Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences Edited by Somdev Bhattacharji, Gerald M. Friedman, Horst J. Neugebauer and Adolf Seilac...
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Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences Edited by Somdev Bhattacharji, Gerald M. Friedman, Horst J. Neugebauer and Adolf Seilacher
5 Paleogeotherm ics Evaluation of Geothermal Conditions in the Geological Past
Edited by GL~nterBuntebarth and Lajos Stegena
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork London Paris Tokyo
Editors Dr. GLinter Buntebarth Technische Universlt~.t Clausthal, Institut fur Geophysik Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 1, D-3392 ClausthaI-Zellerfeld, FRG Prof. Dr. La]os Stegena Institute of Environmental Physics, EStvSs-Unwersity Kun B61a T~r 2, H-1083 Budapest, Hungary
ISBN 3-540-16645-9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-38?-16645-9 Springer-Verlag N e w York Heidelberg Berlin
This work Is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material ~sconcerned, specifically those of translation, repnntlng, re-use of illustrat~one,broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage Ln data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copynght Law where copies are made for other than pnvate use, a fee Ls payable to "Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort", Munich. © Spnnger-Verlag Berhn Heidelberg 1986 Printed in Germany Pnntmg and bmdmg Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2132/3140-543210
During the l a s t decades, remarkable progress in heat flow studies has been made and a rough picture of the global surface heat flow density d i s t r i b u t i o n can now be drawn. Simultaneously, the question of over which time period the surface heat flow is constant arose. There is a big f i e l d of model c a l c u l a t i o n s , based on the changes in radioactive heat generation of the Earth, on plate motions, on s t r e t c h i n g hypotheses or on other ideas, which r e s u l t in geotherms in the geological past. Although these speculative paleogeotherms seem to be r e a l i s t i c e s p e c i a l l y in oceanic areas they do not belong to the scope of t h i s book. In continental areas however, i t is not possible to f i n d a simple time dependence of the surface heat flow density. However, petroleum research and tectogenetic studies are very interested in the geothermal h i s t o r y of sedimentary basins and other continental areas. To obtain s a t i s f a c t o r y r e s u l t s , a more or less d i r e c t determination of paleo heat flow dens i t y or geothermal gradient would be necessary to give more certain boundary cond i t i o n s f o r c a l c u l a t i n g o i l generation, and f o r c o n t r o l l i n g tectogenetic hypotheses. There are many methods a v a i l a b l e in the geosciences to determine temperatures in the geological past. Most of these models are able to estimate temperatures at which a mineral or a mineral assemblage was formed. These methods, however, are mostly unsuitable to reach the main goal of paleogeothermics in general, which is to determine the (regional) heat flow density v a r i a t i o n s during the geological past f o r bigger geological u n i t s , such as sedimentary basins. The methods applied most in sedimentary basins have been deduced from the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n of organic matter. Although much e f f o r t has been made to explain a n a l y t i c a l l y the organic metamorphism, the results found up to now have been i n s u f f i c i e n t . However, the widespread a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s thermometer to estimate ancient thermal conditions is also r e f l e c t e d in the contents of t h i s very volume where the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n of organic matter plays an important r o l e .
As well as t h i s geothermometers, other methods are reviewed from a geophysical viewpoint which favours methods suitable to determine a paleothermal state of the upper crust. Further c o n t r i b u t i o n s of t h i s book deal with -
the h i s t o r y of the earth's surface temperature whose change provides an essential correction f a c t o r in heat flow density determinations,
isotope geothermometers and t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n to various environments to evaluate thermal conditions in the past geological h i s t o r y ,
an a p p l i c a t i o n of the radiometric dating method to retrace the paleothermal condition of the Central Alps.
Most of the c o n t r i b u t i o n s were presented at the symposium "Paleogeothermics" which was held at the 18. General Assembly of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, August 15-27, 1983 in Hamburg/FRG. I t has been the f i r s t
time that such a symposium has been organized by the I n t e r -
national Heat Flow Commission, and t h i s book presents an attempt to define paleogeothermics under the auspices of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Heat Flow Commission.
G. Buntebarth I n s t i t u t e of Geophysics Technical U n i v e r s i t y Clausthal
L. Stegena I n s t i t u t e of Environmental Physics E~tv~s U n i v e r s i t y Budapest
Methods in Paleogeothermics BUNTEBARTH/STEGENA
Temperature h i s t o r y of the earth's surface in r e l a t i o n to heat flow SHACKLETON
Isotope geothermometers HOEFS
Relations between c o a l i f i c a t i o n and paleogeothermics in Variscan and A l p i d i c foredeeps of western Europe TEICHMOLLER/TEICHMOLLER
The c o r r e l a t i o n of v i t r i n i t e in humic organic matter BARKER/PAWLEWICZ
A comparison of two v i t r i n i t e paleotemperature gradients BUNTEBARTH/MIDDLETON
reflectance with maximum temperature
reflectance methods f o r estimating
Methods f o r paleotemperature estimating using v i t r i n i t e data: a c r i t i c a l evaluation VETU/D~VENY
95 reflectance 105
A reaction k i n e t i c approach to the temperature-time h i s t o r y of sedimentary basins SAJGO/LEFLER
Limits of a p p l i c a t i o n of the reaction k i n e t i c method in paleogeothermics LEFLER/SAJGO
Geothermal e f f e c t of magmatism and i t s c o n t r i b u t i o n to the maturation of organic matter in sedimentary basins HORVATH/DUVENY/LACZO
Paleotemperatures in the Central Alps - an attempt of i n t e r p r e t a t i o n WERNER
Geothermal studies in o i l f i e l d d i s t r i c t s of north China WANG/WANG/YAN/LU
Subject Index
G.* a n d L. S T E G E N A * *
* I n s t i t u t f~r Geophysik, T U C l a u s t h a l Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. i, D-3392 C l a u s t h a l - Z e l l e r f e l d ,
of G e r m a n y
** I n s t i t u t e of Geophysics, E ~ t v 6 s - U n i v e r s i t y K u n B ~ l a T ~ r 2, H-IO83 B u d a p e s t
Introduction An attempt is made to bring together geophysical, geological and geochemical methods bearing on ancient thermal conditions of the earth's crust. Methods are emphasized which are s u i t a b l e to estimate temperature gradients in the past, in order to evaluate the evolution of or merely the changes in the thermal regime w i t h i n the c r u s t . The a p p l i c a t i o n of the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n of organic matter has received p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n as a means of estimating the geothermal h i s t o r y of sedimentary basins because the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n is mainly influenced by the temperature of the environment and the time of exposure at t h i s temperature. Several empirical i n t e r pretation methods are reported which have been developed f o r s p e c i f i c basins and which are e s p e c i a l l y v a l i d f o r these areas. During crystal growth, l i q u i d s and other phases can be entrapped in the host c r y s t a l . These entrapped phases preserve the temperature and the pressure conditions which were present at the time of c r y s t a l growth. Chemical reactions are temperature s e n s i t i v e . Therefore, s o l u t i o n e q u i l i b r i a and isotope exchange reactions are applied to estimate paleothermal conditions, or to compare the calculated reaction temperature with the present thermal state in p a r t i c u l a r areas. A recent successfully tested method which deals with the transformation of minerals during diagenesis is reported. Clay minerals, z e o l i t e s and quartz polymorphs are transformed in sedimentary rocks of s i m i l a r composition at d i s t i n c t temperatures. Another method is reported which analyses the color a l t e r a t i o n of conodonts. This method is applicable f o r sedimentary rocks from the Late Cambrian to the T r i a s s i c period when the conodonts l i v e d .
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Ver|ag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
Radiometric dating is the only method which y i e l d s a thermal h i s t o r y of c r y s t a l l i n e rocks. Because each r a d i o a c t i v e system has i t s own closure temperature, radiometric age determinations give the ages at which a rock cooled down to the respective c l o sure temperature. I.
Diagenesis of organic matter
Since organic l i f e grows on the earth, i t is included in the geological cycle. The remains of the organic matter are covered by sediments or deposited together with c l a s t i c d e t r i t u s . I f the circumstances are favourable, the organic matter is preserved and subsides within a sedimentary basin. During subsidence i t undergoes in creasing pressure as well as temperature, and both gradually a l t e r the o r i g i n a l m a t e r i a l . The a l t e r a t i o n of organic matter is known as diagenesis and process of c o a l i f i c a t i o n . There are two factors which govern predominantly the rank of c o a l i f i c a t i o n , which are the temperature in the depth where the organic matter existed during i t s h i s t o r y , a n d the time of i t s exposure. An i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n based on the e f f e c t of temperature and time of exposure to that temperat u re, can be of l i m i t e d value only. More care must be taken on the o r i g i n of organic material and the f i r s t
steps in i t s structural and chemical decomposition
in d i f f e r e n t environments. The oldest coals which seem to be of plant o r i g i n are preserved in rocks of Algonkium age in North America. Several l o c a l i t i e s with coal embedded in a sedimentary sequence are known in the Lower Devonian. Since Middle and Upper Devonian, when plenty of plants grew on the continent and on the submerged shore, coal seams are more common. The most prominent bituminous coal deposits are of Carboniferous age in Europe and North America, and of Permian, Triassic and Jurassic age in South A f r i c a , Eastern A u s t r a l i a and India. Since Cretaceous, much more v a r i e t y in the f l o r a has been created which implies more heterogeneity in the plant remains from which the coaly matter o r i g i n a t e s . The coals are formed not only from d i f f e r e n t plant communities but also at d i f f e r e n t environmental conditions which are summarized by M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMDLLER (1981). I t is important, that the plants or t h e i r remains have to be deposited under conditions with r e s t r i c t e d oxygen supply. Usually, t h i s condition is present in swampy areas. I f a sedimentary basin with swampy areas subsides gradually, the organic matt e r can be deposited in layers of some thickness. A warm or temperate to cool climate with high humidity throughout the year is necessary to r e t a i n the condition favoured f o r organic deposition. There are a few peat-forming plant communities which grow in d i f f e r e n t swamp types, i . e . moss swamp, f o r e s t swamp, open reed swamps and p a r t l y submerged areas with water
plants. The most productive areas are f o r e s t swamps under t r o p i c a l c o n d i t i o n s . Economic~l coal
seams y i e l d from deposition in swamps, in general. As well as in coal
seams, organic matter is also present in a dispersed form in many minerogene sedimentary rocks. Plant remains in r i v e r deltas and on the shores of lakes and oceans, barks, other plant d e t r i t u s , and also coal which can be redeposited, can be covered by c l a s t i c sediments and buried. I f the environmental conditions are favourable f o r preservation, the organic substances undergo the diagenesis during the subsidence, and w i l l become coaly p a r t i c l e s l i k e the plant remains in swamps. However, there is a difference. The plant remains are exposed not only to the mechanical treatment during the transport by water, but also to the o x i d i z i n g atmosphere and to the bacter i a l a c t i v i t y at the surface which favours the preservation of e s p e c i a l l y r e s i s t e n t p a r t i c l e s . This means that the o r i g i n a l organic substance is not exactly the same as in seams. The composition of the organic matter bearing rocks is of some importance too. The organic matter is often oxidized in sandstones, e s p e c i a l l y in red-coloured ones, but is rather seldom in limestone. Usually clay and s i l t s t o n e s are the rock types from which the organic p a r t i c l e s can be observed and interpreted f o r paleogeothermal i n v e s t i g a t i o n s . There are a d d i t i o n a l factors i n f l u e n c i n g the composition of the organic substance which y i e l d s the coaly matter. Whereas organic deposits under t e r r e s t r i a l
and sub-
aquatic conditions are comparable, marine-influenced and calcium-rich swamps produce coals r i c h e r in ash, sulphur and nitrogen. These conditions imply that a d i f f e r e n t a c i d i t y of water may produce coals of same d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e properties, even with the same o r i g i n a l material. I t seems that the bacterial a c t i v i t y is a most important f a c t o r c o n t r o l l i n g the decomposition of plants and thereby at least the o r i g i n a l materials f o r the coals. Therefore, a l l environmental properties which favour or prevent bacterial l i f e also define the properties of the coal. V i t r i n i t e
is a most
common c o a l i f i c a t i o n product which is formed from organic deposits under some acid c o n d i t i o n . I f the environment is neutral to weakly a l k a l i n e , the bacterial a c t i v i t y is very high. Since the protein of the bacteria is also accumulated, the organic substances y i e l d hydrogen-rich bituminous products which form b i t u m i n i t e and weakly reflecting vitrinites Peat is the f i r s t
during subsidence (M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1981).
stage in the diagenetic process of the organic matter. P e a t i f i c a -
t i o n can s t a r t a f t e r the b u r i a l of plant remains with the help of the bacteria, which are active down to some meters of depth. With continuing subsidence, the i n creasing overburden pressure causes the water to be squeezed out of the organic substances.
The temperature during t h i s physical process may range between about
20 to 50° C. At the upper l i m i t of the temperature range, l i t t l e (van HEEK et a l . ,
methane is s p l i t o f f
1971), and the transformation from peat to brown coal is usually
reached in a depth range between 200 m and 400 m. At temperatures of about 70 to
I00 ° C C02 is released, and at temperatures of about 160 to 200 ° C, at which low v o l a t i l e bituminous coal gradually changes to semi-anthracite, large q u a n t i t i e s of methane develop. The rank of coal is determined in a general way by appearances and/or by i t s propert i e s , e.g. b r i g h t brown coal and gas coal. This q u a l i t a t i v e scale is not s u f f i c i e n t f o r a n a l y t i c a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s . The composition of organic matter in sediments is 90 % kerogen and 10 % bitumen (hydrocarbon, r e s i n , asphaltene). The f r a c t i o n soluble in organic solvents, is called bitumen, whereas the other f r a c t i o n , insoluble in organic matter, is termed kerogen. There are methods to estimate the maturity by examining the soluble organic matter: percentage carbon in bitumen, carbon preference index (odd carbon number compounds to even carbon number), p a r a f f i n p r o f i l e , percentage wet gas. Other, more important methods, examine the kerogen as a maturation index. These methods are the kerogen a l t e r a t i o n index KAI, thermal a l t e r a t i o n index TAI, p y r o l y s i s , elementary CHO a n a l y s i s , and atomic H/C r a t i o . A l l these chemical rank parameters are not applicable in general f o r rocks with f i n e l y dispersed organic matter, because the chemical methods need some amount of organic p a r t i c l e s . The rank determination with microscope is successful. The method is not destructive f o r the sample, and is easy to apply. V i t r i n i t e
is the most common coal
maceral, and is the one taken in order to measure i t s o p t i c a l r e f l e c t i v i t y polished sample under o i l ,
at the
applying monochromatic l i g h t . This method is applicable to
both the coal from seams and the coaly p a r t i c l e s dispersed in sedimentary rocks. Vitrinite
is a r a t i o of the i n t e n s i t y of the r e f l e c t e d l i g h t and the
source l i g h t , expressed in percent, using v i t r i n i t e
(= woody kerogen) as the r e f l e c -
t o r . The value is often simply called Ro, % Ro, or % Rm the subscript "o" designates that the measurement was made in o i l , of Rmax, the maximum r e f l e c t i v i t y ,
and "m" means the mean r e f l e c t i v i t y ,
which should be applied at r e f l e c t i v i t y
instead values
above 4 % Rm. The r e f l e c t i v i t y nite/vitrinite
c o e f f i c i e n t gives a continuous scale f o r the c o a l i f i c a t i o n of humiwith values ranging from about 0.2 % up to more than 5 % (M. TEICH-
MOLLER, 1970). Huminite and v i t r i n i t e
are maceral groups of humous components,
where huminite is the precursor of v i t r i n i t e
in peat and brown coal. During the
progress in c o a l i f i c a t i o n huminite is converted i n t o v i t r i n i t e
between the c o a l i f i -
cation stages of dull and b r i g h t brown coal. I f some rocks are so poor in organic matter that concentrates must be prepared by chemical or physical methods, i t is much more d i f f i c u l t
to determine the correct
degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n . The surroundings of the p a r t i c l e s are often helpful
to select the representative ones f o r measurement. The selection of the correct coal macerals, i . e . v i t r i n i t e ,
poses the greatest d i f f i c u l t y
in the determination of
the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n in rocks. For t h i s determination the so-called "kerobitumen" which can be found in bituminous shales is of some importance. The b i t u minous matter r e f l e c t s in the lower rank of c o a l i f i c a t i o n less than v i t r i n i t e ,
more in the rank of a n t h r a c i t e . The d i s t i n c t i o n between recycled and authochtonous organic matter is often d i f f i c u l t
in rocks, but nearly impossible in concentrates.
There are a l o t of problems a r i s i n g from the selection of macerals f o r measurements, which are described more d e t a i l e d e.g. in STACH et a l . (1982), ROBERT (1985), TISSOT & WELTE (1978). Besides the r e f l e c t i v i t y of v i t r i n i t e
in shales, sandstones and limestones with dis-
persed coaly p a r t i c l e s , the spectral fluorescence measurements on s p o r i n i t e has been introduced as an i n d i c a t o r of the degree of diagenesis. I f s p o r i n i t e is i r r a d i a t e d with u l t r a v i o l e t l i g h t (A=365 + 30 nm), a v i s i b l e fluorescence can be observed from yellow to dark red colour. However, the s p o r i n i t e fluorescence spectra are observed at low grades of diagenesis only, i . e . from the stage of peat to that of high v olat i l e bituminous coal (OTTENJANN et a l . ,
Both parameters, the r e f l e c t i v i t y of v i t r i n i t e
and the s p o r i n i t e fluorescence, are
used together to f i n d a more correct degree of diagenesis. The i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the rank of c o a l i f i c a t i o n f o r paleogeothermics is based on the f a c t that the temperature is the most important f a c t o r that increases the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n , but the duration of heating must also be taken i n t o consideration. The influence of pressure, however, seems to be n e g l i g i b l e . Based on HUCK & KARWEIL (1955), LOPATIN (1971) gave a simple scheme f o r describing the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n . Supposing that the c o a l i f i c a t i o n process is to be treated as a f i r s t
order chemical reaction, the
Arrhenius' equation is v a l i d and the v e l o c i t y of the reaction (k) depends exponentially
on temperature: k = a exp(-E/RT)
(a: frequency-factor, E: a c t i v a t i o n energy, R: gas-constant, T: temperature in Kelv i n ) . Numerous chemical reactions double t h e i r reaction v e l o c i t y f o r each 10° C temperature growth, not f a r from room temperatures, because t h e i r a c t i v a t i o n energy l i e s around 54 kJ/mole. LOPATIN (1971) accepted t h i s value and suggested that the dependence of maturity on time is l i n e a r , and the dependence on temperature has an exponential character. Therefore, the v e l o c i t y of the " c o a l i f i c a t i o n " reaction can be w r it t en as k ~ 20"IT(t)
and the parameter which describes the rank of c o a l i f i c a t i o n t* C~
where T ( t ) is the temperature of the layer during the time i n t e r v a l dt, and t * is the time from the deposition of the layer t i l l
the present.
For practical reasons, LOPATIN introduced the sum instead of the i n t e g r a l , d i v i d i n g the whole temperature h i s t o r y of the layer i n t o 10° C temperature i n t e r v a l s . He then arbitrarily
chose the 100 to 110 ° C temperature i n t e r v a l (which is the mean domain
of o i l generation) as the base i n t e r v a l and assigned to i t an index value of n=O, to the 120- 130° C i n t e r v a l n = 2 , to the 90-100 ° C i n t e r v a l n = - 1 , and so on. The maturity parameter calculated in t h i s manner was called the Time Temperature Index (TTI), nmin TTI =
~(~tn)2 n nmax
where ~t n is the time i n t e r v a l (in Ma) the layer spent in the n-th 10° C temperature i n t e r v a l , and nmax and nmin are the n-values of the highest and lowest temperature i n t e r v a l s occurring in the thermal h i s t o r y of the layer. w
-8 40 SO
- 7 - -6 .
Fig. I . LOPATIN's (1971) method f o r the calcul a t i o n of the Time Temperature Index f o r a layer l y i n g at a depth of 2300 m, aged 20 Ma. TTI is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c f o r the maturity of organic matter.
T , ~
2 Depth, km Index ( 1-1"1)
/ITn : in M a
Fig. I demonstrates the method of c a l c u l a t i o n of TTI, f o r a hypothetical layer 20 Ma old and l y i n g at present at a depth of 2300 m. Let us suppose that the subsidence and burial h i s t o r y of the layer during geologic time was determined as shown by the curve of Fig. I . Let us then suppose that the present geothermal gradient is 50 mK/m, and the gradient was constant during the whole sedimentary h i s t o r y , as shown in Fig. I , by the horizontal s t r a i g h t geotherms. In t h i s case f o r the layer of Fig. I , TTI= ;5.2.
Based on 402 thermal maturity (Ro) data from 31 worldwide wells, WAPLES (1980) determined a correlation between TTI values calculated for each borehole from burial h i s t o r i e s , supposing the v a l i d i t y of present geothermal conditions during the geological past, and Ro values measured (Fig. 2).
t o(x~o
I ~
Fig. 2. Correlation between the Time Temperature Index of maturity and v i t r i nite reflectance Ro ( a f t e r WAPLES, 1980)
\ \\ \
These antecedents make possible the paleo heat flow estimation for a borehole, by the following steps: -
Based on known ages of some sedimentary layers in the borehole, the sedimentary history for these layers is determined (Fig. 3, dotted l i n e s ) .
~Ma A 12 ~0 C8 DSE 4
1 S'S
...... 13
Fig. 3. Sedimentary history of a borehole (HOD) in the Pannonian basin, calculated on the basis of the ages in the l e f t hand column, with and without correction of compaction (STEGENA et a i . , 1 9 8 1 )
Using porosity-depth functions and/or other considerations, the sedimentary h i s t o r i e s are corrected f o r the e f f e c t of compaction during the geological past (Fig. 3, s o l i d l i n e s ) (DU ROUCHET, 1980; STEGENAet a l . ,
1982). Based on present borehole temperatures, the geotherms f o r each 10° C round i n t e r val are constructed in the time-depth section (Fig. 4, l e f t ) with the present heat flow during the geological past. The constancy of heat flow during the past does not r e s u l t in p a r a l l e l and e q u i d i s t a n t s t r a i g h t l i n e s ; i t is possible to take i n t o consideration the probable changes with time and depth of thermal cond u c t i v i t y of the layers, with the aid of the l i t h o l o g y and burial h i s t o r y of the borehole.
:: -
--%. IBOC 8
Ma 4
°C 0
5O 60 70
80 90
20 i ~"
120 130
2 T T I = 2 ' 6 ~ R o = 0"45
TTJ=I"2 ~ R o = 0 ' 4 0
80 3
1 ~ = 1 9 ~ R o = 0"69
I 3 T;]=T4~R°
: 0"55
SO -1
170 180
150 160
30 I
100 0
4 TTI= 1 7 8 ~ R o = 1'35 !
TTI=26--R o = 0,74 11o t
200 210
S TflI1347~R 10 tl
o - 2'16
I T I = 3 4 6 ~ R o = 1'58 3
km '8 T r t = 8 0 1 2 ~ R o = 3"17
1 9 0 / / ' / i " 6 T T I = 1 9 1 2 ~ R o = 2'32 210
Fig. 4. Calculated TTI values f o r the borehole HOD assuming that the heat flow density was constant through the sedimentary h i s t o r y ( l e f t ) , and that the borehole was heated up during the l a s t 5 Ma f o r the present heat flow value (STEGENA et a l . , 1981) A f t e r c a l c u l a t i n g the TTI values f o r each layer of the borehole the TTI-s are transformed to Ro values (Fig. 4), using the c o r r e l a t i o n of WAPLES (1980) (Fig. 2). These calculated R° values are compared with the Ro values measured in the borehole. The discrepancy between calculated and measured values is a t t r i b u t e d to the v a r i a t i o n s of heat flow during the geological past. Using plausible hypotheses, one makes a change in the past heat flow (Fig. 4, r i g h t ) and repeats the comparison of Ro values calculated from TTI-s and measured Ro values, t i l l between calculated and measured v i t r i n i t e
a good f i t
reflectances is achieved (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 shows two boreholes of the Pannonian basin with heat flow h i s t o r i e s calculated independently. Both boreholes gave the same r e s u l t : the measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances are compatible with the assumption that the Pannonian basin has had a low heat flow ( ~ 5 0 mW/m2) before 5 Ma, and 5 Ma ago the heat flow began to in crease ( l i n e a r l y ? ) to i t s present value ( - 1 0 0 mW/m2). 0.2
0.3 0,4 0,50,6 O,O 1.0
3,0 4,0 6.0
0.3 0.4 0,5 0,6 O.il 1.0
3.0 4,0 5.0
Ro %
1 2 W
3 4
em 5-
~16 14 16
4~ 2
I)epm, km
Fig. 5. The measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances in the borehole HOD and DER (both in the Pannonian basin) and the v i t r i n i t e reflectances calculated from the f o l l o w ing heat flow s t o r i e s : the heating-up of the boreholes began at co, 5, 2, I Ma ago ( a f t e r STEGENA et a l . , 1981). The above scheme serves better to understand the p r i n c i p l e s of the paleogeothermal c a l c u l a t i o n s , but does not present a f i n a l solution of the question. There are some fundamental problems in the o i l geochemistry which are not solved s a t i s f a c t o r i l y and which can influence the above sketched model. I t became usual to assume that increases in v i t r i n i t e
reflectance values were
v a l i d indicators of the extent to which organic matter maturated and o i l generat i o n had occurred (WAPLES, 1983). However, there is an uncertainty in some R o measurements, because the values have a wide spread, and sometimes i t is hard to d i s t i n g u i s h low r e f l e c t i n g r e s i n i t e and high r e f l e c t i n g fusunite from v i t r i n i t e s (HO, 1978). During the beginning of o i l generation, bitumen impregnations lower the v i t r i n i t e
reflectance. In a l l red-coloured rocks organic matter is oxidized;
in limestones v i t r i n i t e
is very r a r e l y preserved and i f i t occurs, the reflectance
value d i f f e r s from the value of v i t r i n i t e
in the same rank. RONSARD & OBERLIN
(1984) suggest t h a t , as with any other e l e c t r o n i c property of any s o l i d , r e f l e c tance depends on three parameters: chemical composition, atomic structure and microstructure. The same value f o r reflectance can thus be measured f o r materials d i f f e r e n t in t h e i r microstructure and chemical composition, which can be of d i f f e -
14 rent ranks or not. They suggest the use of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) by using successive heat treatment in an i n e r t atmosphere to 1000° C, which bett e r characterizes the maturation of organic materials. I t is generally supposed that pressure does not have a s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t on the maturation of organic matter and on the amount of hydrocarbon generated. I t is to be noted however, that the role of pressure in o i l generation has never been examined properly (WAPLES, 1983). The maturation of organic matter e x h i b i t s a very complex process, inv o lv ing a l o t of p a r a l l e l chemical reactions with various a c t i v a t i o n energies, and the whole process can hardly be described by a f i r s t - o r d e r k i n e t i c expression (SIEVER, 1983). This was also shown by pyrolysis experiments (CUMMINGS & ROBINSON, 1972). LASAGA (1981) has compiled a table of a c t i v a t i o n energies f o r geochemical reactions that shows a range from less than 4 kJ/mole to
more than 400 kJ/mole.
TISSOT & ESPITALIE (1975), TISSOT et a l . (1975), and JONTGEN & KLEIN (1975) have modelled the thermal a l t e r a t i o n of kerogen with a set of f i r s t - o r d e r rate equations, E d nki a i exp(- i T = -nki ~)
i = 1,2 . . . . 6
where nki is the mass function, a i is the frequency f a c t o r , Ei is the a c t i v a t i o n energy of the i - t h kerogen. I f i t is integrated over the thermal h i s t o r y of any horizon, the generated petroleum and the maturity of organic matter can be calculated. This process although giving a b e t t e r t h e o r e t i c a l approximation, is hardly applicable f o r paleogeothermal a p p l i c a t i o n s . LOPATIN (1971) tested his model on a very d i f f i c u l t
w e l l , MUnsterland I/FRG. Recali-
bration of Lopatin's method with l a r g e r and more r e l i a b l e data sets (WAPLES, 1980; KETTEL, 1981) has v e r i f i e d the general v a l i d i t y of the model i t s e l f ,
but has modi-
f i e d Lopatin's o r i g i n a l T T l - v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t i v i t y c o r r e l a t i o n . LOPATIN & BOSTICK (1973) and LOPATIN (1976) l a t e r suggested some improvements to the o r i g i n a l scheme. LOPATIN (1976) used fewer and l a r g e r temperature i n t e r v a l s ; instead of ~T= 10° C, 1.37T 2 ~T = ~ . 3 7 T (T in Kelvin, E a c t i v a t i o n energy=42 kJ/mole). This formula gives 15° C f o r ~T at T<80 ° C, 20° C at 80 ° C
15 The diagenesis of organic matter accelerates e x p o n e n t i a l l y with temperature. In the whole process, the time which the layer under consideration passed away at maximum temperatures, plays a decisive r o l e . HOOD et a l . (1975) worked out a model, in which the period spent w i t h i n 15° C of the rock's maximum paleotemperature was taken into consideration. For the maturation of organic matter, and i n d i r e c t l y , f o r the v i t r i nite reflectivity,
they created a scale of thermal maturity called the "level of
organic metamorphism" (LOM), which is c o n t r o l l e d only by the maximum temperature survived by the l a y e r , and by the " e f f e c t i v e heating time" spent by the layer w i t h i n 15° C of the rock's maximum temperature (Fig. 6). S t a p l i n ' s s i m i l a r scale (TAI, thermal a l t e r a t i o n index) is based on microscopic structure v a r i a t i o n and the colouring of organic debris. TMA x
2.2 1,8
20 -
200 -
Ro 100--
200 --
78 0.1
i J i/
[ i
Fig. 6. Relation of LOM and Ro to maximum temperature and e f f e c t i v e heating time ( a f t e r HOOD et a l . , 1975, modified) PUSEY (1973) suggested that maximum paleotemperatures can be obtained accurately from ESR (electron spin resonance) analysis of kerogen. The ESR is s e n s i t i v e to free r a d i c a l s ; the number of free radicals increases as kerogen is subjected to increasing temperatures, and kerogen free radicals are stable through geologic time. The ESR geothermometer was c a l i b r a t e d by obtaining data from cores of T e r t i a r y basins believed to be a c t i v e l y subsiding and so s a t i s f y i n g the h i g h l y probable assumption that samples from these basins are now at maximum temperature since b u r i a l . But ESR signals are not only dependent on temperature but are also subject to v a r i a t i o n s in kerogen type, diagenetic changes in kerogen, weathering and geologic time.
16 PRICE (1982) improves the idea that v i t r i n i t e
depends f i r s t
of a l l on
maximum temperature. A p l o t of Ro versus present temperature from a number of areas that have not undergone major geologic m u t i l a t i o n , increases in a s t r i c t l y
f a s h i o n ( r = 0 . 9 7 ) yet burial times f o r these d i f f e r e n t areas range from 0.3 to 240 Mao He suggests that some geochemical postulates are in e r r o r and that time has little
e f f e c t on organic maturation. I t appears that v i t r i n i t e
can be
used as an absolute paleogeothermometer from 20 ° C to at least 400 ° C. MIDDLETON & FALVEY (1983) propose, f o r s i m p l i c i t y , that maturation (C) and Ro are related by the equation In Ro = A + BC. Empirical studies give A=-2.275 and B=0.177. For maturation C, they accept Lopatin's o r i g i n a l idea with i n s i g n i f i c a n t modification (AT= 10.2 instead of 10° C) and f o r s i m p l i c i t y use the logarithm of the previously given integral t C=In~2T(t)/10"2dt (as used by ROYDEN et a l . ,
1980 and DE BRAEMAEKER, 1983).
Equations combine to give an equation r e l a t i n g Ro to temperature as a function of time: t
(Ro)a = b~o exp[c T(t)] dt where a=5.635, b = 2 . 7 . 1 0 -6 Ma- I and c =0.068 ° C- I .
Given the thermal h i s t o r y of an organic sediment T ( t ) , t h i s equation can be used to predict the v i t r i n i t e
of the sediment a f t e r a time t . Nor does WELTE&
YOKLER's (1981) equation add more to that formulated by LOPATIN (1971) and WAPLES (1980): Ro [%] = 1.301 l g ( T T I ) - 0 . 5 2 8 2 . BUNTEBARTH (1978) t r i e d to calculate paleogeothermal gradients, as f a r as possible without theory. I t is clear that a r e l a t i o n s h i p e x i s t s between the coal rank, measured by the mean optical r e f l e c t i v i t y
of v i t r i n i t e
(Rm), and the integral of
depth and duration of b u r i a l . A c o r r e l a t i o n has been evaluated between the square of vitrinite
and the b u r i a l h i s t o r y :
17 tI Rm2 ~
z ( t ) dt L)
(z depth, t time, t I means that the calculation can be r e s t r i c t e d to a part of the whole burial h i s t o r y ) . Furthermore, i t is clear that, in t h i s r e l a t i o n s h i p , the coal rank is proportional to a function of the geothermal gradient, tI Rm2= 1.16.10 -3 exp(O.068 dT/dz)F z ( t ) dt.
Jo Fig. 7 shows measured Rm values in some boreholes in the F.R.G. as a function of tI burial history (~ z ( t ) d t ) . 0 Geothermal gradients measured at present in the four boreholes in Fig. 7 allowed the c a l i b r a t i o n of the empirical equation. The a p p l i c a b i l i t y of t h i s equation for other areas is investigated in BUNTEBARTH & MIDDLETON ( t h i s volume). 2.0
Z[, Lower OIi~cene) 1.5
Fig. 7. Relation between the mean v i t r i n i t e reflectance (Rm) and the integral of depth and time, in four boreholes of the Upper Rhinegraben (BUNTEBARTH, 1979)
Landau 2 ( Upper Oligocene / to Pffocene) // Sandhiusen I
Anzlng 3
80 tl
200 km Ma
Some case h i s t o r i e s : Based on maximum measured v i t r i n i t e
r e f l e c t i v i t y data (HACQUEBARD, 1977) and burial
history of 28 wells lying in the Central Prairies Basin, Canada, MAJOROWICZ & JESSOP (1981) estimated a lower average paleogeothermal gradient (27 mKm- I ) for the early Oligocene time than the present day one (30.6 mKm-I in average) (Fig. 8). For the calculation, they used the method of KARWEIL (1956) with BOSTICK's (1973) modifications and the method proposed by HOOD et a l . (1975).
Fig. 8. Average of the paleogeothermal gradients with the histogram of present geothermal gradients, in the Central Prairies basin, Canada (MAJOROWICZ & JESSOP, 1981)
f6z w
i t6
i 8
EGGEN (1984) worked with a l o t of v i t r i n i t e
data but present heat flow
estimations only. He stated that in the Viking Graben (Norwegian North Sea) the c a l culated paleo heat flow density (approx. 55 mWm-2) f i t s well with the present heat flow estimation ( 5 0 - 6 0 mWm-2); on the flank of the Viking Graben, however, an =2
average paleo heat flow close to 50 mWm
has to be assumed in order to obtain the -2
observed maturity, while the present day estimation l i e s at 70 mWm
WANG JI-AN et a l . ( t h i s volume) found t h a t the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient increases from 0.25 to 0.65 % Ro/km from middle to e a r l y Eocene, in the western part of Liaohe o i l field,
North China, and a c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient of about 0.4 was determined in the
early T e r t i a r y sediments of the Central Hebei o i l f i e l d .
KARWEIL's (1956) and
LOPATIN's (1971) methods were used f o r paleotemperature reconstructions. In contrast, RYBACH (1984) gives 0 . 0 9 - 0 . 0 5 % Ro/km c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients f o r the Northern Alpine Foreland (Molasse basin). ROYDEN & KEEN (1980) predict R° values f o r the sediments of the Nova Scotia and Labrador shelves, based on t h e o r e t i c a l l y derived thermal e v o l u t i o n , and on LOPATIN's theory. A s i m i l a r work was carried out by ROYDEN et a l . (1980), f o r the Falkland Plateau and f o r three places of the North A t l a n t i c . BUNTEBARTH (1983,1985) estimated the paleotemperature gradient as well as the heat flow density in a few sedimentary basins in the F.R.G. In the Ruhr Basin, the foredeep of the Rhenish Variscan mountains, f o r which many data are a v a i l a b l e (BUNTEBARTHet a l . ,
1982), the heat flow decreased during West-
phalian C from about 125 mW/m2 to about 105 mW/m2. Because of the low thermal cond u c t i v i t y of the coal, the temperature gradients reached mean values of 79 ° C/km before, and 65 ° C/km a f t e r t h i s decrease in heat flow data obtained.
19 The thermal regime of the back-deep of the Rhenish Variscan mountains, that of the Saar Basin, is nearly the same as that of the Ruhr Basin during the Westphalian (BUNTEBARTH, 1983). A s i m i l a r high heat flow is indicated in other European Carboniferous basins, e.g. ROBERT (1985). Within the Lower Saxony Basin, the Upper Carboniferous coal beds were heated by i n t r u s i v e bodies during the Upper Cretaceous - about 200 Ma a f t e r sedimentation. Model c a l c u l a t i o n s that take the cooling of the Massif of Bramsche into account, indicate that temperature gradients between 60 and 80 ° C/km existed w i t h i n the coal bearing s t r a t a . From model c a l c u l a t i o n s , p r i o r to the magmatic heating, the temperature gradient did not exceed 30 to 40 ° C/km during maximum burial (BUNTEBARTH,1985). The paleogradient derived f o r the borehole Urach 3 (Swabian Alb) f o r t u i t o u s l y agrees with the measured present day gradient. The paleogradient of 43 ° C/km corresponds to Cretaceous to Lower T e r t i a r y times, because c o a l i f i c a t i o n ended p r i o r to the Upper Tertiary uplift
The thermal regime of the middle Upper Rhine Graben changed during the T e r t i a r y . Temperature gradients during the Lower T e r t i a r y were higher than those during the Upper T e r t i a r y . The values ranged, r e s p e c t i v e l y , from 48 to 78 ° C/km, and from 34 to 50° C/km (BUNTEBARTH, 1978). A d i r e c t r e l a t i o n s h i p may e x i s t between volcanic a c t i v ity
in the Graben, and the high thermal gradients, both documented f o r the period
immediately a f t e r the opening of the Graben. From these few data, i t can be t e n t a t i v e l y concluded that the Upper Cretaceous was a time of widespread high thermal gradients. Furthermore, high gradients also existed during the Upper Carboniferous in northern Germany, and during the Lower Tert i a r y in southern Germany. In contrast to the problems of v i t r i n i t e to be r e a l i s t i c .
To avoid the d i f f i c u l t i e s new idea:
with v i t r i n i t e
enumerated, these r e s u l t s seem
McKENZIE (1981) proposed a
Some of the problems r e l a t i n g to the empirical r e l a t i o n s suggested by LOPATIN (1971), WAPLES (1980) and others could be avoided i f chemical reactions i n v o l v i n g only one molecular type which occur during the maturation of the organic material, were to be i d e n t i f i e d . MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) have investigated the rates of three react i o n s which occur before and during the early stages of o i l formation. Two of the reactions are isomerization reactions, at C-20 in a sterane and at C-22 in a hopane hydrocarbon; the t h i r d reaction converts C-ring monoaromatic to t r i a r o m a t i c steroid
20 hydrocarbons. All three reactions were assumed to be f i r s t
order and monomolecular;
the isomerization reactions are r e v e r s i b l e , with a rate of conversion of the R to the S form of 1.174 and 1.564 resp., while the aromatization reaction was assumed to be i r r e v e r s i b l e . This method excels by i t s clear t h e o r e t i c a l (thermodynamic) p r i n c i p l e s , the Arrhenius equation is c e r t a i n l y v a l i d f o r these reactions. The problem, however, is that f r e quency f a c t o r and a c t i v a t i o n energy cannot be determined in the laboratory or only very inaccurately, because of the slowness of the reactions. Because of t h i s , McKENZIE's (1978) stretching theory f o r the evolution of sedimentary basins was used to c a l i b r a t e the reactions. This theory involves a thermal h i s t o r y , which can be derived s u f f i c i e n t l y accurately from the burial h i s t o r y . Based on chemical analyses of North Sea and Pannonian Basin cores, and using more or less determined or hypot h e t i c a l stretching models, the kinematics of the three reactions were determined in Table I. Table I.
Rate parameters of three reactions (MACKENZIE & McKENZIE, 1983) Frequency f a c t o r
A c t i v a t i o n energy (kJ mol -I )
Isomerization of steranes
6.10 -3
Isomerization of hopanes
16.10 -3
Aromatization of steroid H C - s
Fig. 9 shows the results f o r the Pannonian basin, which are in a certain agreement with the t h e o r e t i c a l curves derived with the assumption that the stretching r a t e , B , is 2 (SCLATER et a l . ,
1980). A s i m i l a r study was carried out by HOFFMANNet a l .
(1984) f o r the Malakam Delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia, and SAJGO et a l . (1983) f o r the Pannonian basin. A r t i c l e s of SAJGO & LEFLER ( t h i s volume) give d e t a i l e d information about the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of some marker reactions to paleogeothermal determinations.
I ~37'
0 .lo1" nS'o ~oo'~
1 Arorn. 0'61
2O 23
Arom. 0
3 ,,1
60 t
Fig. 9. The extent of sterane and of hopane isomerization as a function of s t er oid hydrocarbon aromatization f o r samples of the borehole HOD in the Pannonian basin. The curves are calculated t h e o r e t i c a l l y , based on the thermal h i s t o r y of the basin from McKENZIE's (1978) stretching theory. The basin is assumed to have been formed by sudden extension ( B = 2 ) , 15 Ma ago. The marks on the curves are present temperatures at 5° C i n t e r v a l s (above) and present depths at 200 m i n t e r v a l s (below) (MACKENZIE & McKENZIE, 1983). The l e f t lowest diagram shows the approximate thermal h i s t o r y which belongs to various ~ values.
22 2.
Fluid i n c l u s i o n thermometry
In nearly a l l minerals, whether ores, rock forming minerals or others, small amounts of f l u i d s are entrapped in the host crystal which preserve the physical and chemical conditions of the surrounding medium during the time of the crystal growth. I t is generally assumed that no subsequent change in the entrapped material takes place (LEMMLEIN, 1956; ROEDDER, 1967). At the time of entrappment, the f l u i d i n c l u s i o n is a homogeneous phase c o n s t i t u t i n g mainly of water, s a l t (in general sodium chloride) and some amount of carbon dioxide, and also s i l i c a t e melt. Since the thermal expansion of the f l u i d / m e l t is greater than that of the mineral, a vapour bubble is formed w i t h i n the c a v i t y when the temperature decreases. The f l u i d inclusions are formed by crystal growth when the advancing faces, edges and corners of the growing crystal are disturbed (primary i n c l u s i o n s ) , by f r a c t u r i n g and healing of c r y s t a l s during mechanical disturbances or by overgrowth of a crystal (secondary inclusions) (PAGEL & POTY, 1983). From rock or mineral samples, t h i n sections (-80pm) are prepared which are mounted on a glass plate and polished on both sides. The t h i n section is heated up under a microscope by using a heating stage (e.g. OHMOTO & RYE, 1970). At a certain temperature,
the bubble disappears in the i n c l u s i o n . The heating is then reversed to
cooling u n t i l the entrapped f l u i d / m e l t becomes an inhomogeneous phase again. The temperature at t h i s condition is measured and called the homogenization temperature. This p a r t i c u l a r temperature is related to the temperature of formation. However, the pressure of formation has to be involved. Generally, an increase in pressure requires a greater temperature to complete homogenization (ROEDDER,1967; SIGURDSON, 1974; POTTER, 1977; BOWERS & HELGESON, 1983a,b). The pressure correction is d i f f e rent f o r s i l i c a t e melt inclusions with shrinkage vapour bubbles ( o n l y - 2 0 ° C/kb) and f o r more compressible f l u i d s with water and carbon dioxide (ROEDDER, 1982). Since the f l u i d inclusions contain a substantial concentration of sodium c h l o r i d e , the pressure correction can be applied, i f t h i s concentration is known. The thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions are affected remarkably by the concentrat i o n of sodium chloride. The pressure correction reported by POTTER (1977) is based on :olumetric properties of the NaCI-H20 system. The correction by BOWERS & HELGESON (1983a,b) works at pressures above 50 MPa and high temperatures from 350 to 600 ° C; additional to the graphs of the ternary system, FORTRAN programs are given to generate the pressure correction (BOWERS & HELGESON, 1985) which is based on a modified REDLICH & KWONG (1949) equation of state matching the pressure-volume-temperature data reported by GEHRIG (1980).
Prior to the pressure c o r r e c t i o n , the sodium chloride content must be analyzed. The s a l i n i t y of the f l u i d in inclusions can be estimated by the depression of the freezing point during cooling. The higher the s a l i n i t y ,
the higher is the depression of
the freezing p o i n t . ROEDDER (1962) reports the freezing point data f o r pure solutions of sodium c h l o r i d e . Applying t h i s data to f l u i d i n c l u s i o n s , the s a l i n i t y of the brine can be given in sodium c h l o r i d e equivalent only, since the f l u i d consists of other c o n s t i t u e n t s , and t h i s mixed s a l t s o l u t i o n causes some uncertainty in the determinat i o n of the sodium chloride content (ROEDDER, 1976). The freezing point of the i n c l u sion is determined during cooling of the sample using cooled nitrogen gas. When the i n c l u s i o n is frozen, the gas flow is reduced so that the c r y s t a l s begin to melt. The melting temperature of the l a s t ice crystal determines the freezing point of the i n clusion. The pressure is taken e i t h e r as the actual pressure corresponding to the b u r i a l depth of the sample, or as the paleo-pressure which is estimated from the sedimentary h i s t o r y . CURRIE & NWACHUKWU (1974) and MAGARA(1978) used t h i s p r i n c i p l e f o r determination of paleo-geothermal gradients in Canadian Cardium sandstone as f o l l o w s : Thin sections were made from f r a c t u r e - f i l l i n g
materials (mainly quartz) of sandstone cores from 5
boreholes of a single r e s e r v o i r . Those quartz f i l l i n g s
that contained f l u i d i n c l u -
sions were heated and microscopically observed. The ranges of homogenization temperatures and calculated paleogeothermal and measured present geothermal gradients are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Ranges of homogenization temperatures and calculated geothermal gradients of Cardium sandstones (by CURRIE & NWACHUKWU, 1974 and MAGARA, 1978) . Well
Homogenization temperature (°C)
Maximum burial depth geothermal gradient (mK/m)
45- 108
46- 100
50 - 85
Near present Present gradient (mK/m) gradient (mK/m)
I t was supposed that the highest homogenization temperature of a core refers to the quartz f i l l i n g
formed at maximum temperature and the lowest homogenization
temperature o r i g i n a t e s from quartz f i l l i n g s peratures.
formed at lower ("near present") tem-
The paleo-pressures were determined by sedimentary history, taking the rock compaction (using sonic log) into consideration. Fig. 10 shows the diagram of interpretation: the measured maximum homogenization temperatures (A-F) are followed along the line of specific volume of water t i l l
the calculated paleo-pressures are reached;
this gives the paleotemperatures A ' - F'. For the lowest homogenization temperatures (a-f),
the present pressure of cores (calculated by depth and density) were applied.
2,6 i
I 50
I 100
~ 150
1 200
i 250
I 300
_ oJ=
Fig. 10. Graphs showing ranges of homogenization temperature of Cardium sandstone in f i v e (A- F) boreholes in western Canada and the interpreted paleotemperatures ( a ' - f ' , A ' - F') (from MAGARA, 1978, modified) The homogenization temperature method excels in i t s s i m p l i c i t y , and has been applied since the last century. However, there were some uncertainties which biased the results, and which may have been the reason why the method was seldom applied t i l l
f i f t i e s when the technique and the foundations were improved. Inclusions can contain not only water but many other materials: mixed s a l t , o i l , hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, etc. (FREY et a l . , 1980; POTY & PAGEL, 1983). FREY et al. (1980) demonstrate that the f l u i d composition changes continuously in fissure quartz of the external parts of the central Alps, from higher hydrocarbon, through methane to water-bearing f l u i d inclusions. The change of the f l u i d composition is dependent mainly on the temperature increase during the progressive Alpine metamorphism. The continuous change of composition may cause some systematic uncertainties in both the pressure correction (ZAGORUCHENKO & ZHURAVLEV, 1970) and the e s t i mation of the formation temperature. ROEDDER (1962,1963) proposed to begin the heat-
ing experiment at low (-35 ° C) or even very low (-180 ° C) temperatures (POTY & PAGEL, 1983), because the freezing temperatures are useful f o r d i s c r i m i n a t i n g among gas, l i q u i d and s u p e r c r i t i c a l f l u i d , and among l i q u i d water, l i q u i d o i l and l i q u i d carbon dioxide. Fluid i n c l u s i o n s may also r e - e q u i l i b r a t e during b u r i a l , or could possibly leak, but experimental studies of quartz show that most f l u i d inclusions w i l l not decrepitate at an internal overpressure lower than 800 bars and that the smallest can withstand overpressures as high as 4 kilobars (TUGARINOV & NAUMOV, 1970; LEROY, 1979). In many cases, f l u i d i n c l u s i o n studies give minimal temperatures and only occasioally
temperatures of i n c l u s i o n formation. I f the f l u i d was homogeneous at
the time of trapping, the homogenization temperature w i l l be a minimum temperature. The trapping temperature of the f l u i d in basins which are 5 - 7 km deep may be higher by a value up to 80 ° C, in comparison to the f l u i d i n c l u s i o n temperature. POTY & PAGEL (1983) suggest that f l u i d i n c l u s i o n techniques seem to give more detailed data than organic matter and i l l i t e
Case h i s t o r i e s PAGEL (1975), using the f l u i d - i n c l u s i o n microthermometry of d e t r i t a l quartz grains of sandstones, received a 35 ° C/km geothermal gradient f o r sedimentary basin in Athabasca (Canada) "which is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c f o r active sedimentary basins" (Fig. 11). The f l u i d s of i n c l u s i o n exhibited a NaCI concentration of 30 %.
_ ¥P-_73-~_ 8 _ ~ _
RL 1 1 _ _ ]BI.]F_--~ --
"c 0
1 O0
Fig. 11. PVT diagram f o r a 30 weight % NaCl s o l u t i o n and the calculated paleotemperatures by microthermometry of d e t r i t o quartz grains from Athabasca sandstones of f i v e (RL3 e t c . ) Canadian boreholes ( a f t e r PAGEL, 1975)
VISSER (1982) studied petroleum source rock from Venezuela by f l u i d i n c l u s i o n thermometry. Thin ( < 8 0 pm) sections were made, polished on both sides and mounted on covers l i p s with epoxy resin to give the necessary support. The heating-freezing experiments were performed on a stage as described by POTY et a l . (1976). The f l u i d i n c l u s i o n data of secondary inclusions in quartz- and c a l c i t e - f i l l e d
veins showed that the maximum
diagenetic temperature is in good agreement with the actual measured formation temperature of 157 ° C (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12. Frequency diagram of homogenization temperatures in c a l c i t e (black) and quartz (white), in a petroleum source rock from Venezuela (VlSSER, 1982)
1 DO
Based on the primary i n c l u s i o n s - w h i c h were entrapped during the i n i t i a l
growth - in diageneticquartzovergrowths, TILLMAN & BARNES (1983) stated that the host rock (sandstone) temperatures in the Northern Appalachian Basin vary from 176 to 147° C, with an average of 155 ° C; the burial depth, at the end of the Paleozoic or early in the Mesozoic, were at depths of 3.5 km (= 40 ° C/km). The average geothermal gradient measured today in central and western New York is about 25 ° C/km. The milky and clear c a l c i t e samples belong to the Oswego f a u l t system and mirror a wide range of temperature of l a t e r hydrothermal events (Fig. 13).
~11 ~ ~ L , l e
~ |
' i
[ ~t
Fig. 13. Fluid i n c l u s i o n temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n in Northern Appalachian Basin sandstones (TILLMAN & BARNES, 1983)
e= •
.,.= I 70
= L.=-..E P I r
I 100
.d-k. L L 1~0
~ 1~0
F l u i d i n c l u s i o n studies in active geothermal f i e l d s are reported, e . g . , by BROWNE (1973) and BROWNEet a l . (1974) from the Broadlands/New Zealand; by FRECKMAN (1978) from the Salton Sea geothermal f i e l d , (1979) from Hatchobaru/Japan.
Imperial Valley/USA; and by TAGUCHI et a l .
27 In the Broadlands geothermal area i t was found that the borehole temperatures coincide with the homogenization temperature in quartz which indicates a constant thermal regime. The homogenization temperatures in quartz, anhydrite, and c a l c i t e of the Salton Sea area are closely associated with the borehole temperatures, but vein calc i t e exhibits some fluctuations which may be due to episodic changes in f a u l t i n g , fracturing and subsequent f l u i d flow at d i f f e r e n t temperatures. The homogenization temperatures in quartz and anhydrite in the Hatchobaru geothermal f i e l d indicate a higher thermal regime than was measured, which indicates that the climax of heat flow existed in the past, and the geothermal reservoir is already cooling down. 3.
Geochemical thermometry
In a saturated porous rock a solution equilibrium is established a f t e r a certain time and at a given temperature. An equilibrium can e x i s t e i t h e r within the pore f l u i d among d i f f e r e n t isotopes, or between the rock matrix and the pore f i l l i n g .
The tem-
perature dependence of the reactions considered here is used to estimate the temperature of the environment where the equilibrium is established. The geochemical thermometry is mainly applied to f l u i d and vapour dominated geothermal systems and is based on the following requirements: (a)
f r e e l y available elements (species) in the (rock-water) system
equilibrated reactions in the deep reservoirs
slow r e - e q u i l i b r a t i o n during upward migration.
The fractionation of stable isotopes of various elements, e.g. in solution, has been recognized as a temperature indicator because of the temperature dependence of the fractionation factor (e.g. HOEFS, 1973; O'NEIL, 1979). The isotope ratios of elements hydrogen (D/H) and oxygen (180/160) are used in d i f f e r e n t reactions for temperature estimation. The analyzed isotope r a t i o r e f l e c t s the equilibrium condition of an isotope exchange reaction, as f o r example HD+H20 ~ Hz+HDO (HULSTON, 1976; ARNASON, 1976; GIGGENBACH & LYON, 1977) CH3D+H2 ~- CH4+HD (HULSTON, 1976; ELLIS & MAHON, 1977) H~60+(HS1801603)-
~- H~Bo+(HS1604)-
(HULSTON, 1976; ELLIS & MAHON, 1977)
The time needed for r e - e q u i l i b r a t i o n is only a matter of days or weeks, respectivel y , or months for the l a t t e r reaction. Because of the shortness of t h i s time, these isotope exchange reactions are unsuitable for paleothermometry.
As well as isotope exchange, the s o l u t i o n e q u i l i b r i u m between the rock matrix and the pore f l u i d is used f o r temperature determination. Only a very small part of the rock component enters i n t o s o l u t i o n . I n d i v i d u a l minerals and amorphous components such as glass phases in eruptive rocks or opal have very d i f f e r e n t s o l u b i l i t y .
forming minerals such as quartz and feldspar are much less soluble than s a l t s . The Si02 content of thermal water is f r e q u e n t l y used to determine the temperature p r e v a i l i n g in subsurface water reservoirs. Even though there are many l i m i t i n g factors f o r the v a l i d i t y of e q u i l i b r i u m c o n d i t i o n s , the Si02-thermometer y i e l d s a usef u l temperature estimation. However, temperatures calculated from t h i s thermometer are generally too low (KOLESAR & DEGRAFF, 1978). Inaccuracies a r i s e , e . g . , because of varying s o l u b i l i t i e s of d i f f e r e n t Si02 polymorphs such as quartz, chalcedony, c r i s t o b a l i t e and amorphous Si02 (FOURNIER & ROWE, 1966; FOURNIER, 1981). Experience shows t h a t low temperatures (to T~100 ° C) should be calculated with the chalcedony s o l u b i l i t y and higher temperatures with that of quartz. Even though the SiO2 thermometer has been used f o r some time with success to e s t i mate an actual reservoir temperature (FOURNIER & ROWE, 1966; MAHON, 1966; ARNORSSON, 1975; ELLIS & MAHON, 1977), i t has considerable disadvantages which are mostly r e l a ted to the absolute content of dissolved Si02. These disadvantages do not favor t h i s method f o r paleotemperature estimations, although the r e - e q u i l i b r i u m of an e x i s t i n g s i l i c a - w a t e r e q u i l i b r i u m is a slow process. The advantage of the Na-K and the Na-K-Ca thermometer is that instead of the absolute content, the r a t i o s of t h e i r concentrations are used to estimate the e q u i l i b r i u m temperature (WHITE, 1965; FOURNIER & TRUESDELL, 1978; PACES, 1975; ELLIS & MAHON, 1977, FOURNIER, 1981). The temperature obtained from the Na, K and Ca content of groundwater is often higher than that which is determined by the Si02 content. Si02 can p r e c i p i t a t e out during the mixing of cold water with thermal water. I f the t h e r mal source is w i t h i n a sedimentary basin, the s a l i n i t y of the p r e f i l l i n g
f l u i d is
important. Also considerable perturbation of the thermometer can be caused by monomineralic s a l t deposits,
Although the r e - e q u i l i b r a t i o n is very slow, slower than f o r s i l i c a , the Si02, Na-K and Na-K-Ca thermometer are of l i t t l e
use f o r paleothermometry.The problem arises
because water, being mobile, migrates up- and downward through layers, and the d i s solved s i l i c a or Na/K r e f l e c t s f i r s t
the temperature-differences caused by the mi-
gration process; these geothermometers are therefore used f o r the determination of the "basic-temperature".
In very special cases only, i f water migration is excluded
or exactly known, s i l i c a and K/Na geothermometers can be used f o r paleogeothermometry.
29 KHARAKA et a l . (1980) have reported 180 isotopic analyses from subsurface waters from a well of Brazoria County, Texas. The strata under consideration were deposited in marine or near-marine s e t t i n g s . During b u r i a l , formation water t y p i c a l l y becomes enriched in 180 as a r e s u l t of reactions with the surrounding sediment. A p l o t of oxygen isotope values f o r calcium carbonate with depth l i g h t e r values at greater depth (MILLIKEN et a l . ,
shows a trend toward
1981), supporting the water iso-
tope data, but with a big scatter. ELDERS et a l . (1984)'s r e s u l t s from the 180 cont e n t of c a l c i t e s from sandstones in Cerro Prieto geothermal f i e l d boreholes show s i m i l a r scatter but are useful (Fig. 14). The four t y p i c a l curves of Fig. 14 r e f l e c t at f i r s t
the cold and hot water migration processes and give an important contribu-
t i o n to deciphering the past f l u i d migration processes and hence, to estimating the paleogeotemperatures. ,,..
Fig. 14. Ranges o f ~ 8 0 in c a l c i t e s from sandstone samples recovered from four d i f f e r e n t wells charact e r i s t i c of the Cerro Prieto geothermal f i e l d . The shaded areas show the range of values measured. The " b o i l i n g " curve shows t h e ~ 8 0 of c a l c i t e in e q u i l i b r i u m with b o i l i n g water with&t80 = -8.33 %o (ELDERS et a l . , 1984).
Tc: ,500
25O0 8 0 8 16 24 -~i 180 IN CALCITES FROM SANDSTONES
Fractionation of stable isotopes of the elements hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and s u l f u r in two minerals are also used f o r temperature determination (HOEFS, 1985). This isotope thermometry has become well established since the classic paper of UREY (1947). The p r i n c i p l e of t h i s thermometry is that the p a r t i t i o n i n g of two stable isotopes of an element between two minerals depends on the temperature. The isotope r a t i o of compounds ( I ) and (2) is compared with that of a standardized sample and the r e l a t i v e difference is known as "delta" ~-value. The f r a c t i o n a t i o n f a c t o r ~ is the r a t i o of the isotopic composition of two compounds ( I ) and (2) and is approximately the d i f f e rence of t h e i r ~-values: 1031n o~(1,2) ~ 8(1 ) - ~s(2)
Since the f r a c t i o n a t i o n f a c t o r ~ is temperature dependent (BOTTINGA & JAVOY, 1973): -
where Xl, 2 are constants and T is the absolute temperature, the difference of the ~-values is a function of T-x2. Experimental r e s u l t s are consistent with x 2=2 f o r high temperature (O'NEIL, 1979), so that 100 l n ~
= A/T 2
The constant A must be known in order to determine the formation temperature of two coexisting minerals. The temperature determined is taken as the l a s t e q u i l i b r i u m temperature. However, an e q u i l i b r i u m temperature cannot be assumed from a l l samples at a l l t e r r a i n e s . The isotopic f r a c t i o n a t i o n can change due to chemical a l t e r a t i o n or r e c r y s t a l l i s a t i o n of minerals and other k i n e t i c effects which i n h i b i t a complete r e - e q u i l i b r a t i o n (HOERNES & HOFFER, 1985). Isotopic temperatures may sometimes indicate a thermal condition or an event which is d i f f i c u l t
to i n t e r p r e t , e.g. when isotope exchange reactions took
place during retrograde metamorphism (HOEFS, 1985). The a p p l i c a t i o n of additional paleothermal methods may confirm or assist in understanding uncertain r e s u l t s in t h i s case. Generally, data from the Salton Sea geothermal f i e l d / C a l i f o r n i a
1978) and from mines (HOEFS, 1985) demonstrate that f l u i d i n c l u s i o n analysis and isotopic geothermometry are in good agreement.
WATER 6180 /"/eD/
illi~eS~k+4o o
illite : 15%o
9%0 1 7 % 60
1 O0
Fig. 15. Relationship between water and mineral~80 values (SAVIN & LEE, 1984). Left: l i n e s i n d i c a t i n g range of possible conditions f o r formation of i l l i t e s with &180 values of +15, +17, +19 and +21 per m i l l e , at various temperatures, andS80 values of the ambient water. Right:&180 values of two cogenetic minerals uniquely define the temperature of formation and the isotopic composition of ambient water. The cogenetic mineral pair have been formed at about 106 ° C in the presence of ambient water w i t h ~ 8 0 of about 3 per m i l l e .
31 SAVIN & LEE (1984) argue that most minerals once formed in oxygen isotopic e q u i l i brium with the ambient water, are extremely resistant to subsequent isotopic exchange with environmental waters at sedimentary and most diagenetic temperatures, except when they undergo chemical or mineralogical alteration. As a result, the 180/160 ratios of minerals can provide information about t h e i r conditions of formation. I f the 180/160 ratios of two cogenetic mineral phases (e.g. i l l i t e
and quartz, Fig. 15)
can be measured, then both the temperature of formation and the 180/160 ratio of the ambient water can be calculated. 4.
Transformation of minerals in sedimentary rocks
In sedimentary rocks, some authigenic minerals undergo a diagenesis during burial w i t h i n the uppermost few kilometers of depth. The low temperature of up to 200° C causes an a l t e r a t i o n of clay minerals, s i l i c a polymorphs, and z e o l i t e s . The transformation temperature of each series of authigenic minerals in d i a g e n e t i c a l l y a l t e r e d argillaceous sediments can be used f o r evaluating the geothermal h i s t o r y (AOYAGI, 1979).
Most of the investigations are based on the transformation of clay minerals (BURST, 1969; PERRY & HOWER, 1970,1972; AOYAGI et a l . , 1975; HOWERet a l . , 1976). Montmorillonite as an expanding clay mineral transforms at increasing temperature and pressure due to water and C02 loss, to potassium-poor s m e c t i t e / i l l i t e which are not expandable. The interlayer water of montmorillonite which is released during the transformation to i l l i t e
is considered to play an important role in petroleum migra-
tion (POWERS, 1967; BURST, 1969; PERRY & HOWER, 1972). AOYAGI & ASAKAWA(1977) argued that both interlayer and i n t e r s t i t i a l water expelled during the diagenesis were responsible for o i l migration. The processes resulting in the diagenesis of montmorillonite begin at the depth corresponding to 80° C geotemperature and generally end at 120° C (BURST, 1969; JONES, 1970). A part of montmorillonite remains below this depth because the absorbable potassium available is not enough for the m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e - i l l i t e transformation (JONES, 1970), or transforms in a phase which is to be grouped with the pyrophyllites (WEISS & ROLOFF, 1965). AOYAGI & ASAKAWA (1984) report a temperature of 104° C f o r the transformation of montmorillonite to mixed-layer montmorillonite ( s m e c t i t e ) / i l l i t e , f o r mixed layer minerals to i l l i t e sediments of Japan.
and one of 137° C
which can be assumed f o r the Neogene argillaceous
In the middle Upper Rhine Graben/FRG, the t r a n s i t i o n zone between Montmorillonite and mixed layer minerals is generally found in the Graue Schichtenfolge Formation (Oligocene) in a depth corresponding with a temperature of about 70 ° C. The depth ranges between 700 m and 1300 m. HELING & TEICHMOLLER (1974) excluded from that a s i g n i f i c a n t influence of overburden pressure. Another measure of the diagenesis of clay minerals is the " i l l i t e
(KOBLER, 1967) which gives a continuous scale f o r the degree of diagenesis. I t s value is the width at h a l f amplitude of the f i r s t - o r d e r i l l i t e
basal r e f l e x i o n mea-
sured with an X-ray diffractometer. The a p p l i c a t i o n to the very lowgrade metamorphism in external parts of the Central Alps show an obvious r e l a t i o n , however being divergent at d i f f e r e n t sites between i l l i t e i n c l u s i o n data (FREY et a l . ,
coal rank and f l u i d
1980). The i n v e s t i g a t i o n s seem to e x h i b i t a substantial
influence of local conditions in each area. I t has also been thought that the montmorillonite-illite
transformation may a c t u a l l y be a k i n e t i c a l l y c o n t r o l l e d process
(WAPLES, 1980), and the progress in transformation r e f l e c t s the thermal h i s t o r y of the sediment. WAPLES (1980) stated a certain c o r r e l a t i o n between the temperaturetime-index (TTI) as calculated f o r diagenesis of organic matter and the proportion of expandable clay layers (Fig. 16). Samples l y i n g s i g n i f i c a n t l y l e f t of the l i n e ( i n a thermally immature region), probably represent material which contained less than 100 % expandable layers when i t was o r i g i n a l l y deposited. This is in agreement with the generally accepted view, that the m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e / i l l i t e
r a t i o also depends
on the paleogeographic environment. I t is believed that primary i l l i t e
is associated
with regressive, and montmorillonite with transgressive phases (CHAPMAN, 1973). ELDERS et a l . (1984) determined the progressive zones of hydrothermal a l t e r a t i o n minerals in sandstones at the Cerro Prieto geothermal system, Baja C a l i f o r n i a , Mexico, based on a l o t of deep boreholes. The wide temperature-bands and t h e i r overlap give some idea of the s u i t a b i l i t y
of t h i s method f o r paleothermal applications (Fig. 17);
f o r the Cerro Prieto f i e l d however, where very high temperature changes occurred as a consequence of a young (~50000 y) hot ( ~ I 0 0 0 ° C) shallow ( ~ 6 km) thermal plume, ELDERS et a l . (1984) constructed r e a l i s t i c thermal h i s t o r i e s , f o r the l a s t 50000 years. A transformational sequence of z e o l i t e s is reported by AOYAGI & KAZAMA (1977) for paleotemperature determinations. I t has been recognized in Neogene argillaceous rocks from deep boreholes in Japan. This a l k a l i z e o l i t e reaction series comprises 4 zones:
Fig. 16. Time Temperature Index of maturity versus % expandable layers in mixed-layer clays (WAPLES, 1980)
,% I,OOC
,oo! I
=" :."~.e •
::: I
.-. -.~, I
..::: e •
mlmlm I
• i i l i l •gram I
I I i i i i
m i
(Max,mum measured T:350"C)
Fig. 17. Temperature ranges of zones of hydrothermal alteration minerals in the sandstones of Cerro Prieto geothermal f i e l d (ELDERS et a l . , 1984)
(volcanic) glass + mordenite + c r i s t o b a l i t e
analcime + quartz
a l b i t e + quartz
which are supplemented with a c a l c i c z e o l i t e series y i e l d i n g heulandite in zone 3 and laumontite in zone 4. IIJIMA et a l . (1984) report a transformation temperature to the next zone of 53 ° C, 85 ° C, and 122° C, r e s p e c t i v e l y , which has been estimated from the bottom hole temperature of the Miti-Kuromatsunai borehole in Hokkaido, Japan. A paleothermal gradient of 31 ° C/km has been evaluated, whereas the present gradient has a value of 52 ° C/km. The area was u p l i f t e d and a thickness of 600 m was eroded since the l a s t 0.5 Ma. The transformation is e s s e n t i a l l y time-dependent which has been deduced not only from f i e l d observations but also from experimental and t h e o r e t i c a l studies (AOYAGI & ASAKAWA, 1984). For evaluating paleotemperatures, the s i l i c a minerals give a transformational sequence during diagenesis of sedimentary rocks. At lower temperatures amorphous s i l i c a is stable which is transformed to low-temperature c r i s t o b a l i t e and f i n a l l y to lowtemperature quartz with increasing temperature (MITSUI & TAGUCHI, 1977). The transformation temperatures are 45 ° C and 56 ° C, respectively. All three transformation series of minerals (Fig. 18) are used to evaluate the paleotemperature gradient of the Miti Hamayuchi borehole in northern Hokkaido, Japan (AOYAGI & ASAKAWA, 1984). The depth of the f i r s t
appearance of authigenic minerals
is: 650 m low-temperature c r i s t o b a l i t e ; 950 m c l i n o p t i l o l i t e ; Clay Minerals
1500 m low-temperature
Silica Minerals
amorphous silica |lass
crlstobalite clinoptilolite quartz
100, mixed layer analcite I heulandite
T ['c]
Fig. 18. Transformation temperature of clay minerals, z ~ o l i t e s , and s i l i c a polymorphs in Neogene argillaceous sediments of Japan ( a f t e r AOYAGI & ASAKAWA, 1984)
quartz; 2800 m mixed layer minerals. The transformation temperature of each boundary is 45 ° C, 56 ° C, 69° C, and 104° C, respectively. From these data, a paleotemperature gradient of 27 ° C/km is calculated which was v a l i d during the Neogene. Another 16 deep boreholes in the Niigata basin, Honshu, Japan were analyzed by AOYAGI & ASAKAWA (1984). The paleogeothermal gradient during the Neogene ranged from 19 to 36 ° C/km. The paleogeothermal gradient in o i l and gas f i e l d s of the area gener a l l y cover the upper range between 30 and 40 ° C/km. 5.
Conodont Color A l t e r a t i o n
During the Paleozoic era a group of animals l i v e d in the sea, whose remains are to be found in great numbers in many sedimentary rocks of that era. Because these hard, mineral remains resemble teeth, they are called conodonts. The nature of the animal group i s , however, unknown. They have no descendant in t h e i r e v o l u t i o n , since they became e x t i n c t during the Upper Cretaceous, and any essential parts of the animal which could have found i t s place in the c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of the animal kingdom such as the s o f t , perhaps t i s s u e l i k e parts cannot be reconstructed. Although t h i s group of animals, of which several hundred forms are d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e , is rather enigmatic, t h e i r remains, i . e . the conodonts,are of great importance in geology f o r dating and mapping the sedimentary layers in which they occur (LINDSTRUM, 1964). The size of the conodonts r a r e l y exceeds I mm, l y i n g mainly between 0.1 and I mm. Conodonts were widely spread in the seas in which they occurred since Late Cambrium. They passed through an evolution which produced so many c h a r a c t e r i s t i c and widespread forms that they are valuable f o r s t r a t i g r a p h i c mapping. The most prosperous period in the evolution culminates perhaps in the Late Devonian. During Carboniferous and Permian, the conodonts occurred less f requent ly . A r e l a t i v e climax can be seen from Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks. In most parts of the world the conodonts became e x t i n c t before the Cretaceous age. This group of animals outlasted a period of more than 300 Ma. The conodont remains of the animals consist of calcium phosphate with some minor amounts of carbonate, f l u o r , and sodium (PIETZNER et a l . , 1968). As t h i s carbonate a p a t i t e is rather r e s i s t e n t to physical and chemical changes of the environment, the conodonts are well preserved, even i n t o the garnet-grade metamorphic facies where they underwent temperatures as high as 500° C (EPSTEIN et a l . ,
Conodonts are abundant in black shales as well as in limestones. The more f i n e grained the rocks, the better is the chance to f i n d enough m a t e r i a l . LINDSTRUM (~959) suggested that the conodont frequency is inversely proportional to the sedimentation rate. There might be some environmental influence which favours conditions of q u i t e ,
perhaps warmer sea water than that of streaming water in which sand and other coarsegrained material are deposited. Under favourable conditions several thousand conodonts can be found per kilogram rock m a t e r i a l . In coarse-grained m a t e r i a l , e.g. sandstone, or in limestone deposited at a high r at e, conodonts are absent or as rare as a few examples per kilogram. In paleogeothermics, the color of the conodonts is of special i n t e r e s t . I t ranges from pale yellow, through d i f f e r e n t brown tones, to black. The c o l o r a t i o n seems to be due to the carbonization of some trace amounts of organic matter, probably amino acids as reported by PIETZNER et a l . (1968). This carbonization is e s s e n t i a l l y dependent on the temperature and on the time at which the conodonts were exposed to that e f f e c t i v e temperature. EPSTEIN et a l . (1977) reported heating experiments with conodonts, and introduced a color a l t e r a t i o n index in which f i v e steps in c o lo r a l t e r a t i o n can be discriminated by comparing the conodont under the microscope with a c o lo r standard. The laboratory heating of pale yellow conodonts of the color a l t e r a t i o n index " I " , i . e . the f i r s t step with which the a l t e r a t i o n s t a r t s , comprises a temperature range from 300 ° C to 600 ° C and a duration of the heating up to 50 days. The experiments allowed EPSTEIN et a l . (1977) to draw an Arrhenius-plot f o r each conodont a l t e r a t i o n index (Fig. 19), from which the e f f e c t i v e temperature of natural colored conodonts can be read.
t [a]
'0"1 ,o.
\ \
\ \
~ CAI= 1
\ 1.5
t t[hl
,oo 10
600 T[oC]
Fig. 19. Arrhenius-plot of the conodont color a l t e r a t i o n using the color a l t e r a t i o n index (CAI) as a parameter. The shaded area shows the f i e l d of experimental control ( a f t e r EPSTEIN et a l . , 4977).
37 EPSTEIN et a l . (1977) reported that conodont colors correspond with the colors from f i e l d c o l l e c t i o n s , and t h a t t h e i r a l t e r a t i o n is progressive, cumulative, and i r r e v e r s i b l e . The temperature and time dependence has been mentioned above. In p r i n c i p l e , the Arrhenius equation is supposed to describe the process which causes the color alteration. Since the density of the color also depends on the thickness of the specimen which is observed, there is a l i m i t e d accuracy in t h i s method. From t h i s , EPSTEIN et a l . (1977) concluded that temperature i n t e r v a l s below 50 ° C cannot be discriminated using the q u a l i t a t i v e color a l t e r a t i o n index. The v a l i d i t y of the Arrhenius equation seems to be much more founded in t h i s case than i t is f o r coaly p a r t i c l e s . The organic compounds, which might be amino acids only, are less complex than those derived from plant remains. Furthermore, the environment within the conodonts, i . e . within the carbonate a p a t i t e , i s rather constant, whereas a great v a r i e t y exists f o r plant remains in d i f f e r e n t sedimentary rocks. Other advantages of the conodont color a l t e r a t i o n are that the method can be applied f o r Cambrian rocks, in which conodonts are already abundant, but v i t r i n i t e is s t i l l
rare, and that the temperature range is wider and reaches 600 ° C instead of
about 350-400 ° C f o r coaly matter. The conodont color a l t e r a t i o n can also be used to support v i t r i n i t e methods. From using the f i r s t
method, the thermal h is t or y of a basin can be estimated
using marine carbonate rocks, whereas the second method estimates the thermal history from more c l a s t i c rocks. Both methods seem unaffected by tectonic events, neither f o l d i n g nor f a u l t i n g . Case h i s t o ry EPSTEIN et a l . (1977) applied the conodont color a l t e r a t i o n to Middle Ordovician rocks from Monterey, V i r g i n i a in the Valley and Ridge province. They found a color a l t e r a t i o n index of 4 to 4.5. According to geologic observations, the maximum time f o r heating was 270 Ma which corresponds with a temperature of 185-220 ° C applying Fig. 19. The e a r l i e s t possible time f o r u p l i f t in t h i s area could be during Late Pennsylvanian which results in a heating time of up to 210 Ma. The corresponding temperature ranges from 190 to 230° C, which is not much d i f f e r e n t from the f i r s t
and which demonstrates that the time dependence is less important f o r long heating periods. In the v i c i n i t y of Monterey, i t is supposed that a 4770 m thick sequence of sedimentary rocks covered the Middle Ordovician. I f a surface temperature of
20° C is taken into account, a thermal gradient between 43 and 52 ° C/km is estimated f o r the time of the deepest b u r i a l , i . e . before Late Pennsylvanian. 6.
Radiometric dating
Radiometric age determinations are based on the assumption that r a d io a c t iv e systems such as K-Ar, Rb-Sr and U spontaneous f i s s i o n are closed during a time span which is then determined as being the age. This means that neither the d i f f u s i o n of daughter nuclides nor the population of f i s s i o n tracks changes. The age which is determined from each system denotes the age since closure. As d i f f e r e n t systems close and open at d i f f e r e n t temperatures, combined radiometric age determination techniques can be applied to evaluate the thermal h i s t o r y of a rock sample. The time f o r age determinat i o n begins when the rock passes through a certain temperature during cooling. Several temperatures and ages are determined from a rock sample, so that the cooling h i s t o r y can be evaluated. The closure temperature in b i o t i t e has been estimated as 300 + 50 ° C f o r the K-Ar and the Rb-Sr system (PURDY&JAGER, 1976). HAMMERSCHMIDT& WAGNER (1983) ascertained a value of 330 + 20° C f o r the K-Ar system by d i f f u s i o n experiments. The closure temperature in muscovite is somewhat higher (about 350° C) (WAGNER et a l . ,
Fission tracks in a p a t i t e and zircon are annealed at lower temperatures. HAMMERSCHMIDT et a l . (1984) concluded from experimental data that in geological ages temperatures between 50 and 150° C are s u f f i c i e n t f o r the annealing of f i s s i o n tracks in a p a t i t e . According to the time-dependence, the annealing temperature of the Odenwald c r y s t a l l i n e basement/FRG is taken as 100° C and that of the Central Alps as 125° C (WAGNER, 1968; WAGNER & REIMER, 1972). Within the g e o l o g i c a l l y young Cerro Prieto geothermal f i e l d , Mexico, SANFORD & ELDERS (1981) assume, corresponding with a duration of heating of 1000 to 10,000 years, 170° C as the temperature annealing of f i s s i o n tracks in d e t r i t a l a p a t i t e . With the combined a p p l i c a t i o n of both age determination techniques, the a p a t i t e f i s s i o n track and the Rb-Sr system in b i o t i t e y i e l d s in the Urach I I I borehole, southern Germany, a paleotemperature gradient of 55 to 60 ° C/km which was active during the Cretaceous period (HAMMERSCHMIDTet a l . ,
1984), whereas the present
temperature gradient has a value of 40 ° C/km (HAENEL & ZOTH, 1982). ZAUN & WAGNER (1984) determined the annealing temperature of f i s s i o n tracks in zircon using the paleotemperature data of the Urach I l l
borehole. I t was found
that the f i s s i o n tracks are stable up to a temperature of 130° C. The closing temperature, that is the temperature of which h a l f of the f i s s i o n tracks anneal, i s determined as 170 + 20 ° C.
39 I
"~100 w
200 W
/50"C/Ma • Fission Treck
• Rb-Sr
* K - Ar
AGE (Ma) Fig. 20. Cooling h i s t o r y of the Bergell i n t r u s i v e , Central Alps, based on the retention temperature of Rb-Sr and K-Ar b i o t i t e , K-Ar muscovite and apatite f i s s i o n track systems ( a f t e r WAGNERet a l . , 1979, modified) WAGNER et a l . (1979) combined various dating methods to reconstruct the cooling h i story of the Bergell i n t r u s i v e , Central Alps. An U-Pb age from zircons of the i n t r u sion of 30 Ma is reported. A f t e r which, the muscovite K-Ar system passed through the closing temperature of 350 ° C about 23 Ma ago, and the b i o t i t e K-Ar as well as Rb-Sr system passed through the retention temperature of 300 ° C about 22 Ma ago. The apatite f i s s i o n track method gives an age of 14 Ma. From these data, the ages vs. temperatures give the reconstructed cooling rates as shown in Fig. 20.
H I S T O R Y OF T H E E A R T H ' S
N.J. SHACKLETON University of Cambridge, Godwin Laboratory for Quaternary Research Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RS England
In order to i n t e r p r e t the temperature gradient below the earth's surface in terms of heat f l o w , the simplest assumption is that the concept of a long-term mean temperature is v a l i d and that t h i s mean temperature may be measured at a depth below the surface s u f f i c i e n t that seasonal and year-to-year v a r i a t i o n s are n e g l i g i b l e . However, t h i s assumption is not appropriate when temperature p r o f i l e s in deep sections are analysed. The purpose of t h i s c o n t r i b u t i o n is to point to some of the sources of information f o r cases when the past surface temperature record must be taken into account. I t is on the g l a c i a l - i n t e r g l a c i a l timescale that we have the most detailed i n f o r mation regarding the scale and tempo of temperature v a r i a t i o n at the earth's surface. As regards the scale, perhaps the most useful information concerns the l a s t g l a c i a l maximum around 18 ka (thousand years) ago. CLIMAP (1976,1981) mapped the d i s t r i b u t i o n of surface temperatures over the oceans. The more recent p u b l i c a t i o n (CLIMAP, 1981) analyses the d i s t r i b u t i o n of the g l a c i a l temperature anomaly in some d e t a i l . In i t s e l f ,
information regarding temperature at the sea surface is
not useful in r e l a t i o n to heat flow studies. However, a modelling study (GATES, 1976) showed that the r e l a t i v e l y modest temperature anomalies reconstructed f o r the oceans did in fact give rise to s i g n i f i c a n t l y larger temperature anomalies on the continents that are consistent with other geological evidence. This in turn means that even in areas f o r which geological data are lacking, an atmospheric modelling study is l i k e l y to provide a r e l i a b l e estimate of the temperature anomaly
associated with g l a c i a l maximum conditions. This is rather reassuring in view
of the vast and disparate nature of the l i t e r a t u r e on Pleistocene palaeo-environments. The tempo of g l a c i a l - i n t e r g l a c i a l temperature changes is known to be c o n t r o l l e d by changes in the earth's o r b i t a l geometry (MILANKOVICH, 1941; HAYS et a l . , Thus to a f i r s t
approximation the pattern of past temperature changes is b e t t e r
modelled in terms of these astronomical changes rather than being regarded as a square-wave a l t e r n a t i o n of g l a c i a l and i n t e r g l a c i a l states. IMBRIE (1985) i n d i cates a simple means of achieving such a reconstruction. Current work is aimed Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Pateogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
towards a better understanding of the geographical d i s t r i b u t i o n of the c l i m a t i c response to the v a r i a t i o n s in the three relevant astronomical variables ( " t i l t " , period about 40 ka; "precession", period about 22 ka, and " e l l i p t i c i t y " ,
about 100 ka). Most Pleistocene sections from continental regions are very discontinuous and hence only y i e l d temporally i s o l a t e d temperature estimates, rather than continuous temperature curves suitable f o r i n t e g r a t i n g . One method that is being used in order to obtain time-averaged temperature anomalies is to make use of the temperature dependence of the racemization rate of aminoacids (MILLER et a l . ,
1983), and a pro-
j e c t is under way to evaluate the temperature anomaly over the past g l a c i a l cycle over Europe. This type of data may prove more valuable f o r heat-flow workers than spot estimates of temperature based on fauna, f l o r a or morphological features such as ice-wedge casts, which may represent extreme climates. P a r t i c u l a r care must be taken in temperature estimation in some areas. For example, very cold conditions with mean annual temperatures 10- 20 ° C cooler than today prev a i l e d close to the ice sheet margins (van der HAMMENet a l . ,
1967) due l a r g e l y to
the cold katabatic winds flowing o f f the ice sheets. On the other hand beneath the ice sheet the temperature may have been much higher and extensive areas were probably at pressure melting point (although some areas would have been frozen to the bedrock). Ice sheet modelling studies are being directed towards an evaluation of the temperature conditions under the major ice sheets. Arid areas may also provide unforeseen complications r e s u l t i n g from changes in prec i p i t a t i o n . For example the very extensive lake areas in now-arid areas (STREET & GRO~E, 1976,1979) must have s i g n i f i c a n t l y changed temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n s , while the change from f o r e s t to savannah or desert (HAMILTON, 1976; TRICART, 1975) which affects shade cover, would also have a major impact on temperature at ground l e v e l . Until recently i t was believed t h a t the temperature at the sea f l o o r in the deep oceans did not change s i g n i f i c a n t l y on a g l a c i a l - i n t e r g l a c i a l scale. However, recent work has required a re-evaluation of t h i s assumption and i t now seems l i k e l y that even in the deep P a c i f i c , bottom water was cooler by about 1.5 ° C in g l a c i a l times than today, with a l a r g e r anomaly in the A t l a n t i c (DUPLESSY et a l . , 1985; SHACKLETON & CHAPPELL, 1985). The simplest i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the data now a v a i l a b l e suggests that colder conditions in the deep sea occupied up to 90 percent of l a t e Pleistocene time, so that f o r the purposes of heat-flow modelling i t might be appropriate to consider that deep temperatures were colder f o r the past m i l l i o n years up u n t i l a step-warming about 10 ka ago.
There are also areas in the deep sea, where special care must be taken in estimating past temperatures. A p a r t i c u l a r case is the Mediterranean Sea. Today deep water in t h i s enclosed basin forms in winter in the area near the French coast. In g l a c i a l times the winter sea-surface temperature was much colder in t h i s area so that Mediterranean deep water was also much colder. No d e t a i l e d evaluation of the benthic stable isotope data has been undertaken, but i t is l i k e l y that g l a c i a l deep-water temperatures in the Mediterranean were at least 5° lower than today. On a shorter timescale, temperature anomalies associated with events such as the "little
ice age" of the 17th to 19th centuries are investigated by a combination
of h i s t o r i c a l and geological methods. Although the anomalies are smaller than those associated with g l a c i a l times, they should not necessarily be ignored; s i g n i f i c a n t mountain g l a c i e r advances are recorded (DENTON & KARLEN, 1977) in some areas and mean annual temperature anomalies of the order I ° C are not uncommon. A good source f o r changes on t h i s timescale is the review by LAMB (1977). I t is widely believed that in the e a r l y Holocene about 6 ka ago temperatures were higher than today g l o b a l l y . A recent d e t a i l e d review (WEBB, 1985) of the data on which t h i s b e l i e f is based suggests that i t is probably not the case that global average temperatures were higher at that time, although there were probably temperature maxima of regional extent. On the timescale long compared with g l a c i a l - i n t e r g l a c i a l changes, even more dramatic changes have taken place. Over the past 50 Ma high l a t i t u d e s have cooled by more than 10° C, as has the deep ocean. At the same time i t appears that low l a t i t u d e s were a c t u a l l y somewhat cooler 50 Ma ago than today (SAVIN, 1977; SHACKLETON, 1985). The past 40 Ma have been anomalous by comparison with the previous tens of m i l l i o n years by up to about 10° C.
J. HOEFS Geochemisches Institut der Universit~t GSttingen Goldschmidtstr. 1, D-3400 G6ttingen, F.R. of Germany
Abstract The best available isotope thermometers of the elements oxygen, s u l f u r , carbon and hydrogen are summarized, and some applications to metamorphic rocks, to s u l f i d e ore deposits and to geothermal systems are discussed. Whether or not isotope geothermometers are generally applicable depends whether or not isotope e q u i l i b r i u m is established, and i f the existence of isotope e q u i l i b r i u m may be recognized. An inherent danger is the tendency to regard calculated temperatures as estimates of peak thermal conditions. However, the temperatures determined represent the l a s t isotope e q u i l i b r a t i o n , below which no f u r t h e r isotope exchange takes place. This temperature often coincides with f l u i d loss from the geological system. Only those mineral pairs can be used as geothermometers where temperature c a l i b r a tions e x i s t . From the three d i f f e r e n t approaches a) t h e o r e t i c a l c a l c u l a t i o n , b) c a l i b r a t i o n on an empirical basis, c) experimental determination, the l a t t e r seems to be the most promising, although considerable disagreement e x i s t s between some published c a l i b r a t i o n curves. However, with new sophisticated techniques on hand (CLAYTON et a l . ,
1983a,1983b) t h i s d i f f i c u l t y
may be overcome in the near f u t u r e .
Introduction Isotopic thermometry has become well established since the classic paper of Harold UREY (1947) on the thermodynamic properties of isotopic substances. The p a r t i t i o n i n g of two stable isotopes of an element between the mineral phases can be viewed as a special case of element p a r t i t i o n i n g between two minerals. There are, however, quantitative
differences between these two exchange reactions, the most important being
that isotope p a r t i t i o n i n g is more or less pressure independent, which represents the greatest advantage r e l a t i v e to the numerous other geothermometers. Recently, RUMBLE (1982), however, argues that changing pressure has a s i g n i f i c a n t influence on isotopic f r a c t i o n a t i o n s in rocks. The pressure e f f e c t arises because
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
changing pressure causes changes in the proportions of v o l a t i l e species in f l u i d s , which in turn leads to changes in f r a c t i o n a t i o n between bulk f l u i d and bulk rock. The necessary condition to apply the d i f f e r e n t geothermometers is isotope e q u i l i brium. Conclusions concerning the nature and the extent of isotope e q u i l i b r i u m are influenced by the c r i t e r i a used to t e s t f o r attainment of e q u i l i b r i u m and the spatial scale over which measurements have been made. In a mineral assemblage of n-phases we can obtain n-1 independent temperatures, one temperature f o r each mineral p a i r . I f each mineral p a i r gives concordant temperatures,we can be nearly certain that isotope e q u i l i b r i u m was attained and that e q u i l i brium was frozen in at the same temperature in every mineral. A disadvantage of the concordant temperature method is that i t t a c i t l y assumes temperature c a l i b r a t i o n s are accurate. Isotopic compositions of two compounds A and B are expressed as &-values. The f r a c t i o n a t i o n f a c t o r ~ of an isotope exchange reaction is r elat ed to the measured S-values through the f o l l o w i n g approximation:
SA-SB = ~A-B~ 103 In~A-B
Considering the exchange of only one atom, the fractionation factor ~ is equivalent to the equilibrium constant K. Theoretical studies show that the fractionation factor ~, for isotope exchange between minerals, is a linear function of I/T 2, where T is in degrees Kelvin, at crustal temperatures. BOTTINGA & JAVOY (1973) were the f i r s t to show that isotopic fractionations between mineral
pairs can be expressed
in terms of the equation 1000 I n ~ = A/T 2 which means that f o r a temperature determination f a c t o r A has to be known. Temperature c a l i b r a t i o n s Three d i f f e r e n t methods have been used to determine the e q u i l i b r i u m constants f o r isotope exchange reactions:
calculation from s t a t i s t i c a l mechanical theory, which is especially suitable for gas reactions
experimental determination in the laboratory
calibration on an empirical basis.
47 The l a t t e r method is based on the idea that the calculated "formation temperature" of a rock in which other minerals are also present, serves as a c a l i b r a t i o n to the measured f r a c t i o n a t i o n s of other minerals, providing that a l l minerals were at e q u i l i b r i u m . However, since there is evidence that t o t a l l y e q u i l i b r a t e d systems are not very common in nature, t h i s empirical c a l i b r a t i o n should be abandoned. The t h e o r e t i c a l c a l c u l a t i o n of isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n factors is exceedingly d i f f i c u l t , because a l l v i b r a t i o n a l frequencies of the c r y s t a l l i n e l a t t i c e must be taken into account. Therefore the most promising approach seems to be the experimental determination of isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n factors. In p r i n c i p l e , the experimental determination of isotope exchange e q u i l i b r i u m constants can be carried out simply by holding the phases at a f i x e d temperature. By a suitable choice of isotopic compositions of the s t a r t i n g minerals, i t is possible to approach e q u i l i b r i u m from opposite d i r e c t i o n s , thus s a t i s f y i n g the classical c r i t e rion f o r e q u i l i b r i u m . However, the d r i v i n g forces f o r the exchange reactions are small, and rates of exchange are often very low. In such cases, a v a r i e t y of techniques has been used to facilitate
exchange, summarized by CLAYTON (1981):
r e c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n of a very f i n e l y ground powder
c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n of a gel or glass
c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n as a r e s u l t of polymorphic phase t r a n s i t i o n
synthesis of a new phase by cation exchange
complete mineral synthesis.
A l l of these techniques depart from an ideal exchange experiment in that there are d r i v i n g forces f o r reaction other than the differences in isotopic composition. These obvious l i m i t a t i o n s r e s u l t in various c a l i b r a t i o n curves f o r which s i g n i f i cant discrepancies e x i s t . Such experimental determinations have been most extensively carried out f o r oxygen isotopes. Recently, the development, at the U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago, of high-pressure direct-exchange techniques using a three isotope approach, has s i g n i f i c a n t l y extended the range of systems which can be studied, and has provided a coherent set of mineral pair f r a c t i e n a t i o n s (MATSUHISAet a l . ,
1978,1979; MATTHEWSet a l . ,
(Table 1). The three oxygen isotope method has i n i t i a l that are close to e q u i l i b r i u m , but i n i t i a l
mineral-water 180/160 f r a c t i o n a t i o n s 170/160 r a t i o s that are removed from equi-
l i b r i u m . The extent to which a system has approached isotopic e q u i l i b r i u m is accu-
48 r a t e l y determined from the changes in the 170/160 mineral-water r a t i o s , and the corresponding near to e q u i l i b r i u m 180/160 r a t i o s are then extrapolated to determine equilibrium. Table I . C o e f f i c i e n t s A f o r s i l i c a t e - p a i r f r a c t i o n a t i o n s ( a f t e r MATTHEWSet a l . , 1983a,1983b) Ab
Qz 0,5
Zo An
(10001n ~A-B=TA-~-106) Abbreviations: Q z - q u a r t z , A b - a l b i t e , C c - c a l c i t e , J d - j a d e i t e , An - a n o r t h i t e , Di - diopside, Wo- w o l l a s t o n i t e , M t - magnetite
Oxygen There is a debate about the extent of isotope e q u i l i b r i u m in igneous and metamorphic rocks. A survey of the l i t e r a t u r e data on oxygen isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n s by DEINES (1977) lead him to conclude that only a small portion of the data t r u e l y indicates isotope e q u i l i b r a t i o n of the whole assemblage. On the other hand, HOERNES & FRIEDRICHSEN (1978), besides others, argued that many metamorphic rocks attained isotope e q u i l i b r i u m during metamorphism. The most common examples of d i s e q u i l i b r i u m assemblages are obviously due to retrograde isotope exchange. When a f l u i d phase is present during the cooling period of a hot rock, i t w i l l e f f e c t continuing isotope exchange between coexisting minerals down to temperatures well below the maximum temperatures. Isotope exchange w i l l be terminated by the e f f e c t i v e cessation of d i f f u s i o n in the p a r t i c u l a r phase. Isotope exchange might cease at d i f f e r e n t temperatures according to d~ffering d i f f u s i o n parameters of the respective minerals. Inspection of the published data
suggests the f o l l o w i n g general pattern
Tquartz-magnetite >Tquartz-muscovite ~ T q u a r t z - b i o t i t e >Tquartz-feldspar due to the d i f f e r e n t d i f f u s i o n rates of the d i f f e r e n t minerals (FREER&DENNIS,1982). With respect to retrograde isotope exchange two d i f f e r e n t models can be imagined, which cannot be resolved by measuring the isotopic composition of a p a r t i c u l a r com-
49 ponent (Fig. I ) . Isotope temperatures in the upper model report the l a s t isotope exchange between a mineral and a f l u i d phase during the retrograde cooling of a thermal event MI. A l t e r n a t i v e l y , in the lower model temperatures are reset during a subsequent lower grade thermal event M2. In both cases, the r e s e t t i n g most probably occurred during r e c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n of the minerals, but t h i s is not a necessary condit i o n to apply t h i s model.
Fig. I . Two schematic metamorphic models to i n t e r p r e t temperatures: Temperatures are reset during retrograde cooling of a thermal event MI (upper h a l f ) , temperatures record a second lower grade metamorphic event M2 (lower h a l f ) .
+ ,m,o~o,,o
T mtosuft~
The f o l l o w i n g example gives a more detailed picture of the problems which have to be considered when i n t e r p r e t i n g isotope temperatures. In i r o n - r i c h ores from the Iron Quadrangle in Minas Gerais, B r a z i l , temperature information can be obtained only by analyzing the oxygen isotope composition of iron oxides ( e i t h e r hematite or magnet i t e ) and of coexisting quartz. The area studied can be divided i n t o two d i f f e r e n t regions: a western (W) region of greenschist assemblages and an eastern (E) region of amphibolite facies with t r a n s i t i o n s into g r a n u l i t e facies assemblages. As Fig. 2 shows, oxygen isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n s (and therefore temperatures too) are obviously related to the deformation of the iron ores. Samples with a primary s c h i s t o s i t y (S I) only give the highest temperatures. In the high metamorphic E-region, temperatures vary between 815 and 635 ° C (upper curve) or 675 to 500 ° C (lower curve), depending upon which c a l i b r a t i o n curves are used (more d e t a i l s in HOEFS et a l . , MOLLER, et a l . ,
1982, and
1982). In the W-region with lower metamorphic grade St-samples cover
the temperature range between 590 and 460 ° C (upper curve), 470 and 380 ° C (lower curve). Samples which have been affected by l a t e r deformation events and show signs Aq-hm %. 20le~
i~ +o2..03
w- re,on
Fig. 2. Quartz (q)-hematite (hm) f r a c t i o n a t i o n s versus calculated temperatures ( a f t e r MOLLER et a l . , 1982). The d i f f e r e n t curves have been constructed according to d i f f e r e n t laboratory c a l i b r a tions ( f o r more d e t a i l s , see also HOEFS et a l . , 1982 and MOLLER et a l . , 1982). DI , D2 and D3 denote d i f f e r e n t deformation events.
E %
region S2
O1 + 0 2 ~ 10
,=,c> O1
~"" I
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
02-<:~, ,==C>01 I
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
800 o[
50 of a s c h i s t o s i t y S2 and in a few cases S2+S 3, a~e s e l e c t i v e l y reset to lower isotopic temperatures. The more c l o s e l y spaced the s c h i s t o s i t y planes, the larger the extent of a temperature lowering. Sulfur A number of experimental studies have been carried out during the l a s t 15 years. As with oxygen, the agreement of the experimental determinations is not very s a t i s f a c t o r y . Two approaches have been used: one keeps both s u l f i d e s p h y s i c a l l y separated in the e q u i l i b r i u m vessel and effects isotope exchange via transport of s u l f u r vapor, the other uses hydrothermal solutions instead of a gas phase. OHMOTO& RYE (1979) examined c r i t i c a l l y a)
a l l the a v a i l a b l e experimental data in terms of
attainment of e q u i l i b r i u m
uncertainties in the measurements
minimum or maximumf r a c t i o n a t i o n f a c t o r s when e q u i l i b r i u m was not attained
c o m p a t i b i l i t y with the f r a c t i o n a t i o n factors estimated from other sets of experiments.
Table 2 gives a summary of temperature c o e f f i c i e n t s A f o r some important s u l f i d e minerals, which according to OHMOTO& RYE (1979) represent the best a v a i l a b l e numbers. Table 2. Coefficients A f o r geological important s u l f i d e pair f r a c t i o n a t i o n s ( a f t e r OHMOTO & RYE, 1980) Sph
Abbreviations: P y - p y r i t e , S p h - s p h a l e r i t e , P y r h - p y r r h o t i t e , C h a - c h a l c o p y r i t e , Ga-galena
Maybe the most s u i t a b l e pair f o r c a l c u l a t i n g temperatures o f m i n e r a l i z a t i o n is the sphalerite-galena p a i r . In Fig. 3 temperatures obtained from the sphalerite-galena pair are plotted against temperatures obtained from f l u i d i n c l u s i o n studies; data are from the Providencia mine (RYE, 1974) and from the Finlandia Vein, Peru (KAMILLA & OHMOTO, 1977). The agreement between both temperatures is rather promising, however, the r e l a t i v e l y large spread of the isotope temperatures is also noteworthy. Apparently, the greatest d i f f i c u l t y
with respect to s u l f i d e geothermometry l i e s in
the f a c t that contemporaneous phases have to be selected f o r isotope measurements. I t is obviously very d i f f i c u l t
to obtain t r u e l y coexistent mineral pairs, so that
both s u l f i d e s represent the same period of time in the h i s t o r y of the hydrothermal
...... ........... ,oo /
|~ i
............ Fig. 3. Comparison of temperatures obtained by microthermometry ( f l u i d i n c l u m;'..'~a~.'.% sion studies) and by s u l f u r isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n s of the sphalerite-galena "I" p a i r . Data are from the Providencia mine (RYE, 1984) and from the Finlandia Vein i~'~=,'~,~....... deposit (KAMILLI & OHMOTO, 1977). O
/ ioo
~ph. ga~
f l u i d s . Even where a mineral pair belongs tv the same period of m i n e r a l i z a t i o n , the isotopic composition and the temperature of the f l u i d s may have been so variable that a relevant temperature information cannot be obtained. The best information may be obtained from those minerals which grew in contact with each other. Mineral pairs i n v o l v i n g p y r i t e are less suitable f o r a temperature determination, because in many cases p y r i t e seems to p r e c i p i t a t e over even larger portions of ore deposition than other s u l f i d e minerals. Hydrogen OH-bearing minerals, such as b i o t i t e , muscovite, hornblende, c h l o r i t e show constant f r a c t i o n a t i o n s versus temperatures amongst each other and therefore cannot be used as geothermometers
(SUZUOKI & EPSTEIN, 1976). In a d d i t i o n , i t is d i f f i c u l t
establish whether hydrogen isotope e q u i l i b r i u m is commonly preserved between hydrous minerals and the temperatures at which cessation of hydrogen isotope exchange occurs. Carbon Besides the gaseous species CO2 and CH4 the c a l c i t e - g r a p h i t e f r a c t i o n a t i o n has a s u i t a b l e magnitude to be applied f o r geothermometry. Studies by VALLEY & O'NEIL (1981) and WADA & SUZUOKI (1983) showed that t h i s mineral pair can be successfully applied in carbonate-rich high metamorphic rocks at temperatures of above about 550 ° C. At temperatures below 550 ° C, k i n e t i c s of exchange may become so important that a general a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s thermometer is hazardous. The a p p l i c a t i o n of the c a l c i t e - g r a p h i t e f r a c t i o n a t i o n s as a suitable thermometer has been questioned, howe~er, j u s t recently by KREULEN and van BEEK (1983). Conclusions Since isotope exchange reactions are almost completely independent of pressure, isotope geothermometers might appear to be the ideal thermometers, e s p e c i a l l y f o r metamorphic rocks, where isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n s are reasonably large enough to give temperatures with r e l a t i v e l y small errors. However, several problems complicate
t h i s simple picture. F i r s t l y , there is a lack of c a l i b r a t i o n of some systems and - as shown above-disagreement in the available c a l i b r a t i o n s f o r some minerals. With
the recently published set of mineral pair f r a c t i o n a t i o n s f o r oxygen (MATTHEWSet al.,
1983a,1983b) t h i s problem is on the way to be solved, at least f o r oxygen.
Secondly, temperatures obtained by isotope f r a c t i o n a t i o n s are often d i f f i c u l t
i n t e r p r e t : sometimes they are in favour of peak metamorphic c o n d i t i o n s ; sometimes they indicate
retrograde isotope exchange during the cooling period of a high tem-
perature t e r r a i n . A d i s t i n c t i o n between these two temperature records might be poss i b l e when a comparison with other geological thermometers is carried out. In t h i s respect more studies combining isotope thermometers with other geological thermomet e r s , such as those by DAHL (1979) and GOLDMAN & ALBEE (1977), are required and w i l l , c e r t a i n l y , give much more information about the complex temperature h i s t o r y of a rock. As f a r as the geothermal systems are concerned, although there are p o t e n t i a l l y many isotope exchange processes occurring w i t h i n a geothermal f l u i d , only a few have been generally applied, because of a s u i t a b l e rate of achieving i s o t o p i c e q u i l i b r i u m . Such exchange reactions achieving e q u i l i b r i u m at d i f f e r e n t rates should be capable of i n d i c a t i n g temperatures at various depths w i t h i n a geothermal system. This approach is based on the assumption that during the ascent of the geothermal f l u i d to the surface a series of isotope e q u i l i b r i a are set up, and as the temperature f a l l s , rate of re-establishment of e q u i l i b r i u m is reduced u n t i l , f i n a l l y ,
i t exceeds the
time taken f o r the f l u i d to reach the surface. One such example is shown in Table 3 f o r the geothermal f l u i d s at Wairakei, New Zealand (HULSTON, 1976). Table 3. Isotope temperature and rates of exchange to establish e q u i l i b r i u m f o r the hydrothermal f l u i d at Wairakei, New Zealand (HULSTON, 1976) Element
Isotope temperature
Rates of exchange
13~Ha- 12C02
350 ° C
102 -105 y
350 ° C
103 y
HS1604- H2180
280 ° C
H2 - H O 0
260 ° C D r i l l h o l e temperature 260 ° C
I y I-2
TEICHMULLER, R.~ and M. TEICHM~LLER Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen de Greiff Str. 195, D-4150 Krefeld, F.R. of Germany
Abstract The degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n ("rank") which may be measured as v i t r i n i t e
(% Rm) under the microscope in almost a l l sedimentary rocks depends mainly on the maximum rock temperature - to a minor degree on the "cooking time". I t is f o r t h i s reason that close r e l a t i o n s h i p s e x i s t between c o a l i f i c a t i o n and palaeogeothermics. The degree of rank increases with depth (the "rank gradient") commonly r e f l e c t s the maximum geothermal gradient which was active in a certain p r o f i l e and area. Palaeogeothermal gradients may be estimated from c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients (measured in deep boreholes) i f the b u r i a l h i s t o r y (m/Ma) is known. In the subvariscan foredeep of the Ruhr Basin, c o a l i f i c a t i o n was completed before the Permian, due to the Asturian f o l d i n g and u p l i f t .
The c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients are
one order of magnitude higher ( 0 , 5 - 1,0 % Rm/km) than in the foredeeps of the northern Alps and the northern Apennines ( 0 , 0 3 - 0 , 0 9 % Rm/km), although the depths of b u r i a l and the duration of heat exposure were s i m i l a r . The reasons f o r the great difference are s i g n i f i c a n t l y higher geothermal gradients in the Ruhr Basin during the Upper Carboniferous. According to BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982) these gradients vary between 60 and 80 ° C/km, whereas in the foredeep molasses of the northern Alps and the northern Apennines they range between 19 and 23 ° C/km due to subduction and the r e s u l t i n g increase of crustal thickness. The high geothermal gradients of the Subvariscan foredeep (60- 80 ° C/km against the present 30 ° C/km) suggest a t h i n n e r crust during the Carboniferous. Based on the c o r r e l a t i o n between heat flow density and crustal thickness reported by ~ERMAK (1979), values of 110- 130 mW/m2, estimated f o r the Ruhr Carboniferous, correspond to 2 0 - 2 2 km crustal thickness. Thus r e s u l t s of c o a l i f i c a t i o n studies agree with r e s u l t s that ZWART (1967,1976) obtained from studies of the regional metamorphism of rocks w i t h i n the Variscan orogen of Europe. Fundamentals of r e l a t i o n s between c o a l i f i c a t i o n and geothermics Organic substances in sediments are very s e n s i t i v e to heat exposure. Normally they are c o a l i f i e d with increasing depth of b u r i a l , due to increasing rock temperature. The degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n ("rank") depends mainly on the maximum temperature and
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
to a minor degree - on the heating time. In contrast to transformations or neofor-
mations of minerals, which are also used as geologic thermometers, the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n is not influenced by such conditions as pH, eH, p a r t i a l pressure of water, or ion concentrations, and moreover, i t is i r r e v e r s i b l e . I t can me measured by o p t i c a l reflectance of the coal maceral v i t r i n i t e
which is derived from humufied
plant m a t e r i a l , in p a r t i c u l a r from l i g n i n and c e l l u l o s e . Even t i n y p a r t i c l e s of v i trinite
(>3 Nm), which occur in almost a l l c l a s t i c rocks, s u f f ic e to determine the
rank. The reflectance is measured on the surface of polished sections of coal or rock with the help of a microscope photometer ( f o r method see STACH et a l . , Fig. I shows p a r t i c l e s of v i t r i n i t e
in a s i l t s t o n e , under the microscope.
Fig. I . V i t r i n i t e inclusions in s i l t s t o n e . Photomicrograph of polished section, o i l immersion, 500 x magnified. Many authors have developed empirical and/or hypothetical diagrams and formulars showing the r e l a t i o n s between v i t r i n i t e
reflectance, rock temperature and "cooking
time", - e.g. LOPATIN (1971), LOPATIN & BOSTICK (1973/74), HOODet a l . (1975), TISSOT & ESPITALIE(1975), BURNE & KANSTLER (1977), BUNTEBARTH (1978,1979) and WAPLES (1980). Fig. 2 shows a diagram from BOSTICK et a l . (1979). The " e f f e c t i v e heating time" (HOOD et a l . ,
1975) is the time during which the coal was within 15° C of i t s
maximum burial temperature. Since v i t r i n i t e
reflectance is related to the degree of aromatization of the humic
complexes in coal (McCARTNEY & M. TEICHMOLLER, 1972) and since aromatization runs reciprocal to the v o l a t i l e matter of v i t r i n i t e
(as a main chemical rank parameter f o r
55 3~°C
I I I [)
I1) Q. E 21~--
E "~
~ 11111
~ 50
, ~ , I
,,,,,I 100
1000 Ma
effective time
Fig. 2. Relationship between maximum rock temperature, e f f e c t i v e heating time and v i t r i n i t e reflectance (Rm, Rmax) ( a f t e r BOSTICK et a l . , 1979). c o a l ) , Fig. 3 demonstrates the d i f f e r e n t degrees of increase of v i t r i n i t e in the d i f f e r e n t rank stages: v i t r i n i t e stages (brown coal, l i g n i t e ,
reflectance rises only slowly in the low rank
high v o l a t i l e bituminous c o a l ) , more r a p i d l y in the
stage of medium and low v o l a t i l e bituminous coals, and p a r t i c u l a r l y strongly in the stage of anthracites. The degree of rank increases with depth, i . e . the "rank grad i e n t " , depends not only on the rank stage but also, usually on the geothermal gradient active during c o a l i f i c a t i o n .
In Fig. 4 rank increase is shown f o r four bore-
holes which encountered young sediments of the Upper Rhine Graben - one with a geothermal gradient of 42°C/km, the others with gradients ranging from 67 ° C/km to 77 ° C/km. The more rapid increase of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance in the "warm" boreholes
is evident. Fig. 5 is a corresponding p l o t of Rm-increase against the present rock temperature in the same boreholes. The good c o r r e l a t i o n between Rm and temperature (as opposed to the bad c o r r e l a t i o n between Rm and depth in Fig. 4) shows the strong influence of the geothermal gradient upon rank increase. Rank gradients measured in deep boreholes allow estimations of palaeogeothermal gradients i f the burial h i s t o r y is known (e.g. ESPITALIE, 1979; BUNTEBARTH, 1979). Fig. 6 gives an example f o r the b u r i a l h i s t o r y (meter per m i l l i o n years) of the Lower Oligocene in a borehole of the Upper Rhine Graben. Based on rank gradients from deep boreholes and corresponding burial h i s t o r i e s , we suggested two heat maxima f o r the middle Upper Rhine Graben, - one during the early T e r t i a r y and the other, which is still
a c t i v e , since the Upper Pliocene (Fig. 7).
56 70+1o
I i
Weich braunkohie z~ i
peat, lignite, sub-bitom.coal
o •
NW Germany Ihhenb~len Bramsche Massif
• o
Saar-Lorral~ R~hr-Lower Rl~ne Aachen
bituminoos coal
Flamm L
I ,
- -
~ ~
° •% . ~ - ~ ° . ~
i 2 ~,
>" ~
y ....
5,0 %
F i g . 3. R e l a t i o n s h i p between v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t a n c e and v o l a t i l e matter of vitrites for the different rank s t a g e s ( f r o m s o f t brown coal t o m e t a - a n t h r a c i t e ) o f German coal d e p o s i t s ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1979b).
57 0
!I. AI
Sandhausen 1 borehale
I k
,:/.. •
Landau 2 borehoLe •
Harthausen1 borehole
Scheibenhard~2 bo~eho]e
LymnaeaMad lUpper Eocene)
.\ \
1.5 r e f l e c t a n n e Rm
Fig. 4. Relationship between v i t r i n i t e reflectance and depth in four boreholes of the Upper Rhine Graben. The geothermal gradients are: 40 ° C/km f o r Sandhausen borehole and 7 0 - 8 0 ° C/km f o r the remaining boreholes ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1981). Compare with Fig. 5! In the Saar D i s t r i c t of Western Germany, the very deep borehole Saar I encountered coal seams of the Upper Carboniferous, the v i t r i n i t e
reflectance of which was deter-
mined between 410 and 4470 m depth. The results are shown in Fig. 8, together with results from some other boreholes of the Saar-Nahe Basin. The present temperature gradient in the Saar I borehole is 29 ° C/km (HEDEMANN, 1976). According to computat i o n by BUNTEBARTH (1983) based on the rank of coal and the burial h i s t o r y , the palaeogeothermal gradients varied between 85 and 55 ° C/km in Permo-Carboniferous times. A maximum c o a l i f i c a t i o n temperature of 350° C f o r the Westphalian A (present depth: 4470 m) was also calculated and the r e s u l t is in agreement with the f i r s t occurrence of the mineral epidot at a depth of 5037 m i n t h e Upper Devonian of the Saar I borehole (ZIMMERLE, 1976). The boundary between diagenesis and anchimetamorphism, based on thorough studies by BREITSCHMID (1982) in the Swiss Alps, corresponds to a rock temperature of 220° C, and has been encountered in the Saar I borehole at a depth of 3470 m. The present temperature at t h i s depth is only 95 ° C. These findings suggest a much higher geothermal gradient during the Permo-Carboniferous in the Saar D i s t r i c t than is measured at present. The Saar coal is part of the backdeep
Sandhausen1 borehote •
Harlhausen 1 borehole Landau2 borehole
Scheibenhardt 2 borehole
Ly~naea Marl (Upper EoceneJ
.i ea
\ !s::\ ;1 ~t • @\
reflectanceRm Fig. 5. Relationship between v i t r i n i t e reflectance and rock temperature in four boreholes of the Upper Rhine Graben (same boreholes as in Fig. 4) ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1981).
\ ,,,,,~andha'usen NQ1 boreh0i
I 43
38 35 32
2 ivia
Fig. 6. Subsidence curve f o r the Lower Oligocene in the Sandhausen I borehole (Upper Rhine Graben) ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1979).
F initiationof rifting maximumof eruptionsfrom the mantlediapir
main rifting andspreading
new riftingand spreading ~.
B(]° C/km
I I: 5°o o% --stratigraphic
~, .~- a
gap from 160 to 43 M a - - ~
Paleocene I 65 Ma
I 49
~ -~
38 35 32
22,5 19 17
ilioc 5
Fig. 7. Variation of geothermal gradients during the development of the middle Upper Rhine Graben, deduced from r e s u l t s of c o a l i f i c a t i o n studies ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1979). of the Rhenoherzynian Variscan Mountains. Similar high geothermal gradients have been reported from the Ruhr Basin which, in contrast to the Saar Basin, belongs to the Subvariscan foredeep. Foredeeps are often rich in coal, o i l and gas deposits. Therefore, many deep boreholes are commonly put down in foredeeps. C o a l i f i c a t i o n studies in these boreholes allow certain reconstructions of palaeogeothermics. In the present paper, r e s u l t s of c o a l i f i c a t i o n studies and t h e i r geothermal evaluations f o r the Subvariscan foredeep of the Ruhr Basin and the A l p i d i c foredeeps of the northern Alps and northern Apennines are reported. Palaeogeothermics of the Subvariscan foredeep (Ruhr Basin and Lower Rhine Basin) Due to many exposures in mines, quarries and, p a r t i c u l a r l y , in deep boreholes of the Ruhr industry, the c o a l i f i c a t i o n pattern of the Ruhr and Lower Rhine Basin are well known (M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1949,1968,1971; PATTEISKY et a l . , r i s e of v i t r i n i t e
1962). The
reflectance with depth has been studied in many boreholes by
M. TEICHMOLLER & M. WOLF (Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen, Krefeld) during a period of more than twenty years, so that the rank gradients could be evaluated f o r palaeogeothermal studies by KOPPE (1980) and BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982a). The evaluat i o n s were f a c i l i t a t e d by the fact t h a t , at the Ruhr, c o a l i f i c a t i o n took place in Carboniferous times before the Asturian f o l d i n g occurring in Late Westphalian D and Stephanian times.
60 0 according to results from the Saar 1 borehole ~.x
porosity of sandstones 500
434 - 1269 m 11 - 13%
beginniag of seddte bIastese at 1800 m
1500 o
2000 r am co e~
residual gas in coals " ~ {after WEHNER et al 1976)
t . . . . . .
zoneofsenmteblastese ~
g I "s
I -~ 3000
I " ~ Diagenesis i '~',,.Anchi-Metamo!phism~- 3500
4000 m
~z • 50%
zone ot chlodtebiastese L \
1,3 15
5 0% Rm
Increase of Rank
Fig. 8. Increase of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth in the Saar I borehole and in some other boreholes of the Saar-Nahe Basin (West-Germany). The ordinate to the l e f t indicates r e l a t i v e depth and is v a l i d f o r a l l boreholes, whereas the ordinate to the r i g h t is v a l i d f o r the Saar I borehole only ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER et a l . , 1983).
Westphalian(: We,~halJsnB? WeetphalianB1
Pre-oragenic (main) coalificatio£ due to subsidence of the layers, Duration: about 15 million years.
• ~(:
Syn-orogenic increase of coal rank in the mega-synclines. Local rank increase near thrust planes. No essential changes of rank due to orogenic folding (isovols follow the fold pattern). Duration: about 3 million years,
SE Situation at the present after uplift and erosion. No change of the coalification pattern since 285 million years before the present.
e) 6elsenkirchenanticline
Essensyncline Wattanscheidanticline
verticalscalenetexaggerated o
• 3oo~
3o 2O~o
2CO/ore, m~.er
Fig. 9. History of c o a l i f i c a t i o n in the Ruhr Carboniferous (after M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1971).
Fig. 9 shows the development of c o a l i f i c a t i o n in r e l a t i o n to t h r u s t i n g and f o l d i n g . Zones of equal rank ( v o l a t i l e matter) run p a r a l l e l to the s t r a t i f i c a t i o n .
After fold-
ing, the isorank l i n e s f o l l o w the f o l d pattern. Thus, c o a l i f i c a t i o n is pre-orogenic. This also becomes evident by very low rank Permian (Kupferschiefer in the brown coal stage) overlying strongly c o a l i f i e d Westphalian. In the Ruhr Basin the Cretaceous cover was not t h i c k enough to promote the Carboniferous c o a l i f i c a t i o n . Similar cond i t i o n s prevailed on the western side of the Rhine. Fig. 10 demonstrates the t y p i c a l s u b s i d e n c e / u p l i f t h i s t o r y f o r a coal seam in the Lower Rhine Basin.
j ] Sfefanian
I Triassic I
Jureslic I geound surface
Cr~...... ....
J Tm'fiary~dGuarternarl
1~oo x: ®
3gOOm 3OOmill. years
Fig. 10.
Burial h i s t o r y of Girondelle Seam (Westphalian A) in the Lower Rhine Basin.
Already in former times c o a l i f i c a t i o n studies were used to estimate palaeogeothermal gradients f o r the Ruhr Carboniferous. A comparison of subsidence curves f o r the early T e r t i a r y of the Upper Rhine Graben and f o r the Ruhr Carboniferous ( c f . Fig. ~7), taking into consideration the temperatures measured in boreholes of the Upper Rhine Graben ( c f . Fig. 5), led to the conclusion that in the Ruhr Basin the palaeogeothermal gradients reached 5 0 - 7 0 ° C/km during the Westphalian (R. TEICHMOLLER, 1973). Later, KOPPE (1980) and BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982a) evaluated more than 1200 data of vitrinite
reflectance obtained by M. TEICHMOLLERand M. WOLF from 44 deep boreholes
of the Ruhr and Lower Rhine area. As in the Saar I borehole, the rank gradients in boreholes of the Ruhr and Lower Rhine Basin are r e l a t i v e l y high. According to KOPPE (~980) and BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982a), they vary, on average, between 0,48 % Rm/km f o r the Westphalian C and B and 1,04 % Rm/km f o r the Westphalian A. Extreme values are 0,20 % Rm/km and 1,4 % Rm/km. BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982a) evaluated the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients of more than 50 boreholes to estimate the palaeogeothermal gradients f o r the Upper Carboniferous at the Ruhr. Fig. 11 shows the r e s u l t of these c a l c u l a t i o n s
I '
. "58, 71" )
.'. • 6 5 ~'" ' :.. 76
A F~--F]B ~
.r.,,.~ ~ ~ ~ C
_ ~
. ~v''~"
90°C/kin geothermal gradient dunng the Westphalian S~" iso-lines of assumed original thickness of Westphalian C
Fig. 11. Palaeogeothermal gradients during the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian A, B,C) in the Ruhr Basin and the adjacent Lower Rhine Basin of West-Germany. The gradients were computed on the basis of 1600 reflectance data from 53 deep boreholes ( a f t e r BUNTEBARTHet a l . , 1982a). based on rank gradients, depth and duration of b u r i a l . The duration of burial between sedimentation and upfolding was about 15 m i l l i o n years f o r a seam l i k e Katharina at the boundary between Westphalian A and B. The maximal burial was about 2500 m, the e f f e c t i v e heating time perhaps 2 m i l l i o n years. According to Fig. 11 the computed geothermal gradients commonly vary between 60 to 70° C/km. Locally gradients of 80 - 90 ° C/km were computed. These high gradients have been explained by deep l y i n g crypto-plutons north of Krefeld (91 ° C/km) and near Westerh o l t (86 ° C/km). The Krefeld pluton intruded in Permo-Carboniferous times as suggested by the occurrence of diabase dykes c u tt i n g Westphalian s t r a t a . Moreover, a magnetic anomaly and the occurrence of very strongly c o a l i f i e d coals are arguments f o r an i n t rusiv e body (BUNTEBARTH et a l . ,
1982b). Near Westerholt, in an area with high c o a l i -
f i c a t i o n gradients, an unusual occurrence of newly formed s e r i c i t e in the Westphal i a n A (WEGEHAUPT, 1962) as well as ore m i n e r a l i z a t i o n (STADLER, personal communicat i o n ) and special structural indications (ADLER, 1961) suggest a magmatic i n t r u s i o n at depth as an a d d i t i o n a l heat source. North of the Ruhr Basin, the Cretaceous cover increases in thickness. The MUnsterland I borehole encountered 3650 m of Upper Carboniferous below a cover of 1788 m Cretaceous. As in the Saar I borehole (Fig. 8), in the MUnsterland I borehole the rank gradient ( v i t r i n i t e reflectance) rises with increasing depth and increasing rank range (Fig. 12). In the Westphalian B and A the gradient is 1,05 % Rm/km, whereas in the Namurian i t amounts to 1,75 % Rm/km.
bituminool coei 2-5 °
" enthfllcile
28% Rmax
4.0%~mlx 3.5% Rm
2.5% Rm
\ ~ \
c~NO Q
Wmsl hi
25-30 ° dip
25-30 o \~=~1::~'~_41~'
-55° 35° 45° 3O°
shear zone
30-40 o 15.35 ° 35°"
0 " ~
='0 sh. . . . . . .
\ %?
10~20o 2O=
shear zor~e
Namunen A + 8 14-18" Dinentiso 2-5 o Condmz sand$1ooe
5-0 =
I-3 °
Fresfllan + Givetian limestone bent euu~zite I
"/~ .(I6-~-'Q~
/ ~ t(~'-
~ ? e ~
~ ~
shear zone
4,0 r
5.0 f
6.0 T a
Fig. 12. Increase of v i t r i n i t e reflectance (% Rmax, Rm and Rmin) with depth in the MUnsterland I borehole. Note the increase of anisotropy (difference between Rmax and Rmin) with increasing depth and rank stage (after M. TEICHMOLLER, 1982). Taking the burial histories into consideration, G. BUNTEBARTH kindly computed palaeogeothermal gradients for some deep boreholes north of the Ruhr Basin (Table I ) . The gradients l i e in the same order of magnitude as those computed for the Saar I borehole (BUNTEBARTH, 1983). According to Table I i t seems that the gradients have been still
higher in the Namurian than in the Westphalian.
Fig. 13 shows the remarkable coincidence of rank gradients in the same deep boreholes north of the Ruhr Basin. Earlier suggestions of high geothermal gradients in the Variscan foredeep of western Germany, were based on the following: In the borehole MUnsterland I the present depths correspond more or less to the maximal depths of the layers in Carboniferous times. According to cathode-luminescent properties of quartz in Devonian quartzites, ZINKERNAGEL (1978) suggests a palaeogeotemperature of >300 ° C (present temperature
o ¢o
co co
o c-
v ,...- ~ .~_ .,-.- -.',k rY~
cO t-~
o c0
t-~ o0
00 00
ao 00
O0 ~
C:) O4
~E 0 e-
cE o
&o I e-
1-" ~ *t,---
i:115 .t~--
OcI-d or--
-r I-ram 1,1 I--Z
,.Y'l v o~-- o •- ~
I O0
| O
I ~O
I 0,4
OJ i::~o t"- ~ . -
r~ oo (D
o'~ £-
E O (.J
0 on ~--
m 0r,--
Isselburg 3 (I) MOnsterland 1 (M)
Vemmold 1 (V) Saar I (S)
_ i11 +
.j,I o z
J= z
x 3~m
V ~
m ;]3
vitrinite reflectance
52 (% Rm)
! z 3~2m + 47~ m 6.0%
Fig. 13. Increase of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth in the deep boreholes I s s e l burg 3, MUnsterland I, Versmold I and Saar I. about 200° C) at a depth of 5700 m, corresponding to a palaeogeothermal gradient of >50 ° C/km. STRASSER & WOLTERS (1963) determined a volumetric density of 2,8 g/cm3 f o r Devonian clayey sandstones in the MUnsterland I borehole at 5700 m. A f t e r a diagram from CISSARZ (1965: Fig. 2) t h i s value corresponds t o a r o c k t e m p e r a t u r e of 300 ° C. According to BREITSCHMID (1982) the top of the epi-zone (boundary between very low grade and low-grade metamorphism) corresponds to a v i t r i n i t e and to a rock temperature of borehole a v i t r i n i t e
reflectance of 5,5 % Rm
270 ° C in the Swiss Helveticum. In the MUnsterland I
reflectance of 5,5 % Rm is reached at a depth of 4700 m
(Fig. 12) which indicates a palaeogeothermal gradient of 57° C/km, facing a gradient of 33,6 ° C/km at the present time (HEDEMANN & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1966). A comparison of subsidence curves f o r the e a r l y T e r t i a r y of the Upper Rhine Graben and f o r the Ruhr Carboniferous (Fig. 17), with the temperatures measured in boreholes of the Upper Rhine Graben taken into consideration (Fig. 5), led to the
67 conclusion t h a t , i n the Ruhr Basin, the palaeogeothermal gradients reached 5 0 - 7 0 °C/km during the Westphalian (R. TEICHMOLLER, 1973). Geothermics of A l p i d i c foredeeps Northern Alps The molasse of the A l p i d i c foredeep north of the Alps is comparable to the molasse of the Subvariscan foredeep north of the Rhenohercynicum. Depths of burial and e f f e c t i v e c o a l i f i c a t i o n times are s i m i l a r in both cases (Fig. 17). However, the c o a l i f i c a t i o n pattern is very d i f f e r e n t . In the foredeep of the Alps, burial depths of 2,5 km (near Munich) to 5 km ( i n the Alps) were attained f o r the basis of the molasse (JACOB et a l . , uplift
1982). Folding and
began 8 to 12 m i l l i o n years before the present, in Late Miocene to Pliocene
times. As usual in foredeeps, f o l d i n g moved from the mountains (12 Ma) to the f o r e land (8 Ma). Fig. 14 shows a cross-section through the foreland and the northernmost part of the German Alps. In the north, the A l p i d i c foredeep is f i l l e d
with autochtonous, f l a t
l y i n g T e r t i a r y molasse sediments. Approaching the mountains in the south, the molasse is folded and imbricated. S t i l l
f u r t h e r south, in the Alps, t h i s imbricated, sub-
alpine molasse is overlain by imbricated strata of the Helveticum, Flysch and Austroalpine nappe p i l e s . N
non folded Molasse
folded Molasse
LL ,
Tegernsee Alps
Hausham syncline
G~an~bra, nk . ~
%.+ Locene
" ~ F l a m mkohle
...,..,,,o~. ~ . , . . ~
. ~oh.,pi.~
~,,,,'~7,,c;e(ac~-~E77+;z,;.,T,~,Flammk.oh,!e ....
~m~.,,,.////////l//7~/~./p/77/z~f/,7/l/Tf//7~//.~. ~
-6000m Ma 71k GIIk
mili,ofls ~f y~ars belor~ Lh, pleserll Flamalkohle
_ _
lO[km I
after TEICHMOLLER1975, supptemenied Tectonics ol the Flysch afler SCHMIO1 THOM[ 1997 Tectonics ol the Molasse alter VEIT 1963 and M MULLER 1975 Ceahficahon of Ihe Flysch ariel MWOLF
Fig. 14. Cross-section through the subduction zone at the northern rim of the Alps with c o a l i f i c a t i o n p r o f i l e s ( a f t e r M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1978). In the foreland as well as in the northern Alps, boreholes of the o i l industry permitted a study of the downward increase of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance. According to c o a l i f i c a -
t i o n studies of JACOB & KUCKELKORN (1977), the Miesbach I borehole did not encounter the boundary between sub-bituminous and bituminous coal (boundary between Braunkohle and Steinkohle according to the German coal c l a s s i f i c a t i o n ) u n t i l a depth of about
5000 m in the molasse (see Fig. 14). In t h i s borehole the present geothermal gradient is 23,5 ° C/km (JACOB & KUCKELKORN, 1977). JACOB et a l . (1982) evaluated c o a l i f i c a t i o n data from the Alpine molasse obtained by JACOB and other authors. They found that in the south, w i t h i n the folded and imbricated molasse, the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients are e s p e c i a l l y low, and even too low compared with the present geothermal gradients. Therefore, these authors assume a prekinematic c o a l i f i c a t i o n having taken place 10-20 km f u r t h e r south where the temperature gradients are lower at present and obviously have been lower in p r e - t h r u s t i n g times as w e l l . I t seems that in t h i s region the geothermal pattern of the northern Alps has not changed much since Pliocene/Upper Miocene times when the sediments of the present folded molasse reached t h e i r deepest level of subsidence and, thus, t h e i r highest c o a l i f i c a t i o n temperatures. In contrast to the northern Alps f u r t h e r west (e.g. near Oberstdorf, Allg~u and, p a r t i c u l a r l y , in Switzerland) where the main coalification
(as well as i l l i t e
diagenesis) occurred a f t e r imbrication due to former
t h i c k overburden with Penninic nappes (M. TEICHMOLLER & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1978; FREY et a l . ,
1 9 7 3 ) , a t t h e northern rim of the Bavarian Alps no post-kinematic c o a l i f i c a -
t i o n of the folded and imbricated molasse took place. Fig. 15 shows the r e s u l t s of JACOB et a l . (1982) with c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients f o r the autochthonousaswell as the folded and imbricated molasse in i t s p r e - t e c t o n i c , non imbricated p o s i t i o n . The gradual decrease from the Anzing 3 borehole in the north ( l y i n g 23 km north of the sign f o r Anzing 3 in Fig. 15) with 0,09 % Rm/km, to Hausham in the south with 0,04%Rm/km, and f u r t h e r west, - from the Staffelsee I borehole in the north (0,06 % Rm/km) to the Egling I borehole in the south (0,03 % Rm/km), is evident. The present geothermal gradient in the Anzing 3 borehole in the north is 22,8 ° C/km, whereas i t is 22 °C/km in the V o r d e r r i s s l borehole (east of Garmisch-Partenkirchen) in the south (BACHMANN& MOLLER, 1981). The decrease of c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients towards the south is obviously caused by a decrease of the geothermal gradients in the same d i r e c t i o n , - not only in the present time but also during Late Miocene/Pliocene times when maximal depths of subsidence were reached (M. & R. TEICHMOLLER, 1975; JACOB & KUCKELKORN, 1977; JACOB et a l . , 1982). This geothermal pattern is in accordance with the crustal thickness increasing from north to south, due to subduction. Fig. 16 shows, over a horizontal distance of 55 km, the dipping of the Mohorovi~i~ d i s c o n t i n u i t y from 33 km depth in the northern Alpine foreland (Anzing 3 borehole) down to 40 km depth beneath the northern Alps (Tegernsee 2 borehole). Thus, we must assume r e l a t i o n s h i p s between c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients, geothermal gradients and the thickness of the crust in the foredeep of the German Alps.
69 ggk~ Anzing3 • /
) ~-s,, FOR~E~LAND
+ A ~ >L-~'*~..% L
~- I
~ ' / ' ~.-----~-~;~,U
bg/ I .7 V"
¢'---~ 2
ofalpinen~PMPleSsBAo=~C L ~ ' ~
~ ~
+ // c h b ~"" ~ b ,,~'~',.~
. , - - - ~~
X -,'/i
,2. .'
"~'+ + ~AR~ISCH ~ -
f u ~
-- i . . . . . . . ~ "' i ~ g e SCH = Scheibum m A = Altenau ' •
_ A U S T R. .I. .A _
. . . .
\ \x~:~ PARTENKIROHEN ~ % '(,/ \
._/ ~i',
_ _
L " ' ' • horeholes ~ ...... p.rain mine i I i th thrusting urstingdistance di......
---I~ +
.xisofOhatii. . . . . . gh
ZONE Mlttenwold
" ~::]" I':!']~;#~,
Fig. 15. Coalification gradients tion of the folded molasse (after duced by the present authors. The lasse between the rivers Lech and the map (above).
(% Rm/km) in the sub-Alpinemolasse before dislocaJACOB et a l . , 1982), c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients i n t r o map above shows the dislocation of the folded moInn. For position of the cross-section (below), see
70 s
~o,~ T~Z~.~,..~;~~
~,eh An,~.g3 NN
UPnerTertiary . . . . Foae.rnld . . . .M.o l.a s. s. e . . . . . c
esozo¢ rv~a4me easement
-. . . . . .
- --
- ........
s ~-'o~,e
__- -
23,r.Jkm 0 09%Rm/km
ZO°CFKm 0 04%Rm/km
Moh or ovi ~i~- Oisconi-inu1~
Fig. 16. The subduction zone at the northern margin of the Alps. Depth of boundary between crust and upper mantle according to GIESE & STEIN (1971). I t is i n t e r e s t i n g to note that in the sub-Alpine molasse the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n very seldom reaches the stage of bituminous coal, although depth of burial and e f f e c t i v e c o a l i f i c a t i o n time were about the same as f o r the Ruhr bituminous coals. As a matter of f a c t , according to Fig. 17, the time to reach the maximum subsidence depth ~12
Weslphalian ~ 30Z c
,al IMathdde s anlJ Soo
.~ ~ o u s e n
1 14m° C/kin)
~, < Harthaus
~ 6°3 C/kin)
°C 125=/=am
ca 13I°C 125%Rm
,oo~o q5
i E?c.i 40
LOlig. I 35
U.Oligocene 3FJ
25 years
Lower Mioee, 20 the
[U.Mipce.a~l 15
28% vof m
0 5% am5
Fig. 17. Subsidence h i s t o r y , geothermal gradient and f i n a l rank of coal (% Rm) in the Anz.ing 3 borehole, compared with boreholes in the Upper Rhine Graben (Sandhausen 1 and Harthausen 1) and with a Ruhr coal ( a f t e r R. TEICHMOLLER, 1973; M. TEICHMOLLER& R. TEICHMOLLER, 1975).
71 and with that the maximum temperature was even longer f o r the A l p i d i c molasse than f o r thesub-Variscanmolasse as may be seen from the subsidence curve f o r the Anzing3 borehole compared with the curve f o r the Mathilde seam of the Ruhr Carboniferous. Since the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients in the A l p i d i c molasse vary between 0,03 and 0,09 % Rm/km they are more than one order of magnitude lower than the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients of the Subvariscan molasse at the Ruhr ( 0 , 5 - 1 , 0 % Rm/km). The explanation f o r t h i s s t r i k i n g difference is the subduction zone beneath the northern Alps where the crust-mantle boundary l i e s as deep as 40 km and where t hic k p i l e s of nappes are stacked one above the other (see Figs.14,16). In t h i s respect, the conditions are s i m i l a r to those at the northern margin of the Carpathian Mts. (SZADECZKY-KARDOSS, 1973), and to the subduction zone of western C a l i f o r n i a where, according to BOSTICK (1974) and CASTANO & SPARKS (1974),geothermal gradients and c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients are remarkably low. Northern Apennines The northern Apennines are a very young orogen in which imbrication of large nappes occurred in Mid-Miocene times. Folding and imbrication are directed to the northeast towards the recent foredeep of the Po Plain and the A d r i a t i c Sea. The whole orogen l i e s on the western rim of the A d r i a t i c micro-plate the basis of which sinks down to almost 40 km under the Po Plain (cf. Fig. 20). C o a l i f i c a t i o n studies have been performed by REUTTERet a l . (1978,1982,1983) on the basis of 180 samples c o l l e c t e d mainly from outcrops of molasse and flysch sediments. As in the foredeep of the northern Alps, in the Apenninic foredeep the degree of coalification
rises only slowly with depths as is shown in Fig. 18 f o r the 5320 m deep
borehole Ponte d e l l ' O l i o situated 20 km south of Piacenza (cf. Fig. 19). In t h i s borehole the v i t r i n i t e
reflectance increases from 0,4 to 0,6 % Rm over a v e r t i c a l
distance of 3000 m in the autochthonousMiocene, belonging to the folded sub-Apenninic sediments of the Po Plain. The Miocene is o v e r l a i n by a low rank Palaeocene-Eocene flysch nappe. The c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient in the Miocene is 0,07 % Rm/km, the geothermal gradient is 19° C/km. A much higher c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient was found on the southwestern side of the Apennine Mts., in the backdeep, where a gradient of 0,19 % Rm/km was determined in the Martina I borehole, situated offshore 27 km south of the southern coast of Elba
NA15~45B m
o ?? o??
Eocene (Luretta - Sporno U nit )
I I .~ 3000 c~
Middle M i o cen e
Gradient of ref[ectonce in the Miocene sediments: 0~7% Rrnlkm e Present gradient of t e c n p e ~ : 19oCIkm IL
Fig. 18. Increase of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth in the Ponte d e l l ' O l i o borehole. C o a l i f i c a t i o n is s l i g h t l y more advanced in the L i g u r i d e Luretta-Sporno nappe than in the underlying autochthonous sediments of the Po Plain. Note the very low reflectance values at a depth of 5000 m. They r e f l e c t the very reduced heat flow of the sub-Apenninic part of the Po Plain ( a f t e r REUTTER et a l . , 1983).
~o I ! t I Ie
Lower Miocene
,~ 113°C
Island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. There, the present geothermal gradient is 32 ° C/km (REUTTER et a l . , 1983). Fig. 19, a c o a l i f i c a t i o n map of the northern Apennines, reveals the increase of rank from the external part of the mountain chain, bordering the Po Plain, to the i n t e r nal zone near the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian coast. This trend is v a l i d not only f o r a l l samples measured, but also f o r samples belonging to a single tectonic u n i t . This suggests that heating was stronger in the i n t e r n a l zone of the orogen than in the external zone. The i s o l i n e s of present heat flow density in Fig. 19 s t r i k e from northwest to southeast, the values increasing from 30 mW/m2 in the northeast, near the Po Plain, to more than 110 mW/m2 in the southwest at the Tyrrhenian coast. The anomalously high heat flow in the southwest corresponds to the very high rank of coal in the same region. Near Grosseto, coals of uppermost Miocene age reached the rank of bituminous coal (0,74 % Rm at R i b o l l a ) , whereas coals of the same age are still
in the stage of soft brown coal at the border of the Po Plain (0,22 % Rm). The
strong c o a l i f i c a t i o n in the backdeep of the orogen, i . e . at the Tyrrhenian coast, is caused by very young (post-orogenic) granite i n t r us io n s . In the large nappe a n t i c l i n e of the Apuan Alps, east of Carrara, v i t r i n i t e
plant remains embedded in Oligocene
and Miocene sandstones, are even converted to graphite with reflectance values of more than 16 % Rmax. Here, the metamorphism occurred not e a r l i e r than 18 m i l l i o n years ago.
73 In the northern Apennines, according to REUTTER et a l . (1983) the main c o a l i f i c a t i o n was late-synorogenic. I t took place during the l a t e s t Miocene when the crust had returned more or less to the present l e v e l . Thus, i f the younger contact metamorphism is disregarded, regional heating cannot have lasted more than 16 m.y., and as heat flow increased continuously s t a r t i n g from very low values, only the l a s t part of t h i s time span was decisive f o r the present degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n . This conclusion of REUTTER et a l . (1983) explains the close r e l a t i o n s h i p between the c o a l i f i c a t i o n pattern of the northern Apennines and the present heat flow as well as with the present depth of the crust/mantle boundary. These r e l a t i o n s h i p s are demonstrated in Fig. 20, a cross-section through the northern Apennines. I t shows the subduction of the A d r i a t i c crust as well as the intensive imbrication of nappes below the Po Plain. There, the thickness of Pliocene + Pleistocene reaches more than 5000- 6000 m and the Mohorovi~i~ d i s c o n t i n u i t y dips down to 38 km near Faenza at the southeastern margin of the Po Plain. The Atreo I borehole reached the Pliocene basis at a depth of 4997 m (AGIP 1977) whereas the Nonantola I borehole had not reached the basis of the Pliocene at 5809 m (AGIP 1977). The anomalous great thickness of the Pliocene/Pleistocene in the same region under which the Moho sinks to great depth suggests a recent subsidence of the crust/mantle boundary. I f t h i s is so, the subsidence rate of the upper mantle surface would be I mm/year, suggesting a great m o b i l i t y of the Mohorovi~i~ d i s c o n t i n u i t y . As shown in Fig. 20 the Moho ascends from the Po Plain towards the southwest under the Apennine Mountains, up to 20 km under Elba Island. Correspondingly,the heat flow rises from 40 mW/m2 in the Po Plain to 110 mW/m2 at the Tyrrhenian coast. An anomal o u s l y high maximum of heat flow density (320 mW/m2) is reached near Larderello where geothermal energy is used economically. In accordance with the present heat flow and with the present depth of the Mohorovi~it d i s c o n t i n u i t y , the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n is low in the northeast (0,5 % Rm) and rises towards the southwest to i , 4 - 1 , 6
% Rm
in the Pratomagno Mts. and to 4 , 9 - 5 , 5 % Rm in the Colline M e t a l l i f e r e and on Elba Island (Fig. 20). Moreover, the section of Fig. 20 demonstrates the d i f f e r e n t stages of advancing orogeny from southwest to northeast: downgoing crust under the Po P l a i n , compressional tectonics in the external side of the Apennines, u p r i s i n g (detached) crust and tensional tectonics in the i n t e r n a l zone (southern Tuscany). The anomalous crust-mantle t r a n s i t i o n in the internal zone is obviously related to the high heat flow and the magmatic a c t i v i t y .
In summary, Fig. 20 demonstrates the contrast between subsidence,
con~Dression, thickening of the crust and weak c o a l i f i c a t i o n in the foredeep, and upl i f t , tension, plutonism and strong c o a l i f i c a t i o n in the backdeep of the northern Apennines.
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Conclusions The marked difference between coalification and geothermal conditions in the subVariscan foredeep of the Ruhr-Lower Rhine Basin and the sub-Alpidicforedeeps of the Alps and northern Apennines might be explained by differences of crustal thickness. According to ~ERMAK (1979) and ~ERMAK & ZAHRADNIK (1982) i t seems j u s t i f i e d that the high geothermal gradients, deduced from the high coalification gradients of the Ruhr Carboniferous, point to a thin crust during the Westphalian. On the basis of heat flow density, deduced from an estimated mean thermal conductivity and the calculated palaeogeothermal gradients, KOPPE (1980: 61) estimated a crustal thickness of 19-23 km for the Ruhr-Lower Rhine area in Westphalian times, facing a thickness of 29 km at the present time (PRODEHL et a l . , 1976). Fig. 21 shows the inverse relation between heat flow density and crustal thickness for the Bohemian Mass, the Pannonian Basin and the Upper Rhine Graben according to ~ERMAK (1979), together with the values of KOPPE (1980) for the Westphalian A and the Westphalian B/C at the Ruhr. We introduced data for the Variscan backdeep of the Saar-Nahe Basin obtained by BUNTEBARTH (1983) as well as values reported in this paper from the foredeep molasses of the northern Alps (JACOB et a l . , 1982) and the northern Apennines (REUTTER et a l . , 1983) and from the backdeep of the northern Apennines (REUTTER et a l . , 1983). The diagram suggests: I)
a much thinner crust in the Subvariscan foredeep during the Upper Carboniferous (19- 23 km) than in the Alpidic foredeeps of the northern Alps and the northern Apennines (33- 41 km),
higher heat flow densities and t h i n n e r crusts in the backdeeps of the Nahe Basin (Permian) and the northern Apennines, compared with the corresponding foredeeps.
The high heat flow and the t h i n crust estimated f o r the sub-Variscanforedeep correspond to the high geothermal gradients estimated by ZWART (1967,1976) f o r the European Variscicum. ZWART deduced the high geothermal gradients from the low thickness of the rock metamorphic zones ("low pressure metamorphism") and the unusually large number of granites and granodiorites which intruded during the time span between 350 and 280 m i l l i o n years before the present. He supposes that a c t i v i t y in the mantle, possibly as mantle d i a p i r s , are the primary cause of the extrusive thermal a c t i v i t y in the l a s t h a l f of the Palaeozoic. ZWART (1976) w r i t e s : "As indicated by the low pressure mineral assemblages metamorphism took place at r e l a t i v e l y shallow depths varying probably between 5 and 15 km. Therefore geothermal gradients must have been quite high generally about 40 to 60 ° C/km, but l o c a l l y much higher up to 100 ° C/km or even more."
78 1.60 V/m2
• backdee~(Permian,NaheBasin
140 I~, cwA ""
Subvariscanforedeep (Carboniferous,RuhrBasin)
baekdeep(Carbon!ferous,,l~/cwB+C Saa/Dasmj~ , I • Apennines~ Upper RhineGraben ~backdeep N 100
/ ~[~q'~ Pannonic Basin
~--~]~"foredeep N.,Alps
80 0
foredeep NorthernApennines !
Bohemian Mass
crustal thickness ig. 21. Relationship between heat flow density and thickness ~ER~K, 1979; KOPPE, 1980).
of the crust ( a f t e r
The high palaeogeothermal gradients in thesub-Variscanforedeep correspond also to the age of rock metamorphism in the northeastern Rhenish Variscan Mountains where, according to results obtained by the K/Ar-method (AHRENDT et a l . , 1976), the peak of metamorphism occurred at about 300 m i l l i o n years before the present, i . e . in the Westphalian B (WEBER & BEHR, 1983). According to BUNTEBARTH et a l . (1982) t h i s coincidence emphasizes a heat supply from greater depth e f f e c t i v e in both regions, the northeastern Rhenish Variscan Mountains and thesub-Variscanforedeep of the Ruhr-Lower Rhine Basin. The s u r p r i s i n g l y low c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradients and low geothermal gradients in the foredeeps of the northern Alps and northern Apennines correspond with the thickening of the Crust in these regions. In both cases the great crustal thickness is caused by subduction of cold continental plates. Conversely one may come to the conclusion that subduction did not take place in thesub-Variscanforedeep of the Ruhr-Lower Rhine area.
Abstract Mean random v i t r i n i t e
reflectance (Rm in %) shows a strong c o r r e l a t i o n ( r 2 = 0 . 7 ,
n>600) with maximum b u r i a l temperature (Tmax in °C). These data are modelled by the l i n e a r regression equation: In(Rm) = 0.078 Tmax - 1.2 Tmax and Rm were compiled from over 35 systems, r i c h in humic organic matter to minimize the e f f e c t of chemical composition on Rmo The thermal maturation data span a range from early diagenesis to greenschist metamorphism overa Tmax i n t e r v a l from about 25-325 ° C and 0 . 2 - 4 . 0 % Rm. Burial h i s t o r y reconstruction indicates that the functional heating duration (elapsed time as temperature increases w i t h i n 15° C of Tmax) of these systems ranges from 10,000 yr to more than 10 m.y. The strong correl a t i o n of Tmax with Rm, i r r e s p e c t i v e of functional heating duration and in diverse geologic systems, indicates that increasing time at Tmax has l i t t l e
influence on
thermal maturation of sedimentary organic matter. Instead, uncertainty in correction of borehole temperature logs, Tmax determination, and Rm measurement explains much of the remaining v a r i a b i l i t y
not accounted f o r by the regression analysis. We did
not attempt to correct the measured borehole temperature to e q u i l i b r i u m r e s e r v o i r conditions because there is no consensus on which method to use, the necessary data is often unrecorded, and predictions made from our T -Rm c a l i b r a t i o n are compared max to uncorrected Tmax data. We found that Tmax is d i f f i c u l t to determine in sedimentary environments that have cooled because of the weak thermal imprint on the rocks in low temperature systems and poorly-known b u r i a l h i s t o r i e s . V a r i a b i l i t y in Rm measurement appears mainly due to operator or laboratory bias, increasing bireflectance with rank, and v a r i a t i o n in diagenetic h i s t o r y which causes reflectance suppression. These studies imply that Tmax controls Rm, making the r e l a t i o n s h i p useful as a maximum geothermometer, but that several physico-chemical and technical factors obscure the c o r r e l a t i o n . The problems in measuring Tmax and Rm, shown by the appreciable data s c a t t e r , make our c a l i b r a t i o n imprecise. However, a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s geothermometer to systems where Tmax is well known shows that i t y i e l d s r e a l i s t i c paleotemperature
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
80 estimates. Other support f o r temperature control of Rm is documented from studies of metamorphic mineral assemblages and coal rank, and c r i t i c a l
t e s t i n g of temperature-
time-rank models in sedimentary systems. Introduction Maximum burial temperature and heating duration (or geologic time) are commonly reported as the most i n f l u e n t i a l controls in the thermal maturation of sedimentary organic matter (OM) (WAPLES, 1984). Recent studies suggest that the e f f e c t of heating duration is l i m i t e d , and r e l a t i v e l y soon (in a geologic time frame) a f t e r reaching maximum temperature, OM s t a b i l i z e s and ceases s i g n i f i c a n t reaction (BARKER, 1983; PRICE, 1983; and others). Under these c o n d i t i o n s , mean random v i t r i n i t e
(Rm), a measure of thermal maturation, should be a function of the maximum temperature reached in the system. The question of whether heating duration is of continuizng importance in thermal maturation of OM can be addressed by p l o t t i n g a scatter diagram of the maximum burial temperature (Tmax) versus Rm f o r samples from sedimentary systems with a wide range of heating duration. A near-zero c o e f f i c i e n t of correl a t i o n (r 2) calculated f o r these data would indicate that these data vary randomly with respect to each other and that a t h i r d variable (presumably heating duration) has a s i g n i f i c a n t e f f e c t on the system. Conversely, a r2-value approaching one would indicate that Tmax and Rm are strongly dependent, and that heating duration cannot be a s i g n i f i c a n t f a c t o r in the thermal maturation of OM over extended geologic times. Our approach to c a l i b r a t i n g a maximum-recording geothermometer based on thermal maturation of OM is to compile published Tmax and Rm data from systems with a wide range of functional heating duration. Regression analysis of Tmax and Rm indicates whether t h i s system
can be adequately characterized by considering only these two
variables. This approach is necessary because of the uncertainty in sedimentary systems in determining a chemically meaningful heating duration (an estimate of reaction time), or a temperature of chemical reaction. Coupled with only a schematic understanding of the reaction mechanisms in OM (TISSOT & ESPITALIE, 1975) i t is d i f ficult
to define r i g o r o u s l y thermal maturation as a chemical system. The advantage
of t h i s approach is that the data is compiled from numerous independent measurements in diverse sedimentary systems. The l i m i t a t i o n s of our empirical method to modelling OM thermal maturation are t h a t : ( I ) maximum temperature reached in the system may be difficult
to determine; (2) correction of borehole temperature data to e q u i l i b r i u m
r e s e r v o i r conditions is poorly understood; and (3) Rm data may be subject to s i g n i f icant
e r r o r . Our model is a simple approximation of a complex chemical system. How-
ever, as shown by numerous studies (WAPLES, 1984), and by examples presented in t h i s paper, OM thermal maturation is successfully modeled by simple empirical functions.
81 Data and Results Maximum Temperature and V i t r i n i t e
Tmax and Rm data were compiled from over 35 systems (boreholes in sedimentary basins) undergoing conditions ranging from burial diagenesis to greenschist metamorphism. Only r i c h in humic OM were used because of the influence of chemical compositions on Rm. Maximum v i t r i n i t e
reflectance data was converted to mean random v i t r i n i t e
reflectance using the equation of TING (1978). The geothermal curve was determined by computing a geothermal gradient from bottom hole temperature (BHT) and the meanannual surface temperature. The reported sample depth was used to compute the system temperature at
that point by i n t e r p o l a t i o n from the geothermal curve. The T condition max in the system was indicated by geologic and s t r a t i g r a p h i c reconstruction (WAPLES, 1981) or comparative geothermometry (BARKER & ELDERS, 1981). The v a r i a b i l i t y
approach to determining Tmax and Rm makes t h i s a heterogeneous data set. We generally had to accept both the Tmax and Rm data without confirming t h e i r accuracy. Only systems where apparent maximum temperature existed or could be interpreted from other evidence are used to c a l i b r a t e t h i s OM thermal maturation model. Heating Duration Methods of computing heating duration f o r OM thermal maturation are attempts to e s t i mate reaction time during b u r i a l where temperature slowly changes, or s t a b i l i z e s , over an extended geologic time.
HOODet a l . (1975) defined the e f f e c t i v e heating-
time f o r OM thermal maturation as the elapsed time when the system is w i t h i n 15° C of maximum temperature. MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) have demonstrated that t h i s is a
reasonable measure of reaction time in sedimentary systems. We agree with t h e i r
conclusion except that thermal maturation of OM, given s u f f i c i e n t time, could s t a b i l i z e by reactions consuming a l l p o t e n t i a l l y cleavable bonds at maximum temperature. Experiments indicate that thermal maturation of OM proceeds by p a r a l l e l reactions that have a wide range of a c t i v a t i o n energy (Ea) (JONTGEN & KLEIN, 1975; TISSOT & ESPITALIE, 1975). For areasonable b u r i a l temperature, the wide Ea range over which OM thermal maturation occurs suggests that the reactions: ( I ) with a low Ea are complete and not generating products; (2) with a moderate Ea are generating s i g n i f icant
products; or (3) with a high Ea w i l l be slow and not complete reaction in
geologic time. The general c o r r e l a t i o n of Rm with T (NERUCHEV& PARPAROVA, max 1972; SUGGATE, 1982; and others) suggests that only a l i m i t e d suite of reactions control the thermal maturation of OM, and additional heating duration w i l l not make the slower (high Ea) reactions s i g n i f i c a n t in increasing Rm. Thus, a plausible heating duration estimate would be the elapsed time at maximum temperature necessary for the c o n t r o l l i n g reactions to approach completion. Thermal maturation of OM would s t a b i l i z e at t h i s point with respect to t h i s reaction temperature, and heating durat i o n is no longer a f a c t o r . We do not imply that thermodynamic e q u i l i b r i u m is
established in the system because OM thermal maturation reactions are i r r e v e r s i b l e (BLUMER, 1965; TISSOT & WELTE, 1984). The i r r e v e r s i b l e nature of thermal maturation reactions cause the rank of OM, and consequently Rm, to be set by the maximum temperature. Estimates of heating duration can emphasize elapsed time near Tmax because lower temperature reactions are not s i g n i f i c a n t in determining f i n a l OM rank. For example, OM thermal maturation, using the classic approximation that the reaction rate doubles f o r each 10° C increase, w i l l be approximately 1000 times f a s t e r at 150° C (approximate
cessation of l i q u i d hydrocarbon generation) than the same reaction at 50° C
(approximate i n i t i a t i o n
of hydrocarbon generation) (HUNT, 1979). The c o n t r i b u t i o n
to OM rank from low temperature reactions appears to be overwhelmed by reaction at higher temperature. These considerations indicate that the e f f e c t i v e heating-time of HOOD et a l . (1975) should be more l i m i t e d and not consider time elapsed during declining or stable temperature. A functional heating duration f o r OM thermal maturation is defined as the elapsed time while temperature increases w i t h i n 15° C of maximum temperature. Geologic time during temperature decline in the systems is not considered to increase Rm because OM thermal maturation is i r r e v e r s i b l e . Also, i f the temperature s t a b i l i z e s at near-maximum, t h i s time is not considered to increase e f f e c t i v e l y the thermal maturation of OM and is not included in the functional heating duration. The functional heating duration is s t i l l
a contrived estimate of reaction time.
There is no known method of determining a reaction time in sedimentary systems that is applicable to k i n e t i c equations. The control of OM rank by i r r e v e r s i b l e reactions at Tmax indicates that reaction time in sedimentary systems is the elapsed time at maximum temperature f o r the c o n t r o l l i n g reactions to approach completion. However, t h i s type of heating duration estimate is not e a s i l y measured in sedimentary systems where temperature has increased slowly during burial ( i n t h i s case, time at Tmax = O ) , or have poorly known burial h i s t o r i e s , making t h i s an impractical d e f i n i t i o n . The d e f i n i t i o n of the functional heating duration over a 15° C range near Tmax is a r e f l e c t i o n of imprecise geologic data. Regression analysis Proper designation of the dependent and independent variables for regression analysis of Tmax-Rm data and c a l i b r a t i o n of an empirical model are crucial (BARKER, 1984). In sedimentary basins, sample temperature is determined by the geothermal curve and depth w i t h i n the system. The independent variable (Tmax) is f i x e d by the i n v e s t i g a t o r by selecting a sample at some depth, and the dependent variable (Rm) is measured on OM concentrated from that sample. In t h i s case, estimates of Tmax from Rm must be
made from the regression of dependent variable (Y) and independent variable (X) (SNEDECOR & COCHRAN, 1967). Regardless of the s t a t i s t i c a l theory and i t s constraints, the selected regression curve should be a good model of the data and e f f e c t i v e l y predict i t s trend. Inspection of the data set suggests an exponential trend [Rm=a* exp(bTmax)] or i t s l i n e a r transform In (Rm)=a+b(Tma x) as used in t h i s paper. V i t r i n i t e reflectance in these sedimentary basins is highly dependent on maximum temperature (Fig. I ) . A least squares regression equation: In(Rm) = 0.0078Tmax - l . 2 computed from over 600 maximum temperature (in °C) and v i t r i n i t e
reflectance (in %)
data from these systems, indicates that about 70 percent (r 2=0.7) of the v a r i a b i l i t y in the v i t r i n i t e
reflectance data is explained by considering temperature alone.
a A
a A
A A AXA,~ A A 9{,,z
E 5O
i 150
i ~50
/ 350
Fig. I . General correlation of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with maximum temperature. Least squares regression analysis indicates that the variables are strongly related with correlation c o e f f i c i e n t (r 2 ) = 0 . 7 f o r a sample size (n)>600. The functional heating duration varies from 104 to 108 years in these systems. Sources of data used in t h i s figure are available upon request.
Heating Duration and Thermal Maturation The influence of heating duration is assessed using the LOPATIN (1971) model, which generates an estimate of OM thermal maturity by numerical i n t e g r a t i o n of heating duration in each 10° C i n t e r v a l over the system's b u r i a l h i s t o r y . The Lopatin model is modified in our analysis because the functional heating duration is computed using only the elapsed time in a small temperature i n t e r v a l near Tmax, making numerical i n t e g r a t i o n of time and temperature unnecessary. OM thermal maturity then equals elapsed-time m u l t i p l i e d by 2Tmax/10. I f temperature and heating duration both determine OM thermal maturation, then the range of Tmax across a l i n e of constant Rm would be due to heating duration. For OM thermal maturity to remain constand requires that the Tmax f a c t o r changes in an opposite manner to the heating duration f a c t o r . Tmax ranges over about 100°Cacross a given isoreflectance l i n e in our data (Fig. I) or over a f a c t o r of 1,000 in the Lopatin model. The functional heating duration would also range over a f a c t o r of 1,000. Using a functional heating duration of about I m.y. f o r b u r i a l diagenesis indicates a range up to I b.y. to compensate f o r the temperature f a c t o r . This is an unreasonably large e f f e c t f o r heating duration because geologic studies show that OM rank is only influenced by temperature a f t e r about 10 m.y. Geologic studies indicate that OM thermal maturation does s t a b i l i z e a f t e r about 106- 107 year (Table I) and in our model increased functional heating duration a f t e r s t a b i l i z a t i o n would produce n e g l i g i b l e increase in OM rank. Burial h i s t o r y recons t r u c t i o n of the systems we studied, and others with d i f f e r e n t OM types, shows that about 90 percent have been w i t h i n 15° C of maximum temperature f o r greater than 106 y r (Fig. 2). Thus, in most cases of burial diagenesis, heating duration at maxi-
Fig. 2. Histogram of functional heating duration in selected sedimentary basins undergoing burial diagenesis. The functional heating duration in the nine qeothermal systems used in Fig. I (not plotted here) range from 104- 106 years. Data from BARKER (in press).
i~- ~
~i~ ~ - ~
~ 10'
10 ~
10' (YR)
Table I . Published estimates o f the time required f o r the s t a b i l i z a t i o n o f OM t h e r mal maturation. I n s i g n i f i c a n t s t a b i l i z a t i o n time i n d i c a t e s t h a t OM thermal maturation was found t o be c o n t r o l l e d by temperature.
Stabilization Time (yr)
Seyer (1933) McNab et al. (1952) Vallentiyne (1964)
short 106 106
Tan (1965) Abelson (1967)
6.107 106
Abelson (1967
Petroleum generation above 200° C Petroleum generation. Complete amino acid decarboxylation at 100° C. Coal maturation. Methane generation from o i l shale pyrolysis would be complete in 106 yr at 115° C. Analysis of Los Angeles hydrocarbon generation data ( P h i l l i p i , 1965) sugests effective duration of the total heating) exposure is equivalent to roughly 2.10~ yr at 150° C. States that coal rank is a maximumrecording geothermometer. Coal and kerogen maturation. State that coal rank is a maximumrecording geothermometer. State that col rank is a maximumrecording geothermometer. "Geological time does not l i m i t the coalification process." Coal maturation. Coal maturation. Heating time not important in organic maturation. Coal maturation. Kerogen pyrolysis. Equilibrium reached in petroleum generation. The time factor for petroleum generation is of limited significance over geologic time and probably critical only for a short period. "A minimum temperature is needed to start any transformation of organic material with a particular activation energy. At such a temperature a certain length of time is necessary and sufficient to comple the reaction .." "The role of time is probably also exaggerated .. for the methods of Bostick and Lopatin." Influence of time is minor when compared to the effect of temperature in hydrocarbon generation from kerogen. Petroleum generation from kerogen. "Temperature remains c r i t i c a l : a source shale with Ro=0.8%can remain at that rank for many million years and never generate a drop of o i l . " Equilibrium in organic maturation no__tt established in this heating time. Organic metamorphism in hydrothermal bombs at 350° C. Coal maturation. Petroleum generation above 130° C. Kerogen maturation in liquid-dominated geothermal systems. Kerogen maturation.
Brooks (1970)
Insignificant (Waples,1984) Neruchev & Parparova (1972) I0o Lopatin & Bostick ( 1 9 7 3 ) Insignificant (Waples,1984) Bartenstein & TeichmUller (1974) Insignifcant (Waples,1984) Nagornyi & Nagornyi ( 1 9 7 4 ) Insignificant
Juntgen & Klein (1975) Hacquebart (1975) Ammosov et al. (1975,1977) Demaison (1975) Harwood (1977) Cornelius (1975) McTavish (1978)
107 107 to 108 106 108 Short about 107 Insignificant
Veto (1980)
Veto (1980)
Time effect exaggerated
Barker, Colin (1979)
about 5.107
Sajgo (1979) Wright (1980)
106 Insignificant
Teichm~ller & TeichmUller (1981)
Price et al. (1981)
Suggate (1982) Gretener & Curtis ( 1 9 8 2 ) Barker (1983) Price (1983)
106 Insignificant I0~ 106
mum temperature has been s u f f i c i e n t f o r the e o n t r o l l i n g reactions to approach comp l e t i o n and f o r the OM to s t a b i l i z e e f f e c t i v e l y with respect to temperature. Heating duration would have no f u r t h e r e f f e c t . Our i n t e r p r e t a t i o n is that the so-called "influence of time" is invoked to explain differences in temperature-Rm curves between comparable sedimentary systems - some now at T and others that have cooled. For instance, the Munsterland-1 well used max by LOPATIN (1971) to c a l i b r a t e his OM thermal maturation model has declined s i g n i f i c a n t l y from maximum temperature (Fig. 3) (PRICE, 1983). Temperature decreases causes Rm data to be s h i f t e d to the l e f t from t h e i r o r i g i n a l p o s i t i o n at Tmax (Fig. 3). This s h i f t is s i m i l a r to the e f f e c t increased heating duration would have on OM t h e r mal maturation. The remaining v a r i a t i o n in the Tmax and Rm data could be accounted f o r by considering functional heating duration but other s i g n i f i c a n t types of data v a r i a b i l i t y minimize the c o n t r i b u t i o n from t h i s source.
i [~
~ 8
[][] , 50
p .......
Sy .................
i 100
i 200
~ 250
, 300
i 350
Fig. 3. Scatter p l o t of Rm and temperature data including those not at maximum temperature. Rm and temperature data from systems in which temperature has declined are s h i f t e d to the l e f t from the systems now at Tmax shown in Figure 3. The Munsterland-~ well shown was used by LOPATIN (1971) to c a l i b r a t e his time-temperature index OM maturation model. Sources of data used in t h i s f i g u r e are available upon request.
87 Errors in V i t r i n i t e Vitrinite
Reflectance and Temperature Data
Operator bias in selecting v i t r i n i t e
f o r measurement is p o t e n t i a l l y the greatest
source of e r r o r during reflectance analysis. Bias can occur in reflectance measurements when m u l t i p l e v i t r i n i t e
populations are present in the sample r e q u i r i n g the
operator to select a single population f o r analysis. These mixed populations arise p r i m a r i l y from the admixture of recycled, p r e v i o u s l y - a l t e r e d v i t r i n i t e
with f i r s t
cycle OM during sedimentation. To minimize t h i s problem and compile a consistant data set, one microscopist should make the Rm determinations (although a single oper a t o r could s t i l l
c o n s i s t e n t l y s h i f t the Rm measurements). However, because our data
was in part derived from the published work of d i f f e r e n t microscopists, variable operator-bias is a s i g n i f i c a n t f a c t o r in causing data scatter. Rm measurements by t h i r t y microscopists on the s p l i t s of 19 d i f f e r e n t samples show that the range of Rm measurement can be up to +/- 0.4 % Rm in low rank OM (unpublished report, I n t e r national Commission on Coal Petrology, see BOSTICK, 1979). This wide Rm range arises from operato~ bias and differences between laboratories in processing, p o l i s h i n g , and photometer c a l i b r a t i o n . Even under an optimal scenario to minimize operator and laboratory bias - microscopists measuring the same uniformly prepared sample s u i t e , using the same microphotometric system, and s i m i l a r v i t r i n i t e Rm determinations s t i l l
selection procedures -
vary by up to -/+ 0.2 % at moderate to high rank (BARKER,
1983). Mixing of d r i l l
cuttings in the borehole can also introduce m u l t i p l e v i t r i n i t e
l a t i o n s in a sample. This is a major physical problem in v i t r i n i t e ysis
because d r i l l
reflectance anal-
c u t t i n g s are the only rocks available over a s i g n i f i c a n t depth
i n t e r v a l in most boreholes. Up-hole sloughing of rock from the sides of the borehole introduces a less mature v i t r i n i t e f o r the f i r s t - c y c l e
population, that i f abundant, could be mistaken
(lowest maturity) population indigenous to that sample. Up-hole
sloughing of rock can reduce the apparent Rm to the level of the l a s t casing depth, which in the worst case would be that of the near-surface rock. Rock-chip mixing in the d r i l l i n g
f l u i d and infrequent sample c o l l e c t i o n make d r i l l
c u t t i n g s a composite
sample (at best) of the d r i l l e d i n t e r v a l between sample points even when the sample depth is corrected f o r t r a n s i t time from d r i l l - b i t
to surface. This introduces uncer-
t a i n t y in where to determine the sample depth, thus causing e r r o r in T and Rm max data. I t also appears possible to severely a l t e r the rock chips by heat and pressure from the d r i l l
b i t (TAYLOR, 1983), though these are probably i d e n t i f i a b l e in a d r i l l -
c u t t i n g s sample. The less altered rock, however, may contain an a r t i f i c i a l l y
OM, without v i s i b l y changing the petrographic character, making them undetectable.
88 Another s i g n i f i c a n t source of e r r o r in v i t r i n i t e
reflectance analysis is Rm suppres-
sion. Studies have shown that Rm can be suppressed up to several tenths of a percent by maceral association and differences in e a r l y diagenetic h i s t o r y (see review by PRICE & BARKER, 1985). Variation in the depositional and (or) diagenetic environment produces a hydrogen-rich OM that has lower Rm values than those expected from the thermal h i s t o r y of the sediment. This problem was minimized in t h i s study by considering only those systems rich in humic (type I I I ) Vitrinite
also becomes anisotropic or b i r e f l e c t a n t of moderate to high rank. The
physical e f f e c t is that reflectance becomes dependent on the microscope stage o r i e n t a t i o n . Bireflectance is i n s i g n i f i c a n t below about 1.2 % Rm, but the difference between the maximum and minimum reflectance increases to almost 25 % at 3.0 % Rm (STACH et a l . ,
1982). Bireflectance in high rank OM increases the range of the reflectance
histogram and often produces polymodal d i s t r i b u t i o n s , making the mean value less representative. Further, there is a convergence of the reflectance f o r v i t r i n i t e i n e r t i n i t e at about 2.5 % Rm which makes these two macerals d i f f i c u l t
to d i s t i n g u i s h .
Temperature Most Tmax data f o r systems now at peak temperature are from uncorrected BHTs t y p i c a l l y taken on a single logging tool run. A m i n o r i t y of the remaining temperature data are from corrected BHT measurements (the correction method sometimes unspecif i e d ) . A geothermal gradient is calculated from BHT by i n t e r p o l a t i n g between mean annual surface temperature and BHT. This l i n e a r approximation can be h i g h l y inaccurate because the temperature p r o f i l e can change with l i t h o l o g y (thermal conductivity),
subsurface f l u i d flow, etc.(DRURY et a l . ,
1984). Accurate determination of
present-day formation temperature also requires thermal e q u i l i b r a t i o n of the borehole before measurements. The extended borehole s h u t - i n time required to establish thermal e q u i l i b r i u m u s u a l l y means that borehole temperature is measured soon a f t e r drilling
is completed. D r i l l i n g disrupts the undisturbed temperature p r o f i l e because
cool f l u i d s are pumped down the borehole and are warmed up on ascent to the surface. The deep portions of the borehole are cooled and the shallow portions are heated during d r i l l i n g . drilling
The shallow portions of the borehole are exposed to more
f l u i d and cooling there is greater than at depth. BHT data are not usually
confirmed as e q u i l i b r i u m reservoir temperatures by repeated measurements over a sign i f i c a n t time i n t e r v a l making correction necessary. Our experience is t h a t the data necessary f o r c a l c u l a t i n g a correction of the log temperature to e q u i l i b r i u m format i o n temperature are not included in the borehole h i s t o r y reports. Further, attempts at correcting the BHT measurement to e q u i l i b r i u m conditions, although necessary, are often unsuccessful because d r i l l i n g
and measurement conditions vary widely and usu-
a l l y cannot be corrected by some uniform procedure (DRURY, 1984). Temperature cor-
89 rections in the order of 2 0 - 3 0 ° C are t y p i c a l f o r BHT data (HOOD et a l . ,
making t h i s e r r o r at least as s i g n i f i c a n t as that from determining Tmax. Tmax is a d i f f i c u l t
determination to make accurate, e s p e c i a l l y in systems that have
cooled. The burial h i s t o r y reconstruction method (see discussion by WAPLES, 1981) is widely used to estimate maximum burial depth (and temperature) during diagenesis. Temperature as a function of geologic time is calculated by using the e x i s t i n g or paleo-geothermal gradient applied to the depth-time curve constructed from the b u r i a l h i s t o r y . Lacking geologic evidence to d e t a i l thermal changes in the system, the c a l culated geothermal gradient is u s u a l l y assumed to remain constant through time w i t h out regard to heat-flow change, diagenesis, and l i t h o l o g y . Thus, the detailed geol o g i c analysis is reduced to time-temperature data by s i m p l i f i c a t i o n of the changes that can occur in the geothermal gradient. Unfortunately, the geologic record often w i l l not permit a more sophisticated approach and a rigorous d e f i n i t i o n of the timetemperature h i s t o r y . Tmax in systems t h a t have cooled may also be determined by using maximum geothermometers. The l i m i t a t i o n of t h i s method is that the T event must be recorded in the max rocks. Thermal events can be d i f f i c u l t to record in sedimentary systems because of the slowness of e q u i l i b r a t i o n reactions at low temperature. The short-term nature of some thermal events may also preclude them from leaving an imprint on the rock. Both of these conditions produce s i g n i f i c a n t changes in the OM rank (STACH et a l . ,
Discussion Three l i n e s of evidence support our regression analysis i n d i c a t i n g t h a t maximum temperature alone determines Rm and heating duration has l i t t l e
continuing influence on
OM thermal maturation: ( I ) tests of temperature-time-rank models in hypothetical or well-known sedimentary systems; (2) comparison of OM rank to mineral assemblages res u l t i n g from e q u i l i b r i u m reactions during metamorphism; and (3) a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s empirical Tmax - Rm geothermometer to sedimentary systems where temperature is well known. Tests of Temperature-Time-Rank Models VETU (1980) tested published temperature-time models of OM thermal maturation in 45 sedimentary basins and found "the role of time is probably also exaggerated . . . f o r the methods of BOSTICK and LOPATIN." He considered that "a minimum temperature is needed to s t a r t any transformation or organic material with a p a r t i c u l a r a c t i v a t i o n energy. At such a temperature a c e r t a i n length of time is necessary and s u f f i c i e n t to complete the r e a c t i o n . . . " . WRIGHT (1980) in a s i m i l a r t e s t using hypothetical b u r i a l h i s t o r i e s concluded that "temperature remains c r i t i c a l :
a source shale with
go R =0.8 % can remain at that rank f o r many m i l l i o n s of years and never generate a 0
drop of o i l . "
Several other studies show that heating duration is not of continuing
importance in OM thermal maturation (Table I ) . Temperature-time models are poor predictors of heating duration in geothermal systems when compared to d i r e c t estimates of thermal event duration. BARKER (1979) found the c o r r e l a t i o n ( r 2 =0.8) between Rm and logged temperature in the central portion of the Cerro Prieto system, together with consistent temperature estimates from f l u i d i n c l u sion and oxygen isotope geothermometry, indicates that these rocks are now at maximum temperature. Application of t h i s data to KARWEIL's (1956) OM thermal maturation model predicts a heating duration of 5 m.y. f o r the Cerro Prieto system - a poor f i t
to a
heating duration of about 10,000 years indicated by f i s s i o n - t r a c k annealing studies (SANFORD, 1981), and the upper l i m i t of heating duration implied by reservoir rock age of about I m.y. Metamorphic Mineral Assemblages and Rank S t a b i l i t y of mineral assemblages r e s u l t i n g from hydrothermal metamorphism are temperature
dependent. The consistent occurrence of authigenic minerals at s i m i l a r temper-
atures in many rock types of d i f f e r e n t ages and d i f f e r e n t geothermal systems i n d i tes that phase changes r e s u l t from e q u i l i b r i u m reactions due to thermal metamorphism (ZEN & THOMPSON, 1974; BROWNE, 1978; WEAVER, 1979). The formation of e q u i l i b r i u m assemblages suggests that the reaction k i n e t i c s f o r these reactions are r e l a t i v e l y rapid and that heating duration should not be a s i g n i f i c a n t f a c t o r in hydrothermal metamorphism. BARKER et a l . ( i n press) found that certain Rm levels correspond with hydrothermal zones in several boreholes in the Cerro Prieto geothermal system. These mineral zones occur over a wide temperature range, but the range of the thermal stability
f i e l d and Rm is s i m i l a r between boreholes. This r e l a t i o n s h i p indicates that
temperature controls Rm in hydrothermal systems. KISCH (1969; updated by ZEN & THOMPSON, 1974) in a review of the available l i t e r a t u r e , found mineral zones associated with b u r i a l metamorphism correlated with coal rank in samples from various geographic l o c a l i t i e s and geologic times. T e r t i a r y sediments in many areas of the United States show clear c o r r e l a t i o n between pressuretemperature (P-T) dependent mineral metamorphism and kerogen metamorphism (VAN DE KAMP, 1976). S i m i l a r l y , STALDER (1979) has shown that clay mineral and z e o l i t e mineral assemblages correlate with OM rank in the Eocene-Oligocene Taveyannaz Sandstone (Europe) and i t s equivalents. SHIMOYAMA& IIJIMA (1976) showed that rank of Japanese T e r t i a r y coals correlate well with z e o l i t e zonation, and concluded, rank increase is e s s e n t i a l l y temperature dependent. LANDIS (1971) found that progressive g r a p h i t i z a t i o n is related to metamorphic grade as defined by mineral assemblages, and concluded that kerogen g r a p h i t i z a t i o n " . . .
is p r i m a r i l y dependent upon metamorphic temper-
ature; pressure and v a r i a t i o n in s t a r t i n g material presumably c o n s i t i t u t e secondary c o n t r o l s . " HOWER & DAVIS (1981) converted published coal rank and associated mineral assemblage data from various geologic times to consistent set of P-T, and v i t r i n i t e reflectance values. HOWER & DAVIS noted that considerable uncertainty was involved both in rank conversion, and in placing the rank data at a single p o i n t , whereas the metamorphic mineral assemblage d e l i m i t s on the P-T f i e l d . However, t h e i r Rm data can be plotted along simple, contourable patterns on the P-T f i e l d ,
i n d i c a t i n g that time
is a n e g l i g i b l e f a c t o r and can be ignored in modeling OM metamorphism. In summary, metamorphic mineral assemblages r e s u l t i n g from temperature and P-T dependent e q u i l i b r i u m reactions, in diverse metasedimentary systems with a wide range of heating durations, correlate with a s p e c i f i c coal rank.
This suggests that the con-
t r o l s on metamorphic mineral assemblages appear to control Rm. We i n t e r p r e t these data to indicate that Rm is p r i m a r i l y c o n t r o l l e d by temperature because s t a t i c pressure apparently has l i t t l e Applied Geothermometry:
influence on Rm (STACH et a l . ,
Case Studies
POLLASTRO & BARKER ( i n press) computed paleotemperatures from Rm, i l l i t e / s m e c t i t e r a t i o s in mixed-layer c l a y , and f l u i d i n c l u s i o n temperatures in the Wagon Wheel no. I borehole, Green River Basin, Wyoming (Fig. 4). Using our empirical c a l i b r a t i o n , they computed maximum temperature which is close to the temperature calculated from clay mineral data at about 190 ° C. Uncorrected borehole temperature at t h i s depth is now about 130° C. The slope of the present day borehole temperature measurements and the slope of temperatures interpreted from Rm are about 25 ° C/km. Fluid i n c l u s i o n homogenization temperatures in q u a r t z - f i l l e d fractures formed by l a t e T e r t i a r y deformat i o n are equal to present-day temperature. An Rm surface intercept of 0.33 % indicates about 1700 m of section has been removed (DOW, 1977). Decreasing the b u r i a l depth by 1700 m in a geothermal gradient of 25 ° C/km would decrease borehole temperatures by about 40 ° C, making i t consistent with the other geothermometric data. These data were interpreted to indicate that temperature has decreased by about 40 ° C, by u p l i f t and erosion rather than decline in geothermal gradient, before the fractures were TEMPERATURE IN~C SO
• "<.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Fig. 4. Temperature versus depth, Wagon Wheel no. I , northern Green River Basin, Wyoming. Temperature data from borehole logs (Tlogs), clay minerals (Tclays), v i t r i n i t e reflectance geothermometry (TRm), and f l u i d i n c l u s i o n homogenization (Th-quartz). From POLLASTRO & BARKER (in press).
92 filled
with quartz. A subsequent f i s s i o n track annealing study in t h i s same bore-
hole confirmed a temperature decline of at least 20 ° C approximately 3 m . y . B . P . (NAESER, 1984). BARKER & HALLEY (in press) studied paleotemperatures indicated by f l u i d i n c l u s i o n , Rm, and oxygen isotope data from f r a c t u r e - f i l l i n g
c a l c i t e and host rock in the Bone
Spring Limestone, Permian Basin, Texas. Although the cements have petrographically d i s t i n c t m u l t i p l e zones, homogenization temperatures (T h) of o i l inclusions and ~180 data divide these cements i n t o two (early and l a t e ) groups. Early cements have ~180 near 0 O/oo and contain f l u i d inclusions whose mean Th is 70 ° C. The late cements have ~80 of about -9 °/oo and contain sparse o i l inclusions s i m i l a r to those in the e a r l y cement. Primary f l u i d inclusions in the late cements have a mean Th of 110° C. The mean Th of these i n c l u s i o n s is close to the 120° C c a l c u l a ted from an Rm of 0.7 % with our empirical c a l i b r a t i o n and the 45 ° C temperature change from the early to late cement interpreted from &180 difference of about 9 O/oo. These thermal data and b u r i a l reconstruction suggest that both the late cements and Rm record the maximum temperature attained in the rock. BARKER (1983) using empirical techniques s i m i l a r to those in our study, compiled temperature, v i t r i n i t e
reflectance, and heating duration data from s i x geothermal
systems. Geothermometers indicate that present-day temperatures are close to the maximum temperature reached in these systems. These geothermometers were used to indicate: ( I ) ambient thermal conditions - by present borehole temperature, s i l i c a and sodium-calcium-potassium geothermometers, and the c a l c i t e - w a t e r oxygen isotope geothermometers; (2) short term thermal events - by f l u i d i n c l u s i o n geothermometry on vein minerals; and (3) maximum temperature - from hydrothermal mineral zones. These geothermometers generally agree w i t h i n a small range, suggesting that these systems are now at maximum temperature. Heating duration was determined by f i s s i o n track annealing, and paleomagnetic and radiometric dating of the igneous heat source f o r the system. The concise d e f i n i t i o n of the maximum temperature and heating durat i o n in these systems indicates that OM thermal maturation is dependent only on the maximum temperature reached a f t e r an elapsed time of about 10,000 years. Summary The evidence from temperature-time rank models, metamorphic mineral assemblages, case studies, and our regression analysis argue that functional heating duration has a l i m i t e d influence on OM thermal maturation, and v i t r i n i t e
reflectance can be d i r e c t l y
c a l i b r a t e d as a maximum geothermometer. This r e l a t i o n s h i p implies that because OM thermal maturation does record the peak temperature, the chemical reactions must s t a b i l i z e . The l i m i t a t i o n s in c a l i b r a t i n g Rm as a geothermometer are physico-chemical and technological problems in the measurement of OM thermal maturation and maximum
temperature. The problems in determining Rm alone can explain most of the data scatt e r in Figure I . These problems w i l l not allow the d e f i n i t i o n of a concise r e l a t i o n ship between Tmax and Rm, and make temperature prediction from our model imprecise. This deficiency can be minimized
a careful approach to sampling and analysis by
a single laboratory, i l l u s t r a t e d by the excellent correlation (r 2=0.9) between Tmax and Rm found by PRICE & BARKER (in PRICE, 1983) versus that found in t h i s study (0.7). Application of t h i s Rm-based geothermometer to systems where Tmax is well known shows that i t y i e l d s r e a l i s t i c paleotemperature estimates.
BUNTEBARTH, G.* and M. M I D D L E T O N * * * I n s t i t u t f~r Geophysik, T U C l a u s t h a l A r n o l d - S o m m e r f e l d - S t r . i, D-3392 C l a u s t h a l - Z e l l e r f e l d , F.R. of G e r m a n y ** G e o l o g i c a l Survey of W.A. 66 A d e l a i d e Terrace, P e r t h 6000, A u s t r a l i a
Abstract Two methods of determining the paleogeothermal gradient from v i t r i n i t e
versus depth data are compared by a p p l i c a t i o n to 8 boreholes. One method, developed by BUNTEBARTHproposes that v i t r i n i t e
reflectance is e s s e n t i a l l y proportional to
depth ( f o r constant b u r i a l rate and thermal g r a d i e n t ) , whereas the second method, developed by MIDDLETON, proposes that v i t r i n i t e
reflectance increases e x p o n e n t i a l l y
with depth. The two methods give s i m i l a r paleothermal gradients f o r 2 boreholes from 8, where the subsidence rate is about 0.08 km/Ma. The difference in another3boreholes is less than 15 K/km. A poor f i t
is found f o r 3 boreholes in German basins which sub-
sided or began to subside during the Upper Carboniferous. The difference in the methods probably results from the s i m p l i f i c a t i o n and from differences in the p r i n c i p l e s used in the two methods. Introduction The paleogeothermal i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the degree of c o a l i f i c a t i o n was f i r s t
out by HUCK & KARWEIL (1955). In the seventies, when the reflectance method was i n troduced in nearly a l l coal petrological l a b o r a t o r i e s , a l o t of data were available f o r i n t e r p r e t a t i o n . Some methods were developed describing an empirical r e l a t i o n s h i p between v i t r i n i t e
reflectance and temperature, as well as duration of i t s exposure
( e . g . , LOPATIN, 1971; BOSTICK, 1973; HOODet a l . ,
1975; BUNTEBARTH, 1978).
A l l methods were developed from data of d i s t i n c t basins in which local effects are involved which cannot be considered with simple mathematical methods, e.g. d i f f e r e n t plant remains and d i f f e r e n t environmental properties. This paper aims to estimate the paleogeothermal gradient of v i t r i n i t e
data from A u s t r a l i a and from the F.R. of Germany applying the methods reported by BUNTEBARTH (1982). The geological age of the sedimentary sequences ranges from Upper Carboniferous to T e r t i a r y .
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
96 Applied methods The method given by BUNTEBARTH (1978) yields the paleogeothermal gradient from t
/ I
Rm2 = 0.00116 exp(O.068 dT/dZ)jo;:(t*)dt*
where R m = v i t r i n i t e reflectance, t = t i m e , z ( t * ) =burial depth of the sediment under consideration in t * , dT/dz=temperature gradient during the subsidence (supposed to be constant). I f Eq. ( I ) is applied to basins with a constant temperature gradient and a constant subsidence rate which might approximate many geological cases, the integrated subsidence history becomes: t (2)
jO z ( t * ) d t * = z2/2V
where z=maximum depth of burial of the layer at the time t , and V=subsidence rate. From Eq. ( I ) and Eq. (2) follows: (3)
Rm = A z
where A= constant is equal to: (3)
A = O.024/V~exp(O.034 dT/dz)
For the s i m p l i f i e d assumption of constant subsidence and burial rate from the sedimentation of a p a r t i c l e to the maximum depth of b u r i a l , a l i n e a r increase of v i t r i nite reflectance Rm with depth z follows. Eq. (3) implies that the geothermal gradient can be estimated d i r e c t l y from the l i n e a r r e l a t i o n between v i t r i n i t e
tance and depth. The slope (A) of the Rm versus z curve y i e l d s the temperature gradient: (4)
~zT(K/km) = 29.4 In(41.5 AV)
using the dimensions A (%/km) and V (km/Ma). Eq. (3) implies that Rm=O at z=O. Furthermore, the c o a l i f i c a t i o n must be preorogenic, i . e . neither s t a n d s t i l l , u p l i f t ,
or erosion occurred during the sedimenta-
t i o n , nor has the organic matter undergone a higher reaction temperature in the time subsequent to the deepest b u r i a l . In order to take into account the e f f e c t of moving
97 water in sedimentary basins and also some other effects, the influence of which can hardly be estimated, i . e . a s t a n d s t i l l or u p l i f t with subsequent erosion, a constant c has been introduced (BUNTEBARTH & TEICHMOLLER, 1982) which expands Eq. (2) to t (5a)
~0 z ( t * ) d t * = f
(~(t*)+Ze)dt*+c tl
= (~+Ze)2/2V+c
where z is the observed depth, and z e is the thickness which has been eroded. Eq.(5) s t i l l approximates the subsidence history with a constant rate. The method of MIDDLETON (1982) was o r i g i n a l l y proposed to explain the logarithmic increase in v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth described by DOW (1977). The method expresses the empirical nomogram of SHIBAOKA & BENNETT (1977), which is determined from a database of over 1000 v i t r i n i t e reflectance measurements on Australian coals, as an integral equation relating v i t r i n i t e reflectance to temperature and time. The equation is tj (6)
where the i n i t i a l reflectance of v i t r i n i t e before burial (in the peat state, approximately 0.2 %), is involved in b*, T(t) is the temperature history of the coal, and the empirical constants a = 5 . 5 , b*=2.8"10 -6 and c=0.068. I f the geothermal gradient is constant, T(t) can be replaced by T(t) = dT z ( t ) and in the case of a coal seam subsiding at a constant rate dz V = ~-~, the relation in Eq. (6) reduces after integration to the simple expression:
Rm = B exp[O.01236 dT/dz z ]
where B is a constant, z is the depth of burial and dT/dz is the geothermal gradient (assumed constant). Eq. (7) is equivalent to the logarithmic expression of DOW (1977).
98 Under the assumptions of a constant subsidence rate and a constant geothermal grad i e n t , , t h e geothermal gradient can be estimated by ( i ) matching a curve of the form Rm=B exp(bz) to observed v i t r i n i t e
reflectance versus depth data by least squares
regression or s i m i l a r method. Then, b fro~]1 the matched curve is i d e n t i f i e d with the exponent of Eq. (7): b = 0.01236 dT/dz, so that the temperature gradient can be calculated (8)
dT ~ = 80.9 b
MIDDLETON (1982) demonstrated t h a t , where erosion had taken place a f t e r b u r i a l , Eq. (7) was s t i l l
v a l i d but the value of the constant B was m u l t i p l i e d by the f a c t o r
exp[O.01236 dT/dZZe], where ze is the thickness of layers which has been eroded. Results The v i t r i n i t e
reflectance data of 8 boreholes are used to estimate temperature gra-
dients using the two methods. Four boreholes are from the F.R. of Germany and four boreholes are from A u s t r a l i a . The range of reflectance varies between 0.16 and 1.84 % Rm. Table I summarises these data with source references. The BUNTEBARTH method is applied using Eq. (3) to match the data and Eq. (4) to calculate dT/dz. The MIDDLETON method is applied using Rm=Be b z to match the data and Eq. (8) to calculate dT/dz. Figs. I to 8 show the a p p l i c a t i o n of both methods to the 8 boreholes. Two curves are matched by least squares regression to each data set. One curve ( is the a p p l i c a t i o n of BUNTEBARTH's method and the other ( - - - )
) in each case
is the a p p l i c a t i o n of
MIDDLETON's method. As expected from Eq. (3) and Eq. (7), the curves are l i n e a r and exponential, respectively. The r e s u l t s of the comparison are shown in Table 2. The tabulated information presents ( i ) average subsidence, used f o r V in Eq. (3), ( i i ) methods and ( i i i )
calculated dT/dz f o r both
e i t h e r the recent (measured) or expected temperature gradient f o r
each borehole. A good f i t
between the two methods is found f o r Sandhausen I (6 K/km difference) and
J u p i t e r I (2 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) . A w o r s e f i t i s
found f o r the other 3 boreholes:
Pecten IA (13 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) , Bass Basin (14 K/km difference) and Boomi I (12 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) . A poor f i t
is found f o r 3 boreholes in basins which subsided
or which began to subside during the Upper Carboniferous: Urach3 (31 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) , Eiweiler-Vogelsborn (26 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) , and Nordlicht Ostl (29 K/km d i f f e r e n c e ) .
i "0
o o
4~ 4o
• ~_
~ I
co ,-~
~.. .~
q; N_ cz:
e'~ ~
0 0
.~ R m ( % )
Rm ( % )
2 ¸
3 \\ (km)
z (km)
Fig. I . V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Sandhausen I/FRG a f t e r TEICHMDLLER (1970). The l i n e a r curve ( ) r e s u l t s from the method by BUNTEBARTHand the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON. Fig. 2. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the Bass B a s i n / A u s t r a l i a a f t e r KANTSLER et a l . (1978). The l i n e a r curve ( - - ) r e s u l t s from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON.
1 I
= Rm(%)
0 0
1 \
2 '
'-'~ R m ( % )
\ 3
Fig. 3. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Pecten I A / A u s t r a l i a a f t e r MIDDLETON & FALVEY (1983). The l i n e a r curve ( ) r e s u l t s from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON. Fig. 4. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Urach 3/FRB a f t e r BUNTEBARTH et a l . (1979). The l i n e a r curve ( - - ) r e s u l t s from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON.
101 0
p Rm(%)
0 0
1 '
\ 2
z(km) 4,
5" z(km)
Fig. 5. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole J u p i t e r ~/Australia a f t e r BARBER (1982). The l i n e a r curve (- ) results from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON. Fig. 6. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Boomi I / A u s t r a l i a a f t e r MIDDLETON & RUSSELL (1981). The l i n e a r curve ( - - ) results from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON°
1 r
2 '
' = Rm(%J
1 \,
2 z(km}
Fig. 7. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Eiweiler-Vogelsborn/FRG a f t e r TEICHMOLLERet a l . (1983). The l i n e a r curve ( ~ ) results from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON. Fig. 8. V i t r i n i t e reflectance versus depth f o r the borehole Nordlicht Ost I/FRG a f t e r BUNTEBARTHet a l . (1982). The l i n e a r curve ( ..... ) results from the method by BUNTEBARTH and the exponential curve ( - - - ) from that by MIDDLETON.
cr~ ° ~
o I'~.
l - - .,-J
o'~ r~. I_~1 ~o'~1
(IJ o
co I--- r ~
z z ~
~ z ~
o F-
% 4.a
o m
LO 0
co E ~5
. E o
~,~ ,~o
zo ~o o E o 4-
O ~ zt-~J ~
5 ~
m m
103 With regard to the BUNTEBARTHmethod, i f the more detailed subsidence h i s t o r y , Eq. (5), is applied instead of the s i m p l i f i c a t i o n with V=constant, some deviation appears in the r e s u l t s . The high Upper Carboniferous values are about 10 % less than given in Table 2 (BUNTEBARTHet a l . ,
1982), and the temperature gradient of the Sand-
hausen borehole is about 10 % higher (BUNTEBARTH, 1978). The v i t r i n i t e
reflectance versus depth does not give a proper f i t
to the data of the
borehole Boomi I , i f Eq. (3) is applied (Fig. 6). The data would give a b e t t e r approximation, i f some overburden has been eroded. In the case of Boomi I , MIDDLETON's method also indicates that some erosion has occurred, which results from a surface reflectance greater than 0.2 % Rm (see Fig. 6). The amount of erosion is i n t r i n s i c to the f a c t o r B in Eq. (7). Conclusions The two methods of estimating paleogeothermal gradient described herein are concordant only under s p e c i f i c conditions. The discrepancy between the two methods appears to arise from two sources: ( i ) the methods were devised e m p i r i c a l l y to describe sedimentary basins with d i f f e r e n t t e c t o n i c h i s t o r i e s , and ( i i )
the method of MIDDLETON
allows c o a l i f i c a t i o n to increase at a slow rate with constant reaction temperature. The method of MIDDLETON (1982) was based upon an empirical c o r r e l a t i o n between v i t r i n i t e reflectance, burial temperature and burial time (SHIBAOKA & BENNETT, 1977) f o r Australian sedimentary basins. This c o r r e l a t i o n is strongly influenced by slowly subsiding Permian (Gondwana) coal basins which have experienced a time of burial of the order of 50- 100 Ma before u p l i f t moved them closer to the surface (or exposed them). BUNTEBARTH (1978, 1979) based his o r i g i n a l c o r r e l a t i o n on the young basins of southern Germany. His method demonstrably works well also f o r r a p i d l y subsiding Carboniferous basins. Therefore, one possible reason f o r the discordance of the two methods under certain conditions is t h a t they were devised from basins that had experienced d i f f e r ent tectonic
The r e s u l t s given in Table 2 demonstrate that the temperature gradients are in good agreement f o r data from recently subsiding basins, where subsidence ceased at present, and also from basins with a moderate subsidence rate. The estimates are in close accord with expected values of the temperature gradient. The method byMIDDLETON appears to give higher values than the method by BUNTEBARTHwith exception of the Upper Carboniferous German basins. Both methods account f o r long periods of burial with or without very low subsidence in d i f f e r e n t ways. The difference is due to the
104 f a c t that MIDDLETON allows c o a l i f i c a t i o n to increase at a slow rate with constant reaction temperature: t (9a)
Rm5"5 = const.~'exp(O.068 T) dt* u t #Q
= const, e x p ( O . O 6 8 T ) I d t * -0
This is suggested by the nomograms of BOSTICK et a l . (1979) and HOOD et a l . (1975). However, BUNTEBARTHconsiders only a kinematic process, where the subsidence rate is not equal to zero. Time dependence of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance is a major unknown in thermal modelling
a p p l i c a t i o n s . This uncertainty is demonstrated by ( i ) the experimental work of BOSTICK (1973), which shows that coal needs to be heated at 400 ° C f o r a month to achieve a v i t r i n i t e
reflectance of 2 %, ( i i )
the nomogram of HOOD et a l . (1975),
devised from extensive sedimentary basin analysis, which suggests heating coal f o r 10 Ma at 200°C to achieve 2 % v i t r i n i t e
reflectance, and MIDDLETON (1982) who suggests
heating coal f o r 40 Ma at 200 ° C to achieve 2 % v i t r i n i t e
reflectance. In each case,
s p e c i f i c samples j u s t i f y the conclusions. In each case, the s p e c i f i c samples have a d i f f e r e n t chemistry and thermal-burial h i s t o r y . C l e a r l y , e x t r a p o l a t i o n of the behavior
of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance to temperature throughout geological time is strongly
related to the chemistry of the coal and the thermal-burial h i s t o r y of the coal basin. Both empirical methods herein described work well w i t h i n the geological regions f o r which they were developed, but only under certain s t r i c t conditions outside those regions.
METHODS FOR PALEOTEMPERATURE ESTIMATION USING VITRINITE REFLECTANCE DATA :A CRITICAL EVALUATION VET~*, I. and P. DOVENYI** * Hungarian Geological Survey N~pstadion %t 14, H-1143 Budapest ** Geophysical Department, E~tv6s University Kun B~la t~r 2, H-IO83 Budapest
Abstract Several empirical models were published to describe the r e l a t i o n between burial h i s t o r y , geothermal conditions and the maturity of organic matter in sedimentary basins. Four widely accepted models (LOPATIN, BOSTICK, HOOD, WAPLES) are compared on the basis of 60 measured v i t r i n i t e
reflectance p r o f i l e s from d i f f e r e n t parts of
the world. A l l the reflectance data were taken from the l i t e r a t u r e together with burial h i s t o r i e s and rock temperature. Since a pure s t a t i s t i c a l approach of the errors would have l i t t l e
sense, we t r i e d to
investigate the problem by the study of the f o l l o w i n g r e l a t i o n s : errors vs. type of burial h i s t o r y errors vs. level of measured reflectance. In t h i s way we are able to discuss the a p p l i c a t i o n l i m i t s of the studied methods. Our main conclusion is that s a t i s f a c t o r y results can be obtained by the HOODand WAPLES method in a l i m i t e d reflectance range (Ro = 0 . 4 - 1.0 %). I.
A number of models were proposed to describe q u a n t i t a t i v e l y the r e l a t i o n s h i p between thermal h i s t o r y and organic maturity since KARWEIL published the f i r s t
attempt in
1956. A l l the models have the f o l l o w i n g assumptions: The maturation of organic matter is c o n t r o l l e d by temperature alone. The maturation process is i r r e v e r s i b l e . The same thermal h i s t o r y y i e l d s the same maturity. The higher the temperature the higher the maturity i f a l l the other conditions are the same. However, the models strongly d i f f e r in the way in which time is involved in the mat u r a t i o n ; some models completely neglect i t s s i g n i f i c a n c e .
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
The i n t e r e s t of petroleum geologists and geothermal s p e c i a l i s t s was aroused by the p o s s i b i l i t y of maturity or paleotemperature estimation. Some of the methods have been applied widely in d i f f e r e n t basins. The question now arises as to the reasons why a given model was developed. In the l i t e r a t u r e no answer can usually be found, so we conclude the choices were made e i t h e r by sympathy, or by the lack of knowledge of other methods. R e l a t i v e l y l i t t l e
e f f o r t was made to compare the advantages and
the l i m i t a t i o n s of the d i f f e r e n t models (KETTEL, 1981; VETO, 1981; VETO et a l . , 1984). The aim of our paper is to provide t h i s comparison. 2.
Comparison of the models
In the f o l l o w i n g we use the v i t r i n i t e
reflectance to describe the level of maturity
in the same way as the methods considered. With increasing maturity the v i t r i n i t e becomes more and more anisotropic and both i t s maximum reflectance and i t s average reflectance (Rm) become higher. These two values correspond s t r i c t l y with each other, however, at high reflectance values ( i . e . above 4 % Rm) the maximum reflectance should be applied (TEICHMOLLER, 1982). 2.1
The common basic assumptions
The a c t i v a t i o n energy required f o r c o a l i f i c a t i o n can be assured not only by heating but also by natural r a d i o a c t i v i t y (TEICHMOLLER & TEICHMOLLER, 1958). Since the i n crease of Ro due to the e f f e c t of r a d i o a c t i v i t y is of importance only i f the embedding rock has a remarkable concentration of uranium and/or thorium. The r o l e of radioa c t i v i t y in c o a l i f i c a t i o n is s t a t i s t i c a l l y
i n s i g n i f i c a n t . On the basis of laboratory
experiments, TROFIMUK et a l . (1983) suppose that the seismic energy can d i r e c t l y a c t i v a t e the c o a l i f i c a t i o n . Since t h i s phenomenon is not yet proved on geological examples we shall neglect i t .
So we accept temperature as the p r a c t i c a l l y only a c t i -
vator of c o a l i f i c a t i o n . Obviously the i r r e v e r s i b i l i t y of the R increase cannot be proved by measurements o but we have no serious reason to doubt i t . The t h i r d common assumption, namely a unique response of v i t r i n i t e
to the same t her -
mal h i s t o r y , and the fourth one that the higher the temperature, the higher the matur i t y , seem to be in c o n tr a d i c t i o n with a l o t of observations. Here we report some of them: HUTTON et a l . (1980) studying t o r b a n i t i c o i l shales have found a decrease in Romax from 0 . 6 - 0 . 7 5 % to 0.3 % with a p a r a l l e l increase of the a l g i n i t e f r a c t i o n from 0 % to 80 % in very neighbouring samples. Coals and p e l i t i c rocks are often characterized by higher R max than theneighbouring sandy ones. The difference can go up to 30 % o
107 (BOSTICK & FOSTER, 1975; K~NSTNER, 1974). These observations were done in coal measures with R max varying between 0.5 % and i . 9 %. BLANQUART & MERIAUX (1975) have o found in the Nord coal basin (NE France) that the R max o f c o a l y inclusions increases o from 1% to 1.6 % with a corresponding increase of t h e i r thickness from 20 pm to 300 pm. CARRETA & WOLF (1980) studied t h i n Gondwana coal seams from B r a s i l i a . With a dense sampling they recognized a decrease in Ro of up to 0.4 % going upward in a seam of 2.2 m in thickness (the average Ro of the seams was 1.1%). BONESet a l . (1972) described s i m i l a r phenomena in Carboniferous coals of NE England. NIKOLOV (1974) reported a decrease in Ro of up to 0.15 % I - 2
m below the intraformational
erosion surfaces in the Carboniferous coal measures of Dobrudja (NE Bulgaria). BONES et a l . (1972) report a 0.1% higher Ro in a seam which is covered by claystone than in the same seam covered by sandstone (the average Ro of the seam varies between 0.6 and 1.0 %). NEWMAN & NEWMAN (1982) studied a coal deposit of the Southern Island (New Zealand). The f i v e seams developed in a 200 m thick t e c t o n i c a l l y undisturbed sequence show the f o l l o w i n g Ro values upwardly: 0.6 %, 0.67 %, 0.8 %, 0.84 %, 0.92 %, 0.74 %, 0.73 %. The evaluation of the frequency of these phenomena observed mostly in coal is beyond the scope of t h i s paper. But i t shows that the response of v i t r i n i t e
to a certain
thermal h i s t o r y can vary widely. This fact has to be taken into account in the discussion of our t o p i c . 2.2
The models f o r comparison
We do not intend to evaluate every published model (KARWEIL, 1956; LOPATIN, 1971; BOSTICK, 1973; CORNELIUS, 1975; HOODet a l . , 1975; KARPOVet a l . ,
1975; TISSOT &
ESPITALIE, 1975; LOPATIN, 1976; AMMOSOVet a l . , 1977; SHIBAOKA & BENNETT, 1977; WAPLES, 1980; BUNTEBARTH, 1982). Our ambitions are l i m i t e d to the four most widespread ones (BOSTICK, HOODet a l . , LOPATIN, WAPLES). The AMMOSOVet a l . model neglects the r o l e of time in c o a l i f i c a t i o n and although very popular in soviet l i t e rature, is not taken into consideration because i t was refuted convincingly by VELEV et a l . (1979). HOOD et a l . (1975) proposed to calculate the maturity from the maximum temperature (Tmax) and from the " e f f e c t i v e heating time" ( t e f f ) . This l a t t e r is the time which the organic matter spent in the temperature i n t e r v a l of (Tmax, Tmax - 15° C). LOPATIN (1976) divided the thermal h i s t o r y above 50 ° C into temperature i n t e r v a l s of increasing length and m u l t i p l i e s the time which an organic p a r t i c l e spent in these i n t e r v a l s by 2n ( n = 0 , 1 , 2 . . . )
to get elementary heat impulses. The v i t r i n i t e
tance is assumed to be a given function of the summarized elementary heat impulse
108 WAPLES (1980) accepted LOPATIN's (1972) o r i g i n a l idea, divided the thermal h i s t o r y f o r equal time i n t e r v a l s and gave an improved empirical r e l a t i o n s h i p f o r the summarized heat impulses (Time-Temperature Index, TTI) and v i t r i n i t e
BOSTICK (1973) derived an "Ro" value from the maximum temperature and from the time the organic p a r t i c l e spent at temperatures higher than 20 ° C. The actual v i t r i n i t e reflectance was calculated by m u l t i p l i c a t i o n of "Ro" by the r a t i o of shaded area to the area of the time-temperature rectangle on Fig. I. HOOD
[ ~ ~ 744 ~=
. . . T. N.' c. . . . . . .
- -~-
~,: m,1:m ,
e~ . S x Z = m
m : ~.i.
~ = ,40 -c
% " Z°"2z . . . . ZZZZ--Z-__~__~,2o,Z3 /50-
Fig. I.
Principles of considered methods demonstrated by simple thermal h i s t o r y
There are some contradictions in the methods. Thermal h i s t o r i e s can be created f o r both the BOSTICK and the HOODmethods showing Ro drop as a r e s u l t of temperature increase, but most of these a r t i f i c i a l thermal h i s t o r i e s have no practical importance. There are counter-arguments from a geochemical point of view against the LOPATIN and the WAPLES models, too. A l l in a l l ,
these empirical methods can be q u a l i f i e d
only by comparison of modeled and measured v i t r i n i t e 2.3
Data base of comparison
We have c o l l e c t e d temperature values, burial h i s t o r i e s and more than 500 v i t r i n i t e reflectance data of 60 boreholes from the l i t e r a t u r e . Their locations are shown on Fig. 2. The names of sites and basins are l i s t e d in the appendix. Most of the l i t e rature report tabulated Ro values and some of them present only best f i t
curves. Some obviously erroneous Ro values were not used. I f the surface (or sea bottom) temperature was not given we have estimated i t from the Pergamon World Atlas (~968) or from the Atlas of Oceans (1977).
\ - ~
~". . . .
,~ ~ d J ~
~ ,~
i/) !J' Fig. 2.
Location of boreholes from which the data were taken
I f the burial h i s t o r y was presented e x p l i c i t l y ,
we used t h a t , i f not, we construc-
ted i t from the given s t r a t i g r a p h i c data. In t h i s case the sedimentation rate was taken to be constant between two consecutive s t r a t i g r a p h i c data. I f there was a s t r a t i g r a p h i c hiatus but no f u r t h e r information, we did the f o l l o w i n g : The f i r s t h a l f of the corresponding time i n t e r v a l was taken into account with the previous sedimentation rate and the second one with an equal erosion rate. Correction f o r compaction was not applied. I f the papers did not report absolute geological ages we used the dates in VAN EYSINGA's (1972) compilation. The correct comparison of models may be hindered by the errors of input data: -
reflectance measurement temperature measurements burial h i s t o r y differences between the present and the former geothermal gradient differences between the present and the former surface temperature.
We are unable to avoid the inaccuracy of Ro and of temperature measurements. The errors in burial h i s t o r y are the smallest in the case of continuously subsiding basins. Constant geothermal gradient in space and time is supposed f o r a l l the models we are discussing. This assumption is in c o n tr a d i c t i o n with many facts of which the most important are l i s t e d below:
110 -
D i f f e r e n t rocks have d i f f e r e n t heat c o n d u c t i v i t i e s .
D i f f e r e n t sediments compact at d i f f e r e n t rates.
Fast sedimentation has a cooling e f f e c t . Convective heat transport (volcanic a c t i v i t y , water c i r c u l a t i o n ) may disturb the thermal e q u i l i b r i u m .
There are long-term changes in surface (ocean f l o o r ) temperature. Mantle heat flow is not constant in time.
In spite of these facts i t may be supposed that in a continuously subsiding basin each organic p a r t i c l e reaches the highest temperature at present. I t is obvious that d i f f e r e n t heat c o n d u c t i v i t i e s , sediment compaction rates and the cooling e f f e c t of fast sedimentation (STEGENA & DUVENYI, 1983) may hinder but not stop or reverse the temperature increase. This is not the case near volcanic areas, but t h i s e f f e c t is usually n e g l i g i b l e on a regional scale because the zone of influence is very l i m i t e d (HORVATH et a l . , in t h i s volume). Localized and slow c i r c u l a t i o n of water can also be neglected in sedimentary basins f i l l e d predominantly with marls and sandstones. On t e c t o n i c a l l y quiet areas (e.g. platforms) a quasi-constant mantle heat flow can be supposed f o r a long time. For a d e t a i l e d study i t can be stated that the actual rate of change in mantle heat flow in these areas is c o n t r o l l e d by the t o t a l heat loss of the Earth. This loss decreases with time. TURCOTTE (1980) suggested that i t was 10 to 12 % higher 500 Ma ago. I f this is taken into account in a continuously subsiding basin with a present depth o f 5 km we can conclude that the thermal h is t or y Qf each p a r t i c l e shows continuous increase unless the subsidence rate is less than I m/Ma. The average low subsidence v e l o c i t y of the sedimentary basins is much higher (-20 m/Ma according to GRETENER & CURTIS, 1982). There are q u a n t i t a t i v e methods to describe subsidence and thermal h i s t o r y of i n t r a continental basins and shelves which were generated by extensional tectonics (McKENZlE, 1978). The c a l c u l a t i o n (McKENZIE, 1981) shows monotonous temperature increase of sediment p a r t i c l e s deposited a f t e r the beginning of extension. The v a r i a t i o n of surface temperature does not e f f e c t p r a c t i c a l l y the thermal conditions of deeper ( > I
km) s t r a t a .
We may conclude that continuously subsiding basins give the best opportunity f o r the comparison of the d i f f e r e n t methods.
The comparison Qf the models
We e s t i m a t e d the e r r o r s o f the d i f f e r e n t
models by c a l c u l a t i n g r e l a t i v e
between the measured and p r e d i c t e d v i t r i n i t e
r e f l e c t a n c e values. The computation of
p r e d i c t e d values was c a r r i e d out by keeping p r e c i s e l y the p r e s c r i p t i o n o f the f o u r authors w i t h the exception o f the Hood method, which was used w i t h a lower Ro l i m i t o f 0.4 % i n s t e a d o f the o r i g i n a l t i v e deviance (%) vs. r e l a t i v e
one o f 0.5 %. The r e s u l t s are represented in r e l a -
frequency (%) diagrams f o r each method. To prepare
these diagrams we d i v i d e d the 0.2 %- 6.0 % v i t r i n i t e long i n t e r v a l s .
r e f l e c t a n c e range i n t o 0.2 %
We i n c l u d e d i n t o the c a l c u l a t i o n only the average deviance values
from each i n t e r v a l o f one borehole. Thisway we could e l i m i n a t e the u n d e s i r a b l e i n fluence o f s i t e s w i t h an extremely l a r g e number o f v i t r i n i t e
r e f l e c t a n c e determina-
tions. 3.1
Continuously subsiding basins w i t h v i t r i n i t e
r e f l e c t a n c e below 2 %
The average e r r o r s o b t a i n e d are presented in histograms in Fig. 3. We note the measured Ro values cover only the range o f 0,2 % - 2 . 0 %. The HOOD (H) and WAPLES (W) models give s a t i s f a c t o r y e v a l u a t i o n in t w o - t h i r d s of the cases.
5(3 I "
Fig. 3. Histograms o f d i f f e r e n c e s between the c a l c u l a t e d and measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances in c o n t i n u o u s l y subsiding basins. The hatchured columns show the area of c o r r e c t e s t i m a t i o n s . I t also shows the number o f data considered.
. . . . ~ .... n
We c o n s i d e r an e v a l u a t i o n is s a t i s f a c t o r y limitation
i f the e r r o r is less than + 20 %. This
i s c o n s e r v a t i v e enough since a 30 % r e l a t i v e
d i f f e r e n c e between Ro values
o f rocks w i t h i d e n t i c a l thermal h i s t o r y i s not too r a r e . On the c o n t r a r y , the BOSTICK (B) and LOPATIN (L) models work c o r r e c t l y only in o n e - f i f t h Since the measured R o values do not u n i f o r m l y cover the 0 . 2 - 2 . 0 type of chemical r e a c t i o n changes as v i t r i n i t e
o f the cases.
% range and the
passes through t h i s
Ro range (van
KREVELEN, 1963), we have also p l o t t e d s i m i l a r histograms f o r narrower Ro ranges (Fig. 4).
In the beginning of c o a l i f i c a t i o n
%) the W model o v e r e s t i -
mates and the L model underestimates (the two o t h e r methods do not work in t h i s R° range). In the 0 . 4 - 0 . 8
% range the H and W models work well
(the e v a l u a t i o n s are
1~=0,&-0,8 %
R":0,6-1.0 %
L n ,,~o.t.
i~':1.0-10% B
Fig. 4. Histograms of differences between the calculated and measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances f o r continuously subsiding basins in d i f f e r e n t reflectance i n t e r v a l s . The hatchured columns show the area of correct estimates. I t also shows the number of data considered.
~ ~,.
12 s a t i s f a c t o r y in 84 % and 76 % of the cases). The B and L models are characterized by over- and underestimations respectively. In the p a r t l y overlapping 0 . 6 - 1.0 % range we have obtained a s i m i l a r picture, only the overestimating tendency of the W model is enhanced. I t is to be noted that with the H model the weak mild underestimation is enhanced by the increase of measured Ro. We conclude that the H and W models describe c o r r e c t l y the dependence of R from o thermal h i s t o r y in the Ro range of 0 . 4 - 1.0 % which correspond more or less to the o i l window. The B and L models do not work well in this case. The small number of evaluations in the Ro range over 1.0 % does not permit judgement of how the models work there. 3.2
Highly matured basins
For the maturity range of Ro
1.0 % the comparison can be made only by also using the
more uncertain thermal h i s t o r i e s of discontinuously subsiding basins. Fig. 5 shows histograms of the 4 models, separately fo r Ro range of 1 . 0 - 2 . 0 % and of 2 . 2 - 6 . 0 %. In the range of 1 . 0 - 2 . 2 % not one of the models works w e l l , even the B model only gives s a t i s f a c t o r y estimations in every second case. In the range of 2 . 2 - 6 . 0 % the B model seems to work w e l l , unlike the others. The H model gives only strong underestimations. Taking into account the type of burial h i s t o r y the picture changes. In Fig. 6 the errors are presented in groups characterized b y a s i m i l a r t y p e o f b u r i a l . I t is very
R°=2,2-6,0 % R°=1,0-2,2% '
R°= 2,2-6,0%
64 n i %
, jill:
B11 40%
60% °°`'`
20% ,,
I $
. . . . . . .
L 40%
17 i
w o 2O%
Fig. 5. Histograms o f d i f f e r e n c e s between the c a l c u l a t e d and measured v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t a n c e s f o r a l l types o f basins in the r e f l e c t a n c e i n t e r v a l s o f 1 . 0 - 2 . 2 % and 2 . 2 - 6 . 0 %. The hatchured columns show the area o f c o r r e c t e s t i m a t i o n s . The number o f data considered is also shown. Fig. 6. Histograms o f d i f f e r e n c e s between the c a l c u l a t e d and measured v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t a n c e s f o r d i f f e r e n t type o f basins in the r e f l e c t a n c e range o f 2 . 2 - 6 . 0 %. The black columns are d e r i v e d from the data o f M~nsterland I borehole. The hatchured columns show the area o f c o r r e c t e s t i m a t i o n s . The number o f data considered is also shown.
114 remarkable that the best evaluations of the B model were obtained in basins with two periods of b u r i a l , separated by a long period of u p l i f t ,
i . e . with very uncertain
thermal h i s t o r y . On the histograms we marked the part representing the MUnsterland I boreho]e. The evaluated Ro values f o r t h i s borehole form a s i g n i f i c a n t part of the s a t i s f a c t ~ / ones. The MUnsterland I is located north of the Ruhr basin (FRG) where the rank of the coal of the same age (Upper Carboniferous) was reached before the Permian in a thermal regime characterized by very high ( 7 0 - 8 0 ° C/km) geothermal gradients (TEICHMOLLER & TEICHMOLLER, 1979). The coal deposits of the MUnsterland I experienced two intensive b u r i a l s , i . e . during Upper Carboniferous and Upper Cretaceous times. The very good Ro estimations of the B and L models were calculated with the recent geothermal gradient (40 ° C/km) and with more than 100 Ma as main acting time. We suppose the two errors of the postulated thermal h i s t o r y more or less counterbalance each other. I t is d i f f i c u l t
to estimate the correctness of models in the higher Ro ranges be-
cause we cannot separate the errors due to the model and due to the postulated t her mal h i s t o r y . 4.
How to use the models f o r paleogeothermal reconstruction
The scarcity of data and/or the uncertainty of the thermal h i s t o r i e s does not permit judgement of the usefulness of the 4 models at Ro values higher than 1% or lower than 0.4 %. In the range of 0 . 4 - 1.0 % the H and W models describe c o r r e c t l y the r e l a t i o n between the thermal h i s t o r y and v i t r i n i t e
The mild overestimation of W method is probably the e r r o r of the W model i t s e l f , since the decrease of geothermal gradient expected generally during the burial would r e s u l t in underestimations. In the underestimating tendency of H model we are unable to d i f f e r e n t i a t e the errors due to the model and due to decrease of geothermal gradient. We have to conclude that the use of H and W methods is l i m i t e d in paleogeothermal reconstruction. In the 0 . 4 - 1.0 % R0 range, correct estimation proves that the present geothermal gradient is the same as i t was in the period of maximum heating. In continuously subsiding basins t h i s s i g n i f i e s the recent temperatures as maximum ones. In the case of strong underestimation (more than 20 %) we have to suppose a very fast decrease in heat flow during the b u r i a l .
115 YORATH & HINDMANN (1983) present an example f o r underestimation. In 2830 m depth of the Murrelet borehole, Queen Charlotte basin, B r i t i s h Columbian offshore, a v i t r i n i t e reflectance of 0.95 % and a temperature of 85 ° C were measured. The authors assume a much higher paleo-heat flow caused by a r i f t i n g
older than 17 Ma.
Strong overestimation probably indicates a very young heating event, but we have no illustrative
example f o r strong overestimation in continuously subsiding basins.
Appendix Well I . Lacq. 104
Basin or location Aquitaine
2. Nassiet I
References BRGM, 1974, G~ologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine Robert, P., 1976, B u l l . CRP 10.1 271-285
3. Pont d'As I 4. Rousse I
Tissot, B., E s p i t a l i ~ , J . , 1975, Revue IFP XXX. 5. 743-777
5. Lons I
BRGM, 1974, G~ologie du Bassin d'Aquitaine Correia, M., Peniguel, G.,1975, B u l l . CRP 9.2 99-127 Le Tran, K., 1971, B u l l . CRP 5.2 321-332
6. Essises I
Tissot, B. et a l . , 1974, AAPG B u l l . 58.3 499-506 BRGM, 1969, Carte G~ol. & 1/50.000 CHATEAUTHIERRY
7. Pierrefeu I
Dunoyer de Segonzac, G., 1969, M~m. Carte G~ol. AlSo Lorr. 29
8. Harthausen I
Rhine Graben TeichmUller, M., TeichmUller,R., 1979, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 27:109-120
9. H~hnlein West 2 10. Landau 2
TeichmUller, M., 1979, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 27: 19-49
11. Sandhausen I
Rhine Graben
TeichmUller, M., TeichmUller,R., 1979, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 27:109-120
12. Urach 3
Swabian Alb
Buntebarth, G. et a l . , 1979, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 27:183-199
13. Anzing 3
TeichmUller, M., TeichmUller, R., 1975, Geol. Bavar. 73:123-142
14. Miesbach I
Jacob, H., Kuckelhorn, K., 1977, Erd~l-Erdgas Z. 93.4 115-124
15. Staffelsee I
Jacob, H. et a l . , 1982, Erd~l und Kohle, 35.1. 511-518
Basin or location
16. MUnsterland I
TeichmUller, M., TeichmUller, R., 1979, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 27:109-120 Richwien, J. et a l . , 1963, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 1 1 : 9 - 1 8 Hedemann, H.A., 1963, Fortschr. Geol. Rheinl. u. Westf. 11: 403-418 Lopatin, N.V., Bostick, H.N., 1973, Nature of recent and foss i l sedimentary organic matter (Vassojevich, N.B. ed.) Nauka, Moscow, 80-90
17. Uelsen Z 3
K e t t e l , D., 1981, Erd~l-Erdgas Z.,97.11. 395-404
18. Kohlhaus I
Radke, M. et a l . , 1982, Geoch. Cosmoch. Acta 46.10. 1831-1848
19. -
Bartenstein, H., Teichm~ller, M., 1974, Fortschr. Geol, Rheinl. u. Westf. 24:129-160
20. Had I
Sajg~, Cs., 1981, Adv. Org. Geoch., 1979 (Douglas, A.G., Maxwell, J.R. eds.), 103-113
21. Doboz I
Lacz6, I . ,
22. Tengelic 2
Halmai, J. et a l . , 1982, Ann. Inst. Geol, Publ. Hung. LXV. 13-113
23. S a t i l k o v s k i i
Bogomolov, G.V. et a l . , 1976, Dokl. AN BSSR XX. I . 59-61
24. Sliachovskaia Plossad
Lopatin, N.V., 1971, Izv. AN USSR Ser. Geol., 1971, 3. 95106
25. Ust Pogosskaia 48
Lopatin, N.V., 1969, Izv. AN USSR Ser. Geol. 1971, 3:95-106
26. Verchnaia Dobrinka
27. Pescian
Ammosov, I . I . , Eremin, I . V . , 1973, C.R. 7. Congr. I n t . Str. G~ol. CarbonifGre, 85-91 Polster, L.A. et a l . , 1972, Mid-Caspi o i l - and gas basin, Leningrad, Nedra
28. Surgut R 51
Western Siberia
Zimin, Yu.G., 1967, Geol. i Geof. 5. 3-13 Parparova, G.M., 1966, Geol. i Geof. 7. 11-23 Neszterov, I . I . et a l . , 1964, Tr. VNIGRI 226
1984, Pers. comm.
Basin or location
References Ammosov, I . I . , Utkina, A . I . , 1975, Paleotemperature of zone of o i l genesis (ed. Eremin, I . V.), 70-93 O l l i , I . A . , 1975, Organic matt e r and bitumen content of the sedimentary rocks of Siberia, Nauka, Novosibirsk Navrockij, O.K. et a l . , 1982, Geol. n e f t i i gaza, 1982, 4. 28-32 Bogacheva, M.I. et a l . , 1972, Aralsor ultradeep w e l l . 10-106 ( V a s i l i e v , Ju.M. ed.), Nedra, Moscow
29. Uzlovaia I
30. Aralsor I
31. Logbaba 1
Dunoyer de Segonzac, G., 1969, M6m. Carte G6ol. Als. Lorr. 29 Tissot, B., E s p i t a l i ~ , J.,1975, Revue IFP XXX. 5. 743-777
32. DSDP Leg 50 Site 416 A
Marocco Offshore
Lancelot, Y. et a l . , 1980, In. Rep. DSDP L. 115-301 Cornford, C., 1980, In. Rep. DSDP L. 609-614
33. Yulleroo I
Burne, R.V., Kanstler, A.J., 1977, J. Austral. Geol. Geophys. 2. 271-288
34. Kidson I
Kanstler, A.J. et a l . , 1978, APEA J. 18. 143-156 Kanstler, A.J., 1978, Oil and Gas J., 196-205
35. Barrow Deep I
Cook, A.C., Kanstler, A.J., 1981, UN ESCAP, CCOP/SOPAC Techn. Bull. 3. 171-195
36. Bullsbrook I
Thomas, B.M., 1979, AAPG Bull. 63.7. 1092-1107
37. Whichar Range I
Kanstler, A.J., Cook, A.C., 1979, APEA J. 19. 94-107
38. Tirrawarra
Kanstler, A.J. et a l . , 1978, APEA J. 18. 143-156
39. Burley I 40. Pelican I
Kanstler, A.J. et a l . , 1978, Oil and Gas J. 196-205
41. Maui 4
Taranaki Offshore
Suggate, R.P., 1982, J. Petrol. Geol. 4.4. 377-393
42. Site V
Bostick, N.H. et a l . , 1979, A Symposium in Geochemistry: Low Temperature Metamorphism of Kerogen and Clay Hinerals 65-96 (Oltz, D.F. ed.)
43. Site S 44. Site N 45. Site L
Los Angeles
46. Mobil Unit T-52-196
47. Shell Rumberger 5
Hood, A. et a l . , 1975, AAPG Bull. 59.6 986-996 .
Basin or location
Gulf Coast
Gulf Coast
51. Terrebonne Parish
Gulf Coast
52. Cameron Parish
Gulf Coast
53. DSDP Leg 63 Site 471
Mexico, P a c i f i c Offshore
Yeats, R.S. et a l . , 1981, In. Rep. DSDP L X I I I . 263-291 R u l l k ~ t t e r , J. et a l . , 1981, In. Rep. DSDP LEG 63, 819-852
US A t l a n t i c Offshore
Robbins, E . I . , 1979, USGS Circular 800, 72-23 Scholle, P.A., 1979, USGS C i r cular 800, 18-32 Poag, C.W., H a l l , R.E., 1979, US Geol. Surv. C i r c u l a r 800, 49-63
55. COST B-3
US A t l a n t i c Offshore
Poag, W., 1980, USGS C i r c u l a r 833, 44-66 Scholle, P.A., 1980, USGS C i r cular 833, 13-19 M i l l e r , R . E . et a l . , 1980, USGS C i r c u l a r 833, 85-104
56. COST B-2
US A t l a n t i c Offshore
Dow, W.G., 1978, AAPG B u l l . 62. 1584-1606
Bostick, N.H., 1973, C.R. 7. Congr. Intern. Str. G~oI. Carbonif~re, 183-193
57. Sable 4H-58
Scotian Shelf
Petrol. Geol. 30.2. 167-179
58. Sable 0 47
Scotian Shelf
Powell, T.G., 1982, B u l l . Can.
59. Karlsefni H-13
Labrador Offshore
H~roux, Y. et a l . , 1981, Can. J. Earth Sc. 18.12. 1856-1877 KUbler, B. et a l . , 1982, CFP Notes et M~moires No. 17
60. H e r j o l f M-92
Labrador Offshore
Umpleby, D.C., 1979, Geol. Surv. of Canada, Paper 79-13. 32 Creaney, S., 1978, Geol. Surv. of Canada, Paper 78-IC, 101-103
A REACTION KINETIC APPROACH TO THE TEMPERATURE-TIME HISTORY OF SEDIMENTARY BASINS SAJGO, Cs. and J. LEFLER Laboratory of Geochemical Research of Hungarian Academy of Sciences XI. Buda~rsi 8t 45, H-Ill2 Budapest
Abstract Three b i o l o g i c a l marker reactions have been studied in order to determine the tempera t u r e - time h i s t o r y of a sedimentary sequence. Two of these reactions are configur a t i o n a l isomerization reactions, at C-20 in a C29-sterane and at C-22 in C31 and C32 hopane hydrocarbons. In the t h i r d reaction two C29 C-ring monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons convert to a C28 t r i a r o m a t i c one. The progress of these reactions is d i f f e r e n t because of t h e i r d i f f e r e n t rate constants. Based on temperature and age data obtained from f i e l d measurements and on concentration measurements of reactants and products in core samples of a Pannonian borehole, we calculated the rate parameters: pre-exponential factors, enthalpies and entropies of a c t i v a t i o n . I t is obvious, that at least two d i f f e r e n t reactions are necessary to characterize the maturity of any system. The aromatization seems to be a rather complicated reaction, and we believe i t s use to be premature. Fortunately, two isomerizations work well and are suitable f o r e l u c i d a t i o n of thermal h i s t o r y in d i f f e r e n t basins i f the rate constants are u n i v e r s a l l y v a l i d . The pre-exponential factors and a c t i v a t i o n enthalpies are 2.4"10 -3 s -I and 91.6 kJ mol -I
3 5.10 -2 s -1 and 87.8 kJ mol -I f o r isomerization of steranes and •
hopanes, respectively. I t was demonstrated, that by measuring the extent of the two-mentioned or other specially-chosen reactions in a l o t of layers, the determination of the temperaturetime h i s t o r y w i l l be possible w i t h i n a given temperature-time range. Introduction Several methods have been introduced to characterize the organic metamorphism in sediments. Recently HEROUX et a l . (1979) referred to a l o t of them in a comparative way. V i t r i n i t e reflectance i s a most commonly used one. A number of models were presented to describe the dependence of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance both on temperature and time
(du rat i o n ), the most widespread ones are as follows: KARWEIL (1955); LOPATIN (1971,
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G, Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
120 1976); HOODet a l . (1975); BOSTICK (1973)~ BOSTICK et a l . (1978); BUNTEBARTH (1978); WAPLES (1980). Other authors (a m i n o r i t y ) neglect the role of geological time a f t e r a c e r t a i n , but not too long period (NERUCHEV & PARPAROVA, 1972; AMMOSOVet a l . , 1977; SUGGATE, 1982; PRICE, 1983; BARKER, 1983). HOODet a l . (1975) and GRETENER & CURTIS (1982) have taken an intermediate position because they accepted the role of time only in a l i m i t e d scale in o i l genesis (maturation). The basic problem in the a p p l i c a t i o n of v i t r i n i t e of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance is that the v a r i a t i o n
reflectance is governed by the c o a l i f i c a t i o n of v i t r i n i t e
and t h i s
process is not a genuine chemical reaction, but a complex r e s u l t of d i f f e r e n t chemical reactions. The v i t r i n i t e
produces various mixtures of d i f f e r e n t by-products of
d i s t i n c t i v e chemical reactions at d i f f e r e n t stages of maturation. From t h i s i t is obvious that to characterize the complex process of c o a l i f i c a t i o n in wide ranges may be impossible by the same rate parameters. In connection with organic matter maturation, the f o l l o w i n g problems are also to be mentioned: The c i t e d models are based on present log-temperatures at depths from which the samples have been taken, and temperature logs usually give considerable lower temperatures than the e q u i l i b r i u m value. BOSTICK et a l . (1978) suggested that the uncertainties of the isolated values of temperature and v i t r i n i t e
might be as great as 15 to 25 percent and the i n t e r p r e t i o n of geologic time might reach 40 percent u n c e r t a i n t y . The present temperature in the old and i n a c t i v e basins may widely d i f f e r from the temperature in t h e i r active stages. The evaluation of thermal h i s t o r y is not f u l l y solved yet taking into considerat i o n some new tectonic models (e.g. McKENZIE, 1981; BEAUMONTet a l . ,
KELLEY et a l . (1983) exploited the f i s s i o n - t r a c k annealing method to determine the paleotemperature in sedimentary basins and concluded that "the thermal h i s t o r y of petroleum source rocks w i t h i n sedimentary basins is p r i m a r i l y c o n t r o l l e d not by the processes and parameters that form the basis of the tectonic s t r e t c h i n g models, but rather by processes operating w i t h i n the basin." The groundwater flows can cause s i g n i f i c a n t thermal anomalies (e.g. ROBERTS, 1980; ZIELINSKI & BRUCHHAUSEN, 1983). Nevertheless, hydrocarbon accumulations and, moreover, o i l genesis can produce thermal anomalies, too (ROBERTS, 1980; NERUCHEV et a l . ,
1980; MOSCVIN, 1983).
The great number of the temperature-time-reflectance r e l a t i o n s h i p s probably arises from the erroneous estimations, measurements and i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the above factors.
121 We w i l l demonstrate the problem through some examples. TOTH et a l . (1983) obtained a value of 0.21 + 0.17 kJ mol -I f o r a c t i v a t i o n energy in the range of 438t 140° K from modelling v i t r i n i t e
values from North Sea w e l l s . HUCK & KARWEIL (1955) deter-
mined the values of 35.16 kJ mol -I and 7.16"103 s -I f o r a c t i v a t i o n energy and preexponential f a c t o r , r e s p e c t i v e l y , in the case of c o a l i f i c a t i o n reactions from two seams of the Ruhr d i s t r i c t .
KARWEIL (1975) calculated an a c t i v a t i o n energy of about
3.77 kJ mol -I and a pre-exponential f a c t o r of 4.74.1014 s -I f o r v i t r i n i t e
t i o n in Upper Miocene strata at US Gulf Coast, and he noticed that the Moscow l i g nites with these rate parameters ought, t h e o r e t i c a l l y , to have been in the state of graphite. I t is also worthy to mention that LOPATIN (1971) and his followers (e.g. WAPLES, 1980) use decreasing a c t i v a t i o n energies as a function of temperature which contrad i c t s l o g i c and experimental observations (e.g. PETERS et a l . ,
1977). LOPATIN (1976)
realized t h i s c o n t r a d i c t i o n , and used a constant a c t i v a t i o n energy value. WAPLES's (1980) method, i . e . the conversion of TAI values (thermal a l t e r a t i o n index) to Ro values and the c o r r e l a t i o n between the obtained R values and TTI values (timeo temperature index of m a t u r i t y ) , was not properly established (e.g. KATZ et a l . , 1982). From t h i s i t is obvious that a l o t of problems can be avoided i f well-defined chemical reactions are used f o r maturation c a l c u l a t i o n s . Within a cooperation (McKENZIE et a l . ,
1983) our a t t e n t i o n was drawn by the reac-
t i o n s of b i o l o g i c a l marker compounds, which are suitable to study the rate laws. Later on, MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) have approached the problem from the side of basin formation models while SAJGO et a l . (1983) concentrated only on k i n e t i c s of the b i o l o g i c a l marker reactions to solve the problem of thermal h i s t o r y determination. I.
Biological marker reactions (Isomerizations and aromatization)
A f t e r the death of biota, some parts of t h e i r body f r e q u e n t l y got into the water systems of earth and were buried during the geological h i s t o r y . During the deposition and consolidation of rocks, a
s i g n i f i c a n t part of the mass of dead biota decayed
or was reworked by organisms, but another important part was i n h e r i t e d to the rocks. Numerous chemical reactions took place in t h i s " s u r v i v i n g " organic mixture during deposition and early diagenesis. The greatest part of organic matter in rocks has suffered s i g n i f i c a n t changes and became a part of the insoluble kerogen. A small, but very important part of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks and of o i l s has preserved the o r i g i n a l carbon skeletons of the l i v i n g organisms. This preservation is e s s e n t i a l l y i n t a c t so the l i n k between b i o l o g i c a l natural products and so-called
122 b i o l o g i c a l markers (which bear biogenic skeleton~) is obvious. WHITEHEAD (1982) has recently published a review on the geochemistry of natural products and t h e i r f o s s i l derivatives. We have chosen two reactions (an isomerisation and an aromatisation) which involve the d e r i v a t i v e s of sterol and another isomerisation which involves the d e r i v a t i v e s of hopanoid precursors (e.g. bacterio-hopanetetrol). These compounds are ubiquitous in sediments. The pathway of sterols a f t e r burial in sediments has recently been reviewed by MACKENZIE et a l . (1982). As sterols of cholestane series act as r i g i d i f i e r s membranes, so t h e i r molecular shape is nearly f l a t .
in c e l l
The sterols have 8 or 9 asymme-
t r i c atoms, but enzymes which produce these compounds seem to have been h i g h l y spec i f i c to synthesize, of the many possible c o n f i g u r a t i o n s , the one whose shape most fitted
in the organism.
In Fig. I , we show a s i m p l i f i e d path of sterols to steranes through sterenes. The major products of t h i s diagenetic process are the 5~(H), 8B(H), IOB(CH3), 13B(CH3), 14~(H), 17~(H), 20R steraneso Either the R or the S configurations are present at C-24. During the d e f u n c t i o n a l i z a t i o n the natural or b i o l o g i c a l configuration was preserved, i . e . transferred from sterols to steranes.
[14 ¢ (H)17 ~ (H)t0R)
H R m l=" n .
ster~nes nat.ral
n3Gn~/*A4 or AS
( t 4 c ( M| ~7( (H) Z0R]
[ 5~¢(H) l&~(H)171¢(H)20R) major products
unnoturat configuration
i 5]~(H) 14oC(H) 17,c(H) 20R| m~nor products
Fig. I . Schematic pathways of natural sterols to steroid hydrocarbons during diagenesis (aromatic and rearranged ones are not included). The hexagons and pentagons symbolize cylcohexane and cyclopentane r i n g s . The l e t t e r ing of rings and the numbering of carbon atoms are shown, in f i r s t and second s t r u c tures, respectively. The conventions of thickened and dashed l i n e s to demonstrate and substituent and s o l i d and open c i r c l e s to demonstrate B(H) and ~(H) subs t i t u t i o n respectively, are used. ~ denotes a bond pointing out the page, B a bond out of the page. Arrows show the pathways of transformation. Sinuos l i n e s mark s u b s t i tuent of uncertain or mixed ( i . e . both and B) stereochemistry.
123 In the zone of catagenesis the preserved natural skeleton suffers gradual a l t e r a t i o n . Some isomerization reactions take place at increased temperatures (Fig. 2).
[14~(H) tT~(H) 20S]
[14~ (H) 17~ (H) 2OR}
Fig. 2. The most frequent isomerizations of natural ethylcholestanes (structure 5) which take place as a function of depth (increasing temperature) in sedimentary sequences. The reaction I is the studied isomerization. (R=rectus i . e . right-handed; S= s i n i s t e r i . e . left-handed).
(14~(H)17/3 (H) 20S]
The natural steranes tend to adapt the thermodynamically more stable structures (epimeric mixtures of d i f f e r e n t structures) and lose the o r i g i n a l f l a t n e s s . The enzymes s y n t h e s i z e d a l l - c h i r a l conformations with a l l - t r a n s annelations ( r i n g - j u n c t i o n s ) . These might be transformed into numerous isomers. Nevertheless, only four predominant isomers have been found in sedimentary extracts and o i l s (structures in Fig. 2). MULHEIRN & RYBACK (1975) have found the 5~(H), 14~(H), 17~(H), 20(R+S) steranes i n ~ e o l o g i c a l samples but the concentrations of those resembling to 5B(H), 14~(H), 17~(H), 20(R+S) steranes are n e g l i g i b l e . In the natural sterane skeleton the C-8 and C-9 already have the most stable configuration and C-I0 and C-13 have a CH3-substituent whose position cannot be altered via hydrogen exchange as in the case of the other c h i r a l centres. In the case of the C-24, MACKENZIE (1980) found the epimerization was completed at a very e a r l y stage in the Paris Basin Toarcian shales (less than 1000 m maximum burial depth). We used apolarphased gas chromatography that could not resolve these isomers so we have no genuine data about the c o n f i g u r a t i o n . Subsequent to t h i s , four c h i r a l centers have remained f o r epimerization (configurat i o n a l isomerization) namely at nucleus carbon atoms C-5, C-14 and C-17 and at side chain position C-20. Indeed, in the laboratory thermal a l t e r a t i o n studies 13 isomers have been i d e n t i f i e d (PETROV et a l . ,
1976; SEIFERT & MOLDOWAN, 1979). Later a l l the possible 16 isomers
have been found (PUSTIL'NIKOVA et a l . ,
1980). Nonetheless, the conditions of isome-
r i z a t i o n were very d i f f e r e n t from the natural conditions ( i n a steel capsule at
124 hydrogen pressure of 5 MPa at 570 ° K f o r 50 hr using a p l a t i n i z e d carbon c a t a l y s t with 20 % Pt-content) much more severe. PUSTIL'NIKOVA et a l . measured 45.1% concentration f o r the 5~(H), 14B(H), 17~(H), (20R and 20S) isomers, 74.9 % f o r a l l the 5
isomers (8 isomers with trans-anne]ation of A8 rings) and 73.8 % f o r a l l the
14B isomers (8 isomers with cis ring junction of CD r i n g s ) . GRASS et a l . (1982) have computed the thermodynamic s t a b i l i t i e s
of 13 cholestane isomers of PETROV et
a l . (1976) using molecular mechanics. They calculated the values of formation heat and the energy differences w i t h i n the studied isomer group. Their t h e o r e t i c a l data resemble more or less the composition of cholestane isomerate. We have chosen the conversion of 5~(H), 14~(H), 17~(H)
- 20R steranes to 5~(H),
14~(H), 17~(H) - 20S steranes (reaction I , Fig. 2) f o r c a l c u l a t i o n of the reaction parameters. These compounds are the product of diagenesis (Fig. I ) . The concentrations of the compounds were determined in rock extracts by computerized gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer systems mostly at B r i s t o l . These measurements were carried out according to MACKENZIE et a l . (1980). The most c h a r a c t e r i s t i c mass fragmentogram f o r the compounds is m/e-217. The e l u t i o n patterns f o r steranes, represented by way of m/e 217 and 218 fragmentograms (Fig. 3) are rather complex (a large number of isomers) and because of the overlap of rearranged and non-rearranged steranes the only way is to study the isomerization of C29 steranes ( s t r u c t u r e I , R=C2H5 in Fig. I ) . CZ6
Fig. 3. Sterane mass fragmentograms of a shale e x t r a c t . The m/e 217 ions are more c h a r a c t e r i s t i c f o r I%(H) and rearranged steranes than m/e 218 ions. The m/e 218 ions are more s e n s i t i v e f o r 14B(H) steranes than m/e 217 ones. Generally the m/e 218 fragmentograms of steranes are less complex than the m/e 217 ones of steranes.
°II° V'INJ, Sompte A
zaR )Sz( zoN
14A(H), t~(H) 20S
! i z0 ~
125 E a r l i e r , the m/e 217 fragmentograms were quantitated (McKENZIE et a l . ,
1983), but
l a t e r on we have found that another alkane component, with m/e 217 in i t s mass spectrum and a s i m i l a r retention time to that of 5~(H), 14~(H), 17~(H)-20S-24-ethylcholestane was present with a s l i g h t but changing concentration in some samples. So we quantitated the m/e 218 fragmentograms which were free from t h i s alkane instead of those of the m/e 217. The e q u i l i b r i u m value was determined as a mean value of 34 samples a f t e r reaching 58 % conversion in the studied borehole. T h e o r e t i c a l l y , the two enantiomers of a c h i r a l center need be formed in equal amounts at e q u i l i b r i u m since the reactants and the t r a n s i t i o n states have equal energies, so the two d i r e c t i o n s of the reaction must proceed at the same rate. I f a molecule has more than one asymmetric atom (as in our case), the number of possible stereoisomers is correspondingly l a r g e r . Compounds t h a t are stereoisomers of one another, but are not enantiomers (mirror images), are called diastereomers. Diastereomers have d i f f e r e n t physical properties, including d i f f e r e n t free energies of formation, so they need not be formed in equal amounts. Nevertheless, PETROV et a l . (1976), PUSTIL'NIKOVA et a l . (1980) and MACKENZIE et a l . (1983) used the e q u i l i b r i u m value of 0.50 in c a l c u l a t i o n , but t h i s is not correct because of the s t e r i c h i n d r a n c e i . e , in the R-epimers of 17~(H) configuration,
the o r i e n t a t i o n of the CH3 at C-21 is in a gauche conformation, and in
the S-epimers of the 17~(H) configurations r e l a t i v e to the angular CH3 (C-18) at C-13 (see Figs. 4 and 5). So the given value of e q u i l i b r i u m is reasonable.
Fig. 4. An unfavorable i n t e r a c t i o n is represented between the side chain (C-20) and the C-18 methyl group in the case of 17~(H) steranes (structure I ) . The conversion of 17~(H) to 17~(H) minimize the torsional s t r a i n due to the i n t e r a c t i o n .
H 14
15~ZO II.
Newmon typeprojections
oton 0
17 (13) b o n d . ], 5~. ( H ) , 1 4 ~ ( H ) , 17~ (H) ] l ' 5 a : (H), 14/~ (H), l ? / 9 ( H ) - s t e r o n e
R (gauche)
Fig. 5. The anti conformations (S) are more favorable in 17~(H) steranes than the gauche (R) conformations because of less i n t e r a c t i o n between the angular methyl group at C-13 and C-21 methyl group, thus the isomerization reduces the torsional s t r a i n .
The relative disposition o f t h e 2OR a n d 205- steranes w i t h l?ec (H) c o n f i g u r a t i o n s Ifl s p o c e
At the present time, the mechanism of the reactions in t h i s study and the contribut i o n of the c a t a l y t i c a c t i v i t y of the sediment are not known. The configurational isomerization (both steranes and hopanes) occurs because a hydrogen is removed from the asymmetric carbon atom at elevated temperatures probably e i t h e r as a hydrogen radical (SEIFERT & MOLDOWAN, 1980) or as a hydride iron (ENSMINGER, 1977). On the basis of unpublished data, we prefer the hydrogen radical mechanism to hydride ion one. ABBOTT et a l . (1984,1985) found that the isomerization took place under free radical conditions at the c h i r a l centres in pristane. The radical intermediate (or carbonium ion, too) is almost planar f o r a c y c l i c carbons and has a close to equal p r o b a b i l i t y of regaining a hydrogen radical (or a hydride ion) on e i t h e r side. In such a way, the b i o l o g i c a l l y i n h e r i t e d sterol configuration at C-20 converts to a near equal mixture of the R and S epimers. Some c a t a l y t i c e f f e c t of host rock should be supposed, as SAJGO et a l . (1983) have found d i f f e r e n t extents of isomerizations and aromatization in the "open" and "closed" pores of the same sample. The greater extent of these reactions in closed pores ( i . e . 27 % f o r steranes at C-20, 33 % f o r hopanes at C-22 and 38 % t r i a r o m a t i zation) than those in open pores ( i . e . 5 %, 20 % and 9 %, respectively) suggest that the pore structure and chemistry of the pore l i n i n g s have an important role at such reactions in biomarker chemistry. The rates of these reactions may control the y i e l d s through the presumed necessary adsorption-desorption processes. Nevertheless, i f the r a t i o of the open and closed pores does not vary in a sequence or the sampling is representative, t h i s c a t a l y t i c e f f e c t does not disturb the evaluation. The other isomerization we considered is the conversion of the 17~(H), 21B(H)-22Rhomohopane and bishomohopane to a mixture of 22R and 22S hopanes. The hopanes and t h e i r precursors belong to natural pentacyclic t r i t e r p e n o i d s . The members of the hopane family (or hopanoids) found in lower order organisms (procaryotes) bear a five-membered E-ring in contrast to the equivalent six-membered ring of more modern t r i t e r p e n o i d s in eucaryotes. OURISSON et a l . (1979) provided a detailed review about the family. They found that the extended hopanes (over C30-members) could be derived from the bacteriohopanetetrol (Fig. 6). They also supposed that the hopanoids serve as " r i g i d i f i e r s "
f o r c e l l wall membranes in procaryotes-like sterols in more devel-
127 OH OH
Bocterlohoponetetrol (in living bclcterlo)
l mon¥ s t e p s
Fig. 6. The s i m p l i f i e d pathways of 17~(H), 21B(H) hopanes from bacteriohopanetetrol 11
~JCH)2~(H) hopQ;'le$ (preserved
Zl ~ ( H )
oped biota. RULLKUTTER & PHILP (1981) found hopanes up to C40 in a bitumen which means that other b i o l o g i c a l precursors would also be required f o r higher hopanoids. In the case of the most stable hopanoid hydrocarbons 17~(H), 21B(H)-hopanes a conf i g u r a t i o n a l isomerization occurs at C-22 (Fig. 7) resembling that in steranes at C-20. This epimerisation can be observed in the C31-C35 hopanes, as revealed by
Fig. 7. The configurational isomerization of homohopane at C-22
the m/e 191 fragmentograms f o r the GC-MS analyses of separated alkane f r a c t i o n s . We averaged C31 and C32 isomers to decrease errors. Gammacerane (a pentacyclic t r i t e r pane with six-membered E-ring) was not detected in the samples studied, f o r i t can overlap with the 22R-C31 isomer (e.g. SHI JIYANG et a l . ,
1982). The e q u i l i b r i u m
value of 57 % was obtained as the mean value of 26 samples deeper than 3100 m. The reaction mechanism of the above isomerization as well as at C-20 in steranes has not been proved y e t , but the two epimerizations must have the same mechanism because of the close s t r u c t u r a l s i m i l a r i t y between the compound f a m i l i e s (e.g. ENSMINGER et a l . ,
1978). Nevertheless, hopane isomerizations occur at a f a s t e r rate and t h i s
suggests some d i s s i m i l i t u d e , too (e.g. hopanoids contain methyl groups on both sides of the nucleus, whereas methyl groups attached to sterane molecules are directed only towards one side).
128 I t is worthy to mention that COSTA NETO (1983) suggested an a l t e r n a t i v e model f o r t h e , c o n f i g u r a t i o n a l isomerization of hydrocarbon chiral centres in sediments. He believes i t is t h e o r e t i c a l l y possible, f o r d i r e c t protonation of c h i r a l carbons, to form positively-charged pentavalent carbon atoms, allowing the asymmetric carbon to cross through t h i s face and allowing the other enantiomer to be formed. The proposed model suggests that the greater the pressure in the sediments, the greater w i l l be the extent of isomerization. The t h i r d reaction we studied is the aromatization of C-ring monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons to ABC-ring t r i a r o m a t i c steroid hydrocarbons with a nuclear methyl group via diaromatics (Fig. 8). During the transformation the loss of the nuclear methyl group (C-19) on the A/B-ring juncture and of seven protons takes place probably in several steps. R
Fig. 8. The s i m p l i f i e d conversion of C-ring monoaromatics (four isomers in the case of the C27-C29; structure 15) to ABC-ring triaromatics (two isomers in the case of the C26-28; structure 18) via less stable diaromatics ( s t r u c ture 16). Inscribed c i r c l e s in hexagons denote aromatic r i n g s .
Ring C monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons occur in sediments and petroleum, and seem to be generated j u s t before steranes (LUDWIG et a l . , SEIFERT et a l . ,
1981a; MACKENZIE et a l . ,
1983). They may derive fromdiageneticdehydration of s t e r o l s via the
rearrangement of the stera-3.5-dienes (MACKENZIE et a l . ,
1982). The C-ring monoaroma-
t i c steroids were produced in laboratory thermal experiments (ZUBENKO et a l . , SEIFERT et a l . ,
1983). Their structure were proved by LUDWIG et a l . (1981b), ZUBENKO
et a l . (1981), and SEIFERT et a l . (1983), i . e . C-ring monoaromatics in geological samples have methyl groups at C-I0 and at C-17 and the stereochemistry of the known
129 ring C monoaromatic geosteroids is I0~(CH3), 17~(CH3) with three chiral centres (C-5, C-20 and C-24; see Fig. 8 structure 15). Both forms e x i s t at each centre, but the mixture of isomers at C-24 is not resolved by the apolar gas chromatography columns which are generally used. Thus, there are four C-ring monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons isomeric at C-5 and C-20 (not including C-24) giving four peaks per carbon number (C27-C29). We studied only C29 C-ring monoaromatics with 20R stereochemistry and CI0 side chains (four compounds isomeric at C-5 and C-24, but two peaks). The key ion i . e . the base peak in the mass spectra of the ring C aromatic steroid hydrocarbons is m/z 253
MACKENZIEet a l . ,
Within the zone of late diagenesls and catagenesis the t r i a r o m a t i c steroid hydrocarbons arise from monoaromatic ones. There are four t r i a r o m a t i c series whose nuclei have none, or up to three methyl substituents (MACKENZIE et a l . , al.,
1981a; LUDWIG et
~981). ~e concentrate only on those which have one methyl group. This series
is widespread in sediments and petroleums, and they are the most abundant amid t r i aromatic ones. Their structure has been proved by synthesis and comparison with the natural products (LUDWIG et a l . , 1981). MACKENZIE et a l . (1981b), SEIFERT et a l . (1983) and ABBOTT et a l . (1984,1985) converted C-ring monoaromatics to ABC-ring, t r i a r o m a t i c steroid hydrocarbons in laboratory heating experiments. ABBOTT et a l . (1984) brought about the above aromatization under free radical conditions. The ABC-ring triaromatics have three c h i r a l centres (C-17, C-20 and C-24) because the c h i r a l centre at C-5 has been l o s t . The position of the methyl group at the quaternary C-17 is f i x e d as 17~(CH3) and we measured only the 20R stereochemistry of C28 t r i a r o m a t i c steroid hydrocarbons, thus the unresolved C-24 isomers remained (Fig. 8, structure 17) giving only one peak in the m/e 231 fragmentogram. The BC-ring diaromatic compounds (Fig. 8, structure 16) have also been recognized by SCHAEFLE (1979) and MACKENZIE et a l . (1981a) but only in small concent r a t i o n s . MACKENZIE et alo (1982) suggested that the aromatization of ring B in Cring monoaromatics had to be followed almost immediately by the aromatization of ring A. From the above, the conversion of the proposed reaction (Fig. 8) can be characterized by r e l a t i v e concentrations represented by three GC-MS-peaks. The GC-MS measurements were carried out according to MACKENZIE et a l . (1981a) and SHI JIYANG et a l . (1982) from m/e 253 f o r monoaromatics and from m/e 231 f o r t r i a r o m a t i c s . F i n a l l y , we allude to the problem of the o i l formation, i . e . during catagenetic hydrocarbon generation b i o l o g i c a l markers are released from kerogen and asphaltene in considerable amounts. I t is not clear yet whether the extents of isomerizations and aromatizations are the same in the free and bound steroids and hopanoids. Since
130 i f the reactions studied are f a s t e r in free compounds than in the bound ones inside the kerogen matrix, then the released (secondary) steroids and terpanes would modify the extent of reactions obtaining an u n r e a l i s t i c conversion. In other words, i t is straightforward to
suppose that the reaction rate in the free state and in solution
is d i f f e r e n t from that in the s o l i d bound state. GALLEGOS (1975), SEIFERT (1978), SEIFERT & MOLDOWAN (1980), RUBINSTEIN et a l . (1979), CURIALE et a l . (1983) and RULLK~TTER et a l . (1984) studied the b i o l o g i c a l marker products of the thermal breakdown of kerogen, asphaltene and s o l i d bitumens in laboratory p y r o l y s i s . Their results did not give a d e f i n i t e answer to the above question. The differences emphasize the care that must be taken within the zone of o i l generation. In our case, f o r t u n a t e l y , the reactions studied reached t h e i r e q u i l i b r i a or went to completion before the threshold of the ongoing, intense o i l generation (SAJGO, 1980). Thus, we could neglect t h i s problem hereafter. 2.
The determination of rate parameters of the b i o l o g i c a l marker reactions
Geological setting of the borehole H~d-I
The core samples investigated come from the H6d-I borehole in the southeastern part of Hungary. The region in question is inside the Carpathian arc, which is an i n t e gral part of the Alpine-Himalayan mountain b e l t , and i t is c a l l e d the Carpathian basin. Inside the Carpathian basin there is the Pannonian basin surrounded by p e r i pheral basins. The formation of the basins was hypothesized by several authors (e.g. STEGENA, 1967; SZADECZKY-KARDOSS, 1971; SCLATER et a l . , 1980; HORVATH & ROYDEN, 1981). A recent volume of the Earth Evolution Sciences (1981/3-4) was devoted to the evolution of the Carpathian basin. The H6d-I was d r i l l e d in the Mak~ trough nearly in central p o s i t i o n , encircled by a depression. The area under consideration is the southeastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, formed during the Neogene as part of the Pannonian basin. The borehole, whilch is 5842 m deep, has not penetrated formations older than Badenian, Middle Miocene (about 15 Ma). MUCSI & REVESZ (1976) suggested that the l a s t sedimentary cycle (from the Helvetian up to present) was uniform and free of intermediate greater regressions. In H6d-I i t is surprising that although the strata seem to be continuous no Sarmatian faunae were found between the Lower Pannonian and Badenian sediments. The t o t a l sequence represents a marine regression: the Badenian sediments are marine w h i l s t the Lower Pannonian varies between d e l t a i c and l i t t o r a l ,
and a f t e r gradual t r a n s i -
t i o n during the Upper Pannonian, l a c u s t r i n e - f l u v i a t i l e sediments have deposited.
131 The sedimentary sequence of the H6d-I was introduced e a r l i e r (SAJGO, 1980). The problems of o i l generation and maturation were also discussed in the case of the HOd-I borehole previously (SAJGO, 1980; SAJGO e t a ] . ,
Table I presents the age and temperature data which were taken from SAJGO (1980). Calculating age data, the sedimentation rates w i t h i n the Upper Pannonian and w i t h i n the Lower Pannonian stages were considered permanent, 500 m/Ma and 431 m/Ma, respectively. The present temperature at depth, from which the samples were taken, was accepted as the maximum temperature of samples. This assumption is very probable because of the f a s t continuous subsidence of the young sediments up to the present. The Pannonian basin is r e l a t i v e l y hot and has a high heat flow. The heat flow has a value of about 100 mW/m2 in the Great Hungarian Plain (HORVATH et a l . ,
1981; STEGENAe t a ] . ,
V~LGYI (1977) reported a value of 55 ° C/km as an average temperature gradient f o r the Great Hungarian Plain determined from 1400 data. This average value is higher than that in the H~d-I (38 ° C/km). Only cores were used in t h i s study. Their surfaces were cleaned several times and checked s t r i c t l y
under u.v. l i g h t , and in the case of contamination t h e i r outer
parts (about I cm in thickness) were cut o f f before grinding. The samples are clay marls and s i l t s t o n e s with carbonate-contents between 2 5 - 4 0 percent. The Corg-COntent varies between 0.25 and 0.54 percent, with an 0.36 percent average. The chloroform e x t r a c t varies between 130 and 390 ppm and the average is 250 ppm. The chloroform extract/Corg (mg/g) r a t i o shows a v a r i a t i o n between 4 1 - 9 8 with an average of 66. The uppermost sample has 1.32 %, 500 ppm and 38 values, respectively. The b i t u mens are autochthonous according to i . r .
analysis. The kerogen varies between t y p e l l
(predominant) and type I I I . Table I .
Geological and geochemical data Sample Isomerization Aromatization Temperature Age No. SteraneHepane x y z °C (Ma) H-I/ I
H-I/ 2
H-I/ 3
H-I/ 4
H-I/ 7
H-I/ 8
H-I/ 9
132 2.2
The physico-chemical fundamentals o f the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of r a t e parameters
The r a t e o f a chemical process depends on the r a t e o f the chemical r e a c t i o n and the r a t e o f the mass t r a n s f e r .
The c o n t r i b u t i o n o f the mass t r a n s f e r t o the r a t e o f
process can be neglected in the case o f these b i o l o g i c a l marker r e a c t i o n s s t u d i e d . We are a l l o w e d to proceed so because the r e a c t a n t s and products do not leave the system, o r i f same l e v e l .
they do so s l i g h t l y ,
the r e a c t a n t s and products are i n v o l v e d a t the
These c o n s i d e r a t i o n s are not f u l l y
t r u e f o r a r o m a t i z a t i o n s because:
The l o s t hydrogen atoms and methyl group can o b v i o u s l y leave the system much e a s i e r than the s t a r t i n g monoaromatic HC and the forming t r i a r o m a t i c
The monoaromatic steranes are less prone to m i g r a t i o n than t r i a r o m a t i c ones according to the p o l a r i t y
and m o l e c u l a r shape d i f f e r e n c e s between the two
families. iii)
The a r o m a t i z a t i o n may be considered t o proceed to c o m p l e t i o n , u n l i k e the i s o m e r i z a t i o n s which go t o e q u i l i b r i u m m i x t u r e s and t h i s p r a c t i c a l l y
t h a t no mass t r a n s f e r takes place from the v i e w p o i n t o f the r e a c t i o n s . In chemical k i n e t i c s the r e a c t i o n r a t e is d e f i n e d as the r a t e o f c o n c e n t r a t i o n changes o f the r e a c t a n t s o r the products which a r e , in our case, R-isomers o r monoaromatics and S-isomers o r t r i a r o m a t i c s , dC r = ~
where C is c o n c e n t r a t i o n and • i s the t i m e .
The mechanism o f r e a c t i o n s governs the o r d e r o f r e a c t i o n s . The r e a c t i o n o r d e r can be w r i t t e n by the k i n e t i c e q u a t i o n . A f i r s t - o r d e r
r e a c t i o n obeys the equation
dCA r = ~ = k CA
where C represents the c o n c e n t r a t i o n in a r b i t r a r y -I
u n i t s and k i s r a t e constant in
The second-order r e a c t i o n s can be w r i t t e n as
r = k CA.CB o r
r = k C~
There are r e a c t i o n s which can be described - more o r less f o r m a l l y - by r e a c t i o n s zero-, fraction-
and h i g h e r - o r d e r s , t o o . In c o m p l i c a t e d cases we u s u a l l y have complex
r e a c t i o n s w i t h several s e q u e n t i a l a n d / o r p a r a l l e l
steps between r e a c t a n t s and f i n a l
p r o d u c t s . T h e o r e t i c a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s show t h a t the i s o m e r i z a t i o n s s t u d i e d are u n i molecular first-order
r e a c t i o n s . McKENZIE e t a l .
(1983), and MACKENZIE & McKENZIE
133 (1983) have found i t so, too. In the cases of both reactions i t is necessary f o r the tpansforming molecule to borrow an energy surplus to surmount an energy b a r r i e r . This b a r r i e r is c a l l e d the a c t i v a t i o n energy (Ea) or the enthalpy of a c t i v a t i o n ( A H ) , which are not necessarily equal. The mechanism of isomerization is not known yet, but we can hypothesize as follows: The reactant molecules are c o n t i n u a l l y c o l l i d i n g with the molecules of the host-rock and exchanging k i n e t i c energy. Only a few w i l l obtain s u f f i c i e n t energy f o r e p i merization. The surplus energy in excited species w i l l be r e d i s t r i b u t e d among a l l the a v a i l a b l e i n d i v i d u a l v i b r a t i o n - r o t a t i o n states. The disposal of a d d i t i o n a l energy takes place according to Boltzmann d i s t r i b u t i o n among a l l the states and so a very few molecules have s u f f i c i e n t energy at C-20 to overcome the b a r r i e r to configurat i o n a l isomerization. The isomerizations in these molecules take place w i t h i n a v i b r a t i o n a l period (ca. 10-13 s) and t h i s means that the rearrangement proceeds during the c o l l i s i o n . Consequently, the reaction is s t r i c t l y bimolecular, but because the q u a l i t y of the other c o l l i d i n g species has not any p a r t i c u l a r role we can consider the process as unimolecular without f u r t h e r ado. As the Boltzmann d i s t r i b u t i o n s govern the number of the reacting molecules only a higher temperature w i l l s h i f t the e n t i r e d i s t r i b u t i o n to higher energies, i . e . the r a t i o of reacting molecules to a l l the molecules is a constant which depends only on temperature. As the quantity of the c o l l i s i o n excited reacting molecules is constant so we can consider i t as an e q u i l i b r i u m value of the reaction and consequently the reaction rate can be w r i t t e n as a f i r s t - o r d e r k i n e t i c equation. Microscopically, the process of aromatization is much more complex than that of isomerizations. The conversion of a monoaromatic molecule to a t r i a r o m a t i c one, via the loss of seven hydrogen atoms and a methyl group, consists, necessarily, of a l o t of elementary steps and the l o c a l i z e d
bonds become the parts of the 14 delocalized
bonds. Despite i t s complexity, the aromatization can be characterized by a f i r s t order rate low. This is probably because one of the sequential steps, the slowest (rate-determining), obeys a f i r s t - o r d e r law. The chance of a c a t a l y t i c e f f e c t of environment (host rock) is greater in the case of aromatization than in the case of simpler isomerization. Another important difference is that aromatization is i r r e v e r s i b l e and the isomerization is r e v e r s i b l e in the cases studied. The R and S structures of steranes and hopanes at C-20 and C-22, r e s p e c t i v e l y , are nearly equally stable, therefore in the f i n a l e q u i l i b r i u m mixture they are present
in n e a r l y equal amounts. This means t h a t the conversion o f the b i o l o g i c a l l y
R isomers t o S isomers s t a r t s a f t e r the decay of organisms. We s h a l l t r e a t r e l a t i o n s h i p s between the GC-MS measurements o f the c o n c e n t r a t i o n s and the r a t e parameters ( a c t i v a t i o n e n t h a l p y , p r e - e x p o n e n t i a l f a c t o r and standard entropy change) f o r the more common r e v e r s i b l e r e a c t i o n s and the r e l a t i o n s h i p s f o r the i r r e v e r s i b l e
be deduced from the above as marginal cases.
Table I c o n s i s t s o f the present t e m p e r a t u r e , g e o l o g i c a l age and conversion ( x , y and z) data o f the s t u d i e d core samples. The meanings o f conversions are
20S x = 20S+20R;
Y = ~
22S ;
T z = M+T
where 20S, 2OR, 22S, 22R, T and M stand f o r the c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f 20S, 2OR, 22S, 22R,T(riaromatic)
and M(onoaromatic) hydrocarbons in the samples, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
I f we w r i t e the scheme o f a general r e a c t i o n as (4)
A -
the r a t e o f the r e a c t i o n can be w r i t t e n f o r forming B as
d CB d r - kA'CA-kB'CB
o r f o r forming A as
d CA d T - kB'CB-kA'CA
At e q u i l i b r i u m the r a t e s o f forward and reverse processes are e q u a l , consequently +
k B CB = k A CA +
where CA and CB are the c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f A and B a t e q u i l i b r i u m . We can r e w r i t e equation (6) u t i l i z i n g
the e q u i l i b r i u m constant o f r e a c t i o n (K) as
kA kB
I f we i n t r o d u c e a r a t i o ,
c a l c u l a t e d from c o n c e n t r a t i o n measurements
CA (8)
then we can write the solution of the differential equation or rate law (from equations 5b, 7 and 8) as T
- ½ In(1-B~) = o~kA dT
where kA is the forward rate constant and (10)
B _ K+I K
The i r r e v e r s i b i l i t y
of the aromatization means that kA>>kB, therefore B = I .
In the
studied isomerizations the rate constants are nearly equal (kA~k B) and ~ subsequentl y is close to 2. There are numerous ways to calculate the e q u i l i b r i u m constant. One of them is based on laboretory heating experiments. PUSTIL'NIKOVA et a l . (1980) applied pressurized heating experiments to study the isomerization of cholestane. The conditions have been referred to e a r l i e r . We must bear in mind the d i f f i c u l t i e s of t h i s method. The f i r s t
question is whether the mixture is r e a l l y at e q u i l i b r i u m .
To reach e q u i l i b r i u m is a long process, and in geological s i t u a t i o n s i t may require some m i l l i o n years. To speed up the process, PUSTIL'NIKOVA and her co-workers have used a temperature about 150-200 ° C higher than natural conditions. In r e p l i c a t e simulations, the e q u i l i b r i u m constant f o r 20S/20R, 5~(H), 14~(H), 17~(H) cholestanes has been found to be 0.82 and 0.98. Considering the dependence of the e q u i l i b r i u m constant on temperature we must be very careful i f we apply the values determined at high temperatures to natural conditions. From a k i n e t i c a l viewpoint, the presence of pressurized H2 and P t - c a t a l y s t is c r u c i a l , because i t can modify the mechanism of the reaction and therefore the rate parameters may change d r a s t i c a l l y . Van GRASS et a l . (1982) have computed the thermodynamic s t a b i l i t i e s
of 13 cholestane
isomers which were found in Petrov's isomerate (SEIFERT & MOLDOWAN, 1979) using a molecular model based on empirical energy functions. The e q u i l i b r i u m constant can be derived from the obtained composition of e q u i l i b r i u m mixtures of isomers. In t h i s case the inverse of the above-mentioned e q u i l i b r i u m constant (~) was found to be 0.817 at 298 ° K and 0.845 at 573 ° K. The r e l i a b i l i t y
of such model computations
depends on the r e a l i t y of the established models and on the consideration of a l l the possible i n t e r a c t i o n s . We have chosen a t h i r d way f o r the c a l c u l a t i o n of e q u i l i b r i u m constants, namely, s t a r t i n g from measurements on geological samples. The concentration r a t i o in geolo-
136 g i c a l samples o f the two isomers studied can be considered constant f o r a d u r a t i o n and over a c e r t a i n temperature. For example, in the case o f sterane i s o m e r i z a t i o n in a sample whose age is 7.82 Ma and has a temperature o f 410 ° K t h i s r a t i o has reached the e q u i l i b r i u m v a l u e , whereas in o l d e r samples the r a t i o s c a t t e r s i r r e g u l a r l y . The scale of f l u c t u a t i o n in the d e c i s i v e p a r t o f samples does not exceed the measurement e r r o r s (MACKENZIE, 1980; RULLKUTTER et a l . ,
1984) and t h i s means t h a t
the x, y and z values (Table I and equation 3) can be determined to an accuracy o f 0.04. The r e c i p r o c a l e q u i l i b r i u m constant was c a l c u l a t e d from the average of conc e n t r a t i o n values and, f o r example, i t was found 0.725 f o r the above mentioned sterane i s o m e r i z a t i o n , so in our case i t was found less than t h a t in van GRASS et a l . (1982) (0.817 at 298 ° K and 0.845 at 573 ° K). The i n t e g r a t i o n o f the r a t e - l a w equation sets some problems, since the r a t e constant behind the i n t e g r a l symbol has a temperature dependence, which f o l l o w s the c l a s s i c equation proposed by Arrhenius in 1889: (11)
k = A exp [ - ~R--~-]
where A is the pre-exponential factor~ ~H* is the a c t i v a t i o n e n t h a l p y , i . e . the height o f the p o t e n t i a l b a r r i e r between the reactants and products o r , in o t h e r words, the a d d i t i o n a l energy of the a c t i v a t e d complex with respect to the i n i t i a l s t a t e o f r e a c t a n t s ; R is the universal gas constant and T is the absolute temperature. According to more d e t a i l e d molecular t h e o r i e s the p r e - e x p o n e n t i a l f a c t o r has a temperature dependence which is however much less than t h a t o f the r a t e constant: (12)
A = X.
exp[ ~S T ] = A' T
whereX is the transmission c o e f f i c i e n t or the p r o p o r t i o n a l i t y constant, X ~ I but i t s value is u s u a l l y I - i t s d e v i a t i o n from one is p r o p o r t i o n a l to the reduced p r o b a b i l i t y of reformation of the reactants from the a c t i v a t e d complex - k is the Boltzmann constant; h is Planck's constant - the r a t i o
is termed the fundamental
frequency and i t s value at room temperature (T=300 ° K) is 6.1012 s - I , not f a r from the value of c o l l i s i o n entropy of r e a c t i o n and i t
frequency (
1013 s - I )
; ~S
thus i t is
is the a c t i v a t i o n
is an i n d i c a t o r o f the c o n f i g u r a t i o n of the a c t i v a t e d
complex. ~S * is u s u a l l y negative because A < -~h - . T This decrease in entropy is a consequence of the loss of t r a n s l a t i o n a l and r o t a t i o n a l freedom when reactants are combined to form the a c t i v a t e d complex.
137 In laboratory simulation experiments we can ensure the isothermal conditions - both in space and time - therefore we can eliminate the thermal dependence of the rate constant during the solution of the rate law equation. In such a case the integrat i o n becomes a simple m u l t i p l i c a t i o n . Unfortunately, the v a r i a t i o n of temperature with time and place is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of geochemical processes. As the reaction rate is temperature-dependent through the exponential dependence of the rate constant on temperature, in cases of the same duration the d i f f e r e n t temperatures can produce considerably d i s s i m i l a r conversions. This feature of reactions can be e x p l o i t e d to elucidate the thermal h i s t o r y within a subsiding basin with help of the analyses of reactants and products of biomarker reactions. I f we know the rate parameters (A, AH and ~S*) of a reaction we can calculate the extent of conversion in the case of any thermal h i s t o r y - T= f(h,T) - or inversely, the thermal his t o r y can be reconstructed by the extent of conversion in a series of samples. For t h i s reason we attached great importance to determine the genuine rate parameters of the studied reactions. Knowing the temperature and age data of the samples (Table I ) , since the present temperature is maximum in the Pannonian basin and the age of the samples in the quickly subsiding basin can be determined accurately, and having the conversion data of the compounds of the three reactions (also Table I ) , we can give the rate parameters of the isomerizations of the sterane and the hopane, and the aromatizations of the monoaromatic steroid. These parameters may also be e x p l o i t a b l e to describe the thermal h i s t o r y of other basins. Some authors t r i e d to u t i l i z e the fact that the conversion depends on temperature e x p o n e n t i a l l y and on time l i n e a r l y during the solution of the integral equation of the rate law. For example, HOODet a l . (1975) suggested that the e f f e c t i v e heating time ( ~ e f f ) , the time which the sample spent w i t h i n 15° C of i t s maximum temperature, could be used to characterize the transformation of the v i t r i n i t e
instead of the
whole age of the sample. Others (NERUCHEV & PARPAROVA, 1972; SUGGATE, 1982) suggested that about one m i l l i o n years are enough f o r organic geochemical reactions (e.g. c o a l i f i c a t i o n ) to reach e q u i l i b r i u m . These models (e.g. HOODet a l . ,
1975) using
the present temperature and the v a r i a t i o n s of the geothermal gradient with time can be very elusive i f they are applied. The organic geochemical reactions go at any case in a given d i r e c t i o n from the viewpoint of f i n a l products. This may be some sort of e q u i l i b r i u m mixture of the reactants and the products, or, in the case of an i r r e v e r s i b l e reaction, the f i n a l products. On the other hand, the rate of each chemical reaction p r a c t i c a l l y increases with r i s i n g temperature. So, on the basis of the above i t is obvious that a conversion having proceeded at a higher temperature does not go back a f t e r a substantial temperature decrease. S t r i c t l y speaking, however, in the case of r e v e r s i b l e reactions such a reverse process can be imagined i f the lower temperature is favorable to the s t a r t i n g compounds in consequence of temperature dependence. But in the case of the isomerizations chosen, the temperature
138 dependence is so l i t t l e
that i t s influence can be neglected knowing the temperature
v a r i a t i o n of d i f f e r e n t basins. When the case is simpler, e.g. a constant rate of subsidence with a constant geothermal gradient or with a monotonic increase of heat flow density through a longer period, the influences of the temperature and the age on the rate parameters are c o n t r o l l e d by the extent of the a c t i v a t i o n energy of the reaction. Mathematically, the operation is correct only i f we take into consideration the temperature dependence of the rate constant and the time dependence of temperature during the course of i n t e g r a t i o n (from equations 9 and 12):
-iT- exp [ T
] exp [ - ~ T - ] dr
We can generally describe the temperature of a subsiding and transforming sediment sample as a function o f ' t i m e and depth during the course of basin formation as (14)
T = f(~)
and the inverse function: (15)
T = g(T)
I n s e r t i n g these functions into the reaction integral we get: T
- ~ In(1-Ba) =
exp[ --~--]
f(T) e x p [ ~ ] d ~
or T
- ~- In(1-Ba) = ~-~ e x p [ T~S* ]
~H T g'(T) e x p [ - ~ T - ] dT
TO where g' is
g(T) T
Henceforth the above means of solving the reaction integral w i l l be called the method of absolute time (or in abbreviated form: MAT). This method is d e f i n i t e l y the best to determine the rate parameters (A, ~H* andeS ) from the measured extents of conversions and from knowing the temperature f u n c t i o n , T = f ( T ) ,
or backwards to
reconstruct the temperature h i s t o r y on the basis of the known rate parameters and the measured extents of conversions. However, the a p p l i c a t i o n of the method has some difficulties:
The p r i m i t i v e f u n c t i o n cannot u s u a l l y be w r i t t e n in a closed from (or in an easy t r a c t a b l e form) in the case of the T= f ( T ) formula; the thermal h i s t o r y of the Pannonian basin was regarded as a simple case: (17)
T = To + a~
and the p r i m i t i v e f u n c t i o n may be given as:
-AH a-1 exp[ --RT- ] dT =
_ (AH ~ ,T,/*
+ (T)
1 ,AH ,2 ~T.t~ T ) In T+
~ 1
) \
U n f o r t u n a t e l y t h i s series converges r a t h e r slowly so i t s a p p l i c a t i o n is not convenient. ii)
There is no exact expressions f o r ~H
in an e x p l i c i t
form from the r e a c t i o n
i n t e g r a l , thus the knowledge of i t s approximate value is d e s i r a b l e . To solve the f i r s t
problem we can use numerical i n t e g r a t i o n methods, e . g . Simpson's
approximation or Romberg i n t e g r a t i o n which work r e l a t i v e l y
q u i c k l y and with an
accuracy according to choice. We can solve the second problem in two steps. F i r s t we determine AH in some way, and then we i n s e r t the approximate ~H
into the r e a c t i o n i n t e g r a l to
compute the value of AS . Having two parameters we can c a l c u l a t e the r a t e constants belonging to present temperature of the samples. From these values we c a l c u l a t e A H again and u t i l i z i n g
i t s new value we get a new set o f A S . We proceed with the
i t e r a t i o n up to o b t a i n i n g the l e a s t dispersion of the series of AS , The enthalpy of a c t i v a t i o n is o b t a i n a b l e by the d i f f e r e n t i a l
method in the simplest
way. The method was based on the f o l l o w i n g t r a i n of thought. As we have shown ( i n equations 12 and 13): T
l n ( 1 - g ~ ) = A'
T exp [ - - ~ - - ] dT 0
and c a r r y i n g out d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n
1 1-~B
on both sides of the equation:
d~ A'T exp [ -AH dr = --~T- ] = k
140 S u b s t i t u t i n g the f i n i t e
Asf o r ~ w ed~ ~
have determined AH* and A' (and thereby AS*)
approximately. The accuracy of determination f o r parameters was c o n t r o l l e d by the number of the a v a i l a b l e survey data in t h i s case apart from the accuracy of measurement. We can assess the r a t e parameters with the help of the e f f e c t i v e heating time (EHT) method. Applying t h i s method the r e a c t i o n i n t e g r a l can be given as (21)
- ½ ln(1-~)
= kAT
w h e r e a t is the e f f e c t i v e heating time and subsequently i t may be w r i t t e n (from equation 19) as (22)
- ~ In(1-g~) = A'T°exp[-~--~o ] ~
where T° is the present temperature. So we can r e w r i t e as (23)
In [ - 1-~-In ( I - ~ ) ] BTo
= I n A ' + InA~
AH -T"
I ~T
= x
This expression determines the equation of a s t r a i g h t l i n e in a coordinate system of xvs.
can be obtained from the slope o f l i n e and the i n t e r c e p t y i e l d s A'
which then gives AS . The e r r o r of the EHT method can be assessed as f o l l o w s : .
i e _ AH ~ -~T-dT =
~H RTd~
j e _ AH* -RT-dT = I T-~T
on the basis of the mean value theorem of i n t e g r a l c a l c u l u s : (25)
I = (~-AT)e
~H ~H I~TT+ &T e
where T' is the temperature in the time i n t e r v a l in the i n t e r v a l (z-AT,T). The f i r s t
(0, T-AT), and T" is the temperature
term on the r i g h t - h a n d side is n e a r l y the same
as the expression on the r i g h t - h a n d side f o r the method o f e f f e c t i v e heating time (equation 22). The only d i f f e r e n c e is t h a t in t h i s case the present temperature has been replaced by T" which is d i f f e r e n t . not too long, then
I f the i n t e r v a l of e f f e c t i v e heating time is
141 (26)
T" = T° - f ( T ) A T
where using
we can get *
aT exp [ E ~ - ]
J = 1
The f i r s t
f ' (T)~T~ To
source of e r r o r was established by considering J= I in the method of e f f e c -
t i v e heating time. This did not cause a considerable d e v i a t i o n because J = 0 . 9 5 in the Pannonian basin. The f i r s t
term of the sum is more than zero, and t h i s f a c t y i e l d e d
the second source of e r r o r . The more considerable the e r r o r , the higher is T ' . I t s upper l i m i t
is T ' = T ° - f ' ( T ) ~ T
i f the temperature is c o n t i n u o u s l y r i s i n g in the
samples. Thus we can s u b s t i t u t e the f i r s t
term of the expression f o r the f o l l o w i n g
formula: *
(T-AT) e x p ( - ~ - )
< /-~T~T [exp(-R~O ) ]
where (3o)
f'(T)AT To
: I - - -
I f the heat f l o w had a maximum in the past, T' should be replaced by the maximum temperature as an upper l i m i t
and the increase in e r r o r would be s u b s t a n t i a l .
To turn back the t r a i n of thought p r i o r to assessing the e r r o r of the e f f e c t i v e heating time method, i t can be obtained by: * (31)
- ~
I n ( I - 5 ~ ) = A [exp(
where J ' = I - f ' ( T ) A T To (32)
- ~ In(1-~)
I/J' ) ]
from the assessment of e r r o r , and we can w r i t e t h i s as
= k
where Tg is the whole geological age, i . e . This formula shows t h a t i t
the time since d e p o s i t i o n .
is necessary to consider the whole time span when we c a l -
c u l a t e the rate parameters of the conversions. From the above expression, of course, we can estimate the rate parameters as we have done in the case of the e f f e c t i v e
142 heating time method. We shall show using t h i s assumption in the samples of Pannonian basin #hat the determination of the rate parameters f o r the isomerization of steranes and hopanes and f o r the aromatization of the C-ring monoaromatic steroids is not more u n r e l i a b l e than i t is using the e f f e c t i v e heating time method. The empiric fact that the values of rate parameters w i t h i n precision of measurements are independent of the used duration of reaction in the course of the c a l c u l a t i o n , has no universal v a l i d i t y on the reactions in question f o r the Pannonian basin. This observation is due to three factors: the r e l a t i v e high enthalpy of a c t i v a t i o n , the r a p i d l y and monotonica l l y increasing temperature in the subsiding basin, and the inaccuracy of measurements. 2.3
The c a l c u l a t i o n of the rate parameters f o r the reactions studied
Isomerization of sterane at C-20
The e q u i l i b r i u m constant f o r sterane isomerization from geological samples gives K= 1.38. Subsequently ~ is 1.724. Fig. 9 shows how the rate constant calculated with the method of e f f e c t i v e heating time depends on temperature. The e f f e c t i v e
\ ~ \ • 04- o ~ ' o ~ \ 0.Z• ~ N 0.0•~ ' ~ -0.Z• -04
~Tc- 15"C ~ ~TEHT- 1 16HO coef ficieni ; - 0,995(~ P~H~ 97 6&kJ/mol~ A= ( "/'2x10correlotlon ¢olffIcient;-0.9116 I}DIFA__ • 6H~ l 9S.16kJ/moI; As I 13xtO-ls cofrelol~on
- 0.6 -0.8
-110 -I.Z -S,4
Fig. 9. Arrhenius p l o t f o r sterane isomerization at C-20 in Pannonian sequence of H6d-l, obtained from EHT ( e f f e c t i v e heating time) and d i f f e r e n t i a l methods (DIF). The l a t t e r shows considerable dispersion caused by the i n s u f f i c i e n t a v a i l a b l e survey data.
-LI -2.O -Z.Z -Z.4 -26 -Z.e -3O. 244
2. ~ ~
~ Sg
2 ~0
21 ~ ~
~ ,~ 8
~ 7~
lo0__~0 T~K
heating time value of 1.16 Ma was applied on the basis of geology (SAJGO, 1980). From the slope and intercept of the s t r a i g h t l i n e we obtained the enthalpy of a c t i v a t i o n , &H* =97.84 kJ mol-1 , and the pre-exponential f a c t o r , A= 1.13-10 -I s -I The entropy of a c t i v a t i o n calculated from the value of A gives A S * = - 264.9 J mol - I °K - I .
143 The Arrhenius p l o t ( I n k - I / T ) based on the d i f f e r e n t i a l method is also shown in Fig. 9. The c a l c u l a t i o n was repeated f o r a l l the samples using the whole geologic age not only EHT of samples (Fig. 10). The value of a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy shows a good agreement with the value estimated by the e f f e c t i v e heating time method, AH*=90.14 kJ mol - I . The value of A of 7.986.10 -4 s -I i s , however, much less. Subsequently, the entropy of a c t i v a t i o n is less (more negative value), A S * = - 314.3 J mol -I °K-I than e a r l i e r .
coef f |¢|enl
Fig. 10. Arrhenius p l o t of sterane isomerization in the case of c a l c u l a t i o n with the geological age of samples
: - O. $ g 3 1
Io x
- 3.0
Let us summarize the above f i n d i n g s : the enthalpy of a c t i v a t i o n from d i f f e r e n t c a l c u l a t i o n methods hardly varies, but the value of A gives a v a r i a t i o n of some order of magnitude. The value of AS calculated from A has a considerable negative value in each case and t h i s suggests that the activated complex is " t i g h t " . The parameters were also computed by the most exact method of absolute time ( F i g . t 1 ) . The dispersion f o r A and AS was the l e a s t when we used the value of 6H of -I 91.61 ~ 1.47 kJ mol The r e s u l t s of t h i s computation are given in Table 2. The value of A' of 1.899 ~ 0.226-109 Ma-I (6.022.10 -5 s - I ) was found according to method of absolute time. The value of AS* of - 278.3 J mol -I °K-I was obtained from A' (A= 0.0024 s -I at 400° K).
Fig, 11. Arrh~nius plot of sterane isomerization calculated from the most exact method of absolute time (MAT) which yields the best f i t t i n g of data in this case
- 0,9995
&H*=93.08 k J / m o t ~ A=6.39XlO -1 $ - I
o X
Table 2.
Z.?O 1 0 0oi ToK
Calculation of sterane isomerization with the method of absolute time (MAT) -I/5 In(1-~)
; 5=1.724;
&H =91.61 kJ/m
4.90 5.38 5.58 5.85 I 6.33 6.47 6.82 6.93 7.27
362.3 371.3 374.3 379.3 386.3 389.3 394.3 396.3 402.3
- I / ~ In(I-13o~) olf(T)exp R - ~ d - c
0.05 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.25 0.28 0.41 0.46 0.51
7.67 408,3 0.55 7.82 410.3 0,57 I
In kp.
-I/Tp.-10 3
0.0523 0.0861 0.1602 0.2155 0.3271 0.3823
2.6724.10 -11 5.3452.10 -11 7.0774.10 -11
1.9570.109 -0.1975 1.6108.109 0.4549 2.2635.109 0.7188
2.760 2.693 2.672
1.0261.10 -10 1.9472.10 -10 2.3363.10 -10 3.6515.10 -10 4.1911.10 -10 6.3694.10 -10
1,0279.10 -9
1.0680 1.6694 1.8403 2.2591 2.3883 2.7803 3.2282
2.636 2.589 2.569
0.7117 0.9137 1.2262
2.1001.109 1.6799-109 1.6363.109 1.9491-109 2.1801.109 1.9252.109 1.6706.109
1.2253.10 -9
2.536 2.523 2.486 2.449
A ' = ( 1.8993 ~ 0.2262).109; m~v=6.022.10 -5 s -I --~ AS* = -278.3 d/m° K; p = present
145 For comparison we give data from MACKENZIE and McKENZIE (1983), namely Ea(~AH* )=91 kJ mol -I , A=0.006 S-1 and AS* =-282 J mol -I °C- I . They used the value of K (equilibrium constant) of 1.174 for calculations which were based on e f f e c t i v e heating time estimations. 2)
Isomerization of hopane at C-22
The equilibrium constant from the studied sample suite gives K=1.326 and consequently, B is 1.754. The temperature-geological age relationship for our case can be characterized as f(T)=T=283.1+16.34T where T is the temperature of the sample in °K and T is i t s age i . e . the time which has elapsed since burial in Ma. The results of the e f f e c t i v e heating time method are shown in Fig. 12 (TEHT=I.16Ma). Considering that, H-I/7 sample has already reached equilibrium p r a c t i c a l l y , calculations were also carried out with and without i t . The f i r s t calculation yielded AH = 113.76 kJ mol -I A=3.3 s -I and AS =-209.8 J mol -I °K-I and the second gave AH*=96.09 kJ mol - I , A=3.3"10 -I s -I and AS*=-256.0 J mol -I0 °K- I . The results of the d i f f e r e n t i a l method were also plotted in Fig. 12. This method y i e l d e d &H =102.7 kJ mo1-1 A=4.25 s -1 and AS =-234.7 J mo1-1 °K-1 g \\. \ \ ' \ \. & \ \ \ \.
corre(atlon coefficient -0 9734 6H*=~3 76 k J/mot; A= 8 ?3x f028s-] c o r r e l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t -0 9935 ~ = g 6 O 9 k J l m O ( ; A: 3 28x~0 z6s-1 corre~afion c o e f f i c i e n t : - 0 e981
AH'=I0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
}® ~mtmE HT te 6P°Int~H T
}' ..... Fig 12 Arrhenius plot of the hopane
~3.'O29s -I
isomerization at C-22 calculated from methods of e f f e c t i v e heating time (EHT) and d i f f e r e n t i a l (DIF). The dispersion of the second method is considerable again. The deepest sample (top position in the figure) has already reached equilibrium. The correlation c o e f f i c i e n t was calculated in case of EHT method with and without equilibrium, too.
~,\\ x\
A \\
\ \\ ~" ~o, ""\
\'\ a~'e~XA\ ' \ \ \\
\ 280
The reaction parameters were calculated using the geological age as duration, and the results are plotted in Fig. 13. The parameters obtained by this approach are: AH* =87.54 kJ mol -I A=1.26.10 -3 s- I and &S* =-234.7 J mol -I °K.
correlation AHt
k J/mOt;
2 .SO
Fig. 13. Arrhenius p l o t of hopane isomerization calculated using the geological age of the samples as exposure time
: - 0.9S18 t.ZSxlOZ4$
z.~ T,x
The values f o r the a c t i v a t i o n energy obtained by d i f f e r e n t methods of approximation do not show too great a dispersion, nevertheless they scatter to a greater extent than those f o r sterane isomerization as a consequence of less survey data (Table I ) , and therefore the dispersions of the pre-exponential factors and of the a c t i v a t i o n entropies are very considerable. According to the method of absolute time calculations (Fig. 14 and Table 3) we obtained the least dispersion f o r the pre-exponential f a c t o r using the value AH* =87.54 kJ mol -I . The value of A , of 9.306-10 -5 s- I + 8.6-10 -7 s-1 and this means that A=3.5.10 -2 s -I and AS*=-274.7 J mol -I °K-I~
corrtlotlon •
coe(fl¢lent: ,
Fig. 14. Arrhenius p l o t of hopane isomerization calculated using method of absolute time (MAT), the le a s t dispersion was received in t h i s case (not included H-I/7 sample, which was nearly in e q u i l i b r i u m , see Table I ) .
- 0.9988 ,
~00~ ,
, 2.60
, Z ?0
, Z 80
147 Table 3.
Calculation of hopane isomerization with the method of absolute time (MAT) a i
-I/l~ I n(1-~B)
= T •
I f ( T ) . exp(RT-~HT-£T) dT 0
f(T) = T = 2 8 3 . 1 0 + 1 6 . 3 4 T ; !~=1.754; AH =87.54 kJ/mol T
- I / B I n ( l - B)
In kp,
4.90 0.15 362.3
6.1096.10 -11
5.38 0.24 371.3
1.2134.10 -10
5.58 0.34 374.3
1.6019.10 -10
5.85 0.42 379.3
2.3136.10 -10
6.33 0.50 386.3
4.3577.10 "10
6.47 0.53 389.3
5.2176.10 -10
2.8998.109 i 2.6322
A ' = (2.9347 t 0"2717) "109 = 9.306-10 -5
AS =-274.7 J/mol °K; p = present
For comparison, MACKENZIE and McKENZIE (1983) obtained the f o l l o w i n g values: Ea=91.0 kJ mol - I , A=1.6.10 -2 s -I and A S * = - 2 7 1 J / m o l
°K. They used an e q u i l i b r i u m
constant K of 1.564 f o r c a l c u l a t i o n s which were based on the e f f e c t i v e heating time of 6 Ma. 3)
Aromatization of C-ring monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons
The aromatization is an i r r e v e r s i b l e reaction and therefore the value of B is I . We applied d i f f e r e n t c a l c u l a t i o n models (Figs. 15,16, 17 and 18) to aromatization, I t is s t r i k i n g that the data in the Arrhenius p l o t are very f a r from being on a s t r a i g h t l i n e . However, as was mentioned p r e v i o u s l y , the reasons f o r t h i s phenomenon could be as follows: i)
The k i n e t i c s of the reactions cannot be described by a f i r s t - o r d e r equation.
The cracking of aromatic steroid hydrocarbons were observed in sediments (SAJGO et a l . ,
1983, 1984,1985). ABBOTT et a l . (1984,1985) found that the
concentration time function of t r i a r o m a t i c steroid hydrocarbons passes through a maximum in laboratory simulations. I f the monoaromatic steroid hydrocarbons were more stable on the side-chain cleavage than t r i a r o m a t i c ones we would explain the anomalous f a l l - o f f
of the aromatization rate con-
stant at higher temperatures as is shown in Figures 15, 16 and 17, but there is no evidence of t h i s .
148 coefficient -0 949) 3kJlmolz A e S 5&xlO4S-l)
~,%l ""--~ -~¢
cor retotion ¢oeffic]ent:-O 9"/58 -7 t - - ' - -
) .'
coef ficient
: ÷0.9992
\2 '.
Fig. 15. Arrhenius plot of the conversion of C-ring monoaromatic to ABCring triaromatic steroid hydrocarbons calculated using the method of effect i v e heating time. Calculations were performed in three d i f f e r e n t ways because of the great dispersions of the observation points.
'\ 2
Fig. 16. Arrhenius plot of aromatization calculated using the whole geologic age of samples as duration. Calculations were performed for three cases because of the bad f i t of the survey data.
Fig. 17. Arrhenius plot of aromatization calculated using d i f f e r e n t i a l method. The dispersion is extremely great in t h i s case, caused by i n s u f f i c i e n t observation points.
2.60 ~
¢or relotion
corretotiom coefficient : - 0 9542 z~H" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 9 $-I} --'--
- - ~ Sti?O
The concentrations of reactants and products in samples are governed not only by the chemical reaction, but also by the rate of mass transfer, e.g. migration.
149 correLQt~on coeff~¢ient:-O 9999 } _ _ LgH*=IZ5 58 k3/mo~A=l 31x104 s ' l
Fig. 18. Arrhenius p l o t of studied aromatization calculated using method of absolute time (MAT). Calculations were performed in three ways. Using AH* = 125.58 kJ mol-t and A = 1.313.104 s -1 values, calculated points were represented as open c i r c l e s in the p l o t .
\ /$H~= 35kJ/moI; A=1 ~8x10-185-~ ~ .......
"" ' ' - - ~
,\ z 0
The deviations resulted from the inaccuracy of concentration measurements. The f i r s t
survey datum f a l l s i n t o the range of low concentrations, and the
l a s t four survey data belong to the range of over 90 %. I t is easy to see that small measuring errors in the range of the low and high conversions can produce considerable differences in the values of the rate constant. Because of the great dispersion of survey data we computed the rate parameters f o r three d i f f e r e n t cases with a l l the methods applied. F i r s t l y , we considered a l l the data, secondly, we used only the data in the medium, and t h i r d l y we took the data from the range of high conversion i n t o consideration. The results are as follows: a)
a l l data with the e f f e c t i v e heating time method: , AH = 132.3 kJ mo1-1 , A=5.54.104 s -1 and AS* = -156 a l l data with the d i f f e r e n t i a l method: AH = 105.3 kJ
mo1-1, A=15 s -1 and AS =-224 J mo1-1 °K-l;
a l l data with the geological age: aH = 123.4 kJ mol -I
J mo1-1 °K-l;
A=1.11-102 s -I and AS* =-207.6 J tool-I °K-I;
a l l data with the absolute time method: AH*=125.4 kJ mo1-1 A=1.25-104 s -1 and AS*=-168.3 J mo1-1 °K-1
150 b)
The e f f e c t i v e heating time method from medium conversions: AH* =325.5 kJ mol -I , A = 4.46-1031 s -I and AS* =359 J mol -I OK-1.
the d i f f e r e n t i a l
method from medium conversions:
AH*=412.3 kJ mo1-1 A= 2.68.1044 s -1 and AS*=603.7 J mo1-1 °K-l" iii)
the g e o l o g i c a l age from medium conversions:
AH*=313.4 kJ mo1-1 A=1.92.1029 s -1 and AS*=313.8 J mo1-1 °K-l" iv)
the absolute time method from medium conversions:
AH =324.8 kJ mo1-1 A=7.02.1031 s -1 and AS =313.8 J mo1-1 °K-1 c)
The e f f e c t i v e
heating time method from high conversions:
AH* =49.5 kJ mol -I ii)
A = 4 . 3 3 . 1 0 -7 s - 1
andAS * =-368.6 J mol -I °K-I
the d i f f e r e n t i a l method from high conversions: AH* =157.8 kJ mol -I A = I 15.10 -8 s -I and AS* = - 9 2 . 4 J mol -I OK-1
the g e o l o g i c a l age from high conversions:
AH*=36.9 kJ mo1-1 A=1.55-10 -9 s -1 andAS*=415.4 J mo1-1 °K-l" iv)
the absolute time method from high conversions:
AH*=36 kJ mo1-1 A=1.18.10 -18 s -1 and AS*= -590 J mo1-1 °K-I. The r a t e parameters can be d i v i d e d in the next three groups according to conversion ranges: i)
f o r the t o t a l range: &H* = 1 2 1 . 6 + 1 1 . 5 kJ mol - I , A= 1.06.103 s -I and AS* = - 1 8 9 + 3 2 J mol-10K-1 ' f o r the range of medium conversions: AH = 3 4 4 + 4 6 kJ mol -I
A = 2 . 0 . 1 0 3 4 s -I andAS =410+131 J mol -I °K-I
f o r the range of high conversions: AH = 7 0 + 5 9 kJ tool -I
A = 5 6"10 -7 s -I andAS = - 3 6 7 + 2 0 6 J mol -I °K -I
MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) published the next values f o r a r o m a t i z a t i o n : Ea = 200 kJ mol -I
A = 1.8.1014 s -I and AS* = 1 1 J mol -I °K-I
In the case of a r o m a t i z a t i o n they also used the data of l a b o r a t o r y experiments in c o n t r a s t with i s o m e r i z a t i o n s of sterane and hopane. They obtained the r a t e parameters using extreme survey data. One end of the range comes from g e o l o g i c a l observations with a temperature range of 8 8 . 5 - 115 ° C and the other is derived from l a b o r a t o r y observations ( 2 5 0 - 2 6 0 ° C).
151 Summary The concentrations of certain b i o l o g i c a l marker compounds were determined from core samples of the H~d-I borehole (Pannonian basin). The age and temperature data were available so we could compute the rate parameters from concentration data f o r the isomerizations of the sterane at C-20 (&H = 9 1 . 6 + I . 5
kJ mol - I
A=2.4.10 -3 s -I and
AS*= -278.3 J mol -I °K- I ) and of the hopane (AH*=87.5 kJ mol - I , A=3.5.10 -2 s - I and AS* =-275 J mol - I
°K- I ) and f o r aromatization of monoaromatic steroids (the average
values: AH*=121.6+11.5 kJ mol -I
A=1.06.103 s -I and AS*=-189+32 J mol -I °K-I)
MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) obtained the f o l l o w i n g parameters f o r the same reactions: * =91 kJ mol- I , A=6.10 -3 s - land AS* =-282 J mol -I °K- I ; E_(~AH~* ) =91kJmol - I , Ea (~AH) A=1.6-10 -2 s -I and AS* =-271 J mol - I oK- I ; Ea(~AH* ) =200 kJ mol-1~, A= 1.8.1014 s-1 a n d A S * = 1 1 J mol - I ° K - I , r e s p e c t i v e l y . Our parameters f o r isomerizations are in good agreement with those of MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983). In the case of aromatization the deviations are remarkable between d i f f e r e n t authors and the results depend on the conversion ranges of the computations too. From t h i s we have to conclude that in contrast to the isomerization, the aromatization studied is not known well enough yet to be applied in geothermal reconstruction. On the basis of reaction studies, the time bounds and the confidence l i m i t of the reconstruction of thermal and subsidence h i s t o r y are governed by the rate parameters and t h e i r a u t h e n t i c i t y . This problem is discussed in d e t a i l by LEFLER & SAJGO (1985). Acknowledgements We thank the National Oil and Gas Trust of Hungary, e s p e c i a l l y Dr. V. Dank, f o r providing samples and permission to publish. Cs. S. thanks Prof. L. Stegena f o r i n v i t i n g him to present t h i s paper at the Paleogeothermics Session of IASPEI General Assembly, which was held in Hamburg, FRG, August 15-27, 1983. Cs. S. also thanks Prof. W. Torge and the National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics of the FRG, for covering the expenses of his p a r t i c i p a t i o n in the Conference. The GC-MS runs were mainly carried out at OGU, School of Chemistry, Univ. of B r i s t o l , U.K. during the tenure of Cs. S.'s f e l l o w s h i p of the S c i e n t i f i c Exchange Agreement of ESF. The Natural Environment Research Council supported the GC-MS f a c i l i t i e s
Cs. S. is grateful to Prof. G. Eglinton (Univ. of B r i s t o l ) and Prof. G. Guichon (Ecole Polytechnique Paris) f o r arranging the f e l l o w s h i p . Technical assistance from Mrs. A. Mar~t and Mrs. V. Csontos in Budapest and Mrs. A. Gowar at B r i s t o l
is grate-
f u l l y acknowledged. We are e s p e c i a l l y grateful to Prof. G. Eglinton and to Drs. G.D. Abbott, K. Raks~ny, G. V~rhegyi and O. Tomschey for t h e i r c r i t i c a l manuscript.
review of the
LIMITS OF APPLICATION OF THE REACTION KINETIC METHOD IN PALEOGEOTH ERMICS LEFLER, J. and C.S. SAJGO Laboratory for Geochemical Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Buda~rsi ~t 45, H-Ill2 Budapest
Abstract The a p p l i c a b i l i t y of organic geochemical reactions in thermal his t o r y reconstruction of basins is investigated. The requirements of k i n e t i c parameters of the reactions suitable to study the basins of temporally increasing temperature, are discussed in d e t a i l . Two basin types with extreme heating rates, i . e . a rapid and a slow heating rat e , are discussed. The thermal h i s t o r y of the basins is studied on the basis of a s i m p l i f i e d model, in which the heating rate proved to be a constant value before %o moment. At that moment, the heating rate was suddenly increased to the recent value. The mathematical description of the model is given. Applying t h i s to reactions of d i f f e r e n t AH* a c t i v a t i o n energy and of d i f f e r e n t A pre-exoonential f a c t o r i t is demonstrated that to study the basins of increasing temperature the reactions of low a c t i v a t i o n energy and of low pre-exponential factors are more suitable to f o l l o w the thermal h i s t o r y . In the case of a slow heating rate, these reactions are suitable to trace the thermal h i s t o r y up to several 10 m i l l i o n years while in the case of a high heating rate t h i s is possible only to several m i l l i o n years i f the reaction parameters are exactly known. The uncertainties deriving from the inaccuracies of measurement data are also studied, i . e . how these a f f e c t the time i n t e r v a l to be determined. F i n a l l y , i t is stated that in order to carry out a r e l i a b l e thermal his t o r y recons t r u c t i o n , the i n v e s t i g a t i o n should include the exact determination of parameters of the reactions of v i t r i n i t e - t y p e , i . e . of low a c t i v a t i o n energy and of small pre-exponential f a c t o r . Reliable reconstruction free of contradictions can be carried out only in possession of a suitable number of data and by also taking into account the error calculations.
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
154 Introduction In the previous work the reactions of three b i o l o g i c a l marker compounds were discussed and t h e i r k i n e t i c parameters were determined (SAJGO ~ LEFLER, t h i s volume). Nevertheless, the e f f e c t
of heat flow changes in the sedimentary basins on the reac-
tions and on the path of the chemical reaction in general was not dealt with. In t h i s paper we t r y to i n d e n t i f y those chemical reactions whose i n v e s t i g a t i o n makes possible the thermal h i s t o r y reconstruction of the evolution of a basin. The rate of chemical reactions is described by the r e l a t i o n s h i p r = dc = A.e-AH /RT.f(c )
i . e . in addition to the concentrations of the components partaking in the reaction, the reaction rate is determined by two constant parameters of the reaction rate: by the A pre-exponential f a c t o r and by theAH
a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy. In the expression of
the rate constant (2)
k = A-e -AH /RT
temperature is also involved, thus to f o l l o w the reactions t h i s expression is also involved in the thermal h i s to r y reconstruction. In the f o l l o w i n g , i t is assumed that the parameters defining the rate constant of the reactions to be discussed are universal in the sense that they are the same in a l l basins. In other words, the reaction mechanism is independent of the surrounding matrix. Under t h i s condition two groups of questions can be answered:
In the case of basins of d i f f e r e n t types of thermal h i s t o r y , what are the A and AH
parameters of the reactions which are most s ens it iv e to the thermal changes?
The temporal progress of reactions can be followed by the a n a l y t i c a l investigat i o n of the reaction products. The parameters of the reaction are also known from measurement r e s u l t s . Consequently, a l l the a v a i l a b l e data bear some measurement errors. What is the level of difference from the t h e o r e t i c a l values which is due to the changes in the thermal h i s t o r y and not due to the measurement errors?
155 The mathematical model I t is obvious from the expression (2) that the smaller the pre-exponential f a c t o r of the reaction studied, the slower the reaction under the same conditions, i . e . by studying the reaction products, the events of a larger time span can be followed. The value of AH
refers to the thermal s e n s i t i v i t y of the reaction rate. I f t h i s
value is low, the reaction rate is only s l i g h t l y temperature dependent. I f the value is great, the reaction rate equals p r a c t i c a l l y zero at lower temperatures, i . e . the reaction is frozen. Consequently, the thermal h i s t o r y of the cooling basins can be followed by reactions of low pre-exponential f a c t o r and of high a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy. When in a basin, in a sequence of lower temperature, t h i s type of reaction product can be i d e n t i f i e d in large amounts, one can be sure that the sequence in question endured a high temperature during geological times which enabled the reaction to proceed. The time span can be determined on the basis of reaction progress. (When drawing the conclusion, i t should be taken c a r e f u l l y into account whether the products are autochthonous.) The processes proceeding in basins of increasing temperature as a function of time can be e a s i l y followed. Let us take the very simple thermal h i s t o r y model below. In the basin the temperature of the material under deposition and burial is l i n e a r l y increasing, the rate being 3°C Ma- I . Assume that the sudden change followed before t o m i l l i o n years (thermal catastrophe: e.g. increase of the geothermal gradient). As a consequence of t h i s , on the one hand, the temperature of strata w i l l suddenly increase, and on the other, since that time, the temperature of the subsiding mater i a l w i l l increase f a s t e r . According to t h i s s i m p l i f i e d model l e t the rate of i n crease be y °C Ma- I , and also be l i n e a r . The thermal h i s t o r y of the subsiding material
is shown in Fig. I according to t h i s model. The temporal change of temperature
of the reacting matter i s : (3) I T = To+ 8% i f %>%o T T~+~%v o i f 0<%<~ o Let the rate equation of the chemical reaction proceeding in the subsiding material be (4)
r = dB= ~ACA_~BCB
(see: SAJGO & LEFLER, 1985). The solution of the r e a c t i o n ' s d i f f e r e n t i a l equation i s : T (5)
-1/~ In(1-B~) = i Td%
Time [1+4o]
To = o.
~-o e~
T : T; "¥'¢o
~; J"
~ ~o.: ~i ~-
To + 6 (~i - ~ o ) ~ / ~
T~ = (~i -~o) 1"°To
I 1 1 I i
~ = rGte of h e a t i n g b e t w e e n Ti and TO in °C Ha-t To: surface temperature at "ci t i m e in °C • o= the t i m e w h e n the h e a t i n g rote has increased in Ma ~'= the i n c r e a s e d r a t e of h e a t i n g from "co up to p r e s e n t
Fig. I. A s i m p l i f i e d thermal h i s t o r y model, serving as a basis f o r mathematical description. The heat flow, as the model describes,increases conforming to unit-jump function in basins at %o moment. The l e f t hand side of the equation is the concentration dependent part. ~ = I i f the reaction is i r r e v e r s i b l e and ~=--K~ i f the reaction can be characterized by an e q u ili b ri u m constant, K and is a reversible reaction leading to equilibrium. ~ denotes the conversion (degree of transformation) that can be a n a l y t i c a l l y determined. The r i g h t hand side of the equation depends on time, and through k, also on the temperature. I f one knows the T(~) function, the integral can be solved. In the case of our s i m p l i f i e d model t h i s function is given by the r e l a t i o n s h i p (3). I t is to be determined how the conversion values denoted by am, which can be calculated according to the temperature-time r e l a t i o n s h i p of our thermal h i s t o r y model, d i f f e r from the ~ conversion values which can be calculated under the f o l l o w i n g C
conditions: in the basin the rate of heating of the subsiding samples would be continuously Y°C Ma- I ,
i . e . in the basin the recent conditions would always predominate
and the temperature gradient would be constant. I f the difference between the am and conversion values is higher than the double of the uncertainty deriving from the c inaccurate measurement of the conversion values, then on the basis of t h i s difference a thermal "catastrophe" ( i . e . a rapid change) took place in the basin. I f the d i f f e rence is less than the double value, then no conclusion can be drawn of such a rapid change. The thermal h i s t o r y model demonstrated in Fig. I seems to be rather rare in nature. In the case of thermal h i s t o r i e s s i m i l a r to that o u t l i n e d in t h i s f i g u r e , i . e . possessing only one sudden change, in nature the change cannot be described by a stepl i k e discontinuous function, but rather by some continuous function. The heating curves preceding and f o l l o w i n g the thermal h i s t o r i c a l "catastrophe" are not necess a r i l y l i n e a r . Nevertheless, the conclusions which can be drawn from t h i s model are
157 general since the change is sharpest in t h i s model and i f no change can be observed in the conversion caused by the reactions, then the conversion differences are not as great in the less sharp t r a n s i t i o n s . In order to answer the f i r s t question of the introduction, l e t us take a chemical reaction of exactly known A pre-exponential factor and of exactly known AH
tion energy, that can be described by equation (5). I f in the basin the thermal history has been undisturbed and could be characterized by the rate of heating of today (in Fig. I , the section between the recent and %o) , the relationship (5) is as follows: To+~ , - I / B In(1-B~c) = 1 4 , ~ A.e -AH /RT dT
I f in %o the change according to the model follows, the relationship (5) is modified: To+&(%-%o) . T~+~%O . -1/B ln(1-B~ m) = 1~ ~" A.e-AH /RTdt+l# ~" A-e-AH /RTdT
In equation (5a) the calculated conversion, ~c (in the equation (5b)'the measured conversion, ~m), is involved. Let us denote the difference of the calculated and measured conversions by m. Applying t h i s denomination the conversion differences that can be obtained in two ways a f t e r ~ time, can be solved by the expression below:
m = ~c-~m = (~c-I/B)(1-eAS)
where (7)
I_B~m To+~(~-~o) , A= I/B In _B~c = A [ I / ) ' f exp(~)dTTo
To+~-%o) , "{ exp(C-~-)dT] o
Thus, our task is to study the changes of the mathematical relationship (6) according to A, AH , B and %, and to search for the extreme values. The analysis of the r e l a tionship (6) is rather complicated. Nevertheless, some conclusions can be drawn concerning the formation of the function m as a function of reaction parameters and of the time. I.
The most conspicuous one is that the increase of the shock measure produces the progressive increase of difference (m) between the calculated and measured conversion.
158 2.
Under the same conditions, the reactions of lower pre-exponential f a c t o r are more sensitive to the thermal jumps.
In basins of monotonously increasing temperature the reactions of lower a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy are more suitable to evaluate the thermal jumps.
With increasing ~ the s e n s i t i v i t y of the reaction r e f l e c t i n g the thermal jump w i l l decrease. The i r r e v e r s i b l e reactions are more suitable to the analysis, than the r e v e r s i b l e , e q u i l i b r i u m reactions.
I t is obvious that the value m runs over a maximum as a function of %. In the samples older than the change i t s e l f the deviation of the measured conversions from the calculated ones w i l l increase as a function of the sample age, then a f t e r passing through a maximum value, i t w i l l decrease.
Natural boundary conditions Equations (6) and (7) can be analyzed in the case of any y and 6 v a l u e - p a i r of the r e l a t i o n s h i p (3). From the point of view of the numerical analysis the A, &H
and B
parameters of the chemical reactions can also be o p t i o n a l . Nevertheless, i t is unequivocal that the rate of heating of the real geological basins enduressomelimitations and the known chemical reactions bear also d e f i n i t e A, AH and B t r i p l e regions. The short comprehension of l i t e r a t u r e below w i l l o u t l i n e these conditions. The fact that in t h i s paper the a p p l i c a t i o n of the transformation of organic compounds in the thermal h i s t o r y , the temperature range to be studied is r e s t r i c t e d . Most of the authors, e.g. LOPATIN (1971), BOSTICK (1973), HOODet a l . (1985) roughly agree that in nature the i n t e r p r e t a b l e chemical reactions are completed up to 280 to 300 ° C , i . e . up to the formation of the anthracite state. I f in our investigations only the transformations of biomarkers or the o i l - g e n e r a t i n g reactions of kerogens are taken into account, the thermal maximum should be defined at lower temperature values. I t is to be noted here that when tracing a rather wide temperature i n t e r v a l by some of the chemical reactions, special care should be a t t r i b u t e d to t h i s i n v e s t i g a t i o n . I t may occur that the reaction path w i l l change as a function of temperature, thus the equations describing the transformation i t s e l f w i l l also change. In a basin, the rate of heating depends on two factors: on the rate of subsidence of the basin, and on the geothermal gradient (heat flow) of the basin: (8)
dT/dt = (dz/dt).(dT/dz)
where dz/dt, i . e . the rate of the subsidence of the basin is hypothesized to be between 20 and 400 m/Ma according to FISCHER (1969), KATZ (1979), SCHWAB(1976), TISSOT et al. (1980). In sedimentary basins the measure of the dT/dz geothermal gradient may vary between 20 to 45° C/km as a function of the thermal conductivity of rocks and of the heat flow (GRETENER, 1981). Consequently, according to the relationship (10) the rate of heating may vary practically between 0.4 ° C Ma-I and 18° C Ma- I , i . e . the maximal value of P is 18° C Ma-I and the minimal value of 6 is 0.4 ° C Ma- I . The organic geochemical l i t e r a t u r e refers to numerous reactions d i f f e r i n g in their parameters. These are f a i r l y exactly comprehended by the papers of SNOWDON(1979) and WAPLES (1984). Table I is derived from them. Unfortunately, the pre-exponential factors of the reaction are not l i s t e d , t h e i r measure can be calculated only from the column "Time Interval" when assuming that the reaction is completed i f the conversion reaches 90 to 99 % of the maximal value. The estimated interval of the A value obtained in this manner is demonstrated in the last column of our table. I t is obvious from the table that both the activation enthalpies and the pre-exponent i a l factors vary within a rather wide range. Out of the reactions published, the reaction natural c o a l i f i c a t i o n I bears the least pre-exponential factor (A=3.6-10 -12 Ma- I ) and the reaction pyrolisis IV is of the greatest value (A= 1.8-1047 Ma-1). The difference is 59 orders of magnitude! The activation enthalpy of the reaction of natural c o a l i f i c a t i o n I I of least activation enthalpy * -I (~H =3.8 kJmol ) is only about 1/130 of the activation enthalpy of the reaction of kerogen pyrolisis I of highest activation enthalpy (AH*=485 kJmol-1). To demonstrate the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of this wide scale the behavior of some reactions of different parameters w i l l be demonstrated in two basins of extremely d i f f e r i n g rate of heating. Investigation of the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of reactions with different parameters according to the instances of basins with different rates of heatinq Here we shall demonstrate how the reactions of different ~H* activation enthalpy and of different A pre-exponential factor react to a thermal "catastrophe" in basins having an extremely different rate of heating. According to the simplified model, the catastrophe denotes the increase of heat flow according to the unit-jump function, in all cases.
z o o~
o o o 2 I i
I I'~
I cO o
o I
I o
~ • o.I
'~ ~
0 o
>~0 OJl I.i~ 0
"E o
F-- e--~ O -~
N .$._ o
o o o
o~o 0
o ¢'~
4 -1
161 One type o f basin is the Pannonian-type basin in which r e c e n t l y the heating r a t e (y) is roughly 16° C Ma- I , trophe
thus a proved to be 8 ° C Ma-I before the date of the catas-
The other type ( f o r s i m p l i c i t y l e t us term i t a basin with an extremely low r a t e of h e a t i n g ) bears r e c e n t l y a h e a t i n g r a t e of 1.6 ° C Ma-1. Thus, b e f o r e the t o, t h e r a t e of heating was only 0.8 ° C Ma-I in t h i s basin. With these two basins the ranges produced by nature are covered. C a l c u l a t i o n s were c a r r i e d out according to the r e l a t i o n s h i p (6). Results, i . e . the d i f f e r e n c e s between the t r u e conversion and the conversion c a l c u l a t e d a f t e r the recent rates of heating are p l o t t e d as a f u n c t i o n of the age of samples. First,
the r e a c t i o n of the sterane i s o m e r i z a t i o n type reactions (AH =90 kJmol
A=4.8.108-1013 Ma) are demonstrated in Fig. 2 f o r thermal h i s t o r i c a l of d i f f e r e n t
~o dates, in the Pannonian-type basin. Both in t h i s f i g u r e as well as
in the subsequent ones the l i m i t of r e l i a b i l i t y
value of m=0.04 is shown which i n d i c a t e s the l i m i t
of the conversion measurements.
A H t = 90.0 kJ mot-1
022 • o=
To = 250 ° K
0.20- "~
i ~. /
: S o C M a -1
T : 16°C Ha'i
"~o: 1Ha
o lz o=
" '
~ o
/ t!~,
~' /,
', \
,! 0.04 0.0 Z"
A = lO~3Ha-1
I ." II / ,, ! -/'
/" ,."
A :1011Md 1
0.14. o
l "
precision of measurement
15 Time [ H a l
Fig. 2. Deviation of the c a l c u l a t e d conversions from the measured ones in the case of sterane i s o m e r i z a t i o n in a Pannonian-type basin i f the heat f l o w doubled one m i l l i o n years ago. Fig. 3 shows how the a r o m a t i z a t i o n type reactions of highest a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy (AH*= 150 kJmol - I ) react to the sudden doubling of the r a t e o f heating in the Pannon i a n - t y p e basin. Fig. 4 shows the behavior of a r e a c t i o n of r a t h e r low a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy (AH = 10 kJmo1-1) in a Pannonian-type b a s i n .
Such a r e a c t i o n ,
l y i n g on the boundary
A = 8 ,'Zgx ~014 M o I 0"141 m ~
& H i = 1S0kJ i'nol "1
012~, G
To = ZS0°K
o . ~ >=
<~ . 8=C H o-1
o.lo~o ooN'~
: 16=C Ha-1
i A= 2X 1017 MQ 1
0.08- oc
,sion of'measurement
/ ,'
0OZ" 001"
~~ \
. '~
. . . .
15 Time [Mo]
Fig. 3. Deviation of the c a l c u l a t e d conversions from the measured ones in the case of a r o m a t i z a t i o n - t y p e reactions in a Pannonian-type basin i f the heat flow doubled one m i l l i o n years ago.
A H * : t0kJ tool -1 A : 2.0473 Ha ~1 30
T(~= 2 8 3 ° H
¢o: 0,1Ma
~ = 8oCMQ-1
"¢o: 3MQ
II i~
/ 5,0
15.0 Time [Ha]
Fig. 4. Deviation of the c a l c u l a t e d conversions from the measured ones in the case of vitrinite-type reactions in a Pannonian-type basin when heating rate doubled at some time. of
chemical r e a c t i o n s ,
is the reaction of "natural c o a l i f i c a t i o n
energy is only 3.8 kJmol - I .
energy w i l l
I" in Table I ,
In the f o l l o w i n g the reactions of such low
be termed v i t r i n i t e - t y p e
by means of t h i s reaction r a t h e r d i s t a n t ,
As i t is shown i n the f i g u r e ,
more than 6 m i l l i o n years, thermal
jumps can be concluded i f i t was accompanied by the doubling of the heat flow.
163 Figs. 5, 6 and 7 the a p p l i c a b i l i t y of the three reactions (isomerization, aromatization, vi~rinite)
are demonstrated in basins with a low rate of heating. Obviously,
the i n v e s t i g a t i o n of a reaction of a given d a t a - p a i r may give one an i n s i g h t into the d i s t a n t past in such a basin of low rate of heating, rather than in a Pannoniantype basin. When studying the heat flow doubling by means of the isomerization type reactions, conclusions can be drawn up to 10 m i l l i o n years (Fig. 5), by means of the aromatization type reactions (Fig. 6 ) , up to 5-13 m i l l i o n years depending on the pre-exponential f a c t o r , and, by means of the v i t r i n i t e
type reactions (Fig. 7),
t h i s time span can be enlarged up to 15 m i l l i o n years.
AH* : 9 0 k J m o ( - t
To = 280°C "Co=IMo IMQA
~ : 0 . 8 o C H61
~_ 6o m
A (\ +o=;"5' ',t I \ I ....." I i / \ ~I ~1. . . . \
~=""°~"+' --
A: ;O" .~-'
! ?... I~
" :" "~l
;/ ;+,,i #. i I I /? /" ::
I t ", '., II " : la :
1:O=10M G ~ * I
...... ;i!:"..-~
me ........
Time [ H a ]
Fig. 5. Deviation of calculated conversions from the measured ones in the case of sterane isomerization-type reactions in basins with an extremely low heating rate when the heating rate doubled at some time (%o)~m~ ~IH~*: 150kJ tool -1 0.6-
To = 2 8 0 ° K
~ = 0.8oc H a -I
m 0.5.
"to = I H a
T = 1'6°C Mo-1
g 0.4- A = 1.722x tOZ~Ma-I 0.3" A = 8.796x 1014Ha-1 0.2o=SMo
/ /
.~ 50
\ precision
"1:o=9 Ha /%.
.-'..,,"'+'"'-, ~:
150 "¢ Time [ Hal
Fig. 6. Deviation of the calculated conversions from the measured ones in the case of aromatization-type reactions in basins with an extremely low heating rate when the heating rate was doubled at some time (%o).
164 - - - A . O 7 8 6 5 H 0"1 .js" /
Lm ~ 012
. . . . A . 0.208~ MQ"I
0,11 •
~ 010
.................. --
A= 2.0473 M d I
/ ':
-~ o.~
0.07 ~o 006
"" I
0.05 0.04
To : ZSO°C
T = 1-6=CM°-I
# ""
A H m . 1 0 k J tool " !
~ = 0 8 o C M o "I
" ............ I"
..---._. "~o.15Mo
'" ""-..... ' ' ~ ° , 2 M ° ...,Co = 10H o p r e c i s i o n of m e a s u r e m e n t
"to - 3 Mo ~o = 1 0 H a 20140
0020.0~ -
. . . .
Time [MO]
Fig. 7. Deviation of the calculated conversions from the measured ones in the case of v i t r i n i t e - t y p e reactions in basins with an extremely low heating rate when the heating rate doubled at some time ( t o ) . Based on the figures, the overall conclusion can be drawn that out of the reaction of the same a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy those of lower pre-exponential f a c t o r are more f a vourable not only because these allow us to go back in more dis t a n t times, but because the lower the pre-exponential f a c t o r , the wider is the sample value i n t e r v a l from which r e l i a b l e conclusions can be drawn to a thermal "catastrophe" (see e.g. Figs. 5 and 6). I t can also be seen (e.g. Fig. 6) that in the case of reactions of lower pre-exponential f a c t o r the i n v e s t i g a t i o n of the older sample series, and, in the case of reactions of greater pre-exponential f a c t o r that of the r e l a t i v e l y younger sample series, may throw l i g h t upon a possible change in the thermal h i s t o r y . Nevertheless, the pre-exponential f a c t o r of a reaction can be t h e o r e t i c a l l y neither. I f the pre-exponential f a c t o r of a reaction is very low, the range of the measurable conversions needs such long times which in a basin of monotonously increasing temperature as discussed above means such a high temperature that i t f a l l s out of the range of the organic chemical reactions. In our examples, the maximal temperature was defined between 200 and 250 ° C. In Fig. 8 the behaviour of reactions as a r e s u l t of the "catastrophe" are demonstrated, the reactions bearing the same feature that in the Pannonian-type basin produced conversion of 99 % during 14 m i l l i o n years, and the "catastrophe" in the thermal h i s tory
characterized by the sudden doubling of heating rate %o m i l l i o n years ago. The
parameters of reactions are shown in Fig. 8, covering p r a c t i c a l l y the whole of the range indicated in Table I. Similary to Fig. 8, in Fig. 9 the differences between conversions of undisturbed reactions and conversions of "catastrophe" disturbed reactions are demonstrated in a
165 I m% &H*
• =,.o,s~, °-~ ~ ° - ~ . a - -
& H * = 3 5 k J real" A : 1 . 2 5 5 x 1 0 ~ M O-I
• ""
o~ 3i,4a .......
AH ~ = 50kJ mo t'l A= 7,786xi05 Mo-I
3 • \
To = ZS0oC
~ : 8o C M(1-1
/ ,/
•i- = '~6oC M Q-1
~t Y
' precision of ~ t m
r ""e
-" ~
~ 10
Time [ M a ]
,to C
~o ~o ;o ~o 60 60 ~;,o ~o ,~o ~o f=o ~.o =6arc] Fig. 8. Deviation of the c a l c u l a t e d conversions from the measured ones in the examples of three d i f f e r e n t reactions in a Pannonian-type basin i f the heating rate doubled one or three m i l l i o n years ago. basin with an extreme low heating r a t e .
The "catastrophe" was 10 m i l l i o n years ago,
produced by the sudden doubling of the rate of heating. All these reactions have got conversion of 99 % during 100 m i l l i o n years, and t h e i r parameters are shown in Fig. 9. m.~
1 AH~= 10kJ too[ -1 { A = I 25MC~1
.-'iC'-.'~t / 1 ":t 20-
c o
TO =2800C
~l ~t
8 =o.eoc M~ t
~t ~t
F = t ' 6 ° C Ma-t
- ,
i. ~ r:
&H*=Z00kJmol- t (.=,...,o,,.o-
7 a..=3oo~
i ~ i r:
( A= 4 . 4 1 x i 0 7M~
./ l //.,
...... 5 ! ~ . " : ~ 5 o . , . o , : ;
f; ~
/ ! / : t i i.,Y-'q, :"
-- 4 [&H*=gokjm°t-t ~A= 2.13x10 lo Mff 1
[ A H ~ = 50kJ tool -1 3 ~ A= 2.2/4xtOSMB1
- ; , l .i
ti ~ ". :! /I 3N, ,.,,
50 - -
. . . . . 2 ~ A H * : 35kJ moV 1 1LA: 2 7 3 6 H E 1
I " I
T, me
Present temperature
Fig. 9. Deviation of the c a l c u l a t e d conversions from the measured ones in the examples of the reactions in basins with an extremely low heating rate i f the heating rate doubled ten m i l l i o n years ago.
F i n a l l y , l e t us study how sensitive the reactions are when the rate of heating is increased only by a small extent. Let us have Table 2 as an example showing the pro* -I gress of a v i t r i n i t e - t y p e reaction ofAH = 10 kJmol and A=2.04 Ma-I as a function of time when the rate of heating was doubled before I m i l l i o n years, i . e . from 8 to 10° C Ma- I , and when i t was increased only by 33.3 %, i . e . from 12 to 16° C Ma- I " Table 2. jump. %(Ma) ~c m33 m33 % m100 m100 %
The v a r i a t i o n of the deviation of conversion with d i f f e r e n t temperature
0.6861 15.41
%= time (Ma); ~c: calculated conversion; m33: measured conversion in the case of temperature enhancement of 33 %; m33 %: devlatlon of the calculated conversion from the measured values; m100: measured conversion in the case of temperature enhancement of 100 %; m100 %: deviation of the calculated conversion from the measured values. o
Having analyzed the data from Table 2, the difference between the measured and calculated conversion values (m) increases roughly p a r a l l e l with the increase in the rate of heating measured in °C/Ma. Summing up: based on the l i s t e d examples and in harmony with the conclusions derived from the mathematical model i t can be stated that:
The reactions of lower a c t i v a t i o n energy and of lower pre-exponential f a c t o r are more suitable to study the thermal h i s to r y of monotonously increasing temperature than the reactions of higher parameters.
The low pre-exponential f a c t o r is advantageous since p a r a l l e l with the decreases of the pre-exponential f a c t o r , the range of measurement point of p a r t i c u l a r l y d i f f e r e n t conversions w i l l
increase. At the same time, the decrease of the pre-
exponential f a c t o r is accompanied by the increase of sample ages.
The differences between the measured and calculated conversion values (m) increase roughly p r o p o r t i o n a l l y at around the maximum with the change of the rate of heating at the moment of the "shock", measured in °C/Ma- I .
In basins of extreme high heating rate (Pannonian-type basin) the thermal his t o r y can be traced back to about 6 m i l l i o n years when studying the organic chemical
167 reactions. This value can be approximated by studying the so-called v i t r i n i t e type reactions ( A H * = 10 kJmol-1). This value is about I to 2 m i l l i o n years in the * -I case of the isomerization-type reactions (AFI =90 kJmol ), and taking i n t o account the recent level of measurement techniques, to several hundred thousand years in the case of the aromatization-type reactions(AH*= 150 kJmol-1).
In basins of extreme low heating rate the temporal l i m i t s of the reconstruction of thermal h i s t o r y are enlarged when studying the organic chemical reactions. In the case of reactions of low a c t i v a t i o n energy, the l i m i t i n g values may be as great as several 10 m i l l i o n years. This wide temporal i n t e r v a l can also be studied by the reactions of high a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy. When applying the aromatization-type reactions the reconstruction of the thermal h i s t o r y of the l a s t 10 m i l l i o n years can also be performed. In t h i s type of basin the measure of the a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy has less e f f e c t on the i n v e s t i g a t i o n i t s e l f than in the basins with a rapid heating rate.
The basins of intermediary heating rate l i e between these two extreme values from the point of view of the reconstruction of thermal h i s t o r y . Limits of reconstruction of thermal h i s t o r y derived from the determination of reaction parameters I t has been demonstrated above how the reconstruction of the thermal h is t or y can be carried out in d i f f e r e n t basin types, i . e . the time i n t e r v a l s can be determined. These c a l c u l a t i o n s are based on the fact that the reaction parameters ( a c t i v a t i o n energy and pre-exponential f a c t o r ) are considered to be known e x a c t l y , consequently the only l i m i t i n g f a c t o r proved to be the accuracy of conversion measurements. Unfortunately, t h i s is not true in practice. I t can also be seen in Table I that in many cases, not discrete values but rather i n t e r v a l s are given to the reaction parameters. The e f f e c t of the e r r o r of pre-exponential f a c t o r and a c t i v a t i o n energy on the accuracy of the reconstruction of thermal h i s t o r y w i l l be interpreted below, but in a somewhat d i f f e r e n t way than is usual. The fact that in a basin the heating rate was changed during the geological times, can be concluded in our case when a reaction of known a c t i v a t i o n energy proceeded in the basin is studied. Assuming undisturbed thermal his t o r y and applying the r e l a t i o n ship (5a), a series of pre-exponential factors can be calculated from the measured conversion from the age of the studied samples and from the a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy. In Table 3 several series are demonstrated. In our example the heat flow was doubled
168 at t o (the heating rates being ~ and y a f t e r and before the catastrophe, respectively).
In the basins of Pannonian-type and of extreme low heating rate examples were
given~for two reaction types, i . e . , f o r the v i t r i n i t e - t y p e and f o r the sterane isomerization type reactions. I t is shown by these examples t h a t the pre-exponential f a c t o r s e n s i t i v e l y follows the increase in the heating rate. The apparent pre-exponential f a c t o r calculated from the measuredam data shows good agreement with the true A values up to the t o point, then i t decreases. Thus, the reaction seems to be slower than the true value. In many cases, however, the apparent pre-exponential f a c t o r is not less than the real pre-exponential factor! Now, l e t us investigate the e r r o r in the c a l c u l a t i o n of the pre-exponential f a c t o r caused by the conversion measurements, temperature determinations, the determination of the geological times and by the e r r o r of the a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy, even in the case where the c a l c u l a t i o n performed takes a true thermal h i s t o r y into account. The task is a simple c a l c u l a t i o n of e r r o r . Mathematically, the errors are: the e r r o r from the determination of the geological age:
( 9)
(~)~ ~
-T exp ( - ~ ) I
- &T
here and below: T (10)
I = g exp(
the e r r o r from the inaccuracy of AH : %
(@) . ~ 0 AH
R. I
the e r r o r from the inaccuracy of conversion measurements:
B "Ao~ (1-~B) In (I-~B)
the e r r o r derived from the inaccuracy of the determination of the e q u i l i b r i u m conversion:
. o~B-(1-c~B) In (1-<,B) )B ~ 1/'~[ B(1-o~B)ln(1-o~B) ]-AB
o o o
~o ~-
o J00~ ~ 1_o 0 0
o~'--o o ~
o 0 0 o °
o m ~ .~t" co00 cOOO
00 P~
o o
'~o ,~"
o(~1o o ~ " ~
~0 o
CD 0 ~ " ~ Oh ,~1- • o,~-
c2~ ts~ ~
o o o o 0 0 ~
0 o O0 r'~ 0 (D
% 2 oT. ~ -
LO k O Oe~
o 11
oo'~o ii
7~ i
c ~ ~.o ~ o
g o
o x
II oooo~ ~ o
~J 0
(Mm o
o m o
C~ o,1 ~
P'~. C J
• .O
O i c~o •
i •
o ,4;D o ~ o ~ • o~
o E kO
E o
o o
c~ o
II ~
o~o •
II ~-
C D O ~ °
4~ X
LO t'~J I ~
• O
O0 .4.J X
o; o~
v v v
.Q E
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170 the e r r o r from the inaccuracy of temperature measurements: (14)
~ rec
T ' e x p ( Z ~ - ) . AT
In harmony with the e r r o r propagation laws the t o t a l r e l a t i v e e r r o r of the c a l c u l a t i o n of A:
+ T A H , + ~ T ' ~ + ~T)B + A Tre c
I t follows from the numerical analysis of the i n d i v i d u a l components that the r e l a t i v e e rr o r of the e r r o r member from the geological age determination remains below 25 % i f the r e l a t i v e e r r o r or age determination does not exceed 4 percent. The value of the e r r o r member derived from the inaccuracy of the determination of a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy varies around 30 percent i f the uncertainty of the a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy is I percent, but is increased up to 170 % i f the e r r o r of a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy increases to 5 %. Taking the recent determination inaccuracies of temperature determinations in boreholes, t h i s e r r o r can be neglected. The uncertainties in the ~ and B measurements may cause the greatest errors. According to MACKENZIE & McKENZIE (1983) the absolute e r r o r of the ~ d e t e r m i n a t i o n may amount to 4 %. In Fig. 10 i t can be shown how large errors are caused in the calcul a t i o n of A in the case of the hopane and sterane isomerization reactions as well as of the aromatization reactions in d i f f e r e n t conversion ranges. I t is seen in the f i g u r e that the e r r o r derived from the conversion measurements does not exceed the value derived from the other components i f one takes the conversion range of 0.2 to 0.5 in the case of the isomerization reactions, and the conversion range of 0.15 to 0.95 in case of the aromatization reactions. (Taking into account that the two f i r s t reactions are r e v e r s i b l e with an e q u i l i b r i u m conversion of 50 to 60 %, and that the t h i r d reaction is i r r e v e r s i b l e , t h i s means p r a c t i c a l l y the same ranges in the possib le conversion degrees.) Consequently, at the recent level of measurement technique the determination of the pre-exponential f a c t o r from each point may have an e r r o r of 45 to 175 percentage. Comparing t h i s fact with the data in Table 3 and with the s e n s i t i v i t y of the preexponential f a c t o r to the "catastrophes", i t can be stated that the organic chemical reactions are suitable to the thermal h i s t o r y reconstruction i f one possesses s u f f i c i e n t l y large measurement numbers from the range of medium conversion! One must keep in mind t h a t in t h i s r e l a t i o n the e r r o r of the measurement series decreases proport i o n a l l y to the number of members of the measurement series.
A A ' :el. % A' 100.
Fig. 10. The e r r o r of the calculated preexponential factors as a function of conversion i f the precision of the conversion measurements is 4 percentage absolute. (A: sterane conversion, B: hopane conversion, C: aromatization).
When creating the thermal h i s to r y reconstruction the er r or t e s t should always be carried out. This is e s p e c i a l l y necessary when the determination of the reaction parameters is taken from natural data, since in these cases the errors may occur twice. I f t h i s is not carried out, one may have the f a t e , c it e d by LERCHIE, YARZAB & KENDAHL (1984) in connection with the a p p l i c a t i o n of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance data,
where the same data series may produce the reconstruction of many d i f f e r e n t thermal histories! Summary, conclusion and suggestions By means of the mathematical analysis of a s i m p l i f i e d thermal his t o r y model i t was demonstrated in which time i n t e r v a l s the reactions of d i f f e r e n t parameters ( a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy and pre-exponential f a c t o r ) are suitable to the thermal his t o r y reconstruc t i o n of a basin. In t h i s paper the conditions were studied in d e t a i l under which, during the thermal evolution of a basin, the heating rate of the buried organic matter increased at one moment ( t h i s is the date of the "catastrophe") due to the increase e i t h e r of the heat flow and/or of the rate of subsidence. I t was demonstrated that a reaction is more s u i t a b l e to study the dis t a n t moments, the lower is i t s a c t i v a t i o n energy. Out of the reactions of low a c t i v a t i o n energy those of lower pre-exponential f a c t o r are suitable to study the more d is t ant time i n t e r v a l s . These are the reactions where the role of the time f a c t o r is greater than that of the temperature f a c t o r . On the contrary, as has been emphasized, the reactions sensitive to temperature ( i . e . being of high a c t i v a t i o n energy) are more suitable to the thermal h i s t o r y reconstruction of cooling basins.
172 The a p p l i c a b i l i t y of reactions was studied in basins with two extremely d i f f e r i n g heating rates. One of these is the Pannonian-type basin, the recent heating rate of which being 16° C Ma- I , the other is the basin of extremely low heating r a t e , the recent heating rate being 1.6 ° C Ma- I .
I t was demonstrated that in the Pannonian-
type basins, the l i m i t of observation of the doubling of heat flow is t h e o r e t i c a l l y several m i l l i o n years when the so-called v i t r i n i t e - t y p e reactions of low a c t i v a t i o n energy and low pre-exponential f a c t o r are studied. In the basins with an extremely low heating rate t h i s time i n t e r v a l is increased to several ten m i l l i o n years. In these basins there is no s i g n i f i c a n t difference between the i n t e r v a l s that can be studied by reactions of high and low a c t i v a t i o n enthalpies. In the basins with d i f f e rent features, the time i n t e r v a l to be studied varies between these two extreme values. We also called a t t e n t i o n to the f a c t that these time i n t e r v a l s which can be studied t h e o r e t i c a l l y , became less wide due to the errors of measurement data. This statement is e s p e c i a l l y v a l i d in the case where the reaction parameters themselves were determined a f t e r the i n v e s t i g a t i o n of geological samples. I f one wants to create a thermal h i s t o r y reconstruction of a basin from organic chemical
reactions, a large number of measurement data is needed and even in t h i s case
the e r r o r c a l c u l a t i o n s should be performed since i f these calculations are omitted very erroneous results are obtained. For a more e f f i c i e n t a p p l i c a t i o n of organic chemical reactions in the thermal h i s t o r y reconstruction of a basin, the organic geochemists have to determine the a c t i v a t i o n enthalpy and pre-exponential factors of low-parameter v i t r i n i t e - t y p e reactions by means of measurements allowing more i n s i g h t into more d i s t a n t times. As well as t h i s , in order to make the reconstructions more exact, the s e n s i t i v i t y and precision of conversion measurements should be increased. To carry out laboratory experiments, the organic chemical reactions should be selected, which take place in the same way under laboratory conditions ( i . e . at higher temperatures) as under geol o g i c a l conditions.
F.*, P. DOVENYI* and I. LACZO**
*Geophysical Department, E6tv6s University Kun B61a t@r 2, H-I083 Budapest ** Hungarian Geological Institute N@pstadion ~t 14, H-I143 Budapest
Abstract Model c a l c u l a t i o n s were performed to determine the temperature disturbance caused by magmatic i n t r u s i o n s and extrusions. I t was our major i n t e r e s t to estimate the i n f l u ence of t h i s extra heat on the maturation of organic matter in sedimentary basins. The c a l c u l a t i o n s show that there is no real "telemagmatic"thermal e f f e c t . Appreciable maturity increase of organic matter is confined to a "zone of influence" which is next to the i n t r u s i o n and i t s dimensions are comparable to those of the i n t r u s i v e body. This moderate influence, however, can be s i g n i f i c a n t i f the sedimentary rocks are not very immature but are close to the o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window at the time of v o l canic a c t i v i t y .
The model c a l c u l a t i o n s were applied to the North Hungarian area of
Middle Miocene volcanic a c t i v i t y .
We conclude that igneous masses of large dykes and
stratovolcanoes could have driven Paleogene sedimentary rocks into the o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window. Introduction I t is now generally accepted that the generation of natural gases and f l u i d hydrocarbons is related to the progressive cracking of kerogen, which is a natural c o n s t i t uent of f i n e grained organic rich sediments (TISSOT & WELTE, 1978). Although several models have been suggested to describe the cracking process, there is l i t t l e
that i t is b a s i c a l l y a thermal maturation through geologic time. The most widely used maturity i n d i c a t o r of organic matter is the mean v i t r i n i t e
reflectance (Ro).
This is a very useful parameter because the onset and end of o i l generation can be well characterized by given threshold values of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance. WAPLES (1980)
has shown that o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window can be described by the r e l a t i o n s h i p 0.65 %~R0 ~ 1.3 %. Furthermore
he has demonstrated that the method o r i g i n a l l y pro-
posed by LOPATIN (1971) can adequately be used to calculate t h e o r e t i c a l l y the matur i t y of any sedimentary matter, provided that i t s temperature h i s t o r y is known.
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
174 Temperature changes in the crust of stable continental areas are generally slow and of small magnitude. More rapid and remarkable change of the thermal conditions is associated with t e c t o n i c a l l y active areas of the Earth. Extensional basins in the Alpine-Mediterranean region, f o r example, may show 2 - f o l d increase of t e r r e s t r i a l heat flow during an i n t e r v a l of about ten m i l l i o n years (e.g. ROYDENet a l . ,
The fastest and highest amplitude thermal events are brought about by magmatic a c t i v ity.
Cooling of the high temperature igneous material may s i g n i f i c a n t l y increase
the temperature of the adjacent sedimentary rocks, thus c o n t r i b u t i n g to t h e i r t h e r mal maturation. I t is the aim of the present paper to model t h i s process in order to get an idea about the s i g n i f i c a n c e of magmatism in hydrocarbon generation. F i r s t , we demonstrate that predictions made by conductive modelling are in good agreement with measured v i t r i n i t e
reflectances in the contact zone of volcanic dykes. Then, i t
is shown that the increase of maturity is markedly d i f f e r e n t i f the magmatic event occurs in the late rather than in the early stage of basin e v o l u t i o n . The r e s u l t s are applied to North Hungary, where Late Eocene through Middle Miocene subsidence and sedimentation were associated with two d i s t i n c t periods of volcanic a c t i v i t y . Mathematical model Temperature change in i n f i n i t e decay of an i n i t i a l
homogeneous h a l f space ( x , y , z > O ) due to conductive
temperature disturbance can be determined by the i n t e g r a t i o n of
the point-source s o l u t i o n (SIMMONS, 1967). I f the source is a rectangular prism with x~,x~,y~,y~,z~,z~ coordinates, i t is given by the f o l l o w i n g equation: I
= To + Gz +
Ov'~. . . . .
x I Yl'Zl
• lexo
(x-x')2 + (y_y,
where, To = temperature of the surface (z=O) G = o r i g i n a l (undisturbed) temperature gradient in the v e r t i c a l d i r e c t i o n Ts = i n i t i a l
temperature anomaly of the source
K = thermal d i f f u s i v i t y
of the i n f i n i t e
h a l f space.
I f the temperature of the magma at the time of i n t r u s i o n is Tm, then Ts= Tm- (To+GZ). Integration of t h i s equation can be performed a n a l y t i c a l l y , and we used the formula derived by MUNDRY (1968) f o r numerical c a l c u l a t i o n s . Sources of more complex shape can be approximated to any required accuracy by a series of rectangular prisms. Moreover, a sequence of volcanic eruptions can also be calculated by simple superimposition of the appropriate s o l u t i o n s .
175 The main s i m p l i f i c a t i o n s and some possible improvements of the Mundry's formula are as follows:
Omission of l a t e n t heat. The l a t e n t heat of the magma, which is released during s o l i d i f i c a t i o n was not taken into account. A precise treatment of the problem is rather complicated, but a good approximation is obtained i f one supposes a higher value (Tm) f o r the o r i g i n a l temperature of the magma. JAEGER (1964) *+L/c ' where L and c are the l a t e n t heat and the s p e c i f i c heat suggested Tm-Tm of the magma, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
Homogeneous h a l f space. The formula was derived by assuming that thermal cond u c t i v i t y and d i f f u s i v i t y had the same constant values in the volcanic body and the surrounding rock masses. This may appear a bad assumption, but in f a c t the average value of these thermal parameters f o r volcanites and sedimentary rocks are about the same. For example the average thermal d i f f u s i v i t y of volcanites at room temperature is about 8.10 -7 m2/s, while t h i s is about 9-10 -7 m2/s f o r claystones and shales (KAPPELMAYER & HAENEL, 1974).
Omission of convective heat transport. Convection of high v i s c o s i t y magma and hydrothermal processes r e s u l t in f a s t e r cooling of a magmatic mass. This e f f e c t can be taken into consideration only by complicated numerical c a l c u l a t i o n s (NORTON & KNIGHT, 1977). However, a f a i r l y good approximation is obtained i f only conduction is supposed, but a c t u a l l y the true value of the thermal d i f f u s i v i t y is increased by about 15 % (BUNTEBARTH et a l . ,
1982). I t is unreasonable
to accept a larger value, because in r e a l i t y both thermal parameters decrease with increasing temperature f o r most of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks (KAPPELMAYER & HAENEL, 1974). In a l l of our model calculations ~ = 10-6 m2/s was used. As an example, we show in Fig. la-d the cooling of a large 25 kmx25 kmx8 km rectangular prism with Tm= 1000° C o r i g i n a l temperature in a h a l f space characterized by 10-6 m2/s thermal d i f f u s i v i t y and by 33 ° C/km geothermal gradient background. Calculation was performed f o r f i v e successive time epochs, but the l a s t one (2.5 Ma) is not shown because there is p r a c t i c a l l y no temperature anomaly a v a i l a b l e at that time. One can see that even a large plutonic body cools rather f a s t and marked temperature increase occurs above and close to the body. Another example is presented in Fig. 2a-b. The cooling of a dyke with 10 m width and 1000° C o r i g i n a l temperature was calculated in an i n f i n i t e h a l f space. Fig. 2a shows the change of temperature with time at d i f f e r e n t distances from the dyke. Fig. 2b shows, in turn, the temperature p r o f i l e around the dyke at d i f f e r e n t time epochs. I t can be concluded that the decay of the temperature disturbance is very
176 X(kin) 20
9 ....
xlkm) ,10 . . . .
15 . . . .
B -
i N 10
~25000 year -g ---loo
N 10
~95000 year
~750000 year
Fig. la-d. Temperature f i e l d at various times a f t e r the int r us io n of a plutonic body into a medium characterized by 33 mK/m temperature gradient. The body is a rectangul a r prism with 8 kmx25 kmx25 km dimensions. The 100° C, 200 ° C, etc. i s o l i n e s are shown in a section through the center of the prism and normal to the sidewall of 8 kmx25 km. Because of mirror-symmetry each f i g u r e shows only one h a l f of the f u l l section. f a s t . High temperatures occur f o r a period of several months to some years and they are confined to a distance comparable to the width of the dyke. Calculation of v i t r i n i t e
Maturation of organic matter depends on the temperature h i s t o r y of sedimentary rocks. One of the most widely accepted simple methods f o r c a l c u l a t i o n of maturity is that of LOPATIN (1971), as improved by WAPLES (1980). I t implies that maturity is related to a Time-Temperature-lndex (TTI) which is given by the f o l l o w i n g formula: n
E n=n
mln .
where ~ t n is the time (in m i l l i o n years) the organic matter spent in the n-th 10° C temperature i n t e r v a l . The value of n is shown in Table I .
• im) 500-
05~ 09 ~
Time (year)
Oo :
06S ~00
100!0 ~)35
Fig. 2a-b. Temperature disturbance caused by the i n t r u s i o n of a dyke at t 0 time epoch, with parameters shown on the inset at the upper r i g h t corner. Fig. above gives temperature vs. time curves at d i f f e r e n t distances from a point within the dyke. The broken l i n e connects the peak of the curves. Fig. below shows temperature vs. distance p r o f i l e s f o r various times a f t e r the i n t r u s i o n .
178 Table I.
Value of temperature c o e f f i c i e n t in the LOPATIN (1981) formula Tempeo~ature
". 801 90
2 ."
4 :
For computation a more convenient form can be used: T ( t ) - 105 ft,' TTI = ~ 2 10 dt u
where T(t) is the temperature h i s t o r y of a sedimentary rock in centigrades from the Present ( t = O ) to the time when the sediment was deposited ( t = t ' ) .
Vitrin~te reflec-
tances can be obtained from TTI values with the help of an empirical r e l a t i o n s h i p (Table 4 of WAPLES, 1980) which shows that Ig Ro= C Ig TTI, where C~ I. Accordingly, vitrinite
reflectances are not a d d i t i v e q u a n t i t i e s . I t is only true f o r the TTI
values. In other words, a thermal event, which results in the same increase of TTI, leads to very d i f f e r e n t reflectance increase depending on the o r i g i n a l maturity level of the organic matter. We must be aware of t h i s simple fact when the influence of volcanic heat on the maturation is modelled. Another point to be considered is related to the very high temperatures, which appear f o r a while in the proximity of igneous masses (Fig. I ) . The Lopatin-Waples formular must not be used f o r temperatures higher than 200 ° C, since the TTI-R o conversion is quite uncertain f o r high TTI values (KATZ et a l . ,
1982). Therefore an-
other method is needed f o r the proximal zones to predict the level of maturity. We accepted a method which was o r i g i n a l l y proposed by BOSTICK (1973) who c ollec t e d v i trinite
reflectance measurements in the contact zone of volcanic dykes. Reflectances
are very high at contact and they r a p i d l y decrease with increasing distance. This trend can be explained t h e o r e t i c a l l y by the use of Bostick's diagram, which is shown in the inset of Fig. 3. This mean v i t r i n i t e
reflectance vs. temperature diagram was the r e s u l t of laboratory
measurement, when l i g n i t i c
shale samples were kept at various elevated temperatures
and pressures f o r a period of one month. We have seen (Fig. 2a-b) that elevated temperatures occur f o r comparable time i n t e r v a l s next to volcanic dykes. Therefore i t is
= Klsg~c
•~ = Spanish Folks, Col. 5 : Cascade, Men%. "-,\
3~ .~ i
e eee
............ --6
110 x(m~"
Fig. 3. Maximumtemperature vs. distance functions f o r various dykes in Hungary ( 1 , 2 s e e location in Fig. 5) and the United States (3 to 6). Temperatures were derived from measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances with the help of the Bostick diagram shown in the inset (BOSTICK, 1973). Dotted l i n e shows the same function calculated f o r a dyke model with 5 m width and 1100° C o r i g i n a l temperature. reasonable, in such cases, to apply the Bostick diagram f o r conversion of temperatures to v i t r i n i t e
reflectances or vica versa. I t is demonstrated by Fig. 3, which
shows that converted temperatures agree f a i r l y well with the calculated ones. Maturity changes due to "thermal events" in sedimentary basins In the course of basin evolution sedimentary rocks reach considerable depths and temperatures as the subsidence and burial proceed. The progress of thermal maturat i o n of organic matter can be influenced by thermal events which are brought about by magmatic a c t i v i t y at d i f f e r e n t times during basin formation. The important role of the timing of these events can be demonstrated by the study of a simple model example. Let us consider a basin in which a 3 km thick sedimentary complex has accumulated at a constant rate (75 m/Ma) during the l a s t 40 m i l l i o n years. The geothermal gradient has not changed with time and is equal to 33.3 mK/m. This means that temperature increases l i n e a r l y with depth and now amounts to 110° C at the bottom, i f 10° C is supposed at the surface. The present v i t r i n i t e - r e f l e c t a n c e vs. depth function can be calculated and is shown by the continuous l i n e in Fig. 4. I t is now assumed that a volcanic event, 32.2 m i l l i o n years before the present, increased the temperature e~erywhere in the sediments by 100° C f o r a period of 0.2"106 years. This is the consequence of the fact that 32.2 m i l l i o n years ago the sedimentary column was only 585 m thick and characterized by a maximum temperature of 28 ° C at the bottom. The thermal event raised the temperature of a cold and immatured sedimentary complex and
"~ .= Q
Fig. 4. Model example to show the change of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth curve, Ro(z), due to thermal events in e a r ly and l a t e stage of basin e v o l u t i o n . Solid l i n e gives the Ro(z) curve f o r a basin characterized by even subsidence and sedimentation (3 km in t o t a l , during the l a s t 40 Ma), and constant geothermal gradient (33.3 mK/m). Broken l i n e s show the change of the reflectance curves as a consequence of an overall 100° C temperature increase during the 3 2 . 2 32.0 Ma and 1 2 . 2 - 1 2 . 0 Ma periods (A and B events, resp.).
the small increase of r e f l e c t i v i t y r e s u l t i n g was overprinted by the l a t e r thermal maturation. I f , however, the same thermal event had occurred more r ec e n t ly , say 12.2 m i l l i o n years before present, then the a v a i l a b l e 2085 m sediment would already be moderately matured and much warmer at higher depths. This B event, t h e r e f o r e , resulted in markedly increased v i t r i n i t e
reflectances and the lower few hundred meters
of the section entered into the o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window. Implication f o r North Hungary The model discussed was a s i m p l i s t i c one, but the conditions are f a i r l y s i m i l a r to the real s i t u a t i o n in North Hungary. Here subsidence and marine to l a c u s t r i n e sedimentation started in the middle Eocene and continued at least up to the middle Miocene, or l o c a l l y even through the Pliocene. The basin formation was accompanied by two separate phases of c a l c - a l k a l i n e volcanic a c t i v i t y . The f i r s t
occurred during
the l a t e Eocene and the second, a more intensive a c t i v i t y , during the middle Miocene (BALOGH & K~R~SSY, 1974). The temperature f i e l d is v a r i a b l e in the region, but the average gradient is close to 33.3 mK/m (DUVENYI et a l . , 1983).
The supposition that
t h i s value did not change with time seems to be tenable because measured v i t r i n i t e reflectances in North Hungary agree well with the predicted values in Fig. 4. Measured values which are apparently not influenced by the volcanic heat are 0.3 % to 0.4 % f o r Mio-Pliocene, 0.4 % to 0.53 % f o r Oligocene and 0.53 % to 0.6 % f o r Late Eocene rocks. Such a basin model is accordingly good enough to use in order to assess the maturity increase caused by igneous masses. We shall not study the f i r s t volcanic phase because we have seen that i t occurred too ear ly to give notable mat u r i t y increase. The second phase was very intensive and produced the stratovolcanic complexes of the B~rzs~ny and M~tra Mts. (Fig. 5) and possibly large dykes. Two kinds of model are taken i n t o consideration: a stratovolcano and a dyke which broadens downward. The stratovolcano is modelled by a three-dimensional body which is made up from three rectangular prisms as shown in Fig. 6. This was formed 16 m i l l i o n years
-U,,,;,.,s/'x b\
Fig, 5, S i m p l i f i e d geologic map of North Hungary ( p a r t l y a f t e r BALOGH & K~RUSS7, 1974 and Map of Oil and Gas Prospection in Hungary, 1978).Heating influence of the MAtra stratovolcano and large subsurface dykes might have contributed to the matur a t i o n of Paleogene (dominently Oligocene) source rocks and led to the generation of hydrocarbons which are probably trapped in small f i e l d s to the North and East of the MAtra. Legend: 1=Outcropping pre-Miocene rocks, 2=Miocene c a l c - a l k a l i n e volcanites, lavas and pyroclastics resp., 3= Oil and gas f i e l d s , 4=Thickness i s o l i n e of Oligocene sediments (in meters). In t h i s area they are below thin to 2 km thick younger sedimentary and/or volcanic cover, 5= Major f a u l t s .
!I I I
LMn~/ OOELsu~~OSkr -1-
.... x x \ ,\x \,,
xlk~i 16
18 24
. . . . .
FC~,>"'~7"h" .'CC,x'~,X,~_. ,. ~.," ', ", ' ~
__..~,-,b~ ,,, ,,';;,,',,'~',X','<~-,
,x-N~,. L" " ~ x ~ ,
I[1] ~ 6s7~--~-~ -,
o 6solo
4 ~
Fig. 6. Increase of maturity of organic matter next to a stratovolcano. The volcano is modelled by three rectangular prisms as shown in the inset. The section goes through the central axis of the body and is normal to the sidewall. Legend: 1=Ro =2 % v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t i v i t y i s o l i n e determined by the Bostick diagram, 2= Extension of the area characterized by Ro > 2 % reflectance values, as estimated from accepting the Lopatin-Waples method up to 250 ° C, 3 = Area characterized by 2 %>Ro > 1 . 3 % reflectances, 4=Area characterized by 1.3 %>Ro>0.65 % reflectances, 5= Position of the Ro =0.65 % r e f l e c t i v i t y horizon in sediments not influenced by the magmatic heat.
182 ago when the basin was 24 m i l l i o n years old and 2800 m deep. I t is supposed that no more subsidence and sedimentation occurred a f t e r the volcanic event. 1000° C o r i g i nal temperature was taken f o r the igneous m a t e r i a l . The results are shown in Fig. 6, which gives the present p o s i t i o n of l i n e s characterized by 0.65 %, 1.3 % and 2 % vitrinite
reflectances. I t can be seen that nothing happened f a r away from the v o l -
cano; notable maturity increase is confined to a volume below the thick volcanic strat a . The zone of influence is not very large and, in f a c t , our r e s u l t should be considered as a maximumestimate, because in r e a l i t y : i)
formation of a stratovolcano occurs in many cycles during severel hundredthousand years, and
lava flows are alternated by explosion of t u f f s , which have a much lesser temperature.
Anyhow, i t can be concluded that there is no real "telemagmatic" e f f e c t , the zone of influence of an igneous body is about the same volume as the body i t s e l f . The second model we have calculated is a large dyke which broadens downwards(Fig. 7). I t is a two-dimensional body with 1000° C o r i g i n a l temperature, which intruded the same sedimentary basin 17 m i l l i o n years ago. I t can be seen that the zone of in fluence above the top of the dyke is rather small. I t is because the magmatic heat
I ,
2 ,
3 ~
Z. ,
5 ,
{km) 6
7 ,
- ----O
./ i
-t3 %
Fig. 7. Increase of maturity of organic matter next to the top of a large dyke as shown in the inset. Legend: I =R o = 2 % v i t r i n i t e r e f l e c t i v i t y i s o l i n e determined by the Bostick diagram, 2=Extension of the area characterized by Ro ~ 2 % reflectance values, as estimated from accepting the Lopatin-Waples method up to 250 ° C, 3=Area characterized by 2 % > R o > I . 3 % reflectances, 4=Area characterized by 1.3 %>Ro 0.65 % reflectances, 5 = P o s i t i o n of the Ro =0.65 % r e f l e c t i v i t y horizon in sediments not influenced by the magmatic heat.
183 affected here the cold and immaturated Mio-Pliocene part of the sedimentary succession. The influence is more s i g n i f i c a n t at the sides of the central peak of the dyke, where the Eocene-Oligocene sediments were already warmer and more matured at the time of i n t r u s i o n . But even here, the zone of influence is not very large. The elevated isoreflectance l i n e s drop down to the normal (undisturbed) level within a few k i l o meters from the dyke. This l i m i t e d influence of igneous bodies, however, can be important i f p o t e n t i a l source rocks would not otherwise reach the main phase of o i l generation. This is the case in North Hungary where p e l i t i c Paleogene (dominantly Oligocene) rocks are j u s t at the onset of the o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window. Therefore, we can expect that f l u i d hydrocarbons could have been generated at places where thick Paleogene sediments are associated with magmatic bodies of Middle Miocene age. Petroleum f i e l d s found so f a r appear to f u l f i l
t h i s p r e d i c t i o n , as is shown in Fig. 7.
Generally, we think that buried magmatic complexes in the Pannonian basin - p a r t i c u l a r l y the thick r h y o l i t i c f l o o d t u f f s and associated feeder dykes of Middle to Late Miocene age - can be important concerning hydrocarbon prospections. In addition to the f a c t that magmatic heat contributes to thermal maturation, i t should also be taken into consideration that hydrocarbons can migrate and be trapped in volcanoclastics. Conclusions The f o l l o w i n g main conclusions can be drawn from our study: i)
Conductive models combined with the Bostick diagram and the Lopatin method can be used to delineate the influence of magmatism on the maturation of organic matter.
Model calculations show that there is no real "telemagmatic" thermal e f f e c t . The zone of influence is confined to sedimentary rocks adjacent to the magmatic body which roughly encompasses the same volume as the body i t s e l f .
Maturity increase caused by a given igneous body strongly depends on the pree x i s t i n g thermal and maturity conditions in a sedimentary basin. The optimal s i t u a t i o n occurs in a not very young basin when f a i r l y matured sediments are driven into the o i l - g e n e r a t i o n window by the heating of igneous m a t e r i a l .
This condition probably prevailed at some places in the Pannonian basin during the intensive Middle to Late Miocene c a l c - a l k a l i n e volcanic a c t i v i t y .
Acknowledgements This work was i n i t i a t e d and supported by the Hungarian Geological I n s t i t u t e . We are p a r t i c u l a r l y grateful to Dr. A. Jambor f o r valuable advice and Dr. G. H~mor f o r permission to publish. We also thank Prof. L. Rybach (ETH, ZUrich) f o r discussion on thermal modelling.
ffir G e o p h y s i k ,
Abstract Paleotemperature data contain important information about the u p l i f t h i s t o r y of a mountain range. A simple u p l i f t model f o r the Gotthard region (Central Alps) is presented. This model s a t i s f i e s the paleotemperature data but leads to u n r e a l i s t i c a l l y high temperatures at greater depths (lower crust, uppermost mantle). To improve the model a d d i t i o n a l crustal heat sources must be introduced which are assumed to be f r i c t i o n a l heat sources caused by crustal overthrusting. This thermal problem also appears in other subregions of the Central Alps. Further problems are related to the thermal t r a n s i t i o n zone between adjacent crustal blocks with d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t h i s t o ries. Introduction Paleotemperatures in conjunction with radiometric ages are an important tool to reconstruct the u p l i f t h i s t o r y of a young mountain range l i k e the Alps. The precondit i o n is that rock samples must be a v a i l a b l e which can t e l l us about i t s thermal history.
On the other hand, u p l i f t and denudation mirrors the temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n
in the earth's crust. This means that the "thermal memory" of such a rock sample contains information about the u p l i f t h i s t o r y of a whole crustal block. This thermal memory is based on a series of d i f f e r e n t processes', which are the concern of nuclear physics. For a l l these processes a so-called blocking temperature can be defined, which represents an upper l i m i t of a temperature i n t e r v a l in which nuclear accumulat i o n processes have taken place. The number of the nuclear events, then, is proport i o n a l to the time span between present, and the point of time at which the cooling rock sample has passed through the blocking temperature: f o r instance 500 ° C f o r muscovite and phengite Rb-Sr, 350° C f o r muscovite and phengite K-Ar, 300° C f o r b i o t i t e K-Ar, and 120° C f o r a p a t i t e f i s s i o n track ages (JAEGER et a l . ,
HUNZIKER, 1974; FREY et a l . , 1976; PURDY & JAEGER, 1976; WAGNERet a l . , 1977). From these benchmarks the thermal h i s t o r y of a rock sample during i t s path towards the
*) Contribution no. 483 of the I n s t i t u t fur Geophysik, ETH ZUrich
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
earth's surface can be reconstructed, and a simple formula may be used to estimate u p l i f t rates: u p l i f t rate = cooling rate/geothermal gradient. A more precise study, however, cannot be based on t h i s formula, because the geothermal gradient is dependent on depth and time and on the d i s t r i b u t i o n of radiogenic heat sources. In Fig. I , a simple sketch is shown which may i l l u s t r a t e the thermal changes caused by u p l i f t and erosion.
former s u r f a c e ~ eroded
~- T, A
ii A
later s u r f a c e ~
Fig. I. Sketch of the temperature depth curves before and a f t e r a period of u p l i f t and erosion (T and T' resp.). A: radiogenic heat sources. Several methods have been used to describe the r e l a t i o n s h i p between u p l i f t and temperature f i e l d (CLARK & JAEGER, 1969; OXBURGH & TURCOTTE, 1974; ENGLAND,1978; WERNER, 1980,1981). In t h i s paper some d i f f i c u l t i e s
r e l a t e d to the i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the
paleotemperature data in the Central Alps are discussed. The main problem is to f i n d an explanation f o r the considerably high paleotemperatures in the crust which does not agree e i t h e r with near surface geothermal observations, nor with the f a c t that in the uppermost mantle under the Central Alps r e l a t i v e l y low temperatures must be expected (WERNER & KISSLING, 1985). The problem may be demonstrated by considering the Gotthard region which is a subregion of the Central Alps. Taking a one-dimensional u p l i f t model the geothermal s i t u a t i o n in the Alpine lithosphere cannot be interpreted in a s a t i s f a c t o r y way. Additional heat sources within the crust must be introduced to f i t atures.
the paleotemper-
In t h i s paper a preliminary attempt is made to i n t e r p r e t e the high temper-
ature data by assuming that f r i c t i o n a l heating due to crustal overthrusting may play a geothermal r o l e . This means that we consider a model which combines onedimensional u p l i f t ,
and horizontal shear motions.
187 I t must be noted that at least two long-termprocesses are neglected here. The f i r s t one is related to the size of the region which is b u i l t of l a t e r a l l y l i m i t e d regions (crustal blocks) with d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s and with l a t e r a l thermal exchange between adjoining crustal blocks and not of an i n f i n i t e one-dimensional area. The second process is the crustal thickening during the h i s t o r y of the Alps. Theoretical remarks The problem can be expressed by the d i f f e r e n t i a l equation describing the heat transport in a moving medium (e.g. LANDAU & LIFSCHITZ, 1978): (I)
~T I ~ = -7 grad T + cp _
~v i
~v K 2
where T= temperature, t = time, V= v e l o c i t y of the medium, c = s p e c i f i c heat capacity, p = d e n s i t y , K=thermal c o n d u c t i v i t y , A = s t r e n g t h of radiogenic heat source, q = v i s c o s i t y , and x i = c a r t e s i a n coordinates. The f i r s t
term on the r i g h t hand side describes the convective portion of the heat
transport. The v e l o c i t y ~ is a given quantity representing a kinematic model of the tectonic h i s t o r y of the Alps, and in w r i t i n g ( I ) we have assumed that the medium is incompressible: (2)
div ~ = O.
The second term describes the conductive heat transport with a temperature dependent c o n d u c t i v i t y . The heat source A follows the material moving with v e l o c i t y ~ and s a t i s f i e s the c o n t i n u i t y equation (3)
~A/~t = -~ grad A.
The l a s t term in Eq. ( I ) describes the f r i c t i o n a l
heat sources assuming that the
medium behaves as a Newtonian f l u i d . To implement the boundary conditions we assume that f o r long-term processes the uplift
rate and the erosion rate are equal at a l l times. This means that the surface
remains a level plane with a constant temperature. In order to demonstrate the thermal problem in the Central Alps by a simple model, we assume that only two processes have taken place: a time dependent u p l i f t and horizontal motions. For the l a s t one a very simple kinematic model may be given by
Vx(Z) = vo
I I - ~ 2 arctg [ c ( z - z
where vo, c and z° are constants. This model describes the overthrusting of a crustal layer with constant thickness z o. Combining u p l i f t and overthrusting the geothermal model remains one-dimensional and Eq. ( I ) reduces to (5)
~T(z,t)~t _ _Vz(t) ~T(z,t)~z F c~I
I ~Vx(Z't) 21 + A(z,t)+~ ~(z)(-- T ) ]
To evaluate Eq. (5), a simple f i n i t e difference method in space and time has been used. Paleotemperatures in the crust In the Gotthard subregion of the Central Alps considered here, three f i s s i o n track data (blocking temperature for apatite: 120° C; ages: 6.7, 7.2, 7.6 m.y.) and two Rb-Sr data (blocking temperature f o r b i o t i t e : 300 ° C; ages: 15.1~1.8 and 15.7+1.1 m.y.) are known (WAGNER et a l . , 1977). The errors of the blocking temperatures are in the order of +10%. The f i s s i o n track ages are topographically reduced values (BUCHLI & WERNER, 1985). From the degree of metamorphism in the Gotthard region f o l lows the original depth of the rock sample which amounts to about 15 km (WAGNER et a l . , 1977). The task now is to find a kinematic model such that the thermal history of the rock sample passes through the benchmarks of the paleotemperature data. For t h i s purpose the kinematic f i e l d (Vx,V z) which is the input of the calculation, must be modified to f i t
the data. Using Eq. (5), the entire temperature variations in space and time
have to be calculated. After each time step the burial depth z and the corresponding temperature Ts of the rock sample must be determined. Fig. 2 shows the u p l i f t history (a), the burial history of the rock sample (b), and i t s corresponding temperature history Ts (c) passing through the benchmarks of the paleotemperature data. The temperature curve I corresponds to a simple one-dimensional u p l i f t model shown in the upper part (a). The original temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n (26 Ma b.p.) to t h i s model is shown as curve 01 in Fig. 3. PI means the corresponding temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n at present. I t is obvious that the curves 01 and PI in Fig. 3 show u n r e a l i s t i c a l l y high temperatures in the lower crust and in the upper mantle whichdisagreeswith the cold body (lithospheric root) to be expected under the Central Alps. This body is characterized by increased seismic v e l o c i t i e s (PANZA & MUELLER, 1978; BAER, 1980) and can be interpreted as a negative mantle tem-
I O!
25Ma i
2o 0
5 i
O i
z 4oo
2~ o
Fig. 2. a: Modelled u p l i f t h i s t o r y of the Gotthard region (Central Alps) which cons i s t s of 5 periods of d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t rates vz. b: The corresponding depth changes of a rock sample s t a r t i n g at a depth of 15 km 26 Ma b.p. c: The corresponding temperature history Ts of the rock sample. Curve I represents a simple one-dimensional u p l i f t model leading to u n r e a l i s t i c a l l y high temperatures at greater depths (curves 01 and PI in Fig. 3). Curve 3 corresponds to the same u p l i f t model but with additional heat sources in the crust, whereas curve 2 represents the model without heat sources.
20O ~
600 I
A rad 10~ W/m3
Fig. 3. Left: Original (0) temperature depth curves at the beginning of the u p l i f t h i s t o r y (26 Ma b.p.) and present (P) temperature depth curves. 01 and PI are unreal i s t i c , based on u p l i f t i n g only. Right: Assumed radiogenic heat sources (Ara d) at the beginning of the u p l i f t h i s t o r y , and f r i c t i o n a l heat sources ( A f r i c ) during the time span between 20 and 10 Ma b.p. (note the d i f f e r e n t scales). perature anomaly which corresponds to a thermally induced p o s i t i v e density anomaly. Such an anomaly agrees with g r a v i t a t i o n a l observations,on the one hand, and with a possible displacement h i s t o r y of the l i t h o s p h e r i c root, on the other. An adequate model (WERNER & KISSLING, 1985) leads to l a t e r a l temperature differences up to -450 ° C (at a depth of about 140 km) related to an undisturbed temperature d i s t r i bution outside the mantle anomaly.
190 The curves 01 and PI in Fig. 3 are not only u n r e a l i s t i c f o r greater depths but also with respect to near surface geothermal observations. Considering, f o r instance, a local area within the Gotthard region where extremely high radiogenic heat sources have been observed (Rotondo g r a n i t e , KISSLING et a l . , 1978) the surface heat flow amounts to 86 mW/m2 (WERNER, 1985). S i m i l a r results have been found by 80DMER(1982). This means that there is no evidence of remarkable high heat flow values in the Gotthard region, or in the whole of the Central Alps. A better model can be found by introducing a d d i t i o n a l heat sources in the crust which are simulated here as f r i c t i o n a l heating. In order to f i t
the benchmarks these sour-
ces should have existed between 20 and 10 Ma b.p. That means, the model of Eq. (4) is r e s t r i c t e d to a time span of 10 m i l l i o n years. The assumed parameters are: v o= 4.5 mm/y, zo= 10 km, c = 0 . 2 5 . The t o t a l horizontal displacement, then, amounts to 45 km. The v i s c o s i t y at 10 km depth is assumed to be 1024 Poise. This simple overthrusting model, however, leads to contradictions from a dynamic point of view: i t cannot be explained as a r e s u l t of g r a v i t y s l i d i n g processes. Assuming that horizont a l motions are only caused by g r a v i t y g l i d i n g , the v i s c o s i t y must be remarkably reduced and cannot be in the order of 1024 Poise. In this case, the thermal e f f e c t of f r i c t i o n a l heating can be neglected, and cannot be helpful in i n t e r p r e t i n g the crustal paleotemperatures in question. Taking our simple overthrusting model, the c u r v e 3 i n Fig. 2c shows the r e s u l t i n g temperatures Ts which s a t i s f i e s the benchmarks again, but corresponds to more r e a l i s t i c temperatures in the lower lithosphere (curves 02 and 03 in Fig. 3). The same case but without a d d i t i o n a l crustal heat sources is shown f o r comparison in Fig. 2c (curve 2) and in Fig. 3 (curve P2). In the framework of one-dimensional modelling the o r i g i n a l temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n s 01 and 02 are assumed to be steady state d i s t r i b u t i o n s which may not be quite r e a l i s t i c f o r the Alpine region. The r i g h t part of Fig. 3 shows the assumed d i s t r i b u t i o n s of the heat sources. The near surface radiogenic heat of the Rotondo g r a nit e is extremely high (KISSLING et a l . , 1978). At the beginning of the u p l i f t h i s t o r y these rocks were situated at a depth of 15 km. The high values (3.77x 10-6 W/m3) are not considered as representat i v e f o r the formerly uppermost crustal layers. A value of 1.7x 10-6 W/m3 has been assumed f o r the eroded layers. I t is obvious that t h i s model of radiogenic heat production must be a speculative one. Another point is u n s at is f a c t or y , namely that the one-dimensional u p l i f t model cannot describe the crustal thickening which is connected with the thickening of radiogenic heat sources. Fig. 3 also shows the f r i c t i o n a l heat sources from the horizontal motions based on Eq. (4). As mentioned, these heat sources are l i m i t e d to a time span between 20 and 10 Ma b.p.
191 Such an i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the paleotemperature data may be questionable but i t demonstrates the geothermal problem in the Central Alps. The model shows that paleotemperatures are not only i n d i c a t o r s of the u p l i f t h i s t o r y , but also indicators of addit i o n a l geothermal processes. Other subregions in the Central Alps The same thermal problem as in the Gotthard subregion can also be found in other subregions w i t h i n the Central Alps (Fig. 4, p r o f i l e s I to 5). Most of these regions require a two-dimensional treatment because of t h e i r l i m i t e d size. The degree of metamorphism and the paleotemperature data c l e a r l y show that d i f f e r e n t crustal blocks (subregions) with d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t et a l . ,
h i s t o r i e s must be distinguished (WAGNER
1977; WERNER, 1980). A r e l a t i v e v e r t i c a l movement between adjacent crustal
blocks leads to a l a t e r a l heat exchange. Therefore the kinematic and geothermal model must be handled at least as a two-dimensional one. An attempt has been madeto construct such models along p r o f i l e s crossing the Central Alps (Fig. 4). The calcul a t i o n s f o r a l l the p r o f i l e s led to the same r e s u l t as discussed above: additional crustal heat sources must be introduced in order to obtain r e a l i s t i c temperatures at greater depths. The r e s u l t i n g u p l i f t
h i s t o r i e s are shown in Fig. 5 (BUCHLI & WERNER,
. . . . . . . . INSUBRIC LINE ~ ............. CENTOVALLI LINE ) 4o5 : SAMPLE NUMBER / :::::;::
BERGELL INTRUSION "459o394_-11>"
• '03 Li~"#~ Go'~J:'"....s--
/ ~MPLON/ 164i
#' ~
'~-="~-.:,. 'tJ
f __I
_~ J /~1 ,. ~
/ J~r%~,
~ )
/ ~.
I \
"~138 | 1189 'LIlOS J ~ # ~ l TICINO leC4INO~.~e137/ / ~ - " - " L~B.'ER"CIELL 75 -/,: ,' : : : } . . . . . .
..... _-,_-_'~..~ . . . . . . . . . . ~"~+*'~" . . . . .
T"'-,. ,:;(............ : ; : ; ' " I P Y - - - 3 ),82
f ' ~
#e405 I• •u ~506 m2 572 MONTE ROSA . l i l : ~ ~'~ / i '~ • " ~ " / (
375 ~
~ ~ O SOUT[IE;~N A'LPS ~I~ II ......... i
10 20 30 II u, L J ""
Fig. 4. Location map of the Central and Southern Alps with d i f f e r e n t p r o f i l e s f o r d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s (BUCHLI & WERNER, 1985)
192 V(mm/y) il
!l s,_ 30
V (mnvy)
,, oo_
H~20 km
i 4 z 1 5 km
" T--O
2o TIME (Ma)
2o TIME (Ma)
Fig, 5. Modelled u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s f o r subregions from west to east ( l e f t ) , and from north to south ( r i g h t ) a f t e r BUCHLI & WERNER (1985). H means the total u p l i f t . For location see Fig. 4.
"M~F I
I I~1~ II I
/ 300o QQ"~m n . . . . , C . . . . . ,
wmmmm~mmm~nm~T~U,l[.~ mm n ~ m D -
~oc ;~. . . . . ~ . , . . , . . . . . . . .
Fig. 6. Cooling history for two crustal blocks, Monte Rosa and Simplon (see p r o f i l e I in Fig. 4) with d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s . The point of time at which the rock samples should pass the blocking temperatures of 300 ° C and 120° C are indicated by the broken l i n e s . Times at which rock samples (÷) passed the blocking temperatures 300 ° C and 120° C resp. are also indicated. To obtain a better data f i t , f r i c t i o n a l heating between the crustal blocks has been introduced, indicated by the solid lines (BUCHLI & WERNER, 1985).
193 A p a r t i c u l a r r e s u l t of these c a l c u l a t i o n s is shown in Fig. 6 f o r the t r a n s i t i o n zone between the adjacent crustal blocks Monte Rosa and Simplon, which are separated by a deep-reaching tectonic lineament (Centovalli l i n e ) . I t should be expected that paleotemperature data from locations near the Centovalli l i n e r e f l e c t the thermal t r a n s i t i o n zone. In order to study the thermal s i t u a t i o n within t h i s zone, four parameters must be taken in consideration: I. time, 2. depth of rock samples, 3. temperature of rock samples, 4. distance of rock samples from the Centovalli l i n e . In Fig. 6 only three parameters can be seen: time, temperature, represented by modelled lin e s f o r 300 ° C and 120° C, and distance between the id e a liz ed boundary of two blocks (Centovalli l i n e ) and the locations where the rock samples come from. Furthermore, i t is assumed that the two u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s are v a l i d f o r each block as a whole, excepting a narrow f r i c t i o n a l zone (width of the Centovalli f a u l t in the order of 100 m). The i n t e r e s t i n g stage now, is to compare the broken lines in Fig. 6, with respect to the 300° C paleotemperature data. The broken lines represent a c a l c u l a t i o n r e s u l t which is based only on thermally conductive contact between the two crustal blocks. Taking, f o r instance, the point of time 29 Ma b.p. at which the u p l i f t of the Monte Rosa block was greater than the u p l i f t of the Simplon block (see Fig. 5), we must except higher temperatures in the Monte Rosa than in the Simplon. The lower temperatures in the Simplon should influence the near Simplon parts of the Monte Rosa. This means that a near Simplon rock sample of the Monte Rosa block should pass the 300° C temperature point e a r l i e r than a " t y p i c a l " rock sample from the Monte Rosa f a r from the Simplon. The data, however, show a reversed tendency. Rock samples from l o cations near the Centovalli l i n e reach the blocking temperature l a t e r than expected from the conductive thermal model, and i t seems that the f r i c t i o n a l zone between the blocks acts as a heat source (BUCHLI & WERNER, 1985). A s i m i l a r behaviour can also be found in t r a n s i t i o n zones of other crustal blocks within the Central Alps, f o r instance between the Ticino block and the Southern Alps. F r i c t i o n a l heating due to d i f ferent v e r t i c a l motion may be a possible explanation of this phenomena. In a l l cases, the paleotemperature data in the Central Alps contain not only i n f o r mation f o r the d i f f e r e n t u p l i f t h i s t o r i e s , but o f f e r new problems concerning the r e l a t i o n s h i p between tectonics and geothermics.
and L U X I U - W E N
I n s t i t u t e of Geology, A c a d e m i a Sinica P . O . B o x 634, Beijing, C h i n a
Abstract In North China, T e r t i a r y sediments give the main o i l - g e n e t i c series. The mean value of t e r r e s t r i a l
heat flow density has been considered to be 6 0 - 6 5 mW/m2, and the
geothermal gradient in T e r t i a r y sediments usually ranges from 30 to 40 ° C/km in the region studied. Supposing that the onset of o i l generation l i e s at about 90 ° C, the upper l i m i t of the depth of o i l - g e n e r a t i o n is at about 2000 to 2500 m depth. Recent paleogeothermal studies using v i t r i n i t e
reflectance, clay and authigenic minerals,
as well as other methods showed that in Eocene the geothermal gradient has been higher than at present. Some results were obtained and discussed. Introduction North China is r i c h in o i l resources and recently became one of the main resourcebases f o r energy supply in China. In some large-scale Mesozoic-Tertiary sedimentary basins such as Lower Liaohe, Central Hebei, Northern Shandong, o i l - g a s deposits of commercial i n t e r e s t have been found in many places. The North China Plain ( i n c l u d i n g Lower Liaohe) g e o l o g i c a l l y is a large-scale Meso-Cenozoic basin of f a u l t i n g - d e p r e s sion o r i g i n which developed on the Pre-Cambrian basement (ZHANG WEN-YOU et a l . ,
The s t r u c t u r a l framework of the region has been formed during the "Yintze" tectonic cycle (225 to 195 m.y.). Pre-Cambrian rocks are widely exposed in the mountainous area surrounding the P l a i n , and Paleozoic sedimentary strata of platform type as well as Mesozoic c l a s t i c and volcanic rocks of t e r r e s t r i a l o r i g i n are i n t e r m i t t e n t l y distributed
the periphery of the Plain. Within the Plain, on a series of rises and
depressions of Pre-Cenozoic s t r a t a , Cenozoic sediments are l y i n g . The b l o c k - f a u l t i n g movements i n i t i a t e d since Mesozoic have also been continued in the Cenozoic. In spite of some differences in Cenozoic sedimentation h i s t o r y , in the early Eocene (Sahejie, e s p e c i a l l y early Sahejie), the North China Plain as a whole subsided r a p i d l y . At Oligocene (Dongying), the amplitude of subsidence decreased gradually, but in some places such as Lower Liaohe and p a r t l y Shandong, the thickness of sediments has s t i l l been recorded as t h i c k as 1000 m or even more. By the end of early T e r t i a r y , the Plain had come to the end of intensive subsidence, and hence, a thickness of several hundred meters f o r the Miocene (Guantao) and Pliocene (Minghuazhen) sediments are
Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Vol. 5 Paleogeothermics. Edited by G. Buntebarth and L. Stegena © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1986
196 usually observed in most areas with the exception of the Bohai Bay area, where the Pliocene sediments were found as thick as 1000 m or more. Since Quaternary, the North China Plain has gradually stepped into a stage of peneplaination development; the thickness of Quaternary sediments is less than 400 m. The v e r t i c a l crustal movement, dominated in Cenozoic era and accompanied by the b l o c k - f a u l t i n g processes, has been regarded as the main form of tectonic a c t i v i t y in this area. Meanwhile, f o l d i n g process developed weakly, Early T e r t i a r y b a s a l t i c v o l canism, characterized by fissure eruption and associated with sediments, was extensive in the northern part of the North China Plain. Since l a t e T e r t i a r y , the magnitude and i n t e n s i t y of b a s a l t i c volcanism decreased s i g n i f i c a n t l y and the Quaternary volcanism has only been found in some local places. In the North China Plain there exists two types of o i l - g a s deposits of commercial interest: I.
The so-called "buried h i l l "
type of deposits with mainly Pre-Cenozoic reservoirs
of e a r l y Paleozoic to Sinian ( l a t e Proterozoic) carbonate rocks. 2.
Oil-gas deposits with Cenozoic reservoirs of various coarse c l a s t i c rocks.
The t o t a l thickness of Cenozoic sediments in some strongly subsided depressions amounts to 7000-8000 m or even more, and in most areas a thickness of 3000 to 4000 m s t i l l
remains. Apparently, the Cenozoic sediments, e s p e c i a l l y the e a r ly
T e r t i a r y ones, have been considered to be the main o i l - g e n e t i c series because of the more favourable geological and geothermal settings: the abundant source of organic m a t e r i a l ; the appropriate temperature conditions f o r petroleum maturation; and the r e l a t i v e l y stable tectonic environment. Main geothermal features Recent studies indicate that the o i l f i e l d d i s t r i c t of North China is characterized by a r e l a t i v e l y high geothermal s e t t i n g . The mean heat flow density value of the North China Plain has been thought to be 63 mW/m2 with the i n d i v i d u a l values ranging from 61 to 74 mW/m2 (Geothermal Res. Div., 1979a,1979b~ WANGet a l . , WANG, 1982) (Fig. I ) .
1981; DENG&
In many o i l f i e l d s of North China, a higher geothermal gra-
dient has been observed in comparison with other o i l f i e l d s in China (Fig. 2). Based on numerous temperature logs, a temperature map f o r the depth of 2000 m (Fig. 3), and a map of geothermal gradient fo r the whole Cenozoic sediments (Fig. 4) were recently compiled. The temperature at a depth of 2000 m is usually about 75 to 85 ° C. A geothermal gradient of 30 to 40 ° C/km covers most (70 %) of the area with higher values in the northern Shandong to the South-East of Bohai, and with lower values at the piedmonts.
Fig. 1. Histogram of heat flow densities in North China
H e a l flow ~lgn~ly I m W / m
50 I
70 I
Fig. 2. Geothermes f o r some o i l f i e l d s in China. Solid l i n e s : North China; dashed: Sichuan Basin; dotted: Shanxi Basin
90°C i
1ooo ¸
\\ %, \ \ \
/ I" /./
~,,. ///7. ~.~"
/ ,
6 3g °
8' 0
, f ' ~ .S hondong P r o v / ~ e e ~ I
Fig. 3. Geotemperatures in the depth of 2000 m in the northern part of the North China Plain and the Lower Liaohe area
Shenyang~ I ,/ ,Y:+/ : ] M'N
37 °
) .)/->~7--;],,<
-< ~
Fig. 4. Geothermal gradients (°C/I00 m) in the Cenozoic sediments of the northern part of the North China Plain and Lower Liaohe area The r e l a t i v e l y high temperature of the Cenozoic strata in the North China Plain is favourable f o r the maturation of hydrocarbon material in rather shallow depths, and also f o r the occurrence of petroleum. The measured heat flow density in mountainous area surrounding the North China Plain is about 46 mW/m2, and the geothermal gradient is of 15 to 20 ° C/km, which would be thought to be the t y p i c a l values f o r an old stable tectonic u n i t . The geothermal regime is c o n t r o l l e d by some geological f a c t o r s , among which the topography of the basement rock and the hydrogeological setting are considered to be the most ~mportant ones in the o i l f i e l d d i s t r i c t of North China (Geothermal Res. Div., 1978,1980). As Figs. 3 and 4 show the pattern of isotherms and geothermal gradients are consistent with regional NE to NNE trend. The high temperature zones are correlated to the rises, and the low temperatures to the depressions. This c o r r e l a t i o n can be explained by the high conductivity of older rocks, as was v e r i f i e d by model c a l c u l a t i o n using f i n i t e element techniques (XIONG LIANG-PING & GAO WEI-AN, 1982; XIONG LIANG-PING et a l . ,
1983). On Fig. 5, the geothermal gradients in Cenozoic
ClMr~ H,b~
+ ....
L o w ~ LU~Xm
Fig. 5. Geothermal gradients in Cenozic sedimentary cover versus the depth of PreCenozoic and Sinian basement, f o r two areas in the North China Plain
\ 3-
0 . _. . . . . . . .
- -
sediments versus the depth of Pre-Cenozoic or Sinian basement rocks are p l o t t e d f o r two areas, demonstrating t h i s c o r r e l a t i o n . Another c o n t r o l l i n g f a c t o r is the hydrogeological s e t t i n g . The low temperature and low gradient zones at the piedmonts of Yanshan and Taihang Mts. are caused by the strong c i r c u l a t i o n of the ground water at shallow depths. Along f a u l t s or fracture zones, abnormal geothermal gradients and temperatures occur, having resulted from the upward directed water c i r c u l a t i o n . Observations indicate that the abnormal gradient may reach a value of greater than 50 to 60 ° C/km which would be regarded as a c r i t e r i a to i d e n t i f y the existence of a geothermal anomaly caused by convection. In Liaohe Basin, the geothermal gradient f o r the l a t e T e r t i a r y sediments (usually less than 25 ° C/km) seems to be always less than that of the ear ly T e r t i a r y series (35 to 40 ° C/km). Apparently, i t resulted from the strong water flow in the aquifers of l a t e T e r t i a r y sediments. Paleogeothermics The Cenozoic sediments of North China Plain are considered to be the main o i l - g e n e t i c series (WANG, 1981; WANG et a l . ,
1983). The thermal his t o r y during the Cenozoic era
were studied by means of the f o l l o w i n g two approaches: I.
Analysing in d e t a i l the h i s t o r y of sedimentation and erosion, the thermal his t o r y f o r certain o i l - g e n e t i c series was reconstructed, supposing that both heat flow and geothermal gradient in the past and at present are the same;
Using geothermometers such as v i t r i n i t e
reflectance, clay and authigenic mine-
r a l s , the maximum temperature or temperature range, which the layer studied has undergone during Cenozoic time, could be determined. In Fig. 6, the values of v i t r i n i t e
reflectance versus depth f or some wells in the o i l
f i e l d d i s t r i c t s of North China are p l o t t e d . For a well l a b e l l e d M-I, located in the
, o~
~io ....
o-. . . . . ~ M-1 x. . . . • A+23 • • 8-2 • • Z-4Z)
9 i~ l b ~
Fig. 6. Variation of v i t r i n i t e reflectance with depth in wells of o i l f i e l d s (M-1 e t c . )
: N-3
western part of Liaohe Oil F i e l d , the r e s u l t s obtained are as f o l l o w s : I.
C o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient increases gradually from 0.025 Ro %/100 m to 0.065 during the period of mid Eocene to e a r l y Eocene, which is consistent with observations in many other o i l f i e l d s of the world (CASTAUR & SPARKS, 1974; HACQUEBARD,1975).
R e l a t i v e l y low v i t r i n i t e
reflectances (Ro) correspond to high temperatures, f o r
instance, Ro = 0 . 4 % corresponds to 95 ° C and Ro= 1.3 % to 152 ° C. I t is somewhat d i f f e r e n t with r e s u l t s reported f o r other o i l f i e l d s in the world (KARWEIL, 1975). I t is supposed that the type and the younger age of organic material in the sediments of Liaohe Oil Field is responsible f o r t h i s discrepancy. 3.
The r e l a t i o n s h i p between v i t r i n i t e
reflectance and present (probable maximum
temperature f o r the Liaohe Oil Field can be expressed by: (I)
Ro%= 0.00000285 T2"591 (T in °C)
Another example was taken from a well labelled N-3, situated in the Central Hebei Oil Field (Fig. 6). Some s i m i l a r r e s u l t s were obtained: I.
During the period from late to early stage of e a r l y T e r t i a r y , the c o a l i f i c a t i o n gradient e x h i b i t s a s l i g h t value: 0.04 Ro %/100 m.
S i m i l a r l y to the Liaohe Oil F i e l d , the present temperatures of 105 and 158 ° C correspond to 0.5 to 1.25 R %, r e s p e c t i v e l y . 0
201 3.
A roughly l i n e a r r e l a t i o n s h i p e x i s t s between Ro and T: (2)
R %= T/80.9494-0.745 (T in °C) 0
I t must be pointed out that equations ( I ) and (2) are a r e s u l t of a second power equalisation of the curves M-I and N-3 in Fig. 6. The sediments in these two wells are deposited continuously and no erosion existed. Therefore the temperature at a certain depth may be regarded as the maximum temperature during geological time. More or less s i m i l a r r e l a t i o n s h i p s between Ro and T were also obtained in other o i l f i e l d s in North China. For paleogeothermal analysis on a regional scale, the f o l l o w i n g two approaches were used: I.
Using equations ( I ) and (2), a reconstruction of the paleotemperature regime has been carried out f o r the regions where the Ro, sedimentary and present geothermal data s u f f i c e and are good enough. Afterwards, we have compared the r e s u l t obtained with the r e s u l t s calculated by the methods of several investigators (LOPATIN, 1971; WAPLES, 1980; KARWEIL, 1975; HOOD et a l . , agreed more or less s a t i s f a c t o r i l y .
1975). The r e s u l t s
For example, the calculated Ro at 4300 m
depth in well M-I by Lopatin's method is of 1.26 %, while the measured value is of 1.27 %. The calculated Ro value of Karweil's approach is lower, only 1.1%, using the present geothermal gradient (33 ° C/km) f o r c a l c u l a t i o n . The calculated paleotemperature and paleogeothermal gradient appears to be s t i l l
higher by
Hood's LOM graph. 2.
F o r a r e g i o n where R data are not s u f f i c i e n t to do t h i s , an estimation was used o based on a geological comparison with s i m i l a r tectonic u n i t s and sedimentation history.
The results thus obtained are shown in Table I . I t should be emphasized that the paleogeothermal gradients presented in Table 1 are averaged values since early T e r t i a r y , whereas the present-day's gradients are the mean values f o r the whole Cenozoic group. Nevertheless, the data set of Table I suggests that a tendency of decreasing geothermal gradient with time existed during Cenozoic period, c o n s i s t e n t l y with the evolution of t h i s area (WANG et a l . ,
Table I.
Mean present and T e r t i a r y geothermal gradients in North China Tertiary Present geothermal gradient (°C/km)
Central Hebei
Raoyang Sub-depression Langfang-Guan Sub-depression
Baoding Sub-depression
Northwestern Shandong
Shulu Sub-depression
36 - 38
Wuji Sub-depression
Northern part of the East Sub-depression
33- 34
30- 31
Mid part of the East Sub-depression
33 - 43
30 - 31
26 - 28.5
Western slope of the East Sub-depression
Southern part of the Central S u b - u p l i f t
Mid part of the West Sub-depression
Southern part of the West Sub-depression
Western slope of the West Sub-depression
Huimin Sub-depression
Geothermics and hydrocarbon resources The 90° C and 150° C and Ro = 0 . 5 and 1.3 % are taken as the lower and upper l i m i t s of the generation of l i q u i d petroleum ( " l i q u i d window"), as suggested by others (CONNAN, 1974; HACQUEBARD, 1977; HOODet a l . ,
1965). As seen on Fig. 4, the isotherm of 90° C is located at a depth of about 2000 to 2100 m in northwestern Shandong, and 2300 to 2400 m in the Liaohe Basin, as well as between these two depths in Central Hebei. At piedmonts of Taihang and Yanshan Mts., and in some deep sub-depressions such as Baoding, Langfang-Guan in Central Hebei, and several other ones in Liaohe, the 90 ° C isotherm is situated at a depth of 2500 to 2700 m, that i s , much deeper. I t is c l e ar that almost a l l of the Cenozoic group in the North China Plain are characterized by high o i l - g e n e t i c p o t e n t i a l , among which the Sahejie and the Dongying formations are considered to be the best because of t h e i r abundant organic material and high a b i l i t y to hydrocarbon discharge as well as the suitable temperature conditions. The area favourable f o r a high degree of kerogen maturation Sahejie formation, however, is confined to the north of the Shijiazhuang-Jinan l i n e with a moderate depth
of the buried basement rock. In the area to the south of Shijiazhuang-Jinan and on uplifts,
the o i l - g e n e t i c potential of the Sahejie formation is very low owing to
the small sedimentation during the Eocene period, or to the erosion afterwards. The area favourable f o r the o i l - g e n e t i c process in the Dongying formation is rather l i mited, only to some deep sub-depressions of Central Hebei and northwestern Shandong, as well as the local part of the Liaohe Basin. The above o i l - g e n e r a t i n g area suggested by geothermics is in good agreement with the real d i s t r i b u t i o n of o i l depos i t s in North China. In Fig. 7 the thermal h i s t o r y at the base of the Sahejie and Dongying formations is presented. I t is obvious that f o r the Sahejie formation the threshold temperatures were reached before early T e r t i a r y only at places of strong subsidence. By the end of Miocene and up to Pliocene, the temperatures of " l i q u i d window" seem to be reached in most areas. For the Dongying formation, the threshold temperature was p a r t l y reached only a f t e r Pliocene. In most areas, the present-day's temperature is s t i l l beyond the threshold value.
1 \
c .J s
100 •
I O0
so ~-;o .....
• 10 ~
3~5- " 2o L ........
I .......
120 Ma
Fig. 7. Temperature h i s t o r y of the bottom of Sahejie ( l e f t ) and of Dongying format i o n ( r i g h t ) . J - C e n t r a l Hebei Depression, Sub-depressions: J I - W u g i n g , J2,J3Baxian, J4-Raoyang, J5-Baoding, S u b - u p l i f t : J 6 - N i n g j i n , H-Huanghua Depresslon, Quikou Sub-depression, G-Yiyang Depression, Cheshen Sub-depression, L-Western Liaohe Depression, C-Cangxian U p l i f t
Conclusions I.
By the end of early T e r t i a r y , the Sahejie formation in most depressions has come into a stage of the onset of o i l - g e n e r a t i o n , and in Pliocene, a stage of the end of o i l - g e n e r a t i o n has been reached.
To date, the Dongying o i l - g e n e r a t i o n series (Oligocene in age) reached the end of o i l generation only in a very small amount even in some deep depressions.
Guantao (Miocene in age), Minghuazhen (Miocene to Pliocene) formations are not b a s i c a l l y o i l - g e n e r a t i n g series, as both the organic material content and temperature
conditions were unfavourable.
On u p l i f t s ,
a l l the o i l deposits found in Sahejie, Dongying and other series are
believed to be the results of secondary migration. 5.
According to the temperature values, deep depressions are the most promising areas f o r o i l and gas prospecting in North China, because of the thickness of o i l - g e n e r a t i n g series as well as of the r e l a t i v e l y low geothermal gradient ( u s u a l l y <30 ° C/km), which makes the depth i n t e r v a l of o i l - g e n e r a t i o n very large. In some deep depressions such as Liaohe, Langfang-Guan, Baoding, the lower l i m i t of the l i q u i d window sometimes l i e s at 4500 m and even more.
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