VTI sis rovs altavas TG>V al&vav*) '—A.B.C. a27. /38. y 3 . Compl. Vulg. MS. Am. Tol. Harl* Copt.Syr. (Arm.) Ar.P. Slav.MS, 1. 6Ve) OTI a 21. (3 3. Compl. jxiav) 4v Er. *o-(f)payi&o>v) cvTa
Vulg. iEth.
K«f>. /.
p Xeyoprog, w£ "(j)h)py* fipopTrjgft| 2"-EjO%ov . [Kal eidov,} Kal Idov 'ITTTTOQ XEVKOQ, KO.1 b leaOfifievog s V cavr6v^ £%wv rb%,oV teat idoOt) avT$ arifyavoQ, icat e%r}X6e VIKOJV, Kal "iva pucrjay. 3 Kai ore rjvoilie rr\v d(T(ppay'tda rrjv devripav,* qicovcra TOV devTspov Z,wov Xeyovrog' Ep%ove. 4 Kai eE,rj\6sv aXkog "ITTTTOQ irvppoQ' ical Tig KaOrj/xevip STT' favrop^ eSoOrj avry Xafietv rrjv elpr/vrjv 9£/e' rrjg yfig, ical "iva aXXfjXovg crfya%,ov(ji'\ Kai eSoOr] avrov Xiyovrog' \Kai eldov], ical ISov "inrog fieXag, Kai b fisvog ITT' lavTov^ e%(ov Z,vybv kv ry x£lPl 6 Kai riKOvaa m [_&)£_•' (fxoprjv ev fiecry ru>v reacrdpcop XOXPL'^ GLTOV drjpaptov, Xiyovaav'
1. *cpavqs) <j>avr) A. C. a 25. /37. Compl. (Syr. Arr.) fipovTrjs) + \eyovros A. Slav. MS. *Atal /3Xor«) — A. C. a 9. /3 2. Compl. Vulg. MS. Am. Erp. t'Se a 17. /3 7.
2. xai elSov) — a 18. 0 4. y 2. Vulg. MS. 2ZaW.* 7W. Slav. MSS. *a£r<3 1st) airov A. C. a 24. /3 7. y 4. Compl. |^X^) + 6 A. 3. *SevT€pav o-<payl8a) 1st) airoc A.C. a24. j3 6. y4. Compl.
creatures saying, as it were with a voice of thunder, Come. ; And I saw, j and behold a white horse : 2 and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he opened the second seal, I heard the 3 second living creature saying, Come. And there 4 went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat on him to take peace from the earth, and that they should slay one another : and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he opened the third seal, I heard the 5 third living creature saying, Come. [And I saw, i and behold a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard 6 [as it were: a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, A measure of wheat for a penny,
4. avra, 2nd) — A. *d7To) iK C. a26. /3 6. Compl. —A. 7. 16. 39. 46. KO.1 Iva) —Kol a22. /35. y2. Compl. Copt. Arm. Arr. Slav. MSS. *a£a><Ti) - ovtnv A . C. fia)(aipa iieyakrj) /uey. /xd^. A . 5. *rpiTr)u (TCppaylSa) ) avrov A. C. a 18. j3 6. y 2. Compl. 6. *rJKova-a) + i>s A. C. 6. 12. 17. iv /jetrw) f/x/xcVo> A. C.
Vulg. Slav. M S .
K#. ?•'.
TpeTg J^OIVIKBQ a.KpiQ&v^ dqvapiov' Kal TO eXaiov TOV olvov \ix\ 7 Kal • ore r)voi'£,£ rrjv
Kal OTS rivoi^t TTJV TrefnrTrjv a^paytda, VTZOKOLTb) JOV ,,,6vGia
eidov Th)V
scrtyayiiivMv Sia TOP Xoyov TOV OEOV, Kal Kat IO TT\V fiaprvplav rjp six0?' /MeyaXy, XeyovTEQ' "EIOQ TTOTS, 6 aywg KO! A' aXrjOivog, ov Kpiveig Kal £KdtKsTg TO aljia rj/AoJv 1EK' TO>V KaTOiKOvvTbiv ETTI Trjg yrjg ;
6. *Kpi6rjs) xpidatv A. C. 12.
+ TOC A.
7. payiha rrjv xer.) TfT. (rcppay. 38. Compl. (paufiv) — C. a 20. /3 4. Copt. Syr. Arr. Slav. MSS. TOV reraprov I;B>OV) TO reraprov (aov C. *\eyova-av) Xeyovros A.C. a20. /36. yZ. Compl. Vulg.Copt.Syr. Arr. Slav. MSS. *Kai /3X«re) —A.C. a8./34. Compl. 4m.Erp. Kai i'8e a 18. ^ 4 . 8. ml eWov) —the MSS. which read K. *8e (exc. three) also 13. 38. Vulg. — KOI C. 6 KO0.) — 6 C. avToi) — C. 12. Er. Harl. 6 6dv.) — 6 C. 16*. 37. 49. 91. Compl. o aOavaTos A. *aKov\ov8cT) l)Kokoi6u B.C. a20. 07. y2. Vulg.2Eth. Arr.Slav. p.fT 'avrov) avrco B. a 20. /3 5. y 2
and three measures of barley for a penny ; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the 7 voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come. [ And I saw, j and behold a pale horse: and his 8 name that sat on him was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given unto h him over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and by the beasts of the earth. And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under 9 the altar the souls of those that were slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they held : and they cried with a loud voice, 10 saying, How long, O Master, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood of those that dwell on the earth ? And a white robe was given f [d7TOKT€tfac 67H TO TeTaprov Tijs y%.]
S [e/cpa£o*'.]
8. *avrois) aira B. a 25. /3 6. y 3. Compl. Arm. Arr. Slav.
+ [6.]
' [dn-b.]
w them.
Vulg. Copt. MVn. Syr.
*dwoKTelvm em, ro reraprov rrjs yrjs) orl T. Ter. r. yf}? dnoKT. A.B.C.
a 28. /3 8. y 3 . Compl. (tai vrro) — Kal Er. «al TO rirapTov A. 9. elSov) + Ka\ C. yfrvxas) + TS>V avdpanav 10. 12. 17. 36. 37. 46. 49. 91. Compl. Mih. Arm. t
tiaprvpiav) + rov dpviov B. a24. /3 6. y 2. Compl. 10. *?Kpafov) eKpagav A.B.C. a25. /3 5. Compl. (pcovtj fieyaXj;) <pavrjv fieya\i]v
a 17. /3 3 .
*o d\r,8.) — 6 A.C. a 17. /3 6. Compl. *a7ro) « A.C. a26. /3 4. Compl.
Syr. Ar. P.
40 11 Kal aeS68riibavTOt£ [emorw] 1 coroXi) Xcvieg,1 Kal avrolg "iva avanavrniiVTai ert ypdvov l ol ol avTwv, ol fiiXXovreg u>g icai avroi. 12 Kal eldop ore rivoi^s TTJV a(j)pay7da Trjv £KTT]V Kal s l £ crvKrj ($a\\ei rovg oXvvdovg avrrJ£, VTTO 'avefiov /xeyaXov^ creto14 fiivrf Kal *6' ovpavo£ anE^tapiaQj] w£ (3ij5Xiov Kal nav b'pog Kal vrjcroQ e/c TU>V 15 T6TT(OV avTUiv £KivrjQr](Tav Kai ol ^aaiXstg TT\£ yrjg, Kal ol fisyujravEg, Kal ol m^iXlap^oi Kal IJ Kal ol "Icr^vpol,^ Kal nag dovXog Kal ]
11. *e868r)o-av) eh66r) A.B.C. a28. 0 7 . y 3. Compl. Syr. Arm. Erp. *tKa<7T0is) avTois eKacrTif A. C. a 11. |8 4. y 3. (Vulg.) avrois. B. a 14. /33. (& 31) Compl. Arm. craa-ra Uavrais Er. *crTokai XfVKcu) crroKfj \evKt] the same as those which read edodt] (also 39.) — tTToKal XfVKal Kal eppedtj airois Compl. avcmavo-avTai) - crovrai, A. 13. 28. 30.* 32. 36. — B . a 25. 0 6. (3 2. Compl. JEth. Ar. P. *oS) — A.B.C. a 16. j3 5. *ir\r)paxrovTai) n\r]pa>8Sitri A. C. 29. Compl. Vulg. Copt. iEth. Syr. - o w t B. a 28. 0 5 . Erp. ol fieXX.) «ai oi p.. a 15. /3 6. *mroKTdvc(r6ai) dnoKTevvevOcu A . C . a 8. anoKrevtcrdai,. a 7. j34. 12. aSoy) + Kai a 7. 0 3. Compl. *i'8oi) — C. a 26. 0 8. y 2. Compl. Vulg. MS. .4m. To?. Copt. iEth. Syr. Arr. Slav. MS. p.cyas iyiv) iyiv-fify. A.
unto [each of] them; and it was said unto them, n that they should rest yet for a :' little: season, until both their fellow-servants and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, shall have been completed. And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and 12 there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the whole of the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell 13 unto the earth, even as a fig-tree casteth its untimely figs, when it is shaken of a mighty wind. And the 14 heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the is great men, and the chief captains, and the rich men, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and free[irXTjpwo-oi'Tat.]
/ [d7TOKTeiVec70ai.]
S 4- [tfiou.]
' Rec.—
[p.eyd\ov avefiov.]
12. eyevcro /LieXas) /A. iyev. a 14. /3 4. Compl. ^teXas) p.eyas A. VeXjjw;) + S\ij A . B . C . a 17. /3 8. y 2 . Vulg. Copt. ^Eth. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav. MS. 13. ovpavov) Qeov A. Vulg. MS. 'ineaav) -
Ke«£. ?'•
eXevQepog Upvipav eavTovg elg ra crirrjXaia 16 Kal elg rag Trerpag ra>v 6peu)v. KCU Xiyovm roXg b'pscri Kal raXg irirpaig- Jlsaers s(j)' rjfxag, Kal Kpvtyare rj/xag cnro irpoawTrov TOV KaQrjfiivov STTL TOV Qpovov, Kal cnro rr\g bpyrjg TOV apvtov' 17 OTI riXOsv rj rjfiipa rj fieydXr] Trjg opyrjg "avrov,1 Kal Tig Svvarai (TTaOrjvai ; VII. 6| j|fg7-a CTOVTO^ eldov rkaaapag ayyiXovg kaTMTag ETTI rag Tscr. a 15. j3 5. 17. avrov) avraiv C. 38. Vulg. Syr. 1. *naX) — A.C. Vulg. Copt. *TavTa) TOVTO A. C. a 22. /3 6. y 2. Compl. 6 aW(i.) — 6 C. Tijs yfis 2nd) —38. Vulg. MS. Copt. Erp. eVi Trjs yrjg) — A .
man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains ; and said to the moun- 16 tains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great 17 day of g his wrath is come; and who is able to stand ? VII. After this I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the 2 sun-rising, having the seal of the living God : and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt not the earth, nor 3 the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God upon their foreheads. d
1. rf/s 8a\.) —rrjs A. Hrjre 2nd) fir) C. • r o bkvhpov) n ShbpovC. a22. £ 6 .
[aXPlS o^.]
2. *dya/3aj/ra) avafiaivovTa A. C. a 27. /3 7. Compl. dearoXt)?) dvaroXcov A. 90. expa^e) expafev A. 3 . fjLrjTf 1st) Kai A .
*a^pt? oS) —nv A. C. 1*2. Er.
g cv [their.]
devdpov A.
Ke». ?.
Kal 7]K0vv s<j§payi<s\ispuiv' "kicarop Kal rsaaapaKOPTa rirrcrapsg^ %iXiddsg sa-^payLfTfiipot, SK iraariQ (pvXrjg vla>p IvparjXb 5 £/c (pvXrjg 'Iovda, da)deKa* %iXidd£Q ea(j>payil b (j\iivoC SK (j)vXrjg Povf5rjp, S a ^ ^ [s(T(f)payi(Tfi£poi'^\ sic (j)vXrjg Fad,
6 dSsg [),G^payi(Tfiipoi'~\ SK (j)vXrjg 'Aarjp, d
^ SK (f>vXr}g Ns(j)6aXslfi, ] SK (j)vXrjg
7 SK (pvXrjg HiVfisup, bdo)dsKa* ^iXtacteg (f)vXrjg Asvt, SK (f)vXrjg
\_SG§payi(Jiispoi'~\ SK ot,'^ SK [s<j§payur}ispoi'~\ SK(J)VXrjg BspiafUPy bdo)dsKa^ %iXid3sg sa^payKT/iipoi. 9 Msrd ravra sldop, Kal [Idov] ox^°Q ffoXvg, OP apidfirjaai avrop ovdslg csdvparoj SK kQpovg /cat (J>VXWP Kai Xa&p Kal yX SGTWTSg
' <>!>&'•
4. Kal rJKOv. T. ap. T. icrcppayio-nevav) — A. TOV apidpbv) rav dp Compl. *p/xS>). So Kec. iKarov) + Kal C. a 7. Compl. ipayio-fiEVOi) -p.ivG>v a 1 3 . /3 3 .
5. &c.) *(/?) SciSfra A. C. Many MSS. [92.] cafppayio-fievot) -fievai a 12. /3 4. y 2.
5—8. i(r(ppayia-ij.evoi) — 10 times (all except first and last) A. C, a22. /36. y3. Compl. Vulg. M.S.Harl* Copt. JEth. Syr. Erp,
And I heard the number of those who were 4 sealed: an hundred and forty-four thousand were sealed, they were from every tribe of the children of Israel. Of the tribe of Juda, twelve thousand 5 were sealed. Of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Aser, 6 twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Nepthalim, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Manasses, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand [were 7 sealed.] Of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Zebulon, twelve 8 thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand [were sealed.] Of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed. After these things I saw, and, behold, a great 9 multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and peoples, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb,
8. i
Copt. 2Eth. avTov) — a 16. • & •
*^SiWo) ihv. A. C. a 10. (3 4. Compl. Kal (pvXwv) — El*. eorcoTes) -ras. a 14 @ 4 . fVd)7rtoy) eVi A .
(j>oiviKeg Iv raTg ^s.pa\v (JHovy fieyaXrj,
Ke>. {.
JI (Tiorrjpia
11 apvL(p.
TtavTEQ ol ayysXoi
KVtlXif) TOV OpOVOV KCU Th)V Trp£(r(5vTSptoV e
^rci rrpocrayTra^ avTwv,
12 vn](rav r<ji Oe<^, Xiyovreg'
ical 7rpo
r) do^a Kai rj (ro(f)ia KCLI r\ ev-^apicrria
icai rj nfir)
Kai i] dvva.f.iiQ Kai IJ IG^VQ T^» Oeip rj/iajv elg TOVQ aiwpag ru>v alwvojv 13
Kai aireKpidri fioi'
eig EK TOJV irptcrfivripoiv,
ol 7T£ptj3£j3A.?7ju-Ej/ot
rag GToXcLg rag
14 XevKag, rivsg elm, Kai rroOzv i)X9ov ; KO! avTM' Kvpii gfiov} (TV dldag. Kai el7re OvTOl
£K Ttjg
fieyaXr]g, Kai enXvvav rag aroXdg avrwv, Kai kXtvKavav \havrdg\\ iv T<JJ a'lfiari TOV apviov. [irepi|3i:|3Xr)ji.eW.]
* [/tpa^'oi'Tes.]
' [ T o0
9 . *7rept/3e/3A7);ici/
(fioivucfs) -Kas a 22. /3 4,
10. *KpdfocTfs) Kpafrvcn A. C. a 27. 0 7 . y 4. Compl. Arm. Arr. Slav. TO 6ea) TOV 6eov A.
TO O. T). T
*TOV Bpovov) rai 6p6va> A. C. a 16. /3 4. y 2. 11 *fO-TfjKecrav) -neio-av A. C. a 9. /3 3. ei(TTijKe«rav 14. 47. 48. 49. 50. 90. Compl. *«reoW) -o-av A. C. a 5. /3 3. E r . flpdrau) + OTTOO a 17. /3 5.
Syr. Ar. P .
*7rp6o-a>Trov) TO. TTp6(Ta>na A. C. a 27. 0 7 . y 2. Compl.
Arm. Arr.
Vulg. Svr.
clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands ; and they cry with a loud voice, saying, Salvation 10 to our God who sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And all the angels stood round n about the throne, and about the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, saying, Amen : Blessing, and glory, and wis-12 dom, and thanksgiving, and honpur, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. [Amen.] And one of the elders answered, saying unto 13 me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes ? and whence came they ? And I said 14 unto him, my lord, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are those who come out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made [ them ] white in the blood of the Lamb. e
s Rec—
[aroXa? aurajj/.j
12. Kal f) troipla) — A . a/xijv.) — C. 28. 36. fj l
48 15 dia
ical Xarpevovaiv vay
ov vrsivaffovmv
TO ava
b Osog irav ddicpvov VIII. Kal
ical bdr)yfi&ei
avTOVQ £7U Z,(orJ£ Trriyag vdaTwv,
ical eZaXstyei
0Tav^ rjvoil,£ Trjv a(f)payXda TT\V e|3tog dr}jxi<j)pov)
dofxrjv, eyevsTo tnyri sv T
ITI, ovde
£TL, ovde jtii) ireay lir avTovg o r/Xiof,
17 ovSs irav Kav/aa' OTI TO apviov TOV
Kal b KaQi]\iEvog ZTTI TOV Qpovov,
16 Gicrjvoxrei eV avTovg. di^aova-iv
elSov Tovg STTTa ayysXovg,
TOV Oeov kcTTrjicaffi, icai edoQrjaav avroTg k 3 (jaXKiyyEg.
ical aXXog ayyeXog riXQe, ical I
£TU 'TO OvtriaaTTipiov,^ s p y
ical edoQr} avT
b icairvbg TOIV Qv\iia\x,dTiav TaXg irpoGTU>V ayiu)v, EK %eipog TOV ayyiXov, [airb.]
' [ore.]
15. eVt TOV Opovov) €. T<S 6pov(a a 15. /3 4. Compl. 16. ov8c 1st) + p ) A. 92. CTJ 2nd) 34. 35. 36. 38. 40. E r . oi>8e) ov8' ov a 23. /3 4. Compl. 17. TTOi}iavti\
. . . .
JEth. Arm. A r . P . Slav.
. . . .
*{6(ras) fo)^j A. a 25. /S 7. y 2. Compl. Kai i£akftyet
. . . .
*a7ro) i< A. C. a 14. ft 5.
— 38. E r .
a 1 8 . ft 3 .
Vulg. 2Eth. Arm. Erp.
Therefore are they before the throne of God, and 15 serve him day and night in his temple : and he that sitteth on the throne shall be the covert over them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; 16 neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne 17 shall be their shepherd, and he shall lead them unto fountains of living waters : and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. VIII. And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stood before 2 God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, 3 having a censer of gold ; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should put it to the prayers of all saints upon the altar of gold which was before the throne. And the 4 smoke of the incense, went up with the prayers of the saints, out of the angel's hand before God.
1. *ore) orav A. C. *fjfiia>piov) f)fita>pov A. C. 2.
TOVS «VTO) — 2 6
i$6dt]Tov) \Lfiavov TO C.
Saxm. A. a 8. 0 2 .
5 SVIOTTIOV TOV OEOV. Kai EIXI}§EV o ayysXog TOV XtfiavwTov, KCU eyifiurev avTov BK TOV irvpog rov QvGiaGTi\piov, Kai E^OXEV £i£ TI]V yrjv Kai lyivovro "fipovral Kai ag XafiTrag, Kai STTEO-EV sm TO Tpirov TWV TroTafiwv, KO.1 • [.fiuxal /tai Ppmmu. KaX aarpairai.]
5. TO
» Rec—
• + [ayytXos.]
avTo) 33. 34. Er.
efiaKev) 'ekaftov A . *<j>a>vat Kai Ppovral
Kai da-rpajrai) j3p. K. aarp.
K. a. A . 16. 3 8 .
Copt. Syr. Pp. K. <j>a. K. d.) oi €Xov. A. a 20. 0 4. Compl. 7. *ayye\os) —A. a 27. 0 5. Compl. Vulg. MS. Harl.* Tol. Syr. Ar. P. *a"jiiem) iv ai/x. A. a 24. 0 4 . y 3. Compl.
And the angel took the censer, and filled it with 5 the fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth : and there were thunderings, and lightnings, and voices, and an earthquake. And the seven angels who had the seven tram- 6 pets prepared themselves to sound. And the first sounded, and there was hail and 7 fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of the earth was burned up, and the third part of trees was burned up, and all green grass was burned up. And the second angel sounded, and as it were a 8 great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in 9 the sea, which had life, died ; and the third part of the ships were destroyed. And the third angel sounded, and there fell a 10 great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and * Rec —
• Rec—
7. *yrjv) + Kal TO rphov Trjs y^s KareKat]. A. a 26. $ 7. y 5. Compl.
Vulg. ^Eth. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. Slav. MSS. 6ap-q) -prfuav A. a 5. |3 2. Compl. -pTjo-fv Er. 10. K. cVi r. jr. vdaTav) — A.
Ke<£. 0.
11 ITU Tag Trriyag vdaTutv. Kal TO ovofia TOV cMTTspog Xsyerai a o ' jlipivOog* Kal beyivero^ TO TOITOV TWV VS&TIOV slg atyivOov, icai TTOXXOI av9poj7ro)v aTtiQavov IK TWV vcSaTMv, OTI
p 12
Kal 6 TErapTog ayysXog kaakTritrt, icai £7r\?jyjj TO Tp'lTOV TOV rjXlOV
KOI TO Tp'lTOV TT\g (Tekr]V7]g
TpiTov avrcov, Kal ?j rjfiipa firj d(j)avy* TO Tp'iTov avTrjg, Kal f) vv£, bfioiiog. 13 Kal eldov, icai r\KOVV I X . Kal
6 TTEfiiTTog ayyeXog
eldov aaripa yr\v,
EK TOV ovpavov
Kal EtSoOr] avT<^ r) KXslg TOV (j)piaTog Trjg
2 a(3v
" [yiVeTai.]
' Rec-
10. iSdrav) TU>V vb. a 18. /3 6. Compl. 11. *ayjnv6os) 6 di^. A. a 23. 04. y 3. Compl. *yiverai) eyepero. A. a 26. |3 6. y 2. Compl. TU>V vSarcov) — E r .
*avdpamwv) TWV av8p. A. a 19. (8 6. Compl. CK Ttov) cVt TOiV A . 12. JJ fnj.€pa
. . . .
avTijs Kal) TO rpirov
avTrjs (avrmv 4 M S S . C o p t . )
M <Pa<$- V W^pa Kal B. a 18. 0 4. y 3. *(paivrl) (paufj A. a 20. 0 4. y 4. TpLTOV l a s t ) TCTOLpTOV A .
Vulg. Copt.
upon the fountains of waters ; and the name of the n star is called Wormwood : and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part 12 of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so that the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. And I saw, and heard an eagle flying in the mid- 13 heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell upon the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are about to sound! IX. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fallen from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. [ And he opened the bottomless pit, i and there 2 TOUS KaTOtKoupras.
13. *dyye\ov) deroi A. B. a 23. /3 3. Compl. Vulg. Copt, .ffith. Syr. Arm. ed. in m. i. A. a 13. /35. Compl. f p f /tcr/xart Er. li€7a\ji) + T^is 5. 7. 10. 28. 37. 49. 91. Compl. ovaX) — Er. Tols KO.TOIKOV
•2. KCL\ rjvoige T. (pp. T. dfilcr.)—a
Copt. Mt\i. Arm. ed. Ven.
15. /3 5. y 3.
Am. Harl*
Ketf>. &.
avljSr] Kairvog SK TOV (fypiarog wg Kairvbg Kctfilvov fieydXrjg' Kai scrKOTicrOr] 6 r)\iog Kai b 3 dr)p e/c TOV KCLTTVOV TOV (j)p£aTog. Kai SK TOV Kcnrvov E^rjXOov aicpideg eig Trjv yrjv, Kai avTaig eiiovcria, wg t%ovmv l^ovaiav ol 4 TTIOI rrjg yrjg' Kai sppidrj avTalg "va firj crhHri TOP %6pTov Tr\g yrjg, ovde rcdv ^Xoipov, ovde 7rav devdpov, el firj Tovg avOpumovg a' o'tTiveg OVK s-^ovai Trjv a(f)payTda TOV OEOV EITI T(OV /.IE5 TWTTtov \_avTwv.] Kai edoOrj avTalg "va fir) cnrob KTELVUXTIV avTovg, a X \ ' "va firjvag TTEVTE' Kai b fiatravujfiog avTcov ibg [iacra6 viafibg (TKOpTTiov, OTav Traiay av0p(OTrov. Kai EV Taig rjfiipaig EKEivaig Z,r\Tr)GovGiv ol avOpcoTroi TOV OdvaTov, Kai cov jin)' dEvpwaiv^ avTov' Kai ETTIQV/jbr]
Kai Ta ofioioi)fiaTa TO>V aKpidwv b'jioia "mroig r\TOi\iaa\ikvoig slg TTOKE^OV, Kai ETTI Tag KE(j)a\ag u)g
2. eK r. (j)p. as Kan.) — 35. 41. Er.
*li6vovs) — A. a 24. 0 6. Er. Copt. Syr. Arr. —Er. TOO deoi) — 12. 17. 47. Er. Harl* Arm. O.VT5>V) —A. 12. 28. Er. Am. Harl.* Tol. o. avrals) avrols A. 12. Er. OVK)
arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And 3 there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. And it was 4 commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but those men which have not the seal of God in [their] foreheads. And to them its was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months : and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. And in those days shall men seek 6 death, and not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the likenesses of the locusts were like unto 7 horses prepared for war; and on their heads were as it were crowns Hike unto gold, and. their faces i.]
~ xpvaoi.
5 . *@acri) - crBijcrovrat A . 12. 3 6 . 3 8 . -(r8r)vTai E r .
s cv of gold.
iraivrj) WXT)£;7 a 5. 13 2. Compl. 6. {j]Trj(rov
Ketf>. ff.
8 W7ra avruiv cog TtpocroiTfa avdpojrrcov' Kai EIJ^OV rpiyag tog rpiyag yvvauctov' icai ol odoprsg 9 avriov w£ Xsovrov rjaap' icai sl^op Ooopaicag ibg Oupaicag v rpB\6vTh)v elg TroXsfiov. bfioiag (TKOpTrioig, Kal icevrpa' 0 Kat' ev raig avrwv aducrjaai ovpdlg avTutv b ' rj s^ovaia d C1 nrovg avOpuTrovg firjpag KEPTE. E^ovaiv^ e £7r' avTwv^ (3a(7iXga TOP ayyEXov rrjg afiixraov, ovofia avry '_Ej3pa'iVrt 'Afiaddcov, Kal EV ry 'i<J\Xrjviicy ovofia e^ei ATTOXXVWV. 12 '.ff oval i) \iia cnrrjXOev Idov ^sp-^ETa^ sri dvo oval fisra ravra. 13 Kal b Eicrog ayyEXog kaaXirKTE, Kai r]icov(ra (j)u)vriv jxiav EK TWV \_TEG<japu>v] KEparwv rov Ovcnaarripiov rov ^pvcrov TOV EVOHTIOP TOV QEOV, 9 \i X&yov
8. 10. 6/j.oias) — ois A. *Kevrpa r/v iv rais ovpais ai)Tu>v Kal i] t^ovcrta avrutv) Kal in place of rjv, and the following Kai omitted, A. 17. Vulg. MS. Syr. Erp. (icai a 4. |32.) K€v.- Kai iv r. ovp. air. if-ova'iav e'xouo-i (TOU) B. a 21. ^ 5 . Compl. 11. *KO\ 1st) —A. a23. (37. y2. Compl. Copt. Ar. Slav. MS. exovcriv) e%ov(Tai a 21. /3 3. Compl. *iay> avr. fiatr.) in air. /3ao-. A. 14. E r . /3a
were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the » hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breast- 9 plates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses rushing to battle. And they have tails like unto scorpions, 10 and stings; and their power was in their tails, to hurt men five months. They have a king over them, n the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, and in the Greek tongue he hath his name Apollyon. One woe is past; behold, there come two woes 12 more hereafter. And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard 13 a voice from the [four] horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel 14 which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound at the great river Euphrates. e
[€<£' avTttiV.]
f [epxovTai.]
? \eyovros
[os etx e 0
11. ayyeXov TTJS afivtraov) ap^ovra TTJS a[3v.) — TOV Er. 14. Xtyovow) -ovros B. a 15. /3 4. -ovra A. €KT
*bs « x e ) 6 ex
Ketf>. &.
15 Kal sXvOrjaav ol T&crcrapsg ayysXoi ol rjToifxaa-fiivoi elg rrjv &pav Kal r\\iipav Kal \ir\va Kal eviavrov, riva cnroicTsivbHn TO rplrov TU>V avOpwrov 16 TT
17 TOP apiBf.wv avTcov.) Kai ovrcog eldov TOVQ 'LKTVOVQ ep ry opdaei, Kal TOVQ KadijfiivovQ sir' avTwv, s^ovrag OwpaKag irvpcpovg Kai vaKivOIPOVQ Kal Oznodsig' Kal at KE(j)aXai TOJP 'iTnriop ihg K£(f)aXal XSOPTWV, Kai tic TSP (TTOjxaTwv avTutp 18 SKiropsvsTai TTvp Kal Kairpog Kal OEXOV. d a7ro' TWP
TovTOiP ciTreKTapOrjaav TO
19 TOJP (TTOjiaTbiP avTwv.
rj yap yp
' s o r t , 1 * Kal kv TaXg
EV T(jj (TTOfiaTi avTttiv
ovpaXg avT&vJ
*' TOV
al yap ovpal avTtov b'fioiai o'0£-
(Tiv, E%ov(rai KE^aXdg, Kal EV avralg d 20 Kai ol XOLTTOI TO)V av6poj7ro)v O'I OVK cnrsKTavdrjcrav EV TaXg •nXtiydig ravraig, lov^ 0
* ISvo /xupii£5es.]
+ [«at.]
15. iXvdrjuav) iXvTTrjdrjcrav A. Kai rjiiepav) — Compl.
16. *apify,or) + rav A. a 23. /3 6. Compl. t7T7riKo{;) ITTTTOU a 22. /3 3. Compl. *Svo fivpidSes) 8v(Tixvpia.8fs A. 11. 12. (8io>ii)pid8eE 36.)
a 25. /3 4. y 2. Compl.
Ar. P. Slav. MSS.
*Wi fJKov.) — Kai A. a 25. /3 4. Compl. 18. *ITT7O) an-6 A. C. a 27. /3 6. y 3. Compl. TO))/ T p . ) — TO>V C .
And the four angels were loosed, that were 15 prepared for the hour, and day, and month, and year, to slay the third part of men. And the 16 number of the armies of the horsemen was two myriads of myriads : (I heard the number of them). And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and those 17 that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and like unto brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three plagues was the third part of men is killed, by reason of the fire, and the smoke, and the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in their mouth, 19 and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men who were not killed 20 by these plagues, repented not of the works of their f + [eK.]
8 + [eK.]
[at yap e£ol/a*tai avrwv.]
' [eto'ti'.]
* Rec—
18. *rpiS>v) +ifKriyS>v A. C. a 22. /3 7. Compl. Vulg. Copt. 2Eth. Syr. Erp. Arm. Slav. 4K 1st) ano a 21. /34. * « 2nd and 3rd) — A. a 25. ;3 7. Compl. iK 3rd) — C. 19. *al yap li-ovaiai avrasv) 17 yap i£ovcria TWV 'Imrav (A.) B. C. a27. /37. Compl. (TOTTWV A.) Vulg. Copt. 2Eth. Syr. Arr. Slav. *elcriv) £
avTwv "va fii) aaTcpoaspyo)v Tdv %eipiov avTwv, TO. dai/xovia, Kal 6 r a ' sidaAa rd Xp Kal ra dpyvpd Kal ra ^aX/ca Kai ra XiOiva Kol TO, ^vkiva, a OVTS fiX&Treiv Svvarai, ical ov fisrs21 OVTS aK0Vi.iv, OVTE TrspnraTEiV vorjaav £/c TWV tyovwv avTUiV, OVTS IK TWV avT&v, OVTS IK Trjg Ttopvsiag avrwv, V SK'TWVV
X. Ka\ sldov aXXov ayysXov Iff^vpov rarafiaivovTa SK TOV ovpavov, TrspifisfiXrijisvov vs(j)sXr)v, Kai C JJ' \piQ STTI dTrjv K£(f)aXrjv[ "avrovj Kal TO irpoacoTTOV avTov o)£ b flXiog, Kai ol TTOSEQ 2 avTov ojg GTVXOL irvpog' Kai ^E^OJV^ SV T% %Eipi avrov 9(5i(5XdpidLOV^ h7]vs(jiyfisvoV^ Kal SOIJKE l TOV iroda avTov TOV SS^LOV STTI Trjg BaXavvfiov STCI k Tr\g yr\g} Kal SKpa^s (j)a>vy uxnrsp Xswv jivKaTai' Kal OTS £Kpa'£sv, al sitTa jipovTai Tag kavTCJV (JHovag' 4 Kal OTS sXdXrjaav al STTTO. fipovTal ' ' * Rec— i V eiXa.irirav.']
c Rec—
20. *irpoa-Kvvrj(ra>(n) -rrovcri A . C. 7. 36. 42. Vi8Aa) TapiJ.aKeiwv) -K.a>v C. a 12. (35. nopveiai) novrjplas A. 1. a'XXox) — a23. j3 5. Compl. Slav. MSS. *Ipis) h «pw A.B.C. a22. /34. y2. Compl. *rrjs K«pa\rjs) TTJP K«j>a\r)v A. C. 8. 9. 12. + avrov A. B. C. a 27. ^ 6 . 7 2 . Compl. Vulg. Copt. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav.
hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood: which can neither see, nor hear, nor walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor 21 of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
X. And I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and the rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire : and he 2 had in his hand a little book open : and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, and cried with a loud voice, as when a 3 lion roareth: and when he had cried, the seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the 4 seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write: « Rec. 1
/ [elxev.~} + [TOLS ^oivas eo.VTb)V.~}
S CM j3ij9X(£apu»>. "' [ejlteXXoi'O
* [ai/euyfi.emv.']
2. *eXX<w) faX. A. B. C. 2. 12. 14. 33. 42. 92.
62 ypdchsiv' Kal 7]K0vVTI slg TOVQ alajvag rwv alcovtov, bg EKTKTE TOV ovpavov Kal ra EV avT
r) (JHovr) rjv r\KOV(ja EK TOV ovpavov, XaXov
Rec. —
[oi)K ea-TCU e n . ]
4. *><>') — A. B. C. a 23. |3 6. y 2 . Compl. Vulg. MS. Am.Harl. Tol. JEth. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. Slav. MSS. enTa (last) —A. C. *Taira) avra A. C. a 20. /3 5. ypfyns) ypafyeis 10. 17. 36. 37. 49. 91. Compl. ypdcprjs Er. 5. *avrov) + TY]V be^iav B. C. a 27. /3 6. y 3. Compl. Copt. 2Eth. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav. MSS. 6. iv 1st) — B. a 19. j3 4. Kai TTJV yrjv Kal TO. iv avrrj) — A. 12. Er. Copt. Slav. M S S . aa). rrjv BaXatrtrav Kai ra iu avrrf) — A . 30. 32. 38. 40. 49. Vulg. MS. Arm. Slav. *OVK e
and I heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up those things which the [seven: thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel whom I saw stand upon the sea 5 and upon the earth lifted up his right hand to heaven, and sware by Him that liveth for ever 6 and ever, who created heaven, and the things that are therein, and the earth, and the things that are therein, :and the sea and the things that are therein,} that there should be no more delay: but 1 in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he should sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath given glad tidings to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven 8 / heard again speaking unto me, and saying, Go, take the book which is open in the hand of [TOLS eaVTOv SouXots Tots 7rpo$ijTats.]
• [Xeyovca.]
7. ml) —10.17*. 37.49.91. Compl. Vulg. (not Am.) Syr. ed. Arm. Ar. P. *Te\ecrdTJ) eYeXeo-flij A . C . a 2 2 . (3 5 . TOV 6eov) — TOV C. i>s) 6 10. 20. 37. 49. 91. Compl. eirryyeXia-e) -varo 10. 12. 17. 19. 26. 37. 49. 91. Compl. *TOIS iavrov
SouAois TOIS 7rpo(f>r)Tais) TOVS e. 8 o u \ o w TOVS irpoifirjTas
A . B . C . 1 4 . 1 7 . 3 6 . 3 8 . 9 2 . TOVS 8. avrovrovsirpcxp.
8. *XaXovcra . . . . Xeyovcra) XdXovcrav . . . . Xcyov&av A . C . 7 . 1 4 . 36. 92. Vulg. (Am. Et vox quam audivi dicentem de coelo iterum loquentem.) *PiP\api8iov) pifiKiov A. C. 14.92. fafiXtddptov a 25. /35. Compl. r)V(G>y)i.evov) avecpy/j.. a 15. / 3 6 . Compl. iv TTJ x«pl) — C.
Ke<j>. i d .
%eipl "TOV^ ayyiXov TOV ecT&Tog eirl Trjg Oa9 \a(T(TTf]Q ical STTI Trjg yrjg. Kai arrfjXOov irpbg TOV ayyeXov, Xeyutv avTij}, bdovvai^ fioi TO c (5ifiXapidiovJ KalXeyei/xoi' Aafie Kai Kardtyaye avTo' Kai vriKpaveX 10 (TTo/iaTi (TOV ecrTai y\t>«v wg fiiXt. Kai eXafiov TO fiifiXapidiov £/e Trjg %upbg TOV ayyiXov, Kai KUTE&ayov avTo' Kai rjv ev T<£ GTOfiari fiov h>g fiiXi, yXvKv' Kai OTS s(f)ayov avro, siziKpcivOt) rj 11 KoiXia fiov. Kai dXiyovd0 fioi' AH are TTOXIV 7rpo(j)r}Tev(Tai STTI Xaotg Kai eOveai Kai y rroXXoXg. XI. Kai edoOrj fioi KaXa/iog bfioiog paj ' Xeywv' vEyeipai, Kai fieTprjaov TOV vaov TOV OeoVf Kai TO 9v<Jia" Kai rrjv avXrjv TT\V e£,a)9ei> TOV vaov e/e|3aXe e£w, Kai firi avTrjv fxeTpriayg, OTI edoOrj Totg EBVEGI' Kai TI\V TTOXIV TT\V ayiav 7raT7](rov<Ji firjvag TeaaapaKOVTa dvo. e
8. *ayyc'Xov) TOV ayy. A. C. a 18. /3 3. Compl. 9. anqXdov) -6a A. 50. *86s) boivai A. C. a 20. j3 4. Vulg. Syr. Slav. MSS. j3ij3Aapi8iov)fiifiXi&dpiova 26. /3 6. Compl. £iifi\dpiop A*. Koikiav) Kapbiav A. TO) — Er. j3t(3Xi'oi/ a 1 3 . j3 3 . fiifiXihapiov a l l , Compl. 10. Pip\apl8iov)
h) — Er. 11. *Xcyfi) \eyovtri A. a 18. /34. Am. Harl. eOveai) in\ W. a 18. /3 6. Compl.
the angel who standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and 9 said unto him, Give me the little book. And he saith unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little 10 book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up ; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and when I had eaten it, my belly was made bitter. And it 11 was said unto me, Thou must prophesy again against many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. XI. And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But 2 the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty-two months. «al 6
1. *KCU 6 ayyeXos eiorijKet) — A. a 18. /3 6. y 2. Er. Vulg. Copt. JEth. Arr. Slav. K. eio-r. 6 ayy. a 7. (and 14) Compl. Syr. Arm. -pe A. a 13. /3 4. y 2. 2. egcD&x) eVco&i/ 12. [34. 35. ?] 80. Er. Slav. ego) Qa>6tv A. 12. 14. 26. 28. 34. 36. 37. 91. 92. Compl. Er. fterpr)(TT]s) -aus Compl. 6V() Kai E r . naTrj(rov(ji) iurprj(rov(n A. 8vo) Kal 8io A. a 10. @ 3.
66 3
Ke. M .
Sval fidprvai
icai irpo-
(hrjTSvaovmv rifiipag %iXiag diaicoaiag ki-rjicovra, 4 7r£pl]3£j3\7?/X£VOl
ZXaTai, ical "at
dvo Xvyyiai
Ctl civO
rrJQ yrjg k
rrvp SK7ropevsTai etc TOV KUTEGOIEI TOVQ
ical eV TIQ 9i\u
6 avTOV cnroKTavOrjvai. aiav icXsTaai
aiav t^ovmv
e%6pov£ avTwv'
adiicrjcrai, ovra) dsX
^Trjv^ 9
Tag ij^igpag' Trjg 7rpo(f)r]T£iag avTcov'^ ical s^ov-
alfxa, 7
ical Tmrafat
vdaTcov, (TTpstyeiv avTa eig
Trjv yrjv
sv^ 7rdcry TrXrjyy
brrdicig hav Kal OTav Tsk&awcn
Qrjptov TO avafialvov
e/c Trjg afjvaaov
T avTwv TroXsfiovJ ical viicri
Trjg irXaTEiag Rec-
Trjg^ TroXswg Trjg fieydXtjg,
[&eov.] ' [ a w . T. Trpoi/).]
' [eo-Twirai.] * Rec. —
3. 7repi/3f/3X?;^eVoi) -vovs A. B . 4. 7. 32. 48. 4. c'Xaiai) SXdxm C. avkaiai A.
*8io 2nd) al bio A. C. a 19. /3 6. Compl. *9eo{5) Kvplov A. C. a 27. (3 5. y2. Compl.
Vulg. Copt. Syr. Arr.
TOV A . *
5. "6e\ri 1st) 6z\ei A. C. a 21. /3 3. Compl. *avTovs 2nd) — E r . After #e'X. A. C. a 8. /3 5. •&'XB 2nd) dfkei C. a 13. /3 8. y 2. Compl.
^XJJOT; A. fcXijan 38.
ouro)) — A. 6. *t£ovcriav) TTJV i^ov. A. C. TOV ovpavov) r. ovp. ££ov. KXCI. a 15. j3 4.
And I will give unto my two witnesses, and ••; they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the 4 two olive trees, and the two candlesticks that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if any 5 man wisheth to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies: and if any man wisheth to hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have authority to shut 6 heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy : and they have authority over the waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they will. And when they shall have finished their testi- 7 mony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war with them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their dead s body shall lie in the broad way of the great city, f Rec— [ra 7rrw/xaTa.3
s jj3pe'x*J verbs.] * Rec—
6. *fipixn ieros) VZTOS fipexi A. B. C. a 20. /3 6. Compl. *iv fi/Mepms) Tas rj)j.epas A. B. C. a 25. 13 5. y 2. Compl. iv rals i)p,. Er. *avrS>v rfjs npo(pr)T(ias) r. np. air. A. B. C. a 15. /3 5. Compl. avra) — Er. y oa-aKis eav 6(\r)cra>a-i) o
Ke. «*'.
tcaXsiTai Trvsv/xariKiOQ SoSofia Kal A'lyvirTog, OTTOV Kal o Kvpiog aCIVTOJP^ EaTavpojOr], 9 Kal bfiX&Trovcriv^ e/c ra>v Xacov Kal (J)VXOJV Kai y\o)(T(ju)V Kal E9VU>V crb Trrcofia^ avr&v rjp&pag rpetg Kal r\\iiav, Kal ra TTTMfiara avrcov OVK d Kal ol Karoiio a(l)tov(n^ rsOrjvai elg e\ivr\\ia) J KovvT£Q ITTI Trig yrjg 'y^aipovGiv^ sir avrdig, Kat
£v(bpaivovTaiJ /cat dcopa hTrljiipovcnv* a\\r)\oig on OVTOI ol Svo irpo(f)rJTai efiaaavicrav rovg KaroiKOvvrag ETTI ri\g yr\g. n Kal fiera, rag rpstg rifiipag Kal I\\IMJV Trvev^a t,u>r\g IK TOV OEOV sla-rjXOEV lavTotg^ Kal %GTt)<jav ETtl Tovg noSag avrcov, Kal (pofiog fi&yag kETtETT£12 (TEV^ ETU Tovg BstopovvTag avTovg. /eat ijKOvaav (f)et)vrjp fiEyakrjv EK TOV ovpavov Xsyovcrav avTolg' l'Avd(5aTE^ wde. Kal av£J57]
Copt. Slav. MSS.
• *%£») airS>v A. B. C. d 24. /3 6. Compl. Vulg. Copt. iEth. Syr. Arm. Ar. P . Slav. MSS. 9. *p\ey]/ovv) — 14 Er. After avrav + Kai ol e»c. T. i6v. 14 E r . *Ta nrafiara) ro wra/ia A. B . C. a 2 1 . /3 5. Copt. Kai ijfi.) — Kai a 21. /3 4 Compl. *d
*/j.vr]iJ.ara) ixvrjjia A. B. a 26. /3 5. Compl. Copt. iEth. Syr. Arr. Slav. . iivrijxtiov C. 36. li). *-)(apov(Tiv) xa^povaw A. B. C. a 25. /3 7. Compl. *(v(ppav6rfa-ovrai) evpaLvnvT
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord also was crucified. And some of the peoples and kindreds and 9 tongues and nations see their dead body three days and an half, and do not suffer their dead bodies to be put into a sepulchre. And they that dwell upon 10 the earth rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall n send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented those that dwell on the earth. And after the three days and an half the Spirit n of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon those who saw them. And they heard a great voice 12 from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in the cloud; and their enemies beheld them. And the same 13 0 hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth n
co give.
11. ras) — 28. 36. 37. 33. 40. 49. Compl. Er. rjflMTV*) TO fjp,. C .
*eV avrovs) iv airois A. 18. 36. avTOts C. 7. 12. 17. 38. E r . (eia>vnv jueyaX)?!/) -9,s -ijf C. 10. 12. 17. 28 36. 37. 91. \iyova-av) -
airois) —A. 28. *ava$T,T<:) -/3cmr A. C. 26. 36. 42. 13.
KCII 1st) — a
16. /3 4.
&pa) faepa B. a 26. /3 5. y 2. Compl.
Ar. P. Slav.
70 / fieyag, ical TO d&icaTov rrjg noXewg sireve, Kai airEKTavOrjaav EV T<£ (TEUTfMp 6v6fiara av6pu)TT(ov yiXiddsg kirra' Kai ol Xonroi efi^o^oi lykvovTO, Kai Isdwicav S6E,av Tig OE(J> TOV ovpavov. 14 ^H oval rj dsvripa cnrrjXOEv' Idov rj oval rj
p) 15
b EJidofiog ayysXog eardXnMTE, Kai syeVOVTO (f)o)pal fisydXai EV Tip ovpavfi "XiyovTEg'^ b 'MyivETo r\ fiaaiXsia^ TOV Koufiov, TOV Kvpiov rjfiu>v, Kai TOV XpiGTov avTov, Kai Eig Tovg aioivag TU>V aiwpo)v. 16 Kai ol siKoai c | TEaaapsg Trpso-fivTspoi doV EVCjJTTiOP TOV 0EOV
£7Tt TOVg
ETTEaav ETTL TO. irpoGOdTra avTu>v, Kai 17 Trpoa-EKvvrja-av Tip 0£(f, X&yovTEg' Ev\api<7T0vfiiv (rot, KvpiE b Osog 6 iravTOKpaTiop, b u>v
b i\v f\, OTI EiXrjtyag TH)V Svvafiip rrov TT)P fie18 ydXtjp, Kai EfiacriXsvcrag. Kai Ta Wvq (bpyiaOrjaap, Kai riXOsp r\ bpy-q P v£Kpu>p, KpiOrjpai, Kai dovpai TOP [IKTOOP ToXg dovXoig (TOV ToXg 7rpo(f)riTaig, Kai roXg dyloig Kai a
* [eyeVoeTO at
+ [«ai.]
13. Kai TO) aicrre TO C. 14. iSoii fj oiial I) TpiT?)) r) oil. f) rp. Iboi/ a 20. 0 4. Compl. 15. 6)— A. *\eyov
part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain seven thousand names of men; and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. The second woe is past; behold, the third woe u cometh quickly. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were is great voices in heaven saying, The sovereignty of the world hath become our Lord's, and his Christ's; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the twenty-four elders, who sit before 16 God on their thrones, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, 17 O Lord God the Almighty, who art, and who wast; because thou hast taken thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, 18 and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to [ot.]
16. iv&mov) + TOV dpovov B . a 23. ft 6. Syr. Arr. *Ka6rjfievoi) ot KaBrjvrai the same M S S . (exc. 4.) C. 2. Arm. CT-eo-av) -ovs A.
K&f,. v0.
ical TOXQ fieyaXoiQ, Kal dia^OsTpai TOVQ povTct£ TT]V yr\v. 19 Kal rjvoiyr] 6 vaog TOV Oeov [EV Twvai Kal ppovTal Kal (TEHTfioQ ical %a\aZ,a dX XII. Kal arjfieTov fieya oXpOrf sv T
aXrJ£ 2 avTfjg GT&tyavoQ aa-Tspcov dwdsKa' Kal kv yavTpl %%ov
avTOV£ ei£ Trjv yrjv. EOTTjICEV EVWTnOV
° o) rou Kvpiov.
Kal b T7]£
* [/Ae'yas jruppos.]
18. Toir fxiKpois Kal TOIS /xeyaKols) TOVS fiiKpoiis K. TOVS fieyrikoiis A . C.
Kal last) — A. SiacpBeipovras) (pdelpovras E r . duupdeipavras C. 19. rjvoiyrf) rjvoixdt) a 14. /3 4. Compl. eV ™ ovpavw) — A. 14. 38. 92. avTov) (TOV) Kvpiov a 26. /3 5. Compl. ^5th. perhaps. Kal a-fto-fios) — B . a 20. /3 4. Compl. Arr.
the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and that thou shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened [in heaven,] 19 and there was seen the ark of d his covenant in his temple; and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. XII. And there was seen a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child crieth out, 2 travailing, and pained to be delivered.
And there was seen another wonder in heaven; 3 and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems upon his heads. And his tail draweth the third part of the stars of 4 heaven, and did cast them to the earth : and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready c
[8ia8>jflXaTa enrd.]
1. mpt,fie(i\r)iJ.evri)
cw t h e Lord's.
f/ o-tX.) — JJ E r . 2. Kpa£u) cKpa&v B . a 7 . /32. « p a j > C. a 2 0 . /33. Compl. Vulg.ed. Syr. .&)th. + Kat A. C. 3. *fieyas nvpp'os) irvpos fieyas B . C. a 12. /3 4. y 2. Copt. wvpp'ot fieyas a 7. (& 33.) Arr. avrov) avraiv A. *dia8f])j.aTa sWa) inra diad. A. C. a 2 1 . (3 6. Compl. — i-rna Er. 4. TOV ovpavov) — Er. ii
5 leal
"pa orav rsicy,
Ttavra ra
r&icvop avrJjg bg
6 Bpovov
eprj/xov, airo
Koi rj yvvrj £X£t [*£'cs'-']
E(j)vyev tig TI\V
"pa sicei Tpe^oxrip
rjTOifiacrfiepop avT7]p rjp&pag
%i\[ag 7 Kai syePETO TroXtfiog EP T
KOX OVK """iu-^vGEp} -^ovds^ Toirog
9 EvpiOrj 'avTOiP^ %TI EP T<£ ovpap^. ical EJ3X^9r) b dpcLKoyp b fiiyag, b b'(f)ig b ap^atog, b icaXovfiEPog didfioXog, Kai b SaTapag, b TrXapwp TT\P olicovfisPTjp bXrjp, sfiXrjOr) Eig TT\P yrjv, Kai ol io ayyEXoi
avTov fi£T UVTOV E^X^6rf(Tap. Kai h (j)a)P7]P fiEydXr}P kp T(jj ovpap(f, XE'^ %pTi syEPETO tj (TcoTrjpia Kai rj dvvafiig
Kai r) fiaxjiXEia TOV OEOV rjfitop, Kai fj E Rec.— 4. T(Keiv) TIKTUV 37. 49. Compl. 5. appeva) ap(rev A. C.
*T6V 6pov.) wpos T. 8p6v. A. C. a24. /33. Compl. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav. MSS. 6. *?x«) + « « A. a 25. /3 5. Compl. Slav. MSS. airo) wro a 2 1 . (3 6. Tpecpaxriv) eKTpe
-ovaiv C.
Vulg. Copt. 2Eth.
to be delivered, that he might devour her child as soon as she should have brought it forth. And 5 she brought forth a man child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron : and her child was caught up unto God and unto his throne. And the 6 woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his 7 angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and he prevailed not; neither 8 was * their place found any more in heaven. And 9 the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent, that is called the Devil, and Satan, who deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I 10 heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, Now is come the salvation, and the strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his f [ovre.]
-» avroJ.
\\iyova~av iv TW ovpavui.J
' c\> h i s .
7. *eVo\e>i7(rai/) roO noX^ijaai A. C. 7. 8. 10. 12. 17. 36. 37. 49. 91. Compl. irokejxricrai B. a 2 1 . /3 5. 2Eth. Syr. Arr. *xara) pera A. B . C. a 26. /3 5. Compl. 8. *ta-xy(rav) -aw A. a 22. /3 3. Compl. Copt. 2Eth. Erp. *o0rc) ouSe A. C. a 18. (3 5. Compl. avTuv) avrcp. The M S S . &c. which read 'l
9. 6 fyis) — 6 Er. o a-ar.) —6 a 24. /35. Compl. fAGT1 avToO) — E r .
10. *\eyovcrav ev ™ nipava) iv. T. nvp. Xe'y A. C. a 17. /3G. Compl. Vci'ss.
Ke>. tf.
TOV XpiGTOv avrov- OTI a ej3\?j£V b b KaTriy(op] e TOOV ads\(j)u)V rifjLwv, b tcaTriyopwv avTa>v^ EVWj f yp u
Oeov rjfiwv rifiipag KCU VVKTOQ. Kai avrol Evitcrjaav avrop did TO alfia TOV apviov, i Sid TOV Xoyov Ttjg /xapTvpiag CIVTCOV, OVK r}ya,TT'q
' rrjv yr\v Kai TT)V 9a-
Xaarrap OTI KaTS.^7] b SiafioXog Ttpog vfiag OV/XOP
et^wf on bXiyop Kaipov £%et.
OTS eldev b dpaKOiv OTI efiXr)9r} SIQ TT\V
yr\v, Ediu)'£,E TT\V yvvaiKa 14 Kai sdoOtjaav Ty yvvaiKi CIETOV TOV f.l£ydX0V, slg
Kai Kaipovg,
flng f al'
Svo TTTspvyeg TOV
"pa TT£T7)Tai Eig TJJV EprjflOV
TOV 0(j)EO)g.
Tps(f)£Tai^ EKEX
Kai rjfiKrv Kaipov, Kttl £(iaXEP
0 O(j)ig
(TTO/xaTog avTOV 6TTI(T
airb h
10. Xpiorot)) Kvplov C. *Ka.TePKri8r)) i^Bt) A. B. C. a 22. (3 6. 6 (tar. T. dSeX 17.) — E r . *Karrjyopos) KaTrjyap A. avrav) avrovs A. 28. 36. E r . faSiv last) — 14. 28. 90. 92. Er. 11. TOV \6yov rrjs fiaprvplas) TT)V jxaprvpiav C. 12. *ol 1st) — C. a 15. /3 4. o~KT]vovvTes) KaracrKrj. C . *Tois KaroiKovo-i Trjv yi)v Kai Tr)v 6d\a
Tfl yfj Kai Trj Bakaoar]
B. a 22. 0 6. y 3. Compl. — rois KCLT. A. C. Vulg. Copt. iEth. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav. M S S . yfjv) ayawr]i> A.
Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast out, who accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood ofn the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore, rejoice, ye heavens, and ye 12 that dwell in them. Woe to the earth and to the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast out 13 unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And there were 14 given to the woman two wings of the great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, * where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And 15 the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be e
+ [TOIS KOLTOLKova-i] ' [TauTrjf.]
f Rec. — 8 c\> on-toff rpe'<£>)Tai. * rv t h a t she m i g h t be nourished there.
12. e'x
13. appeva) cipaeva C. 14. 92.
apaevau A.
14. *8vo) al bio A. C. 12. 27*. 28. 36.
nerrjTai) mTarai. 38. E r . onov rpefperai) 6Vo>r Tpe(f>rjTai a 23. /3 4. Compl. Kal rjfj.t
15. *07nV
yv. A. C a 20. /3 7. Compl.
*TavT-qv) avrrjv A. B. C. o25. /35. Compl. op. C.
— E r . TTOI. air. 7rora-
Ke*. *?'
16/eat EfioriQricrev rj yrj ry yvvauu, ical r\voi£tv r\ yrj ro <jrb\ia avrrjg, ical KareVie rov worafiov OP 17 efiaXep b dpaKtov EK rov trrofiarog avrov. Kal ajpylaOr] b 8pa,K0)v ETTI ry yvvawl, ical cnrrj\9s TTOirjaai iroXefiov fiera ra>v Xonruyv rov v rrjpovvrtov rag ivroXag rov a Osov, ical s%6vra)v rrjv \iaprvpiav Irjaov. Kal b£ara9r}\ sirl rrjv a\i\iov rrjg OaXacrarig, XIII. Kal eldov EK rrjg OaXaaarig Orjptov avafiaTvov, £X0V Clc^PaTa d&Ka Kal KS(j>aXag sirra'^ ical em ra>v tceparuiv avrov diica Siad^f.iara, ical d ETTI rag K£(f)aXag avrov ov6jiara^ f$Xaa(j)r}[iiag. 2 ical ro Orjpiov o EISOV r\v o\ioiov irapddXEi, ical ol TtociEg avrov cog eapKov} ical ro arofia avrov cog arojia Xiovrog. Kal E'SLOKEV avr(j) b dpa,KO)v rr\v dvvafiiv avrov, Kai rov Opovov avrov, Kai 3 E^ovatav fisyaXrjp. Kal ^' fiiav ?£/c' ra>v K£(j)aXajv avrov cog £
[TOO '1T](TOV X p i e r r o u . ]
16. ^ yfj) _ 3 4 . 35. 36. 40. 41. 42. TOV woTa/iov ov) TO vdap 8 A.
17. orl) — C. *TOV 'ITJCTOC "X-pio-TOv) 'h) . 11. 14. 19. 18. *0TaV) to-raOr) A. C. 92. Vulg. iEth. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. 1. *Ke(j>ahas iirra Kai Kepara Sexa) Kep. 8fKa K. Keep. cVra A . C. a 2 0 . / 3 7 .
Compl. Hurl*. Copt. JEth. Syr. Arr. Slav. MSS. Sera) eWaEr. *ovo)Ma) ovijiara A. a 26. j3 6. Compl. Vulg. Syr. Ar. P. Slav.
carried away of the flood. And the earth helped 16 the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the 17 woman, and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.
XIII. And 'he stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto 2 a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority. And / saw one of his heads 3 as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the earth wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the 4 * [01/ojua.]
' [apKTOv.1 '+[eISoi/.]
I Rec-
* ikeavixao-ev.]
• tv I stood.
2. fy) _ i'2. 46. Er. *apKTOv) apKov A. C. a 15. /3 3. y 2. ficyaXrfv)
+ i'&coKeu avra
3. *«8<w) —A.C. a23. /37. y 2. Compl. Vulg. MS. Am. Tol. Copt. Mt\i. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. Slav. MSS. *nlav) + « A. C. a 26. /3 5. Compl. Vulg. Mth. Syr. Arm. Slav. as) mo-el a 19. /3 3. Compl. *i8aijia(TiV SXr) 77 yr/) edav/xdcrdrj (-OTti>&; C.) 6'Xt; 17 y?j A . C. idavixcur6r] iv o\r) TTJ yfj 12. 2 8 . 36. E r .
r<j> Orjpiy, teal irpoaeKVvrjaav cT(p piyJ Xiyoprsg' Tig ofioiog r<ji Oripiy, dKaV rig Svvarat TroXefirjaai ju.gr' avrov; 5 Kal sdoOtj avT
npoGKVPr}<JOVGip lavT0p\
n Kovpreg srrl Trjg yrjg, " ' w ' ov ykypaizrai ro p "' SP Ttf) (3ij3Xi^>' Trjg t^rig TOV appiov EGfpayfiepov, enro KarafioXrjg Koa-fiov. si
b \jbv SpatcovTaJ] [os eSwKei/.] ' [iroXefiov 7rotijtrat.]
c k
[TO Sypiov.'] l [auT(|J.]
d m
Rec. — tvof.
4. *TOV bpaKovra) T<5 BpaKovri A. B. C. a 26. 06. y 3. Compl. *os eScoKev) on e'Swxe A. C. 12. 34. 35. 36. 46. Vulg. MS. Am. jEth. Syr. Arm. Erp. Slav. MSS. T<5 Sedoxori B. a 25. 0 3. Compl. *e£au.) i > «|ou. A. B. C. a 24. 0 6. Compl. *ro 6i)plov) ra ^jjptoj C. a 26. /3 6. Compl. *TI'S 2nd) xal TI'S A. C. a 11. 0 3 . Compl. Vulg. Copt. JEth. Syr. Erp. Slav. bivarm) Svvaros a 22. 0 5. y 3. Compl. 5. *(3X.a(T(pr]iiias) [3\ao'<pr]iia A. 12.28.34. 47. f3\a
dragon because he gave the authority unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast ? and who is able to make war with him ? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking 5 great and blasphemous things ; and authority was given unto him to work forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against 6 God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, even those who dwell in heaven. And it was 7 given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them : and authority was given him over every kindred, and people, and tongue, and nation. And all that dwell upon the earth s shall worship him, whose names were not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain. He that hath 9
[TO. bv6fia.T
P \T$
6. *p\ao-<pr1ij.iav) -fx'ias A. C. 18. 34. 35. Ka\
1 Rec
Vulg. ed.
V i last) — A. C. a 19. /3 4. Syr. ed. Slav. MS. 7. Kal c866rj . . . . viKJJo-ai airovs) — A . C . 1 2 . 1 4 . 9 2 . *7rdXe/xoi' notrjo-ai) iroi. TTOX. a 16. j3 5. Compl. *<j>v\r!v) + xai Xaoy A. B. a 23. /3 5. y 2. Vulg. ^ t h . Syr. Ar. P . Slav. M S S . + KOI Xaouj C. 8. *ai™) airoj' A. C. a 18. /3 5. Si/ oi) hv OVT€ B . a 7. )3 2.
oS oi C.
oual A.
*rawd/iara) TO ow/xa A. B. C. a 26. /3 4. y 2 . Compl. Copt. Syr. Arr. + avrov A. C. *TTJ /3(/3X<5) ra /3tj3Xi'« A. B . a 16. /3 2. Compl. /3tj3Xi'o) C. *apj/i'ou) + Toi) A. C. a 25. (3 5. y 2. Compl. €O-<payfxevov*) io~
Kef t7'.
long t%ei ovg, aKov
Kal eldov aXXo Qripiov avafialvov ical el^e icspara dvo ofioia appiy,
12 dpciKOiv.
BK rrjg yrj£,
Kai eXakst WQ
Kal Tr\v E^ovcrtav rov Trpojrov Orjpiov
Tracrap Trots! evutTuov avrov' Kal TTOIEX rr\v yrjv l rovg bkv avry KaroiKovvrac.^ "va cirpoaKVvrj-
y rb Qr}plov rb irpwrov, ov eOepairevOrf rj 13 7rXr]yrj rov Oavdrov avrov' Kai TtoieX (TTjfieta fieydXa, 'iva Kal irvp iroiy d£K rov ovpavov Karafiaiveiv^ £ig rr\v yrjv EVWTTLOV TIOV avQpiorcbiv. 14 Kal jrXavg, rovg KaroLKovvrag snl rrjg yrjg, Sia ra (TrjjJ-eXa a E866I] avry Tzoirjaai kvojiriov TOV Orjpiov, Xiyoyv roXg KaroiKovatv ETTI rrjg yrjg, Troirjcrai s'lKova rip OripiL-) e o ' £'xsl rW TrXrjyrjv 15 rrjg \ia°^aipag Kai £%r)(T£. Kai edoOr] avrqi dovvai 0
[TIS aix/AaX(u(7iai' a-ucdyei.]
[jcaTOtKOVVTas ev avrr}.]
10. *c'( Tii alxpa^ti'O'lav crvvdyeL els alx- vndyei) e'i TIS alx- uvvayei C. ft TIS fir alx- fir alx- virayei A. Slav. M S . ci TIS els m^. VTY. B . 28. 38. e'i r. alX- vn. 32. 47. Copt. Slav. M S . et TIS ?x« alx- VTT- a 17. /3 3. Compl. Slav. M S . Variously read also in 7. 18. 34. 35. 36. and others. airoKTevfi, 8 a ) a.7roKTav6rjvai A. — airoKTevei a 10. J34. Slav. M S . ev paxaipq 2nd) — a 12. /3 4. 11. avafialvov) -fialvvov C. Sio) —a 14. 03. Ofxota) ovopa C. 12. Troiei 2nd) e'wolei a 18. /3 4. Compl. Syr. A r r . *KOTOiKovvras ev avrrj) ev avrrj KaToiK. A. a 18. /36. Compl.
an ear, let him hear. He that is for cap-10 tivity, into captivity he goeth ; he that will kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And I beheld another beast coming up out of 11 the earth ; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the 12 authority of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and those who dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh 13 fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men; and he deceiveth those that dwell 14 on the earth through the wonders which were given to him to do in the sight of the beast; saying to those that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which hath the wound by a sword, and did live. And it was 15 c
[«o.Ta(3atVety e« TOV ovpavov.J
™ 05.
12. *Trpoa-Kvtnj(To>cn) -aovo-i A . C. 7. 14. 3 0 * . 3 6 . TOV OavaTov) ^—A.. 13. iva Kal nip) Kai nvp 'Iva a 2 1 . /3 3. y 2. Compl. "woirj KarajSalvetv in TOV ovpavoxi) noifj ex r. oip. xaraj3. A. C. 28. 34. 35. 38. C'K T. oip. KaTafiaivy a 24. (34. Compl. Vulg\ els) nrl a 18. j3 4. Compl. 14. -rfkava) + TOVS efiois a 18. /3 3. Compl.
o) Ss'A.C. 28. 3 4 . 3 5 . (36?) 92. eXei) «X
Ke<£. Of.
TTvev/jLa ry EIKOVI TOV Oripiov, 'iva ical XaXr\cnj i) elictov TOV Qrfpiov, ical Troirjtrrj a'lva^ b'croi beav' firj TrpoaKVvrjfroyai rrjv slieova TOV Orjpiov, c' 16 cnroKTavOojcn. icai TTOIEX rravTag, TOVQ /.wcpovg ical TOVQ fiEydXovg, icai TOVQ TrXovmovg icai TOVQ TTTOJ^OVQ, KGU TOVQ eXevOspOVQ
dovkovQ, "iva dSaxTiv^ CIVTOTQ ^ a p a y ^ a STU TTJQ %eipoQ avrcov TJJQ ds^iaQ, rj ETTL 6TO / 17 avTU)v, \jccu\ Iva fir^TiQ dvvrjTcu ayopdaai rj EI fir) 6 E^COV TO %dpayfia, -^' TO b'vofia TOV QrjpLOv, i) TOV apiOjibv TOV bvofxaTOQ CLVTOV. 18 Side ft cro(j)ia EGTIV. b t^tov ? ' vovv, tyrjtyuraTO) TOV apiOjibv TOV Orjpiov dpid/xbg yap av9pa)Trov EGTI, ical b apiOfioQ avTov hk^aic6aiai s^
XIV. Kal eldov, ical Idov Vo' apviov ^l sirl
b'pOQ JEuov, ical
15. iva
kicaTov r e c -
'iva naY) Ka\ iva Compl.
r) (1KS>V) — fj Compl.
*non1a-rl) iroiel Compl. + "iva A. 11. 26. 36. Vulg. Syr. Ar. P . Slav. ed. oaoi av /irj TrpovKwrjaraxri) roiis /iij npocncvvovvras Compl. *av) iavK. a l l . 0 3 . rfjv (lnova) rfj ehovi a 24. /3 6. y2. Compl. *iva) — A . a 12. j3 7. y 2. Vulg. Syr. Arr. Slav. ed. 16. *dd>a-ri) SSxriv A. C. a 8. /3 3. Compl. Saxrwa-iv a 14. |3 3. Xapdyfia) ^apayfiara a 22. 0 5. Compl. *TS>V fUTamav) TOfieTomov A. a l 9 . /35. Copt. Arm. roC/ifrj2nd)) — A. C. a 25. 0 6 . y 2. Am. Tul. Syr. Ar. P. Slav. MS.
given to him to give breath unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, 16 and rich and poor, and free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or on their forehead : [and] that no man might buy or sell, save he 17 that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let is him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
XIV. And I saw, and, behold, the Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty / + K.]
s + [rox.]
» [xfs'O
17. TO 6Vo/xa) TOV 6v6[uxTos C.
' Rec-
* [eonjicb!.]
Vulg. MS. Tol. Syr.
18. *TOV 1st) — A. C. a 20. (3 5. Compl.
Kai) — a 18. 0 5 . Slav. M S S . airoi) +i(mv C. 10. 18. 37. 38. 49. 91. Compl. Vulg. M S . Am. *x£ f ) ^iKoaiai SeVa e£ C. f£aKO) opos C.
airov) + dptS^os a 14. 0 3 . CKCITOV} —
Syr. Ar. P.
aapaKovra "avrov,
Kef *ff. s^ovaai
Kal TO b'vojia^ TOV irarpbg
2 ypafi/isvop
£TU TWP /isrwTrtev avrwv.
(j)o)vr)v IK TOV ovpavov
TO ovofia
icai %KOv
wg (f>wvt]v vSaTwv TTO\ical bri
Xu)v, KCU ojg (JHtivrjv fipovTtjg fieydXijg'
(JHovrj qv ijicovcra o>g^ Ki9ap(f)du)v KiQapi^ovTwv 3 Tatg
KiBapaig fjv
Kai ySovaiv
KCL\ Ttov ovdelg
cog ^)Sr]v
icai kvairiov
Trjv wSrjv,
£i fir} al
kicarov T£
ol rj
4 paGji&voi airo Tr\g yrjg. OVTOI UGIV O\ yvvaiicaJv OVK £/io\vv9r}(raV irapOivoi yap £iaiv' OVTOI \_£iV avQpuiKai lp T(jj 5 TTO)V, airap^T] Tip 0£<j) Kai r^> apply' d OfiaTi avTp ov% Evp&Or) ip£vdog'\ a e
£i<Ji £i<Jie \
'• R e c —
1. *ovo[j.a) + avTov Kal TO ovofxa A. B . C. a 26. /3 7. y 4. Compl.
Vulg. Copt. JEth. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. Slav. MSS. yeypajxfievov') Kaiofievov E r . 2. *s A . C . a 2 8 . /3 6 . y 2 . C o m p l .
Vulg. Copt. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav. MSS. avT&v) — C .
Copt. Mth. Syr. Arm. Arr. Slav.
Kai rap TrpfarPvTepcou) — C. *l)Siva.To) idv. A. C. a 8. (3 2. Compl. Ttfjaapts) — C.
4. oS™ thw) —A.
Vulg-. MS. fflh.
and four thousand, having his name and his Father's name written in their foreheads. And 12 heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and the voice which I heard was as that of harpers harping with their harps: and they sing as it 3 were a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures, and the elders : and no one could learn the song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, who were redeemed from the earth. These are those who were not denied 4 with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. And in 5 their mouth was found no falsehood : [for] they are blameless.
4. ela-iv 3rd) — A. C. Er. &rou) + yap Coinpl.
Vulg. Arm. Slav.
VTrayy*) -yet A. C. 16. 28. OVTOI last) + V7ro 'IJ/O-OV a 26. |8 5. Compl. Syr. Ar. P . curb w avdpamav) — C. 5. iv ™ (TTOftaTi airav ov% evpidrf) ol)( ev. iv T.
*boKos) i^fCSor A. C. a 28. /3 7. y 4. Compl. Vulg. Copt. JEth. Syr. Arm. Arr. yap) — A. C. 12. 17. Vulg. MS. Harl. *(Vamwv TOV dpovov TOV Seoti) — A. B. C. a 27. ft 7. y 2. Compl. Vulg. MS. Harl. Tol. Copt. JEth. Syr. Ar. P. Slav. MSS.
88 6
Kai EISOP aXXop ayyeXop "ireTOfievov^ ev fisGovpavfifiari) s^ovra evayyeXiop ala>viop, evayysXiaai heirV rovg cKa9r)/x(pov£^ em Tr\g yrjg, Kai d £7ri' irav Wpog KCU (j>vXrjp Kai yXaxraap teal 7 Xaov, "Xiyiiiv^ Iv (jxovy fieyaXy $>ofifi6i]Te TOP OEOP, Kai dors avnp doi^av, on i]X0ep rj topa rrjg KpiatdiQ avrov' Kai irpocrKw^aare r^> TroirjcraPTi TOP ovpavop KOI rrjv yrjv Kai OaXaaaap Kai 8
aXkoQ ^' ayysXog riKoXovOrjcrs, Xiyojp' ft| "JETTEGZP ? I BafivXwp -q [isyaXT)' 'I/ 1 i/e rov OIPOV TOV Ovfiov rrjg Tropveiag avrrjg nercoTiKE izapra ra* EUPT). 9 Kai 'aXXog ayysXog rplrog^ rjKoXovOrjcrev avrdlg, Xey(op SP (fxopy jieydXy E\ rig mTrpoaKVVSL TO Orjpiop^ Kai Trjp e'lKopa avrov, Kai XafiRec. — I!.]
c [KaroiKovi'Tas.] ' [OTI.]
Rec —
* Rec-
6. SXKov) — B. a 17. /3 7. y 2. Er. Ar. P. Slav. MSS. *7r(ra>fievov) irero. A. C. a 15. /3 3. Compl. fiecrovpavrjfiaTi.) -vlo-fian E r . evayyeXi'crai) -owtfat 10. 28. 34. 35. 36. 49. 91. Compl. * + «rl A. C. 34. *TOVS KaToiKovvras) roiis Ka8r]jievovs C. a 26. |3 4. Compl. Vulg. Slav. M S S . T. KaBrj. T. KOTOLK. E r . • W ) orl Tt'av A. C. a 27. /3 5. Compl. Vulg. Syr. Slav. M S S . 7. *XeV
iv) — A. Oeoj/) Kipiov a 20. /3 6.
Vulg. (not Am.) Ar. P.
T(5 noirja-avTi) avrov TOV noiri&avra a 17. /3 5. 6d\.) rriv 6. A. a 21. 0 7 . Compl. 8. aWos) + devTepos A. B. a 17. |3 5. Syr. After ayyeXos C. a 8. /3 2. Compl. Copt. Arm.
And I saw another angel flying in the mid- 6 heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto those that dwell on the earth, and unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying 7 with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him ; for the hour of his judgment is come : and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and sea, and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Fallen 8 is Babylon the great, who made all the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And another a third angel followed them, saying 9 with a loud voice, He that worshippeth the beast and his image, and receiveth his mark in his fore+ SeuVepos.
S + [e7T£(7£. See Xviii. 2.] "' [TO 8r\p£ov TrpocTKurei.]
Vulg. MS. Tol. Copt. Syr. Arm. Ar. P. Slav. MS. avTOis) ai>™ A. *TO Brjplov irpcKTKVveT) TrpocrK. T. 6. A . C. a 19. 13 8. Compl. dva-iacTTrjpiov A .
avroi)) avTcov C.
(cal2nd)— C. 14.
6rjpla> C.
Bdvei yapaypa 10 TT\V %eip« avrov, TOV 9vU0V EV
fierojTrov avTOv, i] ETVI Kai avrog niETat e/c TOV OIVOV
T<j) TT0T7]pl(t)
<jQr\GtTai kv Trvpl Kal Qeity kvuiiriov KCLI b 11 ayioiv} Kal EVMTTLOV TOV apviov b TOV fiarravitTfiov avTwv ei£ alwvag fisi'' Kal J^VK t%ovmv avairavaiv l VVKTOQ
TO Bi]piOV
ayye\(i)v KarrvoQ alk>viov i)f.ispag Kttl
siKova avTOv, KOI ei Tig XafifiavEi TO j^apayjxa TOV bvofiaTog avTOv. ot 12 r/2<5s c i j ' VTTOfiovr) T(ov ctyioJv EGTIV, TrjpovvTsg Tag £VTo\ag TOV Oeov Kai TH\V TTIGTIV 13'Iij(xov. Kai ?]Kovcra (fxovrjg EK TOV ovpavov, \Eyov<Ti]ge^' JTpd^ov MaKapioi ol vsKpol ol EV Kvp'up cnroQvriGKOvTEg air' apTi. JYal, Xeysi TO TLvEv\ia' "iva *avairaixrovTa^ EK TCJV KOTTCJV V TO, ? y a p ' spya avTwv UKOXOVOEX JIET Kal
Eidov, Kal Idov
ruiv ayitav ayyd\tt)v<]
Xg^/ei], /cat ETTI
^ TWW ayyeXuiv.
10. iv ra noTr]pUo) IK rov iroTrjplov A. 16. 39. Trjs opyr/s) Tt]V opyrjV A. jiacravia-drfceTai) -Orjcrovrai A. 8. 14. 36. 92. *TWV dyiaiv dyye\a>v) dyy. Ay. C. 38. — aylav A. 2f>. Vulg. MS. Copt. liyy. T. &y. Er. 11. *dvaj3aivei els alavas alavav) e. at. al. dua[$. A. C. a 16. /3 6. y 2. Compl. ai«!/as) -va. Er. alaiva alavos C. 12. *virofi6vr)') rj iffo/j.. A. C. a 21. (3 2. *£8
head, or on his hand, even he shall drink of the 10 wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb : and the smoke of their 11 torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and hjs image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints; here are 12 those that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from 13 heaven saying, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; for their works do follow them. And I saw, and behold a white cloud, and 14 c
+ [wSe.]
g [5e.]
12. TOV Qeov) — E r . 'IJJCTOS) TOV 'lrjo-ov Compl.
13. *^0l) _ A . B . C . a 20. /35. Vulg.MS. Am. Copt. Mth. Syr. Arr. Kvplm) XpitTTG) C. cm apn' val Ae'yet) an apri Xe'yet vat a 15. /34. Compl. Ar. P . dw' apri' Xe'yei va\ a 9. y 2. *dvairavo-a>vTcu) -o-ovrat A. C. 16. 28. 30. 32. 36. 50. E r . dvaTrarjcrovTai A. C. *ra Se) TO. yap A. C. 18. 26. 38. Vulg. Syr. nvrav 2nd) —Er.
92 a Tt\V V£ (j>sXr]v K a§r)\im >0V OjXOlOV' vl
avdpiiiizov, K£§a) \.r)v' WVTOV