The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Series Editor Leonard J. Greenspoon
Editorial Advisory Committee N. Fernandez Marcos, Madrid M. Mulder, Leiden I. Soisalon - Soininen, Helsinki Ε. Τον, Jerusalem
Number 38 The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Peter John Gentry
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Peter John Gentry
Scholars Press Atlanta, Georgia
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Peter John Gentry
©1995 Society of Biblical Literature
L i b r a r y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gentry, Peter John, The Asterisked materials in the Greek Job / by Peter John Oeiury. p. cm. (Septuagim and cognate studies series . ׳Society of Biblical Literature ; no. 38) Thesis (Ph. D ) — University of Toronto, W 4 . Includes bibliographical references, I S B N 0-7885-0093-7 (cloth : uHc. paper). ISBN 0-7885-0094-5 (paper : 31k. paper) I Bible. O. T . Job-—Criticisjit, Textual. 2. Bible. O. T . Job Greek. Versions-Theedorion. 3. Creek language. Biblical. I Title. II. Series: Septuagim and cognate smdies series ; no. 38. BS1414.C7T4434 1995 223'. 1048~de20 94-49392
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
To my wife, Barb, a cheerleader for the tortoise
Sigla and Abbreviations
System of Hebrew/Aramaic and Syriac Transliteration Transliteration of Hebrew Vowels
xxxv xxxvii
Chapter 1: The Identification of the Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
0. Introduction
1. Historical Survey of the Textual Tradition of the Greek Job
1.1. The Ecclesiastical Text
1.2. The W o r k o f O r i g e n
1.3. The Later Revisors or Translators
1.4. The Relation of Origen's Work to the Present Text of Job
2. Methodology and Scope of the Present Study
2.1. The Present State of the Greek Text
2.2. The Study o f the Asterisked Materials
3. The Corpus of Asterisked Materials
3.1. Analysis of Asterisked Lines in Ziegler's Edition vii
3.1.1. The Evidence of Ziegler's Einleitung
3.1.2. The Evidence of Ziegler's Text
3.1.3. Discrepancies between Ziegler's Einleitung and Text
16 Differences in Stichometry Lines Asterisked by Rahlfs but not by Ziegler Lines Asterisked by Ziegler but not by Rahlfs
16 17 19 Summary
3.1.4. Competing Sequences of Asterisked Lines
3.1.5. The Corpus of Asterisked Lines
3.1.6. Manuscript Support for the Corpus of Asterisked Lines
3.2. Analysis o f 9' Materials in Ziegler's A p p I I
3.2.1. LIST O N E : Materials Attributed Uniquely to 8'
3.2.2. LIST T W O : Materials Attributed to both 6' and a
3.2.3. LIST T H R E E : Materials Attributed to both 6' and o
3.2.4. LIST F O U R : Materials Attributed to Multiple Sources
3.2.5. LIST F I V E : Materials of Uncertain Attribution
3.2.6. LIST SIX: Excluded Materials
3.2.7. Conclusion
Chapter 2: The Characterization of the Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
0. Introduction
1. Nouns
1.1. Structural Analysis
87 viii
1.1.0. Introduction Proper Nouns Common Nouns Adjectives Summary
89 90 96 99
1.1.1. Number
99 Problems of Comparison Singular Nouns Plural Nouns Summary
100 102 105 109
1.1.2. Bound Phrases
1.1.3. Attributive Phrases
1.1.4. Articulation
117 Proper Nouns Evidence Commentary Common Nouns Free and Indetenninate Forms Bound Forms Bound Forms with Pronominal Suffixes Bound Forms Functioning as Nomen Regens Bound Phrases So-Called Nota Accusativi Numerals ?D Summary 1
1.2. Lexical Equivalency
118 118 119 121 121 124 124 125 126 129 130 131 132 132
1.2.1. Adverbs, Adjectives and Common Nouns Evidence Commentary
132 133 137
1.2.2. Proper Nouns
145 Evidence
145 Commentary
2. Pronouns
2.1. Personal Pronouns 2.1.1 Free Forms
148 148 Evidence
148 Commentary
2.1.2 Bound Forms Evidence and Commentary
151 152
2.2. Demonstrative Pronouns
2.3. Interrogative Pronouns
2.4. Relative Pronouns
2.4.1. Asyndetic Relative Clauses 2.5. Summary 3. Verbs
172 173 174
3.1. Structural Analysis 3.1.1. Finite Verbs Aspect/Tense Prefix Forms Evidence - Prefix Forms Commentary - Prefix Forms Suffix Forms Evidence - Suffix x Forms
174 174 176 178 179 183 192 192 Commentary - Suffix Forms Modal Forms Evidence - Modal Forms Commentary - Modal Forms Number and Person Agreement in Number and Person N o Agreement in Number and Person Schema Atticum Voice Agreement in Voice N o Agreement in Voice 3.1.2 Participles
194 207 207 209 214 215 219 225 227 227 241 244 Hebrew Participle » Greek Participle Evidence Analysis Number Aspect Voice Articulation Hebrew Participle » Greek Noun Evidence Analysis Hebrew Participle » Greek Adjective Evidence Analysis Attributive Participle » Greek Substantival Adjective Predicate Participle » Greek Predicate Adjective Articulation and Number Articulation Number Hebrew Participle » Greek Finite Verb Evidence Analysis Summary 3.1.3. Infinitives
246 246 247 247 247 250 250 251 251 251 256 256 256 256 257 258 258 259 260 260 260 262 262 Free Infinitive Bound Infinitive
263 265 xi
3.1.4. Pseudoverbs
3.1.5. Verbs Rendered by a Different Syntagmeme
3.1.6. Verbs in R for Nouns in M T
277 Nouns in M T rendered as Verbs by R and construed as such Nouns in M T rendered as Verbs by R but not construed as such 3.2. Lexical Equivalency
277 288 293
3.2.1. Evidence
3.2.2. Commentary
298 No Significant Variation
299 300 302 303
Minor Variation Variation due to Contextual Sensitivity Variation due to Stylistic Variation Variation for Other Reasons Summary
4. Transliterations
4.1. Evidence
4.2. Commentary
5. Particles
5.1. Prepositions
5.1.1. Inseparable Prepositions
315 xii
5 Introduction » בd v
315 317 » בD a t i v e » בDifferent Greek Syntagmeme . 1 . 1 . 2 .
318 319 3
2 Introduction Nominal Modifiers Verbal Modifiers Dependent Clause Marker Summaryל Introduction Nominal Modifiers Verbal Modifiers 5.1.2. Separable Prepositions (
3 Introduction Nominal Modifiers Verbal Modifiers Summary
322 323 323 324 324 324 324 325 325 3
(מן 332 333 333 336
5.1.3. Separate and Compound Prepositionsאחראחרי
337 337 337אל
339 340 343 343 343 343סביבעדעלעם 5.1,3.15.תוך
343 344 344 348 348 xiiiתחת
5.1.4. Semiprepositions
350 Semiprepositions with the Stem
י Semiprepositions with the Stem
יני Semiprepositions with the Stem
353 Semiprepositions with the Stem
ה Semiprepositions with the Stem
קרב Semiprepositions with the Stem
וך Semiprepositions with the Stem
5.2. Conjunctions and Other Particles
5.2,1. Asyndeton
5.2.11. EtoX
361 xiv
) (The So-called Nota Accusativiא ת 5 . 2 . 1 4 .
362 3
5 363
) (Question Markerה 5 . 2 . 1 7 .
363 5
370 א ם ־ 5.2.25.
378 ?5.2.33. DE
379 xv
6. Verbless Clauses
7. Word Order
Chapter 3: The Place of the Asterisked Materials in Job in the Text History
0. Introduction
1. R a n d O G
2. R and the So-Called Kaige Group
2.1. R and the Core Patterns
2.1.0. Introduction
2.1.1. נ ם/ » ו ג םκ α ί γ ε
2.1.2. # » א יά ν ή ρ
2.1.4. Elimination of Historical Presents
2.1.5. » א י ןο ϋ κ ε σ τ ί ν
2.1.6. » א נ כ יέ γ ώ ε ί μ ι
2.1.7. Summary
2.2. R and the Precursor Patterns
2.2.0. Introduction
2.2.1. » ג ד ו דμ ο ν ά ζ ω ν ο ς ( α ' ε ΰ ζ ω ν ο ς )
2.2.2. » א לι σ χ υ ρ ό ς ( α ' ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς employed exclusively for
396 (אל
2 . 2 . 3 . » נ ג דVarious Derivatives o f έ ν α ν τ ι ( α ' κ α τ έ ν α ν τ ι )
2.2.4. ל כ ן/ ע ל ־ כ ן/ » ע ל ־ ז א תδ ι α τ ο ΰ τ ο ( a ' Separate Equivalents)
2.2.5. » א ס ףσ υ ν ά γ ω ( α ' σ υ λ λ έ γ ω )
2.2.6. » א פ ל הσ κ ο τ ί α ( α ' σ κ ο τ α σ μ ό ς )
2.2.7. » ח ו ץέ ξ ο δ ο ς ( α ' έ ξ ώ τ α τ ο ν )
2.2.8. ח ד ר/ » ה ד ר הε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α ( α ' δ ι α π ρ έ π ε ι α )
2.2.9. Summary
2.3. R and Other "Kaige" Patterns
2.3.0. Introduction
2.3.1. Chart
2.3.2. Commentary
410 Agreements between R and "Kaige" Pattern Disagreements between R and "Kaige" Pattern
410 414 Ambivalent Cases
2.3.3. Summary
3. R and Three Key Congeners
3.0. Introduction
3.0.1. Chart
419 Nouns Verbs
420 429
3.0.2. Evaluation
438 Introduction Statistical Survey
438 438
3.1. R and M P
439 xvii
3.1.1. Data
439 Agreements
439 Disagreements
3.1.2. Interpretation and Commentary
3.1.3 Additional Disagreements
3.1.4. Conclusion
3.2. R and P
3.2.1. Data
447 Agreements
447 Disagreements
3.2.2. Interpretation and Commentary
3.2.3. Additional Disagreements
3.3. R and A q
3.3.1. Data
477 Agreements
477 Disagreements
3.3.2. Interpretation and Commentary
Chapter 4: Conclusions
1.0. The Identification of Theodotionic Materials in the Greek Job
2.0. The Characterization of the Theodotionic Materials in the Greek Job
3.0. The Place of the Theodotionic Materials in Job in the Text History
xviii 4.0. Suggestions For Further Study
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Corrections to Ziegler's Edition
According to early traditions, the Hexapla of Origen (c. 250) offered in Col umn 6 Theodotion's revision of the original translation of the Greek O l d Testament. Mercati, however, concluded in 1901 that Column 6 in the Psalter was Quinta and not Theodotion. Later, in 1963, Barthélémy denied that Column 6 in the Greek M i nor Prophets was Theodotion. Similarly, Schmitt, in 1966, evaluated the "0'-Text" of Daniel as unrelated to traditional Theodotion. More recently, Heater classified the asterisked lines in the Greek Job as the Kaige Recension, but devoted less than forty pages to support this identification. Who, then, was Theodotion? Can one even iden tify his text and investigate the modus operandi of his work? Was he an individual revisor or a school of thought? Materials attributed to Theodotion in the textual tradition of the Greek Job furnish an excellent Archimedean Point for gaining leverage on these issues. The cor pus is large, relatively speaking, and contains complete clauses, thus affording greater insight into the nature of the translation than mere lexical remains. Moreover, the appearance of a critical edition of the Greek Job in 1982 makes possible reliable research on the revisor's text ( R ) . First, the corpus of materials attributed to 9' in the Greek Job is delimited by careful examination of the textual testimony and observance of distinct patterns of translation. Secondly, after determining what properly belongs to R, his translation is characterized in detail. Since even a cursory examination of R reveals an approach in rendering the Hebrew that is literalistic and quantitative, it is appropriate and fair to employ a quantitative methodology in outlining his translation technique. Thus his method of rendering the Hebrew both lexically and structurally is described exhaus tively, comparing the Greek and Hebrew noun for noun, verb for verb, and particle for particle. Once the character of R is known, its affiliation and place within the textual tradition may be determined. Comparative and contrastive analysis between this text and the Old Greek of Job, the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, the Greek Psalter, and Aquila—all key congeners—enables placement roughly within the history of the tex tual transmission of the Septuagint.
"What do you have that you have not received?" Looking back upon the path which led to a study such as this I am forcefully reminded of the truth of these words written centuries ago by the Apostle Paul to Corinthian Christians, Indeed, a great many have influenced this work in a variety of ways. This study of the asterisked materials in the Greek Job is a Ph.D. thesis sub mitted at the University of Toronto in 1994 with minor corrections and revisions. It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to my teachers at the Department o f Near Eastern Studies, University of Toronto—Profs. John W. Wevers, A . Pietersma, E. J. Revell, E. G. Clarke, P. E. Dion, and D . J. Lane—who have invested in me by modelling for me exacting and meticulous scholarship and who have given freely of their attention and time to provide me with the careful methodology and sound tools necessary for cre ative and independent research. To Professor Albert Pietersma, my first instructor in Hellenistic Greek and Co-Supervisor of this work, I express my sincere appreciation for awakening my interest in Septuagint and encouraging me along the way. He has been a careful critic of this study and given important nudges in the path I should take. Above all, I am deeply indebted to Professor John Wevers, my Supervisor, who has combined a persistent demand for clear, precise, and thorough work with the encouragement and patience of a Father to see his last student through long after official retirement. During graduate studies I received support from several sources and without such assistance my schooling would have been impossible. Here I acknowledge gratefully the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and University of Toronto Open Doc toral Fellowship programmes. After commencing full-time teaching, my research on the thesis was slow. I am especially grateful to Cairn Capital who along with family and friends and Toronto Baptist Seminary gave me a sabbatical. This galvanized research into writing and apart from this help the project would never have been completed. Special thanks also go to my family and friends who from the start have had an assurance of things hoped for and a conviction of things not seen and faithfully accompanied and supported me throughout this arduous journey. Finally, my thanks go to H i m whose Word is studied here.
Septuagint Citations Unless otherwise specified, all quotations o f the Greek Old Testament are from Septuaginta Vents Testamentwn Graecum: Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis edituin, (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931-): I . Genesis, ed. J. W. Wevers (1974); 11,1. Exodus, idem (1991); 11,2. Leviticus, idem (1986); 111,1. Numeri, idem (1982); 111,2. Deuteronomium, idem (1977); V I I I , 1. Esdrae liber I , ed. R. Hanhart (1974, 1991); VIII,3. Esther, idem (1966, 1983); V I I I , 4 . Judith, idem (1979); V I I I , 5 . Tobit, idem (1983); I X , 1. Maccabaeorum liber I , ed. W. Kappler (1936, 1967, 1990); IX,2. Maccabaeorum liber II, ed. R. Hanhart (1959, 1976); IX,3. Maccabaeorum liber III, ed. idem (1960, 1980); X . Psalmi cum Odis, ed. A . Rahlfs (1931,1967, 1979); XI,4. lob, ed. J. Ziegler (1982); X I I , 1. Sapientia Salomonis, idem (1962, 1980); XII,2. Sapientia Jesu Filii Sirach, idem (1965, 1980); X I I I . Duodecim Prophetae, idem (1943, 1967, 1984); X I V . Isaias, idem (1939, 1967, 1983); X V . leremias, Baruch, Threni, Epistula Ieremiae, idem (1957, 1976); X V I , 1. Ezechiel, idem (1952, 1977); Susanna, Daniel, Bel et Draco, idem (1954). Where Göttingen Septuaginta editions are unavailable, quotations are automatically from the Manual Edition of Rahlfs: A . Rahlfs, ed., Septuaginta, id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX Interprètes, 2 vols., (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1935). Citations having no book reference are automatically from Job.
Presentation of Textual Evidence Presentation of textual evidence follows the conventions Septuaginta.
* Kt MS(S)
(Hebrew) Rendered By (Greek) Root of Hebrew Lexeme Root or Stem of Greek Lexeme Ketib Manuscript(s) XXV
of Göttingen
MT Qr Ra Zi
Masoretic Text Qere Rahlfs, Septuaginta Ziegler, lob (Usually for citations from Einleitung)
Abbreviations Andersen
F. I . Andersen, Job, Tyndale O l d Testament Commentaries (London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1976).
D . Barthélémy, Les Devanciers d'Aquila, S u p p l é m e n t s to Vêtus Testamentum, no. 10 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1963).
W. Bauer, A Creek-English Lexicon of the NT and Other Early Christian Literature, trans, by W. F. Arndt and F. W. Gingrich, rev. by F. W . Gingrich and F. W . Danker, 2nd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979).
F. Blass and A . Debrunner, A Creek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 9th-10th ed., ed. and trans. R. W . Funk (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961).
F. Brown, S. R. Driver, and C. Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1907, 1953).
G. Bergsträsser, Hebräische Grammatik, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1918-1929; Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1986).
Bulletin of the International Cognate Studies.
H . Bauer and P. Leander, Historische Grammatik der hebräischen Sprache des Alten Testamentes (Halle: M . Niemeyer, 1922, Reprint, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1991).
C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1928, Reprint, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1982).
Organization for Septuagint
A . E. Brooke, N . McLean, and H . St. John Thackeray, eds., The Old Testament in Greek, 9 Parts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1906-1940). C. D . Buck, Comparative Grammar of Greek and (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933).
D . J. A . Clines, Job 1-20, W o r d Biblical Commentary, no. 17 (Dallas: Word, 1989). Institute For New Testament Textual Research and The Computer Center O f M ü n s t e r University, ed., Computer Concordance to the Novum Testamentum Graece o f NestleAland, 2 6 Edition, and to The Greek New Testament, 3 Edition, 2nd ed. (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1985). lh
r d
C. Cox, Hexaplaric Materials Presented in the Armenian Version, Society o f Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 23 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1986). G. H . Dalman, Ära maisch-Netdiebräisches Handwörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud, und Midrasch (Göttingen: E. Pfeiffer, 1938, Reprint, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1967). E. Dhorme, A Commentary on tlie Book of Job, transl. H . Knight, ed. H . H . Rowley (Reprint, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1984). David J. A . Clines, ed., The Dictionary of Classical V o l . 1:*C (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1993). E. Tov, The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal (SHevXIIgr),
(The Seiyäl Collection I ) , with the collaboration
of R. A . Kraft and a contribution by P. J. Parsons, Discoveries In The Judean Desert, V o l . V I I I (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990). E. C. Dos Santos, An Expanded Hebrew Index for the HatchRedpath Concordance to the Septuagint (Jerusalem: Dugith Publishers, Baptist House, n.d.). xxvii
Driver and Gray
S. R. Driver and G. B. Gray, Job, The International Critical Commentary (Edinburgh: T . & T. Clark, 1921).
A . Even-Shoshan, A New Concordance of the Bible, 3 vols., (Jerusalem: Kiryat-Sefer, 1982).
B. M . Fanning, Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek, Oxford Theological Monographs (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990).
F. Field, Origenis Hexaplorum (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1875).
G. Fohrer, Das Buch Hiob, Kommentar zum Testament, no. 16 (Gütersloh: Gerd Mohn, 1963).
Gignac, Morphology
F. T. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Periods, V o l . 2, Morphology, Testi E Documenti Per L o Studio Dell'Antichitä, no. 55 (Milan: Cisalpino-La Goliardica, 1981).
Gignac, Phonology
F. T. Gignac, A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantme Periods, V o l . 1, Phonology, Testi E Documenti Per L o Studio DeH'Antichitä, no. 55 (Milan: Cisalpino-La Goliardica, 1976).
W. Gesenius, E. Kautzsch, and A . E. Cowley, Grammar (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1910).
R. Gordis, The Book of Job (New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1978).
N . Habel, The Book of Job, The O l d Testament Library (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1985).
U . and D . Hagedorn, Nachlese zu den Fragmenten der jün geren griechischen Übersetzer des Buches Hiob, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, 1 Philolog isch-Historische Klasse, no. 10 (1991) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982).
2 vols.
W . Baumgartner et al., Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament, 3rd ed. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1967-).
Hanhart, Esther
R. Hanhart, Esther, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 8.3, 2nd ed. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1966,1983).
J. E. Hartley, The Book of Job, The New Internationa] Commentary on the O l d Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988).
E. Hatch and H . A . Redpath, A Concordance to the Septuagint and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament, 2 vols. (Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1975).
Heater, CBQMS
Η . Heater Jr., A Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job, The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, no. 11 (Washington, D C : Catholic Biblical Association, 1982).
Heater, Thesis
H . Heater, Jr., " A Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job," Ph.D. diss., The Catholic University of America, 1976.
R. Helbing, Grammatik der Septuaginta Laut- und Wortlehre (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1907, Reprint, 1979).
Howard, Accidence
J. H . Moulton, A Grammar of New Testament Greek, V o l . 2: Accidence and Word-Formation, by W . F. Howard (Edinburgh: Τ. & T. Clark, 1919-1929).
Κ. Hyvärinen, Die Übersetzung von Aquila, Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series, no. 10 (Uppsala: C. W . Κ. Gleenip, 1977).
M . Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, 2 vols. (Lon don: Luzac, 1903, Reprint, New York: Pardes, 1950).
S. Jellicoe, The Septuagint Clarendon Press, 1968).
P. Joüon, Grammaire de Thébreu Biblique Pontifical, 1923).
L . Koehler and W . Baumgartner, Lexicon in Velens Testamenli Libros, 2 vois., 2nd ed. (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1958).
B . Kennicott, Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis kctionibus, 2 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1776-1780).
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H . G. Liddell and R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., revised by H . S. Jones (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968).
G. Lisowsky, Konkordanz zum Hebräischen Alten Testament, 2nd ed. (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1958).
S. Mandelkern, Veteris Testament! Concordantiae Hebraicae atque Chaldaicae, 9th ed. (Jerusalem: Shocken Books, 1971).
E. Mayser, Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Plolemäerzeit, I 1 (2nd ed. by H . Schmoll), 1970, I 2 and I 3 1938,1936, I I 1 1926, I I 2 1934, I I 3 1934.
R. Meyer and H . Donner, eds., Wilhelm Gesenius Hebräisches und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Ahe Testament, I8th ed., Vol. 1: H - 3 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1987).
P. Joüon, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, Transi, and revised by T. Muraoka, 2 vols., Subsidia Biblica 14 (Rome: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1991).
Munnich, ANRW
O. Munnich, "Contribution à l'étude de la p r e m i è r e révision de la Septante," in Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, Teil I I : Principat, V o l . 20:1 (New Y o r k : De Gruyter, 1987), 190-220.
Munnich, Thesis
O. Munnich, Étude Lexicographique du Psautier des Septante, Ph.D. diss., Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1982, xxx
(Rome: Institut
Payne Smith
J. Payne Smith, ed., A Compendious (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903,1979).
M . H . Pope, Job, 3rd ed., Anchor Bible no. 1.5 (New York: Doubleday, 1965, 1973).
S. E. Porter, Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament, with Reference to Tense and Mood, Studies in Biblical Greek, no. 1 (New York: Peter Lang, 1989).
Rahlfs, Psalmi
A . Rahlfs, Psalmi cum Odis, 2nd ed., Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 10 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931,1967).
A . Rahlfs, ed., Septuaginta, id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX Interprètes, 2 vols. (Stuttgart: W ü r t t e m b e r g i s c h e Bibelanstalt, 1935).
J. Reider, An Index To Aquila, completed and revised by N . Turner, Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, no. 12 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1966).
A . T. Robertson, A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1934).
J. L . Sagarin, Hebrew Noun Patterns (Mishqalim): phology, Semantics, and Lexicon (Scholars Press, 1987).
H . W. Smyth, Greek Grammar, rev. by G. M . Messing (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1920, 1956).
M . Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic of the Byzantine Period (Ramat-Gan: Bar Han University Press, 1990).
H . B. Swete, An Introduction to (he Old Testament in Greek (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1902), revised by R. R. Oltley, 1914 (Reprint, New York: K T A V , 1968). xxxi
H . St. John Thackeray, A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek, V o l . 1 (Cambridge: University Press, 1909).
Turner, Syntax
J. H . Moulton, A Grammar of New Testament Greek, V o l . 3: Syntax, by Nigel Turner (Edinburgh: T . & T. Clark, 1963).
F. I . Andersen and A . D . Forbes, The Vocabulary of the Old Testament (Rome: Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1991).
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Wevers, Exodus
J. W. Wevers, ed., Exodus, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 2.1 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991).
Wevers, Genesis
J. W. Wevers, ed., Genesis, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 1 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1974).
J. Ziegler, ed., lob, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 11.4 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982).
Ziegler, Ezechiel
J. Ziegler, ed., Ezechiel, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 2nd ed., vol. 16.1 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1952, 1977).
Ziegler, leremias
J. Ziegler, ed., leremias, Baruch, Threni, Epistula Ieremiae, 2nd ed., Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 15 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957, 1976).
Ziegler, Isaias
J. Ziegler, ed., Isaias, 2nd ed., Septuaginta Vetus Testamen tum Graecum, vol. 14 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1939, 1967).
Ziegler, Prophetae
J. Ziegler, ed., Duodecim Prophetae, 2nd ed., Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 13 (Göttingen: Vanden hoeck & Ruprecht, 1943,1967).
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Chapter One The Identification of the Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Anyone dealing with printed editions of the Greek translation of the Book of Job must reckon with two central features of the text: (1) there are lines with an asterisk ( 5 K ) at the beginning and a metobelus ( / ) at the end, and (2) there are lines not marked in this way. The asterisked lines frequently occur in groups of two, three, or four. Rarely, longer stretches such as sequences of ten, twelve, or even fourteen asterisked lines are also found. In total, the asterisked lines constitute approximately one-sixth of the text. The focus of the present work is upon the asterisked materials. Some ques tions naturally arise. Why are certain lines asterisked? Where did these asterisked materials come from and what is their nature? Although these questions are hardly original, no one to the present time has made a primary study which focuses entirely upon the asterisked materials in the textual tradition of the Greek Job. A short sur vey of the historical traditions of the Greek text of Job will prepare the way for an investigation of the limits and nature of the asterisked materials. 1. Historical Survey of the Textual Tradition of the Greek Job. 1.1. The Ecclesiastical
The historical evidence for the central features of asterisked and unasterisked lines found in the printed editions is provided by a brief description of the textual witnesses to the Greek text of Job. First, the asterisked lines are rarely found in the Coptic tradition—primarily the Sahidic—as well as in the Vetus Latina, which is only fragmentarily attested. In other words, these sources transmit only the unasterisked lines. Secondly, there are a few textual witnesses which have both the unasterisked lines and the asterisked lines and which mark the asterisked lines diacritically using the Aristarchian signs in a more or less recognizable way, These witnesses are 1
On the appearance of the Aristarchian signs in the manuscripts, see Swete, 69-72 and Cox, 2.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
manuscripts 248 and 252, some Catena manuscripts, as well as the Old Latin of Jerome, the Syro-Hexapla, and the Armenian. Thirdly, the majority of textual wit nesses have the same text as the second group of witnesses, i.e. they have both the unasterisked and the asterisked lines o f the printed editions, but the asterisked lines are unmarked. Therefore in these witnesses there is no formal distinction between the asterisked and unasterisked lines. Since this text is found in almost all textual testimony it may aptly be called the Ecclesiastical Text—it is the text of Job as used by the Christian church and as handed down to us by the Christian church. The evidence, then, of the textual witnesses reveals considerable confusion as to the extent of the Greek text of Job. The fundamental questions here are how this textual confusion arose and why. The answer to these questions is found in the work of Origen and the influence he had upon the subsequent textual history of the Greek scriptures. 1.2. The Work of Origen. According to historical tradition, it was Origen (d. 253/4) who inserted the asterisked lines into the Greek text of Job that was handed down to him. The story of the Hexapla and of Origen's labours on the Old Testament text is one well known to the scholarly world even if numerous details remain uncertain. Apart from other historical witnesses, Origen himself describes in general terms his own methodology and objectives in his Commentary On St. Matthew: Now it is clear that the difference among the copies is great, either from the carelessness of certain scribes, or from the knavish audacity of some, or from some neglecting to correct what is written, or from some adding to or taking away in the correction the things that seemed good to themselves. With the help of God's grace 1 have tried to repair the disagreements in the copies of the Old Testament on the basis of the other versions. When I was uncertain of the Septuagint reading because the various copies did not tally, I settled the issue by consulting the other versions and retaining what was in agreement with them. Some passages did not appear in the Hebrew; these I marked with an obelus as I did not dare to leave them out altogether. Other passages 1 marked with an asterisk to show that they were not in the Septuagint but that I had added them from the other versions in agreement with the Hebrew text. 2
Commentary O n St. Matthew, X V 14 in E. Klostermann, ed., Origenes Werke 10, Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten (drei) Jahrhunderte, vol. 40 (Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1935), 387-390. The English translation is adapted from that of M . F. Wiles in P. R. Ackroyd and C. F. Evans, eds., The Cam-
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
Although Origen hardly intended his remarks here to be taken as a complete description of the Hexapla, the following facts about his general procedure are clear: (1) the copies of the Old Greek (Septuagint) known to Origen differed from the Hebrew at various places and for a variety of reasons; (2) the aim of Origen's work was to bring the Old Greek into quantitative alignment with the Hebrew; (3) Origen marked the passages in his copies of the Greek Old Testament which were wanting in the Hebrew with an obelus; (4) Origen added from other Greek versions available to him passages extant in the Hebrew which were wanting in the Septuagint and marked these with an asterisk. Origen also describes his work in much the same terms in his Letter To Africanus. There, however, after mentioning several sections in the Greek Esther which were not found in the Hebrew text, he speaks specifically of the situation in Job. He points out that there are places in the Book of Job where the Old Greek has more than the Hebrew and identifies five of them by way of illustration.* Next, he describes the opposite situation: 3
Again, throughout the entire Book of Job there are manypassages in the Hebrew which are wanting in our copies, many times four or three verses, but sometimes, however, even fourteen, and nine, and six. But why do I have to list all the instances we collected with so much labour, to prove that the difference between our copies and those of the Jews did not escape us? 5
bridge History of the Bible, 3 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970), 1:457. 3
See Letter T o Africanus 5 (3) in M . Harl, and N . De Lange, eds., Origène, Philocalie, 1-20: Sur les Écritures et la Lettre à Africanus sur l'Histoire de Suzanne, Sources Chrétiennes, no. 302 (Paris: Les Éditions D u Cerf, 1983), 526-528. 4
Letter T o Africanus 6 in M . Harl, and N . De Lange, op. cit., 528-530.
The English translation is adapted from that of F. Crombie in A . Roberts and J. Donaldson, eds., The Ante-Nicene Fathers, 10 vols. (Reprint, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968), 4:386-387. The Greek is as follows: (4) Π ά λ ι ν τ ε α ΰ π λ ε ί σ τ α τ ε ο σ α δ ι α μ έ σ ο υ δλ,ου τ ο υ Ι ώ β π α ρ ' Έ β ρ α ί ο ι ς μ ε ν κ ε ί τ α ι , π α ρ ' ή μ ί ν δέ ο υ χ ί · κ α ι π ο λ λ ά κ ι ς μ ε ν Επη τ έ σ σ ε ρ α ή τ ρ ί α , ε σ θ ' δ τ ε δε κ α ι δ ε κ α τ έ σ σ α ρ α κ α ι ε ν ν έ α κ α ι 'έξ. Κ α ι τί με δ ε ι κ α τ α λ έ γ ε ι ν ά μετά πολλού κ α μ ά τ ο υ άνελεξάμεθα, υπέρ του μή λανθάνειν ήμας τ η ν διαφοράν των π α ρ ά Ί ο υ δ α ί ο ι ς κ α ι ή μ ί ν α ν τ ι γ ρ ά φ ω ν ; (Letter T o Africanus 6 (4) in M . Harl, and Ν . De Lange, op. cit., 530).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
In the Greek text of Letter T o Africanus 6 (4), the words δ ε κ α τ έ σ σ α ρ α καν ε ν ν έ α κ α ι ε ξ are in doubt. Ν. De Lange, the editor of the text states: Tous les manuscrits donnent δ ε κ α ε ν ν έ α κ α ι εξ, leçon qui peut être contestée pour deux raisons: l'ordre bizarre, et la faiblaisse de Εξ (nous nous attendrions à voir la série se terminer par un chiffre plus grand). Delarue donne δ ε κ α ε ν ν έ α κ α ι δ ε κ α έ ξ , qui résout le deuxième p r o b l è m e mais non pas le premier. P. Young a δ ε κ α τ έ σ σ α ρ α δ ε κ α ε ξ κ α ι δ ε κ α ε ν ν έ α , dans un effort violent de résoudre les deux difficultés. A . Klostermann a proposé δ ε κ α ε ν ν έ α κ α ι έ ξ η ς ( P W 8, p. 100). La correction ε ν ν έ α fut p r o p o s é e par E. Nestle dans ZATW 4 (1884), p. 249 (cf. Expository Times 10 (189899), p. 253). En hébreu le chiffre 15 est représenté en lettres par "i'D (9+6), pour éviter Π" (10+5), qui forme un des noms de Dieu (yah). Nestle soutient qu'Origène a suivi cet usage (il aurait écrit ι δ ' κ α ί θς)'־, mais qu'il fut mal compris par ses copistes grecs. S. Jellicoe (The Septuagint and Modem Study, p. 136) suit Nestle, tout en exprimant des doutes: Origène pourrait bien faire allusion à une véritable série de passages m a r q u é s de l'astérisque, ayant précisément les longueurs indiquées. Mais une telle série n'existe pas, autant que nous en pouvons juger. Une objection plus importante à la correction de Nestle est le fait que (comme i l l'admet lui-même) ce serait de beaucoup l'exemple le plus ancien de cet usage en hébreu: un effet, i l n'en trouve pas d'autres cas avant le X V siècle. Mais ce n'est pas une objection insurmontable, et sa conjecture est si ingénieusement séduisante q u e — n o n sans hésitation—nous l'avons a d o p t é e ( M . Harl, and N . De Lange, op. cit., 530-531). See also Dhorme, cxcix, n. 4. Contra De Lange, I do not find the order of "nineteen and six" any less unusual than the series "four or three" immediately preceding. The series "four or three" also shows that the last number need not be the largest. If, as is unlikely, the Greek word έπος has the modern sense of "verse" then none of Origen's remarks here is accurate and De Lange has judged rightly that such a series does not exist. (The "verses" of modern texts are comparatively late, see Swete, 344.) There are few, not "frequently," sequences of four or three verses, none of nineteen, and only three of six verses (28:14-19, 34:28-33, 39:13-18). If, however, ε π ο ς has the sense of σ τ ί χ ο ς , there are frequently, four or three lines, and sometimes larger sequences (on ε π ο ς see Liddell-Scott, 676). The longest sequences contain 14 lines (26:5-11, 34:28-33). Perhaps the problem in the text is one of word division. The words δ ε κ α ε ν ν έ α κ α ί ε"ξ could be read δ έ κ α , ε ν ν έ α κ α ί εξ. There are, occasionally, series of 10 lines (24:14b-18a, 36:5b-9, 37:l-5a), 9 lines (28:5-9a) and 6 lines (20:11-13, 3
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
Then he speaks of differences between his copies and the Hebrew in the Books of Jeremiah and Genesis and also mentions, as in the Commentary On St. Matthew, the use of the obelus and the asterisk to mark these differences.* While difficulties exist in interpreting Origen's statements in the Letter To Africanus, as a minimum we may conclude the following points relevant here: (1) although the better part of his remarks on the Book of Job are devoted to additions in the Septuagint not found in the Hebrew, the brief information he supplies on the passages extant in the Hebrew which were lacking in the Old Greek is sufficiently precise to show that the copies o f the Greek Job available, to Origen were shorter than the Hebrew text of his time, and (2) in his particular remarks on Job, Origen does not expressly say that he added lines to the Old Greek text of Job from the other versions. It may be safely inferred, however, from what he says in the l e t t e r To Africanus about his handling of minuses and plusses in the Book of Genesis and from the description of his general procedure in the Commentary O n St. Matthew, that the same techniques he used elsewhere were applied to the Book of Job. 7
1,3. The Later Revisors or
Origen, then, was the one who added lines to the O l d Greek text of Job in accordance with his project to bring the Old Greek into quantitative alignment with the Hebrew. The source, or sources, however, o f the lines added by Origen is another matter. Origen's own testimony in the Commentary On St. Matthew is that he added the lines from the other versions. The "other versions" to which he refers are (as com monly called by Origen and others of his period) the editions of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion. These texts are the work of later revisors or other translators. Yet nowhere does Origen explicitly state that the asterisked lines in Job are either all or in part from the edition of Theodotion. This identification is made by later Patristic writers such as Jerome, as well as in notes in some of the Catena manuscripts and in the Syro-Hexapla. 8
27:21-23, 30:2-4a, 35:7b-10a). There are 20 lines missing from 36:29-37;5a. Assuming a different stichometry from Z i , this is the only place that might qualify for the "nineteen" lines. 6
Letter T o Africanus 7 in M . Harl, and N . De Lange, op. cit., 530-532.
See n. 5.
See, for example, "Incipit Prologus Sancti Hieronymi Presbyteri in Pentateucho" and "Incipit Prologus Sancti Hieronymi in Libro lob," Weber, 1:3-4 and 731-732 respectively.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Origen was not the only scholar who had access to the Greek texts of Job produced by the later revisors or translators. These texts were known to various Church Fathers who cite renderings from them in their commentaries as alternatives in exegesis and translation. Then there are the Catena manuscripts. These are texts which "chain" together commentaries from different patristic writers on a particular book of the Bible. Frequently the Catena manuscripts have notes citing the ren derings of the later revisors, either associated with the commentaries of the Fathers or as marginal notes. Similar marginal notations quoting portions o f the later revisors are also found in one of the ancient daughter versions, the Syro-Hexapla. Hence the citations of the patristic commentaries, the notations of the Catena manuscripts and the marginal notes of the the Syro-Hexapla are all that remain of these later Greek texts apart from the remnants of the Hexapla and the fragments which, due to the text-critical labours of Origen, actually became a part of the Ecclesiastical Text. 1.4. The Relation of Origen''s Work to the Present Text of Job. Origen's textual work resulted in a book called the Hexapla. The following description given recently by C. Cox is standard: Origen (d. 253/4) sought to sort out this issue of the differences between the L X X and the traditional Hebrew text by offering a comparison of the two in an immense six-columned book called the Hexapla. I n six columns Origen presented (1) the Hebrew; (2) a transliteration of the Hebrew into Greek; the translations of (3) Aquila and (4) Symmachus; (5) the L X X ; (6) the translation of Theodotion. In the L X X column Origen adjusted the L X X text to conform to the Hebrew: when the L X X text was shorter that the Hebrew he added what was lacking, usually from Theodotion, enclosing what he had added between an asterisk and metobelus. ... When the L X X was 10
* The difficulty of interpreting notes and sigla, marginal or otherwise, in the Catena manuscripts is well known. For discussions of the note 9' in Joban manuscripts see Field, 1 :xciv-xcviii and criticisms of Field in Z i , 137-142. Ziegler maintains (Ibid. 139) that 0' may indicate the number nine in some situations. In certain manuscripts, it is true, the note 0' may refer to Theodoret and not to Theodotion (see Jellicoe, 94,133) but this does not apply to the Joban materials since Theodoret did not write a com mentary on Job (see J. Quasten, Patrology [Reprint, Westminster, Maryland: Chris tian Classics, 1986], 3: 536-554). 1 0
See also Swete, 59-86 and Jellicoe, 100-124.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
longer than the Hebrew Origen enclosed the word or words which made it longer between an obelus and a metobeJus." It is important to note that Origen nowhere describes the book he produced in this way. This description is based on statements made by later Church Fathers such as Eusebius and on fragmentary manuscripts which are copies of parts of the Hexa pla. The history of the Hexapla's influence on later textual transmission is some what uncertain thereby making it difficult for the modern critic to determine what Origen added and what is original. The bulk and complexity of the Hexapla made portability and ready use difficult. Various Church Fathers such as Eusebius of Caesarea, Jerome, and possibly Paul of Telia, did have access to it. Nonetheless, as far as is known, the Hexapla was never copied in its entirety. The assumption commonly made about its fate is that the Hexapla continued in existence in the lib rary at Caesarea until 638 when the city was captured by the Muslims. Only frag mentary manuscripts have come to light which are copies of parts of the Hexapla, mainly of the Psalter. The fifth column, however, which contained the O l d Greek 12
C o x , 1-2.
1 2
Eusebius, Ecclesiastical
1 3
See n. 18.
1 4
See Swete, 74-76.
Brief citations from Jerome proving this are in Swete, 74-75.
History 6.16 (Loeb Classical Library, 1932).
1 6
Paul of Telia made his translation from the Greek into Syriac in the second decade of the seventh century ( A . D . ) . Whether he actually made use of the Hexapla or not is a matter of speculation. See especially R. J. V . Hiebert, The "Syrohexaplaric" Psalter, Society o f Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 27 (Atlanta, Geor gia: Scholars Press, 1989), 247-248, 261, 296-297 nn. 1-7, 316 n. 2. 1 7
1 8
See Jellicoe, 124-125.
Noteworthy are F. C. Burkitt, Fragments of the Books of Kings according to the Translation of Aquila (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1897), Field, l:xvixxvii, B. P. Grenfell and A . S. Hunt, eds., The Amherst Papyri, Pt. 1 (London: H . Frowde, 1900-1901), 30-31, N . R. M . De Lange, "Some New Fragments of Aquila on Malachi and Job?," Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980): 291-294, G. Mercati, Psalterii Hexapli reliquiae, Pars Prima: Codex rescriptus Bybliothecae Amhrosianae O 39 Sup. (Vatican City: In Bybliotheca Vaticana, 1958), H . P. Rüger, "Vier Aquila-Glossen in einem hebräischen Proverbien-Fragment aus der Kairo Geniza," Zeitscrifl für die
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
with the additions and diacritical marks introduced by Origen was copied and heavily influenced subsequent textual tradition. The diacritical marks were frequently 19
Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 50 (1959): 275-77, and C. Taylor, Hebrew-Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests from the Taylor-Schechter Collection including a fragment of the twenty-second Psalm according to Origen's Hexapla (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1900). For a description of Ambrosianus Ο 39 Sup., see Jellicoe, 129-133. For a complete listing, see E. Schiirer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, A New English Version revised and edited by G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M . Goodman, vol. 3, Pt. I (Edinburgh: Τ. & T. Clark, 1986), 482-483 and n. 32, 493-499, and especially G. Dorival, M . Harl, and O. Muniiich, eds., La Bible Grecque des Septante (Paris: Editions du CERF, 1988), 144-145. Also deserving mention is G. J. Norton, "Cautionary Reflections on a Re-edition of Fragments of Hexaplaric Material," in Tradition of the Text, eds. G. J. Norton and S, Pisano, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, no. 109 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991), 130ff. 1 9
There are at least four lines of evidence to demonstrate that the fifth column of Origen's Hexapla was copied and influenced subsequent textual transmission: (1) Eusebius himself reports in the Life of Constantine that he made copies of the Bible for the churches in Constantinople at the command of Constantine: 34. ό δέ τ ώ ν ε κ κ λ η σ ι ώ ν τ ο υ θ ε ο ΰ π ε π ρ ο ν ο η μ έ ν ο ς , π ε ρ ί κ α τ α σ κ ε υ ή ς θεοπνεύστων λογίων εις ήμέτερον πρόσωπον έπετίθει γράμμα.... 35.3. ... τ ό μ ε ν ο ΰ ν π ε ρ ί τ ο ΰ δ ε γ ρ ά μ μ α τ ο ι ό ν δ ε η ν , τ ό δέ περί της των θείων α ν α γ ν ω σ μ ά τ ω ν ε π ι σ κ ε υ ή ς ωδέ π η περιέχει. 37. Τ α ΰ τ α μ ε ν ο ΰ ν β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς δ ι ε κ ε λ ε ύ ε τ ο . α ΰ τ ί κ α δ' έ ρ γ ο ν έπηκολούθει τ φ λόγω, έν πολυτελώς ήσκημένοις τ ε ύ χ ε σ ι τρισσά κ α ι τ ε τ ρ α σ σ ά δ ι α π ε μ ψ ά ν τ ω ν ή μ ω ν . ... (Life of Constantine, IV,34, 35.3, 37, in Friedhelm Winkelmann, ed., Eusebius Werke 1.1, Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten (drei) Jahrhunderte, vol. 7 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1975). (2) There are scholia in several extant manuscripts which refer to the correction and revision of biblical texts by Pamphilus and his colleagues and pupils, including Eusebius. For example, there is the following colophon at the end of the Book of Esther in Codex Sinaiticus: αντεβληθη προς παλαιωτατον λιαν αντιγραφον δεδιορθωμενον χειρι τ ο υ ά γ ι ο υ μάρτυρος παμφιλου• προς δε τ ω τέλει του α υ τ ο ύ π α λ α ι ω τ α τ ο υ βιβλίου οπερ αρην μεν ειχεν α π ο τ η ς π ρ ώ τ η ς τ ω ν β α σ ι λ ε ί ω ν ε ι ς δε τ η ν ε σ θ η ρ ε λ η γ ε ν τ ο ι α ύ τ η τ ι ς ε ν π λ α τ ε ι ι δ ι ό χ ε ι ρ ο ς υ π ο σ η μ ε ι ω σ ι ς (-μιωσις*) τ ο υ α υ τ ο ύ μάρτυρος υ π ε κ ε ι τ ο έ χ ο υ σ α ούτως· μετελημφθη και διορθωθη
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
omitted or inaccurately transmitted in the process of textual transmission. The resultant text was the Ecclesiastical Text described earlier. In addition, the fifth column was translated into Syriac. The Syro-Hexapla, as this translation is called, 20
προς τ α ε ξ α π λ α ω ρ ι γ ε ν ο υ ς υ π α υ τ ο ύ δ ι ο ρ θ ω μ έ ν α - α ν τ ω ν ι ν ο ς ομολογητης αντεβαλεν, παμφιλος διόρθωσα το τεύχος εν τη φ υ λ α κ ή δια την του θεου πολλην και χάριν και π λ α τ υ σ μ ο ν και ει γε μη βαρυ ειπείν τούτω τ ω α ν τ ι γ ρ ά φ ω π α ρ α π λ η σ ι ο ν ευρειν α ν τ ι γ ρ α φ ο ν ο υ ρ α δ ι ο ν . δ ι ε φ ω ν η δε τ ο α υ τ ο π α λ α ι ω τ α τ ο ν β ι β λ ι ο ν προς τ ο δ ε το τ ε ύ χ ο ς ε ι ς τ ι ν α (τα*) κ υ ρ ί α ο ν ό μ α τ α (Hanhart, Esther, 60). Another example, mentioning Eusebius specifically, is a note prefixed to the Book of Ezekiel in MS Q: Μ ε τ ε λ η φ θ η δε α π ο α ν τ ί γ ρ α φ ο υ τ ο υ α β β α α π ο λ ι ν α ρ ι ο υ τ ο υ κοινοβιαρχου εν ω κ α θ υ π ε τ α κ τ ο ταύτα- μετεληφθη απο των κ α τ α τ α ς εκδόσεις ε ξ α π λ ω ν και διορθωθη απο των ωριγενους α υ τ ο ύ τετραπλών ατινα και α υ τ ο ύ χειρι διορθωτο και ε σ χ ο λ ι ο γ ρ α φ η τ ο - ο θ ε ν ε υ σ ε β ε ι ο ς εγο) τ α σ χ ό λ ι α π α ρ ε θ η κ α π α μ φ ι λ ο ς κ α ι ε υ σ ε β ε ι ο ς δ ι ο ρ θ ω σ α ν τ ο (Ziegler, Ezechiel, 32). These scholia show, then, that Eusebius had access to the Hexapla and considered Origen's work the "proper" text. For further examples and references see Swete, 7678 and T. D . Barnes, Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1981), 94 and endnotes 112-116. (3) Jerome attests to the fact that the form of the biblical text in Palestine in his time was influenced by Origen via Pamphilus and Eusebius. He states in the preface to his translation of Chronicles: Alexandria et Aegyptus in Septuaginta suis Hesychium laudat auctorem, Constantinopolis usque Antiochiam Luciani martyris exemplaria probat, mediae inter has provinciae palestinos codices legunt, quos ab Origene elaboratos Eusebius et Pamphilius (sic) vulgaverunt, totusque orbis hac inter se trifaria varietate conpugnat ("Incipit Prologus Sancti Hieronymi in Libro Paralipomenon," Weber, 1:546). (4) A number of manuscripts surviving today bear a character which can only be attributed to the Hexapla. See Swete, 78 and passim, Jellicoe, 146 and passim, and especially the classification of manuscripts in the Gottingen Septuaginta volumes. 2 0
For the Book of Job, the source of the Syro-Hexapla is A . M . Ceriani, éd., Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus photoUthographice éditas. Monumenta sacra et pro fana. V o l . 7. Milan: Typis et impensis Bibliothecae Ambrosianae, 1874.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
gives a fairly accurate picture of the asterisked lines in Job. Moreover, the Armenian version was heavily influenced by Hexaplaric sources. In the Book of Job it contains the stichs from the later revisor(s) and marks them with Origen's signs although not as accurately as the Syro-Hexapla. 21
2. Methodology and Scope of the Present Study. 2.1. The Present State of the Greek Text. Study of the Greek Job, whether of the O l d Greek text ( O G ) or of the text of the later revisor(s) ( R ) begins necessarily and properly with critical texts. In 1982 Joseph Ziegler presented the scholarly world with a critical text of the Greek Job published in the Gottingen Septuagint series. The lemma printed by Ziegler is in essence a critical reconstruction of the Ecclesiastical Text. Unlike most of the manuscript tradition, however, he marks with an asterisk and a metobelus the lines Origen added. I n his critical reconstruction of the Greek text of Job Ziegler stands, to be sure, on the shoulders of his predecessors. Grabe, in his edition of 1709, was the first to introduce the asterisks into a printed text of the Greek Job in the manner of Origen's Hexapla. Then too, the indefatigable labours o f Alfred Rahlfs prepared the way for a fully critical text of the Greek Job. Among his many works we may note especially his invaluable Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alien Testaments which appeared in 1915. Surely the proper place to begin a scientific study of the text is to enumerate all the known textual testimony. While Rahlfs was able to produce a critical text of only one book of the Greek O l d Testament, his 22
2 1
2 2
See Z i , 147 and Cox, 157.
J . Ziegler, ed., Job, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982).
vol. 12.4
2 3
Rahlfs was not the first editor of a printed text of the Greek Job to utilize the hexaplaric signs. Ziegler states, "Grabe war der erste Editor, der in seine Ausgabe (im Jahr ]709) die Asterisken, allerdings sehr unzuverlässig, eingetragen hat" ( Z i , 134). 2 4
A . Rahlfs, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testament, Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, no. 2 (Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1915). 2 5
Rahlfs actually produced two volumes for the Göttingen Septuaginta: A . Rahlfs, ed., Genesis, Septuaginta Societatis Scientiarum Gottingensis auctoritate, vol. 1 (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1926), and A . Rahlfs, ed., Psalmi cum
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
Manual E d i t i o n , published in 1935 just before his death, is the precursor o f all the critical editions appearing in the Gottingen series. In the Book of Job, the lemma which Rahlfs presents is like that of Ziegler's Text—a critical reconstruction of the Ecclesiastical Text with the lines added by Origen marked with an asterisk. The text of the Manual Edition was based mainly on the uncials B X A . By contrast the Gottingen edition is based upon 4 early papyri, 63 Greek MSS, the evidence of 10 daughter versions of the L X X and 8 Greek and Latin commentaries on the Book o f Job. Thus in comparison with earlier editions, what Ziegler presents is a wealth of textual evidence which, in accordance with the Gottingen practice, has been digested and classified. Study of the asterisked lines in the Greek Job must, therefore, be based upon the text of Ziegler. 27
2.2. The Study of the Asterisked
In an analysis of the asterisked materials in the Greek Job some questions present themselves which must be asked in the following order: (1) What are the exact limits of the asterisked materials? (2) What is their character and nature? (3) What is their textual affiliation? These three questions form the broad outline of the present study. Beginning with the first question, there are two main approaches available in determining the exact limits of the asterisked materials which have survived. The first entails a careful evaluation of the manuscript tradition identifying the asterisked materials. This constitutes external evidence. The second involves an analysis of the character, habits, and patterns of the work of the revisor(s) or translator(s) of the asterisked materials. This may be considered internal evidence. By comparing and contrasting the translation technique o f the asterisked materials with that of the translator of the Old Greek we may produce an effective gauge by which to measure the accuracy of the manuscript testimony. Thus the two approaches should corrobo-
Odis, Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 10 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931, 1967). Concerning the former, Wevers states, "Diese Ausgabe sollte den ersten Band in der vorliegenden Reihe kritischer Ausgaben darstellen, war jedoch erst eine 'Probe' " (Wevers, Genesis, 55). The edition of Rahlfs (1926) is superseded by that o f Wevers (1974). 2 6
A . Rahlfs, ed., Septiuiginta, Id est Velus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX (Stuttgart: Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1935).
2 7
See A . Pietersma, review of lob, Septuagint: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 11/4 ed. by Joseph Ziegler, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982, in Journal of Bib lical Literature 104 (1985): 305-311.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
rate one another and furnish a basis for defining the limits of the asterisked materials which neither approach could provide by itself. In addition, the investigation of trans lation technique should also clarify the work of Origen. 3. The Corpus of Asterisked
The first priority, then, is to list the asterisked materials. As the evidence of the textual tradition indicates, the secondary materials in the Greek Job (attributed for the most part to Theodotion) are available from two main sources: (1) lines ap pended by Origen which found their way into the Ecclesiastical Text, and (2) other asterisked materials attributed to 8' which may be gleaned from the Church Fathers and from the Catena manuscripts. The materials in the first category are placed by Ziegler in his critical text; their text history is provided in Apparatus I ( A p p I ) while the evidence of the hexaplaric signs and sources is supplied in Apparatus I I ( A p p I I ) . The materials in the second category are gleaned from the various sources and presented in A p p I I . These latter materials are of varying value. Occasionally one finds entire stichs listed there because they are not part o f a critical reconstruction of the Ecclesiastical Text in the editor's judgement. Nonetheless, a large part of the asterisked materials which are placed by Ziegler in A p p I I are simply individual words or phrases cited by a Church Father or noted in the margin of a manuscript as a variant rendering in the textual tradition. 28
As noted above in the discussion on methodology, study of the asterisked materials of the Greek Job must be based upon the critical text of the Gottingen Septuaginta. First, one should provide a list of the lines in Ziegler's Text marked by an asterisk. Since the textual testimony as to whether a line is asterisked or not may vary, it is also essential to supply a list of the manuscript support for the asterisked materials and evaluate the status of doubtful materials. Secondly, the asterisked
2 8
The first to gather the renderings of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion were Petrus Morinus and Flaminius Nobilius whose scholia appeared in the Sixtine Edi tion of 1587 (Greek) and 1588 (Latin) and Johannes Drusius in 1581 (In Psalmos Davidis Veterum Interprelum Fragmenta) and 1622 (Veterum Interpretum Graecorum quae extant in totum Veuis Testamentum Fragmenta, collecta, versa et nods illustrala). The first edition of extant fragments of the Hexapla was produced by Bernard de Montfaucon (Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersuni, multis partibus aucliora quam a Flaminio Nobilio et Joanne Drusio édita fuerinl, Paris, 1713). For a long time the standard work has been Field (See Jellicoe, 127-129). This is now superseded by the citations in the second apparatus of the Gottingen Septuaginta volumes for the books of the Greek O l d Testament which have been published in that series.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
materials listed in A p p I I must be presented. These materials must be sorted and weighed since their value varies widely. 3.1. Analysis of Asterisked Lines in Ziegler's 3.1.1. The Evidence of Ziegler's
In his Einleitung, Joseph Ziegler devotes a separate section to the history, rationale, and manuscript support for marking certain lines of the text of his critical edition with an asterisk and metobelus. He states: Der griech. lob ist das einzige Buch der L X X , das viele s p ä t e r e (von Theodotion stammende) Stichen im Text hat, die von allen griech. Hss. und von allen Übersetzungen ( a u ß e r Sa, siehe S. 147) bezeugt werden. Deshalb stehen diese Stichen auch in allen Ausgaben. In den beiden Hss. 248 und 252, in verschiedenen Hss. der CatenenHauptgruppe C, in den drei Übersetzungen Syh La A r m sind die s e k u n d ä r e n Stichen durch den Asteriskus gekennzeichnet. Grabe war der erste Editor, der in seine Ausgabe (im Jahr 1709) die Asterisken, allerdings sehr unzuverlässig, eingetragen hat. In unserer Zeit (1935) hat Rahlfs sorgfältig in der Stuttgarter Septuaginta alle späteren Stichen durch den Asteriskus gekennzeichnet. Then Ziegler considers in separate subsections the textual testimony of M S 248, M S 252, the Catena Group C, the Syro-Hexapla, the Old I ^ t i n translation of Jerome, the Armenian translation, the Sahidic translation, and the citatations of Cyprian, Lucifer of Cagliari, Priscillian, and the Speculum, evaluating each for fidelity in transmitting the diacritical signs marking the lines added by Origen which became a part of the Ecclesiastical Text. As noted at the outset, in the case of the Sahidic translation and the citations of Cyprian, Lucifer of Cagliari, Priscillian, and the Speculum, the aster isked lines are lacking. Since these witnesses transmit only the unasterisked lines they provide a negative testimony to the inserted stichs. The other witnesses evaluated by Ziegler have the inserted stichs and mark them by means of the hexaplaric signs. They represent a sort of scholarly tradition handed down alongside the Ecclesiastical Text. Ziegler concludes his discussion of the asterisked lines by giving a complete count of all the lines which are asterisked in his edition. This chart, entitled "Die Zahl der asterisierten Stichen," differs in a number of places with what one actually 29
» Z i , 133-151. » Z i , 133-134. 3 1
Z i , 150-151.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
encounters in the Text. Below is a list of the asterisked lines according to the text of Ziegler. The list enumerates the asterisked lines chapter by chapter throughout the Book of Job and indicates in parentheses after each verse reference the number of stichs included in the reference. The total number of asterisked lines in each chapter is given at the end of the row. The differences between Ziegler's Text and his E i n leitung are described following the list. 3.1.2. The Evidence of Ziegler's Text, The evidence is listed in the following table:
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
A S T E R I S K E D STICHS I N Z I E G L E R ׳S T E X T (The Numbers and Stichometry follow Ziegler's Text) 7:8(2) 9:3b (1) 1 5 b ( l ) 2 4 b c ( 2 ) 10:4b (1) 11:5b (1) 12:8b-9 (3) 18b (1) 21 (2) 23 (2) 13:19b (1) 20b (1) 14:12c (1) 18-19(5) 15:10(2)26b-27(3) 16:3b ( 1 ) 8 (3) 21b (1) 17:3b-5a (4) 10a (0.5) 12 (2) 16b (.1) 18:9b-10(3)15-16(4)17b(l) 19:24a (1) 28b (1) 20:3-4a (3) 9 (2) 11-13 (6) 14b (1) 20b-2la (2) 23a (1) 25c (1) 21:15 (2) 19b (1) 21 (2) 23 (2) 28-33 (13) 22:3b (1) 13-16 (8) 20 (2) 24 (2) 29-30 (4) 23:9(2) 15cd (2) 24:4b (1) 5c (1) 8a (1) 14b-18a (10) 25b (1) 25:6b (1) 26:5-11 (14) 14ab (2) 27:19b (1)21-23 (6) 28:3b-4a (3) 5-9a (9) 14-19 (12) 21b-22a (2) 26b-27a (2) 29:10b-lla (2) 13a (1) 19-20 (4) 24b-25 (4) 3 0 : l c ( l ) 2 - 4 a ( 6 ) 7a(1) l l b - 1 3 a ( 5 ) 16a (1) 18b(1) 20b (1) 22b ( 1 ) 2 7 (2) 31:1-4 (8) 18 (2) 23b-24a (2) 27a (1) 35a (1) 32:4b-5(4)llc-12(4)15-16(4) 33:8a (1) 19b (1) 20b (1) 28-29 (4) 31b-33 (5) 34:3-4 (4) 6b-7 (3) 1 l b (1) 18b (1) 23a (1) 25b (1) 28-33 (14) 35:7b-10a (6) 12a ( I ) 15-16 (4) 36:5b-9 (10) 1 0 b - l l (4) 13 (2) 16 (3) 19c-20 (3) 21b-22a (2) 24b-25a (2) 26 (2) 27b-28a (2) 29-33 (10) 37:l-5a (10) 6b-7a (2) 10a (1) ll-12c (5) 13(2) 18 (2) 21b (1) 38:26-27 (4) 32 (2) 39:1a (1) 3b-4 (4) 6b (1) 8 (2) 13-18 (12) 28 (1) 29b (1) 40:l-2(3)23b-24(3)26a(l)31b(l) 41:4 (2) 8a (1) 9 (2) 15b (1) 18b (1) 21a (1) 24b (1) 4 2 : 8 e ( l ) 16cd-17(3) TOTAL
2 4
1 1 8 2 6 5 5 7.5 8 2 16 20 17 4 14 1 16 7 28 11 19 14 12 12 25 11 40 23 6 22 8 9 4 390.5
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3.1.3. Discrepancies between Ziegler's Einleitung and Text. The discrepancies between Ziegler's Einleitung and his Text are as follows: (1) Ziegler has 17:10a (a half-stich) and 42:8e asterisked in his Text but does not record them as asterisked stichs in his register in the Einleitung. Both the halfstich (I7:10a) and the full stich (42:8e) are also asterisked in Rahlfs' edition. (2) Ziegler records 32:11b and 39:6a instead of 32:11c and 39:6b respectively. These should be corrected. The former mistake is due to confusion between his own stichometry and that of Rahlfs since 32:11c in Ziegler's edition equals 32:11b in Rahlfs' edition. The latter mistake is an inconsistency between the Einleitung and the Text where the Text must be regarded as correct. Rahlfs marks 39:6b in his edition with the asterisk, not 39:6a. Ziegler's count of the asterisked lines in the Einleitung must be corrected from 389 to 390.5. The evidence of his Text is clearly superior to his list in the Einleitung. There are also differences between the number of lines asterisked by Ziegler and the number asterisked by Alfred Rahlfs, his predecessor. There are a total of 380.5 asterisked lines in Rahlfs' Manual Edition while the count just noted for the Gottingen Septuaginta was 390.5. These differences can be classified in three categories: ( I ) discrepancies due to differences in stichometry between the two editors, (2) lines asterisked by Rahlfs but not by Ziegler, and (3) lines asterisked by Ziegler but not by Rahlfs. Differences in Stichometry. Below is a list of the differences in stichometry between the edition of Rahlfs and that of Ziegler. Differences of Stichometry between Rahlfs (Ra) and Ziegler ( Z i ) 29:25b 30:3b 30:12b 34:30 34:31 39:4a 42:16c
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra
= = = = = =
29:25bc 30:3bc 30:12bc 34:30ab 34:3 =־iab 39:4ab 42:16cd
Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Z i (sic 39:4b Ra = Zi
Although it is not our purpose to evaluate the stichometry of either editor we may note in passing that there is a tendency on the part of Ziegler to represent in two stichs what Rahlfs represents in one. As a result, the above total of 380.5 asterisked lines in Rahlfs' edition may be raised to 387.5 in terms of Ziegler's stichometry or the above total of 390.5 asterisked lines in Ziegler's edition may be reduced to 383.5 in
Identification of the .Asterisked Materials
terms of Rahlfs' stiehometry. The serious differences between the two editors lie i n the five stichs where they disagree on whether the line is to be asterisked or not. Lines Asterisked by Rahlfs but not by Ziegler. There is only one line asterisked by Rahlfs but not by Ziegler, namely, 2 : l d . The evidence o f the Hebrew parent text and of the apparatus ( A p p 1 and A p p I I ) of Ziegler is as follows:
2 : l b ß ־n ־P ־ ? ־7 α ^ Π Π - ( L a c k i n g in O G ) A p p I l c fin] S* 406-575-//-Iul 252 68 251 797 Co D i d 0 1 ] + ( Χ Ο) π α ρ α σ τ η ν α ι ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν (-τι A-637-613-Chr 248; ε ν ώ π ι ο ν 253 261 296 534 728) τ ο υ ( > Α 637-613-Chr 147) κ υ ρ ί ο υ rel = SM. Y
A p p I I l c fin] α ' θ ' + Χ π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν τ ο υ κ υ ρ ί ο υ C ; τ ο ΰ τ ο π ρ ο σ ε τ έ θ η · ο ύ κεΤται π α ρ ά τοις ο' 252; ό σ α ή σ τ έ ρ ι σ τ α ι ο ϋ κ έ'στι τ ώ ν ο', ά λ λ ' ά φ ' ετέ ρας ε κ δ ό σ ε ω ς έ π ε ι σ ή χ θ η τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς , ώ ς δ ή τ ο υ Ε β ρ α ϊ κ ο ύ ο ΰ τ ω ς έ χ ο ν τ ο ς C. Concerning this line Ziegler states in the Einleitung: 2 id (DK π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν τ ο υ κ υ ρ ί ο υ ) ist der erste asterisierte Stichos in lob; der Asteriskus ist von C Syh La A r m bezeugt. Bei einigen C -Hss. (255"-258) ist α θ ' vermerkt. A m Rand von C steht die Notiz: ο σ α ή σ τ έ ρ ι σ τ α ι ο ϋ κ ε σ τ ι τ ω ν ο', ά λ λ ' ά φ ' ετέρας εκδόσεως έ π ε ι σ ή χ θ η τούτοις, ώς δή του "Εβραϊκού οΰτως έ χ ο ν τ ο ς . 252 g notiert: τ ο ΰ τ ο π ρ ο σ ε τ έ θ η · ο ύ κεΤται π α ρ ά τ ο ι ς ο'. Der Stichos fehlt in S* 406-575-//-Iul & 7 9 7 251 68 also in einer Reihe bedeutender Zeugen, w steht zwar in 9Ί, ist aber eine Wiederholung von 2ιιψ ( π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι έ'ναντι κ υ ρ ί ο υ ) und fehlt auch in der Parallel-steile 16c. Ra. hat zu Unrecht 2 w in seinem Text aufgenommen. m
3 2
Certainly the Hebrew text which Origen used as a measuring stick for the Old Greek is basically the same as the consonantal Hebrew text in our hands today. The representative of the Masoretic Text used herein is Firkowitsch I . B 19a (Codex Leningradensis) as published with corrections in K . Elliger and W. Rudolph, eds., Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1967/77, 1983). Note that although the parent text of Origen (or of R or O G for that matter) did not differentiate graphemically sin and .5?« as to and to, but simply employed E? for both, citations herein do distinguish the two simply to clarify the reading tradition of M T . 3 3
Z i , 134.
2 5 2
2 4 8
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The discussion and evidence presented by Ziegler involves two separate issues. The first is whether or not 2: I d belongs in a critical reconstruction of the Ecclesiastical Text. The second focuses on whether or not 2: I d properly belongs to the corpus of asterisked materials. Whether or not 2 : l d belongs in the Ecclesiastical Text is an issue of little significance for the present study. Nonetheless the decision made by Ziegler to relegate the stich to the apparatus criticus is questionable. The central concern here is whether or not 2 : I d belongs to the corpus of asterisked materials. The evidence, assembled from A p p I , A p p I I , and the Einleitung of Ziegler's edition is as follows: 34
2:Id sub XOC{a
6'); om S*
Co D i d 0 1
In addition, the marginal note in 252 expressly states that the stich is not O G and the note in C adds the clarification that the line comes from another edition of the Greek Old Testament. The best testimony of the Armenian version does not mark the line with an asterisk nor does 248, but then the Armenian is not a reliable witness and M S 248 was not written stichometrically, thus making it difficult for the scribe to mark asterisks correctly. In short there is strong support for including the line in the corpus
3 4
The siglum O in A p p I does not include A r m (see Z i , 64-86 as well as the insert on Rezensionen und Handschriften-Gruppen), but the line is under the asterisk in the edition of Zohrab, the basts of the siglum A r m (as Ziegler himself indicates by the evidence he presents concerning ׳2.ld in Z i , 134). 2:Id, however, is not under the asterisk in the Armenian materials examined by Claude Cox (see Cox, 157-169). We can deduce from the Kopfleiste the evidence for including the line implied by the siglum "rel" in A p p I : B O A-637-Chr / / / / / / / C ' 2 4 8 - 2 5 2 ־ rf־ 534-613 728 795 Aeth Arab A r m . According to the Kopfleiste MS 955, a fourth century uncial, ends at 2:1. M o r e detailed information on this manuscript is not provided by Ziegler. He states, "Nähere Angaben zu den Papyri-Fragmenten bei K . Aland, Repertorium der griech. christlichen Papyri I . Biblische Papyri: PTS 18 (Berlin-New York 1976)" ( Z i , 14, n. 1). Aland, however, is no more specific than Ziegler. The edition of the manuscript is published in G. Vitelli, M . Norsa, and V. Bartoletti, eds., Papiri Greci e Lalini 10, Pubblicazioni della Societä italiana per la ricerca dei Papiri greci e latini in Egino (Firenze: Stabilimento Tipografico E Ariani, 1932), 105 and it is clear that 2:1 ends with the word 5t]ocßoÄ.o<; in 2:1c. Consequently MS 955 does not constitute evidence either way. Certainly the line was inserted into the fifth column o f the Hexapla by Origen and found its way into the Ecclesiastical Text. Uncertainty, however, about its presence likely arose in the transmission of the text from the possibility of the line being a doublet from 2:1b or 1:6. 2 5 1
S 55 253-339 2 %
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
of asterisked stichs. Indeed, some lines asterisked by Ziegler have less support than this. Whether 2 : I d is from a ' or θ ' is a matter for later discussion. Lines Asterisked by Ziegler but not by Rahlfs. There are f o u r stichs which are asterisked in Ziegler, but considered Old Greek in Rahlfs: 9:3b, 12:21b, 12:23b, and 25:6b. 35 The first case is 9:3b. The evidence in Z i is as follows: 9:3b ל א ־ י ע נ נ ו א ח ת מ נ י ־ א ל ף 9:3b Χ ο ϋ μ ή ύ π α κ ο ύ σ η α ύ τ φ , / ] > 3b La; sub Χ C ( α ' sec 138-255; a ' σ ' sec 612) I ο ύ μ ή ] a ' σ ' θ ' ο ύ χ (sive ο ύ μ ή ) S y h 8 ; > S y h 9:3c ϊ ν α μ ή ά ν τ ε ί π τ ! προς έ ν α λ ό γ ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ κ χ ι λ ί ω ν . m
The manuscript testimony for marking 9:3b with an asterisk is extremely weak, consisting only of representatives from the C group. In his review of Ziegler, Professor Pietersma discusses 9:3b, a discussion worth citing in full: Ziegler asterisks these stichs because some witnesses in the C tradition (our major source for such information) do so. Such attributions, however, though generally reliable, are not infallible, as is clear from 37:9b, assigned by C to Theod but by Ziegler correctly to L X X . As in 37:9b, so in 9:3b the editor would have done better had he ignored what the C tradition has to say. In our judgment, 9:3b should not have been asterisked and that for the following reasons: (1) Without this stich in the L X X text, in particular the prohibition clause of 3c makes no sense, (2) The stich is ascribed to Aquila (and Symmachus in one MS) rather than to Theodotion, while no other stich in the entire book is so ascribed. O f course, one might argue that the ascription is in error and should read Theodotion instead, but that leads to further difficulties, since hypakouo (= 'nh) is neither Theodotion nor Aquila in Job, but is a word frequently used by the 36
3 5
In the Einleitung, Ziegler says, "Drei Stichen (12 2it> m 25 <*), die bei Ra. keinen Asterikus haben, sind in unserer Ausgabe asterisiert" ( Z i , 134). This statement is not consistent with the evidence of his text since 9:3b asterisked there and the decision to do so defended at several places in the Einleitung ( Z i , 140, 148). Hence the number of lines asterisked by Ziegler but not by Rahlfs is four. 3 6
A . Pietersma, review of lob, Septuagint: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 11/4 ed. by Joseph Ziegler, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982, in Journal of Biblical Literature 104(1985): 305-311.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
L X X translator (5:1; 9:14, 16; 13:22; 14:15; 19:16). (3) The fact that Syh has some kind of variant on ou me, assigned to Aquila Symmachus and Theodotion, suggests that 9:3b, is L X X , or in any case is not from "the three." (4) Sa, which contains by any count certainly less than a dozen of the asterisked stichs, does contain 9:3b, thereby confirming that it is Septuagintal. (5) Least convincingly perhaps, the ou me construction, though not otherwise unattested in Theod-Job (cf. 17:4b; 34:32b; 35:12a; 39:4c; 41:9b) is nevertheless more characteristic of LXX-Job. When one takes into account all of the above considerations, little doubt remains that 9:3b is L X X - J o b . Pietersma's argumentation is cogent and he has covered the perspective of translation technique thoroughly. Furthermore, if 9:3b is assumed to be O G , then both 3b and 3c in Greek correspond to 3b in Hebrew. Given the character of the L X X Translator (described below), this is not impossible. According to the Hebrew text, Job states that if anyone desires to go to law with God, he would not answer him once in a thousand times. The subject of י ע נ נ וis somewhat ambiguous: it could be the Almighty, or it could be the person desiring to dispute with God. This ambiguity is clarified in the L X X translation. There it is the man who in fact could not answer one charge of a thousand coming from the Almighty. This clarification involves a kind of doubling up on the Hebrew root ע נ הand an expansion (Xoyov) natural to the habits of the L X X Translator. It should be noted that Ziegler is rather inaccurate in claiming that La omits 3b. He states: 37
3 7
3 8
Ibid. 310-311.
Dhorme comments: G has a double translation of ל א י ע נ נ ו: 01) ן0.1 ךt>EaK0uor! auxcp (cf. w . 14 and 16; 5:1; 13:22, etc.) and "iva pf| dvxeiitT]rcpoc;(cf. 32:1). According to Colb., the first translation is that of Symm. and Theod. In Syro-hex. the words ot> !tv) are not given in the text, but are referred to in the margin as coming from A q . , Symm., and Theod. In Jerome, non respondebil ei unum de mille, by omission of t v a pf| avceurfl 7cp6<; (Dhorme, 126). In his Introduction, Dhorme concludes independently of Ciasca and Gray that 9:3b is O G (Ibid. ccii). Therefore, although he lists the evidence of the later revisors in the above cited comment, the evaluation of 9:3bc as a double translation is his considered conclusion.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
Der Stichos 3b 1st eine Dublette von 3c, die in La beseitigt 1st; hier steht fur 3be nach 9H: non respondebit (-debunt ; et respondens V) A
ei unum (unus P?) de milled The O l d Latin translation of Jerome is a kind of conflation of 3b and 3c and is not exactly equivalent to either one. The phrase unum de milk corresponds to the latter part of 3c, but cannot be considered a literal translation of πρός έ ν α λ ό γ ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ κ χ ι λ ί ω ν . The pronoun ei is equivalent to α ϋ τ φ in 3b. In all probability, non respondebit corresponds to ο ϋ μ ή ύ π α κ ο ύ σ η in 3b rather than to "ίνα μ η ά ν τ ε ί π η in 3c since the normal manner of rendering the latter in Latin would be a clause introduced with ut followed by the subjunctive. In short, the evidence of La does not show whether or not 3b was in the Greek text Jerome had before him. The second instance is 12:21b. The evidence from M T and Z i is as follows: 12:21a ע ו פ ך ב ו ז ע ל ־ נ ד י ב י ם 12:21b ו מ ז י ח א פ י ק י ם ר פ ה 12:21a Χ έ κ χ έ ω ν ά τ ι μ ί α ν έ π ' ά ρ χ ο ν τ α ς , 12:21b χ τ α π ε ι ν ο ύ ς δε ί ά σ α τ ο . / Α ρ ρ I I 12:21] sub Χ 252 C (έκ θ ' οί β') La; 21a sub θ ' Χ Syh; om 21a Sa Consideration of the textual testimony shows that Ziegler is following 252 C La in marking 12:21b with an asterisk. The C tradition specifies that "the two [lines] are from Theodotion" (έκ θ ' o i β ' ) . Syh, however, has only 12:21a under the asterisk, and Sa omits only 12:21a. Clearly, manuscript testimony does witness to asterisked materials in 12:21, but there is confusion over the extent of what is under the asterisk. Here the testimony of 252 C La is inferior to that of Syh and Sa. Several patterns in translation technique combine to prove that 12:21b is O G . First, the rendering of מ ז י ח א פ י ק י םby τ α π ε ι ν ό ς is quite unlike the literal translation technique of R. Secondly, although R renders Hebrew w3 and its allomorphs by κ α ί 178 times, this would be the only instance where it is rendered by δ έ . In fact, R only 40
4 2
׳־Zi, 140. **See Z i , 139-140. 4 1
The conjunction וin M T rendered κ α ί by R:
7:8b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:18b, 12:23a, 12:23b?, 13:19b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:19c, 15:27b, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:21b, 17:10a, 18:10b, 18:16b, 18:17b, 19:24a, 19:28b, 20:3b, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11b, 20:13a, 20:13b, 21:15b, 21:19b, 21:21b, 21:23b, 21:28b, 21:29b, 21:31b, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33b, 21:33c, 22:13a, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:20b, 22:24b, 22:29a, 22:29b, 22:30b, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:15d(=bMT), 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15c, 24:25b, 25:6b, 26:5b?, 26:6b, 26:8b, 26:11b, 26:14b, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22a, 27:23b,
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
uses δ έ twice (9:24c and 21:23b), in both cases where M T is asyndetic. Thirdly, the root ( ר פ הloosen, relax) occurs only three times in the M T of Job; twice forms from the Hiphil Stem are rendered by π ρ ο ΐ η μ ι (both O G : 7:19b and 27:6a), and once a form from the Piel Stem by ί ά ο μ α ι (12:21b misreading ר פ הas ) ר פ א. In other words, the rendering of ר פ הin 12:21b could be either O G or R, i.e. the use of ί ά ο μ α ι is irrelevant as far as identifying its source is concerned. It is thus clear that both the textual testimony and the evidence of translation technique indicate that 12:21b is O G and ought not to be classified with the asterisked materials. The third case is 12:23b: 43
12:23a מ ש ג י א ל ג ו י ם ו י א ב ד ם 12:23b ע ס ח ל ב ו י ם ו י נ ח ם 12:23a Χ π λ ά ν ω ν έ θ ν η κ α ι ά π ο λ λ ΐ κ » ν α υ τ ά , ] οπι 23a Β* 12:23b Χ κ α τ α σ τ ρ ω ν ν ύ ω ν ε θ ν η κ α ι κ α θ ο δ η γ ω ν α υ τ ά , / Α ρ ρ I I 12:23] sub Χ 248 252 C (έκ θ ׳ο ί β )׳Syh (θ )׳La; om 23 Sa There is strong support textually for identifying 12:23b among the asterisked materials. A l l of the manuscript sources for asterisks are among the testimony listed by Ziegler for 12:23 except A r m . Ziegler is dependent upon the edition of Zohrab for the Armenian evidence and indicates that the Armenian version has not transmitted the tradition concerning the asterisks very reliably: 44
28:3b, 28:3c, 28:6b, 28:7b, 28:14b, 28:15b, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:18a, 28:18b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:26b, 28:27a, 29:10b, 29:11a, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:25a, 29:25b, 30:3a, 30:3c, 3 0 : l i b , 30:12c, 30:16a, 30:20b, 30:22b, 30:27a, 31:1b, 31:2a, 31:2b, 31:3b, 31:4b, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:27a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 32:12a, 32:12b, 33:19b, 33:20b, 33:28b, 33:31b, 33:33b, 34:3b, 34:11b, 34:25b, 34:25b, 34:28b, 34:29a, 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:29b, 34:29c, 34:29c, 34:33b, 34:33c, 35:8b, 35:10a, 35:12a, 35:15a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 36:6b, 36:7b, 36:7c, 36:7c, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:11a, 36:11c, 36:13a, 36:16a, 36:16c, 36:19c, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:27b?, 36:30b, 36:32b, 37:1b, 37:2b, 37:3b, 37:4c, 37:6b, 37:12a, 37:14b, 38:27a, 38:27b, 38:32b, 39:4c(=bMT), 39:6b, 39:8b, 39:13b, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:17b, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 40:1, 40:1, 40:31b, 41:4b, 41:9b, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:17a, 42:17a. 4 2
This discussion of evidence for R is restricted to asterisked lines only.
4 3
Also irrelevant for 12:21b is the fact that at 27:6a materials in A p p I I attributed to 6' have &
4 4
Z i , 50.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
Auch die armenische Ü b e r s e t z u n g had die späteren (von Theodotion stammenden) Stichen mit Asterisken gekennzeichnet. In der Ausgabe von Zohrab sind sie am Rand vermerkt; aber ihre Zahl und ihr Standort sind nur ungenau angegeben. Fuller information on the witness of the Armenian version to the asterisks may now be found in the recent volume of Claude Cox. Although he too indicates that the hexplaric signs are not very reliably preserved for the Book of Job in the Armenian version, * both 12:23a and 12:23b were asterisked in the Armenian manuscripts which he examined. The fact that B * omits 12:23a is interesting, but may be no more than a simple scribal error. Why only 12:23a is asterisked in Ra is difficult to say. A t 12:23, the apparatus of Ra has the following: 45
231 > B*+ J ettam 2 3 sub 5« Sy; cf. Ciasca I I , p. X X I V The evidence from Ciasca to which Rahlfs refers is as follows: Cap X I I , 23. π λ ά ν ω ν ε θ ν η — κ α ι κ α θ ο δ η γ ω ν αυτά. Syro-hex. et a
Colbert.; Hierony. tantum 23 .; Vaticanus 346 vero 2 2 - 2 3 . The evidence of Jerome and MS 248 (i.e. Vaticanus 346) listed by Ciasca may have influenced Rahlfs to asterisk only 23a. According to Ziegler, however, both 23a and 23b are asterisked by La. Ziegler also maintains that MS 248, which he lists as mark ing the asterisk for 23a and 23b, must be assessed carefully since it is not written
Ibid. 147. 4
* Cox, 157.
4 7
Ibid. 159,161.
4 8
46. P. A . Ciasca, Sacrorum Bibliorum Fragmenta Copto-Sahidica Musei Borgiani, 2 vols. (Rome: S. Congregationis, 1885, 1889), 2:24. Ciasca's criteria for the lines listed is as follows: Quo autem id manifestius appareat, simulque codicum latinorum atque graecorum, nec non versionis Syro-hexaplaris, in adponendis signis origenianis vis et accuratio rite pensentur, liceat hie omnium stichorum, qui in hoc votumine desunt, elenchum subponere; ac insuper codicum, qui eosdem stichos asterisco notant, nomen iuxta adiicere. Sit itaque: (Ibid., 23) (But where it is readily apparent, from the Latin and Greek manuscripts taken to gether as well as from the Syro-Hexaplar version, emphasis and accuracy should be weighed correctly in assigning the signs [used by] Origen. It might be acceptable to supply here a list of all the stichs lacking in this volume, and to accompany it with the name of those manuscripts which note such stichs with an asterisk. Thus:)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
stichometrically. Consequently, any cause for hesitation by Rahlfs is removed for us. A n analysis of translation technique yields inconclusive results. The verb rtOUi only occurs here in Job. The noun ""D appears three times in Job (12:23a, 12:23b, 34:29c) and it is rendered, not surprisingly, by the word ε"θνος—in each case lines belonging to R. Similarly, the Hebrew root ΠΠ3 occurs three times (12:23b, 31:18b, 38:32b). In all three places the rendering is by R: κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω , ό δ η γ έ ω , and ά γ ω in 12:23b, 31:18b, and 38:32b respectively. Thus it is difficult to compare and contrast the habits of the two translators here. On the basis of the strong textual testimony, 12:23b is probably correctly classifed by Ziegler as belonging to the asterisked materials. , The fourth instance is 25:6b. The evidence is as follows: 25:6a ΠΟ־ι Bh3K־O 25:6b n y b m • ־τ κ ־ρ ι 25:6a έ α δ έ , ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς σ α π ρ ί α 25:6b Χ κ α ι υ ι ό ς α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ σ κ ώ λ η ξ . / ] 6b sub Χ 255-740 ( α ׳σ ׳θ )׳Syh (θ') A t first glance, one wonders why Ziegler asterisked a stich such as 25:6b, hitherto reckoned as Septuagintal. The manuscript testimony for marking the asterisk is weak. There are only two manuscripts from the C group—a fairly rare situation. For according to Ziegler in his Einleitung, only two C manuscripts have the asterisk four times (17:16b, 25:6b, 37:21b, 40:31b) and three times only one C manuscript has the asterisk (11:5b, 34:11b, 34:23a). The fact that Syh asterisks this line is more significant, but still, the evidence from Sa, La, and less importantly 248 and 252, is lacking. A n examination of the line in the light of translation technique, however, gives a new perspective. A t the beginning of 25:6b the Hebrew conjunction 1 is rendered by κ α ί . This fits the pattern of R as noted previously. I t could equally fit the pattern of the O G translator, although he tends to be extremely free in his treatment of the Hebrew conjunction 1. I f • ~ i i f p is considered as a phrase, it is impossible to compare the two translators since the only other occurrences in Job are 16:21b and 35:8b where in both instances the rendering υΙός ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ is given by R. One might, however, consider the word ] 3 in isolation. O G renders the noun ] 3 15 times 50
4 9
Z i , 134-136.
5 0
Z i , 141.
5 1
See n.4.1.
Identification of'the Asterisked Materials
by υ ι ό ς (1:2, 1:4, 1:5, 1:13, 1:18, 5:4a, 8:4a, 14:21a, 17:5b, 19:17b, 20:10a, 21:19a, 27:1a, 30:8a, 42:13); 3 times by ά γ γ ε λ ο ς (1:6, 2:1, 38:7b) in the phrase ) ה ( א ל ה י ם ( = ב נ יoi) ά γ γ ε λ ο ι ( τ ο υ θ ε ο ΰ ) ; 3 times by the Greek genitive of origin or relationship (1:3, 32:2, 32:6) and once by an attributive phrase functioning similarly (41:26b); once by ν ε ο σ σ ό ς (5:7b); and by free renderings twice (4:11b, 41:20a); for a total of 25 times. On the other hand, R renders ב ןby υ ι ό ς 7 times (16:21b, 25:6b, 28:8a, 35:8b, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:16d); by τ έ κ ν ο ν twice (39:4a, 39:16a); and by κ ό μ η once (38:32b, employed as a metaphor for a comet's tail); for a total of 10 times. From the above statistics, nothing conclusive may be stated about the rendering of ב ןin 25:6b. The situation is different, however, if • א דis considered by itself. In comparing the habits of the two translators with regard to the rendering of א ד םit is necessary to list at the same time the details regarding the rendering of א י ש in order to gain a complete perspective of the patterns of translation. O G translates the noun 11 אדם times by ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς (5:7a, 7:20b, 15:7a, 20:4b, 20:29a, 21:4a, 27:13a, 28:28a, 33:17a, 33:23c, 34:11a); by βροτός 6 times (11:12b, 14:1a, 14:10b, 32:21b, 34:15b, 36:28b); and by a free rendering once (31:33a) for a total of 18 times. R, on the other hand, always renders א ד םby ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς (16:21b, 21:33b, 25:6b, 34:29c, 34:30a, 35:8b, 36:25a, 37:7a, 38:26b)—9 times. The noun א י שis rendered by O G 34 times: as ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς 20 times (1:1, 1:1, 1:3, 1:8, 2:3, 2:4, 4:13b, 9:32a, 11:12a, 12:10b, 12:14b, 14:12a, 32:21a, 33:I5b, 33:16a, 33:27a, 34:21a, 37:7b, 37:20b, 37:24a); by έ κ α σ τ ο ς 4 times (1:4, 2:11, 2:12, 42:11); by τ ι ς once (31:35c); by ά ν ή ρ once (15:16b); by φ ί λ ο ς once (32:1); and by free renderings 7 times (11:2b, 22:8a, 32:13b, 34:8b, 34.10a 34:34a, 34:36b). R, however, always translates א י שby ά ν ή ρ (32:5b, 34:11b, 34:23a, 35:8a, 36:24b, 38:26a, 41:9a)—7 times.
Clearly, R has fixed equivalents for the two Hebrew words: = א ד םά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς and = א י שά ν ή ρ . The O G translator is more sensitive to the context. Generally speaking, either א ד םor א י שare rendered by ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς . Where א י שfunctions as the distributive or indefinite pronoun, O G has έ κ α σ τ ο ς and τ ι ς respectively, whereas R has ά ν ή ρ in 41:9, the only passage extant where א י שis used distributively. Moreover, where א ד םand 38:26,37:7,35:8,34:11,32:21,11:12)ש 33:17,16:21)or א ד םand 36:25,25:6)) א נ ו ש occur in parallel stichs in the Job, OG either uses an alternative equivalent such as β ρ ο τ ό ς (11:12b, 14:10b, 32:21b) or gives only one Greek stich for two in the parent text (16:21, 25:6, 34:11, 35:8, 36:25, 37:7) or employs other techniques (33:17, 38:26) to avoid using the same equivalent twice (cf. 14:10 and 14:12 as examples of close contexts but not parallel lines.). When ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς occurs in successive stichs in 25:6a and 25:6b, this is a clear indication that both lines do not come from O G .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The translation of ת י ל ע הby 0KC6A.T1E, is not significant for translation technique. The Hebrew word occurs only here in Job. The Greek term OK&Xrfc is used by O G in 2:9ca and 7:5. The first instance has no correspondence to anything in the parent text and in 7:9 it renders ר מ ה. Furthermore, the lack of a copula in Greek to render a verbless clause in Hebrew is not decisive either for O G or for R .
In conclusion, the Greek of 25:6a looks like an example where O G has summarized two stichs in the parent text with one in Greek. The rendering of the conjunction וand the rendering of א ד םmake it almost certain that 25:6b is from R. Ziegler has with good judgement asterisked 25:6b. Summary. The analysis of discrepancies between the editions of Rahlfs and Ziegler in marking the asterisked lines may now be summarized: ( I ) 2 : I d belongs to the corpus of asterisked lines regardless of whether it is included in a critical recon-
5 2
The portion of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R contains 59 verbless clauses. (This does not include syntactic situations such as 18:10b where there are parallel stichs and the verb in the first stich does double duty' or is 'gapped' in the second stich by virtue of the parallelism. See further M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure [Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 1980], 122-127, 401-407). Four instances must be excluded from the total of 59 because a nominal in M T was realized as a verb by R (31:2a, 33:19b, 33:20b, 39:16b). I n one case the evidence is insufficient to ascertain whether the clause in R is verbal or verbless (j9:19a). Fifty-four instances remain for survey. R renders 40 of the 54 verbless clauses in M T as verbless clauses in Greek (7:8b, 9:24c, 15:10a, 17:12b, 20:14b, 20:25c, 21:15a, 21:21a, 21:23b, 22:3b, 22:14a, 22:16b, 24:17a, 25:6b, 26:6a, 26:14a, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:17b, 29:20a, 30:2a, 31:2b, 31:3a, 34:4b, 34:7a, 35:8a, 35:8b, j36:4a,j36:4b. 36:5b, 36:16b, 36:26a, 36:26b, 37:3b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, j37:22b, 38:26a, 39:16a) and 14 as verbal clauses in Greek (j9:19a, 9:24c, j 15:14a, I7:3b, 18:17b, jl9:25a, 21:28a, 21:28b, 28:14a, 29:19a, 32:4b, 35:10a, 37:21b, 38:26b). In four of the last-mentioned 14 instances where a verbless clause is rendered by a verbal clause in Greek, the predicate of the Hebrew verbless clause being translated is a pronoun or deictic particle ( ) ה כ הand the verb ειμί may be provided to represent the pronoun (j9:19a, 9:24c, 32:4b, 37:21b). In four other instances, a verb other than ειμί is employed (18:17b, jl9:25a, 29:19a, 38:26b). In addition to the total of 54, there are two instances where the clause in M T is verbal (or as in 37:3a, verbless in M T but read as verbal in R ) and rendered by a verbless clause in Greek (jl5:20b, 37:3a). Thus there is a Tendenz in R to render a verbless clause by a verbless clause at least 78% of the time (42 instances in 54). N . B . For heuristic purposes, asterisked materials from the lemma of Ziegler and asterisked materials from A p p I I are distinguished by prefixing a ' j ' to citations from the latter. Thus when the evidence is given for translation technique in R, the materials from the Ecclesiastical Text and the materials from other sources may be tested as to their unity. ,
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
struction of the Ecclesiastical Text or not; (2) 9:3b and 12:21b belong to O G and ought not to be classified with the body o f asterisked materials; (3) 12:23b and 25:6b, hitherto considered O G have been correctly assigned by Ziegler to the corpus of asterisked lines. 3.1.4. Competing Sequences of Asterisked
For 32:13b-18a there are two competing sequences of asterisked lines. A discussion is necessary to clarify whether one or the other properly belongs to the corpus of asterisked materials. The evidence is as follows: 32:13b א ל י ד פ כ ו ל א ־ א י ש 32:14a ו ל א ־ ע ר ך א ל י מ ל ץ 32:14b ו ב א מ ר י כ ם ל א א ו י ב נ ו 32:15a ח ת ו ל א ־ ע נ ו ע ו ד 32:15b ה ע ת י ק ו מ ה ם מ ל י ם 32:16a כ י ־ ל א י ד ב ר ו
32:16b כ י ע מ ד ו ל א ־ ע נ ו ע ו ד 32:17a א ף ־ א נ י ח ל ק י
32:17b א ח ו ה ד ע י א ף ־ א נ י 32:18a כ י מ ל ת י מ ל י ם 32:13 Ί'να μ ή ε ϊ π η τ ε Ε ΰ ρ ο μ ε ν σ ο φ ί α ν κ υ ρ ί ω π ρ ο σ θ ε μ έ ν ο ι · 32:14 ά ν θ ρ ώ π φ δε έ π ε τ ρ έ ψ α τ ε λ α λ ή σ α ι τ ο ι α ύ τ α ρ ή μ α τ α . 32:15a Χ έ π τ ο ή θ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν έ τ ι , 32:15b Χ έ π α λ α ί ω σ α ν έ ξ α υ τ ώ ν λ ό γ ο υ ς . 32:16a Χ ύ π έ μ ε ι ν α , ο ύ γ α ρ έ λ ά λ η σ α ν 32:16b Χ ό τ ι έ σ τ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν . / 32:17 Ύ π ο λ α β ω ν δε Έ λ ι ο ΰ ς λ έ γ ε ι 32:18a Π ά λ ι ν λ α λ ή σ ω · π λ ή ρ η ς γ ά ρ ε ί μ ι ρ η μ ά τ ω ν , Α ρ ρ I I 13 κ υ ρ ί φ π ρ ο σ θ ε μ έ ν ο ι — λ α λ ή σ ω (18a)] ( σ ' ) 13b χ ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς έ κ ρ ι π τ ε ι α υ τ ό ν , κ α ι ο ύ κ ά ν ή ρ . 14 κ α ί ο ύ κ έ'ταξεν πρός με λ α λ ι ά ς · κ α ι έ ν λ ό γ ο ι ς υ μ ώ ν ο ύ κ ά ν τ α π ο κ ρ ι ν ο ΰ μ α ι α ύ τ φ . 15 έ π τ ο ή θ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ έ π ο ι ο ΰ ν τ ο ά π ό κ ρ ί σ ι ν ετι ־ά π ή ρ θ η σ α ν (s έ ξ ή ρ θ η σ α ν s ά φ η ρ έ θ η σ α ν ) ά π ' α υ τ ώ ν λ α λ ι α ί . 16 κ α ι ύ π έ μ ε ι ν α (s ά ν έ μ ε ι ν α ) ό τ ι ο ύ κ έ λ ά λ η σ α , ο τ ι έ σ τ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ έ π ο ι ή σ α ν τ ο ά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ν έτι· 17 ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ο μ α ι κ ά γ ώ τ ό μ έ ρ ο ς μ ο υ ( σ ' τ ό μ έ ρ ο ς μ ο υ C), ά ν α γ γ ε λ ώ τ ή ν γ ν ώ σ ι ν μ ο υ κ ά γ ώ Syh (adn "In Tetraplis quidem legebatur ut in margine; in exemplar! vero Eusebii et Pamphili ut in textu") Α ρ ρ II15-16 sub X 248 C (έκ θ ׳ο ί δ )׳Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 15-16 Sa
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The asterisked materials from the Syro-Hexapla listed in A p p I I have no named source. As the angular brackets indicate, Symmachus is only the presumed source. The fact that the words τ ό μέρος μ ο υ ( A p p I I 32:17) are attributed to σ ' in C constitutes the sole textual testimony for linking the lines in the Syro-Hexapla to Symmachus. Thus while Ziegler may well be right in assigning these stichs to σ ' , it is necessary to show that 32:15-16 in the lemma of Ziegler's Text properly belongs to the corpus of asterisked materials and not the asterisked materials in the SyroHexapla. 32:15-16 is asterisked in 248 Ο C and attributed to θ ' by C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί δ') and Syh. Moreover, these lines are omitted by Sa. This is strong textual testimony for including them in the corpus of asterisked materials. On the other hand, the patterns of translation technique in the asterisked materials from the Syro-Hexapla recorded in A p p I I are different from the patterns in the main body of asterisked materials. Consider the evidence for 32:13b first. Although the divine name b i t is always rendered ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς by R (22:13a, 33:29a, 34:31a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a, 37:10a) as in A p p I I 32:13b, the Greek equivalent is anarthrous only once in the phrase α π ό π ν ο ή ς ι σ χ υ ρ ο ύ (37:10a) while the noun in the parent text is anarthrous in all seven instances. In 37:10a ι σ χ υ ρ ο ύ is naturally anarthrous since the article in Greek is frequently omitted in prepositional phrases and is also normally omitted in the governed noun when the governing noun is anarthrous. Hence the rendering of by anarthrous ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς is unlike R. The verb *\Ί2 occurs elsewhere in Job only at 13:25a where O G employs κ ι ν έ ω and σ ' uses ε κ π ί π τ ω . This data is insufficient for any decisive statement on whether the trans lation of •DDT by έ κ ρ ί π τ ε ι α υ τ ό ν in 32:13b is like or unlike R. In A p p I I 32:13b the words κ α ι ο υ κ ά ν ή ρ render C?־>! ־XP in M T . The κ α ί has no equivalent in the Hebrew. This is somewhat unlike R. In 214 instances of asyndeton in M T , 208 also have asyndeton in R , while two have δέ (9:24c, 21:23b), and only four have κ α ί 1
5 3
Asyndeton in M T rendered by asyndeton in R: 7:8a, 7:8b, 9:15b, 9:24b, 9:24c, 12:9a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:20b, 14:19a, 15:10b, 15:26b, 16:8c, 17:5a, 17:12a, 17:12b, 18:9b, 18:10a, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 19:24a, 20:3a, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:11a, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13a, 20:14b, 20:20b, 20:21a, 20:23a, 20:25c, 21:15a, 21:19b, 21:23a, 21:29a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:33a, 22:14a, 22:13b, 22:15a, 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:30a, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:8a, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 24:18a, 26:5a, 26:5b, 26:6a, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 26:10a, 26:11a, 26:14a, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 28:4a, 28:5a, 28:6a, 28:7a, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:15a, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:22a, 28:27a, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19a, 29:20a, 29:25a, 29:25c, 30:2b, 30:3a, 30:3b, 30:3c, 30:4a, 30:7a, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:13a, 30:18b, 30:20b, 30:27a, 30:27b,
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
(14:19b, 15:10a, 28:16a, 37:10a). On the other hand, it is possible that the waw of י ד פ נ וwas read twice and, as noted previously, the rendering of 1£? איby ά ν ή ρ is the pattern of R. In 32:14a, only the rendering of the noun מ ל חand the verb ע ר ךare distinctive enough to be classified as either like or unlike R. The verb ע ר ךis rendered by R two times, both by ί σ ό ω (28:17a, 28:19a). In addition, the cognate noun erek is rendered once by R and the equivalent is ί σ ο ς (41:4b). The evidence is scanty but the translation of 'arak by ε τ α ξ ε ν in A p p I I 32:14a does not look like R. The noun מ ל הis translated six times by R, twice by ρ η μ α (24:25b, 35:16b) and four times by λ ό γ ο ς (32:11c, 32:15b?, 33:32a, 34:3a). R uses the verb λ α λ ε ω to translate the Piel forms of32:16) ד ב רa . 33:31b, 33:32b, 34:33c), but never the cognate noun λ α λ ί α . A p p I I 32:15b also has λ α λ ί α for מ ל הunlike R, whereas the asterisked line in the lemma of Ziegler at 32:15b has λ ό γ ο ς , like R. K
Little can be done with the translation of the noun א מ רby λ ό γ ο ς in A p p I I 32:14b. R renders אמר־only once (32:12c) using the equivalent £ η μ α . Yet R employs the verb α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι twice (16:8c, 32:12c), both times translating ע נ הin M T . Furthermore, R renders the one occurrence of ב11£/ in the Hiphil stem by the simpler form α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (33:32a). Once again, the evidence is scanty, but it does lend support against identifying the asterisked lines in A p p I I with R. The lemma of Ziegler and the asterisked materials of A p p I I differ only on the rendering of ע נ וin 32:15a. The lemma of Ziegler has ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν while the corresponding line in A p p I I has έ π ο ι ο ΰ ν τ ο ά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ν . We find exactly the same thing in 32:16b. Using the verb π ο ι έ ω in the middle voice with a noun as a periphrasis for the verb cognate with the noun is excellent Greek idiom. This idiom occurs 10 times in O G (7:18a, 7:21a, 14:3a, 14:13c, 22:4a, 24:12c, 29:4b, 31:14a, 31:14bWs) but is not found in R. Aside from 32:15b, the verb ע ת קis rendered by R only once and the equivalent is also π α λ α ι ό ω (14:18b). Ά π α ί ρ ω and ε ξ α ί ρ ω are not found i n the
31:1a, 31:3a, 31:4a, 31:18a, 31:24a, 31:35a, 32:12c, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16b, 33:8a, 33:28a, 33:29a, 33:3lb, 33:32a, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:33a, 33:33a, 33:33b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:6b, 34:7a, 34:7b, 34:18b?, 34:31b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:32b, 34:33a, 35:8a, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:12a, 35:16b, 36:6a, 36:7a, 36:8a, 36:8b?, 36:11a, 36:11b, 36:13b, 36:16b?, 36:20a, 36:22a, 36:25a, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:30a, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:33a, 36:33b, 37:2a, 37:3a, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:5a, 37:7a, 37:11b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 37:21b, 38:27a, 38:32a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:8a, 39:13a, 39:13b, 39:16a, 39:16b, 39:i8a, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 39:29b, 40:2a, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, 4I:4a, 41:8a, 41:9a, 41:9b, 41:15b, 41:15b, 41:21a, 41:24b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Greek Job. Ά φ α φ έ ω occurs once in R for נ ר עin the parent text (36:7a). The evidence is extremely sparse, but not favourable to identifying A p p I I 32:15b with R. In 32:16, the lemma of Ziegler and the asterisked materials of A p p I I differ only in the smallest ways. The fact that the waw in the parent text (32:61a) is apparently not translated in the text of Ziegler's lemma is unlike R . The lemma of Ziegler has γ ά ρ for כ יin 32:16a and δ τ ι for the same in 32:16b; the corresponding text in A p p I I has δ τ ι both times, The latter also has έ τ ι for ע ו דin the parent text yet the former has nothing for ע ו ד. This contrasts with the translation of ע ו דby έ τ ι in text of the lemma in 32:15a. I f anything, the lemma shows more stylistic variation than the asterisked lines of A p p I I in its rendering of 32:16. In 32:16a, the third person plural verb έ λ ά λ η σ α ν in the lemma correctly represents the parent text; the first person singular in A p p I I 32:16a does not. The latter may represent a harmonization to the first verb of 32:16a or it may simply be a scribal error since the first person singular and the third person plural differ only by a nu which is frequently indicated by a supralinear horizontal stroke in many Greek manuscripts. The Greek of O G in 32:17-18aa is an extremely free handling of the parent text. There is no evidence from R which compares or contrasts decisively with the rendering of the asterisked materials for 32:17 in A p p I I . The phrase א ף ־ א נ י, the nouns ד עand ח ל ק, and the verb ח ו הarc not rendered by R. R translates 10 times, once by ά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ς (32:5a), once by ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω (35:12a), once by ά ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (32:12c), and seven times by α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (16:3b, 16:8c[=bMT], 20:3b, 32:15a, 32:16b, 40:1,40:2b). 54
In conclusion, the cumulative evidence from comparing translation technique is against identifying the asterisked materials recorded in A p p I I with R and for identifying the lemma with R. 3.1.5. The Corpus of Asterisked
The conclusions concerning doubtful lines in Ziegler are indicated by the following list of asterisked lines accepted for the present study:
5 4
See n. 41. There are six instances where waw is handled by R in unusual ways: 22:16a, 22:24a, 28:5b, 31:27a, 32:16a, 41:4b.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
CORPUS O F A S T E R I S K E D STICHS (The Numbers A n d Stichometry Follow Ziegler's Text) 2:ld(l) 7:8 (2) 9:15b (1) 24bc (2) 10:4b (1) 11:5b (1) 12:8b-9(3)18b(l)21a(l)23(2) 13:19b (1) 20b (1) 14:12c (1) 18-19 (5) 15:10(2)26b-27(3) 16:3b ( 1 ) 8 (3) 21b (1) 17:3b-5a (4) 10a (0.5) 12 (2) 16b (1) 18:9b-10 (3) 15-16(4) 17b (1) 19:24a (1) 28b (1) 20:3-4a (3) 9 (2) 11-13 (6) 14b (1) 20b-21a (2) 23a (1) 25c (1) 21:15 (2) 19b (1) 21 (2) 23 (2) 28-33 (13) 22:3b (1) 13-16 (8) 20 (2) 24 (2) 29-30 (4) 23:9 (2) 15cd (2) 24:4b (1) 5c (1) 8a (1) 14b-18a (10) 25b (1) 25:6b (1) 26:5-11(14) 14ab (2) 27:19b (1)21-23 (6) 28:3b-4a (3) ־59a (9) 14-19 (12) 21b-22a (2) 26b-27a (2) 29:10b-lla (2) 13a (1) 19-20 (4) 24b-25 (4) 30:1c (1) 2-4a (6) 7a (1) l l b - 1 3 a (5) 16a (1) 18b (1) 20b (1) 22b (1)27 (2) 31:1-4 (8) 18 (2) 23b-24a (2) 27a (1) 35a (1) 32:4b-5 (4) 1 lc-12 (4) 15-16 (4) 33:8a (1) 19b (1) 20b (1) 28-29 (4) 31b-33 (5) 34:3-4 (4) 6b-7 (3) 1 l b (1) 18b (1) 23a (1) 25b (1) 28-33 (14) 35:7b-10a (6) 12a (1) 15-16(4) 36:5b-9 (10) 10b-H (4) 13 (2) 16 (3) 19c-20 (3) 21b-22a (2) 24b־25a (2) 26 (2) 27b-28a (2) 29-33 (10) 37:l-5a (10) 6b-7a (2) 10a (1) l l - 1 2 c (5) 13 (2) 18 (2) 21b (1) 38:26-27 (4) 32 (2) 39:1a (1) 3b-4 (4) 6b (1) 8 (2) 13-18 (12) 28 (1) 29b (1) 40:1-2 (3) 23b-24 (3) 26a (1) 31b (1) 41:4 (2) 8a ( 1 ) 9 (2) 15b (1) 18b (1) 21a (1) 24b (1) 42:8e (1) 16cd-17 (3) TOTAL
1 2 3 1 1 7 2 6 5 5 7.5 8 2 16 20 17 4 14 1 16 7 28 11 19 14 12 12 25 11 40 23 6 22 8 9 4 389.5
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3.1.6. Manuscript Support for the Corpus of Asterisked
As noted previously, it is now necessary to provide a record of the textual testimony supporting the asterisked lines in the above list. The manuscript support is arranged below. The asterisked lines are indicated in the groups or sequences in which they occur; the number of lines in the sequence is given in brackets following the stichometry of Ziegler. The manuscript testimony is arranged to show not only the hexaplaric signs but also the sources. 2 : l d (1) sub Χ Ο C ( α ' θ'); om S* ־406575-//-Iul b 7 9 7 251 7:8 (2) sub Χ Ο C ( α ' θ') om 8 Sa 9:15b (1) sub X C (θ') Syh ( a ) La 9:24bc (2) sub Χ Ο C (έκ θ ' o i β'); om 24bc Sa 10:4b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Ο S ; om 4b IIIH™ 542 728 Co A e t h ־D i d A m b 11:5b (1) sub Χ Ο 255 ( α ' ) ; om 5b Sa c
12:8b-9 (3) sub X 248 (mend Sab) C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί γ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La ( π ο η 9b); τ α ΰ τ α έ κ τ ω ν Θ ε ο δ ο τ ί ω ν ο ς 252; om 8b-9 Sa 12:18b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; κ α ι τ ο ΰ τ ο έ κ τ ω ν θ ' 252; om 18b Sa 12:21a (1) sub X 252 (21ab) C (21ab; έ κ θ ' o i β') La (21ab); 21a sub θ ' X Syh; om 21a Sa 12:23 (2) sub X 248 252 C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί β') Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 23 Sa 13:19b (1) sub X 248 252 C ( θ ' X 612-740) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 19b Sa 13:20b (1) sub X 248 (mend 20ab) 252 C ( θ ) Ο ; om 20b Sa 14:12c (1) sub Χ Γ ( θ ' Χ 137-643-732) La 14:18-19 (5) sub X C (έκ θ ' ο ί ε ) ׳Syh (θ') La; om 18-19 Sa 15:10 (2) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί β') 248 Syh (θ') La; om 10 Sa 15:26b-27 (3) sub X C (έκ θ ' ο ί γ ' ) La; om 26b-27 Sa 16:3b (1) sub X C (θ') Ο ; om 3b 157-797 Sa 16:8ab (2) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί β') Syh; 8abc sub X La; om 8abc Sa 16:21b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 21b S Sa 17:3b-5a (4) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί δ )׳La; 3b sub θ ' X Syh; 4b-5a sub X Syh; o m 3b-5a Sa 3 7:10a (0.5) sub X C ( α ' θ') S y h ; om Sa 17:12 (2) sub X C (έκ θ ' κ α ι α ' ο ί β'): 12a sub α ' θ ' Χ Syh; om 12ab Sa 17:16b (1) sub Χ Ο 137-612 ( θ ' ) 18:9b-10 (3) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' o i γ ' ) Syh La (non 10a); om 9b-10 Co 18:15-16 (4) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί δ') Syh ( θ ' ) La; 16b sub X 248; om 15-16 Sa 18:17b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 17b Sa 19:24a (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 24a Sa 19:28b (1) sub X 248 Syh (θ'); om 28b Sa 20:3-4a (3) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i γ ' ) Syh ( θ ' 3ab; anon 4a) La a
2 5 2
2 4 8
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
20:9 (2) sub X 248 252 C (έκ ׳0 o i β') Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 9 Sa 20:11-13 (6) sub X 248 252 (non 13b) C ( έ κ θ ׳o i ς )׳־Syh (non 12a) L a (non 13); om 11-13 Sa 20:14b (1) sub X 252 C ( θ ' ) Syh (θ ;)׳om 14b Sa 20:20b-21a (2) sub X 248 252 C ( έ κ θ ׳o i β') Syh ( θ ) ׳La; om 20b-21a Sa 20:23a (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ! Syh; om 23a Sa 20:25c (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; ό μ ( ο ί ω ς ) π ρ ό σ κ ε ι τ α ι έ κ τ ο υ ' Ε β ρ α ϊ κ ο ΰ 252; om 25c Sa 21:15 (2) sub X 248 252 C ( έ κ θ ' o i β') Syh ( α ' ) La; κ α ι τ α ΰ τ α κ ε ί τ α ι έ ν τ£δ ' Β β ρ α ϊ κ ω 522 C ; o m 15 Co Lucif 21:19b (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 19b Sa Lucif 21:21 (2) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i β )׳La; om 21 Sa 21:23 (2) sub X 248 (non 23a) C ( έ κ θ ' o i β') La (non 23b); om 23 Sa 21:28-33 (13) sub X 252 C ( έ κ θ ' o i ι γ ' ) La; 28-31 sub θ ' X Syh; 33 sub X Syh; 28-29a sub X 248; om 28-33 Sa 22:3b (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh; om 3b Sa 22:13-16 (8) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i η ) ׳Ο ; 15-16 sub Χ 252: om 13-16 Sa 22:20 (2) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i β') Syh (non 20a) La; om 20 Sa 22:24 (2) sub X 248 C (έκ θ ' o i β') Ο ; om 24 Sa Spec 22:29-30 (4) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i δ )׳Syh (׳0); om 29-30 Sa 23:9 (2) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' ο ί β') Syh (θ'; non 9a) La; om 9 Co 23:15cd (2) sub X 248 C ( έ κ τ ω ν α ' κ α ι θ ' o i β') Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 15cd Co Spec 24:4b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Syh (θ'); om 4b Co 24:5c (1) sub X 248 252 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 5c Co 24:8a (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 8a Sa 24:14b-18a (10) sub X 248 (non 14b) 252 (non 18a; όμ(οίως> π ρ ό σ κ ε ι ν τ α ι ) θ') C (έκ θ ' o i Γ) Syh (14b sub θ ' X ;15bc-18a sub X ) La; om 14b-18a Sa 24:25b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Ο; om 25b Sa 25:6b (1) sub X 255-740 ( α ' σ ׳θ') Syh ( θ ' ) 26:5-11 (14) sub Χ 248 (non 5, l i b ) C ( έ κ θ ' o i ι δ ' ) S y h ( θ ' ) La; om 5-11 Sa 26:14ab (2) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' o i β') Syh; om 14ab Sa A m b (Jb 2 21) 27:19b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Ο; om 19b Sa 27:21-23 (6) sub X 248 252 (non 21 23a) C (έκ θ ' οί ς ) ׳Syh (non 22b-23a) La (non 22-23); om 21-23 Sa 28:3b-4a (3) sub X 248 252 (non 3c-4a) C ( έ κ θ ' οί γ ) ׳Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 3bc-4a Sa 28:5-9a (9) sub X 248 252 C ( έ κ τ ω ν θ ' . . . οί θ') Syh (non 5ab) La; om 5-9a Sa 28:14-19 (12) sub X 248 252 706 C ( έ κ θ ' oi ιβ') Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 14-19 Sa 28:21b-22a (2) sub X 248 252 C ( έ κ θ ' οί β') Ο ; om 21b-22a Sa 28:26b-27a (2) sub X 248 C ( έ κ θ ' o i β'); om 26b-27a Sa om 26b Bo :
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
29:10b-l l a (2) sub X 248 252 C (ex 9 ' o i p") Syh; om l O b - l l a Sa 29:13a (1) sub X 252 C (EK XSV a m i 8') Syh (a 0') La; om 13a Sa Eus (Dem) Max p 373 Cyp Lucif Spec 29:19-20 (4) sub X 248 252 (mend 19b־21a) C (EK 9' o i 8') Syh (9') La (non 20a); om 19-20 Sa 29:24b-25 (4) sub X 248 (non 25bc) 252 (non 25ac) C (EK 8' o i 5') Syh (0') La; om 24b-25 Sa 30:1c (1) sub X Syh; om 1c Sa 30:2-4a (6) sub X 248 252 C (EK 8' o i c ' ) Syh (׳9 X 2ab) La (non 2a 3bc); om 2-4a Sa 30:7a (1) sub X 252 C (0') O ; om 7a Sa 30:llb-13a (5) sub X 248 (non 12c) C (EK 6' o i E )׳Syh (9') La; om 1 lb-13a Sa 30:16a (1) sub X 248 (mend 16-18) 252 (mend 16ab) C (EK 9' KOU o )'־Syh (9') La; om 16a Sa 30:18b (1) sub X 248 C (8') Syh (9') La; om 18b Sa 30:20b (1) sub X 248 C ( V ) Syh (0') La; om 20b Sa 30:22b (1) sub X 248 252 Syh (9') La; om 22b Fa 30:27 (2) sub X 248 C (EK 9 ' o i p )׳Syh (׳9) La; om 27 Co ( = Sa Bo Fa) 31:1-4 (8) sub X 248 252 706 C (EK ׳9 o i £ 4;׳bsine X ) Syh (8') L a (non 2a 3b-4); om 1 -4 Sa 31:18 (2) sub X 248 C (opoicx; EK 8' o i p') Syh (9') La; om 18 Co Eus (Dem) Spec 31:23b-24a (2) sub X 248 252 C (EK 9 ' otfj') Syh La (non 24a); om 23b-24a Sa 31:27a (1) sub X 248 C (9') Syh (9') La; om 27a Sa 31:35a (1) sub X 248 Syh (9') La; om 35a Co Eus (Dem) Spec 32:4b-5 (4) sub X 248 252 C (0') Syh (9'); 5c sub X La; om 4b-5 Co 32:1 lc-12 (4) sub X 248 252 (non 12c) C (EK 8 ' o i 8') Syh (8') Lit; o m l l c - 1 2 Sa 32:15-16 (4) sub X 248 C (EK 8' o i 8') Syh (0') La; om 15-16 Sa 33:8a (1) sub X 248 252 C (0') Syh ( a 8') La; om 8a Sa 33:19b (1) sub X 248 252 C (9') Syh (9'); om 19b Sa 33:20b (1) sub X 248 Syh (9') La; om 20b Sa 33:28-29 (4) sub X 248 (non 28a) 252 (non 29a) C (EK 8' o i 8') Syh (9') La; om 28-29 Co 33:31b-33 (5) sub X 248 252 C (EK 8' o i e') O ; om 31b-33 Sa 34:3-4 (4) sub X 248 252 (non 3b) C (EK 8' o i 8') Syh (6') U (non 4b); om 3-4 Sa 34:6b-7 (3) sub X 248 252 (non 7b) 706 Syh (0') La; 6b sub 0' X C; om 6b-7 Co 34:11b (1) sub X 248 252 740 (0') La; om ] l b Sa 34:18b (1) sub X 248 La; om 18b Sa Syn Chr D a m II1208 34:23a (1) sub X 255 (e£ a ' Kcri 9 ' C) Syh (0') La; om 23a Sa 34:25b (1) sub X C Syh (0') La; om 25b Sa 34:28-33 (14) sub X 248 252 C (EK 0' o i i 5 ' ) Syh (0') La; om 28-33 Sa 35:7b-10a (6) sub X 252 706 C (ex 0' o i q') Syh (0') La; om 7b-10a Sa
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
35:12a (1) sub X Syh (θ') La; om 12a Sa 35:15-16 (4) sub X C (έκ θ' o i δ ) ׳Syh (θ') La;15b sub X 252; om 15-16 Sa 36:5b-9 (10) sub X 706 Syh (θ'); 5b-l lab sub X 248 La; 5b-8 sub X 252; 5b-7ab sub X C ( è K θ ׳ο ί δ ' ) ; om 5b-9Sa 36:10b-ll (4) sub X 248 (vide ad 5b) 252 C (έκ θ ׳o i δ ) ׳Syh (θ )׳La (vide ad 5b); om l O b - H S a Clem 36:13 (2) sub X 248 252 C (έκ θ ׳o i β') Syh (θ )׳La; om 13 Sa 36:16 (3) sub Χ 248 252 C (έκ θ ׳o i γ ) ׳Syh (θ )׳La; om 16 Sa 36:19020 (3) sub Χ 248 C (έκ θ' οΐ γ ) ׳Syh ( θ 2 0;(׳bsub X La; om 19020 252 ׳336 543 Sa 36:21b (1) sub X Syh (θ )׳La; 21b-22a (2) sub X 248 252 C (έκ θ ׳o i ß ;)׳om 21b־22a Sa 36:24b-25a (2) sub X 248 252 (mend 23b-24ab) 706 (mend 24b-25ab) C (έκ θ' o i β') Syh (θ )׳La; om 24b-25a Sa 36:26 (2) sub X 248 252 706 C (έκ θ ׳o i β') Syh (θ )׳La; om 26 Sa 36:27b-28a (2) sub X 248 252 (mend 27b-28ab) Syh (θ') La; om 27b-28a Sa 36:29-33 (10) sub X 248 252 706 Syh (θ') La; 29b-30 sub X C (έκ τδν θ'... o i ß ;)׳om 29-33 Sa 36:31b-37:2 sub X C (έκ θ' o i θ') 37:l-5a (10) sub Χ 248 252 706 C (vide ad 36:31b) Syh (θ'; l b non sub X) La; om l-5a Sa 37:6b-7a (2) sub X 252 C (έκ θ' o i β') Syh (θ') La; om 6b-7a Sa 37:9b-10a sub X C (έκ θ' o i β') 37:10a (1) sub Χ 252 C (vide ad 9b) La; 10b mend sub Χ 248; om 10a Sa 37:ll-12c (5) sub X 706 Syh (θ'); 1 lb-12ab sub X C (έκ θ' o i β ' Ο ' ; έκ θ' o i γ ׳O ) ; lla-12acd sub Χ 248; 12abc sub X 252; om ll-12abc Sa 37:13 (2) sub X 248 252 (non 13a) 706 Syh (θ') La; om 13 Sa 37:18a (1) sub X C La; om 18a Sa 37:18b (1) sub X 252 (mend 18b-19a) C (θ' X 740) Syh (θ'); om 18b Sa 37:21b (1) sub θ' X 612-740; om 21b Sa 38:26-27 (4) sub X 248 252 C (έκ θ' o i δ )׳Syh (θ') La; om 26-27 Sa 38:32 (2) sub Χ 248 (mend 31b-33a) 252 Syh (θ')La; om 32 Sa 39:1a (1) sub X 248 C (θ' X 255-740) Syh (θ') La; om l a Sa 39:3b-4 (4) sub X 252 C (έκ θ' 01 δ ) ׳Syh (θ') La; om 3b-4 Sa 39:6b (1) sub X 248 252 C (θ') Syh (θ') La; om 6b Sa 39:8 (2) sub X 248 252 Syh (θ') La; om 8ab Sa 39:13-18 (12) sub X 248 252 C (έκ θ' οΐ ιβ') Syh (θ'; non 13a) La (non 15a) 39:28 (1) sub X 248 C (θ') Syh (θ') La 39:29b (1) sub X C (θ') Ο 40:1(1) sub O ' x S y h
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
40:2a (1) sub Θ'Χ Syh 40:2b (1) sub X La 40:23b-24 (3) sub X 248 C (έκ θ ׳oi γ )׳Syh ( θ ) La; ora 23b-24 Sa 40:26a (1) sub X C Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 26a Sa Pris 40:31b (1) sub X 612-740 La; om 31b Sa 41:4 (2) sub X 248 C (έκ θ ' οί β )׳Syh ( θ ' Χ 4a: non 4b)La; om 4 Sa 41:8a (1) sub X 248 (mend 8ab) C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 8a Sa Pris 41:9 (2) sub X C ( έ κ θ ' oi β') Syh ( θ ' ) La; om Sa Pris 41:15b (1) sub X 248 C ( θ ' ) Syh ( θ ' ) La; om 15b Sa 41:21a (1) sub X a' θ ' C ; om 21a Sa Pris 41:24b (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) O ; om 24b Sa Pris 42:8e (1) sub X C ( θ ' ) Syh; om 8e Sa 42:16cd-17a (3) sub X 252 (non 17) C (έκ θ ' οί γ )׳Syh ( θ ' ) La (non 17); om 16cd-17 Sa In the above list of manuscript support a comment is necessary on 34:11b. This line is part of the text of MS 974 (Berlin Papyrus 11778) which is dated to "around 220" by O. Stegmiiller. Since Origen commenced active labour on the Hexapla around 235 or 240 A.D., ׳how can a manuscript predating Origen's Hexapla contain materials which only entered the transmission of the text due to the influence of the Hexapla? The evidence is as follows: 53
34:11b ו כ א ר ח א י ש י מ צ א נ ו
34:11b Χ κ α ι έ ν τρίβφ άνδρας εϋρήσει αυτόν. / ןsub χ 248 252 740 ( θ ' ) La; > Sa The manuscript testimony for marking 34:11b with an asterisk is not weak, consisting mainly of 248, 252, La and the absence of the line in Sa. The C tradition has only one manuscript marking the asterisk, namely 740, which also ascribes the line to Theodotion. Although Ziegler does not, as a rule, list A r m in A p p I I , 34:11b is 5 5
O. Stegmiiller, Berliner Septuagintafragmente, Berliner Klassikertexte aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Heft 8 (Berlin: Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1939), 50. This date is echoed by Κ. Aland, Reperiorium der griechischen christlichen Papyri, I . Biblische Papyri, Patristische Texte und Studien, vol. 18 (Berlin-New York: D e Gruyter, 1976). 174 and J. van Haelst, Catalogue des Papyrus Littéraires Juifs el Chrétiens, Papyrologie, vol. 1 (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1976), 104. 5 6
See Jellicoe, 101 and J. W. Wevers, "Septuagint," The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962), 4:275.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
marked with an asterisk in the edition of Zohrab as well as in the manuscripts examined by Claude Cox. On the negative side, the line is not under the asterisk in Syh—a significant witness. When 34:11b is examined in the light of translation technique it is almost certain that the line belongs to R rather than to O G . First, although the literal translation of the conjunction וby κ α ι is by itself not decisive, at least it fits the pattern of R well. The preposition έ ν indicates that either the translator mistook a כ for a ב, a common scribal error, or that his parent text, unlike our Hebrew text, actually had ב. Secondly, the rendering of א ר חby τρίβος clearly points to R rather than to O G . The term א ר חis translated by O G 7 times, twice by the word ο δ ό ς (16:22b, 33:11b) and 5 times by free renderings (6:18a, 8:13a, 13:27a, 19:8a, 31:32b). Besides 34:11b, R translates א ר חby τρίβος in 2 other places (22:15a, 30:12c). The word τ ρ ί β ο ς occurs four other times as a translation for the Hebrew noun 3:ניתבof these occurrences are by R (18:10b, 28:7a, 30:13a) and only 1 is by O G (38:20b). Thirdly, the rendering of א י שby ά ν ή ρ is also a strong indicator of R. The characteristics of O G and R in rendering both א ד םand א י שwere discussed earlier, where it was pointed out that only once out of 34 times does O G use ά ν ή ρ to translate15:16) א ד םb ) . This is because he had already employed βρότος, his preferred equivalent for א י ש, to translate א נ ו שin the context immediately preceding (15:14a). Normally O G avoids using the same equivalent in close contexts if at all possible. R, on the other hand, always renders א י שby ά ν ή ρ (7 times). Nothing decisive for R or for O G may be claimed from the translation of י מ צ א נ וby ε ύ ρ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν . O G renders מ צ אby ε υ ρ ί σ κ ω 10 times (11:7a, 17:10b, 20:8a, 23:3a, 32:13a, 33:10a, 37:23a, 28:12a, 28:13b, 42:15), by κ α τ α τ υ γ χ ά ν ω once (3:22b), by ά φ ι κ ν έ ο μ α ι once (11:7b) due to avoiding the• same translation in close contexts, by δ ύ ν α μ α ι once (32:3), and by free renderings 3 times (31:25b, 31:29b, 33:24c) for a total o f 16 occurrences. R, on the other hand, always renders מ צ אby ε υ ρ ί σ κ ω (19:28b, 34:11b?, 37;13b)—3 times. Fourthly, the flow of thought in verses 10-12 is interrupted by 34:11b. 57
The conclusion that 34:11b belongs to R seems inescapable. H o w can a manuscript predating the Hexapla have materials from R? The Berlin Papyrus 11778 is a fragment of an isolated leaf containing a legal report on the recto and Job 33:23, 24 and 3 4 : 1 0 ΰ β - ^ α in two columns on the verso. Since the date "around 220" is based on palaeography, surely it is open to question. Stegmuller, Wevers, and Ziegler—all have suggested that the unusual text of this papyrus is a pre-hexaplaric 58
5 7
Cox, 159, 166.
5 8
O. Stegmuller, Berliner Septuagintafragmente, 50.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
revision of O G towards the Hebrew. This analysis appears to be correct. The papyrus does have a text which is a revision of O G towards the Hebrew text. Ziegler, however, denies the influence of Theodotion. He states: Wevers meint, d a ß der Papyrus möglicherweise starken Einfluß einer anderen Ü b e r s e t z u n g zeige, wahrscheinlich der des Theodotion. Ein Einfluß des Theodotion ist ausgeschlossen, wie Stil und Wortwahl zeigen, die gerade im lob in den asterisierten Stellen deutlich erkennbar sind. Der Text des Papyrus verweist vielmehr auf den Chester Beatty-Scheide Papyrus des Ezechiel, der verschiedene Stellen überliefert, die bereits in vorhexaplarischer Zeit nach dem hebr. Text korrigiert wurden, siehe meinen Beitrag in der Z A W 61 (1945/48) 329332.« Ziegler denies the influence of Theodotion because the style and selection of vocabulary in the papyrus do not correspond to Theodotion as defined by the asterisked materials. But what about the fact that the text of the papyrus contains a line not only asterisked by some manuscripts but explicitly assigned to 9'? Surely there is some connection between the papyrus and the work of Theodotion. Yet since the fragment is so small, it is difficult to determine the exact relationship of the text of the papyrus to the work of Theodotion with any precision. 3.2. Analysis of 9' Materials in Ziegler's App II. In addition to the asterisked lines of Ziegler's Text, there are, as noted previously, other materials in the textual tradition of the Greek Job from various sources which are either asterisked, or attributed to 9', or both asterisked and attributed to 8'. These are listed for the most part in Apparatus I I of Ziegler's Text according to the principles of the Göttingen Septuaginta, but occasionally he lists them in Apparatus I . This confusion is due to his considered decision to present a critical reconstruction of the Ecclesiastical Text as the lemma rather than O G . Futhermore, since the appearance of the Edition of Ziegler in the Göttingen Septuaginta, additional materials belonging to 9' have also been published by Ursula
5 9
O. Stegmüller, Berliner Septuagintafragmente, 54, J. W. Wevers, "SeptuagintaForschungen," Theologische Rundschau, N.F. 22 (1954): 133-134, and Z i , 63-64.
6 0
Since one might well doubt that a pre-Origen corrector had already excerpted it from 8' and inserted it into O G , another possibility is that the papyrus be dated I I I A . D . and considered early evidence of Origen's work. Z i , 64.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
and Dieter Hagedorn based upon gleanings from various sources. The Hagedorns offer as well clarifications and corrections in a number of places of the attribution of materials in Apparatus I I of Ziegler. Although the gleanings of the Hagedorns are relatively small, these materials must be added to those from Apparatus I I of Ziegler. Earlier it was stated that these materials must be sorted and weighed since their value varies widely. Five categories will be employed to arrange and classify all of these materials. The first category comprises only materials which are attributed uniquely to 0'. A n y combination of 0' and the other named sources ( a' o '־e' q' y' X' %' o' efJp' TO ep"p' crop' 5yp' Y p ' ) is excluded. Materials attributed to other sources which contrast with the materials attributed to 0' are listed when they are found for the same parent text. The second category contains materials which are attributed to both a and 0' and which stand in contrast to other sources i f they are extant. The third category consists of those materials attributed to both o '־and 0' and includes contrasting materials from the other sources where they exist. The fourth category comprises readings which the witnesses assign either to a' o 0 ''־, or to y', X', or % where presumably 0' is included but cannot be distinguished from the other "Inter preters" or "Editions". The fifth and final category is a miscellaneous assortment of materials which are doubtful and uncertain as to their connection with 0'. Considered from the perspective of textual testimony these five categories represent 0' materials with decreasing certainty and uniqueness. When the tool of translation technique is taken in hand, a clearer picture may result. Below are six lists. The first five lists follow the five categories just outlined. The sixth list, included for the sake of com pleteness, comprises asterisked materials which can definitely be excluded from the present study. According to the textual witnesses, they bear no relation to the main body of asterisked materials. 63
3.2.1. LIST
ONE: Materials Attributed Uniquely to 0'.
The first list, then, contains all the materials which are attributed solely to 8' according to the following criteria: (1) they are asterisked and attributed to 0', or (2) they are unasterisked and yet are attributed to 0', or (3) they are asterisked in one source and are attributed clearly to 0' by another source, or (4) they are noted 6 2
Ursula and Dieter Hagedorn, Nachlese zu den Fragmenten der jüngeren griech ischen Ubersetzer des Buches Hiob, Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, 1 Philologisch-Historische Klasse, No. 10 (1991), (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982). 6 3
For an identification of the characterizations found in the manuscripts (a' o '־e' q' Y ׳X' i t ' o' e ß p 'TOe ß p ' crop' 8yp' yp') see Z i , 161,195.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
anonymously in the margin of a source and without asterisk, and yet are clearly attributed to 8' by another source, or (5) they are neither asterisked nor attributed to 8' in the witnesses in question but agree against O G with materials asterisked and / or attributed to 0' in other sources. The last category usually indicates areas of the textual tradition recorded in Apparatus I influenced by the 8' materials either through the Hexaplaric tradition or through other means such as citations from the Church Fathers. Since the materials in category five contain no asterisk or clear attribution to 8' they are relegated to notes in order not to confuse the clear picture of the textual testimony for the attribution to 9'. The materials in List One are obviously primary since their attribution to 8' is sound textually and unequivocal. Where the only textual witness is Syh, however, it must be remembered that the Greek testimony consists of retroversions from Ziegler based upon the work of Field. Where 0' materials are based entirely on non-Greek testimony such as Latin or Syriac, they cannot be considered primary. Accordingly all materials in List One considered non-primary are enclosed in double angle brackets ( { { ) ) ) for easy identification. Greek testimony enclosed in single angle brackets are also reckoned as non-primary since these materials are added by Ziegler against the textual tradition. 64
The materials gleaned by the Hagedorns for the most part overlap with the materials from A p p I I , Yet for clarity, the materials from A p p I I of Ziegler and the materials from the Hagedorns are best kept separate. Hence the materials provided by the Hagedorns will be cited in footnotes and distinctly marked from the materials derived from A p p I I by introducing them with the symbol ' H : ' . 6 5
6 4
6 5
Z i , 156.
The Hagedorns concisely summarize the method of presentation they use: Eine E r l ä u t e r u n g zu den Zeugenangaben: Wir verzeichnen zu jedem Fragment alle vorhandenen griechischen Zeugen in der Reihen folge: 248 252 r ׳T N . A u f die Sigle V folgt in Klammern die Aufzäh lung aller Handschriften dieser Katenenrezension, die an der jewei ligen Stelle das Fragment belegen. Die Sigle T dagegen beinhaltet grundsätzlich folgende Handschriften: 137 138 255 258 395 559 612 680 740 3006. Sofern F-Zeugen entfallen, werden sie mit vorange stelltem Minuszeichen als Indices zu T angeführt, wobei eckige Klam mern bedeuten, d a ß mechanische Beschädigungen für den Ausfall des Zeugen verantwortlich sind (Hagedorn, 10). The siglum P' is employed for the oldest formulation of the Catena Recension and has the highest priority; T corresponds roughly to C in Ziegler and N to c in Zeigler. See Hagedorn, 3-10 and Z i , 125-133.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
1:1a ω ό ν ο μ α Ί ώ β ] θ ' Ί ώ β ό ν ο μ α α ύ τ ώ 248 Syh (anon)* 1:6c κ α ι ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ] θ ' α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς 248 252 (anon) Syh ( θ ' κ α ι ά ν τ ι κ . ) ; α ' κ α ί γ ε 67
ό Σ α τ ά ν 248 (om ό) 252 (anon) 1:17b κ ε φ ά λ α ς τρεις] θ ' (sic 139-256; anon rel) τ ά γ μ α τ α τ ρ ί α 252 C (Olymp); α ' 68
τ ρ ε ΐ ς α ρ χ ά ς 248 (anon) 252 (anon) C ( O l y m p ) 1:20a τ ά ι μ ά τ ι α ] θ ' τ ο ν έ π ε ν δ ύ τ η ν 248 C (om τ ο ν ) ; ( α ' ) έ ν δ υ μ α 248; σ ' έ φ ε σ τ ρ ί δ α 248 (sub a ' ) C S y h 2:6b τ η ν ψ . α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι α φ ύ λ α ξ ο ν ] θ ' τ η ς ψ υ χ ή ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ύ χ ά ψ η ( α ψ η ς c) C " 2:8a ί χ ω ρ α ] θ ' + x α ύ τ ο ΰ Syh
6 9
2:1 l a π ά ν τ α ] θ ' + Χ ((ταΰτα)) Syh | τά κ α κ ά π ά ν τ α ] omnia mala Χ IQiaec)) La 2 : l i d ό Σ α υ χ . τ ύ ρ α ν ν ο ς ] θ ' Σ ω ΐ τ η ς C; τ ύ ρ α ν ν ο ς sub •־4 Syh 2 : l i e ό Μ ι ν . β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς ] θ ' Ν ω μ α θ ί τ η ς σ ' Ν α μ α θ ί τ η ς C ; β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς sub + Syh; pr Χ namathites (naamfi) La; Minaeorum rex sub 4· L a 2:12d fin] θ ' + Χ έ π ι τ ά ς κ ε φ ά λ α ς α υ τ ώ ν ((εις τ ο ν ούρανόν)) Syh 2:13a κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς ] sub θ ' Χ C Syh' (anon; adn "Non posita erant in 71
7 2
exemplaribus Origenis" S y h g )
1 : 1 a ω ό ν ο μ α ] ό ν ο μ α α υ τ ω 795 Or I X 270
6 7
c i t
1:6c κ α ι ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν ] η λ θ ε ν ο δ ι α β . I u l ; et vena Χ equidem / (etiam V ) diabolus La H : l:6c θ ' (anon. 252 395) ((καί γε)) ( κ α ί γ ε > 248 252) α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς 248 252 Γ (=395 3005); α ' (anon. 395) κ α ί γ ε Σ α τ ά ν (ό Σ. 252) 248 252 Γ ' ( = 395 3005). κ α ί γ ε is considered non-primary since both α ' and θ ' have this word. 6 8
1:17b κ ε φ ά λ α ς τ ρ ε ΐ ς ] τ ά γ μ α τ α τ ρ ί α 0 \
2:6b δ ι α φ ύ λ α ξ ο ν ] ne tetigiris A n Arab
7 0
2:8a ί χ ω ρ α ] + α ύ τ ο ΰ L " Sa A n
7 1
2 : l i d Σ α υ χ α ί ω ν ] suiiarum A n
7 2
2 : l i e Μ ι ν α ί ω ν ] nomadarum A n
7 3
m m
La Sa
2:12d fin] + ε π ι ( ε ι ς 728) τ α ς ( + ε α υ τ ώ ν T e s t ) κ ε φ ά λ α ς ( τ η ς κ ε φ α λ ή ς Ιί-Οιτ ΟΙ; τ η ν κ ε φ α λ ή ν La 797 Co lulE) α υ τ ώ ν ( > 110 T e s t ΟΙ) La L " 7 2 8 - ־C Λ ־ 795 542 Co A e t h A r m T c s t A n l u l E ; superadd X in caelum LaPn. v
5 2 3
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3:5a έ κ λ ά β ο ι δέ α υ τ ή ν ] θ ' ά γ χ ι σ τ ε υ σ ά τ ω α υ τ ή ν α' μολύναι (αυτήν) σ' ά ν τ ι π ο ι ή σ α ι τ ο α υ τ ή ς 248 3:5b γ ν ό φ ο ς ] θ ' σ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α c (Olymp); α ' ν έ φ ω σ ι ς 248 c (Olyinp) Syh (sub α ' θ'); σ ' ά χ λ ύ ς 248 C (Olymp); σ ' σ κ ο τ α σ μ ό ς Syh 3:7a lemma inc] θ ' {(άποδειπνησέτ(ω))) 406 3:8b] θ ' o i έ τ ο ι μ ο ι έ ξ υ π ν ί σ α ι δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α α ' ο ί π α ρ ε σ κ ε υ α σ μ έ ν ο ι Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν σ ' οί μ έ λ λ ο ν τ ε ς δ ι ε γ ε ί ρ ε ι ν τ ο ν Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν 248 Syh 75
3:19b δ ε δ ο ι κ ώ ς τ ο ν κ ύ ρ ι ο ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ ] θ ' ε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ς ά π ό τ ω ν κ υ ρ ί ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ C (sub λ ' ) Syh (om ε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ς ) ; α ' σ ' ε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ς ά π ό τ ο υ κ υ ρ ί ο υ (s δ ε σ π ά τ ο υ ) α υ τ ο ύ Syh 3:22 π ε ρ ι χ α ρ ε ί ς δε έγ.] θ ' ((έχάρησαν)) Syh 7 8
3:23a fin] θ ' + Χ ο υ ή οδός ά π ε κ ρ ύ β η ά π ' α ύ τ ο ΰ C 3:24b] θ ' ((και σ τ ά ξ ο υ σ ι ν ω ς ϋ δ ω ρ κ ρ α υ γ α ί μου)) Syh; α ' κ α ι χ υ θ ή σ ε τ α ι ώ ς ύ δ α τ α β ρ υ χ ή μ α τ ά μ ο υ 248 (anon) Syh 3:25a] θ ' ((ότι φόβον έ φ ο β ή θ η ν , κ α ι ή λ θ έ ν μοι)) α ' ό τ ι π τ ό η σ ι ν έ π τ ο ή θ η ν , κ α ι ή λ θ έ ν μ ο ι σ ' ό τ ι φόβος ό ν έ φ ο β ο ύ μ η ν ή λ θ έ ν μ ο ι Syh 3:26a ο ύ τ ε ε ι ρ ή ν ε υ σ α ] θ ' ((ούκ ε ύ θ ή ν η σ α ) ) Syh; α ' ο ύ κ ε ύ π ά θ η σ α 248 Syh
7 4
2:13a The words κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς are unasterisked in the lemma of Ziegler's Text. They are placed in List One with reservation, only because the marginal note in Syh and the testimony of C indicates they are not O G . The evidence of translation technique is inconclusive for a short section containing no distinctive vocabulary. 7 5
3:5b The testimony of c (Olymp) is a better guide to α σ ' θ ' here than that of Syh since the evidence of Syh consists of retroversions by Field. This judgement is sup ported by the additional evidence from Hagedorn: H : 3:5b θ ' σ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α ( σ υ ν έ φ ι α 395) Γ 3 9 5=)׳
Ν; α ' ν έ φ ω σ ι ς 248 Γ ' ( = 395) Ν .
7 6
3:7a Since the lemma of ά π ο δ ε ι π ν η σ έ τ ω is uncertain, the evidence of 3:7a cannot be adequately evaluated and is excluded from the body of θ ' considered primary.
7 7
H : 3:8b θ ' οί έ τ ο ι μ ο ι έ ξ υ π ν ί σ α ι ( έ ξ υ π ν ε ί σ α ι 395) δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α 248 Γ ' ( = 395); α ' ο ί π α ρ ε σ κ ε υ α σ μ έ ν ο ι έ ξ ε γ ε ΐ ρ α ι ( έ γ ε ΐ ρ α ι τ ο ν 395) Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν 248 Γ ' ( = 395); σ ' ο ί μ έ λ λ ο ν τ ε ς δ ι ε γ ε ΐ ρ α ι ( δ ι ε γ ε ί ρ ε ι ν 248) τ ο ν Λ ε υ ϊ α θ ά ν 248 Γ ' ( = 395). 7 8
3:23a fin] + ο ΰ η οδος (ηδος A pro η οδος) α π ε κ ρ υ β η L a U 406-644-'־ ־727 248 A r m Chr V 280 PsChr V 548 Anast ρ 1097.1128 Qiss: + ο ΰ η ( > 637*) οδος α π ε κ ρ υ β η α π α υ τ ο ύ 637-//' C-296 d 613 620 A r m ΟΙ ( έ τ ε ρ α β ι β λ ί α )
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
4:2a] θ ' ε ϊ λ η ψ ό μ ε θ α {{λαλήσοα προς σ ε , κ ο π ι ά σ ε ι ς ) ) σ ' έ ά ν ά ν α λ ά β ω μ ε ν λ ό γ ο ν π ρ ο ς σ ε (om π ρ ό ς σ ε C ) , μ ο χ θ ή σ ε ι ς 248 C (Olymp) Syh; α ' μ ή τ ι έ π α ρ ο ΰ μ ε ν λ α λ ή σ α ι προς σ έ , κ ο π ι ά σ ε ι ς 248 (om κ ο π ι ά σ ε ι ς ) Syh 4:4a] θ ' ( ( ά σ θ ε ν ο ΰ ν τ α ς έ ξ α ν έ σ τ η σ α ν β ή μ α τ α σου)) α' σκανδαλιζόμενον (s σ κ ω λ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ν ) έ ξ α ν έ σ τ η σ α ν ρ ή μ α τ α σ ο υ Syh; σ ' σ φ α λ έ ν τ α ς ... C Syh 4:21a] θ ' σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν τ ό υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α α ύ τ ω ν έ ν α ύ τ ο ΐ ς 248 (anon) 252 5:4b κ ο λ . δέ] θ ' κ α ι τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι 248 252 Syh (om κ α ί ) ; (θ') ( κ α ι ) τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή τ ω σ α ν C (sub σ'; Olymp); α ' κ α ι έ π ι τ ρ ι β ή σ ο ν τ α ι 248 252 C (om κ α ί ; Olymp) Syh (om κ α ί ) ; σ ' κ α ί κ α τ ε κ λ ά σ θ η σ α ν 248 252 (om κ α ί ) C (om κ α ί ; sub θ'; Olymp) Syh (om κ α ί ) 5:12a δ ι α λ λ ά σ σ ο ν τ α ] θ' δ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ω ν 248 Syh; θ ' δ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ε ι 252 C; θ ' δ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ο ν τ α c (Olymp); α ' ά κ υ ρ ο ΰ ν τ α 248 252 C (Olymp) Syh; σ ' δ ι α λ ύ σ ε ι ( - λ υ ε ι 740) 248 252 (vid) C Syh; σ ' δ ι α λ ύ ο ν τ α c ( O l y m p ) 6:3b] θ' ... έ γ κ ο π ο ι 248 255-612; α ' έ π ί τ ο ύ τ ω ρ ή μ α τ α μ ο υ κ α τ ε π ό θ η σ α ν (coni Drusius apud Field; κ α τ ε π α τ ή θ η σ α ν cod) 248; σ ' δ ι ά τ ο ύ τ ο οί λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ 79
κ α τ ά π ι κ ρ ο ι 248 C 6:21a ά τ ά ρ δέ] θ ' ( σ ' sec 732) ά λ λ α μ ή ν 248 (anon) 252 (anon) C; α ' ό τ ι ν υ ν C 6:28 ε ί σ β λ έ ψ α ς ] θ ' + Χ ( ( σ χ ο λ ά σ α τ ε μ ο $ Syh (adn "Non positum est in Octaplis Origenis") 6:30a ά δ ι κ ο ν ] θ ' ά δ ι κ ο ι 25282 7:6a] θ ' ((αί ή μ έ ρ α ι μ ο υ έ τ α χ ύ ν θ η σ α ν υ π έ ρ υ φ ά σ μ α τ ο ς ) ) α' ήμέραι (λ' αί ήμέραι C ) μου ήλαφρύνθησαν υπέρ υφάσματος σ' αί ήμέραι μου τ α χ ύ τ ε ρ α ι υ φ ά σ μ α τ ο ς (s τ α χ ύ τ ε ρ α ι υ φ ά σ μ α τ ο ς C) Syh 7:13b] θ ' σ υ μ β α σ τ ά σ ε ι με (εμε 703) έ ν τ ή ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α μ ο υ ή κ ο ί τ η μ ο υ C"; σ ' κ ο υ φ ί σ ε ι ( σ ' κ ο υ φ ί σ ε ι 255 (־σεις)-680) με δ ι ά τ η ς ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α ς μ ο υ ή κ ο ί τ η μ ο υ Syh 8:6b δ ί α ι τ α ν ] θ ' ε ύ π ρ έ π ε ι α ν C 8:11b β ο ύ τ ο μ ο ν ] θ ' ά χ ί 252 255-612 | ή ύ ψ . β ο ύ τ ο μ ο ν ] α ' σ ' ή π λ η θ υ ν θ ή σ ε τ α ι έ λ ο ς 248 (sub α ' ) C
1 9
4:2a The materials identical in both θ ' and a are excluded as non-primary,
8 0
5:12a The form of δ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ω attributed to θ' is somewhat uncertain.
8 1
6:3b It is impossible to decide from the evidence provided by Ziegler in Α ρ ρ I I whether the lemma for ε γ κ ο π ο ι is έ σ τ ι ν φ α ύ λ α or φ α ύ λ α . 8 2
6:30a Although the material attributed to θ ' does not differ lexically from O G there is no a priori reason to exclude it as non-primary.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
8:16b ρ ά δ α μ ν ο ς ] θ ׳π α ρ α φ υ ά ς 248 252 ( ή π. sub σ ' ) C; σ ' κ λ ά δ ο ς 248 ( ό κ λ . ) C 8:20a ο ύ μ ή ά π ο π ο ν ή σ ε τ α ι ] θ ' ο ύ κ ά π ω σ ε τ α ι C 9:15a] θ ' ό σ τ ι ς ε ι δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι , ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι C 9:16b μ ο υ ] θ ' Χ τ η ς φ ω ν ή ς μ ο υ Syh 9:19a] θ ' ( σ ' sec c) (εί) ε ν τ ή Ι σ χ ύ ι κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς έ σ τ ι ( ν ) C ; σ ' ε ι δ υ ν ά μ ε ι α ν υ π ό σ τ α τ ο ς 252 9:27a λ α λ ώ ν ] θ ' ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α ς 252 C Syh 83
9:34b μ ε σ τ ρ ο β ε ί τ ω ] [α'] θ ' έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω ( μ ε ) C ; α ' έ κ π λ η σ σ έ τ ω ( μ ε ) 252; θ ' έ ξ ι σ τ ά τ ω μ ε α ' έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω με σ ' π τ ο ε ί τ ω με Syh 84
8 3
9:16b μ ο υ ] + τ η ς φ ω ν ή ς / / ' - C h r ; vocem meam Isi
8 4
9:34b σ τ ρ ο β ε ί τ ω ] θ λ ι β ε τ ω Olymp. The attribution of έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω to θ ' is uncertain because the testimony of the textual witnesses is at variance. According to 252, a' has έ κ π λ η σ σ έ τ ω while according to Syh, a' has έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω . C complicates matters by assigning έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω to both a' and θ'. Generally speaking, Syh is a more reliable witness in preserving the hexaplaric signs and sources than C ( Z i , 139, 142). Yet the materials from Syh in Ziegler are based on Field's retroversions from Syriac, whereas C and 252 provide Greek testimony. The discussion in Field is as follows: " Ά . Θ. έ κ θ λ ι β έ τ ω μ ε . Sic. Colb., Reg. unus. Sed Colb. uni Aquilae tribuit."—Montef. Syro-hex. '. I'lsny, s. tzy'ny. t. ttwmy. (Middeld. Aquilae vindicat, έ κ π λ η σ σ ά τ ω (sic) με, propter Cod. 252, ubi ita scriptum est. Sed Syr. 'lz cum έ κ θ λ ί β ε ι ν permutatur Jud. i . 34. ii. 15. 4 Reg. xiii 22, et saepius; non ita cum έ κ π λ ή σ σ ε ι ν . ) (Field, 2:19, n. 44.) According to Field, then, Syriac 'Is often renders Greek έ κ θ λ ί β ε ι ν but not έ κ π λ ή σ σ ε ι ν . While one cannot controvert Field's excellent judgement based upon the character of the renderings of the Syro-Hexapla, the evidence from the Greek witnesses as to the text of a' or σ ' or θ ' should be considered primary. The Hebrew word being rendered by the Three in Job 9:34b is the Pie! Stem of ב ע ת. M T has 16 occurrences of 3,בעתin the Niphal and 13 in the Piel. Where Aquila is extant, he renders ב ע תby έ κ θ α μ β έ ω (1 Kgs(l Sm) 16:14 [Field], Job 3:5c [MS 248], 15:24a [MS 252], 33:7a [MS 248, C]—all instances of the Piel Stem of ב ע ת in M T ) . Syh attests a rendering attributed to a' in Job 18:1 l a where Field's retroversion is έ ξ ί σ τ η μ ι and in Psalm 18:5b where Field suggests θ α μ β έ ω / έ κ θ α μ β έ ω / έ ξ ί σ τ η μ ι (see Field ad 10c). To complete the picture of Aquila's usage, Reider lists only 1 Kgs(1 Sm) 16:14 (from ) ב ע ת, and 1 Kgs(1 Sm) 23:26, Ps 47(48):6, 115(116):11 (from ) ח פ זfor θ α μ β έ ω , Job 3:5, 15:24, 23:7 (from ) ב ע תfor έ κ θ α μ β έ ω , Job 9:34 (from ) ב ע תfor ε κ θ λ ί β ω , and finally Jer 38(31 ):12 (from ) נ ה רand Jer 40(33):9 (from — ) פ ח דe x c l u d i n g instances where renderings are attributed to two inter-
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
8 5
10: l b έ π ' αυτόν] θ ' εις ε μ α υ τ ό ν α ' έ π ' έ μ έ C 10:15b] θ ' « κ α ι δ ι κ α ι ω θ ε ί ς ο ύ κ α ϊ ρ ω τ η ν κ ε φ α λ ή ν μου)) Syh; α ' κ α ι ( > 252) δ ι κ α ι ω θ ε ί ς ο ύ κ ά ρ ω ( + τ η ν 137) κ ε φ α λ ή ν μ ο υ ( > 248 C") 248 252 C (Olymp) 8 6
10:15c ά τ ι μ ι ά ς ] ύ β ρ ε ω ς 10:17c π ε ν ρ α τ ή ρ ι α ] θ ' δ υ ν ά μ ε ι ς C; α ' σ τ ρ α τ ι ά ς (-τειας 250) 252 C 11:13b ϋ π τ ι ά ζ ε ι ς ] θ' έ π έ τ α σ α ς 248; α ' έ κ π ε τ ά ζ ε ι ς C ; σ ' α π λ ώ σ ε ι ς Ύ (Olymp)
preters—for έ ξ ί σ τ η μ ι (see Reider, s.v.). On the other side, the verb ε κ π λ ή σ σ ω is used by Aquila—as an equivalent for ( ח ר דsee Reider, s.v. ε κ π λ ή σ σ ω ) — a n d is attested and attributed to him by Greek sources. Thus clear evidence from Greek sources indicates that Aquila's normal equivalent for ב ע תis έ κ θ α μ β έ ω . Aquila certainly used ε κ π λ ή σ σ ω , although it is not attested as a rendering of ב ע ת. Έ κ θ λ ί β ω is not attributed anywhere to Aquila apart from the testimony of C for Job 9:34b. Moreover, while one-to-one Greek-Hebrew equivalencies are characteristic o f Aquila, there are occasional deviations which show that such equivalencies are not ironclad. As for θ', of the 16 occurrences of ב ע תin M T , no renderings of Theodotion are extant apart from Job 9:34b and θ'(?) D n 8:17 where the Niphal of ב ע תis translated by the Passive of θ α μ β έ ω . In the corpus o f R, έ ξ ί σ τ η μ ι is employed to render ת מ הin 2 6 : l i b but ε κ θ λ ί β ω does not occur. Ε κ θ λ ί β ω is attributed to θ ' in Ps 42(43):2 where it renders ל ח ץ. Middeldorp is on firm ground, then, in claiming ε κ π λ ή σ σ ω for Aquila on the testimony of 252, even if it is not Aquila's normal equivalent for ב ע ת. This leaves ε κ θ λ ί β ω as a θ ' rendering. It is attested clearly by Greek sources ( ε κ θ λ ί β ω by C and θ λ ί β ω by Olymp) but the attribution of C is confused. Normally the fidelity of Syh in preserving the hexaplaric signs and sources constitutes superior testimony, but the difficulty of correctly correlating the daughter version with its parent text is a greater hazard than the difficulty of disentangling the confused testimony of the Greek witnesses. Thus ε κ θ λ ί β ω is considered as belonging to R and not to Aquila. 8 5
10:1b έ π α φ . έ π ' α υ τ ό ν ] ε π ε μ α υ τ ο ν (-τω Iul) ε π α φ . L ; ε π α φ . ε π ε μ α υ τ ο ν Oc 248"י8 ( γ ρ ' ) 644 ΟΙ
8 6
Η : 10:15c ύ β ρ ε ω ς Γ ' ( = 3005).
8 7
Η : II:13b θ ' έ π έ τ α σ α ς 248; a' (anon. 250) έ κ π ε τ ά ζ ε ι ς ( έ κ π ε τ ά ζ ε ι 255) Γ ' ( = 2 5 0 3005) Γ ־ Ν ; σ ' (anon. 250; nicht erkennbar 406) α π λ ώ σ ε ι ς π ρ ο ς α υ τ ό ν τ ά ς π α λ ά μ α ς σ ο υ ( > 612) Γ ' ( = 250 406 3005) Γ ־ Ν. 1 3 7
1 3 8
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
11:18b ά ν α φ , σ ο ι ε ι ρ ή ν η ] α ' ( θ ' sec 250) έ ν έ λ π ί δ ι κ ο ι μ η θ ή σ η ( - θ η ν α ι C) (Polycbr) 11:20c] θ ' ( θ ' σ ' sec 250) ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δε ( κ α ι οφθ. 250) ά σ ε β ω ν έ κ λ ε ί ψ ο υ σ ι ν C 12:7b έ ά ν σ ο ι ά π α γ γ ε ί λ ω σ ι ν ] θ ' κ α ι ά π α γ γ ε λ ο ΰ σ ί ν σ ο ι C 12:16a κ α ι ι σ χ ύ ς ] θ ' κ α ι σ ω τ η ρ ί α C
12:20a] θ ' π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω ν χ ε ί λ η α π λ α ν ώ ν Υ; σ ' π α ρ α τ ρ έ π ω ν ( π ε ρ ι τ ρ ε π ω ν c) χ ε ί λ η ά π λ α ν ή τ ω ν 252 C" (Olymp) Syh 12:24a δ ι α λ λ ά σ σ ω ν ] θ ' μ ε θ ι σ τ ω ν 248 (mend sub α ' ) C" (Olymp); α ' ά φ ι σ τ ώ ν (sie c; α φ ι σ τ η σ ι C; α φ ι σ τ η σ ε ι 252) 252 C" (Olymp); σ ' π α ρ α τ ρ έ π ω ν 248 252 C" (Olymp) 8 8
Η : 11:18b θ ' ( α ' Γ Ν ) έ ν έ λ π ί δ ι κ ο ι μ η θ ή σ η ( κ ο ι μ η θ ή ν α ι Γ ) I " ( = 250 406 3005) ρ - 1 3 7 Ν ן}יך2 comment of the Hagedorns deserves full quotation: Die Worte entsprechen dem hebräischen Π3Ε?Π ל ב ט ח. Die Autorangabe θ ' von Γ', die Ziegler nur aus 250 kannte, wird nun durch zwei weitere Zeugen dieser Gruppe bestätigt. Sie k ö n n t e korrekt sein, da Theodotion auch an zwei anderen Stellen (Is. 32,17 und Ez. 30,9) das Wort ÜD3 mit έ λ π ί ς wiedergibt, während Aquila π ε π ο ί θ η σ ι ς bzw. π ε π ο ι θ υ ΐ α ν übersetzt. In Turner, Index to Aquila S. 78 wird neben der vorliegenden Stelle nur Ez. 28,26 als Beleg für die Ü b e r s e t z u n g von ב ט חmit έ λ π ί ς durch Aquila aufgeführt, doch scheint es sich dort um L X X - T e x t zu handeln (Ziegler verzeichnet in seiner Ezechiel-Ausgabe an dieser Stelle α ' θ ' π ε π ο ι θ ό τ ω ς ) (Hagedorn, 18). Aquila renders ב ט חby π ε π ο ί θ η σ ι ς in Ps 4:9, 72(73):53. Hos 2:18(20) α ' σ ' θ ' , Is 32:17 α ' σ ' , by π ε π ο ι θ υ Τ α ν in Ez 30:9, by π ε π ο ι θ ό τ ω ς in Dt 12:10, and מ ב ט חby π ε π ο ί θ η σ ι ς Jb 8:14 (Reider, 188—including instances where renderings are attributed to two interpreters) but uses έ λ π ί ς for מ ח ם חPs 45(46):2, 61(62):8, 90(91):9 and מ י י ן הJer 17:13 (Reider, 78—excluding instances where renderings are attributed to two interpreters). The argument from translation technique and superior textual witnesses as outlined by the Hagedorns is persuasive. Hence attribution of the materials in question in 11:18b to a ' is considered incorrect and they are classified as primary sources. 8 9
11:20c Although the words οφθαλμοί δ έ ά σ ε β ω ν which are attributed to θ ' do not differ from O G there is no a priori reason to exclude them as non-primary. H : 11:20c = 20a 9« θ ' σ ' ( θ ' Γ Ν; unsichtbar 406) ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δέ (όφθ. δ έ : κ α ι ό φ θ . 250) ά σ ε β ω ν (όφθ. - ά σ . > 137 138) έ κ λ ε ί ψ ο υ σ ι ν ( τ α κ ή σ ο ν τ α ι 395) (ganz: ]μοι ά σ ε β ω ν | ] ν 406) Γ ' ( = 250 406 3005) Γ Ν . Hagedorn adds 3005 and possibly 406 to the testimony of 250. Although this evidence is important the line is considered as belonging primarily to θ'.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
13:1b] θ ' ( ( ά κ ή κ ο ε ν τ ό ο υ ς μ ο υ , κ α ί σ υ ν ή κ ε ν αυτά)) Syh 13:2a] θ ' {(κατά έ π ν σ τ ή μ η ν υμών ο ΐ δ α κ α ι εγώ)) Syh
13:2b] θ ' ((καν ο ϋ χ ή σ σ ω ν (s ο ϋ κ έ λ ά τ τ ω ν ) έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι υμών)) Syh; σ ' κ α ι ( > ־138 250-255-740) ο ύ κ α τ α δ ε έ σ τ ε ρ ό ς ( ο υ κ α δ ε ε σ τ ε ρ ο ς 137-680) ( ε ί μ ι υ μ ώ ν ) C 9
13:8a] θ ' ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ λ α μ β ά ν ε τ ε ( υ π ο λ . 138) C (Olymp); σ ' δ ρ α π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ύ π ο σ τ ε λ ε ΐ σ θ ε ( υ π ο τ ε λ . 139-256-643; υ π ο σ τ ε λ ε σ θ α ι 740) C (Olymp) 13:18a] θ ' ((ιδού δ ή π ρ ο σ έ θ η κ α κρίμα)) α ' ί δ ο ύ δ ή έ τ α ξ α κ ρ ί μ α Syh 13:27a έν κ ω λ . ] θ ' ( α ' sec 248 c) έ ν τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ί α 248 C (Olymp); α ' έ ν ξ υ λ ο π έ δ η 249 252 C ; σ ' ώ ς ύ π ό ( α π ο 248) ξ ύ λ ο ν ε ί ρ κ τ η ς 248 C (Olymp); anon έ ν π ο δ ο κ ά κ η 248 14:6a ά π ό σ τ α ] θ ' ά ν ε ς C 14:8b έ ν δ έ π έ τ ρ α ] θ ' έ ν τ ω χ ώ μ α τ ι α ' έ ν χ ο ΐ σ ' έ ν τ ή γ η έ β ρ ' έ ν σ π ο δ ι α (Polychr) 14:15b μ ή ά π ο π ο ι ο ΰ ] θ ' έ π ι π ο θ ή σ ε ι ς C 15:4a] θ ' ( σ ' sec CP) ο ύ γ α ρ σ ύ π α ρ η τ ή σ ω φόβον C "
15:5b] θ ' ( σ ' sec 137) κ α ι έ ξ ε λ έ ξ ω γ λ ώ σ σ α ν ( σ τ ό μ α 137) π α ν ο ύ ρ γ ω ν (sie 250; -γον rel) C; α ' . . . γ λ ώ σ σ α ς π α ν ο ύ ρ γ ω ν 252 15:8a ή σ ύ ν τ α γ μ α ] σ ' (leg θ') μ ή έ ν μ υ σ τ η ρ ί ω α ' μ ή τ ι έ ν ά π ο ρ ρ ή τ ω 252; θ ' μ υ σ τ ή ρ ι ο ν α ' α π ό ρ ρ η τ α σ ' ο μ ι λ ί α ν C (Olymp et Polychr) 15:14a τ ί ς γ ά ρ ω ν βροτός] θ ' ( α ' sec 138-255; σ ' sec 680) τί ( τ ι ς 355) έ σ τ ι ν 93
ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς C' 15:18b] θ ' ((και ο ύ κ έ κ ρ υ ψ α ν ά π ό τ ω ν π α τ έ ρ ω ν α υ τ ώ ν ) ) α ' κ α ί ο ϋ κ έ κ ώ λ υ σ α ν ά π ό π α τ έ ρ ω ν α υ τ ώ ν Syh; σ ' κ α ί ο ύ κ ή ρ ν ή σ α ν τ ο ά π ό τ ω ν π α τ έ ρ ω ν α υ τ ώ ν C Syh 94
15:20a έ ν φροντίδι] θ ' μ α τ α ι ο ΰ τ α ι 248 (sub σ ' ) C ; α ' σ ' pr α υ τ ο ί (sie) Syh; α ' έ ν ο δ ύ ν η (-ναις 260) 248 C; σ ' ά λ α ζ ο ν ε ύ ε τ α ι C 15:20b] θ ' ( σ ' sec 260 c) κ α ί α ρ ι θ μ ό ς έ τ ω ν ( + κ α ι 137-260-680) κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς ί σ χ υ ρ ώ (-ρου 250) C 15:25b έ τ ρ α χ η λ ί α σ ε ν ] θ ' κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ύ σ α τ ο ( κ α τ η σ υ ρ . 612) C 9 0
13:1b μ ο υ / τ ο ο ΰ ς ] tr Ο L'-336' b d 339 795 A r m
9 1
13:2a κ α ί ] + X quidem ego La = M T
9 2
13:2b ά σ υ ν . ε ί μ ι υμών] α σ υ ν . υ μ ω ν ειμι Χ ε γ ω S y h
- 15:14a τ ί ς ] ί « / ί ί La C ö
9 4
15:18b π α τ έ ρ α ς ] α π ο π ά τ ε ρ ω ν Syh-*
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
16:2b] θ ' π α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ι κ ό π ω ν ( κ ό π ο υ 252) ( π ά ν τ ε ς ) 252 C ; α ' π α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ι π ό ν ω ν ( π ό ν ο υ 252 vid) ( π ά ν τ ε ς ύμεΤς) 252 C ; σ ' π α ρ η γ ο ρ ο ΰ ν τ ε ς π ά ν τ ε ς ( > 252 CP) έ π α χ θ ε Τ ς έ σ τ ε ( > 252) 252 (sub θ') C 17:9a] θ ' ( σ ' θ ' sec C) κ α ι ά ν θ έ ξ ε τ ο α δ ί κ α ι ο ς τ η ς έ α υ τ ο ΰ ( α υ τ ο ύ 137-250) ό δ ο ΰ C (Olymp)« 17:15b] θ ' κ α ι τ η ν ε λ π ί δ α μ ο υ τ ί ς π ρ ο ν ο ή σ ε ι C 18:4a] θ ' δ ι α ρ π ά ζ ω ν ψ υ χ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν θ υ μ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ C ( C h r ) 18:5b ο ϋ κ ά π ο β ή σ ε τ α ι ] θ ' ο ύ λ ά μ ψ ε ι C' 96
18:7b] θ ' κ α τ α ρ ( ρ ) ά ξ ε ι ( κ α ι τ α ρ ά ξ ε ι 250) α υ τ ό ν ή β ο υ λ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ C ' 18:14a δ ι α ί τ η ς ] θ ' σ κ η ν ή ς C
9 8
19:2b] θ ' ((και τ α π ε ι ν ώ σ ε τ ε με λόγοις)) α ' κ α ϊ έ π ι τ ρ ί β ε τ έ ( α ' έ π ι τ ρ ί β ε τ ε 252) μ ε έν λ α λ ι α Τ ς σ ' κ α ί κ α τ α θ λ ά σ ε τ έ ( σ ' κ α τ α θ λ ά σ σ α τ α ι 252) μ ε λ ό γ ο ι ς Syh 19:7a] θ ' « Ι δ ο ύ κ ρ ά ζ ω (s κ ε κ ρ ά ξ ο μ α ι ) α δ ί κ ω ς , κ α ι ο ύ κ ε ί σ α κ ο υ σ θ ή σ ο μ α ι ) ) Syh; α ' ιδού β ο ή σ ω έ π ' έ μ έ ( α ' ιδού β ο ή σ ω έ π ' έ μ έ Syh) ά δ ι κ ί α ν , κ α ί ο ύ κ έ π α κ ο υ σ θ ή σ ο μ α ι 252; σ ' έ ά ν κ ρ α υ γ ά σ ω α δ ι κ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ς , κ α ί ( > C Syh) ο ύ κ ε ί σ α κ ο υ σ θ ή σ ο μ α ι ( ε π α κ . C ; ο υ χ υ π α κ . 612) 252 (mend sub α ' ) C (Polychr) Syh 19:12a τ ά π ε ι ρ α τ ή ρ ι α ] θ ' μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ι
σ ' λ ό χ ο ι ( λ ο γ χ ο ι 680-748; λ ο γ χ α ι 137;
λ ο γ χ ο υ ς 643-732) C | i n i t — α ύ τ ο ΰ ] α ' θ ' « ο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν ή λ θ ο ν π ε ι ρ ά τ α ι α ύ τ ο ΰ ) ) σ ' ό μ ο ΰ έ π ε λ θ ό ν τ ε ς ο ί λ ό χ ο ι α ύ τ ο ΰ Syh 19:12a έ π ' έ μ ο ί , — 1 2 b ταΤς όδοΤς μ ο υ ] θ ' 5Κ κ α ι έ ν ε σ κ ε ύ α σ α ν ((έπ' έ μ έ τ ή ν όδόν 99
α υ τ ώ ν ) ) Syh ( θ ' Χ κ α ί έ ν ε σ κ . S y h ; σ ' θ ' έ π ' έ μ έ τ ή ν ό. α υ τ ώ ν S y h 8 ) °
9 5
17:9a σ χ ο ί η δέ] et obtineat \λ
9 6
18:4a init] pr δ ι α ρ π ά ζ ω ν ψ υ χ η ν α υ τ ο ύ ε ν θ υ μ ω α υ τ ο ύ ( ε ν θ. α υ τ ο ύ > 261) / / / /
9 7
18:5b ο ύ κ ά π ο β ή σ ε τ α ι ] nec splendebit La
9 8
Η : 18:7b θ ' ( σ ' 3005; anon. 250) κ α τ α ρ ά ξ ε ι ( κ α ϊ τ α ρ ά ξ ε ι 250) α υ τ ό ν ή β ο υ λ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ Γ ( = 250 3005) Γ ~ Ν. 1 3 7
9 9
19:12a There is a conflict over the reading of θ ' in the witnesses: C attributes μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ι to θ ' while Syh ascribes π ε ι ρ ά τ α ι to α ' θ'. The reading of Syh probably should be credited to a' alone. The noun π ε ι ρ α τ ή ς is not employed elsewhere by R, but in the only other occurrence of ג ד ו דrendered by R the equivalent is also μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς (29:25b). Consequently the C reading is considered correct here. 1 0 0
19:12a έ π ' έ μ ο ί ] pr 5K κ α ι ε ν ε σ κ ε υ α σ α ν Syh; + κ α ι ε ν ε σ κ ε υ α σ α ν l u l ; Χ el fccerunt / per me \ά
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
19:18a] θ ' κ α ί γ ε ά φ ρ ο ν ε ς ά π ώ σ α ν τ ό με C (Polychr) 19:20b] θ ' < ( έ γ κ α τ ε λ ε ί φ θ η ν από δ έ ρ μ α τ ο ς τ ω ν ο δ ό ν τ ω ν μ ο υ » Syh; α ' καν έ σ ώ θ η ν (s δ ι ε σ ώ θ η ν ) έ ν δέρματν ο δ ό ν τ ω ν μ ο υ Syh; σ ' κ α ι έ ξ έ τ ι λ λ ο ν τ ο δ έ ρ μ α μ ο υ ( > Syh) ό δ ο ΰ σ ι ν έ μ ο ί ς C (Polychr) Syh 19:24b ή] θ ' + Χ ε ι ς μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ω ν C (anon) La (anon) Syh (sine Χ ) 19:25 α έ ν α ο ς — f i n ] θ ' ό ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ ή , κ α ι έ σ χ α τ ο ν έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ο ς α ν α σ τ ή σ ε ι C (Chr) 19:27c] θ ' έ ξ έ λ ι π ο ν (-λειπον 137-139-250-255) ο ι ν ε φ ρ ο ί μ ο υ έ ν τ ω κ ό λ π φ μ ο υ C" 1 0 ί
(Polychr) 20:15b ά γ γ ε λ ο ς ] θ ' ((ισχυρός)) Syh 20:19b κ α ι ο ύ κ ] θ" « ά λ λ ' ο ύ κ » Syh; σ ' κ α ί ο ύ κ C" Syh ( α λ λ ο υ κ pro κ α ι ο ύ κ ) 21:3a ά ρ α τ ε ] θ ' ύ π η ν έ γ κ α τ ε ( υ π ε ν . 250-255) σ ' ( α ' sec 250) ά ν ά σ χ ε σ θ ε (-χησθε 250; α ν ε χ ε σ θ α ι 255) C 21:4b ή δ ι α τί] θ ' κ α ι ε ί μ ή C 21:19a] θ ' ö θ ε ό ς κ α τ α κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι τ ο ι ς υ ΐ ο ί ς α υ τ ο ύ ά δ ν κ ί α ς α ύ τ ο ΰ C ( O l y m p ) 21:20b κ υ ρ ί ο υ ] θ' ((του θεού)) Syh 22:2 ό δνδ. σ ύ ν . κ α ι έ π ι σ τ ή μ η ν ] θ ' ( ό τ ι ) κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ φ ' ύ μ δ ς σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν 252 (sub α ' ) S y h 22:4a ή λ. σ ο υ π.) θ ' μ ή δ ι α τ ο ν φόβον σ ο υ C 1 0 2
1 0 3
ιοί 19:24b ή] pr ε ι ς μ α ρ τ υ ρ ι ο ν / / ; + Χ in testimonium 1
(-niis 1-) La | fin] + ε ι ς μ α ρ
t e
τ ύ ρ ω ν C A r m lul Η: 19:24b θ ' (anon. Γ ) ( έ γ γ λ υ φ ή ν α ι + ) Asleriskus ( > 680) ε ι ς μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ω ν 1" ( = 3005) Γ-Ι ι*»]. 1 0 2
20:19b κ α ί ο ύ κ έ σ τ η σ ε ν ] nec instauravit La. The evidence for distinguishing θ '
and σ ' here is questionable. See List Three. 1 0 3
H : 21:3a θ ' 3005) Γ ־ Ι zu" (Hagedorn, Sä'üni, only the 1 3 7
1 0 4
( α ' 3005; anon. 3006) ύ π ε ν έ γ κ α τ ε ( ύ π η ν έ γ κ α τ ε Γ ) Γ ( = 250 257 • Ι . Note: "Zieglers Angabe, auch 255 lese ύ π ε ν έ γ κ α τ ε , trifft nicht 24). In addition, the Hagedorns correctly point out that since M T has Imperative ύ π ε ν έ γ κ α τ ε can be right (Ibid.).
1 3 8
21:19a init] pr X deus Laß»- | υ ι ο ύ ς ] + eius La ( X ) Sa Gild
1 0 5
22:2 fin] + κ α ι ( > 575-46') κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι ε φ η μ α ς ( ε π ε μ ε l u l ) σ υ ν ε σ ι ν La (Χ et habitare fucit super nos intellegentiam) 575-46' - l u l 1 W
ή λ. σ ο υ π.] timens te La
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
22:8] θ ' ({και ά ν ή ρ β ρ α χ ί ο ν ο ς , α ύ τ ο ΰ ή γ ή , κ α ί τ ε θ α υ μ α σ μ έ ν ο ς π ρ ο σ ώ π ω κ α τ ο ι κ ή σ ε ι έ ν αύτη}) α ' κ α ι α ν δ ρ ό ς β ρ α χ ί ο ν ο ς , α ύ τ ο ΰ ή γ ή , κ α ι υ ψ η λ ό ς προσώποις κ α θ ί σ ε ι έν α ύ τ η σ ' ανδρός γ α ρ ισχυρού, α ύ τ ο ΰ ή γ ή , καΐ δ ε δ υ σ ω π η μ έ ν ο ς π ρ ο σ ώ π ω κ α τ ο ι κ ή σ ε ι έ ν α ύ τ η Syh 22:17b τ ί έ π ά ξ ε τ α ι ] θ ' τ ί ( > C ) έ ρ γ δ τ α ι ( ε ρ γ ά ζ ε τ α ι 748) C" (Olymp) 22:18a δ ς δέ] θ ' α υ τ ό ς δ έ c (Olymp); α ' [θ'] κ α ι α υ τ ό ς C 22:19b] θ ' ((και ά θ ω ο ς έ κ γ ε λ ά σ ε τ α ι ( θ ' έ κ γ ε λ ά σ ε τ α ι C ) α υ τ ο ύ ς ) ) S y h 22:28a] θ ' κ α ι ό ρ ι ε ΐ ς ( ε ρ ε ι ς 732) ρ ή μ α , κ α ί σ τ α θ ή σ ε τ α ί σ ο ι C" ( O r ) 23:5a ρ ή μ α τ α ] θ ' ((λόγους)) α ' λ α λ ι ά ς Syh; σ ' ρ ή μ α τ α C 107
23:10b] θ ' ((δοκιμάσει μ ε , ώ ς χ ρ υ σ ί ο ν έ ξ ε λ ε ύ σ ο μ α ι ) ) α' έδοκίμασέν (α' έδοκίμασεν C ) με, ώς χρυσίον έ ξ ε λ ε ύ σ ο μ α ι σ ' έδοκίμασέν με, ώ ς χ ρ υ σ ί ο ν άπέβην Syh « 23:11a] θ ' {{έν ΐ χ ν ε σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ κ ρ ά τ η σ ε ν ό π ο ύ ς μου)) α ' έ ν ϊ χ ν ε σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α τ έ σ χ ε ν (s έ π ε λ ά β ε τ ο ) π ο ύ ς μ ο υ σ ' έ ν ε ύ θ ύ τ η τ ί μ ο υ ύ π έ μ ε ι ν ε ν (s έ ν ׳ έ μ ε ι ν ε ν s δ ι έ μ ε ι ν ε ν ) ό π ο ύ ς μ ο υ Syh 23:1 l a fin] θ ' + ־Χ έ κ ρ ά τ η σ ε ν ό π ο ύ ς μ ο υ C Syh (sine Χ ) 1
1 1 0
24:12a] θ ' ((έκ π ό λ ε ω ς ά ν δ ρ ε ς κ ε κ ρ ά ς ο ν τ α ι } ) σ τ ε ν ά ξ α ι Syh
σ' έκ πόλεως άνδρας εποίησαν
24:12c έ π ι σ κ ο π ή ν ] θ ' { ( ά φ ρ ο σ ύ ν η ν ) ) α ' σ π ο υ δ ή ν Syh; o ' p c o p i a v C S y h 24:19] θ ' {(ούκ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε ΐ ε ι ς όδόν τ ω ν α μ π ε λ ώ ν ω ν έ ν δ ί ψ η , κ α ί γ α ρ α υ τ ο ί συλώσιν)) α ' ο ύ κ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε ΐ ε ι ς όδόν ά ν ε π ί β α τ ο ν α μ π ε λ ώ ν ω ν , κ α ί ε ί ς θέρμην έκβιάσονται σ ' ο ύ κ α ν α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι ε ί ς όδόν τ ω ν α μ π ε λ ώ ν ω ν τ ο ΰ δ ι ψ δ ν , κ α ί κ α ΰ μ α ή ρ π α σ α ν Syh 27:6a ο ύ μ ή π ρ ο ω μ α ι ] θ ' ο ύ κ α φ ή σ ω C 27:19a κ α ί ο ύ κ ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι ] sub θ ' Χ Syh 28;3a τ ά ξ ι ν ] θ ' π έ ρ α ς ( τ έ ρ α ς C) α ' τ έ λ ο ς σ ' π ρ ο θ ε σ μ ί α ν C 28;4b fin] θ ' + Χ έ σ α λ ε ύ θ η σ α ν C ( έ κ τ ω ν θ ' τό ή μ ι σ τ ί χ ι ο ν ) La (anon); σ' + έ σ ε ί σ θ η σ α ν Syh
1 0 7
22:18a δ ς δ έ ] α υ τ ό ς δε 523; Laft- A r m 1
ι«* 22:19b fin B ' - S * 534 AethA A r m ] + ( X Syh " ) α υ τ ο ύ ς rel 1 0 9
23:10b δ ι έ κ ρ , δ έ ] iudicat Spec
1 1 0
23:1 l a fin] + έ κ ρ ά τ η σ ε ν (εκροτ. / / ) ο π ο υ ς μ ο υ La ( Χ tenuit pes meus) II 253
1 1 1
28:4b fin] + ε σ α λ ε υ θ η σ α ν La ( X et commotisunt)
Z/'-Iul- " C-296
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
28:10a] θ ' . . . ό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α ... C" (Olymp) Syh; α ' έ ν σ τ ε ρ ε ο ΐ ς ( ( α ' ) ά β ρ ο χ ΐ α ι Lange) ρείθρα διέσχισαν σ ' τ ά ρ ε ί θ ρ α ( σ ' ρ ε ί θ ρ α C" Olymp) τ ά σ υ ν ε χ ό μ ε ν α (s σ τ ε ν ο χ ω ρ ο ύ μ ε ν α ) τ ω ν π ο τ α μ ώ ν δ ι έ σ χ ι σ α ν S y h 112
28:11a ά ν ε κ ά λ υ ψ ε ν ] θ' ( α ' sec 612) έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν ( - σ α ν C ) C" (Olymp); ( α ' ) έ μ ό τ ω σ ε ν Lange 28:13a όδόν] θ ' σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν α ' τ ά ξ ι ν σ ' τ ό ( > 703 Nie) τ ί μ η μ α C" (Olymp) 28:21a π ά ν τ α άνθρ.] θ ' pr « έ ξ ο φ θ α λ μ ώ ν ) ) S y h 113
28:27b] θ ' δ ι έ τ α ξ ε ν α υ τ ή ν κ α ι έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν (εξερ. 250) α υ τ ή ν C" (Olymp) 29:13b] θ ' κ α ι κ α ρ δ ί α ν χ ή ρ α ς η ΰ φ ρ α ν α ( ε υ φ ρ . c) C (Olymp) 30:1a] θ ' {{καί ν υ ν κ α τ ε γ έ λ α σ ά ν μου)) α ' κ α ι ν υ ν έ γ έ λ α σ α ν έ π ' έ μ ο ί σ ' ν υ ν δ έ μ υ κ τ η ρ ί ζ ο υ σ ί ν (s χ λ ε υ α ζ ο υ σ ί ν ) με Syh 30:1b] θ ' ν ε ώ τ ε ρ ο ι μ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς (־ρα 740) α ' β ρ α χ ε ί ς π α ρ ' έ μ έ τ α ΐ ς ή μ έ ρ α ι ς C" (Olymp) Syh; σ ' οί ν ε ώ τ ε ρ ο ι μ ο υ τ ο ι ς χ ρ ό ν ο ι ς Syh; λ ' . . . έ ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς 252 30:24a] θ ' {(πλήν ο ύ κ ε ι κ ή έ ξ έ τ ε ι ν ε ν χ ε ί ρ α ) ) α ' π λ ή ν ο ύ κ ε ι ς τ ό έ κ π ο ρ θ ή σ α ι (s έ ξ α ν α λ ω σ α ι ) έ ξ α π ο σ τ ε λ ε ι ( χ ε ί ρ α ) σ ' ά λ λ ' ο ύ κ έ ν ί σ χ ύ ι έ ξ ε τ ε ί ν ε τ ο χ ε ί ρ Syh 30:29b σ τ ρ ο υ θ ώ ν ] θ ' Χ {(θυγατέρων σ τ ρ ο υ θ ώ ν ) ) Syh- ; σ ' σ τ ρ ο υ θ ο κ α μ ή λ ω ν Υ C (Olymp)» 30:30b ά π ό κ α ύ μ . ] θ ' pr Χ σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η 740'*'; θ ' pr Χ σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν S y h w 31:5a μ ε τ ά γ ε λ . ] θ ' ( σ ' sec c) μ ε τ ά μ α τ α ι ό τ η τ ο ς C" (Olymp); σ ' έ ν μ α τ α ι ό τ η τ ι 252 31:17b fin] θ' (a'sec 740) + Χ έ ξ α υ τ ο ύ 2 5 5 " « u * 31:20b] θ ' ((καί ά π ό κ ο ύ ρ α ς α μ ν ώ ν μ ο υ έ θ ε ρ μ ά ν θ η σ α ν » Syh 31:22a τ η ς κ λ ε ι δ ό ς ] θ ' τ ο υ α ύ χ έ ν ο ς σ ' τ ο υ ά κ ρ ω μ ί ο υ C" (Olymp) 31:31b] θ ' τ ί ς δ ώ η τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α υ τ ο ύ , κ α ί έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α ( ε μ π λ η σ ο μ . 250) C 31:32a ξ έ ν ο ς ] θ ' ε τ α ί ρ ο ς α ' π ρ ο σ ή λ υ τ ο ς 252 41
5 1 2
28:10a ό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α is correlated easily with the parent text but the exact Greek lemma is uncertain. 1 , 3
28:21a π ά ν τ α άνθρ.] pr ε ξ ο φ θ α λ μ ώ ν / / ; ah oculis omnis hominis La; ab oculis hominurn PsVig (Var 1,12); a conspeclu hominum (omnium ) Ps Vig (Var 3,44) SM
1 1 4
30:29b σ τ ρ ο υ θ ώ ν ] filiatum struiluonum Ο
ι » 30:30b ά π ό κ α ύ μ . ] pr σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η / / / / C ׳248׳ng 253' 706 795 ( - φ ρ ι γ η ) ; pr (Χ Ο) σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν Ο d 296 480 Aeth 0 1 ; + σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η L"-336'-613; + σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν S -644 C 0 I t l
--« 31:17b fin B ' - S * A-637-534' Aeth A r m Bus (Dem) Cyr D i d Dam Antioch] + ( Χ Ο) ε ξ α υ τ ο ύ rel
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
31:40a κ ν ί δ η ] θ ' ά κ α ν θ α 252 (anon) C (Olymp); α ' ά κ α ν άκανθαι Syh"
σ ' ά κ α ν ο ς 252; α ' σ ' θ '
32:11a] θ ' ( σ ' sec 138-255; o i έ τ ε ρ ο ι έ ρ μ η ν ε υ τ α ί sec Υ ) ι δ ο ύ έ ξ ε δ ε ξ ά μ η ν ( ε ξ ε λ ε ξ . Υ 138-255 249; ε δ ε ξ α μ η ν 139-256-732-740) τ ο ύ ς λ ό γ ο υ ς υ μ ώ ν 249 Υ C" (Olymp) 32:20 fin] θ ' + Χ α π ο κ ρ ι θ ώ C Syh * ( a n o n ) » » 33:2b fin] θ ' + Χ έ ν τ ω λ ά ρ υ γ γ ί μ ο υ La (anon) S y h « 33:13] θ ' « ό τ ι (leg τ ί ) π ρ ο ς α υ τ ό ν κ ρ ί σ ι ς , ό τ ι π α σ ι ν τ ο ι ς ρ ή μ α σ ι ν (s λ ό γ ο ι ς ) α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ϋ κ άποκρινεΤται)) Syh; α ' τ ί ο ΰ ν π ρ ο ς α υ τ ό ν ε κ δ ι κ ά σ ω ( ε κ δ ι κ . c); ό τ ι π ά ν τ α τ ά ρ ή μ α τ α α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι ν ε Τ τ α ι ( - ν ε τ α ι Cf) σ ' τ ί ο ΰ ν α ύ τ ώ δ ι α δ ι κ ά ζ η ; π ά ν τ ε ς γ α ρ ο ί λ ό γ ο ι α ύ τ ο ΰ α ν α ν τ ί ρ ρ η τ ο ι C (Olymp) Syh 118
1 2 0
33:15b δ ε ι ν ό ς φόβος] θ ' έ'κτασις ( ε κ τ . 137-643) C 33:26a] θ ' ( σ ' sec 137-260-643) δ ε η θ ή σ ε τ α ι τ ο ΰ θ ε ο ΰ , κ α ί ε υ δ ο κ ή σ ε ι (sie recte 250; ε υ λ ο γ ή σ ε ι rel) α υ τ ό ν C ( O l y m p ) 34:9] θ ' ό τ ι ε ΐ π ε ν , ο ύ κ ι ν δ υ ν ε ύ σ ε ι ά ν ή ρ έ ν τ ω ε ύ δ ο κ ή σ α ι (sie recte 250; 121
ε ύ δ ο κ ι μ ή σ α ι rel) α υ τ ό ν μ ε τ ά θ ε ο ΰ σ ' . . . ο υ χ ί σ ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι ά ν ή ρ ... C (Olymp) 34:23b] θ ' τ ο ΰ π ρ ο α χ θ ή ν α ι ( π ρ ο σ α χ θ . 250) π ρ ό ς τ ό ν ί σ χ υ ρ ό ν έ ν κ ρ ί μ α τ ι C 35:10b] θ ' ό δ ι δ ο ύ ς α ί ν έ σ ε ι ς έ ν ( + τ η Ο ) ν υ κ τ ί Υ C; α ' . . . μ ε λ ω δ ί α ς (-δια Ο ) C 36:2a ΜεΤνον] θ ' ύ π ό μ ε ι ν ο ν C 36:4a] θ ' ο τ ι α λ η θ ώ ς ο ύ κ ά δ ι κ ο ι o i λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ σ ' ό τ ι ό ν τ ω ς ά ψ ε υ δ ε ΐ ς ο ί λ ό γ ο ι μου C 36:4b] θ ' ( σ ' sec 138) ά μ ω μ ο ι γ ν ώ σ ε ι ς μ ε τ ά σ ο ΰ C
1 1 7
31:40a Although the readings of α ' σ ' θ ' are all similar, the differences are lev elled in the testimony of Syh. Likely the testimony of 252 and C are superior to Syh here. 1 , 8
32:11a] om l l a b La | fin] + X ecce patiens fui in (ad Y) verba vestra et audivi vestram prudentiam Lit »» 32:20 fin] + (X Syh) α π ο κ ρ ι θ ώ 0-253 S- -// 1 2 0
1 2 1
33:2b fin] + ( Χ Ο) ε ν τ ω λ α ρ ύ γ γ ι μ ο υ 0-253 L " ־
Η : 33:26a θ ' ( σ ' 137; anon. 138 250 305 3006) δ ε η θ ή σ ε τ α ι τ ο ΰ θ ε ο ΰ κ α ί ε υ δ ο κ ή σ ε ι ( ε υ λ ο γ ή σ ε ι Γ Ν ) α υ τ ό ν Γ ' ( = 250 3005) Γ Ν .
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
36:28a] θ ' + X ( + et L a ) γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ π ' α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς Ο (Syh- ; anon La) A r m (anon; post 28b t r ) | 28b] sub -־- Syh *-; om L a 37:14b ν ο υ θ ε τ ο ΰ ] θ ' σ ύ ν ε ς α ' κ α τ α ν ό η σ ο ν σ ' έ ν θ υ μ ή θ η τ ι C ( O l y m p ) 37:17b fin] θ ' + Χ άπα ν ό τ ο υ Ο (anon) C 1
1 2
1 2 4
37:22b] θ ' έ π ι τ ω θ ε ώ μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α C ; σ ' π ε ρ ί ( ε π ι 250) δ έ θ ε ο ύ φοβερός α ί ν ο ς 248 C 38:18a ν ε ν ο υ θ . δ έ ] θ ' σ υ ν ή κ α ς α ' κ α τ ε ν ό η σ α ς σ ' έ ν ε ν ό η σ α ς C ; α ' μ η σ υ ν ή κ α ς 248 38:33a τ ρ ο π ά ς ] θ ' σ υ ν τ ά γ μ α τ α C ; α ' α κ ρ ι β ε ί α ς 248; σ ' δ ι α τ ά ξ ε ι ς C 38:37a] θ ' {(τίς α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε ι π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α έ ν σοφία)) α ' τ ί ς έ ξ η γ ή σ ε τ α ι (s δ ι η γ ή σ ε τ α ι ) ρ ο π α ς έ ν σ ο φ ί α σ ' τ ί ς α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε ι τ ο ν α ι θ έ ρ α έ ν σ ο φ ί α Syh 38:37b] θ ' κ α ί ό ρ γ α ν α ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ τ ί ς κ ο ι μ ή σ ε ι 248 (sub σ'; κ ο σ μ ή σ ε ι pro κοιμ.) Syh; α ' κ α ί α π ο ρ ρ έ ο ν τ α ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ τ ί ς κ ο ι μ ή σ ε ι Syh: σ ' ή ό ρ γ α ν α ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ τ ί ς σ υ ν θ ή σ ε ι C (sub θ ' 138-255 Pitra; reJ sub σ ' θ') S y h 38:38] θ ' {(έν τω έ κ χ ε ί σ θ α ι γ ή ν κ α τ α χ ύ σ ε ι κ α ί β ω λ ο ι σ υ γ κ ο λ λ η θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ) ) α ' 125
έ ν τ φ έ κ χ ε ί σ θ α ι γ ή ν έ ν κ α τ α χ ύ σ ε ι κ α ί χ ε ρ μ ά δ ε ς (s χ ε ρ μ ά δ ι α ) κολληθήσονται σ ' ό τ α ν κ έ χ υ τ α ι εις κ ό ν ι ν γ ή ς έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς , ϊ ν α β ω λ ο ι γ έ ν ω ν τ α ι έ ν σ υ γ κ ο λ λ ή σ ε ι Syh; α ' (leg σ ' ) ... γ ή ς έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς , ϊ ν α β ω λ ο ι γ έ ν ω ν τ α ι σ υ γ κ ο λ λ η θ ε ΐ σ α ι 252 39:3a] θ ' έ ν δ ώ σ ο υ σ ι ( ε α ν δ ω σ . c) τα π α ι δ ί α α υ τ ώ ν , δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς αυτά C ( C h r ) 39:6a έ ρ η μ ο ν ] θ ' άραβα 248 252 (anon): α' ό μ α λ ή ν 248 252; σ ' ά ο ί κ η τ ο ν 248 252 126
(anon) C 39:11b έ π α φ . δ έ ] θ ' μ ή ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί ψ ε ι ς (-ψηςΡ) C 39:12b ε ί σ ο ί σ ε ι ] θ ' σ υ ν ά ξ ε ι α' (sic recte 250; σ ' rel) σ υ λ λ έ ξ ε ι C 39; 19b φόβον] θ ' χ ρ ε μ ε τ ι σ μ ό ν C ; σ ' κ λ α γ γ ή ν C ; σ ' κ ρ α υ γ ή ν c (Nie) 39:23 τόξον] θ ' + ((φλόξ)} Syh
1 2 2
36:28a] + γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ( κ α ι γ ν ο φ . 575) ε π α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς ( π ο λ λ ο ί V ) V-575-336'-Iul 2 3
ι Η : 37:14b θ ' ( σ ' 3006; anon. 250) κ α ί ( > 137 138 643 3006 Ν ) σ ύ ν ε ς ( σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς 137) Γ ' (=250 3005) Γ Ν. ι
2 4
37:17b fin B-S* A-534-Chr Co] + ( Χ Ο) α π ο ν ό τ ο υ ( ν ώ τ ο υ 252 l u i ) re!
1 2 5
38:37b ούρ. δέ] ό ρ γ α ν α δ ε ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ / / ; ό ρ γ α ν α ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ δε IUI ; pr ό ρ γ α ν α V ; Χ et organa caeli Laßf-; quis cacti Organa La-" 39:3a α ύ τ ώ ν / τ ά π α ι δ ί α ] tr Ο V-575'-534' Glos A r m A m b (Jb 4,4)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
39:23 fin] θ' + Χ (<(έν) σ ε ι σ μ ώ λ ό γ χ η ς κ α ι ά σ π ί δ ο ς » La (anon) Syh (adn "Non positum erat apud Origenum") 40:10b δ ό ξ α ν δ έ κ α ι τ ι μ ή ν ] θ ' ε ύ π ρ έ π ε ι α ν κ α ι ϋ ψ ο ς ( δ ο ξ α ν Ο) C 40:22a] θ ' ({uinbrae umbrarum ci«.v)) α ' σ κ ε π ά σ ο υ σ ι ν α υ τ ό ν σ κ ι α ί α ύ τ ο ΰ σ ' ( έ ν ) σ κ ι α σ κ ι ά ζ ο ν τ α ι Syh 40:25a] θ ' ({ελκύσει δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α έ ν ά γ κ ί σ τ ρ ω ) ) Syh; α ' ε λ κ ύ σ ε ι ς Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν έ ν ά γ κ ί σ τ ρ ω 252 (om έ ν ά γ κ . ) Syh H i (Ez 10,32); σ ' ε λ κ ύ σ ε ι ς (־σει Syh; + δ ε 248) Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν ( + δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α Syh) έ ν ά γ κ ί σ τ ρ ω 248 (om έ ν ά γ κ . ) Syh; α ' σ ' ( λ ' sec c)... Λ ε υ ι α θ ά ν ( λ ε υ ι θ α ν C ; ־λ ε υ ι σ θ α ν 2 5 9 ' ) C (Olymp) 40:26b] θ ' κ α ι χ α λ ι ν ό ) τ ρ ή σ ε ι ς ( τ ρ η σ ε ι CP; τ ρ ι σ ε ι CP; τ ρ ι σ η ς 250) σ ι α γ ό ν α α ύ τ ο ΰ C (Olymp) 40:28a θ ή σ . δέ] θ ' μ ή δ ι α θ ή σ ε τ α ι C 40:30a] θ ' ά γ ο ρ ά σ ω σ ι ν α υ τ ό ν μ έ τ ο χ ο ι 248 (om μ έ τ . ) 250 (anon) 252 (om α υ τ ό ν μέτ.); σ ' έ ν δ ι α γ ω γ ί σ ο ν τ α ι ( έ ν δ ι α γ ω γ ή σ α ι ν τ ο 250) α υ τ ό ν κ ο ι ν ω ν ο ί 2 5 2 41:1a] θ ' ιδού ή α ρ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι ε ψ ε ύ σ α τ ο C (Olymp); α ' ιδού ή π ρ ο σ δ ο κ ί α α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι α ψ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι σ ' ιδού ή α ρ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ ( δ ι α ψ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι ) 252 41:6b κ ύ κ λ ω ο δ ό ν τ ω ν ] θ ' π ε ρ ί τ ο ύ ς ο δ ό ν τ α ς C (Olymp) 41:22a όβ. ό ξ ε ΐ ς ] θ ' ( σ ' sec Ο ) σ ι δ ή ρ ι α τ έ κ τ ο ν ο ς C (Olymp); α ' ό ξ υ ν τ ή ρ ε ς ο σ τ ρ ά κ ω ν 248 c (Olymp) 41:26a] θ ' π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι C (Olymp) 41:26b π ά ν τ ω ν τ ω ν έ ν τοις υ δ α σ ι ν ] θ ' ( έ π ί π ά ν τ ω ν ) ({υίων β α ν α υ σ ί α ς ( υ ι ο ν ν α υ σ ι α ς Ο ) ) ) C (Olymp); α ' έ π ί π ά ν τ α ς υ ι ο ύ ς β α ν α υ σ ί α ς 248; σ ' π α ν τ ό ς β ρ ο μ ώ δ ο υ ς (δρομ. C) C ( O l y m p ) 42:7b] θ' έ θ υ μ ώ θ η ή ( > C P ) ό ρ γ ή μ ο υ έ ν σ ο ι κ α ι έ ν τοις δ υ σ ί φ ί λ ο ι ς σ ο υ C (Olymp); σ ' ώ ρ γ ί σ θ η ό θ υ μ ό ς μ ο υ σ ο ί κ α ι τοΤς δ υ σ ί ν έ τ α ί ρ ο ι ς σ ο υ 248 127
7 4 0
1 2 7
39:23 fin] + λ ό γ χ η κ α ι α σ π ι δ ο ς σ ε ι σ μ ό ς II; + λ ό γ χ η ς κ α ι α σ π ι δ ο ς σ ε ι σ μ ω Iul; + 5Κ lanceae hastaeque ( + cum ß) iremore Laß" ; + lancae hasta et tremore L a ; + et tremor lanceae et hastae A r m . Since the evidence of the Greek witnesses is not exactly identical to the materials attributed to θ ' by Syh, these materials are not reckoned as primary. p
1 2 8
H : 40:30a θ ' (anon. 250 252) ά γ ο ρ ά σ ω σ ι ν α υ τ ό ν μ έ τ ο χ ο ι (α. μ. > 252; μ. > 248) 248 252 Γ ' ( = 250 257 3005); σ ' (anon. 250 257) έ ν δ ι α γ ω γ ί σ α η ׳τ ο ( έ ν δ ι α γ ν ώ σ α ι ν τ ο 3005; έ ] ν δ ι α γ ω γ ί σ ο ν τ α ι 252; έ ν δ ι α γ ω γ ή σ α ι ν τ ο 250) α υ τ ό ν κ ο ι ν ω ν ο ί 252 Γ ' ( = 250257 3005). 1 2 9
41:26b The θ ' materials are marked as non-primary because they are not lexically unique to θ'. See List Two.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
42:7c] θ ' ο ύ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α σ ' . . . ό ρ θ ω ς C" ( O l y m p )
42:8g κ α τ ά τ ο υ θερ. μ ο υ Ι ώ β ] θ ' κ α θ ώ ς ό δούλος μ ο υ (1ώβ) C ; α ' ώ ς ό δούλος μ ο υ Ί ώ β 248 42:9a ό Σ α υ χ ί τ η ς ] θ ' ό Σ ω ΐ τ η ς σ ' ό Σ ω ΐ C 42:9a ΜιναΤος] θ ' Ν ω μ α θ ί τ η ς σ ' Ν α μ α θ ί τ η ς C 4 2 : l i d έ κ π ρ ώ τ ο υ ] θ ' έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν C; α ' ε ί ς π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν 248; σ ' π ρ ί ν C 42:17aa γ έ γ ρ α π τ α ι — f i n ( β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς 17εδ) sub -f Ο; ΐ σ τ έ ο ν δ έ , ό τ ι μ έ χ ρ ι τοΰ· π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ς κ α ι π λ ή ρ η ς ή μ ε ρ ω ν , α ' κ α ι σ ' έ λ θ ό ν τ ε ς , σ υ ν ε π έ ρ α ν α ν τό β ι β λ ί ο ν , ώ ς δ ή τ ω ' Ε β ρ α ϊ κ φ ά κ ο λ ο υ θ ο ΰ ν τ ε ς · ό δέ θ ' σ υ μ π ε ρ α ί ν ε ι ( - π α ρ ε ι ν ε ι Ο») τοις ο ' 249 C (Olyrnp); ε ν τ ε ύ θ ε ν ο ύ κ ε ί τ α ι έ ν τ φ ' Ε β ρ α ϊ κ φ ώ ς α ' κ α ι σ'· π α ρ ά θ ' κ ε ί τ α ι 248; ο ύ κ ε ί τ α ι π α ρ ά τ ο ΐ ς Έ β ρ α ί ο ι ς • δ ι ό π ε ρ ουδέ π α ρ ά τ φ "Ακύλα- π α ρ ά δ ε τοΤς Έ β δ ο μ ή κ ο ν τ α κ α ι Θ ε ο δ ο τ ί ω ν ι τ ά ί σ ο δ υ ν α μ ο ΰ ν τ α ά λ λ ή λ ο ι ς Or X V I I 24 L o . 42:17aa μ ε θ ' ω ν ό κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ά ν ί σ τ η σ ι ν ] 42:17εβ Έ λ . τ ω ν Ή σ α ύ υ ί ω ν ] θ ' ((υιός Ί ω σ α φ ά τ ) ) C ' 42:17βγ Β α λ δ α δ ] θ ' {(υιός Ά μ μ ω ν του Χωβόρ (χοβωρ 250)}} C ' 42;17εδ ό Μ ι ν α ί ω ν ] 1 3 1
1 3 2
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1 3 5
Two of the entries in List One require discussion because the materials which are asterisked and attributed to θ ' are considered O G by Ziegler.
1 3 0
H : 42:7c θ ' (anon. 250) ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α Γ ( = 250 3005) Γ
3 0 0 6
1 3 7
6 8 0
1 3 1
As indicated, θ ' joins OG in presenting a longer text, but a'and σ ' end as in M T . The entries for 42:17aa, 42:17εβ, 42:17εγ and 42:17e6 are important because they show that θ ' was a revisor of O G and that while θ ' has the longer text, his version of it is not the same as that of O G . 1 3 2
H : 42:17aa θ ' (anon. Γ ) μ ε θ ' ήμίδν, ό τ ι θ ε ό ς α ν α σ τ ή σ ε ι ( ά ν α σ τ ί σ ε ι 255; α ν α σ τ ή σ ε ι θ ε ό ς tr. 559) Γ ' ( = 3005) Γ ] ־ Ι « » (see Hagedorn, 37). Since no parent text is extant for the materials attributed to θ', they cannot be included in the characterization of R presented in Chapter Two. 6
1 3 3
42:17ββ Not to be included in the characterization of R presented in Chapter Two. 3 4
' 42:17βγ1Μ1 1 3 5
3 7
1 3 8
3 9 5 5 5 9
Η : 42:17e6 θ ' (anon. 250 Γ ) ό ϊ ε μ ι ν α ί ω ν Γ ' ( = 250 3005) Γ [ ״ΐ 1 1 Not to be included in the characterization o f R presented in Chapter Two.
1 *« ,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The first of these is 2:13a; the words in question are κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς . The context is clear when the entire line is quoted: M T 2:13a ו י ש ב ו א ת ו ל א ר ץ ש ב ע ת י מ י ם ו ש ב ע ת ל י ל ו ת Z i 2:13a π α ρ ε κ ά θ ι σ α ν α ύ τ φ έ π τ ά η μ έ ρ α ς κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς M
Both the C tradition and S y h have the words κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς under the asterisk and attribute them to θ'. Moreover, Syh 8 contains the note "Non posita erant in exemplaribus Origenis," clearly indicating that the words are not part of the pre-hexaplaric Greek text of Job. There is fairly strong textual testimony, then, to assign the words to θ ' and not to O G . Although Ziegler duly records the textual testimony in Apparatus I I , he does not have the words under the asterisk in the lemma, leading the reader to believe that he considers them O G . This conclusion is corroborated by the absence of any discussion or sigla by Ziegler to show that the testimony of C S y h is wrong. While it is difficult to apply the tools of translation technique with any certainty to such a small stretch of text, it would be just like the O G translator to omit the words ו ש ב ע ת ל י ל ו תin the parent text as redundant and just like a careful, literal revision of the O G toward the parent text to include them. Consequently, κ α ι έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς are judged to belong to the corpus of θ ' materials and not to derive from O G . m
The second entry to be discussed is 27:19a. The context is as follows: M T 27:19a י ש כ ב ו ל א י א ס ף
Z i 27:19a π λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι According to Apparatus I I of Ziegler, the words κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι are asterisked and attributed to θ' by the solitary testimony of S y h . Although the SyroHexapla is one of the best witnesses for transmitting the hexaplaric signs, the credibility of its testimony is uncertain when it stands alone. T o put the problem in perspective, the following line, 27:19b, as well as 27:21-23 are asterisked by Ziegler but Syh asterisks only 27:19ap, 27:19b, 27:21-22a, and 27:33b. A possible solution, then, is to consider Syh inaccurate in its placement of the asterisk for 27:19b inasmuch as it is not accurate in its placement of the asterisks for the section 27:2123. Yet an examination of the manuscript reveals that the words corresponding to κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι in the text of the Syro-Hexapla are preceded by an asterisk and taw and followed by a metobelus. The following line, 29:19b, is preceded by an txt
* See A . M . Ceriani, ed., Codex Syro-Hexaplark ad 10c.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
asterisk and followed by a metobelus. Normally only one metobelus is used when contiguous lines are asterisked. The fact that only the first line in a connected or interrupted series has the taw is standard. Thus the suggestion that the testimony of Syh is in error is not entirely satisfactory. As in the case of 2:13a, identifying patterns of translation technique in such a short stretch o f text is problematic. OG renders א ס ףby κ α τ έ χ ω in 34:14b and by ε ι σ φ έ ρ ω in 39:12b. For י ס ף, O G employs π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι five times (27:1, 29:1, 34:37a, 36:1, 40:5b), α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω once (17:9b), υ π ε ρ β α ί ν ω once (38:11a), δ ί δ ω μ ι once (42:10b), and a free rendering once (40:32b). The verb π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι occurs three times elsewhere in O G : two times it is not possible to determine exactly his parent text (13:9b, 32:13) and one time for29:2 ) ש נ הa ) . R has π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι for י ס ףtwo times (20:9a, 34:32b) and does not render א ס ף. These patterns of translation technique demonstrate that the translator o f 27:19a$ almost certainly read ( י ס ףQal, not Niphal as in M T ) as his parent text. Whether the translator was O G or R, however, is not possible to prove since both OG and R employ π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι for י ס ף. The grammatical sequence of an adverbial κ α ί intervening between a circumstantial participle and the main verb appears awkward at first sight. The O G translator employed circumstantial participles 199 times - and only four of these 138
1 3 7
1 3 8
Ibid. The analysis of participles follows Blass-Debrunner, §§ 411-420.
Circumstantial Participles In O G :
1:1c, 1:4a, 1:4c, 1:5b, 1:7b, 1:7c, l:8e, 1:14c, 1:16a, 1:16c, 1:17a, 1:18a, 1:18a, 1:18b, 1:18b, 1:20a, 1:20c, 2:2c, 2:3e, 2:4a, 2:5a, 2:9a, 2:9b, 2:9ap\ 2:9ca, 2:9da, 2:9dY, 2:10a, 2:11a, 2:12a, 2:12b, 2:12c, 2:12d, 3:2, 3:13a, 3:13b, 3:21b, 3:24b, 4:1a, 4:13b, 6:1, 6:5a, 6:5b, 6:9a, 6:17a, 6:21b, 6:28a, 7:5b, 7:11b, 7:11c, 8:1a, 8:3a, 8:5, 8:15b, 9:1, 9:4b, 10:1a, 10:1b, 10:1c, 10:8b, 10:13a, 10:16b, 10:17a, 11:1, 11:2c, 11:19b, 12:1, 12:15b, 12:17a, 12:18a, 12:19a, 12:20a, 12:22a, 12:24a, 13:9b, 13:14a, 13:1.7b, 14:10a, 14:10b, 14:11b, 14:14b, I4:2ia, 15:1, 15:3a, 15:14a, 15:14b, 16:1, 16:9a, 16:12b, 16:13b, 16:14b, 17:1a, 17:2, 18:1, 19:1, 19:3b, 19:17b, 20:1, 20:15a, 21:1, 21:5a, 21:5b, 21:12a, 21:25b, 22:1, 22:4a, 22:19a, 22:26b, 22:27a, 23:1, 23:4b, 23:15d(=bMT), 24:2b, 24:5b, 24:13a, 24:14a, 24:22b, 24:23, 25:1, 26:1, 27:1, 27:6a, 27:6b, 27:8b, 27:9b, 27:10b, 28:24b, 28:27b, 29.T, 29:8a, 29:9b, 29:11b, 29:21a, 30:11a, 30:24b, 30:25b, 30:26a, 30:28a, 31:13b, 31:21b, 31:25a, 31:27b, 31:30b, 31:31c, 31:36, 31:37b, 31:39b, 32:6a, 32:6c, 32:11b, 32:13, 32:17, 32:20, 33:26a, 33:27a, 34:1, 34:8a, 34:8a, 34:8b, 34:20b, 34:37c, 35:1, 35:3, 36:1, 36:3a, 36:12b, 37:6a, 37:15b, 38:8b, 38:10b, 38:14a, 38:17b, 38:40b, 38:41c, 38:41c, 39:7a, 39:7b, 39:21a, 39:22a, 39:25a, 39:26b, 39:26b, 39:27b,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
correspond to the grammatical structure of 27:19a (21:12, 24:13a, 30:24b, 33:26a). This distribution throughout the Greek Job is not unreasonable. Adverbial κ α ί else where is not rare.- Seven times there is a δ έ intervening between a circumstantial participle and the main verb (12:17a, 12:18a, 12:19a, 12:20a, 12:22a, 12:24a, 13:14a), a structure which is certainly Classical Greek. O n the other hand, awkward gram matical sequences are not uncommon in the literal renderings of R. 40
I f the words κ α ι ο ϋ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι are not O G , then κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς modifies σ υ ν ή ν τ η σ α ν and the complete sentence would then be: πλούσιος κοιμηθείς σ υ ν ή ν τ η σ α ν α ύ τ φ ώσπερ ΰδωρ α ί όδύναι Normally in Classical Greek when the adverbial participle has a different subject from the subject of the main verb, the genitive absolute is used. The genitive absolute is employed by O G in 22 of the 199 circumstantial particles and all cases follow the rules o f Classical Greek. Yet the construction where a circumstantial participle in the nominative case has a different subject from that of the main verb does occur in two times in O G (10:13a, 30;26b). Thus analysis from the grammatical perspective is not decisive. Nonetheless it can be said that the words κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι do not fit O G very well. 142
From a semantic perspective, the verb π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι is used by O G in three senses: (1) 'to add' (29:22a, 34:37a), (2) 'to continue' [speaking] (27:1, 29:1, 36:1, 40:5b), and (3) 'to join oneself to, side with' (Middle/Passive—-13:9b, 32:13). R uses π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι only in the sense 'to continue': in 34:32b it means 'to continue [to sin]' and in 20:9a it means 'to continue to be' (?). The use of π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι in 20:9a is similar to 27:19a in awkwardness and sense yet quite unlike the semantic usage of π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι in O G . In summary, it is difficult to completely disregard the textual testimony of Syh in 27:19a and analysis from a semantic perspective leads one to conclude that the words κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι are from θ ' and not O G even though this conclusion is uncertain. Another possibility is that the asterisk in Syh is misplaced and ought to be before π λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς at the beginning of the line. This proposal assigns the entire stich,
40:3, 40:4a, 40:4a, 40:4b, 40:4b, 40:6, 40:19b?, 40:20a, 40:32b, 41:12b, 41:17a, 41:25b?, 42:1, 42:10b, 4 2 : l i e , 42:17ca. 14
« See, for example, 1:4c, 1:21b, 13:2a.
1 4 1
1 4 2
See Smyth, § 2837.
Cases of the Genitive Absolute in O G : 1:17a, 1:18a, 1:18b, 2:9a, 6:17a, 8:15b, 13:17b, 14:21a, 22:27a, 24:13a, 27:9b, 27:10b, 31:13b, 31:25a. 31:31c, 32:1 l b , 34:20b, 34:37c, 39:25a, 41:12b, 41:17a, 42:10b.
Identiflcaiion of the Asterisked Materials
27:19a, to R. While R does not render ע ש י רelsewhere, in the only two occurrences of ש כ בwhich he translates he employs the equivalent κ ο ι μ ά ω (20:11b, j31:22a). In my opinion this solution is the simplest one and accounts satisfactorily for the grammatical, semantic, and textual factors. Hence 27:19a is considered belonging to the corpus of R. 3.2.2. LIST
TWO: Materials Attributed ω both θ ' and
List Two comprises materials attributed to both a' and θ'. They are arranged according to the general principles set out for List One. Clear historical traditions defining the interrelationship between a ' and θ ' are lacking. I f it could be shown, for example, that θ ' preceded a' chronologically and that a' was dependent upon θ ' then the materials of List Two would have roughly the same value as those in List One. Until the character of θ ' is described and its textual affiliations known, the materials of List Two have little value. Therefore the materials of List Two are excluded as primary sources. 143
1 4 4
1:1a έ ν χώρςκ τ ή Α ύ σ . ] α ' θ ' έ ν γ ή Ο υ ς 248 (sub α ' ) Syh (sub α ' ) C 1:1b ά μ ε μ π τ ο ς ] α θ ' ( α ' sec c) ά π λ ο υ ς σ ' ά μ ω μ ο υ ς 248 c ( C h r ) l:5e Μ ή π ο τ ε — f i n ] α ' ε ϊ π ω ς ή μ α ρ τ ο ν οί υιοί μ ο υ κ α ι η ύ λ ό γ η σ α ν θ ε ό ν έ π ι 145
κ α ρ δ ί α ς α ύ τ ω ν 248 * 1:16b Π υ ρ 'έπ. έ κ τ ο υ ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ] α ' θ ' π υ ρ θ ε ο ΰ ... C (Chr); ( σ ' ) π υ ρ π α ρ ά τ ο υ θεοΰ κ α τ η ν έ χ θ η 248 147
1 4 3
Recent literature indicates that the relationship of Aquila and Theodotion is very much in question. See, for example, E. Schurer, The History of the Jenish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, A New English Version revised and edited by G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M . Goodman, vol. 3, Pt. 1 (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1986), 493-504, and G. Dorival, M . Harl, and O. Munnich, eds., La Bible Grecque des Septante (Paris: Éditions du C E R F , 1988), 142-157. H : 1:1a a ( α ' θ ' Γ ) έ ν γ ή Ο υ ς 248 Γ 3 0 0 5=)׳ ) Γ ־Ε - ] 395 612 680 740. Hagedorns believe this textual testimony is in favour of an assignment to a alone (Hagedorn, 10). 1 4 4
1 4 5
H : 1:1b α ' θ ' ά π λ ο ΰ ς σ ' ά μ ω μ ο υ ς 248; a' θ ' | ά π λ ο ΰ ς | ά μ ω μ ο υ ς Γ ' ( = 3005); α' ά π λ ο υ ς σ ' ά μ ω μ ο υ ς Ν. Η : 1:5e a' θ ' ( α ' 248) ε ϊ π ω ς ή μ α ρ τ ο ν ο ί υιοί μ ο υ κ α ι η ύ λ ό γ η σ α ν θ ε ό ν έ ν κ α ρ δ ί α ς (έν τ α ι ς κ α ρ δ ί α ς 3005; έ π ι κ α ρ δ ί α ς 248) α ύ τ ω ν 248 Γ ' ( = 250 3005). 1 4 6
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
2:8b κ α ί ] α ' θ ׳+ α υ τ ό ς S y h 2:9a ε ι π ε ν ] α ' θ' κ α ι ε ΐ π ε ν C 3:2 λ έ γ ω ν ] a' θ' pr Χ κ α ι ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η Ί ώ β La (anon) S y h 3:16a έ κ π ο ρ ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ν ] α ' θ' κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ν Syh; σ ' κ α τ ο ρ υ γ ε ν C Syh 149
3:18a] α ' θ ' ά μ α δ έ σ μ ι ο ι ε ύ θ ή ν η σ α ν ( α ' θ ' Χ ε ύ θ ή ν η σ α ν S y h ) 248 (sub α ' ) C σ ' 150
ό μ ο ΰ δ ε σ μ ω τ α ι ά ό χ λ η τ ο ι 248 C 4:11a β ο ρ ά ν ] θ ' θ ή ρ α ν σ ' έ θ η ρ ε ύ θ η Syh; α ' θ ή ρ α ν 248 252 > 5:19b έ ν δε τ φ έβδόμω] α ' θ ' κ α ί έ ν έ π τ ά 248 252 (sub α') 6:10a ε ϊ η δ έ μ ο υ π ό λ ι ς τ ά φ ο ς ] α ' θ ' κ α ι έ'σται έ τ ι π α ρ ά κ λ η σ ί ς μ ο υ C 7:2b τ ο ν μ ι σ θ ό ν ] α ' θ ' τ ο έ'ργον C 7:4b ώ ς δ' ά ν ά ν α σ τ ω ] α ' θ ' π ό τ ε ( > C ) ά ν α σ τ ή σ ο μ α ι C !5
7:11a ά τ ά ρ ο ΰ ν ] α ' θ' (sic 612-740; α ' σ ' 250; anon 138-255) τ ο ι γ α ρ ο ΰ ν 248 (sub σ ' 1 5 2
vid) C 8:6a α λ η θ ι ν ό ς ] α ' θ ' + Χ σ ύ Syh • 8:21b έ ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ . ] α ' θ ' α λ α λ α γ μ ο ύ 252 (sub α ' ) C ; σ ' σ η μ α σ ί α ς 252 9:10b ε ν δ ο ξ ά τε κ α ι ε ξ α ί σ ι α ] α ' θ ' θ α υ μ ά σ ι α σ ' υ π ε ρ μ ε γ έ θ η C ; ε'νδοξά τε sub -r Syh 15
1 4 7
1:16b Π υ ρ ] + θ ε ο υ La (Χ dei) 11 ( 2 4 9 ß adn έ ν έ τ έ ρ φ ο ύ π ρ ό σ κ ε ι τ α ι το θ ε ο ΰ ) m
* 2:8b κ α ί B ׳- S * Syh" 575 Co A e t h Arab A r m D i d PsChr V I 578 (lib?) IuIE] + (X La) α υ τ ό ς rel 1 4 9
3:2 λ έ γ ω ν ] pr κ α ι α π ε κ ρ ι θ η ιωβ L ' ־
5 7 S
LaT A n ( > icoß); X et respondent iob /
dixit LaßM; + ι ω β 252 g 1 5 0
3:18a] + (Χ Ο) ε ύ θ ή ν η σ α ν Ο (abundaverunt)
249 O i
H : 3:18a α ' θ ' ( α ' 248 406; anon. 250) ά μ α δ έ σ μ ι ο ι ( δ έ ν ι ο ι 680) ε ύ θ ή ν η σ α ν ( - ν ι σ α ν 395) 248 Γ ( = 250 406) Γ ; ־σ ' (anon. 250 680; unsichtbar 406) ό μ ο ΰ δ ε σ μ ω τ α ι ά ό χ λ η τ ο ι 248 Γ ' ( = 250 406) Γ -־Α 1 3 7
3 8
ι « Η : 4:11a Θ' ( α ' θ ' 395 559; anon. 740) θ ή ρ α ν Γ' ( = 3005) Γ » ' 1 '-1; α ' θ ή ρ α ν 248 252. θ ή ρ α ν is clearly a θ ' reading, but not unique to θ' (see Hagedorn, 14). 1 5 2
7:1 l a ά τ ά ρ ο ΰ ν ] τ ο ι γ α ρ ο ΰ ν L-613 (οτι τ.) 110; ο υ γ α ρ ο υ ν 339 | ά τ ά ρ ο ΰ ν έ γ ώ ] propterea itaque et ego non La 1 5 3
8:6a ε ΐ κ α ί ά λ . ] + ε ι Α; κ α ι α λ . σ υ 575; et verax es La ( + X tu) Glos A r m
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
9:14b fin] α ' θ ' + Χ μ ε τ ' α ύ τ ο ΰ C (sine X ) La (anon) S y h 9:17b δια κ ε ν ή ς ] α ' θ' δ ω ρ ε ά ν σ ' ά ν α ι τ ί ω ς C 9:24a] α ' θ ' ή γ ή ε δ ό θ η εις χ ε ί ρ α ά σ ε β ω ν σ ' . . . εις χ ε ί ρ α ς ά σ ε β ω ν S y h 10:5b α ν δ ρ ό ς ] α' θ' pr ώ ς ή μ έ ρ α ι C Syh; pr ω ς ή μ έ ρ α ι L a ( Χ tamquam dies) II 10:8b α ' θ ' α μ α κ ύ κ λ ω κ α τ ε π ο ν τ ι σ α ς με C 10:9a μ ν ή σ θ η τ ι ] α ' θ ' + x δ ή Syh * 10:12a έ θ ο υ π α ρ ' έ μ ο ί ] α ' θ ' έ π ο ί η σ α ς μ ε τ ' έ μ ο ΰ σ ' π α ρ έ σ χ ε ς μοι C 10:14b ο ύ κ ά θ ω ο ν με π ε π ο ί η κ α ς ] α ' θ ' ο ϋ κ α θ ω ώ σ ε ι ς (-σης 255; α θ ο ω σ η ς 250) 155
με C ; σ ' ο ύ κ α θ α ρ ί σ ε ι ς με 248 (anon) C 10:16b] α ' θ ' κ α ι έ π ι σ τ ρ έ ψ α ς έ θ α υ μ ά σ τ ω σ α ς έ ν έ μ ο ί C (Polyohr) 10:17a] α ' θ' ά ν ε κ α ' ι ν ι σ α ς ( > 248 252) μ α ρ τ υ ρ ά ς (־ρες 252) σ ο υ κ α τ ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν (-τι 248) μ ο υ 248 (sub σ ' ) 252 (sub α ' ) Syh; σ ' κ α ι α ν α κ α ι ν ί ζ ε ι ς σ ε α υ τ ω ά ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ν (s ΰ π ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν ) μοι Syh 10:19b ά π η λ λ ά γ η ν ] α ' θ ' ά π η ν έ χ θ η ν C 12:7a έ ά ν σ ο ι ε ϊ π ω σ ι ν ] α ' θ ' κ α ί φ ω τ ί σ ε ι σ ε σ ' κ α ι δ η λ ώ σ ε ι σ ο ι C 13:4b] α ' θ ' ... 3* ύ μ ε ί ς C Syh; α ' κ α ί ( > Syh) ΐ α τ α ί ε π ί π λ α σ τ ο ι ( ε μ π λ . μ ο υ 252) π ά ν τ ε ς ύ μ ε ί ς 252 Syh; σ ' κ α ί ι α τ ρ ο ί ε π ί π λ α σ τ ο ι μ ο υ C (Polychr) 13:20a] α ' θ' π λ η ν δ υ ο μ ή π ο ί η σ η ς μετ' έ μ ο ΰ C (Olymp) Syh; σ ' μ ό ν α δέ δ υ ο μ ή π ο ί η σ η ς έμοί Syh 13:21a ά π έ χ ο υ ] α ' θ ' μ ά κ ρ υ ν ο ν C 14:14a ζ ή σ ε τ α ι ] α ' θ ' pr X μ ή τ ι C ; θ ' μ ή ζ ή σ ε τ α ι 1° et ( λ ' ) ο ύ ζ ή σ ε τ α ι 2° (mend sub θ') Υ; λ ' pr ο ύ 249 138-251-765 ( O l y m p ) 157
1 5 4
9:14b fin] + μ ε τ α υ τ ο ύ 575-Iul-Chr; + •Χ. secum La =־μεθ' α ύ τ ο ΰ Gra. 9:24a π α ρ α δ έ δ . γ α ρ ] terra tradita est IM (sub X ) A u g (s 363,2; ep 140,40) Fulg;
1 5 5
tradita est terra Prim 15
μ ν ή σ θ η τ ι ] + δ η // Sa
10:19b ά π η λ λ ά γ η ν ] α π η ν ε ι χ θ η ν 523
1 5 8
13:4b π ά ν τ ε ς ] + vos La Arab
1 5 9
14:14a ζ ή σ ε τ α ι ] The witnesses agree that θ' had a negative preceding ζ ή σ ε τ α ι . Whether the negative was ο ύ or μ ή is uncertain from the evidence given by Ziegler. Consider the evidence from Hagedorn: Η: 14:14a α ' θ ' ( α ' σ ' 3005) μ ή τ ι ( μ ή τ η 559) Γ ' ( = 3005) Γ־68 ;״θ ' μ ή Olymp. The analysis of the Hagedorns is noteworthy:
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
14:14c α θ ' έ λ π ι ω έ ω ς α ν έ λ θ η το α λ λ α γ μ ά ( α λ α γ μ α 740; α λ α λ α γ μ α 612; ά γ α λ μ α 138-255) μ ο υ 248 (mend sub σ ' ) C (Olymp) Syh (sub α'; om έ λ π ι ω έ ω ς ä v ) ; σ ' ( υ π ο μ έ ν ω ) έ ω ς ( > Syh; + α ν c) ε'λθη ή ά ν ά φ υ σ ί ς (sic recte 250 Syh; ή α γ ί α φ ύ σ ι ς rel) μ ο υ C (Olymp) Syh (sub θ') 14:22a ή λ γ η σ α ν ] α ' θ ' pr έ π ' α ύ τ ω S y h
Es handelt sich hierbei um Einschübe vor dem L X X - W o r t ζ ή σ ε τ α ι . Zieglers Angaben zu dieser Stelle sind in mehrfacher Weise zu präzisieren. Einmal schreibt er, Olympiodor zitiere die Ü b e r s e t z u n g Theodotions in zwei Fassungen, nämlich sowohl als μ ή ζ ή σ ε τ α ι wie auch als ο ύ ζ ή σ ε τ α ι . In Wirklichkeit liegt nur im ersten Fall (Olymp. S. 131,25) ein Zitat vor, im zweiten (Olymp. S. 132,8) hingegen eine Paraphrase eben dieses Zitats, in welcher Olympiodor das fragende μ ή ( „ e t w a " ) durch die negative Aussage erläutert. Ferner ist die von Ziegler aus den Hss. 249 138-251-765 zitierte Wiedergabe ״λ ' ο ύ ζ ή σ ε τ α ι " nichts anderes als die in allen Hss. erhaltene Katenenfassung der oben zitierten Paraphrase Olympiodors, bei nur der Name Theodotion durch τ ο υ ς λ ο ι π ο ύ ς έ κ δ ε δ ω κ ό τ α ς ersetzt ist; vgl. den kritischen Apparat zur Stelle. Zusätzlich zu der Angabe α ' σ ' μ ή τ ι (vgl. oben) hat 3005 noch eine zweite Randnotiz: θ ' μ ή ζ ή σ ε τ α ι . F ü r dieses Faktum sind zwei Erklärungen denkbar. Entweder hat 3005 allein die korrekte Angabe zu θ ' als Randnote bewahrt, oder die Notiz θ ' μ ή ζ ή σ ε τ α ι ist in der Γ'־ Bearbeitung, der 3005 angehört, aus Olympiodor geflossen, der dem Redaktor dieses Zweiges ja vollständig vorlag. Die Ä n d e r u n g von α ' θ ' μ ή τ ι zu α ' σ ' μ ή τ ι war in beiden Fällen zwangsläufig. D . Fraenkel macht darauf aufmerksam, d a ß nur für a' die Übersetzung μ ή τ ι für fragendes הgut bezeugt ist (vgl. Hiob 4,2; 15,2; 15,8; 26,5; 40;31), so d a ß nicht nur σ ' in 3005, sondern auch θ ' in Γ vermutlich fehlerhaft ist (Hagedorn, 20-21). The Hagedorns' explanation is persuasive. Certainly ο ύ is secondary. The Question Marker הis rendered by μ ή in 8 instances (jl5:8a, 20:4a, j22:4a, 22:15a, 26:5a, 34:33a, 40:2a, j40:28a), by ε ί in 3 instances (j4:2a, 39:1a, 40:26a), by ή twice (22:13b, 38:32a), by ο υ χ ί twice (31:3a, 31:4a—both times for ) ה ל א, by ή once (jl3:8a), and by zero once (21:29a) in the materials from List One, but never by μ ή τ ι . Therefore the attribution of μ ή to θ ' and μ ή τ ι to a' is considered correct. 14:22a ήλγησαν] pr X super eum La
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
15:2b π ό ν ο ν γ α σ τ ρ ό ς ] α ' θ ' ... κ α ύ σ ω ν α ς (־νι 137-260) C; σ ' π ν ε ύ μ α τ ο ς β ι α ί ο υ γ α σ τ έ ρ α α υ τ ο ύ 252 15:3b ο φ ε λ ο ς ] α ' θ ' pr Χ έ ν α ύ τ ο ΐ ς Syh~<« 15:14b] α ' θ ' κ α ι ό τ ι δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι . . . C; έ β ρ ' κ α ι π ω ς δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι γ έ ν ν η μ α . I6i
γ υ ν α ι κ ό ς C" (Olymp) 15:32b ο ύ μ ή π υ κ ά σ η ] α ' θ ' ο ύ κ ε ύ θ α λ ή ς Syh; σ ' ο ύ κ ε ύ θ α λ ή σ ε ι 252 (sub α ' ) C (Chr) Syh; σ ' ο ύ μ ή ε ύ θ α λ ή σ η 248 15:34a] α ' θ ' ό τ ι σ υ ν α γ ω γ ή ύ π ο κ ρ ι τ ο ΰ (-των 250) α κ α ρ π ο ς C Syh; σ ' ε κ κ λ η σ ί α δέ έ ν ο χ ο υ α κ α ρ π ο ς Syh 16:9c] α ' θ ' ό θ λ ί β ω ν με ώ ξ υ ν ε ν τ ο υ ς οφθαλμούς α υ τ ο ύ εις έ μ έ Syh; σ ' ο ι ε ν ά ν τ ι ο ι μ ο υ ώ ξ υ ν ε ν (οξ. 248) τ ο ύ ς ο φ θ α λ μ ο ύ ς α υ τ ώ ν έ κ α σ τ ο ς εις έ μ έ 248 C (Olymp); σ ' ύ έ ν α ν τ ί ο ς μ ο υ ώ ξ υ ν ε ν (s έ ξ ή σ τ ρ α ψ ε ν ) τ ο ύ ς οφθαλμούς α υ τ ο ύ εις έ μ έ Syh 16:14b] α ' θ ' έ δ ρ α μ ο ν έ π ' έμέ ώ σ π ε ρ δ υ ν α τ ο ί 162
σ' έδραμεν έπ' έμέ ώσπερ γ ί γ α ς
17:10a έ ρ ε ί δ ε τ ε ] α ' θ ' έ π ι σ τ ρ ά φ η τ ε C Syh (sub α ' ) ; α ' έ π ε σ τ ρ ά φ η τ ε 2 5 2 17:14a] α ' θ ' δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν [μου] έ π ε κ α λ ε σ ά μ η ν , π α τ ή ρ μ ο υ σ ύ Syh 18:11b] θ ' δ ι ε σ κ ό ρ π ι σ α ν α υ τ ό ν έ ν τοΤς π ο σ ΐ ν α υ τ ο ύ α ' κ α ι δ ι ε σ κ ό ρ π ι σ α ν 1
α υ τ ό ν έ ν τ ο ι ς π ο σ ι ν α υ τ ο ύ Syh * 19;5b] α ' θ ' κ α ι ( > c) ε λ έ γ χ ε τ ε (־ται 740) έ π ' έ μ έ ό ν ε ι δ ι σ μ ό ν μ ο υ C" 19:15b α λ λ ο γ ε ν ή ς ] α ' θ ' ξ έ ν ο ς C 20:26b π ύ ρ ά κ α υ σ τ ο ν ] α ' θ ' μ ή ( ο ύ 252) φ υ σ η θ έ ν 252 (sub α ' ) C (Olymp) Syh (sub α ' ) ; σ ' . . . ά ν ε υ φ υ σ ή μ α τ ο ς 252 C (Olymp) Syh 21:21b δ ι η ρ έ θ η σ α ν ] α ' θ ' ή μ ι σ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ι c (Olymp); ή μ ι σ ε ύ θ η σ α ν 252 (anon) C S y h
( σ ' sec
, M
1 6 1
15:3b ο φ ε λ ο ς ] + ε ν α υ τ ο ι ς / / ; pr Χ ε ν α υ τ ο ι ς Syh; proderif Χ in eh La
i « 16:14b π ρ ό ς με B ' C 55 644* 795] ε π ε μ ε ( ε μ ο ι Chr) L 613-644- «׳Syp ΟΙ; π ρ ο ς ε μ ε rel 1 6 3
17:10a έ ρ ε ί δ ε τ ε ] converiimini La
1 6 4
18:11b For a' Syh has one reading equivalent to 11a and l i b ; for θ ' Syh has one reading equivalent to 11 b. Therefore, although a and θ ' differ only by w = κ α ί , the difference is meaningless. 1 6 5
21:21b δ ι η ρ έ θ η σ α ν ] dimidiatus sit La
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
21:32b έ π ί σ ο ρ ώ ] α ' θ ' <έπί> θ η μ ω ν ι δ ς (θιμ. 250-612; θ η μ ο ν ι α ς C?; θ ι μ ω ν ι α 740) C 22:11b α ' θ ' κ α ι π λ ή θ ο ς υ δ ά τ ω ν κ α λ ύ ψ ε ι σ ε C 1
23:14a] « 24:1 ω ρ α ι ] α ' θ ' κ α ι ρ ο ί C 25:2a Τ ί γ α ρ π ρ ο ο ί μ ι ο ν ] α ' θ ' ε ξ ο υ σ ί α ς
27:1 π ρ ο σ θ ε ί ς ] . . . α ' ( θ ' Sylt) α ρ α ι 249 c (Olymp) Syh Υ 27:4a μ ή ] α ' θ ' e i 2 5 5
27:17b α λ η θ ι ν ο ί ] α ' θ ' ά θ ω ο ι σ ' α ν α ί τ ι ο ι C 28:1b οθεν δ ι η θ ε ί τ α ι ] σ ' ο π ο ύ χ ω ν ε υ θ ή 252; λ ' ό θ ε ν χ ω ν ε υ θ ή C '
1 6 9
28:12a ευρέθη] α ' θ ' ε ϋ ρ ε θ ή σ ε τ α ι C 30:4b] α ' θ ' κ α ι ρ ί ζ α ς τ ω ν ρ α θ α μ ι ν έ σ θ ί ο υ σ ι ν Syh; σ ' κ α ι ρ ί ζ α ( ρ ι ζ α ι Syh) ξ ύ λ ω ν α γ ρ ί ω ν ή ( ή ν Syh) σ ί τ η σ ι ς α ύ τ ω ν C Syh 30:15c ή σ ω τ . μ ο υ ] α ' θ ' pr π α ρ ή λ θ ε ν S y h 30:21a]
31:9a έ ξ η κ . ] α ' θ ' ή π α τ ή θ η 2 5 7
Η : 21:21b α ' θ ' ( θ ' 257; anon. 250 252) ή μ ι σ ε ύ θ η σ α ν ( ή μ ι σ σ ε ύ θ η σ α ν
ή μ η σ ε ύ θ η σ α ν 3006; ή μ ί σ ε υ σ α ν 257; ή μ ι σ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ι Ν ) 252 Γ ' ( = 250 257 3005) Γ
-[138 3 9 5 ] .
* Η : 23:14a α ' θ ' ατι α π α ρ τ ί σ ε ι ά κ ρ ι β α σ μ ό ν Γ ' (=257). O G omitted 23:14 en
tirely, but Origen supplied an asterisked stich for 23:15. Thus we have both O G and θ ' for 23:15 and hitherto, nothing for 23:14. The Hagedorns have uncovered the only data surviving for 23:14a. 1 6 7
H : 25:2a α ' θ ' ε ξ ο υ σ ί α ( ε ξ ο υ σ ί α ς 137 138 255 395 559 612 680) Γ ' ( = 3005)
ρ-3006 T e Hagedorns' rightly state, "Der in 3005 und unter den Γ-Hss. allein in 740 n
Nominativ ist in Anbetracht der Überliefersungslage
(Hagedorn, 28). 1 6 8
H : 27:4a α ' θ ' e i Γ ' ( = 3005) Γ ( = 255).
1 6 9
28:1b Assuming 252 is correct in attributing ο π ο υ to σ ' , the characterization λ ' as
o i λ ο ι π ο ί indicates α θ ' here. 1 7 0
1 7 1
1 7 2
30:15c ή σ ω τ . μ ο υ ] pr π α ρ η λ θ ε ν La (X transiit) II Aeth; + π α ρ η λ θ ε ν L ' -
6 3 7
H : 30:21a α ' θ ' ε σ τ ρ ά φ η ς εις ά ν ε λ ε ή μ ο ν ά μ ο ι Γ ' ( = 257). See Hagedorn, 30. Η : 31:9a α ' ( α ' θ ' 257; anon. 250) ή π α τ ή θ η Γ ( = 250 257 3005): σ ' (anon. 250)
ώ ρ μ η σ ε ν Γ ' ( = 250 3005). Should ή π α τ ή θ η be attributed to α ' alone because the
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
31:21a ο ρ φ α ν ώ ] α ' θ ' pr Χ έ π ί S y h ; σ ' κ α τ ά ο ρ φ α ν ώ ν 248 c (Olymp); σ ' κ α τ ' 173
( κ α τ α 250) ο ρ φ α ν ο ύ 250-612-680-740; σ ' κ α ι τ ά ο ρ φ α ν ά μ ο υ 138-255 32:6d έ π ι σ τ ή μ η ν ] α ' θ ' γ ν ώ σ ι ν C 32:8b fin] α ' θ ' Η- Χ α υ τ ο ύ ς Syhtxt• « 33:3a κ α θ α ρ ά ] α ' θ ' ε ύ θ ε ΐ α σ ' ά π λ ή C 33:3b σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς ] α' θ ' γ ν ω σ ι ς C 33:25b] α ' θ ' ( λ ' sec c) ε π ι σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι ( ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ε ι c) εις ή μ έ ρ α ν ν ε α ν ι ό τ η τ ο ς (sie 7
recte 250; ν ε ό τ η τ ο ς rel) α υ τ ο ύ C ( O l y m p ) 34:6a] α ' θ ' ( α ' σ ' sec c ; σ ' sec 248) π ε ρ ί τ η ν κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ο υ ψ ε ύ σ μ α 248 C (Olymp) 34:22 τ ό π ο ς ] α ' θ ' + κ α ι ο ϋ κ έ σ τ ι σ κ ι ά θ α ν ά τ ο υ Syh; έ ξ α ' κ α ι θ ' τ ό ή μ ι σ υ κ α ί ό έξης C ־ 7S
testimony o f 3005 is superior to that of 257? This apparently is the sole basis for the assignment in Hagedorn. The parent text is duly noted by the Hagedorns: " D a ß ή π α τ ή θ η dem hebräischen כ פ ת הentspricht (vgl. auch deeeptum est in der Vulgata), liegt auf der Hand" (Hagedorn, 30). Yet out of seven instances listed by Reider for ά π α τ ά ν / ά π α τ ά σ θ α ι , there are only two cases of equivalents which are attributed exclusively to α': » פ ת הά π α τ α ν in Hos 2:14(16) and » נ ש אά π α τ α ν in Jer 44(37):9. On the other side, a' employed finite forms of θ έ λ γ ω for פ ת הin Ex 22:16(15), Hos 2:14(16), 7:11, Jb 5:2, 31:27a and participial forms of the same word for פ ת יin Ps 18(19):8, Prv 1:4, 14:15, 19:25 (see Reider, 24, 109). Note that Reider claims Hos 2:14(16) for both sides. For this verse A p p I I has π λ α ν ώ α υ τ ή ν ] α ' θ έ λ γ ω α υ τ ή ν Syh; 01 έ τ ε ρ ο ι ε ρ μ η ν ε υ τ α ι . . . 01 μ ε ν ο τ ι ι δ ο υ ε γ ω α π ο φ έ ρ ω α υ τ ή ν 01 δε ο τ ι α π α τ ώ α υ τ ή ν Cyr. I 63 (Ziegler, Prophetae, ad l o c ) . While θ έ λ γ ω is a retroversion from Syriac given by Field, α π α τ ώ is clearly not attributed to a' alone, if at all. The evidence shows that θ έ λ γ ω is Aquila's equivalent for פ ת ה. Conversely פ ת הoccurs only once in the materials rendered by R, but his equivalent is α π α τ ά ω and for the same text θ έ λ γ ω is attested for a' (31:27a). Thus factors of translation technique cast doubt upon the Hagedorns'judgement on 31:9a. In fact, ή π α τ ή θ η may belong solely to׳0. 31:21 1 7 4
ό ρ φ α ν φ ] pr ( Χ Ο) ε π ι Ο V (επ)-575-Ιυ1 Aeth Co Spec (ad)
32:8b fin] + (X Syh) α υ τ ο ύ ς 0-253 / / / Bo A e t h
H : 33:25b α ' θ ' ( λ ' Ν; anon. 250) ε π ι σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι εις ή μ έ ρ α ν ( ν ε ό τ η τ ο ς Γ Ν ) α ύ τ ο υ Γ ' ( = 250 3005) Γ ־ Ν. 1 7 5
1 7 6
1 3 7
34:22 τ ό π ο ς ] + ( χ La) κ α ι ο υ κ ε σ τ ι σ κ ι α θ α ν ά τ ο υ La / / - I u l
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
37:9b ά π ό δ ε α κ ρ ω τ η ρ ί ω ν ] α ' θ ' ιίαί άπο Μ α ζ ο ρ ί μ (adn litteris gr) Syh; a κ α ί ά π ο 177
Μαζούρ 248 37:22a ν έ φ η χ ρ υ σ . ] α ' θ ' χ ρ υ σ ί ο ν ή ξ ε ι C 38:6a ο ί κ ρ ί κ ο ι ] α ' θ ' α ί β ά σ ε ι ς C ; σ ' οί κ α τ α π ή γ ε ς (-γεις 252) 248 (sub α ' ) 252 (sub α ' ) C 38:7a ά σ τ ρ α ] α ' θ ' pr ά μ α C S y h 38:9b] α ' θ ' κ α ί γ ν ό φ ο ν π λ ά ν η σ ι ν (s π λ ά ν η ν ) α ύ τ ο ΰ σ ' . . . ε ϊ λ η μ α α ύ τ φ Syh 38:12b] α ' θ ' έ γ ν ώ ρ ι σ α ς τ φ ό ρ θ ρ φ τ ό π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ C 38.T9a α ύ λ ί ζ ε τ α ι ] α ' θ ' σ κ η ν ο ί 248 (sub α ' ) C ; σ ' η ρ ε μ ε ί C 38:24a π ά χ ν η ] α ' θ ' φ ω ς 248 (sub α ' ) C 38;25a] α ' θ ' τ ί ς δ ι έ σ τ ε ι λ ε (sic 137-139-256-260-643; δε ε σ τ ε ι λ ε ν rel; α ' δ ι ε ΐ λ ε ν 178
248) τ φ κ α τ α κ λ υ σ μ φ ύ δ ρ α γ ω γ ό ν C 38:28a τ ί ς ] α ' θ ' μ ή τ ι 248 (sub α ' ) 252 (sub α ' ) C Syh (sub α ' ) ; σ ' δ ρ α 252 (mend sub α ' ) C 38:29a κ ρ ύ σ τ α λ λ ο ς ] α ' θ ' π ά γ ο ς C 38:34b κ α ί τ ρ ό μ φ ϋ δ . λ ά β ρ φ ] α ' θ ' κ α ί όρμή υ δ ά τ ω ν C 39:6a δ ί α ι τ α ν ] α ' θ ' ο ί κ ο ν C 39:21a έ ν π ε δ ί φ ] α ' θ ' έ ν κ ο ι λ ά δ ι C Syh (sub α ' σ ' θ') 39:22a σ υ ν α ν τ ω ν β έ λ ε ι ] α ' θ ' εις ά π ά ν τ η σ ι ν ό π λ ο υ σ' είς άπάντησιν καταφράκτων C 40:12a ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν ] α ' θ ' pr ι δ ο ύ π ά ν τ α S y h 40:15a θ η ρ ί α ] α ' θ ' κ τ ή ν η 257; α ' θ ' + Χ & έ π ο ί η σ α S y h 40:27 μ α λ α κ ί α ς ] α ' θ ' α π α λ ά ( α π λ α 612) C Syh; σ ' π ο λ λ ά Syh 41:2a] α ' θ ' ο υ δ έ ( ο υ 250; ο υ δ ο υ Ο ) μ ή ά σ π λ α γ χ ν ή σ ω (-νισω C P ) , ό τ α ν ε ξ ε γ ε ί ρ ω 179
α υ τ ό ν ( α υ τ ό ν ε ξ ε γ . 250) C 41:19a ά χ υ ρ α ] α ' θ ' pr Χ ε ι ς Ο'; σ ' pr Χ ώς CP 41:21a κ α λ ά μ η ] α ' θ ' χ ό ρ τ ο ς 255 41:26b π ά ν τ ω ν ] α ' θ ' pr έ π ί S y h 181
1 7 7
37:9b ά π ο δ ε ] κ α ι α π ο La / / / / Aeth A r m . The form Μ α ζ ο ύ ρ is clearly secondary to Μ α ζ ο ρ ί μ since the parent text has •"HTD. 1 7 8
38:7a ά σ τ ρ α ] pr α μ α / / LaPl* Cass (co 8,7); + simul L a
1 7 9
40:12a ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν ] pr ε ι δ ε π α ν V ; videns omnem superbum L a
1 8 0
40:15a θ η ρ ί α π. σ ο ί ] θ η ρ ί α α π. σ ο ι 55; θ η ρ ί α α ε π ο ι η σ α π. σ ο ι / / ; bestiae quas apud tefeci (feci apud / e ) LaP ; bestia quam feci apud te LaJ־ p
H : 40:15a α ' θ ' (anon. 3005) κ τ ή ν η Π ( = 257 3005).
Identification of ihe Asterisked Materials
42:8a λ ά β ε τ ε ] α ׳θ ׳+ Χ έ α υ τ ο ΐ ς S y h 42:8c κ α ρ π ώ σ ε ι ς ] α ' θ ' ό λ ο κ α ύ τ ω σ ι ν μ α τ α 248
σ' άναφοράν C
(Olymp); α ' ο λ ο κ α υ τ ώ 183
42:8g έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ] α ' θ' + προς με. Syb; σ ' + έ π ' έ μ ο ΰ (εμοι 740) C S y h 42: Π g έ κ α σ τ ο ς — f i n ] α ' θ' ... έ ν ώ τ ι ο ν χ ρ υ σ ο ΰ ν (-σον 250) έ ν 248 (sub α ' ) C" (Olymp; om έ ν ) ; σ ' δ ς μ έ ν ν ό μ ι σ μ α Κν, δ ς δε έ π ί ρ ρ ι ν ο ν ( π υ ρ ι ν ι ο ν mend cod) ε ν χ ρ υ σ ο ΰ ν 248; σ ' . . . έ π ί ρ ρ ι ν ο ν (-νιον 250 = σ ' Ε ζ 16:12) C (Olymp); έ τ ε ρ ο ς τ ω ν ε ρ μ η ν ε υ τ ώ ν ν ό μ ι σ μ α έ ν 249 C (Olymp) 3.2.3. LIST
Materials Attributed to both θ ' and σ'.
List Three comprises materials attributed to both σ ' and θ'. It is arranged in the same way as the first two lists. Once again, clear historical traditions defining the interrelationship between σ ' and θ ' are lacking. Consequently, the materials of List Three are excluded as primary sources. 2:11c ό θ α ι μ . β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς ] σ ' θ ' (ό) θ α ι μ α ν ί τ η ς C ( σ ' sec 406 612-740; θ ' sec 138255); β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς sub -s- Syh' 2; 13b fin] σ ' θ ' + Χ π ρ ό ς α υ τ ό ν λ ό γ ο ν C Syh; α ' σ ' + λ ό γ ο ν 643-732 3:4a ή η μ έ ρ α ] σ ' θ ' ή η μ έ ρ α C Syh (sub λ ' ) 5:16a ά δ υ ν ά τ φ ] θ' π τ ω χ φ 248 (mend sub σ ' ) 252 C (anon); σ ' ά τ ό ν φ 248 (mend sub α ' ) 2521 * 84
1 8 1
41:26b π ά ν τ ω ν ] ε π ι π . / / l u l E (super omnia). See List One.
i - 42:8a λ ά β ε τ ε ] + ε α υ τ ό ι ς Iul; + (X La) wbis La Co 1 8 3
42:8g έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ] + προς με La (X ad me) / / - I u l
1 8 4
2:11c ό θ α ι μ . ] ο θ α ι μ α ν ι τ ω ν Syn; themanitarutn A n ; themanites La
H : 2:11 σ ' ( θ ' 138 255, anon. 137) θ α ι μ α ν ΐ τ η ς ( θ ε μ α ν ί τ η ς 395, ό θ α ι μ α ν ή τ η ς 559) Γ ' ( = 250 406 3005) Γ . According to the Hagedorns, attribution to θ ' given by Ziegler is lacking proper support in the light of the new witnesses (Hagedorn, 13). - 6 8 0
1 8 5
2:13b fin] + π ρ ο ς α υ τ ό ν λ ο γ ο ν ( ρ η μ α 575; λ ο γ ο ν superscr) La (Χ ad eum verbum) C L " ( C h r - ) - ׳5 3 4 b * ׳d~ 339 620 A r m A n ; + π ρ ο ς α υ τ ό ν IIChr - « 542 A e t h Arab; + α υ τ ό ν C Iul = A i d on,
42 5
1 H : 5:16a σ ' θ ' ά τ ό ν ω π τ ω χ φ 252; α ' π τ ω χ φ ά τ ό ν ω 395; α ' (anon. 250) ά τ ό ν ω 248 Γ ' ( = 250 3005); σ ' (anon. 250 Γ ) π τ ω χ φ 248 Γ ' ( = 250 3005) Γ ™ ^06. From the better evidence, the Hagedorns conclude: "Insgesamt wird man sagen - 1 3 7
The Asterisked MateriaJs in the Greek Job
6.T9b o i δ ι ο ρ ώ ν τ ε ς ] σ ' θ ' ... α ύ τ ο ΐ ς s έ α υ τ ο ΐ ς Syh; έ τ ε ρ ο ς τ ώ ν ε ρ μ η ν ε υ τ ώ ν π ρ ο σ δ ο κ ώ σ ι ν έ α υ τ ο ΐ ς Χ Υ c (Olymp) 8:17a κ ο ι μ ά τ α ι ] σ ' θ ' σ υ μ π λ α κ ή σ ε τ α ι C 8:22b δ ί α ι τ α ] σ ' θ ' σ κ η ν ή α ' σ κ έ π η C 9:25b ε ϊ δ ο σ α ν ] σ ' θ ' + Χ α γ α θ ό ν C S y h < « 1 8 7
11:9b] σ ' θ ' κ α ι π λ α τ ύ τ ε ρ ο ν θ α λ ά σ σ η ς α ' κ α ι π λ α τ ύ τ ε ρ α θ α λ ά σ σ η ς Syh 11:14c έ ν δ ι α ί τ η σ ο υ ] σ ' θ ' έ ν σ κ η ν ή σ ο υ C; ( α ' ) έ ν σ κ έ π η σ ο υ 248 12:2b τ ε λ ε υ τ ή σ ε ι ] σ ' θ ' ά π ο θ α ν ε ΐ τ α ι Syh 12:12a] θ ' κ α ι έ ν μ α κ ρ ο χ ρ ο ν ή σ α σ ι (-ση cod) ( σ ο φ ί α ) 252; α ' έ ν π α λ α ι ο ΐ ς σ ο φ ί α 252 C (Chr et Olymp); σ ' έ ν μ α κ ρ ο χ ρ ο ν ή σ α σ ι ν (־νισ. CP) σ ο φ ί α ( > C? c) C (Chr et Olymp) 12:17b έ ξ έ σ τ η σ ε ν ] σ ' θ ' έ ξ ι σ τ ώ ν C ; σ ' έ ξ ι σ τ ώ ν Syh 14:12b] σ ' θ ' έ ω ς ( + α ν 250) π α λ α ι ω θ ή ό ο υ ρ α ν ό ς , ο ύ κ έ ξ ε γ ε ρ θ ή σ ε τ α ι ( ε γ ε ρ θ . C P ) 249 (sub α ' θ') C (sub α ' θ') Syh (om ο υ κ ε ξ ε γ ε ρ θ . ) ; α ' έ ω ς α ν κ α τ α τ ρ ι β ή ο υ ρ α ν ό ς , ο ύ κ έ ξ ε γ ε ρ θ ή σ ε τ α ι Syh 15:12a τ ί έ τ ό λ μ η σ ε ν ] σ ' θ ' τ ί ό τ ι ( ε τ ι 255) έ π ή ρ έ ν σ ε C ; σ ' τ ί ό τ ι έ π ή ρ έ σ ε 248 c (Polychr) 16:3a μ ή τ ά ξ ι ς ] σ ' θ ' ... π έ ρ α ς C (sub λ') Syh; ( σ ' ) ά ρ α έ σ τ ι ν π έ ρ α ς 252; α ' μ ή τ έ λ ο ς 252 Syh (om μ ή ) ; δ γ ρ ' π ά τ α ξ ι ς (-ξεις 680; - ξ α ς 612; α τ α ξ ί α 255) C ; π α ρ ά τ α ξ ι ς Monte!'. 189
17:5b] σ ' θ ' ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δ έ τ έ κ ν ω ν α υ τ ώ ν έ κ λ ε ί ψ ο υ σ ι ν C ; α ' ( κ α ι οφθαλμοί) υ ι ώ ν α υ τ ο ύ συντελεσθήσονται Syh 190
18:13b θ ά ν α τ ο ς ] σ ' θ ' pr Χ π ρ ώ ι μ ο ς C Syh (sine Χ )
1 9 1
müssen, d a ß den übereinstimmenden Autorangaben in 248 und Γ ' (vertreten durch 3005) größeres Überlieferungsgewicht zukommt als den übrigen Zeugnissen, w ä h r e n d Ziegler in der Ed. und Beitr. S. 55 aus sachlichen G r ü n d e n ά τ ό ν φ dem σ ' und π τ ω χ φ dem θ ' zuweist" (Hagedorn, 15). The revisors are rendering in M T . MSS 252 ( ά τ ό ν ω π τ ω χ φ ) and 395 ( π τ ω χ φ ά τ ό ν φ ) almost certainly have combined readings (Ibid,). Since ά τ ό ν φ clearly belongs to α', presumably o'and θ ' share the reading π τ ω χ φ . Hence the classification of π τ ω χ φ in List Two. 1 8 7
8:22b δ ί α ι τ α ] tabernaculum La
1 8 8
9:25b ε ϊ δ ο σ α ν ] + α γ α θ ό ν Syh ( X ) / / / - I u l ; + X bonitatem La
1 8 9
16:3a Cf. Schleusner 2:670
1 9 0
17:5b] μ ο υ > B ' Ο 543 | έ φ ' υ ί ο ΐ ς ] super filios eorum L a t - ; supereos Laß
Identification ol'lhe Asterisked Materials
19:3a] σ ' θ ' τ ο ΰ τ ο δ έ κ α τ ο ν κ α τ η σ χ ύ ν α τ έ μ ε C" (Olymp) 19:12b έ κ ύ κ λ . μ ε έ γ κ . ] σ ' θ ' καν π α ρ ε ν έ β α λ ο ν κ ύ κ λ ω τ η ς σ κ η ν ή ς μ ο υ Syh; 1 9
ε γ κ ά θ ε τ ο ι sub -s- 255 " 19:20a] σ ' θ ' τ φ δ ε ρ μ α τ ί μ ο υ καν τ ή σ α ρ κ ί μ ο υ έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η σ α ν τα ο σ τ ά μ ο υ Syh; α ' έ ν δ ε ρ μ α τ ί μ ο υ καν ( > 137-255) έ ν ( > 0>) κρέεν ( κ ρ ε α Nie) μ ο υ έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η ( + τ ο c) ο σ τ ο ύ ν μ ο υ C" (Polychr) Syh ( έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η σ α ν ο σ τ ά μ ο υ pro έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η ό. μ ο υ ) 19:29c] σ ' θ ' ό π ω ς γ ν ώ τ ε ό τ ι έ σ τ ι ν ( ε σ τ α ι 0>) κ ρ ί σ ι ς 252 (sub α'; om ό π ω ς γ ν ω τ ε ) C (sub α ' θ') Syh; α ' δ π ω ς γ ν ώ τ ε Οτι κ ρ ί σ ι ς S y h 20:19b] θ ' ο ί κ ί α ν ή ρ π α σ ε ν , ά λ λ ' ο ύ κ α ν ο ι κ ο δ ο μ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ή ν Syh; σ ' ο ί κ ί α ν 193
ή ρ π α σ ε ν , κ α ι ο ύ κ α ν ο ι κ ο δ ο μ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ή ν C" Syh ( α λ λ ο υ κ ο ι κ ο δ ο μ ή σ ε ι pro και ούκ άνοικ.)
1 9 4
21:21a] θ'... Χ μ ε τ ' α υ τ ό ν Syh *'; σ ' τ ί γ α ρ χρήζεν τ ή ς ο ί κ ί α ς α υ τ ο ύ μ ε τ ' α υ τ ό ν C (μεθ ε α υ τ ο ύ pro μ ε τ ' α υ τ ό ν ) Syhmg 21:23a έ ν κράτεν ά π λ ο σ ύ ν η ς α υ τ ο ύ ] λ ' ί σ χ ύ ω ν ά μ ω μ ο ς C ; α ' έ ν ό σ τ ε ώ σ ε ν 195
ά π λ ό τ η τ ο ς α υ τ ο ύ 252 Syh; anon ι σ χ ύ ω λ α μ π ρ ό ς ο λ ό κ λ η ρ ο ς 252 (index mend 9
ad 23b)- « 27:13b] σ ' θ ' κ α ι κ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ί α η ν ο ί ά κ α μ π ε ί ς κ ο μ ί σ ο ν τ α ι (κομ. π α ρ α τ ο υ ικ, 0>) C (Olymp)
1 9 1
π α ρ ά τ ο ύ ( > 138) ι κ α ν ο ύ
18:13b θ ά ν α τ ο ς ] pr π ρ ώ ι μ ο ς La ( Χ matura / mors) II A r m ; primogenitum
mors l u l E 1 9 2
19:12b έ κ ύ κ λ . μ ε έ γ κ . ] X et circumdederunt
(circumsederutit Υ) labernaculum
meum La iw 19:29c πού—fin] X quia est iudicium La 1 9 4
20:19b κ α ι ο ύ κ έ σ τ η σ ε ν ] nec instauravil La. The evidence in Ziegler for Syh consists of retroversions from Field. According to Field, Syh attributes byt' htp Ί' Γ nhnywhy to σ ' and byt' htp Ί' Γ npn' nbnywhy to θ ' (Field, 2:38, nn. 21, 22). Field believes npn' nbnywhy indicates a compound verb while nbnywhy represents the simplex. In contrast with Syh, the C" tradition attests a compound verb for σ ' . The adversative ά λ λ ά is a retroversion representing Syriac '/'. Syh has 7' for both θ ' and σ', whereas the C ' tradition, attesting only a reading for σ ' , has κ α ί . Therefore there is inadequate textual testimony to distinguish between the renderings of θ ' and σ ' . 1 9 5
21:21a μ ε τ ' α υ τ ό ν Ο A-Chr Syp Ra. = 91] μ ε τ α υ τ ο ύ rel
1 9 6
21:23a Presumably λ', understood as o i λ ο ι π ο ί , indicates σ ' θ ' here.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
29:8a ν ε α ν ί σ κ ο ι ] σ ' θ ' ν έ ο ι C 31:31a α ί θ ε ρ ά π α ι ν α ί μ ο υ ] σ ' θ ' ο ί ά ν δ ρ ε ς τ η ς σ κ η ν ή ς μ ο υ C 37:9a δ ΐ ν α ι ] σ ' θ ' κ α τ α ι γ ί ς C; α ' σ υ σ σ ε ι σ μ ό ς 248; α ' σ υ γ κ λ ε ι σ μ ό ς (mend) C 197
38:39a β ο ρ ά ν ] σ ' θ ' θ ή ρ α ν 255 (anon)-612-740 39:20b τ ό λ μ η ] σ ' θ ' φόβος (-βον 260) C 39:22b ά π ό σιδ.] σ ' θ ' ά π ό (sic 260-643; > rel) μ α χ α ί ρ α ς C; σ ' ά π ό ή μ ι ό ν ο υ 248 252 (om ά π ό ; index ad ά ν ο ρ ύ σ σ ω ν 21 a) 41:13a ά ν θ ρ α κ ε ς ] σ ' θ ' + φ λ έ ξ ε ι S y h 42:10b ε ύ ξ α μ έ ν ο υ — φ ί λ ω ν ] σ ' θ ' ( α ' θ ' sec CP) έ ν τ φ π ρ ο σ ε ύ ξ α σ θ α ι α υ τ ό ν C Syh (sub σ ' ) 42:12a ή ] σ ' θ ' υ π έ ρ C Syh (anon) 198
1 9 9
3.2.4. LIST
Materials Attributed to Multiple
The materials in List Four are those which are attributed to α ' σ ' θ ' or are designated as λ ' or γ ' or π ' . They are arranged according to the general principles outlined for List One. As witnesses to the character of θ ' or to the textual affiliations of θ ' these materials are of very little value. 1:6b οϊ ά γ γ ε λ ο ι ] λ '
υιοί 406;
α ' οί
υιοί 248 Syh
1:8b κ α τ ά τ ο υ π α ι δ ό ς μ ο υ ] α ' σ ' θ ' έ π ί τ ο ν δ ο ΰ λ ό ν μ ο υ C 2:2b fin] λ ' + κ α ι ε ΐ π ε ν C °ι 2:10e χ ε ί λ ε σ ι ν ] γ ' + Χ α υ τ ο ύ S y h M 2
3:6d μ η δ έ αρ.] π ' μ ή έ λ θ ο ι Syh Anast ρ 565 (anon) 3:17b τ ω σ ώ μ α τ ι ] λ ' ί σ χ ύ ι C Syh 6:17 ό π ε ρ ή ν] α ' σ ' θ ' έ κ τ ύ π ο υ Syh 97
1 Η : 38:39a θ ' σ ' ( α ' σ ' 3005; anon. 255) θ ή ρ α ν Γ ' ( = 3005) Γ ( = 255 559 612 740). 19
» 41:13a ά ν θ ρ α κ ε ς ] ά ν θ ρ α κ α ς (-κες V ) φ λ έ ξ ε ι La V־637-Iul D a m I I 1405
1 9 9
42:10b For discussion, see 42:10aba List Five.
«ο Η : 1:6b λ ' υ ι ο ί Γ ' ( = 406 3005); α ' οί υ ι ο ί 248.
-°' 2:2b fin] + Χ et dixit La 7
H : 2:2b λ ' κ α ί Γ ' ( = 250) Γ " » 3 9 5 6807403006. 2
<> 2:10e χ ε ί λ ε σ ι ν ] + ( x La) α υ τ ο ύ Ο L ' Amb A n
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
7:11b ώ ν ] α ' σ ' θ' + Χ τ ο ΰ π ν ε ύ μ α τ ο ς μ ο υ S y h m
exemplari Origenis" S y h g ) - °
(adn "Νοη positum est in
8:9b ό βίος] λ ' α ί η μ έ ρ α ! C 8:10b έ κ κ α ρ δ ί α ς ] α ' σ ' θ ' + α υ τ ώ ν S y h
9:2b κ υ ρ ί φ ] λ ' ί σ χ υ ρ ώ C 9:20a α σ ε β ή σ ε ι ] λ ' κ α τ α δ ι κ ά σ ε ι (-ση c) με C ; σ ' κ α τ α δ ι κ ά σ ε ι μ ε 248 9:23a έ ξ α ι σ ι φ ] σ ' θ ' [ Χ ] ά φ ν ω C
2 0 5
9:25a ό δ έ β ί ο ς μ ο υ ] λ ' α ί ή μ έ ρ α ι μ ο υ 248 (anon) C (om μ ο υ ) c (sub σ') 9:34a τ ή ν ρ ά β δ ο ν ] α ' σ ' θ ' + Χ α υ τ ο ύ C Syh (sine Χ ) 11:13b χ ε ί ρ α ς ] α ' σ ' θ' + Χ σ ο υ S y h m
2 0 6
2 0 3
7:1 l b ώ ν B'-S* Sa] + τ ο υ π ν ε ύ μ α τ ο ς ( σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς 728 C h r " ) μ ο υ ret
2 0 4
8:10b έ κ κ α ρ δ ί α ς ] + α υ τ ώ ν La 534' Sa Aeth; + ε α υ τ ώ ν / / ; + σ ο υ Bo
2 0 5
Η : 9:23a α ' σ ' ( θ ' α ' Γ) ά φ ν ω Γ ( = 3005) Γ ־
5 5 9
. The Hagedorns conclude: "Die
Autorangabe in 3005 könnte richtig sein. Das Wort פ ת א י םwird auch in Jer. 15,8 (vgl. auch Jer. 18,22) von Aquila und Symraachos mit ά φ ν ω übersetzt, w ä h r e n d ά φ ν ω für Theodotion anscheinend sonst nicht belegt ist" (Hagedorn, 17). פ ת א םonly occurs 25 times in M T (Even-Shoshan, s.v.). Based upon Field, Göttingen Septuaginta, Rahlfs, and Reider, the complete evidence for renderings of פ ת א םin L X X , α' σ ' and θ ' is as follows: (1) L X X ά φ ν ω (Jos 10:9, Jer 4:20, 18:22, 28[51]:8, Eccl 9 : 1 2 = α ) ? ׳, ε υ θ έ ω ς (Jb 5:3b), έ ξ ά π ι ν α (Jos 11:7, Is 48:3, Ps 63[64]:5, 2 Chr 29:36), έ ξ α π ί ν η ς (Prv 6:15), ε ξ α ί φ ν η ς (Is 47:11, Jer 6:26, 15:8, M a i 3:1, Prv 24:22), ε ξ α ί σ ι ο ς (Jb 9:23a, 22:10b), π α ρ α χ ρ ή μ α ( N m 6:9, 12:4, Is 29:5, 30:13), Free Renderings (Prv 3:25a, 7:22), Ps 63(64):8 has ν ή π ι ο ς reading pstä'lm
(see F. W. Mozley, The Psalter of the
[Cambridge: University Press, 1905], ad loa); (2) Aquila ά φ ν ω (Jer 15:8, 18:22, Jb 9:23a), π α ρ α χ ρ ή μ α (Ps 63[64]:8, Jb 5:3b, Prv 6:15, 7:22); (3) Symmachus α ι φ ν ί δ ι ο ν (Ps 63[64]:8), ά φ ν ω (Jer 15:8, 18:22, ΡΙΛ- 6:15), ε ξ α ί φ ν η ς (Is 29:5, Job 22:10b, Prv 7:22); (4) Theodotion ά φ ν ω (Jb 9:23a). Apart from Jb 9:23a, evidence for θ ' is just not available, as the Hagedorns note, but no revisor or translator has a clear pattern and furthermore, ά φ ν ω is not the only equivalent for פ ת א םused by α ' σ ' nor is it unique to them. Therefore the evidence does not decisively indicate that the testimony of witnesses attributing ά φ ν ω to θ ' as well are wrong. Consequently ά φ ν ω in 9:23a is classified as attributed to all Three. 2 0 6
2 0 7
9:34a τ ή ν ρ ά β δ ο ν ] + α υ τ ο ύ La ( X ) L ׳- 5 3 4 ' ־6 4 4 Olymp
11:13b χ ε ί ρ α ς ] -pa Syh ( + χ σ ο υ ) 543; τ α ς χ ε ί ρ α ς σ ο υ ( > 575) La Ζ / ־4 0 6 Co Aeth A r m
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
11:20b α π ώ λ ε ι α ] α ' σ ' θ ' + Χ ψ υ χ ή ς 250 (anon; sine Χ ) Syh *'; α ' σ ' θ ' + ψ υ χ ή 406™8 ( ά π ο λ ε ΐ τ α ι 4 0 6 ) 12:11a] α ' σ ' θ ' μ ή ο ύ χ ι ο υ ς ( α ' ώ τ ί ο ν Υ ) λ α λ ι ά ν δ ο κ ι μ ά ζ ε ι Sylt 12:24a γ η ς ] γ ' pr λ α ώ ν Syh (mend pro λ α ο ΰ ) 13:12a γ α υ ρ ί α μ α ] λ ' μ ν η μ ό σ υ ν ο ν C t t t
2 0 S
2 1 0
13:22b] λ ' λ α λ ή σ ω , κ α ι ά π ο κ ρ ί ν η ( α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ι ν α ι 250) pot C 13:26a κ α κ ά ] λ ' π ι κ ρ α σ μ ο ύ ς 252
14:8b τ ό σ τ έ λ ε χ ο ς α ϋ τ ο ΰ ] λ ' ό κ ο ρ μ ό ς α ύ τ ο ΰ 252 C (om α ύ τ ο ΰ ) ; α ' θ ' ό κορμός c (Polychr) 14:16a μ ο υ τ ά έ π ι τ η δ . ] λ ' τ ά δ ι α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ ( μ ο υ hab 137; om rel) C 15:26a] α ' σ ' θ ' έ δ ρ α μ ε ν προς α υ τ ό ν ( έ ν ) τ ρ α χ ή λ ω Syh 16:6a τ ό τ ρ α ύ μ α ] α ' σ ' θ ' + Χ μ ο υ Syh ; σ ' ό π ό ν ο ς μ ο υ C ( O l y m p ) 16:15b σ θ έ ν ο ς t>:t
2 1 3
2 0 8
11:20b α π ώ λ ε ι α ] perdilio est animae L a A r m
t e
H : 11:20b α ' σ ' θ ' (anon. 250) ψ υ χ ή ς ( τ η ς ψ υ χ ή ς 250; ψ υ χ η 406) Γ ' ( = 250 406 3005); α ' σ ' θ ' ( α ' θ ' σ ' 137 395 559 3006) Γ - ־ * λ The note of the Hagedorns is necessary: Der Wortlaut dieses asterisierten Zusatzes zum L X X - T e x t ist nur noch in Γ ' erhalten; für Γ ist dieser Zusatz jedoch auch anzusetzen, wie die Tatsache zeigt, d a ß die drei Autorennamen mit Asterisk aber ohne den eigentlichen Zusatz sich noch in mehreren Hss. erhalten haben (Hagedorn, 18). Thus ψ υ χ ή ς is attributed solidly to the Three. 3
2 0 9
ί ! m
3 7
12:11a om l l a b C | ν ο υ ς B ׳- S Syh L " d ( 1 5 7 ) 644 795* C S (δγρ') Co A r m D i d Bas I I I 1280 Epiph I 96 I I I 440 PsChr X 739 Tht I I 977 PhiloC ρ 132 O l ( τ ι ν ά τ ω ν α ν τ ι γ ρ ά φ ω ν ) PsCaes ρ 1060 ( ν ο υ ς μ έ ν κ α ι ο ΰ ς ) Ruf (sensus) IulE (intellectus)] ο υ ς re! 2 1 0
12:24a γ ή ς ] λ α ο υ τ η ς γ η ς L a ( Χ populi / terrae) Iul
2 1 1
Η : 13:22b λ ' (διγρ 612 3006) λ α λ ή σ ω κ α ι ά ν τ α π ο κ ρ ι ν ο ΰ ( ά ν τ α π ό κ ρ ι ν α ι 250; ά π ο κ ρ ί ν η Γ Ν ) μ ο ι Γ ' ( = 250 3005) Γ [ ־1 - Ν . 5 5 9
3 7
2 1 2
16:6a τ ο τ ρ α ύ μ α ] + μ ο υ Syh ( Χ ) A - S Syp Co Aeth A r m
2 1 3
Η : 16:15b λ ' κ έ ρ α ς Γ ' ( = 3005).
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
λ ' π ρ ο σ ε υ χ ή (sic recte 250; π ρ ο σ ε χ ή rel sine ind iuxta 18a) C
2 1 4
17:6a θ ρ ύ λ η μ α ] α ' σ ' θ ' ( α ' θ ' sec C ; λ ' sec c) π α ρ α β ο λ ή ν C" Syh 17:7a π ε π ώ ρ ω ν τ α ι ] λ ' ή μ α υ ρ ώ θ η σ α ν 252 (sub α ' ) C 17:15a έ λ π ί ς ] λ ' υ π ο μ ο ν ή C 18:6b λ ύ χ ν ο ς ] λ ' + α υ τ ο ύ C 19:4b π λ ά ν ο ς ] λ ' ά γ ν ό η μ α C (Oiymp) 20:6a α υ τ ο ύ τα δ.] α ' σ ' θ ' ε'παρμα α υ τ ο ύ 252 (sub α ' ) C Syh (sub λ") 20:6b ή δέ θ υ σ ί α α υ τ ο ύ ] λ ' κ α ί κ ε φ α λ ή α υ τ ο ύ 252 (anon) C Syh 20:15b έ ξ ο ι κ ί α ς ] λ ' έ κ γ α σ τ ρ ό ς C (Olymp) 215
20:16a] λ ' ( σ ' sec 2 5 5 " ) χ ο λ ή ν α σ π ί δ ω ν ( α ' χ ο λ ή ν α σ π ί δ ω ν 252) μ υ ζ ή σ ε ι ( - σ ε τ α ι 612) C" 21:5b ε π ί σ ι α γ ό ν ι ] λ ' έ π ί σ τ ό μ α τ ι (־τος 643-732) C ' 21:12a ψ α λ τ ή ρ ι ο ν ] λ ' τ ύ μ π α ν ο ν 2 5 0 2 1 6
21:22b φ ό ν ο υ ς ] λ ' υ ψ η λ ο ύ ς 252 (sub α ' ) C Syh 24:3a ύ π ο ζ ύ γ ι ο ν ] λ ' ο ν ο ν C 2
24:10a α δ ί κ ω ς ] " 24:2Jb γ ύ ν α ι ο ν ] λ ' χ ή ρ α ν C S y h 24:24ab] 25:2b τ ή ν σ ύ μ π α σ α ν ] λ ' ε ί ρ ή ν η ν C 25:5a ε ί ] λ ' ι δ ο ύ C 219
1 6 : 1 7 b ε υ χ ή ] sed oratio L a Syp
H : 16:17b λ ' π ρ ο σ ε υ χ ή ( π ρ ό σ ε χ ε 740; π ρ ο σ ε χ ή 255 559 612 3006) Γ ( = 250 3005) γ-137 215
2 1 6
138 395.
1 8 : 6 b λ ύ χ ν ο ς ] + α υ τ ο ύ A-336' Sa; + α υ τ ώ ν Aeth 21:5b σ ι α γ ό ν ι ] σ τ ό μ α ( σ τ ο μ α τ ι 575') L Sa ( + υ μ ω ν )
-ΐ ׳־Η : 21:12a λ ' τ ύ μ π α ν ο ν Γ ( = 250 3005). 2 1 8
Η : 24:10a γ ' ά ν ε υ ε ν δ ύ μ α τ ο ς 249. Hitherto unnoticed, MS 249 reports in a brief fragment of unknown provenance ά ν τ ί τ ο υ α δ ί κ ω ς o i τ ρ ε ι ς ά ν ε υ έ δ ύ μ α τ ο ς έ κ δ ε δωκασιν. 2 1 9
2 2 0
24:21b γ ύ ν α ι ο ν ] χ η ρ α ν 2 5 2
Η : 24:24ab γ ' ο λ ί γ ο ν κ α ί ο ύ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι , κ α ι τ α π ε ι ν ώ σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν κ α θ ώ ς π ά ν τ α τ ά σ υ γ κ λ α σ θ η σ ό μ ε ν α 249. These materials are not listed by Field or Ziegler. See Hagedorn, 27.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
27:8a ότι. ε π έ χ ε ι ] λ ' ό τ ι π λ ε ο ν ε κ τ ε ί 248 (sub α ' σ ' ; om ό τ ι ) C 27:9b ή ] λ ' μ ή C 27:20b ν υ κ τ ί ] α ' σ ' θ ' ν υ κ τ ό ς C 28:10b μ ο υ ό όφθ.] λ ' (ό οφθαλμός) α υ τ ο ύ C 29:9a αδροί] λ ' ά ρ χ ο ν τ ε ς C ( O r ) 30: I d κ υ ν ώ ν τ ώ ν έ. νομ.] λ ' ( α ' σ ' θ ' sec C ) μ ε τ ά τ ώ ν κ υ ν ώ ν τ ω ν π ρ ο β ά τ ω ν μ ο υ ( τ ω ν ε μ ω ν π ρ ο β ά τ ω ν 137-260-643) C" (Olymp) 30:17a ν υ κ τ ί ] λ ' ν υ κ τ ό ς C 2 2 1
2 2 2
30:30a έ σ κ ό τ ω τ α ι μ ε γ ά λ ω ς ] λ ' έ μ ε λ ά ν θ η (-θην 137) εις β ά θ ο ς (om εις β. C) C (Olymp) 30:31a ε ί ς π ά θ ο ς ] γ ' εις π έ ν θ ο ς S y h 31:21a χ ε ί ρ α ] γ ' έ β ρ ' + Χ μ ο υ Syhixt 31:39a ά ν ε υ τ ι μ ή ς ] λ ' ά ν ε υ α ρ γ υ ρ ί ο υ C 32:2a ό τ ο υ Β α ρ α χ τ ή λ ] λ ' υιός ( τ ο υ Βαρ.) C 33:10b ύ π ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν ] γ ' -ι- α ύ τ ω Syh (mend α υ τ ώ ν ) * 33:22a ε ί ς θ ά ν α τ ο ν ] λ ' ε ί ς δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν C 33:26c ά ν θ ρ ώ π ο ι ς ] λ' ά ν θ ρ ώ π ω C 34:19a ε ν τ ί μ ο υ ] λ ' α ρ χ ό ν τ ω ν C" 36:10a] λ ' κ α ι α π ο κ α λ ύ ψ ε ι τ ό ο υ ς α υ τ ώ ν ε ί ς π α ι δ ε ί α ν C 223
2 2
2 2 8
2 2 ί
28:10b μ ο υ ό όφθ.] α υ τ ο ύ ο οφθ. A - S -Iul; oculus eius Lai
2 2 2
30:17a ν υ κ τ ί ] ν υ κ τ ό ς Chr 1 3 7
Η : 30:17a λ ' σ υ γ κ έ κ ο π τ α ι ( > 250 Γ ) ν υ κ τ ό ς ( ν ο ι κ τ ό ς 138) Γ ' ( = 250 257) Γ ־ ־ [ 3 0 0 6 740 [559 Only 257 has σ υ γ κ έ κ ο π τ α ι which may be a mistaken transmission o f O G σ υ γ κ έ κ α υ τ α ι or a genuine rendering of נ ק רin M T (so Hagedorn, 30). 2 2 3
30:30a έ σ κ ό τ ω τ α ι ] μ ε μ ε λ α ν ω τ α ι Ο (innigrata est) L ־
6 3 7
H : 30:30a λ ' (anon. 395 680 3006) έ μ ε λ ά ν θ η ( έ μ ε λ ά ν θ η ν 137; έ μ ε λ ά ν θ ( ) 643 3006; + ε ί ς β ά θ ο ς Ν ) 3005 Γ ־ΐ - Γ ) Ν. 38
2 2 4
30:31a ε ί ς π ά θ ο ς B'-S 252 542 5 7 5 7 9 7
2 2 5
31:21a χ ε ί ρ α ] χ ε ί ρ α ς μ ο υ V ; + ( Χ Syh) μ ο υ Ο 575-///-Iul Aeth Spec
2 2 6
33:10b ύ π ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν ] + ε α υ τ ω La ( χ sibi) V־Iul-Chr
2 2 7
33:26c ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ι ς ] α ν θ ρ ω π ω L 542 543 Glos Aeth O l
2 2 8
36:10a fin] + κ α ι α π ο κ α λ ύ ψ ε ι τ ο ο υ ς α υ τ ώ ν ε ι ς π α ι δ ε ι α ν 139-147
π έ ν θ ο ς rel; See Z i , 53.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
37:5b] λ ' ( σ ' sec Υ ) π ο ι ω ν μ ε γ ά λ α , κ α ι ο ύ γ ν ω σ ό μ ε θ α Υ C 37:6a σ υ ν τ ά σ σ ω ν ] λ ' έ ρ ε ΐ C 38:7b ά γ γ ε λ ο ι μ ο υ ] α" θ ' υ ί ο ί θ ε ο ΰ C 38:12a ή έ π ι σ ο υ ]
2 2 9
2 3 0
38:35a κ ε ρ α υ ν ο ύ ς ] λ ' ά σ τ ρ α π ά ς C 39:2a μ ή ν α ς ] α ' θ ' σ ε λ ή ν α ς C ; σ ' σ ε λ ή ν α ς 248 39:12a π ι σ τ . δέ] π ׳+ ¥ α ύ τ ί ρ S y h 39:27b κ α θ . α ύ λ ί ζ ε τ α ι ] α ' θ ' pr έ ν π έ τ ρ α Syh; σ ' έ ν π έ τ ρ α ή ρ ε μ ω ν α ύ λ ι σ θ ή σ ε τ α ι ( α υ λ ι ζ ε τ α ι 250) C ( = Μ Τ 28a) 40:16a έ π ' ό σ φ ύ ι ] π ' + Χ α υ τ ο ύ Syh; α ' έ ν ν ώ τ φ α ύ τ ο ΰ 252; α ' ( έ π ί ) ν ώ τ ο υ C" 231
(Olymp); σ ' έ π ί λ α γ ό ν ο ς C ( O l y m p ) 40:16b δ ύ ν α μ ι ς ] γ ' + χ α ύ τ ο ΰ S y h 40:17a ώ ς κ υ π ά ρ ι σ σ ο ν ] λ ' ω ς ( > 252 C ) κ έ δ ρ ο ν 248 (mend ω ς ν ε δ ρ ο ν ) 252 C 40:21b β ο ύ τ ο μ ο ν ] λ ' κ ά θ υ γ ρ ο ν ( κ α θ α ρ ο ν 256) C 40:22b κ λ ώ ν ε ς ά γ ν ο υ ] α ' ί τ έ α ι ( ι ε τ α ι Ο») χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ (-ρους C) 248 252 C" (Olymp) 41:6a π ύ λ α ς ] λ ' θ ύ ρ α ς ( ο υ ρ ά ς 0>: Ο pro Θ ) C 41:10b ε ΐ δ ο ς ] λ ' p r ω ς C 41:11b έ σ χ ά ρ α ι ] λ ' δ α λ ο ί 248 (sub α ' ) C 41:20b π ε τ ρ ο β ό λ ο ν ] λ ' λ ί θ ο υ ς σ φ ε ν δ ό ν η ς C (Olymp) 42:2b] ο ί ά λ λ ο ι · κ α ί ο ύ κ ά φ α ι ρ ε θ ή σ ε τ α ι ά π ό σ ο υ ε ν θ ύ μ η μ α C (anon) c (Olymp) 232
2 3 5
" ״Η : 38:7b α ' θ ' σ ' ( α ' θ ' 255 395 612 680 740; anon. 257 559) 2 3 0
Η : 38:12a γ ׳ή άφ ־ή μ ε ρ ω ν σ ο υ Γ ( = 250 257 3005).
2 3 1
39.T2a π ι σ τ . δέ] + α υ τ ω S* La ( Χ ei ) L
2 3 2
40:16a έ π ' ό σ φ ύ ι ] + ( Χ La) α υ τ ο ύ OL'
Co A e t h A r m Bas P PrisQuod PCass P
2 3 3
40:16b δ ύ ν α μ ι ς Β Syh A r m l u i EusV Pris] + τ ο υ σ α τ α ν ά Anast ρ 660 D a m I I 1332.1405 Anton ρ 909; •f (X La) α υ τ ο ύ (-τω Syn) rel
2 3 4
40:22b ά γ ν ο υ ] torrentis L a = V u l g
H : 40:22b α ' ί τ έ α ι ( ϊ ε τ α ι 138 740; ïgef: ε ' α ι 255) χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ ( χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς 137 138 255 559 612 643 680 740; unsicher 3006) Γ ( = 3005) Γ Ν ; λ ' (anon. 680) ί τ έ α ι ( ΐ ε τ α ι 255 559 612 740) Π ( = 2 5 0 257 3005) Τ-™ 138 395 3006, 2 3 5
41:10b ε ί δ ο ς ] pr ω ς L a ' Bo A t h
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
42:5a ή κ ο υ ό ν σ ο υ ] λ ' ή κ ο υ ό ν ( > C) σ ε C 3.2.5. LIST
Materials of Uncertain
The materials in List Five are those which are asterisked and which may possibly belong to θ ' but their source is either doubtful or wholly uncertain. In some cases there is no named source, in other cases θ' is the presumed source. Sometimes Ziegler has assigned materials—either asterisked or unasterisked—to θ' against the tradition. Once the character of θ ' is defined with some clarity it may be possible by means of translation technique to identify some of these materials as θ ' with varying degrees of probability. From a methodological viewpoint, however, List Five is excluded as primary source material. 1:4b κ α θ ' έ κ ά σ τ η ν ή μ έ ρ α ν ] α ' ά ν ή ρ ή μ έ ρ α ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ 249 (Polychr); ( σ ' ) έ κ α σ τ ο ς τ η ν έ α υ τ ο ΰ ή μ έ ρ α ν 248 (anon) c (Olymp; mend sub a ' ) 2:3a fin 534] + τ ω δ ι α β ο λ ω 55 253 523 644 795 Aeth Arab D i d O l ^ A u g (Pet 2 3 8
2,113)= 1:7a, 1:12a, 2:2a, 2:6a; + ei Co = α ύ τ ω 1:8a; + (X Syh) π ρ ο ς τ ο ν σ α τ α ν α ν Syh A-//-Chr = Vulg (ad satan, satanam®) et M T ; + π ρ ο ς τ ο ν δ ι α β ο λ ο ν rel 2:7a α π ό ] π α ρ α L d253: cf l:12d; (X La) α π ο (εκ 705) π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ La Syh 8 / / ' C 795 797 A r a b A r m PsChr V I 5 7 7 A n = M T 3:3a έ γ ε ν ν ή θ η ν ] + ε ν α υ τ η LaW (X in eo) L ־ ־ ״6 1 3 Sa = M T : cf Ier 20:14 797
5 7 5
5:23 init] pr Χ ο τ ι προς τ ο υ ς λ ί θ ο υ ς τ η ς χ ω ρ ά ς ε σ τ α ι σ ο ι σ υ ν θ ή κ η Syh (adn "Non positum est in Octaplis Origenis") A r m ; pr ο τ ι προς τ ο υ ς λ ί θ ο υ ς τ η ς χ ω ρ ά ς έ ξ ε ι ς σ υ ν θ η κ η ν Iul; pr Χ quia cum lapidibus agri habebis foedus La = M T (23a), ־et dissolve quod cum lapidibus agri lestamenlum tuum est Spec l e
5:23 fin] + (sub Χ Α ) οτι μ ε τ α τ ω ν λ ί θ ω ν τ ο υ α γ ρ ο ύ η δ ι α θ ή κ η σ ο υ , κ α ι ( > 637*) τ α θ η ρ ί α τ ο υ α γ ρ ο ύ ε ι ρ η ν ε υ σ ο υ σ ι ( ν ) ( ε ι ρ η ν ε υ σ ι Α ) σ ο ι , κ α ι γ ν ώ σ η
2 3 6
Η: 42:2b θ ' (anon. 250 Γ; οϊ δέ ά λ λ ο ι Ν) κ α ι ο ύ κ ά φ α ι ρ ε θ ή σ ε τ α ι ά π ό σ ο υ
ε ν θ ύ μ η μ α ( έ ν θ ύ μ ι μ α 138) Γ ' ( = 3 0 0 5 2 3 7
6 8 0
! Ν.
42:5a σ ο υ ] σ ε Chr I I 272 = le La Aug; > 620
H : 1:4b a ά ν ή ρ ή μ έ ρ α ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ 249 in Olympiodor, Fr. 6 (S. 10); a' (anon. 248) έ κ α σ τ ο ς τ ή ν έ α υ τ ο ΰ ή μ έ ρ α ν Ν (in Olympiodor, Fr. 6) 248; anon, έ ν ο ι κ ί α έ κ α σ τ ο ς τ ο ΰ κ α τ ' έ φ η μ ε ρ ί α ν 250; σ ' κ α τ ' έ φ η μ ε ρ ί α ν 3005. The Hagedorns propose the following reconstruction of the evidence: α ά ν ή ρ ή μ έ ρ α ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ (θ') έν ο ί κ ί α έ κ α σ τ ο ς ( τ ή ν έ α υ ) τ ο ΰ ( ή μ έ ρ α ν σ') κ α τ ' έ φ η μ ε ρ ί α ν (Hagedorn, 12). 2 3 8
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
οτι ε ν ε φ η ν η ( + ε σ τ α ι 637) το σ κ ή ν ω μ α ( σ π έ ρ μ α A - 5 3 4 ' : ex 25a) σ ο υ , κ α ι ( + η 534-644 ê־Iul) ε π ι σ κ ο π ή τ η ς ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α ς σ ο υ , κ α ι ο υ μ η α μ α ρ τ η ς (διαμ, 637) L ־ ׳ ( l u i et Chr om irtit — ε φ . o o i ) - 5 3 4 6 4 4 - ׳g (om 23b) = M T (23ab 24ab) m
5 7 5
5:26b θ η μ ω ν ι ά ά λ ω ν ο ς ] ( θ ' ) ocopoç C ; α λ ω ν ο ς sub Syh 7:13a ε Τ π α δ τ ι ] X quia dixi La = M T 7:15b fin] + (X La Syh g) α π ω σ α μ η ν La (reppuli ; repuli β ; repelii ?) Syh g (adn "Hoc non positum est in Septuaginta") 575 = M T (16a); + reppulisti ( = α π ω σ ω ) Syp (tr ante τ α ο σ τ ά ) 8:17a] (θ') έ π ϊ β ο υ ν ο ν ρ ί ζ α ι ( ρ ι ζ α ν 252) α ύ τ ο ΰ 248 252 11:10a fin] ( α ' θ') + Χ κ α ι έ κ κ λ η σ ι ά σ η ς ( l e g - σ η ) σ ' + Χ ή σ υ ν ά θ ρ ο ι σ η ς (leg - σ η ) Syh12:11b γ ε ύ ε τ α ι ] + Χ sibi La Syh 8 = M T 13:6a α κ ο ύ σ α τ ε ] + δε Syh (Χ) 68 Olymp ρ 212C = A i d Sixt 13:13 λ α λ ή σ ω ] + X ego La A r m (sine X) = M T 14:22b έ π ε ν θ η σ ε ν ] pr ε π α υ τ ω (-τον 575) I^a (X super eum) L ' "-406-613 (sup lin)־ 754 = M T : pr ε ν α υ τ ω 534' 705 (sup lin); + ε π α υ τ ό ν 644 A r m 15:5a init] pr ο τ ι La Syh g (X) L ' ־ 620 = M T 16:7 μ ω ρ ό ν ] (θ') α ν α ί σ θ η τ α 523 16:16b σ κ ι ά ] + (Χ Ο) θ α ν ά τ ο υ 0-253 L ' ־- S -613-644 55 248 2 5 0 6 2 0 ״8 m
t e
A e t h A r m ΟΙ ( ά λ λ α α ν τ ί γ ρ α φ α ) Antioch = M T 19:15a θ ε ρ ά π . τ έ μ ο υ ] + ( Χ Ο A r m ) ε ι ς α λ λ ο τ ρ ι ο ν ε λ ο γ ι σ α ν τ ο με O L " ־ ־ = ΜΤ
2 3 9
11:10a fin] + η σ υ ν ά θ ρ ο ι σ η 575-Iul-Chr: + Χ aut congregavaril La. The marginal note of the Syro-Hexapla reads s. Χ V mkni 'nt wm'dtt 'nt (see A . M . Ceriani, éd., Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosianus phototithographice, ad l o c ) . Clearly this note transmits two translations of ו י ק ח י לin the parent text. Since ק ה לis rendered by έ κ κ λ η σ ι ά ζ ω and attributed to a' θ ' in Dt 31:12 and Ex 32:1 and the cognate noun qâhâl is rendered by ε κ κ λ η σ ί α and attributed to a' θ' in Ps 39(40): 11, Ez 23:47, 26:7, 32:3, 32:22, 32:23, to a ׳alone in 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 12:3, Ps 21(22):23, 21(22):26, Jer 51(44): 15, and to a' ε ' in Ps 34(35): 18, the assumption of Ziegler that a' θ ' is the presumed source for the second translation in the note of Syh is probable ( Z i , 227, A p p I I ) . See Reider, 74.
Sa P Syp
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
19; 17b π α λ λ . μ ο υ ] X uteri met La | υ ι ο ύ ς π α λ λ . μ ο υ ] ( α ' ) τ ω ν υ ι ώ ν γ α σ τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ 252; σ ' υ ι ο ύ ς ( υ ι ο ς 732; > 612) π α ί δ ω ν μ ο υ C (Polychr) 19:29a α π ό ε π ι κ α λ ύ μ μ α τ ο ς ] Χ α gladio La | 29a] σ ' ε ύ λ α β ε ΐ σ θ ε υ π έ ρ ε α υ τ ώ ν τ ή ν μάχαιραν C 240
20:21b ο ύ κ α ν θ ή σ ε ι ] ( σ ' ) ο ύ δ ι α μ έ ν ε ι 250 23:8b ο ΐ δ α ] + α υ τ ό ν Laßt* ( Χ cum) Chr Arab (de eo) 24:2a δε] + ο υ κ ε ι δ ο ν η μ έ ρ α ς α υ τ ο ύ / / Syh 8 = Μ Τ ( l b ) ; + Χ nescienmt dies eius m
La: cf Walters ρ 202 24:2b ά ρ π ά σ α ν τ ε ς ] + X puverunt La TM; + rapuerunt Laß 24:5a övoi] + (X La Syh E) ά γ ρ ι ο ι La S y h ß 575-Iul 31:19 fin] + α υ τ ό ν B'-S C Co Aeth; + μ η (μην V ) έ χ ο ν τ α π ε ρ ι β ο λ α ι ο ν La (Χ non habentem velamen) Syh K (adn "Hoc non positum erat in exemplar!' Origenis") V 575-Iul 33:14b δ ε υ τ έ ρ ω ] + X non considerabit (-vit Pf) ittud La = Μ Τ ; σ ' έ κ δ ε υ τ έ ρ ο υ ο ύ κ α κ υ ρ ώ σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν (sic 139-260-643; α υ τ ώ ν 137; α υ τ ο 250; α υ τ ω rel) 33;26b σ ύ ν έ ξ η γ ο ρ ί α ] (θ') μ ε τ ά έ ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ ή σ ε ω ς C ; α ' έ ν α λ α λ α γ μ ό ) 248 C (Olymp; sub α ' θ'); σ ' έ ν υ μ ν ο λ ο γ ί α 248 C (Olymp) m
34:2a fin] + ρ ή μ α τ α Iul; + τ α ρ ή μ α τ α V-575; + ( Χ Syh) τ α ρ ή μ α τ α μ ο υ Oil 34:8c ά σ ε β ω ν ] pr ( Χ Ο) α ν δ ρ ώ ν Ο Π = Μ Τ
= ΜΤ
35:3 Τ ί π ο ι ή σ ω άμ.] pr τι κ α τ ε υ θ ύ ν ε ι σ ο ι η / / S y h ß (om η ) ; pr Χ quid prodest tibi aut La = M T ; manifestius alibi: quid mihi profuit quod non peccavi I u l E 37:6b Χ κ α ι χ ε ι μ ώ ν ύ ε τ ώ ν δ υ ν α σ τ ε ί α ς α υ τ ο ύ ] pr ( Χ Syh) κ α ι χ ε ι μ ω ν υ ε τ ο ς ΒS* 0-253 = Μ Τ ; α ' κ α ι όμβροι ύ ε τ ο ΰ , κ α ι ομβροι ύ ε τ ώ ν κ ρ ά τ ο υ ς α υ τ ο ύ Syh; σ ' κ α ί χ ε ι μ ώ ν (-μωνα 138-255-612) ύ ε τ ο ΐ ς χ ε ι μ ά σ ε ι , ομβροις (־ρος 138-251255-612 c ; -ριος 250; - ρ ο υ ς Nie) ι σ χ ύ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ C (Olymp) S y h 242
42:10aba] σ ' κ α ί ό κ ύ ρ ι ο ς έ π έ σ τ ρ ε ψ ε ν τ ή ν ά π ο σ τ ρ ο φ ή ν τ ο υ Ί ώ β έ ν τ ω π ρ ο σ ε ύ ξ α σ θ α ι α υ τ ό ν περί τ ώ ν ε τ α ί ρ ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ σ ' (mend pro θ'?) κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ε π ε σ τ ρ ά φ η
2 4 8
19:17b Ziegler assigns the words τ ώ ν υ ι ώ ν γ α σ τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ to α ' against the manuscript testimony. Nonetheless, the materials under the asterisk in La might possibly be θ'. 2 4 1
20:21b Ziegler attributes ο ύ δ ι α μ έ ν ε ι to σ ' against the tradition. The possibility of the material belonging to θ ' cannot be excluded. 2 4 2
37:6b Pace Ziegler, the words κ α ι χ ε ι μ ω ν υ ε τ ο ς derive neither from a' nor σ'. Either θ ' committed parablepsis of •Efal in construing the parent text or copyists of the Ecclesiastical Text omitted the words due to parablepsis and therefore they belong to θ'.
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
προς μετάνοιαν τήν δια του Ίώβ έν τω π ρ ο σ ε ύ ξ α σ θ α ι α υ τ ό ν περί των ε τ α ί ρ ω ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ Syh; σ ' θ ' ( α ' θ' sec Ο ) έ ν τ<ρ π ρ ο σ ε ύ ξ α σ θ α ι α υ τ ό ν C 4 2 : l i e α ύ τ φ ] + ά ρ ι σ τ ο ν ε ν τ ω ο ι κ ω α υ τ ο ύ / / ; + (Χ Syh g) pancm ( + unum Syh S) in domo eius La Syhmg = M T 243
3.2.6. LIST
SIX: Excluded
List Six is included for the sake of completeness. Here are listed all asterisked materials which are definately not affiliated with θ ' because they are clearly attribut ed to another source. There are a few situations where the asterisk is an error for a metobelus. The remainder are cases where only part of the textual witnesses naming a source attribute the material to θ ' but the majority or the best of the witnesses assign another source instead. These, then, are the materials to be definitely rejected from the corpus of θ ' materials. 2:13a π α ρ ε κ ά θ ι σ α ν α ύ τ ω ] + X in terra La = Vulg (codd et edd); έ β ρ ' κ α ι έ κ ά θ ι σ α ν ( - θ η σ α ν 748*) π α ρ ' α υ τ ό ν έ π ί τ η ς γ η ς c (Polyehr) 3:6a κ α τ α ρ α θ ε ί η ή η μ έ ρ α ] α ' ( > La) Χ ( > 248) κ α ι έ κ θ α μ β ή σ α ι σ α ν α υ τ ή ν ω ς π ι κ ρ α μ μ ο ι ή μ ε ρ ο ς ( > 248) 248 La ( = M T 5c) 1
3:6d fin] + μ η δ έ σ υ ν α φ θ ε ί η C (139 sub Χ ) | 3:6c μ ή ε ϊ η ] σ ' μ η δ έ ( μ η 248 250) σ υ ν α φ θ ε ί η 248 C " (Olymp) 4:6b] α ' ( θ ' sec C P ) ή υ π ο μ ο ν ή σ ο υ κ α ι ή ά π λ ό τ η ς τ ω ν ό δ ω ν σ ο υ C
2 4 3
42:10aba Without question, the manuscript of the Syro-Hexapla attributes both marginal notes to σ ' (see A . M . Ceriani, ed., Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Ambrosiunus photolithographice, ad l o c ) . The second note is considered θ ' by Middeldorpf ( H . Middeldorpf, Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Liber Quartus Regum e Codice Parisiensi Iesaias Duodecim Prophetae Minores Proverbia lobus Canticum Threni Ecclesiasticus e Codice Mediolanensi, 2 vols. [Berlin: Enslin, 1835], 1:360), by Field (Field, 2:81) and by Ziegler ( Z i , 410, A p p I I ) . In view of the fact that the C tradition has the words έν τ φ π ρ ο σ ε ύ ξ α σ θ α ι α υ τ ό ν and attributes them to σ ' θ' and since Syh has two readings which are identical in respect to the words attested by C but not in res pect to the rendering of 42:10a, it is likely that one of the two readings in Syh belongs to θ'. No clear decision is possible, however, since we are dealing with Greek retro versions from Syriac. 2 4 4
4:6b α κ α κ ί α 644 680 795 A r m
, e
Gra. Ra.] simplicitas ( = α π λ ο τ η ς ) La; κ α κ ί α rel
H : 4:6b θ ' ( α ' Ν) ή υ π ο μ ο ν ή σ ο υ κ α ι ή ά π λ ό τ η ς τ ω ν ό δ ω ν σ ο υ Γ ' ( = 2 5 0 406 3005) Γ ־ l ] Ν. Following superior witnesses, the Hagedorns assign the line in 1 3 7
1 3 S
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
5:3b] α' (σ' sec c) και κατηρασάμην την εύπρέπειαν αύτων παραχρήμα 248 252 ( s u b e ' ) C ' (Olymp) 5:10a έπί τήν γήν] επι πρόσωπον (-που Iul) της γης La (super Χ faciem /
L ' ; ־α έπι πρόσωπον γής Sylt 5:11b fin] σ' + Χ έν σωτηρία C (anon) Syh (sine Χ ) c
9:7a fin] + κατα δε αγγέλων αυτού σκολιον τι επενοησεν B ' - S (Χ pro -s ־S ) / / / m
252 S (adn ούτος ού κείται) 339: ex 4:18b 9:22 init] pr X unum (verum Y) est La; σ' pr Χ έν έστιν Syh 9:34a άπαλλαξάτω] α' άποστησάτω 252 C (sub λ ' )
1.1:2a] σ' (θ' sec Υ ) μή ό πολύλαλος (πολυλογος Υ ) αναντίρρητος έσται Υ C 11:4b εναντίον αύτοΰ] pr Χ fui L a = Μ Τ ; pr ειμι D i d " " " ; + εγεννηθην Iul; ε' pr Χ γενηθήσομαι (mend γεννηθ.) Syh 12:10b άνθρωπου] pr Χ carnis La; α' pr Χ κρέως C (sine Χ ) Syh M
13:10a ήττον] pr Χ οτι Syh S (adn "Hoc ότι ne apud unum quidem trium reliquorum (interpretum) positum est in Tetraplis"); pr X quia La 14:5a έπι τής γής] sub X (pro - )־־La 14:7c και ό ράδαμνος αύτοΰ] σ' καί αί ( > 252) παραφυάδες αύτοΰ 252 C (sub λ') 14:21b έπίσταται] + περι αυτών La ( Χ de eis) 575 ' - / / ' - I u l Aeth (ms); σ' + Χ περί αύτων C Syh (sine X) 17:14b σαπρίαν] α'
255"; α'
643-680-732; σ' (θ' sec
σκωληκίασιν (κωλ. 255) C
question solely to θ' (Hagedorn, 14). Notwithstanding, this judgement may be questioned in the light of translation technique. The evidence is as follows: 4:6b ח ק ו ת ך ו ת ם ד ר כ י ך 4:6b κ α ί ή έ λ π ί ς σ ο υ κ α ί ή α κ α κ ί α τ ή ς ό δ ο ΰ σ ο υ ; For ת ק ו הa' has υ π ο μ ο ν ή in Jb 6:8b and Zee 9:12 (excluding instances of attributions to two or more interpreters, Reider, s.v. υ π ο μ ο ν ή ) . For ת ק ו הθ' has υ π ο μ ο ν ή once (14:19c) and έ λ π ί ς once 017:15b). For ת םa' has ά π λ ό τ η ς Jb 2I:23a and τ ε λ ε ί ω σ ι ς D t 31:24 (Reider, s.v. ά π λ ό τ η ς and τ ε λ ε ί ω σ ι ς ) . For ת םθ' has only ά π λ ο σ ύ ν η in 21:23a. Finally, for ד ר ךa ' has οδός Gn 19:31, N m 22:23, Jgs 9:37, Ps 88(89):42, 101(102):24, 102(103):7, 118(119):29, Prv 10:29, Jb 38:25b, Eccl. 12:5, Jer 6:16, 7:3 and δ ί ο δ ο ς Ez 21(26):21 (Reider, s.v. οδός [falsely listing Jb 3:23] and s.v. δ ί ο δ ο ς ) while θ' has only ό δ ο ς (j3:23a, j 17:9a, 21:29a, 21:31a, 22:3b, 26:14a, 28:26b, 29:25a, 31:4a). The evidence indicates the materials are not clearly θ' or not sufficiently distinct to warrant inclusion as primary. 9:34a άπαλλαξάτω] αποστησατω Olymp
identification of the Asterisked Materials
18:15a] θ ' (leg α ' ) κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν τ ή σ κ η ν ή α ϋ τ ο ΰ α ν υ π α ρ ξ ί α Υ c (Olymp); έ β ρ ' κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν σ κ η ν α Τ ς ο ύ κ ( ο υ κ α τ 255-612-765) α ϋ τ ο ΰ ( ο ύ χ α ϋ τ ο ΰ Nie) C (Polychr) c (Olymp); alibi manifestius: habitet in tabemaeuiis tum suis ME « 18:15b] θ ' (leg α ' ) λ ι κ μ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι έ π ί ώ ρ α ι ό τ η τ ι α ϋ τ ο ΰ ( + τ ο 137) θεΤον C (Olymp) 20:23c ν ί ψ α ι ] σ ( ׳θ ' sec C) έ π ι β ρ έ ξ ε ι 249 C" (Olymp); α ' κ α ί ύ ε τ ί σ α ι 252 Syh; pluet (pluit f) L a 20:25b] α ' κ α ί α σ τ ρ α π ή ( α σ τ ρ . δε 249; α ' θ ' α σ τ ρ α π ή ( ־π α ι 732) C) α π ό π ι κ ρ ί α ς (sie recte Syh; α π ο π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ Υ c ; προ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ 249) α ϋ τ ο ΰ π ο ρ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν 249 Υ c (Olymp) Syh (om έ π ' α υ τ ό ν ) 2 4
2 4 8
20:26a] α ύ τ ω ύ π ο μ ε ΐ ν α ι ] α ' ( α ' θ ' sec C) ά π ο κ έ κ ρ υ π τ α ι τ ο ι ς έ γ κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ι ς ( ε γ κ ε ι μ ε ν ο ι ς c) α ϋ τ ο ΰ C (Polychr) 22:6a init] pr ο τ ι La ( X quia) I I 620; α ' pr ό τ ι Syh 22:22a έ ξ η γ ο ρ ί α ν ] α ' ( α ' θ ' sec C ) ν ό μ ο ν 248 252 C (Olymp); σ ' έ ξ ο μ ο λ ό γ η σ ι ν 248 252 C ( ׳Olymp); έ ν α λ λ η έ κ δ ό σ ε ν έ ξ ο μ ο λ ό γ η σ ι ν 249 ( O r ) C ( O r ) 25:6a έ α δέ] σ ' π ό σ ω μ ά λ λ ο ν C Pitra (sub α ' σ ' θ'): cf 15:16a 2 4 6
18:15a κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι ] habitei La. The materials ascribed to θ ' by Υ c (Olymp) for 18:15a and by C (Olymp) for 18:15b are not thoroughly trustworthy, especially in the absence of testimony from L a and Syh. Both lines of 18:15 are asterisked in the lemma of Ziegler's Text; C" La and Syh attest the asterisk; C" and Syh attribute them to θ'. This testimony is reliable. Since the wording of the lemma differs from the non-lemma materials they cannot both be θ'. In 18:15a the only difference is that the lemma has έ ν ν υ κ τ ί α ϋ τ ο ΰ for "h"h"2O in the parent text while the non-lemma has α ν υ π α ρ ξ ί α . The latter term is employed by a ' twice, in materials listed in A p p I I for 18:14b and 27:20 ( α ' σ ' ) , but it is not found anywhere in R. The lemma and nonlemma differ entirely in 18:15b. The verb κ α τ α σ π ε ί ρ ω is not attested elsewhere for a' or θ ' while λ ι κ μ ά ω is employed by a ' but not used uniquely by θ ' except at Prv 20:8 where Nobilius is the sole testimony (see Reider, s.v., Hatch-Redpath, s.v., and Field, 2:352). The evidence for the rest of 18:15b is not decisive for identifying the materials on the basis of translation technique. O n the whole, however, there exists good grounds for accepting rejection of the tradition which attributes the non-lemma materials to θ ' and assigning them to α'. 2 4 7
Η : 18:15b α ' ( θ ' Γ Ν ; anon. 250 612) λ ι κ μ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι ( - θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι 3006) έ π ί ( έ ν τ η 3005) ώ ρ α ι ό τ η τ ι α ϋ τ ο ΰ ΘεΤον (το θ ε ί ο ν 137) Γ 3 0 0 5250)׳ ) Γ ־Γ 1 Ν . See Ziegler, Beitriige, 30 and Hagedorn, 23. ι38
2 4 8
20:25b ά σ τ ρ α π α ί 0 - 2 5 3 ' A r a b Ra.] α σ τ ρ α π ή Gra.; ά ν δ ρ α Α ; ά σ τ ρ α rel
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
27:18b fin] + (a sub X Syh) α σ υ ν ε τ η ρ η σ ε ( ν ) Ο MI C 2 % - ; ׳σ ׳+ X a συνετήρησεν C Syh 29:2b] α σ ' κατά τάς η μ έ ρ α ς ας ό θεός έ φ ύ λ α σ σ έ ( ν ) με C (sub Θ') c (Iul) 31:8b] σ ' κ α ι τά έ κ γ ο ν ά ( ε γ κ ο ν α c) μ ο υ ε κ ρ ι ζ ω θ ε ί η C (Olymp) Syh (sub λ ' ) 31:9b ε γ κ ά θ ε τ ο ς έ γ ε ν . ] α ' σ ' έ ν ή δ ρ ε υ σ α 248 252 (sub α ' ) C (Olymp; sub λ ' ) 33:23a] + Χ (pro -s )־non respondebit ei La 33:26b καθαρά)] δγρ' ί λ α ρ φ C ; λ ' (mend) ιλαρό) c ( O l y m p ) 35:1 l b ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ] α ' ( α ' θ ' sec C) + σ ο φ ί ζ ε ι (-φιση 248) ή μ α ς 248 C S y h 38:35b Τ ί έ σ τ ι ν ] α ' ιδού ή μ ε ΐ ς C ; α ' ιδού έ σ μ έ ν 248; σ ' ( θ ' sec 250) π ά ρ ε σ μ ε ν C 39; l a τ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ω ν π έ τ ρ α ς sub Χ 248 C ( θ ' Χ 255-740) Syh ( θ ' ) La; o m Sa] θ ' (leg σ ' ) ν ε β ρ ώ ν έν π έ τ ρ α C 39:30b] σ ' ( σ ' θ ' sec 139-256; anon 137-250-643) ό π ο υ δέ σ ά ρ κ ε ς τ ε τ ρ ω μ έ ν ω ν (-ναι 250) π ά ρ ε ι σ ι ν ( π α ρ ε σ τ ι ν 250) C 40:19a π λ ά σ μ . κ υ ρ ί ο υ ] α ' ό δ ω ν ι σ χ υ ρ ο ύ 252 C (sub σ ' θ') txt
2 3 2
In conclusion, all of the asterisked materials in the textual tradition of the Greek Job have been listed and arranged on the basis of textual witness in terms of attribution to θ'. Obviously only the materials in List One and the Corpus of Asterisked Lines can be considered primary sources because they are clearly and uniquely attributed to θ'. If, later on, criteria other than textual witness are carefully established for identifying θ', and i f it is possible to clarify the relationship of the materials attributed uniquely to θ ' vis a vis the materials attributed to a along with 2 4 9
33:26b καθαρό)] ι λ α ρ ω B'-S* Ο ( S y h sub + )534"« Sa A r m wt
35:11b ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ] + σ ο φ ι ζ ε ι (־ζη V ) η μ α ς V-575 253 523 644* 706 795 = Μ Τ ; + σ ο φ ι ζ ω ν με Iul; + Χ sapientiorem me facil (fecit ) La
2 5 0
I I : 35:11b α ' ( α ' θ ' Γ) σ ο φ ί ζ ε ι ( σ ο φ ί ζ η 559; σ ο φ ί ζ ε ι ς 250; σ ο φ ί σ η 248) ή μ α ς 248 Γ ( = 250 3005) Γ - Ι " , 3 0 0 6
2 5 1
39:1a τ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ω ν π έ τ ρ α ς ] ε ν π έ τ ρ α I u l
Η : 39:1a σ ' ( θ ' 255 559 612 740; anon. 250 395) ν ε β ρ ω ν έ ν π έ τ ρ α Γ ( = 250 3005) Γ-137 138 [680] 3006,
Η : 39:30b σ ' ( θ ' 3005; anon. 137 250 3006; [ ] 138) ό π ο υ δέ (ό. δ έ : ο π ο υ δ ־ά ν 395) σ ά ρ κ ε ς τ ε τ ρ ω μ έ ν ω ν ( τ ε τ ρ ω μ έ ν α ι 250), π ά ρ ε σ τ ι ν ( π ά ρ ε ι σ ι ν Γ ) Γ ' ( = 250 2 , 2
Identification of the Asterisked Materials
9', or the materials attributed to o '־along with 0', or the materials attributed to the three, then some of the materials in List Two through List Five might be assigned to 0' with a measure of certainty. From a methodological perspective, the materials in List One have significant value in that they often form contrastive pairs with O G whereas the Corpus o f Asterisked l i n e s for the most part can only be compared to the parent text. O n the other hand, as far as developing a full-orbed picture of the character of 0' is concerned, the materials in List One have less value than the Corpus of Asterisked Lines in that they are frequently only individual words or phrases whereas the Corpus of Asterisked Lines contains complete clauses or sequences of clauses for study.
Chapter Two The Characterization of the Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
0. Introduction. After determining the limits of R it is appropriate to characterize in detail the work of the revisor / translator. Not until the character and nature of the asterisked materials are properly quantified and the habits and patterns of the revi sor / translator are delineated fully can one determine the affiliation and place of R within the textual tradition. Earlier it was noted that the Corpus of R contains materials of two types: (1) the materials in the asterisked lines which comprise complete clauses or sequences of clauses but do not. in general, form contrastive pairs with O G , and (2) the materials in List One which form contrastive pairs with O G , but generally encompass only individual words or phrases. Since the former materials constitute over 85% of the Corpus, the most suitable way to characterize the work of the revisor / translator is to compare and contrast it with the Hebrew and to describe systematically and exhaus tively his manner of rendering the Hebrew. Hence the description of R presented below has as its starting point the portion of M T which corresponds to R and delin eates how the Greek of R corresponds to the Hebrew. Several factors ought to be noted about the arrangement of the charac terization of R which follows. First, the limitations and nature of the target language (Greek) in contrast to the source language (Hebrew) govern the areas of investi gation. It is not necessary to detail here a comparison and contrast of the surface structures of the source and target languages as the realization of their deep struc ture. A n example is sufficient to illustrate the point. Both Classical Hebrew and Hellenistic Greek distinguish plural and singular number in nouns. In addition, He brew employs the dual number for bodily pairs and time units although adjectives, pronouns, and verbs aligned grammatically with dual substantives occur in the plu ral. The dual number of Classical Greek is no longer operative in the Hellenistic 1
J. W. Wevers, 'The Use of Versions for Text Criticism: The Septuagint." In La Septuaginta en la Investigacion Contemporanea (V Congreso de la IOSCS), edited by N . F. Marcos, Textos Y Estudios «Cardenal Cisneross de la Biblia Poliglota Matritense Instituto «Arias M o n t a n o » (Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1985), 15-24. 2
See Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 7.3, 14.2b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Period. Some comparison can be drawn, then, between the source language and the target language as far as the number of nouns is concerned. O n the other hand a contrast exists in the fact that Hebrew inflects nouns for state (i.e. as bound or free forms) whereas Greek inflects nouns for five cases. Here comparison is not so simple. Secondly, since even a cursory examination of the asterisked materials reveals that the approach of R in rendering the Hebrew is literalistic and quantitative, it is appropriate and fair to employ a quantitative methodology in outlining his transla tion technique. The Hebrew and the Greek may be compared noun for noun, verb for verb, and particle for particle. By contrast, it is frequently impossible to list Greek equivalents of Hebrew words for the O G translator because he often paraphrases and summarizes. Thirdly, consideration is given both to the infrastructural and the suprastructural features of the Hebrew language and how they are presented in Greek. A t the infrastructural level, for example, individual parts of speech such as nouns, pronouns, prepositions, particles and verbs, and their equivalents in Greek are discussed while at the suprastructural level such matters as R's treatment of Hebrew nominal sen tences and Hebrew word order are set forth. Logically, the description of how R renders the Hebrew begins with the infrastructural features and progresses toward the suprastructural aspects. Finally, the main categories of setting forth how the Greek of R renders the Hebrew are twofold: structural and lexical. For instance, when examining a particular part of speech such as nouns, one can analyze formally to what degree R renders Hebrew nouns with Greek nouns and gives singular number for singular number or one can consider lexically the Greek equivalents of Hebrew nouns for the kind and variety of lexical selection made.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
1. Nouns. Since the major parts of speech in Hebrew are nouns, verbs, and particles, a description of the rendering of Hebrew nouns by R is an appropriate place to begin. Following the discussion of nouns, pronouns are taken up. Words which are transliterated rather than translated are considered separately since classification as either noun or verb is not meaningful in such situations. The category of nouns is divided into adjectives and substantives. This division is formally grounded. Both source and target languages inflect adjectives for all genders while nouns have inherent gender and normally are only inflected for number. Substantives are classified further as either common nouns or proper nouns. Problems arise in classifying Hebrew parts of speech, especially at the inter face between nouns and particles. O'Connor divides the category of nouns into adverbials and non-adverbials and disguises the problem by employing the Latin term Nomina as a general rubric. Conversely, Jouon classifies adverbs under Particles, but must resort to distinguishing (1) Primitive Adverbs (e.g. TS and D2?), (2) Derived Adverbs (e.g. noun plus • suffix), and (3) Adverbs of Suppletion (e.g. nouns or other parts of speech functioning as adverbs). There is, in fact, a continuum between nouns and particles. 3
Those items in Hebrew which etymologically or formally are classified by grammars and lexica as nouns, but which consistently function as adverbs are conveniently classified here as such. In the portion of M T corresponding to R there are seven such Adverbs occurring a total of twelve times.' In 10 instances of the 12, 8
See below the section on Transliterations, § 4.
So Muraoka-Joiion, § 43d.
A clear distinction between common nouns and proper nouns is difficult to establish in some situations, e.g. θεός, κ ύ ρ ι ο ς (see Waltke-O'Connor, § 4.2.2e). The distinction is nonetheless useful, although not crucial for the description o f the way in which R renders Hebrew nouns. 6
See the discussion on the parts of speech in Hebrew in M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure, 68, 297-313 and in Waltke-O'Connor, § 4.2.2c. 7
Jouon, § 102.
The seven adverbs a r e : א מ נ ם, א מ ש, י ח ד, י ח ד ו, י ו מ ם, מ א ד, ע ו ד.
' T h e 12 occurrences are: 17:16b, 20:9b, 24:4b, 24:16b, 24:17a, 30:3b(=cMT), 32:15a, 32:16b, 34:23a, 34:29c, 35:15b, j36:4a.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
R renders a Hebrew adverb with a Greek adverb. In one case, R renders an adverb with a noun as follows: 24:16b י ו מ ם ח ת מ ר ־ ל מ ו
24:16b x ημέρας έσφράγισαν εαυτούς, / Although ήμερα is formally a noun, syntactically ημέρας is an adverbial Genitive of Time. Thus R has rendered a Hebrew adverbial with a Greek adverbial. In the one remaining case an adverb in M T is not rendered at all by R — ע ו דin M T 32:16b. 11
Whether adverbs are classified with nouns or particles makes little difference in analysis of the character of R. Since adverbs are generally uninflected in both source and target languages, a complete listing of them is provided under Particles. 1.1. Structural
1.1.0. Introduction. In the portion of M T corresponding to the corpus of R there are 400 nouns occurring a total of 731 times. Additionally, there are six instances where the form in M T is not a noun, but R construed the form in his parent text as such. These six cases are briefly explained and the evidence presented as follows: (1) In 9:15b R read hmispato for M T limsopatt. The form in M T is a Poel Participle m.s derived from ש פ םwith a לpreposition prefix and a 1 c.s pronominal suffix. R has read the noun mispat with a לpreposition prefix and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. 9:15b א ת ח נ ן
למשפטי -
9:15b Χ τοΰ κρίματος αυτού δεηθήσομαι / (2) In 18:15a R apparently read bsleld (?) where M T has mibbalt-Ιδ. The form in M T is a complex consisting of the מ ןpreposition, the negative ב ל י, and the לpreposition with a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. R has understood the noun ל י ל/ '( ל י ל הnight') with the כpreposition prefixed and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix ( ? ) . 12
>The 11 occurrences are: 17:16b, 20:9b, 24:4b, 24:17a, 30:3b(=cMT), 32:15a, 34:23a, 34:29c, 35:12a. 35:i5b, j36:4a. For complete details, see Appendix A . 1 1
Why R failed to render ע ו דin M T 32:16b is uncertain. Elsewhere R renders ע ו ד
by έ τ ι 3 times (20:9b, 32:15a, 34:23a). For a discussion on 32:13b-18a, see p. 30. 12
A d m i t t e d l y a difficulty exists in proposing bzl&ld as a parent text for έ ν ν υ κ τ ι α ύ τ ο ΰ . I n M T the noun ל י ל/ ל י ל הnever appears with a pronominal suffix; only the singular forms ( ל י לbound or free) and ( ל י ל הfree) as well as the plural form ל י ל ו ת
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
18:15a ב א ה ל ו מ ב ל י ־ ל ו
18:15a Χ κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν τ ή σ κ η ν ή α ΰ τ ο ΰ έ ν ν υ κ τ ί α ύ τ ο ΰ
(3) I n 28:4a R read peres for M T paras. The form in M T is Qal Perfect 3 m.s of פ ר ץwhereas R construed the form in his parent text as an noun from the same root. 28:4a כ ח ל ם ע ם ־ ג ר
28:4a Si δ ι α κ ο π ή χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ άπδ κ ο ν ί α ς · / (4) Also in 28:4a, R read gir for M T gar. The form in M T is a Qal Active Participie, m.s from ב ו ר. The word gir or gir is attested only once in Classical Hebrew (Is 27:9) and means 'chalk'. It is better known in Aramaic as 'chalk' or 'plaster'. The equivalent κ ο ν ί α normally means 'dust' in Classical Greek, but is employed as an equivalent to τ ί τ α ν ο ς ('chalk', 'plaster') in Hellenistic Greek. 13
(5) In 36:33b R read 'ilwla for M T Well. The form in M T is a Qal Active Participle m.s of ע ל הalthough admittedly this is one o f the problematic passages of the Hebrew Job. R has read the noun '( ע ו ל הinjustice'). 16
36:33b א ף ע ל ־ ע ו ל ה
36:33b Χ κ τ ή σ ι ς κ α ι π ε ρ ί αδικίας. /
(bound or free) are found (see Even-Shoshan, s.v. ל י לand ) ל י ל ה. Nonetheless, the proposal is a reasonable suggestion for a literalist like R. 1 3
See B D B , s.v. gir and H A L , s.v. gir.
1 4
See B D B , 1068 and Dalman, s.v. נ י ר,
1 5
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. Kovta and itxavoc;.
1 6
See for example, Driver and Gray, 2:285-287, Dhorme, 557-558, Cordis, 423-424, and Habel, 499.
Characterization of ihe Asterisked Materials
(6) In 40:2a R apparently read rib for M T rob. This entire line is another crux criticorum. Probably the form rob in M T should be analyzed as a Qal Free Infinitive of . ריבR has understood the word in his parent text as a noun from the same root. 17
40:2a ה ר ב ע ם ־ ש ד י י ס ו ר 40:2a Χ Μ ή κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ε τ ά ί κ α ν ο ΰ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε Τ , / If we include these six cases there are 403 nouns occurring a total of 737 times. (Since ל י ל ה, מ ש פ ט, and ע ו ל הappear elsewhere in the Hebrew rendered by R they are already included in the above total of 403 nouns.) The complete evidence is now presented under the headings (1) Proper Nouns, (2) Common Nouns, and (3) Adjectives. 18 Proper Nouns. There are 13 Proper Nouns occurring a total of 38 times. I n 9 cases (24 occurrences), R renders a proper noun in Hebrew with a proper noun in Greek. In 2 further cases (10 occurrences), R employs an adjective functioning as a proper noun or substantive: (1) ικανός for , שדיand (2) ό ισχυρός for . אלIn the remaining 2 cases (4 occurrences), gentilic adjectives in Flebrew were rendered by 19
S e e B D B , s.v. ר י ב, H A L , s.v. ר י ב, Driver and Gray, 2:325, and Dhorme, 614.
Gordis, 464-465, and Habel, 526, analyze the form as an Active Qal Participle of ר י ב. 1 8
The 38 occurrences are: 2 : l d , 12:9b, 21:15a, 22:13a, 22:24b, 28:16a, 28:19a, 31:2a, 31:2b, 32:5a, 32:12b, 33:29a, 34:7a, 34:31a, 35:10a, 35:16a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a, 37:10a, 38:32b, 39:17a, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2a, 40:2b, 40:23b, 42:17, j l : l a , j 2 : l l d , j 2 : l l e , j21:19a, j33:26a, j34:9b, j34:23b, j37:22b, j42:9a, j42:9a. For complete details, the evidence for Proper Nouns is listed in the section on Proper Nouns under Lexical Equivalency, § 1.2.2). 1 9
T h e 24 occurrences are: 2 : l d , 12:9b, 22:24b, 28:16a, 28:19a, 31:2a, 32:5a, 32:12b, 34:7a, 35:10a, 35:16a, 37:10a, 38:32b, 39:17a, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2b, 40:23b, 42:17, jl.־la, J21:19a,j33:26a,j34:9b,j37:22b. 2 0
T h e 7 occurrences are: 22:13a, 33:29a, j34:23b, 34:31a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a.
2 1
The 3 occurrences are: 21:15a, 31:2b, 40:2a.
2 2
The 4 occurrences are: j 2 : l I d , j 2 : l 1 e, j42:9a, j42:9a.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Greek nouns with the suffix - τ η ς which denotes persons according to their native country or t o w n . 23 Common Nouns. There are 342 Common Nouns occurring a total of 639 times. R renders common nouns in Hebrew by nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and participles in Greek. The complete evidence is arranged on the basis of the equiva lents employed by R. Numbers in parentheses in headings indicate frequencies. (1) Noun » Noun (573)
7:8a, 7:8b, 9:15b, 9:24b, 10:4b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:8b, 12:9b, 12:18b, 12:18b, 12:21a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:20b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:18b, 14:19a, 14:19a, 14:19b, 14:19b, 14:19b, 14:19c, 14:19c, 15:10b, 15:10b, 15:26b, 15:26b, 15:27a, 15:27a, 15:27b, 15:27b, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:8c(=bMT), 16:21b, 16:21b, 17:3b, 17:4a, 17:4a, 17:5a, 17:5a, <17:12 ־a , 17:12a, 17:12b, 17:12b, 17:12b, 17:16b, 18:10a, 18:10a, 18:10b, 18:10b, 18:15a, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 18:16b, 18:17b, 18:17b, 19:24a, 19:24a, 19:28b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:3a, 20:3b, 20:3b, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11a, 2 0 : l l a ( Q r ) , 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13b, 20;14b, 20:14b, 20:14b, 20:21a, 20:21a, 20:23a, 20:25c, 21:21a, 21:21a, 21:21b, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:28a, 21:28b, 21:28b, 21:29a, 21:29b, 21:30a, 21:30a, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31a, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33a, 21:33a, 21:33b, 22:3b, 22:3b, 22:13b, 22:14a, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:16b, 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:20b, 22:20b, 22:24a, 22:24a, 22:24b, 22:24b, 22:29b, 22:30b, 23:15c(=aMT), 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:8a, 24:8a, 24:I4b, 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15a, 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16a, 24:16c, 24:17a, 24:17b, 24:17b, 24:18a, 24:18a, 24:25b, 25:6b, 25:6b, 25:6b, 26:5a, 26:5b, 26:6a, 26:6b, 26:6b, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:8a, 26:8b, 26:9a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 26:10a, 26:10a, 26:10a, 26:10b, 26:10b, 25
2 3
See Buck, 336, 347.
2 4
For complete details, lexical equivalents for Common Nouns are provided partly under Lexical Equivalency (for frequencies of 3 occurrences or more, § 1.2.1) and partly in Appendix A (for frequencies of less than 3 occurrences). 2 5
R renders ס פ י ח י הby ΰ δ α τ α ΰ π τ ι α in 14:19b. This instance where a noun is rendered by a noun phrase is not paralleled elsewhere in R.
2 6
R renders M T re un (Noun re"' = 'friend') by κ α κ ί α ς reading ra'im (Noun ra = 'evil').
2 7
R gives common noun for common noun whether '( ב צ רgold ore') or '( צ ו רrock')
is considered the noun understood by him. See p. 316.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
26:10b, 26:11a, 26:11a, 26:11b, 26:14a, 26:14a(Kt), 26:14b, 26:14b, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22b, 27:23a, 27:23b, 28:3b, 28:3c, 28:3c, 28:3c, 28:4a, 28:4a, 28:4a, 28:5a, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:6a, 28:6a, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:6b, 28:7a, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:16b, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:17b, 28:18b, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:21b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:22a, 28:26b, 28:26b, 28:26b, 29:10b, 29:10b, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19a, 29:19a, 29:19b, 29:19b, 29:20a, 29:20b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:24b, 29:25a, 29:25a, 29:25b, 29:25b, 30:1c, 30:2a, 30:2a, 30:2b, 30:3a, 30:3a, 30:3b, 30:3c, 30:3c, 30:4a, 30:11b, 30:11b, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:12c, 30:12c, 30:13a, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:18b, 30:22b(Kt), 30:27a, 30:27b, 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:1a, 31:1b, 31:2b, 31:3a, 31:3b, 31:3b, 31:4a, 31:4b, 31:18a, 31:18a, 31:18b, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:24a, 31:24a, 31:27a, 32:4b, 32:5a, 32:5b, 32:5b, 32:5c, 3 2 : 1 k , 32:12c, 32:15b, 33:8a, 33:19b(Qr), 33:19b, 33:20b, 33:20b, 33:28a, 33:28a, 33:28b, 33:28b, 33:29b, 33:29b, 33:32a, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:6b, 34:6b, 34:7a, 34:7b, 34:7b, 34:11b, 34:11b, 34:18b, 34:23a, 34:25b, 34:28a, 34:28b, 34:29b, 34:29c, 34:29c, 34:30a, 34:30b, 34:30b, 34:32b, 35:7b, 35:8a, 35:8a, 35:8b, 35:8b, 35:8b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:15a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 35:16b, 36:5b, 36:5b, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:7b, 36:7b, 36:7c, 36:8a, 36:8b, 36:8b, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:11b, 36:11c, 36:13a, 36:13a, 36:16a, 36:16b, 36:16b, 36:16c, 36:16c, 36:19c(=bMT), 36:20a, 36:20b, 36:21b, 36:22a, 36:24b, 36:25a, 36:26b, 36:26b, 36:27b, 36:27b, 36:28a, 36:29a, 36:29a, 36:29b, 36:29b, 36:30b, 36:30b, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:32a, 36:33a, 36:33b, 36:33b, 37:1a, 37:1b, 37:2a, 37:2a, 37:2b, 37:2b, 37:3a, 37:3b, 37:3b, 37:3b, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:5a, 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:7a, 37:7a, 37:10a, 37:10a, 37:11a, 37:11b, 37:11b, 37:12a, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 37:18b, 37:21b, 38:26a, 38:26a, 38:26b, 38:26b, 38:27b, 38:27b, 38:32a, 38:32b, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:6b, 39:6b, 39:8a, 39:8a, 39:13a, 39:14a, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:15b, 39:16a, 39:16b, 39:17a, 39:17b, 39:18a, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 39:28(-=28bMT), 39:29b, 40;2a, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, 40:26a, 40:31b, 40:31b, 41:4b, 41:4b, 41:9a, 41:9a, 41:21a, 41:21a, 41:24b, 41:24b, 42:8e, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:16d, 42:16d, 42:17, j ] : l a , jl.T7b, jl:20a, j2:6b, j2:12d, j2:13a, j2:13a, j3:5b, j3:8b, j3:19b, j3:23a, j4:21a, j7:13b, j7:13b, j8:6b, j8:16b, j9:16b, j9:19a, j9:27a, j10:15c, jl0:17c, j l l : 1 8 b , j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , j!2:16a, jl2:20a, jl3:8a, jl3:27a, jl4:8b, jl5:4a, j l 5 : 5 b , jl5:8a, jl5:14a, jl5:20b, j!5:20b, jl6:2b, jl7:9a, jl7:15b, jl8:4a, j!8:4a, j l 8 : 7 b , jl8:14a, jl9:12a, jl9:24b, jl9:25b, jl9:27c, jl9:27c, j21:19a, j21:19a, j22:4a, j22:28a, j 2 3 : l l a , j2£:3a, j28:13a, j29:13b, j29:13b, j30:Ib, j31:5a, j31:22a, j31:31b, j31:32a, j31:40a, j 3 2 : l l a , j33:2b, j33:15b, j34:9a, j34:23b, j35:10b, j35:10b, j36:4a, j36:4b, j36:28b, j37:17b, j37:22b, j38:33a, j38:37b, j38:37b, j39:3a, j39:19b, j40:10b, j40:10b, j40:26b, j40:26b, j40:30a, j41:la, j41:6b, j41:22a, j42:7b, j42:7b, j42:7b, j42:8g
(2) Noun » Adjective (43)
The Asterisked Maierials in the Grc«k Job
12:9a, 15:26b, 19:24a, 21:23b, 21:33b, 21:33c, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 22:30b, 23:9a, 23:9b, 24:25b, 24:5c(=dMT), 26:7a, 26:7b, 28:3b, 28:17b, 30:7a, 30:12a, 31:2b, 31:4b, 32:5b, 33:29a, 33:29b, 36:16a, 36:19c( = b M T ) , 36:25a, 36:26b, 37:3a, 37:7a, 37:12c(=bMT), 38:27a, 38:27a, 39:8b, 39:16b, 39:28(־־28bMT), 41:4b, 42:16d, ji:17b, J6:30a,j36:4a,j41:26a 28
The cases where a noun in Hebrew is rendered by an adjective in Greek include 13 instances of ( כ לnoun) rendered by π α ς and δ λ ο ς . Also included are four instances of numerals: ש ל ו שand א ר ב ע, both nouns respectively rendered by τ ρ ε ι ς (j 1:17b, 32:5b, 33:29b) and τ έ τ α ρ τ ο ς (42:16d), both adjectives. In addition, neuter plural adjectives α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά (23;9a) and δ ε ξ ι ά (23:9b, 30:12a) in a total of three instances respectively render ז & מ א ו לand . ימיןHere R is obviously restricted by the options in the target language. In 13 cases a noun in Hebrew is rendered by an adjective functioning as a substantive in Greek. In 5 cases the noun in Hebrew is rendered by an adjective in Greek because a Bound Phrase is rendered by an Attributive Phrase.* Five cases remain. In three of them R employs an adjective prefixed by Alpha Privative to render Negative + Noun (21:33c, 22:16a, 36:26b). 2 9
6:30a ע ו ל ה
A p p I I 6:30a ά δ ι κ ο ι
2 8
3 4
Included here because PN functions as a substantive and is classified as such. See
B D B , H A L , and Meyer-Donner, s.v.
and also below Particles, § 5.2,8.
T h e r e are 12 occurrences: 12:9a, 21:33b, 28:3b, 31:4b, 33:29a, 36:19c(=-bMT), 36:25a, 37:3a, 37:7a, 37:12c(=bMT), 39:8b, j41:26a.
3 0
There is just one occurrence: 21:23b.
3 1
See Bauer, s.v. α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ό ς and δεξιός.
3 2
T h e 13 occurrences are: 15:26b, 24:25b, 24:5c(=dMT), 26:7a, 26:7b, 30:7a, 31:2b, 36:16a, 38:27a, 38:27a, 39:16b, 39:28(=28bNlT), 41:4b. 3 3
T h e 5 occurrences are: 19:24a, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:30b, 28:17b. For discussion, see below the section on Attributive Phrases, § 1.1.3. 3 4
Only one word is attributed to θ ' and only by 252.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
21:33c ו ל פ נ י ו א י ן מ ס פ ר 21:33c Χ κ α ι έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι . / 22:16a א ש ר ־ ק מ ט ו ו ל א ־ ־ ע ת 22:16a Χ ο'ί σ υ ν ε λ ή μ φ θ η σ α ν ά ω ρ ο ι ; / 36:4a ל א ־ ^ ק ר מ ל י
A p p I I 36:4a ό τ ι ά λ η θ ω ς ο ύ κ ά δ ι κ ο ι ο ί λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ 36:26b נ י ו ו ל א ־ ח ק ר#
36:26b Χ α ρ ι θ μ ό ς έ χ ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι α π έ ρ α ν τ ο ς . / (3) Noun » Adverb (7) 16:21b, 18:17b, 24:17a, 28:18b, 31:27a, 35:16a, 39:29b Three cases are instances of an Attributive Adverb employed to render a noun.
Example: 16:21b ל ר ע ה ו
16:21b Χ κ α ι υ ι ό ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ τ ω π λ η σ ί ο ν α ϋ τ ο υ . / In two cases R analyzed the function o f the noun in his parent text as adverbial: litis
18:17b ו ל א ־ ש ם ל ו ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ח ו ץ 18:17b Χ κ α ι ο ϋ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι ό ν ο μ α α ύ τ φ έ π ί π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω . / hebel 35:16a ו א י ו ב ה ב ל י פ צ ה ־ פ י ה ו 35:16a Χ κ α ι Ί ώ β μ α τ α ί ω ς α ν ο ί γ ε ι τ ό σ τ ό μ α α ύ τ ο υ , / Two cases are left. In both o f them a Greek adverb is used to render a prepositional phrase in Hebrew; thus the Greek adverb renders the noun and its preposition together: 3 5
The 3 occurrences are: 16:21b, 24:17a, 28:18b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
seter 31:27a
ויפת בסתר ל ב י
31:27a Χ κ α ι ει ή π α τ ή θ η
ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ , /י־
39:29b למרחוק עיניו יביטו 39:29b Χ π ό ρ ρ ω θ ε ν o i οφθαλμοί α ύ τ ο ΰ σ κ ο π ε ύ ο υ σ ι ν . / (4) Noun » Finite Verb (9) In 7 instances out of the 9 R clearly read a verbal form in his parent text although the form in M T is a noun. The case of 31:2a and 39:13b are not so straightforward. The evidence is arranged according to chapter and verse.
ערבה 24:5d
» ή δ ύ ν ω ('uraba M T ; R read 'araba)
ערבה לו ל ח ם לנערים
24:5c Χ ή δ ύ ν θ η α ύ τ ω ά ρ τ ο ς ε ι ς ν ε ω τ έ ρ ο υ ς . / » מ ש ךελκύω (mesek M T ; R read masdk, Qal Imperative m.s) 28:18b
וך חכמה מפנינים27ומ
28:18b Χ κ α ι έ λ κ υ σ ο ν σ ο φ ί α ν υ π έ ρ τ ά έ σ ώ τ α τ α · / ( ח ל קheleq)»
31:2a ומה ח ל ק אלוה ממעל 31:2a Χ κ α ι τ ί έ μ έ ρ ι σ ε ν 6 θεός άπάν03θεν /
» έ π ι θ υ μ έ ω (ta'awa M T ; R read id'awweh)
ונפשו מאכל תאוה
33:20b Χ κ α ι ή ψ υ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ β ρ ώ σ ι ν ε π ι θ υ μ ή σ ε ι , / » נחתκ α τ α β α ί ν ω (nahat M T : ex nwh = 'rest'? R read nahet ex nht 'descend') 36:16c ונחת ?עלחנך מלא דשן 36:16c Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ β η τ ρ ά π ε ζ α σ ο υ π λ ή ρ η ς π ι ό τ η τ ο ς . /
3 6
Whether R considered λ ά θ ρ α an adverb or an adverbial is a moot point. The form is listed by Liddell-Scott as an adverb. 3 7
For discussion, see p. 280.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
» א ב ר הσυλλαμβάνω 39:13b ח ם י ד ה ו נ צ ה
3 8
39:13b Si έ ά ν σ υ λ λ α β ή ά σ ν δ ά κ α ι ν ε σ σ ά - / l
» י ב י עκ ο π ι ά ω (y3gf/1 Μ Τ ; R ready
39:16b Χ εις κ ε ν ό ν έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν ά ν ε υ φόβου· / 39
» י ס ו רέ κ κ λ ί ν ω (yissdr Μ Τ ; R read y a w aryastr ex
40:2a ה ר ב ע ב ד ? ט ד י י ס ו ד 40:2a Χ Μ ή κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ε τ ά ί κ α ν ο ΰ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε Τ , / ] » ח יέλεέω
Μ Τ ; R read yahin)
41:4b ו ד ב ר ־ ב ב ו ר ו ת ו ח י ן ע ר כ ו 41:4b Χ κ α ι λ ό γ ο ν δ υ ν ά μ ε ω ς ε λ ε ή σ ε ι τ ο ν Ί'σον α ύ τ ο ΰ . / (5) Noun » Participle (6) In four of the six instances R clearly read a verbal form in his parent text although the form in M T is a noun. Footnotes indicate where complete discussions may be found. » ע(טןά ν τ ί κ ε ι μ α ι j l : 6 c 1:6c ( ט ן ) ב ת ו כ ם5 ) ו י ב ו א נ ם ( ־ ה ע A p p I I 1:6c . . . α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς a
» ש י חή χ έ ω (M h Μ Τ : 'shrub'; R read a form of ' ע ( י חgroan/sing/speak') 30:4a מ ל ו ח ע ל י ־ ט ( י ח
30:4a Χ ο ϊ π ε ρ ι κ λ ώ ν τ ε ς ά λ ι μ α έ π ί ή χ ο ΰ ν τ ι . /
3 8
Although it seems likely that R construed the Hebrew as a verbal form, it is best to conclude that his parent text for σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω is unknown. See the discussion of the passage in the section on Transliterations, p. 311. 3 9
The hupax י ס ו רis analyzed as a noun of the pattern qiifdl, like gibbdr and sikkdr.
See H A L and B D B . s.v. י ס ו ר. 1)4
So Dhorme, 432. Cf. » ש י חε ΰ η χ ο ς 30:7a. For full discussion, see p. 291.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» συκοφαντέω
M T : Abstract Noun; R
read Qal
Participle) 35:9a ע ש ו ק י ם י ז ע י ק ו
35:9a Χ ά π ό π λ ή θ ο υ ς σ υ κ ο φ α ν τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ι κ ε κ ρ ά ξ ο ν τ α ι , » מ א מ ץκ ρ α τ α ι ό ω (ma'amasse M T ; R read rw'ammzsS, 36:19b מ א מ צ י ־ כ ח
/ Piel Participle ex
36:19c χ κ α ί π ά ν τ α ς τ ο υ ς κ ρ α τ α ι ο ΰ ν τ α ς ί σ χ ύ ν . / ( ר נ נ י םrmanim, 'ostrich') » τ έ ρ π ω (R read rotwntm, Active Qal Participle ex 39:13a נ ע ל ס ה
39:13a Χ π τ έ ρ υ ξ τ ε ρ π ο μ έ ν ω ν ν ε έ λ α σ α , / ( מ ו ק שmdqSs)» 40:24b י נ ק ב ־ א ף
ένσκολιεύομαν במוקשים
40:24b Χ έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς τ ρ ή σ ε ι ρ ί ν α ; /
4 4
(6) Noun » Preposition? (1) 41:4a ב ד י ו
41:4a Χ ο ύ σ ι ω π ή σ ο μ α ι δι' α υ τ ό ν , / It is difficult to determine both the parent text of R and his translation technique at this point. 45 Adjectives. There are 48 Adjectives occurring a total of 60 times. R renders adjectives in Hebrew by adjectives, nouns, participles and verbs in Greek. The com-
4 1
For discussion, see p. 283.
4 2
For discussion, see p. 284.
4 3
For discussion, see p. 285.
4 4
For analysis, see p. 292.
4 S
T h e case is included under nouns since lexica list 13 as such. For a complete
analysis and discussion, see pp. 340ff.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
plete evidence is arranged on the basis of the equivalents employed by R. Numbers in parentheses in headings indicate frequencies. (1) Adjective » Adjective (49) 4
15:10a, 15:10b, 17:12b, 18:15b, * 21:28b, 22:30a, 24:4b, 24:18a, 26:6a, 28:16b, 28:19b, 29:20a, 29:25c, 30:3a, 31:3a, 32:4b, 34:4b, 34:18b, 34:28b, 35:9b, 36:5b, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:11b, 36:16c, 36:26a, 37:11a, 37:18b, 37:21b, 39:8b, 41:8a, 41:8a, 42:17, 42:17, j3:8b, j3:19b, j9:19a, j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , jl5:5b, jl5:20b, jl7:9a, j 19:18a, j 19:25b, j27:19a, j30: l b , j36:4b, j36:28b, j41:26a 47
(2) Adjective » Noun (5) 34:28a, 34:30a, 36:11c, 36:13a, j41:22a Two cases entail υ π ο κ ρ ι τ ή ς , an equivalent employed by R for — ח נ ףa n adjective functioning as a substantive (34:30a, 36:13a). Similarly R used π έ ν η ς for ד ל in 34:28a. The remaining cases are also instances where adjectives in Hebrew function as substantives:
4 6
A brief comment is necessary to justify inclusion of 18:15b:
18:15b ע ל ־ נ ו ה ו ג פ ר י ת
18:15b Χ κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι τ ά ε υ π ρ ε π ή α ύ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί ω . / Μ Τ has nawehd from ndweh (Noun); R read ndwehti from na'weh (Adjective). 4 7
M T has ב ר י, an adverbial phrase consisting o f a preposition בand a noun ר י
('moisture'). The equivalent in R is ε κ λ ε κ τ ό ς indicating he read '( ב רpure'). For discussion, see p. 316. 4 8
R renders י ר ו קby χ λ ω ρ ό ς in 39:8b. The form י ר ו ק, vocalized as yaroq, is a α π α ξ
λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T . B D B classifies yaroq as a noun but the nominal pattern is commonly employed for adjectives as well as nouns (cf. B L , 466n and Sagarin, 50. י ר ו קis analyzed as an adjective in Muraoka-Joiion, § 88D c). Since R employed an adjective, the assumption here is that he rendered Adjective in Hebrew for Adjective in Greek. 49 ;vfp ( ע ך י לvocalized 'awil) is rendered by ά φ ρ ω ν i n R. Clearly R read '( א ו י לewtl = 'fool'). O n weakened pronunciation of laryngeals in Qumran Hebrew and also in the era of Origen and Jerome, see pp. 340ft
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:11c ב נ ע י מ י ם
36:11c χ κ α ι τ ά ε τ η α ύ τ ω ν έ ν ε ύ π ρ ε π ε ί α ι ς . / 41:22a ( ח ד ו ר י ח ר ע
A p p I I 41:22a σ ι δ ή ρ ι α τ έ κ τ ο ν ο ς (3) Adjective » Participle (4) The participles are functioning as either adjectives or substantives in all four instances. Footnotes indicate where complete discussions may be found. » צ מ י םδ ι ψ ά ω (sammtm MY: 'snare/trap'? R read smne'itn) 18:9b ע ל י ו צ מ י ם
18:9b Χ κ α τ ι σ χ ύ σ ε ι έ π ' α ύ τ ο ν δ ι ψ ώ ν τ α ς . / ( ע ז ל א נ ןial'anan)» ( ש ל י וsalew)»
21:23b ש ל א נ ן ו ש ל י ו
21:23b Χ δ λ ο ς δ έ ε υ π α θ ώ ν κ α ι ε ύ θ η ν ω ν ΠΕ? {salt)»
i 0
22:29b ו ש ח ע י נ י ם י ו ש ע 22:29b Χ κ α ι κ ύ φ ο ν τ α όφθαλμοΤς σώσει• / (4) Adjective » Verb (2) Both cases involve uncertainty concerning the approach of R to his parent text. Footnotes point to complete discussions. ( ח יhay)»
19:25a ) ו א נ י י ד ע ת י ( נ א ל י ח י A p p I I I9:25a .. .6 ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ ή
5 1
s e
Presumably the form δ ι ψ ώ ν τ α ς is an Active Present Participle, Accusative Mascu line Plural, of δ ι ψ ά ω and one might render the sentence, "He will strengthen thirsty ones against him." For complete discussion, see p. 289. 5 1
C (Chr) have only preserved a rendering attributed to θ ' for the last part of 19:25a. On whether was read as a Noun or Verb, see p. 290.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
'( א ת ןetan)» ν(χρκάω 33:19b ( ע צ מ י ו א ת ןOr ו ר י ב ) ו ר ו ב 33:19b χ κ α ι π λ ή θ ο ς ο σ τ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ά ρ κ η σ ε ν , /
1.1.0. 4. Summary. The evidence points to an extremely high level of correspondence formally between the Greek of R and the Hebrew of M T in the rendering of nouns. In 573 out of 639 instances R gives common noun for common noun (90%). Thirty-three out of the 43 instances of a common noun rendered by an adjective are cases where there is either functional equivalence or the only options available i n the target language limited the revisor / translator, l l i r e e out o f the seven instances of common noun rendered by adverbs are adverbs functioning as substantives. Eleven out of the 15 instances of common noun rendered by participle or verb are cases where R read the Consonantal Text differently from M T . Similarly, in 49 instances out of 60 R renders adjective for adjective (82%) and i n 9 o f the 11 remaining i n stances provides functional equivalents. Proper nouns are treated in the same way: formal equivalents account for 63% and functional equivalents the other 37%. Thus the default method o f R is to provide a formal equivalent. Functional equivalence is given where formal equivalence is not. Occasionally limited options in the target language curtail his quantitative approach. The majority of the few instances where there is not an equivalence at the first formally or secondarily functionally are due either to a parent text or vocalization different from M T or an interpretation o f the Hebrew different from that of modern scholars. Thus the correspondence is 98% or higher. A description of how R renders Hebrew nouns or noun phrases should include the translator's treatment of (1) number, (2) bound structures, (3) attributive phrases, and (4) articulation and inarticulation. From a formal or structural perspective these are the basic features and structures of Hebrew nouns where comparison of the Hebrew and Greek is fruitful for characterization of the habits and patterns of the revisor / translator. 1.1.1. Number. First for consideration, then, is R's treatment o f number in his rendering o f Hebrew nouns. Only the categories o f Adjective, Common Noun and Proper Noun described earlier are relevant since neither Greek nor Hebrew mark adverbs for number. Not surprisingly, 37 of the 38 occurrences of Proper Nouns are singular in M T and are also rendered by a nominal in the singular in Greek. The one remaining 53
5 2
Clearly R read Q r ו ר ו ב. For discussion, see p. 2801".
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
case is the plural noun D T l ' j X which is rendered by the singular noun θ ε ό ς (j34:9b). This, too, is normal practice. For convenience, Adjectives and Common Nouns may be considered to gether. The group includes common nouns in Hebrew rendered by nouns, adjectives and attributive adverbs in Greek and adjectives in Hebrew rendered by adjectives and nouns in Greek. The total is 673. Excluded are the 26 instances where a Hebrew noun is not rendered by a nominal in Greek. These cannot, of course, be examined for correspondence in number. 54
55 Problems of Comparison. The 673 occurrences of Adjectives and Common Nouns where a Hebrew noun is rendered by a noun, adjective or attributive adverb in Greek constitute a corpus of significant size. Consequently, correspondence in number between the Hebrew and the Greek may be evaluated fairly and an accurate representation of the translator's technique obtained. A few instances, however, must be excluded from comparison because the grammatical rules for the source and tar get languages differ for the forms in question. Comparison of the cardinal number 'two' in Greek and Hebrew presents problems. There is only one occurrence rendered by R (j42:7b) and it involves the Dative, M T sne has dual number and R δ υ σ ί ν is plural. Both δ ύ ο and δ υ σ ί ν are employed for the Dative in L X X usage and are available options for R, but δ ύ ο is 56
" T h e 37 occurrences are: 2:Id, 12:9b, 21:15a, 22:13a, 22:24b, 28:16a, 28:19a, 31:2a, 31:2b, 32:5a, 32:12b, 33:29a, 34:7a, 34:31a, 35:10a, 35:16a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a, 37:10a, 38:32b, 39:17a, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2a, 40:2b, 40:23b, 42:17, j l : l a , j 2 : l l d , j 2 : l l e , j21:19a, j33:26a, j34:23b, j37:22b, j42:9a, j42:9a. 5 4
Comparison of number is possible in the case o f Attributive Adverbs. The three occurrences are: 16:21b, 24:17a, 28:18b.
5 5
T h e 26 instances are comprised of common nouns rendered by adverbs (18:17b, 31:27a, 35:16a, 39:29b), finite verbs (24:5c(=dMT), 28:18b, 31:2a, 33:20b, 36:16c, 39:13b, 39:16b, 40:2a, 41:4b), participles (jl:6c, 30:4a, 35:9a, 36:19c(=bMT), 39:13a, 40:24b), and preposition (41:4a), and adjectives rendered by participles (18:9b, 21:23b, 21:23b, 22:29b), and finite verbs (jI9:25a, 33:19b). See pp. 93ff. and 98f.
A d m i t t e d l y the bound form of the dual and the bound form of the plural are identical. 57
A c c o r d i n g to F. Blass, A . Debrunner, and F. Rehkopf, Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch, 17th ed. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990), § 63.1, n . l , 5\KT{V is formed by analogy to the plural xptotv.
Characterization of the Asterisked Maierials
quite rare and δ υ σ ί ν is the normal Dative from Aristotle onwards. Likewise it is impossible to compare the cardinal numbers 'three', 'four' or 'seven' in Greek and Hebrew since they occur as singular nouns in Hebrew while in Greek they operate as plural adjectives ('three' and 'four') or as indeclinable nouns ('seven'). This accounts for 5 occurrences (jl:17b, j2:13a, 32:5b, 33:29b, 42:16d). Similarly, the 13 instances of 'all' must also be excluded since the Hebrew word כ לfunctions as a noun and is always singular whereas its Greek counterparts, π α ς and ό λ ο ς , are adjectives and their number is determined by the nouns they modify. Also exceptional are the Hebrew nouns '( מ י םwater') and '( ש מ י םheavens'). They exhibit dual morphology in Hebrew and behave as plurals. A l l five occurrences of מ י ם$ are rendered by ο υ ρ α ν ό ς in the singular (22:14b, 26:11a, 28:21b, 37:3a, j38:37b). This conforms to Classical usage. O f greater interest is the fact that in none of these cases does ש מ י םgovern a verb, whether plural or singular. Six of the seven instances of מ י םare rendered by ΰ δ ω ρ in the singular functioning either as a class noun or as a collective noun (24:18a, 26:5b, 26:8a, 26:10a, 29:19a, 34:7b). One occurrence is rendered by ΰ δ ω ρ in the plural (14:19a). Although both plural and singular instances conform to Classical usage,* the instance of the plural in 14:19a is 59
5 8
See Thackeray, 186-187.
5 9
The number 'three' is rendered 3 times (ji:17b, 32:5b, 33:29b), the number 'four' 1 time (42:16d) and the number 'seven' 1 time (j2:13a). Also complicating comparison in 42:16d is the fact that R rendered the cardinal number by an ordinal numeral: 42:16b ו י ר א א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ת ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת 42:16c Χ κ α ι εΤδεν Ί ώ β τ ο υ ς υ ι ο ύ ς α ύ τ ο ΰ 42:16d Si κ α ι τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ι ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . / Thus the Greek construction is quite different from the Hebrew. 6 0
H e b r e w כ לis rendered by π α ς 12 times (12:9a, 21:33b, 28:3b, 31:4b, 33:29a, 36:19c|=bMT], 36:25a, 37:3a, 37:7a, 37:12c[=bMT], 39:8b, j41:26a) and by ό λ ο ς 1 time (21:23b).
6 1
Waltke-O'Connor, § 7.3d.
6 2
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. ο υ ρ α ν ό ς .
6 3
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. ύ δ ω ρ .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
the only occurrence where ύ δ ω ρ is the subject of a verb and it is noteworthy that the number of the verb is plural. The dual is no longer operative in Hellenistic Greek. There are 13 cases where a dual form in Hebrew is rendered by a plural form in Greek: one instance of מ ת נ י םloins' (12:18b), one instance of ' פ ע םoccurrence' (33:29b), one instance of י ד 'hand' (30:2a), three instances of ' ב ףpalm' (22:30b, 27:23a, 36:32a), and seven instances of ' ע י ןeye' (7:8b, 22:29b, 27:19b, 31:1a, 36:7a, 39:29b, j l l : 2 0 c [ = a M T ] ) . There is also one instance where the dual of ע י ןis rendered by οφθαλμός in the singular (40:24a). 64
6 6
The Greek word α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά employed as an equivalent for 23:9) &מאולa) and the Greek word δ ε ξ ι ά utilized as an equivalent for23:9) י מ י ןb , 30:12a) are neuter plurals. The adverbial function of the neuter plural makes comparison o f number between the Greek and the Hebrew inappropriate. The exceptional situations just listed total 48. Thus 625 occurrences remain where comparison of number between Hebrew and Greek adjectives and substantives is appropriate. Singular Nouns. There arc 480 instances of Hebrew nouns which are singular in number and 446 (93%) of these are rendered by a Greek adjective or substantive also in the singular. In almost all cases the Hebrew noun is a class, count, or collec67
6 4
In 14:19b, however, ύ δ α τ α ύ π τ ι α (rendering ס פ י ח י הin M T ) governs a singular
verb where M T though having a different noun has a singular verb. 6 5
A . T. Robertson states, 'The only dual form that occurs in the L X X and the. Ν . T. is δ ύ ο (not δ ύ ω ) for all the cases (as genitive in 1 T i m . 5:19), save δ υ σ ί ( ν ) for the dative-locative-instrumental, a plural form found in Aristotle, Polybius, etc., and called a barbarism by Phrynichus" (Robertson, 251). See also Blass-Debrunner, §§ 2. 65. 6 6
For the equivalents in Greek see the section on Lexical Equivalency (for frequencies of 3 occurrences or more, § 1.2.1) and Appendix A (for frequencies of less than 3 occurrences). 6 7
T h e 446 occurrences are: 7:8a, 9:15b, 10:4b, 12:8b, 12:9b, 12:18b, 12:21a, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:18b, 14:19b, 14:19b, 14:19c, 14:19c, 15:10a, 15:10b, 15:10b, 15:26b, 15:27a, 15:27b, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:21b, 16:21b, 16:21b, 17:3b, 17:4a, 17:4a, 17:5a, 17:12a, 17:12a, 17:12b, 17:12b, 17:12b, 17:16b, 18:10a, 18:10a, 18:10b, 18:15a, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16b, 18:17b, 19:24a, 19:24a, 19:24a, 19:28b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:3a, 20:3b, 20:3b, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13b, 20:14b, 20:14b, 20:21a, 20:23a, 21:21a, 21:21a, 21:23a, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:28a, 21:28b, 21:29a, 21:30a, 21:30a,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
tive singular rendered by a Greek nominal functioning in the same way. Yet there are a few places where the singular number corresponds to that of the noun in the source language contrary to the preferences of the target language. Consider, for example, the rendering of 'heart' in 17:4a:
21:30a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:32b, 21:33a, 21:33b, 22:3b, 22:3b, 22:13b, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15a, 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:20b, 22:20b, 22:24a, 22:24a, 22:24b, 22:30a, 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:14b, 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15a, 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16c, 24:17a, 24:17a, 24:17b, 24:18a, 24:25b, 25:6b, 25:6b, 25:6b, 26:6a, 26:6a, 26:6b, 26:6b, 26:7a, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:7b, 26:8b, 26:9a, 26:9b, 26:10a, 26:10b, 26:10b, 26:10b, 26:11b, 26:14a(Kt), 26:14b, 26:14b, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22b, 27:23b, 28:3b, 28:3c, 28:3c, 28:3c, 28:4a, 28:4a, 28:4a, 28:5a, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:6a, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:7a, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:7b, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:16b, 28:16b, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:18b, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:19b, 28:22a, 28:22a, 28:26b, 28:26b, 29:10b, 29.T0b, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19a, 29:19b, 29:19b, 29:20a, 29:20a, 29:20b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:25a. 29:25a, 29:25b, 30:2a, 30:2b, 30:3n, 30:3a, 30:3a, 30:3b, 30:3c, 30:3c, 30:11b, 30:12a, 30:12c, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:18b, 30:22b(Kt), 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:1b, 31:2b, 31:3a, 31:3a, 31:3b, 31:3b, 31:18a, 31:18b, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:24a, 31:24a, 31:27a, 32:5a, 32:5b, 32:5c, 33:19b(Qr), 33:20b, 33:20b, 33:28a, 33:28a, 33:28b, 33:28b, 33:29b, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:6b, 34:6b, 34:7a, 34:7b, 34:11b, 34:11b, 34:18b, 34:23a, 34:25b, 34:28a, 34:28b, 34:29c, 34:29c, 34:30a, 34:30a, 34:30b, 34:32b, 35:7b, 35:8a, 35:8a, 35:8b, 35:8b, 35:8b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:15a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 36:5b, 36:5b, 36:5b, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:7b, 36:7c, 36:8b, 36:10b, 36:13a, 36:13a, 36:16a, 36:16a, 36:16b, 36:16b, 36:16c, 36:16c, 36:16c, 36:19c(=־bMT), 36:20a, 36:21b, 36:22a, 36:25a, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:26b, 36:27b, 36:27b, 36:29a, 36:29b, 36:30b, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:33a, 36:33b, 36:33b, 37:1a, 37:1b, 37:21b, 37:2a, 37:2a, 37:2b, 37:2b, 37:3b, 37:3b, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:5a, 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:7a, 37:7a, 37:10a, 37:10a, 37:11a, 37:11a, 37:11b, 37:11b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18b, 38:26a, 38:26a, 38:26b, 38:26b, 38:27a, 38:27a, 38:27b, 38:27b, 38:32a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:6b, 39:8a, 39:8b, 39:13a, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:16b, 39:16b, 39:17a, 39:17b, 39:18a, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 39:28(=28bMT), 39:28(=28bMT), 40:23b, 40:24b, 40:26a, 40:26a, 40:2a, 40:31b, 41:4b, 41:4b, 41:8a, 41:8a, 41:9a, 41:9a, 41:21a, 4]:24b, 41:24b, 42:17, 42:17, j l : l a , jl:20a, j2:6b, j3:5b, j3:8b, j3:19b, j3:23a, j4:21a, j7:13b, j7:13b, j8:6b, j8:16b, j9:16b, j9:19a, j9:19a, j9:27a, jl0:15c, j l l : 1 8 b , jl2:16a, jl3:27a, j!4:8b, jl5:4a, jl5:5b, jl5:8a, jl5:14a, jl5:20b, jl5:20b, jl7:9a, jl7:9a, jl7:15b, jl8:4a, jl8:4a, j!8:7b, jl8:14a, jl9:24b, jl9:25b, jl9:25b, jl9:27c, j21:19a, j22:4a, j22:28a, j23:11a, j27:19a, j28:3a, j28:13a, j29:13b, j29:13b, j31:22a, j31:32a, j31:5a, j31:40a, j33:2b, j33:15b, j34:9a, j34:23b, j35:10b, j37:17b, j37:22b, j39:19b, j40:10b, j40:10b, j40:26b, j40:26b, j41:la, j41:22a, j41:26a, j42:7b,j42:8g.
17:4a צ פ נ ת מ ש כ ל
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
17:4a x '6x1 KtxpSiav airaov gxpvyaq
aizd (ppovfjaecoc;,
Normally in Hebrew a group of people have one 'heart'; the distributive singular is preferred. In Greek, however, one would normally say 'their hearts'; the distributive singular is possible, but uncommon.* In 17:4a, therefore, the agreement in number between the Greek and the Hebrew indicates the intrusion of the preferences of the source language upon those of the target language. Other examples are the rendering of '( ל ש ו ןtongue') in 29:10b and the rendering of '( ח ךpalate') in 29:10b where one expects the Greek equivalents to be plural. Similar Semitic influence upon Greek is common in L X X usage and in the New Testament.* In 34 cases, R renders a singular noun in Hebrew by a plural nominal in Greek. Eight o f these cases of difference in number are due to the fact that an adjective in Greek is employed for a noun in Hebrew. When, for example, a bound phrase in Hebrew is rendered by an attributive phrase in Greek, naturally the attributive adjective is determined by the number of the noun it modifies. Twenty-one cases are instances where a class or collective singular in Hebrew is appropriately rendered by a plural in Greek. Three cases are instances where the equivalent employed by R is always or commonly plural by reason of convention or normal patterns of usage in the Greek language. The difference in number, therefore, between the Greek and the Hebrew is directly due to the demands of the target language. These cases are as follows: 8
6 8
See Blass-Debrunner, § 140 and Mayser I I . 1, 43-44.
« Turner, Syntax, 23. 7 9
T h e 8 occurrences are:
מ ס פ רc ,
א ו ןb ,
ק ר0 j 3 6 : 4 a , ת מ י םj36:4b, ר בj36:28b. 7 1
T h e 21 occurrences are: ש פ הj 12:20a, ע מ לj 16:2b,
מ ס פ רb , 2 2 : 1 6
נ ת י בb
י ס ו דb , 2 4 : 8
28:21 ע ו ףb , 29:25 נ ד ו דb , 30:4 j36:28b, 39:15 ח י הb , 40:31 צ ל צ לb , governs a verb: 21:21b and 41:21a—a plural verb in M T , and 39:15b—a singular verb in M T . The syntax of 18:15b in R is altered from that of M T .
and 30:13a, נ ו ה ז ר םa , 2 מ ל ו חa , 41:21
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(1) In 15:27b, τ ό μηρίον, the equivalent chosen by R for '( כ ס לloins') is, of course, plural in Hellenistic Greek. 15:27b פ י מ ה ע ל י ־ כ ס ל
15:27b χ κ α ί έ π ο ί η σ ε ν π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν έ π ί τ ω ν μ η ρ ί ω ν . / (2) I n 20;21a, τ ό βρώμα, the equivalent selected by R for '( א כ לfood') is frequently used in the plural in Hellenistic Greek. 20:21a ל א ב ל ו
20:21a Χ ο ύ κ έ σ τ ι ν υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α τοΤς β ρ ώ μ α σ ι ν α ϋ τ ο ΰ . / (3) In j31:3 l b , α ί σ ά ρ κ ε ς , the equivalent used by R for '( ב&ר־flesh') is commonly used in the plural in Hellenistic Greek. More significant than usage, however, is the fact that the plural is distributive here. 74
31:31b מ י ־ י ת ן מ ב ע ! ר ו ל א כ ש ב ע A p p I I 31:31b τ ί ς δ ω η τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ί έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α Hebrew צ ב אis rendered by δ υ ν ά μ ε ι ς in j 10:17c and ע ו ל הby ά δ ι κ ο ι in j6:30a. In both cases the context of R is insufficient to evaluate the reason for the difference in number between the Greek and the Hebrew. The changes in number, then, are generally due to consideration o f the demands of the target language. Plural Noiuis. There are 145 instances of Hebrew nouns which are plural in number and 114 (79%) of these are rendered by a Greek nominal also in the plural.
7 2
See Liddell-Scott, s.v.
S e e Liddell-Scott, s.v. The L X X translators employ β ρ ώ μ α to render 8 different Hebrew words. Only one of these eight words occurs in the plural and only once at that. Yet 61 o f 75 occurrences of β ρ ώ μ α are plural in the L X X (see Hatch-Redpath, s.v.). In the New Testament, 9 of 17 occurrences of β ρ ώ μ α are in the plural (see Concordance, s.v.). 7 4
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. and E. Schweizer, F. Baumgärtel, and R. Meyer, "σαρξ," in Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by G. Kittel and G. Friedrich, translated and edited by G. Bromiley, 7:98-100.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
7 5
T h e 114 occurrences are: 9:24b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, 14:19a, 14:19b, 15:10b, 17:5a, 18:16a, 20:11a, 20:25c, 21:21b, 21:28b, 21:28b, 21:29b, 21:32a, 21:33a, 22:15b, 22:24b, 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:8a, 24:16a, 24:17b, 26:11a, 26:14a, 26:5a, 26:8a, 28:6a, 28:8a, 28:18b, 28:26b, 29:25c, 30:1c, 30:7a, 30:12c, 30:27b, 31:2b, 31:4b, 32:4b, 32:4b, 32:5b, 32:11c, 32:12c, 32:15b, 33:8a, 33:19b, 33:32a, 34:3a, 34:18b, 34:28b, 35:9b, 35:16b, 36:6b, 36:7b, 36:8a, 36:8b, 36:9b, 36:11b, 36:11c, 36:11c, 36:13a, 36:20b, 36:24b, 36:26b, 36:28a, 36:29a, 36:29b, 36:30b, 36:31a, 37:3b, 37:6b, 37:12a, 37:18a, 37:18b, 37:21b, 39:1a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:6b, 39:8a, 39:14a, 39:16a, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:16d, 42:17, jl:17b, j2:12d, j2:13a, j3:8b, j3:19b, j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , jl5:5b, jl5:20b, j!9:12a, jl9:18a, jl9:27c, j21:19a, j 3 0 : l b , j30:lb, j 3 2 : l l a , j35:10b, j36:4a, j36:4b, j38:33a, j38:37b, ]39:33, j40:30a, j41:6b, j41:22a, j42:7b. Analysis is necessary to justify the inclusion of 22:24b ( χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς ) in the total of 114 since there are morphological, syntactic, and textual difficulties with χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς . The complete context and evidence are as follows: 22:24a ו ע ד ח ־ ע ל ־ ע פ ר ב צ ר 22:24a Χ θ ή σ η έ π ι χ ώ μ α τ ι έ ν π έ τ ρ α / 22:24b ו ב צ ו ר כ ח ל י ם א ו פ י ר 22:24b Χ κ α ι ώ ς πέτρςι χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς Ώ φ ί ρ . / Α ρ ρ I 22:24b χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς S ־־575Iul 253 797] -ρου rel | Ώ φ ί ρ Ο Ra. = m\ ο φ ε ι ρ c
797; σ ο υ φ ε φ 644 (-φιρ*) 754 0 1 σαφεφ / / / / 7 9 5
c o m
; σ ο υ φ η ρ Iul; σ ο φ ε ι ρ 249 296; σ ω φ η ρ 55 728; F
° ; sefer Aeth; σ ω φ ε ι ρ (-φιρ Bo C h r ) rel: cf 28:16a
Only the lemma χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς and one variant, χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ , are attested by the textual tradition. Formally the lemma χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς may be construed in one of three ways: (1) nominative singular, contracted form of the second declension, (2) accusative plural, contracted or uncontracted form of the second declension, or (3) genitive singular, heteroclitic form of the third declension. ( O n contract nouns of the second declension having heteroclitic forms of the third declension, see Gignac, Morphology, 33-37 and also Thackeray, 144.) On the other hand, the variant χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ is unequivocally genitive singular whether analyzed as a contracted or uncontracted form of the second declension. On external grounds, the lemma χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς has good support—S 575'-Iul 253 797; according to the canons of internal evidence it constitutes the lectio difficilior. Certainly the Editor (as also Rahlfs prior to Ziegler) is on firm ground in positing χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς ακριρ as original. The way χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο ς / χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς is used in the manuscript traditions of both O G and R make it difficult to construe the form χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς as genitive. There are three occurrences in the Greek Job apart from 22:24b. The nominative singular χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς occurs in 6:15a ( O G ) without variants in the textual tradition. The
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
The following four instances where R renders a plural noun in the source language by a plural noun in the target language are noteworthy: 35:10b כ ת ן ז מ ר ו ת ב ל י ל ה A p p I I 35:10b ό ô t 5 0 ù ç α ί ν έ σ ε ι ς év ν υ κ τ ί 36:4b ד ע ו ת ע מ ך
A p p I I 36:4b ά μ ω μ ο ι γ ν ώ σ ε ι ς μ ε τ ά σ ο υ 36:11c ב נ ע י מ י ם
36:11c Χ και τα έ τ η α ύ τ ω ν έ ν ε ύ π ρ ε π ε ί α ι ς . / 36:2% ת ש א ו ת ס כ ת ו 36:29b Χ ι σ ό τ η τ α ς σ κ η ν ή ς α υ τ ο ύ , / Α ΐ ν ε σ ι ς , γ ν ώ σ ι ς , ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α , and ί σ ό τ η ς are all abstract nouns in Greek; the plural in such situations conforms to good Classical or Hellenistic Greek. There is one occurrence of א ד ו ןin the plural rendered by κ ύ ρ ι ο ς in the plural (j3:19b). This does not necessarily contravene the demands of the target language, but since the plural in Hebrew is an honorific plural or pluralis maiesiatis, equiva76
genitive singular χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ occurs in 21:33a ( R ) without variants in the textual tradition as well as in 2S:4a ( R ) with only one variant in the textual tradition—MS 705 has χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς . Thus the scribal traditions suggest that χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς is not genitive. More importantly, the genitive form employed in the original text of R is clearly χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ . Since χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς is assumed original in 22:24b ( R ) , then it is likely that the accusative plural is intended by R rather than the genitive singular. The accusative plural is also more likely than the nominative singular since it agrees with the Hebrew noun in number and R is fairly faithful in following the number of his parent text. 7 6
7 7
See Smyth, § lOOOff.
On the honorific plural see Waltke-O'Connor, § 7.4.3c and G K C , § 124i. Examples in Biblical Hebrew of the honorific plural of א ד ו ןapplied to humans are as follows: a) husband Jgs 19:26, 19:27, Ps 45:7, b) king Gn 40:1, Jgs 3:25, c) prince Gn 42:30, 42:33, 1 Sm 29:10, d) prophet 2 Kgs 2:3, 2:5, 2:16, and e) master G n 40:7, Ex 21:4, 21:4, 21:6, 21:8, 21:32, D t 23:16, Jgs 19:11, 19:12, Prv 25:13, 27:18, 30:10. Alternative interpretations of Jb 3:19 are less likely: a) a servant has many masters, b) the plural is a distributive expression indicating each servant has one master.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
lency between the Greek and Hebrew in number here does not adequately convey the sense of the source language. In 31 cases, R renders a plural noun in Hebrew by a singular noun in Greek. Five of these 31 differences in number are instances where abstract plurals in Hebrew are rendered by abstract singulars in Greek. Similarly, three are instances where a count noun in the plural in Hebrew is rendered by a collective or generic singular noun in Greek. One is an instance where a plural-invariable n o u n or plurale tantum in Hebrew is rendered by a singular noun in Greek due to the equivalent selected: 78
me im 30:27a ם ע י ר ת ח ו ו ל א ־ ־ ד מ ו 30:27a Χ ή κοιλία μου έξέζεσεν και ού σιωπήσεται, / 81
Sixteen are instances of the plural-invariable noun '( פ כ י םface' ) rendered by πρόσωπον in the singular. Only one occurrence of פ נ י םis rendered by the plural of πρόσωπον (9:24b) because the context clearly indicates a plurality of 'faces' there. 82
Two are instances where either the parent text of R may have differed from M T (in consonants or in vocalization) or the rendering of R is freer than usual: regel 30:12b ש ל ח ו
רגלי 8
30:12b x πόδα αύτων έξέτειναν / - י
« T h e 5 occurrences a r e : 2 0 : 1 1
» δυσκολία 3 4 : 3 0 b , 4 1 : 4 7 9
The 3 occurrences a r e : 2 0 : 1 4
ע ל ו מ י םa ( Q r ) , 2 1 : 3 0
פ ת ןb ,
ע בa ,
*'On plural-invariable nouns see Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 7 n. 2, 7.1.c, 7.4.1c and J. Blau, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, Porta Linguarum Orientalia, N . S. 12 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1976), 66. 8 1
Waltke-O'Connor, § 7.4.1c.
8 2
T h e 16 occurrences are: jl3:8a, 13:20b, 15:27a, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:12b, 18:17b, 21:31a, 23:15c(=aMT), 24:15c, 24:18a, 26:9a, 26:10a, 29:24b, 30:11b, 34:29b, 42:8e. 8 3
ע ב ר ו ת
כ ב ו ר ו תb .
M T vocalizes ר ג ל יas raglay. The form is dual, not plural. R employs a distributive singular instead of a plural.
פ ר
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
derek 31:4a י ר א ה ד ר כ י
31:4a Χ ο ύ χ ϊ α υ τ ό ς ό ψ ε τ α ι όδόν μ ο υ /
Four are instances which cannot be classified easily: gab, magen 15:26b ב ע ב י ג ב י מ ג נ י ו 15:26b χ έ ν π ά χ ε ι ν ώ τ ο υ ά σ π ί δ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ , X ben 38:32b ע ל ־ ב נ י ה ת נ ח ם
s 5
38:32b Χ κ α ΐ Έ σ π ε ρ ο ν έ π Ι κ ό μ η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ά ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ά ; Ζ
9 6
42:16b ו י ר א א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ת ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת 42:16c χ κ α ι ε ΐ δ ε ν Ί ώ β τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς α ύ τ ο ΰ 42:16d Χ κ α ι τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ί ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . Χ Thus these changes in number for plural nouns, like the changes in number for the singular nouns, are for the most part due to consideration of the norms of the target language or to equivalents which are functional rather than formal. 8 7 Summary. O n the whole, then, there is a high level of correspondence in number between the Greek of R and the Hebrew of M T in the rendering of nouns. In 560 out of 625 instances (90%) where comparison is possible, the number between
8 4
M T vocalizes ד ר כ יas darakay; in all likelihood R vocalized ד ר כ יas daraki. Hence
the difference in number between R and his parent text is removed. «5 M T vocalizes נ ב י מ ג נ י וas gahM maginndyw. The difficulty in interpreting M T is a major part of the problem. I f both gabbi and mdginnayw are considered plurals of extension, then the rendering of R is quite suitable. On plurals of extension, see Waltke-O'Connor, § 7.4.1c and G K C , § 124. 8 6
The choice of equivalent for ב ןaccounts for the difference between the Greek and
the Hebrew in number. See p. 140. 8 7
'!"he fact that R rendered a cardinal number by an ordinal number accounts for the difference in number between ד ר ו תand yeve&v.
The Asterisked Materials in (he Greek Job
the Greek and the Hebrew is the same. One can characterize R as fairly literalistic in following his parent text. The largest proportion of differences in number between the Greek and the Hebrew are cases which are equivalent in function or instances where R employed a different syntagmeme in translation or shows some sensitivity to the demands of Greek grammar and style. 1.1.2. Bound Phrases. Second in the description of how R renders Hebrew nouns and nominal syntagmemes is the translator's treatment of bound phrases. Since bound forms consisting of nouns plus pronominal suffixes are considered separately, analysis here is restricted solely to bound noun phrases. The Hebrew of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R contains 112 such structures. Most of them are bound phrases consisting of only two nominals. Rarely are there cases where a bound phrase consists of three nominals—either of the kind in 21:28b, 'the tent of the dwellings of the wicked' (two bound nouns and one free noun), or of the kind in 19;24a, 'a stylus of iron and lead' (one bound noun and two free nouns joined by waw). There is one four-nominal phrase (39:1a). 88
In five instances one of the members of a bound phrase in the Hebrew of M T was rendered by R as a verb (28:18b, 31:2a, 33:20b, 36:16c, 41:4b). Therefore these cases are not relevant for showing the translator's treatment of bound structures. In three further instances comparison cannot be fairly made between the Hebrew and the Greek because they involve cardinal numerals for which the surface structures of the source and the target languages are different. 91
13;2a. . . tcai eirax
8 8
Bound Infinitives are considered elsewhere (see § The one exception is the inclusion of 39:1a in the present treatment. This is the only place where a Bound Infinitive (ledel) is rendered by a noun ( τ ο κ ε τ ό ς ) .
8 9
The count includes nouns only. A bound phrase of the type 'a of b of c' where c is a pronominal suffix (e.g. — ע ב ד ב י ת יs e r v a n t of the house of me) is classified here as a two member phrase and similarly a bound phrase of the type 'a of b of c of d' where d is a pronominal suffix is ranked as a three member phrase. R's treatment of bound forms having pronominal suffixes is evaluated in a separate section (see pp. 124f.). 9 0
9 1
There are four such bound structures: 15:26b, 19:24a, 21:28b, 37:6b.
These five cases belong to a group of 26 instances where a noun in Hebrew is not rendered by a nominal in Greek (see n. 55) and are described and fully presented earlier in the section (see pp. 93ff. and 98f.).
Characterization oi'the Asterisked Materials
32:5b ל ש ת ה א נ ש י ם# ב פ י 32:5b χ• έ ν σ τ ό μ α τ ι τ ω ν τ ρ ι ώ ν α ν δ ρ ώ ν , / 42:7b ח ר ה א פ י ב ך ו ב ש נ י ר ע י ך A p p I I 42:7b έ θ υ μ ώ θ η ή ό ρ γ ή μ ο υ έ ν σ ο ι κ α ί έ ν τοΤς δ υ σ ΐ φ ί λ ο ι ς σ ο υ Thus there are 104 constructions where one may investigate the approach of R in rendering bound phrases. In a 'literal translation' the genitive case is the surface structure in Greek grammar which corresponds in the majority of situations to the second member of a bound phrase in Hebrew. As just mentioned, there are 104 bound structures where the approach of R may be evaluated: 99 two-nominal phrases, 4 three-nominal phrases, and 1 four-nominal phrase. Therefore, there are 110 instances where, at least theoretically, a nominal in the genitive case is an option for a Greek translator. Not unexpectedly, then, R employed nominals in the genitive case in 92 of these 110 instances ( 8 3 % ) . 92
In five of the 110 instances, R employed attributive adjectives to render either the bound member or the free member of the bound phrase. A n excellent example is the rendering of the bound structure in 19:24a: 93
19:24a ו ע פ ר ת
19:24a Χ έ ν γ ρ α φ ε ί φ σ ι δ η ρ ώ κ α ί μ ο λ ί β ω /יי
9 2
T h e 92 occurrences are: 7:8a, 9:24b, j ! 0 : 1 5 c , j l 1:20c, 12:8b, 12:9b, 14:19b, 14:19c, j 15:5b, j 15:20b, 15:26b, 15:26b, j 16:2b, 16:21b, 17:12b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:14b, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:28b, 21:28b, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:33a, 22:I4b, 24:4b, 24:8a, 24:15a, 24;15c, 24:17b, 24:18a, 25:6b, 26:9a, 26:10a, 26:10b, 26:11a, 26:14a, 26:14b, 28;6a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:16a, 28:19a, 28:21b, 29:13a, j29:13b, 29:24b, 30:2a, 30:12c, 30:18b, 30:27b, 31:2b, 31:18b, 32:5b, 33:19b, 34:11b, 34:28a, 34:28b, 34:30b, 35:8b, 35:9b, 36:5b, 36:6b, 36:8b, 36:13a, 36:16a, 36:26b, 36:29a, 36:29b, 36:30b, 37:2a, 37:3b, 37:4b, 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:7a, 37:10a, 38:27b, j38:37b, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:13a, 39:15b, 39:28b, 40:31b, 41:4b, j41:22a, 42:16d, 42:17. 9 3
9 4
The five occurrences are: 19:24a, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:30b, 28:17b.
The example concerns aiSr!pS and not po/Upq>. For discussion of (loHifko, see p. 113.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
There are four cases where the bound member is rendered by a participle. This affects directly the construction in Greek employed to render the free member. 21:29a א ל ת ם ע ו ב ר י ד ר ך0 ח ל א 21:29a Χ ε ρ ω τ ή σ α τ ε π α ρ α π ο ρ ε υ ο μ έ ν ο υ ς όδόν, / 22:29b ו ש ח ע מ י ם י ו ש ע 22:29b x κ α ι κ ύ φ ο ν τ α ό φ θ α λ μ ο ΐ ς σ ώ σ ε ι · / 31:3b ל פ ע ל י א ו ן
31:3b Χ κ α ι ά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ί ω σ ι ς τοΤς π ο ι ο ύ σ ι ν ά ν ο μ ί α ν ; / 36:19b ו כ ל מ א מ צ י ־ כ ח 36:19c x κ α ι π ά ν τ α ς τ ο υ ς κ ρ α τ α ι ο ΰ ν τ α ς ί σ χ ύ ν . / There is one case where a bound structure in M T is rendered by a prepositional phrase in R: 41:6b ( ס ב י ב ו ת ש נ י ) ו א י מ ה Α ρ ρ I I 41:6b π ε ρ ί τ ο υ ς ο δ ό ν τ α ς . . . Surprisingly, O G has κ ύ κ λ ω ο δ ό ν τ ω ν here which is less idiomatic and more literal. In eight cases a bound structure in M T was either not interpreted or rendered as such by R: 18:17b ו ל א ־ ש פ ל ו ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ח ו ץ 18:17b x κ α ι ο ύ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι ό ν ο μ α α ύ τ ω ε π ί π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω . / 19:24a ב ע ט ־ ב ר ז ל ו ע פ ר ת 19:24a Χ έ ν γ ρ α φ ε ί φ σ ι δ η ρ ω κ α ι μ ο λ ί β ω / 22:24b נ ח ל י ם א ו פ י ר
22:24b Χ κ α ι ώ ς π έ τ ρ α χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς Ώ φ ί ρ . / 28:3c א ב ן א פ ל ו צ ל מ ו ת 28:3c Χ λ ί θ ο ς σ κ ο τ ί α κ α ι σ κ ι ά θ α ν ά τ ο υ , / 28:6b ו ע פ ר ת ז ה ב ל ו 28:6b Χ κ α ι χ ώ μ α , χ ρ υ σ ί ο ν α ύ τ ω . /
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
28:26b ל ח ז י ז ק ל ו ת
28:26b Χ κ α ι όδον έ ν τ ι ν ά γ μ α τ ι φ ω ν ά ς • / 35:9a מ ר ב ע ש ו ק י ם י ז ע י ק ו 35:9a Χ ά π ό π λ ή θ ο υ ς σ υ κ ο φ α ν τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ι κ ε κ ρ ά ξ ο ν τ α ι ,
37:11b י פ י ץ ע נ ן א ו ר ו 37:11b Χ δ ι α σ κ ο ρ π ι ε ΐ ν έ φ ο ς φ ω ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / When, however, one presupposes a parent text for R which differs from M T in vocalization, four of the eight cases just listed can be explained otherwise. It is certainly possible that ע פ ר תin 28:6b and ע נ ןin 37:1 l b were read by R as free forms. Moreover R's renderings in 28:3c and 35:9a are grammatically possible understandings of M T since the bound and free forms of28:3) א ב ןc ) and of35:9) ר בa ) are identical. The case o f 19:24a is also an instance of a different interpretation on the part of R of his parent text and calls for a brief discussion. Analysis of the noun phrase ב ע ם י ב ר ז ל ו ע פ ר תas a three-nominal phrase is not beyond doubt. Furthermore, the form μ ο λ ι β φ may be derived from the adjective ( μ ο λ ι β ο ΰ ς ) or from the noun ( μ ό λ ι β ο ς ) . Since μ ο λ ι β ο ΰ ς is rare and R normally gives noun for noun, Ziegler is assumed correct in accenting the form as a noun (i.e. as μ ο λ ί β ω and not as μ ο λ ι β φ ) . Using the symbols Bd for bound relationship, Ν for noun, and Ρ for preposition, one may indicate the analysis of ב ע ט ־ ב ר ז ל ו ע פ ר תby R as P [ N < B d > ( N + N ) ] rather than as P [ ( N < B d > N ) + N ) ] . Thus R renders ( ב ר ז לfree member of bound phrase) by an Attributive Adjective and understands ע פ ר תas not part of the bound phrase בעכרברזל. 95
There are three cases where the construction in M T is not a bound structure but apparently was interpreted as such by R. The genitive is used in all three places. 28:4a פ ר ץ נ ח ל מ ע ם ־ נ ר
9 5
O n the difficulty of interpreting the noun phrase in 19:24a see Driver and Gray, 1:170-171, 2:126, Dhorme, 282, Gordis, 204, Pope 144-145, Habel, 292, and Hartley, 291. 9 6
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. pöA.ißoq and liokißous;.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
28:4a Χ δ ι α κ ο π ή χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ ά π ό κ ο ν ί α ς · / ' 30:12a פ ר ח ח י ק ו מ ו
30:12a Si έ π Ι δ ε ξ ι ώ ν β λ α σ τ ο ύ έ π α ν έ σ τ η σ α ν , 37:18b כ ר א י מ ו צ ק
37:18b Χ ί σ χ υ ρ α ι ώ ς δ ρ α σ ι ς έ π ι χ ύ σ ε ω ς . / In summary, the approach of R in rendering bound structures is literalistic since in 90% of the instances where a bound phrase is understood the genitive is employed for the free member in Hebrew. R does, however, employ alternative constructions on occasion. 1.1.3. Attributive Phrases. Third for consideration is R's treatment of attributive phrases in his rendering of Hebrew nouns. Attributive phrases employing adjectival modification are infrequent in Biblical H e b r e w . Below is a complete presentation of all adjectives in attributive phrases in R . Adjectives functioning as noun substitutes are already analyzed under Nouns and predicate adjectives are treated under Verbless Clauses. In each example the evidence provided depends on the materials extant in R and the context necessary to clarify the syntactical situation. 100
9 7
M T vocalizes פ ר ץas paras (Qal Perfect, 3 m.s); in all likelihood R vocalized פ ר ץ
as peres (noun). 9 8
M T vocalizes י מ י ןas yämtn (bound form of noun).
(free form of noun); likely R vocalized י מ י ןas ydtriin
9 9
The form מ ו צ קis analyzed here as a Hophal Participle, m.s of י צ קfunctioning as an attributive adjective moditying the noun ר א י. 1 0 0
1 0 1
See Waltke-O'Connor, 255.
The context of ε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ς in j3:19b is insufficient to determine whether the function is attributive or predicative. ח ם י ר חin M T 39:13b is also excluded from the present section. It may be analyzed as an attributive adjective, feminine singular of ח ס י ד modifying ; א ב ר הthe rendering of R is discussed under Transliterations (see p. 311).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials The attributive phrases are set forth in groups. First, all cases are listed where an attributive adjective in M T is rendered by an attributive adjective in R . The arrangement is according to chapter and verse; the Hebrew adjective rendered by R is given as a headword to facilitate identification of the phrase in question. The grammar and word order of the source language are closely reflected in the grammar and word order of the target language. 102
כביד 15:10am גם־ישיש
15:10b מ א ב י ך י מ י ם
15:10a Χ κ α ί γ ε π ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς κ α ί γ ε π α λ α ι ό ς έ ν ήμΤν 15:10b Χ β α ρ ύ τ ε ρ ο ς τ ο ΰ π α τ ρ ό ς σ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς / יקר 28:16b ב ש ה ם י ק ר ו ס פ י ר 28:16b Χ έ ν ο ν υ χ ι τ ι μ ί φ κ α ί σ α π φ ί ρ φ / טהור 28:19b ט ה ו ר ל א ח ס ל ה
28:19b Χ χ ρ υ σ ί φ κ α θ α ρ ω ο ύ σ υ μ β α σ τ α χ θ ή σ ε τ α ι
רב 36:28b י ר ע פ ו ע ל י א ד ם ר ב Α ρ ρ I I 36:28b Χ γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έπ" α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς / זקן,שבע 42:17 א י ו ב ז ק ן ו ש ב ע י מ י ם
42:17 Χ κ α ί έ τ ε λ ε ύ τ η σ ε ν Ί ώ β π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ς κ α ί π λ ή ρ η ς ή μ ε ρ ω ν . /
1 0 2
In M T 30:3a, ג ל מ ו דmay be analyzed as an attributive adjective modifying ( כ פ ןso Dhorme, 431), but a better exegesis reads ג ל מ ו דas the subject of a nominal sentence and indeed, R understood it this way (see for example, Driver and Gray, 1:252, Gordis, 326, Pope, 217, and Habel, 413). The evidence is as follows: 30:3a ו ב כ פ ן ג ל מ ו ד
30:3a Χ έ ν έ ν δ ε ι α κ α ι λ ι μ φ ά γ ο ν ο ς /
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job The second group consists of Hebrew gentilic adjectives rendered in Greek by nouns having the suffix - « η ς , common in words denoting one's native place. Since the sole source of the materials for R is the C tradition in all four instances and since the C tradition attests in each case only one word—without context, it is not certain whether R employed the article in every instance or not. 103
2:11dTn!tfn App I I 2 : l i d Σωΐτης 42:9a ח ש ו ח י A p p I I 42:9a ό Σ ω ΐ τ η ς 2: H e ה נ ע מ ת י A p p I I 2:1 l e Ν ω μ α θ ί τ η ς 42:9a ה נ ע מ ת י A p p 11 42:9a Ν ω μ α θ ί τ η ς The third group consists of Hebrew noun phrases containing the cardinal numbers 1£? סןלand א ר ב ע. Although these numerals are actually nouns in apposition to the nouns they modify, the only way to render them in Greek is by attributive phrases. Therefore it is appropriate to include them in the present section. 1:17b ר א ^ י ם
A p p I I 1:17b τ ά γ μ α τ α τ ρ ί α 33:29b פ ע מ י • ש ל ר ש ע כ ד כ ב ר 33:29b Χ
οδούς τρεΤς
μετά ανδρός /
42:16b א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ת ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת
42:16c Χ κ α ι ε'Γδεν Ί ώ β τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς α υ τ ο ύ 42:16d Χ κ α ι τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ί ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . / R reveals a bit of creativity in 42:16d. In M T the noun phrase א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו תis in apposition to the direct object א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ה ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו. R employs an ordinal nu-
1 0 3
See Buck, 336.
On the reliability of the C tradition, see Z i , 139.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
meral for the cardinal number 'four', renders 'generation' as singular, and casts the attributive phrase in the accusative to indicate the extent of time. In general, however, the attributive phrases in R follow patterns which adhere closely to the patterns of the source language. 1.1.4. Articulation. Fourth in the description of how R renders Hebrew nouns and nominal syntagmemes is the translator's treatment of articulation and inarticulation. Not every instance in the class of Nouns delimited earlier is included in the corpus to be examined for the presence or absence of the article. Certainly to be included are those instances where a noun in Hebrew is rendered by a noun, adjective, or attributive adverb in Greek. To be excluded, however, are the cases previously listed where a Hebrew noun is rendered by an adverb, finite verb, or preposition in Greek since articulation between Greek and Hebrew cannot be compared in these instances. Also to be excluded here because comparison is not possible are those cases where a Hebrew noun is rendered by a participle in Greek and the participle is clearly circumstantial in function. Twenty-four further instances are eliminated as well from investigation because in each case the context and the nature of the textual testimony does not permit certainty concerning the absence or presence of the article. Scribal notes in some manuscripts may attest 8' materials as bare lexemes stripped of their syntactic settings. One final instance to be excluded is that of 26:5a where n is taken by R as a Interrogative Particle and rendered by prj. 105
1 0 5
See p. 86.
T h r e e instances where an Infinitive in M T is treated as a noun by R (34:3b, 37:12b, 39:1a), and one instance where a Finite Verb is treated as a noun by R (37:3a) are also included. For articulation of participles (whether rendered by a par ticiple or by a noun in Greek) see below the section on Participles, pp. 250f. and 259f. 107
T h e r e are 16 instances: 18:17b, j!9:25a, 24:5c, 28:18b, 31;2a, 31:27a, 33:19b, 33:20b, 35:16a, 36:16c, 39:13b, 39:16b, 39:29b, 40:2a, 41:4a, 41:4b. See above, pp. 93ff. and 98. 108
1 0 9
T h e r e are 4 instances: 21:23b, 21:23b, 35:9a, 40:24b.
T h e 24 instances are: jl:6c, j 2 : l l d , j 2 : l l e , j3:5b, j6:30a, j8:6b, j8:16b, j9:27a, jl0:15c, jl0:17c, jl5:8a, jl8:14a, j 19:12a, j28:3a, j28:13a, j31:32a, j31:40a, j33:15b, j38:33a, j39:19b, j40:10b, j40:10b, j42:9a, j42:9a.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Common nouns and proper nouns are discussed separately as both source and target languages articulate them differently. Numerals are also considered as a distinct group. Since grammatical rules of articulation for numerals in Greek differ from those for numerals in Hebrew, the approach of the translator towards the articulation of numerals may afford a means of measuring the extent to which R hebraizes. For identical reasons, cases of b־D rendered by naq and '6\oc, are set out separately. 110
112 Proper Nouns. Proper nouns in Biblical Hebrew are normally anarthrous. The Hebrew of M T corresponding to R contains 34 occurrences of 11 proper nouns where comparison between the Greek and the Hebrew is suitable. As expected, all 34 occurrences are anarthrous in Hebrew. In the Greek of R, 17 are arthrous and 17 are anarthrous. In the evidence which follows, asterisked references indicate proper nouns in prepositional phrases. The case in each instance is also indicated by a bracketed letter following the reference: (N)ominative, (G)enitive, (D)ative, and (A)ccusative. 113
115 Evidence.
1 1 0
Although a clear distinction between common nouns and proper nouns is difficult to establish in some situations, e.g. θεός, κ ύ ρ ι ο ς , the problem is immaterial to the present study. 1 1 1
There are 8 instances: jl:17b,j2:13a, 32:5b, 33:29b, 41:8a, 41:8a, j42:7b, 42:16d.
" יWaltke-O'Connor, § 13.4 and G K C , § 125d-f. 113
S i n c e context is inadequate for proper study, all four instances of gentilic adjectives are excluded from investigation 02:1 Id, j 2 : l l e , j42:9a, j42:9a). 1 1 4
T h e 17 occurrences are: 2 : l d , j21:19a, 22:13a, 31:2a, 32:12b, j33:26a, 33:29a, j34:23b, 34:31a, 35:10a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a, j37:22b, 39:17a, 40:1, 40:23b. 1 1 5
The 17 occurrences are: j l : l a , 12:9b, 21:15a, 22:24b, 28:16a, 28:19a, 31:2b, 32:5a, 34:7a, j34:9b, 35:16a, 37:10a, 38:32b, 40:1, 40:2a, 40:2b, 42:17. In 40:1 R renders י ה ר ה by κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ό θεός. Clearly = י ה ר הκ ύ ρ ι ο ς and ό θ ε ό ς is an addition. Hence 40:1 is analyzed as anarthrous.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Proper Nouns / Appellatives » א ו פ י רΏφίρ » א י ו בΊώβ
Anarthrous: 22:24b(A), 28:16a(G) Arthrous: 32:12b*(D), 40:1 ( D )
Anarthrous: j 1:1 a(N), 34:7a(N), 35:16a(N), 42:17(N) Arthrous: 22:13a(N). 33:29a(N) j34:23b*(A), 34:31a*(A), 36:22a(N), 36:26a(N), 37:5a(N) Anarthrous: 37:10a*(G) » א ל ו הθεός Arthrous: j21:19a(N), 31:2a(N), j33:26a(G), 35:10a(N), j37:22b*(D), 39:17a(N) Anarthrous: 40:2b(A) • » א ל ה יθεός Anarthrous: j34:9b*(G) » א ל י ה ו אΈ λ ι ο ΰ ς Anarthrous: 32:5a(N) » י ה ו הκύριος Arthrous: 2 : l d * ( G ) Anarthrous: 12:9b(G), 40:1(N) » י ר ד ןΙ ο ρ δ ά ν η ς Arthrous: 40:23b(N) KftD » Α ι θ ι ο π ί α Anarthrous: 28:19a(G) » עישΈσπερος Anarthrous: 38:32b(A) » ש ד יικανός Anarthrous: 21:15a(N), 31:2b(G), 40:2a*(G)
» א לισχυρός
״1 Commentary. The article is standard with θ ε ό ς and ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς , for 13 occurrences are arthrous and only 3 anarthrous. Moreover the exceptions are elucidated by careful note of the syntactic settings. Apart from asterisked references, all arthrous instances of θεός and ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς are functioning as subject except j33:26a. Arthrous θ ε ό ς in j33:26a and anarthrous θεός in 40:2b are both direct objects; the article in the former is due likely to the preposition א ל. Anarthrous θ ε ό ς in j34:9b and anarthrous ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς in 37:10a are in prepositional phrases where frequently the article is omitted in Greek. Anarthrous ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς in 37:10a has a noteworthy parallei. Ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς is also employed elsewhere in R: once in 37:18b as an adjective in predicate position where ί σ χ υ ρ α ΐ renders hazaqim and once in j!5:20b as a divine epithet where ί σ χ υ ρ φ renders le'aris. That the former is anarthrous is expected. The 118
1 1 6
One cannot always be sure whether a nominal is an appellative or a proper noun. Yet certain classification is not necessary to observe the patterns of articulation and inarticulation. 1 1 7
The testimony attesting 9' in 2: I d is C and hence not very trustworthy.
1 1 8
See Smyth, §§ 1127,1128.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
latter instance in jl5:20b is also anarthrous; this is the normal practice of R when rendering nominals with inseparable prepositions and nicely parallels the anarthrous exception where ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς renders א לin 37:10a. Unlike ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς , Ι κ α ν ό ς appears to be functioning as a Greek proper noun, i.e. not requiring an article to act as a substantive. Yet it is difficult to establish a pattern on the basis of three occurrences. Likewise, the evidence does not permit any firm generalizations for κ ύ ρ ι ο ς . Apart from θ ε ό ς and ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς then, proper nouns are normally anarthrous in R, for 13 occurrences are anarthrous and only 3 are arthrous. This is standard Greek usage, but also equivalent to the Hebrew. The case of ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς in 40:23b is apparently anomalous. Yet anarthrous י ר ד ןin 40:23bMT is exceptional for Biblical Hebrew usage, while ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς is the normal pattern in Biblical G r e e k . ' Thus the articulation of Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς in 40:23b reflects general Hebrew usage and at the same time is not contrary to Greek. Two exceptions remain. In 32:12b Ί ώ β has the article; this is the only occurrence of a name with the לpreposition. Ί ώ β also has the article in 40:1; this is the only occurrence of a name with א ת, the so-called nota accusativi. These exceptions indicate the concern of R for quantitative agreement with the Hebrew. 119
1 2 0
Yet another angle of analysis is necessary to elucidate fully the two instances of τ φ Ί ώ β just mentioned (32:12b, 40:1). Eight of the 11 proper nouns / appellatives are declinable in Greek and 3 are indeclinable. As already indicated, 2 of the 8 declinable nouns (θεός and ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς ) are only seldom without an article. Apart from the debatable evidence of C for τ ο ΰ κ υ ρ ί ο υ in 2: I d and the instance of ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς in 40:23b, the remaining declinable nouns are always anarthrous. O f the 3 indeclinable nouns only 2 out of 9 occurrences are arthrous. In both 32:12b and 40:1 the context demands the article for Ί ώ β because it is necessary to clarify oblique case functions. In short, there is a tendency in R to follow the Hebrew in omitting the article with proper nouns.
1 1 9
See Smyth, §§ 1136-42 and § 1153a. S e e n. 117.
1 2 1
See Smyth, §§ 1136-42.
1 2 2
Not counting the compound form י ר ד ן ־ י ר ח רM T has 168 occurrences of י ר ד ן
and only two are anarthrous: Psalm 42:7 and Job 40:23. See Even-Shoshan, . s . v . י ר ר ן. 1 2 3
F . Blass, A . Debrunner, and F. Rehkopf, Grammatik des neiuestamenllkhen Griechisch, 17th ed. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990), § 261.8, n. 9.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials Common Nouns. Analysis of articulation with common nouns is not so straightforward; the corpus is large and the grammatical situations more varied. Taking the Hebrew text as the point of departure, the various uses are grouped under three headings: (1) free forms, i.e. forms which can show the presence of the article in a consonantal text, (2) indeterminate forms, i.e. free forms with inseparable prepositions which, therefore, do not show the presence of the article in a consonantal text, (3) bound forms, i.e. forms with pronominal suffixes or forms functioning as nomen regens in a bound noun phrase. The evidence is summarized in tables; the footnotes provide complete lists of references. Where it is necessary to note nominals occurring in a prepositional phrase the evidence is arranged in columns. The first column indicates nominals not occurring in a prepositional phrase and is unmarked. The second column indicates nominals functioning as a Head term in a Prepositional phrase and is marked HP. A n example of a nominal functioning as a head term in a prepositional phrase is פ נ י נ י ם in28:18) מ פ נ י נ י םb ) . The third column indicates nominals not functioning as a head term in a Prepositional Phrase, like ש מ י םin28:21) מ י ם# מ ע ו ףb ) , and is marked PP. Finally, the fourth column shows the total of the first three. The references in the footnotes are marked similarly. Thus further grammatical information is included in a compact manner. 124 Free and Indeterminate
Free Forms HP
Total 1. Arthrous in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 2. Arthrous in H e b r e w » A n a r t h r o u s in R:
4 1
305. 1 3 8. 0 0 l .
3. Anarthrous in Hebrew » Arthrous in R:
1 2 4
The classification is indebted to A . Pietersma, "Articulation in the Greek Psalms: The Evidence of Papyrus Bodmer X X I V " in Tradition of the Text. Studies Offered to Dominique Barthélémy in Celebration of hh 70th Birthday, Orbis Biblicus et Orien talis no. 109, edited by G. J. Norton and S. Pisano (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991), pp. 184-202. 1 2 5
T h e 8 occurrences are: j3:8b, 12:8b, 28:21b P, 3 2 : 5 b , 36:20a, 36:30b, 37:3b . pp
* T h e 1 occurrence is: 39:15b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
4, Anarthrous in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R:
217 42
24 283.
Indeterminate Forms Total
1 2 7
T h e 13 occurrences are: 14:19b, 15:27b P, 21:28t>HP 21:30a, 22:13b P, 24:17a, 26:6a, 2 8 : 1 8 b , 28:22a, 28:22a, j 3 1 : 2 2 a , 34:18b, j37:22b. HP
! 2
» T h e 283 occurrences are: jl:17b, j2:13a, j3:8b, j3:19b, j9:19a, 10:4b, jl2:16a, j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , 12:18b, j!2:20a, 12:21a, H-.H-d ^, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:19a, 14:19a, 14:19c, jl5:4a,jl5:5b, 15:10a, 15:10b, 15:10b, jl5:14a, jl5:20b, 15:27b, jl6:2b, 16:21b, 17:4a , 17:5a, jl7:9a, 17:12a, 17:12b, 17:12b, 17:12b , 17:16b , 18:9b, 18:10b , 18:15b, 18:17b, jl9:18a, 19:24a , 19:24a , jl9:25b, j l 9 : 2 5 b H , 19:28b, 20:3b, 20:9a, 2 0 : l l b , 20:12a, 20.T4b, 20:21a, 20:25c, 21:28a, 21:29a, 21:30a , 21:30b , 21:32b , 21:33a, 21:33b, 21:33c, 22:3b, 22:14a, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 22:16b, 22:20b, 2 2 : 2 4 a , 22:24 H , 22:24b, j22:28a, 22:29b, 22:30a, 23:9a, 23:9b, 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:8a , 24;15a, 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16c, 24:17a, 24:17b, 24:18a, 24:18a , 25:6b, 25:6b, 26:5b , 26:6a, 26:6b, 26:7a, 26:7aHP 26:7b, 26:7b , 26:8a, 26:8b, 26:9a, 26:10a, 26:10a , 26:10b , 26:10b , 26:11a, 26:14b , j27:19a, 27:21a, 28:3b, 28:3c, 28:3c, 28:4a, 28:4a, 28:4a , 28:5a, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:7a, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16bH , 28:16b , 28:16b , 28:17a, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:18b, 28:19b , 28:19b , 28:26b, 28:26b, 29:1 la, j29:13b, 29:19a'I , 29:19b, 29:20a, 29:25a, 29:25c, j30:lb, 30:2b, 30:3a, 30:3b, 30:3c, 30:3c, 30:4a, 30:4a , 3 0 : 7 a , 30:11b, 30:12a , 30:12a , 30:22b , 30:27b, 31:1a, 3 1 : l b , 31:2b , 31:3a, 31:3b, 31:3b , j31:5aH , 31:24a, 32:4b, 32:5a, 32:11c, 32:15b, 33:20b, 33:29b, 3 3 : 2 9 b , 33:32a, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:6b , 34:7a, 34:7b, j34:9a, 3 4 : l l b , 34:18b, 34:23a , 34:25b, 34:28a, 34:28b, 34;29b, 34:29c , 34:29c , 34:30a, 34:30a, 34:30b , 34:32b, 35:8b, 35:9b , j35:10b, 35:16bHP, 35:16b, j36:4a, j36:4b, j36:4b, 36:5b, 36:5b. 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:73^, 36:7b , 36:8b , 36:10b , 36:13a, 36:13a, 36:16a , 36:16b, 36:16b, 36;16c, 36:16c, 36:19c(=bMT), 36:20b, 36:21b , 36:24b, 36:25a, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:27b, 36:28a, j 3 6 : 2 8 b , j36:28b , 36:29a, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a , 36:32a, 36:33b, 36:33bHP 37:2b, 37:4a, 37:7a , 37:10a, 37:11a, 37:11a, 37:12a, j37:17b , 37:18b, 37:21b, 38:26 H , 38:26a, 38:26b, 38:26b, 38;27a, 38:27a, 38:27b, j38:37b, 39:1a, 39:6b, 39:8a, 39:8bH 39:13a, 39:14b , 39:15a, 39:16bHP, 39:17a, 3 9 : 2 8 ( = 2 8 b M T ) , 3 9 : 2 8 ( = 2 8 b M T ) , 40:2a, 40:24b, 40:26a, j40:30a, 41:4b, 41:9a, 41:21a, j41:22a, 41:24b, j41:26a, 42:16d, 42:17, 42:17. 1
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
5. Arthrous in M T » Arthrous in R: 6. Arthrous in M T » Anarthrous in R:
7. Anarthrous in M T » Arthrous in R: 8. Anarthrous in M T » Anarthrous in R:
Articulation in R closely follows that of M T for free forms. Nouns functioning as a head term in prepositional phrases are 12% for No, 1 and 15% for No. 4. Conse quently, R resists any idiomatic tendency in Greek for head terms in prepositional
1 2 9
T h e 5 occurrences are: j l 4 : 8 b , 18:10a, 26:6b, 37:21b, 39:17b, One instance is contested in the history of textual transmission: 18:10a ב א ר ץ ח ב ל ו
18:10a X KCKpuitxai ev i f ) yrj o x o i v i o v a־oxou / A p p 16v xt] yfj] ev י/ ףc 795 lul Ol Ziegler's lemma is assumed correct since attestation for omitting the article is so weak. This is the only occurrence in 56 Indeterminate Forms where an article is omitted by scribes. 3 0
' T h e 25 occurrences are: 12:23a, 12:23b, j 13:27a, j 15:20b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:14b, 24:14b, 24:16a, 28:9a, 29:25b, 33:28a, 33:28b, 34:7b, j34:23b, j35:10b, 35:15b, 36:7b, 36:8a, 36:11b, 36:11c, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:14a, 39:18a, 39:18a, 39:18b. One instance is contested in the history o f textual transmission: 35:10b נ ת ן ז מ ר ו ת ב ל י ל ה 35:10b 6 SiSotx; aiveceic; ev ( + x ^ CP)
Ziegler is on firm ground in rejecting xfj: the article is attested by only part of C and the testimony of Y is helpful in determining the original reading (see Hagedorn, 4-10, and also U . and D . Hagedorn, eds., Olympiodor, Diakon von Alexandria, Kommentar zu Mob, Patristische Texte und Studien, vol. 24 [Berlin-New York: 1984], xi-xxxvi). Moreover, the pattern of translation technique obviously favours the absence of the article. This is the only occurrence in 56 Indeterminate Forms where an article is added by copyists in the textual transmission. 1 3 1
The 2 occurrences are: j9:19a, 17:5a.
" T h e 24 occurrences are: j l l : J S b , 16:8a, 17:12a, j!9:24b, 21:32ft, 24:25b, 29:25b, j 3 0 : l b , 30:3a, 30:3a, 31:3a, 31:18a, 32:4b, 34:3b, 35:8a, 36:7c, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 37:18b, 39:16b, j40:26b, 41:21a, 41:24b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
phrases to be anarthrous in order to follow the H e b r e w . No. 6 in Indeterminate Forms is higher proportionately than No. 2 in Free Forms. Whether this is due to a parent text differing from the vocalization of M T or to the demands of the target language in its tendency for head terms in prepositional phrases to be anarthrous is impossible to say. Naturally, all Indeterminate Forms are functioning as head terms in prepositional phrases. Apart from No. 6, articulation of Indeterminate Forms in M T is mirrored very well by R. Bound Forms. Bound forms will be examined in two categories: (1) forms with pronominal suffixes, (2) forms functioning as nomen regens in a bound noun phrase. Additionally, to complete the picture, articulation will be described not only for bound forms, but also for bound phrases considered as grammatical units. This additional analysis will obviously overlap with the analysis of bound forms functioning as nomen regens in a bound phrase. The evidence for both categories of bound forms is presented in a format identical to that for free forms. There are tables with foot notes providing complete lists of references. Where it is necessary to note nominals occurring in a prepositional phrase the evidence is arranged in columns: the first column indicates nominals not occurring in a prepositional phrase (unmarked), the second column indicates nominals functioning as a Head term in a Prepositional phrase (marked H P ) , the third column indicates nominals not functioning as a head term in a Prepositional Phrase (marked PP), and the fourth column shows the total of the first three. The references in the footnotes are marked similarly. Bound Forms with Pronominal
Suffixes. HP
Total 1. Arthrous in R: 1 3 3
PP 176. 97.
72 25
See Robertson, 791-793.
1 3 4
T h e 97 occurrences are: jl:20a, j2:6b, j 2 : 1 2 d , j3:19bH , j3:23a, j4:21a, 7:8b, j7:13bH , j7:13b, 9:15b, j9:16b, 13:20bHP, 14:l8bHP 15:10b, 15:27a, 16:8b, 16:21b, 17:3b, jl7:9a, jl7:15b, jl8:7b, 18:10b, 18:15aH , 18:15b, 18:16a, j 19:27c, jl9:27cHP, 20:3bHP, 20:9b, 20:12bH 20:13bH , 20:21a, j21:19a, 21:29b, 21:31a, 22:3b, j22:4aH , 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:20b, j23:11a, 24:25b, 26:1 l b ™ , 2 7 : 2 1 b , 2 7 : 2 3 b , 28:6a, 28:17b, 29:10bH , 29:19a, 29:19bH , 29:20a, 29:20b, 29:24b, 30:11b, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:27a, 31:1a, 31:4b, 31:23bHP, 31:27a, j31:31b, j 3 2 : l l a , j 3 3 : 2 b , 33:?,0b, 33:28b, 34:6b, 35:8a, 35:8b, 35:16a, j36:4a, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:11b, 36:11c, 37:1a, 3 7 : l b , 37:3b, 37:13aH , j39:3a, 39:4a, 39:6b, 39:14a, 39:16a, 39:29b, 40:23bH , 4 0 : 2 4 a , 40:26a , j41:la, 41:4b, j 4 1 : 6 b , 41:9a, j 4 2 : 7 b , j42:7b, j42:8g, 42:16c, 42:16d. p
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
2. Anarthrous in R:
No. 1 includes 4 instances where the pronominal suffix was not rendered by R. * Similarly, No. 2 includes 3 instances where the pronominal suffix was not rendered by a pronoun in G r e e k . Nominals functioning as a head term in prepo sitional phrases are 26% for No. 1 and 29% for No. 2. Therefore it is difficult to connect articulation with whether the nominal is in a prepositional phrase or not. Although all bound forms with pronominal suffixes are intrinsically definite, the tendency for R to employ the article in Greek is only slightly higher than the tendency to use anarthrous forms. 13
137 Bound Forms Functioning as Nomen Regens. Nouns functioning as nomen regens in a bound noun phrase are normally anarthrous in Hebrew, but are equivalent to articulated forms and hence labelled arthrous below if (1) the free member has the article, (2) the free member has a pronominal suffix, or (3) the free member is intrinsically determined, i.e. is a proper n o u n . I n the following table, N R stands for nomen regens. 138
1 3 5
T h e 79 occurrences are: j l : l a , 11:5b, 12:18b, j!3:8a, 14:12cH , 14:19b, 15:26b , 15:27a , 16:8c(=bMT)HP, 17:4a, j 18:4a, j l 8 : 4 a H , 18:10a, 18:15aHP, 18:16b, 20:3a, 20:11a, 20:11a, 2 0 : 1 2 a , 2 0 : 1 4 b , 20:23a, j21:19a, 21:21a, 2 1 : 2 1 a , 21:21b, 21:23a , 2 1 : 3 1 a , 2 2 : 3 0 b , 2 3 : 1 5 c ( = a M T ) H 26:8aH , 26:9b, 26:14a, 27:19b, 2 7 : 2 2 b , 27:23a, 28:9a, 28:15b, 29:10b, 2 9 : 2 0 b , 29:25a, 30:1c, 30:2a, 30:12b, 30:12c , 30:13a, 31:4a, 31:18aH , 31:18b , 31;24a, 32:5c, 32:12c, 33:8aH , 33:19b, 33:28a, 35:7bH , 35:15a, 36:7a , 36:16c, 36:22aH , 36:26b, 3 6 : 2 7 b , 36:29b, 36:33a, 3 7 : 2 a , 37:2bH , 37:3a, 3 7 : 4 b , 37:4c, 37:5aH , 37:6b, 37:11b, 37:12bH , 38:32aH , 3 8 : 3 2 b , 39:3b, 39:8a, j40:26b, 4 0 : 3 l b , 42:8e. (Included here is one case where a verb in M T is understood as a suffixed noun by R: 37:3a.) HP
p p
* The four instances are: j 1:20a, 20:3b, 29:19a, j41:6b.
1 3 7
1 3 8
The three instances are: 14:19b, 36:27b, 37:2a.
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 13.4a. O n the problems of identifying definiteness and determination see James Barr, "'Determination' and the Definite Article in Biblical Hebrew," Journal of Semitic Studies, 34/2 (Autumn) 1989: 307-335.
1. N R 2. N R 3. N R 4. N R
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Definite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: Definite in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R: Indefinite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: Indefinite in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R:
2 1 20 10 4 0 46 20
1 31. 0 4. 0 66.
1 4 0
Clearly the pattern in R is for the nomen regens to be anarthrous in Greek irrespective of whether the nomen rectum in Hebrew is articulated or equivalent to an articulated form. Thus R rather slavishly follows the Hebrew which formally shows no articulation. The pattern appears to be independent of whether the form is in a prepositional phrase or not although No. 1 contains so few instances it is difficult to compare the ratio of forms in prepositional phrases there with the ratio of forms in prepositional phrases in No. 4. 143 Bound Phrases. As described earlier, in 92 instances R renders the nomen rectum o f bound structures in the Hebrew by nouns in the genitive case. The normal pattern in Classical Greek is that either both noun and attributive genitive are arthrous or both are anarthrous. The nomen regens frequently lacks the article 144
1 3 9
T h e 3 occurrences are: 12:8b, 3 0 : 1 8 b , 42:16d.
1 4 0
T h e 31 occurrences are: 7:8a, 9:24b, 12:9b, 15:26b«P, 15:26b , 20:3a, 21:21b, 21:23a , 22:30bH , 26:14a, 28:16a, 28:19a, 28:21bH 29:24b, 30:2a, 30:12c, 31:2b, 31:18bH , 3 2 : 5 b , 33:19b, 36:26b, 36:29b, 36:30b, 3 7 : 2 a . 3 7 : 3 b , 3 7 : 4 b , 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:10aH , 37:11b, 39:15b. fip
1 4 1
The 4 occurrences are: 14:19b, 21:28b, 21:28b, 36.T9c(=bMT).
1 4 2
T h e 66 occurrences are: j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , 14:19c, jl5:5b, jl5:20b, 16:21b, I 7 : 1 2 b , 1 8 : I 7 b , 19:24a , 19:28b, 20:14b, 21:28a, 21:30a , 2 1 : 3 0 b , 21:33a, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15b, 2 2 : 2 4 b , 22:29b, 24:4b, 24:8aH , 24:15a, 24:15c, 24:17b, 2 4 : 1 8 a , 25:6b, 26:9a, 26:10a' , 2 6 : 1 0 b , 26:11a, 2 6 : 1 4 b , 28:3c, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:17b, 28:26bH , 29:13a, j29:I3b, 30:27b. 3 4 : l l b H , 34:28a, 34:28b, 3 4 : 3 0 b , 35:8b, 3 5 : 9 a , 3 5 : 9 b , 36:5b, 36:6b, 3 6 : 8 b , 36:13a, 36:16a , 36:29a, 3 7 : 7 a , 38:27b, j38:37b, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:13a, 3 9 : 2 8 ( = 2 8 b M T ) , 4 0 : 3 1 b , 41:4b,j41:22a, 42:17. HP
1 4 4
S e e p. 111. Robertson, 780.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
in prepositional phrases. Grammarians of New Testament Greek have claimed that there is an increasing tendency for the nomen regens to be anarthrous due to the influence of Hebrew via the translation Greek of the Septuagint. It is worthwhile, therefore, to examine the rendering of articulation in bound phrases considered as grammatical units. In the following table, NR stands for a nomen regens in R and N M for a nomen rectum in R. Note in particular that the numbers refer to bound phrases, not to bound forms. Column 2 indicates the number of bound phrases in prepositional phrases. A separate column for distinguishing nominals functioning as a head term in a prepositional phrase is unnecessary. 146
Where Nomen Rectum in Hebrew = Arthrous Noun 1. Arthrous NR—Arthrous N M 2. Anarthrous NR—Arthrous N M 3. Anarthrous NR—Anarthrous N M
1 1 1
0 i . 3 4. 0 l .
1 1 11
1 0 I . 5 16.
Where Nomen Rectum in Hebrew = Suffixed Noun 4. Arthrous NR—Arthrous N M 5. Anarthrous NR—Arthrous N M 6. Anarthrous NR—Anarthrous N M
1 4 5
E. Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik, V o l . 2: Syntax und syntaktische Stilistik, by E. Schwyzer and A . Debrunner, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, I I . 1.2 (Mün chen: C. H . Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1950,1975), 24. 1 4 6
See for example, Blass-Debrunner, § 259, and Turner, Syntax, 173,179-180.
1 4 7
There is 1 two member phrase: 12:8b, 12:8b.
T h e r e are 4 two member phrases: 28:21b , 28:21b , 3 2 : 5 b , 3 2 : 5 b , 36:30b, 36:30b, 37:3bH , 3 7 : 3 b . p
T h e r e is 1 two member phrase: 39:15b, 39:15b.
1 5 0
There are 2 two member phrases: 3 0 : ^ ^ , 30:18b , 42:16d, 42:16d.
1 5 1
There is 1 two member phrase: 29:24b, 29:24b.
1 5 2
There are 14 two member phrases and 2 three member phrases: 7:8a, 7:8a, 9:24b, 9:24b, 15:26bH , 15:26b , 15:26b 20:3a, 20:3a, 21:2lb, 21:21b, 21:233™, 21:23a , 26:14a, 26:14a, 30:2a, 30:2a, 30:12c, 30:12c, 3 1 : 1 8 b , 31:18b , 33:19b, p
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Where Nomen Rectum in Hebrew = (Anarthrous) Proper Noun 7. Anarthrous Ν R—Anarthrous N M
0 2. 16 5 4 .
Where Nomen Rectum in Hebrew = Anarthrous Common Noun 8. Arthrous NR—Arthrous N M 9. Anarthrous NR—Anarthrous N M
2 38
As listed earlier, there are three instances where the construction in M T is not a bound phrase but was treated as such in R. These cases would fall into No. 9, thus bringing the total there to 5 7 . When the bound phrase is arthrous in Hebrew, there is a tendency in R towards phrases where the nomen regens is anarthrous or both nomen regens and nomen rectum are anarthrous. This pattern casts light on why ισχυρός lacks the 156
33:19b, 36:26b, 36:26b, 36:29b, 36:29b, 37:2aH , 37:2a , 3 7 : 4 b , 3 7 : 4 b , 37:6b, 37:6b, 37:6b. 153
T h e r e are 5 two member phrases: 12:9b, 12:9b, 28:16a, 28:16a, 28:19a, 28:19a, 31:2b, 31:2b, 37:10aH , 37:10a . p
T h e r e is 1 two member phrase and 1 three member phrase: 14:19b, 14:19b, 21:28b, 21:28b, 21:28b. 1 5 5
There are 53 two member phrases and 1 four member phrase: j l 1 : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , 14:19c, 14:19c, J15:5b,jl5:5b,jl5:20b,jl5:20b,jl6:2b,jl6:2b, 16:21b, 16:21b, 17:12bHP, 17:12b , 19:28b, 19:28b, 20:14b, 20:14b, 21:28a, 21:28a, 21:30a , 21:30a , 2 1 : 3 0 b , 21:30b , 21:33a, 21:33a, 22:14b, 22:14b, 24:4b 24:4b, ״24:83? 24:8a , 24;15a, 24;15a, 24;15c, 24:15c, 24:17b, 24:17b, 24:18a , 24:18a , 25:6b, 25:6b, 26:9a, 26:9a, 26:10a , 26:10a , 26:10bH , 26:10b , 26:11a, 26:11a, 2 6 : 1 4 b , 26:14b , 28:6a, 28:6a, 28:7b, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8a, 29:13a, 29:13a, j29:13b, j29:13b, 30:27b, 30:27b, 34:1 lb* ?, 3 4 : l l b , 34:28a, 34:28a, 34:28b, 34:28b, 3 4 : 3 0 b , 34:30b , 35:8b, 35:8b, 3 5 : 9 b , 3 5 : 9 b , 36:5b, 36:5b, 36:6b, 36:6b, 3 6 : 8 b , 3 6 : 8 b , 36:13a, 36:13a, 36:16a , 36:16a , 36:29a, 36:29a, 3 7 : 7 a , 37:7a , 38:27b, 38:27b, j38:37b, j38:37b, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:1a, 39:13a, 39:13a, 39:28(=28bMT)H , 3 9 : 2 8 ( = 2 8 b M T ) , 40:31bHP, 40:31b , 41:4b, 41:4b, j41:22a, j41:22a, 42:17,42:17. pp
p p
׳The 3 occurrences are: 28:4a. 30:12a, 37:18b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
article in 37:10a and possibly why κ ύ ρ ι ο ς lacks the article in 12:9b: in both cases R is rendering bound phrases. Once again, whether or not the nominal is in a prepositional phrase does not appear relevant. So-Called No/a Accusativi. The above analysis on articulation includes six instances where the noun or noun phrase is preceded by the Hebrew particle א ח. Since this particle is used most often to mark the direct object of a transitive v e r b , the question must be asked as to whether the presence of א חhas any affect on articulation in Greek. These six occurrences are now presented together as follows. 157
1:20a ) ו י ק ם א י ו ב ו י ק ר ע ( א ח ־ מ ע ל ו A p p I I 1:20a . . . τ ο ν έ π ε ν δ ύ τ η ν 2:6b ) א ך ( א ת ־ נ פ ש ו ש מ ר A p p I I 2:6b . . . τ η ς ψ υ χ ή ς α υ τ ο ύ ο ύ χ ά ψ η 40:1a י ה ו ח א ת ־ א י ו ב ו י א מ ר
1 5 8
40:1 X K a i ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ό θ ε ο ς τ ω Ί ώ β κ α ι εΤπεν / 41:26a י ר א ה
A p p I I 41:26a π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι 42:16b א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ח ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת
42:16c Χ κ α ι ε ΐ δ ε ν Ί ώ β τ ο υ ς υ ι ο ύ ς α υ τ ο ύ 42:16d Χ κ α ι τ ο ύ ς υ Ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ί ω ν α υ τ ο ύ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . / Three instances of א חprecede nouns with pronominal suffixes. Above it was observed that for bound forms with pronominal suffixes the tendency for R to employ the article in Greek is only slightly higher than the tendency to use anarthrous forms. Thus the א חmay well be the reason for the article i n these three instances. One instance of א חprecedes a bound phrase where the normal pattern of R is for both nouns to be anarthrous. Hence the article may well be triggered by א ת here too. The name Ί ώ β is usually anarthrous suggesting that א תis the cause of the article in 40:1. The exception is the anarthrous free form in j41:26a. Here semantic considerations led him to his choice. For though R could have written π ά ν τ α τ ο ν
1 5 7
Waltke-O'Connor, § 10.3.1.
1 5 8
The rendering ο ύ χ ά ψ η appears to be based on M T 1:12c, so A p p I I 2:6b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν , in so doing he would have altered the meaning of his source text. O n the whole it is reasonable to assume that the Greek article is employed to render Hebrew א ת. Numerals. Apart from 'one', numerals in Hebrew are nouns occurring as bound forms or as free forms in apposition. In Greek, some cardinal numerals are inflected; others are not. The evidence below allows comparison of the Hebrew and R on the matter of articulation. 1:17b י ם$ ) כ ש ד י ם ש מ ו ( ש ל ש ה ר א A p p I I 1:17b... τ ά γ μ α τ α τ ρ ί α 2:13a ) ו י ש ב ו א ת ו ל א ר ץ ש ב ע ה י מ י ם ( ו ט ו ב ע ת ל י ל ו ת A p p I I 2:13a . . . κ α ί έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς , 32:5b ב פ י ש ל ש ת ה א נ ש י ם 32:5b Χ έ ν σ τ ό μ α τ ι τ ω ν τ ρ ι ώ ν ά ν δ ρ ω ν , / 33:29b ע ם ־ נ ב ר£?פ ע מ י ם שלו 33:29b Χ
τρεΤς μ ε τ ά
41:8a ב א ח ד י נ ש ו 41:8a Χ ε ι ς τ ο υ
ανδρός. •׳
κολλωνται, •׳
42:7b ה ר ה א פ י ב ך ו ב ש נ י ר ע י ך A p p 11 42:7b έ θ υ μ ώ θ η ή ό ρ γ ή μ ο υ έ ν σ ο ι κ α ί έ ν τ ο ι ς δ υ σ ί φ ί λ ο ι ς σ ο υ 42:16b א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ת ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת
42:16c Χ κ α ί ε ΐ δ ε ν Ί ώ β τ ο ύ ς υιούς αυτού 42:16d Χ κ α ί τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ί ω ν α υ τ ο ύ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . / In jl:17b, j2:13a, 33:29b, the first instance in 41:8a, and 42:16d R is able to follow formally the articulation pattern in the source language as well as in the target language. The presence of articulation in 32:5b is the same in Greek and Hebrew although the article is shifted from ה א נ ש י םto before τ ρ ι ώ ν according to the rules of the target language. Similarly, the article in j42:7b corresponds to the fact that ר ע י ך is a bound noun. Only in the second instance in 41:8a does articulation between R and M T differ. Quantitatively R still adheres to the Hebrew by rendering בby an article, thereby also changing the sense. Once more, R is driven by a quantitative approach in his translation technique.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materialsכל. The cases of כ לrendered by π α ς and ό λ ο ς are as follows: 12:9a מ י ל א ־ י ד ע כ כ ל ־ א ל ה 12:9a Χ τ ί ς ο ϋ κ έ γ ν ω έ ν π ά σ ι τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς / 21:33b ו א ח ר י ו כ ל ־ א ד ם י מ ש ו ך 21:33b Χ κ α ι ο π ί σ ω α υ τ ο ύ π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς ά π ε λ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι , 28:3a • ל ח ש ך ( ו ל כ ל ־ ־ ת כ ל י ת ה ו א ח ו כ ךto ) ק ץ 28:3b Χ κ α ί π α ν π έ ρ α ς α υ τ ό ς έ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ε τ α ν
31:4b ו כ ל ־ צ ע ד י י ס ס ו ר 31:4b Χ κ α ί π ά ν τ α τ ά δ ι α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε τ α ι ; 33:29a י ס ע ל ־ א ל 33:29a Χ
πάντα τ α ύ τ α έργάται ό ισχυρός /
36:19b ו כ ל מ א מ צ י ־ כ ח 36:19c Χ κ α ί π ά ν τ α ς τ ο ύ ς κ ρ α τ α ι ο ΰ ν τ α ς ί σ χ ύ ν . / 36:25a ח ז ו ־ ב ו
36:25a Χ π ά ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς εΤδεν έ ν έ α υ τ φ , / 37:3a י ש ר ה ו
37:3a Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω π α ν τ ό ς τ ο ΰ ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ά ρ χ ή α υ τ ο ύ , / 37:7a י ח ת ו ם
37:7a Χ έ ν χ ε ι ρ ί π α ν τ ό ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ κ α τ α σ φ ρ α γ ί ζ ε ι , / 37:12b כ ל א ש ר י צ ו ם 37:12c Χ π ά ν τ α , δ σ α α ν έ ν τ ε ί λ η τ α ι α υ τ ώ ν / 39:8b ו א ח ר כ ל ־ ־ י ר ו ק י ד ר ו ^ ז 39:8b Χ κ α ι ο π ί σ ω π α ν τ ό ς χ λ ω ρ ο ύ ζ η τ ε ί . / 41:26a י ר א ה
A p p I I 41:26a π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
21:23b כ ל ו ש ל א נ ן ו ש ל י ו 21:23b Χ δλος δέ ευπαθών καϊ εϋθηνων / כ לis a noun normally occurring in bound structures. The predicate position is usual for πας and δλος and, in terms of word order, corresponds to the source Ianguage as well. The only instance where the articulation of the construction with πας differs from M T is 36:19c where R renders a noun by a participle and must articulate the participle to preserve the sense. Summary. In conclusion, the articulation patterns of free forms, indeterminate forms, and bound phrases show that the absence or presence of an article or occasionally other particles in the consonantal Hebrew text is the main reason for the absence or presence of the article in R. Where bound forms with pronominal suffixes occur, the demands of Greek grammar and style and the form of the Hebrew have about equal influence upon R. 1.2. Lexical
Shifting focus from a formal or structural perspective, the way in which R renders Hebrew nouns is now described from the viewpoint of lexical equivalency. First, the equivalents for adverbs, adjectives and common nouns are presented, then the translator's treatment of proper nouns is taken up. 1.2.1. Adverbs, Adjectives and Common Nouns. Below is a complete list of adverbs, adjectives and common nouns occurring three times or more in M T and their lexical equivalents in R. One can hardly establish meaningful patterns for frequencies of less than three. For the sake of completeness, however, the Greek equivalents of all Hebrew nouns occurring less than three times are listed in Appendix A . The lexical selection of the revisor / translator is analyzed according to four levels of variety: (1) a given Hebrew lexeme is rendered by a single Greek lexeme, (2) more than one Hebrew lexeme are rendered by a single Greek lexeme, (3) a given Hebrew lexeme is rendered by more than one Greek lexeme, (4) more than one Hebrew lexeme are rendered by more than one Greek lexeme. The arrangement of the list below groups these four levels into three categories: (1) the first two levels are called stereotype equivalents, (2) the third level regular equivalents, and (3) the fourth level non-standard equivalents. Each entry is consecutively numbered from Category 1 through Category 3. The. equivalents are presented in the format X » Y which signifies "X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)" and the frequency and occurrences of each equivalent are provided as well. The number immediately following each equivalent ( Y ) indicates the frequency and the occurrences are listed next in parentheses. Where the variety
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
of the lexical selection o f R is greater than one Hebrew lexeme rendered by a single Greek lexeme, the alternative equivalencies are included at the end o f each entry in square brackets.
Category 1 - Stereotype Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 1. » א בπ α τ ή ρ 3 (15:10b, 30:1c, 31:18a) 2. » א ב ןλ ί θ ο ς 3 (14:19a, 28:3c, 28:6a) 3. » א ו רφ ω ς 8 (17:12b, 24:16c, 26:10b, 29:24b, 33:28b, 36:32a, 37:3b, 37:11b); » ή δ ώ 1 (36:30a) 4. » א ז ןο υ ς 3 (29:11a, 33:8a, 34:3a) 5. » א ר ץγ ή 9 (14:19b, 18:10a, 24:4b, 26:7b, 28:5a, 37:3b, 37:13a, 38:26a, 39:14a) 6. » נ ו יέ θ ν ο ς 3 (12:23a, 12:23b, 34:29c) 7. » ר ר ךο δ ό ς 9 03:23a, j 17:9a, 21:29a, 21:31a, 22:3b, 26:14a, 28:26b, 29:25a, 31:4a) 8. » ה רό ρ ο ς 3 (14:18a, 24:8a, 39:8a) 9. » ח ךλ ά ρ υ γ ξ 4 (20:13b, 29:10b, j33:2b, 34:3b) 10. » ח כ מ הσ ο φ ί α 3 (28:18b, 33:33b, 39:17a) 11. » י ו םή μ ε ρ α 9 (15:10b, 17:12a, 21:30a, 21:30b, 330:1b, 30:27b, 32:4b, 36:11b, 42:17) 12. » י םθ ά λ α σ σ α 3 (12:8b, 28:14b, 36:30b) 13. » ל בκ α ρ δ ί α 6 (17:4a, J29:13b, 31:27a, 36:5b, 36:13a, 37:1a) 14. » ל י ל הν ύ ξ 7 (j2:13a, 17:12a, 18:15a, 24:14b, 34:25b, j35:10b, 36:20a)**׳ 1 5 . » ל ש ו ןγ λ ω σ σ ά 3 015:5b, 20:12b, 29:10b) 16. » מ י סύ δ ω ρ 7 (14:19a, 24:18a, 26:5b, 26:8a, 26:10a, 29:19a, 34:7b)1« 17. » מ ס פ רα ρ ι θ μ ό ς 3 O15:20b, 21:21b, 36:26b); » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι 1 (21:33c) 18. » מיר^םτ ό π ο ς 6 (14:18b, 20:9b, 27:21b, 27:23b, 28:6a, 37:1b) 19. » נ ח לχ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο ς 3 (21:33a, 22:24b, 28:4a) 20. » נ פ שψ υ χ ή 5 02:6b, j 18:4a, 30:16a, 33:20b, 33:28a) 21. » ע ו דε τ ι 2 (32:15a, 34:23a); 1 5 9
I n 18:15a M T has mibbalî; R read bzlêlô. Thus 18:15a is included as an instance of » ל י ל הνύξ. Note in addition ס פ י ח י הrendered by the noun phrase \36ata tttma in 14:19b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
w3lo'-'od M T » κ α ι ο ύ κ έ τ ι 1 (20:9b); » z e r o 1 (32:16b) 22. » ע י ןοφθαλμός 13 (7:8a, 7:8b, j l l : 2 0 c [ = a M T ] , 20:9a, 22:29b, 24:15a, 24:15b, 27:19b, 28:7b, 31:1a, 36:7a, 39:29b, 40:24a) 23. » ע םλ α ό ς 3 (34:30b, 36:20b, 36:31a) 24. » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς 3 (26:8b, 26:9b, 37:11b); » ע נ נ הσ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α 1 (j3:5b) 25. » • נ י םπ ρ ό σ ω π ο ν 17 (9:24b, jl3:8a, 13:20b, 15:27a, 16:8c[=bMT], 17.T2b, 18:17b, 21:31a, 23:15c[=aMT], 24:15c, 24:18a, 26:9a, 26:10a, 29:24b, 30:11b, 34:29b, 42:8e)M 26. » צ ד ק הδ ι κ α ι ο σ ύ ν η 1 (35:8b); » צ ד י קδ ί κ α ι ο ς 2 (j 17:9a, 36:7a) 27. » צ ל מ ו תσ κ ι ά θ α ν ά τ ο υ 3 (24:17a, 24:17b, 28:3c) 28. » ר ג לπ ο ύ ς 3 (j23:lla, 30:12b, 39:15a) 29. ( ר ש עresa') » α σ έ β ε ι α 1 (35:8a); 1
( ר ש עrasa ) » ά σ ε β η ς 4 ( j l l : 2 0 c [ = a M T ] , 21:28b, 34:18b, 36:6a) 30. » ש ח קπ α λ α ί ω μ α 3 (36:28a. 37:18a, 37:21b) 31. » ש ל שτ ρ ε ι ς 3 (jl:17b, 32:5b, 33:29b) 32. » ' ש מ י םο υ ρ α ν ό ς 5 (22:14b, 26:11a, 28:21b, 37:3a, j38:37b) 33. » ש נ הέ τ ο ς 3 (j!5:20b, 36:11c, 36:26b) More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 34. » א ד םά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς 10 (16:21b, 21:33b, 25:6b, 34:29c, 34:30a, 35:8b, 36:25a, j36:28b, 37:7a, 3 8 : 2 6 b ) ; [ » א נ ו שά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς ] 35. » א י דα π ώ λ ε ι α 3 (21:30a, 30:12c, 3 1 : 3 a ) [ » א ב ד ו ןα π ώ λ ε ι α (26:6b, 28:22a)] 36. » א י שά ν ή ρ 7 (32:5b, 34:11b, 34:23a, 35:8a, 36:24b, 38:26a, 41:9a) [ » ג ב רά ν ή ρ ; » מ הά ν ή ρ (22:15b)] 37. » א נ ו שά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς 3 (10:4b, 14:19c, j l 5 : 1 4 a ) [ » א ד םά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς ] 38. » א ר חτρίβος 3 (22:15a, 30:12c, 3 4 : 1 1 b ) [ » נ ת י בτρίβος] 39. » ג ב רά ν ή ρ 3 (33:29b, 34:7a, j 3 4 : 9 a ) [ » א י שά ν ή ρ ] 40. » ד ב רλ ό γ ο ς 4 (19:28b, 26:14b, j32:11 a, 4 1 : 4 b ) [ » מ ל הλ ό γ ο ς ] 41. » ז ה בχ ρ υ σ ί ο ν 3 (28:6b, 28:17a, 3 1 : 2 4 a ) [ » כ ת םχ ρ υ σ ί ο ν (28:16a, 28:19b)] 42. » ח ש ךσ κ ό τ ο ς 3 (17:12b, 24:16a, 2 6 : 1 0 b ) [ » נ ש ףσ κ ό τ ο ς (24:15a)] 43. » י דχ ε ί ρ 8 (12:9b, 17:3b, 27:22b, 28:9a, 29:20b, 30:2a, 35:7b, 3 7 : 7 a ) [ » כ ףχ ε ί ρ ]
1 6 1
Excluding • » ל פ נ יέ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν 2 times (21:33c, j 4 2 : l i d ) .
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
44. » כ חισχύς 5 (j9:19a, 30:2a, 36:5b, 36:19c[=bMT], 36:22a) [ ( כ ס לconfidence•) » ισχύς (31:24a)] 45. » כ ףχείρ 3 (22:30b, 27:23a, 3 6 : 3 2 a ) [ » י דχείρ] 46. » נ ד י בά ρ χ ω ν 3 (12:21a, 21:28a, 3 4 : 1 8 b ) [ » ר א שά ρ χ ω ν ] 47. » כ ת י בτρίβος 3 (18:10b, 28:7a, 3 0 : 1 3 a ) [ » א ר חτρίβος] 48. » ע בν ε φ έ λ η 3 (26:8a, 36:29a, 37:11a) [ '( א דfresh-water stream') » ν ε φ έ λ η (36:27b)]; » ν έ φ ο ς 1 (22:14a) 49. » צ ו רπ έ τ ρ α 2 (14:18b, 2 2 : 2 4 b ) [ » ם ל עπ έ τ ρ α (39:1a, 39:28[=28bMT])]; bassurdt M T » ό χ υ ρ ω μ α τ α 1 (j28:10a); > beser ('gold') M T » έ ν π έ τ ρ α 1 (22:24a)>« 1(
Category 2 - Regular Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 50. » א ה לσ κ η ν ή 2 (jl8:14a, 1 8 : 1 5 a ) [ » ס כ הσ κ η ν ή (36:29b)]; » σ κ έ π η 1 (21:28b) 51. » ב י תο ί κ ο ς 2 (21:21a, 21:28a) » ο ι κ ί α 1 (24:16a) 52. » ב ןυιός 8 (16:21b, j21:19a, 25:6b, 28:8a, 35:8b, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:16d); » τ έ κ ν ο ν 2 (39:4a, 39:16a); » κ ό μ η 1 (38:32b) 53. » י ח דο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν 2 (17:16b, 24:4b); » ό μ ο ΰ 1 (34:29c); » י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν 1 (24:17a) 54. » כ לπας 12 (12:9a, 21:33b, 28:3b, 31:4b, 33:29a, 36:19c[=bMT], 36:25a, 37:3a, 37:7a, 37:12c[=bMT], 39:8b, j41:26a); » ό λ ο ς 1 (21:23b) 55. » מ ^ פ טκ ρ ΐ μ α 2 (j34:23b, 36:6b) [ » ש פ טκ ρ ί μ α (only 9:15b where M T litnsOpMi was apparently read hmispatd » τ ο ΰ κ ρ ί μ α τ ο ς α υ τ ο ύ ) ] ; » κ ρ ί σ ι ς 1 (34:4a) 56. » ס ת רα π ό κ ρ υ φ η 1 (22:14a) [cf. » מ צ ו ד הα π ό κ ρ υ φ ο ς (39:28[=28bMT])]; » ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή 1 (24:15c); ! ־Π Μ » λ ά θ ρ α 1 (31:27a) 1 6 2
As if from '( ב צ רto enclose, fortify').
1 6 3
R analyzed M T ב צ רas a prepositional phrase hasCir.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
57. '( ע נ יόηΐ) » π τ ώ χ ε ι α 2 (30:27b, 36:21b); » π ε ν ί α 1 (36:8b) [cf. » ד לπ έ ν η ς (34:28a)] 58. '{ ע נ יant) » π τ ω χ ό ς 2 (34:28b, 36:6b); » π ρ α ΰ ς 1 (24:4b) 59. » ע פ רχ ω μ α 7 (j 14:8b, 14:19b, 17:16b, j 19:25b, 20:11b, 22:24a, 28:6b); » χ ο υ ς 1 (39:14b) 60. • » ע צό σ τ ο ΰ ν 2 (20:1 la, 33:19b); » κ ρ ά τ ο ς 1 (21:23a) 61. » ע תκ α ι ρ ό ς 3 (38:32a, 39:1a, 39:18a); » ו ל א ־ ־ ע תά ω ρ ο ι 1 (22:16a) 62. » פ הσ τ ό μ α 6 (20:12a, 32:5b, 35:16a, 36:16a, 37:2b, 40:23b); » π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν 1 (30:18b): [ '( פ י מ הsuperabundance of fat') » π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν 1 (15:27b) 63. » ק ו לφ ω ν ή 6 09:16b, 28:26b. 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:5a); barogez qold M T » έ ν ό ρ γ ή θ υ μ ο ΰ κ υ ρ ί ο υ 1 (37:2a) 164
64. £ / » ש רρ ί ζ α 3 (18:16a, 19:28b, 29:19a); »(5ίζωμα 1 (36:30b) Category 3 - Non-Standard Equivalents More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 65. » א ו ןα δ ι κ ί α 2 021:19a, 36:10b) [ "( ע ו לawel) » α δ ι κ ί α (34:32b); ( ע ו ל הoleh M T read as
Either R had פ הin his parent text in 15:27b, or he read פ י מ הin the sense of פ ה.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
( ע ו לuwwal)»
ά δ ι κ ο ς 1 (31:3a);
69. » פ ש עα δ ι κ ί α 1 ( 3 4 : 6 b ) [ » א ו ןα δ ι κ ί α ; '( ע ו ל הdleh M T read as 'awla) » α δ ι κ ί α ( 3 6 : 3 3 b ) ; '( ע ו לawel) » α δ ι κ ί α (34:32b)]; » π α ρ ά π τ ω μ α 1 (36:9b); 2to (Overflow'?) » π α ρ ά π τ ω μ α 1 (35:15b—R read ) פ ש ע 70. » ר א שκ ε φ α λ ή 2 (j2:12d, 40:31b); » άρχων 1 (29:25a)[ » נדיבάρχων]: » τ ά γ μ α 1 (j 1:17b) 71. ( ר עr e
= 'friend') » κ α κ ί α 1 (17:5a);
» π λ η σ ί ο ν 1 (16:21b); » φ ί λ ο ς 1 042:7b); { ר עre"' = 'roaring') » φ ί λ ο ς 1 (36:33a); ( ר עra' = 'evil') » π ο ν η ρ ό ς 1 (21:30a); '( ר ע הevil') » κ α κ ί α 1 (20:12a) Commentary. Category 1 demonstrates a strong tendency to employ one fixed equivalent iri Greek for every Hebrew lexeme. Apparent variations in certain entries of Category 1 call for discussion. In Entry # 3 ή δ ώ appears to be a deviation from the stereotype » א ו רφ ω ς . It is argued below in the section on transliteration that R read 36:30 א ו ר וa M T as א י ד וand transliterated it as ή δ ώ . Consequently ή δ ώ cannot be considered as an equivalent employed by R for Hebrew א ו ר. In Entry # 17 ά ν α ρ ι θ μ η τ ο ί can hardly be considered a lexical variation of αριθμός. According to Entry # 25, פ נ י םis rendered by π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν 17 times. This includes פ נ י םwith ב (16:8c[=bMT]), with ρ (13:20b, 17:12b, 23:15c[=aMT], 30:11b), and with ע ל (18:17b, 21:31a, 24:18a, 26:10a). When פ נ י םis prefixed by ל, however, R employs έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν (21:33c, j 4 2 : l l d ) . Thus the approach of R toward פ נ י םprefixed by לis distinct from פ נ י םin other syntactic settings and his rendering of • ל פ נ יdoes not detract from the evidence establishing the stereotype » פ נ י םπ ρ ό σ ω π ο ν . In Entry # 26 » צ ד ק הδ ι κ α ι ο σ ύ ν η and » צ ד י קδ ί κ α ι ο ς are listed together as one stereotype of 3 occurrences; similarly ( ר ש עre$a') » α σ έ β ε ι α and ( ר ש עrasa') » ά σ ε β η ς are considered one stereotype in Entry # 29. In Entry # 21 the rendering of ע ו דin 32:16b by zero is a variation on the stereotype » ע ו דέ τ ι . As suggested in Chapter 1, this deviation from the norm is a contextually motivated stylistic variation: R avoids rendering ע ו דtwice in close proximity (cf. 32:15a). 1 6 5
Textual criticism may resolve one instance of variation. In Entry # 48 R renders Hebrew 'ab by ν ε φ έ λ η three times and once by ν έ φ ο ς . I t should also be
1 6 5
See below, p. 308.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
noted that he renders Hebrew 'anan by ν έ φ ο ς three times and 'ananah by σ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α one time (Entry # 24). By contrast O G renders 'ab by ν έ φ ο ς four times (20:6b, 30:15c, 37:16a, 38:34a), 'άηαη by ν έ φ ο ς two times (7:9a, 38:9a), by σ κ ό τ ο ς once (37:15b), and 'ananah by γ ν ό φ ο ς once (3:5b). Thus it appears that R has the fixed equivalencies » ע בν ε φ έ λ η and » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς . He also seems to treat ע נ ןand ע נ נ הas distinct lexemes. On the other hand, while O G shows variety, he never uses ν ε φ έ λ η in his translation at all. Thus the instance of ν έ φ η in 22:14a is suspect. A t 22:14a, Apparatus I of Ziegler does record ν ε φ έ λ η as a variant for ν έ φ η . Since R uses the singular of ν ε φ έ λ η for the plural of ע בin 26:8a, the fact that ν έ φ η agrees with M T in number is not significant and the singular ν ε φ έ λ η is very well within the realm of probability from the perspective of translation technique. The manuscript evidence is as follows: 2 4 8
ν έ φ η S Syh ־ א d 55 ׳336 Bo Olymp] ν ε φ έ λ η rel: cf 35:5b. Doubtless the daughter version Syh is cited as providing support for ν έ φ η because the noun is plural there while ν ε φ έ λ η is singular. A l l of the occurrences of ν ε φ έ λ η for both O G and R (26:8a, 36:27b, 36:29a, 37:11a) and all o f the occurrences of ν έ φ ο ς for both O G and R (7:9a, 20:6b, 22:14b, 26:8b, 26:9b, 30:15c, 35:5b, 36:28b, 37:11b, 37:16a, 37:22a, 38:1, 38:37a, 40:6) are rendered by '?in' in Syh. ** Comequently Syh cannot constitute lexical support to distinguish between different Greek words for 'clouds'. The reference to 35:5b is hardly relevant since 35:5b is O G and 22:14a belongs to θ ' . Furthermore, it is difficult to decide whether S ־ צ d 55 336' Bo Olymp as a group of witnesses is of greater value than B-68 C La? L " " C 253' 296 534' 7 9 5 . Possibly Ziegler is unduly influenced by S in this particular situation. According to the evidence from translation technique it is almost certain 1
2 4 8
**See H . Middeldorpf, Codex Syro-Hexaplaris Liber Quartus Regum e Codice Parisiensi Jesaias Duodecim Prophetae Minores Proverhia lobus Canticurn Threni Ecclesiasticus e Codice Mediolanensi, ad. loc. and A . M . Ceriani, ed., Codex SyroHexaplaris Ambrosianus photolithographice, ad. loc. 1 6 7
Perhaps the reader is referred to 35:5b because there S* has ν ε φ έ λ η , corrected by the first hand to ν έ φ η . The rest of the textual tradition has ν έ φ η . Once again, this fact is of ambiguous import for the problem in 22:14b. 1
**The evidence B-68 C La? L " ־C Kopfleiste.
253' 296 534' 795 is deduced from the
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
that ν ε φ έ λ η is original in 22:14b. This conclusion is adopted here and removes any variation from Entry # 4 8 . By contrast with Category I , Categories 2 and 3 display variety of lexical selection. The variety, however, is not as great as would appear from a rapid survey of the list. The nature of the variation deserves description and evaluation. I n Entry # 58 ע נ יis twice translated by π τ ω χ ό ς and by π ρ α ΰ ς once. This variation may be handled in two ways: (1) one may well wish to argue that π τ ω χ ό ς is for ע נ יand π ρ α ΰ ς is for ע נ וbased upon the fact that waw and yodh are almost indistinguishable in manuscripts of the era of the Dead Sea Scrolls, (2) or one may argue that ע נ יhad for R the meaning 'humble' as well as 'poor' since ע נ יand ע נ וare close in sense and confused frequently. In Entry # 50 א ה לis rendered twice by σ κ η ν ή and once by σ κ έ π η . Is there any motivation behind this variation? In 21:28b R renders ע י ם$ א ה ל מ ה ב נ ו ת ר ( M T ) by ή σ κ έ π η τ ω ν σ κ η ν ω μ ά τ ω ν τ ω ν ά σ ε β ω ν . The noun מ ש כ ןis translated twice by R, both times by σ κ ή ν ω μ α (21:28b, 39:6b). Assuming the equivalency מ ש כ ן » σ κ ή ν ω μ α is a fixed one, the use of σ κ έ π η for א ה לin 21:28b avoids the woodenness of a phrase such as ή σ κ η ν ή τ ω ν σ κ η ν ω μ ά τ ω ν . More importantly, it entails a basic semantic consideration. The reference here is clearly to 'cover' or 'protection'. 169
1 7 1
In Entry # 65, » א ו ןά δ ι κ ο ς / ί α appears to be a basic equation for the translator. A closer look at 31:3b, the one case of deviation, is therefore worthwhile. Note that the adjective ά δ ι κ ο ς is employed in the preceding stich to translate ע ו ל QawwSl). This rendering of awwal by ά δ ι κ ο ς in 31:3a is matched by the translation of 'Swel by α δ ι κ ί α in 34:32b and the translation of 6leh read as awla by α δ ι κ ί α in K
36:33b. Since R used ά δ ι κ ο ς for 'awwal in 31:3a, he deviates from his common equivalent for א ו ןin 31:3b and employs α ν ο μ ί α instead for variation. Again, in Entry
1 6 9
The same conclusion was reached earlier by A . Pietersma, review of lob, Septuagint: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 11/4 ed. by Joseph Ziegler, Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982, in Journal of Biblical Literature 104 [1985]: 310. 1 7 0
Both renderings are classified under ע נ יonly because of the spelling in M T . What the parent text of R had is difficult to prove. On the problem of ע נ יand ע נ ו, see B D B , K B , H A L , s.v. and R. L . Harris, G. L . Archer, and Β. K . Waltke, eds., Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Chicago: Moody Press, 1980), 2:684. 1 7 1
As Professor J. W. Wevers has pointed out (private communication), the Exodus Translator did the same thing at Ex 26:7 under circumstances similar to those in Job 21:28b. There for ל א ה ל ע ל ־ ה מ ש כ ןhe has σ κ έ π η ν έ π ί τ η ς σ κ ή ν η ς .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
# 52 it is clear that υιός is the basic equivalent for ב ן. The two instances of ב ןrendered by τ έ κ ν ο ν are in contexts referring to animals rather than to humans and the one instance where ב ןis rendered by κ ό μ η (38:32b) is in a context where ב ןis used metaphorically for a comet's t a i l . 172
The difference between » ב י תο ΐ κ ο ς and » ב י תο ι κ ί α in Entry # 5 1 seems contextually motivated and semantic, much like the distinction in English between 'house' and 'household'. The cases of ο ί κ ο ς concern a man's 'estate' or 'property', (21:21a, 21:28a) whereas the instance of ο ι κ ί α involves the thief breaking into 'dwelling-houses' or 'households' (24:16a). 173
Also contextually determined is the variation in Entry # 60. A literal rendering of ( ע צ םV i e w = 'bone') by ό σ τ ο υ ν works well in 20:11a and 33:19b. But an atomistic approach and literalistic translation of 21:23 would yield 'this one will die in the bone of his completeness'. A n obtuse rendering such as this is avoided by R. Yet neither does he interpret Vsew, as do many moderns, as functioning idiomatically in 21:23a yielding the sense 'this one will die in 1 7 2
The context of 38:32b is as follows (including a literalistic translation):
38:32b ע ל ־ ב נ י ה ת נ ח ם
(And the Bear, with its little ones, can you guide them?) 38:32b Χ κ α ι " Ε σ π ε ρ ο ν ε π ί κ ό μ η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ά ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ά ; / (And the Evening Star upon her tail, will you lead them?) While έ π ί is difficult because of the literalistic translation of ע לand should probably be construed as 'with' (i.e. "the Evening Star followed by"), R is clearly operating in the stellar sphere and κ ό μ η does have a metaphorical meaning to suit such a setting. Aristotle uses the term κ ό μ η for 'the luminous tail of a comet' (see Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ ό μ η ) . This semantic value provides an explanation of the passage which is satisfactory. For a different view, see Ziegler, Beitrage zum griechischcn lob, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen, Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 3rd ser., no. 147 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens, no. 17), (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1985), 44, who summarizes the proposals of Olympiodor and Schleusner. 1 7 3
1 7 4
O n the difference between ο ΐ κ ο ς and ο ι κ ί α , see Liddell-Scott, s.v. ο ι κ ί α .
The fact that both cases of » ב י תοΤκος are singular in M T and R while the case of » ב י תο ι κ ί α is plural in M T and R is hardly relevant. The distinction drawn by R is common elsewhere as ב י תis rendered by οΤκος in 1,510 instances in the Septuagint (Dos Santos, 25) and ב י תby ο ι κ ί α in 210—of which 60 are plural (50 corresponding to plurals in M T ) and 150 are singular (Hatch-Redpath, s.v. ο ι κ ί α ) .
ימות ב ע צ ם המי
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
the essence of his maturity'. Rather, R likely read ע צ םas 'osem ('might') since he employed κ ρ ά τ ο ς instead of ό σ τ ο ΰ ν for ע צ ם: ο ΰ τ ο ς ά π ο θ α ν ε ϊ τ α ι έ ν κ ρ ά τ ε ι ά π λ ο σ ύ ν η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . Thus Entry # 60 probably contains evidence for two separate words. Similarly in Entry # 62, each of the six instances of פ הrendered σ τ ό μ α by R are not distorted greatly by a literal translation, but a ' σ τ ό μ α upon the loins' (15:27b) or 'the σ τ ό μ α of the tunic' (30:18b) do not make much sense; in both of these cases R employs the term π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν ('aperture'). Entry # 64 is also worth noting. The noun KiHtf is rendered by ρ ί ζ α three times, twice where the parent text is speaking of plants (18:16a, 29:19a) and once where the use is metaphorical (19:28b). Both literal and metaphorical uses of £ ί ζ α are found in Classical Greek. Once, however, ש ר שis translated by ρ ί ζ ω μ α (36:30b) where the reference is to the bed of the sea. In Entry # 66 one might explain μ υ κ τ ή ρ for א ףin 40:26a as a stylistic variation on ρ ί ς for א ףin 40:26a because the Hebrew has identical words in parallel stichs. This is similar to the fact that R abandoned the equivalency » ע ו דέ τ ι in 32:16b because the contexts are so close together. A few other instances of deviation from a one-to-one equivalency deserve notice. The equivalents κ ρ ί μ α and κ ρ ί σ ι ς for מ ש פ טin Entry # 55, the equivalents χ ώ μ α and χ ο υ ς for ע פ רin Entry # 59, and the equivalents α δ ι κ ί α for awel and 'awla and ά δ ι κ ο ς for 'awwal and awla in Entry # 68 barely constitute lexically significant variation. In the same vein, the equivalents ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή and α π ό κ ρ υ φ η for ס ת רin Entry # 56 seem scarcely significant variants. On the basis of context, however, one might argue for 'hiding' (Abstract Noun) in 22:14a and 'hiding-place' in 24:15c, Yet the rendering of the prepositional phrase ב ס ת רby λάθρςι i n 31:27a does show some sensitivity and skill in handling larger grammatical units in the parent text and a willingness to depart from an atomistic approach in translating them. Not altogether unlike this last item are two other variations: (1) the rendering of ו ל א ־ ע תby ά ω ρ ο ι in 22:16a (Entry # 61), and (2) the rendering of א י ן מ ס פ רby α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι in 21:33c (Entry # 17). 176
1 7 5
See B D B , 783, H A L , 823, 1605, Driver and Gray 1:188, Dhorme, 318-319, Cordis, 224, Pope, 156, Habel, 312, Hartley, 317-318. 1 7 6
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. S e e Z i , 178. So Liddell-Scott, s.v. ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή and α π ό κ ρ υ φ η .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Finally, consider Entry # 63. Only once in seven occurrences of ק ו לdoes R deviate from the equation » ק ו לφ ω ν ή . The aberrant case is as follows: 37:2a ש מ ו ע ב ו ־ נ ז ק ל ו
37:2a χ ά κ ο υ ε ά κ ο ή ν έ ν ό ρ γ ή θ υ μ ο ΰ κ υ ρ ί ο υ , / As the context indicates, 'the voice of G o d ' refers to thunder. Habel, for example, appropriately casts ר ג ז ק ל וinto English as "the rumble of his voice."' Although rogez also has the meaning 'anger' as well as 'quivering / shaking' in Classical Hebrew, *" neither OG nor R appear to know the latter sense of the word. O G renders the noun rogez by ό ρ γ ή three times (3:26b, 14:1b, 39:24a) and by the combination θ υ μ ό ς οργής once (3:17a). In 39:24a rogez clearly has the meaning 'quivering' as the parallel ru'as shows, but OG renders the entire phrase bara'as wdrdgez simply by κ α ι ό ρ γ ή . The only occurrence where R renders rogez is 37:2a, the passage in question. Since R, like OG, employs the equivalent ό ρ γ ή for rogez, he did understand the word to mean 'anger'. While the failure to correctly interpret rogez may have prevented R from comprehending ק ו לas 'thunder' in 37:2a, he certainly seems to have understood ק ו לthis way 37:4b, 37:4c, and 37:5a. Yet the central issue remains: why did R not render ק ו לliterally in 37:2a? It may be merely a matter of interpreting figurative language, but if so, why did R not treat ק ו לin 37:4b, 37:4c, and 37:5a similarly? A n acceptable answer may be found by appealing to the notion of bath qol in Rabbinical literature. From approximately the beginning of the Christian Era, the rabbis believed that inspiration or prophecy had ceased for some time in Israel. Human beings no longer heard the voice of God directly, but only indirectly. Flence the term ב ת ק ו ל. Now 37:2a is the only occurrence of ק ו ל 79
1 7 9
Habel, 496.
1 8 0
See H A L and B D B , s.v. T־3l.
1 8 1
For a brief explanation of bath qol in rabbinic understanding, see C. K . Barrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition (London: S.P.C.K., 1947, 1966), 39-40. For complete references to bath qol in the Mishnah, see H . L, Strack and P. Billerbeck, Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch ( M ü n c h e n : C. H . Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1926, 1978), 1:125-134. 1 8 2
For rabbinic statements concerning the cessation of prophecy in Israel, see R. Beckwith, The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1985), 369-376.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
1 8 3
rendered by R where man hears the voice of the L o r d . R avoids affirming such a thing. He employs a circumlocution similar to that of O G for rögez in 3:17a and renders the prepositional phrase bdmgez as έ ν ο ρ γ ή θ υ μ ο ΰ . The word qölö is made explicit as κ υ ρ ί ο υ and the 3 m.s pronominal suffix on qöl becomes unnecessary. Elihu commands man to "hear a report by the furious wrath o f the Lord." M e n do not directly hear the "anger of his voice." Thus the change is motivated by a perspective similar to what is found in the Mishnah. Entries, then, showing significant variation are few: 'ap, yahad, köl, milläh, 'öni, pesa', rö's, re°\ and ra\ Variation on words for 'evil', or 'poverty' are not sur prising. Although the quantitative approach of R does create many wooden render ings, only one equivalency in the list is essentially incomprehensible—Entry # 30. R renders all three instances of sähäq by π α λ α ί ω μ α . The Hebrew word means 'cloud'. For π α λ α ί ω μ α , Liddell-Scott give the meaning 'antiquity'. The only occurrences cited for Greek literature are the Joban references. * In discussing this particular problem Ziegler mentions the possibility that R was influenced by Psalm 68:34. Yet the argument that π α λ α ί ω μ α is employed by R to express the idea of 'ancient skies' is at best extremely tenuous. 18
Ziegler's next suggestion is much nearer the mark: In einem Brief vom 29. 8. 1984 bringt Prof. Hanhart folgende Ausführungen zur Ü b e r s e t z u n g von sahaq mit ρ ο π ή bei a' und mit π α λ α ί ω μ α bei θ'. Wichtig ist ihm, (1) d a ß das Verbum sahaq '83 There is one other passage where R might have provided a translation which indicates 'man hearing the voice of the Lord'. In 37:4c M T מ ע ק ו ל ו1 0 כ י " יis rendered o i l α κ ο ύ σ ε ι φ ω ν ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ . Although י ש ז מ עis vocalized yissäma' (Niphal Imperfeet, 3 m.s) in M T , clearly R ready/swa (Qal Imperfect, 3 m.s) and understood God, not man, as subject of the verb. 1
See Liddell-Scott, s.v.
- יZiegler states: θ ׳hat Deut 33:26 lob 36:28 37:18 (siehe oben) 37:21 für sehaqim π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α „ A l t e r t ü m e r " , das nur hier bezeugt wird. Vielleicht ist 0' von der Vorstellung des „uralten Himmels" s^mej qaedaem Ps 67(68):34 beeinflußt (Ziegler, Beiträge zum griechischen lob, 43).
186 A t p
s a
67:43MT • מ י ש מ י ־ ק ד$ בis rendered έ π ί τ ο ν ο ύ ρ α ν ό ν τ ο ΰ ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ
κ α τ ά α ν α τ ο λ ά ς by the L X X Psalms translator (see Rahlfs, Psalmi, ad l o c ) .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(2) d a ß das
„ S t ä u b c h e n (auf der Waage)" an einer Stelle auch in der L X X mit ρ ο π ή übersetzt wird, nämlich Is 40:15. V o n hier aus ist die Ü b e r s e t z u n g des Nomens bei a ' mit ρ ο π ή und bei θ ' mit π α λ α ί ω μ α zu erklären: Staub is das Produkt des Zerreibens. π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α könnte dann statt „ A l t e r t ü m e r " das Produkt des Altewerdens, die Abnützung, bedeuten. D e m e n t s p r ä c h e , d a ß das Verbum π α λ α ί ο υ ν in der L X X meist als Ü b e r s e t z u n g des mit sahaq nahezu synonymen Verbums balah „aufreiben" verwendet wird. I n der L X X wird Sahaq mit λ ε α ί ν ε ι ν Reg I I 22:43 l o b 14:19, λ ε π τ ύ ν ε ι ν Ps 17(18):43, σ υ γ κ ό π τ ε ι ν Exod 30:36, έ κ τ ρ ί β ε ι ν Sir 6:36 übersetzt, lauter Verba mit der Bedeutung „(zu Staub) zermalmen".
None of the contexts o f the three instances in R are sufficiently
for a reader who did not know the term to deduce the meaning from usage. R employs the π ά λ α ι - stem elsewhere in the following ways: » י ש י טπ α λ α ι ό ς 15:10a » ע ת קπ α λ α ι ό ω 14:18b, 32:15b The adjective י ש י שmeans 'aged' and the verb ע ת קmeans 'to advance, move', and hence 'to grow o l d ' .
Note that while the noun ש ח קin Biblical Hebrew means 18
'cloud', in Aramaic and in the Talmud it means 'worn out clothes'. " Thus it is clear that the rendering o f sähäq by π α λ α ί ω μ α is an etymologizing approach where the root ש ח קas interpreted by R has the sense 'be old' or 'be worn out' and approximates the meaning of ב ל הin Biblical Hebrew. The result is a literal translation which might possibly make some sense in 36:28a ("Old garments / things that have
Z i e g l e r , Beiträge zum griechischen lob, 43. Cf. Schleusner, whose entry is as follows: naX.atc0p.a, antiquitas, vetustas. ש ח ק, coelum. Job. xxxvi, 28. xxxvii, 18. 2 1 . ubi plerique statuunt eos, sed admodum inepte, ע ת ק י ם legisse. M i h i autem videntur respexisse notionem attenuandi ac comminuendi, quam vox ש ח קin 1. Chald. Syr. Samar. et Arab, habet: nam vetustate res atleruntur et consumuntur (J. F. Schleusner, Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus, sive Lexicon in LXX et reliquos interpretes graecos ac scriptores apocryphos veteris lestamenti [Glasgow, 1822], 2:630). 1 8 8
See B D B , s.v. י ש י שand ע ת קand Dalman, s.v. ע ת ק.
* יSee Dalman, s . v . ש ח ק.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
become old shall dissipate") and 37:21b ("Far shining it is among things that have become old / worn out") but is incomprehensible in 37:18a. The evidence may be summarized fairly by saying that the basic approach or default mode of R is to employ a one-to-one equivalency—one fixed Greek lexeme for a given Hebrew lexeme. Sometimes the same equivalent in Greek is used for more than one lexeme in Hebrew. Significant examples are ά ν ή ρ for א י שand כ ב ר, ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς for א ד םand א נ ו ש, λ ό γ ο ς for ד ב רand מ ל ה, π έ τ ρ α for ס ל עand צ ו ר, τ ρ ί β ο ς for א ר חand כ ת י ב, and χ ε ί ρ for י דand כ ף. This, too, is part of a tendency toward less variation. The quantitative and literalistic tendency o f R is also tempered at times by a certain contextual sensitivity and an unwillingness to follow fixed patterns at the cost of intelligibility. Only one equivalency in the list is incomprehensible. 1.2.2, Proper Nouns. Having evaluated the equivalents employed by R for adjectives and common nouns, the equivalents for proper nouns are now presented. The following is a complete list of appellatives / proper nouns occurring in M T and their equivalents in R . Each entry is consecutively numbered and the equivalents are presented in the format X » Y indicating "X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)." The frequency and occurrences of each equivalent are also provided. The number immediately following each equivalent ( Y ) indicates the frequency and the occurrences are listed next in parentheses. Alternative equivalencies are included at the end of each entry in square brackets. 1 9 0 Evidence. 1. » א ו פ י רΏ φ ί ρ 2 (22:24b, 28:16a) 2. » א י ו בΊ ώ β 6 ( j l : l a , 32:12b, 34:7a, 35:16a, 40:1,42:17) [Zero » Ί ώ β 42:16c] 3. » א לι σ χ υ ρ ό ς 8 (22:13a, 33:29a, j34:23b, 34:31a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 37:5a, 37:10a) 4. » א ל ו הθ ε ό ς 7 (j21:19a, 31:2a, j33:26a, 35:10a, j37:22b, 39:17a, 40:2b) 5. • » א ל ה יθ ε ό ς 1 (j34:9b) 6. ' » א ל י ה ו אΕ λ ι ο ΰ ς 1 (32:5a) 7. » י ה ו הκ ύ ρ ι ο ς 2 (2: I d , 12:9b); » κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ό θ ε ό ς 1 (40:1) 8. "» י ר ד ןΙορδάνης 1 (40:23b)
9. » כ ו שΑιθιοπία 1 (28:19a) 10. » כ ע מ ת יΝ ω μ α θ ί τ η ς 2 (J2:l le, j42:9a) 11. " » ע י שΕ σ π ε ρ ο ς 1 (38:32b)
1 9 0
It is difficult to distinguish between common nouns and proper nouns in some situations. As in the Text of Ziegler, the following are classified as common nouns: » א ב ד ו ןή α π ώ λ ε ι α (26:6b, 28:22a), » ל ו י ת ןδ ρ ά κ ω ν (j3:8b), » & ט ןά ν τ ί κ ε ι μ α ι 01:6c), » ש א ו לό α δ η ς (26:6a)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
12. » ש ד יικανός 3 (21:15a, 31:2b, 40:2a) 13. » ש ו ח יΣ ω ΐ τ η ς 2 ( j 2 : l l d , j42:9a) Commentary. The equivalents for appellatives / proper nouns cast little light on the nature of lexical equivalency in R. The equivalencies in Entries # 2, 6, and 11 are already established by O G . Furthermore, while both י ר ד ןand כ ו שare not rendered by O G , Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς and Α ι θ ι ο π ί α in Entries # 8 and 9 respectively are equivalencies established prior to R by the Greek Pentateuch translators. Entries # 4, 5, and 7 exhibit equivalencies which are both established previously by the Greek Pentateuch translators and also employed by O G , although not necessarily typical of that translator. For Entries # 2, 4-9, and 11, then, R follows established equivalencies. 1 9 1
1 9 1
M T א י ו בis rendered Ί ώ β by O G 49 times (1:1, 1:5, 1:5, 1:5, 1:8, 1:9, 1:14, 1:20, 1:22, 2:3, 2:7, 2:10, 3:1, 6:1, 9:1, 12:1, 16:1, 19:1, 21:1, 23:1, 26:1, 27:1, 29:1, 31:40, 32:1, 32:2, 32:3, 32:4, 33:1, 33:31, 34:5, 34:35, 34:36, 37:14, 38:1, 40:3, 40:6, 42:1, 42:7, 42:7, 42:8, 42:8, 42:8, 42:9, 42:10. 42:10, 42:12, 42:15, 42:16), by a pronoun 1 time (2:11), and by zero 1 time (3:2). M T א ל י ה ו אis rendered ' Ε λ ι ο ΰ ς by O G 6 times (32:2, 32:4, 32:6, 34:1, 35:1, 36:1). M T ) ע ש ( ע י שis rendered " Ε σ π ε ρ ο ς by O G 1 time (9:9). 1 9 2
M T כ ו שis rendered Α ι θ ι ο π ί α in Genesis 2:13 and M T י ר ד ןis rendered ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς in Genesis 13:10 and passim (see F. Blass, A . Debrunner, and F. Rehkopf, Grammatik des neutcstamentlichen Griechisch, 17th ed. [Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990], § 261.8, n. 9.) 1 9 3
T h e equivalencies • » א ל ה יθ ε ό ς and » י ה ו הκ ύ ρ ι ο ς are fairly standard in the Greek Pentateuch translators. See Hatch-Redpath, s. v. θ ε ό ς and κ ύ ρ ι ο ς and also A. Pietersma, "Kyrios or Tetragram: A Renewed Quest for the Original L X X , " in De Septuaginta. Studies in Honour of John William Wevers on his sixty-fifth birthday, edited by A . Pietersma and C. Cox (Toronto: Benben Publications, 1984), 85-101. א ל ו הonly occurs twice in the Greek Pentateuch and both times it is rendered by θεός ( D t 32:15, 17). The equivalency » א ל ו הθεός, however, is not typical of OG for he renders א ל ו הby θεός 4 times (3:23, 29:2, 29:4, 37:15), by κ ύ ρ ι ο ς 21 times (3:4, 4:9, 4:17, 5:17, 6:8, 6:9, 10:2, 11:5, 11:6, 11:7, 15:8, 16:20, 16:21, 19:6, 19:21, 19:26, 22:26, 27:8, 31:6, 32:2, 33:26), by θ ε ΐ ο ν 1 time (27:3), by a third person pronoun 1 time (9:13), by a demonstrative pronoun 2 times (apparently 'clo"h read as 'elleh— 24:12, 37:22) and by paraphrases, free renderings or zero 8 times (6:4, 12:4, 12:6, 21:19, 22:12, 27:10, 33:12, 36:2).
Characterization of !he Asterisked Materials
The gentilic adjectives נ ע מ ת יand ש ו ח יare rendered in Greek by words with the ending -11r\$. This is a standard termination in Greek for designation's o f persons according to their native town or country. Thus R appropriately meets the requirements o f the target language here. On the other hand, 'Q
1 9 4
See Buck, 336.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
2. Pronouns. A description of the rendering of Hebrew pronouns by R is logically sequel to the presentation of his treatment of nouns. The following analysis is arranged according to four types of Hebrew pronouns: demonstratives, interrogatives, personal, and relative. 195
2.1. Personal
The personal pronouns are considered first since they comprise the largest number of occurrences. Hebrew personal pronouns may occur either as freestanding forms or as bound forms, that is, as affixes to nominal, prepositional, and verbal forms. This distinction is based not only on formal but also on functional grounds as is evidenced by the Greek renderings. Free forms are always rendered by the Greek nominative whereas bound forms are rendered mainly by the genitive, but also by the accusative and dative cases in Greek. Free forms are infrequent in the Hebrew corresponding to the Corpus of R — t h e r e are only 19 occurrences. Conversely, bound forms are abundant—occurring 329 times. The evidence for the tendering of bound and free forms is presented separately. 196
2.1.1. Free Forms. The evidence for the free forms is listed by gender, number, and person of the Hebrew pronouns. The equivalents in Greek are presented in the same format used for nominals and the frequency and occurrences of each equivalent are listed as well. The number immediately following each equivalent indicates the frequency and the occurrences are listed next in parentheses. The complete line is cited from M T and R where context is required. 3)
Evideiwe. m.s pronoun)
1. » ה ו אα υ τ ό ς 7 (21:31b, 21:32a, j22:18a, 28:3b, 31:4a, 34:29a, 37:12a)
2. » ה ו אειμί 4:
1 9 5
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 16.1c. One may well question calling א ש רa pronoun since it is not marked for person; a label such as 'relative marker' is a more accurate designation. Nonetheless, the equivalent in Greek is a pronoun and thus the rendering of א ש רis discussed here. 1 9 6
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 16.2a.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
9:24c א פ ו א מ י ־ ה ו א
9:24c Χ εϊ δ έ μ ή αυτός, τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; / 17:3b מ י ה ו א ל י ד י י ת ק ע 17:3b Χ τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ύ τ ο ς ; τ ή χ ε ι ρ ί μ ο υ σ υ ν δ ε θ ή τ ω . / 24:18a ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ מ י ם 24:18a Χ
קל־הוא έστιν έ π ί πρόσωπον ύδατος· /
37:21b ב ה י ר ה ו א ב ש ח ק י ם 37:21b Χ τ η λ α υ γ έ ς έ σ τ ι ν έ ν τ ο ι ς π α λ α ι ώ μ α σ ι ν , / 3) ה י א
f.s pronoun)
1 . » ה י אειμί 1: 28:14a ת ה ו • א מ ר ל א ב י ־ ה י א 28:14a Χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς ε ΐ π ε ν Ο ϋ κ έ σ τ ι ν έ ν έ μ ο ν / ׳ 2) א ת ה
m.s pronoun)
1. » א ת הσ ύ 4 (jl5:4a, 33:33a, 34:32a, 34:33b) 1) א נ י 1.אני
c.s pronoun) »έγώΐ:
34:33b כ י ־ א ת ה ת ב ח ר ו ל א ־ א נ י
34:33b Χ ό τ ι ά π ω σ η , ό τ ι σ ύ έ κ λ έ ξ η κ α ί ο ύ κ έγώ ־/ 1) א נ כ י
c.s pronoun)
1. » א נ כ יέ γ ώ ε ί μ ι 1: 33:31b ו א נ כ י א ד ב ר
33:31b Χ κ ώ φ ε υ σ ο ν , κ α ί έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι λ α λ ή σ ω . / 3) ה מ ה pronoun)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
1 . » ה מ הε ι μ ί 1: 32:4b ז ק נ י ם ־ ה מ ה מ מ נ ו ל י מ י ם
32:4b Χ ό τ ι π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ι α ύ τ ο υ ε ϊ σ ι ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / Commentary.
Out 01' 19 occurrences of independent personal pronouns 13
instances are rendered by an independent personal pronoun in Greek matching in gender, number, and person and 6 instances are rendered by a copula verb. The 13 instances rendered by an independent personal pronoun all occur in verbal clauses in 1
Hebrew '' whereas the 6 instances rendered by forms of clauses in H e b r e w .
all occur in verbless
One case in the group of six instances is problematic and calls
for closer examination. In 17:3b both a copula verb and a demonstrative pronoun ( ο ύ τ ο ς ) are employed by R to render ה ו א. This is somewhat unusual, not only because it differs from the pattern of the five other occurrences in verbless clauses, but especially since only a copula is used for ה ו אin 9:24c—an important parallel. Indeed, 9:24c appears at first glance to be an exact parallel to 17:3b in M T . It is one of the five other occurrences of ה ו אin a verbless clause and the only other passage 199
where R renders the combination .מ י הוא
Furthermore, the rendering of מ י ־ ה ו א
by τ ι ς έ σ τ ι ν in 9:24c is standard. The words מ י ־ ה ו אclearly constitute a verbless clause in 9:24c M T and the rendering of ה ו אby έ σ τ ι ν follows the fixed pattern of R for verbless clauses. In fact, an added ο ύ τ ο ς here would be redundant because
already occurs in the protasis. In 17:3b, however, the pronoun ה ו אfunctions almost as a relative pronoun in M T and thus the grammar of מ י ה ו אin 17:3b is not quite parallel to that of 9:24c.
Yet analysis according to linguistic principles of modern
1 9 7
T h e 13 occurrences are: jl5:4a, 21:31b, 21:32a, j22.T8a, 28:3b, 31:4a, 33:31b, 33:33a, 34:29a, 34:32a, 34:33b, 34:33b, 37:12a. Although the clauses in question in 28:3b and 37:12a have participial predicates in M T , R employed a finite verb in both cases. In the clause ( ו ל א ־ א נ יM T 34:33b) the verb is gapped. 1 9 8
The 6 occurrences are: 9:24c, 17:3b, 24:18a, 28:14a, 32:4b, 37:21b.
Altogether the combination מ י ה ו אoccurs 5 times in M T Job: 9:24c and 17;3b are rendered by R ; 4:7a, 13:19a, and 41:2b are rendered by O G . Since the character of O G is fairly free his renderings do not greatly illumine the present problem nor do they permit accurate reconstruction of his parent text. 1 9 9
2 0 0
Analysis of M T 17:3b according to linguistic principles yields מ יas S(ubject) and
ה ו א ל י ד י י ת ק עas P r e d i c a t e ) . P, however, can be divided further yielding ה ו אas S and ל י ד י י ת ק עas P. This analysis shows that ה ו אis acting as a relative pronoun.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
scholars is not really relevant. Clearly R read 17:3b as two separate sentences, interpreting מ י ־ ה ו אas a verbless clause and rendering it by τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ΰ τ ο ς ; . His interpretation, moreover, accords with that of M T since ה ו אbears the disjunctive accent revia mugrash. If, then, R treated 17:3b as grammatically parallel to 9:24c, why the addition of ο ΰ τ ο ς ? Because R is literalistic, one might suggest a solution that is textual. I f R had מ י ־ ה ו א ז הin his parent text one could better explain the rendering τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ΰ τ ο ς ; . The only other occurrences of ο ΰ τ ο ς in R are renderings of ז ה (21:23a, 36:21b). Indeed the only 3 occurrences of מ י ־ ה ו א ז הin M T are all rendered τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ΰ τ ο ς by various L X X translators. Alternatively, i f his parent text had מ י ז הthe resultant translation would have been the same. Another solution is to argue that ο ΰ τ ο ς is contextually required to anticipate the subject of σ υ ν δ ε θ ή τ ω , noting that the addition of α υ τ ό ς in 9:24c in the protasis is like the addition of ο ΰ τ ο ς in 17:3b. This proposal makes an appeal to a different parent text unnecessary. 201
There is one passage where the independent personal pronoun is rendered rather awkwardly: in 33:31b א נ כ יis rendered by έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι in a verbal sentence in Greek. This contrasts with the rendering of א נ יby (only) έ γ ώ in 34:33b. Although there is only one case each of א נ יand א נ כ יbeing translated, the different renderings appear to be motivated by a desire to keep the two forms of the, 1 c.s pronoun in Hebrew distinct in the Greek translation. In summary, the approach of R towards the independent personal pronoun is generally literalistic, following the parent text closely. 2.1.2. Bound Forms. As already noted, the bound forms o f personal pronouns appear much more often than the free forms by a ratio of about seventeen to o n e . Several categories are used below to arrange and quantify the evidence for the bound forms. First, all instances are listed where the equivalent in Greek is a pronoun matching the 202
The phenomenon is rare. Aside from 3 occurrences of n t N T ! Q (Est 7:5, Ps 24:10, ,
Jer 30:21), the combination N T ! *D occurs only 6 times in M T (4:7a, 9:24c, 13:19a, 17:3b, 41:2b, Is 50:9). A l l except 9;24c are grammatically parallel to 17:3b. 2 0 1
The 3 occurrences are: Est 7:5, Ps 24:10, Jer 30:21. The L X X rendering of Est 7:5 is tic, otkoc,, the L rendering is tic, e a t i v ovxoc, (see Hanhart, Esther, ad l o c ) . 2 0 2
The free forms are infrequent for an obvious reason: they mark only the subject— a function which is normally signalled separately. Conversely the bound forms mark a number of different functions syntactically and generally do not duplicate informa tion given otherwise.
The Asterisked Materials in ihe Greek Job
Hebrew in gender, number, and person. Second are those cases where R rendered the personal pronoun in Hebrew by a reflexive pronoun in Greek corresponding in gender, number, and person. Third are instances where the equivalent in Greek does not match the the Hebrew pronoun in number. Fourth, the cases are listed where R renders the existential pseudoverb א י ןwith pronominal suffixes. Fifth are all instances where equivalency between Greek and Hebrew is not straightforward. Sixth are the cases where the Hebrew personal pronoun is apparently not rendered by R and finally, a seventh list records cases where R employs a pronoun in Greek where none exists in our Hebrew text. The frequency is indicated by a number in parentheses at the end of each heading. Evidence and Commentary. (1) Personal Pronoun M T » Personal Pronoun R: Matching Gender, Number, Person (290) 3 m.s Pronoun (134) jl:la,j2:6b,j3:5a,j3:19b, 11:5b, j!3:8a, 14:18b, 15:26b, 15:27a, 15:27a, 16:21b, jI8:4a, j 18:4a, j 18:7b, j 18:7b, 18:9b, 18:10a, 18:10b, 18:15a, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 18:I6b, 18:17b, 20:9b, 20:9b, 20:11a, 20:11a, 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13b, 20:14b, 20:20b, 20:21a, 20:23a, 20:25c, 21:15a, 21:15b, j21:19a, j21:19a, 21:19b, 21:21a , 21:21a, 21:21a, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:31a, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:33a, 21:33b, 21:33c, 22:14a, 22:29a, 23:9a, 23:15c(=aMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 24:5c(=dMT), 26:6a, 26:8a, 26:9b, 26:9b, 26:11b, 26:14a, 26:14b, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22b, 27:23b, 27:23b, 28:6b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 31:23b, j31:31b, 32:5c, 32:12c, 33:19b, 33:20b, j33:26a, j34:9b, 34:11b, 34:28a, 34:29b, 35:15a, 35:16a, 36:7a, 36:22a, 36:26b, 204
2 0 3
Also included in the first list are eight instances where a 3 m.s pronoun in Hebrew is rendered by a 3 f.s pronoun in Greek because the referent in Greek is a feminine noun as opposed to a masculine noun in Hebrew. The 8 occurrences are: j3:5a, 14:18b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 37:1b, 38:26b. In addition there are two instances included where the reverse situation obtains: in j31:17b and 38:32b a 3 f.s pronoun in Hebrew is rendered by a 3 m.s pronoun in Greek because the referent in Greek is a masculine noun as opposed to a feminine noun in Hebrew. One does expect concord to follow the norms of the target language and not those of the source language. 2 0 4
A t 22:29a M T has hispM, (Hiphil Perfect, 3 Since R has έ τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ε ν α υ τ ό ν , he almost certainly read ה ש פ י ל וas hisptiA (Hiphil Perfect, 3 m.s plus 3 m.s pronominal suffix).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
36:29b, 36:30a, 36:33a, 36:33a, 37:1b, 37:2b, 37:3a, 37:3b, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:5a, 37:6b, 37:11b, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 38:26b, 38:32a, 39:6b, 39:8a, 39:18b, 39:29b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24a, 40:26a, j40:26b, j40:30a, 40:31b, j41:la, 41:4a, 41:4b, 41:9a, 41:15b, 42:8e, 42:16c, 42:16d 3 r'.s Pronoun (26) 9:24b, 20:12, 20:13a, 20:13b, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:6a, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:19a, 28:27a, 28:27a, j28:27b, j28:27b, j31:17b, 34:33a, 36:16b, 36:32b, 38:32b, 39:14a, 39:16a, 39:17a, 39:17b, 40:2b 2 m.s Pronoun (23) 7:8b, 11:5b, jl2:7b, 12:8b, 13:20b, 15:10b, 16:3b, 22:3b, j22:4a, j22:28a, 22:30b, 33:32b, 33:33b, 34:33a, 35:7b, 35:8a, 35:8a, 35:8b, j36:4b, 36:16a, 36:16c, j42:7b, j42:7b 1 c.s Pronoun (64) 7:8a, 7:8a, 7:8b, j7:13b, j7:13b, j9:16b, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:8b, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:3b, jl7:15b, jl9:18a, jl9:25a, jl9:27c, jl9:27c, 20:3a, 20:3b, j23.Tla, 24:15b, 24:25b, 28:14a, 28:14b, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19b, 29:20a, 29:20a, 29:20b, 29:24b, j30:lb, 30:2a, 30:11b, 30:12c, 30:13a, 30:16a, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:18b, 30:20b, 30:22b, 30:27a, 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:4a, 31:4b, 31:18a, 31:18b, 31:24a, 31:27a, 31:35a, j33:2b, 33:8a, 33:28a K t , 33:28b Kt, 33:32a, 33:33a, 34:6b, 34:32a, 35:10a, j36:4a, 37:1a, J42:7b,j42:8g 3 Pronoun (38) j2:12d, j4:21a, j4:21a, 12:18b, 12:23a, 12:23b, 14:12c, 17:4a, 17:4b, 21:29b, 22:16b, 24:17a, 27:23a, 27:23a, 29:10b, 29:10b, 29:25a, 30:1c, 30:2a, 30:2b, 30:12c, 32:15b, 36:7c, 36:9a, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:11b, 36:11c, 36:13b, 36:20b, 36:31a, 37:4c, 37:12b, 37:12c(=bMT), 38:32b, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4c(=bMT) 3 Pronoun (1)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
2 Pronoun (3) ]32:113,32:123, 32:12c 1 Pronoun (1) 15:103 (2) Personal Pronoun M T » Reflexive Pronoun R: Matching Gender, Number, Person (8) Example: 17:9a צ ד י ק ד ר כ ו
A p p I I 17:93 κ α ι ά ν θ έ ξ ε τ α ι δ ί κ α ι ο ς χής έ α υ τ ο ΰ ό δ ο ΰ 3 m.s Pronoun (2) jl7:9a, 36:25a 3 f.s Pronoun (1) 39:16a 1 c.s Pronoun (2) j l 0 : l b , 34:32a 3 Pronoun (1) 24:16b 1 Pronoun (2)
2 0 5
I n 39:33 R renders י ל ד י ה ןby τ ά π α ι δ ί α α υ τ ώ ν . Although no line is extant in R
for 39:1 b, the referent of α υ τ ώ ν is the noun א י ל ו תin M T . The context is the birth pangs and bearing time of the deer. The context demands then, that α υ τ ώ ν be considered feminine.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
34:4a, 34:4b (3) Personal Pronoun M T » Personal Pronoun R: Non-Matching Number (2) In 2 instances the number of the Greek pronoun differs from that of the Hebrew pronoun simply because of the demands of Greek grammar. 26:5 b מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה ם 26:5b χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / The 3 pronominal suffix on ש כ נ י ה םrefers to מ י ם. Since 'water' is neuter singular in Greek, R renders the 3 pronoun by a 3 n.s pronoun in Greek in accordance with the demands of the target language. * 20
26:8b ו ל א ־ נ ב ק ע ע נ ן ת ח ת ם 26:8b Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ έ ρ ρ ά γ η ν έ φ ο ς ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ · / As above in 26:5b, the referent in both Greek and Hebrew is 'water'. Thus a 3 pronoun in M T is rendered by a 3 n.s pronoun in Greek in accordance with the demands of the target language. (4) Pseudoverbs W i t h Pronominal Suffixes in M T (2) In 2 instances the existential pseudoverb א י ןwith pronominal suffixes is rendered by R: 7:8b ע י נ י ך ב י ו א י נ נ י 7:8b Χ οί ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί σ ο υ έ ν έμοί, κ α ι ο ύ κ έ τ ι
ειμί /
27:19b ע י נ י ו פ ק ח ו א י נ נ ו 27:19b Χ ο φ θ α λ μ ο ύ ς α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι ή ν ο ι ξ ε ν κ α ι ο ύ κ έ σ τ ι ν . / 2 0 6
R renders six out of seven instances of מ י םby 135cop in the singular functioning either as a class noun or as a collective noun (24:18a, 26:5b, 26:8a, 26:10a, 29:19a, 34:7b). Only one occurrence is rendered by 1)5cop in the plural (14:19a). Although both plural and singular instances conform to Classical usage, the instance of the plural in 14:19a is the only occurrence where oSwp is the subject of a verb and it is noteworthy that the number of the verb is plural.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
As in the case of independent personal pronouns appearing in nominal sentences, here too, the copula, which is already marked for person, is employed by R to render א י ןplus pronominal suffixes. 207
(5) Personal Pronoun M T » Personal Pronoun R: Non-Matching Person (13) For a variety of reasons there are instances where a personal pronoun in M T is not rendered by a pronoun of matching person in R. In some situations, clearly R had a different parent text from M T . One example may be due to revision of O G rather than a fresh rendering of his parent text. Still others are due to different factors in the revisor's / translator's approach to his work. In a couple of cases the pronouns are transliterated rather than translated. There are 6 instances where the difference in person between the pronoun in M T and R is probably textual. 9:15a א ש ר א ם ־ צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה 9:15a έ ά ν γ α ρ ω δ ί κ α ι ο ς , ο ύ κ ε ί σ α κ ο ύ σ ε τ α ί μ ο υ , Α ρ ρ I I 9:15a <5στις ε ι δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι , ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι The pronoun μ ο ι in R, like the pronoun μ ο υ in O G , does not correspond to anything in M T . Nor does the 3 s verb in both R and O G correlate with the 1 c.s verb in M T although α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι in R answers better semantically to ע נ הthan does ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω , the equivalent in O G . The rendering of R closely follows M T in all other respects in 9:15a and is also independent of O G . Why, then, the 3 s verb and the 1 c.s pronoun? The rendering of א ש רby ό σ τ ι ς (nominative) shows that R correlated the subject of — א ע נ הr a t h e r than the object—as the referent of the relative marker. It is likely that R vocalized א ע נ הas 'e'aneh (Niphal Imperfect, 1 c.s).
Thus " I will be
answered" is nicely transformed as ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μοι. 9:15b א ת ח נ ן
9:15b 5S τ ο ύ κ ρ ί μ α τ ο ς α υ τ ο ύ δ ε η θ ή σ ο μ α ι • / In 9:15b R read bmispato for M T limsopatt The form in M T is a Poel Participie m.s derived from ש פ טwith a לpreposition prefix and a 1 c.s pronominal suffix. R 2 0 7
The rendering of א י ןby oi)K plus copula in 27:19b contrasts rather strikingly with
the rendering by 0\)K6TI plus copula in 7:8b. This is discussed in the section on Pseudoverbs (see pp. 272f.). 2 0 8
So Dhorme, 135.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
has read the noun mispat with a לpreposition prefix and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. This difference between M T and the parent text o f R is no doubt due to the similarity of waw and yodh in a script like that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 8
19:28b ד ב ר נ מ צ א ־ ב י
BHS A p p mlt Mss Vrs Ό 19:28b Χ κ α ι ρ ί ζ α ν λ ό γ ο υ ε ΰ ρ ή σ ο μ ε ν έ ν α ύ τ ω . / Clearly R had ב וin his parent text in 19:28b. There is some uncertainty in the tradition of M T . As in 9:15b, the similarity of waw and yodh explains the difference in the Hebrew texts. 22:2b ) כ י ־ ( י ס כ ן ע ל י מ ו מ ש ב י ל A p p I I 22:2b ( ό τ ι ) κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ φ ' ϋ μ α ς σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν The pronominal suffix amd I emd in Hebrew generally marks a 3 pronoun although anomalous cases exist. I f 22:2b in M T is considered at face 1 value, the context demands interpreting elemo as the preposition ע לplus a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. As a general rule R follows his source language and text closely and literally. Since R has ύ μ α ς one can only surmise that his parent text had ע ל י כ ם. 209
29:20b ב י ד י ה ח ל י ף
29:20b Χ κ α ι τ ό τ ό ξ ο ν μ ο υ έ ν χ ε ι ρ ι α ύ τ ο ΰ π ο ρ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι . / Clearly R had ב י ד וin his parent text and as in 9:15b and 19:28b, the similarity of waw and yodh explains the difference between M T and the parent text o f R. 30:12a פ ר ח ח י ק ו מ ו 30:12b ש ל ח ו
30:12a Χ έ π ι δ ε ξ ι ώ ν β λ α σ τ ο ί έ π α ν έ σ τ η σ α ν , 30:12b Χ π ό δ α α ΰ τ ω ν έ ξ έ τ ε ι ν α ν / M T vocalizes ר ג ל יas raglay—the noun is dual and has a 1 c.s pronominal suffix. R renders by a noun in the (distributive) singular and employs a 3 person plural pronoun. The 'foof is understood to be that of the subject of the verb and not that of the object. Either the rendering of R is freer than usual or his parent text differed from M T and had • ר ג ל.
2 0 9
See G K C , § 103f n. 3 and Joiion, § 103m.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
There is 1 instance where the differences between the Greek and the Hebrew are due likely to the fact that R is revising O G rather than providing a new rendering of the Hebrew. 2:8a ו י ק ח ־ ל ו ח ר ט ! ל ה ת ג ר ד ב ו 2:8a κ α ι ε λ α β ε ν δ σ τ ρ α κ ο ν , 'ίνα τ ο ν ί χ ω ρ α ξ ύ η , Α ρ ρ I ί χ ω ρ α ] + α υ τ ο ύ L " " Sa A n Α ρ ρ I I ί χ ω ρ α ] θ ' + χ α ύ τ ο ΰ Syh The pronoun α ύ τ ο ΰ does not correspond to anything in M T . A n exact literal rendering of M T is provided by έβρ': τ ο κ ν δ σ θ α ι έ ν α ύ τ φ . I f the attribution to θ ' is not questioned, the work of R is best described as clarification of OG rather than fresh rendering of the Hebrew. There is 1 instance involving a α π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν and the difference between R and M T arises from a struggle to make sense out of the text. 22:20a נ ב ח ר ק י מ נ ו 22:20b א ב ל ה א ש
אם־לא ויתרם
22:20a Χ ε ί μ ή ή φ α ν ί σ θ η ή ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς α ύ τ ω ν , / 22:20b χ κ α ι τ ό κ α τ ά λ ε ι μ μ α α ύ τ ω ν κ α τ α φ ά γ ε τ α ι π ύ ρ . / The form qtmanu in 22:20a occurs nowhere else in M T and is derived by scholars from a noun • ק יmeaning 'adversary'. Others—some with, some without emendation—connect the form either to yaqam ('what subsists') or to qinyan ('what is acquired'). While a 1 pronominal suffix might make sense if ק י ם means Opponent', a 3 suffix is centextually required i f the meaning 'substance' or 'wealth' is adopted. R recognized this long before modern scholars and since he understood the word to mean 'substance', the 3 pronoun was necessary to make sense in context. This approach to the text is quite rare in R. 210
2 1 0
See B D B , s.v., H A L , s.v.
2 1 1
Only found in G n 7:4, 7:23, D t 11:6.
2 1 2
So Dhorme, 335, Gordis, 248, Pope, 167, Habel, 332, and Hartley, 329. See also H A L , s.v. D p .
2 1 3
See Habel, 333.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In 2 cases, because Hebrew words were transliterated rather than translated the pronominal suffixes were not rendered by pronouns in Greek. ' 2
36:30a ה ן ־ ־ פ ר ש ע ל י ו א ו ר ו 36:30a Χ
ιδού εκτείνει έπ' αυτόν ήδ<& /
37:12a ( ו ה ו א מ ס ב ו ת מ ת ה פ ך ב ת ח ב ו ל ת ו ל פ ע ל םK t b3tahbaia10)
37:12a Χ και αυτός κυκλώματα διαστρέψει 37:12b Χ έν θεεβουλαθώ είς έργα αυτών, / There are 3 instances which must be discussed individually. Interpretation of his parent text may be behind the differences between R and M T in all three situations. 3:23a א ש ר ־ ד ר כ ו נ ס ת ר ה
App I I 3:23a ου ή οδός άπεκρύβη άπ' αύτοΰ In a real sense, the Greek Relative Pronoun οΰ covers both the Relative Marker א י ט רand the so-called Resumptive Pronoun on ' . דרכוThe prepositional phrase άπ' αύτοΰ cannot be correlated directly with the 3 m.s pronominal suffix on ד ר כ ו. A n extremely literal rendering would have yielded only ού ή οδός αύτοΰ άπεκρύβη. R avoided such extreme literalism. Nor is the explanation that he desired to have 'something' in the translation as an equivalent for the pronominal suffix on ד ר כ וsatisfactory. The prepositional phrase άπ' αύτοΰ does function to provide this, but also clarifies and interprets the source text at the same time. What motivated the change is difficult to say since no context is extant in R. Possibly the 'way' is hidden from the man, not from God. 5 2
20:3a כ ל מ ת י א ש מ ע
20:3b מ ב י נ ת י י ע נ נ י
20:3a Χ παιδείαν έντροπής μου άκούσομαι, / 20:3b Χ και πνεύμα έκ της συνέσεως αποκρίνεται μοι. / A p p I συνέσεως] + σου /,-406 Olymp; + μου Aeth = 9Η; pr σης 644
2 1 4
These two cases are discussed fully in the section on Transliterations (p. 308f. and p, 313 respectively). 2 , 5
O n resumptive pronouns, see Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 4.7b, 19.3.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Although the 1 c.s pronominal suffix on ב ל מ ת יin 20:3a is rendered by μου, R did not render the same suffix on ב י נ ת יin 20:3b in this way. One could argue in the case of 20:3b that the article της functions in place of the unemphatic possessive pronoun and that the redundancy of two 1 s pronouns in rapid succession is avoided in the Greek. Yet the explanation that extreme literalism is not to be preferred above the demands of good Greek is not entirely satisfying. Nor is proposing a different parent text of1)מ ב י נ ת c.s pronominal suffix omitted due to haplography). The form ב י נ תas a plural is improbable given the rendering συνέσεως and ב י נ תas a singular is unattested elsewhere. The omission of the 1 c.s pronoun in R leaves ambiguous and open the question of whose 'understanding' it is. The 'shame' is clearly Job's, but the 'understanding' could be God's just as well as Job's. Several scribes in the transmission of the text also felt the ambiguity. Possibly the difference between R and M T is motivated by avoidance of a rendering that may have appeared illogical to R: "The spirit of my understanding answers me." 37:2a ש מ ו ע ב ר ג ז ק ל ו
37:2a χ άκουε άκοήν έν όργή θυμοΰ κυρίου, / 216
The anomalies of R's translation of 37:2a are discussed earlier. R may be interpreting figurative language or he may be avoiding an assertion indicating that man can directly hear the voice of God and consequently renders ק ל וby κυρίου. Once ק ל וis realized as κυρίου in an effort to avoid the equivalent φωνή, the 3 m.s pronominal suffix is no longer necessary. (6) Personal Pronoun M T » Zero (No Personal Pronoun in R ) (14) 3 m.s Pronoun (3) 20:9a ע י ן ש ז פ ת ו ו ל א ת ו ס י ף
20:9a Χ οφθαλμός παρέβλεψεν και οϋ προσθήσει, / In 28:7b, an exact parallel to 2 0 ; 9 a , ש פ ז ת וis rendered by παρέβλεψεν αυτήν whereas in 20:9a the 3 m.s pronominal suffix on the verb is not rendered. Possibly the omission of the pronoun is caused by haplography of waw in the parent text of R. A 3 f.s qatal form ending in _תdoes occur, although rarely. It is noteworthy that the 217
2 1 6
See pp. 264f.
2 1 7
See G K C , § 44f.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
form ש ז פ ת וis not followed by a word prefixed by waw in 28:7b. The difference between M T and R is thus textual. 21:23b כ ל ו ש ל א נ ן ו ש ל י ו 21:23b χ ο λ ο ς δέ ε υ π α θ ώ ν κ α ι ε ύ θ η ν ω ν / Since the adjective δ λ ο ς is employed as an equivalent for כ ל, the gender and number of the adjective render the 3 m.s pronominal suffix on כ ל. A pronoun in Greek is not only unnecessary—neither δ λ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ nor π α ς α ύ τ ο ΰ is possible. 36:27b י ז ק ו מ ט ר ל א ד ו 36:27b χ κ α ι έ π ι χ υ θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ύ ε τ ω ε ι ς ν ε φ έ λ η ν / M T 36:27b may be rendered 'They [drops of water—36:27a] distil as rain for his fresh-water/subterranean streams." R translates "And they will be poured into (i.e. collected in) a cloud for rain." The 3 m.s pronominal suffix on א דis not rendered by R, possibly because the result would be awkward, especially since the equivalent chosen for א דis ν ε φ έ λ η . 3 f.s Pronoun (7) 14:19b ע פ ר ־ א ר ץ
14:19b Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ κ λ υ σ ε ν ΰ δ α τ α ΰ π τ ι α τ ο υ χ ώ μ α τ ο ς τ η ς γ η ς · / R has clarified the obscure ( ס פ י ח י הits [i.e. water] outpourings?) lexically by the phrase ΰ δ α τ α ΰ π τ ι α (level/smooth waters) thus eliminating the need to render explicitly the 3 f.s pronominal suffix. 17:15b ו ת ק ו ת י מ י י ש ו ר נ ה Α ρ ρ I I 17:15b κ α ι τ η ν ε λ π ί δ α μ ο υ τ ί ς π ρ ο ν ο ή σ ε ι In M T , ו ת ק ו ת יfunctions syntactically as a pendant construction. Possibly R might have employed a Nominative Absolute to convey t h i s , but the accusative ease is used and renders the 3 f.s pronominal suffix on י ש ו ר נ הsuperfluous. Even so, one might expect an α υ τ ή ν after π ρ ο ν ο ή σ ε ι in R. 218
27:6a ה ח ז ק ת י ו ל א א ר פ ה
2 1 8
See Smyth, § 9 4 1 .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
A p p I I 27:6a ο ύ κ αφήσω One may suppose that R read א ר פ הas 'arpeh and not as 'arpeha (the vocalization of M T ) . Yet the evidence for the two words ο ύ κ αφήσω rests solely upon the attestation of C and the citation is possibly partial. Therefore the evidence is insufficient for determining whether the 3 f.s pronominal suffix in the vocalization of M T was rendered by R or not. 31:18b ו מ ב ט ן א מ י א נ ח נ ה 31:18b Χ κ α ι έ κ γ α σ τ ρ ό ς μ η τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ ώ δ ή γ η σ α . / The 3 f.s pronominal suffix on the verb in M T is considered difficult even for modern scholars. Some believe it refers back to the 'widow' mentioned in 31:16b although the 'orphan' is the consistent topic since 31:17b. The verb ό δ η γ έ ω used by R expects a personal object in normal usage, but can occur without an explicit object. This syntactic situation is matched by the rendering of R in 31:18a where έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν also expects an object but has no discrete object. Since nothing from R has survived immediately prior to or following 31:18a and 31:18b, the context for interpreting R is limited. The fact that there is no pronoun in R corresponding to the 3 f.s pronominal suffix on א ב ח נ הin M T is obvious, yet the reason why is not so transparent. 219
39:14a ל א ר ץ ב צ י ה 39:14b ת ח מ ם
39:15a ו ת ש ב ח כ י ־ ר ג ל ת ז ו ר ה 39:15b ה ש ד ה ת ד ו י ש ה
39:16a ב נ י ה ל ל א ־ ל ה
39:16b י ג י ע ה ב ל י ־ פ ח ד 39:14a Χ 39:14b Χ 39:15a Χ 39:l5bX 39:16a Χ
ό τ ι α φ ή σ ε ι εις γήν τ ά φ α α υ τ ή ς και έπϊ χουν θάλψει κ α ι έπελάθετο οτι πους σκορπιεΤ κ α ι θηρία άγροΰ καταπατήσει· άπεσκλήρυνεν τά τέκνα αυτής ώστε μή εαυτή,
2 1 9
S o , for example, Dhorme, 458 and Gordis, 349. For a different exegesis, see !label, 426. 2 2 0
See Liddell-Scott, s.v.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
39:16b Χ ε ί ς κ ε ν ό ν έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν ά ν ε υ φ ό β ο υ
Α 3 f.s pronominal suffix in M T 39:15a, 39:15b, and 39:16b are not rendered by R. The complete context is important. In 39:14a the ostrich lays her eggs in the sand. In 39:14b ת ח מ םhas no discrete object. T o what, then, does the 3 f.s pronominal suffix in 39:15a and 39:15b refer? Since the context suggests "eggs" are referent but the 3 f.s suffixes are incompatible with this, R does not know what to do with them and ignores them. Indeed a literal rendering would cause confusion in the target language. The case o f 39:16b is different. There the equivalent έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν for י ג י ע הshows that R read M T yagfah (noun plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix) as yaga'a (Qal Perfect 3 f.s verb). 221
1 c.s Pronoun (4) 29:19a ש ר ש י פ ת ו ח א ל י ־ מ י ם 29:19a Χ ή £ ί ζ α δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ν έ π ί ύ δ α τ ο ς , / Apparently R has only ή ρ ί ζ α for ש ר ש יand does not render the 1 c.s pronominal suffix. I f one posits ש ר ש י פ ת ו ה א ל י ־ מ י םas the Hebrew parent text of R—a text differing from consonantal M T only in the division of words—an attempt to explain the the absence of a possessive pronoun in R is possible. This attempted explanation fails, however, for a number of reasons. Presumably a Niphal Stem would be behind the medio-passive form δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ι , but י פ ת ו הhas a waw and cannot support such a vocalization. Prefixed forms occur approximately 252 times in the portion of M T corresponding to R: R renders 201 times by future f o r m s , 19 times by a present tense, 21 times by an aorist tense, 5 times by an imperative form, 3 222
2 2 1
Gesenius-Kautzsch argue that it may refer in a general sense to the verbal idea i n the preceding sentence(s) ( G K C , § 135p).
2 2 2
Part of the textual tradition has ή ρ ί ζ α μ ο υ : La L"-130-406-613 C 248-644 Aeth OI. This evidence is basically restricted to a major part of the L group and a minor part of the C group. The lectio difficilior is ή ρίζα. Ziegler is certainly on firm ground, then, in both external and internal evidence, in positing ή ρ ί ζ α as original. 2 2 3
The category future forms consists mainly of future indicative tenses, but includes optative and subjunctive forms as well when used for conditional clauses, emphatic future negation, purpose clauses, prohibitions, and wishes.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
times by a participle, and once by a nominal sentence, but never by a perfect tense. O n the other hand, of approximately 54 participles in the portion of M T corresponding to R some seven are passive. O f these, 2 are rendered by passive participles, 2 by nouns, 1 by a predicate adjective, and 1 (not including 29:19a) by a medio-passive perfect tense. Thus the evidence does not favour a prefixed form in the Hebrew lying behind δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ι while one clear case exists apart from the passage in question where a passive participle is rendered by a medio-passive perfect in Greek. The best interpretation assumes the article functions in the place of an unemphatic possessive pronoun since there is no doubt as to the possessor. It may not be the norm for R, but it accords with good Greek style. 225
31:18a כ י מ נ ע ו ר י ב ד ל נ י כ א ב 3l:18a Χ ό τ ι έ κ ν ε ό τ η τ α ς μ ο υ έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν ώ ς π α τ ή ρ / M T vocalizes ג ד ל נ יas gddelant (Qal Perfect 3 m.s plus 1 c.s pronominal suffix). The form έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν indicates that R read a 1 c.s pronominal suffix (either נ י or perhaps simply ) יand understood it not as objective, but rather as subjective. I f he read נ ד ל י, vocalized as a Piel Bound Infinitive, one could more easily explain the origin of έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν . Thus the difference between M T and R seems to be textual. The literalism of R is evident in that έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν needs a personal object but is not given one by R since his parent text does not have one. 31:35a מ י י ת ך ל י ש מ ע ל י 31:35a Χ τ ί ς δ φ η ά κ ο ύ ο ν τ ά μ ο υ ; / There is nothing in R corresponding to ל יin M T . A literal rendering of ל י would be no more odd or out of place than the rendering τ ί ς δ φ η for מ י ־ י ת ן. The Hebrew idiom מ י ־ י ת ןis translated twice by R, both times the same way (j31:31b, 31:35a). His approach reveals the tension between concern for the idioms of the parent and source language and concern for the words of the parent text. Exactly why, then, no equivalent for the 1 c.s pronoun is given is not known. 42:7c כ י ל א ד ב ר ת ם א ל י נ כ ו נ ה A p p I I 42:7c ο ΰ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α
2 2 4
The evidence is presented in the section on Verbs (see pp. 179ff.).
2 2 5
See Smyth, § 1121.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Although it appears that א ל יis not rendered by R, the attestion of θ ' may be partial and therefore the evidence insufficient for an adequate judgement.
(7) Zero M T » Personal Pronoun R (4) 7:13b י ש א ב ש י ח י מ ע כ ב י App I I συμβαστάσει με έν τ ή άδολεσχία μου ή κοίτη μ ο υ The pronoun μ ε was added by R to make the direct object of the verb explicit. 9:24c א פ ו א מ י ־ ה ו א
9:24c Χ ε ι δ ε μ ή α υ τ ό ς , τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; / A rendering without the pronoun α υ τ ό ς such as ε ί δ έ μ ή , τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; would correspond literally to M T . It would also be comprehensible in context as well as fair style in Greek. Precisely why R added α υ τ ό ς is difficult to say for sure. Not completely unrelated is the question of how he handled א פ ו א. Is א פ ו אrendered by δ έ ? This explanation is possible, but evidence is lacking to properly substantiate it. R employs δέ only twice (9:24c, 21:23b), on both occasions rendering asyndetic verbless clauses. Another explanation is that α υ τ ό ς is added because it is implied by the Hebrew. Or perhaps R felt the need to have something in the translation stand for א פ ו א, even i f the equivalent is inexact. Thus possibly R interpreted א פ ו אas a deictic particle referring to the subject of σ υ γ κ ά λ υ π τ ε ! (9:24b) and as a consequence א פ ו א becomes α υ τ ό ς in Greek. Nonetheless, the motivation for adding α υ τ ό ς remains un־ certain. 21:30b ע ב ר ו ת י ו ב ל ו
21:30b Χ ε ι ς ή μ έ ρ α ν ο ρ γ ή ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ά π α χ θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι . / The addition of the pronoun α ύ τ ο ΰ clarifies more precisely the author o f the 'day of wrath' mentioned in the text. 34:32a ב ל ע ד י א ח ז ה א ת ה ה ר נ י 34:32a % ά ν ε υ έ μ α υ τ ο ΰ ό ψ ο μ α ι , σ ύ δ ε ΐ ξ ό ν μοι ־/
For discussion, see below, η. 739.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Although ב ל ע ד יis vocalized bil'^di in M T , R read bil' day and appropriately rendered the 1 c.s pronominal suffix by έ μ α υ τ ο ΰ . This case, then, is not a 'failure' on the part of R to render his parent text, 39:3a י ל ד י ה ן ת פ ל ח נ ה
39:3a A p p I I έ ν δ ώ σ ο υ σ ι τ ά π α ι δ ί α α υ τ ώ ν , δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς α υ τ ά The verb ת פ ל ח נ הis vocalized tapallahna in M T (Piel Imperfect, 2 f . p l of ) פ ל ח. Although פ ל חliterally means 'to cleave' or 'to split', contextually it refers to bringing forth young from the w o m b . Many modern scholars render 39:3a "They crouch down, they bring forth their young ones." * R, however, construed י ל ד י ה ןas the object of ת כ ר ע נ הand read ת פ ל ח נ הas tapallahenna (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix). This is clear from the 2 s verb δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς ; the 3 f.s pronominal suffix -enna is rendered by α υ τ ά and the change in gender and number from the Hebrew pronoun (read by R ) follows the demands of the Greek referent τ ά π α ι δ ί α . Moreover, instead of ת פ ל ח נ ה, he probably read ת פ ל ט נ הvocalized as tapallatennQ (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix of ) פ ל ט. While the result for explaining the origin of α υ τ ά is the same, the lexical meaning of δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς suggests this, since like פ ל ט, it means 'to save'. The difference, then, between M T and R is textual. 227
Out of 329 bound forms R renders 298 (91%) by a pronoun in Greek corresponding in gender, number, and person. Of the remaining 31 instances, some 12 cases of difference between M T and R are textual and only 11 are changes involv230
2 2 7
See B D B and H A L , s.v. פ ל ח.
2 2 8
So Driver and Gray, 1:338, Dhorme, 598, Gordis, 438, 455-456, Pope, 304, Habel, 519 and Hartley, 505. 2 2 9
R does not render פ ל טelsewhere. According to Hatch-Redpath, other L X X translators employ δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω for different forms of פ ל טsome 11 times ( N m 21:29, Jgs 12:4, 12:5, 21:17, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 19:30, 2 Esdr 9:14, 9:15, Jb 21:10, M i 6:14, 6:14, L X X D n 11:42). 2 3 0
The 8 instances where R employs a reflexive pronoun are included in the number 298. 2 3 1
Including the two transliterations, the 12 cases are: j9:15a, 9:15b, 19:28b, 20:9a, j22:2b, j27:6a, 29:20b, 30:12b, 31:18a, 36:30a, 37:12b, 39:16b
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
ing liberty on the part of the translator. The demands of the Greek language, alternate surface syntactic structures and revision of O G account for 7 instances, 1 case is completely uncertain (j42:7c). O f 4 cases where R 'inserts' a pronoun in Greek not found in M T , 3 instances are clarifications and 1 is textual. The picture presents a translator who is highly literal yet is concerned for clarity and for the demands of the target language. Occasionally there are better than usual renderings where the demands of the target language overtake considerations of Iiteralness. 233
2.2. Demonstrative
A l l the cases of demonstrative pronouns rendered by R are examples of nearer definition. There are no instances of farther definition, that is, of the type ה א ר ץ ה ה י א. The complete evidence embraces eight occurrences. The number immediately following each equivalent indicates the frequency and the occurrences are listed next in parentheses. ( א ל ה demonstrative) 1. » א ל הο ΰ τ ο ς (m./ 3 (12:9a, 26:14a, 33:29a) Example: 26:14a ק צ ו ת ר ר ב ו
26:14a Χ ί δ ο ύ τ α ΰ τ α μ έ ρ η ό δ ο ΰ α ύ τ ο ΰ , / ( ז א תf.s demonstrative) 1. » ז א תο ΰ τ ο ς (f.s) 1 time (37:1a); ( 2 times (12:9b, 20:4a) Example: 12:9b כ י י ד ־ י ה ו ה ע ש ת ה ז א ת 12:9b Χ ο τ ι χ ε ι ρ κ υ ρ ί ο υ έ π ο ί η σ ε ν τ α ΰ τ α ; / ( ז הm.s demonstrative)
2 3 2
The 11 instances are: j3:23a, 14:19b, jl7:15b, 20:3a, 22:20a, 31:18b, 31:35a, 36:27b, 37:2a, 39:15a, 39:15b. The 7 instances are: j2:8a, 7:8b, 21:23b, 26:5b, 26:8b, 27:19b, 29:19a.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
1. » ז הο ΰ τ ο ς (m.s) 2 times (21:23a, 36:21b) The equivalents in R are literal and straightforward; there are no anomalies. As expected, the gender and number follows the demands of the target language. 2.3. Interrogative
The evidence for the interrogative pronouns is presented in the same way as the demonstrative and personal pronouns. The evidence comprises 12 occurrences of the animate pronoun מ יand 13 occurrences of the inanimate pronoun ( מ הformat of presentation is as for demonstrative pronouns). ( מ יanimate pronoun) 1. » מ יτ ί ς (m./f.s) 12 (9:24c, 12:9a, 17;3b, jl7:15b, 21:31a, 21:31b, j31:31b, 31:35a, 34:7a, 34:29a, 34:29b, j38:37b) ( מ הinanimate p r o n o u n ) 1. » מ הτ ί ( a s )
2 3 5
10 015:14a, 16:3b, 21:15a, 21:15b, 21:21a, 22:13a, j22:17b, 31:2a,
34:33c, 35:7b) Examples: 15:14a ( מ ה ־ א נ ו ־ ש ) כ י ־ י ז כ ה A p p II15.Τ4a τ ί έ σ τ ι ν ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς 21:15b ו מ ה ־ נ ו ע י ל כ י נ פ ב ע ־ ב ו 21:15b Χ κ α ϊ τ ί ς ω φ ε λ ε ί « , ο τ ι δ ο υ λ ε ύ σ ο μ ε ν α ϋ τ φ ; / 1. » מהδ σ τ ι ς 1: 34:4b ב י נ י נ ו מ ה ־ ט ר ב
2 3 4
I n 26:7b ע ל ״ ב ל י ״ מ הis rendered by έ π ί ο ύ δ ε ν ό ς . Here מ הis considered as part of the lexical unit ב ל י מ הand not as an interrogative pronoun. 2 3 5
In one case, 21:15a, the form is τ ί ς (m./f.s) rather than τ ί (n.s) because the inanimate object is indicated by a feminine noun in Greek.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
34:4b 5K γ ν ώ μ ε ν ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν έ α υ τ ω ν δ τ ι κ α λ ό ν . / In 34:4b מ הacts as an indefinite relative and is therefore appropriately rendered by an indefinite relative pronoun in Greek. 3. » מ הο ύ 1: 31:1b ו מ ה א ת ב ו נ ן ע ל ־ ב ת ו ל ה 31:1b Χ κ α ι ο ύ σ υ ν ή σ ω έ π ί π α ρ θ έ ν ο ν . / One may wish to argue that מ הin 31:1b M T functions to mark an exclamatory question, *• and that R recasts the sentence in the form of a statement expressing future denial. Or perhaps R introduces a negative because he feels the context demands it. These explanations credit R with greater liberty in handling his parent text than is usual. Even i f 31:1b is punctuated (against Ziegler) as a question, "Shall I not understand about a virgin?" (i.e. how alluring is a virgin) an adjustment of מ הis involved. A more plausible suggestion is that R, like many modern scholars, understood ma as a negative. The use of ma as a negative in Semitic is well attested in A r a b i c and examples exist of מ הhaving this value even in M T Job and elsewhere in Classical H e b r e w . When viewed in this way, the approach of R toward מ הin 31:1b accords with his normal pattern of literalism. 2
Only one instance of מ הrendered by R is aberrant:
On exclamatory questions introduced by מ ה, see G K C , § 148, Joiion, § 162a, and
Waltke-O'Connor, § 18.3f. 2 3 7
So Driver and Gray, 2:222, Dhorme, 450, Gordis, 344, Pope, 228, Habel, 425 and Hartley, 409.
2 3 8
See H . Wehr, A Dictionary of Modem Written Arabic (Arabic-English), J. M . Cowan, 4th ed. (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1979), 1042. 2 3 9
edited by
See Jb 16:6 (cf. Dhorme, 231) and Sg 8:4 (cf. 2:7 אם and 3:5). A t Jb 16:6 O G has έ ά ν δ έ κ α ι σ ι ω π ή σ ω , τ ί έ λ α τ τ ο ν τ ρ ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι ; for M T ו א ח ד ל ח מ ה ־ מ נ י י ה ל ך. This is a paraphrase. But note et si tacuero non recedet a me in Vulgate (Weber, ad loc.). The Greek rendering in Sg 8:4 is τί, what one might expect from a mechanical translator. Possibly Ex 15:24 ( τ ί ) , 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 12:16 ( τ ί ς ; cf. 2 א י ןSm 20:1), Jb 9:2 ( π ω ς ) and Sg 5:8 ( τ ί ) are also examples of Negative מ הi n M T .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
26:14b־13S7ai£73־131 ρΕ?־Π01 26:14b Χ κ α ί έ π ι ΐ κ μ ά δ α λ ό γ ο υ ά κ ο υ σ ό μ ε θ α έ ν α ϋ τ ω . / The rendering of R has the hallmarks of extreme literalism. Yet how κ α ι έ π Ι ΐ κ μ ά δ α can be correlated with |*DE?״nDT in M T is not transparent. The meaning of |*DE? (semes) in M T is uncertain: the lexicographers propose either 'a little' or 'whis pering' as the main options. The equivalent ί κ μ ά ς has the meaning 'moisture'. Possibly the approach of R is similar to that of the Vulgate which has et cum vix parvam stillam sermonis eius audierimus in 26:14b. R might then be translated " A t the tiniest bit of talk we will hear him." Or perhaps the Greek of R represents a contextually based guess at an unknown word. The following line (26:14c) speaks of 'thunder' and a metaphorical understanding of ί κ μ ά ς would fit well with this. Yet what sense the phrase ΐ κ μ ά δ α λ ό γ ο υ makes or how and why ε π ί was introduced remains obscure. The Greek preposition έ π ί is employed by R to render one of eight occurrences of ?K (29:19a) and 43 out of 55 occurrences of bu. Therefore the case of 26:14b does not fit any pattern whether considered from the perspective of ε π ί or 240
no. 2.4. Relative
Last to be examined is the rendering of the relative marker ~I2?K. There are 2 cases where R renders asyndetic relative clauses and these are considered here as well.
2 4 0
See B D B , s.v. and especially H A L , s.v.
2 4 1
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. The word, only occurs once in the Corpus of R and 26:14b is the only place where he renders semes. 2 4 2
R. Weber, B. Fischer, H . I . Frede, J. Gribomont, H . F. D . Sparks, and W. Thiele, eds., Biblia Sacra Iuxta Vulgatam Versionem, 3rd ed., 2 vols. (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1983), ad loc. A l l subsequent citations from the Latin Vulgate are to the edition of Weber. 2 4 3
T h e 43 occurrences are: j2:12d, 12:21a, 15:27b, 17:16b, 18:9b, 18:10b, 18:17b, jl9:25b, 20:11b, 20:25c, 21:31a, 21:32b, j22:2b, 22:24a, 23:15c(=aMT), 24:18a, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:9b, 26:10a, 27:22a, 27:23a, 28:8b, 29:13a, 30:2b, 30:4a, 30:12a, 30:12c, 30:16a, 31:1b, 34:23a, 34:28a, 36:21b, j36:28a, 36:30a, 36:32a, 37:3b, j37:22b, 38:26a, 38:32b, 39:14b, 39:28(=28bMT), 41:15b. For the complete evidence on bv, see below the discussion on prepositions.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
( א ש רrelative marker) 1. » א ש רό ς (any 5 (j3:23a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 30:1c, 36:24b) 2.5)« א ש רσ τ ι ς 1: 9:15a א ש ר א ם ־ צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה A p p I I 9:15a ό σ τ ι ς εΐ δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι , ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι In Hellenistic Greek ό σ τ ι ς (indefinite relative pronoun) is indistinguishable from δ ς . Clearly the context indicates the pronoun is not indefinite. 2 4 4
3. » א ש רδ σ ο ς 1: 37:12b כ ל א ש ר י צ ו ם 37:12c Χ π ά ν τ α , ο σ α ά ν έ ν τ ε ί λ η τ α ι α ύ τ ω ν
As soon as the antecedent כ לis rendered by π ά ν τ α , the rendering of א ש רby ό σ α is almost automatic. Among L X X translators the collocation π ά ν τ α , ό σ α is standard, while the combination π ά ν τ α , ά is rare. Although ό σ ο ς is a quantitative relative, ό σ ο ς and ός are frequently identical in Hellenistic G r e e k . 24s
4. » א ש רZero 1: 36:28a ש ח ק י ם
2 4 4
See Blass-Debrunner, § 293.
2 4 5
A sampling is sufficient to demonstrate the point: in Genesis π ά ν τ α , ό σ α occurs 16 times (1:31, 6:22, 7:5, 7:22, 11:6, 12:20, 18:19, 21:32, 28:15, 31:43, 36:6, 39:4, 39:5, 39:6, 39:8,39:22) and π ά ν τ α , ά not at all, in Deuteronomy π ά ν τ α , ό σ α 17 times (1:3, 1:30, 3:21, 4:3, 4:34, 5:27, 5:28, 10:14, 12:14, 14:10, 17:10, 18:16, 18:17, 20:14, 29:1, 29:8, 30:2) and π ά ν τ α , ά only once (12:8), in Isaiah π ά ν τ α , ό σ α 2 times (27:4, 46:10) and π ά ν τ α , ά not at all, in Psalms π ά ν τ α , ό σ α 4 times (1:3, 108:11, 113:11, 134:6) and π ά ν τ α , ά not at all, and in O G Job π ά ν τ α , ό σ α once (1:12b) and π ά ν τ α , ά once (28:24b). There are no parallel passages in R. 2 4 6
Robertson, 732.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:28a Χ ρ υ ή σ ο ν τ α ι π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α , / The problematic rendering of ש ח ק י םby π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α is possibly responsible for disconnecting 36:28a M T from 36:27b M T grammatically by failing to translate אשר. Although the number of occasions where R rendered the relative marker is small, the evidence fits the picture of literalness seen elsewhere. 2.4.1. Asyndetic Relative Clauses. Only three cases exist where asyndetic relative clauses are encountered by R. Both 38:26a and b are appropriately rendered by R according to the demands of the target language. Yet by the simple insertion of ο ΰ the word order in Hebrew is preserved as well. 38:26a ע ל ־ א ר ץ ל א ־ א י ש
38:26a Χ τ ο ΰ ϋ ε τ ί σ α ι έ π ι γ ή ν , ο ΰ ο ϋ κ ά ν ή ρ , / 38:26b ל א ־ א ד • ב ו
38:26b Χ έ ρ η μ ο ν , ο ΰ ο ύ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς έ ν α ύ τ η , / The case of 36:16b involves a problem text. 36:16a and c are provided for contextual support: 36:16a ו א ף ה ס י ת ך מ פ י ־ צ ר ( A n d indeed he lures you away from the brink of distress) 36:16a Χ κ α ι π ρ ο σ έ τ ι ή π ά τ η σ έ ν σ ε ε κ σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς έ χ θ ρ ο ΰ · / 36:16b ר ח ב ל א ־ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י ה (To a spacious place, free from restriction) 36:16b Χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς , κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α υ τ ή ς · / 36:16c ו נ ח ה ש ל ח נ ך מ ל א ד ש ן (To the comfort of your table laden with choice food) 36:16c Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ β η τ ρ ά π ε ζ α σ ο υ π λ ή ρ η ς π ι ό τ η τ ο ς . / Μ Τ ל א ״ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י הis a nominal sentence and functions as an asyndetic relative clause explaining ר ח ב. R seems to have a similar understanding, but how he renders מ ו צ קis problematic. It is argued b e l o w
that κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς may well render
ל א מ ו צ קas a unit; a positive term is supplied for a negated one. I f so, apposition is
For a complete discussion, see below, p. 375.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
the method employed by R for rendering the asyndetic relative clause. N o oS is used here. 2.5. Summary. The evidence of pronouns rendered by R is significant. Here is an area where a revisor / translator could express freedom in handling his source text espe cially since an article in Greek is adequate to render an unemphatic possessive per sonal pronoun on many occasions. The high degree of correspondence between M T and R shows the literalism of the translator. Here and there one catches a glimpse of rendering which captures nicely both the literalness of the source text as well as good Greek style and the literalism is rarely at the expense of meaning in the target lan guage. Very rarely are changes made due to clarifications and interpretative render ings o f his parent text.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3. Verbs. Next to be assessed following the convenient and traditional division of the Hebrew parts of speech into nouns, verbs and particles is the manner in which R renders Hebrew verbs. As O'Connor points out, the threefold division of the parts of speech established by the A r a b grammarians is not consistently workable. There is, in fact, a continuum between nouns and verbs involving mainly the quasi-verbals infinitives and participles, but also the existential pseudoverbs Eh and א י ןas w e l l . For convenience, the analysis below incorporates in separate subsections evaluations of the method of R in rendering infinitives, participles, and the pseudoverbs t£P and א י ןin addition to the main section on finite verbs. 248
3.1. Structural
Analysis. 250
3.1.1. Finite Verbs. There are a total of 402 finite verb f o r m s derived from approximately 221 different roots ' in the portion of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R. 25
2 4 8
See M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure, 68, 297-306, and especially 297-298.
2 4 9
The existential verb ה י הoccurs only three times (16:8a, 27:21a, j34:23b) in the portion of M T rendered by R and these occurrences do not create difficulties in the area of distinguishing nouns and verbs. 2 5 0
T h e 402 occurrences are: 7:8a, 9:15b, 9:24b, 10:4b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:9a, 12:9b, 12:18b, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:19b, 13:19b, 13:20b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:19a, 14:19b, 14:19c, 15:27a, 15:27b, 16:3b, 16:3b, 16:8a, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:3b, 17:4a, 17:4b, 17:5a, 17:10a, 17:12a, 17:16b, 18:9b, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 18:16b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:3b, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11a, 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13a, 20:13a, 20:13b, 20:20b, 20:23a, 21:15a, 21:15b, 21:15b, 21:19b, 21:19b, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:29a, 21:29b, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:31b, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33a, 21:33b, 22:3b, 22:13a, 22:13a, 22:13b, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:20b, 22:24a, 22:29a, 22:29a, 22:29b, 22:30a, 22:30b, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 23:15d(־־bMT), 24:4b, 24:8a, 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 24:17b, 24:25b, 26:5a, 26:8b, 26:10a, 26:11a, 26:11b, 26:14b, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 27:23b, 28:4a, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:27a, 28:27a, 29:10b, 29:11a, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:25a, 29:25a, 29:25b, 29:25c, 30:1c, 30:2b, 30:7a, 30:11b, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:12c, 30:13a, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:20b, 30:20b, 30:22b, 30:27a, 30:27a, 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:1b, 31:4a, 31:4b, 31:18a, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:24a, 31:27a, 31:35a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 32:11c, 32:12a, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16a, 32:16a, 32:16b, 32:16b, 33:8a, 33:28a, 33:28b, 33:29a, 33:31b, 33:31b, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:32b, 33:33a, 33:33b, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:7b, 34:11b, 34:23a, 34:25b,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In one instance, however, although the form in M T is a verb, it is not construed as such by R. The case is that o f פ ר ץin 28:4a, which is vocalized paras in M T , but read as the noun peres by R . Thus there are 401 instances where comparison between M T and R is possible and in 398 instances R also renders by a verb in G r e e k . As in the case of nouns, formal correspondence between the Greek and the Hebrew is high and again the corpus is of significant size. The evidence, then, permits fair assessment and accurate representation of the translator's technique. 2 5 2
34:25b, 34:28b, 34:29a, 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:29b, 34:31b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:32b, 34:33a, 34:33b(=aMT), 34:33b, 34:33c, 34:33c, 35:7b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:10a, 35:12a, 35:12a, 35:15a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:7c, 36:7c, 36:8b, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:10b, 36:11a, 36:11a, 36:11b, 36:13a, 36:13b, 36:13b, 36:16a, 36:20a, 36:21b, 36:22a, 36:24b, 36:25a, 36:26a, 36:27b, 36:28a, 36:29a, 36:30a, 36:30b, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:32b, 36:33a, 37:1a, 37:1b, 37:2a, 37:2b, 37:3a, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:4c, 37:5a, 37:7a, 37:10a, 37:11a, 37:11b, 37:12c(=bMT), 37:13b, 37:18a, 38:32a, 38:32b, 39:1a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:4e(=bMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:8b, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:I6a, 39:17a, 39:17b, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:29b, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, 41:4a, 41:8a, 41:9a, 41:9b, 41:9b, 41:15b, 41:15b, 41:21a, 41:24b, 42:8e, 42:16c, 42:17, j2:6b, j3:5a, j3:23a, j4:2a, j4:21a, j5:4b, j6:3b, j7:13b, j8:20a, j9:15a, j9:15a, j9:34b, j l l : 1 3 b , j 11:18b, j l l : 2 0 c ( = a M T ) , j l 2 : 7 b , j l 3 : 8 a , j l 4 : 6 a , j l 4 : 1 5 b , j l 5 : 4 a , j l 5 : 5 b , j l 5 : 2 0 b , jl5:25b, jl7:9a, j l 7 : I 5 b , jl8:5b, jl8:7b, j l 9 : l 2 b , jl9:18a, j l 9 : 2 5 ( = b M T ) , jl9:27c, j21:19a, j21:3a, j22:17b, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , j22:28a, j22:28a, j 2 3 : l l a , j27:19a, j27:19a, j27:6a, j 2 8 : l l a , j28:27b, j־28.27b, j28:4b(=cMT), j29:13b, j30:30b, j3I:31b, j31:31b, j 3 2 : l l a , j 3 2 : 2 0 ( = b M T ) , j33:26a, j33:26a, j34:9a, j34:9a, j36:28b, j36:2a, j37:14b, j38:18a, j38:37b, j39:3a, j39:3a, j 3 9 : l l b , j39:12b, j40:26b, j40:28a, j40:30a, j41:la, j41:26a, J42:7b,j42:7c. 2 5 1
Difficulties exist here and there in determining the derivation of a verbal form. There are also differences in a number of places between the accepted derivations of modern scholars and those of R. For complete details and discussion of particular problems, the evidence for the Infinitives, Participles and Verbs is provided partly in the section on Verbs under Lexical Equivalency (for frequencies of 3 occurrences or more, § 3.2) and partly in Appendix A (for frequencies of less than 3 occurrences). 2 5 2
See above p. 88.
2 5 3
A l l 402 instances just listed except ל ע עi}(.r3b),21:15) י ע לb ) ,
and, of course, also 28:4a.
and37:3) ש ר הa )
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
A description of how R renders Hebrew verbs should include the translator's treatment of (1) aspect / tense, (2) number and person, and (3) voice. The cate gory of modals and potential moods is incorporated under the first heading since the identifiable forms of the potential moods are sporadic in Hebrew being frequently indistinguishable from those of the indicative mood. Under the third heading some correlation is possible between the seven-stem system of Hebrew verbal inflection and the voice inflection in Greek. Also to be discussed is the question of the extent to which the Greek of R is influenced by Hebrew in the matter of the Schema Atticum. Since this issue involves number, the evidence will be assessed as an addendum under the second heading. 254
255 Aspect / Tense. First for consideration, then, is R's treatment of aspect / tense in his rendering of Hebrew verbs. Since recent research in linguistics distinguishes two types of 'aspect', it is necessary to clarify how the term is used in the present study. Authors Waltke and O'Connor state: The English word "aspect" refers to two entirely separate sets of grammatical categories, aspect as the contour of action (perfective, progressive, etc.; German Aspekt) and aspect as the type of action (causative, stative, etc.; German Aktionsart, literally 'type of action'). The term 'aspect' is employed here in the former sense, equivalent to Aspekt. Comparison of Greek and Hebrew verbs in respect to aspect / tense is not a straightforward task. Debate over the nature of the Hebrew verbal system is con tinuous and far from scholarly consensus. Yet engaging recent studies and theories 256
2 5 4
For a brief comparison and contrast of the surface structures of the source and target languages as the realization of their deep structure, see J. W. Wevers, 'The Use of Versions For Text Criticism: The Septuagint," 15-24. 2 5 5
This is the term employed by grammarians such as R. K ü h n e r and N . Turner for the Attic rule that a neuter plural subject has a singular verb. See Turner, Syntax, 312. Although admittedly pedantic, the label is a convenient way of referring to the phenomenon. For a discussion of the way this phenomenon is handled by the trans lator of the Greek Psalms, see A . Pietersma, "The Greek Psalter: A Question of Methodology and Syntax" in Vetus Testamentum 25 (1975): 60-69. 2 5 6
Waltke-O'Connor, § 20,2c. See also the comment by M . Eskhult, Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew Prose, Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, no. 12 (Uppsala, 1990), 18. 2 5 7
The title of Leslie McFall's recent volume is telling: The Enigma of the Hebrew Verbal System: Solutions from Ewald to the Present (Sheffield: Almond, 1982). For
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
is unnecessary for an adequate assessment of the translator's technique. The simplest way to cut the Gordian knot is to base the comparison as much as possible on formal rather than on functional or semantic notions. Hebrew has two basic conjugations: one formed by adding prefixes (yqfl) and the other formed by adding suffixes (qtl). In some types of roots and stems one can further distinguish a long yqtl form and a short yqtl f o r m . In addition, a consensus does exist that forms prefixed by waw have a different value from forms not prefixed by waw: generally speaking, the value of wayyqtl is equivalent to qtl and the value of wqtl is equivalent to yqtl. * There is also a group of modals. First and second person modals are differentiated on the basis of form: the former, known as the Cohortative, 258
bibliography of important articles and books, on the verb in the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew, see in addition to McFall's volume, B. Isaksson, Studies in the Language of Qoheleth. With Special Empluisis on the Verbal System, Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, no. 10 (Uppsala, 1987), 23, n. 69, where more than one hundred works are referred to and Waltke-O'Connor, 700-703, who list more than one hundred and thirty works on the verb alone. Also noteworthy are M . Eskhult, Studies in Verbal Aspect and Narrative Technique in Biblical Hebrew Prose, Studia Semitica Upsalien sia, no. 12 (Uppsala, 1990), R. E. Longacre, Joseph: A Story of Divine Providence. A Text Theoretical and Textlinguistic Analysis of Genesis 37 and 39-48 (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1989), A . Niccacci, The Syntax of the Verb in Classical Hebrew Prose, translated by W. G. E. Watson, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supple ment Series, no. 86 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1990), and E . J. Revell, "The System of the Verb in Standard Biblical Prose," Hebrew Union College Annual 55 (1989): 1-37. 2 5 8
For discussion on distinguishing indicative and modal forms see E. J. Revell, "The System of the Verb in Standard Biblical Prose," Hebrew Union College Annual 55 (1989): 1-37, and standard works such as G. Bergsträsser, Hebräische Grammatik, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1918-1929; Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1986) and P. Joüon, Grammaire deîhébreu biblique (Rome: Institut Biblique Pontifical, 1923). 2 5 9
In narrative, the combination wayqtl generally has no special significance and holds much the same value, as yqtl. Yet after a cohoratative, imperative, or jussive, wayqtl has consequential force. See Waltke-O'Connor, § 33.4. Since wayqtl is distinct formally in the reading tradition of M T , the evidence for wayqtl is given a separate section. It must be remembered, however, that the formal separation between wayqtl and wayyqtl employed herein was not graphemically available to R. The Consonantal Text does not distinguish between wayqtl and wayyqtl. This fact will be accounted for in the commentary on the evidence.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
are marked by an & ending on yqtP*° while the latter, called the Imperative, are equivalent to yqtl minus the prefix. Third person modals, the so-called Jussive, are formally recognized by the short yqtl where it exists, but are not formally separate from the prefix conjugation in the long yqtl form. In the analysis below, all instances where indicative and modal forms of yqtl cannot be distinguished formally are indiscriminately placed together in one group with one exception: yqtl forms preceded by the negative bit are classified as modal since indicative forms cannot occupy this position. This description yields the following classes and sets: Prefix Forms (1)M< {!)wzyqtl (3) wayyqtl Suffix Forms (1) qtl (2) wqtl Modal Forms (1) Imperative with waw prefix (2) Imperative without waw prefix (3) Short yqtl /yqtl + a suffix: with waw prefix (4) Short yqtl/yqtl + & suffix: without waw prefix Using the above classification and order, the evidence is presented by listing each class of Hebrew verbal form in turn and under each type, the Greek tenses employed by R to render that type of Hebrew form. The order in which the Greek tenses are listed is determined simply by frequency of forms, i.e. how many times a Greek tense is used for each form in Hebrew. Once again, the format X » Y signifies "X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)." The frequency is listed in parentheses in each heading; the occurrences are listed below the heading. After each main section (Prefix Forms, Suffix Forms, Modal Forms) there is a commentary discussing the evidence. For the most part, the commentary follows the same order in which the evidence is listed. Prefix
2 6 0
For obvious reasons the distinction between cohortative and yqtl is not sustained in I l l - n roots.
Characterization of the Asterisked Maierials Evidence - Prefix Forms. (262) l.yqtl (212) (l)yq(l»
Future Indicative (160)
j4:2a,™ 7:8a, j7:13b, j8:20a, j9:15a, 9:15b, 10:4b, j l l : 1 8 b , j l 1:20c(=aMT), 13:19b, 13:20b, 14:12c, jl4:15b, 14:18a, 14:18b, 16:3b, 17:5a, jl7:15b, 17:16b, jl8:5b, 18:9b, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 18:16b, j l 9 : 2 5 ( = b M T ) , 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11b, 20:12b, 20:13a, 20:13a, 20:20b, 21:15a, 21:15b, j21:19a, 21:19b, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:29b, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:33b, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , » 2 : 3 ׳2 b , 22:13b, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:15a, j22:17b, j22:28a, 22:29b, 22:30a, 23:9b, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 2 3 : l 5 d ( = b M T ) , 24:15b, 24:17b, 26:5a, 26:14b, j27:6a, ]27:19a, 27:21a, 27:22a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 28:5a, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 29:19b, 29:20b, 30:7a, 30:16a, 31:1b, 31:4a, 31:4b, 31:23b, j31:31b, 32:12a, j33:26a, 33:28b, 33:29a, 33:31b, j34:9a, 34:11b, 34:23a, 34:28b, 34:29a, 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:33a, 34:33b, 35:7b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:12a, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:8b, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:11b, 36:13a, 36:13b, 36:22a, 36:26a, 36:28a, j36:28b, 36:31a, 36:31b, 2
יA t 4:2a the form in M T is ( ה נ ס הhanissa): Qal Perfect 3 m.s of נ ס הplus interrogative marker as prefix. R has ε ί λ η ψ ό μ ε θ α , apparently reading ה נ ע ז ה (humiiS'): Qal Imperfect, 1 of נ ש אplus interrogative marker as prefix. There are a number of other places where M T and R differ over sibilants ( ס, and E?): 12:23a, j22:2, j 2 8 : l l a , 34:6b, 36:24b, 37:3a, 41:24b. (See E. Qimron, The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Harvard Semitic Studies, no. 29 [Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1986], 2830.) Neither נ ס הnor נע!אappear elsewhere in the corpus rendered by R. 3
* In 22:2b M T the verb in question is ( י ס כ ןyiskdn): Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of ס כ ן.
The equivalent in R (j22:2) is κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι which is based on reading כן2?( יyiSkun): Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of ש כ ן. There are seven other places where M T and R differ over sibilants ( ס, ש, and ttf): j4:2a, 12:23a,j28:lla, 34:6b, 36:24b, 37:3a, 41:24b. Elsewhere the verb ס ב ןis rendered by κ ι ν δ υ ν ε ύ ω (j34:9a) and the verb p t t f by γ ε ί τ ω ν 1 time (26:5b) and by κ α τ α σ κ η ν ό ω 2 times (18:15a, 29:25b). 2 6 3
A t 27:19a the form in M T is ( י א ס ףye'asep): Niphal Imperfect 3 m.s of א ס ף. R
has π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι , apparently vocalizing י א ס ףas yostp arydslp:
Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s
of י ס ף. H i p h i l Imperfect forms of י ס ףare also rendered by the future of π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι at 20:9a and 34:32b while the only other occurrence of א ס ףis rendered by σ υ ν ά γ ω atj39:12b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:33a, 37:2b, 37:4a, 37:4c, 37:4c, 37:10a, 37:11b, 37:13b, 37:18a, 38:32a, 38:32b, j38:37b, j39:3a, j39:3a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), j39:12b, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:18a, 39:18b, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, j40:26b, j40:28a, j40:30a, 41:4a, 41:9a, 41:15b, j41:26a, 42:8e (2) yqtl» Aorist Indicative (17) 14:19b, jl5:4a,jl5:25b, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:12a, 21:32a, 21:32b, 24:15c, 26:11a, j29:13b, 29:25a, 30:12a, 30:18b, 31:18b, 32:16a, 37:1a, 41:24b (3) yqtl» Present Indicative (17) 9:24b, j l 3 : 8 a , 16:3b, 20:3b, 21:30a, 24:8a, 34:3a, 34:3b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 37:7a, 37:11a, 39:8b, 39:29b, 40:23b, 41:8a, 41:9b 264
2 6 4
Analysis of 37:11a M T is difficult and differences exist between M T and the rendering o f R. Nonetheless, a prefixed form in Hebrew ( M T ) י ט ר י חis rendered by a Present Indicative in R ( κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ε ι ) . A brief discussion follows of the interpretive problems. The context is helpful in evaluating the rendering of this verb: 37:11a י ט ר י ח ע ב
37:11a Χ κ α ι έ κ λ ε κ τ ό ν κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ε ι ν ε φ έ λ η , / ( A n d clouds cover [plaster over] a chosen man/thing) The treatment of ( ב ר יM T hart) as well as of ( י ט ר י חM T yatrPh) by R should be considered. Although problematic, M T ב ר יis generally interpreted as a prepositional phrase: בfollowed by ( ר יά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν ) , a noun from ר ו חmeaning 'moisture' (see B D B and H A L , s.v.). The form י ט ר י חis from the verb ט ר ח, also a ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T ; a derivative noun torah ('burden') occurs only in D t 1:12 and Is 1:14. Nevertheless, the meaning 'to burden / load' is not presented as doubtful in the lexica (see B D B and H A L , s.v.). Thus M T could be translated, "he burdens / loads the clouds with moisture" (see Driver and Gray 1:319, 2:29], Gordis, 408, Habel, 496, 501), Hartley, 478, and especially L . Grabbe, Comparative Philology and the Text of Job: A Study in Methodology, Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series, no. 34 [Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1977], 114-116; a different derivation of ט ר חfollowing Arabic taraha ('hurl') is proposed by Dhorme, 564-565 and Pope, 278, 282 due to an emendation of ) ב ר י. R has not read bart, nor has he understood a prepositional phrase ('with moisture'). Instead, R read the adjective bar, meaning 'choice' or 'pure'. For ט ר חR has κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ω . Is this a contextual guess because R did not know the word, or is this evidence for a different parent text? Since κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ω literally means 'to plaster' (see Liddell-Scott, s.v.), one
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(4) yqtl » Aorist Subjunctive (S) / Optative ( O ) (11) 17:4b (S), 20:12a (S), 29:13a (O), j31:31b (O), 31:35a (O), 32:11c (S), 35:12a (S), 36:11a (S), 36:29a (S), 37:12c(=bMT) (S), 41:9b (S) (5) yqtl » Participle (4) 22:16b, j27:19a, 29:25c, 34:7b (6) yqtl » Aorist Imperative (2) j3:5a, 17:3b, (7) yqtl » Imperfect Indicative (1) 29:24b wzyqtl (24) (1) wayqtl » Future Indicative (16) j5:4b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 13:19b, jI7:9a, j!8:7b, 20:13b, 21:19b, 23:15d(=bMT), 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:23b, 33:33b, 34:25b, j 3 9 : l i b , 41:15b A comment is necessary to justify the inclusion o f 41:15b in the above category. In 41:15b M T the verb in question is yasûq. The context is helpful in evaluating the rendering of this verb:
might suggest R had a form of מ ו ח, possibly yatdh, ('he over-spreads / smears') rather than י ט ר י חin his parent text. Yet R does not employ KaxarcAdooa) elsewhere, nor does he render either ט ר חor ט ו חanywhere else. In fact, the only other occurrence of Kaxa7cXdo0O) by any L X X revisor or translator is for מ ר חin Is 38:21. D i d R have מ ר חin 37:1 la? Confusion of מand טpalaeographically is unlikely. Evidence, therefore, for a different parent text is rather slim and highly speculative. The most plausible suggestion is a contextual guess given the sentence "clouds [VERB] a chosen one." 2 6 5
The form in R is 7w>1t018ev, a Perfect Active Indicative, 3 s, but functioning as a present tense. See Blass-Debrunner, § 341.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
41:15b י צ ו ק ע ל י ו ב ל ־ י מ ו ט 41:15b Χ κ α τ α χ έ ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν , ο ύ σ α λ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ί . / The form yasttq is analyzed generally by modern scholars as a Qal Passive Participle m.s of . יצקFurthermore the Qumran Targum, which has ] ] נ ס י כ י, interprets it the same way. R certainly had yasuq in his parent text, but analyzed it as a Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of צ ו ק, an allomorph of . יצקThe equivalent in R, κ α τ α χ έ ε ι , is accented (by Ziegler) as a Present Active Indicative 3 s; i f accented as κ α τ α χ έ ε ι , however, the form is F u t u r e . The line from θ ' is solitary; the only contextual evidence is the future tense of the parallel verb σ α λ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ί . In terms of the habits of the revisor, 16 out of 24 cases of wayqtl are rendered by future tenses and none by a present. Also 160 out of 212 cases oiyqtl are rendered by future tenses and only 17 by a present. The verb in the previous stich is the qll form dabequ. While no materials attributed to θ ' are extant for 41:15a, 7 out of 101 instances of qtl are rendered by a future tense. Thus in addition to the future form σ α λ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ί in 41:15b, a future tense for dabeqd in 4I:15a is at least hypothetically possible from the perspective of translation technique. Consequently there are good reasons for assuming κ α τ α χ έ ε ι is future and little support for taking it as present. O G renders dabeqd in 41:15a by κ ε κ ό λ λ η ν τ α ι . It seems that the accentuation of Ziegler (and of both Rahlfs and Thackeray, before him) is unduly influenced by the context of the Ecclesiastical Text. 266
(2) wayqtl» Aorist Indicative (5) jl5:5b, 26:11b, 29:25a, 30:22b, 37:1b (3) w3yqtl» Aorist Subjunctive (2)
2 6 6
Sec B D B , s.v. י צ ק, H A L s.v. י צ ק, Driver and Gray, 2:341, Cordis, 486-487, Pope,
336, Habel, 552, Hartley, 528. 2
* יSo also Dhorme, 638.
2 6 8
On the confusion between the future and present forms of %£u3 and its compounds in the Hellenistic Period, see Thackeray, § 22.3. Adding to the confusion is the fact that both contracted and uncontracted forms were used in Hellenistic Greek for the present system (see Gignac, Morphology, 276, 371). Perhaps Ziegler is following Thackeray who judges the form as a present tense, but provides no reason for his judgement (Thackeray, 243).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
j 3 2 : 2 0 ( = b M T ) , 36:11a (4) wsyqtl»Imperfect
Indicative (1)
29:25b wayyqtl (26) (1) wayyqtl»
Aorist Indicative (19)
12:18b, 15:27b, 16:8a, 16:8b, jl9:12b, 28:27a, 29:11a, 30:12c, 30:20b, 31:27a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 36:10b, 36:32b, 39:15a, 40:1, 40:1, 42:16c, 42:17 (2) wayyqtl» Future Indicative (5) 22:29a, j33:26a, 36:7c, 36:7c, 36:9a (3) wayyqtl» Participle (2) 12:23a, 12:23b Commentary - Prefix Forms. The patterns o f translation for yqtl and wayqtl are almost identical: where comparison is passible, R employs a future indicative for 75% of yqtl forms and 67% of wayqtl forms, an aorist indicative for 8% of yqtl forms and 2 1 % of wayqtl forms, and an aorist subjunctive or optative for 5% of yqtl forms and 8% of wayqtl forms. This indicates that R considered, as do modern scholars, that the functional value of yqtl and wayqtl are indistinguishable and that the combination wsyqtl generally has no special significance. In the commentary that follows, then, the evidence for yqtl and wayqtl will be considered together. 269
Future Indicative
The fact that R employed a future indicative for yqtl 160 out of 212 times (75%) and for wayqtl 16 out of 24 times (67%) is no surprise. I t fits well with the
2 6 9
Allowance must be made for the fact that the bank o f data for the wayqtl forms is quite small. Apart from the cases of future indicative, one cannot make meaningful statements. 2 7 0
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 33.4
The Asterisked Materials in the Creek Job
picture o f a literalistic translator. The cases not rendered by a future indicative are more interesting. (2)yq!l»
Aorist Indicative
Seventeen times yqtl is rendered by an aorist indicative. Only four instances are from roots and stems where long and short yqtl forms are distinguishable and in all four the forms are long in M T . Nonetheless R clearly reckoned yqtl to have preterite value. I n ten cases the yqtl form is in a sequence initiated by a qtl f o r m and once it occurs in a sequence initiated by a wayyqtl f o r m . The evidence shows, then, that R employed an aorist indicative for yqtl for contextual reasons. Further, there are five instances where wsyqtl is rendered by an aorist indicative. A l l are from roots and stems in which long and short yqtl cannot be distinguished. Here one might suggest that R vocalized these verbs as wayyqtl rather than as wayqtl. This approach is not necessary, however, for again contextual considerations adequately explain the choice o f preterite value by R . I n short, the contexts where wayqtl is rendered by an aorist indicative are identical to those where yqtl is rendered by an aorist indicative. A n example each oiyqtl and wayqtl are given for illustration. 2 7 1
2 7 5
yqtl (14:19b) 14:19a ש ח ק ו מ י ם
14:19b ע פ ר ־ א ר ץ
19;14aΧ λ ί θ ο υ ς έ λ έ α ν α ν ΰ δ α τ α , /
2 7 1
The four instances arc: ya atieh (16:8c[=bMT]), yMmu yaqumu (30:12a).
(17:12a), ya&m (24:15c),
2 7 2
T h e ten instances are: 14:19b, jl5:25b, 17:12a, 21:32a, 21:32b, 24:15c, 26:11a, 30:12a, 30:18b, 31:18b. 2 7 3
The one instance is 16:8c(=bMT).
2 7 4
Three out of the 17 instances are cases where R and O G overlap (j!5:4a, j!5:25b, j29:13b). In all three cases O G employed an aorist indicative. This does not neces sarily prove that R was revising OG or was influenced by O G . It reinforces, however, the fact that contextual considerations motivated R since the context must be respon sible for identical results in O G . 2 7 5
I n four out of the five instances the woyqtl form is in a sequence initiated by a qtl form (26:11b, 29:25a, 30:22b, 37:1b). In one instance, R and O G overlap and O G also employs an aorist indicative (jT5:5h).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(Water polished stones) 14:19b Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ κ λ υ σ ε ν ΰ δ α τ α ΰ π τ ι α τ ο ΰ χ ώ μ α τ ο ς τ η ς γ η ς · / ( A n d level waters washed down the dust of the earth) yqtl (26:11 a), wsyqtl (26:1 l b ) 26:10a ח ק ־ ח ג ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ם י ם 26:10b ע ד ־ ת כ ל י ת א ו ר ע ם ־ ח ע ז ך 26:11a ע מ ו ד י ש מ י ם י ר ו פ פ ו 26:11b ו י ת מ ה ו מ ג ע ר ת ו 26:10a χ π ρ ό σ τ α γ μ α έ γ ύ ρ ω σ ε ν έ π ί π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν ΰ δ α τ ο ς / ([His] command made a circle over the face of the water) 26:10b Χ μ έ χ ρ ι σ υ ν τ έ λ ε ι α ς φ ω τ ό ς μ ε τ ά σ κ ό τ ο υ ς . / (As far as the end of light with darkness) 26:11a χ σ τ ύ λ ο ι ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ έ π ε τ ά σ θ η σ α ν / (The pillars of heaven were spread) 26:11b Χ κ α ι έ ξ έ σ τ η σ α ν ά π ό τ η ς έ π ι τ ι μ ή σ ε ω ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / ( A n d displaced by his rebuke) In the first example, a qtl in 14:19a is followed by ayqtl in 14:19b. Both are rendered by aorist indicatives. In the second example, a qtl in 26:10a (hag) is followed by ayqtl in 26:1 l a and a wsyqtl in 26:11b. A l l are translated as aorist indicatives. (3) yqtl» Present Indicative Seventeen times R rendered a yqtl form by a present tense. A l l are from roots and stems in which long and short yqtl cannot be distinguished. A l l are cases where an imperfective or progressive value is suitable. In most places the Greek present could be described as gnomic, denoting a common or widespread practice of describing something that is true universally. Two or three examples illustrate this usage: 276
9:24b י כ ס ה
In 35:16b BHS has One would automatically read the Consonantal Text as short (yakber) even though JV1T vocalizes "OD" as long (yakbir). Defective spelling of long M in the second syllable of Hiphil forms occurs 719 out of 5654 times (13%) in M T (see F. I . Andersen and A . D . Forbes, Spelling in the Hebrew Bible, Biblica et Orientalia, no. 41 [Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1986], 166). This is the only place where the possibility of a short yqtl exists. 1
2 7 7
See Robertson, 866.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
9:24b Χ π ρ ό σ ω π α κ ρ ι τ ώ ν
Job charges God with injustice in 9:24; he is accusing him of ongoing practices or what is usually the situation: "He covers the faces of the judges [of the land)." The indicative present in Greek is gnomic and appropriately expresses the omnitemporal nature of the action indicated hyyqtl in Hebrew. 24:8a ה ר י ם י ר ט כ ו
24:8a Χ ά π ό ψ ε κ ά δ ω ν
Μ Τ Job 24:2-12 discusses the exploitation of the poor; among other things, 'They are drenched by moutain rains." This is a generalization of the condition of the needy and R's use of the Greek present tense is quite proper. 278
34:3a מ ל י ן ת ב ח ן
34:3b ו ח ך י ט ע ם ל א ב ל 34:3a Χ ό τ ι ο υ ς λ ό γ ο υ ς δ ο κ ι μ ά ζ ε ι , / 34:3b Χ κ α ι λ ά ρ υ γ ξ γ ε ύ ε τ α ι βρώσιν. / Elihu affirms here that "the ear tests words and the gullet tastes food," These are actions which are characteristic and customary of the ear and gullet. The aspect of both Hebrewyqtl and Greek present is imperfective. One might question the approach of R in 37:11a: 37:11a י ט ר י ח ע ב
(He loads the clouds with moisture) 37:11b י פ י ץ ע נ ן א ו ר ו ( A n d scatters his clouds of lightning) 37:11a Χ κ α ι έ κ λ ε κ τ ό ν κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ε ι ν ε φ έ λ η , / ( A n d clouds cover [plaster over] a chasen man/thing) 37:1 l b Χ δ ι α σ κ ο ρ π ι ε Τ ν έ φ ο ς φ ω ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / ( A cloud/His light will scatter His light/[the] cloud) No line is extant in R for 37:10b and one cannot be absolutely certain whether φ ω ς or ν έ φ ο ς is the subject of the verb in 37:11b. Since the context is uncertain and the meaning of 37:11 obscure, the approach of the translator is difficult to evaluate. The section 37:1-13 describes the characteristic display o f divine power in thunderstorms.
2 7 8
English translation by N . Habel (Habel, 352).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Thus Imperfective Aspect is appropriate and indeed R renders a prefixed form by a Present Indicative in 37:7a. {^)yqll» (5)yqtl»
Aorist Subjunctive / Optative Aorist Imperative
R employs an aorist optative or subjunctive for yqll 11 times and for wsyqtl 2 times. This category represents a diversity of syntactic situations. First, there are 3 cases of aorist optative which specify wishes. 29:13a ב ר כ ת א ב ד ע ל י ת כ א (The blessing of the dying came upon me) 29:13a SK ε υ λ ο γ ί α ά π ο λ λ υ μ ε ν ο υ έ π ' έ μ έ Κλθοι, / While modern scholars do not interpret ( ת ב אtabo')
as Qal Jussive,
R has
construed the text this way and his reading is grammatically acceptable. 31:31b מ י ־ י ת ן מ ב ע ל ר ו ל א כ ש ב ע Α ρ ρ I I 31:31b τ ι ς δ φ η τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α 31:35a מ ע ל י# מ י י ת ן ־ ל י 31:35a Χ τ ί ς δ φ η ά κ ο ύ ο ν τ ά μ ο υ ; / In both 31:31b and 31:35a R rendered the Hebrew idiom מ י ־ י ת ןby τ ί ς δ φ η . The construction מ י ״ י ת ןintroduces desiderative expressions in H e b r e w . The rendering τ ί ς δ φ η (Interrogative Pronoun plus Aorist Optative ) is a curious combination of following the parent text literally and attempting to reproduce a wish in the idiom of the target language. The construction ם י ״ י ת ןis rendered seven times by O G : 3 instances by optatives without τ ί ς (6:8a, 11:5a, 13:5a), 2 instances by optatives with τις (19:23a, 23:3a), 1 instance by an indicative with τ ί ς (14:4), and 1 instance by a 280
Driver and Gray, 1:249, Dhorme, 424, Gordis, 314, Pope, 208, Habel, 402, and Hartley, 390 all employ a past tense in English. 2 8 0
See R. J. Williams, Hebrew Syntax: An Outline, 2nd ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976), § 547. 2 8 1
On analysis of the form Scpr! as Aorist Optative and not Aorist Subjunctive, see Blass-Debrunner, § 95.2.
Πιο Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
construction with δ φ ε λ ο ν (14:13a). A l l seven cases flow smoothly in Greek; only one employs τ ι ς ( γ α ρ α ν ) δ φ η (19:23a) and even here O G avoids the appearance o f literalism. The construction מ י ״ י ת ןis rendered by τ ί ς δ φ η as early as N m 11:29. The point, then, is that τ ί ς δ φ η is literalistic although clearly not original to R. The two examples where yqtl is rendered by an Aorist Imperative (j3:5a, 17:3b) are affiliated with the instances of Aorist Optative and ought to be mentioned here. Although both forms are from roots and stems where long and short yqtl cannot be differentiated, they demonstrate along with the cases rendered by aorist optative that R distinguished and recognized an imperfectivey^i/ and a modalyqtl. 3:5a ( י ג א ל ה ו ) ח ש ך ו צ ל מ ו ת (May darkness and gloom reclaim it) A p p I I 3:5a ά γ χ ι σ χ ε υ σ ά τ ω α υ τ ή ν The form י ג א ל ח וis rendered by an Aorist Active Imperative 3 s in Greek. In both Greek and Hebrew, Job brings a curse upon the day of his birth. 17:3b מ י ה ו א ל י ד י י ת ק ע (Who is he who will let himself be struck with my hand?) 17:3b Si τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ΰ τ ο ς ; τ ή χ ε ι ρ ί μ ο υ σ υ ν δ ε θ ή τ ω . / (Who is this one? Let him be bound by my hand!) The verb י ת ק עis translated by an Aorist Passive Imperative 3 s. Clearly R read י ת ק עas modal. Secondly, there are four instances o f aorist subjunctive following έ ά ν in the protasis o f conditional sentences. These all render yqtl (including one instance of wayqll) preceded by the particle א םin Hebrew. The pattern in R for conditional statements is that א םfollowed by qtl is rendered by ε ί plus indicative, usually aorist, and א םfollowed by yqtl is rendered by έ ά ν plus aorist subjunctive. 283
2 8 2
A construction consisting o f dcpeXov followed by optative is employed twice by O G (14:13a, 30:24a); 6ye\ov is never used by R. 2 8 3
The four instances are: 20:12a, 36:11a, 36:11a, 36:29a.
2 8 4
There are four occurrences: j9:15a, 22:20a, 31:24a, 34:32b. The tense of the apodosis in all four instances is future indicative. 2 8 5
Only one is future: j9:15a.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Thirdly, there are three instances of aorist subjunctive preceded by ο ϋ μ ή and expressing emphatic future denial. These all render the negative ל אfollowed by yqtl and may be compared with instances of the negative א לfollowed by modal yqtl later on. 287
There are three remaining instances of aorist subjunctive, all in subordinate clauses. One is apparently in a purpose clause introduced by ' i v a (j32:20[=bMT]), one is in an indefinite relative clause introduced by ο σ α α ν (37:12c[=bMT]), and one is in an indefinite temporal clause introduced by ίχχρι ο ΰ (32:11c). The context of the first instance is uncertain: 32:20a א ז ־ ב ו ־ ה ו י ו ־ ו ח ־ ל י 32:20b א פ ת ח ע { פ ת י ו א ע נ ה 32:20 λ α λ ή σ ω , 'ίνα ά ν α π α ύ σ ω μ α ι ά ν ο ί ξ α ς τά χείλη· ( I will speak that I may cease opening my lips) A p p 132:20 fin] + (X Syh) αποκριθώ 0-253 S -ll A p p I I 32:20 fin] θ ׳+ Χ αποκριθώ C c
OG collapses both lines of 32:20 into one by omitting ו א ע נ הand employing hypotaxis. Only one word is attributed to θ', an Aorist Passive Subjunctive 1 s of άποκρίνομαι. The proper context of αποκριθώ is unknown. I f complete evidence for R is in hand, the failure to render the waw of ו א ע נ הby κ α ί is unusual. Out of 207 occurrences of waw, R renders 198 instances by καί, 4 instances by zero, 2 instances by δέ, 1 by ή , 1 by μή and 1 by periphrasis. * Ordinarily after a cohortative, imperative, or jussive, wayqfl has consequential force. I f αποκριθώ is dependent on a 'iva, the form wa'e'eneh in M T is appropriately rendered by ϊ ν α plus aorist subjunctive in R 2 8 8
2 8 6
There are four occurrences: 20:12a, 36:11a, 36:11a, 36:29a. The tense of the apodosis in the first three instances is future indicative, and in the fourth instance, present indicative. The most recent scholarly and thorough treatment of the subjunctive mood in conditional clauses in Greek is in Porter, 291-320. 2 8 7
The three instances are: 17:4b, 35.12a, 41:9b.
2 8 8
The case is actually an instance of ו א םin an alternative interrogative sentence appropriately rendered by fj (22:3b). 2 8 9
The complete evidence for the rendering of waw is listed in a later section on Particles (see pp. 366ff.). 2 « ׳See Waltke-O'Connor, § 33.4.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
to express purpose. I f α π ο κ ρ ι θ ώ is independent and therefore deliberative or hortatory, R has given suitable value in Greek for a modal. The evidence does not permit any certain evaluation. (6) yqtl» Participle Four instances of yqtl are rendered by participles. The complete evidence is as follows: 22:16b כ ה ר י ו צ ק י ס ו ד ם 22:16b Χ π ο τ α μ ό ς έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω ν 01 θ ε μ έ λ ι ο ι α ΰ τ ω ν . / Μ Τ vocalizes י ו צ קas yusaq, Hophal Imperfect 3 m.s. Apparently R read ydseq, Active Qal Participle m.s, since he rendered by έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω ν . This case, then, is irrelevant for R's rendering of yqtl and is considered later in the discussion of R's rendering of participles. 29:25b ו א י כ ו ן כ מ ל ך ב ג ד ו ד 29:25c כ א ש ר א מ ר י ם י כ ח ם 29:25b Χ κ α ι κ α τ ε σ κ ή ν ο υ ν ώ σ ε ι β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς έ ν μ ο ν ο ζ ώ ν ο ι ς / 29:25c Χ δ ν τ ρ ό π ο ν π α θ ε ι ν ο ύ ς π α ρ α κ α λ ώ ν . / In 29:25c a participle is employed instead of a relative clause. This is natural and even preferable in Greek. 27:19a י ש כ ב ו ל א י א ס ף
27:19a π λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς κ α ι ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι 34:7a כ א י ו ב
2 9 1
34:7b י ש ת ה ־ ל ע ג כ מ י ם 34:7a Χ τ ι ς ά ν ή ρ ώ σ π ε ρ Ί ώ β / 34:7b χ π ί ν ω ν μ υ κ τ η ρ ι σ μ ό ν ώ σ π ε ρ ύ δ ω ρ / Tile circumstantial participles κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς in 27:19a and π ί ν ω ν in 34:7b are the only examples o f R converting paratactic yqtl into hypotaxis. Two instances out of
In Chapter One the conclusion was reached that the entire line in 27:19a is from ׳6. See pp. 56-59.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
212 (less than 1%) is an amazing concession to the source language counter to the preferred patterns of the target language. (7) yq(l» Imperfect Indicative Finally, an imperfect indicative is the equivalent tense in Greek for yqtl one time and also for wayqtl one time. Since both occur in the same setting, the complete context is cited: 29:24a א ל ח ם ל א י א מ י נ ו
29:24b ו א ו ר פ נ י ל א י פ י ל ו ן 29:25a ב ר א ש0 ד ר כ ם ו א 29:25b כ מ ל ך ב ג ד ו ד 29:24a 29:24b 29:25a 29:25b
έ ά ν γ ε λ ά σ ω προς αυτούς, ο ύ μ ή πιστεύσωσιν, 5S κ α ι φ ω ς τ ο υ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ μ ο υ ο ύ κ ά π έ π ι π τ ε ν / Χ έ ξ ε λ ε ξ ά μ η ν οδον α ύ τ ω ν κ α ι έ κ ά θ ι σ α άρχων / Χ κ α ι κατεσκήνουν ώσει βασιλεύς έν μονοζώνοις /
The asterisked lines are not synchronized syntactically with O G in the Ecclesiastical Text and clearly represent an independent work. A n imperfect indicative is used for yqtl in 29:24b and for wayqtl in 29:25b. In Chapter 29 Job is describing the blessings and honours that were his in the days prior to the calamities and trials which befell him. A durative or progressive past is quite suitable: "And the light of my face used to fall" (29:24b), "And I used to dwell as a king among troops" (29:25b). These instances of imperfect indicative show some thought on the part of R both for his parent text and for the target language. Between imperfect forms, an aorist indicative is used for yqtl in 29:25a and for wayqtl in 29:25a. Both forms in Hebrew could be interpreted as preterites and therefore aspectually neutral verbs in Greek are quite suitable in verse 25a—indeed more appropriate than having four imperfect tenses in a row. A similar mixture of aorists and imperfects is employed by OG earlier in verses 21-23. R's rendering is seemingly based on considerations of style. (8) wayyqtl » Aorist Indicative (9) wayyqtl» Future Indicative (10) wayyqtl» Participle There are 26 occurrences of wayyqtl rendered by R. Nineteen times (73%) R employed an aorist indicative. This is expected. Five instances (21%) are rendered by a future indicative. Remembering that the Hebrew parent text before R contained consonants only, we may correctly conclude that all five were vocalized as weyqtl by
Tile Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
R. These five occurrences, then, may be added to the 16 instances of weyqtl rendered by a future indicative bringing the total to 21 out of 29 (72%) or 182 out of 212 (86%) when yq(l and weyqtl are combined. Two instances are wayyqtl rendered by a circum stantial participle bringing the grand total of 4 places out of 212 (less than 2%) where paratactic structures are converted to hypotactic ones. In sum, the default equivalent for yqtl is future indicative. Other translation values accorded to yqtl are either (1) imperfective (action durative or incomplete) in past, and present, or (2) modal, or (3) preterite. The form wayyqtl is distinct from yqtl while weyqtl is not, apart from one instance where weyqtl has consequential force. Although R is literalistic, his approach is not without care and thought for contextual concerns and the nuances of the target language. Suffix Forms. Evidence - Suffix Forms. (107)
(1) qtl» Aorist Indicative (87) j3:23a, j4:21a, 12:9a, 12:9b, 14:19a, 14:19c, 15:27a, 16:8a, 17:4a, j 19:18a, jl9:27c, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:11a, 21:21b, 21:31b, 21:33a, 22:13a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 22:20a, 22:29a, 23:9a, j 2 3 : l l a , 24:4b, 24:15a, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 26:8b, 26:10a, 27:19b, j28:4b(=cMT), 28:5b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, j 2 8 : l l a , 28:14a, 28:14b, 292
2 9 4
2 9 2
A t 22:29a M T has ItispilQ, (Hiphil Perfect, 3 Since R has έ τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ε ν α υ τ ό ν , he almost certainly read ח ס ז פ י ל וas hisptld (Hiphil Perfect, 3 m.s plus 3 m.s pronominal suffix). Since R had only the Consonantal Text before him, this is a legitimate possibility. 2 9 3
The verb in 23:9a M T is '( א ח זάΙιαζ), a Qal Imperfect 1 c.s of ח ז הin pause (see G K C § 109k). Since R has καχέσχον, he analyzed the form as Qal Perfect 3 m.s of א ח ז. Therefore the form is classified as qtl. 2 9 4
In 28:11a M T has ( ח ב שhibbes) which R rendered by έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν . The apparent difference is lexical and the lexical problem does not hinder analysis of the form; the form read by R was certainly qtl. A brief comment on the lexical problem is of value. R apparently connected the form in his parent text with ' ח פ שto search' rather than with ' ח ב שto bind'. There are four other places where M T and R differ over sibilants to and Ef: 12:23a, 36:24b, 37:3a, 4I:24b. Scribes of early biblical texts employed only ש, as in the Qumran Scrolls, and did not differentiate s and ί by £? and ש
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
28:21b, 28:22a, 28:27a, j28:27b, j28:27b, 29:10b, 29:11a, 30:2b, 30:11b, 30:12b, 30:20b, 30:27a, 30:27b j30:30b, 31:1a, 31:24a, j32:11 a, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16b, 33:8a, j34:9a, 34:32b, 34:33c, 35:10a, 35:15b, 36:13b, 36:16a, 3 6 : 2 4 b , » 36:25a, 36:30b, 36:32a, j38:18a, 39:1a, 39:16a, 39:17a, 39:17b, 41:21a, j42:7b,j42:7c (
30:13a, 32:16b, 36:21b, j41:la,
(2) qtl » Future Indicati%׳e (6) j9:15a, 22:20b, 30:27a, 34:33b(=aMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:4c(=bMT) (3) qtl » Present Indicative (2) 33:32b, 36:30a (4) qtl » Imperfect Indicative (2) as did the Masoretes. Although R rendered the form in his parent text by ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω and the Hebrew verb 'to search' is normally spelled with a פrather than a ב, it is not necessary to propose that R had &חפ7 in his parent text, or that he confused בand פ palaeographically. Perhaps Ε73Π and &? חפare allomorphs like נ ש בand '( נ ש ףto blow'), or possibly an auditory factor is responsible for reading בas פ. Interchange between בand פis well attested in the Semitic languages, although the examples are mainly from Aramaic and Phoenician. [See R. Degen, Altaramäische Grammatik der Inschriften des 10.-8. Jh. v. Chr., Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, no. 38:3 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1969), 31, P. E. Dion, La Langue de Ya 'udi (The Corporation for the Publication o f Academic Studies in Religion in Canada, 1974), 89, J. A . Fitzmyer, The Aramaic Inscriptions of Sejïre, Biblica et Orientalia, no. 19 (Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1967), 49, and passim, and especially M . Weippert, Die Landnahme der israelitischen Stämme in der neueren wissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Ein kritischer Bericht, Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, no. 92 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967), 76-84. One may also note נ פ שspelled נ ב שin the bilingual inscription from Tell Fekheryeh (A. Abou-Assaf, P. Bordreuil, and A . R. Millard, La statue de Tell Fekherye et son inscription bilingue assyro-araméenne, É t u d e s Assyriologiques, no. 7 (Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les civilisations, 1982).] 2 9 5
M T has Sôrarû for the form in question in 36:24b—a Poel Perfect 3 of ש י ר. R has ί"ϊρξαν, clearly reading fsâràrù—Qal Perfect 3 of ש ר ר. This is another o f five places where M T and R differ over sibilants & and B7: 12:23a, j 2 8 : i l a , 36:24b, 37:3a, 41:24b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
30:1c, 31:18a (5) qtl» Participle (2) j!5:20b, 35:15a (6) qtl» Perfect Indicative (1) 34:31b (7) qtl » Aorist Imperative (1) 21:29a wqtl (6) (1) wqtl» Aorist Indicative (3) j l l : 1 3 b , 22:13a, 32:16a (2) wqtl » Future Indicative (2) 34:25b, 36:27b (3) wqtl» Aorist Imperative (1) 22:30b Commentary - Suffix Forms. Eighty-seven of 101 occurrences of qtl are rendered by aorist indicatives, while a handful of instances are represented by a wide variety of Greek tenses. Thus it is clear that R normally equated q(l and aorist indica t i v e . The evidence from the six instances where wqtl are rendered suggests that R treats qtl and wqtl as equivalent. 296
2 9 6
Possibly R regarded the qtl verb form as aspectually neutral and viewed its seman tic value as contextually conditioned, but it is neither necessary nor relevant for anal ysis here to engage the longstanding and unresolved problem over the relationship between form and function in the system of the verb in Hebrew. Among others, C. Brockelmann is a good proponent of the view that both conjugations in Classical Hebrew represent aspect (see C. Brockelmann, Hebräische Syntax [Neukirchen:
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(1) qtl» Aorist Indicative The use of an aorist indicative for a qtl form constitutes the normal pattern and accords well with the developing image of R as a literalistic translator. N o discussion is necessary for what is standard. The instances, however, which are rendered by tenses other than the aorist indicative demand further notice. (2) qll» Future Indicative There are 6 instances where a qll form is rendered by a future indicative. Each case is considered individually. 9:15a ר א ם ־ צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה1אט (Whom, though I am in the right, I could not answer) A p p I I 9:15a oazic, ei S1Kaw09f|oo[ia1, OX>K d i t o K p i e f j o e x a i [tot (Who, if I will be justified, will not answer me) 297
9:15a is a conditional (relative) sentence. As already noted, the pattern in R for א םfollowed by qtl is e i followed by an Indicative. There are four instances. In three of them an Aorist Indicative is employed in the protasis, but in j9:15a a Future Indicative is used; the apodosis in all four instances is a Future Indicative. It appears that R employed an Aorist Indicative for qtl in the protasis three out of the four times simply because an Aorist Indicative for qll is the normal pattern and one follows the normal pattern if, according to the context, it gives good sense. In j9:15a, however, a Future Indicative is contextually required and R alters bis pattern to suit the situation. 298
22:19a צ ד י ק י ם ו י צ מ ח ו
(The just will see and be glad) Buchhandlung des Erziehungsvereins Neukirchen Kreis Moers, 1956], 39). For an excellent overview of scholarly theories since the earliest Jewish grammarians, see Waltke-O'Connor, 455-478. S. Dempster has demonstrated quite adequately that the qtl form is contextually conditioned as to its semantic value (see S. G. Dempster, "Linguistic Features of Hebrew Narrative: A Discourse Analysis of Narrative from the. Classical Period," Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1985,93). 2 9 7
The English translation is from Hartley, 173. *The three instances are: 22:20a, 31:24a, 34:32b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
22:19b ו נ ק י י ל ע ג ־ ל מ ו (And the innocent will laugh them to scorn) 22:20a א ם ־ ל א נ כ ח ד ק י מ נ ו (Surely our opponent is destroyed) 22:20b ו י ת ר ם א כ ל ה א ש (And fire consumed their excess) 22:20a Χ ε ί μ ή ή φ α ν ί σ θ η ή ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς α ύ τ ω ν , / (If their substance was not destroyed) 22:20b Χ κ α ι τ ό κ α τ ά λ ε ι μ μ α α ύ τ ω ν κ α τ α φ ά γ ε τ α ι π υ ρ . / (Fire will consume their remnant) 22:19-20a M T is adduced to provide a complete context for 22:20b, for the background of 22:19 is essential to interpretation of 22:20. Gordis expresses the relationship between the two verses well when he says of 22:20, "The verse is a Virtual quotation' of what the righteous say when the sinners receive their just deserts. Hence a verbum dicendi, 'saying,' is understood." When 22:20 is understood this way, א ם ~ ל אis asseverative. The approach of R, however, is different. R renders א ם ־ ל אliterally by ε ί μ ή and hence 22:20a is the protasis of a conditional sentence. Furthermore, the noun ק י ם, a α π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T , is translated by ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς , a choice which then requires altering the 1 pronominal suffix to a 3 pronoun in order to yield good sense in the context. The Future Indicative in question is κ α τ α φ ά γ ε τ α ι in 22:20b. Like the above case of j9:15a, it occurs in a conditional sentence, but is found this time in the apodosis rather than in the protasis. As just observed in connection with j9:15a, R always employs a future indicative in the apodosis when rendering a conditional sentence in Hebrew where the protasis is א םfollowed by q!l. The future indicative renders a yqtl form in three out of the four occurrences. In 22:20b, however, R uses a future indicative to render a qtl form. Consequently the instance in 22:20b conforms to his general pattern for conditional sentences of this type in Hebrew. Yet it also conforms to standard syntactic structures for conditional sentences of the emotional future variety in G r e e k ' and the future tense is contextually suitable as well. 299
30:27a מ ע י ר ת ח ו ו ל א ־ ד מ ו
2 9 9
Gordis, 248.
3 0 0
So Gordis, 248, Pope, 164, Habel, 332, and Hartley, 329. Similarly Dhorme, 335.
3 0 1
See Smyth, §§ 2297,2321, 2328.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(My innards boil and are not silent / still) 30:27a Χ ή κοιλία μου έξέζεσεν και ού σιωπήσεται,
In 30:27a Job describes the sufferings sent him by God. There was and is a constant churning within. The combination of aorist and future employed by R does capture the ongoing state which originated in the past and continues into the future, and does so quite nicely. The rendering of a qtl form by a Future Indicative is thus contextually motivated and reveals, moreover, an intelligence in R beyond the merely literal. 34:33a י ע ל מ נ ה כ י ־ ־ מ א ס ת
(Should he repay you on your terms when you have rejected [his terms]?) 34:33b כ י ־ א ת ה ת ב ח ר ו ל א ־ א נ י (You must choose [decide] and not I )
34:33a Χ μή παρά σου άποτείσει αυτήν; / (He will not exact payment of it from you, will he?) 34:33b Χ οτι άπωση, δ τ ι σύ έκλέξη καί ούκ έγώ ־/ (For you will reject, for you will choose and not I ) A coherent train of thought is not readily transparent in the 14 stich sequence of 34:28-33 furnished by R, nor for that matter in the same stretch of text in M T . Yet there is a break between 34:33 and the preceding verses in R since the discourse of 34:31-32 is all 1 ρ - 2 ρ (a human addressing God) and the discourse of 34:33 is basically 2 ρ - 3 p. Apparently, then, the subject of the 3 ρ verb άποτείσει is 'the Strong One' (cf. 34:3 la), the 2 ρ is Job, and the 1 ρ addressing Job is Elihu. R rendered the qtl form ( מ א ס תma'aslG) by the Future Indicative άπωση in 34:33b. The context involves a question expressed by a yqtl form followed by two dependent ב יclauses. The first ב יclause contains a qtl form, the second a yqtl. I t appears that R understood the two כ יclauses as a grammatically and semantically parallel pair and as a result employed a Future Indicative for מ א ס תto harmonize with the contextual surroundings: both the yq!l of the independent clause which precedes and the yqtl of the identically structured dependent clause which follows. 39:4a י ח ל מ ו ב נ י ה ם י ר ב ו ב ב ר (Their young grow strong, they grow up in the open) 39:4b י צ א ו ו ל א ־ ש ב ו ל מ ו (They go out and do not return to them) 39:4a Χ άπορρήξουσιν τά τέκνα αϋτων, /
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
39:4b Χ π λ η θ υ ν θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ ν γ ε ν ή μ α τ ι , / 39:4c Χ έ ξ ε λ ε ύ σ ο ν τ α ι κ α ι σ ύ μ ή ά ν α κ ά μ ψ ο υ σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ΐ ς . / The q(l forms י צ א וand ΏΕ? are both rendered by future indicative tenses in Greek. Contextually they are dependent on the yqtl in 39:4a and R was sensitive to this. (3) qtl» Present Indicative There are two instances where a qtl form is rendered by a present indicative. The reason is different in each instance. 33:32b ד ב ר כ י ־ ח פ צ ח י צ ד ק ך
(Speak, for I wish to justify you) 33:32b χ λ ά λ η σ ο ν , θ έ λ ω γ α ρ δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή ν α ι σ ε . / In 33:32b the qtl form ח פ צ ת יis rendered by the present tense of θ έ λ ω . This is due to the lexical nature of θ έ λ ω . By definition, words which describe a mental state do not lend themselves 10 temporal reference. Obviously R does not violate the demands of Greek by mechanically employing an Aorist Indicative according to his normal pattern of rendering qtl. 302
36:29a א ף א ב ר י ב י ן מ פ ר ט ( י ־ ע ב
(Does one understand, too, the spreading out of the clouds,) 36:29b א ו ת ס ב ת ו2 ? ת (The thunderings of his pavilion / tent?) 36:30a ה ן ־ פ ר ש ע ל י ו א ו ר ו
(See! H e spreads out his light / [lightning] over i t ) 36:29a Χ κ α ι ε ά ν σ υ ν η ά π ε κ τ ά σ ε ι ς ν ε φ έ λ η ς , / (And i f one understands extensions o f cloud) 36:29b χ ι σ ό τ η τ α ς σ κ η ν ή ς α ύ τ ο ΰ , / (The equal proportions of his tent) 36:30a Χ ι δ ο ύ ε κ τ ε ί ν ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν ή δ ω / ׳ (Behold he stretches an ή δ ώ over him)
3 0 2
In the New Testament there are 209 occurrences of θ έ λ ω : 159 are Present, 27 are
Aorist, and 23 are Imperfect (see Concordance, 810-814).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
The line in question is 36:30a. Analysis of either ή δ ώ or א ו ר וis problematic. Below, the conclusion is reached that R read א י ד וand transliterated it, not knowing a meaning which was contextually suitable for the w o r d . While this problem may hinder an attempt to understand the reason for the tense of the verb, R does render the qtl form { פ ר סby ε κ τ ε ί ν ε ι , a Present Indicative. Once again, the context involves a conditional sentence. As noted previously, there are four occurrences where R renders א םfollowed by yqtl in Hebrew. The Greek of R has έ ά ν plus an aorist subjunctive in the protasis of all four instances. In the apodosis of three of them R has a future indicative (for a yqtl f o r m ) . The fourth instance is 36:30a where R has a present indicative (for a q(l form). Both types of conditional sentences are well known in Greek. * 303
(4) qtl» Imperfect Indicative There are 2 instances where a qtl form is rendered by a imperfect indicative. 30:1a ש ח ק ו ע ל י
(But now they laugh at me,) 30:1b צ ע י ר י ם מ מ נ י ל י מ י ם ( M e n younger than I ) 30:1c א ש ר ־ מ א ס ת י א ב ו ת ם (Whose fathers I disdained) A p p I I 30:1a θ ' κ α ι ν υ ν κ α τ ε γ έ λ α σ ά ν μ ο υ Syh Α ρ ρ I I 30:1b θ ' ν ε ο π ε ρ ο ί μ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς C (Olymp) Syh 30:1c Χ ώ ν έ ξ ο υ δ έ ν ο υ ν π α τ έ ρ α ς α ΰ τ ω ν , / In 30:1c the qtl form מ א ס ת יis rendered by an Imperfect Indicative in R. For context, the lines previous to 30:1c are important, even though 30:1a is attested and attributed to θ ' only by Syh. According to 30:1a, men have now derided Job. Their
3 0 3
See discussion in a later section on Transliteration, p. 308.
3 0 4
The four occurrences are: 20:12a, 36:11a, 36:1 la, 36:29a.
Since the case of 36:11a actually involves a compound protasis, there are only two apodoses in question (20:12a, 36:11a). 3 0 6
For a basic description of these two types, see Smyth §§ 2321-2326 and 2336-2339. For analysis of conditions in Greek, see especially Porter, 291-320.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
mockery demonstrates lack of respect for Job's age and position because in earlier times, Job used to disdain the fathers of the young men who have now mocked him. R decided to portray this act in past time as something customary or habitual. 31:18a כ י מ נ ע ו ר י ג ד ל נ י כ א ב 31:18b ו מ ב ט ן א מ י א נ ח נ ה 31:18a Χ 'ότι έ κ ν ε ό τ η τ α ς μ ο υ έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν ώς π α τ ή ρ / 31:18b χ κ α ι έ κ γ α σ τ ρ ό ς μ η τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ ώ δ ή γ η σ α . / In 31:18, part of Job's affirmation of innocence, he describes how he treated the orphan: " I was rearing him from my youth as a father, and from my mother's womb 1 guided him." In 31:18a R renders a qtl form by an Imperfect Indicative and in 31:18b, iiyqtl form by an Aorist Indicative. Both instances involve actions or events spread out in time. In his description, R explicitly marks the action in the first case as imperfective; in the second case he does not, thereby leaving it to the reader to infer it from context. (5) qll» Participle There are 2 instances where a qtl form is rendered by a participle. Neither case involves hypotaxis or indicates much about the approach of R towards qtl. 15:20b ו מ ס פ ר ש נ י ם נ צ פ נ ו ל ע ר י ץ ( A n d few years are in store for the tyrant) 15:20b ε τ η δέ αριθμητά δ ε δ ο μ έ ν α δ ι η ' ά σ τ η , Α ρ ρ I I 15:20b κ α ι αριθμός έ τ ω ν κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς ί σ χ υ ρ ω ( A n d the number of the years is hidden by the Strong One) The rendering of R is similar to that of O G : both O G and R employ nominal sentences in Greek for verbal sentences in Hebrew, both utilize a Medio-Passive Perfect Participle for a qtl form, and both use a noun in the dative case for the prepositional phrase ל ע ר י ץ. Although the differences are largely lexical, at least two variattons clearly reveal the divergent styles of OG and R. First, O G renders the waw by δέ while R employs κ α ί . Secondly, O G renders the bound member of the bound phrase מ ס פ ר ש נ י םby an attributive adjective whereas R employs a noun in the
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
genitive case for the free member. Thus the evidence does not necessarily suggest that R is revising O G in 15:20b rather than rendering his parent text de novo. In H e l lenistic Greek periphrastic constructions consisting of a form of ε ι μ ί and a MedioPassive Perfect Participle are encroaching on finite forms o f the Medio-Passive Perfeet Indicative. Since R employed a finite form at the beginning o f the sense unit or sequence (j 15:20a), a Medio-Passive Perfect Participle is an adequate equivalent in Hellenistic Greek for qll here ( ε σ τ ί ν is contextually implied). Possibly R employed a participle for qll here because he was influenced by O G . 308
35:15a כ י ־ א י ן פ ק ד א פ ו
35:15a Χ κ α ι ν υ ν , ό τ ι ο ΰ κ ε σ τ ί ν ε π ι σ κ ε π τ ό μ ε ν ο ς ό ρ γ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ / Μ Τ vocalizes א י ן פ ק דas 'ayin paqad. Thus פ ק דis Qal Perfect 3 m.s and א פ ו is the subject of the verb: "And now his anger punishes nothing." R, however, read א י ן פ ק דas 'in pdqed (Qal Active Participle m.s) and understood א פ וas the object of the participle. 309
(6) qll» Perfect Indicative 34:31a ה א מ ר
(For to E l did he say) 34:31b נ ש א ת י ל א א ה ב ל ( I have borne [my punishment], I shall not offend [any more]?) 34:3 l a Χ ό τ ι π ρ ο ς τ ο ν ί σ χ υ ρ ό ν ό λ έ γ ω ν
34:31b Χ Ε ϊ λ η φ α , ο ύ κ έ ν ε χ υ ρ ά σ ω • /
3 0 7
It may be recalled that in 92 out of 110 instances R employed a noun in the genitive case for the free member of a bound construction. In only 5 instances out o f 110 was an attributive adjective used, 4 times for the free member (19:24a, 22:15a, 22:15b, 28:17b), and once for the bound member (22:30b). 3 0 8
Blass-Debrunner, § 352.
3 0 9
So Dhorme, 536-537.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Although M T is somewhat troublesome, the rendering of R is transparent. The person who speaks to the Almighty says, " I have received, I shall not take a pledge." R deviates from his normal equation and employs a Perfect Indicative rather than an Aorist Indicative for נ ש א ת י. The perfective aspect of ε ϊ λ η φ α is stative and represents a contextual interpretation, particularly in view of the contrast " I have borne; I will not take a pledge." 311
(7) qtl» Aorist Imperative 21:29a ח ל א ? ש א ל ת ם ע ו ב ר י ד ר ך 21:29b ו א ת ת ם ל א ת נ ב ר ו 2l:29a χ ε ρ ω τ ή σ α τ ε π α ρ α π ο ρ ε υ ο μ έ ν ο υ ς όδόν, / 21:29b Χ κ α ι τ ά σ η μ ε ΐ α α ύ τ ω ν ο ύ κ α π α λ λ ο τ ρ ι ώ σ ε τ ε - / 21:29a in M T is a rhetorical question, "Have you not asked the wayfarers?" The force of the question is "Surely you know the testimony of the wayfarers." Evidently the wayfarers are the proper source of evidence and testimony for the issue in question. R recasts 21:29 as a command, "Ask the wayfarers!" The emphasis shifts slightly to "Ask the wayfarers if you don't know!" This approach is likely related to his equation of נ כ רand ά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ι ό ω in 21:29b: "And you will not disown their signs." Thus 21:29a is a matter of a contextually guided rendering rather than a question of whether an Aorist Imperative is equivalent to a qtl form. (8) wqtl » Aorist Indicative 11:13a ( ה כ י נ ו ת ל ב ך
(If you prepare your heart) 11:13b ( ו פ ר ש ת ) א ל י ו כ פ ך (And spread out your palms towards him) App I I 11:13b θ ' έ π έ τ α σ α ς 248 Although only one word is attested and attributed to θ', and only in one manuscript, analysis is not impossible. 11:13 constitutes a compound protasis in a conditional sentence (11:13-15). The first part of the protasis has the qtl verb ה כ י נ ו ת
3 1 0
The English translation is quite provisional. For a discussion of the problems, see Driver and Gray, 1:300-302, 2:263, Dhorme, 525, Cordis, 393, Pope, 260, and Habel, 476. 3 1 1
On the Perfect tense, see Porter, 245-287 and especially 270.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
and the second part has the wqtl verb ח6פח1. The semantic value of the wqtl form is therefore determined by the qtl form. In R, the normal pattern for rendering a conditional sentence in Hebrew initiated by א םand followed by qtl is ε ί followed by an Aorist Indicative. Consequently, although no evidence is extant for θ ' in 11:13a, one ought not to be surprised by an Aorist indicative in the second part of the protasis in 11:13b. Apparently for R, qtl and wqtl are considered equivalent. 312
22:12a ה ל א ־ א ל ו ה ג ב ה ש מ י ס (Is not God in the height of heaven?) 22:12b ט כ ו פ כ י ם כ י ־ ־ ר מ ו5 ו ר א ה ר א ( A n d consider the top of the stars, that they are high) 22:13a ו א מ ר ת ם ה ־ י ד ־ ע א ל (But you say, "What does E l know?") 22:12a μ ή ο ϋ χ ι ό τ ά υ ψ η λ ά ν α ί ω ν έ φ ο ρ α , (Surely he who dwells on high sees?) 22:12b τ ο υ ς δ έ ΰ β ρ ε ι φ ε ρ ο μ έ ν ο υ ς έ τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ε ν ; ( A n d has he not humbled the p r o u d ? ) 22:13a Χ κ α ι ε ΐ π α ς Τ ί ε γ ν ω ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς ; / ( A n d you said, "What does the Strong One know?") 313
In 22:13a R renders ו א מ ר תby κ α ι ε ΐ π α ς , an Aorisrindicative. Although no materials from R are available for 22:12, consideration of 22:13a makes citing the preceding verse necessary for contextual reasons. Verse 12 begins a new section where Eliphaz indicts Job by charging that he has sided with the wicked. Eliphaz perverts Job's position by twisting his words. He accuses Job of drawing godless inferences (v. 13) from the facts (v. 12). According to the imaginary scenario set up by Eliphaz, 22:13a introduces what Job has inferred or 'said', given the generally known observations stated in 22:12. A n Aorist Indicative is, therefore, contextually quite suitable for ו א מ ר ת. This case also indicates that for R, qtl is aspectually neutral and contextually conditioned.
312 p
o r
discussion of the normal pattern, see above p. 188 and p. 195.
3 1 3
Literally the question reads, "It is not, is it, that he who dwells on high does not oversee?" On interrogatives introduced by u״f| ox> I o\>%i cf. R o m 10:18. 3 1 4
T h e English rendering is from Heater, Thesis, 151, 152. Obviously 22:12b O G does not match M T . Instead, according to Heater, it is influenced by other passages of Scripture (40:11b, Is 13:11b, 2 5 : l l b ) in what he calls anaphoric technique (Ibid.).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
32:15a ח ת ו ל א ־ ע נ ו ע ו ד (They became dismayed. They answered no more) 32:15b ה ע ת י ק ו מ ה ם מ ל י ם (Words failed them) 32:16a ו ה ו ח ל ת י כ י ־ ל א י ד ב ר ו ( A n d I waited until [when] they did not speak) 32:15a Χ έ π τ ο ή θ η σ α ν , ο ϋ κ ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν έ τ ι , / 32:15b Χ έ π α λ α ί ω σ α ν έ ξ α ϋ τ ω ν λ ό γ ο υ ς . / 32:16a Χ ϋ π έ μ ε ι ν α , ο ϋ γ α ρ έ λ ά λ η σ α ν / In Hebrew the wqtl in 32:16a carries on the sequence started by the qtl forms in 32:15a and 32:15b. While the failure to render waw at the beginning of 32:16a is somewhat unusual, the Aorist Indicative for ו ה ו ח ל ת יis not: Aorist Indicatives are also used in the previous stichs and ϋ π έ μ ε ι ν α continues the sequence. Possibly the omission of the waw is due to the contrast between 3 pi in 32:15 and 1 s in 32:16a or more probably R is simply continuing the asyndeton of 32:15 (cf. also 32:16b). 315
(9) wqtl» Future Indicative 34:25a ל כ ן י כ י ר מ ע ב ד י ה ם 34:25b ל י ל ה ו י ד כ א ו
34:25b Χ κ α ι σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι ν ύ κ τ α , κ α ι τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι . / The form ו ה פ ךcontinues a sequence begun by a yq(l form in 34:25a. While no materials from R survive for 34:25a, his rendering of wqtl by a Future Indicative in 34:25b is entirely expected and proper given the syntactic setting. 36:27a כ י י ג ר ע נ ט פ י ־ מ י ם (He draws up drops of water) 36:27b י ז ק ו מ ט ר ל א ד ו (They distil as rain for his fresh-water / subterranean streams) O G 36:27a ά ρ ι θ μ η τ α ι δε α ύ τ φ σ τ α γ ό ν ε ς ύ ε τ ο ΰ , 36:27b Χ κ α ι έ π ι χ υ θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ϋ ε τ φ εις ν ε φ έ λ η ν /
See discussion on waw below.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
36:27b is classified as an instance of wqtl rather than yqtl. Since R renders asyndeton by zero in 216 of 222 instances and by κ α ί in only 4 instances, and conversely renders waw by κ α ί in 197 of 206 instances and by zero in only 4 instances, probably R read wazaqqCt here instead oiyazdqqu as in M T . I n respect to waw and yodh, R read his parent text differently from what we have in M T several times. Moreover R renders wqtl by an Aorist Indicative three times, an Aorist Imperative once and a Future Indicative once (besides 36:27b). This latter evidence indicates that a Future Indicative for wqtl is at least possible in R. W i t h regard to his pattern of translating waw, however, better proof is rarely available. 316
No line is extant in R for 36:27a (where the font! is yqtl in M T ) , but in the following lines, 36:28a and j36:28b, R employs Future Indicatives (where the forms are yqtl in M T ) . Thus a Future Indicative for wqtl in 36:27b is apt in the context. (10) wqtl» Aorist Imperative 22:29a כ י ־ ־ ה ש פ י ל ו ו ת א מ ר ג ו ה (When men stoop, and you say, " U p ! " ) 22:29b νϋν ח ע י נ י ם£ ו
(He will save the lowly,) 22:30a י מ ל ט א י ־ נ ק י (He will rescue the guilty [non-innocent]) 22:30b ו נ מ ל ט ב ב ר כ פ י ך (And he will escape by the purity of your hands!) 22:29a χ δ τ ι έ τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ε ν α υ τ ό ν , κ α ι έρεΤς Ύ π ε ρ η φ α ν ε ύ σ α τ ο , / 22:29b χ κ α ί κ ύ φ ο ν τ α ό φ θ α λ μ ο ΐ ς σώσει• / 22:30a Χ ^ ύ σ ε τ α ι ά θ φ ο ν , / 22:30b Χ κ α ί δ ι α σ ώ θ η τ ι έ ν κ α θ α ρ α Τ ς χ ε ρ σ ί ν σ ο υ . /
3 1 6
3 1 7
See for example, 9:15b, 19:28b, 29:20b, 41:4b.
T h e English is quite provisional. H A L offers four different interpretations of 22:29a, all based upon emendations (see H A L , s.v. ) ש פ ל. One may render ה א פ י ל ו by "they bring low" (cf. Pope, 164), but evidence exists of an internal Hiphil of ש פ ל best glossed as an intransitive verb (cf. Ps 113:6 and BDB, s.v. פ ל# , as well as Gordis, 252). The form ג ו הis also a crux interpretum. For discussion and similar translations to the one provided, see Gordis, 242, 252, Habel, 332, 333, Pope, 164, and Hartley, 332.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
As context for 22:30b all four lines attested for R at the end of Chapter 22 are cited. In 22:21-30 Eliphaz concludes his indictments of Job with advice to accept God on his own terms. Verses 21 and 22 in M T contain Imperatives expressing charges to Job. These are followed by conditional statements in verses 23-29 outlining the results of heeding the Imperatives. Verse 30 is capable of different interpretations. According to one possible perspective as expressed in the provisional translation of M T , it continues the description of the blessings of a restored relationship with God. When Job's purity is regained it will be a means of deliverance for others as well as of prosperity for himself. The power of his future intercessory prayer and purity will deliver even the guilty! Alternatively, one may see 22:30a as parallel to 22:29b, rather than to 22:30b, and view 22:30b in direct sequence with the Imperatives of 22:21-22. Thus, after describing the blessings of a restored relationship to Shaddai, 22:30b is a concluding exhortation to Job, advising him to escape with clean hands since God will rescue the innocent. This seems to be the tack taken by R. In 22:30b R renders a wqtl by an Aorist Imperative 2 s. While the linguistic origin o f wqtl is uncertain, agreement does exist on its semantic value following Imperatives, assuming the Imperatives are those of 22:21-22. Few would quarrel with the approach of R here. Nonetheless it is doubtful that R has interpreted ו נ מ ל טby the Classical Hebrew rule of Imperative followed by wow-consecutive Perfect. Note that the form ו נ מ ל טis 3 m.s whereas the equivalent in R is 2 s. The difference in person is significant, and arises from the approach taken by R to the previous stich—22:30a. While a literal translation affirms "He will rescue the non-innocent," R expresses just the opposite, omitting א יin his rendering. As a result, 22:30b becomes an admonition to Job to be saved by turning away from gross sin and claiming the divine rescue offered the innocent. The line in R is an earnest effort on the basis of context to make sense of a troublesome verse. It makes no sense to say "He will escape by the purity of your hands" i f ' H e ' is God and 'your' is Job. Thus the case of 22:30b is best explained by noting that qtl rendered by Aorist is the normal pattern in R. The switch from 3 s Indicative to Imperative 2 s is contextually and semantically motivated. 318
Fourteen cases where R rendered qtl have been evaluated. A variety of factors explain the eleven instances rendered by a Future / Present / Perfect / Imperfect Indicative. These factors comprise conditional clause patterns in M T and R, contextual and semantic considerations, and particulars of verb sequence and syntactic setting. There were two instances of qtl rendered by a Participle: one may represent the influence o f O G , the other was due to a vocalization of the Consonantal Text differ3 1 8
See especially Habel, 344.
3 1 9
See Joiion § 119i and Waltke-O'Connor, § 32.2.2. See the following section on Number and Person for a complete discussion.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
ent from M T and belongs in the discussion on Participles. The case rendered by an Aorist Imperative is a free rendering. A desire to make sense is the one principle which underlies all instances. Five cases where R rendered wqtl were also assessed. The equivalent tenses employed in Greek by R follow a pattern similar to his rendering of qtl. Although the instances rendered by a Future Indicative / Aorist Imperative follow the principles of Standard Biblical Hebrew, in all five instances the selection of tense in Greek is contextually motivated. From available options which Greek offered him, R thought qtl was best conveyed by the Aorist Indicative most of the time and furthermore, treated q(l and wqtl as equivalent. The system of qtl — wayyqtl and yqtl — wqtl in Standard Biblical Hebrew breaks down in Late Biblical Hebrew. The perspective of R towards the system of the verb appears to be that of Late Biblical Hebrew where qtl is mainly a past tense without the complexities in the syntax of the verb characteristic of Standard Biblical Hebrew. 321 Modal
Forms. Evidence - Modal Forms. (29) Imperative with waw prefix (3) (1) Imperative with waw prefix » Aorist Imperative (2) 17:10a,
(2) Imperative with waw prefix » Future Indicative (1)
3 2 1
For a diachronic discussion of the system of the verb in Classical Hebrew see, for example, E. Y . Kutscher, A History of the Hebrew Language, edited by R. Kutscher (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1982), §§ 67,122.
3 2 2
The form in R is ö e u x e — a hybrid in both form and function. In Classical Greek the adverb 8et3po functions as a hortatory particle. AetJte was developed in Hellenis tic Greek from oeupo by analogy to the 2 pi Imperative and functions in this way. See Liddell-Scott, s.v. Seme, E. Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik, V o l . 1: Allgemeiner Teil. Lautlehre Wortbildung. Flexion, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, II.1.2 ( M ü n c h e n : C. H . Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1953, 1977), 632, 804, and E. Eynikel and J. Lust, 'The Use of ö e u p o and 8etke in the L X X , " Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 67/1 (1991): 57-68.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
22:24a Imperative without waw prefix (13) (1) Imperative without waw prefix » Imperative (12) jl4:6a, j21:3a, j36:2a, 37:2a
33:31b, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:33a, 33:33b, 34:32a, 34:33c,
(2) Imperative without waw prefix » Future Indicative (1) j2:6b Short yqtl I yqtl + & suffix with waw prefix (6) (1) Short yqtl/yqtl
3 2 3
+ a suffix with waw prefix » Future Indicative (6)
The complete evidence for 6' listed by Ziegler is as follows:
21:3a A p p I I apaxe] 8'
UT^veyKaxe (u7rev. 250-255) C
The form considered original by Ziegler is Aorist Active Indicative 2 pi. Yet MSS 250 and 255 attest an Aorist Active Imperative 2 pi. In A p p I I the siglum C signifies that at least three manuscripts of nineteen in the C group attest the reading; hence the siglum C is not as precise in A p p I I as is the case in A p p I ( Z i , 141). A l l that the reader can conclude, then, is that two of at least three, possibly more, manuscripts have the aorist imperative. The difference between the indicative and the imperative involves only the augment. Concerning interchange of ףand e Gignac states, "There is an interchange of ןוwith the symbols for the /e/ phoneme e and a t throughout the Roman and Byzantine periods" (see Gignac, Phonology, 242). H e further asserts that this interchange occurs only in specific phonetic conditions one o f which is e > ף when unaccented and before or after a nasal (ibid., 244). The form in M T is ש א י נ י which can only be read as Qal Imperative plus 1 c.s pronominal suffix. Since R renders an imperative in Hebrew by an imperative in Greek 14 out of 16 times and by a future indicative 2 out of 16 times, translation technique convincingly demonstrates that MSS 250 and 255 have the original reading. 3 2 4
A t 33:28a M T has ( פ ד הpada), a Qal Perfect 3 m.s of פ ד ה. Since R has affiaov, he almost certainly read padeh, a Qal Imperative m.s of פ ד ה. Consequently, the form is classified as imperative.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
j 12:7b, j22:28a, 24:14b, 24:25b, 27:22a, 34:29b Short
lyqtl + ά suffix without waw prefix (7)
(1) Short yqll/ yqtt + ά suffix without waw prefix » Aorist Subjunctive (S) / Optative (0)(4) 20:23a ( O ) , 34:4a (S), 34:4b (S), 36:20a (S) (2) Short yg//1 yqll + ά suffix without waw prefix » Future Indicative (2) 37:4b, 37:5a (3) Short yqll lyqtl + ά suffix without waw prefix » Imperative (1) j9:34b Commentary - Modal
(1) Imperative with / without waw prefix The patterns of translation for the Hebrew Imperative are the same whether the form is with or without the waw prefix: an Aorist Imperative is employed by R in 2 out of 3 occurrences of Hebrew Imperatives with waw prefix and i n 12 out of 13 occurrences of Hebrew Imperatives without waw prefix; a Future Indicative is employed in 1 out of 3 occurences of Hebrew Imperatives with waw prefix and in 1 out of 12 occurrences of Hebrew Imperatives without waw prefix. The Greek Tenses chosen by R as equivalents for the Hebrew Imperative as well as their distribution are expected and standard for a literalistic translator. The non-Indicative or modal use of the Future Indicative is well attested and documented in Hellenistic Greek, although it is by no means as common or preferred as the Imperative M o o d . A n example is given to illustrate this usage: 325
2:6b ) א ך ( א ת ־ כ פ ^ ו ש מ ר A p p I I 2:6b τ ή ς ψ υ χ ή ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ϋ χ α ψ η
3 2 5
On both aspect and modality in the Future Indicative in Classical and Hellenistic Greek, see Blass-Debrunner, § § 3 1 8 and 362, E. Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik, V o l . 2: Syntax und syntaktische Stilistik, by E. Schwyzer and A . Debrunner, 290-291, and especially S. E. Porter, 403-439.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The command is just as clear from the Greek as it is from the Hebrew. (2) S h o r t y / / lyqtl + ά suffix with / without waw prefix » Future Indicative Short yqtl lyqtl + ά suffix with or without waw prefix occurs thirteen times and each instance merits observation. Those cases rendered by a future indicative are discussed first. 12:7a ( ) ו א ו ל ם ש א ל ־ נ א ב ה מ ו ת ו ת ו ־ ך (Now ask the cattle and let them instruct you) 12:7b ) ו ע ו ף ה ^ מ י ם ( ו י ג ד ־ ל ך (And the birds of the sky and let them inform you) A p p I I 12:7b και ά π α γ γ ε λ ο ΰ σ ί ν σ ο ι Both in the consonantal text ( ) ו י ג דand in the vocalization o f M T (wayagged) the form in question is short yqtl. Moreover after an Imperative ( א ל ~ נ א2 ? ) , a Jussive frequently signifies purpose or result. Consequently the Future Indicative employed by R is quite appropriate for the context. 326
22:28a ו ת ג ז ו ־ ־ א ו מ ו ־ ו י ק ם ל ך A p p I I 22:28a κ α ι ό ρ ι ε ι ς ρ ή μ α , κ α ι σ τ α θ ή σ ε τ α ί σ ο ι Both in the consonantal text ( ) ו י ק םand in the vocalization o f M T (waydqom) the form in question is short yq(l. Yet the form is not modal. Short yqtl here is due to Nesiga or retraction o f stress. This case is equivalent to the 161 instances where yqtl is rendered by a future indicative. 327
24:14a ל א ו ר י ק ו ם ר ו צ ח ( A t the light the murderer arises) 24:14b י ק ט ל ־ ־ ע נ י ו א ב י ו ן (He kills the destitute and needy) 24:14c ו ב ל י ל ה י ה י כ ג נ ב ( A n d in the night he is like a thief) 3 2 6
3 2 7
See Joiion §§ 116d, 168b, 169b and Waltke-O'Connor, § 34.6.
See E . J. Revell, Nesiga (Retraction of Word Stress) in Tiberian Hebrew, Textos Y Estudios «Cardenal Cisneros» de la Biblia Poliglota Matritense Instituto de Filologîa (Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1987), § 2.7.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
24:14b Χ κ α ι ν υ κ τ ό ς έ σ τ α ι ώ ς κ λ έ π τ η ς . / The form י ה יin the Consonantal Text is short yqtl and is vocalized as such in M T (yM). Contextually, however, a modal value is neither required nor suitable. Apparently correlation between form and function is not perfect. This is recognized by grammarians of Hebrew; another instance in M T Job is 18:12a (not rendered by R ) . No lines are extant for R corresponding to 24:14a and 24:14b. Nonetheless, the Future Indicative in 24:14c appears to be an acceptable equivalent given the setting. 3,28
3 2 9
24:25a ( ) ו א ם ־ ל א א פ ו מ י י כ ז י ב כ י ( A n d if not, then who will convict me of lying) 24:25b ו י ש ם ל א ל מ ל ת י ( A n d make my words as nothing?) 24:25b Χ κ α ι θ ή σ ε ι ε ι ς ουδέν τ α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ ; / Once again, both in the consonantal text ( ) ו י ש םand in the vocalization o f M T (wdyaiem) the form in question is short yqtl. The waw of ו י ש םjoins the clause in 24:25b with י כ ז י ב נ יin 24:25a as part of the interrogative initiated by מ י. A modal value is out of the question. This case appears to be like that of 24:14b and the Future Indicative furnished by R is certainly fitting. 330
27:21a ק ד י ם ו י ל ך
( A n east wind lifts him up and he is gone) 27:21b ו י ש ע ר ה ו מ מ ק מ ו ( A n d it whirls him away from his place) 27:22a ו י ש ל ך ע ל י ו ו ל א י ח מ ל ( A n d it hurls upon him and does not spare) 27:21a Χ ά ν α λ ή μ ψ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν κ α ύ σ ω ν κ α ι ά π ε λ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι 27:21b Χ κ α ι λ ι κ μ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν έ κ τ ο ΰ τ ό π ο υ α ύ τ ο ΰ . / 27:22a Χ κ α ι ε π ι ρ ρ ί ψ ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν κ α ι ο ύ φ ε ί σ ε τ α ν / 3 2 8
See Bergstriisser, 2:101.
3 2 9
See Dhorme, 263, 363.
3 3 0
So Dhorme, 367.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
From a formal perspective, the wayqtl in 27:22a is short both in the Consonantal Text ( ) ו י ש ל ךand in the vocalization of M T (wayaslek). It is difficult, however, to perceive a structural meaning different from א ה ו6 7 יand ו י ל ךin 27:21a, ו י ש ע ר ה וin 27:21b, and י ח מ לin 27:22b, all of which are long yqtl forms.™ A l l are appropriately rendered by future indicatives in R including לך1£?וי. 34:29a ק ט ו מ י י ר ש ע# י
(But he will display silence and who can condemn?) 34:29b ו י ם ת ר פ נ י ם ו מ י י ג ו ר נ ו ( A n d he will hide his face and who will see him?) 34:29a X real α υ τ ό ς ή σ υ χ ί α ν π α ρ έ ξ ε ι , κ α ι τ ί ς κ α τ α δ ι κ ά σ ε τ α ι ; / 34:29b Χ κ α ί κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν , κ α ί τ ί ς δ ψ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν ; / The case of ו י ס ת רin 34:29b is like that of ו י ט ! ל ךin 27:22a. The form in the Consonantal Text is s h o r t y / and M T vocalizes as wsyaslir. What is interesting here is that both י ש ק טand !ע£? ירin 34:29a are short yqil in the Consonantal Text, but are vocalized as long in M T (yasqit, yarstf ). Modal values are contextually possible for both ק ט2 ? יand ו י ס ת ר. Yet the Future Indicatives employed by R are quite suitable too. 1
37:4a י ע ז א ג ־ ק ו ל
(After it, a voice roars) 37:4b י ר ע ם ב ק ו ל ב א ו נ ו (He thunders with his majestic voice) 37:4c ו ל א י ע ק ב ם ב י ־ י ש מ ע ק ו ל ו (One cannot track them [the thunderings] when his voice is heard) 37:5a י ר ע ם א ל ב ק ו ל ו נ פ ל א ו ת (El thunders with his voice marvellously) 37:4a Χ ο π ί σ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ β ο ή σ ε τ α ι φ ω ν ή , / 37:4b 5S β ρ ο ν τ ή σ ε ι έ ν φ ω ν ή ύ β ρ ε ω ς α ύ τ ο ΰ , / 37:4c Χ κ α ί ο ύ κ α ν τ α λ λ ά ξ ε ι α υ τ ο ύ ς , ο τ ι α κ ο ύ σ ε ι φ ω ν ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ . / 37:5a Χ β ρ ο ν τ ή σ ε ι ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς έ ν φ ω ν ή α ύ τ ο ΰ θ α υ μ ά σ ι α - /
Dhorme classifies the form as equivalent to longy<jf// (Dhorme, 397).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
The form י ר ע םoccurs twice (37:4b, 37:5a) and is short yqtl in both the Consonantal Text and in the vocalization of M T (yar'em). The context speaks of thunder as God's Voice and the yqtl conjugation indicates action that is either customary or gnomic. There is no apparent modal semantic value to י ר ע ם. The future indicatives employed by R throughout are his normal pattern for yqfl. A m o n g the above eight passages there is only one place where modal form and modal semantic value match from a contextual perspective—12:7b. Modal value was also possible in 34:29b. Thus seven instances belong with the category of long yqtl rendered by Future Indicative and just one belongs to the category of Modal rendered by a modal Future Indicative, i.e. in all but one instance a Jussive is construed as an Indicative for contextual reasons. Since the Conjunctive M o o d is employed by R four times for short yqll I yqll + & suffix with / without waw prefix and the lmperative M o o d is employed once, the ratio of short yqtl rendered by a Future Indicative is 1 in 6. This compares favorably with the ratio of 2 in 16 for Hebrew Imperatives rendered by a Future Indicative. Although long and short yqtl were handled separately for formal and methodological reasons, analysis has shown that they are not modally distinct in Joban poetry. (2) Short yqtl !yqtl + & suffix with / without waw prefix » Conjunctive M o o d The evidence is now presented for four instances of Cohortative or Jussive rendered by Aorist Optative or Subjunctive. 20:23a י ה י ל מ ל א ב ט נ ו (Let it be to fill his belly) 20:23a ε ϊ π ω ς π λ η ρ ώ σ α ι γ α σ τ έ ρ α α ύ τ ο υ , / The form י ה יis clearly short yqtl in both form and function. R employs ε ϊ π ω ς with Aorist Optative as an equivalent expression to yalu followed by the bound infinitive. This example exhibits care for preferred patterns in the target language and is less literal than usual. 34:4a מ ש פ ט נ ב ח ר ה ־ ־ ל נ ו 34:4b נ ד ע ה ב י נ י נ ו מ ה ־ ט ו ב 34:4a Χ κ ρ ί σ ι ν έ λ ώ μ ε θ α έ α υ τ ο Τ ς , 34:4b Χ γ ν ω μ ε ν ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν έ α υ τ ω ν ό τ ι κ α λ ό ν . / נ ב ח ר הin 34:4a and נ ד ע הin 34:4b are Cohortative both in form and function. R has rendered both cases by hortatory Aorist Subjunctives. This is about the only option available in Hellenistic Greek and provides an excellent translation.
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
Lastly, there is one instance of an Aorist Subjunctive preceded by μ ή expressing a prohibition (36:20a) and rendering the negative א לfollowed by short yqtl. The evidence is presented with the following instance, for both cases belong together. (3) Short yqtl Iyqtl + ά suffix without waw prefix » Imperative 36:20a ה ל י ל ה
36:20a Χ μ ή έ ξ ε λ κ ύ σ η ς τ ή ν ν ύ κ τ α / 9:34b א ל ך ת ב ע ח נ י
App II 9:34b... έκθλιβέτω ( μ ε ) »
Although for both אף1£7( תlis'ap) in 36:20a and ( ת ב ע ת נ יtaba'atanni) in 9:34b the long and short yqtl are indistinguishable, the forms are clearly short by position since long yqtl cannot follow א ל. N o equivalent for א לis attested for θ ' in 9:34b. The form ת ב ע ת נ יis 3 f.s and rendered by a 3 s Present Imperative in R. By contrast ת ש א ףis 2 m.s and appropriately cast as a prohibition in Greek by μ ή plus Aorist Subjunctive. Yet the method of R in j9:34b and 36:20a is distinct from the three instances where he rendered ל אplus long yqtl by ο ύ μ ή and Aorist Subjunctive (17:4b, 35:12a, 41:9b). With the details in hand for 29 instances of modal verb forms rendered by R a clear picture emerges o f his translation technique. Out of 16 cases o f Hebrew Imperatives, 14 were rendered by Greek Imperatives and 2 by modal Future Indicatives. This is modal form for modal form. In the 13 cases of short yqtl I yqtl + ά suffix, 5 were genuinely modal in semantic value in M T and 7 were not. A l l were correctly and contextually handled by R: he employed modals in Greek for the modals in Hebrew and Future Indicatives for the instances where a modal value was not semantically suitable. In summary, then, the way in which R treats asspect / tense is literalistic yet not mechanical. His equivalents are contextually guided and show some care and thought for adequate expression in the forms of the target language. Number and Person. Second in the description o f how R renders Hebrew verbs is the translator's treatment of number and person. Under the first heading of Aspect / Tense 398 instances were examined where R renders a Hebrew verb by a Greek verb. Analysis revealed that two of these were vocalized as participles in the 332 T |
1 e
reading is attested only by C and attributed to both a and 0'. It was argued in
Chapter One that the attribution to a ' was incorrect. See p. 44 and n. 84.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
parent text of R (22:16b, 35:15a) and should therefore be discussed in the subsection on participles. There remain, then, 396 instances of finite verbs where one may compare the renderings of R with M T in number and person. Gender is not relevant, for while the conjugations in Hebrew distinguish feminine and masculine gender, finite verb forms in Greek are not marked this way. In the evidence which follows, cases where R has realized the Consonantal Text differently from M T are footnoted. Agreement in Number and Person. (382 Times) 333
7:8a, 9:15b, 9:24b, 10:4b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:9a, 12:9b, 12:18b, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:19b, 13:19b, 13:20b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:19a, 14:19b, 14:19c, 15:27a, 15:27b, 16:3b, 16:3b, 16:8a, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:3b, 17:4a, 17:4b, 17:5a, 17:10a, * 17:12a, 17:16b, 18:9b, 18:16a, 18:16b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 20:3b, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11a, 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20.T3a, 20:13a, 20:13b, 20:20b, 20:23a, 21:15a, 21:15b, 21:19b, 21:19b, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:29a, 21:29b, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:31b, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33a, 21:33b, 22:3b, 22:13a, 22:13a, 22:13b, 22:14a, 22:14b, 22:15a, 22:15b, 22:16a, 22:20a, 22:20b, 22:24a, 22:29a, 22:29a, 22:29b, 22:30a, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 24:4b, 24:8a, 33
3 3 3
In 12:23a the finite form ו י א ב ד םis rendered by a circumstantial participle in R. Although participles per se are not marked for person in Greek, the context makes clear that the referent R and M T are the same. 3 3 4
The case of 12:23b is the same as 12:23a. The finite form ו י נ ח םis rendered by a
circumstantial participle in R. 3 3 5
In 17.T0a the Hebrew Imperative ו ב א ו נ אis rendered K a i Seute ןו8 by R. There is no context for R since nothing from the first half of 17:10a is attested for 6', nor is anything attested for the following or preceding line. For analysis of the form Seme see n. 322. It functions as a plural for Seupo and is used in Hellenistic Greek mostly as a hortatory particle with plural verbs. See Bauer, s.v. Seme and Liddell-Scott, s.v. Seme. 3 3 6
A t 19:28b M T has נ מ צ א. The equivalent in R is eüpfjaopev showing that the form נ מ צ אwas understood as Qal Imperfect 1 of מ צ אrather than as Niphal Perfect 3 m.s or Niphal Participle m.s, even though the prepositional phrase which follows נ מ צ אwas read ב וby R rather than ב י, as in M T . It is more natural to read נ מ צ אas Niphal Perfect 3 m.s when ב וis read. See, for example, Clines, 1:435, and Habel, 294. 3 3 7
R has K a x e a / o v in 23:9a. Certainly he read א ח זand vocalized the word 'Qhaz as in M T . But he analyzed the form as Qal Perfect 3 m.s of א ח זrather than as Qal
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
24:14b, 24:15a 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 24:17b, 24:25b, 26:5a, 26:8b, 26:10a, 26:11a, 26:11b, 26:14b, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 27:23b, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:27a, 28:27a, 29:10b, 29:11a, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:25a, 29:25a, 29:25b, 29:25c, 30:1c, 30:2b, 30:7a, 30:11b, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:12c, 30:13a, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:22b, 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:1b, 31:4a, 31:4b, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:24a, 31:27a, 31:35a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 32:11c, 32:12a, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16a, 32:16a, 32:16b, 32:16b, 33:8a, 33:28a, 33:28b, 33:29a, 33:31b, 33:31b, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:32b, 33:33a, 33:33b, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 3 4 : 7 b , 3 4 <׳:lib, * 34:23a, 34:25b, 34:28b, 34:29a, 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:29b, 34:31b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:32b, 34:33a, 34:33b, 34:33b(=aMT), 34:33c, 34:33c, 35:7b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:10a, 35:12a, 35:12a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:7c, 36:7c, 36:8b, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:10b, 36:11a, 36:11a, 36:11b, 36:13a. 36:13b, 36:13b, 36:16a, 36:20a, 36:21b, 36:22a, 36:24b, ' 36:26a, 36:27b, 36:28a, 36:29a, 36:30a, 36:30b, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:32b, 36:33a, 37:1a, 37:1b, 37:2b, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:4c, 37:5a, 37:7a, 37:10a, f
Imperfect 1 c.s of ח ז הin pause (sec G K C § 109k). Agreement does exist, then, between R and his parent text in respect to number and person. 3 3 8
In 33:28a M T vocalizes פ ד הas padd (Qal Perfect 3 rn.s). The equivalent in R is σ ω σ ο ν indicating clearly that he read psdeh (Qal Imperative 2 m.s). This case ought not to be classified as an example of disagreement in number and person between source and target text. 3 3 9
A t 34:7b R renders the finite form !תה£? יby a circumstantial participle in Greek. While participles are not marked for person in Greek, the context makes plain that the referent is 3 s. 3 4 0
In 34:11b the verb in question is י מ צ א נ וwhich is vocalized yarnsi'enna in M T (Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s plus 1 pronominal suffix). Since R rendered י מ צ א נ וby ε ύ ρ ή σ ε ι αυτόν he apparently vocalized י מ צ א נ וas yimsu'ennCt (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s plus 1 pronominal suffix). His realization of the Consonantal Text is more natural since that of M T assumes a defective spelling of the long vowel /!/. In terms of number, and person, however, no difference between the parent text of R and M T obtains. The case of 37:13b is identical. 3 4 1
As discussed earlier (see n. 295), in 36:24b R has read sararil (Qal Perfect 3 of ) ש ר רrather than the soraru (Poel Perfect 3 of יר27) of M T . This difference has no bearing on comparison of number and person.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
37:11a, 37:11b, 37:12c(=bMT), 37:13b, 37:18a, 38:32a, 38:32b, 39:1a, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:8b, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:16a, 39:17a, 39:17b, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:29b, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, 41:4a, 41:8a, 41:9b, 41:9b, 41:15b, 41:15b, 41:21a, 41:24b, 42:8e, 42:16c, 42:17, j2:6b, j3:23a, j3:5a, j 4 : 2 a , j4:21a, j5:4b, j7:13b, j8:20a,j9:15a,j9:34b,jll:13b,jll:18b,jll:20c(=aMT),jl3:8a,jl4:6a,jl4:15b,jl5:4a, j l 5 : 5 b , jl5:25b, j l 7 : 9 a , jl7:15b, jl8:5b, jl8:7b, jl9:12b, jl9:18a, j l 9 : 2 5 ( = b M T ) , jl9:27c, j21:3a, j21:19a, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , j22:17b, j22:28a, j22:28a, j 2 3 : l l a , j27:6a, )27:19a, j27:19a,- * j28:4b(=cMT), j 2 8 : l l a , j28:27b, j28:27b, j29:13b, j30:30b, j31:31b, j31:31b, j 3 2 : l l a , j32:20(=bMT), j33:26a, j33:26a, j34:9a, j34:9a, j36:2a, j36:28b, j37:14b, j38:18a, j38:37b, j39:3a, )39:3a, j 3 9 : l l b , j39:12to, j40:26b, j40:28a, j40:30a, j41:la, j41:26a, j42:7b, j42:7c, 343
3 4 2
T h e circumstances of 37:13b are identical to 34:11b. The verb in question is י מ צ א נ וwhich is vocalized yamsi'ennd in M T (Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s plus 1 pronominal suffix). R has rendered י מ צ א נ וby ε ύ ρ ή σ ε ι αυτόν and consequently vocalized י מ צ א נ וas yimsa'ennu (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s plus 1 pronominal suffix). Thus no difference between the parent text of R and M T obtains with respect to number and person. 3 4 3
In 4:2a the form in question is ( ח נ ם הhanissa) in M T (Qal Perfect 3 m.s of נ ס ה plus interrogative marker as prefix). As noted previously (see n. 261), R has ε ι λ η ψ ό μ ε θ α , reading iianisia' (Qal Imperfect, 1 of נ ש אplus interrogative marker as prefix). Although different from M T , the parent text of R is not uncertain. 3 4 4
A t 4:21a M T has נ ס עvocalized nissa' (Niphal Perfect 3 m.s). The equivalent in R 1
is σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν indicating he likely read nasa (Qal Perfect 3 m.s)—no forms from the Piel Stem are found for נ ס עin M T . This difference between the parent text of R and M T does not affect comparison in number and person. 3 4 5
In j27:19a R renders the finite form י ש כ בby a circumstantial participle in Greek. Although participles have no 'person', the context clearly indicates that the referent is 3 s. 3 4 6
As demonstrated earlier (see n. 263), at 27:19a R read י א ם ףas ydstp or yoslp (Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s of ) י ס ףand not ye'asep (Niphal Imperfect 3 m.s of ) א ס ף. The discrepancy between the reading tradition of the parent of R and M T does not affect comparison in number and person. 3 4 7
l l i e form in question in 39:3a is ת פ ל ח נ הrealized as tapallahna in M T (Piel
Imperfect, 2 It was previously pointed out (p. 166f.), that R construed the form
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Three further instances where agreement exists in number and person between R and his parent text may be added to the above list. Discussion is required, however, to clarify textual matters. 9:15a א ע ן ר א ב ד צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה Α ρ ρ I I 9:15a 'όατις ε ί δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι , ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι l
Μ Τ vocalizes א ע נ הas 'e e11eh (Qal Imperfect 1 c.s). Earlier it was suggested l
that R vocalized א ע נ הas 'S Hneh (Niphal Imperfect, 1 c.s). * R then transformed the statement " I will be answered" to ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μοι. The difference between R and his parent text is only in surface structure. 31:18a כ י מ נ ע ו ר י ג ד ל נ י כ א ב (For from my youth he grew up with me as with a father) 31:18a Χ δ τ ι έ κ ν ε ό τ η τ α ς μ ο υ έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν ώ ς π α τ ή ρ / Μ Τ vocalizes ג ד ל נ יas gxlelani (Qal Perfect 3 m.s plus 1 c.s pronominal suffix). The form έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν indicates that R read a 1 c.s pronominal suffix (either נ י or perhaps simply ) יand understood it not as objective, but rather as subjective. I f he read ג ד ל י, vocalized as a Piel Bound Infinitive, one could more easily explain the origin of έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν . Thus the difference between M T and R seems to be textual. Alternatively it is possible that R found ג ד לin the Qal Stem odd with a pronominal suffix and recast the thought. Another possibility is that the rendering of R in 31:18a represents a complete reinterpretation of M T , conforming the line to 31; 18b where the verb is also 1 s and is used absolutely. Yet recasting the thought or completely reinterpreting M T would be atypical of R. Earlier, in the discussion on pronominal suffixes, the fact that there is no pronoun in R in 31:18b corresponding to the 3 f.s pronominal suffix on א נ ח נ הin M T was noted, yet the reason why was not transparent. The literalism of R is evident in that έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν needs a personal object but is not given one by R since his parent text does not have one. Thus the approach of R is baffling and a satisfactory explanation of his translation technique is elusive. 349
as tapallatennQ (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix). Thus the 2 m.s form is the basis for comparison of number and person between R and his parent text. 348
S e e p. 156.
3 4 9
See p. 162.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
The difference between M T and R is assumed to be textual, but the case is considered uncertain. I f indeed R construed the form as a Bound Infinitive, there is basic concord between R and his parent text in number and person, although the form rendered is not a finite verb. 34:25a ל כ ן י כ י ר מ ע ב ד י ה ם (Therefore he recognizes their deeds) 34:25b ו ה פ ך ל י ל ה ו י ד כ א ו ( A n d overturns [them] in the night and they are crushed) 34:25a ό γ ν ω ρ ί ζ ω ν α ύ τ ω ν τ ά έ ρ γ α 34:25b Χ κ α ι σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι ν ύ κ τ α , κ α ι τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι . / Α ρ ρ I τ α π ε ι ν ω θ η σ ο ν τ α ι C Ο L ״- C ׳ά (157 ) 248^ 543 c
A r m ΟΙ = 3R
The manuscript support for τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι must be deduced from the Kopfleiste as follows: Β S b (248*) 55 157* 2 5 3 7 9 5 706 perspective of textual witnesses, one cannot controvert the judgement o f Ziegler. Yet in 380 instances already listed out of the total of 395 (96%) the form in R agrees in number and person with the form in the source language. In addition to the habits or patterns of the revisor revealed by statistics is the question o f the sense of 34:25b. Who will be humbled? God? Surely not, yet clearly R would understand God to be the subject of the 3 s σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι . Given the context of the Ecclesiastical Text there is also good reason for Greek scribes to change from 3 pi to 3 s. Conversely, a contextual harmonization of this type by R would be unusual. It seems better to follow Rahlfs in assuming that the 3 pi form is original, Thus R and M T agree in number and person. 350
352 No Agreement in Number and Person. (14 Times)
3 5 0
Assuming from the perspective of the scribes that 'night' is the subject of
TarceivcoÖflaeTai. 3 5 1
3 5 2
See Rahlfs, ad loc.
The same conclusion was reached earlier by A . Pietersma, review of lob, Septuagint: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 11/4 ed. by Joseph Ziegler, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982, in Journal of Biblical Literature 104 [1985]: 308. Professor Pietersma cogently pointed out as well that it makes no sense to correct away from the Hexapla when an asterisked stich is in question.
׳296 336' 5 3
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
There are only 14 instances out of the total of 3 % where there is no agreement in number and person. All o f these are due to contextual considerations, the demands of the target language, or differences of text. When, for example, a collective singular noun is rendered by a plural in Greek, R harmonizes the number of the related verb accordingly. The disagreement due to differences between the parent text of R and M T are included here because they are so uncertain. 12:7b ה ש מ י • ו י כ ד ־ ל ך
12:7b π ε τ ε ι ν ά δέ ο ύ ρ α ν ο ΰ έ ά ν σ ο ι ά π α γ γ ε ί λ ω σ ι ν Α ρ ρ I I 12:7b έ ά ν σ ο ι ά π α γ γ ε ί λ ω σ ι ν ] θ ' κ α ι ά π α γ γ ε λ ο ΰ σ ί ν σ ο ι C The form ו י ג דin 12:7b M T is 3 m.s; the equivalent provided by R is 3 pi. The subject of the verb in Hebrew is the collective singular ע ו ףand is rendered by the neuter plural π ε τ ε ι ν ά in O G . A 3 pi verb is employed by O G to conform to the plural subject; he does not follow the Schema Atticurn. For the Corpus of R all instances of clauses with neuter plural subjects are analyzed below. The cumulative evidence proves the natural tendency of R is to ignore the Schema Atticurn and follow the number of the verb in M T , whether plural or singular. In 12:7b, however, since R employed a plural verb for a singular one in M T , it seems that R is revising O G and therefore influenced by the number of the verb in O G . 15:20b ו מ ס פ ר ?שנים נ צ פ נ ו ל ע ר י ץ 15:20b ε'τη δέ α ρ ι θ μ η τ ά δ ε δ ο μ έ ν α δ υ ν ά σ τ η , Α ρ ρ I I 15:20b κ α ι α ρ ι θ μ ό ς έ τ ω ν κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς ί σ χ υ ρ ω The form in question in M T is the 3 verb נ צ פ נ ו. The equivalent employed by R is a Medio-Passive Perfect Participle, m.s. Analysis above led to the suggestion that R was possibly influenced by O G in 15:20b in employing a participle for נ צ פ נ וin M T . While the manner in which O G handled the bound phrase נ י ם# מ ס פ ר allowed him to maintain the concord in M T between 'years' and the verb נ צ פ נ ו, the literal rendering of the bound phrase in R called for agreement between 'number' and the participle. Hence κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς is singular. 353
18:15a כ א ה ל ו מ כ ל י ־ ל ו
18:15a % κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν τ ή σ κ η ν ή α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ν υ κ τ ι α ύ τ ο ΰ ,
3 5 3
See p. 200f.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In 18:15a ת ש כ ו ןin M T is either 2 m.s or 3 f.s. A relevant question is the meaning of מ ב ל י ־ ל ו. Some scholars hold that ם ב ל י ־ ל וinterpreted as "things of what are not his" ( מ ןpreposition plus ב ל יplus לplus 3 m.s pronominal suffix) is contextually meaningless.
They propose a feminine noun mabbel cognate with Akkadian
nablu and Ugaritic nblat meaning 'Ore'.
Thus ת ע כ ו ןis considered 3 f.s. Earlier it
was suggested somewhat tentatively that R understood ל י ל/ '( ל י ל הnight') with the 35
בpreposition prefixed and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. * A 3 f.s interpretation of כון1£? תis highly unlikely in R. The only option is the 2 m.s reading which is awkward in the context and therefore harmonized to 3 s. 18:15b י ז ר ה ע ל ־ כ ו ה ו ג פ ו ־ י ת (Brimstone will be scattered over his dwelling.) 18:15b Χ κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι τ ά ε υ π ρ ε π ή α ϋ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί ω . / (His good looks will be sprinkled with burning sulphur.) While nawehu M T is derived generally from naweh ('dwelling'), R has understood either na'weh or na'wa from '( כ א הbe lovely'). Yet how and why has R interpreted the object of the preposition ע לas the subject of the verb, rather than נ פ ד י תwhich he treats instead as an adverbial modifier? A n d is ע לignored by R? Apparently R vocalized — י ז ר הa Pual Imperfect 3 m.s in MT—as active and having an indefinite subject. Interpreting his parent text as "One shall scatter brimstone upon his good looks ," he furnished "His good looks will be sprinkled with burning sulphur" as a passive transform. The verb is conformed to the plural subject with no regard for the Schema Atticum?™ 357
22:30a י מ ל ט א י ־ נ ק י 22:30b ו נ מ ל ט ב ב ר כ פ י ך 22:30a Χ ρ ύ σ ε τ α ι ά θ φ ο ν , / 22:30b Χ κ α ι δ ι α σ ώ θ η τ ι έ ν κ α θ α ρ α Τ ς χ ε ρ σ ί ν σ ο υ . /
3 5 4
So Habel, 281-282.
3 5 5
The fullest and most recent treatment is that of Clines, 407, who also lists all scholars supporting this view. 3 5 6
Apparently the mem is omitted in an effort to make sense of the text.
3 5 7
See j9:15a for the same translation technique.
3 5 8
See analysis below of the Schema Aiticum in R (pp. 225ff.).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
In 22:30b the form in M T is Niphal Perfect wow-consecutive 3 m.s whereas the equivalent in R is Aorist Passive Imperative 2 s. As Dhorme says, this verse is another crux inlerpretum in M T . Assuming that א יmeans ' n o t ' , the text seems to say "He will deliver the guilty (non-innocent), who will be delivered by the cleanness of your hands." With this astonishing statement Eliphaz climaxes his exordium to Job to acknowledge his guilt and be reconciled to Shaddai. He will be marvellously restored so that his future purity could provide the ransom for delivering someone who is guilty! R apparently ignores א יin his rendering. Hence 22:30a in R says "He will deliver the innocent." Evidently the subject of ρ ύ σ ε τ α ι is God. 22:30b then becomes an admonition to Job to be saved by turning away from gross sin and claiming the deliverance proffered the innocent. The rendering of R is best explained as a contextual!)' guided attempt to make sense of a difficult verse. What sense would it make to say "He will escape by the purity of your hands" if ' H e ' is God and 'your' is J o b ? The case of 22:30b affords interesting insight into the method of R. He is not so committed to literalism that he will have two consecutive lines totally at odds. 3 5 9
29:24b ו א ו ר פ נ י ל א י פ י ל ו ן 29:24b Χ κ α ι φ ω ς τ ο ΰ προσώπο\> μ ο υ ο ύ κ ά π έ π ι π τ ε ν / The form י פ י ל ו ןis vocalized yappUwi in M T (Hiphil Imperfect 3 Literally one might render 'They do not allow the light of my face to fall." Dhorme aptly paraphrases "Nor was my smile lost on them!" R, however, considers א ו רto be the subject and it is almost certain that he vocalized the verb as a Qal Stem, as the 364
3 5 9
Dhorme, 342. Dhorme discusses the renderings of Theodotion and the Vulgate, the Peshitta, and the Targum—all of whom had difficulty with X . ,,
3 6 0
The best discussion is that of Grabbe, op. cit., 83-86.
3 6 1
So Hartley, 332, and Pope, 164, 168-169 (cf. Driver and Gray, 1:199) and similarly Cordis, 242, 252, and Habel, 332-334. Driver and Gray, 1:199, 2:158, Dhorme, 342, and Führer, 350, 352 all emend M T . 3 6 2
This is the sole instance of "N rendered by R.
3 6 3
A s Grabbe notes, the change was required to fit his translation "innocent one" (Grabbe, op. cit., 85). 3 6 4
Dhorme, 421. Habel's paraphrase is similar: "At the light of my face they were not downcast" (Habel, 403).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
rendering ά π έ π ι π τ ε ν shows. Yet the difference between the 3 of M T and the 3 s of R is difficult to explain. It is characteristic of R to carefully follow his parent text; conversely it is contrary to his normal pattern to arbitrarily change a 3 pi into a 3 s in an effort to make sense of the text. These factors suggest a solution that is textual. It seems that R read ( י פ לQal Imperfect 3 m.s). 365
30:20a א ש ו ע א ל י ך ו ל א ת ע נ נ י ( I cry for help to you, but you do not answer me) 30:20b ע מ ד ת י ו ת ת ב נ ן ב י ( I stand [before you] but you do not pay attention to me) 30:20b Χ έ σ τ η σ α ν κ α ι κ α τ ε ν ό η σ α ν με· / Chapter 30 constitutes a complaint by Job. H e complains that he is assaulted by enemies which include the outcasts of society ( w . 1-11), the terrors of death ( w . 12-15), and finally God himself ( w . 16-19) and he concludes ( w . 20-31) that he has been denied justice. * In 30:20b M T has a 1 c.s form and a 2 m,s form. Both are rendered by 3 pi verbs in R. Unlike the case of 29:24b, the difference in 30:20b is not likely to be textual. A major part of the problem is the fact that the negative ל אof 30:20a does 'double duty' in 30:20b. Without recognition of this it is difficult to make any sense of 30:20b. Moreover, no stich survives from R for 30:20a ( M T 30:20a is cited to provide context for 20b). Without additional context the case of 30:20b is baffling. What motivates a change o f both verbs to 3 pi? Perhaps one may suggest that R has contextualized 30:20b with earlier lines such as 30:llb-13a where he also employed some five 3 pi verbs for these nameless enemies. The nameless enemies stand and observe while he calls to God for help without results. 3
30:27a מ ע י ר ת ח ו ו ל א ־ ד מ ו 30:27a Χ ή κ ο ι λ ί α μ ο υ έ ξ έ ζ ε σ ε ν κ α ι ο ύ σ ι ω π ή σ ε τ α ι , /
3 6 5
Kennicott lists seven MSS (4, 92, 95, 99, 168, 176, 198) which have the reading — י פ ל ו ןa n d this is the only variant that is recorded for י פ י ל ו ן. Either the difference between the Qal of R and the Hiphil of M T is due to a confusion of waw and yodh ( י פ י לread as ) י פ ו לor to different realizations of a defective spelling י פ ל. The latter is much more plausible given the evidence from Kennicott. 3
* יThe analysis is from Habel, 417.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Although מ ע י םis a plural-invariable noun in Hebrew, the equivalent employed by R is singular and both instances of 3 verbs are appropriately rendered by 3 s verbs in Greek. R does follow concord in the target language. 36:25a כ ל ־ א ד ם ח ז ו ־ ב ר 36:25a Χ π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς εΤδεν έ ν έ α υ τ φ , / In 36:25a Μ Τ , concord between Subject and Verb is ad sensum since the subject ( ) א ד םis a collective singular and the verb ( ) ח ז וis 3 While ad sensum constructions of this type are not merely possible but even acceptable in Hellenistic Greek, concord is normally the r u l e . * Moreover, once כ ל ־ א ד םis literally rendered by π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς , the normal sense in Greek would be 'every man' rather than 'all m a n k i n d ' . A t least this is standard usage in R for anarthrous nouns preceded by πας. O n the other hand, it is highly unlikely that ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς is a generic singular in 36:25a. A n additional factor is the modifier of ח ז ו. The בpreposition and 3 m.s pronominal suffix refer in M T to the 'work' of El just mentioned in 36:24a. Yet R renders the pronominal suffix with a reflexive pronoun whose antecedent is ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς . It is not surprising, then, that the number of the verb is made to conform to that of the subject in the rendering of R. 7
3 6 9
37:2a ש ס ו ע ב ו ע ז ק ל ו
37:2a Χ ά κ ο υ ε ά κ ο ή ν έ ν ο ρ γ ή θ υ μ ο ΰ κ υ ρ ί ο υ , / The form ש מ ע וin M T is 2 while its counterpart in R is 2 s. Likely the change is contextually motivated. Elihu is understood to be admonishing Job in particular and not the friends in general as in 36:16.
* There is only one other occurrence of π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in R and it governs a singular verb (21:33b). On concord in Hellenistic Greek, see Robertson, 403. In the Greek New Testament ad sensum constructions normally occur only with certain nouns like ό χ λ ο ς and λ α ό ς (see Blass-Debrunuer, § 134 and Turner, Syntax, 311312). Π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς occurs only two times in the Greek New Testament and on both occasions has a singular verb. Conversely, there are no examples of ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς with a plural verb (search via G R A M C O R D , Deerfield, Illinois: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1978,1989). 3 6 8
See Turner, Syntax, 199-201. T h e r e are five occurrences: 21:33b, 28:3b, 37:7a, 39:8b, j41:26a.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
39:3a י ל ד י ה ן ת פ ל ח נ ה 39:3b ת ש ל ח נ ה
39:3a A p p I I έ ν δ ώ σ ο υ σ ι τ ά π α ι δ ί α α υ τ ώ ν , δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς α υ τ ά 39:3b % ώ δ ι ν α ς α υ τ ώ ν έ ξ α π ο σ τ ε λ ε ΐ ς ; / The approach of R towards 39:3a determines his treatment o f ת י ש ל ח נ הin 39:3b. Analysis above showed that while the verb ת פ ל ח נ הin 39:3a is vocalized tspallahna in M T (Piel Imperfect, 2 of ) פ ל ח, R likely read tepallatennd (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s o f פ ל טplus 3 f.s pronominal suffix) and construed י ל ד י ה ןas the object of ת כ ר ע נ הinstead of . תפלחנהThe difference, then, between M T and R in 39:3a is textual. I n 39:3b ת ש ל ח נ הis vocalized as taSallahna in M T (Piel Imperfect, 2 The corresponding form in R is 2 s. R may have vocalized it as teSallahenna (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix). This proposal is not as plausible as its counterpart in 39:3a. There is no α υ τ ά in 39:3b and i f there were, it would conflict with ώ δ ΐ ν α ς α υ τ ώ ν as the object of έ ξ α π ο σ τ ε λ ε Τ ς . More likely R has just harmonized the number of the verb in 39:3b in order to match the number in 39:3a. The change in number is due to contextual factors. 370
41:9a י ד ב ק ו
41:9a Χ ά ν ή ρ τ φ ά δ ε λ φ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι ,
According to the context, the subject of the verb י ד ב ק וis the dragon-scales of Leviathan: 'They are joined tightly to each other." Hebrew has no pronoun for reciprocal reference like the Greek pronoun α λ λ ή λ ω ν and uses circumlocutions such as .איש־באחיהו R renders א י ש ־ ב א ח י ה וliterally and harmonizes the number of the verb to match the subject rather than supply a 3 pi verb and employ an expression like ά λ λ ή λ ο ι ς . N o lines are extant in R for 41:7 so we do not have contextual infermation necessary to see how he related 41:7 and 8. Nonetheless, the literalism is odd. 371 Schema Atticum. There are 10 instances in R where the subject of the verb is neuter plural. In four o f these the number of the verb is singular, following the Schema Atticum. What is more significant is that the verb is singular in M T in all four instances: 14:19b ע פ ר ־ א ר ץ
3 7 0
See above, p. 166f.
3 7 1
See R. J. Williams, Hebrew Syntax: An Outline, § 132.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
14:19b Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ κ λ υ σ ε ν ΰ δ α τ α ύ π τ ι α τ ο υ χ ώ μ α τ ο ς τ η ς γ η ς · / 28:18a ר א מ ו ת ו ג ב י ש ל א י ז כ ו ־ 28:18a χ μ ε τ έ ω ρ α κ α ι γαβ'ις ο ύ μ ν η σ θ ή σ ε τ α ι , / 31:4b י ס פ ו ר
31:4b Χ κ α ι π ά ν τ α τ ά δ ι α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε τ α ι ; / 39:15b ה & ד ה ת ד ו ש ה
39:15b Χ κ α ι θ η ρ ί α ά γ ρ ο ΰ κ α τ α π α τ ή σ ε ι • / In six out of the ten instances where a neuter plural subject occurs, the verb in R is plural. Once again, what is significant is that in all but two (12:7b, 18:15b), the verb is also plural in M T . The case of 18:15b reveals the natural tendency of R — t o ignore the Schema Atticum. The case of 12:7b may possibly be due to influence of O G rather than to a particular trait or tendency in R. The evidence is as follows: 12:7b ח ^ מ י ם ו י ג ד ־ ל ך
12:7b π ε τ ε ι ν ά δε ο ύ ρ α ν ο ΰ ε ά ν σ ο ι ά π α γ γ ε ί λ ω σ ι ν Α ρ ρ I I 12:7b έ ά ν σ ο ι ά π α γ γ ε ί λ ω σ ι ν ] θ ' κ α ι ά π α γ γ ε λ ο ΰ σ ί ν σ ο ι C 14:19a ש ח ק ו מ י ם
14:19a Χ λ ί θ ο υ ς έ λ έ α ν α ν ΰ δ α τ α , / 18:15b ע ל ־ נ ו ה ו ג פ ר י ת
18:15b Χ κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι τ ά ε υ π ρ ε π ή α ύ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί φ . / 20:11a ע צ מ ו ת י ו מ ל א ו ע ל ו מ ו 20:11a χ ό σ τ α α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ε π λ ή σ θ η σ α ν ν ε ό τ η τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ , / 36:28a א ש ר ־ ־ י ז ל ו ע ח ק י ם 36:28a Χ ρ υ ή σ ο ν τ α ι π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α , / 36:28b י ר ע פ ו ע ל י א ד ם ר ב Α ρ ρ I I 36:28b Χ γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ π ' α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς / As one would expect for Late Hellenistic Greek, the evidence indicates no real regard for the Schema Atticum as a linguistic norm. Wherever possible, however, R conforms the structures o f the target language to those of the source.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In the matter of number and person, the correspondence between Greek and Hebrew is very high pointing to the literalism of R. Nonetheless the demands o f the target language are not overridden and the revisor / translator is sensitive to the context. Voice. Third in the description o f how R renders Hebrew verbs is the translator's treatment of voice. As i n the previous section on number and person, there are 396 instances of finite verbs where one may compare the renderings of R with M T in respect to voice. Comparison here is not necessarily straightforward since Greek voice inflection only partially reproduces the seven-stem system of Hebrew verbal inflection. Professor Wevers summarizes equations normally made by L X X translators: 372
Thus Qal, Piel and Hiph are normally rendered by an active (or deponent) inflection; the Niph and H o p h , by the medio-passive; the Hithp, by the middle, and the Pual by the passive. Other distinctions, i.e., simple stems vs «D» stems, vs causative stems, can only be handled lexically in the Greek system.In spite of difficulties in comparing Greek and Hebrew, out o f 396 cases, basic agreement exists between R and M T in 393 instances. This includes not only cases corresponding formally such as Hebrew Qal = Greek Active or Hebrew Niph = Greek Medio-Passive, but also cases corresponding functionally or semantically like Hebrew Qal = Greek Deponent Middle or Passive. Exceedingly few cases are handled lexically. I n the evidence which follows, all cases where R has realized the Consonantal Text differently from M T are footnoted as well as any instance where agreement is not immediately apparent or obvious. 173
375 Agreement in Voice. (393 Times)
3 7 2
See J. W . Wevers, "The Use of Versions For Text Criticism: The Septuagint," 17.
3 7 3
3 7 4
Hellenistic Greek distinguishes Middle and Passive Voice formally only in the Aorist and Future. Herein, for all other tenses the term Medio-Passive is used to describe non-Active Voice morphologically. 3 7 5
See footnote on 34:29a.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
7:8a, j9:15a, 12:23b, 13:19b, 15:27a, 15:27b, 17:5a, 17:10a,
9:15b, 9:24b, 10:4b, 11:5b, 12:8b, 12:9a, 12:9b, 12:18b, 12:23a, 13:19b, 13:20b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, " 14:19a, 14:19b, 14:19c, 16:3b, 16:3b, 16:8a, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:3b, 17:4a, 17:4b, 17:12a, 17:16b, 18:9b, 18:15a, 18:16a, ' 18:16b, 19:28b, 20:3a, 378
3 7 6
In 9:15a R renders M T צ ד ק ת יby SiKaicoOrjaonca. Hebrew צ ד קis Stative in the Qal Stem (Waltke-O'Connor, § 22.4c) and Greek Sitcatoco is Declarative-Factitive (see Howard, Accidence, 397). The Greek and Hebrew forms are equivalent semantically. 3 7 7
A t 9:15b ( א ת ח נ ןHithpael Imperfect 1 c.s) is rendered by 861^ף9ז>וו0 (Future Indicative Passive 1 s). The Hithpael may function here to mark action done for the benefit of the subject (see Waltke-O'Connor, § 26.2e). The Passive of 5eco is deponent (Bauer, 175). The difference is purely one of form and not of sense. 3 7 8
In 14:18:1 M T has ( י כ ו לyibbol) rendered by SiaxeaeTxoa in R. Since 5ta־ TceoeTxat is a deponent future (see Buck, § 392) the equation Qal = Active is standard (on the Qal Stem, see Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 22.3n, 22.30). The Greek and the Hebrew are thus functionally parallel. 3 7 9
A t 14:18b M T has י ע ת קwhich R renders by Tta^auoOfjoexat. R has understood ע ת קas a Stative, 'be / become old', a usage which is more normative for Aramaic ע ת קthan it is for Hebrew ( ע ת קsee H A L , s.v. and Dalman, s.v.). Since Kakm6a is factitive (see Howard, Accidence, 397), the Passive of 7taA.a16co is semantically comparable to the Qal Stem of ע ת ק. 3 8 0
R renders M T ( ו ב א ו נ אQal Imperative by iced 5et>xe 5f\ in 17:10a. The form 5et)xe functions like a verb with Active voice and so is equivalent to the. Hebrew.
A t 18:16a M T ו0 ( י בyibasii) is Stative Qal (Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 22.3d, 22.30) and the Future Indicative Passive ^ p a v 6 r ! o o v x a 1 employed by R is comparable in voice. 3 8 2
Akin to the case of י ב ו לrendered by 5ux7teoeTxat in 14:18a (see n. 378) is the instance o f י ם לrendered by £mTO0£1xa1 in 18.T6b. Whether ( י ס לyimmul M T ) is analyzed as Qal or Niphal of ( מ ל לsee Bergstrasser, 2:270 and H A L , s.v.), it correlates well with the deponent SiaiteaeTtat semantically.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
20:3b, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11a, 20:11b, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13a, 20:13a, 20:13b, 20:23a, 21:15a, 21:15b, 21:19b, 21:19b, 21:21b, 21:23a, 21:28a, 21:29a, 21:29b, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:31b, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33a, 21:33b, 22:3b, 22:13a, 22:13a, 22:13b, 22:14b, *• 22:15a, 22:I5b, 22:16a, 22:20a, 22:20b, 22:24a, 385
3 8 3
On the correlation of M T and R in 19:28b, see n. 336. R renders different forms of מ צ אthree times (19:28b, 34:11b, 37:13b). In M T the first is vocalized as Niphal, the second and third as Hiphil. A l l are vocalized as Qal by R. 3 8 4
In 20:12a R renders M T ( ת מ ת י קHiphil Imperfect 3 f.s) by γ λ υ κ α ν θ ή (Aorist Passive Subjunctive 3 s). The lexica describe the Qa) Stem of מ ת קas 'be sweet' and the Hiphil Stem as 'give a sweet taste' or 'taste sweet' (see H A L , s.v., cf. B D B , s.v.). One may clarify the difference between the Qal and the H i p h i l grammatically by noting that the Qal Stem is stative and the Hiphil Stem functions to mark entrance into a condition or state (see G K C § 53e and Waltke-O'Connor, §§ 27.2d, 27.2f). Thus the Qal means 'to be sweet' and the Hiphil 'to become sweet', and the Greek and Hebrew are equivalent in sense. 3 8 5
Like 20:12a, 21:33a involves מ ת ק. M T has mataqin (Qal Perfect, 3; R employs
έ γ λ υ κ ά ν θ η σ α ν (Aorist Indicative Passive 3 pi). Since the Qal o f מ ת קis stative, the passive voice o f γ λ υ κ α ί ν ω is equivalent semantically, although not formally. m
In 22:14b, δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι in R corresponds to י ת ה ל ךin M T . The form in the Hebrew is the Hithpael of ה ל ך. Debate among modern scholars over the meaning of the Hithpael of ( ה ל ךcf. Waltke-O'Connor, § 26.1.2) is not really relevant to an accurate assessment of R. Since δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι is a deponent Future Middle—and regularly so in Hellenistic Greek—(see Liddell-Scott, s.v.), R had no other option. Thus the rendering of R in 22:14b is quite standard and the Greek and Hebrew are equivalent semantically. [Hithpael forms of ה ל ךare found 64 times in M T . Seventeen instances are given non-literal renderings by translators of the L X X (Gn 5:22, 5:24, 6:9, 17:1, 24:40, 48:15, 1 Kgs(Sm) 25:15, 25:27, Ez 19:6, 28:14, Zee 10:12, Ps 25(26):3, 34(35):14, 55(56):14, 114(116):9, Jb 18:8, Prv 20:7). Forty-seven instances are rendered literally: » δ ι έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 9 times (Jos 18:4, 1 Kgs(Sm) 2:30, 2:35, 12:2, 30:31, 2 Kgs(Sm) 7:7, Ps 104(105):13, 1 Chr 17:6, 21:4); » έ μ π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω 5 times (Lv 26:12, D t 23:15, 2 Kgs(Sm) 7:6, Jb 1:7, 2:2); » π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω 10 times ( G n 3:8, Ex 21:19, Jgs 21:24, 2 Kgs(Sm) 11:2, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 20:3, Ps 11(12):9, Jb 38:16, Prv 6:22, 23:31, Est 2:11); » δ ι α π ο ρ ε υ ό μ α ι 8 times (1 Kgs(Sm) 12:2, Ps 38(39):7, 57(58):8, 67(68):22, 76(77):18, 81(82):5, 100(101):2, Jb 22:14); » π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι 6 times (1 Kgs(Sm) 23:13, 23:13, Is 38:6, Ps 42(43):2, 118(119):45, 1 Chr 16:20); » π ρ ο π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι 1 time (Prv 24:34); » δ ι ο δ ε ύ ω 1 time (Gn 13:7); » π ε ρ ι ο δ ε ύ ω 5 times (Zee 1:10, 1:11, 6:7, 6:7,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
22:29a, 22:29a, 22:29b, 22:30a, 22:30b, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 2 3 : 1 5 d ( = b M T ) , - 2 3 : 1 5 d ( = b M T ) , 24:4b, 24:8a, 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15b, 24:15c, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 24:17b, 24:25b, 26:5a, 26:8b, 26:10a, 26:1 l a , 26:11b, 26:14b, w
3 9 0
6:7); » σ υ σ τ ρ έ φ ω 1 time (Ez 1:13); » χ ω ρ ο β α τ έ ω 1 time (Jos 18:8). A l l but Ez 1:13 employ forms that are Active or Deponent.] 3 8 7
R renders forms of כ י ןseven times. Twice κ α τ α ν ο έ ω (23:15d[=bMT], 30:20b) is employed and both instances are for Hithpolel forms in M T ; five times σ υ ν ί η μ ι (31:1b, 32:12a, 36:29a, j37:14b, j38:l8a) is used and four instances are for Hithpolel forms in M T while only one instance renders a Qal form (36:29a). While formally the Hithpolel o f ( כ י ןcf. Waltke-O'Connor, § 26.2f and B D B and H A L , s.v. ) כ י ןand the Active voice o f κ α τ α ν ο έ ω or σ υ ν ί η μ ι are not equivalent, R uses active forms in Greek throughout. This choice is based on sense. Thus although the two forms do not match morphologically, they do equate semantically. 3 8 8
A t 23:15b M T has ( א פ ח דQal Imperfect 1 c.s) which R renders by π τ ο η θ ή σ ο μ α ι (Future Indicative Passive 1 s). The Greek and Hebrew are equivalent semantically (see B D B , s.v. פ ח דand Liddell-Scott, s.v. π τ ο έ ω ) . 3 8 9
In 24:8a M T has ( י ר ט ב ו ־Qal Imperfect 3; R employs υ γ ρ α ί ν ο ν τ α ι (Present Indicative Medio-Passive 3 pi). While differing formally, the Greek and Hebrew are equivalent semantically (see B D B , s.v. ר ט כand Liddell-Scott, s.v. υ γ ρ α ί ν ω ) . 3 9 0
R renders M T י ר ו פ פ וby έ π ε τ ά σ θ η σ α ν in 26:11a. The form י ר ו פ פ וis a ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T . The reading tradition of M T basyaropapu—a pausal vocalization. Although analysis morphologically is somewhat uncertain, ysropapu fits the passive pattern of Polal Imperfect 3 of ר ו ף. While forms of the Hithpolel Imperfect may have qames in pause (as א ת ק ו ט טin Ps 139:21), forms o f Polal normally have qames in pause (as י ח ו ל ל וJb 26:5) and forms of Polel have stri in pause (as י ב ו א נ ו in Is 2 8 : 1 5 , י ק ו מ מ וin Is 61:4, and י ר ו צ צ וin Na 2:5). A discrepancy exists between R and M T lexically (see below), but the meaning o f י ר ו פ פ וis not really relevant. The form is Passive in M T and in the reading tradition of R, as έ π ε τ ά σ θ η σ α ν shows. The Greek and the Hebrew agree both formally and functionally. [Gesenius derives the form י ר ו פ פ וfrom ר ו ף, but more recent scholarship suggest a derivation from ר פ ף (see S. P. Tregelles, ed. and trans., Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949), s.v. ר ו ףand B D B , s.v. ר פ ף, H A L , s.v. ) ר פ ף. Whether from ר ו ףor ר פ ף, cognates in Arabic and Syriac and also a parallel passage in Job 9:6 assist in clarifying the lexical value, yielding the meaning 'to shake' (see H A L , s.v. ר פ ף, Dhorme, 374, and Pope, 184).]
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 27:23b, 28:5a, 28:5b, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:27a, 28:27a, 29:10b, ־29:11a, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:25a, 29:25a, 29:25b, 29:25c, 30:1c, 30:2b, 30:7a, 30:11b, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:12c, 30:16a, 30:18b, 30:20b, 30:20b, * 30:22b, 30:27a, 391
3 9 1
The Consonantal Text has י ת ןin 28:15a vocalized as yuttan ( O l d Qal Passive
Imperfect 3 m.s, see H A L , s.v. ) נ ת ן. R renders by δώσει
indicating he read yitten
(Qal Active Imperfect 3 m.s). This analysis of R is corroborated by the fact that ס ב ו ר (Subject of י ת ןin M T ) is rendered by σ υ γ κ λ ε ι σ μ ό ν ; the Accusative Case shows R understood ס ג ו רas Object of י ת ן. Thus there is agreement between R and his source text. 3 9 2
A t 28:17a M T has ( י ע ר כ נ הQal Imperfect 3 m.s plus 3 f.s pronominal suffix). Few commentators discuss the verb. Driver and Gray, 2:196, and Dhorme, 409, describe it as intransitive (cf. B D B , s.v. and H A L , s.v.). The pronominal suffix functions like a ל or א לprepositional phrase (see A . C. M . Blommerde, Northwest Semitic Grammar and Job, Biblica et Orientalia, no. 22 [Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1969], 8, 107 and Waltke-O'Connor, § 16.4f). The Future Indicative Passive ί σ ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι furnished by R is thus comparable semantically. 3 9 3
3 9 4
In 29:10b R renders M T ( ד ב ק הQal Perfect 3 f.s) by έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η (Aorist Indicative Passive 3 s). The Greek and Hebrew are parallel semantically, although not in form (see B D B , s . v . ד ב קand Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ ο λ λ ά ω ) . 3 9 5
A t 30:2b M T has ( א ב דQal Perfect 3 m.s); R employs ά π ώ λ ε τ ο (Aorist Indicative Middle 3 s). The Middle voice of ά π ό λ λ υ μ ι corresponds semantically to the Qal Stem of א ב ד. R renders א ב דfour times: a Piel form in 12:23a and a Hiphil form in 14:19c are appropriately rendered by ά π ό λ λ υ μ ι in the Active voice while Qal forms in 29:13a (Participle) and 30:2b are rendered by ά π ό λ λ υ μ ι in the Middle voice. 39
« On 30:20b, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387. 97
יIn 30:27a R renders M T ( ר ת ח וPual Imperfect 3 by έ ξ έ ζ ε σ ε ν . The Greek and the Hebrew function the same way in respect to voice (see B D B , H A L , s.v. ר ת ח and Liddell-Scott, s.v. έ κ ζ έ ω ) .
30:27a, 31:35a, 32:16b, 33:33a,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
30:27b, 31:1a 2* 31:1b, 31:4a, 31:183,«« 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:24a, 31:27a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 32:11c, 32:12a, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16a, 32:16a, 32:16b, 33:8a, 33:28a, 33:28b, 33:29a, 33:31b, 33:31b, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:32b, 33:33b, 33:33b, 34:3a, 34:3b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:7b, 3 4 : l i b , 34:23a, 34:25b, 402
'*The form ( כ ר ת יQal Perfect 1 c.s) in 31:1a M T belongs to the idiom כ ר ת ב ר י ת and is rendered by έ θ έ μ η ν (Aorist Indicative Middle 1 s) in R. The Middle voice o f τ ί θ η μ ι is basically not different in meaning from the Active (Bauer, 816). 3 9 9
On 31:1b, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387.
4 0 0
The context of 31:18a must be reviewed:
31:18a כ י מ נ ע ו ר י ג ד ל נ י כ א ב (For from my youth he grew up with me as with a father) 31:18b ו מ ב ט ן א מ י א נ ח נ ד ז ( A n d from my mother's womb I guided her) 31:18a *! 6τι έκ ν ε ό τ η τ α ς μ ο υ έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν ώ ς π α τ ή ρ / (For from my youth I was nourishing as a father) 31:18b Χ κ α ι ε κ γ α σ τ ρ ο ς μ η τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ ώ δ ή γ η σ α . / ( A n d from my mother's womb I guided) M T vocalizes the form ג ד ל נ יin 31:18a as gsdslanl (Qal Perfect 3 m.s plus 1 c.s pronominal suffix). Although analyzed in detail earlier (for discussion, see p. 218), the equivalent in R ( έ ξ έ τ ρ ε φ ο ν ) is not easy to explain satisfactorily. In spite of the fact that the case is somewhat uncertain, the forms in M T and R are both Active and therefore there is no disagreement in voice. 4 0 1
In 31:27a R renders M T ( ו י פ תQal Imperfect Waw-consecutive, 3 m.s) by κ α ι ή π α τ ή θ η (Aorist Indicative Passive 3 s). Both Greek and Hebrew mean 'to be deceived' and and function the same way in regard to voice (see B D B , H A L , s.v. פ ת ה, Licidell-Scott, s.v. α π α τ ά ω ) . 4 0 2
O n 32:5c, see discussion on j30:30b, n. 426.
4 0 3
On 32:12a, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387.
4 0 4
A t 32:15a M T ח ת וis rendered by έ π τ ο ή θ η σ α ν in R. With respect to voice, the Greek Passive corresponds well to the Stative Qal in Hebrew (Waltke-O'Connor, § 22.3J).
4 0 5
R realizes the Consonantal Text differently from M l ' for the form in question in 34:11b—see n. 340. Nonetheless, there is agreement in voice between his parent text
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
34:25b, 34:28b, 34:29a,** 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:29b, 34:31b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:32b, 34:33a, 34:33b(=aMT), 34:33b, 34:33c, 34:33c, 35:7b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:10a, 35:12a, 35:12a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 35:16b, 36:6a, 36:6b, 36:7a, 36:7c. 36:7c, <״ 4
and his rendering in Greek. R renders different forms of מ צ אthree times (19:28b, 34:11b, 37:13b), In M T the first is vocalized as Niphal, the second and third as H i p h i l The Qal contrasts with Niphal and Hiphil in meaning (see B D B , H A L , s.v. ) מ צ א. A l l are vocalized as Qal by R. 4 0 6
I n 34:29a M T has uptEh vocalized yaiqtt (Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s). R employs a circumlocution for קט8?י, namely 1io־oj;׳iav rape^ei. Thus the problem of voice is handled lexically. The Greek and the Hebrew must be considered parallel in tunction. 4 0 7
A t 36:7c R renders ( ו י ג ב ה וQal Imperfect Waw-consecutive 3 by ן\ט/0נ-
Srjaovroi (Future Indicative Passive 3 pi). The Qal Stem of ג ב הand the Passive of ,
byo(!) have roughly the same semantic value and are therefore in agreement.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:8b, 36:9a, 36:9b, « 36:10b, 3 6 : 1 0 b , 3 6 : 1 1«״a,36:11a, 36:11b, 36:13a, 36:13b, 36:13b, 36:16a, 36:20a, 36:21b, 36:22a, 3 6 : 2 4 b , 3 6 : 2 5 <׳a,36:26a, 36:28a, 36:29a, " 36:30a, 36:30b, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:32b, 36:33a, 37:1a, 37:1b, 37:2a, 37:2b, 10
4 0 8
For analysis of 36:9b, the context is necessary:
36:9a ו ע ד ל ה ם פ ע ל ם (And he reveals to them their deeds) 36:9b ו פ ש ע י ה ם כ י י ת ג ב ר ו ( A n d their wrongs, that they were becoming proud) 36:9a >« κ α ι ά ν α γ γ ε λ ε ΐ α ΰ τ ο ι ς τ α ε ρ γ α α υ τ ώ ν / 36:9b Χ κ α ΐ τ α π α ρ α π τ ώ μ α τ α α υ τ ώ ν , δ τ ι ί σ χ ύ σ ο υ σ ι ν . / One may well wish to analyze the Hithpael Stem of ג ב רas Factitive-Reflexive (see Waltke-O'Connor, § 26.2f), so that the idea which is conveyed is 'to esteem / present / show oneself mighty or strong' and hence 'be overbearing' or 'behave proudly' (so B D B , H A L , and Meyer-Donner, s.v. ) ג ב ר. Generally the 3 pronoun in 36:9a and 36:9b is considered to be the subject of ( י ת ג ב ר וso Driver and Gray, 1:311, Dhorme, 541, Gordis, 406, 414, Pope, 266, Habel, 495, Hartley, 469). R, however, apparently construed τ α π α ρ α π τ ώ μ α τ α as the subject of the verb and the Hithpael is simply understood in the sense 'demonstrate oneself strong'. I t is hardly possible in practical terms to convey this distinction in Greek, hence the Active voice of ι σ χ ύ ω is used. 4 0 9
In 36:10b R employs έ π ι σ τ ρ α φ ή σ ο ν τ α ι (Future Indicative Passive 3 pi) for M T
( י ש כ ו ןQal Imperfect 3 of ) ש ו ב. The Passive Voice of ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω and the Qal Stem of ע ז ו בare equivalent semantically (see Bauer, s.v. ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω , B D B , s.v. !וב£?). 4 1 0
M T has sorarH for the form in question in 36:24b—a Polel Perfect 3 of ש י ר. R
has ή ρ ξ α ν , clearly reading sararu—Qal Perfect 3 of lltu. This difference does not affect the question of voice. 4 1 1
O n 36:29a, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387.
4 1 2
I n 37:1b M T has ( י ח ר דQal Imperfect 3 m.s) which is rendered by έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η (Aorist Indicative Passive 3 s) in R. The two are considered equivalent since both Greek and Hebrew have the meaning 'be terrified' (see B D B , s.v. ח ר דand Bauer, s.v. τ α ρ ά σ σ ω ) . 4 1 3
For analysis of 37:1b, the context is necessary:
37:1a י ח ר ד ל ב י
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
4 4
37:4a, 37:4b, 37:4c, 37:4c, ' 37:5a, 37:7a, 37:10a, 37:11a, 37:11b, 37:12c(=bMT), 37:13b, 37:18a, 38:32a, 38:32b, 39:1a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 3 9 : 4 b ( = a M T ) , 39:4c(=bMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:8b, 39:14a, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:16a, 39:17a, 39:17b, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:29b, 40:1, 40:1, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, 41:4a, 41:8a, 41:9a, * 41:9b, 41:9b, 41:15b, 41:15b, 41:21a, 415
(Indeed, at this my heart trembles) 37:1b ו י ח ר מ מ ק ו מ ו ( A n d starts from its place) 37:1a Χ και τ α ύ τ η ς έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ / 37:1b Χ κ α ί ά π ε ρ ρ ύ η έ κ τ ο ΰ τ ό π ο υ α υ τ ή ς . / For Μ Τ ( י ת רQal Imperfect 3 m.s of ) נ ת רin 37:1b R furnishes ά π ε ρ ρ ύ η (2 Aorist Indicative Passive 3 s of α π ο ρ ρ έ ω ) . Although comparison of M T and R is difficult lexically, both are describing mental or psychological states. Further, both the Future and Aorist of ρ έ ω are deponent in Attic and Septuagint Greek (see Liddell-Scott, s.v. ^ έ ω , and also Thackeray, § 24 s.v. ρ έ ω ) . Thus the Greek and Hebrew are assessed as equal. 4 1 4
A t 37:4c the form י ש מ עis vocalized yisMma' in M T (Niphal Imperfect 3 m.s) whereas the rendering α κ ο ύ σ ε ι indicates that R read yisma (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s). R and his parent text are therefore considered equivalent. 1
4 1 5
O n the correlation of M T and R in 37:13b, see n. 342. R renders different forms of מ צ אthree times (19:28b, 34:1 l b , 37:13b). In M T the first is vocalized as Niphal, the second and third as Hiphil. A l l are vocalized as Qal by R.
4 1 6
A t 39:4a M T ( י ר ב וQal Imperfect 3 is rendered by π λ η θ υ ν θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι (Future Indicative Passive 3 pi) in R (39:4b). The Greek and the Hebrew are equivalent semantically (see B D B , s.v. ר ב ה, H A L , s.v. ר ב ה, and Bauer, s.v. πληθύνω).
4 1 7
The correlation of M T and R in 41:8a is assisted by citing the entire line:
41:8a א ח ד ב א ח ד מ ש ו 41:8a sc εΤς τ ο ύ ε ν ό ς κ ο λ λ ω ν τ α ι , / One might literally render M T "they draw near to one another"; the subject is the scales of Leviathan and the clause describes them as fitting tightly together. The Passive of κ ο λ λ ά ω means 'to cleave to' (see Liddell-Scott, s.v.) and adequately expresses the Hebrew.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
41:24b, 42:8e, 42:16c, 42:17, j2:6b, j3:23a, j3:5a, j4:2a, j4:21a, ^ j5:4b, j7:13b, j8:20a,j9:34b,jll:13b,jll:18b,jll:2(fc(=aMT),jl2:7b,jl3:8a,jl4:6a,jl4:15b,jl5:4a, j l 5 : 5 b , j 15:20b, j l 5 : 2 5 b , j l 7 : 9 a « 3 j!7:15b, j!8:5b, j 18:7b, jl9:12b, j 19:18a, 422
4 1 8
I n 41:9a R renders M T ( י ד ב ק וPual Imperfect 3 by π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι (Future Indicative Passive 3 s). The Greek and Hebrew are parallel semantically (see B D B , s . v . ד ב קand Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ ο λ λ ά ω ) .
4 1 9
M T yasuq (41:15b) is analyzed generally by modern scholars as a Qal Passive Participle m.s of ( י צ קsee n. 630). Furthermore the Qumran Targum, which has ] ] נ ס י כ י, interprets it the same way. As κ α τ α χ έ ε ι shows, R certainly had yastiq in his parent text, but analyzed it as a Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of צ ו ק, an allomorph of י צ ק. There is no discrepancy in voice between R and his parent text. 4 2 0
In 41:24b י ח ש בis rendered by έ λ ο γ ί σ α τ ο . Since λ ο γ ί ζ ο μ α ι is deponent
Bauer, s.v.) there is equivalency in function. 4 2 1
A t 4:21a M T has נ ס עvocalized nissa'- (Niphal Perfect 3 m.s). The equivalent in R
is σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν indicating he probably read nasa* (Qal Perfect 3 m.s)—no forms from the Piel Stem are found for נ ס עin M T . Therefore agreement is assumed between R and his parent text. 4 2 2
The case of jl5:25b is somewhat singular. Here R renders M T ( י ת נ כ רHithpael Imperfect 3 m.s) by κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ύ σ α τ ο . Following Waltke-Q'Connor, one may describe the Hithpael as Declarative-Estimative Reflexive (Waltke-Q'Connor, § 26.2f), so that the idea which is conveyed is 'to esteem / present / show oneself mighty' (so B D B , H A L , and Meyer-Donner, s.v. ) ג ב ר. A brief lexical analysis of κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι , the equivalent employed by R, is relevant in assessing its voice. This compound verb is rare in Hellenistic Greek—Liddell-Scott gives only one reference: Aq.F*.85(86).14 (see Liddell-Scott, s.v.). Moreover no listing appears in Lampe for κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι . This, however, may only indicate no new meanings developed by the Church Fathers (see Lampe, vii). J. Reider's An Index To Aquila lists five occurrences of κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ί ) 0 μ α ι rendering ע ר י ץin Ps 20:12, 36(37):35, 85(86):14, Jer 20:11 and נ ע ר ץin Ps 88(89):8 (Reider, 132). Ps 20:12 is certainly a spurious reference by any numbering system, M T or L X X . Ps 36(37):35 and 88(89):8 are retroversions from Syriac based on Field (see Field ad l o c ) . Only Jer 20:11 constitutes evidence besides Ps 85(86): 14, the solitary text adduced by Liddell-Scott. A fair number of verbs ending in - ε ύ ω mean 'to act as' or 'play the part o f (see Howard, Accidence, 399). This would fit the usage in R as well as in Jer 20:11 and Ps 85(86): 14. The Medio-Passive may well be deponent since no examples of the Active voice are found and the number of deponent verbs is on the rise in the later
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
237 424
j l 9 : 2 5 ( = b M T ) , jl9:27c, j21:3a, j21:19a, j22:17b, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , j22:28a, j22:28a, j 2 3 : l l a , j27:6a, j27:19a, j27:19a, ' j28:4b(=cMT), j 2 8 : l l a , j28:27b, j28:27b, j29:13b, j3O:30b,<* j31:31b, j31:31b, j32:11 a, j32:20(=bMT), j33:26a, j33:26a, j34:9a, j34:9a, 42
Hellenistic Period (see Blass-Debrunner, § 307). Liddell-Scott gives the meaning "strengthen oneself, be violent" but one may just as well suggest something like 'to act as a mighty man or strong one'. Although the evidence is slim, the Greek and the Hebrew may be considered comparable semantically. 4 2 3
R furnishes ά ν θ έ ξ ε τ α ι for ( י א ח זQal Imperfect 3 ni.s) in 17:9a. Although the Future of αντέχω is normally Active in Classical Greek (Liddell-Scott, s.v.), the Future is only found in the Middle voice in Hellenistic Literature (so Bauer, 73). Hence R and M T are semantically equivalent. 4 2 4
A t 22:28a ר י ק םin Μ Γ is rendered by κ α ι σ τ α θ ή σ ε τ α ι in R. The Qal Stem o f ק ו ם operates as an intransitive verb (see B D B , s.v.); the Future Passive of ϊ σ τ η μ ι tunctions the same way in Hellenistic Greek (see Blass-Debrunner, § 97.1). Therefore the Greek and the Hebrew are functionally equivalent. 4 2 5
I n 27:19a the form in M T is ( י א ס ףye'asep): Niphal Imperfect 3 m.s of א ס ף. R has π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι , apparently vocalizing י א ס ףas yo.sip: Hiphil Imperfect 3 m.s of י ס ף. Hiphil Imperfect forms of י ס ףare also rendered by the future of π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι at 20:9a and 34:32b while the only other occurrence of א ס ףis rendered by σ υ ν ά γ ω at j.39:12b. Since R realized the verb as a Hiphil, there is no disparity in meaning between Greek and Hebrew. 4 2 6
A t 30:30b M T ח ר הis rendered σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η or σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν by R. The problem of different readings attested for R may be handled summarily. The evidence is as follows: l
30:30b ( ו ע צ מ י ־ ח ו ־ ה מ נ י ־ ח ר בM T w3 asmt) OG3():30b ( τ ά δέ ό σ τ α μ ο υ ά π ο κ α ύ μ α τ ο ς . ) Α ρ ρ I 30:30b ά π ο κ α ύ μ . ] pr σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η / / / / C 248 S 253' 706 795 (-φριγη); pr (Χ Ο) σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν Ο d 296 480 Aeth O I ; + σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η L " - 3 3 6 6 1 3 - ; ׳ + σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν S -644 Α ρ ρ I I 30:30b ά π ο κ α ύ μ . ] θ ' pr Χ σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η 7 4 0 ; θ ' pr >κ σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν S y h m
a > m
r a
Although M T vocalizes ו ע צ מ יas ws'axmi (1 c.s pronominal suffix), clearly O G realized the Consonantal Text as 'asamay ( 1 pronominal suffix). Nothing corresponding to ו ע צ מ יis attested for R. Whether he had plural or singular for 'bones' is not really relevant. A singular verb would follow the Schema Atticum; a plural verb would not. The fixed pattern of R in such a situation is to follow the
j36:2a, j37:14b,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
j38:37b, j39:3a, j 3 9 : l l b , j39:12b, j40:26b, j40:28a,
J40:30a,j41:]a,j41:26a,j42:7b,«> j42:7c To the above list six further instances may be added where discrepancy exists between R and his parent text in form, but not in meaning. Discussion is required, however, to clarify interpretative issues or questions of text. 9:15a א ש ר א ם ־ צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה A p p I I 9:15a'6ax1qei §1K0ac06^cro|i0c1, OVK 0OT0Kp18f|creT0a p.01
number of the verb in the Hebrew. One may safely assume, then, that the singular verb is correct in representing R. The Passive voice of cr\)|i(pp\)Y0) and the Qal Stem of ח ר הare equivalent in meaning (see B D B , H A L , s.v ח ר הand Liddell-Scott, s.v. cr\>|i(pp\)YC0). In addition, two times forms of ח ר הfrom the Qal Stem are rendered by Aorist Indicative Passive forms of 0\)(i6co (32:5c, j42:7b). In these instances as well, the Passive voice of 6u|i60) and the Qal Stem of ח ר הare equivalent in voice (see Liddell-Scott, s.v. ׳9up6c0). Thus alt occurrences of ח ר הrendered by R have equivalents in Greek in the Passive voice. 4 2 7
In 31:31b M T has נ ש ב עvocalized nUba\ The form is incorrectly identified by the
lexica as a Niphal Participle, m.s of ( ש ב עso B D B , s.v. ט ב ע, K B , s.v. ט ב ע, and H A L , s.v. בע4)ט. Seventy-eight of 97 occurrences of the verb ש ב עin M T are Qal, 2 are Piel, and 16 are H i p h i l (cf. Even-Shoshan, s.v.). Only Job 31:31b is listed by the lexica as Niphal. As the rendering תגן:ג,וז0ז6ןו0ז6גן£9>ג6 shows, R rightly read the form נ ש ב עas Qal Imperfect 1 c p l (Pausal Form), a reading more suited to the normal usage of the verb. Contextually it gives good sense as well (see Habel, 424 and Pope, 227, 236-237, and especially Gordis. 342, 352-353). O G interpreted נ ש ב עthe same way. Analysis as a Niphal Participle is based on exegetical ingenuity (cf. Driver and Gray, 1:270, 2:227, Dhorme, 464-465, Fohrer, 424, 426, 440, Hartley, 419). Since the Qal Stem has the meaning 'be satisfied', the Greek and Hebrew are equivalent semantically. 4 2 s
On j37:14b, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387.
4 2 9
On j38:18a, see discussion on 23:15d(=bMT), n. 387.
4 3 0
M T י ב ר תin 40:28a is rendered by SiaOrjcrexai in R. The Future of 51a־ci6r||j.1 is
deponent in Hellenistic Literature (Bauer, s.v.) 43
O n j42:7b, see discussion on j30:30b, n. 426.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
While M T realizes א ע נ הas 'e'eneh, (Qal Imperfect 1 c.s), it is probable that R vocalized א ע נ הas 'taneh
(Niphal Imperfect, 1 c.s). Consequently " I will be an-
swered" is nicely transformed as ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι . A difference exists between R and his parent text at the level of surface structure, but not at the level of deep structure. 18:15b י ז ר ה ע ל ־ כ ו ה ו ג פ ר י ת 18:15b Χ κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι τ ά ε υ π ρ ε π ή α ύ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί φ . / In 18:15b M T vocalized י ז ר חas yazoreh (Pual Imperfect 3 m.s). As argued earlier, R read י ז ר הbut vocalized yizreh (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s) or yazQreh (Piel Imperfect 3 m.s). The rendering κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι is a passive transform: "One shall scatter over his good looks with brimstone," is realized in surface structure as "His good looks will be sprinkled with burning sulphur." Hence agreement does exist between R and his parent text although the concord is at the level of deep structure rather than at the level of surface structure. 432
20:20b ב ח מ ו ד ו ל א י מ ל ט 20:20b Χ έ ν έπιθυμίς* α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ύ σ ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι . / At 20:20b the form י מ ל טis vocalized yamallet in M T (Piel Imperfect 3 m.s), whereas the rendering σ ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι indicates that R likely read yimmalet (Niphal Imperfect 3 m.s). Elsewhere R renders forms of מ ל טonly two times, employing the Deponent φ ύ ο μ α ι for the Piel in 22:30a and the Passive of σ φ ζ ω for the Niphal in 22:30b. This evidence corroborates the proposal that R realized the Consonantal Text as Niphal rather than as Piel in 20:20b. Perhaps the case of 20:20b may not appear as clear-cut or obvious as 37:4c where α κ ο ύ σ ε ι proves that R read yisma' rather than yissarna', but the high proportion of concord between R and M T in the treatment of voice points to a similar solution. Therefore the parent text of R in 20:20b is assumed to be yimmalet and the Greek and the Hebrew agree in voice. 22:14a ע ב י ם ס ת ר ־ ־ ל ו ו ל א י ר א ה 22:14a Χ ν έ φ η α π ό κ ρ υ φ η α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι ο ύ χ ό ρ α θ ή σ ε τ α ι / While M T realizes י ר א הasyir'eli, (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s), it is probable that R vocalized י ר א הas yera'eh (Niphal Imperfect, 3 m.s), as his rendering ό ρ α θ ή σ ε τ α ι shows. Since the first half of 22:14a affirms that "clouds are his hiding-place," it is
S e e p. 221.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
likely that R understood the second half o f the line to indicate the result: "and he will not be seen." The context considered by R is limited. The reading tradition of M T makes sense in the broader context of 22:13a: "Can he judge through thick darkess?" Eliphaz accuses Job of answering negatively: "Clouds cover him and he cannot see." The parent text of R in 22:14a is assumed to be yira'ch and therefore his rendering agrees formally. 30:13a כ ת ם ו נ ת י ב ת י (They broke / tore up my path) 30:13a Χ έ ξ ε τ ρ ί β η σ α ν τρίβοι μ ο υ , / ׳ In M T נ ת י ב ת יis the object of the verb; the 3 subject is the nameless adversaries and enemies opposing Job—almost equivalent to an indefinite subject. R construes נ ת י ב ת יas the subject and because of the plural verb read natthotay rather than naiibeti as in M T . The verb נ ת סis a ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T but is generally interpreted as an allomorph of נ ת ץwhich is well attested. Whether or not R knew the root נ ת סis uncertain; no cases o f נ ת ץrendered by R occur and no L X X Translator employed έ κ τ ρ ί β ω for . נתץHis rendering may be a contextual guess. Yet the Passive έ ξ ε τ ρ ί β η σ α ν could be explained either by reading the Consonantal Text as a Niphal, niltasu., or by understanding the form as a Stative. Therefore this case should be evaluated as a rendering agreeing in meaning. 433
31:4a י ר א ה ד ר כ י 31:4b י ס פ ו ר
31:4a Χ ο υ χ ί α υ τ ό ς δ ψ ε τ α ι όδόν μ ο υ / 31:4b Χ κ α ι π ά ν τ α τ ά δ ι α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε τ α ι ; / In 31:4b M T ( י ס פ ו רQal Imperfect 3 m.s) is rendered by έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ ή σ ε τ α ι (Future Indicative Passive 3 s) in R. The change from Active to Passive might be motivated theologically, but the possibility is unlikely since R closely follows M T in rendering the question "Does not he see my way?" in 31:4a and God is the subject there. Also to be rejected is the suggestion that R had ( י ס פ רdefective spelling) in his parent text and vocalized the form yisstip&r (Niphal Imperfect 3 m . s ) since צ ע ד יis 435
4 3 3
See B D B , s.v.
4 3 4
See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. eKxpifJa).
and H A L , s.v.
K e n n i c o t t lists thirty-three MSS ( 1 , 18, 30, 76, 80, 82, 93, 94, 111, 117, 118, 137, 155, 164, 166, 170, 172, 188, 191, 192, 196, 224, 231, 235, 237, 240, 245, 252, 253, 259,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
plural both in the reading tradition of M T and of R. But what is probable is the possibility of a metathesis reading י ס פ ר וbased upon י ס פ ו רand vocalized yissap9rtX (Niphal Imperfect 3 The case is classified, then, under Agreement in Voice. No Agreement in Voice. (3 Times) There are three cases where no agreement exists between R and M T in voice. No particular pattern is evident. Perhaps two instances of the three (36:27b, j36:28b) ought really to be listed among the six instances just treated since agreement at the functional level is argued. Nonetheless, interpretative problems exist and disagreement at the formal level is clear. 36:27a • כ י י כ ר ע נ ס פ י ־ מ י (He draws up drops of water) 36:27b י ז ק ו מ ס ר ל א ד ו (They distil as rain for his fresh-water / subterranean streams) 36:27b X lcai ernxuGtiaovxai texS eiq v e t p e ^ v / 36:27a M T is included to provide context. In 36:27b, £7ctX־06f|aovxa1 in R corresponds to י ז ק וin M T . The form of the Greek verb is Future Indicative Passive 3 pi of erc1%ea) and the form of the Hebrew verb is Qal Imperfect 3 of ז ק ק. Forms of ז ק קare rare in M T . A complete count reveals 2 Qal forms (Jb 28:1, 36:27), 1 Piel form ( M a i 3:3), and 4 Pual forms (1 Chr 28:18, 29:4, Ps 12:7, Is 25:6). A meaning of 'purify' or 'refine' is fitting for all contexts except 36:27b, even though debate exists
260, 264, 664) which have the reading י ס פ רand two MSS which have י ס פ ו רwhere the waw is supra rasura. These are the only variants recorded for י ס פ ו רin 31:4b by Kennicott.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
over the method or process of purification: by fire or by f i l t e r . Five instances involve the purifying of metals and one the refining of w i n e . In 36:27b, however, the context is different and the meaning of ז ק קhere is therefore unclear. Nor is it easy to make sense o f the rendering of R in 36:27b. The verb έ π ι χ έ ω normally means 'to pour on / over' in both Gassical and Hellenistic Greek. A t first glance, this meaning does not seem suitable; also, the dative ύ ε τ ω appears awkward. Probably the sense is 'be poured out", hence 'be brought together' or 'be collected'. The context requires a rendering like 'They [drops of water] will be collected for rain into a cloud." These lexical and syntactic problems in both M T and R make comparison difficult. Nevertheless, assessment of translation technique in respect to voice is not hopelessly uncertain. It is clear that disagreement exists on the formal level. It is also reasonably clear on the functional level that ת ק רis intransitive and that έ π ι χ υ θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι is either intransitive or passive. Thus M T and R are roughly equivalent on the functional level. 437
36:28b י ד ע פ ו ע ל י א ד ם ר ב (They drip upon many people) App I I 36:28b Χ γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ π ' α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς / (They will cast darkness / gloom over many people) In M T ( י ר ע פ וQal Imperfect 3 is rendered γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι (Future Indicative Passive) by R. The Hebrew verb ר ע ףis fairly rare, occurring only five times in M T .
4 3 9
Nonetheless the lexical meaning is not uncertain: either 'drip' or
4 3 6
Pope derives p r in Jb 28:1 from Akkadian zaqaqu, 'to blow' and notes that the Arabic word ziqq, 'sack' is applied especially to the bellows of the forge (Pope, 200, cf. Dhorme, 553). Yet p r in Jb 36:27b is considered by some scholars to be from a homonymous root unrelated to ppT in Jb 28:1 (so Hartley, 475, Gordis, 420, and cf. Driver and Gray, 2:282, Pope, 267, and Habel, 496 on Jb 36:27b). H A L gives 'to filter' as the basic meaning and interprets Jb 28:1 in terms of the panning process where gold is washed with water (see H A L , s.v.). This approach works well with Is 25:6 where the context is wine. The nouns I pT, 'flaming arrows' and I I p t 'fetter' appear to be unrelated to ppT (see B D B and H A L , s.v.). 4 3 7
The five occurrences involving purifying of metals are: ( M a i 3:3, Ps 12:7, Jb 28:1, 1 Chr 28:18, 29:4). 'Fire' or 'furnace' is in the contexts of M a i 3:3, Ps 12:7. The con text of Is 25:6 involves the purification of wine. 4 3 8
Cf. ouyxeco, 'commingle'.
4 3 9
The five occurrences are: Ps 65:12, 65:13, Prv 3:20, Jb 36:28, Is 45:8.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
'shower' is the sense. R, however, may not have known the word; his rendering appears to be a contextual guess. Moreover there is a possibility is that he had ע ר פ ל in mind. The noun ע ר פ לoccurs just once in the portion of M T rendered by R and the equivalent in Greek is γ ν ό φ ο ς (22:13b). No other occurrences of γ ν ό φ ο ς or γ ν ο φ ό ω occur in R besides 22:13b and 36:28b. Once again, while a lexical problem makes comparison difficult, assessment of translation technique in respect to voice is not uncertain. Though γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι is Passive in form, it is surely intransitive in function. 39:3a י ל ד י ה ן ת פ ל ח נ ה
39:3a A p p I I έ ν δ ώ σ ο υ σ ι τ ά π α ι δ ί α αύτχδν, δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς α υ τ ά Analysis above showed that while the verb ת פ ל ח נ הin 39:3a is vocalized tapallahna in M T (Piel Imperfect, 2 of ) פ ל ח, R likely read I9pallatenn& (Piel Imperfect, 2 m.s of פ ל טplus 3 f.s pronominal suffix) and construed י ל ד י ה ןas the object of ת כ ר ע נ הinstead of . תפלחנהThis difference, then, between M T and R in 39:3a is textual. Moreover both the form in R and the form in his proposed parent text or in M T are Active. But what about the rendering of ת כ ר ע נ הby έ ν δ ω σ ο υ σ ι ? Are not Greek and Hebrew equivalent in voice at the formal level? A n object, however, is normal in Greek for έ ν δ ί δ ω μ ι , but not for כ ר עin Hebrew. This discrepancy between M T and R in regard to the first verb in the verse is due to the difference between M T and R in regard to the second verb as just outlined. The line in R could be rendered "They will give up their children, [but] you will save them." R has developed a meaning for the first half of the line consistent with his interpretation of the second half. Thus at the functional level, M T and R differ. 441
In conclusion, R closely follows his source text in the matter of voice. 23:9b furnishes an interesting illustration of the literalism o f R in this respect: 23:9a ת ו ו ל א ־ א ח ז£ ? ש מ א ו ל ב ע 23:9b י ע ט ף י מ י ן ו ל א א ר א ה 23.9a Χ α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά π ο ν ή σ α ν τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι ο ύ κ α τ έ σ χ ο ν 23:9b Χ π ε ρ ι β ά λ ε ι δ ε ξ ι ά , κ α ι ο ύ κ δ ψ ο μ α ι . /
4 4 0
See B D B and H A L , s.v. ר ע ף.
4 4 1
See above, pp. 166f.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The meaning of ע ט ףin 23:9b is somewhat uncertain; the main possibilities are either 'incline', 'turn' or 'cover oneself, 'envelop oneself. What is clearer is that in Post Biblical Hebrew and Jewish Aramaic ע ט ףmeans 'cover oneself and in Syriac the meaning is 'clothe onself . R employs π ε ρ ι β ά λ λ ω , indicating he knew the meaning 'cover oneself. Normally, however, the Medio-Passive is employed in Greek for 'clothe oneself. Yet R simply gives an Active form for the Qal Stem; this equation is standard. There is no reason to believe that π ε ρ ι β ά λ ε ι is here reflexive. While one might propose δ ε ξ ι ά as subject and π ε ρ ι β ά λ ε ι without explicit object, given the context of 23:9a it is better to assume no explicit subject for π ε ρ ι β ά λ ε ι and then to read δ ε ξ ι ά as adverbial Accusative: "He will encompass on the right and I will not see". * 442
4 4 3
The evidence of each individual rendering as revealed in the discussions in the footnotes also shows that while R is literal, he is context sensitive and not unduly mechanical. 3.1.2. Participles. Following the main section on finite verbs are separate subsections on infinitives, participles, and the pseudoverbs י שand א י ן. Participles, being the most numerous, are analyzed in the first subsection. In the portion of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R there are a total of 54 participles. Three of these, however, are construed as nouns by R: 9:15b ל מ ש פ ט י א ת ח נ ן 9:15b Χ τ ο υ κ ρ ι μ α τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ε η θ ή σ ο μ α ν /
4 4 2
See B D B , s.v. and H A L , s.v. Driver and Gray, 2:161, Dhorme, 347, 348, Pope, 172, and Hartley, 339, argue for 'turn' while Gordis, 261, and Habel, 344, opt for 'cover oneself. 4 4 3
See Datman, s.v. and Payne Smith, s.v.
4 4 4
See Bauer, s.v.
4 4 5
So Sir Lancelot C. L . Brenton, The Septuagint With Apocrypha: Greek and English (London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1851, Reprint, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, n.d.), ad loc. 44
^ Cf. C. Thomson, The Septuagint Bible: The Oldest Version of the Old Testament, Edited and revised by C. A . Muses (Indian Hills, Colorado: Falcon's Wing Press, 1954), ad loc.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In 9:15b R read hmispatd for M T Umsop9lt. The form in M T is a Poel Participle m.s derived from ש פ טwith a לpreposition prefix and a 1 c.s pronominal suffix. R has read the noun milpat with a לpreposition prefix and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. 28:4a פ ר ץ כ ח ל מ ע ם ־ ב ר 28:4a χ δ ι α κ ο π ή χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ ά π ό κ ο ν ί α ς - / Earlier it was pointed out that in 28:4a R read gir for M T gar. The form in M T is a Qal Active Participle, m.s from ג ר ר. The word gir means 'chalk' and κ ο ν ί α is an adequate equivalent in Hellenistic Greek. 447
36:33b מ ק כ ה א ף ע ל ־ ע ו ל ה 36:33b x κ τ ή σ ι ς κ α ι π ε ρ ί α δ ι κ ί α ς . / In 36:33b R read 'awld for M T 'oleh. The form in M T is a Qal Active Participle m.s of ע ל הalthough admittedly this is one of the problematic passages of the Hebrew J o b . R has read the noun '( ע ו ל הinjustice'). 448
Fifty-one participles remain. Tn addition to this number there are two cases where the form in M T is a finite verb but was construed as a participle by R. These were discussed earlier at different places, but for completeness the evidence is gathered here in summary: 449
22:16b • כ ה ר י ו צ ק י ס ו ד 22:16b Χ π ο τ α μ ό ς έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω ν οί θ ε μ έ λ ι ο ι α ύ τ ω ν . / M T vocalizes י ו צ קas y&saq, Hophal Imperfect 3 m.s. Apparently R read yd$eq, Active Qal Participle m.s, since he rendered by έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω ν . 35:15a כ י ־ א ץ פ ק ד א פ ו
35:15a Χ κ α ι ν υ ν , ό τ ι ο ϋ κ έ σ τ ι ν ε π ι σ κ ε π τ ό μ ε ν ο ς ό ρ γ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ /
4 4 7
For full analysis see above, p. 88.
4 4 8
See for example, Driver and Gray, 2:285-287, Dhorme, 557-558, Gordis, 423-424, and Habel, 499. 4 4 9
See above, pp. 190 and 201.
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
M T vocalizes א י ן פ ק רas 'ayin paqad, i.e. with פ ק רas Qal Perfect 3 m.s and א פ ו as the subject of the verb: "And now his anger punishes nothing." R instead read א י ן פ ק רas 'in poqld א פ וas the object of the participle.
As argued above,
(Qal Active Participle m.s) and understood
In all, then, there are 53 instances where one may compare how R renders participles in M T . Although this corpus is quite small, it exhibits definite patterns which are consistent with the emerging portrayal of R. The complete evidence is here presented according to the equivalents employed by R at the formal level. Functional categories are then used to explain the patterns. Frequencies are given i n parentheses in each heading. Hebrew Participle » Creek Participle. (33) Evidence. 452
j5:12a, 7:8a, jl2:20a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 1 2:23b, jl2:24a, 14:18a, j 18:4a, 21:29a, 22:16b, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 29:13a, 30:3b, 30:4a, 31:3b, 31:35a, 32:12b, 32:12c, 34:30a, 34:31a, 35:9a, 35:10a, j35:10b, 35:15a, 36:8a, 36:31b, 36:32b, 40:2b 453
4 5 0
So Dhorme, 536-537.
4 5 1
See above, p. 201.
4 5 2
In 12:23a R rendered M T K3<־E?n by π λ ά ν ω ν . Although maigi' in M T is a Hiphil
Participle m.s of Κ 3 ί ΰ , 'become great', R clearly understood a Hiphil Participle m.s of ΠΠΚί, 'err' or 'stray'. This difference between R and M T is lexical, not morphological, and is not relevant to his method of rendering Hebrew participles. 4 5 3
R has έ κ π ε τ ά ζ ω ν for M T TK?־1 )־in 26:9a. A variety of proposals have been made
to explain the anomalous form H A L , s.v.
vocalized parsez in M T (see B D B , s.v.
Driver and Gray, 2:179-180, Dhorme, 373, Fohrer, 382,
Gordis, 279, Pope 184, Hartley, 364). One need not, however, cut the Gordian Knot lexically and morphologically to compare M T and R. The rendering of R sufficiently demonstrates that he understood TE?־1D as a participle meaning 'spreading'. Since the hymnic participle predominates in 26:7-9 (four instances besides
R is certainly
correct in analyzing the form as a participle and the meaning 'spread' is quite suited to the context. 4 5 4
The evidence for 34:30a is as follows:
34:30a י ע ם0 מ מ ל ך א ר ם ח נ ף מ מ ק
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials Analysis. The 33 cases where R employed a participle in Greek for a participle in Hebrew can be compared further in respect to (1) number, (2) aspect, (3) voice, and (4) articulation. Number. As far as number is concerned, in all 33 instances the number of the participle in Greek matches the number of the participle in H e b r e w . This adds further support for the characterization of R as a literalistic translator. 456 Aspect. The matter of aspect is not as simple as that of number. From a formal perspective Hebrew has only one participle which is regarded by scholarship
34:30a Χ- β α σ ι λ ε ύ ω ν ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ν ύ π ο κ ρ ι τ ή ν / 34:30b χ ά π ο δ υ σ κ ο λ ί α ς λ α ο ύ . / The line (34:30a) is one of the problems in the Hebrew Job (see Driver and Gray, 1:300-301, 2:262, Dhorme, 524-525, Gordis, 392-393, Pope, 260, Habel, 476, Hartley, 459). M T vocalizes מ מ ל ךas mimmslOk (Qal Bound Infinitive of מ ל ךplus ρ preposition) whereas the rendering β α σ ι λ ε ύ ω ν followed by ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in the Accusative Case indicates that R vocalized mamlik (Hiphil Participle m.s of ) מ ל ך. The reading of R is taken as the basis of comparison between the Greek and the Consonantal Text of M T . 4 5 5
The evidence for 34:31a is as follows:
34:31a ה א מ ר
34:31a Χ δ τ ι π ρ ο ς τ ο ν ί σ χ υ ρ ό ν ό λ έ γ ω ν / M T vocalizes ה א מ רas he'amar (Qal Perfect 3 m.s plus interrogative marker). The rendering ό λ έ γ ω ν shows that R vocalized ח א מ רas ha'omer (Qal Active Participle m.s plus article). The basis of comparison between the Greek and the Consonantal Text of M T is the reading of R. 4 5 6
Six participles are plural in both Hebrew and Greek (21:29a, 30:3b, 30:4a, 31:3b, 35:9a, 36:8a) and 27 are singular 05:12a, 7:8a, j!2:20a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, jl2:24a, 14:18a, jl8:4a, 22:16b, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 29:13a, 31:35a, 32:12b, 32:12c, 34:30a, 34:31a, 35:10a, j35:10b, 35:15a, 36:31b, 36:32b, 40:2b).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
as being durative in aspect. Greek, however, has three participles; the 'tense' of the participle is a matter of aspect and not of temporality. The Aorist Participle is aspectually neutral, presenting a bare event. The aspect of the Present Participle may be broadly described as durative. '' The aspect of the Perfect Participle stresses a state. *' Consequently anyone rendering participle for participle in a translation from Hebrew to Greek would face three options. 458
Based upon the agentive character of the attributive participle in Hebrew one would expect a Present Participle in Greek in a majority of situations, especially if the lexical nature o f the verb demands emphasis on the process. Yet by definition, an Aorist or Perfect Participle might suit just as well, if required by the context or semantic situation. Nonetheless the main question is, does R demonstrate a standard equation in his translation and when and why does he deviate from this, i f ever? One may not be surprised to find that R employed a Present Participle in 31 instances, an Aorist Participle in one instance (35:10a), and a Perfect Participle in one instance (36:8a). 462
The equivalence normally used by R may be illustrated by four examples; the first and second are renderings of a 'hymnic' participle, the third and fourth are not. Indeed, durative aspect is appropriate to the context in all 31 occurrences. 463
4 5 7
See A . B . Davidson, Hebrew Syntax, 3rd ed. (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1901), 130, S. R. Driver, A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892), 35-36, Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.1, and also Muraoka-Jouon, § 121c. 4 5 8
So, for example, Blass-Debrunner, § 318. The matter is now definitively proven by Porter, 377-388. 4 5 9
Sometimes the Aorist Participle is described as punctiliar in aspect. See especially, in recent research, Fanning, 413-416 and Porter, 75-109,163-239, 378. 4 6 0
See Fanning, 408-413 and Porter, 366-391.
4 6 1
See Fanning, 416-418 and Porter, 392-401.
4 6 2
The 31 instances are: j5:12a, 7:8a, jl2:20a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, jI2:24a, 14:18a, j 18:4a, 21:29a, 22:16b, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26;8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 29:13a, 30:3b, 30:4a, 31:3b, 31:35a, 32:12b, 32:12c, 34:30a, 34:31a. 35:9a, j35:10b, 35:15a, 36:31b, 36:32b, 40:2b. 4 6 3
Out of the 31 occurrences of Present Participles, 12 are renderings of the 'hymnic' participle in Hebrew, that is, ascriptions of praise of the works which are characteris tic of God. The 12 occurrences are: j5:12a, j 12:20a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, j 12:24a, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 34:30a.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
26:7a נ ט ה צ פ ו ן ע ל ־ ת ה ו 26:7a 5s έ κ τ ε ί ν ω ν β ο ρ έ α ν έ π ' ο υ δ έ ν , / 26:7b ת ל ה א ר ץ ע ל ־ כ ל י ־ מ ה 26:7b Χ κ ρ ε μ ά ζ ω ν γ η ν έ π ι ούδενός· / 22:16b נ ה ר י ו צ ק י ם ו ד ם 22:16b Χ π ο τ α μ ό ς έ π φ ρ ε ω ν οί θ ε μ έ λ ι ο ι α υ τ ώ ν . / 31:3b ו נ ב ר ל פ ע ל י א ו ן 31:3b Χ κ α ι ά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ί ω σ ι ς τ ο ι ς π ο ι ο υ σ ι ν ά ν ο μ ί α ν ; / On the other hand, the Aorist and the Perfect Participles occur uniquely in the extant material: 35:10a ו ל א ־ א מ ר א י ה א ל ו ה עשוי 35:10a Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ εΤπεν Π ο υ έ σ τ ι ν ό θ ε ό ς ό π ο ι ή σ α ς μ ε , / The Aorist Participle π ο ι ή σ α ς is employed by R to render עע{י. Given the nature of the act, a durative participle would be inappropriate. 36:8a ב ז ק י ם
36:8a Χ κ α ι ε ϊ π ε π ε δ η μ έ ν ο ι έ ν χ ε ι ρ ο π έ δ α ι ς
The Perfect Participle π ε π ε δ η μ έ ν ο ι is employed by R to render א פ ו ר י ם. Since the Hebrew Passive Participle is describing a state in this context, the Greek Perfect suits very well whereas the Present Participle would be inappropriate. 464
Concerning aspect, then, an analysis of participles in M T rendered by Greek participles in R reveals an approach on the part of R that is literalistic and yet sensifive to context and semantic situation.
4 6 4
According to Waltke and O'Connor, König claimed that qatCd and qätil can be distinguished. Apparently he advocated that a form like א ס י רfocussed on entering into a state whereas a form like א ס ו רreferred to the state itself. But Waltke and O'Connor note Kethiv I Qere variation which puts König's view in doubt (WaltkeO'Connor, § 37.4e and n. 36). Gesenius presents a standard view when he affirms that a Oal Passive Participle "always corresponds to a Latin or Greek perfect participle passive" ( G K C § 116c).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Voice. The matter of voice is quite straightforward. As indicated, R employs Greek participles for Hebrew participles in 33 instances. Two instances are Passive Participles in Hebrew and 31 are Active. The equivalents R employs for the 2 instances of Passive Participles in Hebrew are Medio-Passive in form and passive in function. The equivalents provided for the 31 Active Participles are all active in func t i o n . Thus the correspondence between the Greek and the Hebrew participles in regard to voice is complete. 465 Articulation. Articulation is the fourth and final point of comparison for the 33 cases where R employed a Greek participle for a Hebrew participle. The analysis below uses the same categories established earlier in the discussion on nouns: (1) free forms, i.e. forms which can show the presence of the article in a consonantal text, (2) indeterminate forms, i.e. free forms with inseparable preposi tions which, therefore, do not show the presence of the article in a consonantal text, and (3) bound forms, i.e. forms with pronominal suffixes or forms functioning as nomen regens in a bound nominal phrase. As before, NR stands for nomen regens. (1) Free Forms Total 1. Arthrous in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 2. Arthrous in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R: 3. Anarthrous in Hebrew » Arthrous in R:
27. 3.46«
0. 2.467
4. Anarthrous in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R (2) Indeterminate Forms Total 5. Arthrous in M T » Arthrous in R:
2. 0.
465 Four instances involve deponent forms: 21:29a, 29:13a, 32:12c, 35:15a. 4
* T h e 3 occurrences are: 30:3b, 30:4a, 34:31a.
4 6 7
The 2 occurrences are: 26:9a, j35:10b. s
« T h e 22 occurrences are: j5:12a, j 12:20a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, j 12:24a, 14:18a, j 18:4a, 22:16b, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9b, 29:13a, 31:35a, 32:12b, 32:12c, 34:30a, 35:9a, 35:15a, 36:8a, 40:2b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
6. Arthrous in M T » Anarthrous in R:
7. Anarthrous in M T » Arthrous in R:
1. (36:31b)
8. Anarthrous in M T » Anarthrous in R:
1. (36:32b)
(3) Bound Forms With Pronominal Suffixes Total 1. Arthrous in R:
2. 1. (35:10a)
2. Anarthrous in R:
1. (7:8a)
(4) Bound Forms Functioning As Nomen Regens Total
1. N R 2. N R 3. N R 4. N R
Definite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 0. Definite in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R: 0. Indefinite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 1. (31:3b) Indefinite in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R: 1. (21:29a) Although the data arc hardly sufficient for conclusive judgements, category for category the proportions do not differ significantly from those for the articulation of nominals discussed earlier and necessitate no modifications to the developing portrayal of R . 469 Hebrew Participle » Greek Noun. (9) Evidence. 9:24b, jl9:25a, 20:20b, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , 24:15a, 26:5b, 37:18b, 39:18b, j42:7c Analysis. Since the rendering of an participle in Hebrew by a noun in Greek involves substituting a different word class, all 9 cases deserve full presentation and some analysis. 9:24b י כ ס ה
9:24b x π ρ ό σ ω π α κ ρ ι τ ώ ν α υ τ ή ς σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ε ι
S e e pp. 117-132.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The form sopi! functions sometimes as a noun (e.g. D t 16:18) and sometimes as a verb (e.g. 1 Sm 3:13) in Biblical H e b r e w . In 9:24b, the equivalent employed by R is a noun ( κ ρ ι τ ή ς ) and adequately reflects the substantival use oiMpet there. 470
19:25a ) ו א נ י י ד ע ת י ( ג א ל י ח י A p p I I 19:25a... ό ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ ή
4 7 1
Formally ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς is an excellent equivalent for go'el since - ε ύ ς is a common ending identifying agent nouns in G r e e k and go'el functions as an agent noun in Hebrew. I t is not certain that the equivalence originated with R, yet it fits his method w e l l . The equivalence does illustrate that R knew the language of the Septuagint. 472
20:20b ב ח מ ו ד ו ל א י מ ל ט 20:20b SK έ ν ε π ι θ υ μ ί α α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ύ σ ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι . / In 20:20b R rendered M T ב ח מ ו ד וby έ ν έπιθυμίς* α ύ τ ο ΰ . While commentators propose differing interpretations of the l i n e ,
ח מ ו ד וis clearly Q a l Passive
4 7 0
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.2, who base themselves on B. Kedar-Kopfstein, "Semantic Aspects o f the Pattern Qotsl" Hebrew Annual Review 1 (1977): 155-76 and idem, "Die Stammbildung qötel als Übersetzungsproblem," Zeitscrift für die Aluestamenlliche Wissenschaft254-279:(1981)׳ 9 3 . 4 7 1
C (Chr) have only preserved a rendering attributed to θ ' for the last part of 19:25a.
4 7 2
See Buck, 316.
Forms of go'el I gö'Sl occur 46 times in M T (see Even-Shoshan, s.v. ג א ל, ) ג ו א ל. The equivalents employed by L X X Translators are as follows: ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ω ν Lv 25:25, 25:26, N m 5:8, 35:12, 35:19, 35:21, 35:24, 35:25, 35:27, 35:27, D t 19:6, 19:12, Jos 20:3, 20:5 ( A ) , 20:9, R u 2:20, ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς (beside Jb 19:25a) Ru 3:9, 3:12, 3:12, 4:1, 4:3, 4:6, 4:8, 4:14, 2 Kgs(Sm) 14:11, 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 16:11, α ν τ ι λ α μ β α ν ό μ ε ν ο ς Is 49:26, έ ξ α ι ρ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ς Is 60:16, λ υ τ ρ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ς Is 41:14, 43:14, 44:24, Jer 27(50):34, Ps 102(103):4, Prv 23:11, λ υ τ ρ ω τ ή ς Ps 18(19):15, 77(78):35, ρ υ ό μ ε ν ο ς G n 48:16, Is 59:20, ρ υ σ ά μ έ ν ο ς Is 44:6, 47:4, 48:17, 49:7, 54:5, 54:8, ρ ΰ σ α ι Is 63:16. 4 7 3
4 7 4
See for example, Driver and Gray, 1:179, 2:139, Dhorme, 299-300, Pope, 150, Gordis, 218, Habel, 312, 318, and Hartley, 302.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Participle m.s plus 3 m.s pronominal suffix. substantive,
The passive participle may be rare as a
yet the rendering of R is contextually suitable.
22:2a י ם כ ך ג ב ר
(Can a man be profitable to God?) 22:2b ) כ י ־ ( י ס כ ן ע ל י מ ו מ ש כ י ל ([No!] But a wise man can be of service to himself) 22:2 Π ό τ ε ρ ο ν ο ύ χ ι ό κ ύ ρ ι ο ς έ σ τ ι ν ό δ ι δ ά σ κ ω ν σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν κ α ι έ π ι σ τ ή μ η ν ; (Is not the L o r d the one who teaches knowledge and understanding?) A p p I I 22:2b ( ό τ ι ) κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ φ ' ύ μ α ς σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν (For he will cause understanding to rest upon y o u )
The interpretive problems raised by 22:2 apparently created difficulties for R as well as for modern scholars.
While a complete discussion here is unnecessary,
one may note at the outset that formally מ ש כ י לcan be understood either as an Agentive Noun (Hiphil Participle m.s of ) & כ לor as an Abstract N o u n .
The Greek
Psalms Translator employs σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς as a standard equivalent for the Abstract Noun מ ש כ י לin the superscriptions of the Psalms.
This is also the equivalent employed
by O G Job in 22:2 and R follows him without revision. 24:15a ו ע י ן נ א ף ש מ ר ה נ ש ף 24:15a 5« κ α ΐ ο φ θ α λ μ ό ς μ ο ι χ ο ύ έ φ ύ λ α ξ ε ν σ κ ό τ ο ς , /
4 7 5
So B D B and H A L , s.v. ח מ ד.
4 7 6
So Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.1c.
4 7 7
While Kaxa0KV־nvöca is normally intransitive, the context clearly requires a
transitive use in 22:2b (see Bauer, 418). 4 7 8
See for example Driver and Gray, 1:192, 2:153, Dhorme, 326, Gordis, 244-245, Pope, 164-165, Habel, 332, 337-338, Hartley, 323, n. 1. Even O G apparently had some struggle with this text; see Heater CBQMS, 70-71,136. 4 7 9
See B D B and H A L , s.v. מ ש כ י לand ש כ ל. Cf. 1 Sm 18:14, Ps 14:2, and Prv 15:24 as examples of the Agentive Noun and the Psalm Titles of Pss 32, 42, 44, 45, 52, 53, 54, 55, 74,88,89, 142 as examples of the Abstract Noun. See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
It is hardly surprising that R employed the agent noun μ ο ι χ ό ς for the participle no'ep in 24:15a. 481
26:5b • מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה 26:5b Χ ϋ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / Finite forms of ש כ ןare rendered by κ α τ α σ κ η ν ό ω twice in the Corpus of R (18:15a, 29:25b). In 26:5b R employs γ ε ί τ ω ν (a word which functions both as an Adjective and as a Noun in G r e e k ) for ש כ נ י ה ם, a bound form of the Qal Participle of ש כ ן. This rendering is quite suitable and demonstrates that R is contextually sensitive and flexible in his equivalents. It is also conceivable, of course, that R read ש כ נ י ה םas sikn&hem (Adjective sak£n, plus 3 suffix), but impossible to prove he had a different vocalization from M T . 482
37:18b כ ר א י מ ו צ ק
(Hard as a mirror of cast metal [=bronze]) 37:18b χ ϊ σ χ υ ρ α ι ώ ς ο ρ α σ ι ς έ π ι χ ύ σ ε ω ς . / The form musaq
in M T is analyzed as a Hophal Participle, m.s of י צ ק,
functioning as an Attributive Adjective modifying the noun
Alternatively one
might read מ ו צ קas a noun or as a participle functioning as a substantive.
מ ו צ קwould be the free member of a bound nominal phrase. R renders מ ו צ קby the noun έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς . A comparable instance may occur in 36:16b: 36:16b ר ח ב ל א ־ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י ה (To a broad place without restriction) 36.T6b Χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς , κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α ύ τ η ς · / According to the standard view of 36:16b, R read ( מ ו צ קmusaq M T , Pausal Form) as a noun from ( י צ קalthough most modern scholars believe the form is a noun from
4 8 1
On nouns in -oq as agent nouns, see Howard, Accidence, 334.
4 8 2
See Liddell-Scott, s.v.
4 8 3
So B D B , H A L , s.v. I י צ ק.
4 8 4
For מ ו צ קas a noun from י צ ק, see 1 Kgs 7:37 and Jb 38:38 (so B D B , s.v. I מ ו צ ק and H A L , s.v. I ) מ ו צ ק.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
['constrain'] ), and rendered
the word by κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς .
4 8 6
however, is insufficient to determine whether R read מ ו צ קin 37:18b as a noun or as a participle. It is sufficient to note that מ ו צ קmay be analyzed as a participle functioning as a substantive and that the rendering of R is suitable to this understanding. 39:18b ל ס ו ס ו ל ר כ כ ו
39:18b >ί κ α τ α γ ε λ ά σ ε τ α ι "ίππου κ α ι τ ο υ έ π ι β ά τ ο υ α ύ τ ο ΰ . / In 39:18b R rendered rokeb by έ π ψ ά τ η ς . The ending - τ η ς ( - τ ο υ ) identifies an agent noun in G r e e k and the Hebrew participle rokeb functions the same way. 487
42:7c כ י ל א ד ב ר ת ם א ל י נ כ ו נ ה (For you have not spoken the right thing about me) A p p I I 42:7c ο ύ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α 488
Formally נ כ ו נ הis a Niphal Participle, f.s from . כוןIt functions, however, as an abstract n o u n . The equivalent employed by R is ε ύ θ ύ τ η ς , an abstract noun by termination. Apart from the omission of א ל י, the Greek matches the Hebrew fairly well. 489
In one or two instances, then, R may have read an attributive participle as a noun. Yet in all 9 instances the substantival use is a fair interpretation of the participie in Hebrew and either an agent noun, or an abstract noun are acceptable equivalents in Greek. The cases where R employed a Greek noun for a Hebrew participle can be compared further in respect to (1) articulation and (2) number. This evidence
4 8 5
See B D B , s.v. I I מ ו צ ק, H A L , s.v. I I ( מ ו צ קand cf. K B , s.v. I I ) מ ו צ ק, Driver and Gray, 1:312, 2:277, Dhorme, 545, Gordis, 406, 416, Pope, 267, Habel, 495, Hartley, 472. 4 8 6
A n alternative explanation is adopted below, p. 375. S e e Buck, 336.
4 8 8
See B D B , s . v . כ ו ן.
4 8 9
See B D B , H A L , s . v . כ ו ן. The feminine gender in Hebrew may be used to "express
neuter concepts" (R. J. Williams, Hebrew Syntax: An Outline, § 25). 4 9 0
On the ending - τ η ς ( - τ η τ ο ς ) , see Buck, 332-333.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
is presented in the next section where it may be conveniently joined with the same data for a Hebrew participle rendered by a Greek adjective, Hebrew Participle » Greek Adjective. (6) Evidence. jl2:20a, 15:10a, j 16:2b, 34:6b, 37:5a, j37:22b Analysis. Functional categories explain rendering a participle in Hebrew by an adjective in Greek. In four instances R used an adjective functioning as a substantive to render an attributive participle in Hebrew. In the remaining two instances he employed a predicate adjective in Greek for a predicate participle in Hebrew. These equivalents, then, are in accordance with the characteristic functions of participles in Hebrew. ' 49 Attributive Participle » Greek Substantival Adjective (4) 12:20a מ ס י ר ש פ ה ל נ א מ נ י ם A p p I I 12:20a π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω ν χ ε ί λ η α π λ α ν ώ ν In 12:20a R employed the adjective α π λ α ν ή ς as a substantive to render the Niphal Participle נ א מ נ י םwhich is also functioning as a substantive in M T . 15:10a ג ם ־ ט ב ג ס ־ ־ י ש י ש כ נ ר 15:10a Χ κ α ί γ ε π ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς κ α ί γ ε π α λ α ι ό ς έ ν ή μ ι ν The instance in 15:10a is interesting because a participle and an adjective in Hebrew are respectively rendered by a noun and an adjective in Greek. The forms in Hebrew have a substantival use. R attempts, where possible to match form as well as function. 16:2b ( מ נ ח מ י ע מ ל ) כ ל כ ם A p p I I 16:2b π α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ι κ ό π ω ν The bound form מ נ ח מ יis a Piel Participle from נ ח ם. Its function is substantival (nomen ageniis). The equivalent employed by R is an adjective ( π α ρ ά 4 9 1
On the basic functions of participles in Hebrew see G K C § 116, Joiion § 121, and Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.1.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
κ λ η τ ο ς ) functioning as a substantive. The substantival use of π α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ς is attested already in Classical G r e e k .
37:5a י ר ע ם א ל ב ק ו ל ו נ פ ל א ו ת (El thunders with his voice marvellously) 37:5a Χ β ρ ο ν τ ή σ ε ι ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς έ ν φ ω ν ή α ϋ τ ο ΰ θ α υ μ ά σ ι α · / Formally נ פ ל א ו תis a Niphal Participle of פ ל א, but the form functions in M T as an Abstract N o u n . The of the adjective θ α υ μ ά σ ι ο ς employed as a noun is a common equivalent for נ פ ל א ו תin Septuagint translators and especially in the Greek Psalms Translator. Hence R follows an established equivalent as he does in many places. 493
494 Predicate Participle » Greek Predicate Adjective (2) 34:6b ע2 ? א נ ו ש ח צ י ב ל י ־ פ 34:6b χ β ί α ι ο ν τ ό β έ λ ο ς μ ο υ ά ν ε υ α δ ι κ ί α ς . / 495
Difficulties exist in the interpretation of 34:6b. The line may possibly be rendered "Sick / Wounded by my arrow, although without transgression." The difficulty lies primarily with ח צ י. Habel rightly says, "Itissi is considered awkward by many scholars." Nonetheless,!£? אנוis not uncertain. The root ! א נ סmeans 'be sick / 496
4 9 2
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ς .
4 9 3
H A L , 876.
4 9 4
Bound and free forms of נ פ ל א ו תoccur 44 times in M T ; in 36 instances Septuagint translators use θ α υ μ ά σ ι α as an equivalent: Ex 3:20, Jos 3:5 [ A ] , Jgs 6:13, 1 Chr 16:9, 16:12, 16:24, Neh 9:17, Ps 9:1, 25(26):7. 39(40):5, 70{71):17, 71(72):18, 74(75):1, 77(78):4, 77(78):11, 77(78):12, 77(78):32, 85(86): 10, 95(96):3,104(105):2,104(105):5, 105(106):7, 105(106):22, 106(107):8, 106(107):15, 106(J07):21, 106(107):24, 106(107):31, I10(1U):4, 118(119):18, 118(119):27, 130(131):!, 135(136):4, 138(139):14,144(145):5, Jer 21:2. See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. θ α υ μ ά σ ι ο ς . 4 9 5
For a fair representation of various views, see Driver and Gray, 1:295, 2:253, Dhorme, 510-511, Pope, 254, 256, Gordis, 386, Habel, 475, and Hartley, 451. 4 9 6
Cf. Habel, 473.
4 9 7
Habel, 475.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
wounded' and the form א נ ו שis a Qal Passive Participle m.s. R differs lexically from modern scholars,
While the approach of
his analysis of א נ ו שas a predicate
participle cannot be faulted. 37:22b נ ו ר א ה ו ד
A p p I I 37:22b έ π ι τ φ θ ε φ μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α The form נ ו ר אis a Niphal Participle m.s and functions as predicate in a verbless clause. The equivalent in R is the Predicate Adjective μ ε γ ά λ η . The Greek and the Hebrew are not equivalent formally or lexically but the function is the same. Articulation and Number. The 6 cases where R employed a Greek adjective for an attributive participle in Hebrew can be compared further in respect to (1) articulation and (2) number. Articulation. Articulation for participles in Hebrew rendered by nouns or adjectives in Greek is analyzed in the same way as participles in Hebrew rendered in Greek by participles. Both cases o f Predicate Adjectives in R are, of course, anarthrous according to the demands of the target language. (1) Free Forms Total 1. Article in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 2. Article in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R:
8. 0. 0.
3. Anarthrous in Hebrew » Arthrous in R:
4 9 8
4 9 9
So B D B , s.v. א נ שand H A L , s.v. 2?אנ.
R employs β ί α ι ο ς ('forcible' / 'violent') for M T אנו^ז. Clearly he has read {אנוס deriving the form from ' א נ סto compel', 'to force'. As already noted, there are a number o f other places where M T and R differ over sibilants ( ס,fi?,and 2?): j4:2a, 12:23a, j22:2, j 2 8 : l l a , 36:24b, 37:3a, 41:24b. The root א נ סoccurs only twice in M T , one instance is Hebrew (Est 1:8) and the other is Aramaic (Dan 4:6) (see B D B and H A L , s.v. ) א נ ס. The verb א נ סis better known in Aramaic (see Dalman, s.v. א נ ס, and also Sokoloff, s.v. ) א נ ס.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
4. Anarthrous in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R:
(2) Indeterminate Forms Total 5. Article in M T » Arthrous in R: 6. Article in M T » Anarthrous in R:
1. 0. 0.
7. Anarthrous in M T » Arthrous in R:
8. Anarthrous in M T » Anarthrous in R:
1. (jT2:20b)
(3) Bound Forms With Pronominal Suffixes Total 1. Arthrous in R:
5. 3.
2. Anarthrous in R:
(4) Bound Forms Functioning As Nomen Regens Total
1. N R 2. N R 3. N R 4. N R
Definite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 0. Definite in Hebrew » Anarthrous in R: 0. Indefinite in Hebrew » Arthrous in R: 0. Indefinite in Hebrew » Anarthrous R: the proportions simply 1. (jl6:2b) The evidence is extremely limited,inyet confirm those for participles in Hebrew rendered by participles in Greek. Number. As far as number is concerned, in all 15 instances the number of the noun in Greek matches the number of the participle in H e b r e w . 503
5 0 0
T h e 8 occurrences are: 15:10a, 22:2( = b M T ) , 24:15a, 34:6b, 37:5a, 37:18b, j37:22b, j42:7c. 5 0 1
The 3 occurrences are: jl9:25a, 26:5b, 39:18b.
5 0 2
The 2 occurrences are: 9:24b, 20:20b.
5 0 3
F o u r forms are plural in both Hebrew and Greek (9:24b, j 12:20a, 26:5b, 37:5a) and 11 are singular (15:10a, jl6:2b, jl9:25a, 20:20b, j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) , 24:15a, 34:6b, 37:18b,j37:22b, 39:18b, J42:7c).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Hebrew Participle » Greek Finite Verb. (5)
j 15:20a, 18:10a, 28:3b, 29:19a, 37:12a Analysis. In ail five instances R is rendering a predicate participle in Hebrew. Analysis requires providing the complete evidence which is presented according to the finite tenses selected by R. 1. Predicate Participle » Greek Future Indicative (1) 37:12a ( ו ה ו א מ ס ב ו ת מ ת ה פ ך ) ב ת ח ב ו ל ת ו ל פ ע ל ם 37:12a χ κ α ι
κυκλώματα διαστρέψει /׳
2. Predicate Participle » Greek Present Indicative (2) 15:20a ע ה ו א ( מ ת ח ו ל ל1£?) כ ל ־ י מ י ד A p p I I 15:20a... μ α τ α ι ο ΰ τ α ι 28:3a &ם ל ח ש ך ( ו ל כ ל ־ ת כ ל י ת ה ו א ח ו ק ר7 ) ק ץ 28:3b Χ κ α ι π α ν π έ ρ α ς
έξακριβάζεται· /
3. Predicate Participle » Greek Perfect Indicative (3) 18:10a ב א ר ץ ח ב ל ו
18:10a Χ κ έ κ ρ υ π τ α ι έ ν τ ή γ η σ χ ο ι ν ί ο ν α ύ τ ο υ / 29:19a פ ת ו ח א ל י ־ מ י ם
29:19a x ή (Μζα δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ι έ π ι ύ δ α τ ο ς , / In three instances, Active Participles are rendered by a Present Active Indicative form in two cases 015:20a, 28:3b) and by a Future Active Indicative form in one case (37:12a). These three cases constitute the only verbless clauses rendered by R where the subject is a pronoun and the predicate is a participle. I n Biblical Hebrew the predicate participle normally emphasizes a circumstance which is continuous or durative without any particular reference to t i m e . Later, in Mishnaic Hebrew, the 504
5 0 4
See G K C § 116m-n, Joiion § 121a-d, and Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.6b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
participle functions primarily as a Present Tense. From either perspective, the expected equivalent in Greek is the Present Tense employed by R in j 15:20a and 28:3b. Yet the choice of Future Tense would also be appropriate since in Biblical Hebrew, as well as in Mishnaic Hebrew, the predicate participle may denote a circumstance accompanying a future event. In 37:12a R has employed a Future Tense instead of a Present Tense for contextual reasons; R had rendered the lmperfeet י פ י ץby the Future δ ι α σ κ ο ρ π ι ε ΐ in 37:11b, the previous stich. Therefore when the following clause is verbless, the use of a Future Tense is not surprising. 506
In the remaining two instances, Qal Passive Participles are rendered by Medio-Passive Perfect Indicative forms in Greek. Since the Greek Perfect denotes, in its basic sense, a state which results from a prior occurrence, the choice of finite form by R in 18:10a and 29:19a is suitable for rendering the predicate participles in Hebrew. The two instances where predicate participles in Hebrew are rendered by predicate adjectives in Greek are similar to the two cases rendered by Medio-Passive Perfect Indicative forms. One instance is a Qal Passive Participle (34:6b), the other is a Niphal Participle (37:22b). One might suggest that factors of a lexical nature may have motivated R in one context to employ a predicate adjective in Greek and in another a Perfect Tense. The difference semantically between the two choices does not seem significant. Such an explanation brings together the Predicate Adjective in 34:6b and the Medio-Passive Perfects in 18:10a and 29:19a in a satisfying way but is not successful in the case of 37:22b, a case deserving further notice: 508
37:22b נ ו ר א ה ו ד
37:22b έ π ί τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς μ ε γ ά λ η ή δόξα και τ ι μ ή π α ν τ ο κ ρ ά τ ο ρ ο ς .
5 0 5
See M . H . Segal, A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927), 156. Similarly in the system of tenses in Modern Hebrew, the combination pronoun + participle serves as the Present Tense (see Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.6c, n. 44.). 5 0 6
One cannot exclude the possibility that R, to a certain extent, may have read the Hebrew Job more from the perspective of Post Biblical Hebrew or even from the influence of Aramaic than from the perspective of Biblical Hebrew. 507
S e e G C K § 116p, Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.6f, and M . H . Segal, A Grammar of Mishnaic Hebrew, 155-156.
5 0 8
See the extensive recent research on the aspect of the Greek Perfect by Fanning, 103-120 and Porter, 245-290.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
A p p I I 37:22b] σ ' π ε ρ ί ( ε π ι 250) δ ε θ ε ο ΰ φοβερός α ΐ ν ο ς 248 C ; θ ' έ π ί τ ω θ ε φ μ ε γ ά λ η ή δόξα C The Predicate Adjective μ ε γ ά λ η does not correspond very well either formally or semantically with the Niphal Participle נ ו ר א. No examples exist elsewhere of other forms of י ר אbeing rendered by R. Nonetheless the noun י ר א הis rendered by R twice (jl5:4a, j22:4a) and both times the equivalent is φόβος. In fact, the reading φοβερός α ί ν ο ς attributed to σ ' in Apparatus I I is much more in the style of R than the corresponding μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α attributed to θ'. Furthermore, the latter part of the reading attributed to θ ' ( μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α ) is identical to O G . The only attestation for the θ ' materials is from the C tradition and this is not the most reliable source, l i k e l y the έ π ι τ ω θ ε φ is from θ ' and the rest was added from the lemma by the author(s) of the C tradition. It is best to exclude the latter part of 37:22b ( μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α ) from the Corpus of R. Summary. The equivalents employed by R to render participles in Hebrew correspond to the characteristic functions of Hebrew participles. There are 46 cases where attributive participles in Hebrew are rendered by R: in 33 cases he employed a participle in Greek and in 13 cases he used nouns or adjectives functioning as substantives. By way of summary, then, the approach of R in rendering attributive par• ticiples is rather literalistic, yet with some sensitivity to the demands of the target language. The renderings of R correspond to the fact that the attributive participle in Hebrew has both adjectival and substantival uses. A l l 13 occurrences of Greek nouns or adjectives for attributive participles in Hebrew represent situations where the substantival use is a fair interpretation of the attributive participle in Hebrew. 509
There are 7 instances where predicate participles in Hebrew are rendered by R: in 2 cases he used Predicate Adjectives in Greek and in 5 instances he used finite verbs. Two of the last mentioned 5 instances are Perfects indicating a state and the other three are Present or Future Indicatives used to render verbless clauses. The approach of R in rendering finite verbs was summarized by affirming that while R is literal, he is context sensitive and not excessively mechanical. His approach in translating participles in Hebrew, whether attributive or predicate, shows the same tendencies and confirms the characterization of R delineated already. 3.1.3. Infinitives. Infinitives are considered in the second subsection appended to the main section on finite verbs. There are only 21 infinitives in the portion of M T which corresponds to the Corpus of R. One case is found where the form in M T is a free infinitive, but is not construed as such by R: 5 0 9
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 37.2.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
40:2a ה ר ב עם־?!!די י ס ו ר 40:2a 5s Μ ή κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ε τ ά ί κ α ν ο ΰ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε ΐ ,
In 40:2a R apparently read nb for M T rob. This entire line is another crux criticonim. Probably the form rob in M T should be analyzed as a Qal Free Infinitive of ר י ב. ' ״R has understood the word in his parent text as a noun from the same r o o t . O f the 20 occurrences remaining for study 2 are instances o f the free infinitive and 18 are instances of the bound infinitive. The arrangement o f the evidence follows the categories established by I . Soisalon-Soininen in his excellent monograph Die 5
Infinitive in der Septuaginta. Free Infinitive.
1. Free Infinitive » Greek Noun (2 times) 27:22b ב ר ו ח י ב ר ח
27:22b χ έ κ χ ε φ ό ς α ύ τ ο ΰ φ υ γ ή φ ε ύ ξ ε τ α ι - / The construction ( ב ר ו ח י ב ר חfinite verb preceded by cognate free infinitive) is rendered in Greek by a finite verb and a cognate noun in the dative case. R has adopted a method of translating the Hebrew Free Infinitive which is standard among
S e e B D B , s.v ר י ב, H A L , s.v ר י ב, Driver and Gray, 2:325, and Dhorme, 614.
Cordis, 464-465, and Habel, 526, analyze the form as an Active Qal Participle o f ר י ב. 5 1 1
The \1f\ is an equivalent for the הof ה ר ב. It introduces a question expecting a
negative reply and indicates that R correctly understood the הas the Hebrew question marker. 5 , 2
I . Soisalon-Soininen, Die Infinitive in der Septuaginta, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B. V o l . 132,1 (Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1965). Soisalon-Soininen considers only Bound Infinitives.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
translators of the Septuagint, whether good or l i t e r a l . This method may be considered as literal a rendering as is possible without defying the norms of Greek syntax and style. 514
37:2a ש מ ו ע ב ר ג ז ק ל ו
37:2a X aicoue &K0f|v £v opyfj Oup.05 icoplot), / The approach of R in rendering the Hebrew Free Infinitive in 37:2a is somewhat unusual. Here the construction ( ש מ ע ו ש מ ו עfinite verb followed by a cognate free infinitive) is rendered in Greek by a finite verb and a cognate noun in the accusative case. Forms of the root ( ש מ עQal Stem) followed or preceded by a cognate free infinitive occur 16 times in M T . In 9 cases the Hebrew Free Infinitive is rendered by Septuagint translators with a cognate noun in the dative case. In another 3 cases a cognate circumstantial participle is used. There is one case 5 1 5
5 1 3
T h e r e are four main modes of rendering the Hebrew Free Infinitive in the translators of the Septuagint: (1) finite verb plus cognate noun in the dative case, (2) finite verb plus a semantically similar noun in the dative case, (3) finite verb plus cognate adverbial participle, and (4) finite verb plus a semantically similar adverbial participle. (This analysis 1 owe to Professor J. W. Wevers. See also, Thackeray, 4750.) 5 1 4
Thackeray suggests that the construction with the participle was used more frequently by the post-Pentateuch translators of the Septuagint than the construction with the dative noun because it "was a nearer approach to the Hebrew infinitive" (Thackeray, 50). Yet either construction is equally literalistic depending on whether the Free Infinitive is considered primarily as a nominal or as a verbal. 5 1 5
T h e Free Infinitive follows in 5 instances (Is 6:9, 55:2, Jb 13:17, 21:2, 37:2) and precedes in 11 instances (Ex 15:26, 19:5, 22:22, 23:22, D t 11:13, 15:5, 28:1, 1 Sm 23:10, Jer 17:24, 31:18, Zee 6:15). See Even-Shoshan, s.v. ש מ ע.
5 1 6
The 9 occurrences are: Ex 15:26, 19:5, 22:22, 23:22, D t 11:13, 15:5, 28:1, Is 6:9, Jer 17:24. The Hebrew Free Infinitive precedes in all cases except Is 6:9.
5 1 7
T h e 3 occurrences are: 1 Kgs(Sm) 23:10, Jer 38(31):18, Zee 6:15. The Hebrew Free Infinitive precedes in all 3 cases. According to Thackeray, the cognate circumstantial participle is about as common among Septuagint translators in rendering the Hebrew Free Infinitive as a cognate noun in the dative case (see Thackeray, 48). There is a noteworthy problem in the textual transmission of Jer 38(31):18. Witnesses B-S-130 A-106' verss.P Chr. have dcKofyv instead of OCKOUCOV which is attested everywhere else in the textual tradition (see Ziegler, leremius, ad 10c). Since Rahlfs
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
where the Hebrew Free Infinitive is not translated (Is 55:2). Finally, one is hardly surprised to note that an iconoclast like O G (Job) employs the atypical pattern ακούσατε ακούσατε in the 2 instances which he translates (13:17a, 21:2a). Thus the procedure of R in 37:2a seems unique. Yet collocation of ακούω and the Accusative Case of άκοή is common enough in Septuagint translators, occurring some 11 times. Moreover, since the Free Infinitive ? ט מ ו עin 37:2a follows the finite verb, it is possible that R read the form not as a Free Infinitive, but as a nominal object of the verb ס!מע1. Classical Hebrew has a number of infinitival nouns cognate with the verb ש מ ע: sema', sema', soma , s,vn&'a. > I n a consonantal text, the Free Infinitive מ ו ע$ could be read as a defective form of the noun ש מ ו ע חor even read defectively as the noun ש מ ע. Four separate Septuagint translators employed the collocation involving the verb ακούω and the noun άκοή (Accusative Case) six times out of the eleven just mentioned to render a finite form of ( ש מ עQal) modified by the cognate noun ע ה1 ( ע ! מ£?/ηώ'ώ). R renders forms of the verb 10 שמע times, but there are no instances of nouns from the root VDU rendered by h i m . Nonetheless, since R is in general a literalistic translator, it is probable that he is rendering a cognate noun of ש מ עin 37:2a. 519
522 Bound
based his Edition on the uncials B, S, and A , he naturally opts for aKQf\v as original text and lists no variants in his Apparatus (see Rahlfs, ad l o c ) . While Ziegler is probably on firm ground in opting for ctKOwav, the possibility that OKofjv might be original would presuppose that the Jeremiah translator may have read a cognate noun of S7Dttf in his parent text. 5 1 8
The Hebrew Free Infinitive follows the finite verb.
5 1 9
According to Hatch-Redpath the eleven instances are: 1 Kgs(Sm) 2:24, 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 10:7, 2 Chr 9:6, Jb 42:5, Ob 1:1, H b 3:2, Jer 6:24, 27(50):43, 29(41):15(14), 30(49): 12(23), 44(37):5. (In H b 3:2, instead of the simplex aKoxxm, the complex eiaaKOtw occurs.) Cf. also T b 10:12. 5 2 0
See H A L , s.v. VUtf.
5 2 1
According to Hatch-Redpath the six instances are: 1 Kgs(Sm) 2:24, 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 10:7, 2 Chr 9:6, Ob 1:1, Jer 29(41):15(14), 30(49):12(23).
5 2 2
The equivalents of ש מ עare: α κ ο ύ ω 8 times (20:3a, 26:14b, 29:11a, 31:35a, 33:33a,
36:1 la, 37:2a, 37:4c); ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω 1 time (34:28b); and ά κ ο ή 1 time (37:2a).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
1. Bound Infinitive » Greek Infinitive (a) Bound Infinitive Without Preposition » Anarthrous Infinitive j3:8b, 33:32b Example: 33:32b ד ב ר כ י ־ ח פ צ ת י צ ד ק ך 33:32b Χ λ ά λ η σ ο ν , θ έ λ ω γ α ρ δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή ν α ί σ ε . / The form צ ד ק ךin M T is vocalized as saddaqekka (Piel Bound Infinitive plus 2 m.s pronominal suffix). The rendering of R indicates he may have read צ ר ק ךas a Qal Bound Infinitive plus 2 m.s pronominal suffix. The approach of R in j3:8b and 33:32b correlates a Greek Infinitive with a Hebrew Free Infinitive in a literal manner. The Greek Infinitive is anarthrous and this corresponds formally to the absence of a לprefixed to the Hebrew Bound Infinitive. 523
(b) Final ל+ Bound Infinitive » τ ο ΰ + Infinitive j34:23b, 34:28a, 36:20b, 38:26a, 38:27a, 38:27b Example: 36:20a ה ל י ל ה
36:20b ע מ י ם ת ח ת ם
36:20a Χ μ ή έ ξ ε λ κ ύ σ η ς τ ή ν ν ύ κ τ α 36:20b X τ ο ΰ ά ν α β η ν α ι λ α ο ύ ς άντ" α ύ τ ω ν / The pattern in R is one already established earlier by Septuagint translators. The genitive of the Articular Infinitive in Greek expresses naturally and well the purposive Bound Infinitive in Hebrew and in addition, the Greek Article ( τ ο ΰ in 36:20b) is considered an equivalent of .ל 524
5 2 3
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 20-27.
5 2 4
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 49-50.
5 2 5
Ibid. See also Blass-Debrunner, §§ 390 and 400.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(c) Final ל+ Bound Infinitive » Anarthrous Infinitive 2:1b ! ו י ב ו א ג ם ־ ה ש ט ן ב ת כ ם ל ה ת י צ ב ע ל ־ י ה ו ד 2:1c κ α ι ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν έ ν μ έ σ φ α ϋ τ ω ν . Αρρ II2: I d χ π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι εναντίον τ ο ΰ κυρίου / R also employs the anarthrous infinitive by itself to express purpose. This approach fits the norms of Hellenistic Greek well, * but as one might expect in a literalistic translator, is not as frequent as τ ο υ + Infinitive since the לhas no formal equivalent. 52
(d) Final ל+ Bound Infinitive » Different Greek Syntagmeme 20:23a י ה י ל מ ל א ב ט נ ו (Let it be to fill his belly) 20:23a Χ ε ϊ π ω ς π λ η ρ ί δ σ α ι γ α σ τ έ ρ α α ύ τ ο ΰ , / (If somehow he could fill his belly) Formally the construction in M T is a Qal Jussive 3 m.s of ה י הfollowed by a final לplus Piel Bound Infinitive of . מלאThe equivalent in R is an Aorist Optative introduced by ε ϊ π ω ς . No materials are extant for R immediately following or preceding 20:23a. Without contextual clues difficulty exists in knowing how to translate R. Possibly the Aorist Optative expresses a wish, "may he somehow fill his belly," or perhaps ε ϊ π ω ς introduces a potential Optative, "if he could somehow fill his belly." Both 20:23b and c in O G are precative statements employing Aorist Optatives. Whether R was influenced by O G is a moot point. The form י ע ל הin 20:23b M T is either long or short while the form י מ ט ו ־in 20:23c is definitely short in the Consonantal Text. Thus the context may be read as modal in the Consonantal 527
5 2 6
Blass-Debrunner, § 390.
5 2 7
O n the difficulty of the line, see Driver and Gray, 1:180, 2:140-141, Dhorme, 302, Gordis, 219, and Habel, 312. 5 2 8
The nearest stichs extant in R are 20:20b and 21a before, and 20:25c after 20:23a.
5 2 9
See Smyth, § 1814,1815.
5 3 0
See Bauer, 220.
Hie Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Text, What is clear is that R has employed a different syntagmeme in Greek to render the Hebrew. Such an approach is employed by other Septuagint translators but is infrequent in R , M 1
(e) Privative p + Bound Infinitive » τ ο υ μ ή + Infinitive 33:28a פ ד ה נ פ ש י מ ע ב ר ב ש ח ת 33:28a Χ σ ω σ ο ν ψ υ χ ή ν μ ο υ τ ο υ μ ή έ λ θ ε ΐ ν ε ί ς δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν , / The approach of R in 33:28a is another pattern already established earlier by Septuagint translators. R maintains an equivalence of Greek Infinitive for Hebrew Infinitive and the τ ο υ μ ή nicely renders the privative "p. 532
(f) Temporal ב+ Bound Infinitive » έ ν τ ω + Infinitive 34:9a ב י ־ א מ ו ־ ל א י ס ב ן ־ ג ב ר 34:9b ב ר צ ת ו ע ם ־ א ל ח י ם A p p I I 34:9a δ τ ι εΤπεν, ο ύ κ ι ν δ υ ν ε ύ σ ε ι ά ν ή ρ Α ρ ρ I I 34:9b έ ν τ ω ε ϋ δ ο κ ή σ α ι α υ τ ό ν μ ε τ ά θ ε ο ύ Temporal clauses in Greek may be constructed in a variety of ways. Hence a good number of options are open to the translator. For example, one may use an articular infinitive with έ ν , a circumstantial participle, or any one of a dozen or so conjunctions plus a finite v e r b . While the approach evident in 34:9b did not originate with R , it is the most literal pattern. 533
2. Comparative ב+ Bound Infinitive » Present Tense
5 3 1
The approach of the Isaiah I . X X Translator in 40:20 is possibly similar to that of R in 20:23a (see Ziegler, lsaia.1): is 40:20b ) ח ר ש ( ח כ ם י ב ק ש ־ ל ו ל ה ב י ן פ ס ל ל א י מ ו ם Is 40:20b κ α ι σ ο φ ω ς ζ η τ ε ΐ π ω ς σ τ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ο ύ ε ί κ ό ν α κ α ι 'ίνα μ ή σ α λ ε ύ η τ α ι
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 59. 5 3 2
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 100.
5 3 3
Temporal conjunctions are conveniently listed in Smyth, §§ 2383-2385, 3000.
5 3 4
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 80-82.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
10:4b א נ ו ע ת ר א ה
10:4b χ ή κ α θ ώ ς ό ρ φ ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς β λ έ ψ η ; / While ב+ Bound Infinitive can be. literally rendered by έ ν τ ω + Infinitive, comparative כ+ Bound Infinitive cannot be treated in the same way. The equivalent preferred by Septuagint translators for comparative כis ώ ς or ώ σ π ε ρ . With ώς, the Bound Infinitive is rendered in various ways, but only once by an Infinitive employed as a substantive. Once the equivalent κ α θ ώ ς is chosen for כ, a finite verb is commonly expected in Greek. ' The approach of R in 10:4b is, according to Soisalon-Soininen, not unknown in the translators of the Septuagint prior to R and gives a good literal rendering. 5 3 5
3. ב+ Bound Infinitive (Adverbial) » Participle (Genitive Absolute) 23:9a מ א ו ל ב ע ש ת ו ו ל א ־ א ח ז4 ע 23:9a x α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά π ο ι ή σ α ν τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι ο ύ κ α τ έ σ χ ο ν / The choice o f an Adverbial Participle in a Genitive Absolute to render a Temporal Clause initiated by ב+ Bound Infinitive constitutes excellent idiomatic Greek. Once again, the pattern in R is one established earlier by Septuagint translators. This choice demonstrates R is capable of less literal renderings on occasion. 539
5 3 5
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. c i t , 98-100.
5 3 6
The one occurrence of dx; followed by a substantival Infinitive, according to Soisalon-Soininen, is 1 Kgs(Sm) 15:22 ( I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 99). 5
• O n KaOcoc as a comparative conjunction in Hellenistic Greek, see Debrunner, § 453. 5 3 8
5 3 9
1 . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 99. Cf. Ps 102(103):13 and Hos 3:1.
A brief description of the distribution of the pattern in the Septuagint is provided by Soisalon-Soininen who states, "Der gen. abs. wird von den verschiedenen Ü b e r setzern auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise angewendet, in einigen Büchern (Jdc Ruth 4 Rg Ps Eccl Cant Dodekaproph) kommt er gar nicht als Wiedergabe von 3 + inj', estr. vor" ( I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 88). In general, these, books are among the most literal (Thackeray, 13).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
4. ל+ Bound Infinitive (Adverbial) » Participle (Adverbial) 24:15a ו ע י ן נ א ף ש מ ר ה כ ש ף 24:15b ל א מ ו ־ ל א ־ ת ש ר ר נ י ע י ן 24:15a Si κ α ι οφθαλμός μ ο ι χ ο ύ έ φ ύ λ α ξ ε ν σ κ ό τ ο ς / 24:15b Χ λ έ γ ω ν Ο ύ π ρ ο σ ν ο ή σ ε ι με οφθαλμός, / Concerning ל א מ רSoisalon-Soininen succinctly states: Ursprünglich ist ל א מ ו ־ein gewöhnlicher epexegetischer Infinitiv gewesen, 7..B. ל א מ ר. . . ' ו י ד ב רund er sprach . . . sagen', 'indem er sagte'. Dieser Infinitiv ist aber ein ganz erstarrter Ausdruck geworden, der einfach einer direkten Rede vorangeht. 540
This is confirmed by a recent study on discourse analysis in Classical Hebrew narrative. S. Dempster described ל א מ רas a lexical marker signalling the onset of quoted speech.
The rendering of ל א מ רby a participle of λ έ γ ε ι ν is standard for all
Septuagint translators.
5. Bound Infinitive » Noun 39:1a ה י ד ע ת ע ת ל ד ת י ע ל י ־ ס ל ע 39:1a x e i έ γ ν ω ς κ α ι ρ ό ν τ ο κ ε τ ο ύ τ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ω ν π έ τ ρ α ς , / In 39:1a R renders ( ל ד תBound Infinitive, Qal, of ) י ל דby a corresponding noun. Such an approach to the Bound Infinitive is not unknown in translators o f the Septuagint prior to R, but is far from c o m m o n . Note that the Bound Infinitive ל ד ת is part of a four member bound nominal phrase. Consequently it is appropriate to use an equivalent which fits in with the syntactic setting. Since τ ο κ ε τ ό ς is a verbal 543
5 4 0
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 68-69.
5 4 1
S. Dempster, "Linguistic Features o f Hebrew Narrative: A Discourse Analysis of Narrative from the Classical Period," (Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1985), 124, 171,194, 247. 5 4 2
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 68-75.
5 4 3
See I . Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 21.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
noun from τ ί κ τ ω ,
5 4 4
it is indistinguishable semantically from τ ε κ ε ΐ ν yet fits the
nominal phrase more suitably. 6. ל+ Bound Infinitive (Adverbial) » Noun The following instances may be nominal interpretations of the Consonantal Text but one cannot be sure. 34:3b ר ח ך י ט ע ם ל א כ ל 34:3b Χ κ α ι λ ά ρ υ γ ξ γ ε ύ ε τ α ι β ρ ώ σ ι ν . / Μ Τ vocalizes ל א כ לas le'ekol (Bound Infinitive, Oal of א כ לplus לpreposition). R may have vocalized the form as a לpreposition plus the (infinitival) noun Okel. Elsewhere there is only one occurrence of the verb א כ לwhich R rendered by κ α τ ε σ θ ί ω (22:20b). In addition, R does render the noun 'okel twice: once by β ρ ω μ ά (20:21a), and once by τ ρ ο φ ή (36:31b). The noun מ א כ לoccurs once and is rendered by β ρ ω σ ι ς (33:20b). Formally one might attempt to distinguish the nouns β ρ ω μ ά and β ρ ω σ ι ς , but considerable overlap is found in the range of usage of the two words so that no real semantic difference would be felt in later Hellenistic G r e e k . One cannot prove exactly how R read his parent text, and the case must remain uncertain. 545
37:12a ו ה ו א מ ס ב ו ת מ ת ה פ ך ב ת ח ב ו ל ת ו ל פ ע ל ם 37:12a Χ κ α ι α ύ τ ο ς κ υ κ λ ώ μ α τ α δ ι α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι / 37:12b χ έ ν θ ε ε β ο υ λ α θ ω εις ε ρ γ α α ύ τ ω ν /
5 4 4
The suffix - τ ό ς is standard for verbals. See L . R. Palmer, The Greek
(Boston: Faberand Faber, 1980), 256. 5 4 5
Both the - μ α suffix and the - σ ι ς suffix in Greek identify nouns derived from verbs. Frequently grammarians distinguish the two suffixes by the generalization that - μ α indicates the result of the action while - σ ι ς marks the verbal abstract. (See BlassDebrunner, § 109, Buck, 320, 337, Howard, Accidence, 353-355, 373-374, and L . R. Palmer, The Greek Language, 137, 252). This distinction is difficult to maintain in the case of β ρ ω μ ά and β ρ ω σ ι ς as far as the usage in R is concerned. 5 4 6
See Bauer, s.v. β ρ ώ μ α and β ρ ώ σ ι ς .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The form • ל פ ע לis vocalized hpo'öläm in M T . This could be analayzed as a Bound Infinitive, Qal Stem, of פ ע לplus a 3 pronominal suffix, or as the noun po'al plus a 3 pronominal suffix. The noun po'al is infinitival in form and function. Possibly a native speaker o f Biblical Hebrew would not distinguish the formal options considered by modern scholars. R renders with φ γ ο ν , a verbal noun. The transliteration of ת ח ב ו ל ת וmakes analysis of the line problematic. 547
Professor Soisalon-Soininen briefly surveys Theodotion and summarizes by saying: Theodotion würde sich gut unter die Septuaginta-Übersezter einreihen lassen, und er würde dann zu den wortgetreueslen Ü b e r s e t zern gehören. Er unterscheidet sich in keiner Beziehung so deutlich von den Septuagint-Übersetzern wie Aquila und Symmachos. 548
This aptly describes the materials in R analyzed above. 3.1.4. Pseudoverbs. The negative pseudoverb א י ןoccurs 10 times in the portion of M T which corresponds to the Corpus of R. The corresponding positive pseudoverb 2? יoccurs only once. Eight of the 10 occurrences o f א י ןare vocalized as 'έη in M T , i.e. as bound forms (including the two instances with pronominal suffixes) and two are vocalized as 'ayin, i.e. as free forms (33:32b, 35:15a). Apart from the two cases with pronominal suffixes, a clear distinction between bound and free forms is not possible on the basis of the Consonantal Text. Earlier it was shown from contextual factors that in fact one instance where M T vocalized א י ןas 'ayin was probably vocalized as 'in by R . The complete evidence is here presented. Numbers at end o f headings in parentheses indicate frequencies. 5 4 9 א י ן. 1 . » א י ןο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν (5) 20:21a, 26:6b, 28:14b, 32:5a, 35:15a
5 4 7
S o B D B , 821.
5 4 8
See I. Soisalon-Soininen, op. cit., 207.
5 4 9
See above, p. 201.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Examples: 20:21a ל א כ ל ו
20:21a Χ ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α τοΤς β ρ ώ μ α σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ΰ - / 35:15a ו ע ת ה ב י ־ א י ן פ ק ד א פ ו 35:15a Χ κ α ϊ ν υ ν , ο τ ι ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν ε π ι σ κ ε π τ ό μ ε ν ο ς ό ρ γ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , / The equivalent ο ύ plus a form of ειμί with variations also occurs in 7:8b, 27:19b, and 32:12b—a total of 8 out of 10 times, and hence constitutes the normal pattern. 2. » א י ןο ύ κ fjv (1) 32:12b ו ה נ ה א י ן ל א י ו ב מ ו כ י ח 32:12b Χ κ α ί
ο ύ κ ή ν τ ω Ιωβ ε λ έ γ χ ω ν , /
In two instances of the ten where R renders א י ןthe copula forms part o f an analytic or periphrastic tense, i.e.
+ Participle: one is past (32:12b) and one is
present (35:15a—for which see 1 above). In each case the tense of by contextual considerations. The complements of
is controlled
in all other instances are
nominals. 3. » א י ןAlpha Privative (1) 21:33c ו ל פ נ י ו א י ן מ ס פ ד 21:33c Χ κ α ί έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν α ύ τ ο ΰ α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι . / Instead of the normal ο ύ κ Εστίν R uses a compound adjective with the alpha privative prefix as an equivalent for
.א י ן מספר
This clever technique was already
employed by the Translator of Joel (1:6, » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ς ) and also similarly by O G (22:5b, » א י ך ק ץα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ς ) , and is a reminder that R knew the text he was revising. 4. » א י ןμ ή (1) 33:32b ד ב ר כ י ־ ח פ צ ת י צ ד ק ך
5 5 0
On ά - privative, see Blass-Debrunner, § 117.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
33:33a א ם ־ א י ן א ת ח ע מ ע ־ ל י 33:32b Χ λ ά λ η σ ο ν , θ έ λ ω γ α ρ δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή ν α ί σ ε . 33:33a Χ ε ί μ ή , σ υ ά κ ο υ σ ο ν μου· / Both the construction א ם ־ א י ןin M T and ε ί μ ή in R are elliptical for "if you do not speak." The rendering ε ί μ ή suits well. Had R employed the standard ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν , the result would not have been very good Greek given the syntactic situation i n 33:33a. R is not a blind literalist with cast-iron equivalents. 5 . '{ א י ןin) With Pronominal Suffixes (2) 7:8b ע י נ י ך ב י ו א י נ נ י 7:8b X o i
σ ο υ έ ν έμοί, κ α ι ο ύ κ έ τ ι
ειμί /
R provides ο ύ κ έ τ ι as a variation from the norm which indicates he is contextually sensitive. 27:19b ע י נ י ו פ ק ח ו א י נ נ ו 27:19b Χ οφθαλμούς α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι ή ν ο ι ξ ε ν κ α ι ο ύ κ έ'στιν. / Φ (yes). 33:32a א ם ־ י ע ־ מ ל י ן ה ש י ב נ י 33:32a Χ εί ε ί σ ί ν λ ό γ ο ι , ά π ο κ ρ ί θ η τ ί μ ο ν / While the evidence of the renderings of א י ןand !£/ יis inadequate for any generalizations, it does not controvert the developing picture of a revisor who is literal yet also contextually sensitive and so providing occasional variations where suitable or where instructed by precedent. 3.1.5. Verbs Rendered by a Different Syntagmeme. The above analysis o f verbs has focused on 400 instances of finite verbs rendered by finite verbs in R apart from subsections on infinitives, participles, and pseudoverbs. In addition to this number there are 3 instances where the form in M T is a verb but R has used a different syntagmeme in the process of translation. These cases are as follows: 6:3b ) ע ל ־ ב ן ד ב ר י ( ל ע ו App I I 6:3b... έγκοποι
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In 6:3b the form ל ע רis analyzed by most modern scholars as Qal Perfect 3 o f ל ו עor ל ע עand is etymologically related with Arabic laga , 'talk rashly / w i l d l y ' . Dhorme suggests the rendering ε γ κ ο π ο ι is contextually generated. Yet a more likely proposal is that R read ל ע וfrom Aramaic ' ל ע יto be exhausted'. This interpretation is identical to the (Rabbinic) Targum of Job which has ת ל ה י ן$ א י, i.e. 'exhausted' flshtaphel Perfect 3 o f ל ה י, 'be weary'). These considerations from the lexical side show R read a finite verb as in M T • Only one word, however, is attributed to θ ' and it is attested by only three witnesses (248 255-612). While this evidence is not sufficient to analyze the approach of R and produce positive results, the fact that the form o f ε γ κ ο π ο ι is Nominative Plural may suggest that it is more than just a lexical note. For 6:3b, O G has ά λ λ ' ώ ς ε ο ι κ ε ν , τ ά β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ έ σ τ ι ν φ α ΰ λ α . Noting that ε γ κ ο π ο ι is masculine and not neuter, and also that ד ב רis always w
5 5 1
See B D B and H A L , s.v. and cf. י ל עin Prv 20:25. Also Driver and Gray 1:59, 2:35, Dhorme, 76, Fohrer, 157,160, Gordis, 64,70, Pope, 48, Habel, 137,139, Hartley, 130, and Clines, 1:158. 5 5 2
Commenting on the Ancient Versions, Dhorme notes, "Syr. klyn 'hindered' interprets according to the sense. Similarly Symm. KaxdtciKpoi, Theod. eyKoicoi, Vulg. dolore sunt plena. Still more vague is G iaxiv <poa3A.a" (Dhorme, 76). 5 5 3
See Dalman, s.v. ל ע יand Sokoloff, s.v. ל ע י.
5 5 4
So F. J. Fernandez Vallina, El Targum de Job (Madrid: Edit, de la Universidad Complutense, 1982). This is the critical edition o f the Rabbinic Targum and unless indicated otherwise, all subsequent citations are from this text. Cf. P. de Lagarde, Hagiographa Chaldaice (Leipzig: B . G . Teubner, 1873, Reprint, Osnabrück: Otto Zeller, 1967), ad loc. and L . Diez Merino, Targum de Job: Edition Principe del Ms. Villa-Amil n. 5 de Alfonso de Zamora, Bibliotheca Hispana Biblica, no. 8 (Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1986), ad loc, who have ת ל ה י ן2 ? א. Dhorme cites מ ש ת ל ה י ן, an 'Ishtaphel Participle (Dhorme, 76), as in Mikra'ot Gedolot (Jerusalem, 1982), ad loc. O n ל ה י, see Dalman, s.v. ' ; ל ה יexhausted' is the rendering supplied in the critical translation of C. Mangan, J. F. Healey, and P. S. Knobel, The Targums of Job, Proverbs, and Qohelet, The Aramaic Bible, vol. 15 (Collegeville, Minnesota: Michael Glazier, 1991), ad loc. O n the form תלהין12?א, see D . M . Golomb, A Grammar of Targum Neofiti, Harvard Semitic Monographs, no. 34 (Chico: Scholars Press, 1985), 124, 137138, 186 n. 2. 5 5 5
Z i , A p p I I , ad loc.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
5 5 6
rendered by λ ό γ ο ς in R and never by ρ η μ α , possibly R rendered the latter part of 6:3b with something like o i λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ ε ϊ σ ι ν ε γ κ ο π ο ι . It would be perfectly suitable to render a verb describing a state with a copula plus Predicate Adjective. The case is plausible but uncertain. 2l:15b ו מ ח ־ נ ר ע י ל כ י נ פ ב ע ־ ב ו 21:15b S5 κ α ι τ ί ς ω φ έ λ ε ι α , ό τ ι ά π α ν τ ή σ ο μ ε ν α ϋ τ φ ; / Μ Τ מ ה ״ נ ו ע י לis rendered by τ ί ς ω φ έ λ ε ι α in R. There is no evidence to indicate R read anything other than what we have in M T nor understood נ ו ע י לas anything other than a Hiphil Imperfect 1 of י ע ל. He simply employs a different syntagmeme in translation. Nonetheless, given the context of 21:15b, no difference exists semantically between "What is the benefit that we should . . ." in R and "How should we benefit that we . . . " in M T . 37:3a י ט ר ח ו
(He releases it [i.e. his lightning] under all the heavens) 37:3a Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω π α ν τ ό ς τ ο υ ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ά ρ χ ή α ϋ τ ο υ , / The form י ש ר ה וin 37:3a has created difficulties for many. The Ancient Versions interpret it variously. This is not surprising since the only other occurrence of this verb in M T is the dubious K t / Qr of Jer 15:11 ( ר ו ת ך. ( 0 The vocalization in M T is yisrehu. In general, modern scholars analyze י ש ר ה וas Qal Imperfect 3 m.s plus 3 m.s pronominal suffix of רה1£? ('let loose' or 'flash'?). 557
5 5 8
5 5 6
The four occurrences are: 19:28b, 26:14b, j32:11a, 41:4b.
5 5 7
For a convenient and excellent survey, see Dhorme, 560.
« On Jer 15:11 see especially H A L , s.v. ?צרה.
5 5 9
See B D B , K B , and H A L , s . v . ש ר הor I ש ר ה. Gesenius analyzed י ש ר ה וas a Piel of ר10( יS. P. Tregelles, ed. and trans., Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, s.v. ר1#י, but later revisions of his work listed Jb 37:3 under ( ש ר הso W. Gesenius, Hebräisches und Aramäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament, 16th ed., ed. F. Buhl [Leipzig: Vogel, 1915], s.v. י ש רand ש ר ה. ) See also Driver and Gray 1:317, 2:288, and Dhorme, 560. Fohrer, 479-480, Pope, 278, 280, Habel, 499, and Hartley, 477 are examples of scholars who derive י ש ר ה וfrom ש ר הbut give the meaning 'flash' based upon evidence from Ugaritic (see also L . R. Fisher, ed., Ras Shamra Parallels, vol. 1, Analecta Orientalia no. 49 [Rome: Biblical Institute Press,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Assuming an analysis where m!tf is correlated with Aramaic ־א1!£? ('let loose'), the 3 m.s pronominal suffix is a verbal modifier which anticipates ( א ו ר וhis lightning') in 37:3b. * The rendering of R is apxf) ounot). Dhorme appears to be on the right track in suggesting he read a form of .?& 'ררPossibly he vocalized י ט ר ה וas ya&dr£h& (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s plus 3 m.s pronominal suffix of 7& )ררand understood the 3 m.s pronominal suffix to refer to '( ת ח ת ״ כ ל ״ ה ש מ י םthe area under all the heaven'), i.e. to the earth. Gordis, however, following the (Rabbinic) Targum on Job ( ' = ת ר י צ ו ת י הhis tightness') and also Tur-Sinai, argues that the form in M T is the noun yoser with an attenuated v o w e l . He gives yoser here the meaning 'power / strength'. N o form of ר$ י, whether nominal or verbal, is rendered by R. The only other place where R employs a nominal or verbal form of dpx'( ־to rule') is 36:24b where ( ש ר ר וsor3r& M T ) was also read by R as a form of ש ר ר. The evidence does not favour the explanation of Gordis, nor have other commentators followed him. It seems clear that R read a verb in 37:3a, probably a form of רד87, but rendered it with a different syntagmeme, ,
3.1.6. Verbs in R for Nouns in MT. Nouns in MT rendered as Verbs by R and construed as such. Analysis of nouns revealed a number of places where the form in M T is not a verb but because of differences in text or vocalization is certainly construed as a finite verb or as a participle by R , These are considered here in relation to the treatment of the verb byR. 564
1972]. 24-25). The evidence from Ugaritic is sparse and uncertain according to the most recent treatment (see H A L , s.v. I ) ט ר ה. Like Gesenius, Gordis derives י ש ר ה ו from י ש ר, but from the noun yoser rather than the verb (Gordis, 425). 5 6 0
So Dhorme, 560.
5 6 1
Dhorme, ibid. There are a number of other places where M T and R differ over sibilants (0, ft?, and ; ) שsee above, n. 261. 5 6 2
N . H . Tur-Sinai (Torczyner), The Book of Job, rev. ed. (Jerusalem: Kiryat-Sefer, 1967), ad 10c.
5 6 3
5 6 4
Gordis, 425.
A l l cases except 22:29a and 39:8a were briefly noted in the section on Nouns (see pp. 94ff. and 98f.).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
22:29a כ י ־ ה ש פ י ל ו ו ת א מ ר ג ו ה 22:29a Si ο τ ι έ τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ε ν α υ τ ό ν , κ α ι έ ρ ε ι ς Υ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ε ύ σ α τ ο , / R renders ג ו הby a verb: ύ π ε ρ η φ α ν ε ύ σ α τ ο . The form ג ו הin the Consonantal Text is vocalized as gSwa in M T and analyzed generally by modern scholars as a noun: gewa < *ge'ewd < *gi'wat = ga'awa < *ga'wat ( ' p r i d e ' ) . Since R understood the form in his parent text as a verb, 3 m,s Perfect, either from ג א הor from ג ו הas an allomorph of ג א ה, it is classified here as such. 56i
24:5d ע ר ב ה ל ו ל ח ם ל נ ע ר י ם (The desert steppe is for him as food for the young.) 24:5c Χ ή δ ύ ν θ η α ύ τ φ ά ρ τ ο ς εις ν ε ω τ έ ρ ο υ ς . / (Bread for [his] younger ones is sweet to him.) M T vocalizes ע ר ב הin 24:5d as 'araba, a noun meaning 'desert-steppe'. The rendering of R is ή δ ύ ν θ η and indicates he read ע ר ב הas 'Qraba (Qal Perfect 3 f.s of ' ע ר בbe pleasant / sweet'). 28:10a ( ב צ ו ר ו ת ) י א ד י ם ב ק ע A p p Π 28:10a ό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α . . .
5 6 6
Presumably R read basurdt for M T bassdrdt in 28:10a. The form i n M T is a prepositional phrase consisting of the בpreposition followed by the feminine plural of the noun ' ( צ ו רr o c k ' ) .
Grammatically the form basurot read by R is a feminine
plural Qal Passive Participle of the root '( ב צ רbe inaccessible') functioning here as a substantive. Assuming an equivalence like » ב צ רό χ υ ρ ό ω , his use of ό χ ύ ρ ω μ α , a
5 6 5
See Bergstrfisser, l:15d, H A L , s.v. 1 ג ו הand ב א י ה, and Meyer-Donner, s.v. גוח2׳
Cf. Jer 13:17, D n 4:34, and Jb 33:17b. 5 6 6
5 6 7
C (Olymp) and Syh have only preserved one word in 28:10a attributed to 0'.
This analysis is not uncertain according to modern scholarship. So B D B and H A L , s.v. צ ו ר. Also Driver and Gray, 1:239, Dhorme, 404-405, Fohrer, 389, 391, Gordis, 300, 307, Pope, 197, Habel, 388, Hartley, 375. The noun צ ו רoccurs 74 times in M T . The plural צ ו ר י םoccurs 5 times ( N m 23:9, Is 2:18, 2:21, Na 1:6, Ps 78:15) and צ ו ר י once (1 Sm 24:3). Thus צ ו ר ו תin Jb 28:10 is unique (Even-Shoshan, s . v . ) צ ו ר.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
neuter noun based on ό χ υ ρ ό ω , is therefore quite suitable. Although the case could be classified as an Attributive Participle rendered by a Substantive in Greek, it was considered under nominals where it fits equally as well. 28:18a ר א מ ו ת ו ג ב י ש ל א י ז כ ו ־ 28:18a Χ μ ε τ έ ω ρ α κ α ι γ α β ί ς ο ύ μ ν η σ θ ή σ ε τ α ι , / According to modern scholarship ר א מ ו תis a noun meaning 'corals' or 'seashells'. The equivalent in R is a Nominative Neuter Plural o f μ ε τ έ ω ρ ο ς , an adjective, and means 'high things' or 'raised things'. I t is difficult to make sense of the stich as a whole and the fact that γ α β ί ς is a transliteration points to the problems R encountered in understanding the verse. R seems to have read ר א מ ו תas an Active Qal Participle, of . רוםIt may be relevant to recall that Active Pe'al Participles of Middle-Waw roots in Aramaic are spelled with an aleph (e.g. .(קאמיס The interpretations of Jerome (excelsa et eminentia non memorabuntur conparatione ehis) and of Symmachus (υψηλά κ α ι ύ π ε ρ η ρ μ έ ν α ο ύ μ ν η σ θ ή σ ε τ α ι ) are similar. R renders the root ר ו םonce elsewhere and employs ύ ψ ό ω (17:4b), as one might expect. This does not controvert analysis of μ ε τ έ ω ρ α as a rendering derived from ר ו ם as well since R does employ equivalents according to context. 569
28:18b ח ב מ ח מ פ נ י נ י ם
28:18b Χ κ α ΐ ε λ κ υ σ ο ν σ ο φ ί α ν ύ π ε ρ τ ά έ σ ώ τ α τ α · /
5 6 8
On neuter nouns in - μ α , see Blass-Debrunner § 109.2 and Howard, 355.
5 6 9
See B D B , K B , H A L , s.v. m ־8 1 and also Dhorme, 409-410, Fohrer, 390-391, and Pope, 204. According to the lexica this noun only occurs three times in M T (Ez 27:16, Prv 24:7, Jb 28:18). N o help is proffered by the L X X of Ezechiel and Proverbs: the Greek Translator of Proverbs paraphrases; the Greek Translator of Ezechiel translit erates as Ρ α μ ω θ . 5 7 0
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. μ ε τ έ ω ρ ο ς .
5 7 1
For discussion on γ α β ί ς , see p. 310.
5 7 2
So Dhorme, 409, and H A L , s.v. mDK־l.
5 7 3
F. Rosenthal, A Grammar of Biblical Aramaic, Porta Linguarum Orientalium, N.S. 5 (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1961, 1983), § 137.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
While M T vocalizes
as a noun (tnesek), the rendering έ λ κ υ σ ο ν clearly
shows R vocalized the form as m3mk (Oal Imperative m.s). 31:2a ו מ ה ח ל ק א ל ו ה מ מ ע ל 31:2a x κ α ι τ ί ε μ έ ρ ι σ ε ν ό θ ε ό ς ά π ά ν ω θ ε ν / The form ח ל קis vocalized as a noun in M T (heleq). R has rendered it by έ μ έ ρ ι σ ε ν indicating in all probability that he vocalized ח ל קas halaq (Qal Perfect 3 m.s). 33:19b ( ע צ מ י ו א ת ןQr ו ר י ב ) ו ר ו ב 33:19b Χ κ α ι π λ ή θ ο ς ο σ τ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ά ρ κ η σ ε ν , / י י
5 7
Since the rendering of R in 33:19b is literal and straightforward, apparently έ ν ά ρ κ η σ ε ν is equivalent to א ת ןin M T . Modern scholars do not regard א ת ןin doubt either formally, lexically, or textually. The normal spelling is א י ת ןand the word is an Adjective meaning 'ever-flowing' or 'perennial'. The rendering of the Syriac Version and the Targum on Job also seem to support t h i s . What R understood is uncertain, yet other Ancient Versions interpret similarly. Note first the Targum of Job: 575
33:19a ו מ ת מ כ ם ן ב ב י ב א ע ל ב י ת מ ד מ כ י ה ( A n d he is rebuked by pain on his b e d , ) 33:19b ו ם ו ג ע י א י ב ר ו ה י ת ק י פ י ן 578
( A n d many of his limbs are strong.) 33:20a ו מ ן ת ו נ ב י א ד י כ ק י ט ל י ה מ ר ח ק א נ פ ש י ה מ ז ו כ א
The rendering π λ ή θ ο ς presupposes Qr ו ר ו ב. 5 7 5
See Driver and Gray 1:288, 2:245, Dhorme, 497-498, Fohrer, 453-454, Gordis, 362, 376, Pope, 246, 250, Habel, 456, Hartley, 441.
5 7 6
See B D B , H A L , s.v.
5 7 7
The Targum on Job has ת ק י פ י ןand the Syriac has n'm ( L . G. Rignell, ed., Job, The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version, vol. 2.1a [Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1982], ad l o c ) . A l l subsequent citations are to this edition. 5 7 8
Cf. C. Mangan, J. F. Healey, and P. S. Knobel, op.cit., ad loc.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
( A n d because of the stupor which seizes him, his soul loathes bread) 33:20b ו כ פ י י ה מ י ב ל א ר ג י ג א ( A n d his soul desirable food) The rendering of the Targum is fairly literal, except that between 33:19b and 33:20a there is an addition which does not correspond to anything in M T . I n any event there may well be some connection between the 'numbness' in R and the 'stupor' in the Targum. Secondly, the Vulgate has a rendering also similar to that of R: 33:19b et omnia ossa eius marcescere fact ( A n d he makes all his bones wither) The idea expressed is somewhat analogous, although different words are used. D i d Jerome read his parent text in the same way as R? Thirdly, a brief examination of the occurrences of ν α ρ κ ά ω in the Septuagint is instructive. There are only four other instances listed by Hatch-Redpath. Three of them are in Genesis describing the damage done to the sinew of Jacob's thigh: once for25|26]:32) ) י ק ע, and twice in plusses added by the L X X Translator of Genesis, but not in M T (32:[33]32*)־״. The last one is in L X X Daniel: Dn n:6ba ו ל א ־ ת ע צ ר כ ו ח ה ז ר ו ע ו ל א י ע מ ד ו ז ר ע ו Dn ll:6ba δτι ό βραχίων α ϋ τ ο ΰ ο ύ στήσει ίσχύν, κ α ι ό βραχίων α ύ τ ο ΰ D n 11:6bp ו ת כ ת ן ה י א ו מ ב י א י ה ו ה י ל ד ה ו מ ח ז ק ה ב ע ת י ם D n 11:61}β ν α ρ κ ή σ ε ι κ α ι τ ω ν σ υ μ π ο ρ ε υ ο μ έ ν ω ν μ ε τ ' α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι μ ε ν ε ΐ εις ώ ρ α ς . The L X X Daniel Translator is hardly literal but ν α ρ κ ή σ ε ι seems to be based on ת ב ח ן. What is common between L X X D n 11:6 and Jb 33:19b is a possible connection between ν α ρ κ ά ω and a Semitic root having at least letters ת כ. There is a root ת נ בin Aramaic-Syriac meaning 'become rigid / stiff which is an exact equivalent for the word ν α ρ κ ά ω . But it is hard to see in either Job 33:19b or L X X D n 11:6 any common error of hearing or scribal transmission which could derive a form of ת נ בfrom the respective parent texts. 5 7 9
The lexical problem remains obscure but cumulative evidence indicates R did read a word for which he considered ν α ρ κ ά ω a befitting equivalent. Whether this word was understood as a noun or as a verb is unknown.
5 7 9
See Brockelmann, and Payne-Smith, s.v. tnb and derivatives, Dalman, s.v. ת נ ב א, and Jastrow, s.v ת ו כ ב א.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
33:20a ו ז ה מ ת ו ח י ת ו ל ח ם ( A n d his life made food foul for him) O G 33:20a π α ν δε β ρ ω τ ό ν σ ί τ ο υ ο ύ μ ή δ ύ ν η τ α ι π ρ ο σ δ έ ξ α σ θ α ι 33:20b ו נ פ ש ו מ א כ ל ת א ו ח ( A n d his soul desired food) 33;20b 5K κ α ι ή ψ υ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ β ρ ώ σ ι ν ε π ι θ υ μ ή σ ε ι , / When Μ Τ 33:20b is considered together with M T 33:20a, ellipsis or gapping of the verb from 20a in 20b is clearly evident. Thus ז ה מ ת וis a double-duty' verb, contextually demanded in M T 33:20b. Moreover, the form ת א ו הin 33:20b is a noun in M T , being vocalized as ta'uwa ('desire'). By contrast, the rendering ε π ι θ υ μ ή σ ε ι in R shows that he read ת א ו הas a verb, probably vocalizing it as ta'awweh (Piel Imperfeet 3 f.s of ) א ו ח. Doubtless R rendered all lines in M T Job including 33:20a, but no other stichs rendered by R have survived which are contextually contiguous with i t . Knowing how R approached his parent text in 33:20a would assist in evaluating his translation of 33:20b. To what extent, if at all, R was influenced by O G here is also not known, but it is interesting to note that (coincidentally?) 33:20b ( R ) does suit 33:20a ( O G ) both in sense and tense. 580
5 8 1
5 8 0
O n 'gapping' in Hebrew Poetry, see M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure, 122129, and W. G. E. Watson, Classical Hebrew Poetry: A Guide To Its Techniques, Journal for the Study o f the Old Testament Supplement Series, no. 26 (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1984), 174-176, 214, 303-306. 5 8 1
The only other stich attested for θ ' in 33:9-27 by Greek witnesses is 33:19b.
5 8 2
The Future Indicative ε π ι θ υ μ ή σ ε ι in 33:20b ( R ) matches suitably the Emphatic Future Denial ο ύ μ ή δ ύ ν η τ α ι in 33:20a ( O G ) . A t first glance the use of a Present Subjunctive ( δ ύ ν η τ α ι ) in Emphatic Future Denial appears out of place. This is especially true given the pattern of translation in O G . There are 51 instances of Emphatic Future Denial in O G . In 47 of them the construction is ο ύ μ ή + Aorist Subjunctive (5:6a, 5:19b, 5:21b, 5:22b, 5:24b, 6:10a, 7:9b, 7:10a, 7:10b, 8:12a, 8:15a, 8:15b, 8:20a, 9:3b, 9:11a, 9:35a, 11:15b, 14:2b, 14:5c, 14:12a, 14:12b, 14:16b, 15:29a, 15:29a, 15:29b, 15:30a, 15:32b, 19:8a, 20:8a, 20:14a, 20:24a, 23:12a, 24:22b, 27:6a, 28:13a, 29:24a, 32:21a, 32:2lb, 33:23b, 36:5a, 39:22b, 39:24b, 40:23a, 40:31a, 41:8b, 41:18a, 41:20a). A further instance is morphologically neutral (23:11b), but probably is to be understood as Aorist Subjunctive. In one instance the construction is ο ύ μ ή + Future Indicative. 'Hie case is 5:12b: π ο ι ή σ ο υ σ ι ν ] π ο ι η σ ω σ ι ν L " ~ -254-613 C - 2 9 6 d 248^252-542-644 253' O l Dam ( M i ) (On interchange of ο υ and ω, see Thackeray, §6.34, Gignac, Phonology, 208-211, and Z i , 174). The evidence of A
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
35:9a מ ר ב ע מ ו ק י ם י ז ע י ק ו 35:9a Χ ά π θ π λ ή θ ο υ ς σ υ κ ο φ α ν τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ι κ ε κ ρ ά ξ ο ν τ α ι , / 5 8 3
The form ע ש ו ק י םoccurs seven times in M T . Three o f these are generally listed in the lexica as Abstract Plural Substantives and four are listed as Qal Passive Participles. Formally, the matter is a moot point. Since R employed 584
translation technique indicates the judgement of Ziegler in 5:12b ought to be reevaluated. There remain 2 instances where the construction is ο ΰ μ ή + Present Subjunctive. The first is 14:7c: έ κ λ ε ί π η ] ε κ λ ι π η S A ׳- / / " - l u l 0138-260-740* < / ־ 644 252 D i d Syn=Ra; ε κ λ ι π ε ι 55; ε κ λ ε ί π ε ι 797 C y r l l P ; έ κ λ ε ι ψ η 534'. Pietersma argues cogently that έ κ λ ε ί π η is an itacistic variant of έ κ λ ί π η and that Ziegler's departure from Rahlfs is unwarranted (see A . Pietersma, review of lob, Septuagint: Vetus Testamentum Graecum, 11/4 ed. by Joseph Ziegler, Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982, in Journal of Biblical Literature 104 [1985]: 309-310). The second instance is ο ύ μ ή δ ύ ν η τ α ι in 33:20a. The Present Subjunctive in Emphatic Future Denial is infrequent in Classical Greek and even more so in Hellenistic Greek (see Smyth §§ 1804, 2755, and Turner, Syntax, 97). Nonetheless a brief survey of the usage in the Septuagint of ο ύ μ ή plus a form of δ ύ ν α μ α ι shows that the Present Subjunctive is standard for this particular verb: Future Indicative once (1 Kgs(Sm) 17:33), but Β has δ ύ ν η here (Indicative or Subjunctive—on form see Blass-Debrunner, § 93, Gignac, Morphology, 384-385, and Helbing, 61-62), Aorist Subjunctive three times (Jb 20:14a, Is 47:11, Tob 6:13 S), and Present Subjunctive 23 times (Jos 7:12, Jos 24:19, 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 13:16, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 18:29, 2 Chr 32:15, Est 6:13, 1 Mc 9:9, Ps I7(18):39, Ps 20(21):12, Ps 35(36):13, Ps 138(139):6, Prv 31:5, Hos 8:5, A m 7:10, Zep 1:18, Is 11:9, Is 24:20, Jer 1:19, Jer 15:20, Jer 29(49): 11(10), Jer 30(49): 12(23), Jer 43:5, Ep Jer 34. [See also A p p I of Ziegler, Isaias, ad 36:11]). Cf. also Turner, Syntax, 97. 7 9 7
5 8 3
The 7 occurrences are: Jer 50:33, A m 3:9, Ps 103:6, 146:7, Jb 35:9, Eccl 4:1a, Eccl 4:1b (Eccl 4:1a and Eccl 4:1b are ה ע ש ו ק י םand Ps 146:7 is ) ל ע ש ו ק י ם. See Even-
Shoshan, s.v. ρϋν
and ע ש ו ק י ם.
5 8 4
The 3 occurrences are: A m 3:9, Jb 35:9, Eccl 4:1a. See B D B , K B , and H A L , s.v. ע ש קand ע ש ו ק י ם. 5
** The
4 occurrences are Jer 50:33, Ps 103:6, 146:7, Eccl 4:lb. See B D B , K B , and H A L , s.v. ptiv and ע ש ו ק י ם.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
σ υ κ ο φ α ν τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ι (Medio-Passive Present Participle) for ע ש ו ק י םhe has clearly understood the word as a participle. 36:16a ו א ף ה ס י ת ך מ פ י ־ צ ר ( A n d indeed he lures you away from the brink of distress) 36:16b ר ח ב ל א ־ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י ה (To a spacious place, free from restriction) 36:16c ו נ ח ת ש ל ח נ ך מ ל א ד ש ן (To the comfort of your table laden with choice food) 36:16a χ κ α ι π ρ ο σ έ τ ι ή π ά τ η σ έ ν σ ε έ κ σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς εχθροί)· / 36:16b Χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς , κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α υ τ ή ς · / 36:16c Χ κ α ϊ κ α τ έ β η τ ρ ά π ε ζ α σ ο υ π λ ή ρ η ς π ι ό τ η τ ο ς . / Μ Τ lines 36:16a and b are cited as context for M T 36:16c to show that 36:16b and c are syntactically dependent upon 36:16a in M T . In R, 36; 16c is grammatically independent of 36:16a and b. Normally נ ח תin 36:16c M T is listed by lexica as a noun derived from '( נ ו חrest') with great uncertainty, Since R rendered by κ α τ έ β η he plainly analyzed נ ח תas a verb (Qal Perfect 3 m.s) from the root ' נ ח תdescend'. This verb has a wider usage in Aramaic than in Biblical H e b r e w , 5 8 6
36:1% ו ב ל ם א מ צ י ־ ב ח 36:19c Χ κ α ι π ά ν τ α ς τ ο υ ς κ ρ α τ α ι ο ΰ ν τ α ς ί σ χ ύ ν . /
*So B D B , s.v. נ ח ת. Cf. Driver and Gray 1:312, 2:277-278, Dhorme, 544-545, Fohrer, 471, 473, Gordis, 406, 416-417, Pope, 267, 270, Habel, 495, 498 and Hartley, 472. 5 8 7
See B D B , K B , H A L , s.v. נ ו חand נ ח ת. Driver and Gray 1:312, 2:277-278 and Gordis, 406, 416 appear to derive the form from נ ו ח, but cf. Hartley, 472. Dhorme, 544-545, Fohrer, 471, 473, Pope, 270, and Habel, 495, 498 delete נ ח תas a dittograph. 5 8 8
For Biblical Hebrew see B D B and H A L , s.v. נחת,- for Aramaic see Dalman and
Sokoloff, s.v. נ ח ת. In fact, H A L suggests the verb is a loanword from Aramaic in Hebrew.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
M T vocalizes מ א מ צ יas ma'amassi. ma'amas,
unattested elsewhere in M T .
The form is a bound noun, from
S i n c e R employs a Participle of κ ρ α τ α ι ό ω ,
he apparently read ma'ammase (Bound Piel Participle from ) א מ ץ. 39:8a ה ר י ם מ ר ע ה ו
39:8a Χ κ α τ α σ κ έ ψ ε χ α ι ο ρ η ν ο μ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ / R employs κ α τ α σ κ έ ψ ε χ α ι for י ת ו רhere. While י ת ו רis vocalized as yat&r in M T , virtually all modern scholars vocalize it as yat&r (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of .(תור Where discussed, the form yatur is considered a noun. Dhorme, however, explains yatur as an odd verbal vocalization, like yafiA' for yehewe' in Eccl 11:3. More plausibly, Pope accounts for yatiir as an A r a m a i s m . Whether R vocalized the form as yatur or yatiir is immaterial. What is almost certain is that he read י ת ו רas a verb (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of ) ת ו ר. 590
39:13a כ כ ף ־ ר כ כ י ם כ ע ל ס ה 39:13a Χ π χ έ ρ υ ξ χ ε ρ π ο μ έ ν ω ν ν ε έ λ α σ α , / M T vocalizes • ר נ נ יas rananim, a noun meaning 'female ostriches'. Although rananim is a α π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T , modern scholars derive the sense from ר נ ן, based upon the bird's 'call' or 'song', and do not regard the word a lexical p r o b l e m . The rendering χ ε ρ π ο μ έ ν ω ν suggests that R read ronanim (Active Qal Participle from ) ר נ ן. Since R has π χ έ ρ υ ξ , presumably he understood the word as an epithet for 594
5 8 9
See B D B , s.v. א מ ץand מ א מ ץand H A L , s.v. מ א מ ץ. The root א מ ץis certainly not
rare, nor is the pattern maqatal (see B L , 490z and Sagarin, 70-71.) 5 9 0
So B D B , K B , H A L , s.v. ת ו ר, י ת ו ר. Also Driver and Gray 2:316, Fohrer, 493,
Gordis, 456, Habel, 524, Hartley, 507. 5 9 1
Driver and Gray 2:316, Gordis, 456. Cf. B D B , s.v. י ת ו ר. Comparison is made with
yaqfmi from ( ק ו םon which see Jouon § 88 F. h, and Sagarin, 57-58), 5 9 2
Dhorme, 600.
5 9 3
Pope, 307.
5 9 4
See B D B , s . v . ר נ ן, ר־ננים, and K B , H A L , s.v. • ר נ נ י. Also Driver and Gray 1:343, 2:317, Dhorme, 603, Fohrer, 490, 514, Gordis, 440, 458, Pope, 304, 308, Habel, 519, 524-525, Hartley, 509. Jerome hasstruthio (see Weber, ad l o c ) .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
birds, similar to the interpretation of modern scholars, but the transliteration ν ε έ λ α σ α makes the line difficult to interpret. 39:16b י ב י ע ה ב ל י ־ פ ח ד
39:16b χ ε ί ς κ ε ν ό ν έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν ά ν ε υ <ρόβου ־/ The form י ב י ע הis vocalized as a noun in M T (ysgtah).
R has rendered by
έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν which indicates that he probably vocalized his parent text as yaga'a (Qal Perfect 3 f.s). 40:2a ה ר ב ע ם ־ ש ד י י ס ו ר 40:2a χ Μ ή κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ε τ ά ί κ α ν ο ΰ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε ΐ ,
/ 595
Modern scholars and Ancient Versions alike have treated י ס ו רvariously. The form is realized as yissdr in M T . This ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν is analyzed in the lexica as a noun o f the pattern qittol, like gibbor and sikkor. The equivalent in R is έ κ κ λ ι ν ε Τ and implies he read yasdr (Qal Imperfect 3 m.s), or possibly yaslr (Hiphil Stem), from ס ו ר. m
40:31a ב ש ב ו ת ע ו ר ו
(Can you fill his skin with harpoons?) 40:31b ו ב צ ל צ ל ד ב י • ר א ש ו (Or his head with fish-spears?) 40:31b Χ κ α ι έ ν π λ ο ί ο ι ς α λ ι έ ω ν κ ε φ α λ ή ν α ύ τ ο υ . / ( A n d in boats of fishermen his head)
5 9 5
For a convenient and excellent survey of the Ancient Versions, see Dhorme, 614. Dhorme (614) and Pope (316, 318) propose 'yield' from ס ו ר. Andersen (285), Gordis (440, 465), Habel (520, 526), and Hartley (514-515) consider י ס ו רa Qal Imperfect of ' י ס רcorrect / discipline'. 59
*See B D B , K B , and H A L s.v. י ס ו ר, B L , 479j, and Sagarin, 54. Also Driver and Gray, 1:347, 2:325, and Fohrer, 491, 494. Fohrer believes the form is patterned after the name of Job (lydb). 5 9 7
One may wonder how R derived π λ ο ΐ ο ν from • צ ל צ לIt should be noted that both siisal (40:31b) and Sukkot (40:31a) are ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν α in M T . Modern scholarship frequently connects the latter with Mkklm 'thorns' in N m 33:55 (see B D B , H A L , s.v. [־£?) to yield 'barbs' / 'darts' and derives the former from ' צ ל לwhirr' to arrive at the
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
N o line following or preceding 40:31b is extant for R. The form ( ד ג י םM T dSgtm) is normally read by modern scholarship as a form o f ד ג, a noun meaning 'fish'. Although context is lacking to assist in interpretation, it is nevertheless probable that R read ד ג י םas an Active Qa) Participle, of . דיגThe noun ד גis rendered by R on one other occasion and his equivalent there is ιχθύς (12:8b). 598
41:4a ל א ־ א ח ר י ט ב ד י ו ( I shall not be silent about his limbs) 41:4b ו ד ב ר ־ ג ב ו ר ו ת ו ח י ן ע ר כ ו ( A n d the matter of mighty deeds and the grace of his frame) 41:4a Χ ο ύ σ ι ω π ή σ ο μ α ι δι' α υ τ ό ν , / 41:4b Χ κ α ι λ ό γ ο ν δ υ ν ά μ ε ω ς ε λ ε ή σ ε ι τ ο ν ϊ σ ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ . / Line 41:4b is obscure, since M T ח י ןis another ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν . Modern scholars are desperate.'
Since R renders with ε λ ε ή σ ε ι , evidently he read yd/tin or
yOhon, and understood a Qal Imperfect 3 m.s of ח נ ך. This difference between M T and the rendering of R is no doubt due to the similarity of waw and yodh in a script
meaning 'spear' (see B D B , s.v. Π צ ל צ ל. . H A L , s.v. ) צ ל צ ל. O G has π α ν δε π λ ω τ ό ν σ υ ν ε λ θ ό ν ο ύ μ ή έ ν έ γ κ ω σ ι ν β ύ ρ σ α ν μ ί α ν ο ύ ρ α ς α ύ τ ο ΰ for 40:31a. The equivalent π λ ω τ ό ν suggests O G read ' = ^ כ ו תship' (cf. ש כ י ו תin Is 2:16, | | א נ י ו ת, and see H A U s.v. ) ע ! כ י ה. For the proposal that there is a Hebrew word ' = צ ל צ לboat', see H A L , s.v. צ ל צ לand also J. V . K . Wilson, "A Return to the Problems of Behemoth and Leviathan," Vetus Testamentum 25 (.1975): 11· 5 9 8
See Driver and Gray 1:362, Dhorme, 628, Fohrer, 525-526, 529, Gordts, 470, 482, Pope, 318, 334, Habel, 551, 554, and Hartley, 527. 5 9 9
6 0 0
Elsewhere in M T ד י גis found only in Jer 16:16.
Driver and Gray (1:365, 2:338) propose '( ח י לstrength'). Dhorme (632-633) first divides ו ח י ןconnecting וwith ג ב ו ר ו תas ג ב ו ר ת וand then fallowing Ehrlich reads ח י ן as ( א י ןso H A L , s.v. ) ח י ן. Fohrer (525, 527) reads '( ח י ץlife'). Pope, 335, 338-339 suggests Hayyin, understanding an epithet of the Canaanite god Koshar and also assuming confusion of h and h. Cordis (470, 484) followed by Hartley (527) argues for a plene spelling of hen ('grace'—so B D B , s . v . ) ח י ן. Habel (551, 555) also reads hen in a derived sense 'appealing / persuasive'.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
like that of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Whether the parent text of R actually had י ח ו ן
cannot be determined. The instances just listed where the form in M T is not a verb but is construed as a finite verb or a participle by R all conform precisely in the treatment of Aspect / Tense, Number, Voice, and in the case of participles, Articulation to the patterns and statistics shown above in the main section on finite verbs and participles. Nouns in MT rendered as Verbs by R but not construed as such. Finally there are a few instances where the form in M T is not a verb but is rendered by a finite verb or a participle in R. What is unique here is that in none of the cases in question is there adequate evidence to prove that R read a verb in the treatment of his parent text or that his parent text was vocalized differently from M T . These are now presented with brief discussion. 1:6b ( ) ו י ב ו א ג ם י ך ה ש ט ן ) ב ת ו כ ם A p p I I 1:6c . . . α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς The noun ש ט ןor ה ש ט ןin 1:6b is rendered by α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς (Medio-Passive Deponent Present Participle of ά ν τ ί κ ε ι μ α ι ) in R. The evidence is insufficient to determine whether R read iatan as in M T or Soten (Qal Active Participle). No other examples exist in the Corpus of R where ש ט ןis rendered. Evidence elsewhere
ά ν τ ι κ ε Τ σ θ α ι as an equivalent for ש ט ןis as follows: ( ל ש ט כ וhMtno M T ) is rendered by τ ο ΰ ά ν τ ι κ ε Τ σ θ α ι α ύ τ ω in Zee 3:1 ( L X X ) , ( ש ט ןtetan M T ) is rendered by ά ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς (sub X Syh) 3 Kgs(I Kgs) 11:25 ( A S y h ) , ( ל ש ט ןhMdn
M T ) rendered by
ά ν τ ι κ ε Τ σ θ α ι is attested for θ ' at N m 22:22 and 22:32 (probably reading liitdn in both instances), and ש ט נ י/ ( ש ו ט נ יίό/dtmay
M T ) rendered by τ ω ν α ν τ ι κ ε ι μ έ ν ω ν is
attested for ο ί λ ο ι π ο ί at Ps 108(109):20. Both noun in M T (3 K g s ( l Kgs) 11:25) and participle in M T (Ps 108(109):20) are rendered by α ν τ ι κ ε ί μ ε ν ο ς (Participle) and in materials asterisked or attributed to θ', 18:9a ב ע ק ב פ ח
(May a trap lay hold of his heel) O G 18:9a έ λ θ ο ι σ α ν δέ έ π ' α υ τ ό ν π α γ ί δ ε ς •
6 0 1
6 0 2
Similar cases involving waw and yodh are 9:15b, 19:28b, 29:20b, 29:24b.
Based on Gottingen Septuaginta, Rahlfs, Field (ad loc.) and Hatch-Redpath, s.v. dvxtKEioOai.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
18:9b ע ל י ו צ מ י ם
(May a snare seize him) 18:9b Χ κ α τ ι σ χ ύ σ ε ι έ π ' αυτόν δ ι ψ δ ν τ α ς . / Line 18:9a is cited as context for M T 18:9b. The form ( צ מ י םsammtm M T ) in 18:9b only occurs one other time in M T : 5:5c—another crux criiicorum. Despite the fact the etymology of צ מ י םis uncertain, the context and פ חin the parallel stich indicate a meaning like 'noose' or 'snare'.
The corresponding term in R is δ ι ψ ί δ ν τ α ς .
Presumably δ ι ψ ώ ν τ α ς is an Active Present Participle, Accusative of δ ι ψ ά ω and means "thirsty ones," although the general import of the sentence is unclear. What is clear is that R probably read same'im (Adjective צ מ א, 19:25a ) ו א נ י י ד ע ת י ( ג א ל י ח י A p p I I 19:25a... ό ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ η
6 0 4
The form in question is ח יin 19:25a. Debate over the interpretation of this verse is not relevant since ζή indicates R read a parent text equivalent to M T .
6 0 5
case of 19:25a is a classification problem more than anything else. Whether ח י (Paus.1I F o r m hay in M T ) is an Adjective or a Verb (Qal Perfect 3 m.s) is a moot point.
Commentators generally render by 'lives', but discussion of the form ח יis 607
The lexicographers are not uniform but frequently list ח יin Jb 19:25 as an
« S o B D B , H A L , s.v. צ מ י ם. Also Driver and Gray 1:159, 2:118, Dhorme, 262, Fohrer, 296-297, Cordis, 54, 188, 191, Pope, 132, 134, Habel, 280, Hartley, 275, and Clines, 1:115,403. 6 0 4
(Chr) have only preserved a rendering attributed to 8' for the last part of
19:25a. 6 0 5
Habel is right when he says, "The literature on this verse is voluminous and emendations abound. For a bibliography, see Horst, 277" (Habel, 292). Clines (1:426, 427) adds to the bibliography of Horst. 6 0 6
O n ח יas a 3 m.s Perfect of hyy, like tarn from ת מ ם, see G K C , § 76i, J o ü o n , § 79s,
Bergsträsser, 2:27a*. 6 0 7
So Driver and Gray 1:171, 2:127, Dhorme, 282-283, Fohrer, 307, 317-322, Cordis, 198, 204-206, Pope, 139, 146, Habel, 290, 292-293, Hartley, 290, 292, and Clines, 1:428,433.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Adjective. It is interesting to note that O G employs an Adjective ( α έ ν α ο ς ) for ח י in 19:25a, but he is not a literal translator. What is necessary is to prove how R read his parent text. Elsewhere in R י ח י הis rendered by ζ ω ο π ο ι ή σ ε ι (36:6a), and ח י הby ζ ω ή (33:28b) and θ η ρ ί α (39:15b). These facts cast little light on 19:25a. Since examples do exist of Septuagint Translators employing finite forms of ζ ά ω for ח י (Adjective), "' one cannot prove whether R read ח יas an Adjective or a Verb. 60
21:23b כ ל ו ש ל א נ ן ו ש ל י ו 21:23b χ δ λ ο ς δ ε ε υ π α θ ώ ν κ α ι ε ύ θ η ν ω ν
Adjectives ש ל א נ ןand ש ל י וin 21:23b are rendered by Present Participles of ε ύ π α θ έ ω and ε ύ θ η ν έ ω respectively in R. The Attributive Participles make excellent renderings of the adjectives in Hebrew and do not indicate R read a verb. 22:29b ו ש ח ע י נ י ם י ו ש ע 22:29b Χ κ α ι κ ύ φ ο ν τ α ό φ θ α λ μ ο ΐ ς σώσει• / In 22:29b R renders ש חby κ ύ φ ο ν τ α (Present Active Participle Accusative m.s of κ ύ φ ω ) . According to the lexica ( ש חsalt M T ) is an Adjective occurring only here.
The form sah occurs another two times in M T
6 1 1
and both instances are
generally interpreted as Qal Perfect 3 m.s of ( ש ח חIs 2:11, 2:17, both
Possibly R read ש חas a Qal Active Participle of ש ח ח. Yet no further forms from roots ש ח ח, ש ו ח, or ש ח הare elsewhere rendered by R nor are any other forms of κ ύ φ ω found in the Corpus of R. In fact, Hatch-Redpath list only one other occur-
6 0 8
B D B , Even-Shoshan, Hatch-Redpath (s.v. αέναος), and Mandelkern list ח יas an
adjective (s.v. ) ח י, Lisowsky as a verb (s.v. ) ח י ה. K B and H A L give no reference for Jb 19:25 under ח יor ח י ה. 6 0 9
Excluding formulas of oaths and plurals ( ) ח י י םare the following according to Hatch-Redpath: Cm 43:7, 43:27, 43:28, 46:30, 2 Kgs(Sm) 22:47, 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 21(20):32, Ps 17(18):47.
6 1 0
So B D B , K B , H A L , s.v. ש ח. H A L designates ש חspecifically as a Verbal Adjective (Ibid.).
6 1 1
Even-Shoshan, s.v. ש ח ח.
6 1 2
So B D B , H A L s.v. ש ח ח.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
rence of κ ύ φ ω — a rendering of mnitf (Bound Infinitive Qal o f ) ש ח חin Is 60:14 attributed to α θ ' . In sum, it is difficult to determine whether R read the form in his parent text as an Adjective or a Participle, since his rendering would be suitable for either. 6 1 3
30:4a ה ק ט פ י ם מ ל ו ח ע ל י ־ ט י ח 30:4a X o i π ε ρ ι κ λ ω ν τ ε ς ά λ ι μ α έ π ί ή χ ο ΰ ν τ ι . / R renders the form ( ט י ח$°Λ M T ) by ή χ ο ΰ ν τ ι (Present Active Participle Dative m.s of ή χ έ ω , 'ring / sound'). For ט י ח, Classical Hebrew has homonymous roots: (1) ס{יח, a noun only, meaning 'shrub' and (2) שיח, a noun or verb, meaning 'groan / sing / speak'. The former occurs only four times in M T ; the latter is well attested. Modern scholars normally interpret ט י חhere as 'shrub'. Perhaps R, unlike O G which gives φ ρ ύ γ α ν α ά γ ρ ι α for ט י חin the only other instance of the word in Job, did not know this sense. Instead, the equivalent in R is apparently based on ' = ט י חgroan / sing / speak'. This latter word he renders by ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α twice (j7:13b, j9:27a) and has ε ύ η χ ο ς for '( ט י חshrub') in 30:7a—an Adjective 6 1 4
6 1 3
See Α ρ ρ I I of Ziegler, Isaias, ad 10c.
6 ) 4
The four instances are: Gn 2:5, 21:15, Jb 30:4, 30:7.
6 1 5
The noun ט י חoccurs 14 times,
time, and the verb
times (Even-Shoshan, s. v. ט ח, ט י ח, ט י ח, ) ט י ח ה. 6 1 6
So Driver and Gray 1:252, 2:209, Dhorme, 432-433, Fohrer, 411, 413, Gordis, 326, 331, Pope, 217, Habel, 413, Hartley, 396. 6 1 7
O G collapses both 30:7a and b into one line in Greek; φ ρ ύ γ α ν α ά γ ρ ι α covers for both • ט י ח יin 30:7a and ח ר ו לin 30:7b. In fact, φ ρ ύ γ α ν α ά γ ρ ι α is probably based more on ש י ח י םthan on ח ר ו ל. Semantically, φ ρ ύ γ α ν α ά γ ρ ι α ('wild undershrubs', Liddell-Scott, s.v. φ ρ ύ γ α ν ο ν ) seems a better equivalent for ט י ח י םthan does ח ר ו ל ('Wild Artichoke' in H A L , s.v. ח ר ו ל, 'Chickpea' in B D B , K B , s.v.)חרול. Moreover it is plausible to presume O G did not even know ח ר ו ל. The complete evidence for the Septuagint is as follows: for ט י חthe Genesis Translator gives χ λ ω ρ ό ν in 2:5 and ελάτη in 21:15; for ח ר ו לboth Zep 2:9 and Prv 24:31 give a Medio-Passive Perfect Participle o f ε κ λ ε ί π ω , obviously reading ח ד ו ל. One reason why O G gives one line for two in M T is to avoid lexical problems. 6 1 8
So Dhorme, 432.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
obviously related to his rendering with ή χ έ ω in 30:4a. Precisely what form of ש י ח ('speak') was read or understood by R is uncertain. 39:13b ח ס י ד ה ו נ צ ה
39:13b Χ έ ά ν συλλαβή ά σ ι δ ά κ α ΐ ν ε σ σ ά · / The rendering of R in 39:13b is literal: συλλαβή (Aorist Active Subjunctive 3 s of σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω ) clearly corresponds to א ב ר הin M T . While it appears probable that R construed the Hebrew as a verbal form, it is best to conclude that his parent text for σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω is unknown. No simple solution comes to mind to explain a derivation of σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω from א ב ר ה, or letters similar, allowing for common errors of scribal transmission. 619
40:24b ב מ ו ק ש י ם י נ ק ב ־ א ף 40:24b Χ έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς χ ρ ή σ ε ι ρ ΐ ν α ; / The participle έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς in R evidently corresponds to ב מ ו ק ש י םin M T . The compound verb έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε ύ ο μ α ι is apparently a ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in Hellenistic Greek; the simplex σ κ ο λ ι ε ύ ο μ α ι is found in the writings of the Church Fathers. Liddell-Scott gives the meaning 'catch in a snare' for έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε ύ ο μ α ι . This explanation is clearly dependent upon the term '( מ ו ק שsnare') in M T and is patently wrong. The έ ν prefix is motivated probably by the בpreposition in M T . The simplex verb σ κ ο λ ι ε ύ ο μ α ι is an - ε ύ ω formation from σ κ ό λ ι ο ς ('crooked'). The termination - ε ύ ω has the sense 'to be such and such', i.e. to act in a certain role or capacity. Etymologically, then, the verb means 'to act crooked / be tortuous' and usage in Patristic Greek confirms this. One might render 40:24b "Can one in craftiness pierce his nose?" The noun מ ו ק שoccurs in one other place rendered by R 620
6 1 9
See the discussion of the passage in the section on Transliterations (p. 31 I f . ) .
6 2 0
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. £voKoA.tetk)uat and Lampe, s.v.
6 2 1
Liddell-Scott, ibid.
6 2 2
Cf. Howard, Accidence,
6 2 3
See L . R. Palmer, The Greek Language, 266.
6 2 4
Lampe, s.v. o־KO?vte{Jouat, gives the meanings 1. 'wriggle / writhe', 2. 'wriggle in argument', 3. 'be tortuous'.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
and he employs δ υ σ κ ο λ ί α in a metaphorical understanding of34:30)ע ם
מ ק ^ יb ) .
His treatment of ב מ ו ק ד י םin 40:24b is similar. There is no proof, therefore, that R 25
read anything other than the noun moqes.'' The instances in (Nouns I n M T Rendered As Verbs By R A n d Construed As Such) and (Nouns I n M T Rendered As Verbs By R But N o t Construed As Such) in R clearly show that R had only a consonantal text before him. He also had a reading tradition, to be sure, but not the same tradition as in M T . * The above sections emphasize the necessity of characterizing the work of R in the context of his parent text, not o f the reading tradition in M T . 6 2
3.2. Lexical
Changing focus from a formal or structural perspective, the way in which R renders Hebrew verbs is now described from a lexical viewpoint. Below is a complete list of finite verbs, infinitives and participles occurring three times or more in M T and their lexical equivalents in R. One can hardly identify meaningful patterns for frequencies of less than three. For the sake of completeness, however, the Greek equivalents o f all Hebrew verb forms occurring less than three times are listed in Appendix A . As in the case of nouns, the lexical selection of the revisor / translator is analyzed according to four levels of variety: (1) a given Hebrew lexeme is rendered by a single Greek lexeme. (2) more than one Hebrew lexeme are rendered by a single Greek lexeme, (3) a given Hebrew lexeme is rendered by more than one Greek lexeme, (4) more than one Hebrew lexeme are rendered by more than one Greek lexeme. The arrangement of the list below groups these four levels into three cate-
6 2 5
One may wonder why R employed a participle in the singular to render a noun in the plural. Since έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς is Nominative, concord in number with χ ρ ή σ ε ι is expected. 6 2 6
The view that there was a generally accepted reading tradition for Job, differing somewhat between communities, seems just as likely as the view that there was not. While Job had no place in Jewish liturgy as far as is known (see E . Schiirer, The His tory of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, A New English Version Revised and Edited by G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M . Black, V o l . I I [Edinburgh: Τ. & T. Clark, 1979], 448), the fact that this book was included among the scriptures and also trans lated (with later revisions or re-translations necessary) as part o f them shows its con tinuing importance for the life of the community. I t is difficult to imagine a book hav ing some place in the life of a community and having no reading tradition.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
gories: (1) the first two levels are called stereotype equivalents, (2) the third level regular equivalents, and (3) the fourth level non-standard equivalents. Each entry is consecutively numbered from Category 1 through Category 3. The equivalents are presented in the format X » Y which signifies "X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)" and the frequency and occurrences of each equivalent are provided as well. The number immediately following each equivalent ( Y ) indicates the frequency and the occurrences are listed next i n parentheses. Where the variety of the lexical selection of R is greater than one Hebrew verb rendered by one Greek verb, the alternative equivalencies are included at the end of each entry in square brackets. 627
Category 1 - Stereotype Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 1. » א ב דά π ό λ λ υ μ ι 4 (12:23a, 14:19c, 29:13a, 30:2b) 2. » א מ ו ־ε ΐ π ο ν 9 (22:13a, 28:14a, 28:14b, 28:22a, 33:8a, j34:9a, 35:10a, 36:10b, 40:1); » έ ρ ώ 2 (21:28a, 22:29a); » λ έ γ ω 1 (34:31a); » ל א מ רλ έ γ ω ν 1 (24:15b) 3. » ד ב רλ α λ έ ω 5 (32:16a, 33:31b, 33:32b, 34:33c, j42:7c) 4a. ( ה פ ךQal) » σ τ ρ έ φ ω 2 (28:5b, 34:25b) 4b. ( ה פ ךHithpael) » δ ι α σ τ ρ έ φ ω 1 (37:12a) 5. » י ס ףπ ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι 3 (20:9a, j27:19a—ye'asip M T ; R read a form of
34:32 ,יסףb)
6. ( כ ס הPiel) » κ α λ ύ π τ ω 3 (15:27a, 36:30b, 36:32a) » σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω 1 (9:24b) 7. » מ צ אε υ ρ ί σ κ ω 3 (19:28b, 34:11b, 37:13b) 8. » נ ג דα ν α γ γ έ λ λ ω 3 (17:5a, 36:9a, 36:33a); » α π α γ γ έ λ λ ω 2 (jl2:7b, 21:31a) 9. » נ ת ןδ ί δ ω μ ι 7 (28:15a, j31:31b, 31:35a, j35:10b, 36:6b, 36:31b, 37:10a) 10a. ( ס פ רQal) » έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ έ ω 1 (31:4b) 1 0 b . ( ס פ רP i e ! ) » έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι 2 (12:8b, 28:27a) 1£? » κ ο ι μ ά ω 4 ( j l 1:18b, 20:1 l b , j27:19a, j38:37b)
6 2 7
The arrangement is based first on frequency (highest to lowest) and second on alphabetic order where frequencies are equal.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 12. » ח ז הε ι δ ο ν 1 ( 3 6 : 2 5 a ) [ » ר א הέ ν δ ο ν ] ;
» ο ψ ο μ α ι 1 ( 3 4 : 3 2 a ) [ » ר א הΰ ψ ο μ α ι ; » ט ו רο ψ ο μ α ι (34:29b)] 13. » י ד עγ ι ν ώ σ κ ω 10 (12:9a, 20:4a, 21:19b, 22:13a, 28:7a, 34:4b, 34:33c, 35:15b, 36:26a, 39:1a); » έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω 1 ( 2 4 : 1 6 c ) [ » נ כ רέ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω (24:17b)] 1 4 a . ( י צ אQ a l ) » ε ξ έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 3 (28:5a, 37:2b, 39:4c[=bMT]) 1 4 b . ( י צ אH i p h i l ) » δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω 1 ( 3 8 : 3 2 a ) [ » פ ק חδ ι α ν ο ί γ ω (27:19b); » פ ת חδ ι α ν ο ί γ ω (29:19a)] 15a. ( כ ל הQ a l ) » ε κ λ ε ί π ω 2 ( j l l : 2 0 c [ = a M T ] , j l 9 : 2 7 c ) [ » נ ו עε κ λ ε ί π ω (13:19b)] 15b. ( כ ל הP i e l ) » σ υ ν τ ε λ έ ω 1 (36:11b) 16. » ס ת רκ ρ ύ π τ ω 3 (13:20b, 28:21b, 3 4 : 2 9 b ) [ » ח ב אκ ρ ύ π τ ω (24:4b); » ט מ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω (18:10a); » כ ח דκ ρ ύ π τ ω ( 2 0 : 1 2 b ) ; » צ פ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω ] ; » α π ο κ ρ ύ π τ ω 1 (j3:23a) 17. » ע ע ! הπ ο ι έ ω 5 (12:9b, 15:27b, 21:31b, 23:9a, 3 5 : 1 0 a ) [ » פ ע לπ ο ι έ ω (31:3b)] 18. » צ פ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω 2 (j 15:20b, 17:4a) [ » ח ב אκ ρ ύ π τ ω (24:4b); » ט מ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω (18:10a); » כ ח דκ ρ ύ π τ ω (20:12b); » ם ת רκ ρ ύ π τ ω ] ; » κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω 1 (j21:19a) 19. » ק ו םά ν ί σ τ η μ ι 2 (16:8b, j l 9 : 2 5 [ = b M T ] ) ; » έ π α ν ί σ τ η μ ι 1 (30:12a); » ϊ σ τ η μ ι 1 ( j 2 2 : 2 8 a ) [ » ע מ דϊ σ τ η μ ι (30:20b, 32:16b); » ש ק לϊ σ τ η μ ι (28:15b)] Category 2 - Regular Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 20. » א ח זκ ρ α τ έ ω 2 (j23:l l a , 26:9a); » α ν τ έ χ ω 1 (j 17:9a); » κ α τ έ χ ω 1 (23:9a—ΌΙμιζ M T ex ; ח ז הR read 'ahaz ex ) א ח ז 21. » ב ח רε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι 3 (jl5:5b, 29:25a, 34:33b); » α ί ρ έ ω 1 (34:4a);
6 2 8
One occurrence of ח ז הis rendered by κ α τ έ χ ω (23:9a). M T has 'ahaz (Qal Imperfeet 1 c.s, Pausal Form from ) ח ז ה. R read 'ahaz, but understood Qal Perfect 3 m.s from א ח ז. Therefore 23:9a is assigned to Entry # 20 ( ) א ח ז. Only 2 occurrences of ח ז הare left, but an entry is given this word to afford a complete picture for the evidence in Entries # 42 ( ) ר א הand 45 ( ) ט ו ר.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» έ ξ α ι ρ έ ω 1 (36:21b) 22. » ב י ןσ υ ν ί η μ ι 5 (31:1b, 32:12a, 36:29a, j37:14b,j38:18a); » κ α τ α ν ο έ ω 2 (23:15d[=bMT], 30:20b) 23. » ה י הειμί 1 (24:14b); » γ ί ν ο μ α ι 1 (16:8a); » י ה י ל מ ל אε ϊ π ω ς π λ η ρ ω σ α ι (20:23a)
24. » ח ר הθ υ μ ό ω 2 (32:5c, j42:7b); » σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω 1 (j30:30b) 25. » י צ קέ π ι ρ ρ ε ω 1 (22:16b); » έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς 1 (37:18b); 630
» κ α τ α χ έ ω 1 (41:15b) 26. » מ א םά π ω θ ε ω 3 (J8:20a, jl9:18a, 34:33b[=aMT]); » έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω 1 (30:1c) 27. » נ ח הά γ ω 1 (38:32b); » κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω 1 (12:23b); » ό δ η γ έ ω 1 (31:18b) 28. » ם ו רέ κ κ λ ί ν ω 1 (40:2a—yissdr M T ; R lead yasur or>«׳ii> ־ex ; ) ם ו ר » μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι 1 (j 12:24a); » π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω 1 (j 12:20a) 29. » ע ב ןκ α χ α σ κ η ν ό ω 3 (18:15a, j22:2[=bMT]—••yiskon M T ; R read 29:25b); » γ ε ί τ ω ν 1 (26:5b)
30. » טלםά ν τ α π ο δ ί δ ω μ ι 2 (21:19b, 21:31b); » ά π ο τ ί ν ω 1 (34:33a) 31. » ט מ רφ υ λ ά σ σ ω 2 (22:15a, 24:15a); » ο ύ χ ά π τ ο μ α ι I Q2:6b) Category 3 - Non-Standard Equivalents More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 32. » א ס רδ ε ω 1 ( 3 6 : 1 3 b ) [ » ש י םδ έ ω (40:26a)}; 6 2 9
6 3 0
M T vocalizes י ה י ל מ ל אasyahi hmalle'.
The form is י צ ו קvocalized yäsüq in M T and analyzed generally by modern scholars as a Qal Passive Participle m.s of ( י צ קsee B D B , s.v. י צ ק, H A L s.v. י צ ק Driver and Gray, 2:341, Gordis, 486-487, Pope, 336, Habel, 552, Hartley, 528). R read yäsüq analyzed as a Qal Imperfect, 3 m.s from צ ו ק, an allomorph of ( י צ קsee above, p. 182).
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
» π ε δ ά ω 1 (36:8a); » π ε ρ ι δ έ ω 1 (12:18b) 33. » ב ו אδ ε ΰ τ ε 1 (17:10a); » ε π ά γ ω 1 (34:28a); » έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 1 ( 2 9 : 1 3 a ) [ » ע ב רέ ρ χ ο μ α ι (33:28a)] 34. » ה ל ךα π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 1 ( 2 7 : 2 1 a ) [ » מ ש ךα π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι (21:33b)]; » δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι 1 (22:14b); » π ρ ο ά γ ω 1 (J34:23b) 35. » ח ק רέ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω 1 (28:3b[=aMT]); » ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω 1 ( J 2 8 : 2 7 b ) ; [ » ח ב שε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω ( j 2 8 : l l a — R read ; ] ) ח פ ש » ε τ ά ζ ω 1 (32:11c) 36. » ח ר שκ ω φ ε ύ ω 3 (13:19b, 33:31b, 33:33b); » σ ι ω π ά ω 1 ( 4 1 : 4 a ) [ » ד מ םσ ι ω π ά ω 30:27a] 37. » מ ל טδ ι α σ ώ ζ ω 1 ( 2 2 : 3 0 b ) [ » פ ל חδ ι α σ φ ζ ω (J39:3a)]; » ρ ύ ο μ α ι 1 (22:30a); » σ φ ζ ω 1 ( 2 0 : 2 0 b ) [ » י ש עσ ώ ζ ω (22:29b); » פ ד הσ ώ ζ ω (33:28a)] 38. » נ ש אλ α μ β ά ν ω 4 04:2a—nissa M T ; R read
jl3:8a, 34:31b, 4 2 : 8 e ) [ » ל ב ח
λ α μ β ά ν ω 35:7b]; » α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω 1 (27:21a); » σ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω 1 0 7 : 1 3 b ) [ » ס ל הσ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω 28:16a, 28:19b)]; » υ π ο φ έ ρ ω 1 0 2 1 : 3 a ) [ » י כ לυποφέρω
39. » ע ז בε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω 2 (20:13a, j 3 9 : l l b ) ; » ά φ ί η μ ι 1 (39; 1 4 a ) [ » ר פ הά φ ί η μ ι (j27:6a)] 40. » ע נ הα π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι 8 09:15a, 16:3b, 20:3b, 32:15a, 32:16b, j 3 2 : 2 0 [ = b M T ] , 40:1, 4 0 : 2 b ) [ » ש ו בα π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (33:32a)]; » α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι 2 (16:8c[=bMT], 32:12c); » ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω 1 ( 3 5 : 1 2 a ) [ » ש מ עε ί σ α κ ο ύ ί ο (34:28b)] 41. » פ ע לε ρ γ ά ζ ο μ α ι 3 022:17b, 33:29a, 34:32b); » έ ρ γ ο ν 1 (37:12b); » ποιέω 1 ( 3 1 : 3 b ) [ » ע ש הποιέω] 42. » ר א הε ι δ ο ν 3 (28:27a, 32:5a, 4 2 : 1 6 c ) [ » ח ז הε ΐ δ ο ν (36:25a)]; » ό ρ ά ω 3 (7:8a, 10:4b, 22:14a); » δ ψ ο μ α ι 3 (23:9b, 31:4a, 33:28b); [ » ח ז הδ ψ ο μ α ι (34:32a); » ש ו רδ ψ ο μ α ι (34:29b)]; » β λ έ π ω 1 (10:4b): » έ μ β λ έ π ω I 041:26a) 43. » ש י םτ ί θ η μ ι 4 (17:12a, 24:15c, 24:25b, 34:23a) [ » כ ר תτ ί θ η μ ι (31:1a); » ש י ת τ ί θ η μ ι (22:24a)]; » τ ά σ σ ω 2 (31:24a, 36:13a);
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» δ έ ω 1 ( 4 0 : 2 6 a ) [ » א ס רδ έ ω (36:13b)] 44a. ( ע ר בQal) » α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω 1 (39:4c[=bMTJ); » ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω 1 (36:10b) 44b. ( ש ו בHiphil) » α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι 1 ( 3 3 : 3 2 a ) [ » ע נ הα π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι ] 45. ור6 » דπ ρ ο σ ν ο έ ω 3 017:15b, 20:9b, 24:15b); » δψομαι 1 (34:29b)[ » חזהδψομαι; » ר א הδψομαι]; » π ε ρ ψ λ έ π ω 1 (7:8a) 46. » ש ל חε κ τ ε ί ν ω 2 (28:9a, 30:12b) [ » כ ס הε κ τ ε ί ν ω (26:7a); » פ ר שε κ τ ε ί ν ω (36:30a)]; » έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω 2 (30:1 l b , 39:3b) 47. » ש מ עα κ ο ύ ω 8 (20:3a, 26:14b, 29:11a, 31:35a, 33:33a, 36:11a, 37:2a, 37:4c); » ά κ ο ή 1 (37:2a); » ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω 1 ( 3 4 : 2 8 b ) [ » ע נ הε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω (35:12a)] 3.2.2. Commentary. Category 1 demonstrates a strong tendency to employ one fixed equivalent in Greek for every Hebrew verb. Apparent variations in certain entries of Category 1 call for brief comment. No Significant
Ε ΐ π ο ν , έ ρ ω , and λ έ γ ω are not etymologically
related, but form principal parts of one verb (Entry # 2). Similarly ε ΐ δ ο ν
δ ψ ο μ α ι in Entry # 12 and ε ΐ δ ο ν , ό ρ ά ω , and δ ψ ο μ α ι in Entry # 42 also function as principal parts of the same verb. Frequently no discernible distinction exists in Hellenistic Greek between compound and simplex forms of verbs: κ α λ ύ π τ ω and σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω (Entry # 6 ) , α ν α γ γ έ λ λ ω and α π α γ γ έ λ λ ω (Entry # 8), γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω and έ π ι γ ι ν ο ό σ κ ω (Entry # 13), κ ρ ύ π τ ω and α π ο κ ρ ύ π τ ω (Entry # 16) or κ ρ ύ π τ ω and κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (Entry # 18), and ϊ σ τ η μ ι , ά ν ί σ τ η μ ι and έ π α ν ί σ τ η μ ι (Entry # 19). Examples are also found in Categories 2 and 3: α ν τ έ χ ω and κ α τ έ χ ω (Entry # 20), ό δ η γ έ ω and κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω (Entry # 27), σ ώ ζ ω and δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω (Entry # 37) and possibly α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (Entry # 40). ו ג6
The circumstances creating variation in Entry # 15 are different: σ υ ν τ ε λ έ ω is used for the Piel Stem of36:1)כ ל ח l b ) , while ε κ λ ε ί π ω is employed for occurrences in the Qal Stem O H 2 0 c [ = a M T ] , jl9:27c). The equivalents are nevertheless stereotyped in nature since change of stem is basically equal to change of verb here. For identical reasons Entries # 4, # 10, and # 14 are also included in Category 1. R has σ τ ρ έ φ ω for the Qal Stem of28:5) ה פ ךb , 34:25b) and δ ι α σ τ ρ έ φ ω for the Hithpael :
« t According to Liddell-Scott, κ α λ ύ π τ ω is infrequent in prose except in compounds (Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ α λ ύ π τ ω ) .
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Stem (37:12a) in Entry # 4. Similarly he used έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι for the Piel Stem of ם פ ר (12:8b, 28:27a) and έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ έ ω for the Qal Stem (31:4b) in Entry # 10. In the same vein in Entry # 14 ε ξ έ ρ χ ο μ α ι is employed by R for the Qal Stem of28:5) י צ אa , 37:2b, 39:4c[=bMT]) while δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω is used for the Hiphil Stem (38:32a). 632
The clear demarcation in equivalents employed for א מ רand ד ב רin Entries # 2 and # 3 respectively, (εΤπον, έ ρ ω , and λ έ γ ω for the former and λ α λ έ ω for the latter) is noteworthy, but already standard in pretty well all Septuagint Translators. Categories 2 and 3 are larger proportionally than Category 1. This contrasts with nominals where Category 1 was larger than Categories 2 and 3 together. Such a result is not surprising since overlap in range of usage between source and target languages is much greater for nominals than for verbs. While R is a literal translator, he is attentive to context and differences of social situation and also provides stylistic variations to avoid using the same verb in contiguous contexts. These factors account for almost all variations in Categories 2 and 3. Examples and brief analysis support such an assessment of the variation. 633 Minor Variation. Two verbs almost belong to Category 1 since the deviance from a Stereotype Equivalent is so small. In Entry # 40 ע נ הis rendered by ά π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι 8 times, by α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι twice, and by ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω once. I f a distinction is intended between α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι , the difference is contextually motivated: 16:8b ר י ק ם ב י כ ח ש י ב פ נ י י ע נ ה (My leanness arose and testifies against me) 16:8b Χ κ α ι α ν έ σ τ η έ ν έμοι τ ο ψ ε υ δ ό ς μ ο υ , / ( A n d my falsehood arose in [against?] me) 16:8c χ κ α τ ά π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν μ ο υ ά ν τ α π ε κ ρ ί θ η . / (It answered [back?] to my face) 32:12b ו ה נ ה א י ן ל א י ו ב מ ו כ י ח 32:12b Χ κ α ι ι δ ο ύ ο ύ κ ή ν τ φ Ί ώ β έ λ ε γ χ ω ν , / 32:12c א מ ר י ו מ כ כ
32:12c Χ α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ι ν ό μ ε ν ο ς β ή μ α τ α α υ τ ο ύ έ ξ ύ μ δ ν , /
6 3 2
T h e astronomical context of 38:32a also influenced the equivalent selected for י צ אthere. 6 3 3
See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. eTrcov and Xakica.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
The context of 16:8 is a court scene; perhaps ά ν τ α π ε κ ρ ί θ η has the force in this context of 'answering back', but a distinction between α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι here does not seem strong. In 32:12, Elihu complains about Job's Friends, that no one was 'answering back' to the words of Job. The instance of ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω as an equivalent for ע נ הis noteworthy (35:12a). I t is the only occurrence where the context is prayer, i.e. God answering a human. A l l other occurrences are of humans answering either humans or God. Entry # 47 presents us with the same situation. The verb ש מ עis rendered by α κ ο ύ ω times, by ά κ ο ή once, and by ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω once. The instance of ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω occurs in a context where the social situation is prayer (35:12a). AH other instances are humans hearing divine or human speech / sounds. 634
635 Variation due to Contextual Sensitivity. Several Entries are somewhat similar to the cases of ע נ הand י ש מ עalthough the evidence for stereotyping is not so strong. In Entry # 29 κ α τ α σ κ η ν ό ω is the equivalent always used for the finite.forms of p t t f (18:15a, j 2 2 : 2 [ = b M T ] , 29:25b—•all Qal Imperfect). R employed γ ε ί τ ω ν — a different lexeme and a nominal—for a participial form of ש כ ן: 26:5b מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה ם 26:5b Χ ϋ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / The equivalent λ α μ β ά ν ω is employed four times for א6( נעEntry # 38) and consequently is standard; 'to take' is the basic meaning understood for מ&אin all four instances. The variation α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω is contextually motivated as a different sense ,
( take up') is understood for נ ש א:
6 3 4
Liddell-Scott gives only four references for α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι , all late: Jb 16:8c, L k 14:6, Rom 9:20 and Nicomachus Gerasenus, Arithmetica, 1.8.10. To this Jb 32:12 and Jgs 5:29 A may be added from Hatch-Redpath (Sm. Jb 32:14b is based on Syh). Nine further references are supplied in Bauer: Pythagorus 2.88, 9.65, Aesop 301a.6, schol. on Pindar, Leontios, 35, Syntipas, p. 80, TestJob 5.1, 41.1 and Justin, A I 17.2 (see W. Bauer, Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament, 6th ed. by K . and B. Aland [New York: De Gruyter, 1988], s.v. α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι ) . Again, most instances are late (cf. Chapter Three, n. 431). Linguistic inflation in Hellenistic Greek is evidenced by preference for complex verbs (cf. Bauer, xvi). This should caution one against overemphasizing the value of ά ν τ ί in α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι . 6 3 5
The case is 37:2a where R probably understood VTtVi (Free Infinitive M T ) as a cognate noun. See above, p. 264f.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
27:21a מ & א ה ו ק ד י ם ו י ל ך (The east wind picks him up and he is gone) 27:21a Χ ά ν α λ ή μ ψ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν κ α ύ σ ω ν κ α ΐ ά π ε λ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι
There are 2 occurrences where נ ש אhas the meaning 'to bear, carry', one literal rendered by σ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω , one metaphorical translated by υ π ο φ έ ρ ω : 7:13b י ש א ב ש י ח י מ ש כ ב י Α ρ ρ I I 7:13b σ υ μ β α σ τ ά σ ε ι μ ε έ ν τ ή ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α μ ο υ ή κ ο ί τ η μ ο υ 21:3a ( ) ו א נ כ י א ד ב ר
Α ρ ρ I I 21:3a ύ π ε ν έ γ κ α τ ε . . . Thus having a normal equivalent does not prevent R from being context sensitive or appreciating the range of usage in נ ש א. The difference between ό δ η γ έ ω and κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω as equivalents for נ ח ה (Entry # 27) is negligible. The context of 38:32b, however, is astronomical and this is apparently what inspires a different choice of lexeme ( ά γ ω ) : 38:32b ע ל ־ ב נ י ה ת נ ח ם
( A n d the Bear, with its little ones, can you guide them?) 38:32b 5« κ α ι ' Έ σ π ε ρ ο ν έ π ί κ ό μ η ς α υ τ ο ύ ά ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ά ; / ( A n d the Evening Star upon her tail, will you lead them?) R employs θ υ μ ό ω for ח ר הtwice where divine or human anger is involved (32:5c, j42:7b), In one instance the equivalent selected is σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω (j30:30b); here the context is of bones being burned up or parched (thoroughly). Entry # 46 provides another illustration of the way in which R is sensitive to range of usage of a verb in the source language: 28:9a ב ח ל מ י ש ש ל ח י ד ו 28:9a Χ έ ν ά κ ρ ο τ ό μ φ έ ξ έ τ ε ι ν ε ν χεΤρα α υ τ ο ύ , / 30:11b מ פ נ י ש ל ח ו
30:11b Χ κ α ι χ α λ ι ν ό ν τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ μ ο υ έ ξ α π έ σ τ ε ι λ α ν . / 30:12b ש ל ח ו
30:12b χ π ό δ α α ύ τ ω ν έ ξ έ τ ε ι ν α ν
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
39:3b ת ש ל ח נ ה
39:3b Χ ώ δ Τ ν α ς α υ τ ώ ν έ ξ α π ο σ τ ε λ ε ΐ ς ; / In 28:9a and 30:12b 'extend' or 'stretch out' is the sense according to the context (hand and foot respectively) while 'dismiss' or 'send away' is a meaning more suitable in 30:11b and 39:3b. One may wish to argue that R chose different equivalents for ש ל חin 30:11b and 30.T2b to avoid the same word in proximate contexts. The following examples are better illustrations of this characteristic in R. Variation due to Stylistic Variation. As already pointed out, εΤδον, ό ρ ά ω , and δ ψ ο μ α ι constitute one equivalent for ( ר א הEntry # 42). This accounts for 9 out of 11 occurrences where R rendered ר א ה. The use of β λ έ π ω in 10:4b is almost certainly due to considerations of stylistic variation. There are 2 instances of ר א הin one stich: 10:4b א נ ו ש ת ר א ה
10:4b x ή κ α θ ώ ς ό ρ α ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς β λ έ ψ η ; / O n one occasion, R employed the compound form έ μ β λ έ π ω for ר א ה: 41:26a א ת ־ כ ל ־ ג ב ה י ר א ה Α ρ ρ I I 41:26a π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι The choice of έ μ β λ έ π ω is possibly provoked by the context which speaks of God "considering" or "taking a close look" at eveiy arrogant person. Thus 41:26a demonstrates contextual sensitivity rather than stylistic variation. The facts in Entry # 37 are also best explained by stylistic variation. The use of σ ώ ζ ω (20:20b) and δ ι α σ φ ζ ω (22:30b) appear indistinguishable. In 22:30a, however, R employs ρ ύ ο μ α ι as an alternative probably because מ ל טis repeated in successive stichs (22:30a = Piel Stem, 22:30b = Niphal Stem in M T ) : 22:30a 22:30a 22:30b 22:30b
י מ ל ט אי־־נקי x φύσεται άθώον, ונמלט בבר כ פ י ך Χ κ α ι διασώθητι έν καθαραΤς χερσίν σου. /
Perhaps Entry # 45 can be included as an illustration of stylistic variation as well. Three times ש ו רis rendered by π ρ ο σ ν ο έ ω (jl7:15b, 20:9b, 24:15b) and once by δ ψ ο μ α ι as a alternative lexeme (34:29b). This evidence in itself approximates the regularity of a Stereotype Equivalent. Since 7:8a has both ר א הand ש ו רin the same
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
stich, the choice of π ε ρ ι β λ έ π ω for ש ו רthere is both contextually motivated and a variation to avoid redundancy. Variation for Other Reasons. The fact that verbs like ( ב ו אEntry # 33), ה ל ך (Entry # 34), and ו ב# (Entry # 44) are rendered by different equivalents in every instance (each verb occurs three times) is to be expected since these verbs have a broad range of usage. The variation in renderings of ה י הis due more to range o f usage grammatically than to range of semantic usage: 16:8a ו ת ק מ ט נ י ל ע ד ה י ה 16:8a χ κ α ι έ π ε λ ά β ο υ μ ο υ , ε ί ς μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ι ο ν έ γ ε ν ή θ η · / 20:23a י ה י ל מ ל א ב ט נ ו 20:23a χ ε'ί π ω ς π λ η ρ ώ σ α ι γ α σ τ έ ρ α α ύ τ ο ΰ , / 24:14b ו ב ל י ל ה י ה י כ ג נ ב 24:14b Χ κ α ι ν υ κ τ ό ς ε σ τ α ι ώ ς κ λ έ π τ η ς . / In 16:8a R appropriately recognizes the idiom ה י ה+ לof transformation and employs γ ί ν ο μ α ι εις, an exact equivalent in Hellenistic Greek. Ε ι μ ί is better suited to the comparative expression in 24:14b. In 20:23b, R employs ε ϊ π ω ς with an Aorist Optative as an equivalent expression to yahi followed by the Bound Infinitive. This example exhibits care for preferred patterns in the target language and is much less literal than usual. One case of variation in Categories 2 and 3 is different from the rest: 1:ΐ23β א ל י ו א ל ־ ת ש ל ח י ד ך
OG 1:12c ά λ λ α α ύ τ ο ΰ μ ή ά ψ η . 2:6b א ת ־ נ פ ש ו ש מ ר
O G 2:6b μ ό ν ο ν τ ή ν ψ υ χ ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι α φ ύ λ α ξ ο ν . Α ρ ρ I I 2:6b τ ή ς ψ υ χ ή ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ο ύ χ ά ψ η 6 3 6
R renders ש מ רby ο ύ χ ά ψ η in j2:6b; O G 1:12c is cited for contextual reasons. What is noteworthy is that while R does employ φ υ λ ά σ σ ω for ש מ רtwice (22:15a, 24:15a), in j2:6b R revises δ ι α φ ύ λ α ξ ο ν in O G to ο ύ χ ά ψ η . This almost certainly is due to OG's rendering in 1:12. Altering an equivalent in O G quite similar to his own
The C Group attests ά ψ η ; the c Group α ψ η ς .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
preferred usage in order to revise the text to conform to previous usage in O G is far from normal for R. Summary. I n summary, analysis of lexical selection made by R in rendering verbs reveals a literal approach to translation tempered by a concern for context, for stylistic variation and for range of usage in Hebrew words. Freer renderings by R are quite rare, but appear here and there breaking the monotony of literal patterns. Many choices demonstrate a concern for the demands and preferred styles of the target language.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
4. Transliterations. There are nine instances in the Corpus where R transliterates instead of translating the Hebrew. Both nominals and verbals are transliterated. These cases are set forth below. Since it is important to observe this phenomenon in context, the entire line is quoted if it is extant in the Corpus of R. 4.1.
אור 36:30a 5>׳( ה ך פ ר ש ע ל י ו אורוr) 36:30a Χ Ιδού ε κ τ ε ί ν ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν ή δ ώ / אחו
8:11b '( א ח וaha) Α ρ ρ Ι Ι 8:11b ά χ ί גביש 28:18a ( ר א מ ו ת ו ג ב י ש ל א י ז כ רgabis) 28:18a Χ μ ε τ έ ω ρ α κ α ι γ α β ί ς ο ύ μ ν η σ θ ή σ ε τ α ι , / חסידה,נעלסה,נצה 39:13a ( כ נ ף ־ ר נ נ י ם נ ע ל ס הne'eiasa) 39:13b ( א כ ד א ב ר ה ח ס י ד ה ו נ צ הhastda wanosa) 39:13a Χ π τ έ ρ υ ξ τ ε ρ π ο μ έ ν ω ν ν ε έ λ α σ α 39:13b Χ έ ά ν σ υ λ λ α β ή ά σ ι δ ά κ α ι ν ε σ σ ά · / מזרות 38:32a ( ה ת צ י א מ ז ר ו ת ב ע ת וmazzarot) 38:32a x ή δ ι α ν ο ί ξ ε ι ς Μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ έ ν κ α ι ρ φ α υ τ ο ύ / נ ע ל ס הsub ח ס י ד ה נ צ הsub ח ס י ד ה ערבה K
39:6a ( ע ר ב הaraba) A p p I I 39:6a ά ρ α β α תחבולת 37:12a ( ל פ ע ל םOr batahhuiotaw)בתחבולתו
( ו ה ו א מ ס ב ו ת מ ת ה פ ךK t batahbaiatd)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
37: ] 2a 5κ κ α ι α ύ τ ο ς κ υ κ λ ώ μ α τ α δ ι α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι 37:12b χ έ ν θ ε ε β ο υ λ α θ ώ εις φ γ α α ύ τ δ ν , / 4.2. Commentary. In his Prolegomena to Origenis Hexaplorum Quae Supersunt Field has a short section treating the Style of the Theodotion Translator'. There he assembled and briefly discussed a ' d i a l o g u e of Transliterated Words' "which are easily accessible in the remains of Theodotion." Field's inventory is by no means complete, for four of the nine instances in the Corpus of R are not listed by Field (£?גבי, מ ז ר ו ת, כ ע ל ס ה, ) נ צ הeven though they are included in his corpus of hexaplaric remains. He notes that some of the words are names of animals, plants and trees, clothes and garments, and things for the service of God and of idols. Since the appearance of Field's 'Catalogue of Transliterated Words', contributions to the study of transliterations in the Greek Old Testament have been made mainly by H . Thackeray, P. Walters, and Ε. Τ ο ν . Apart from Τον, however, these studies rarely address directly the transliterations in Theodotion. Each case deserves evaluation on its own. ,
6 4 3
6 3 7
Field, l:xxxix.
6 3 8
Field's words are "quae in Theodotionis reliquiis obvia sunt" (Field, l:xl).
6 3 9
Γ α β ί ς (28:18a), ά σ ι δ ά (39:13b), and ν ε σ σ ά (39:13b) are attributed by Field to θ '
while ν ε έ λ α σ α (39:13a) is considered O'; see Field, ad loc. 6 4 0
See Field, l:xli.
!Thackeray, 31-38.
6 4 2
P. Walters, The Text of the Septuagint, ed. D . W . Gooding (Cambridge: Cam bridge University Press, 1973), 155-196.
6 4 3
Ε. Τον, 'Transliterations of Hebrew Words in the Greek Versions o f the Old Testament," Textus 8 (1973); 78-92 and Ε. Τον, "Loan-Words, Homophony and Transliterations in the Septuagint," Biblica 60 (1979): 216-236. No articles, books, or studies are listed for the nine transliterations in the Corpus of R either in Ε . Τον, A
Classified Bibliography of Lexical and Grammatical Studies on the Language of the Septuagint and Fts Revisions (Jerusalem: Academon: 1982) or in BIOSCS, 1982-, 6 4 4
See G. Dorival, M . Harl, and O. Munnich, e d s ״La Bible Grecque des Septante (Paris: Editions du CERF, 1988), 156, 261-263.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Classification of ή δ ω in 36:30a as a Greek transliteration of a Hebrew word is open to question. A n early tradition interpreted η δ ω as an authentic element o f Greek lexical stock. First, a note in the margin of the Syro-Hexapla glosses η δ ω (Greek letters) by Syriac qst'. * Secondly, part of the textual tradition has τ ό ξ ο ν either in the margin or in the text. The earliest witness to τ ό ξ ο ν is the biblical text in The Commentary on Job of Julian The Arian, circa 365 A . D . In his comment at 36:30 he begins by stating, "he says the rainbow (Τρις) is a bow ( τ ό ξ ο ν ) , which some call a belt." This statement is almost certainly an explanation of ή δ ω naturally suggested by the context, which is meteorological, and possibly suggested by the verb εκτείνω. A n analysis such as Julian's is likely the basis for the entry in Hesychius, lexicographer of the Fifth Century A . D . , who glosses ή δ ω by Τρις, ή γ ο υ ν τ ό ξ ο ν . Thus the tradition of interpreting ή δ ω as a Greek word equivalent to τ ό ξ ο ν is clearly a contextual guess to explain something incomprehensible. 645
6 4 8
6 5 0
6 4 5
Reading η δ ω as ή δ ω , a form of ή δ ο μ α ι , is not a suitable solution since the context of Job 36:30a calls for a noun. 6 4 6
See A . M . Ceriani, éd., Codex Syro-Hexuplaris ad loc. and Field, 2:66, n. 42.
6 4 7
A t 36:30a Apparatus I of Ziegler has a number of variants for ή δ ώ :
ή δ ω ] ε ι δ ω d (157 sup lin) 130 620; ι δ ω 4 6 2 5 7 ; ׳ι δ ω ν 106; ε ι δ ώ ν 261; η λ ω ׳336; η ω δ η B-S* « t x t . δ ο ν S ; τ ο ξ ο ν (pr τ ο A-V-575-613) L-S g-613-644« 1.57™g ( έ ν ά λ λ ο ι ς ) Syh 8 Bo (vid) ΟΙ ( έ τ ε ρ α α ν τ ί γ ρ α φ α ) ; ο δ ω 1 5 7 ë ( γ ρ ' ) A r m ; lucent suatn La; > 296 e
ω ρ η
We can dismiss immediately ε ι δ ω , ι δ ω , ι δ ω ν , and ε ι δ ώ ν as itacistic phonetic variants and η λ ω as a paléographie variant. The variants ο δ ω , ω ρ η δ ο ν (an adverb based on ω ρ α ? ) , and possibly ή ω δ ή are attempts to derive meaning from nonsense. The vari ant τ ό ξ ο ν is a gloss on ή δ ώ . La is influenced by either a' or a'. 6 4 8
l u i is included in the siglum L . For the date, see Z i , 16.
6 4 9
Julian's words are as follows: τ ό ξ ο ν λ έ γ ε ι τ ή ν Τριν, ή ν τ ί ν ε ς ζ ώ ν η ν κ α λ ο ΰ σ ι ν ( D . Hagedorn, éd., Der Hiobkommentar des Arianers Julian [New Y o r k : De Gruyter, 1973], 237). 6 5 0
F o r example, ε ν τ ε ί ν ω in Ps 7:13, 10(11):2, 36(37):14, Lam 2:4, 3:12, Zech 9:13 and τ ε ί ν ω in Jer 28(51):3 is employed for 'bending of the bow'.
6 5 1
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. ή δ ω .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
M T has lien-parai 'alayw 'dm at 36:30a. Without emendation, literal translation yields "Behold, he spreads his light about/over him." R certainly knew the word '( א ו רlight', » א ו רφ ω ς 17:12b, 24:16c, 26:10b, 29:24b, 33:28b, 36:32a, 37:3b, 37:11b). Moreover, if the context is meteorological, Hebrew א ו רmay mean 'lightning'. This is the likely meaning in 36:32a, 37:3b, and 37:11b—all contexts similar to 36:30a and all rendered φ ω ς by R. Where does ή δ ώ come from then? Apparently the rendering o f א ו רby ή δ ώ is due to reading '( א י ד וedd) rather than M T '( א ו ר וard). While the issue of the relationship of the parent text of R to M T is beyond the present purview, one need not assume a different Hebrew text for the rendering of ή δ ώ other than what we have in M T . * Confusion of yodh and waw as well as daleth and resh are common in the Hebrew scribal tradition. Furthermore Aquila and Symmachus, attested as independent readings, have (τό) φ ω ς α ύ τ ο ΰ and ό Ε β ρ α ί ο ς has ώ ρ ώ . Thus having read א י ד ו, R transliterated rather than translated his parent text because he did not know a meaning which was contextually suitable. R knew the word '( א י דcalamity', » א י דα π ώ λ ε ι α 21:30a, 30:12c, 31:3a) and he knew the word '( א דfresh-water stream', » א דν ε φ έ λ η 36:27b) and neither meaning is particularly suitable. Whether the omega of ή δ ώ shows, moreover, i f R 653
6 5 6
652 p instance, Driver and Gray, 1:316, 2:283 and Dhorme, 555, emend א ו ר וto א ד ו ('edo). More recently, M T is followed (see Gordis, 408, 421, Pope, 267, 275, Habel, 4 % , Hartley, 476). Also, Pope, 275 and Habel, 499, for example, emend ע ל י וto the divine name 'Aliy ('Most High'). o r
6 5 3
See H A L , Meyer-Donner, and especially D C H , s.v. א ו ר.
6 5 4
Field analyzes the parent text of 0' this way and after him other scholars as well. See Field, 2:66, and also Driver and Gray, 2:283, Dhorme, 555, and Ε . Τ ο ν , 'Trans!iterations of Hebrew Words in the Greek Versions of the Old Testament," Textus 8 (1973): 90, as examples of other scholars. 6 5 5
As noted earlier, scholars such as Driver and Dhorme prefer '( א דmist') as original. I f א י ד וis from א ד, however, a plene spelling is assumed. Hebrew א דonly occurs in M T in Gen 2:6 and Job 36:27b (rendered by R ) and neither occurrence has yodh in the spelling. 6 5 6
6 5 7
See Apparatus I I , Z i , 377.
While recent scholarship appears to prefer the meaning 'stream' for א ד, the rendering ν ε φ έ λ η in R accords well with the meaning 'mist' which is traditional. See B D B , H A L Meyer-Donner, and D C H , s.v. א ד.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
read holem-waw as part of the noun rather than a 3 in.s pronominal suffix is uncertain. There is only one example where R performs morphological analysis before transliteration. In 37:12b, R distinguishes the preposition בfrom ב ת ח ב ו ל ת וand renders it by £v, but like f|Sco he renders the 3 m.s pronominal suffix by omega. Presumably one would translate 36:30a, "Behold, he stretches an t^Sco against/over him." Thus R did not know the word and considered transliterating his parent text greater fidelity in the task of translating the Word of G o d than making a contextual guess in the target language. Although
&%i appears in Field's Catalogue
of Transliterated Words,
classifying the term in the Corpus of R as a genuine transliteration is dubious. Hebrew '( א ח וreeds'), a loanword from Egyptian, L X X Genesis 41:2,
41:1s. *' A
is transliterated &xi already in
native speaker of Greek who did not know the word
could easily gather the meaning from the context of Genesis 41. Elsewhere &%i occurs only two times.
One occurrence is in L X X Isaiah 19:7, where ע ר ו ת
another Egyptian loanword meaning 'rushes' and roughly synonymous with rendered TO & X I TO %A.copdv by the Greek Translator of Isaiah.
( ardt),
The other
occurrence is in the Greek of Ben Sira at 40:16a. The entire line reads, &X1 e m
6 5 8
Ε . Τ ο ν reduces Field's 'Catalogue of Transliterated Words' from 110 to 64 by
applying various criteria, but he retains ή δ ώ ; see Ε. Τον, 'Transliterations of Hebrew Words in the Greek Versions of the O l d Testament," Textus 8 (1973): 79-80, 90. 6 5 9
See H A L , Meyer-Donner, s.v. א ח וand A . Erman, W . Erichsen, and H . Grapow,
eds., Wörterbuch
der Agyptisclien Sprache (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1955, 1971),
1:208, # 6,7. 660
S e e Wevers, Genesis,
ad 10c, where the editor spells the word ά χ ε ι as if the
Dative of a neuter noun from α χ ό ς . 6 6 1
Only one other reference is listed by Liddell-Scott, namely PMag.Par. 1.1091,1101 where the word is used for 'lamp-wick'. Since the date o f the Great Magical Papyrus of Paris is about 300 A . D . , its evidence is not relevant. See A . Deissmann, Light From The Ancient East, transl. L . R. M . Strachan, rev. ed. (Reprint, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1978), 254. 6 6 2
See H A L , s.v. ע ר הand A . Erman, W. Erichsen, and H . Grapow, eds.,
der Ägyptischen 6 6 3
Sprache, 1:214, # 5.
Ziegler, Isaias, ad 10c.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
6 6 4
παντός ΰδατος και χείλους ποταμού. J. G. Snaith paraphrases with "The rush that grows on every river-bank." Although the context here leaves no room for uncertainty that the meaning of ά χ ι is 'rushes', it is difficult to correlate the Greek with the Hebrew parent text. There is enough evidence, then, to show that ά χ ι was established as a Greek word meaning 'reed-grass' by the First Century B.C. When R gives ά χ ι for א ח וin jS.Tlb, he may be following a precedent and providing a rendering comprehensible to a Greek reader rather than innovating with something less than understandable. The Hebrew of Job 28 is notorious for obscure words and specialized terms. R's difficulty with the terms there is similar to that of modern scholars, and in general his renderings are satisfactory. His rendering of ז כ ו כ י תby ϋ α λ ο ς (28:17a), ח ז י זby τ ί ν α γ μ α (28:26b), ח ל מ י שby ά κ ρ ό τ ο μ ο ς (28:9a), כ ת םby χ ρ υ σ ί ο ν (28:16a, 28:19b), ס פ י רby σ ά π φ ι ρ ο ς (28:6a, 28:16b), פ זby χ ρ υ σ ο ύ ς (28:17b), פ ט ד הby τ ο π ά ζ ι ο ν (28:19a), and • ש הby ό ν υ ξ (28:16b) are examples of potentially troublesome terms handled fairly well. Other renderings are inaccurate although an attempt is always made to provide an equivalent which is both faithful and contextually suitable; the rendering of '( ס ב ו רgold bullion') by σ υ γ κ λ ε ι σ μ ό ς (28; 15a) and פ נ י נ י ם ('rubies'?) by τ ά έ σ ώ τ α τ α 37:5a) are examples. The word ( ב ב י שgabis), 'rock-crystal' is a ά π α ξ λ ε γ ό μ ε ν ο ν in M T although it is related to א ל ב ב י שin Ez 1.3:11,13:13, 38:22 and possibly to כ פ י םin H b 2: l l . In the context of 28:18a, employing a trans665
6 6 8
6 6 4
J. Ziegler, ed. Sapienüa Jesu Filii Sirach, 2nd ed., Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum, vol. 12.2 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), 1965, 1980), ad 10c. 6 6 5
J. G. Snaith, Ecclesiasticus
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974), 198.
6 6 6
There are differing versions of the Hebrew parent text, see The Book of Ben Sira, The Historical Dictionary of the Hebrew Language (Jerusalem: The Academy of the Hebrew Language and the Shrine of the Book, 1973), 43. Although Barthélémy and Rickenbacher correlate à%i and ק ר ד ם, it is doubtful i f the Greek is sufficiently literal for a one-to-one correspondence to be made ( D . Barthélémy and O. Rickenbacher, eds., Konkordanz zum Hebräischen Sirach [Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1973], 355).
6 6 7
See for example, Driver and Gray, Dhorme, Fohrer, Cordis, Pope, Habel, and Hartley, ad. loc.
6 6 8
See H A L , Meyer-Donner, s.v. ג ב י שand Pope, 204.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
!iteration for ( גבישis as intelligible, if not more so, than rendering ( ר א מ ו תcorals'?) by μ ε τ έ ω ρ ο ς in the same stich. 669
The transliterations ά σ ι δ ά , ν ε σ σ ά , and ν ε έ λ α σ α occur in close proximity and thus may be treated together. Although M T 39:13 gives some trouble to translators, a literal rendering yields: The wing of the ostrich rejoices, [But] is it a gracious pinion and plumage? R understood ( ר ב נ י םostrich') etymologically from ר נ ן, employing a Middle-Passive Participle of τ έ ρ π ω ( t o cheer, gladden'). This approach created difficulty in handling ne'elSsa, likely a Niphal Perfect 3f.s of ( ע ל ז = ( עלם, ע ל ץ and resulted in transliteration as the counsel of despair. It is not even possible to determine from the syntax of the sentence whether R understood ne'elasQ as a noun or a verb. Since it is the only case of a transliterated verb in the Corpus of R, one could suggest that R analyzed ne'elasa as a feminine adjective or noun. This incorrect interpretation of • ( ר נ ב יostrich') further led R astray in 39:13b. The Greek word in R which corresponds to ( א ב ר הpinion') in M T is σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω and according to the context it must mean 'to conceive'. One might suppose that R construed א ב ר הas a verbal form of the root '( ה ר חto conceive') but it is difficult to explain any form of ח ר הas a corruption o f א ב ר הaccording to the normal patterns o f copyists' errors in textual transmission. It is better to conclude that the parent text of R at this point is unknown. The words which follow, ח ס י ד ה and ב צ ח, were then transliterated by R as unknown nouns. Hebrew ח ס י ד הpermits analysis either as a feminine adjective of hastd ('gracious') or as a feminine noun helsida ( stork'). R read ח ס י ד הas a noun, but one cannot determine more than that. 670
Since the noun נ צ הor ( ב ו צ הfeathers') occurs only lour times in M T ( L v 1:16, Ez 17:3, 17:7, Jb 39:13) it was not surprisingly a troublesome word for R. It should be 6 6 9
Job 28:18a (R read a form of verb ) ? ר ו ם.
6 7 0
Already in 1737 Schultens counted more than 20 different interpretations of this verse. See Dhorme, 603-604 and Hartley, 509,11. 3. 6 7 1
See D . Barthélémy et al., Preliminary and Interim Report on the Hebrew Old Testament Text Project, vol. 3 (New York: United Bible Societies, 1979), 147. O n א ם introducing direct questions, see H A L , s.v. א םand Meyer-Donner, s.v. 11.2 ,אם-
6 7 2
6 7 3
For an alternate view, see H A L , s.v. ע ל ם.
Σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω is employed as an equivalent for Hatch-Redpath, s.v.
times in the L X X . See
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
noted too that the plural participle of 39:13a clashes with the singular verb o f 39:13b. One can only surmise that R was desperate to give vocable for vocable, even though he could not interpret the text. Μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ , 38:32a, occurs in an astronomical context, both in M T and R. It is interesting to compare R's handling of 38:32a with his treatment of 38:32b: 38:32b ו ע י ש ע ל ־ כ כ י ה ת נ ח ם ( A n d the Bear, with its little ones, can you guide them?) 38:32b Χ κ α ι Έ σ π ε ρ ο ν έ π ι κ ό μ η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ά ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ά ; / (And the Evening Star upon her ' t a i l ' , will you lead them?) 674
Both in the rendering of ע י שby " Ε σ π ε ρ ο ς and in the translation of ע ל ־ ב נ י הby έ π ι κ ό μ η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ R achieves an almost idiomatic rendering. In 38:32a, however, R does not render מ ז ר ו תwith a phrase like τ ά σ υ σ τ ή μ α τ α τ ω ν α σ τ έ ρ ω ν or a word like ζώδια. A transliteration of מ ז ר ו ת, however, does not make the sentence incomprehensible, and modern scholars are hardly in a position to criticize since they are not too sure what מ ז ר ו תmeans. The transliteration μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ also occurs in L X X 4 Kgs 23: צfor ( מ ז ל ו תmazzaldt) M T . Whether any connection can be drawn between the two passages is difficult to say. 6 7 5
6 7 7
As Ε. Τ ο ν argues, the rendering of) ע ר כ הa r a b a ) at 39:6a by ά ρ α β α is common in L X X translators and is therefore hardly characteristic of or unique to R as a revisor / translator. The noun '( ע ר כ הdesert plain') occurs one other passage 679
While έ π ί is difficult because of the literalistic translation of bv, R is clearly operating in an astronomical context and κ ό μ η does have a metaphorical meaning to suit such a setting. Aristotle uses the term κ ό μ η for 'the luminous tail of a comet' (see Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ ό μ η ) . This semantic value provides an explanation of the passage which is satisfactory.
6 7 4
6 7 5
As suggested by a scholium on 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 23:5, see Field, 1:693.
6 7 6
See H A L , s.v., and the Commentaries.
6 7 7
See Rahlfs, ad loc.
6 7 8
Ε. Τον, "Transliterations of Hebrew Words in the Greek Versions of the Old Testament," Textus 8 (1973): 79. ע ר כ הrendered by άραβα: Dt 1:7, 2:8, 3:17, 3:17, 12:3, 12:8, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 14:25, 14:25, Jer 52:7.
6 7 9
4:49, Jos 3:16, 11:2, 12:1, 12:3,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
in M T which is rendered by R, namely 24:5c(=dMT). There R read 'araba (Qal Perfect 3 f.s of ע ר ב, be sweet') as the rendering by the verb ή δ ύ ν ω shows. Thus άραβα cannot be classified as a transliteration produced by R. ,
The last case is the rendering o f ( ב ת ח ב ו ל ת וK t batahb&tittd, Qr baiahbOlamw) by έ ν θ ε ε β ο υ λ α θ ώ ( Q r ) in 37:12b(=aMT). It seems likely that the subject o f י פ י ץin 37:11b M T is God and that the ח ו אin 37:12a M T refers to the clouds or lightning of 37:11b. R, however, construes the subject of י פ י ץas ע נ ןand the pronoun ה ו אas referring to God. This creates a problem for interpreting the pronominal suffix on ת ח ב ו ל ת וas a reference to God. In addition, R construes מ ת ה פ ךin 37:12a M T as a transitive verb, rendering it by δ ι α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι , and reads מ ס ב ו תin the same stich as a noun ( κ υ κ λ ώ μ α τ α ) and the object of δ ι α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι . Furthermore, R renders the Bound Infinitive ( ל פ ע ל םbpo'olam) in 37:12a M T by εις ε ρ γ α α υ τ ώ ν , thus interpreting the word as a noun and the pronominal suffix as referring either to κ υ κ λ ώ μ α τ α (37:12b) or to ν ε φ έ λ η (37:11b) and ν έ φ ο ς (37:11b). Despite the differences between how one might read M T and how R read his parent text, if he had known the word '( ת ח ב ו ל תguidance') it would have fitted nicely into his translation. Thus the transliteration is due to the fact that the word was unknown to R. In conclusion, two of the transliterations are renderings of technical terms ( γ α β ί ς , Μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ ) , five transliterations are due to the fact that R did not know a meaning for the Hebrew word suitable to the context ( ά σ ι δ ά , ή δ ώ , θ ε ε β ο υ λ α θ ώ , ν ε έ λ α σ α , ν ε σ σ ά ) , and two transliterations are clearly common with the L X X so that they need not be considered genuine transliterations as such (άραβα, ά χ ί ) .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
5. Particles. Thus far description of the work of R has covered the treatment of nouns and verbs. Last to be evaluated in the triad of Hebrew parts of speech is his approach to particles. Classification of parts of speech is least clear-cut both at the boundaries of the Hebrew particle system and within the system itself. O'Connor is right (even if somewhat pedantic) when he states, " A medley of polymorphy and polysemy as diverse as is found among the Hebrew particles is not conducive to simple harmon ics." The greatest overlap occurs between nouns and particles. A t the outset it was noted that O'Connor divides nouns into adverbials and non-adverbials. The former category includes adverbials of four different types: (1) prepositional, (2) simple, (3) memized, and (4) "accusative". The class of particles consists of emphatics, nega tions, conjunctions and prepositions. Problems of categorization are immediately obvious. Items like bi< and IV can function as substantives. Conceivably, one might classify • 2 and "]a as particles and TN, cbMi, p and T1VW as adverbs, but all are adverbial in function. For the sake of completeness and utility, the anaysis here is inclusive rather than formally precise. 680
For convenience, the data is divided into two: (1) Prepositions, and (2) Con junctions and Other Particles. The latter category is a motley array of conjunctions, emphatics, negations, and adverbial particles and affixes. 5.1.
Prepositions are arranged for analysis according to morphology. Three prepositions occur only as prefixes: 3, D, and h. One preposition is found either preposed or separate: [־D, A l l other prepositions occur only as independent words. Combinations are also found: a Compound Preposition is a combination of one or more prepositions, and a Semipreposition is a combination of a preposition and a
6 8 0
M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure, 300.
6 8 1
Ibid., 301.
6 8 2
Ibid., 302.
6 8 3
6 8 4
E.g. for
see 24:25b, and for IV see 19:24b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
noun whose basic function is prepositional. Thus four categories are adduced: (1) Inseparable Prepositions, (2) Separable Prepositions, (3) Separate and Compound Prepositions, and (4) Semiprepositions. There is some overlap between categories, especially between the fourth and the first three. The atomistic approach of R is responsible for this and at the same time confirms the correctness of presenting the evidence this way. A l l overlapping instances are indicated by footnotes. 5.1.1. Inseparable
Prepositions. ב. Introduction. In the portion of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R the preposition בoccurs a total of eighty-seven times. Three of these are instances where either the parent text of R differed from M T , or R realized the Consonantal Text differently from M T and as a result, the בpreposition was not read or understood by R. 22:24b ו ב צ ו ר כ ח ל י ם א ו פ י ר 22:24b Χ κ α ι ώ ς π έ τ ρ α χ ε ί μ α ρ ρ ο υ ς Ώ φ ί ρ . / The phrase ב צ ו רis rendered ώ ς πέτρφ. by R showing that he read כ
rather than ( בbeth). These characters are frequently confused by scribes and it is not necessary to determine whether R had בin his parent text and read כ, or whether he actually had כin his parent text.
The case is classified as a rendering of the כ
preposition as that is the letter understood by R. 28:10a ( ) י א ר י ם ב ק ע
A p p I I 28:10a ό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α . . .
6 8 7
6 8 5
This is the definition of a semipreposition given by R. Sollamo, Renderings of Hebrew Semiprepositions in the Septuagint, Annates Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Dissertationes Humanarum Litterarum no. 19 (Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1979), 1. 6 8 6
I n fact, Kennicott lists fifteen MSS (76, 82, 89, 130, 137, 139, 155, 158, 160, 210, 253, 288, 601, 602; nunc 95) which have ו כ צ ו ר. One MS has157) ) ו ב צ רand one MS has249) ) ו צ ו ר.
6 8 7
C (Olymp) and Syh have only preserved one word in 28:10a attributed to 0'.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Presumably R read bas&rdt for M T bassurot. The form in M T is a prepositional phrase consisting of the בpreposition followed by the feminine plural of the noun ' ( צ ו רr o c k ' ) . Grammatically the form ba^&rdt read by R is a feminine plural Qal Passive Participle of the root '( ב צ רbe inaccessible') functioning here as a substantive. 688
37:11a י ט ר י ח ע ב
37:11a Χ κ α ι έ κ λ ε κ τ ό ν κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ε ι ν ε φ έ λ η , / As most modern scholars point out, ban M T is to be analyzed as the preposition בplus a noun ר יformed from '( ר ו חbe m o i s t ' ) . The rendering έ κ λ ε κ τ ό ν indicates R read bar from '( ב ר רchoose' / ' p u r i f y ' ) . 689
690 Conversely, for similar reasons, there are two cases where R read or understood a בcontrary to the Consonantal Text or to the word division of M T . 22:24a ו ש י ת ־ ע ל ־ ע פ ר ב צ ר 22:24a χ θ ή σ η έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ι έ ν π έ τ ρ α /
6 9 ι
R understood beser ('gold') in M T (Pausal Form baser) as a prepositional phrase basur and rendered by έ ν πέτρψ. 34:11b י מ צ א נ ו# ו ב א ר ח א י 34:11b Χ κ α ι έ ν τρίβω α ν δ ρ ό ς ε ύ ρ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν . /
6 8 8
See above, n. 567.
6 8 9
S o B D B and H A L , s.v. ר י. Cf. Driver and Gray, 1:319, 2:291, Dhorme, 564-565, Fohrer, 479, 481, Gordis, 408, 428, Pope, 282, Habel, 496, 500, Hartley, 478 and see especially Grabbe, op. cit., 114-116. 6 9 0
Cf. the Rabbinic Targum which has ב ר י ר ו ת.
6 9 1
Cf. j28:10a, above, p. 278.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
The prepositional phrase ε ν τρίβω in R corresponds to ב א ר חin M T . The instance of 34:11b is parallel to that of 22:24b. f
instead of ( כkaph). >'
Here R obviously read 3 (beth)
Accordingly, this case is included under ב. 3. I n all, then, there are 86 occurrences where R renders the preposition ב. Included in this total is one instance where R atomistically renders ב ב ל י, a compound formed from ( בPreposition) and ( ב ל יNegative), which functions as a preposition. The different methods used by R to render בare arranged below in categories given in the format X » Y which signifies " X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)"; also the frequencies are indicated by a number in parenthesis at the end of each heading. No distinction is made in the classification of the evidence between ב used as a nominal modifier and בused as a verbal modifier since the data does not really warrant i t . 694
695 » בέ ν ( 6 8 )
6 9 6
j4:21a, 7:8b, j7:13b, 12:9a, jl3:27a, jl4:8b, jl5:8a, 15:10a, 15:26b, 15:27a, 16:8b, jl8:4a, 18:10a, 18:15a, 18:15a, 19:24a, jl9:27c, 19:28b, 20:12a, 20:13b, 20:14b, 20:20b, 21:21a, 21:23a, 22:24a, 22:30b, 24:16a, 26:8a, 26:14b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:16b, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:25b, 30:3a, 32:5b, j33:2b, 33:8a, j34:9b, 34:11b, j34:23b, j35:10b, 35:16b, 36:8a, 36:8b, 36:11b, 36:1 lc, 36:22a, 36:25a, 36:31a, 36:32b, 37:2a, 37:4b, 37:5a, 37:7a,
6 9 2
See above, p. 315.
6 9 3
Kennicott lists one M S which has ו ב א ו ר חprima manus (245).
6 9 4
See B D B and H A L , s.v. ב ל י. Complete evidence for ב ב ל יis also given separately since R handles it atomistically on one occasion (35:16b) and as a unit twice (34:6b, 39:16b). See below. Separate and Compound Prepositions, § 5.1.3.
6 9 5
In the portion of M T rendered by R almost all בprepositional phrases modify verbs or form (part of) the predicate in a nominal sentence. In fact, there is only one clear case of a בprepositional phrase modifying a nominal: מ ה ־ ח פ צ ו ב ב י ת ו א ח ר י ו ב יa ) . Since ח פ ץis an infinitival noun, the case does not really differ much from a בprepositional phrase modifying a verb. 6 9 6
Includes five instances where בis a component of semiprepositions:29:20) ב י דb ,
37:7a),40:24) ב ע י נ יa ) ,20:14) ב ק ר בb ) , tions.
and20:13) ב ת ו ךb ) .
See below, Semipreposi-
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
37:12b(=aMT), 37:21b, 38:26b, 38:32a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:17b, 39:18a, 40:2 40:26a, 40:31b, J42:7b, j42:7b. Examples: 12:9a מ י ל א ־ י ד ע ב כ ל ־ א ל ה 12:9a Χ τ ί ς ο ύ κ ε γ ν ω έ ν π α σ ι τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς / 15:10a ב ם ־ ש ב נ ם ־ י ט י ש ב נ ו 15:10a Χ κ α ί γ ε π ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς κ α ί γ ε π α λ α ι ό ς έ ν ήμΤν / 28:9a ב ח ל מ י ט ט ל ח י ד ו 28:9a Χ έ ν ά κ ρ ο τ ό μ φ έ ξ έ τ ε ι ν ε ν χ ε ΐ ρ α α ύ τ ο ΰ , / 28:16b ב ע ו ה ם י ק ר ו ס פ י ר 28:16b Χ έ ν ό ν υ χ ι τ ι μ ί ω κ α ι σ α π φ ί ρ φ - / 33:8a א ך א מ ר ת ב א ז נ י 33:8a Χ π λ η ν ε ΐ π α ς έ ν ώ σ ί ν μ ο υ , / 42:7ba ) ו י א מ ר י ה ו ה א ל ־ א ל י פ ז ה ת י מ נ י ( ח ר ה א פ י ב ך ו ב ש נ י ר ע י ך A p p I I 42:7b έ θ υ μ ώ θ η ή ό ρ γ ή μ ο υ έ ν σ ο ι κ α ι έ ν τ ο ι ς δ υ σ ι φ ί λ ο ι ς σ ο υ The equivalent έ ν is obviously standard, a fact hardly surprising for a literal translator. * בD a t i v e (6) 21:15b ו מ ה ־ נ ו ע י ל ב י נ פ ב ע ־ ב ו 21:15b Χ κ α ι τ ί ς ω φ έ λ ε ι α , δ τ ι ά π α ν τ ή σ ο μ ε ν α ύ τ φ ; / 28:16a ב ב ת ם א ו פ י ר
28:16a Χ κ α ι ο ύ σ υ μ β α σ τ α χ θ η σ ε τ α ι χ ρ υ σ ί φ Ώ φ ί ρ , / 28:19b ט ה ו ר ל א ת ס ל ח
28:19b Χ χ ρ υ σ ί φ κ α θ α ρ φ ο ύ σ υ μ β α σ τ α χ θ η σ ε τ α ι . / 35:15b ו ל א ־ י ד ע ב פ ש מ א ד 35:15b Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ £ γ ν ω παραπτ(ί>ματι σφόδρα· /
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
40:26b ו ב ח ו ח ח ק ו ב ל ח י ו A p p I I 40:26b κ α ι χ α λ ι ν ω χ ρ ή σ ε ι ς σ ι α γ ό ν α α ϋ τ ο ΰ 41:9a א י ט ־ ב א ח י ה ו י ד ב ק ו 41:9a 3« ά ν ή ρ τ ω ά δ ε λ φ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι , «׳׳׳ There are just six cases where R uses the simple Dative as an equivalent for a prepositional phrase introduced by . בA brief examination o f each case reveals that R employed a simple Dative instead of έ ν + Dative out o f concern for the demands o f the target language in general, and in particular, out of sensitivity to the normal patterns and requirements o f the Greek verbs used. 697 » בDifferent Greek Syntagmeme (12) There are twelve cases where R either employed a different syntagmeme in Greek to convey the function o f the בin Hebrew or adapted the construction in the parent text to conventions demanded by the grammar or social perspective o f the target language. 12:18b א ז ו ר ב ם ח נ י ה ם
12:18b Χ κ α ι π ε ρ ι έ δ η σ ε ν ζ ώ ν η ό σ φ ύ α ς α υ τ ώ ν . / According to the Hebrew "he bound a belt upon their waist," while the Greek may be literally translated "he bound around their waist with a belt." The conventions of the source and target languages differ slightly, but the meaning is obviously the same. 16:8b ט י ב פ נ י י ע נ ה7 ו י ק ם ב י כ ח 16:8b Χ κ α ι α ν έ σ τ η έ ν έ μ ο ϊ τ ό ψ ε υ δ ό ς μ ο υ , «׳׳׳ 16:8c % κ α τ ά π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν μ ο υ ά ν τ α π ε κ ρ ί θ η . / (It answered [back?] to my face) The provisional English Translation shows how R probably understood his text in 16:8bp. This meaning is suitably expressed in Greek by κ α τ ά π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν μ ο υ whereas έ ν π ρ ο σ ώ π ω μ ο υ would at best be quite wooden.
6 9 7
Articulation is employed by R only in the case of 41:9a and only 35:15b is articulated in the reading tradition of M T . O n Articulation, see above, pp. 117-132.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
19:18a ג ם ־ ע ו י ל י ם מ א ס ו ב י A p p I I 19:18a κ α ί γ ε ά φ ρ ο ν ε ς ά π ώ σ α ν τ ό με 30:20b ע מ ד ת י ו ת ת ב נ ן ב י 30:20b χ έ σ τ η σ α ν κ α ί κ α τ ε ν ό η σ α ν με· / In both 19:18a and 30:20b the verbal modifier in Hebrew is introduced by ב, but the Accusative Case is equivalent in Greek. There are conventions established in the source and target languages respectively for the modifiers of the verbs used. In both cases the Greek verb demands an Accusative. 23:9a 7&ב ע & ת ו ולא־אחז
23:9a Χ α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά π ο ι ή σ α ν τ ο ς α ϋ τ ο ΰ κ α ί ο ύ κ α τ έ σ χ ο ν / The choice of an Adverbial Participle in a Genitive Absolute to render a Temporal Clause initiated by ב+ Bound Infinitive constitutes excellent idiomatic Greek. Only one other case similar to this is rendered by R and there he employs έ ν τ φ + Infinitive (j34:9b). 24:14b ו ב ל י ל ה י ה י כ ג נ ב 24:14b Χ κ α ί ν υ κ τ ό ς ε σ τ α ι ώ ς κ λ έ π τ η ς . / The prepositional phrase ב ל י ל הis rendered by ν υ κ τ ό ς . R employs the Genitive of Time During Which and captures nicely in this way the Temporal ב. 31:27a ב ס ת ר ל ב י
31:27a Χ κ α ί ε ί ή π α τ ή θ η λ ά θ ρ α ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ , / The Greek Adverb λάθρψ answers for both noun and preposition in Hebrew; ב ס ת רis appropriately handled as an adverbial phrase of Manner. 33:28a פ ד ה נ פ ש י מ ע ב ר ב ש ח ת 33:28a Χ σ ω σ ο ν ψ υ χ ή ν μ ο υ τ ο υ μ ή έ λ θ ε ι ν ε ί ς δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν , / Grammarians report that έ ν and ε ί ς are confused in some situations in Hellenistic Greek. Soisalon-Soininen demonstrates the complexity of the problem 698
6 9 8
See Blass-Debrunner, 1, n. 2, and §§ 205-6, 218, Turner, Syntax, 249, 251.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
in L X X Translators. Ε ι ς + Accusative is, of course, better in 33:28a because the idea of motion is present, and as a construction with έ ρ χ ο μ α ι , is Classical usage. In Hebrew beth may mark the goal of movement, but έ ν is not suited for this according to normal usage. Thus 33:28a is a case of following the demands of the target language and is not a matter of confusing ε ι ς and έ ν . 700
33:28b ( ב א ו ר ת ר א הOr ו ח י ת י ) ו ח י ת ו 33:28b Χ κ α ! ή ζ ω ή μ ο υ φ ω ς ο ψ ε χ α ι . /
7 0 1
When בis employed to introduce the modifier of ר א ה, the construction is idiomatic in Hebrew and means 'to see with emotional stirring'. The choice of ο ψ ο μ α ι as an equivalent for ר א הautomatically requires a modifier in the Accusative Case. 702
40:24b י נ ק ב ־ א ף
40:24b Χ έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς χ ρ ή σ ε ι ρ ΐ ν α ; / As noted previously, The έ ν prefix of the compound verb έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ α ι accounts for the בpreposition of ב מ ו ק ד י םin M T . 7 0 3
41:8a א ח ד ב א ח ד י נ ש ו 41:8a Χ εΤς χ ο ΰ έ ν ο ς κ ο λ λ ω ν χ α ι , / The syntax in 41:8a is exceptional. Medio-Passive and Passive forms of κ ο λ λ ά ω normally have modifiers in the Dative Case. This is the construction R gives to modifiers of κ ο λ λ ά ω (Passive) in 29:10b and π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ ά ω (Passive) in 704
6 9 9
1. Soisalon-Soininen, "έν F Ü R ε ι ς I N D E R S E P T U A G I N T A , " Vetus Tesiamen-
turn 32/2 (1982): 190-200. 7 0 0
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 11.2.5.
7 0 1
The rendering κ α ι ή ζ ω ή μ ο υ presupposes K t ו ח י ת י.
7 0 2
See B D B , H A L , s.v. ר א ה.
7 0 3
See above, p. 292f.
7 0 4
Cf. Bauer, Hatch-Redpath, Liddell-Scott, and Lampe, s.v. κ ο λ λ ά ω . I n fact, the four references list no other case where a modifier o f κ ο λ λ ά ο μ α ι is Genitive.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
41:9a. O n formal grounds, moreover, the Dative Case might more closely represent M T in 41:8a. Nonetheless a Genitive modifer is possible, and can be explained as an instance of the Genitive Proper with verbs of touching. Therefore the Genitive does convey in Greek the function of בin Hebrew and is a fair rendering. Perhaps 41:8a is a literalism: R employs the Genitive Case to handle the function of ב marking the object of a verb of reaching (to) or touching * even when the Genitive is not normally used with the Greek verb chosen as an equivalent for EfaX 705
30:3a ו ב כ פ ן כ ל מ ו ד
30:3a i * ev evSei^t m i Xx^im a y o v o g / One instance of בin 30:3a is not rendered by R. In Classical Hebrew, when prepositions govern mutiple modifiers the preposition is commonly repeated before each modifier. This is uncommon in Classical Greek, but is becoming more frequent in Hellenistic G r e e k . Here R avoids extreme literalism and suits his translation to fit the demands of the target language. The identical situation obtains only in j42:7b where both occurrences of בare rendered by £v. 707
708כ. Introduction. The Corpus of R contains only 14 instances where the preposition כis rendered. This total includes 22:24b where R read ( כkaph) and the Consonantal Text has ( בbetl1). The one occurrence of כ א ש רis considered under Conjunctions (29:25c). The analysis below is based on whether the כprepositional phrase modifies a nominal or a verb or functions to introduce a dependent clause. Further classification is made according to the methods used by R for rendering כ prepositional phrases. Each classification is given a heading presented in the format X » Y which denotes "X (Hebrew) is rendered by Y (Greek)." Frequencies are indicated by a number in parenthesis at the end o f each heading. lm
7 0 5
Cf. Blass-Debrunner, § 170, and Smyth, § 1345.
7 0 9
Cf. G K C § 1.19k, and Waltke-O'Connor, § I1.2.5f.
7 0 7
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 11.4.2. By contrast, cf. 28:16b above, p. 318.
7 0 8
See Robertson, 566, and Turner, Syntax, 275. The high proportion of repetition in Biblical Greek is doubtless due to the influence of Hebrew (see Turner, ibid.).
7 0 9
See above, p. 315.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials Nominal Modifiers. (2) 35:8a ע ך# ר
35:8a Χ ά ν δ ρ ι τ ω ό μ ο ί φ σ ο υ ή ασέβεια σ ο υ , / 37:18b כ ר א י מ ו צ ק
37:18b Χ ί σ χ υ ρ α ϊ ώ ς ο ρ α σ ι ς έ π ι χ ύ σ ε ω ς . / Verbal Modifiers. (10) (1) 3 » ώ ς ( 4 ) 22:24b, 24:14b, 31:18a, 41:21a Examples: 22:24b נ ח ל י ם א ו פ י ר
22:24b Χ κ α ι ώ ς π έ τ ρ α χείμαρρους Ώ φ ί ρ . /
η { )
24:14b ו ב ל י ל ה י ה י כ ג נ ב 24:14b Χ κ α ϊ ν υ κ τ ό ς έ'σται ώ ς κ λ έ π τ η ς . / (2) » כώ σ ε ί (2) 28:5b, 29:25b Example: 29:25b כ מ ל ך ב ג ד ו ד
29:25b Χ κ α ι κ α τ ε σ κ ή ν ο υ ν ώ σ ε ϊ β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς έ ν μ ο ν ο ζ ώ ν ο ι ς / (3) » כώ σ π ε ρ (3) 30:18b, 34:7a, 34:7b Examples: While M T has belli, R read kaph in his parent text. See above, p. 315.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
30:18b כ פ י כ ח נ ת י י א ז ר נ י 30:18b χ ώ σ π ε ρ τ ό π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν τ ο υ χ ι τ ω ν ό ς μ ο υ π ε ρ ι έ σ χ ε ν με. / 34:7b כ מ י ם
34:7b Χ π ί ν ω ν μ υ κ τ η ρ ι σ μ ό ν ώ σ π ε ρ ΰ δ ω ρ / (4) » כκ α θ ώ ς (1) 42:8bp ( ) כ י ל א ד ב ר ת ם א ל י נ כ ו נ ה ( כ ע ב ד י ) א י ו ב Α ρ ρ I I 42:8g κ α θ ώ ς ό δ ο ΰ λ ό ς μ ο υ Dependent Clause Marker. (2) 10:4b א ב ד כ ר א ו ת א נ ו ש ת ר א ה 10:4b Χ ή κ α θ ώ ς ό ρ α ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς β λ έ ψ η ; / 39:18a כ ע ת ב מ ר ו ם ת מ ר י א 39:18a Χ κ α τ ά κ α ι ρ ό ν έ ν ΰ ψ ε ι υ ψ ώ σ ε ι , / Summary. In a majority of situations R employs ώ ς , or augmented forms ώ σ ε ί and ώ σ π ε ρ for10)כ occurrences); twice κ α θ ώ ς is used. Thus the approach of R is literal, but not stererotyped or inattentive to context as consideration of 35:8a and 39:18a makes plain.ל. Introduction. The preposition לoccurs a total of 81 times in the portion of M T which corresponds to the materials rendered by R. Not included in this total is one case of לin the 'frozen' Bound Infinitive24:15) ל א מ רb ) . One instance ineluded must be removed from the total since the rendering of R points to a parent text differing slightly from the Consonantal Text and certainly realized differently from M T . As a result, the לpreposition was not read or understood by R: 7
18:15a ב א ה ל ו מ ב ל י ־ ל ו
18:15a χ κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν τ ή σ κ η ν ή α ϋ τ ο ΰ έ ν ν υ κ τ ί α ύ τ ο ΰ /
7 1 1
See above, p. 270.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
In 18:15a, R apparently read bsl&lo (?) where M T has mibbdlt-Ιό. The form in M T is a complex consisting of the ρ preposition, the negative ב ל י, and the preposition ל with a 3 m.s pronominal suffix, R has understood the noun ל י ל/ '( ל י ל הnight') with the בpreposition prefixed and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. 712
Eighty cases remain for study. The analysis here, like that above for ב, is based on whether the לprepositional phrase modifies a nominal or a verb in M T . As expected, the group of verbal modifiers is by far the larger. It includes, moreover, those cases where the prepositional phrase belongs to the predicate of a nominal sentence. Further classification is made in each group according to the methods employed by R in Greek for rendering לprefixed modifiers. Each classification is given a heading presented in the same format used above for the renderings of ב. Again, frequencies are indicated by a number in parenthesis at the end o f each heading. Nominal Modifiers. (3) (1) Rendered by Genitive (1) 12:20a מ ס י ר ש פ ה ל נ א מ נ י ם A p p I I 12:20a π α ρ α τ ρ ε χ ω ν χ ε ί λ η α π λ α ν ώ ν (2) Rendered by Dative of Respect (2) 30:1b צ ע י ר י ם מ מ נ י ל י מ י ם A p p I I 30:1b ν ε ώ τ ε ρ ο ι μ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς 32:4b כ י ז ק נ י כ ד ה מ ה מ מ נ ו ל י מ י ם 32:4b 3* δ τ ι π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ι α υ τ ο ύ ε ί σ ι ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / In 12:20a לsignals a nomen regens / nomen rectum relationship between םה67 and • ל נ א מ נ יwhich is appropriately translated by the Genitive Case in Greek. ל shows specification in 30:1b and 32:4b and is nicely rendered by a Dative of Respect. A l l 3 instances are anarthrous both in M T and R. Verbal Modifiers. (77) (1) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by Nominal In Genitive (6)
7 1 2
See above, p. 87.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(a) ל+ Pronoun (3) 31:35a מ י י ת ן ־ ל י י ש מ ע ל י 31:35a Χ τ ί ς δ φ η ά κ ο ύ ο ν τ ά μ ο υ ; / 33:33a א ת ה ש מ ע ־ ל י
33:33a Χ ε ι μ ή , σ ύ ά κ ο υ σ ο ν μ ο υ 37:1a י ח ר ד ל ב י
37:1a Χ κ α ι τ α ύ τ η ς έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ / (b) ל+ Noun (With or Without Suffix) (3) 9:15b א ת ח נ ן
9:15b Χ τ ο υ κ ρ ί μ α τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ε η θ ή σ ο μ α ι · / ׳ 39:18b ל ס ו ס ו ל ר כ ב ו
7 1 4
39:18b Χ κ α τ α γ ε λ ά σ ε τ α ι ί π π ο υ κ α ι τ ο υ έ π ι β ά τ ο υ α ύ τ ο ΰ . •י (2) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by Nominal In Dative (31) (a) ל+ Pronoun (16) j 12:7b, 12:8b, 18:17b, 21:31b, 21:33a, 22:14a, j22:28a, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:17a, 2S:6b 30:2a, 34:4a, 36:9a, 39:4c(=bMT), 39:16a, 39:17b Example: 12:8b ל ך ד ג י ה י ם
12:8b x κ α ί έ ξ η γ ή σ ο ν τ α ί σ ο ι 01 ι χ θ ύ ε ς τ η ς θ α λ ά σ σ η ς . / (b) ל+ Noun With Suffix ( 6 )
7 1 5
7 1 3
The second instance of ~h is in question.
7 1 4
The verb δ έ ο μ α ι demands a modifier in the Genitive, see Liddell-Scott, s.v. δ έ ΰ
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
16:21b, 17:3b, 20:21a, j21:19a, 29:10b, 31:1a Examples: 17:3b מ י ה ו א ל י ד י י ת ק ע 17:3b Χ τ ί ς έστνν ο ΰ τ ο ς ; τ ή χ ε φ ί μ ο υ σ υ ν δ ε θ ή τ ω . / 21:19a י צ פ ן ־ ל ב נ י ו א ת ו
A p p 1121:19a ό θ ε ό ς κ α τ α κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι τ ο ι ς υ ί ο ι ς α ΰ τ ο ΰ α δ ι κ ί α ς α ύ τ ο υ ( c ) ל+ Noun Without Suffix (9) 15:20b נים נ צ פ נ ו ל ע ר י ץ27 ו מ ס פ ר A p p I I 15:20b κ α ι α ρ ι θ μ ό ς ε τ ώ ν κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς ϊ σ χ υ ρ φ 17:5a ל ח ל ק י ג י ד ר ע י ם 17:5a Χ τ ή μ ε ρ ί δ ι ά ν α γ γ ε λ ε Τ κ α κ ί α ς , / 26:6b כ ס ו ת ל א ב ד ו ן
26:6b Χ κ α ι ο ϋ κ Κστιν π ε ρ ι β ό λ α ι ο ν τη α π ώ λ ε ι α . / 31:3a ל ע ו ל
31:3a Χ ο υ χ ί α π ώ λ ε ι α τ φ ά δ ί κ φ / 31:3b ל פ ע ל י א ו ן
31:3b Χ κ α ι ά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ί ω σ ι ς τοΤς π ο ι ο ΰ σ ι ν ά ν ο μ ί α ν ; / 32:12b ו ה נ ה א י ן ל א י ו ב מ ו כ י ח 32:12b Χ κ α ι
ιδού ο ύ κ ή ν τ ω Ί ώ β έ λ ε γ χ ω ν , /
35:8a ר ע ע ך
x ά ν δ ρ ι τ φ ομού() σ ο υ ή α σ έ β ε ι α σοτ>, /
35:8b צ ד ק ת ך
7 1 5
Includes one instance where לis a component of a semipreposition:17:3) ל י דb ) . The form ל ע י נ יin 31:1a cannot be considered an instance of the semipreposition. See below, Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
35:8b Χ κ α ι υ ί ώ ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ ή δ ι κ α ι ο σ ύ ν η σ ο υ . / 36:31b ל מ כ ב י ד
36:31b Χ δ ώ σ ε ι τ ρ ο φ ή ν τ φ ί σ χ ύ ο ν τ ι . / (3) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by έ ν + Nominal I n Dative (2) 9:19a ) א ם ך ל כ ח א מ י ץ ה נ ה A p p I I 9:19a ( ε ι ) έ ν τ η ϊ σ χ ύ ι κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς έ σ τ ι ν 28:26b ל ח ז י ז ק ל ו ת
28:26b Χ κ α ι ό δ ό ν έ ν τ ι ν ά γ μ α τ ι φ ω ν ά ς · / (4) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by Nominal In Accusative (6) (a) ל+ Pronoun (1) 24:16b י ו מ ם ח ת מ ו ־ ל מ ו 24:16b Χ η μ έ ρ α ς έ σ φ ρ ά γ ι σ α ν ε α υ τ ο ύ ς , / (b) ל+ Noun With Suffix (1) 32:11a ה ן ה ו ח ל ת י ל ד ב ר י כ ם A p p I I 32:11a ι δ ο ύ έ ξ ε δ ε ξ ά μ η ν τ ο ύ ς λ ό γ ο υ ς
(c) ל+ Noun Without Suffix (4) 12:23a, 12:23b, 28:3b, 34:3b Example: 12:23a מ ש ג י א ל ג ו י • ו י א ב ד ם 12:23a Χ π λ α ν ώ ν ε θ ν η κ α ι ά π ο λ λ ϊ κ ο ν α υ τ ά , / (5) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by εις + Nominal In Accusative (19) 16:8a, 17:12a, 19:24b, 21:30a, 21:30b, 21:32a, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:25b, 36:7b, 36:7c, 36:27b, 37:12b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 39:14a, 39:16b, 41:24b Examples:
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
16:8a ו ח ק מ ט נ י ל ע ד ה י ה 16:8a χ κ α ν έ π ε λ ά β ο υ μ ο υ , εις μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ι ο ν έ γ ε ν ή θ η · / 17:12a ימו67ל י ו ם י
17:12a χ ν ύ κ τ α ε ί ς ή μ έ ρ α ν έ θ η κ α ν , / 21:30a כ י ל י ו ם א י ד י ח ש ך ר ע 21:30a Χ 6 τ ι ε ί ς ή μ έ ρ α ν α π ώ λ ε ι α ς κ ο υ φ ί ζ ε τ α ι ό π ο ν η ρ ό ς , / 21:32a ל ק ב ר ו ת י ו ב ל
21:32a x κ α ι α υ τ ό ς ε ί ς τ ά φ ο υ ς ά π η ν έ χ θ η / (6) לof Purpose + Bound Infinitive (9) (a) Rendered by τ ο ΰ + Infinitive (6) j34:23b, 34:28a, 36:20b, 38:26a, 38:27a, 38:27b Example: 36:20a ה ל י ל ה
36:20b ע מ י ם ת ח ת ם
36:20a χ μ ή έ ξ ε λ κ ύ σ η ς τ ή ν ν ύ κ τ α 36:20b Χ τ ο ΰ ά ν α β ή ν α ι λ α ο ύ ς ά ν τ ' α ύ τ ω ν
(b) Rendered by Anarthrous Infinitive (1) 2:1b ג ם ־ ה ש ט ן ב ת כ ם ל ה ת י צ ב ע ל ־ י ה ו ה
2:1c κ α ι ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν έ ν μ έ σ φ α ύ τ ω ν . Αρρ I I 2:ld Χ παραστήναι εναντίον τ ο ΰ κυρίου / (c) Rendered by ώ σ τ ε Clause (1) 39:16a ה ק ש י ח ב נ י ה ל ל א ־ ל ה 39:16a χ ά π ε σ κ λ ή ρ υ ν ε ν τ ά τ έ κ ν α α υ τ ή ς όκττε μ ή ε α υ τ ή , /
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(d) Rendered by Different Greek Syntagmeme ( l )
7 1 6
20:23a י ה י ל מ ל א ב ט נ ו (Let it be to fill his belly) 20:23a Χ ε'ί π ω ς π λ η ρ ώ σ α ι γ α σ τ έ ρ α α ΰ τ ο ΰ , / (If somehow he could fill his belly) (7) לPrepositional Phrase Rendered by Zero (1) 31:35a מ י י ת ן ־ ל י ט מ ע ל י 31:35a Χ τ ί ς δ ω η ά κ ο ύ ο ν τ ά μ ο υ ; /
Earlier discussion of 31:35a yielded no clear reason why no equivalent for ל י is provided by R .
7 1 8
(8) = לComponent of Compound Preposition Rendered by Adverb( 1) 39:29b ע י נ י ו י ב י ט ו
39:29b Χ π ό ρ ρ ω θ ε ν οΐ ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί α ύ τ ο ΰ σ κ ο π ε ύ ο υ σ ι ν
(9) = לComponent of Semipreposition ל פ נ יRendered by έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν (2) 21:33c ו ל פ נ י ו א י ן מ ס פ ר 21:33c 5s κ α ι έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν α ύ τ ο ΰ α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι . / 42:liaa ) ו י ב א ו א ל י ו כ ל ־ א ח י ו ו כ ל ־ א ח י ת י ו ו כ ל ־ י ד ע י ו ( ל פ נ י ם 42.Tld έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν
7 1 9
Leaving aside cases of ל+ Bound Infinitive ( # 6) and לin Compound Prepositions ( # 8) or Semiprepositions ( # 9), the general habit and pattern of the revisor / translator is to follow the demands of the target language employing a Genitive, Dative, or Accusative Case as required by the syntax of Greek. Not 7 1 6
For discussion, see above, p. 267.
7 1 7
The first instance of ~h is in question.
7 1 8
See above, p. 164.
7 , 9
Only one word is attested for 9' and only by C.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
surprisingly, the constructions used most predominantly by R for rendering b prepositional phrases are the Dative Case and εις + Accusative, In a couple of instances, the Dative Case is made more explicit by the addition of έ ν according to the tendency of Hellenistic Greek (9:19a, 28:26b). Idiomatic or free renderings are rare. A n important question to raise here is whether or not R ever intends the Greek Article as an equivalent for the b in Hebrew. Earlier analysis of all Indeter minate Forms (free forms with inseparable prepositions 3, )־, and b, which, as a rule, do not show the presence of the article in a consonantal text) revealed a propensity for anarthrous renderings even in cases where the reading tradition i n M T showed articulation. Bound forms with pronominal suffixes in prepositional phrases of all types exhibited a slight tendency to be articulated in Greek: 26 were arthrous and 23 were anarthrous. Nouns with pronominal suffixes and preposed by b are articulated 10 out o f 12 times. The 2 occurrences which are unarticulated are both instances of εις + Accusative Case (36:27b, 37:12b) and in one of them (36:27b), the pronominal suffix is not rendered by R suggesting possibly a difference between his parent text and MT.'a The evidence for nouns without pronominal suffixes (i.e. free forms) and governed by b does not appear as straightforward. Eight instances are articulated in the reading tradition of M T . A l l except one (26:6b) are unarticulated in R . The articulation in 26:6b is due to the demands of Greek syntax since ά π ω λ ε ί α is being used as a proper noun. Six cases are articulated in R but are unarticulated in the reading tradition of M T . In three of them the article is necessary in Greek as an Adjective is being used as a substantive (31:3a, 31:3b, 36;31b). The analysis o f 17:5a and j9:19a are more difficult as the meaning is obscure and the contexts unclear. 720
7 2 2
7 2 3
7 2 0
The 10 occurrences are as follows: 2 instances where R employs the Genitive (9:15b, 39:18b[2 ]), 6 instances where R employs the Dative (16:21b, 17:3b, 20:21a, j21:19a, 29:10b, 31:1a), 1 instance where R employs the Accusative ( j 3 2 ; l l a ) , and 1 instance where R employs εις + Accusative (37:13a). 0
7 2 1
See above, p. 161.
7 2 2
T h e eight instances are: 39:18b(l°), jl5:20b, 26:6b, 12:23a, 12:23b, 24:5c(=dMT), 36:7b, 39:14a.
7 2 3
As indicated previously (see p. 145), R employs Ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς as a Divine Name and hence the anarthrous instance in j 15:20b is standard despite the articulation in the reading tradition of M T .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Nonetheless the article is likely motivated by the demands of Greek grammar more than anything else. The only place where לmay be represented by the Article in Greek is in 32:12b where ל א י ו בis rendered by τ φ Ί ώ β . Thus R does not appear correlate the Article in Greek with לbut rather gives renderings which are sensitive to and suit well the demands of the target language. 7 2 4
5.1.2. Separable Prepositions. ( ) מ ן Introduction. The Corpus of R has 51 instances where the preposition מ ןis rendered. Apart from one occurrence of , מכיall cases of מ ןare prefixed with assimilation of nun to the first letter of the preposed word. 725
The following two instances are excluded from analysis because of differences between the parent text of R and the Consonantal Text or differences between the reading tradition of R and the vocalization of M T . 7 2 6
18:15a ב א ה ל ו מ ב ל י ־ ל ו
18:15a Χ κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ ν τ ή σ κ η ν ή α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ν υ κ τ ί α ύ τ ο ΰ / In 18:15a, R apparently read bum (?) where M T has mibbali-ld. The form in M T is a complex consisting of the מ ןpreposition, the negative ב ל י, and the preposition ל with a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. R has understood the noun ל י ל/ '( ל י ל הnight') with the בpreposition prefixed and a 3 m.s pronominal suffix. The rendering of R points to a parent text differing slightly from the Consonantal Text and certainly realized differently from M T . 727
34:30a מ מ ל ך א ד ם ח נ ף מ מ ק ט י ע ם 34:30a Χ β α σ ι λ ε ύ ω ν α ν θ ρ ω π ο ν υ π ο κ ρ ι τ ή ν / 34:30b Χ ά π ό δ υ σ κ ο λ ί α ς λ α ο ύ . /
7 2 4
See discussion, however, on p. 120.
7 2 5
Apparently מ נ יis an allomorph o f מ ןoccurring in poetry. So B L , 643v, Joiion, §§ 93q, 103d, h. ( B D B explains מ נ יwith יof Genitive Ending, but see D . Robertson, 'The Morphemes -Y(-T) and •W(-Ö) in Biblical Hebrew," Vetus Testamentum 19 (1969): 211-223.) 7 2 6
See above, n. 626.
7 2 7
See above, p. 87.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
M T vocalizes מ מ ל ךas mimmalok ( p Preposition plus Qal Bound Infinitive of ) מ ל ך whereas R read a Hiphil Participle, m.s of מ ל ך. The evidence for ρ is arranged and presented in much the same way as the evidence for כand ל. Nominal Modifiers.
15:10a ג ם ־ ש ב ג ם ־ י י ש י ש ב נ ו 15:10b מ א ב י ך י מ י ם
15:10a Χ κ α ί γ ε π ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς κ α ί γ ε π α λ α ι ό ς έ ν ή μ ΐ ν
15:10b Χ β α ρ ύ τ ε ρ ο ς τ ο ΰ π α τ ρ ό ς σ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / 30:1b • מ מ נ י ל י מ י
A p p I I 30:1b ν ε ώ τ ε ρ ο ι μ ο υ ή μ έ ρ α ι ς 32:4b כ י ז ק נ י ב ד ה מ ה מ מ נ ו ל י מ י ם 32:4b Χ ό τ ι π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ι α υ τ ο ύ ε ι σ ι ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / In all three instances Comparative ρ
is appropriately rendered
Comparative Adjective in Greek followed by the Genitive of Comparison. Verbal Modifiers. (1) ρ » Genitive ( 2 )
by a
7 2 9
30:lib ו ר ס ן מ פ נ י ש ל ח ו 30:11b Χ κ α ι χ α λ ι ν ό ν τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ μ ο υ έ ξ α π έ σ τ ε ι λ α ν . / 31:31b מ י ־ י ת ן מ ב ש ר ו ל א נ ש ב ע A p p I I 31:31b τ ί ς δ φ η τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α In the first instance (30:11b) τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ μ ο υ is a Genitive of Separation (unless an adnominal Possessive Genitive is intended?), the second (j31:31b) is likely a Partitive Genitive. 730
7 2 8
7 2 9
Cf. Blass-Debrunner, § 185, Turner, Syntax, 216.
Includes one instance where p is a component of a semipreposition: מ פ נ י (30:1 l b ) . For discussion, see below, Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4.
The Asterisked Materials in the Oreak
(2) » מ ןά π ό + Genitive ( 1 7 )
j3:l9b, 13:20b, 17:4a, 17:12b, 20:4a, 23:15c(=aMT), 24:8a, 26:11b, 28:21b, 31:23b, 34:30b, 35:9a, 35:9b, 36:7a, 36:21b, 37:10a, j37:17b Examples: 24:8a מ ז ר ם ה ר י ם י ר ט ב ו 24:8a Χ ά π ό ψ ε κ ά δ ω ν ο ρ έ ω ν υ γ ρ α ί ν ο ν τ α ι , / 37:10a מ נ ש מ ת ־ א ל י ת ן ־ ק ר ח 37:10a Χ κ α ι ά π ό π ν ο ή ς ι σ χ υ ρ ο ύ δ ώ σ ε ι π ά γ ο ς , / (3) » מ ןέ κ + Genitive ( 1 9 )
14:12c, 14:18b, 20:3b, 23:15d(=bMT), 27:21b, 27:22b, 27:23b, 28:5a, j31:17b, 31:2b, 31:18a, 31:18b, 32:12c, 32:15b, 35:7b, 36:10b, 36:16a, 37:1b, 37:2b Examples: 27:21b מ מ ק מ ו
27:21b Χ κ α ι λ ι κ μ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν έ κ τ ο υ τ ό π ο υ α ϋ τ ο ΰ . / 31:2b ו נ ח ל ת ש ד י מ מ ר מ י ם ,
31:2b Χ κ α ι κ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ι ά ί κ α ν ο ΰ έ ξ υ ψ ί σ τ ω ν ; / י• ׳ 31:18b ו מ ב ט ן א מ י א נ ח נ ה S e e discussion of j31:31b below, p. 374. 730
7 3 1
Includes three instances where מ ןis a component of a semipreposition: מ פ נ י (13:20b, 17:12b. 23:15c[=aMT]). See below, Semiprepositions. 7 3 2
Includes two instances where מ ןis a component of a semipreposition: מ י ד
(27:22b, 35:7b). See below, Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4. 7 3 3
Some scholars seem to treat מ מ ר מ י םas an adnominal modifier (see Cordis, 340, Habel, 423, Hartley, 409); έ ξ υ ψ ί σ τ ω ν could be interpreted this way but seems to be adverbial or predicate in a verbless clause.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
31:18b X κ α ι έ κ γ α σ τ ρ ό ς μ η τ ρ ό ς μ ο υ ώ δ ή γ η σ α · / (4) p » δ ι ά + Accusative (1) 22:4a ( ) י כ י ח ך
Α ρ ρ I I 22:4a μ ή δ ι ά τ ο ν φ ό β ο ν σ ο υ (5) ρ » υ π έ ρ + Accusative (1) 28:18b ח כ מ ח מ פ נ י נ י ם
28:18b Χ κ α ΐ δ λ κ υ σ ο ν σ ο φ ί α ν υ π έ ρ τ ά έ σ ώ τ α τ α · / Ύ π ε ρ + Accusative probably has a comparative sense here although the meaning of the sentence is obscure. (6) Privative ρ + Bound Infinitive (1) 33:28a ( מ ע ב ר ב ש ח תQr נ פ ש י ) נ פ ש ו
33:28a Χ σ ω σ ο ν ψ υ χ ή ν μ ο υ τ ο υ μ ή έ λ θ ε ΐ ν εις δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν , / (7) p = Component of Compound Preposition (7) (a)2)) מ ע ם 28:4a פ ר ץ נ ח ל מ ע ם ־ ג ר 28:4a Χ δ ι α κ ο π ή χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ ά π ό κ ο ν ί α ς · / 34:33a ( י ט ל מ נ ה ) כ י ־ מ א ס ת
7 3 5
34:33a Χ μ ή π α ρ ά σ ο υ ά π ο τ ε ί σ ε ι α υ τ ή ν ; / (b)2)) מ מ ע ל 18:16b ו מ מ ע ל י מ ל ק צ י ר ו 18:16b Χ κ α ι έ π ά ν ω θ ε ν έ π ι π ε σ ε ι τ α ι θ ε ρ ι σ μ ό ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . /
™ The rendering of R presupposes K t נ פ ש י. 7 3 5
The clause כ י ־ מ א ס תis rendered by R in 34:33b.
The Asierisked Materials in the Greek Job
31:2a ו מ ה ח ל ק א ל ו ה מ מ ע ל 31:2a χ κ α ι τ ί έ μ ε ρ ι σ ε ν ό θ ε δ ς ά π ά ν ω θ ε ν / (c)2)) מ ת ח ת 18:16a ש ר ש י ו י ב ש ו
18:16a χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν α ΐ ρ ί ζ α ι α υ τ ο ύ ξ η ρ α ν θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι , / 26:5b מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה ם 26:5b Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α υ τ ο ύ ; / (d) ) ! ( ל מ ר ח ו ק 39:29b ע י נ י ו י ב י ט ו
39:29b Χ π ό ρ ρ ω θ ε ν ο ί ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί α υ τ ο ύ σ κ ο π ε ύ ο υ σ ι ν
(8) Z e r o * ά π ό ( I ) 30:22b (Or ו ת מ נ ב נ י ת ש ו ה ) ת ז ־ ש י ה
7 3 6
30:22b Χ κ α ί ά π ε ρ ρ ι ψ ά ς με ά π ό σ ω τ η ρ ί α ς . / Once α π ο ρ ρ ί π τ ω is chosen as equivalent for מ ו ג, automatically ά π ό is demanded to introduce a modifier of the verb. Summary. R employs a simple Genitive for מ ןonly twice (30:11b, 31:31b). This accords well with linguistic patterns in late Hellenistic Greek where the tendency is to clarify function by a preposition in addition to case ending. As one might expect, the most frequent equivalents are ά π ό / έ κ + Genitive, but the remaining situations illustrate the fact that R is context sensitive as well as sensitive to and versatile in the demands of the target language. When מ ןis a component in a Compound Preposition R neatly employs adverbs bearing the suffix - θ ε ν which 737
7 3 6
The rendering of R presupposes n3J1S£?n (tasu'd), a reading closer to K t (tesuwwd = tasu'a?) than to Qr (tusiyd = tusiyd) of M T . It also presupposes laryngeals weak ened in pronunciation (cf. j 12:16a). 7 3 7
See Blass-Debrunner, § 203, Turner, Syntax, 3, and J. H . Moulton, A Grammar of New Testament Greek, V o l . 1: Prolegomena, 3rd ed. (Edinburgh: T . & T, Clark, 19061908), 61.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
marks an ablative function.
This is true in all cases except renderings of מ ע םwhere
an equivalent with - θ ε ν is not possible. In 34:33a π α ρ ά is an excellent equivalent for מ ע םwhile ά π ό is certainly adequate in 28:4a since ע םis rightly assessed there as pleonastic. 5.1.3. Separate and Compound
The data is arranged and presented in much the same way as the evidence for מ ן, כand לabove. » א ח רο π ί σ ω ( 1 ) 39:8b כ ל ־ י ר ו ק י ד ר ו ־ ט
39:8b Χ κ α ι ο π ί σ ω π α ν τ ό ς χ λ ω ρ ο ύ ζ η τ ε ί . / ( א ח ר י3) (1) » μ ε τ ά + Accusative (1) 21:21a ב י מ ה ־ ח פ צ ו ב ב י ת ו א ח ר י ו 21:21a Χ ό τ ι τ ί θ έ λ η μ α α ύ τ ο ΰ έ ν ο ϊ κ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ μ ε τ ' α υ τ ό ν ; / (2) » ο π ί σ ω (2) 21:33b ו א ח ר י ו כ ל ־ א ד ם י מ ט ו ך 21:33b Χ κ α ι ο π ί σ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς ά π ε λ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι , / 37:4a א ח ר י ו י ש א ג ־ ק ו ל 37:4a Χ ο π ί σ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ β ο ή σ ε τ α ι φ ω ν ή , / ( אל7 )
7 3 9
7 3 8
Ο π - θ ε ν see Blass-Debrunner, § 104, Howard, Accidence, Language, 284, and Smyth, § 342. 7 3 9
164, Palmer, The Greek
There is insufficient evidence to determine how or if R rendered א לin j42:7c:
42:7bß ( כ י ל א ד ב ר ת ם א ל י נ כ ו נ ה ) כ ע ב ד י א י ו ב A p p I I 42:7c ο ϋ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α The Hagedorns even question whether the words ο ύ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε belong to R:
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(1) » Genitive (1) 33:26a א ל ־ א ל ו ה ו י ר צ ח ו
A p p I I 33:26a δ ε η θ ή σ ε τ α ι τ ο υ θ ε ο ΰ , κ α ι ε υ δ ο κ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν
7 4 0
(2) » Dative (1) 34:18a ל מ ל ך ב ל י ע ל
7 4 1
34:18b ע א ל ־ כ ר י ב י ם2 ? ר 34:18b Χ α σ ε β έ σ τ α τ ε τ ο ΐ ς ά ρ χ ο υ σ ι ν
(3) » εις + Accusative (1) 40:23b י ב ט ח כ י ־ ־ י ג י ח י ר ד ן א ל ־ פ י ה ו 40:23b Χ π έ π ο ι θ ε ν ο τ ι π ρ ο σ κ ρ ο ύ σ ε ι ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς ε ι ς τ ό σ τ ό μ α α ύ τ ο ΰ . / Formally א ל ־ פ י
may be construed ,
semantic value to ( ע ל ־ פ יaccording t o ' ) .
as a semipreposition equivalent in In 40:23b פ הis correctly taken in the
literal sense of mouth', and not as an element in a semipreposition.
Die Worte ο ύ γ α ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε , die allein Ν dem Wort ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α vorausschickt und die von (Field und) Ziegler als Text aller Katenen ausgegeben werden, sind von Ν in g r ö ß e r e m Zusammenhang nur zu dem Zweck aus der L X X ü b e r n o m m e n worden, um die Stellung des fraglichen Worts im Satz zu verdeutlichen. Sie haben in einer Edition der j ü n g e r e n Obersetzer nichts zu suchen (Hagedorn, 37). This judgement appears to be sound and consequently a complete clause attested for 1 R is uncertain. Therefore analysis of his rendering of ?X is impossible. 7 4 0
T h e verb δ έ ο μ α ι requires a modifier in the Genitive, see Liddell-Scott, s.v. δ έ ω
(Β). 7 4 1
M T 34:18a is cited as context since 34:18b is incomprehensible without it. N o line in R is extant for 34:18a.
7 4 2
On 'D ־7'i7 and " Q-^X as Semiprepositions and renderings thereof in the L X X , see
R. Sollamo, op. c i t , 224-230.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(4) » έ π ί + Genitive (1) 29:19a פ ת ו ח א ל י ־ מ י ם
29:19a χ ή ρ ί ζ α μ ο υ δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ι έ π ί ΰ δ α τ ο ς , / Constructions with έ π ί modifying
(or ανοίγω)
Nonetheless έ π ί + Genitive may have the sense at' or 'near' and the rendering in 29:19a is quite suitable.
(5) » πρός + Accusative (3) 21:19b, j34:23b, 34:31a Example: 34:23b א ל ־ א ל ב מ ש פ ט
A p p I I 34:23b τ ο υ π ρ ο α χ θ ή ν α ι π ρ δ ς τ ο ν ί σ χ υ ρ ό ν έ ν κ ρ ί μ α τ ι 5 . 1 . 3 . 4 . » א תμ ε τ ά + Genitive (1) 36:7b ל כ ס א
36:7b Χ κ α ι μ ε τ ά β α σ ι λ έ ω ν εις θρόνον / 5 . 1 . 3 . 5 . ב ל י/ ( ב ב ל י3) 745
( 1 ) » ά ν ε υ (2) 34:6b א נ ו ש ח צ י ב ל י ־ פ ש ע 34:6b χ β ί α ι ο ν τ ό β έ λ ο ς μ ο υ ά ν ε υ α δ ι κ ί α ς . / 39:16b י נ י ע ה ב ל י ־ פ ח ד
39:16b Χ εις κ ε ν ό ν έ κ ο π ί α σ ε ν ά ν ε υ φόβου- / 7 4 3
See Bauer, Hatch-Redpath, and Liddell-Scott, s.v. δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω , α ν ο ί γ ω / ά ν ο ί γ ν υ μ ι .
The only (near) parallel seems to be Is 41:18. 7 4 4
7 4 5
See Bauer, s.v. έ π ί , I.l.a/y.
One instance is excluded (18:15a) since the parent text of R differs from that of M T . For discussion, see above, p. 87.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(2) » έ ν + Alpha Privative (1) 35:16b I D S • ' ybft
35:16b Sf έ ν ά γ ν ω σ ί α ρ ή μ α τ α β α ρ ύ ν ε ι . / 13 » δ ι ά + Accusative (1) 41:4a ΤΗ3 (Qr lb) Ε?־־1ΠΚ־Κ־Ρ 41:4a Χ ο ύ σ ι ω π ή σ ο μ α ι δι' α υ τ ό ν , / ,
7 4 6
Μ Τ 41:4a is a difficult text. The Kethiv I Qere causes little problem since all Ancient Versions support itb and lb contradicts the expected sense. It is the exe gesis of TH3 which is troublesome. In the context, Yahweh is addressing Job and speaking about Leviathan. Most modern scholars believe 13 has the meaning 'limb' or ' p a r t ' ; some adduce 'bragging' as the sense. According to the former one might render, " I will not keep silence about his limbs;" according to the latter one would translate, "Did I not silence his boasting?" What R read in his parent text, however, and how he understood this text is the central problem. H A L offers five homonyms (all nominals) for ־Q in H e b r e w : (1) 1 13 = 'part / piece' or 'solitude', (2) I I 1 3 = '(carrying) poles' or 'shoots' (on v i n e ) , (3) I I I 13 - 'linen', (4) I V 13 747
7 4 6
The rendering oi> presuppposes the K t üb.
7 4 7
So Dhorme, 632.
7 4 8
So B D B , s.v. I I 1 3 , Driver and Gray, 1:365, 2:338, Dhorme, 632-633, Gordis, 192, 470, 483-484, Hartley, 527 and cf. Clines, 1:403, 406. K B has "?? H o 11,6 u. H i 41,4" s.v. 113 = 'parts' and H A L lists " H i 4 1 (?)" s.v. 113 = 'parts' and " H i 4 1 (al. 11!)" s.v. I V I D = 'bragging". 4
7 4 9
So Pope, 335, 338, Habel, 496, and also Fohrer, 479, 481, before he emends the text. 7 5 0
7 5 1
The analysis in Meyer-Donner is essentially identical.
In Ugaritic as well as in Phoenician and Punic a preposition bd developed from b (Preposition) + yd ('hand') is found (cf. C. H . Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook, Analecta Orientalia no. 38 [Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1965, Reprint, 1967], nos. 445, 633, 1072, S, Segert, A Basic Grammar of the Ugaritic Language [Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1984], 181, 183, 188 and R. S. Tomback, A
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
= 'bragging' or 'chatter', and (5) V ' = ב דdiviner'. None of these provides a satisfactory source for the rendering of R. In general the Ancient Versions only reveal the difficulty of the text, but a clue may be offered by Aquila who has rcepi a i r a n ) for .בדיו Aquila's rendering is somewhat similar to that o f R. The proposal is made in Reider that Aquila read ( ב ע ד וba'add) for . בדיוEvidence does exist to demonstrate that the laryngeals were weakened in pronunciation i n Qumran Hebrew and confused at times. Whether and how the laryngeals were pronounced in the era of Origen and Jerome is a matter on which many scholars have w r i t t e n . Possibly Aquila and R had a parent text with ב ע ד ו. Some scribe may have pronounced this bddd and written ב ד ו, pronouncing 'ayin as 'aleph and eliding it with compensatory 751
Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages, Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 32 [Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1978], 44). H A L rightly rejects proposals to derive I I ב דlike bd in Ugaritic and Phoenician and even to derive Ugaritic bd from b + d (see H A L , s.v. I ב דand י דand J. C. L . Gibson, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 2nd ed. [Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1978], 143). 7 5 2
A n Aramaic loanword based on ' ב ד אto fabricate / invent / lie', see H A L , s.v. I V
בד. 7 5 3
The Vulgate renders M T 41:4a non parcam ei ( ' I will not spare him') and avoids the problem of ב ד י ו. The Rabbinic Targum has '( ב ד ב ו ב י הhis falsehoods') deriving ב ד י וfrom ב ד א. Dhorme proposes that the Syriac hwsnh ('his strength') is based on ( ב י ד וDhorme, 632). 7 5 4
Attested only by C.
7 5 5
Reider, 188.
7 5 6
Details are given, for example, in E. Qimron, op. cit., 25-26. R read M T ע ו י ל י םas
• א ו י ל יi n j 19:18a. 7 5 7
See E. Br0nno, Studien über Hebräische Morphologie und Vokalismus, Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, no. 28 (Leipzig: F. A . Brockhaus, 1943), 139 for comparable examples, and idem, Die Aussprache der hebräischen Laryngale nach Zeugnissen des Hieronymus (Copenhagen: Universitetsforlaget i Aarhus, 1970), and G. Janssens, Studies in Hebrew Historical Linguistics Based on Origen's Secunda, Orientalia Gandensia, no. 9 (Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 1982) for further discussion. For R, cf. j 12:16a and 30:22b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
lengthening of the preceding vowel. Later this was read as baddaw and written ב ד י ו as in M T . Such a proposition involves a number of steps for which plausibility and good support from the history o f the text are lacking. Only one certain example exists of ב ע דrendered by R (22:13b) and his equivalent there is κ α τ ά + Genitive. This case cannot count for much since ב ע דhas a number of different functions in Hebrew which by nature require a variety of equivalents in Greek. Yet δ ι ά + Accusative does not suit any function of ב ע דwell and in fact, no Septuagint Translator uses δ ι ά + Accusative for . בעדA n alternative proposal is that R had ב ד י וin his parent text and understood an Aramaic p a r t i c l e — ב ד יin Official Aramaic and also in Qumran Aramaic, later ( ב ד י ל ד ) יin Targumic Aramaic— which has the meanings 'on account of / for the sake of / because'. While no other 758
75s jsfo variants for ב ד י וare listed in Kennicott. Since Aquila did not always read M T , the proposal that he read ב ע ד וdoes seem likely. 7 5 9
Free and bound forms of ב ע דare found 105 times in M T (Even-Shoshan, ad
10c). Normal renderings are δ ι ά , κ α τ ά , π ε ρ ί or υπέρ + Genitive. Septuagint Translators employ περί + Genitive 45 times (Gn 20:7, Ex 8:24, Ex 32:30, L v 9:7ter, Lv 16:66«, Lv 16:116«, Lv 16:17/«־, Lv 16:24*«, N m 21:7, Dt 9:20, 1 Kgs(Sm) 7:5, 1 Kgs(Sm) 7:9, 1 Kgs(Sm) 12:23, 2 Kgs(Sm) 10:12, 2 Kgs(Sm) 12:16, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 19:4, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 2 2 : 1 3 / « 1,־Chr 19:136«, 2 Chr 34:216«, Is 8:19, Is 37:4, Jer 7:166«, Jer 11:14*«, Jer 14:11, Jer 21:2, Jer 36(29):7, Jer 44(37):3, Jer 49(42):2, Jer 49(42):20, Jb 42:8d, Jb 42:10b, Ps 71(72):15), δ ι ά + Genitive in 12 instances (Gn 26:8, Jos 2:15, Jgs 5:28 ( A 6 « , Bsemel), 1 Kgs(Sm) 19:12, 2 Kgs(Sm) 6:16, 2 Kgs(Sm) 20:21, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 1:2, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 9:30, 1 Chr 15:29, Jl 2:9), κ α τ ά + Genitive 11 times (Jgs 3:22, Jgs 3:23 ( B ) 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 4:46/5, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 4:56«, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 4:21, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 4:33, L a m 3:7, Jb 3:23b, Jb 9:7b), υπέρ + Genitive in 10 instances (1 Kgs(Sm) 12:19, 2 Kgs(Sm) 10:12, 2 Chr 30:18, Ez 45:17, Ez 45:226«, Zee 12:8, Jb 2:4b, Jb 2:4c, Ps 137(138):8), ε κ τ ό ς in 4 instances (Jgs 5:28 (B), Sg 4:1, Sg 4:3, Sg 6:7), έ π ί + Accusative 3 times (Jgs 3:23 ( A ) , Jgs 9:51 ( A ) , A m 9:10), Εξωθεν 3 times (Gn 7:16, Gn 20:18, Jgs 9:51 (Β)), εις + Accusative once (Prv 7:6), and various free renderings on 13 occasions (1 Kgs(Sm) 1:6, 1 Kgs(Sm) 4:18, Is 26:20, Is 32:14, Jl 2:8, Jon 2:7, Jb 1:1036«, Jb 1:10b, Jb 6:22b, Ps 3:4, Ps 138(139):11, Prv 27:13). In six places either a different parent text or omission is in question (3 K g s ( l Kgs) 13:6, Jer 11:14, Jer 49(42):2, Ez 22:30, Prv 6:26, Prv 20:16). Jb 22:13b is rendered by R. 7 6 0
See Dalman, s.v. ב ד, Jastrow, s.v. ב ר, Sokoloff, s.v. ב ד י ל, and J. A . Fitzmyer and D . J. Harrington, A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts, Biblica et Orientalia, no. 34 (Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1978), 311, s.v. bdy, for lexicology, C-F. Jean and J. Hoftijzer, Dictionnaire des Inscriptions Sémitiques de l'Ouest (Leiden; Ε. J. Brill,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
7 6 1
case of δ ι ά + Accusative is attested for θ ' which renders anything similar to כ ד י ו and final proof is not possible, such an explanation is quite reasonable for 41:4a. Thus ב ד י וseems more likely as parent to δι' α υ τ ό ν than ב ע ר ו. 5 . 1 . 3 . 7 . » ב י ןά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν (2) 30:7a ב י ן ־ ש י ח י ם י מ ת ק ו 30:7a χ ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν ε ύ η χ ω ν β ο ή σ ο ν τ α ν 34:4b ב י נ י נ ו מ ה ־ ם ו ב
34:4b Χ γ ν ω μ ε ν ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν ε α υ τ ώ ν '6 τ ι κ α λ ό ν . / » ב ל ע ד יά ν ε υ (1) 34:32a א ח ז ה א ת ה ה ד נ י
34:32a Χ ά ν ε υ έ μ α υ τ ο ύ δ ψ ο μ α ι , σ ύ δεΤξόν μοι· / » ב ע דκ α τ ά (1) 22:13b ע ר פ ל י ש פ ו ט
22:13b X fj κ α τ ά τ ο ΰ γ ν ό φ ο υ κ ρ ί ν ε ι ; / » נ ג דε ν ώ π ι ο ν (1) 26:6a ע ר ו ם ש א ו ל נ ג ד ו 26:6a Χ γ υ μ ν ό ς ό $ δ η ς έ ν ώ π ω ν α υ τ ο ύ , / » ס ב י בπ ε ρ ί (1) 41:6b ( ס ב י ב ו ת ש נ י ו ) א י מ ה A p p I I 41:6b π ε ρ ί τ ο ύ ς ο δ ό ν τ α ς
1965), 74 (Official Aramaic), and J. H . Charlesworth, Graphic Concordance to the Dead Sea Scrolls (Tübingen: J. C. B. M ö h r (Paul Siebeck) and Louisville: West minster / John Knox Press, 1991), 58-59 (Qurnran Aramaic), for occurrences, and M . Sokoloff, The Targum to Job from Qurnran Cave XI (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Univer sity, 1974), 145 for best discussion. 76
Cf. Hatch-Redpath, s.v. δ ι ά .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
) ע ד
The compound preposition ב ל ע ד יformed from ( ב לNegative) and ע ד י (Preposition) is listed separately. Two occurrences of ע דin M T are excluded from the list. First, R renders ( ל ע דM T Wad, Pausal Form) in 19:24b by εις μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ω ν . This indicates he read 'ed ('witness') rather than ad ('until') and consequently ע דis classified here as a noun. l
The second instance is 20:4a: 20:4a י ד ע ת מ נ י ־ ע ד
20:4a χ μ ή τ α ύ τ α έ γ ν ω ς ά π ό τ ο υ έ τ ι , ζ "
As correctly recognized by R, ע דis not a preposition in this text, but rather a substantive meaning something like 'perpetuity'.
(1) » ά χ ρ ι ο ΰ ( 1 ) 32:11c מ ל י ן
32:11c x ά χ ρ ι ο υ έ τ ά σ η τ ε λ ό γ ο υ ς . / (2) » μ έ χ ρ ι (2) 26:10b ע ד ־ ת כ ל י ת א ו ר ע ם ־ ח ע ן ך 26:10b χ μ έ χ ρ ι σ υ ν τ έ λ ε ι α ς φ ω τ ό ς μ ε τ ά σ κ ό τ ο υ ς . / 32:12a א ת ב ו נ ן
32:12a Χ και μ έ χ ρ ι ύ μ ω ν σ υ ν ή σ ω , / ( ע ל55) ( 1 ) » Genitive (1) 20:13a ע ל י ה ו ל א י ע ז ב נ ה 7 6 2
7 6 3
See above, under ־D. See B D B , s.v. I ־־־־and H A L , s.v. I I V .
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
20:13a Χ ο ϋ φ ε ί σ ε τ α ι α υ τ ή ς κ α ι ο ύ κ ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί ψ ε ι α υ τ ή ν
The Genitive is demanded by the verb φ ε ί δ ο μ α ι . ™ (2) » Accusative (2) 27:23b ע ל י ו מ מ ק מ ו
27:23b Χ κ α ί σ υ ρ ι ε ΐ α υ τ ό ν έ κ τ ο υ τ ό π ο υ α ϋ τ ο ΰ . / The verb σ υ ρ ί ζ ω is used either absolutely or with the Accusative of the person. 765
40:30a ע ל י ו ח ב ר י ם
A p p I I 40:30a ά γ ο ρ ά σ ω σ ι ν α υ τ ό ν μ έ τ ο χ ο ι (3) » δ ι ά + Accusative (1) 17:4b ע ל ־ כ ן ל א ת ר מ ם 17:4b Χ δ ι ά τ ο ύ τ ο ο ύ μ ή ύ ψ ω σ η ς α υ τ ο ύ ς . / (4) » ε ι ς (1) 10:1b ( ע ל י ) ש י ח י
A p p I I 10:1b εις έ μ α υ τ ό ν
7 6 6
(5) » ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν (1) 2:1b נ ם ־ ה ש ם ן ב ת כ ם ל ה ת י צ ב ע ל ־ י ה ו ה
2:1c κ α ί ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν έ ν μ έ σ ω α ύ τ ω ν . App II2:Id Χ παραστήναι εναντίον του κυρίου (6) » έ π ί ( 4 3 )
7 6 4
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. φ ε ί δ ο μ α ι .
7 6 5
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. σ υ ρ ί ζ ω .
7 6 6
Only ei<; £|!aui:6v is attested for 8' at 10:1b and only by C. Since no context is given, it is impossible to judge this reading.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(a) » έ π ί + Genitive ( 1 2 )
15:27b, 17:16b, 18:10b, jl9:25b, 20:11b, 21:31a, 26:7b, 28:8b, 30:12a, 36:32a, 37:3b, 38:32b Example: 17:16b א ם ־ י ח ד ע ל ־ ע פ ר ־ נ ח ת 17:16b Χ ή ο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ο ς κ α τ α β η σ ό μ ε θ α ; / (b) » έ π ί + Dative (7) 20:25c, 21:32b, 22:24a, 23:15c(=aMT), 30:4a, j37:22b, 39:28(=28bMT) Examples: 22:24a ו ש י ח ־ ע ל ־ ע פ ר ב צ ר 22:24a Χ θήσ־η ε π ί χ ώ μ α τ ι έ ν π έ τ ρ α 23:15a מ פ נ י ו א ב ה ל
23:15c Χ έ π ί τ ο ύ τ φ ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ α ΰ τ ο ΰ κ α τ α σ π ο υ δ α σ θ ώ - / (c) » έ π ί + Accusative ( 2 4 )
j2:12d, 12:21a, 18:9b, 18:17b, j22:2b, 24:18a, 26:7a, 26:9b, 26:10a, 27:22a, 27:23a, 29:13a, 30:2b, 30:12c, 30:16a, 31:1b, 34:23a, 34:28a, 36:21b, j36:28b, 36:30a, 38:26a, 39:14b, 41:15b Examples:
* Not included here is an instance of est in 26:14b which cannot be correlated with anything in M T . O n this problem text, see above, p. 170. 7 6 8
Includes one instance where b y is a component of a semipreposition: (21:31a). See below, Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4.
7 6 9
Includes three instances where ־J57 is a component of a semipreposition: (18:17b, 24:18a, 26:10a). See below, Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4.
'־DD>־ ־S'
*0Q׳־ ־y
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
39:14b ת ח מ ס
39:14b X teat έ π ί χ ο υ ν θ ά λ ψ ε ι / 26:7a and b constitute an interesting minimal pair of έ π ί + Accusative versus έ π ί + Genitive rendering essentially the same thing in Hebrew. 26:7a נ ט ה צ פ ו ן ע ל ־ ת ה ו 26:7a Χ έ κ τ ε ί ν ω ν β ο ρ έ α ν έπ* ο υ δ έ ν , / 26:7b ת ל ה א ר ץ ע ל ־ ב ל י ־ מ ה 26:7b Χ κ ρ ε μ ά ζ ω ν γ ή ν έ π ί ο ϋ δ ε ν ό ς · / (7) » κ α τ ά (2) 34:29b ו י ס ת ר פ כ י ם ו מ י י ש ו ר נ ו 34:29b Χ κ α ι κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν , κ α ι τ ι ς ο ψ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν ; / 34:29c ו ע ל ־ נ ו י ו ע ל ־ א ד ם י ח ד 34:29c Χ κ α ί κ α τ ά εθνο\>ς κ α ι κ α τ ά ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ ό μ ο ΰ / (8) » π ε ρ ί (3) 36:32b, 36:33a, 36:33b 36:33a ע ל י ו ר ע ו
(His roaring announces concerning i t ) 36:33a Χ ά ν α γ γ ε λ ε ι π ε ρ ί α ύ τ ο υ φ ί λ ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ - / (9) » Different Greek Syntagmeme (1) 18:15b ע ל ־ נ ו ה ו נ פ ד י ת
(Brimstone will be scattered over his dwelling.) 18:15b Χ κ α τ α σ π α ρ ή σ ο ν τ α ι τ ά ε υ π ρ ε π ή α ύ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί φ . / (His good looks will be sprinkled with burning sulphur.) Why has R interpreted the object of the preposition ע לas the subject of the verb, rather than נ פ ד י תwhich he treats instead as an adverbial m o d i f i e r ? A n d is 770
770 w h i l e tiuwehft M T is derived generally from naweh ('dwelling'), R has understood either na'weh orna'wd from '( נ א הbe lovely').
The Asterisked Materials in ihe Greek Job
ע לignored by R? Apparently R vocalized Γ Π Γ — a Pual Imperfect 3 m.s in MT—as active and having an indefinite subject. Interpreting his parent text as "One shall scatter over his good looks with brimstone," he furnished "His good looks will be sprinkled with burning sulphur" as a passive transform. The verb is conformed to the plural subject with no regard for the Schema Atticum according to good H e l lenistic usage. Thus ע לis rendered by means of a different syntagmeme. 771 ע ם (1) » μ ε τ ά (11) 11:5b, 20:11b, 26:10b, 28:14b, 29:20a, j31:5a, 33:29b, j34:9b,j36:4b, 37:18a, 40:2a Examples: 20:11b ו ע מ ו ע ל ־ ־ ע פ ר ת ש כ ב 20:lib Χ κ α ι μετ' α ύ τ ο ΰ έπί χώματος κοιμηθήσεται. / 28:14b ו י ם א מ ר א י ן ע מ ד י 28:14b Χ κ α ι θ ά λ α σ σ α εΤπεν Ο ύ κ έ σ τ ι ν μ ε τ ' έ μ ο υ . / 29:20a כ ב ו ד י ח ד ש ע מ ד י 29:20a Χ ή δ ό ξ α μ ο υ κ α ι ν ή μ ε τ ' έ μ ο ΰ , / (2) = ע םComponent of Compound Preposition (2) ( a ) 2 )
) מ ע ם
28:4a פ ר ץ נ ח ל מ ע ם ־ ג ר 28:4a Χ δ ι α κ ο π ή χ ε ι μ ά ρ ρ ο υ ά π ό κονίας• / 34:33a ( ה מ ע מ ך י ש ל מ נ ה ) כ י ־ מ א ס ת 7 7 2
34:33a Χ μ ή π α ρ ά σ ο ΰ ά π ο τ ε ί σ ε ι α υ τ ή ν ; / » ת ו ךμ έ σ ο ς ( Ι ) 7 7 3
7 7 1
See j9:15a for the same translation technique.
7 7 2
The clause כ י ־ מ א ס תis rendered by R in 34:33b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
20:13b ב ת ו ך ח כ ו
20:13b!* κ α ι σ υ ν έ ξ ε ι αυτήν έν μ έ σ φ τ ο υ λ ά ρ υ γ γ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / 5 . 1 . 3 . 1 6 . ( ת ח ת8) (1) » ά ν τ ί (2) 28:15a ל א ־ י ת ן ס ב ו ר ת ח ת י ה 28:15a Χ ο ύ δ ώ σ ε ι σ υ γ κ λ ε ι σ μ ό ν ά ν τ ' αυτής, / 36:20b ע מ י ם ת ח ת ם
36:20b χ τ ο υ ά ν α β ή ν α ι λ α ο ύ ς ά ν τ ' α υ τ ώ ν
(2) » ύ π ό ( 1 ) 20:12b י כ ח י ד נ ה ת ח ת ל ש ו נ ו 20:12b 5« κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι α υ τ ή ν ύ π ό τ ή ν γ λ ώ σ σ α ν α ύ τ ο ΰ · / (3) » ύ π ο κ ά τ ω (4) 26:8b, 28:5b, 36:16b, 37:3a Examples: 26:8b ו ל א ־ נ ב ק ע ע נ ן ת ח ת ם 26:8b Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ έ ρ ρ ά γ η ν έ φ ο ς ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ · / 37:3a ת ח ה ־ ב ל ־ ה ש מ י ם י ש ר ה ו (He releases it [i.e. his lightning] under all the heavens) 37:3a χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω π α ν τ ό ς τ ο ΰ ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ ά ρ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ , / (4) = ת ח תComponent of Semipreposition (1) ( a ) » מ ת ח תύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν (2)
ל.ו7 w h i l e ת ו ךis a noun, not a preposition, ב ת ו ךis a semipreposition. For full reference, the case is listed under ב, ת ו ךand ( ב ת ו ךsee Semiprepositions, § 5.1.4.).
'The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
18:16a ש ו ־ ש י ו י ב ע ו
18:16a Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν a t ρ ί ζ α ι α ύ τ ο ΰ ξ η ρ α ν θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ,
Since ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν is adverbial in function here, 18:16a does not qualify as a preposition. 26:5b מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה ם 26:5b Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / The evidence for Separate and Compound Prepositions is scanty in all cases except ע ל, ע ם, and ת ח ת. Nothing contradicts the characterization already presented of a revisor / translator who is literal yet contextually sensitive and aware of the options and requirements of the target language. 5.1.4.
Semiprepositions. Semiprepositions with the Stem פ נ י There are 19 instances of פ נ י םin the materials rendered by R .
Ten are
cases where פ נ י םforms part of a semipreposition: (1) four are 2) , )מפניfour are ע ל ־ פ נ י, and two are ל פ נ י. ( 1 ) » ל פ נ יέ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν (2) 21:33c ו ל פ נ י ו א י ן מ ס פ ר 21:33c Χ κ α ι έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν α ύ τ ο ΰ α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι . / 42:1 l a a א ל י ו כ ל ־ א ח י ו ו כ ל ־ א ח י ת י ו ו כ ל ־ י ד ע י ו ( ל פ נ י ם
App I I 42:lld ε μ Ρ ° ° θ ε ν ( 2 ) ( מ פ נ י4) ( a ) » Genitive Case(l) 30:11b מ פ נ י ש ל ח ו 7 7 4
The 19instances are: 9:24b, j!3:8a, 13:20b, 15:27a, 16:8c(=bMT), 17:12b, 18:17b, 21:31a, 21:33c, 23:15c(=aMT), 24:15c, 24:18a, 26:9a, 26:10a, 29:24b, 30:11b, 34:29b, 42:8e,j42:lld.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
30:11b χ κ α ι χ α λ ι ν ό ν τ ο υ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ μ ο υ έ ξ α π έ σ τ ε ι λ α ν . / ( b ) » ά π ό + ( τ ο υ ) προσο')που (3) 13:20b א ז מ פ נ י ך ל א א ס ח ד 13:20b Χ τ ό τ ε ά π ό τ ο υ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ σ ο υ ο ύ κ ρ υ β ή σ ο μ α ν / 17:12b ך2 ? א ו ד ק ד ו ב מ פ נ י ־ ח 17:12b Χ φως ε γ γ ύ ς ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ σ κ ό τ ο υ ς . / 23:15a מ פ נ י ו א ב ה ל
23:15c Χ έ π ι τ ο ύ τ ω ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ α υ τ ο ύ κ α τ α σ π ο υ δ α σ θ ω - / ( 3 ) ( ע ל ־ פ נ י4) (a) έ π ί π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ (1) 21:31a ע ל ־ פ נ י ו ד ר כ ו
21:31a Χ τ ί ς ά π α γ γ ε λ ε ΐ έ π ι π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ αυτού τ ή ν όδον α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / (b) έ π ι π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν (3) 18:17b 18:17b 24:18a 24:18a
ולא־שם ל ו ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ח ו ץ Χ κ α ι ούχ υπάρχει όνομα αύτίδ έπι πρόσωπον έξωτέρω. / קל־הוא על־פני־מים Χ ελαφρός έ σ τ ι ν έ π ι π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν ύ δ α τ ο ς - /
26:I0a Χ π ρ ό σ τ α γ μ α έ γ ύ ρ ω σ ε ν έ π ι π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν ύ δ α τ ο ς / Apart from the equivalent έ μ π ρ ο σ θ ε ν for ל פ נ י, an equivalent which is standard when ל פ נ יhas temporal value, the renderings of R belong to the category labelled "slavish renderings" by Sollamo or are cases where literal translations and good Greek coincide. 775
7 7 5
R. Sollamo, op. cit., 34-36.
7 7 6
R. Sollamo, op. cit., 85, (cf. 82), 102-104.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Semiprepositions with the Stem ע י נ י (
40:24a י ק ח נ ו
1))בעיני בעיניו
40:24a χ έ ν τ ω ό φ θ α λ μ φ α ύ τ ο ΰ δ έ ξ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν , / 40:24a is another line somewhat opaque to the interpreters of Job. While ב ע י נ י וappears formally to constitute a familiar semipreposition meaning 'in the judgement of / in the presence o f , יmany students of the text believe a different import is intended here. Apart from emendations, there are three main suggestions: (1) "Can one catch him [ = 4 0 : 1 5,בד!םותa]in his sight?" i.e. while he is on guard, (2) "Can one seize him by his eyes?" i.e. a hunting technique, (3) "Can one catch him by rings?" i.e. a sort of snare. Fortunately the previous stich is extant in R: 7 7
40:23b כ י ־ י ג י ח י ר ד ן א ל ־ ־ פ י ה ו
40:23b Χ π έ π ο ι θ ε ν ό τ ι π ρ ο σ κ ρ ο ύ σ ε ι ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς
εις τ ό
αυτού. /
This context clarifies how R understood 40:24a. Likely α υ τ ό ν in 24a has ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς in the previous stich as its referent and the subject of δ έ ξ ε τ α ι in 40:24a is the same as that o f π έ π ο ι θ ε ν in 40:23b. One might translate, "He awaits it [(attack of) the Jordan River] with his eye." Thus the translation of R shows he did not interpret ב ע י נ י ו according to the normal sense of the semipreposition. 780
(2)1)) ל ע י נ י 31:1a ב ר י ת כ ר ת י ל ע י נ י 31:1a Χ δ ι α θ ή κ η ν έ θ έ μ η ν τοΤς όφθαλμοΤς μ ο υ / 7 7 7
See H A L , s.v. ע י ןand R. Sollamo, op. cit., 123.
7 7 8
Conveniently listed by Cordis, 480.
7 7 9
See Driver and Gray, 1:358, 2:331-332, Dhorme, 624-625. Fohrer, 522, 524, Cordis, 468, 479-480, Pope, 317, 327-328. Habel, 551, 554, Hartley, 524. 7 8 0
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. δ έ χ ο μ α ι for the use of this verb in the sense of 'await an attack'.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
31 :]a is cited (like 40:24a) to prevent possible misunderstanding. Formally, the Bound Dual of ע י ןis preposed by 109 ל times in M T . Not all occurrences, however, qualify as instances of the semipreposition ל ע י נ יwhich always means 'before (the eyes of)' or 'in the presence o f . R. Sollamo, in her exhaustive study, indicates that there are 107 occurrences of the preposition . לעיניIn Job 31:1a, ל belongs to the construction כ ר ת ב ר י ת ל, where לmarks the person with whom a bond or treaty is formed Since this is almost universally understood to be the correct exegesis of 31:1a, the case does not qualify as an example of the semipreposit i o n . Nor is it treated this way by R since his rendering reflects the exegesis proposed and does not correspond to any of the renderings of the semipreposition ל ע י נ י elsewhere in the L X X . * 7 8 J
7 8 2
7 8 4
7 8 Semiprepositions with the Stem י ד ( 1 ) » ב י דέ ν χ ε ι ρ ί (2) 29:20b ב י ד י ת ח ל י ף
29:20b Χ κ α ι τ ό τ ό ξ ο ν μ ο υ έ ν χ ε ι ρ ί α ΰ τ ο ΰ π ο ρ ε ύ σ ε τ α ι . / 37:7a י ח ת ו ם
37:7a Χ έ ν χ ε ι ρ ί π α ν τ ό ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ κ α τ α σ φ ρ α γ ί ζ ε ι , / ׳ (
2 ) ) ל י ד
7 8 1
Even-Shoshan, s . v . ע י ן.
7 8 2
R. Sollamo, op. cit., 147.
7 8 3
Ibid. Sollamo does not list Jb 31:1a though she does consider the Hexaplaric Text of Job in her study (Ibid., 147-152). 7 8 4
So B D B , s.v. ב ר י ת, כ ר ת, and ע י ן, K B , s.v. ב ר י ת. H A L does not list Jb 31:1 under ב ר י ת, כ ר ת, or ע י ן. 7 8 5
See Driver and Gray, 1:262, Dhorme, 450, Fohrer, 423, 431, Cordis, 340, 344, Pope, 225, 228, Habel, 423, 425, Hartley, 409. 7 8 6
See R. Sollamo, op. cit., 147-152.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
17:3b מ י ה ו א ל י ד י י ת ק ע 17:3b Χ τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ο ύ τ ο ς ; xfj χ ε ι ρ ί μ ο υ σ υ ν δ ε θ ή τ ω . / According to R. Sollamo, the Semipreposition ל י דis found only seven times in M T and is a synonym for ע ל ־ י דand א ל ־ י דmeaning 'by / beside / next to' or 'to the hands o f > ' t o ' .
The case of 17:3b may qualify formally but not semantically.
( 3 ) » מ י דέ κ χ ε ι ρ ό ς (2) 27:22b ב ר ו ח י ב ר ח
27:22b Χ έ κ χ ε ι ρ ό ς α ύ τ ο ΰ φ υ γ ή φ ε ύ ξ ε τ α ι · / 35:7b א ו מ ה ־ מ י ד ך י ק ח 35:7b Χ ή τ ί έ κ χ ε ι ρ ό ς σ ο υ λ ή μ ψ ε τ α ι ; / R's renderings of ב י דand מ י דare examples of where 'slavish' and standard translations coincide.
789 Semiprepositions with the Stem פ ה (1)1))אל־פי 40:23b כ י ־ י ג י ח י ר ד ן א ל ־ פ י ה ו
40:23b Χ π έ π ο ι θ ε ν δ τ ι π ρ ο σ κ ρ ο ύ σ ε ι ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς εις τό σ τ ό μ α α ύ τ ο υ . / 7
As explained earlier, א ל ־ פ יmay qualify formally as a semipreposition, '' but exegesis eliminates the possibility.
791 Semiprepositions with the Stem ק ר ב
7 8 7
R. Sollamo, op. cit., 219.
7 8 8
7 8 9
Ibid., 160,202.
7 9 0
Ibid., 230.
7 9 1
Discussed above, p. 338.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
( 1 ) 1 )
) ב ק ר ב
20:14b פ ת נ י ם ב ק ר ב ו
20:14b Χ χ ο λ ή ά σ π ί δ ο ς έ ν γ α σ τ ρ ι α ύ τ ο ΰ . / Since R rendered ק ר בas a noun, the case is not relevant as a semipreposition. Semiprepositions With The Stem ת ו ך (
20:13b ב ת ו ך ח ב ו
20:13b χ κ α ι σ υ ν έ ξ ε ι α υ τ ή ν έ ν μ έ σ ω τ ο υ λ ά ρ υ γ γ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / The equivalent έ ν μ έ σ φ is literal and the one most commonly employed by Septuagint Translators. 792 Semiprepositions with the Stem ת ח ת (
26:5b מ ת ח ת מ י ם ו ש כ נ י ה ם 26:5b χ ΰ π ο κ ά τ ω θ ε ν ύ δ α τ ο ς κ α ι τ ω ν γ ε ι τ ό ν ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ ; / R is atomistic and literal in his rendering of Hebrew Semiprepositions even i f he is not the originator o f the equivalents he employs. 5.2. Conjunctions and Other Particles. The evidence for conjunctions and particles is presented in a format identical to that for prepositions. 5.2.1. Asyndeton (222) 7
( l ) » Z e r o (216) »
7 9 2
See R. Sollamo, op. cit., 251-253.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
7:8a, 7:8b, 9:15b, 9:24b, 9:24c, 12:9a, 12:21a, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:20b, 14:19a, 15:10b, 15:26b, 16:8c, 17:5a, 17:12a, 17:12b, 18:9b, 18:10a, 18:15a, 18:15b, 18:16a, 19:24a, jl9:27c?, 20:3a, 20:4a, 20:9a, 20:11a, 20:12a, 20:12b, 20:13a, 20:14b, 20:20b, 20:21a, 20:23a, 20:25c, 21:15a, 21:19b, 21:23a, 21:29a, 21:30b, 21:31a, 21:31b, 21:33a, 22:14a, 22:13b, 22:15a, 22:16b, 22:20a, 22:30a, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:15c(=aMT), 23:15d(=bMT), 24:4b, 24:5c(=dMT), 24:8a, 24:16a, 24:16b, 24:16c, 24:18a, 26:5a, 26:5b, 26:6a, 26:7a, 26:7b, 26:8a, 26:9a, 26:9b, 26:10a, 26:11a, 26:14a, j27:19a, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:22b, 27:23a, 28:4a, 28:5a, 28:6a, 28:7a, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:9a, 28:14a, 28:15a, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 28:22a, 28:27a, j28:27b, 29:11a, 29:13a, 29:19a, 29:20a, 29:25a, 29:25c, 30:2b, 30:3a, 30:3b, 30:3c, 30:4a, 30:7a, 30:12a, 30:12b, 30:13a, 30:18b, 30:20b, 30:27a, 30:27b, 31:1a, 31:3a, 31:4a, 31:18a, 31:24a, 31:35a, j 3 2 : l l a , 32:12c, 32:15a, 32:15a, 32:15b, 32:16b, 33:8a, j33:26a, 33:28a, 33:29a, 33:31b, 33:32a, 33:32a, 33:32b, 33:33a, 33:33a, 33:33b, 34:4a, 34:4b, 34:6b, 34:7a, 34:7b, 34:18b?, 34:31b, 34:31b, 34:32a, 34:32b, 34:32b, 34:33a, 35:8a, 35:9a, 35:9b, 35:12a, 35:16b, 36:6a, 36:7a, 36:8a, 36:8b?, 36:11a, 36:11b, 36:13b, 36:16b?, 36:20a, 36:22a, 36:25a, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:30a, 36:31a, 36:31b, 36:32a, 36:33a, 36:33b, 37:2a, 37:3a, 37:4a, 37:4b, 37:5a, 37:7a, 37:11b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 37:18a, 37:21b, 38:27a, 38:32a, 39:3b, 39:4a, 39:4b(=aMT), 39:4c(=bMT), 39:8a, 39:13a, 39:13b, 39:16a, 39:16b, 39:18a, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 39:29b, 40:2a, 40:2b, 40:23b, 40:24a, 40:24b, 40:26a, j40:30a, j41:la, 41:4a, 41:8a, 41:9a, 41:9b, 41:15b, 4I:15b, 41:21a, 41:24b, j41:26a (2) » δ έ (2) 9:24c א פ ו א מ י ־ ה ו א
9:24c Χ ε ί δ ε μ ή αυτός, τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; / 9:24c is a rare situation where absolute correlation word for word between Greek and Hebrew is difficult to show. Since formally speaking, asyndeton in M T correlates with δε in R, the instance is included. 21:23b כ ל ו ש ל א נ ן ו ש ל י ו 21:23b χ ό λ ο ς δέ ε υ π α θ ώ ν κ α ί ε ϋ θ η ν ω ν / (3) » κ α ί (4)
7 9 3
T h e instances where R employs γ ά ρ for once (j15:4a), κ α ί for ^ t t three times (36:29a, 37:1a, 37:1 l a ) , and κ α ί γ ε for OZ three times (15:10a, jl9:18a, 30:2a) cannot be included. They are asyndetic in M T but not in R.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
14:19b, 15:10a, 28:16a, 37:10a Example (14:19b): 14:19a חקו מ י ם8? א ב נ י ם 14:19b ת ש ט ף ־ ס פ י ח י ה ע פ ר ־ א ר ץ 14:19a Χ λίθους έ λ έ α ν α ν ΰ δ α τ α , / (Water polished stones) 14:19b Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ κ λ υ σ ε ν ΰ δ α τ α ΰ π τ ι α τ ο ΰ χ ώ μ α τ ο ς τ η ς γ η ς · / ( A n d level waters washed down the dust of the earth) 5.2.2. » א וή (2) 16:3b א ו מ ה ־ י מ ר י צ ך כ י ת ע נ ה 16:3b Χ ή τ ί π α ρ ε ν ο χ λ ή σ ε ι σ ο ι , δ τ ι ά π ο κ ρ ί ν η ; / 35:7b י א ו מ ה ־ מ י ד ך י ק ח 35:7b Χ ή τ ί έ κ χ ε ι ρ ό ς σ ο υ λ ή μ ψ ε τ α ι ; / 5.2.3. » א ו ל םπ λ ή ν (1) 14:18a ה ר ־ נ ו פ ל י ב ו ל
14:18a Χ κ α ι π λ ή ν όρος π ΐ π τ ο ν δ ι α π ε σ ε Τ τ α ι , / 5.2.4. » א זτ ό τ ε (2) 13:20b א ז מ פ נ י ך ל א א ס ת ר 13:20b Χ τ ό τ ε α π ό τ ο ΰ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ σ ο υ ο ύ κ ρ υ β ή σ ο μ α ν
28:27a א ז ר א ה ו י ס פ ר ה 28:27a Χ τ ό τ ε ε ί δ ε ν α υ τ ή ν κ α ι έ ξ η γ ή σ α τ ο α υ τ ή ν , / 5.2.5. » א יZero (1) 22:30a י מ ל ט א י ־ נ ק י 22:30a Χ φ ύ σ ε τ α ι ά θ ω ο ν , / Earlier discussion of 22:29a-22:30b revealed that while a literal translation affirms "He will rescue the non-innocent," R expresses just the opposite, omitting א י
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
in his rendering. Such an approach on the part of R is highly infrequent (assuming the parent text of R is identical to M T in 22:30a) yet it exemplifies an effort on the basis of context to make sense of a troublesome verse. 5.2.6. » א י הπ ο ΰ (3) 21:28a, 21:28b, 35:10a Example: 21:28a כ י ת א מ ר ו א י ה ב י ת ־ נ ד י ב 21:28a x δ τ ι έ ρ ε ΐ τ ε Π ο ΰ έ σ τ ι ν ο ΐ κ ο ς ά ρ χ ο ν τ ο ς ; / 5.2.7. » א ךπ λ ή ν (1) 33:8a א ך א מ ר ת ב א ז נ י 33:8a Χ π λ ή ν ε ΐ π α ς έ ν ώ σ ί ν μ ο υ , / 5 . 2 . 8 . ( א ל2) (1) » μ ή ( 1 ) 36:20a ה ל י ל ה
36:20a Χ μ ή έ ξ ε λ κ ύ σ χ ι ς τ ή ν ν ύ κ τ α / (2) » ο υ δ έ ν (1) 24:25b ו י ע ז ם ל א ל מ ל ת י 24:25b X m i θ ή σ ε ι εις ο υ δ έ ν τ ά ρ ή μ α τ α μ ο υ ; / Apparently Jb 24:25b is the only occurrence of א ל 795
substantive. The equivalent ο υ δ έ ν appropriately reflects this usage. 5.2.9. ( א ם2 0 ) 796
7 9 4
See above, p. 222.
7 9 5
See B D B , H A L , and Meyer-Donner, s.v. א ל.
7 9 6
The combination כ י א ם ־is also listed independently.
as a
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(1) » ή ( 3 ) 10:4b, 17:16b, 22:3b Example: 22:3a ל ש ד י כ י ת צ ד ק
O G 22:3a τ ί γ α ρ μ έ λ ε ι τ φ κ υ ρ ί ω , έ ά ν σ ύ ή σ θ α τ ο ι ς φ γ ο ι ς ά μ ε μ π τ ο ς ; 22:3b ו א ם ־ ב צ ע כ י ־ ת ת ם ד ר כ י ך
7 9 7
22:3b χ ή ω φ έ λ ε ι α δ τ ι ά π λ ώ σ η ς τ ή ν όδόν σ ο υ ; / A l l three instances of » א םή occur in alternative or disjunctive questions. I n the example provided, the disjunctive question is expressed by ...22:3) ו א ם... ה
cited for context). (2) » ε ί (8) j9:15a, 9:24c, 22:20a, 31:24a, 33:32a, 33:33a, 34:32b, 36:8a Example: 22:20a נ כ ח ד ק י מ נ ו
22:20a Χ ε ϊ μ ή ή φ α ν ί σ θ η ή ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς α ύ τ ω ν , / (3) » έ ά ν (7) 20:12a, 36:11a, 36:29a, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, 39:13b Example: 20:12a א ם ־ ת מ ת י ק ב פ י ו ר ע ה 20:12a Χ έ ά ν γ λ υ κ α ν θ ή έ ν σ τ ό μ α τ ι α υ τ ο ύ κ α κ ί α , / 79
(4) » εί μ ή ( 2 ) *
ייייThe couplet in M T 22:3 is collapsed by O G into one stich, apparently due to parablepsis (from [ כ י ת ] צ ד קto [ ) כ י ־ ת ] ת םbased on homoiarcton. The words έ ά ν σ ύ ή σ θ α τ ο ΐ ς φ γ ο ι ς ά μ ε μ π τ ο ς obviously reflect כ י ־ ת ת ם ד ר כ י ך.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
21:4a ל א ד ם ש י ח י
O G 21:4a τ ί γ ά ρ ; μ ή ά ν θ ρ ω π ο υ μ ο υ ή ε λ ε γ ξ ι ς ; 21:4b ו א ם ־ מ ד ו ע ל א ־ ת ק צ ר ר ו ח י O G 21:4b ή δ ι ά τ ί ο ύ θ υ μ ω θ ή σ ο μ ο α ; Α ρ ρ I I 21:4b κ α ι εΐ μ ή . . . 7 9 9
The evidence for R is extremely limited. Possibly μ ή renders מ ד ו ע ; ל אwould then either be omitted by R or rendered by something following ε ι μ ή . It is equally possible that א םis rendered by ε ί μ ή . N o certain judgement is possible. 42:8e ( כ י א ם ־ פ נ י ו א ש א ) ל ב ל ת י ע ש ו ת ע מ כ ם נ כ ל ה 42:8e Χ ο τ ι ε ί μ ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ λ ή μ ψ ο μ α ν
See כ י א ם ־for discussion. (5) Zero » ε ί (1) 31:27a ב ס ת ר ל ב י
31:27a Χ κ α ι ε ί ή π α τ ή θ η λ ά θ ρ α ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ , / Chapter 31 is Job's Oath of Purity. Only a brief glance at lines previous to 31:27a is necessary to show that the insertion of ε ί is contextually motivated. 5.2.10. » א מ נ םά λ η θ ω ς (1) 36:4a ל א ־ ש ק ר מ ל י
Α ρ ρ I I 36:4a ό τ ι ά λ η θ ω ς ο ύ κ ά δ ι κ ο ι οί λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ 5.2.11. » א מ שεχθές (1) 30:3b ח ע ר ק י ם צ י ה 30:3c א מ ש ש ו א ה ו מ ש א ה 30:3b Χ ο ί φ ε ύ γ ο ν τ ε ς ά ν υ δ ρ ο ν 7 9 8
εχθές /
Section (2), above, includes 2 instances where
22:20a). 7 9 9
Only Kai ei urj is attested for 0' and only by C.
is rendered by e i pfj (9:24c,
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
30:3c Χ σ υ ν ο χ ή ν κ α ί τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ί α ν , / 5 . 2 . 1 2 . ( א ף6) (1) » κ α ι (4) 36:29a א ף א ם ־ י ב י ן ם פ ר ס ז י ־ ע ב 36:29a Χ κ α ι έ ά ν σ υ ν ή ά π ε κ τ ά σ ε ι ς ν ε φ έ λ η ς , / 36:33b מ ק נ ה א ף ע ל ־ ע ו ל ה 36:33b Χ κ τ ή σ ι ς κ α ί π ε ρ ί α δ ι κ ί α ς . / 37:1a י ח ר ד ל ב י
37:1a Χ κ α ί τ α ύ τ η ς έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ / 37:11a י ט ר י ח ע ב
37:11a Χ κ α ί έ κ λ ε κ τ ό ν κ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ε ι ν ε φ έ λ η , / (2) » γ α ρ (1) 15:4a א ף ־ א ת ה ת פ ר י ר א ה A p p I I 15:4a ο ύ γ ά ρ σ ύ π α ρ η τ ή σ ω φόβον (3) » ו א ףκ α ί π ρ ο σ έ τ ι (1) 36:16a ו א ף ה ם י ת ך מ פ י ־ צ ר 36:16a Χ κ α ί π ρ ο σ έ τ ι ή π ά τ η σ έ ν σ ε έ κ σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς έ χ θ ρ ο ΰ • / Since the equivalent normally used by R for א ףis κ α ί , ו א ףcalls for an alternative rendering in a literal translator. Nevertheless, an equivalent like π ρ ο σ έ τ ι is somewhat unexpected. The only other occurrence of π ρ ο σ έ τ ι in a Septuagint Translator is 2 Kgs(Sm) 16:11 where κ α ί π ρ ο σ έ τ ι ν ΰ ν renders 5.2.13. » א פ ו אZero? (1) 9:24c א ם ־ ל א א פ ו א מ י ־ ה ו א 9:24c Χ εΐ δ ε μ ή α υ τ ό ς , τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; / 81Μ)
See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. π ρ ο σ έ τ ι .
.ו א ף כי־עתה
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
As already noted, 9:24c is a rare situation where absolute correlation word for word between Greek and Hebrew is difficult to show. No equivalent corresponds exactly to א פ ו אin R. 5.2.14. ( א תThe So-called Nota Accusativi)
» Article (6)
1:20a ) ו י ק ס א י ו ב ו י ק ר ע ( א ת ־ מ ע ל ו A p p I I 1:20a... τ ο ν ε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ν 2:6b ) א ך ( א ת ־ נ פ ש ו ש מ ר App I I 2:6b... τής ψυχής αυτού ούχ ά ψ η 40:1a י ה ו ה א ת ־ א י ו ב ו י א מ ר
8 0 1
40:1 Χ Κ α ι ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ό θ ε ό ς τ ω Ί ώ β κ α ι εΤπεν «׳׳ 41:26a י ר א ה
A p p I I 41:26a π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι 42:16b א ת ־ ב נ י ו ו א ת ־ ב נ י ב נ י ו א ר ב ע ה ד ר ו ת
42:16c Χ κ α ι ε ΐ δ ε ν Ί ώ β τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς α υ τ ο ύ 42:16d Χ κ α ί τ ο ύ ς υ ι ο ύ ς τ ω ν υ ί ω ν α υ τ ο ύ τ ε τ ά ρ τ η ν γ ε ν ε ά ν . / The so-called nota accusativi was discussed earlier under Articulation but for completeness, bears repetition here under Particles. Three instances of א ת precede nouns with pronominal suffixes. Above it was observed that for bound forms with pronominal suffixes the tendency for R to employ the article in Greek is only slightly higher than the tendency to use anarthrous forms. Thus the א תmay well be the reason for the article in these three instances. One instance of א תprecedes a bound phrase where the normal pattern of R is for both nouns to be anarthrous. Hence the article may well be triggered by א תhere too. The name Ί ώ β is usually anarthrous suggesting that א תis the cause of the article in 40:1. The exception is the anarthrous free form in j41:26a. Rendering א תby the article here would be against 802
8 0 1
8 0 2
The rendering oi>x a\|/r! appears to be based on M T 1:12c, so Z i A p p I I 2:6b.
See Waltke-O'Connor, § 10.3 for a convenient and recent survey of the difficulties in classifying J־iX. From a formal perspective, nx is a preposition (see J. Blau, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, 80.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
the demands of the target language. For though R could have written π ά ν τ α τ ο ν ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν , in so doing he would have altered the meaning of his source text. O n the whole it is reasonable to assume that the Greek article is employed to render Hebrew א ת. 1)(]5.2.15.
» ב ל0 ) ו 41:15b ע ל י ו ב ל ־ י מ ו ט
41:15b x κ α τ α χ έ ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν , ο ΰ σ α λ ε υ θ ή σ ε τ α ι . / 5.2.16.( גם5) (1) » κ α ί γ ε (4) 15:10a ג ם ־ ־ ט ב ג ם ־ י ש י ש ב נ ו 15:10a Χ κ α ί γ ε π ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς κ α ί γ ε π α λ α ι ό ς έ ν ή μ ν ν / 19:18a ג ם ־ ־ ע ו י ל י ם מ א ס ו ב י A p p I I 19:18a κ α ί γ ε ά φ ρ ο ν ε ς ά π ώ σ α ν τ ό με 30:2a גם־־בח י ד י ה ם ל מ ה ל י 30:2a Χ κ α ί γ ε
ισχύς χ ε ι ρ ώ ν
α υ τ ώ ν ' ί ν α τ ί μοι;
(2) » ו ג םκ α ί (1) 28:27b ה ב י נ ה ו ב ם ־ ח ק ר ה A p p I I 28:27b δ ι έ τ α ξ ε ν α υ τ ή ν κ α ί έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν α υ τ ή ν Perhaps similar to the case of א ףand ו א ף, so in respect to ג םand ו ג ם different equivalents are used. 5.2.17. ( הQuestion Marker) (18) One instance is excluded from analysis since the reading tradition of R differs from that of M T : 34:31a ה א מ ר
34:31a x ό τ ι π ρ ο ς τ ο ν ί σ χ υ ρ ό ν ό λ έ γ ω ν
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
While M T vocalizes ה א ם רas he'amar (Qal Perfect 3 m.s prefixed by הQuestion Marker) R read ה א ם רas hâ'Omêr (Qai Active Participle m.s prefixed by Article). Conversely, 26:5a is included below because what is an Article in M T was clearly read as a Question Marker by R. (1) » μ ή ( 8 ) j!5:8a, 20:4a, j22:4a, 22:15a, 26:5a, 34:33a, 40:2a, j40:28a Examples: 22:15a ה א ר ח ע ו ל • ת ש מ ר 22:15a Χ μ ή τρίβον α ί ώ ν ι ο ν φ υ λ ά ξ ε ι ς , / 26:5a י ח ו ל ל ו
26:5a Χ μ ή γ ί γ α ν τ ε ς μ α ι ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι / (2) » ε ί (3) j4:2a, 39:1a, 40:26a Example: 39:1a ה י ד ע ת ע ת ל ד ת י ע ל י ־ ־ ס ל ע 39:1a Χ εί Εγνως κ α ι ρ ό ν τ ο κ ε τ ο ύ τ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ω ν π έ τ ρ α ς , / (3) » ή (2) 22:13b ה כ ע ד ע ר פ ל י ש פ ו ם 22:13b Χ ή κ α τ ά τ ο υ γ ν ό φ ο υ κ ρ ι ν ε ΐ ; / 38:32a ה ת צ י א מ ז ר ו ת ב ע ת ו 38:32a Χ ή δ ι α ν ο ί ξ ε ι ς Μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ έ ν κ α ι ρ φ α ύ τ ο ϋ / (4) » ή ( 1 ) 13:8a ה פ נ י ו ת ש א ו ן Α ρ ρ I I 13:8a ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ λ α μ β ά ν ε τ ε
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
Although distinction between ή and ή is basically editorial or based on later manuscripts, apparently R understood 13:8a as an alternative question.
(5) » ה ל אουχί (2) 31:3a ל ע ו ל 31:3a Χ
הלא־איד απώλεια τφ άδίκφ /
31:4a י ר א ה ד ר כ י
31:4a Χ ο υ χ ί α υ τ ό ς ο ψ ε τ α ι ό δ ό ν μ ο υ / (6) » ה ל אDifferent Greek Syntagmeme ( I ) 21:29a ה ל א ש א ל ת ם ע ו כ ר י ד ר ך 21:29a Χ ε ρ ω τ ή σ α τ ε π α ρ α π ο ρ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο υ ς όδόν, / The cases in Sections (5) and (6) are discussed below under ל א. (7) » ה ל אZero? (1) 4:21a ) ה ל א ך כ ם ע י ת ר ם ב ם A p p I I 4:21a σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν τ ό υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α α υ τ ώ ν έ ν α ύ τ ο ΐ ς The line is preserved only by 248 and 252 and attributed to θ ' only by the latter. I f we have a complete stich, ה ל אis rendered by zero. The evidence is insufficient to determine the translation technique of R. 5 . 2 . 1 8 . » ה ןιδού (7) 26:14a, j32:11a, 33:29a, 36:22a, 36:26a, 36:30a, j41:1a Example: 33:29a י פ ע ל ־ א ל
33:29a Χ ί δ ο ύ π ά ν τ α τ α ύ τ α έ ρ γ ά τ α ι ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς / 5 . 2 . 1 9 . ( ה כ ה2) (1)»ίδού(1)
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
32:12b ו ה נ ה א י ן ל א י ו ב מ ו כ י ח 32:12b Χ κ α ι ι δ ο ύ ο υ κ fjv τ φ Ιωβ έ λ ε γ χ ω ν , / (2)»έστιν(1) 9:19a א מ י ץ ה נ ה
A p p I I 9:19a ( ε ί ) έ ν τ ή ί σ χ ύ ι κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς έ σ τ ι ν 5.2.20.( ו207) One case is excluded from the total because R read a different parent text: 41:4b ו ד ב ר ־ ג ב ו ר ו ת ו ח י ן ע ר ב ו 41:4b x κ α ϊ λ ό γ ο ν δ υ ν ά μ ε ω ς ε λ ε ή σ ε ι τ ο ν ϊ σ ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ . / Probably R read י ח ץor י ח ו ןas the rendering ε λ ε ή σ ε ι shows. This is only one of a number of places where R read his parent text differently from what we have in M T in respect to waw and yodh. Moreover these letters are almost identical in form in the Hebrew script of the Dead Sea Scrolls. 801
(1)»καί(198) j2:13a, j5:4b, 7:8b, 11:5b, j 12:7b, 12:8b, jl2:16a, 12:18b, 12:23a, 12:23b, 13:19b, 14:12c, 14:18a, 14:18b, 14:19c, j 15:5b, jl5:20b, 15:27b, 16:8a, 16:8b, 16:21b, j 17:9a, 17:10a, jl7:15b, 18:10b, 18:16b, 18:17b, jl9:12b, 19:24a, jl9:25b, 19:28b, 20:3b, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:11b, 20:13a, 20:13b, j21:4b, 21:15b, 21:19b, 21:21b, 21:23b, 21:28b, 21:29b, 21:31b, 21:32a, 21:32b, 21:33b, 21:33c, 22:13a, 22:I4a, 22:14b, 22:20b, 22:24b, j22:28a, j22:28a, 22:29a, 22:29b, 22:30b, 23:9a, 23:9b, 23:15d(=bMT), 24:14b, 24:15a, 24:15c, 24:25b, 25:6b, 26:5b, 26:6b, 26:8b, 26:11b, 26:14b, j27:19a, 27:19b, 27:21a, 27:21b, 27:22a, 27:22a, 27:23b, 28:3b, 28:3c, 28:6b, 28:7b, 28:14b, 28:15b, 28:16b, 28:17a, 28:17b, 28:18a, 28:18b, 28:21b, 28:22a, 28:26b, 28:27a, 29:10b, 29:11a, j29:13b, 29:19b, 29:20b, 29:24b, 29:25a, 29:25b, 30:3a, 30:3c, 30:11b, 30:12c, 30:16a, 30:20b, 30:22b, 30:27a, 31:1b, 31:2a, 31:2b, 31:3b, 31:4b, 31:18b, 31:23b, 31:27a, 32:5a, 32:5c, 32:12a, 32:12b, 33:19b, 33:20b, j33:26a, 33:28b, 33:31b, 33:33b, 34:3b, 34:11b, 34:25b, 34:25b, 34:28b, 34:29a, 34:29a, 34:29b, 34:29b, 34:29c, 34:29c, 34:33b, 34:33c, 35:8b, 35:10a, 35:12a, 35:15a, 35:15b, 35:16a, 36:6b, 36:7b, 36:7c, 36:7c, 36:9a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:11a, 36:11c, 36:13a, 36:16a, 36:16c, 36:19c, 36:26a, 36:26b, 36:27b?, 36:30b, 36:32b, 37:1b, 37:2b, 37:3b, 37:4c, 37:6b, 37:12a, 37:14b, 38:27a, 38:27b, 8 0 3
See for example, 9:15b, 19:28b, 29:20b, and possibly 36:27b.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
38:32b, j38:37b, 39:4c(=bMT), 39:6b, 39:8b, 39:13b, 39:14b, 39:15a, 39:15b, 39:17b, 39:18b, 39:28(=28bMT), 40:1, 40:1, j40:10b, j40:26b, 40:31b, 41:4b, 41:9b, j42:7b, 42:16c, 42:16d, 42:17,42:17 Problem (36:27b): 36:27a כ י י נ ר ע נ ט פ י ־ מ י ם (He draws up drops of water) 36:27b י ז ק ו מ ט ר ל א ד ר (They distil as rain for his fresh-water / subterranean streams) O G 36:27a ά ρ ι θ μ η τ α ι δέ α ύ τ φ σ τ α γ ό ν ε ς ϋ ε τ ο ΰ , 36:27b Χ κ α ι έ π ι χ υ θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι ύ ε τ φ εις ν ε φ έ λ η ν / 36:27b is included among cases of waw rendered by κ α ί . Since R renders Asyndeton by zero in 216 of 222 instances and by κ α ί in only 4 instances, and conversely renders waw by κ α ί in 197 of 206 instances and by zero in only 4 instances, probably R read waz&qqu here instead oiyazoqqu as in M T . In respect to waw and yodh, R read his parent text differently from what we have in M T several times. Moreover R renders wqti by an Aorist Indicative three times, an Aorist Imperative once and a Future Indicative once (besides 36:27b). This latter evidence indicates that a Future Indicative for wqtl is at least possible in R, although falls short of proving the proposal. I n the patterns of translation technique, however, better proof is rarely available. 804
Examples: 23:9a ב ע ש ת ו ו ל א ־ א ח ז
23:9a Χ α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά π ο ι ή σ α ν τ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ί ο ύ κ α τ έ σ χ ο ν 23:9b י מ י ן ו ל א א ר א ה
23:9b Χ π ε ρ ι β ά λ ε ι δ ε ξ ι ά , κ α ί ο ύ κ ο ψ ο μ α ι . / 26:14a ק צ ו ת ד ר כ ו
26:14a Χ ιδού τ α ύ τ α μ έ ρ η ο δ ο ύ α ύ τ ο ΰ , / 26:14b ו מ ה ־ ש מ ץ ד ב ר נ ש מ ע ־ ב ו 26:14b Χ κ α ί έ π ί ί κ μ ά δ α λ ό γ ο υ ά κ ο υ σ ό μ ε θ α έ ν α ύ τ φ . /
8 0 4
See for example, 9:15b, 19:28b, 29:20b, 41:4b.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:26b מ ס פ ר שכיר ו ל א ־ ח ק ר 36:26b Χ α ρ ι θ μ ό ς έ τ ω ν α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι α π έ ρ α ν τ ο ς . / 23:9a, 23:9b, and possibly 26:14b are instances where a clause introduced by waw is preceded by one subordinate to it and yet וis rendered by m i . In 36:26b, מ ס פ ר ש נ י וis a pendent construction. These examples highlight the extent o f literalness in R. 8 0 5
(2) » Zero (4) 22:16a ו ל א ־ ע ת
22:16a Χ ο ΐ σ υ ν ε λ ή μ φ θ η σ α ν ά ω ρ ο ι ; / 22:24a ו ש י ת ־ ע ל ־ ע פ ר ב צ ר 22:24a Χ θ ή σ η έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ι έ ν π έ τ ρ α / 28:5b נ ה פ ך כ מ ו ־ א ש
28:5b Χ ύ π ο κ ά τ ω α υ τ ή ς ε σ τ ρ ά φ η ώ σ ε ί π υ ρ . / 32:16a כ י ־ ל א י ד ב ר ו
32:16a Χ ύ π έ μ ε ι ν α , ο ύ γ ά ρ έ λ ά λ η σ α ν / ׳ (3) » δ έ (2) 11:20a ו ע י נ י ר ש ע י ם ת כ ל י נ ה A p p I I 11:20c ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δέ ά σ ε β ω ν έ κ λ ε ί ψ ο υ σ ι ν 22:18a ( ו ה ו א ) מ ל א ב ת י ה ם ס ו ב A p p I I 22:18a α υ τ ό ς δέ . . . י
8 0
(4) » μ ή ( 1 ) 39:11b ( ו ה ע ז כ ) א ל י ו י ג י ע ך A p p I I 39:11b μ ή ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί ψ ε ι ς . . .
8 0 5
These three are the only occurrences of this syntactic situation rendered by R.
8 0 6
Also the only one rendered by R.
8 0 7
Only two words attested for θ ' at 22:18a and only by c׳.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(5) ( ו א םDisjunctive Question) » ή (1) 22:3b כ י ־ ה ת ם ד ר כ י ך
22:3b Χ ή ω φ έ λ ε ι α ο τ ι ά π λ ώ σ η ς τ ή ν όδόν σ ο υ ; / (6) » ו ב םκ α ί (1) 28:27b ו ב ם ־ ח ה ך ה
Α ρ ρ I I 28:27b δ ι έ τ α ξ ε ν α υ τ ή ν κ α ί έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν α υ τ ή ν 5.2.21. מ י ו מ םή μ ε ρ α (1) 24:16b ח ת מ ו ־ ל מ ו
24:16b Χ η μ έ ρ α ς έ σ φ ρ ά γ ι σ α ν ε α υ τ ο ύ ς , / 5.2.22. » כ א ש רδ ν τ ρ ό π ο ν (1) 29:25b כ מ ל ך כ ב ד ו ר
29:25b Χ κ α ί κ α τ ε σ κ ή ν ο υ ν ώ σ ε ί β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς έ ν μ ο ν ο ζ ώ ν ο ι ς / 29:25c א כ ל י ם י נ ח ם
29:25c Χ ο ν τ ρ ό π ο ν π α θ ε ι ν ο ύ ς π α ρ α κ α λ ω ν . / 5 . 2 . 2 3 . 4 )
י ח ד/ ) י ח ד ו
( 1 ) » י ח דο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν (2) 17:16b א ם ־ י ח ד ע ל ־ ע פ ר נ ח ת 17:16b χ ή ο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ο ς κ α τ α β η σ ό μ ε θ α ; / 24:4b י ח ד ח ב א ו ע נ י י ־ א ר ץ 24:4b Χ ο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν έ κ ρ ύ β η σ α ν π ρ α ε ι ς γ ή ς . / ( 2 ) » י ח דόμοΰ(1) 34:29c ו ע ל ־ ב ו י ו ע ל ־ א ד ם י ח ד 34:29c κ α words ί κ α τ ά attested έ θ ν ο υ ς for κ α 6' ί κat α τ39:1 ά ά νl θb ρand ω π οonly υ ό μby ο ΰ C./ OnlyΧtwo
8 0 8
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
( 3 ) » י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν (1) 24:17a ב י י ח ד ו ב ק ר ל מ ו צ ל מ ו ת 24:17a χ ό τ ι έ π ι γ ν ώ σ ε τ α ι τ α ρ α χ ά ς σ κ ι ά ς θ α ν ά τ ο υ . / 5.2.24. ( כ י42) ( 1 ) » ο τ ι (36) 12:9b, 13:19b, 15:27a, 16:3b, 17:4a, 21:15a, 21:15b, 21:21a, 21:28a, 21:30a, 22:3b, 22:29a, 24:17a, 24:17b, 29:11a, 31:18a, 32:4b, 32:5a, 32:16b, 34:3a, j34:9a, 34:23a, 34:31a, 34:33b(=aMT), 34:33b, 35:15a, j36:4a, 36:9b, 36:10b, 36:13b, 37:4c, 39:14a, 39:15a, 39:17a, 40:23b, 42:8e Examples: Causal ב י
8 0 9
32:4b כ י ז ק נ י ם ־ ח מ ה מ מ נ ו ל י מ י ם 32:4b Χ ό τ ι π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ι α υ τ ο ύ ε ί σ ι ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / Temporal כ י 36:13b ל א י ש ו ע ו כ י א ס ר ם 36:13b Χ ο ύ β ο ή σ ο ν τ α ι , ό τ ι ε δ η σ ε ν α υ τ ο ύ ς . / 37:4c ו ל א י ע ק ב ם ב י ־ י ש מ ע ק ו ל ו 37:4c Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ α ν τ α λ λ ά ξ ε ι α υ τ ο ύ ς , ό τ ι α κ ο ύ σ ε ι φ ω ν ή ν α ύ τ ο ΰ . / כ יIntroducing Substantival Clause 32:5a א ל י ה ו א כ י א י ן מ ע נ ה
32:5a Χ κ α ί ε ΐ δ ε ν Έ λ ι ο ΰ ς ό τ ι ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν ά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ς / 36:10b כ י ־ ־ י ט ב ו ן מ א ו ן
36:10b Χ κ α ι ε ΐ π ε ν ό τ ι έ π ι σ τ ρ α φ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ ξ α δ ι κ ί α ς . /
A n a l y s i s of "O follows A . Aejmelaeus, "Function and Interpretation of "O In Biblical Hebrew," Journal of Biblical Literature 105 (1986): 193-209. See also WaltkeO'Connor, 665, n. 81 for a brief survey of other studies.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(2) » γ ά ρ ( 5 ) 32:16a, 33:32b, 36:31a, j42:7c Examples: 36:21b ב ח ר ת מ ע נ י
36:21b Χ έ π ί τ ο ύ τ ο ν γ α ρ έ ξ ε ί λ ω ά π ό π τ ώ χ ε ι α ς . / 36:31a כ י ־ ב ם י ד י ן ע מ י ם 36:31a Χ έ ν γ α ρ α ύ τ ο Τ ς κρινεΤ λ α ο ύ ς , / (3) » כ י ־ ־ ע ת הά λ λ ά μ ή ν (1) 6:21a ([Qr ) ה י י ת ם ל א ] ל ו
Α ρ ρ I I 6:21a ά λ λ ά μ ή ν . . . . The evidence (and examples in particular) shows that the approach of R towards ב יis more wooden and less sensitive to syntactic variations than, for example, his treatment of most prepositions. 5.2.25. » כ י א ם ־ε ί μ ή (1) 42:8e ( וח ע מ כ ם נ ב ל ה67אשא ) ל ב ל ת י ע
כ י אם־פניו
42:8e Χ ό τ ι ε ί μ ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α υ τ ο ύ λ ή μ ψ ο μ α ν / In the combination א ם
כ יboth particles may function independently, or
together as a unit (approximately 140 instances and normally כ י א ם ־in M T ) . unit, כ י א ם ־functions in both adversative and exceptive clauses.
8 1 0
As a
Modern scholars
are somewhat uncertain about the force of כ י א ם ־in 42:8e. Some handle א סas a pleonasm,
others tend to give it the force of 'only': "For only him will I accept"
8 1 0
See H A L , s.v. DX־־0.
8 1 1
See C. V a n Leeuwen, "Die Partikel D N , " Oudtestamentische
Studien 18 (1973): 15-
48. 8 1 2
Cf. Driver and Gray, 1:374, Pope, 347, Hartley, 538. Dhorme, 648-649 emends D H to TX. Fohrer, 423, 431, Cordis, 340, 344, Habel, 423, 425,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(Yahweh instructs Job's Friends to bring offerings and have Job intercede for t h e m ) . The latter approach seems to be the understanding of R who gives ο τ ι for כ יand ε ί μ ή ('except') for א ם. The literalism of R is difficult to evaluate further since no other stichs from R following or preceding are extant. 813
5.2.26. ρ (2) 17:4b ע ל ־ ב ן ל א ת ר מ ם 17:4b Χ δ ι α τ ο ΰ τ ο ο ύ μ ή ύ ψ ω σ η ς α υ τ ο ύ ς . / 23:15a מ פ נ י ו א ב ה ל
23:15c Χ έ π ι τ ο ύ τ ω ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ α υ τ ο ύ κ α τ α σ π ο υ δ α σ θ ώ · / 5.2.27. ( ל א72) (1) » ο ύ / ο ύ κ / ο ύ χ (56) 814
7:8a, j8:20a, j9:15a, 12:9a, 13:20b, 14:12c, jl8:5b, 18:17b, 20:9a, 20:9b, 20:13a, 20:20b, 21:29b, 22:14a, 23:9a, 23:9b, 24:15b, 24:16c, 26:8b, j27:6a, j27:19a, 27:22a, 28:7a, 28:7b, 28:8a, 28:8b, 28:14a, 28:15a, 28:15b, 28:16a, 28:17a, 28:18a, 28:19a, 28:19b, 29:24b, 30:27a, 31:23b, 32:15a, 32:16a, 32:16b, j34:9a, 34:23a, 34:31b, 34:33b, 35:10a, 35:15b, j36:4a, 36:7a, 36:13b, 36:26a, 37:4c, 38:26a, 38:26b, 39.T7b, 41:4a, j42:7c (2) » ο ύ μ ή (Emphatic Future Denial) (6) (a) ο ύ μ ή + Aorist Subjunctive (3) 17:4b ע ל ־ כ ן ל א ת ר מ ם 17:4b Χ δ ι α τ ο ΰ τ ο ο ύ μ ή ύ ψ ω σ η ς α υ τ ο ύ ς . /
8 1 3
So B D B , s.v. Ί3Ν "Ο, K B , s.v. • Χ 3«־, H A L , s.v. DX~־Q, and Gordis, 494. Cf. also Driver and Gray, 1:349, Fohrer, 538, Habel, 575. Note as well a parallel in the Silwan Inscription (J. C. L . Gibson, Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, V o l . 1, Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971, 1973J, 24). In 20:9b R renders ΤΒΓΚ ••· by ο ύ κ έ τ ι . Clearly ο ύ κ is for xb and ε τ ι stands for -|־Βλ Presentation of ο ύ κ έ τ ι as one word is an editorial judgement.
8 1 4
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
35:12a ש ם י צ ע ק ו ו ל א י ע נ ה 35:12a χ έ κ ε Τ κ ε κ ρ ά ξ ο ν τ α ι , κ α ι ο ύ μ ή ε ί σ α κ ο ύ σ η , / 41:9b י ת ל כ ד ו ו ל א י ת פ ר ד ו 41:9b Χ σ υ ν έ χ ο ν τ α ι και ο ύ μ ή ά π ο σ π α σ θ ώ σ ι ν . / (b) ο ύ μ ή + Future Indicative (3) 34:32b א ם ־ ע ו ל פ ע ל ת י ל א א ס י ף 34:32b Χ ε ί ά δ ι κ ί α ν ή ρ γ α σ ά μ η ν , ο ύ μ ή π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ω . / 36:6a ל א ־ י ח י ח ר ש ע 36:6a Χ α σ ε β ή ο ύ μ ή ζ ω ο π ο ι ή σ ε ι / 39:4b י צ א ו ו ל א ־ ־ ש ב ו ל מ ו 39:4c χ έ ξ ε λ ε ύ σ ο ν τ α ι κ α ι ο ύ μ ή ά ν α κ ά μ ψ ο υ σ ι ν αύτοΤς. / (3) » μ ή ( 3 ) 9:24c א ם ־ ל א א פ ו א ם י ־ ה ו א 9:24c χ ε ί δ έ μ ή α υ τ ό ς , τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ; / 22:20a נ כ ח ד ק י מ נ ו
22:20a Χ εί μ ή ή φ α ν ί σ θ η ή ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς α ύ τ ω ν , / 39:16a ב נ י ה ל ל א ־ ל ה
39:16a Χ ά π ε σ κ λ ή ρ υ ν ε ν τ ά τ έ κ ν α αυτής ώ σ τ ε μ ή ε α υ τ ή , / Two of the three instances are actually cases of א ם ־ ל אrendered by ε ί μ ή . 39:16a involves ellipsis of ε ΐ ν α ι and μ ή is always used with ώ σ τ ε + Infinitive. Thus R follows the general guideline where = ל אο ύ and = א לμ ή (36:20a). 815
(4) » Alpha Privative (2) 22:16a ו ל א ־ ע ת
22:16a Χ ο'ΐ σ υ ν ε λ ή μ φ θ η σ α ν άωροι; /
8 1 5
See Bauer, s.v. ώ σ τ ε , and Smyth, § 2759.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:26b ש נ י ו ו ל א ־ ח ק ר
36:26b Χ αριθμός ε τ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι α π έ ρ α ν τ ο ς . / (5) » Different Greek Syntagmeme (2) 31:31a א מ ר ו מ ת י א ה ל י
31:31b מ י ־ י ת ן מ ב ש ר ו ל א נ ש ב ע O G 31:31b Τ ί ς α ν δ φ η ή μ ΐ ν τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ π λ η σ θ ή ν α ι ; Α ρ ρ I I 31:31b τ ί ς δ φ η τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α 31:31b is another troublesome text. While no line is available for R at 31:31a, M T 31:31a is provided as contextual support for M T 31:31b. According to the pattern characteristic of Job's Affirmation of Integrity in Chapter 31, • אintroduces an o a t h . Detailed discussion earlier demonstrated R was correct to analyze נ ש ב עas a Qal Imperfect 1 and not as a Niphal Participle m.s as lexicographers aver. The expression מ י י ת ןnormally introduces a wish as R understood. Thus the verse in M T might be translated, "Surely the men of my tent said, 'Would that we were not satisfied with his flesh.'" Still problematic to the sense is the meaning o f 'his f l e s h ' and the presence of either or both negatives in 31:31a and b . 816
O G 31:31b is fairly plain: "O that we might be filled with his flesh!" The corresponding line in R is less straightforward. Yet no evidence exists to indicate R had a different parent text from M T . I f the Genitive τ ω ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν is analyzed as partitive, one may render "Would that some of his flesh (were present) that (or then) we would be filled full." Apparently his rendering is more a revision of O G than a 8 2 1
8 1 6
Strong asseveration would be introduced by א ם ־ ל א.
8 1 7
See above, n. 427.
8 1 8
See above, p. 187.
8 1 9
The term ב ש רmight refer to meat provided by Job, or Job's own body (cf. Ps 27:2 and Jb 19:22b). Pope, following Tur-Sinai, believes connotations of sexual perversion are intended (Pope, 236-237). s 3
° For differing suggestions see Driver and Gray, 1:270-271, 2:227, Dhorme, 464-465, Fohrer, 424, 426, 440, Pope, 227, 236-237, Gordis, 342, 352-353, Habel, 424, and Hartley, 419. 8 2 1
Kennicott lists one M S lacking 170) (2°) )לאand two MSS having
This evidence is negligible.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
translation de novo of M T . R follows M T more closely replacing ή μ ΐ ν ... π λ η σ θ ή ν α ι by a finite verb, έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α . The κ α ί is necessary once a finite verb is used, The sense of R is not far from M T : "Would that we were filled" is similar to "We will not be filled." Thus ל אis handled by means of a wish likely to be unfulfilled. 36:16a ו א ף ה ס י ת ך מ ם י ־ צ ר ( A n d indeed he lures you away from the brink of distress) 36:16a κ α ι προσέτι ή π ά τ η σ έ ν σ ε έκ στόματος έχθροΰ- / 36:16b ר ח ב ל א ־ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י ה (To a spacious place, free from restriction) 36:16b Χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς , κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς ϋ π ο κ ά τ ω αυτής- / 36:16c ו נ ח ת ש ל ח נ ך מ ל א ד ש ן (To the comfort of your table laden with choice food) 36:16c Χ κ α ι κ α τ έ β η τ ρ ά π ε ζ α σ ο υ π λ ή ρ η ς π ι ό τ η τ ο ς . / Ample context is extant in R for 36:16b. In M T , the entire line seems to be a noun phrase syntactically dependent on 36:16a. In R, however, analysis of the syntax is uncertain making it difficult to gain proper sense of the stich. Either ά β υ σ σ ο ς , which renders M T *, רחבis the grammatical subject of ή π ά τ η σ έ ν in 36:16a, or else ά β υ σ σ ο ς is a Nominative Absolute epexegetical of σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς έ χ θ ρ ο ΰ . 22
M T ל א ״ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י חis a nominal sentence and functions as an asyndetic relative clause explaining
R seems to have a similar understanding, but how
he renders מ ו צ קis problematic. The standard view asserts that R interpreted מ ו צ ק (musaq M T ) as a noun from י צ קand so rendered the word by κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς ,
8 2 4
whereas most modern scholars understand the form as a noun from '( צ ו קconstrain').
8 2 2
A n alternative insight renders this view unnecessary.
Κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς may
T h e equivalent άβυσσος indicates R read ( ר ה בso Dhorme, 544). Cf. Jb 9:13,
26:12. 8 2 3
The approach of R in rendering an Asyndetic Relative Clause differs here from instances of the same syntactic situation which he encounters elsewhere only two times (38:26a and b). See above, p. 172.
8 2 4
Liddell-Scott, s.v. κατάχυσις III, has "mistransl. of Hebr. musaq 'straitness', as if musaq 'smelting', L x x Jb. 36.16." 8 2 5
See B D B , s.v. I I מ ו צ ק, H A L , s.v. 11 ( מ ו צ קand cf. K B , s.v. I I ) מ ו צ ק, Driver and Gray, 1:312, 2:277, Dhorme, 545, Cordis, 406, 416, Pope, 267, Habel, 495, Hartley, 472. The Ancient Versions in general have the same understanding as the modern
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
render ל א מ ו צ קas a unit; 'free effusion' is not far from 'unrestrained' semantically and is an appropriate equivalent in the context. A positive term is supplied for a negated one. This proposal is adopted here since it accounts well for ל אaccording to known patterns in R while the standard view assumes what is completely contrary to the character of R—that having (mis)construed מ ו צ קas κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς he ignores ל א in an effort to make sense of a difficult text. 827
(6) » ה ל אο ύ χ ι (2) 31:3a ל ע ו ל
31:3a Χ ο ύ χ ι α π ώ λ ε ι α τ ω ά δ ί κ ω / 31:4a י ר א ה ד ר כ י
31:4a Χ ο ύ χ ι α υ τ ό ς ό ψ ε τ α ι όδόν μ ο υ / In both Μ Τ and R both cases are questions expecting an affirmative reply. (7) » ה ל אDifferent Greek Syntagrneme (1) 21:29a ה ל א ש א ל ת ם ע ו ב ר י ד ר ך 21:29a Χ ε ρ ω τ ή σ α τ ε π α ρ α π ο ρ ε υ ο μ ε ν ο υ ς όδόν, / Twice R employed ουχί for ה ל אin questions expecting a positive reply. This is not really the sense in 21:29a. The clause is a question in M T in which Job challenges his friends to inquire of wayfarers and thus verify the truth he speaks. R conveys the challenge by eliminating ה ל אand converting the modal value of the verb from Indicative to Imperative. scholars do of מ ו צ ק. First, the Rabbinic Targum has א פ ת י ד ל א י ת ע ק ב א ה ו ־ ה אat 36:16b ("He will widen (it) so that there is no narrowness in its stead." So C, Mangan, J. F. Healey, and P. S. Knobel, op.cit, ad 10c). Secondly, the Syriac has wrwht' hip 'qt' ("And expansion instead of restriction"). Only the Vulgate seems to derive מ ו צ ק from י צ קgiving et non hubenlis fwvlumentutn subier se for ל א ״ מ ו צ ק ת ח ת י ה. Thus there is no reason to suppose correct interpretation of 36:16b was beyond the ken of an ancient interpreter like R. s
׳ ׳I am indebted to Professor Wevers for the following proposal.
8 2 7
According to Kennicott, one MS has ל וfor170) ) ל א. There is no reason to believe R had a parent text different from M T .
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
(8) » ה ל אZero? (1) 4:21a י ת ר ם ב ם
Α ρ ρ I I 4:21a σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν τ ό υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α α ύ τ ω ν έ ν α ΰ τ ο ΐ ς Earlier analysis concluded that the evidence is insufficient to determine the translation technique of R here. The case is not reckoned in the total of 72 occurrences of ל אrendered by R. 828
(9) Zero » ο ΰ (1) 20:12a ב פ י ו ר ע ה
20:12a Χ έ ά ν γ λ υ κ α ν θ ή έ ν σ τ ό μ α τ ι α υ τ ο ύ κ α κ ί α , / 20:12b י כ ח י ד נ ה ת ח ת ל ש ו נ ו 20:12b Χ κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι α υ τ ή ν ύ π ό τ ή ν γ λ ώ σ σ α ν α υ τ ο ύ - / 20:13a י ח ם ל ע ל י ה ו ל א י ע ז ב נ ה 20:13a Χ ο ύ φ ε ί σ ε τ α ι α υ τ ή ς κ α ι ο ύ κ ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί ψ ε ι α υ τ ή ν / 20:12 is cited as context for 20:13a. Ziegler offers a solid text since only L a omits ο ύ . The addition of ο ύ by R appears to be contextually motivated (i.e. from the parallel words .(ל א יעזבנה 829
5.2.28. » למהϊ ν α τ ί ( Ι ) 30:2a ג ם ־ כ ח י ד י ה ם ל מ ה ל י 30:2a
χ ε ι ρ ώ ν α υ τ ώ ν "ίνα τ ί μοι;
5.2.29. » מ א דσ φ ό δ ρ α (1) 35:15b ו ל א ־ י ד ע ב פ ש מ א ד 35:15b Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ έ'γνω π α ρ α π τ ώ μ α τ ι σφόδρα· / 5.2.30. κ : » δ ή ( 1 )
8 2 8
See above, p. 365.
8 2 9
N o Hebrew M S has ל אaccording to Kennicott.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
17:10a ו א ו ל ם כ ל ם ת ש ב ו ו ב א ו נ א 17:10a ο ύ μ η ν δέ ά λ λ α π ά ν τ ε ς έ ρ ε ί δ ε τ ε , Χ κ α ι δ ε ύ τ ε δή· / 5 . 2 . 3 1 . ( ע ו ד4) (1) » ε τ ι (3) 20:9b ת ש ו ר נ ו מ ק ו מ ו
20:9b Χ κ α ι ο ύ κ έ τ ι π ρ ο σ ν ο ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν ό τ ό π ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ . / 32:15a ח ת ו ל א ־ ע כ ו ע ו ד 32:15a Χ έ π τ ο ή θ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν ε τ ι , / 34:23a כ י ל א ע ל ־ א י ש י ש י ם ע ו ד 34:23a Χ ό τ ι ο ύ κ έ π ' ά ν δ ρ α θ ή σ ε ι äxv / (2) » Zero ( Ι ) « » 32:16b ע מ ד ו ל א ־ ע נ ו ע ו ד
32:16b Χ ό τ ι έ σ τ η σ α ν , ο ύ κ ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η σ α ν . / 5 . 2 . 3 2 . ( ע ת ה4) (1) » ν ΰ ν (3) 13:19b, 30:16a, 35:15a Example: 13:19b א ח ר י ש ו א ג ו ע
13:19b X i m ν ΰ ν κ ω φ ε ύ σ ω κ α ι ε κ λ ε ί ψ ω . / (2) » μ ή ν ( 1 ) 6:21a ([Qr כ י ־ ע ת ה ) ה י י ת ם ל א ] ל ו A p p I I 6:21a ά λ λ α μ ή ν . . . 8 3 0
For discussion, see above, p. 137, and also Chapter One, p. 30.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
5.2.33. DE? (sam) » £tceT (1) 35:12a י צ ע ק ו ו ל א י ע נ הasS 35:12a X £tceT Ketcpd^ovtai, m l ovi pf! e i c r a K o w f l ,
The data is sufficient for Asyndeton, א י ה, א ם, א ף, ( א תNota Accusative), נ ם, ( הQuestion M a r k e r ) , ה ן/ ה נ ח, ו, כ י, and ל אto reveal the approach of R in handling particles: the correspondence between Greek and Hebrew is extremely high and literal. Less than an handful of instances are found where any freedom is shown in dealing with the parent text. W i t h particles, far more than with nouns or verbs, hard proof exists of the conservative attitude of R toward the text he translates and his unwillingness that any word should not be represented in the target language. T o be sure, there is skill shown in the choice of Greek particles used and some sensitivity to context, but frequently the result is wooden and sometimes almost impossible Greek.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
6. Verbless
The portion of M T corresponding to the Corpus of R contains 59 verbless clauses. This does not include syntactic situations such as 18:10b where there are parallel stichs and the verb in the first stich does 'double duty' or is 'gapped' in the second stich by virtue of the parallelism. Four instances must be excluded from the total of 59—all four have been discussed previously—because a noun in M T was realized as a verb by R (31:2a, 33:19b, 33:20b, 39:16b ). In one case the evidence is insufficient to ascertain whether the clause in R is verbal or verbless: 831
9:19a א מ י ץ ה נ ה
A p p I I 9:19a ( ε ί ) έ ν τ η ί σ χ ύ ι κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς έ σ τ ι ν
8 3 6
9:19a is a conditional sentence: presumably א ם ־ ל כ חis Protasis and א מ י ץ ה נ הis Apodosis. Since εί is supplied by Ziegler, no judgement can be made on how R rendered the protasis. Fifty-four instances remain for survey. R renders 40 o f the 54 verbless clauses in M T as verbless clauses in Greek (7:8b, 9:24c, 15:10a, 17:12b, 20:14b, 20:25c, 21:15a, 21:21a, 21:23b, 22:3b, 22:14a, 22:16b, 24:17a, 25:6b, 26:6a, 26:14a, 28:6a, 28:6b, 28:17b, 29:20a, 30:2a, 31:2b, 31:3a, 34:4b, 34:7a, 35:8a, 35:8b, j36:4a, j36:4b, 36:5b, 36:16b, 36:26a, 36:26b, 37:3b, 37:13a, 37:13a, 37:13b, j37:22b, 38:26a, 39:16a) and 14 as verbal clauses in Greek (j9:19a, 9:24c, j 15:14a, 17:3b, 18:17b, j 19:25a, 21:28a, 21:28b, 28:14a, 29:19a, 32:4b, 35:10a, 37:21b, 38:26b). In four of the last-mentioned 14 instances where a verbless clause is rendered by a verbal clause in Greek, the predicate of the Hebrew verbless clause being translated is a pronoun or deictic particle ( ) ה נ הand the verb ειμί may be pro-
8 3 1
See M . O'Connor, Hebrew Verse Structure, 122-127, 401-407.
8 3 2
For discussion, see above, p. 280.
833 p
o r
discussion, see above, p. 280.
8 3 4
For discussion, see above, p. 282.
8 3 5
For discussion, see above, p. 286.
8 3 6
Attested only by C and attributed to 0' only by C (c wrongly attributes the words to o)'־.
Characterization of the Asterisked Materials
vided to represent the pronoun (j9:19a, 9:24c, 32:4b, 37:21b). I n four other instances, a verb other than ε ι μ ί is employed: 18:17b ו ל א ־ ־ ש ם ל ו ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ח ו ץ 18:17b X tcai ο ύ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι δ ν ο μ α α ύ τ φ έ π ϊ π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω . / 19:25a ) ו א נ י י ד ע ת י ( ב א ל י ח י A p p I I 19:25a... ό ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ ή 29:19a פ ת ו ח א ל י ־ מ י ם
8 3 7
29:19a χ ή φ ί ζ α μ ο υ δ ι ή ν ο ι κ τ α ι έ π ι ύ δ α τ ο ς , / 38:26b ל א ־ א ד ם ב ו
38:26b χ ε ρ η μ ο ν , ο υ ο ύ χ υ π ά ρ χ ε ι ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς έ ν α ύ τ η , / In addition to the total of 54, there are two instances where the clause in M T is verbal (or as in the case of 37:3a, verbless in M T but read as verbal in R ) and rendered by a verbless clause in Greek (j!5:20b, 37:3a). Thus there is a Tendenz in R to render a verbless clause by a verbless clause at least 78% of the time (42 instances in 54).
8 3 7
C (Chr) have only preserved a rendering attributed to 0' for the last part of 19:25a. Whether R read T? as an adjective or verb is difficult to say (see above, p. 290). Possibly this case ought not to be included.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
7. Word Order. Analysis of the extent to which word order in R corresponds to word order in M T concludes the characterization of R. Two caveats are necessary: (1) comparison is valid only when complete clauses in R are considered, and (2) one cannot compare order in situations such as when a - θ ε ν suffix is employed for a |־D or the equivalent in Greek is post-positive. There are only four instances in the entire corpus where the order in R differs from that in M T : 28:14a ת ה ו ם א מ ר ל א כ י ־ ה י א 28:14a χ ά β υ σ σ ο ς εΤπεν Ο υ κ έ'στιν έ ν έμοί ־/ 32:4b כ י ז ק נ י ם ־ ה מ ה מ מ נ ו ל י מ י ם 32:4b Χ δ τ ι π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ι α υ τ ο ύ ε ί σ ι ν ή μ έ ρ α ι ς . / 33:29a י פ ע ל ־ א ל 33:29a Χ
ταύτα πάντα έργαται ό ισχυρός
36:6a ל א ־ י ח י ה ר ש ע 36:6a Χ ά σ ε β η ο ύ μ ή ζ ω ο π ο ι ή σ ε ι / When one considers that only four times in rendering approximately 434 stichs of Hebrew (asterisked lines and complete lines from A p p I I taken together) does R depart from word order in the parent text, a strong statement for the wordfor-word translation technique of R can be made.
τ α ύ τ α π ά ν τ α ] tr V 252 523 542 = wt Ra; τ α π ά ν τ α 339; π ά ν τ α > C. The Text of
Ziegler is solidly supported by an overwhelming weight of textual witnesses.
Chapter Three The Place of the Asterisked Materials in Job in the Text History
0. Introduction. With a complete characterization of R in hand, the logical next step is to raise the issue o f where the asterisked materials fit into the history of the trans mission of the text. Presentation of complete evidence followed by analysis and con clusions (as in Chapter T w o ) is a method neither possible nor suitable to this change of focus in investigation. Instead, conclusions drawn from pilot studies are enumer ated and illustrated by selected examples. 1.
First to be considered is the relationship of R and O G . The following points should be noted: (1) The approach of O G to translation is the opposite of the literal, quantitative procedure exhibited by R. Their respective translation techniques are as different as day and night. 1
The evidence provided is selective, but is based on a careful comparison of all of O G Job and M T Job. Probably the best analysis and discussion of O G is to be found in Dhorme, passim, although the following analyses ought to be noted: C. Cox, "Job Was More Righteous Than That: The Prologue to Job According to the Septuagint," Unpublished Paper, idem, "The Epilogue of Job According to the Septuagint," U n published Paper, idem, "Elihu's Second Speech According to the Septuagint," in W . E. Aufrecht, ed., Studies in the Book of Job (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press, 1985), 36-53, idem, "Methodological Issues in the Exegesis of L X X Job," in VI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Jerusalem. 1986, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 23 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1987), 79-89, idem, "The Wrath of God Has Come T o M e : Job's First Speech According to the Septuagint," Studies in Religion 16 (1987): 195204, idem, "Job's Soliloquy: Chapters 29-31," in VII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Leuven. 1989, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 31 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1991), 325-339, D . H . Gard, The Exegetical Method of the Greek Translator of the Book of Job, Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series, no. 8 (Philadelphia, 1952), H . S. Gehman, "The Theological Approach of the Greek Translator of Job ־1
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
This fact has an important implication for comparing R and O G : it is impossible to analyze adequately the translation technique of O G according to the methodology employed in Chapter Two for the characterization of R. True, analysis of a quantitative nature is partially possible and would yield definite patterns significant for both comparison and contrast. One such pattern, at the structural level, is that O G and R differ in the use of Emphatic Future Denial: O G always employs ο ύ μ ή + Aorist Subjunctive while R uses equally either ο ύ μ ή + Aorist Subjunctive or ο ύ μ ή ־4 Future Indicative. Another pattern, this time at the level of lexical equivalency, is that R only employs ή μ έ ρ α ι for י מ י םwhereas O G has a definite propensity to use β ί ο ς for . ימיםNonetheless even the few examples below demonstrate the difficulty of comparing O G and R when an analysis of the translation technique by a quantitalive method is as inappropriate for the one as it is appropriate for the other, 2
15," Journal of Biblical Literature 68 (1949): 231-240, G. Gerleman, Studies in the Septuagint. I : The Book of Job, Lunds Universitets Arsskrift 43.2 (Lund; C. W. K . Gleerup, 1947), H . Heater, Jr., A Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job, Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series, no. 11 (Washington, D.C.: Catholic Biblical Association of America, 1982), and Η . M . Orlinsky, "Studies in the Septuagint of the Book of Job," Hebrew Union College Annual 28 (1957): 53-74; 29 (1958): 229-71; 30 (1959): 153-57; 32 (1961): 239-68; 33 (1962): 119-51; 35 (1964): 57-78; 36 (1965): 37-47. 2
In 51 cases of Emphatic Future Denial O G employs ού μή + Aorist Subjunctive in 50 instances and once has ού μή + Present Subjunctive (for discussion, see pp. 282283 and n. 582). By contrast, R uses Emphatic Future Denial on six occasions and employs ού μή + Aorist Subjunctive three times (17:4b, 35:12a, 41:9b) and ού μή + Future Indicative three times (34:32b, 36:6a, 39:4c). 3
The equivalencies for י ו םemployed by O G are as follows (accounting for number in equivalents as well): (1) » י מ י םήμέραι (1:5a, l:5f, 2:13a, 3:6c, 14:14b, 17:11a, 29:2a, 30:16b); » βίος (7:6a, 7:16b, 8:9b, 9:25a, 10:5a, 10:20a, 12:12b, 14:5a, 15:20a, 21:13a; belonging here also are » ק צ ר י מ י םόλιγόβιος at 14:1b and possibly » א ר ב ה י מ י ם πολύν χρόνον βιώσω at 29:18b, cf. further 7:1a); » έτη (10:5b, 38:21b); » ζωή (7:1b); » χρόνος (32:6b, 32:7a); » Zero (24:1b); and » freely or idiomatically (7:1b, 10:5a, 17:1a, 27:6b, 29:4a, 33:25b, 38:12a); (2) » י ו םήμερα (1:4b, 1:6a, 1:13a, 2:1a, 3:1b, 3:3a, 3:4a, 3:6a, 3:8a, 15:23c, 20:28b, 38:23b); » βίος (14:6b); » ώρα (15:32a); and » freely (18:20a, 23:2a). The equivalencies for • י וemployed by R are as follows: (1) » י מ י םήμέραι (15:10b, j30:lb, 30:27b, 32:4b, 36:11b, 42:17); (2) • » י וήμερα (17:12a, 21:30a, 21:30b).
Place of ihe Asterisked Materials in the Text History
By contrast, the examples below afford an excellent opportunity to compare R and O G in a different way: 'holistically' or qualitatively rather than quantitatively. They arise from the peculiarities of Origen's work in the compilation of the Hexapla and the nature of the resultant text which became the so-called Ecclesiastical Text. By definition Origen's approach was quantitative. Therefore he was faced with difficulties in correlating OG to the Hebrew, especially when one characteristic of O G was to summarize a couplet in the Hebrew by one stich in Greek. In attempting to supply from Theodotion (Theod) what he considered "missing" from O G in rela tion to the Hebrew, Origen frequently produced a text that is both redundant and unintelligible. These redundancies constitute in principle a situation exactly like the minimal pairs employed by linguists in analyzing phonemes. They provide an occa sion to compare how R and O G rendered essentially the same stretch of parent text and to contrast their respective translation techniques. Additional examples are dis played in Appendix B. I n all of them the quantitative approach of Origen in filling in "lacunae" in O G results in at least 26 stichs where we have a stich from R and a stich from O G for the same line in M T . 4
Furthermore, occasionally complete lines are found in the materials attrib uted to 9' from A p p I I . These stichs automatically form 'minimal pairs' with the res pective stichs in OG.* The evidence is arranged in Appendix C for easy comparison of R and O G . There are approximately 40 such 'minimal pairs'. Appendices B and C along with the examples discussed below comprise roughly 66 stichs and constitute therefore a fair opportunity to compare and contrast R and O G . No discussion of these 'minimal pairs' is necessary to make the following further observations: (2) Both R and O G intended to provide complete renderings of roughly the sameHebrew parent text. While we have the complete text of the latter, only a portion of the work of Theod has survived—a survival arising from the work of Origen and the influence of the Hexapla upon the subsequent Ecclesiastical Text as well as from the occasional use of Theod in the writings of the Church Fathers. Thus, while this is 4
While Origen does not specify his source(s) for the asterisked stichs in the Greek Job, the manuscript witnesses clearly attribute them to 0'. This is all that is meant by Theodotion at this stage. 5
See, for example, H . A . Gleason, An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1955,1961), 16,18, 25, 29, 280. 6
rev. ed.
There is no point in distinguishing the materials attributed to 9' in A p p I I from the asterisked stichs in the lemma of the Ecclesiastical Text since the former, like the latter are clearly attributed to 9' by the manuscript sources and moreover, agree entirely in character.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
inference in the case of R rather than demonstrable fact, the illustrations show the inference is reasonable. (3) The differences between R and OG so outweigh any similarities that one must conclude that R is an independent translation and not a systematic revision of O G based on certain principles. The number of places in Chapter Two where the character of R is best explained by a revision of O G was found to be no more than what can be counted on one hand (cf. j2:6b?, j2:8a, jl2:7b?, j22:2b?, j31:31b). Also, in a number o f instances, some renderings of R involve lexemes belonging to later Greek (e.g. α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι 16:8c, 32:12c) and some are explained by knowledge of Aramaic on the one hand and ignorance of Classical Hebrew on the other. Thus R is clearly a de novo translation and is later than O G , as Origen assumed in labelling O G Septuagint. 7
Two or three examples are sufficient to illustrate the above points. 20:2a ל כ ן ש ע פ י י ש י ב ו נ י (Therefore my anxious thoughts answer me) 20:2b ו ב ע ב ו ר ח ו ט י ב י (And because of my feelings in me) 20:3a מ ו ס ר ב ל מ ת י א ט מ ע ( I hear discipline that humiliates me) 20:3b ו ר ו ח מ ב י נ ת י י ע נ נ י ( A n d a spirit from my understanding answers me) 20:4a ה ז א ת י ד ע ת מ נ י ־ ע ד (Did you know this from of old?) 20:4b מ נ י ט י ם א ד ם ע ל י ־ ־ א ר ץ (From the placing of mankind upon the earth?) 20:2a Ο ϋ χ ο ΰ τ ω ς ύ π ε λ ά μ β α ν ο ν ά ν τ ε ρ ε ΐ ν σ ε τ α ΰ τ α , 20:2b κ α ι ουχί σ υ ν ί ε τ ε μ ά λ λ ο ν ή κ α ι έ γ ώ . 20:3a Χ π α ι δ ε ί α ν έ ν τ ρ ο π ή ς μ ο υ ά κ ο ύ σ ο μ α ι , / 20:3b Χ κ α ι π ν ε ΰ μ α έ κ τ η ς σ υ ν έ σ ε ω ς α π ο κ ρ ί ν ε τ α ι μοι. / 20:4a Χ μ ή τ α ύ τ α ε γ ν ω ς ά π ο τ ο υ έ'τι, / 20:4b ά φ ' ο ΰ ετέθη ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς έ π ι τ η ς γ η ς ;
Interesting issues are raised by the ending of the Greek Job, but nothing necessarily controverts the conclusion that R is not a revision of O G but rather an independent translation. See Appendix D .
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
Six lines from M T have been condensed by O G into three: O G 20:4b renders M T 20:4b, O G 20:2b is derived from M T 20:4a, and O G 20:2a is based largely on M T 20:2a. Origen equated O G 20:2b and M T 20:2b, and consequently supplied 3a, 3b, and 4a from Theod. His intent was to align O G quantitatively with M T , but on a different level he was wrong on several accounts: (1) essentially O G 20:2b and R 20:4a translate the same stich in M T , (2) while O G and R are comprehensible taken by themselves, the hybrid text is a hopeless mismatch and does not make sense, (3) both O G and R obviously intended to supply a rendering of the Hebrew, albeit according to entirely different principles of translation. 8
39:1a ע ת ל ד ת י ע ל י ־ ם ל ע
( D o you know the time when the goats of the mountain give birth?) 39:1b ח ל ל א י ל ו ת ת ש מ ר ( D o you observe the calving of the hinds?) 39:2a ת ם פ ר י ר ח י ם ת מ ל א נ ה (Can you count the months they must fulfill?) 39:2b ו י ד ע ת ע ת ל ר ת נ ה ( A n d do you know the time they give birth?) 39:3a ת כ ר ע נ ה י ל ד י ה ן ת פ ל ח נ ה (They crouch down, they bring forth their young) 39:3b ח ב ל י ה ם ת ש ל ח נ ה (They dispatch quickly their offspring [from the womb]) 39:4a י ח ל מ ו ב נ י ה ם י ר ב ו ב ב ר (Their young grow strong, they grow up in the open) 39:4b י צ א ו ו ל א ־ ש ב ו ל מ ו (They go off and do not return to them) 39:5a מ י ־ ש ל ח פ ר א ח פ ש י (Who set the wild ass free?) 39:1a Si ε ϊ έ γ ν ω ς κ α ι ρ ό ν τ ο κ ε τ ο ύ τ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ω ν π έ τ ρ α ς , / 39:1b έ φ ύ λ α ξ α ς δ έ ώ δ ι ν α ς έ λ ά φ ω ν ; 39:2a ή ρ ί θ μ η σ α ς δέ μ ή ν α ς α ύ τ ω ν π λ ή ρ ε ι ς τ ο κ ε τ ο ύ , 39:2b ώ δ ι ν α ς δέ α ύ τ ω ν έ λ υ σ α ς ; 39:3a έ ξ ε θ ρ ε ψ α ς δέ α ύ τ ω ν τ ά π α ι δ ί α έ ξ ω φόβου; 39:3b Χ ώ δ Τ ν α ς α ύ τ ω ν έ ξ α π ο σ τ ε λ ε ΐ ς ; /
Dhorme suggests O G read ל א ־ כ ןrather than ( ל כ ןDhorme, 289).
Dhorme following Bickell believes O G read ( ה ז א ת י ד ע ת ם מ נ יDhorme, 289).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
39:4a Χ ά π ο ρ ρ ή ξ ο υ σ ι ν τ ά τ έ κ ν α α υ τ ώ ν , / 39:4b Χ π λ η θ υ ν θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ ν γ ε ν ή μ α τ ι , / 39:4c Χ έ ξ ε λ ε ύ σ ο ν τ α ι κ α ι ο ύ μ ή ά ν α κ ά μ ψ ο υ σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ΐ ς . / 39:5a τ ί ς δ ε έ σ τ ι ν ό ά φ ε ί ς ο ν ο ν ά γ ρ ι ο ν ε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ν , One stich suffices for O G in rendering M T 39:1: OG 39:1b follows M T 39:1b and basically ignores l a . Similarly O G condenses the four lines of M T 39:2 and 3 into two: O G 39:2a renders M T 39:2a for the most part, although τ ο κ ε τ ο ύ probably is motivated by ל ד ת נ הin 2b, and OG 39:2b corresponds to M T 39:3b. Thus M T 39:2b and 3a are considered largely redundant. O G 39:3a is probably based on M T 39:4a; certainly the words α υ τ ώ ν τ ά π α ι δ ί α derive from ב נ י ה ם. Dhorme suggests O G έ ξ έ θ ρ ε ψ α ς δέ is from reading ת ל ח םinstead of . יחלמוThe adverbial phrase Εξω φ ό β ο υ is possibly a paraphrase of י ר ב ו ב ב רand therefore O G is again summarizing a couplet with one stich. One need not propose, as Dhorme does, י ר א ה ב ב רas parent text. 10
Origen inserted from Theod equivalent lines for M T 39:1a, and 3a-4c. Thus O G 39:2b = R 39:3b and OG 39:3a = R 39:4a. Origen's hybrid breeds confusion by its redundant statements; OG and R are separate attempts at a complete translation. 40:1 י ה ו ה א ת ־ א י ו ב ו י א מ ר
( A n d the Lord answered Job and said) 40:2a ה ר ב ע ם ־ ש ד י י ס ו ר (Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?) 40:2b מ ו כ י ח א ל ו ה י ע נ נ ה (Will he who reproves God answer it?) 40:3 ו י ע ן א י ו ב א ת ־ י ה ו ה ו י א מ ר (And Job answered the Lord and said) 40:4a ה ן ק ל ת י מ ה א ש י ב ך (Behold I am insignificant; what I can reply to you) 40:4b י ד י ש מ ת י ל מ ו ־ פ י ( I clap my hand on my mouth) 40:1 Χ Κ α ι ά π ε κ ρ ί θ η κ ύ ρ ι ο ς ό θ ε ό ς τ φ Ιωβ κ α ι ε ΐ π ε ν 40:2a Χ Μ ή κ ρ ί σ ι ν μ ε τ ά ι κ α ν ο ύ έ κ κ λ ι ν ε Τ , 40:2b χ έ λ ε γ χ ω ν θ ε ό ν ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ι α υ τ ή ν ; /
1 0
Dhorme, 599.
1 1
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
40:3 Ύ π ο λ α β ώ ν δ έ Ί ώ β λ έ γ ε ι τ φ κ υ ρ ί ω 40:4a Τ ί ε τ ι ε γ ώ κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι ν ο υ θ ε τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ς κ α ι έ λ ε γ χ ω ν κ ύ ρ ι ο ν 40:4b ά κ ο ύ ω ν τ ο ι α ύ τ α ο ύ θ έ ν ώ ν ; 40:4c έ γ ώ δέ τ ί ν α ά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ν δ ω προς τ α ύ τ α ; 40:4d χ ε ί ρ α θ ή σ ω έ π ί σ τ ό μ α τ ί μου· In Μ Τ 40:1-5 Yahweh addresses Job and Job replies. O G has eliminated M T 40:1 since Yahweh is already speaking from 38:1 onward. In Job's reply, O G 40:4b-d corresponds roughly to M T 40:4; ά κ ο ύ ω ν τ ο ι α ύ τ α is added freely by the translator. O G 40:4a summarizes M T 40:2; thus the accusation of Yahweh is incorporated into Job's reply. Origen's approach is quantitative: he has supplied 40:1-2 from Theod. As a result, O G 40:4a = R 40:2. As well, OG 40:3 and R 40:1 may be compared since they are translating the same construction in Hebrew. The meshing of the two translations in the Ecclesiastical Text results in absurdities, with Job incorporating in his reply the very words addressed to him by the Lord. 12
2. R and the So-Called Kaige
The discovery in 1952 of the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever has revolutionized study of the early history of the Septuagint. The Minor Prophets Scroll ( M P ) is a recension of the old Greek of the Twelve Prophets. One of its most striking traits of translation technique is the rendering of בם/ ובםby κ α ί γ ε . 13
A n initial publication and brilliant interpretation of the significance of M P was presented to the scholarly world in 1963 by P è r e Dominique Barthélémy under the title Les Devanciers d'Aquila. With prodigious research Barthélémy showed that the recensional characteristics of M P are also found elsewhere in the Greek O l d Testament, both in recensions of earlier translations and in texts which seem to be the earliest or original Greek translation. These various revisions and translations were dubbed the " κ α ί γ ε group" on the basis of its characteristic treatment of .בם/ ובם Moreover, this kind of recensional and translational activity Barthélémy sketches as 14
1 2
Cf. Dhorme, 615.
S e e e.g. S. Brock, "To Revise Or Not To Revise: Attitudes T o Jewish Biblical Translation," in Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, eds. G. J. Brooke and B. I.indars, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 33 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1992), 301. 1 4
Barthélémy, p. χ and 33-47.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
precursory to Aquila—hence the title of his book. Significant for the present work is the fact that Barthélémy placed Theodotion in Job squarely within the κ α ί γ ε group. Since Barthélemy's work has been programmatic for Septuagint studies up to the present time, the placing of R in the history of the text must start with establishing in a general way the. connection between R and the κ α ί γ ε group. Homer Heater, Jr. devoted a small section of his 1976 Ph.D. dissertation to demonstrating just such a connection,' but his conclusions must be re-examined for a number of reasons: (1) his research was done prior to the appearance of a critical edition of the text of the Greek Job, (2) he considers only the asterisked materials and ignores the materials attributed to 0' gathered by Field and now available in A p p I I of Ziegler, (3) he does not always cite completely the evidence in question thus making it difficult to assess the correctness of his conclusions, and (4) his conclusions are somewhat skewed by the fact that Barthélémy is misconstrued to have proven a homogeneous monolithic recension known as the Κ α ί γ ε Recension. 15
Barthélémy posited an array of peculiar traits of translation technique which are characteristic of and thus identify members of the κ α ί γ ε group (Core Patterns) and also a cluster of further traits which show these members to be precursors of Aquila (Precursor Patterns). The materials from R will be examined for the absence or presence of these traits one by one. 2.1. R and the Core
2.1.0. Introduction. Nine Core Patterns are presented by Barthélémy. Three do not occur in the Hebrew for which we have renderings of R: t . » מ ע לέ π ά ν ω θ ε ν / ά π ά ν ω θ ε ν + Genitive.
1 5
See for example, A . Pietersma, "Septuagint Research: A Plea For A Return To Basic Issues," Vetus Testamentum 35 (1985): 296-311, who describes Barthélemy's work this way (p. 304). See also below, p. 403f., for a list of the more significant works spawned from Les Devanciers dAquila. 1 6
Heater, Thesis, 17-53. The dissertation comprises 268 pages in total.
1 7
In fact, Heater relies entirely on Codex Vaticanus (B), see Heater, Thesis, 7-8.
1 8
Referred to by the siglum K R (Heater, Thesis, 11).
1 9
Barthélémy, 54-59. Note that R does employ éTtàvcoOev for מ מ ע לin 18:16b and dreavcoOev for מ מ ע לin 31:2a. Both equivalents are part o f his habit of using adverbs bearing the suffix -0ev when מ ןis a component of a compound preposition (for dis-
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
2. » ד ז צ צ ו ־ הσ ά λ π ι γ ξ / » ש ו פ רκ ε ρ ά τ ι ν η . 3. » ל ק ר א תσ υ ν ά ν τ η σ ι ν .
2 0
2 1
Six patterns remain for consideration. 2.1.1.נם/» וגםκαίγε. Four instances o f ג םand one instance of ו ג םoccur in the portion rendered by R. He employs κ α ί γ ε for15:10)ם ( ו ג םj28:27b).
15:10a, j!9:18a 30:2a), but has just κ α ί for
Barthélémy argues that earlier Aquila (i.e. L X X Ecclesiastes) does
not distinguish between ג םand ו ג םwhile later Aquila does, employing κ α ί κ α ί γ ε 23
for the latter. Perhaps not much should be made of the datum of only one instance of » ו ג םκ α ί instead of an expected » ו ג םκ α ί γ ε , but it is interesting to observe that R also distinguishes א ףand ו א ףemploying κ α ί (36:29a, 36:33b, 37:1a, 37:11a) and 24
γ ά ρ (jl5:4a) for the former and κ α ί π ρ ο σ έ τ ι (36:16a) for the latter. I t should also cussion, see above, pp. 335-337). Thus while מ ע לdoes not occur in the parent text rendered by R, his renderings of מ מ ע לand of compound prepositions involving מ ן do have in common with the trait isolated by Barthélémy the use of the suffix - θ ε ν to answer for מ ןin the parent text. So the Core Pattern established by Barthélémy cannot be formally used to determine the membership of R in the κ α ί γ ε group, but the approach of R and of the κ α ί γ ε group to the parent text are the same. 2 0
Barthélémy, 60-63.
2 1
Barthélémy, 78-80. While the old Greek normally renders ל ק ר א תby ε ι ς ά π ά ν τ η σ ι ν , members of the κ α ί γ ε group revise to σ υ ν ά ν τ η σ ι ν in Judges and to ά π α ν τ ή ν in Samuel-Kings.
2 2
O f the five instances. Heater notes only three: 15:10a, 15:10a, 30:2a (Heater, Thesis, 22-23). This is due to his restricting the corpus of data to the asterisked materials only. 2 3
2 4
Barthélémy, 32-33.
Hatch-Redpath lists altogether just four other instances of π ρ ο σ έ τ ι : κ α ί π ρ ο σ έ τ ι for ו א ף כ י ־in 2 Kgs(Sm) 16:11 ( = κ α ί γ ε group), π ρ ο σ έ τ ι δέ for ג םin Ps 48(49):3 ( = σ ' ) , and 2 Mc 12:14 and 4 Mc 14:1 which are not relevant. Elsewhere, in the βγ and γ δ portions of Samuel-Kings, three occurrences of א ףand ו א ףare rendered:
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
be noted that some members of the κ α ί γ ε group offer και γ ά ρ for ג ם/ ו ג םrather than κ α ί γ ε .
2 5
2.1.2. » אישά ν ή ρ . Members of the κ α ί γ ε group employ ά ν ή ρ for אישeven when אישfunctions 26
as a distributive pronoun. R renders אישin seven instances (32:5b, 34:11b, 34:23a, 27
35:8a, 36:24b, 38:26a, 41:9a) using ά ν ή ρ throughout. Two instances are not relevant since אנשיםis rendered (32:5b, 36:24b); in fact only 41:9a involves a distributive use of איש. By contrast, as Heater shows, O G prefers the term ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς for אישand uses έ κ α σ τ ο ς for the distributive function of ( אישcf. 1:4b, 2:11b, 2:12c, 4 2 : l l g ) .
2.1.3. י צ ב- » נ צ בσ τ η λ ό ω . » R renders forms of נ צ ב ־ י צ בonly once and his equivalent is π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι (2:ld).
Semantically, unless one is willing to employ bad idiom, σ τ η λ ό ω cannot be
used in this context.
» א ף ־ א ח ר י וκ α τ ό π ι σ θ ε ν ( ο π ί σ ω b ο c e ; 2 Kgs(Sm) 20:14), » א ף ־ ה ו אα φ φ ω (4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 2:14), and » ו א ף כ י ־κ α ι ό τ ι (sic Bij; κ α θ ό τ ι b c e ; om κ α ι A Ν rell Eth Syh; 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 5:13). This evidence is scant, but does not negate the conclusion that א ףand ו א ףare handled differently in the β γ and γ δ portions respectively, as in R. 2
2 5
Barthélémy, 41-43, 47.
2 6
Barthélémy, 48-54.
2 7
Heater omits 34:11b in his reckoning (Heater, Thesis, 23).
2 8
» Barthélémy, 59-60. 3 0
Heater correctly points out that O G already employed π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι for M T ל ה ח י צ בin 1:6b and 2:1b, but he concludes falsely that 2 : l d gives good evidence of the recensional nature of R (Heater, Thesis, 24). In point of fact, the equivalence י צ ב- » נ צ בπ α ρ ί σ τ η μ ι is established already in Pent (see Hatch-Redpath, s.v.) and does not necessarily prove that R is revising O G .
P!ac« of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
2.1.4. Elimination of Historical Presents. Barthélémy assigns certain distinct sections of the Greek Samuel-Kings previously identified and labelled β γ (2 Sm 9:2-1 Kgs 2:11) and γ δ (1 Kgs 22-2 Kgs) by Thackeray to the κ α ί γ ε group. Already in 1907, Thackeray had pointed out the lack of Historical Presents in the β γ and γ δ sections. Barthélémy argues that the habit of revising Historical Presents to Aorists is one of the characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group. 31
There are 50 instances wyqtl in the Hebrew rendered by R o f which M T vocalizes 26 as wayyqtl and 24 as wayqtlP O f the former group R rendered 19 by Aorist Indicatives, 5 by Future Indicatives, and 2 by Participles (both cases of hypotaxis). The five instances rendered by Future Indicatives were likely read as wsyqtl by R. Conversely, of the latter group there were 5 instances rendered by Aorist Indicatives likely read as wayyqtl by R. Thus in 26 instances where R read wayyqtl he used Aorist Indicatives in 24 and hypotaxis in t w o . Three instances permit comparison of R and O G . In 28:27a and 29:11a R replaces hypotaxis with parataxis using Aorist I n dicatives. Comparison of 40:1 and 40:3 show that R has an Aorist Indicative whereas OG has a Historical Present. In 19:12b both O G and R have Aorist Indicatives. 34
2.1.5. » א י ןο ύ κ έ'στιν. According to Barthélémy, the Rabbis believed א י ןwas non-temporal; hence cases where a Future or Past of ειμί is used are corrected to a Present by members of the κ α ί γ ε group. Concerning R in the Greek Job Barthélémy states, "La traduction typique de א י ןsemble r é a p p a r a î t r e dans les ajoutes astérisées de Job en X X X I I S." * R rendered א י ןin 10 instances, employing ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν in five of them (20:21a, 26:6b, 35
3 1
Barthélémy, 63-65.
3 2
Barthélémy, 63, n.4.
3 3
For full analysis, see above, pp. 181-192.
3 4
Fleater counts 22 instances of "waw-consecutive imperfects" and displays a chart showing that 17 are rendered by Aorist Indicatives, 3 by Future Indicatives, 1 by a Present Indicative and 1 by a category designated 'Other' (Heater, Thesis, 24-25). Yet no evidence is supplied to permit verification of his statistics. 3 5
Barthélémy, 65-68. See, however, Munnich, ANRW,
3 6
Barthélémy, 67.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
28:14b, 32:5a, 35:15a), ο ύ κ fjv once (32:12b), μ ή once (33:33a), Alpha Privative once (21:33c), and finally ο ύ κ έ τ ι ειμί (7:8b) and ο ύ κ 'έστιν (27:19b) once each where א י ן had pronominal suffixes. The instance mentioned by Barthélémy (32:5a) is the only case of ο ύ κ Εστίν where a Present Tense would seem to be contextually out of place, but the instances rendered by ο ύ κ ή ν , μ ή , and Alpha Privative show contextually sensitive renderings and especially the case of ο ύ κ ή ν would be a counter-example to that of 32:5a. I n point of fact, however, the case of ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν in 32:5a does not itself support Barthélemy's claim. Within a Nominal δ τ ι - C l a u s e — a s ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν is found in 32:5a—whether in primary or secondary sequence, the Present is normal usage. Therefore no example in R conforms to the pattern in the κ α ί γ ε group.
2.1.6. » א נ כ יέ γ ώ ε ί μ ι . The strange translation of א נ כ יby έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι which frequently produces an unintelligible text when combined with a Finite Verb is characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group according to Barthélémy and due to First Century Palestinian exegesis of the Decalogue, which begins with the letter . אR renders א נ יonce by έ γ ώ (34:33b) and א נ כ יonce by έ γ ώ είμι; the resultant translation is incomprehensible in any Greek: 39
33:31b ו א נ כ י א ד ב ר
33:31b Χ κ ώ φ ε υ σ ο ν , κ α ι έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι λ α λ ή σ ω . / Thus, although the evidence is skimpy, it fits the established pattern. 2.1.7. Summary. O f Barthélemy's 9 Core Patterns, four fit ( I , 2, 4, 6,), two do not (3, 5), while three could not be evaluated. Among the cases that do fit, evidence is very slim for two (4, 6) and there is a variation on the pattern in one (1).
3 7
Blass-Debrunner, § 324. A perfect parallel to 32:5a is John 6:24: δτε ο ΰ ν ε ΐ δ ε ν ό δ χ λ ο ς δ τ ι Ι η σ ο ύ ς ο ύ κ έ'στιν έ κ ε ΐ ο υ δ έ ο ι μ α θ η τ α ί α υ τ ο ύ , έ ν έ β η σ α ν α ύ τ ο ι εις τά π λ ο ι ά ρ ι α κ α ι ή λ θ ο ν εις Κ α φ α ρ ν α ο ύ μ ζ η τ ο ύ ν τ ε ς τ ο ν Ί η σ ο ΰ ν . 3 8
Heater does not distinguish the differing contextual and grammatical settings and concludes that "The K R trend is obvious in the translation of this particle, but the fact that old Greek does not hesitate to use a present should warn against too much weight being placed on this characteristic" (Heater, Thesis, 26). The evidence, how ever, fails to demonstrate any such trend. 3 9
Barthélémy, 69-78.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
2.2. R and the Precursor
2.2.0. Introduction. Twelve Precursor Patterns are presented by Barthélémy. Four do not occur in the Hebrew for which we have renderings of R. Parentheses are used to show how a ' differs from the Precursor Pattern. 1. » י ה ו ה צ ב א ו תκ ύ ρ ι ο ς τ ω ν δ υ ν ά μ ε ω ν ( α ' κ ύ ρ ι ο ς τ ω ν σ τ ρ α τ ι ώ ν ) . 2. » ל ע ל םεις τ ο ν α ι ώ ν α ( α ' εις α ι ώ ν α ) . 3. » ה ו יο ύ α ί ( α ' ώ ί ) .
4 0
4 1
4 2
4. » ב מ רχ ω μ α ρ ε ί μ ( α ' τ ε μ ε ν ί τ η ς ) .
Eight patterns remain for assessment. 2.2.1. » ב ד ו דμ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς ( α ' ε ύ ζ ω ν ο ς ) .
L X X renderings of ג ד ו דare adequately presented by Barthélémy: Le mot ג ד ו דa des correspondants variés dans la Septante ancienne ( π ε φ α τ ή ρ ι ο ν en G n . X L I X 19, 2 R. V 2, X I I I 21, Ps. X V I I I 30, Jb. X I X 12; π ε ι ρ α τ ή ς en 2 R. V I 23, Os. V I 9, Jb. X X V 3; σ ύ σ τ ρ ε μ μ α en 1 S. X X X 8, 15ab, 23, 2 S. I V 2; δ ύ ν α μ ι ς en 1 Ch. X I I 1 9 , 2 Ch. X X V 9,10,13; λ η σ τ ή ς en Jr. X V I I I 2 2 , Os. V I I 1 ; λ η σ τ ή ρ ι ο ν en 2 Ch. X X I I 1; έ ξ ο δ ί α en 2 S. I l l 22; etc
4 0
) L e groupe κ α ί γ ε établit le
Barthélémy, 82-83. N o cases of י ה ו ה צ ב א ו תare rendered by R, but the equivalent
δ ύ ν α μ ι ς is used for צ ב אonce (j 10:17c) and a ' by contrast has σ τ ρ α τ ι ά there. The characteristic, however, involves the phrase as whole. 4 1
Barthélémy, 85. No instances of ל ע ו ל םare rendered by R. In one place ע ו ל ם forms part of a Bound Phrase, א ר ח ע ו ל ם, which is translated by τ ρ ί β ο ν α ί ώ ν ι ο ν (22:15a).
4 2
I b i d . ( ה ו יdoes not even occur in M T Job).
4 3
I b i d . ( ב מ רonly occurs three times in M T , none of which are in Job).
4 4
Barthélémy, 81-82.
111e Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
correspondant ferine μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς (2 S. X X I I 30, 2 R. V 2, V I 23, X I I I 20, 21, X X I V 2abcd; θ ׳en Jb. X I X 12 et dans I'ajoute de Jb. X X I X 25; ε ׳en Ps. X V I I I 30; les minuscules b y e2 en 1 Ch. V I I 4 ) .
Thus there are only 2 instances where R renders ב ד ו דand both times he employs μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς (j 19:12a, 29:25b). For a ' renderings of נ ד ו דReider lists ten instances of ε ΰ ζ ω ν ο ς and one of μ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς .
The latter is due to the fact that Field lists two dif-
ferent a ' readings for 2 Kgs(Sm) 3:22.
2.2.2. » א לι σ χ υ ρ ό ς ( α ' ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς employed exclusively for
R employs ό θ ε ό ς for א ל ו הand • א ל ה יand ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς for .אל
But R also
uses ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς once in 37:18b as an adjective to render ח ז קand once in jl5:20b as a divine epithet for ע ר י ץ. Similarly, according to the evidence from Reider, ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς is employed by a ' mainly for א ל, but also sporadically for א כ י ר, א ד י ר, א י ל, ג כ ו ר, ח ז ק, מ ב צ ר, and ע ר י ץ, although only instances of ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς for א י ל, 5 » ב ב ו ר, ח ז קand ע ר י ץ
4 5
Barthélémy, 81. M T has 33 instances of ג ד ו דand Barthélémy has accounted for all
but live. L X X 1 Chr 7:4 and 2 Chr 26:11 are free renderings; 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 11:24 is omitted by L X X but MSS A 247 Syh have σ ύ σ τ ρ ε μ μ α (cf. Ra, A p p , ad 10c); M i 4:14 renders by έ μ φ ρ α γ μ ό ς reading נ ד ו רand 1 Chr 12:22 has γ ε δ δ ο υ ρ reading the same (so 1 Kgs(Sm) 30:8, 30:156/5, 30:23 in Ra). Heater notes, " ג ד ו דin the old Greek of Job is translated π ε ι ρ α τ ή ρ ι α (19:12; 25:3)" (Heater, Thesis, 40). Barthélémy is more precise, however, for O G uses π ε ι ρ α τ ή ρ ι ο ν in 19:12a and π ε ι ρ α τ ή ς in 25:3a. 4 6
Reider, 100,160.
4 7
Field, 1:551. The entry in Field is as follows: מ ה ג ד ו ד. A tunna praedatoria.
Ο'. έ κ
τ ή ς έ ξ ο δ ι α ς . Ά . άπα τ ο υ ε ΰ ζ ώ ν ο υ . Σ. . . λ ο χ ο ΰ . Aliter: Ά . . τ ο υ γ ε δ δ ο υ ρ μ ο ν ο ζ ώ ν ο υ . For the last reading, Field notes, "Cod. Reg., Procop. p. 102, parum probabiliter" (Field, 1:551, n. 29). According to Brooke-McLean a ' has τ ο υ γ ε δ δ ο υ ρ μ ο ν ο ζ ώ ν ο υ . Since θ ' is known for his transliterations, the latter reading is probably θ ' and not a'. 4 8
Barthélémy, 83.
4 9
For complete evidence and analysis, see above, pp. 89, 118-120.
5 0
According to Reider only Is 1:29 and 61:3 ( α ' σ ' θ') and possibly read as א ל, but
note Jb 41:17a.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
are certainly attested as uniquely attributed to a'. Barthélémy argues that the use of ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς for ג כ ו ר, ח ז קand ע ר י ץby a' instead of exclusively for א לrepresents the earlier rather than the later Aquila. I n materials of A p p I I and Hagedorn for Job, ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς is attributed to a' only once (41:17a), but it renders . איליםA t 37:18b, however, where θ ' has ι σ χ υ ρ ο ύ for ח ז ק י ם, a' has έ ν ι σ χ ύ ο υ σ α ι . The claim that Aquila, unlike R employed ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς for א לexclusively does not fit all the data and the proposal of an earlier and later Aquila is not entirely satisfactory. What is important to note is that R normally articulates ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς while a' does not. So the characteristic equivalent for the κ α ί γ ε group is also in R and a' refines it by employing ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς as a Proper Noun, i.e. usually unarticulated. 51
2.2.3. » נ ג דVarious Derivatives of έ ν α ν τ ι ( α ' κ α τ έ ν α ν τ ι ) .
5 3
L X X Translators offer a diversity of equivalents for ( נ ג דe.g. ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν , έ ξ ε ν α ν τ ί α ς , α π έ ν α ν τ ι , κ α τ έ ν α ν τ ι , etc.
.(. ״Barthélémy contends that the κ α ί γ ε
group restricted equivalents for נ ג דto various derivatives of έ'ναντι in order to avoid confusion at the level of the Hebrew substratum between נ ג דand ל פ נ י, since the equivalent ε ν ώ π ι ο ν was already considered standard for
R renders נ ג דonly
5 1
Since most occurrences are in Jer and Ez, Barthélémy claims these were early revisions of Aquila (Barthélémy, 83), 52
A v a i l a b l e to Barthélémy in Field. Also noted in Heater, Thesis, shows Aquila did not read א י לas א ל.
41. The plural
- יBarthélémy, 84-85.
5 4
E.g. the L X X Psalms Translator prefers ε ν ώ π ι ο ν for ל פ נ יbut uses both ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν
and ε ν ώ π ι ο ν about equally for ) ל ( נ ג ד, see A . Pietersma, Two Manuscripts of the Greek Psalter, Analecta Biblica, no. 77 (Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1978), 40-43. 5 5
Barthélémy notes, "Ceci vaut surtout pour les recenseurs des Juges et des Règnes, ainsi que pour le traducteur du Cantique des cantiques. Par contre le traducteur des Lamentations utilise κ α τ ά π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν . Quant à Aquila. i l utilisera εις π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν , après avoir d'abord accepté ε ν ώ π ι ο ν dans sa p r e m i è r e recension de Jéremie, puis προ π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ dans la traduction de l'Ecclésiaste" (Barthélémy, 84, η. 1).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
once and employs ε ν ώ π ι ο ν (26:6a). * The only rendering of נ ג דattested for a' in Job is at 10:17a and the equivalent is κ α τ ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν . Here R does not have the equivalent characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group and is also distinct from a'. 2 . 2 . 4 . ל כ ן/ ע ל ־ כ ן/ » ע ל ־ ז א תδια τ ο ΰ τ ο ( α ' Separate Equivalents). Barthélémy notes L X X Translators frequently render ע ל ־ כ ן/ ע ל ־ ז א תby έ ν ε κ ε ν τ ο ύ τ ο υ . Then he claims that members of the κ α ί γ ε group reserve £ ν ε κ ε ν for "heavy" prepositions like ב ע ב ו רand ל מ ע ןand ordinarily use δια τ ο ΰ τ ο for . על־כן/ ע ל י ז א ת But a', he maintains, is more particular and employs a separate standard equivalent for each construction in H e b r e w : » ל כ ןδια τ ο ΰ τ ο , » ע ל ־ כ ןέ π ί τ ο ύ τ φ , and » ע ל ־ ז א תέ π ί τ α ύ τ η . * " For the equivalence » ע ל ־ ז א תέ π ί τ α ύ τ η , it should be noted that Barthélemy's evidence is based upon only one source.* 5 7
5 8
R does not render ל כ ן. Two instances of ע ל ־ כ ןare handled in his translation: one is rendered by δια τ ο ΰ τ ο (17:4b) and one by έ π ί τ ο ύ τ φ (23:15c). There are no examples of ע ל ־ ז א תrendered by R, but the closest parallels are as follows: 62
5 6
Not noted by Heater. Twice R renders ל פ נ יand both times he employs ε μ π ρ ο σ -
θ ε ν (21:33c, j 4 2 : l I d ) . This equivalent is due to the fact that the function of ל פ נ יin both contexts is not local, but rather temporal. 5 7
Ten instances are listed (Barthélémy, 85, η. 1). S i x instances are listed: three from Samuel-Kings, one from 0' and two from ε '
(Barthélémy, 85, η. 2). 5 9
Five instances are listed: two from asterisked materials in Jb and Jer, two from Lam and one from Sg (Barthélémy, 85, η. 3).
6 0
Barthélémy, 84-85. Certainly a' does employ δια τ ο ΰ τ ο for ל כ ן. But among
renderings attributed uniquely to a' for ע ל ־ כ ן, δια τ ο ΰ τ ο is used once and έ π ί τ ο ύ τ φ is employed three times (Reider, 53, 179). 6 1
"Cf. Ps. X X X I I 6 en auciarium de Field" (Barthélémy, 85, η. 5), i.e from a section appended to Volume 2 of Field entitled "Auctarium A d Origenis Hexapla." MS 264 is the source. M T has 19 instances of ע ל ״ ז א תand no other Aquilanic renderings are extant in Greek sources apart from the one cited by Barthélémy. 6 2
Not noted by Heater.
Plate of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
36:21b ב ח ר ת מ ע נ י
36:21b χ έ π ΐ τ ο ύ τ ο ν γαρ έ ξ ε ί λ ω ά π ό π τ ώ χ ε ι α ς . / 37:1a י ח ר ד ל ב י
37: la x κ α ΐ τ α ύ τ η ς έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ / Once again, evidence is scanty. While έ ν ε κ ε ν τ ο ύ τ ο υ is not attested for R, neither does δια τ ο ύ τ ο seem to be standard. I t is unfair of Barthélémy to mention Jb 17:4b in support of a trait in the κ α ί γ ε group and ignore 23:15c. R exhibits independence from what is characteristic of either a ' or the κ α ί γ ε group although his approach to translation is similar. 63
2.2.5. » א ס ףσ υ ν ά γ ω ( α ' σ υ λ λ έ γ ω ) .
6 4
Two instances of א ס ףoccur in the portion of M T rendered by R: the equivalent in one is π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι (j27:19a)—where R probably read a form of — י ס ףa n d in the other σ υ ν ά γ ω (j39:12b). This datum is exiguous, but conforms to the characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group. 2.2.6. » א פ ל הσ κ ο τ ί α ( α ' σ κ ο τ α σ μ ό ς ) .
While L X X Translators frequently alternate between γ ν ό φ ο ς and σ κ ό τ ο ς for א פ ל ה, Barthélémy maintains that the κ α ί γ ε group prefers to use σ κ ό τ ο ς for א פ ל ה since γ ν ό φ ο ς is reserved for ע ר פ ל. Further specialization is found in a' who employs σ κ ο τ α σ μ ό ς for א פ ל הto avoid confusion with his equivalents for ח ש ך. Now R does use γ ν ό φ ο ς for2 :13) ע ר פ לb )
and possibly ע ר פ לis also behind γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι in
j36:28b. There are no occurrences of א פ ל הin M T Job, but R employs σ κ ο τ ί α for ( א פ לM T Opel) once (28:3c).
O G has
for38:9) ע ר פ לb ,
cf. 38:9a). For
א פ לO G uses σ κ ό τ ο ς (3:6b), γ ν ό φ ο ς (23:17b), a free translation (10:22a) and no
« Barthélémy, 85, n. 3. 6 4
Barthélémy, 86. Not noted by Heater.
6 5
Barthélémy, 86-87.
6 6
R uses σ κ ό τ ο ς for <״־־Π (17:12b, 24:16a, 26:10b) and η ״ί 2 4 : 1 5 ) <־a).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
translation twice (10:22c, 30:26b). Interestingly, a' has at 3:6b σ κ ο τ ο μ η ν ί α and at 28:3c σ κ ο τ ο μ ή ν η for א פ לin Job. The evidence is insufficient to demonstrate a contrast between equivalents for א ל פ הand ע ר פ לin R, but neither is it contrary to the characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group. 2.2.7. » ח ו ץέ ξ ο δ ο ς ( α ' έ ξ ώ τ α τ ο ν ) . While Septuagint Translators sometimes use οδός for ח ו ץ, Barthélémy asserts that the κ α ί γ ε group prefers έξοδος to distinguish ד ר ךand ח ו ץat the level of the parent text. He further maintains that Aquila follows this pattern as well in his first revision of Jeremiah, but later he established έξοοτατον as the standard equivalent for ח ו ץ, since he reserved έξοδος for the Bound Infinitive of י צ א. 68
R renders ח ו ץonly once and uses έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω , an equivalent unattested for a': 18:17b ו ל א ־ ש ם ל ו ע ל ־ פ נ י ־ ח ו ץ 18:17b Χ κ α ι ο ύ χ ύ π ό φ χ ε ι ό ν ο μ α α ϋ τ ω ε π ί π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω . / Heater's discussion is noteworthy, but his conclusion faulty: By far, the most common translation of ח ו ץin old Greek is ε ξ ω , not οδός. Furthermore, when Barthélémy says the K R "prefers" έ'ξοδος, he draws his statistics from Lamentations and Theodotion of Ezek 26:11. 6 7
Heater records, "In the old Greek, it [ ] א פ לis translated once γ ν ό φ ο ς , twice
σ κ ό τ ο ς , and is twice left untranslated" (Heater, Thesis, 41). Consider 10:21b-22: 10:21b א ל ־ א ר ץ ח ש ך ו צ ל מ ו ת 10:22a א ר ץ ע י פ ת ה כ מ ו א פ ל 10:22b צ ל מ ו ת ו ל א ס ד ר י ם 10:22c כ מ ו ־ א פ ל
10:21b ε ί ς γ ή ν σ κ ο τ ε ι ν ή ν κ α ι γ ν ο φ ε ρ ά ν , 10:22a ε ί ς γ ή ν σ κ ό τ ο υ ς αίωνίοτ), ο ΰ ο ύ κ ε σ τ ί ν φ έ γ γ ο ς 10:22b ουδέ ό ρ δ ν ζ ω ή ν βροτων. In 10:22a, an obviously free rendering, σ κ ό τ ο ς answers roughly for ע י פ ת ה, א פ ל, and צ ל מ ו ת, as Hatch-Redpath observe (s.v. σ κ ό τ ο ς ) . No clear pattern emerges in O G , although Heater is a bit imprecise. 6 8
Barthélémy, 87.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
When these data are applied to Samuel-Kings, the results do not support έ ξ ο δ ο ς for K R . The various forms of ח ו ץare translated in old Greek έ ξ ω (3), έ ξ ω θ ε ν (two plus one more in A ) , and έ ξ ο δ ο ς (2)! The revised sections (βγ', γ δ ' ) show έ ξ ω (4), έ ξ ω θ ε ν (2) and έ ξ ο δ ο ς (1)· ח ו ץappears in Job three times. In old Greek, it is translated once ύ π ' ο ύ ρ α ν ό ν (5:10), and once ε ξ ω (31:32). The one occurrence in new Greek is translated έ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω (18:17). This is the only place in Job where the comparative adverb is used. Elsewhere (six times) ε ξ ω is used by itself (1:10, bis; 2:8; 31:32; 39:3; 40:13). The superlative form ε ξ ω τ ά τ ω ν adopted by Aquila for ח ו ץdoes appear at Job 5:10. By way of summary, it can be said that the translation of ח ו ץby έ ξ ο δ ο ς should not be considered a characteristic of K R except in Lamentations. Heater's conclusion fails to consider the possibility that there is no monolithic Κ α ί γ ε Recension and that the difference among clearly related members needs much more study. 69
2.2.8. ה ד ר/ » ה ד ר הε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α ( α ' δ ι α π ρ έ π ε ι α ) . According to Barthélémy, the κ α ί γ ε group frequently employs ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α ה ד ר/ ה ד ר ה, but Aquila used ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α for נ ע םbecause he reserved ε υ π ρ ε π ή ς for 70
. נעיםThus he created δ ι α π ρ έ π ε ι α as the equivalent for ה ד ר/ ה ד ר ה.
R renders ה ד רonce (j40:10b) and uses ϋ ψ ο ς ( δ ό ξ α CP). It should be noted that in j40:10b R has ε ύ π ρ έ π ε ι α ν κ α ι ΰ ψ ο ς for ה ו ד ו ה ד רin M T . Possibly ϋ ψ ο ς is employed for stylistic variation since ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α is already used for R uses ε υ π ρ ε π ή ς once for ( נ ו ח וas from
18:15;נאוהb)and ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α once for נ ו ח
(as from ; נ א ו הj8:6b) and once for36:1 ) נ ע י םc ) . Aquila not only uses ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α for נ ע ם, but also for
. נוהInterestingly, however, at 18:15b a' has ώ ρ α ι ό τ η ς .
7 3
Thus R
6 9
Heater, Thesis, 42.
7 0
Barthélémy, 87-88. This characteristic is not considered by Heater.
7 1
Although δ ό ξ α is employed for ה ו דin j37:22b, the equivalency belongs to O G
rather than to θ ' (see above, pp. 261-262). 72
R e i d e r , 101.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
does not have the characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group for ח ד ר/ ה ד ר ה, but neither does he show the specialization of Aquila. 2.2.9. Summary. O f Barthélemy's 12 Precursor Patterns, three fit ( 1 , 2, 5), four do not (3, 4, 7, 8), one cannot be correlated due to meager evidence (6), while four could not be assessed. Among all the cases that do fit, evidence is very slim for one (5) and among those that do not, evidence is ambivalent for one (4). Putting Core and Precursor Patterns together, where evaluation is possible only half are clearly found in R. If by the κ α ί γ ε group we mean a tradition involving an approach or attitude to translation, R belongs to it. But the diversity that is within the κ α ί γ ε group, as well as the precise line of demarcation between κ α ί γ ε and L X X , has yet to be taken seriously by modern scholarship. 2.3. R and Other "Kaige"
2.3.0. Introduction. Numerous doctoral dissertations and other scholarly studies appeared in the wake of Les Devanciers d'Aquila, producing an ever growing list of characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group. 74
Below is a fairly complete compilation based largely on that of Leonard Greenspoon's list. Twenty-two of the first twenty-three constitute the Core Patterns and Precursor Patterns already discussed. The remaining 75 are for the most part the gleanings of those who have followed Barthélémy; approximately ten are from the research o f Thackeray who preceded him. For several reasons, most of the patterns gathered post-Barthélemy are of little value: (1) Some characteristics have rather scant support statistically, or (2) 75
7 3
A p p I I 15b] θ ' (leg α ' ) λ ι κ μ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι έπι ώ ρ α ι ό τ η τ ι α ϋ τ ο ΰ ( + τ ο 137) θ ε ί ο ν C (Olymp). Since 18:15b is sub X , Ziegler is surely right in assigning this reading to Aquila. The evidence from Hagedorn now proves it beyond question:
18:15b a ' ( θ ' Γ Ν ; anon 250 612) λ ι κ μ η θ ή σ ε τ α ι ( - θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι 3006) έ π ι ( έ ν τ ή 3005) ώ ρ α ι ό τ η τ ι α ύ τ ο ΰ θ ε ί ο ν ( τ ό θ ε ί ο ν 137) Γ ' ( = 250 3005 r־U38] Ν (Hagedorn, 23). 7 4
For a brief bibliography, see below, Key T o The Chart.
7 5
Greenspoon, 269-273.
7 6
F o r example, O'Connell's proposal of = א ל םμ ο γ ι λ α λ ό ν is based only on Ex 4:11 (see O'Connell, 287).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
are proposed hesitantly by one scholar and considered bona fide by the next. (3) O'Connell contributed a large number of characteristics which in fact are renderings of technical terms related to the Levitical Cultus or the Tabernacle and therefore are hardly universal markers o f the κ α ί γ ε group. (4) In certain books o f the Greek O l d Testament no critical edition was available when the research was carried out or is yet available. Hence, many of the contributions of Bodine may well be O G in Judges rather than characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group. (5) Frequently characteristics are not compared and contrasted thoroughly with renderings elsewhere in L X X Trans lators. Thus, a number of patterns are hardly unique to the κ α ί γ ε group. 78
Nonetheless, for the sake of completeness, the materials attributed to θ ' in Job will be tested according to the equivalences in the list. Items not rendered by R are asterisked in the Chart below. This accounts for 52 items; 23 remain for analysis. First, the Chart listing the characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group is given; then following the Chart, details of the relation of R to the 23 equivalences in question are briefly provided. 2.3.1. Chart. Key T o The Chart Β Bod Gr
Barthélémy Bodine Greenspoon 81
7 7
The list in O'Connell, 286-291 is entitled "Additional Suggested Characteristics of the Theodotionic Revision in Exodus" (italics mine). Greenspoon lists all of them in the general list of characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group (Greenspoon, 269-273). 7 8
This is readily seen by considering the contributions attributed to O'Connell alone in the Chart. 7 9
S o A . Pietersma, "Septuagint Research: A Plea For A Return T o Basic Issues," Vetus Testamentum 35 (1985): 305-306. 8 0
See, e.g. comments below on Π 2 » σ τ ό μ α .
8 1
D . Barthélémy, Les Devanciers d'Aquila, Supplements to Vetus Testamentum, 10 (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1963).
8 2
W . R. Bodine, 77ie Greek Text of Judges: Recensional Semitic Monographs, no. 23 (Chico: Scholar's Press, 1980).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Grin Ο Sh Sm Τ Τον Ul
Grindel O'Connell Shenkel Smith Thackeray Τον« Ulrich»
1. *2.
גם/וגם דק
Τ Β Ο Bod
8 3
L . J. Greenspoon, Textual Studies in the Book Monographs, no. 28 (Chico, Scholar's Press, 1983).
8 4
of Joshua,
J . A . Grindel, "Another Characteristic of the Kaige Recension: נ צ ח/ ν ι κ ο ς , "
Catholic Biblical Quarterly 31 (1969): 499-513. 8 5
K . G. O'Connell, The Theodotionic Revision of the Book of Exodus: A Contribution to the Study of the Early History of the Transmission of the Old Testament in Greek (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1972). 8 6
J. D . Shenkel, Chronology and Recensional Development in the Greek Text of Kings, Harvard Semitic Monographs, no. 1 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1968). 8 7
M . Smith, "Another Criterion for the κ α ί γ ε Recension," Biblica 48 (1967): 443445.
8 8
H . St. John Thackeray, "The Greek Translators of the Four Books of Kings," Journul of Theological Studies 8 (1907): 262-278, and also The Septuagint and Jewish Worship: A Study in Origins (London: Oxford University Press, 1921), esp. 114-115. 8 9
Ε . Τ ο ν , "Transliterations of Hebrew Words in the Greek Versions of the Old Testament: A Further Characteristic of the kaige-Tb. Revision?" in Textus 8, Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project, ed. S. Talmon (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1973), 78-92. 9 0
E. C. Ulrich, The Qumran Text of Samuel and Josephus, Harvard Semitic Monographs, no. 19 (Missoula: Scholars, Press, 1973), esp. 100-101 and 111-112.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
= άνήρ
Β Ο Bod
= έπάνωθεν/άπάνωθεν
Τ Β Ο Bod
= στηλόω
B O Bod
= κεράτινη Π־ΐ־3ίΠ
= σάλπιγξ
Τ Β Ο Bod * Τ Β Ο Bod
Elimination of Historical Presents
= ουκ εστίν
Β Ο Bod
= έγώ είμι
Τ Β Ο Bod
= είς σ υ ν ά ν τ η σ ι ν / ε ί ς ά π α ν τ ή ν
Β Ο Bod
i n :
m i 0 3 mn>־
= κύριος των δυνάμεων
= ισχυρός
= έναντι
Β Bod
= ενώπιον
Β Bod
= διά τούτο
Β Bod
= εις τον α ι ώ ν α
Β Bod
= ούαί
= συνάγω
Β Bod
= χωμαρείμ
by/nxT ־557
19. 20.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
= σκοτία
= έξοδος
= ταχύνω
Β Sh Bod
= φωτίζω
Sm Bod
= έν ό φ θ α λ μ ο ι ς
Sh Ο B o d
= στόμα
= διώκω
Sh Bod
= ά ρ χ ω ν (της) δυνάμεων
Sh B o d
Sh Bod
= κωφεύω
Sh Ο Bod
9 2
^ ShBod
9 1
έν γαστρί ε χ ω / λ α μ β ά ν ω
Sh B o d »
= (έ)θέλω
Sh Bod
R renders ב ע י נ יonce (40:24a), but did not interpret it as a Semipreposition (see
above, p. 352). 9 2
R renders צ ב אby δ ύ ν α μ ι ς at j l 0:17c, but does not render the phrase ש ר ) ה ( צ ב א.
9 3
R uses σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω with the value 'conceive' at 39:13b; M T has א ב ר ה.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
36. *37. 38.
= νΐκος
( א ד םPuai Part)
= σκέπη
-ν Ο
= σκηνή
= φωτισμοί ?
= κέρκιον
= πυρ(ρ)όν
= α ν ά μέσον
Ο Bod
= έν μέσω
= αρώματα
= κόσμοι ?
( ח ז קPiei)
έν μέσω ?
Ο Bod*
9 5
Ο Bod
Ο Bod
9 6
9 4
R renders ב ק ר בonce (20:14b), but did not interpret it as a Semipreposition (see above, pp. 354-355). 9 5
This is a technical term for a part of the tabernacle (see B D B , H A L , s.v. ) ב י ת. The
fact, then, that R has ο ί κ ί α ι for ב ת י םat 24:16a (and ο ί κ ο ς for is irrelevant. 9 6
R renders only the Hiphil of ח ז קusing κ α τ ι σ χ ύ ω (18:9b).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
( ח ש בNoun)
= γαμβρός
= νυμφίος
= παιδάρια, παιδία
= τοξεύομαι
= περιττόν
Ο Bod
9 7
= ε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς ΟΓ έ π ι δ ύ τ η ς συνεσφιγμένοι/συνεσφραγισμένοι
= εύαρέστησις
= δουλ-
Ο Bod
ע ב תand ע ב ח ת
= άλυσιδωτά
( ע ר ףVerb)
= δ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ω ΟΓ δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω
= περόναι
9 7
= μ η χ α ν ή μ α τ ο ς ΟΓ μ η χ α ν ή μ α τ ο ς
= προς ποδών
R uses rcaiSïov lor י ל דonce (j39:3a) but does not render the p l u r a l , י ל ד י ם.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
τελειότητες ?
άνθ' ων όσα
Τ Bod
ήνίκα ?
Τ Bod
κρατέω ?
Bod Gr U l
Bod Gr U l
־ntf (Oal)
«|־N Π־1Π
οργίζομαι θυμω
*71. 72. *73. *74. *75.
*79. 80.
*81. 82. *83.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
*89. *90.
r °
91. i n s
Transliteration o f Unknown Words
(ttf־x) ?na
*96. *97.
καί μάλα
9 8
2.3.2. Commentary. A brief comment is offered for each equivalence where compari son or contrast %vith R is possible. As a result, three groups are presented: (1) cases of agreement between R and the equivalence in question, (2) cases o f disagreement, and finally (3) ambivalent cases. The number before each paragraph corresponds to the number o f the equivalence in the Chart. It should be assumed that in the data provided for R, all instances where a particular Hebrew word is rendered by him and its equivalents are listed. Agreements between R and "Kaige"
27. Π3 » σ τ ό μ α . R has σ τ ό μ α for Π3 in 6 instances (20:12a, 32:5b, 35:16a, 36:16a, 37:2b, 40:23b) and π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν twice (15:27b, 30:18b). I n Textual Studies in the Book of Joshua, Greenspoon suggested as an equivalence possibly characteristic of the " κ α ί γ ε recension" that σ τ ό μ α was employed as a more literal rendering o f Π3 in
9 8
W. R. Bodine, "Kaige and Other Recensional Developments in the Greek Text of Judges," Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 13 (1980): 45-57. See p. 52, n. 3.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
contexts such as m i T ־־3 where the Old Greek avoided a literal translation." The basis for his proposal is quite meagre. Aside from the phrase 3~1Π "Ή where Π 2 is always rendered by σ τ ό μ α , the L X X Translator of Joshua employs σ τ ό μ α for Π 2 in just two instances (1:8, 10:18) and freer renderings in twelve instances—including five involving the expression m m.(2:9,21:3,19:50,17:4,15:3) ־2 There is a solitary instance at 9:14 where manuscripts of Margolis' Ρ recension have τ ό σ τ ό μ α κ υ ρ ί ο υ as an asterisked addition when rendering "hmo io m m ־3 ΠΚ whereas the Old Greek has simply κ ύ ρ ι ο ν ο υ κ έ χ η ρ ώ τ η σ α ν . Greenspoon appeals to the following note by Margolis: 1-1
1 0 0
In the phrase 'Π ־2 ΠΧ ־13S7, 'Π ΐ Π־υ(־Π) N u De Π 2 is paraphrased by ρ η μ α (except N u 20 14 [mend pro 24] where ΐ = μ ε ) , contrast το σ τ ό μ α κ ΰ De \ 26 σ ' or θ ' 9 23 σ ' θ ' . With a human being the literalism is not shunned: Ge 24 57. Ρ reproduces the Hebrew literally. 102
Not only is the evidence provided by Greenspoon from Joshua extremely slender, but also the data adduced by Margolis give an incomplete picture, for even in Deuteron omy we find δ ι α σ τ ό μ α τ ο ς θ ε ο ΰ for mn־־־D (Dt 8:3, cf. N m 12:8). Thus avoidance of anthropomorphisms is an inadequate explanation of translation technique in L X X Numbers and Deuteronomy while the general literalism of R is sufficient to explain his approach without appeal to theological motives—one in six instances where R rendered Π 2 by σ τ ό μ α is a context involving God's mouth (37:2b), although no case of the exact phrase m m " S is rendered by him. What other options besides σ τ ό μ α for HD are open to a literalistic translator? So the equivalence proposed is dubious as 1
9 9
Greenspoon, 293-295. No one has proposed that the rendering of פ הby σ τ ό μ α per se is a characteristic unique to the κ α ί γ ε group. L X X Translators use σ τ ό μ α for פ ה in 351 out of 410 instances and 47 of these are already in Pent (see Dos Santos, 165, and Hatch-Redpath, s.v. σ τ ό μ α ) . 1 0 0
M T has
לפי ח ר3 in 13 instances (6:21, 8 : 2 4 6 1 0 : 3 7,10:35,10:32,10:30,10:28,·״, 19:47,1 :14,1 :12,1 :1 ,10:39)and the L X X Joshua Translator employed σ τ ό μ α everywhere except S:2Asemel (different parent text?) and 11:11 (cf. 10:33 and see Greenspoon, pp. 293, 306-308 and nn. 140-152, for discussion). 1 0 1
The twelve occurrences are: 1:18, 6:10, 9:2, 9:14, 10:22, 10:27?, 15:13, 17:4, 18:4, 19:50, 21:3, 22:9. See Greenspoon, 293.
1 0 2
M . L . Margolis, The Book of Joshua in Greek, 5 Parts (Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1931-1992), 159-160.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
a characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group and the cases of פ חrendered by σ τ ό μ α in R cannot be used to establish a link to this tradition. 31. » ח כ םσ ο φ - , R has σ ο φ ί α for ח כ מ הin 3 instances (28:18b, 33:33b, 39:17a). The equivalence occurs 139 out of 171 times in L X X Translators of which 6 are already in Pent. Therefore this equivalence ought to be questioned as a characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group. 103
32. » ח ו ־ שκ ω φ ε ύ ω / !ה£? » חσ ι ω π ά ω . R renders ח ר שby κ ω φ ε ύ ω 3 times (13:19b, 33:31b, 33:33b) and also by σ ι ω π ά ω once (41:4a). He further uses σ ι ω π ά ω once elsewhere for30:27) ד מ םa ) . M T has 47 instances o f ' ח ר שbe silent' (Qal 7, Hiphil, 39, Hithpael 1). Hatch-Redpath lists 11 instances of the equivalence » ח ר שκ ω φ ε ύ ω of which 3 are from R, 3 from OG, 2 from Judges and 3 from κ α ί γ ε sections of Samuel-Kings. L X X Translators also use for ח ר שπ α ρ α σ ι ω π ά ω in 17 instances, σ ι ω π ά ω in 7, σ ι γ ά ω in 4, π α ρ α κ ο ύ ω in 2, ά π ο κ ω φ ό ω in 1, α π ο σ ι ω π ά ω in 1 and η σ υ χ ά ζ ω in 1. The pattern in R could be explained by knowledge of O G (for κ ω φ ε ύ ω ) and of other L X X Translators for ( σ ι ω π ά ω ) . As a proof of relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group, the evidence is weak. 36. » נ צ חνΤκος. R has εις νΤκος for ל נ צ חonce (36:7c). Translators not generally considered part of the κ α ί γ ε group employ this equivalence in just 4 instances out of 36 possible situations.
It may mark, then, relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group.
43. » ב י ןά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν . R has ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν for ב י ןtwice (30:7a, 34:4b). Nonetheless, this equivalence cannot mark relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group since it is regular in the L X X . The L X X Genesis Translator, for example, already employs ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν for ב י ןin 60 instances.
45. » ב ת ו ךέ ν μ έ σ ω . R does have έ ν μ έ σ φ for ב ת ו ךonce (20:13b). According to Sollamo, έ ν μ έ σ ω "is the most common equivalent of " ב ת ו ךused by L X X Translators in 185 instances out of 312 occurrences of ב ת ו ךin M T . While she does rightly
1 0 3
Dos Santos, 63, and Hatch-Redpath, s.v. σ ο φ ί α . M T Torah only has 10 instances of ( ח כ מ הν ο τ , 318). 1 0 4
Cf. Grindel, 501-503.
1 0 5
Hatch-Redpath, s.v. ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν .
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
describe this equivalence as a "slavish rendering," there are 25 instances alone in Pent so it is hardly a marker of the κ α ί γ ε g r o u p . 106
5 8 . » מ ע י לε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς or έ π ι δ ύ τ η ς . R has ε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς for מ ע י לat jl:20a. M T has 28 occurrences of מ ע י ל. A rough survey is provided by Dos Santos: translators employ ύ π ο δ ύ τ η ς in 8 instances (all in Pent), δ ι π λ ο ΐ ς in 7, ε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς in 2, ΐ μ ά τ ι ο ν in 2, π ο δ ή ρ η ς in 2, έ π ω μ ί ς in 1 and χ ι τ ώ ν in I .
1 0 7
Thus ε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς may mark relationship
to the κ α ί γ ε group. 61. » ע ב דδ ο υ λ - . R has δ ο υ λ ε ύ ω for ע ב דtwice (21:15a, 36:11a) and also δ ο ύ λ ο ς for 'ebed once (j42:8g). Already in Pent the equivalence » ע ב דδ ο υ λ ε ύ ω occurs 26 times and the equivalence 'ebed » δ ο ύ λ ο ς in 3 instances. This is hardly characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group alone. 6 7 . » ש ה םδ ν υ ξ . R has δ ν υ ξ ש ה םfor at 28:16b. M T has 11 occurrences of7)ש ה ם
Torah). No other L X X Translator employs δ ν υ ξ . This equivalence, then, may mark relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group. 8 0 . » ל י ןα ύ λ ί ζ ω . R has α ύ λ ί ζ ο μ α ι for ל י ןat 29:19b. M T has 71 instances of ל י ןand α ύ λ ί ζ ο μ α ι is employed in 33 of these. A good number are not in members of the κ α ί γ ε group: for example, the equivalence occurs 4 times in O G and 4 times in L X X Psalms and once in L X X Proverbs. Thus it is hardly unique to the κ α ί γ ε group. 91. » פ ג עσ υ ν α ν τ ά ω / α π α ν τ ά ω . R has α π α ν τ ά ω for פ ג עtwice (21:15b, 36:32b). M T has 46 instances of40)פ ג ע
Qal, 6 Hiphil). Bodine states, "In the O G these 2
words are the most frequent translations of the Hebrew verb, α π α ν τ ά ω occurring 10 times and σ υ ν α ν τ ά ω 8 times." once, and the latter 6 times.
Both equivalents are employed in Pent, the former
How, then, can they indicate relationship to the κ α ί γ ε
1 0 6
Sollamo, 251-266, esp. 251 and 264.
1 0 7
Dos Santos, 116 and cf. Wevers, Leviticus,
0 8
1 0 9
ad 8:7.
Bodine 76, and 90, nn. 115 and 116. Hatch-Redpath, s.v. α π α ν τ ά ω and σ υ ν α ν τ ά ω .
The Asterisked Materials in the Gre«k Job
94. Earlier analysis showed that R does employ transliterations of unknown Hebrew words. 110 Disagreements between R and "Kaige"
In cases of disagreement, discussion here need not be detained by demonstrating whether or not the so-called characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group is based on sound scholarship. A t the least, the disagreements show R is independent from the κ α ί γ ε pattern. 25. » ה ו ר הφ ω τ ί ζ ω . R has δ ε ί κ ν υ μ ι for ה ו ר הat 34:32a, a rendering which is contextually suitable. 38. » א ה לσ κ έ π η / » מ ש כ ןσ κ η ν ή . R renders א ה לby σ κ η ν ή twice (jl8:14a, 18:15a) and by σ κ έ π η once (21:28b). Elsewhere he uses σ κ η ν ή for ס כ הonce (36:29b). R renders מ ש כ ןby σ κ ή ν ω μ α twice (21:28b, 39:6b). The regular equivalent in R for א ה לis σ κ η ν ή ; the instance of σ κ έ π η is contextually motivated, as already noted,
and possibly influenced by Ex 26:7, the only other instance of » א ה לσ κ έ π η listed by Hatch-Redpath for an L X X Translator. 69. ( ש ל םPiel) » ά π ο τ ι ν ν ύ ω . R renders ש ל םby ά ν τ α π ο δ ί δ ω μ ι twice (21:19b, 21:31b) and by ά π ο τ ί ν ω once (34:33a). The equivalence ( ש ל םPiel) » ά π ο τ ί ν ω is employed 13 times in L X X Exodus and 3 times i n L X X Leviticus out of a total of 26 instances listed by Hatch-Redpath. Thus it is not regular in R and hardly characteristic of the κ α ί γ ε group. 7 2 . » ת מ י םτ ε λ ε ι ό τ η τ ε ς ? R has ά μ ω μ ο ς for ת מ י םat j36:4b. 84. » ה ב י אφ έ ρ ω / εισφέρω. R has επάγω for ה ב י אat 34:28a. 85. צ ע ק/ » ז ע קβ ο ά ω . R renders ז ע קby κ ρ ά ζ ω at 35:9a and צ ע קby κ ρ ά ζ ω at 35:12a.
S e e above, pp. 305-313. The materials attributed to 0' are included in the treat ment of Tov. 1 1 1
Seep. 139.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
86. » ח ר ה א ףο ρ γ ί ζ ο μ α ι θ υ μ ω . Twice R renders the expression ח ר ה א ףand both times he uses έ θ υ μ ώ θ η (ή) ό ρ γ ή (32:5c, j42:7b). 93. » ר ע הπ ο ν η ρ ί α . R renders ר ע הby κ α κ ί α once (20:12a) and ( ר עrë"' = 'friend', K
but read as ra' = 'evil') by κ α κ ί α once (17:5a) and ( ר עra = 'evil') by π ο ν η ρ ό ς once (21:30a). These patterns are quite in line with what is normal in L X X Translators and scarcely a marker of relationship to the κ α ί γ ε g r o u p . Ambivalent
76. » א ח זκ ρ α τ έ ω ? R renders א ח זby κ ρ α τ έ ω twice 023:11a, 26:9a), by α ν τ έ χ ω once (jl7:9a), and by κ α τ έ χ ω once (23:9a—'ahaz M T ex ; ח ז הR read 'Shaz ex ) א ח ז. Bodine himself, the one who first proposed the equivalence, later questioned » א ח ז κ ρ α τ έ ω as a characteristic for the κ α ί γ ε g r o u p . M T has 67 instances of ( א ח זOal 58, Niphal 7, Piel, 1, Hophal l ) . Hatch-Redpath list 13 instances of » א ח זκ ρ α τ έ ω : Jgs 16:21 (Β), 20:6 (Β), R u 3:15, 2 Kgs(Sm) 6:6, 20:9, 2 Chr 25:5, Jb 26:9, Ps 55(56):1, 72(73):6, 72(73):23, Eccl 2:3, Sg 3:4, 7:9. A l l these texts except 2 Kgs(Sm) 6:6 are classified by Barthélémy as part of or related to the κ α ί γ ε group. This equivalence in R should be considered, then, as marking relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group. 113
1 1 4
78. » ט ו בαγαθός / Cognates. R renders ט ו בby α γ α θ ό ς at 36:1 l b and by κ α λ ό ς at 34:4b. L X X Translators employ αγαθός for ט ו בin M T 332 times. H o w can such an obvious and widespread equivalent identify or mark relationship to the κ α ί γ ε group? 116
82. ( ש ו בQal) » ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω . R renders ( ש ו בOal) by ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω once (36:10b) and by α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω once (39:4c[=bMT]). L X X Translators employ ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω for ש ו ב
1 1 2
For evidence, see below, p. 450f.
1 1 3
So W. R. Bodine, "Kaige and Other Recensional Developments in the Greek Text of Judges," Bulletin of the International Organization for Sepiuagint and Cognate Studies 13 (1980): 45-57, see p. 52. n. 3 and cf. Greenspoon, 357, n. 4. 1 1 4
V O T , 39.
1 , 5
O n the relationship between R and the Greek Psalter, see below.
1 1 6
D o s Santos, 73.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(Qal) in M T 297 times. likely to be recensional!
Sixteen of these are in Pent where the equivalence is not
2.3.3. Summary. Out of 23 equivalencies, 12 agree with data from R, 8 do not and in 3 the evidence is inconclusive. This is similar to the fact that about half of the Core and Precursor Patterns were found in R where comparison was possible. Only four of the twelve agreements just mentioned, however, are of any possible value in establishing relationship between R and the κ α ί γ ε group (36, 58, 67, 94). While R is related somehow to the κ α ί γ ε group, the differences are by no means insignificant and should not be ignored in a blind attempt to connect R to a so-called Kaige Recension as Heater does. Heater's analysis, the post-Barthélemy studies, and even the research of Barthélémy himself is focussed so intensively on establishing agreement that the differences are not sufficiently considered. Another example of the problem is provided by Professor Wevers in a forthcoming publication. Concerning the equivalency » א נ כ יέ γ ώ είμι in Samuel-Kings he observes: In the first section [βγ] this impossible Greek occurs 10 times; these are 12:7 έ γ ώ είμι έ χ ρ ι σ α σ ε and έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι έ ρ ρ υ σ ά μ η ν σ ε ; 13:28 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι ε ν τ έ λ λ ο μ α ι ; 15:26 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι σ τ ρ α τ ε ύ ο μ α ι ; 18:12 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι ΐ σ τ η μ ι ; 20:17 α κ ο ύ ω έ γ ώ είμι; 24:17 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι ή δ ί κ η σ α and έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι . . . έ κ α κ ο π ο ί η σ α and 1 Kgs 2:2 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι . In each of these cases M T had an א ב נ י. In four of these the predicate was a participle. One case obtained in which έ γ ώ was used to render the long form; at 14:18 έ γ ώ ε π ε ρ ω τ ώ stood for א נ כ י ש א ל. The second section [γδ] has only four cases of έ γ ώ είμι, but one • of these was modified by a predicate nominative (for a Hebrew nominal clause), ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς τ ο ΰ θ ε ο ύ έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι at 1:12, but M T does not have א ב נ יbut א נ י. Only one case followed the expected pattern; at 4:13 א נ כ י י ש ב תis translated by έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι ο ί κ ω . A t 10:9 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι σ υ ν ε σ τ ρ ά φ η ν had א נ י קשו־־תיin M T and similarly at 22:20 έ γ ώ ε ί μ ι ε π ά γ ω represented א נ י מ ב י א. In v. 19, however, א נ כ י ש מ ע ת יoccurs in M T , but the Greek has έ γ ώ ή κ ο υ σ α . It is obvious that these two sections, though both of the word for word type of translation, are not recensionally the same. 118
1 1 7
1 1 8
Dos Santos, 205.
J. W. Wevers, "Interpretative Character and Significance of the Septuagint Version," Forthcoming.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
T o make more precise the place of R within the history of the transmission of the text, an investigation is necessary which considers the congeners of R and care fully looks at the differences between R and its congeners as well as the agreements. 3. R and Three Key Congeners. 3.0. Introduction. A significant critique of Barthélemy's work and evaluation of the κ α ί γ ε group has been mounted by O. Munnich, stemming from his research into the vocabulary of the Greek Psalter. First, Munnich questions the close link which Barthélémy attempts to es tablish between key patterns o f translation technique identifying the κ α ί γ ε group and Rabbinic exegesis and hermeneutics. When Barthélémy seeks to show (1) the coherence of the κ α ί γ ε group in its certain common traits, and (2) the inspiration of these choices of translation in Rabbinic exegesis, Munnich claims that the second aim has influenced the selection of traits employed to establish the first. In general terms Munnich points out that many have proposed other traits which have no obvious link with peculiarities of Rabbinic exegesis; hence the κ α ί γ ε group must have adopted these traits on wider grounds. I n particular terms Munnich then evaluates the 'Core Patterns' and 'Precursor Patterns' set forth by Barthélémy and points out that the link claimed by him between these patterns and Rabbinic exegesis is very weak. Instead, other good and more obvious reasons can be brought forward to explain why the κ α ί γ ε group adopted these patterns in each instance. This is not to say that Rabbinic exegesis was not present in the approach taken by members of the κ α ί γ ε group. It simply provides a broader perspective in which Rabbinic exegesis is only one possible factor motivating recensional activity or 119
1 1 9
See primarily O. Munnich, Étude Lexicographique du Psautier des Septante, Ph.D. diss., Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1982, and idem, "Contribution à l'étude de la p r e m i è r e révision de la Septante," in Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, Teil I I : Principal, V o l . 20:1 (New York: De Gruyter, 1987), 190-220, and secondarily, idem, "La Septante des Psaumes et le Groupe Kaige," Vêtus Testamenlum 33 (1983): 75-89, and idem, "Indices d'une Septante originelle dans le Psautier Grec," Biblica 63 (1982): 406-416. 1 2 0
Munnich, Thesis, 35-36, and ANRW,
1 2 1
Munnich, ANRW,
1 2 2
Ibid., 206-218. See similarly, Lester L . Grabbe, "Aquila's Translation and Rabbinic Exegesis," Journal of Jewish Studies 33 (1982): 527-536.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
translations exhibiting a greater degree of quantitative alignment between the Greek and the Hebrew. Secondly, Munnich seeks to show that rather than focusing attention mainly on the relations of the κ α ί γ ε group with Aquila as the one who perfected its traits, it is better to place the group in relation to "les textes de la L X X ancienne" and to seek there possible sources which resulted in the κ α ί γ ε g r o u p . By isolating certain lexical equivalencies which were clearly created by the Psalms Translator and then tracing these equivalencies in the κ α ί γ ε group, Munnich believes he can demon strate, that the Greek Psalter acted as a kind of glossary from which the members of the κ α ί γ ε group drew certain peculiar patterns and generalized them, i.e. turned them into stereotypes. ' 123
12 1
In this way, Munnich draws attention to the fact that the close relationship between the Greek Psalter and the κ α ί γ ε group is embarrassing for Barthelemy's work. Indeed, the Greek Pentateuch aside, the problems surrounding the κ α ί γ ε group raise anew the question of what constitutes "les textes de la L X X ancienne" of which Munnich speaks. Certain members like Canticles, Lamentations, Ruth, and 2 Chronicles are, as far as is known, first translations and not recensions. The Greek Psalms in particular is a problem, since it too is "Septuagint" and yet is partially related to the κ α ί γ ε group. While R is not the first translation of the Hebrew Job, in character it is more like an independent translation than a revision of O G . 125
A careful comparison, therefore, is worthwhile not only between R and the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll ( M P ) and R and Aquila (Aq), but also between R and the Greek Psalter (P). These are central congeners which will help to find the place of R in the early history of the Greek Old Testament. For a comparison such as this, a chart is arranged below focussing mainly on lexical equivalency. A l l equivalences employed by R for Nouns and Verbs occurring three times or more are listed and compared with equivalences employed by O G , M P , Ρ and A q for the same Hebrew words. Analysis of this data concludes the placing of R within the history of the transmission of the text. 126
1 2 3
Munnich, ANRW,
1 2 4
Ibid., Thesis, 417, 468, and for Theodotion using the Greek Psalter as a glossary, 513. See also, Munnich, ANRW, 206, 217-218. 1 2 5
1 2 6
Ibid., ANRW,
In a similar sort of study of Greek Minor Versions based on the hexaplaric remains o f Psalms published by Mercati, L . Grabbe also restricts comparison of equivalents to Nouns and Verbs noting that difficulties arise when Particles are included (see L . Grabbe, 'The Translation Technique of the Greek Minor Versions:
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
Key T o Chart H R OG Aq P MP
Hebrew (i.e. Masoretic Text) Revisor Old Greek Translator of Job Aquila Translator of Greek Psalms Translator of Greek Minor Prophets Scroll from Nahal Hever as in D J D VHP" OG/Aq/P/MP Same Equivalent In X as in R 8
X +
1 2 9
Translations or Revisions?" in Septuagirtt, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, eds. G. J. Brooke and B . Lindars, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 33 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1992), 508. 1 2 7
Sources for data displayed herein and for statistics supplied in analysis are not al ways noted in every case. For M T , statistics are based largely on Even-Shoshan, Lisowsky, Mandelkern, and especially V O T . For R, data are based on discussions and materials presented in Chapter Two. For O G , data are based on Hatch-Redpath, but also on personal research done in preparation for the present study (com parison of M T and O G ) . For Aquila, evidence is normally footnoted and comes usually from Reider and Hyvarinen. (Materials in N . R, M . De Lange, "Some New Fragments of Aquila on Malachi and Job?" Velus Testamentum 30 (1980): 291-294 are not relevant.) For P, data is derived from a Hebrew-Greek Concordance of the Psalms constructed by Professor A . Pietersma. I am extremely grateful to Professor Pietersma for permission to use this excellent study tool. For M P , data are derived from D J D V I I I . In analysis below, counts from Hatch-Redpath wherever possible have been checked against critical editions and therefore exclude variae lectiones considered non-original in Gottingen Editions or in Rahlfs where Gottingen Editions are not available. Large counts of Hebrew - Greek equivalents are normally based on Dos Santos (frequently checked against Hatch-Redpath) and figures below 30 have been based largely on Hatch-Redpath and the Hebrew Concordances. 1 2 8
Includes reconstructions if evidence for part of the word in question is visible in the M S unless otherwise noted.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Same Equivalent Not In X No Equivalent Extant ? Evidence Questionable / Equivalent Not Characteristic In X 6'.., Same Equivalent Not Attested Uniquely By Aquila (i.e. attested for both 8' and a', or both a' and a', or for y', i.e. all Three.) A Active Impv Imperative M-P Medio-Passive Italics A l l Vocalizations M T unless otherwise specified. Nouns.
A . Category 1 - Stereotype Equivalents A . l . One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered Bv One Greek Lexeme 1. 2.
πατήρ 3
λίθος 3
+ +
φως 8 »
ους 3
+ +
! ו !.וו
+ 6/8
1 2 9
Frequencies are given for M P Column by a number immediately following + sign or by a fraction marking occurrences of the Greek equivalence in question out of the total number of times the Hebrew term is rendered by M P . 1 3 0
Excluded is one instance where comparison is not possible. In 36:30a, M T has א ו ר ו, but R read א י ד וand rendered by the transliteration ή δ ώ . See above, pp. 137, 307-309. 1 3 1
The only occurrence of א ו רin a verse for which M P is extant is H b 3:11. There φ έ γ γ ο ς probably renders נ ג הand not א ו רsince the parent text of M P apparently had a different order from that of M T (see D J D V I I I , 94).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
όχυρώματα 1
+ 135
+ 2/313«
+ 8
έθνος 3
ירי הר
οδός 9
+ 3
όρος 3
+ 4
חך חכמה
λάρυγξ 4 σοφία 3
ήμερα 9
+ +
θάλασσα 3
καρδία 6
γλωσσά 3
ύδωρ 7
αριθμός 3
αναρίθμητοι 1
τόπος 6
χείμαρρος 3
9. 10.
+ +
+ +
+ 11 ו5
+ ! + 4
+ 1
1 3 2
Only one occurrence, but included and listed separately, since M T has bassûrôt in 28:10a from '( צ ו רrock') q.v. ( # 53). R, however, read basûrôl from '( ב צ רbe inaccessible'—feminine plural Qal Passive Participle functioning as a substantive). See further, Lisowsky, s.v. ב צ ו ר. 1 3 3
O G has ό χ ύ ρ ω μ α for מ צ ו דin 19:6b; no nominal forms of ב צ רoccur in M T Job.
1 3 4
See Ez 21:20(25) and Reider, 181,190, The equation » מ ב צ רό χ ύ ρ ω μ α attributed to a' ε ' in Ps 88(89):41 by Reider is incorrect (see Field, 2:244, and Rahlfs, Psalmi, ad 10c.) and in addition, D n 11:24 is a retroversion from Syriac. This removes all evilisted by Reider. Possibly Aquila has ο χ υ ρ ό ς for מ ב צ רonce—1 Kgs(Sm) 6:18 (see Reider, 180, Field, 1:497), but his normal equivalent for ב צ ו ר ו תis δ ι η ρ μ ε ν α ι (so Reider, 54, 119). 1 3 5
Forms of ב צ ו רdo not occur in M T Psalms, but מ ב צ רoccurs twice and is rendered ό χ ύ ρ ω μ α 88(89):41, and π ε ρ ι ο χ ή (MS 2110 has ο χ υ ρ ό ς ) 107(108):11. 1 3 6
M P has τ ά ς π ό λ ε ι ς τ ά ς ό [ χ υ ρ ά ς for ( ה ע ר י ם ה ב צ ר ו תZep 1:16) and ό χ ύ ρ ω μ α
for ( מ ב צ רH b 1:10) and for ( מ צ ו רZee 9:3). 1 3 7
The evidence in Reider, p. 108, is based solely on retroversions from Armenian, Latin, or Syriac.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
δίκαιος 2
+ +
+ +
σκιά θανάτου 3
ψυχή 5
ετι 2
Zero 1
και ούκέτι 1
οφθαλμός 13
λαός 3
νέφος 3
συννέφεια 1
π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν 17
δικαιοσύνη 1
_ 138
πούς 3
ασέβεια 1
+ 142
άσεβης 4
παλαίωμα 3
τρεις 3
+ 3 + 3
+ 2 + 5/6
+ + + + +
+ 1
+ 1
+ 143
+ 4
+ 3
5 3 8
See 7:10b.
1 3 9
Ε ζ 26:21.
1 4 0
O G rentiers ע םon 5 occasions (12:2a, 12:24a, 17:6a, 18:19a, 34:20b) and employs
λ α ό ς only in 18:19a. 1 4 1
For צ ל מ ו תO G employs ά δ η ς (38:17b), γ ν ο φ ε ρ ό ς (10:21b), σ κ ι ά (16:16b), σ κ ι ά
θ α ν ά τ ο υ (3:5a, 12:22b), and free renderings (10:22b 34:22a). Thus σ κ ι ά θ α ν ά τ ο υ is by no means standard for him. t 4 2
O G renders ( ר ש עresa ) twice: he gives μ ε τ ά ά σ ε β ω ν for ע ם ־ א נ ש י ־ ר ש עin 34:8b
and uses the cognate verb ά σ ε β έ ω in 34:10b. 1 4 3
T h e equivalent ά σ ε β η ς is employed by the Psalms Translator in 16 instances; α μ α ρ τ ω λ ό ς , however, is used in 60 instances and alternative equivalents in 4 other places.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
ουρανός 5
ετος 3
1 4 4
+ 145
+ 14«
+ 147
+ 2148
A . 2. More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 38.
ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς 10
απώλεια 3
1 4 4
_ 150
+ + +
+ 149
+ 151
+ 6 + 3
A l l instances of • ש מ יare rendered by ουρανός in the singular (22:14b, 26:11a,
28:21b, 37:3a, j38:37b) and in no case does ש מ י םgovern a verb, whether plural or singular. 1 4 5
Seventeen instances of ש מ י םare rendered by ουρανός in the singular (1:16b, 9:8a, 11:8a, 12:7b, 14:12b, 15:15b, 20:6a, 20:27a, 22:26b, 26:13a, 28:24a, 35:5a, 35:11b, 38:29b, 38:33a, 38:37b, 41:3b) including two where • ש מ יgoverns a verb which is plural in M T but singular in O G (14:12b, 15:15b); one instance of ש מ י םis rendered by ουρανός in the plural (16.T9a) and does not govern a verb. 1 4 6
Comparison o f the evidence in Reider with that in the Gottingen Editions bears out his description of Aquila, "ubi non est plur. verbum A q u . exhibet sing, substantivum sicut in casu • ( " א ל ה יReider, 179). For ουρανός as singular only three instances are attributed to a ׳alone ( G n 1:26, 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 14:11, Ps 101(102):20) and none are governing a verb; for ουρανός as plural seven instances are attributed to a' alone: four are governing a plural verb (Ps 32(33):6, 95(96): 11, 96(97):6, Jer 38(31):35(36) [MS 86]), one is functioning as Subject in a clause which is Nominal in M T and Verbal in Greek (101(102):26), and two are cases where • ש מ יis not governing a verb (Is 13:13 [ θ ׳σ ׳have singular, MS Q ] , Jer 2S(51):9 [θ ׳σ ' have singular; M S 86]). 1 4 7
Forty-six instances of • ש מ יare rendered by ουρανός in the singular, none governing a verb and twenty-eight instances of ש מ י םare rendered by ουρανός in the plural of which ten govern a plural verb. 1 4 8
Both cases are singular and neither case governs a verb (Zep 1:3,1:5).
14v For א ד םthe γηγενής in I.
Psalms Translator employs ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in 59 instances,
άνήρ in 2 and
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
άνθρωπος 3
τρίβος 3 άνήρ 3 λόγος 4 χρυσίον 3 σκότος 3 χείρ 8 ισχύς 5 χείρ 3
+ _ 152
+ 154
+ 1
+ 155
+ 3
+ 153
1 5 6
+ 2/31"
+ + +
+ 1 159
+ 1
1 5 0
O G does employ ά ν ή ρ tor א י שonce (15:16b), but it is not characteristic. [There are 42 instances of א י שin M T Job. O G employs ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in 21 of them (1:1a, 1:1b, l:3g, l:8d, 2:3d, 2:4c, 4:13b, 9:32a, 11:12a, 12:10b, 12:14b, 14:12a, 32:14a, 32:21a, 33:15b, 33:16a, 33:27a, 34:21a, 37:7b, 37:20b, 37:24a), έ κ α σ τ ο ς in 4 instances (1:4b, 2:11b, 2:12c, 42:1 Ig), τ ι ς in one (31:35c), ά ν ή ρ in one (15:16b), free renderings in 9 (11:2a, 22:8a, 32:1a, 34:8b, 34:10a, 34:34a, 34:36b, 34:11a?, 42:1lg) and zero in 6 (32:5b, 34:23a, 35:8a, 36:24b, 38:26a, 41:9a).] 151 p
א ר עthe Psalms Translator employs ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in 26 instances, ά ν ή ρ in 17,
o r
έ κ α σ τ ο ς in 2 and alternatively in 2. 1 5 2
T h e only instance of » א ר חτρίβος listed by Reider is Job 30:12 (Reider, 240).
This evidence is not confirmed by the critical edition of Zeigler (see Z i , ad 10c). 1 5 3
For א ר חthe Psalms Translator employs τρίβος in 4 instances and
154 p 1 5 5
o r
οδός in 11.
-Q2 h psalms Translator employs ά ν ή ρ in 3 instances and ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς in 7. t
For ד ב רthe Psalms Translator employs λ ό γ ο ς in 59 instances and ρ ή μ α in 3. T h e r e is one instance where £ ή μ α renders ( ד ב רJon 3:3).
1 5 7
In H b 2:19 M P has χ ρ υ [ σ 0 ] ΰ ν for ז ה ב.
1 5 8
M P employs σ κ ο τ ί α for א פ ל הin Zep 1:15 and for ( ע פ ל הbut read as ) א פ ל הin
H b 2:4. !5
'> M P has ισχύς for ( ח י לNa 3:8), for ( ע זM i 5:3), and for ( ע צ םNa 3:9).
1 6 0
The only occurrences of » כ ףχ ε ί ρ listed by Reider are Ex 9:33 and 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 11:12 (Reider, 255). The former is given by Field on the basis of de Montfaucon and
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
άρχων 3
τρίβος 3
עב !65
πέτρα 3
צ ו ר
-+ -+
+ +
B. Category 2 - Regular Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By M o r e Than One Greek Lexeme 54a.
54b. 55a.
σκέπη 1
οίκος 2
σκηνή 2
+ + +
+ 168
+ 5
is not listed in the critical edition of Wevers (see Wevers, Exodus and Field, ad toe). The latter is attributed to a' θ' ε'. Aquila's equivalents for כ ףseem to be ί χ ν ο ς and τ α ρ σ ό ς (Reider, 120, 234) and apparently χ ε ι ρ is employed exclusively for ( י דIbid., 254-255). 1 6 1
See Field, 2:421, Reider, 33, 75.
1 6 2
M P has ά ρ χ ω ν for ( מ ו ש לM i 5:1) and for ( נ ס י ךM i 5:4).
E a r l i e r analysis demonstrated that (contra original text in 22:14a (see above, pp. 135-136). 1M p
Ziegler) ν ε φ έ λ η and not ν έ φ η is
ע ךthe Psalms Translator employs ν ε φ έ λ η in 4 instances, ή χ ο ς i n 1 and
ν έ φ ο ς in .1. 1 6 5
For j28:10a, see
6#) ) ב צ ר.
In 22:24a — ב צ רM T beser ('gold')—is rendered έ ν πέτρς* by R (reading ba$Hr). The only other occurrence of beser in M T is Jb 22:25a ( ) ו ה י ה ש ד י ב צ ר י ךwhere OG paraphrases by ε σ τ α ι ο ΰ ν σ ο υ ό π α ν τ ο κ ρ ά τ ω ρ β ο η θ ό ς ά π ό έ χ θ ρ ω ν indicating he read '( צ רadversary') from ( ב צ ר י ךso Vulgate, cf. Dhorme, 339). Apparently O G also did not know this word. Thus no comparison of how beser is rendered can be made and R 22:24a should be classified under צ ו ר. 1 6 6
1 6 7
M P has π έ τ ρ α for ( מ צ ו רH b 2:1).
16s p 3.
o r
א ה לt|
l e
s a
m s
Translator employs σ κ ή ν ω μ α in 15 instances and σ κ η ν ή in
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
οικία l
+ 170
υίός 8
+ 2
τέκνον 2
κόμη 1
ομοθυμαδόν 1
όμοΰ 1
ομοθυμαδόν 1
π α ς 12
όλος 1
+ +
1 6 9
For » ב י תο ί κ ο ς (21:21a, 21:28a) R renders singular for singular; for » ב י תο ι κ ί α (24:16a) R renders plural for plural. Nonetheless, choice of equivalent is not necessarily related to the grammatical number of ( ב י תsee the following footnotes, and also Chapter Two, n. 174). 1 7 0
OG employs ο ι κ ί α for ב י תat 1:10a, 1:13c, 1:19b, 8:15a, 19:15a, 30:23b and like R,
ο ί κ ΐ α ι for ב ת י םat 4:19a. 1 7 1
Reider lists 96 references for the equation » ב י תο ί κ ο ς and just four for the equivalence » ב י תο ι κ ί α : "Gen. xv 2 a' θ' Ios. ii 19 01'λ' Ps. xlviii (xlix) 12 a' σ ' ε ' Ier. xlvi (xxxix) 14 X " (Reider, 169). The Aquila reading in Field for Gn 15:2 is controverted by the critical edition (cf. Field, 1:32, n. 3 and Wevers, Genesis, ad loc. Prof. Wevers rches on a better edition of Jerome's Hebraicae Quaesliones in libra Geneseos, which offers ο ϊ κ ο υ , not ο ι κ ί α ς for a' in Gn 15:2 and shows thai ο ι κ ί α ς is a contamination from θ ' in some witnesses—see Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, L X X I I , ad loc.). Only Jer 46(39): 14 is attributed uniquely to a' and there, solely by MS 86 whose witness is frequently unreliable (Ziegler, leremias, ad l o c ) . A q has ο ι κ ί α for ב י תat Jos 2:19, Jer 46(39): 14 and like R, ο ί κ ί α ι for ב ת י םat Ps 48(49): 12. 1 7 2
Psalms Translator
employs ο ι κ ί α
103(104):17, 127(128):3 and like R, ο ί κ ί α ι for ב ת י םat 48(49):12. 1 7 3
Two occurrences are given by Reider: Ps 2:7 and Prv 31:28. The latter is o i λ ' (?) (Reider, 235). 1 7 4
1 7 5
The normal equation in Aquila is » י ח דά μ α and » י ח ד וό μ ο ΰ (Reider, 172).
For כ לthe Psalms Translator employs π α ς in 299 instances, ο λ ο ς in 38, σ υ μ π ά ς in 3, ό σ ο ς in 1, κ α θ ' έ κ ά σ τ η ν in 5, and Zero in 5.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
κρΐμα 2
! ו
κρίσις 1
απόκρυφη 1
α' σ'
άποκρυβή 1 λάθρα 1
πτωχός 2
πραΰς 1
59b. 60a. 60b.
61b. 62a.
) עני8önf)
63b. 64a.
πτωχεία 2 πενία 1
ג מ מ יQäni)
62b. 63a.
χώμα 7
χους 1 όστοΰν 2
κράτος 1
καιρός 3
άωροι 1
στόμα 6
1 8 0
περιστόμιον 2
φωνή 6
έν όργή θυμοΰ κυρίου 1 ρίζα 3
α σ', γ '
1 7 6
O G renders ס ת רtwice, both limes13:10) ב ס ת ר ־b , 40:21b).
1 7 7
M P has κ ρ υ φ ή for ( ב מ ס ת רHb 3:14).
1 7 8
M P has κ α ι ρ ό ς for ( מ ר ע דH b 2:3).
7 9
+ !
קיל barögez qolö
66b. 67b.
a . E c c l 7:17.
180 J 4 f h
a s
ךן2 j
30:18b and '( פ י מ הsuperabundance of fat') in 15:27b. In the case of
15:27b, R either read or understood פ ה.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
ρίζωμα 1
C. Category 3 - Non-Standard Equivalents More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 69a.
αδικία 2
άδικος 1
ανομία 1 όργή 3
a' σ '
θυμός 2
71b. 1
) עולâwel)
ρήμα 2
+ + +
αδικία 1
λόγος 5
_188 ?190
+ +
+ 1/3
186 187
1 8 1
Twice Ρ renders (Denominative Verb) employing κ α τ α φ υ τ ε ύ ω in 79(80):10 and ρ ί ζ ω μ α in 51(52):7 and once he renders sores (Noun) using ρ ί ζ α in79(80):10. The equivalent in 51(52):7 suggests that R may have read wasorsaka instead of M T wasereska (so F. W. Mozley, The Psalter of the Church, ad l o c ) . See also discussion below, p. 455. 1 8 2
What is meant is that R also uses the Greek word in question for other Hebrew words. See above, pp. 132ff. 1 8 3
M P has αδικία for ( ח מ סJon 3:7, H b 2:17Ms•).
1 8 4
Only one occurrence is given by Reider, Is 66:3 (Reider, 22); the equation does not appear to be characteristic (see Reider, 22, 23,150). 1 8 5
M P has ό ρ γ ή for ( ע ב ר הZep 1:15,1:18).
1 8 6
No cases exist in M T of א ףmeaning 'nose' or 'nostril' for which we have M P
renderings. 1 8 7
1 8 9
Ibid. S e e Reider, 150,210. There is one instance where ρ ή μ α renders ( ד ב רJon 3:3).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
73a. 73b. 74. 75a.
) ע ר ל הs w i â R ) αδικία 1
άδικος 1
) ערלawwâl)
άδικος 1
αδικία 1
πονηρός 1
- ו2
κακία 1
κεφαλή 2
άρχων 1
τάγμα 1
(rê ')
πλησίον 1
77b. 78a.
φ ί λ ο ς 2»« יVib
κακία I
(ra )
παράπτωμα 2
+ 191
+ -
1 9 3
1 9 5
+ 5 Verbs.
A . Category 1 - Stereotype Equivalents A . 1. One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme
i 9 u
Reider gives one reference, (Jer 2:5)—a retroversion from Syriac (Reider, 5).
1 9 1
the Psalms Translator employs α ν ο μ ί α in 7 instances, α δ ι κ ί α in 1,
ά δ ι κ ο ς in 1, and δ ό λ ι ο ς in 1. 1 9 2
M P has ά σ έ β ι α [sic] for ( פשעM i 1:5).
1 9 3
Included here is ( פשoverflow?) » π α ρ ά π τ ω μ α (35:15b) since in all probability, R
read פשע, 1 9 4
Included here is ( ר עre"': 'roaring') » φ ί λ ο ς (36:33a) since clearly R understood
( רעalso re"') as 'friend'. 1 9 5
M T has rtim from re"' ('friend') in 17:5a, but R clearly read ra'im from ra' ('evil') since he rendered by κ α κ ί α ς . 1 9 6
The equation employed by Aquila is » רעהκ α κ ί α and » רעκ α κ ό ν (Reider, 123).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
א ב דQal
ά π ό λ λ υ μ ι (Μ-Ρ) 2
άπόλλυμι (Α)2
Hipliil 82a.
+ + +
εΐπον 9 έρώ 2
λέγω 1 לאמר
λ έ γ ω ν Ι*
λαλέω 5
ה פ ךQal
στρέφω 2
ה פ ךHithpae!
διαστρέφω 1
προστίθημι 3
כ ס הPiel
καλύπτω 3
+ 2/3
α ' σ', α ' θ', π'
+ + +
+ + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ 6 + 1 + 3/8 + 3/8
+ 2 202
+ α ' θ', α ' σ', α' σ ׳θ '
+ +
+ 1 + 1
2 0 3
συγκαλύπτω 1
ευρίσκω 3
ע דHiphil
αναγγέλλω 3
89b. 90.
απαγγέλλω 2 נתן
δίδωμι 7
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ 3
1 9 7
Only one instance of ל א מ רoccurs in M T Jb (24:15 ); see Mandelkern, ad vocem.
1 9 8
Aquila's characteristic equivalent is τ ω λ έ γ ε ι ν , see Reider, 147 and Hyvarinen,
31. 1 9 9
M P also has λ έ γ ε ι for ( נ א םNa 2:14, Zep 1:3).
2 0 0
O G gives a free rendering of ( ה פ ךHithpael) in 38:14a.
2 0 1
The equivalent attributed to a' at 37:12a is π ε ρ ι σ τ ρ έ φ ε σ θ α ι .
2 0 2
M P has κ α τ α σ τ ρ ] α φ ή σ ε { τ α ι for ( נ ה פ כ הNiphal) in Jon 3:4.
2 0 3
A n equivalent attributed to Aquita uniquely for כ ס הis ε π ι κ α λ ύ π τ ω , see Reider,
92. 20
M P has π ε [ ρ ! ε β ά λ ο ν τ ο for ( ו י ת כ ס וHithpael) in Jon 3:8.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
ס פ רQa]
— 205
έξαριθμέω 1
ס פ רPiel
κοιμάω 4
A . 2. More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By One Greek Lexeme 94a.
ένδον 1
δψομαι 1 γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω 10
94b 95a. 95b.
έπιγινώσκω 1
י צ אOal
εξέρχομαι 3
י צ אHiphil
διανοίγω 1
כ ל הQal
εκλείπω 2
כ ל הPiel
κρύπτω 3
α θ', a ' σ ' θ'
αποκρύπτω 1
ποιέω 5
κρύπτω 2
+ ו
α ׳σ ׳
-+ 2 » 2
2 0 5
2 1 3
+ 2
O G renders ( ס פ רOal) twice and employs ά ρ ι θ μ έ ω both times (14:16a, 39:2a).
* יJb 38:37 is based on a retroversion from Syriac and is to be discounted. See Reider, 58,86. 2 0 7
M P has έ κ δ ι η γ ] η θ ή [sic] ( έ ξ ε δ ι η γ ] ή θ η is to be read) for ( י ס פ רPual) in H b 1:5.
2 0 8
O G employs forms of ό ρ ά ω for ח ז ה, but not forms of δ ψ ο μ α ι .
S e e Reider, 174-175.
? M
Cf. M P H b 2:14. M P has [01]δ[εν] forydde '
2 , 1
M P has ε κ π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in M i 1:13.
in Jon 3:9.
Once for ( כ ל אNiphal) in Ez 31:15 (Reider, 74). 2 1 3
The equivalent normally used by Aquila for צ פ ןis σ υ γ κ ρ ύ π τ ω (see Reider, 27, 65, 141, 225).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
102b. 103a.
κατακρύπτω 1 קום
άνίστημι 2
έπανίστημι 1
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + +
B. Category 2 ־Regular Equivalents One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme
αίρέω 1
έξαιρέω 1
συνίημι 5
ειμί 1
γίνομαι 1
κρατέω 2
αντέχω 1
κατέχω 1
106b. 107a.
εκλέγομαι 3
κατανοέω 2
107b. 107c.
יהי למלא
εΐ πως πληρωσαι
1 θυμόω 2
108b. 109a.
συμφρύγω 1 יצק
έπιρρέω 1 έπίχυσις 1
-_ -
+ + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ 1
+ +
5 ·5
+ 1
2 1 4
H b 2:7; d v i a r n m is also employed for ע מ דin M i 5:3, Na 2:9 and H b 2:1. M P has &vce]a־rr|aav for ( י ק ו מ םPolel) in M i 2:8. 2 1 5
Jon 4:2, M i S:\bis, 5:4, H b 2:7. The equivalent ־0UK ecmv for א י ןoccurs twice ( M i
4:4 and H b 2:19?) and eijii is employed once for a Verbless Clause in M T (Zee 2:2). 2 1 6
See analysis, p. 450.
2 1 7
M P has aG־u^eco for ח ר הin Jon 4:1.
2 1 8
Aquila employs £7upp־u־cf|c; for m&seqet in Zee 4:2. According to Reider (93) the equivalent is peculiar to Aquila.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
109c. 110a.
££o\)5ev6co 1
110b. 111a.
araoOeco 3
ayco 1
Ka0o5^ye0) 1
65ץף£0 נ1
ס ו רHiphil
itapaxpexco 1
2 1 9
Kata0K^v6to 3 yeiTcov 1
2 2 7
-+ +
+ 2»
+ 230
a ׳0׳ ?223
־ ־
I n Jb 37:18b Aquila has a t i y x w i c , (only attested rendering o f מ ו צ ק, cf. Reider,
225). 2 2 0
The Psalms Translator does employ EKXECO for י צ קin 44(45):3.
2 2 1
M P has ditcoeSco for ( נ ר עNiphal) in Jon 2:5.
2 2 2
M P has dyco ( M - P ) for ( נ ה גNiphal) in Na 2:8.
2 2 3
Aquila's characteristic equivalent is &
Qal of ס ו ר, see also 21,74). 2 2 4
See analysis, p. 469.
2 2 5
M P has dtpatpeco for ( ס ו רHiphil) in Zee 3:4.
2 2 6
In 6 instances the Psalms Translator employs
dtpiarnpi for
Since R may have read ש כ נ י ה םin 26:5b as siknihem (Adjective, rather than soknehem (Qal Active Participle, as in M T , comparison between R and O G , A q , P, and M P here will include saken (Adjective). 2 2 7
2 2 8
There are no cases of saken in M T Job although 11 instances occur o f the verb. O G employs yeltcov once (19:15a), where he uses it to render a Qal Active Participle of ג ו ר. 2 2 9
Only for saken (Reider, 46), not for the verb.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
114b. 115a.
φυλάσσω 2
ούχ άπτομαι 1
άνταποδίδωμι 2 άποτίνω 1
a ' θ', a' σ '
C. Category 3 - Non-Standard Equivalents More Than One Hebrew Lexeme Rendered By More Than One Greek Lexeme 116a.
116b. 116c.
δέω 1
πεδάω 1
περιδέω 1
ב ו אQal Impv
δεύτε 1
ב ו אQal
Κρχομαι 1
ב ו אHiphil
επάγω 1
+ +
α σ', γ '
ה ל ךQal
απέρχομαι 1 προάγω 1
233 +
2 3 0
T h e Psalms Translator renders שבןby κ α τ α π α ύ ω once (v.l.), κ α τ α σ κ η ν ό ω in 17 or 18 instances, by κ α τ ο ι κ έ ω 3 or 4 times, and by π α ρ ο ι κ έ ω 3 or 4 times (cf. v.l. in MS 2110 at Ps 64(65):5). H e further employs γ ε ί τ ω ν for the adjective Saken in 6 instances. Thus he keeps Adjective and Verb distinct. 2 3 1
No cases o f ב ו אQal Imperative are rendered by O G .
2 3 2
See Reider, 52.
2 3 3
Seen. 234.
2 3 4
Eight M P renderings of ב ו אare extant (none for ב ו אQal Imperative or Hiphil, so comparison with ב ו אQal » δ ε ύ τ ε or ב ו אHiphil » ε π ά γ ω in R is impossible; cf. Na 3:14 in D J D V I I I , 49): in five M P employs έ ρ χ ο μ α ι , ( H b 2:3 = L X X ; but M i 4:8, 5:4, 5:5, Zee 8:20 all differ from L X X ) , in one ή κ ω ( H b 1:9, 2:3 = L X X ) and in one δ ύ ω ( M i 3:6 = L X X ) . M P also uses έ ρ χ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךin Zee 8:21. 2 3 5
Among equivalents the Psalms Translator employs for ב ו א, ά γ ω is used twice and ε ι σ ά γ ω twice, but never ε π ά γ ω . 2 3 6
See n. 234.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
σώζω 1
-+ -+ -+
λαμβάνω 4
ה ל ךHithpael
διαπορεύομαι 1
έξακριβάζω 1
εξερευνάω 1
119c. 120a.
ετάζω 1 חרש
120b. 121a.
σιωπάω 1 מלם
διασφζω 1 ρύομαι 1
121c. 122a.
κωφεύω 3
?239 -+
_241 -+
-+ Ί α' σ', α' σ ' θ׳, π ׳
+ +
ן. 2*4
+ 1
+ 1/2
2 4 2
αναλαμβάνω 1
συμβαστάζω 1
υποφέρω 1
123b. 124a.
2 3 7
εγκαταλείπω 2 άφίημι 1
αποκρίνομαι 8
Among equivalents the Psalms Translator employs for ה ל ך, α π ά γ ω is used once
and δ ι ά γ ω once, but never π ρ ο ά γ ω . 2 3 8
M P has π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךseven times ( M i A:5bis, l i b 1:6, Zep 1:17, Zee 3:7,
8:21te) and έ ρ χ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךonce (Zee 8:21). 2 3 9
Only 1 Kgs(Sm) 20:12 is listed and according to Reider, the ascription to a' (cf. Field, 1:522) is mistaken and ascription to σ ' is probable (see Reider, 86). 2 4 0
Aquila employs π α ρ α σ ι ω π ά ω in Jgs 16:2. See Reider, 184.
241 For ח ר שthe Psalms Translator employs π α ρ α σ ι ω π ά ω in 5 instances, and σ ι γ ά ω in 3. For the adjective hires he employs κ ω φ ό ς twice. 2 4 2
See Reider, 145.
2 4 3
H b 2:6; elsewhere M P has ά ν τ α ί ρ ω for ( נ ש אM i 4:3).
244 Only one of eight references supplied in Reider are attributed uniquely to Aquila (see Reider, 64). Another equivalent—having much the same sort o f support—is κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω (Reider, 129).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
ανταποκρίνομαι 2
εισακούω 1
εργάζομαι 3
α ' σ', a' σ ' θ׳
έ'ργον 1
+ 245
α' θ׳
+ 247
125b. 125c. 126a.
126b. 126c. 126e, 127a. 127c.
2 4 5
ו ו
α' θ ' ו
όράω 3
τίθημι 4
τάσσω 2
έμβλέπω1 שים
127b. 128a.
ποιέω 1 ειδον 3 ΰψομαι 3 βλέπω 1
δέω 1 0
ש ו בaαiν α κ ά μ π τ ω 1
2 4 9
α' θ" *
ו ו
+ 250
-ו ו
ו _252
- ו4
The form in 36:3b could derive frompo'al (Noun) for which O G uses φ γ ο ν .
2 4 6
Only Jb 7:2b α ' θ' and 36:22a (see Reider, 96), but the latter is falsely listed since it belongs to the asterisked materials in the Greek Job which are clearly attributed to θ' only (see A p p I I , 36:5b-9). 2 4 7
The form in 37:i2b could derive from po'al (Noun) for which the Psalms Translator uses έ ρ γ ο ν .
2 4 8
M P has έ ρ γ ο ν for po'al in H b 1:5.
2 4 9
Only one instance, see Reider, 197.
2 5 0
M P has δείκνυμι for ( ר א הHiphil) in Zee 3:1.
2 5 1
2 5 2
O n l y S K g s O Kgs) 6:18. Among equivalents the Psalms Translator employs for ר א ה, ε π ι β λ έ π ω is used
once and π ρ ο β λ έ π ω once, but never έ μ β λ έ π ω . 2
» M i 1:6, 1:7, 4:7, Na 3:6. In Zee 2:8(4) M P has τ1[θήσεις Ιερουσαλήμ ?? where M T has ( ת ש ב י ר ו ש ל םsee D J D V I I I , 71,). Τον notes, "τι[θήσεις] may reflect ת ש י ם for M T ת ש ב, and it would furthermore explain the accusative of [ ά τ ε ι χ ί σ ] τ α ς mentioned above" ( D J D V I I I , 96). M P also has έπιτίθημι for ש י םin Zee 3:5.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
επιστρέφω 1
-_258 -+
* שלח
εκτείνω 2 έξαποστέλλω 2
-+ -
ακούω 8
ו ב0 Hiphil
αποκρίνομαι 1
προσνοέω 3
δψομαι 1
130c. 131a.
περφλέπω 1 2 5
131b. 132a.
άκοή I
εισακούω 1
+ 263
2 5 1
+ + + + +
+ ΙΟ + !25?
-+ 2 -
2 5 4
See Reider, 17.
2 5 5
M P also has ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω for ( פ נ הNa 2:9).
2 s 6
The idiom '( ה ש י ב ד ב רanswer') or ה ש י בas an abbreviated form of the same (cf.
B D B , H A L , s.v. )?טובdoes not occur in M T Psalms (see Even-Shoshan, s.v. ) ש ו ב. 2 5 7
M P also has τ ί θ η μ ι for ( ש ו בHiphil) in Zee 2:12.
2 5 8
See Reider, 189.
2 5 9
In M T , 28:9a is Qal and 30:11b, 30:12b, and 39:3b are Piel. The equivalents in R do not appear to be correlated to distinguish Qat versus Piel Stem of ש ל חsince έ κ τ ε ί ν ω is employed for 28:9a and 30:12b and έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω for 3 0 : l i b and 39:3b. ׳
M P has α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω for ( ש ל חZee 2:12).
2 6 1
R may well have read his parent text as a Noun in 37:2a, i.e. perhaps hmo'a or even sema'. 2 6 2
For tema< in 42:5a.
2 6 3
For sema in Hos 7:12 (see Reider, 9).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Evaluation. Introduction. A general overview of relationships between R and M P , R and P, and R and A q may be obtained by presenting a simple statistical tally of agree ments and disagreements of lexical equivalences. Certain methodological questions arise concerning such a tally: (1) Certain equivalences are of greater significance than others. For example, the fact that all employ π α τ ή ρ for 3X may be of no relevance whatsoever in determining relationship. After all, what other possible equivalent readily comes to mind for 3X? Admittedly other options do exist in Greek, but π α τ ή ρ for 3N is standard in all L X X Translators ( π α τ ή ρ is used in 1048 instances out of a total of 1224 occurrences of 3K in M T » ) . (2) The Hebrew Psalms and Job share much more common vocabulary than either Psalms or Job share with the Minor Prophets. * Therefore, one would not expect as many agreements between R and M P as between R and P. (3) The Greek Minor Prophets Scroll has many lacunae, further reducing the possibility of common equivalencies between R and M P versus R and Ρ or R and A q . If, however, a percentage is taken o f agreements against disagreements in each situation, the above problems may be overcome for purposes of a general survey. A display of the percentages below shows that R has more agreements and fewer disagreements with MP, P, and A q than with O G . This is expected and con firms the reliability of the approach for general purposes. Also, R is closer to both M P and Ρ than to A q . This too, fits the broad outline of relationships proposed both by Barthélémy and Munnich. The fact, however, that R seems as close to Ρ as to M P and as distant from M P as Ρ (more so in Nouns, than in Verbs) calls for closer exami nation, especially in the light of Munnich's proposals. 2 Statistical
Key + 0 ?
as in Chart as in Chart No Equivalent Attested (as in Chart) as in Chart
2 6 4
Dos Santos, I . The count for M T is based on Even-Shoshan, but cf. V O T , 33, 477.
2 6 5
This can be easily verified from V O T .
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
Not Uniquely Attested (as in Chart)
Relationship R and O G Nouns Verbs
66 44
40 59
Nouns Verbs Total
63 52 115
Verbs Total
72 156
21 34
25 67
0 4 10 14
2 2 4
4 3 7
6 12
1 2
13 29 42
57 59 116
% Agree
% Disagree
62.3 42.7 52.6
37.7 57.3 47.4
64.9 55.9 60.5
35.1 44.1 39.5
80.0 67.9
R and Aquila 41 75
9 15 24
R and Psalms
32.1 26.1
76.4 46.3 61.5
23.6 53.7 38.5
R and M P
The relationship between R and M P , R and P, and R and A q will be exam ined each in turn by analyzing closely the data from the Chart. Each section will be divided into two: (1) Data, and (2) Interpretation and Commentary. The data section will consist of a short table summarizing the details of the agreements and disagree ments of the pair in question in relation to the other congeners. Three sigla are em ployed in these tables: ( 1 ) N = Noun, (2) V = Verb, and (3) T = Total. Footnotes correlate statistics with evidence from the Chart. Then, in the commentary section, note that a number in parentheses immediately following an equivalence is a re minder of the frequency, i.e. the number of occurrences of that equivalence in R. 3.1. Rand
3.1.1. Data. Agreements.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
V Ν Τ 24.266 62. 38. ]268 4. 3. * 0. 0. 0. ן269 0. 1. 25. 67. 42.
Disagreements. V
Τ 14. 4.272 3.273 7. 1.274 4. 17. 5. י׳12. 29. 42. 13. 3.270
TOTAL 3.1.2. Interpretation
2 6 6
2 7 1
101 (no evidence for A q ) , 129 (no evidence for P).
4 9
82* ׳d. 2
*> 63a.
2 7 0
56b, 59b, 70b.
2 7 1
95a, 103b, 103c, 118a, 122b, 122d, 124c, 126d, 131b, 132b, 132c.
2 7 2
22b, 76b, 77b, 78a.
2 7 3
108b, 112a, 131a.
2 7 4
2 7
יb , 105b, 126b.
« 56c, 66b, 75a, 75b, 76c. 87
b , 105c, 108a. 112b, 112c, 115b, 118b, 122c, 124b, 126e, 127b, 127c.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
441 There is only one significant agreement, i.e. an equivalence where R and M P agree against both Ρ and A q : » ע פ רχ ώ μ α . Outside of R and M P , this equivalence is only found in Ex 8:16(12), 8:17(13)6«, and H b 1:10. Thus, the Exodus Translator may well be the inspiration for R. Furthermore, since M P is clearly a revisor of I X X Minor Prophets, and since χ ώ μ α is already in the text o f L X X H b 1:10, M P has simply left his text unrevised at this point. Failing to revise a particular rendering may be deliberate on the part of M P so that χ ώ μ α represents his choice for ע פ ר. Nonetheless, the equivalence is not original to M P and therefore, the agreement between R and M P is of uncertain value, i.e. difficult to use in establishing a connection between I he two. Formally, there are 13 cases of disagreement in the category of Nouns. Five involve instances where R deviates from his Stereotype or Regular Equivalent for contextual or stylistic reasons. 1. R renders ע ר דby έ τ ι twice and by zero once as a stylistic variation whereas M P renderings o f ע ו דhave έ τ ι in all three instances (Jon 4:2, M i 4:3, H b 2:3). Whether M P would have employed zero for ע ו דin a context where he had to render two or three instances of ע ו דin contiguous lines is impossible to say. 2. and 3. Renderings for p . R renders כ ןby υ ι ό ς 8 eight times when humans are in view, by τ έ κ ν ο ν twice when animals are in view, and by κ ό μ η once for a comet's tail. M P renders ן3 by υ ί ό ς twice, both times for humans (Zep 1:1, Zee 1:1). Thus, unlike R, M P does not employ either τ έ κ ν ο ν or κ ό μ η for ב ן, but then no context where M P is extant requires anything different from υ ί ό ς . 4. For פ ה, R uses π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν twice where σ τ ό μ α would convey nonsense. In both cases of פ הwhere M P renderings survive, the context indicates a literal mouth ( M i 4:4, Na 3:12). So the fact that M P renders פ הby σ τ ό μ α is expected. 5. R employs τ ά γ μ α for ר א שonce for a band or group o f soldiers (jl:17b), but none of the five instances of ר א שfor which M P is extant have this sense (Jon 2:6, Na 3:10, H b 3:13, 3:14, Zee 3:5). These five cases of disagreement, then, have little value in establishing relationship between R and M P . Four are instances where the equivalence in R involves an alternative to his Regular Equivalent, or is a Non-Standard Equivalence, and there is only one occurrence o f the Hebrew word for which an M P rendering is extant and in that instance M P uses an equivalent identical to one o f the Regular or Non-Standard Equivalents in R, but not the alternative in question. These disagreements, too, are not significant for the present purpose. 1. R has » מ ש פ טκ ρ ΐ μ α twice and » מ פ ש טκ ρ ί σ ι ς once whereas there is only one M P rendering of מ ש פ טand the equivalent is κρΤμα ( H b 1:7). 2. R has » א ףα ρ γ ή three times and » א ףθ υ μ ό ς twice while there is only one M P rendering of א ףand the equivalent is ό ρ γ ή (Jon 3:9).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3. R has ( ר עre"') » φ ί λ ο ς twice and » ר עπ λ η σ ί ο ν once but there is only one M P rendering o f ר עand the equivalent is π λ η σ ί ο ν ( H b 2:15). 4. R has ^Vb » π τ ω χ ό ς twice and ~>2Vb » π ρ α ΰ ς once whereas only one M P rendering o f ~>2Vb is extant and the equivalent is π τ ω χ ό ς ( H b 3:14). Thus only four disagreements can suffice as evidence for independence from M P . 1. R has !£? » ראά ρ χ ω ν once (29:25a). He also employs for ר א שκ ε φ α λ ή twice, and τ ά γ μ α once. A l l five instances where M P renderings o f ר א שare extant have κ ε φ α λ ή . Yet H b 3:13 and 14 are instances where M P might well have employed ά ρ χ ω ν for ר א ש, but followed L X X in using κ ε φ α λ ή . 2. and 3. Renderings o f פ ש ע. R has » פ ש עπ α ρ ά π τ ω μ α twice and » פ ש עα δ ι κ ί α once, but the only occurrence o f פ ש עfor which an M P rendering is extant offers the equivalent α σ έ β ε ι α which is also the equivalent in L X X ( M i 1:5). I f MP's choice is deliberate, he differs from R in his rendering o f פ ש ע. I f his choice is not deliberate, the equivalents in R and M P may simply show neither was highly systematized in choosing equivalents for Hebrew words for 'sin'. 4. R has ( ר עra') » κ α κ ί α once and » ר עπ ο ν η ρ ό ς once whereas both M P ren־ derings extant for ר עare π ο ν η ρ ό ς (Jon 3:8, 3:10). M P has left L X X unrevised in both places. M P also has κ α κ ί α for ר ע הin Jon 3:10, as does L X X . L X X Translators generally use π ο ν η ρ ό ς for ר עand κ α κ ί α for . רעהFailing to revise does not seem deliberate in M P , and given the fact that the equivalence » ר עκ α κ ί α is quite rare in L X X Translators, the difference is noteworthy. 278
3.1,2.3. I n the category of Verbs, 29 cases o f disagreement are listed. There is less stereotyping for Verbs than for Nouns in both R and M P . Nine are instances where the equivalence in R involves an alternative to his Regular Equivalent (for contextual reasons or as a matter o f stylistic variation), or is a Non-Standard Equivalence, and there is only one occurrence o f the Hebrew word for which an M P rendering is extant and in that instance M P uses an equivalent identical to one o f the Regular or Non-Standard Equivalents in R, but not the alternative in question. The data are insufficient, then, for determining whether M P would have shown similar variation in his rendering of any o f these verbs in Hebrew. 1. and 2. Renderings of D i p . R has » ק ו םά ν ί σ τ η μ ι twice, » ק ו םέ π α ν ί σ τ η μ ι once, and » ק ו םϊ σ τ η μ ι once while there is only one M P rendering o f ק ו םextant and his equivalent is ά ν ί σ τ η μ ι ( H b 2:7). 3. and 4. Renderings o f ע נ ה. R employs » ע נ הα π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι eight times, » ע נ ה α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι twice, and » ע נ הε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω once, whereas there is only one M P rendering extant for ע נ הand the equivalent employed is α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι ( H b 2:2). For complete details on L X X renderings of ר עand ר ע ה, see p . 450f.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
5. and 6. Renderings of ש מ ע. R employs » ש מ עα κ ο ύ ω eight times, » ש מ עά κ ό η once (possibly reading a Noun derivative of ש מ עinstead of a V e r b ) and » ש מ עε ί σ α κ ο ύ ω once. Only two M P renderings of ש מ עare extant, both α κ ο ύ ω ( M i 1:2, Zee 8:23). 7. and 8. Renderings of ב ח ר. R employs » ב ח רε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι three times, » ב ח ר α ί ρ έ ω once, and » ב ח רέ ξ α φ έ ω once. Only one M P rendering, however, is extant for ב ח רand the equivalent is ε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι (Zee 2:12(16); L X X has α ί ρ ε τ ί ζ ω ) . 9. R renders ש מ רby φ υ λ ά σ σ ω twice and by ο ύ κ ά π τ ω once whereas only two M P renderings of ש מ רare extant and both are φ υ λ ά σ σ ω (Zee 3:7bi$). Thirteen are instances where M P has left L X X unrevised and an equivalence results which is different from R. I . and 2. Renderings of י ד ע. R has » י ד עγ ι ν ώ σ κ ω ten times and » י ד עέ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω once whereas only one M P rendering of י ד עis extant, namely οΤδα in Jon 3:9. The equivalent in L X X is the same. 3. - 5. Renderings of נ ש א. R renders נ ש אby λ α μ β ά ν ω in four instances, and also by ά ν ο Λ α μ β ά ν ω , σ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω , and υ π ο φ έ ρ ω in one instance each. There are just two M P renderings of נ ש אand the equivalent at H b 2:6 is λ α μ β ά ν ω but at M i 4:3 is ά ν τ α ί ρ ω . In both places M P equals L X X . The former equivalent is also found in R and is common in L X X Translators. The latter is not. Hatch-Redpath lists only one other occurrence of ά ν τ α ί ρ ω in any version of the Greek O l d Testament—a v.l. in 2 Kgs(Sm) 18:28. Whether this passage belongs to the κ α ί γ ε group or not is difficult to say without a critical edition of Samuel-Kings. What can be said here is that had M P felt it necessary to revise L X X , none of the four equivalents employed by R for נ ש א would have brought L X X M i 4:3 closer to the Hebrew or better suited in context. 6. and 7. Renderings of ש ל ח. R has » ש ל חε κ τ ε ί ν ω twice and » ש ל חέ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω twice, but there is only one M P rendering of ש ל חextant and the equivalent is α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω — w h i c h is also the equivalent in L X X (Zee 2:8(12)). 279
8. - 10. Renderings of ס ו ר. For ס ו רHiphil R employs έ κ κ λ ί ν ω , μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι , and π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω in one instance each, while M P uses ά φ α ι ρ έ ω in the only rendering of ס ו רHiphil extant, i.e. he leaves L X X unrevised (Zee 3:4). None of the equivalents in R are as contextually suitable as the one already used by L X X X I I Prophets and M P . I I . Renderings of כ ס ה. For ב ס הPiel, R employs κ α λ ύ π τ ω three times and also σ υ γ κ ο Λ ύ π τ ω once. There are just two M P renderings of ב ס ה: for ס ס הPiel at H b 2:17 the equivalent is κ α λ ύ π τ ω but for כ ס הHithpael at Jon 3:8 the equivalent is a Medio-Passive form of π ε ρ ψ ά λ λ ω . In both places M P equals L X X . Thus, M P does
2 7 9
L X X Translators employ λ α μ β ά ν ω for נ ש אQal in M T in 148 instances (Dos Santos, 137).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
not use σ υ γ κ ο Λ ύ π τ ω for כ ס הPiel in the extant materials. This does not reveal anything of value for relationship between R and M P . 12. and 13. Renderings of • ש י. R renders ש י םby τ ί θ η μ ι in four instances, and by τ ά σ σ ω once and δ έ ω once. Five or six M P renderings of ט י סare extant and in four or five he uses τ ί θ η μ ι ( M i 1:6,1:7, 4:7, Na 3:6 all = L X X ; Zee 2:4(8)? Φ L X X ) while in one the equivalent is έ π ι τ ί θ η μ ι (Zee 3:5 = L X X ) . Here the έ π ι - compound form is expected since 7& על... י םis being rendered. Thus no M P renderings of ש י םare extant where he employs δ έ ω or τ ά σ σ ω . This means only that no contexts called for revising L X X with the equivalents alternative to τ ί θ η μ ι used by R. Seven instances remain; six of them are differences of greater significance. 1. and 2. Renderings of ה ל ךQal. R renders ה ל ךQal by α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι once and by π ρ ο ά γ ω once. He also renders ( ה ל ךHithpael) by δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι once. Alternatively, eight M P renderings of ( ה ל ךQal) are extant and he has π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι seven times ( M i 4:5te. H b 1:6, Zep 1:17, Zee 3:7, 8:21to) and έ ρ χ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךonce (Zee 8:21). In all instances except one, M P leaves L X X unrevised. This one case may be significant since there is a tendency in M P to revise compound forms to simplex. Thus neither α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι nor π ρ ο ά γ ω are found in M P for ה ל ך. 280
Barthélémy claims that M P tends towards using simplex verbs for forms from the Qal Stem versus compound verbs from the same root for forms from Polel or Hithpael Stems. H e cites M i 5:4, 5:5, Zee 1:4 for the former and Jon 2:4, Na 2:8, 3:5 for the latter. A l l relevant evidence for R is as follows: ג ב רQal » κ α τ ι σ χ υ ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι (1) versus ג ב רHithpael » ι σ χ ύ ω (1); ד ב קQal » κ ο λ λ ά ω (1) versus ד ב קPuai » π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ ά ω (1); ה פ ךQal » σ τ ρ έ φ ω (2) versus ה פ ךHithpael » δ ι α σ τ ρ έ φ ω (1), ( ק מ טQal) » έ π ι λ α μ β ά ν ω ( 1 ) and ( ק מ טPuai) » σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω ( 1 ) . There are also improperly matched or unmatched pairs such as כ ר ןPolel » δ ι α τ ά σ σ ω (1) versus כ ר ן Niphal » ε ύ θ ύ τ η ς (1) and ( מ ו גPolel) » α π ο ρ ρ ί π τ ω (1). Thus equivalents for ד ב ק and ה פ ךmight show such a tendency in R but renderings of both ג ב רand ק מ טmitigate the results. It is therefore risky to associate ה ל ךHithpael » δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in R and » ה ל ךπ ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in M P as such a pair. Otherwise the equivalents in R and M P for ה ל ךare disparate. 282
3. - 5. Renderings of ר א ה. For ד א הR employed principal parts of ό ρ ά ω i n nine instances ( ε ι δ ο ν in three, ό ρ ά ω in three, and ό ψ ό μ α ι in three), β λ έ π ω in one
2 8 0
Z e e 8:21 involves a reconstruction: L X X has ouveA-euaovxai but M P has only iXexyjoovxai. There is no space for a compound form (see D J D V I I I , 75, 97). 2 8 1
D J D V I I I , 127.
2 8 2
Barthélémy, 185.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
and έ μ β λ έ π ω in one. Only four M P renderings of ר א הare relevant
and the equiv-
alents are all principal parts of ό ρ ά ω ( ε ΐ δ ο ν in Jon 3:10, H b 2:1, 3:10 and ό ψ ό μ α ι in Zee 9:5). In all four instances M P does not differ in lexical equivalence from L X X . It is significant, then, that M P does not use β λ έ π ω or έ μ β λ έ π ω . The fact, however, that R employed ό ρ ά ω for ר א הbut M P did not constitutes a disagreement at the formal level which is irrelevant for relationship between the t w o .
6. and 7. Renderings of ח ר ה. R renders ח ר הby θ υ μ ό ω twice and also by σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω once. The latter occurrence is due to special contextual factors not found in M T M i n o r Prophets, so one is not surprised to discover M P never rendered ח ר ה by σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω . The only M P rendering extant for ח ר הis Jon 4:1 and the equivalent is ά θ υ μ έ ω . It is worth comparing L X X and M P here: MT
אל־יונה ר ע ה גדולה ויחד לו
Και έλυπήθη Ιωνας λύπην μεγάλην και συνεχύθη.
K f a i έ ] λ [ υ π ή θ η 1]ωνα λ ύ [ π η ν μ ε γ ά λ η ν ] κ α ι ή θ [ ύ μ η σ ε ν . ]
M P has changed 'be confounded / troubled' in L X X to 'be disheartened', an alteration which is probably motivated semantkally. The equation » ח ר הσ υ γ χ έ ω occurs only in Jon 4:1 while » ח ר הά θ υ μ έ ω is found elsewhere—but only in 2 Kgs(Sm) 6:8 and 1 Chr 13:11 (neither belong to the κ α ί γ ε group). Thus M P seems to have chosen a less common equivalent for ח ר הfor contextual reasons, but certainly θ υ μ ό ω or οργίζω would also have adequately rendered M T . 3.1.3. Additional
2 8 3
M P renders ר א הHiphil by 5eÎKVup.1 once (Zee 3:1). Zee 1:20(2:3) is entirely
reconstruction ( D J D V I I I , 71). R employs 0\)/0p.a1 in three instances (23:9b, 31:4a, 33:28b) and a Future Passive of ô p â w once (22:14a) for yqtl forms in Hebrew. He uses eTSov in three instances, twice for wyqtl forms (32:5a, 42:16c) and once for a qil form (28:27a). He uses ôpâco in two instances, once for a Participle (7:8a) and once for a Bound Infinitive (10:4b) in a dependent clause where the Bound Infinitive was rendered by a finite verb. On the other hand, M P employs 01j/op,a1 once for a yqtl form (Zee 9:5). H e uses eTSov in three instances, using an Aorist Indicative twice—once for a qtl form ( H b 3:10) and once for a wyqtl form (Jon 3:10)—and an Aorist Infinitive once for a Bound Infinitive (Hb 2:1). Thus, in the Hebrew for which M P renderings are extant there is no opportunity for the use of a form of ôpâco since the translation technique of M P in rendering Hebrew verb forms is similar to that of R (see D J D V I I I , 120-126). 2 8 4
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
In addition to disagreements drawn from the comparison of Nouns and Verbs of a frequency equal to or greater than three are inslances where Barthélémy claims certain characteristics of the κ α ί γ ε group based upon MP, but R differs. A pattern in M P concerning the use of compound forms of verbs for Polel or Hithpael and simplex forms of verbs for Qal has already been discussed. Two other differences may be briefly noted. (1) Barthélémy argues that M P corrects L X X δ ό ξ α (for ) ב א ו ןin M i 5:3 to ε π α ρ σ ι ς because he wanted to reserve δ ό ξ α for ב ב ר דand yet refused to adopt either ΰ β ρ ι ς or ύ π ε ρ η φ α ν ί α , normal equivalents in L X X Translators, due to their perjorative value. R renders ב א ו ןonce and uses ύβρις (37:4b). In addition, R renders ג א הby υ π ε ρ η φ α ν ε ύ ο μ α ι (22:29a). Thus R does not have the pattern claimed for M P or the κ α ί γ ε group. (2) While L X X has λ ά θ ρ α for ב מ ס ת רin H b 3:14, M P revises to κ ρ υ φ ή . His aim in doing so, according to Barthélémy, was to translate all derivatives of the root ס ת רby words all from the identical root * κ ρ υ φ . The noun מ ס ת ר, however, in H b 3:14, is the only occurrence of any form, whether nominal or verbal, derived from ס ת רfor which an equivalent is extant in MP. Therefore, evidence for Barthélemy's statement is somewhat slim. Now R does appear to employ derivatives of * κ ρ υ φ for derivatives of ס ת ר: he renders ( ס ת רQal) by κ ρ ύ π τ ω three times, ( ס ת רQal) by α π ο κ ρ ύ π τ ω once, seter by ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή once, sêter by α π ό κ ρ υ φ η once, and interestingly, bassêter by λ ά θ ρ α once. So the last mentioned rendering breaks the pattern. A complete overview of the renderings of ב ס ת רand ב מ ס ת רcan be briefly presented. Excluding Jb 31:27a, free instances of ב ס ת רoccur fifteen t i m e s rendered by λάθρ<χ twice (Dt 13:6(7), Ps 100(101):5), by λ ά θ ρ ι ο ς once (Prv 21:14), by κ ρ υ β ή twice (1 Kgs(Sm) 19:2, 2 Kgs(Sm) 12:12), by κ ρ υ φ ή twice ( D t 28:57, Jb 13:10b), by έ ν κ ρ υ φ ή three times (Is 45:19, is 48:16, Ps 138(139):15), by έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ ω once ( D t 27:15), by κ ρ υ φ α ί ω ς twice (Jer 44(37):17, Jer 47(45): 15), by δ ό λ φ once ( D t 27:24), and by zero once (Jer 45(38): 16). Bound instances of ב ס ת רoccur eight times rendered by έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ φ three times (Ps 26(27):5, Ps 30(31):21, Ps 285
2 8 5
Barthélémy, 181.
2 8 6
R also employs i)7t£pf|(pavoc, a cognate Adjective, once for ( ג ב הj41:26a).
2 8 7
Barthélémy, 195.
2 8 8
See Even-Shoshan, s.v. ס ת ר.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
80(81 ):8), by έ ν β ο η θ ε ί α once (Ps 90(91):1), by έ ν σ κ έ π η three times (1 Kgs(Sm) 25:20, Ps 60(61):5, Sg 2:14), and by zero once (Jb 40:21a). A p a r t from H b 3:14, ב מ ס ת רis rendered only once by έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ φ (Ps 9:30(10:9)) and ב מ ס ת ר י םby έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ ο ι ς five times (Ps 9:29(10:8), Ps 16(17): 12, Ps 63(64):5, Jer 23:24, L a m 3:10) and by κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ω ς once (Jer 13:17). Conversely, λ ά θ ρ α appears elsewhere in L X X Translators once for1)ב ל ט Kgs(Sm) 18:22) and once for zero (1 Kgs(Sm) 26:5), whereas ( έ ν ) κ ρ υ φ ή occurs six times: for ב ל א טJgs 4:21 (B), for ב ל טR u 3:7 (B), for ב ת ר מ הJgs 9:31 (B) and in freer renderings for ( ס ת רHiphil) Is 29:15, for ( ה ב אNiphal) G n 31:26(27) and for zero Ex 11:2. So everywhere forms based on * κ ρ υ φ are more popular than forms derived from λ ά θ ρ α . Thus R has an approach or attitude towards translation similar to MP, but is independent of M P . 3.1.4. Conclusion. Evidence for comparison between R and M P is quite slim. One agreement may be of value and renderings of some six odd Nouns and Verbs reveal differences between the two. Although data are insufficient for statements about any relationship between R and MP, two conclusions are warranted from the evidence: (1) M P is clearly a revisor of an earlier Greek Translation while R is a de novo translation, largely unaffected by the earlier Greek Translation; (2) the most that might be said about the relationship of R and M P is that both had the same sort of attitude or approach towards translation and appreciated the same type of techniques. 3.2. R and P. 3.2.1. Data, Agreements.
R=P=Aq=MP R=P=Aq
Ν V 35. 21. « 2 5 . » 29. 2
Τ 56. 54.
No evidence for A q : 101.
2 9 0
N o evidence for M P : 3a, 4, 10, 11, 14, 16, 20, 28, 30, 31, 33, 37, 41, 48, 51, 53, 54a, 55a, 55b, 58b, 60a, 64a, 65a, 67a, 68a. 2 9 1
81, 84, 87a, 88, 89a, 89b, 93, 98, 99, 100a, 100b, 102a, 104a, 104c, 105a, 106a, 110a, 111c, 113a, 113b, 114a, 114b, 116a, 121b, 121c, 123a, 125a, 125b, 125c.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
3.»2 2 . 5. l. 11.2« 14. 5: 2. 7. 14.»« S. 22. 85 . 73. 158. 294
R#P=Aq=MP R*P=Aq*MP R#P=Aq R*P*Aq=MP R#P#Aq#MP
N 0.
V 0.
300 ,302 7. 3 0 4
l. 5.
T 0.
4_303 11. 0. 1. 13. * 18. 30
292 6, 44, 49. 2 9 3
82d, 112a(?).
2 9 4
56b, 59b, 70b.
יa , 103b, 103c, 118a, 122b, 122d, 124c, 126d, 131b, 132b, 132c.
י ־b , 60c (included since M P has Kpwpfi for ב מ ס ח רat H b 3:14.), 76b, 77b, 78a.
1 0 8 b , 131a.
298 No evidence for M P : 18a, 42, 50, 52, 61a, 68b(?), 69a, 69c(?), 70d, 71a, 71b, 72(?), 73a, 73b. 299
9 1 , 9 4 a , 94b, 102b, 110b, 116b, 117a, 118c.
3 0 0
3« 95b, 105b, 126b. 302 32, 39, 54b, 57c, 60b, 61b, 70c. 3 0 3
106b, 111b, 117c, 120a.
3 0 4
63a. 5
56'*יc,66b, 75a, 75b, 76c.
Place of (he Asterisked Materials in the Text History
3.2.2. Interpretation and
Commentary, Significant agreements between R and Ρ—i.e. equivalences where R and Ρ agree against both M P and Aq—are few: there are five for Nouns and two for Verbs. Four of this group of seven are equivalences already established in Pent and consequently cannot be utilized to demonstrate any particular relationship to P: (1) » ב ס ת רλ ά θ ρ α is used by L X X Translators twice outside of R and one is in Pent ( D t 13:6(7), Ps 100(101):5); (2) 2? » ראάρχων instances of which 7 are in Pent;
is employed by L X X Translators in 104
(3) '( ר עfriend') » φ ί λ ο ς is used by L X X Trans-
lators in 33 instances of which 2 are in Pent;
(4) » ש ל חε κ τ ε ί ν ω is employed by
L X X Translators in 39 instances (34 for Qal Stem, 5 for Piel Stem) of which 9 are in Pent.
312 Discussion is necessary for the remaining three. 1. R renders ע ו רby ε τ ι in three instances and by zero in one as a stylistic variation (32:16b). Similarly Ρ renders ע ו דby ε τ ι in 13 instances, by zero in 4, and by ώ σ τ ε in l .
3 1 3
O f the four instances where Ρ does not render ע ו ר, three involve an
• 87b, 92, 105c, 108a, 112b, 112c, 115b, 118b, 122c, 124b, 126e, 127b, 127c. (92 is included since M P has έ κ δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι for ס פ רPual at H b 1:5.) 3 0 7
3 0 8
1 8b, 25, 34, 57a, 57b, 64b, 69b. 97, 104b, 109a, 109b, 109c, 111a, 116c, 119a, 119b, 119c, 120b, 121a, 123b, 128a.
3 0 9
Numbers in parentheses immediately following equivalences of the pattern Hebrew » Greek or equivalents in Greek mark frequencies in the corpus in question (usually for R ) . 3 1 0
N m 1:4, 25:15, 30:2, 31:26, 32:28, 36:1, Dt 33:5.
311 Ex 33:11, D t 16:6(7). 3 1 2
G n 3:22, 8:9, 19:10, 22:10, 48:14, Ex 3:20, 4:4Ms, D t 25:11.
3 1 3
Ρ has ε ι ς τ ο υ ς α ι ώ ν α ς τ ω ν α ι ώ ν ω ν for ע ו רin 83(84):5. This is probably based
on ( ע רor ) ל ע ר י ע רand not ע ו ד.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
identical refrain: •DTtN
rendered by ό τ ι έ ξ ο μ ο λ ο γ ή σ ο μ α ι α ύ τ ω .
3 1 4
fourth is Ps 48(49):10 where Ρ has κ α ί ζ ή σ ε τ α ι εις τ έ λ ο ς for Π־ί:־!־ ?־ΙΪ־־ΤΡ*Ι in M T . The phenomenon is context related. N o special significance, then, should be attached to the fact that both R and Ρ employ zero for TB7. 2. Twice i־7i ('evil') is rendered by R, once by π ο ν η ρ ό ς (21:30a) and once by κ α κ ί α (17:5a). The equivalence i~־l » κ α κ ί α is infrequent in L X X Translators occur c
ring elsewhere only five times (1 Kgs(Sm) 29:7, Ps 35(36):5,51(52):5, Prv 1:16 ( A S ), Eccl 7:3). So is R influenced by Ρ here? The distribution of V~\ in M T is as follows: Torah 98, F Prophets 127, L Prophets 214, Poetry (Psalms-Job-Proverbs) 149, Other 82.
A rough survey based upon Dos Santos shows that L X X Translators employ
among a number of terms mainly π ο ν η ρ ό ς (216), κ α κ ό ς (21), and π ο ν η ρ ί α (5) for V~\, but for ru־־i mainly κ α κ ό ς (197), κ α κ ί α (89), π ο ν η ρ ί α (26) and π ο ν η ρ ό ς (14). The complete particulars for Ρ are as follows. First he renders S־־l ( r o ' ) by π ο ν η ρ ί α e
once. Secondly, he renders VI (ra': Noun) by κ α κ ό ς in 12 instances, by κ α κ ί α in 2, by π ο ν η ρ ό ς in 6, by π ο ν η ρ ί α in 2 and by π ο ν η ρ ε ύ ω in 1. Finally, he renders
Adjective) by π ο ν η ρ ό ς in 10 instances and by π ο ν η ρ ί α in 1. The possibility that R extended the equivalence ־17ι » κ α κ ό ς already established in Pent * and produced 31
the equivalence i7~l » κ α κ ί α on his own based on contextual needs or perhaps cor related his needs with the common equation Π Ϊ Π » κ α κ ί α seems just as strong or stronger than the possibility that he was inspired by P. 3. Once R employs σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω for m n . Elsewhere he renders m n by θ υ μ ό ω twice.
Aside from Jb 30:30, the passage in R, Hatch-Redpath lists only four other
occurrences of σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω in any Greek version: Ps 101(102):4, Ez 24:10, 24:11, and 4 M c 3:11. The instances in Ezekiel are asterisked materials belonging to Θ .
3 1 8
forms rendered are vocalized in M T as niharu (Ps 102:4), hara (Ez 24:11), andyeharu 3 1 4
Ps 41(42):6, 41(42):12, and 42(43):5.
315 V O T , 422. While Concordances (e.g. Even-Shoshan, Lisowsky, Mandelkern) and Lexica (e.g. B D B , K B , H A L ) normally distinguish V~\b and ר ע ה, V O T lumps them together. M T has over 350 occurrences of ^ עand over 310 occurrences of ( ר ע הcf. H A L , s.v. and Even-Shoshan and Lisowsky, s.v.), so the figures provided by V O T if cut in half do give an approximate distribution for ^ ר עIn fact, an actual count from Lisowsky for the Torah yielded 59 instances of ^ עand 39 of ר ע ה. 3 1 6
Six instances out of the total of 21: Gn 24:50, 44:34, 50:15, Ex 5:19, D t 1:39, 30:15.
3 1 7
See below, p. 469.
3 1 8
See Ziegler, Ezechiel, ad 10c.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
(Ez 24:10). While according to modern scholars, these are Qal and Niphal forms of 319
R clearly connected ח ר הin j30:30b and נ ח ר וin Ps 102:4, especially since the contexts are identical: 102:4 כ מ ו ־ ק ד נ ח ר ו
101:4 κ α ι τ ά ό σ τ α μ ο υ ώ σ ε ι φ ρ ύ γ ι ο ν σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η σ α ν . 30:30b ( ) מ נ י ־ ח ר כ
Α ρ ρ I I 30:30b... σ υ ν ε φ ρ ύ γ η . . . Here clearly R has borrowed an equivalent from P. There are also 22 agreements where R and Ρ agree against A q , but no comparison with M P is possible (fourteen for Nouns and eight for Verbs). As before, precedents for six equivalences out of the total of 22 can be found in Pent: (1) » מ ס פ רαριθμός is used by L X X Translators in 96 instances of which 25 are in Pent; (2) » א ר חτρίβος is employed outside of R by L X X Translators in just 12 instances of which one is in Pent and one in L X X I s ;
(3) ע ו לQQwel) »
αδικία is used outside of R by L X X Translators in only 8 instances of which one is in Pent;
(4) ס פ רQal » έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ ε ω is employed outside of R by L X X Translators in 8
instances only of which 6 are in Pent;
(5) and (6) » ח ז הε ΐ δ ο ν / ό ρ ά ω is employed
by L X X Translators in 43 instances (17 and 26 respectively) of which 3 are in Pent (2 and 1 respectively).
So these equivalences cannot be employed to establish a
dependence erf R upon P. Since M T Psalms and Job share vocabulary uncommon or unknown in the Pentateuch, certain equivalences ipso facto have no precedents in Pent. I n fact, all sixteen agreements remaining require individual treatment. 3 1 9
See B D B , H A L , s.v. ח ר ר.
3 2 0
Remarkably, the Ezekiel contexts are also identical, referring to bones being scorched. 3 2 1
G n 49:17, Ps 8:9, 24(25):4, 26(27)111, 138(139):3, Prv 2:15, 2:19, 2:20, M i 4:2, Jl 2:7, Is 30:11, θ' D n 4:34. While dating is difficult, certainly L X X Isaiah is chronologically prior to R. 3 2 2
D t 32:4, Ps 7:4, 81 (82):2, Ez 18:8,18:24, 28:18,33:13.
3 2 3
G n 15:5, Lv 15:13, 15:28, 25:8, D t 16:9Mv, Ps ]38(139)118, Ez 44:26.
3 2 4
N m 24:4, 24:16 and Ex 24:11.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
1. » נ ד י בά ρ χ ω ν (3). The distribution of נ ד י בin M T is as follows: Torah 3, F Prophets I , L Prophets 5, Poetry (Psalms-Job-Proverbs) 17, Other 4. The equation » נ ד י בά ρ χ ω ν is found nine times outside of R, eight of which are in Ρ and one is in Is 13:2. Whether the Ρ did his work prior to that of the Isaiah Translator is unknown, but he may well have been an influence on the pattern in R. 2. » ע בν ε φ έ λ η (4). The distribution of ע בin M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 5, L Prophets 8, Poetry 14, Other 3. L X X Translators employ ν ε φ έ λ η in 15 instances (4 in Ps, 6 in Is, and 0 in O G ) and ν έ φ ο ς in 8 instances (4 in O G , 1 in Ps, 1 in Prv, and 2 in Eccl). * The number of terms in Hellenistic Greek for 'cloud(s)' is not large. Earlier analysis indicated that R has the fixed equivalences » ע בν ε φ έ λ η and » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς . It is not possible, then, to show from the evidence that the choice of ν ε φ έ λ η for ע בby R was inspired by P. 3.) ע כ י3 o n t ) » π τ ώ χ ε ι α (2). R also renders עני8 by π ε ν ί α once. The distributton of ע נ יin M T is as follows: Torah 9, F Prophets 2, L Prophets 1, Poetry 17, Other 7. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 10, Job 6, and Proverbs 1. Pent employs τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ι ς in 5 instances, κ ά κ ω σ ι ς in 3, and θ λ Τ ψ ι ς in 1. Ρ, however, renders עני8 by τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ι ς in 6 instances and by π τ ω χ ε ί α in 4. The equivalents in O G and L X X Proverbs are not remotely relevant. Elsewhere "0ya is rendered by π τ ω χ ε ί α in only four instances (Is 48:10, 1 Chr 22:14, Lam 3:1 and 3:19). Seemingly, either Ρ or the Isaiah Translator may have influenced the choices made by R. Yet the facts pertaining to his equation ~*2Vb ('αηΐ) » π τ ω χ ό ς are also relevant. This equivalence already occurs in the Leviticus Translator (19:10, 23:22). Further, Ρ renders ־W b by π τ ω χ ό ς in 23 instances, by π έ ν η ς in 6 , and by τ α π ε ι ν ό ς in 2. In addition, the common confusion of ^ b and ע כ וrequires noting that Ρ renders ע נ וby π ρ α ΰ ς in 7 instances, by π έ ν η ς in 4 , and by π τ ω χ ό ς in 1. Lastly, note that M T Is has 9 occurrences of " ^ b and L X X Is employs π τ ω χ ό ς in four of them. Moving from π τ ω χ ό ς 3 2 5
3 2 7
- ,
3 2 5
The remaining five instances are: Jgs 5:4, 2 Kgs(Sm) 22:12, 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 18:44, 18:45 and Eccl 11:4.
* Pent renders ע בonce: for ב ע ב ה ע נ ןEx 19:9 gives έ ν σ τ ύ λ ω ν ε φ έ λ η ς .
3 2 7
See above, pp. 137-139.
328 p ע נ יO G employs α δ ύ ν α τ ο ς (36:15a), ο δ ύ ν η (30:16b), and does not render in 4 instances; L X X Prv gives α σ θ ε ν ή ς in 31:5b. o r
329 י 3 3 0
י ן ע כ
i s
i n
3 a
9:33(10:12) and K t in 9:19.
ע נ וis K t in 9:13 and 9:33(10:12).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
for עכי0 to π τ ω χ ε ί α for עכי8 is natural, a move made by both Ρ and the Isaiah Translator. Now R renders ~VVb by π τ ω χ ό ς twice and by π ρ α ΰ ς once.
the choice of π τ ω χ ε ί α for י1 &עis natural for him as well. L X X Is, or more probably P, may have been an influence on R in choosing π τ ω χ ε ί α for עכי3, or even π τ ω χ ό ς for ־W b , but R also uses π ε ν ί α once for עני3, an equation not made by any L X X Translator.
That the equivalence עכי8 » π τ ω χ ε ί α in R is influenced solely by Ρ is
hard to prove. 4. and 5. Renderings of א ו ן: » א ו ןα δ ι κ ί α (2) and » או־ןα ν ο μ ί α (1). In addition, R once uses ά δ ι κ ο ς for א ו ן, as also does P. The distribution of א ו ןin M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 23, Poetry 52, Other 0. The one occurrence in Pent is rendered by μ ό χ θ ο ς ( N m 23:21). 1 Kgs(Sm) 15:23 has π ό ν ο ς for א ו ן. Ρ renders א ו ןby α ν ο μ ί α in 23 instances,
by α δ ι κ ί α in 3 ,
by π ό ν ο ς in 2, and by
μ η θ έ ν in one. M T has 13 instances of א ו ןin Jb and 10 in Prv but neither O G nor L X X Prv employ α δ ι κ ί α , ά δ ι κ ο ς , or α ν ο μ ί α even once for א ו ן. M T has 23 occurrences of א ו ןin L Prophets, but only Is 59:4 and 6 have α ν ο μ ί α ; nowhere is α δ ι κ ί α or ά δ ι κ ο ς used. Thus the choices in R may well have been inspired by Ρ or possibly L X X Is for α ν ο μ ί α . 6. » א ףρ ί ς (1). For א ףR employs ό ρ γ ή in 3 instances, θ υ μ ό ς in 2, μ υ κ τ ή ρ in 1 (40:26a) and ρ ί ς in 1 (40:24b). The proximity of μ υ κ τ ή ρ and ρ ί ς in Chapter 40 suggests that either one or the other may be a stylistic variant. Furthermore, in considering patterns in L X X Translators, obviously equivalents for א ףmeaning 'anger' are not relevant; only equivalents for א ףmeaning 'nostril' or 'nose' are enumerated. Thus excluding occurrences rendered by R, L X X Translators employ μ υ κ τ ή ρ for א ף in 6 instances
3 3 1
and μ υ κ τ η ρ ί ζ ε ι ν in 1 (Ez 8:17), ρ ί ς in ό ,
3 3 6
π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν in 4 ,
Discussion earlier pointed out that π ρ α ΰ ς in 24:4b may be based on ( עכוsee
Chapter Two, p. 139 and n. 170). 3 3 2
The choice of π ε ν ί α by R may be due to stylistic variation, since π τ ω χ ό ς is used ,
for ^ b in 36:6b and π ε ν ί α for ־W a in 36:8b. 3 3 3
For ά ν ο μ ί α ν , in 13(14):4 Β has ά δ ι κ ί α ν , and in 63(64):3 S' L " B 55 1208 have ά δ ι κ ί α ν (see Rahlfs, Psalmi). 3 3 4
For ά δ ι κ ί α ν in 7:15, B ' 1219 (uid.) have ά ν ο μ ί α ν and in 27(28):3, S' U " R L P (om. τ η ν ) nihil nisi τ η ν A have τ ή ν ά ν ο μ ί α ν (see Rahlfs, Psalmi).
3 3 5
N m 11:20, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 19:28, Prv 30:33, Sg 7:5, Ez 16:12 and 23:25.
a u
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
έ ν ώ τ ι ο ν in 1? (Is 3:21). Only one case of ' = א ףnose' is rendered by Ρ and he eraploys ρ ί ς . The same equivalence is also used once by L X X Is and twice by O G . Probably, then, μ υ κ τ ή ρ in 40:26a is the stylistic variant while the equation » א ףρ ί ς cannot function as proof of any particular relationship between Ρ and R. 7. and 8. Renderings of מ ל ה: » מ ל הλ ό γ ο ς (5) and » מ ל חρ ή μ α (2). The distribution of מ ל הin M T is as follows: Torah 0, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 0, Poetry 37, Other 2 4 . The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 2, Job 34, and Proverbs 1. The four renderings outside of Job and Daniel are as follows: λ ό γ ο ς (2 Kgs(Sm) 23:2, Ps 18(19):5, Prv 23:9) and ρ ή μ α (Ps 138(139):4). O G renders מ ל הby ρ ή μ α in 17 instances, by λ ό γ ο ς in 4, by alternative equivalents in 5 instances, and by free renderings or zero in 8 instances. L X X Dn renders מ ל הby λ ό γ ο ς in 9 instances, by ρ ή μ α in 2, by π ρ ά γ μ α in 2, by π ρ ό σ τ α γ μ α in 2, by π ρ ο σ τ α γ ή in 1, and by free renderings or zero in 8 instances. By comparison, θ ' D n renders by λ ό γ ο ς in 9 instances, by ρ ή μ α in 11, and by other renderings or zero in 4 instances. Thus both Ρ and OG—certainly prior in time to R—use both λ ό γ ο ς and ρ ή μ α for מ ל ה. The evidence in Ρ is so scanty compared with O G it would be unreasonable to affirm that the data demonstrate that Ρ was a sort of glossary for R in equivalents for מ ל ה. 3 3 8
9. and 10. Renderings of ע ו ל ה. The distribution of ע ו ל הin M T is as follows: Torah 0, F Prophets 2, L Prophets 8, Poetry 20, Other 2. Twice ע ו ל הoccurs in the parent text of R: once he renders by α δ ι κ ί α (36:33b) and once by ά δ ι κ ο ς (J6:30a). Also '( ע ו לawel) occurs once and he renders by α δ ι κ ί α ; ע ו לQawwal) occurs once and his equivalent is ά δ ι κ ο ς . Thus all equivalents employed by R are derived from *άδικ. Ρ, however, renders ע ו ל הin 9 instances employing α ν ο μ ί α 7 times, α δ ι κ ί α 341
3 3 6
Jb 27:3 ( O G ) , 40:25b(=26bMT) ( O G ) , Ps 113:14(115:6) (cf. Ps 134:17), Prv 11:22, Sg 7:9, Is 37:29. 3 3 7
Excluding nine instances where • א פ יis rendered by π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν (see Dos Santos,
15). 3 3 8
Certain cases which might be rendered 'face' or 'nose' are rendered by ό ρ γ ή (e.g. 17(18):9, 17(18): 16 and 9:25(10:4).
3 3 9
Other = 24 occurrences in Daniel (Aramaic).
3 4 9
2 Kgs(Sm) 23:2 belongs to the κ α ί γ ε group.
3 4 1
M T 'oleh read as
Place of the Asterisked Materials in ihe Text History
once, and δ ό λ ι ο ς once. In addition, Ρ renders '( ע ו לdwel) by α δ ι κ ί α twice and by α ν ο μ ί α once, but '( ע ו לawwal) does not occur in M T Psalms. O G renders ע ו ל הin 10 instances using ά δ ι κ ο ς in seven, α δ ι κ ί α in t w o , and zero in one (13:7a). Further, O G renders ( ע ו לYrnel) once freely (34:10c) and once by zero (34:32b) and '( ע ו לawwal) by ά δ ι κ ο ς twice (18:21a, 29:17a), by π α ρ ά ν ο μ ο ς once (27:7b), and by zero once (31:3a). So an equivalent derived from *άδικ is 3 in 12 for Ρ and 11 in 16 for O G . The data from L Prophets may also be relevant. Seven of the eight occurrences of ע ו ל הare rendered by α δ ι κ ί α (Is 59:3 and six in the Minor Prophets). The only occurrence of '( ע ו לawwal) outside of M T Job is Zep 3:5 where the equivalent is α δ ι κ ί α . There are 11 instances of '( ע ו לSwel) in M T L Prophets, one in Jer (2:5) where the equivalent is π λ η μ μ έ λ η μ α and ten in Ez. The equivalents employed by Ez are α δ ι κ ί α in 5 instances and ά δ ι κ ο ς in one (33:15), π α ρ ά π τ ω μ α in 3 instances (3:20, 18:266«•), and α ν ο μ ί α in one (33:18). Thus one cannot assert that Ρ was inspiration for the equivalence » ע ו ל הά δ ι κ ο ς in R when an equivalent based on * ά δ ι κ is common and natural, the syntactic context in Greek may require an Adjective rather than a Noun, and if further explanation is necessary, L X X Isaiah might qualify as much as Ρ for inspiration of R, and O G even more so. 343
11. » ש ר שρ ί ζ ω μ α (1). The distribution of ש ר שin M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 2, L Prophets 17, Poetry 12, Other 4. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 1, Job 9, and Proverbs 2. The normal equivalent for ש ר שin L X X Translators is ρ ί ζ α , employed some 34 times, including 3 instances rendered by R . Ρ renders ש ר ש 347
3 4 2
A t Ps 42(32): 1 Theodoret's Commentary has α δ ί κ ο υ in the commentary and δ ο λ ί ο υ in the lemma (cf. Rahlfs, Psalmi, ad 10c). The α δ ί κ ο υ is hardly represents the original text of P. 3 4 3
The 7 instances are: 5:16b, 6:29a, 6:30a, 22:23b, 24:20d, 27:4b, 36:23b.
3 4 4
The 2 instances are: 11:14c, 15:16b.
3 4 5
In Ps and Jb, 19 of 20 occurrences of ע ו ל הin M T Poetry are accounted for. In Prv
22:8, the equivalent is φ α ύ λ ο ς . 4
* יThe 5 instances are: 18:8, 18:24, 28:18, 33:13, 33:13. 3 4 7
Hatch-Redpath, s.v. ^>ίζα (only 33 listed by Dos Santos, 217). The count includes, for example, one in Pent (Dt 29:18(17)), five in L X X Isaiah (5:24, 11:1, 11:10, 37:31, 53:2), and 4 in OG (13:27c, 14:8a, 28:9b, 30:4d). L X X D n and θ ' D n overlap in 3 instances (4:12, 4:23,11:7). Thus 31 out of 36 occurrences of ש ר שin M T are accounted for by ί>ίζα.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
once, using (3ίζα (79(80): 10). Also to be noted, however, is the fact that twice Ρ renders the Verb ש ר ש, employing κ α τ α φ υ τ ε ύ ω in 79(80):10 for a form of the Hiphil Stem and ρ ί ζ ω μ α in 51(52):7 for a form of the Piel Stem. While Ρ may have read w3son3k(i in 51(52):7 instead of M T wasereska,™ another possibility is that ρ ί ζ ω μ α , as a Verbal N o u n , represents an attempt to capture the fact that the form in the parent text is a verb. This explanation has the merit of assuming Ρ had the same vocalization as M T and of accounting for the choice of ρ ί ζ ω μ α instead o f ρ ί ζ α . Now R renders ש ר שby ρ ί ζ α three times (18:16a, 19:28b, 29:19a) and by ρ ί ζ ω μ α once (36:30). A p a r t from Ρ and R, ρ ί ζ ω μ α does not occur otherwise in L X X Translators. Was ρ ί ζ ω μ α in Ρ inspiration for R in 36:30b? Possibly. Although use of ρ ί ζ ω μ α is infrequent in Classical and Hellenistic Greek, and especially when compared with ρ ί ζ α , nonetheless attestation prior to Ρ indicates the term was known widely. Thus R is not borrowing a term coined by P. Yet the context of Jb 36:30b M T is quite un־ usual, indicating that God "scatters his lightning about him and covers the roots of the sea." In addition, the fact that R employed a transliteration ( ή δ ώ ) in 36:30a is an indication he struggled with the sense of the verse. Knowledge of ρ ί ζ ω μ α in Ps 51(52):7, then, may have assisted R to convey a sense of ש ר שin 36:30b distinct from the normal. 349
1 2 . » צ פ ןκ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (1). R also renders צ פ ןby κ ρ ύ π τ ω twice. The distribution of צ פ ןin M T is as follows: Torah 2, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 3, Poetry 25, Other I . The breakdown o f Poetry is Psalms 8, Job 8, and Pro%׳erbs 9. Pent renders by σ κ ε π ά ζ ω (Ex 2:2) and κρύπτια (Ex2:3); κ ρ ύ π τ ω is also the equivalent in Jos 2:4, Jer 16:17 and Hos 13:12, but Ez 7:22 has ε π ι σ κ ο π ή . The equivalents employed by Ρ 3 5 2
3 4 8
So F. W. Mozley, The Psalierofthe
3 4 9
See Howard, Accidence, 353-355, and L . R. Palmer, The Greek Language, 252.
Church, ad loc.
3 5 0
Both Liddell-Scott, s.v. ρ ί ζ ω μ α , and Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Pilot CD-Rom # C) list occurrences in five authors prior to I I B.C. (Aristotle, Empcdocles, Pythagoras [and Pythagoristae), Theodectas, and Theophrastus). 3 5 1
See Driver and Gray, 1:316, 2:283-284, Dhorme, 555, Cordis, 408, 421-422, Pope 267, 275, Flabel, 496, 499, and Hartley, 476. Only Dhorme and Gordis suggest "he covers the roots of the sea" can make some sense. 3 5 2
Includes 26 forms from the Qal Stem. 3 from Niphal and 3 from Hiphil. One form rendered by R is Niphal (jl5:20b) and two are Oal (17:4a, j21:19a). For L X X Trans lators in general and R in particular, differences in Stem do not appear to affect the choice of equivalent.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
are κ ρ ύ π τ ω in 3 instances, κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω in 1 (55(56):7), ά γ ι ο ς in 1 (82(83):4), α π ο β λ έ π ω in 1 (9:29(10:8)), and σ κ ε π ά ζ ω in 1 (30(31):21). O G uses a wide variety of equivalents for צ פ ן: κ ρ ύ π τ ω (14:13b, 23:12b), δ ί δ ω μ ι (15:20b), ε κ λ ε ί π ω (21:19a), έ χ ω (10:13a), λ α ν θ ά ν ω (24:1), free rendering (20:26a), and zero (17:4a). So κ ρ ύ π τ ω is utilized only twice. The Proverbs Translator alternates between κ ρ ύ π τ ω (1:11, 2:1, 10:14, 7:1) and θ η σ α υ ρ ί ζ ω (1:18, 2:7, 13:22) and also employs free renderings twice (27:16/)w). Thus while κ ρ ύ π τ ω is an established equivalent, apparently Ρ is the only one prior to R to render צ פ ןby κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω . Nevertheless, one may not necessarily conclude that R was inspired by Ρ in the choice of this equivalent, since κ ρ ύ π τ ω for צ פ ןis not uncommon and κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω has essentially identical semantic value in Hellenistic Greek. Furthermore, other L X X Translators use κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω alongside κ ρ ύ π τ ω and occasionally for the same verb in Hebrew (e.g. J e r ) . 354
3 5 5
13. » מ א סέ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω (1). R also renders מ א סby ά π ω θ έ ω three times. The distribution of '( מ א סreject') in M T is as follows: Torah 5, F Prophets 13, L Prophets 33, Poetry 22, Other 4. Apart from R, the equivalent ά π ω θ έ ω is employed for מ א ס 20 times: once in Ps 77(78):67, 3 times in Jer, 6 times in E z , 5 times in L X X Minor Prophets, 3 times in Lam * and twice in 4 K g s . Lam and 4 Kgs are gener358
3 5 3
T h e 3 instances are: 26(27):5, 30(31):20, 118(119):11. Four if 16(17):14 is counted (Kt צ פ י נ ך, Qr ) צ פ ר נ ך. 3 5 4
See Liddell-Scott, s.v. κ ρ ύ π τ ω and κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω .
3 5 5
For example, both Gn and Is each have six occurrences of κ ρ ύ π τ ω ( G n 3:8, 3:10, 4:14, 18:17, 31:20, 37:26, Is 2:10, 29:14, 32:2, 42:22, 49:) and one occurrence of κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (Gn 35:4, Is 2:18). See further, Hatch-Redpath, s.v. κ ρ ύ π τ ω and κατακρύπτω. 3 5 6
For e x a m p l e , » ט מ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω (Jer 18:22) and » ט מ ןκ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (Jer 13:4, 13:5, 13:6). See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. κ ρ ύ π τ ω and κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω . These portions of Jer are almost certain to be from a single translator (see Ε . Τ ο ν , The Septuaginl Translation of Jeremiah and Bamch [Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1976]). 3 5 7
The 3 instances are: j8:20a, jl9:18a, 34:33b(=aMT).
3 5 8
The 3 instances are: 2:37, 4:30, 6:19.
3 5 9
The 6 instances are: 5:6, 20:13, 20:16, 20:24, 21:10(15), 21:13(18).
* T h e 5 instances are: Hos 4:6Ms, 9:17, A m 2:4, 5:21. L X X Minor Prophets is almost certainly by one translator (see T. Muraoka, "In Defence of the Unity o f the
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
ally classified as belonging to the κ α ί γ ε group. As for έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω (or έ ξ ο υ θ ε ν ό ω ) , apart from R the equivalent is used almost exclusively in L X X 1 Kgs and P . A n equivalent identical in value is έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν έ ω (or έ ξ ο υ θ ε ν έ ω ) , used for מ א סin 1 Kgs(l Sm) 8:7, 1 Kgs(l Sm) 10:19, and possibly Ez 21:10(15). Conversely, neither Pent, nor L X X I s , nor O G use either ά π ω θ έ ω or έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω for מ א ם. Thus the decision o f R to employ έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω for מ א סin 30:1c may possibly be inspired by P, or 1 Kgs i f that L X X Translation is chronologically prior to R. 14. » א ס רπ ε δ ά ω (1). R also uses δ έ ω once (36:13b) and π ε ρ ι δ έ ω once (12:18b) to render א ס ר. The distribution of א ס רin M T is as follows: Torah 22, F Prophets 27, L Prophets 10, Poetry 7, Other ך.*< יThe distribution of א ס י רin M T should also be noted: Torah 1, F Prophets 2, L Prophets 6, Poetry 6, Other 1. א ס רis rendered by π ε δ ά ω only in Jgs 16:21 ( B ) and Ps 145(146):7, apart from R (36:8a). Elsewhere Ρ renders א ס רin two or three instances employing δ έ ω once (149:8), 363
3 6 6
Septuagint Minor Prophets," Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute 15 (1989): 2536 and cf. C. R. Harrison, Jr., "The Unity of the Minor Prophets in the Septuagint: A Reexamination of the Question," Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 21 (1988): 55-72. 3 6 1
The 3 instances are: 3:44, 5:22bis.
3 6 2
The 2 instances are: 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 17:19, 23:27.
3 6 3
There are 13 instances: Jgs 9:38, 1 Kgs(Sm) 8:7, 1 Kgs(Sm) 15:23/>w, 1 Kgs(Sm) l5:26Ws, 1 Kgs(Sm) 16:1, 1 Kgs(Sm) 16:7, Ps 52(53):5, 57(58):8 (for ' מ א סflow'), 77(78):59, 88(89):38,105(106):24 (see Hatch-Redpath).
3 6 4
The equivalents are: ά π ε ι θ έ ω (Lv 26:15, N m 11:20), ά φ ί σ τ η μ ι ( N m 14:31), ϋ κ ε ρ ε Τ δ ο ν (Lv 26:43,44). 3 6 5
The equivalents are: ά π ε ι θ έ ω (Is 7:16, 30:12), ά π α ρ ν έ ο μ α ι (Is 31:7), Neg. + β ο ύ λ ο μ α ι (Is 8:6), Neg. + ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω (Is 41:9), Neg. + έ θ έ λ ω (Is 5:24), μ ι σ έ ω (Is 33:15,54:6), π ρ ο α ι ρ έ ω (Is 7:15), free (Is 33:8). 3 6 6
The equivalents are: ά π α ν α ι ν έ ο μ α ι (Jb 5:17b), ά π ε ι θ έ ω (Jb 10:3b), ά π ο π ο ι έ ο μ α ' (Jb 8:20b, 19:18a, 36:5a), ά φ α ι ρ έ ω (Jb 9:21b), μ α κ ρ ο θ υ μ έ ω ? (Jb 7:16a), φ α υ λ ί ζ α (Jb 31:13a, 42:6a), om. (Jb 30:1c, 34:33a). 3 6 7
Includes 50 forms from the Qal Active, 18 from the Qal Passive, and 5 from th» Niphal Stem.
Place of the Asterisked Maierials in the Text History
σ υ ν ί σ τ η μ ι once (117(118):27), and possibly π α ι δ ε ύ ω once (1()4(105):22). Similarly, א ס י רis rendered by π ε δ ά ω only in Ps 67(68):6, 68(69):33, 78(79): 11, 101(102):20, and Ι Ο β ( ^ ) : ! ( ) . * These are all the cases of א ס י רrendered by P. Since Ρ is the only L X X Translator prior to R to employ π ε δ ά ω as an equivalence for א ס ר/ א ס י ר, R may well have drawn inspiration from him for 36:8a. 3
15. » ב ר אδ ε ύ τ ε (1). R renders forms of ב ו אelsewhere twice, but 17:10a is the only instance of a Qal Imperative of ב ו אrendered by him. Eynikel and Lust have provided a thorough treatment of δ ε ΰ ρ ο and δ ε ύ τ ε in L X X Translators as well as assessing properly the contribution of A v a l o s . The κ α ί γ ε sections of Samuel-Kings have a distinct usage in that δ ε ΰ ρ ο and δ ε ύ τ ε function as an Imperative meaning 'go' whereas elsewhere the meaning 'come' is normal. In fact, δ ε ΰ ρ ο and δ ε ύ τ ε always mean 'come' and never 'go' in Classical Greek or in extra-biblical Hellenistic Greek sources. While the context of R in 17:10a is extremely limited, the meaning is probably 'come' rather than 'go' there. There are four instances where a Qal Imperative of ב ו אis rendered by δ ε ύ τ ε including 17:10a in R: Jgs 9:15, Ps 94(95):6, Jer 28(51): 10. Before Ρ is posited as inspiration for R, it must be noted that δ ε ΰ ρ ο is employed for a Qal Imperative of ב ו אalready in Gn 24:31. Pent also uses δ ε ΰ ρ ο or δ ε ύ τ ε for ה ל ך some 15 times. Proof that Ρ forms a kind of lexicon for R in the choice of this equivalence is lacking. 16. ה ל ךHithpael » δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι (1). The equivalence ה ל ךHithpael » δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι occurs in 8 instances in L X X Translators: seven are in Ρ and one is in 1 Kgs(Sm) 12:2. Here Ρ may well be the inspiration for R. For agreements, then, in Category R = P ^ A q ^ M P , one in seven is clearly inspired by Ρ and in Category R = P * A q , seven or eight out of twenty-two may be due to influence solely from P. 370
Ρ may well have read a form of י ס רhere rather than a form of א ס ר. For M T
ל א ס רhe has τ ο υ π α ι δ ε ΰ σ α ι τ ο ύ ς ά ρ χ ο ν τ α ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ώ ς ε α υ τ ό ν .
Perhaps π α ι δ ε ΰ σ α ι is an auditory error for π ε δ ή σ α ι , but any proposed
without manuscript support is of little value. 3 6 9
T h e parent text behind τ ο ύ ς π ε π ε δ η μ έ ν ο υ ς in 89(90): 12 (cf. A p p of Rahlfs, Psalmi) is uncertain, but certainly not a form of א ס רor א ס י ר. 3 7 0
Ε . Eynikel and J. Lust, "The Use of δ ε ΰ ρ ο and δ ε ΰ τ ε in the L X X , " Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 67/1 (1991): 57-68. Cf. H . Avalos, " Δ Ε Υ Ρ Ο / Δ Ε Υ Τ Ε and the Imperatives of ה ל ך. New Criteria for the 'Kaige' Recension of Reigns," in Estadios Biblicos 47 (1989): 165-176.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Formally, there are 21 cases 01' disagreement between R and Ρ in the category of Nouns. When evaluating disagreements between R and P, evidence for M P is frequently lacking. As a result data listed as R ^ P = A q may belong theoretically either to R * P = A q = M P or to R * P = A q * M P and similarly, data listed as R * ־P * A q may belong either to R * P * A q = M P or to R * P * A q = £ M P . In general, the scant evidence seems to show that when data from M P are available, independence from both Ρ and M P is greater than agreement with M P against P. Three cases of disagreement are insignificant for demonstrating any independence of R from Ρ since all involve instances where R deviates from an apparent norm for contextual or stylistic reasons. 1. » א ו ןά δ ι κ ο ς (1). R also employs α δ ι κ ί α twice and α ν ο μ ί α once for א ו ן. Earlier discussion demonstrated R may have been influenced by Ρ in the choice of α δ ι κ ί α for א ו ן. I n 22:15b, the choice of ά δ ι κ ο ς is probably contextually motivated (requirements of syntax) and the fact that Ρ does not have the equation » א ו ןά δ ι κ ο ς does not show independence from P. 2. » ב ןκ ό μ η (1). R renders ב ןby υιός in 8 instances, by τ έ κ ν ο ν in 2, and by κ ό μ η in 1 (38:32b). The use of κ ό μ η arises solely from contextual considerations and is not relevant for demonstrating relationship to P. 3. » ר א שτ ά γ μ α (1). R also uses κ ε φ α λ ή twice and ά ρ χ ω ν once for ר א ש. The fact that he employs τ ά γ μ α for ר א שonce for a band or group of soldiers is not significant for determining relationship to Ρ since none of the 33 instances of ר א שin M T Psalms have this sense. 371
372 Eighteen cases remained to be discussed individually. The order in which they are presented is determined simply by the Data Table. 1. ר ש עa (resa') » α σ έ β ε ι α (1). In addition, R renders ( ^ ש עrasa') » ά σ ε β η ς four times. The distribution of ר ש ע3 in M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 10, Poetry 14, Other 4. For ^ ר ש עthe distribution in M T is as follows: Torah 11, F Prophets 4, L Prophets 51, Poetry 186, Other 11. So the frequencies for ר ש עa are lower than for ^ ש עby far. Ρ renders by α μ α ρ τ ί α twice, by ά μ α ρ 373
τ ω λ ό ς twice, and by α ν ο μ ί α twice. For ^ ש עΡ has α μ α ρ τ ω λ ό ς in 60 instances, ά σ ε β η ς in 16, ά μ α ρ τ ά ν ω in 2, ά ν ο μ ο ς in I , and κ α τ α δ ι κ ά ζ ω in 1. Thus P, like R employs ά σ ε β η ς for ^ ר ש עbut unlike R, does not use α σ έ β ε ι α for V&la. Indeed, 3 7 1
See above, p. 140 and n. 172.
3 7 2
See B D B and Even-Shoshan, s.v. ר א ש, for instances of ר א שin the sense of a band of soldiers. 3 7 3
In Ps 44(45):8 MSS 2013' A have α δ ι κ ί α (see Rahlfs, Psalmi ad l o c ) .
Place of ihe Asterisked Materials in the Text History
elsewhere α σ έ β ε ι α for T E H a only occurs in Hos 10:13, Prv 4:17, and Eccl 8:8. Note that Pent has α σ έ β ε ι α for ( ר ש ע הDt 9:4, 9:5, 25:2) and also Prv 11:5. In summary, the equivalence Vtf~\a » α σ έ β ε ι α is likely from R himself, to match the equivalence ע2?־11 » נά σ ε β η ς , or was possibly inspired by the equivalence α σ έ β ε ι α » ע ה$ רin Pent. It is independent, however, from P. 2. » א י דα π ώ λ ε ι α (3). The distribution of א י דin M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 9, Poetry 13, Other 0. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 1, Job 6, and Proverbs 6. For the one occurrence, Ρ employs κ ά κ ω σ ι ς (17( 18): 19). I n fact, elsewhere α π ώ λ ε ι α for א י דis found only in D t 32:35, Prv 1:26, 6:15, O b 1:13, and Jer 18:17 and 26(46):21. Thus, R may have been inspired by Pent, but not by P. 3. » א ה לσ κ έ π η (1). Although data are limited, the equivalences which are apparently standard in R are » א ה לσ κ η ν ή (j 18:14a, 18:15a) and ב ן2 / » מσ κ ή ν ω μ α (21:28b, 39:6b). Semantic and stylistic considerations are behind the choice of σ κ έ π η for א ה לin 21:28b.
Ρ uses σ κ έ π η for צ לin 5 instances, for מ ס ךin 1 and for סתר־in
1, but never for א ה ל. In fact, the only other instance in any L X X Translator where σ κ έ π η renders א ה לis Ex 26:7. Here as in Jb 21:28b, semantic and stylistic considerations motivated translation by σ κ έ π η and not by σ κ η ν ή .
3 7 5
Thus R may be inspired
by Pent, but not by P. Ρ employs identical patterns for both א ה לand כן2?מ. So for א ה לhe uses σ κ ή ν ω μ α in 15 instances and σ κ η ν ή in 3. and for מ ש כ ןhe uses σ κ ή ν ω μ α in 10 instances and σ κ η ν ή in 1. The use of σ κ η ν ή for א ה לor for מ ש כ ןis already established by Pent (approximately 175 and 79 times respectively).
On the other hand,
Pent uses σ κ ή ν ω μ α only once and for ( א ה לD t 33:18). In fact, aside from D t 33:18 and Ρ , σ κ ή ν ω μ α is employed for מ ש כ ןin four instances only ( H b 1:6, Jer 9:19(18), 28(51):30 and Sg 1:8.) The choice of σ κ ή ν ω μ α as an equivalent for pcto, then, may have been made popular by P, but R, unlike P, uses σ κ η ν ή and σ κ ή ν ω μ α to differentiate א ה לfrom מ ש כ ן. 6
- .4. Renderings of י ח ד/ י ח ד ו: » י ח דο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν (1); » י ח דό μ ο ΰ (1); and
» י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν (1). Without distinguishing י ח דand י ח ד ו, the distribution in M T is as follows: Torah 17, F Prophets 15, L Prophets 58, Poetry 44, Other 7. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 27, Job 16, and Proverbs 1. Ρ renders י ח דby έ π ι τ ό α υ τ ό
3 7 4
See above, p. 139 and n. 171.
3 7 5
So J. W . Wevers, Notes on the Greek Text of Exodus, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 30 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1990), 415-416. 6
Hatch-Redpath, s.v. σ κ η ν ή .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
in 8 instances, by ά μ α in 3, and by κ α τ ά μ ό ν α ς in 2 and י ח ד וby έ π ϊ τ δ α υ τ ό in 10 instances and by ά μ α in 3, Apart from R, the equivalence » י ח דο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν is found only in O G (3:18a, 6:2b, 16:10c, 19:12a, 21:26a, 31:38b, 40:13a) and the equivalence » י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν is found only in Ex 19:8, O G 2:1 If, 9:32b, Jer 5:5, 26:(41):21, and Lam 2:8. Furthermore, no L X X Translator employs the equation » י ח דό μ ο ΰ . Thus, R may be influenced by O G or Pent, but not by P. 7. » ס ת רά π ο κ ρ υ β ή (1). The distribution of ס ה רin M T is as follows: Torah 5, F Prophets 4, L Prophets 8, Poetry 18, Other 1. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 10, Job 5, and Proverbs 3. R renders ס ת רby ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή once, by α π ό κ ρ υ φ η once, and ב ס ת רby λ ά θ ρ α once. Ρ renders ס ת רby α π ό κ ρ υ φ η in 1 instance, by β ο η θ ό ς in 1, by κ α τ α φ υ γ ή in 1, and by σ κ έ π η in 1, and ב ס ת רby έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ ω in 3 instances, by έ ν κ ρ υ φ ή in 1, by έ ν β ο ή θ ε ι α in 1, and by λάθρφ in 1. It should be noted that Hateh-Redpath lists (apart from Aquila and Symmachus) only 2 Kgs(Sm) 22:12, Ps 17(81):12 and Jb 22:14 for α π ό κ ρ υ φ η and only Jb 24:15 for ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή . Both ά π ο κ ρ υ φ ή and ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή are evidently neologisms, first used in Greek by Ρ and R respectively. Aside from the references supplied by Hatch-Redpath, the earliest known use of α π ό κ ρ υ φ η in extant literature is in Joseph and A s e n a t h and the earliest use of ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή is in O r i g e n . Ziegler's assessment is that the latter term is an allomorph of the former due to interchange of aspirate and voiced stops, Evidence for such is scant, but does exist. A t least no difference semantically is discernible between the two based upon usage in R. Probably, then, R was inspired by Ρ to use α π ό κ ρ υ φ η for ס ת רwhile ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή for ס ת רmay represent a difference in dialect or time between Ρ and R. 377
3 7 7
From Thackeray's β γ Section = κ α ί γ ε and also renders ס ת רin M T .
3 7 8
So J. Lust, E. Eynikel, and K. Hauspie, A Greek - English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Part I : A ־I (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1992), s.v. Ο . Munnich, however, does not mention α π ό κ ρ υ φ η (or ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή ) in his Étude Lexicographkjue du Psautier des Septante, a massive study devoted to neologisms in the Greek Psalter. 3 7 9
Generally dated I B.C. - I I A . D . (cf. J. H . Charlesworth, ed., The Old Pseudepigrapha [New York: Doubleday, 1985], 2:187-188).
3 8 0
So Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Pilot CD-Rom # C ) .
3 8 1
Z i , 178.
- * יSee Gignac. Phonology, 96-98.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
8. "VVa ( όηΐ)
» π ε ν ί α (1). Earlier analysis indicated that this equivalence
demonstrates independence on the part of R .
3 8 3
9.) ל ע נ יa n i ) » π ρ α ΰ ς (1). This equation is difficult to evaluate, since R may 1
well have read ע נ וor understood ל ע נ יto have the same semantic value as
Hatch-Redpath lists only seventeen instances total for π ρ α ΰ ς . Seven are in P, all for ע נ ו. But N m 12:3 has π ρ α ΰ ς for ע נ וin M T and Is 26:6 has π ρ α ΰ ς for ל ע נ י. Also one instance of π ρ α ΰ ς occurs in O G , in 36:15b, almost certainly for ל ע נ יin M T 36:6b.
Thus, dependence upon Ρ cannot be proven, and independence is possible. 10. » א ףμ υ κ τ ή ρ (1). Analysis above showed that this equivalence indicates independence from P .
11. » ע פ רχ ω μ α (7). R also renders ע פ רby χ ο υ ς once. The distribution of ע פ רin M T is as follows: Torah 23, F Prophets 13, L Prophets 25, Poetry 40, Other 9. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 13, Job 26, and Proverbs 1. Ρ renders ע פ רby χ ο υ ς in 10 instances,•
γ ή in 2, and έ δ α φ ο ς in 1. Here is a clear example where R is
independent from P. The equivalence » ע פ רχ ω μ α is found only in Ex 8:16(12), 8:17(13)to, and H b 1:10. Thus, the Exodus Translator may have been the inspiration for R. 12. » פ הπ ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν (2). R renders פ הby σ τ ό μ α in 6 instances and by περισ τ ό μ ι ο ν in 2 (15:27b, 30:18b). As for P, he employs σ τ ό μ α in 63 instances, π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν in 2, δ ί σ τ ο μ ο ς in 1, and φ α in 1. R is not borrowing π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν from P. In fact, the equation » פ הπ ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν occurs elsewhere only in Ex 28:28(32), 36:31(23)615 where π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν refers to the 'aperture' of a garment as it does i n R 30:18b. So R may well have been inspired by the Exodus Translator for this equivalent. There is at least one clear example in M T Psalms where פ הis part of a garment, but Ρ translates Ps 133:2 ש י ר ד ע ל ־ פ י מ ד ו ת י וusing τ ο κ α τ α β α ΐ ν ο ν έ π ί τ η ν φ α ν τ ο υ ε ν δ ύ μ α τ ο ς αύτοΰ. 13. and 14. Renderings of פ ש ע: » פ ש ע
αδικία (1)
and » פ ש עπ α ρ ά π τ ω μ α
(2). The distribution of פ ש עin M T is as follows: Torah 9, F Prophets 4, L Prophets 38, Poetry 36, Other 6. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 14, Job 10, and Proverbs
3 8 3
See above, p. 453.
3 8 4
See above, p. 139 and n. 170.
3 8 5
See Heater, CBQMS,
3 8 6
See above, p. 453.
3 8 7
In both Ps 17(18):43 and77(78):27, xvouc, is a varia lectio for
116-119, especially 118.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
12. Pent renders פ ש עby α δ ι κ ί α in 5 instances, by α δ ί κ η μ α in i, and by a free rendering in 1 (Ex 23:21). P, however, renders פ ש עby α ν ο μ ί α in 8 instances, by α μ α ρ τ ί α in 2, by α σ έ β ε ι α in 2, by α γ ν ο ί α in 1, by ά ν ό μ η μ α i n l and lastly by π α ρ ά ν ο μ ο ς in 1. So R may have been influenced by Pent, but not by Ρ in using α δ ι κ ί α for פ ש ע. Outside of R, the equivalence » פ ש עπ α ρ ά π τ ω μ α occurs only in Ez 14:11 and 18:22. Ρ employs π α ρ ά π τ ω μ α twice, both times for ' ( ש ב י א הe r r o r ' ) . Thus R is quite independent of Ρ for both of the terms he uses for פ ש ע. 390
15. » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι (1). R also renders מ ס פ רby α ρ ι θ μ ό ς in 3 instances. Apart from R, the equation » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι only occurs in Jl 1:6. In fact, α ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ς occurs only 6 or 7 times in L X X Translators and two are in O G (22:5b, 31:25b). So here R may have been inspired by M P or OG, but not by P. Ρ renders א י ן מ ס פ רon four occasions and employs ο ύ κ έ σ τ ι ν αριθμός in Ps 39(40):13, 103(104):25,146(147):5 and ο ύ κ ή ν αριθμός in Ps 104(105):34. 39i
16. » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς (3) and » ע נ נ הσ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α (1). The distribution of ע נ ןin M T is as follows: Torah 51, F Prophets 2, L Prophets 19, Poetry 10, Other 6. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 4, Job 6, and Proverbs 0. The only occurrence in M T of ע נ נ הis Jb 3:5b, so no comparison with Ρ is possible. Pent renders ע נ ןby ν ε φ έ λ η in 46 instances and never by ν έ φ ο ς . In fact, apart from R, only O G , P, L X X Proverbs and Eccl use ν έ φ ο ς at all. O G renders ע בby ν έ φ ο ς four times (20:6b, 30:15c, 37:16a, 3 8 : 3 4 a ) , ע נ ןby ν έ φ ο ς twice (7:9a, 38:9a), and by σ κ ό τ ο ς once (37:15b), and ע נ נ הby γ ν ό φ ο ς once (3:5b). Above the conclusion was reached that R has the fixed equivalences » ע בν ε φ έ λ η and » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς and that while OG shows variety, he never uses ν ε φ έ λ η for . ענןThe one occurrence of ν έ φ ο ς in Ρ is for3:(104)103)ב ע ) . A l l four instances of ע נ ןin M T Psalms are rendered by ν ε φ έ λ η in P . The evidence indicates, then, that R may have been alerted by O G to the fact that another good Greek term for 'cloud' existed besides ν ε φ έ λ η and he used this to distinguish two different terms in his parent text. 392
3 8 8
The 5 instances are: Gn 50:17te, Ex 34:17, Lv 16:21, and N m 14:18. 9
' ' T h e 3 instances are: Gn 31:36, Ex 22:8, Lv 16:16. 3 9 0
Ps 18(19):13 and 21(22):2. In 21(22):2 Ρ clearly read sagi'dtay for M T "sa'agati (so F. W . Mozley, The Psalter of the Church, ad l o c ) . 3
« Cf. » ל א ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ α in 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 8:5.
3 9 2
See pp. 137-139.
3 9 3
Ps 77(78): 14, 96(97):2, 98(99):7, 104(105):39.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
» π α λ α ί ω μ α (3). The distribution of ρΠΕ? in M T is as follows: Torah 1, F Prophets 1, L Prophets 3, Poetry 16, Other 0. The breakdown of Poetry is Psalms 9, Job 5, and Proverbs 2. Pent renders ρπ& by σ τ ε ρ έ ω μ α ( D t 33:26). The two instances of ρ Π ί ί in Isaiah are rendered by ν ε φ έ λ η (45:8) and ρ ο π ή (40:15). Ρ uses ν ε φ έ λ η in 7 instances, ά ή ρ in 1 and ο υ ρ α ν ό ς in 1. O G renders by ν έ φ ο ς (35:5b, 38:37a) as does L X X Proverbs (3:20, 8:28). Therefore the equivalent in R is unique to him. 18. ע צ םQesem) » κ ρ ά τ ο ς (1). R also renders ע צ םby ό σ τ ο ΰ ν twice. The distribution of ע צ םin M T is as follows: Torah 11, F Prophets 24, L Prophets 32, Poetry 33, Other 8. Ρ renders '{ ע צ םesem) by ό σ τ ο ΰ ν in 15 instances and ע צ ם (Osem) by ό σ τ ο ΰ ν in 1. He also renders ( ע צ םVerb) by κ ρ α τ α ι ό ω in 4 instances and by π λ η θ ύ ν ω in 2 as well as rendering ע ו צ םby β α ρ ύ ς once, by κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς once, and by κ α τ α κ υ ρ ι ε ύ ω once. The only other occasions where forms derived from * κ ρ α τ are employed for parts of speech derived from ע צ םare D t 8:17 ( κ ρ ά τ ο ς for 'osem), and O G 30:21b and θ ' D n 8:24 ( κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς for 'Ofem and ע צ םVerb respectively). R may have been influenced as much by Pent as by O G or Ρ in the choice of κ ρ ά τ ο ς for — ע צ םe v e n though Ρ only uses κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς for ע צ ו םand κ ρ α τ α ι ό ω for ( ע צ םVerb) and does not render ( ע צ םNoun) by a form derived from * κ ρ α τ . This case probably should not be used to prove dependence or independence from P. In the category of Verbs, 34 cases of disagreement are enumerated. There is less stereotyping for Verbs than for Nouns in both R and P. 394 Six disagreements are of no great significance in determining relationship between R and P. 1. כ ס הPiel » σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω (1). R also renders כ ס הPie! by κ α λ ύ π τ ω in 3 instances. M T has 17 instances of ה0 ( בQal 1, Piel 15, Pual 1) and Ρ renders by κ α λ ύ π τ ω in 11 instances,
by ε π ι κ α λ ύ π τ ω in 2 ,
by κ α τ α φ ε ύ γ ω in l ,
3 9 7
394 V O T , 394. V O T distinguishes between ' ע צ םbone' and ' ע צ םactual' ( V O T , 194, 498). 3 9 5
Ps 31(32):5, 43(44): 16, 54(55):6, 68(69):8, 77(78):53, 103(104):9, 105(106):11,105(106):17, 139(140):10.
3 9 6
Ps 31(32):1, 43(44):20. In 31(32):1, MSS U LV™R
3 9 7
Possibly reading ח ס הrather than כ ס הat Ps 142(143):9.
79(80): 11,
have ά π ε κ α λ ύ φ θ η σ α ν .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
κ ρ ύ π τ ω in l , by π ε ρ ι β ά λ λ ω in l , and finally by π ε ρ ι β ό λ α ι ο ν in I . Further, Ρ never uses σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω . Apart from R, the equation כ ס הPiel » σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω is found only in Jgs 4:18 ( A ) , 4:19 ( A ) , Ez 12:6, 12:12, 2 Chr 4:12, 4:13, 5:8. Probably this equivalence only indicates the propensity in later Greek towards compound forms of verbs and cannot function to mark relationship to P. 2. » י ד עέ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω (1). R also renders י ד עby γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω 10 times. Ρ renders י ד עby γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω in 68 instances, by γ ν ω ρ ί ζ ω in 21, by δ η λ ό ω in 3, by α π α γ γ έ λ λ ω in 2, and by γ ν ω σ τ ό ς in 5. Thus he never uses έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω for any form of .ידע Apart from R, the equivalence is found in Ru 3:18, Est 4:1, Prv 27:23, 30:18, 12 times in Minor Prophets, 3 times in Jer, 27 times in Ez and 3 in L X X D n . Once again, the use of έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω in R may only be an indication of later Hellenistic Greek, 3. and 4. Renderings of ר א ה: » ר א הό ρ ά ω (3) and » ר א הέ μ β λ έ π ω (1). For ר א הR employed principal parts of ό ρ ά ω nine times ( ε ι δ ο ν in three, ό ρ ά ω in three, and ό ψ ό μ α ι in three), β λ έ π ω once and έ μ β λ έ π ω once. Ρ renders ר א הby principal parts of ό ρ ά ω in 71 instances, by θ ε ω ρ έ ω in 7, by έ φ ο ρ ά ω in 8 , by δ ε ί κ ν υ μ ι in 8, by β λ έ π ω in 4, by ε π ι β λ έ π ω in 1, and by π ρ ο β λ έ π ω in 1. Ρ does use έ μ β λ έ π ω once, for5:(40)39) ) פ נ ה. Aside from R, the equation » ר א הέ μ β λ έ π ω occurs only in Jgs 16:27 ( A ) , 1 K g s ( l Sm) 16:7, 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 8:8, and Is in 17:7. This equivalence probably arises from contextual considerations in R similar to the considerations which produced ε π ι β λ έ π ω or π ρ ο β λ έ π ω in Ρ and is therefore of no great value in proving independence from P. 5. » ש מ רο ύ χ ά π τ ω (1). R also renders ש מ רby φ υ λ ά σ σ ω twice. The use of ο ύ χ ά π τ ω in j2:6b is motivated by contextual considerations and cannot stand as an equation for determining relationship to P. m
4 0 0
κ ρ ύ π τ ω is also a v.l. in Ps 31(32):5 supported only by U ,
3 9 9
Ps 146(147):8.
4 0 0
Probably reading kasiito instead of M T kissilo at Ps 103(104):6.
4 0 1
A v.l. at Ps 38(39):7 is ο ι δ α and at 45(46): 11 is εΤδον (see Rahlfs, Psalmi, ad l o c ) .
4 0 2
Discounting a v.l. at 78(79):6 (see Rahlfs, Psalmi, ad l o c ) .
4 0 3
In 20 cases ό ψ ο μ α ι or ό φ θ ή σ ο μ α ι and in 51 εΤδον. Formally Ρ does not use ό ρ ά ω , but this is not significant.
4 0 4
In 4 cases έ π ε ΐ δ ο ν , in 2 έ φ ο ρ ά ω and in 2 έ π ό ψ ο μ α ι .
4 0 5
See above, p. 129 n. 158 and pp. 303-304.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
6. » א ס רπ ε ρ ι δ έ ω (12:18b). R also renders א ס רby δ έ ω once and by π ε δ ά ω once. M T Psalms has 4 occurrences of א ס רand Ρ renders by δ έ ω (149:8), by π ε δ ά ω (145(146):7), by π α ι δ ε ύ ω (104(105):22), and by σ υ ν ί σ τ η μ ι (117(118):27). Since Jb 12:18 and Neh 4:12 are the only passages where א ס רhas the sense of 'girding' on the waist, one is not surprised that the equation » א ס רπ ε ρ ι δ έ ω is unique to R. This case, then, cannot be used to mark relationship to P. Twenty-eight cases are of some significance: 406
1. » כ י ןκ α τ α ν ο έ ω (2). R also employs σ υ ν ί η μ ι for 5 ב י ןtimes. Ρ renders ב י ןby σ υ ν ί η μ ι in 16 instances, by σ υ ν ε τ ί ζ ω in 7, by ζ η τ έ ω in 1, by σ ύ ν ε ι μ ι in l , and by σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς in 1. Apart from R, κ α τ α ν ο έ ω is employed to render ב י ןonly in 3 K g s ( l Kgs) 3:21 (for Hithpolel) and Is 57:1 (for Hiphil). Although Ρ does use κ α τ α ν ο έ ω (for the Hiphil Stem of נ ב טseven times and for צ פ הonce), his usage has no real bearing on that of R. 4 0 7
2. and 3. Renderings of כ ה ה: » נ ח הά γ ω (1) and » נ ח הκ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω (1). R also employs ό δ η γ έ ω for נ ח הin 1 instance. There are 18 occurrences of נ ח הin M T Psalms (6 Qal, 12 Hiphil) and ό δ η γ έ ω is used by Ρ to render all of them. While no discernible distinction exists in Hellenistic Greek between ό δ η γ έ ω and κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω , R is not necessarily following Ρ for his equivalents of נ ח הsince » נ ח הό δ η γ έ ω is established in Pent. Elsewhere κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω occurs in L X X Translators only in Jer 2:6 and Ez 39:2 for ( ה ל ךHiphil) and ש א# (Piel) respectively. Further, besides R 38:32b, ά γ ω for נ ח הis found only at D t 32:12. 408
4. and 5. Renderings of ח ר ש: » ח ר שκ ω φ ε ύ ω (3) and » ח ר שσ ι ω π ά ω (1). A l l cases of ח ר שwhich are rendered by R are Hiphil. There are 8 occurrences of ח ר שin Psalms (6 Qal, 2 Hiphil). In 5 of these Ρ employs π α ρ α σ ι ω π ά ω (4 Qal, 1 Hiphil) and σ ι γ ά ω in 3 (2 Qal, 1 Hiphil). His pattern, then, is clear and a distinction between Qal and Hiphil is not relevant. Ρ also renders the Adjective herSl twice and for this has 410
4 0 6
T h e cases rendered by 0uviT|iu are: 31:1b, 32:12a, 36:29a, j37:14b, j38:18a; those rendered by Katavoeco are: 23:15d(=bMT), 30:20b. A l l are Hithpolel in M T except 36:29a, which is Hiphil. Both R and P employ 0 w i r ! i u for irrespective of whether the form is Hiphil or Hithpolel (see Hatch-Redpath, s.v. o u v i e i v , o u v i e v a i ) . 4 0 7
Ps 78(58): 10 o־uv(e)ivat B ' R T ] a u v i e v a i L ' 55 (Rahlfs, Psalmi).
4 0 8
Ex 13:17,15:13, and 32:34.
4 0 9
Hatch-Redpath, s.v.
4 1 0
See B D B , s.v. I I
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
κ ω φ ό ς both times (Ps 37(38): 14,57(58):5). The equation » ח ר שσ ι ω π ά ω occurs elsewhere only in N m 30:15te, Is 36:21, 42:14, and Jer 4:19 and hence is established prior to R by Pent and L X X Isaiah. O n the other side, the equation 2 ? » ח רκ ω φ ε ύ ω is found outside of R only in Jgs 16:2, 18:19, 2 Kgs(2 Sm) 13:20, 19:11, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 18:36, and O G 6:24a, 13:5a, 13:13. Thus the equivalence is a good example of independence from P. 6. and 7. Renderings of ב ח ר: » ב ח רοάρέω (1) and » ב ח רέ ξ α ι ρ έ ω (1). R also renders ב ח רby ε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι in 3 instances. M T Psalms has 15 occurrences of ב ח ר. Ρ renders ב ח רby ε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι in 10 instances, by ε κ λ ε κ τ ό ς in 2 , and by α ί ρ ε τ ι ζ ω in 3. Ρ does use έ ξ α ι ρ έ ω , not for ב ח ר, but for various other lexemes in his parent text: for ח ל ץPiel 49(50).T5, 90(91):15, 114(116):8, 118(119):153, 139(140):2, for נ צ ל Hiphil 30(31):3, 58(59):2, 142(143):9, 143(144): 11, for5:(140)39,2:(64) 3ר צ נ , for פ ל טPiel 36(37):40, 70(71):2, 81(82):4, for7:(14 )143ה צ פ , and for zero 30(31):2. Ρ does not use α ί ρ έ ω . Aside from R, the equation » ב ח רα ί ρ έ ω is found only in Jos 24:15 ( A ) , 2 Kgs(2 Sm) 15:15, and Jer 8:3 and the equation » ב ח רέ ξ α ι ρ έ ω appears only in Is 48:10. Since the equivalence » ב ח רε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι is well established by Pent, R shows independence from Ρ in his renderings of ב ח ר. 411
8. ( ב ו אHiphil) » ε π ά γ ω (1). R also renders ( ב ו אQal) by έ ρ χ ο μ α ι once and ( ב ו אQal Imperative) by δ ε ύ τ ε once. M T Psalms has 9 instances of ב ו אin Causative Stem (8 Hiphil, 1 Hopha!) and Ρ renders by ά γ ω (42(43):3), by ε ι σ ά γ ω (65(66): 11, 77(78):54), by ε ί σ ο δ ο ς (73(74):5), by έ ρ χ ο μ α ι (104(105):40), by λ α μ β ά ν ω (77(78):71), by π ε δ ά ω (89(90): 12), by φ έ ρ ω (77(78):29), and finally by α π ο φ έ ρ ω (44(45): 15). So Ρ has no pattern. The equation ( ב ו אHiphil) » ε π ά γ ω is established by Pent (11 occurrences). Thus the equivalence in R is probably quite independent of P, but not much is proved thereby since only one case of ב ו אHiphil is rendered by R. 413
4 1 1
Some have, claimed members of the κ α ί γ ε group distinguished ח ר שand ח ש הby using κ ω φ ε ύ ω for the former and σ ι ω π ά ω for the latter. While R does not render ה$ ח, this distinction does not hold for him and further, OG is probably inspiration for him in using κ ω φ ε ύ ω for ח ר ש. Such claims need reevaluating. 4 1 2
Ps 77(78):31 and 88(89):20.
4 1 3
Perhaps Ρ read ( מ ב ו אNoun) instead of M T ( מ ב י אHiphil Participle).
4 1 4
G n 6:17, 18:19, 20:9, 26:10, 27:12, Ex 10:4, 11:1, 32:21, Lv 26:25, 26:36, D t 29:27(26).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
9. ס פ רPiel » έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι (2). R also renders ס פ רQal by έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ έ ω once. Ρ renders ס פ רPiel in 32 instances and uses δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι and έ κ δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι in 13 and 1 respectively, ε ξ α γ γ έ λ λ ω , α ν α γ γ έ λ λ ω , α π α γ γ έ λ λ ω , and also δ ι α γ γ έ λ λ ω in 7, 4, 2, and 2 respectively, έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ έ ω and αριθμός in 1 each, and π ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι in 1. Ρ does not use έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι at all. In fact, elsewhere έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι occurs only 5 times in L X X Translators and the equation ס פ רPiel » έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι only in Jgs 7:13, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 8:5, and 1 Chr 16:24. Thus the equivalent έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι in R is similar to δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι and έ κ δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι in P, but independent of him. 415
10. » ח ר הθ υ μ ό ω (2). R also renders ח ר הby σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω once. M T Psalms has 6 instances of ח ר הand Ρ employs ο ρ γ ί ζ ω for 3 (Qal) and π α ρ α ζ η λ ό ω for 3 (Hithpael). '!"he equivalence » ח ר הθ υ μ ό ω is well established in Pent (13 instances), so R is independent of P . 416
11. and 12. Renderings of ס ד ר: ס ו רHiphil » μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι (1) and ס ו רHiphil » π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω (1). R also renders ס ו רby έ κ κ λ ί ν ω once, as noted momentarily. Ρ renders ס ו רin 13 instances using ά φ ί σ τ η μ ι in 6 of them (5 Hiphil, 1 Qal) and έ κ κ λ ί ν ω in 7 (all Qal). The equivalences ס ו רQal » έ κ κ λ ί ν ω and ס ו רQal » ά φ ί σ τ η μ ι already occur in Pent, But the equation ס ו רHiphil » έ κ κ λ ί ν ω is found only in Jgs 10:16 (Β, μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι A ) , 2 Kgs(2 Sm) 6:10, Prv 28:8:9. One cannot be certain whether R read ySsur (Qal) aryasir (Hiphil) in 40:2a for MT yisxor; in any case he is not neeessarily dependent on Ρ in using έ κ κ λ ί ν ω for ס ו ר. Now aside from R, the equivalence ס ו רHiphil » μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι occurs only in Jgs 9:29, 10:16 ( A ) , 3 Kgs(l Kgs) 15:13, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 3:2, 17:23, 2 Chr 15:16, A m 5:23, θ ' D n 11:31 and the equivalence ס ו ר Qal » μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι occurs in D t 17:17,1 Kgs(l Sm) 6:12, 4 Kgs(2 Kgs) 12:4 and also Is 59:15. Hence R is independent of P; indeed Ρ does not even once make use o f μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι . Finally, the equivalence ס ו רHiphil » π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω is found only in R. The compound verb π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω occurs in 14 instances in L X X Translators, and always 4 1 7
4 1 5
See above, p. 450.
4 1 6
It is uncertain whether the form read by R in 40:2a was Qal or Hiphil.
4 1 7
Gn 19:2,19:3, D t 2:27, 5:32,17:11, 31:29.
4 1 8
4 1 8
L v 13:58, N m 12:10, 14:9, and Dt 4:9. I n addition, 6q>icnT|p1 for ס ו רHiphil is found in D t 7:4.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
for . רוץThus although its use in R is apparently motivated by contextual factors (jl2:20a), it shows independence from P. 13. ה ל ךQal » π ρ ο ά γ ω (1). R also renders ה ל ךQal by α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι once and ה ל ךHithpael by δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι once. M T Psalms has 68 occurrences o f ה ל ךi n all (various Stems) and Ρ uses π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in 34, δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in 8, π ρ ο π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι in 2, δ ι έ ρ χ ο μ α ι in 3, α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι in 2, έ ρ χ ο μ α ι in 1, and also δ ε ύ τ ε i n 6, ε ύ α ρ ε σ τ έ ω in 4, π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω in 3, ά ν τ α ν α φ έ ω in 2, ό δ η γ έ ω in 1, α π ά γ ω in 1, and δ ι ά γ ω in 1. While Ρ uses α π ά γ ω (124(125):5) and δ ι ά γ ω (135(136):16) for forms of the Hiphil Stem, R employs a Passive form of π ρ ο ά γ ω for a form of the Qal Stem (j34:23b) in a context having to do with coming before a judge (i.e. God). The equivalence does not occur elsewhere and is quite independent of P. 14. » נ ש אσ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω (1). R also renders א£? נby λ α μ β ά ν ω in 4 instances, by α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω in 1, and by υ π ο φ έ ρ ω in 1. M T Psalms has 49 occurrences o f נ ש א (various Stems) and Ρ uses λ α μ β ά ν ω in 7, α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω in 3, ύ ψ ό ω in 4, α ϊ ρ ω in 15, έ π α ί ρ ω in 8, ά φ ί η μ ι in 4, υ π ο φ έ ρ ω in 2, υ π έ χ ω in 1, μ ι μ ν ή σ κ ω in 1, σ η μ ε ι ό ω in 1, σ ά λ ο ς in 1, ε ύ ΐ λ α τ ο ς in 1, and zero in l . Now λ α μ β ά ν ω and α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω are already established as equivalents for א£? נin Pent. The use o f υ π ο φ έ ρ ω for א£?נ, is found only in in Ps 54(55): 13, 68(69):8, Prv 18:14, and M i 7:9. Whether Ρ influenced R here is hard to say. The use of σ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω , however, is unique to R. H e uses it for א67 נin j7:13b and for ס ל הin 28:16a, 28:19b. No other references are supplied in Hatch-Redpath except for θ ' in Ex 18:22 and for σ ' in Ex 18:22 and N m 18:1. Thus this equivalent is independent o f P. 420
4 2 2
15. » ע נ הα ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (2). R also renders ע נ הby α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι in 8 instances and by ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω in 1. Earlier discussion indicated that R employed both α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω as contextually motivated alternatives to his regular equivalent for ע נ ה. I n particular, R uses α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (and α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι ) of humans answering either humans or God, but the only occurrence o f ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω is in
4 1 9
" A l l instances are found in Kingdoms (12) and 2 Chronicles (2). O f those in King doms, 6 are in κ α ί γ ε sections, and 6 are not (see Hatch-Redpath, s.v. π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ε ι ν ) . 4 2 0
38 Qal, 1 Niphal, 12 Piel, 3 Hiphil, and 14 Hithpael.
4 2 1
45 Qal, 3 Niphal, 1 Piel.
4 2 2
T h e list obviously includes instances where Ρ read a parent text different from M T , but such cases do not alter the essential evidence. 4 2 3
Occurring thirty-nine and twelve times respectively.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
a passage where the context is prayer, i.e. God answering a h u m a n . Ρ renders ע נ ה ('answer') in approximately 37 instances and he uses έ π α κ ο ύ ω in 2 1 , εισακούω in 13, and α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι in 3 . Moreover, the pattern in Ρ is that έ π α κ ο ύ ω and ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω are employed in contexts of God answering humans while α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι of humans answering humans or God. For α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω , equivalents for ע נ הshared by both R and P, apparently R was influenced by P? The equivalence » ע נ הα π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι is already established in P e n t and no instances are of God answering human prayer as in Psalms. *' But the equation » ע נ הε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω , while absent in Pent and frequent in P, also occurs prior to R in at least O G (9:15a, 30:20a) and Is (46:7, 58:9). These instances in OG and L X X Isaiah are also of God (or a god) answering human prayer. One cannot prove, therefore, that R was influenced (only) by Ρ in his use of α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω . Aside from R, however, only Jgs 5:29 ( A ) has α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι for ע נ הor indeed, even uses α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι at all prior to the New Testament. So for this equivalent of ע נ ה, R is independent of P. 425
4 2 6
4 2 4
See above, pp. 299-300.
4 2 5
Excluding 21(22):22, 54(55):20 and including 87(88):1, 101(102):24. In the former pair, Ρ gives τ α π ε ί ν ω σ ι ς and τ α π ε ι ν ό ω respectively for forms of I '( ע נ הanswer') while in the latter pair Ρ employs α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι for forms of I I I '( ע נ הhumble') and I V '( ע נ הsing') respectively. 42
3:5, 16(17):6, 19(20):2, 19(20):7, 19(20):10, 33(34):5, 59(60):7, 64(65):6, 68(69):14, 68(69):18, 80(81):8, 85(86):1, 98(99):6, 98(99):8, 107(108):7. 117(118):5, 117(H8):21,118(119):26,118(119):145, 137(138):3,142(143):!. 4 2 7
Ps 4:2, 12(13):4, 17(18):42, 21(22):3, 26(27):7, 37(38):16, 54(55):3, 68(69):17, 85(86):7, 90(91):15, 101(102):3,119(120):!, 142(143):7. 4 2 8
Ps 118(119):42, for I I I '( ע נ הhumble') 87(88):1, and for I V ע נ ה
101(102):24. 4 2 9
The equivalence is used in 33 instances (Hatch-Redpath, s.v. ά π ο κ ρ ί ν ε ι ν ) .
4 3 0
Cf. G n 18:27.
4 3 1
According to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (Pilot CD-Rom # C) occurrences of α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι appear in Anonyma in Aristotelis Artem Rhetorica Commentaria, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Epiphanius, Eusebius, lamblichus, Justin Martyr, N T , L X X , Photius, Stephen of Athens ( V I I A . D . ) . See above, Chapter Two, n. 634.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
16. and 17. Renderings of ( ש י םQal): » ש י םτ ά σ σ ω (2) and » ש י םδ έ ω (1). R also employs τ ί θ η μ ι for ש י םin 4 instances. M T Psalms has 36 occurrences of ש י ם (Qal) and Ρ uses τ ί θ η μ ι in 28, π ρ ο τ ί θ η μ ι in 2, δ ί δ ω μ ι in 2, and κ α θ ί σ τ η μ ι in 2 . R's use of δ έ ω in 40:26a is contextually motivated and his use of τ ά σ σ ω is clearly independent of P . 432
18. י צ אHtphil » δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω (1). R also renders ( י צ אQal) by ε ξ έ ρ χ ο μ α ι in 3 instances. M T Psalms has 17 instances of י צ אHiphil and Ρ employs ε ξ ά γ ω in 15 of them, έ κ σ π ά ω in 1 and ε κ φ έ ρ ω in 1. In fact, no L X X Translator employs δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω for any form of י צ א. The context reveals the motivation for choosing δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω : 38:31a מ ע ד נ ו ת כ י מ ה
38:31b כ ס י ל ת פ ת ח
38:32a מ ז ר ו ת ב ע ת ו
O G 38:31a σ υ ν ή κ α ς δέ δ ε σ μ ο ν Π λ ε ι ά δ ο ς O G 38:31b κ α ι φ ρ α γ μ ο ν Ώ ρ ί ω ν ο ς ή ν ο ι ξ α ς ; 38:32a Χ ή δ ι α ν ο ί ξ ε ι ς Μ α ζ ο υ ρ ώ θ έ ν κ α ι ρ ώ α ύ τ ο ΰ / God challenges Job to control the constellations, bringing them out at the right time. In 38;31b, the Hebrew uses the verb פ ת חfor 'bringing out' a constellation and O G literally renders ה פ ת חby ή ν ο ι ξ α ς . Either O G or the parent text itself in 38:31b seems to be behind δ ι α ν ο ί ξ ε ι ς in R rather than a literal rendering of ה ת צ י א. 19. » א ח זα ν τ έ χ ω 1. R also renders א ח זby κ ρ α τ έ ω twice and by κ α τ έ χ ω once. M T Psalms has 7 instances of ( א ח זall Qal) and Ρ employs κ ρ α τ έ ω in 3 of them, κ α τ έ χ ω in 2, έ π ι λ α μ β ά ν ω in 1 and π ρ ο κ α τ α λ α μ β ά ν ω in 1. Elsewhere the equation » א ח זα ν τ έ χ ω occurs only in D t 32:41 and Eccl 7:18. L X X Dt may well be the inspiration for R. 434
20. - 22. Renderings of י צ ק: י צ קQal » έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω (22:16b); » י צ קκ α τ α χ έ ω (41:15b); and י צ קHophal » έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς (37:18b). M T Psalms has 1 instance of י צ קin 4 3 2
Excluded are 39(40):5 and 49(5()):23 where Ρ has δ ν ο μ α (reading Urn for M T Mm) and έκεΤ (reading • ו שfor M T Ditn) respectively. 4 3 3
The equivalence • » ש יτ ά σ σ ω is employed once in Pent, Ex 8:12(8), but the usage
of τ ά σ σ ω there differs from that of R. 4 3 4
A l l instances of א ח זrendered by R are Qal except 26:9a. Since R uses κ ρ α τ έ ω once for א ח זQal ( j 2 3 : l l a ) and once for א ח זPiel (26:9a), no distinction is made in presenting the equivalents.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
the Oal Stem (41:9) and 1 i n the Hiphil (45:3). Ρ renders the former by κ α τ α τ ί θ η μ ι (figurative language converted to plain speech) and the latter by a Passive form of ε κ χ έ ω . May tine suggest R was influenced by Ps 44(45):3 when choosing έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς in 37:18b? Hardly. The equation ( י צ קOal) » έ κ χ έ ω already occurs in Pent (Lv 8:15, 9:9); also Pent uses έ κ χ υ σ ι ς once. Ρ never uses έ κ χ υ σ ι ς and uses έ κ χ έ ω mainly for 12) ?£] פךof 15 occurrences). Scattered all throughout L X X Translators in different proportions one finds δ ι α χ έ ω and δ ι ά χ υ σ ι ς , έ κ χ έ ω and έ κ χ υ σ ι ς , έ π ι χ έ ω and έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς , κ α τ α χ έ ω and κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς , σ υ γ χ έ ω and σ ύ γ χ υ σ ι ς , χ έ ω and χ ύ σ ι ς and a great many other words cognate to and derivative from χ έ ω . Thus, although έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς is not used anywhere else in the L X X , έ π ι χ έ ω is already employed in Pent for ( י צ קQal) in 9 instances and for ( י צ קHophal) once. Conversely, Ρ never uses έ π ι χ έ ω . In a similar vein, there are just two instances of κ α τ α χ έ ω elsewhere in L X X Translators: for כ ס הin Gn 39:21 and also for ע ט הHiphil in Ps 88(89):46. Indeed, the cognate noun κ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς is also employed only by R ( » ל א מ ו צ קκ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς 36:16b). N o one besides R uses έπιρρέοο. R, then, is independent of Ρ in all his renderings of י צ ק. 435
4 3 7
25 - .23. Renderings of ח ק ר: » ה פ ךέ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω (1); » ח ק רε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω (1); » ח ק רε τ ά ζ ω (1). M T Psalms has only 3 occurrences of ח ק רand for these Ρ employs δ ο κ ι μ ά ζ ω in 138(139):] and 23 and έ κ ζ η τ έ ω in 43(44):22. O f the three terms used by R, έ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω occurs once in Pent (for מ כ ה, N m 23:10), but not in P, while both ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω and ε τ ά ζ ω appear in Pent as well as in P, although not for . חקרR is therefore independent of P. 438
4 3 5
For ( ש פ ךNoun), Lv 4:12.
4 3 6
Hatch-Redpath, s.v. έ κ χ ε ΐ ν .
4 3 7
See X . Jacques, List of Septuagint Words Sharing Common Biblica, no. 1 (Rome: Biblical Institute Press, 1972), 225. 4 3 8
In fact, έ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω occurs only in N m 23:10, Jb 28:3b, and L X X Dn 7:19. D t 13:14(15) has ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω for שאל: apart from R only Jgs 18:2 ( A ) and 1 Chr 19:3 use ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω for ח ק ר. Only Jer 17:10 and Lam 3:40 use ε τ ά ζ ω for ח ק רapart from R.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
26. » מ ל טδ ι α σ ώ ζ ω (22:30b). R also renders מ ל טby ρ ύ ο μ α ι once (22:30a) and by σ φ ζ ω once (20:20b). M P has 8 instances of3)מ ל ט Niphal, 5 Piel) and Ρ renders by ξ ύ ο μ α ι in 6 of them and by σ ώ ζ ω in 2. Earlier discussion suggested that σ φ ζ ω and δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω are barely distinct semantically and the use of δ ι α σ φ ζ ω may be part of the increase in compound verbs in Hellenistic G r e e k . I t is interesting, however, that although Ρ employs σ ώ ζ ω 70 times, he never uses δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω . On the other side, the equation » מ ל טδ ι α σ ώ ζ ω is found once in Pent ( G n 19:19) and also once in L X X Isaiah (37:38). It seems fair, then, to say that R's use of δ ι α σ ώ ζ ω is an indication of independence from P. 439
27. » ע ז בά φ ί η μ ι (39:14a). R also renders ע ז בby ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω twice. M T Psalms has 22 occurrences of ע ז בwhich Ρ renders by ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω in 20 instances, by κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω in 1, and by έ γ κ α τ α λ ι μ π ά ν ω in 1. Ρ does use ά φ ί η μ ι , four times for &א7נ, three times for ( נ ו חHiphil 2, Qal 1), and once for פ ת ח. The equivalence » ע ז ב ά φ ί η μ ι is uncommon, but does occur once in Pent (Ex 9:21). R does show independence from Ρ in using » ע ז בά φ ί η μ ι . 28. ש ו בQal » α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω (39:4c[=bMT]). R also renders ש ו בQal by έ π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω once. M T Psalms has 41 occurrences of ( ש ו בQal Stem) and Ρ renders with ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω in 30 instances, with α π ο σ τ ρ έ φ ω in 8, with ά θ ε τ έ ω in 1, with κ α τ ο ι κ έ ω in 1, and with π ά λ ι ν in 1. The equation 0! ובQal » α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω appears elsewhere in L X X Translators, the earliest o f which is Ex 32:27. Ρ does not use α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω at all. Thus R is independent of Ρ here. For disagreements between R and P, then, 15 cases out of 21 in Nouns are clearly independent of Ρ and some six of these may well be inspired by Pent while two or three may be influence by O G . In Verbs, 28 cases out of 34 are independent of Ρ and some nine of these perhaps are influenced by Pent or more rarely, O G or L X X Isaiah. In summary, approximately 8 out of 29 agreements between R and Ρ constitute possible evidence for R borrowing from Ρ — p l u s one to three further instances encountered when cases of disagreement in equivalences were fully investigated. Conversely, 43 out of 55 disagreements show R independent from P. Before conclusions are drawn, consider additional disagreements. 441
4 3 9
T h e equivalents cannot be correlated according to the Hebrew Stem: 22:30b is Niphal and 22:30a and 20:20b are Piel. The same is true for the equivalents made use of by Ρ : ξ ύ ο μ α ι renders 2 Niphal and 4 Piel and σ ώ ζ ω renders 1 Niphal and 1 Piel. 4 4 0
4 4 1
See above, pp. 298 and 302.
A disagreement at the formal level may in fact be evidence for borrowing from Ρ by R, since, for example, an equivalence involving a noun in R may be inspired by an
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
3.2.3. Additional
Munnich seeks to demonstrate that the κ α ί γ ε group used the Greek Psalter as a sort of glossary and galvanized certain equivalences originating there into stereotypes. His proof lies in identifying words which were coined or first used by Ρ (as far as can be determined from surviving sources of literature in Greek) and showing that when these terms are found in members of the κ α ί γ ε group, Ρ must be the source. In discussing the relationship between Ρ and the Greek Job, the evidence is restricted, according to Munnich, to two terms ( δ ι ά β η μ α , ε ξ ι χ ν ι ά ζ ω ) and the dependence of φ α ρ έ τ ρ α in Jb 30:11 on Ps 10:2. Apart from δ ι ά β η μ α , these data bear only on O G . From the rendering of צ ע דby δ ι ά β η μ α in 14:16a and 31:4b Munnich asserts "ce constat fournit un premier indice de la dependence lexicale de Thaodotion par rapport au Psautier des Septante." There are, however, a number of neologisms in Ρ not borrowed by R. In Ps 21:7 Ρ coins έ ξ ο υ δ έ ν η μ α for a form of ב ז הand employs έ ξ ο υ δ έ ν ω σ ι ς for every instance of ב ו זin M T . The portion of M T Job for which renderings of R are extant has one instance of12:21) ב ו זa ) and R employs ά τ ι μ ι ά — i n d e e d no one else uses this term for . בוזR does employ έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω once—for — מ א םb u t this is a deviation from his regular equivalent of that verb. Hence, here is an example where R did not borrow a neologism from P. 442
4 4 3
M T Psalms has 19 occurrences of מ ג ןand Ρ renders by υ π ε ρ α σ π ι σ τ ή ς in 10 instances and ύ π ε ρ α σ π ι σ μ ό ς in 1, by ά ν τ ι λ ή μ π τ ω ρ in 2 and ά ν τ ί λ η μ ψ ι ς in 1, by δ π λ ο ν in 2, by α λ ή θ ε ι α in 1, β ο ή θ ε ι α in 1 and κ ρ α τ α ι ό ς in 1. Both υ π ε ρ α σ π ι σ τ ή ς
equivalence in Ρ involving another part of speech from the same root or stem (e.g. » א י ןά δ ι κ ο ς in R (22:15b) may well be based on » א י ןα δ ι κ ί α in P. 442
M u n n i c h , Thesis, 476. Free renderings make M T צ ע רunrecognizable in O G 18:7a, 31:37a, 34:21b. O G employs τ ά ε π ι τ η δ ε ύ μ α τ α in 14:16a for which the C Group attests τ ά δ ι α β ή μ α τ α μ ο υ attributed to λ'. 31:4b is clearly from R. Munnich says that in 14:6a, "Theodotion remplace ε π ι τ ή δ ε υ μ α par δ ι ά β η μ α " (Ibid.). H e does not make his reader aware that, according to the evidence available to him and which is now confirmed by the critical edition, the attribution is somewhat vague. 4 4 3
Ps 30(31):19, 106( 107):40,118(119):22,122(123):3, 122(123):4.
4 4 4
Hatch-Redpath, s.v. α τ ι μ ί α .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Jab
and ύ π ε ρ α σ π ι σ μ ό ς are coined by P. R renders מ ג ןonly once and he uses α σ π ί ς (15:26b). Since the equivalence » מ ג ןα σ π ί ς occurs only in 1 Chr 5:18, 2 Chr 9:l6bis, and Jb 41:7, apparently R was possibly inspired by O G , but not by neologisms in P. M T Psalms has 11 occurrences of ג א לand Ρ normally renders by λ υ τ ρ ό ω (9 instances) but employs λ υ τ ρ ω τ ή ς for the 2 instances where the Qal Active Participle is the form in M T . This latter lexeme was coined by P, as Munnich demonstrates. There are 2 instances where ג א לis rendered by R and one is a Qal Active Participle (19:25a); R uses ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ω in j3:5a and ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς for go'el in jl9:25a. The equival e n c e g o ' 5 / » ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς is established in Pent (12 occurrences). R is thus inspired by Pent and not by a neologism in P. According to Munnich, Ρ coins κ α τ α φ λ ο γ ί ζ ω for Ps 17:9: 446
Ps 18:9a ע ל ה ע ש ן ב א פ ו ו א ש ־ מ פ י ו ת א כ ל Ps 18:9b ב ע ר ו מ מ נ ו
Ps 17:9a ά ν έ β η κ α π ν ό ς έ ν ό ρ γ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ , Ps 17:9b κ α ι π ΰ ρ ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α τ ε φ λ ό γ ι σ ε ν , Ps 17:9c ά ν θ ρ α κ ε ς ά ν ή φ θ η σ α ν ά π ' α ύ τ ο ΰ . There is only one instance of א כ לwhich R certainly understood as a verb and the context is exactly like that of Ps 17(18):9: 22:20a נ כ ח ד ק י מ נ ו 22:20b א כ ל ה א ש
אם־לא ויתרם
22:20a Χ εΐ μ ή ή φ α ν ί σ θ η ή ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς α υ τ ώ ν , / 22:20b >ί κ α ί τ ό κ α τ ά λ ε ι μ μ α α υ τ ώ ν κ α τ α φ ά γ ε τ α ι π ΰ ρ . / One minor difference exists between Ρ and R: κ α τ ε φ λ ό γ ι σ ε ν in Ρ by form demands an object but has none whereas κ α τ α φ ά γ ε τ α ι in R does have an object. One might expect R to be inspired by Ρ here, but his rendering is like that of N m 26:10. These examples, then, call for a more thorough analysis of the relationship between R and P. Munnich has failed to employ contrastive as well as comparative analysis. There are also serious problems with a methodology wherein certain key equivalences are used to establish influence or relationship or membership in a so4 4 5
Munnich, Thesis, 94-95, 110-112, 148,151.
4 4 6
So Munnich, Thesis, 106, 169-170.
4 4 7
Munnich, Thesis, 230-231, 345-347.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
called Kaige Recension. Careful comparative and contrastive research has to be done on the basis of the whole, not just on certain outstanding or peculiar equiva lences. Certainly there is influence from Ρ upon R, but other L X X Translators prior to R influenced him as well. I t seems simplistic to suggest that the close relationship between Ρ and the κ α ί γ ε group is explained mainly by the idea that the latter used the former as a kind of lexicon. Thus Munnich's proposal is not the whole story. To be sure, it is plausible that the liturgical use of the Greek Psalter caused its influence on later translators or revisors to be greater than that of parts of the L X X not used in this way. But a more comprehensive proposal, possibly similar to that of S. B r o c k , is necessary in which revisions and translations can be correlated with a history of the development of approaches and attitudes to translation of the Jewish Scriptures from I I I B.C. to I I A . D . The interplay between Diasporan and Palestinian Judaism would have to be detailed here. 448
3.3. R and Aq. 3.3.1. Data. Agreements.
R=Aq=P=MP R=Aq=P R=Aq*P R=Aq=P*MP
Τ 57. 34. 8. 12.
4 4 8
See below, p. 496.
4 4 9
3a, 4, 11, 14, 16, 20, 28, 31, 35 (no evidence for P), 37, 48, 53, 58b, 60a, 64a, 65a,
67. 4
89b, 93, 99, 100b, 104a, 104c, 106a, 110a, 113a, 113b, 114b, 116a, 121b,
123a. « i 39, 54b, 57c, 61b, 70c. 4 5 2
106b, 111b, 120a.
4 5 3
56b, 59b, 70b.
4 5 4
95a, 103b, 103c, 118a, 122b, 124c, 131b, 132b, 132c.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
J 455 63.
3. 52.
4. 115. Disagreements.
R#Aq=P=MP R#Aq=P#MP R#Aq=P R#Aq R#Aq*P=MP R*Aq#P#MP
4 5 5
N 3. 5. » 14. *
V l.
T 4. 2.460 7. .462 22. 4.464 5. 1. 0. 5.46« 13."« 18. 457
4 5 8
« 9 5 b , 105b, 126b.
4 5 7
6, 44, 49.
4 5 8
4 5 9
22b, 60c, 76b, 77b, 78a.
4 6 0
108b, 131a.
4 6 1
18a, 42, 50, 52, 61a, 68b, 69a, 69c(?), 70d, 71a, 71b, 72(?), 73a, 73b.
4 6 2
91,94a, 94b, 102b, 110b, 116b, 117a, 118c.
4 6 3
4 6 4
85,130a, 130b, 130c.
« 5 63a. 4
*56 7
י ׳c , 66b, 75a, 75b, 76c.
* 87b, 92, 105c, 108a, 112b, 112c, 115b, 118b, 122c, 124b, 126e, 127b, 127c. (92 is included since M P has etc51r1Ye0|1a1 for ס פ רPual at H b 1:5.)
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
3.3.2. Interpretation and
_469 20.
Commentary. Agreements where R and A q agree against Ρ and M P are few and practically • of no significance for describing relationship between the two. There is just one for Nouns and three for Verbs. 1. ע נ יQant) » π ρ α ΰ ς (1). Uncertainty exists as to whether π ρ α ΰ ς in R is based on ע נ יor ע נ ו. Only one rendering of ע נ יis available from M P : π τ ω χ ό ς in H b 3:14. A q uses π ρ α ΰ ς for both ע נ וand . עניΡ does not employ π ρ α ΰ ς for ע נ י, but does render ע נ וby π ρ α ΰ ς , π έ ν η ς and π τ ω χ ό ς . Therefore, an agreement between R and A q against M P and Ρ is of little value. 2. » י ד עέ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω (1). Like R, A q employs έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω (rarely) alongside γινοκικο) (commonly) for י ד ע. The use of έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω may only be a characteristic of later Hellenistic Greek as compounds overtake simplex verbs. 3. » ב ח רα ϊ ρ έ ω (1). R also renders ב ח רby ε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι in 3 instances and by έ ξ α ι ρ έ ω in 1. For the equation » ב ח רε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι , Reider oilers four references of which only two are attributed uniquely to A q and for the equation » ב ח רα ί ρ έ ω only Jb 7:15 is given. As already noted, outside of R, the equation » ב ח רα ϊ ρ έ ω is found only in Jos 24:15 ( A ) , 2 Kgs(2 Sm) 15:15, and Jer 8:3 and further, the equation » ב ח רέ ξ α ι ρ έ ω appears only in Is 48:10. Whether A q is influenced by R in Jb 7:15 is impossible to say. 470
4 7 ג
4 7 3
4. » ר א הό ρ ά ω (3). That R and A q share such a commonplace is meaningless, since Ρ and M P have as equivalent principal parts either ε ι δ ο ν or ό ψ ο μ α ι for ר א ה.
4 6 8
18b, 25, 34,57a, 57b, 64b, 69b.
109a, 109b, 109c, 111a, 116c, 119a, 11.9c, 120b, 121a, 123b, 128a.
Reider, 202. 4 7 1
See Reider, 48, 91.
4 7 2
See especially Bauer, s.v.
4 7 3
Reider, 74.
4 7 4
Reider, 8. Also 92).
ב ח רt t M y e 1 v is attested once, but attributed to a ' 0' (Reider,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job Disagreements between R and A q for the most part tend to show a further specialization on the part of Aquila. The equivalents are generally presented in the order they appear in the Data Table, except when it is convenient to consider renderings of a particular Hebrew lexeme or group of semantically related lexemes together. Formally, there are 36 cases of disagreement in the category of Nouns. The number of disagreements between R and A q in Stereotype equivalents is higher than between R and M P or R and P. This results from Aquila's attempt to provide equivalents which will allow the reader to distinguish terms in the parent text. Three cases are of no particular relevance in determining relationship between R and A q . 1. » א ר חτρίβος (3). A q rendered א ר חby οδός at least once although this equivalent is generally used for ד ר ך. The evidence is marginal and no conclusions should be d r a w n . 2. » א ףρ ί ς (1). R also renders א ףby μ υ κ τ ή ρ once. Previous analysis suggested that R employed ρ ί ς in 40:24b either as the normal term that came to mind or due to influence by O G or Ρ and that μ υ κ τ ή ρ in 40:26a is a stylistic variant. A q uses μ υ κ τ ή ρ and never (5ίς. These data are inconclusive, however, for indicating any relationship between R and A q . 3. » כ ןκόμη (1). R also renders כ ןby υιός in 8 instances and by τ έ κ ν ο ν in 2. The equivalent κ ό μ η is contextually motivated in R. A n A q rendering of Jb 38:32b is also available: 475
38:32b ע ל ־ ב נ י ה ת נ ח ם
(And the Bear, with its little ones, can you guide them?) 38:32b >κ κ α ι " Β σ π ε ρ ο ν έ π ί κ ό μ η ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ά ξ ε ι ς α υ τ ά ; / ( A n d the Evening Star upon her tail, will you lead them?) A p p I I 38:32b] a'
και "Εσπερον
έπί οικοδομής
κ α θ ο δ η γ ή σ ε ι ς C) α υ τ ο ύ ς Syh
4 7 5
Reiders lists only Ps 18(19):6 a' σ ' θ ' and Ps 24(25): 10 (Reider, 168).
4 7 6
See above, p. 453.
4 7 7
Reider, 161.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
Although Syh is the main source, clearly A q read a form of ' ב נ הbuild' rather than M T ' ב ןson'. So this equivalence is not useful in determining relationship between R and A q . * 78,1.2. Thirty-three cases reveal a definite pattern where the approach of A q represents an attempt to bring the Greek into even greater quantitative alignment to the Hebrew than what we see in R. 1. » ב צ ו ר ו תό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α (1). The normal equivalent in A q for ב צ ו ר ו תis probably δνηρμέναι, while ό χ ύ ρ ω μ α is employed for מ צ ו ד ה/ מ צ ד. יOnly one instance is extant where מ צ ו ד הis rendered by R (39:28[=28bMT)) and he employs α π ό κ ρ υ φ ο ς . This is very similar to ά π ο κ ρ υ β ή and α π ό κ ρ υ φ η which are employed for ס ת ר. Aquila's equivalents in form and specificity constitute a further step in attempting to represent the parent text quantitatively. 2. - 4. Renderings for 'word': » ד ב רλ ό γ ο ς (4), » מ ל הλ ό γ ο ς (5), » מ ל ה ρ ή μ α (2). R also uses ρ ή μ α for א מ רonce and for א ו מ רonce. A q , however, consistently employs λ ό γ ο ς for א מ רand λ ό γ ι ο ν for א מ ר ה, but ρ ή μ α for . דברOne can automatically determine his parent text from his translation. 4 7
5. » כ ףχ ε ι ρ (3). R uses χ ε ί ρ for both י דand כ ף. While data for ב ףin A q are somewhat scant, there is one instance where τ α ρ σ ό ς for כ ףis attributed to a ' alone (Gn 32:25(26)) and two where ί χ ν ο ς is attributed to a ' alone (Ez l:7bis). Thus his equivalents allow one to distinguish י דand כ ףin the parent text. ,
6. » ע ו דZero (1). While both » ע ו דέ τ ι and » ו ל א ־ ע ו דκ α ι ο ϋ κ έ τ ι are equations attested for A q , » ע ו דZero is not. The evidence available for Aquila may be insufficient for asserting this, but given the nature of Aquila's work, it is improbable that he did not represent everything in his parent text, no matter how repetitive in context. 7. » ב ס ת רλ ά θ ρ α (1). A q renders ב ס ת רby ( έ ν ) κ ρ υ φ ή (Jer 44(37): 1 7 ) and similarly, ב מ ס ת רby έ ν ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ ω . So although data are scant for both R and A q , 482
4 8 3
4 7 8
A q does employ κ ό μ η once, for Γ© in Is 3:17 (Reider, 138).
4 7 9
See Reider, 54,119, 180-181.
4 8 0
Reider, 150, 210.
4 8 1
See Reider, 120, 234.
4 8 2
Attested only by MS 86.
4 8 3
Or according to Coislin. ά π ο κ ρ ύ φ ω ς (see Ziegler, Prophetae, ad I o c ) .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
A q seems to be more consistent in using forms based on * κ ρ υ φ for derivatives of סתר. 8. and 9. Renderings of ר א ש: » ר א שά ρ χ ω ν (1) and » ר א שτ ά γ μ α (1). R also employs—as does A q — κ ε φ α λ ή for2) ) ר א ש. A q rarely swerves from using κ ε φ α λ ή for ר א ש. ' * * He apparently simply uses κ ε φ α λ ή for ר א שeven when the term has the sense of 'leader'—an excellent example is Dt 5:23(20) where A q has κ ε φ α λ α ί for LXX oi ηγούμενοι. Thus R is more contextually sensitive, i.e. willing to depart from a Stereotype or Regular equivalent for the sake of contextual factors. 4 8 5
The use of τ ά γ μ α by R in j l : 1 7 b is contextually motivated since ר א שrefers there to a band or group of soldiers. Fortunately, an A q reading is also extant for Jb 1:17 and his equivalent is ά ρ χ ή . He uses this term one other time for ר א ש, in Jgs 9:37, where again the context is of a band or group of soldiers and further where ά ρ χ ή is also L X X . Apparently A q is inspired by L X X Jgs and chooses an equivalent which possibly reflects (from an etymological point of view) better than τ ά γ μ α the source term. 10. ( ג ו ר עΓ ^ ' ) » φ ί λ ο ς (1). A q seems to employ only π λ η σ ί ο ν for ר עwhereas R also uses φ ί λ ο ς (2). As a general rule, A q seems to avoid using φ ι λ ό ς altogether. So A q is not as flexible as R in his equivalents for ר ע. 11. ( ^ עra") » κ α κ ί α (1). A q seems to be stricter than R, reserving κ α κ ί α for ר ע הand using κ α κ ό ς for .רע
4 8 4
Reider lists for ( ר א שbesides κ ε φ α λ ή ) ά κ ρ α , ά ρ χ ή , ά ψ ί ν θ ι ο ν , κ ο ρ υ φ ή , π ρ ω τ ε ύ ε ι ν (Reider, 10, 33, 39, 139, 207). There are four instances cited for ά ρ χ ή of which only three are attributed uniquely to a (Jgs 9:37, Jb 1:17, A m 6:7) and one instance cited for π ρ ω τ ε ύ ε ι ν (Zee 4:7). The other equivalents are supported by one or perhaps two instances which are either not uniquely attributed to a ' or based only on retroversions from Syh. There are 29 instances of κ ε φ α λ ή listed (Reider, 134). 4 8 5
Equivalents besides κ ε φ α λ ή are either dubious or uncharacteristic (Reider, 10, 33,39,134,139,207).
4 8 6
Reider lists four occurrences: for 'dheb (Is 41:8), for haber (Eccl 4:10), and φ ί λ η for ra'ya (Sg 1:15, 2:2) (Reider, 250). Reider regards ascription to a' as mistaken in Eccl 4:10, presumably on the basis that L X X Eccl is Aquila. Note, however, that Is 41:8 is not a ' according to Ziegler, Isaias and the other three references are based on Nobilius in Field (2:387, 413, 414). 4 8 7
Reider, 123.
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
12. » נ ד י בά ρ χ ω ν (3). For נ ד י בA q has ε κ ο ύ σ ι ο ς , an etymological approach to lexical equivalency. 13. - 16. Words for 'cloud': » ע בν ε φ έ λ η (4); » ע נ ןν έ φ ο ς (3); » ע נ נ ה σ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α (1); » ש ח קπ α λ α ί ω μ α (3). A q uses π ά χ ο ς for ע ב, ν ε φ έ λ η for ע נ ןand ν έ φ ω σ ι ς for ע נ נ ה. This approach is etymological and correlates ע נ ןand ע נ נ הwhile keeping ע בquite separate. 488
A q employs ν ε φ έ λ η and £ ο π ή for . שחקHe does use π α λ α ι ό ς (e.g. for ) י ש י שbut never π α λ α ί ω μ α . The latter term is unique to R—and for him, an odd foray into the realm of etymological equivalents. עני17.3
('οηί) » π τ ω χ ε ί α (2). No example of π τ ω χ ε ί α used by A q is found in the fragmentary remains of his work. Apparently his standard term for ^Va is π ε ν ί α (an equivalent which R also employs once). This conclusion is confirmed by the propensity in A q to employ π έ ν η ς for '( ל ע נ יani) and π τ ω χ ό ς for . אביוןThe tendency, then, to use more than one lexeme in Greek for one lexeme in Hebrew is less in A q than in R. 18. » ש ר שρ ί ζ ω μ α (1). Earlier it was suggested that the context of 36:30b motivated R to employ ρ ί ζ ω μ α rather than ^ ί ζ α . Fortunately an equivalent for A q is extant for just this text and he has ρ ί ζ α , which is his normal rendering of .שרש Conformity seems to rule out some sensitivity to context seen in R. 490
4 9 2
19. - 21. Renderings of א ו ן: » א ו ןα δ ι κ ί α (2); » א ו ןά δ ι κ ο ς (1): and » א ו ן α ν ο μ ί α (1). The characteristic equivalents in A q for א ו ןare (by frequency) ά ν ω φ ε λ ή ς , λ ύ π η , and ά ν ω φ έ λ ε ι α . The last term is unique to A q . Moreover. A q uses 4 9 5
4 8 8
Reider, 75.
4 8 9
In Jb 37:18a, τ ρ ο π α ς is an error for ρ ο π α ς (see Z i , A p p I I , ad 10c).
4 9 0
Reider lists D t 26:7 and Ps 106(107):41 (Reider, 188).
4 9 1
Reider, 187, 208.
4 9 2
See above, p. 455.
4 9 3
A p p I I 36:30b ρ ι ζ ώ μ α τ α ] a' σ ^ ׳ί ζ α ς C.
4 9 4
Reider, 211.
4 9 5
The frequencies are 24, 3 and 1 respectively (see Reider, 23, 150). For א ו ןReider also lists ά ν ο μ ο ς Jb 34:22 a ' θ', but this evidence is not confirmed by the critical edition of Zeigler (see Z i , ad toe).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
αδικία for ח מ סand ανομία for . עוןOnce again, A q increases and specializes stereotying of equivalents far beyond the beginning stages seen in R. 22. - 24. Renderings of nominal forms from) ע ו ל: ע ו לa w e l ) » α δ ι κ ί α (1); '( ע ו ל הawla R ) » α δ ι κ ί α (J); '( ע ו ל הαινίά) » ά δ ι κ ο ς (1). Evidence for ע ו לin A q is questionable. His equivalent for ע ו ל הis π α ρ α ν ο μ ί α . A q has developed a more elaborate system of equivalents than R for distinguishing terms for evil. 1
4 9 8
25. » ע פ רχ ω μ α (7). R also renders ע פ רby χ ο υ ς once. A q always uses χ ο υ ς for ע פ רand does not use χ δ μ α at all. He is closer than R, in this usage, to the mainstream of L X X Translators. 499
26. » פ הπ ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν (2). R normally renders פ הby σ τ ό μ α , but employs π ε ρ ι σ τ ό μ ι ο ν instead when an 'aperture' of another sort is in view and literal translation by 'mouth' would appear strange. A q uses only σ τ ό μ α for פ ה, even in Ps 132(133):2 where the 'aperture' of a garment is in question and the context is similar to R 30:18b. 27. and 28. Renderings of ע1 פ ע: » פ ש עα δ ι κ ί α (1), and (4) ע£ ? » פπ α ρ ά π τ ώ μ α (2). The equivalence which is standard in A q is » פ ש עά θ ε σ ί α ( α μ α ρ τ ί α is also employed once). A q has distinct equivalents for the various terms for evil or sin. 29. and 30. Renderings of י ח ד: » י ח דο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν (1); » י ח דό μ ο ΰ (1). R also employs ο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν for1) ) י ח ד ו. As a general rule, A q employs ά μ α for י ח דand ό μ ο ΰ for י ד ח ו, thereby distinguishing the different forms in the parent text in his translation. Two instances of » י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν are listed in Reider, one spuriously attributed to a ' and the other based on information in Field from Nobilius. Thus, the equation » י ח ד וο μ ο θ υ μ α δ ό ν is hardly A q . Unlike R, then, A q distinguishes י ח דand 5130
י ח ד וand adopts equivalents different from those used by R to show this. 31. » ע צ םκ ρ ά τ ο ς (1). R also employs ό σ τ ο ΰ ν for ע צ םtwice. A q always employs ό σ τ ο ΰ ν for ע צ םand reserves κ ρ ά τ ο ς for ע ז. In Jb 21:23a where R renders ב ע צ ם ת מ וby έ ν κ ρ ά τ ε ι ά π λ ο σ ύ ν η ς α ϋ τ ο ΰ A q has έ ν ό σ τ ε ώ σ ε ι ά π λ ό τ η τ ο ς
4 9 6
Reider, 5, 22.
4 9 7
See above, η. 190.
4 9 8
Reider, 184.
4 9 9
See Hatch-Redpath, s.v. χ ω μ α and χ ο υ ς .
5 0 0
Reider, 6, 14.
Plate of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
5 0 1
αΰτοΰ. This demonstrates Aquila's persistence in pursuing a system of translation technique rather than attending to context. 32. and 33. Renderings of מ ס פ ר: » מ ס פ רαριθμός (3) and » א י ן מ ס פ ר αναρίθμητοι (1). See discussion below, under Verbs, where renderings of ס פ רare best considered together. I n the category of Verbs, 41 cases of disagreement are enumerated. Six cases are either of little value in showing relationship between the two or reveal different preferences between R and A q of a minor nature. 1. » ח ר הσ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω (1). Earlier the conclusion was reached that R borrowed σ υ μ φ ρ ύ γ ω from Ρ because o f contextual similarity between Jb 30:30 and Ps 102:4. The expression ח ר ה ע צ םor '( נ ח ר ו ע צ מ ו תbones are scorched') in M T is limited to Ps 102:4, Jb 30:30, and Ez 24:10. A n Aquila rendering is available only for Ps 101(102):4 and he employs ψ α θ υ ρ ό ο μ α ι ('crumble'). Thus A q is independent of 502
2. כ ס הPiel » σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω (1). R also renders כ ס הPiel by κ α λ ύ π τ ω in 3 instances. A q employs ε π ι κ α λ ύ π τ ω , κ α λ ύ π τ ω and π ε ρ ι β ά λ λ ω for כ ס הPiel (no examples of κ α λ ύ π τ ω and π ε ρ ι β ά λ λ ω attributed uniquely to a' are extant). A q does not use σ υ γ κ α λ ύ π τ ω at all. Here difference preferences regarding compound forms of κ α λ ύ π τ ω may be all that is involved. 505
3. » ב ח רέ ξ α ι ρ έ ω (1). Both R and A q employ ε κ λ έ γ ο μ α ι and α ί ρ έ ω for ב ח ר. Since A q employs έ ξ α ι ρ έ ω for ( ח ל ץQal Passive Participle, Hiphil), ?&|־Π, and כ ר ת
5 0 1
Reider falsely lists ι σ χ ύ ω ν ά μ ω μ ο ς for A q (Reider, 15,119, but see Z i , A p p I I , ad
loc). 5 0 2
See above, p. 450.
5 0 3
MS 86 is a confused witness at Ez 24:11 and the ascription 01 γ ' of little value (see Ziegler, Ezechiel, ad l o c ) . 5 0 4
In Ps 101(102):4 for M T ( ו ע צ מ ו ת י כ מ ו ־ ק ד נ ח ר וM y bones are scorched as a fireplace), A q has κ α ϊ τ ά ό σ τ α μ ο υ ώ ς κ α ύ σ ι ς έ ψ α θ υ ρ ώ θ η (Field, 2:257). A q also seems independent of Rabbinic Midrash: "For my days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as a hearth (Ps 102:4); that is, my bones are like a spark thrown out by the fire" (William G. Braude, The Midrash on Psalms, 2 vols. [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959], 2:154, 502, n. 11). 5 0 5
See Reider, 92, 125, 189.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
(Niphal), apparently his usage of έ ξ α ι ρ έ ω is more toward the sense of 'remove' and not 'choose'. 4. » ש מ רο ύ χ ά π τ ω (1). Both R and A q normally use φ υ λ ά σ σ ω for ש מ ר. Contextual factors motivated the sole use of ο ύ χ ά π τ ω in R . 5. » ע נ הα ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι (2). Like R, A q employs α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι and ε ι σ α κ ο ύ ω for ע נ ה, and additionally έ π α κ ο ύ ω , υ π α κ ο ύ ω and κ α τ α λ έ γ ω . A q never uses α ν τ α π ο κ ρ ί ν ο μ α ι according to the extant remains. 506
6. י צ אHiphil » δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω (1). The equivalents normally used in A q for י צ א Hiphil are ε κ φ έ ρ ω and εξάγω. In the extant remains, one use of δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω is attributed to a' at Ez 20:26—for פ ט ר. The use of δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω in R is motivated by the context of Jb 38:32a and comparison between R and A q is hindered by the fact that no A q materials have survived for this verse. Thirty-five disagreements are more interesting. They show, in general, the same sorts of things observed for the cases of disagreement listed for Nouns. 1. » ל א מ רλ έ γ ω ν (1). Aquila's characteristic equivalent is τ φ λ έ γ ε ι ν ,
5 0 8
approximates the form of the parent text more closely. 2. ה ל ךHithpael » δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι (1). A q normally renders ה ל ךHithpael by 509
π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω or έ μ π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω and in fact, never uses δ ι α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι at a l l .
usage may be to keep the Qal and Hithpael Stems distinct since he does employ π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךQal. 3. » ש ל חε κ τ ε ί ν ω (2). R also renders ש ל חby έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω twice. A q employs α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω and έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω for ש ל חand reserves ε κ τ ε ί ν ω for
does not evince such stereotyping in equivalents for verbs. 4. Renderings of Verbs / Nouns of י/ ם פ ר: ם פ רQal » έ ξ α ρ ι θ μ έ ω (1); » מ ס פ ר αριθμός (3); » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι ( I ) . Apparently A q renders forms from מ נ ה by ά ρ ι θ μ έ ω and α ρ ι θ μ ό ς and use ψ η φ ί ζ ω and ψ ή φ ο ς for ס פ רand מ ס פ רrespec50
*'For έξαιρεΤν Reider erroneously lists נ ו ףHiphil for Is 58:11 instead of ח ל ץ
Hiphil (Reider 84). 5 0 7
See above, p. 129 n. 158 and pp. 303-304.
5 0 8
See Reider, 147 and Hyvarinen, 31.
5 0 9
Reider, 79,190.
5 1 0
In R, one instance rendered by ε κ τ ε ί ν ω is Qal and one is Piel. Both instances rendered by έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω are Piel. In A q , α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω is employed for both Qal and Piel forms while έ ξ α π ο σ τ έ λ λ ω is used only for forms of the Piel Stem (see Reider, 29, 85).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
tively. Thus the equation » א י ן מ ס פ רα ν α ρ ί θ μ η τ ο ι is also absent in A q . The tack taken by A q is to render a Hebrew root and its derivatives by a single Greek root in its various derivatives. 5. and 6. Renderings of ח ז ה: » ח ז הε ι δ ο ν (1) and » ח ז הδ ψ ο μ α ι (1). A q alerts the reader of his translation to a distinction between ח ז הand ר א הin the parent text by employing ό ρ ά ω (and principal parts) for the latter and ο ρ α μ α τ ί ζ ο μ α ι for the former.7. » צ פ ןκ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (1). R indiscriminately employs κ ρ ύ π τ ω for a variety of words for 'conceal / hide' ( ח כ א, ט מ ן, כ ח ד, ס ת ר, ) צ פ ןand further, uses both the simplex κ ρ ύ π τ ω (twice) and the compound κ α τ α κ ρ ύ π τ ω (once) for צ פ ן. Although A q may not have a completely consistent system, the evidence indicates he favours allocating a different compound form of κ ρ ύ π τ ω for each of the various words for 'hide' in Hebrew. A n excellent example of this is Jb 20:26 where he employs ά π ο κ ρ ύ π τ ω for ט מ ןand έ γ κ ρ ύ π τ ω for צ פ ן: 512
20:26a כ ל ־ ח ש ך ט מ ו ן ל צ פ ו נ י ו 20:26a πδίν δ έ σ κ ό τ ο ς α ύ τ ω ύ π ο μ ε ί ν α ν Λ ρ ρ I I α ύ τ ω ύ π ο μ ε ί ν α ι ] α ' ( α ' θ ' sec C) ά π ο κ έ κ ρ υ π τ α ι ( ε γ κ ε ι μ ε ν ο ι ς c) α υ τ ο ύ C (Polychr)
The equivalent normally used by Aquila for צ פ ןis σ υ γ κ ρ ύ π τ ω .
5 1 3
8. » מ א םέ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω (1). R also employs άπωθεο) for מ א םthree times. A q normally renders מ א סby α π ο ρ ρ ί π τ ω and uses έ ξ ο υ δ ε ν ό ω for . בזהHe has a system of equivalents worked out which keeps lexemes in the parent text separate. Only adumbrations of an attitude such as this can be seen in precious few instances in R (e.g. words for 'cloud'). 9. and 10. Renderings of א ס ר: » א ס רπ ε δ ά ω (1) and » א ס רπ ε ρ ι δ έ ω (1). R also renders א ס רby δ έ ω once. Analysis earlier indicated π ε δ ά ω for א ס רmay be 5 1 4
S e e Reider, 31, 258-259.
R e i d e r , 115,174-175.
5 1 3
See Reider, 27, 65,92, 141, 225.
3 1 4
Reider ,28. Reider lists one occurrence of » מ א םα π ο κ ρ ύ π τ ω (Is 31:7) which is
probably spurious (cf. Reider, 27 and Ziegler, Isaias, ad l o c ) . For » מ א םά π ο θ ε ό μ α ι only Ez 21:13(18) and Jer 7:29 α ' σ ׳are listed (Reider, 30). 5 1 5
Reider, 87.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
influence from P , while π ε ρ ι δ έ ω for א ס רis connected to the rare use of this verb in the sense of 'girding χ on the waist'. A q sticks to δ έ ω for אסר־and employs π ε δ ά ω only once, for ( פ ם תD n 3:23) where θ ' D n has the same. No A q materials have survived for Jb 12:18b and Neh 4:12, so one cannot be certain how he would have treated the rare usage of א ס רin question in those texts. There is, at least, less variation in A q than in R. 517
11. ( ב ו אQal Imperative) » δ ε ύ τ ε (1). A q does not use δ ε ύ τ ε (or δ ε ύ ρ ο ) at a l l . H e does not distinguish, then, Indicative and Imperative forms of ב ו אin his equivalents. This is a definite departure from the κ α ί γ ε tradition. 519
12. ה פ ךHithpael » δ ι α σ τ ρ έ φ ω (1). R renders ה פ ךQal by σ τ ρ έ φ ω twice. Only one reference is given for ה פ ךHithpael in Reider: Jb 37:12. There where R has δ ι α σ τ ρ έ ψ ε ι , A q renders by π ε ρ ι σ τ ρ έ ψ ε τ α ι . For ה פ ךQal, A q employs σ τ ρ έ φ ω and once, ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω . A q apparently uses a Passive Participle of δ ι α σ τ ρ έ φ ω for £ ? ע קP i e l . The usage in A q , then, is similar to R, but a different compound is used for the Hithpael. 520
5 2 1
13. - 15. Renderings of ש ו ר: » ש ו רπ ρ ο σ ν ο έ ω (3); » ש ו רδ ψ ο μ α ι (1); » ש ו ר π ε ρ ι β λ έ π ω (1). A q renders ש ו רby α τ ε ν ί ζ ω once, by π ρ ο σ κ ο π έ ω once, and 52:i
5 1 6
See above, p. 458.
5 1 7
See above, pp. 467 and 319.
5 1 8
Reider, 51, 187.
5 1 9
T h r e e references are cited by Reider: for ב א וJer 28(51):!(), 42(35):11, and for
ל כ וPs 45(46):9 (Reider, 52). According to Reider, Jer 28(51):10 belongs to σ', and not a. This is also the case for Jer 42(35): 11 (see Ziegler, leremias, 293 and 389). Ps 45(46):9 is apparently ε', not a ' (so Reider, 52, see G. Mercati, e d ״Psallerii
Reliquiae [Vatican City, 1958], 1:79). 5 2 0
Reider, 190.
5 2 1
Reider, 94, 223.
5 2 2
Only Ps 17(18):27 and Prv 8:8, neither attributed solely to a' (Reider, 56).
5 2 3
Jb 7:8a (Reider, 35). Cf. A p p I I : ο ύ π ε ρ ι β λ έ ψ . μ ε ] a' ο ύ δ ι α κ ρ ι ν ε Τ μ ε Syh; ο ύ κ ά τ ε ν ι ε ΐ (μοι) 252 542 C (δγρ'); ο ύ κ α τ α ν ο ε Τ με 250 (δγρ'). 5 2 4
Νηι 24:17 (Reider, 205).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
possibly έ φ ο δ ε ύ ω once. While the evidence is somewhat sparse, the equivalents are distinct from what A q normally uses for ר א הor ח ז הand that is what one might expect. The variation in both R and A q is probably contextually motivated. The distribution of TX} in M T (Torah 2, F Prophets 0, L Prophets 3, Job 10, Other I ) reveals that this verb is almost peculiar to Job. This may explain the lack of a Stereotype or Regular equivalent in A q , or even in R. 16. ס פ רPiel » έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι (2). A q uses δ ι η γ έ ο μ α ι for ס פ רPiel; α ν α γ γ έ λ λ ω is also employed once. Thus A q prefers a different compound of ή γ έ ο μ α ι . 5 2 6
17. » ח ר הθ υ μ ό ω (2). A q employs either ό ρ γ ί λ ο ν ε ΐ ν α ι or οργίζω (Passive) for . חרהA q also uses θ υ μ ό ω for א נ ףand ( ק צ ףone instance of each is extant). Further, the equivalence » א כ ףοργίζω is attributed to a ' σ ' once (Ps 2:11) and ק צ ף » οργίζω is attributed to a' σ ' θ ' once (Is 57:17). The evidence, then, suggests A q uses οργίζω for ח ר הand θ υ μ ό ω for other terms for 'be angry'. This is corroborated by the fact that for the nouns א ףand ח ר ו ןhis equivalents are clearly θ υ μ ό ς and ό ρ γ ή respectively. The equivalence » ח ר הθ υ μ ό ω occurs in Pent in 12 instances and the equivalence » ח ר הο ρ γ ί ζ ω occurs in 12 instances as w e l l . R prefers the former and A q the latter. 528
18. and 19. Renderings of ס ו ר: ס ו רHiphil » μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι (1); ס ו רHiphil » π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω (1). R also renders ס ו רby έ κ κ λ ί ν ω once. For ס ו רHiphil A q employs
5 2 5
Jb 37:3 (Reider, 102). The attribution to a' is certain, but apparently a different
parent text from M T was read (so Reider). 5 2 6
Sg 4:8, in fact, is in doubt.
5 2 7
Reider, 16, 58. Jer 28(51).i0 is falsely attributed to a ( ׳Reider, 99). The equivalent έ ξ η γ έ ο μ α ι is listed once for a', but is a retroversion from Syriac (Reider, 86). 5 2 8
T w o instances of λ υ κ έ ω (Passive) are also listed, both attributed to ο ί λ ' (Reider,
150). 5 2 9
Reider, 114.
5 3 0
θ υ μ ό ω for ח ר ה: Gn 39:19, Ex 4:14, 32:10, 32:11, N m 11:1, 11:10, D t 11:17 and for
ח ר ה א ף: Gn 30:2, 44:18, N m 11:33, 22:27, 24:10. 5 3 1
οργίζω for ח ר ה: Gn 31:36, Ex 22:24(23), 32:19, N m 22:22, 25:3, 32:10, 32:13, Dt
6:15, 7:4,29:27(26), 31:17 and for ח ר ה א ף: Ex 32:22.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
ά φ ί σ τ η μ ι ; he does not use μ ε θ ί σ τ η μ ι at a l l .
A q prefers one equivalent, while R is
influenced more by contextual factors. 20. ה ל ךQal » π ρ ο ά γ ω (1). A q normally uses π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι for ה ל ךQal and occasionally π ε ρ ι π α τ έ ω and α π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι .
5 3 3
The last mentioned equivalent is also
once employed by R for ה ל ךQal. A q does not use π ρ ο ά γ ω . As noted previously, the contextual situation of "going before God in judgement" in 34:23b is probably the reason for the choice of π ρ ο ά γ ω in R. 21. » מ&אσ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω (1). A q , like R, employs a variety of equivalents for א£נע. He uses mainly α ϊ ρ ω , έ π α ί ρ ω , λ α μ β ά ν ω , α ν α λ α μ β ά ν ω and rarely, φ έ ρ ω , ύ ψ ό ω (Passive).
There are two or three instances of β α σ τ ά ζ ω for נ ש א, but are
attributed to a ' σ ' θ ' and never uniquely to A q .
5 3 5
According to the extant remains,
A q does not use σ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω at all. This seems to be simply a preference for different equivalents and not due to any conscious method of translation. 22. » ר א הέ μ β λ έ π ω (1). Aq's equivalent for ר א הis ό ρ ά ω (including all principal parts). For β λ έ π ω Reider lists " β λ έ π ε σ θ α ι pass. ר א הniph. Regn. I l l v i 18 a' θ"' 53
and for έ μ β λ έ π ω he lists " έ μ β λ έ π ε ι ν נ ב טhiph. Is xxxviii 11 a ' σ ' θ'." * This evidence indicates R is not followed by A q in employing β λ έ π ω , or even έ μ β λ έ π ω for ר א ה. 24
— .23. Renderings of ש י ם: » ש י םτ ά σ σ ω (2) and » ש י םδ έ ω (1). R also
employs τ ί θ η μ ι for • ש יin 4 instances. A q uses only τ ί θ η μ ι for
So R is more
contextually sensitive than A q as he is willing to vary in equivalents according to the situation.
5 3 2
Other equivalents listed for ס ו רHiphil are: ά φ α ι ρ έ ω , π ε ρ ι α ι ρ έ ω and π α ρ α -
σ τ ρ έ φ ω . These are not characteristic for ס ו רHiphil; attribution to a' in the case of π ε ρ ι α ι ρ έ ω and π α ρ α σ τ ρ έ φ ω is either erroneous or not unique to A q (Reider, 37, 184,189). 5 3 3
Reider, 25,190, 200.
5 3 4
See Reider, 7-8, 17, 88, 248, 249. Equivalents like ά ν ί η μ ι , α ρ έ σ κ ω , 'έχω, π α ρ α -
δ έ χ ο μ α ι , π α ρ α π ί π τ ω , υ π ο φ έ ρ ω , and φ ρ ί τ τ ω are also listed, but evidence for these is either limited to one instance or is dubious or is not uniquely attributed to a ' (Reider, 21, 31,103, 183,184, 247, 251). 5 3 5
5 3
Reider, 41.
* Reider, 42, 78.
5 3 7
Once, έ π ι τ ί θ η μ ι is attributed, falsely, to a ' (Reider, 94).
Place of the Asterisked Materials in the Text History
25. » א ח זα ν τ έ χ ω (1). R also employs κ α τ έ χ ω once and κ ρ α τ έ ω twice for א ח ז, in common with A q . N o use of α ν τ έ χ ω is extant for A q . The equivalence, once more, shows flexibility in R in respect to context versus stricter adherence in A q to stereotypes. 26. - 28. Renderings of י צ ק: י צ קQal » έ π ι ρ ρ έ ω (22:16b); » י צ קκ α τ α χ έ ω (41:15b); and י צ קHophal » έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς (37:18b). Few equivalents for forms of י צ ק attributed to a' and attested in Greek by the witnesses have come down to us. There is έ π ι ρ ρ υ τ ή ς for ( מ ו צ ק תZee 4:2), έ π ι χ έ ω for ( צ ו קD t 28:53), έ π ί χ υ σ ι ς for צ ו ק ה (Prv 1:27), and σ ΰ γ χ υ σ ι ς for ( מ ו צ קJb 37:18). Thus although evidence is limited, R and A q are quite similar in general, but distinct in the compound form used in Jb 37:18b which is the only place permitting comparison of R and A q for the same parent text. 29. » נ ח הά γ ω (1). R also employs ό δ η γ έ ω and κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω once each for נ ח ה. Evidence is l i m i t e d , but A q seems to reserve ά γ ω for ב ו אHiphil and use κ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω or ό δ η γ έ ω for נ ח ה. 538
30. and 31. Renderings of ח ק ר: » ח ק רέ ξ α κ ρ ψ ά ζ ω (1) and » ח ק רε τ ά ζ ω (1). Also once R employs ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω for ח ק ר. A q generally uses ε ξ ι χ ν ι ά ζ ω for .'•'הקר He reserves ά κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω for ח ק ק and never uses έ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω or ε τ ά ζ ω according to the extant remains. Thus the equivalent in A q for ח ק רis independent of R and is, moreover, part of his more specialized system of equivalents whereby one can keep terms in the parent text distinct in the translation: έ ξ α κ ρ ι β ά ζ ω for ח ק רwould too easily interfere with using derivatives o f * ά κ ρ ι β α ζ for all forms of ח ק ק. 53
5 4 0
5 3 8
For ב ו אHiphil » ά γ ω Reider lists Lv 13:2 o i λ ' ( = L X X ) , 2 Kgs(Sm) 7:18 a ׳σ ' ,
Ps 42(43):3 α σ ׳θ 4 0 : ( 1 0 5 ) 1 0 4.׳,Is 49:22, 66:4, Jer 20:6 o i γ 3 : ( 3 4 ) 4 1,<׳a ׳σ ' ) , D n 9:24 ( = retroversion from Syh) (Reider, 2-3). For » נ ח הκ α θ ο δ η γ έ ω he lists Is 57:18 and for » נ ח הό δ η γ έ ω Ps 42(43):3 a ' σ ׳θ ( ׳erroneously listed as 43(44):3), Prv 6:22 α ' σ ' θ ' (Reider, 121,168). 5 3 9
The equivalence » ח ק רε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω (Reider, 86) is to be discounted since attribution to a ' in 1 Kgs(Sm) 20:12 is mistaken. (This attribution is based exclusively on MS 243 which has a' ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ή σ ω σ ' ε ξ ι χ ν ι ά σ ω θ ' ε ξ α κ ρ ι β α σ ο μ α ι [Brooke-McLean, ad loc.]. Doubtless ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ή σ ω is σ ' and ε ξ ι χ ν ι ά σ ω is a' according to evidence in Reider, 86). The only other occurrence of ε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω attributed to a' in Reider, Jb 28:11 (for ח ב ש, or probably reading חפ£7), is also incorrect (see Z i , A p p I I , ad l o c ) . • י«יReider, 10.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
32. » ח ר שσ ι ω π ά ω (1). R also employs κ ω φ ε ύ ω for3) ) ח ר ש. A q reserves σ ι ω π ά ω for ד מ םand uses κ ω φ ε ύ ω for $ . ח רReider lists one occurrence of !1?חר Hiphil rendered by π α ρ α σ ι ω π ά ω ( H b 1:1.3), but it is attributed to a' σ ' θ . Once more, the equivalents in A q represent an advance on the attitude to translation in R in terms o f attempting to representing the Hebrew. 33. » מ ל טδ ι α σ ώ ζ ω (1). R also employs for מ ל טρ ύ ο μ α ι once and σ ώ ζ ω once. A q generally uses σ ώ ζ ω for ע2?י, δ ι α σ φ ζ ω for פ ל ט, π ε ρ ι σ φ ζ ω for מ ל טand ρ ύ ο μ α ι for . נצלThus he keeps different lexemes for 'deliver' in the parent text separate in his translation. 5 4 1
5 4 2
34. » ע ז בά φ ί η μ ι (1). R also uses ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω for ע ז בtwice. A q sticks to ε γ κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω and κ α τ α λ ε ί π ω for ע ז בand uses ά φ ί η μ ι for other terms tike נ ו ח Hiphil and .נטש 544
3 5 $ . ו בQal » α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω (1), R also employs ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω for וב8? Qal (1). α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω is attributed incorrectly to a' once and one instance of ε π α ν α κ ά μ π τ ω for ש ו בQal is listed in Reider, but attributed to a' σ ' θ ' . His normal rendering of ע ו בQal is ε π ι σ τ ρ έ φ ω (or α ν α σ τ ρ έ φ ω and α π ο σ τ ρ έ φ ω ) . * So A q sticks to compounds of σ τ ρ έ φ ω whereas R shows variety as the context demands. 3.3,2.3. In summary, the approach of Aquila clearly represents a high refinement of the translation technique developing in R. It is a more rigid and systematic attempt to represent the Hebrew quantitatively. This has involved the development of a comprehensive and more specialized system of equivalents so that each lexeme in the parent text has a different equivalent in Greek. His system is comprehensive in that all parts of speech from a particular Hebrew root are frequently rendered by equivalents all derived from a single Greek stem, even when this runs counter to standard usage in Hellenistic Greek (e.g. » ח ז ו ןο ρ α μ α τ ι σ μ ό ς and » ח ז הο ρ α μ α τ ί ζ ο μ α ι ) . In this way equivalents for Nouns and Verbs are correlated. His system also involves an etymologizing approach in the search for exact renderings. Aquila is more consistent than R in sticking to his fixed equivalents and thus less sensitive to contextual factors. 5 4 5
R e i d e r , 144,215.
5 4 2
See Ziegler, Prophetae, ad 10c.
5 4 3
Reider, 56,191,211, 232.
5 4 4
Reider, 37,64, 129.
5 4 5
Reider, 17,88.
5 4 6
Reider, 18, 29, 94.
Place of ihc Asterisked Materials in the Text History
Such an approach means that there is much less of a tendency to use more than one Greek equivalent for any particular Hebrew lexeme than is the case in R. So there is a development in attitude to translation from L X X to R to Aquila which is at least typological if not chronological.
Chapter FouiConclusions
1.0. The Identification of Theodotionic Materials in the Greek Job. The sources of the corpus of asterisked materials in the Greek Job have been attributed to &'; these are twofold: (1) lines in the Ecclesiastical Text which were identified by asterisks in certain important textual witnesses and by translation tech nique in doubtful situations, and (2) snippets collected from various sources and pre sented in the second apparatus of the Gottingen Septuaginta. The bits (or occasion ally entire lines) gathered from the second apparatus are limited to those where the attribution in the textual witnesses is clearly to 6' alone. Thus, careful examination of the textual testimony and observance of translation technique delimits Theod in Job. 2.0. The Characterization of the Theodotionic Materials in the Greek Job. The character of the materials belonging to 9' reveals a literal and straight forward translation of a parent text for the most part identical with M T (consonantal text and vocalization). The translation follows the elements and segments of the lan guage of the parent text and also the sequence in which these elements are present ed. Virtually nothing is added or omitted in representing the elements of the parent text. There is a tendency towards consistency in the rendering of particular terms in the original by the same term in the translation, but care is given to contextual factors and meaning as well. There is a fairly good representation of the meaning of the parent text, but idioms and metaphors are generally handled quite woodenly although here and there a bit of genius shows through in treating some phrase. The translation does not show an attempt to represent the root system of Hebrew in equivalents such as we see in Aquila. The revisor / translator is concerned for close alignment of the Greek and Hebrew which sometimes yields difficult Greek and in rare situations even transliterations of the parent text, but his translation, unlike that of Aquila's, evinces no consistent determination to represent the formal and seman tic relationships obtaining in Hebrew so closely that absurdities abound. 1
' See J. Barr, The Typology of Literalism in Ancient Biblical Translations, Nach richten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Philologisch-Historische
No difference in character is observable between the materials from aster isked lines in the Greek text and the asterisked materials gathered together in A p p I I . The decision to treat the two together is justified. 2
3.0. The Place of the Theodotionic Materials in Job in the Text History, Comparative and contrastive analysis between the asterisked materials and the Old Greek of Job. the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, the Greek Psalter, and Aquila—all key congeners—enables placement roughly within the history o f the transmission of the Greek Old Testament. First, the asterisked materials represent the very opposite in translation tech nique when compared with O G . One may simplistically describe the difference in terms of the 'literal' approach versus the 'free' method of O G . Furthermore, Theod has the character of a de novo translation. It is not a revision of O G . As Origen dis covered in creating the Hexapla, alignment of O G with the parent text is not easy. This in itself may help to explain why the asterisked materials represent a new trans lation rather than just a revision of O G . There is no reason to doubt the attribution to 9' in the textual witnesses. The materials which are asterisked clearly owe this attribution to Origen's Hexapla. One might, however, ask whether the materials from A p p I I owe their attribution to 0' directly or indirectly to the Hexapla, or to independent sources? Should no sources independent of the Hexapla be involved, might one then claim that the attribution to 9' depends solely on Origen and possibly be mistaken? Such an approach is implau sible. In a recent study of problems relating to hexaplaric fragments, Gerard Norton concludes, "the purpose of the Hexapla was not to compare Greek and Hebrew texts but to compare the Greek texts in use by Christians and the Greek texts in use by Jews which were supposed to be faithful translations of the Hebrew text." The Hexapla was an instrument to aid Christians in their debate and dialogue with Jews at that time. It would have been defeated from the start if Origen had incorrectly identified the works of Aquila, Symmachus or Theodotion. It can be assumed that 3
Klasse, Series 1, no. 11 (Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens, no. 15) (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979), 294. 2
The latter forms only 10% of the total and therefore does not affect the analysis negatively. Since translation technique in both is identical, the additional materials from A p p I I contribute positively in enlarging the corpus. 3
G . J. Norton, "Cautionary Reflections on a Re-edition of Fragments of Hexaplaric Material," in Tradition of the Text, eds. G. J. Norton and S. Pisano, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, no. 109 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1991), 154.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
these were well known texts in his time and their identification easily verified or the entire project of the Hexapla would have fallen flat on its face. Secondly, in correlating Tlieod in Job to the members of the κ α ί γ ε group and to the Greek Psalter a number of important issues arise. Analysis of Theod in Job confirms criticisms of Barthélémy made by Grabbe and Munnich. Barthélémy claimed that the peculiar choices of translation technique displayed by the members of the κ α ί γ ε group were inspired by Palestinian Rabbinic exegetical and hermeneutical approaches in the first century. ]Less than a handful of examples in Theod in Job can be explained this way. This is not to say that Rabbinic exegesis was not present in the approach taken by members of the κ α ί γ ε group. But a broader perspective is necessary in which Rabbinic exegesis is only one possible factor motivating recensional activity or translations exhibiting a greater degree of quantitative alignment between the Greek and the Hebrew. Comparison of Theod in Job with the members of the κ α ί γ ε group revealed both agreements and disagreements. Thus, if by the κ α ί γ ε group we mean a tradition involving an approach or attitude to translation, Theod belongs in large measure to it. But the diversity that is within the κ α ί γ ε group, as well as the precise line of demarcation between κ α ί γ ε and L X X , has yet to be taken seriously by modern scholarship. Comparison of the relationship between Theod in Job and the Greek Psalter showed that the thesis of Munnich needs some revision. The proposal that the κ α ί γ ε group used the Greek Psalter as a sort of glossary and generalized certain equiva lences there as stererotypes does not satisfy all the evidence. To account for all the data properly, a larger perspective is necessary, one such as the scenario painted in broad, rough strokes by S. Brock, in which revisions and translations can be corre lated with a history of the development of approaches and attitudes to translation of the Jewish Scriptures from I I I B.C. to I I A . D . The interplay between Diasporan and Palestinian Judaism would have to be detailed here. For example, Brock compares and contrasts the difficulty in representing the original in a translation as expressed by Ben Sira versus the authority and adequacy of the translation urged by the Letter of Aristeas. Later, the κ α ί γ ε tradition as represented by the Greek Minor Prophets 4
S. Brock, "To Revise Or Not T o Revise: Attitudes T o Jewish Biblical Translation," in Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, eds. G. J. Brooke and B. Lindars, Society of Biblical Literature Septuagint and Cognate Studies, no. 33 (Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1992), 301-338. See also idem, "The Phenomenon of the Septuagint," in Oudtestamentische Studied (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972), 11-36, and A . Pietersma, "Kyrios or Tetragram: A Renewed Quest for the Original Septuagint" in De Septuaginta: Studies in honour of John William Wevers on his sixty-fifth birthday, eds. A Pietersma and C. Cox (Mississauga: Benben, 1984), 85-101.
Scroll betrays a concern for the primacy of the Hebraka Veritas, whereas Philo of Alexandria accepts the translation as authoritative in itself. Theod in Job shares the approach to translation evident in the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, although the latter is a recension while the former is not. Munnich also failed to employ contrastive as well as comparative analysis in correlating neologisms in the Greek Psalter with equivalences in the κ α ί γ ε group. Related to this is the fact that there are serious problems with a methodology in which certain key equivalences are used to establish influence or relationship or membership in a so-called Kaige Recension. Careful comparative and contrastive research has to be done on the basis of the whole, not just on certain outstanding or peculiar equivalences. This is clear from renderings of 03 / D3fl. While the Greek Psalter does not use κ α ί γ ε , frequently the equivalent is κ α ι γ ά ρ as in 2 Chronicles. This shows the same concern for the minutiae of the parent text that is evident in the κ α ί γ ε group. Somewhere along the line, someone with a similar concern brilliantly hit upon κ α ί γ ε . Others with the same approach / attitude to translation adopted this equivalence and it became standard. The fact that a number of revisions or trans lations employ this equivalence or a number like it does not prove existence of one unified recension. It points to an attitude or tradition. 5
In fact, we must cease all together speaking of a Kaige Recension as i f there were a monolithic revision behind the members of this group. There is no Kaige Recension as such. Instead, there is a continuum from the Greek Pentateuch to Aquila in which approaches and attitudes to translation are on the whole tending toward a closer alignment between the Greek and the Hebrew. Moreover, there is a tradition which developed within this continuum and involved the interplay between various forces in Judaism. T o this tradition the κ α ί γ ε texts belong. We have yet to demarcate clearly between this tradition and the L X X . 6
Theod in Job is a part of this tradition, influenced on one hand by previous translations such as Pent, the Greek Psalter, the Greek Isaiah, and sharing on the other the attitudes of the κ α ί γ ε tradition. But his work only adumbrates some o f the characteristics of Aquila. Therefore the work of Theodotion in Job belongs, like the Greek Minor Prophets Scroll, to the early first century A . D . Theoretically one could argue that his approach is a reaction to the extreme position taken by Aquila, but correlation with all of the important congeners makes highly probable a location between the approach taken by the Greek Psalter on one side and Aquila on the other. Whether Theod in Job is identical to Theod elsewhere needs further study.
See Munnich, ANRW,
Cf. J. W . Wevers, "Barthélémy and Proto-Septuagint Studies," Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies 21 ( 1988): 23-34.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
Thus one cannot automatically correlate it with Theod Dan or Theod in Is and use the citations in the N T to prove an early first century date. Nonetheless, this is clearly the period in which Theod in Job belongs. Determining the identity and location of Theodotion is beyond the scope of this study. A n early first century date challenges some patristic testimony, but it must be remembered, that most of the Church Fathers were in general isolated from the knowledge of the Hebrew Texts and various Jewish traditions and are therefore not particularly reliable guides in questions of canon or text. The key testimony is from Epiphanius, Irenaeus (via Eusebius), and Jerome. Jerome would certainly be the most reliable informant of the three on the question as he knew Hebrew and was in touch with the Jewish traditions, but his testimony on Theodotion is not consistent as Barthélémy points out. G. J. Kuiper is certainly wrong to pit patristic testimony against the data from the texts themselves. Thus we must cease entirely speaking of Proto-Theodotion and Ur-Theodotion. The materials analyzed here constitute true Theodotion. 7
4.0. Suggestions For Further
If Theod in Job is prior to Aquila, then the materials attributed to 8' a' are basically Theod. The unity of these materials with the materials already analyzed should be tested. Comparison between Theod in Job and other materials attributed to Theod elsewhere is also a desideratum. For example, A . Schmitt's work on Theod in Daniel
R. Beckwith, The Old Testament Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985), 182-198. 8
Canon of the New Testament
Church (Grand
B a r t h é l é m y , 144-148.
See E. Schürer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ, A New English Version Revised and Edited by G. Vermes, F. Millar, and M . Goodman, V o l . I I I . l (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1986), 493-504. 1 0
Cf. S. Jellicoe, The Septuagint and Modern Study, 88-94, G. Dorival, M . Harl, and O. Munnich, eds., La Bible Grecque des Septante (Paris: Éditions du CERF, 1988), 152-153 and L . J. Greenspoon, 'Theodotion," The Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 vols. (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 6:447-448.
could be evaluated afresh from this perspective. Not all attributions to θ ' are sound. The Hagedoms have done good work in showing how to critically evaluate the testimony of the Catena MSS. More comparative and contrastive analysis must be done on κ α ί γ ε texts as a whole, rather than simply tracing key equivalences. I n a number of situations, this work is dependent on the appearance of critical editions. I t may also assist in the preparation of critical editions as it relates to clarifying the early history of the L X X .
1 1
A . Schmitt, Stammt der sogenannte „Q'"-Text bei Daniel wirklich von Theodotion? Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Philologisch-His torische Klasse, 1, N o . 8 (1966), (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1966).
Appendix A
1. Lexical Equivalencies For Hebrew Nouns Occurring Less Than Three Times In Portions Rendered by R. » א ב ד ו ןα π ώ λ ε ι α 26:6b, 28:22a » א ב לπ α θ ε ι ν ό ς 29:25c ,
'( א ב ר הebra - pinion') » σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω 39:13b (R understood 'conceive') » א ג מ ו ןκ ρ ί κ ο ς 40:26a » א דν ε φ έ λ η 36:27b » א ד ו ןκ ύ ρ ι ο ς j3:19b » א ו תσ η μ ε ι ο ν 21:29b » א ז ו רζ ώ ν η 12:18b
» א חαδελφός 41:9a » א ח דε ι ς 41:8a, 41:8a » א ח ר ו ןέ σ χ α τ ο ς ) 19:25b » א י הγ ύ ψ 28:7b » א י מ הφόβος 20:25c » א כ לβ ρ ώ μ α 20:21a; » τ ρ ο φ ή 36:31b » א ל מ נ הχ ή ρ α j29:13b » א םμ ή τ η ρ 31:18b » א מ י ץκ ρ α τ α ι ό ς j9:19a » א מ ר£ ή μ α 32:12c »^«־ρήμα)22:283 » א פ לσ κ ο τ ί α 28:3c » א ר ב עτ έ τ α ρ τ ο ς 42:16d ^ » אπ ΰ ρ 22:20b, 28:5b ( א ת ןetcin) » ν α ρ κ ά ω 33:19b '( ב דpart'): baddayw M T » δι' α υ τ ό ν 41:4a » ב ה י רτ η λ α υ γ ή ς 37:21b » ב תα τ ι μ ί α 12:21a » ב ט חέλπίς)11:18b » ב ט ןγ α σ τ ή ρ 20:23a, 31:18b » ב י נ הσ ύ ν ε σ ι ς 20:3b, 39:17b » ב י צ הφ ό ν 39:14a ,
Appendix A
» ב ל ה הτ α ρ α χ ή 24:17b » ב ל י מ הο υ δ έ ν 26:7b » ב צ עω φ έ λ ε ι α 22:3b ( ב רbar) » εκλεκτός 37:1 l a (ban M T = 'with moisture'; R read bar) ( ב רbar) » γ έ ν η μ α 39:4b(=aMT) (Hebrew bar = 'field'; Aramaic bar = 'son', Offspring') ( ב רbor)» κ α θ α ρ ό ς 22:30b » ב ק רτ ό π ρ ω ί 24:17a » ב ר כ הε υ λ ο γ ί α 29:13a » ב ר ז לσ ί δ η ρ ο υ ς 19:24a » ב ר י תδ ι α θ ή κ η 31:1a » ב ש רao^j31:31b » ב ת ו ל הπ α ρ θ έ ν ο ς 31:1b » ב א ו ןύ β ρ ι ς 37:4b » בבν ω τ ο ν 15:26b » ב ב הυ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ς j41:26a » ב כ ו ר הδ ύ ν α μ ι ς 41:4b » ב ד ו דμ ο ν ό ζ ω ν ο ς j!9:12a, 29:25b » ב ד י שσ ο ρ ό ς 21:32b ב ו הsee ב א הVerb » ב ל מ ו דά γ ο ν ο ς 30:3a » ב נ בκ λ έ π τ η ς 24:14b » ב ע ר הέ π ι τ ί μ η σ ι ς 26:11b ( ב רger)» ε τ α ί ρ ο ς j31:32a » ב רκ ο ν ί α 28:4a (gar M T = Qal Active Participle m.s of ; ב ו רR read gir = 'chalk / plaster') » ב פ ר י תθ ε ί ο ν 18:15b » ב ש םχ ε ι μ ώ ν 37:6b » ד גι χ θ ύ ς 12:8b; » ά λ ι ε ύ ς 40:31b (R read dagtm as Qal Participle of ) ד ו ב » ד ו רγ ε ν ε ά 42:16d » ד לπ έ ν η ς 34:28a » ד עγ ν ω σ ι ς j36:4b ד ע ת: bibtt-da'at M T » έ ν ά γ ν ω σ ί α 35:16b • » ד ר וν ό τ ο ς j37:17b » ד ש אχ λ ό η 38:27b » ד ש ןπ ι ό τ η ς 36:16c » ה ב לμ α τ α ί ω ς 35:16a » ה ג הμ ε λ έ τ η 37:2b
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ה ו דδ ό ξ α j 3 7 : 2 2 b ; » ευπρέπεια
» ה ד רΰ ψ ο ς j40:10b (δόξα CP) » ז כ ו כ י תύ α λ ο ς 28:17a » ז מ י רα ινεσις)35:10b » ז קχ ε ι ρ ο π έ δ η 36:8a » ז ק ןπ ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ς 32:4b, 42:17 » ז ר םψ ε κ ά ς 24:8a » ז ר ו עβ ρ α χ ί ω ν 35:9b ( ח ב לhebel) » σ χ ο ι ν ί ο ν 18:10a, 36:8b ( ח ב לhebel)»
ώ δ ί ν 39:3b
( ח ב רhabbar)»
μ έ τ ο χ ο ς j40:30a
( ה ד ו דhaddud)»
σ ι δ ή ρ ι ο ν j41:22a
2 ? ( ח דhadas)»
κ α ι ν ό ς 29:20a
# ( ח דhodes)»
μ η ν 21.•21b
» ח ו גγ ΰ ρ ο ν 22:14b ' ( ח ו חb r a m b l e ' ) » ά κ α ν θ α j31:40a '( ח ו חhook', 'ring') » χ α λ ι ν ό ς j40:26b » ח ו ץέ ξ ω τ έ ρ ω 18:17b » ח ז י זτ ί ν α γ μ α 28:26b » ח ז קι σ χ υ ρ ό ς 37:18b » ח יCacoj 19:25a » ח י הζ ω ή 33:28b; » θ η ρ ί ο ν 39:15b » ח ל בσ τ έ α ρ 15:27a ! » ח ל מ י עά κ ρ ό τ ο μ ο ς 28:9a ( ח ל קheleq) » μ ε ρ ί ς 17:5a; μ ε ρ ί ζ ω 31:2a (heleq M T ; R read halaq)-scc » ח י ןέ λ ε έ ω 41:4b (w9hin M T ; R readyahtn)—see ח נ ןVerb » ח נ ףυ π ο κ ρ ι τ ή ς 34:30a, 36:13a » ח ס דέ'λεος 37:13b » ח ס ו ־έ'νδεια 30:3a » ח פ ץθέλημα21:21a » ח פ ש יε λ ε ύ θ ε ρ ο ς j3:19b » ח ץβ έ λ ο ς 34:6b ( ח קheq)»
κ ό λ π ο ς j 19:27c
( ח קhoq)»
π ρ ό σ τ α γ μ α 26:10a; » σ ύ ν τ α γ μ α j38:33a
' Probably best excluded from Corpus of R (see above, pp. 261-262). 2
See Thackeray, 151.
Appendix A
ח ק ה: walo'-heqer M T » κ α ι α π έ ρ α ν τ ο ς 36:26b ! » ה ר עτ έ κ τ ω ν j41:22a (hereS M T ; R read /wraf) » ט ה ו רκ α θ α ρ ό ς 28:19b » ט ו בαγαθός 3 6 : l i b ; » κ α λ ό ς 34:4b » ט לδ ρ ό σ ο ς 29:19b » יגי־עκ ο π ι ά ω 39:16b (yagTah M T ; R read yaga'a)—see י ב עVerb » י ל דπ α ι δ ί ο ν j39:3a » י מ י ןδ ε ξ ι ά 23:9b, 30:12a » י ו נ ק תπ α ρ α φ υ ά ς j8:16b » י ס ו דθ ε μ έ λ ι ο ς 22:16b 3
( י ס ו רN o u n ) » έ κ κ λ ί ν ω 40:2a (y«.i(5r M T ; R read yasur οτ yastr ex — ) ס ו רs e e ס ו ר Verb » י ע לτ ρ α γ έ λ α φ ο ς 39:1a » י ק רτ ί μ ι ο ς 28:16b » י ר א הφόβος jl5:4a,j22:4a » י ר ו קχ λ ω ρ ό ς 39:8b » י ש י שπ α λ α ι ό ς 15:10a י ת ו רsee ת ו רVerb '( י ת רcord') » υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α j4:21a '( י ת רsurplus', ' a b u n d a n c e ' ) » κ α τ ά λ ε ι μ μ α 22:20b » כ ב ו דδ ό ξ α 29:20a » כ ב י רβ α ρ ύ ς 15:10b; δ υ ν α τ ό ς 36:5b '( כ ח שgauntness') » ψ ε ύ δ ο ς 16:8b » כ ל חσ υ ν τ έ λ ε ι α 30:2b (kelah M T ; R read Aa/<5— חread as ) ה » כ ל יσ κ ε ύ ο ς 28:17b » כ ל י ו תν ε φ ρ ό ς ) 19:27c » כ ל מ הέ ν τ ρ ο π ή 20:3a » כ נ ףπ τ έ ρ υ ξ 37:3b, 39:13a כ ס א/ » כ ס הθ ρ ό ν ο ς 26:9a, 36:7b » כ ס ו תπ ε ρ ι β ό λ α ι ο ν 26:6b ,
( כ ס לloins') » μ η ρ ί α 15:27b '( כ ס לconfidence') » ι σ χ ύ ς 31:24a » כ ס ףά ρ γ ύ ρ ι ο ν 28:15b » כ פ ןλ ι μ ό ς 30:3a » כ ת םχ ρ υ σ ί ο ν 28:16a, 28:19b 3
The hapax י ס ו רis analyzed as a noun of the pattern qittdl, like gibbdr and Mkkdr.
See H A L and B D B , s.v. י ס ו ר.
7111; Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» כ ת נ תχ ι τ ώ ν 30:18b » ל ו י ת ןδ ρ ά κ ω ν j3:8b » ל ח יσ ι α γ ώ ν j40:26b » ל ח םά ρ τ ο ς 24:5c(=dMT), 28:5a » ל ע גμ υ κ τ η ρ ι σ μ ό ς 34:7b » מ א כ לβ ρ ω σ ι ς 33:20b מ א מ ץ: ma'amassS-ko^h
M T » τ ο υ ς κ ρ α τ α ι ο ΰ ν τ α ς ί σ χ ύ ν 36:19c(=bMT)—see א מ ץ
Verb » מ ג ןα σ π ί ς 15:26b » מ ד ב רέ ρ η μ ο ς 38:26b » מ ו ס דπ α ι δ ε ί α 20:3a » מ ו צ אέ ξ ο δ ο ς 38:27b ' ( מ ו צ קc o n s t r a i n t ' ) » ל א מ ו צ קκ α τ ά χ υ σ ι ς 36:16b ('free effusion') » מ ו תθ ά ν α τ ο ς 28:22a » מ ח י רα ν τ ά λ λ α γ μ α 28:15b » מ ט רύ ε τ ό ς 36:27b, 37:6b » מ ל אπ λ ή ρ η ς 36:16c » מ ל ו חά λ ι μ ο ν 30:4a » מ ל ח הά λ μ υ ρ ί ς 39:6b » מ ל ךβ α σ ι λ ε ύ ς 29:25b, 36:7b » מ ל כ ד תσ ύ λ λ η μ ψ ι ς 18:10b » מ ס בκ ύ κ λ ω μ α 37:12a » מ ע י םκ ο ι λ ί α 30:27a » מ ע י לε π ε ν δ ύ τ η ς j 1:20a » מ ע נ הά π ό κ ρ ι σ ι ς 32:5a £ ? » מ פ רά π έ κ τ α σ ι ς 36:29a » מ צ ו ר הα π ό κ ρ υ φ ο ς 39:28(=28bMT) » מ ק נ הκ τ ή σ ι ς 36:33b » מ י ק שδ υ σ κ ο λ ί α 34:30b; » έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε ύ ο μ α ι 40:24b » מ ר ו םύ ψ ι σ τ ο ς 31:2b; ύ ψ ο ς 39:18a » מ ר ע הν ο μ ή 39:8a » מ ד ו ר הχ ο λ ή 20:14b » מ ש א הτ α λ α ι π ο φ ί α 30:3c; » ά ο ί κ η τ ο ς 38:27a—see ש ו א ה » מ ש ךε λ κ ύ ω 28:18b (rnesek M T ; R read mssok, Qal Imperative m.s)—see Verb » מ ש כ בκ ο ί τ η j7:13b » מ ש כ ןσ κ ή ν ω μ α 21:28b, 39:6b » מ ש פ טκρΤμα 9:15b (lirnsapsli M T ; R read hmispato) » מ הά ν ή ρ 22:!5b
Appendix A
» מ ת נ י םμ η ρ ί α 12:18b נ א ו הsee נ ו ה » נ ב לό ρ γ α ν ο ν j38:37b » נ ה הπ ο τ α μ ό ς 22:16b » נ ו חε υ π ρ ε π ή ς 18:15b (nawehti MY ex naweh; R read nawehd ex na'weh); ε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α j8:6b (nawal MY ex nawa = naweh; R read w i r a i ex na'weh) » נ ח ל הκ λ η ρ ο ν ο μ ι ά 31:2b ( נ ח תnahat MY: ex ׳w/1 = ' r e s t ' ? ) » κ α τ α β α ί ν ω 36:16c—see נ ח תVerb » נ ב רά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ί ω σ ι ς 31:3b • » נ ע יε υ π ρ έ π ε ι α 36:11c » נ ע רν έ ο ς 24:5c(=dMT) » נ ע ו ר י םνεότης3ΐ:ΐ88 » נ צ חν ΐ κ ο ς 36:7c נ ק י: 'ί-naqt MY » ά θ ω ο ν 22:30a » נ ש מ הπ ν ο ή 37:10a » נ ש ףσ κ ό τ ο ς 24:15a '( ס ג ו רgold b u l l i o n ' ) » σ υ γ κ λ ε ι σ μ ό ς 28:15a '( ס דstocks') » τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ί α j 13:27a » ס ו דμ υ σ τ ή ρ ι ο ν j 15:8a ,
» ס ו סί π π ο ς 39:18b » ס כ הσ κ η ν ή 36:29b » ס ל עπ έ τ ρ α 39:1a, 39:28(=28bMT) ס פ י ח: sapiheyha M T » ϋ δ α τ α ύ π τ ι α 14:19b » ס פ י רσ ά π φ φ ο ς 28:6a, 28:16b » ע ב דδ ο ύ λ ο ς j42:8g » ע ב יπ α χ ύ ς 15:26b » ע ב ר הό ρ γ ή 21:30b '( ע דperpetuity') » μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ι ο ν j 19:24b ( W M T ; R read *ed) '( ע דwitness') » μ α ρ τ ύ ρ ι ο ν 16:8a ,
( ע ו לawel) » α δ ι κ ί α 34:32b '( ע ו לawwal)»
ά δ ι κ ο ς 31:3a
׳( ע ו ל הa/e/1) » α δ ι κ ί α 36:33b ( ofe/i M T ; R read 'awla) ,
'( ע ו ל הawla) » ά δ ι κ ο ς j6:30a ,
» ע ו י לά φ ρ ω ν j 19:18a ('awf/ M T ; R read ewil) » ע ו ףπ ε τ ε ι ν ό ν 28:21b » ע זδ υ ν α σ τ ε ί α 37:6b '( ע טstylus') » γραφεΤον 19:24a » ע י טπ ε τ ε ι ν ό ν 28:7a
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ע ו ל םα ι ώ ν ι ο ς 22:15a » ע ל ו מ י םν ε ό τ η ς 20:11a » ע מ ו דσ τ ύ λ ο ς 26:11a » ע מ לκ ό π ο ς j 16:2b » ע נ נ הσ υ ν ν έ φ ε ι α j3:5b » ע פ ר תμ ό λ ψ ο ς 19:24a » ע צ הβ ο υ λ ή ] 18:7b » ע ר ב הή δ ύ ν ω 24:5c(=dMT) ('araba M T ; R read 'anba)—see ע ר ב הVerb 1
) ע ר ו םa r o m ) » γ υ μ ν ό ς 26:6a
'( ע ר ו םarum) » π α ν ο ύ ρ γ ο ς j 15:5b » ע ר י ץι σ χ υ ρ ό ς jl5:20b » ע ר ךϊ σ ο ς 41:4b; » σ ύ ν ε σ ι ς j28:13a » ע ר פ לγ ν ό φ ο ς 22:13b 4
» ע ש ו ק י םσ υ κ ο φ α ν τ έ ω 35:9a ('asuqim M T ; R read Qal Passive Participle)—see ע ש קVerb » ע ש י רπ λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς J27.T 9a » ע ת י דέ τ ο ι μ ο ς j3:8b » פ זχ ρ υ σ ο ύ ς 28:17b » פ ח דφ ό β ο ς 39:16b » פ ט ד הτ ο π ά ζ ι ο ν 28:19a '( פ י מ הsuperabundance of fat') 15:27b—see פ ה ' ( פ נ י נ י םr u b i e s ' ? ) » τ ά έ σ ώ τ α τ α 28:18b » פ ע לέ ρ γ ο ν 36:9a » פ ע םοδός 33:29b '( פ ר ח חbrood') » β λ α σ τ ό ς 30:12a » פ ר ץδ ι α κ ο π ή 28:4a (paras M T ; R read peres) » פ שπ α ρ ά π τ ω μ α 35:15b—see פ ש ע » פ ת ןασπίς20:14b » צ ב אδ ύ ν α μ ι ς ) 10:17c צ ו רsee ב צ רVerb » צ י הά ν υ δ ρ ο ν 30:3b '( צ ל צ לspear') » πλοΤον 40:31b ( צ מ אfame') see צ מ י םNoun '( צ מ י םsnare / trap'?) » δ ι ψ ά ω 18:9b (sammtm M T ; R read same'im) » צ ע דδ ι ά β η μ α 31:4b 4
See above, pp. 283-284, for discussion concerning analysis of verbal.
עשוקיםas a noun or a
Appendix A
» צ ע ק הκ ρ α υ γ ή 34:28a, 34:28b » צ ע י רνέοςj30:lb » צ פ ו ןβ ο ρ έ α ς 26:7a '( צ רdistress') » ε χ θ ρ ό ς 36:16a » ק ב רτ ά φ ο ς 21:32a » ק ד י םκ α ύ σ ω ν 27:21a '( ק י םopponent') » ύ π ό σ τ α σ ι ς 22:20a » ק לε λ α φ ρ ό ς 24:18a » ק ל ו ןύ β ρ ι ς ) 10:15c » ק ץπ έ ρ α ς j28:3a » ק צ הμέρος 26:14a 1
) ק צ י רb r a n c h e s ' ) » θ ε ρ ι σ μ ό ς 18:16b, 29:19b
» ק ר בγ α σ τ ή ρ 20:14b
» ק ר ו בεγγύς 17:12b » ק ר חπ ά γ ο ς 37:10a ϋρ » κ α λ ά μ η 41:21a » ק ש הτ ό ξ ο ν 29:20b » ר א יό ρ α σ ι ς 37:18b '( ר א מ ו תcorals'?) » μ ε τ έ ω ρ ο ς 28:18a (R read a form of י/ • ) ר ו ( ר בrab) » π ο λ ύ ς 35:9b, j36:28b ( ר בrob) » π λ ή θ ο ς 33:19b Qr, 35:9a ( ר בrib) » κ ρ ί σ ι ς 40:2a (rob M T ; R read rib =־r?f>) » ר ג בχ ά λ ι ξ 21:33a » ר כ זο ρ γ ή 37:2a » ר ו חπ ν ε ύ μ α 20:3b » ר ה בά β υ σ σ ο ς 36:16b ר ח ו ק: hmercihdq M T » π ό ρ ρ ω θ ε ν 39:29b '( ד יmoisture')—see ב רNoun 33:19
ר י בb
K t - s e e ( ר בrab) Noun, ר י בVerb
» ר י קκ ε ν ό ς 39:16b '( ר ב נ י םostrich') » τ έ ρ π ω 39:13a (rmanim M T ; R read Qal Active Participle ronmitm ex — ) ר נ ןs e e ר כ ןVerb » ר ס ןχ α λ ι ν ό ς 30:11b ( ר עra') » π ο ν η ρ ό ς 21:30a 1
( ר עre°' = 'roaring') » φ ί λ ο ς 36:33a—R understood re" = 'friend' » ר ע הκ α κ ί α 20:12a '( ר ע מ הquivering'?, 'mane'?) » χ ρ ε μ ε τ ι σ μ ό ς j39:19b (R read ' = ר ע מ הthundering') » ר פ א י םγ ί γ α ς 26:5a
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ר ש עασέβεια 35:8a ( ש א תia'et - 'majesty') » λ ή μ μ α 31:23b » ש ב עπ λ ή ρ η ς 42:17a » ש ג י אπ ο λ ύ ς 36:26a
» ש ד הαγρός 39:15b » ש ט ןά ν τ ί κ ε ι μ α ι j 1:6c » ש י ב הπ ε ρ ί π α τ ο ς 41:24b (hSiba M T ; R read liska, cf. Ez 42:5) '( ש י חcomplaint') » ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί α j7:13b, j9:27a '( ש י חshrub') » ή χ έ ω 30:4a; ε ύ η χ ο ς 30:7a (R read a form of ' ש י חgroan / sing / speak') ( ש ב לsekel) » φ ρ ό ν η σ ι ς 17:4a '( ש מ א ו לleft' = 'north') » α ρ ι σ τ ε ρ ά 23:9a » ש פ הχ ε ί λ ο ς 11:5b, jl2:20a » ש ר י דυ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α 20:21a » ש א ו לό ά δ η ς 26:6a » ש ב טπ α ι δ ε ί α 37:13a » ש ב ע הέπτά)2:13a » ש ה םό ν υ ξ 28:16b » ש ו אμ α τ α ι ό τ η ς j31:5a » ש ו א הσ υ ν ο χ ή 30:3c; ά β α τ ο ς 38:27a—see מ ש א ה ( ש חsah) » κ ύ φ ω 22:29b » ש ח לλ έ ω ν 28:8b » ש ח ץά λ α ζ ώ ν 28:8a » ש ח תδ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά 33:28a » ש ב מ הα ύ χ ή ν j31:22a » ש ל א נ ןε ύ π α θ έ ω 21:23b » ש ל י וε ύ θ η ν έ ω 21:23b » ש ל ח ןτ ρ ά π ε ζ α 36:16c ( ש םsem) » ό ν ο μ α j 1:1 a, 18:17b » ש מ ץί κ μ ά ς 26:14b » ש ןέ ξ ο χ η 39:28(=28bMT); » οδούς j41:6b ( ש נ הSena) » ύ π ν ο ς 14:12c » ש נ י םδ ύ ο j42:7b » ש ק רά δ ι κ ο ς j36:4a » ת א ו הέ π ι θ υ μ έ ω 33:20b (ta'awa M T ; R read t9'awweh)-see
א ו חVerb
» ת ה וο υ δ έ ν 26:7a » ת ה ו םά β υ σ σ ο ς 28:14a, 41:24b '( ת ו ש י הeffective counsel') » σ ω τ η ρ ί α j!2:16a (tuMya M T ; R read
Appendix A
» ת כ ל י תσ υ ν τ έ λ ε ι α 26:10b; » π έ ρ α ς 28:3b '( ת ו ח ל תhope') » ά ρ χ ή j41.Ta (töhaltö M T ; R read
» ת ו ל ע הσ κ ώ λ η ξ 25:6b » ת ו ת חσφΰρα 4l:2la » ת מ י ר הά λ λ α γ μ α 28:17b » ת םά π λ ο σ ύ ν η 21:23a » ת מ י םά μ ω μ ο ς j36:4b » ת ק ו הυ π ο μ ο ν ή 14:19c; » έ λ π ί ς j 17:15b » ת ר ד מ הέ ' κ σ τ α σ ι ς j33:15b א ה2 ? '( תcrashing / roaring of storm') » ϊ σ ό τ η ς 36:29b (R read form of mttf, 'be equal') '( ת ש ו הcrashing / roaring of storm') » σ ω τ η ρ ί α 30:22b (R read ו ע ה$ [ תtasü'ä], a reading closer to K t [tasuwwä = tasü'ä ] than to Qr [tusiyä = tüstyä] of MT)—see ח ו ש י הNoun 5
See HAL, s.v. mtfn.
The Asterisked Materials in Ihe Greek Job
2. Lexical Equivalencies For Hebrew Verbals Occurring Less Than Three Times In Portions Rendered by R. » א ר הέ π ι θ υ μ έ ω 33:20b (ta'äwä M T ; R read 19'awweh) » א ז רπεριέχω30:18b » א כ לκ α τ ε σ θ ί ω 22:20b; » β ρ ω σ ι ς 34:3b (R read Noun?) » א ל ףδ ι δ ά σ κ ω 33:33b » א מ ןα π λ α ν ή ς j 12:20a (Niphal Participle M T ) » א מ ץκ ρ α τ α ι ό ω 36:19c(=bMT) (ma'ämassS
M T ; R read Piel Participle,
» א נ שβ ί α ι ο ς 34:6b ('a«AS M T = Qal Passive Participle?) » א ס ףπ ρ ο σ τ ί θ η μ ι j27:19a (ye'äsep M T ; R read a form of verb י ס ףq.v.); » σ υ ν ά γ ω j39:12b » א ש רμ α κ α ρ ί ζ ω 29:1 la » ב ה לκ α τ α σ π ο υ δ ά ζ ω 23:15c(=aMT) » ב ח ןδ ο κ ι μ ά ζ ω 34:3a » ב ט חπ ε ί θ ω 40:23b » ב ע תεκθλίβωj9:34b » ב צ רό χ υ ρ ώ μ α τ α j28:10a (bassüröt M T ; R read Qal Passive Participle of ) ב צ ר » ב ק עρ ή γ ν υ μ ι 26:8b » ב ר חφ ε ύ γ ω 27:22b; » φ υ γ ή 27:22b » ב א הυ π ε ρ η φ α ν ε ύ ο μ α ι 22:29a
» ג א לά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ω j3:5a; » ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς j 19:25a (Qal Active Participle M T ) » ג ב הύ ψ ό ω 36:7c » ג ב רι σ χ ύ ω 36:9b; κ a τ ι σ χ υ p ε ύ o μ a ι j l 5 : 2 5 b » ג ד לε κ τ ρ έ φ ω 31:18a » ברעε κ λ ε ί π ω 13:19b » ב ו רκ ο ν ί α 28:4a (gär M T = Qal Active Participle m.s of ; ב ו רR read gir = 'chalk / plaster')—see ג רNoun » ב ז רορίζω j22:28a » ג י חπ ρ ο σ κ ρ ο ύ ω 40:23b » ג ר עά φ α ι ρ έ ω 36:7a
The form g€wä in M T is analyzed generally as a noun: gewä < ge'ewä < *gi'wat = gä'awä < ga'wat ('pride'). See Bergsträsser, l:15d, H A L , s.v. I ברחand ב א ו ה, and Meyer-Donner, s.v. ו ה3 . Since R understood the form in his parent text as a verb, 3 m.s Perfect, from either ג א הor ג ו הas an allomorph of ג א ה, it is classified here as such. 2
Appendix A
» ד ב קκ ο λ λ ά ω 29:!0b; » π ρ ο σ κ ο λ λ ά ω 41:9a : ד וSee ד נNoun » ד ו שκ α τ α π α τ έ ω 39:15b » ד י ןκ ρ ί ν ω 36:31a » ד כ אτ α π ε ι ν ό ω j5:4b, 34:25b » ד כ י םσ ι ω π ά ω 30:27a » ד ר ךπ α τ έ ω 22:15b, 28:8a » ד ר שζ η τ έ ω 39:8b » ז ו רσ κ ο ρ π ί ζ ω 39:15a » ז כ רμ ι μ ν ή σ κ ω 28:18a » ז ע קκ ρ ά ζ ω 35:9a (see ) צ ע ק » ז ק קέ π ι χ έ ω 36:27b » ז ר הκ α τ α σ π ε ί ρ ω 18:15b » ה ב אκ ρ ύ π τ ω 24:4b » ח ב לέ ν ε χ υ ρ ά ζ ω 34:31b » ח ב שε ξ ε ρ ε υ ν ά ω )28:11 a (R read & ) ח פ » ח ו בγ υ ρ ό ω 26:10a » ח ז קκ α τ ι σ χ ύ ω 18:9b » ח י הζ ω ο π ο ι έ ω 36:6a » ח י לμ α τ α ι ό ω j 15:20a (mithölel MT—see ח ל לVerb); » μ α ι ό ο μ α ι 26:5a 7
» ח ל לμ α τ α ι ό ω jl5:20a (mithölel M T ex ח י לR read ex ) ח ל ל ;
» ח ל םά π ο ρ ρ ή σ σ ω 39:4a » ח ל ףπ ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι 29:20b » ח ל קμ ε ρ ί ζ ω 31:2a (heleq Μι; R read häluq), 39:17b » ח מ דε π ι θ υ μ ί α 20:20b (Qal Passive Participle M T ) » ח מ לφ ε ί δ ο μ α ι 20:13a, 27:22a » ח מ םθάλπω39:14b » ח נ ןδ ε ω 9:15b; » έ λ ε έ ω 41:4b (wahtn M T ; R readyähtn ex ? ח י ןoxyähön » ח פ ץθ έ λ ω 33:32b » ח צ ץδ ι α ι ρ έ ω 21:21b » ח ר דτ α ρ ά σ σ ω 37:1a » ח ש ךκ ο υ φ ί ζ ω 21:30a » ח ש בλ ο γ ί ζ ο μ α ι 41:21a, 41:24b » ח ת םσ φ ρ α γ ί ζ ω 24:16b, 37:7a » ח ת רδ ι ο ρ ύ σ σ ω 24:16a » ח ת תπ τ ο έ ω 32:15a 7
See Dalman, s.v. ha la I.
ex ) ח נ ן
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ט מ ןκ ρ ύ π τ ω 18;10a • » ט עγ ε ύ ο μ α ι 34:3b » ט ר חκ α τ α π λ ά σ σ ω 37:11a (R read ) ט ר ח » ט ר ףδιαρπάζω)18:43 » י כ לα π ά γ ω 21:30b; » α π ο φ έ ρ ω 21:32a » י ב שξ η ρ α ί ν ω 18:16a » י ב עκ ο π ι ά ω 39:16b (yagVâh M T : R read yâga'â) » י ח לέ κ δ έ χ ο μ α ι ) 3 2 : 1 1 3 ; » υ π ο μ έ ν ω 32:16a » י כ חε λ έ γ χ ω 32:12b, 40:2b » י כ לυ π ο φ έ ρ ω 31:23b » י ל דτ ο κ ε τ ό ς 39:1a » י ע לωφέλεια 21:15b » י צ בπαρίστημι 2:Id » י ר אμ έ γ α ς j37:22b (Niphal Participle M T ) * » י ר הδ ε ί κ ν υ μ ι 34:32a » י ש בκ α θ ί ζ ω 29:25a, 36:7c » י ש עσ ώ ζ ω 22:29b » ב ב רβ α ρ ύ ν ω 35:16b; » ί σ χ ύ ω 36:31b » ב ו ןδ ι α τ ά σ σ ω j28:27b; » ε ύ θ ύ τ η ς j42:7c » ב ז בδ ι α ψ ε ύ δ ο μ α ι j41:1 a » ב ח דκ ρ ύ π τ ω 20:12b; » α φ α ν ί ζ ω 22:20a » ב ס ףέ π ι π ο θ έ ω jl4:15b » ב ר חα γ ο ρ ά ζ ω j40:30a » כ ר עένδίδωμι)39:33 » ב ר תτ ί θ η μ ι 31:1a; » δ ι α τ ί θ η μ ι ) 4 0 : 2 8 3 » כ ת רυ π ο μ ε ί ν ω j36:2a » ל י ןα ύ λ ί ζ ο μ α ι 29:19b » ל כ דσ υ ν έ χ ω 36:8b, 41:9b » ל כ חλ α μ β ά ν ω 35:7b; » δ έ χ ο μ α ι 40:24a '( ל ע עstammer') » ε γ κ ο π ο ς j6:3b (R read là'û M T ex Aramaic ' ל ע יbe weary') » מ ו גα π ο ρ ρ ί π τ ω 30:22b » מ ו טσ α λ ε ύ ω 41:15b » מ ו תα π ο θ ν ή σ κ ω 21:23a; » τ ε λ ε υ τ ά ω 42:17 » מ ט רύ ε τ ί ζ ω 38:26a » מ ל אέ μ π ί μ π λ η μ ι 20:11a; » π λ η ρ ό ω 20:23a » מ ל ךβ α σ ι λ ε ύ ω 34:30a (mimmslôk 8
M T ; R read Hiphil Participle, m.s)
Probably best excluded from Corpus of R (see above, pp. 261-262).
Appendix A
» מ ל לε π ι π ί π τ ω 18:16b » מ נ עσ υ ν έ χ ω 20:13b Κ ־Ώ » ύ ψ ό ω 39:18a » מ ר ץπ α ρ ε ν ο χ λ έ ω 16:3b ך10 » מα π έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 21:33b; » ε λ κ ύ ω 28:18b (mesek
M T ; R read m3sök,
Imperative m.s) » מ ת קγ λ υ κ α ί ν ω 20:12a, 21:33a » נ א ףμ ο ι χ ό ς 24:15a (Qal Active Participle M T ) » נ ב טσ κ ο π ε ύ ω 39:29b » נ ב לδ ι α π ί π τ ω 14:18a » נ כ הλ ά μ π ω jl8:5b » נגישκ ο λ λ ά ω 41:8a » נ ה קβ ο ά ω 30:7a » נ ו עσ α λ ε ύ ω j 28:4b(=cMT) » נ ז לρ έ ω 36:28a ( נ ו חsee ) נ ח ת » נ ח םπ α ρ α κ α λ έ ω 29:25c; » π α ρ ά κ λ η τ ο ς j 16:2b » נ ח תκ α τ α β α ί ν ω 17:16b; 36:16c (!what M T : ex nwh = 'rest'? R read eie/tef ex ) נ ח ת » נ ט הε κ τ ε ί ν ω 26:7a » נ כ רά π α λ λ ο τ ρ ι ό ω 21:29b;» έ π ι γ ι ν ώ σ κ ω 24:17b » נ ם הλ α μ β ά ν ω j4:2a (nissa M T ; R read nissä' ex נ ע אq.v.) » נ ם עσ υ ν ε ξ α ί ρ ω j4:21a » נ פ לπ ί π τ ω 14:18a; » ά π ο π ί π τ ω 29:24b » נ ק בτ ε τ ρ α ί ν ω 40:24b, j40:26b נ ע אsee נ ם ה » נ ש הκ α τ α σ ι ω π ά ω 39:17a » נ ת םέ κ τ ρ ί β ω 30:13a » נ ת רα π ο ρ ρ έ ω 37:1b » ם ו תα π α τ ά ω 36:16a » ס ב ןκ α τ α σ κ η ν ό ω j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) (yiskön M T ; R read yiikön ν ε ύ ω j34:9a » ס ל חσ υ μ β α σ τ ά ζ ω 28:16a, 28:19b » ס ל לέ ν σ κ ε υ ά ζ ω jl9:12b; » ό δ ο π ο ι έ ω 30:12c » ע ב דδ ο υ λ ε ύ ω 21:15a, 3 6 : I I a » ע ב רπ α ρ α π ο ρ ε ύ ο μ α ι 21:29a; έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 33:28a » ע ד הπ α ρ έ ρ χ ο μ α ι 28:8b » ע ו רέ ξ υ π ν ί ζ ω ) 3 : 8 ^ 14:12c » ע ט ףπ ε ρ ι β ά λ λ ω 23:9b
ex ש כ ןq.v.); » κ ι ν δ υ -
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ע ל הα ν α β α ί ν ω 36:20b; » α δ ι κ ί α 36:33b
('oleh M T ; R read fi»vZ1i)-see ע ו ל ה l
» ע מ דϊ σ τ η μ ι 30:20b, 32:16b » ע ק בα ν τ α λ λ ά σ σ ω 37:4c » ע ר בή δ ύ ν ω 24:5c(=dMT) Qaraba M T ; R read ' a » M ) » ע ר ךί σ ό ω 28:17a, 28:19a » ע ר קφ ε ύ γ ω 30:3b
ptiV » σ υ κ ο φ α ν τ έ ω 35:9a Qasuqtm M T ; R read Qal Passive Participle) » ע ת קπ α λ α ι ό ω 14:18b, 32:15b » ע ת רδ έ ο μ α ι j33:26a » פ ג עα π α ν τ ά ω 2.1:15b, 36:32b » פ ד הσ φ ζ ω 33:28a » פ ו ץδιασκορπίζω 37:lib » פ ח דπ τ ο έ ω 23:15d(=bMT) » פ ל אθ α υ μ ά σ ι ο ς 37:5a (Niphal Participle M T ) » פ ל חδ ι α σ φ ζ ω j39:3a » פ צ הα ν ο ί γ ω 35:16a » פ ק דε π ι σ κ έ π τ ο μ α ι 35:15a » פ ק חδ ι α ν ο ί γ ω 27:19b » פ ר דα π ο σ π ά ω 41:9b » פ ר ץδ ι α κ ο π ή 28:4a (paras M T ; R read pere$)—see פ ר ץNoun » פ ד רδ ι α σ κ ε δ ά ζ ω j5:12a; » π α ρ α ι τ έ ο μ α ι ) 1 5 : 4 8 6 ? » פ רε κ τ ε ί ν ω 36:30a; » π ε τ ά ν ν υ μ ι j l l : 1 3 b » פ ר ש זέ κ π ε τ ά ζ ω 26:9b (Participle M T ) * » פ ת הα π α τ ά ω 31:27a » פ ת חα ν ο ί γ ω 11:5b; » δ ι α ν ο ί γ ω 29:19a » צ ד קδικαιόω)9:153,33:32b » צ ו הε ν τ έ λ λ ο μ α ι 36:32b, 37:12c(=bMT) צ ו קsee י צ קVerb » צ מ חέ κ β λ α σ τ ά ν ω 38:27b » צ ע קκ ρ ά ζ ω 35:12a (see ) ז ע ק » צ ר רδ ε σ μ ε ύ ω 26:8a » ק ד םπ ρ ο θ φ ά ν ω 30:27b » ק ט ףπ ε ρ ι κ λ ά ω 30:4a » ק מ טέ π ι λ α μ β ά ν ω 16:8a; » σ υ λ λ α μ β ά ν ω 22:16a » ק ש הά π ο σ κ λ η ρ ύ ν ω 39:16a
O n analysis of ז2 ? פ ר, see above, p. 246 n. 453.
Appendix A
» ר ב הπ λ η θ ύ ν ω 39:4b(=aMT) » ר ו םύ ψ ό ω 17:4b; See ר א מ ו תNoun » ר ט בυ γ ρ α ί ν ω 24:8a » ר י בκ ρ ί σ ι ς 40:2a (rob M T ; R read rib)—see ( ר בrtZ>) Noun » ר כ בε π ι β ά τ η ς 39:18b (Qal Active Participle M T ) » ר כ ןε υ φ ρ α ί ν ω j29:13b; » τ έ ρ π ω 39:13a (rmanim M T ; R read Qal Active Participle ronantm
• » ר עβ ρ ο ν τ ά ω 37:4b, 37:5a » ר ע ףγ ν ο φ ό ω j36:28b » ר פ הά φ ί η μ ι j27:6a » ר פ ףπ ε τ ά ν ν υ μ ι 26:1.1a » ר צ הε ύ δ ο κ έ ω j33:26a, j34:9b » ר ק עσ τ ε ρ ε ύ ω 37:18a » ר ש עκ α τ α δ ι κ ά ζ ω 34:29a » ר ת חέ κ ζ έ ω 30:27a » ש ב עέ μ π ί μ π λ η μ ι j31:31b; » χ ο ρ τ ά ζ ω 38:27a » ש ב אπ λ α ν ά ω 12:23a (maigi' M T ; R read a form of verb ) ש ב ה » ש כ בκ ρ α τ α ι ό ω 36:22a » ש ח קκ α τ α γ ε λ ά ω 39:18b » ש י בπ ρ ε σ β ύ τ η ς 15:10a (Qal Active Participle M T ) ש י חsee ש י חNoun » ש כ לσ ύ ν ε σ ι ς j 2 2 : 2 ( = b M T ) (maskil M T = Hiphil Participle m.s) » ש ע רλ ι κ μ ά ω 27:21b » ש פ קκ ρ ο τ έ ω 27:23a ש ר רsee ש י רand ש ר ה » ש א גβ ο ά ω 37:4a » ש א לε ρ ω τ ά ω 21:29a » ש א ףέ ξ ε λ κ ύ ω 36:20a » ש ו עβ ο ά ω 35:9b, 36:13b » ש ז ףπ α ρ α β λ έ π ω 20:9a, 28:7b » ש ח קλ ε α ί ν ω 14:19a » ש ט חκ α τ α σ τ ρ ω ν ν ύ ω 3 2:23b » ש ט ףκ α τ α κ λ ύ ζ ω 14:19b » ש י רά ρ χ ω 36:24b (sOraru M T ; R read a form of verb ) & ר ר » ש י תτ ί θ η μ ι 22:24a » ש כ חέ π ι λ α ν θ ά ν ω 39:15a » ש ל ךε π ι ρ ρ ί π τ ω 27:22a; κ α τ α ρ ά σ σ ω j 18:7b » ש ע הά ν ί η μ ι j 14:6a
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
» ש פ טκ ρ ί μ α 9:15b (limsöpM M T ; R read famispato—see מ ש פ טNoun); » κ ρ ι τ ή ς 9:24b; » κ ρ ί ν ω 22:13b » ש פ ךέ κ χ έ ω 12:21a, 30:16a » ש פ לτ α π ε ι ν ό ω 22:29a » ש ק דά γ ρ υ π ν έ ω 21:32b Όρϋ-.yaiqit» ή σ υ χ ί α ν π α ρ έ ξ ε ι 34:29a » ש ק לϊ σ τ η μ ι 28:15b » ש ר הά ρ χ ή 37:3a (yisrehü M T ; R read a form of ) ש ר ר » ש ר קσ υ ρ ί ζ ω 27:23b » ש ת הπ ί ν ω 34:7b » ת ו רκ α τ α σ κ έ π τ ο μ α ι 39:8a (R read>־a/ör M T ex ) ת ו ר » ת ל הκ ρ ε μ ά ζ ω 26:7b » ת מ הέ ξ ί σ τ η μ ι 26:1 l b • » ת מά π λ ό ω 22:3b » ת ק עσ υ ν δ έ ω 17:3b
Appendix Β
O G and R Translate Same Stich - Overlap of R and O G in Ecclesiastical Text 1. 10:3b ו ע ל ־ ע צ ת ר ש ע י ם ה ו פ ע ת 10:4a ה ע י נ י ב ש ר ל ך 10:4b א נ ו ש ה ר א ה 10:5a א נ ו ש י מ י ך 10:3b 10:4a 10:4b 10:5a
אם־כראות הכימי
β ο υ λ ή δε ά σ ε β ω ν π ρ ο σ έ σ χ ε ς ; ή ώ σ π ε ρ βροτός ό ρ α κ α θ ο ρ α ς χ ή κ α θ ώ ς όρφ άνθρωπος β λ έ ψ η ; / ή ό βίος σ ο υ ανθρωπινός έ σ τ ι ν
Clearly O G 10:3b = Μ Τ 10:3b and O G 10:5a = M T 10:5a. Further, O G did not render M T 10:4a; instead O G 10:4a = M T 10:4b. Origen correlated O G 10:4a and M T 10:4a and provided a line for M T 10:4b from Theod. Thus O G 10:4a and R 10:4b both render M T 10:4b. 2. בעקב פח 18:9b ע ל י ו צ מ י ם
יאחז18:98 יחזק
18:9a ε λ θ ο ι σ α ν δε έ π ' α υ τ ό ν π α γ ί δ ε ς · 18:9b
κ α τ ι σ χ ύ σ ε ι έπ' α υ τ ό ν διψώντας. /
While the translation technique of O G is hardly quantitative, O G 18:9a correlates closely with M T 18:9b; or possibly 18:9a and b: O G offers one line for two in M T . Origen correlated O G 18:9a and M T 18:9a and supplied 18:9b from Theod for M T 18:9b. Thus OG 18:9a = R 18:9b and render the same stich in M T . 3. 23:13a ב א ח ד ו מ י י ש י ב נ ו
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
23:13b א ו ת ה ו י ע ש
23:14a י ש ל י ם ח ק י
23:14b ר ב ו ת ע מ ו
23:15a מ פ נ י ו א ב ה ל
23:15b ו א פ ח ד מ מ נ ו
23:13a ε ί δ έ κ α ι α υ τ ό ς ε κ ρ ι ν ε ν ο ύ τ ω ς , τ ί ς έ σ τ ι ν ό ά ν τ ε ι π ώ ν α ύ τ ω ; 23:13b ό γ α ρ α υ τ ό ς ή θ έ λ η σ ε ν , κ α ι έ π ο ί η σ ε ν . 23:15a δ ι α τ ο ΰ τ ο έ π ' α ύ τ ω έ σ π ο ύ δ α κ α · 23:15b ν ο υ θ ε τ ο ύ μ ε ν ο ς δέ έ φ ρ ό ν τ ι σ α α ύ τ ο ΰ . 23:15c Χ έ π ϊ τ ο ύ τ φ ά π ό π ρ ο σ ώ π ο υ α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α τ α σ π ο υ δ α σ θ ώ · / 23:15d Χ κ α τ α ν ο ή σ ω κ α ι π τ ο η θ ή σ ο μ α ι έ ξ α ύ τ ο ΰ , / O G has nothing which corresponds to M T 23:14 as the verse numbering in Ziegler (and Rahlfs before him) shows. Origen apparently equated O G 23:15a and b with M T 23:14 for he inserted lines from Theod equivalent to M T 23:15. Thus O G 23:15a = R 23:15c and OG 23:15b = R 23:15d. Origen should have added 23:14 from Theod instead of 23:15. 4. 28:26a ל מ ט ר ח ק 28:26b ל ח ז י ז ק ל ו ת
בעשתו ודרך
28:27a א ז ר א ה ו י ס פ ר ה 28:27b ו נ ם ־ ח ק ר ח
28:26a ό τ ε έ π ο ί η σ ε ν ο ύ τ ω ς , ύ ε τ ό ν ή ρ ί θ μ η σ ε ν Α ρ ρ I 28:16a ύ ε τ ό ν Gra. Ra.) ι δ ω ν ( ι δ ω ς 68) mss et verss 28:26b Χ κ α ι ό δ ό ν έ ν τ ι ν ά γ μ α τ ι φ ω ν ά ς · / 28:27a Χ τ ό τ ε εΤδεν α υ τ ή ν κ α ι έ ξ η γ ή σ α τ ο α υ τ ή ν , • 28:27b έ τ ο ι μ ά σ α ς έ ξ ι χ ν ί α σ ε ν . A t 28:26a Ziegler follows Grabe and Rahlfs in conjecture: ύ ε τ ό ν is posited as original text whereas all extant witnesses attest ίδών. The conjecture arises from a failure to appreciate the translation technique of O G and to correctly correlate O G lines to M T lines. The following correlation is proposed: 1
1 have subsequently discovered that similar suggestions have already been advanced by Walters (P. Walters, The Text of the Septuagint, ed. D . W . Gooding [Cambridge:
Appendix Β
28:26a ( ) ל מ ט ר ח ק
ότε έποίησεν,
28:27a א ז ר א ה ו י ס פ ר ה
ο ΰ τ ω ς ίδών ήρίθμησεν
28:27b ה כ י נ ה ו ג ם ־ ־ ח ק ר ה
έτοιμάσας έξιχνίασεν
Both M T 28:27a and b have two finite verbs sequenced by waw. In each case O G employed hypotaxis, rendering by means of an adverbial participle and a finite verb. The pattern in 28:27b establishes iScov as original text in 28:27a. The failure to see that O G ignored 28:26af5 and 26b motivated the conjecture in Ziegler and his prede cessors. One might render the proposed text thus: "When he created this way, having seen [it] he numbered [it], having prepared [it], he tracked [it]." Therefore R 28:27a = O G oiSxccx; tScov ipt9|tr|0ev; both render the same stich in M T . 5. 29:9b ו כ ף י ש י מ ו ל פ י ה ם 29:10a ק ו ד ־ נ נ י ד י ם נ ח ב א ו 29:10b ו ל ש ו נ ם ל ח כ ם ד ב ק ה 29:11a כ י א ז ן ש מ ע ה ו ת א ש ר נ י 29:1 l b ו ע י ן ר א ת ה ו ת ע י ד נ י 29:9b δ ά κ τ υ λ ο ν έ π ι θ έ ν τ ε ς έ π ι σ τ ό μ α τ ι . 29:10a ο ί δέ ά κ ο ύ σ α ν τ ε ς έ μ α κ ά ρ ι σ ά ν μ ε , 29; 10b Χ κ α ι γ λ ώ σ σ α α υ τ ώ ν τ φ λ α ρ ύ γ γ ι α υ τ ώ ν έ κ ο λ λ ή θ η · / 29:1 l a χ ό τ ι ο ΰ ς ή κ ο υ σ ε ν κ α ι έ μ α κ ά ρ ι σ έ ν μ ε , / 29:11b ο φ θ α λ μ ό ς δέ ί δ ώ ν μ ε έ ξ έ κ λ ι ν ε ν . It is fairly obvious that O G 29:9b = M T 29:9b and O G 29:11b = M T 29:11b although δ ά κ τ υ λ ο ν for כ ףin 29:9b and μ ε έ ξ έ κ λ ι ν ε ν for ו ת ע י ד נ יare not straightforward. Also equivalent are O G 29:10a and M T 29:11a; the equation is obscured by the fact that the first half of O G 29:10a is a paraphrase. Apparently O G omits 29:10a and b. Origen has supplied stichs from Theod for M T 29:10b and 29:11a instead of 29:10a and b. Therefore OG 29:10a = R 29:11a and both render M T 29:11a. 2
Cambridge University Press, 1973], 201, 336) and Hatch (E. Hatch, Essays in Biblical Greek [Oxford, 1889, Reprint, Amsterdam: Philo Press, 1970], 217-218). 2
Dhorme, following Beer, proposes OG read 3D׳־ym, but the suggestion is hardly persuasive (Dhorme, 423).
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
6. 30:3a ו ב כ פ ן ג ל מ ו ד
30:3b ה ע ר ק י ם צ י ה 30:3c א מ ש ש ו א ה ו מ ש א ה 30:4a מ ל ו ח ע ל י ־ ש י ח 30:4b ר ת מ י ם ל ח מ ם
הקטפים ושרש
30:5a מ ן ־ ג ו י ג ר ש ו 30:5b ע ל י מ ו כ ג נ ב
30:6a נ ח ל י ם ל ש כ ן
30:6b ח ר י ע פ ר ו כ פ י ם 30:7a י נ ה ק ו
30:7b ה ח ת ח ר ו ל י ס פ ח ו 30:8a נ ם ־ ב נ י ב ל י ־ ש ם 30:8b מ ן ־ ה א ר ץ
30:3a Χ έ ν έ ν δ ε ι α κ α ι λ ι μ ω άγονος- / 30:3b χ ο ί φ ε ύ γ ο ν τ ε ς ά ν υ δ ρ ο ν ε χ θ έ ς / 30:3c Χ σ υ ν ο χ ή ν κ α ι τ α λ α ι π ω ρ ί α ν , / 30:4a Χ ο ί π ε ρ ι κ λ ώ ν τ ε ς ά λ ι μ α έ π ί ή χ ο ΰ ν τ ι , / 30:4b ο ϊ τ ι ν ε ς α λ ι μ α ή ν α υ τ ώ ν τ ά σ ΐ τ α , 30:4c ά τ ι μ ο ι δ έ κ α ί π ε ( ρ α υ λ ι σ μ έ ν ο ι , ε ν δ ε ε ί ς π α ν τ ό ς α γ α θ ο ύ , 30:4d ο ι κ α ι £ ί ζ α ς ξ ύ λ ω ν έ μ α σ ω ν τ ο ύ π ό λ ι μ ο ύ μ ε γ ά λ ο υ . 30:5 έ π α ν έ σ τ η σ ά ν μ ο ι κ λ έ π τ α ι , 30:6 ώ ν ο ί οΤκοι α υ τ ώ ν ή σ α ν τ ρ ω γ λ α ι π ε τ ρ ώ ν 30:7a Χ ά ν ά μ έ σ ο ν ε ύ η χ ω ν β ο ή σ ο ν τ α ι - / 30:7b ο ϊ ύ π ό φ ρ ύ γ α ν α ά γ ρ ι α δ ι η τ ώ ν τ ο , 30:8a α φ ρ ό ν ω ν υ ι ο ί κ α ί ά τ ι μ ω ν ό ν ο μ α 30:8b κ α ί κ λ έ ο ς έ σ β ε σ μ έ ν ο ν ά π ό γ η ς . Dhorme correctly identifies OG 30:4b as a summary of M T 30:4, "the word ά λ ι μ α representing מ ל ו ח, the words α ύ τ ω ν τ ά σΤτα representing ". לחמםR 30:4a = M T 30:4a. The only overlap between O G and R is that both render מ ל ו חand the equivalent employed by both is the uncommon word ά λ ι μ α , which means 'shrubby 3
Dhorme, 432.
Liddell-Scott lists only four references: Anecdota Graeca, 1:376, Antiphanes, 360, Dioseorides, 1.91, and Theophrastus, Historia Plantarum, 4.16.5. There are no occur-
Appendix Β
orache'. Aquila also uses ά λ ι μ α here and elsewhere only the Jeremiah Translator uses this term, for • ח ר ר יin 17:6. This evidence does not prove dependence on or independence from O G on the part of R. 6
O G 30:4c is based on M T 30:8a as well as on ב ח ס רin 3a. Thus O G renders M T 30:8a twice. Since R 30:3a = M T 30:3a, both R and O G render ב ח ס רin 30:3a. 7
O G 30:4d is an amalgam of M T 30:3a, 3b and 4b: 01 κ α ι ρ ί ζ α ς ξ ύ λ ω ν is based on30:4) ר ת מ י ם0 ו ? צ רb ) , έ μ α σ ώ ν τ ο corresponds to30:3) ה ע ר ק י םb ) , and finally ύ π ό λ ι μ ο ύ μ ε γ ά λ ο υ is derived from30:3) ו ב כ פ ן ג ל מ ו דa ) — a p p a r e n t l y ג ל מ ו ד read as ג ד ו לby a kind of metathesis. As R 30:3b = M T 30:3b, we have a rendering for30:3) ו ב כ פ ן ג ל מ ו דa ) , and also for30:3) ה ע ר ק י םb ) , in both R and O G . The equivalents for ה ע ר ק י םare interesting since O G έ μ α σ ω ν τ ο is based on Hebrew ' ־= ע ר קto gnaw' while R οΐ φ ε ύ γ ο ν τ ε ς is derived from Aramaic ' = ע ר קto flee'. 8
The contrast between the approaches of O G and R here is marked. O G provides a sort of summary picking up words from his parent text here and there. 7. 30:22a א ל ־ ר ו ח ת ר כ י ב נ י
30:22b (Qr ו ת מ ג ג נ י ת ש ו ה ) ת ו י ש י ה 30:22a ε τ α ξ α ς δέ μ ε έ ν ό δ ύ ν α ι ς 30:22b Χ κ α ι ά π έ ρ ρ ι ψ ά ς με ά π δ σ ω τ η ρ ί α ς . /
rences in either Philo or Josephus (so G. Mayer, Index Philoneus [New York: De Gruyter, 1974] and K . H . Rengstorf, éd., A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus, 4 vols. [Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1973-1983]). 5
Both מ ל ו חand oû.1p.a correspond to the plant Atriplex
Halimus (see H A L , s.v.
מ ל ו חand Liddell-Scott, s.v. &X1\1.a) on which see M . Zohary, Plants of the Bible (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 34, 145. 6
See Hatch-Redpath, s.v., aX1p.oç
Cf. Dhorme, 432.
Ibid. Also note O G has énavéoTrçcfâv for M T י ר י ע וin 30:5b. This too is apparently based on י ע י ר ו, another metathesis. 9
See B D B , H A L , and also Dalman s.v. ע ר ק.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Jot)
Dhorme is probably right when he argues that O G 30:22a does not render M T 30:22a but rather is an interpretation of M T 30:22b and presupposes ב ש י א הinstead of . תשרהOrigen equated OG 30:22a and M T 30:22a and supplied an equivalent for M T 30:22b from Theod. Therefore OG 30:22a and R 30:22b render the same stich. 10
8. 30:26a ב י ט ו ב ק ו י ת י ו י ב א ר ע 30:26b ל א ו ר ו י ב א א פ ל
30:27a מ ע י ר ת ח ו ו ל א ־ ד מ ו 30:27b י מ י ־ ע נ י
30:26a έ γ ώ δέ ε π έ χ ω ν ά γ α θ ο ι ς , 30:26b ιδού σ υ ν ή ν τ η σ ά ν μ ο ι μ ά λ λ ο ν ή μ έ ρ α ι κ α κ ώ ν . 30:27a Χ ή κ ο ι λ ί α μ ο υ έ ξ έ ζ ε σ ε ν κ α ι ο ύ σ ι ω π ή σ ε τ α ι , / 30:27b Χ π ρ ο έ φ θ α σ ά ν μ ε ή μ έ ρ α ι π τ ώ χ ε ι α ς . / Clearly O G 30:26a = M T 30:26aa ( ) ב י ט ו ב ק ו י ת יand O G 30:26b = M T 30:27b." O G melds M T 30:26 and 27 together: in 30:26b ιδού and μ ά λ λ ο ν are added freely; κ α κ ώ ν is based on30:26) ר עa ) and30:26) ע נ יb ) . Apparently Origen equated O G 30:26b and M T 30:26b and supplied from R lines for 30:27. Therefore O G 30:26b = ־R 30:27b. 1
9. 33:27a י ש ר ע ל ־ א נ ש י ם ו י א מ ר
1 0
Dhorme, 443. Whether freely or literally, O G employs ο δ ύ ν η in 19 instances for at least 14 different lexemes in Hebrew including ש א הin 30:14b. 1 1
1 2
Cf. Dhorme, 446-447.
The hypotaxis offered by O G appears odd: ε π έ χ ω ν , where Job is the subject, is an adverbial participle modifying the main verb σ υ ν ή ν τ η σ ά ν , where ή μ έ ρ α ι is the 3 pi subject. These circumstances normally require a Genitive Absolute. One may compare, however, 34:8, where ά μ α ρ τ ώ ν , ά σ ε β ή σ α ς and κ ο ι ν ω ν ή σ α ς are adverbial participles, whose subject is Job, modifying έ ψ ε ύ σ α τ ο in 34:7a, whose subject is the Lord.
Appendix Β
33:27b ו י ש ר ה ע ו י ת י ו ל א ־ ש ו ה ל י
33:28a ( מ ע ב ר ב ש ח תQr פ ד ה נ פ ש י ) נ פ ש ו 33:28b ( ב א ו ר ת ר א הQr ו ח י ת י ) ו ח י ת ו 33:29a י פ ע ל ־ י א ל
33:29b ש ל ו ש ע ם ־ ג ב ר 33:30a נ פ ש ו מ נ י ־ ש ח ת 33:30b ב א ו ר ה ח י י ם 33:31a א י ו ב ש מ ע ־ ל י
פעמים להשיב לאור הקשב
33:27a ε ί τ α τ ό τ ε ά π ο μ έ μ ψ ε τ α ι ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς α υ τ ό ς έ α υ τ φ λ έ γ ω ν 33;27b ΟΤα σ υ ν ε τ έ λ ο υ ν , κ α ι ο ύ κ ά ξ ι α ή τ α σ έ ν με ώ ν ή μ α ρ τ ο ν . 33:28a Χ σ ω σ ο ν ψ υ χ ή ν μ ο υ τ ο υ μ ή έ λ θ ε ΐ ν ε ί ς δ ι α φ θ ο ρ ά ν , / 33:28b Χ κ α ι ή ζ ω ή μ ο υ φ ω ς ό ψ ε τ α ι . / 33:29a Χ ιδού τ α ύ τ α π ά ν τ α έ ρ γ α τ α ι ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς / 33:29b Χ ο δ ο ύ ς τ ρ ε ΐ ς μ ε τ ά ανδρός. / 33:30a ά λ λ ' έ ρ ρ ύ σ α τ ο τ ή ν ψ υ χ ή ν μ ο υ έ κ θ α ν ά τ ο υ , 33:30b ί ν α ή ζ ω ή μ ο υ έ ν φ ω τ ΐ α ί ν ή α υ τ ό ν . 33:31a έ ν ω τ ί ζ ο υ , Ιωβ, κ α ι ά κ ο υ ε μουThe following may be noted as orientation points: (1) O G 33:27a is based upon Hebrew 33:27a and O G 33:27b derived from Hebrew 33:27b—although both lines are certainly free renderings and correlation is not straightforward, and (2) O G 33:31a = M T 33:31a. Origen correlated O G 33:30 and M T 33:30 and inserted materials equivalent to M T 33:28 and 29. This correlation is incorrect; rather O G 33:30 = M T 33:28.« The fact that O G 33:30a = M T 33:28a is clear; έ κ θ α ν ά τ ο υ is a free rendering of the idiomatic expression מ ע ב ר ב ש ח ת. I n OG 33:30b, ί ν α ή ζ ω ή μ ο υ έ ν φ ω τ ί corresponds well with ו ח י ת י ב א ו רin M T 33:28a. The rendering α ί ν ή arises from confusing daleth and resh and connecting ת ר א הwith the root י ד ה. Thus O G 33:30a and R 33:28a as well as O G 33:30b and R 33:28b are rendering the same parent text. Even though O G is fairly straightforward, the lines from Theod are more literal. 13
1 3
For 33:27a, Dhorme suggests that O G connected י ש רwith the root י ס רand
probably read א נ ו ש
ע ל י וinstead of א נ ש י ם
ע ל. For 33:27b, Dhorme proposes
( ה ע ו י ת יconfused with ) מ ה ע ש י ת יand ח ט א ת יwere transposed, and ו א ש רwas read instead of ( ו י ש רDhorme, 504). 1 4
So Dhorme, 506.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
10. 36:6b ו מ ש פ ט ע נ י י ם י ח ן 36:6b χ κ α ί κ ρ ί μ α π τ ω χ ώ ν δ ώ σ ε ι . / 36:7a מ צ ד י ק ע י נ י ו
36:7a Χ ο ύ κ ά φ ε λ ε ΐ ά π ό δ ι κ α ί ο υ ο φ θ α λ μ ο ύ ς α υ τ ο ύ - / 36:15a י ח ל ץ ע נ י ב ע מ י ו 36:15b ב ל ח ץ א ז נ ם
36:15a ά ν θ ' δ ν έ θ λ ι ψ α ν α σ θ ε ν ή κ α ι α δ ύ ν α τ ο ν 36:15b κ ρ ί μ α δ ε π ρ α έ ω ν έ κ θ ή σ ε ι . 36:17a מ ל א ת
36:17b ד ץ ו מ ש פ ט י ת מ כ ו 36:17 ο ύ χ υ σ τ ε ρ ή σ ε ι δε ά π ό δ ι κ α ί ω ν κ ρ ί μ α , From 36:5 to 36:17 Μ Τ has 29 lines but OG offers only 9 stichs. The approach of O G is difficult to follow with precision, but some sort of abbreviation and summary of his parent text is involved. Nonetheless, clearly O G 36:15b renders M T 36:6b and not M T 36:15b. * Origen provided lines from Theod for 36:5b-9b, l O b - l l c , 13a and b, and 16a-c. Thus both R 36:6b and O G 36:15b render the same text. O G 36:17 does not render either 36:17 or b, but corresponds fairly well with M T 36:7a. The equivalents » ל אο ύ χ and » מ צ ד י קά π ό δ ι κ α ί ω ν are obvious. E m ploying ύ σ τ ε ρ έ ω for ג ר עis not entirely implausible; out of approximately eighteen other occurrences of ύ σ τ ε ρ έ ω in various translators of the Septuagint only N m 9:7 has ύ σ τ ε ρ έ ω for . גרעThe equivalent κ ρ ί μ α , however, is based on either ד י ןor מ ש פ טin M T 36:17b. Thus, aside from κρίμα, O G 36:17 and R 36:7a are both based on the same Hebrew. 15
11. 1 5
F o r discussion, see Dhorme, 539-546, Heater, CBQMS, Thesis, 221-225. 1 6
So Dhorme, 544.
1 7
So Dhorme, 545.
S e e Hatch-Redpath, Heater, CBQMS,
116-119, and Heater,
119, and Heater, Thesis, 225.
Appendix Β
ז כ ר כ י ־ ת ש ג י א פ ע ל ו 36:243 א ש ר ש ר ר ו א נ ש י ם ל36:24 ב ל ־ א ד ם ח ז ו ־ ב ו 36:258 י ב י ט מ ר ח ו ק ל36:25
אנוש הן־אל
ש ג י א ו ל א נ ד ע 36:263
ש נ י ו ו ל א ־ ח ק ר י36:261
כ י י ג ר ע נ ט פ י ־ מ י ם 36:273 י ז ק ו מ ט ר ל א ד ו נ36:271 ש ח ק י ם 36:283
י ר ע פ ו ע ל י א ד ם ר ב יו36:28 א ף א ם ־ י ב י ן ם פ ר ש י ־ ע ב 36:293 תשאות הן־פרש
ע ל י ו א ו ר ו 36:303
ו ש ר ש י ה י ם כסה)36:301 כי־בם
י ד י ן ע מ י ם 36:313
יחן־אכל על־כפים ויצו
ל מ כ ב י ר נ36:311 כ ס ה ־ א ו ר 36:323
ע ל י ה ב מ פ ג י ע י36:321 יגיד
ע ל י ו ר ע ו 36:338
מ ק נ ה א ף ע ל ־ ע ו ל ה י36:331 אף־לזאת
י ח ר ד ל ב י 37:13
מ מ ק ו מ ו ל37:1
י ר ע ם א ל ב ק ו ל ו נ פ ל א ו ת 37:53 ע ש ה ג ד ל ו ת ו ל א נ ד ע <37:51 36:248 μ ν ή σ θ η τ ι δ τ ι μ ε γ ά λ α ε σ τ ί ν α ύ τ ο ΰ τ ά έ ρ γ α , « δ ν ή ρ ξ α ν άνδρες· /ל 36:2415 36:253 χ π α ς ά ν θ ρ ω π ο ς ε ΐ δ ε ν έ ν έ α υ τ φ , / 36:2513 ό σ ο ι τ ι τ ρ ω σ κ ό μ ε ν ο ί ε ί σ ι ν βρυτοί. · 36:263 ¥ ιδού 6 ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς π ο λ ύ ς , κ α ι ο ύ γ ν ω σ ό μ ε θ α 36:261) >κ α ρ ι θ μ ό ς ε τ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ κ α ι α π έ ρ α ν τ ο ς . / 36:273 ά ρ ι θ μ η τ α ί δ έ α ύ τ ω σ τ α γ ό ν ε ς ϋ ε τ ο ΰ , 36:271> Χ κ α ι έ π ι χ υ θ η σ ο ν τ α ι ύ ε τ φ ε ί ς ν ε φ έ λ η ν / 36:283 Χ φ υ ή σ ο ν τ α ι π α λ α ι ώ μ α τ α , / 36:2815 έ σ κ ί α σ ε ν δέ ν έ φ η ε π ί α μ ύ θ η τ ω ν βροτών. 36:280 ώ ρ α ν £θετο κ τ ή ν ε σ ι ν , 36:2&1 ο ϊ δ α σ ι ν δ ε κ ο ί τ η ς τ ά ξ ι ν .
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
36:28e έ π ι τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς π α σ ι ν ο ύ κ έ ξ ί σ τ α τ α ί σ ο υ ή δ ι ά ν ο ι α 36:28f ο υ δ έ δ ι α λ λ ά σ σ ε τ α ί σ ο υ ή κ α ρ δ ί α ά π ό σ ώ μ α τ ο ς ; 36:29a Χ κ α ι έ ά ν σ υ ν ή ά π ε κ τ ά σ ε ι ς ν ε φ έ λ η ς , / 36:29b Χ• ι σ ό τ η τ α ς σ κ η ν ή ς α υ τ ο ύ , / 36:30a χ ι δ ο ύ ε κ τ ε ί ν ε ι έ π ' α υ τ ό ν ή δ ώ / 36:30b Χ κ α ί ρ ι ζ ώ μ α τ α τ ή ς θ α λ ά σ σ η ς έ κ ά λ υ ψ ε ν . / 36:31a Χ έ ν γ α ρ α ύ τ ο Τ ς κρινεΤ λ α ο ύ ς , / 36:31b Χ δ ώ σ ε ι τ ρ ο φ ή ν τ ω ί σ χ ύ ο ν τ ι . / 36:32a χ έ π ι χ ε ι ρ ώ ν έ κ ά λ υ ψ ε ν φ ω ς / 36:32b Χ κ α ι έ ν ε τ ε ί λ α τ ο π ε ρ ί α υ τ ή ς έ ν ά π α ν τ ω ν τ ν / 36:33a Χ ά ν α γ γ ε λ ε ΐ π ε ρ ί α υ τ ο ύ φ ί λ ο ν α υ τ ο ύ - / 36;33b Χ κ τ ή σ ι ς κ α ί π ε ρ ί α δ ι κ ί α ς . / 37:1a Χ κ α ί τ α ύ τ η ς έ τ α ρ ά χ θ η ή κ α ρ δ ί α μ ο υ / 37:1b Χ κ α ί ά π ε ρ ρ ύ ή έ κ τ ο ΰ τ ό π ο υ α υ τ ή ς . / 37:5a Χ β ρ ο ν τ ή σ ε ι ό ι σ χ υ ρ ό ς έ ν φ ω ν ή α υ τ ο ύ θ α υ μ ά σ ι α - / 37:5b έ π ο ί η σ ε ν γ ά ρ μ ε γ ά λ α , α ο ύ κ ή δ ε ι μ ε ν , From 36:24a to 37:5b M T has 31 lines; the lemma of Ziegler has 35 stichs: 9 from O G and 26 from R. Thus overlap exists somewhere. The following equations may be established as orientation points: (1) O G 36:24a = M T 36:24a = Beginning Point, (2) O G 37:5b = M T 37:5b = End Point, and (3) O G 36:28b = M T 36:28a and b = Middle Point. The equation O G 36:28b = M T 36:28a and b, however, requires a brief defense. By ignoring א ש רin 36:28a and י ר ע פ ו ־in 36:28b, O G collapsed 36:28 into a single stich, but reading י צ ל וinstead of36:28) י ז ל וa ) . 1
Both Dhorme (following Beer) and Heater hold that O G 36:25b is a rendering o f M T 36:24b. Dhorme states, "G ό σ ο ι τ ι τ ρ ω σ κ ό μ ε ν ο ί ε ί σ ι ν βροτοί is a translation of v. 24b, the word ש ר ר וbeing merged with א ש רand א נ ש י םbeing read a first time as ( א נ ש י םBeer)." The proposal that » א נ ש י םτ ι τ ρ ω σ κ ό μ ε ν ο ί is barely credible as it appears to be a grasping at straws. The word τ ι τ ρ ώ σ κ ω appears seven times in O G ; Heater discusses all instances beginning with 6:9a: 20
6:9a א ל ו ה ו י ד כ א נ י
6:9a ά ρ ξ ά μ ε ν ο ς ό κ ύ ρ ι ο ς τ ρ ω σ ά τ ω μ ε ,
1 9
Cf. Dhorme, 553. D h o r m e , 551.
Appendix Β
Heater comments, "Here τ ρ ω σ ά τ ω is the equivalent of ד כ א. Job is asking that God 'finish the j o b ' of killing him. The concept in G of God killing man will become a midrash in the rest of the book." The verb τ ι τ ρ ώ σ κ ω may be rendering a form of ח ל ףin 20:24b, but is a free rendering in 16:16b, 33:23b, 36:14b. It renders ב ר חin 41:20a, the one occurrence where the context concerns Leviathan and is not related to the 'midrash' o f God killing man. O f the occurrence in 36:25b, Heater says, "G probably derived τ ι τ ρ ω σ κ ο μ έ ν η [sic] from ש ר ר ו, but the lexical choice was influenced by 36:14b." Heater doubtless affirms the connection between 36:25b and 36:14b in aid of his generally otherwise valid thesis on 'anaphoric technique' in O G , but here, he too, is grasping at straws. It is best to conclude 36:25b is a free translation. 21
There is little problem in correlating O G 36:28e with M T 37:1a and O G 36:281'with M T 37:1b, although O G is clearly not as literal as R. O G 36:28e and O G 36:28f constitute a free rendering possibly somewhat vaguely connected to M T 36:33a and b since M T has מ ק נ הand O G has κ τ ή ν η . Thus both O G and R renderings exist for M T 36:28a, 37:1a and b, and possibly also 36:24b? and 36:33.
12. 37:12c כ ל א ש ר י צ ו ם 37:12d ע ל ־ פ נ י ת ב ל א ר צ ה 37:12c 5« π ά ν τ α , ο σ α ά ν έ ν τ ε ί λ η τ α ι α ύ τ ο ν ς , / 37:!2d τ α ΰ τ α σ υ ν τ έ τ α κ τ α ι π α ρ ' α ϋ τ ο ΰ έ π ι τ η ς γ η ς , O G has summarized 37:12c and d by a single stich: τ α ΰ τ α σ υ ν τ έ τ α κ τ α ι π α ρ ' α ΰ τ ο ΰ is based on M T 37:12c and έ π ι τ ή ς γ ή ς derived from M T 37:12d. There is overlap, then, as O G 37:12da = R 37:12c. 13. 37:21a ו ע ת ה ל א ר א ו א ו ר 37:21b ב ה י ר ה ו א ב ש ח ק י ם 37:21c ע ב ר ה ו ת ם ה ר ם
37:22a מ צ פ ו ן ז ה ב י א ת ה
2 1
Heater, CBQMS,
2 2
Heater, CBQMS,
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
37:21a π α σ ι ν δέ ο ύ χ ό ρ α τ ό ν τ δ φως, 37:21b Χ τ η λ α υ γ έ ς έ σ τ ι ν έ ν τ ο ι ς π α λ α ι ώ μ α σ ι ν , / 37:21c ω σ π ε ρ το π α ρ ' α ύ τ ο ΰ έ π ί ν ε φ ώ ν . 37:22a ά π ο β ο ρ ρ δ ν έ φ η χ ρ υ σ α υ γ ο ΰ ν τ α · O G omits 37:21c and not 21b. Origen correlated 37:21c and M T 37:21c and inserted 21b from R. Thus, O G 37:21c and R 37:21b render the same parent text. 14. 40:23a ה ן י ע ש ק נ ה ר ל א י ח פ ו ז 40:23b כ י ־ י ג י ח י ר ד ן א ל ־ פ י ה ו 40:24a י ק ח נ ו
40:24b י נ ק ב ־ א ף
40:25a ל ו י ת ן ב ח ב ה
40:25b ת ש ק י ע ל ש נ ו 40:26a א ג מ ו ן ב א פ ו 40:26b ת ק ו ב ל ח י ו
ובחבל התשים ובחוח
40:27a א ל י ך ת ח נ ו נ י ם
40:23a έ ά ν γ έ ν η τ α ι π λ η μ μ υ ρ ά , ο ύ μ ή α ί σ θ η θ ή , 40:23b Χ π έ π ο ι θ ε ν δ τ ι π ρ ο σ κ ρ ο ύ σ ε ι ό Ι ο ρ δ ά ν η ς εις τ δ σ τ ό μ α α ύ τ ο ΰ . / 40:24a Χ έ ν τ φ ό φ θ α λ μ ω α ύ τ ο ΰ δ έ ξ ε τ α ι α υ τ ό ν , / 40:24b Χ έ ν σ κ ο λ ι ε υ ό μ ε ν ο ς τ ρ ή σ ε ι ρΓνα; / 40:25a ά ξ ε ι ς δέ δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α έ ν ά γ κ ί σ τ ρ ω , 40:25b 40:26a 40:26b 40:27a
π ε ρ ι θ ή σ ε ι ς δ έ φ ο ρ β ε ά ν περί ρ ί ν α α ύ τ ο ΰ ; Χ εί δήσεις κρίκον έν τ φ μυκτήρι αύτοΰ, / ψ ε λ ί φ δέ τ ρ υ π ή σ ε ι ς τ ό χ ε ί λ ο ς α ύ τ ο ΰ ; λ α λ ή σ ε ι δέ σοι δεήσει,
From 40:23 to 40:26 M T has 8 lines but O G offers only 4 stichs. Origen correctly correlated O G 40:23a and M T 40:23a as well as OG 40:25a and M T 40:25a; hence 40:23b-40:24b is appropriately inserted from Theod. O G 40:25b, however, clearly corresponds to M T 40:26a and not to M T 40:25b. A compound of τ ί θ η μ ι , viz. π ε ρ ι τ ί θ η μ ι , is employed for ש י םbecause of the בprepositional phrase; ρ ί ς 23
2 3
So Dhorme, 625.
Appendix Β
renders א ף, while ' א ג מ ו ןreed' is interpreted as ' r o p e ' and contextually rendered by φ ο ρ β ε ά 'halter'. O G 40:26b is based on M T 40:26b: τ ρ υ π ά ω renders נ ק בand ψ έ λ ι ο ν answers roughly for ח ו ח, while τ ο χ ε ί λ ο ς is a free rendering of ל ח י. Origen incorrectly correlated O G 40:25b and M l ' 40:25b and supplied 40:26a from R. Thus O G 40:25b = R 40:26a. 15. 41:23a כ ס י ר מ צ ו ל ה
41:23b י ם י ש י ם כ מ ר ק ח ה 41:24a י א י ר נ ת י ב
41:24b ת ה ו ם ל ש י ב ה 41:25a מ ש ל ו
41:23a ά ν α ζ ε ΐ τ ή ν ά β υ σ σ ο ν ώ σ π ε ρ χ ά λ κ ί ο ν , 41:23b ή γ η τ α ι δέ τ ή ν θ ά λ α σ σ α ν ώ σ π ε ρ έ ξ ά λ ε ν π τ ρ ο ν , 41:24a τ ό ν δέ τ ά ρ τ α ρ ο ν τ η ς α β ύ σ σ ο υ ώ σ π ε ρ α ϊ χ μ ά λ ω τ ο ν 41:24b )κ έ λ ο γ ί σ α τ ο ά β υ σ σ ο ν εις π ε ρ ί π α τ ο ν . / 41:25a ο ύ κ έ'στιν ο υ δ έ ν έ π ί τ η ς γ η ς δ μ ο ι ο ν α ύ τ ω As orientation points, O G 41:23a = M T 41:23a and O G 41:23b = M T 41:23b. O G 41:24a, however, is a rendering of M T 41:24b. ή γ η τ α ι in 41:23b answers for both י ש י םin M T 41:23b and י ח ש בin M T 41:24b. The expression τ ό ν δ έ τ ά ρ τ α ρ ο ν τ ή ς α β ύ σ σ ο υ is his interpretation of ת ה ו ם. The lexeme τ ά ρ τ α ρ ο ς only occurs thrice in all L X X Translators (Jb 40:20b, 41:24a, Prv 30:1ο) and always as part of an epexegesis or free rendering of M T . The equivalent α ϊ χ μ ά λ ω τ ο ν interprets M T ל ש י ב הas a form of '( ש ב הtake captive'). Origen provided a line from Theod for 41:24b instead of 41:24a. Thus O G 41:24a and R 41:24b both translate M T 41:24b. R read ל ש כ ה instead of ל ש י ב הas his equivalent εις π ε ρ ί π α τ ο ν shows. 25
16. 42:8e ( כ י א ם ־ פ נ י ו א ש א ) ל ב ל ת י ע ש ו ה ע מ כ ם נ ב ל ה 42:8e Χ ό τ ι ε ί μ ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α υ τ ο ύ λ ή μ ψ ο μ α ν / 42:8f ε ί μ ή γ ά ρ δι' α υ τ ό ν , ( α π ώ λ ε σ α ά ν ύμας·) Cf. Liddell-Scott, s.v. σ χ ο ΐ ν ο ς , σ χ ο ι ν ί ο ν and B D B , s.v. א ג מ ו ן. 2 5
Cf. Hatch-Redpath.
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
O G 428.־f is a complete rendering—although a paraphrase—by O G of M T 42:8e. Origen supplied 42:8e from Theod since his approach was quantitative and O G abbreviates somewhat. Thus O G ε ί μ ή γ α ρ δ ι α υ τ ό ν = R 42:8e.
Appendix C
O G and R Translate Same Stich - From Overlap of Materials in A p p I I and O G 3:8b ה ע ת י ד י ם ע ר ר ל ו י ת ן 3:8b ό μ έ λ λ ω ν τ ο μ έ γ α κ ή τ ο ς χ ε ι ρ ώ σ α σ θ α ι . A p p I I 3:8b 01 Ετοιμοι έ ξ υ π ν ί σ α ι δ ρ ά κ ο ν τ α 4:21a י ת ר ם ב ם
4:21a έ ν ε φ ύ σ η σ ε ν γαρ α ύ τ ο ΐ ς κ α ι έ ξ η ρ ά ν θ η σ α ν , A p p I I 4:21a σ υ ν ε ξ ή ρ ε ν τ ό υ π ό λ ε ι μ μ α α υ τ ώ ν έ ν α ϋ τ ο ΐ ς 7:13b י ש א ב ש י ח י מ ש כ ב י 7:13b ά ν ο ί σ ω δέ π ρ ο ς έ μ α υ τ ό ν ι δ ί α λ ό γ ο ν τ ή κ ο ί τ η μου· A p p I I 7:13b σ υ μ β α σ τ ά σ ε ι μ ε έ ν τ ή ά δ ο λ ε σ χ ί ς ι μ ο υ ή κ ο ί τ η μ ο υ 9:15a א ש ר א כ ד צ ד ק ת י ל א א ע נ ה 9:15a έ ά ν γαρ ω δ ί κ α ι ο ς , ο ϋ κ ε ί σ α κ ο ύ σ ε τ α ί μ ο υ , A p p I I 9:15a ό σ τ ι ς ε ϊ δ ι κ α ι ω θ ή σ ο μ α ι , ο ύ κ ά π ο κ ρ ι θ ή σ ε τ α ί μ ο ι 11:20a ר ש ע י ם ת כ ל י נ ה
11:20c ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δε ά σ ε β ω ν τ α κ ή σ ο ν τ α ι . A p p I I 11:20a ο φ θ α λ μ ο ί δέ ά σ ε β ω ν έ κ λ ε ί ψ ο υ σ ι ν 12:20a מ ס י ר ש פ ה ל נ א מ נ י ם 12:20a δ ι α λ λ ά σ σ ω ν χ ε ί λ η π ι σ τ ώ ν , A p p I I 12:20a π α ρ α τ ρ έ χ ω ν χ ε ί λ η α π λ α ν ώ ν 13:8a ה פ נ י ו ת ש א ו ן 13:8a ή ύ π ο σ τ ε λ ε ΐ σ θ ε ; A p p I I 13:8a ή π ρ ό σ ω π ο ν α ύ τ ο ΰ λ α μ β ά ν ε τ ε 15:4a א ף ־ א ת ה ת פ ר י ר א ה 15:4a ο ϋ κ α ι σ ύ ά π ε π ο ι ή σ ω φόβον, A p p I I 15:4a ο ύ γ α ρ σ ύ π α ρ η τ ή σ ω φόβον
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
15:55 ל ש ו ן ע ר ו מ י ם
15:55 ο υ δ έ δ ι έ κ ρ ι ν α ς β ή μ α τ α δ υ ν α σ τ ώ ν Α ρ ρ I I 15:55 κ α ι έ ξ ε λ έ ξ ω γ λ ω σ σ α ν ( σ τ ό μ α 137) π α ν ο ύ ρ γ ω ν 15:201< ש נ י ם נ צ פ נ ו ל ע ר י ץ
15:205 έ τ η δέ α ρ ι θ μ η τ ά δ ε δ ο μ έ ν α δ υ ν ά σ τ η , Α ρ ρ I I 15:205 κ α ι α ρ ι θ μ ό ς ε τ ώ ν κ ε κ ρ υ μ μ έ ν ο ς ΐ σ χ υ ρ φ 17:93 צ ד י ק ד ר כ ו
17:93 σ χ ο ί η δέ π ι σ τ ό ς τ ή ν ε α υ τ ο ύ όδόν, Α ρ ρ I I 17:93 κ α ι ά ν θ έ ξ ε τ α ι δ ί κ α ι ο ς τ ή ς ε α υ τ ο ύ ό δ ο ΰ 17:155 ו ת ה ן ת י מ י י ש ו ר נ ה 17:155 ή τ ά
μου όψομαι;
Α ρ ρ I I 17:155 κ α ι τ ή ν ε λ π ί δ α μ ο υ τ ί ς π ρ ο ν ο ή σ ε ι .18:43 ט ר ף נ פ ש ו ב א פ ו 18:48 κ έ χ ρ η τ α ί σ ο ι ό ρ γ ή . Α ρ ρ I I 18:43 δ ι α ρ π ά ζ ω ν ψ υ χ ή ν α υ τ ο ύ έ ν θ υ μ φ α υ τ ο ύ 18:75 ע צ ת ו
18:75 σ φ ά λ α ι δέ α υ τ ο ύ ή β ο υ λ ή . Α ρ ρ I I 18:75 κ α τ α ρ ( ρ ) ά ξ ε ι α υ τ ό ν ή β ο υ λ ή α υ τ ο ύ 19:188 מ א ס ו ב י
19:183 01 δέ εις τ ο ν α ί ώ ν ά με ά π ε π ο ι ή σ α ν τ ο
Α ρ ρ I I 19:183 κ α ί γ ε ά φ ρ ο ν ε ς ά π ώ σ α ν τ ό μ ε 19:258 ו א נ י י ד ע ת י ג א ל י ח י 19:250 ו א ח ר ו ן ע ל ־ ע פ ר י ק ו ם 19:25 ο ΐ δ α γ ά ρ δ τ ι ά έ ν α ό ς έ σ τ ι ν ο έ κ λ ύ ε ι ν μ ε μ έ λ λ ω ν έ π ί γ ή ς . Α ρ ρ I I 19:253... ό ά γ χ ι σ τ ε ύ ς μ ο υ ζ ή ' Α ρ ρ I I 19:255 κ α ι έ σ χ α τ ο ν έ π ί χ ώ μ α τ ο ς α ν α σ τ ή σ ε ι 19:270 כ ל ו כ ל י ת י ב ח ק י 19:270 π ά ν τ α δέ μ ο ι σ υ ν τ ε τ έ λ ε σ τ α ι έ ν κ ό λ π φ . Α ρ ρ I I 19:270 έ ξ έ λ ι π ο ν ο ί ν ε φ ρ ο ί μ ο υ έ ν τ φ κ ό λ π φ μ ο υ 1
C (Chr) have only preserved a rendering attributed to 0' for the last part of 19:25a.
Appendix C
21:19a י צ פ ך ל ב נ י ו א ו נ ו
21:19a έ κ λ ί π ο ι υ ι ο ύ ς τ ά υ π ά ρ χ ο ν τ α α ύ τ ο ΰ
App II 21:19a ό θ ε ό ς κ α τ α κ ρ ύ ψ ε ι τ ο ι ς υ ί ο ΐ ς α ύ τ ο ΰ α δ ι κ ί α ς α ύ τ ο ΰ 22:2a י ם כ ן ־ ב ב ר
22:2b ע ל י מ ו מ ש כ י ל
22:2 Π ό τ ε ρ ο ν ο ύ χ ι ό κ ύ ρ ι ο ς έ σ τ ι ν ό δ ι δ ά σ κ ω ν σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν κ α ι έ π ι σ τ ή μ η ν ; App II 22:2b (άτι) κ α τ α σ κ η ν ώ σ ε ι έ φ ' ύ μ α ς σ ύ ν ε σ ι ν 22:28a ו י ק ם ל ך
22:28a α π ο κ α τ α σ τ ή σ ε ι δ έ σ ο ι δ ί α ι τ α ν δ ι κ α ι ο σ ύ ν η ς , App II 22:28a κ α ι ό ρ ι ε ΐ ς ρ ή μ α , κ α ι σ τ α θ ή σ ε τ α ί σ ο ι 28:27b ו ג ם ־ ח ק ד ה
28:27b έ τ ο ι μ ά σ α ς έ ξ ι χ ν ί α σ ε ν . App II 28:27b δ ι έ τ α ξ ε ν α υ τ ή ν κ α ι έ ξ η ρ ε ύ ν η σ ε ν α υ τ ή ν 29:13b ו ל ב א ל מ נ ה א ר נ ן 29:13b σ τ ό μ α δέ χ ή ρ α ς μ ε ε ύ λ ό γ η σ ε ν . App II 29:13b κ α ι κ α ρ δ ί α ν χ ή ρ α ς η ϋ φ ρ α ν α 31:31b מ ב ש ר ו ל א נ ש ב ע
31:31b Τ ί ς ά ν δ ώ η ή μ ΐ ν τ ώ ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ π λ η σ θ ή ν α ι ; App II 31:31b τ ί ς δ ώ η τ ώ ν σ α ρ κ ώ ν α ύ τ ο ΰ , κ α ι έ μ π λ η σ θ η σ ό μ ε θ α 32:11a ה ן ה ו ח ל ת י ל ד ב ר י כ ם 32:11a έ ν ω τ ί ζ ε σ θ έ μ ο υ τ ά ρ ή μ α τ α · App II 32:11a ιδού έ ξ ε δ ε ξ ά μ η ν τ ο ύ ς λ ό γ ο υ ς υμών 33:26a א ל ־ א ל ו ה ו י ר צ ה ו
33:26a ε ύ ξ ά μ ε ν ο ς δέ προς κ ύ ρ ι ο ν , κ α ι δ ε κ τ ά α ύ τ φ ε σ τ α ι , App II 33:26a δ ε η θ ή σ ε τ α ι τ ο υ θ ε ο ύ , κ α ι ε υ δ ο κ ή σ ε ι α υ τ ό ν 34:9a כ י ־ א מ ר ל א י ס כ ן ־ ג ב ר 34:9a μή γ α ρ ε ϊ π η ς ό τ ι Ο ύ κ έ'σται ε π ι σ κ ο π ή ανδρός· App II 34:9a ό τ ι ε ΐ π ε ν , ο ύ κ ι ν δ υ ν ε ύ σ ε ι ά ν ή ρ 34:9b ע ם ־ א ל ה י ם
The Asterisked Materials in the Greek Job
34:9b κ α ι ε π ι σ κ ο π ή α ύ τ ώ π α ρ ά κ υ ρ ί ο υ . Α ρ ρ I I 34:9b έ ν τ φ ε ύ δ ο κ ή σ α ι α υ τ ό ν μ ε τ ά θ ε ο ΰ 35:10b נ ת ן ז מ ר ו ת ב ל י ל ה 35:10b ό κ α τ α τ ά σ σ ω ν φ ύ λ α κ α ς ν υ κ τ ε ρ ι ν ό ς , 35:10b ό δ ι δ ο ύ ς α ί ν έ σ ε ι ς έ ν ν υ κ τ ί 36:4a ל א ־ י ש ק ר מ ל י
36:4a έ π ' α λ η θ ε ί α ς κ α ί ο ύ κ ά δ ι κ α ρ ή μ α τ α · Α ρ ρ I I 36:4a δ τ ι α λ η θ ώ ς ο ύ κ ά δ ι κ ο ι ο ί λ ό γ ο ι μ ο υ 36:4b ד ע ו ת ע מ ך
36:4b α δ ί κ ω ς σ υ ν ί ε ι ς . Α ρ ρ I I 36:4b ά μ ω μ ο ι γ ν ώ σ ε ι ς μ ε τ ά σ ο υ 36:28b י ר ע פ ו ע ל י א ד ם ר ב 36:28b έ σ κ ί α σ ε ν δέ ν έ φ η έ π ί α μ ύ θ η τ ω ν βροτών. Α ρ ρ I I 36:28b γ ν ο φ ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι έ π ' α ν θ ρ ώ π ο υ ς π ο λ λ ο ύ ς 37:22b נ ו ר א ה ו ד
37:22b έ π ί τ ο ύ τ ο ι ς μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α κ α ι τ ι μ ή π α ν τ ο κ ρ ά τ ο ρ ο ς . Α ρ ρ I I 37:22b έ π ί τ φ θ ε φ μ ε γ ά λ η ή δ ό ξ α As argued earlier, only έ π ί τ φ θ ε φ belongs to R. 38:37b ש מ י ם מ י י ש כ י ב
38:37b ο ύ ρ α ν ό ν δέ εις γ ή ν έ κ λ ι ν ε ν ; Α ρ ρ I I 38:37b κ α ί ό ρ γ α ν α ο υ ρ α ν ο ύ τ ί ς κ ο ι μ ή σ ε ι 39:3a י ל ד י ה ן ת פ ל ח נ ה
39:3a έ ξ έ θ ρ ε ψ α ς δε α υ τ ώ ν τ ά π α ι δ ί α έ ξ ω φ ό β ο υ ; Α ρ ρ I I 39:3a έ ν δ ώ σ ο υ σ ι τ ά π α ι δ ί α α υ τ ώ ν , δ ι α σ ώ σ ε ι ς α υ τ ά 40:26b ת ק ו ב ל ח י ו
40:26b ψ ε λ ί φ δέ τ ρ υ π ή σ ε ι ς τ ό χ ε ί λ ο ς α υ τ ο ύ ; Α ρ ρ I I 40:26b κ α ί χ α λ ι ν φ τ ρ ή σ ε ι ς σ ι α γ ό ν α α υ τ ο ύ
See above, pp. 261-262.
Appendix C
40:30a ע ל י ו ח ב ר י ם
40:30a έ ν σ ι τ ο ΰ ν τ ο α δ έ έ ν α ύ τ φ Κθνη, A p p I I 40:30a ά γ ο ρ ά σ ω σ ι ν α ύ τ ο ν μ έ τ ο χ ο ι 41:1a נ כ ז ב ה
41:1a ο ύ χ έ ό ρ α κ α ς α ύ τ ο ν 41:1a ι δ ο ύ ή ά ρ χ ή α ύ τ ο ΰ δ ι ε ψ ε ύ σ α τ ο 41:26a י ר א ה
41:26a π δ ν ύ ψ η λ ο ν ό ρ φ 41:26a π ά ν τ α ύ π ε ρ ή φ α ν ο ν έ μ β λ έ ψ ε τ α ι 42:7b ח ר ה א פ י ב ך ו ב ש נ י ר ע י ך 42:7b " Η μ α ρ τ ε ς σ ύ κ α ι ο ί δ ύ ο φ ί λ ο ι σου־ A p p I I 42:7b έ θ υ μ ώ θ η ή ό ρ γ ή μ ο υ έ ν σ ο ι κ α ι έ ν τ ο ι ς δ υ σ ί φ ί λ ο ι ς 42:7c כ י ל א ד ב ר ת ם א ל י נ כ ו נ ה 42:7c ο ύ γ ά ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε ν ώ π ι ο ν μ ο υ
A p p I I 42:7c ο ύ γ ά ρ έ λ α λ ή σ α τ ε ε υ θ ύ τ η τ α
Appendix D
The ending of the Greek Job does not necessarily controvert the conclusion that R is not a revision of O G but rather an independent translation. After 42:17, the line corresponding to the end of Job in M T , O G has a couple of additional notes. Whereas a and o '־end exactly as M T , both plusses are found in ׳8.' The additions are fairly literal and unlike O G in style. The longer plus of the two is asserted to be derived from the 'Syrian book', possibly an Aramaic Targum. Also variant readings attributed to 6' are attested twice. Presumably the alternative readings assigned to 8' are corrections based upon a Hebrew or Aramaic parent text while the text of O G may possibly be explained as a harmonization to 2:11 or 42:9. Thus while the evidence is fertile ground for speculation, it need not disprove the conclusion that R is essentially a de novo translation.
Origen says both O G and θ ' have the same text. The evidence from A p p I I is as
follows: 17aa γ έ γ ρ α π τ α ι — f i n ( β α σ ι λ ε ύ ς 17εδ) sub - •־Ο; ί σ τ έ ο ν δέ, δ τ ι μ έ χ ρ ι τοΰ· π ρ ε σ β ύ τ ε ρ ο ς κ α ι π λ ή ρ η ς ή μ ε ρ ω ν , α ' κ α ι σ ' έ λ θ ό ν τ ε ς , σ υ ν ε π έ ρ α ν α ν το β ι β λ ί ο ν , ώ ς δ ή τ φ Έ β ρ α ϊ κ φ ά κ ο λ ο υ θ ο ΰ ν τ ε ς - ό δέ θ ' σ υ μ π ε ρ α ί ν ε ι ( - π α ρ ε ι ν ε ι CP) τ ο ι ς ο ' 249 C
(Olymp); ε ν τ ε ύ θ ε ν ο ύ κεΤται έ ν τ φ Έ β ρ α ϊ κ φ ώ ς α ' κ α ι σ' ־π α ρ ά θ ' κ ε ί τ α ι
248; ο ύ κεΤται π α ρ ά τοις 'Εβραίοις· δ ι ό π ε ρ ο ύ δ ε π α ρ ά τ ω Α κ ύ λ α · π α ρ ά δ έ τοΤς Έ β δ ο μ ή κ ο ν τ α κ α ι θ ε ο δ ο τ ί ω ν ι τ ά ί σ ο δ υ ν α μ ο ΰ ν τ α ά λ λ ή λ ο ι ς Or X V I I 2 4 Lo. 2
42:17ba has Ο ύ τ ο ς ε ρ μ η ν ε ύ ε τ α ι έκ τ ή ς Σ υ ρ ι α κ ή ς β ί β λ ο υ . There seems to be some connection between the longer plus and Genesis 36 (see Swete, 256-257). The pluses are not in the Peshitta, nor in the Oumran or Rabbinic Targums of Job, but at Gn 36:12 Targum Pseudo-Jonathan states that Eliphaz was a friend of Job (see E . G. Clarke, ed., Targum Pseudo-Jonathan of the Pentateuch: Text and Concordance (Hoboken, New Jersey: K T A V , 1984), ad "loa). 3
The evidence in A p p I I is as follows:
17eß ' Ε λ . τ ω ν Ή σ α ύ υ ί ώ ν ] θ ' υιός Ι ω σ α φ ά τ C" 17βγ Β α λ δ ά δ ] θ ' υ ί ο ς Ά μ μ ω ν τ ο ΰ Χωβόρ ( χ ο β ω ρ 250) C"
Proposed Corrections to the Lemma of Ziegler's Edition
1. Corrections involving Asterisks
2:1c κ α ί ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν έ ν μ έ σ ω α υ τ ώ ν . Α ρ ρ I I ־ fin] α ' θ ' + Χ π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν τ ο υ κ υ ρ ί ο υ C 2:1c κ α ί ό δ ι ά β ο λ ο ς ή λ θ ε ν έ ν μ έ σ ω α υ τ ώ ν 2: I d Χ π α ρ α σ τ ή ν α ι ε ν α ν τ ί ο ν τ ο υ κ υ ρ ί ο υ . / 2:13a π α ρ ε κ ά θ ι σ α ν α ύ τ ώ έ π τ ά η μ έ ρ α ς κ α ί έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς , 2:13a π α ρ ε κ ά θ ι σ α ν α ύ τ φ έ π τ ά η μ έ ρ α ς Χ κ α ί έ π τ ά ν ύ κ τ α ς , / ׳ 9:3b Χ ο ύ μ ή ύ π α κ ο ύ σ η α ύ τ ώ , / 9:3b ο ύ μ ή ύ π α κ ο ύ σ η α ύ τ ώ , 12:21b Χ τ α π ε ι ν ο ύ ς δέ ί ά σ α τ ο . / 12:21b τ α π ε ι ν ο ύ ς δέ ί ά σ α τ ο . 27:19a π λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς κ α ί ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι , 27:19a Χ π λ ο ύ σ ι ο ς κ ο ι μ η θ ε ί ς κ α ί ο ύ π ρ ο σ θ ή σ ε ι , /
2. Corrections involving Text 5:12b π ο ι ή σ ο υ σ ι ν ] π ο ι ή σ ω σ ι ν 14:7c έ κ λ ε ί π η ] έ κ λ ί π η 22:14a ν έ φ η ] ν ε φ έ λ η 28:26a ύ ε τ ό ν ] ί δ ώ ν 34:25b τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ε τ α ι ] τ α π ε ι ν ω θ ή σ ο ν τ α ι 41:15b κ α τ α χ έ ε ι ] κ α τ α χ ε ε Τ
The correction is the second instance of each pair.
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