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), increases; thus , the densit~ of the steam-water mi x ture in the ascend ing tu bes increases . In turn, the relative velocity of st eam, and therefore,
and decreases p"" and therefore, Sua is increased (curve 2) . As, however, the circulation velocity approaches zero, the highest useful circulating head will be lower than that found by formula (12.18). Friction forces are always directed opposite to the motion of fluid, and therefore, decrease Sua in ascending tubes and in.crease it in descending ones (curve 3). The concept of zero circulation velocity is conditional, since an ascending tube is heated and thus generates steam in an amount corresponding to tho absorbed heat. To generate steam, the tube must be fed with water. When there is no circulation through an evaporating tube, water should be supplied at such a rate as ,o' to compensate for the quantity of steam generated in the tube; this is called the make-up velocity Wmu. The term implies, firstly, that the quan,o" tity o[ water supplied to a tube is ·wo------ - - - - -- ·% low and, secondly, that water can 0 enter the tube from the bottom as well as from the top, i.e. either ascenFig. 12.7. Variations of density p111 o[ steam· ding or descending motion is possible "'" ler mixture as a function of w0 in ascend· in the tube. The region of very low ing and descending motion
"- B,!~
.... ..• , "'
0' 0 0
Fig. '1 2.9. Effect o[ pressure on the total hydraulic charact eri sti c or a steam-genera ling tu be
s," c
"...... If"- £ _,
".. OJ "'-, , -~
bl gbcr pressure
Fig. 12.11. Non-uniform hea t absorption by parallel tubes in the wa ter walls of boiler furnaces (a) acros.' the furnace width; (b) nlon~ the height where some tubes arc shaded T
f' E
(D) positive and negalive circu lation velocities (hatched area in Fig. 12 .8) is usually excluded from analysis. The right-ha nd branch of the general hydraulic characteristic corresponds to tho ascending motion of fluid, and the left-hand one to the descending (reverse) motion. Th e relative position of the branches depends on the pressure in the circuit. At a low pressure, the effect of relative steam velocity is high , and therefore, the left-hand branch passes higher than any point on tho right-hand branch (Fig. 12.9a). In contrast to this, at a high pressure, the steam velocity and hydraulic resistance are low, and therefore, an appreciable portion of the left-hand branch lies lower than the portion of the right-hand branch in the region of low circulation velocities (Fig. 12.9b). In the right-hand branch , we can find point C which determines tho flow rate of water at the make-up velocity, (wp)mu· The ordinate of that point gives us the useful head of stagnation S~'., i.e. the head at which the working fluid virtually ceases to move, resulting in the phenomenon of circulation stagnation. With circulation stagnation, water in a heated tube moves very slowly upwards or downwards, while steam moves only upwards a nd bubbles through the column of water in the tube. Circulation stagnation may
l I
appear in circui ts with 0\' aporaling tubes connected to the water space of the drum, i.e. below the water level in the drum (Fig. 12.10a). With tubes connected to the steam s pace of the drum (Fig. 12.10b} , the useful head of water, which moves very slowly, is insufficient to overcome tho resistance of the down take tu bos and to raise the working fluid to th o topmost level in t.he uptake tubes or the circuit. Thus, a free water level can form under such co nditions. The leHhand branch of ·the characteristic, which describes steady-state descending motion , has a minimum io point 8 (see Fig. 12.9). The transiti on from ascending to descending motion passes through the zero velocity and is called circulation reversal. Tho ordinate of point B gives us the useful head of reversal, sr::: ' i.e. a head at which a chango from ascending to descending motion occurs in an evaporating tube. The distance between the horizontal line DE (Fig. 12 .9) and the axis of abscissae is the pressur e gradient in downtake tubes llPdeo = which, according to equation (12 .8}, determines the working point A in the circulation diagram. As this pressure gradient increases (line D'E' in Fig. 12.9), the water now rate decreases, but at low pressures the head of stagnation is achieved earlier, a nd
Co) Into tbc water space; (b) Into the steam spncc
~ ~\
. ). /,
therefore, circulation stagnation is more probable (Fig. 12.9a); at a high pressure, the head of r eversal is ach ieved earlier and circulation reversal is more likely to occur (Fig. 12.9b). Circulation circuits are systems of tubes connected in parallel which may be heated differently under actual conditions in a boiler. Non-uniform heating of some tubes may b e caused by structural factors in the system or by operating conditions. Fot· instance, tubes in the middle of a furnace wall usual1y obtain a quantity of heat roughly twice that absorbed by corner tubes (Fig. 12.1.1a). Tubes around burner ports and at a certain height above the port turn out to be shaded, i.e. they are not dir ectly exposed to the r ad iant h eat of flame (Fig. 12 .1.1b). In the operation of solid fuel-fired boilers, especially when the combustion conditions are disturbed, some water wall tubes may be clinker ed by slag across their ·width or.along the height (Fig. 12.12a). Since slag has a low h eat conductivi-
Fig. iZ.iO. Connections of evaporating lubes to the drum
I ··~~
to form a burner port
:'--.... A
ll 0
(a) lower pressure;
12.3. General llydraul!c Cltaractcrlsllc of Evaporating
Cit. 12. llydrodynamics of Closed Jlydraulic Systems
Fig. 12.12. Non-uniform heat absorption by lu bes of water walls (a) due lo cli nkering; (b) du e to misalignment of so me lubes
ty, its layer will transmit substa ntially less heat. In som e cases, say, if tube fastenings arc loosened , some tubes may protrude from a tube row (off-rank tubes) , Fig. ~ 2.12~, a nd will obtain more heat, whlle adJacent tubes will be shaded by them a nd r eceive Jess heat. Figure t 2.13a shows a system o[ parallel ascending lubes in a circulation circuit which have identical goometrical and structural char acteristics. Sl!ppose that some of them are eli nJ<ered. Unclinkered {clean) tubes (say, tube 1) will operate und er the rated conditions, i.e. they receive the specified quantity of heat and deliver the specified quantity of steam D. L et tube 2 be clinker ed in the top half only so that no steam forms in that portion; the lower half will then absorb half the specified heat, so that the whole tube will produce D/2 of steam. Let tube 3 generate steam in a quantity D/2, but in contrast to tube 2, be clinkered in its lower half only. Let tube 4 be clinkered uniformly along its whole length to such an extent that it delivers steam in the same quantity D/2 . Finally, tube 5 is supposed to be clinkered along tho whole h eight to such a degree that it docs not r eceive heat at all, and therefore, produces no steam (D = 0). Assuming that all the tubes are hea ted u niformly along their height, it may bo taken that the quantity of steam in Lhem increases linearly (Fig.12.13b}. As may bo seen from the figure, differently heated tubes prodliCe different quantities of steam, and thereforo, develop different driving circu-
.• 154
Ch. 12. Hydrodynamics. of Closed Hydraulic System•
0 0/2 D/2 0/2 0 • 0
.D Fig. 12.13. Effect of clinkering of stez.m-genera ti ng tubes on the quantity of generated steam
..... .-
..., (a) 1
laling heads ; clean tubes deliver the specified quantity of steam and develop the highest driving head: sdr = = If 8 QJ (p' - p ") g. On the other hand, the cliukered t.ul>es which obtain the sa me qu antity of heat and thus deliver the sarno quantity of steam JJ/2, are slnggod d ifforontly and will develop differcut drivi ng heads (always lower than that in tho clean tubes), since, at the given hent absorption and th e corresponding p0 , s team fill s them to a different height: in tube 3, steam form s only in the top half, H/2; in tube 4, i l I ills the whole tube height; in tube 2 , it also fills the whole tube height, but has a lower density. Figure 12.14 shows curves of useful circulating h eads for a system with non-uniformly healed tubes . As has been demonstrated, tho driving cir culating heads in the tubes are different. I n such a system, all the ascending tubes are connected to com-
moo headers and operate under the same forced pressure gradient D.p which is equal to Su, [see formula (12.8)1. Hence, the useful circulating h ead should be the same for all the tubes in the circuit. Owing to non-uniform heating, however, this useful h ead, which is common for all tho tubes , corresponds to diHerent flow rates of the water that circulates in th em. With generally favourable temperature conditions for the main number of tubes, uneven heating may result in that little water will pass through some of the tubes. Thus, circu lation disturbances, such as stagnation or even circulation reversal, are likely to occur in these Lubes . Circul ation circuits are checked for circulation reliability, i.e. for the absence of circulation disturbances, by using the reliability criteria given below. The checking is done for the least heated tubes (with 10 % reserve). The crit~rion of stagnation is: (12.19) the criterion of circulation reversal is srcv;sc > 1.1 (12.20) U3 U8 and the criterion of free water leve l is (S ~,'.- 6Pwt)IS~, > 1.1 (1.2.2 1)
Fig. 12.14. Effect of non-uniform h ea ting of parallel evaporating tubes in a circulation ci rcuit on the direction and velocity of circu Ia tion J-s". or strongly hcnlcd tubes (most lubes in Lhc c lrcuiL) ; 2- S u• or poorly heaLed tubes (some tubes In the circuit); 3-S u• of the worst hea t ed tubes (a few Lubes In the c ircuit)
whore D.pwt is tho pr c~sure loss fo r raising the mixture a·bovo tho water level in the dru m, hwt (sco F ig. 12.10). The phenomena discussed arc extremely dangerous, since circulation stagnation or the appearance of free water level can interrupt the motion of walor in the cirCillalion circuit, while cir-
12.4. Hydrodynamic• of Derc• nJing Tubes
culation reversal involves a chango from ascending to descending motion, i.e. the passage of velocities through zero . All these regimes can disturb heat removal from the internal surface of evaporating tubes and lead to i)verheating an d even burn-out of tho tubes. Circuits operating at pressures p above 11 MPa or with local heat absorp t ion r ates q above 400 kW/ m 2 are additionally checked for ·'tho probability of heat transfer impairment (burn-out conditions), soc Sec. 10.3. 12.4. Hydrodynamics of Descending Tubes and I ts Effect on the Reliability of Circulation
0 tif
~i~7 ~ c
i:'.t' "'
c' ~h'
~ d'
= ~
( )
Heliable operation of ascending tubes in circulation circuits is ensured by a continuous supply of the required amount of water. A decrease in the water supply through descending tubes to intensively heated ascending tubes can lead to insufficient cooling and, furthermore, to overheating of the tubes. The situation is dangerous and most often results in burn-out of the heated evaporating tubes. If water supply is fully stopped, the temperature of the walls of h eated tubes may rise at a rate of u p to 20-25° C/s, meaning that 10-15 seconds are sufficient to got t he plant out of order. Descending tubes of a circuit may turn out to have a water flow rate too low to ensure proper temperature conditions in evaporating tubes if they have an excessive hydraulic resistance or if steam is entra ined from the drum into them. H ydraulic r esistance of descending tubes. Vlhen analysing the operation of descendi ng tubes, we should distinguish between two cases: ~a) w~ ter supplied from the econom1zor 1n to the boiler drum at the saturation temperature (boiling economizer, t;. = = t') and (b) water fed at a temperature below the saturat ion p oint (nonboiling economizer. t;. < t').
p' (c)
Fig. i 2.15. Distribution of pressures and the corresponding entbalpics of water a t the saturation line along the height of down take tubes
With a boiling economizer, water temperature at the inlet to the descendin!; tubes is tin= t' {Fig. 12. 15a) . As water moves through the drum to the inlet of the descending tubes, its velocity is negligible, so t hat the velocity head due to the non-parallel drum walls can be neglected. Pressure changes can only occur due to a rise in the hydrostatic pressure by a linear Jaw (line ab in Fig. 12.15b). The pressure at the inlet to the descending tubes is higher than that at the water level in the drum by the magnitude (section be): D.p~ = h;,p' g
Upon entry into descending tubes, water velocity increases substantially, since t he hydrostatic pressure decreases because of the appearance of velocity h ead and inevitable energy losses on local resistances. Thus, tho pressui·o at the inlet to the descending t ubes decreases (section bd) by: (12.23)
With furth er motion of wnLor in ~he descending tubes, press ure ngui n mcroases, due to an increase in Lhe hydrostatic pressure of tho water column a long line de by tho leng t h of section ef:
(12.24) or, i[ we additionally consider the pressure Joss by fri ction and on loca l resistances flPa e• = [Ila e• X ( ':
w;i-. 2g
+ l:£ )] p'g
Re[el'l'ing to Fig. 12.15, as water moves in the descending tubes, iLs pressure increases continuously, except for the t ube in let prop or , where it docrouses somewhat. If, however, assume that flp~ > tlp 1n, i.e.
h In >(i + 'oln t )
dt~ g
to or. greater than tlp~, the pressure of water at the in let to the descenrl i ng tubes will drop to s uch a level that the water will turn out to be su perheated at the drum pressure or will boil in the zone of reduced pressure. Stearn bubulcs thus formed will be entrained uy circulating water into the desce nding Lubes where th e prossure is higher; Lhus, water wil l turn out to bo subcooled there and s tea m bubbles will condense. Complete condensation of steam requires a certa i o ti me. As a result, steam bubbles wi'll be curried by the water flow an appreciable distance in tl te descendin
it will follow from Fig. 12.15b that t he water pressure in any point of the descending system exceeds its pressure at the water level in the drum Pa· The enthalpy of boiling water is distributed according to the increasing pressure (a'b'd'k' in Fig. 12.15c) . The actual enthalpy of water i.n any section of the descending tubes IS equal to id; it corresponds to tho pressure at the water level in the drum Pd and is constant if there is no heating of tho descending tubes (line a' p'). The horizontal sections between these lines determine the degree of wa tor s uucooling in the respective s~cti o n s of the descending tubes; .for 1nsLance, the subcooling ill SeCtiOn X- X is determined by tho section m'-n'. Therefore if conditio n (1 2.26) is observed, 'boiling and steam generation in unheated descending tubes is impossible. * Steam can also form in descending If the pressure drop at the inlet tubes on a sudden pressure drop in tb c to the descending tubes tlp 1n is equal boiler.
13.1. Laws of Bubbling
Ch. 12. Hydrodynamics of Closed 1/ydrau/ic Systems
Fig. 12.16. Determination of tbe minimal wa tcr level above the inlet to down take tubes
both free and forced circulation. Their formation can be prevented by ma intaining the wate r level in the drum at a safe height above the inl ets to the desce nding tubes. The probabi lity <>f formnlion of steam cones increases with au increase in the diameter of the descending tubes. As recommended by the standard method of hydraulic calculation of steam boilers 122 1, the ratio of the minimal water level h to the diameter of descending tubes dde. should be chosen by tho curves given in Fig. 12.16. With a non-boiling economizer, the temperature of feed water supplied to the drum is below the saturation point. This water is mixed with boiler water . and forms a mixture whose temperature is below the 'saturation point under pressure at tho water level in· the drum, tin < t'. Water at this temperature enters the des-
cend i ng tubes. This degree of s ubcooling is equivalent to the degree of subcooling provided by forming a proper water level in the drum. Water subcooling in the drum is no t a useful means of ensuring the stahlo operation of descending tubes in view of the comp lexity and inconvenience of this method. As with a boiling economizer (t 1n = t'), t ho stable operation of descending tuLles in a circuit with non-boiling economizer (t 1n < t') is achieved by preve nting the formation of steam cones above the entry to the descending tubes. Subcooling of water at the i.nlet to descending tubes at tin < t' me re ly e ns ures a certain reserve of reliability. Entrainment of s team from the water space of drum. The normal supply of water to the descending tubes can be disturbed if steam uubbles in the water space of the drum are entraine d by water and carried into tho descending tubes. When velocity of water flows in the drum is substantial, steam bubbles below the water s urface have no time to separate and are thus entrained by the water into the d escendi ng tubes. Such conditions may appear, for instance, when the ends of the evaporating tubes in the drum are arranged too close to the inlets of Lhe descending tubes. The entrainment of steam into the descending tubes is prevented by properly organizing the water flows, for instance, by arranging partitions or by separating the steam-water mixture in cyclones.
HYDRODYNAMICS OF BUBBLING SYSTEMS 13. I. Laws of Bubbling In free-circulation boilers, Lh e working fluid moves as it is hcnted in ascending tubes; in once-th roug h and
mt)ltiple forced circulation boilers , its motion is caused by the pressure head developed by the feed pump. In ei Lhet• case, the fluid in evaporating tubes is two-phase and its motion is
! 1I
Ch. 13. Hydrodynamics of Bubbltng Syst ems
-- - - -- - ------: --:.......---
13.1. Laws of Bu bbli_n_,g'---- - - -- -- -- -1...:..;. 59
2 (!J)
"" - -1-
1 f- •
- 1-
8 9
Fig. 13.1. Devices !or steam bubbling through water layO!r (a) In boUer drum; (b) In separating drum or c hannel-type; boiling reac~or; (c) In s t::am washer; 1- downtal<e tubes; Z-dlstrlbutlon plate; J-drum; 4-stenm-clrculating tubes; ~-steam-generating tubes; 6- GCparatlng drum; 7- steam·wnter mixture from process channels; a-steam box; 9-feed water he ader; 10- dlstributlng perlorated tubes; 1 J-feed water (wash water); Jt- wasb water drainage
essentially the combined the two components, water which may have different Three principal cases are sible:
w. w.
motion of and steam, velocities. then pos-
0, ww > 0-ascending motion; 0, W w < 0-flow reversal, and 0, ww < 0-descending motion.
> w. <
In contrast to these cases, in which both phases are in motion, there may be a special case when only the lighter phase (steam) is moving, while the heavier phase (water) is stagnant, i.e. it has a zero average velocity: w. > 0, Wr.o = 0. This is known as the process of steam bubbling through liquid. Steam bubbling is a specific kind of motion of a two-phase mixture in which bubbles of the lighter phase (steam) rise through the bulk of the I
heavier phase (water). Bubbling occurs in the drums of boilers ami steam generators when the steam-water mixture is introduced below the water level, in the separating drums of channel-type boiling reactors, in s team washers, etc. (Fig. 13.1). It ca n also occur in evaporating tubes on certain hydrodynamic disturbances of flow, such as the formation of a free water level or circulation stagnation (see Sec. 12.3). The layer of the s teamwater mixture in which steam bubbling takes place is called the dynamic (movable) two-phase layer. Bubbling is usually effected by feeding steam under a perforated distribution plate (Fig. 13.2). As steam moves through holes in the plate, its jets break into separate bubbles which rise through tho bulk of water above the plate to the
0 0
'o • o 0 0
.--~~.L., /,'.::.71 .--.
-· .... . .. - - -- i
n 0
- z(a)
J ... ..... .. .•... .... .
l I
i I
~ · A f.)!. o o -..- if.•~ ~"-' _; i~~ -. . . .. _.._._,...., ~,~ - • ..- ••- • ., - • - , r '"":' ' ,-. • • ...- • f
, 'f.... {6)
I •
-.. -· .-·-· -· ·-
' 0 ' .- '.-' '~ L. _, '· -··-··~ v 1
,- --- ] ~ ,-.·.-:: .!. •--~41 • ._ -
. ... . - - Lo
- · -•'-=
Fig. 13.2 Analysis o[ the bubbling process and steam content distribution along the heigh t of apparatus . (a) at low
0; (b) nl 111gb to0; I-IIJ-zoncs
or dynamic two-phase layer; 1-ateam cushion; .e- nonle
separating surface between the phases (which is usually called the disengagement surface). The disengagement surface is not smooth but seething, or turbulent, with high splashes being formed continuously by steam bubbles which rise to the surface. In the course of bubbling, steam bubbles entrain wa ter which then moves downwar d at the walls and in the spaces between bubble chains and is thus forced into circulation. As a result, a zoro··average flow rate of water (i'Vw = 0) and a positive flow rate of steam (w, > 0) are established in bubbling. Bubbling is eUected in a bubbling apparatus, such as a vertical column (Fig. 13.2). The water level indicated by the water-level gauge glass at the column is lower th an that in the colu mn proper, since water in the apparatus is at the boiling point and, besides, is saturated with steam bubbles and forms a steam-water mixture of a density Pbu b · Water in the gauge glass is subcooled below the saturation temperature at the pressure of ·bubbling and its density is Pe· Since the pressure at the bottom of two communicating vessels (point A) should be the same, we have: hphf>bubg =
+ D.hp.) g
Noting that the density of steam p. is much lower than that of water in the gauge glass, Pe• we obtain: hplrf>bu b =
Since Pbub is smaller than Pe• the physical level hph es tablished in the column is higher than the weight level h r.o ei observed in the gauge glass by the magnitude D.h. The physical level in the apparatus is essentially tho level of tho working fluid at a steam content q> close to unity. Tho difference D.h is called the water swell. The supplied steam is distributed over t he column cross section according to the hydraulic resistance of the wat er layer; with a concentrated steam s upply, this resistance may be dif-
(erent in various points of the cross section. A uniform distribution of steam can be attained by mounting a perforated steam-distribution plate in the water space. The hydraulic resistance of the pluto is much higher than that of the free cross section of t he column and is thus a decisive factor in steam distribution. The plate is perforated evenly, and there(ore, steam is distributed uniformly ovet· the cross section. A gap is left. botween the plate and column walls to perm it return flow of the water. The edges of the plate are bent downward to prevent a sudden outburst of steam at the walls and to form a steam cushion beneath the plate. A steam cushion is essential for normal operation o[ the steam-dislr:ibution plate in which steam bubbles flow continuously tluough its holes. At the moment of formation of a steam cushion, steam bas a definite (minimal) velocity wm"1n in the perforations of the plate. For the stable existence of the steam cushion, the actual velocity of steam flow through the perforations must be higher than the minimal value, i.e. w" > w m"in· This is easily accomplished if perforations have a diameter d 1 = 2-3 mm, i.e. smaller than the break-off diameter of steam bubbles. In the steam boilers of thermal power stations and the steam generators of nuclear power stations, submerged distribution plates have larger holes of a diameter of 8-12 mm or even more. Under such conditions, a steam cushion can form if steam passes through the boles in con tinuous jets. Steam jels can entrain a slight quantity of water droplets from the water space of the apparatus, hut this has no substantial effect on the hydrodynamics of the d istribution plate. The hydrostatic head needed to form a stable steam cushion is determitred by the difference in the masses of water and s team columns of a heigh ~ equal to the thickness of cushion o: D.p = 0 (p' -
p") g
(1:-1. 3)
Ch . 19. llydrodynamlcs of Bubbling S yst em s
18.1. Laws of Bubbling
Fig. 13.3. Analysis of operation o£ a submerged di stribution pi n le
- - - •a 7/: -- --- - ----. -
-n -
o- - o ~/ ~--·
['60 -
""'"" d 1• 2R1 --I
interval: from the value corresponding to the s team flow rate immediately above the distribution plate up to almost unity in the steam cushion and in the steam space. Tho distribution of CJ>bub along the height depends mainly on the steam flow rate or, what is the same, on tho resolved steam velocity w~. For a particular value of one can distinguish between three zones in the dynamic two-phase layer' above the distribution plate (Fig. 13.2). With an ample steam supply, this layer is filled with steam, and therefore, CJ>oub = 1. The first zone o.f the two-phase dynamic layer is immediately above the plate. In this zone, the steam flow is sta bilized: the larger bubbles break down into finer bubbles, while fine bubbles combine to form larger bubbles , i.e. all bubbles are essen t ially transformed i nto the same stable size. The s team content CJ>bub changes from the value corresponding to the relative free cross-sectional area of the plate q>p 1 to a certain constant value !J>bub whlch is determined by the particular conditions of bubbling: steam flow rate and pressure. The initial zone of the dynamic layer has a limited height, usually of a few centimetres. The second zone is characterized by a constant value q>~~b = constant which has been attained due to stabilization at the exit from the first zone. The bubbling process in the stabilized zone is described most accurately by tho generalized formula proposed by M.A. St yrikovich and S. S. Kutateladze [31]:
l..l P = '<>peri
(w") • • 2 P
+ 2o R,
T he combined solution or equations (1 3.3) and (1 3.4) gives the minim al thickness o[ n stable stouro cushion: _ 2a 0 mi n - R,(p' - p") g p" (w")l +S perl 2g (p' -p")
where a is the surface tension, Sperl is the coefficient of resis tance of the s team-distri bution plat.e which is det ermined by the free cross-sectional area of its perforations; R 1 = d 1/2. A steam-distribution p late vvith perforation holes can operate efficiently, with a stable cushion, only in a narrow range of heating loads near t he rated boiler load. With an increase in the steam-generating load, the h eight of the steam cushion increases in proportion to the square of the ratio of loads (D:r!D,)Z, and may rosu lt in tho hreak-th:rough of steam at the plato edges. At lower loads, steam is distributed unevenly over the cross section. A new ty-pe of steam-dis tribution plate has been developed at tho Krzhizhanovs ky power engineering institute: it has numerous pipes per[or ated along their whole length a nd
closed nt Lhe bottom ends, which nrc mounted in the holes of n distribution plate (Fig. 13.4). The number a nd arrangement of pipes and the number of perforaLions in them are determined by the desired range of varialion of the steam-generating load. Steam accumul ates in the water spnce under the plate and forms a steam cushion of 11 height up to tho length of the perforated pipes . [ t flows through their perforations into the water layer above the distribution pl ate. At a chaugo in tho steamgenerating load, tho number o[ 'active' perforations is self-regulated by a change in the height of tho steam cushion. This ensures uniform bubbling and uniform load on the disengagement surface in a wide range of steam-generating loads. As in [orced motion, the principal characteris tic of bubbling is the relative cross-sectional area occupied by steam, CPtmb· The distribution of steam and water along the height of a bubbl ing apparatus is different, and therefore, CJ>bu b can vary within u wide Steam ou/let
t UnilA
t I l.tJ "IT . -- -- -1-::-- • .... -- - -··-
. - - - -- ---- - - -
q> ~~b ::::::
0 ·4 (
1- perlorn lcd steam-dis tribution plate; ll-perforated lubes; J- stcam cus bion; 4- slcnm-llcncra ting healing surface
(w•o V4t !:.,_ p'-p")0. 7 a"'" g c.. (13.6)
Fig. 1.3.4. Steam distributor
p• )O. H
Tho formula is applicable at steam content q>~1ub::;:;;; 0.7. In the third zone (transient zone}, CJ>bub increases continuously from the stabilized value q>&~b t o q> = 1, w hich exists above the two-phase dynamic layer. The height of the third zone 11 - 0 15 2i
h;s h2
p /f
This head is spent to overcome the hydraulic resistance of perforations and to form an excessive pressure r equired to break through the water film at tho exit of steam into the water space a bove the plate (Fig. 13.3). A wa ter [ilm can be broken through by a force 2nR 1a which develops a pressure 2nH 1a/nRi = 2a!R,. Then we have:
~ c::;
lf 0 ~dp
Fig. 13.5. Effect of resolved steam velocity on the distribution of q> along the height of apparatus w01 < w02 < w03; h,, h,, h,- rcspcclivc heig hts oI steam sf)ncc
depends on w~ . At a low w~, individual r ising bubbles are distributed in a relatively large water volume and therefore cannot influence one another. Rising bubbles only slightly deform the disengagement surface, so that there is a distinct boundary between the second an d third zones and the lat ter has a low height (curve w;, in Fig. 13.5). W ith an increase of w~. the quantity of bubbling steam increases, bubble chains move in the water and combine into steam jets, and a return circulat ion of water appears in the apparatus. The number of steam jets then incr eases and impedes the return circul ation of water , i.e. water entrained by the rising steam cannot flow back as easily and is retained for a longer time in' the · upper portions of the dynamic layer, thus leading to water swell. The phaseseparating surface becomes less distinct, the transition zone of the dynamic l ayer increases in heigbt, and the height h of the steam space in the apparatus diminishes accordingly (curve 1 in Fig. 13.5). The hydrodyna· mics of bubbling depends substantially on pressure. With ao increase in pressure, steam density increases, so that steam bubbles rise in water more
13.3. Effect of Non-untform Heat Release and Impurities
Ch. 13. Hydrodynamics of Bubbling Systems
slowly and are retained in the water space for a longer time. This increases IJ>bub' and therefore, causes water swell and an increase in the height of the stabilized and transient zones. Thus, an increase in pressure is qualitatively equivalent to an increase in w~. For a given weight level, the height of the transient zone, h 1r, depends on the fraction of the crosssectional area occupied by steam. The height of the transient zone has a direct effect on tho moisture content of tho steam supplied from the apparatus into a steam separator. With a higher h 1 n the height of the steam space is lower (see Fig. 13.5) and the moisture content of the steam is higher.
and by the force due to surface tension: (13.9) F 0 = :rt da that is Ft.p=Fc+Fa (13.10) Substituting from formulae (13.7) to (13.9) into (13.10), we obtain the formula for steam velocity w" in the boles of a perforated plate, that enables the water layer to be 1·etained on the plate:
, I
w = .
2gp' ~. ..P
in which ~ is the r esolved coefficient of resistance of the bubbling device:
s=spert+swf 13.2. Dynamic Layer in Steam Washers The washing of steam by pure water is a widely employed method for improving steam quality (see Sec. 15.4). It is commonly effected by passing the steam through a water layer that is retained on a perforated plate. Water overflows the peripheral enclosure of the plate, whose height is chosen so as to obtain the desired water level (Fig. 13.1c), but cannot flow through the holes, since the water column above a hole is acted upon by a force F 6.p which appears due to the difference of steam pressure below the plate and above the water level. This force is equal to the hydraulic resistance for the passage of steam through the perforated holes and through the water layer above them:
-, _...,
(w") 2 1
2· J
FI rnt2 d
(13. 7)
Up to the moment the steam breaks through a hole, this force is counterbalanced by the gravity force of the mass of the water column:
In formulae (13.7) to (13.11), d is the diameter of holes in a perforated plate, hw is the level of water above the plate, H is the actual height of the bubbling layer, and ~JJcr/ and ~w are the coefficients of resistance to the steam flow in a bole and in the wash water layer. The height of the steam-washing layer of water is usually not high (50-70 rom) and its resistance is low compared with that . of perforated holes, i.e. Sw <~per/· Therefore, it may be assumed in formula (13.11) that £ = Sperl· Formula (13.11) gives a certain reserve of the velocity of steam flow through perforated holes since the actual velocity of steam is higher and is certainly sufficient to ensure the hydrodynamic stability of steam washing by bubbling. 13.3. Effect of Non-uniform Heat Release and Impurities on the Dynamic Two-phase Layer
Boiler water may contain surfaceactive substances which are concentrated mainly at the boundaries between phases. This increases the strength of water films which envelop and diminish steam bubbles. Finer
c, ~ !----_J__ __ l __ 0 1 1
__;Cfl~ 1
·' height Fig. 13.6. Distribution of q> along' the of apparatus at different concentrations (c1 < c 2 < c3 ) and constant weight level bubbles rise more slowly in water. Stronger water films are broken with a certain time delay, so that the process of passage of steam bubbles into the steam space is retarded. Under such conditions, the dynamic two-phase layer is satmated with a greater amount of steam, thus leading to water swell and an increase in the height of the layer. The general distribution pattern of steam content along the height of the dynamic two-phase layer at a constant steam flow r ate and various concentrations of impurities in water is shown in Fig. 13.6. As may be seen, the steam content q> at a given concentration of impurities increases along the layer height. At a low concentration of impurities the steam content at the exit from a steamdistribution plate is not high. It remains almost constant to an appreciable heigllt (q> increases slowly), increases rapidly in the transient zone, which has a low l1eight, and attains a value q> ~ 1 above the physical water level. With an increase in the concentration of impurities in water, the steam content at the exit from the plate increases and the length of the zone where q> is almost stabilized becomes smaller (or even completely disappears at a high concentration). In contrast to this, the height of the transient zone in creases substantially. In steam-generating plants, the generation of steam may be substantially non-uniform across the cross-secI 1*
tion of an apparatus. This is mainly due to a non-uniform heating intensity which, for instance, in the highcapacity horizontal-type steam generators of nuclear power stations may vary along the length of evaporating elements by a factor of two or three (Fig. 13 .7). The heating intensity can be equalized either naturally, under the effect of a water layer for steam bubbling, or by means of various devices, such as a submerged steam-distribution plate. Figure 13.8 shows the curves of steam content q> at various levels along the height of a bubbling layer with a symmetrical (steam is supplied at the centre of the cross section) or asymmetrical initial non-uniformity in a vertical column without a perforated plate, where steam content is equalized naturally. As may be seen, the steam content at the entry to the two-phase layer is distinctly nonuniform, but is equalized along the height dlle to bubbling in a free volume of water. A non-uniform steam content leads to the appearance of transverse gradients of density in the steam-water mixture that fills in the apparatus. In turn, these gradients lead to oriented convective currents which equalize the steam content and density. Figure 13 .8 shows curves of q> for four sections at various heights in the bubbling layer. As may be seen, nonuniformity decreases along the height due to steam redistribution, tlwugh complete equalization is not achieved
Fig . 13.7. Zone of different steam-generating intensity in the steam generator of a water-cooled water-moderated power reactor (horizontal section) J- housl ng; 2- cooln nt in: 3- coolan t out; 4-
zonc or lnl en•h·c steam gener ation: s- zone or modcrule stcnm ceneralton
·I I
Ch. 13. Hydrodynamics of Babbling Systems
14.1. lmpzlrttles In Peed Water
h •
PHYSI CO-CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES OF BE~VIOUR OF IMPURITIES I N WORKING FLUID Fig. 13.9. Effect of resolved steam velocity w;; on the height at which cp is equalized
tstea~ ~ {D)
Fig. 13.8. Curves of steam content at various [cve!s (1, 2, 3, 4) ~ong the height of a layer wtth {a) symmetncal and (b) asym. metrical initial non-uniformity { ~j.p.ce
the water entrained by bubbling steam flows down mainly along the walls. In columns of a large diameter, the effect of walls is smaller, so that ascending and descending currents, a,nd therefore, thelsteam content, are distributed more ·· evenly over the cross section. ' .• • •
14.1. Impurities in Feed Water and Their Efrect on Equipment
..J.The effoctRof on tho height at which flow equalization is achieved is shown clearly in Fig. 13.9. The left-hand portion of the curve relates to the low values of w~, and consequently, low density gradients, so that flow equalization' occurs at a great er height. At a higher steam-generating intensity, flow equalization occurs more quickly, notwithstanding the higher initial non-uniformity. Therefore, the height of s tabilization is lower. It might be expected that t h is trend would continue with a further increase in w~ which leads to an increase in the density gradient. Actually, however, at very high flow rates of steam, the axial compon ent of the velocity of the steam-wat er mixture increases sharply and the process is extended along a greater height in the layer. I n a certain range of high values of w;, t he effect of velocity is predominant and the height of the equalization layer continues to increase. Finally, at very high flow rates of steam (w~), it begins to carry off much moisture from the layer . Extrapolation of the curve to · its intersection with the axis of abscissae will give a poio t at which water will be completely carried off from the apparatus, i.e. the process of steam bubbling will change to the forced motion of the steam-water mixture.
During tho operation of any lype of boiler-turbine installation the W<Jrking fluid becomes contaminated with impurities. The quantity and composition of impurities depend on th e t ype of plant, composition of str11 ctural materials, and operating conditions. The principal sources and compositions of impurities in lhe aqueous
heat carrier of thermal power stations are given in Table 14.1. Impurities may be present in boiler water in either a dissolved or a suspended state. Under particular conditions, they can precipitate from water and form deposits on the heating surfaces, thus impairing h eat transfer and raising the t emperature of tube walls. Deposits are especially dangerous in intensive l1eating zones (water walls in boiler furnaces and fuel elements
Table 14.1. Principal Sources and Compos itions of I mpu rities in an Aqueous Hea t Carrier Sources
In leakages: in condensers
in feed water and tap water hoators
Principal lmpu rllies
Salts (chlorides, sulphates and bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium and sodium), colloidal impurities (organic matter, silicic acid), suspen· dcd matter and gases (02. COt, N2) Salls (calcium, magnesium and sodium chlorides, su lphatos and bicarbonates), silicic acid, and gases
Make-up water (demi nera 1izcd, cl i- Sodium compounds, pro- Gases: 0 1 (in dcminernducts or metal corrosion lized water); COz (in stilled) distillate) Softened water
Sodium com pounds, silicic acid, gases (tho composi lion or gaseous impurities depends on tho water treatment method)
Products of corrosion of structura l materials
Oxides of Fo, Cu, Cr, Ni , Zn, Co, Al, etc.
Products of radio lysis nncl othcz· iJroccsscs und er the effect of neutron luxes
Hod ioactivo products o[ corrosion of metals: Fe, Mn, Qo, AI, Zr, etc.; gase~: N2, 02, Xe, Kr, etc.
Water additives
Phosphoric salts, ammonia, hydrazine, chclntos
I '
Ch. U. Behaviour of lmpurltlel In Working Fluid
in nuclear reactors). At nuclear power stations, radioactive deposits can char acterize the radiation situation of the equipment. Impurities can partially pass from water to steam and form deposits in superheaters and in tho steam path of turbines. Deposits in superheaters are intolerable since the outlet portions of their coils even at rated heating loads operate at the upper admissible temperature limit of the tube metal. Even a slight layer of deposits can then raise the metal temperature to an inadmissible level and promote creep phenomena and scale formation. Deposits in the steam path of turbine are also extremely undesirable. They increase the roughness of the blades and friction losses and thorofot·e diminish turbine efficiency. Heavy deposits in the steam path of turbine can cause additional axial pressure, requiring a decrease in the turbine power. The effect of deposits is especially perceptible in high-pressure turbines where the unit volume of steam is lower and the high-pressure section is accordingly smaller in size. Methods have been developed to minimize the passage of impurities into water with inleakages in condensers and with make-up water. It is much more difficult to prevent water contamination with tho products of corrosion of structural materials, especially in plants operating at nearly critical or supercr itical pressures. I n operation, feed water is allowed to have a certain composition and concentration of impurities depending on tho type of plant and iLs water balance: hundredths of a milligram per kilogram for once-through boilers and a few tens of milligrams per kilogram for drum-type boilers. 14.2. Solubility of Impurities in an Aqueous Heat-transfer Agent and Formation of Deposits I n a sufficiently wide range of high and supercritical parameters of a homogeneous aqueous heat-transfer agent
(steam and water), the thermodynamic solubility of low-volatile inorganic substances as a function of the properties of the solvent is determined by two parameters: density and temperature. Solubility can be described by the equation proposed by Prof. 0. I. Martynova: ' l n C = rn ln p -
U.2 . Solubtllty ofl mpurltles in Heat-transfer Agent
mg/kg 120 100 80 C aS04
(14.1) 60
where C is the solubility of a substance in an aqueous heat-transfer agent, p is the density of H 2 0 at the given parameters of the process, I::I.H is the thermal effect of dissolution, R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature, t.S is the entropy of dissolution of the substance, and m is the coordination number (hydration characteristic). Calculations of the solubility of substances in an aqueous heat-transfer agent by formu la (14.1) are possible if tl1ere are reliable data on tho threo parameters which characterize the dissolution process : t.EI, !::IS, and m. T hese data are only available for certain impurities and for a limited range of parameters. For this r eason, laws of dissolution of various impurities in water and steam are mainly studied experimentally. Tho general laws of dissolution will be discussed below. Dissolution of impurities in water and laws of format ion of deposits. All substances present in boiler water can be divided into two groups: slightly soluble and readily soluble. Tho former group includes calcium and magnesium salts and hydroxides and oxides of structura l materia ls with which the aqueous heat-transfer agent may have contact. Solubility curves of selected slightly soluble impurities in hot water are shown in Figs. 14.1 through 14.3. The group of readily soluble impurities which are found in t he water of steam- turbine plants includes sodium salts and sodium hydroxide. Their solubility curves are shown in Fig. 14.4. As seen from the figures, the solubility of some substances
cacoA 20
.._ ~
-....; ::-
Mg ( OH) 2 •
t ~5L0~~20L.0~~25~0~-J~O~O~~
Fig. ilo.L Solubility of prin cipal scale-formers in water
1' 2 E· ffcc t of tcmpPrature on the so. F tg ... · T tcr at lubllity o[ m ag neti t l! in bot t ng wu va rious va l ues o[ p Ho -
- - reducing
__ -
m••dlll ul.
oxi di zing
JJlt~ d IU Ill
c 6, 10~
/ l/
tO J
I ~ l\
~ t.....
~ !-...
Fig. 14 .3 . Solubility of m e ta l
P.Ho 10 oxides
boiling water (p = 7 MPa)
0 in
(o"ldldng med ium); 2 - Fe (reduc ing me1 - Pe dlum); 3- cu; 4-Zn; s - N I; 6- AI
100 200 300 400 °C
Fig. V..4.. Solubility o[ readily soluble compounds in water
I !
14.2. Solubllltv of Impurities In Heat-transfer Agent
C". 14. Be,.avtour of lmpurltlu In Working Fluid
increases with temperature while that of others decreases. '· · Sli'ghtly soluble impuri' Calcium and magnesium compounds and metal o~i des which be.long to the group of shghtly soluble Impurities, come into the steam-water path of steam-tu rbine plants from different sources and what is most important, behave dif~ ferentl y in an aqueous heat-transfer a?ent. For this r eason, they will he discussed separately. In normal operation of boilers the concentrations of slightly solubl ~ impurities in feed· water, mainly of calcium and magnesium salts, are low. They may inc!ease on certai n disturbances in the system of condensate cleaning and water treatment or due to excessive inleakages in condensers. In any electrolytic solution, a dissolved substance partly dissociates into ions (cations Mcm+ and anions Ac"-) and partly remains in the form o.f mo~ecules . The degree of dissociatiOn, 1.e. the fraction of dissocia ted molecules, depends on the properties of the solute and t emperature. For a saturated solution at a given t emperature, the product of active concentrations of ions a~rem + · aAcn:Vhich is calle.d the solubility product, Is constant, I.e.
of them can crys tallize on heating surfaces and form scale; these are ~alled scale formers. Others crystallize m the hulk of the solution and form sludge and are thus called sludge formers. Rough elements (protrusions and rocesses) on solid heating surfaces can sorv,e as centres of scale format~on, and disperse and colloidal particles and gas bubbles susp ended in water can serve as centres of sludge formation. The conditions required to avoid scale formation from Ca and Mg cations and so;- anions present in water can be written in the following form:
< SP aMs2+ . a,so:-< SP aca2+ . asoi-
(14 .3)
In order to de term ino the allowable concontraLions of Ca (or 1\Ig) and scalo-f_?rm ing anions in water, it is essent1al to know the solubilities in water of all the substances which may form under particular conditions and their dependence on temperature. Such data for the principal scale formers are given in Fig. 14.1. As may be seen, they have n egative temperature coefficients of solubility, so their solubility in water at high temperatur~s is only a few mg/kg, i.e. threen m Sp -aM m+ ·a n(14.2) five orders of magnitude lower than e AC that of easily soluble salts. When the where n and m are stoichiometric solubility of a p articular impurity, coeUicients. say, of CaS0 4 , at a given temperature For substances with a positive tem- is known, one can determine the perature coefficient of solubility, active concentrations of respective d (SP)Idt > 0 and for those having ions Ca2 + and so;- and then calcula te a negativ~ coefficient , d (SP)Idt < 0. the solubility product from formuDependwg on the composition of la (14.2). feed water, boiler water may contain Products of corrosion of structural c a2+ and Mg2+ and anions materials . ca t Ions . Feed water can bring into 3 2SO'Sio~P0 C0 d Cl4 , a , • , an . the steam-water p ath of boilers the 3 , As evaporation proceeds the con- corrosion products of a number of centrations of all ions u;_crease and structural materials, such as ir on , approach the solubili ty limits of the copper, zinc, cobalt, aluminium, etc. substances involved. Their compounds can form deposits Dissolved substances can crystallize on boiler surfaces which are determifrom water. Those which have the ned by their solubility in the aqueous lowest sol~b_ility product under parti- medium under the process conditions. cular conditiOns crystallize first. Some The solubility of most corrosion pro-
ducts does not exceed a few hundredths of a gram per kilogram* (Fig. 14.3). The highest quantity of corrosion products enters the steam-water path in the form of oxides of iron which is the main structural material of boiler plants of any pressure. Iron combines with oxygen into a number of oxides, two of them, hematite Fe 2 0 3 and magnetite F e30 ,, being the most important in steam-generating plants. Of h ighest interest are tho. properties, solubility in particular, of magnetite as it is the main oxide of iron that can form a t temperatures below 5505700C, i.e. at the operating temperatures in high-pressure and supercritical-pressure plants. The solubility of magnetite in hightemperature water depends substanti ally on the pH index of the medium. The solubility curves of magnetite in boiling water depending on temperature and at various values of pH (in oxidizing and reducing media) are illustrated in Fig. 14.2. As may he seen , in a wide r ange of high t emperatures 250-350°C (4-18 MPa) and pH= 69, the solubility of magnetite in reducing media does not exceed 4050 J.l.g/kg, in oxidizing media it does not exceed 20-30 1.1glkg. The actual concentrations of this subst ance in water are much higher, which means that water contains colloidal and disperse particles of iron oxide, as well as dissolved iron oxides. Suspended (colloidal and disperse) iron-oxide particles, irrespective of their size, can form deposits on heating surfaces. The heav iest deposits (a few hundred grams per m 2 in a year of oper ation) can form on the elements of the steamwater path which are heated most intensively. 70-90% of these deposits are iron oxides . Deposits of corrosion products of iron usually have two layers possessing different physico-chemical properties. The interval layer is dense and bonded • At typi cal pH values of boiler water at thermal a nd nuclear power stations (sec Ch. 15).
t t t t t tr Fig. 14.5. Diagram of circulation in a deposited iron oxide layer J - wa tcr Claw; 2-lhlckness or deposited Ioyer; J - cupllla rles; 4-stenm ou tlet from n 's pipe• at pressure p 8 ; 1' w Is the pressure or
firmly to the metal ; it forms through corrosion on the metal sur face . Tho external layer is loose and porous a.nd only weakly bon ded to the surface. The internal layer is not dangerousto operation of the metal and is even desirable, since the dense fi rm oxide film pr otects the metal from further corrosion. On the contrary, tho loose porous external layer (which forms mainly from colloidal and disperseparticles) has a low conductivity and thus impairs heat removal from themetal surface. In addition to the above, bubbleboiling can l ead to the 'wick effect' in porous iron-oxide deposits: water· is sucked in through numerous capillary pores in a layer to the h eatingsurface where it. evaporates. Stonm isthen ejected back through a widechannel, or 'steam pipe' (Fig. 14.5). With such local circulation and evaporation of water, impurities (including corrosion-active impurities, such as alkalies, chlorides, etc.) are concentrated at the metal surface and can enhance corrosion. In porous deposits, an appreciableportion of h eat is removed due to th&. ev aporating effect. This determines. a high ' effective beat conductivity' of deposits, which includes heat conductivity as a physical costant and h eat transfer from the wall to the· working fluid. For this reason, the· temperature of the metal in 'wick
boiling' increases by not more than 10-20 dog C even under substa ntially thick deposited layers (afew hundredths ()r even tenths of a millimetre). Heat transfer may be sharply impaired if ~apillary pores are clogged due to d eposition of other impurities present in water. Since porous deposits h ave a rough surface and an appreciable thickness, they can d imin ish the free crosssectional area of tubes and increase their hydraulic res istance, which lowers the working pressure. We can divide the formation of the . ~xternal layer of iron-oxide deposits into three stages: t h e transport of suspended particles from the flow core into the I ayer at the wall ; the motion {)f particles in that layer; and their .attachment to tho surface. At the first -stage, tho lal'gest contribution is ft·om hydrodyn amic forces. At tho second and third stages, depending on parti~ular condi tions of the process, forces {)f electrochemical nature may be .active in addi tion to hydrodynamic .and intermolecular forces. E lectrochemical forces cause motion of the ~barged particles of corrosion products in the electromagne tic f ield which appears in the heated layer of the .heat-transfer agent just at the wall under the ac tion of a thermo-e.m.f. The t hermo-e.m.f. appears in the drcuit consisting of the heating surface (first-order conductor) and aq u-eous heat agent (second- order conduc-tor) at a temperature difference existing between its portions. Due to -these processes, the corrosion products suspended in water are de posited on the heating surfaces; at the same time they may be partially washed off from these s urfaces by t he working iluid. The rate of formation of deposits is :an important characteris tic which det ermines the possibility of long uninterrup ted operation of steam-generat ing plants. As applied to iron-oxide .dep osits, tho rate of their formation .depends on a large number of process :parame ters: mass velocity, h.eating
oL---------~~------~~ appro~.
14.2. Solubility of I mpuritles In Heat-transfer A ge nt
Ch. 14. Behaviour of Impurities In W ork ing Fluid
Fig. 14.6. EHccL of pH 0 on the rate of deposition of iron oxides
load, boiling condi t ions, pH of aqueous heat agent, particle size and dispers ity, etc. In v iew of the complexi ty of t he process of iron-oxide de pos ition and its dependence on many factors , there is still no physical model which embraces t he effects of all the parameters indicated. The effect of the pH index of heat agent on the r ate of deposition of the ironoxide external layer at subcritical pressures and 0 2 concen tra Lion at a level of 0.4 mg/kg is s hown in Fig. 14.6. As may be seen, tho lowest rate of depos ition is at the pH value corresponding to the isoelectric point of corrosion products. As n oted earlier, as suspended corros ion products are deposi ted on heating surfaces, t hey are partially washed off by the working fluid. At the beginning of the process, when the surface is free from deposits , the direct process prevails and th.e rate of depos ition is at a maximum (Fig. 14.7). As a layer is accumulated on the surface, it is washed off more intensively. I n the course of time, and
Fig. 14.7. VnriaLion of the rate of form ation of iron-oxide deposits
d epending on tho particular conditions, a balance is establish ed between d eposition and wash. ing-·off, and therefore, a particular rate of deposition. Products wash ed off from some portions of th& surface can be deposited ()n other port ions. property of deposits has an adverse effect on the ()peration of circuits in nuclear power stations since it is o ne of the causes of radioactivity transfer along a c ir<mit. ,'.> Easily soluble substances. Figure 14.4 shows the solubility characteristics of easily soluble impurities. The temperature coefficients of solubility i n t he region of intorost for steam boilers and steam generators (above 200°C) are positive for some of them (NaOH) and negative for others (Na 2 SO,, Na 3 P04) . When hydrodyn amic and heat-transfer processes occur properly and ensure r eliable temperature conditions on the h eating surfaces, the concentration of each of the substances in the water of b oiler drums is only a small fraction (){ the allowable value. For ins t ance, at a water t emperature of 343°C (p = = 15 .5 MPa}, tho solubility of N a 2 SO , is roughly 10 g/kg water, i.e. five t imes the concentration allowed i n b oiler water to produce clean steam (2 g/ kg). This example shows that t he precipitation of a solid phase from a solution is only possible at a very high degree of vaporization of t~e s olution in a boundary layer of botling liquid , which is never achiev ed under normal hydrodynamic condit ions in drum-type boilers. Therefore, under such conditions, easily soluble salts in water present no danger of de pos it formation on the heating surfaces. Sol ubility of i mpuri ties in working fluid a t s upercritical pressures and fo rmation of deposits. The temperature of a process has an essential effect ()n the solubility of substances in H20 at supercritical pressures, especially i n the region of high heat capacities. Data obtained at a pressure of 25 MPa are illus trated in Fig. 14.8.
pg/kg '{:(Mf
J siOr 1
. 1-.
/0 ' c-Fe3(4
10 10
oP ,
CISI4 350
coPY ./~ I
'- ../
550 C
Fig. 14.8. Iso bars of tbc solubility of selected substances in Il 2 0 at supercriticul pressure (25 MPa)
By comparing the solubility curves with some thermophysical parameters of aqueous boat agent, say, density p or dielectric permittivity e at supercritical pressures (see Fig. 9.6), it can he seen thai they have essentially the same pattern. Like density or dielectric permittivity, the solubility of mos t impurities decreases inversely with the temperature in t he whole temperature range of interest. These r egularities suggest t hat most of the impurities present in the working- fluid of s team boilers at supercritical pressures can precipit ate only in a rather narrow range of varia tions of thermophysical parameters, namely, in tho r egion of high heat capacities (see Sec. 9.5) . An excep tio n to this r ule is the solubility of t he corrosion products of iron, mainly of magnetite Fe 3 0 ,, whir.h varies only slightly with temperature (Fig. 14.8). Besides, it is only s lightly dependent on the density of the heat agent, and therefore, on the state of the working fluid . For this reason, iron corrosion products tend to 'spread' along the whole steam-water path of the boiler and turbine. On t he other hand, the thickness of iron- oxide de pos its de-
Ch. U.. Behaviour of /mpurltle1 In Working Fluid
mgjkg 50
p:f4MPa I I
p =JMPa
0 MO
Fig. 14 .9. Solubility of NaCI in superheated st.eam at subcri tical pressures
pends substan tially on th e intensity of b eating, so that the surfaces heated more intensively (such as the lower radiation sections of once-through boilers) are fo\1l ed with iron-oxide deposits much more substantially than tl10se operating at lower b eating rates. Solubility of impurities in superheated steam of subcritical pressures and the formation of deposits. The solubility of substances in superheated steam of subcritical pressures is determined by the properties of the solven t (superheated steam) and the properties of the solid impurity with which steam is in contact, with both being dependent on the process parameters, i.e. pressure and The strength of the bonds between ions, molecules or atoms of a solid impurity depends substantially on temperature. With an increase in t emperature, these bonds are weakened and the solid phase can pass over in to steam. Pressure variations in th e r ange of operating pressures in steam boilers have little effect on the behaviour of the solid phase. Temperature and pressure which determine the density of superheated steam, have a strong effect on its ability to dissolve solid impurities. At a constant pressure as the temperature of superheat incr eases, the steam d ensity decreases, resulting in a dec-
rease in the dielectric permittiv ity of H 2 0 and a lower polarity of water molecules . As a r esult, the dissolving power of superheated steam first decreases with increasing temperature due to a decrease in its density. With a further increase in t emperature at a constant pressure, however, although the steam density continues to decrease, the crystalline bonds in the solid are weakened and th e solubility of t he substance respectively increases. Figure 14.9 shows isobaric (constantpressure) curves o( the solubility of N aCl depending on temperature. As. may be seen, the effect of both factors (pressure and temperature) at the minimum of solubility is roughly the same . In the left-hand branches of the curves, the effect of t emperature variations in density is predominant, while the pattern of the right-hand branches is determined by bond forces in the cryst alline lattice. The pressure of superheated steam also has a strong effect on its dissolving power. At higher pressures, steam has a higher density, and therefore, a higher dissolving power, but the effect of pressure lessens with an increase in the temperature of superheating. The isobaric solubility curves of other compounds, say, Na 2 SO, or CaSO, , have essentially the same pattern, but the quantitative relationships are different. Tho practical significance of the solubilit y of subst ances in superheated steam consist s in the following: · if the concentration of an impurity in steam is lower than its isobaric solubility, it will be dissolved and carried off by steam and will usually form deposits in the turbine. rr' however, its concentration is higher than the isobaric solubility, the excess will be deposited in the superheater path and the r emainder in the turbine. 14.3. P assage of Impurities from Water to Saturated Steam There are two kn own ways for impurities to pass from wat er to steam: they can be carried off as droplets of
14.3. Passage of lmpurutes from W ater to Steam
boiling water or by dissolution in steam. The concentration of impurities in saturated steam can be charact erized by the total curry-off coefficient I 01. k C.Ot 70•
k~o =ro+kd=
-·--·_-.: -~o "'--- ----------
~----0 ----- - -- -__n,_ -------- - - - - -- - -(h)- --
:-_0- (a)
- - --·
-(c) -
where (J) is the water content of steam, %, which characterizes the concentration of impurities which can p ass int o saturated steam with water droplets, kd is the distribution coefficient, %, which characterizes the concentration of impurities due to the dissolving power of steam. Tho relative role of the components in the carry-off coefficient depends on a number of factors , primaril y on pressure. For instance, at low pressures, the dissolving power of steam for most non-volatile impurities present in water is n egligible (kd ~ w) , and therefore, kc~ ~ ro. With an increase in pressure, t he dissolving power of steam increases, r esulting in a h igher contribution by the distribution coefficient, so t hat it may turn out a t a sufficiently high pressure that led ~ ~ ro and kc~ ~ led. The mechanism and laws of water carry-off by steam. Tho mechanism of the formation of water droplets in the steam space of a boiler drum may be different depending on the scheme of steam supply. If steamwater jets are ejected below the water level into the drum, steam bubbles riso to the disengagement surface and form a two-phase dyn amic layer (Fig. 14.10a and b). A steam bubble is acted upon by two forces: the force of internal pressure which tends to rupture the wat er film that envelops the bubble and the force of surface t ension of that film which resists the rupturing force . In pure water, water flows down from the upper spherical surface of the film which consequently becomes thinner (Fig. 14.10c). A hole forms in the top of the sphere, which is widened by the forces of surface t ension. The fil m is retracted into
Fig. Formation o( condensed moisture in the steam space of a drum with evaporating tubes ent.ering the water space (a) ris ing stcnm bubble: (b) bubble at the discnga·
the bulk of the water, and the steam bubble is freed and enters the steam space. As an annular \vave forms in the process, water droplets break off from its edge and are ejected into the steam space (Fig. 14. 10d). Water tends to fill iu the newly formed crater and water currents collide with one another in the centre and rise forming a vertical column from which water droplets can also break off (Fig. 14.10e). In steam bubbling through a layer of low-mineralized water, water films whicb envelop steam bubbles may have different thickness, and therefore, form water droplets of various sizes . When steam enters the drum above the disengagement surface, water droplets can appear in the steam space due to disintegration of the moisture that is carried by the steam supplied from evaporating tubes (Fig . 14.11). The degree of water atomization depends on tho kinetic energy of s~.~am-water jets. At high heating loads, and therefore, a high velocity of exit of the steam-water jets into the drum, they possess a high kinetic energy and can atomize water into finer droplets, resulting in a more intensive water carry-off. A dynamic equilibrium is established in the steam space between the water droplets which enter the steam space and those which
14.3. Pauage of-Impurities from Water to Steam
w .
h.m 0.8
Fig. 14.11. Formation of condensed moisture in a drum with steam-water mixture entering the steam space
settle in the water. Tho concentration of water droplets is the highest just at the disengagement surface and decreases the farther it moves from that surface. The largest droplets can be ejected to a height of 600-700 mm. If the rising velocity of steam is low, it can entrain only the finest water droplets. With an increase in the flow rate of st eam, the larger droplets can be entrained. For this reason, the water content of produced steam turns out to be higher at higher beating loads (see Fig. 14.12). The water content c.> of steam is determined by t he beating load D: c.> = ADn (14.5) I
Ch. U. Behaviour of Impurities In Working Fluid
where A and n depend on the design of the drum, pressure, and the concon tration and ionic composition of impurities in the water. The exponent n changes substantially with the heating load. The dependence of the water content of steam on the beating load is approximated in logarithmic coor-
' I
log O{log w;}
Fig. 11,.12. Effect of the heating intensity on the water content of steam
• 1 11
Fig. 14.13. Effect of th e height of steam space on the water content of steam
dinates by broken straight lines expressed as power functions (14.5). Ther& are three such straight sections. (Fig. 14.12). For loads characterized by a very low water content of steam ((I.) < 0.01 %), n = 1-2; for loads at. which c.> = 0.01-0.1%, n = 3-4; and for higher loads witl• w>0.2%, n. ;;:;;:: 10. For drum-type boilers of thermal power stations, operation at. the beginning of the second section is typical, for which n. = 3-4. Steam velocity is proportional to its flow rate D. The average flow rate of steam related per m 2 of the disengagement surface is called the rate of evaporation per m2 of water surface:
RF = DIF (14.6) The average velocity of steam related to m 3 of tl10 steam space is called the rate of eL·a.poration per m3 of steam. space: Rv = DIV (14.7) The height of the steam space has a vital effect on the water content of produced steam. At RF = constant, with a smaller height of the steam space, larger droplets can reach tho region of high steam velocities at the inlet to steam-circulating tubes, and therefore, steam will contain more moisture. In the steam space of a larger height, the largo droplets cannot r each the steam-circulatingtubes as easily and the water content of produced stoam will be lower (Fig. 14.13). Beginning from a certain height (roughly 0.8 m) which is
unattainable even for the most farreaching large droplets with the highest kinetic energy, any further increase in the height of steam space cannot significantly decrease the water content of steam. Under such conditions, steam carries off only fine droplets whose souring velocity W 80 is smaller than the rising velocity of steam w;', at RF = constant. Fine droplets are transported by the steam flow irrespective of the height of steam space. The soaring velocity of water droplets is understood as the relative velocity of a droplet at which its mass is counterbalanced by the force of resistance in steam flow. For these conditions, it may be written : nd~r
n durP w;o (p' -p") g = ~ 8
whereby W 10
= 1.155
V dt ( ~:
- 1) g (14. 8)
where ddr is the diameter of droplet and 6 is the coefficient of resistance. With an increase in pressure, the density of steam increases and offers a greater resistance to rising droplets. On the other hand, as the difference in the densities of water and steam decreases, the transporting ability of steam is. enhanced. This is also due to the fact that an increase in pr essure decreases surface tension , so that the size of the water droplets decr eases and they can be more easily carried off by steam. S ince, however, pressure has a stronger effect on the transporting ability of steam tl•an on its resistance, an increase in pressure results in a higher water content of steam. We have discussed tho Jaws which govern the carry-off of droplets of pure or low-mineralized water. These laws hold true for a rather wide range of concentrations. All other conditions being identical, the water content of steam in this range is constant. Begin-
Fig. 14.H. Effect of salt content of water on water content of steam
ning from a certain concentr ation typical of a particular substance, the size of steam bubbles in water diminishes, and therefore, the velocity of their rise decreases and cpbub increases. This results in the water swell in tho drum and the ejection into the steam space of a large number of water droplets witl1 a high concentration oi the impurity, which critically impa irs the steam quality (Fig. 14.14). The concentration of substances in water at which tho water level suddenly swells up and increases the carry-off of moisture by steam is called the critical concentration. P hysico-cbcmical principles of U1e distrihution of impurities between water and saturated steam in equilibrium. A two-phase single-component system may be, depending on the relative concentration of the phases, in the> form of boiling water containing steam bubbles, or wot steam containingwater droplets, or boiling water in contact with saturated steam. I rrespective of the structure of the twophase system, water and steam are essentially two solvents of the samechemical nature but different density and dielectric properties (see Soc. 9.5) which determine their ability to dissolve inorganic substances. If the two-phase system is in thermodynamic equilibr ium, the non-volatile impurities present in it are distributed between the phases accordingto 'the law of distribution of solutes in immiscible solvents. This equilibrium can be characterized quantitatively by the distribution coefficient kd which is expressed in terms of the activity
14.3. Passage of I n ~rities from Water to Stea m
Ch. U. Bchaulour oflmpurtuu In Working Fluid
of the solute in steam, a., and in
coefficient kdn . 1 , is as follows:
d .trP
Similarly, for the ionic form: For dilute solutions (which are ty-pical for the conditions of steam generation at thermal and atomic power stations), the activities cart be replaced by the concentrations of l:he solut e, i.e. (14.10)
l •
The distribution coefficient depends on the form in which substances are present in an aqueous solution. Substances present in water in a molecular form have the highest capacity for passage from water to steam. Those which are present in an ionic form, will dissolve in steam much loss readily. The law of distri!Ju Lion holds true for substances which arc present in both solvents (steam and water) in one and the same form, either molecular or ionic. The distribution coefficients k::' and k~ corresponding to this condition are thermodynamically true and written as:
t and k = ct
At a constant temperature, the true distribution coefficient of a s ubstance is constant and independent of the initial concentration of the substance in one of the phases. Determining the tr ue distribution coefficients involves appreciable difficulties, since it is practically impossible to find separately the concentrations of substances in the molecular and ionic form. For this reason, tho distribution coefficient is usually determined through the total concentrations of a substance without taking acco unt of the forms of its existence in sol vents, i.e. the distribution coefficient is determined. The correlation between the apparent molecular coefficient of distribution k;F.ap and the true distribution
k~.ap =
(1 -
where~ is•the fraction of the molecular
form in the total concentration of a substance in the solution (~ depends on pH and temperature) and (1 - ~) is the fraction o[ the ionic form. The total apparent distribution coefficient is the sum of the molecular and ionic apparent distribution coefficients. According to the law of distribution between two immiscible solvents, the passage of substances from water to steam takes place under adiabatic conditions at a constant saturation temperature and particular pressure {density). On the other hand, as follows from Fig. 9.8, the density lines of water and steam at any temperature (pressure) have no real regions of gradual passage of substances from water to steam. This passage from water to saturated steam at equilibrium takes place not gradually, but suddenly, as follows from the distribution law. As pressure approaches the critical value, i.e. as p"/p' tends to unity, this "jump" declines and only at p =Per can the substances dissolved in water p ass over smoothly into saturated steam in equilibrium with water. At low concentrations of substances in aqueous solut ion, the e£fect of process parameters on the coefficient of distribuiton between water and dry saturated steam in contact with it (w = 0) can be described by the equation proposed by Acad. M.A. Styrikovich: led =
p• ( p'
which holds true for conditions when the solute is present in water and in steam in equilibrium with water in the same form (either molecular or ionic).
in water, for which reason their !:Oncentration in steam is usually not high. or s pecial interest is silicic acid H 2Si0 3 , a weak electrolyte which belongs lo the second group. It may be present in water in significant concentutions and possesses a high solubility in steam. Substances from the third grou p have the least solubility in steam; these mainly include salts NaCl and Na 2 S0 4 and hydroxide NaOH, which are contained in water mostly in the ionic form and are ospcci
12-0 1524
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
not make steam free from impurities. The distribution coefficient is a physico-chemical constant and, if water contains impurities, steam will have an equivalent quuntity of these impurities in accordance with tl1e condi-
Lions of the process. In order to cleanthe steam from impurities which have· passed into it from water due to the· distribution law, it should be washed by cleaner water than thuL from which. it has formed (see Sec. '15 .4).
Tab l e ! a. l. A llowable Contaminatio n ol I nte rnal Surlaces ol Tubes .
Conccn\ra l.ion Of impuriti es, g { m2, ut beating lOads, kWJrn2
Stnl•• o r surface
Requires cleaning
WATER CONDITIONS !5. t. RemoyaJ or I mpurities from t he Circuit The reliable operation of steamturbine plants is ensured by maintaining the proper level of cleanliness of the working fluid, i.e. by removing impurHies from the circuit in accordance with the rate of their passage to the water (see Sec. 14.1). Methods for removing impurities may vary depending on the type of boiler. Drum-type boilers operate under the principle of multiple forced or gravity circulation. The steam content of the fl uid flow in the uptake tubes of circulation circuits is limited and does not normally exceed 10-25%. Boiler water docs not evaporate deeply, and therefore, the impurities dissolved in it do not reach their extreme concentrations (to saturation) and thus cannot precipitate as a solid phase in the water bulk or on the tube walls. In order to retain the concentrations of impurities in water below the level at which they would precipitate in the solid state, part of the water is continuously r emoved from the boiler drum (blowdown water). Blowing-down as a means of removing impurities from power plants is especially efficient with those impurities which have a low coefficient of d is lri lm lion between steam
and water and for this reason are not. properly carried off by steam (sodium salts and sodium hydroxide). Blowingdown is ineffi c ient with impurities which have a high coefficient of distribution and are carried off in a I arge quantity by steam (silicic acid and' metal oxides). In once-through boilers, the evaporation process takes place with all the water being vaporized continuously. Blowing down once-through boilers is impossible, so impurities settle on the heating surfaces as deposits according to their soluhil i ty in water and steam. Eas ily soluble deposits which accumulate in particular zones of once-through boilers are partially washed off at tbe boil er starting-up and shutting-down. Slightly soluble deposits are removed periodically by chemical washing which is done after shutting down the boiler. The washing process is labour-consuming and requires much Lime and a large quantity of reagents. The continuous removal of impurities from the steamwater path of once-through boilers can be effected in a demineralizing plant arranged in the circuit downs tream of the turbine condensers . Feed water at the entt·y to the boiler conluins a noticeable quaolity of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Free oxy-
i 79
15.1. R e moval of Impurities from Circ"lt
up l O 100
300 -~ 50
25-50 200 -300
up to 25
up Lo 25
gen and carbon dioxide can cause intensive corrosion of the metal·'o[ boiler equipment. To prevent this , t.hese elements arc removed by thermal deaeration. The water conditions at nuclear power s tations are l argerl y d etermined by their operation specifics, i.e. by neutron irradiation of the heatLransfet· agent as it passes through the react or core . Further, the corrosion products of structural materials are continu ously accumulating in e circuit. I£ they are not removed in due Lime from the heat agent, th ey can form deposits on the surfaces of the circuit. These impurities are subjected to neutron irradiation in the 1·eactor and become ndioactive, thus creating a radiation hazard in the zone around the reactor equipment.. Since used water at nuclear power stations is radioactive, it cannot be blown down and discharged to escape channels, as is clone at thermal power stations. As at thermal power s l;ations, it is cleaned from impurities in ion-exchange resin water purifiers. This treatment prevents the fonnation of deposits on the working s urfaces of the circuit. The onjectives of minimizing the corrosion of structural materials and the formation of deposits and of producing steam of a high purity (and, at nuclear power stations, minimizing the radioactivity of the heat-transfer agent) are achieved by properly or ganizing tbc physico-chemical processes in the steam-water path, i.e. by providing appropriate chemical water conditions*. I t is virtually impo• In further discussion, we will rclcr Lo Lbis as wn ler co nditions.
above 450
up to 20
ssible to completely control corrosion, the activity of the working fluid and dep ositions on the work ing surfaces and produce absolutely clean steam (free from impurities). The optimal water conditions o[ a power unit should ensure the relialJle un interrupted operation of the equipment for a long time before chemical washing is required. The pl'incipal tasks are: to restrict, the fo1·mati on of internal deposit s which might cause the temperature of heating surfaces to increase intol.erably; to restrict the [ormation of deposits "·hich might d iminish the power of the unit in tho flow path of the turbine; to suppress the corrosion of structural materials in the steamwater path and l.o minimize erosion. wear. Deposits on the surface of metal areremoved by chemical cleaning o£ the· equipment. This procedure is carried out in a new boiler before starting up and then periodically during operation. A washing circuit is assembled: for this purpose, which includes washing pumps, tanks for preparation. of the reagents , connecting pipelines,. and reservoirs for the collection and neutralization of wash water. The· length of periods between chemical washing procedures depends on theoperating conditions of the boiler plant, mainly on how carefully the specified water conditions are observed. The time for a chemical washing procedure is determined by the amount o£ deposits on heated tubes and by 'the intensity of their heating. A rough estimation of the allowable contamination levels of the internal surfaces of tubes is g iven in Table.
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
15.2. Water Conditions of Once-through Boilers An important factor in the organization of water conditions in oncethrough boilers is that water b lowingdown is inapplicable. For this reason, all impurities which are IJrought in with feed water and those which pass into the working £luid due to corrosion of the boiler proper and in the feed water path behind the condensate cleaners are partly deposited on the heating surfaces and partly carried off into the turbine. H should be borne in mind that only very slight dep osits are allowed in the turbine. The amount of deposits allowed in the boiler is many times that allowed in the turbine, i.e. a subcritical-prcssure boil er should be regarded as a 'trap' for impurities which prevents their passage to the turbine. Under such condit.ions, the concentration of impurities in feed can b e somewhat higher than in superheated steam, in accordance with the allowable l evel of deposits in the boiler. The allowable deposits depend on their distribution along the steam-water path, "the heating load and conductivity in places of deposit formation, and on tl1o reliability reserve of heating surfaces, i.e. how far the temperature of the metal may rise above the working temperature wi thout causing creeping and scaling. Under identical conditions, the allowable amount of deposits depends heavily on the heating l oad, which should be taken into account when selecting the zone of deposition in the gas path. The zone of deposition is usually the final sect.ion of the evaporating path and it should not be arranged in tho region of intensive heating. The length of the zone of deposition also depends on pressure. At higher pressures, the deposition zone is longer and begins · at a lower steam content of the fluid flow . In high-capacity boilers for supercriLical pressures, furnace water walls operate at substant.ially higher hca-
ting rates and are therefore much more sensitive to deposits. Since dep osits are unwanted in both the turbine and boiler, once-through boilers must be fed wit.h water that is as free as possible of impurities. In practice, this means that all tho condensate from tho turbine must be cleaned in a dem ineralizing plant. This treatment almost totally prevents deposition of salts and silicic acid in t.he boiler and turbine, while the problem of preventing tho deposition of corrosion products, especially iron oxides, becomes more important. A common met.hod for increasing t.he corrosion resistance of equ ipment is to select the appropriate materials. The main structural material for making t.he heating surfaces of boilers is pearlitic steel. Pearl itic steels have many advantages (low cost, good workability, serviceability), but they possess a serious drawback: they arc sub) ect to intensive corrosion in the steam-water path of boilers. Corrosion damage is reduced by t.he application of protective coatings to the internal surfaces or tubes in the low-temperature sections of power plants. These include: the internal surfaces of atmospheric-type deaerating tanks, exhaust hoods of turbines, housings of condensers and low-pressure vacuum heaters , condensate tanks and their pipelines, and water-treatment equipment. In the high-temper ature sections of power plants, corrosion is limited by appropriat.e organization of water conditions. Hydrazine-ammonia water treatment. Thermal deaeration cannot remove oxygen and carbon dioxide completely from the turbine condensate. The concentration of residual oxygen may be as high as 10 J.Lg/kg. Residual carbon dioxide is also present in the condensate. For this reason, thermal deaeration is supplemented with the chemical treatment of feed water. Residual oxygen in feed water after thermal deaeration is bound by hydrazine N tll 4 • If water contains no other impurities, t.he reaction is as
15.2. !Vater Conditions of Once-through Boilers
follows: N2H , +O:-+ N1 +2llt0
Feed water always contains impurities: iron and copper oxides. In their presence, oxygen is bound by hydrazinc more quickly [381. In order to ensure tho complete removal of oxygen, hyd razino is fed at the intake to feed pumps in an amount exceeding the stoicbiom.fltric ratio from formula (15.1), i.e. an excess of hydraziDe is formed in an amount of 0.02-0.03 mg/kg. Carbon dioxide may be presen t in water in the form of either molecules C0 2 (dissolved gas) or H 2C0 3 (solution of carbonic acid): C0 2 + H 2 0
= If:C0:
Carbonic acid can be found by a measured quantity of ammonia added Lo feed water. Ammonia is introduced in an amount sufficient for the complete neutralization of co~ to form ammonium carbonates and to allow a slight excess of ammonium hydroxide to raise the pH index of water. Thus, hydrazine hydrate combines the residual oxygen in deaerated water, while ammonia maintains the pH index at the required level pH = 9.1 ± ± 0.1. I-lydrazine-ammonia water treatment, i.e. the chemical treatment of feed water by hydrazine hydrate and ammonia, is a conventional method and until recently was employed at almost all supercrit.ical-pressure monohi oc units. The temperature of the working fluid at the outlet of the lower radiation sections of boiler plants is usually 380-390°C. The temperature of the out.side surface of lubes in this section is roughly 100 deg rees higher, i.e. attains /l90-500°C. As established by experience, with the application of hydrazine-ammonia water treatment, the temperature of tubes in the lower radiation section of fuel oil-fired boilers increases by 10-12 deg C every month. For this reason, chemical washing should be carried out period ically in
4-6 mont.hs in order to retain the tempera t.ure of tube walls below the allowable level. Neutral water conditions. All monobloc units of power stalions are provided with demineralizing plants to produce clean feed water. Upon cleaning in a demineralizing plant, turbine condensate approaches the theo-. retically pure neutral water with the electric conductivity 0.04-0.06 fLS/cm and pH index around 7. This water is practically pure and almost free of ion ogenic impurities, so that all elec.trocbemical processes in it are retarded. Oxygen in neulrnl water may produce different ef£ects on metals depending on its concentration. At low concentrations, iL can enhance metal corrosion. At elevated concentrations of oxygen, a conti nuous film of magnetite Fe 3 0 4 or hematite Fe 2 0 3 forms on the metal surface. For this reason , it has been proposed to prevent further corrosion of by int.roducing oxygen into waLer in an amount (around 200 J.Lg/kg) sufficient to form a passivating continuous film of iron oxides. Under such conditions, the corrosion rate of pearlitic steel is almost as l ow as that of austenitic steel. The ability of oxygen (in elevated concentrations) to form firm protective oxide films has been utilized as the basis for tho organization of oxygenneutral water conditions in once-through boilers . For this purpose, gaseous oxygen 0 1 is added in a measured quantity to feed water. In some ca~es, hydrogen peroxide H 2 0 2 is used instead of 0 2 . To form neutral water conditions, feed water should be very pure and contain no CO~; its electric conductivity shou ld not exceed 0.2 J.lS/cm. Neutral water conditions are advanLageous in the following respecls: it can bo dispensed with expensive correction treatment of feed water uy hydrazine hydrale and ammonia; in that connection, filters of the dem i neralizing plant can operate for a longer time between regenerations; the rate of form ation or iron-oxide deposils in
I •• '
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
intensively heated surfaces of tho lower radiation section is lower; and pcarlitic steels can be oruployed in heaLing surfaces. In operation with nou tral water conditions, care shou ld be taken to keep the electric co nductivity of feed water as low as possible. For this reason, the feed-water path should contain no elements made of copper or copper alloys. Neutral water conditions have been employed at a number of supercritical-pressure monobloc units for several years. Chelate treatment of water. When iron-oxide deposits form on heating surfaces, the tern perature of tho metal is determined by the heating intensity and the properties of the deposits, mainly by their thermal conductivity, which is l ower in porous deposil.s. Temperature cond i lions on healing -surfaces can be improved by two methods: by increasing the thermal conductivity of deposits or by causing the deposits to for·m primarily in the tess heated elements (say. in the economizer) , rather than in the lower ra.(liation section. The properties of iron-oxide deposits and the regularities of their formation in the steam-water path can b e changed by employing the chelate treatment of water. The method of -chelate water treatment has been pro-posed and developed by T. Kh. Margui ova et al. and consists essentially in the following. Feed water is treated with ammonia and hydrazine hydrate added in the same quantities as in the <.onventional hydrazine-ammonia method. In addition, chelates are introduced into the doaerated feed water in a quantity equh·alent to the concentration o[ iron and copper in it. Chelates aro su bstances capable of forming water-soluble compounds with various cations (Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu). Ethylene d iaminc tetraacetic acid {EDTA, dry product) is usually emp loyed for the purpose. An aqueous solution of t.he acid at a temperature of 80-90°C is prepared and mixed with an aqueous solution of ammonia: NH 3 H 2 0 = NH,.OH.
The ll'isubstituted ammonium salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid which forms nn mixing can react with tho products or iron corrosion at temperatures of 100-200°C, with iron hydroxide F e (0li) 2 to form iron chelates. These ave readily soluble in water and dissociate at a high temperature, with a dense 1ayer of magnetite boi ng deposited on the inl.ernal su rfaces of tubes, protecting the metal against corrosion. The most intensive dissociation of iron chelates occurs at temperatures of 250-300°C which are typical for the last stages or the high-pressure water heater and economizer, so that complete thermal dissociation (thermol ysis) would be expected to take place exactly in these el ements of the steam -water path. The working fluid, however, moves in this section or the path (high-pressure water hea ter and economizer) at a noticeable velocity, 3-5 m/s and 1-2 m /s , respectively. Moreover, in su percritical-pressure boilers, the temperature of the working fluid increases quite rapidly as it moves along the path (at a rate of roughly 100°C/min). For these two reasons, the thermolysis of chelates cannot como to its end in the economizer and partially continues in the next element of the path, the lower radiation section. Therefor·e, iron-oxide deposits in su percrilical-pressure boiI ers are distributed in the following manner: around 80% settle in the economizer and 20% in the lower radiation section. On addition of the chelates, the deposits in the lower radiation section become denser and have a higher thermal conductivity, which lowers the rate at which the temperature of the wall rises in timo and makes it possib le to prolong the period between washings up to 18 months. It is advisable to automatically add the chelates according to the heating load of a monobloc unit. Ammonium sal l. of ethylene diamine totraacetic ncid and ammonia are addud to the feed water after the deaerator, and hydrazine after the demineralizing
15.3. Non-scaliflg Water Condilio11s of Drum-typ e Boilers
plant. The concent rat ions of additives [ n feed water in chelate .;,·ator trea tmen!. are as follows: EOTA = = 80 ~tg/k g, l\'H:1 = 700-800 11g/kg, l\ 2H 4 = 20 ~tglkg; pH= 9.1. Gaseous products formed on the thermal dissocia l io11 of tho chol ates pass together with sleam through the turbine and are removed from the -cycle as exhaust from the condenser. Chelate water treatment offers certain advantages typical for 'neutral' water con ditions (increased time between washings), but also possesses the ·drawbacks of the hydrazinc-ammonia treatment (an increased load on the demineralizing plant, since a large ~uanlity of ammonia should be removed from th e circuil, and a high use <>f rcuge~ts for filter regeneration). 15.3. Non-scaling Water Conditions of Drum-type Boilers Drum-type boilers arc often fed ·wi I h softened water, i.e. water that -contains easily soluble substances, mainly sodium salts. Owing to inleakage of the cooling >vater in condensers, calcium and magnesium salts can also get into the feed water. These salts have a very low sol ubility (milligrams and tens of milligrams per kg water), which further de<.reases with increasing temperature. During · steam generation at a high press ure, the concentrations of those ~a ll s readily rise to a value at which they can form scale. Not all calcium and magnesium compounds form scal e; some of them form sludge. Some kinds of sludge !such as Mg 3 (P04) 2 1 can stick Lo heating surfaces, which is also undesir·able. Calciu m and magneswm can form non-sticking sludge [for instance, 3Ca 3 (P0 .1 )~·Ca(OH) 2 or 3Mg0·2S i 0~ · 2 1L.!Ol which remains in th e boiler water ira a suspended state and can mostly be removed by continuous blowing-down. A small amount o[ heavier sl udge accumulate<; in the lower headers aud can ue removed by periodic blowing-down.
Ln order to correct water conditions
and transfer the hardness sa lts into non-sticking sludge, it is essential lo introduce correction additives t.o water, for instance, phosphates (such as sodium phosphate Na 3 P0 4 ) to fixed calcium . Water conditions based on tho addition of phosphates are called phosphate water conditions. For easier formation of non-slicking movable sludge, phosphates should be added to an alkaline medium. For this reason, sod ium phosphate is introduced uot into the feed water· which has a low alkalinity, but into the boiler drum where the alkalinity of the water is sufficiently high due to multiple evaporation. Thus, plwsphate-alkaline water conditions are formed. The reaction of sludge formation can be written in the rollowi ng form: 10Caso.
+ GNa
3 P0 4
= 3Cu 3 tP0 4 )2Ca(OHh
+ 2Na01l
+ ·101\n~S0 4
'---v--' non-sUcking movable easi ly soluble sludge sodium sulphal o
The reaction products are removed by blowing-down. For the complete removal of calcium salts, a certai n excess o[ phosphates is maintained in t.he boiler water. The excess of PO~ for boilers witbout s tepped evaporation is 5-15 mg/kg; for those with stepped evaporation, the excess of POt- is 2-6 rog/ kg [or t.hc clean section and not more than 30-50 mg/kg for the salt section. Due to the hydrolysis o[ phosphate ions that takes place in phosphate treatment, hydroxy ions form which furth er increase the water alkalinity: PQ~- + H~O
HPOi- + H,O
HPOi- + OH-
(15 .4)
Upon phosphate-alkaline treatment, the hydrate alkalinity of water may son1etimes turn out I o be subs tan I ial (pH > 11) and cause metal corrosion. [n boilers supplied with turbine condensate wi l.h an addition of chemically puril'ied water, alkalinity is held at a moderate level b~r adding
Ch. 15. Water Condition$
not pure Na 2 P0 4 , but a mixture with 1'111 acid phosphate, such as Na 2HP0 4 • At power s talions fed with turbine 1·ondensate and low-mineral ized make-up water (chemical! y desalted watct· or distillate from evaporators ). water alkalinit y is controlled only by the hydrolysis of phosphates [see formulae (1 5.4)1 , i.e. by forming water conditions of pu.rely phosphate alkalinity. Phosphates a re continuously int roduced into the boiler drum by metering pumps. In recent times, the quality of feed wat,er at powor stations has improved appreciably clue to lowe r· inleakage into c ondensers, t hus resuting in a higher quality turbine cond ensate. This makes it possib le to employ water condit.ions with a lower degree of phosphate treatment. o r eYen to dispense w il h phosphate trc:1t ment a nd change to no-phos phat o non-se aling wa ter condi1 ions . 1\'o-phos phate wa ter conditions make t he boiler operat.ion l ess expen s iv e (since c.onectivc additives arc no t used), d ecrease tho salt content in boiler water, improve the quality of s team, and lower the cost of boiler equ ipment.
15.4. Methods for Generating Clean Steam
I r
The purity of s team should satisfy extremel y high requiremen ts. For instance, the total concentration of i mpurities in s uperheated steam of supercrit.ical pressure must not exceed 40-50 !lg/kg. Methods for producing clean steam vary depending on tho type of plant. In once- through boilers, the workin g fluid (water), is continuously vaporized, so that its impurities are partly deposited on heating s urfaces and partly carried off with steam. With an increase in pressure, the concentrat i on of impurities in steam increases and the quality of steam app roaches that o f feed water (Fig. 15.1). Blowingdown is inapplicable in once-throug h bo ilers. The sole way t o make cl ean steam is to impt·ove the quality of feed
15.4. Jlfethods for Generating Clean Steam
i 85
Fig. 15.1. Effect o£ pressure on the steam quality in a once-through boiler (Per >
P l)
water. Thus, the q ua lity of s team produ ced in once-t.hroug h boilers is controll ed by specifying the q u11lity of feed water. In drum-type boi lers, the purity of saturated steam, and therefore, of superh e ated steam is d etermin ed by the qu a lity of the wa ter from which it is prod ucod. \\' i I h a I ower concen tration of impuri t ies in boiling water (under id entical conditions). c leaner steam can be obl.nincd. mowing-down of drum- type boilers can improve the quality of circulating water, though e xcessive blowing-down can diminish the e fficiency of the steam- turbine plant owing to heat loss with b lowdown water. Separation of moisture drop lets from steam. T o produce clean steam, it is essential, first of a ll , to dry it as complete ly as possible, i.e. to separate water droplets from the steam flow. Steam-separating s ys tems should sat isfy the following main requirements: low water content in the produced steam, high unit steam-generating load, a nd low hydraulic res is tance. The s eparation of mois ture from steam is based on th e densit y difference between water and steam. A wa ter droplet in the s team s puce of a boiler drum is ac ted upon by two oppos ito fo rces: t he li fting force a nd the force due to grav ity. The relntions hip between these forces and the tim e of their action d etermine wheth er o d roplet will be c arri ed oH by s team or settle on t he water s urface. It is cl ear that a higher sepa rating effect can be
2 I
J Crw
L _ _
f p
r--..... r...2 '
12 MPa
Fig. 15.2. Effect of pressure on the steam velocity in the holes of a submerged distribution plate
Fig. 15.3. Internal cyclone steam separa tor J- hous ing; 2-l rtl<~t J)irw connt!ction: J- covcr· J- collur; j-stt>am-wn1N' mixturr in : 6- cross: pi..ce; 7- llotlom
moistening. Th is is performed iu s tea m J- mlnimal ,.c, Jnclt ~·: 2-rccomrnf·ndcd velocity separating devi ces . The principal s tMm-sepa rating deachi e ved at a lower ris ing velocity of vice in high-capac it y s te om boil ers is steam in the dru m. a cyclone separator which is nrranged Among t.hc s imples t and most effi - ins ide th e boiler drum . An internal ci ent devices for steam separa tion are cyclone separator (Fig . 15. 3) is essenperforated plates made of s teel, with tially a cylindrical ver tical housing the perforations 5-12 mm in diameter. 300-400 rnm in di a meter into which A perforated plate is mounted 100- steam-water m ixture is introduced 150 mm below the average water l e- tangentially at a s peed of 6-8 m /s . vel in the drum; it is called a submer- Upon entering tho cyclone, the s t eam ged plate (as in steam generators of flow kinetic energy produces a centrinuc lear power s tations). A nother pla- fugal effect, and the flow is whirled te is arranged in the steam s pace at at cyclone s urface. Water is presth e top of the drum (perforated baffle). sed aga ins t the walls and flows downBoth plates serve to equalize the di- ward, whi le steam flows from tho cystribution of steam over the drum cross clone uniformly nt a velocity around section ..For uniform bubbling of steam 1 m/s from beneath the cyclone cover th rough the s ubmerged plate, a into the s tea·m space of the drum (Fig . continuous steam layer (s team cushi- 15.4). A cross-piece in the cyclone boton) should be fo rm ed beneath the pla- tom stratifies the water flow which te. The condition of steam cushion sta- moves smoothly into the wa ter space bility (see Sec. 13.1) is determined by of the drum. The number of cyclones s team velocity in the perforated plate in a drum is determined by the capaho les . This veloci ty depends on pres- city of the cyclone which in turn des ure , i.e. it is lower at higher pressu- pends on its dimens ions and pressu re; the capacity of a cyclone 300 rom in res (Fig. 15.2). Tn high-capacity boilers , each eva- diameter at a pressure of 4 MPa, pora ting tu be d elivers into the drum 10 MPa and 15.5 MPa is res pec tively up to 1 000 kg/ h of steam-water mix- 4 tfh, 6 t /h and 10 t /h. internal cyclone separation is rature o n the average, some tubes d elit her effective, but increases the hydrauver up to 1 500 kg/h . These powerful fl o ws ejected in to the dru m possess a lic resis tance of t he circuit, which h ig h k ineti c e nergy which s hould be shoul d be considere d in circulation calcula tions. d a m pened in order to minimiz e steam
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
Fig. 15.4 . Typica l drum. internals
/ - drum; z-cvaporatln~: tubes; J- box: 4- cyclone; 5- dr:unage box; ·&-cover; 7- stenm-wnshlng perforated plate: 8 r•erforatcd steam batfle; 9- fco!d wnt•!•" dis tribution box: JO- steam..(!lrculating tubes: 1/- feed water In: J2-ho lc In a partition; I J-downtakP tube•: H - Pmcrg<>ncy water drainage
8 9
15.4. Method$ for Generating Clean Stearn
Ul '
425 mm tlia•50
f ..._
\ \
t'-.. 1'-p
• I]
External cyclones have a lso found wide application for steam separation in drum-type boilers ; they arc mount ed outsid e the boil er drum. An exter5.
425m.'111 tfitr. J5 '
to- 1-
_t~ '-
I 'ljf
Fig. 15.5. Typical ex ternal cyclone sepa rator ! - header: t-steam·wntcr mixture In; 3-wbirle r: 4-pe rforatcd plat.e; s-stenm-outlct pipe· 6-alr vent; 7-blow·down: 8 - dOII"ntake tubes · 9-water from drum; W- cross·piccc '
nal cyclone separato r (Fig. 15.5) is m ade in the form of a \'ertical cylinder 350-450 mm in diameter. The steamwater mixture is int1·oduced t augenti a ll y and the separation process is essentia lly the same as in an internal cyclone separator. The height of an external cyclone is determined by the sum of the requ ired heigh ts of the steam space (1.5-2.5 m) and water sp ace (2-2.5 m) to ensure efficient separation and stabilize the operation of the downtake l.u bes in the circu lation circuit which are connected to l he external cyclone. In once-through boilers , the steamwater path is provided \l'ith a stat·ting-up unit mounted b etween the furnace water walls and the s ubsequent heating surfaces. One of its principal elements is a built-in separator (for more detail see Sec. 23.4). l t has a vertical cylindrical housing with a s ingle stage of s team-separating ,·anes inside; the stea m-water mixture is introduced a t th e top (Fig. '15.6). Wa ter droplets are thrown to the wa lls by centri fugal forces, water flows through an aunulat· drainage chamber and is rem oved through a side drainage tube. D ri ed steam passes from th e separato r through the bottom chamber. This design of separator has been unified, h as standard d iJnensions and is om-
fig. 15 .6. Unifi ed built-in (s tart-up} s Lca m separa tor J- header; z - whlrl er insert; 3- whlrlcr: 4
ployed in su percritica l-pressure monobloc unils for 500,800 and 1 200MW. [[ wet steam moves in a tube at a moderate velocity, it.s moisture predpi ta tes and fl ows along the walls as a n annula r film. This process is called film separation. For effective separation of the fl ow into steam and water, the flow velocity should uot be excessively high , water droplets will break off from the fi Im and be carcied off ·by stenm. Th o highest allowable velocity depends on the pressure and steam content of the flow (Fig. 15. 7).
At present, turbines of nuclear po·wer stations operate mostl y on saturated steam. T herefore, to attain higher efficiency, the moisture content of steam musl be as low as possi blo, which is achieved by careful primary separation with a slight superheat before tho low-pressure cylinder of the tu rbine. The process dingram of separaliO il is dete rmined by the type of t:eactor. I n channe l type graphi le-wator reactors, saturalod steam is separated in hori1.onta l dl' l l lllS outsid e tho 1·eactor.
Fig. 15.7, E ffect of pressure on the s team ,·eloci ty at which wate r d rople ts ca n be broken off from the li quid film surface
1\ powerfu l reactor mn y have a ntun-
ber of separating drums con nected in parallel. For instance, the reactor unit type RBMK-'1000 (t 000 MW) has four separating drums. The drums are mnde of carbon steel Grade 22K (0.22 C boi ler}, with the entire interna 1 surface being plated by stainless s teel. The drum is 31 m long and has a di ameter of 2.3 m. The connection di · agram for the separating drums of an RBMK-1000 reactor is illustrated in Fig. 24.13. Tho number a nd dimens ions of separating drums are not related to tho dimensions of the reactor and are chosen so as to attain tho highest degree of steam drying. Separating dmms of the desig n described can produce steam with a water co ntent of not moro than 0.1 %. In water-moder ated water-cooled tank-type reactors, st eam separation is carried out in the reactor housing (see Fig. 24. 12} . Preci pi tating separation in a small volume is insuf£icientl y effective. The steam-water mixture fonll ed in the fu el assemblies of the reactor core is fed inlo a collecting box and then through parallel vettica I tubes into axial cyclo nos. Upon separation, water is retur ned int o the water space, while steam rises through tho central portion of the cyc louos into n steam drier and thon is
188 324 mm tiin
main steam flow into a preliminary ~, drier and then into the main drim:. A steam dri er usually bas a set of vertically-arranged corrugated stain7 less-steel plates (Fig. 15.9). Each bend of plates has a welded-on corner plate which forms n vertica l pocket for tra pping and removing moisture . S team washi ng . Re-writing equation (14.4) in the form: C. = = C,Aw + kd), it may be soon that steam quality can be improved by either improving the quality of feed water (which involves extra expenditures on , _,___ 2 ,... water treatment), or decreas ing thewater content of steam (achieved by f separation of mois ture from steam flow), or by decreasing the distribution coeffici ent. The distribution coefficient is I. he constant of eq u ilibrium betweou boiling water a nd saturated steam and depends on pressure and on the physico-chemical properties of s ubstances dissolved in water. For a particular dissolved s ubstance. Fig. t5.8. Primary centrifugal separator of given pressure and given conce ntra~ ax ial type tion of the impurity, the distribution J - wbirlcr; B- CJc:ione; 3- c hanncl tor primal)' coefficient. is constant. I n t urn, kd = removal or separated mol.•turc· 4- ltow-straightcnlng vanes; 4-ch!'nnrl lot the' secondary removal = C~"/C':,:•, and therefore, cleaner or separated motsture: 6-scparatiJlg vanes In the path or secondary moisture; 7- prcdrier s team can be produced at kd = constant by decreasing the concentration of impurities in water, which again involdelivered through sloam pipelines to ves extra expenditures on water treatLho turbine. · ment. A feasi b lo version of a primary cenNoti ng, however, LhaL tho purity of trifugal separator for tank- type rea- delivered s team is determined not by ctors is shown in F ig. f 5.8. Under the the wat~r from which it is generated, ~ction ~f centrifugal forces developed hut mamly by the water with which t n a wlurler, the steam-water mixture it contacts on eutry into the s team space is separated i nto the p eripheral water of the drum, it is possib le, with feed layer which moves along the inter- water of a given quality, to s ubstantinal cylindrical wall of the cyclone, and ally reduce the concentration of imthe steam flow which moves through purities in s team by washing, i.e. the cyclone core. The main mass by passing it at the las t stage o( the of water is removed from the cyclone process through a layer of pure water , via tho primary drainage channel which say, condensate or pure feed water. is provid ed with straightening va- This is accomplis hed in bubble-cap nes to stop rotation o( tho water flow. steam washers. The remaining water is removed Steam was hing by bubbling consists through a secondary drainage channel essentially in the following (Fig. in which vanes are mounted to separate 15.10). Suppose that dry s team of a the steam which enters this channel salt concentration C is gen erated together with water. The separated fro~ boiler water wit.h31 a high conconsteam is directed together with tho tratlOn of salts C~w · In this process,
15.4. Methods for Generatin g Clean Steam
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
Fig. 1
Saturated steam drier
Steam outLet
J - cons tant·vclaclty
chnnncls; 2 and 6-perfora -
ted llln t.cs; .Y-Iloritontal c hu te: 4- dralnagc pipes; 7- corr ugnted ,,tates; 8-moisturclrtiJll'ing pocket
..... r-
l_ A
v 7 :,...-
-. -
J 4 ---
~ I
Steam intet 8 enLarged
As the new equilibrium is est ablished, the dissolved impurity in steam will partly pass over into water, since C , 2 /C1w > lc 2 , and therefore, its concentration in the steam will decrease and that in tho wash water, increase. With a good, sufficiently long contact between the two phases, C s•iCfw > lc2. Si nce both processes (steam geucrution and washi ng) occur at the same pressure, k 1 = k 2 • Furthermore, since Cbw is m uch greater than C Jw• it t ur ns out that C, 2 is much lowe r than C 11 • A strong washing effect can be achieved by passing s team in [i ne jets through a water bed, for i nstance, Crw through a perforated plate. Upou wa- - . --- ~---- ~- - 1- shing, saturated steam is subjectt:d to - - - - - -secondary separation to reduce its moisture content roughly tu its prewashing level. The sim plest steam-washing device is a perforated plate onto which wash water is poured '{Fig. -""· -- - - - - ,-15.11). For efficient operation, wa- r-- - - - - · ter sJ10uld not bo allowed to p as, tlno---- -- -- ugh the perforations, especially at low loads. This is attained by mainFig. 15.10. Principnl.diagram of steam wash- taining u definite s t oum velocity (see Sec. 13.2).
an equilibrium will be established according to the dissolving power of tho steam with respect to a given substance, which depends only on the process parameters. The equilibrium state is characterized by tho distribution coefficient k 1 = C 01 /Cbw· As steam passes further through a layer of feed water w ith a low salt concentration C1w. a now equ ilibrium s tate is established and tho steam will have another salt concentration corresponding to the distribution coefficient k 2 ..:... C. 2 1Ctw·
Ch. 15. Water Conditions
-- - - --....__ --:lii)-- - lJL!. -- -- -- - - ·_K -- --
Fig. 15.11. S team washer
S team washing is carried ou t in tho s~cn m of a boiler drum (sec Fig. 15 .4). 'I he edges of tho perforated plate are be n t. up to retain the r equired la yer o[ wal~r. The dimens ions of t he washing d e v1ce are s uch that the internal dwme t er of the dru m mus t not be less t ha n 1 600-1800 mm. Feed water is used for s t eam was hing. The flow rate of wash water is determined by the s t eam-ge nera ting capaci ty. Tn mod ern s l eam boil ers, all feed wa t er is fed into a dis t.ri]) box and Lhe excess of water flows throuo-h a s lit in th e box direct ly into the ~~·aler s pace of ~h e hoi !er drum, i.e . it do cs not. partiCi pa te 111 s tea m wash ing. S tepped evaporation. The ba lance of s nits for the simp lest ve rs ion of the wa ter conditions of a drum-ty pe boil er with blow-down (Fig . 15 .1 2) is as follows :
Fig. 15. 13. Diagram of two-stage li on
C\' <1
D_~signntlons the Stune a~ In 1;-ig. t 5. 12; adUi Uona J-
1). ni nnd "n-steam-gc·ncrating capncitics or the first an d second C\'aporatlon stages, percent o r th,. stc am-gerwratlng capac ity or tlrn pl ant
ce, t hat t he blow-down ralio p = we h a ve:
Cb•l =
cb!D =
(1+0J11) Cj w l
,_- --
Thus , the device shown in Fig. 15 .13 has two e vap ora tion 13t ages. Ass uming, for inst ance, t he relative s team-generating capac ity o[ the firs t s t age n 1 = 80 % and tha t of tho second s t age, n 1 t = 20% , t he concentrations of im purities in boiler water will he r es pectively as fo !lows: in the 1s t evapor atio n stage: 1 (rtt + (nll -1- fl)J Cjw Cbto =- _;__::_.:....;._:_:__:_..:...:_:_:..=__
nu -1-P -· (80 -1-20 + 1) Ctw = SC 4 20 + 1 • · fw
(15. 9) and in the 2 nd s tage:
101c fw
(1 5.8)
_ As fo llo ws from th is equ a~ ion, stea m ts ge ner a t ed u nder t he o-i ven cond itions from boiler wa ter ~-it.h th e s a lt conte nt. _exceedin g t ha t o f feed wa t er b y ~ 0'1 Lt mes. T he q uality of steam can be tmproved by more i nte ns ive blo~ving:d.own, IJu l this is economi cally tnefftct ent. Fo r co n t inuous blowin"down, the blow-down ratio is tak;n within 0.5-1.0% if the water Joss is nc. n bdcbd = (D n bd>c,ID r e plenished by dis tillate from evapo(15.5) ra tors or by d emineralized water, and Div iding both parts of equation 0.5-3% of chemically purified water is added. (1 5.5) by D and deno t ing DbdlD = = p , we obtain: A more effi cient method is that of stepped evaporation proposed by C.+ pCbd = (1 p) C1w (15.6) E. f. Romm. The boiler drum is diviwh erefrom ded b y a pa r t i t ion into t wo compar t_ (1 + p) Cjw - Cs ments (Fig. 15:13). Each of them is Cbd(15. 7) Coilllecl od to a group of c ircul a tio n p Neglecting the sail content of s loam circu its not interconnected b y t he wa(C . :=:-:: 0) and assuming, for ins tan- ter path. Tho water s paces in th e two compa rtments communicate only D Cs t!u:ough a small hole provided i n the pa rlttwn. F eed wa t er is fed into t he firs t ...., / (larger~ compa rtment and blowing- - - - --• down IS effected thro ug h t he second D•Du }-_- - OJ (smaller) compartment. Boiler wa t er I can flow throu gh the partition l1o le from the firs t int o t he s econd comparFiR. 15.12. Simplilicd diag ram of orga nizat ment, but the wal or l evel in t he lntter ti on of water conditions in a boiler drum a.lways remains below that in the forc fw• cbw • cbrl' c.- couccn tra llons or substnnces mer. Steam is removed from t he d ru m rcsprctlwly in reed waler . bofl r r walcr. blowdown water, an d strnrn only t h rough the fi rs t compa r tment.
15.4. .Me thods for Generating Clea n Steam
ll ebto=
(1111 +P) C~ 111 p
(20 - 1- 1) 4.8Ctw
= 10 1C/w
(15.10) As ma y b e seen, i 11 two-stage ev apora tion, c~to is much lower tha n Cl~, and for this re aso n the firs t compartment, where th o s alt content of water is not hig h , is called the pure compartment and th e second, whore water has a h igh salt conlont , is call ed the salt compartment. The ratio C,J~Iq 10 is ca lled the concentrat ion ratio. I n the above example, 8 0% of the total quantity of s te am are generated from wa ter h a ving a low salt concentration, and therefore, the mai n m ass of steam _produced has a hig her qua lit y than i n th o scheme with one evaporation stage, and o nly 20% of tho total quantity of steam are generated from water o f t he same quality as in the s ing le-st age method. Therefore , the qua lity or s team in two-stage evapora tion is su bstan t ially be tler than in s ing le-st age ev a porat ion. The overflow of wa ter from the pure to th o saiL compa rtment is essentia lly intern a l bl owing-down of the former. J 11 contras t. to external blowingdown, interna l b lo wing-down involves no l osses of heal, no r of t he working f luid , so t h a t tho blow-down ratio can b e chose n sol el y from considerati ons on how lo obtai n t he best q uali ty
Fig . 15.14. Determination of the optimal capacity of salt compartment Blow-dowu ratio: p ,
of s team. In turn, the bl.ow-down ratio d e t ermines the s team-geuerating capacity o f l be sa It com pn rt me nt, which ca n be ob tained from the a ppropri a t e calc ula ti o n. Assuming ,·arious values of t he steam-genoraling capa ci ty o f the salt compa rlm en l , n 11 , one c a n d ete rm ine the qu n lily of s aturated s team pr odu ced at a sel ected va lue of p of extern a l blowing-down. It is cl our tha t at n 11 = 0 a nd nn = 100% there will be no s tepped eva po ratio n and the quality of stea m in t hose extreme cases will be the same a nd corr espond to the highest contamination _ I n the w hol e r egio n of s l epped ev aporation 0 < nn < 100 % , the quality of s team will be higher (it will have a, lower content of impurities) than in a s imple s ingle-stag e sch eme (Fig.15.'14). One can calcul ate the optima l steamgenera ti ng capacity nu a t which steam will have the lowes t concentration of impurities. Each particular val ue o f p in extern a l blowing-do w n h as a co rres pond ing optimal val ue nu. With internal stepped evaporatio n in boiler drums, the difference in the· water levels in the compa rtmen ts is not large in vi ew of the limited height of the wa ter a nd steam space · of the dmm. T h is roa y cause a revers e ov erfl ow of wn l er. If this d ifferonce is inCJ'onsed by ra is ing the water level in the p u re compa r t me nt, tho heig h t of t ho s t ea m s pace will diminish, a nd therefo re, th o carry-off of wa ter droplets will i ncrease. A d ecrease in t he water
~ )
Ch . 16. Pro cesses on Fireside of Heating Surfaces
.... the water levels in the compartments ~
8 .. ----
Clean compartment
5 Fig. 15.15. Two-sLnge evaporation circuit with an external cyclone I-drllm; 2- c vaporatlng tubes or pure COmpartment; J- feed wat er In; 4-snlt compartment
(external t.)•Cionc); .s- downlnke tube; 6- evuporaL-
tng tu!Jcs of sn it compnrl.mcnt; 7- blow-ctown: 8- rcect line or snlt compartment; !1-cross-ovcr s team tube; I O- stcam-drcu la Ling tube
level in the salt compartment may disturb tho circu lalion. With tho 11sc of extemal steamseparn ti ng cyclo nos, th e d ifference in f
\ I
..____, 2nd
Fig. 15.16. Threc-sLnge eva poration circuit with an external" third stage 1- drum; :. J, and 5- Is t, 2nd and 3rd evaporation stoges· 4- rced water In; 6- thlrd-stagc downtake t\lbc; '7- tbl rd-stagc evaporating lubes; a-blowdown; 9 and 10-cross-ovcr lube.~ ror water and steam; II-stcam~lrculallng tube
will be high enough to avoid a reverse overflow of water. For this reason, schemes with external cyclones are preferred, especially at a low capacity of the salt compartme nt. The effectiveness of s t opped cvnporntion increases, though not in proportion , with the number of stages. Twoan d three-stage sche mes ha ve fou nd wider application. The scconrl evaporatio n stage can be arra ngcd ei thor inside the boiler drum as in Fig. 15.13, or outside, i.e. in externa l cyclones {Fig. 15.15). In a three-stage schem e, the first and second stages are usually arranged in tho boiler dl'Um and th o third in an external cyclone {Fig. 15.1.6) I n external cyclones , the steam a nd water space may be of any height. This ensu res thoroug h drying of the steam (due to a high rn s pace) and reliable operatiou of th o circ ulotion circuits (due to a high water s pace}, and prevents water curry-o vm· from the salt to the pure com purtmcnt. Stepped evaporation makes it possible to improve the purity of steam at a given quality of feed water and given blow-down ratio. Furthermore, steam that is adequately pure can be obtained from water of a lower quality, which makes the water- treatment system simpler and less expensive. Additionally, stepped evaporation can increase the efficiency of a steam-turbine plant, since the blowdown ratio can be reduced without a significant loss in steam quality.
or Scaling
Va1·ious m ineral impurities which p ass into boiler furna ces together with the organic mass o[ solid fuels
are transformed in the hig lt-t ern perature zone: part of them are mol t.od and combined into larger parti cles which fall onto the furnace bottom as slag, while the main mass of fin e par-
16.1. JII ccha ntsm of Scaling
ticles of ash are carried orr [rom the furn ace by combustion products. The behaviour o[ . ash particles in th e furnace and flue duels of boi \er depends on their composition and phys ica l properti es (mel ting point , viscosity, thermal cond uctivity, et c.). The composition of ash includes a s mall quantity of low-fusible compounds, mainly chlorides and sulphates of alkali metals INaCI , Na 2S0 4 , CaCI 2 , MgCI 2 , Al 2 (S0 4 ) 3 l with a ·melting point of about 700-850°C. They arc vaporized in t.ho high-l,emperaturo zone of the flame core and then condcuse on lhe s urface of the tubes, s ince th o temperature of walls of clean l,ubes is always less than 700°C. M'edium-fusible components of ash, wilh a melting point of 900-1 100°C (PeS, Na~Si0 3 , K 2S0 4 , etc.) , ca n fot·m the primary sticky layer on waterwall and plate n tubes if the high-temperature zone is too close to the tubes owing to im proper organization of combustion (the flame touches the tubes). High-melting compounds of ash arc, as a rule, pure oxides (Si0 2 , Al 2 0 3 , CaO, MgO, Fe 2 0 3 , etc.). Their molting point (1 600-2 800°C} exceeds the highest temperature -in tho flame core, so that they pass through the combustion zone without being cha nged, i.e. they remain solid . Si nco their particles are small. these components are mainly carri e~\ off by the gas flow and constitute what is called fly ash. In the zone where the temperature of gases is stiU high (above 7008000C}, low-fusible compounds are first condensed from the gus flow on the surface of clean tubes and form the primary sticky layer on them. At tho same time, solid (high-melting) ash particles adhere to this layer. They solidify and form the primary de nse layer of slag which is firmly bonded to tho tube surface. Tho temperature on t he outside surface of the layer i nerouses and further condensation from gases is thus stopped. Tho rough outside surface of that layer retains [i uo so lid particles of high-molting ash I :1- 0 I ~24
whi ch fall on it; these form an external loose layer of deposits. Thus, depos il s on the tube surface in this region of gas temperatures most often ha\'0 two layers: a dense internal layer and a loose, or friable external layer . Ash rwrticlcs can quickly form growing doposi ts on furna ce tubes in the zones wh ere high- temperature gases co ntac t wat.or walls. Firs t, ash a nd s lag particles in a semi-liquid or softened s t a te are thrown onto tho surface of tho tubes; upon cooling, they adhere firm ly to the surface. The process is ca lled sla.gging. Slag aggregations may be qui t.e large in size and have a mass of up t.o a few tons. The presence of relatively easily fus ible particles in the combustion zo ne is determined by tho format ion of eutectics between moLa l ox.ides MeO (such as CnO, lVlgO, PeO or Fe 2 0 3 ) a nd s ilica S iO. or nl nmina minerals based on A l 2 0 3 • Tho ash o[ most solid fuels contains 5 to ''lO% of metal oxides MeO. A higher concentration of MeO lowers the soften ing temperature of ash and creates the risk of slagging. However , if ash contains more than ·ao% of Al 2 0 3 Si0 2 , its melting point rises substantially; it becomes high-molting. With an unfavourable mineral compos ition of fuel (if the content of calcium oxide CaO is mor e t han 40%), s intoring (sulphation) may start in a dopos i tod friable layer formed on the heating surfaces if S0 2 is present in the flu e gases. The process results in the growth of dense, firmly bonded slag deposits on the tube surface (Fig. 16.1). Slaggiog may occur on the tubes of water walls, platens, and sections of the convective superheater in the region 'of gas temperature up to 600-700°C. Caked deposits may overlap intertubular spacings of a width of up to 400 mm. Horizontal and slightly inclined tnbes are slagged more intf:)ns ivoly than a re vertical tubes. In zones of relatively low gas flow temperatures (less than 600-700°C) which aro typical of heating surfaces in the convective shaft, friable depo-
Ch. 16. Process es on Fireside of Heating Sur/a ces
ur -
tv • 5mjs
2.0 f.O 0
'"e Hj) c, I
/- 7
16.1. Mechanism of S caling
I 7'
~ ·.;;:
J.[j f'
"' " '::::- "'
~ J(
10 tZ 14 16 mjs (h)
Fig. 16.3. Fouling coefficient for tubes depending on Lhe concentration and particle size of asb in gas Oow· (Lubes: d = 38 mm, s1/d = s 1 /d = 2) (o) depending on the lime or operation: (b) dependln~ on flow vcloclt)·: J-asb concentration 21 1:/m': 2 i glm' : J-flnc ash (mes h r~.slduc n,. = 24.5~.>: 4-coarst' ash (mesh residue n.. = 52, 5 %)
Fig. 1G.i. Ca ked deposits on the surface o[ a tube
sits are more likely to form. Th ere is no dense underlayer on tlto surface of tubes, since the condensation of a lkali metal vapours h as already been fi nished before that region. Loose deposits chi efly fo•·m on tho back side of lubes rela l.ive to the direction of gas l'low, i.e. in the turbulent zone that form s behind the tube (Fig. 1.6.2) . On tho front side of t he tubes, loose deposits can only form at low velocities of the flow (less than 56 m/s) or when the flow carries very fin e fly ash . In analysing the form ation of (riahi e deposits, ash particles are divid ed into three groups according to their size [17]. Th o fit·st group includes the fin est fractions (called inertialess particles) which are so sma ll that they move along the flow lines of gases. Therefore, tho probability of tbeir settling onto the Lube surface is low. This group includ es particles of a size of up to 10 ~m. Coarse fra ctions, more than 30 ~m in s ize, are placed in the second group. Those pat·ticles possess a sufficiently high kinetic energy to destroy loose deposits on contact. The third group includes ash fra ctions of a s ize between 10 IJ.m and 30 run. When gases flow around tubes, these particles seLtle ch iefly on tube s urfaces and form a layer of depos its .
Fig. 16.2. Formation of loose deposits on tubes al various directions and velocities of gas motion
In the final resu It, the thickness of Loose deposits is determined by the dynamic equili brium bet,Yeen Lhe processes of continuous settling of medium fractions and those of destruc tion of the settled layer by coarser particles. Loose deposits o n tube s urface impair heaL transfer, which is estimated by the fouli n g coefficient: (16.1} where 6, 1 and 'A., 1 are the average thickness and conductivity of the slag layer over the lube perimeter. The foul ing coefficient E , (m~ KH)/W characterizes th e thermal t·esisLance of slag layers. The fouling of Lubes with fly ash rleposits depends only slightly on the concentration of ash in the gas flow. A d if[erence in the rate of deposition m oy be obser ved only a few hours after s Larting-u p uu til a dynam ic equili bri um is eslnblis hec:L
(Fig . 16.3a). On the other hand, t he size composition of ash has a strong effect on the formation of deposits. Finer frac tions of ash cause more intensive fouling of tubes with a thicker layer of deposits being form ed (Fig. 16.3b). The degree of tube foul ing depends substttntially on the gas flow velocity. The amount o[ medium-size particles th at settle on tubes increases rougbly in proportion to flow velocity. The destructive effect of coarse particles, on the other hand, increases in proportion to tho third power of velocity, the t.otal result being that the thickness of the deposits on tho tubes decreases with an i ncrease in gas v elocity. As demonstrated by experiments (Fig. 16.2), the intensity of tube fouling in a cross flow does not depend on tho di rection of flow. Under comparable · conditions, vertical tube coils are less s ubject to fouling. The degree of tube fouling heavily depends on tho type of tube bund les (staggered or in-line) and the longitudinal pitch s 2 of tubes in staggered bundles. Under com parable conditions (the same gas velocity and tube diameter), the fouli ng coefficient for staggered bundles turns out to be 1.73.5 times Lhat for in-line bundles (Fig. 16.4). Tube fouling increases significantly i[ the gas velocity is less than 34 m/s. For this reason, the operation o[ healing surfaces of boilers at s uch low velocities is unadvisable. Since I J*
th e load of a boiler can drop in operation by as much as 50% of the t·ated capacity, the nomina l gas velocity at the rated load should be not less than 5-6 m/s . In boiler:; fired on high-s ulphur fue l oil, both sticky deposits a ud dense glassy deposits can form on the heating s urfaces in the zones where the gas temperature is be low 600°C. Sti cky deposits on the heating s urfaces of co nvecLi ve s uperheaters and economizers· primaril y contain vanad ium compounds (mainly V 20 5 ) and sulphates. Dense deposits consist mainly of iron s ulphates and calcium and sodium oxides. Deposits that form during fuel oil burning have a tendency to grow up quickly, which may greatly impair heat transfer, increase resistance of the gas path, and shorten the campaign of the steam boiler pla nt. 10
1 2 m HjJ
:¥...., J. . i . ~.. .
7 ~2jd=JO
6 5
4 3
~ (/'~
l~d. .
l->.K ~d'
r--.:: t'!.' oq~'- I ' ["-... t-.. ........ 1::...... ........ !-......
I", 1'-
9 10 11 12 IJ
Fig. 16.4. Comparison of fouling coefficients for various tube bundles
1 !J(J
I: I
Cit. 16. Processes
Ftrestde of Heating Surfaces
Since fu e l-oil ash deposits contaiu a noticeable quantity of vanadium a nd sulphur, they arc esse ntially acid. The addition of certa in substances wit.h alkaline properties to fu e l oil makes ash depos its more friable. The same e£fecl is obtained by a particular co mbustion process, for instance, al an excess air ratio c lose to unity 117]. Some methods of cleaning heating surfaces from deposits are based on the dynamic effect of jots of steam, water or air. The effectiveness of such jets is determined by their runge, i.e. by the distance at which a jet still has a s ufficient dynamic head to d estruct deposits . Water jots have the greatest •·ange and the highest thermal effect on dense deposits. Devices based on this effect are used for cleaning furnace walOL' walls. Water blowing should , h owever, be calculated carefully so 11 S to avoid s harp cooli ng of the tub e m etn l upon remova l of tho depos its. !11 ulti-jet retractable blowers have found wide app lication for cleaning radiation heating surfaces and convective superheaters. They operate on saturated or superheated steam supplied at a pressure of around 4 MPa. Platens and in-line tube banks are cleaned by vibration cleaning: highfrequency vibrations transferred to heating tubes disturb t he bond between the tube molal and deposits. Vibration cleaning is carried out by means of vibrators aLLached to water-cooled rods . Tho mos t efficient method for cleaning convective heating surfaces in the down take sbuft of boiler furnaces is shot-blasting, which utilizes the kinetic energy of flying 3-5 rnm cast-iron s hots. Shot is carded upwards in the air flow and dis tributed over the whole cross section of the shaft. The use of shot is detonnined from th e optimal intensity of sh ot-blasting, usually 150-200 kg/m 2 of a convective shaft cross section. The shot-bl asting procedure usually takes up 20-60 s. Shnt-blnsti ng is effective if it is regulal'ly carri ed out soon after boiler start-up when the heating surfaces
are still re lalivcly clean. Heco utly, the heat-wave cleaning method has found use. Jt is based on th e applicnt i on of acoustic lo\1·- frequency \1'1\\'es generated in a s pecial explosive-combustion i mpulse chnmber. R egenerath·e air heaters arranged outside th e boiler are cleaned by blo\\·ing their packing with superheated steam (at a temperature '170-200 dcgC above the satmation point). Loss frequently, water washing (water r emoves sticky deposits, but increases co t·rosion) or shock- wave cleaning and thermal cleaning arc employed. Thermal cleaning is based on pol'ioclically raising tho t.ernporaturo of tho regenerator packing up to 250-300°C by interrupting the air s upply to the apparatus. In this way, s ti cky depos its are dri ed up and s ulphul'i c ncid is vaporized.
16.2. Abras ion Wear of Convect ive Heating Surfaces The steam boiler designer shou ld pay serious attention to measu res pro· venting abrasion wear of the tubes of heating surfaces by particles of as h and unburned fu el. An improper selection of gas velocities in tho flue d ucL of the convective shaft can lead to intensive wear of Lubo metal in certain places, thinning of tho walls, and even break-through of tho tubes. The mechanism of abrasion wear is essentially as fo ll ows. Coarse particles of ash, which may be quile hard and have sharp edges, impinge on the walls of a tube and continuously cut off microscopic layers of m etal. Thus, in critical places the wall is gradually thinned. Particles of unburned fu el (in particula r , of hard er grades, such as anthracite or sernianthrucite) can also cause ab ras ion wear of the surfaces. Thus, wear of tho boi lor tubes is determined first of a ll by tho abrasiveness of ash particles, which, in turn, depends on the content of SiO. in ash and increases noticeably \\;hen Si0 2 >60% . Wear intens ity a lso de-
16.2. !I brasio11 Wear of Convective H eating Su rfu as
1-----=:::;!_2 J I
~ ... 1\.""-.:: .
(6) (a) fig. 16 .5. Distribution of coarse fractions of fly ash behind a turning chamber and zones o[ dangerous abras ion wear of metal of the heating surfaces pa1all~l to the p~ndicu l ar to the boiler
(o) coils
boiler lronl; (b) coils per· lront; 1- coils; t - turnlng chamber· s- distribution of coarse nsh rrncllons~ ·<~ -zone o r abrasion wear of tul:P~
p ends on the total ash co ntent of cl, A w. The intensity of nbrasion \\'Oar o f h eatina su rfaces may he uno,·cn over t:> • the cross section of n g11s duct in which the heating surface is loc.atod or Mound the tuho perimeter. lt i ncrcases significantly in places where th e gas flow turns through 90°, sny, on enlry into the conveclive shaft (Fig. 1.6.5). Coarser ash particles aro thrown against the rear wall of lhe s haft, which l eads to greater wear of the tubes arranged on that wall. l n the cross flow or staggered tube huntlles, the greatest abrasion wear occurs on tho front portions of tubes alan anglo of incidence of gas flow of 30-50° (Fig. 16.6). I n in-line tube bundles, the iu lcnsily
2 ~
Fig. IG.i. Abrasion wear of a tu be . in lon g i lud inal fl ow in an air heater J - tub••;
2 - up~rr
lube plate
of wear is s nl>s tantially lower, si nce
s omo tubes are in an ae rodynam ic s hado\\' lwhind lhose in front of them. With Lhe longitudinal flow of gases in tub es (as in air heaters), abrasion wear occu rs in the inlet portion of a I nbc nL a le ngt h of 150-200 mm due to impingement of coarse particle on th e wall just after constrictio n of the gas jet (Fig. 16.7). Farther in the tube, the flow is stabilized and coar se particles move p arallel to the tube walls. Convective tube hanks should have no longitudinal gas channels in which gas velocity might increase substantially. Wear on the outer bends of a tube is especially dangerous, since the Comoustion protfucfs tub e wall in such places is thinner. The intensity of wear is determined by tho following factors: 'T 150" (1) the kinetic. energy of ash or fuel particles, which is proportional to ·~ 90m210· the square of gas velocity wJ; 180" (2) lhe number of particles (concc utration f.t 081 ,) passing along the su rface per unit time, which depends on t h e ash content oi fuel and is an incrensi ng function of w11 ; ·(3) non- uniformity of ash cont.:enlrat ions ill tho gas flow' "'""' and or gas go 180 210 J5o• 0 ve lociti es in the cross scctiou. /,·w; (It) l he density of tubes in n bn nd le, F .g. 16.6. Abrasion wear of a tuhc in cross i .e. th e rc lath·o tnhc pitch s 1 "rl. flow
Ch. 16. Proceucs on Fireside of Heating Surfaces
In the [inal resu lt, the intens ity of wear, mm/year , d e pe nds on the t.hird power of gas vel ocity:
I we = am.k ~tf.l.ash ( I•ww,) 3 ( sl$1 -d ) t.s 't
I i l
where Ct is the coeffic ie nt of ash a bras ivencss, mm s3 /(g h) , m is the index of wear resistance of tubes, which d epends on the steel composition, and 't is th o time of operation of a surface, h. For Llto normal operation of u tube for a t least tO years (-r = fiO 000100 000 h), the a llowabl e wear of its >val l is I we = 0 .2 mm /year. For staggered carbon-steel tube bun-dles wi t h s1 /d = 2.5.~ the a llowable gas velo citi es determined by the normal wea r by the ash of va l'ious fu els tHe as fo llows: Fue!l • . . . . . . . . . . . .w g' Eki bastuz coal . Moscow distri ct coal Chelyabinsk coal Ki zc l coal . . . . Anth racite grade ASh .' Donetsk coal grade T •
lll /S
7.0 9.0 10.0 10.5 11.5 12.0
To sel ec t the proper gas velocity in the gas duct of a s team bo iler, the most economi cally favourable gas veloi cty Wee (see Sec. 20.6) s hould be compared with the a llowable velocity W wc determined by lhe conditions of wear. lf i t turns out that lOwe > > w 00 , the la tter can be used in cal cu lations. Otherwise , t he velocity of gases s hould be limited by the conditions o[ wear, which necessitates a u increase in t.h e dime nsions of heali ug surfaces and fl uo duc ts. In a ny case, th e ris k of abrasion wea r s hou ld be minimized by Laking proper measures to prevent wear of Lub es. These include placing steel cu[[s o n the tube in th e p laces where inc reased wenr is most probable, such as tube bends a nd mounting cut-in inserts in the in let portions of air heater lu bes, etc. These devices are detachable and Cfl n be easily replaced when the bo i ler is shut. do1m for repairs nncl in·s pccLio n of hea ling s ul'faces.
16.3. Corrosion of H eating S urfaces Hig h -temperature corrosion. Tho term 'high-temperature corros ion' implies corrosion damage of the metal of tubes which are in contact with hig htempo•·ature combus tion products (f1·g > 700°C). It includes two kinds of corrosion which occur in various zones of the boiler and ar e of different chemical nature. One of them is tho corrosion of wat~=:r walls in the hoi lor furna ce in tho zone of the flam e Col'O, which is fos tered by Lite contact of tube meta l with s ulphuro us gases. Another kind is the corros ion of superheater tubes and their f astening el emen ts in the presence of va na dium oxi des in the gas flow. Corrosion on the fireside of water u•alls occurs in boilers fired by pulverized coals with a l ow y ie ld of volatil es (anthracites , semianthracites, l ean coals) a nd h ig h-sulphur fue l oil. T his kind of corrosion d evelops intens ively on Lubes at the level of furnace burners or s lig h t ly above it in the zones direct,l y s wept by flame. Under unfavourable conditions, the rate of corrosion wear on the front portions of tubes may be ~:~s high as 3-4 mm /year, i. e . water wall tubes in this zone get out of o L·d er in less than one y ea r (with the wall thic kness 5-6 mm). As established experimentally, the main corrosi on-active component in furnace gases is hydrogen sulphide H 2 S . Even with a s light volu me concentrati on of H 2 S at a ·s ud ace (0.040.07%), the r ate of metal corrosion increases roughly tenfold. At temperatures of 1 400-1 600°C, hydrogen su 1phide burns in the presence of oxygen a lmost instantly. Therefore, it can be present in the zone near the water wa 11 onl y iu a r educing medium where oxygen is locall y deficie nt. The primary product of t he reaction of H 2 S with tube metal is ferrous su lphide FeS which is th en changed to ferrous su lphate and fl a kes off fro m the tubes urface, thus exposing the tube m ot nl l o furth er conosio n.
16.3. Corrosion of Healing Surfaces
T o avoid corros ion damage Lo water wa lls fu el and a ir s hould b e d istribu' . · t ed evenly between the burners so thaL the excess ai r ratio in eac h burncr· is g reater than unity. It is advisa bl e to keep the flame from s triking tile water walls ; th is is achi eved by a rranging the extreme (corner) burners farther from the side walls or by t mning them towa rds t he furn ace cent re. Corrosion of the tubes of .convective s uperheaters h as been detected on the combustio n of fuel oils whe n tho tempera Lure of the tube walls excQeded 610-620°C. This kind of corros ion, called vanadium corrosion, is caused by the vapours of vanadium pentoxide V .0, formed in furnace gases. If fuet"oil contains sodium oxid e, tho combus tio n products will contain sodi u rn vanadates (5V 2 0 5 · Na 2 0·V 2 0
rate a L relatively low temperatures of the gases a nd working fluid (a ir). The d ecisive facto r in intensive lowtemperature corros ion is the presence of sulphuric acid vapours in the flue gas flow . As the su lphur of the fuel burns in the fla m e core, it forms s ulplmrous anhydrid e S0 2 • With a certain surplus of aiL·, S0 2 is furth er oxidized to S0 3 by atomic oxygcu 0" that forms in the high-temperature zone of the flam e due to chain reactions of combustion a nd therm al dissociation. Sulphuri c anhydride can djssociate only at rather high temperatures . The res ulting reaction of forma tion and dissociat ion of S0 3 in the fl ame zone can be written as follows: Itt
80 2 +0'
SOa --+ S02+ 1 /202 (16.3)
where /c 1 a nd k 2 a re the r eactio u ra te constants of the direct and reverse reaction, with k 1 being greater than k 2 • As a result, SO 3 ap pears in a noticea ble concentration aL the boundary o[ the flam o core , but dissociates on compl etion of combus tion. Its concentra tion then gradually decreases . As the temperature of gases in t he gas path gradually decreases, t he process of S0 3 dissoci a tion is retarded and is prac tically s topped at -Qo g = 1 2001 250°C. Thus , w i th q11icker cooling of the gases in the gas path, t he residual concentration of S0 3 will he higher. As the gases pass furth er through convective heating surfaces, the concentration of S0 3 may even rise. Depos itions on h eating surfaces, s uch as soot particles, may serve as catalysts for t he aftero xidatio n of to As a result, the concent ration of S0 3 in the gases constitutes 1-5% of the initial content of S0 2 , or 0.0020.010% of the total gas volume. I n the zones where the gas temperaLure drops down below 500°C, S0 3 begins to react with water va pours a nd forms sulphuric acid vapours which are carried by the gas flow. Tho process is complet ed a t a tempoL·a ture ncar 250°C.
Ch. 16. Processes on Fireside of Beating Surfaces
11:..1. Corrosion of II ~ating Surfaces
Corrosion on heating surfaces may start if the tem pera tur e of the wall J K and the boundary layer at tho wall ..:_ 1.4 turns out to be bel ow the condensation_ point of water vapours or su lphuric b 1.2 : ?Cld vapours at their pa rtial pi"essures I _I 1.0 tn . the g?ses. TI1e t emperature at ' wluch motstul"e is condensed on a so0.8 lid surface is ca1led tl1 e thermodynamic t ~I dew temperature (dew point) td. 1,. For 0.5 l pure wate~ vapours at their partial pressw·e 1n combus tion products 0.4 PH,o = 0.01-0.015 MPa, td.JJ \ ~2 = 45-54°C. If sulphuric acid vapours 0.2 are present in the gas flow, tho temI\..__, I' t •. I pe~ature of condensation (sulphuric 60 80 100 120 1~ 0 •c actd dew point til.p) is Sllbs tantially higher (up to '140-160°C). Fig. 16.9. Effect of temperature ou tbe For fuel oil combustion, the dew corrosion rate i~ pncl~ i og sheets of regenerapoint can be roug hly determined from tive a 1r heu ter the formula: 1- higll excess ai r rntlo In rurnuce (a ~ I . I J:
:!-lowest nllowub lc excess nlr
t.~.p. = td.p. + 250 lf sro2 (16.4) wh e1·e sr = sw/Qi is lh e resol vcd sulphur content of fuel, % kg/1\U 21 (a - 1) .
and 0 2 = a 1s the concentration of s urplus oxygen in the gas flow I
%0 •
With a higher sulphur content of fuel and higher excess air ratio a. mor? S0 3 form s in gases, resulLing i~ a l11gher dew point. Figure 16.8 presents the diagram of ph ase equilibrium betwee n li.qui d and vapour in the two-componen t system H20-H 2S04 at various partial pressures of water vapours. The lower curves at p = constant describe t he boi ling
Fig. 16.8. Pbase equilibrium o£ H 0 -H SO . t 2 • sys ·...:m at var•ous pressures
(a 1 = 1.0 2-
temperature of a n 11q11cous solutio n of sulphuric acid as n Junc tion of acid co!lcentration, and the upper ones descn_be condensation te mperatu re (dew powt) of vapours. As may be seen, even a slight concentration of H 2 S0 4 vapours in flu e gases (the do tted line on the left) s ha rply i ncrcases the cond_ensation t.empcralure, and th e liquid hlm formed on the wall has a high concentra tion of s ulphuric acid. Figure 16.9 s hows two typical curves of corros ion rate at different temperatures on low- temperature heating surf~ces in contact with the flue gases obtamed on com bns tio n of high-sulphur fu el oil. As may be seen, the rate of corros ion varies non-m onotonically wi th the wall temperat ure (Fig . 16.9, curve 1). As l w decreases h·om t h e dew point (a round 145"C), corrosion first increases s harply to a maximum at tw = 105-110°C, then falls off steeply, and fin a lly, at temperatures of the wall be low 85- 90°C I there • I S a second rise in tho rate of metal corrosion. Corrosion of m e tal occurs in the presence of a condensed liquid film containing H~S0 4 on tho metal s urface. Tt can cont,in uc fur t her if new portions
of Il 2SO 4 are supplied from the gas flow. Thus, the rate of co,rrosion is propor tional to the condensation rate of H 2 S0 4 vapours. The inte nsification o[ corrosion at temperatures below 85-90°C is determined by the effect. of the so lution of s ulphurous a cid H 2S0:1 on the metal, which forms at low temperatures by t.he combination o[ H 2 0 a nd S0 2 on the liquid film su rf ace. The rate of corrosion in the temperature range of 80-120°C decreases subs tantially at a decrease in t he excess a ir ratio (curve 2 in F ig. 1G.9), which is associated "'ith a less intens ive formation of S0 3 and H 2S0 4 vapou rs in t he flue gases in that temperature range. The same effect o u th e corrosion rate is obtained wi1.11 a decrease i n the su lphur content S'" in fu el. In this cnse, the maximum of corros io n rate as n function of wall temperature lw retains i ts original pos ition. The increas ed rate of corros ion nt f w below 80°C docs not significantly depend on air conditions, since it is determined by the e£Iect of sul phurous , rather than sulphuric, acid on the metal. The flow of gases produced by the combustion of solid fu e l carries a large amo unt of fly ash, tho basic properties of which are due to th e presence of co mpounds of calc ium and other alkali metals. As fly ash reacts with su lphuric acid vapours, the concentration of sulph uric acid in the gases decreases, ·r esulting in a lower corrosion rate. To avoid low-temperature corrosi-
on, it is ess ential that lw = t/ p. + +(10-15tC, i.e. the wall temperature· should be 10-15 deg C higher than the· sulphuric dew point. This is economically feasibl e on ly in the combust io n of low-sulphur fu el oils and sulphurous. solid fuels , fo r which the s ulphuric clew point t/,. docs not exceed 100-1'10°C. In other cases , th e te mperature of flue gases, which is determined by t w, will be too llig h. T he lowes t a llowab le temperature on the surfaces of a tubu lar air healer can be found from the formula: (16.5) where cx.g and a. 0 are the coefficients of heat tra ns fet· at the gas and air sides of: the heating s urface, W /(m 2 K), -o c and t,; a re tho temperatu res of the gases at the ox it a nd the ai r at the in1ol, °C. The coeffi cie nts 0.8 and 0 .95 consider respccti vely the effect of tube fouling on the gas side a nd non-uniformity of the temperat ure fi eld of gases over the cross s ection of the gas· due b. Under comparable conditions, the minimal wall t emperature of regenerative air h eaters is 10-15 deg C higl1er· than that for tubular air beaters, since for the fo 1·m er cx.g is roughly equal to CX. 0 , while for the latter, CX.a ~ ~ 1.8 ex./[. Methods fo r increasing the wall temperature l w of air heaters and reducing: the rate of met al corros ion will be dis-· cussed in Ch . 19.
Ch. 17. Evaporating Heating Surface~
17.2. R eliable Designs of Water Walls
Fig. 17 .2. Types of refractory-faced water walls
17 .1. Heat Absorption by Evaporating :S urfaces and T heir Layout Evaporating (s team-generating) s ur·[aces of va1·ious boilers may diffe r in ·desig n, but are al ways arranged, for th e mos t par t , in the furnace s haH and a bsorb radia nt heat. The wa ter •walls of a bo iler receive 35-4.0 % of the total heat released in the furnace. This, i n tur n, has a strong effect on the ·dis t ributio n of heat be twee n v ario us henting su rfaces (T nble 17 .1). For i nTable 17.1. lleat and Tcmperatunl Dis tributi on ll etween Roilcr Heati ng Surfaces E
-.. «:
Heal d lslrlbu\lon be tween healing s urraces, %
0. "''
""' -· . "' .. - _, .. ., ... .. .= u ·-""'"'_.... "... ..... .,.... -·-..... -"'"' -"'"' ., ., tc. ..... en :: •
-g ~
-o <...
C: (;
0:: "
0. ~ = ...
c.e " 'Vl-
-,!:: ~
> C)
440 540
145 215 230 230 260
1.0 14 14 25 .5
I i
.."' -
570 570/570 565/570
c. <'!
49 39 32
In hig h-pressure drum-type boilers (14 MPa or more), the fraction of heat used for evaporation is considerably lower (see Table 17.1), so that the beat tra nsferred in the furnace is sufficient to produce the required quantit y of s team and the economi zer can be of t he no n-boiling t ype. Once-through boilers are a]so provided with no n-boiling econom izers (see Sec. 11.2) from which water passes to the evaporating tubes through a dis tribution Ireader. If the header were fed wi th a steamwa t er mixture rather tha n wil h wa te r, this wo uld cause an extrem ely uneven distribution of tho mixture hot ween t.he parallel tubes. In medium- pressure drum- type boilers, additional evaporating s urfaces are formed by a boiling economizer and, sometimes, by convective eva-
19 30 36 46 58
19 21 25 22 '·2
:stance, at a n average pressur e o[ 4 MPa, t he hea t absor bed by radiant h eating sm faces is ins ufficient to cov er the total heat demand for stea m ·generation (62%), so that part of the heat spent o n water evapora tion is ·transferred to the economizer. Fo r th is reason, t he economize r of m ediumpressure drum-type boilers is us ually ·of the boiling type, i. e. water is not ·only heated i11: it to the satura tio n .li ne, b ut a Iso par tially vapori zed .
(a) s mo o th-tulle YCrllc al water wall; (b) membranl!·lypc Yerll cn l water wall; (c) platen .w all ; 1-sl uds ; 2 tub•·; .1- boller cnclosur~i 4-chromll c ;Jns tc; 5- cn rborundum; c - c•·oss-p•ccc
por·ating su rfaces or convective banks. I 11 once-throug h boilers, convec tive e\'H pora ting s urfaces form a transition zoue in the COlwcctive gas duc t, which rcsem b les a t ube-coil economi zer; i L is a rra nged be t ween t he su perheater and economizer. [ n the tra ns ition zone, eva poration e nds and tho steam is superheated (by 10-20 deg C). I n all boile r sys te ms, evaporati ng s urfaces for pressures abo ve 14 MPa a re almost oxelus ivel y arra nged in Ure furnace s haft in the fonu of water walls wbicl1 a bsorb radian t heat. \Vater walls may be either bare-tube in design , with small spacings (4.6 mm) left between pa rallel tubes (Fig. 17 .1a) , or gas-tight, made from prossed or rolled finned tubes , smooth tubes with recta ngLllar fins welded to the m o r from smooth tubes with i ntertubula r spacings filled wi th buildingup me tal (Fig . 17.1b-d). Water walls in which tubes are welded together a nd fo1'm an all-welded gas-tight s truct ure are al terna tely called membrane walls. or membranes. In boiler [urnaces which burn lowvolat.ile fuel s, th e zone of s table ignit ion and inte ns ive combus tion of the fue l is formed at the burner belt level by ma king water walls from studded tubes and coa ting them with a refract.ory material (refractory-faced water umlls, Fig . 17 .2).
17.2. Reliable Des ig ns o£ Water Walls Fig. 17.1. Types of water walls smooth (bare) tubes; (b) g ns·tlg lll with tmncd t ubes; (c) gas-ti g ht with wclilcd· on rectangu lar ti ns ; (d) gas-Ug ht wi th me tal buil ding-up belween tubes (<,>) with
/Jm ·e-tube water walls are employed in all bo il er s ys te ms with vacuum (balanced dr a £t) furnaces. In n atu rnl-
circu Ia lio n boilers, wa t er walls are almos t exclusively arra nged vertically o;· , someti m es , at a s tee p angle. In once-throug h a nd multiple forced circ ul ation boile rs , whore the mo tio n of t ho s team- water mixture can be effect ed at velocities preve nting the disturba nce of hydra u lic conditions, the evaporati ng h eating surfaces can be o r·ie nled at any a ngle, i. e. th e water " ·alls may be vertical, ho rizontal or ascendi ng- desce nd ing . Because of the di[[erences in uatural circnl alion and forced circu lntion, the r elia ble designs of wa ter wa lls for gravi t y-circ ulatio n boilers and o ncethro ugh boilers w i II be discussed separately. Methods for increas ing circulation reliability. In pro per! y des igned and manufac tured circulation circ uits operating under no rm al conditions, t here are us ually no difficulties as regards the reliability of circ ulation. L et us recall, however , th a t the circulati ng head decreases wi th i ncreasing press ure (s ee Soc. 12.1). An i ncrease in tl1e unit stea m-generating capacity of a boiler is associated with increas ing the width of tbe w a ter walls of circulation circ uits, w.hich m ay i nvolve lar ge non-u niformities in the beating of parallel tubes and adversely affec t t he circul ation. With an increasing s team~genera ting capacity, the hea t ing intens i ty of evapora ti ng t u bes i. ncrenses s ubs t anlin llv .. As power engineering de velo ps and employs increas ingly mot·e powerf ul boiler units for hi g h s team p a ra meters , th e roli a bilit.y req uireme nts of hoi-
Ch. 17. Evaporating Heating Surfaces
lers, especially of their circulation cit·cuits , become more a nd more rigorous. Disturbances in circulation conditions mainly occur due to u neven heaLing across the width of a circuit. \fo uuui [orm heating alo ng t.h o heig h L o[ the tubes in a circuit is of / m inor irn portance, s i nee in t ha L case f 2 a II parallel or vertical tubes receive roughly the same quantity of hea t · and are cooled similarly by the pas(a) (!J) sing water. Uneven heating across t.he width of a circuit may be caused by Fig. 17.3. Diagrams or natural -circul aLion. circuiLs an improperly desig ned circu Ia lion dirccl. delivery of a s t••run· w••l cr mixturecircuit (see Fig.12.11) ot· by i nadequaLe (a) to bot ler drum; (b) with n s trnm· wnl cr lll ixturc operating conditions (see Fig. 12.1 2). pn;smg th rough a header; 1- wnter-h-edin l! (down· : 2-rvapora lin~ (UJJLHk t·) tui>rs· J T he former problem can us ulllly be ta ke) tubf"s s lcnm-ctrcu laling tu hPs ; 4- lwa der ' rem edied to some extent at the desig n Distu rbances duo to inadequate Increasing the circul ation ratio. In opera ting cond itions arc less detenni- circula l ion circuits, eva porating tunate. Th e mai n cause or non- uniform bes can be connected either directly hea ting is_slagging of lubes. Sl agging is lo the boi ler drum or through headet·s ne,·cr uulform all O\'er the stu·facc a nd s lcam-Cil'Culating tubes . of a wa ter \\'all and depends on many For a g iven stc:~ru -ge n craling c.apafac tors, in particular, on the a ir co n- city of a circuit, th e requi red circLIIaditi ons in the [urrw ce , th e d istribu- tion ratio is ensured if tho flow rate Liou or fu el by burnet'S in the fnru nce, of water is suffici ent for the reliable etc. Heavi ly slaggcd , and therefore, cooling of the healed tubes. This is poorly hcntrd tubes acquire on the achieved by properly selecting the "·hole substantially• heat than do cross sect ion of water-supply and steam clean lu bl's a nd for that reason develop circ ula ting lubes in t he circulaa lower dri ving circulating heAd , tion c ircui t (Fig. 17.3). meaning thnt less cooli ng (circulating) As shown in Fig. 17A , for a c irwater pMses through Lhcm. Such t u- cui t w ith s team-generating tubes co nbes are cooled poorly; in exposed por- nected d irectly to lito boiler drum tio ns free from slag they may become (Fig . 17.3a) and with 11 small cross overh ea led. section of t he down tal e tubes, the curveWith an increase in pressure, especiall y at p > Hi MPa, the usefu l circu lating head noticeably decreases (sec Fig . 12.3). This involves a decrease in r fflf oJus the circulation ratio which has a rather st rong effect on the temperature conditions in the metal of the heated tubes. For this reason , it is essential to ensure t he required circulation rntio at the desig n stage of circulatio n circuits . The reliability of circulation can G o G,"' be increased by increasing the ci rculation ratio or by dividing wide water wa lls iuto narrower sections (water fig . 17 .1,_ Ertect of the res is Lnn cc of water-feed ing t,11 bcs 0 11 th e flow rate throug h e vnwa ll ~ccl. i ona lizin g) . pora Ling tu bcs
17.2. Reliable
-of h yd raul ic resista nce o[ these Luhcs, 6.Pdcs 1 , passes quite steep ly a nd .illtcrsecls the cu rve of usefu l heads in t.hc circuit S ua at point A 1 (tho wor.king point of the ci rculation diagram). At that po in t, Lh c hydraulic l'Csista nco is too high , 1111d th erefore, the circu ln t ion velocity a nd flow rate of water a re li m ited. Under such conditions . the stagnation margin of cir-cltlation diminishes s harply, whi le the limited flow rate of water mny fail to ens ure r eliable heat remov11l from the evaporating tubes. By increasing tho cross section or t he downtake tubes , their hydrnu li c res istance is decreased (t:.Pde•~), thus decreas ing the circulat ion head (working point A 2 ) and iucreasi ng the rna r-gin to stagnation. Ln this way, th o total fl ow rate of w ater inc reases through both the uptake tubes a nd , more important, through the poorl y heated tubes, i m proving their operating conditions . The cross secti on req uired for downta ke tubes is determ ined by calculating the circulation; at high pressures, i t may be taken equal to 0.4-0 .5 of t he c1·oss section of up take tubes for water walls on furnace sides and 0.70.9 of their cross section for platen walls. In the circulation circuit with steamcirculating tubes shown in Fig. 17.3b, it is essential , for more reliable circnl_ation , to additionally di mi-
of Water W alls
n ish th o hydraulic resistance of the steam-circulating tubes, which can be achieved by increasi ng their cross section or decreasing their length. The total cross-sectioual area of sleamcircu laling tubes is usually 3060% that of tho steam-generating Lubes. Water wall scctionalizing. Since uneven healing of evaporating tu bcs is the principal cause or dangerous situations, water walls arc :;ectionnli zcd, i. e. n group of tubes which are healed s imilarl y are combined into a section which is .fed separately with wn ter. Pigurc 17.5 shows the disl.ri bulio n of \'Ciocities in a wa ter wall heat ed unevenly across ils width. The corner Lubes receive s ubsta ntially less heat t.han those in th e middl e or the wall and therefore cannot develop the same useful head Su• = t:.Pde s as in the properly healed lubes in the middle of the wall, so that circul ation stagnation, free wat er level or cil'culation revers11 l are likely to appear in them. By providing partitions in the upper and lower hoarier, corner tubes can be separated into an individual circulation circuit (section), so that the circulaLion velocities in the two circuits can be roughly equalized. The useful head in the separated section will then decrease somewhat, but the margin to stag nation and circulation reversal wi ll increase for the same non-uniformity
-+.......--::: ·-f- .
·x ._ I
11pdtJr---- . .
Fig. f7. 5. Circulation characteristi cs of a furnace wn tcr wall dis tribution o r userul head and c lt·culatlon ve loc ity ac ross the width or a sectiona l! zed wall : J-dtum; 2- u t>per header; J - mtddlc wa ter wall Lubes; 4- corner wate.r wall tubes; ~-lowr r header : 6-tubes connl-ete d into a sepa rate circuit; - - - unsecllonnltzed wnlcr wall: - sec lionalized wotrc woll; (b) c irculation diac rnrn : 1- S«s or a w!•ak ly hcntcd circu it; 2-S «~ or an intcns lv!•l)' hen tell ci rcuit: ll.prlcs - pressure gra dient holore
scctlonallzlng; IJ.i'
wo ~ --J, '---..........
f\ 1 1'-
. ~
- - (b)
- -
17.2. Re!table Design of Water Walls
Ch. 17. Evaporating Heating Surfaces
of heating across tile wall width, and the circulation velocity will be increased (working point A' in Fig. 17.5b). In the section with intensively heated tubes, the useful head will increase and the circulation velocity will decrease somewhat, but the margin to stagnation a nd circulation reversal in that section still remains sufficiently largo (working point A" i.n Fig. 17.5b). In gravity-circulation hoi lors , furnace water walls are usually made from bare tubes covering all the sides of the furnace. In high- and superhighpressure boilers, tubes with an inside diameter of 40-50 mm are used . Downtake tubes have a diameter of 60160 mm or more. Large-diameter tubes (600-800 mm) are sometimes em-
ployed in the downtake system of high-capacity boilers. Figure 17.6 shows a typical lay-out of furnace water walls and their elements in a high-pressure boiler. Water walls 1, 6, and 7 represent a system o~ parallel vertical tubes. Some portLOns of the t.ubes may be steeply incl ined to match the shape of the furnace (tubes forming the dry-bottom hopper 9, tubes around burner ports 8, etc.). In high-pressure boiler plants where the available radiant heat released in l,he furn;~r,e is greater than that required for stearu generation, evaporating heating surfaces do not cover the entire surface of the furnace. Therefore, other types of l1 eating surfaces can be arranged in it. Should this be the case, evaporating llnit I
6 ff
t ----1+·- +1
Fig. 17 .6. Arrangeruent of water walls in the furnace of a high-pressure boiler 1-tront water wall; 2-downtake tubes; 3-roor wa ter wall; 4- stcam-clrculatlng tubes• 5-slaJ screen·
r.-rear watcri_wall; 7- sld.e water wall; 8-tube arrangement around burner ports; 9- dry hot tomWbopper: JO-b01Icr structure; JJ-slag •creon hnader; 12- re intorc•men l bPlt
11111Il llllllllllllr='
Fig. 17.7. Section of a curtain wall (platen) J- Iower header; 2- tubes; 3-upper header; windows; 5- points or tube welding
surfaces are arranged on the vertical walls of the furnace and superheater surface 3, on the furnace roof. Radiation superheaters can also be arranged at the top of the front wall or along the entire height of the furnace front; in some cases, superheater and evaporating sections are arranged alternately. All upper headers are mounted roughly on the same height and suspended from the boiler structure. Furnace water walls are provided with rigidity belts 12 of steel sections, which, on heating, can move freely together with tubes. Furnace waLer walls ofto n carry a boiler setting which is covered on Lhe outside by a casing, or shell (see Sec. 21. 1). Thus, the boiler structure carries the suspended water wall system together with the boiler setting and casing. A connection
unit of the ascending or descending tu-· bes to the movable rigidity belts isshown separaLely in Fig. 17.6 (unit /). The entire water wall tube systemand boiler setting attached Lo it can expand freely downwards. In high-capacity boilers , curtain walls, or platens, are often used which separate the furnace into a number of vertical shafts (see Sec. 7.1). Platensare suspended in the same manner as side water walls. Some LulJes in a platen are bent to form windows in the · top portion or along the whole height of it; these are provided to equalize the pressure on both sides of a platen and prevent bending of tubes should a 'puff' occur in the furnace (Fig. 17 .7). Methods for enhancing the reliability: of water walls in once-through boilers•. \Vater walls in once-through boilers are arranged either vertically or horizontally (see Fig. 11.1). Depending on the orionl.aLion of the tubes, t hey may receive different quantities of heat along the furnace height and depth and across the width. In ]Joilers with horizontal or slightly inclined tubes, evaporating tubesare mult iply wound around the periphery of the furnace (Fig. 17.8). If one of the furnace sides is heated more· intensively than others, this nonuniformity across the w i.dth or depth . of the furnace (or, what is the same, along the path of the working fluid) · will have no effect, since all tubes passaround all the sides of furnace and non-uniform heating will be of the· same degree in all parallel tubes. In order to minimize the mass of the tube system, Lhc furnace water walls of high-capacity high-pressure boilers are made from tubes of a small inside diameter (25-40 mm) . In this case, Lhe number o[ par::tllel tubes. must be increased to maintain the same mass flow rate. These two circumstances, i.e. an increased boiler· capacity and smaller tube diameter, require that the width of the tubeband in the furnace be increased .. With a wider tube hand, non- unifor--
Ch. 17. Euaporallng Heating Surfaces
.Left side
Ri'IM side
1- supply head••rs: t-dischnrgc hMdcl"!'
1-rWJ\'Hl>l<' fnsten in~s;
Fig. 17 .10. Diagram o[ fastening of water walls with horizon tally coiled tubes
' I
. '
II-..... I
' .....
Fig. 17.8. Development of furnace water walls of a Ramzin once-through !Joilcr
:mily of heatiug aloug lhe height of ry horizontal tubes (Fig. 17.8) . I n ·lJlC furn ace in Lhc parallel lubes of a other versions , a band rises on the rear band becomes rnore su bslantinl. Be- s id e only or else on all four walls . The cause of this, lhe working fl uid fl ow angle of incline of a band depends on ·in high-capacity boilers is divided ils width (the number and diameter of into a number o[ parall el f lows, i.e. tubes) and on the width of the furnace a number o[ parallel t.ubc bands are walls and is usua ll y equal to 12-15°. arranged in lhc furna ce. Thus, the The number of tubes in a band is dewidth of a band and non-uniformity termined by the boiler capacity and ·of heating in it can be decreased in the mass velocity of fluid in the tubes, proportion to the number of flows which for tho zone of intensive hea·(Fig . 17.9). Bands are wound conti- ting is take n equal lo roughly nuously i 11 a helical palJ.crn onto all 1000 kg/(m 2 s) at p ~ 10 MPa and 'four sides of the furna ce, thus provi- 1 500-2 000 kgf(m 2 s) at higher presding for nn ascending motion of th o sures. An excessively high mass velo·flow. Vario us systems of tubo win- city rnay involve a high hydrauli c re·ding in the furn ace are in use. Usual- sistance. ly, the inclined tubes of a band arc Th e bend ing of s traight portions arranged on two side walls, while the of horizontal tubes is prevented by :front and rear walls of the furn ace car- fastening them in three points: fixed-
2- n xNI
ly in the middle and in ILlOvable ~u p ports to all ow [or therm al oxp ~ns 10n, at the ends (Fig . 17.10). Honzontal winding of the Lubes sim plifi~s the connection of water wa lls 011 ad Jacent furna ce sides, remedies the problem of shadowing the CO I'll Or tu be portio us, and improves the ~0 ~1cli t i o ns of u~i form heati 11g of i ncl l\'ldual tubes, s tnce tube bands extend around the whole perimeter o[ the fu ruace. With l~ or ~ wntal t ube winding, however, 1t LS more difficult to make water walls in the form of blocks and the tube system has more welded joints. A version of horizo ntal wi nding is the meander system, i.e. a system co nsisting of a nu~ ber o£ vet·ti cally arranged lube cotls
Fig. 17.12. Series connection o£ sections of a furnace wa ler wall / - i nlet or the working fluid Into the Waler _wnll: u- wHte r wn ll sections: J- downtakc tulles . 4to next section
with essential! y long horizol\lal parLions and short verl.ical bends (Fig . 17.11). This system is less sensitive Lo uneven heating, especially when the cross-sectional dimensions oE t.he furnaces a rc large, and is employed '~hore the water walls are nol made gas-ttght. Tube fa stening iu lite mea nder system is, however , more intricate. Vertical water walls in once-through boilers resemble t.hose in gravity circulation boilers and occupy t he whole surface of furnace walls . For more uniform hoatinrr water walls are sectionalized aero~~ the furnace width , the sections being connected in seri ~s , thus forming a m ulti-pass system (F1g. 17.12). Indiv idual sections arc connected by downtake tubes, which eliminate the maldistribution of heat due to flow intermixing, but make the design and operation o f water walls more cornpli cn ted.
t 2ntl
turn or
a pass
· (al s rncle·pa •s coiling! (b) two-pass coiling
~t ' ,) 1 !'-.... <.,
IFig. 17.9. EHect of the horizontal -coOing band width on heating nonuniformity
17.2. Reliable Design. of Water Walls
/urn or
a pass (a)
nil pass,
Zndt11rn I
2 urn 2. pass, f
l vrn
pass, Is/ turn IS
Fig. 17.11. Section o£ a wale•· Willi with horizon tal ascending coils
J~ l
t I'--
t '
"t -< n
Fig. 17 .1 3. Series connection of para lie I· connected sec tions 1 - inl ~l.
Of t h1• WOrking llu l rl : 2- Ht:Ctlons: ,l 4 - downtn~u· tullcA: 5-to next section
Ch. 17. Evaporating Beating Surfaces
and 4- inlet and oullel o r the working tluld
l ....
2 -J
Fig. 17.1.4. Diagrams of vertical water walls (a) without pnrllng Jolnl; (b) with pnrtlng Joint; J suspenslon; z - wnl cr wall; J-movnblc rasLenlng; 4-support tnstrnln~; 5- pnrtlng Joint seal; 6 nlr blowlnc
Fig. 17.16. Diagram of an allwelded two-pass water wnll (a) and curve of t..emperature gradienLs in connect..ed sections at the inlet 61ln and exit 6tout (b) • 1 and 2- water wall sections;
l ..,.. ..,... ,
17.9. Ga.-tlght Water Walls
I _j
Water walls of a narrow width are heated essentially uniformly. I n highcapacity boilers, na rrow vertical water walls are combined into parallel blocks which are connected with one another in series (Fig. 1.7.1 3) . Vertical water walls can be conveniently made in the form of blocks, i.e. systems of vertical tubes connected to headers at the ends. Fastenings of 17.3. Gas- tight W ater Walls wal ls and means for their thermal exand :Meth ods fo r Enhancing Their pansion may be various (Fig. 17.14). Reliability Tl1e tube system of a \\·ater wa ll is usua lly s uspended by il1' upper header W ater walls in gas-tight hoi Iors are and can expand downwards freel y made i n the form o[ verti cal sections. (Fig. 17.14tt). In high-capacity boilers, To ensure proper strength . tho tempewater walls are us ually sectionalized rature difference between 1he joined vertically, i.e. th ey have a parting Lubes s hould not exceed 50-100 deg C. joint. amid their height (see Figs. Th is requ irement can be easily satis22.4 and 22. 5). In such a system (Fig. fied in single-pass verl'.ical motion 17.14b), the 11pper section Lubes of a (short tubes) where the t emperature· water wall are suspended by th o upper difference of the working fluid in adheader from the boiler structur e. The jacent tubes docs not exceed t.he allolower section tubes are fastened at the wable limit and no s pecin l mens ures.
1I "'-
Fig. 17 .15. Diagram of octahedral furnaw (plan view)
dry- boLlom bend to the structure. Both sections can expand towards the parting joint, which has a width of 200-300 mm in the cold s t ate so that, bei ng heated, they come close together to the minimum gap oh. As h deposits in the joint are periodically removed by air blowing. I n order to d iminish non- uniform heating across t.ho width of vertical water walls, the corners of the furnace are sometimes 'cut o[[' to g ive an octahedral shape in plan (Fig. 17.1 5). This furnace shape is not very co nvenient in design, but is advantageous in the respect that a vertical whirl of flame can be easily formed in it if corner burners are arranged tangentia lly. The hydraulic system of boilers is oflen made in the form of U-, n-, or l'i-shaped multi-pass sections with vertical up take and down take Lu bos (see Sec. 11.3). Since all pnrallel tubes in the system pass through the same unevenly heated 1:0nes along tho furnace height, they receh·e essenti ally the same quantity of hea l.
are needed. In a two-pass scheme, vertical water wall sections are arranged side by side, with the working fluid flowing successively from one section to another (Fig. 17.16a). A large temperature differ ence between adjacent sections (M > 50-100 deg C) may lead to excessive temperature stresses and even break-through of tubes. F urnace wa tor walls, ospeci ally in supercri tical-pressure boilers, operate under heavy condi t ions: high temperature and pressure of l.ho world ng fluid, high temperature of tho flam e , i ntensive heating, and corrosive flue gases. In this respect, it is extremely important to increase the reliability of the water walls. With proper organization of the processes at both sides of the heat-transfer surface of water walls in gas-tight boilers, this is achieved by decreasing the temperature difference /:it as much as possible. The mai n methods for decreasing the t emperature difference botween welded sections are as follows: recirculating the combustion products and the working fluid, intermixing the working fluid along its path (along the length of water walls), and bypassi og a portion of tho cold flow. Cold flow bypassing. I n this scheme
t'r t'z•.t" t (a)
·. (6}
(Fig."l7.17a), a portion of the working fluid is bypassed around the first section of the heated water walls, which increases the heat absorption per unit flow rate and increases the fluid temperature at the outlet from that sect ion. The temperature difference lltout between the welded sections is thus reduced and can be retained at the allowable value even in the most critical zone at the outlet from the sections (Fig. 17.17b). The redist.ribution of t he flow rate between a section and a bypass line has almost no effect on !ltln· rn tho a bovc scheme, the mass velocity along the path increases: it is the lowest in tho first pass of the lower radiation section and the highest i 11 the second pass, which makes it possible to raise the temperature of tho fluid at the inlet to and exit from the fi rs t pass so that it approaches the respective values in the second pass (Fig. 17.17b). The quantity of by-passed fluid is det ermined by the ratio of mass velocities of the fluid and the heat release rate in the furnace. It is roughly equal to 20% of D" which ensures satisfactory temperature conditions and reliabl e operation of the water walls .
t;/ J '
/"'- I
t'2 (b)
Fig. i 7 .1.7. D iagrarn of a bypassed nll~welded two-pass water wall (a) and curve of temperature gradients of connected sections at the inlet 61fn and exit 6tout (b) Designations t he same as In Fig. 17.16
Ch. 17. E uaporating Beating Surfaces 17.3. Gas-tight W ater Walls
Fig. i7 .18. Diagram of an all-welded two-pass WilLer wall with recirculating pump
t 2" 6
D<•s lgnutions as In Pig. t i. t G: addltlorHI Il y: S-mixer: 6- reclrculaling pump
t'I t'-l" 2 I
R ecirculation of the working fluid. 1n this method, tho fl ow rate thro ugh henvily heaLed water walls is inCJ·oased by supplying a portion of tho fl ow which has passed through the lower r ad iation section (Fig. '17.18a) . f or the snme heating intensity, this method decreases l.ho gain in enthalpy of Lite working flu id. T he temperatu re of tho rluid a t the inle t to the heating surface increases, while the temperature at its outlet remains the same as without recirculation (Fig. 17 .'L8b). Accordingly, the temperature d iffebetween welded water walls r ence d ecreases to a safe value. Provision of an add iiional flow of the working fluid ai low loads, say at start-up , ensures reli ab le cooli ng of the water walls, which is especially important in the n of fu el oil, i.e. at a bigh heaL release rate in the furnace. Th is method roakes it possible to reduce the start- up load down to 15% of D,.
The temperature conditions of adjacent water walls depend on the circulation rati o r which is und erstood AS the r atio of the working fluid flow rate, with recirculation G, to the straight fl ow rate G (without recirculation):
~ ' ~ ~
I '
_ _ }5!/Z
10528 •
As tho recircu lation ratio r increases, the Lcm peralme d ifference between adjacent welded sections decreases (Fig. 17.19}. Partial ejection of the hot flow (Fig. 17.20) is a version of t.l1 e recirculation method. Partial ejection decreases the heat absorption in adjacent water wa ll sectio ns and accordingly decreases the temperature difference 6t along their whole h eight. Since the £low rate of the working fln id increases and tho heat absorption per unit flow rate decreases, maldist.ribtttion of hea t in water wall tubes be4
t" 2
t 2"
I "'- I
If', I
5 ~
t 3 Fig. i 7. Hl. Effect or the workiog fluid recircula ti on on tem perature gradient in eonnccted sections of an all -welded l.wo-pass wn ter wall
Fig. i7 .21. Diagram of water wall s of a gas-tigbt boiler with t~vo horizontal partin~ joints (see unit I in Ftg. 17 .22)
t! t£ . t;'
Fig. i 7 .20. Diagram of an all-welded twopass water wall with ejector (see tbe curve oi tern pera Lu re gra dients in conn ected sec tions in Fig. i7.1 8b) De.slgnal.lonA ns tn Fig . 17.1 6; nddttlonally : cJ~..:tor: 6 -
throt ti c
comes less proba b lo. The method has, however, certain disadvantages : the elevated hydrau Li e resistance of the working fluid path and the limited capacity of tho ejector. Intermixing of the working fluid. In intensively heated tubes of furnace water walls, a ny substantial maldistribution of heat may be dangerous . Tho risk increases with increasing heat absorption of tubes, i.e. with an increase in th e tu be length. Ma ldisl.ribution of heat should be minimized where possible, especially in gas-t ight boilers. For this reason, water walls of high-capacity boilers (both gas-tight and untight) are divided vertically into s tages by parting joints and connected with one another by mixing headers (Fig. 17 .21). For better reliability and gas-tightness, the number of parting joints should be as Low as possib.le; for instance, a single joint may be provided between the lowor and meclium radiation section or bot.ween the med ium a nd upper radi ation section.
Separation i nto s tages decreases t heheat absorption t.i of the fluid in each stage. and therefore, decreases thehighest temperature of the tube walls. The recirculation of combustion products is an effective method for increasiug the reliability of water walls. (see also Sec. 18.4.). Combus t ion products are taken off at a temperature near 350"C behind the economizer and r ecycled into the zone of the highest heat release in the furn ace. T hus. recirculated gases dilute the ox id ant in the zone and prolong the process of combustion, which leads to a lower temperature in the furnace nnd a lower h eat release rate. This is of s pecial importance in (uol oil-fired boilers where the water wa lls are hea ted quite intensively. . Cas-tight all-welded water \'"-1IIS nrc a kind of beating surface for intens ified heating. Their mass per unit area of radiant h ea t-absorbing sur£oce is 10-15% lowet· lhau that of baretube water walls. Th e tube pil clt ca n
be i ncrensed by decreasing the number of tubes and selecting their total crossse.c tional area so as to ensure the required mass flow r ate of the working fluid . All-welded water walls operate under more favourable conditions th an bare- tube walls, since part of the heat. a bsorbed by tube fins is spread through the metal to the rear sides of tubes and these portions become active heating s urfaces. Further, tubes of gas-tight all-welded water walls are held perfectly in-1i no and thus cannot shadow one a nother. Gas- tight all-welded water walls may have only a thin layer of heat ins ulation instead of heavy boiler setti ng and can be washed by water without the risk of moistening the heat-ins ulating layer and causing corrosion in inaccessible phcos. Fora g ive n tube pitclt , thereliability of gas-tig ht all-weld ed water walls depends on the heating intensity. The allo\\'ablo intensity of h eating is determined by t.hermnl calculation of a wate r wall which determines the bes t relati onship between the geometrical characteristics (rel ative pitch, thickness of fins) of a water w all at a given tube diameter and given heating intensi ty to ensure reliable heat transfer from the fins through the tube to the working fluid (see Sec. 10.4). For gas- tight all-welded water walls, the uniform heating of their tubes is more essential. This requ irement is satisfi ed better in gas-Light boilers with all- welded vertical water walls and ascending motion of the working fluid. The number of p arallel tubes in a wall must be li mited to ensure the required mass flow ra te of th e worki ng fluid. [n high-capacity bo!lers whe re th e furnace shaft h as a subs tnntial perimeter, this necessitates an increase in the number of separate flows or of the number of p asses conn ected in series. The former measu re is inefficient s ince it s harply increases th e number of tube fittings, complicates automatic co ntrol, and i rnpairs reliability of operation. This, in t urn, increases the temperature d if-
17.9. Gas-ttght Water Wall$
Ch. 17. Evaporating Heating Surfaces
s teel box passing around the whole perimeter of the furnace s haft. The roof wall is assembled of gastight section units. I ts tubes a_re bent i n certain places to form holes for the passage of tho tubes of platens and convective tube banks through the roof. These passages are sea l e~, s ~y, by means of bellows as shown 1n Ftg. 17 .23. 0£' special importance is the tightness ~f s upercharged boilers \~here the surplus pressure of co~bu s ~10n products in the furnace IS qtuLe h_•gh. Ens urina that the roof in s uch boilers is tight ., presents certain difficulties,
. -< 4
ference between joined Lubes and decreases their reliability, and further, increases the number and mass of unheated tubes and thus the hydraulic resistance of the circuit . In order to decrease the furnace peri meter, gas-tight boilers are designed for an elevated steam-generating capacity of the fur nace front (80-120 t/(h m). T l1e de pth of the furnace is incr eased so mewhat to make th e furnace al most squar e in plan, i.e. to obtain the minimal length of its perim eter at a given heat release rate per unit area , qp. Figu1·e 17.21 schematically shows the gas-tight all-welded ve rtical water wall sections of a gas-fuel oil-fired boiler type TGMP-204. They have two parti ng joints along the h eight. The 'glove'-type parting joint is shown in Fig . 1 7.22. J t is tightened by a shaped p late a nd arranged inside a
Fig. 17.25. Tube arrangement in nu_ta llweldcd water wall
1- watcr wall tu bes; 2-wcldr d-to st.,cl !tame }
since a large num ber of heating surface tubes pass through t~ e roo£._ To J correc t this, a second roof tS prov~ded ) ( I above the main one, so th a t a _hot ~ box' is formed between t hem. Su;tce the hot box and the adjacent ~tde walls expand differently _on heatmg, it is sealed alo ng its penpher~. T_he ·design of the sealing is shown m Ftg. ' 17. 24.. f b 'l The outsid e enclosure o · a _o~ er h as 450 mm manholes for servtcmg 1the g as path. The tubes arou nd a manFig. 17 ..23 . Sealing unit for the passage of hole are bent aside and welded to a tubes through furnace roof steel fr ame (Fig. 17. 25). In water walls )
J- Cumace water walls; .e- beader; J - box
Fig. i7.22. ParLing unit of l.he 'glove' type
1- I
z- tube; z - tixed support; 8-movnblc support; d- bell ows
8 7 2
J 10
t Fig . 17 .24. Peripheral sealing o[ a •bot b~x· J- vertlcaJ wall or 'bot box'1 f, a, 4-expn~!Yr compensators; s - tubcs or gas-light water tori 4- trc th; 7-hender; 1- water wnl 1 suspens
Fig. 17.26. Viewhole of a gas-tight boiler rcssure nut· 2- glass holder; 3-port glass;
~=r.ln cd flap; s-chec k nut ;, 6- nut to control th~ '!Ill
o·"7- annulnr sill lot a tr; 8- cona en d-p iece, • 9- Cramc; 10- pressurized air In
=-21:..:6:....__ _ __ _ _ _ _C:::.:.:.h:· ...1:.:7...:.. ..::E:.:v:.::a po rating He attng Surfaces
made from finned tubes, the bent portions around the manholes are replaced by smooth tubes of the same diameter. The boiler enclosure also has 100 mm v iewholes for observing the combustion process and inspecting the state of the heating surfaces. The viewholes are protected by refractory glass. In gas-tight boilers, compressed air is supplied into the viewholes to protect the operator when replacing the glass or introducing measuring instruments into the gas path (Fig. 17.26) .
18.1. Classification of Supe rheaters
tions in the boiler. If the heat transfer through the water :wall tubes is too low, the surface faci ng the furnace is fused together with exposed studs, dissolves in molten slag, and is filled by the slag. As a resu l.t, the th ickness of the facing and the height of the studs di minish to the best value corresponding to the heat balance of the wall . The carbide-silica [acing is sometimes covered on the £ireside by a layer of corundum pas te·,vhich has a higher slag resistance. Double-layer
1000 f-
facing improves the temperature conditions of studs. Refractory-faced stud- · ded tubes cause more trouble in maintenance tha n do smooth tubes when burned-through portions of water walls must be replaced. In some cases, tubes are used in water walls, on which outer ribs are fotmed by knurling. Knurled tubes are· extremely durable, firmly retai u the· refractory facing, and are more convenient in repairs .
17.4. Refracto ry-faced Wate r W alls Refractory-faced side water walls (Fig. 17.2a and b) and platens (Fig. 17 .2c) are mounted in the zones of intensive combustion, such as slaggingbottom furn aces, cyclone furnaces, and the igniting belts o£ f urnaces for low-volatile fuels. For making a refractory-faced water wall, studs (pins) 10-12 rom in diameter, and 15-20 rom high are welded by resistance welding to the surface of the tubes. The studs form the frame for carbide-silica refractory paste and remove heat from it to th e cooled tubes. The refractory facing decreases the heat absorption of t he tubes to a small fraction . On the other hand, its conductivity should be sufficiently high to transfer the absorbed heat. Heat absorption is also associated with the density of the stud arrangement, which is understood as the sum of the cross-sectional area of studs per unit area (1m 2 ) of water wall tubes. At a higher studding density, the refractory facing is hel~ in place more firmly. The limit is determined by the technological possibilities of stud welding. For high-capacity boilers, the density of studs is usually 0 .150 .25. The facing is compacted by a pneumati c hammer to ensure its good contact with the surface of studs and tubes. To illustrate this, Fig. 17.27 shows temperature distribution across a refractory-faced smooth-tube water wall (p = 10 MPa).
Linin!! IIJicknuss, mm
Fig . 17.27. Temperature distribution in a refractory-fac-ed water wall J - chromlte; 2-studs; .Y- water wa ll tube; 4 tnsulatlOn pnste; 5, 8-wire net; 6- ra stening pin7-zolonltt~ p lates; 9-tightening plaster; JO-gas: tight coating; A - temperature. o r rac ing; 13tcrn pcrature
pm 6
Studded water walls operate under heavy tempera ture conditions, often resulting i.n burn-off of the facing and studs proper. The service life of refractory-faced water walls depends on a number of factors: furnace temperature, the geometry and material of the studs, the contact resistance between the metal and refractory facing, their conductivities, and the properties of slag. Under comparable co nditions, the reliability of r efractor y-faced water walls can be noticeably increased by shortening the length of the studs to 10-15 mm and increasing tho coefficient of thermal concluctivil;y 'A. above 6 V•l /(m K). The height of the stu ds and the thickness of .facing are 'self-controlled ' , as iL were, in the course of operation accord ing to the thermal condi-
18.1. Classification of S uperheaters Saturated steam produced in evapor ating heating surfaces is further sup el'il eated to a specified temperature in steam superheaters. The superheater is one of the most critical elements of a boiler plant, since it is arranged in the high-temperature zone and the steam temperature in it acquires the highest. value. Depending on the method of heat absorption, s uperhea ters ar e divided into convective superheaters , which are located in the convective gas duct and al)sorb heat m ainly by convection, and radiant superheaters which are arranged on the fur nace walls and absorb Lhe radiant beat of the flame. In addition, there is a group of semiradiant platen superh eaters that are mounted at the top of the boiler [urnace and, partially, in the horizontal gas dueL between the radianL and convective heating surfaces. One m us I, distinguish between primary superheaters which superho~t the saturated steam just produced tn the
and intermediate (or reheat)• superh~aters, or simply relzeaters, in which the worked-off steam returned from the turbine is superhea ted once more. Convective superheaters are made from steel tubes of an internal diameter of 20-30 m m . In 1·eheaters, the diameter of the tubes may be larger, up to 50 mm. Superheaters are usually made from smooth tubes, as these are less ex.pensive and simpler to manufacture than finned ones. Smooth tubes are less prone to fouling by ash and can he cleaned more easily . A drawback of the smooth-tube heating s urfaces is that they have a limited heat absorption at moderate velocities of gas I low . Heat transfer through tubular surfaces is restricted by the h eat passing through the external surface o [ a tube, and therefore, can be increased by extending that surface . Thus, it has been proposed to make s uperheaters from externally finned tubes, which may h ave either longitudinal fins ([inned tubes proper, Fig. 18 .'1a) or·
Ch . 18. Steam Superheater• and Superheat Control
r.,t;l ,,•., ,1 -
1---..:$'~---~----.:..:..._--~ $1
18.1. Classification of Supe rheaters
can sometimes lead to an inadmissible rise of t~unperature, especially at the reheater outlet , which may turn out to be too high for tho pearlitic steel of which Lhe rolteator is made and necessitate a change to a more expensive austenitic steel. Th e Lemperat.uro of the rllheater w:-t lls can be diminis hed by arranging t.e reheater in a zone of mod orate li e;:~ ti ng; this, however, will require a s ignificant increase in its surface and r~~ny be econom ically unfavourable. Tho internal heat transfer in the outlet ('hot') section of areheator can IH:: intensified by using intern a lly fi nned , or rifled , tubes (Fig. 1.8.1c). This measure develops the internal surface! a nd substantially decreases Llw wall temperature. SuperltcnLe r tubes are bent into coils witlt a bendi ng radius of not less tha n 1. 9d 0 ,. . Th iJ coil ends arc we] dcd to rou nd-:>ecLio 11 hend ers . Tube co ils may have one or more passes (F'ig . 18.2a-d) . .MulLi··pass coils are employed in high-capacity boilers. With multi-pass coils, there may be not enough place on a header for welding the tube ends. Furthermore, the header walls may he weakened. This is avoid ed in a 'glove'-type connection of tubes to headers (Fig. 18.2e).
Fig. 18.3. Motion. of steam .and combustio n products m convect1ve super- ', heaters ( O)
coun ter-tlow; (b) parallel tlc>w; (d) ml x cd flow
(c )
, ---l-4+1-l4- -1-H-1+1--
- +l-IH++H++- -+11+1-M-'l-+11++-
,..,.,::;.,..;,;.,.,,;d"' "
h -7l7.N7Jh/m, ,, /;;, ,,-7/7 //7»?777
Jln / N h h
Depending on the direction ~f flows of steam and combustion pro-ducts, superh eaters may be of parallel-flow, counter-flow or mixed type (Fig. 18 .3). A counter-flow superheater (Fig. 18 .3a) develops the highest t emperature rrradient between combustion produ;ts and steam, which makes it possible to diminish the heating s urface area and the use of metal. A drawback or this scheme is the elevated hazard
of burn-through of the last coils in the steam path, since both the steam and the combustion products have the highest temperature here and , the Lube metal is under heavy temperature conditions . In a parallel-flow superheater (Fig. 18 .3b}, the tem l)erature gradient is much lower and the tube m etal operates under more favourable temperature conditions, since the tube coils in which tho steam has the high est tempera ture are in contact with Lhe A-A
Fig. 18.1. Superheater Lube banks '(a)
from tinned lubes; (b) from cross-nnned (gil· led) tubes; (e) cross section o r a rifled tube '
transverse fins (cross-finned, or gilled tubes , Fig. 18.1b). In high-capacity monobloc units, ·steam ' reheating is employed widely. .Since the pressure of reheated steam is not high (3-4 MPa), the hydraulic resistance of a reheater should also not be high (the pressure loss not more ·than 0.2-0.3 MPa). This restricts the mass flow rate of steam and requires the use of Lubes of a substantially lar·ger dia meter, resulting in a lower heat· transfer coefficient on the internal wall. Low values of tho hea t tra nsfer ·Coefficient a. 2 aL an intensive heating -of the external surfaces of a rehea ter
(c) I
g I
Fi • 18.4. Tube fastenings o! (n) vertical and (b) horizontal superheaters
Fig. 18.2. Types of superhea ter coils (
s ing le-pass ; (b) two-paso; (c) thn•c·tlnss; rour· r nss: ( r) ~l o ve-type multt - 1,nss
g 11· •I a ctor}· packing · 4- scallng box· s - c lam p; 6- suspenJ- superheatcr tubes; 2roof wa tr.r wn .~~~~~:a tcr wall 011 the' bottom otllorlzontnl duc t ; /0-st onds; .slon: 7 :md ~J~u,.'i',~,1;0 ~t~w~;~~ ~~j~gerr:~'i~~~c "nwsh: / 3- J"einloi'Cing bars; 14- hcat Insulation
Ch. 18. Steam Superheaters and Superheat Cont rol ,
V\ .
5 I-
I (~
Fig. 18.5. ALtachment of a horizontal convecth•e superheater to water wall tubes 1
and 4-headers of suspended tubes; B-suspended 3-superbeater bank; s-supply header
or superhea ter
combustion prod uc ls which have a1ready been p artially cooled in the inlet section of the superheater. T he mixedflow scheme (Fig. 18 .3c and d) offers t he bes L solution as regards the cosl and r eliabi lity of convective superheaters . T he tube coils of superhea ters are ananged eiLher vertically or horizontally. Vertical superheaters have a simpler design, can be fastened more r eliably, and are less subject to slugging, but are undrainablc, i.e. the condensate cannot be drained off from them completely . This can cause internal corrosiou and in volve certain diffi culties in boiler firing. Horizontal
Fig. 18.6. Attachment of tubes of a horizontal superheater bank to susp ended tubes 1-suspended tubes; 2-spncing tubes; J-superheatc•· tubes; 4-supporting strips
superheaters have a more intricate design as regards their fastening, but enable complete drainage of the co n-· densa te . T ube coils cnn be fastened by va rious methods depending on their arra ngcrnent. In vertical su perlteate1·s, the t op loops arc held by clamps. The· headers and clamps are suspended from t he boiler structure (Fig. 18.4a). Horizontal su perheaters opernting at the· teropemture oi combusLio n products up to 700°C arc fastened to s tands ma. de from heat-res isting steel sheets (Fig . 18 .46). At higher temperatures, the· stands may bo subject to intensiv e· high- te mperature gas corrosion , especially in gas and fuel oil fired boilers. In this case, horizontal battks arc suspend ed from tho tubes of the ston mwator path of the boil er (Fig. 18 .5). The s upporting Lubes a re of the samediameter as other tubes in the hea ting surface, but have supporting strips welded to them (Fig. 18 .6). Radianl superheaters. I£ the heat ing surface of a rad iant superheater in drum-type boilers is no t large, it can be locat ed on the furnace roof (Fig. 17.6, item 3). Otherwise, it can occuPY part of the vertical walls of t he furnace. l n once-through boilers, t.he racliant superheater usuall y occupie;; thefurnace t•oof, thc upper a nd med ium radiation sections, and the walls of tl1e horizont al flue duct. Th e tubes of vertica l and horizontal radiant sJperheat ers are fastened in the sa me way as in evaporating heating su rfaces. They should be allowed to expand freel y on heating . Rad iant superheaters have cert.ain advantages, in pa •·ticular , a low hydraulic resistance (fra ctions of a megapascal) and a low resistance on t.l1e gas side, s i uce they do not block up the gas duct. Platen superheaters . A p laten superheater is usually a system of tubes assembled into a fl at gas-tig h t band w ith inlet and ou tl et headers . Platens are arranged vertica lly or horizontally with spacings of 600-1 000 mm botween th em . Vert.ica l platens are fa ste-
18.1. Classification of Superheaters
Fig. 18.7. A verti cal platen superhea-
ter J- pla1f'nl3: 2-platc n supp_Jy tu•ader: J >lntt·n di sc llnrgr header; 4-tn lel hox or pi a· ~ en SUIJ<'rhcat cr; 5- o utl ct box <Jf p lal"n
A-A J 5
' . _.,.
. Jc' .
v~ f-.- ·
600· 1000
~ ned by the upper header (Fig. 18 .7). The principal advantage of plate11s is that. they absorb both rad iant and convecti ve heat, which ens ures their h igh thermal efficiency with a low resistance in the gas path. Platen su perh eaters can abso rb up to 50% of tho tota I heat of superhea ting. SofLe11 ed as h particles continuously s tick lo lhe su rface
A -A
of platens and solidify on their tubes. Those, however , are self-cleaned due to vibration, so that ash deposits cannot grow to a n appreciable thi~knes~ . Dense deposits can only form 111 boilers fired on highly-slagging fu el grades. A drawback of vertical pl atens with a top header posiLion is that they cannot be drained off. Horizontal platens are fastened by cer~a in ,tubes f rom th o platen bank (Ftg. 18.8). Tubes in n p l <~ L en may wid el y differ in l cn~rlh and shape. Parallel tubes may nbs~rb different quantities of heat. Front tubes are heated much more strong ly than other tubes in a pl aten. As a resu lt, the external tubes of a platen may turn out to o per~ te un der critica l conditions. The reltability of platens is enhanced by making one or more tubes that operate under the heaviest condi tions from a more heat-resisting grade of st eel or by using tubes of a larger diamete r (Fig. 18.9a.); by making the external tubes of a shorter length (Fig. 18 .9b); or by shadowing the external a frame of Lubes of :111other hea twg l
Fig. 18.8. H or-i zontal platen superhea ter mounted on cooled s uspended tuhcs l -borlzon t al platens; B-su•pended cooled ~ub<•s; 3-beaders: 4-coll eetlng boxes; 4-spacer>, 6 £Upport strip of platen bank
Fig. 18.9. Methods of pro LecLion of extreme tubes in platen superheaLe rs
surface operating at a lower temperature (Fig. 18.9c). Platens are usually made from smooth tubes. At some power sta l.ions, membrane-typo platens w it h finned tubes have been Lested. They are slagged less heavily and can be clea ned more easi I y; their Lubes are held more firmly in line . Horizontal membranes can be s upported only at the ends, i.e. without intermediate supports or suspensions, since they have a sufficiently "rigid struct ure. 18.2. Operation and Reliability or Superheaters
j I
18.3. Pos itioning of Superhea ters
Ch. 18. Steam Superheater• and Super/teat Control
As regards conditions for creep and scaling, the metal of superheaters operates practica lly at the upper safe lim iL. The margin of temperature rise of the superhe11tor meta l is raLher limited, and therefore, Lhe allowable maldislribuLion of heat (see Sec. 11.4) and the allowabl e temperature rise above the average (rated) v alue are very low. Ort the other hand, in high-ca pacity boilers with a high steam superheat, a nd t herefore, high heat absorptio n of t he superhouLer. an actual maldistribu tion o£ boa L can easily exceed the allowable lirniL , which will lead to a loss in reli ability of the superheater operation. Up Lo recent times, thereliability of heaLing surfaces , in particular of superheaters, was calculated for the service life of tube metal of 100 000 hours (or roughly 15 years). T esting and operation of monobloc units have proven that the service life of metal can be increased almost twofold. On the other hand, an increase in the temperature of the superheater by 15-20 dog C above the rated value can shorten Lhe service life by roughly 50%. I n high-capacity boilers which have a large cross section of gas ducts, Lhe superheaters are heated extrem ely unevenly over the width and height of horizontal dueLs and over tho width .and depth of vertical ducts. For vertical supor·hcaters with tube coils ar-
, , ~
. 1\
Fig. 18.10. Steam
of circuits, reheaLers are cooled at start-up and shut-down by fresh steam• supplied th rough an attemperator.
transfer by means of
cross-over tubes
l-supply bender; 2- beating surface; J - dlscharge header; 4-slcam~ollecting box; 5- lnlcrmedlate hendc r; G- cross-over tubes
ra nged in t ho plane of motion of combustion products, and where steam repeatedly changes the direction of mot ion from ascending to descending and vice vorsa , non-uniformity of heating over t ho height of the gas duct is inessential since all pa rallel coils are under tho same heating conditions (provided that heating is un iform over th e duct width). In horizontal s uperheaters with tube coils lying in th e plane of motion of combustion products a nd with s tea m changing r epeat ed ly the direction of moLion along th e dueL and in the opposite direction , i.e. with the coils arra nged perpendicul ar to the front of gases, non-unifo rm heating along the length of the duct is also inessential. On the other hand, heating in both Lypes of sup erheater may be substantially non-uniform, es pecially in boilers wiLh a wide furnace front. The effecL of non-uniform h eating across the widLh of a gas duct can be diminished by sectionalizing the superheater across its wicl th and along the length of the duct . I n such a case, it is essential to transfer the steam flow in a cross-over manner, i.e. from one section to the opposite end of a nexL soc Lion. Steam t ransfer between sections ca n be effected b y means of tubes (Fig . 18.10) or headers (Fig.
18.11). In high-capacity boilers wiLh a wide furnace front, steam transfer between superheater sections pres en Ls a much more serious problem and involves an increase in the hYdrau lic resistance of Lhe s uperheater. I n s uch cases iL is advisable to organize combustion in t.he furnace so that non-uni-
18.3. Positioni ng of Superheaters Fig. 18.11. Steam transfer by means or headers Dcslcnatlons as ln Fig. 18.10
form heating of the gas ducts over their width is minimized. · · T he major portion of the s uperheater in a boiler is usually arranged in tho horizontal gas duct and immedia tel y above it, i.e. at the entry to the convective furnace shaft. In high-capacity boilers, the depLh of the shafL and the height of tho horizontal dueL are roughly of the same substantial size, which at high velocities of combustion products results in a high ly non-uniform velocity and concentration fields, especially of coarse ash particles at turns and aL Lhe entry to the convective shaft (see Fig. 16.5). When tube coils of the superheater aro arranged perpendicular to the gas front, all coils aro sub jected to wear by ash , which increases the scope of superheater repairs. In the superheaters with tube coils parallel to the gas front, intensive wear is concentrated on a small group of tu bes at the rear wall of the gas duct. The cooling conditions for the tubes of superheat ers and reheaters are different. Superheaters are cooled by steam from the very moment the boiler is fired and can be arranged directly in tho furnace, as well as in the convective duct. R eheaters begin to receive steam only when the turbine is started up, i.e. they are not cooled at all for an appr eciably long time during boiler start-up . The same is true in an emergency shut-down of the boiler. In order to avoid metal superheating, reheaters are preferably of the convective type and, less frequently, of the platen type, and are arranged io the zones of moderate heaLing where Lhe temperature of combustion products is not higher than 850°C. In a number
The temperature of tube metal in a· superheater is substantially higherthan that of the steam that flows in i L. If there is no maldistribution or heat between the p arallel tubes of a sup erheater, the relationship between. these t wo temperatures is given by formula (10.12). Under com parable conditions (i.e. with the same values oft,, a 2 , 6w, and A.w), a radiant s uperheater is heded much more intensively (q ~ 500-60L• kW/m 2) than a convective superheatur which operates in a zone of moderato LemperaLures of combustion products and has a h eating · ioLensity which is an order of magnitude lower than the radiant superheater. In view of the maldistribution of heat, the wall temperature of the worst malfunctioning Lubes of a radiant superheater may exceed the temperature of the steam in i L by 100-150 deg C. Positioning of the superheater in tho combustion product flow depends · on steam parameters (see T able 17.1) and the arrangement of evaporating heating surfaces . For instance, in medium-pressur e boilers (p = 4 MPa, t., = 440°C) where tho heat absorption by the superheater does not exceed 20% of the tot a I abso rption of theboiler and the evaporati ng s urfacesoccupy the entire surface of tho furnace, the superheater is of t he convect ive type and positioned immediately behind a membrane wall (Fig. 18.12a). Tubes in the front rows of Lhe superheater coils are spaced widely ap art to avoid slagging. The superheater is m ade by tho combined scheme · in order t o protect the m etal in the· last coils from the effect of excessively high temperatures. It has vertical Lubes. and is undrainable. In boilers for a pressure of 10 MPa aod t,. = 540°C (Fig. 18.12b), Lhe· s uperheater cons is ts of a convective· section and a radiant platen section.
Cit. 18. Steam Superheaters and Superl1eat Control
fY"'. "0'
ro metlium11ressure cylintler
J '
rom II
i'ressv cylimier
. (C)
/ l
l "
7 1 .'i---
To high·
. / ~~
. ·= J .
cr cy tntt're
Tb 11Jetlium-
E-= J
..; (.':
From h
i;h· .pressure c,vlimler
Fig . 18.12. Schemes of superheater arrangement • (a) P = 4 JII Pa, ' • • - 44 o•c: (b) p = 10 MPa , '•• = 54 0"C; (c) p = 14 Ml'a , 1,. - 54~"/54r••c: (d) p _ 25. 5 JI!Pa, 1,. _ 545"/545"C; 1-<:onvedlve superheater; 2-p laten Sllperhentcr; J - roor
4- eonvretl\·e n:heater; S-htmace water walls: 6-slag screen: 7-suspcnd~d lubes
The platen sectiott is located in the upper portion o[ the furnace in front . of the suspended lubes of the rear water wa ll and the convective section is in the horizontal portion of the convective gas du ct. The platens are the first to meet the combustion products . and thus protect the convective section from slagging by ash. Tho two sections of the su r)erheator are connected i n series and tho hot bank is arranged in the co nvective gas duct. Steam is fed from the boiler drum first into ·tho smaJl rndi ant section and further i nto the roof water wall , the pia ten section a nd the convective section. In boilers for pt·essuros of 14 MPa . and t,. = 545/545°C, there arc usually a main su perheater and an intermedia te (rehcal) superheater (rehcat er), as shown iu Pig . 18.12c. The a:' rangemcnt Of the main superheater LS
Temperature -Control
are also rather sensitive to disturbances in the furnace, especially those arranged directly in Lhe furnace. A typical scheme for connection of superheater elements in supercritical-prossure boilers is shown in Fig . 18 .12d. Upon passing the medium and upper radia Lion sections of the boiler, steam is directed into a roof water wall and then into the platens and the convective bank of the superhc.a ter. The rebeater is made in the fo'fm of two convective banks. Both the superhea~ ter and the r eheater are drainable.
18.4. Superheat Temperature Control
essentially tho same as in boi lors for p = 10 MPa and l 31 = 540°C. The reheater is positioned in the convective furnace shaft in the zone o[ moderate temperatures of combustion products (below 850°C}. With a further increase in st.eam parameters, the fraction of heat to be s pent on superheating considerably i nc•·eases, so that the superheater must be partially positioned in the boile•· furnace. 1n this case, it may consist of radiant., platen and co nvective sections. The scheme for connectiou of the ole · ments of a superheater should take into consideration tha t tb c radiant section operates under l•eavier co nditions than the convective secLion. For this reason, tho radiant sectio n is commonly connected to be I,be fi rsl i u the steam path. Plateu-type su pcrhea lcrs
The control characteristic, i.e. the relationship between the boiler load and the temperature of superheated steam, is different for various superh eaters. A typical feature of r adiant superheaters is that the temperature of superheated steam decreases with an increase in the boiler load (curve 1 in Fig. 18.13). The quantity of beat absorbed by radiant heating surfaces depends mainly on the ' theoretical temperature of fuel combustion, the flame emissivity, and the thermal efficiency of the water walls (see Sec. 20.3). These parameters, however, depend only very slightly on the quantity of burned fuel, i.e. on the boiler load. For this reason , the heat absorpt ion in a radiant superheater i ncreasos less quickly than the flow rate of steam through it, and therefore, the unit heat absorption (per unit of steam flow
o· Fig. 18.13. Control characteristi cs of superheaters l-radlant; 2-eonveclive; J- COmblncd 15-01524
rate) decreases. In a convective superheater, the quantity of combustion products passing through it increases almost in proportion to the boiler load, with the r esult that the heat transfer by conduction increases in proportion to the power of 0.6-0.65 of gas velocity. Thus, as the direct heat absorption in the furnace decreasos and the temperatu_re-of the combustion products at the furnace exit increases, the temperature gradient in the zone of convective superheater becomes higher. Those two circumstances are responsible for the fact that the temperature of superheated steam increases more quickly than does the boiler load (curve 2 in Fig. 18.13). With properly selected dimensions of t.ho radiant and convective superheater sections, it would be possible to obtain a constant temperature of superheated steam (curve 3 in Fig. 18.13). Under practical conditions, however, the temperature of superheated steam will vary due to certain operating factors, which include the temperature of feed water, the excoss air ratio in the furnace, slagging of the furnace water walls, especially of the superheater, and the moisture content of the fuel. In drum-type boilers where the superheater area is fixed, the steam-generating capacity decreases as the temperature of feed water decreases. With a constant fuel consumption, this means that the quantity of heat of the gases absorbed in the superheater zone per unit flow rate of steam increases, resulting in a higher temperature of superheated steam. In once-through boilers, on the other hand, a lower feed water temperature leads to a respective drop in the temperature of superheated steam, since the unit heat absorption remains constant. An increase in the excoss air ratio in the furnace is associated with an increased quantity of combustion products passing through the convective superheater, resulting in more intensive heat exchange in this section
j I
and a higher temperature of superhea- 100% of t he r ated value and th at of t ed steam. An increased moisture con- reheated steam, from 60% lo 100%. Methods of superheated steam temLent of fu el leads to a higher temperaLure of superheated steam, since the perature control. There are two main quantity of combustion products pas- methods for contro ll ing tho temperasing through the superheater increa- ture of superheated s team: s team conses and the combu stion producLs con- t rol and gas control. Stearn control is based on reducing tain more triatomic gases; therefore, th ey have a higher emissivity and in- the enthalpy of steam by transferring crease the heat-transfer coefficient on part of il,s heat to feed water or b y the firesid e. Slagging of the evapo- injecting demineralized water into ster ating water walls resu 1ts in a higher am. These methods are usually emp lotemperature of combustion produ cts yed for controlling the t emperature at the outlet from the furnace and in of live sten m. St on m control is also a respective increase in steam tempe- used for controlling the t emperature rature. By contrast, slagging of tho of reheated steam, but in this caso it superheater proper impairs heat ex- is based on the r edistri bution of heat change in it and decreases the tempe- between the fresh and t·eheated steam. ra ture of th e su perheated s team. Gas control is based on vary ing the In once-through boilers where t he zone of phase transition is indefinite, heat absorption on the firesid e of h etho actual surface area of the superhea- ating surfaces to a value ensuring the t er section varies with variations in desired Level of superheated steam operating factors owing to displace- t emp erature. These methods iuclude ment of the end of evaporation recirculation of combustion products, In this case, the temperature of super- bypassing part of the combustion proheated steam can be maintained con- ducts around the superh eater, a nd vast ant by controlling the ratio between riation of the position of t he fl ame in the water flow rate and fuel consump- the furnace. Gas control is employed tion. On the other band, once-through mainly for con trolling the temperatuboilers have a low accumulating ca- re of rehea ted steam or, if there is no pacity (i.e. a low bul k of water and rehea ting of the temperature of live met al), and are thus rather sensitive steam. Steam control. Steam control has to variations in the water flow r ate and fuel consumption , which result found wide application and is effein variations in the temperature of cted in h eat exchangers: surface-type and spray-type attemperators, or desu perheated steam. I n operation, the temperature of superheaters. In this case, the surface superheated steam is allowed to vary area of the superheater has a cerfrom 5 t o- 10 deg C of the r ated tain reserve, and the excessive supervalue. Even combined radiant-co n- heat is removed in the attemrJcrator. vective superheaters cannot ensure a Surface- and spray-typ e attempcrators constant steam temp erature in opera- are used to control th e temperature tion within these limits, becat1sc of of main, or live, steam. The temperatuwhich st eam boilers arc provided with re of r eheated steam is controlled in means for superheated steam tempera- live-steam reheaters. Injection of conture control. Si nee the load of a power densate into the ilow ofrebeatedsteam st ation may vary considerably, the is economically unfavourable, s ince tl:o control means should maintain the additional quant ity of superheated rated superheat temperature within steam thus formed enters together with wide limits of steam-generating capa- the main steam into t h e t urbin e bypascities. The temperature of superheated s ing the high-pressure cylinder. steam should be kept at the rated Y aThe attcmperator (desupcrhcater) Jue in the load range from 30 % to can be mounted behind th e supcrhea-
18.4. Superheat Te mperature Control
Ch. 18. Steam. Superheaters and Superheat Control
J. T
~ I
This method of steam temperature control shortens the steam path behind th e controller and the time fo r varying the quantity of heat accumulated in the metal o[ the sup erheater section behind the con troller. The delayed effect o f the attemperator on the temperature or superheated steam is determined by the heat abs01·ption of the path behind the attemperato r. With a lower heat absorption of that path, th e desi red temperature is a ttained more quickly arid control is more flexible. The drawback of this arrangement (Fig. 18. 14c) is that it lengthens the Lime of responso. A surface-type atlemperator is essentially a tubuJ ar heat exchanger with cooling water (usually feed water) flowing in the tubes and the flow of steam to be cooled (or condensed, if the attem per a Lor is moun ted at tho superheater inlet), around the tubes (Fig. 18. 15). The tube system con· sists o[ U-shaped coils mounted in a cylindrical housing. A surface-type attemperator is conn ected in series with the boiler economizer (Fig. 18.16). At any load of the boiler, all feed water passes through the economizer, thus ensuring its reliable cooling. Surface-type attemperators are employed in low-Gapacity boilers. Water injection is the simplest melh· od of steam control. A spray-typo a t. temperator (Fig.18.17) is essentially a portion of a header in which conden· sate is injected into the flow of superheated steam . It is introduced through an atomizing nozzle with a number of
t -
2 lss
t" c
Fig. 18.14. Effect of the position of atternperator on superheated steam temperatu re in the superheater path (o) positioned downstream or the superhe ater ; (b) Inserted betwe~n superheater 6<:Ctions ; ( c) ups tream or tbc s upo.rbcatcr; 1-n ttemperator; 2- allowablc s team lcmpcrnlu rc
tor, between th e superhea tor sect ions, or in the sa turated-steam line. With the a t temperator arranged at the outlet of the superheater (Fig. 18.14a), th e latter remains unprotected against excessive rises in the steam t emperat ure; for this reason, the method is not used fo r con trolling the temperature of main superheated steam. In other v ersions of the attemperator arrangements, the turbine and superheater are properly protected. Tho scheme with the attempera tor insert ed between the su perhea tor sections has however a lower i nertia , especially at h igh pressur es (Fig. 18.14b).
• J
Boiler axis
Fig. 18.1 5. Surface-type att.empcrator 1
11nd r - supply nnd disch nrgr
J-covcr; 4-coils; 5- bo:r:
type boiler::> arc fed with tho tmb in e condensate and arc often provided with spray-typo attemperators for condensate spraying. Ir the feed water for a drum-type boiler is min ora! ized, condensate for spraying is obtained directly from the boiler (Fig. 18.18) by condensing saturated steam. It should be noted that if the spraytype attempcrator is arranged too close to t he superheater outlot, the steam temperature before tho spray nozzle may be too high and will impair tho operating conditions of the header metal in that place. fn some circuits, two or even three injection points are provided in the steam path (Fig 18.19a and b) in order lo control the temperature of steam a nd prevent excessive temperatures behind the superheater secti ons. The las I, injection point in a circuit is arranged before t he last stage of the superheater at t.i = 160-300 kJ/kg. Live-steam rebeater. Jf the main superheater is of the radiant typo and the rehealer, convective, a drop in the boiler load will increase the temperature of main (live) steam and decrease that of reheated steam (see Fig. 18.13). To equalize the temperature in both, it is reasonable to lake some of the heat from the live steam and transfer it to the reheated steam. This may be don e in a live-steam reheater, which is used essentially for redistributing the heat absorbed by radiation and convection. A section of a live-steam roheater contains 10-20 ttLbes that are 25-35 rom in diameter, mounted in a 300400 mm header (Fig. 18.20). The apparatus is U-shaped for better compensation of thermal expansion of the
3 Feed woter
Fig. 18.16. Connection of a surface attemperator into the circuit 1-drum; 2-auemperalor; J-wa ter drainage from nltempcra tor; 4 -eeonom izcr
~O:J0- 5000
Fig. 18.i7. Spray-type attemperator 1- atomlzlng nou lc; t - pipe connection; 3- hea der; 4-protecllve Jacket
holes 3-6 mm in diameter. The nozzle is covered by a j acket (with a 6-10 mm gap between them) to avoid contact between the rolalivcly cold condensate jets and the header walls which are at the same temperature as the superheated steam. The length of the jacket (4-5 m) ensures complete evaporation ofthe water droplets inside the jacket. Spray-typo attemperators are sensitive to tho quality of s pray water. Once-through boilers and many drum-
f '
Feed walur
Fig. 18.19. Superheat control by (a) two and (b) three spruy-type attemperators 1- condenser; .t-drum; 3-·radlant superheater on furnace wall; 4 and 1G radiant root superheater; 5 , 1, 17 and 19-platens; 6, 9, 15, 18 and u spray-type allemperators; 8, 10, t l and u-convectlve superheater sections; 11 It- lower radiation section ; JJ-mcdium radlnllon aeetlon; u-upper radiation section; .tO-livesteam rebeater (see Fig. 18.20); I, II and HI- spray lines
Supply lwe
tube system and more compactness. Live (superheated) steam moves in the tubes and reheated steam in the housing (header). The temperature is contx:olled by bypassing part of tho flow around the heat exchanger. Live-steam reheaters usually have a number of sections, up to a few tons in high-capacity plants. Tho sections are connected in parallel. T ho range of steam t emperature control is 3040 deg C. A live-steam reheatcr absorbs tho heat of the superheated steam and is located outside the gas path. OUter reheating surfaces in the boiler are arranged in the convective gas duct and connected in series. The main connection schemes (or a live-steam reheater in tho circuit are shown in Fig. 18.21. In all of them, the live-steam rehealer is connected
behind all elements having radiation characteristics (see Fig. 18.13, curve 1). Accordingly, the heat absorption by tbe live-steam reheater increases with decreasing boiler load. In tbe circuit shown in Fig. 18.21a, all superheated steam passes through tho live-steam reheater. The temperature o[ reheated steam ·is controll ed by varying its flow rate, i.e. by directing pari, of the. rot1oa ted sl,eam flow around the live-steam reheater through a steam bypass valve, which changes the coefficient o[ h ea t transfer from the wall to steam, ex., and the temperature gradient in the live-steam reheater. The drawback with this circuit is a high power loss due to an appreciable hydraulic resistance in the su perheated steam path. In the circuit illustrated in F ig. 18.21 b, the iive-steam reheater is vir-
Steam from h igh·
·p r essure
jJI'essure cglintf_~r
J Reheated steam oullel
To metfivm·pressure cylinder
l/nif A
rz ~/f
J, }if / 4
"'-=::> IL
18.4. Superheat
Ch. 18. Steam Superheater& and Superheat Control
Tsieam l _ _ _ _ _ .Jl
Fig. 1.8.18. Superheat co ntrol by condensate spraying 1 -L'COnomlzcr; 2- cond cnsm·: 3- drum; 4-condensntc tonk: ~ and 7-supP.rbeate_r; ..6-spruy-typc ntlcmperalor
Fig. 18.20. Typicul section of a live-steam reheater r- tlvt•· steam rchcater section; 2-control valve; 3- by·pass lin e; 4-spa cer striP;. ~-bottom; 6-Gectlon · head; 7-senllng disc; 8- hent-i!xc honce lubes; 9- secllon housmg
18.4. Superheat Temperature Control
Ch. 18. Steam Superheaters and Superheat Control
aLer; these flows are usually control--P.e3sure f 2 led by means of b ypass valves. n eam polh,-Gas control. Gas control is effected by recirculating combustion products, tilting burners, turning on and off the burner tiers, or bypassing combustion products. (aJ Supercrilicol· Gas control is employed to maintain ·pressure 1 2 the desired temperature oftbe reheated ~team path --1\r-Ti'i
t.,(wi/11 utircufofion) oliOO
-- 't--5 C8J 2 6 :J 0
4 t
. ·reO reel o\
0 (h)
Fig. 18.22. Steam temperature control by recirculation of combustion products (a) recirculation scheme: (b) crrect ol bolle•· steom~:~encrnting capacity on the superheat ternpe•·aturc and the traction of recirculated combustion products: J - lumace; 2-economtzer; J- reclrculatlng ran: 4- admisslon or col d combustion products Into the lower portion ol lurnace; S-combustlon produc ts recirculated Into the upper portion or furnace: 6-to regenerative air heater: 7-supe rbea lc r
at the furnace outlet. Recirculation increases Lhe flow ra to of gases through the superheater. These two cit:cu ms lances increase the convective heat exchange, and therefore, the temperature of the superheated steam. Since recirculation decreases the direct heat exchange in the furnace, it has a positive role in protecting the water walls of the lower radiation sectio n ~gainst overheating (see Sec. 17 .3). Recirculation of combustion products is increased at low loads, when the temperature of the superheated steam drops, and is turned off at high loads, when steam superheating increases; as a result, the volume of combustion products at the outlet from the plant varies only s lightly. S ince, however, the volume of combustion products at low loads becomes higher, this leads to an increase in {)-wg and q 1 a nd an elevated fuel consumption. It is advisable to introduce recirculated gases into the hot air box of the burners. Recycling combustion products into the top portion of the furnace has no essentia l effect on furnace operation, but substantially lowers the temperature of combustion products in the superheater, thus preventing s lagging of the superheater tubes, but somewhat decreasing the heat absorption.
F lame control in the furnace. Heat absorption- by furnace water walls is determined by the temperature level and the pattern of temperature distribution. H eat absorption in the furnace, and therefore, {)-;, can be varied by varying the position of the flame. This, in turn, changes the heat absorption by the roheater which is arranged in the convective gas duct. For instance, if the burners are tilted downwards, tho total radiant heat a bsorption by the water walls, Qr1Q1, increases, while the temperature al the furnace outlet, {)-(, decreases (Fig. 18.23), resulting in a lower heat absorption by the reheater. On the other band, if the burners arc tilted upwards, the heat absorption by the water walls decreases, while the temperature of combustion products at t.he furnace outlot i ncroases. Thus, as the boiler load drops down, the temperature of the reheated steam diminishes (Fig. 18.13, curve 2) and the burnet·s are tilted upwards so as to raise the steam temperature. Gas control by burner tilting can maintain a constant temperature of reheated steam at boiler loads ranging from 100 % to 70%. The position of the flame can also be changed by tur ning some of the burner tiers on and off. If the furnace has three tiers of burners and the total fuel consumption by them corresponds to 150% of the steam-g~ne rating capacity, operation with any
Fig. i8.23. Effect of the angle of burner tilting on th e beat absorption of furnace water walls and the temperature of combustion products at furnace exit
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heating Surfaces
Combust ion products
Combust ion orn.dll" ·'·• t
th 1
J (a)
I Fig. 19.1. Variation of temperature gradient during air heatmg
Fig. 18.24. Schemes of temperature control of superheated steam by bypassing of combustion products (a) passin g combustion produc ts through a tree g11s duct; (b) distribution or combustion productR be tween parallel gna duels by mcnna or control gill<: '·nlves; (c) distribution ol combustion )lroducts by mcuns ol n control Inn; J - rcbcntc r; ll- cconomlz<:r; a- control gate valve; 4- mnln tan; 5-control Inn
two tiers turned on can ensure 100-% load .. Thus , at high loads, i.e. when steam superheating incr eases , the lower tiers are turned on, and at lower loads, the upper tiers are turned on. Bypassing combustion products. The temperature of reheated s team can be controlled by passing the combustion products around the reheater. Various schemes for effecting the method are illustrated in Fig. 18.24. In Fig. 18 .24a, a 'free ' gas duct is provided between the reheater sections, and the gas flow rate through ·it 1s
controlled by a gate valve. The latter operates under heavy cond ilions, which explains why this scheme is not popular. I n Fig. 18.24b a nd c, the reheater sections and the economizer are mounted in parallel gas duels ('split duct') and the gases are distributed between them either by gate valves arranged behind the heating surfaces (as in 'b'), or by exhaust fans (as in 'c'). The latter two methods are more reliable than the first, but complicate the design and increase the cost of the plant.
LOW-TEMPERATURE HEATING SURFACES 19.1. Arrangement o£ Low-temperature Heating Surfaces
The low-temperature heating surfa ces of a boiler include the air h eater and the economizer. The design of the-
191. Arrangement of Low-te mperature lleatlng Surfaces
se elements should pursue the following objects: to intensify h eat exchange, minimize th e dimensions of the elements with a moderate use of metal, and minimize the effects of abrasion wear by ash , fouli ng a nd corrosion.
The air heater operates tinder conditions which differ from those of the economizer or other heating surfaces. I t bas the lowest temperature gradient between combustion products and air and the lowest heat-transfer coefficient. For this reason, the surface area of the air heater is usually greater than the total area of all elements of the steam-water path, and in highcapacity boilers may range from a few tens to a few hundreds of thousands of square metres. The air in the air heater is a medium that has a low water vapour content. On the other hand, combustion products which pass through it usually have a high water vapour concentration (depending on the content of moisture and hydrogen in the fuel), as well as of triatomic gases (C0 2 and 80 2), and their volume and heat capacity are higher than the respective values for air. The volume of combustion products also increases due to the presence of excess air. As a result, the ratio of the water equivalents of air and combustion products, 'I'. =;:: = caV 0 /c 8 Vg, in the air heater is .always less than unity. This means that air is heated in the air b eater more quickly than the combustion products are cooled. For instance, with a low moisture content of the fuel, air is heated in the air heater on the average by 1.2 deg C per each degree the combustion products are cooled, or with fuels of a high moisture content by 1.4 d eg C per each degree. T hus, as air is b eing heated, the tempera ture
gradient, which determines the intensity of h eat exchange, decreases to a minimum at the 'hot' end of the air heater (Fig. 19.1). Because of this, the temperature level of waste gases is determined not by the temperature gradient between the fluids at the cold end of th e air heater, but by the economically effi cien t temperature gradient D. t at the hot end, which is lower than the former. This tempera ture difference is usually not less than 30-40 dog C. Any further increase in the temperature of hot air is inefficient in view of the very weak beat exchange in the hot portion of the air heater (llt is too low). Thus, an increase in the temperature of hot air is associated with an increase in the temperature of waste gases or an increase in tho heating area of the air heater. Figure 19.2 shows the temperatures of waste gases which depend on the temperature of air preheating at various ratios of water equivalents ('I' < 1), t eo = 30 deg C and the temperature gradient at the hot end 6.t = = 40 deg C. As may be seen, to preheat the air to 400-420°C (fuel anthracite) at 'I' = 0.8 , the temperature of the waste gases at the air heater outlet should b e not less than 1.401500C. For fuels with a higher moistu re content (brown coal), 'I' = 0.65, and the temperature of waste gases for the same level of air preheating must be {}118 = 200-220°C, which is economically inefficient. l n contrast to this , in a counter-current economizer the temperature gradient at the
tha 50~--~--~--~~--~
Fig. 1!1.2. Effect of air heating on the tempera ture of waste gases at various ratios of water equivalents
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heating Surfaces l)~c
Fig. 19.3. Distribution or temperature gradi ents in a single-stage arrangement of lowtemperature heating surfaces I -economixer; f - air heater
hot end increases , since water has an appreciably higher heaL capaciLy. The low-temperature elements of a boiler can be connected into a s ingle-stage or two-stage circuit. In a single-stage circuit, the economi zer and ai•· heater are arranged in series in the gas path and connected by the counter-flow scheme (Fig. 19.3). This scheme limi ts the possibility of air heating in the air heater. I n the single-stage circuit, it is essential to properly select the gas temperature at the boundary between the economizer and ai r heater. Noting the ratio of water equivalents, the most efficient temperature of waste gases is obtained on air preheating to 2503500C. If air should be preheated to 350-450°C, the air beater is of the two-stage type and the economizer 1s
arra nged between its sections (Fig. 19.4). The essence of tho two-stage circu it is an increased tem perature g1·adient D.t at th e hot end of the ai r h ea ter, since ·its hotter (seco nd) s tage is in the zone where combustion products have a higher temperature. T his makes it possible t o hold the temperature of waste gases at an appreciably low level. Air heaters a re made of carbon steel for which the allowable temperature is not more than 500°C; with an air preheating t emperature of 420°C, this means that the temperature of the combustion products should be not higher than 580°C. The temperature of the combustion products behind the superheater is usually higher, 600-650°C, so that a hot section of t he economizer is mounted before the second stage of the air heater in order t o protect the metal in the latter. The two-stage circuit of the air heater and economizer substantially increases the height of the convective shaft and the cost of construction; that is why it is employed only wi tb fuels for which a high preheating of air is essential. 19.2. Economizers Plain-tube economizers. A continuous loop-type economizer is the main type of economizer employed in boilers for various pressures. I n order to intensify heat transfer and minimize fouling, the economizer coils are
_o+===:::; "+f,-; ;, =:;:=::::;r.; ,\; "4c l1ra l)k ~~
I ~~( I
Fig. i 9.4. Distribution o[ temperature gradients in a two-stage arrangement of low-temperature heating surfaces 1 and J -sccond and first sta~:c ot the; e a nd 4-sccond and tlrst s t age of t he air heate n
(a }
Fig. i9 .5. Connection of economizer coils to the header (a) h>' means or connection pipes pnsotf•g through the boiler setting; (bl with the headers urranged in thr gas duc t; 1- colls; :!- header; .t- conru·ctlon pi pes; 4- coll-supportlnJI s tructure
made from steel tubes o( a small dia- front, t ho length of the supply header m eter (internal diameter 20-30 mm and th o number of Lubes can be s igand wall thickness 2.5-3.5 mm). As nificantly decreased but the length of in other heating surfaces, the ends of the tubes in the coils is greater and the coils are connected to headers requires a more reliable means of fawhicl1 are ananged beyo nd the zone stening. In boilers with a wide front, o()f gas heating. The coils are connected two-sid ed symmetrical economizers to the headers by welding. In high- are employed with the headers arrancapacity boilers wh ere the number of ged at the two sides (Fig. 19.6b). <economizer coils is J:~rge , requiring Water in the steel tubes of eco nomithat many tubes be passed through zers may be vaporized. A ccoi'Ciingly, tho refractory lining fo •· connection to economizers may be either non-boian externa l header, thus increasing ling, where water at the outlet is subair inleakage, the coil ends are conno- cooled below the sat uration point or ct ed to a small num ber of intermedi ate boiling, in which a certain quantity of pipe connections, as shown in Fig. steam forms in the outlet portion. The 19.5a. In gas-tight boilers, the eco- steam content of water at the econonomizer headers are almost always mizer ou tlet should not exceed 25% . m ounted in the gas duct and serve as Both types of economizer do not difeconomizer supports (Fig. 19.5b). A fer substantially in design. st aggered arrangement is prefera ble Extended hea ting surfaces of econofor tl1e economizer tubes. Motion of mizers. Jn order to intensify heat water in an economizer is ascending to absorption on the gas side and make ensure the free exit of gases a nd steam the apparatus more compact, rectanwith water. To facil itate operation gular fins are often welded to the pla.and repairs, economizers are usually in tubes of an economizer (Fig. 19.7a). sectionalized in the path of combusti- This in creases the use of m etal per o()n products, with sections (banks) of a unit h eating surface area, but gives an height up to 1 m. The spacings bet- essential gain in heat absorption, so ween the sections are usually 550- that, for the same amo unt of metal 600 mm wide. f ) J I Economizer coils can be arranged - 2 i[)erpendicu lar or parallel to the boilet' 2 v · front. In the former case (Fig . 19.6a), / ~ / J 4 th eir length is not largo a nd is deter/ mined by the depth o( th e gas duct T his simplifi es coil fastening, but all (b) (a) co ils in a bank are subjected to abraFig. 19.6. Economizer arrangemen t s ion wear by ash. W ith economizer 1-drum; 2- watcr tubes; 3 -economizer; 4 -suppJy headers wils arranged parallel to the boiler 1
19.2. Econom:: us
Ch. 19. Low-temperature 0 eating Surfaces 19.3. A lr Heaters
s, ~
19.3. Air Heaters
Fig. i9.7. Finned tubes of economizers (a) welded-on tins; (b) Integral tins
and same draft, the volum e occupied by a finned heating surface with recta ngular I ins is 25-30% smaller than that of a surface with plain tubes. Besides, p late steel is cheaper than tubes. I n recent times, profil ed finned tubes (with trapezoidal fins) have b een adopted for use in economizers (Fig. 19.7b). Finned tubes decrease tho dimensions of an economizer by 4050% . Cross-finned tubes (with helical or circu lar fins) are also used in economizers . They can be employed in boilers fi red on non-slagging fuels. Membrane-type heating surfaces may be promising in economizers (Fig. 19.8). They are made from plaintube coils with steel-sheet spacers 2-3 mm thick welded inbetween the straight portions of the tubes. Membrane-type economizers are more efficient than the plain-tu be type, consume less metal for the same heat absorpt ion, and are quite . reliable in s, s,
operation. Economizer membranes may b e made with a more extended su rface ('lobe-type' membranes).
Fig. i9.8. Convective membrane
Operating conditions and classification of air heaters. Modern high-capacity boilers are always provided with a n air heater. The role of the air heater increases with the unit power of a plant. This is associated with the fact that the temperature of combustion products behind the economizer is. still rather high (350-450°C). By utilizing t his heat in the air heater, th~ temperature of combustion products can be lowered to 120-160°C. Air preheati ng increases boiler officiency. On the other hand, the a ir heater proper operates in the zone of lite lowest t emperature of combustio n products, so that part of its surface (in the co ld end) may be at a temp em ture equal to or lower than the dew po int of combustion products. Und er s uch conditions, a moisture film can form in the colder por tion and cause corrosion and fouling. These adverse effects are enhanced in the combustion of high-sulphur fuel oils and at high excess air ratios . In gas-tight boilers where fuel can be burned at a low excess air ratio, the corrosion rate is lower (see Sec. 16.3). Air beaters operate either by therecuperative or the regenerative princip le. I n recuperative air heaters , heat from ·combustion products or another heat source is· transferred continuously to air thro1Jgh a heating surface. I n regenerative a ir heaters, the heating surface is swept alternately by combustion products and air and is thus alternately heated and cooled. Air can be h eated in air h eaters by combustion produc ts either directly (Fig. 19.9a) or through an intermediate heat-transfer agent which may be in the form of solid p acking (Fig. 19.9b), hot water (Fig.19.9d) or bleeder steam from the turbine (Fig. 19.9c and e).
Air heating by intermediate heat rorrter
b!f com/Jus/tan products
z \
2 -......,
J \
- =t - - -fL~
Z:_:t -- l~
-__ )., ... 1-
J:-r----1 /
-:...r 5-...
,A ...). _
I-I I '-" I I
J~ 9
/ Q/
~~--tr--A-L_~-:- ~ ~--·-;-
Fig. 19.9. Mclhods of air heating (a) tubular air heater; (b) regencrntlvc air heater; (c) alr preheating: (d) combina~lon or ~ow~.rc~~T ~co~~ ml •cr and air hentcr: ( <) cascade ai r heater; 1- Lubular air beater, .e--co~ust O~lr? UC • scadc ~tlon regenerative air heater· s - low-pressure economlu:r; 6- nlr beater; 7- water, 8-s m. 9 -ea tubular air beater; 10- maln tubular air heater; 11-mlxe.r
Direct heati ng of air by combustion products. R ecuperative air heaters are mostly of the tubular type. They arc s imple in manufacture, but consume mu ch metal a nd occupy a large space. Tubular air heaters usually have a verti cal tube arrangement (Fig. 19.10). Tubes with an ex ternal diameter of 30-40 mm and a wall thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm are welded by the ends to tube plates and arranged in a stagger ed order. The upper tube plate h as a thickness of 20-25 mm and the lower <>ne, 15-20 mm. Combustion products ~low through the tubes (longitudinal f~ow) and give up their heat to the air wh ich moves b etween the t ubes (cross-flow), i.e. the working fluids are in cross-curre~t flow relative to each other. As 1s known, the most compact heat exeh anger is obtained with a pure~y _counter-current fl uid flow, but th1s IS unrealizable in tubular air beaters. T he eounter-currout scheme can be approxima ted r ather closely by causing the a ir to move in a number of passes between the tubes. The air heater is divided by a number of p artitions in tho
air path so as to obtain the optimal air voloci ty for the conditions of heat exchange. Air boxes are provided_ in places where the air flow changes duection. A tubular air heater has an external steel casing and its lower tube plate bears against a frame wh ich is fastened to the stands of the boiler structure. The tube system can expand upwards on heating. The upper tube p la te is connected to the gas duct above it by means of a gas-tight sealing with expansion compensators (Fig. 19.11 ). For convenience of t ransport and mounting, tubular air heaters are usually in the form of separate cubical sections . In boilers of moderate capacity, the tubular air heater is usually of the single-flow scheme with air enteri_ng the wider side of the ap paratus (F1g. 19.10) . In boilers of a higher capacity , i.e. with a larger air flow rate, the single flow scheme requires a greater luiight of th e air healer. resu lting in a lower tom perature gradient.. The height of the apparatus can be substantially diminished by using the spli tfl ow scheme, i.e. by dividing the air
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heating Surfaces
Combustion products
Fig. 19.10. Tubular air heater 7.-l.ubes; II and 6- tube plates; J-cxpnu soon compensator; 4- box, 5-part.ltlons : ?- framework; 8- lramc
19.3. Air Heaters
Fig. 19.12. Air paths in tubular air heaters J- cold air entry; 11- hot nl r exll
Combustion products
. t
Combustion products
+ i
Hot air
Waste gases
in the heater into two or more separate flows; this makes it possible to increase the number of passes for air,
Fig. 19.11. Tube-plate packing 1- tube
plnt.e; 2 and s-expnnslon compensators; 4- framework bcurn
and therefore, the ternrJerature gradient (Fig. 19.12a). The combination of the split-flow scheme with densely arranged small-diam eter tubes makes the tubular air heater rather compact. In boilers of very high ca pacit ies , air in the h eater is divided int() a greater number offlows (Fig.19.12b). With the same velocity of combustion products and air, tho coefficient of heat transfer at the gas side of an air heater a 1 (longitudinal flow) is lower than the heat-transfer coefficient at the air side a. 2 (cross flow). Heat transfer can be intensified by increasing the coefficient a.~. in longitudinal flow, for instance, by making the heating surfaces from corrugated tubes (Fig. 19.13) of a sinusoidal shapewith a constant radius of curvature. To avoid clogging of tho tubes by ash, corrugated-tube air h eaters are conne-
ctcd by the reverse scheme, that is air moves in them through the tubes (longitudinal flow) and combustion gases, between the tubes (cross flow). Corrugated-tube ai r heaters are rnore efficient than the straight-tube type and, for the same capacity, their mass may be 50% ]ower. Though corrugated tubes are more expensive, the cost of a corrugated-tube air heater turns out to be 33% lower than that of the conventional type. Tubular air heat ers are simple in design, reliable in operation, and are more tigllt than other types of air heaters. Air beating by combustion products through an intermediate heat-transfer agent. From the standpoint of thermodynamics, it does not matLer whether heat is iransferred from combustion products directly through a wall or first to an intermediate h eat-transfer agent and then to air. In the latter case, each of the processes involved can be carried out independently and under optimal conditions. The principle of air heating through an intermediate heat-transfer med ium is realized i.n regenerative air heaters which are employed widely at thermal power s tations. A regenerative
a ir heater has a so lid packing-usually a pack of steel sheets which are heated by combustion products and then give up their heat to air. It is typica l of air hent.ers with an intermediate heattransfer agent that corrosion on t ho heating surfaces hAs practically no offeel on the air inlenkage into tho gas path of t he boiler. Regenerative air h eaters. Regenerative ai r heaters employed at thermal power stations are mostly of tho rotary type. The heat-transfer packing is formed from thin corrugatedor;plane steel sheets w ith narrow channels (of art equivalent diameter d 811 = = 6-9 rom) formed between them for the passage of combustion products and air (Fig. 19.14). The packing is placed into a hollow cylindrical rotor wh ich is divided by radial partitions into isolated sectors. The rotor (Fig. 19.15) is driven by an electric motor through a gear or a cogwheel transmission and rotates slowly (at a speed of 0.008-0.065 s-1). Tl1e housing of the regenerator is divided into two sections by the upper and lower sector plates with necks for admitting combustion products and air. The gas an d air flows move
Fig. 19.13. Corrugated tube
19.9. A tr Heaters
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heating Surfaces
~"l\:'\~(~af)rr~~~t~~~~-\:1 "
Fig . 19-14. Packing profiles of regenerative air heaters packing or th e bot section with corrugated !' spacing sbeel; (b) packing or the cold section
ugh t.he rotor separately and continuously, while the rotating p acking intersects them allernately. The two flows are in counter-curr ent relations. Thus, when some of the sectors ·are h eated by combustion products, others give up t he accumulated heat to air. The packing of a rotary air heater should ensure an intensive heat exchange and have an aerodynamic resistance as low as possible. Its designs are diverse, the most popular being shown in Fig. 19.14_ The packing profile is chosen according to the tempe-
rature conditions. Its hotter portion is made so as to intensify heat transfer (as in Fig . 19 .14a) and consists of two types of sh eets: corrugated sheets and ·· spacer sheets which h ave wavy ridges oriented at an angle of 30° to the flow direction. T he colder portion of packing )las a simpler design (Fig. 19.14b) and consists of corrugated sheets and plane sheets between them. Corrugations turbulize the flow and enhance heat transfer. Since rotary air heaters have ch annels of non-uniform cross section in the packing, convective heat transfer in them can be intensified more easily than in tubular air hea tors. Further, they are simpler in manufacture, since corrugated sheets for the packing can be made from large sheets by rolling or stamping . The quality of rotor packing may have an essential effect on the coefficient of utilization of the heating surface area. With poor filling of the rotor, combustio n products and air may partly encircle t he packing, thus decreasing the air heater efficiency. The heating surface area of 1 m 8 of tho rotor packing is usually 300340 m 2 • Contact of t he packing with the gas and air flow is limited in time (usually less than 30 s). Th e ro tor packing should be heated quickly in the gas flow and quickly give up its heat to air. Packing sheets of a thickness of only 0.6-1.2 mm can transfer an
Combustion products r+-.
rr- --
I .I
' r}ah
tha (a)
Fig. 19. t 5. Rotary regenerative air heater (a) longitudinal section ; (b) rotor; (c) points or air pass-over; 1-rotor; 2- s tat!onary bousing; J-packing; 4- dnvcn gear wheel; 5- drivlng gear wbeel; G-reducer gear; 7-elcc trlc drive mo tor; bt and sb-top and bottom sector plate to separate gas and air flow; - air pass-over
appreciable quantity of h eat. Thin sheets are also favourable in that t hey vibrate in the gas or air flow and t hus are cleaned from ash. In some types of regenerative air heaters, the packing is made from metallic, ceramic or glass spheres. Corrugated-sheet packing has a serious drawback: thin sheets are destroyed quickly by corrosion and abrasion. Another drawback is that the heattransfer coefficient in longitudinal fl ow is rather low. Regenerative air heaters are usually made with a rotor of a diameter up to 10m, or even 15-17 m in high-capacity plants, which rotates on a vertical axis. vVhen the roto r is of a large mass, it requires a heavy-duty radial thrust bearing. \iVith l10rizontal arrangeme nt of the rotor, the rotor load can be distributed between two ball bearings of a smaller size; furthermore, horizontal-rotor air heaters can be arranged more easily in the gas path of the boiler. The gas and air flows in elements of a regenerative air heater produce an appreciable pressure gradient, which is roughly the same in balanced-draft and supercharged gas paths and constitutes 7-8 kPa. With a substantial gap between the rotor and stationary structures, this pressure gradient can lead t o an overflow of a part of the air t o tl1e gas side. Moreover, cold air can be sucked in at the periphery of the air ·heater gas side and some air can be lost in the air portion (see Fig. 19.15c). The total rated inleal
24 1
·~-tt---r-8 2
~---r4 ~.-- 5
Fig . 19.16. Sealing ofregenerative air heater l-wall or gas-supply pipe; 2-cover flange ; 3-
block; 4-sprlng; 5- guode p late screwe d to flange ; 6 - cap screwed to rJange; 7-rotor flange; a - cylindrical cas ing; 0- gap
gap 6 with the rotating flange of the rotor. The width of the gap is controlled by springs protected by gas-tight caps. T he internal annul ar and the radial sealings are designed in a similar manner. The quantity of air transferred between the rotating plates into the gas path (and vice versa) in rotary air heaters may be substantiaL In some rotary air heater designs, the air that passes through the sealings is sucked off and returned into the air path to the intake of the blow fan_ . Regenerative air heaters have found wide application in high-capacity monobloc units. They are more intricate in design than the recuperative type, but occupy substantially less space, have a low aerodynamic resistance and, further, corrosion of the heating surfaces does not increase air. inleakage. Regenerative a~r heaters also have certain drawbacks- for instance, they have rotating elements (the rotor), intricate sealings which separate the gas and ai.r flows, and a high overflow of air into the gas path. T he essential drawback of regenerative air heaters with corrugated-sheet .Packing is that the sheets buckle, thus preventing atr h eating above :~oo-
I 242
19.4. Corrosion Control of Air Heaters
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heating Surfacer Combustion products
/lot air
Fig. 19.17. Regenerative air heater with separated air flows / - hot packing; J!- cold packing; 3- prlmnry air; 4- sccondary air; S- gate valve; I nnd 11- prlmnry and secondary atr sections
In some power plants, for instance, when burning low-volatile (anthracite) or high-moisture fuels, primary air should be heated to a higher temperature than secondary air. In other plants, such as in coal-pu lvorizing systems with an intermediate bunker, the aerodynamic resistance of the paths of primary and secondary air may be substantially different. I n such cases it is advisable to employ rotary air heaters with separation of the air and gas flow into sections (Fig. 19.17). The apparatus has a separating ring and an additional sealing. The place for mounting tho separating ring is determined by the r atio of the required cross-sectiona I areas for the passage of primary and secondary air. The separating ring separates both the a ir flow and the gas flow. Air temperature is controlled by gate valves in the gas path, and the air flow rate by gate valves in the air path. Combined air heating. In addition to conventional heating by low-temperature heat of combustion products, air can be preheated in steam air heaters by low-temperature steam from the regenerative system of the turbine. This method is advantageous for combatting low-temperature corrosion and fouling in the combustion of highsulphur fuels. The steam air heater
utilizes tho latent heat of condensation of worked-off steam from the turbine and thus decreases the beat loss in the circuit. Air can also be preheated by hot water produced in an economizer by ut.ilizi ng th e low-tempera-. lure heat of waslo gases. Steam air heaters and lo,v-preSSltre economizers are usually employed for preheating air which is then further heated in conventional air h ea ters. In modern high-capacity boilers, the steam air heater is essentially a tubular heat exchanger arranged between the discharge of the blow fan and the inlet stage to the main air heater (Fig. 19.18). Bleeder steam from the turbine, at u temperature of around 120°C, flows in the tubes while air flows around thoro (cross-current flow). In winter at substanti al sub-zero temperatures of the atmospheric air (below - 15°C) , the inlet tubes of a steam air hea ter and the condensate drainage lines may frost up. Schemes have been developed for preheating air in power units at various climatic conditions. In the low-pressure: economizer-air heater system, air is preheated iu the air heater by bot water from the lowpressure economizer. Such systems operate by the closed cycle and preheat air before it is finally heated by combustion products in a tubular air heater (Fig. 19.19). An advantage of the circuit is that it substantially de-
..----- 7. • ~
,_5 ~
Fig. 19.19. Combined scheme or air preheating with economizer and air heater J-low-pressure economizer; 2-IIIgb-pressure economizer; J - alr beater· 4- clrculntlon pump; 5alr prchcater; 6-fced-wntcr pump,; 7- combuslion products; 8-n r
creases air inleakage. The system is made closed in order to prevent. contamination of the condensate by corrosion products; the ci rculation of deaer ated water in it is effected by a pump. The temperature of the water is slightly above the dew point, which helps prevent corrosion in the lowpressure economizer. In a cascade air heater, all cube sections, except for tho last one in the gas path, are heated by the total flow rate of the combustion products and cooled by the total flow rate of air. Corrosion in the low-temperature portion of the apparatus is prevented or minimized by maintaining the temperature of the metal above the dew point of the combustion products. To form such conditions, the cube section which is the last in the gas p ath and the first in the air path is fed with the total flow rate of the combustion pro-
ducts and a low flow rate of air (Fig. 19.20a). Cold air is divided into two flows. The smaller flow (30-40% of the total air flow rate} passes through the air heater and then through the cascade stage; the greater portion of air (70-60% of the total flow rate) . is bypassed and mixed with tho first portion behind the cascade stage, after which the mixed air moves in a counter-current flow through the hot stages of the cascade air heater. A simplified temperature curve of a cascade air heater is shown in Fig. 19.20b. As may be seen, air temperature in the preliminary air heater and cascade stage increases more rapidly, since the flow rate of air through them is small. For this reason, these heating surfaces can be made rather compact. Combustion products are cooled less appreciably in the cascade stage, and therefore, Lbeir temperature is higher. 19.4. Corrosion Control of Air Heaters Among all the methods for corrosion control in low-temperature heating surfaces, the most efficient are raising the working temperature of the metal above the dew point, organizing the operation of an air heater on the }owcorrosion part of the curve K = 'f (tw}, as seen in Fig. 16.9, andfuelcombustion at the lowest excess air ratio. Increasing the metal temperature above tho dew point! td.p. is the most common method for preventing lowtemperature gas corrosion. Watervapours are most likely to condense at start-up and low loads of the boiler
7 Wasle gases
1 2
Fig. 19.20. Cascade air heater
2 {j
Fig. 19.18. Diagram o[ air preheating in a steam air heater J- s tenm ntr heater; t - blower
Vwg {h)
(a) connection cbcuit; (b) temperature curve· J - blower; z-a.Ir heater; J cnscade section or air prebenter; 4 mnln section or air prebeater; :s-mlxcr; 41- bypass line; 7-a.Ir; B-combustlon products
Ch. 19. Low-temperature Heattng Surfaces
Fig. i 9.21. Fastening unit of a glass-tu be air beater 1- tu be pin tc~ 2-press ure plate; .1- g lass lube; 4- rubber ri ng; S- spring wns hcr ; G-stccl tube
K'\ ~
0. I
....... 1lw 140 "C
Fig. 19.22. Corrosion rate in cold pncking of regcncrntive air healers J - mclollic packing; 2- enamcllrd-metal paclang
A -A
plant, i.e. at u low temperature or the combustion products. Such cond itions occur, however, only for a short time during boiler operation . Besides, at low loads corrosion processes occur substantially less intensively. The local temperature of the working surface of an air heater is determined from the formula I I
. ,,
' .
I '
i i
(tw}i = (ta};
+ (q/a.2}1
from which it follows that, for tho given heating conditions , the temperature of the wall in the coldest point at the inlet of air to an air heater depends on the inlet air temperature t0 and tho coefficient of heat transfer from wall to air, a. 2. Therefore, it can be raised by raising ·ta or docreasi ng a. 2. The IaLter circumstance, however, contradicts the general tendency to minimize the heating surfaces. A universally applicab le method for preventing gas corrosion is by raising the inlet temperatu re of air, which is realized by preh ea ting the a ir in steam air heaters. With nn~· method employed for raising the inlet temperature of air, it helps to separate the colder po1'tion of
the air heater as an indiv idual section in which corrosion wear w ill be much higher than elsewhere. This simplifies repairs of tho air heater, since only the separated section must be replaced. The service life of regenerative air heat ers can be increased a nd repairs made easier by making the packing of the colder section from sheets 1.0-1.5 mm thick (with the sheet thickness in the hotter por tion being 0.50 .8 mm). I n new fuel oil-fired boilers, in the initial heating zone of the air heater where low-temperature corrosion may be especially intensive, steel tubes are replaced by glass tubes with a diameter of 30-40 mm and a wall thickness of approximately 4 mm. A glass-tube air heater has essentially the same design as a conventional air heater with steel tubes, but glass tubes are horizontally staggered. The combustion products pass around a bank of glass Lubes and the air moves in the tubes. Glass t.n bes are fastened in tube plates by means of pressure steel plates and ring washers made of heat-resistant rubber (Fig. 19.21). The structure is made rigid by means of a
19.4. Corrosion Control of Air Ilcatc rs
number of steel tube li es welded between the glass tubes. Tho working t emperature range of the ai r heater is from 10° at the inlet to 80-85oC at the outlet. [ n winter, air is preheated to 10oC in a steam air heater. l n recent times, low-temperature sul phuric conosion in air heaters is prevented by applying corrosion-resistant coatings to their heating surfaces or by making these from ceramic materials. Acid- and heat-resistant enamels are used for this purpose, in particular, fo r coating the metallic packing of the colder portion of regenerative air heaters. The thickness of an enamel coating is roughly the same as that of steel sheets (0.5-0.6 rom) . The rate of corrosion on enamelled heating surfaces is mu ch lower than on bare metal (Fig. 19.22); ash deposits on enamelled surfaces are thinner and can be removed more easily. Under comparable conditions, lowtemperature gus corrosion is more intensive at a higher su lphur content of the fuel used. It is especially fast in boiler plants that fire high-sulphu r fu el oil. Combustion of high-sulphur fuel oil at tho minimal excess air ratio is an effective means of diminishing lowtemperature sulphuric corrosion. With a lower value o[ a.1 and a lower excess o[ oxygen, combustion products contain less SO a (see Sec. 16.3) , and therefore, their corrosion activity is lo-
we•·· In a particular temperature interval, fly ash particles can stick to heating surfaces and form a moist fi'lm on attaining the dew point td.p.• in which ash particles are cemented into a dense mass. Ash deposits dirniuish tho free cross section for the passage of combustion produ cts and sometimes completely clog some tubes in air heaters. The operating conditions in the air h eater are improved by introducing various additives into high-sulphur fuel oil (alkali additives, an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride, etc.). Additives lower the dew point td.p. of combustion products and neutralize the solution of suI pl1 uric acid that forms on tho surface. The deposits on the l• eating surfaces become loose and can be easily removed by shot-blasting. Further, liquid add itives diminish the amount of deposits, improve the conditions of fuel o i I combustion, a nd decr:onse clogging of the bumer nozzles by fuel oil coke. In solid fuel combustion, moderate quantities of additions give no positive results and additions in amounts comparable with tb e ash content of solid fuel are too complicated and economically unfavourable. [ n some plants, air is heated in a mounts exceeding the quantity of air required for combustion. The heat of surplus air can then be used for 2 1
IJwg (a)
l)wg lett Vw! fca
Fig. 19.23. Dingram.s o£ excess air preheatmg (o) In tbe mnln air heater; (b) in an auxiliary air hratcr; J-nlr Cor fuel combus tion; : -excess air;
a and
4- main and nux:iliary air hea ter
Ch. 20. H ea.t Exchange Cn H eaUng Surfaces
oth er purposes, say, for the heating and desalination of water, heating of fuel oil, drying of solid fu el, etc. Such heat utilization also solves some problems in the boiler plant proper, for instance, it decreases the temperature of waste gases, raises the boiler efficiency, or increases the efficiency of electrostatic precipitators. The heating of surplus air is utilized advantageously in multi-purpose plants where the heat-transfer medium-air is free from impurities and
Fig. 20.1. Formation o£ effective heat rlux on n water wall
can be heated to a high temperature. In such plants, the heat-transfer medium (combustion products) has a substantially lower temperature and the gases are much more pure and have a lower corrosion activity. Surplus hot air can be produced in various air heater circuits (Fig. 19.23). Tubular air heaters are preferable, since they can deliver clean, ash-free air and are less prone to clogging by ash at low temperatures of waste gases.
. 9er
.t t 1 t ·' The effective heat flux (Fig. 20.1) is the sum of the intrinsic radiation fro m deposits on the tube surface and from the r efractory lining, which have a suEficieotly l1igh temperature, and the reflected flux, since the coefficient thermal radiation from the surface of tho walls and the deposits is less than unity:
HEAT EXCHANGE IN HEATING SURFACES OF BOILERS 20.1. Thermal Characteristics of Water Wails
Heat absorption by water walls in a boiler furnace is determined mainly by the radiant heat transfer from high-temperature gases in the furnace to the external surface of water wall tubes which may be covered by a layer of ash. In open-type furnaces with an uprising flame, the heat absorption by water walls due to convection can be neglected, since gas velocities at furnace walls are low, while deposits on the tube surface offer a large thermal resistance to heat transfer. In furnaces with a turbulent flame (cyclone primary furnaces, furnaces with intercepting jets, etc.), the convective component is significant and should bo taken into account. The intensity of heat exchange by radiation is expressed by the StefanBoltzmann law which relates the heat flux density to the aren of heat-absorbing surface and the fourth power of temperature. The incident heat flux
from the flame core onto the water walls in boiler furnaces, q 1nc• is usually equal to 400-700 kW/mz, which forms a temperature gradient t!..t = = tu: - tw = 150-350 deg C across a relatively thin layer of surface deposits on the tubes, i.e. the temperature on the surface of deposits, tex• substantially exceeds the temperature of the tube wall metal tw. Thus, the intensity of radiant heat exchange between high-temperature gases and the surface of water walls in a boiler furnace depends neither on temperature nor on the pressure of the working fluid in the boilor. The zone near a water wall is under the combined influence of the incident, effective and absorbed ( heat fluxes. The incident heat flux from the flame core, according to StefanBoltzmann's law, can be written in the following form: qlnc =
20.1. Thermal Characterlrctcs of Water Walls
anc 0 (Tn/100) 4 •10-3 kW/m 2
The ratio·
'l>e! == qr fq lnc (20.4) characterizes the fraction of heat absorbed by heating surfaces on furnace walls. It is called the coefficient of thermal efficiency of a water wall. With a higher value of 'l>e!• wa~er walls operate more efficie?tly, 1.0. they absorb a higher fract10n of the total heat. According to the results of tests q.,= qinlr + qrc/1 in boiler furnaces , 'i>c/ has rather sta= [adepc 0 T~.p ·10 -1l ble values in combustion of similar fuels and constitutes: 'l>e! == 0.4-0.45 (1 - aaep) qlnel X for solid fuels, 0.5-0.55 for fuel oils, -1- [a, 0 JC 0T;,, ·10 - 11 and 0.65 for natural gas . It should be -1- (1 -!are/) qincl (1 - x) (20.2) noted that the thermal efficiency of water walls in a boiler furnace is not ln formulae (20.1) and (20.2): constant along their height: it is TdeP• Tref are the temperatures of the higher at the level of the flarf:le core flame, the external layer of deposits and diminishes towards the ex1t from and the refractory lining, K, the furnace. For refractory-faced water adeP• and a,.1 are the emissivities of walls from studded tubes, 'l>eJ == 0.2these elements, c0 is the emissivity of 0.25; for bottom water walls covered the black body, W/(m2 K 4 ), and xis a by a layer of fireclay brick, == coefficient determining tho fraction of == 0.1. Tho patterns of variation of the tho total radiation which falls on the incident, effective and absorbed heat surface of the water walls; this is fluxes along the height of a furnace essentially the ratio of tho radiation- are shown in Fig. 20.2. absorbing surface of a water wall to The fraction of heat flux falling on the surface of the furnace occupied by a water wall is also determined by the that wall. angular coefficient x of a water wall. The effective radiation from heat- As may be seen [rom Fig. 20.1, the absorbing surfaces in boiler furnaces angular coefficient x cannot. be fo_und is rather high and may roach 50-60% merely from geometric ~on~tdorations of the incident heat flux. as tho ratio of the pro]ect•on of tl10 The difference between the incident area of all tubes onto tho refractory heat nux and tho effective heat flux lining of the wall to the total area of is what is called the radiant heat flux that wall. Part of the incident heat absorbed by a heating surface, q,. absorbed by tho wall lining is then whi ch is further transferred to tho re-radiated onto the rear surfaces of working fluid: tubes and is thus utilized. Only a (20.3) small fraction o£ the heat flux from qr == qinc -- Qcf
tically, with densely arranged tubes (at = 1) or with a refractory-faced water wall, x = 1, i.e. the heat flux falls entirely onto a water wall. The ratio T4 r• r• = n- dep = 1 - ( dep ) (20 5 1'~ T4 . ) · II
called the coefficient of relative fouling of water wall tubes. S ince Tdep > > 0, th~ coefficient is always less than u~uty and is lower at a higher T der• 1.e. at a higher thickness or thermal resistance of deposits. The difference T1t - T~ep determines the absorbed heat flux, and therefore, the coefficient characterizes the fraction of the incident radiant heat which is absorbed by working fluid in the tubes. Thus, the coefficient of thermal efficiency ~)ef of a water wall and the coefficient of fouling £ are correlated as follows: lS
Fig. 20.2. Variations or the incident and erfective heat flux along the furnace height Relractory-taced portion or water walls is shown hatched
the lining within the angle of vision of the flame (
I :
0.8 ·\
0. 7
i :
0.5 0.4
O.J 0.2 1
Fig. 20.3. Angular coefficient of a singlerow smooth-tube water wall J-!or a water wall on !umacc side . inc luding the radtatton !rom refractory facing. at e/d ;;;. 1.4; ll-dttto, at e/d = 0.8; 8- ditto , at e/d = 0.5; 4-dttto, at e/tl . 0 (the wall is partiall)· covered by refractory lacmg); 5- !or a tulle row in a membrane or platen (radiation or refruc tory racing neglected)
'l(l. 1 =
The cocHicient £ is somewhat higher than 'l(l. 1, since it disregards the small fraction of heat radiated onto the lining of furnace walls. In boiler furnace calculations, the concept of a radiant heat absorbing surface is often used:
(20.7) where F':,w is the surface area of the furnace that is occupied by water walls, m 2 • The radiant heat absorbing surface is thought of as a continuous plane surface which has the same temperature values, degree of fouling and emissivity as the tubes of the water wall. As follows from (20.7), Hr is somewhat smaller than the surface area of the walls on which heating tubes are arranged, hut greater than the sum of projections of these tubes onto the wall. The ratio of H r to the total surface area of furnace walls 'X. = H rfFw (20.8) is called the coefficient of furnace screening.
20.2. Flame Emissivity
I ,
Ch. 20. Heat Exchange tn Heating Surfaces
In most cases, all the walls of a boiler furnace are covered by heating tubes, except for small portions around the burner ports, manholes and viewhol es, and the coefficient of furnace screening is usually equal to 0 .95-0.96 and approaches the magnitude of the angular coefficient x . In low-capacity boilers, some portions of the fu rnace walls are left uncovered by tubes and the coefficient 'X. is substantially lo. wer.
l~ lame
E missivity
As regards their intensity of radiation in the visible spectrum, flames may be luminous, semi-luminous or nonluminous. This division is rather conditional, since radiation is a flow of radiant energy not only in the visible region. The radiation o.E a luminous or semi-luminous flame is determined by the presence of solid particles (coke, soot and ash) in the flow of combustion products. Radiation of a non-luminous flame is mainly due to triatomic gases (C0 2 and H 2 0) present in the furnace. Their radiation is selective and falls mainly on the region of thermal (infra-red) wavelengths. At the same temperature, gaseous substances have a much lower radiation int ensity than solids. The radiation in the volume of a boiler furnace is essentially the sum of the radiations of solid particles and gases and depends on the kind of fuel being burned . The intensity of radiation. of solid . partides in a flame depends on particle size, particle concentration in the furnace volume, and the properties of the solid. Coke particles are usually of a size Oc = 10-250 J.l.ID. T heir radiation intensity is close to that of black body radiation, but their concentration in the flame is not high (less than 0.1 kg/m 3 ). They are concentrated mainly near burners, so that their radiation onto furnace water walls is on! y 2530% of the total radiation in th e furnace.
Ash particles are mostly of the same size as coke particles, but are distributed all over the furnace volume. Thei1 concentration in the gaseous med ium depends on the ash content of the fuel being used. The intensity of their radiation constitutes 40-60% of the total radiation in the furnace . The intensity oE radiation is lower at a high or temperature oE the gaseous medium and increases as the gases are cooled . Soot particles can form in large quantities on combustion of fuel oils and natural gas. They have a high concentration in the flame core and possess a high emissiv ity [10] . Radiation of triatomic gases in the furnace is determined by their concentration and the thickness of the radiating volume. The emissivity of a gaseous medium is determined by the relationship following from Bouguer's law: -h p s (20.9) an= 1 - e g " 0
where kg is the coefficient of absorpt ion in the gaseous medium, Pr is the total partial pressure of triatomic gases, MPa, and sis the effective thickness of the radiating layer, m, which may be found from formulae given in
[201. The emissivity of the gaseous medium in boiler furnaces ag = 0.4-0.5and their radiation is roughly 2030% of the total radiation in the furnace. For all solid fuels, the flame emissivity in the.- boiler furnace is found by the formula:
an = 1 -e - ktP• .
where k 1 is the effective coefficient of absorption in the furnace and p is the· pressure of gases in the furnace, MPa. In pulverized-coal combustion, the· luminous flame fills almost the whole volume of the furnace (Fig. 20.4). The process of burning extends along almost the whole height of the furnace, while the presence of incandescent ash particles makes the flam e brightness almost the same along the whole height. The coefficient of absorption
Ch. 20. Heat Ezchange in H eating Surfaces
~ vz
/ II
for fu el oil, m 0. 55. Wit h soli d fuels, s ince the f lame is extended along the whole furnace a nd is eq ually bright in all its portions, it is taken that
~ ............
m = 1.
11/11~ 0.2
Fig. 20.4. Variation of flame emissivity along the height of furnace J-tor pulverhced coal; z- tor f uel oil
<>f radiation by the furnace volume is calculated by the formul a: k1
; !
!I •
+ ka!.la + k cx (20.11) rRo, + rH,O is th o total
k8 r
where r = volume concentration of triatomic gases, lea is the effecti vo coeffi cient of absorption by ash particles, fJ.a is the dimensionless concentration of ash in furnace gases, kc is the effective coeff icient of abso rp tion of r adiation by coke particles, and x is a constant for a particular kind of fu el (low-reactive <>r b igh-reactiv e). Solid fuels produce a semi-luminous flame on combustion. In fuel-oil fired boilers , the radiati<>n of th e flame varies g reatly along the furnace height (Fig. 20.4.). Intensive radiation by soot particles is concentrated in the zone of the flame core and quickly decreases beyond that zo ne. For this reason , in calculating the emissivity of a flame a11 , the fl am e is conditionally di vided into t wo portions: luminous and non-lu. mmous: a, 1 = malum (1 - m) a 8 (20.12) whore a 1um is the emissiv ity of tho luminous portion which can be found from formula (20.10) upon s ubstituting ktum for lcf, ag is the emissivity <>f the non-luminous gaseous medium whi ch is found by formul a (20.9) and m is an averaging coefficient which is determined as the frac tion of the furnaco volume that is occupied by the fl ame core. The averaging coefficient for natur al gas combustion is m = 0.1 and
The radiation of t he luminous portion of the flame is mainly due to burning soot particles and additional' temperature triatomic galy to highses. The effective a bsorption of radiation in the luminous portion of the flame is: (20.13) where k, is the absorp tion by soot particles. The intensity of radiation from the flame cor e on combustion of fuel oil is 2-3 times that for solid fuel s and, even assuming that the averaging ent m = 0. 55, the heat absorption by water walls ill a fuel-oil fired furnace is high er, as noted earlier (see Sec. 8.1). Thus, as a bo iler furnace is changed from pulverized coal to fuel oil, the temperature of gases at the furnace outlet decreases not icea bly. I n natural gas combustion, heat absorption by tho water walls is mainly determined by the radiation of nonluminous triatomic gases, which is less intens ive, so that the heat absorption by less fouled water walls is close to that in tho combustion of solid fuel. The coefficient of thermal radiatiun i n a furna ce, a 1, is determined by t he emissivity of the flame aiL and the thermal efficiency 1J>eJ of t he wa ter walls : a! =
20.3. Ca/culat/.on of Radiant Heat Tran1jer In Furnace
i 1
1+ (aft -1 ) 'Vet
An increase in a/1 leads to a hig her absorption of radiant heat in the furnace. An increase in the thermal efficiency of the water walls, 1jJ"" implies a n increase in their h eat absorption, and therefore, a decrease in the effective radi ation into the furnace vo lume, the result being a lower thermal radiatio n in the f urnace and lower heat flux falling o nto the water walls.
In that case the mean heat fl ux absorb ed by a water wall
qr = coaJ'Pet
TJI ) '
·10-3 kVI/m2 (20.15)
i ncreases somewhat due to a relatively greater change in the coefficient 1Pct· In formu la (20.15), 1'/lis themean effective temperature of the gaseous medium in tho furn ace,,I K. 20.3. Calculation of Radiant H ea t T ransfe r in a F urnace Heat transfer from t he flame to the h eating surf aces arranged on the walls <>f a furnace is highly complex. The heat transfer process occurs bore in parallel with fuel com bustion which forms internal heat s ources in the radiating medium. The gas temperature distribution a long the furnace height is determined by ~he ratio between the i ntensities of heat release and heat abso rption . Additionally, the therm al characteris tics of water wall t ubes may vary owing to surface fouling . At the initial s tage just after ignition, intensive burning of fuel ensures a rise in temperature of the gases. At the same time, the flow of heat energy to the water walls increases. At a certain distance from the burners, the temperature attains a maximum corr esponding to the equal ity between the heat release and heat absorption. F urther, heat release decreases rapidly and becomes less than the level of heat abso rp tion, so that tho temperature of the gases diminishes monotonically. The rate of its decrease depends on the temperatl•re maximum in the fl ame core, the presence or absence of fuel afterburning in the top portion of the furnace, and the deg1·ee of fouling of the water walls. Tho method for analysis of hea t exchange in boiler furnaces developed i n the USSR is based on the combined us e of the r esul ts of analytical and experimental studies [20]. It proceeds from the possibility of application of
the theory of s imilarity which fairly well describes the principal thermal characteristics of boiler furnace operation and their connection to furnace des ign . The calculation is based on the semiempi rical formula (A. M. Gurvich) whi ch can be written in t he fo llowing dime nsionless form: Bo 0 ·• 6j = (20.16) Bo0 • 6 +MaY. 6
It relates tho dimensionless temper ature of gases at the furnace outlet, Gj, with tho Boltzmann number Bo which characterizes the ratio o[ the b eat released o n fuel combustion to the maximum intensity of heat remo val to the s urface of the water walls. The coeffi cient M in the formula is i ntroduced to consider the pattern of the temperature field in the furn ace volume. Tho dimens ionless temperature of gases is found from the formula: Gj = T j! Ta (20.17) i.e. , it is essentially the ratio of the gas temperatu re at the furnace outlet, Tj , K, t o the adiabatic temperature T 0 , K. It is always less than unity and shows how the temperature of gases in the furnace volume decreases due to hea t exchange. The Boltzmann number in formula (20.16) can be found by the following formulae depending on the original data available for the calculation: Bo = Bo =
3 Co'llef wTa 1
BwQr c0 'i>eJF w T~
1- 6i
(20.18a) (20.18b)
(Bw is the rated fuel cons umption). Let us cons ider in more detail the heat calc ula t ion and the ro le of v arious terms in formulae (20.16) t h rou g h (20. 18). The principal thermal characteris tics of a f urnace are the usefnl heat release Q, and the enthalpy of gases at the f urnace outlet, J j . The useful heat release is the sum of the available heat of burned fuel Q': (minus the heat losses q 3 , q4 and q6 within t he furn ace) ,
the heat introduced into the furnace by preheated and cold (sucked in) air (Qo = Qlla Qca), and the heat. of the portion of flue gases recirculated from the convective shaft back into the furnace, Qrec: Q _ Qw 100 - q3 -q,1 - q6
f -
20.3. Calculation of Radiant Heat Transfer ln Furnace
Ch. 20. Heat Exchange in Heating Surfaces
Heat hnlance equation
} + (Qa-Qa. ex) + Qrec (20.19) BwOr The quantity of heat Qha is calculaRadiation heal ted hy the temperature of hot air at transfer ~ equation the outlet from the air heater. If air Fw is preheated before the air heater by ~ an external heat source (say, by bleeder Famace steam from the turbine), Qa should dimensions be diminished by the quantity of that heat Qa.ex (see Sec. 7 .2). Fig. 20.5. Sequence of beat calculation of The enthalpy of gases at the outlet boiler furnace from the furnace, lj, can be found on the /, 11·-diagram or from tables for a la Lion of a boiler furnace is done in given gas temperature \tj (soc Sec. 8.1). the following sequence (Fig. 20.5). If the useful heat release of the Upon determining Q and ! [ , the heat 1 furnace, Q1 , could be transferred comp- transferred by radiation in the furletely to the products of combustion, nace, Q, kJ /kg, is found . After that i.e. without heat exchange with the we can calculate the surface area of heating surfaces (adiabatic conditions), the furnace covered by water walls, we would obtain the highest (theore- Fw, to absorb the total quantity of tical) temperature of combustion that heat BwQr at the given temperature could be developed in the furnace; it conditions (fta and ft/) and determine is more often termed the adiabatic the thermal efficiency of the water temperature of combustion: walls. Finally, we determine the dimensions of the furnace to arrange the 01 \ta = (V c)ao (20.20) water walls. . Thus, the calculation of heat exwhere (Vc)av = Q"f}o is the average change in a boiler furnace is based on specific heat of combustion products solving two principal equations: formed by 1 kg of fuel within the temthe heat balance equation perature interv~l 0-fta, kJ /(kg K). As may be seen, to find the adiabatic tem- Qr = q> (Q/ - li) = q> (Vc)g X perature, we have first to pre-estimate X (fta - {)·i) (20.21) it. The adiabatic temperature of gases depends on the kind of fuel (in par- and the equation of radiant heat exticular on its calorific value) and excess change air ratio and is equal to 1 700BwQr = CoatXFw (T1z- T~ep)·10 -IL 1 850°C for bro·wn coals and peat and (20.22) 1 850-2 100°C for coals, anthracite, fuel oils and natural gas. where T dep is the temperature on the The characteristic temperatures of a surface of the deposits on the waterboiler furnace are the adiabatic tem- wall tubes, K, q> is the coefficient of perature and the temperature of gases heat retention (see Sec. 6.2), and at the furnace outlet. They serve as (Vc) g is the averaged h eat capacity of reference points in the calculation of gases in the temperature interval h eat exchange in furnaces. The calcu- ({)·a- \t/), kJ/(kg K). Equation (20.22}
Bumer 2 Burner
Fig. 20.6. Temperature field in gases along the height of furnace nurr~er
1, Burner 2-bllrner lines in the
x,-bcights or burner lines
can be transformed as follows:
BwQr = coa,xF wT1z ( 1 ·-
) .1Q-II
(20.23) The expression in the brackets is th e coefficient of fouling £; noting further that x~ = 'ljl 01 , we fin ally get: BwQr = Coaf~)e/FwT1z-10 -ll (20.24) from which the surface area of tho water walls is found as
! 0;
coat ef 11
The accuracy of the calculation oi a boiler furnace depends heavily on how accurately the effective temperature of gases in the furnace, T t~> has been averaged. The actual temperature field of gases has a rather intricate pattern along the furnace height (Fig. 20.6). Th is variation in the flame temperature is described satisfactorily by the formula of three parameters:
T = T,.{Ax 1e-px
which covers the entire diversity of temperature fields possible in boiler furnaces. In this formula, A, t and p are the parameters of the temperature field in the furnace, T and T" are the current and adiabatic temperatures of gases, K, X is the r elative height of the position of the flame zone with the highest temperature of burning in the design h eight of the furnace. The
solution of equation (20.26) is quite complicated and can be found in the specialist literature [10). In view of the difficulties associated with the mathematical description of temperature fields in furnaces, attempts have been made to find semiempirical solutions for Tn by using the two characteristic temperatures Tj and T a. The most successful is the solution found by G . L. Polyak and S. N. Shorin, which is given as arelationship of the dimensionless relative temperatures of gases:
e/l = y m (8!z)''
(20. 27)
where = Tfi!T" is the dimensionless average effective temperature of gases, and m and n are empirical coefficients which depend on the conditions of combustion and gas cooling in a furnace. Upon substituting the dimensionless ges temperatures, equation (20.27) can be wri Lten in the following form:
T] 1 = mT~O-n>(Tiz)4n
Numerous experimental studies of heat transfer in boiler furnaces have demonstrated that the coefficient m, which characterizes the similarity of temperature fields in boiler furnaces under different conditions of combustion, is only slightly dependent on the operating conditions of a furnace, but is closely associated with the coefficient n . Coefficient m is close to unity and constant for a g'iven value of n. The exponent n is a function of the relative position of the temperature maximum of gases in a furnace (Fig. 20.7) . The most typical values of X 1.0 n
0.8 0.8
OA 0.2 0
/ I
Fig. 20.7. Variations of the exponent n as a function of the position of the maximum of gas temperature X in the furnace
Ch. 20. Beat Exchange tn Beating Surfaces
for boiler furnaces (X = 0 .15-0.30) fall on the region where n depends substantially on X. In this connection, the methodics of heat transfer calculation for boiler furnaces is revised periodically (every few years) whon new types of boilers appear. For boiler furnaces of small dimensions and for combustion chambers in two-chamber and open-type furnaces of high-capacity boilers, it may be taken that n = 0.5. Then the average temperature of gases can be determined by the formu la:
For open-type single-chamber furnaces of s team boilers of power stations, it is taken that n = 2/3 and m = 1 which corresp onds to X = = 0.33. With a lower position of tho burners in the furnace, and consequently, of the zone of the highest temperature of gases (Fig. 20.6), the temperature of gases at the outlet of a furnace of a given design will be lower, so that in the calculation by the assu m ed value of Ti , the height of the furnace should be diminished. Since the actual position of the highest temperature of flame may deviate from the design value, an additional temperature field parameter is introduced into formula (20.25):
M=A -BX where A and B are empirical coefficients depending on th e kind of fuel used. In most cases, the r elative position of the highest temperature zone in the furnace, X, coincides with the l evel of burners xb, since with horizontally directed burners the maximum of temperature in the flame core lies in the horizontal portion of the flame. In a)] cases of delayed ignition or combustion (straight-flow burners, multitier burners), a correction /':!.X is added to X b to account for a higher actual position of the flame core; then X = X b + I':!. X. The final formula for determining the surface area of a boiler furnace is
a s follows:
3/ 7JZ 1 (Tj Ta - 1)2
X }
Check calculations of heat transfer in boiler furna ces of given dimensions can also be m ade by using the dimensionless formul a (20.16) which can be transformed as follows:
[t'tj =
Ta -273 a1 ) u. 61 l+M ( Bo
The fraction of heat absorbed by the beating surfaces in the furnace due to radiat ion, r elative to the useful heat release in the furnace, is called the coejjicient of direct heat release: (20.32) Disclosing Or from formula (20.21), we obtain: lj ) ~~, = q>,' ( 1 - ' Q,
20.4. Radiant B eat Transfer In Boiler Flue Ducts
Th e direct boat release to the beat ing surfaces in tho furnace is usually roughly half of Q1 . It is higher in the combustion of dry solid fuels, natural gas and fuel oils which have a high temperature of burning (!Lt = 0.45-0.55) and lower for moist brown coals (!Lt = 0.38-0.4 5); for fuels with a very high moisture content (W > 7), the dir ect heat r elease may be less than 0.35. In all cases, 1-LJ decreases with an increase of t'ti, as follows from formula (20.33) . Zonal calculation of furnace. T he general l1eat-transfer calcula Lion enables u s to find only the average heat absorption by furnace walls. In many cases, however, esp ecially for oncethrough boilers, it is essential to know the h eat absorption in individual zones of the furnace so as to determine the temperature conditions in tubes (say, in the lower, medium and upper radiant sections). This can be done by zonal calculation of a furnace: the furnace is divided into a number of
zones (four-six), each 3-6m in height. T ho first zone is that of tho h ighest heat release (the zone of 1wrncrs). · 1 n zonal calculation, the temperatures of the gases at the outlet from each zone arc determined, after which th e ltoat flu xes in th e zones ca n be calculated. First, the heat balance is written for l.he zone o£ the highest h eat release so as to find the temperature of gases at the outlet fro m that zono: •• Q'i: = Bw (V c) "-61 = Bw (l}buOI
+ Qp/o + Oa + Orec -
Q6) - B u;Qrl (20.34) wh ere ~uu = 0.92-0.98 is the degree of fu el burn-up in the zone and Q, 1 is the radiant heat of the gases th at is absorbed by the water walls and by the upper and lower horizontal planes which confine that zone. T he term BwQr1 is calcu Ia ted from formula (20. 22) by assuming an approximate value of T 1n which will the n bo d etermined more accurately . U pon solving equation (20.34), one can det ermine th o temperature of gases a t the outlet from the first zone, -frj'. After that, gas temperatures at the outlet of the second and subsequent zones are found by consid ering the additional heat of fuel burn-up in a zone, ~~ buQi' and the radiant heat given up to the water walls. Having made the calculation for all th e zones, one can
~~~~ r-- 1\
JJ[ 1/[
12QQ HIJO llilKII8flD •"C ( a)
20.4. Radiant H eat T ransfer in Boiler F lue Ducts The heating surfaces of a boiler just downstream of the furnace are swept by high-temperature gases and receive an appreciable portion of heat by radiant heat transfer. I n particular, semi-radiant heating surfaces of a boiler, such as the plate n superheater or slag screen, which are arranged at the outlot from tho furnace, receive th e major portion of their heat by absorbing direct radiation of the fl ame core. The r adiant heat absorbed by platens from the furnace, is found as the difference between the radiant heat flux at the inlet to a platen and the heat Hux re-radiated fr om the platen onto subsequent heating surfaces: = Q,.ln - Or.ou 1 (20.36) The radia nt beat of the furnace that is absorbed in t he inlet plane of platens is found by the results of heat calculation of the furnace: = ~T]IIqr
construct the curve of gas temperature variation along tho furnace height (Fig. 20.8a). For the given temperature conditions in the zones, one finds the absorbed radiant heat fluxes in the furn ace zones, q,. [by formula (20.15)}. The ratio of q,. for a particular zone to the absorbed heat flux of tbe whole furnace, gr. (Fig. 20.8b) is called the coefficient of distribution of h eat absorption along the furnace height: (20.35)
.1/r 0.5 0.6 lO 1.2 1.4 l5 1.6 (b)
Fig. 20.8. Curves of zonal calculation of furnace (a) v aria tion or ens tem perature nl ong: Uoc lurnaLCe height: (b) variations or re lative h cnt fluxes
n; .., 1 Br
20 3
· 7)
where ~ is the coefficient taking account of the mutual heat exchange between th e furnace medium and the gases in the volumes between platens; it is taken equal to 0.6-1.0 depending on the kind of fuel and the gas temperature at the furnace outl et ; and H;.p 1 is the surface area of the inlet section of platens that absorbs radiant heat hom the furnace, m 2 ; ·
Ch.. 20. Heat Exchange In Heating Surfaces
The heat flux at the outlet from platens, Qr.out. kJ /kg, is the sum of th e radiant heat that has passed from the furnace through the platens (re-radiated heat) and the heat that is radiated from the gas volume in the platens onto the subsequent heating surfaces:
Qr.out = Qr.jn (1- a)
+ Q;.pl (20.38)
where a. is the emissivity of gases in the zone of platens, cpp 1 is the angular coefficient of radiation from the inlet onto the outlet section of the platens, which is determined by their geometrical characteristics (the spacing between the platens and the depth of platens), and Q;.pl is the radiation of gases from the platen zone onto a heating surface behind the platens , which can be found from. the laws of radiant h eal excha nge. The heat absorption by the platens from the gas flow is determined by the coefficient of heat transfer a. 1 , kW/ (m 2 K), which considers both the radiant and convective heat transfer in a platen:
where Qp 1 is the total heat absorption by the platens due to convective heat transfer and to radiation of gases in the platen zone. For other heating surfaces of a boiler, radiant heat transfer is determined only by radiation from the space between the tubes, i .e. they receive no direct radiation from the furnace . The emissivity of gases depends on their temperature, the intensity of thermal radiation in the gas volume, the size of that volume, and the temperature and emissivity of external deposits on the heating surfaces. The emissivity in a convective heating surface can be found from the formula: Ctr =
Tg - Tdep
where the coefficient~ is introduced to account for the non-uniform sweeping of the platens by gases. Direct radiation from the furnace into the zone of platens increases the temperature on the surface of the deposits on the front row of the platen I ubes and decreases the heat absorption from the gas flow sweeping these lubes. This circumstance is considered in the calculation of the coefficient of heat transfer in platens, kp, by introducing a multip1ier (1 Qr.p/Qp 1) into the denominator, which gives the following formula for kp 1:
lcpl = -.,-------~---.,..--:---(].11
+ (f+Qr.ptiOpt) ( e
+ :. ) (20.40)
tity, the intertubu Jar radiation, so that the solution should be found by · the successive approximation method. For o ther heating surfaces arranged in the zones of lower gas temperatures and lower l1eat fh1xes, ·the difference between T dcp aod T wf decreases and Tdcp can be fotl[ld from the formula: (20.44) where !lt is the recommended calculation norm for various tyiles of heating surfaces and temperature zones. The emissivity of a gaseous medium in the general case is expressed by Bouguer's relationship: (20.45)
where T c is the average temperature of gases, K, and T dep is the temperature of the deposits on heating tube surfaces, K. The radiant heat flux absorbed by the unit surface area of a heating surface in a convective gas duct can be found from the equation:
where t.he product kps is called the total optical thickness of combustion products (see also Sec. 20.2). The coefficient of absorption of radiant heat by a gaseotJS medium on combustion of solid fuels is determined (with the concentration of fly ash taken into account) by the formula : (20.46)
(T;- T~ep) .1o- u
(20.42) (20.39)
20.5. Convective Heat Transfer in Boiler Flue Ducts
where a 8 and adep is the emissivity of the gaseous medium and external deposits on the tube surface (it is usually taken that adep = 0 .8). The exponent n is equal to four in a dust-laden gas flow (to consider the radiation of ash particles) and n = 3.6 for clean gas flows (on combustion of natural gas or fuel oil). The temperature of the surface of the deposits on superheater tubes is determined by the formula: · 8 T dep = T wf (e 1/a.2 ) ';0 (20.43)
+ +
where T wt is the temperature of the working fluid (steam), K, and Q is the total heat absorption by the heating surface, including the radiation from intertubular space, kJ /kg. · As may be seen, the equation for T der> includes another unknown quan-
For ash-free gas flows, the second term is equal to zero . In convective tube banks, the thickness of the intertubular radiating layer s depends on the relative tube pitches s1 /d and s 2 /d [20] and is usually equal to 0.1-0.2 m, i.e. it is only 1/20-1/50 of the thickness of gas layer in the furnace. For this reason, radiant heat transfer in convective banks (considering also that the temperature of gases decreases in flue ducts) is two or three orders of magnitude lower than that in the furnace. At gas temperatures below 400°C, 1·adiation in dense tube banks can be neglected. Gas volumes in front of convective banh have a more noticeable radiation intensity owing to a higher effective thickness of tl1e radi ating layer. In this case, the emissivity for a convective bank arranged behind such a voh1me is higher than in the calculation of intertubular radiation and can 17 - 0 152!,
be found from the formula: Tg
1 000
)0.25 (.!E...)o.o7] l/)
(20.47) where Ctr is the heat transfer coefficient determined by the relationships of intertubular radiation, A is a coefficient dependin.g on the kind of fue l, l v and lb are the depth of the gas volume (along the gas motion) and of the tube bank, m, and T g is the gas temperature in the volume upstream of the bank, K. The beat transferred by radiation from a gas volume onto a tube bank upstream. of that volume is negligible, since the temperature of gases in the volume is lower than the average temperature in the bank. This radiation is not considered in our calculations.
20.5. Conyective Heat Transfer in Boiler F lue D ucts Convective heating surfaces of a boiler include the elements arranged in the horizontal gas duct behind the semi-radiant surfaces of platens or slag screen and those mounted in the convective shaft. This is a zone of relatively low gas temperatures where the effectiveness of radiant heat transfer decreases r apidly. In. order to increase heat absorption by convection, gas velocities in this zone are increased and the heating surfaces are extended by using tube-coil banks with densely spaced tubes arranged for cross-current sweeping by the gas flow. The intensity of heat absorption by convective beating surfaces diminishes along the gas path from 40 kW/m. 2 for the convective superheater to 1-2 kW/m 2 for the air heater. In regenerative air heaters, gases and air move along heat-transfer plates, so that the intensity of heat transfer unit area of smooth surface of plates is only 1/3 or 1/4 that in tube-coil banl(s. Heat transfer can be intensified by various methods (see Ch. 19). The principal equations of heat transfer are as follows:
Ch. 20. Beat Ezchange ln Beating Surfaces
heat transfer equation:
beat balance equation for the gas side: ~ =
1; +
and equation of heat absorption by the working fluid:
Q'b1 =
%. w- i')
An additional condition is that Q1 = = Qf = Q'/:1, k J /kg. In equations (20.48) through (20. 50), 1I is th e h eating surface area of an element, m 2 , k is the heat-transfer coefficient, kW/(m Z K), ~t is the r ated temperature gradient, K, B, is the rated fu el consumption, kg/s , D is the flow rate of the working fluid , kg/s, I~ and l'i: are lho onthalpics of combustion products at the inlet to and outlet from an element, kJ/kg, is the enthalpy of sucked-in air, I<J /kg, ~a is the relative air inlea kage in a gas duct , i' and i • are the enthalpies of the working fluid at the inlet t o and outlet from the element, kJ /kg. For the air l1eater, the heat absorption by working fluid (air) is determined by the following form ula instead of (20.50):
(~a -
0.5~aal•) (l~a -
(20. 51) where ~a is the relative excess of air at the inlet to the air heater, and ll:a and I~a are the enthalpies of the theoretical volume of air taken respectively at the temperature of h ot a nd cold air, kJ/kg. In design calculations, the heating surface area H is found from equation (20.48). In this case, tho heat absorption by working fluid through surface area H is known, so that one can determine from equation (20.49) the enthalpy and temperature of gases behind that surface and then the temperature gradient M and the heat-
20.5. Conuectlue Heat Trrwsfer in Bolle r Plue Ducts
transfer coefficient for the heating surface. In a check calculation, one has to determine the heat absorption by the heating surface from equation (20.48). To calculate ~t and /c, one has to assume the heat absorption Qb approximately and then t o correct it, since the sp ecified val ue and th at obtained fro m equation (20.48) should differ by not more than 2%. In the heating surfaces o( boilers, heat transfer occurs through a multilayer cylindrical wall-a metallic tube with deposiLs on its outside and inside surfaces. The heat-transfer coefficient is usually determined by using the formula for a plane multi-layer wall. With a sufficiently large tube diameter, this involves no substantial. error and s implifies the calcu lation considerably. The formula for the heat-transfer coefficient of a plane multi-layer wall is ns follows: i k = ~~~~~~--~~---1/a.l +6sd A. t +6m/Arn +6sc/Asc +1/az
(20.52) where a 1 and a 2 are the coefficients of heat transfer from the heating fluid to the wall and from the wall to the healed fluid, Om, 6,, and are the thicknesses of the metallic wall, the external layer of deposits (slag) and the internal layer (scale) and /,rn, A.., and A.,. are the respective conductivities. T he ratios ila 1 and 1/a 2 are essentially the therma l resistances to heat transfer at tl1e external and internal side of the surface. For heating surfaces in which the working fluid is water, a steam-water mixture or sup erheated steam of supercritical pressure, the coefficient a 2 substantially exceeds (by two or three ord ers of magnitude) the coefficient a 1 , so that the thermal resistance on the internal side 1/a 2 can be neglected , since 11a1 is much greater than 1/a 2 • The same is tru e of the therm al resistance of the metallic wall: 6m1A.m is much lower than 1/a1 •
Multiple cross-current flow
Cross-current fl ow •
. .... ~
... ....:g.. .... •
. _j
... ~
.... "' ~
... ....:. -
:;:; l:: :::.
~ ';>..
Mixed flow I
::.. c:;
....~~ .,,,...
::: ~ ....
...... .,;::: ~
~ ...
l::"' t::J "~
'-------~~~--------~ , E~ conomtzer Air heater
,Transi/Ton zone
Fig. 20.9. Dingrnms of motion of the hcnting nnd hentcd mcdin in the convective elements of boilers
For the normal operation of a boiler, the scale on the internal surface of the tubes should cause uo noticeable increase in thermal resistance, so that the thermal resistance of scale is not considered in calculations (o,.fl.,,. =-= = 0). The thermal resistance of deposits on the outside surface of the tubes e = o.z/'>.,, 1 (ash, slag, soot, corrosion products) cannot be disregarded, though measures are taken in boiler operation to remove deposits periodicnlly (see Sec. 16.1). I n certain cases when som e of the quantities in the r elationships indicated are unknown or the flow conditions are too complicated, the coefficient of effectiveness 'l' of a heating surface is used, which can be fou nd fro m the heat balance of that surface. The heat-transfer coefficient is determined as an average value for the whole surface considered at an average velocity of gases. The coefficient of utilization £ is also introduced to take account of the incomplete or nonuniform swooping of a heating surface by tho gas flow. In view of the above, formula (20.52) can be re-written in the following form:
for tube-coil surfaces
1./a.t +e-t- 1/a.:
and for r egenerative air h eaters
k= i/a., ~f/a~
Diagrams of the relative motion of heating and heated fluids in most typical heating surfaces of boiler plants are shown in Fig . 20.9. The temperature gradient, i.e. the average temperature diiierence between the heating and heated fluid for the whole heating surface in parallel flow, counter-current flow and multiple cross-flow (with the number of passes more than four) can be found by the formula :
~t = - 2.3 log Atg/At1
20 ·54a)
where ~tg is the greatest and ~t 1 is the lowest temperature difference between the fluids at the ends of a beating surface, deg C. If the ratio ~tgl~t 1 does not exceed f. 7, the temperature gradient can be determined sufficiently accurately as the mean arithmet ic value. As shown in Fig. 20.9, a multiple cross-current flow of fluids is used pre-
Ch. 20. Heat Exchange in Heating Surfaces
dominanlly in the heating su rfaces of boilers. Willrtho number of passes for one of tho fluids less than four or with a mixed mode of flow , heat transfer in a heating surface will be somewhat lower than in a purely counter-current motion of fluids; this can be considered by introducing a correction coefficient 'I' for tho tom perature gradient determined for tho counter-current mode: (20.54b) Tho coefficient 'I' is determined graphically for a particular scheme of motion of the two fluids (20]. I"n circuits with parallel or successive-mixed fluid flow, the calculation can· he carried out separately for each of the passes a nd dotorrnines ··the average temperature gradient for the whole hea ting surface: t:.tav
At ,fl d - 6t2Tf2 11,-1- [{2
{20.5 5}
where H 1 , lf 2 are tho areas of individual portions, m\ and t:.t 1 , t:.t 2 are tho temperature gradients in them, deg C. Tho same approach is used when the heat capacity of one of the fluids changes significantly within the hea ting surface calculated, for instance, il the fluid changes the state of aggregation (as in a boiling economizer). In this case, the heat absorptions Q, and Q2 in the portions with the single-phase and two-phase fluid are found separately, alter which the tom perature gradients t:.L 1 and t:.l 2 are determined for these portions nnd averaged for the whole healing surface. ~0.6.
Velocil:ies of Gases ancl Working Fluid in Convective Heating Surfaces The optimal velocity o~ gases is that at which the cost of construction and operation of a heating surface is at a minimum. With an increase in gas velocity, the coefficient of heat transfer i ncreasos, with the result that the healing surface is smaller
20.6. Velocities of Gases /11 Convective llcating Surfaces
and its cost is lower. A smaller beating surface offers a lower hydraulic resistance to the motion of working fluid (steam, water, steamwater mixture) in tubes, which makes it possible to reduce tho power of the feed p umps (in the design of superheaters and economizers) and increase the power of the turbine (duo to a lower resistance of the reheater). On the other hand, this increases the consumption of energy needed to overcome the greater resistan ce of the gas path. The optimal velocity of gases can be found by technico-econom ical calculation. The best version is that in which the expected expenditures Z are at a mmunum: Z = C -1- Prf(
where C is the annual expenditures associated with operalion of t.he equipment, Pr is the coefficient of dep•·eciation for the capital expenditures (in power engineering, it is usual ly taken equal to 0 .15 per year), and K is tho initial capital expenditure:
+ Kdr + K,ub
where Ke 1 is the cost of the considered element in the gas path, Kdr is the cost of the dralt fan, and K •ub is the cost of a substituting auxiliary plant to provide continuous power generation in the system. Gas velocities calculated by this method are called econom ical (w 00). For instance, for balanced-draft steam boilers with tho cost of referen ce fue l of 10-12 (roubles/t), tho economical gas velocities, m/s , in superheaters and economizers with staggered tubes are as follows (at tho rat.ed boil er load): For tubes of steel 20 (economizer) 13±2 For pearliLic-steel tubes (su perheater) . . . . . . . . . . 12 ± 2 For pearlilic-steel lubes (rchcater) 19 ± 2 For austenitic-steel tubes (superheater) . . . . . . . . . . 19 ± 2
For in-line tubes, the economic gas velocities are 40% hig her.
0.92 0.88 0.84
0.80 1.0
',·, ~ /1 >- ,""" ........ 2
', llg/Ua
(.8 2.0
Fig. 20.10. Curves of optimal ratio or air and gas velocities in air heaters 1- at specific heat ratio c 0 /cc = I; z-ut c0 /CC = 0.9
In solid fuel combustion, these velocities in most cases arc not ronched in view of excessive abrasion wcn r of tubes by ash (see Ch. 16). The intensity of heat transfer and the heating surface area in air heaters depend on the Yelocity of gases and air, since the beat-transfer coefficients at both sides (gas and air) aro rather close to each other, especiall)' in regenerative-type air heaters. For this reason, one first bas to determine the optimal velocity ratio q> 0 p1 = walwc· Figure 20.10 shows variations of
three main types which require different approaches to the selection of velocities [6). 1. The last (outlet) banks of the superheater and reheater are arranged in the high temperature zone of gases and have the highest temperature of steam. The high velocity of steam ensures tho reliable cooling of tubo walls; at any load of the boiler, the metal temperature is not allowed torise above the limit for a particular steel. Pressu re loss is of minor importance in this case. This group also includes radiant and semi-1·adiant (platen) superheaters whictt receive high heat fluxes by direct radiation from the furnace with a high degree of nonuniformity across tho furnace width. 2. Co nvective superheaters are arrauged in zones with gas temperatures below 1 000°C and cooled by moderately superheated s team. These have a certai 11 reliability margin of the met al. J n this case, the optimal steam velocity is determined mainly by the superheater design and by the minimal cost of a tube bank (for a lower steam veloci ty, one bas to increase the number of tubes in a bank or the diameter of the tubes, which will increase the dimensions, and therefore, the cost of a superheater section). 3. Reheater banks are arranged in zones of moderate gas temperatures (450-600°C). Their optimization is carried out by considering the effect of steam velocity on the dimensions of a heating surface and on the hydraulic resistance of the reheater (a higher hydraulic resistance decreases the power oi the turbine). Practical recommendations can be reduced to specifying the mass velocities of steam wp, kg/(m 2 s), for various types of heating surfaces. For instance, tho recommended values are wp = = 800-1 100 kg/{m 2 s) for the outlet convective banks and450-600kg/{m 2 s) foi· other banks. For reheator hanks, wp = 250-400 kg/{m 2 s) is sufficient. The velocity of water in convective economizers is selected so as to prevent s tratification of the steam-water
Ch. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Boller
flow should boiling occur and to ensur e carry-oyer of gas bubbles along the t ubes, which appear in heated water. On the other hand, it should be considered that an increase in water velocity can substantially raise the hydr aulic resistance and the energy con-
21.1. Boller Layout and Structures
sumption by feed water pumps. The recommended values of water velocity are wp. = 500-600 kg/(m 2 s); in the econom1zer zone where partial evapora~i~n of w~ter can take place (the bo1hng sectwn of the economizer) wp = 800-900 kg/(m 2 s). '
I [
l I
Boiler layout. The mutual arrangement of the gas ducts·or a boiler and the direction of combustion products io them d etermine what is called the boiler layout which may be II- T- N' ' ' U-shaped, four-pass or t ower-type (Fig. 21.1). . Among them, the IT-shaped layout IS most popular (Fig. 21.1a): the furnace is arranged in an ascending shaft and the convective heating surfaces are arranged in a parallel descending shaft. I ts advantage is that fuel is su pplied and gases are removed at the bottom, which is convenient for the removal of liquid slag and for the shot-blasting of the convective surfaces. The draft fans are mounted on the zero (floor) level so t hat their vibrations are not transferred to the boiler structure. A drawback of the ll-shaped layout is that, s ince the gases are tu~ned by 180°, the heating of convective surfaces and the concentration of ash over the cross section of the convective shaft may be uneven. The T -shaped layout is often employed in high-capacity boilers, with two convective shafts arranged at both s ides of the furnace (Fig. 21.1b); th is
makes it possible to diminish the depth of the convective shaHs and the heigbt of the connecting horizontal ducts. The total cross-sectional area of the two convective shafts is higher than in the former scheme. The draft fans are mounted on the zero level. The T-shaped layout is especially suitable for the boilers fired on fuels which produce abrasive ash (such as Ekibastuz coals) where it is essential to reduce the velocity of combustion products. Theremoval of combustion products from the two shafts i~ this layout involves, however, certam design difficulties. Furthermore, aT-shaped boiler is more intricate in design than a IT-shaped one and consumes more metal. In some cases, the three-pass layout with draft fans arranged at the top, i~ employed (Fig. 21.1c); this scheme is popular, in particular , in the FR G. In this layout, combus tion products move ascendingly in the furnace and convective shaft and d escendingly in the connecting vertical gas duct. The four-pass layout (Fig. 21.1d) is used in boilers firing fuels with a very high ash content (such as oil shales). These schemes are characterized by the provision o~ an intermediate vertical gas duct wlnch may have heating surfaces (say, platens) with widoly s paced tubes
(f) I~ig.
21.1. Various schemes o{ boiler layout
so as to prevent slagging in the high- nerative air heater and draft means nre mounted on the floor level and connetemperature zone . High-capacity supercharged boiler cted with the boiler tower by a descenplants are often buill by the tower ding gas duct which has no heating surscheme (Fig. 21.1e) in which combus- faces. The tower l ayout requires a heavier tion products move in the furn ace and convective shaft only upwards. Tbis boiler structure to carry the air healayout offers the follo\\
I. I
I i
Cit. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Boller
with tho turbine by a shorter pipeline; and the air path has a low aerodynamic resistance (the a ir healer is quite close lo the burners). l ts draw backs arc as follows: fuel must be supplied t.o the burners t.o an appreciable height; draft and exhaust fans and ash collectors must be mounted on a high level. The U-shaped (inver ted) layout can be employed for the combustion of gas, fuel oil and solid fuels provided that the furnace is of the dry-bottom type. The layout of high-capacity boilers of monobloc units should meet certain add itional r equirements (in view of lhe considerable size of the plant in pl an, tho application of steam reheating, etc.) and ensure reliable operation of the boiler in combination with t.l1e turbine. The span of roof beams in highcap acity boilers is sometimes diminished by dividing the furna ce and convective shaft.s into two sections, i. e. a boiler has two housings (each with its own metal structure and refractory setting) in which the h eating surfaces are arranged symmetrically (two-housing symmetrical boiler layout) . Provision of shut-off valves on the two symmetrical sections gives what is ca lled the double-bloc layout. With one of the sections shut down , a dl•uble-bloc boiler p lant can operat e at 50-% load, which improves its manoeuvrability, but increases the cost and the unit fuel consumption since the superheater has the sam~ rated h ydrau lie resistance. Furth er, the turbine effi ciency decreases at partial loads. In two- a nd multi-pass schemes of gas motion, the furn ace and gas ducts may either be fully · separated from eacl1 other (us in Fig. 21.1a, b, d, and f) or have a common longitudinal partition form ed by gas-tight water walls (Fig. 21.1c and g). Air heaters arc arr anged either in the lower portion of the convective shaft or outside the boiler or even the boiler room, so as to leave space for the arrangement of burners or shotblasting installation. The arrange-
m ents of the particu Jar beating surfaces of boilers have been described in more detail in Chs. '17-1!). Boiler s tructure. Modern high-capacity boilers manu[acturod in the USSH are usually of tho 11- or T -shaped layout. The layout of a boiler determines the design of the hoi Ier structure and stress distribution in it. The boiler structure is essentially a supporting sleet framework wh icll carries various hoi ler elements, such as the drum, heating sur[aces a nd head ers, refractory setting, insu lation and casing, pipelines and duels, s tages, stairs, etc. The boiler stru cture may be either isolated from the load-carrying structure of the boiler roo m building and be supported on an individual fmJndation or made integra l with those structures. In tho for·mer case, the boiler structure ca uics the wholo load of the boi ler and tra nsm its it to tho foundation. The load on the foundation includes tho mass of tho boiler proper and its structure and the mass of the working fluid: water and steam. In southern regions where an open or semi-open layout of boiler equipment is allowed, the boiler structure s hould also withstand the wind load, and often , seismic loads. Figure 21.2 shows schematically a once-through boiler (type II-57, D = = 1 650 t/h) of the T-shaped layout mounted on a sep arate foundation. The boiler structure consists of vertical columns, horizontal beams and support t russes, main beams, roof ceiling ties, and stands. All elements of th~ structure are joined by welding. The number of supporting columns dep ends on the s team-generating capacity of a boiler. Columns are usually mounted only at tho coroet·s of the furnace and convective shaft. Additional columns may be installed in highcapacity boilers having an appreciable width or depth. All co lumns are connected at the top by transvet·se beams or trusses. They increase the boiler structure stab ility, prevent the buckling of columns, and serve to support the drum (in drum-type boi-
21.1. Boller Layout and Structures
Fig. 21.2. Structure of a oncethrough boiler type P-57 (D = 1 650 t/h) with an indepondcnt foundation J- column; ( 2-verlicnl truss; J-horl· zonta l truss; 4-stand; s- roor: 6- rnnln ~>enm; 7-m~lined ceiling pi~Le; abeam; 9-furnace frame; JO-laes;
...:L-\p±c:~ '~::c:j::::r::Jc=; k
_H 27950 lllz!siz~
lers), heating surfaces, and the su pporting structures of stages. Additional stands and beams of smal ler cross section are mounted to in crease the structure rigidity and to fasten water walls, headers, hot-air ducts, etc. The columns of a boiler stru cture transmit substantial concentrated loads onto the foundation. The unit pressure on the foundation is decreased by providing supporting shoes at tho lower ends of the columns. Metal consumption for a boiler structu1:e depends on boiler capacity and may constitute 0.8-1.2 kg per kg of hourly steam-generating capacity. Supporting columns and beams are not heated by gases; this insures more favourabl e operating conditions of the metal and
prevents substa ntial thermal stresses. Boiler structures are mostly made of carbon steels, such as Grade St. 3 . Some less critical elements may be made of steel Gt·ade St. 0. The introduction of gas-tight allwelded water walls (see Sec. 17 .3) with. lighter refractory setting has made it possible to substan tially reduce the boil er mass (sometimes by 30-50% ). A lighter boiler can thus be supported by the structures of the boiler room bui ldiug. Tho drum and all h eating sw·faces of the furnace and convective shaft are susp ended from heavy beams of tbe boiler room build ing roof and can freely expand downward. In this case, the boiler structw·e proper serves only to ensure the required ri-
Ch. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Bolle r
- 19
~ -Gu "'
~ ~»
- 21
) ~
'T 0
ljlftt -fli
!--,3\2 IV
_.- 16
I~ +
sible to dispense with separate boiler foundations, allow more space for mounting the auxiliary equipment, save much metal [or the construction of the boiler structure, and r educe th e time of construction work. A boiler and its elements have definite dimensions in the cold state and occupy certain positions in space. In the working 'hot' condition, their dimensions and positions in space vary substantially. Thermal displacements are determined by the working temperature of the metal and the length of an clement from its fixed end. With the coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal equal to 0.012 X 10 - 3 m/K, certain boiler elements may expand by 300 mm or even more. Figure 21.4. shows the diagram of thermal expansions of elements in a suspended boiler typo TGM.P-204. All level marks relate to the cold state. Displacements have been calculated for temperatures of the metal in ope-
ded only from the main beams of the building and are not connected with the building walls, so that deformations of the building are not transferred to the boiler. The boiler elements are suspended from the main beams by means of numerous suspension ties. The heating surfaces are connected with the boiler structure and their temperature expansions should be essentially of the same magnitude to avoid temperature stresses. T his is ensured by means of 'hot' suspensions which are made from tubes supplied with the working fluid at a temper ature r oughly equal to that in the corresponding beating surfaces. I n supercharged boilers, the pressure in the gas path is absorbed by horitontal beams spaced 2.5-3.0 m apart on all walls of the furnace, convective shaft and connecting gas ducts. These beams ensure proper rigidity of the boil er walls. Suspended str uctures make it pos-
21J. Boller Layout and Structure•
~ '"'
'G G
.Jl200l iJ!IIll Jj5JD~
• • • • •• • • ••
•• k
IJ!It 2~
Fig. 21.4. Diagram of temperature expansions (H, mm; I, mm) or elements of a boiler type lTGMP-204 (D = 2 650 t/ u)
. . Fig. 2L3. Structure of gas-ttght botler type P-67 (D
= 2 650 t/h) combined witll boiler
. room bo1ler roomtubes column· t 1 0 4J--~uspended ('bot't-workin suspensi.fnstJ1 ~1ld s-Jro!f 1~. ! th~ lod:er radiation section; J-reinlorclng beams·
hot box•· 9-mnln beams· JO- in'terme
~v orkJ.rg t!uld
(re~rr ~~~~~c/.!au'·o~~~aftntm;
gidity an d to fasten the boiler to the r?om buildin? structures. I n such des igns, the bo1ler structure ensures the appropriate rigidity of welded water walls, absorbs the pressure in the gas
(in supercharged boilers), and carrtes st~ges and stairs. An example of the bo1ler structure carried by the room building is illustrated in Fig. 21.3. Tho boiler elements are suspen-
tteaders or the bottom water Nau, fl, - 290 ; benders or water walls in parting Join ts, FI, = 208; H, = I ao; io · wer headers o r the wa ter wall In horizontal gas duct, R , - 70; u pper headers or water walls, n, = 33; lower headers or water walls ln the convective !urn nee shaft, H, = 200; headers or convective superheaters, H., = 2.9; economize r headers. H, "' 145. H 1 = 187 ; burners. R,, = 230 , H, = 24~. fl., = = 200; vertlcn I tubes or suspended tu· be sys tem in horizontal gas duct, H,. - I 38; vertical tubes or furnace water walls, fl,. = 248, H,. = 221, , H" = 162. H., = t03; supporting plaLes on 'hot' suspens ions, H,. = 247; common wind box ol rumacc. H,. = - 322. 1,. • 62; bcadcrs or control sw·race or rehenter , u,. = tt9, 1,' 0 = 8. • ' • I t o - 105. H., = 142, ht = 4, lu =57
At'" H,
I\ j54DD
11,6 r-
- - - t-
j 81X1
l,s 11,!1vi Hut u
' lzr
1-H,o ~-~,
1-F H,z
H,s Ill.
l~ 35J(),'0
' lzo
lt9 11,!1
" lzr
Ch. 21. Layout and Beat Calculation of Steam Boiler
Fig. 21. .5. Arrangement of burner in n port
Untti f 2
J 4
Unit I 3
J - turn ace wull; 2- port tJ a n ~:rc: sca llng sheets; 4- burno:r
I. ration. Ver tica l displacements are marked by H's and horizontal, by l's . In the example iJlustratcd , horizontal displacements are marked only for tltc common box of the furnace, l 1u, and for the headers of the control stage of rehealer , l 20 and l 21 • T o avoid excessive t hermal stresses, the structure of a boiler should have proper means to allow ils !Tee exp ansion on healing. A steam boiler is connected with its auxiliary eq uipm ent mounted externally of the boiler structure (pulverizing plant, feed water pipelines, etc.). It is also connected by pipelines with the turbine. Pipelines usually all ow free expansion of the boiler owing to their seli-compensation . Exceptions are pulverizing pl ants with mill fans, which h ave no dust pipelines of appreciable leng th , but are connected directly to t he burners. In such cases,· burner por-ts of a boiler are designed so as to move freely r elative to the fixed burners and the gaps between them are sealed (Fig. 21.5). •Hot box' . In' high-capacity boilers, a great number of tubes and suspensions pass through the furnace roof to the outside, so that tight sca ling of all of them is a problem. In s uch cases, the roof is covered by a Light s teel shell which receives hot air from the air heater; this forms what is called the 'hot box' . Air pressure in a hot box is somew hat higher than the pressure of t.ltc combustion prod ucts a t
21.1. Bolle r Layout and Strncturu
the furn ace to p, which preven ts the leakage of combustion products to the outs ide, bu l, increases so mo\\·hat air inleakage. The nu mbe•· of 'passes' from the hot box to the outside is much sma ller th an through the boiler roof; they main ly include the external pipelines and suspensions of headers . These 'passes' usually have sil phon sealings. When a boiler is shut down for r epairs , the Lime for natura l cooling of the hot box is as much as 20-30 hours. Cooling can be accelerated by cold air blowing of the hot box. Boiler enclosures. Boiler enclosmes are important elements of boiler pl ants and consume much of work and materials for the manufacture. They ha,·e an essential effect on the conditions of operation of the furnace and convective shaft. In high-capacity boilers, the enclosure mass is so large that it greatly influences the design of the boiler structure and foundation. I n boilers of un tight design, tho enclosw·e is formed by continuous walls of coram ic materials, which isolate the gas path of the boiler from the surroundings . I L is subjected to the action of hot combustion products which rnn y carry ash, molten slag and unburned fuel particles . The enclosure is also subjected to pressure vari ations in the furnace (on flame break-off and fuel ignition), variable temperature stresses appearing on start-up and shut-down oi the boiler,
stresses from temperature displacement of other boiler ele;nents, static · loads from various s tructures above it, aud so on . The most dangerous are temperature sti·esscs which appear on start-up and shu t-dow n owing to unc,·cn heating of boiler elements , so thal various compressive, tensile and shoat· stresses may appear in the enclosure. All these factors can hardly be cons idered properly in the de'sign and construction of th e enclosure. For this reason, reliable operation of the enclosure is ensured by selecting tho appropriate materials which can opera te under the heavy cond itions indicated , and by certa in design measures which can minimize the effect of these factors (composite enclosure, expansion joints, expansion compensators , etc.). Tho modern light enclosure of boilers has a mass of around 850 kg/m 3 . The mass of enclosure related to kg of hourly steam-generating capacity of a boiler is usually 0.4-0.5 kg or more. The enclosure of a highcapacity boiler consumes on. the tota l more than 2 000 t of ceramic materials. The boiler enc'losure should have a high refractoriness, high mechanical strength , proper tightness, possess h eat-insulating p roperties, withstand ~em perature s tresses and resist the action of ash and molten slag. The enclosme design is heavily dependent on the tube system of the heating surfaces in the furnace and convective shaft. In modern power-st ation boilers, two t ypes of enclosure are employed. The enclosure of tho first type is attached immediately to tubes (on-tube enclosure), i.e. to tubular water walls of \.he furnace and gas ducts. the second type is made in t.he form of bloclcs or: plates which are fastened to the boiler structm·e. E nclosure plates or· blocks are manufactlll'ed industrially and mounted simu ltaneously with the boiler. The boiler enclosme consists of several layers: the first layer fa cing the gases and operating at temperatures of 1 500-1 800°C is made of a rc-
11 ll
(6} - - On-tube enclosure - - Ptale enclosure U ]oinl (a)
Fig. 21.6. Types or enclosure in various portions of n boiler
fractory material. Two or three l ayers beneath i t, which operate at temperatures of 500-900°C, are made of heatinsulating ma tel"ials . The outside surface of the enclosure is coated wil,h gas-impermeable pl aster (the allowable t emperature for plaster coating is 100-200°C} or metal sh eets . In gastight boilers with all-welded membr·ane water walls (soc Sec. 17.3), light heat insulation over the tubes is quite sufficient . In some boilers , the enclosure is of a combined type: plate enclosure in tho prismatic portion of the furnace and on-tube enclosure in the dry-bottom hopper or inclined bottom. Enclosure blocks are suspended from r oof beams of the boiler structure and can expand on heating together with the water-wall tubes. The two portions of the enclosure form a temperature joint around the furnace periphery, which should be properly sealed to prevent air inleakagc (the horizontal plane /-/ in Fig. 21.6a) . The enclosure of convective gas ducts is usually of the plate type. If the furnace has an on-tube enclosure, a vertical joint is provided at the entry from the furnace to the horizontal convective duct (II-II in Fig. 21.6b). In a number of designs, ontube enclosure extends further into the convective duct and the ternpcratiue joint is provided in a horizontal plane of the convective shaft (/II -II I in Fig. 21.6c). If the on-tube enclosure extends further into the convective portion of a boiler, the temperature
Ch. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Botler
joint between it and plate enclosure uld not exceed 850°C to avoid m etal operates aL a lower temperature and failure should steam supply to the remay be simpler in design and more re- h eater be occasionally stopped (see liable. Sec. 18.2). The reliability of the last Heat insulation. The boiler drum, banks of tho superheater, which opeh eaders, superheated steam, feed wa- rate under the most severo temperat er and blow-down water pipelines , ture conditions, is determined at the gas and air ducts, etc. are arranged s pecified steam parameters by the beyond the boiler enclosure around allowable temperature of the superhethe boiler, above the roof or along the ater metal , which defines tl1 e design of boiler walls. These elements have a the s uperheater and its position in a t emperature of 200-600oC and are hea t- particular temperature zone along the insulated to protect the personnel gas flow (see Sec. 18.3). To ensure staagainst burns and minimize heat los- bility of hydrodynamic processes in ses to the s urroundings. B y sanitary intensively heated elements of oncenorms, the temperature on the exter- through boilers, these elements must nal surface of heat-insulated elements not be fed with a two-phase mixture. must not exceed 55°C. A properly ma- For this reason, the convective econode heat insulation can diminish heat mizer should supply them with water losses by 95-97% compared with a of a certain degree of subcooling, rather non-insulated surface. In addition, than with a steam-water mixture, i.e. heaL insulation of drums, headers, pi- it must be of the non-boiling t ype pelines and fittings improves the t em- (see Sec. 11.2). A t s upercritical presperature conditions for the metal, sin- sures, r eliable operation of heating co it decreases the t emperature gra- surfaces in the zones of high heat cad ient across the wa ll , and t herefore, re- p acity of the work ing fluid imposes duces tem per ature stresses. T he exter- s pecific r equirements for their posinal surface of heat insulation is made tioning in the furnace. For subcriticalsmooth and mechanically strong by prossure b oilers, the transition zone, applying cotton cloth and metallic in which scale deposition is mainly casing or p ainting . Painting is also concentrated , should be arranged in userul for marking various pipelines . the zones of moderate heating. Tho hot air temperature , which is determined by fuel characteristics , is es21.2. Thermal D iagram of a Boiler sential for the selection of a particuAll heating surfaces of a boiler lar type of air heater (see Sec. 19.3). communicate with one another in the Thus, there is a system of limiting gas and steam-water path, thus for- conditions, or reference points , for the ming a complex system. Let us recall temperatures of pa1·ticular h eating s urthat the temperature of combustion faces. Selection of these points means products in certain points of the gas essen tially the distribution of enthalpath and the temperature of water py increm ents between these heating and steam ir1 other points of the water- surfaces and optim a! positioning of steam path should be maintained with- these surfaces in tho flow of combusin definite limits to attain the high- tion produc ts, i.e. it means selection est efficiency and reliability. For of the thermal diagram of a boiler. instance, the temperature of combu1'he thermal diagram of a boiler is stion products at the exit from the the scheme of arrangement of the hefurnace is determined by the kind and ating surface banks along the gas characteristics of the fuel used (see flow and of arrangement of their pipeSec. 7.1). The temperature of waste lines . Two conditions are important gases is determined by technico-eco- for th is selection: the wor king fluid nomical calculations (see S ec. 6.2). The at a higher temperature should be temperature in the reheater zone sho- swept by the combus tion products also
21.2. Thermal Diagram of a Boller
Fig. 21.7. Thermal diagram o£ a drum- type pulverized coal-fired boiler
J 4
z-cvopo raling bea ting surfaces (furnace water wa lls); t-·platen superheater; 3 and 4-hot and cold stage of convective superheater; s ond 7 - 2nd and 1st stage of economizer; 6 and a2nd nnd 1st stage or tubul ar nlr bea ter
I I 1
at a higher temperature, so as to maintain a high temperature gradient; it is advisable t o employ counter~urrent flow of the working fluid and combustion products where possible. These conditions, however, are not always properly satisfied. For inst ance, the heating intensity of radian t heating surfaces arranged in the burner zone m ay b e enormous, resulting in the low reliability of m etal operation. For this reason, the hea ting surfaces to be arranged in such zones have a low tem perature of i.he w orking fluid (preheating and evaporating surfaces and 'cold' s uperheater banks), while tho last superheater banks are mounted in the zones of moderat e temperatures of combustion products . With a high heat absorption of particular heating surfaces (most often of superheaters), to enhance their r eliability the heating s urfaces are divided into a number of successively con-
I --I I
I 4
lea 8
nected sections, which diminishes the maldistribution of heat and ensures better intermixing of the flow (see Figs . 18.10 and 18.11). In high-capacity boilers, the heat absorption by the water walls in the furnace is insufficient, which has led to the appearance of platens (see Sec. 7.1) and curtain walls (see Sec. 18.1). They diminish the t emperature of combustion products at the furnace exit to the required level. The superheated steam path in v er y p owerful drum-type boilers and the entire water-steam path in once-through boilers are made in the form of a number of individually controlled flows. For convenience of control, the n1llllber of flows is us ually two or four. Separation of the water-steam path into flows diminishes the non-uniformity of heat distribution across the boiler width and permits of using tubes of smaller diameter, but makes the
21.3. Heat Calculation of Boiler
Ch. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Botler
5- - 4 - - c:... r}
IV1 - 6 .!=;::!. .16! !: ~ \ 1><1 - 7
J- lowc r radiation section; .1?- rnedlurn rndlnllon section: J- upper rncllntlon section: 4- 18L platen superheater; S- 2nd plat en supcrl1c~a ter;
l>"<'l - 8
3- :_ ,_ --
Fig . 21 .8. Thermal diagram o£ a oncethrough gas and fuel oil fired boiler 6 - con\'f!-CU vn super hen tcr; 7
nn d 8- hol. a nd cold rc hcnter s tages; 9-; JO- regcnerat.i\'C nlr heater
I><J - 9__
&:::: 10
wllicll delivers the s uperheated s team of s pecified parameters . There aro two water-s pray means to control tho t omperature of Jive s l.oaru . Stearn reheating is effected in two reheuter banks connected by a mixed scheme and ar-ranged in the convccti "e shaft. Mea ns for controlling the temper ature of reheated s tea m arc n ot shown in the d iagram. 21.:3. Heat Calculation of a ·Boiler
I I!
u-r- - J
~ p1 ~~~~
j - T --t-t --r - ~- -~ - t I i
lfrw )l , 11
I f J 2 I J I t. I 5 I 5 - T 7 I 8 I 9 I tO IH 1"'1'"1· . 1. ' .1 • . 1. I "I" 1' ' 1 ' I
I 1
' -o--.f-1 1
b oiler pl ant design more complicated and expensive, increases the number of fittings, and complicates automatic control. Let us consider as examples the thermal diagrams of a drum- type and once-through boiler. The drum- type boiler (Fig . 21.7) has two stages of air preheating and accordingly two s tages of heating tho feed water which is fed to the drum from the second economizer s tage. The eva porating water walls are arranged on the furnace walls and together with unheated downtake tubes form circulation circuits. Saturated s team separated in the drum is fed into the s uperheater which consists of a r adian t section and pl atens connected in series aloncr the steam path and of two conv~cti ve banks connected by a mixed scheme, with the outlet bank ar-
ranged in t he zone of a higher temperature. Water spraying t o control the t emperature of superheated s team is not shown in the diagram. Tho ordinates of the diagram (vertical hatching) give the tempel'ature gradients in particular heating surfaces . As may be seen, they decrease signi fi cantly along the gas p ath. In the once-through boiler whose thermal diagram is illus trated in Fig. 21.8 , there is one stage of a_ir pr~ hoating in an external regeneratlVe arr h eater and one s tage of feed water heating in the economizer. Preheated water is fed into the lower radiation section of the1 boiler from whore it flows in to the' medium rad iation section, the firs t bank of the platen superheater , the upper l'adiation section, the second bank of the platen s uperheater. and th e convective s uperheater
Aims and methods of heat calculatioo. One should dis tinguish between a design h eal calculation and check calculation of a boiler, which d iffer from each olher in their aims and the q uan titles to bo d otcrmined. Design calculation is undertaken in order to determine tho dimensio ns of the furnace and other heating surfaces which can ens ure the rated s team-generating capacity for the specified s team paramolers and l he desired efficiency and rel ia bility of a boiler pl aut which uses a parti cular fuel and is fed with tho feed water of a given temperature. Tho resul ts o£ the design calculation aro ftulher used for s trength calculation and the selection of materials for particular boiler elements, hydraulic and aerodynamic calculations , and tho selection of au xiliary equipment. Check calculation is carried out for an existing or a design boiler. It is dono for t he given dimensions of tho heating surfaces and the given characteris tics of the fu el and determines the tempera tures of the working fluid , ai r and combus tion products at the boundaries between the healing s urfaces. Check calculation is also made when the temperature of feed water ot· s uperheated steam varies or a boiler changes over t o another kind of fuel. An object of check calculation is to determine the thermal characteris tics of a boiler and the possibilities for its control. In tho design calcu lation , the dimensions of pal"ticular heating s urfaces (say, of plat ens) can bo chosen from the considerations of their I 8 - 0 1524
t,.,,,p,.,;, Owl!
Yt.a 7 t ea
Fig. 21.9. Calculation diagram of a dmmtypc boiler J-evaporating healing s urraces (!u nance water walls); 2- roo r SUIIerhpa ter: J- pl~ten superheater; 4- suspe nded tu bes; 5- convect avc s uperhea ter: 6-; 7-uir heater
arrangement in the boiler. In this case, a check calculation should then be m ade for these surfaces. Check calculation can es t ima te tho efficiency and reliability of a boiler, provide data for recommendations on the boiler reconstruction and the initial data for hydraulic, aerodynamic and strength calculations. The m ethod ics of heat calculations of boilers arc s tandardized (201. Design heat calculation of a drumtype boiler. T he procedure of the calculation will bo demonstr ated for tho boiler s hown in Fig . 21.9. Firs t , we have to establis h the theoretically required quantity of a!r and combustion products . Tho actual volume of air and combus ti on products in the furnace and gas ducts is calculated by considering the organized air s upply to the furnace and air inleakages in the boiler of this particular design (with balanced draft). Then, the onthalpies of combus tion products and air are determined. After that the heat balance of the boiler is ·calcu la-
I 274
Ch. 21. Layout and Heat Calculation of Steam Boller
ted, from which we find the heat losses q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , and q6 , gross efficiency and fuel consumption. T he furnac.e is calculated as given in Sec. 20.3. Assuming the allowable heat release rate per unit area q1, MW / m2 , we find the cross-sectional area of the furnace. The total surface area of furnace walls F w is determined for the selected temperature at the furnace outlet {}j . The last st age of th e calculation is to check that t he heat release rate per unit volume qv is within the specified limits and that the assumed thermal efficiency,~ does not diller greatly from the calcula ted value (the allowable discr epanc y is ,1,~ = + 0.05). Calculation of the h eat exchange in the furnace should consider the heat absorbed by the platens (heating surfaces arranged at the furnace outlet) and by the radiant superheater section on the roof. Therefore, the dimensions o[ the platens and r adiant superheater should be known before the calculation. Further, we determine the quantity of heat absorbed by the platens due to radiation from the furn ace and to h eat exchange within their zone, Qp1, and can then find the tempera ture of combustion products behind the platens , {}~ 1 • Having considered the heat absorption by suspended tubes in the boiler, Q, 1, we can determine the temperature of combustion products before tho convective superheater banks, {};h . The remaining heat of the combustion products (upon their passage through the furnace, platens and r adiant superheater) should be distributed between the convective h eating surfaces of the steam-water path and the air beater. This heat is first distributed between the heating surfaces for which the inlet and outlet parameters of the working fluid are known or have been assumed. Thus we can find the quantity of heat that must be transferred to the superheater, Qah • to obtain the specified steam p ar ameters (D •h• p.., and t , ,) and the quantity of heat to be given up in the air heater, Qoh (to obtain vho and t ho>·
21.3. Heat Calculation of Boller
The rest of the heat should be allocated to the economizer for which the outlet parameters of water are not specified. Upon finding the quantities of heat transferred to the superbeater and air b eater, we can determine the enthalpies and temperatures of combustion products before and after the economizer. The distribution of heat between the h eating surfaces is then checked by tho heat b alance equation: Q~v'Tlgr = (Qr
2 " .. l rh.Prlt
+ Q pl +Qall
+ Qec) i~;;;;q•
Oan 7
The discrepancy in the balance should not be more th an ± 0.5 % of t he available beat Q::'v· If the chosen heat distribution between the beating surfaces is correct, we can go furth er to the design calcula l.ion of the superh eater , economizer and air heater following the instructions given in Ch. 20. Design calculation of a once-through boiler (soe the diagram in Fig. 21.10). In once-through boilers , there arc no definite zones of tho particular slates of aggregation of th e working fluid. This circumstance should be properly cons idered when determining the zones of phase transition of the working fluid. For the reliable operation of s teamgenerating tubes in the boiler, the convective economizer should be of the non-boiling type (see Sec. 11.2}, and therefore, a portion of the tube system in the furnace will operate as a radiant economizer (the inlet portion of the lower radiation section). In the boiler design considered (Fig. 21.10}, the remaining p or tion of the lower radiation section functions as steam-generating tubes (at subcritical pressure). Steam superheating takes place in the top portion of the furnace (the upper radiation section), platens and convective superheater. T he fixed values of the enthalpies in t he reference points oE the steam-water path allow us to determine the h eat absorptions by the economizer surfaces and the lo-
Fig. 21.10. Calculation diagram or a oncethrough boiler J - lowcr radiation section: z-upper rndlnllon seclion: !-platen supcrbenter: 4-convec\lve superheaLer; ~-con vective reheatu : o- cconomlzer: 7- nlr heater
wer and upper r adiation sections, the remaining h eat being distributed between the platens and convective heating surfaces. As the working fluid moves along the water-steam path, its pressure decreases to a specified value at the outlet. The total pressure loss in the path is, estimated as .1p = (0.2-0.3)p ,., where Pa s is the superheated steam pressure, and can be corrected when needed by the hydraulic calculation. The initial stage of the h eat calculation, including the determination of heat losses and fuel consumption and the calculation of heat exchange in the furnace, is done following the same procedure as given earlier for the drumt ype boiler. The heat distribution between the heating surfaces is checked by the beat balance equation:
Q:vl'Jgr = (Q~c+Qlr•+Qur.+ Q pl+ Q.h) (21.2) The discrepancy should not exceed ± 0.5% of the available heat. Further, the design heat calculation of the par-
ticular heating surfaces is carried out by the methods given in Ch. 20. Check calculation of steam boiler. It is typical for tho check calculation that there are no available data on the t emperatures of waste gases (and ther efore, on q 2 ). For this reason, one cannot determine the boiler efficiency and fuel consumption before the calculation. Without them, however, it is impossible to calculate further the furnace and convective heating surfaces. Thus, we have to assume the temperature of the waste gases {}we and that of the superheated steam t,,. Upon making the heat calculation. these temperatures must be checked and corrected, aft er wh ich we can find TJcr and B . Thus, the check calculation is made by the method of successive approximations. With TJc,. and B being known and assuming a value of tho• we can begin the calcula tion of t ho furnace and all the heating surfaces . In the calculation of the furnace, we have to determine the actual temperature of combustion products at the furnace outlet, {}j. We first assume this temperature to perform the calculation and then correct it by formula (20.31). If the discrepancy is too high, the calculation is repeated for a n ew assumed value of -&j. The convective heating surfaces are calculated by the found temperatures (and enthalpies) of combustion products at the inlet to a particular surface and one of the known enthalpies of the working fluid (either at the inlet or at the outlet of that surface). Thus , among four sought-for quantities, two are usually known and the calculation of particular convective heating surfaces is done by the successive approximation method, presetting the value of Qb for the gases or the working fluid and then comparing it with the calculated heat absorption Q1 (see Sec. 20.5). For the last heating ·Surface in the gas path (air heater), the t emperature of gases at the inlet is already known: {}~h = {};~. We also know {}wg (it has been preset earlier). With {};c found from the check calcu-
Ch. 22. Steam Boilers of High-capacity .!tfonobloc U11its
lation and with the known value of Oa111 ~ve c~n determine Owe and compare 1t wtth the assumed value. The calc~lation is considered to be completed 1f the two values of \twg differ by not more than ±10 deg C and the values of tlta by n ot more than ±40 deg C. Otherwise, the calculation is r opeat.ed for a now assumed value of Ow g · A serious inconvenience of the success ive approximation method is that the calculation for a particular heating surface must b e done more than once to properly match the values of Q1 and Qb. It can be substantially facilitated by using electronic computers . Computer calculation of a boiler involves a laborious work for developing the mathematical means, model, algorithm and program of the h eat calculation. A developed mathematical model of
22.1. Selection of Boiler Dcsi.:rt
a steam boiler is essentially an interrelated system with three levels. The lower level. includes computation units for particular heating surfaces (furnace, platens, convective surfaces, a ir heater). Tlte mediu m level is a subsystem that determines the computation procedw·e for surfaces and their interrelations (a the gas and working fluid paths, injection lines, recirculation, etc.). The third (upper) level is a su b-system (or t he stabilization and optimization of the calculation. An accurate check h eat calculation of a boiler is only possible in lar(J'e high-speed comp uters possessing a la"'r ge capacity of the external and on-line memory; in that case the machine time of computation is around 10 minu tes.
STEAM BOILERS OF HIGH-CAPACITY MONOBLOC UNITS 22.1. Selection of Boiler Design According to the Type, Capacity and Operating Conditions of P ower Station
The principal trend in the development of thermal pmver stations is the application of monobloc (boiler-turbine) un its whose capacity is steadily increasing . Monobloc units for a capacity of 300 l\f\>\T wit h boilers producing 950-1 000 t steam per hour have been mastered . 500- and 800-MW units with single-housing boilers oi a steam-generating capacity of 1 650 t/h and 2 650 t/h have been constructed and put into service.
A recent achievement is a monobloc unit for a capacity of 1 200 MW with the boiler producing 3 950 t steam per hmu. As the unit capacity of steam boilers and especially of stearo turbines increases, the unit capital cost (the cost of 1 kW oi installed power) decreases noticeably; the staff coefficient (the number of personnel per unit power) decreases, too . This reduc tion however is substantial orily for the power stations of the capacity up to 3-4 mln kW and becomes less essent ial for higher capacit ies (Fig. 22.1). On the other hand, as the steam-generating capacity of boilers m -
...: <:> <>
·--., ~
<>:. "'
96 94
"1'-a."oo,#.~~. .
'-..... ~
800-MW 1200·AIW -
Fig. 22.1. Unit capital expenditures depending on power station capacity and unit power of plants
creases, the problem of reliability becomes more important. This should be quite clear, since boilers of high er capacity have more heating surfaces operating at supercritica l or high pressuJ·es; accordingly, they have a greater total length of tubes and a l.arger number of welded joints which are probable poin ts of emergency situations. Another probable cause of emergency situations is an elevated non-uniform ity of heat distribution. Mainta ining the reliability of powerful monobloc units at the level already achieved in the existing smaller un its presents a rather difficult problem. It places more rigorous requirements upon the quality of manufacture and the servicing of s team boilers. An increase of the unit power of monobloc units is associated with an increase in the boiler and turbine dimensions. A pulverized-fuel fired boiler for an 800-MW unit may have a height u p to 90 m or even more, which requires a corresponding increase in the height of the boiler room building . vVith a greater cross-sectional area of the bo iler furnace and gas ducts, it is more difficult to properly organize the aerodynamics of gas flows. There are add itional difficulties in the mounting and operation or: high-capacity boiler equipment. With the traditional design of the boiler heati11g surfaces and Lhe convectional technology of tbeir manu-
facture, there is a design harrier, a~ it were, which makes further growth of the boiler unit capacity problematic. A way out is to in tensify heat exchange in the heating surfaces . The preliminary work has been carried out in modern metallurgy and boiler making to start the mass production of intensified profiles of heating sur faces which can change radically the design of p articular bo iler elements and the entire boiler plant. Th is can solve the problem of decreasing the boiler dimensions and increasing the reliability and eHiciency of boilers. Intensified heating surfaces of boilers arc find ing ever wider application. An increase of the unit ca pacity of monobloc units is usually associated with an increase of the capacity of power stations, and therefore, with a lower unit capital cost and accelerated r ate of construction . As the capacity of thermal power stations increases, the effect of red uced un i I. capita l. cost becomes loss pronou nced (Fig. 22.1). The efficiency o·r: a monobloc unit and thermal power st ation depends substantially on the initial steam parameters. An increase in steam parameters involves, however, considerable technical difficu I ties . The poss ibility for increasing the temperature and pressure is determined, in the first. place , by the availability of special. steels which can operate reliably at higher param eters of superheated steam. Pressure is one of the basic steam parameters and is decisive for the selection of the boiler type. At subcritical pressures, boilers of any typo can principally be employed: oncethrough, drum-type with a gravity circulation or dn1m-type with a multiple forced circulation. The last type has found no wide u se in the USSR . At thermal power stations for subcriti'cal pressw·es, natm·al-circulation drum-type boilers are usuallv employed. The driving circulating head decreases with increasing pressure, so that the highest pressure in the
.I I
Ch. 22. Steam Botle rs of High-capacity .Monobloc Unlt1
drum is established at the level of 17 MPa so as to ensure reliable circulation. A higher pressure may cause a loss of reliability. This limit can be raised somewhat by using boiler tubes with internal helical fins (rifled tubes) which increase turbulization of the flu id at tho tube walls. The decisi ve effect of pressure on the selection of the type of boiler is limited by the monobloc capacity. With a very high capacity of mono bloc units, the cost of the drum , which is the most expensive and metal-consuming element of a drum-type boiler, becomes too high . For instance, the mass of the drum for a 500-MW boiler plant may be as high as 200 t, which involves considerable di£ficulties in mounting and operating the boiler. For this reason, the capacity of monobloc units with drum-typo boilers for suppl ying base loads does not usually exceed 400-500 M\V. At suporcritical pressures, the sole solution is the use of once-through boilers wh ich are now built for the unit capacities up to 4 000 t/h (for 1 200-MW monobloc units) . The superheated steam temperature is even more important than pressure for the selection of the boiler design and especially that of the superheater (see Fig. 18.12). For tile same steam temperature, the metal temperature of the superheater tubes is higher than tha t in the pipeline and the differenc·e depends on the heating intensity. The usual trend in the design of sup erheaters is to use various steel grades in tho super heater proper and in t ho pipelines which connect the superheater sections and the boiler with the turbine, so as to minimize the cost of metal and ensure the required reliabi 1it y. When selecting the parameters of s uperheated steam, it should be taken into consideration tha t the cost of m etal in the superheater and pipelines increases with an increase in temperature (Fig . 22.2) . This incr ease in the cost may be different an d depends on t ho temper ature zone wh ere the metal
22.1. Selection of BoUer De1tgn
5 Xhi8Nt2T /
- t2KhMF j
: I
400 H O 500 550 600 °C.
Fig. 22.2. Relative cost of heating surfaces as a funct ion of nominal wall tern pcra lUI"e (the;cost of steel Grade 20 (0.25 C) at a wall tcmperatUI"e of 450"C is taken as unity) and temperature ranges of application of various steels Kbl8Nt2T- 18Cr-t ON I-T; 12KhMF-O. t 2C-Cr-ll!oV; St20- 0. 25C
operates. For ins tance , a change from pearlitic low-carbon s teel to low-alloyed steel of the same class in the temp erature zone of 450-550"C invol ves no substantial increase in the cost of the superheater , since the low-alloyed steel has a higher str ength, and therefor e, superheater tubes may have a smaller wall thickness. Poarlitic steel can however operate reliably only at temperatures up to 580-585"C (the s team t emperature 545"C). A t higher t emper atures, more alloyed austenitic steels must be employed which are much more expens ive (5-8 times) and thus greatly increase the capital expenditures. On the other hand, within the temperature limits of the applicability of a particular steel grade, an increase in temperature causes only a slow rise of capital expenditures (due to a decreased allowable stress and increased metal consumption). For this reason, it is _q~ite important to ensure a high coeff1c1ent of heat transfer at the ste~m. side of the superheater, especially m 1ts hot b ank and radiant section, so as to lower the metal temperature. In view of the p ossibilities offered by pearlitic s tools, now boilers are designed for a steam outlet temper ature of 560°C at a subcritical pressure of 14 l\lPa (dru m-type boilers) or 545°C
at a supercritical pressure of 25.5 MPa (o nce-throug~ boilers) . . Stea!D tomperature b ehmd tho roheater IS usually t aken at the lev el of the temperature of live steam or slightly higher (545-565°C), since tho pressure in the reheater is significantly lower. The kind and quality of fuel have an essential effect on the boiler design. Fossil solid fuel s are characterized by the presence of ash. The com position and temper ature chara cteristics of ash determine the method of fuel combustion and slag removal. They also should be considered when selecting the temperature of combustion prodt•cts at the furnace outlet. This t emperature should be selected so as to form granulated ash particles in the convective gas ducts and thus avoid the slagging of the heating surfaces. With a higher temperature at the furnace outlet, w ater walls in the furnace m ay h ave a smaller area, and therefore, the furn ace may be sm aller. On th e contrary, a lower tem perature of the com bustion products at t he furn ace outlet requires an extension of water walls and an increase in the dimensions of the furnace and heating surfaces of the boiler plant, since the convective surfaces will operate at reduced temperature gradients. The velocity of combustion products in convective gas ducts must be limited to avoid quick wear of the h eating surfaces by ash ; this is associated with a r educed intensity of heat exchange, wh ich necessitates an increase in the area of heating surfaces and the metal consumption. A decrease in the velocity of combustion products, especially in high-capacity plants with high flow r ates of fuel and combustion products , requires an essential increase in the cross-sectional area of gas ducts , which may lead t o a high non-uniformity of velocities and tem peratures of gas flows and p oor r eliability of the boiler . This also makes the boiler design more complicated. A way out is to use a m_ore int ricate and heavy T -shaped bo1ler l ayout (see F ig. 2t.1 b).
27 9
In gas and fuel-oil fired boilers, tho b eating surfaces are not subject to wear by ash, which makes it possible to increase the velocity of combustion products and intensify the operation of tho heating surfaces. Thus, fueloil fired boilers are more compact than those operating on pulverized coal. A change to fuel oil or gas can raise the reliability and efficiency of a boiler plant. Since mineral impurities (ash) are present in fuel oils only in low concentrations and are not contained in natural gas, one can choose the optimal and economically most favourable (or close) t emperature at the furn ace outlet to minimize the cost of boiler; this temperature will be much higher than the temperature in pulverized-coal boilers to prevent the slagging of heating surfaces. For gas and fuel-oil fired boilers this temperature is usually t aken to be 1 250"C. With such a high temperature of combustion products at the furnace outJet , the fraction of radiant h eat exch ange in the furnace is not high and, since the conditions of fuel combustion allow a higher heat release rate in the furnace volume, it is possible to decrease the total area of water walls, and therefore, the dimensions of the furnace, in particular, its height. . A high temperature of combust10n products in tho convective gas ducts , in combina tion with a higher allowable velocity (to avoid wear of heating surfaces) m akes it possible to intensify h eat transfer and heat absorpti~n and thus t o diminish the cross-sectiOnal area of gas ducts and thus the dimensions of the boiler plant. In the combustion of high-sulphur fuel oils the metal of heating surfaces in tl~e gas path may be subjected to corrosion l.Ulder appropriate conditions . The principal method for preventing higl1-temperature corrosion is 't o main tain tho temperature of the heat ing surface walls below 600"C. Low-temper ature gas corrosion is prevented by raising the temper ature of air a t t he inlet t o th e air h eater and
Ch. 22. Steam B oilers of High-capacity Atonobloc Units
22.2. Charac teristics of Modern Steam Boilers
70 IJO 50
40 0
20 h
Fig. 22.3. Daily load curve of a power system
by using corrosion-resisting ma te rinls and protective coatings . These methods have been described in Ch. 19. Power engineer ing is the sole branch of n ational economy where the l'inal product is not stored, hut consumed completely just as i t is produced. This specific feature defines the interrelat ion between the operating modes of energy-producing systems and energy con sumers. This determines one of th e principal problems: organization of the optimal conditions for operation of electric power systems, power stations and their equip ment. The total power developed at a particular momen t~by all plants of a syst em is called the system load. F igure 22.3 shows a curve of daily electric load of a power system which includes all its consumers: industrial and agricult ural plants, electric transport, ilh.Jmination and appliance loads. Peaks o.f the load curve due to uneven operation of industrial enterprises, transport, illumination , etc. As regards the loading coefficient and the utilization of installed power of monobloc units, t hey may operate to supply a base load, i.e. to operate at their rated capacity for 6 000-7 500 hours per year (Tmax = 6 0007 500 h), a semi-peak load with "'max = = 2 000-4 000 h , or a peak load with <max less than 2 000 h. L arge monobloc units for supercritical pressures usually supply a base load and are not suited well for load variations. On the
other hand, manoeuvring uni ts, i.e. those for supplying semi-peak and peak loads , are ch aracterized by a low tim e of u tilization of the installed power and an elevated speed of startllp. Subcri tical-pressure plants are more suitable for supplying semi-peak and p eak. loads than those operating at supercritical pressures. .Monobloc units for supercritical pressures require a longer time for boiler firing and heating up of pipelines and greater heat consumption for start-up. They are less convenient Jor control. Their valves and fitting are worn more rapidly, especia lly with .frequent start-u ps, and the metal is more liable to develop high thermal. stresses owing to often load Yariations at the high pressure. For the E uropean terri tory of the USSR, subcritical- pressurc units of l,he capacities up to SOO MW are recommended for suppling sem i-peak and peak loads . Steam reheating is often employed in order t o avoid erosion oJ turbine blades in the las t stages, especially at vari able load conditions, though this makes the plant more expensive. For the reliable operation of poarli tic steels under semi-peak and peak load conditions, the temperature of live and reheated steam can be taken equal to 530-535°C. To prevent erosion in the last s tages of the turbine, the lower limit of superheated steam temperature is 480-500°C. As a result, the steam temperature of 510°/510°C turns out to be the most preferable from the considerations of minimizing the metal consumption in the superheater and decreasing the time and cost of star t-ups. When selecting the initial pressure of steam, it should be remembered that pressures of 13 MPa and Hi MPa ensure roughly the same econorn ic efficiency characteristics. The manoeuvrability of the power units at these pressures is also roughly the same. In view of the positive experience of operation of steam-turbine plants at a pressure of 13 MPa, it is adv isable to
design manoeuvring power units for the same initial pressure. Th e experience of operation of highcapacity high- pressure drum-t ype boil ers in the power units fori00-200 MW h as revealed t hat cracks of corrosionfa tigue origin form in the boiler drum, which appeared due to non-un iform temperature fields at variable load conditions. In the boiler drums of more powerful units (500 1\tl\
loads. Recirculation of the working fluid in water walls by means of recirculation pumps can also serve the same purpose. 22.2. Characteristics or Modern Steam Boilers Most supercritical-pressure oncethrougll boilers at therma l power stations operate in monobloc uni ts of a capacity of: 300 ivlW or more . There are a Rum ber of once-through boilers for subcri tical pressures which are installed in 150-200-~.nv monobloc units, but their manufaclure has been discontinued. The high-capacity once-through boilers produced in the s ixties were mainly of the two-housing scheme, i.e. in the form of two symmetrical housings constituting a doub le-bloc together with the turbine. A double-bloc can operate at a load half of the nominal with one of the boiler housings shut down. Th e experience of operation of the double-bloc plants has revealed no essential advan tages over the single-housing type. On the other hand, their disadvantages (more intricate layout, greater number of flows of the working flu id, and greater number of valves and fittings) make them less convenient in exploitation. Their manufacture has been abandoned in favour of single-housing steam boilers for monobloc un its . Single-housing boilers for 300-MW monoblocs h ave a prismatic (open) furn ace without constriction, which makes it possible to r educe the average l•eatiog intensity of water w alls in the flame core zone to a safe level. The same object is achieved by the recirculation or combustion products which are taken at a relatively low temperature from the convective gas duct (usually downstream of the economizer) and supplied by the recit·culation fan into the furnace. This decreases the heat absorp tion in the lower radiation section, which is favourab le for stabilizing temperature conditions of the
I' 282
Ch. 22. Steam Boilers of High-capacity Monobloc Units
water walls and decreasing high-temperature corrosion. Fuel is burned at the minimal excess air ratio which is -effective for combatting low-temperature corrosion and preventing fouling of the heating surfaces. Recently, steam boilers with gastight enclosures have found wide application. T he principle of gas tightness can be more easily realized when the water walls are made from verti~al sections with a single-pass flow of the working fluid . Gas-tight water walls substantially increase tho economic efficiency and r eliability of boiler plants. Tho principal advantages of gas-tight boilers are as follows: there are no air inleakages in to tho furnace and gus ducts (and therefore, q 2 is lower); tho boiler plant consumes less auxiliary power for the transport of air and combustion products; combustion can be organized under the optimal conditions with the least excess air r atio, which prevents low-temperature corrosion and fouling of the heating surfaces (in com bust ion of high-sul.phur fuel oil, this also prevents high-temporatme corrosion); heavy refractory setting is replaced by light hea t insulation (this decreases heat losses, shortens the time for start-up and shutdown, and reduces the mass of the boiler structure and foundati on); slag and soot can be more easily removed from the furnace by water washing of the water walls without risk to damage the lining. Supercharging places a number of additional requirements on tho boiler design: the single-housing scheme should be preferred so as to diminish the unit surface area of expensive gastight walls ; all-welded gas-tight water walls serve as the enclosure of the furnace and gas ducts; the number of individually controlled flows of the working fluid is smaller, and therefore, there are fewer points of passage of the tubes through gas-tight walls which must be properly sealed; the furnace chamber has a narrower front, but greater depth and height (to reduce
the number of successively connected water wall sections whi ch must be welded together by their sides); the temperature difference between the welded sections is decreased duo to recirculation and bypassing of working fluid in water walls. In supercharged boilers of supercritical pressmes, the superheater tubes are passed from tho furnace through welded roof sections, with a second roof being provided on the furnace. The convective reheater banks are arranged in the down-take gas duct horizontally; the probable effect of nonuniform temperature dis tribution is minimized by scctionalizing the reheater across the gas duct width into autonomous parallel flows . All sides of the convective shaft are formed by the gas-tight water walls of the economizer and superheater. The economizer , live-steam reheater and regenerative air heater in su percharged boilers are essentially of the same design as in balanced-draft boilers . The boil er structure has additional beam bolts spaced roughly 3 m apart to absorb the stresses appearing due to supercharging. In modern high-capacity boiler plants, the load-carrying boiler structure is mostly combined with the building structures (see Sec. 21.1) , which gives a noticeable saving in metal. For instance, the metal saving for a gas and fuel-oil fired boiler type TGMP-204 for an 800-MW monobloc unit is around 1 500 t. This design is employed in new monobloc boilers, of capacities of 500, 800 and 1 200 MW, both gas and fuel-oil fired and those fired on pulverized coal. An example of high-capacity single-housing boilers for supercritical steam pat·amet.ers is shown in Fig. 22.4. The boiler type P-67 for 800-MW monobloc units is fired on K aosko-Achinsky coal; its s team-generating capacity is D = 2 650 t/h and stea m parameters: 25.5 MPa, 545°/545°C. I t has the T-shaped layout with tho boiler structure suspended from tho boiler
I. .1[
~IIIHMI:::"'"" t5 I
, 1
1 I I
! .,
1\ 8585 /
t;-... 17
Upper radtolfon section
7.915 .
7.9f5 "-.. 8585 1
.' .."".. ~
k--v ---71
l Hoi qa<e.r to cot'~ miils
I Upper edge of V-s!Japed drg· boltom hopper
Fig. 22.4. SLeam boiler type P-67 gases· 64-expanslon Joints (parting Jolnta); J-ail-welded water walls In furnace; 2-bumera,. 3-n:c1reu1 a tedscreen: 3rd platen superheater (tbe last .S-Ist platen superhcnter; 6-2nd platen superheater. 7-sla~ or rebeater· JO-roor tubes; JJ-"hot box•; 1 scetlon or su pererltlcal-pressure superbeatcr); 0 "";u!'~umns· u-ail-wclded water walls In convccJll-maln beams; 13- llvc-steam rebeatcr; 14er ro I I· ressuro superheater; 17-lst rcbcntcr stage; live furnace sh a ft; JG - Ist stage of convective supererl~_ca Pnscs to tubular air beater· 20-tubes SUSJlen78-eCDnomher: JD- gns duct 1!o1rt~he remov1031 8°l! ~01 ~~':.~~~~rgremova l of dryln~t gases pulverlzl nt: mill•; ded lrorn tntcrmcdlotc beams JO s uspcns n • I ldlt b It• 2s- r· {f , y e ~
'I! 28't
Ch. 22. S team Boilers oj High-capacity Monobloc Uni b
room buil ding structure. The boiler has gas-tight water walls , but operates w ith balanced draft . T he furnace is of tho open dry-bottom typo, square in plan and has four tiers of tangent ial burners (two vertical g rou ps of bu rners on each furn ace wall). In view of the high explosibi lity of the p ulveri zed K ansk o-Achinsky coal and the high fuel consum p t ion by t h e boiler, the pulver izing system of t he boiler is p rov ided with gas drying of fu el and mill fans wh ich inject coarse coal dus t into the fu rnace. In ordet· to mini mize s lagging of water wa lis, fuel combustion is organized at n low t emperature {less than 1 260°C} and a l ow average h c~:•t release rate to water walls . For the same purpose, ptH:t of the com lw stio n produ cts (roughly 20 %) is taken Jrom t ho h orizontnl gns duct nt n tornpora lu re of 670°C a nd recircul a ted t hrough a water-wal led gas condu it to th o hlll'ncrs beh ind the gas drier. Tho t angential burners form a ver tica l tu rbulent fl ame in the h1r n ace centro, so that the direct contact of the fl a me with the water wa lls is m in im ized . T ho heating su rfaces beh ind the flll'n ace arc of the p laten type, w h ich min imizes tho probability of tubes slagging . Slugging is also prevented by r ecirculating another 10 % of the combust ion products through nozz les into the top portion of tho ftll'n ace so as to ma intai n the gas temperature before the pl atens at a level below 1 025°C. T he recycled gases are taken off Ly two exh aust fans behind tho economizer at a temper ature of 350°C. T ho boiler has two symmetrical con vecti ve shafts each of the crosssectio nal size 23 085 mm X 8 685 m m . E ach shaft is d ivided vertica ll y int o two portions by a gas channel 2 300 mm wide forrnecl by two gas-tight walls which carr y no h eating surfaces , i.e . there ar e essent iall y four con vectiv e sh afts. Combust ion products are taken off at a temperature of around 800oC at the entry to convective shafts and move along the gas channels to pulveriz ing fans (Fig. 22.4, itorn 21) .
A tubul ar air heater is m ounted in a separ·ate bay of th e nHH n build ing. T he wa ter-steam path of the boiler h as two circu its w ith non-mixing separatel y con trolled f l ow~; , which are symmetrical abou t tho vertical axis of tho boiler. T he b oiler is provided with an overhead tra Yclling cran e of a load -can ying cap aci.ty of 30 t and w ith goods and passenger I ifts . F ig ure 22 .5 shows a gns and fuel-o il fired boiler typo TGM P-1202 of suspen ded design for 1 200-M\V monobloc un its. I t is of the sing le-housing layout, wh ich makes it pos~ ib le to organize s ingle-pass ascen ding motion of the work ing flu id in the furnace water wnlls at a mass flow nlte wp ~ ~ 2 000 kg/( m ~ s). The hoiler is supercharged. The furn ace is 3'1 280 mm X 10 <1.20 mm in pian and en..·l"ies membrane sections of un ified w idth . The enclosing sections of lhe cou,·ce-ti vo and conuecliug gas d uels are also u ni fied . T he furn ace h as a rather large depth which allows free de,·elopment of the flame without touching water walls . F iring-up of the hoi lor is done by us ing the fuel oil burners . 1 n order to dim in ish the firing-up load (to 0.15D ,) and increase the reliability of al l-welded water walls, the boiler is provided with a w a ter recirculating system which opera tes w hen th e load is less than 40-50 % of D , . T he burners are arranged in t wo fronts and th ree tiers . Combus t ion gases are taken off beh ind the econom izer and recirculated in to the top and bottom portion of the furn ace . The working fluid moves in the furnace water walls by the single-pass m ode. T here are two firi ng-up un its, one for each flow . The su pe1·cri tical-pressure superheater (D = 3 950 t/h) is arranged in thlt horizontal duct and comprises p la ten sections a nd two convecti ve stages. The supercri t ical-pressu re steam pat h has two water injection points : one before the p latens (5 % of th e total water fl ow r ate) and the other befo re the Last st age of th e convective superh ea ter (2 %) .
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Fi . 22.5. Steam boiler type TGM P-1202 -g
4- horlzontnl parting Jom t; 5- noulcs; G1-gas-ruel o il burners: z- rur box; 3- rurnncc " 1.e~ 9'~ 0 • r water wa ll; I O- ' bot box' : 11- maln bca_m; r igidity bell; 7- horl tonta l truss; 8- suspendcd l~bes, )" l.'ube slag screen: I J- l st stage o r convecltvc 12-d istTibutlng ceiling; JJ - s upcr bcatcr platens, 14 t'he l ast rchcatcr bank· Jb-boiler room columns; supcrbe.~tcr; J6- 2nd 6tnl:e or convcct!vc suJocrhcat~,r:d. 20-rcbcalcr 6tage; :u...:.control stage o r rchco ter; 19-gas-tight te r walls In convcct •ve rurnn1zcr; cc 8...~,.-..·combustion products to regenerative air heater 2Z- conlrowa l byposslng valve; 23-cconom 115•
Ch. 22. Steam Boilers of High-capacity .Monobloc Units
The low-pressure path bas a control . ' an mtermediate and an outlet bank. At the rated capacity and fu el oil firing, roughl y 30% of steam pass thro ugh the control bank and the remaining 70% are bypassed. The two steam flows are then mixed in a header and fed into the intermediate and the outlet bank. The economizer has two tube b anks. There are four regenerative air heaters of 12.9-m diameter. The semi-peak once-through b oiler type TMP-501 of a steam-generating capacity 1 800 t/h (14 MPa, 515°/515°C) operates in a monobloc with a 500-MW steam turbine (Fig. 22.6). It h aR the IT-shaped layout. The open-type prismatic furnace has weakly inclined water wall tubes coiled all over its walls in the lower radiation section· this prevents temperature stratificatiod in the zone of intensive heating of the working fluid which might occur ~t low loads and transient regimes , 1.e. when some walls are heated unevenly. In the less heated upper radiation secti on, water walls are made in St600
Fig. 22.6. Semi-peak boiler type TMP-501 (D = 1 800 t/h, p = 14 MPa, 515°/515°C) J - burner; t - lowcr radiation section· J-upper radiation section; 4-supcrhe.a tcr platens; sroot superheater; 6-bot box; 7- convcctlve super· hentcrs; 8-rehcutcr; 9-cconomlzcr; 10-to regenerntive air beater
the form of vertical sections. Since there are no substantial t em perature differences of tho working fluid in parallel tubes , water walls are of the all-welded design and the boiler is gas-tight. Since the superheated steam tomperature is relatively low, all heating surfaces of the boiler are made from pearlitic steel which operates at variable temperatures more reliably than austenitic steel. The headers have a low wall thickn ess (less than 36 mro) so as t o prevent substantial temperature stresses and thus increase their reliability. This has become possible b ecause of the moderate steam pressure in the boiler. The temperature of live steam is controlled by water injection and that of r eh eated steam by the recirculation of combust ion products to the fu rnace burners and in addition, by water injection at th~ fulljload. In view of the high risk of corrosion at low loads and a t frequent startingup and shutting-down, the boiler is provided with two regenerative air heaters with a porcelain packing in the cold sections and a steam air heater which ensures a high t emperature of air preheating in all operating regimes. The boiler is suspended from the m ain beams of the boiler room building. Figure 22.7 shows the steam boiler for 1 300-MW m onobloc unit of the Gavin power station in the USA. It is of the single-hous ing type with ITshaped layout. The open-type furnace for firing pulverized coal has oppositely arranged burners and a dry-bottom hopper . Its width, depth and height are respectively 34.4 m, 15.8 m and 61 m. The boiler has 14 r oller mills , with seven mills mounted on each side. The rated capacity is covered by the operation of 10-12 mills, the remaining being the reserve. P ulverized fuel is dried by air and blown directly into the burners. Capital r epairs of the roller mills are carried out once in two years. Fuel is supplied t o the mills by closed belt conveyers provided with automatic scales to
22.2. Characlertstlcs of Modern Steam Boilers
Fig. 22.7. Once-through boiler (D = = 4 438 t/h, p = 27.3 MPa, 543°/538°C) J- pulverizlng mills; Z- pulverizcd-.:oal ducts; 3- b umer; 4- sccondary nlr box; 5- box for recircula ted gnscs ; G-pla tens; 7- the last superheater stage; 8- ·hot box'; !J nnd JJ - reheaters; J OIsL supcrhenlcr stage; 12-economlzer; 1 3- lo rcgcnc•·ative olr beater; 14- dust collection from rec irculated gases; IS- to reeircu l nlln~ gas Inn
measure fu el consumption. E ach mill is connected with the burners by eight dust pipelines of an appreciable length which also compensate for the burner displacement owing to temp erature expansion of the water walls. The boiler bas 11 2 burners arranged in four tiers on the front and rear walls of the furna ce (the burners are enclosed by secondary-air boxes). The furnace water walls are m ade in the form of all-welded sections with vertical tubes and ascending motion of the working fluid. There is a single parting joint along the furnace h eight. Three platens are mounted in t be furnace top. Tho boiler is provided with a gas recirculation system which r eturns the combustion products into the furnace in two points: a smaller portion through the tubes of the dry-bottom hopper (not shown in the figure) and a greater portion, through the boxes at the furnace top. The boiler is supercharged , the surplus pressure being developed by throe a ir blowers. There aro no reserve
blowers. The boiler structure is suspended on long ties of a diameter of 120 mm and spring-biased supports . The heating surfaces can be blown by fixed and retractable nozzles up to 17 m long, the blow-down system being switched on automatically twice a d ay. Drum-type boilers are made for subcritical steam pressures. The drumtypo boilers employed at Soviet thormal power station s are of the natural circulation type and mostly with balanced draft. In other countries, forcedcirculation drum-typo boilers are also in use. The drum-type boiler typo.TPE-211 with natural circulation (Fig. 22.8) has been developed on the basis of the similar boiler type TP-100 which h as foun d wide application. It is intended for the combustion of coals (dry-bottom furnace) and natural gas. It is of the T-shaped layout, with the furn aco being arranged in the central uprising shaft and the low-temper a ture convective h eating surfaces, in two vertical convective shafts symmetrically on the left and right of the furnace. The convective shafts are connected with the furnace by horizontal gas ducts in which the high-temperature convective superheater sections are mounted. The open-type furnace of the prismatic shape is oriented by its longer · side across the main buil ding and carries evaporating water walls. It is verLically divided by a platen into two symmetrical furnace chambers. At the bottom, the platen together with opposite water walls forms two cold-bottom hoppers. Each section of the furn ace is provided with pulverized coal and gas burners arranged in two tiers on its side walls. The boiler drum is mounted transversely to the furnace front; it is made of steel Grade 16GNMA (0.16C-Mn-N ihigh quality) and has an internal diameter of 1 800 mm and wall thickn ess 11 2 m.m. Superheating of live steam is effected in a superheater section on the
Ch. 22. Steam Boilers of High-capacity !tfonobloc Units
22.8. Drum-ty)Jc boiler TPE-211 (D = 670 t b, p =
22.2. Characteristics of Modern. Steam Boiler1
A- A
= 14 MPa) J - burners;
2-furnac('; J- radiant
.;uperhcntcr section ; 4- cconomizer·
.s-control stage or superheater: 6- roor superhea ter; 7- rllatendrun.•; 9- rc hca ler; 10 und JJ _:cou-
.supcrhea L4!1" snctlon s: t 2 -
aJr heater; 1 :1- coJd ulr
14 -
wa stc gases; J.s- uppcr end or drybottom hopr>cr
I I !
I' !.
2 I '
.13 0 •
Fig. 22.9. Small-size gas and fuel oil fired boiler type TGM-'•44 (D = 500 t/h, p = '14 MPa, 560°C)
J -cyclonc primary furnace; 2-burncr; J-coollng chamber; 4- furnace platen; 5-drum; ~ -external cyclones· 7-eeonomlzcr; &-platen; 9-bcnt-tubc bank; JO- convecUve su perheater platens, JJ-asccndmg ' rras duct; 12-Lo rcgcueratiVe air hea ter
Il •I, I
• I l
furnace roof and in the radiant superhealer located in the lop portion of tho furnace under the constriction above the water wall tubes. Tho convective superhea ter an.d reheater are arranged <~ l most completely in tho horizon tal ga~ ducts. Steam for reheating is suppiled from lho turbine in two flows each of which is separated into tw~ flows in a con trol bypass valve and can be directed partially into an additional (control) reheater surface and partially arou nd it into the convective banks. The temperature of high-pres~ ure superheated steam is controll ed by the injection of boiler condensate. The econorn izer is arranged in tho down take shaft together with its head ers. The air heater is o( the tubular throe-pass t ypo. Tn conventional boiler designs whore wat~r walls arc arranged on the onclosmg walls of the furnace the dimensions of tho boiler plant m'ay be too large. Their dim ensions can be d ecreased by applying forced-flow tur-
bulent furnaces or by intensifying heat transfer in the heating surfaces by us ing finned tubes. An example of a small-size boiler plant is the boiler type TGM-444 developed at the Central boiler and turbine ins titute ( ~ig. 22.9). It is essentially a gasttght supercharged dru m-typo boiler. Tho furnace h as two chambers: a turbulent primary furnace at tho bottom and a furnace chamber with baretube water walls above it. The total ~urface area of the heating surfaces ts enlarged by adding two finnedtube platens which are arranged perpendicul ar t o the fu rnace front and divide the furna ce along its whole height into tluee sections. All water walls of the furnace are conn ected into the natural-circulation circuits. Instead of a large number of downtake tubes, the boiler has four water-descending stand-pipes of 426-mm diameter and 36-mm wall thickness. The front wall of tho furnace carries s ix straight-flow gas and fu ol oil
burners (two in each furnace section). with conventional boi lers and by 25ln the zone of tho com bus lion pro- 30% lower mass of the metal; the ducts exit hom t he furnace there are volume of construction work for the 12 vertical all-welded s ingle-pass su- main building of the power stat ion, perheater platens. The heal release including the boiler, can be decreased rate per un it vol ume of the primary by 50-66% and t h e labour consumpfurna ce is roughly 2 MW/m3 and for tion for the boiler manufacture and mounting by 30-40 %. The boiler is the whole furnace 0.7 MW/m 3 • A horizontal gas duct and two ver- universal as regards its thermal chatical connected gas ducts are mounted racteristics and manufacture. The latbehind the furnace chamber, all en- ter is achieved by developing a' standclosed by all-welded water walls. The ard furnace module of a length M = vertical shafts carry convective platen 4 480 mm and diameter 3 960 rom . sections of the superheater. At t he A number of modules can be combined outlet hom the ascending gas duct, to form the furnace for boilers of combustion products pass through an various capacities. For instance, the economizer and, fin ally, through a boiler described (D = 500 t/ h) r eregenoraliYe air heater (one for the quires three modules, i.e . th o length whol e boiler plant). All heating sur - of the primary furnace (width across the front) is: L = 3M = 3 X 4 480 = faces of the boiler are drainable. The boiler offers the .following ad- 13 440 mm. Small-size forced boilers vantages: it has substantially smaller are in Uro stage of industrial developcl i mens ions (by 30-40 %) compared ment.
19-015 24
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operatum
STEAM BOILER OPERATION 23.1. Operating Conditions and Ch aracteristics
t' '
The principal object of boiler operation is to satisfy the current power demand according to the load curve and ensure ·th e highest service life and highest effi ciency of boiler plant. T he load curve of a power station is mostly non-uniform which is determined by variations of energy consumption by the consumers. There are daily, weekly and seasonal load curves. As a rule, a load curve has peaks in the morning and in the evening and drops down at dayti me and especially at night. Load drops arc also observed on non-working days, especiall y at nighl. The seasonal load curve mostly has a maximum in autumn and winter. Energy-producing equipment may operate in the·l base, semi-peak or peak regime (mode). I n a base regime, the load is essentially constant, though certain variations are allowed in this regime and even shut-down to reserve on non-working days . In semi-peak regime, the station equipment is shut down to reserve in the nighttime and all tho days of rest. In peale regime, the equipmen t is in operation onl y during peaks of the load. The following principal characteristics are adopted to describe the operating conditions of boilers: (a) the net efficiency of a boiler a t rated load and the average efficiency ror a particular operating period ; (b) t he operation factor which is essen tially the r atio of the actual operating t ime of a boiler, 'top• to tho calender time '1:, 01 of the period cons idered (month or year);
(c) lite availability factor , i.e. the ratio of the total time during which a boiler was in operation and reserve to the calender time; (d) the capacity factor which is the ratio of th e steam generation during 'top to tho probable steam generation during 'teal if the boiler operated at the rat,od steam-generating capacity; and (e) the average and max imu m time of a campaign or , using the tet·minology from the rei iability theory, the operating time to failure (a failure is u11derstood as an event th at dist urbs tho ab ility of a boiler). Boil ers operating in base regimes should have the highest values of the indicated characteristics. It should be clear that such high indices cannot be attained by the boilers operating in semi-peak and peak regimes. Since monobloc units gradually replace older equ ipment in thermal power stations of power systems, some of thoro, including those of supercritical pressures, are employed increasingly for supplying the variable portion of the load curve. In that respect , the manoeuvrability of boiler equipment is a characteristic that grows in importance. The concept of manoeuvra bility of monobloc units includes: the ch ar acteristics which determin e the range of operating loads of a unit; the startupshutdown characteristics; t he dynamic properties; the characteristics a t sudden sheddings and surges of tho load. The condi tions of operation of boiler equipment at various loads are characterized by the load control r ange and the range of all owable loads. In the load control range, the automatic con-
23.1. Operating Condlltons and Characlertstlcs
trol system of a boiler should quickly respond to load variations without . interference of the persoimel. In this range, it is not a llowed to change the composition of the operating auxiliary equipment, the number of boiler bu~· ners and the adjustment of automattc regulators. The ~oncept o~ the a;Z~ow able load range mcludes, 10 add1t10n, tho region of loads fr om the lower limit of the control range to the lowest capac ity at which the bailer can operate steadily. In this range, the load varies relatively slowly according to tho load-dispatching curve and it is allowed t o vary the composition of the auxiliary equipment, change tho numhor of burners, and 'brighten' the pulverized-coal flame by startup fuel in order to stabilize combustion. It is also allowed t o vary the adjust mont or switch off some of the automaLic regula tors. The lowest capacity of a boiler is determined by the reliability of t emperature and hydraulic condi tions of lhe water walls and the stability of fuel combustion and discharge of molten slag from the slaghole. Regimes of operation at any load with insignificant variations of steam parameters are called steady . I n contrast, regimes characterized by load variations and deviations of steam parameters due to internal or external disturbances are called r.msteady. I nt ernal disturbances of an operating regim e are caused by variations of one or more boiler inlet parameters (flow rate or tern perature of feed water, fuel consumption, air flow rate, etc.). Extemal disturbances are caused by variations in the external conditions (such as the pressure of steam in st eam main, the load of the turbo-gener ator, the degree of opening of the startupshutdown device, etc.). An important characteristic of a boiler is its ahili ty to change the load quickly, which is often called the acceleration characteristic . It is determined mainly by the dyn amic properties of a boiler, i.o. by its response to r egime disturbances.
The characteristics of manoeuvrability of the boiler equipment are determined largely by startup-shutdown regimes. The principal types of boiler shut-down are as follows: (1) shut-down to reserve or for some t ypes of repair work which require nocooling of the boiler and steam pipelines; (2) shut-down for t·epairs with cooling of tl10 whole boiler plant or a particular element; (3) emergency shut-down; it is carried out by the prescribed t echnology which is determined by the cause of shut-down and the possibility of restarting. The firing regime of a boiler includesheating the water-steam and gas-air paths , after which the process of steam generation begins and steam parameters are raised t o the specified values. For monobloc units, boiler firing is a part of the starting-up regime of a unit. Firing a boiler is considered to be completed when tho steamgenerating capacity and steam parameters have been r a ised to the specified values so as to 'push' the turbine rotor and accelerate its rotation. This regime is also called the starling-up regime. The firing and starting-up regimes heavily depend on the original thermal state of the equipment. A boiler can bo started fl'om a hot state, a warm state or a cold state. For mon'Jbloc unit boilers, these regimes are distinguishfd roughly by the tLn;te of the preceding idle time (respecttvely 6-10 h, from 6-10 h to 70-90 h, and more than 70-90 h). For conventional boilers (not monobloc) the differen~e between the first and second group ts determined by the time of the preceding idle time (6-10 h or more) and between the second and third group, by the loss of gauge pressure in the boiler and the drop in the temperature of the hottest elements down to 150°C. For monobloc boilers , in addition, the starting-up regime from the state of hot reserve is known.
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operation 23.2. S teady R egim es of Boiler Operation
23.2. Steady Regimes of Boiler Operation Steady cond itions of boiler oper ation h ave been considered in many preceding chapters, so that the present chapter w ill give only some additional data . I n the general case, boiler operat ion is carried ou t according to a regime char/ which g ives the principal characteristics of the regime obtained by the results of boiler tes ts . Modern monobloc un ils ar e equipped with computer m eans which make it possible to determine the current or average (for any given period, such as a shift) effi ciency characteristics and the ch aracteristics of the working fluid in the water-steam path of the boiler. This inform ation is used for . the optimit ation of boiler· operation. In addition , a number of m•tomatic regulators maintain the process parameters at optim al values (for instance, the air regulato1· main tains the specified concentration of oxygen in flu e gases). For these devices the regim e chart gives the extreme variations of the variables, above which the p ersonnel should correct the operation of the controllers or ch ange to manual operation. Controlling the efficiency of combustion p rocess consists in maintaining the opti mal excess air ratio in the f~n ace (a.1) and in distributing the atr flow between tho burners in accordance with fuel distribution. The optimal a.1 is found by minimizing the heat losses (soc Ch . 6). Uniform distribution of fuel and air between the boiler burn ers is favourabl e for decreasing the max imum temperatures of water-wall tubes, decreasing temperature stnttification of flue gases at the ~urnaco . outlet, and preventing slaggwg of the heating surfaces. It is essential to hold the temperature of tube walls of tho heating surfaces within the limits allowed for tbeir metal (seo Ch. 10). Direct m easurement of lemperatttre of the tube metal can only bo carried out in boiler tests. In boiler opera tion, lhese tom-
peratures Arc contro ll ed b v m ai ntain ing the specified tcrnpcralur('S of the working flu id at the outlet from p articular heating surfaces . In some cnscs, these temperatures m ay exceed the specified values. For instance, in oncethrough boilers th is may occur on a decrease in the flow rate of feed water or an increase in the flow rate of spray w ater (the t,ota l or· in some spray nozzles). In any boiler, this also ca n resul t from improper conditions in the furn ace. For instance, if the com bustion core in the boiler furnace is too high, it may raise th e steam t emperature behind some stAges of the superheater, especial ly behind th e unprot ected superheater sections . N on-nrliform distribution of fu el between tho burners may lead to an increased temp erature of one o[ gas flows and to increased maldistribution of hent in some heating surfaces . J1, is clear that in once-through boilers it is essential to redistribute continuously the flow rate of feed wa ter a nd the flow rates of fuel between tho burner tiers and furnace sides so as to ensure reliable opera tion of tho sttrfaces. In drum-type hoi lers , an additional variable is tho water level in the drum. Ar. excessively high water level can lead to carry-o ver of water droplets which can impair the steam quality and for m interna l deposi ts (scale) in superheater tu bes. This may result in a high er temperature of the tube metal and even in burnthrough. The temperature conditions of the heating surfaces are also im pa irerl if some tubes have l.eaks ot· bw·sts. Tube-burst indicators of the acoustic type are finding increasing use for detecting bursts and leaks in boil er tubes. If the temperature behind particular heating surfaces has increased above the allowable lev el or if a tubo burst has been detected, tho boiler is shut down (see Sec. 23.5). In addition to the current control of tempera ture conditions in a hoi ler, the state of the metal of the heating surfaces, h eaders and steam pipelines operating at lem-
pera tures above 450°C is checked periodically by measuring their dimensions or b y cutting metal specimens from the tu bes for metallogra phic an alysis . An impor tan t task of the boiler personnel is to organize the bo iler operation so as t o minimize low-tem peratu re corrosion in the t ail heat ing surfaces and gas ducts. As has been given inCh. 16, it is essential for the purpose to burn high-sulphur fuel ..oil at tho leas t excess air ratio (1.02-1.03) and maintain the temperature of the preheated air at a level of 70°C before a tublllar air heater or 60°C befor e regenerative air healers . Combustion of fuel oil at a low excess air ratio involves certain difficulties , in particular, the furnace should bo perfectly tight, fuel and air should be uniformly distributed between the burners, the plant should be provided with oxygen meters and smoke density indical,ors . If these conditions are not observed , soot will be deposited on the hea ting surfaces(its ignition may cause damage to the tubes) and ejected into the atmosphere. S teady r egimes of the boiler oper ation m ay be different depending on the load. Variations of a particular steam parameter or regime characteristic as a function of load are described by wh a t is called tho static characteristic . As follows from what has been said in Ch. 18 , an increase in the load decreases the fr action of heat absor bed by radiation and increases tha t absorbed by convection. In a drum-t ype boiler, this leads to an increase in the temperatures of live and rcl1 eated steam, water behind the economizer, and bot air. In once-through boilers where no distinct bow1dary is observed between the steam-generating and superheating sections , the temperature of live steam may remain constant. Typical static characteristic~ of live and reheated steam in a once-through and drum-type boiler are shown in Fig. 23.1. With an increase o[ load , the temperature of flue gases at tho [urn aco outlet increases, re~ulting in a grca
500 1-
l r /1
540 500
0. 7
,.0/.Dr 1.0
Fig. 23.1. Static characteristics of fresh and reheated steam for (i) once-through and (2) drom-type boiler
volume of combustion products and higher temperature gradients in the convective heating surfaces whose h eat ahso•·ption thus increases somewhat. S ince the flue gases have a higher t empera ture and the excess air ratio is unchanged , the loss q2 increases. In some cases, the boiler furnace is run at an elevated excess air ratio to form appropriate furnace conditions or maint ain the specified temperature of steam at r educed loads. In th is case the loss q2 m ay even increase at r educed loads. T ho loss of h eat due to incomplete combustion , q 3 , is usually very low. T ho loss with unburned carbon , q4 , first decreases with increasing load, duo to a higher t emperature level of combustion , but then can rise due to a shorter time of fuel particles presence in the furnace. The loss of heat to the surroundings, q5 , decreases with an increase in load. It can be concluded from the foregoing that the relationship between the boiler efficiency . and load is influenced by a number of fac tors: boi'ler design, fuel grade, a ir conditions, air inleakage, otc. The highest efficiency can be obtained at a load somewhat below the rated load [near (0.8-0.9) Dr in th e combustion of solid fuels and (0.6-0.7) D, in the combustion of fu el oill . A change in fu el consumption on a change of load is determined by the
Ch. 23. Steam Boller Operatton
ratio of balance equations: =
[D:h (iss-lfw)X+D:h (t;h-t;h):>:)
(t;,- ttw)r + D~,. (t;" - t;,.YI
where D "'" Drlt are the flow rates of live and reheated steam ' i s B and "r ;· h • are re.~pecbvely their enthalpies, itw and trlt are the enthalpies of feed water and steam at the reheater inlet and the subscripts 'r' and 'x' refer to the rated and reduced load. If load is reduced at constant rated parameters of steam, i1w and i'1 will r ' of . h only a slight change d ecrease wtt 'I'Jb, so that the fuel consumption will change less substantially tl1an the boiler load. As has been established by boiler tesLs and by experience of boiler operation, the lower limit of the load control range is as follows: 40-50% ()f the rated load in the combustion of fuel oils, gas and high-volatile coals; 50-60% for lean coals; and 60-75% for slaggiog-bottom boilers. The lowest load for stable operation of a boiler is usually 30-4.0% of the rated load. 23.3. Unsteady Regimes of Operation Within Allowable Loads Let us consider the principal unsteady processes which can occur in boilers on the typical disturbances of their operating r egimes. According to the laws of conservation of mass and energ~, we can write the equations of matenal and heat balance: (23.2) (23.3)
where Gs and Q8 are the quantities of water and heat supplied to the boiler D d and Qd are the quanti ties of stea~ and heat delivered from it, and G;n and Q;n are the quantities of water and heat contained in the boiler. The term G;n is the mass of water and steam contained in the boiler (it ma~r be called mass filling). The Lerro
23.9. Unsteady Regimes of Operation
Q;n is the quantity of heat accumulated in the boiler: Qln
~ Gmcmtm
+ ~ Gwcwttll
where c is specific heat and the subscripts 'm', 'w' and 's' stand respectiv&ly for 'metal', 'water' and 'steam'. Specific processes occurring in the drum-type and once-through boilers are determined by the differences b_e tween these boiler types: · the position of the boundaries of the steamgenerating. portion, its filling mass, and capactty of heat accumulation. It should be recalled , in particular, that the steam-generating portion in the drum-type boilers has the boundaries determined by the drum whereas in the once-through boilers th~se bound aries are indeterminate. Since the drum: type boiler has a multiple circulatiOn, the steam content at the outlet from the wall tube system is low a1_1d the mass filling is respectively htgh. On the other hand, in oncethrough boilers, the working fluid circulates in a single pass, so that the steam content increases substantially and the mass filling is appreciably lower than in the former case. Besides, wa_ter-wall tubes in the drum-type boilers have a larger diameter (to ensure proper circulation) than in once-through boilers, which again increases their mass filling and the heat accumulated by the metal. The drum is also an element that accumulates much heat, so that the terms d (Gin)ld't and d (Q;n)ld't for the drum-type boilers are substantially higher. . Such are the principal differences m unsteady processes occurring in these two principal types of boiler*. Let us analyse a regime in which the fuel consumption B (and therefore heat release in the furnace) increase~ at a constant flow rate of feed water Gtw· In a once-through boiler
A more de~iled discussion of unsteady processes and the1r mathematical description can~ be found in (56, 61), etc.
B__.,.-"' ..... --
----1--1---< '
0 firw
!---+---'>---· I
8 'l" • O
Fig. 23.2. Variations of operating CQnditions of a once-through boiler with increasing fuel consumption displacement of boundaries of the steam-generating portion; (b) varinllons of tile flow rate and temperature of steam
(Fig. 23.2), the surface area of tubes required to heat water to the boiling temper ature decreases in this case, and therefore, the boundary of the economizer portion displaces in the direction against the water flow (from l ec1 to lec 2 ). The heating surface area of the steam-generating portion also decreases (from l 8 Dl to lc vz) and, besides, its beginning displaces. Therefore, the point in which steam generation is completed shifts against the flow more substantially than the boundary of the economizer portion. Thus, the mass filling of the boiler decreases (see the hatched area in Fig. 23.2a), while the superheating portion of the boiler increases (from z.,ll to lshz>· These boundaries displace gradually. First, the boundary of the beginning of steam generation is shifted and, since part of the water contained in the boiler is evaporated, the steam flow raLe D exceeds for a certain time the flow rate of water G1w. During this period, the r atio BID remains constant and the temperature of live steam t •• is not changed (Fig. 23.2b} . Further, as the boundary of the end of the steam-generating portion is shifted and the heat accumulated by
'C• O ~ig. 23.3. Variations of the operating conditions of a drum-type boiler with increasing fuel consumption
the working fluid and metal increases, t ss becomes higher. The processes occurring in a s upercritical-pressure boiler can be presen ted in a similar manner if the zone of the highest heat capacity of the fluid is regard ed as the steam-generating portion. The process in a drum-type boiler occurs in a different manner (Fig. 23.3). T he mass filling of the boiler is several times greater than in the once-through type, and therefore, the steam flow rateD will for a certain time be higher than the flow rate of feed water G, leading to a lower water level h in . the drum . On the other hand, since the pressure in the water-wall tube system and drum increases with D, some heat must be spent for heating the water contained in the drum to the corresponding boiling point. For this reason, D increases more slowly aod for a certain time the proportion between B and D is disturbed and results in a higher t,,. As D approaches a new static value, steam temperature ceases to rise and then drops down to the original or a new level which is determined by the static characteristic of the superheater (whose dimensions are pot changed in the regime considered). It should be clear that the considered pattern of the process is true only for the period in which water level in the drum decreases to a lower allowable limit.
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operation
II the flow rato of feed water in the once-through boiler decreases at cons tant B, the process w ill occur essentiall y .in the samo way as s hown i n Fig. 23.2. In tho drum- type uoiler in this case, the luiat cons umption for heating water in the drum decreases, resulting in a higher s team generation in the water walls and higher s team flow rate through the s uperheater. Since the dimensions and heating load 9f tho superheater remain unchanged, the temperature of steam drops somewhat down. This process, as the previous one, occurs only in th e period when the water love! in the drum falls down to the lowest mark. A different process lakes pluce if fuel combustion is increased s uddenly. In the once-through boiler, Lh is leads to an 'ou t burst', i.o. vi gorous s team generation and can·y-ovor of mois ture by s team along the s tea m path. In this case, the length of tho s teamgenerating portion increases sharply (Fig. 23.4b), r esul ting in a shorLcr super heating p ortion and lower live steam temperature. As the additional steam passes from the boiler, the Jive s team temperature begins to rise and may exceed substantially the original level (Fig. 23.4c). The process that takes place in tho drum-typo boiler is similar, in a certain respect, to that described. The water leve l in the
2 h
--- '
{ I
.......... . ..
·---- - - ·... .... .......... ............. 0
--. ..... .·. . •
• ••
+---~----- -•
·r: = (J Fig. 23.5. Val'iatioos of the water level in chanae o[ [uel the boiler drum on n sharp • <> consumptiOn
drum 's wells' to a heiaht as much us "' a few hund red millimetres. Tho d isturbance of tho material bal ance and the $\Yelling of water in the circulation system have opposite effects on tho water level in the drum (Fig. 23.5). An increase in D abov e G1w results in a lower h (curve 1), while swell ing leads to a sharp rise in h which is then stabilized (curve 2). Using the superposition method, one can find the resulting change in h (curve 3) . This curve shows that the effect of water swelling is predominant at the initial stage of the process and that of a change in tho material balance, at the lee! l shf final stage. In contrast to the process • • • . • .. . : .._ in the once-through boiler, the drum ...... : . ............. ...... .... . . ...... in this case serves as a trap for en(a) trained mois ture, and therefore, t •• leY2 changes much in the same manner as on a common increase of fuel con~ ·. •_ , __, _ --~- . - ---.• • • • • .. r sumption. (6) The effect of variation in the feed water tempcratm·e t1w in the two boilers is also different. In the once~0_. .. . ... · .. .... . ... .......·............ through boiler, n change of t 1w, under . . .. other conditions unchanged, results (c) in the displacement of the boundaries Fig. 23.4. Displacement of boundaries of the of steam-generating portion in a simiste_am-generatiDg. portion in a once-through lar manner as shown in Fig . 24.2, and boiler on a sharp mcrease of fuel consumption in an increase oft,. . I n the drum-type (a) conditi~ns before disturbance: (b) niter dis turbance. (c) final stcndy-stl\tc conditions boiler, the quantity of heat consumed
23.3. Unsteady Regimes of Operation
__--·-·-,.,.. -
"'-.......... p
'C'm in
Fig. 23.6. Variations or the operating conditions of a boiler on opening o[ turbine control valves for preheating water in tho drum decreases, whicl1 leads l.o an increase of tho s team flow rate through the superhea Ler portiou an d a decrease of t •• . If the flow rate of feed water increases and i ts temperature decreases, the processes occur in reverse d irection. An exception is the process of 'outbursting' of moisture in the oncethrough boiler, which can only be observed on a sharp riso of heat release in the furnace. With an external disturbance of the regime, the processes in the once-through and clrum- type boilers are essentially similar. For instance, as the opening H. of the control valves of the monobloc turbine increases, the pressure of live steam and the saturation temperature diminish. This resul ts in n lower filledin mass of the boiler, higher steam generation, and lower temperature of s uperheated s team (Fig. 23.6). In the drum-type boiler, this process takes more time, since the mass filling s hould be changed more s ubstantially. The change in t •• in tho once-through boiler is greater than in tho drum type , since in addition to an increase in steam flow rate, tho length of the steam-generating portion d im inishes (the boundary of this r egion shifts downstream due to an increase of the enthalpy of dry s team on a decrease in pressure).
With t., maintained at the specified val ue, the process considered m akes it possible to utilize the accumulating capacity of the boiler for quick variation of tho turbogenerator load when it is needed to control the frequency ond energy tran::;fe r in the system. Tho process has a definite effect on tho unit operation in a regime of variable pressure of live s team. Load shedding in the unit is [it·st carried out at a constant pressure of live s team by closing the control valves of the turbine. With furthe r unloading of the unit, tho position of the control valves remains unchanged and the pressure of live s team decreases. This regime offers certain advantages in boiler operation. In particular, the ef£i.ciency of the un it increases due to· lower tlt1·ottling of s team in the coul.rol valves or the turbine a nd s mall er energy consumption by the feed pump. The range of tiHJ u11it loads in wlli ch the temperature of reheated steam can be maintained at nearly nomiual value becomes wider since. as tho unit is unloaded, the temperature of steam at the inlet to the reheater is not decreased but increased. Those advantages are mainly revealed at supercritical pressures. On the other hand, tho variable-pressure r egime decreases the rate at which the boilel· load can be raised since part of heat is accllmulated in tho working fluid and tube metal. This drawback, however, can be decisive for the selection of the operating r egime onl y in exceptional cases. The combination of the processes discussed determines the dynamic properties of a boiler. It should be em phasized that the variable component of mass filling and the accumulating capacity of a boiler are decisive in this res pect. Assuming these factors to be ineffective [d (G;n)ld-r: = 0 and d (Q 1n)ld-r: = OJ, it follows from equations (23.2) and (23.3) that the fl ow rate of s team s hould be equal at any moment to the flow rate of the feed water and that t he temperature of superheated steam should follow the
Ch. 29. Steam Boller Operation
variations in the heat release in the furnace without time lag. Under such conditions, a boiler would be uncontrollable. Under real conditions, the inertia of transient processes forms .a certain t ime reserve essential for effecting the con trol process. For a drum-type boiler , a chango in l oad is done by changing simultaneously the fuel consumption and tho capacity of blowers, with subsequent variation of the feed water flow r ate which is controlled by the water Level in tho drum, with leading pulses from variations of the steam and feed water flow rates. The load of a once-tluough boiler can be varied by similar procedures, with the sole difference being that feed water flow rate is controlled by the fluid temperature in an intermediate portion of tho path. A different control procedure is often employed in the automatic control sys tems of once-through hoi lers: first tho feed wa ter flow rate is varied according to th o load and tho flow rates of fuel and air are controlled in proportion to it and corrected by the fluid temp erature in the intermediate portion of the path. In monobloc uni ts, two versions of load varia tion are employed. For planned load variations , the load of the tur bine is changed by varying tho steam-generating capacity of the boiler so as to maintain a constant pressure of live steam. When the uuit operates in a regime controlled by the power controller of the turbine, the load of the turbogenorator is changed "fi rst and the boiler load is then corrected. l\~e thods to control the tern p eratures of live and reheated steam and t he steam temperature in the boiler path h ave been discussed in Sec. 18 .4. 23.4. Starting-up Circuits ()!" Monobloc Units fn addition to the main elem ents of the thermal diagram of a boiler, the starting-up circuit includes special starting devices and pipelines which arc used only at stat-t-up, shut-down and load shedding of the boiler. In
conventional boilers, these include de\'ices for discharging the s team from tho boiler into the atmosphere before the boiler is connected to the steam main. Once-through boil ers should in addition be provided with means for the drainage of water into a drainage tank during the period before steam superheating is started in the boiler. In monobloc units, the start- up and shut-down regimes of t he boiler and turbine are interrelated more closely and are m uch more complicated. In th is connection , start ing-up circuits are specially developed for monobloc units at the design stage . I n Soviet practice, starting-up circuits , opera ting instructions and automatic con tro 1 systems for monobloc units have been typified. They are based on a standard procedw·e of starling up a unit by 'sliding' regim,e, i.e . by gradually increas ing the flow ra tes, pressures an d temperatures of live and reheated steam. This procedUl"e creatoR the most favourab le conditions for starting the turbi ne and decreases starting- up losses. The procedure requires no special devices for its realization in monobloc units with drumtype boilers. On the other hand, the drum has a large mass of metal and t hus limits the rate of pressure r ise in the boiler (and accordingly the temperature of saturation) during startup. T h is limitation primarily holds for the in i lial period of boiler firing (to a pressure of 0.6 MPa) when the temperature of saturat ion increases most rapidly with increasing pressure. D uring this period, water retained in superheater coils may often prevent free passage of steam from the drum and the pressure in the latter rises more t·apidly. For tho qu ick starting-up of a boi ler, the starting circuit bas a pipeline for steam discharge from Lhe drum into the atmosphere (Fig. 23.7, J), which is in use during the period when pressure rises roughly Lo 0.6 MPa . The sliding regime of starting-up of a once-t hrough boiler cannot be performed w iLhou t s pecia l devices, since
Starting-up Circullt of Monobloc Unit.
• •
VHigh-pressure""-.f~Feed pump
rev r-
water healer
Low-press11re water /~euler lA v
. . 200 MW monobloc unit with a drum-type boiler Fig 23.7. Starting-up CLrcUlt of a lv•·· SSD-stnrtup-shutdown device ; HPC1
AbbJevi~tlons In Lbe cy dia FP•CcVI~f~~.;.~~:~:g:!~~ rcv~yli~der; LPG- low-pressure cylinder 11grdam_: high-pressure n er, 1 [rom the requirements of reliable temperature conditions and hydrodynamics of steam-gener ating water walls , the starting-up flow rate of ~e.ed water must not b e less than a specifted value (usually 30 % of the rat?d flow rate) d the fluid pressure m the water ~nalls must be maintained at a level close to the nominal p~essure. For a sliding starting-up reg ~mo, a. oncet hrough boiler is prov~ded _with an internal starting-up umt (Ftg. 23 ·8 ) which comprises an internal ~ate valve an internal separator, and pipelines 'with throttle valves for the supply of the work ing fluid t~ the internal separator (Thr1), dramage of moisture (Thr2), and steam removal h·om the internal separator (Thr~) The intern al gate valve is arranged In an intermediate portion of Lhe ~upe~ h eater path of the boil~r. :rho nse In the enthalpy of the flUid 111 lhe path b el•ind the internal gate v alve at the
rated load is usually 590-6~0 . k J /kg· The internal gate valve hm_ttS the throughput capacity of the mternal separator and throttle valv~s. The internal separator ensures an tn.crease in the steam-generating c_apactty of the boiler by a sliding regtmo With a constant (starting-up) feed water flow rate . The quantity of steam separ~ted in the internal separator is determmed by the moisture content of ~he ~t amw ater mixture supplied, whtch ts controlled to the specified value ~y varying the fuel consumption. Durmg that period of starting-up, a once-through boiler may be likened to a drum- typo boiler. By means of the thr ottle valve Thr1, the pressure in the steam~gene~ ating water walls of the ~od er IS m aintained close to the workmg pr~suring starting-up of the umt, sure. D ( 1 ·t h tho pressure of li~e stea_m anc er~fo re the pressure m the mterual separator) is determined by the s team-
Ch. 29. Steam Boller Operation
23.4. Starttng-ap Clrcaltl of Monobloc Unit.
o:Jt eam -
Stearn main
. . . . . . ,2
Cold. r.·ehea t
~>---!><~----, ~
~15 2"'
__..... /
Steam main
' [HPC !PC lPC
~ '--........ ~
OPRDf Cold
rehea{er ·
llol r eheat
Hot reheat
Fig. 23.9. Diagram of two-stage bypassing of turbine
Abbrevia tions: HPC- hlg h-pressure cylinder: I PC- intenned late-pressure C)'linder; LPC- Iowpressure c ylinder; QPR O- quick-ac llon pressure· reduc ing dcsuperbea te r
ralizer Low-pressure
wotor IJeater
lligiJ- pressure 1.... -.:!.-.:~:.__ _ _ __J
<J) Condf!flsofe pump 2
water neater
Fig . 23.8. Starting-up circuit of a 300-M W
SSD- startup-sbutdown d ,. . m?oobloc UDil With a once-t hrough boiler q h n dcr; LPC- Iow-prc"i'ur~ Stlindcr; 1G ~ ~~~\tc~::.r ga~~g~~~ec~~r,~r~;l; nd~{i IPC-intermedla te-pressure or, - sta rt-up CXJ!nnder; FCV- reed:wa ter co;r..ol ev~~~e: l S-In tcm a l separa-
generating capacity of tho boiler and the of the control va lves of th e tuJ·b~r~c . T)le throttle valve Thr2 ~erves to regulate the removal of moisture separated in the internal ~eparator. .The throttle valve Thr3 IS used ~awly to cut off tho s toamsuperheatmg path behind the internal se~ arator d~mng the ini tial period of holler start tng when the effectiveness of the separator is still insuJiicien t (at the st~am content of the fluid less Jfan 8-10 %) and to control the steam ow ~at ~ through the superheater when It '.s connected to the circuit. The ~lurlmg-up circuit for any type of h?Iler has a bypass line around tho tu.r?me (2 in F igs. 23.7 and 23.8) whic~ connects the steam main dit· WJth the condenser. A sturtupsh~tdown d ~vice in this line compnses a closing throttle valve a noise absorber , and a spray-type' s team attemperator. Live steam is dischar?ed through the turbine bypass line Ill the followin g cases:
(~) at starting-up of the unit for a
p e!·wd when steam ternpera t~re is r aised to the. !~vel determined by the thermal condJtJOns at the turbine inlet· (~) at ~hut-down, for the period durmg_ whJch steam is discharged from the boi ler and the latter is cooled. and (c) at load shedding, for the p~riod when. tho tur bine is idle-run ning or suppli~s only the auxiliary load of the umt. · In the USSR, single-stage bypassing of tho turbine is the standru·d solutio f?r mor1obloc units of 200-l\1\V capa~ ctty and rnore. Since the s team disch~ge~ through the startup-shutdown device Is not supplied to the reheater the latter is arranged in a zone of re~uce~ tompet·atures of gases . T he ~oiler IS ull ?wod to operate with no steam suppli ed to the reh eater at a fuel consumption up to 30 % of th rated value. e In some monobloc units (150-;\Iw etc.), two-st~ge turbine bypassing i ~ employed (FJg . 23.9). Live s team is
discharged through tho first bypass lin e into the cold reheat pipeline and is discharged frorn the hot reheat line through the second bypass line into th e condenser . In this circuit , th e roheater can be located in the of eleYaled gas tom perature, which widens the load range of the unit at the rated temperature of reheated steam. This , however, increases tho use of expensive austenitic steel in the plant. Besides , for sudden shedding of the load , it is essential to employ quick-action pressure-r educing desuperheaters . The st arting-up control of the unit is rnore complicated , since the steam flow rate through the quickaction dcsuperheater should be controlled according to the specified ratio or flow rates through the tlU'bine cylinders. For these reasons, t ho twostage bypassing scheme is not popular in the USSR. The start-up circuit for a drumt ype boiler has, in addition, a pipel.ine (3 in Fig . 23.7) througb which t.he steam accumulated in the boiler is discharged to tho ntmosphere when t,he unit should be shu t down when vacuum is broken in tho condenser. In starting-up circuits, the heat of the steam disch arged through tho turbine bypass is n ot utilized , since this is n ot econ omicall y justified in view of the short time of the regime .
fn some monobloc units, live steam can ~e supplied through a pressurereducing desuperheater into the reheater system l.o heat up the l atter (see Fig . 23 .7) . After that, steam from the hot reheat p ipelin e l1efore the intermediate-pressure cylinder is discharged through steam-discharging lines 4 into the condenser. In oncethrough boiler units, the circuit has means For utilization of the heat of fluid d isc!t argod from the in t.em a! separator. Tho fluid is fed through pipeline 1 (sec Fig. 23.8) into the second separation stage - the start-up expander (SE) ; saturated steam from the expander is supplied into a doaerator where it gives up its heal to the feed water (line 3 in Fig. 23.8) . Und er certain condiLions (for instance, at start-up of the unit. af:ter a short st andstill) , the quantity of: steam separated in tho expand e1· may be higher than the quantity tha t can bo supplied lo the deaor ator , and the surplus of steam is discharged through pipeline 5 into the condenser. The steam removed from the expander entrains only a small fraction of the im puri tics presen t in the water drained from the internal sopa1·ator (they are mostly dissolved in water). Thus, when this steam is fed from the expander Lo doaorator, it practically does not impair the quality of feed water in the boiler. Contaminated water can be discharged from the expander through a drainage pipeline into t he circulation water cond u it 6. When water in the expander is sufficiently clean, it is delivered through pipeline 7 into the condenser an d then passes tluough tho domineralizer. In order to ensure the specified water conditions, the starting-up circu it of a monobloc unit with a once-through boiler has pipeline 8 through which water (contaminated on washing t he steam space during start-up) is dis.charged from tho high-pressure water heaters into tho condenser. T o remove d irty condensate from the circuit during t he turbine washing, there is provided drainngo pipeline 9 (see F ig . 22.8)
' l •• !'
Ch. 23. Steam. Boiler Operatton
after the first-stage condensate pumps. During that period, clean condensate is supplied from the condensate storage tank through pipeline 10 immediately ~efore the demineralizer. During the umt start-up, pipeline 11 supplies clean condensate to the condenser. S~arting-up circuits have special dev1ces to maintain the temperature of live and reheated steam. A characteristic feature of drum-type boilers is t~at their steam-generating capacity durmg start-up lags substantially hehind the increasing fuel consumption, so that the temperature of tubes of the superheater rises substantially and may exceed the allowable limit. Besid~~· it is essential to maintain the speCifled schedule of live-steam temperature variation before the turbine. On the other hand, the condensatespraying system of the main circuit (5-7 in Fig. 23.7) can operate only at boiler loads not less than 30 % of the rated val ue. For this reason , there is provided a starting-up spray sys~em with at omizing nozzles arranged 10 the cond ensate-spray diffusers. The first two groups of the spray nozzles (8, 9) are in tended to hold tl1e tomperature of the platen superheater section tubes within the safe limits w.hile the tl~i~d group (10) maint~ ams the specified schedule of tho livesteam t emperature growth. This group can be arranged in the circuit before the outlet stage of the superheater if t~is bas fav?u~able dynamic properties and a limJ ted rise of steam enthalpy (up to 170 kJ/kg at the rated load). In once-through boiler units this condition cannot usually bo ob~ served, so th at the starting spray group is provid ed in the steam main (12 in Fig. 23.8). Moreover, the heataccumulating capacity of once-through boilers is relatively low and there is no need to employ spraying to protect the superheater stages against overheating. In the sliding starting-up regime, the pressure o£ feed water is much higher than that of live steam. The Jlressure of water in a once-tluough
boiler unit, which is continuously fed with water, is reduced by means of a constant-flow r ate circuit comp~ising a bypass line 13 (see Fig. 23.8) w1th a set of orifices and a line 14 with tluottle valve Thr4 for recirculating water into the deaerator. The valve Thr4 maintains a cons tan t pressure 'before itself', which makes it possible to redistribute water between the starting spray and deacrator at a constant total water flow rate and in the set of orifices at a constant pressure gradient. This circuit allows water to be supplied to the starting spray from .the discharge of the feed pump. This scheme is inapplicable in circuits with drum-type boilers, since a boiler is fed with water during a cer~ain p e~iod of firing from neighbourJOg UDLts through a crossover feed wa~er pip~line (11 in Fig. 23.7), so that rec1rculatton of water to the deaerator of the unit being started would cause o.verfilling. Because of this, the pipeline for supplying water from tho crossover line 11 is provided with the main control valve 12 in which the excessive pressure gradient is reduced. When. the boiler is changed to feeding from 1ts own feed pump, the starting sprays are switched over to tho feed water pipeline 13. The feed water supply to the drumtype boiler is controlled by means of bypass lines 14 with a reduced throughput capacity and the main feed water COJ;ttrol :val~e. In the once-through hotler CirCult, only the ma in feed water control valve is provided since the minimal flow rate of feed w~ter is much higher than in the drum-type boiler. In most cases, the starting regime of a monobloc unit should ensure a reduced reheated steam temperature level and further control of this temperature according to the specified schedule. In view of the dynamic properties of the reheater and some other factors, the main means of control can be used only beginning from loads of 25-30% of the rat ed value. A method for starting control that is widely
23.S. Shut-down and Load-shedding Regimes
used in all types of monobloc units is steam bypassing in the reheating system (line 15 in Figs . 23.7 and 23.8). 'Part of the steam is passed from the cold reheat line into the hot reheat line, thus lowering the temperature gradient, and therefore, the heat absorption in the reheater. As steam from the cold reheat line is mixed with that in the hot reheat line, the temperature of the reheated steam can be controlled at a lower level._-ln oncethrough boiler units, a starting spray is additionally provided in the steam main (16 in Fig. 23.8), which is used to control the temperature of reheated steam upon closing tho steam bypass. Feed water to the starting spray is supplied at a pressure of more than 7 MPa from the intermediate stage of the feed pump, so that there is no need to control the water pressure in the spray line. In some cases, only one means of r eheated s team temperature control is employed. It is possible t o employ s team bypassing only, if it has been est ablished by boiler tes ts that the r eheater has reliable temperature conditions at the maximum load at which the s team bypass will be used. The allowable conditions for starting spraying are determined by the minimal flow rate and pressure of steam at which moisture will be evapor ated completely in the steam flow and will not precipitate on the internal surface of the steam main, especially in the nearest bend after the spray. Depending on the test results, the distance from the spray to the nearest bend of the steam main should be not less than 18-25 m. The starting circuits discussed above have been employed in monobloc units of a capacity of 500, 800 and 1200 MW. Their specifics are determined by the application of feed pumps and in some units, of air blowers driven by steam turbines. To this end, the circuits can be supplied by steam from other plants to drive these turbines and also can be fed with live steam (through the startup-shutdown device of the quick-action desuperheater) at
load shedding. Starting-up circuits of monobloc units are described in more detail in [12, 43]. 23.5. Shut-down and Load-shedding Regimes
Before normal (not emergency) shutdown, the boiler of a monobloc unit should be unloaded, i.e. its load should be shedded. When shutting down for a short time (for instance, overnight), the hot state of the plant is usually retained wherever possible, so that load shedding is limited (for tho most part not less than 50% of the rated load). Wben shutting down for a longer time, it is advisable to utilize the accumulating capacity of the boiler as much as possible. This is favoured by the deep unloading of the unit with sliding (variable) pressure of live steam. I n addi tioo to this, upon flame extinction in the boiler furn ace, the turbogenerator is left for a certain time connected to the system so as to work off the accumula ted steam in the boiler. The load-shedding conditions in a drum-type boiler are determined by the rate at which the saturation temperature in the drum decreases; this should not exceed 1.5-2 · deg C/min. The rate at which load shedding occurred in a once-through boiler by the action of its automatic control system is determined only by the dynamic properties of the boiler. A boiler is shu t down by interrup ting the fuel supply to the burners and the supply of feed water. In drumtype boilers, the drum is first filled with water to the upper workin.g level. Upon flame extinction in~ the furnace, the draft fans remain in operation for 10-15 minutes to prevent the accumulation of an explosive mixture in the gas-air path, which is thus ventilated. During the standstill, measures are taken to prevent the condensation of s team in superheater tubes, since this might involve complications in subsequent firing of the boiler and decrease the boiler r eliability. In view of this, as a once-through boiler is
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operation 23.5. Shut-down and Load-shcddinf! Jlcgimcs
shut down to reserve and the feed wa ter supply to it is discontinued, the water path up to the internal gate va lve is closed (by closing the feed water valve, internal gate valve, and tho fiLLin gs of the interna l separator} and s team is discharged from . the s uperheater (via the start~p-shutdmyn device) and reheater (vta the dtscharge line from the s team mai?s) into tho condenser. When shuttmg down a drum-type boiler , the pressure in it is reduced gradually (by steam discharging through the startup-shutdown device of the desuperheater), so as to maintain the saturation temperature below the te mporat~re of flue gases in the superheater, 1.e. by forming conditions preventing the condensation of live steam in the superheater. Tho drum is periodically fed with water. The reheater is freed from steam in the same way as in a oncethrough boiler . When the cold shut-down of a monobloc unit mus t be performed, requiring tha t a ll boiler equipment be cooled, load shedding is carried with the gradual reduc tion of the pressure of live steam. In a once-through boiler, the internal gate valve is closed at a load roughly 60 % of the rated value an.d tho pressure in the path up to th1s v alve is then maintained constant. In both types of boilers, the temperature of live steam is lowered together with its pressure a t a rate allowed by thermal stresses in massive metallic elements of the boiler, pipelines and turbine. A t the s ame time, the temperature of reh eated steam is lowered. The superheater and reheator can thus be cooled roughly to 300°C. When it is needed to coo l a drumtypo boiler and s team pipelines for repairs , as tho boiler furnace is extinguished and tho turbine switched off, the steam accumulated in the boiler is discharged into the steam main of tho station, tho turbine condenser or Lho a tmosphere. The water level in Lhe drum is raised to the ·upper mark (roughly 200 mm below the top surface of tho drum); this measure can minim-
ize the temperature difference between the top and bottom of the drum (which should be not more than 40 deg C) . At a pressure of 0.6-0.8 MPa in the boiler, the gas-a ir pa th is intensively ventilated. Once-through boilers have no massive me ta l elements (such as the drum) and can be cooled more quic kly . The load shedding of a unit up to the furnace extinction and turbine switch-off is carried out a t the rated pressure of live steam. In suporcri tica l-pressure boilers, steam discharging is then started through the steam drainage before the steam-outlot valve , with the startup-shutdown device being closed. When the t emperature of Jive steam has dropped dowo roughly to 420°C, the feed water supply to the boiler is restarted at a flow rate of 10-15% of the nominal value. Duo to the heat accumulated in tho boiler, the temperature of fluid along the path decreases gradually. As the wa tor tomperature drops down roughly to 300°C, the flow rate of the feed wa ter is increased up to 30% of the nominal value and water is pumped through the path until the complete cooling of the boiler and pipelines is accomplished. In subcritical-pressure monobloc units, the once-through boiler and pipelines are cooled by gradually decreasing the saturation temperature at the superheat er outlet . To perform this, as the feed water supply to the boiler is restored at 10-15% of the nominal flow rate, the pressure in the boiler is maintained cons tant (by means of the startup-shutdown device) until the temperature of fluid at the boiler outlet drops down to the s aturation point. The feed water flow rate is then increased to 30-40% of the nominal value and, since the boiler has accumulated an appreciable quantity of heat, the fluid at its outlet is for an appreciable time in the state of a steam-water mi x ture. Tho reduction rate of the saturation tempera ture can be controlled properly by regulating the pressure reduction rate of tho fluid; this ensures the desired cooling rate of the plant. Similar methods are em-
played for cooling the path of oncethrough boilers up to tho internal ga te valve. · fn emergency situations, a boiler is shut down with ' pressure retention' . As the furnace is extinguished, t he feed water control \'al ve a nd steamoutlet valve are closed , the tu rbogenerator is switched off, and the s tartup-shut down dev ice is ke pt closed if the pressure of the live s team is below the actua ting pressure of t he boiler safety valves. In this me thorl, tho pressure and temper ature of fluid along tho hoi ler path are first he Id at the sam e values as in normal operation. After that, they dim in ish s lowly owing to heat transfer to tho surroundings and loose fittings of the watersteam path. If the trouble is eliminated quickly, this method of shuttingdown makes it possible to start the boiler from tho s tate of ho l reser ve. Otherwise, shutting-down is contiuued and steam from the suporhea tor is discharged. Emergency shut-down of a boiler must be carried out immedia tely in th e following situations : (1) when the water level in the drum passes beyond the safety marks or the s upply of feed water to one of the fl ows in a once-through boiler is in terrupted for more than 30 s; (2) on failure of the wa ter-level gauges in a drum-type boiler or of the feed water flowm etors in a oncethrough boiler; (3) when there is no flo w of s team through the reheater; (4) when the pressure has risen intolerably (in once-throug h boilers , a pressure drop is also dnngerous); (5) on rupture of tubes in the wate rsteam path; (6) on flame extinction in the furnace, explosions in the furnace or gas ducts , or inflammation of combus tible deposits in convective boa ting surfaces· (7) ' on an intolerable roducti.on of the pressure of gas or fu el oi l behind the control valve; (8) when there is no voltage a t re20 - 0 1524
mote-control ·devices and measuring and co ntrol ins truments; and (9) 0 11 switching off of the turbine (in monobloc units) or of some of the a uxi li ary equipment (draft fans, blowers, etc.) . In a ll such cases, a delayed shutdown can aggravate the situation a nd cause ser ious dam age, so that the boi lor opera tor is ins tructed to stop tho boiler without waiting for perm iss ion from the station management or load dispatcher of the power system. A n emergency shut-down of a boiler is effected by the protection system on receiving tho signal on tho appearance of som e or other emergency situa tion. If the ·protection system fails, the required procedures should be ca rried out by the operating personnel. These functions are facilitated by provis ion of ligllt and audio s ignalling means on tho control board of the llllit.
lu certain situations, a boiler can be shut down only upon agreement with the s tation management, since the de velopment of a failure and serious consequences are only probable after a certain time. Such situations include the appear ance of small failures (cracks) in the water-steam p ath elemeo ts, a rise in the temperature of the m et a l of p articular heating surfaces, low quality feed water, failures in the pro tection sys tems , automatic controllers, measur ing and control instruments, remote-control devices, etc. In such cases, measures first should be t akon to eliminate the trouble and if those [ail, it should be decided how long the boiler can be in operation bo[oro shut-down. If a group oE tho auxiliary equ ipmont is switched off, the boiler load should be immediately shedded to avoid heavy ~amage to the equipment. For instance, if one of tho two inducedd!·aft fun s has been stopped, the flame will shoot out from viewholes, blowdown holes, etc. und can cause fire in the boiler room, damage to the boiler s t.ructuro, etc . If one of two Eorcedd•·A ft fans is s lop pod, this ma y cause
I' 306
23.6. R egi mes of Boller Firing and Un it Starllttg
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operation
flam e extincLion, the accumulation of unburned fuel in the furnace and its explosion which can lead to serious consequences. As may be clear [rom these examples, the pri me task in such situations is to diminish tho fuel consumption to a sufficient level for operation of the remaining equipment. At tho same time, it is essential to control tho flow rate of feed water and the temperatures of live and reheated s team and to change the load of the steam consumer and of the auxiliary equipment that still remains in op eration. In some cases, certain switchings should be made in the circui Ls of the water-s team and gas-air pa ths . All these procedures are performed by the protection system or specia l systems for automatic load shedding of the unit. Nonetheless, the operating personnel should be always ready to perform those procedures by moans of remote-control devices. For this reason, the personnel is periodica lly trained to cope wi tlt emergency situations . Training simulators are used effecti vely for the purpose. An extreme case among tho above is load shedding of a unit to a level at which the boiler supplies only its auxiliary equipment. As has been demonstrated by boiler tests, a drum-type boiler in such cases can be shut down while the turbogenerator continues operation by consuming tho s team accumulated in the boiler. In monobloc units with oncethrough hoi lers, the load o[ the boiler in such a s ituation decreases rapidly to the firing load (roughly 30 % of the rated load). In boilers fired on solid fuel, part of the burners are closed (together with their fuel-supplying means) and fuel-oil burners are swi tched on in order to 'bt"igh ten' the flame. In some cases, tho furnace should be chnnged completely to fueloil firing. At the same time, all the procedures required for partial load shedding arc performed, but since the regime has been disturbed more substantially, it is more diflicult to s tabilize it. Tf these procedut·es are not
properly conducted, this can lead to emergency situations. In boilers with a single bypass in the starting-up circuit, it is especially important to cut down the fuel consumption as quickly as possible, since otherwise 'burnthrough' of the rehea tor tubes is I i kely to occur. In view of this, it is prescribed by boiler rules that a monobloc unit can continue its opera tion only if its protection system and automatic control systems are intact. 23.6. Regimes of Boiler Firing and Unil Starting
These regimes include the following three main stages: preparatory procedures, boiler firing proper, and raising the load to the specified value. These regimes will be described as applied to mono bloc units, the most. advanced equipment of modern thor· ma l power s tations. T h e fi rs t, ' pre· para tory' , stage includes 'assembling' the wa ter-steam, fuel, and gas-air paths , preparing aH mech anisms and systems, creating vacuum in the turbine condenser, pre-starting deoeration of feed water, etc. A drum-type boiler is filled with water as required. The water level in the drum should be somewhat below the norm al mar k so as to allow 'swelling' . A once-through boiler is to be filled with water in all firing regimes, except for firing from the state of hot reserve. As water is fed into the boiler, it displaces air from the system (provided thnt the air pressw·e is not excessive). In a once-through boiler, the food wa Ler flow rate is adjusted at the slarti ng-u p level and the water pressure is raised to tho working value by closing the throttle va lve Thr1 (with t he internal gate valve being closed). rn boiler firing from the hot state, fi rs l. n reduced flow rate of water is established (10-15% of the nominal. va lue), which makes it possible to slowly cool the boiler path up to the interna l gate valve and internal sep arator. The starting-up £low ratel of wa ter is set in upon raising the ·wa Lor pressure
before the inLorual gate valve. Water from the in lernnl separator is discharged into tho start-up expander SE and further into the circulation conduit (6 in Fig. 23.8) . The startupshutdown device is opened to create vacuum in tho s uperheater (except for cases of starting from hot reserve). This procedure is also carried out in a drum-type boiler if there is no excessive pressut·e in it; this ensures a slower rise in the saturation temperature of the drum during firing. In cases when the s tartup-shutdown ?ovice is initially closed , its opening IS performed only upon firing the furnace, so as to maintain a cons tant pressure of the live steam that has been generated to that moment. During boiler standstills, moisture ntay accumulate in some stages of Lho superheater, though certain measures, as indicated in Sec. 23.5, huve been tak en to prevent this. Besides, untightnoss of the internal gate valve and thr ottle valve Thr3 in a oncethrough boiler may lead to mois ture accumulation in the pipeline and the first heating surface behind the internal gate valve. This moisture can be 'pushed out' into the hot headers of the boiler during firing and cause their cr acking. In a drum-type boiler, this may result in a quicker pressure rise in the drum at the initia l stage of firing, which, in turn, diminishes the allowable heating intensity in the furnace . By open ing the startup-shutdown device, the superheater is co nnected with the condenser which promotes the evaporation of mois ture from the superheater tubes duri ng boiler firing. After switching on the draft fans, ventilating the gas-air path, and preparing fuel-supply mechanisms, the regime of burner firing is carried out (firing fuel-oil or gas burners are ignited). It is advisable to carry out the boiler firing by igniting as many burners as possible with the least fuel £low rate through each of them; this is essential for the uniform heating of the water walls around the furnace ~o ·
periphery and for minimizing local thermal stresses; in drum-type boi lers, this measure is addition ally essential for the developmen t of circulation in all the water walls. As established by tests of the exis ting drum-type a11 d once-through boilers in the USSR , the flow rate of fue l during the initial period of firing should not exceed 20% of the nom inal va lue. Unde1· such conditions, the tube wall tempet·ature of sup erheating surfaces does noL exceed the allowable limit even in noload operation or the boiler. fn boiler starting from a cold or warm state, the initial flow rate of the fuel is controlled at a level of 12-15 % of the nominal value. I n a drum-type boile1·, this ensures the quick development of circulation in water walls and, on the other hand, the rate of pressure rise in the drum is within the tolerable limits (with steam discharge from the drum to the 11 tmosp here or with the drainable superhea ter). Irrespective of the type of boi ler, the indicated flow rate of fuel is sufficient for heating the steam pipelines. . In starting from the hot state, the fu el flow rate in the initial period is established at 20% of the nominal value or, if there is steam flow through the superheater, is increased additionally so as to attain the required temperature of live and reheated steam. As the initial flow rate of fuel has be~n established in a once-through botler, the f low rate of the 'feed water and the pressure of fluid before the internal gate valve are maintained constant. As the pressure of fluid in the start-up expander SE has ri sen up to 0.4-0.5 MPa, steam from the expander is removed to the deaerator and_, when a suffic ient quanti Ly of dram water has been accumulated, the cycle is closed (by switching over water discharge from the start-up expander from the circulation pump to the condenser). A drum-type boiler during this p~riod of firing is periodically fed w1th water from neighbouring monobloc units (lines 11 and 13 in Fig. 23.7) so as to maintain the water
Cit. 23. Steam Boiler Operation
leve l within tolerable limits. In boil-ers with boiling-type economizers, the regime with periodic water feeding and a low constant flow rate of water -can in some cases lead to a substantial mald istribution of heat and hydraulic maldistribution. Some water-distri buting tubes may supply the fluid of a higher enthalpy (up to superheated steam) to the drum. This is prove n led by maintaining the s pecifie d te mperature o[ fluid in an intermediate section and at the economizer outle t by properly controlling the flow r ate -of water and by increasing the rate of blowdown on an increase in the water level in the drum. A.s the initial flow rate of fuel has bee n es tab.lis hed, it is possible to raise the flow rate and parameters of live s team in a drum- type boiler or the Lemperatut·e of fluid before tho interual gate valve (t1 cv), in a oncethrough boile r . The temperature of the fluid determines its mo isture cont e nt on e ntry to the internal separator. As found from tests, the internal separator can operate efficiently at a dryness fraction of 8-10% (t!cv = = 250-270°C), and therefore, it is possible to con nect the s uperheater to the circuit. This procedure is performed by gradually opening the throttle val \'O Thr3 (in s teps of 10-15 % in 2-3 minu te inter vals) . As the s uperhcalCl' is counectcd to the circuit, the temperatu1·c of tube metal in the heating zone decreases. At the same time, the temperature of steam at the boiler ou tle t gradually increases, since the heat-tra nsfer coefficient a 2 increases with the flow rate of the steam. Since the throttle valve Thr2 is still fully open at t his s tage of starting-up, part of the s team is discharged together with water from the internal separator i o to the start-up expander. Thus, the next procedure is to close the val ve Tttr2 which is carried out to ensure removal of all moisture and part of s team (roughly 5% of the flow ra te of drain wate r) from the inte rn a l separa tor, which increases its efficiency. F urther, as the dryness
fraction. of the fluid in the inte rnal separator increases, the valve Thr2 is closed more, until it is comp lete ly closed upon appearance of superheated steam before tho internal sep a rator, which is an indication of a change from a separating regime to a oncethrough regime having t aken place in the boiler. As the steam £low rate through the superheater increases, tho steam mains are gradually h eated. S team is discharged from them through the s tartup-shutdown device and the drainage of the dead-end sections. H eating is usually carried out u n ti I the temperature of steam before the highpressure cylinder of the turbine is roughly 100 deg C higher than the temperature at tho s team inlet . J n units provided with a pressure-reducing desuperheater (sec Fig. 23 .7), the reheater system is hea totl by supplying live steam to the cold reheat pipeline and discharging it from the hot reheat pipeline into tho condenser. This heating is only started when the temperature of steam before the desuperheater exceeds the temperature at the discharge end of the high- pressure cylinder of the turbine, so as to avoid cooling of that section. The end of heating of the hot r eheat pipe line is determined by the temperature of steam before the intermediate-pressure cylinder of the turbine which exceeds the tcmperatu re at the s tea m inlet by 50-80 dog C. In supercriticalpressurc monobloc units for 300 MW and 500 MW, there is no desuperheater in the s tarting-up circuits (Fig. 23.8) and tho reheater s ystem is heated by the 'combine d ' method. The turbine rotor is pushed by opening the control valves and the frequency of its rotation is the n raised to 800-1000 rpm. Live s team passes throug h tho hig h- pressm o cy lind e r nnd the reheater system and is discharged from the hot i-PI1 oat pipe line in to t.hc condenser, with the valves or tho interme diate-pressur·o cy lind er being closed. As prove n by tests, tho rotors of \.he intermediate- and hig h- pressure
23.6. Regime& of Holle r Firing aud Vnit Starting
preset. In some 200-l\[W and 300-~1 \II,T cylinders can operate at a low rrcq ue ucv without steam being. passed through monobloc units, the temperature o r them . On the other hand , s ince onl y the reheated s team is controlled by the high-pressu re cylinder is actlwlly the s team bypass. In units of higher· in operation, the flow rate of s team is capacities (500, 800 and i 200 l\lW) , quite high anrl ensures quick heating the re is no steam b y pass and only the· of the reheator system. In some cases, starting sprays to the steam main , Yacuum in the turbine condenser is which are put in operation before conlowered in order to further increase necting the turbo-generator to the the flow rate of steam through tho electric network , are used . Before connecting the turbo-generator t o the S\'stem . ·In some regimes, a moiiobloc unit network, when its rotor is accel erated can be started without preheating the and synchronized, the steam-genera t s team pipelines, in pa rticular , the ing capacity of the boiler and th e tem pe rature of live steam are main reO'imc of starting [rom the hot s tate. l\l~reover, when the the rmal insul a- tained cons tant. During this period, tho te mperature of the reheated steam . tion is in proper cond iLion , a unit can be started without prehoal,ing tho grad ually increases for the same reasreheater system after a s tands till for ons as on connection of the super1-2 days. A cri t.erion of such reg im es hea tor . The temperature of the reheated is a decrease in tho steam tcrnpm·ature bv not more than 20-30 deg C com- s team rises especially sharply on cou-pared with the temperature at. t.h e necUo rr of th o turbo-generator, i. e. when the s team flow rate throug h tile ~t eam inlet. to the turbin e. . As preheating is comple ted, th o rl ow rchenl e r system is almost doubled. ra te of fu el is correcled so as to ensu re fi"or this reasou, it is important to the steam-genera Ling capacity of the switch on in due time the de vices. boiler at ·which the initial load of the which control the temperature or turbo-aenerator will be around 5% reheat. In units with once-thro ugh of the ~ated value. In starling-up from boilers, tho startup-shutdown deYice. a cold or a warm s tate, the flow rate is n ot closed during the period of of the fuel is usually established at the t Uibogenerato r synchronization, s o minimal level so as to o btain more that a ll the control valves of the eas ily the required low temperatu re of turbine arc opened (and heated) due live and reheated st eam. In st ar ting-u p to a drop o[ pressUie in the live steam. from the hot state, however, the flow In units with drum-type boilers, the rate of fuel is increased to the u ppor startup-shutdown device is partially limit (30 % of tho nominal value in cl osed to maintain a constant pressure the circuits with s ingle bypass) to of live s team, which improves the obtain a steam tempera ture c lose to operatiog cond i tions of the boiler crru·m. and control over tho steam the nominal value. temperature. As the tUibo-generatot· Before pushing the tu1·bin e ro tor, is connected to the network, the the s tarting sprays arc switched on and tl1e temperature of live s t.oam is s ~nrtup-slwtdown device is closed and. es tablished at a desired level. Tn a the unit begins to s upply the initial once-through boiler, th e throLUc Yalve load. A I, ~h e tllird s tage of starting (loadThr4 in the line of water l'OCirculaLion to the deaerator is sot so as to obtain ing) a monobloc unit, its elements are a s team pressure llefore the ~ l,fl r·tin g heated from the initial temperature to s pray nozzles that is 1.5-2.0 MPa the final te mperature corresponding to il.s operation under the rated conhigher than the pressure of live stea m. ln a drum-type boiler , the des ired ditions. An attempt to shorten the steam temperatures beh iud the s tages time of loading may result in \.he of the superh eater arc addiLionnlly quick heating of the boiler elements
Ch. 23. Steam Boiler Operation
a nd the a~pea ra u ce of h igh t.e mperatltl'e grachen ls. Ji'or instance if a wa ll of o a tl~ickness h is heated at a rate V , C/ mm, the temperatme gradient across the wa ll is:
of the m_e tal. The number of cycles N to cra? k t~g depends on many factors, the prtnctpal one being the amp! itudo of s tresses in a c •ycle·· 0ACJ = a mnx .-<Jm ln· The number of cycles IV is tnvorsely p roportion al to the square (23.5) of 6CJ. The all owab le stresses in eleme nts of a mo11obloc uni t depe nd where a is the thermal d iffus ivi t y of on t he expec t~d number of s tMtupthe wall meta l, m2/h. · · sh':'tdown regnnes during its camIf a wall is heated at a cons t ant p~tgn. These stresses, in turn , doterrate V, the temperature stresses in it mtno the allowable heating ra tes of <1t.t. m·e lin earl y re lated to the tern~ those clements. p emture grAdien t : ~ n v iew of the above , the Joad of a Ut.t = AaE D.t (23.G) untt s ho uld h_o inc t·eased strictl y in accor~~ce wtth the specified rate whe re a is th o coofri cient of linear of ra1s mg tbe parame ters of live an d expa ns ion , E is the clastic modul us r~hea tod s~eam. As an example , of . the metal, a nd A is a proportion- Ftg. 23 .10 gtves th e s tarting cmve for a lity factor. a 300-M\\' monobloc unit aftei· a It. I hen foll ow!' that the hi rrhps t tem- s ta nds till for 60-90 h. As m av be peru l urc grad ic•nts a nd high <'sl. tcm- seen , tho :ate of rais ing the tcii1pet·p e ~·a ture s tresses ca n a ppear in mAssi ve atmes of ltve (t .. ) and re he11ted steam thic k-walled el em en t~. suc h 11s the ~t r_h). s hould differ de pending on the hous ing 11nd rot or of 11 turbine th e mt t tal thermal s tate of the tur bine d_rum and he11dcrs of a boil er ,' a nd (Lu_PC• lu,cl. so as to ensure tho mos t. fitt ings of the s toa m mains . I n s uch roltable regime of load a pplica l,ion to cnscs , compressive s tresses appea r in the tut·bine. Sim il a r conditions s hould the ~1eated surfMo of an cleme nt and n ~tura lly be ensured in monob loc units tcns d e s tresses in its unheated surface. wtth drum-type boil ers . Up to a load Upon heating an clement, temperature of 25-30 % of the nominal value, s team s l rcsses diminis h t.o zero and often temp_orature is controlled only by tho eveu change sign. Stresses of a n in- s tarling devices. After tha t, the main verso sign can form in elements on the control devices are sw itched on a nd rerluction of tho s team tern perature the starting devices a re either 's wi tor the shut-down of the unit. With ched off or used for the fine correction fre~u e ntly re peated s tartu p-shutdown of s team tempe rature . regunes. thermal s tresses vary cyclic~h e press ure of live steam is increasall y and can cause fatigue crncking ed 111 n 'sliding' mode . The way th is 500 ~
.;, ~00
JOO ::,.. ~ 200 100
2000 · 1000
Fig. 23. 10. Main cbaracterislics of cold starting-up of a 300-M W mono bl oc unit rotor rrl!qucncy ; Nlurbo ~crtcralot· lond; P 0- li w' Rtcam pressure
71 - turhlnc
23.6. Regtme1 of Boiler Firing and Unit Starting
111ode is rca lized, however, de pends on tho particular characteristics of the equipmout. Por ins ta nce, in monobloc unit s with drum- type boile r:- provided with radi ant !:lu per heater sections on furn ace w alls and a boiling- typo economizer (s uch as the TGM-9tt boiler), t he pressure oF Ii ve steam is rtt isecl by au accole ra ted schedule. Upon connecting the turbogenerator to the ne twork , its control valves arc set into a position in which the pressure of live s team rises lo the nominal value, already at a load tha t is 4.0-flO% of the rated value. In s uch a case, hcnt cons ump tion for accu mulation in tho fluid and tube metal takes place at a reduced te mperature level of the fluid, so th a t the load of the boiler can be ra ised mo re quickly with the l,e mperature of the tube metal in the radiant s uperheater rernai uing within the tole ra ble li mits . Besides, an inc rease in the pt·essure a t low loads improves the thermal a nd h ydra ulic characteristics of the boiling economizer. A s imilar regime is ernplo yed in monobloc units with supercriticalprcssure once-t.luough boilers, the only difference being that the rated press ure of lh·e s team is attained at a load roughly 60 % of the nominal value and is determined by the throughput capacity oF the s tarting unit of the boiler. As the load increases to this level and the s team pressure remains a t the nomin al value, tho internal gate va!Ye is opened. [n 200-MW monobloc units with drum-type and <>nee-through boilers, as the turbogenerator is connected to tho ne twork, the control val ves of the turbine are opened fully and the rated pressure of live s team is attained onl y at the uominal load. l n once-through boiler monobloc units, however, the throughput capacity of the internal separator and its fittings is not more than 60% o f the no minal load. For this reason, as the nomi nal load is attained , the pressur e of I i vo s leam before the turbine is raised to the nominal value a nd, at the same time, its temperature is increased so as to obt ain n cons tant
tom peratu re bch ind the control vn I ves of tho turbine. T he internal gate val ve is then closed and the boiler transfe rred to the nominal pressure. Solid fuel-fired b oilers are transferred from s tar t ing fuel (gas or fuel oil) to solid fuel, i[ the load is '1 5-30 % of the nom in al value, and tho cons umption of tbe firing fuel is grad u a l!~· reduced. As tho boiler begins to s upply the s pecified load , tho eleme nts of the s tarting circ uit which are used only at s tart-up and s hut-down aro switched off and the vol Lage s upply to the corres ponding drive means is discont inued. Conventiona l boilers (not in mono bloc units) are s tarted essentially in the same wa y , except for the s pecific procedures t ypical of monoblocs . A special case is starting a oncethrough boiler from the state of hot resen e. For s uporcritical-pt·essure boilers, this regime is allowed provided tha t tho pressure o[ the live s tea m h as remained a bo,·c the critical val ue a[ter the poriod of stands ti II. In subcritical-pressurc boilers , s ubcooling of the wate r at the in let to the lower radiation section should not be loss than 15 deg C. Otherwise, as follows from experience, tho water walls of the lower radiation section may incur subs tanti al da mage during boilor s tarting [rom t he non-uniform distri bution of fluid between the tubes (as regards i ts flow rate and enthalp y). With these condi tions observed, the boiler is s tarted by the method of quick trausfer to tho regime of normal opet·ation. S ince tho parameters of the fluid vary onl y s lightly during the period of s tands till in hot reserve, s tarting is performed b y controlling the Rtarting flow rate of the feed water, after which the fuel-oil burners are put in operation for 2-3 min, with the flow rate of fuel oil controlled according to the flow rate of the feed wa ter. Since tho flow rate of fuel · lags somewhat behind that of feed wa ter, the temperature of live steam firs t decreases (by 30-50 dog C), and is then restot·ed to the rated level. The
Ch. 2.J. S t eam Gene rators of Nuclcrtr Power Stations
pressure or Jive s lonm is ma in tain ed con ~ tant by opening the startup-shutdown device . When these procedures are properly carried out, the s tarting or a boiler lakes only 15-20 minutes. Some m onobloc units, especia lly those whic h suppl y a variable p ortion or tho load c urve, a rc s tar ted by an automatic process control s ys te m. In modern pl an ts, s uch s ys tems can perform :rutoma tic control of a given process and ca rry out discre te operations by means of logic control units. These units CllJl s witch on and off the m echanis ms of the auxiliary sys tem of a boiler , c ha nge the pos ition (open or close) of clos ing valves. switch on nnrl orr a utornal.ic controllers, switch O\'er the controllers from some actuators to othe r·s , the s truc tural sclrcmef; of the con trollers, etc. Before performing a particular operation, a log-ic con troJ unit checks that the operatio n i~ nll owed. Jrr monobloc unit ~ pi'Ovidorl w ith an automatic
control sys tem of this type, the boiler operator· has the follow ing addi tioua t function s: (1) to perform prepnra tory operations for s tarting the uni t a nd select the reserve mech a nis ms which wilt be s witched on automa ticall y; (2) to s upervise the func tioning of the eouipment and perform ma nual control should a f11iluro occu1· in the operation of a pm·ticular automatic controller; (3) to correct the oper·ntiug cond i tions (when needed) by adjus ting the set- point devices of automatic corrtrollers ; (4) to check the s tato of l ho equipment upon complet ion of a purticli lar stage o[ th e startiug regime a nd issue commands for a noxt s tage. Thus, the a utom a tic contro l s ys tem of a rnon obloc unit is a comp lex of the technical means of con tr·ol and I. be operating personn el which co-opcmtes with th ese means .
STEAM GENERATORS OF NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS 24.1. Classification and Cha racteristics of S team Generators for Nuclear Power Stations According Lo the th ermal diagram of a nuclear power s tation, steam is generated either d irectt y in a boilingt ype nuclear· r·eactor or in heat-exchange s team ge ne ru tors in which heat. is trnnsfeued from a coolant supplied from tho r·eacto r to the wotking .fluid (water, from which steam is produced). Thus, the s team generator is an essontia.l element of two- and three-circ uiL nucl eur powe r s tations. In s ingle-circuit nuclear power stat-
ions , the function of s team generator is performed by the nucleur renc tor proper. Water, gases and liquid meta ls ca u be used as reactot· coolants , and th erefore, as the heat-transfer agents in the steam generator. An aq ueous coolant in the primary circu it. , as a s ubs tance having a low boiling point, cannot be heated to n subs tantia lly high temperature. This requires mn irrtailling a high pressme in tho primary circuit, wh ich makes the whol e pa too compl icated and e xpen!'ive. Liquid me tals and gase~ have no I imitations as regards their tom per-
24_1 _ Clautjtcatlon of St eam Generators
!), t
0 Q,,
24 1 1 Q-diagram of a steam generator .v l{it a ga~e~us coolant (superheated steam or \ a particular pressure)
ill us trated in Fig. ~4. 2 . Assuming th r temperature gradient bet.ween the· coolon t (pressurized water) and working fluid to b~ ~t = 25 deg C so as to e ns ure act• ve heat transfer, the· degree of superheating that c~n be obta ined a t p = 6.4 MPa will be only ~t' = 17 deg ~· For .this reason, nuclear power statwns w 1th aqueous. coolant usuall y op er ate on satura ted s team of a pressure of .5-7 !\lPa. Wnen supplied t o th o turbme •. wet steam (w ~ 0.2%) can c~use eroswn of s~eam distributing dcvtces and lower t~e turbine reliability. To prevent thlS· effect, it is essen ti ol to superheat th e s team slightl y (usually by 20 ~eg ~) so as to avoid moisture formatwn tn s team-d is tributi ng devices. As steam mo ves through the turbine, its mois ture conte nt, so t'lt at some s tages oE . tho turbme opera te i 11 the region of wet steam , which decreases the effi cieucy ? f the power station and causes e ros ron of the e le ments in the low-pressure cylinde t· of the turbine. In order tore move moisture, s team be tween the tUJ•bine cylinders is dried and _s uperheated. Both processes a re ca~rted out in a separating superheater (F'tg. ~4.3). S tea m from the h igh-pressure cyltnd~r of the turbine is introduced tangentially at the top of the ap paratus, passes thro ugh the separator, s~veeps ~he s uperheating surfaces and ts rerno' ed ut a t empera ture of 241oc through thetop to th e low- press ure c ylinder of th (}turbirte .
a tme at tho reactor outlot. Liquid metals possess fa yourablo th ermopl ~ ysical propcrt.ies and can he .rasd y heated to high tempcratu res .w r th~ut tak ing sp ecial measures t.o rn t.e ns tfy hea t tra nsfer . On the con trAry, ga ~es have poor thermophys ical proportrcs and at a tmospheric pressure cannot be used as coolants which co~ l ? onsuro suitable heat-transfer coeffrcte nts. It is poss ible to intens ify heat transfer from gases by increasing the ·~ flow rate of a gas flow, i.e. l~y r~rs m g the as pressure in a circutt. 'Iherefore, ;team of high or s upercritical pa_ram eters can onl y be produced by u ~ mg _ a gas or liquid metal , which ~re htghtemperature coolants . For tns tnncc, if the coolant at the reactor ou tlc t (or wh at is the same, at the inle t to the steam aenerator) has a temperature {}' = 600-S50°C, it can ens ure s te nm s~perheating to the standard para~o ters (p = 13-24 MPa and t •• :- 5<'. 5 C). . Figure 24.1 shows the t , Q-dtag~nm .or t - . .d such a steam generator. J n th tS d ra'/JOO .-( I t( gram, the temperatures _of th e cool~nt I-' LJt' Llt''l )/ and working fluid are latd .orr as ordtnI __L ates and the quantities ol· heat l.r·ans200 I ferred to the heating surJaces of s team generator, as abscissae. . If i I 1 Water is a low-temperature coolant. 100 I I If it is needed to generate ~ te am . a~ _l I a pressure as high as poss.t ble (fot 10.0 p,MPa .0 2.5 50 ins tance , p = 6.!1 i\IPa and tc'?pot·'· 24.2. Selection of the working flu~d ature of aqueous coolant at th o rul e ~, Fia~ameters fo r steam generators or nucleart~ = 320°C) , the degree of , ~ upo! ~ower stations with water-cooled water-moheating will b e only 20 neg C. lhr s IS derated reactors
I i
Ch. 24. Steam Generators of N uclear Power Stations
8 ...
IP ~,-__..3
I\ I
,_ r-
Fig. 24.3. Separating superheater J-su 1•c•r ltcn t••(l iih·n m to low -pressure cyl i 1ldt! r; 2- wt·l. stfllt»> rrom hl~ h-ru'f'ssun· cyl inder : 3 . Cirst~tnr;o hc·Jl ting s tcaru ; 4 second-s tage heatin~; Sll' HIII: .1- 4'0IIdf•tt satf' rr om I lw ri i'St stnp c; ~ ·conclt•usa tr) f 10 m l.h•~ sc·cond s tng <' ; 7- nealJn:,!
steam generators arc roug hly equivalent. Both t~• pes arc assorn hled and tested at the manufac turing works and can be I ransportcd b y railroads. The dimens ions of horizontal s team g enerators for a capacity of more than 250-300 l\1\o\1 aro e xcessive ly large. Tho verti cal design rnal; es it possible to subs tanti a lly inc ronsc tho uuit. capacity; in this a p paratus, tho t.o tal cross section in tho bottom portion is occupied by the heating c lements and the separator is arranged in tho lop portion. For more con von ien l trans portation, the h eat-exc hango1· and separator sections arc madP separate l y a nu the apparat us is liSSO m bled Oil the construction s ite. 24.2. S tea m Gene rators with Aqueous Coolant:
There nrc two main types of s team ge nerator for nuc lonr power s tntions o.: ut f:w• •.. : 8 ~·pa r·ntor· with water-coo led walor- mod c1·a ted reactors , as regards the processes occurSteam genera tors of nuclear power ri ng in the secondary circuit. I n the s tal ions may ue of either vertical or first type, the wot·king fluid (water ) horizonta l arra ngement. Those with a boils in the bulk on the s urface of gaseous or liquid-me tal coolant are submerged heating e le ments (naturalus ua lly of the vertical type. Steam c irculation s team generators ). In tho ge nerators of water-cooled water-m ode- s~cond type, water moves in a tube rated reactor s tations may be of either sysLem or in the intertubular s pace of ver t ical or horizontal t ype , each of a dense tu be bundle (once-through which has its own advantages and steam generators). [n both t y pes, the ·drnwbacks . A horizontal s team gener- heating surface is form ed by a tube ator is s impler in manufacture and system in which the tubes may be more reliable in operation. Vertical straight, U -shaped , he lic al or ass ems team generators are more compact, bled into plane cu r tains . The steambut the ir el ements are more intricate. separating devices of s ubmerged- type With U-shaped coils , tube plates must steam generators ili'C arranged ei thor be of a s ubs tantial thick ness, so that inside the generato r cll·um (inlem a l fas t1•ning of tube onds requires a more separators) or in a separate drum exp~nsivc and co1oplicaled technology. (extern a I separators ). 'The total cos t of both types of apparaT ho principal t ypes a ro a horizontal tus is roughl y the same. (Fig. 24.4a) and a verl,ica l (Fig . 2<1.4bA horizontal s team genera tor occup- d) single-shell steam ge nerators wi t h ies severa l t imes t he area of the vertic- submerged heating sur:facos and in tar-al type or the s ame steam-generating nal separators. The heating su rfaces ca pacity. A higher compactness of ver- of these generators are made from tubes ticnHypc s team generators is advanta- of a small outside diameter (12-22 mm) geous in view of radiation safety. and a wall thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm. The performance characteris tics and In high-capacity steam ge nerators, the ·re liability of ve rtical and horizontal number of tubes may be as large as
24.2. Steam Generators wtth AqueOU$ Coolant
-Ht- 13
{8 (b)
(C )
. tors with aqueous coolant . . coiled tubes· (d) plat•:n, . , ,. ) . · 1 t. •pc wlth U-slHtf'!:d tui.Jcs; (c) ditto, will.• hclLca 11: 1 t - s- teed water in t (a),,
F1g. 24./o.
6-s tcnm out; 7-eoolanl in,
team gcnela
r2 (~?.:~n~ ~~C11 iu• liCII JI Y eoi lcd
t.u hes; JJ- IJi atcns
some te n thousa nd. T lw onds or 1.11 ~· cs aL the outle t. Therefore, the. in \.cns i ~y are expanded in tube . p l ~tcs . I b g h of s team generatio n is also dtfferc nt t n various portions of the drum. Th e tightness of joints is q111te 1m porta1~t, intens ity of evaporati?n from . the since nny leakage can transfer rad LOlffe racti vi ty from the primary to .tho ~econ disengagement s urface ts also dary circuit. Since contammatton of e nt and is equalized by arrangmg a t be- aqueous coolant by corros ion pro- subme rged pe rforated plate or by ducts is intolerable , all ele ments . of diffe rentiated s upply of feed :vater . to the primary circuit are made of s lam- the coils . Since the average .mtensity o[ evaporation from the dtsengagel ess steel. In order to minimi7.e the use of ment s urface i n the steam generator metal in the generator hous ing'. the is not high, steam of satisfactor y heat-transfer agent having a htgher quality (w ~ 0.2%) c~n be produce~ temperature and pressure is ~ir~ulated by us ing steam-separat!Dg and steam in tubes. The circuit contamtn?. th e washing d evices or only the former. vertical steam generators 1 coolant operates under tho cond1t 1 ~ns of force d circulation . For the worlo~g (F'i;. 24.4b-d), the intensity of ev a porfluid (secondary c ircuit), natural Ctt·- ation from the disengagement ~u rface than in the . . honzontal , culation is preferable. The s ~eam space .IS muc h h 'tgher of the d rum is used to de~t ver ste.a m typo and results in a htgher carr) · by ..- steam . In order of mo·tsture . . f with the l east concen trai,IOn of t.m- over puri ties. The des ig n of steam-cl O
Ch. 24. Steam Generators of Nuclear Po wer Stations
24.3. Gerwrators with LiqtLid- meta/ ar•d Gaseous Coolants
/steam ouff pf
... (~ .=
\ ~.
I !!:"
! I I . I ::.:-
. 'I t • tss
Fig. 24 .6 . Tcmperatul'e distr·ibuti on in coo lant and working flui d and tem perature gradi ents aloog the h eig ht of a o nce-through s team generator (see F ig . 21o.5)
'"'Feed water inl et
Fig. 24.5. Once-through s tea.m genera tor for 500 11·1W 1- 00olnnt In ; 2- loous lng ; J- lower water distributor; 4-b~ader: ~-Upl!('r water distributor; 6- lube bank (h~n tlng s urface); 7- uppcr tube plate ; 8-middle tube plate ; 9-\'er lleal slits· 10- lnsert· 11-sector charutels ; J 2- s baft; 13-Jower tube plate; u -coolant out · '
age. On the other hand, the tube plate shou ld be of an nppreciable thic kness. I n hig h-capacity s team generators w ith tho 4 000-mm diameter of th~ hollSing in the n~~rrower sect i.on, Lhe thickness of tube plate may reach 600-700 rom. T he manufacture and assembly of such plates is complicated and expens ive, s ince a large number of deep holes mus t be accurately drilled for expanding of Lube e nds. The water in stea m ge ne ra tors may contai n ironoxide sludge which is removed by blow ing-down . [n s team generalor's h aving a bottom tu be p late, remoYal of s ludge involves certain d i fficullies, since it accumulates in t he bottom portion of the tube bu ndle jus t near
t he tube plate. T he s l udge layer in t his p.lacc is gradually evaporated~ this results in in creasing concentration of all water impurities (includingchlorine ions and a lknlies) iu pores of th e sludge l ayer, which can destroy even stain less-s teel Lu bos. In t hat respect, vertica l-type s team generators without the bottom tu be pl~te are advantageous and prornising(Fig. 24.4c). H has two sections . The lower section nccom mod a tcs the hen Ling surfaces made from coiled s taiJ•less-steel tubes expande d iu tube plates. The cool a nt (water) at a pressure of 16 l\lPn moves in tho tubes. The inle t a nd ou tlet o[ the coolant aredivided by p~~rtition s ( in Fig . 24..1c,
o nl y the inle t is s how 11 ). Peed wa tor is introduced from th e top of LIH' tu b<· s ys tem. Th e l atter is s ubm C' rgcd i11l.o water from \\'hich s atu rated S ( ('lllll al. a pressure of G.ti MPa is p•·ocluccd . \V ater moYos by g ra,•ity c irculatio n. The jacket that s urrounds the Lube system forms a descending channe l together w ith the housing. Ins ide the jacket, the flu id moves ascending ly. The upper section, which h as a large r d i ameter, fo rms the s team s pace in which two s tages of s team separators are arranged: the first st age (for coars e steam sep aration) has cycl one separators with axial supply of s team-wnte r mixture; the second s tage (for s tea m drying) has verti ca l annular lo u vertype sepru·ators. An advantage of s team generators w ith he I icnlly coile d tu bcs is that t emperatu re expans ion is selfcompensat e d. The princ ipa l dt·nwback cons i.s ts in compl icated mnnufnctnre of helical coiling, s ince t he a ng le of coiling is different in various Lube rows. Certain advantages a re o l'l'e r·ed by steam gene rators with pi a l.e n- ty pe heating s urfaces (Fig. 24.4d). Th e ir plut.ens are essentia llv. a s .ys te m o[ vurtical tubes of t he same leng t h wh ic h ru·c bent 180° m idway of the ir he ig ht to proYide proper rig id i ly. The pi a Le ns
arc r adially arranged in vertical pl a nes around the header. Headers in verticalt ype s team generators (Fig. 24.4c an d d) have a relatively small diameter and thin wa lls. Figure 24.5 s hows a 500-MW vcrticnl once- through steam generator designed at the All-Union heat cngineeri ng i nst.i t.u t.c. It has a vertical hous ing pro vide d with pipe connections for lhc s upply of feed water and removal of wea kl y superhea ted s tean1. A header is mounted coaxially inside the housing; it h as pipe co nnections for the supply and removal of aqueous coolant. In the a nnula r space between the hous ing an d header a tubula r heating s urface is mou nted wh ich comprises two bundles o:f 12 mm x X 1.2 mm tubes 14 m long. The to p and bottom tube bund les arc connec ted in parallel Jor the coola nt and in se ries for the working flui d. T he l a tter moves in the i nte rlu bul r~ r space (l"ig. 2LL6).
24.3. S team Gene rators with Liquid-metal a nd Gaseous Coolants !Steam-generators with a liquid -molal coolant. Liquid metal passing th rough the reactor gets activated, so t hat one heat exchanger t ur ns out to be insufficient and the heat-exchange system becomes more complicated. To make the steam generator safe in opera tion, the nuclear power s tation has three circui ts and two successive heat exchangers (see Fig . 1.2c). In the first heat exchanger, the heat of l iquid meta l is transferred to an intermediate heat- transfer agent and in the second heat exchanger (the steam ge nerator proper), the hea t of the intermediate hea t-transfer agent is utilized to produce steam. In pl an ts with three circuits, sodium is used in the first (primary) and second '(secondary) circuit and water in the third (ternary) circuit. In s team generators with liquidmetal coolant, the processes of steam ge neration a nd superheating are usn a I-
Ch. 24. St eam Generators oj Nuclear Pow er Stations
ly organized in two separate apparatus which are connected in series. Steam re heating is curried out in a third a ppara tus. All of them may be of the s hell- type or s hell-and- tube type. Tho main reason for us ing the separated design is Lo avoid welding of tubes of various s loe! grades which are employed in the heating surfac.e s of the swam-generating and s uperheating sections. In the Soviet-ma de liquid-metal s team generator operating with a fastneutron reactor type BN-600, the processes of s team generation, superheating and ret1eating arc carried ont in throe sepat·a te heat exchangers of the s hell-and- tube type, which are called mod/J,les. Three modules are combined into a section. Eight sections form a once- through steam generator. The secti.ons are connected in parallel for Lhe coolant and working fluid. The power-producing unit comprises a BN-600 reactor and throe steam ge nera tors. The modules of tho s uperhea ter and roh ea te r are connec ted in parallel for the coolant, which ensures a high tempera ture gradie nt in both m odules. Liquid sodium from these modules flows at a cons tant Lcmperature into the evapora ting modulo. Feed water in the evapora ting modu le is hea te d to the saturation temperature, evaporated , and slightly superheated (by 12-15 deg C) . The fluids move in counte r-current flow. Tho eva porating and superheating modules are essentially of the same design. A version of the superheater modulo is illustrated in Fig. 24.7. Tho boat-exchange surface is made from straight tubes which are bent si ousoidally in the lowe1· portion for compensation of thermal expansion of tho s hell and tube system. Tho tubes are expanded in tube plates and arranged in them in the form of hexagonal rows . The working fluid (wa te r and s team-water mixture in the evapora tor and s team in the s uperheater and rehealer) moves in the tubes a nd liquid sodium, in the
24.3. Gcncmtors with Liquid-metal a1td Gaseou s Coolants
+-- ·
protected by displacing plates and ins ula ting w ashers. S pdium is i ntroduced into the tube bundle fro m an inlet chamber through 12 YOrtical sli ts 250 mm X 110 mm in the jack et and is thus distributed uniform ly in the intertubular space. The cham ber for sodium outlet is designed in a similar way. The inlet and outlot chambers for the working fluid are formed by tube plates and detac ha ble plane end covers of the she ll. The main parameters of the s te am generator are as follows: heat power 490 M\:V, steam-generating capacity 181.6 kg/s, superheated s team pressure 14.2/2.45 MPa, superheated s team temperature 505°/505°C, coolant tom9
7 - -1]
fj --..... "
·- -
Fig. 24.7. Steam-generator section with liquid-rnetnl coolant 1 -bollom~ 2- diSf;harftC chamber: 3 - SC<'nm out; 4- lowc•· lube pla te; 3-stmccr plu l,.,; 6- houslng ;
?- lube bund le; 8- Jack ct; D- holcs: JO- l o I(OS resen•olr; JJ - uppcr tuhc plntc ; 12- cover; 13-
inlet chnmbcr; JtJ-stcnuJ ln; JS- protccllvo plate; 16- sodlum out: 17- sodlum In:
18- clrulnu g"
inter tubular spaces. Tho s hell is separated from tho flow o( liquid sodium by a jacket in order to equalize probable tempera ture vari ations of the coola nt. The tube plates are
Fig. 24.8. Sodium-coolant stcnrn generator of fast-neutron power reactor (Great Britain) J-sod!um in ; z-outlc t or t he produc t s or in t ernelion or so dium and w al cr ; .t - tube bund le; 4-·rm al shield; s-~uid e tubes; G. J! - sodlu m oul: ?- level ~;auge a l t he sodium outlet side; 6 - wo ,·kin!! fl uid I n; 9- l evcl gauge at the sodium I nl et side: 10-working ll uld out; 11- h ydrogrn dct crl or : t J-support ; 1 4 - 1 ~ c kf'1.; I.S - cl rn lunuf'
Fig. 24 .!). Arrangement of steam generator clements in the housing of a power reactor 1- rc inforccd concrete hous ing; 2- reac lol' ; 3 generator sec tion: 4-gas b iO\n:r; 5 - ~tcam to J'Chcntt•,·: 0 - l'f"hcnt cd s tc•am ~ i - fe
pe rature: 520°C at the inlet and 320°C at tho outlet. A shell-type steam generator with sodium coolant is shown in Fig. 24.8. The outs ide diameter of the shell has been t ake n to be not more than 3 m for ease of manufacture and transport. The heating surfaces of all the heat exchange rs are essentially of the same design: they are made in the form of U-shaped tubes arranged on the shell periphery. Since the pressure of liquid metal is lower than that of the working fluid , the former is caused to circulate in the intertubular space. A cylindrical jacket is provided in the s hell in order to organize counter-current flow of the coolant and working fluid. A thermal shiel d prevents overhea ting of the shell. The steam genera lor described has the following parameters: power 1 320 MW, superheated steam pressure 16.3/3.4 MPa, superheated s team temperutme 540°/54.0°C, the temperature of coolaot: 560° at the inlet and 380°C at the outlet. Gaseous-coolant s team gene rators. Modern steam generators with gaseous coolant arc arranged together with the reactor in a common shell made of prestressed concrete (Fig . 24.9).
Ch. 24. Stearn Generators of Nuclear Power Stations
~'Fig. 2<1:! 0. S team generator section of a nuclea r power station at Fort St. Vrain •(U SA) (N
330 MW, D = 1 040 t/ h, D = 87 tl h) c
! =cool? nt . ln.: 2:-;-:la!Jyrl nth '"'a ling: 11-rebeater: housing , " -sccond-:
The steam genera tor comprises a number of parallel sections mounted cir·cumferentially beneath the reactor core or in an a nnular spacing around tho core. The hea t- t ransfer agent between the steam gene ra tor sections is
moved by a gas blower driven by worked-off reheat s tea m. The steam generat_?r is of the once- through type (p = 1t .3l\·1Pa, t,, = 540°C and t = -45oco ) . Tho gas has n temperature . rh = :> ~f .706 C at the reactor inlet and t80 ~ ~t tho outlot a nd a pressure f = *· t l\fPa. The flow rate of gas IS 1.6 X 108 kg/ h. , ~ ~ec~ion of the steam genera tor (F1g.. 24 . 10) has tluoe hea ting surfaces: the first of them includes the economizer, evaporator and the first s uperheater stage; the second is formed by the so~ond stage of superhea te r, and the ~htrd comprises the r·chea ter. The heattng surfaces of the economizer and ~vaporator are finned on the gas side ~~ order to intensify heat trans fer. I he coolant (he lium) moves from the top downwards. Peed water is supplied into an annular heade r an d is ~h en dis_tdbu Led by ttl hes between 1~termedrate heade rs. The Lubes passmg from a h eader form a hea t- transfa:· surf~ce (a. bundle of helica l coils ). \;<, ~~er m tlus s urface is hea ted to h~11Ing, e vaporated, and the s team is sh~htly superheated. The working flUid moves upwards in counter-current flow relative to the coolant. . Tubes from the top portion of the first bundle pass through an annular s pace formed between tho shell of the sect10n and tho jacket of the secondstage superheater a nd descend in the form of helical coils in which the work!ng fluid moves in parallel flow relative to the coola nt. In the bottom .P ortion of the s upe rheate r, tubes pass through an annular space be tween tho ~u ppor ting cylinder and the internal Jacket of the lower tube bundle and are connected to intermediate headers ?elow that bundle. S uperheated steam ~ s fed from the intermediate headers t~to a common annular. header. The crrculating tubes for s upet·heated steam and food water have helical loops for thermal expansion compensation. The counter-current rohea ter has helical tube coils connected to headers. The mass of all tube bundles is supported by a s phe rica l cover a nd
24.4-. Nuclear React or as Steam Generator
24.4. Nuclear Reactor as a Steam Gc uoral.or
Fig. 24.11. I, Q-diagram of gaseous-coolan t steam genera lor
transferred through a section s uppo•·t onto the reinforced-concreto hous ing. The space between the end covers of the apparatus is filled with helium a l. a pressure slightly above tha t in tho reactor. The difference in thermal expansion of the shell and tubes of the reheater is compensated by a s i 1phon. Gaseous-coolant steam generators should preferably be made with a n eco nomizer and superheater. This is demonstrated in Fig. 24.11 whore t"i' is the exit temperature of the working fluid when producing saturated s t.eam and tH is the temperature of superheated steam at the same temper ature of the gaseous coolant. Indeed, for inte nsive heat transfe r from the coolant to the working fluid, the temper ature gradient D.t on the colder side should not bo loss than 10 deg C. When there is no economizer, generation of saturated steam, which is characterized by a constant temperature of the working fluid in the steam generator (line /), is limited to producing steam at a temperature t'jx corresponding to the gi von value of M. An economizer permits of increasing the t.em p<:! ra Lure gradient at the in lo 1., nnd thercEore, raising tho exit te mperature of s team (line JJ). If a s upe rheater is added to the economize r, a higher exit temperature t'i~ ca n be obtained.
In single-circuit nuclear power stations, the functions of steam generator a re performed by a boiling reactor in which steam is produced from the feed water being supplied. Thus, water serves us the coolant of tho reactor a nd the working fluid from which s team is generated. Boiling reactors may be of shell or channel type . Shell -type boiling reactor. A modern s hell-type boiling reactor with forced ci rculation of water from which saturated steam for · a turbine is produced is shown in Fig. 24.12. The reactor has a vertica l cylindrical steel shell (drum) with a diameter of 3-6 m. The reactor core is arranged in the wa tor s pace of the drum. For the reliable removal of heat from the core, water is intens ively circulated by means of jet pumps mounted in the s hell. In high-capaci Ly power-producing reactors, the number of jet pumps may be up to 20. The pumps are arranged io the annular space between tho shell and reactor core. Water behind the pumps is separated into two flows: tho greater flow (2/3 of the total flow rate of circulating water)
t tt ~:Hq 11 :1 1tJ,b..d
h i1
4 -~~/::_j'JI
J- t·orc·
•' '' 11 ol
24 .12. Shell-type boiling reactor 2-housin~::
J- collecting chamber; 4-
sCIJaralo r uptakes: s-primary separators; Gstt•;un drier: 7-stcam to turbme; a- reed wntcr
Rllflply; 9- Jct rumo•: JO-circu lalion pmnp
,,, 2I- OI 524
Ch. 24. Steam Ce ncralors n/ Nuclear Power Stations
passes through tho core anti the smaller £low is pumped by tho circulation pumps through two p nrn llol loops outside of the reactor she ll. This portion of water is fod to tho in take o[ the jet pumps and thus servo!; as the working flu id [or tho pumps. T hese externa l elements somewhat diminish the radiation safety of the reactor. The cylindrical shell houses the reactor core with fue l assemblies supported by a plate. At tho top, the reactor core has a spherical cover which forms the cham bcr for a steamwater mix lure. Ver tical tu bcs nrc connected to the spherical cover (one tube for each cell of tho core). S teamwater mixture passes th rough these t ubes into turbulent separn tors. Moisture separated in tho turbulent. separators is drained into tho space botween them a nd flows into tho wnter s pace. T he separated wa to•· is mixed with fee d water and sup pi ied to the intake of the jet pumps which overcome the resistance in the multiple forced circul ation circu it. Separated steam is directed from tho separators in to the steam space where it is rlricd in steam driers to a moisture content roughly0.1 %. Since the steamseparating means arc arranged inside the reactor shell, tho circuit has no external elements, which· improves tho radiation situation at the reactor. Shell-type boiling reactors have been thoroughly developed and are used most widely. They are highly comp act, have a simple circuit, low worki ng pressure (roughly half tho pressure of coo lant in the primary circuit of water-cooled water-moderated power reactors}, relatively low consumption of structural materinls for the reactor core, and a low cost. Limited dimens ions of the shell-type . reactors are defined by the conditions of their transportation to cons tr uct_ion sites. The manufacture of large-diameter shells may involve difficulties clue to a n appreciable increase of the wall thickness, especially in high-pressure p\nnts. For this reason, the capacity
24.4. Nuclea r R eacto r as Steam Generator
5 4
Fig. 24.13. Diagram o f multipl e force d c irculat.ion in ch nnnel- l.ypc boiling rea ctor typo It BMJ<-1000 J- rcoctor;
2- diRLdhu l.lnr.:
lu::111cr i
supp ly hcud•·r: tl ruturu Vtl lve: .5 - mam <' IN' u.lation p1nnp; a- di schnrJ:!C hcnder: 7-scpnnlltntr drum~
8 :uuJ U cquulb.lng- tubes: 10-SINHil t urhhw; 1 t- downtakc tube$
of shell-type reactors in power units is limited to 1 000 MW. The reactor shell, especially when it has lnrge dimensions, operates under heavy conditions, since it is subjected to the action of high pressure o[ the coolnu t. and o[ neutron flux in the core. I n shell-type reactors, it is difficult to collect information for pred icting the appearance of defects iu the reactor housing, especially in highcapacity plants where a large volu me of welding is done at the constr uction site, r ather than at the manufacturing work. Shell-type reactors can operate with natu ral or forced circulation nod produce steam of subcritical parameters. A channel-type boiling reactor (Fig. 24.13) h as a core which is a graphite block with vertical fuel chaunels provided in a defin ite order. Water in the ch anne ls moves a round fue l assemblies, is heated to boiling and partially evap or ated . The adequate perfor mance of boiling reactors at a high heat release rate had mad e it possible to develop
reactors in which steam is not only generated, but also su perheated to the required temperature. A number of fuel channels is isolated for steam superhea ting. They are fed with saturated s team whi ch h as boon separated from steam-water mixture in the reactor drum. When a channel-typo reactor operates as a steam generator, its steamgenerating capacity is det~rmined by the number of channels an·d the steamgenerating capacity of each channel. With a given steam-generating capacity of a channel, tho total capacity can be increased by providing more channels in the core, but this complicates the design and operation of the plant. Ch annel-type reactors can be built of a substantial unit capacity (1000 MW, 2000 MW and more) and can operate flt high p arameters of the coolant, and therefore, have a h igh efficiency. The existing channel-type reactors opora to with forced m u I tip le circulation, but their design is suitable for once- through steam generation. The advantages offered by channeltype reactors (the principal advantage being that the pressure in the shell is not h igh) have led to the development of nuclear power stations with ba tch prod ucerl boiling reactors of high capacity. The ch annel-type uranium-graphite react or type RBMK-1000 has been designed for producing saturated steam. The unit operates by the single-circuit scheme, i .c. the steam generated in t he reactor is directed immediately into the turbine and the turbine condensate is re turned into the reactor circuit. T he reactor is mounted in a concreto well with a cylindri cal stacking of vertical graphite columns; these h ave central borings(fuel channels)inwhich fuel elements arc placed and coolant is circulated. Within tho reactor core
21 *
(its height is roughly 7 m), tho [uel channels arc made from 88 mm X X 4 mm zirconium tubes. Beyond tho core, they arc made of stainless steel. Each cha nuel has a cassette with two fuel assemblies (with 18 fue l ole men ts in each as::;embly). A fue l element consists of n zirconium t ube (13.5 rnm X X 0.9 rnrn) filled with uranium diox ide tablets. Some of the channels carry the absorpti on rods of the control and protection system. The heat released in the reactor is removed by two loops of the multiple forced circulation circuit. The circulation of the coolant in each loop is effected by means of four main circulation pumps (with throe pumps being in operation and one in reserve). Wa tor a £tor a pump (at a pressure around 8 MPa and temperature 265°C) is fed iuto a supply header and th en into distributing headers and is distribu ted by means of control valves between the fuel channels. Water iu the fuel channels movesfrom then botLorn u pwards and is first heated in the economizer section and then p artially evaporated . The s team-water mixture thus form ed (x = 14.5%) is directed through individual pipelines into separating drums. The two sep arating drums in each circulation loop are connected by a cross-over tube in order to equalize the water levels in them. The steam-wa ter mixture is separated in the dn1ms into steam and water. Saturated steam (with the moisture con tont 0.1 %) is directed into turbines and water is mixed with tho turbine condensate, is purified, preheated and dcaerated, and returned by circula tion pumps to the inlols of the fu el channels. As a nex t s tep, the chan nel-typo reactors for a capacity of 1 5002 000 MW with s team superhontiug in tho renctor channels at a pressure of u.S MT\1 aro now being developed.
25.1. Metal Behaviour at fl lph Temperature s
Ch. 25. llfelals for Steam Boilers
tho ra te of s teady-state creep increases uud rupture takes place earlier. The r:f-constant stress at which the rate of creep during lz period I I does not exceed the s pecic fied value or the s tress that causes the h tota l plastic deformation during a s pecified time of operation not above oc: a safe limit, is called t he creep stress, or creep strength C1cr· For most steel 0 grades, the allowable total plastic I u Ill deformation of 1 % after 100 000 h of Fig. 25. L Creep curves of st.c)cl at. vu rious operation is allowed, which correstemperdtures and constant. stress ponds to the creep ra te Vcr = = 10- 7 mm/(mm h) or 10-5 %/h. The s trength of the metal in operaa special kind of plastic deformation in which the stra in increases s l ow I y tion under creep conditions can be by the long- term a nd continuously at a constant s tress characterize d below the yield stress and the s ize s tre ngth. As the metal is s tressed of an element gradua lly increases. under creep conditions, the time of As the residual plastic deformation its r e liable operation up to rupture attains a definite l imit, rup turo of depends on t.he stress applied. The the metal occurs. F or this reaso n, s tress which causes rupture of the creep is controlled by periodically mol a l in c reep during a specified measuring the dimens ions of sus pected period is ca lie d the long-term strength. The re la ti onship between the stress c lements. Figure 25.1 shows croop curves ob- and tho time to rupture at constant tained at a constant s tress and dif- temperature 'tp is most often ex presferent temperatures {t1 < l 2 < t 3 ). Lot sed by an exponential equation: us anal yse the process o[ creep at 't P = Bcr-m (25.2) te mperature t 1 • The curve a t t 1 can bo divided into three portions: Oa, whoro 8 and m are constants for ab, and be. Portion Oa (the period of a given meta l and given temperature. attenuating c reep) corresponds to a fn logarithmic coordinates, the reshort initial period I when tho metal lationshi p between o and -c P is descriis even strengthened slightly. Then bed by a straight line; in Fig. 25.2, follows a longe r period II o£ steady- s uch lines a re shown for throe diffestate (secondary) creep (portion ab) rent temperatures ~. t 2 and t 3 (t1 < during which an clement sti ll cau < t2 < t3). operate reliably without rupture. T ho Such curves can be used for deterrate of creep during that period is m ining the time of safe operation of constant: a n c le ment (without rupture). Thorov = !J.l/-c = tan ex (25. 1) t1l
METALS FOR STEAM BOILERS 25. t. Molal Behaviour at High Te mperatures
We h ave discussed in earlier chapte rs some m e thods for organization of boiler processes which can form optimal conditions for the operation of the boiler e lement metal at high pressures. Even then, however, the meta l of critical boiler el ements (waterwall lubes, drum, h eaders, steam pipelines) operates under heavy conditions. In s ten dy regi mos, it is subjected to stresses caused by internal press ure a nd tho own mass of the eleme nts a nd to a high temperature. Tn unsteady regimes (start-up, shutclown) i t is subjected, in addition, to variable temperatures and pressures. Under cer ta in conditions, cyclic variations of temperature may take place. Besides, some critical elements at high temperatures can be acted upon by corrosi ve media: flue gases, saturate d and superheated steam, s teamwater mixture, a nd feed water, which can cause corrosion of the metal. Ma ny boiler elements, especially water-wall tubes nnd fittings in the water-steam path, operate under the conditions of erosion and abrasion wear. E rosion is the kind of wear produced by jets of liquid and abrasion is the mechanical wear under the effect of so lid abrasive particles (for instance, abras ion wear of water-wall tubes by ash). Erosion of metal is a complica ted process which combines chemical corrosion produce d by an aggressive medium a nd mechanical wear as the d yna mic effect of a flow of liquid or steam (mechanical wear in eros ion can be enhanced by solid ab rasive particles carried by the fluid).
In air heaters, the molal of their tubes is subjected to a re lativel y l ow pressure (up to 7-8 kPa), and therefo re, mecha nical s tresses a re ins ig nificant, but the metal operates at a high temperature (up to 400-450°C). The non-cool ed fas tening a nd suspending elements in boiler gas ducts operate under especially heavy conditions. They carry a high weight load and are subjected to the effect of aggressive gases at high te mpe ratures (up to 800°C). The boiler s truc ture a lso cnrries a high weight load, but operates a t tho tempera ture of the su rro un ding nir. Only few elements of the boiler structure of suspended design ('hot suspensi ons') operate at a n e levated temperature dete rmined by the tomperature of the wor king fluid that flows through them. All boiler elements operating at elevated pressures can be divided into two groups: (1) those which operate at temperatures below 350-400°C; they include the drum (in drum- type boilers), steam-generating tubes and their headers, tubes and h eaders of tho economizer and transition zone, a nd pipelines and fittin gs for wa ter a nd saturated steam; and (2) those operating at temperatures above')350-400°C: s team s u perl1ea tors and their headers, desuporhea tors , superhea ted-steam pipoli nos and fittin gs. Of special danger fo r tho operation of critical boiler ola mon ts is the combined long effect of tho internal pressure a nd high temperature (a bove 450°C} of s uperheated steam (superheater t ubes and headers and stea m mains). This may l oad to creep,
In the final critical period II I of accelerated creep (portion be), a hig h plastic deformation occurs in an e lo•nent (for instance, 'infla tiou' of tube portions in water walls), after whic h rupture takes place at point c. Reliable operation of elements is only possible within the period II of s teadystale creep. At a higher temperature (t 2 or t 3 ), the process of creep occurs in a sim ila r way, but more quickly;
tog rp Fig. 25.2. nelationship between long-term strength and time to rupture
Ch. 25. Metals for Steam· Boilers
25.2. Metal& for Steam noilers
fore, the elements operating under the better maintenance of the equipment, conditions of creep can he calculated and more perfect methods of metal by the long-term strength rather than control in the operating equipment. by the creep strength. Giving the According to the new norms of strength time of safe operation and a particular calculations, clements of steam bo isafe margin, we can calculate the lers can be. .ca lculated for a service stress at which these conditions will lifo of 200 000 hours. be satisfied. Tho operation of a metal at eleva' The physical uaturo of the cr eep ted temperatures can .also . be characstress is different from that of the terized by dUlusion processes which long-term strength. The creep strength can substantiall y change the structure (stress) characterizes the resistance of and properties · of the metal. Under a metal to a low plas tic. deformation such conditions, the metal can lose at an elevated temperature, while the strength owing to embrittlement and long-term strength characterizes its graphitization. I ri some cases, these resistance under the conditions of effects can lead to emergency si tuacreep. Nonetheless, either characte- tions. ristic can be used in creep calculations; The operation of steels under the moreover, there is a definite relation effect of flue gases and superheated between these characteristics of a par- steam at elevated or high tempera Luticular material. . res ' can also · be characterized by the Until recen tly, boiler elements ope- activization of electrochemical under creep conditions were rosion and, as a consequence, by the calculated by using in the form u lao oxidation and scaling of surfaces in the allowable stress as found from contact with the active media. Flue the long-term strength at a given gases have an especially strong effect temperature of the wall for a speci- on tho external surfaces ol' superheafied period of operation (usually ter tubes and superhoa ted steam, on 100 000 h). The long-term stren,..,th their internal surfaces, superheated .IS denote d a I (where t is the wall b steam headers, and steam main pipe11 temperature). With the operation fac- lines. In some cases sca le formation tor K 01, = 0.85, the operating time may be so strong that tho thickness 1: = 100 000 h is roughly equivalent of tube walls decreases to a dangerous to 15 years. For expensive equipment, value and may involve premature such as steam boilers and turbines creep and even tube rupture. Scaling in which the r eplacement of certain is aggravated by intensive heating elements (steam . pipelines, superhea- loads or high stresses due to the ters, headers, the high-pressure por- pressure in tubes. Thinning of tubes tion of the turbine, etc.) is lal1our- due to scali ng should be properly consuming and costly, this time of consi dered in s trength ca lculations. op.e ration (campaign) is - now consiAs t.ho unit capacity of power plants dered to be too short in vi.ew of the increases, tho requirements for their high safety margins on which their reliability become more rigorous and strength has been calculated. 'It is can be satisfied with greater diffinow recommended to increase tho culties in view of the large consumpdepreciation time roughly twice, i.e. tion of metal in the hea ting surfaces up to 200 000 hours. This can reduce and enormous number of welded joints. somewhat the long-term s trength at An increase in unit capacity is often the end of the service Hfe of tho metal associated with an increase of steam compared will1 that at the end of pnramcters, which requ ires the applia period of 100 000 hours, bn t tho cation of steel grades having a higher reduction will not be high in view strength and therefore, lower ductiof the improved technology of manit- lity. They arc more sensitive to facture and heat treatment of steels, stress co neon tra tions, so that o von
1 I
slight defects of tho metal hecome dangerous. As a result, modern steam lJOilers of high capacities require a better technology o[ manufacture nnd careful meta l test.iug wh ich cnu provide ample information on the structure, composi t.ion, mechanical properti es (includ ing creep strength) and tho stresses that may appear in the metal in operation. . For operation of sfeels at high temperatures and pressures, it is possible to formulate the following ·principal requirements which can ensure a long and reliable operation of boiler plants: the metal should possess high values oi creep strength and long-term strength, high scaling resist.llnco, stable structure which can ensure that its properties will not. chango dangerously in long-term operation, good weldability, and absence of met.allurgic
I •
The main materials for boilers are carbon steels and alloy steels; the latter can contain chromium, nickel, molybdenum, tungs ten, vanadil1m, etc . .Most of these alloying elements are expensive,· but their addition in minor quantities imparts valuable properties to steel, which are unattainable in carbon steels. Carbon (unalloyed) steels are used for making steam boiler ·elements which operate under no-creep conditions, i.e. at temperatures not higher than 450°C. As required by the technology of welding which is the principal process in boiler making, many critical elements of boilers are made of low-carbon steels (grades 10 and 20). Steel 20 is predominantly used since it has a higher strength than grade 10 and is not inferior to this in weldability and corrosion resistance. In the microstructure of steels for boiler
tubes, so[t and plastic ferrite is the main component, while the ·concentration of tho hardening component pearlite, is not high. Sheet. steel hn~ an olevat.od content of carbon, in the average from 0.15% (grade 15C) to 0.25% (grade 22C) and has a higher strength and satisfactory weldability. Steel grade 22C is characterized by an eleva ted strength, which is due to a higher content of manganese and minor addition of titanium. J,ow-a.lloy pearlitic-class steels. A steel is low-alloyed if it contains up t,o 4.-5% of all a ll.oying elemon ts. Such steels are used for making boiler clements for operation under creep conditions: superheater tubes and headers, and steam pipelines. They are also employed for making boiler drums for pressmes up to 18-18.5 MPa. Low.:alloy steels resist~n t to creep at temperatures up to 580°C, i[ a v ery high scale resistance is not required, are called heat-resisting, or high-ternperature gteels. Those which aro creepresisting at temperatures above 580°C and have a high scale resistance at these temperatures are called refractory steels. · The prlncipal alloying elements in steels are Mo, Cr, Si, and AI. Molyb: denum is dissolved in ferrite and increases the long-term strength and creep strength. Chromium, silicon, and al uminium increase scale resistance, since they form with oxygen dense refractory oxides Cr 2 0 3 , Si0 2 and Al20 3 whose coefficients or expansion are · very close to that of steel. These compounds protect a steel against oxidation . Boi ler making uses widely the lowalloyed Cr-Mo steel of pearlitic class (grade 15KhM with 1% Cr and 0.5% Mo) and Mo-Cr steel grade 12MKh (0.5% Cr anrl 0.5% Mo). These steels, especially 15KhM, are characterized by good weldability, elevated creep strength, and low liability to graphitization. The trend for increasing the t om pe,·at.nre of superheated steam with the nse or inexpensive low-alloyed
Cit. 25. Metals f or S t ea m Eol/ers 25.2. Metals for Steam Bollert
steels of pearlitic clnss h as le d to the appearance of Cr-Mo s tee l :ulcl i tiona lly alloye d with 0. 2-0.::!% van adi um. V a na di um is a s trong carb ideformer an d th us is favoura ble for incrensing the c reep s t roug th. In modern boiler mnking , wid e use is made of Cr-Mo s tee l 12Kh 1M I" (1 % Cr, 0 .3% Mo, 0.2% V) a nd s tee l 15 Kh1MF (1 % Cr , 1 % Mo, 0.2% V) wh ich h as a s l ig htl y higher carbo n content and subs tantiall y hig he r conte nt of molybde num a nd possesses a higher creep s t reng t h . The m inor add ition of vanadium decreases t h e r ate of creep . These s teels can operate at te mper at ures up to 565-570°C. Pearlitic s teel grnd c 12K h2MFSR h as a ver y h igh sca le res is ta nce a nd h ig h refrac toriucss; i ts high sca le res is tance is obta ined by add ing 2% Ct· a nd 0.4-0.7 % S i. Tho high refrac toriness is obtn incd by a ve r y s ma ll add it ion of horo u (0 .003-0.005% ). This s teel is, howeYer, ver y sensitive to heat treatme nt cond itio ns. It is used for making s uperhea ter tubes . High -alloyed a us teni tic-class s tee ls. The trend to ra ise the temperat ure of s uperheating up to 600-650oC has led t o t he applicati on of s teel possessing even high er h cn t and scale resis tance. The struct ur e of these s tools is mai nl y formed by higl t-nlloycd Cr-N i or CrN i-l'v1 u aus ten ito. A u ~ te n i tic steels h ave a high scale resis tance due t o a h igh concentratio n of chromi um . In contras t to low-a llo yed grades, h igh-nlloyed a us l en i tic s teels m a y co nlain up t,o 30 % of n ickel an d chromi um or even more; t he ir cos t is, however , severn! times that of the former. Titan ium and u iobium (stabi l izing eleme nts ) l\l'e nclded to austenitic s teels in o rder to prevent intcrcr ys t.all inc corros ion. T hese elemen ts are stroug carhide-form ors and can combine a ll the carh on into car bides , thus preventing t he fo r mnLion of chromi um ca r bides at t.he bounda ries of a us ten tic g ra ins . l f, howe ve t·, chromi um ca r bides h ave fo rmed in the s t ruct ure , austen ito aro und them is deplete d in chr·onli um; t hese low-chro-
m ium regions lose corros ion resis ta nce whi ch may learl to intercrys tall inc corros ion. The capa bility of s teels for forming a purel y aus teni tic s truc t ur e can be increased by increas ing t ho N i/Cr rn t.i o. Among s teels of t his t ypo , it. is worth mentioning stee l gra1le 1 2Kh18 N12T, a nd als o g racle Kh14 N14V2M (which con tains tungste n and molybdenum) aod steel t y pe 16-13-3 (16 % Cr , 13% N i, a nd 3% Mo). Mol ybdenu m and t ungs ten a re adde d to aus te ni tic s teels in order to furt her inc rease tbe heat resistance, since they form high-disperse s t rong compounds Fe 2 Mo and Fc 2W in t he s teel s tructure. High-alloyed s teels of martc ns itic and martens itc-fcrritic class. A dra w back of nus tc nitic s teels is t heir I ia · b ility to cracking under the combi ned ac Lio n o[ s tresses a nd corros i ve mod i a (corros io n crac king) and format io n o[ annul nr c racks in welds o wing to a s hnrp d ro p of duc tili t y in some portio ns o[ the we ld meta l on h eating . Aus teni t ic s tee ls are expe ns ive due to a high content of nickel. Att empts to lower t ho cos t of heat-res isting s teels an d e l iminate the drawbacks t y pical of austenitic steels h ave resulted in the devolopmeot of no-n ickel s teels o n the bas is of 11-13% Cr with the additions o[ mol y bde num , t ungste n a nd vanadium for h ig her heat res ist ance . With s uch n com bina tion of tho a lloy ing e le me nts , the s tr uc ture of tho s teel is low-carbon m artensite or m a rtens i te-fe rrite, whic h determ ines t he na rno of this c lass of steels. Low-alloyed s teels fo r opera tion under no-creep conditions. I n boi ler m aking, wide usc is m ade of lowa lloyed s tee ls f or operation at re lativcl y low te mpera t ures when t he phe nomeno n of creep does no t appear . Tho f{Lcol has n hig her s t reng th th nn carbon gr·ades a nd is employed in orde r to decrease the wn ll t hiclmoss of hoi lor cl omen ts and tlws red uco m e t nl consumption. For instnnco, bo ile r dnun s for high s tenm par amot.ors are mndc of 1\[n-N i-Mo s teel g ra de
Table 25.t. Principal Characteristics of Boiler St eels Mechanical pro perties al ro om tem perature Grade
.._-.. .. - '"'"" ;;:,.,; .,
Alloying cl ement s. %
E ::l~"< 'Z co. ::S
- o
C ·-
... "o "P..-••" U
~c >t ~A
App lica tio ns
"'c .... C..c! y
§ ~..;
25 23
685 590
Low-earboo (una lloyed) pearlltic-class st eels "'
15K 20K
10 20
352 402
335 402
215 245
I I I245
205 205
31 24
Drums and vessels for pres sures u p to 6 MPa and tompora tures up to 45o•c Drums for pressures of 12.5 MPa Vessels and pipelines for tempera t ure or fluid up to 4so•c ; tubes of heating surfaces of steel 20 ror t emperatures up to 480-
soo•c 1GGNMA
Low-a lloyed pearlitic-closs steels 1\In = 0.8-1. t 500 335 16 685 Ni = 1-1 .3 l\'1o = 0.4-0.55
t 5GS
Mn = 0.9-1.3 Si = 0.7-1.0
Cr = Mo = Cr = Mo =
0.4...().6 OA-0.6 0.8-1.1 0.4-0.6
Boiler drums for pressures 14-18.5 MPa
Feed-water pipelines for pressures up to 38 MPa and t w ~ 450°C
Headers and pipelines for steam temperature up to 475-54o•c ; from grad e 12MKh , up to 51o•c , from 15K hM, up to 540•c; suporhea ter tubes at tw up to 540-560•c
i 2Kh1M F
Cr = 0.9-1.2 Mo = 0.25-0.35 v = 0.15-0.3
Boiler tubes and stoam pipel ines at. t iD up to 580°C
t 5Kh 1Mi F
Cr = 1.1-1.4 Mo = 0.9-1.2 v = 0.2-0.3
Superheaters pipelines at
Cr = i.6-1.9 Mo = O.S-0.7 v = 0.2-0.35 Si = 0.4-Q.7 B = 0.005
Superheaters at t w up to 5SO· c
Cr =2.1-2.6 Mo = 0.5-0.7 v = 0.2...().35 Nb =0.5-0.8
Superheaters at tw up to 5oo•c
22-0I SH
and steam l w np to 580°C
25.9. Stre'llglh Calwtations ·
330~------------------~C~h~ · = 25~.~M ~et=a~ ls~fo~r~S~t~ea~n~l~B~o~i~le~r~s_____________________
Cont i11ued llfecbanlca I properties at room temperature Grade
Alloying elements. ')(,
-=..... =c:: - c;:S . <> .:
,.. !!L--
. -c:::c:: -
12Kh t8K t2T
., o.,ec.= o.=-c:.=Z..., -"
.. .. " -.. "'- t,t.....
~ o
u c:
"'o <-
n igh-alloyed austenitic-class st eels 2:1.5 35 - Superheaters nnd pipelines Cr = ·13-'1 5 540 a l lw up to G50"C Ni= 13-i5 w = 2-2.75 1\lo =0.45-0.6 35 215 540 Cr = 17-19 Ni = 11-13 Ti = 0.65
Kht 6N9 ~1 2
Cr = 15.5· 17 Ni = 8.5-10 1\lo = 1.5·2
2 940
Stea rn pi pol i nos a t stea m temporn t u ro up to 650°C
09K h (1,::\ I!JV2BR
Cr = 23-15 i'\ i = 18-20 w = 2-2.3 Nb = 0.9-1.3 B = 0.005
:1. 380
Steam pipel ines a t s team torn porn tur·o up to 700"C; su perheater tulle~ at tw' u p to 700"C
Cr = 15-17 Ni = 15-17 \V =2-3 lito =0.4-().9 N b =O.G-:1..0 0 =0.005 Cr = 15-17 Ni = 13-15 w = 2-2.75 Nb = 0.9-1.3 B = 0.005
1 380
1 380
Kh16N 16V2l\IBR
16GNJ\1 A (1 % Mn , 1.2% N i , and 0.5% Mo). F eed water pipelines for s upercritica l pressures are made of Mn-S i stee l grade 15GS (1.1 % Mn, 0.8% S i). .. The principal char acteristics of steels employed most w idel y for mak ing tubes, drlJrns, headers an d pipelines of boilers are give n in T able 25.1. Cast iron (grey and 'scale-resisting) is also employed w idely in boiler m aki ng. Grey cast iron (SCh} h as high cast ing· properties and is used for making various furnace d evices: man- and vicw-lwles, explosion valves, fittings and fastenings of boiler setting. It can operate at temperatures .
S team pipelines and s upcrhcnters a t lru up to 700"C
up to 250-350°C. Scale-resisting cast ir on (OCh) is all oyed with some clements (such as sili con) wh ich endow it w ith scale-resisting properties. It is em ployed in s pacing t eeth of superheaters, tube s uspensions and other faste ning elemen ts operati ng in h ight emper atu re zones. 25.3. Strength Calculations T he calctll ation of s treng th is based on estimating the strength of th e metal in lerms of the ultimate load (stress) at tho rated pressure of the work ing fluid, wl1ich makes it possible to consider the operating condi-
tions of the metal mo re completely and carefully. The rated pressure is the pressure at the p lant outlet plus the hydraulic pressure loss at the nom inal load of the path from tho d ischarge header of the superheater to the point where the element being calculated is located, 'f.!J.p; filling the elements by waler or steam-water mixture is taken into account by the hydrostatic pressure ,Of a column of fluid above the element, 6p 1,. Thus, the design pressure is: P
+ 'f.!J.p + !J.p,,
Th e h yd r aulic resistances and th e pressure of t he column are considered if their sum exceeds the pressure beh ind t he superheater by at least 3%. An add ition al term appears due to the force of gravi ty acting on the elemen t being calculated and othe1· elemen ts connected t o it. T he ad ditional load is restricted by extreme values at which the safety margin dimin ishes w ithin tolerabl e li m its compared with t he strength determined in terms of pressure. The design temperature depends on the condit ion s of heating and cooling of an element. For unheated elements, t he design temperature is taken to be equal t o the tem perature of the working flui d ; for boiler drums, it is taken as the temperature of saturation at the pressure in the drum; for headers and connecting pipelines as the tempera ture of the working fluid in them . For h eated elements, tho design temperature is found fro m formula (10 .10) which accoun ts for the na t ure of thermal act ion on a heating s urface. It is essential t o an alyse various portions of a tube bank, ·in particular those which have the high est temperature of steam and those with the h ighest h eating intensity. It should ·also be considered that some tubes or a group of tubes may oper ate w ith maldistribution of heat !J.tmd• i.e. the fluid temperature in them may exceed the averag~ design temperature. This difference can be found from the calcu-
latio n . of the p lan t or determined by tests. For each particular case, the formula can ·be simplified and the design tem perature is determined as recommended in (22]. Allowable stress. The allowable nominal stress is the stress used in calculations of the least thickness of walls and the highest allowable pressure for ·a particular metal and expected conditions of operat ion. The allowable nominal stress is selected for one of the strength characteristics of t he metal: t he ultimat e tensile strength at 20°C, ai0 ; tho yield l im it at 20°C an d at th e design 20 tem per ature t ' <J 0·2 and a 0.2,, t • tho long-term strength at the design tem perature (10 5 hours to rupture), al110&; and the creep strength (to cause i % defo rmation in 105 hours) at the design tem perature a~,·I%· T he allowable nominal stress is ta ken as the lowest of these characteristics d ivided by the safety factor adopted. l'vlost clements of steam boilers and steam generators operating at a particular pressure of the working fluid are of cyl indrical shape (drums, header& and tubes of the heating surfaces of steam boilers , shells, chambers and tu bes of the heat exchangers of st eam generators at nuclear power stat ions). Cylindrical elements subjected t o an· internal pressure can be calculated by the gener al formulae: .
or S=
2<J>Oal+ P
(25 .5)
where S is the cylindrical wall thickn ess, m , p is the design pressure, MPa , DIn a nd D e x are respectivel y the in ternal an'd external diameter of an, element , m,
25.4. ltfetal Control In Operallon
Ch. 25. Metals for Steam Boller1
red tubes, thinning of tho material pulsations on the internal surface of in bends, and thinning from the for- the drum , say, on variations of water mation of scale during the element temper ature behind t he economizer. service lile. For the reliable operation of a drum Calculation of a drum. The drum is in various regimes, the strength conone of the most intensively stressed dition should be satisfied for au y elements in boilers. The following moment of operation, i.e. the resoltled kinds of stress can appear in a drum: stres~ (which is found by considering from the internal pressure at the all the factors mentioned) should not working parameters of tho fluid; ther- exceed the allowable stress of th e mal stresses, which include stresses metal a t a given . temperature. Thus , due to the tempera ture diiference the strength calculation of a drum across the drum wall and those due to should consider all the stresses menthe temperature diiferenc·e b etween tioned and the non-cylindricity of the the top and bottom portions of the drum and its solution is quite complidrum. Thermal stresses across the cated. In the existing norms for tho wall may appear during heating or strength calculations of boilet· clecooling of the drum. Those between ments, only the stresses from the tho top and bottom portions of the internal pressure in a drum are condrum also appear during start-up or sidered. In order to limit thermal shut-down of the boiler; dLu·iug start- stresses, it is not advisable to allow up, for instance, the upper half of the t emperature differences between the drum, which is in contact with the ad jacent elements of a boiler to the condensing steam, is healed up bo more than 50-55 deg C. more quickly than the lower h alf wher e Hea"ders are calculat<Jd essentially in the circulation of water is still too tho same way as boiler drums. In weak. A t shut-down, on tho contrary, that case, one should consider t he loss ,the upper half is cooled more slowly oE strength due to holes for the conthan the lower, since tho heat transfer nection of tubes. Headers have no in the steam space is one or two orders longitudinal weld seams. A header of magnitude smaller than in the has two transverse weld seams for .water space. .the connection of end covers, but In addition to tho stresses indica- theil· effect on the strength is not t ed, a drum is subjected to tho action considered. of the mass of its metal and water and . Calculation of tubes in the heating to the stresses caused by deformation surfaces and pipelines is carried out of the attached water- and steam- by the formulae given earlier, with circulating tubes and steam pipelines. q> = 1, since seamless tubes have no These stresses are usually Low and can weakened points. Tubes of h eat oxbe neglected. changers subjected to pressure from In the r egimes of accelerated star- both sides are .c alculated for the ting-up or emergency shut-down (for higher pressure , rather than for the instance, on rupture of tubes in the pressure diiference. If the higher pres·c irculation circuit), thermal stresses sure is in a tube, the calculation is inay exceed the allowable values. done by formulae (25.4) and (25. 5). ~ubstantial stress concentrations may With a higher pressure on the outside, occur at the sharp edges of holes in the a tube is compressed and is calculated 'places of -tube COQnection, especially by the formula of ?owntake · tubes. During start-up S = Dcx :.;~ +C (25.6) and shut-down, these stresses vary from zero t 9· the maximum, while in where E is the modulus of elasticity, steady regi,m es they vary less sub- MPa, and m is the safety (stabili ty) ·stan~ially , but with a higper frequenfactor; m :::::: 6 for carbon-steel tubes cy in accordance with the temperature ·and m :::::: 5 for alloy-steel tubes.
25.4. Metal Contra' in Operation As given earlier, the properties of steels are impnired at high temperatures. For th at t·enson , it is essential to periodical! y con lrol the state of the metal uudcr the conditions of creep (at temperatures above 450°C) . Periodic con trol of the metal is required for pipe! ines, hoa!iCrs, tube coils of superheaters, fl anges, and other boiler elements . All points where measuremen is arc carried out should have reliable thermal ins•1lation of the same conductivity as in other portions of a pipeline or a header. In order to contr ol creep and the structure and mechanical properties of the metal in slonm mains, they are provided with control sections 4.5 m long in easil y accessible places near tho boiler (see Fig. 25.3). lf a pipeline is made of pearlitic or ferriteaustenitic steel, bosses are fastened to the surface of the control section so as to control creep by variations of their diameter. With tubes made of austen itic st ools, bosses are not used, and the r esidual deformation is measured directly on tho tube section by means of micrometers. Once in three years, a specimen is cut off from a control section for making mechanical and motallogruphic tests and chemical and cnrbido analysis of the main meta l and weld seams (Fig. 25.4).
Bosses are welded on the surface of the control sections and , in addition in straight portions of a pipeline more' than 1. 5 m long, in four points at two mutually perpendicular diameters . All measurements are made upon cooling of tho molal at least to 50°C so as to exclude the effect of tom per a tu ro. Ct·eep in headers is controlled in a sim ilar way. Creep in superheater co ils is controlled periodically by means of measuring brackets; this makes it possible to prevent emergency situations. T he method of control sections is disadvantageous in that cutting of specimens is labour-consuming nnd the cut-off portions of tubes must be fill ed with metal by welding. The principal drawback, however, is l.h at the variations in the metal pr·operl.ios in a control section cannot be fully representative of the variations in all other tubes, so that control of all tubas is required. .'l !ethods have been developed for the control of all tubes by non-destructive testing, i.e. without cutting of specimens. Microstructural analysis of th o metal in operating tubes is carried out in place by means of a portable microscope with a photographic camera, wl1icb is fastened to tho tube to be t ested. Tho surface of tho tube should be prepared, i.o. ground and polished b y moans of a drill with a set of grind ing and polishing discs. 4500
:I I
I '
""" " VJ
1000 .1
• ... 7
~ . I
""\.\.. ~ v 4
i~ I'
::: I
Fig. 25.3. Test section of a steam pi peline 1-steam pipeline;
~t lon; 3-.
bosses: 4-snap gauge for measuring residual deformation, 5-cuttmg spcc1 mcns for tests; 1- Vl- c ultlng sequence
Ch. 25. M etals for S team Bolters
F ig. 25.4. Diagram of specimen cutt ing J-cut-oll portion or pipeline; t-specimcn lor :~~lie tests: .!- spt>cl rncn lor Impact toughness cs , 4- s peclmcn lor cnrbldc unaiysls; s - spccl· men tor mnking mkroscction
. N?n-destructive mechanical tests are fmdmg over wider use for metal control at power stations. T hey arc based -on a defin ite relationship that ex ists between the hardness of a n1etal, as m~ns•:•re d by indentation, and its prtnc•pal mechanical properties. In ~b methods, the strength char aclenstiCS of a metal, i.e. the yield strength u 0 • 2 and the ultimate tensile strength u 1 are determined respecti':el~ by the hardness at the yield hm1t, H o.~ and the Brinell h ardn ess HB_. The vnlue of H 0 • 2 is found as the nt10 of tho indentat ion force P 2 (at 3n indentation load 2 450 N) ~~ tl;e su~face area Jlf of the indentation obtamcd on attaining a residual defor-
mation . o[ 0.2% .. Wiq1 an indenting ball of 10 mm diameter, tho residual defor~ation of 0.2% is obtained when the dtameter of indentation is 0.9 mm and M = 0.6 mm 2 • The ultimate ~trength u 1 is determined by measurmg the Brinell hardness on indenting a ball 2.5 mm in diameter by the force 1 840 N. Ductilit y of a metal is characterized by the duct~lity characteristics: per cent elongatiOn of a specimen with lid = 5 . on tension, 6..,.. .,It , and its con t ract10n 'I'· Per cent elongation is determ ined by the fo rmula
65 = whe~e A is the
A 2ot + cr0 .~
(25. 7)
under t he stressstrum cur ve of a specimen tensioned to ru pture, cm 2 • · Contraction . 1j> is found indi rectly from t.hc Brmel l lt:~l'dnoss of the metal. Non-destructiYe methods of metal con.trol are quito couveniont, but thetr accuracy is somewhat lowet· than that of direct tests of metal specimens . . expansions of steam pipehoes which usually form a complicated system in space, can cause redistr ibution of loads onto su pports and result in excessive stresses in some P?rt i?ns of a pipeline. Expansions o£ ptpehnes operating at temperatures above 300°C arc controlled by means of strain gauges.
1. A erodynamic Design of B oiler Plants (standard method). Ed. by S. I . Mochnn. Moscow, Energiya, 1977. · 2. Air Heaters of Boller Plants. Leningrad, Encrgiya, 1977. Authors: T .S. Dobryako,·, V.K. Migai, V.S. Nalarcnko et al. 3. Akhmcdov R.B., Principles of Combustion Control. Moscow, Encrgiya, i977. 4. Akol' zin P.A., Margulovu T.Kh. , Murtynova O.l . , Water Condition.< of Supcrcrilical-prc.<snre Monobloc Unlts.l\'l oscow, Energiya , 1972 . 5. Andreev P.A., Gl'in man M. l. , Smolki n Yu .V ., Optimization of Thermal Equipment of Nu.clca r Power Stations. Moscow, izdut, 1975. (i. Andryu sbchenko A .I. , Zrnach insky A .V ., Ponyatov V .A., Optimization of Heating Cycles ruul Processes at Thermal Power Station.<. l\loscow, Vysshayn Shkola, 1974. 7. Antikain P.A., Metals and Strength Ca lculations for Boilers and Pipelines. :Moscow, Energiya, 1980. 8. Belinsky S.Ya., Lipov Yu.M., Power Plants of Electric Power Stations. Moscow, Energiya, 1974. 9. Belosel'sky B.S., Fuel Oils. Moscow, Energiya, 1978. 1 0. Bloch A.G., Thermo! Radialiolt in Boiler Plants. Leningrad , Energiya, i 967. 1.1. Boiler and Turbine Plants for M onobloc Units. Experience of Operation. Ed. by V.E. Doroshchuk, L.B. Krol eL al. Moscow, Energiya, 1971. 12. Boiler and Tr£rbine Plants for 500-MW and 800-liJW M onobLoc Units. Development and Operation. Ed. by V.E. Doroshchuk and V.B. Hubin. Mosco w, Energiya, 1979. 13. Combustion of lligh-mlphur Fuel Oil at Thermal Power Stations. Moscow, Eoergiy a, 1970. Authors: N. I. Verkhovsky, G . K. Krasnoselov, E.V. Mashilov c t a!. 1 4. Design 11nd Cai.CILLntion of All-welded W 11ter Walls of Boiler PLants. Len ingrad, Energiya, 1975. Aut.hor·s: A. l . Gol berg, V .S. Koryag in, S .l. Mochan cl al. 15. Dorosbchu k V .E., ffeflt -transfer Crisis of Water BoiLing i11 Trtbes. Moscow, Encrgiya, 1970. 16. Doroshchu k V .E., Nuclear Reactor.< for Power Stations. 1\loscow, Atomizdat, 1977.
17 . Gavrilov A.F., Malkin B.ll!. , Fouling and Cleaning of Healing Surfaus of Boilers. Moscow, Energiya, 1980. 18. Gerasimov V.V., 1\.asperovich A.I., Martynova 0.1., Water Conditions at Nuclear Power Stations. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1976. 19. Goncharov S .P., Mount ing the Boiler Plants of Thermal Power S t ation.,. Moscow, Energiya, 19/ 8. 20. Hea.t Calculat ions of Boiler Plants (sta ndun! me l.hod) . Ed . by N .V. Ku:mctsov, V.V. 1\·Ii Lor , e l al. l\loscow. E ncrg iya, 1973. 21.. High-capacity Bo iler P l ants. Hefcrence ca l.ulogue. Moscow, 1975. 22. /[y(lrartlic Calcul alio11s of Boiler Plan ts (s tandard method). Ed. by V. A. Loksbin , D.F. Peterson . A.L. Schwarz. Moscow, Energiya. 1918. 23. 11 ydrodyt.amics and IIe(rt Transfer in Nuclear Power Plants. 1\lo~cow, Alornizdat, 1975. Authors: V.I. Subbotio, M.Kh. Ibragimov, P.A. Usbakov et. al. 24. I mbriLsky M.N., Reliability of Fittings of Monobloc Units. Moscow. Energiya, 1980. 25. Isachcnko V .P., Osipova V .A., Sukomcl A.S., H ea.t Transfer. Moscow, Energiyu, 1975; English t ra!ll'lation: M I R Publishers, Moscow, 1969. 26. Ivanov Yu.V ., Gas Burners. Moscow, Nedra, 1.972. 27. KalininE.K., DreizerG.A., YarkhoS.A., Ifeat Transfer lrttensificalion in Channels. Moscow, Mashinostrocnie, 1972. 28. Kemcl'mun D.N., Eski n N.B., Dav idov A.A., B oiler A djustment (reference book). Moscow , Encrgiya, · 1976. 29. Khzmalyan D.M., Kagan Ya.A., Combustlort Theory and Furnaces. 1\loscow, Encrgiya, 1976. 30. Kot A.A. , Dccva Z.V . , Chemical Water Conditions of H igh-capacity k!ollobloc UrLtts. Moscow, E nergi ya, 1978. 31. Kuta lcladze S.S., S tyrikov ich M.A., If ydrodynamlcs of Gas-liquid Systems. Moscow, Encrgiya, 1976. 32. Ku tcpov A .M., Sterman L .S., Styushin N .G., H ydrocly11amics and H eat Transfer tn Evapora.tion. Moscow, Vyssbaya Shkola, 1977. 33. Kuznetsov N .M., Kanacv'A .A., Kopp I .z. Power Equipment of Nuclear Power Stallolls. Leningrad, Jllnshinos trocnic, 1.979.
34. Lebedev A.N., Fuel Preparation and Pulverization at Thermal Power Stations.
Moscow, Energiya, 1969. 35. Levinzon V.M., Schwarz A.L., Thermal Energeti cs, 1974, No. 6. 36. Lipov Yu.M ., Fundamentals of Combustion Prousses. Moscow, Energiya, 1969. 37. Lifov Yu.l\1., Samoilov Yu.F., Mode Z.G., Layout and Heat Calculations of Steam Generators. Moscow, E nergiya, 1975. 38. Man 'kina N .N ., Physico-chemical Processes in S team-water Cycle of Power S tations. Moscow, Energiya, 1977. 39. Margulova T.Kh ., Nuclear Power Stations. Mosco w, Vysshaya Shkola, 1978;
English translation: Moscow, MIR Publishers, 1978. lo O. Marine Boilers. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1977. Authors: N.J. Pushkin, D.I. Volkov, K.S. Dementyev et al. 41. Meiklyar M.V ., Modern Boiler Plants of Taga~~rog Boiler Works. Moscow, Energiya, 1978.
42. Mikuailov N .J\1., Sbnrkov A.T., Physical Properties of Fuel and Problems of F uel Suppl!l at Thermal Power Stations.
Moscow, Encrgiya, 1972.
43. Operation of M onobloc Units (startingup, metals, tooter treatment, and automatic control). Moscow, Energiya, 1971.
44. Ornatsky A.P .. Dashkiev Yu.G., Perkov V .G., Supercrlllcal.-pressure S teamGenerators. Kiev. Visbcha Shkola, 1980. 45. Peeker Ya.L., flea/ Calcula tions b!l Resolved Characteristics of Fuel. Moscow~
Energiya, 1977. 46. Pletnev G.P ., A utomallc Control and
Protection of Thermal Equipment at Electric Power S tatio ns. Moscow, Ener -
giya, 1976.
47. P owu Enginuring and Environmental Control. Ed. by N .G. Zalogin, L.I. K r opp, and Yu.M. Kostrikin. Moscow, Energiya, 1979. 48. Practical Theory of Combustion. Ed. by V .V. Pomeran tsev. Leningrad, Energiya, 1973.
Abramovich G.N. 92 Abrasion 324 Abrasion wear of heating surfaces 196 Absorbed radiant heat flux·' 247 Acceleration characteristic 291 Activation energy 49 Actual steam content 102 Adiabatic temperature of combustion 252 Adsorbed moisture 28 Adventitious moisture 28 Aflerburning zone 59 Air heaters 236 Air inleakage 62 Air regi ster il6 Allowable heat release rate 78 All-welded water walls "13 Ambiguity of hydraulic characteristi cs 127 . Analytical mass of fuel 23 Apparent density of steam-water m1xture 103 Arrhenius' law 48 Ash content of fuel 26 Ash-handling system 19 Atomi zation of fuel 92 Attempera tors 226 Austenitic steels 328 Auxiliary power consum ption 70 Availability factor 290 Available beat of burned fuel 68 Ball-tube mill 41 Bare-tube water walls 203 Benzpyrene 65 Blow-do'I\'D water 178 Boiler enclosure 268 Boiler furnace 17 Boiler layout 262 Boiler plant 12 Boiler preassembling 21 Boiler shut-down 291 Boiler structure 264 Boiler water 16 Boiling crisis 113 Boiling economizer 202, 235 Boiling reactor 321 Boltzmann number 251 Bouguer's law 249, 257
Bubble-cap steam washer 188 Bubble flow 104 Bubbl ing systems 157 Burner arrangement 82 Burn-out conditions 113 Bypassi ng of combustion products 232. Calorific value of fuel 25 Capacity factor 290 Carbon dioxide 25 Carbon steels 327 Carburization o[ fuel 22 Carry-over loss 73 Cascade air heater 242 Casing-head gas 23 Cast iron 330 Cellular moisture 28 Centrifugal separator 44 Channel-type boiling reactor 322. Chelates 165, 182 Chela te treatment of water 182 Chemical age of fuel 22 Chemical washing 178 Circulation ratio 1 7, 103 Circulation reliability 203 Circulation reversal 152 Circulation stagnation 152 Circulation veloci ty 100 Classification of steam boilers 15 Closed hydraulic systems 17, 145 Coefficient of: ash abrasiveness 198 direct heat release 25lo fouling 253 grindability 40 heat spread 119 thermal radiation m furnace 25DCoke 28 Cold Ilow bypassing 211 Cold ehut.-down 304 Colloidal impurities 165 Combined air heating 2lo 2 Combined burners 82 Com bined-ci rculation boilers 17 Combined gas-fuel oil burners 90, 96 Com bined steam-gas plants 14
339 Combustible mass or fuel 23 Combustion, of gaseous fuels 51 of liquid fuels 52 or solid fuels 53 Combus tion front 56, 58 Combus tion mec hanis ms 50 Combus tion products, composition GO Combustion reactions, kinetics 47 Condensa te pump 11 Condensation plants 10 Condenser 11 Congelation tem perature 30 Continuous blowing-down 183 Convective superhea ters 19, 217 Convective surfaces 18 Corrosion con trol of air beaters 243 Corrugated-tube air beater 239 Counte r-flow superheater· 219 Creep control 325, 333 C ri tical concentration of imp urities 175 Cri tical ex.ce~s air m tio 73 Cri tical fatigue s tresses 129 Cri load 11 3 Cross-fiiiiH!d lulws 218 Curtain wal ls 'i!'J, 20i ·Cyclones 45
E ffective heat flux 247 E lemental analysis of fuel 23 Emergency shut-down 291, 305 Emulsion fl ow 104 Endothermic reactions 48 Energy balance equation 9!1 Energy release rate 78 Engler viscometer 29 Enthalpy of combustion products Environmental control 65 Erosion 324
Ethylen diamine tetraacetic acid (EDT A)182 Evaporating surfaces 15, 202 Excess air ratio 61 Exothermic reactions 48 Explosive combustion 49 Explosiveness, of dust 40 of gases 31 Extern al cyclones 18G External separator 314 Extinction temperature 50 F eed water 10, 18 Feed-wa ler pump 11 Fick's law 55 Film separation 187 Finned tubes 120, 217 Firi ng regimes 291, 307 Flame combustion 32 Flame control in furnace 231 Flame core zone 59 Flame emissivity 249 Flash point of fuel oil 30 Flow diagram of steam produc tion 17 Flow pulsations 143 Fluidized-bed combus tion 33 Fly ash 19, 26, 193 Fly ash carry-over 27 Fly-ash collector 1 !l Forced-circulation hoi lers 16 Forced-draft fans 12 Forced multiple circulation 17 Fouling coefficient 194 Free circulation laws 145 Friable deposits 193 Frothy flow 104 Fuel carburi zation 22 Fuel consumption b y boiler· 69 Fuel feed ers 17 Fuel oil 23 Fuel oil burners 92 Fuel-preparation d e vices 12 Fusibility characteris ti cs or as h 26
<Jas burne rs 95 Cas-mete ring house lo6 Cas-oil combination burner 97 Cas-t.ight water walls 203, 210, 213, 282 Cas-turbine plant 13 C eological a ge of fuel 22 Gilled tubes 218 Class-tube air hea ters 244 Clas.o;y deposi ls 195 CraviLational separation 44 Grinding mills 17, 35, 41 Crinding capaci Ly of mill 42 ·· Cross efficiency of boiler 68 Curvich J\.M. 251 H am mer mill 41, 43 Heat absorption by heating ~urfuces 69 H ea t-and-power plants 10 H eat balance of stea m boiler 69 H ea t calcula t.ion of boiler 273 Healing value of fuel 25 · Heat insulation of boiler 270 Heat losses, 6!l · by cooling 74 by incomt'lete· combustion 72 with physical heal of slag 75 with unburned carbon 73 with waste gases 70 H eal power of furnace 77 Heat release rate per unit furnnc·e area 77 Heat-resisting swels 327 H eat spread 119 H eat -transfer agent 10 Heat-transfer crisis 112 H eat-wave cleaning 196 H eterogeneous combustion 54 Hig h-pressure water heater 11 Hi gh- temperature corrosion 198 Hi gh- temperature steels 327 Hinshelwood C. N. 51 llot box 268 Hydrate moisture 28 Hydraulic characte ristic 126 Il~'drn ulic mald isl ribution 138 llyd raulic resi stances 105 llydrazioe 165 Hydrazi ne-ammoni a water treatment 180 Hygroscopic mois ture 24, 28 l g nition U!mperalure 1,9 Impurities in feed water 165 Inc ident heat flux 246 In duced-draft fans 12, 19 Induc tion. pe riod 51
Inertial separator r,5 I uhcrent moisture 28 Inte rnal cyclone separato r 185 Internal separator 314 Inverse balance method 69 Iron oxides 169 Khi lrin L.N. 54 Kine tic combustion zone 56 Kineti cs of combustion 47 Koroi tsky S. Y a. 63 Kutateladzc S.S. 161 J-aw of mass action 48 Layout of boilers 262 Liquid sodium 13 Live-steam reheater 226, 228 Load s hedding 297 Loose cleposi ts 194 Lower hen Ling value 25 Lower ra dia ti on sec tion 18 Low-pressure economizer 242 Low-pressure beater 11 Low- temperature combustion G'i Low- t.ernpcrnturc' corrosion 65, 199 Low- tcmpcratuJ·e healing surfaces 232 Low- te mperature sulphuric corrosion 245 Luminous flame 249 Magnesium salts 183 l\lagnetobydrodynamic (l\lliD) plant 14 !\lake-up velocity 151 Make-up water 11 Maldistribution of heat 136, 213 Margulova T. Kb. 182 Marine fuel oil 29 Martens i tic steels 328 Martynova 0. 1. 166 Mass s lea rn content 101 Mass velocity 100 Muss water content 101 M n teri al balance equa Lion 99 Mechanical burners 92 Mechanisms of combus tion 50 Melting temperature of ash 27 Membrane walls 203 1\•lendeleev's formulae 25 Metal control in boiler operation 333 l'l'letals for s team boile rs 327 Methane 24 Method of rcsol ved thermal characteristics 62 Meyer L. 54 Microstructural analysis of metal 333 1\1 iII ing fine ness 38 J\liropols ky Z.L. 11 5
340 Model of combustion 55 Moisture content of fuel 28, 40 Monobloc units 21, 2761 Multi-jet retractable blowers 196 Multi-nozzle steam -mechanical burners 93 1\atural-circula ti on boilers 16 Na tural isotopes 12 Natural-circulation steam generators 314 Natural gases 23 Net efficiency of boiler 70, 290 Neutral water conditions 181 Nitrogen 25 Nitrogen oxides 65 Non-boiling economizer 202, 235 Non-destructive testing 333 Non-luminous flame 240 Non-scaling wn ter conditions 183 Offset transition zone 18 Once-through hoi lcrs 1G, 278 Once-through steam generators 314 Open hydraulic systems 17, 124 Operating conditions of boilers 290 Operation factor 290 Optimal tempera ture or waste gases 71 Organic fuels 22 Organic mass or fuel 23 Organic sulphur 24 Orifice pla tes t 29 Oxygen me ter 64 Oxygen-neutral water conditions t 8t Pad dle-type mill 4 1 Parti cle-size distribu tio n curve 38 Pearlitic steels 327 Peeker Ya. L. 63 Periodic blowing-do wn 183 Phosphate water conditions 183 Physical hea t of fuel 68 Plain-tube economizers 234 Pinlens 79, 207 Pia ten superhea ters 217 Plutonium 22 Polyak G.L. 253 Polydispersity coeffic ient of dust. 39 Pomerantscv V. V. SG Powcr-producing fuels 22 Power system 10 Prcdvoditelcv A.S. 511 Pressure gradient 105 Primary air HI, 34 Primary furnace 88 Primary superheater 2 17 Process stea m 11
Protopopov V.S. 9, 117 Pulverization equipment 4t P u1 verizing fans 4 t , 44 Pyrite sulphur 24 Radiant economizer 18 Radiant heating surfaces 18 Radiant heat transfer in furnace 25'1 Radiant superheaters 1.9, 217, 220 Radiation of triatomic gases 249 Rated fuel consumption 70 Ravich M.B. 63 Reaction rate 48 Reaction rate constant 48 Recirculation of combustion products 213, 230 Recirculation ratio 212 Recuperative air heater 23G Reference fuel 25 R efractory-faced water wolls 203, 21& Refractory steels 327 Regenerative air heaters 236 Regenerative water heating H Reheater 217 Relative velocity of steam 101 Removal of impurities 178 Resolved characteristic of fu el 2(> Resolved flame length 59 Reversible reactions 48 RiUed tubes 218 Bittinger's law 39 Roller mills 4t, 44 Romm E.I. 190 Rotary air heater 240 Scale 1.8 Scale formers t 68 Scaling mechanism 192 Scroll-vane burners 80 Secondary air 1.9, 34 Secondary atomization 91, Secondary circulation 11 8 Semenov N.N. 51 Semi-luminous flame 249 Separating superheater 313 Shape factor 40 Shell-type boiling rea ctor 32 1 Shmukler B.l.. 9 Shorin S. N. 253 Shot-blasting 196 Shut-down of boiler 291 Shut-down regimes 303 Sieve analysis of pulverized coal 38 Single-bank reheat er 11 Slag 26
Slagging 193, 226 Slagging-hottom furnaces 33, 86 Slag viscosity 27 Sludge formers 168 Sodium sal ts 166, 183 Sokolovsky's formula 53 Solubility equation t 66 Solubility product 168 Spra y-type att~mpera tor 226, 227 S tandard cone test 27 Starting-up circuits of monobloc units 298 ·· Starting-up regimes 291 Start-up expander 301 Static characteristic 293 Static instability t 24 Steady regimes of operation 292 Steam air heater 242 Steam boilers, classification 15 Stearn bubbling 1.58 Steam-distribution plate 159 Steam-generating capacity 21. Stearn generators of nuclear ower stu ti ons, 312 with aqueous coolant 314 with gaseous coolant 319 with liquid-metal coolant 317 Steam-mechanical burners 93 Steam-relieving area t 6 Steam space 16 Steam superheating 21 Steam-turbine plant t 3 Steam washing t 88 Stepped evaporation HIO Stepped tubes 130 Sticky deposi ts 1.95 Straight-flow burners 80 Straight-scroll burners 80 Studded water walls 216 Styrikovich M.A. 9, t 61, 1.76 Sulphate sulphur 24 Sulphur oxides 65 Supercharged boiler 20 Supergrid 1.0 S uperheated steam 11, 21. Superheaters 1.5, 21.7 Superheat temperature control 225 Surface-type nttemperator 226· Synthetic isotopes 12 Temperature asymm etry 12t Temperature field 112
Theoretical surface area of pulverized coal 40 Theo reti cal volume o[ combustion products
61 Therm al characteristics o[ water walls 246 Thermal diagram of boiler 270 Thermodynamic dew temperature 200 Totnl ca rry-Q[f coefficient t 73 Total-residue curve 38 Toxicity of gases 31 Toxic rate of substance 66 Transi tion zone 1.8, 56, 203 Turbine bypassing 300 Turbulent burners 80 Two-sc roll burners 80 Unsteady regimes of operation 294 Upper heating value 25 Uptake tubes 16 Uranium 22 Useful circulating head 1.46 Usefu l heat release 251 Vanadium corrosion 199 Vanad iu m pcntoxide 65, 199 Vune-typc burners 80 Velocity of steam-water mixture 101 Vibration cleaning 19G Viscosity of fu el oil 29 Vola tiles in fuel 27 Volatile sulphur 24 Volume steam content 102 Vortex burners 58, 80 Vor tic ity parameter 58, 81 Washing circuit 179 Washi ng of steam 162, 183 Waste gases, 19 Wa ter blowing 196 Water carry-off by steam.f73 Wa ter conditions in boilers 178 Water co ntent of steam 1. 74 Water space 16 Water swell 159 Water walls 1.7, 203 Water wall section alizing 205 Wetness fraction W1 We t-wall flow 1.04 Wick effect 169 Working [)uid 10 Working mass of fuel23 Zmachinsky A.V. 9 Zonal calculation of furnace 254
.Mir Publishers welcome your comments on the contents, translation, and design of the book. We _would also be pleased to receive any suggest•ons you care to make about our future publications. Our address is: USSR, 129820, Moscow, 1-110, GSP,
Pcrvy Rizhsky Pcrculok, 2, Mir Publishers
B. llUDOMINO and Yu . REMZH I N, Cand . Sc.
This book deals with the design of pipelines for modern thermal power stations, development of pipehne layout diagrams, hydrodynamic and strength calculations, and thermal expansion compensation calculations. The book is for engineers ·and designers concerned with building of thermal power stations. It may also be used as a textbook for students tudying heat engineering.
Printed In the Union of Soviet Socialist
The author of the textbook Prof. T. Margulova is a well-known :Specialist in the field oE heat-and-power engineering. The boo k .expl ains the theory of thermal electrical power stations as applied to power plants usi ng nuclear fuel. It covers general problems for .any thermal electric power stations (conventional nod nuclear) and specific ones which are true for nuclear power plants only. The textbook is for uoi \'ersity students and may be used by enginee rs specializing in design start-up and opera Lion or nuclear power -stn tions.
The b~ok presents the physico-chemical principles of the processes which oc_c ur in modern . high-capacity steam boilers of powe·r stations and the effects of tfle_s e prOCfi!SSes on the design of steam poilers and thei r elements. Describes particular designs of ~ steam boilers and the general prin- . ciples of the ir calculation. Special attention is given to monobloc (steamturbine) units of power stations. Discusses methods for increasing the re-
liab ili ty and efficiency of steam boiler plants. Gives the principles of steam generation at nuc lear power stations and describes particular designs of steam generators for nuclear · power stations. The book is int!'lnded for higher-education students ~pecializing in power engineering and is a lso of use to eng ineers and te~hn icians engaged in ·the design, construction, mounting imd operation of steam boilers.
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