Vj : j E Z+} be a dense subset of B 1 , and, for w, 0" E B c V', set
d(w, 0")
L2- j l(vj,w -
This defines a metric on B, and it is clear that the identity map on B gives a continuous map id : (B, w*) -----> (B, d), from B with the weak* topology to B
9. V Spaces, II
with the metric topology. But a bijective continuous map from a compact Hausdorff space onto a Hausdorff space must be a homeomorphism, as is shown in Appendix A, so the two topologies must coincide. Thus we have Corollary 9.3. If V is a separable Banach space, then the unit ball B in V' is a compact metric space, with the weak* topology.
In case V is separable, one has /'i, : B -----t TI X Vj , mapping (B, w*) homeomorphically onto a closed subset of TI X Vj , for a countable dense subset {Vj} of V. The compactness of TI XVj follows from the special case of Tychonov's Theorem proven in Appendix A, Proposition A.17. REMARK.
Applying Proposition 9.2 and Corollary 9.3 to Proposition 9.1, we have Proposition 9.4. If (X, f-l) is a O"-jinite measure space, then, for 1 < p :S 00, the closed unit ball B in V(X, f-l) is compact in the weak* topology, relative to U(X, f-l), where p-I + q-I = 1. If Lq(X, f-l) is separable, then B is a compact metric space with this topology.
We turn now to more general mappings. If V and Ware two Banach spaces, we denote by £(V, W) the space of continuous linear transformations from V to W. We set £(V) = £(V, V). As in the derivation of (9.3), it is easy to see that, when V and Ware Banach spaces, a linear map T : V -----t W is continuous if and only if there exists a constant C < 00 such that (9.9)
IITvl1 :S Cllvll
for all v E V. Thus we call T a bounded operator. The infimum of all the C's for which this holds is defined to be IITII; equivalently, (9.10)
= sup {IITvll : Ilvll :S 1}.
It is clear that £(V, W) is a linear space. If V and Ware Banach spaces and T j E £(V, W), then IITI + T211 :S IITIII + IIT211; completeness is also easy to establish in this case, so £(V, W) is also a Banach space. If X is a third Banach space and S E £(W, X), it is clear that ST E £(V, X) and
If V and Ware Banach spaces and T E £(V, W), then the adjoint T' E £(W', V') is uniquely defined to satisfy (9.12)
(Tv, w) = (v, T'w),
LP Spaces, II
Granted that (9.13)
is an isometry in (9.6), it is easy to see that
IITII = IIT'II = sup{I(Tv,w)l: IIvll = 1, IIwll = 1}.
When V and Ware reflexive, it is clear that Til = T. In case V and Ware Hilbert spaces, T E LeV, W), then we also have an adjoint T* E LeW, V), given by (Tv, w)
= (v, T*w),
v E V, w E W,
using the inner products on Wand V, respectively. As in (9.13) we have IITII = IIT*II· Also it is clear that T** = T. We consider some simple examples of bounded linear operators. If (X, J-t) is a measure space, f E V)Q(X, J-t), then the multiplication operator M f , defined by Mfu = fu, is bounded on LP(X, J-t) for each p E [1,00], with IIMfll = IIfIlL=. If X is a compact Hausdorff space and f E G(X), then Mf E £(G(X)), with IIMfll = IIflislip. Another class of examples, a little more elaborate than above, is given by integral operators of the form Ku(x) =
k(x, y) u(y) dv(y).
We have the following result: Proposition 9.5. Let (X, M, J-t) and (Y,N, v) be a-finite measure spaces. Suppose k is measurable on X x Y and (9.16)
Ik(x, y)1 dJ-t(x) :::; Gl
Ik(x, y)1 dV(y) :::; G2 ,
for all y and for all x, respectively. Then (9.15) defines K as a bounded operator from LP(Y, v) to LP(X, J-t), for each p E [1,00]' with 1
-+-=1. p q
Proof. For p E (1, 00 ), we estimate (9.18)
1/ / X
k(x, y)f(y)g(x) dJ-t(x) dv(y)1
£P Spaces, II
via the estimate ab :::; aP /p+b q /q of (4.11), used to prove Holder's inequality. Apply this to If(y)g(x)l. Then (9.18) is dominated by (9.19) provided (9.16) holds. Replacing f, 9 by tf, Clg, we see that (9.18) is dominated by (Clt P /p)llfll~p + (C2/qt q )llglllq, and minimizing over t E (0, (0), via elementary calculus, we see that (9.18) is dominated by (9.20) proving the result. handled.
The exceptional cases p = 1 and p
are easily
We call k(x, y) the integral kernel of K. Note that K' is an integral operator, with kernel k'(x, y) = k(y, x). In the case of the Hilbert space L 2 (X,p,), K* is an integral operator, with kernel k*(x,y) = k(y,x). We next take a look at an important class of bounded operators on Hilbert spaces, the Hilbert-Schmidt operators, defined as follows. Let HI and H 2 be separable Hilbert spaces and A E £ (HI, H 2)' Let {Uj} be an orthonormal basis of HI. We say A is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator, or an HS operator for short, provided
L IIAujl12 <
equivalently, if (9.22) j.k
where {vd is an orthonormal basis of H 2 . The class of HS operators in £(H1 ,H2) will be denoted HS(Hl,H2)' If HI = H2 = H, we denote the class HS(H). We define the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of an HS operator: (9.23) j,k
By the second identity in (9.23), we see that A* E £(H2' HI) is HS if A is and that (9.24)
IIAIIHS is clearly independent of the choice of orthonormal basis of H 2 , IIA*IIHS is independent of the choice of orthonormal basis of HI and hence so is IIAIIHS' Since
£P Spaces, II
The first identity in (9.23) makes it clear that IIBAIIHS :::; IIBII . IIAIIHS if A is HS and B is bounded on H 2 • Since AB = (B* A*)*, we deduce via (9.24) that an analogous bound holds on IIABIIHS when B is bounded on HI. In other words, (9.25) if B j E £(Hj). In particular, recapitulating the observation made following (9.24), we have (9.26) if U j E £(Hj) are unitary transformations, i.e., invertible isometries of H j onto H j . We note that, if A is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator, then (9.27)
To see this, pick unit UI such that an orthonormal basis.
and make that part of
The following classical result might be called the Hilbert-Schmidt Kernel Theorem. Proposition 9.6. 1fT: L2(XI,lLd -----t L 2(X 2,1L2) is Hilbert-Schmidt, then there exists K E L2(XI X X 2, ILl x 1L2) such that
(9.28) Proof. Pick orthonormal bases {fj} for L 2 (X d and {9k} for L 2 (X 2) and set
K(Xl' X2) =
L ajkfj(xd9k(x2) j,k
where ajk (Tfj,9k)· The hypothesis that T is HS is precisely what is necessary to guarantee that K E L2(XI x X 2), and then (9.28) is obvious. It is also clear that (9.30)
Also of interest is the converse, proved simply by reversing the argument and noting that {fj9k} is an orthonormal basis of L2(XI x X 2, ILl x 1L2) (see Exercise 6 of Chapter 6).
Proposition 9.7. If K E L2(X1 operator T, satisfying (9.30).
£P Spaces, II
X 2, 11-1 x 11-2)' then (9.28) defines an HS
We now look at a particular linear operator of singular importance, the Fourier transform, defined by
Ff(~) = J(~) =
(9.31) when
f(x)e- ix -€ dx
E L1(JRn). It is clear that
(9.32) It is convenient to bring in the Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing func-
Xfl ...
where xf3 = x~n, DOl = Dfl ... D';,n, with D j = -ia / ax j . Using an argument involving integration by parts (cf. (7.67)), it is easy to verify that (9.34)
(9.35) We define F* by (9.36) which differs from (9.31) only in the sign of the exponent. It is clear that F* satisfies the mapping properties (9.32), (9.34), and (9.37)
(Fu, v)
(u, F*v)
for u, v E S(JR n ), where (u, v) denotes the usual L2-inner product, (u, v) = fIRn u(x) vex) dx. The first major result is the Fourier inversion formula. The following is our first version. Proposition 9.8. We have the inversion formula
F* F = FF* = I
on S(JR n ).
9. £P Spaces, II
We will sneak up on the inversion formula by throwing in a convergence factor which will allow interchange of orders of integration. So, let us write, for f E S(lR n ),
F*Ff(x) = (27r)-n / [ / f(y)e- iyoe dy]e ixoe de (9.39)
= (27r)-n lim
f(y) e-c:leI 2 ei(x-y)oe dy de.
We can interchange the order of integration on the right for any c > 0, to obtain (9.40)
F* Ff(x) = lim / f(y)p(c, x - y) dy, c:~o
where (9.41) Note that (9.42) where q(x) = p(l, x). In a moment we will show that (9.43) The derivation of this identity will also show that
q(x) dx = 1.
lR n
From this, it follows, as in the proof of (4.64) and (4.69), that (9.45)
lim / f(y)p(c, x - y) dy = f(x)
for any f E S(lR n ), even for f bounded and continuous, so we have proved F* F = I on S(lRn); the proof that FF* = I on S(lRn) is identical. It remains to verify (9.43). We observe that p(c, x), defined by (9.41), is an entire holomorphic function of x E for any c > o. It is convenient to verify that
LP Spaces, II
from which (9.43) follows by analytic continuation. Now
p(c, ix) = (27r)-n (9.47)
e- x·e-eleI 2 dE,
(27r)-n e 1xI2 /4e
e-lx/2v1c+vIceI2 dE,
= (27r)-nc-n/2elxI2/4e
e- 1e12 dE,.
To prove (9.46), it remains to show that
e -lel 2 dE, = 7rn/2.
Indeed, for this see Exercises 1-2 in the first exercise set of Chapter 7. This completes the proof of the identity (9.46) and hence of (9.43). REMARK. See Exercises 7-8 for another demonstration of (9.43), not using analytic continuation.
In light of (9.37) and the Fourier inversion formula (9.38), we see that, for u, v E S(ffi.n), (9.49)
(Fu, Fv) = (u, v) = (F*u, F*v).
Thus F and F* extend uniquely from S(ffi.n) to isometries on L2(ffi.n), and are inverses to each other, i.e., they are unitary. Thus we have the Plancherel Theorem: Proposition 9.9. The Fourier transform
is unitary, with inverse F*. We now make some comments on the relation between the Fourier transform and convolutions. The convolution u * v of two functions on ffi.n is defined by
J =J
u * v(x) = (9.51)
u(y)v(x - y) dy u(x - y)v(y) dy.
£P Spaces, II
Note that u * v = v * u. If u, v E S(JRn), so is u and also as a special case of Proposition 9.5,
* v.
As in (4.62) and (7.63)
(9.52) so the convolution has a unique continuous extension to a bilinear map (9.53) for 1 :s:: p < 00; one can directly perceive this also works for p = 00. Note that the right side of (9.40), for any c > 0, is an example of a convolution. Computing the Fourier transform of (9.51) leads immediately to the formula (9.54) Via Proposition 9.9, we have the estimate (9.55) which is stronger than the p = 2 case of (9.52). The estimate (9.55) does not hold if L2 is replaced by LP for p =I- 2. Useful strengthenings of (9.52) for other values of p E (1,00) lead one to the important topic of singular integral operators. See [Stl for a treatment of this and also Chapter 13 of
[TIl· It is useful to extend the Fourier transform from Ll(JRn ) -+ LOO(JRn ) to 9J1(JRn) -+ Loo(JRn), where 9J1(JRn ) denotes the space of finite (signed or, more generally, complex) Borel measures on JR n , and to extend the convolution product from Ll(JRn ) x Ll(JRn) -+ Ll(JR.n ) to 9J1(JR. n ) x 9J1(JR. n ) -+ 9J1(JR. n ). The formula (9.31) for J(~) makes it natural to set
= (27r)-n/2
dp,(x) ,
p, E 9J1(JR. n ).
It readily follows that 1p,(~)1 :s:: (27r)-n/211p,11, the norm on 9J1(JR. n ) defined by (8.21). Also the Dominated Convergence Theorem implies fi is continuous. Note that if u E S(JR. n ), then, by Fubini's Theorem,
Ju(~)p,(~) d~ = (9.57)
JJu(~)e-ix.~ dp,(x) d~
u(x) dp,(x).
Applying Proposition 9.8, we deduce that, given p, E 9J1(JR n ), (9.58)
v(x) dp,(x)
Jv(~)p,(~) d~,
\Iv E S(JR n ).
£P Spaces, II
A natural way to define the convolution J-L * v of two finite measures is suggested by the following computation. If f, 9 E Ll(JRn) and u E LOO(JR n ),
u(x)(f*g)(x)dx =
= Thus it is natural to define J-L
J-L * v(S)
(9.60) when S
11 11
u(x)f(x-y)g(y)dydx u(x
+ y)f(x)g(y) dx dy.
+ y) dJ-L(x) dv(y),
ffin is a Borel set and J-L, v E 9J1(JR n ). An equivalent formula is
It readily follows that J-L
* v E 9J1(lRn)
IIJ-L * vii:; IIJ-LII . Ilvll·
Note also that if u is a bounded Borel function on JR n ,
In fact, (9.63) follows by linearity from (9.60) if u is a finite linear combination of XS j ' Sj E ~ (JR n ), and then by the Dominated Convergence Theorem for a general bounded Borel function u. A particular consequence of (9.63) is the following analogue of (9.54):
(J-L (9.64)
* vr(~) =
dJ-L(x) dv(y)
= (27ft/2ji(OV(~).
Exercises 1. Extend the p = 2 case of Proposition 9.5 to the following result of Schur. Let (X, J-L) and (Y, v) be measure spaces, and let k(x, y) be measurable on (X x Y, J-Lx v). Assume that there are measurable functions p(x), q(y), positive a.e. on X and Y, respectively, such that
Ik(x, y)lp(x) dJ-L(x) :; C1q(y),
Ik(x, y)lq(y) dv(y) :; C2P(X).
V Spaces, II
Show that Ku(x)
Jy k(x, y)u(y) dv(y) defines a bounded operator
K : L2(y, v)
L2(X, f-L),
IIKI12::; C 1 C2.
Give an appropriate modification of the hypothesis (9.65) in order to obtain an operator bound K : LP(Y, v) --+ V(X, f-L). Hint. To estimate (9.18), set
B(x) I IA(y) I If(y)g(x)1 = I A(y) f(y) . B(x)g(x), and apply the estimate ab ::; (a P I p)
+ (b q I q)
to this.
2. Show that k(x, y) is the integral kernel of a bounded map K : L2(JRn ) L2 (JR+.) provided it satisfies the estimate 9.66) Ik(x, y)1 ::; C ( lx' - y'1 2
+ xi + yi )
x = (Xl, x'), y = (Yb y').
Hint. Construct p(x) and q(y) so that (9.65) holds. Look for p(x) as a function of Xl alone. 3. Given u E LP(JRn), 1::; p < 00, and i.p E Cgo(JR n ), set v = i.p * u. (a) Show that v is continuous on JR n . Hint. Apply dominated convergence. (b) Show that h- l [v(x + hej) - v(x)] --+ (oi.ploxj) * u as h --+ 0, and conclude that v E CI(JR n ). (c) Show that v E Coo (JR n ) and Dav = (Dai.p) * u. 4. If u E LP(JRn) and w E Lpl (JRn), lip continuous on JR n .
+ lip'
= 1, show that u
In Exercises 5-6, let (X, J, f-L) be a measure space and A an algebra of subsets of X such that O"(A) = J. Let A = span {XA : A
5. If f E LI(X,f-L) and IAfdf-L = 0 for all A E A, show that f = O. Hint. Show that {B E J : IB f df-L = O} is a monotone class. Apply Proposition 5.9. 6. If f-L(X) < 00, show that A is dense in L2(X, f-L). Hint. Show that the orthogonal complement A-.l of A in L2(X, f-L) is O.
9. V Spaces, II
Deduce that A is dense in VeX, J.L), for 1 :S p :S 2. Note. There is a general result known as the Hahn-Banach Theorem, which implies that if V is a Banach space and L a linear subspace which is not dense in V, then there exists a nonzero w E V' such that w( v) = 0 for all vEL. (See [RS], [TI], [Yo].) Using this, show that, when J.L(X) < 00, A is dense in LP(X, J.L) for all p E [1, (0).
Exercises 7-8 give another approach to the identity (9.43), i.e.,
e-cf.~12+ix.~ d~ =
(47rE)-n/2 e - 1x I2 /4e,
one that does not use analytic continuation.
7. Show that to demonstrate (9.67) it suffices to treat the case n = l. Furthermore, it suffices to show that (9.68) 8. Note that g E S(JR.) and g satisfies the differential equation
(d~ + x )g(x) = o. g E S(JR.) and
Use (9.34)-(9.35) to deduce that
(~ + ~ )g(~) = O. Then establish (9.68). First show
g(O = Ce-e/ 2 ; then evaluate C.
9. Let pet, x) be given by (9.43) with t =
(9.69) Show that
F-le-tl~12 Ff(x) =
f(y)p(t, x - y) dy.
Show that, if f E LP(JR.n ), 1 :S p < 00, then u(t, x) = f(y)p(t, x-y) dy satisfies the "diffusion equation" (also called the "heat equation"):
- = .6.u, .6.= -+"'+-2' at axi aXn
LP Spaces, II
for t
> 0, and that
Hint. Use (9.35). 10. Verify that the map"" in (9.6) is an isometry when V = LP(X, f-l), 1 :s: p < 00, by showing directly that, given v E LP(X, f-l), there exists w E Lpi (X, f-l) such that IlwllLpl = 1 and I vw df-l = IlvIILP. 11. Assume f E C 2 ([0, 1]), f(O) = f(l) = O. Show that
f(x) where
12. If
G(x, y)
G(x, y)f"(y) dy,
:s: y :s: 1, O:S: y :s: x :s: 1.
-x(1 - y)
for O:S: x
-(1 - x)y
is as in Exercise 11, use Proposition 9.5 to show that
1I 1
f (x ) I dx
III If" (
:s: -
x ) I dx.
Exercises 13-14 deal with the trapezoidal 'rule, defined as follows. Let an interval I = [a, b] be divided into subintervals, all of length h. Given f E C(1), II f dx is approximated by (9.73)
bj ] are the intervals into which I is subdivided, with bj
- aj
(b - a)/N.
13. Show that if I = [0, 1], then (9.74)
110 1 f
Hint. Subtract from and 1.
dx -
Tl fl :s: ~ 10 1 If"(x)1 dx.
f the linear function agreeing with f (x) at x
= 0
9. V Spaces, II
14. Show that, if I = [a, b] and
1 E C 2 (I),
1/ 1dx _7Jh 11 ~ ~2
11"(x)1 dx.
Hint. Derive (9.75) from (9.74) by scaling when I = [0, h]. Then sum this result over the intervals of length h into which I = [a, b] is subdivided.
1 * f..l(x) = / l(x - y) df..l(y). Show that
1 * f..l
E V(JR n )
Show that if also v E 9J1(JRn ), then
16. Suppose P is a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space H satisfying p2 = P ,
P* = P.
Let K = Range P. Show that K = Ker (I - P) and K ~ = Ker P = Range (I - P). Deduce that K is closed and that P is the orthogonal projection of H onto K. 17. Let H be a Hilbert space and let T E ri. Show that T is an isometry if and only if T*T = I. Show that if T is an isometry, then TT* is the orthogonal projection of H onto the range of T.
Chapter 10
Sobolev Spaces
We now define spaces H1,P(JR n ), known as Sobolev spaces. For U to belong to H1,P(JR n ), we require that U E LP(JRn ) and that U have weak derivatives of first order in LP(JRn): (10.1) where (10.1) means (10.2) If U E COO (JR n ), we see that OjU = oU/OXj, by integrating by parts, using (7.67). We define a norm on H1,P(JR n ) by
IluIIH1,P = IlullLP + I: IlojullLP. j
We claim that H1,P(JR n ) is complete, hence a Banach space. Indeed, let (u v ) be a Cauchy sequence in H1,P(JR n ). Then (u v ) is Cauchy in LP(JRn ); hence it has an LP- norm limit U E LP(JRn ). Also, for each j, OjU v = fjv is Cauchy in LP(JRn ), so there is a limit fj E LP(JRn), and it is easily verified from (10.2) that OjU = fj. We can consider convolutions and products of elements of H1,P(JR n ) with elements of COO (JR n ) and readily obtain identities
Sobolev Spaces
and estimates (10.5)
II'P * ulIHl,P
II1};uIIHl,P :::::; 111};llu lluIIHl,P Xl
+ L 118j 1};IILoo IluIILP,
for 'P, 1}; E C (lR n ), u E H 1 ,P(lRn ). For example, the first identity in (10.4) is equivalent to
-11 ;~ 11 =
(x) 'P(x - y)u(y) dy dx
;~ (x -
y) u(y) dy dx,
V 1}; E C
oo (lR n ),
an identity that can be established by using Fubini's Theorem (to first do the x-integral) and integration by parts, via (7.67). If p < 00, u E H 1 ,P(lRn ), and ('Pj) is an approximate identity of the form (7.64), with 'Pj E C (lR n ), then we can show that
using (10.4) and (7.65). Given
in H1,p- norm,
> 0, we can take j such that
Then we can pick 1}; E C (lRn) such that 111};('Pj * u) - 'Pj * ullHl,p < E. Of course, 'Pj * u is smooth, so 1};(rpj * u) E COO (lRn). We have established
Proposition 10.1. Forp E [1, (0), the space
Coo (IRn) is dense in H
1 ,P(lRn ).
Sobolev spaces are very useful in analysis, particularly in the study of partial differential equations. We will establish just a few results here, some of which will be useful in Chapter 11. More material can be found in [EG], [Fol], [T1], and [Yo]. The following result is known as a Sobolev Imbedding Theorem. Proposition 10.2. If p > n or if p
= n = 1, then
(10.7) For now we concentrate on the case p E (n, (0). Since dense in H 1 ,P(lRn ), it suffices to establish the estimate (10.8)
is then
Sobolev Spaces
In turn, it suffices to establish (10.9) o
To get this, it suffices to show that, for a given
= 1,
(10.10) where Vv = (ihv, ... , onv) or, equivalently, that
lu(O)1 ::; CIIVuIILP,
u E
In turn, this will follow from an estimate of the form (10.12) given
wE IR n , Iwl =
1. Thus we turn to a proof of (10.12).
Without loss of generality, we can take w = en = (0, ... ,0,1). We will work with the set ~ = {z E IRn - 1 : Izl ::; V3/2}. For z E ~, let "fz be the path from 0 to en consisting of a line segment from 0 to (z, 1/2), followed by a line segment from (z,1/2) to en, as illustrated in Figure 10.1. Then (with A = Area ~) (10.13)
u(en) - u(O) = / (/ dU)
= / Vu(x) . 1jJ(x) dx,
where the last identity applies the change of variable formula. The behavior of the Jacobian determinant of the map (t, z) I----t "fAt) yields (10.14) Thus (10.15)
11jJ(xW dx ::; C Jo
r-nq+qrn-l dr.
B 1/ 2
It follows that (10.16) Thus (10.17)
n Vq< - - . n-1
Sobolev Spaces
Figure 10.1
as long as p' < n/(n - 1), which is the same as p > n. This proves (10.12) and hence Proposition 10.2, for p E (n,oo). For n = 1, (10.13) simplifies to u(l) - u(O) = Jo1 u'(x) dx, which immediately gives the estimate (10.12) for p = n = 1. We can refine Proposition 10.2 to the following. Proposition 10.3. If p E (n,oo), then every u E H 1 ,P(lRn ) satisfies a Holder condition:
= 1--. p
Proof. Applying (10.12) to v(x) = u(rx), we have, for Iwl = 1,
lu(rw) - u(O)IP :S CrP
IVu(rx)IP dx
= Crp -
This implies
(10.20) lu(x) - u{Y)1 :S C'lx - yI 1 -n/p
IVu(x)I P dx.
(J Br(x)
which gives (1O.18).
IVu(z)IP dz
r = Ix-YI,
Sobolev Spaces
If U E Hl,oo(JRn) and if r.p E CD (JR n ), then r.pu E Hl,p(JRn) for all p E [1,(0), so Proposition 10.3 applies. We next show that in fact Hl,oo(JRn) coincides with the space of Lipschitz functions:
(10.21) Proposition 10.4. We have the identity
(10.22) Proof. First, suppose
E Lip(JR n ). Thus
(10.23) Hence, by Proposition 9.4, there is a sequence hI/ such that
0 and
(10.24) In particular, for all r.p E CD (JRn) , (10.25)
r.p(x) [u(x
+ hl/ej) -
u(x)] dx
r.p(x)fj(x) dx.
But the left side of (10.25) is equal to (10.26)
[r.p(x - hl/ej) - r.p(x)]u(x) dx
---+ -
u(x) dx.
c Hl,oo(JRn ). Hl,oo(JRn). Let r.pj(x) = jnr.p(jx) be an approximate
This shows that OjU = fj. Hence Lip(JR n )
Next, suppose U E identity as in (10.6), with r.p E Co(JR n ). We do not get r.pj * U --+ U in Hl,oo_ norm, but we do have Uj = r.pj * U bounded in Hl,oo(JR n ); in fact, each Uj is Coo, and we have (10.27) Also Uj
U locally uniformly. The second estimate in (10.27) implies
(10.28) since Uj(x) - Uj(Y) = Ja1(x - y) . '\1u(tx + (1 - t)y) dt. Thus in the limit --+ 00, we get also Iu(x) - u(Y)1 :S K21x - YI· This completes the proof.
We next show that, when p E [1, n), H1,p(JRn) is contained in Lq(JRn ) for some q > p. One technical tool which is useful for our estimates is the following generalized Holder inequality.
Lemma 10.5. If Pj E [1,00]' LPjl
Sobolev Spaces
= 1, then
The proof follows by induction from the case m Holder inequality.
= 2, which is the usual
Proposition 10.6. For P E [1, n),
In fact, there is an estimate (10.31)
for u E H1,P(JR n ), with C
= C(p, n).
Proof. It suffices to establish (10.31) for u E Co(JRn ). Clearly
(10.32) where the integrand, written more fully, is 18j u(XI, ... , Yj," ., xn)l. (Note that the right side of (10.32) is independent of Xj.) Hence
D(100-00 n
18j ul dYj
We can integrate (10.33) successively over each variable Xj, j = 1, ... , n, and apply the generalized Holder inequality (10.29) with m = PI = ... = Pm = n - 1 after each integration. We get
This establishes (10.31) in the case P 1, obtaining
= 1. We can apply this to v = lui',
'Y >
(10.35) For P < n, pick 'Y = (n - l)p/(n - p). Then (10.35) gives (10.31) and the nrnnn",it.inn is nroved.
Sobolev Spaces
There are also Sobolev spaces Hk,P(lR n ), for each k E Z+. By definition E Hk,P(lR n ) provided
(10.36) where [ye" =
lal = al + ... + an,
()~1 ... ()~n,
( - 1)Inl
()nzp ;:) u dx -uX C'
and, as in (10.2), (10.36) means
zpfn d.T,
Given u E Hk,P(lR n ), we can apply Proposition 10.6 to estimate the ()k-llL in terms of II()kuII LP , where we use the notation
Lnp/(n-pL norm of
= {()nu : lal = k},
II()kuIILP =
II()nuII LP ,
Inl=k and proceed inductively, obtaining the following corollary.
Proposition 10.7. For kp
< n,
The next result provides a generalization of Proposition 10.2.
Proposition 10.8. We have
Proof. If p > n, we can apply Proposition 10.2. If p = nand k 2 2, since it suffices to obtain an L oo bound for u E Hk,P(lR n ) with support in the unit ball, just use u E H 2 ,n-c(lRn ) and proceed to the next step of the argument. If p E [1, n), it follows from Proposition 10.6 that
np n-p
Pl = - - .
Thus the hypothesis kp > n implies (k - l)Pl > kp > n. Iterating this argument, we obtain Hk,P(lR n ) c Hf,q(lR n ), for some g 2 1 and q > n, and again we can apply Proposition 10.2.
10. Sobolev Spaces
Exercises 1. Write down the details for the proof of the identities in (10.4).
2. Verify the estimates in (10.14). Hint. Write the first integral in (10.13) as l/A times
Jfo1v+(z).'\lU(tz,~t)dtdZ+ Jfo1v_(z).'\lU(tz,1-~t)dtdZ, ~
where v±(z) = (±z,1/2). Then calculate an appropriate Jacobian determinant to obtain the second integral in (10.13). 3. Suppose 1 < P < 00. If Tyf(x) = f(x - y), show that f belongs to H 1,P(JRn ) if and only if Tyf is a Lipschitz function of y with values in LP(JRn ), i.e., (10.42)
Hint. Consider the proof of Proposition 10.4. What happens in the case P = I? 4. Show that H n,l(JRn) c C(JR n ) n DXl(JRn ).
Hint. u(x) = J~oo··· J~oo Eh··· 8nu(x + y) dY1··· dYn. 5. If Pj E [1,00] and Uj E LPj, show that U1 U2 E L r provided l/r 1/P1 + 1/P2 and (10.43) Show that this implies (10.29). 6. Given U E L2 (JRn), show that (10.44) 7. Let f E L1(JR), and set g(x) = J~ocJ(Y) dy. Continuity of 9 follows from the Dominated Convergence Theorem. Show that (10.45)
81 g = f·
Sobolev Spaces
Hint. Given
and use Fubini's Theorem. Then use fyoo
+ h) -
Jl x
h + f(y)
and use (4.64). 8. If U E H 1 ,P(JRn ) for some p E [1, (0) and 8j u = 0 on a connected open set U C JR n , for 1 :S: j :S: n, show that U is (equal a.e. to a) constant on U. Hint. Approximate u by (10.6), i.e., by Uv =
More generally, if 8j u = fj E C(U), 1 :S: j :S: n, show that u is equal a.e. to a function in C 1 (U).
9. In case n = 1, deduce from Exercises 7 and 8 that, if u E Lfoc(JR), (10.47)
81u = f E L1(JR)
u(x) = c +
fey) dy,
a.e. x E JR,
for some constant c.
10. Let 9 E H 2,1(JR), I = [a, b], and f = Show that the estimate (9.75) concerning the trapezoidal rule holds in this setting.
Chapter 11
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
We will be concerned with results that various sequences of functions converge almost everywhere. One example is the following. Theorem 11.1. Given (11.1)
.c1(JRn , dx), consider
Arf(x) =
f(y) dy,
> O.
Then (11.2)
lim Arf(x) = f(x) a.e.
Here and below, m(S) denotes the Lebesgue measure of a set S, and E JRn : Ix - yl ~ r}. From results in previous sections, we know that Arf -----+ f in Ll-norm, as r -----+ O. Hence, for any fixed f E Ll(JRn ), there exists a sequence rv -----+ 0 such that Ar,J(x) -----+ f(x) a.e. However, this does not imply (11.2).
Br(x) = {y
A successful systematic approach to deriving both pointwise a.e. convergence results and additional interesting quantitative information was achieved by Hardy and Littlewood. We look at the "Hardy-Littlewood maximal function," defined by (11.3)
M(f)(x) = sup r>O
If(y)1 dy.
Note that this depends only on the class of fin Ll(JRn ), as does (11.1). The basic estimate on this maximal function is the following.
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Theorem 11.2. There is a constant C = C(n) such that, for any A > 0, f E Ll(JRn), we have the estimate
JRn: M(f)(x) > A}) ::;
We also note that the estimate (11.5)
JRn: If(x)1 > A}) ::; ~llfll£1'
known as Tchebychev's inequality, follows by integrating the inequality If I 2: AX8", , where SA is the set {x: If(x)1 > A}. We show how these estimates allow us to prove Theorem 11.1. Indeed, given f E £l(JRn,dx) and c > 0, pick 9 E Co(JR n ) such that Ilf - gll£1 < c. Clearly Arg(x) ---t g(x) uniformly as r ---t 0, so if
EA = {x E JRn : lim sup IArf(x) - f(x)1 > A}, r->O
then EA is unchanged if
is replaced by
sup IAr(f - g) - (f r>O
EA C {x: M(f - g)(x) > If we apply (11.4)-(11.5) with we get
m(EA) ::;
f -
g. Now
g)1 ::; M(f -
~} U {x:
replaced by
+ If - gl,
If(x) - g(x)1 >
f - 9
and A replaced by Aj2,
"Illf - gll£1 < T·
Since this holds for all c > 0, we deduce that (11.7)
m(EA) =
for all A > 0.
This is precisely equivalent to (11.2). We now take up the proof of Theorem 11.2. Let (11.8)
FA = {x E JRn : Mf(x) > A}.
We remark that, for any f E Ll(JRn) and any A > 0, FA is open. Given x E FA, pick r = rx such that Arlfl(x) > A, and let Ex = Brx(x). Thus {Ex: x E FA} is a covering of FA by balls. We will be able to obtain the estimate (11.4) from the following "covering lemma," due to N. Wiener.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Lemma 11.3. lfC = {Bet: a E QI.} is a collection of open balls in JRn, with union U, and if ma < m(U), then there is a finite collection of disjoint balls B j E C, 1 :S j :S K, such that
(11.9) We show how the lemma allows us to prove (11.4). In this case, let C = o
{Bx : x E F;J. Thus, if ma < m(F>,), there exist disjoint balls B j = Brj(xj) such that m(UBj) > 3-nmo. This implies (11.10)
< 3n
3 L L m(Bj) :S ~ n
3 If(x)1 dx :S ~ n
If(x)1 dx,
for all mo < m(F>,), which yields (11.4), with C
3n .
We now turn to the proof of Lemma 11.3. We can pick a compact K c U such that m(K) > mo. Then the covering C yields a finite covering of K, say AI' ... ' AN. Let B1 be the ball Aj of the largest radius. Throw out all At' which meet B 1 , and let B2 be the remaining ball of largest radius. Continue until {AI' ... ' AN} is exhausted. One gets disjoint balls B 1 , ... , B K in C. Now each Aj meets some Be, having the property that the radius of Be is 2'" the radius of A j . Thus, if Bj is the ball concentric with B j , with three times the radius, we have K
UB ~ UAe ~ K. j
This yields (11. 9) . There are more elaborate covering lemmas, due to Vitali and to Besicovitch (amongst others), which arise in measure theory. In appendices to this chapter, we discuss these covering lemmas. Having proved Theorem 11.1, we next establish a slightly stronger result. Proposition 11.4. Given f E .c1(JR n , dx), then
;~ m(~r)
If(y) - f(x)1 dy = 0, for a.e. x.
The proof of this goes just as the proof of Theorem 11.1, given the following maximal function estimate. Let (11.12)
-M(J)(x) = sup
r>a m
1 (B) r
If(y) - f(x)1 dy.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
We claim M satisfies an estimate of the form (11.4). Indeed, we have
M(f)(x) :S M(f)(x)
+ If(x)l,
so this is an easy consequence. Clearly, when (11.11) holds, we also have (11.2). Given f E £l(I~n, dx), a point x E ~n for which (11.11) holds is called a Lebesgue point of f. Thus the content of Proposition 11.4 is that almost every x E ~n is a Lebesgue point for any given f E £1 (~n, dx). In analogy with (11.12), define Mp(f)(x) by
~ Mp(f)(x)P = sup
1 (B) r
If(y) - f(x)IP dy,
for p E [1,00). Equivalently, (11.15) where dVr is dx/m(B r ), normalized to be a probability measure on Br(x). Using Minkowski's inequality, we obtain (11.16) Note that, if f E (11.17)
m( {x
the estimate (11.4) applied to Ifl P yields
~n : M(lfIP)(x)
> AP}) :S
~ Ilfllir
Now, by (11.16), if Mp(f)(x) > A, then either M(lfIP)(x) If(x)IP> (A/2)P, so we have the maximal function estimate (11.18)
m( {x
E ~n : Mp(f)(x)
> (A/2)P or
C > A}) :S AP Ilfll~p.
Thus we have the following extension of Proposition 11.4. Proposition 11.5. Givenp E [1,00), f E (11.19)
:~ m(~r)
If(y) - f(x)IP dy = 0, for a.e. x.
The proof is again like that of Theorem 11.1. One uses the denseness of in LP(~n), for p E [1,00). When the limit is 0 in (11.19), we call x an LP-Lebesgue point for f. Co(~n)
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
We next establish some results on differentiability almost everywhere of certain classes of functions. A function f defined on an open set n c lR?n, with values in lR?m, is differentiable at a point x E n provided there is a linear transformation A : lR?n ---+ lR?m such that (11.20)
+ y)
f(x) - AYI =
i.e., the ratio of the left side of (11.20) to Iyl tends to 0 as y ---+ O. If such A exists, it must be unique; we denote it by D f (x). If Tn > 1, then f is differentiable at x if and only if each component of f is differentiable at x, as is easily verified. Recall from Chapter 10 the Sobolev spaces Hl,p(lR?n), consisting of f E Vf E LP(lR?n). We showed that
LP(lR?n) with weak derivative (11.21)
We now establish the following.
Proposition 11.6. If f E H1,p(lR?n) and either n < p < CXJ or p = n = 1, then f is differentiable at almost every x E lR?n. More precisely, if x is an LP -Lebesgue point for V f, then fis differentiable at x and D f (x) = V f (x). Proof. Under the hypotheses on
it follows from (10.20) that
1 If(x+y)-f(x)I<:;CIYI ( rn(BI')
p ) l/p IVf(z)1 dz ,
= Iyl.
Now suppose x is an LP-Lebesgue point of (each component of) V f E LP(lR?n). If we replace f(z) by g(z) = f(z) - V f(x) . z in (11.22), we have Vg = V f - Vf(x), so
If(x (11.23)
+ y)
- f(x) - V f(J:) . yl
with r = Iyl. If x is an LP-Lebesgue point for V f, it follows that the right side of (11.23) is o(lyl) as Iyl ---+ 0, so the proposition is proved. The following immediate consequence is known as Rademacher's Theorem.
Corollary 11.7. If n c lR?n is open and f : n differentiable almost everywhere.
lR?m is Lipschitz, then f is
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Proof. Given any c.p E Co(n), E some p E (n,oo).
for all p :::;
and hence for
Corollary 11.7 establishes the result stated after Proposition 7.6. Therefore we have that if 0 and n are open in jRn and if F : 0 -----t n is a Lipschitz map which is bijective (hence a homeomorphism), then, whenever u E
u(x) dx
u(F(x)) J(x) dx,
= Idet DF(x)l,
a result which was established in Theorem 7.2 when F is a C l diffeomorphism. We will record a statement and separate proof of an important special case of this result. Proposition 11.8. Assume 0 and n are open in jRn and that F : 0 -----t n is a Lipschitz homeomorphism with a Lipschitz inverse G : 0 -----t O. Then (11.24) holds, for all u E M+(O).
While this result is already contained in Proposition 7.6, augmented by Corollary 11.7, we include a proof which is simpler, in that it avoids the appeal to topological degree theory made in the proof of Proposition 7.6. In fact, the simple part of the argument used in Proposition 7.6, via (7.45), shows that
v(x) dx 2:
v(G(y)) K(y) dy,
= Idet DG(y)l,
as in (7.16). Now the chain rule implies that J(x)K(F(x)) = 1 a.e., and we obtain (11.26)
u(x) dx:::;
u(F(x)) J(x) dx,
VuE M+(O).
n 0 As in the end of the proof of Theorem 7.2, we can now interchange the roles of 0 and 0 to get the reverse inequality, thus obtaining (11.24).
We next show that a Lipschitz function can be approximated in a rather strong sense by a C l function. This will be useful for results on Hausdorff measure of Lipschitz surfaces in Chapter 12. Theorem 11.9. Let f E Lip(jRn). Given c > 0 and a closed ball B c jRn, there exists a compact K c B such that m( B \ K) < c and agE C l (jRn) such that
f on K
Ilgllcl:::; C(n)llfIILip.
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Proof. By Corollary 11.7, f is differentiable almost everywhere; we have Df E Loo(JRn). We can apply Lusin's Theorem, given in Exercise 14 of Chapter 5, to see that there is a compact Kl C B such that m(B\Kl) < c:/2 and DflKl is continuous. Now, for x E K 1 , 8> 0, set (11.28)
R(x, y) = f(y) - f(x) - D f(x)(y - x)
and (11.29)
= sup {IR(x, y)I/lx - yl : 0 < Ix - yl < 8}.
We know that Tlo(x) -----+ 0 as 8 -----+ 0, for each x E K 1 . By Egoroff's Theorem, there exists compact K C Kl such that m(Kl \ K) < c:/2 and 1]0 -----+ 0 uniformly on K. Thus f = flK' f# = DflK is a pair satisfying the hypotheses of Whitney's Extension Theorem; see Appendix C. That theorem produces a function g E C1(JR n ) satisfying (11.27). We return to a look at averaging operators of the form (11.1), but this time applied to finite (signed) measures in JRn : (11.30)
Using the Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym Theorem, we can write J-l = fm with f E .c 1 (JRn , dx) and 1I ~ m. Thus we are left with the analysis of 1I ~
+ 1I,
We will establish Proposition 11.10. If 1I is a finite measure on JRn which is purely singular with respect to Lebesgue measure, i. e., 1I ~ m, then lim Arll(X)
= 0,
for m-a.e. x.
Proof. There is no loss in assuming 1I is positive. Xc, lI(X) = m(X C ) = O. Given .x > 0, set (11.33)
{x EX: lim sup IArll(X) I > r---+O
Write JRn
We want to show that m(F>..) = o. We will use an argument not very different from the proof of Theorem 11.2.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Given E > 0, there exists an open U ~ X such that v(U) < E. Now, for each x E F).., there is a ball Bx c U, centered at x, such that v(Bx) > Am(Bx). Thus F).. c Bx = V c U.
By Wiener's Covering Lemma, if mo < m(V), there exist disjoint B x !, BXJ such that L m(Bxj) > 3-nmo. Thus we have
... ,
(11.34) Hence
(11.35) for all
m(F)..) :S m(V) :S
> O. This shows m(F)..) = 0, and the proposition is proved.
The original work of Lebesgue on the one-dimensional case of Theorem 11.1 was done in order to extend the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus beyond the formulation given in Theorems 1.6-1.7 to the two results we now state. The following result extends Theorem 1.6. Proposition 11.11. If f E Ll(JR.), the function
g(x) =
[~f(Y) dy
is differentiable at almost every x E JR., and
Dg(x) = f(x),
a.e. x E R
Proof. It follows from (10.45) that the weak derivative of 9 exists and in fact 01g = f. Then (11.37) is the n = 1 case of Proposition 11.6.
There is also an extension of Theorem 1.7, which we state next. In the generalization, we replace the hypothesis that G be of class C 1 by the hypothesis that G be absolutely continuous. By definition, this means that, for every E > 0, there is a 6 > 0 with the property that, for any finite collection of disjoint intervals (a 1 , bI ), ... , (aN, bN ),
(11.38) Clearly (by Theorem 1.7), if Gis C 1 , with IG'(x)1 :S K, or, more generally, if G is Lipschitz, with Lipschitz constant K, then (11.38) holds, with 6 = ElK.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Proposition 11.12. Assume that C : lR -+ lR is absolutely continuous. Then C is differentiable almost everywhere, and DC E Ll (lR). Furthermore, for -00 < a < b < 00, (11.39)
DC(x) dx = C(b) - C(a).
For the proof it is convenient to use material that will be developed in Chapter 13. As will be seen in Exercise 8 of Chapter 13, the hypothesis that C be absolutely continuous implies that alC = f E Ll(lR). Again, by Proposition 11.6, we have DC = f a.e. Hence, by (10.47), for some constant c,
C(x) = c +
lXoo DC(y) dy.
Since both sides are continuous in x, this a.e. identity is valid everywhere. Then (11.39) is an immediate consequence. Another part of Exercise 8 in Chapter 13 will be that, if Ll(lR), then C is absolutely continuous.
al C =
llA. The Vitali Covering Lemma There is a covering lemma that is a bit more elaborate than the Wiener Covering Lemma (Lemma 11.3), known as the Vitali Covering Lemma, which has widespread use in analysis, and we discuss it in this appendix. It is natural to divide the result into two parts, each of which is occasionally called the Vitali Covering Lemma. The first part does not mention measure. Lemma llA.1. Let C be a collection of closed balls in]Rn (with positive radius) such that diam B < Co < 00 for all BEe. Then there exists a countable family :F of disjoint balls in C with the following property:
Every ball B in C meets a ball in :F with at least half the radius of B,
and hence
B is
a ball concentric with B with five times the radius.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Proof. Set
Let Fl be a maximal disjoint collection of balls in Cl. Inductively, let Fk be a maximal disjoint set of balls in
{B E Ck : B disjoint from all balls in F 1 , ... , Fk- d. Then set F
= UFk. For such F, (llA.l) holds, and then (llA.2) follows.
The second part involves measure.
Lemma llA.2. Let A be a subset ofITf.n, and let C be a collection of closed balls centered at points of A such that for each a E A, E > 0, there is a ball Br (a) E C of radius r < E. Then there exists a family F of disjoint balls in C such that (llA.3)
Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume all balls in C have radius < 1. Apply Lemma llA.l and consider the resulting family F. We claim (llA.3) holds for this family. It suffices to show that (llA.3) holds with A replaced by AK = An BK(O), for each K < 00. In fact, let FK = {B E F: B C BK+2(0)}. We will show that (llA.4)
m ( AK \
U B) = O. BEJ"K
Write FK
{Bj : j E Z+}. Clearly Lj m(Bj)
B, with 5-fold dilation
m(B) :S Cm(B),
m(Bj) ~ 0,
as N ~
Hence it suffices to show that N
AK \
UB j=l
j C
U j>N
Note that for any ball
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
To see this, pick a E AK \ U.f=l Bj. Since the balls B j are closed, we can find some small ball Br(a) E C that does not meet any of the balls B j for j :S N. Now, by Lemma llA.1, Br(a) meets some B E F with radius at least r /2. Furthermore, such B must belong to F K, so B = B j , for some j > N, and hence Br(a) C Hj. Thus (llA.7) holds and Lemma llA.2 is proven. We now use Lemma llA.2 to produce a proof of Theorem 11.1, slightly different from the one given at the beginning of Chapter 11. We start the same way: given f E .c1(lR.n,dx) and E > 0, pick 9 E Co(lR. n ) such that Ilf - gll£1 < E, and note that
= {x
lR. n : lim sup IArf(x) - f(x)1 > A} r---+O
is unchanged if
limsup IArU - g) - U - g)1 :S MoU - g)
is replaced by
f -
g. We also have
+ If -
where we set (llA.lO)
. sup Mof(x) = 11m r---+O
1 (B) r
If(y)1 dy.
(llA.ll) Assuming this for the moment, we have from (llA.8)-(l1A.9) that (l1A.12)
EA C {x: MoU - g)(x) >
~} U {x : If(x) -
g(x)1 >
so that by (l1A.ll) and Tchebychev's inequality (11.5), (l1A.13)
m(EA) :S
:xllf - gll£1 < -:.\'
for all E > 0; hence m(EA) = 0 for all A > 0 and we have (11.2). This gives a second proof of Theorem 11.1, modulo the proof of (llA.11). To prove (llA.ll), we let A = {x E lR. n : Mof(x) > A}, and we let C consist of all balls of radius < 1 such that If(x)1 dx > Am(B). If A -=I 0,
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
the hypotheses of Lemma llA.2 are satisfied, so we can take a family of disjoint balls :F = {Bj : j E Z+} C C so that (llA.3) holds. We hence have (llA.14)
~ 2: m(Bj) < ~ L J
If(x)1 dx
~ ~llfllu,
so (llA.ll) is proven. REMARK
1. We do not elevate the estimate (llA.ll) to the status of a
theorem, parallel to Theorem 11.2, for the simple reason that once the dust clears and Theorem 11.1 is established, we see that Mof(x) = If(x)1 almost everywhere, so (llA.ll) carries no information beyond Tchebychev's inequality (11.5). REMARK 2. The Vitali Covering Lemma can be extended in scope considerably. Indeed, Lemma 11A.1 holds when IRn is replaced by a general metric space. As for Lemma llA.2, Lebesgue measure on IR n can be replaced by any locally finite Borel measure on IRn for which condition (llA.5), called the "doubling condition," holds, and again the setting can be extended to more general metric spaces. For details and further results and references, see the monograph [Rei] by J. Heinonen. We also mention the work of [ehel, extending the scope of Rademacher's Theorem.
lIB. The Besicovitch Covering Lemma The Besicovitch Covering Lemma is a bit more elaborate than the Vitali Covering Lemma, but it permits a generalization of Theorem 11.1 in which Lebesgue measure is replaced by a general locally finite Borel measure on IRn. As in Appendix 11A, the covering lemma comes in two parts, the first part not mentioning measure.
Lemma llB.1. There is an integer K(n) with the following property. If C is a collection of closed balls in IRn with radii in (0, RJ, for some R < 00, and if A is the set of centers of balls in C, then there exist subcollections Ok C C, 1 ~ k ~ K(n), such that each Ok is a countable collection of disjoint balls and K(n)
U U B. k=l BE9k
We postpone the proof of Lemma llB.1. Now we show how it leads to its measure-theoretic counterpart.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Lemma IlB.2. Let J.L be a Borel measure on IRn. Assume A c IR n , J.L*(A) < and C is a collection of closed balls (of positive radius), centered at points of A, such that
inf{r:Br(a) EC}=O,
Then there is a countable collection FcC, consisting of disjoint balls, such that (l1B.3)
Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume each ball in C has radius :::; 1. Then Lemma 11B.1 applies and we have collections gl,"" gK(n) , each consisting of disjoint balls, such that the union of all these balls covers A. Hence there is one collection, say gk, and disjoint balls B 1,· .. , BL E gk such that (l1B.4)
* (A n
U B) > K(n) J.L*(A) . . +1 L
Since X = Uf=l B j is J.L*-measurable, we have by (5.6) that J.L*(A) = J.L*(An X) + J.L*(A \ X), so (11B.5) Now we can set A2 = A \ Uf=l B j and take C2 to be the collection of balls in C, centered at points in A 2 , disjoint from B 1 , ... , BL, which, by (l1B.2), contains balls with center at each point of A 2 . Then apply the argument above to (A 2 ,C2 ), obtaining disjoint balls B L + 1 , ... ,BL2 E C2 such that (l1B.6) Continuing in this fashion, we obtain F = {Bj holds.
2 1} such that (11B.3)
We use Lemma 11B.2 to produce a maximal function estimate more general than (l1A.12). To set it up, let J.L be a (positive) locally finite Borel measure on IRn. There is a maximal open set U c IRn such that J.L(U) = 0, namely the union of all balls Br (a) with a E
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
that J.L(Br(a)) = O. Then sUpPJ.L = lRn \ U is the smallest closed set in lR n supporting J.L. For x E supp J.L and fELl (lRn , J.L), set (llB.7)
MJLf(x) =
If I dJ.L.
This function coincides with (llA.lO) when J.L is Lebesgue measure. We have the following maximal function estimate. Lemma IIB.3. Given f E L 1 (lR n ,J.L), A> 0, (llB.8) Proof. Let A = {x E supp J.L : 1vlJLf(x) > A}, and let C consist of all balls B of radius < 1, centered at some point of A, such that III dJ.L > AJ.L(B). If A # 0, the hypotheses of Lemma llB.2 hold, so we can take a family of disjoint balls F = {Bj : j EN} c C such that (llB.3) holds. Hence
J.L*(A) ::; LJ.L(Bj ) <
Jill dJ.L::; llllll£1(IRn,JL)'
J Bj
proving (llB.8). We are now ready for the following extension of Theorem 11.1, known as the Lebesgue-Besicovitch Differentiation Theorem. Theorem IIB.4. Let J.L be a locally finite Borel measure on lRn. Given x E supp J.L, I E L1 (lRn , J.L), consider (llB.10)
Arf(x) =
r > O.
Then (llB.ll)
lim Arf(x)
= f(x),
Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume K = supp J.L is compact. By Proposition 4.5, for each c > 0 there exists 9 E C(K) such that
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Clearly we have Arg(x) (11B.12)
= {x
g(x) for each x E
K, so for each A >
sUPPIL: lim sup IArf(x) - f(x)1 > A} r-tO
is unchanged if
f is replaced by f -
limsup IAr(f - g) - (f - g)1 :::; MJ1-(f - g)
g. We also have
+ If -
Hence, arguing as in (11A.11)-(11A.13), we have (11B.14) for all c > 0; hence IL*(E>..) = 0, giving (11B.11). We turn to the proof of Lemma 11B.l. We first produce the quantity K(n). Lemma llB.5. There exists Ko(n) such that if Band B l , ... , BKo(n) are closed unit balls in JRn and each B n B j =1= 0, then some B j contains the center of Bk (for some k =1= j). In fact, one can take Ko(n) = 4n.
Proof. If there are unit balls B, B 1, ... , B K such that each B n B j =1= 0 and no B j contains the center of another Bk, then (1/2)B j are disjoint balls of radius 1/2 contained in 2B (where rB denotes the ball ofradius r concentric with B), so vol(2B) > K vol((1/2)B), or K < 4n. We will use the following variant, whose proof can safely be left to the reader.
Lemma IlB.6. There exists Kl(n) such that ifr E (0,00), B is a closed ball of radius r, and Bl, ... ,BK1 (n) are closed balls of radius 2: (2/3)r, and each B n B j =1= 0, then some B j contains the center of Bk (for some k =1= j). We will prove Lemma 11B.1 with (11B.15) To start things off, let Ro = sup {radius B : B E C}, pick B E C such that radius B 2: (9/10)R o, and put B in Ql. Throwaway all other balls B' E C whose centers are contained in B. We proceed from here by a process of transcendental induction, making use of Zorn's Lemma. We set this up.
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
We denote by it the collection of partitions of C into {gl, ... ,gK(n), T, R} (some pieces of which might be empty) such that the following holds. (l1B.I6) (1) Each gk consists of disjoint balls.
of- B, then B'
If B E gk and (9/IO)B contains the center of B'
If BE gk and B' E R, then radius B 2: (9/10) radius B'.
If BET, then some B' E gl U ... U gK(n) contains the center of B.
E T.
In the first step given above, we have gl = {B}, gk = 0 for 2 ~ k ~ K(n), and T consists of the balls thrown away and R the remainder. If we show that there exists {gl, ... , gK(n) , T, R} in it with R = 0, then Lemma llB.I is proven. To accomplish this, we define a partial ordering on it as follows. We say (11B.I7)
{gl, ... ,gK(n),T,R}
According to Zorn's Lemma, if each totally ordered family in it has an upper bound, then it has a maximal element. But if {gf, ... , gK(n) , TO., Ro.} is totally ordered, then (l1B.I8) defines an upper bound. Hence it has a maximal element, say {gl, ... , gK(n) , T, R}. It remains to show that for any such maximal element, R
= 0.
So let {gl, ... ,gK(n), T, R} be an element of it and suppose R of- 0. Let Rl = sup {radius B : B E R} and pick B E R of radius 2: (9/1O)Rl. If B were not disjoint from all the balls in at least one family gk, we would have a contradiction to Lemma llB.6. Let ki be the smallest k E {I, ... , K(n)} with this disjointness property. Set g~ = gk l U {B}, gr = gk for other k, form T# by throwing into T each ball from R whose center is contained in B (other than B itself), and let R# denote the remainder. Then {gf,··· ,gt(n)' T#, R#} satisfies the four conditions in (l1B.I6) and (11B.I9)
{gl, ... , gK(n) , T, R}
-< {gf,···, gt(n) , T#, R#}.
The sought-for property of any maximal element of it is hence established, and Lemma llB.I is proven. See [Dug] for a discussion of Zorn's Lemma. In [EG] there is a proof of Lemma llB.I that does not use Zorn's Lemma. REMARK.
Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Exercises 1. Let /-l be a finite signed measure on R Set
f(x) =
d/-l =
X(-oo,xl d/-l,
where the third quantity defines the first two. (a) Show that f is bounded and right-continuous, i.e., lim f(x
+ h) =
(b) Let the Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym decomposition of /-l be /-l = gm+//, where m is Lebesgue measure, 9 E L1 (1R), and // -.l m. Show that f is differentiable at almost all x E IR and
f'(x) = g(x),
m-a.e. x.
(c) Show that 8 1 f = /-l in the weak sense, i.e.,
v d/-l = -
f dx,
V v E Co (1R).
Compare Exercise 7 in Chapter 10. 2. Give an example of a sequence fj E L1 (IRn) such that fj norm but fj(x) does not converge a.e. to f(x).
f in L1_
3. Use the Vitali Covering Lemma, Lemma llA.1, in place of Wiener's Covering Lemma, Lemma 11.3, to prove the Hardy-Littlewood estimate, Theorem 11.2. 4. Let XBr denote the characteristic function of Br = {x E IR n : Ixl :S r}. Set 1
'ljJr(x) = m(Br)XBr(x), pick 9 E L1 (1R+), 9 2:: 0, and set
Define the maximal function
M'P f(x)
= sup r>O
11. Maximal Functions and A.E. Phenomena
Show that
M'P f(x) ::; IlgliLl M f(x), where Mf(x) is given by (11.3). 5. In the setting of Exercise 4, show that
f E £1 (JRn, dx) where A =
lim 'Pr
* f(x) = Af(x),
10= g(s) ds.
6. Let cI> : (0,00) property that
JR+ be a monotone decreasing C 1 function with the
Show that Exercises 4-5 apply to
7. Let f E Ll(JRn) and let u(t,x) be the solution to the heat equation, given by (9.58)-(9.60). Show that lim u(t, x) = f(x),
8. Let VI and V2 be locally finite Borel measures on JR n , and assume VI -.l Show that
Hint. Set p, = VI + V2, Vj = fJP" and apply Theorem 11B.4 to Note that this result generalizes Proposition 11.10.
f = JI.
Chapter 12
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Hausdorff r-dimensional measure 1{r is defined on any separable metric space (X, d) and for any real r ~ 0. To define 1{r, let us first set for any 8 > 0, S c X, (12.1)
= inf {I)diam Bjr : S c j~l
U B j , diam B j :S 8}, j~l
with the convention that inf 0 = +00. Here diam B j = sup {d(x,y) : x,y E B j }. By Proposition 5.1, each set function h;(j is an outer measure. As 8 decreases, h; ,(j (S) increases. Set ' (12.2) It is an exercise to deduce that h; is an outer measure. The following allows us to use Caratheodory's results. (In fact, for r E N, this construction is due to Caratheodory.) Lemma 12.1. The set function h; is a metric outer measure. Proof. If A, Be X and inf {d(x, y) : x E A, y E B} = E > 0, then any set of diameter :S 8 < E which intersects AU B must in fact intersect only one of these sets, so it follows that
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
which yields h;(A U B) = h;(A)
+ h;(B)
in the limit.
By Proposition 5.8, every closed subset of X, hence every Borel subset of X, is h;-measurable. For any h;-measurable set A, we set 7r r / 2 2- r
'Yr = r(~
+ 1)"
As for the factor 'Yr, note that when r = n E Z+, then 'Yn is equal to the Lebesgue measure of a ball of diameter 1 in lRn. (See Exercise 6 in the first exercise set of Chapter 7.) This is set up so that H n coincides with Lebesgue measure on lRn (which we denote en in this chapter). This fact is not trivial, but it will be proved below. For use in the next proposition, we mention that this identity is very easy in the case n = l. One can make a construction parallel to (12.1)-(12.3), in which the countable covering of S in (12.1) is required to consist of balls of diameter 6. We denote the resulting measure by H B, which is clearly 2: Hr. Now a set of diameter dj might not be contained in a ball of diameter dj (unless X = lR), but it is certainly contained in a ball of radius dj , i.e., of diameter 2dj , so we always have
(12.4) We begin the task of showing that Hn(A) = en(A) for measurable A c lRn. The first ingredient is known as the isodiametric inequality.
Proposition 12.2. For any measurable S
c lR n ,
(12.5) In other words, en(S) diameter as S.
:s en(B) where B
is a ball in lRn with the same
Proof. We will apply to S a sequence of transformations that do not change the Lebesgue measure and do not increase the diameter. Given wE lR n , JwJ = 1, y E lR n , set
(12.6) and
= {x
lRn : x . w = O},
= {y + tw
:t E
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Figure 12.1
The set l;w(8) is called the 8teiner symmetrization of 8 about the hyperplane Pw. See Figure 12.1. It is easy to verify that l;w(8) is Lebesgue measurable if 8 is and that
(12.8) the latter identity via Fubini's Theorem. Now, if {ej : 1 ::; j ::; n} is the standard orthonormal basis ofll~n, we can pass from 8 to 81 = l;el (8), 8 2 = l;e2 (8d, ... ,8n = l;e n (8n -d, obtaining 8 n c lR n with £n(8n ) = 81 and diam 8 n ::; diam S. Furthermore, it is easily verified that 8 n is symmetric about the origin, i.e., x E 8 n =} -x E 8 n . In fact, each 8 j is invariant with respect to reflection about Pel' ... , Pej . Thus, if diam Sn = 2p, it follows that 8 n c Bp(O), so
(12.9) as asserted. In light of the estimate (12.5), we see that, for any covering of a measurable A c lR n of the form (12.1),
(12.10) which immediately yields £n(A) ::; 'Ynh~,8(A), for each
> 0, and hence
(12.11) Before establishing that £n(A) ~ 1{n(A), we note that a weaker estimate is quite simple. Namely, given c > 0, we can cover A by a countable family
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
of cubes whose total volumes sum to ~ .cn(A) + c. Since for a cube Q ~n, .cn(Q) = pn when diam Q = PVn, we have easily that (12.12)
"'n -
nn/2 .
The proof of the sharper result will use Wiener's Covering Lemma. Lemma 12.3. If U C
is open, then 1{n(u)
Proof. We can assume that .cn(U) < 00. Take 6> 0, and write U as a union of a collection CeS = {BjeS} of open balls of diameter ~ 6. By Lemma 11.3, there is a finite collection of disjoint balls B j E CeS, 1 ~ j ~ K, such that 2:.f=1 .cn(Bj) > 4- n n (u). If we apply this argument again to U \ U.f=1 B j and repeat this process a countable number of times, we obtain a countable collection of mutually disjoint balls {Bd, all of diameter ~ 6, such that
U1 =
U Bj ,
.cn(U \ Ud = 0.
Note that U1 is open. Repeat this construction, with U replaced by U1 and 6 replaced by 6/2, obtaining open U2 such that (12.14) Continue, obtaining U v , and let V = nv2:1 Uv . Then (12.15)
c u,
.cn(U \ V) = 0,
(12.16) On the other hand, by (12.12) we see that (12.17) so the lemma is proved. It is now easy to prove Proposition 12.4. For any Borel set A C
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Proof. If K c ]Rn is compact, put K in an open ball B. Then £n and Hn coincide on B and on B \ K, so £n(K) = Hn(K). On the other hand, as a consequence of (5.60), we have that, for any Borel set A c ]Rn, (12.19)
sup {JL(K) : K
c A, K compact},
both for JL = £n and for JL = H n , so we have (12.18). Note that, without using a covering lemma argument, we could say the following. Both H n and £n are clearly translation-invariant measures on ]Rn. Having the inequalities (12.11) and (12.12), we can apply Proposition 7.7 and deduce that, for all Borel sets A c ]Rn, £n(A) = cnHn(A), for some constant Cn E [K:~ 1, 1]. The reader might ponder whether it can be shown that Cn = I, without using a covering lemma argument. It is useful to estimate the effect a change of metric has in changing the Hausdorff measure. We have the following result.
Proposition 12.5. Let d 1 and d 2 be two me tries on a compact space X, with the property that, for some a, b E (0,00), (12.20)
Alternatively, assume (12.21)
where cp : X x X (12.22)
---+ ]R+
is continuous and a:S cp(x,x):S b,
In either case, if Hj denotes the r-dimensional Hausdorff measure on X arising from dj , then, for each Borel set SeX, (12.23)
Proof. We concentrate on the implication (12.21)-(12.22) the implication (12.20) (12.23) is easier.
(12.23), since
Let fh(B) denote the diameter of a set B c X, for the metric dk. Let {Bj } be a cover of S by sets satisfying 'l3 1 (B j ) :S o. Then, under the hypothesis (12.21)-(12.22),
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
where c(J) --+ 0 as J --+ O. Now (with obvious notation), h;,8,1 (8) is the infimum of sums ~ '!91(Bj t, while h;,(1+c:)8,2(8) is :S the infimum of sums ~ '!92 (Bj
as {B j} runs over the same family of covers. Hence
(12.24) Taking J
0, we get
(12.25) which gives one of the inequalities in (12.23). The other follows by reversing the roles of d1 and d 2 . Let us recall the measure V constructed in Chapter 7 on a Riemannian manifold M, assumed to be a C 1 manifold with a CO metric tensor. If 8 is a Borel subset of M, contained in a coordinate chart 0, in which the metric tensor has components gjk, then
V(8) =
y'g dx,
9 = det(gjk).
o As shown in Chapter 7, this construction of V is independent of the choice of C 1 coordinate charts for M. Now, for such a Riemannian manifold, a C 1 curve 'Y : [a, b] --+ M has a well-defined length,
(12.27) The infimum of lengths of curves from x to y in M defines a distance function on M, making it into a metric space. The following is a useful extension of Proposition 12.4.
Proposition 12.6. If M is a C 1 manifold of dimension n with a CO metric tensor, making M a metric space, then, for any Borel set 8 c M, (12.28) Proof. It suffices to prove (12.28) when 8 = K is compact. Given c > 0, cover K by a finite union of coordinate charts 01/, so that, on each 01/, (12.29)
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Partition K into Borel subsets Kv
V(K) = LV(Kv ) = L (12.30)
Ov. Then
XK,)X) ...j9vdx
v 0"
+ O(c)) dx = (1 + O(c)) L
v 0"
£n(Kv ).
Now, on each Ov, identified with an open set in IR n , we have two metrics, arising from the metric tensors gjk and 6jk, defining two n-dimensional Hausdorff measures on Ov. The first coincides with the Hausdorff measure appearing in (12.28), while the second coincides with Hausdorff measure on IR n , which by Proposition 12.4 coincides with Lebesgue measure on IR n (which is the measure used in the integrals in (12.26) and (12.30)). Applying Proposition 12.5, we have (12.31) where 'H n here comes from the metric on !'vi. Therefore, summing on using (12.30), we have
for all c > O. This implies (12.28). Often one has an n-dimensional manifold M imbedded in an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold n, perhaps n = IRm. Give M the induced Riemannian metric. Then M has two distance functions, dM(p, q), from minimizing the lengths of curves in !v! from p to q, and do. (p, q), from considering all curves in n from p to q. Clearly (12.32)
p, q EM==? dM(p, q) :::: d!l(p, q).
Each metric on M yields r-dimensional Hausdorff measures. We show they coincide. Proposition 12.7. Let n be a C 1 manifold with CO metric tensor, and let M be a C 1 imbedded submanifold of n, with the induced metric tensor, so M has two metrics, as in (12.32). If 'HM and 'H'O denote the respective r-dimensional Hausdorff measures, then, for any r· E 1R+,
ScM Borel ==? 'HM(S) = 'H'O(S).
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Proof. It suffices to note that
(12.34) with
dM(p, q) =
continuous. Then we can apply Proposition 12.5.
Applying (7.26), we have immediately: Corollary 12.8. If 0 surface
~n is open and u : 0
{(x, u(x)) : xE
~k is C 1 , then, for the
C ~n+k,
we have, using Hausdorff measure on ~n+k,
1{n(M) =
J(1 +
l\7u(x)12)1/2 dx.
o Using Theorem 11.9, we can extend the last result to Lipschitz mappings. Proposition 12.9. If 0 for the surface
~n is open and v :
~k is Lipschitz, then,
{(x,v(x)) : x E o} C ~n+k,
we have, using Hausdorff measure on ~n+k,
1{n(M) =
J(1 +
l\7v(x)12)1/2 dx.
o Proof. It suffices to prove the result for bounded O. Assume Iv(x) -v(y)1 :S Llx - yl for x, yEO. Take c > O. By Theorem 11.9, there exists a C 1 map u : 0 ---t ~k such that l\7ul :S CL and such that u = v on a compact set K C 0 such that .cn(O \ K) < c, and furthermore, \7u = \7v on K. Thus we have a C 1 surface -
{(x,u(x)) : x E
C ~n
and, by Corollary 12.8, (12.39)
1{n(M) =
J(1 + o
l\7u(x)12)1/2 dx.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Note that the symmetric difference M in SUS, where (12.40)
S = {(x,v(x)) : x
M = (M\M)U(M\M) is contained
0 \ K},
{(x,u(x)) : x
0 \ K}.
Now we have elementary estimates (12.41) so l1{n (M) - 1{n (M) I :::; (e + 1) Le. On the other hand, the right sides of (11.37) and (11.38) differ by a quantity that does not exceed
J(1 +
lV'v(x)12)1/2 dx
J(1 +
lV'u(x)12)1/2 dx :::; e'Le.
Hence the two sides of (12.37) differ by a quantity of magnitude:::; Since e > 0 can be taken arbitrarily small, the proof is done.
e" Le.
Having Proposition 12.9, note that, if K is a compact subset of the open set 0 C ~n and v : 0 -----) ~k is Lipschitz and if we set (12.43)
S = {(x,v(x)) : x E K},
then, with M as in (12.37), we have a disjoint union (12.44)
Mb = {(x,v(x)): x
M = SUMb,
Proposition 12.9 applies to both M and Mb, so we get (12.45)
1{n(s) =
J(1 +
lV'v(x)12)1/2 dx.
We can extend this result to the following: Proposition 12.10. If E C ~n is a Borel set and w : E -----) ~k is Lipschitz, then V'w is well defined as an element of L=(E), and, for the surface
r =
{(x,w(x)) : x E E}
we have (12.47)
J+ (1
lV'wI2)1/2 dx.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Proof. We first establish this for E = K, compact. Now by Proposition C.3 (in Appendix C), there is a Lipschitz map v : ]Rn ----> ]Rk such that v = w on K. We consequently deduce (12.47) from (12.45), provided
(12.48) We claim that the right side of (12.48) defines an element of LOO(K), independent of the choice of the Lipschitz extension v of w. To demonstrate this point, it suffices to establish Lemma 12.11. If f E Lip(]Rn), K V' f = 0, £n-a.e. on K.
compact, and f =
on K, then
Proof. Let S be as in (12.43), with v = f. Then (12.45) holds. On the other hand, in this case S = {(x,O) : x E K}, so Hn(s) = £n(K). Hence
J+ (1
IV' f(x)12) 1/2 dx = £n(K).
This implies that (1 lemma.
+ IV' f(xW) 1/2 =
1, C~-a.e. on K, which proves the
To pass from E = K, compact, to general Borel E in Proposition 12.10, it suffices to show that, if F = E \ K is a Borel set for which £n(F) is small, then the Hausdorff measure H n ( { (x, w (x)) : x E F}) is small. We establish the following general result. Proposition 12.12. Let X and Y be locally compact metric spaces and F : X ----> Y a Lipschitz map satisfying dy(F(p), F(q)) :S Ldx(p, q). If SeX is a Borel set and HT(S) < 00, then F(S) is HT -measurable and
(12.50) Proof. Since we can pick compact So C S such that HT(S \ So) < since F(So) is compact in Y, it suffices to show that
(12.51) In fact, the hypotheses easily yield (12.52)
If SeX is a Borel set, F(S) need not be a Borel set.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Now that Proposition 12.10 has been proved, it is desirable to consider the Hausdorff measure of images of sets in ]Rn under more general maps into ]Rm = ]Rn+k. For example, suppose 0 C ]Rn is open and u : 0 -----t ]Rm is a C 1 map which is one-to-one and has injective derivative at each point x E O. Then u is said to be an imbedding (loosely speaking), and M = u(O) acquires the structure of a Riemannian manifold, with metric tensor
= Du(x)ei' Du(x)ej =
~ aUg aUg ~ ~~. g
In other words, we have the matrix identity
(12.54) Hence the volume element of ]\;1 is
= ygdx = (det Du t Du)1/2 dx.
The same argument used to establish Corollary 12.8 establishes the first part of the following. Proposition 12.13. 1fO c then for M = u( 0) we have
is open and u : 0 -----t]Rm is a C 1 imbedding,
Hn(M) =
Ju(x) dx,
(12.57) Furthermore, if K
0 is a compact set and S
Hn(s) =
= u(K), then
Ju(x) dx.
The second part of the proposition follows just as in (12.43)-(12.45). Suppose more generally that u : 0 -----t ]Rm is a Lipschitz map that is oneto-one and satisfies det(Du(x)tDu(x)) > 0 for £n-a.e. x E O. Assume 0 is bounded. Given E > 0, there is a compact K C 0 such that £n(o \ K) < E and Dul K is continuous, and also det(Du(x)tDu(x)) 2: 15 > 0 for x E K. If v is a C 1 extension of ul K , then det(Dv(x)tDv(x)) 2: 15/2 > 0 on a neighborhood U of K. We claim that also v : U -----t ]Rm is one-to-one if U is a small enough neighborhood of K, and we pause to establish this.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Lemma 12.14. Suppose 0 c jRn is open, v : 0 ---+ jRm is C 1, and K c 0 is compact. If v maps K one-to-one into jRm and Dv(x) is injective for each x E K, then v maps some neighborhood U of K one-to-one into jRm. Proof. Let Uv be a family of neighborhoods shrinking to K. If there are xv, Yv E Uv such that Xv i- Yv and v(xv) = v(Yv), then Xv and Yv must have limit points x, y E K. Furthermore v(x) = v(y), so it is not possible that x i- y. But if x = y E K and Dv(x) is injective, then v must be an imbedding on a neighborhood of x, by the Implicit Function Theorem, and this contradicts the convergence of distinct Xv and Yv to x.
Therefore (12.57) applies to S = v(K) = u(K). Letting c ---+ and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 12.9, we conclude that, with M = u( 0), (12.56) continues to hold. We have Proposition 12.15. The conclusions of Proposition 12.13 continue to hold as long as u : 0 ---+ jRm is Lipschitz, one-to-one, and
(12.59) for en-a.e. x E 0, where J u is defined a.e. on 0 by (12.57). It is now within reach to produce a more definitive result. Theorem 12.16. If E c jRn is a Borel set and u : E and Lipschitz, then r = u(E) is Hn-measurable and
Hn(r) =
---+ jRm
is one-to-one
Ju(x) dx.
Proof. Write E = El U E 2 , a disjoint union of Borel sets, such that J u > a.e. on El and Ju = 0 a.e. on E 2 . It suffices to show that (12.60) holds with E replaced by El and r by r 1 = u(Ed and that, for r 2 = u(E2 ), H n (r 2 ) =
Chopping El into a countable number of pieces if necessary, we can assume en(El) < 00. Given c > 0, pick compact K1 eEl such that en(El \ K 1 ) < c, DulKl is continuous, and Ju ~ Ii > 0 on K 1 . Then the argument, involving Lemma 12.14, used to extend (12.54), works here to yield
Ju(x) dx.
Taking c E1.
0 and using Proposition 12.12, we have the desired result for
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
To analyze u on E2, we use the following trick. Given e > 0, define -+ jRm+n by vc:(x) = (u(x),eX). Then Vc: is Lipschitz and J Ve = en a.e. on E 2 . By the first part of the argument, we have that
Vc: : E2
1-{n (Vc:(E2)) = en Cn (E2). On the other hand, r 2 = U(E2) is the image of vc:(E2) under a projection, and Proposition 12.12 implies 1-{n(r2) ~ 1-{n (vc:(E2)). Hence 1-{n(r2) ~ en cn(E2) for all e > 0, so 1-{n(r2) = O. This proves the theorem. We have concentrated on the Hausdorff measures 1-{T for r = n E Z+. There are also sets for which it is interesting to consider 1{T for r ~ Z. Such sets are said to have nonintegral Hausdorff dimension, where the Hausdorff dimension of a nonempty subset 5 of a metric space X is Hdim 5 = inf {r 2: 0 : 1{T(5) = O}
(12.61) Note that, if 0
= sup{r 2: 0: 1{T(5) > O}. ~
rl <
h*Tl,c5 (5) ->
8-(T2- Til
h*T2,c5 (5).
This implies that the two quantities on the right side of (12.61) are identical, and it also implies that (12.63)
o~ r <
Hdim 5
1{T(5) =
Our first example of a set with fractional Hausdorff dimension is a subset of the unit interval [0, 1] known as the Cantor middle third set. It is constructed as follows. Let Ko = [0,1]. Form Kl by removing the open interval in the middle of K o, of length 1/3. Thus Kl consists of two intervals, each of length 1/3. Next, remove from each of the intervals making up Kl the open interval in the middle, of length 1/32 . Continue this process. Thus, K// is a union of 2// disjoint closed intervals, each of length 3-//. We have (12.64) Compactness implies K set.
n// K // is nonempty; it is the Cantor middle third
Since K// is a cover of K by 2// intervals of length (i.e., diameter) 3-//, we have (12.65) The right side of (12.65) is independent of v if 3T = 2 or, equivalently, if r = (log 2)/(10g 3). For such r we get 1{T(K) ~ 'YT. We show that this is actually equality.
HausdorH's r-Dimensional Measures
Figure 12.2
Proposition 12.17. If K is the Cantor middle third set, then
7-C(K) = IT' for
log 2 ~ 0.6309. og3
Proof. We will show that, if {Id is any collection of intervals covering K, then (12.67) when r = (log 2) / (log 3). By expanding each interval slightly and using the compactness of K, it suffices to prove this for a finite cover of K by open intervals.
In such a case, {Id is actually a cover of some Kv by open intervals. Increasing l/ if necessary, we can assume that each interval in Kv is contained in some h. Then, possibly shrinking the intervals h and forming their closure, we arrange that each interval in Kv has nonempty intersection with only one Ik and that all the endpoints of the h, are also endpoints of intervals in Kv. A typical case (with l/ = 3) is illustrated in Figure 12.2. One sees that, for each h in such a cover of K v , either (a) h coincides with an interval in K v , or (b) Ik contains an interval Lk C Itt \ Kv such that J!(Lk) :::: J!(h)/3. In case (b), we can partition h into three intervals, say .h, L k , and J{, such that Jk U J{ covers Kv n h. Making use of concavity of the function 1jJ(t) = tT, when r E (0,1), and the fact that 3T = 2, we have
[J!(Jk ) +f(L k ) +J!(JU]'::::
2(~J!(Jk) + ~J!(JU)'
(~[f(Jk) +f(JUJ),
:::: J!(Jk)'
+ J!(J{)'.
Thus replacing h by the two subintervals Jk and J{ does not increase the sum in (12.67). Iterating this argument, we conclude that the sum (12.67) is not increased if {h} is replaced by the set of intervals making up K v' As (12.67) holds for this covering, the proof is done.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
We can produce more general Cantor sets as follows. Given iJ E (0,1), we alter the construction of K, at each stage removing from each interval J making up K" the open interval in the middle whose length is {}f(J). This yields a Cantor set (i.e., a compact, totally disconnected subset of [0,1]) which we denote K(iJ). The Cantor middle third set is K(I/3). Note that, in this case, K" consists of 2" disjoint closed intervals, each of length ((1 - iJ)/2)". Thus, in place of (12.65), we have
In this case, the critical value of r is that for which (2/(1 - iJ)y proof of Proposition 12.17 extends readily to yield
log2 10gb'
2. The
2 I-v
Note that, as 19 increases from 0 to 1, r decreases from 1 to O. One interesting property the Cantor sets K(iJ) have is self-similarity. '''e say that a Borel set S c IR n is self-similar, of similarity dimension
S = logk 10gb'
Sd '
if, for some integer k > 2 and some real b > 1, there is a disjoint union S = Sl u··· U Sk such that, for each j, bSj = {bx : x E Sj} is congruent to
S. It is easy to see that the Cantor set K (iJ) is self-similar, of similarity dimension r = (log 2)/(log b), where b = 2/(1 - iJ). We see that, for K(iJ), the similarity dimension is equal to the Hausdorff dimension. The following general result loosely relates similarity dimension to Hausdorff dimension.
Proposition 12.18. If S
IR n is self-similar, then
r > Sdim S
(12.70) provided h;,8(S)
for some 6
o < Hr(s)
Hr(s) = 0,
> O. Furthermore, for any r 2: 0,
00 ===}
r = Sdim S.
Proof. If {B j } is a cover of S, then there is a another cover {Bjl : j > 1,1::; e::; k}, such that Bjl is congruent to b- 1 B j . We have
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
This implies
which yields (12.70), since kb- T < 1 when r > Sdim S. We obtain (12.71) as follows. Since HT(bSj ) = bT1fT(Sj), the hypothesis of self-similarity implies kb- T1-£T(S) = HT(S). Granted that HT(S) is neither nor 00, this implies that k = bT , or r = (log k) / (log b), as asserted.
If HT(S) does not lie in (0,00) for any r 2: 0, we cannot apply (12.71), and the identity Hdim S = Sdim S can fail. To give an example, let Q = Q n [0,1). We can write Q = Ql U Q2where Ql = Q n [0,1/2) and Q2 = Q n [1/2,1). Consequently, Sdim Q = 1, but Hdim Q = 0.
In fact, the Hausdorff dimension of a countable set is always zero. Here is another tool for estimating the Hausdorff dimension of a set. Proposition 12.19. Let KeIRn be compact, and take a E (0,00). Assume there is a positive Borel measure J1, # 0, supported on K, such that
Then Ha(K) = 00, so Hdim K 2: a. Proof. We will assume Ha(K) < 00 and show that the integral in (12.73) must be +00. To do this, consider the set
= {x
E K : limsup r- aJ1,(BT(x)) > o}. T->O
Below we will show that if Ha(K) < 00, then
J1,(K \ E)
= 0.
For now we assume this and proceed with the proof.
If x E E, there is a sequence rj ~ such that J1,(BTj (x)) 2: Crj, for some C > 0. We can assume J1,( {x}) = 0, since otherwise the integral in (12.73) is dearly infinite. Then there exists qj E (0, rj) such that
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Passing to a subsequence, we can assume disjoint. Then
qj, so the shells Aj are
By (12.75), f.l(E)
> 0, so the integral in (12.73) is
This proves Proposition 12.19, modulo the proof of the next lemma. Lemma 12.20. Given a compact K Borel measure f.l supported on K, (12.79)
with 1{a(K)
{x E K: lim sup r-af.l(Br(x))
= O}
and a finite
= O.
Proof. Given
> 0, set
If {Uj } is a countable cover of Fcp by sets of diameter S J S p and each Uj contains a point of Fcp , then there exist balls B j , centered in Fcp , such that B j ~ Uj and diam B j S 2 diam Uj S 2p. Then (12.80) j
(12.81 ) This gives (12.79). Proposition 12.19 has the following counterpart.
12. Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
c lRn and a E (a, 00), if for each nonzero positive Borel measure J-l supported in K one has
Proposition 12.21. Given a compact K
dJ-l(x) dJ-l(Y) = +00
Ix -- yla
then 'Jtb(K) = a for all b > a, so Hdim K ~ a. We will not prove Proposition 12.21; see [Fal], p. 78. In Chapter 16, we will use Proposition 12.19 to prove that for almost every Brownian path win lR n , if n 2: 2, T E (a, 00), Hdimw([a, TJ) = 2.
More precisely, Proposition 12.19 will be used to prove Hdimw([a, TJ) 2: 2. The proof that Hdimw([a, TJ) ~ 2 will not use Proposition 12.21, but rather the result of Exercise 9 below. When the Hausdorff dimension of a set S c lRn is not equal to its topological dimension, following B. Mandelbrot, we call S a "fractal." The Cantor sets K(iJ), being totally disconnected, have topological dimension zero, hence they are fractals. By (12.83), Brownian paths in lRn are also fractals, when n 2: 2. Many other examples of fractals, a number of which are self-similar, together with speculations on their role in the description of nature, can be found in [Mdb]. Further measure-theoretic results on fractals can be found in [Fal]. REMARK. More generally than r-dimensional Hausdorff measure, one can take any monotone, continuous function [a, 00), satisfying
a for t > a, and set
h~,8 (S) = inf {L
h~()(S) y
j ,
diam B j
= 8--->0 lim h'!'r, 8 (S), y,
obtaining a metric outer measure. Then (12.85)
h'P(S) =
for S h~-measurable,
defines a measure. An example is (12.86)
~) (log log log ~),
for t « 1. It has been shown that a < h'P(w([a, T])) < 00 for almost all Brownian paths in lR 2 ; cf. [Ray], [TSj.
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
Exercises 1. Suppose 11; is an increasing sequence of outer measures on a set X and 11;(S) /' 11*(S) for all SeX. Show that 11* is an outer measure. Hence deduce that h; in (12.2) is an outer measure.
2. Let d j be a sequence of metrics on a compact metrizable space X such that
ado(x, y) ::; dj(x, y) ::; bdo(x, y),
for some a, bE (0, (0), all j, and, for a metric d on X,
d(x,y) as j
--'> 00,
for each x, y E X. Let these metrics determine Hausdorff r-dimensional measures H d , H d. Show that, for any Borel set SeX, J lim sup HdJ (S) ::; Hd(S), . ]---"=
In particular, if (12.88) is sharpened to
dj(x, y) '\, d(x, y),
HdJ (S) '\, Hd(S),
Hint. With A = bja, show that, for any h;,>..6,dj (S) ::; h;,6,d(S)
+ E,
> 0 and {) > 0, for j large.
3. Give a detailed demonstration of the first inequality in (12.8), stating that a Steiner symmetrization of a set S C ]Rn does not increase diameter. 4. Let F : ]Rn --'> ]Rn be a C 1 diffeomorphism. Show that Hk and F*H k , defined by F* Hk (S) = 1tk (F- 1 (S) ), are mutually absolutely continuous, but if 0 < k < n, there does not exist a measurable function g such that F*H k = gHk, unless DF(x) is everywhere a scalar multiple of an isometry. How does this relate to the Radon-Nikodym Theorem?
Hausdorff's r-Dimensional Measures
5. Give an elementary proof of Lemma 12.11 when f E c1(]Rn). Hint. If Xo E K and \7 f(xo) i= 0, use the Implicit Function Theorem to describe the zero set of f near Xo.
6. With 1{B as in (12.4), show that, for Borel sets A c ]Rn, H'B(A) 1{n(A)
£n(A). Hint. Show that the proof of Lemma 12.3 actually yields 1{'B(U) < £n(u), for open U c ]Rn. Note. The isodiametric inequality is not needed in the argument (otherwise parallel to that giving (12.11)) that £n(A) ::; 1{'B(A).
Exercises 7-8 deal with exterior normals. Let 0 c ]Rn be an open set, with closure 0, and let p E 80. We say a unit vector N is a unit exterior normal to 80 at p provided
lim m ( {x EO: (x - p) . N r~O
> 0, j x - p j < r}) =
. m({xEOc:(x-p)·N
7. Show that at each p E 80 there is at most one exterior unit normal. 8. Assume u : ]Rn-l _ ]R is Lipschitz, and let
0= {(x', x n ) E
]Rn :
Xn < u(x/)}.
Show that, whenever u is differentiable at p/ E ]Rn-l, then
N = (1
+ j\7u(p/W)-1/2 (- \7u(p/) , 1)
is the unit exterior normal to 80 at p = (p/, u(p/)). Deduce that in this situation the normal N, defined by (12.91)-(12.92), is given 1{n-l- a .e. on 80 by (12.94). 9. Let I c ]R be a compact interval. Assume F : I - ]Rn is Holder continuous of exponent s E (0,1). Show that 1{r(F(I)) < 00, with r = l/s. 10. Give an example of a function F : [0, 1] - ]R2, Holder continuous of exponent 1/2, whose image is the square [0,1] x [0,1].
Hausdorff's r-Dime~siona1 Measures
11. Give an example of a continuous function F : [O,IJ ---+ ]R2 that is oneto-one and whose image has Hausdorff dimension 2. 12. Verify that the set functions h~ defined by (12.84) are metric outer measures and that the set functions h'P defined by (12.85) are measures, under the stated hypotheses on <po 13. Find a compact set K c ]R such that 1-f.T(K) = 0 for all r > 0 but h'P(K) > 0, where h'P is defined as in (12.84)-(12.85), with
( 1)-1 '
1 for t < -. - 2
Chapter 13
Radon Measures
Recall that if X is a compact metric space, C(X), the space of continuous (real-valued) functions on X, is a Banach space with the norm
sup xEX
We want to identify the dual of C(X) with the space of (finite) signed Borel measures on X, also known as the space of Radon measures on X. Before identifying the dual of C(X), we will first identify the set of positive linear functionals on C(X). By definition, a linear functional (13.2)
0: :
C (X )
is positive provided (13.3)
IE C(X), I 2: 0 ==} o:(f) 2:
Clearly, if fL is a (positive) finite Borel measure on X, then (13.4)
o:(f) =
.I I
is a positive linear functional. We will establish the converse, that every positive linear functional on C(X) is of the form (13.4). It is easy to see that every positive linear functional 0: on C(X) is bounded. In fact, applying 0: to I(x) - a and to b - I(x), we see that, when a and b are real numbers
IE C(X), a ~
~ b ==} ao:(l) ~ o:(f) ~ bo:(l),
Radon Measures
laU)1 s AIIIII,
A = a(1).
To begin the construction of J-l, we construct a set function J-lo on the collection 0 of open subsets of X by
J-lO(U) = sup {aU) : I --< U},
(13.7) where we say (13.8)
1--< U
E C(X), 0
sis 1,
Here, supp I is the closure of {x : I (x) we set, for any E c X,
(13.9) Of course, J-l*(U)
i= O}.
and supp
Clearly J-lo is monotone. Then
J-l*(E) = inf {J-lo(U) : E CUE O}.
= J-lo(U) when U is open.
Lemma 13.1. The set function J-l* is an outer measure.
Proof. By Proposition 5.1, it suffices to show that (13.10) so that we have an analogue of (5.5). Suppose f --< U. We need to show that aU) S L J-lo(Uj ). Now, since supp f = K is compact, we have K C U1 U ... U Ug for some finite C. We claim there are gj --< Uj , 1 S j S C, such that L gj = 1 on K. Granted this, we can set fj = f gj. Then fj --< Uj, so aUj) S J-lo(Uj ). Hence (13.11) as desired. Thus Lemma 13.1 will be proved once we have
Lemma 13.2. If K c X is compact, Uj are open, and K C U1U·· ·UUg then there exist gj --< Uj such that L gj = 1 on K.
= V,
Proof. Set UHl = X \ K. Then {Uj : 1 S j S C+ 1} is an open cover of X. Let {gj : 1 S j S C+ 1} be a partition of unity subordinate to this cover. (See Exercise 9 at the end of this chapter.) Then {gj : 1 S j S C} has the desired properties. Now that we know J-l* is an outer measure, we prepare to apply Caratheodory's Theorem.
13. Radon Measures
Lemma 13.3. The outer measure p,* is a metric outer measure. Proof. Let 8 j eX, and assume
(13.12) Take set
> O. Given U
:=J 8
= 81 U 82,
= Un {x
U open, such that p,o(U) ~ p,*(8) +~,
EX: dist(x, 8j )
< c}.
It follows that
(13.13) Now, whenever which implies
I -<
u U2 , we have I = !l + h with Ij = Ilu -< U j, J
(13.14) Thus p,*(8) 2: p,*(8I) + p,*(82 ) - ~, for all ~ > 0, which, together with subadditivity of p,*, yields the desired identity p,*(8) = p,*(8I) + p,*(82 ). It follows from Proposition 5.8 that every closed set in X is p,* -measurable Hence, by Theorem 5.2, every Borel set in X is p,*-measurable, and the restriction of p,* to Q3(X), which we denote p" is a measure. We make a few useful comments about p,. First, in addition to (13.7), we have
= sup {a(J) : I
~ U},
for U open, where
~ U
C(X), 0 ~
~ 1,
1=0 on X \
U. Then set
Ij =
To see that (13.7) and (13.15) coincide, take w here ~j (s) is defined by 0 ~j(s)
2 2s - -:J
2 for -<8<. ., J
for 82: -:-. J
It follows that fJ -< U and fJ / I (uniformly); hence a(fJ) / a(J). Using the identity (13.15), we can establish the following.
Lemma 13.4. If K
c X is compact, then
J-l(K) = inf {aU) : f
Radon Measures
C(X), f 2
Proof. Denote the right side of (13.17) by J-ll (K). It suffices to take the inf of aU) over f >,:= K, where
f>,:= K
o:s f :s 1,
Comparing this with (13.16), we see that
K {::} 1 -
J-ll(K) = inf {a(l) - a(g) : 9
f = 1 on K.
X \ K, so
X \ K}
= J-l(X) - p(X \ K).
On the other hand, since K is J-l*-measurable, J-l(X \ K) the identity (13.17) is proved.
+ J-l(K) = J-l(X),
We are now ready to prove Theorem 13.5. If X is a compact metric space and a is a positive linear functional on C(X), then there exists a unique finite, positive Borel measure J-l such that
aU) =
f dJ-l
for all f E C(X). Proof. We have constructed a positive Borel measure J-l, which is finite since (13.7) implies J-l(X) = a(l). We next show that (13.20) holds. It suffices to check this when f : X -----+ [0, 1]. In such a case, take N E Z+ and define
fj(x) = 'Pj(x) - 'Pj-l (x),
We have L:fj
= f and
~XKj :s fj :s ~XKj-ll
o :s j :s N, 1 :s j :s N.
'Pj(X) = min (J(x),jN- 1 ),
{x EX: f(x) 2
13. Radon Measures
We claim that also
(13.24) To see this, first note that if Kj-l C U is open, then N Ij --< U, so N a(fj) :s: J1o(U). This implies the second inequality of (13.24). On the other hand, N Ij >,:= K j , so Lemma 13.4 gives the first inequality of (13.24). Summing (13.23) and (13.24), we have
(13.26) Letting N
-----t 00,
we have (13.20).
Only the uniqueness of J1 remains to be proved. To see this, let ). be a positive Borel measure on X such that
a(f) =
(13.27) for all
I d)'
C(X). Let K C X be compact, and apply this to
(13.28) By the Monotone Convergence Theorem, we have J Iv dJ1 '\. J XK dJ1 and J Iv d)' '\. J XK d)', so a(fv) '\. J1(K) and a(fv) '\. )'(K). Hence J1(K) = ).(K) for all compact K. Now, by (5.60), for every positive Borel measure ). on a compact metric space X, we have
E ~(X) =?
).(E) = sup {)'(K) : K
E, K compact}.
This proves uniqueness. Generally, if X is a compact Hausdorff space and), is a finite (positive) measure on ~(X), ). is said to be regular if and only if (13.29) holds. The implication of Exercises 10-13 of Chapter 5 is that every finite Borel measure is regular when X is a compact metric space. If X is compact but not
13. Radon Measures
metrizable, a finite measure on IB(X) need not be regular. The generalization of Theorem 13.5 to this case is that, given a positive linear functional a on C(X), there is a unique finite regular Borel measure p, such that (13.20) holds. (Note that if A is any finite measure on IB(X), then (13.27) defines a positive linear functional on C(X), which then gives rise to a regular Borel measure.) For this more general case, the construction of p,* is the same as was done above in (13.7)-(13.9), but the proof that p,* yields a regular measure on IB(X) is a little more elaborate than the proof given above for compact metric spaces. Treatments can be found in [Fol] and [Ru]. We want to extend Theorem 13.5 to the case of a general bounded linear functional
We start with an analogue of the Hahn decomposition. Lemma 13.6. If w is a bounded (real) linear functional on C(X), then there are positive linear functionals a± on C(X) such that
Proof. We first define a+ on
C+ (X) = {fEe (X) : f 2: O}.
(13.32) For
C+(X), set a+(f) = sup {w(g) : 9 E C+(X), 0::; 9 ::; f}.
The hypothesis that w is bounded implies Iw(g)1 ::; Kllgll ::; Kllfll when so
o ::; 9 ::; f, (13.34) where K
= Ilwll. Clearly, for c E JR,
(13.35) Now, suppose iI, 12 E C+(X). If 9 E C+(X) and 0 ::; 9 ::; iI + 12, we can writeg = gl+g2 withg E C+(X) and 0 ::; gj::; h· Justtakeg1 = min(g,iI). Hence
13. Radon Measures
We claim that a+ has an extension to a linear functional on C(X), which would necessarily be positive. In fact, given f E C(X), write (13.37) A given f E C(X) has many such representations as f = fr - 12; showing that a+(f) is independent of such a representation and defines a linear functional on C(X) is a simple application of (13.36); compare the proof of Proposition 3.7. Note that, if we take fr = f+ = max(f, 0) and 12 = f- = max( - f, 0), we see that (13.38) Finally we set a - = a + - w. It remains only to show that f E C+ (X) ::::} a-(f) :?: 0, i.e., a+(f) :?: w(f). But that is immediate from the definition (13.33), so the lemma is proved. We can combine Lemma 13.6 and Theorem 13.5 to prove the following, known as the Riesz Representation Theorem. Theorem 13.7. If X is a compact metric space and w is a bounded (real) linear functional on C(X), then there is a unique finite signed measure P on ~(X) such that (13.39)
for all f E C(X). Furthermore, (13.40)
Ilpll =
Ipl(X) =
so there is an isometric isomorphism (13.41)
~ 9Jt(X).
Here, 9Jt(X) denotes the linear space of finite signed measures on ~(X), with norm given by the first identity in (13.40). This is also known as the space of finite Radon measures on X. For the proof, write w = a+ - a-, as in (13.31), take finite positive measures J.l± on ~(X) so that a±(f) = f dJ.l±, and set p = J.l+ - J.l-. Thus we have the identity (13.39).
Radon Measures
We need to prove (13.40). Let p = p+ - p- be the Hahn decomposition of p, so p+ -1 p- and
w(J) =
(13.42) for all
fdp+ -
C(X). Consequently
(13.43) Iw(J)I::; Ilfllp+(X) + Ilfllp-(X) = Ilpll ·llfll, so we have Ilwll ::; Ilpll. To prove the reverse inequality, let 15 > O. Suppose p± are supported on disjoint Borel sets X±. Let K± be compact sets in X± such that p±(K±) ::::: p±(X) - 15. We have K+ n K_ = 0, so say dist(K+, K_) = E > O. Let u± = {x : dist(x, K±) < E/4}, so U+ n U_ = 0. Using a simple variant of (13.28), we can construct --< U± such that XK±. Hence, as v --- 00, (13.44)
while II
By the definition of weak* topology given in Chapter 9, we see that a sequence in 9J1(X) converges weak* to J.l if and only if
f dJ.l,
for each f E C(X). This topology on 9J1(X) is also called the vague topology; one says --- J.l vaguely provided (13.45) holds for all f E C(X). There is an important subset of 9J1(X) , the set of probability measures. An element J.l of 9J1(X) is called a probability measure if and only if J.l is positive and J.l(X) = 1. We use the notation (13.46)
Prob(X) = {J.l E 9J1(X) : J.l ::::: 0, J.l(X) = I}.
It is easy to see that
(13.47) Prob(X) = {J.l E 9J1(X) : 11J.l11 ::; 1, J.l(X) = I}. Hence Prob(X) is a subset of the unit ball of 9J1(X) which is closed in the weak* topology. This has the following useful consequence.
13. Radon Measures
Corollary 13.9. If X is a compact metric space, the set Prob(X) of probability measures on X is compact (and metrizable) in the weak* topology.
It is often useful to consider Borel measures on a locally compact space Y, i.e., a Hausdorff space with the property that any y E Y has a compact neighborhood. In such a case, there is a Banach space C*(Y), the space of continuous functions on Y that "vanish at infinity." We say a continuous function u : Y ---> lR belongs to C* (Y) if, for any <5 > 0, there exists a compact KeY such that lu(y)1 < <5 for y E Y \ K. We use the sup norm on C*(Y). We can construct the "one point compactification" 17 = Y U {oo}, declaring a set U c 17 to be open if either U c Y is open or 00 E U and 17 \ U = K is a compact subset of Y. It readily follows that 17 is a compact Hausdorff space. Also, C* (Y) is naturally isomorphic to a closed linear subspace of C(17) :
C*(Y);:::j {u E C(17): u(oo) = O}.
Furthermore, given any f E C(17), if we set a a, g(oo) = 0, so
f(oo), then f
(13.49) and, for the duals, we have (13.50) In case Y has the additional properties of being metrizable and (Tcompact, the one-point compactification 17 is also metrizable; cf. Exercise 15. Hence we can appeal to Theorem 13.7 to identify C(17)' with 9.J1(17) , the space of finite signed measures on ~(17). (Even without these additional hypotheses, C(17)' can be identified with the space of signed finite regular Borel measures on 17, though one must go to another source, such as [Fol] or [Ru], for a proof.) In the decomposition (13.50), we see that the last factor on the right consists of multiples of <5 00 , the measure defined by <500 (S)
E S,
0 otherwise.
Consequently we have the identification (13.51) where
is the space of finite signed measures on ~(Y).
13. Radon Measures
Exercises In Exercises 1-3, X is a compact metric space and F : X
X is a contin-
uous map. As in (7.32), we set (13.52) for a Borel measure J.L on X. We set F n define F:: J.L.
= Fa·· ·oF (n factors)
and similarly
---+ C(X) by Tu(x) = u(F(x)). Show that, under the identification (13.41), the adjoint T' : C(X)' ---+ C(X)' is given by (13.52).
1. Define T : C(X)
2. Assume J.L is a probability measure on X. Set (13.53)
Show that Vn E Prob(X) and
3. Suppose Vnj that
v in the weak* topology on Prob(X), as j
---+ 00.
(13.54) We say v is an invariant measure for F. Hint. Given u E C(X), one has
u a F dVnj =
u dF*vnj =
u dVnj
+ nj ~ 1
u dJ.Lnj+l -
4. Let f E LOO(JR). Show that the following are equivalent: (a) h-1(Thf - f) is bounded in Ll(JR), for h E (0,1]. (b) 'ad = J.L for some finite signed measure J.L on JR. (c) f(x) = J~oo dJ.L a.e. on R
u dJ.Lo).
13. Radon Measures
5. Let lo{x) denote the right side of (c) above, defined as in Exercise 1 of Chapter 11. Show that 10 is the unique right continuous function on lR equal to 1 a.e. 6. Let 1 : lR --> lR be bounded and right-continuous. Show that 1 has the properties (a )-( c) of Exercise 4 if and only if there exists C < 00 such that, for any finite set of real numbers Xo < Xl < ... < Xe,
I: If(Xj) -
f(Xj-dl ~ C.
Hint. To prove one implication, given v E Z+, set fl/(x) :2 v, fl/(x) = fe-v) if X ~ -v, and
f{v) if
fl/(x) = f( -v + 2-1/ j) if - v
+ 2-1/ j
~ X
< -v + 2-I/(j + 1), o ~ j < 2v21/.
Show that f 1/ --> f and {ad1/ : v E Z+} is a bounded set of measures on lR+. Consider weak* limits. One says that f has bounded variation on lR if this property holds, and one writes f E BV(lR). 7. Let f E LOO(lR). Show that f is equal a.e. to an element of BV(lR) if and only if you can write f = gl - g2 a.e., with gj E £<Xl(lR) monotone / . In particular, if 9 E LOO(lR) is monotone / , then (hg is a positive measure. Reconsider Exercise 1 of Chapter 5, on Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, in this light. Hint. Given f E BV(lR) , apply the Hahn decomposition to the signed measure J.L arising in Exerise 4. 8. Let f : lR --> lR be bounded and continuous. One says f is absolutely continuous provided that, for every c > 0, there is a 8 > 0 with the property that, for any finite collection of disjoint intervals, (aI, bl), ... , (aN, bN), (13.56) Show that the following are equivalent: (a) f is absolutely continuous. (b) ad = 9 E Ll{lR). (c) f(x) = r~oo g(y) dy, 9 E Ll(lR). Hint. If (a) holds, first show that 1 has bounded variation and use Exercises 5-6 to get ad = J.L. Then show J.L is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. Compare Exercises 7-9 in Chapter
Radon Measures
10 and also Exercise 1 in Chapter 11. 9. Let {Ul,"" U(!+l} be an open cover of a compact metric space X. Show that there exist open sets Vj, j = 1, ... , £ + 1, covering X, such that Vj C Uj. Let hj(x) = dist(x, X \ Vj). -
Show that hj E C(X), supp H j C Vj C Uj, and that h C(X) is > 0 on X. Deduce that
L: j =l hj E
form a partition of unity of X, subordinate to the cover {U1 , . .. ,U(!+d. Hint. Set Hj(x) = dist(x,X \ Uj). Show that H = L:Hj > 0 on X, HE C(X), hence H 2: a > O. Set Vj = {x E Uj : Hj(x) > aj(£+2)}. 10. The countable infinite product Z = I1j~l {O, I} is compact, with the product topology, and metrizable (cf. Appendix A). Let A C C(Z) consist of continuous functions depending on only finitely many variables, so an element j E A has the form j(x) = j(Xl,' .. , Xk), for some k E Z+. For such an j, set
Show that
C(Z). Show that, for j E C(Z), a(1) = Jz j dj1, where j1 is the product measure on Z, discussed in Exercises 7-10 of Chapter 6. 11. Generalize Exercise 10 to other countable products of compact metric spaces, carrying positive Radon measures of total mass one. 12. Let R = h x· .. x In be a compact cell in ]Rn, with Iv = [a v , bv ]. Consider the positive linear functional on C(R) given by j f--> 1(1), where 1(1) is the Riemann integral of j, discussed in Chapter 1 (for n = 1) and in the second exercise set at the end of Chapter 7 (for n > 1). Show that the measure on R produced by Theorem 13.5 coincides with Lebesgue measure (on the Borel subsets of R), as constructed in Chapter 2 (for n = 1) and in Chapter 7 (for n > 1). 13. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. Show that if C(X) is separable, then X is metrizable. Hint. Define
Radon Measures
14. Let Y be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Assume Y is CT-compact, i.e., there is a countable family of compact K j C Y such that Y = Uj K j . Show that there is a sequence fk E C* (Y) such that each ik has compact support and for each y E Y, some ik(y) i- o. (Also arrange 0 :S ik :S 1.) Note that then f = LTkik E C*(Y) k~I
is > 0 at each point of Y and that Uk
Uk open,
= {y
Uk compact,
Y : f(y) > 11k} satisfies
Uk / Y.
15. Let Y be a locally compact metrizable space. Assume Y is CT-compact. Show~that C*(Y) is separable. Deduce that the one-point compactification Y is metrizable. Hint. With Uk C Y as in Exercise 14, show that Vk = {J E C*(Y) supp f C U d is separable and Uk Vk is dense in C* (Y). In Exercises 16-17, take C (X) to be the space of complex-valued continuous functions on the compact metric space X. Let p be a complex Borel measure on X, of the form p = VI + iV2 (as in (8.19)), where Vj are finite signed measures, with associated positive measures IVj I as in (8.10). Set Ivi = IVII + IV21 and apply the Radon-Nikodym theorem to Vj « Ivi to obtain P= flvl·
16. Show that
Ilpll = SUP{L Ip(Sk)1
: Sk E IJ3(X) disjoint}
defines a norm on the set 9J1c(X) of complex Borel measures on X. Show that
Ilpll =
JIf Idlvl·
17. Show that the dual C(X)' of C(X) is isomorphic to 9J1c(X) , with norm given in Exercise 16.
Ergodic Theory
Throughout this chapter we assume (X, J, p,) is a probability space, i.e., a measure space with p,(X) = 1. Ergodic theory studies properties of measurepreserving mappings
Tf(x) = f(
If (14.1) holds, then, given fELl (X, p,),
f(x) dp,.
Hence T : £p(X, p,) ---t £p(X, p,) is an isometry for each p E [1,00]. A central object of study in ergodic theory is the sequence of means: 1 (14.4)
Amf(x) = -
2: Tk f(x). k=O
In particular, one considers whether Amf tends to a limit, as m whether that limit is a constant, namely c = ix f dp,.
00, and
The first basic result of this nature, due to J. von Neumann, deals with
E L2(X, p,). Actually it has a Hilbert space setting. Recall that if a linear
operator T : H ---t H on a Hilbert space H is an isometry, then T*T The abstract result uses the following simple lemma.
= I.
Ergodic Theory
Lemma 14.1. If T : H -> H is a linear isometry on a Hilbert space H, then there is an orthogonal direct sum (14.5)
where (14.6)
K = Ker (I - T*) = Ker (I - T),
R = Range (I - T),
and R is the closure of R. Proof. First, note that R.L
= {v E H: (v, (I - T)w) = 0, \:fw E H} = {v E H: ((I - T*)v,w) = 0, \:fw E H} = Ker (I - T*).
Now (14.5) follows by (4.29)-(4.30) and the rest of the paragraph there, which implies R = K.L, with K = Ker (I - T*). It remains to show that Ker (/ - T*) = Ker (I - T). Since T*T = I, 1- T* = -T*(I - T), so clearly Ker (I - T) c Ker (I - T*). For the reverse inclusion, note that T*T = I ::::} (TT*)2 = TT*, so Q = TT* is the orthogonal projection of H onto the range of T. (Cf. Exercises 16-17 of Chapter 9.) Now T*u = u ::::} Qu = Tu, but then IIQul1 = IITul1 = Ilull, so Qu = u and hence Tu = u, giving the converse. Here is the abstract Mean Ergodic Theorem. Proposition 14.2. In the setting of Lemma 14.1, for each f E H,
Amf =
~ ~ Tk f rn
P f,
in H -norm, where P is the orthogonal projection of H onto K. Proof. Clearly Amf == f if f E K. If f 1
= (I - T)v
E R, then
-m I: Tkf = -(v m
as m
-> 00,
and since the operator norm IIAml1 ::; 1 for each m, this convergence holds on R. Now (14.7) follows from (14.5). Proposition 14.2 immediately applies to (14.4) when next establish a more general result.
L2(X, p,). We
Ergodic Theory
Proposition 14.3. Let P denote the orthogonal projection of L2(X, JL) onto Ker (I - T). Then, for p E [1,2]' P extends to a continuous projection on LP(X, JL), and
in LP-norm, as m
Proof. Note that the LP-operator norm IIAmIIL(LP) ::; 1 for each m, and since IlgllLP ::; IIgllL2 for p E [1,2]' we have (14.9) in LP- norm for each f in the dense subspace L2(X, JL) of LP(X, JL). Now, given f E LP(X, JL), E > 0, pick 9 E L2(X, JL) such that Ilf - gllLP < E. Then
limsup IIAnf - AmfilLP ::; 2E,
\IE> O.
This implies the sequence (An!) is Cauchy in LP(X, JL), for each f E V(X, JL). Hence it has a limit; call it Qf· Clearly Qf is linear in f, IIQfllLP ::; IlfIILP, and Q f = P f for f E L 2 (X, JL). Hence Q is the unique continuous extension of P from L2(X, JL) to LP(X, JL) (so we change its name to P). Note that p2 = P on V (X, JL), since it holds on the dense linear subspace L 2 (X, JL). Proposition 14.3 is proven.
Note that P = p*. It follows that P : LP(X, JL) ---> LP(X, JL) for all p E [1,00]. We will show in Proposition 14.7 that (14.9) holds in LP- norm for p < 00. The subject of mean ergodic theorems has been considerably extended and abstracted by K. Yosida, S. Kakutani, W. Eberlein, and others. An account can be found in [Kr]. REMARK.
Such mean ergodic theorems were complemented by pointwise convergence results on Amf(x), first by G. Birkhoff. This can be done via estimates of Yosida and Kakutani on the maximal function
A# f(x)
= sup Amf(x) = sup At[ f(x), m~l
At[ f(x) =
We follow a clean route to such maximal function estimates given in [Gar].
Lemma 14.4. With Am given by (14.2)-(14.4) and
Ergodic Theory
E Ll(X, J.L), set
En = {x EX: At!: I(x) 2:: O}.
dJ.L 2:: O.
Proof. For notational convenience, set
SkI = kAki = 1+ TI
+ ... + T k- 1 I,
l\Ihi = kAt I = sup Sd· 1~f9
For k E {1, ... ,n}, (Mnf)+ 2:: SkI, and hence (because T is positivity preserving) Hence
I 2:: SkI - T(Mnf)+, for 1:S; k :s; n, this holding for k 2:: 2 by the argument above, and trivially for k the max over k E {I, ... , n} yields
1. Taking
Integrating (14.16) over En yields
(Mnf)+ dJ.L -
(Mnf) + dJ.L -
T(Mnf)+ dJ.L
T(Mnf)+ dJ.L = 0,
the first and second identities on the right because Mni 2:: 0 precisely on En, the last inequality because T(Mnf)+ 2:: 0, and the last identity by (14.3). This proves the lemma. Lemma 14.4 leads to the following maximal function estimate.
Ergodic Theory
Proposition 14.5. In the setting of Lemma
14·4, one has, for each A> 0,
M({X EX: A;[f(x) 2 A})::::;
Proof. If we set En>. = {x EX: A'/f f(x) 2 A} = {x EX: A;[(f(x) - A) 2 O}, then Lemma 14.4 yields
Ilfll£1 2
dM 2 AM(En>.),
as asserted in (14.18). Note that (14.21) so we have M(E>.) ::::; (14.22)
Now we introduce the maximal function
A# f(x) = sup IAmf(x)1 ::::; A#lfl(x). m~l
We have (14.23) We are now ready for Birkhoff's Pointwise Ergodic Theorem. Theorem 14.6. If T and Am are given by (14.2)-(14.4), where r.p is a measure-preserving map, then, given f E Ll(X, M),
lim Amf(x)
= Pf(x),
Proof. Given f E Ll(X, M), c > 0, let us pick Ilf - iI 11£1 : : ; c/2. Then use Lemma 14.1, with H
9 E Ker (I - T),
= (I - T)v,
iI E L2(X, M) such that = L2(X, M), to produce
IliI -
Ergodic Theory
Here v E £2(X, f-l). It follows that
Ilf -
+ h)ll£1
and we have
Amf (14.27)
Amg + Amh
= 9 + ~ (v m
Clearly v(x)/m
0, f-l-a.e., as m
+ Am(f - 9 - h) Tmv) + Am (f - 9 -
-----t 00.
which implies Tmv(x)/m -----t 0, f-l-a.e., as m -----t 00. We deduce that for each A> 0, (14.29) f-l( {x EX: lim sup Amf(x) -lim inf Amf(x) > A})
= f-l ( {x EX: lim sup Am (f -
9 - h) - lim inf Am (f - 9 - h)
~ f-l( {x EX: A#(f -
:xllf -
2E -:x.
9 - h)
> A})
~} )
Since E can be taken arbitrarily small, this implies that Amf(x) converges as m -----t 00, f-l-a.e. We already know it converges to Pf(x) in £l-norm, so (14.24) follows. We can use the maximal function estimate (14.23) to extend Proposition 14.3, as follows. First, there is the obvious estimate (14.30) Now the Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem (see Appendix D) applied to (14.23) and (14.30) yields (14.31) Using this, we prove the following.
Ergodic Theory
Proposition 14.7. In the setting of Proposition 14·3, we have, for all p E [1,00),
fE LP(X,jL) ==::}Amf----tPf,
as m
in LP-norm,
Proof. Take p E (1,00). Given
LP(X, jL), we have
IAmf(x)l:S A#f(x),
A#f E LP(X,jL).
Since the convergence (14.24) holds pointwise p,-a.e., (14.32) follows from the Dominated Convergence Theorem. That just leaves p = 1, for which we rely on Proposition 14.3.
Since P* = P, it follows from Proposition 14.7 that
f E LP (X, p,) ====> A'!:nf
P f,
weak* in LP(X, p,), for p E (1,00]. More general ergodic theorems, such as can be found in [KrJ, imply one has convergence in LP-norm (and p,-a.e.), for p E [1, 00). Of course if tp is invertible, then such a result is a simple application of the results given above, with tp replaced by tp-1. Having discussed the convergence of Amf, we turn to the second question raised after (14.4), namely whether the limit must be constant. So far we see that the set of limits coincides with Ker (I - T), i.e., with the set of invariant functions, where we say f E LP(X, p,) is invariant if and only if
f(x) = f(tp(x)),
We note that the following conditions are equivalent:
f f
f constant (p,-a.e.), E L2(X,p,) invariant::::} f constant (p,-a.e.), S E J invariant ::::} p,(S) = 0 or p,(S) = l.
(a) (14.34)
(b) (c)
Here we say S E (14.35)
L1(X, p,) invariant ::::}
J is invariant if and only if p,(tp-1(S)L.S) = 0, J satisfies (14.35), then U tp-k(S) ====> '1'-1(8) = 8 and p,(8L.S) = O.
where AL.B = (A \ B) U (B \ A). Note that if S E (14.36)
j~O k~j
To see the equivalence in (14.34), note that if fELl (X, jL) is invariant, then all the sets S),. = {x EX: f(x) > A} are invariant, so (c)::::}(a). Meanwhile clearly (a)::::} (b)::::} (c). A measure-preserving map 'I' : X ----t X satisfying (14.34) is said to be ergodic. Theorem 14.6 and Proposition 14.7 have the following corollary.
Proposition 14.8. If
Ergodic Theor.
X zs ergodzc and f E LP(X,fL), p E [1,00)
f dfL,
zn LP -norm and fL-a. e.
x We now consider some examples of ergodic maps. First take the unit circle, X = S1 :::::; IR/(27rZ), with measure dfL = d()/27r. Take e in E SI and define (14.38) Proposition 14.9. The map Rn zs ergodic zf and only zf a/27r is irratwnal. Proof. We compare the Fourier coefficients J(k) = with those of T f. We have
J f(())e- ike dfL =
(f, ek)
Thus (14.39)
Tf = f, J(k) =J 0
e2ka = 1.
But eikn = 1 for some nonzero k E Z if and only if a/27r is rational. In the next example, let (X, J, fL) be a probability space, and form the two-sided infinite product 00
[2 =
which comes equipped with a O"-algebra 0 and a product measure w, via the construction given at the end of Chapter 6. There is a map on [2 called the two-sided shift: (14.41) Proposition 14.10. The two-szded shzjt (14.41) zs ergodzc. Proof. We make use of the following orthonormal set. Let {u J : j E Z+} be an orthonormal basis of L2(X, fL), with Uo = 1. Let A be the set of elements of Z+ of the form a = (... , a-I, ao, aI, ... ) such that ak =J 0 for only finitely many k. Set
II k=-oo
u nk (Xk),
a E A,
Ergodic Theory
and note that for each a E A only finitely many factors in this product are not == 1. We have the following: (14.43)
{Va: a
A} is an orthonormal basis of L2(0"w).
(Cf. Exercise 13 of Chapter 6.) Note that if TJ(x) = J(L,(x)), (14.44) Now assume J E L2(0"w) is invariant. Then (14.45)
!(a) = (j,v a ) = (TJ, TVa) = !(O"(a)),
for each a E A. Iterating this gives (14.46)
! (a) =
)( O"€ (a))
for each R E Z+. Since
1!(a)12 < 00,
and {O"e(a) : R E Z+} is an infinite set except for a = 0 = ( ... ,0,0,0, ... ), we deduce that !(a) = 0 for nonzero a E A, and hence J must be constant. A variant of the construction above yields the one-sided shift, on (Xl
0,0 =
II X, k=O
with O"-algebra 0 0 and product measure Wo constructed in the same fashion. As in (14.41), one sets (14.48) The following result has essentially the same proof as Proposition 14.10. Proposition 14.11. The one-szded shift (14.48) zs ergodzc.
Another proof of Proposition 14.11 goes as follows. Suppose that J E L2(0,0, wo) is invariant, so J(Xl, X2, X3, ... ) = J(Xk+l, Xk+2, Xk+3,' .. ). Multiplying both sides by g(Xl, .. . , Xk) and integrating, we have
for each 9 E L2(0,0, wo) of the form 9 = g(Xl, ... , Xk), for any k < 00. Since the set of such 9 is dense in L2 (0,0, wo), we have this identity for all 9 E L 2(0,0,wo), and this implies that J is constant.
Ergodic Theory
The concept of ergodicity defined above extends to a semigroup of measure-preserving transformations, i.e., a collection 5 of maps on X satisfying (14.1) for each cp E 5 and such that
cp ,1jJ E 5 ===?- cp
1jJ E 5.
In such a case, one says a function f E LP(X, JL) is invariant provided (14.33) holds for each cp E 5, one says S E ~ is invariant provided (14.35) holds for all cp E 5, and one says the action of 5 on (X, J, JL) is ergodic provided the (equivalent) conditions in (14.34) hold. The study so far in this chapter has dealt with 5 = {cpk : k E Z+}. Now we will consider one example of the action of a semigroup (actually a group) not isomorphic to Z+ (nor to Z). This will lead to a result complementary to Proposition 14.10. Let 5 00 denote the group of bijective maps 0" : Z ---+ Z with the property that O"(k) = k for all but finitely many k. Let (X,J,IL) be a probability space and let 0 = TI~=-oo X, as in (14.40), with the product measure w. The group 5 00 acts on 0 by
(14.50) where x = ( ... , X-I, XO, Xl, the Hewitt-Savage 01 Law.
... ) E
5 00 , The following result is called
Proposition 14.12. The actzon of 5 00 on 0 defined b:1J (14.50)
Proof. Let {va: 0' E A} be the orthonormal basis of L2(O,w) given by (14.42)-(14.43). Note that if Taf(x) = f(CPa(x)), then
(14.51) Now if f E L2(O,w) is invariant under the action of 5 00 , then, parallel to (14.45), we have
(14.52) Since IIfll12 = 2:a If(0')12 < 00 and {O"#O' : 0" E 5 00 } is an infinite set, for each nonzero 0' E A, it follows that (0') = 0 for nonzero 0' E A, and hence f must be constant.
The same proof establishes the following result, which contains both Proposition 14.10 and Proposition 14.12. As above, A is the set defined in the beginning of the proof of Propo~jtion 14.10.
Ergodic Theory
Proposition 14.13. Let 9 be a group of bijective maps on Z wzth the property that
{(J# a : (J E
9} zs an mfimte set, for each nonzero a
where (J#a is gwen by (14.51). Then the actwn of9 on 0, gwen by (14.50), ergodzc.
See Exercises 10-14 for a Mean Ergodic Theorem that applies in the setting of Proposition 14.12. Other ergodic theorems that apply to semigroups of transformations can be found in [Kr].
Exercises 1['n = 51 X ... X 51 c en, where 51 Oc (e- [, ... , eWn ) E 1['n, define
1. Let
e : Izl
I}. Given
Give necessary and sufficient conditions that ROc be ergodic. Hmt. Adapt the argument used to prove Proposition 14.9.
5 I ---) 51 by i.p( z) = z2. Show that i.p is ergodic. Hmt. Examine the Fourier series of an invariant function.
2. Define
i.p :
3. A measure-preserving map
on (X, J, p,) is said to be mzxmg provided
(14.54) for each E, F E J. Show that has the property
is mixing if and only if T f (x) =
4. Show that a mixing transformation is ergodic. Hint. Show that 1 (14.56)
(Akf, g) =
k 2)TJ f, g) j=O
---) (j, 1)(1, g).
f (i.p( x))
Ergodic Theory
Deduce that P in (14.7) is the orthogonal projection of L2(X, J-l) onto the space of constant functions. Alternatively, just apply (14.45) in case
5. Show that the map
i.p :
51 in Exercise 2 is mixing.
6. Show that the two-sided and one-sided shifts L; and L;o, given in (14.41) and (14.48), are mixing. Hint. Verify (14.55) when f and 9 are elements of the orthonormal basis {va} described in (14.42). Alternatively, verify (14.55) when f and 9 are functions of x j for IJ I -::; M. 7. Show that the maps Ra in (14.38) and in Exercise 1 are not mixing. 8. We assert that the ergodic transformation i.p : 51 ---+ 51 in Exercise 2 is "equivalent" to the one-sided shift (14.48) for X = {O, I}, with J-l( {O}) = J-l({ I}) = 1/2. Justify this. Hint. Regard an element of Do as giving the binary expansion of a number x E [0,1). 9. Let i.p be an ergodic measure-preserving map on a probability space (X, J, J-l), and take T as in (14.2). Show that
f E M+(X),
f dJ-l
}~~ ~
TJ f(x)
Exercises 10-14 extend the Mean Ergodic Theorem to the following setting. Let S be a countably infinite semigroup, represented by a family of isometries on a Hilbert space H, so we have {Ta : a E S}, satisfying Ta : H ---+ H, T;Ta = I, TaT(3 = T a(3, for a, f3 E S. Let Mk C S be a sequence of finite subsets of S, of cardinality #Mk. Assume that for each fixed rES,
lim #(MkDMki) = 0, k->= #Mk
where M kr = {ar : a E Md and MkDMkr is the symmetric difference. Set
Ergodic Theory
10. Show that there is an orthogonal direct sum decomposition (14.59) where
K = {f R
H : Tooi = i, V ct
E9 Range (I -
Hint. Show that RJ. Ker (I - Too).
Ker (I - T~) and that Ker (I - T~)
11. Show that i E K ::::} Ski == i· 12. Show that
Use hypothesis (14.57) to deduce that Ski
0 as k
---t 00.
13. Now establish the following mean ergodic theorem, namely, under the hypothesis (14.57), (14.61)
in H-norm, where P is the orthogonal projection of H onto K. 14. In case S = SeX! is the group arising in Proposition 14.12, with action on H = L2(O, w) given by (14.51), if we set (14.62)
Mk = {O" E SeX! : 0"(£) =
£ for 1£1 > k},
show that hypothesis (14.57) holds, and hence the conclusion (14.61) holds. In this case, Pi = i dw, by Proposition 14.12.
Chapter 15
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
We have already introduced the notion of a probability space, namely a measure space (X, J, p,) with the property that p,(X) = 1. Here we look further at some basic notions and results of probability theory. First, we give some terminology. A set 5 E J is called an event, and IJ,(5) is called the probability of the event, often denoted P(5). The image to have in mind is that one picks a point x E X at random, and p,(5) is the probability that x E 5. A measurable function f : X ~ IR is called a (real) random varzable. (One also speaks of a measurable map F : (X, J) ~ (Y, \B) as a Y-valued random variable, given a measurable space (Y, \B).) If f is integrable, one sets
f dp"
called the e:rpectatwn of as
or the mean of
Var(f) =
JIf - al
One defines the varzance of
The random variable
has finite variance if and only if
L2(X, p,).
A random variable f : X ~ IR induces a probability measure called the probability distribution of f:
on IR,
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
where Q3(JR) denotes the cr-algebra of Borel sets in JR. It is clear that L1(X, /1) if and only if J Ixi dVf(x) < 00 and that
E(f) =
x dVf(x).
We also have
Var(f) =
(x - a)2 dVf(x),
a = E(f).
To illustrate some of these concepts, consider coin tosses. We start with
/1({h}) = /1({t}) =
The event {h} is that the coin comes up heads, and {t} gives tails. We also form k
Xk =
/1k = /1 x ... x /1,
representing the set of possible outcomes of k successive coin tosses. If H(k, f) is the event that there are exactly f heads among the k coin tosses, its probability is
(15.8) If Nk : X k -----t JR yields the number of heads that come up in k tosses, i.e., Nk(x) is the number of h's that occur in x = (Xl, .. . ,Xk) E X k , then
(15.9) The measure
VN k
on JR is supported on the set {f E Z+ : 0 ::; f ::; k}, and
(15.10) A central area of probability theory is the study of the large k behavior of events in spaces such as (Xb /1k), particularly various limits as k -----t 00. This leads naturally to a consideration of the infinite product space
Z =
II X, j=)
Probability Spaces
and Random
with O"-algebra Z and product measure v, construct~ at the end of Chapter 6. In case (X, fJ) is given by (15.6), one can c;msider Nk : Z ~ IR, the number of heads that come up in the first k throws; Nk = Nk01fk, where 1fk : Z ~ Xk is the natural projection. It is a fundamental fact of probability theory that for almost all infinite sequences of random coin tosses (i.e., with probability 1) the fraction k- 1 J1h of them that come up heads tends to 1/2 as k ~ 00. This is a special case of the "law of large numbers," several versions of which will be established below. Note that k- 1 Nk has the form
where fj : Z
IR has the form
f)(x) = f(x)),
f: X
x =
(X1,X2,X3, ... )
E Z.
The random variables f) have the important properties of being mdependent and zdentzcally dzstributed. We define these last two terms in general, for random variables on a probability space (X, J, fJ) that need not have a product structure. Say we have random variables iI, ... , ik : X ~ IR. Extending (15.3), we have a measure VFk on IRk called the joint probability distribution: (15.14) VFk(S) = fJ(Fk- 1(S)), S E SJ3(IRk), Fk = (iI, ... , ik) : X ~ IRk. We say (15.15)
iI, ... ,fk
are independent <===? VFk
v h x ... x v!k.
We also say (15.16)
fi and fj are identically distributed <===? Vfi = vf]·
If {j) : j E N} is an infinite sequence of random variables on X, we say they are independent if and only if each finite subset is. Equivalently, we can form
F =
(iI, 12, 13, ... ) : X
~ IR oo
set (15.18) and then independence is equivalent to (15.19)
VF=IJVfj· )21
It is an easy exercise to show that the random variables in (15.13) are independent and identically distributed.
Here is a simple consequence of independence.
Lemma 15.1. If
h, 12
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
L2lX, f.L) are independent, then E(h12) = E(h)E(12)·
) ' and hence xy E L 1(lR 2 ,vh,h). Proof. We have x 2 ,y 2 E L1 (lR 2 ,Vh,h Then
E(hh) =
xy dVhJ2(·T, y)
xydvh (x) dVh(Y)
= E(h)E(12)·
The following is a version of the weak law of large numbers. (See the exercises for a more general version.)
Proposition 15.2. Let {f) : J E N} be independent, identically distnbuted random vanables on (X,J,f.L). Assume fj have fimte varzance, and set a = E(J)). Then
and hence m measure, as k
Proof. Using Lemma 15.1, we have
since (iJ - a, h - ah2 = E(J) - a)E(h - a) = 0, j =I I!, and Ilf) - all1 2 = b2 is independent of J. Clearly (15.23) implies (15.22). Convergence in measure then follows by Tchebychev's inequality. The strong law of large numbers produces pointwise a.e. convergence and relaxes the L2-hypothesis made in Proposition 15.2. Before proceeding to the general case, we first treat the product case (15.11)-(15.13).
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Proposition 15.3. Let (Z, Z, v) be a product of a countable number of factors of a probabilzty space (X, J, p,), as m (15.11). Assume p E [1,00), let f E LP(X, p,), and define fj E £P(Z, v), as m (15.13). Set a = E(J). Then 1
m LP- norm and v-a.e.,
J=1 as k
Proof. This follows from ergodic theorems established in Chapter 14. In fact, note that fJ = TJ-1 iI, where Tg(x) = f(
(15.25) By Proposition 14.11,
as in (14.4). The convergence AkiI from Proposition 14.8.
a asserted in (15.24) now follows
We now establish the following strong law of large numbers. Theorem 15.4. Let (X, J, /-L) be a probabilzty space, and let {J] : j E N} be mdependent, zdentzcally dzstrzbuted random varzables m LP (X, p,), with pE [1,00). Seta=E(JJ). Then
m LP -norm and /-L-a. e.,
J=1 as k
Proof. Our strategy is to reduce this to Proposition 15.3. We have a map F : X --+ !Roc as in (15.17), yielding a measure VF on !Roo, as in (15.18), which is actually a product measure, as in (15.19). We have coordinate functions
(15.28) and
= C,j
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Note that
~j E
LP(IRoo , vp) and
dvp =
x J dVfJ = a.
Now Proposition 15.3 implies 1
k L';J
LP- norm and vp-a.e.,
on (IR oo , vp), as k (15.27) follows.
---+ 00.
Since (15.29) holds and F is measure-preserving,
Note that if fJ are independent random variables on X and Fk ---+ IRk, then
(h,· .. , ik) : X
G(Xl, ... ,Xk)dvPk
G(Xl, ... , Xk) dVh (xd ... dVfk (Xk)'
In particular, we have for the sum (15.33) and a Borel set B
IR that
VS k (B) =
+ ... + ik) dJ1,
+ ... + Xk) dVh (Xl) ... dVfk (Xk)'
(15.34) =
Recalling the definition (9.60) of convolution of measures, we see that (15.35) Given a random variable (15.36)
f :X
Xf(O = E(e- iU ) =
IR, the function
Je-ix~ lR
dVf(x) = y'2; [;f(';)
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
is called the characteristic functzon of f (not to be confused with the characteristic function of a set). Combining (15.35) and (9.64), we see that if {fJ} are independent and Sk is given by (15.33), then
(15.37) There is a special class of probability distributions on lR called Gaussian. They have the form
(15.38) That this is a probability distribution follows from Exercise 1 of Chapter 7. One computes
(15.39) The distribution (15.38) is also called normal, with mean a and variance (J". (Frequently one sees (J"2 in place of (J" in these formulas.) A random variable f on (X, J', f-L) is said to be Gaussian if vf is Gaussian. The computation (9.43)-(9.48) shows that
(15.40) Hence
f :X
lR is Gaussian with mean a and variance
if and only if
(15.41) We also see that
and that if fj are independent Gaussian random variables on X, the sum Sk = h + ... + fk is also Gaussian. Gaussian distributions are often approximated by distributions of the sum of a large number of independent randon variables, suitably rescaled. Theorems to this effect are called Central Limit Theorems. We present one here. Let {fj : j E N} be independent, identically distributed random variables on a probability space (X, J', f-L), with
The appropriate rescaling of (15.23). We have
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
h + ... + fk
is suggested by the computation
(15.44) Note that if set B c JR,
is the probability distribution of fJ - a, then for any Borel
V gk
(B) =
vd vikB),
* ... * VI
(k factors).
We have
xdv1 =
We are prepared to prove the following version of the Central Limit Theorem. Proposition 15.5. If {J] : j E N} are independent, identzcally dzstrzbuted random variables on (X, J, /-l), satzsfying (15.43), and gk zs gwen by (15.44), then
(15.47) Proof. By (15.45) we have
(15.48) where X(O = Xfl-a(~) = y'2;:vl(~). By (15.46) we have X E C 2 (JR), X'(O) = 0, and X"(O) = -CT. Hence
(15.49) Equivalently,
(15.50) Hence
(15.51) where
~e + r(~),
r(O = o(e) as E,
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
In other words, lim V9k(~)=;yg(0,
Note that the functions in (15.53) are uniformly bounded by V27f. Making use of (15.53), the Fourier transform identity (9.58), and the Dominated Convergence Theorem, we obtain, for each v E S(~),
.I (~) d~ .I v(~);yg (~) d~ .I 11 (0 V9k
dl/qk ---->
Since S(~) is dense in C*(~) and all these measures are probability measures, this implies the asserted weak* convergence in (15.47). Chapter 16 is devoted to the construction and study of a very important probability measure, known as Wiener measure, on the space of continuous paths in ~n. There are many naturally occurring Gaussian random variables on this space. We return to the strong law of large numbers and generalize Theorem 15.4 to a setting in which the iJ need not be independent. A sequence {fJ : j E N} of real-valued random variables on (X,~, p,), giving a map F : X ----> R= as in (15.17), is called a statzonary process provided the probability measure I/F on ~= given by (15.18) is invariant under the shift map (15.55) An equivalent condition is that for each k, n E N, the n-tuples {h,···, in} and {h, ... ,ik+n~d are identically distributed ~n-valued random variables. Clearly a sequence of independent, identically distributed random variables is stationary, but there are many other stationary processes. (See the exercises. ) To see what happens to the averages k~l L~=l iJ when one has a stationary process, we can follow the proof of Theorem 15.4. This time, an application of Theorem 14.6 and Proposition 14.7 to the action of on (~=, I/F) gives
k 2..:~j j=l
and in LP-norm ,
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
provided (15.57)
6 E LP(JRoo,VF),
fl E LP(X,J1),
p E [1,00).
Here the map P : L2 (JR oo , VF) ----+ L2 (JRoo, VF) is the orthogonal projection of L2(JR oo , VF) onto the subspace consisting of B-invariant functions, which, by Proposition 14.3, extends uniquely to a continuous projection on V(JR oo , VF) for eachp E [1,00]. Since F: (X,'J,J1) ----+ (JR oo ,23(JROO ),VF) is measure preserving, the result (15.56) yields the following. Proposition 15.6. Let {fJ : ] E N} be a statzonary process, consistmg of fJ ELP(X,J1), withpE [1,00). Then 1
k LfJ
J1-a.e. andm LP-norm.
The right side of (15.58) can be written as a conddzonal expectatzon. See Exercise 12 in Chapter 17.
Exercises 1. The second computation in (15.39) is equivalent to the identity
Verify this identity. Hmt. Differentiate the identity
e- sx2 dx = J1fs-l/2.
2. Given a probability space (X, 'J, J1) and A J E 'J, we say the sets A J , 1 ::; j ::; K, are independent if and only if their characteristic functions XA J are independent, as defined in (15.15). Show that such a collection of sets is independent if and only if, for any distinct il,··. ,iJ in {I, ... ,K}, (15.59) 3. Let fl, h be random variables on (X, 'J, J1). Show that independent if and only if (15.60)
fl and hare
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Extend this to a criterion for independence of Hznt. Write the left side of (15.60) as
h, ... , fk·
ff e-i(~lxl+6x2)dvh,12(Xl,X2) and the right side as a similar Fourier transform, using dvh x dv 12 . 4. Demonstrate the following partial converse to Lemma 15.1.
Lemma 15.7. Let hand 12 be random variables on (X, p,) such that 6h + 612 zs Gausswn, oj mean zero, Jar each (6,6) E ]R2. Then
E(h12) = 0
and 12 are zndependent.
More generally, zJ ~JJJ are all Gausswn and zJ h, ... , fk are mutually orthogonal zn L2 (X, p,), then Jl' ... ,fk are zndependent. Hznt. Use E(e- i (6h+612)) = e-116h+612112/2,
which follows from (15.41).
Exercises 5--6 deal with results known as the Borel-Cantelli Lemmas. If (X,;g, p,) is a probability space and Ak E ;g, we set
nU 00
A = lim sup Ak = k-.oo
£=1 k=C
the set of points x E X contained in infinitely many of the sets A k · Equivalently, XA = lim sup XA k • 5. (First Borel-Cantelli Lemma) Show that
L p,(Ak) <
00 ====}
p,(A) = O.
6. (Second Borel-Cantelli Lemma) Assume {Ak : k 2': I} are independent events. Show that
L p,(Ak) = k21
00 =::}
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Hint. X \ A = UC>1 nk>C A k , so to prove J'L(A) = 1, we need to show
J'L(nk2€ Ak) = 0, fo~ each e. Now independence implies L
J'L(nAk) = II(l-J'L(A k)), k=€ k=€
a as L
which tends to
-+ 00
I: II(Ak)
= 00.
7. If x and yare chosen at random on [0,1] (with Lebesgue measure), compute the probability distribution of x - y and of (x - y)2. Equivalently, compute the probability distribution of f and f2, where Q = [0,1] x [0,1]' with Lebesgue measure, and f : Q -+ JR is given by
f(x, y) = x - y. 8. As in Exercise 7, set Q = [0,1] x [0,1]. If x = (Xl,X2) and y = (Yl,Y2) are chosen at random on Q, compute the probability distribution of Ix - YI2 and of Ix - YI· Hmt. The random variables (Xl - yd 2 and (X2 - Y2)2 are independent. 9. Suppose {fJ : ] E N} are independent random variables on (X,~, J'L), satisfying E(fJ) = a and
1 lim k 2
2..= cr
= O.
Show that the conclusion (15.22) of Proposition 15.2 holds.
10. Suppose {fJ : J EN} is a stationary process on
II). Let G : JR=
JR be '13(JR=)-measurable, and set
9J = G (fJ ' fJ + 1 , fJ +2,
... ).
Show that {gJ : j E N} is a stationary process on (X,~, J'L).
In Exercises 11-12, X is a compact metric space, ~ the cr-algebra of Borel sets, J'L a probability measure on ~, and cp : X -+ X a continuous, measure-preserving map with the property that for each p E X, cp-l(p) consists of exactly d points, where d 2: 2 is some fixed integer. (An example is X = s1, cp(z) = zd.) Set S1
= {(Xk)
E S1 : cp(xk+d
= xd·
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
Note that Z is a closed subset of fl. 11. Show that there is a unique probability measure v on fl with the property that for x = (Xl, X2, .1:3, ... ) E fl, A E J, the probability that Xl E A is J'L(A) , and given .1:] = PI,· .. ,Xk = Pkl then Xk+l E
v(At x ... x Ad =
J... J
d'X"_l (Xk) ... d'Xl (X2) dJ'L(xd,
where, given P EX, we set
6q denoting the point mass concentrated at q. Equivalently, if f E C(fl) has the form f = f(xj, . ... Xk), then
J J... J f dv
f(Xl .... , Xk) d,Xk __ l (Xk)'" d'Xl (X2) dJ'L(xJ).
Such v is supported on Z. Hmt. The construction of v can be done in a fashion parallel to, but simpler than, the construction of Wiener measure made at the beginning of Chapter 16. One might read down to (16.13) and return to this problem. 12. Define fJ : Z ---> JR by fJ(x) = xJ' Show that {JJ : j E N} is a stationary process on (Z, v), as constructed in Exercise 11. 13. In the course of proving Proposition 15.5, it was shown that if Vk and , are probability measures on JR and Vk(O ---> 1(~) for each ~ E JR, then Vk --->" weak* in C*(JR)'. Prove the converse: Assertion. If Vk and, are probability measures and C*(JR)', then vd~) ---> 1(~) for each ~ E JR.
Vk ---> ,
weak* in
Hint. Show that for each E > there exist R, N E (0,00) such that vdJR \ [-R, R]) < E for all k 2: N.
Probability Spaces and Random Variables
14. Produce a counterexample to the assertion in Exercise 13 when probability measures but r is not.
15. Establish the following counterpart to Proposition 15.2 and Theorem 15.4. Let {fJ : j E N} be independent, identically distributed random variables on a probability space (X, J, fJ,). Assume fj .2: 0 and fj dJL = +00. Show that, as k ---+ 00,
16. Given y E JR, t > 0, show that
C) _
Xt,y (<" - e
is the characteristic function of the probability distribution
That is, Xt,y(O = e- ix ,; dVt,y(x). These probability distributions are called Poisson distributions. Recalling how (9.64) leads to (15.37), show that Vs,y * Vt,y = vs+t,y' 17. Suppose 'IjJ(~) has the property that for each t > 0, e- t1jJ (,;) is the characteristic function of a probability distribution Vt. (One says Vt is infinitely divisible and that 'IjJ generates a Levy process.) Show that if ip(~) also has this property, so does a'IjJ(O + bip(O, given a, bE JR+. 18. Show that whenever JL is a positive Borel measure on JR \ JlR.(ly 2 1/\ 1) dJL < 00, then, given A .2: 0, bE JR,
°such that
has the property exposed in Exercise 17, i.e., 'IjJ generates a Levy process. Here, XI = 1 on 1= [-1,1]' elsewhere. Hint. Apply Exercise 17 and a limiting argument. For material on Levy processes, see [Sat].
Chapter 16
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Diffusion of particles is a product of their apparently random motion. The density u( t, x) of diffusing particles satisfies the "diffusion equation"
au at
= b.u.
If the initial condition u( 0, x) = f (x) for x E IRn is given, Fourier analysis, as described in (9.69)-(9.71), can be used to provide the solution
u(t, x)
= where (16.3)
J](e)e-tl~12 eix.~ de
p(t, x, y)f(y) dy,
is the Fourier transform of
p(t,x,y) =p(t,x-y)
(47rt)-n/2 e-lx-yI2/4t.
A suggestive notation for the solution operator provided by (16.2)-(16.3) is
u(t, x) = et 6. f(x).
One property this "exponential" of the operator b. has in common with the exponential of real numbers is the identity e t 6. e s6. = e(Hs)6., which by (16.2)-(16.3) is equivalent to the identity (16.5)
p(t, x - y)p(s, y) dy
p(t + s, x).
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
This identity can be verified directly, by manipulation of Gaussian integrals, as in (9.47)-(9.48), or via the identity e-tl~12 e-sl~12 = e-(t+s)I~12, plus the sort of Fourier analysis behind (16.2). Some other simple but important properties that can be deduced from
(16.3) are p(t, x, y)
2: 0
p(t,x,y)dy = 1.
Consequently, for each x E lR n , p(t, x, y) dy defines a probability distribution, which we can interpret as giving the probability that a particle starting at the point x at time 0 will be in a given region in lRn at time t. We proceed to construct a probability measure, known as "\Viener measure," on the set of paths w : [0,00) --+ lR n , undergoing a random motion, called Brownian motion, described as follows. Given tl < t2 and given that w(tI) = Xl, the probability density for the location of W(t2) is
.s .s
The motion of a random path for tl t t2 is supposed to be independent of its past history. Thus, given 0 < tl < t2 < ... < tk and given Borel sets E J C lRn , the probability that a path, starting at x = 0 at t = 0, lies in E j at time tJ for each j E [1, k] is
J... J
P(tk - tk-l, Xk - Xk-l) ... p(tJ, Xl) d:r:k' .. dXl.
It is not obvious that there is a count ably additive measure characterized by these properties, and Wiener's result was a great achievement. The construction we give here is a slight modification of one in Appendix A of
[Nel]. Anticipating that Wiener measure is supported on the set of continuous paths, we will take a path to be characterized by its locations at all positive ratwnal t. Thus, we consider the set of "paths" (16.10)
'lJ =
II JR n. tEQ+
Here, JRn is the one-point compactification of lRn, i.e., JRn = lR n U {oo}. Thus 'lJ is a compact metrizable space. We construct Wiener measure W as a positive Borel measure on 'lJ.
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
In order to construct this measure, we will construct a certain positive linear functional E : C(s:j3) ---* JR, on the space C(s:j3) ofreal-valued continuous functions on s:j3, satisfying E(l) = 1, and a condition motivated by (16.9), which we give in (16.12). We first define E on the subspace C# consisting of continuous functions that depend on only finitely many of the factors in (16.10), i.e., functions on s:j3 of the form (16.11) where F is continuous on (16.12)
TI7lRn and tJ
J... J
CQ+. l\lotivated by (16.9), we take
p(tl,:X:I)p(t2 - tl,x2 - Xl)"
·p(tk - tk-l,Xk - Xk-l)
XF(XI,"" Xk) dXk'" dXl.
If cp(w) in (16.11) actually depends only on w( tv) for some proper subset {tv} of {tl' ... , td, there arises a formula for E( cp) with a different appearance from (16.12). The fact that these two expressions are equal follows from the identity (16.5). From this it follows that E : C# ---* IR is well defined. It is also a positive linear functional, satisfying E(l) = l.
Now, by the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, C# is dense in C(s:j3). Since E : C# ---* IR is a positive linear functional and E(l) = 1, it follows that E has a unique continuous extension to C(~), possessing these properties. Theorem 13.5 associates to E the desired probability measure W. Therefore we have Theorem 16.1. There zs a umque probabtlzty measure W on ~ such that (16.12) zs gwen by
E( cp) =
cp(w) dW(w),
for each cp(w) of the form (16.11) wzth F contmuous on
. TIlk IRn.
This is the Wiener measure. We note that (16.12) then holds for any bounded Borel function F, and also for any positive Borel function F, on
It is common to define Wiener measure slightly differently, taking
p( t, x) to be the integral kernel of et f::./2 rather than etf::.. The path space {b} so produced is related to the path space {w} constructed here by w (t) = b(2t) .
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Some basic examples of calculations of (16.13) include the following. Define functions X t on I,:JJ, taking values in jRn, by
(16.15) and, if 0
< s < t, E(IXt
= = =
JJp(s, XI)P(t -
p(t -
X2 - xI)l x 2 -
xl1 2 dXI dX2
y)lyl2 dy
2n(t - s),
a result that works for all s, t way to put (16.15)-(16.16) is
0, if (t - s) is replaced by It -
(16.17) Note that the latter result implies t f---+ X t is uniformly continuous from Q+ to L2(I,:JJ, W) and hence has a unique continuous extension to jR+ = [0, (0):
(16.18) such that x(t) = Xl, given by (16.14) for t E Q+, and then (16.15)-(16.16) are valid for all real s, t ~ O. This is evidence in favor of the assertion made above that W -almost every w E I,:JJ extends continuously from t E Q+ to t E jR+, though it does not prove it. Before we tackle that proof, we make some more observations. Let us take t
> s > 0 and calculate
(Xs, Xth2('+!) = E(Xs . Xt) (16.19)
= =
p(s, xdp(t -
X2 - Xl) Xl . X2 dXI dX2
p(s, xdp(t - s, y) Xl . (y
+ Xl) dXI dy.
Now Xl . (y + xd = Xl . Y + IX112. The latter contribution is evaluated as in (16.15), and the former contribution is the dot product A(s) . A(t - s), where (16.20)
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
So (16.19) is equal to 2ns if t > s > O. Hence, by symmetry,
(Xs, X t )L2('+l)
= 2n
min(s, t).
One can also obtain this by noting IX t - Xsl2 = IXt l2+ IXsl2 - 2Xs . X t and comparing (16.15) and (16.16). Furthermore, comparing (16.21) and (16.15), we see that
> s 2' 0
(X t
X s, Xs)U('+l) = O.
This result is a special case of the following, whose content can be phrased as the statement that if t > s 2' 0, then X t - Xs is independent of Xa for (J :s: S, and also that X t - Xs has the same statistical behavior as X t - s . For more on this independence, see the exercises at the end of this chapter and Chapter 17. Proposition 16.2. Assume 0 < Sl conszder junctzons on ~ oj the jorm
< ... < Sk <
F(w(sd, ... ,W(Sk)),
< t (E Ql+), and
G(w(t) - w(s)).
E (
E (
G(w(t - s)).
Proof. By (16.12), we have
J =J =J =
p(s, Ydp(t -
Y2 - Y2)G(Y2 - yd dYl dY2
p(s, Yl)p(t - s, z)G(z) dYl dz
p(t - s, z)G(z) dz,
which establishes (16.25). Next, we have (16.27)
p(Sl' Xl)P(S2 -
X2 - xd'" p(Sk - Sk-l, Xk - xk-d
p(s - Sk,Yl - Xk)P(t - S,Y2 - ydF(Xl,'" ,Xk) xG(Y2 - Yl) dXl ... dXk dYl dY2.
= Y2 - Yl, then comparison with (16.26) shows that E('lj;) factors out of (16.27). Then use of p(s - Sk, Yl Xk) dYl = 1 shows that the other factor is equal to E(
If we change variables to Xl,·' ., Xk, Yl, z
Here is the promised result on path continuity.
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Proposition 16.3. The set s:J3o of paths from ((JJ+ to IR n that are uniformly contmuous on bounded subsets of ((JJ+ (and that hence extend uniquely to contmuo'us paths from [0, (0) to IRn) is a Borel subset of '+I wzth Wiener measure 1.
For a set S, let oscs(w) denote sup Iw(s) - w(t)l. Set s,tES
'+I: OSC[a,b](W) >
here [a, b] denotes {s E Q+ : a :S s :S b}. The complement is
{w E
Iw(s) -w(t)l:S 2c},
which is closed in '+I. Below we will demonstrate the following estimate on the Wiener measure of E(a, b, c): (16.30) where p(c,5) = sup t<15
p(t, x) dx
- Ixl>c
= sup t<15
p(l, y) dy,
- Iyl>c/vt
with p(t, x) as in (16.3). Clearly the sup is assumed at t = 5, so
J P(l,Y)dY=7/Jn(~)' lyl>c/viJ
7/Jn(r) = (47f)-n/2
e-lyI2/4 dy :S a n r n e- r2 /4,
as r
--* 00.
The relevance of the analysis of E( a, b, c) is that, if we set (16.34) F(k,c,5) = {w E
'+I: oscJ(w) >
410, for some J
c [O,k] n ((JJ+,f(J) :S
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
where €( J) is the length of the interval J, then
U{E(a, b, 2E) : [a, b]
F(k, E, 15) =
[0, kJ,
Ib - al
is an open set, and, via (16.30), we have
W(F(k,E,t5)) S;2k P(Edt5).
Furthermore, with FC(k, E, 0) \,f}o
\,f} \ F(k,
= {w: 'Ilk < OO,VE > 0,315 > = FC(k, E, 0)
such that w E FC(k,E,O)}
k 0=1/1/ 0=1/11
is a Borel set (in fact, an Fao set, i.e., a countable intersection of Fa sets), and we can conclude that W(\,f}o) = 1 from (16.36), given the observation that, for any E > 0,
P(E~O) ~
0, as 0 -----+ 0,
which follows immediately from (16.32)-(16.33). Thus, to complete the proof of Proposition 16.3, it remains to establish the estimate (16.30). The next lemma goes most of the way towards that goal. Lemma 16.4. Gwen
such that tl/ - t1
A = {w
0 > 0, take v numbers t J E Q+, Let E,
E \,f} :
IW(t1) - w(tJ)1 >
for some J = 1, ... , v}.
Then (J6.40) Proof. Let
B = {w : IW(t1) - w(tl/)I > E/2}, Cj = {w : Iw(tj) - w(tl/)I > E/2}, D J = {w : Iw(td - w(tJ)1 > E and Iw(iI) - w(tk)1 S; E, for all k
Then A
S; j - I}.
U~=l (Cj n Dj), so 1/
W(A) S; W(B)
+L j=l
t1 < ... < tl/'
W(Cj n D j
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Clearly W(B) :::; p(c/2, J). Furthermore, we have
W(CJ nDJ ) = W(Cj)W(DJ ):::;
the first identity by Proposition 16.2 (i.e., the independence of CJ and D j ) and the subsequent inequality by the easy estimate W(CJ ) :::; p(c/2, J). Hence (16.44) J
since the D J are mutually disjoint. estimate is independent of v.
This proves (16.40).
Note that this
We now finish the demonstration of (16.30). Given such tj as in the statement of Lemma 16.4, if we set (16.45)
E = {w: Jw(tj) -W(tk)J > 2c, for some j,k E [l,vJ},
it follows that (16.46) since E is a subset of A, given by (16.39). Now, E(a, b, c), given by (16.28), is a countable increasing union of sets of the form (16.45), obtained, e.g., by letting {tl' ... , tv} consist of all t E [a, b] that are rational with denominator :::; K and taking K / +00. Thus we have (16.30), and the proof of Proposition 16.3 is complete. We make the natural identification of paths w E !,po with continuous paths w : [0,00) ---> .!R.n. Note that a function cp on !,po of the form (16.11), with tJ E .!R.+, not necessarily rational, is a pointwise limit on !,po of functions in C#, as long as F is continuous on rr~ JR n , and consequently such cp is measurable. Furthermore, (16.12) continues to hold, by the Dominated Convergence Theorem. An alternative approach to the construction of W would be to replace (16.10) byi1 = rr{JRn: t E .!R.+}. With the product topology, this is compact but not metrizable. The set of continuous paths is a Borel subset of i1, but not a Baire set, so some extra measure-theoretic considerations arise if one takes this route, which was taken in [Nel]. Looking more closely at the estimate (16.36) of the measure of the set F(k, c, J), defined by (16.34), we note that we can take c = K JJ log(l/J), in which case (16.47) Then we obtain the following refinement of Proposition 16.3.
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Proposition 16.5. For almost all w E !f}o, we have, for each T < 00,
(Iw(s) - w(t)l- 8VOIog
l ):;
s, t
[0, T].
Consequently, gwen T < 00, (16.49)
Iw(s) -w(t)l::; C(w,T)VOIogl,
8,t E [O,TJ,
wzth C (w, T) < 00 for almost all w E !f}o. In fact, (16.47) gives W(Sk) = 1 where Sk is the set of paths satisfying (16.48), with 8 replaced by 8 + 11k, since then (16.47) applies with K > 4, so (16.38) holds. Then k Sk is precisely the set of paths satisfying (16.48).
The estimate (16.48) is not quite sharp; P. Levy showed that for almost all w E!f}, with fL(O) = 2Jologl/o, · Iw(s) - w(t)1 -_ 1. 1lIn sup Is-tl->o fL(ls - tl)
(16.50) See [McK] for a proof.
Wiener proved that almost all Brownian paths are nowhere differentiable. We refer to [McK] for a proof of this. The following result specifies another respect in which Brownian paths are highly irregular. Proposition 16.6. Assume n 2: 2, and pzck T E (0,00). Then, for almost all w E !f}o, (16.51) w([O, T]) = {w(t) : 0 ::; t ::; T}
has Hausdorff dimenszon 2.
Proof. The fact that Hdimw([O, T]) ::; 2 for W-a.e. w follows from the modulus of continuity estimate (16.48), which implies that for each 0 > 0, w is Holder continuous of order 1I (2 + 0). This implies by Exercise 9 of Chapter 12 that J-i'(w([O, T])) < 00 for T = 2 + O. (Of course this upper bound is trivial in the case n = 2.)
We will obtain the estimate Hdim w( [0, T]) 2: 2 for a.e. w as an application of Proposition 12.19. To get this, we start with the following generalization of (16.16): for 0 < s < t,
E(cp(Xt - Xs)) (16.52)
JJp(s, xdp(t -
X2 - xI)CP(X2 - xd dXl dX2
p(t - s, y)cp(y) dy
= (47f(t - s)) -n/2
e- 1y12 /4It-sl cp(y) dy.
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
We now assume i.p is radial. We switch to spherical polar coordinates. We also allow t < .') and obtain
( 16.53)
E(n(Xt - X )) = r
An-I. (47Tlt _ SI)n/2
.10roo e-r2/4It-31 (n(r)r r
n- I dr ,
where A n- 1 = Area(Sn-I). We apply this to i.p(r) = r- a to get
E(IX t
Xsl- a) = Cnlt - sl- n/ 2
(16.54) =
where C n .a <
roo e-r2/4It-sl rn-I-a dr
Cn,al t - sl-a/2,
provided a < n. We deduce that
J.10rT .10rT l Tj'T I
ds dt dW(w) Iw(t) - w(s)la
dsdt I /2 t-sa
o 0 Consequently, as long as a < 2
, Cn,a <
if a < 2.
r r ds dt .10 Jo Iw(t) - w(s)la < T
for W-a.e. w.
We can rewrite this as
df.LW (x) df.Lw (y)
Ix -
for W-a.e. w,
w([O,T]) w([O,T])
is the measure on w([O, T]) given by
f.LW(S) = m({t E [O,T]: w(t) E S}),
m denoting Lebesgue measure on JR. The existence of a nonzero positive Borel measure on w([O, T]) satisfying (16.57) implies Hdimw([O, T]) 22, by Proposition 12.19, so Proposition 16.6 is proven. So far we have considered Brownian paths starting at the origin in JR n . Via a simple translation of coordinates, we have a similar construction for the set of Brownian paths w starting at a general point x E JR n , yielding the positive functional Ex : C(\.p) --+ JR, and Wiener measure W x , such that
Ex(i.p) =
i.p(w) dWx(w).
When i.p(w) is given by (16.11), Ex(i.p) has the form (16.12), with the function p(t},xd replaced by p(t},X} - x). To put it another way, Ex(i.p) has the
form (16.12) with F(XI,"" Xk) replaced by F(XI + X, .. . ,Xk + x). One often uses such notation as Ex (J (w (t) )) instead of '+l f (Xt (w)) dWx (w) or
Ex (J(Xt(w))). The following simple observation is useful.
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Proposition 16.7. Ifip E C(S:P), then Ex(ip) is contmuous in x. Proof. Continuity for ip E C#, the set of functions of the form (16.11), is clear from (16.12), and its extension to :r -# 0 discussed above. Since C# is dense in C(S:P), the result follows easily.
In Chapter 17 we discuss further results on Brownian motion, ansmg from the study of martingales. For other reading on the topic, we mention the books [Dur], [McK], and lSi] and also Chapter 11 of [Tl]. The family of random variables X t on the probability space (~, W) is a special case of a stochastzc process, often called the Wiener process. More general stochastic processes include Levy processes. They have a characterization similar to (16.12), with p(t, or) d;J: replaced by probability measures VI discussed in Exercises 17-18 of Chapter 15. Theorem 16.1 extends to the construction of such Levy processes. However, the paths are not a.e. continuous in the non-Gaussian case, but rather there are jumps. For material on Levy processes, see [Sat] and references therein.
Exercises 1. With Xt(w) = w(t) as in (16.14), show that for all ~ E JPl.n (16.60) Hence each component of X t is a Gaussian random variable on (~o, W), of mean 0 and variance 2t, by (15.41). 2. More generally, if 0
< t I < ... <
t/,; and ~J E JPl. n , show that
E(ei~) X t )+z6 (Xt2 -Xt ))+
= e-t)1612_(t2-tJ)I~212-
+Z~k (Xt,,-X tk _ 1 ))
-(t,,-tk_IlI6·1 2 .
Deduce that each component of (1 . X t ) + ... + (/,; . X tk is a Gaussian random variable on (~o, W), for each (1, ... ,(/,; E JPI.". 3. Show that if 0 < h < ... < tk, then X t ), X t2 - Xi),' .. ,Xtk - X tk _) are independent (JPl.n-valued) random variables on (~o, W). Hmt. Use (16.61) and Exercise 3 of Chapter 15. Alternatively (but less directly), use the orthogonality (16.22), the Gaussian behavior given in
Wiener Measure and Brownian Motion
Exercise 2, and the independence result of Exercise 4 in Chapter 15. 4. Compute E(eAIXtI2). Show this is finite if and only if A < 1/4t. 5. Show that E ( [X t - Xsl
= E
(2k) X 1t sl
(2k)! k"! It - sl k.
6. Show that LP('Po, W) is separable, for 1 ::; p < Hint. SlJ is a compact metrzc space.
7. Given a > 0, define a transformation Da : SlJo
'Po by
Show that Da preserves the Wiener measure W. This transformation is called Brownian scaling. 8. Let
~o = {w E SlJo: lim s-lw(s) = S-HX)
Show that W(SlJo) = 1. Define a transformation p : 'Po
(pw)(t) = tw(l/t), for t > O. Show that p preserves the Wiener measure W. 9. Given a > 0, define a transformation Ra : SlJo
(Raw)(t) = w(t) 2w(a) - w(t)
SlJo by
for 0::; t ::; a, for t 2: a.
Show that Ra preserves the Wiener measure W.
'Po by
Chapter 17
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
There are a number of cases where a set X is endowed with a family of CT-algebras, ~o" indexed by a partially ordered set A, having the property that
(17.1) and where there are measures fLo: on
such that
(17.2) We will consider some examples here, in which A is either Z+ or lR+. All the examples we consider have the property that there is a "big" CT-algebra ~# and a measure fL# on ~# such that
(17.3) We assume fLo: (and fL#) are probability measures, i.e., fLo: is a positive measure and fLo:(X) = l. To take a simple example, let X = J = [0,1). Let ~# = \)3, the CT-algebra of Borel sets, with fL# = m = Lebesgue measure. We take A = Z+, and for j E Z+, let ~j be the (CT )-algebra generated by the intervals
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
with /-lj = ml;Yj' An example with A = jR+, arising from Brownian motion, will be described later in this chapter. Returning to the general case, we define the condztwnal expectatwn
E(JIJoJ of an element f E Ll(X, J(3, /-l(3), when ex < (3. We will have E(JIJoJ E L1(X,Ja,/-la)' To define it, consider the set function (17.5)
.\(5) =
f d/-l!3,
5 E Ja·
This is a measure on Ja which is absolutely continuous with respect to /-la, since, for ex < {3,
Thus, by the Radon- Nikodym Theorem there exists a unique element fa E Ll (X, Ja, fLa) such that .\(5) = fa dfLa, for all 5 E Ja· We take E(JIJa) = fa. In other words, E(JIJa) is characterized as being Ja-measurable and satisfying
f dfL(3
E(JIJa) d/1a,
V 5 E Ja·
Note that this implies (17.7)
gf d/1(3
gE(JIJa) d/1a,
for all 9 E U JO (X, Ja). Note that if f E L2(X, J(3, /1(3), we have a uniquely defined E(JIJa) E L2(X, Ja, /1a), satisfying (17.7) for all 9 E L2(X, Ja). In fact, we can regard L2(X, Ja, /1a) naturally as a closed linear subspace of L2(X, J(3, /1(3), and then E(JIJa) is the image of f under the orthogonal projection of L2(X, J{3, /1(3) onto L2(X, Ja, /1a). One might compare this observation with the proof of Theorem 4.10. This construction can also be applied to fELl (X, J#, /1#), yielding (17.8) In this case, it follows easily from the uniqueness of the characterization (17.6) that (17.9)
Conditional Expectation and lVlartmgales
Generally, a family fa E Ll (X, Ja, P,a) satisfying (17.9) is called a martingale. If such a martingale arises via (17.8) for f E Ll (X, J#, p,#), we say the martingale (fa) has a final element. In case (X,J#,p,#) is (J,'l3,m) as above, with J for any f E Ll(J, 'l3, m),
[0,1), we see that,
(17.10) where
Avgl JV (f) = TJ
Now this is rather similar to ATf, defined by (11.1), in case n = 1, f is supported on J, and r = 2- J . The following result is parallel to Theorem 11.1.
Proposition 17.1. Gwen f E L 1 (J,m), fj defined by (17.10), we have fJ ---t f, m-almost everywhere. The proof is much like that of Theorem 11.1, once one has a result parallel to the maximal function estimate of Theorem 11.2. We now establish a general result of this nature, known as the l\lartingale Maximal Inequality.
Proposition 17.2. Let (fn : 0: E A) be a martingale over Ja. Assume A zs countable and totally ordered. Define the maximal functzon
j*(x) = sup {fn(x) : 0:
Then, for all A > 0, p,#({x EX: j*(x) > A}) ::;
sup a
Proof. Note that 0: < f3 =* Ilfnllu ::; Ilf611L1. It suffices to demonstrate (17.13) for an arbitrary finite subset {O:J} of A. Thus we can work with Jj = Jaj' 1 ~ j::; N, and fj = E(fkIJJ) for j < k. There is no loss in assuming fN 2:: 0, so all fj 2:: O. Now consider
{x EX: j* (x) > A}
{x EX: some fj (x) > A}.
There is a pairwise disjoint decomposition N
U SAj, j=1
{x: fJ(x) > A but fe(x) ~ A for I! < j}.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Note that S)..j E ';Sj. Consequently, we have
fN df-J,N
fN df-J,N
J- 1s AJ.
fj df-J,j
J=lS Aj
L Af-J,j(S)..J)
J=l This yields (17.13) in this special case, and the proposition is hence proved.
1. If all fn ~ 0, then
2. If (fn :
K ::;
0: E
Ilfnll£1 == K.
A) has a final element fELl (X, ';S#, f-J,#), then
The maximal inequality of Proposition 17.2 yields the following (increasing) Martingale Convergence Theorem, which contains Proposition 17.1 as a special case. Proposition 17.3. Let (fn : 0: E A) be a martingale over ';Sn, wIth final element fELl (X, ';Sw, fJl Assume A is countable and totally ordered. Assume ';Sw = CJ(UnEA ';Sn). Then
0: /
Proof. We certainly have (17.17) when f E UnEAL1(X,';Sn,f-J,) = V. But V is dense in L1 (X, ';Sw, f-J,). (See Exercise 6 of Chapter 9.) Thus (17.17) follows for general f E L 1(X,';Sw,f-J,), by the same sort of argument as used in the proof of Theorem 11.1, via the maximal function estimate (17.13). In detail, given f E L 1(X,';Sw,f-J,), pick c > and g E V such that
f = g + h with each A > 0,
Ilhll£1 < E)..
c. With obvious notation, fn
{x EX: lim sup Ifn(x) - f(x)1 > A}
{x EX: lim sup Ihn(x) - h(x)1 > A}.
n n
Noting that (17.19)
= gn + hn and, for
Ihnl ::; E(lhll';Sn), Ihnl ::;
we have
h* = sup n
1 7.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
and hence (17.20)
JL(E>.)::; JL({x EX: h*(x) > Taking
~}) +JL({X EX: Ih(x)1
~})::; ~.
0 gives JL(E>.) = 0, and (17.17) is proven.
In the exercises we explore situations where (fn : 0: E A) does not have a final element. In addition to the martingale convergence result of Proposition 17.3, which is related to convergence results of Chapter 11, there are decreasing martingale convergence theorems, which as we will see are related to results of Chapter 14. For simplicity we consider martingales (fn : 0: E A) with index set A = Z- = {k E Z : k ::; O}. So we have a sequence of cr-algebras of subsets of X:
(17.21) We set
(17.22) Let JL be a probability measure on Jo· Given
E V(X,
Jo, JL), we set
(17.23) Note that Pk and pb all have LP-operator norm 1, for each p E [1,00]. Our goal is to produce various results to the effect that Pkf -----7 pb f as k -----7 -00. The next result is somewhat parallel to the L2-mean ergodic theorem contained in Proposition 14.2. Proposition 17.4. If JL zs a probabzlzty measure on Jo, f E L2(X, Jo, JL), and JklJb,Pk, and p b are as m (17.21)--(17.23), then
(17.24) Proof. The key to proving (17.24) is to show that
UKer Pk
is dense in Ker p b , in L2(X, JL).
Given this, we set f = fb + g, with fb = pb f, 9 = (I - pb)f E Ker pb Then (17.25) implies Pkg -----7 0 in L2(X, JL), and since Pkf b = fb, we havE (17.24). It remains to establish (17.25). For this, we note that
(Ker Pk)~
= L2(X, Jk, JL),
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
(U Ker Pk)
= n(Ker Pk)-L = n L2(X, Jk,f'L) k k = L2(X, Jb, JL) = (Ker pb)-L,
the third identity by (17.22). This completes the proof. Given that the operators Pk and p b all have operator norm 1 on each LP space, that L2 is dense in LP for p E [1, 2], and that IlfllLP ::; Ilfll£2 for p E [1,2]' the same type of argument used for Proposition 14.3 also establishes the following.
Proposition 17.5. In the settmg of Pmposzizon 17.4. zf p E [1, 2]. (17.28) m LP- norm , as k
-+ -00.
In Proposition 17.7 we will extend this result to p E [1,(0). We next establish a pointwise convergence result, analogous to Theorem 14.6. In analogy with (14.22), we set
A# f(x)
= sup k~O
IPkf(x)1 ::; sup Pklfl(x), k~O
E L1(X,Jo,JL), and note that Proposition 17.2 gives
(17.30) Proposition 17.6. In the settmg of Propositzon 17.4, (17.31) as k
-+ -00.
Proof. Let us set Vk = Ker Pk n L2(X, Jo, JL), Vb = Ker pb n L2(X, Jo, JL), and recall from the proof of Proposition 17.4 that Uk Vk is dense in Vb, in L2-norm. Now let f E L1(X,Jo,JL) be given and take E > O. Pick h E L2(X, Jo, JL) such that Ilf - h 11£1 < E. Then write h = ff + g, with ff = pb hand g E Vb. Then write g = gK+gE with gK E VK (for sufficiently large negative K) and IIgEIIL2 < E (so also IlgEII£! < c). We hence have (17.32)
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
so Hence, for each A > 0,
fL({X EX: lim sup Pkf(x) -liminf Pkf(x) > A}) k-.-CXj
fLUX EX: lim sup Pkfc(x) -liminf Pkir,:(X) > A})
~ fL ( { x EX: A # fE (x)
the last inequality by (17.29). Since c can be taken arbitrarily small, this implies that Pkf(x) converges as k --+ -00, fL-a.e. We already know it converges to pbf(x) in Ll-norm, so (17.31) follows. We can use the maximal function estimate (17.29) to extend Proposition 17.5, as follows. There is the obvious estimate IIA# flIL= ~ IlfllL''''· Then (17.29) and the lVIarcinkicwicz Interpolation Theorem (established in Appendix D) yield (17.34) Using this, we prove the following.
Proposition 17.7. In the settzng of Proposztzon 17.4, we have, for all p E [1, oc), (17.35)
as k
Proof. The proof is identical to that of Proposition 14.7. The convergence (17.35) follows from (17.31) and the Dominated Convergence Theorem, via (17.34), if p E (1,00), and the case p = 1 is already done in Proposition 17.5. We now show how Propositions 17.6-17.7 yield another proof of the strong law of large numbers.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Proposition 17.8. Let {fk : k 2=: O} be independent, zdentzcally distributed random variables on a probabzlity space (X, IE, j.l). Assume p E [1, (0) and fk E LP(X, j.l). Set a = E(fk). Then, as k -----t 00,
Sk = k
m LP -norm and j.l-a. e.
Proof. For k ;::: 0, let 'J-k be the a--algebra generated by the collection of sets {Sk, Sk+1, Sk+2,···}, i.e., by {Sk, ik+l, fk+2' ... }. Each Sk is 'J-kmeasurable. We claim that
(17.37) Given this, it follows from Propositions 17.6-17.7 that
where 'Jb = k 'J-k. We next claim that E(Sol'J b) = E(fo). To see this, take A E (0, (0) and set fk = i t + g~, where
it(x) = fk(x),
Ifk(x)1 ~ Ifk(x)1 >
A, A,
and set k
TA = k
_1_ ""' A k + 1 ~gJ . J=o
Note that the random variables i t are independent and identically distributed. N ow we can appeal to the weak law of large numbers to say S~ -----t E(frf) , in L 2-norm, and meanwhile IITtllLP ~ Ilg~IILP' which is arbitrarily small if A is taken large enough. Passing to the limit, we have E(Sol'Jb) = E(fo) , and the proof of Proposition 17.8 is complete, modulo the proof of (17.37).
In order to establish (17.37), we make use of the following symmetry:
j, f E {O, ... ,k} ====? E(fJ I'J-k) = E(fcl'J-k) ,
which follows from the hypothesis that Ud are independent and identically distributed. (See the exercises for further comments on this.) Given this, we have 1
+ 1 LE(fjl'J-k) J=O
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
which gives (17.37). We now show how the measure space UPo, W x ), constructed in Chapter 16 to describe Brownian motion, gives rise to a family of (j-algebras indexed by ]R+, and we examine some martingales that arise fron this family. Given t E [0, (0), let 23 t be the (j-algebra of subsets of s:}3o generated by sets of the form
s:}3o : w(s)
where s E [0, t] and E is a Borel subset of]Rn. As t increases, 23 t is an increasing family of (j-algebras, each consisting of sets that are Wx-measurable, for all x E ]Rn. Set
It can be shown that
23 00 = {5ns:}3o: 5
23(s:}3)} = {5
23(s:}3): 5
Given f E Ll(s:}3o, 23 00 , W x ), we have the associated conditional expectation Ex (f l23t). The following is a statement that Brownian motion possesses the Markov Property. Proposition 17.9. Gwen s, t > 0,
Ex (.f(w(t
+ s))I23 s )
C(JR n ),
Ew(s) (.f(w(t))) , for Wx-almost all w.
Proof. The right side of (17.44) is 23 s -measurable, so the identity is equivalent to the statement that
/ f(w(t
+ s)) dWx(w)
= /
f(W(t)) dWw(s) (w)) dWx(w),
for all 5 E 23 8 . It suffices to verify (17.45) for all 5 of the form
given tj E [0, t], E j Borel sets in ]Rn. For such 5, (17.45) follows directly from the characterization of the Wiener integral given in Chapter 16, i.e., from (16.9)-(16.12) in the case x = 0, together with the identity
f(w(t)) dWy(w) = E(.f(y + w(t))),
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
used to define (16.59). We can easily extend (17.44) to
for Wx-almost all w, given tl, ... ,tk > 0, and F continuous on I1~ JR n , as in (16.11). Also standard limiting arguments allow us to enlarge the class of functions F for which this works. We then get the following more definitive statement of the l'vIarkov Property. Proposition 17.10. For s > 0, define the map (17.48) Then, given
bounded and
23= -measurable,
we have
(17.49) The Markov Property gives rise to martingales, via the following construction. Proposition 17.11. Let h(t,x) be smooth m t 2: o,x E IRn, and let it satzsjy Ih(t, :r)1 ::; Cceclxl2 jar all EO> 0 and the backward heat equatwn
ah = -t::.h.
Then ~t(w) = h(t,w(t))
a martmgale over 23 t .
Proof. The hypothesis on h(t, x) implies that, for t, s > 0, (17.51)
h(s, x)
p(t, y)h(t
+ s, x
- y) dy,
where p(t, .r) is given by (16.3). Now (17.52)
Ex (~t+sl23s) = Ex (h(t
+ s, w(t + s)) 123 = Ew(s) (h(t + 8,W(t))),
5 )
for Wx-almost all w, by (17.44). This is equal to (17.53)
p(t,y-w(s)) h(t+s,y) dy,
by the characterization (16.12) of expectation, adjusted as in (16.59), and by (17.51) this is equal to h(s,w(s)) = ~s(w).
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Corollary 17.12. For one-dimenszonal Brownian motion, the followmg are martingales over ~t:
(17.54) gwen a > 0. Applying the Martingale Maximal Inequality to 3t(W) = e aw (t)-a 2 t, we obtain the following.
w(t) and to
Proposition 17.13. For one-dimensional Brownian motion, gwen t > O,b> l,a > 0, we have
Wo ({ w E
sup w(s) > by!4t/1f}) :S
and (17.56)
W o ( {w E
~o: sup w(s) - as> A}) :S e- aA . O~s~t
Proof. The sets whose measures are estimated in (17.55)-(17.56) are
{WE~o: O~s~t sup and {W E
~o: sup
e aw (s)-a 2s
Vf4!, -;-
e aA }.
Since paths in ~o are continuous, one can take the sup over [0, t] n Q, which is countable, so Proposition 17.2 applies. Furthermore, we have (17.57)
Eo(l~tl) =
and (17.58)
E O(3t) =
1 Ixl
p(t, x) dx =
p(t, x) dx = 1,
yielding the estimates on the right sides of (17.55) and (17.56). Using more advanced techniques, one can sharpen (17.55) to (17.59)
Wo({w E
sup w(s) > A})
roo p(t,x)dx.
See, e.g., Proposition 3.8 in Chapter 11 of [Tl]. There is a property more subtle than the Markov Property, called the Strong Markov Property. Material on this can be found in [Dur], [IMc], [McK], and Chapter 11 of [Tl]. We end this chapter with an application of the estimate (17.56) to the following celebrated Law of the Iterated Logarithm. Our treatment follows
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Proposition 17.14. For one-dzmensional Browman motion, one has
2y't log log lit
= 1,
for Wo-a.e. w.
Proof. We take this in two steps. First we show
lim sup t-+O
< 1,
for Wo-a.e. w.
2y't log log lit -
For this, we apply (17.56), with
(17.62) a = a(t) = (1+b)C 1 h(t),
A = A(t) = h(t),
for small positive t. Here, we pick 0 E (0,1). Then aA so e
_).. = (log -1) a
h(t) =
t log log-, t
= (1 + 0) log 10g(l/t),
Now pick g E (0,1) and set (17.64) Then (17.65) and (17.56) implies (17.66) Since 2: n >1 n-(l+8) < 00, the First Borel-Cantelli Lemma (Exercise 5 of Chapter 15) applies to give
(17.67) Wo(A)
A = {w
'.Po: sup w(s) - ans ::; An, V large n}.
In particular, for w E A and gn+l
o:s;s:s;e n
< t ::; gn, with n sufficiently large,
w (t) ::; max w (s) ::; an gn s:s;e n
+ An
<2+0 h (t).
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Taking () /' 1 and <5 ~
°yields (17.61).
Next we show lim sup w(t) > 1, hO 2Jt log log lit -
For this, take () (17.70)
for Wo-a.e. w.
(0, 1) and consider =
1f3() : w(()n) - w(()n+l) 2: 2(1 - ()1/2)h(()n)},
wi th h (t) as in (17.62). By Exercise 3 of Chapter 16, the events Bn C lf30 are independent. By (16.9), we have
p(()n _ ()n+!, x) dx
= fo
;'00 e- 2 In
where (17.72) Now one has (17.73)
(2a + -;;1)
a < Jaroo e- Y 2
< -;; e- a . 2
Hence so (17.74) Thus the Second Borel-Cantelli Lemma (Exercise 6 of Chapter 15) gives (17.75)
Wo(B) = 1.
B = {w E lf30 : w(()n) 2: 2(1 - ()1/2)h(()n) for infinitely many n}. The proof of (17.61) implies w(()n+l) < 4h(()n+1) for all sufficiently large n, provided w E A. Hence, for w E A n B, w(()n) > 2(1 - ()1/2)h(()n) _ 4h(()n+l) (17.76) > 2(1 - 4()1/2)h(()n+l), for infinitely many n. Hence limsuPho w(t)lh(t) 2: 2(1 - 4()1/2), which gives (17.69) in the limit () ---- O. This completes the proof of Proposition 17.14. Since w(t) f---t -w(t) preserves the measure Wo and also w(t) f---t tw(l/t) preserves Wo (cf. Exercise 8, Chapter 16), we have the following.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
Corollary 17.15. For one-dzmensional Brownian mabon,
w ( t) 2Jt log log lit
lim inf 1-.0
= -1
for Wo-a.e. w,
lim sup h=
w(t) 2Jtloglogt
= 1,
for Wo-a.e. w.
Exercises 1. Suppose (X, J, IL) is a probability space and we have a partition of X into a countable family of disjoint sets X J , with IL( X J ) > O. Let P be the a-algebra generated by {XJ}' Given f E L 1 (X,J,IL), show that EUIP)(x)
if x E XJ'
This generalizes (17.10) (17.11). Show that a sequence of progressively finer such partitions of X gives rise to a martingale.
2. Use Proposition 17.9 to show that, for s, t 2 0, G continuous,
+ s)
- w(s))I23 s )
3. Let Jo C JIbe two a-algebras of subsets of X, and let jL be a probability measure on J1. We say a function fELl (X, J1, I},) is zndependent of Jo provided
is independent of g,
\/g E L 1 (X,Jo,j1,).
Show that this property is equivalent to
(17.80) Hznt. For (17.79)=?(17.80), note that, for 9 E Ll(X, Jo, jL), E(e iU )
gdjL = =
e iU gdjL
(given (17.79))
E(eiUIJo)g djL.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
For (17.80)=?(17.79), note that, for such 9 and ~,77 E JR, E(e iU +i1}9) =
E(e iU IJo)ei 1)9 dJ-L
= E(c ZU )E(e i 1)9)
4. Deduce for Brownian paths that w (t for s, t :::;. O.
(given (17.80)).
+ s)
- w (s) is independent of SB s,
5. Let X = [0, 1) and let J) be the family of cr-algebras of subsets of X given by (15.4), and let J-L) = where denotes Lebesgue measure. Let 11K be the measure on X, supported on the Cantor middle third set K, constructed in Exercise 11 of Chapter 6. Show that there exist f) E L 1 (X,J),J-L)) such that
ml"" ,
S E Jj
fj dll).
Show that the family (f)) is a martingale, without a final element in Ll([O, 1), m).
In Exercises 6-9, we have a set X and cr-algebras Fk C Fk+l, k E Z+. We take A = Fk, F# = cr(A).
U k
We assume given probability measures 11k on Fk, satisfying 11k+ll.h = J-Lk. We aim to produce a probability measure J-L# on F# such that
(17.81) 6. Define J-Lb on S by
Show that J-Lb is a premeasure on A, as defined by (5.15)-(5.16). 7. Use Proposition 5.3, Theorem 5.4, and Proposition 5.5 to obtain a measure J-L# on F# such that (17.81) holds.
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
In Exercises 8--9, we retain the setting of Exercises 6-7. Let A be a probability measure on F#, and assume each J-lk < < h ; say
Also use the Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym decomposition to write
8. Show that
Note that
f AIFk « A
fk =
vl h
< < A, so
gk+hk' Show that (gk) is a martingale with final element
9. A refinement of the Martingale Convergence Theorem, Proposition 17.3, states that
Deduce this from the two results
Show that (17.83) follows from Proposition 17.3. Try to prove (17.84). REMARK 1. See [Doo], pp. 631 632, for further discussion ofthis result. REMARK 2. Applying the result of Exercise 9 to the martingale (fj) in Exercise 5, one has fj ---.> 0, m-a.e. Compare this with Proposition 11.10. REMARK :3. For an example of a family of singular martingales, where Exercises 6-9 apply and f = 0, see [RSTj.
10. Let (X, J, J-l) be a probability space and cp : X ---.> X a measure-preserving transformation. Let J c J be the CT-algebra of invariant sets, defined as in (14.35), and let P : LP(X, J-l) ---.> LP(X, J-l) be the projection arising in the Mean Ergodic Theorem, via (14.7). Show that
Conditional Expectation and Martingales
11. Assume (X,~, /1) and (Z, 3, v) are probability spaces and F : X ---+ Z is a measure-preserving map, i.e.,
F- 1 (S) E ~ and /1(F- 1 (S)) = v(S).
(Do not assume F is bijective.) Let J c 3 be a CT-algebra, and let be the CT-algebra m= {F-l(S) : S E J}.
Show that, for all 9 E L1(Z,v),
12. Establish the following complement to Proposition 15.6. Let {fj : j E N} be a stationary process, consisting of fJ E LP(X, /1), with p E [1,00). Then 1 k k fJ ---+ E(hlm), /1- a .e. and in LP- norm,
2.:= j=l
where Q( = {F- 1 (S) : S E J}, J consists of elements of !J3(]R=) invariant under the shift in (15.55), and the map F : X ---+ ]R= is given by
(h(x), h(x), h(x), ... ).
13. Let v be a probability measure on]R, and let w be the associated product measure on ]R =. Define
Let Sk = (~o + ... + ~k)/(k + 1) and let 9-k be the CT-algebra generated by {Sk, Sk+l, Sk+2""}' Show that
14. If {fk : k 2': O} are independent, identically distributed random variables on (X,!J3,/1), define F: X ---+]R= by F(x) = (fo(x),h(x),h(x), ... ). Combine the results of Exercises 11 and 13 to establish the identity (17.40).
Appendix A
Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
A metric space is a set X, together with a distance function d : X x X [0, (0), having the properties that
d(x, y)
d(x, y)
d(y, x),
d(x, y) «; d(x, z)
+ d(y, z).
The third of these properties is called the triangle inequality. An exampl of a metric space is the set of rational numbers Q, with d(x, y) = Ix - y Another example is X = ]Rn, with
If (xv) is a sequence in X, indexed by v = 1,2,3, ... , i.e., by v E Z+, or says Xv ---+ Y if d(xv, y) ---+ 0, as v ---+ 00. One says (xv) is a Cauchy sequen< if d(xv, xJ1) ---+ 0 as f-L, v ---+ 00. One says X is a complete metric space every Cauchy sequence converges to a limit in X. Some metric spaces aJ not complete; for example, Q is not complete. You can take a sequence (xJ of rational numbers such that Xv ---+ V2, which is not rational. Then (xv) Cauchy in Q, but it has no limit in Q. If a metric space X is not complete, one can construct its completion as follows. Let an element ~ of X consist of an equzvalence class of Caud
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
sequences in X, where we say (xv) "-' (Yv) provided d(xv, Yv) -----> O. We write the equivalence class containing (xv) as [xv]. If ~ = [xv] and rJ = [Yv], we can set d(~, rJ);:= limv~oo d(xv, Yv) and verify that this is well defined and that it makes X a complete metric space. If the completion of Ql is constructed by this process, we get JR., the set of real numbers. This construction provides a good way to develop the basic theory of the real numbers.
There are a number of useful concept::; related to the notion of closene::;s. We define some of them here. First, if p is a point in a metric space X and r E (0,00), the set
Br(P) = {x EX: d(x,p) < r}
is called the open ball about p of radius r. Generally, a nezghborhood of p E X is a set containing such a ball, for ::;ome r > O. A set U c X is called open if it contains a neighborhood of each of its points. The complement of an open set is said to be closed. The following result characterizes closed ::;ets.
Proposition A.I. A subset K only ~f
X of a metnc space X zs closed
Proof. As::;ume K is closed, x J E K, x J -----> p. If p ~ K, then p E X \ K, which is open, ::;0 some Be (p) C X \ K, and d( x)' p) 2: c for all j. This contradiction implies p E K. Conversely, assume (A.3) holds, and let q E U = X \ K. If B1/n(q) is not contained in U for any n, then there exists Xn E K n Bl/n(q); hence Xn -----> q, contradicting (A.3). This complete::; the proof. The following is straightforward.
Proposition A.2. If Uo: ~s a family of open sets zn X, then Uo: Uo: zs open. If Ko: ~s a famzly of closed subsets of X, then no: Ko: is closed. Given 5 c X, we denote by S (the closure of 5) the smallest closed sub::;et of X containing 5, i.e., the intersection of all the closed sets Ko: C X containing S. The following result is also straightforward.
Proposition A.3. Gwen 5 87U:h that x-; -----> 'D.
X, pES ~f and only if there exist
Xj E
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Given SeX, p E X, we say p is an accumulation point of S if and only if, for each E > 0, there exists q E S n BE(p), q =I=- p. It follows that p is an accumulation point of S if and only if each BE(p), E > 0, contains infinitely many points of S. One straightforward observation is that all points of S \ S are accumulation points of S. The znterzor of a set SeX is the largest open set contained in S, i.e., the union of all the open sets contained in S. Note that the complement of the interior of S is equal to the closure of X \ S. We now turn to the notion of compactness. We say a metric space X is compact provided the following property holds: (A)
Each sequence (Xk) in X
has a convergent subsequence.
We will establish various properties of compact metric spaces and providE various equivalent characterizations. For example, it is easily seen that (A: is equivalent to the following: (B)
Each infinite subset SeX has an accumulation point.
The following property is known as total boundedness:
Proposition A.4. If X
a compact metrzc space, then
> 0, ::J a fimte set {Xl, ... , XN}
such that Bc(xd, ... , Bc(XN) covers X.
Proof. Take E > 0 and pick :£1 E X. If Bc(Xl) = X, we are done. If no pick .1:2 E X \ Bc(:l;d. If Bc(xJ) U B E (X2) = X, we are done. If not, pic :1:3 E X\[B c (:1:1)UB c (:r2)]. Continue, taking Xk+l E X\[Bc(xd U·· ·UBc(Xk) if Bc(:r;d U··· U Bc(:Dk) =I=- X. Note that, for 1 <::: Z,] <::: k, if]
d(Xi, x J ) ::0:
If one never covers X this way, consider S = {XJ :] EN}. This is an infini set with no accumulation point, so property (B) is contradicted.
Corollary A.5. If X zs a compact metrzc space, zt has a countable den subset. Proof. Given E = 2- n , let Sn be a finite set of points x J such that {Bc(x J covers X. Then C = Un Sn is a countable dense subset of X. Here is another useful property of compact metric spaces, which v eventually be generalized even further, in (E) below.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Proposition A.6. Let X be a compact metr2c space. Assume Kl ::J K2 ::J K3 ::J ... form a decreasmg sequence of closed subsets of X. If each Kn # 0, then Kn # O.
Proof. Pick Xn E Kn. If (A) holds, (xn) has a convergent subsequence, x nk ---> y. Since {xnk : k ~ £} c Knfl which is closed, we have y E Kn·
Corollary A.7. Let X be a compact metr2c space. AS8ume U1 C U2 C U3 C ... form an mcrea8mg sequence of open subsets of X. If Un Un = X, then UN = X for some N. Proof. Consider Kn = X \ Un.
The following is an important extension of Corollary A.7. Proposition A.8. If X i8 a compact metnc space, then zt has the property:
every open cover {Uo:: a E A} of X
has a finite 8ubcover.
Proof. Each Uo: is a union of open balls, so it suffices to show that (A) implies the following:
Every cover {Bo:: a E A} of X
by open balls
has a finite subcover.
Let C = {Zj : j E N} c X be a countable dense subset of X, as in Corollary A.5. Each Bo: is a union of balls B rJ (Zj), with zJ E C n Bo:, r J rational. Thus it suffices to show that
every countable cover {BJ : J E N} of X by open balls has a finite sub cover.
For this, we set and apply Corollary A.7. The following is a convenient alternative to property (D): If Ko: C X
are closed and
= 0,
then some finite intersection is empty. Considering Uo:
= X \ Ko:, we see that (D)
The following result completes Proposition A.8.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and GOmpaCLllt:M
Theorem A.9. For a metric space X,
Proof. By Proposition A.8, (A) ::::} (D). To prove the converse, it will suffice to show that (E) ::::} (B). So let SeX and assume S has no accumulation point. We claim such S must be closed. Indeed, if z E Sand z t/: S, then z would have to be an accumulation point. Say S = {xrx : 0: E A}. Set Krx = S \ {xoJ. Then each Ka has no accumulation point hence Krx C X is closed. Also Ka = 0. Hence there exists a finite set :F C A such that nnEF Ka = 0 if (E) holds. Hence S = UrxEF{x rx } is finite, so indeed (E) ::::} (B).
So far we have that for any metric space X,
We claim that (C) implies the other conditions if X is complete. Of course, compactness implies completeness, but (C) may hold for incomplete X, e.g., X = (0,1) c R
Proposition A.IO. If X zs a complete metnc space with property (C), then X zs compact. Proof. It suffices to show that (C) ::::} (B) if X is a complete metric space. So let SeX be an infinite set. Cover X by balls B I / 2 (xI), . .. ,B I / 2 (XN). One of these balls contains infinitely many points of S, and so does its closure, say Xl = B I / 2 (Yd. Now cover X by finitely many balls of radius 1/4; their intersection with Xl provides a cover of Xl. One such set contains infinitely many points of S, and so does its closure X 2 = B I / 4(Y2) n Xl· Continue in this fashion, obtaining
each containing infinitely many points of S. One sees that (Yj) forms Cauchy sequence. If X is complete, it has a limit, YJ ---? z, and z is seen t( be an accumulation point of S.
.1"1.ppenalX A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
... vv
s: s:
If X j , 1 j m, is a finite collection of metric spaces, with metrics dJ , we can define a Cartesian product metric space m
d(x, y) = d l (Xl, Yl) + ... + dm(xm, Ym)·
Another choice of metric is 6(x, y) = d] (Xl, Yl)2 + ... + dm(xm, Ym)2. The metrics d and 6 are equzvaZent; i.e., there exist constants Co. C l E (0,00) such that
C06(x, y)
s: d(x, y) s: C 1 6(X, Y),
V x. Y
A key example is lR m , the Cartesian product of m copies of the real line R We describe some important classes of compact spaces.
Proposition A.II. If X J are compact metnc spaces, 1 X =
< m. so zs
IT;:l XJ'
Proof. If (xv) is an infinite sequence of points in X, say Xv = (Xlv, ... , Xmv ), pick a convergent subsequence of (x Iv) in XI and consider the corresponding subsequence of (xv), which we relabel (xv). Using this, pick a convergent subsequence of (X2v) in X 2. Continue. Having a subsequence such that x Jv ---> YJ in Xj for each j = 1, ... ,m, we then have a convergent subsequence in X. The following result is useful for calculus on lRn.
Proposition A.I2. If K zs a closed bounded subset of lR n , then K zs compact. Proof. The discussion above reduces the problem to showing that any closed interval I = [a, bj in lR is compact. This compactness is a corollary of Proposition A.10. For pedagogical purposes, we redo the argument here. since in this concrete case it can be streamlined. Suppose 5 is a subset of I with infinitely many elements. Divide I into two equal subintervals, h = [a, b1 ], h = [b], b], bl = (a+b)/2. Then either 11 or h must contain infinitely many elements of 5. Say I J does. Let Xl be any element of 5 lying in I j . Now divide I J into two equal pieces, I J = Ijl U I J2 . One of these intervals (say I Jk ) contains infinitely many points of 5. Pick X2 E I Jk to be one such point (different from xd· Then subdivide Ijk into two equal subintervals, and continue. We get an infinite sequence of distinct points Xv E 5, and I.T v - xvHI 2- V (b - a), for k 2: 1. Since lR is complete, (xv) converges, say to Y E I. Any neighborhood of Y contains infinitely many points in 5, so we are done.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
:ttl (
If X and Yare metric spaces, a function f : X ---4 Y is said to be continuous provided Xv ---4 X in X implies f(x v ) ---4 f(x) in Y. An equivalent condition, which the reader can verify, is
U open in Y ==?- f-l(U) open in X.
Proposition A.13. If X and Yare metnc spaces, f : X ---4 Y continuous, and K c X compact, then f (K) 1,S a compact subset of Y. Proof. If (yv) is an infinite sequence of points in f (K), pick Xv E K such that f(x v ) = YV. If K is compact, we have a subsequence XVj ---4 P in X, and then yv] ---4 f (p) in Y. If F : X
JR is continuous, we say f E C(X). A useful corollary of Proposition A.13 is ---4
Proposition A.14. If X 1,S a compact metrl,C space and f E C(X), then f assumes a maxzmum and a mmimum value on X. Proof. We know from Proposition A.13 that f(X) is a compact subset of JR. Hence f(X) is bounded, say f(X) c I = [a, b]. Repeatedly subdividing I into equal halves, as in the proof of Proposition A.12, at each stage throwing out intervals that do not intersect f(X) and keeping only the leftmost and rightmost interval amongst those remaining, we obtain points a E f(X) and (3 E f(X) such that f(X) C [a, (3]. Then a = f(xo) for some Xo E X is the minimum and (3 = f(xd for some Xl E X is the maximum. At this point, the reader might take a look at the proof of the Mean Value Theorem, given in Chapter I, which applies this result. A function f E C(X) is said to be umformly continuous provided that, for any E > 0, there exists 6" > 0 such that
X, Y E X, d(x, y) ::; 6"
If(x) - f(y)1 ::;
An equivalent condition is that f have a modulus of continuzty, i.e., a monotonic function w : [0,1) ---4 [0, (0) such that 6" ~ 0 =? w(6") ~ 0 and such that
X, d(x,y) ::; 6"::; 1 ==?-If(x) - f(y)1 ::; w(6").
Not all continuous functions are uniformly continuous. For example, if X = (0,1) c JR, then f(x) = sin l/x is continuous, but not uniformly continuous, on X. The following result is useful, for example, in the development of the Riemann integral in Chapter 1.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
If X)' 1 :::; j :::; m, is a finite collection of metric spaces, with metrics d j we can define a Cartesian product metric space
X =
d(x,y) = dl(Xl,yd
+ ... + dm(xm,Ym).
Another choice of metric is 6(X, y) = d l (Xl, yI)2 + ... + dm(xm, Ym)2. The metrics d and 6 are equzvalent; i.e., there exist constants Co, C l E (0, (0) such that
C06(x, y) :::; d(x, y) :::; C 16(X, y),
X, y E X.
A key example is JR m , the Cartesian product of m copies of the real line JR. We describe some important classes of compact spaces.
Proposition A.II. If Xj are compact metnc spaces, 1 :::; J < m, so X = IT;:l X)'
Proof. If (x v) is an infinite sequence of points in X, say Xv = (Xlv, ... , x mv ), pick a convergent subsequence of (x Iv) in Xl and consider the corresponding subsequence of (Xv), which we relabel (Xv). Using this, pick a convergent subsequence of (X2v) in X 2. Continue. Having a subsequence such that Xjv -+ Yj in Xj for each j = 1, ... ,m, we then have a convergent subsequence in X. The following result is useful for calculus on JR n .
Proposition A.12. If K pact.
a closed bounded subset of JR n , then K
Proof. The discussion above reduces the problem to showing that any closed interval I = [a, b] in JR is compact. This compactness is a corollary of Proposition A.lO. For pedagogical purposes, we redo the argument here, since in this concrete case it can be streamlined. Suppose 5 is a subset of I with infinitely many elements. Divide I into two equal subintervals, h = [a, bl ], h = [bl, b], bl = (a+b)/2. Then either h or 12 must contain infinitely many elements of 5. Say I) does. Let Xl be any element of 5 lying in I). Now divide I) into two equal pieces, I j = Ijl U 1)2. One of these intervals (say I)k) contains infinitely many points of 5. Pick X2 E I Jk to be one such point (different from Xl)' Then subdivide IJk into two equal subintervals, and continue. "-Te get an infinite sequence of distinct points Xv E 5, and Ixv - xv+kl :::; 2- V (b - a), for k 2: 1. Since JR is complete, (xv) converges, say to y E I. Any neighborhood of y contains infinitely many points in 5, so we are done.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
If X and Yare metric spaces, a function f : X -----* Y is said to be continuous provided Xv -----* X in X implies f(x v ) -----* f(x) in Y. An equivalent condition, which the reader can verify, is
U open in Y ==* f-1(U) open in X.
Proposition A.13. If X and Yare metnc spaces, f : X -----* Y continuous, and K c X compact, then f(K) is a compact subset of Y. Proof. If (yv) is an infinite sequence of points in f (K), pick Xv E K such that f(x v ) = YV' If K is compact, we have a subsequence xv] -----* p in X, and then YVj -----* f(p) in Y. If F : X -----* JR is continuous, we say Proposition A.13 is
E C(X).
A useful corollary of
Proposition A.14. If X zs a compact metnc space and f E C(X), then f assumes a maxzmum and a mzmmum value on X. Proof. We know from Proposition A.13 that f(X) is a compact subset of JR. Hence f(X) is bounded, say f(X) c I = [a, b]. Repeatedly subdividing I into equal halves, as in the proof of Proposition A.12, at each stage throwing out intervals that do not intersect f(X) and keeping only the leftmost and rightmost interval amongst those remaining, we obtain points a E f(X) and (3 E f(X) such that f(X) C [a, (3]. Then a = f(xo) for some Xo E X is the minimum and (3 = f(xd for some Xl E X is the maximum. At this point, the reader might take a look at the proof of the Mean Value Theorem, given in Chapter I, which applies this result. A function f E C(X) is said to be umJormly continuous provided that, for any c > 0, there exists 6 > 0 such that
X, Y E X, d(x, y) ::; 6 ==* If(x) - f(y)1 ::; c.
An equivalent condition is that f have a modulus of contmuzty, i.e., a monotonic function w : [0, 1) -----* [0, (0) such that 6 "" 0 =? w (6) "" 0 and such that
x, y
X, d(x, y) ::; 6 ::; 1 ==? If(x) - f(y)1 ::; w(6).
Not all continuous functions are uniformly continuous. For example, if X = (0,1) c JR, then f(x) = sin l/x is continuous, but not uniformly continuous, on X. The following result is useful, for example, in the development of the Riemann integral in Chapter 1.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Proposition A.15. If X is a compact metrzc space and f E C(X), then f is uniformly continuous. Proof. If not, there exist xv,yv E X and E > 0 such that d(xv,Yv):S; 2- V but
(A.8) Taking a convergent subsequence xv] ---) p, we also have YVj ---) p. Now continuity of f at p implies f(xvJ ---) f(p) and f(Yvj) ---) f(p), contradicting (A.8). If X and Yare metric spaces, the space C(X, Y) of continuous maps f : X ---) Y has a natural metric structure, under some additional hypotheses. We use
D(f,g) = sup d(J(x),g(x)).
This sup exists provided f(X) and g(X) arc bounded subsets of Y, where to say BeY is bounded is to say d : B x B ---) [0, (0) has bounded image. In particular, this supremum exists if X is compact. The following result is frequently useful. Proposition A.16. If X zs a compact metrzc space and Y is a complete metric space, then C(X, Y), wzth the metric (A.9), zs complete. Proof. That D(f, g) satisfies the conditions to define a metric on C(X, Y) is straightforward. We check completeness. Suppose (fv) is a Cauchy sequence in C(X, Y), so, as v ---) 00, sup sup d(Jv+dx),fv(x)):s; Ev ---) O. k?O xEX
Then in particular (f v (x)) is a Cauchy sequence in Y for each x EX, so it converges, say to g(x) E Y. It remains to show that 9 E C(X, Y) and that fv ---) 9 in the metric (A.9). In fact, taking k ---)
in the estimate above, we have
sup d(g(x), fv(x)) :S; Ev ---) 0, xEX
i.e., fv ---) 9 uniformly. It remains only to show that 9 is continuous. For this, let Xj ---) x in X and fix E > o. Pick N so that EN < E. Since fN is continuous, there exists J such that j :::=: J::::} d(fN(Xj), fN(X)) < E. Hence j :::=: J::::} d(g(xj),g(x)) :S; d(g(xJ),fN(x J ))
+ d(JN(x J ),fN(X)) + d(JN(X), g(x)) <
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
This completes the proof. We next give a couple of slightly more sophisticated results on compactness. The following extension of Proposition A.l1 is a special case of Tychonov's Theorem. Proposition A.17. If {XJ X = TI~l XJ.
: ]
E Z+} are compact metnc spaces, so zs
Here, we can make X a metric space by setting
It is easy to verify that, if Xv E X, then Xv -----) Y in X, as v -----) 00, if and only if, for each ], pj(x v ) -----) PJ(Y) in XJ' where PJ : X -----) X J is the projection onto the lh factor.
Proof. Following the argument in Proposition A.11, if (xv) is an infinite sequence of points in X, we obtain a nested family of subsequences (A.11) such that pc(x J v ) converges in Xc, for 1 ::; Ji::; j. The next step is a dwgonal construction. We set
~v = XV vEX.
Then, for each], after throwing away a finite number N(j) of elements, one obtains from (~v) a subsequence of the sequence (x J v ) in (A.11), so pc(~v) converges in Xc for all Ji. Hence (~v) is a convergent subsequence of (xv). The next result is a special case of Ascoli's Theorem. Proposition A.18. Let X and Y be compact metrzc spaces, and fix a modulus of contznuity w(o). Then (A.13) Cw = {f E C(X, Y) : d(J(Xl),J(X2)) ::; W(d(Xl,X2)), VXl,X2 EX} zs a compact subset of C(X, Y).
Proof. Let (fv) be a sequence in CWo Let L; be a countable dense subset of X, as in Corollary A.5. For each X E L;, (fv(x)) is a sequence in Y, which hence has a convergent subsequence. Using a diagonal construction similar
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
to that in the proof of Proposition A.17, we obtain a subsequence ('Pv) of (fv) with the property that 'Pv(x) converges in Y, for each x E L;, say
(A.14) where 1/; : L;
E L; ~
1/;(x) ,
So far, we have not used (A.13), but this hypothesis readily yields
d(1/;(x),1/;(y)) ::; w(d(x, y)),
for all x, y E L;. Using the denseness of L; c X, we can extend 1/; uniquely to a continuous map of X ----+ Y, which we continue to denote by 1/;. Also, (A.15) holds for all x, y E X, i.e.,1/; E CWo It remains to show that 'Pv ----+ 1/; uniformly on X. Pick c > 0. Then pick 5 > such that w(5) < c/3. Since X is compact, we can cover X by finitely many balls B8(X J ), 1 ::; j ::; N, x J E L;. Pick M so large that 'Pv(Xj) is within c/3 of its limit for all v 2: M (when 1 ::; j ::; N). Now, for any x E X, picking £ E {I, ... , N} such that d(x, Xl') ::; 5, we have, for k 2: 0, v 2: M,
d('Pv+k(X), 'Pv(x)) ::; d('Pv+k(x), 'Pv+dxe)) + d( 'Pv(xp), 'Pv(x)) ::; c/3
+ d('Pv+dxe), 'Pv(XR))
+ c/3 + c/3,
proving the proposition. We next define the notion of a connected space. A metric space X is said to be connected provided that it cannot be written as the union of two disjoint open subsets. The following is a basic class of examples.
Proposition A.19. An mterval I in lR
Proof. Suppose A c I is nonempty, with nonempty complement Bel, and both sets are open. Take a E A, b E B; we can assume a < b. Let ~ = sup{x E [a, b] : x E A}. This exists as a consequence of the basic fact that lR is complete. Now we obtain a contradiction, as follows. Since A is closed, ~ E A. But then, since A is open, there must be a neighborhood (~ - c, ~ + c) contained in A; this is not possible. We say X is path-connected if, given any p, q E X, there is a continuous map 1 : [0,1] ----+ X such that 1(0) = P and 1(1) = q. It is an easy consequence of Proposition A.19 that X is connected whenever it is pathconnected. The next result, known as the Intermediate Value Theorem, is frequently useful.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Proposition A.20. Let X be a connected metric space and J : X ---+ lR continuous. Assume p, q E X and J(p) = a < J(q) = b. Then, given any c E (a, b), there exists z E X such that J(z) = c. Proof. Under the hypotheses, A = {x EX: J(x) < c} is open and contains p, while B = {x EX: J(x) > c} is open and contains q. If X is connected, then A U B cannot be all of X; so any point in its complement has the desired property. We turn now to the notion of a topological space. This is a set X, together with a family 0 of subsets, called open, satisfying the following conditions:
X,(/J open,
n N
UJ open, 1 ::; J ::; N ::::}
UJ open,
UO! open, Dc E A::::}
U Uet open, etEA
where A is any index set. It is obvious that the collection of open subsets of a metric space, defined above, satisfies these conditions. As before, a set SeX is closed provided X \ S is open. Also, we say a subset N c X containing p is a nezghborhood of p provided N contains an open set U which in turn contains p.
If X is a topological space and S is a subset, S gets a topology as follows. For each U open in X, U n S is declared to be open in S. This is called the induced topology. A topological space X is said to be Hausdorff provided that any distinct p, q E X have disjoint neighborhoods. Clearly any metric space is Hausdorff. ~Iost important topological spaces are Hausdorff. A Hausdorff topological space is said to be compact provided the following condition holds. If {Uet : 0 E A} is any family of open subsets of X, covering X, i.e., X = UetEA Uet, then there is a finite subcover, i.e., a finite subset {Uetl"'" UetN : OJ E A} such that X = Uetl U··· U Uetw An equivalent formulation is the following, known as the finite intersection property. Let {Set : Dc E A} be any collection of closed subsets of X. If each finite collection of these closed sets has nonempty intersection, then the complete intersection netEA Set is nonempty. In the first part of this chapter, we have shown that any compact metric space satisfies this condition. Any closed subset of a compact space is compact. Furthermore, any compact subset of a Hausdorff space is necessarily closed.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Most of the propositions stated above for compact metric spaces have extensions to compact Hausdorff spaces. We mention one nontrivial result, which is the general form of Tychonov's Theorem. One can find a proof in many topology texts, such as [Dug] or [Mun].
Theorem A.21. If 5 'tS any nonempty set (posszbly uncountable) and, for any a E 5, Xa zs a compact Hausdorff space, then so zs X = ITaES Xa' A Hausdorff space X is said to be locally compact provided every p E X has a neighborhood N which is compact (with the induced topology). A Hausdorff space is said to be paracompact provided every open cover {Ua : a E A} has a locally finite refinement, i.e., an open cover {V;3 : (3 E B} such that each V;3 is contained in some Ua and each p E X has a neighborhood Np such that Np n Vr3 is nonempty for only finitely many (3 E B. A typical example of a paracompact space is a locally compact Hausdorff space X which is also O'-compact, i.e., X = U~=l Xn with Xn compact. Paracompactness is a natural condition under which to construct partitions of unity. A map F : X ---) Y between two topological spaces is said to be contmprovided F- 1 (U) is open in X whenever U is open in Y. If F : X ---) Y is one-to-one and onto and both F and F- 1 are continuous, F is said to be a homeomorphzsm. For a bijective map F : X ---) Y, the continuity of F- 1 is equivalent to the statement that F(V) is open in Y whenever V is open in X; another equivalent statement is that F(5) is closed in Y whenever 5 is closed in X. UOU8
If X and Yare Hausdorff, F : X ---) Y continuous, then F(K) is compact in Y whenever K is compact in X. In view of the discussion above, there arises the following useful sufficient condition for a continuous map F : X ---) Y to be a homeomorphism. Namely, if X is compact, Y Hausdorff, and F one-to-one and onto, then F is a homeomorphism.
We turn to a discussion of the Stone-\,yeierstrass Theorem, which gives a sufficient condition for a family of functions on a compact Hausdorff space X to be dense in the space C(X) of continuous functions on X, with the sup norm. This result is used several times in the text. It is an extension of the Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, which we state first.
Theorem A.22. If I = [a, b] Z8 an mterval m JR., the 8pace P of polynomwls m one varzable Z8 dense m C (1). There are many proofs of this. One close to Weierstrass' original (and my favorite) goes as follows. Given f E C(1), extend it to be continuous and compactly supported on JR., convolve this with a highly peaked Gaussian, and approximate the result by power series.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Such an argument involves a little use of complex variable theory. We sketch another proof of Theorem A.22, which avoids complex variable theory. Our starting point will be the result that the power series for (1 - x)a converges uniformly on [-1, 1], for any a > 0. This is a simple consequence of Taylor's formula with remainder. We will use it with a = 1/2. From the identity .T 1 / 2 = (1- (1- :c))1/2, we have x 1 / 2 E P([O, 2]). :More to the point, from the identity
(A. IS) we have 1:£1 E P([-J2, J2]). Using I.TI = b-1Ib.TI, for any b > 0, we see that Ixl E P(I) for any interval I = [-c, c] and also for any closed subinterval, hence for any compact interval I. By translation, we have I:c - al E P(I)
for any compact interval I. Using the identities
(A.20) max(x,y)
we see that for any a E lR and any compact I,
max(x, a). min(x, a) E P(I).
We next note that P(I) is an algebra of functions, i.e.,
f. 9 E P(I). c E lR
+ g. fg. cf
Using this, one sees that, given f E P(I), with range in a compact interval J, one has h 0 f E P(I) for all h E P( J). Hence f E P(I) ::::} If I E P(I), and, via (A.20), we deduce that
f,g E P(I)
max(j.g), min(j, g) E P(I).
Suppose now that I' = [a', b'] is a subinterval of I = [a, b]. With the notation .T+ = max(:c. 0), we have
(A.24) This is a piecewise linear function, equal to zero off I \ I', with slope 1 from a' to the midpoint m' of I' and slope -1 from m' to b'. Now if I is divided into N equal subintervals, any continuous function on I that is linear on each such subinterval can be written as a linear combination of such "tent functions," so it belongs to P(I). Finally, any f E C(I) can be uniformly approximated by such piecewise linear functions, so we have f E P(I), proving the theorem. We now state the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem.
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
Theorem A.23. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space, A a subalgebra of
C]R(X), the algebra of real-valued continuous functwns on X. Suppose 1 E A and that A separates points of X, i.e., for d'lstmct p, q E X, there exzsts hpq E A wzth hpq (p) i- hpq (q). Then the closure A zs equal to C]R (X).
We give a proof of Theorem A.23, making use of the argument above, which implies that, if f E A and cp : lR. -+ lR. is continuous, then cp 0 f E A. Consequently, if fJ E A, then sup(l1, h) = (1/2) 111 - 121+(1/2)(11 + h) E A. Similarly inf(h, h) E A. The hypothesis of separating points implies that, for distinct p, q E X, there exists fpq E A, equal to 1 at p, 0 at q. Applying appropriate cp, we can arrange also that 0 <::; fpq (x) <::; 1 on X and that fpq is 1 near p and 0 near q. Taking infima, we can obtain fpu E A, equal to 1 on a neighborhood of p and equal to 0 off a given neighborhood U of p, Applying sups to these, we obtain for each compact K c X and open U ~ K a function gKU E A such that 9KU is 1 on K, 0 off U, and 0 <::; 9Ku(:X:) <::; Ion X. Once we have gotten this far, it is easy to approximate any continuous 'U 2 0 on X by a sup of (positive constants times) such gKU's and from there to prove the theorem. Theorem A.23 has a complex analogue. In that case, we add the assumption that f E A=?- YEA and conclude that A = C(X). This is easily reduced to the real case, The next result is known as the Contraction Mapping Principle, and it has many uses in analysis. In particular, we will use it in the proof of the Inverse Function Theorem, in Appendix B. Theorem A.24. Let X be a complete metnc space, and let T : X sat'lsfy
dist(Tx, Ty) <::;
dist(x, y),
for some l' < 1. (We say T IS a contractwn.) Then T has a umque fixed point x. For any Yo E X, TkyO -+ x as k -+ 00.
Proof. Pick Yo E X and let Yk so
TkyO' Then dist(Yk+l, Yk) <::; rk dist(Y1, Yo),
dist(Yk+m, Yk) <::; dist(Yk+m, Yk+m-1) + ... + dist(Yk+1, Yk) (A.26)
<::; (rk + ... + r k+m - 1) dist(Y1' Yo) <::; rk(l-
It follows that (Yk) is a Cauchy sequence, so it converges; Yk -+ x. Since TYk = Yk+1 and T is continuous, it follows that Tx = x, i.e., x is a fixed
Appendix A. Metric Spaces, Topological Spaces, and Compactness
point. Uniqueness of the fixed point is clear from the estimate dist(Tx, Tx') ~ r dist(x, x'), which implies dist(x, x') = 0 if x and x' are fixed points. This proves Theorem A.24.
Appendix B
Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
To start this chapter off, we define the derivative and discuss some of its basic properties. Let 0 be an open subset of lR n and F : 0 -+ lR m a continuous function. We say F is differentiable at a point x E 0, with derivative L, if L : lRn -+ lR m is a linear transformation such that, for y E lR n , small,
+ y)
+ Ly + R(x, y)
IIR(x, y)11
0 -+
0 as y
We denote the derivative at x by DF(x) = L. With respect to the standard bases of lR n and lR m , DF(x) is simply the matrix of partial derivatives,
(8P) 8x~
so that, if v = (VI, ... , V n ) t (regarded as a column vector), then
, ... , 2: 8FmVk)t. (2:k 88FIvk Xk k 8Xk
It will be shown below that F is differentiable whenever all the partial derivatives exist and are continuous on O. In such a case we say F is a C I
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
function on O. More generally, F is said to be C k if all its partial derivatives of order :=::; k exist and are continuous. If F is C k for all k, we say F is C=. In (B.2), we can use the Euclzdean norm on defined by
(B.5) for x =
(Xl, .. .
,x n ) E
This norm is
(xI + ... + x~)1/2
Any other norm would do equally well.
We now derive the cham rule for the derivative. Let F : 0 ---t ]Rm be differentiable at X E 0, as above, let U be a neighborhood of z = F(x) in ]Rm, and let G : U ---t ]Rk be differentiable at z. Consider H = Go F. We have
H(x (B.6)
+ y) = G(F(x + y)) = G(F(x) + DF(x)y + R(x, y)) = G(z) + DG(z)(DF(x)y + R(x,y)) + Rl(x,y) = G(z) + DG(z)DF(x)y + R 2 (x, y)
IIR2(X, y)11
Thus G
as y
F is differentiable at x, and
F)(x) = DG(F(x)) . DF(x).
Another useful remark is that, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, applied to cp(t) = F(x + ty),
+ y)
= F(x)
fal DF(x + ty)y dt,
provided F is C l . A closely related application of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is that, if we assume F : 0 ---t ]Rm is differentiable in each variable separately and that each of/ j is continuous on 0, then (B.9)
where Zo = 0, zJ = (Yl, ... , YJ' 0, ... ,0), and {e J } is the standard basis of ]Rn. Now (B.9) implies F is differentiable on 0, as we stated below (B.4). Thus we have established the following.
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
Proposition B.1. If 0 is an open subset of lR n and F class C 1, then F zs dzfJerentzable at each point x EO.
lR m zs of
As is shown in many calculus texts, one can use the Mean Value Theorem instead of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and obtain a slightly sharper result. For the study of higher order derivatives of a function, the following result is fundamental. We will not take the space to provide a proof, which can be found in many advanced calculus texts. Proposition B.2. Assume F : 0 ~ lR m zs of class Then, for each x E 0, I:S], k :S n,
c 2, wzth 0
open m lRn.
If U and V be open subsets of lRn and F : U ~ V is a C 1 map, we say F is a diffeomorphism of U onto V provided F maps U one-to-one and onto V and its inverse G = F- 1 is a C 1 map. If F is a difleomorphism, it follows from the chain rule that DF(x) is invertible for each x E U. We now present a partial converse of this, the Inverse Function Theorem, which is a fundamental result in multi-variable calculus.
Theorem B.3. Let F be a C k map from an open nezghborhood 0 of Po E lR n to lR n , wzth qo = F(po). Assume k 2: 1. Suppose the denvative DF(po) is mvertzble. Then there zs a nezghborhood U of Po and a nezghborhood V of qo such that F : U ~ V zs one-to-one and onto and F- 1 : V ~ U is a C k map. (So F : U ~ V zs a dzfJeomorphzsm.) First we show that F is one-to-one on a neighborhood of Po, under these hypotheses. In fact, we establish the following result, of interest in its own right. Proposition B.4. Assume 0 c lR n zs open and convex, and let f : 0 ~ lR n be C 1 . Assume that the symmetnc part of D f(11,) zs posztwe-dejimte, for each u E O. Then f zs one-to-one on O. Proof. Take distinct points zp : [0, 1] ~ lR, given by
U2 E
0, and set
zp(t) = w· f(u1
U2 -
Ul =
w. Consider
+ tw).
Then zp'(t) = w . Df(u1 + tw)w > 0 for t E [0,1]' so zp(O) zp(O) = W· f(uI) and zp(l) = W· f(u2), so f(uI) i- f(u2).
zp(l). But
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
To continue the proof of Theorem B.3, let us set
f (u)
= A (F
+ u) -
qo) ,
A = D F (po) -1 .
Then f(O) = 0 and D f(O) = I, the identity matrix. We show that f maps a neighborhood of 0 one-to-one and onto some neighborhood of O. Proposition B.4 applies, so we know f is one-to-one on some neighborhood 0 of O. We next show that the image of 0 under f contains a neighborhood of O. Note that (B.12)
f(u) = u + R(u),
R(O) = 0, DR(O) = O.
For v small, we want to solve
f(u) = v.
(B.13) This is equivalent to u (B.14)
+ R(u)
v, so let
v - R(u).
Thus solving (B.13) is equivalent to solving (B.15) We look for a fixed point u = K(v) = f-1(v). Also, we want to prove that DK(O) = I, i.e., that K(v) = v+r(v) with r(v) = o(llvll), i.e., r(v)/llvll --t 0 as v --t O. If we succeed in doing this, it follows easily that, for general x close to qo, G(x) = F- 1 (x) is defined, and (B.16) Then a simple inductive argument shows that G is C k if F is C k . A tool we will use to solve (B.15) is the Contraction Mapping Principle, Theorem A.24, which states that if X is a complete metric space and if T : X --t X satisfies
(B.17) for some r x.
dist(Tx, Ty) ::::; r dist(x, y),
< 1 (we say T is a contraction), then T has a unique fixed point
In order to implement this, we consider (B.18)
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
with (B.19)
Xv = {u ED: II u - v II ::; Av}
where we set (B.20)
sup IIR(w)ll· Il wll:S21lvll
We claim that (B.18) holds if Ilvll is sufficiently small. To prove this, note that Tu(u) - v = -R(u), so we need to show that, provided Ilvll is small, u E Xv implies IIR(u)11 ::; Av. But indeed, if u E Xv, then Ilull ::; Ilvll + A v , which is ::; 211vll if Ilvll is small, so then IIR(u)ll::;
sup IIR(w)11 IIwl1911vll
= Av.
This establishes (B.18). Note that T,)( ud - Tv( U2) = R( U2) - R( U1) and R is a C k map, satisfying DR(O) = O. It follows that, if Ilvll is small enough, the map (B.18) is a contraction map. Hence there exists a unique fixed point u = K(v) E Xv. Also, since u E Xv, (B.21)
IIK( v) - vii::; Av = o(llvll),
so the Inverse Function Theorem is proved. Thus if D F is invertible on the domain of F, F is a local diffeomorphism. Stronger hypotheses are needed to guarantee that F is a global diffeomorphism onto its range. Proposition B.4 provides one tool for doing this. Here is a slight strengthening. Corollary B.5. Assume D c IR n zs open and convex and that F : D -+ IRn zs C 1 . Assume there exist n x n matrzces A and B such that the symmetrzc part of ADF(u) B is posztzve-dejinzte for each u E D. Then F maps D dzJJeomorphically onto its zmage, an open set in IRn. Proof. Exercise. We turn to a discussion of surfaces in Euclidean space. A smooth mdimensional surface M C IRn is characterized by the following property. Given p E M, there is a neighborhood U of p in M and a smooth map cp : 0 -+ U, from an open set 0 C IRm bijectively to U, with injective derivative at each point. Such a map cp is called a coordinate chart on M.
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
We call U c M a coordinate patch. If all such maps cp are smooth of class C k , we say M is a surface of class C k . There is an abstraction of the notion of a surface, namely the notion of a "manifold," which we will discuss a little later in this appendix. If cp : 0 ---t U is a C k coordinate chart, such as described above, and cp(xo) = p, we set
TpM = Range Dcp(xo),
a linear subspace of!R. n of dimension m, and we denote by NpM its orthogonal complement. It is useful to consider the following map. Pick a linear isomorphism A : !R.n-m ---t Nplvl, and define (B.23)
0 x !R.n-m
!R. n ,
+ Az.
(x, z) = cp(x)
Thus is a C k map defined on an open subset of !R.n. Note that
D(xo, 0) ( : )
+ Aw,
so D(xo, 0) : !R. n ---t !R. n is surjective, hence bijective, so the Inverse Function Theorem applies; maps some neighborhood of (xo,O) diffeomorphically onto a neighborhood of p E !R.n. Suppose there is another C k coordinate chart, 1jJ : D ---t U. Since cp and 1jJ are by hypothesis one-to-one and onto, it follows that F = 1jJ-J 0 cp : 0 ---t D is a well-defined map, which is one-to-one and onto. See Figure B.l. In fact, we can say more. Proposition B.6. Under the hypotheses above, F zs a C k diffeomorphism. Proof. It suffices to show that F and F- 1 are C k on a neighborhood of Xo and Yo, respectively, where cp(xo) = '1J(Yo) = p. Let us define a map W in a fash~:m similar to (B.23). To be precise, we set rpM = Range D1jJ(yo) ~nd let NpM be its orthogonal complement. (Shortly we will show that TpM = TpM, but we are not quite ready for that.) Then pick a linear isomorphism B : !R. n - m ---t NpM and set w(y, z) = 1jJ(y) + Bz, for (y, z) E D x !R.n-m. Again, W is a C k diffeomorphism from a neighborhood of (Yo, 0) onto a neighborhood of p. It follows that w- 1 0 is a C k diffeomeophism from a neighborhood of (xo, 0) onto a neighborhood of (Yo, 0). Now note that, for x close to Xo and y close to Yo,
W- 1
(x, 0)
= (F(x), 0),
<1>-1 0
w(y, 0)
= (F- 1 (y), 0).
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
Figure B.l
These identities imply that F and F~l have the desired regularity. Thus, when there are two such coordinate charts, 'P : 0 we have a C k diffeomorphism F : 0 -----t n such that
U, 7j; :
(B.26) By the chain rule,
D'P(x) = D7j;(y) DF(x),
y = F(x).
In particular this implies that Range D'P(xo) = Range D7j;(yo) , so TpM in (B.22) is independent of the choice of coordinate chart. It is called the tangent space to !vI at p. The following result is a useful complement to Proposition B.6. It identifies another way to produce C k surfaces in ]Rn.
Proposition B.7. Assume n 2: m 2: k 2: 1. Fix p E ]Rm and conszder
and let F : ]Rn
be a C k map,
{x E]Rn: F(x) =p}.
Assume that for each xES, DF(x) : ]Rn -----t ]Rm is surjectzve. Then S is a C k submamfold of]Rn. Furthermore, for each XES,
= Ker DF(x).
This result follows from the Inverse Function Theorem in a fashion similar to Proposition B.6. We leave the details to the reader.
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
We next define an object called the metric tensor on M. Given a coordinate chart cP : 0 ---> U, there is associated an m x m matrix G (x) = (9jk (x)) of functions on 0, defined in terms of the inner product of vectors tangent to M:
(B.30) where {e) : 1 ::; j ::; m} is the standard orthonormal basis of ]Rm. Equivalently,
G(x) = Dcp(x)t Dcp(x).
We call (g)k) the metric tensor of M, on U, with respect to the coordinate chart cp : 0 ---> U. Note that this matrix is positive-definite. From a coordinate-independent point of view, the metric tensor on M specifies inner products of vectors tangent to lvI, using the inner product of ]Rn.
If we take another coordinate chart (gjk) with H = (h)k), given by
1/) : n
U, we want to compare
(B.32) As seen above, we have a diffeomorphism F : 0 (B.27) hold. Consequently,
such that (B.26)-
DF(x)t H(y) DF(x)
or, equivalently,
Having discussed surfaces in ]Rn, we turn to the more general concept of a manzJold, which crops up starting in Chapter 7. A manifold is a Hausdorff topological space with an "atlas," i.e., a covering by open sets Uj together with homeomorphisms Cpj : U) ---> Vj, Vj open in ]Rn. The number n is called the dimension of M. We say that M is a smooth manifold of class C k provided the atlas has the following property. If Ujk = U) n Uk # 0, then the map
7/Jjk : cp)(Ujk)
given by CPk 0 cp;l is a smooth diffeomorphism of class C k from the open set CPj(Ujk ) to the open set CPk(Ujk ) in ]Rn. By this, we mean that 7/Jjk is C k , with a C k inverse. The pairs (Uj , cPj) are called local coordinate charts.
Appendix B. Derivatives, Diffeomorphisms, and Manifolds
A continuous map from M to another smooth manifold N is said to be smooth of class C k if it is smooth of class C k in local coordinates. Two different atlases on M, giving a priori two structures of M as a smooth manifold, are said to be equivalent if the identity map on M is smooth (of class Ck) from each one of these two manifolds to the other. Really a smooth manifold is considered to be defined by equivalence classes of such atlases, under this equivalence relation. It follows from Proposition B.6 that a C k surface in IRn is a smooth manifold of class C k . For our purposes, that is a rich enough class of examples. One can find more material on manifolds in [Spi]. We mention that the notion of a metric tensor generalizes readily from surfaces in IR n to smooth manifolds; compare (7.18)-(7.20). As shown in (7.21)-(7.23), this leads to the notion of an integral on a manifold with a metric tensor (i.e., a Riemannian manifold).
We next discuss partitions of unity. Let !vi be a manifold, and supose !vi is paracompact. That is to say, every open cover { Un : 0: E A} of M has a locally finite refinement, a locally finite open cover {V,e : (3 E B} such that each V,e is contained in some Un. (The most prominent case is that !vi is compact.) Under this hypothesis, using a locally finite covering of M by coordinate neighborhoods, we can construct 'ljJJ E C~(M) such that for any compact K C !vi, only finitely many 'ljJJ are nonzero on K (we say the sequence 'ljJJ is locally finite) and such that for any p E M, some 'ljJj (p) i- O. Then ipJ(X)='ljJJ(X) ~'ljJdx)
is a locally finite sequence of functions in C~ (M), satisfying 2: j ipJ (x) = l. Such a sequence is called a partition of unity. The construction is a variant of the construction of continuous partitions of unity, outlined in Exercise 9 of Chapter 13. It has many uses. For example, it is used in the proof of the Whitney Extension Theorem in Appendix C, in the proof of the general Stokes formula, in Proposition G.2, and in the proof of the Gauss-Green formula on Lipschitz domains, in Appendix 1.
Appendix C
The Whitney Extension Theorem
The following result, known as the Whitney Extension Theorem, is used in the proof of Theorem 11.9.
Theorem C.l. Let K c ]Rn be a compact set zn ]Rn. Let f : K f# : K ---+ ]Rn be continuous. For x E K, 0 > 0, set
R(x, y)
---+ ]R
f(x) - f(y) - f#(y) . (x - y)
If 7]( 0)
yl : x, y E
sup {IR(x, y)l/lx -
0 as 0 ---+ 0, then there exists 9
K, 0 < Ix -
yl < o}.
C 1 (]Rn) such that
V x E K.
Furthermore, we can arrange (C.4)
~ C(n) sup If I, K
~ C(n) sup
The function 9 will be produced using a carefully constructed partition of unity, described as follows. Suppose K is contained in the interior of a cube Q, of edge £.
Appendix C. The Whitney Extension Theorem
Lemma C.2. There is a partition of unity {] : j 2': O} on IR n that o = 1 for x ~ Q, o = 0 near K,
K, such
and j E Co(IR n \ K) for j 2': 1, with the following properties, for some M,C < 00: (1) Each x E IR n is m the support of at most M of the ]. (2) For any 6 E (0, RJ, if x E supp ], j 2': 1, and d(x, K) = 6, then
diam supp ]
-s: 26
(C.6) Proof. We will write Q\K = U as a countable union of closed cubes, whose interiors are disjoint. We start the process with a collection C consisting of one cube, Q. We successively alter our collection of cubes as follows. If Q is a cube in our collection, let Q denote the concentric cube of three times the linear size (hence 3n times the volume). If Q has nonempty intersection with K, chop Q into 2n smaller cubes, each of half the linear size. Throwaway any of these cubes that are contained in K. Continue this process on each cube with nonempty intersection with U, ad infinitum. We obtain o
Q] n Qk
0, for j i- k,
c IR n
K, V j 2': 1.
If Qj denotes the cube concentric with Q, with 1.1 times its linear size, then Q] cannot intersect more than 6n other Qk, k i- j. Having such a collection of cubes, we proceed as follows. Let Q be a unit cube, and pick 7/J E C=(Q), supported in the interior, such that 7/J = 1 on Q. Via translation and scaling of coordinates, we obtain 7/J] E C=(Qj), supported in the interior, such that 7/J] = 1 on Qj, for j 2': 1. Clearly IV7/J] I -s: C / (diam Qj). Take 7/)0 E C= (IRn) such that 7/Jo = 1 on IRn \ Q and 7/Jo = 0 on a neighborhood of K. Now set
W(x) =
L 7/Jj(x),
j(x) = 7/Jj(x)/W(x).
The properties stated for j follow from this construction.
Appendix C. The Whitney Extension Theorem
We are now prepared to construct g. For each j, let Yj be a point in K of minimal distance from QJ' Then we set (C.7)
+ j#(YJ)(x -
YJ)] j(x),
x E]Rn \ K.
Clearly 9 E coo(]Rn \ K). We claim that, as x (C.S)
j(x) and \7g(x)
To verify the first part, suppose Ix (C.9)
x E supp J
zl =
Ix - YJI :s; CJ
-+ -+
z E K,
J. Then =?
Ij(Yj) - j(z)1 :s; cJ.
Thus, since there are at most M nonzero terms in the sum (C.7), when evaluated at x, we have
To demonstrate the second part of (C.S), write
We can write the first sum on the right side of (C.1l) as (C.12) as J -+ 0, by the continuity of j# on K. We next examine the last sum in (C.1l). Since I: \7J = \71 = 0, we can write this sum as
By (C.6) plus the estimate assumed on (C.1), the first sum is seen to tend to 0 as J -+ O. Again using I: V'J = 0, we write the second sum in (C.13) as (C.14) and again (C.6) plus continuity of j# on K implies that this tends to 0 as J -+ O. We have now defined 9 on U = ]Rn \ K. Setting 9 = j on K, we see that 9 is continuous. It is clear that 9 is Coo on U, and we have shown that \7g(x) -+ j#(z) as x -+ z E K, x E U. In fact, if we set g#(x) = \7g(x) for x E U, j#(x) for x E K, we have that g# is continuous on ]Rn.
Appendix C. The Whitney Extension Theorem
To finish the proof of Theorem C.l, it remains to show that
+ J#(z)(x -
+ o(lx -
lR n , z E oK.
If x E K, this is part of the hypothesis. On the other hand, suppose x E lRn \ K, Ix - zl = 6 « 1. Comparing (C.7), we need
where IYj -
zl :s; C6.
Note that
J#(z)(x - z)
+ f#(YJ)(z =
J#(YJ )(x -
+ 0(6), z) + 0(6).
Multi plying by
x E lRn
x E lR n
Ix - zl
6. Then, as in (C.9),
(C.19) so
+ L[w(YJ)
- W(z)]
+ 0(6).
We next estimate lV'v(x)l, for x E lR n used to write (C.13), we have
K. By an argument similar to that
(C.2l) for any z E K. Say z is one of the YJ with x E sUPP
Appendix C. The Whitney Extension Theorem
number) have comparable diameters, in turn comparable to their distance to K. In view of the estimate (C.6), we have a bound
(C.22) If we define v(x) by (C.lS) for x ~ K and set v = w on K, then (C.20) implies that v is continuous on lR n and Lipschitz on K. It remains to estimate IV(XI) -v(x2)1 when XI,X2 E U = lRn\K. There are two possibilities; either there exists z E K on the line segment from Xl to X2 or there does not exist such a z. In the first case, (C.20) yields
In the second case, we have
Thus Proposition C.3 is proved.
H. Whitney established a more general result than Theorem C.l, characterizing when f : K ----> lR has a em extension to lRn. A similar extension of Proposition C.3, telling when f has a em-l,l extension to lR n (i.e., m - 1 order derivatives are Lipschitz), is given in [St], Chapter 6, and a further extension, not requiring K to be compact, or even closed, is given in [Fe~. REMARK.
Appendix D
The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem
Let (X, J, /1) be a measure space. We say a transformation T acting on functions on X is sublinear provided
ITu + Tvl
ITul + ITvl,
IT(au)1 = lal· ITul,
where a is a constant. The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem provides a sufficient condition that T is bounded on LP(X, /1), i.e., (D.2) given weaker bounds on LT and Lq, with r < p weak type (p, p) provided that, for any A > 0,
q. In detail, we say T is
(D.3) In view of the simple estimate (Tchebychev's inequality)
it readily follows that (D.2)*(D.3). Here is part of the Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem. Proposition D.l. If 1 :S; r < p < q < 00 and zf T is a sublmear operator that is both of weak type (r, r) and of weak type (q, q), then T zs bounded on V, z.e., the estzmate (D.2) holds.
Appendix D. The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem
Proof. Given A E (0, (0), write u = Ul +U2, with Ul(X) = u(x) for A and U2(X) = u(x) for lu(x)1 ::; A. With the notation
= fL({x
lu(x)1 >
2': A}),
EX: If(x)1
we have
+ VTU2 (A) llulill> + C2A- qllu2111q·
vTu(2A) ::; VTUI (A)
C 1 A- r
Ifl P dfL = p
x Hence
ITul P dfL = p
x ::; CIP
Vj(A)A P - 1 dA.
VTu(A)A P - 1 dA
AP -
l- r (
J lul J
dfL )dA
AP -
lul9 Now
AP -
J lul
l- r (
dfL) dA = P
lul>>and similarly
lul q dfL) dA = q
~ P lul P dfL·
lul9 Combining these gives the desired estimate on IITull~p. The following complement to Proposition D.1 is applied in the proofs of Proposition 14.7 and Proposition 17.7. Proposition D.2. If 1 ::; r < P < of weak type (r,r) and satzsjies (D.10) then T is bounded on LP.
and T is a sublinear operator that is
Appendix D. The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem
Proof. It suffices to show that T is of weak type (q, q) for each q E (r, 00 ), since then we can take q E (p, 00) and apply Proposition D.1. This time, given A E (0,00), write U = Ul + U2 with Ul(X) = u(x) for lu(x)1 > A/A and U2(X) = u(x) for lu(x)1 ~ A/A, where A E (0,00) is as in (D.lO). It follows that fL({X EX: ITu2(X)1 > A}) = O. It remains to estimate TUl(X). We have
fL({X EX: ITul(X)1 > A}) ~
J Iulr
CA- r
Now taking this last integral as the inner product of Holder's inequality, we have
J Iulr ~ (J Iulq dfL
qfL( {x
EX: lu(x)1
and 1 and using
~} rq-r)/q
~ =
IlullLq (A -q Il ulllq) (q-r)/q A-(q-r) Il ulllq,
the second estimate by Tchebychev's inequality. Plugging the estimate (D.12) into (D.ll) yields the desired estimate (D.3) (with p replaced by q) and completes the proof. There are more general versions of Marcinkiewicz interpolation, involving operators of weak type (p, q). We refer to [FoIl for a treatment.
Appendix E
Sard's Theorem
n ---+
be a C 1 map, with open in ]Rn. If and DF(p) : ]Rn ---+ ]Rn is not surjective, then p is said to be a critzcal pomt and F(p) a crztzcal value. The set C of critical points can be a large subset of n, even all of it, but the set of critical values F( C) must be small in ]Rn. This is part of Sard's Theorem. Let F :
Theorem E.1. If F : n ---+ ]Rn is a C 1 map, then the set of critzcal values of F has measure 0 m ]Rn. Proof. If Ken is compact, cover K n C with m-dimensional cubes Qj, with disjoint interiors, of side OJ' Pick PJ E C n QJ' so L j = DF(pj) has rank:::; n - 1. Then, for x E QJ'
where TJj ---+ 0 as OJ ---+ O. Now LJ(QJ) is certainly contained in an (n - 1)dimensional cube of side Co OJ , where Co is an upper bound for vmllDFl1 on K. Since all points of F (QJ) are a distance :::; Pj from (a translate of) LJ(QJ), this implies
oJ + 2PJt- 1 :::; C1TJJO~,
meas F(Qj) :::; 2pJ(Co
provided OJ is sufficiently small that Pj :::; OJ. Now l:j oj is the volume of the cover of K n C. For fixed K this can be assumed to be bounded. Hence meas F(C
n K) :::; C K TJ,
where TJ = max {TJJ}. Picking a cover by small cubes, we make TJ arbitrarily small, so meas F( C n K) = O. Letting K j / ' n, we complete the proof.
Appendix E. Sard's Theorem
Sard's Theorem also treats the more difficult case when n is open in IRm , m > n. Then a more elaborate argument is needed, and one requires more differentiability, namely that F is class C k , with k = m - n + 1. A proof can be found in [Stb]. The main application of Sard's Theorem in this text is to the proof of the change of variable theorem we present in the next appendix. Here, we give another application of Sard's Theorem, to the existence of lots of Morse functions. This application gives the typical flavor of how one uses Sard's Theorem. We begin with a special case: Proposition E.2. Let 0 c IR n be open, f E C=(O). For a E IRn, set fa(x) = f(x) - a· x. Then, for almost every a E IRn, fa is a Morse function, i. e., it has only nondegenemte crit2cal pomts. Proof. Consider F(x) = \1f(x);F: 0 -----t IRn. A point x E 0 is a critical point of fa if and only if F(x) = a, and this critical point is degenerate only if, in addition, a is a critical value of F. Hence the desired conclusion holds for all a E IR n that are not critical values of F. Now for the result on manifolds: Proposition E.3. Let M be an n-dimenswnal mamfold, embedded in IRK. Let f E C=(M), and, for a E IRK, let fa(x) = f(x) -a'x, for x E M C IRK. Then, for almost all a E IRK, fa is a Morse functwn. Proof. Each p E M has a neighborhood Op such that some n of the coordinates Xv on IRK produce coordinates on Op. Let us say Xl, ... ,X n do it. Let (a n +1' ... ,aK) be fixed but arbitrary. Then, by Proposition E.2, for almost every (al,'" ,an) E IR n , fa has only nondegenerate critical points on Op. By Fubini's Theorem, we deduce that, for almost every a E IRK, fa has only nondegenerate critical points on Op. (The set of bad a E IRK is readily seen to be a countable union of closed sets, hence measurable.) Covering M by a countable family of such sets Op, we finish the proof.
Appendix F
A Change of Variable Theorem for Many-to-one Maps
Here we present a change of variable theorem for a 1 map defined on an open set in ]Rn that is not assumed to be a diffeomorphism onto its range. Theorem F.l below is hence a generalization of Theorem 7.2. There are further generalizations, involving Lipschitz maps and maps between spaces of different dimensions, that can be found in [EG] and [Fed]. Theorem F.1. Let r2 c ]Rn be open and let F : r2 ---+ ]Rn be a C 1 map. For x E ]Rn set n( x) = card F- 1 (x). Then n zs measurable and for any measurable u 2: 0 on ]Rn,
u(F(x)) I det DF(x) I dx =
u(x) n(x) dx.
This is an extension of the standard change of variable formula, in which one assumes that F is a diffeomorphism of r2 onto its image. (Then n(x) is the characteristic function of F(r2).) We will make use of this standard result in the proof of the theorem. We make a sequence of reductions. Let
= {x
r2 : det DF(x)
P = Fin,
= O},
r2 \ K,
= cardp-l(x).
Appendix F. A Change of Variable Theorem for Many-to-one Maps
Sard's Theorem implies F(K) has measure zero. Hence n(x) = n(x) a.e. on ]Rn, so if ~e~can show that n is measurable and (F.l) holds with 0" F, n replaced by 0" F, we will have the desired result. Thus we will henceforth assume that det DF(x) i- 0 for all x E n.
Next, for k E £:+, let
{x En: Ixl :S; k, dist(x, an) 2': 11k}.
Each Dk is a compact subset of n. Furthermore, Dk C Dk+l and 0, = U D k . Let Fk = FIDk and nk(x) = cardFk1(x). Then, for each x E ]Rn, nk(x) /' n(x) as k ---+ 00. Suppose we can show that, for each k, nk is measurable and (F.2)
u(F(x)) I det DF(x)1 dx
u(x) ndx) dx.
Now the Monotone Convergence Theorem implies that as k ---+ 00 the left side of (F.2) tends to the left side of (F.l) and the right side of (F.2) tends to the right side of (F.l). Hence (F.l) follows from (F.2), so it remains to prove (F.2) (and the measurability of nk). For notational simplicity, drop the index k. We have a compact set F is Cion a neighborhood 0, of D, and det DF(x) is nowhere vanishing. We set nD(x) = cardD n F-1(x) and desire to prove that nD is measurable and
C ]Rn,
u(F(x)) Idet DF(x)ldx=
By the Inverse Function Theorem, each x E 0, has a neighborhood Ox such that F is a diffeomorphism of Ox onto its image. Since D is compact, we can cover D with a finite number of open sets OJ on each of which F is a diffeomorphism. Then there exists <5 > 0 such that any subset of D of diameter :S; <5 is contained in one of these sets OJ. Tile]Rn with closed cubes of edge <51 Vn (so they intersect only along their faces). Let {Qk: 1 :S; k :S; N} denote those cubes that intersect D, and let Ek = DnQk' Then Ek is compact and the standard change of variables theorem gives (F.4)
u(F(x)) I det DF(x)1 dx
u(x) dx.
If we sum the left side of (F.4) over k, we get the left side of (F.3). Since the faces of each cube, and also their images under F, all have measure zero,
Appendix F. A Change of Variable Theorem for Many-to-one Maps
we also have N
= card {k : x
F(E k )} =
a.e. on
Since F(E k ) is compact, this proves that nD is measurable and also implies that if we sum the right side of (F.4) over k, we get the right side of (F.3). The theorem is hence proven.
Appendix G
Integration of Differential Forms
The calculus of differential forms provides a convenient setting for integration on manifolds, as we will explain in this appendix, due to the efficient way it keeps track of changes of variables. A k-form (3 on an open set 0 (G.1)
(3 =
C ]Rn
L bj(x) dX
has the form 1\ ... 1\ dXjk'
Here J = (j], ... ,jk) is a k-multi-index. We write (3 E Ak(O). The wedge product used in (G.1) has the anti-commutative property
dx£ 1\ dX m = -d.Tm 1\ dx{"
so that if ()" is a permutation of {1 .... , k}. we have
In particular. an n-form
= A(x) dX1
can be written
1\ ... 1\ dx n .
If A E L1(0, dx), we write
J J a =
A (x) dx,
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
the right side being the usual Lebesgue integral, developed in Chapter 7. Suppose now n c ]Rn is open and there is a C 1 diffeomorphism F : n O. We define the pull- back F* (3 of the k- form (3 in (G. 1) as (G.6)
F*{J =
2: b](F(x)) (F*dx]l) /\ ... /\ (F*dx
Jk ),
where * ~ of] F dx] = L -::;-- d:cp,
the algebraic computation in (G.6) being performed using the rule (G.3). If B = (bem) is an n x n matrix, then, by (G.3) and the formula for the determinant given in (7.77) (and (7.83)),
(G.8) a
Hence, if F : n
(det B) dXl /\ ... /\ dx n .
0 is a C 1 map and a is an n-form on 0, as in (G.4), then
F*a = det DF(x) A(F(x)) dXl /\ ... /\ dx n .
This formula is especially significant in light of the change of variable formula
A(x) dx =
A(F(x)) I det DF(x)1 dx,
when F : n --+ 0 is a C 1 diffeomorphism, given in Theorem 7.2. The only difference between the right side of (G.lO) and F*a is the absolute 1 value sign around det DF(x). We say a C map F : n --+ 0 is orzentatzon preservmg when det DF(x) > 0 for all x E n. In such a case, Theorem 7.2 yields
Proposition G.1. If F : n --+ 0 zs a C 1 orientation-preserving diffeomorphism and a an mtegmble n-foTm on 0, then
J J a =
Appendix G. Integration of DiHerential Forms
In Appendix H we will present another proof of the change of variable formula, making direct use of basic results on differential forms developed in this appendix. In addition to the pull-back, there are some other operations on differential forms. The wedge product of dx/s extends to a wedge product on forms as follows. If (3 E Ak ( 0) has the form (G.1) and if
(G.12) define
0: /\ (3 =
L ai(x)bJ(x) dX 21 /\ ... /\ dXic /\ dXJl /\ ... /\ dXjk i,J
in Ak+£(O). We retain the equivalences (G.3). It follows that
(G.14) It is also readily verified that
F* (0: /\ (3) = (F* 0:) /\ (F* (3).
Another important operator on forms is the extenor denvatzve:
(G.16) defined as follows. If (3 E Ak ( 0) is given by (G. 1), then
d(3 =
L J,e
dxe /\ dX J1 /\ ... /\ dxJk ·
The antisymmetry dX m /\ dxe = -dxe /\ dx m, together with the identity 82bjj8xe8xm = 82bJj8xm8x£, implies d(d(3) = 0,
for any smooth differential form (3. We also have a product rule:
d(o: /\ (3)
= (do:) /\ (3 + (-1)10: /\ (d(3) ,
0: E AJ(O), (3 E Ak(O).
The exterior derivative has the following important property under pullbacks:
= dP* (3,
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
if (3 E Ak(O) and F : n ---; 0 is a smooth map. To see this, extending (C.19) to a formula for d( a /\ (31 /\ ... /\ (3c) and using this to apply d to F* (3, we have (C.21) dF*(3 =
Le fJfJXe (bJ
F(x)) dxe /\ (F*dxJI) /\ ... /\ (F*d:c Jk )
+ L(±)bJ (F(x) )(F*dx]l)
/\ ... /\ d( F*dx Jv ) /\ ... /\ (F* dXJk)'
Now the definition (G.6)-(G.7) of pull-back gives directly that
(G.22) and hence d(F*dxi) = ddFi = 0, so only the first sum in (G.21) contributes to dF* (3. Meanwhile,
F*d(3 =
L ::: (F(:c))
(F*dxm) /\ (F*dxjl) /\ ... /\ (F*dXjk) ,
so (G.20) follows from the identity
which in turn follows from the chain rule. Here is another important consequence of the chain rule. Suppose F : n ---; 0 and 1/) : 0 ---; U are smooth maps between open subsets of IRn. We claim that for any form a of any degree,
(G.24) It suffices to check (G.24) for a = dx J • Then (G.7) gives the basic identity 1/;* dXj = ,,£(fJ1/Jj/fJxe) dxe. Consequently,
but the identity of these forms follows from the chain rule:
Dip = (D1/;)(DF) =* ;ipj = Xm
Le ~1/;jXc ;Fc . Xm
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
One can define a k-form on an n-dimensional manifold M as follows. Say M is covered by open sets OJ and there are coordinate charts F j : D j ----7 OJ, with fl J C ]Rn open. A collection of forms (3J E Ak (D J ) is said to define a k-form on M provided the following compatibility condition holds. If O 2 n OJ cI- 0 and we consider n~J = F i- 1 (0 2 n OJ) and diffeomorphisms (G.27) we reqmre (G.28) The fact that this is a consistent definition is a consequence of (G.24). For example, if G : ]1.1 ----7 Rm is a smooth map and, is a k-form on ]Rm, then there is a well-defined k-form (3 = G*, on .!vI, represented in such coordinate charts by (3J = (G 0 FJ ) * T Similarly, if {3 is a k- form on M as defined above and G : U ----7 .!vI is smooth, with U C ]Rm open, then G* (3 is a well-defined k-form on U. We give an intrinsic definition of fM a when a is an n-form on M, provided !'vI is oTzented, i.e., there is a coordinate cover as above such that det DtpJk > O. The object called an "orientation" on M can be identified as an equivalence class of nowhere vanishing n-forms on M, two such forms being equivalent if one is a multiple of another by a positive function in COO(D). A member of this equivalence class, say w, defines the orientation. The standard orientation on ]Rn is determined by dXl/\ ... /\ dx n . The equivalence class of positive multiples a( x)w is said to consist of "positive" forms. A smooth map '1/) : S ----7 .!vI between oriented n-dimensional manifolds preserves orientation provided '1/)*(1 is positive on S whenever (1 E An(M) is positive. \Ve mention that there exist surfaces that cannot be oriented, such as the famous "l\Iobius strip." We define the integral of an n-form over an oriented n-dimensional manifold as follows. First, if Ct is an n-form supported on an open set 0 C ]Rn, given by (G.4), then we define fa a by (G.5). More generally, if !'vI is an n-dimensional manifold with an orientation, say the image of an open set 0 C ]Rn by tp : 0 ----7 M, carrying the natural orientation of 0, we can set (G.29)
for an n-form a on M. If it takes several coordinate patches to cover M, define f M a by writing a as a sum of forms, each supported on one patch.
Appendix G. Integration of DiHerential Forms
We need to show that this definition of JM a is independent of the choice of coordinate system on M (as long as the orientation of M is respected). Thus, suppose cp : 0 -----> U c M and 1j; : n -----> U C M are both coordinate patches, so that F = 1j;-1 0 cp : 0 -----> n is an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism. We need to check that, if a is an n-form on M, supported on U, then (G.30)
J J cp*a =
To establish this, we use (G.24). This implies that the left side of (G.30) is equal to (G.31)
which is equal to the right side of (G .30), by (G .11) (with slightly altered notation). Thus the integral of an n-form over an oriented n-dimensional manifold is well defined. We turn now to the Gauss-Green-Stokes formula for differential forms, commonly called simply the Stokes formula. This involves integrating a k-form over a k-dimensional manifold with boundary. We first define that concept. Let S be a smooth k-dimensional manifold, and let M be an open subset of S, such that its closure M (in ]RN) is contained in S. Its boundary is aM = M \ M. We say M is a smooth surface with boundary if also aM is a smooth (k - I)-dimensional surface. In such a case, any p E aM has a neighborhood U C S with a coordinate chart cp : 0 -----> U, where 0 is an open neighborhood of 0 in ]Rk, such that cp(O) = p and cp maps {x EO: Xl = O} onto Un aM. If S is oriented, then M is oriented, and aM inherits an orientation, uniquely determined by the following requirement: if
(G.32) then aM = {(X2' ... ,Xk)} has the orientation determined by dX2 /\ ... /\ dXk. We can now state the Stokes formula. Proposition G.2. Given a compactly supported (k -I)-form {3 of class c l on an oriented k-dzmenswnal surface M (of class C 2 ) with boundary aM, with its natural onentation, (G.33)
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
Proof. Using a partition of unity and invariance of the integral and the exterior derivative under coordinate transformations, it suffices to prove this when M has the form (G.32). In that case, we will be able to deduce (G.33) from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Indeed, if
(G.34) with bj(x) of bounded support, we have
d(3 = (-1)1
8bJ dXl 1\ ... 1\ dXk· 8xj
If ] > 1, we have
and also K* (3 = 0, where for] = I, we have
K :
= =
A1 is the inclusion. On the other hand,
b1 (0, x') dx'
This proves Stokes' formula (G.33). The reason we required !vI to be a surface of class C 2 in Proposition G.2 is the following. Due to the formulas (G.6)-(G.7) for a pull-back, if (3 is of class cj and F is of class C€, then F* (3 is generally of class CP" with fJ = min(j,£ - 1). Thus, if j = £ = I, F*(3 might be only of class Co, so there is not a well-defined notion of a differential form of class CIon a C 1 surface, though such a notion is well defined on a C 2 surface. This problem can be overcome, and one can extend Proposition G.2 to the case where M is a C 1 surface and (3 is a (k -I)-form with the property that both (3 and d(3 are continuous. One can go further and formulate (G.33) for a (k - I)-form (3 with the property that
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
where L : oM ---+ M is the natural inclusion, a class of forms that can be shown to be invariant under bi-Lipschitz maps. (It can be shown that the first two conditions in (G.38) imply L*j3 E H1,l(oM)'.) We will not go into the details. However, in Appendix I we will present an elementary treatment of (G.33), stated in a more classical language, when AI is an open domain in IRk whose boundary is locally the graph of a Lipschitz function. A far reaching extension, due to H. Federer, can be found in [Fed]; see also [EG]. The calculus of differential forms has many applications to differential equations, differential geometry, and topology. 1\lore on this can be found in [Spi] and also in [TI] (particularly Chapters 1, 5, and 10). To end this appendix, we make use of the calculus of differential forms to provide simple proofs of some important topological results of Brouwer. The first two results concern retmctwns. If Y is a subset of X, by definition a retraction of X onto Y is a map i.p : X ---+ Y such that i.p(:r;) = :1: for all :1: E Y.
Proposition G.3. There 'is no smooth r-etmctwn closed umt ball B zn IR n onto ,tis bO'lmdary 5,,-1.
i.p :
of the
In fact, it is just as easy to prove the following more general result. The approach we use is adapted from [Kan].
Proposition G.4. If AI 'is a compact orIented n-dzmenswnal manifold 'Wl,th nonempty boundary oAI, there 'is no smooth retmctwn i.p : AI ---+ oAI. Proof. You can pick W E An-1 (oM) to be an (n -I)-form on fJM such that J8M W > O. Now apply Stokes' Theorem to j3 = i.p*w. If 'P is a retraction, then i.p 0 J(x) = x, where J : oAI "---+ AI is the natural inclusion. Hence j*i.p*w = W, so we have
J .I W =
But di.p*w = i.p*dw = 0, so the integral (G.39) is zero. This is a contradiction, so there can be no retraction. A simple consequence of this is the famous Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem.
Theorem G.5. If F : B ---+ B zs a continuous map on the closed umt ball zn IRn, then F has a fixed poznt. Proof. First, an approximation argument shows that if there is a continuous such F without a fixed point, then there is a smooth one, so assume F : B ---+ B is smooth. We are claiming that F(x) = x for some x E B. If not,
Appendix G. Integration of Differential Forms
then for each x E B define rp(x) to be the endpoint of the ray from F(x) to x, continued until it hits DB = sn-l. It is clear that rp would be a smooth retraction, contradicting Proposition G .3.
REMARK. Typical proofs of the Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem use concepts of algebraic topology; cf. [S pa]. In fact, the proof of Proposition G.4 contains a germ of de Rham cohomology. See [TIl, Chapter 1, §19 for more on this. An integral calculus proof of the Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem that does not involve differential forms is given in [DSl, Vol. 1, pp. 467-470. One might compare it with the proof given above.
Appendix H
Change of Variables Revisited
As indicated in Exercise 10 of Chapter 1, the change of variable formula for a one-variable integral,
'P( a)
J(x) dx
= Ib
J(c.p(x))c.p'(x) dx,
given J continuous and c.p of class C 1 , satisfying c.p' > 0, can be established via the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and the chain rule. By comparison, let us recall the change of variable formula for multiple integrals, as given in Theorem 7.2.
Theorem H.I. Let 0, 0 be open sets on ]Rn and let c.p : 0 -----) 0 be a C 1 dzffeomorphzsm. Gwen J E M+(O) or J E £1(0, dx), we have
.I o
J(c.p(x)) Idet Dc.p(x) I dx
The proof of Theorem 7.2 given in Chapter 7 was very different from the argument indicated above, and it is our goal here to provide a proof of Theorem H.I more closely parallel to that of (H.I). Our proof is based on one of P. Lax [La], who found a fresh approach to the proof of the multidimensional change of variable formula. More precisely, [La] established the following result, from which Theorem H.I can be deduced. Our proof, adapted from [T2], will differ from that of [La] in that we make use of basic results on differential forms, from Appendix G.
Appendix H. Change of Variables Revisited
Theorem H.2. Let 'P : lRn --+ ][{n be a C I map. Assume 'P(x) = x for Ixi 2': R. Let f be a continuous function on lRn wzth compact support. Then
f('P(x)) detD'P(x)dx
Proof. Via standard approximation arguments, it suffices to prove this when 'P is C 2 and f E CJ(lRn ), which we will assume from here on.
To begin, pick A> 0 such that f(x - Aed is supported in {x : Ixl > R}, where el = (1,0, ... ,0). Also take A large enough that the image of {x : Ixl ::; R} under 'P does not intersect the support of f(.1: - Ael). We can set fJ1jJ F(x) = f(x) - f(x - Ael) = ~(x), UXI
(H.4) where
(H.5) Then we have the following identities involving n-forms:
fJ1jJ a = F(x) dXI /\ ... /\ dX n = dXI /\ ... /\ dX n fJxI = d1jJ /\ dX2 /\ ... /\ dX n
= d( 1jJ dX2
/\ ... /\ dx n ),
i.e., a = d(3, with (3 = 1jJ dX2/\' .. /\ dX n a compactly supported (n - 1)-form of class C I . Now the pull-back of a under 'P is given by (H.7)
'P*a = F('P(x)) detD'P(x)dxI/\" ·/\dx n .
Furthermore, the right side of (H.7) is equal to
f('P(x)) detD'P(x) dXI/\"'/\ dX n - f(x - Aed dXI/\"'/\ dx n .
Hence we have
f('P(x)) detD'P(x)dxI· .. dxn -
J J 'P*a =
'P*d(3 =
where we use the identity (H.10)
'P* d(3 = d( 'P* (3),
f(X)dxI .. ·dxn
Appendix H. Change of Variables Revisited
established in Apendix G. On the other hand, a very special case of Stokes' Theorem applies to
tp* (3
= I =
2.:.: I) (2:) dXl /\ ... /\ dx; /\ ... /\ dx n , J
with I} E
cd (lRll).
Namely "(
) -1
al] dX1/\···/\dxn, ax ]
and hence, by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus,
dl = O.
This gives the desired identity (H.3), from (H.9). We make some remarks on Theorem H.2. Note that 'P is not assumed to be one-to-one or onto. In fact, as noted in [La], the identity (H.3) implies that such 'P must be onto, and this has important topological implications. In more detail, it is readily seen that the range of cp must be closed, so if cp is not onto, it must omit some nonempty open set U. One can take a function J supported in U and with a positive integral and obtain a contradiction in (H.3), since the left side would have to vanish. One then easily observes that, if there is a smooth retraction of the ball B onto its boundary, such a cp would exist that is not onto. This contradiction then gives another proof of the Brouwer no-retraction result, Proposition G.3. We recall that, if one puts absolute values around det Dcp(x) in (H.3), the appropriate formula is (H.14)
J (cp(x))
Idet Dcp(x) Idx =
J(x) n(x) dx,
where n(x) = #{y: cp(y) = x}. This result was proven in Appendix F. We want to extend Theorem H.2 to treat more general maps cp and functions J. The fact that Theorem H.2 holds for maps that do not have to be diffeomorphisms simplifies the task of making the extension to more singular maps. We begin with the following: Proposition H.3. Let'P: lR n Ixl 2:: R. Furthermore, assume
lR n be contmuous. Assume cp(x) = x for
Dcp E Lr~c(lRn),
where Dcp is the weak derzvatzve of cp. Then (H.3) holds Jor all continuous J with compact support.
Appendix H. Change of Variables Revisited
Proof. Using a mollifier, we can produce Coo maps CPv : ]Rn ---+ ]Rn, such that CPv(x) = x for Ixl ~ R + 1, such that CPv ---+ cp uniformly, and such that (H.I6) for all compact K
c ]Rn. By Theorem H.2 we have
(H.I7) for each v. Under our hypotheses, f 0 CPv ---+ f 0 cp uniformly on ]Rn, and we can pick a compact K c ]Rn containing the support of f 0 CPv for all v. By (H.I6) we have (H.I8)
det Dcpv
det Dcp
CPv det Dcpv
in L 1 (K),
and hence (H.I9)
cp det Dcp
in L 1 (]Rn).
Thus we can pass to the limit in (H.I7) to obtain (H.3) in this setting. We mention that, if the hypothesis (H.I5) is strengthened to Dcp E Lfoc(]Rn), for some p > n, then, by Proposition Il.6, cp is differentiable a.e. and its pointwise derivative coincides a.e. with the weak derivative. In light of this, one can compare Proposition H.3 (and Proposition H.4 below) with Propositions 7.4 and 7.6. Now we establish a result valid for more singular
Proposition H.4. Retam the hypotheses of Propositzon H.3. Furthermore, assume (H.20)
det Dcp(x) ~ 0
for a.e. x.
Then (H.3) holds for all posztwe measurable f. Proof. We have (H.3) for compactly supported continuous f. An application of the Monotone Convergence Theorem then gives (H.3) for all characteristic functions f = XK, K c ]Rn compact. A second application of monotone convergence gives (H.3) for all characteristic functions f = Xu, U C ]Rn open and bounded. Now if S c ]Rn is a bounded measurable set, we can write Kv / So, Uv '" Sl, So eSc Sl, with meas(So) = meas(SI) = A, say, and monotone convergence gives
XSo (cp(x)) det Dcp(x) dx
XSl(CP(X)) detDcp(x)dx=A,
Appendix H. Change of Variables Revisited
so (H.3) holds for f = XS. Hence (H.3) holds for positive simple functions f· By one more application of monotone convergence it hence holds for all positive measurable functions (with the standard convention that +00 . 0 = 0). We now discuss how Theorem H.1 can be deduced from Theorem H.2 (or more precisely from the extension to allow arbitrary f E M+(O), as in Proposition H.4). It suffices to obtain (H.2) for f E M+(O) supported in some compact K c 0, by the Monotone Convergence Theorem. Also, to prove Theorem H.1, it suffices to assume det D<.p > O. We will use the following lemma.
Lemma H.5. In the settmg of Theorem H.1 (and wzth detD<.p > 0), gwen p E 0, there zs a nezghborhood U of p and a C 1 map : lR n ---+ lRn such that = <.p on U, (x) = x for Ixl large, and such that supp feU
Granted the lemma, we can proceed as follows. Given f E M+(O), supp f C K, cover K with a finite number of neighborhoods UJ as in Lemma H.5, and write f = :LJ fJ' supp fj C UJ . Also, let J have the obvious significance. By Theorem H.2 we have (H.23) But we also have (H.24)
iJ(j(x)) det DJ(x) dx
fj(<.p(x)) det D<.p(x) dx.
Now summing over J gives (H.2). The proof of Lemma H.5 is essentially an exercise in differential calculus. We indicate how to do this. Say det D<.p(p) = A E Gl+(n, lR), i.e., A E Gl(n, lR) and det A > O. Let us assume for simplicity that p = 0 and <.p(p) = O. We can write
!3(x )<.p(x)
+ (1 -
!3(x) )Ax,
where !3 E Co(lRn) has support in a small neighborhood of p and !3 == 1 on a smaller neighborhood U, and use Corollary B.5 to show that W : lR n ---+ lRn is a diffeomorphism, for conveniently chosen!3. Now we can exploit the fact that GI+(n,lR) is connected (cf. (7.95)) to alter W to , as follows.
Appendix H. Cbange of Variables Revisited
Pick a smooth path r : [0,1] -+ Gl+(n, lR), with r(t) = A for t E [0,1/4] and r(t) = I for t E [3/4,1]. Pick B > 0, sufficiently large that, for each t E [0,1]' the image of {x: Ixl < B} under r(t) contains suppp, and set
This works.
(x) = w(x)
Ixl:::; B, Ixl = B + t, Ixl 2": B + 1.
0:::; t :::; 1,
Appendix I
The Gauss-Green Formula on Lipschitz Domains
Let p E
be a bounded open subset of lRn. We say
n is
Lipschitz if, for each
an, there is a neighborhood U of pin lR n , a rotation of coordinate axes,
and a Lipschitz function u : 0 that
(1.1 )
E lR n
lR, defined on an open set 0 :
Xn ::; U(XI), Xl E O}
lR n- l , such
n U,
where x = (Xl, x n ), Xl = (Xl, .. . ,Xn-d. Our goal is to prove the following version of the Gauss-Green formula.
Theorem 1.1. If n zs a bounded Lipschztz domain m lRn and F = 1 (It, ... ,fn) zs a C vector field on n, then (1.2)
!(diV =! F) dx
N· FdS.
Here dS = dHn-l is (n - I)-dimensional Hausdorff measure, studied in detail in Chapter 12, and N is the outgoing unit normal to defined by (12.91)-(12.92), which is well defined for Hn-l-a.e. x E as discussed in Exercises 7-8 of Chapter 12. In fact, for a.e. Xl E 0, the function u is differentiable at Xl, by Rademacher's Theorem, and, at x = (Xl, U(XI)) E we have
an, an,
Appendix 1. The Gauss-Green Formula on Lipschitz Domains
Theorem 1.1 is a consequence of the following result. 1-
Proposition 1.2. In the setting of Theorem 1.1, zf fEe (!1) and e zs an element of]Rn,
e. V' f(x) dx
j (e· N)f dS. 80
In fact, taking eJ to be the standard orthonormal basis of ]Rn, replacing e by eJ and f by fJ in (1.4) and summing, one obtains (1.2).
To prove (1.4), after applying a partition of unity, we may as well suppose is supported in such a neighborhood U as appears in (1.1). Then we have j
onf(x , ,xn ) dXn )dx ,
= j f(x',u(x')) dx'
j (en· N) f dS. 80
The first identity in (1.5) follows from Fubini's Theorem, the second identity from the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and the third identity from the identification dS = \11 + lV'ul 2 dx', established in Proposition 12.10, and the formula (1.3). This establishes (1.4) for e = en, when f is supported in a region for which (1.1) holds. Now if n is Lipschitz, the region !1 n U has a representation of the form (1.1) in new coordinates obtained by any rotation sufficiently close to the identity. Hence the identity (1.4) holds when e = en is replaced by any sufficiently close element of ]Rn. In particular, it works for e = en + ae J , for 1 :::; j :::; n - 1 and for lal sufficiently small. Thus, we have (1.6)
j(en+aeJ)·V'f(X)dX= j(en+aeJ).NfdS.
If we subtract (1.5) from this and divide the result by a, we obtain (1.4) for e = ej, for all j, and hence (1.4) holds in general. This completes the proof.
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Symbol Index
A r f(x),139
BV(IR), 189 C(X),44 D"', 120 detA, 84, 99 DF(x),267
71 M(f)(x), 139
M0N,71 9Jl(X), 186 M(n, IR), 99, 103 M+(X),30 J.L * lI, 124 1" x lI, 71 'Vv, 131 lI«
E(f,'J",)234 E(f), 207 (f,g)L2,45 j(n), 55 F, 120
r(z), 94 GI(n, IR), 84, 103
/J-, 50, 110
8"'u, 135 8ju, 129 S(IRn), 120 Sdim, 171 a(C),23
* v,
x i3 ,120 Hk,p(IR n ),135 H1,P(IR n ), 129 Hdim,169 'W(A),158 h;,
€(J), 1 LP(X,/J-),43 ~ p, 52
Subjext Index
absolutely continuous, 50, 146, 189 Alaoglu Theorem, 115, 186 algebra, 60 almost everywhere, 35 approximate identity, 96 Ascoli Theorem, 259 Banach space, 42 Besicovitch Covering Lemma, 150 Birkhoff Pointwise Ergodic Theorem, 197 Borel sets, 19 Borel-Cantelli Lemmas, 217 bounded operator, 116 bounded variation, 189 Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem, 300 Brownian scaling, 232 Cantor middle third set, 169 Cantor sets, 171 Caratheodory Theorem, 58 Cartesian product, 256 Cauchy inequality, 46 Cauchy sequence, 251 cells, 83 Central Limit Theorem, 214 chain rule, 268 change of variable, 289, 294, 303 change of variable formula, 85 characteristic function, 28, 213 closed set, 252 closure, 252 coin tosses, 208 compact, 253 complete measure, 36 complete metric space, 251 complex measure, 111, 191
conditional expectation, 234 content, 5 Contraction Mapping Principle, 264 convolution, 54, 122 coordinate chart, 271 countable additivity, 16, 18, 26 countable subadditivity, 14, 26 Darboux's Theorem, 3 derivative, 267 determinant, 99 diffeomorphism, 269 differential form, 293 diffusion, 221 Dini's Theorem, 9 Dominated Convergence Theorem, 33 dual, 113 Egoroff's Theorem, 34 ergodic, 199 ergodic theory, 193 event, 207 expectation, 207 exterior derivative, 295 Fatou's Lemma, 31 First Borel-Cantelli Lemma, 217, 244 Fourier inversion formula, 120 Fourier series, 50 Fourier transform, 120 fractal, 174 Fubini Theorem, 74 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, 7 gamma function, 94 Gauss-Green formula, 309
Subjext Index
Gauss-Green-Stokes formula, 298 Gaussian, 213 Gaussian integral, 93 Haar measure, 106 Hahn decomposition, 184 Hahn Decomposition Theorem, 108 Hahn partition, 109 Hardy-Littlewood maximal function, 139 Hausdorff dimension, 169, 229 Hausdorff measure, 157 Hausdorff space, 261 Hewitt-Savage 01 Law, 202 Hilbert space, 45 Hilbert-Schmidt Kernel Theorem, 119 Hilbert-Schmidt operator, 118 Holder's inequality, 43 homeomorphism, 262 identically distributed, 209 independent random variables, 209 infinitely divisible, 220 inner measure, 17 inner product, 45 integral operator, 11 7 integration by parts, 10 interior, 253 Inverse Function Theorem, 269 isodiametric inequality, 158 iterated integral, 72 Jacobian determinants, 85 law of large numbers, 209 Law of the Iterated Logarithm, 243 Lebesgue decomposition, 52 Lebesgue integral, 35, 98 Lebesgue measure, 13, 158 Lebesgue point, 142 Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure, 67 Levy process, 220 Lipschitz domain, 309 Lipschitz function, 133 Lusin Theorem, 39, 69, 96, 145 manifold, 274 Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem, 198, 283 Markov Property, 241 martingale, 235 Martingale Convergence Theorem, 236 Martingale Maximal Inequality, 235 mean, 207 Mean Ergodic Theorem, 194 Mean Value Theorem, 8 measurable, 17, 26 measure, 25
measure space, 25 measure-preserving map, 193 metric outer measure, 64, 157 metric space, 251 metric tensor, 86, 274 Minkowski's inequality, 43 mixing map, 203 monotone class, 65 Monotone Class Lemma, 65 Monotone Convergence Theorem, 30 monotonicity, 26 Morse functions, 288 mutually singular measures, 52 neighborhood, 252, 261 norm, 41 normal, 176, 213, 309 normed linear space, 41 one-sided shift, 20l open, 261 open set, 252 orientation, 294, 297 orthogonal, 46 orthogonal projection, 48, 234 orthonormal basis, 49 outer measure, 13, 57 parallelogram law, 46 partition, 1 partition of unity, 275 Plancherel Theorem, 122 Poisson distribution, 220 premeasure, 60 probability distribution, 207 probability measure, 186 probability space, 193, 207 product integral, 72 product measure, 71 pull back, 294 Pythagorean Theorem, 46 Rademacher Theorem, 143, 309 Radon measure, 179 Radon-Nikodym Theorem, 50, 110, 234 randon variable, 207 rectangle, 71 reflexive, 115 Riemann integrable, 2, 98 Riemann integral, 1, 35, 98 Riemann sum, 4 Riemannian manifold, 86, 162 Riesz Representation Theorem, 185 Sard Theorem, 287 Schwartz space, 120 Second Borel-Cantelli Lemma, 217, 245
Subjext Index
self-similar set, 171 a-algebra, 19 signed measure, 107 similarity dimension, 171 simple function, 28 Sobolev Imbedding Theorem, 130 Sobolev space, 129 stationary process, 215 Steiner symmetrization, 159 Stokes formula, 298 Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, 54, 223, 262 strong law of large numbers, 210 Taylor's formula, 11 Tchebychev inequality, 56, 283 Tonelli Theorem, 74 topological space, 261 translation invariance, 92 trapezoidal rule, 127 triangle inequality, 41, 251 two-sided shift, 200 Tychonov Theorem, 115, 262 unitary representation, 106 variance, 207 Vitaly Covering Lemma, 147 weak derivative, 129 weak law of large numbers, 210 weak' topology, 115 Weierstrass Approximation Theorem, 262 Whitney Extension Theorem, 145, 277 Wiener Covering Lemma, 140, 160 Wiener measure, 222 Zorn Lemma, 154
This Series
76 Michael E. Taylor, Measure theory and integration, 2006 75 Peter D. Miller, Applied asymptotic analysis, 2006 74 V. V. Prasolov, Elements of combinatorial and differential topology, 2006 73 Louis Halle Rowen, Graduate algebra. Commutative view, 2006 72 R. J. Williams, Introduction the the mathematics of finance, 2006 70 Sean Dineen, Probability theory in finance, 2005 69 Sebastian Montiel and Antonio Ros, Curves and surfaces, 2005 68 Luis Caffarelli and Sandro Salsa, A geometric approach to free boundary problems, 2005 67 T.Y. Lam, Introduction to quadratic forms over fields, 2004 66 Yuli Eidelman, Vitali Milman, and Antonis Tsolomitis, Functional analysis, An introduction, 2004 65 S. Ramanan, Global calculus, 2004 64 A. A. Kirillov, Lectures on the orbit method, 2004 63 Steven Dale Cutkosky, Resolution of singularities, 2004 62 T. W. Korner, A companion to analysis: A second first and first second course in analysis, 2004 61
Thomas A. Ivey and J. M. Landsberg, Cart an for beginners. Differential geometry via moving frames and exterior differential systems, 2003
60 Alberto Candel and Lawrence Conlon, Foliations II, 2003 59 Steven H. Weintraub, Representation theory of finite groups: algebra and arithmetic, 2003 58 Cedric Villani, Topics in optimal transportation, 2003 57 Robert Plato, Concise numerical mathematics, 2003 56 E. B. Vinberg, A course in algebra, 2003 55 C. Herbert Clemens, A scrapbook of complex curve theory, second edition, 2003 54 Alexander Barvinok, A course in convexity, 2002 53 Henryk Iwaniec, Spectral methods of automorphic forms, 2002 52 I1ka Agricola and Thomas Friedrich, Global analysis: Differential forms in analysis, geometry and physics, 2002 51 Y. A. Abramovich and C. D. Aliprantis, Problems in operator theory, 2002 50 Y. A. Abramovich and C. D. Aliprantis, An invitation to operator theory, 2002 49 John R. Harper, Secondary cohomology operations, 2002 48 Y. Eliashberg and N. Mishachev, Introduction to the h-principle, 2002 47 A. Yu. Kitaev, A. H. Shen, and M. N. Vyalyi, Classical and quantum computation, 2002 46 Joseph L. Taylor, Several complex variables with connections to algebraic geometry and Lie groups, 2002 45 Inder K. Rana, An introduction to measure and integration, second edition, 2002 44 Jim Agler and John E. MCCarthy, Pick interpolation and Hilbert function spaces, 2002 43 N. V. Krylov, Introduction to the theory of random processes, 2002 42 Jin Hong and Seok-Jin Kang, Introduction to quantum groups and crystal bases, 2002 41
Georgi V. Smirnov, Introduction to the theory of differential inclusions, 2002
40 Robert E. Greene and Steven G. Krantz, Function theory of one complex variable, third edition, 2006 39 Larry C. Grove, Classical groups and geometric algebra, 2002 38 Elton P. Hsu, Stochastic analysis on manifolds, 2002
TITLES IN THIS SERIES 37 Hershel M. Farkas and Irwin Kra, Theta constants, Riemann surfaces and the modular group, 2001 36 Martin Schechter, Principles of functional analysis, second edition, 2002 35 James F. Davis and Paul Kirk, Lecture notes in algebraic topology, 2001 34 Sigurdur Helgason, Differential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spaces, 2001 33 Dmitri Burago, Yuri Burago, and Sergei Ivanov, A course in metric geometry, 2001 32
Robert G. Bartle, A modern theory of integration, 2001
Ralf Korn and Elke Korn, Option pricing and portfolio optimization Modern methods of financial mathematics, 2001
30 J. C. McConnell and J. C. Robson, Noncommutative Noetherian rings, 2001 29 Javier Duoandikoetxea, Fourier analysis, 2001 28 Liviu I. Nicolaescu, Notes on Seiberg-Witten theory, 2000 27 Thierry Aubin, A course in differential geometry, 2001 26
Rolf Berndt, An introduction to symplectic geometry, 2001
25 Thomas Friedrich, Dirac operators in Riemannian geometry, 2000 24 Helmut Koch, Number theory Algebraic numbers and functions, 2000 23 Alberto Candel and Lawrence Conlon, Foliations I, 2000 22
Gunter R. Krause and Thomas H. Lenagan, Growth of algebras and Gelfand-Kirillov dimension, 2000
John B. Conway, A course in operator theory, 2000
20 Robert E. Gompf and Andras I. Stipsicz, 4-manifolds and Kirby calculus, 1999 19 Lawrence C. Evans, Partial differential equations, 1998 18 Winfried Just and Martin Weese, Discovering modern set theory. II Set-theoretic tools for every mathematician, 1997 17 Henryk Iwaniec, Topics in classical automorphic forms, 1997 16 Richard V. Kadison and John R. Ringrose, Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras Volume II. Advanced theory, 1997 15 Richard V. Kadison and John R. Ringrose, Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras Volume I Elementary theory, 1997 14 Elliott H. Lieb and Michael Loss, Analysis, 1997 13 Paul C. Shields, The ergodic theory of discrete sample paths, 1996 12 N. V. Krylov, Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations in Holder spaces, 1996 II
Jacques Dixmier, Enveloping algebras, 1996 Printing
10 Barry Simon, Representations of finite and compact groups, 1996 9 Dino Lorenzini, An invitation to arithmetic geometry, 1996 8 Winfried Just and Martin Weese, Discovering modern set theory I' The basics, 1996 7 Gerald J. Janusz, Algebraic number fields, second edition, 1996 6 Jens Carsten Jantzen, Lectures on quantum groups, 1996 5 Rick Miranda, Algebraic Curves and Riemann surfaces, 1995 4 Russell A. Gordon, The integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron, and Henstock, 1994 3 William W. Adams and Philippe Loustaunau, An introduction to Grabner bases, 1994 2 Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, and Herman Servatius, Combinatorial rigidity, 1993 Ethan Akin, The general topology of dynamical systems, 1993